. i 0P THE. U N I VE.R.S ITY OF ILLINOIS . \ ; vl i :. Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. University of Illinois Library Mar 31;,,,. riH i "" 1 U i ; MAY 2 . 241992 tEC FEBo GCT1 f 5 6 132V Llbl 1141 LlbHAHY OF THE WNIVtRblTY OF ILLINOIS HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS EDITED hY NEWTON BATEMAN. LL. D. PAUL SKLHY, A. M. AND HISTORY OF EVANSTON EDITED BY HARVEY B. HUKD, LL.D. ROBERT D. SIIEPPAKD, D.D. VOLUME I ILLUSTRATED CH ICAGO: MUNSE1.1. PUBLISHING COMPANY PUBLISHERS. 1906. Entered wrninllui! to A.-t ul Coiiuran. in the year* 1HW. !. 1'JOO ulnl I'JUB hy W I L L I A M ill thi- .iffire.if the LilH.u 1.1 at WASHINCiTHN M U X s t L L . .f Upulation brought in contact with the aborigines its political, military, and educa- tional prominence- its steadfast loyalty and patriotism the marvelous development of it* vast resources the number of distinguished statesmen, generals, and jurists whom it ha* furnished to the Government, and its grand record in the exciting and perilous conflicts on the Slavery question. This is tin 1 magnificent Commonwealth, the setting forth of whose history, in all of its essential departments and features, seemed to warrant the bringing out of another volume, devoted to that end. Its material lias been gathered from every available source, and most carefully examined and sifted before acceptance. Especial care has been taken in collecting material of a biographical character ; facts and incidents in the personal history of men identi- fied with the life of the State in its Territorial and later periods. This material has been gathered from a great variety of sources widely scattered, and much of it quite, inaccessible to the ordinary inquirer. The encyclopedic form of the work favors conciseness and com- pactness, and was adopted with a view to condensing the largest amount of informatiou within the smallest practicable space. And so the Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois was conceived and planned in the belief that it was iiretlvil; that no other book filled the place it was designed to occupy, or fur- nished the amount, variety and scope of information touching the infancy and later life of Illinois, that would be found in its pages. In that belief, and in furtherance of those ends, the book has been constructed and its topics selected and written. Simplicity, perspicuity, conciseness and accuracy have been the dominant aims and rules of its editors and writers. The supreme mission of the book is to record, fairly and truthfully, historical facts; facts of the earlier and later history of the State, and drawn from the almost innumerable sources connected with that history; facts of interest to the great body of our people, as well as to scholars, officials, and other special classes; a book convenient for reference in the school, the 'iffice, and the home. Hence, no attempt at. line writing, no labored, irrelevant and 4 PREFACE. long-drawn accounts of matters, persons or things, which really need but a few plain words for their adequate elucidation, will be found in its pages. On the other hand, perspicuity and fitting development are never intentionally sacrificed to mere conciseness and brevity. Whenever a subject, from its nature, demands a more elaborate treatment and there are many of this character it is handled accordingly. As a rule, the. method pursued is the separate and topical, rather than the chronological, as being more satisfactory and convenient for reference. That is, each topic is considered separately and exhaustively, instead of being blended, chronologically, with others. To pass from subject to subject, in the mere arbitrary order of time, is to sacrifice simplicity and order to complexity and confusion. Absolute freedom from error or defect in all cases, in handling so many thousands of items, is not claimed, and could not reasonably be expected of any finite intelligence; since, in complicated cases, some element may possibly elude its sharpest scrutiny. But every statement of fact, made herein without qualification, is believed to be strictly correct, and the statistics of the volume, as a whole, are submitted to its readers with entire confidence. Considerable space is also devoted to biographical sketches of persons deemed worthy of mention, for their close relations to the State in some of its varied interests, political, gov- ernmental, financial, social, religions, educational, industrial, commercial, economical, mili- tary, judicial or otherwise ; or for their supposed personal deservings in other respects. It is believed that the extensive recognition of such individuals, by the publishers, will not be disapproved or regretted by the public ; that personal biography has an honored, useful and legitimate place in such a history of Illinois as this volume aims to be, and that the omission of such a department would seriously detract from the completeness and value of the book. Perhaps no more delicate and difficult task has confronted the editors and publishers than the selection of names for this part of the work. While it is believed that no unworthy name has a place in the list, it is freely admitted that there may be many others, equally or possibly even more worthy, whose names do not appear, partly for lack of definite and adequate information, and partly because it was not loomed beat to materially increase the space devoted to this class of topics. And so, with cordial thanks to the publishers for the risks they have so cheerfully iissumed in this enterprise, for their business energy, integrity, and determination, and their uniform kindness and courtesy ; to the many who have to generously and helpfully promoted the success of the work, by their contributions of valuable information, interesting reminis- cences, and rare incidents; to Mr. Paul Selby, the very able associate editor, to whom especial honor and credit are due for his most efficient, intelligent and scholarly services ; to Hon. Harvey B. Hurd, Walter B. Wines, and to all others who have, by word or act, encouraged us in this enterprise with grateful recognition of all these friends and helpers, the Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois, with its thousands of topics and many thousands of details, items and incidents, is now respectfully submitted to the good people of the State, for whom it has been prepared, in the earnest hope and confident belief that it will be found instructive, convenient and useful for the purposes for which it was designed. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PREFATORY STATEMENT. Since the bulk of the matter contained in this volume was practically completed and ready for the press, Dr. Newton Bateman, who occupied the relation to it of editor-in-chief, has passed beyond the sphere of mortal existence. In placing the work before the public, it therefore devolves upon the undersigned to make this last prefatory statement. As explained by Dr. Bateman in his preface, the object had in view in the preparation of a "Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois" has been to present, in compact and concise form, the leading facts of Territorial and State history, from the arrival of the earliest French explorers in Illinois to the present time. This has included an outline history of the State, under the title, "Illinois, "supplemented by special articles relating to various crises and eras in State history; changes in form of government and administration; the history of Consti- tutional Conventions and Legislative Assemblies ; the various wars in which Illinoisans have taken part, with a summary of the principal events in the history of individual military organizations engaged in the Civil War of 1861-65, and the War of 1898 with Spain; lists of State officers, United States Senators and Members of Congress, with the terms of each ; the organization and development of political divisions; the establishment of charitable and educational institutions ; the growth of public improvements and other enterprises which have marked the progress of the State ; natural features and resources ; the history of early newspapers, and the growth of religious denominations, together with general statistical information and unusual or extraordinary occurrences of a local or general State character all arranged under topical heads, and convenient for ready reference by all seeking informa- tion on these subjects, whether in the family, in the office of the professional or business man, in the teacher's study and the school-room, or in the public library. While individual or collected biographies of the public men of Illinois have not been wholly lacking or few in number and those already in existence have a present and con- stantly increasing valne they have been limited, for the most part, to special localities and particular periods or classes. Rich as the annals of Illinois are in the records and character of its distinguished citizens who, by their services in the public councils, upon the judicial bench and in the executive chair, in the forum and in the field, have reflected honor upon the State and the Nation, there has been hitherto no comprehensive attempt to gather together, in one volume, sketches of those who have been conspicuous in the creation and upbuilding of the State. The collection of material of this sort has been a task requiring patient and laborious research ; and, while all may not have been achieved in this direction that was desirable, owing to the insufficiency or total absence of data relating to the lives of many men most prominent in public affairs during the period to which they belonged, it is still believed that what has been accomplished will be found of permanent value and be appreciated by those most deeply interested in this phase of State history. The large number of topics treated has made brevity and conciseness an indispensable feature of the work ; consequently there has been no attempt to indulge in graces of style or 5 PRE F ATO R Y S T A T K M K N T . Since the bulk of the matter contained in this volume was practically completed and ready for the press, Dr. Newton Bateman. who occupied the relation to it of editor-in-chief, has. passed beyond the sphere of mortal existence. In placing the work before the public, it therefore devolves upon the undersigned to make this last prefatory statement. As explained by Dr. liateman in his preface, the object had in view in the preparation of a "Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois" has been to present, in compact and concise form, the leading facts of Territorial and State history, from the arrival nf the earliest Frencl. explorers in Illinois to the present time. This lias included an outline history of tlie State, under the title, 'Illinois,'' supplemented by special articles relating to various crises and eras in State history: changes in form of government and administration; the history of Consti tutional Conventions and Legislative Assemblies; the various wars in which Illinoisans liav- taken part, with a summary of the principal events in the history of individual military organizations engaged in the Civil War of 1St51-G5, and the War of is'.iswith Spain: lists of State officers, I'nited States Senators and -Members of Congress, with the terms of each : tin- organization and development of political divisions; the establishment of charitable anil educational institutions; the growth of public improvements and other enterprises whirl; have marked the progress of the State; natural features and resources; the history of early newspapers, and the growth of religious denominations, together with general statistical information and unusual or extraordinary occurrences of a local or ircneral State character all arranged under topical heads, anil convenient for ready reference by all seekin:; informa- tion on these subjects, whether in the family, in the office of the professional or business man, in the teacher's study and the school-room, or in the public library. While individual or collected biographies of the public men of Illinois have n:>t been wholly lacking or few in number and those already in existence have a present, and con- stantly increasing value they have been limited, for the most part, to s]wial localities and particular periods or classes. Itich as the annals of Illinois are in the records and character of its distinguished citizens who, by their services in the public councils, upon the judicial bench and in the executive chair, in the forum and in the field, have reflected honor U|K)n the State and the Nation, there has l>een hitherto no comprehensive attempt to gather together, in one volume, sketches of those who have been conspicuous in the creation and upbuilding of the State. The collection of material of this sort has been a task requiring patient and laborious research; and, while all may not have been achieved in this direction that was desirable, owing to the insufficiency or total absence of data relating to the lives of many men most prominent in public affairs during the period to which they In-longed, it it still believed that what has been accomplished will lie found of permanent value and be appreciated by those most deeply interested in this phase of State history. The large number of topics treated has made brevity and conciseness an indispensable feature of the work: consequently there ha-s been no attempt to indulge in graces of style or 6 PREFATORYSTATEMENT. e.aboration of narrative. The object has been to present, in simple language and concise form, facts of history of interest or value to those who may choose to consult its pages. Absolute inerrancy is not claimed for every detail of the work, but no pains has been spared, and every available authority consulted, to arrive at complete accuracy of statement. In view of the important bearing which railroad enterprises have had upon the extraor- dinary development of tho State within the past fifty years, considerable space has been given to this department, especially with reference to the older lines of railroad whose history has been intimately interwoven with that of the State, and its progress in wealth and population. In addition to the acknowledgments made by Dr. Bateman, it is but proper that I should express my personal obligations to the late Prof. Samuel M. Inglis, State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, and his assistant, Prof. J. H. Freeman; to ex-Senator John M. Palmer, of Springfield ; to the late Hon. Joseph Medill, editor of "The Chicago Tribune" ; to the Hon. James B. Bradwell, of "The Chicago Legal News"; to Gen. Green B. Raum, Dr. Samuel Willard, and Dr. Garrett Newkirk, of Chicago (the latter as author of the prin- cipal portions of the article on the "Underground Railroad") ; to the Librarians of the State Historical Library, the Chicago Historical Library, and the Chicago Public Library, for special and valuable aid rendered, as well as to a large circle of correspondents in different parts of the State who have courteously responded to requests for information on special topics, and have thereby materially aided in securing whatever success may have been attained in the work. In conclusion, I cannot omit to pay tliis final tribute to the memory of my friend and associate, Dr. Bateman, whose death, at his home in Galesburg, on October 21, 1897, was deplored, not only by his associates in the Faculty of Enox College, his former pupils and immediate neighbors, but by a large circle of friends in all parts of the State. Although his labors as editor of this volume had been substantially finished at the time of his death (and they included the reading and revision of every line of copy at that time prepared, comprising the larger proportion of the volume as it now goes into the hands of the public), the enthusiasm, zeal and kindly appreciation of the labor of others which he brought to the discharge of his duties, have been sadly missed in the last stages of prepara- tion of the work for the press. In the estimation of many who have held his scholarship and his splendid endowments of mind and character in the highest admiration, his con- nection with the work will be its strongest commendation and the surest evidence of its merit. With myself, the most substantial satisfaction I have in dismissing the volume from my hands and submitting it to the judgment of the public, exists in the fact that, in its prepara- tion, I have been associated with such a co-laborer one whose abilities commanded uni- versal respect, and whose genial, scholarly character and noble qualities of mind and heart won the love and confidence of all with whom he came in contact, and whom it had been my privilege to count aa a friend from an early period in his long and useful career. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PACK Abraham Lincoln (Frontispiece) 1 Annex Central Hospital for Insane, Jacksonville 84 Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children, Lincoln 237 Asylum for Incurable Insane, Bartonville 85 Bateman, Newton (Portrait) 3 Board of Trade Building, Chicago 277 "Chenn Mansion," Easkaskia (1898), where La Fayette was entertained in 1825 .... 315 Chicago Academy of Sciences 394 Chicago Drainage Canal 94 Chicago Historical Society Building 394 Chicago Post Office (U. S. Gov. Building) 88 Chicago Public Buildings 395 Chicago Thoroughfares 89 Chicago Thoroughfares 93 Chief Chicagou (Portrait) 246 Comparative Size of Great Canals 95 Day after Chicago Fire 92 Early Historic Scenes, Chicago 170 Early Historic Scenes, Chicago (No. 2) 171 Engineering Hall, University of Illinois 280 Experiment Farm, University of Illinois 12 Experiment Farm, University of Illinois The Vineyard 13 Experiment Farm, University of Illinois Orchard Cultivation 13 First Illinois State House, Kaskaskia (1818) 314 Fort Dearborn from the West (1808) 246 Fort Dearborn from Southeast (1808) 247 Fort Dearborn (1853) 247 General John Edgar's House, Easkasia 315 Henry de Tonty (Portrait) 246 House of Governor Bond, Old Kaskaskia (1891) 315 House of Chief Ducoign, the last of the Easkaskias (1893) 314 Home for Juvenile Female Offenders, Geneva 236 Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, Quincy 438 Illinois State Normal University, Normal 504 Illinois State Capitol (First), Easkaskia 240 Illinois State Capitol (Second), Vandalia 240 Illinois State Capitol (Third) , Spring6eld 240 Illinois State Capitol (Present), Springfield 241 Illinois State Building, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893 601 Illinois State Penitentiary, Joliet 306 Illinois State Penitentiary Cell House and Women's Prison 307 Illinois State Reformatory, Pontiac 493 7 8 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAOK Institution for Deaf and Dumb, Jacksonville 300 Interior of Room, Kaakaskia Hotel (1893) where La Fayette Banqnet was held in 1825 314 Institution for the Blind, Jacksonville 301 Kaskaskia Hotel, where La Fayetto was feted in 1825 (as it appeared, 1893) 314 La Salle (Portrait) 246 Library Building, University of Illinois 334 Library Building Main Floor University of Illinois 335 Lincoln Park Vistas, Chicago 120 Map of Burned District, Chicago Fire, 1871 276 Map of Grounds, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893 '. 600 Map of Illinois Following Title Page Map of Illinois River Valley " " " McCormick Seminary, Chicago 362 Monuments in Lincoln Park, Chicago 90 Monuments in Lincoln Park, Chicago 206 Monuments in Lincoln Park, Chicago 207 Natural History Hall, University of Illinois 151 Newberry Library, Chicago 394 Northern Hospital for the Insane, Elgin 402 Old Kaskaskia, from Garrison Hill (as it appeared in 1893) 314 Old State House, Kaskaskia (1900) 315 Pierre Menard Mansion, Kaskaskia (1893) 314 Remnant of Old Kaskaskia (as it appeared in 1898) 315 Scenes in South Park, ( 'himijo 604 Selby, Paul (Protrait) 5 Sheridan Road and on the Boulevards, Chicago 1'J I Soldiers' Widows' Home, Wilmington 43( Southern Illinois Normal, Carbondale 50"> Southern Illinois Penitentiary and Asylum for Incurable Insane, Chester 4'J'i University Hall, University of Illinois 150 University of Chicago 363 University of Illinois, Urbana. (Group of Buildings) 540 University of Illinois, Urbana. (Group of Buildings) 541 View from Engineering Hall, University of Illinois 281 View on Principal Street, Old Kaskaskia (1891) 315 Views in Lincoln Park, Chicago 91 Views of Drainage Canal 90 Views of Drainage Canal 97 War Eagle (Portrait) 24 Western Hospital for the Insane, Watertown 403 World's Fair Buildings 605 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois. . ABBOTT, ( l.inii..(,ov.) Edward, a British officer, who was commandant at Post Vincennes (called by the British, Fort Sackville) at the time Col. George Rogers Clark captured Kaskas- kia in 1778. Abbott's jurisdiction extended, at least nominally, over a part of the "Illinois Country. " Ten days after the occupation of Kas- kaskia. Colonel Clark, having learned that Abbott had gone to the British headquarters at Detroit, leaving the Post without any guard except that furnished by the inhabitants of the village, took advantage of his absence to send Pierre Gibault. the Catholic Vicar-General of Illi- nois, to win over the people to the American cause, which he did so successfully that they at once took the oath of allegiance, and the Ameri- can flag was run up over the fort. Although Fort Sackville afterwards fell into the hands of the British for a time, the manner of its occupa- tion was as much of a surprise to the British as that of Kaskaskia itself, and contributed to the completeness of Clark's triumph. (See Clark, Col. George Rogers, also, Gibault, Pierre.) Gov- ernor Abbott seems to have been of a more humane character than the mass of British officers of his day, as he wrote a letter to General Carleton about this time, protesting strongly against the employment of Indians in carrying on warfare against the colonists on the frontier, on the ground of humanity, claiming that it was a detriment to the British cause, although he 'was overruled by his superior officer, Colonel Hamilton, in the steps soon after taken to recap- ture Vincennes. A BI NGDON, second city in size in Knox County , at the junction of the Iowa Central and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroads; 10 miles south of Galesburg, with which it is con- nected by electric car line ; has city waterworks, electric light plant, wagon works, brick and tile works, sash, blind and swing factories, two banks, three weekly papers, public library, fine high school building and two ward schools. Hedding College, a flourishing institution, under auspices of the M. E. Church, is located here. Population (1900), 2,022; (eat. 1904), 3,000. ACCAULT, Michael (Ak-ko), French explorer and companion of La Salle, who came to the "Illinois Country" in 1780, and accompanied Hennepin when the latter descended the Illinois River to its mouth and then ascended the Mis sissippi to the vicinity of the present city of St. Paul, where they were captured by Sioux. They were rescued by Greysolon Dulhut (for whom the city of Duluth was named), and having dis- covered the Falls of St. Anthony, returned to Green Bay. (See Hennepin.) ACKERMAN, William K., Railway President and financier, was born in New York City, Jan. 29, 1832, of Knickerbocker and Revolutionary ancestry, his grandfather, Abraham D. Acker- man, having served as Captain of a company of the famous "Jersey Blues," participating with "Mad" Anthony Wayne in the storming of Stony Point during the Revolutionary War, while his father served as Lieutenant of Artillery in the War of 1812. After receiving a high school edu- cation in New York, Mr. Ackerman engaged in mercantile business, but in 1852 became a clerk in the financial department of the Illinois Central Railroad. Coming to Chicago in the service of the Company in 1860, he successively filled the positions of Secretary, Auditor and Treasurer, until July, 1876, when he was elected Vice-Presi- dent and a year later promoted to the Presidency, voluntarily retiring from this position in August. 1883, though serving some time longer in the capacity of Vice-Presiilent. During the progress of the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago (1892-93) Mr. Ackerman served as Auditor of the Exposition, and was City Comptroller of Chicago under the administration of Mayor Hopkins 10 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ; (1893-95). He is an active member of the Chicago Historical Society, and has rendered valuable service to railroad history by the issue of two bro- chures on the "Early History of Illinois Rail- roads," and a "Historical Sketch of the Illinois Central Railroad." ADAMS, John, LL.D., educator and philan- thropist, was born at Canterbury, Conn., Sept. 18, 1772; graduated at Yale College in 1795; taught for several years in his native place, in Plain- field, N. J., and at Colchester, Conn. In 1810 he became Principal of Phillips Academy at An- < lover. Mass., remaining there twenty -three years. In addition to his educational duties he participated in the organization of several great charitable associations which attained national importance. On retiring from Phillips Academy in 1833, he removed to Jacksonville, I1L, where, four years afterward, he became the third Prin- cipal of Jacksonville Female Academy, remaining six years. He then became Agent of the Ameri- can Sunday School Union, in the course of the next few years founding several hundred Sunday Schools in different parts of the State. He re- ceived the degree of LL.D. from Yale College in 1854. Died in Jacksonville, April 24, 1863. The subject of this sketch was father of Dr. William Adams, for forty years a prominent Presbyterian clergyman of New York and for seven years ( 1873- 80) President of Union Theological Seminary. ADAMS, John McGregor, manufacturer, was born at Londonderry, N. II. , March 11, is;; I, the son of Rev. John R. Adams, who served as Chap- lain of the Fifth Maine and One Hundred and Twenty-first New York Volunteers during the Civil War. Mr. Adams was educated at Gorham, He., and Andover, Mass., after which, going to New York City, he engaged as clerk in a dry- goods house at $150 a year. He next entered the office of Clark & Jessup, hardware manufacturers, and in 1858 came to Chicago to represent the house of Morris K . Jessup & Co. He thus became associated with the late John Crerar, the firm of Jessup & Co. being finally merged into that of Crerar, Adams & Co., which, with the Adams & Westlake Co., have done a large business in the manufacture of railway supplies. Since the death of Mr. Crerar, Mr. Adams has been princi- pal manager of the concern's vast manufacturing business. ADAMS, (Dr.) Samuel, physician and edu- cator, was born at Brunswick, Me., Dec. 19, 1806, and educated at Bowdoin College, where he graduated in both the departments of literature and of medicine. Then, having practiced as a physician several years, in 1838 he assumed the chair of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Natural History in Illinois College at Jackson- ville, 111. From 1843 to 1845 he was also Pro- fessor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Medical Department of the same institution, and, during his connection with the College, gave instruction at different times in nearly every branch embraced in the college curriculum, including the French and German languages. Of uncompromising firmness and invincible cour- age in his adherence to principle, he was a man of singular modesty, refinement and amiability in private life, winning the confidence and esteem of all with whom he came in contact, especially the students who came under his instruction. A profound and thorough scholar, he possessed a refined and exalted literary taste, which was illustrated in occasional contributions to scien- tific and literary periodicals. Among productions of his pen on philosophic topics may be enumer- ated articles on "The Natural History of Man in his Scriptural Relations;" contributions to the "Biblical Repository" (1844); "Auguste Comte and Positivism" ("New Englander," 1873), and "Herbert Spencer's Proposed Reconciliation be- tween Religion and Science" ("New Englander," 1875). His connection with Illinois College con- tinued until his death, April, 1877 a period of more than thirty-eight years. A monument to his memory lias been erected through the grate- ful donations of his former pupils. ADAMS, George Everett, lawyer and ex-Con- gressman, born at Keene, N. H , June 18, 1840; was educated at Harvard College, and at Dane Law School, Cambridge, Mass., graduating at the former in 1860. Early in life he settled in Chi- cago, where, after some time spent as a teacher in the Chicago High School, he engaged in the practice of his profession. His first post of pub- lic responsibility was that of State Senator, to which he was elected in 1880. In 1882 he was chosen, as a Republican, to represent the Fourth Illinois District in Congress, and re-elected in 1884, '86 and '88. In 1890 he was again a candi- date, but was defeated by Walter C. Newberry. He is one of the Trustees of the Newberry Library. ADAMS, James, pioneer lawyer, was born in Hartford, Conn., Jan. 26, 1803; taken to Oswego County, N. Y., in 1809, and, in 1821, removed to Springfield, 111., being the first lawyer to locate in the future State capital. He enjoyed an ex- tensive practice for the time ; in 1823 was elected a Justice of the Peace, took part in the Winne- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 11 bago and Black Hawk wars, was elected Probate Judge in 1841, and died in office, August 11, 1843. ADAMS COUNTY, an extreme westerly county of the State, situated about midway between its northern and southern extremities, and bounded on the west by the Mississippi River. It was organized in 1825 and named in honor of John yuincy Adams, the name of Quincy being given to the county seat. The United States Census of 1890 places its area at 830 sq. m. and its popula- tion at 61,888. The soil of the county is fertile and well watered, the surface diversified and hilly, especially along the Mississippi bluffs, and its climate equable. The wealth of the county is largely derived from agriculture, although a large amount of manufacturing is carried on in Quincy. Population (1900), 67,058. ADDAMS, John Huy, legislator, was born at Sinking Springs, Berks County, Pa., July 12. 1822; educated at Trappeand Upper Dublin, Pa., and learned the trade of a miller in his youth, which he followed in later life. In 1844, Mr. Addams came to Illinois, settling at Cedarville, Stephenson County, purchased a tract of land and built a saw and grist mill on Cedar Creek. In 1854 he was elected to the State Senate from Stephenson County, serving continuously in that body by successive re-elections until 1870 first as a Whig and afterwards as a Republican. In 1865 lie established the Second National Bank of Free- |K>rt, of which he continued to be the president until his death, August 17, 1881. Miss Jane I \etitors of 111,255. His legal abilities are recognized as of a very high order, while his personal popularity is indicated by his uniform success as a candidate, in the face, at times, of strong political majorities. ALBANY, a village of Whiteside County, lo- cated on the Mississippi River and the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway (Rock Island branch). Population (1890), 611 ; (1900), 621. ALBION, county-seat of Edwards County, on Southern Railway, midway between St. Louis HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OK ILLINOIS. U;RKt LTIRK. IIMMKTMKM OF. A deiiartrnent of tin- State administration which grew out of the organiy..ition of the Illinois Agri- cultural Society mcr|iorated by Act of the Legislature in IKilJ. The iirst appropriation from the State treasury for its maintenance was SI.IHKI per annum, "to he expended in the promotion of mechanical and agricultural arts." The first President was James X. Brown, of Sangamon County. Simeon Francis, also of Sangamon, was the first Recording Secretary; John A. Kennicott of Cook. Iirst < 'orresjKinding Secretary ; ami John Williams of Sangamon, Iirst Treasurer. Some thirty volumes of reports have In-en issued, cover- ing a variety of topics of vital interest to agri- culturists. The department has well eipiipped offices in the State House, ami is charged with the conduct of State Fairs and the management of annual exhibitions of fat stock, besides the collection and dissemination of statistical and other information relative to the State's agri- cultural interests. It receives annual rejiorts from all County Agricultural Societies. Tin- State Hoard consists of three general ollicers (President, Secretary and Treasurer) and one representative from each Congressional district. The State appropriates some $20,000 annually for the prosecution of its work, besides wliich there is a considerable income from receipts at State Fairs and fat stock shows. Between S-'ll.lHMl and $3-~i,(HK) per annum is disbursed in premiums to coni]>eting exhibitors at the State Fairs, and some $1(1, (100 divided among County Agricultural Societies holding fairs. AKF.RS, Peter, 1>. I)., Methodist Episcopal clergyman, born of Presbyterian parentage, in Campbell County, Va., Sept. 1, 1790; was edu- cated in the common schools, and, at the ag of Hi, began teaching, later pursuing a classical course in institutions of Virginia and North Carolina. Having removed to Kentucky, after a brief season spent in teaching at Mount Sterling in that State, he began the study of law and was admitted to the liar in 1817. Two years later hi' liegan the publication of a pajier called "Tin- Star," which was continued for a short time. In 1821 he was converted and joined the Methodist church, and a few months later liegan preaching. In 18:i2 he removed to Illinois, and. after a year spent in work as an evangelist, he assumed tlie Presidency of McKendree College at Lebanon, remaining during tKKl!t-l; then established a "manual laljor school" near Jacksonville, which he maintained for a few years. From 1H:)7 to 1852 was spent as stationed minister or Presiding Kliler at Springlield. Qiiincy and Jacksonville. In the latter year he was again appointed to tin- Presidency of McKendree College, where In remained live years. He was then (1857) trans- ferred to the Minnesota Conference, but a year later was compelled by declining health to assume a superannuated relation. Returning to Illinois alioiit 181'hi, lie served as Presiding Elder of tin Jacksonville and Pleasant Plains Districts, but was again compiled to accept a sii]>eraiinuatcii relation, making Jacksonville his home, where he died, Feb. 21, IHSIi. While President of Mc- Kendree College, he published his work on "Hil- lical Chronology," to which he had devoted nmn\ previous years of his life, and which gave evi- dence of gn-at learning and vast research. I'v Akers was a man of profound convictions, exten- sive learning and gmit eloquence. As a pulpit orator and logician he probably had no superior in the State during the time of his most acti\<- service in the denomination to which he belonged. \k!N, Edward f., lawyer and Attorney -Gen- eral, was l>orn in Will County. 111., in If. 13, und educated in the public schools of Joliet and at Aim Arbor, Mich. For four years he was paying ami receiving teller in the First National Bank f Joliet, but was admitted to the bar in 1878 uneing re-elected to the same ollice ii 1H92. In 189.~> he was the Republican noiniiiii- for Mayor of Joliet. and, although opjioscil by a citizen's ticket headed by a l{e|ib!ican, wa- elected over his Democratic competitor by adeci sive majority. His greatest popular triumph was in 18!Hi, when he was elected Attornev-CIeneral on the Republican State ticket by a plurality over his Democratic- opjtonent of lo'J.^IH and a majority over all competitors of 1 1 1 , L'.Vi. His legal abilities are recognized as of a very high order, while his personal jntpularity is indicated by his uniform success as a candidate, in tin- face, at times, of strong political majorities. ALBANY, a village of Whiteside County, lo- cated on the .Mississippi River and the ( 'hicago Milwaukee & St Paul Railway (Rock Island branch) Population (189(1), (ill ; (1900), 031. ALBION, county-seat of Edwards County, on Southern Hallway, midway between St. Louis KXPEKIMENT KAKM (THE VIKEVARU) UNIVERSITY OK ILLINOIS. EXPERIMENT FARM (ORCHARD CULTIVATIONl UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and Louisville; seat of Southern Collegiate In- stitute; has plant for manufacture of vitrified shale paving brick, two newspapers, creamery, flouring mills, and is important shipping point for live stock ; is in a rich fruit-growing district ; has five churches and splendid public schools. Population (1900), 1,162; (est. 1904), 1,600. ALCORN, James Lusk, was born near Gol- conda, 111., Nov. 4, 1816; early went South and held various offices in Kentucky and Mississippi, including member of the Legislature in each; was a member of the Mississippi State Conven- tions of 1851 and 1861, and by the latter appointed a Brigadier-General in the Confederate service, but refused a commission by Jefferson Davis because his fidelity to the rebel cause was doubted. At the close of the war he was one of the first to accept the reconstruction policy ; was elected United States Senator from Mississippi in 1865, but not admitted to his seat. In 1869 he was chosen Governor as a Republican, and two years later elected United States Senator, serving until 1877. Died, Dec. 20, 1894. ALDRICH, J. Frank, Congressman, was born at Two Rivers, Wis., April 6, 1853, the son of William Aldrich, who afterwards became Con- gressman from Chicago ; was brought to Chicago in 1861, attended the public schools and the Chi- cago University, and graduated from the Rensse- laer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., in 1877, receiving the degree of Civil Engineer. Later he engaged in the linseed oil business in Chicago. Becoming interested in politics, he was elected a member of the Board of County Commissioners of Cook County, serving as President of that body during the reform period of 1887; was also a member of the County Board of Education and Chairman of the Chicago Citizens' Committee, appointed from the various clubs and commer- cial organizations of the city, to promote the for- mation of the Chicago Sanitary District. From May 1, 1891, to Jan. 1, 1893, he was Commissioner of Public Works for Chicago, when he resigned his office, having been elected (Nov., 1892) a member of the Fifty-third Congress, on the Republican ticket, from the First Congressional District; was re-elected in 1894, retiring at the close of the Fifty-fourth Congress. In 1898 he was appointed to a position in connection with the office of Comptroller of the Currency at Washington. ALDRICH, William, merchant and Congress- man, was born at Greenfield, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1820. His early common school training was supple- mented by private tuition in higher branches of mathematics and in surveying, and by a term in an academy. Until he had reached the age of 2>'> years he was engaged in farming and teaching, but, in 1846, turned his attention to mercantile pursuits. In 1851 he removed to Wisconsin, where, in addition to merchandising, he engage'! in the manufacture of furniture and wooden war. and where he also held several important office- being Superintendent of Schools for three years. Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors one year, besides serving one term in the Legisla- ture. In 1860 he removed to Chicago, where he embarked in the wholesale grocery business. In 1875 he was elected to the City Council, and, in 1876, chosen to represent his district (the First) in Congress, as a Republican, being re-elected in 1878. and again in 1880. Died in Fond du Lao, Wis. , Dec. 3, 1885. ALEDO, county-seat of Mercer County; is in the midst of a rich farming and bituminous coal region ; fruit-growing and stock-raising are also extensively carried on, and large quantities of these commodities are shipped here; has two newspapers and ample school facilities. Popula- tion (1890), 1,601; (1900), 2,081. ALEXANDER, John T., agriculturist and stock-grower, was born in Western Virginia. Sept. 15, 1820; removed with his father, at six years of age, to Ohio, and to Illinois in 1848 Here he bought a tract of several thousand acres of land on the Wabash Railroad, 10 miles east of Jacksonville, which finally developed into one of the richest stock-farms in the State. After the war he became the owner of the celebrateI;CIIAI:H ri'i/nx \TION. i MVI-:I:SITV !' II.I.IMHS. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA >K ILLINOIS. and Ixiuisville; seat of Southern Collegiate In- stitute; h:is plant for manufacture of vitrified shale paving brick, two newspapers, -creamery, flouring mills, and is irn]>ortant shipping point for live stock; is in a rich fruit-growing district; has five churches and splendid public schools. Population (1900), 1,162; (est. 1904), 1,500. ALCORN, James Lusk, was born near Gol- conda, 111., Nov. 4. 1816; early went South and held various offices in Kentucky and Mississippi, including niemlx-r of the Legislature in each; was a member of the Mississippi State Conven- tions of 1851 and 1801, and by the latter appointed a Brigadier-General in the Confederate service, hut refused a commission by Jefferson Davis because his fidelity to the rebel cause was doubted. At the close of the war he was one of the first to accept the reconstruction policy; was elected United States Senator from Mississippi in 1805. hut not admitted to his seat. In 180!) he was chosen Governor as a Republican, anil two years later elected United States Senator, serving until 1877. Died. Dei-. 20. 1894. M.HKICII. .1. Frank, Congressman, was lx>rn at Two Kivers. Wis . April G. 18.1:!. the son of William Aldrieh. who afterwards became Con- gressman from Chicago; was brought to Chicago in 1801. attended the public schools and the Chi- cago University, and graduated from the Rensse- laer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., in 1877. receiving the degree of Civil Engineer. Later he engaged in the linseed oil business in Chicago. Becoming interested in politics, he \v;is elected a memlier of the Board of County Commissioners of Cook County, serving as President of that body during the reform |n-riod of 1887; was also a memlier of the County Board of Education and Chairman of the Chicago Citizens' Committee, ap|x>inted from the various clubs and commer- cial organizations of the city, to promote the for- mation of the Chicago Sanitary District. From May 1. 1891. to Jan. 1. 1893, he was Commissioner of Public Works for Chicago, when he resigned his oilice, having l>een elected (Nov., 1892) a member of the Fifty-third Congress, on the Republican ticket, from the First Congressional District; was re-elected in 1894. retiring at the close of the Fifty-fourth Congress. In 1898 he was appointed to a position in connection with the office of Comptroller of the Currency at Washington. ALHRICH, William, merchant and Congress- man, was l>orn at Greenfield, N Y.. Jan. 21), 1820. His early common school training was supple- mented by private tuition in higher branches of mathematics and in surveying, and by ; term in an academy. Until he had renched the age of 2'i years he was engaged in farming and teaching but. in 1H4(>, turned his attention to mercantile pursuits. In 18.">1 he removed to Wisconsin, where, in addition to merchandising, he engage. I in the manufacture of furniture and wowlenwarc. and where he also held several ini[iortanl oflico being Su|>erintendent of Schools for three yoan- Chairman of the County Board of Supervisor^ one year, liesides serving one tenn in the 1/egisla- ture. In 1H(!0 he removed In Chie.-igo, \\liern lie embarked in the wholesale grocery business In 1875 he was elected to the City Council, and. in 1870, chosen to represent his district (the First) in Congress, as a Republican, being re elected in 187s and again in 1880. Died in Fond ilu I -v, WL- Dec. 3. 1885. ALEIM), county-seat of Mercer County; is in the midst of a rich farming and bituminous <-oal region; fruit-growing and stock raising are alsc extensively carried on. and large quantities ot these commodities are ship|ted here: has tw- newspapers and ample school facilities. Popula- tion (1890), 1.C01; (1900), 2.081. ALEXAMIEK, John T., agriculturist and stock grower, was born in Western Virginia Sept. 15. 1820; removed with his father, at si\ years of age. to Ohio, and to Illinois in 1K}- Here he liought a tract of several thousand ac-re- of land on the Wabash Railroad. 10 miles east ol Jacksonville, which finally develo|ied into one ol' the richest stock farms in the State. After tin war he became the owner of tht lehratol "Sullivant farm." comprising some 2(MHH) acrev on the Toledo. Peoria & Western Railroad in Champaign County, to which hi- transferred hi-- stock interests, and although overtaken by n- verses. left a large estate. Died. August 22. 1871'. AI.KX \ MM'.K. Milton K., pioneer, was liorn in Elliert County. Ga., Jan. 2:!. 17(M1; emigrate.) with his father, in 1801. to Tenne-see. and, while still ahoy, enlisted as a soldier in tin- War of IS12 serving under the command of General Jackson until the capture of Pensaeola. when he entered upon the campaign against the Scminoli--- it Florida. In |82:t he removed to Edgar Countv 111., and engaged in mercantile and agricultural pursuits at Paris; serving also as Post mast' -i there some twenty-five years, and as Clerk of th. County Commissioners' Court from l s 'Jf> to ''" In 1821! he \vascomn\issioned l.y Governor <>>le* Colonel of the Nineteenth Regiment, Illinois State Militia, in 18:iO was Aide-de-Camp to Gov ernor Reynolds, and, in 1832, took part in the Black ' HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Hawk War as Brigadier-General of the Second Brigade, Illinois Volunteers. On the inception of the internal improvement scheme in 1837 he was elected by the Legislature a member of the first Board of Commissioners of Public Works, serving until the Board was abolished. Died, July 7, 1856. ALEXANDER, (Dr.) William M., pioneer, (tame to Southern Illinois previous to the organi- zation of Union County (1818), and for some time, while practicing his profession as a physician, acted as agent of the proprietors of the town of America, which was located on the Ohio River, on the first high ground above its junction with the Mississippi. It became the first county-seat of Alexander County, which was organized in 1819, and named in his honor. In 1820 we find him a Representative in the Second General Assembly from Pope County, and two years later Representative from Alexander County, when he became Speaker of the House during the session of the .Third General Assembly. Later, he removed to Kaskaskia, but finally went South, where he died, though the date and place of his i leath are unknown. ALEXANDER COUNTY, the extreme southern i -i puuty of the State, being bounded on the west by the Mississipppi, and south and east by the Ohio and Cache rivers. Its area is about 230 square miles and its population, in 1890, was 16,- 563. The first American settlers were Tennessee- ;i MS named Bird, who occupied the delta and gave it the name of Bird's Point, which, at the date of the Civil War < 1861-65), had been transferred to the Missouri shore opposite the mouth of the Ohio. Other early settlers were Clark, Kennedy and Philips (at Mounds), Conyer and Terrel (at Amer- ica), and Humphreys (near Caledonia). In 1818 Shadrach Bond (afterwards Governor), John G. ( 'omyges and others entered a claim for 1800 acres in the central and northern part of the county, and incorporated the "City and Bank of Cairo." The history of this enterprise is interesting. In 1818 (on Comyges' death) the land reverted to the Government; but in 1835 Sidney Breese, David J. IJaker and Miles A. Gilbert re-entered the for- feited bank tract and the title thereto became vested in the "Cairo City and Canal Company," which was chartered in 1837, and, by purchase, extended its holdings to 10,000 acres. The county was organized in 1819; the first county- seat being America, which was incorporated in 1830. Population (1900), 19,384. ALEXIAN BROTHERS' HOSPITAL, located at Chicago; established in 1860, and under the management of the Alexian Brothers, a monastic order of the Roman Catholic Church. It was originally opened in a small frame building, but a better edifice was erected in 1868, only to be de- stroyed in the great fire of 1871. The following year, through the aid of private benefactions and an appropriation of $18,000 from the Chicago Re- lief and Aid Society, a larger and better hospital was built. In 1888 an addition was made, increas- ing the accommodation to 150 beds. Only poor male patients are admitted, and these are received without reference to nationality or religion, and absolutely without charge. The present medical staff (1896) comprises fourteen physicians and sur- geons. In 1895 the close approach of an intra- mural transit line having rendered the building unfit for hospital purposes, a street railway com- pany purchased the site and buildings f or $250,- 000 and a new location has been selected. ALEXIS, a village of Warren County, on the Rock Island & St. Louis Division of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway, 12 miles east of north from Monmouth. It has manufactures of brick, drain-tile, pottery and agricultural imple- ments; is also noted for its Clydesdale horses. Population (1880), 398; (1890), 562; (1900), 915. ALGONQUINS, a group of Indian tribes. Originally their territory extended from about latitude 37 to 53 north, and from longitude 25 east to 15 west of the meridian of Washington. Branches of the stock were found by Cartier in Canada, by Smith in Virginia, by the Puritans in New England and by Catholic missionaries in the great basin of the Mississippi. One of the prin- cipal of their five confederacies embraced the Illinois Indians, who were found within the State by the French when the latter discovered the country in 1673. They were hereditary foes of the warlike Iroquois, by whom their territory was repeatedly invaded. Besides the Illinois, other tribes of the Algonquin family who origi- nally dwelt within the -present limits of Illinois, were the. Foxes, Kickapoos, Miamis, Menominees, and Sacs. Although nomadic in their mode of life, and subsisting largely on the spoils of the chase, the Algonquins were to some extent tillers of the soil and cultivated large tracts of maize. Various dialects of their language have been reduced to grammatical rules, and Eliot's Indian Bible is published in their tongue. The entire Algonquin stock extant is estimated at about 95,000, of whom some 35,000 are within the United States. ALLEN, William Joshua, jurist, was born June 9, 1829, in Wilson County, Tenn. ; of Vir- ginia ancestry of Scotch-Irish descent. In early HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 15 infancy he was brougnt by his parents to South- ern Illinois, where his father, Willis Allen, be- came a Judge and member of Congress. After reading law with his father and at the Louisville Law School, young Allen was admitted to the bar, settling at Metropolis and afterward (1853) at his old home, Marion, in Williamson County. In 1855 he was appointed United States District Attorney for Illinois, but resigned in 1859 and re- sumed private practice as partner of John A. Logan. The same year he was elected Circuit Judge to succeed his father, who had died, but he declined a re-election. He was a member of the Constitutional Conventions of 1862 and 1869, serv- ing in both bodies on the Judicial Committee and as Chairman of the Committee on the Bill of Rights. From 1864 to 1888 he was a delegate to every National Democratic Convention, being chairman of the Illinois delegation in 1876. He has been four times a candidate for Congress, and twice elected, serving from 1862 to 1865. During this period he was an ardent opponent of the wai policy of the Government. In 1874-75, at the solicitation of Governor Beveridge, he undertook the prosecution of the leaders of a bloody "ven- detta" which had broken out among his former neighbors in Williamson County, and, by his fear- less and impartial efforts, brought the offenders to justice and assisted in restoring order. In 1886, Judge Allen removed to Springfield, and in 1887 was appointed by President Cleveland to succeed Judge Samuel H. Treat (deceased) as Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois. Died Jan. 26, 1901. ALLEN, Willis, a native of Tennessee, who removed to Williamson County, 111., in 1829 and engaged in farming. In 1834 he was chosen Sheriff of Franklin County, in 1838 elected Rep- resentative in the Eleventh General Assembly, and, in 1844, became State Senator. In 1841, although not yet a licensed lawyer, he was chosen Prosecuting Attorney for the old Third District, and was shortly afterward admitted to the bar. He was chosen Presidential Elector in 1844, a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1847, and served two terms in Congress (1851-55). On March 2, 1859, he was commissioned Judge of the Twenty-sixth Judicial Circuit, but died three months later. His son, William Joshua, suc- ceeded him in the latter office. A LLERTON", Samuel Waters, stock-dealer and capitalist, was born of Pilgrim ancestry in Dutchess County, N. V , May 26, 1829. His youth was spent with his father on a farm in Yates County. X Y . but about 1*52 he engaged in the live-stock business in Central and Western New York. In 1856 he transferred his operations to Illinois, shipping stock from various points to New York City, finally locating in Chicago. He was one of the earliest projectors of the Chicago Stock-Yards, later securing control of the Pitts burg Stock-Yards, also becoming interested in yards at Baltimore, Philadelphia, Jersey City and Omaha. Mr. Allerton is one of the founders and a Director of the First National Bank of Chicago, a Director and stockholder of the Chicago City Railway (the first cable line in that city), the owner of an extensive area of highly improved farming lands in Central, Illinois, as also of large tracts in Nebraska and Wyoming, and of valuable and productive mining properties in the Black Hills. A zealous Republican in politics, he is a liberal supporter of the measures of that party, and, in 1893, was the unsuccessful Republican can- didate for Mayor of Chicago in opposition to Carter H. Harrison. ALLOCEZ, Claude Jean, sometimes called "The Apostle of the West," a Jesuit priest, was born in France in 1620. He reached Quebec in 1658, and later explored the country around Lakes Superior and Michigan, establishing the mission of La Pointe, near where Ashland, Wis. , now stands, in 1665, and St. Xavier, near Green Bay, in 1669. He learned from the Indians the existence and direction of the upper Mississippi, and was the first to communicate the informa- tion to the authorities at Montreal, which report was the primary cause of Joliet's expedition. He succeeded Marquette in charge of the mission at Kaskaskia. on the Illinois, in 1677, where he preached to eight tribes. From that date to 1690 he labored among the aborigines of Illinois and Wisconsin. Died at Fort St. Joseph, in 1690. ALLTN, (Rev.) Robert, clergyman and edu- cator, was born at Ledyard, New London County, Conn., Jan. 25, 1817, being a direct descend- ant in the eighth generation of Captain Robert Allyn, who was one of the first settlers of New London. He grew up on a farm, receiving his early education in a country school, supple- mented by access to a small public library, from which he acquired a good degree of familiarity with standard English writers. In 1837 he entered the Wesleyan University at Middletown, Conn., where he distinguished himself as a mathematician and took a high rank as a linguist and rhetorician, graduating in 1841. He im- mediately engaged as a teacher of mathematics in the Wesleyan Academy at Wilbraham, Mass., and, in 1846, was elected principal of the school, 16 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. meanwhile (1843) becoming a licentiate of the Providence Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. From 1848 to 1854 he served as Princi- pal of the Providence Conference Seminary at East Greenwich, R. I., when he was appointed Commissioner of Public Schools of Rhode Island also serving the same year as a Visitor to West Point Military Academy. Between 1857 and 1859 lie filled the chair of Ancient Languages in the State University at Athens, Ohio, when he ac- <*;ptod the Presidency of the Wesleyan Female College at Cincinnati, four years later (1863) becoming President of McKendree College at Lebanon, 111., where he remained until 1874. That position he resigned to accept the Presi- dency of the Southern Illinois Normal University at Carbondale, whence he retired in 1892. Died at Carbondale, Jan. 7, 1894. ALTAHONT, Effingham County, is intersecting point of the Vandalia, Chicago & Eastern Illinois, Baltimore & Ohio S. W., and Wabash Railroads, being midway and highest point between St. Louis and Terre Haute, Ind. ; was laid out in 1870. The town is in the center of a grain, fruit- growing and stock-raising district ; has a bank, two grain elevators, flouring mill, tile works, a large creamery, wagon, furniture and other fac- tories, besides churches and good schools. Popu- lation (1890), 1,044, 11900), 1,335. ALT6ELD, John Peter, ex-Judge and ex-Oov- ernor, was born in Prussia in 1848, and in boy- hood accompanied his parents to America, the family settling in Ohio. At the age of 10 he enlisted in the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Ohio Infantry, serving until the close of the war. Hia legal education was acquired at St. Louis and Savannah, Mo., and from 1874 to '78 he was Prosecuting Attorney for Andrew County in that State. In 1878 he removed to Chicago, where he devoted himself to professional work. In 1884 he led the Democratic forlorn hope as candidate for Congress in a strong Republican Congressional district, and in 1886 was elected to tha^ bench of the Superior Court of Cook County, but resigned in August, 1891. The Democratic State conven- tion of 1893 nominated him for Governor, and he was elected the following November, being the first foreign-born citizen to hold that office in the history of the State, and the first Democrat elected since 1852. In 1896 he was a prominent factor in the Democratic National Convention which nominated William J. Bryan for Presi- dent, and was also a candidate for re-election to the office of Governor, but was defeated by John tt. Tanner, the Republican nominee. ALTON, principal city in Madison County and important commercial and manufacturing point on Mississippi River, 25 miles north of St. Louis; site was first occupied as a French trading-post about 1807, the town proper being laid out by Col. Ruf us Easton in 1817 ; principal business houses are located in the valley along the river, while the residence portion occupies the bluffs overlooking the river, sometimes rising to the height of nearly 250 feet. The city has extensive glass works employ'ng (1903) 4,000 hands, flouring mills, iron foundries, manufac- tories of agricultural implements, coal cars, min- ers' tools, shoes, tobacco, lime, etc., besides several banks, numerous churches, schools, and four newspapers, three of them daily. A monu- ment to the memory of Elijah P. Lovejoy, who fell while defending his press against a pro-slav- ery mob in 1837, was erected in Alton Cemetery, 1896-7, at a cost of $30,000, contributed by the State and citizens of Alton. Population (1890), 10,294; (1900), 14,310. ALTON PENITENTIARY. The earliest pun- ishments imposed upon public offenders in Illi- nois were by public flogging or imprisonment for a short time in jails rudely constructed of logs, from which escape was not difficult for a prisoner of nerve, strength and mental resource. The inadequacy of such places of confinement was soon perceived, but popular antipathy to any increase of taxation prevented the adoption of any other policy until 1827. A grant of 40,000 acres of saline lands was made to the State by Congress, and a considerable portion of the money received from their sale was appropriated to the establishment of a State penitentiary at Alton. The sum set apart proved insufficient.and, in 1831, an additional appropriation of $10,000 was made from the State treasury. In 1833 the prison was ready to receive its first inmates. It was built of stone and had but twenty-four cells. Additions were made from time to time, but by 1857 the State determined upon building a new peniten- tiary, which was located at Joliet (see Northern Penitentiary), and, in 1860, the last convicts were transferred thither from Alton. The Alton prison was conducted on what is known as "the Auburn plan" associated labor in silence by day and separate confinement by night. The manage- ment was in the hands of a "lessee," who fur- nished supplies, employed guards and exercised the general powers of a warden under the super- vision of a Commissioner appointed by the State, and who handled all the products of convict labor. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 17 ALTON RIOTS. (See Lovejog, Elijah Pttr- rish.) ALTON A., town of Knoz County, on C., B & Q. K. R., 16 miles northeast of Galesburg; has an endowed public library, electric light system, cement sidewalks, four churches and good school system. Population (1900), 683. ALTON & SANGAMON RAILROAD. (See Chicago A Alton Railroad.) AMBOY, city in Lee County on Green River, at junction of Illinois Central and C. , B. & Q. Rail- roads, 95 miles south by west from Chicago ; has artesian water with waterworks and fire protec- tion, city park, two telephone systems, electric lights, railroad repair shops, two banks, two newspapers, seven churches, graded and high schools; is on line of Northern Illinois Electric Ry. from De Kalb to Dixon; extensive bridge and iron works located here. Pop. (1900), 1,826. AMES, Edward Raymond, Methodist Episcopal Bishop, born at Amesville, Athens County, Ohio, May 30, 1806; was educated at the Ohio State University, where he joined the M. E. Church. In 1838 he left college and became Principal of the Seminary at Lebanon, 111., which afterwards became McKendree College. While there he received a license to preach, and, after holding various charges and positions in the church, in- cluding membership in the General Conference of 1840, '44 and '53, in the latter year was elected Bishop, serving until his death, which occurred in Baltimore, April 35, 1879. ANDERSON, tialnsha, clergyman and edu- cator, was born at Bergen, N. Y. , March 7, 1833 ; graduated at Rochester University in 1854 and at the Theological Seminary there in 1856; spent ten years in Baptist pastoral work at Janesville, Wig., and at St. Louis, and seven as Professor in Newton Theological Institute, Mass. From 1873 to '80 he preached in Brooklyn and Chicago; was then chosen President of the old Chicago Univer- sity, remaining eight years, when he again be- came a pastor at Salem, Mass., but soon after assumed the Presidency of Denison University, Ohio. On the organization of the new Chicago University, he accepted the chair of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, which he now holds. ANDERSON, George A., lawyer and Congress- man, was bom in Botetourt County, Va. , March 11, 1853. When two years old he was brought by his parents to Hancock County, 111 He re- ceived a collegiate education, and, after studying law at Lincoln, Neb., and at Sedalia, Mo., settled at Quincy, 111., where he began practice in 1880. In 1884 he was elected City Attorney on the Democratic ticket, and re-elected in 1885 without opposition. The following year he was the suc- cessful candidate of his party for Congress, which was his last public service. Died at Quincy, Jan. 31, 1896. ANDERSON, James C., legislator, was born in Henderson County, 111., August 1, 1845; raised on a farm, and -after receiving a common-school education, entered Monmouth College, but left early in the Civil War to enlist in the Twentieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in which he attained the rank of Second Lieutenant. After the war he served ten years as Sheriff of Henderson County, was elected Representative in the General Assembly in 1888, '90, '92 and '96, and served on the Republican "steering committee" during the session of 1893. He also served as Sergeant-at- Arms of the Senate for the session of 1895, and was a delegate to the Republican National Con- vention of 1896. His home is at Decorra. ANDERSON, Stinson H., Lieutenant-Gover- nor, was born in Sumner County, Tenn., in 1800; came to Jefferson County, 111., in his youth, and, at an early age, began to devote his attention to breeding fine stock; served in the Black Hawk War as a Lieutenant in 1833, and the same year was elected to the lower branch of the Eighth General Assembly, being re-elected in 1834. In 1838 he was chosen Lieutenant-Govemor on the ticket with Gov. Thomas Carlin, and soon after the close of his term entered the United States Army as Captain of Dragoons, in this capacity taking part in the Seminole War in Florida. Still later he served under President Polk as United States Marshal for Illinois, and also held the position of Warden of the State Penitentiary at Alton for several years. Died, September, 1857. William B. (Anderson), son of the preceding, was bom at Mount Vernon, M., April 30, 1830; attended the common schools and later studied surveying, being elected Surveyor of Jefferson County, in 1851. He studied law and was admit- ted to the bar in 1858, but never practiced, pre- ferring the more quiet life of a farmer. In 1856 he was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly and re-elected in 1858. In 1861 he entered the volunteer service as a private, was promoted through the grades of Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel to a Colonelcy, and, at the close of the war, was brevetted Brigadier-Gen- eral. In 1868 he was a candidate for Presidential Elector on the Democratic ticket, was a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1869-70. and, in 1871, was elected to the State Senate, to fill a vacancy. In 1874 he was elected to the Forty 18 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. fourth Congress on the Democratic ticket. In 1883 General Anderson was appointed by Presi- dent Cleveland Pension Agent for Illinois, con- tinuing in that position four years, when he retired to private life. AMMtt'S, Rev. Reuben, clergyman and edu- cator, was born at Rutland, Jefferson County, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1824; early came to Fulton County, 111., and spent three years (1844-47) as a student at Illinois College, Jacksonville, but graduated at McKendree College, Lebanon, in 1849 ; taught for a time at Greenfield, entered the Methodist ministry, and, in 1850, founded the Illi- nois Wesleyan University at Bloomington, of which he became a Professor; later re-entered the ministry and held charges at Beardstown, Decatur, Quincy, Springfield and Bloomington, meanwhile for a time being President of Illinois Conference Female College at Jacksonville, and temporary President of Quincy CollegX In 1867 he was transferred to the Indiana Conference and stationed at Evansville and Indianapolis; from 1872 to '75 was President of Indiana Asbury Uni- versity at Greencastle. Died at Indianapolis, Jan. 17, 1887. ANNA, a city in Union County, on the Illinois Central Railroad, 36 miles from Cairo; is center of extensive fruit and vegetable-growing district, and largest shipping-point for these commodities on the Illinois Central Railroad. It has an ice plant, pottery and lime manufactories, two banks and two newspapers. The Southern (III) Hos- pital for the Insane is located here. Population (1890), 2,295; (1900), 2,618; (est. 1904), 3,000. ANTHONY, Elliott, jurist, was born of New England Quaker ancestry at Spafford, Onondaga County, N. Y., June 10, 1827; was related on the maternal side to the Chases and Phelps (dis- tinguished lawyers) of Vermont. His early years were spent in labor on a farm, but after a course of preparatory study at Cortland Academy, in 1847 he entered the sophomore class in Hamilton College at Clinton, graduating with honors in 1850. The next year he began the study of law, at the same time giving instruction in an Acad- emy at Clinton, where he had President Cleve- land as one of his pupila. After admission to the bar at Oswego, in 1851, he removed West, stop- ping for a time at Sterling, 111., but the following year located in Chicago. Here he compiled "A Digest of Illinois Reports" ; in 1858 was elected City Attorney, and, in 1863, became solicitor of the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad (now the Chicago & Northwestern). Judge Anthony served in two State Constitutional Conventions those of 1862 and 1869-70 being chairman of the Committee on Executive Department and mem- ber of the Committee on Judiciary in the latter. He was delegate to the National Republican Con- vention of 1880, and was the same year elected a Judge of the Superior Court of Chicago, and was re-elected in 1886, retiring in 1892, after which he resumed the practice of his profession, being chiefly employed as consulting counsel. Judge Anthony was one of the founders and incorpo- rators of the Chicago Law Institute and a member of the first Board of Directors of the Chicago Public Library; also served as President of the State Bar Association (1894-95), and delivered several important historical addresses before that body. His other most important productions are volumes on "The Constitutional History of Illinois," "The Story of the Empire State" and "Sanitation and Navigation." Near the close of his last term upon the bench, he spent several months in an extended tour through the princi- pal countries of Europe. His death occurred, atyer a protracted illness, at his home at Evans- ton, Feb. 24, 1898. ANTI-NEBRASKA EDITORIAL CONVEN- TION, a political body, which convened at Decatur, Feb. 22, 1856, pursuant to the suggestion of "The Morgan Journal," then a weekly paper published at Jacksonville, for the purpose of for- mulating a policy in opposition to the principles of the Kansas-Nebraska bill. Twelve editors were in attendance, as follows : Charles H. Ray of "The Chicago Tribune"; V. Y. Ralston of "The Quincy Whig"; O. P. Wharton of "The Rock Island Advertiser" ; T. J. Pickett of "The Peoria Republican"; George Schneider of "The Chicago Staats Zeitung" ; Charles Faxon of "The Princeton Post"; A. N. Ford of "The Lacon Ga- zette"; B. F. Shaw of "The Dixon Telegraph" ; E. C. Daughertyof "The Rockford Register"; E. W. Blaisdell of "The Rockford Gazette"; W. J. Usrey of "The Decatur Chronicle"; and Paul Selby of "The Jacksonville Journal. " PaulSelby was chosen Chairman and W. J. Usrey, Secre- tary. The convention adopted a platform and recommended the calling of a State convention at Bloomington on May 29, following, appointing the following State Central Committee to take the matter in charge: W. B. Ogden, Chicago; S. M. Church, Rockford; G. D. A. Parks, Joliet; T. J. Pickett, Peoria; E. A. Dudley, Quincy; William H. Herndon, Springfield; K. J. Oglesby, Deca- tur; Joseph Gilleapie, Ed wardsville ; D. L. Phil- lips, Jonesboro; and Ira O. Wilkinson and Gustavus Koerner for the State-at-large. A bra- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ham Lincoln was present and participated in the consultations of the committees. All of these served except Messrs. Ogden, Oglesby and Koer- ner, the two former declining on account of ab- sence from the State. Ogden was succeeded by the late Dr. John Evans, afterwards Territorial Governor of Colorado, and Oglesby by Col. Isaac C. Pugh of Decatur. (See Bloomington Conven- tion of 1856.) APPLE RIYER, a village of Jo Daviess County, on the Illinois Central Railroad, 21 miles east-northeast from Galena. Population (1880), 626; (1890), 572; (1900), 576. APPLINttTON, (Maj.) /enas, soldier, was bom in Broome County. N. Y., Dec. 24, 1815; in 1837 emigrated to Ogle County, 111., where he fol- lowed successively the occupations of farmer, blacksmith, carpenter and merchant, finally becoming the founder of the town of Polo. Here he became wealthy, but lost much of his property in the financial revulsion of 1857. In 1858 he was elected to the State Senate, and, during the session of 1859, was one of the members of that body appointed to investigate the "canal scrip fraud" (which see), and two years later was one of the earnest supporters of the Government in its preparation for the War of the Rebellion. The latter year he assisted in organizing the Seventh Illinois Cavalry, of which he was commissioned Major, being some time in command at Bird's Point, and later rendering important service to General Pope at New Madrid and Island No. 10. He was killed at Corinth, Miss., May 8, 1862, while obeying an order to charge upon a band of rebels concealed in a wood. APPORTIONMENT, a mode of distribution of the counties of the State into Districts for the election of members of the General Assembly and of Congress, which will be treated under separate heads: LEGISLATIVE. The first legislative apportion- ment was provided for by the Constitution of 1818. That instrument vested the Legislature with power to divide the State as follows: To create districts for the election of Representatives not less than twenty -seven nor more than thirty- six in number, until the population of the State should amount to 100,000; and to create sena- torial districts, in number not less than one-third nor more than one-half of the representative dis- tricts at the time of organization. The schedule appended to the first Constitution contained the first legal apportionment of Sena- tors and Representatives. The first fifteen oounties were allowed fourteen Senators and twenty-nine Representatives. Each county formed a distinct legislative district for repre- sentation in the lower house, with the number of members for each varying from one to three; while Johnson and Franklin were combined in one Senatorial district, the other counties being entitled to one Senator each. Later apportion- ments were made in 1821, '26, '31, '36, '41 and '47. Before an election was held under the last, how- ever, the Constitution of 1848 went into effect, and considerable changes were effected in this regard. The number of Senators was fixed at twenty-five and of Representatives at seventy - five, until the entire population should equal 1,000,000, when five members of the House were added and five additional members for each 500,- 000 increase in population until the whole num- ber of Representatives reached 100. Thereafter the number was neither increased nor dimin- ished, but apportioned among the several coun- ties according to the number of white inhabit- ants. Should it be found necessary, a single district might be formed out of two or more counties. The Constitution of 1848 established fifty-four Representative and twenty-five Senatorial dis- tricts. By the apportionment law of 1854, the number of the former was increased to fifty-eight, and, in 1861, to sixty-one. The number of Sen- atorial districts remained unchanged, but their geographical limits varied under each act, while the number of members from Representative districts varied according to population. The Constitution of 1870 provided for an im- mediate reapportionment (subsequent to its adoption) by the Governor and Secretary of State upon the basis of the United States Census of 1870. Under the apportionment thus made, as prescribed by the schedule, the State was divided into twenty-five Senatorial districts (each electing two Senators) and ninety-seven Repre- sentative districts, with an aggregate of 177 mem- bers varying from one to ten for the several districts, according to population. This arrange- ment continued in force for only one Legislature that chosen in 1870. In 1872 this Legislature proceeded to reappor- tion the State in accordance with the principle of "minority representation," which had been sub- mitted as an independent section of the Constitu- tion and adopted on a separate vote. This provided for apportioning the State into fifty-one districts, each being entitled to one Senator and three Representatives. The ratio of representa- tion in the lower house was ascertained by divid- ao HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ing the entire population by 153 and each county to be allowed one Representative, provided its population reached three-fifths of the ratio ; coun- ties having a population equivalent to one and three-fifths times the ratio were entitled to two Representatives ; while each county with a larger population was entitled to one additional Repre- sentative for each time the full ratio was repeated in the number of inhabitants. Apportionments were made on this principle in 1872, '82 and '93. Members of the lower house are elected bienni- ally; Senators for four years, those in odd and even districts being chosen at each alternate legislative election. The election of Senators for the even (numbered) districts takes place at the same time with that of Governor and other State officers, and that for the odd districts at the inter- mediate periods. CONGRESSIONAL. For the first fourteen years of the State's history, Illinois constituted but one Congressional district. The census of 1830 show- ing sufficient population, the Legislature of 1831 (by act, approved Feb. 13) divided the State into three districts, the first election under this law being held on the first Monday in August, 1832. At that time Illinois comprised fifty-five coun- ties, which were apportioned among the districts as follows: First Gallatin, Pope, Johnson, Alexander, Union, Jackson, Franklin, Perry, Randolph, Monroe, Washington, St. Clair, Clin- ton, Bond, Madison, Macoupin; Second White, Hamilton, Jefferson, Wayne, Edwards, Wabash, Clay, Marion, Lawrence, Fayette, Montgomery, Shelby, Vermilion, Edgar, Coles, Clark, Craw- ford; Third Greene, Morgan, Sangamon, Macon, Tazewell, McLean, Cook, Henry, La Salle, Putnam, Peoria, Knox, Jo Daviess, Mercer, McDonough, Warren, Fulton, Hancock, Pike, Schuyler, Adams, Calhoun. The ^apportionment following the census of 1840 was made by Act of March 1, 1843, and the first election of Representatives thereunder occurred on the first Monday of the following August. Forty-one new counties had been cre- ated (making ninety-six in all) and the number of districts was increased to seven as follows: First Alexander, Union, Jackson, Monroe, Perry, Randolph, St. Clair, Bond, Washington, Madison; Second Johnson, Pope, Hardin, Williamson, Gallatin, Franklin, White, Wayne, Hamilton, Wabash, Massac, Jefferson, Edwards, Marion; Third Lawrence, Richland, Jasper, Fayette, Crawford, Effingham, Christian, Mont- gomery, Shelby, Moultrie. Coles, Clark, Clay, Edgar. Piatt, Macon, De Witt; Fourth Lake, McHenry, Boone, Cook, Kane, De Kalb, Du Page, Kendall, Will, Grundy, La Salle, Iroquois, Livingston, Champaign, Vermilion, McLean, Bureau; Fifth Greene, Jersey, Calhoun, Pike, Adams, Marquette (a part of Adams never fully organized), Brown, Schuyler, Fulton Peoria, Macoupin; Sixth Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Winnebago, Carroll, Ogle, Whiteside, Henry, Lee, Rock Island, Stark, Mercer, Henderson, Warren, Knox, McDonough, Hancock; Seventh Putnam, Marshall, Woodford, Cass, Tazewell, Mason, Menard, Scott, Morgan, Logan, Sangamon. The next Congressional apportionment (August 22, 1852) divided the State into nine districts, as follows the first election under it being held the following November: First Lake, McHenry, Boone, Winnebago, Stephenson, Jo Daviess, Car- roll, Ogle; Second Cook, Du Page, Kane, De Kalb, Lee, Whiteside, Rock Island ; Third Will, Kendall, Grundy, Livingston, La Salle, Putnam, Bureau, Vermilion, Iroquois, Cham- paign, McLean, De Witt; Fourth Fulton, Peoria, Knox, Henry, Stark, Warren, Mercer, Marshall, Mason, Woodford, Tazewell; Fifth Adams, Calhoun, Brown, Schuyler, Pike, Mc- Donough, Hancock, Henderson ; Sixth Morgan, Scott, Sangamon, Greene, Macoupin, Montgom- ery, Shelby, Christian, Cass, Menard, Jersey; Seventh Logan, Macon, Piatt, Coles, Edgar, Moultrie, Cumberland, Crawford, Clark, Effing- ham, Jasper, Clay, Lawrence, Richland, Fayette; Eighth Randolph, Monroe, St. Clair, Bond, Madison, Clinton, Washington, Jefferson, Mar- ion; Ninth Alexander, Pulaski, Massac, Union, Johnson, Pope, Hardin, Gallatin, Saline, Jack- son, Perry, Franklin, Williamson, Hamilton, Edwards, White, Wayne, Wabash, The census of 1860 showed that Illinois was entitled to fourteen Representatives, but through an error the apportionment law of April 24, 1861, created only thirteen districts. This was com- pensated for by providing for the election of one Congressman for the State-at- large. The districts were as follows: First Cook, Lake; Second McHenry, Boone, Winnebago, De Kalb, and Kane; Third Jo Daviess, Stephenson, White- side, Carroll, Ogle, Lee; Fourth Adams, Han- cock, Warren, Mercer, Henderson, Rock Island; Fifth Peoria, Knox, Stark, Marshall, Putnam, Bureau. Henry; Sixth La Salle, Grundy, Ken- dall, Du Page, Will, Kankakee; Seventh Macon, Piatt, Champaign, Douglas, Moultrie, Cumberland, Vermilion, Coles, Edgar, Iroquois, Ford; Eighth Sangamon, Logan, De Witt, Mc- Lean, Tazewell, Woodford, Livingston; Ninth HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 21 Fulton, Mason, Menard, Cass, Pike, McDonough, Schuyler, Brown; Tenth Bond, Morgan, Cal- l >un. Macoupin, Scott, Jersey, Greene, Christian, Montgomery, Shelby; Eleventh Marion, Fay- ette, Richland, Jasper, Clay, Clark, Crawford, Franklin, Lawrence, Hamilton, Eftingham, Wayne, Jefferson; Twelfth St. Clair, Madison, Clinton, Monroe, Washington, Randolph; Thirteenth Alexander, Pulaski, Union, Perry, Johnson, Williamson, Jackson, Massac, Pope, Hardin, (iallatin. Saline, White, Edwards, Wabash. The next reapportionment was made July 1, 1872. The Act created nineteen districts, as fol- lows: First The first seven wards in Chicago and thirteen towns in Cook County, with the county of Du Page; Second Wards Eighth to Fifteenth (inclusive) in Chicago; Third Wards Sixteenth to Twentieth in Chicago, the remainder of Cook County, and Lake County; Fourth Kane, De Kalb, McHenry, Boone, and Winne- hago; Fifth Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Carroll, Ogle, Whiteside; Sixth Henry, Rock Island, Putnam, Bureau, Lee; Seventh La Salle, Ken- dall, Grundy, Will ; Eighth Kankakee, Iroquois, Ford, Marshall, Livingston, Woodford; Ninth Stark, Peoria, Knox, Fulton; Tenth Mercer, Henderson, Warren, McDonough, Hancock, Schuyler; Eleventh Adams, Brown, Calhoun, Greene, Pike, Jersey; Twelfth Scott, Morgan, Menard, Sangamon, Cass, Christian ; Thirteenth Mason, Tazewell, McLean, Logan, De Witt; Four- teenth Macon, Piatt, Champaign, Douglas, Coles, Vermilion; Fifteenth Edgar, Clark, Cumber- land, Shelby, Moultrie, Effingham, Lawrence, Jasper, Crawford; Sixteenth Montgomery, Cuvette, Washington, Bond, Clinton, Marion, Clay; Seventeenth Macoupin, Madison, St. Clair, Monroe; Eighteenth Randolph, Perry, Jackson, Union, Johnson, Williamson, Alex- ander, Pope, Massac, Pulaski; Nineteenth Richland, Wayne, Edwards, White, Wabash, .Saline, Gallatin. Hardin, Jefferson, Franklin, Hamilton. In 1882 (by Act of April 29) the number of dis- tricts was increased to twenty, and the bound- aries determined as follows: First Wards First to Fourth (inclusive) in Chicago and thirteen towns in Cook County; Second Wards 5th to "th and part of 8th in Chicago; Third Wards !>th to 14th and part of 8th in Chicago ; Fourth The remainder of the City of Chicago and of the county of Cook; Fifth Lake, McHenry, Boone, Kane, and De Kalb ; Sixth Winnebago, Stephenson, Jo Daviess, Ogle, and Carroll; Seventh Lee, Whiteside, Henry, Bureau. Put- nam; Eighth La Salle, Kendall, Grundy, Du Page, and Will ; Ninth Kankakee, Iroquois, Ford, Livingston, Woodford, Marshall; Tenth Peoria, Knox, Stark, Fulton; Eleventh Rock Island, Mercer, Henderson, Warren, Hancock. McDonough, Schuyler; Twelfth Cass, Brown. Adams, Pike, Scott. Greene, Calhoun, Jersey : Thirteenth Tazewell, Mason, Menard, Sanga- mon, Morgan, Christian; Fourteenth McLean. De Witt, Piatt. Macon, Logan; Fifteenth Coles, Edgar, Douglas, Vermilion, Champaign; Sixteenth Cumberland, Clark, Jasper, Clay, Crawford, Richland, Lawrence, Wayne, Edwards, Wabash ; Seventeenth Macoupin, Montgomery, Moultrie, Shelby. Effinghara, Fayette; Eight- eenth Bond, Madison, St. Clair, Monroe, Wash- ington; Nineteenth Marion, Clinton Jefferson, Saline. Franklin, Hamilton, White, Gallatin, Har- din ; Twentieth Perry, Randolph, Jackson, Union, Williamson, Johnson, Alexander, Pope, Pulaski, Massac. The census of 1890 showed the State to be entit- led to twenty-two Representatives. No reap- portionment, however, was made until June, 1893, two members from the State-at-large being elected in 1892. The existing twenty-two Con- gressional districts are as follows: The first seven districts comprise the counties of Cook and Lake, the latter lying wholly in the Seventh dis- trict; Eighth McHenry, De Kalb, Kane, Du Page, Kendall. Grundy; Ninth Boone, Winne- bago, Stephenson, Jo Daviess, Carroll, Ogle, Lee; Tenth Whiteside, Rock Island, Mercer, Henry, Stark, Knox ; Eleventh Bureau, La Salle. Livingston, Woodford; Twelfth Will, Kanka- kee, Iroquois, Vermilion; Thirteenth Ford. Mc- Lean, DeWitt, Piatt, Champaign, Douglas; Four- teenth Putnam, Marshall, Peoria, Fulton, Tazewell, Mason; Fifteenth Henderson, War- ren, Hancock, McDonough, Adams, Brown, Schuyler; Sixteenth Cass, Morgan, Scott, Pike, Greene, Macoupin, Calhoun, Jersey; Seventeenth Menard, Logan, Sangamon. Macon, Christian; Eighteenth Madison, Montgomery, Bond, Fayette, Shelby, Moultrie; Nineteenth Coles, Edgar, Clark, Cumberland, Effingham Jasper, Crawford, Richland, Lawrence; Twenti- eth Clay, Jefferson, Wayne, Hamilton, Ed- wards, Wabash, Franklin, White, Gallatin. Hardin; Twenty-first Marion, Clinton, Wash- ington, St. Clair. Monroe, Randolph, Perry; Twenty-second Jackson, Union, Alexander. Pulaski, Johnson, Williamson, Saline, Pope, Massac. (See also Representatives in Congress. } HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ARCHER, William It., pioneer, was born in Warren County, Ohio, in 1792, and taken to Ken- tuck; at an early day, where he remained until 1817, when his family removed to Illinois, finally settling in what is now Clark County. Although pursuing the avocation of a farmer, he became one of the most prominent and influential men in that part of the State. On the organization of Clark County in 1819, he was appointed the first County and Circuit Clerk, resigning the former office in 1820 and the latter in 1822. In 1824 he was elected to the lower branch of the General Assembly, and two years later to the State Senate, serving continuously in the latter eight years. He was thus a Senator on the breaking out of the Black Hawk War (1832), in which he served as a Captain of militia. In 1834 he was an unsuccessful candidate for Lieutenant-Governor; was appointed by Governor Duncan, in 1835, a member of the first Board of Commissioners of the Illinois & Michigan Canal; in 1838 was returned a second time to the House of Repre- sentatives and re-elected in 1840 and '46 to the same body. Two years later (1848) he was again elected Circuit Clerk, remaining until 1852, and in 1854 was an Anti-Nebraska Whig candidate for Congress in opposition to James C. Allen. Although Allen received the certificate of elec- tion, Archer contested his right to the seat, with the result that Congress declared the seat vacant and referred the question back to the people. In A new election held in August, 1856, Archer was defeated and Allen elected. He held no public office of importance after this date, but in 1856 was a delegate to the first Republican National Convention at Philadelphia, and in that body was on enthusiastic supporter of Abraham Lincoln, whose zealous friend and admirer he was, for the office of Vice-President. He was also one of the tictive promoters of various railroad enterprises in that section of the State, especially the old Chicago & Vincennes Road, the first projected southward from the City of Chicago. His con- nection with the Illinois & Michigan Canal was the means of giving his name to Archer Avenue, si somewhat famous thoroughfare in Chicago He was of tall stature and great energy of char- acter, with a tendency to enthusiasm that com- municated itself to others. A local history has rv-ti.i of him that "he did more for Clark County than any man in his day or since," although "no consideration, pecuniary or otherwise, was ever given him for his services. " Colonel Archer was one of the founders of Marshall, the county -seat of Clark County, Governor Duncan being associ- ated with him in the ownership of the land on which the town was laid out. His death oc- curred in Clark County, August 9, 1870, at the age of 78 years. AKCOL A , incorporated city in Douglas County, 168 miles south of Chicago, at junction of Illinois Central and Terre Haute branch Vandalia Rail- road ; is center of largest broom-corn producing region in the world; has city waterworks, with efficient volunteer fire department, electric light*, telephone system, grain elevators and broom- corn warehouses, two banks, three newspapers, nine churches, library building and excellent free school system. Pop. (1890). 1,733; (1900), 1,995. AREN'Z, Francis A., pioneer, was bom ac Blankenberg, in the Province of the Rhein. Prussia, Oct. 31, 1800; obtained a good education and, while a young man, engaged in mercantile business in his native country. In 1827 he cauu> to the United States and, after spending two years in Kentucky, in 1829 went to Galena, where he was engaged for a short time in the lead trade. He took an early opportunity to become naturalized, and coming to Beardstown a few months later, went into merchandising and real estate; also became a contractor for furnishing supplies to the State troops during the Black Hawk War, Beardstown being at the time a rendezvous and shipping point. In 1834 he began the publi- cation of "The Beardstown Chronicle and Illinois Bounty Land Register," and was the projector of the Beardstown & Sangamon Canal, extending from the Illinois River at Beardstown to Miller's Ferry on the Sangamou, for which he secured a special charter from the Legislature in 1836. He had a survey of the line made, but the hard times prevented the beginning of the work and it was finally abandoned. Retiring from the mercantile business in 1835, he located on a farm six miles southeast of Beardstown, but in 1839 removed to a tract of land near the Morgan County line which he had bought in 1833, and on which the present village of Arenzville now stands. This became the center of a thrifty agricultural com- munity composed largely of Germans, among whom he exercised a large influence. Resuming the mercantile business here, he continued it until about 1853, when he sold out a considerable part of his possessions. An ardent Whig, he was elected as such to the lower branch of the Four- teenth General Assembly (1844) from Morgan County, and during the following session suc- ceeded in securing the passage of an act by which a strip of territory three miles wide in the north- ern part of Morgan County, including the village HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. i' Arenrville, and which had been in dispute, was transferred by vote of the citizens to Cans County. In 1852 Mr. Arenz visited his native land, by appointment of President Fillmore, as bearer of dispatches to the American legations at Berlin and Vienna. " He was one of the founders of the Illinois State Agricultural Society of 1853, and served as the Vice- President for his district until his death, and was also the founder and President of the Cass County Agricultural Soci- ety. Died, April 2, 1856. ARLINGTON, a village of Bureau County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 92 miles west of Chicago. Population (1880), 447; (1890), 486; (1900), 400. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS (formerly Dunton), a village of Cook County, on the Chicago & North- western Bail way, 22 miles northwest of Chicago; is in a dairying district and has several cheese factories, besides a sewing machine factory, hotels and churches, a graded school, a bank and one newspaper. Population (1880), 995; (1890), 1.434; (1900), 1,380. ARMOUR, Philip Danforth, packer, Board of Trade operator and capitalist, was born at Stock- bridge, Madison County, N. Y., May 16, 1832. After receiving the benefits of such education as the village academy afforded, in 1852 he set out across the Plains to California, where he re- mained four years, achieving only moderate suc- cess as a miner. Returning east in 1856, he soon after embarked in the commission business in Milwaukee, continuing until 1863, when he formed a partnership with Mr. John Plankinton in the meat-packing business. Later, in conjunc- tion with his brothers H. O. Armour having already built up an extensive grain commission trade in Chicago he organized the extensive packing and commission firm of Armour & Co., with branches in New York, Kansas City and Chicago, their headquarters being removed to the latter place from Milwaukee in 1875. Mr. Armour is a most industrious and me- thodical business man, giving as many hours to the superintendence of business details as the most industrious day-laborer, the result being seen in the creation of one of the most extensive and prosperous firms in the country. Mr. Armour's practical benevolence has been demon- strated in a munificent manner by his establish merit and endowment of the Armour Institute (a manual training school) in Chicago, at a cost of over $2,250,000, as an offshoot of the Armour Mission founded on the bequest of his deceased brother, Joseph F. Armour. Died Jan. 6, 1901. ARMSTRONG, John Strawn, pioneer, bom in Somerset County, Pa., May 29, 1810, the oldest of a family of nine sons ; was taken by his parents in 1811 to Licking County, Ohio, where he spent his childhood and early youth. His father was a native of Ireland and his mother a sister of Jacob Strawn, afterwards a wealthy stock-grower and dealer in Morgan County. In 1829, John S. came to Tazewell County, 111., but two years later joined the rest of his family in Putnam (now Marshall) County, all finally removing to La Salle County, where they were among the earli- est settlers. Here he settled on a farm in 1834, where he continued to reside over fifty years, when he located in the village of Sheridan, but early in 1897 went to reside with a daughter in Ottawa. He was a soldier in the Black Hawk War, has been a prominent and influential fann- er, and, in the later years of his life, has been a leader in "Granger" politics, being Master of his local "Grange," and also serving as Treasurer of the State Grange. 4}eorge Washington (Arm- strong), brother of the preceding, was born upon the farm of his parents, Joseph and Elsie (Strawn) Armstrong, in Licking County, Ohio, Dec. 9, 1812; learned the trade of a weaver with his father (who was a woolen manufacturer), and at the age of 18 was in charge of the factory Early in 1831 he came with his mother's family to Illinois, locating a few months later in La Salle County. In 1832 he served with his older brother as a soldier in the Black Hawk War, waa identified with the early steps for the construc- tion of the Illinois & Michigan Canal, finally be- coming a contractor upon the section at Utica, where he resided several years. He then returned to the farm near the present village of Seneca, where he had located in 1833, and where (with the exception of his residence at Utica) he has resided continuously over sixty -five years. In 1844 Mr. Armstrong was elected to the lower branch of the Fourteenth General Assembly, also served in the Constitutional Convention of 1847 and, in 1858, was the unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Congress in opposition to Owen Lovejoy. Re-entering the Legislature in 1860 as Representative from La Salle County, he served in that body by successive re-elections until 1888, proving one of its ablest and most influential members, as well as an accomplished parliamen- tarian. Mr. Armstrong was one of the original promoters of the Kankakee & Seneca Railroad. William E. (Armstrong), third brother of this family, was born in Licking County, Ohio, Oct. 25, 1814; came to Illinois with the rest of the 24 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. family in 1831, and resided in La Salle County until 1841, meanwhile serving two or three terms as Sheriff of the county. The latter year he was appointed one of the Commissioners to locate the county-seat of the newly-organized county of Qrundy, finally becoming one of the founders and the first permanent settler of the town of Grundy later called Morris, in honor of Hon. I. N. Mor- ris, of Quincy. Ill, at that time one of the Com- missioners of the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Here Mr. Armstrong was again elected to the office of Sheriff, serving several terms. So ex- tensive was his influence in Grundy County, that he was popularly known as "The Emperor of Grundy." Died. Nov. 1, 1850. Joel W. (Arm- strong), a fourth brother, was born in Licking County, Ohio, Jan. 6, 1817; emigrated in boyhood to La Salle County, 111. ; served one term as County Recorder, was member of the Board of Supervisors for a number of years and the first Postmaster of his town. Died, Dec. 3, 1871. Perry A. (Armstrong), the seventh brother of this historic family, was born near Newark, Lick- ing County, Ohio, April 15, 1823, and came to La Salle County, 111., in 1831. His opportunities for acquiring an education in a new country were limited, but between work on the farm and serv- ice as a clerk of his brother George, aided by a short term in an academy and as a teacher in Kendall County, he managed to prepare himself for college, entering Illinois College at Jackson- ville in 1843. Owing to failure of health, he was compelled to abandon his plan of obtaining a col- legiate education and returned home at the end of his Freshman year, but continued his studies, meanwhile teaching district schools in the winter and working on his mother's farm during the crop season, until 1845, when he located in Mor- ris, Grundy County, opened a general store and was appointed Postmaster. He has been in pub- lic position of some sort ever since he reached his majority, including the offices of School Trustee, Postmaster, Justice of the Peace, Supervisor. County Clerk (two terms). Delegate to the Con- stitutional Convention of 1863, and two terms as Representative in the General Assembly (1863-64 and 1873-74). During his last session in the Gen- eral Assembly he took a conspicuous part in the revision of the statutes under the Constitution of 1870, framing some of the most important laws on the statute book, while participating in the preparation of others. At an earlier date it fell to his lot to draw up the original charters of the Chicago & Rock Island, the Illinois Central, and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroads. He has also been prominent in Odd Fellow and Masonic circles, having been Grand Master of the first named order in the State and being the old- est 33d degree Mason in Illinois; was admitted to the State bar in 1864 and to that of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1868, and has been Master in Chancery for over twenty consecutive years. Mr. Armstrong has also found time to do some literary work, as shown by his history of "The Sauks and Black Hawk War," and a num- ber of poems. He takes much pleasure in relat- ing reminiscences of pioneer life in Illinois, one of which is the story of his first trip from Ottawa to Chicago, in December, 1831, when he accompanied his oldest brother (William E. Armstrong) to Chicago with a sled and ox- team for salt to cure their mast-fed pork, the trip requiring ten days. His recollection is, that there were but three white families in Chicago at that time, but a large number of Indians mixed with half-breeds of French and Indian origin. ARNOLD, Isaac N., lawyer and Congressman, was born near Cooperstown, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1813, being descended from one of the companions of Roger Williams. Thrown upon his own resources at an early age, he was largely "self-made." He read law at Cooperstown, and was admitted to the bar in 1835. The next year he removed to Chicago, was elected the first City Clerk in 1837, but resigned before the close of the year and was admitted to the bar of Illinois in 1841. He soon established a reputation as a lawyer, and served for three terms (the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Twentieth) in the lower house of the Legisla- ture. In 1844 he was a Presidential Elector on the Polk ticket, but the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, with the legislation regarding Kan- sas and Nebraska, logically forced him, as a free- soiler, into the ranks of the Republican party, by which he was sent to Congress from 1861 to 1865. While in Congress he prepared and delivered an exhaustive argument in support of the right of confiscation by the General Government. After the expiration of his last Congressional term, Mr. Arnold returned to Chicago, where he resided until his death, April 24, 1884. He was of schol- arly instincts, fond of literature and an author of repute. Among his best known works are his "Life of Abraham Lincoln" and his "Life of Benedict Arnold." ARRINGTON, Alfred W., clergyman, lawyer and author, was born in Iredell County, N. C., September, 1810, being the son of a Whig mem- ber of Congress from that State. In 1839 he was HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. received on trial as a Methodist preacher and became a circuit-rider in Indiana ; during 1833-33 served as an itinerant in Missouri, gaining much celebrity by his eloquence. In 1834 he began the study of law, and having been admitted to the bar, practiced for several years in Arkansas, where he was sent to the Legislature, and, in 1844, was the Whig candidate for Presidential Elec- tor. Later he removed to Texas, where he served as Judge for six years. In 1856 he removed to Madison, Wis., but a year later came to Chicago, where he attained distinction as a lawyer, dying in that city Dec. 31, 1867. He was an accom- plished scholar and gifted writer, having written much for "The Democratic Review" and "The Southern Literary Messenger," over the signature of "Charles Summerfield," and was author of an "Apostrophe to Water," which he put in the mouth of an itinerant Methodist preacher, and which John B. Gough was accustomed to quote with great effect. A volume of his poems with a memoir was published in Chicago in 1869. ARROWSMITH, a village of McLean County, on the Lake Erie & Western Railway, 20 miles east of Bloomington; is in an agricultural and stock region; has one newspaper. Population (1890). 420; (1900), 317. ARTHUR, village in Moultrie and Douglas Counties, at junction of Chicago & Eastern Illi- nois and Terre Haute & Peoria Division Vandalia Line; is center of broom-corn belt; has two banks, a weekly newspaper. Population (1900), 858; (est. 1904), 1,000. ASA Y, Edward 6., lawyer, was born in Phila- delphia, Sept. 17, 1825; was educated in private schools and entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church; later spent sometime in the South, but in 1853 retired from the ministry and began the study of law, meantime devoting a part of his time to mercantile business in New York City. He was admitted to the bar in 1856, remov- ing the same year to Chicago, where he built up a lucrative practice. He was a brilliant speaker and became eminent, especially as a criminal lawyer. Politically he was a zealous Democrat and was the chief attorney of Buckner S. Morris and others during their trial for conspiracy in connection with the Camp Douglas affair of No- vember, 1864. During 1871-72 he made an ex- tended trip to Europe, occupying some eighteen months, making a second visit in 1882. His later years were spent chiefly on a farm in Ogle County. Died in Chicago, Nov. 24, 1898. ASlil'K Y, Henry, lawyer, was born in Harri- son (now Robertson) County, Ky., August 10, 1810; came to Illinois iu 1834, making the jour- ney on horseback and finally locating in Quincy. where he soon after began the study of law with the Hon. O. H. Browning; was admitted to the bar in 1837, being for a time the partner of Col. Edward D. Baker, afterwards United States Senator from Oregon and finally killed at Ball's Bluff in 1863. In 1849 Mr. Asbury was appointed by President Taylor Register of the Quincy Land Office, and, in 1864-65, served by appointment of President Lincoln (who was his close personal friend) as Provost-Marshal of the Quincy dis- trict, thereby obtaining the title of "Captain," by which he was widely known among his friends. Later he served for several years as Registrar in Bankruptcy at Quincy, which was his last official position. Originally a Kentucky Whig, Captain Asbury was one of the founders of the Republican party in Illinois, acting in co- operation with Abram Jonas, Archibald Williams, Nehemiah Bushnell, O. H. Browning and others of his immediate neighbors, and with Abraham Lincoln, with whom he was a frequent corre- spondent at that period. Messrs. Nicolay and Hay, in their Life of Lincoln, award him the credit of having suggested one of the famous questions propounded by Lincoln to Douglas which gave the latter so much trouble during the memorable debates of 1858. In 1886 Captain Asbury removed to Chicago, where he continued to reside until his death, Nov. 19, 1896. ASHLAND, a town in Cass County, at the intersection of the Chicago & Alton and the Baltimore & Ohio South-Western Railroad, 21 miles west-northwest of Springfield and 200 miles southwest of Chicago. It is in the midst of a rich agricultural region, and is an important shipping point for grain and stock. It has a bank, three churches and a weekly newspaper. Coal is mined in the vicinity. Population (1880), 609; (1890), 1.045; (1900), 1,201. ASHLEY, a city of Washington County, at intersection of Illinois Central and Louisville & Nashville Railways, 62 miles east by southeast of St. Louis; is in an agricultural and fruit-growing region; has some manufactures, electric light plant and excellent granitoid sidewalks. Popu- lation (1890), 1,035; (1900), 953. ASHMORE, a village of Coles County, on the Cleveland, Cincinnati. Chicago & St. Louis Rail- way, 9 miles east of Charleston ; has a newspaper and considerable local trade. Population (1890), 446, (1900), 487; (1903), 520. ASHTON, a village of Lee County, on the Chi- cago & North-Western Railroad, 84 miles west of HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Chicago; has one newspaper. Population (1880), 648; (1890), 680; (1900), 776. ASPINWA1L, Homer F., farmer and legisla- tor, was born in Stephenson County, 111. , NOT. 15, 1846, educated in the Freeport high school, and, in early life, spent two years in a wholesale notion store, later resuming the occupation of a farmer. After holding various local offices, in- cluding that of member of the Board of Supervis- ors of Stephenson County, in 1893 Mr. Aspinwall was elected to the State Senate and re-elected in 1896. Soon after the beginning of the Spanish- American War in 1898, he was appointed by President McKinley Captain and Assistant Quartermaster in the Volunteer Army, but before being assigned to duty accepted the Lieu- tenant-Colonelcy of the Twelfth Illinois Pro- visional Regiment. When it became evident that the regiment would not be called into the service, he was assigned to the command of the "Mani- toba," a large transport steamer, which carried some 13,000 soldiers to Cuba and Porto Rico with- out a single accident. In view of the approach- ing session of the Forty-first General Assembly, it being apparent that the war was over, Mr. Aspinwall applied for a discharge, which was refused, a 30-days' leave of absence being granted instead. A discharge was finally granted about the middle of February, when he resumed his seat in the Senate. Mr. Aspinwall owns and operates a large farm near Freeport. ASS I'M PI' I ON, a town in Christian County, on the Illinois Central Railroad, 33 miles south by west from Decatur and 9 miles north of Pana. It is situated in a rich agricultural and coal min- ing district, and has two banks, five churches, a public school, two weekly papers and coal mines. Population (1880), 706; (1890), 1,076; (1900), 1,702. ASTORIA, town in Fulton County, on Rock Island & St. Louis Division C., B. & Q. R. R. ; has city waterworks, electric light plant, tele- phone exchange, three large grain elevators, pressed brick works; six churches, two banks, two weekly papers, city hall and park, and good schools: is in a coal region; business portion is built of brick. Pop. (1890), 1,357; (1900), 1,684. ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAIL- WAT COMPANY. This Company operates three subsidiary lines in Illinois the Chicago, Santa Fe & California, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe in Chicago, and the Mississippi River Rail- road & Toll Bridge, which are operated as a through line between Chicago and Kansas City, with a branch from Ancona to Pekin, 111., hav- ing an aggregate operated mileage of 515 miles, of which 295 are in Illinois. The total earnings and income for the year ending June 30, 1895, were $1,298,600, while the operating expenses and fixed charges amounted to $2,360,706. The accumu- lated deficit on the whole line amounted, June 30. 1894, to more than $4,500,000. The total capitali zation of the whole line in 1895 was $52,775,251. The parent road was chartered in 1859 under the name of the Atchison & Topeka Railroad ; but in 1863 was changed to the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. The construction of the main line was begun in 1859 and completed in 1873. The largest number of miles operated was in 1893, being 7,481.65. January 1, 1896, the road was reorganized under the name of The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company (its present name), which succeeded by purchase under fore- closure (Dec. 10, 1895) to the property and fran- chises of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company. Its mileage, in 1895, was 6,481.65 miles. The executive and general officers of the system (1898) are: Aldace F. Walker, Chairman of the Board, New York; E. P. Ripley, President, Chicago; C. M. Higginson, Ass't to the President, Chicago; E. D. Kenna, 1st Vice-President and General Solicitor, Chicago; Paul Morton, 3d Vice-Presi- dent, Chicago; E. Wilder, Secretary and Treas- urer, Topeka; L. C. Deming, Assistant Secretary, New York ; H. W. Gardner, Assistant Treasurer, New York; Victor Morawetz, General Counsel, New York; Jno. P. Whitehead, Comptroller, New York; H. C. Whitehead, General Auditor, Chicago; W. B. Biddle, Freight Traffic Manager, Chicago; J. J. Frey, General Manager, Topeka; H. W. Mudge, General Superintendent, Topeka; W. A. Bissell, Assistant Freight Traffic Manager, Chicago; W. F. White, Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago; Geo. T. Nicholson, Assistant Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago; W. E. Hodges, General Purcliasing Agent, Chicago; James A. Davis, Industrial Commissioner, Chi- cago; James Dun, Chief Engineer, Topeka, Kan. ; John Player, Superintendent of Machinery, Topeka, Kan. ; C. W. Kouns, Superintendent Car Service, Topeka, Kan. ; J. 8. Hobson, Signal Engineer, Topeka; C. G. Sholes, Superintendent of Telegraph, Topeka, Kan. ; C. W. Ryus, General Claim Agent, Topeka ; F. C. Gay, General Freight Agent, Topeka; C. R. Hudson, Assistant General Freight Agent, Topeka; W. J. Black, General Passenger Agent, Chicago; P. Walsh, General Baggage Agent, Chicago. ATHENS, an incorporated city and coal-mining town in Menard County, on the Chicago, Peoria HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 37 & St. Louis R. K. , north by northwest of Spring- field. It is also the center of a prosperous agri- cultural and stock-raising district, and large numbers of cattle are shipped there for the Chi- cago market. The place has an electric lighting plant, brickyards, two machine shops, two grain elevators, five churches, one newspaper, and good schools. Athena is one of the oldest towns in Central Illinois. Pop. (1890), 944; (1900), 1,535. ATKINS, Smith I)., soldier and journalist, was born near Elmira, N. Y., June 9, 1886; came with his father to Illinois in 1846, and lived on a farm till 1850; was educated at Rock River Seminary, Mount Morris, meanwhile learning the printer's trade, and afterwards established "The Savanna Register" in Carroll County. In 1854 he begt.n the study of law, and in 1860, while practicing a 1 ; Freeport, was elected Prosecuting Attorney, but resigned in 1861, being the first man to enlist as a private soldier in Stephenson County. He served :ts a Captain of the Eleventh Illinois Volunteers (three-months' men), re-enlisted with the same rank for three years and took part in the capture of Fort Donelson and the battle of Shiloh, serv- ing at the latter on the staff of General Hurlbut. Forced to retire temporarily on account of his health, he next engaged in raising volunteers in Northern Illinois, was finally commissioned Col- onel of the Ninety-second Illinois, and, in June, 1863, was assigned to command of a brigade in the Army of Kentucky, later serving in the Army of the Cumberland. On the organization of Sher- man's great "March to the Sea," he efficiently cooperated in it, was brevetted Brigadier-General for gallantry at Savannah, and at the close of the war, by special order of President Lincoln, was brevetted Major-General. Since the war, Gen- eral Atkins' chief occupation has been that of editor of "The Freeport Journal," though, for uearly twenty-four years, he served as Post- master of that city. He took a prominent part in the erection of the Stephenson County Sol- diers' Monument at Freeport, has been President of the Freeport Public Library since its organiza- tion, member of the Board of Education, and since 1895, by appointment of the Governor of Illinois, one of the Illinois Commissioners of the Chicka- mauga and Chattanooga Military Park. ATKINSON, village of Henry County, on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, 39 miles east of Rock Island; has an electric light plant, a bank and a newspaper. Pop. (1890), 534; (1900), 762. ATLANTA, a city of Logan County, on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, 20 miles southwest of Bloomington. It stands on a high, fertile prairie and the surrounding region is rich in coal, as- well as a productive agricultural and stock-rais- ing district. It has a water-works system, elec- tric light plant, five churches, a graded school, a weekly paper, two banks, a flouring mill, and is the headquarters of the Union Agricultural So- ciety established in 1860. Population (1900). 1,870. ATLAS, a hamlet in the southwestern part of Pike County, 10 miles southwest of Pittsfield and three miles from Rockport, the nearest station on the Quincy & Louisiana Division of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. Atlas has an in- teresting history. It was settled by Col. William Ross and four brothers, who came here from Pittsfield, Mass., in the latter part of 1819, or early in 1820, making there the first settlement within the present limits of Pike County. The town was laid out by the Rosses in 1833, and the next year the county-seat was removed thither from Coles Grove now in Calhoun County but which had been the first county-seat of Pike County, when it comprised all the territory lying north and west of the Illinois River to the Mis- sissippi River and the Wisconsin State line. Atlas remained the county-seat until 1833, when the seat of justice was removed to Pittsfield. During a part of that time it was one of the most important points in the western part of the State, and was, for a time, a rival of Quincy. It now has only a postoffice and general store. The population, according to the census of 1890, was 52. ATTORNEYS-GENERAL. The following is a list of the Attorneys-General of Illinois under the Territorial and State Governments, down to the present time (1899), with the date and duration of the term of each incumbent: TERRITORIAL Benjamin H. Doyle, July to De- cember, 1809; John J. Crittenden, Dec. 30 to April, 1810; Thomas T. Crittenden, April to October, 1810; Benj. M. Piatt, October, 1810-18; William Mears, 1813-18. STATE Daniel Pope Cook, March 5 to Dec. 14, 1819; William Mears, 1819-21; Samuel D. Lock- wood, 1821-23; James Turney, 1823-29; George Forquer, 1829-33; James Semple, 1833-84; Ninian W. Edwards, 1834-35; Jesse B. Thomas, Jr., 1835-36; Walter B. Scates, 1836-37; Usher F. Linder, 1837-38; George W. Olney, 1838-39; Wick- liffe Kitchell, 1839-40; Josiah Lamborn. 1840-43; James Allen McDougal, 1843-46 ; David B. Camp- bell, 1846-48. The Constitution of 1848 made no provision for the continuance of the office, and for nineteen years it remained vacant. It was re-created, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. however, by legislative enactment in 1867, and on Feb. 28 of that year Governor Oglesby appointed Robert G. Ingersoll, of Peoria, to dis- charge the duties of the position, which he con- tinued to do until 18C9. Subsequent incumbents of the office have been: Washington Bushnell, 1869-73; James K. Edsall, 1873-81; James McCart- ney, 1881 85 ; George Hunt, 1885-93 ; M. T. Moloney , 1893-97; Edward C. Akin, 1897 . Under the first Constitution (1818) the office of Attorney- General was filled by appointment by the Legisla- ture; under the Constitution of 1848, as already stated, it ceased to exist until created by act of the Legislature of 1867, but, in 1870, it was made a constitutional office to be filled by popular election for a term of four years. AT WOOD, a village lying partly in Piatt and partly in Douglas County, on the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton R. It., 27 miles east of Deca- tur. The region is agricultural and fruit-grow- ing; the town has two banks, an excellent school and a newspaper. Pop. (1890), 530; (1900), 698. AT WOOD, Charles B., architect, was bora at Millbury, Mass., May 18, 1849; at 17 began a full course in architecture at Harvard Scientific School, and, after graduation, received prizes for public buildings at San Francisco, Hartford and a number of other cities, besides furnishing designs for some of the finest private residences in the country. He was associated with D. H. Burnham in preparing plans for the Columbian Exposition buildings, at Chicago, for the World's Fair of 1893, and distinguished himself by pro- ducing plans for the "Art Building," the "Peri- style," the "Terminal Station" and other prominent structures. Died, in the midst of his highest successes as an architect, at Chicago, Dec. 19, 1895. AUBURN, a village of Sangamon County, on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, 15 miles south of Springfield ; has some manufactories of flour and farm implements, besides tile and brick works, two coal mines, electric light plant, two banks, several churches, a graded school and a weekly newspaper. Pop. (1890), 874; (1900), 1,281. AUDITORS OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. The Auditors of Public Accounts under the Terri- torial Government were H. H. Maxwell, 1812-16; Daniel P. Cook, 1816-17; Robert Blackwell, (April to August), 1817; ElijahC. Berry, 1817-18. Under the Constitution of 1818 the Auditor of Public Accounts was made appointive by the legislature, without limitation of term ; but by the Constitu- tions of 1848 and 1870 the office was made elective by the people for a term of four years. The following is a list of the State Auditors from the date of the admission of the State into the Union down to the present time (1899), with the date and duration of the term of each: Elijah C. Berry, 181831; James T. B. Stapp, 1831-35; Levi Davis, 1835-41; James Shields, 1841-43; William Lee D. Ewing, 1843-46; Thomas H. Campbell, 1846-57; Jesse K. Dubois, 1857-64; Orlin H. Miner, 1864-69; Charles E. Lippincott, 1869-77; Thomas B. Needles, 1877-81; Charles P. Swigert, 1881-89; C. W. Pavey, 1889-93; David Gore, 1893-97; James S. McCullough, 1897 . AUGUSTA, a village in Augusta township, Hancock County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 36 miles northeast of Quincy. Wagons and brick are the principal manufac- tures. The town has one newspaper, two banks, three churches and a graded school. The sur rounding country is a fertile agricultural region and abounds in a good quality of bituminous coal. Fine qualities of potter's clay and mineral paint are obtained here. Population (1890), 1,077; (1900), 1,149. AUGUSTANA COLLEGE, an educational insti- tution controlled by the Evangelical Lutheran denomination, located at Rock Island and founded in 1863. Besides preparatory and collegiate de- partments, a theological school is connected with the institution. To the two first named, young women are admitted on an equality with men. More than 500 students were reported in attendance in 1896, about one-fourth being women. A majority of the latter were in the preparatory (or academic) department. The col- lege is not endowed, but owns property (real and personal) to the value of $250,000. It has a library of 12,000 volumes. AURORA, a city and important railroad cen- ter, Kane County, on Fox River, 39 miles south- west of Chicago; is location of principal shops of Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R., has fine water-power and many successful manufactories, including extensive boiler works, iron foundries, cotton and woolen mills, flour mills, silver-plat- ing works, corset, sash and door and carriage factories, stove and smelting works, establish- ments for turning out road-scrapers, buggy tops, and wood-working machinery. The city owns water-works and electric light plant; has six banks, four daily and several weekly papers, some twenty-five churches, excellent schools and handsome public library building; is connected by interurban electric lines with the principal towns and villages in the Fox River valley. Population (1890), 19,688; (1900), 24,147. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. AUSTIN, a suburb of Chicago, in Cook County. It is accessible from that city by either the Chi- cago & Northwestern Railway, or by street railway lines. A weekly newspaper is issued, a graded school is supported (including a high school department) and there are numerous churches, representing the various religious denominations. Population (1880), 1,359; (1890), 4,031. Annexed to City of Chicago, 1899. AUSTIN COLLEGE, a mixed school at Effing- ham, 111., founded in 1890. It has eleven teachers and reports a total of 312 pupils for 1897-98162 males and 150 females. It has a library of 2,000 volumes and reports property valued at $37,000. AUSTBALIAN BALLOT, a form of ballot for popular elections, thus named because it was first brought into use in Australia. It was adopted by act of the Legislature of Illinois in 1891, and is applicable to the election of all public officers except Trustees of Schools, School Direct- ors, members of Boards of Education and officers of road districts in counties not under township organization. Under it, all ballots for the elec- tion of cfficers (except those just enumerated) are required to be printed and distributed to the election officers for use on the day of election, at public cost. These ballots contain the names, on the same sheet, of all candidates to be voted for at such election, such names having been formally certified previously to the Secretary of State (in the case of candidates for offices to be voted for by electors of the entire State or any district greater than a single county) or to the County Clerk (as to all others), by the presiding officer and secretary of the convention or caucus making such nominations, when the party repre- sented cast at least two per cent of the aggregate vote of the State or district at the preceding gen- eral election. Other names may be added to the ballot on the petition of a specified number of the legal voters under certain prescribed conditions named in the act. The duly registered voter, on presenting himself at the poll, is given a copy of the official ticket by one of the judges of election, upon which he proceeds to indicate his prefer- ence in a temporary booth or closet set apart for his use, by making a cross at the head of the col- umn of candidates for whom he wishes to vote, if he desires to vote for all of the candidates of the same party, or by a similar mark before the name of each individual for whom he wishes to vote, in case he desires to distribute his support among the candidates of different parties. The object of the law is to secure for the voter secrecy of the ballot, with independence and freedom from dic- tation or interference by others in the exercise of his right of suffrage. ATA, a town in Jackson County (incorporated as a city, 1901), on the Mobile & Ohio Railroad (Cairo & St. Louis Division), 75 miles south- southeast from St. Louis. It has two banks and two newspapers. Pop. (1890), 807; (1900), 984. AVON, village of Fulton County, on C., B & Q. R. R., 20 miles south of Galesburg; lias drain- pipe works, two factories for manufacture of steam- and hot- water heaters, two banks and two newspapers; agricultural fair held here annu- ally. Population (1900), 809; (1904, est.), 1.000. ATER, Benjamin F., lawyer, was born in Kingston, N. H., April 22, 1825, graduated at Dartmouth College in 1846, studied law at Dane Law School (Harvard University), was admitted to the bar and began practice at Manchester. N. H. After serving one term in the New Hamp- shire Legislature, and as Prosecuting Attorney for Hillsborough County, in 1857 he came to Chica- go, soon advancing to the front rank of lawyers then in practice there ; became Corporation Counsel in 1861, and, two years later, drafted the revised city charter. After the close of his official career, he was a member for eight years of the law firm of Beckwith, Ayer & Kales, and afterwards of the firm of Ayer & Kales, until, retiring from general practice, Mr. Ayer became Solicitor of the Illinois Central Railroad, then a Director of the Company, and is at present its General Counsel and a potent factor in its management. AVERS, Marshall Paul, banker, Jacksonville, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 27, 1823. came to Jacksonville, 111., with his parents, in 1830, and was educated there, graduating from Illinois College, in 1843, as the classmate of Dr. Newton Bateman, afterwards President of Knox College at Galesburg, and Rev. Thomas K Beecher, now of Elmira, N.Y. After leaving col- lege he became the partner of his father (David B. Ayers) as agent of Mr. John Grigg, of Philadel- phia, who was the owner of a large body of Illi- nois lands. His father dying in 1850, Mr. Ayers succeeded to the management of the business, about 75,000 acres of Mr. Grigg's unsold lands coming under his charge. In December, 1852, with the assistance of Messrs. Page & Bacon, bank- ers, of St. Louis, he opened the first bank in Jack- sonville, for the sale of exchange, but which finally grew into a bank of deposit and has been continued ever since, being recognized as one of the most solid institutions in Central Illinois. In 1870-71, aided by Philadelphia and New York capitalists, he built the "Illinois Farmers' Rail- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. road" between Jacksonville and Waverly, after- wards extended to Virden and finally to Centralia ;ind Mount Vernon. This was the nucleus of the Jacksonville Southeastern. Rail way, though Mr. Ayers has had no connection with it for several years. Other business enterprises with which he has been connected are the Jacksonville Gas Com- pany (now including an electric light and power plant), of which he has been President for forty years; the "Home Woolen Mills" (early wiped out by fire), sugar and paper-barrel manufacture, coal-mining, etc. About 1877 he purchased a body of 23,600 acres of land in Champaign County, known as "Broadlands. " from John T. Alexander, an extensive cattle-dealer, who had become heavily involved during the years of financial revulsion. As a result of this transaction, Mr. Alexander's debts, which aggregated $1,000,000, were discharged within the next two years. Mr. Ayers has been an earnest Republican since the organization of that party and, during the war, rendered valuable service in assisting to raise funds for the support of the operations of the Christian Commission in the field. He has also been active in Sunday School, benevolent and educational work, having been, for twenty years, a Trustee of Illinois College, of which he has )>een an ardent friend. In 1846 he was married to Miss Laura Allen, daughter of Rev. John Alien, D. D., of Huntsville, Ala., and is the father of four sons and four daughters, all living. BABCOCK, Amos ( ., was born at Penn Yaii, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1828, the son of a member of Con- gress from that State; at the age of 18, having lost his father by death, came West, and soon ufter engaged in mercantile business in partner- ship with a brother at Canton, 111. In 1854 he was elected by a majority of one vote, as an Anti- N'ebraska Whig, to the lower branch of the Nine- teenth General Assembly, and, in the following session, took part in the election of United States Senator which resulted in the choice of Lyman Trumbull. Although a personal and political friend of Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Babcock, as a matter of policy, cast his vote for his townsman. William Kellogg, afterwards Congressman from that dis- trict, until it was apparent that a concentration of the Anti-Nebraska vote on Trumbull was necessary to defeat the election of a Democrat. In 1862 he was appointed by President Lincoln the first Assessor of Internal Revenue for the Fourth District, and, in 1863, was commissioned by Governor Yates Colonel of the One Hundred and Third Illinois Volunteers, but soon resigned. Colonel Babcock served as Delegate-at-large in the Republican National Convention of 1868, which nominated General Grant for the Presi- dency, and the same year was made Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, also conducting the campaign two years later. He identified himself with the Greeley movement in 1872, but, in 1876, was again in line with his party and restored to his old position on the State Central Committee, serving until 1878. Among business enterprises with which he was con- nected was the extension, about 1854, of the Buda branch of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad from Yates City to Canton, and the erection of the State Capitol at Austin, Tex., which was undertaken, in conjunction with Abner Taylor and J. V. and C. B. Farwell, 4bout 1881 and completed in 1888, for which the firm received over 3,000,000 acres of State lands in the "Pan Handle" portion of Texas. In 1889 Colonel Babcock took up his residence in Chicago, which continued to be his home until his death from apoplexy, Feb. 25, 1899. BABCOCK, Andrew J., soldier, was born at Dorchester, Norfolk County, Mass., July 19, 1880; began life as a coppersmith at Lowell; in 1851 went to Concord, N. H., and, in 1856, removed to Springfield, 111., where, in 1859, he joined a mili- tary company called the Springfield Greys, com- manded by Capt. (afterwards Gen. ) John Cook, of which he was First Lieutenant. This company became the nucleus of Company I, Seventh Illi- nois Volunteers, which enlisted on Mr. Lincoln's first call for troops in April, 1861. Captain Cook having been elected Colonel, Babcock succeeded him as Captain, on the re-enlistment of the regi- ment in July following becoming Lieutenant- Colonel, and, in March, 1862, lieing promoted to the Colonelcy "for gallant and meritorious service rendered at Fort Donelson." A year later he was compelled to resign on account of impaired health. His home is at Springfield. BACON, George E., lawyer and legislator, born at Madison, Ind. , Feb. 4, 1851; was brought to Illinois by his parents at three years of age, and. in 1876, located at Paris, Edgar County ; in 1879 was admitted to the bar and held various minor offices, including one term as State's Attorney. In 1886 he was elected as a Republican to the State Senate and re-elected four years later, but finally removed to Aurora, where he died. July 6, 1896. Mr. Bacon was a man of recognized ability, as shown by the fact that, after the death of Senator John A. Logan, he was selected by his colleagues of the Senate to pronounce the eulogy on the deceased statesman HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 31 BA6BY, John C., jurist and Congressman, was born at Glasgow, Ky., Jan. 24, 1819. After pas- sing through the common schools of Barren County, Ky., he studied civil engineering at Bacon College, graduating in 1840. Later he read law and was admitted to the bar in 1845. In 1846 he commenced practice at Rushville, 111., confining himself exclusively to professional work until nominated and elected to Congress in 1874, by the Democrats of the (old) Tenth District. In 1883 he was elected to the Circuit Bench for the Sixth Circuit. Died, April 4, 1896. BAILEY, Joseph Mead, legislator and jurist, was born at Middlebury, Wyoming County, N. Y., June 22, 1833, graduated from Rochester (N. Y.) University in 1854, and was admitted to the bar in that city in 1855. In August, 1856, he removed to Freeport, 111. , where he soon built up a profitable practice. In 1866 he was elected a Representative in the Twenty-fifth General Assembly, being re-elected in 1868. Here he was especially prominent in securing restrictive legis- lation concerning railroads. In 1876 he was chosen a Presidential Elector for his district on the Republican ticket. In 1877 he was elected a Judge of the Thirteenth judicial district, and re-elected in 1879 and in 1885. In January, 1878, and again in June, 1879. he was assigned to the bench of the Appellate Court, being presiding Justice from June, 1879. to June, 1880, and from June, 1881, to June. 1882. In 1879 he received the degree of LL.D. from the Universities of Rochester and Chicago. In 1888 he was elected to the bench of the Supreme Court. Died in office, Oct. 16. 1895. ItAII.HAf HE, John, pioneer journalist, was born in the Island of Jersey, May 8, 1787; after gaining the rudiments of an education in his mother tongue (the French), he acquired a knowl- edge of English and some proficiency in Greek and Latin in an academy near his paternal home, when he spent five years as a printer's apprentice. In 1810 he came to the United States, first locat- ing at Cambridge, Ohio, but, in 1812, purchased a half interest in "The Fredonian" at Chillicothe (then the State Capital), soon after becoming sole owner. In 1815 he purchased "The Scioto Ga- zette" and consolidated the two papers under the name of "The Scioto Gazette and Fredonian Chronicle." Here he remained until 1828, mean- time engaging temporarily in the banking busi- ness, also serving one term in the Legislature (1820), and being elected Associate Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for Ross County. In 1828 he removed to Columbus, assuming charge of "The Ohio State Journal." served one term as Mayor of the city, and for three consecutive years was State Printer. Selling out "The Jour- nal" in 1836, he came west, the next year becom- ing part owner, and finally sole proprietor, of "The Telegraph" at Alton, 111., which he conducted alone or in association with various partners until 1854, when he retired, giving his attention to the book and job branch of the business. He served as Representative from Madison County in the Thir- teenth General Assembly (1842-44). As a man and a journalist Judge Bailhache commanded the highest respect, and did much to elevate the standard of journalism in Illinois, "The Tele- graph," during the period of his connection with it, being one of the leading papers of the State. His death occurred at Alton, Sept. 3, 1857, as the result of injuries received the day previous, by being thrown from a carriage in which he was riding. Maj. William Henry (Bailhache), son of the preceding, was born at Chillicothe, Ohio, August 14, 1826, removed with his father to Alton, HI., in 1836, was educated at Shurtleff College, and learned the printing trade in the office of "The Telegraph," under the direction of his father, afterwards being associated with the business department. In 1855, in partnership with Edward L. Baker, he became one of the proprietors and business manager of "The State Journal'' at Springfield. During the Civil War he received from President Lincoln the appoint- ment of Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, serving to its close and receiving the brevet rank of Major. After the war he returned to journal- ism and was associated at different times with "The State Journal" and "The Quincy Whig," as business manager of each, but retired in 1873 ; in 1881 was appointed by President Arthur, Receiver of. Public Moneys at Santa Fe., N. M., remaining four years. He is now (1899) a resi- dent of San Diego, Cal., where he has been engaged in newspaper work, and, under the administration of President McKinley, has been a Special Agent of the Treasury Department Preston Heath (Bailhache), another son, was born in Coluiubus. Ohio, Feb. 21, 1835, served as a Surgeon during the Civil War, later became a Surgeon in the regular army and has held posi- tions in marine hospitals at Baltimore, Washing- ton and New York, and has visited Europe in the interest of sanitary and hospital service. At present (1899) he occupies a prominent position at the headquarters of the United States Marine Hospital Service in Washington. Arthur Lw (Bailhache), a third son, born at Alton, 111., April HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 12. 1839; at the beginning of the Civil War was employed in the State commissary service at Camp Yates and Cairo, became Adjutant of the Thirty-eighth Illinois Volunteers, and died at Pilot Knob, Mo., Jan. 9, 1862, as the result of disease and exposure in the service. BAKER, David Jeirett, lawyer and United States Senator, was born at East Haddam, Conn. , Sept. 7, 1792. His family removed to New York in 1800, where he worked on a farm during boy- hood, but graduated from Hamilton College in 1816, and three years later was admitted to the bar. In 1819 he came to Illinois and began prac- tice at Kaskaskia, where be attained prominence in his profession and was made Probate Judge of Randolph County. His opposition to the intro- duction of slavery into the State was so aggres- sive that his life was frequently threatened. In 1830 Governor Edwards appointed him United States Senator, to fill the unexpired term of Senator McLean, but he served only one month when he was succeeded by John M. Robinson, who was elected by the Legislature. He was United States District Attorney from 1833 to 1841 (the State then constituting but one district), and thereafter resumed private practice. Died at Alton, August 6, 1869. Henry Southard (Baker), son of the pre- ceding, was born at Kaskaskia, 111., Nov. 10, 1824, received his preparatory education at Shurt- leff College. Upper Alton, and, in 1843, entered Brown University, R. I., graduating therefrom in 1847; was admitted to the bar in 1849, begin- ning practice at Alton, the home of his father, Hon. David J. Baker. In 1854 he was elected as an Anti-Nebraska candidate to the lower branch of the Nineteenth General Assembly, and, at the subsequent session of the General Assembly, was one of the five Anti-Nebraska members whose uncompromising fidelity to Hon. Lyman Truin- bull resulted in the election of the latter to the United States Senate for the first time the others being his colleague, Dr. George T. Allen of the House, and Hon. John M. Palmer, afterwards United States Senator, Burton C. Cook and Nor- man B. Judd in the Senate. He served as one of the Secretaries of the Republican State Convention held at Bloomington in May, 1856, was a Repub- lican Presidential Elector in 1864, and, in 1865, became Judge of the Alton City Court, serving until 1881. In 1876 he presided over the Repub- lican State Convention, served as delegate to the Republican National Convention of the same year and was an unsuccessful candidate for Congress in opposition to William R. Morrison. Judge Baker was the orator selected to deliver the address on occasion of the unveiling of the statue of Lieut. -Gov. Pierre Menard, on the capitol grounds at Springfield, in January, 1888. About 1888 he retired from practice, dying at Alton, March 5, 1897. Edward L. (Baker), second son of David Jewett Baker, was born at Kaskaskia, 111., June 3, 1829; graduated at Shurt- leff College in 1847 ; read law with his father two years, after which he entered Harvard Law School and was admitted to the bar at Spring- field in 1855. Previous to this date Mr. Baker had become associated with William H. Bailhache, in the management of "The Alton Daily Telegraph," and, in July, 1855, they purchased "The Illinois State Journal," at Springfield, of which Mr. Baker assumed the editorship, remaining until 1874. In 1869 he was appointed United States Assessor for the Eighth District, serving until the abolition of the office. In 1873 he received the appointment from President Grant of Consul to Buenos Ayres, South America, and, assuming the duties of the office in 1874, remained there for twenty-three years, proving himself one of the most capable and efficient officers in the con- sular service. On the evening of the 20th of June, 1897, when Mr. Baker was about to enter a railway train already in motion at the station in the city of Buenos Ayres, he fell under the cars, receiving injuries which necessitated the ampu- tation of his right arm, finally resulting in his death in the hospital at Buenos Ayres, July 8, following. His remains were brought home at the Government expense and interred in Oak Ridge Cemetery, at Springfield, where a monu- ment has since been erected in his honor, bearing a tablet contributed by citizens of Buenos Ayres and foreign representatives in that city express- ive of their respect for his memory. David Jewett (Baker), Jr., a third son of David Jowett Baker, Sr., was born at Kaskaskia, Nov. 20,1834; graduated from Shurtleff College in 1854, and was admitted to the bar in 1856. In November of that year he removed to Cairo and began prac- tice. He was Mayor of that city in 1864-65, and, in 1869, was elected to the bench of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit. The Legislature of 1873 (by Act of March 28) having divided the State into twenty-six circuits, he was elected Judge of the Twenty-sixth, on June 2, 1873. In August, 1878, he resigned to accept an appointment on the Supreme Bench as successor to Judge Breese, deceased, but at the close of his term on the Supreme Bench (1879), was re-elected Circuit Judge, and again in 1885. During this period he HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. served for several years on the Appellate Bench. In 1888 he retired from the Circuit Bench by resignation and was elected a Justice of the Supreme Court for a term of nine years. Again, in 1897, he was a candidate for re-election, but was defeated by Carroll C. Boggs. Soon after retiring from the Supreme Bench he removed to Chicago and engaged in general practice, in partnership with his son, John W. Baker. He fell dead almost instantly in his office, March 13, 1899. In all, Judge Baker had spent some thirty years almost continuously on the bench, and had attained eminent distinction both as a lawyer and a jurist. BAKER, Edward Dickinson, soldier and United States Senator, was born in London, Eng., Feb. 24, 1811; emigrated to Illinois while yet in his minority, first locating at Belleville, afterwards removing to Carrollton and finally to Sangamon County, the last of which he repre- sented in the lower house of the Tenth General Assembly, and as State Senator in the Twelfth and Thirteenth. He was elected to Congress as a Whig from the Springfield District, but resigned in December, 1846, to accept the colonelcy of the Fourth Regiment, Illinois Volunteers, in .the Mexican War, and succeeded General Shields in command of the brigade, when the latter was wounded at Cerro Gordo. In 1848 he was elected to Congress from the Galena District; was also identified with the construction of the Panama Railroad; went to San Francisco in 1832, but later removed to Oregon, where he was elected to the United States Senate in 1860. In 1861 he resigned the Senatorship to enter the Union army, commanding a brigade at the battle of Ball's Bluff, where he was killed, October 21, 1861. BAKER, Jehn, lawyer and Congressman, was born in Fayette County, Ky., Nov. 4, 1822. At an early age he removed to Illinois, making his home in Belleville, St. Clair County. He re- ceived bis early education in the common schools and at McKendree College. Although he did not graduate from the latter institution, he received therefrom the honorary degree of A. M. in 1858, and that of LL. D. in 1882. For a time he studied medicine, but abandoned it for the study of law. From 1861 to 1805 he was Master in Chancery for St. Clair County. From 1865 to 1869 he represented the Belleville District as a Republican in Congress. From 1876 to 1881 and from 1882 to 1885 he was Minister Resident in Venezuela, during the latter portion of his term of sen-ice acting also as Consul-General. Return- ing home, he was again elected to Congress (1886) from the Eighteenth District, but was defeated for re-election, in 1888, by William S. Forman. Democrat. Again, in 1896, having identified himself with the Free Silver Democracy and People's Party, he was elected to Congress from the Twentieth District over Everett J. Murphy, the Republican nominee, serving until March 3, 1899. He is the author of an annotated edition of Montesquieu's "Grandeur and Decadence of tin' Romans." BALDWIN, Elmer, agriculturist and legisla- tor, was born in Litchfield County, Conn., March 8, 1806 ; at 16 years of age began teaching a coun- try school, continuing this occupation for several years during the winter months, while working on his father's farm in the summer. He then started a store at New Milford, which he man- aged for three years, when he sold out on account of his health and began farming. In 1833 he came west and purchased a considerable tract of Government land in La Salle County, where the village of Farm Ridge is now situated, removing thither with his family the following year. He served as Justice of the Peace for fourteen con- secutive terms, as Postmaster twenty years and as a member of the Board of Supervisors of La Salle County six years. In 1856 he was elected as a Republican to the House of Representatives, was re-elected to the same office in 1866, and to the State Senate in 1872, serving two years. He was also appointed, in 1869, a member of the first Board of Public Charities, serving as President of the Board. Mr. Baldwin is author of a "His- tory of La Salle County," which contains much local and biographical history. Died, Nov. 18, 1895. BALDWIN', Theron, clergyman and educa- tor, was born in Goshen, Conn., July 21, 1801; graduated at Yale College in 1827; after two years' study in the theological school there, was ordained a home missionary in 1829, becoming one of the celebrated "Yale College Band," or "Western College Society," of which he was Cor- responding Secretary during most of his life. He was settled^ as a Congregationalist minister at Vandalia for two years, and was active in pro- curing the charter of Illinois College at Jackson- ville, of which he was a Trustee from its organization to his death. He served for a number of years, from 1831, as Agent of the Home Missionary Society for Illinois, and, in 1838, became the first Principal of Monticello Female Seminary, near Alton, which he con- ducted five years. Died at Orange, N. J., April 10, 1870. 34 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. BALLARD, Addison, merchant, was born of Quaker parentage in Warren County, Ohio, No- vember, 1823. He located at La Porte, 1ml.. about 1841, where he learned and pursued the carpenter's trade; in 1849 went to California, remaining two years, when he returned to La Porte; in 1853 removed to Chicago and embarked in the lumber trade, which he prosecuted until 1887, retiring with a competency. Mr. Ballard served several years as one of the Commissioners of Cook County, and, from 1876 to 1882, as Alder- man of the City of Chicago, and again in the latter office, 1894-90. BALTES, Peter Joseph, Roman Catholic Bishop of Alton, was born at Ensheim, Rhenish Ba- varia, April 7, 1827 ; was educated at the colleges of the Holy Cross, at Worcester, Mass., and of St. Ignatius, at Chicago, and at Lavalle University, Montreal, and was ordained a priest in 1853, and consecrated Bishop in 1870. His diocesan admin- istration was successful, but regarded by his priests as somewhat arbitrary. He wrote numer- ous pastoral letters and brochures for the guidance of clergy and laity. His most important literary work was entitled "Pastoral Instruction," first edition, N. Y., 1875; second edition (revised and enlarged), 1880. Died at Alton, Feb. 15, 1886. BALTIMORE & OHIO SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY. This road (constituting a part of the Baltimore & Ohio system) is made up of two principal divisions, the first extending across the State from East St. Louis to Belpre, Ohio, and the second (known as the Springfield Division) extend- ing from Beardstown to Shawneetown. The total mileage of the former (or main line) is V;7 miles, of which 147)4 are in Illinois, and of the latter (wholly within Illinois) 228 miles. The main line (originally known as the Ohio & Mis- sissippi Railway) was chartered in Indiana in 1848, in Ohio in 1849, and in Illinois in 1851. It was constructed by two companies, the section from Cincinnati to the Indiana and Illinois State line being known as the Eastern Division, and that in Illinois as the Western Division, the gauge, as originally built, being six feet, but reduced in 1871 to standard. The banking firm of Page & Bacon, of St. Louis and San Francisco, were the principal financial backers of the enter- prise. The line was completed and opened for traffic, May 1, 1857. The following year the roail became financially embarrassed; the Eastern Di- vision was placed in the hands of a receiver in 1860. while the Western Division was sold under foreclosure, in 1862, and reorganized as the Ohio & Mississippi Railway under act of the Illinois Legislature passed in February, 1861. The East- ern Division was sold in January, 1867; and, in November of the same year, the two divisions were consolidated under the title of the Ohio & Mississippi Railway. The Springfield Division was the result of the consolidation, in December. 1869, of the Pana, Springfield & Northwestern and the Illinois & Southeastern Railroad each having been chartered in 1867 the new corpo- ration taking the name of the Springfield & Illi- nois Southeastern Railroad, under which name the road was built and opened in March, 1871. In 1873, it was placed in the hands of receivers; iu 1874 was sold under foreclosure, and, on March 1, 1875, passed into the hands of the Ohio & Mis- sissippi Railway Company. In November, 1876, the road was again placed in the hands of a receiver, but was 'restored to the Company in 1884. In November, 1893, the Ohio & Mississippi was consolidated with the Baltimore & Ohio South- western Railroad, which was the successor of the Cincinnati, Washington & Baltimore Railroad, the reorganized Company taking the name of tin- Baltimore & /Ohio Southwestern Railway Com- pany. The total capitalization of the road, as organized in 1898, was $84,770,531. Several branches of the main line in Indiana and Ohio go to increase the aggregate mileage, but bein wholly outside of Illinois are not taken into ar- count in this statement. BALTIMORE & OHIO it CHICAGO RAIL- ROAD, part of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad System, of which only 8.21 out of 265 miles are in Illinois. The principal object of the company's incorporation was to secure entrance for the Baltimore & Ohio into Chicago. The capital stock outstanding exceeds $1,000,000. The total capital (including stock, funded and floating debt) is $20, 329, 166 "or $76,728 per mile. The gross earnings for the year ending June 30, 1898, were $3,383,016 and the operating expenses $2,493,452. The income and earnings for the portion of the. line in Illinois for the same period were $209,208 and the expenses $208,096. BANGS, Mark, lawyer, was born in Franklin County, Mass., Jan. 9, 1822; spent his boy- hood on a farm in Western New York, and, after a year in an institution at Rochester, came l Chicago in 1844, later spending two years in farm work and teaching in Central Illinois. Return- ing east in 1847, he engaged in teaching for two years at Springfield, Mass., then spent a year in a dry goods store at Lacon, 111., meanwhile prosecuting his legal studies. Ik 1851 he began practice, was elected a Judgt HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 35 of the Circuit Court in 1859 ; served one session as State Senator (1870-72); in 1873 was ap- pointed Circuit Judge to fill the unexpired term of Judge Richmond, deceased, and, in 1875, was appointed by President Grant United States District Attorney for the Northern District, remaining in office four years. Judge Bangs was also a member of the first Anti-Nebraska State Convention of Illinois, held at Springfield in 1854; in 1862 presided over the Congressional Conven- tion which nominated Owen Lovejoy for Congress for the first time ; was one of the charter members of the "Union League of America," serving as its President, and, in 1868, was a delegate to the National Convention which nominated General Grant foi President for the first time. After retiring from the office of District Attorney in 1879, he removed to Chicago, where he is still (1898) engaged in the practice of his profession. BAMiSOX, Andrew, pioneer and early legis- lator, a native of Tennessee, settled on Silver % Creek, in St. Clair County, 111., four miles south of Lebanon, about 1808 or 1810, and subsequently removed to Washington County. He was a Col- onel of "Rangers" during the War of 1812, and a Captain in the Black Hawk War of 1832. In 1822 he was elected to the State Senate from Washington Ceunty, serving four years, and at the session of 1822-23 was one of those who voted against the Convention resolution which had for its object to make Illinois a slave State. He sub- sequently removed to Iowa Territory, but died, in 1853, while visiting a son-in-law in Wisconsin. BAPTISTS. The first Baptist minister to set- tle in Illinois was Elder James Smith, who located at New Design, in 1787. He was fol- lowed, about 1796-97, by Revs. David Badgley and Joseph Chance, who organized the first Baptist church within the limits of the State. Five churches, having four ministers and 111 mem- bers, formed an association in 1807. Several causes, among them a difference of views on the slavery question, resulted in the division of the denomination into factions. Of these perhaps the most numerous was the Regular (or Mission- ary) Baptists, at the head of which was Rev. John M. Peck, a resident of the State from 1822 until his death (1858). By 1835 the sect had grown, until it had some 350 churches, with about 7,500 members. These were under the ecclesiastical care of twenty-two Associations. Rev. Isaac McCoy, a Baptist Indian missionary, preached at Fort Dearborn on Oct. 9, 1825, and, eight years later. Rev. Allen B. Freeman organized the first Baptist society in what was then an infant set- tlement. By 1890 the number of Associations had grown to forty, with 1010 churches, 891 ministers and 88,884 members. A Baptist Theo- logical Seminary was for some time supported at Morgan Park, but, in 1895, was absorbed by the University of Chicago, becoming the divinity school of that institution. The chief organ of the denomination in Illinois is "The Standard." pub- lished at Chicago. BABBER, Hiram, was born in Warren County, N. Y., March 24, 1835. At 11 years of age he accompanied his family to Wisconsin, of which State he was a resident until 1866. After gradu- ating at the State University of Wisconsin, at Madison, he studied law at the Albany Law School, and was admitted to practice. After serving one term as District Attorney of his county in Wisconsin (1861-62), and Assistant Attorney-General of the State for 1865-66, in the latter year he came to Chicago and, in 1878, was elected to Congress by the Republicans of the old Second Illinois District. His home is in Chicago, where he holds the position of Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County. BARDOLPH, a village of McDonough County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 7 miles northeast of Macomb; has a local paper. Population (1880), 409; (1890), 447; (1900), 387. ItAKNSB.Vt k, George Frederick Jnlins, pio- neer, was born in Germany, July 25, 1781 ; came to Philadelphia in 1797, and soon after to Ken- tucky, where he became an overseer; two or three years later visited his native country, suf- fering shipwreck en route in the English Channel ; returned to Kentucky in 1802, remaining until 1809, when he removed to what is now Madison (then a part of St. Clair) County, 111. ; served in the War of 1812, farmed and raised stock until 1824, when, after a second visit to Germany, he bought a plantation in St. Francois County, Mo. Subsequently becoming disgusted with slavery, he manumitted his slaves and returned to Illinois, locating on a farm near Edwardsville, where he resided until his death in 1869. Mr. Barnsback served as Representative in the Fourteenth Gen- eral Assembly (1844-46) and, after returning from Springfield, distributed his salary among the poor of Madison County. Julius A. (Bamsback), his son, was born in St. Francois County, Mo., May 14, 1826; in 1846 became a merchant at Troy, Madison County ; was elected Sheriff in 1860 ; in 1864 entered the service as Captain of a Company in the One Hundred and Fortieth Illinois Volun- teers (100-days' men); also served as a member of the Twenty -fourth General Assembly (1865). 36 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. BABNUH, William II ., lawyer and ex-Judge, was born in Onondaga County, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1840. When he was but two years old his family removed to St. Clair County, 111., where he passed his boyhood and youth. His preliminary educa- tion was obtained at Belleville, 111-. Ypsilanti, Mich., and at the Michigan State University at Ann Arbor. After leaving the institution last named at the end of the sophomore year, he taught school at Belleville, still pursuing his clas- sical studies. In 1862 he was admitted to the bar at Belleville, and soon afterward opened an office at Chester, where, for a time, he held the oilier of Master in Chancery. He removed to Chicago in 1867, and, in 1879, was elevated to the bench of the Cook County Circuit Court. At the expi- ration of his term he resumed private practice. BARRERE, (iranville, was born in Highland County, Ohio. After attending the common schools, he acquired a higher education at Au- gusta, Ky. , and Marietta. Ohio. He was admitted to the bar in his native State, but began the prac- tice of law in Fulton County. 111., in 1856. In 1872 he received the Republican nomination for Congress and was elected, representing his dis- trict from 1873 to 1875, at the conclusion of his term retiring to private life. Died at Canton, 111., Jan. 13. 1889. HARRINGTON, a village located on the north- ern border of Cook County, and partly in Lake, at the intersection of the Chicago & Northwestern and the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway, 32 miles northwest of Chicago. It has banks, a local paper, and several cheese factories, being in a dairying district. Population (1890), 848; (1900), 1,162. BARROWS, John Henry, D. !>., clergyman and educator, was born at Medina, Mich., July 11, 1847; graduated at Mount Olivet College in 1867, and studied theology at Yale, Union and Andover Seminaries. In 1869 he went to Kansas, where he spent two and a half years in mission- ary and educational work. He then (in 1872) accepted a call to the First Congregational Church at Springfield, 111., where he remained a year, after which he gave a year to foreign travel, visiting Europe, Egypt and Palestine, during a part of the time supplying the American chapel in Paris. On his return to the United States he spent six years in pastoral work at Lawrence and East Boston, Mass., when (in November, 1881) he assumed the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church of Chicago. Dr. Barrows achieved a world-wide celebrity by his services as Chairman of the "Parliament of Religions," a branch of the "World's Congress Auxiliary," held during the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893. Later, he was appointed Professorial Lec- turer on Comparative Religions, under lectureships in connection with the University of Chicago en- dowed by Mrs. Caroline E. Haskell. One of these, established in Dr. Barrows' name, contemplated a series of lectures in India, to be delivered on alternate years with a similar course at the Uni- versity. Courses were delivered at the University in 1895-96, and, in order to carry out the purposes of the foreign lectureship, Dr. Barrows found it necessary to resign his pastorate, which he did in the spring of 1896. After spending the summer in Germany, the regular itinerary of the round- the-world tour began at London in the latter part of November, 1896, ending with his return to the United States by way of San Francisco in May, 1897. Dr. Barrows was accompanied by a party of personal friends from Chicago and elsewhere, the tour embracing Visits to the principal cities of Southern Europe, Egypt, Palestine, China and Japan, with a somewhat protracted stay in India during the winter of 1898-97. After his return to the United States he lectured at the University of Chicago and in many of the principal cities of the country, on the moral and religious condition of Oriental nations, but, in 1898, was offered the Presidency of Oberlin College, Ohio, which he accepted, entering upon his duties early in 1899. HARRY, city in Pike County, founded in 1:!6, on Hi.' Wabash Railroad, 18 miles east of 1 1. inn II i-il. Mo., and 30 miles southeast of Quincy. The surrounding country is agricultural. The city contains flouring mills, porkpacking and poultry establishments, etc. It has two local papers, two banks, three churches and a high school, besides schools of lower grade. Popula- tion (1880), 1,392; (1890), 1,854; (1900), 1.648. BARTLETT, Adolphns Clay, merchant, was Ixjrn of Revolutionary ancestry at Stratford, Fulton County, N. Y. , June 22, 1844 ; was educated in the common schools and at Danville Academy and Clinton Liberal Institute, N. Y. , and, coming to Chicago in 1863, entered into the employment of the hardware firm of Tuttle, Hibbard & Co., now Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., of which, a few years later, he became a partner, and later Vice-President of the Company. Mr. Bartlett has also been a Trustee of Beloit College, Presi- dent of the Chicago Home for the Friendless and a Director of the Chicago & Alton Railroad and the Metropolitan National Bank, besides being identified with various other business and benevo- lent associations. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 37 BASCOM, (Bev.) Flavel, 1). D., clergyman, was born at Lebanon, Conn., June 8, 1804; spent his boyhood on a farm until 17 years of age, mean- while attending the common schools; prepared for college under a private tutor, and, in 1824, entered Yale College, graduating in 1828. After a year as Principal of the Academy at New Canaan, Conn., he entered upon the study of theology at Yale, was licensed to preach in 1831 and, for the next two years, served as a tutor in the liter- ary department of the college. Then coming to Illinois (1883), he cast his lot with the "Yale Band," organized at Yale College a few years previous; spent five years in missionary work in Tazewell County and two years in Northern Illi- nois as Agent of the Home Missionary Society, exploring new settlements, founding churches and introducing missionaries to new fields of labor. In 1839 he became pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Chicago, remaining until 1849, when he assumed the pastorship of the First Presbyterian Church at Galesburg, this relation continuing until 1856. Then, after a year's serv- ice as the Agent of the American Missionary Association of the Congregational Church, he accepted a call to the Congregational Church at Princeton, where he remained until 1869, when he took charge of the Congregational Church at Hinsdale. From 1878 he served for a consider- able period as a member of the Executive Com- mittee of the Illinois Home Missionary Society; was also prominent in educational work, being one of the founders and, for over twenty-five years, an officer of the Chicago Theological Seminary, a Trustee of Knox College and one of the founders and a Trustee of Beloit College, Wis., from which he received the degree of D. T>. in 1889. Dr. Bascom died at Princeton, 111., August 8, 1890. BATAYIA, a city in Kane County, on Fox River and branch lines of the Chicago & North- western and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroads, 35 miles west of Chicago: has water power and several prosperous manufacturing establishments employing over 1,000 operatives. The city lias fine water-works supplied from an artesian well, electric lighting plant, electric street car lines with interurban connections, two weekly papers, eight churches, two public schools, and private hospital for insane women. Population (1900), 3,871; (1903, est), 4,400. BATKMAX, Newton, A. M., LI,. I)., educator and Editor-in-Chief of the "Historical Encyclo- |mdia of Illinois," was born at Fairfield, N. J., July 27, 1822, of mixed English and Scotch an- cestry ; was brought by his parents to Illinois in 1833; in his youth enjoyed only limited educa- tional advantages, but graduated from Illinois College at Jacksonville in 1843. supporting him- self during his college course wholly by his own labor. Having contemplated entering the Chris- tian ministry, he spent the following year at Lane Theological Seminary, but was compelled to withdraw on account of failing health, when he gave a year to travel. He then entered upon his life-work as a teacher by engaging as Principal of an English and Classical School in St. Louis, remaining there two years, when he accepted the Professorship of Mathematics in St. Charles Col- lege, at St. Charles, Mo., continuing in that position four years (1847-51). Returning to Jack- sonville, 111., in the latter year, he assumed the principalship of the main public school of that city. Here he remained seven years, during four i if them discharging the duties of County Super- intendent of Schools for Morgan County. In the fall of 1857 he became Principal of Jacksonville Female Academy, but the following year was elected State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, having been nominated for the office by the Republican State Convention of 1858, which put Abraham Lincoln in nomination for the United .States Senate. By successive re-elections he con- tinued in this office fourteen years, sen-ing con- tinuously from 1859 to 1875, except two years (1863-65), as the result of his defeat for re-election in 1862. He was also endorsed for the same office by the State Teachers' Association in 1856, but was not formally nominated by a State Conven- tion. During his incumbency the Illinois com- mon school system was developed and brought to the state of efficiency which it> lias so well main- tained. He also prepared some seven volumes of biennial reports, portions of which have been republished in five different languages of Europe, besides a volume of "Common School Decisions," originally published by authority of the General Assembly, and of which several editions have since been issued. This volume lias been recog- nized by the courts, and is still regarded as authoritative on the subjects to which it relates. In addition to his official duties during a part of this period, for three years he served as editor of "The Illinois Teacher," and was one of a com- mittee of three which prepared tlie bill adopted by Congress creating the National Bureau of Education. Occupying a room in the old State Capitol at Springfield adjoining that used as an office by Abraham Lincoln during the first candi- dacy of the latter for the Presidency, in 1860. a I HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. close intimacy sprang up between the two men, which enabled the "School-master," as Mr. Lin- coln playfully called the Doctor, to acquire an insight into the character of the future emanci- pator of a race, enjoyed by few men of that time, and of which he gave evidence by his lectures full of interesting reminiscence and eloquent appreciation of the high character of the "Martyr President." A few months after his retirement from the State Superintendency (1875), Dr. Bate- man was offered and accepted the Presidency of Knox College at Galesburg, remaining until 1893, when he voluntarily tendered his resignation. This, after having been repeatedly urged upon the Board, was finally accepted ; but that body immediately, and by unanimous vote, appointed him President Emeritus and Professor of Mental and Moral Science, under which he continued to discharge his duties as a special lecturer as his health enabled him to do so. During his incum- bency as President of Knox College, he twice received a tender of the Presidency of Iowa State University and the Chancellorship of two other important State institutions. He also served, by appointment of successive Governors between 1877 and 1891, as a member of the State Board of Health, for four years of this period being Presi- dent of the Board. In February, 1878, Dr. Bate- man, unexpectedly and without solicitation on his part, received from President Hayes an appoint- ment as "Assay Commissioner" to examine and test the fineness and weight of United States coins, in accordance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 22, 1874, and discharged the duties assigned at the mint in Philadelphia. Never of a very strong physique, which was rather weakened by his privations while a stu- dent and his many years of close confinement to mental labor, towards the close of his life Dr. Bateman suffered much from a chest trouble which finally developed into "angina pectoris," or heart disease, from which, as the result of a most painful attack, he died at his home in Gales- burg, Oct. 21, 1897. The event produced the most profound sorrow, not only among his associ- ates in the Faculty and among the students of Knox College, but a large number of friends throughout the State, who had known him offi- cially or personally, and had learned to admire his many noble and beautiful traits of character. His funeral, which occurred at Galesburg on Oct. 25, called out an immense concourse of sorrowing friends. Almost the last labors per- formed by Dr. Bateman were in the revision of matter for this volume, in which he manifested the deepest interest from the time of his assump- tion of the duties of its Editor-in-Chief. At the time of his death he had the satisfaction of know- ing that his work in this field was practically complete. Dr. Bateman had been twice married, first in 1850 to Miss Sarah Dayton of Jacksonville, who died in 1857, and a second time in October, 1859, to Miss Annie N. Tyler, of Massachusetts (but for some time a teacher in Jacksonville Female Academy), who died, May 28, 1878. Clifford Rush (Bateman), a son of Dr. Bateman by his first marriage, was born at Jacksonville, March 7, 1854, graduated at Amherst College and later from the law department of Columbia Col- lege, New York, afterwards prosecuting his studies at Berlin, Heidelberg and Paris, finally becoming Professor of Administrative Law and Government in Columbia College a position especially created for him. He had filled this position a little over one year when his career which was one of great promise was cut short by death, Feb. 6, 1883. Three daughters of Dr. Bate- man survive all the wives of clergymen. P. S. BATES, Clara Doty, author, was born at Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 22, 1838; published her first book in 1868; the next year married Morgan Bates, a Chicago publisher; wrote much for juvenile periodicals, besides stories and poems, some of the most popular among the latter being "Blind Jakey" (1868) and "JEsop's Fables" in verse (1873). She was the collector of a model library for children, for the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Died in Chicago, Oct. 14, 1895. BATES, Uraslns Newton, soldier and State Treasurer, was born at Plainfield, Mass., Feb. 29, 1828, being descended from Pilgrims of the May- flower. When 8 years of age he was brought by his father to Ohio, where the latter soon after- ward died. For several years he lived with an uncle, preparing himself for college and earning money by teaching and manual labor. He gradu- ated from Williams College, Mass., in 1853, and commenced the study of law in New York City, but later removed to Minnesota, where he served as a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1856 and was elected to the State Senate in 1857. In 1859 he removed to Centralia, 111., and com- menced practice there in August, 1862; was com- missioned Major of the Eightieth Illinois Volunteers, being successively promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel, and finally brevetted Brigadier-General. For fifteen months he was a prisoner of war, escaping from Libby Prison only to be recaptured and later exposed to the fire of the Union batteries at Mor- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 39 ris Island, Charleston harbor. In 1866 he was elected to the Legislature, and, in 1868, State Treasurer, being re-elected to the latter office under the new Constitution of 1870, and serving until January, 1873. Died at Minneapolis, Minn., May 29, 1898, and was buried at Spring- field. BATES, George (.'., lawyer and politician, was born in Canandaigua, N. Y . and removed to Michigan in 1834 ; in 1849 was appointed United States District Attorney for that State, but re- moved to California in 1830, where he became a member of the celebrated "Vigilance Committee" at San Francisco, and, in 1856, delivered the first Republican speech there. From 1861 to 1871, he practiced law in Chicago; the latter year was appointed District Attorney for Utah, serving two years, in 1878 ^ removing to Denver, Colo., where he died, Feb. 11, 1886. Mr. Bates was an orator of much reputation, and was selected to express the thanks of the citizens of Chicago to Gen. B. J. Sweet, commandant of Camp Douglas, after the detection and defeat of the Camp Doug- las conspiracy in November, 1864 a duty which he performed in an address of great eloquence. At an early day he married the widow of Dr. Alexander Wolcott, for a number of years previ- ous to 1830 Indian Agent at Chicago, his wife being a daughter of John Kinzie, the first white settler of Chicago. BATH, a village of Mason County, on the Jacksonville branch of the Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis Railway, 8 miles south of Havana. Popu- lation (1880), 439; (1890), 384; (1900), 330. BATI.IS, a corporate village of Pike County, on the main line of the Wabash Railway, 40 miles southeast of Quinsy ; lias one newspaper. Popu- lation (1890), 368; (1900), 340. BAYLISS, Alfred, Superintendent of Public Instruction, was born about 1846, served as a private in the First Michigan Cavalry the last two years of the Civil War, and graduated from Hillsdale College (Mich.), in 1870, supporting himself during his college course by work upon a farm and teaching. After serving three years as County Superintendent of Schools in La Grange County, linl . in 1874 he came to Illinois and entered upon the vocation of a teacher in the northern part of the State. He served for some time as Superintendent of Schools for the city of Sterling, afterwards becoming Principal of the Township High School at Streator, where he was, in 1898, when he received the nomination for the office of Ptate Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, to which he was elected in November follow- ing by a plurality over his Democratic opponent of nearly 70,000 votes. BEARD, Thomas, pioneer and founder of the city of Bean 1st own, 111.,. was born in Granville, Washington County, N. Y., in 1795, taken to Northeastern Ohio in 1800, and, in 1818, removed to Illinois, living for a time about Edwardsville and Alton. In 1820 he went to the locality of the present city of Beardstown. and later estab- lished there the first ferry across the Illinois River. In 1827, in conjunction with Enoch March of Morgan County, he entered the land on which Beardstown was platted in 1829. Died, at Beardstown, in November, 1849. BEARDSTOWN, a city in Cass County, on the Illinois River, being the intersecting point for the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern and the Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy Railways, and the northwestern terminus of the former. It is 111 miles north of St. Louis and 90 miles south of Peoria. Thomas Beard, for whom the town wag named, settled here about 1820 and soon after- wards established the first ferry across the Illi- nois River. In 1827 the land was patented by Beard and Enoch March, and the town platted, and, during the Black Hawk War of 1832, it became a principal base of supplies for the Illi- nois volunteers. The city has six churches and three schools (including a high school), two banks and two daily newspapers. Several branches of manufacturing are carried on here flouring and saw mills, cooperage works, an axe-handle fac- tory, two button factories, two stave factories, one shoe factory, large machine shops, and others of less importance. The river is spanned here by a fine railroad bridge, costing some $300,000. Population (1B90), 4,226; (1900), 4,827. ItV.U HIKN, Jean Baptiste, the second per* manent settler on the site of Chicago, was born at Detroit in 1780, became clerk of a fur-trader on Grand River, married an Ottawa woman for his first wife, and, in 1800, had a trading-post at Mil* waukee, which he maintained until 1818. Ha visited Chicago as early as 1804, bought a cabin there soon after the Fort Dearborn massacre ot 1812, married the daughter of Francis La Fram- boise, a French trader, and, in 1818, became agent of the American Fur Company, having charge of trading posts at Mackinaw and else* where. After 1823 he occupied the building known as "the factory," just outside of Fort Dear* born, which had belonged to the Government, but removed to a farm on the Des Plaines in 1840. Out of the ownership of this building grew his claim to the right, in 1835, to enter seventy-five 40 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. acres of land belonging to the Fort Dearborn reservation. The claim was allowed by the Land Office officials and sustained by the State courts, but disallowed by the Supreme Court of the United States after long litigation. An attempt was made to revive this claim in Congress in 1878, but it was reported upon adversely by a Senate Committee of which the late Senator Thomas F. Bayard was chairman. Mr. Beaubien was evidently a man of no little prominence in his day. He led a company of Chicago citizens to the Black Hawk War in 1832, was appointed by the Governor the first Colonel of Militia for Cook County, and, in 1850, was commissioned Brigadier-General. In 1858 he removed to Nash- ville, Tenn.. and died there, Jan. 5, 1863. Mark (Beaubien), a younger brother of Gen. Beaubien, was born in Detroit in 1800, came to Chicago in 1826, and bought a log house of James Kinzie, in which he kept a hotel for some time. Later, he erected the first frame building in Chicago, which was known as the "Sauganash," and in which he kept a hotel until 1834. He also engaged in mer- chandising, but was not successful, ran the first ferry across the South Branch of the Chicago River, and served for many years as lighthouse keeper at Chicago. About 1834 the Indians trans- ferred to him a reservation of 640 acres of land on the Calumet, for which, some forty years after- wards, he received a patent which had been signed by Martin Van Buren he having previ- ously been ignorant of its existence. He was married twice and had a family of twenty-two children. Died, at Kankakee, 111., April 16, 1881. Madore II. (Beaubien), the second son of General Beaubien by his Indian wife, was born on Grand River in Michigan, July 15, 1809, joined his father in Chicago, was educated in a Baptist Mission School where Niles, Mich., now stands; was licensed as a merchant in Chicago in 1831, but failed as a business man; served as Second Lieutenant of the Naperville Company in the Black Hawk War, and later was First Lieutenant of a Chicago Company. His first wife was ;\. white woman, from whom he separated, after- wards marrying an Indian woman. He left Illi- nois with the Pottawatomies in 1840, resided at Council Bluffs and. later, in Kansas, being for many years the official interpreter of the tribe and, for some time, one of six Commissioners employed by the Indians to look after their affairs with the United States Government. Alexander (Beaubien). son of General Beau- bien by his white wife, was born in one of the buildings belonging to Fort Dearborn, Jan. 28, 1822. In 1840 he accompanied his father to his farm on the Des Plaines, but returned to Chicago in 1862, and for years past has been employed on the Chicago police force. BEBB, William, Governor of Ohio, was born in Hamilton County in that State in 1802; taught school at North Bend, the home of William Henry Harrison, studied law and practiced at Hamilton ; served as Governor of Ohio, 1846-48; later led a Welsh colony to Tennessee, but left at the out- break of the Civil War, removing to Winnebago County, 111., where he had purchased a large body of land. He was a man of uncompromising loyalty and high principle ; served as Examiner of Pensions by appointment of President Lincoln and, in 1868, took a prominent part in the cam- paign which resulted in Grant's first election to the Presidency. Died at Rockford, Oct. 23, 1873. A daughter of Governor Bebb married Hon. John P. Reynolds, for many years the Secretary of the Illinois State Agricultural Society, and, during the World's Columbian Exposition, Director-in-Chief of the Illinois Board of World's Fair Commissioners. BECKER, Charles St. >., ex-State Treasurer, was born in Germany. June 14, 1840, and brought to this country by his i>arents at the age of 11 years, the family settling in St. Clair County. 111. Early in the Civil War he enlisted in the Twelfth Missouri regiment, and, at the battle of Pea Ridge, was so severely wounded that it was found necessary to amputate one of his legs. In 1866 he was elected Sheriff of St. Clair County, and, from 1872 to 1880, he served as clerk of the St. Clair Circuit Court. He also served several terms as a City Councilman of Belleville. In 1888 he was elected State Treasurer on the Republican ticket, serving from Jan. 14, 1889, to Jan. 12, 1891. BECKWITH, Corydon, lawyer and jurist, was l>orn in Vermont in 1823, and educated at Provi- dence, R. I. , and Wrentham, Mass. He read law and was admitted to the bar in St. Albans, Vt., where he practiced for two years. In 1853 he removed to Chicago, and, in January, 1864, was appointed by Governor Yates a Justice of the Supreme Court, to fill the five remaining months of the unexpired term of Judge Caton. who had resigned. On retiring from the bench he re- sumed private practice. Died, August 1H, 189(1. BECKWITH, Hiram Williams, lawyer and author, was born at Danville, 111., March 5. 1H33. Mr. Beckwith's father. Dan W. Beckwith, a pio- neer settler of Eastern Illinois and one of the founders of the city of Danville, was a native of Wyalusing, Pa., where he was born about 1789, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 41 his mother being, in her girlhood, Hannah York, one of the survivors of the famous Wyoming massacre of 1778. In 1817, the senior Beckwith, iu company with his brother George, descended the Ohio River, afterwards ascending the Wabash to where Terre Haute now stands, but finally locating in what is now a part of Edgar County, III. A year later he removed to the vicinity of the present site of the city of Danville. Having been employed for a time in a surveyor's corps, he finally became a surveyor himself, and, on the organization of Vermilion County, served for a time as County Surveyor by appointment of the Governor, and was also employed by the General Government in surveying lands in the eastern part of the State, some of the Indian reservations in that section of the State being set off by him. In connection with Guy W. Smith, then "Receiver of Public Moneys in the Land Office at Palestine, 111., he donated the ground on which the county-seat of Vermilion County was located, and it took the name of Dan- ville from his first name "Dan." In 1830 he was elected Representative in the State Legisla- ture for the District composed of Clark, Edgar, and Vermilion Counties, then including all that section of the State between Crawford County and the Kankakee River. He died in 1835. Hiram, the subject of this sketch, thus left fatherless at less than three years of age, received only such education as was afforded in the com- mon schools of that period. Nevertheless, he began the study of law in the Danville office of Lincoln & Lamon, and was admitted to practice in 1854, 'about the time of reaching his majority. He continued in their office and, on the removal of Lamon to Bloomington in 1859, he succeeded to the business of the firm at Danville. Mr. Lamon who, on Mr. Lincoln's accession to the Presidency in 1861, became Marshal of the Dis- trict of Columbia was distantly related to Mr. Beckwith by a second marriage of the mother of the latter. While engaged in the practice of his profession, Mr. Beckwith has been over thirty years a zealous collector of records and other material liearing upon the early history of Illinois and the Northwest, and is probably now the owner of one of the most complete and valuable collections of Americana in Illinois. He is also the author of several monographs on historic themes, including "The Winnebago War," "The Illinois and Indiana Indians," and "Historic Notes of the Northwest," published in the "Fer- gus Series." besides having edited an edition of "Reynolds' History of Illinois" (published by the same firm) , which he has enriched by the addition of valuable notes. During 1895-96 he contributed a series of valuable articles to "The Chicago Tribune" on various features of early Illinois and Northwest history. In 1890 he was appointed by Governor Fifer a member of the first Board of Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library, serving until the expiration of his term in 1894, and was re-appointed to the same position by Governor Tanner in 1897, in each case being chosen President of the Board. BEECHEB, Charles A., attorney and railway solicitor, was born in Herkimer County, N. Y., August 37, 1829, but, in 1836, removed with his family to Licking County, Ohio, where he lived upon a farm until he reached the age of 18 years. Having taken a course in the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, in 1854 he removed to Illinois, locating at Fairfield, Wayne County, and began the study of law in the office of his brother, Edwin Beecher, being admitted to prac- tice in 1855. In 1867 he united with others in the organization of the Illinois Southeastern Rail- road projected from Shawneetown to Edgewood on the Illinois Central in Effingham County. This enterprise was consolidated, a year or two later, with the Pana, Springfield & Northwest- ern, taking the name of the Springfield & Illinois Southeastern, under which name it was con- structed and opened for traffic in 1871. (This line which Mr. Beecher served for some time as Vice- President now constitutes the Beards- town & Shawneetown Division of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern.) The Springfield & Illi- nois Southeastern Company having fallen into financial difficulty in 1873, Mr. Beecher was appointed receiver of the road, and, for a time, had control of its operation as agent for the bond- holders. In 1875 the line was conveyed to the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad (now a part of the Baltimore & Ohio), when Mr. Beecher became General Counsel of the controlling corporation, so remaining until 1888. Since that date he lias been one of the assistant counsel of the Baltimore & Ohio system. His present home is in Cincin- nati, although for over a quarter of a century he has been prominently identified with one of the most important railway enterprises in Southern Illinois. In politics Mr. Beecher has always been a Republican, and was one of the few in Wayne County who voted for Fremont in 1856, and for Lincoln in 1860. He was also a member of the Republican State Central Committee of Illinois from 1860 for a period of ten or twelve vears. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. BEECHER, Edward, D. I)., clergyman and educator, was born at East Hampton, L. I., August 27, 1803 the son of Rev. Lyman Beecher and the elder brother of Henry Ward ; graduated at Yale College in 1832, taught for over a year at Hartford, Conn., studied theology, and after a year's service as tutor in Yale College, in 1826 was ordalhed pastor of the Park Street Congregational Church in Boston. In 1830 he became President of Illinois College at Jacksonville, remaining until 1844, when he resigned and returned to Boston, serving as pastor of the Salem Street Church in that city until 1856, also acting as senior editor of "The Congregationalist' ' for four years. In 1856 he returned to Illinois as pastor of the First Con- gregational Church at Galesburg, continuing until 1871, when he removed to Brooklyn, where he resided without pastoral charge, except 1885- 89, when he was pastor of the Parkville Congre- gational Church. While President of Illinois College, that institution was exposed to much hostile criticism on account of his outspoken opposition to slavery, as shown by his participa- tion in founding the first Illinois State Anti- Slavery Society and his eloquent denunciation of the murder of Elijah P. Lovejoy. Next to his brother Henry Ward, he was probably the most powerful orator belonging to that gifted family, and. in connection with his able associates in the faculty of the Illinois College, assisted to give that institution a wide reputation as a nursery of independent thought. Up to a short time before his death, he was a prolific writer, his productions (besides editorials, reviews and con- tributions on a variety of subjects) including nine or ten volumes, of which the most impor- tant are: "Statement of Anti-Slavery Principles and Address to the People of Illinois" (1837); "A Plea for Illinois College"; "History of the Alton Riots" (1838); "The Concord of Ages" (1853); "The Conflict of Ages" (1854); "Papal Conspiracy Exposed" (1854), besides a number of others invariably on religious or anti-slavery topics. Died in Brooklyn, July 28, 1895. BEECHER, William H., clergyman oldest son of Rev. Lyman Beecher and brother of Edward and Henry Ward was born at East Hampton, N. Y., educated at home and at An- dover, became a Congregationalist clergyman, occupying pulpits at Newport. R. I., Batavia, N. Y.. and Cleveland, Ohio; came to Chicago in his later years, dying at the home of his daugh- ters in that city, June 23. 1889. BEGGS, (Rev.) Stephen R., pioneer Methodist Episcopal preacher, was born in Buckingham County, Va., March 30, 1801. His father, who was opposed to slavery, moved to Kentucky in 1805, but remained there only two years, when he removed to Clark County, Ind. The son enjoyed but poor educational advantages here, obtaining his education chiefly by his own efforts in what he called "Brush College." At the age of 21 he entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, during the next ten years traveling different circuits in Indiana. In 1831 he was appointed to Chicago, but the Black Hawk War coming on immediately thereafter, he retired to Plainfleld. Later he traveled various circuits in Illinois, until 1868, when he was superannuated, occupying his time thereafter in writing remi- niscences of his early history. A volume of this character published by him, was entitled "Pages from the Early History of the West and North- west." He died at Plainfield, 111., Sept. 9, 1895, in the 95th year of his age. BEIDLER, Henry, early settler, was born of German extraction in Bucks County, Pa., Nov. 27, 1812; came to Illinois in 1843, settling first at Springfield, where he carried on the grocery business for five years, then removed to Chicago and engaged in the lumber trade in connection with a brother, afterwards carrying on a large lumber manufacturing business at Muskegon, Mich., which proved very profitable. In 1871 Mr. Beidler retired from the lumber trade, in- vesting largely in west side real estate in the city of Chicago, which appreciated rapidly in value, making him one of the most wealthy real estate owners in Chicago. Died, March 16, 1893. Jacob (Beidler), brother of the preceding, was born in Bucks County, Penn., in 1815; came west in 1842, first began working as a carpenter, but later engaged in the grocery business with his brother at Springfield, 111. ; in 1844 removed to Chicago, where he was joined by his brother four years later, when they engaged largely in the lumber trade. Mr. Beidler retired from business in 1891, devoting his attention to large real estate investments. He was a liberal contributor to religious, educational and benevolent institutions. Died in Chicago, March 15, 1898. BELFIELD, Henry Holmes, educator, was born in Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1837; was educated at an Iowa College, and for a time was tutor in the same ; during the War of the Rebellion served in the army of the Cumberland, first as Lieuten- ant and afterwards as Adjutant of the Eighth Iowa Cavalry, still later lieing upon the staff of Gen. E. M. McCook, and taking part in the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Atlanta and Nashville campaigns. While a prisoner in the hands of the rebels he was placed under fire of the Union batteries at Charleston. Coming to Chicago in 1866, he served as Principal in various public schools, including the North Division High School. He was one of the earli- est advocates of manual training, and, on the establishment of the Chicago Manual Training School in 1884, was appointed its Director a position which he has continued to occupy. During 1891-92 he made a trip to Europe by appointment of the Government, to investigate the school systems in European countries. BELKNAP, Hugh Reid, ex-Member of Congress, was born in Keokuk, Iowa, Sept. 1, 1860, being the son of W. W. Belknap, for some time Secre- tary of War under President Grant. After attending the public schools of his native city, he took a course at Adams Academy, Quincy, Mass., and at Phillips Academy, Andover, when he entered the service of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, where he remained twelve years in various departments, finally becoming Chief Clerk of the General Manager. In 1892 he retired from this position to become Superintendent of the South Side Elevated Railroad of Chicago. He never held any political position until nomi- nated (1894) as a Republican for the Fifty-fourth Congress, in the strongly Democratic Third Dis- trict of Chicago. Although the returns showed a plurality of thirty -one votes for his Democratic opponent (Lawrence McGann), a recount proved him elected, when, Mr. McGann having volun- tarily withdrawn, Mr. Belknap was unanimously awarded the seat. In 1896 he was re-elected from a District usually strongly Democratic, receiving a plurality of 590 votes, but was defeated by his Democratic opponent in 1898, retir- ing from Congress, March 3, 1899, when he re- ceived an appointment as Paymaster in the Army from President McKinley, with the rank of Major. BELL, Robert, lawyer, was born in Lawrence County, 111., in 1829, educated at Mount Carmel and Indiana State University at Bloomington, graduating from the law department of the latter in 1855; while yet in his minority edited "The Mount Carmel Register," during 1851-52 becoming joint owner and editor of the same with his brother, Victor D. Bell. After gradu- ation he opened an office at Fairfield, Wayne County, but. in 1857, returned to Mount Carmel and from 1864 was the partner of Judge E. B. Green, until the appointment of the latter Chief Justice of Oklahoma by President Harrison in 1890. In 1869 Mr. Bell was appointed County Judge of Lawrence County, being elected to the same office in 1894. He was also President of the Illinois Southern Railroad Company until it was merged into the Cairo & Vincennes Road in 1867 ; later became President of the St. Louis & Mt. Carmel Railroad, now a part of the Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis line, and secured the construction of the division from Princeton, Ind., to Albion, 111. In 1876 he visited California as Special Agent of the Treasury Department to investigate alleged frauds in the Revenue Districts on the Pacific Coast; in 1878 was an unsuccessful candidate for Congress on the Republican ticket in the strong Democratic Nineteenth District; was appointed, the same year, a member of the Republican State Central Committee for the. State-at-large, and, in 1881, officiated by appointment of President Garfield, as Commissioner to examine a section of the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad in New Mexico. Judge Bell is a gifted stump-speaker and is known in the southeastern part of the State as the "Silver-tongued Orator of the Wabash." BELLEVILLE, the county-seat of St. Clair County, a city and railroad center, 14 miles south of east from St. Louis. It is one of the oldest towns in the State, having been selected as the county-seat in 1814 and platted in 1815. It lies in the center of a rich agricultural and coal-bear- ing district and contains numerous factories of various descriptions, including flouring mills, a nail mill, glass works and shoe factories. It has five newspaper establishments, two being Ger- man, whicb issue daily editions. Its commercial and educational facilities are exceptionally good. Its population is largely of German descent. Population (1890). 15,361 ; (1900). 17,484. BELLEVILLE, CEMTRALIA & EASTERN RAILROAD. (See Louisritle, Eransrille * St. Louis (CimsoliJuti'd) Kailroad.) BELLEVILLE A- CARONDELET RAILROAD, a short line of road extending from Belleville to East Carondelet. 111. , 17. 3 miles. It was chartered Feb. 20, 1881, and leased to the St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad Company, June 1, 1883. The annual rental is $30,000, a sum equivalent to the interest on the bonded debt. The capital stock (1895) is 500,0(10 and the bonded debt $485,- 000. In addition to these sums the floating debt swells the entire capitalization to $995,054 or $57,- 317 per mile. BELLEVILLE i ELDORADO RAILROAD, a road 50.4 miles in length running from Belle- ville to Duquoin, 111. It was chartered Feb. 22. 1861, and completed Oct. 31, 1871. On July 1, L. 44 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 1880, it was leased to the St Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad Company for 486 years, and has since been operated by that corporation in connection with its Belleville branch, from East St. Louis to Belleville. At Eldorado the road intersects the Cairo & Vincennes Railroad and the Shawneetown branch of the St. Louis & Southeastern Railroad, operated by the Louisville & Npshville Railroad Company. Its capital stock (1895) is $1,000,000 and its bonded debt $550,000. The corporate office is at Belleville. BELLEVILLE * ILL1NOISTOWN RAILROAD. (See St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Ruilroail.) BELLEVILLE & SOUTHERN ILLINOIS RAILROAD, a road (laid with steel rails) run- ning from Belleville to Duquoin, 111., 56.4 miles in length. It was chartered Feb. 15, 1857, and completed Dec. 15, 1873. At Duquoin it connects with the Illinois Central and forms a short line between St. Louis and Cairo. Oct. 1, 1866, it was leased to the St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad Company for 999 years. The capital stock is $1,692,000 and the bonded debt $1,000,- 000. The corporate office is at Belleville. BELLMONT, a village of Wabash County, on the Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis Railway, 9 miles west of Mount Carmel. Population (1880), 350; (1890), 487; (1900), 624. BELT RAILWAY COMPANY OF CHICAGO, THE, a corporation chartered, Nov. 22, 1882, and the lessee of the Belt Division of the Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad (which see). Its total trackage (all of standard gauge and laid with 66- pound steel rails) is 93.26 miles, distributed as fol- lows: Auburn Junction to Chicago, Milwaukee & St. PaulJunction, 15.9 miles; branches from Pull- man Junction to Irondale, 111., etc., 5.41 miles; second track, 14.1 miles; sidings, 57.85 miles. The cost of construction has been 524,549; capi- tal stock, $1,200,000. It has no funded debt. The earnings for the year ending June 30, 1895, were $556,847, the operating expenses $378,012, and the taxes $51,009. BELVIDERE,an incorporated city, the county- seat of Boone County, situated on the Kishwau- kee River, and on two divisions of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, 78 miles west-northwest of Chicago and 14 miles east of Rockford ; is con- nected with the latter city by electric railroad. The city has twelve churches, five graded schools, and three banks (two national). Two daily and two semi-weekly papers are published here. Bel- videre also has very considerable manufacturing interests, including manufactories of sewing ma- chines, bicycles, automobiles, besides a large milk-condensing factory and two creameries. Population (1890), 3,807; (1900), 6,937. BEMENT, a village in Piatt County, at inter- section of main line and Chicago Division of Wabash Railroad, 20 miles east of Decatur and 166 miles south -south west of Chicago; in agri- cultural and stock-raising district; has three grain elevators, broom factory, water- works, elec- tric-light plant, four churches, two bunks and weekly paper. Pop. (1890), 1,129; (1BOO), 1,484. lit! VI V M I V Renhen Moore, lawyer, born at Chatham Centre, Columbia County, N. Y., June 29, 1833; was educated at Amherst College, Am- lierst, Mass. ; spent one year in the law depart- ment of Harvard, another as tutor at Amherst and, in 1856, came to Bloomington, 111., where, on an examination certificate furnished by Abraham Lincoln, he was licensed to practice. The first public office held by Mr. Benjamin was that of Delegate to the State Constitutional Convention of 1869-70, in which he took a prominent part in shaping the provisions of the new Constitution relating to corporations. In 1873 he was chosen County Judge of McLean County, by repeated re-elections holding the position until 1886, when he resumed private practice. For more than twenty years he lias been connected with the law department of Wesleyan University at Blooming- ton, a part of the time being Dean of the Faculty ; is also the author of several volumes of legal text-books. BENNETT MEDICAL COLLEGE, an Eclectic Medical School of Chicago, incorporated by special charter and opened in the autumn of 1868. Its first sessions were held in two large rooms ; its faculty consisted of seven professors, and there were thirty matriculates. More com- modious quarters were secured the following year, and a still better home after the fire of 1871, in which all the college property was destroyed. Another change of location was made in 1874. In 1890 the property then owned was sold and a new college building, in connection with a hos- pital, erected in a more quiet quarter of the city. A free dispensary is conducted by the college. The teaching faculty (1896) consists of nineteen professors, with four assistants and demonstra- tors. Women are admitted as pupils on equal terms with men. BENT, Charles, journalist, was born in Chi- cago, Dec. 8, 1844, but removed with his family, in 1856, to Morrison, Whiteside County, where, two years later, he became an apprentice to the printing business in the office of "The Whiteside Sentinel." In June, 1864, he enlisted as a soldier HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 45 in the One Hundred and Fortieth Illinois (100- ilsvys' regiment) and, on the expiration of his term of service, re-enlisted in the One Hundred and Forty -seventh Illinois, being mustered out at Savannah, Ga., in January, 1866, with the rank of Second Lieutenant. Then resuming his voca- tion as a printer, in July, 1867, he purchased the office of "The Whiteside Sentinel," in which he learned his trade, and has since been the editor of that paper, except during 1877-79 while engaged in writing a "History of Whiteside County." He is a charter member of the local Grand Army Post and served on the staff of the Department Commander ; was Assistant Assessor of Internal Revenue during 1870-73, and, in 1878, was elected as a Republican to the State Senate for White- side and Carroll Counties, serving four years. Other positions held by him include the office of City Alderman, member of the State Board of Canal Commissioners (1883-85) and Commissioner of the Joliet Penitentiary (1889-93). He has also been a member of the Republican State Central Committee and served as its Chairman 1886-88. HKXTO>, county-seat of Franklin County, on 111. Cent, and Chi. & E. 111. Railroads; has electric- light plant, water-works, saddle and harness fac- tory, two banks, two flouring mills, shale brick and tile works (projected), four churches and three weekly papers. Pop. (1890), 939;(190U), 1,341. HKKIIAN, James, lawyer and County Judge, was born in New York City, July 4, 1805, and educated at Columbia and Yale Colleges, gradu- ating from the latter in the class of 1824. His father, James Berdan, Sr , came west in the fall of 1819 as one of the agents of a New York Emigration Society, and, in January, 1820, visited the vicinity of the present site of Jacksonville, 111., but died soon after his return, in part from exposure incurred during his long and arduous winter journey. Thirteen years later (1832) his son, the subject of this sketch, came to the same region, and Jacksonville became his home for the remainder of his life. Mr. Berdan was a well- read lawyer, as well as a man of high principle and sound culture, with pure literary and social tastes. Although possessing unusual capabilities, his refinement of character and dislike of osten- tation made him seek rather the association and esteem of friends than public office. In 1849 he was elected County Judge of Morgan County, serving by a second election until 1857. Later he was Secretary for several years of the Tonica & Petersburg Railroad (at that time in course of construction), serving until it was merged into the St. Louis, Jacksonville & Chicago Railroad, now constituting a part of the Jacksonville di- vision of the Chicago & Alton Railroad: also served for many years as a Trustee of Illinois College. In the latter years of his life he was, for a considerable period, the law partner of ex-Gov- ernor and ex-Senator Richard Yates. Judge Berdan was the ardent political friend and admirer of Abraham Lincoln, as well as an inti- mate friend and frequent correspondent of the poet Longfellow, besides being the correspondent, during a long period of his life, of a number of other prominent literary men. Pierre Irving, the nephew and biographer of Washington Irving, was his brother-in-law through the marriage of a favorite sister. Judge Berdan died at Jackson- ville, August 24, 1884. BERGEN, (Rev.) John <;., pioneer clergyman, was born at Hightstown, N. J., Nov. 27, 179(1; studied theology, and. after two years' service as tutor at Princeton and sixteen years as pastor of a Presbyterian church at Madison, N. J., in 1828 came to Springfield, 111., and assisted in the erection of the first Protestant church in the central part of the State, of which he remained pastor until 1848. Died, at Springfield. Jan. 17, 1872. BERGGREN, Augustus W., legislator, born in Sweden, August 17, 1840; came to the United States at Hi years of age and located at Oneida. Knox County, 111. , afterwards removing to Gales- burg; held various offices, including that of Sheriff 01 Knox County (1873-81), State Senator (1881-89) serving as President pro tern, of the Senate 1887-89, and was Warden of the State penitentiary at Joliet. 1HHK-91. He was for many years the very able and efficient President of the Covenant Mutual Life Association of Illinois, and is now its Treasurer. BERGIER, (Rev.) J, a secular priest, born in France, and an early missionary in Illinois. He labored among the Tamaroas. bei ng in charge of the mission at Cahokia from 1700 to his death in 1710. BERRY, Orville F., lawyer and legislator, was born in McDonough County, 111., Feb. 16, 1852: early left an orphan and, after working for some time on a fann, removed to Carthage, Hancock County, where he read law and was admitted to the bar in 1877; in 1883 was elected Mayor of Carthage and twice re-elected ; was elected to the State Senate in 1888 and '92, and, in 1891, took a prominent part in securing the enactment of the compulsory education clause in the common school law. Mr. Berry presided over the Repub- lican State Convention of 1H96, the same year was a candidate for re-election to the State Senat*. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. but the certificate was awarded to his Democratic competitor, who was declared elected by 164 plurality. On a contest before the Senate at the first session of the Fortieth General Assembly, the seat was awarded to Mr. Berry on the ground of illegality in the rulings of the Secretary of State affecting the vote of his opponent. IlKHKY. (Col.) William W., lawyer and sol- dier, was born in Kentucky, Feb. 22, 1834, and educated at Oxford, Ohio. His home being then in Covington, he studied law in Cincinnati, and, at the age of 23, began practice at Louisville, Ky. , being married two years later to Miss Georgie Hewitt of Frankfort. Early in 1861 he entered the Civil War on the Union side as Major of the Louisville Legion, and subsequently served in the Army of the Cumberland, marching to the sea with Sherman and, during the period of his service, receiving four wounds. After the close of the war he was offered the position of Gov- ernor of one of the Territories, but, determining not to go further west than Illinois, declined. For three years he was located and in practice at Winchester, 111. , but removed to Quincy in 1874, where he afterwards resided. He always took a warm interest in politics and, in local affairs, was a leader of his party. He was an organizer of the G. A. R. Post at Quincy and its first Com-' inander, and, in 1884-85, served as Commander of the State Department of the G. A. R. He organ- ized a Young Men's Republican Club, as he believed that the young minds should take an active part in politics. He was one of the com- mittee of seven appointed by the Governor to locate the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home for Illinois, and, after spending six months inspecting vari- ous sites offered, the institution was finally located at Quincy; was also Trustee of Knox College, at Galesburg, for several years. He was frequently urged by his party friends to run for public office, but it was so much against his nature to ask for even one vote, that he would not consent. He died at his home in Quincy, much regretted, May 6, 1895. BESTOK, George C., legislator, born in Wash- ington City, April 11, 1811; was assistant docu- ment clerk in the House of Representatives eight years; came to Illinois in 1835 and engaged in real estate business at Peoria; was twice ap- pointed Postmaster of that city (1842 and 1861) and three times elerted Mayor; served as finan- cial agent of the Peoria & Oqua wka ( now Chicago, Burlington & Quinoy Railroad), anda Director of the Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw ; a delegate to the Whig National Convention of 1852; a State Senator (1858-62), and an ardent friend of Abra- ham Lincoln. Died, in Washington, May 14, 1872, while prosecuting a claim against the Government for the construction of gunboats during the war. BETHALTO, a village of Madison County, on the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway, 25 miles north of St. Louis. Popula- tion (1880), 628; (1890), 879; (1900), 477. BETHANY, a village of Moultrie County, on Peoria Division 111. Cent. Railroad, 18 miles south- east of Decatur ; in farming district ; has one news- paper and four churches. Pop. , mostly American born. (1890), 688; (1900), 873; (1903, est.), 900. BETT1E STUART INSTITUTE, an institu- tion for young ladies at Springfield, 111. , founded in 1868 by Mrs. Mary McKee Homes, who con- ducted it for some twenty years, until her death. Its report for 1898 shows a faculty often instruct- ors and 125 pupils. Its property is valued at $23,500. Its course of instruction embraces the preparatory and classical branches, together with music, oratory and fine arts. BEVERIDOE, James H., State Treasurer, was born in Washington County, N. Y., in 1828; served as State Treasurer, 1865-67, later acted as Secretary of the Commission which built the State Capitol. His later years were spent in superintending a large dairy farm near Sandwich, De Kalb County, where he died in January, 1896. BETERIDOE, John L., ex-Governor, was born in Greenwich. N. Y., July 6, 1824; came to Illi- nois, 1842, and, after spending some two years in Granville Academy and Rock River Seminary, went to Tennessee, where he engaged in teaching while studying law. Having been admitted to the bar, he returned to Illinois in 1851, first locat- ing at Sycamore, but three years later established himself in Chicago. During the first year of the war he assisted to raise the Eighth Regiment Illi- nois Cavalry, and was commissioned first as Cap- tain and still later Major; two years later became Colonel of the Seventeenth Cavalry, which he commanded to the close of the war, being mustered out, February, 1866, with the rank of brevet Brigadier-General. After the war he held the office of Sheriff of Cook County four years; in 1870 was elected to the State Senate, and, in the following year. Congressman-at-large to succeed General Logau, elected to the United States Senate; resigned this office in January. 1873, having been elected Lieutenant-Governor. and a few weeks later succeeded to the govern- orship by the election of Governor Oglesby to the United States Senate. In 18H1 he was appointed. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 47 by President Arthur, Assistant United States Treasurer for Chicago, serving until after Cleve- land's first election. His present home (1898), is near Los Angeles, Cal. BIENVILLE, Jean Baptiste le Mojne, Sieur de, was born at Montreal, Canada, Feb. 23, 1680, and was the French Governor of Louisiana at the time the Illinois country was included in that province. He had several brothers, a number of whom played important parts in the early history of the province. Bienville first visited Louisi- ana, in company with his brother Iberville, in 1698, their object being to establish a French colony near the mouth of the Mississippi. The first settlement was made at Biloxi, Dec. 6, 1699, and Sanvolle, another brother, was placed in charge. The latter was afterward made Governor of Louisiana, and, at his death (1701), he was succeeded by Bienville, who transferred the seat of government to Mobile. In 1704 he was joined by his brother Chateaugay, who brought seven- teen settlers from Canada. Soon afterwards Iberville died, and Bienville was recalled to France in 1707, but was reinstated the following year. Finding the Indians worthless as tillers of the soil, he seriously suggested to the home gov- ernment the expediency of trading off the copper- colored aborigines for negroes from the West Indies, three Indians to be reckoned as equiva- lent to two blacks. In 1713 Cadillac was sent out as Governor, Bienville being made Lieutenant- Governor. The two quarreled. Cadillac was superseded by Epinay in 1717, and, in 1718, Law's first expedition arrived (see Company of the West), and brought a Governor's commission for Bienville. The latter soon after founded New Orleans, which became the seat of government for the province (which then included Illinois), in 1723. In January, 1724, he was again summoned to France to answer charges; was removed in disgrace in 1726, but reinstated in 1733 and given the rank of Lieutenant-General. Failing in vari- ous expeditions against the Chickasaw Indians, he was again superseded in 1743, returning to France, where he died in 1768. BltKJS, William, pioneer, -Judge and legislator, was born in Maryland in 1753, enlisted in the Revolutionary army, and served as an officer under Colonel George Rogers Clark in the expe- dition for the capture of Illinois from the British in 1778. He settled in Bellefontaine (now Monroe County) soon after the close of the war. He was Sheriff of St. Clair County for many years, and later Justice of the Peace and Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He also represented his county in the Territorial Legislatures of In- diana and Illinois. Died, in St. Clair County, in 1827. HI<;i;S YILLE. a village of Henderson County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. 15 miles northeast of Burlington ; has a bank and two newspapers; considerable grain and live- stock are shipped here. Population (1880), 358; (1890), 487; (1900), 417. Bid MUDDY RIVER, a stream formed by the union of two branches which rise in Jefferson County. It runs south and southwest through Franklin and Jackson Counties, and enters the Mississippi about five miles below Grand Tower. Its length is estimated at 140 miles. BILLIN6S, Albert Merrltt, capitalist, was born in New Hampshire, April 19, 1814, educated in the common schools of his native State and Vermont, and, at the age of 22, became Sheriff of Windsor County, Vt., Later he was proprietor for a time of the mail stage-coach line between Concord, N. H. , and Boston, but, having sold out, invested his means in the securities of the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St jp-.iul Railway and became identified with the bjfsfness interests of Chicago. In the '50's he became associated with Cornelius K. Garrison in the People's Gas Company of Chi- cago, of which he served as President from 1859 to 1888. In 1890 Mr. Billings became extensively interested in the street railway enterprises of Mr. C. B. Holmes, resulting in his becoming the pro- prietor of the street railway system at Memphis, Tenn., valued, in 1897, at $3,000,000. In early life he had been associated with Commodore Vanderbilt in the operation of the Hudson River steamboat lines of the latter. In addition to his other business enterprises; he was principal owner and, during the last twenty-five years of his life, President of the Home National and Home Savings Banks of Chicago. Died, Feb. 7, 1897, leaving an estate valued at several millions of dollars. BILLINGS, Henry W., was born at Conway, Mass., July 11, 1814, graduated at Amherst Col- lege at twenty years of age, and began the study of law with Judge Foote, of Cleveland, Ohio, wa* admitted to the bar two yean later and practiced there some two years longer. He then removed to St. Louis, Mo., later resided for a time at Waterloo and Cairo, 111., but, in 1845, settled at Alton; was elected Mayor of that city in 1851, and the first Judge of the newly organized City Court, in 1859, serving in this position six years. In 1869 he was elected a Delegate from Madison County to the State Constitutional Convention of 48 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. . 1869-70, but died before the expiration of the ses- sion, on April 19, 1870. BIRKBECK, Morris, early colonist, was born in England about 1763 or 1763, emigrated t<> America in 1817, and settled in Edwards County, 111. He purchased a large tract of land and in- duced a large colony of English artisans, laborers and fanners to settle upon the same, founding the town of New Albion. He was an active, un- compromising opponent of slavery, and was an important factor in defeating the scheme to make Illinois a slave State. He was appointed Secre- tary of State by Governor Coles in October, 1824. but resigned at the end of three months, a hostile Legislature having refused to confirm him. A strong writer and a frequent contributor to the press, his letters and published works attracted attention both in this country and in Europe. Principal among the latter were: "Notes on a Journey Through France" (1815); "Notes on a Journey Through America" (1818), and "Letters from Illinois" (1818). Died from drowning in 1825. aged about 63 years. (See Slavery ami t
  • , Jonathan, clergyman and edu cator, was born in Rockingham, Vt., Jan. 19, 1811; graduated at Middlebury College in 1832; then, after teaching some time, spent two years in Amlover Theological Seminary, finally gradu- ating in theology at Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, in 1838, where he remained nine years as pastor of the Sixth Presbyterian Church of that city. Before this time he had become interested in various reforms, and, in 1843, was sent as a delegate to the second World's Anti-Slavery Convention in London, serving as the American Vice- President of that body. In 1846 he assumed the Presidency of Knox College at Galesburg, remaining until 1858, during his connection with that institution doing much to increase its capacity and resources. After two years spent in pastoral work, he accepted (1860) the Presidency of Wheaton College, which he continued to fill until 1882, when he was chosen President Emer- itus, remaining in this position until his death, May 14, 1892. BLAYDINSVILLE, a town in McDonongh County, on the Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw Rail- road, 26 miles southeast of Burlington, Iowa, and 64 miles west by south from Peoria. It is a ship- ping point for the grain grown in the surround- ing country, and has a grain elevator and steam flour and saw mills. It also has banks, two weekly newspapers and several churches. Popu- lation (JWV 877; (1900), 996. % HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 51 BLANEY, Jerome Van Zandt, early physician, born at Newcastle, Del., May 1, 1820; was edu- cated at Princeton and graduated in medicine at Philadelphia when too young to receive his diploma ; in 1843 came west and joined Dr. Daniel Brainard in founding Rush Medical College at Chicago, f6r a time filling three chairs in that institution ; also, for a time, occupied the chair of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy in Northwest- ern University. In 1861 he was appointed Sur- geon, and afterwards Medical Director, in the army, and was Surgeon -in-Chief on the staff of General Sheridan at the time of the battle of Winchester ; after the war was delegated by the Government to pay off medical officers in the Northwest, in this capacity disbursing over $600,- 000; finally retiring with the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Died. Dec. 11, 1874. BLATCHFORD, Eliphalet Wick.-. 1.I..I).. son of Dr. John Blatchford, was born at Stillwater, N. Y., May 31, 1826; being a grandson of Samuel Blatchford, D.D.,who came to New York from England, in 1795. He prepared for college at Lan- singburg Academy. New York, and at Marion College, Ma, finally graduating at Illinois College, Jacksonville, in the class of 1845. After graduat- ing, he was employed for several years in the law offices of his uncles, R. M. and E. H. Blatchford, New York. For considerations of health he re- turned to the West, and, in 1850, engaged in busi- ness for himself as a lead manufacturer in St. Louis, Mo., afterwards associating with him the late Morris Collins, under the firm name of Blatch- ford & Collins. In 1854 a branch was established in Chicago, known as Collins & Blatchford. After a few years the firm was dissolved, Mr. Blatch- ford taking the Chicago business, which has continued as E. W. Blatchford & Co to the pres- ent time. While Mr. Blatchford has invariably declined political offices, he has been recognized as a staunch Republican, and the services of few men have been in more frequent request for positions of trust in connection with educational and benevolent enterprises. Among the numer- ous positions of this character which he has been called to fill are those of Treasurer of the North- western Branch of the United States Sanitary Commission, during the Civil War, to which he devoted a large part of his time; Trustee of Illi- nois College (1866-75); President of the Chicago Academy of Sciences ; a member, and for seven- teen years President, of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Eye and Ear Infirmary ; Trustee of the Chicago Art Institute ; Executor and Trustee of the late Walter L. Newberry, and, since its incorporation, President of the Board of Trustees of The Newberry Library; Trustee of the John Crerar Library; one of the founders and Presi dent of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Manual Training School; life member of the Chicago Historical Society; for nearly forty years President of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Theological Seminary; during his resi- dence in Chicago an officer of the New England Congregational Church; a corporate member of the American Board of Commissioners for For- eign Missions, and for fourteen years its Vice- President; a charter member of the City Missionary Society, and of the Congregational Club of Chicago; a member of the Chicago Union League, the University, the Literary and the Commercial Clubs, of which latter he lias been President. Oct. 7, 1858, Mr. Blatchford was married to Miss Mary Emily Williams, daughter of John C.Williams, of Chicago. Seven children four sons and three daughters have blessed this union, the eldest son, Paul, being to-day one of Chicago's valued business men. Mr. Blatchford's life lias been one of ceaseless and successful activity in business, and to him Chicago owes much of its prosperity. In the giving of time and money for Christian, educational and benevo- lent enterprises, he has been conspicuous for his generosity, and noted for his valuable counsel and executive ability in carrying these enterprises to success. BLATCHFORD, John, D.D., was born at New- field (now Bridgeport), Conn., May 24, 1799; removed in childhood to Lansingburg, N. Y., and was educated at Cambridge Academy and Union College in that State, graduating in 1820. He finished his theological course at Princeton, N. J., in 1823, after which he ministered succes- sively to Presbyterian churches at Pittstown and Stillwater, N. Y., in 1830 accepting the pastorate of the First Congregational Church of Bridge- port, Conn. In 1836 he came to the West, spend- ing the following winter at Jacksonville, 111. , and, in 1837, was installed the first pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Chicago, where he remained until compelled by failing health to resign and return to the East. In 1841 he ac cepted the chair of Intellectual and Moral Phi- losophy at Marion College, Mo., subsequently assuming the Presidency. The institution having been purchased by the Free Masons, in 1844, he removed to West Ely, Mo., and thence, in 1847, to Quincy, 111., where he resided during the remainder of his life. His death occurred in St. Louis, April 8, 1855. The churches he served HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. testified strongly to Dr. Blatchford's faithful, acceptable and successful performance of his ministerial duties. He was married in 1825 to Frances Wickes, daughter of Eliphalet Wickes, Esq. , of Jamaica, Long Island, N. Y. BLEDSOE, Albert Taylor, teacher and law- yer, was born in Frankfort, Ky. , Nov. 9, 1809; graduated at West Point Military Academy in 1830, and, after two years' service at Fort Gib- son, Indian Territory, -retired from the army in 1832. During 1833-34 he was Adjunct Professor of Mathematics and teacher of French at Kenyon College, Ohio, and, in 1835-36, Professor of Mathematics at Miami University. Then, hav- ing studied theology, he served for several years as rector of Episcopal churches in Ohio. In 1838 he settled at Springfield, 111., and began the prac- tice of law, remaining several years, when he removed to Washington, D. C. Later he became Professor of Mathematics, first (1848-54) in the University of Mississippi, and (1854-61) in the University of Virginia. He then entered the Confederate service with the rank of Colonel, but soon became Acting Assistant Secretary of War ; in 1863 visited England to collect material for a work on the Constitution, which was pub- lished in 1866, when he settled at Baltimore, where he began the publication of "The Southern Review, " which became the recognized organ of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Later he became a minister of the Methodist Church. He gained considerable reputation for eloquence during his residence in Illinois, and was the author of a number of works on religious and political subjects, the latter maintaining the right of secession; was a man of recognized ability, but lacked stability of character. Died at Alexandria, Va., Dec. 8, 1877. BLOD6ETT, Henry William*, jurist, was born at Amherst, Mass., in 1821. At the age of 10 years he removed with his parents to Illinois, where he attended the district schools, later returning to Amherst to spend a year at the Academy. Returning home, he spent the years 1839-42 in teaching and surveying. In 1842 he began the study of law at Chicago, being admitted to the bar in 1845, and beginning prac- tice at Waukegan, 111., where he has continued to reside. In 1852 he was elected to the lower house of the Legislature from Lake County, as an anti-slavery candidate, and, in 1858, to the State Senate, in the latter serving four years. He gained distinction as a railroad solicitor, being employed at different times by the Chicago & Northwestern, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, the Michigan Southern and the Pittsburg & Fort Wayne Companies. Of the second named road he was one of the projectors, procuring its charter, and being identified with it in the sev- eral capacities of Attorney, Director and Presi- dent. In 1870 President Grant appointed him Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. This position he continued to occupy for twenty-two years, resign- ing it in 1892 to accept an appointment by Presi- dent Cleveland as one of the counsel for the United States before the Behring Sea Arbitrators at Paris, which was his last official service. BL001HINGDALE,a village of Du Page County, 30 miles west by north from Chicago. Population (1880), 226; (1890), 463; (1900), 235. BLOOKINQTON, the county-seat of McLean County, a flourishing city and railroad center, 59 miles northeast of Springfield ; is in a rich agri- cultural and coal-mining district. Besides car shops and repair works employing some 2,000 hands, there are manufactories of stoves, fur- naces, plows, flour, etc. Nurseries are numerous in the vicinity and horse breeding receives much attention. The city is the seat of Illinois Wee- leyan University, has fine public schools, several newspapers (two published daily), besides educa- tional and other publications. The business sec- tion suffered a disastrous fire in 1900, but has been rebuilt more substantially than before. The prin- cipal streets are paved and electric street cars con- nect with Normal (two miles distant), the site of the "State Normal University" and "Soldiers' Or- phans' Home." Pop. (1890), 20,284; (1900). 23.880. BLOOMINGTON CONTENTION OF 1856. Although not -formally called as such, this was the first Republican State Convention held in Illinois, out of which grew a permanent Repub- lican organization in the State. A mass conven- tion of those opposed to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise (known as an "Anti-Nebraska Convention") was held at Springfield during the week of the State Fair of*1854 (on Oct. 4 and 5), and, although it adopted a platform in harmony with the principles which afterwards became the foundation of the Republican party, and appointed a State Central Committee, besides putting in nomination a candidate for State Treasurer the only State officer elected that year the organi- zation was not perpetuated, the State Central Committee failing to organize. The Bloomington Convention of 1856 met in accordance with a call issued by a State Central Committee appointed by the Convention of Anti-Nebraska editors held at.Decatur on February 22, 1856. (See Anti-Neb- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Editorial Convention.) The call did not even contain the word "Republican," but was addressed to those opposed to the principles of the Nebraska Bill and the policy of the existing Democratic administration. The Convention met on May 29, 1856, the date designated by the Editorial Convention at Decatur, but was rather in the nature of a mass than a delegate conven- tion, as party organizations existed in few coun- ties of the State at that time. Consequently representation was very unequal and followed no systematic rule. Out of one hundred counties into which the State was then divided, only seventy were represented by delegates, ranging from one to twenty-five each, leaving thirty counties (embracing nearly the whole of the southern part of the State) entirely unrepre- sented. Lee County had the largest representa- tion (twenty-five), Morgan County (the home of Richard Yates) coming next with twenty dele- gates, while Cook County had seventeen and Sangamon had five. The whole number of delegates, as shown by the contemporaneous record, was 269. Among the leading spirits in the Convention were Abraham Lincoln, Archi- bald Williams, O. H. Browning, Richard Yates, John M. Palmer, Owen Lovejoy, Norman B. Judd, Burton C. Cook and others who afterwards became prominent in State politics. The delega- tion from Cook County included the names of John Wentworth, Grant Goodrich. George Schneider, Mark Skinner, Charles H. Ray and Charles L. Wilson. The temporary organization was effected with Archibald Williams of Adams County in the chair, followed by the election of John M. Palmer of Macoupin, as Permanent President. The other officers were: Vice-Presi- dents John A. Davis of Stephenson; William Ross of Pike; James McKee of Cook; John H. Bryant of Bureau; A. C. Harding of Warren; Richard Yates of Morgan; Dr. H. C. Johns of Macon; D. L. Phillips of Union; George Smith of Madison; Thomas A. Marshall of Coles; J. M. Rugglesof MasonjG.D.A. Parks of Will, and John Clark of Schuyler. Secretaries Henry S. Baker of Madison; Charles L. Wilson of Cook; John Tillson of Adams; Washington Bushnell of La Salle. and B. J. F. Hanna of Randolph. A State ticket was put in nomination consisting of William H. Bissell for Governor (by acclama- tion); Francis A. Hoffman of Du Page County, for Lieutenant-Governor ; Ozias M. Hatch of Pike, for Secretary of State ; Jesse K. Dubois of Lawrence, for Auditor; James Miller of McLean, for Treasurer, and William H. Powell of Peoria. for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Hoff- man, having been found ineligible by lack of resi- dence after the date of naturalization, withdrew, and his place was subsequently filled by the nomination of John Wood of Quincy. The plat- form adopted was outspoken in its pledges Of unswerving loyalty to the Union and opposition to the extension of slavery into new territory. A delegation was appointed to the National Con- vention to be held in Philadelphia on June 17, following, and a State Central Committee was named to conduct the State campaign, consisting of James C. Conkling of Sangamon County; Asahel Gridley of McLean; Burton C. Cook of La Salle, and Charles H. Ray and Norman B. Judd of Cook. The principal speakers of the occasion, before the convention or in popular meetings held while the members were present in Bloomington, included the names of O. H. Brown- ing, Owen Lovejoy, Abraham Lincoln, Burton C. Cook, Richard Yates, the venerable John Dixon, founder of the city bearing his name, and Governor Reeder of Pennsylvania, who had been Territorial Governor of Kansas by appointment of President Pierce, but had refused to carry out the policy of the administration for making Kansas a slave State. None of the speeches were fully reported, but that of Mr. Lincoln has been universally regarded by those who heard it as the gem of the occasion and the most brilliant of his life, foreshadowing his celebrated "house- divided-against-itself" speech of June 17, 1858. John L. Scripps, editor of "The Chicago Demo- cratic Press," writing of it, at the time, to his paper, said: "Never has it been our fortune to listen to a more eloquent and masterly presenta- tion of a subject. . . . For an hour and a half he (Mr. Lincoln) held the assemblage spellbound by the power of his argument, the intense irony of his invective, and the deep earnestness and fervid brilliancy of his eloquence. When he concluded, the audience sprang to their feet and cheer after cheer told how deeply their hearts had been touched and their souls warmed up to a generous enthusiasm." At the election, in November following, although the Democratic candidate for President carried the State by a plurality of over 9,000 votes, the entire State ticket put in nomination at Bloomington was successful by majorities ranging from 3,000 to 20,000 for the several candidates. BLUE ISLAND, a village of Cook County, on the Calumet River and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Chicago & Grand Trunk and the Illinois Central Railways. 15 miles south of 54 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Chicago. It has a high school, churches and two newspapers, besides brick, smelting and oil works. Population (1890), 2,521; (1900), 6,114. BLUE ISLAND RAILROAD, a short line 3.96 miles in length, lying wholly within Illinois; capital stock $25,000; operated by the Illinois Central Railroad Company. Its funded debt (1895) was 100.000 and its floating debt. 83,779. BLUE MOUND, a town of Macon County, on the Wabash Railway, 14 miles southeast of De- catur;! in rich grain and live-stock region; has three grain elevators, two banks, tile factory and one newspaper. Pop. (1890), 696; (1900), 714. BLUFFS, a village of Scott County, at the junction of the Quincy and Hannibal branches of the Wabash Railway, S3 miles west of Spring- field; has a bank and a newspaper. Population (1880), 162; (1890), 421: (1900), O39. BOAL, Robert, M.D., physician and legis- lator, born near Harrisburg, Pa., in 1806; was brought by his parents to Ohio when five years old and educated at Cincinnati, graduating from the Ohio Medical College in 1828; settled at Lacon, 111., in 1836, practicing there until 1862, when, having been appointed Surgeon of the Board of Enrollment for that District, he re- moved to Peoria. Other public positions held by Dr. Boal have been those of Senator in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth General Assemblies (1844-48), Representative in the Nineteenth and Twentieth (1854-58), and Trustee of the Institu- tion for the Deaf and Dumb at Jacksonville, remaining in the latter position seventeen years under the successive administrations of Gov- ernors Bissell, Yates, Oglesby, Palmer and Bever- idge the last five years of his service being President of the Board. He was also President of the State Medical Board in 1882. Dr. Boal continued to practice at Peoria until about 1890, when he retired, and, in 1893, returned to Lacon to reside with his daughter, the widow of the late Colonel Greenbury L. Fort, for eight years Representative in Congress from the Eighth District. BOARD OF ARBITRATION, a Bureau of the State Government, created by an act of the Legis- lature, approved August 2, 1895. It is appointed by the Executive and is composed of three mem- bers (not more than two of whom can belong to the same political party), one of whom must be an employer of labor and one a member of some labor organization. The term of office for the members first named was fixed at two years; after March 1. 1897, it is to be three years, one member retiring annually. A compensation of 91,500 per annum is allowed to each member of the Board, while the Secretary, who must also be a stenographer, receives a salary of $1,200 per annum. When a controversy arises between an individual, firm or corporation employing not less than twenty -five persons, and his or its employes, application may be made by the aggrieved party to the Board for an inquiry into the nature of the disagreement, or both parties may unite in the submission of a case. The Board is required to visit the locality, carefully investi- gate the cause of the dispute and render a deci- sion as soon as practicable, the same to be at once made public. If the application be filed by the employer, it must be accompanied by a stipula- tion to continue in business, and order no lock-out for the space of three weeks after its date. In like manner, complaining employes must promise to continue peacefully at work, under existing conditions, for a like period. The Board is granted power to send for persons and papers and to administer oaths to witnesses. Its decisions are binding upon applicants for six months after rendition, or until either party shall have given the other sixty days' notice in writing of his or their intention not to be bound thereby. In case the Board shall learn that a disagreement exists between employes and an employer having less than twenty -five persons in his employ, and that a strike or lock-out is seriously threatened, it is made the duty of the body to put itself into communication with both employer and employes and endeavor to effect an amicable settlement between them by mediation. The absence of any provision in the law prescribing penalties for its violation leaves the observance of the law, in its present form, dependent upon the voluntary action of the parties interested. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION, a body organ- ized under act of the General Assembly, approved March 8, 1867. It first consisted of twenty-five members, one from each Senatorial District. The first Board was appointed by the Governor, holding office two years, afterwards becoming elective for a term of four years. In 1872 the law was amended, reducing the number of mem- bers to one for each Congressional District, the whole number at that time becoming nineteen, with the Auditor as a member ex-officio, who usually presides. From 1884 to 1897 it consisted of twenty elective members, but, in 1897, it was increased to twenty-two. The Board meets annually on the second Tuesday of August. The abstracts of the property assessed for taxation in the several counties of the State are laid before HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 55 it for examination and equalization, but it may not reduce the aggregate valuation nor increase it more than one per cent. Its powers over the returns of the assessors do not extend beyond equalization of assessments between counties. The Board is required to consider the various classes of property separately, and determine such rates of addition to or deduction from the listed, or assessed, valuation of eacli class as it may deem equitable and just. The statutes pre- scribe rules for determining the value of all the classes of property enumerated personal, real, railroad, telegraph, etc. The valuation of the capital stock of railroads, telegraph and other corporations (except newspapers) is fixed by the Board. Its consideration having been completed, the Board is required to summarize the results of its labors in a comparative table, which must be again examined, compared and perfected. Reports of each annual meeting, with the results reached, are printed at the expense of the State and distributed as are other public documents. The present Board (1897-1901) consists by dis- tricts of (1) George F. McKnight, (2) John J. McKenna, (3) Solomon Simon. (4) Andrew Mc- Ansh, (5) Albert Oberndorf, (6) Henry Severin. (7) Edward S. Taylor, (8) Theodore S. Rogers. (9) Charles A. Works. (10) Thomas P. Pierce, (11) Samuel M. Barnes, (12) Frank P. Martin, (13) Frank K. Robeson, (14) W. O. Cadwallader, (15) J. S. Cruttenden, (16) H. D. Hirshheimer, (17) Thomas N. Leavitt, (18) Joseph F. Long, (19) Richard Cadle. (20) Charles Emerson. (21) John W. Larimer, (22) William A. Wall, besides the Auditor of Public Accounts as ex officio member the District members being divided politically in the proportion of eighteen Republicans to four Democrats. BOARD OF PUBLIC CHARITIES, u State Bureau, created by act of the Legislature in 1869, upon the recommendation of Governor Oglesby. The act creating the Board gives the Commissioners supervisory oversight of the financial and administrative conduct of all the charitable and correctional institutions of the State, with the exception of the penitentiaries, and they are especially charged with looking after and caring for the condition of the paupers and the insane. As originally constituted the Board consisted of five male members who em- ployed a Secretary. Later provision was made for the appointment of a female Commissioner. The office is not elective. The Board has always carefully scrutinized the accounts of the various State charitable institutions, and. under its man- agement, no charge of peculation against any official connected with the same has ever been substantiated ; there have been no scandals, and only one or two isolated charges of cruelty to inmates. Its supervision of the county jails and almshouses has been careful and conscientious, and lias resulted in benefit alike to the tax-payers and the inmates. The Board, at the close of the year 1898, consisted of the following five mem- bers, their terms ending as indicated in paren- thesis: J. C. Corbus (1898), R. D. Lawrence (1899). Julia C. Lathrop (1900), William J. Cal houn (1901), Ephraim Banning (1902). J. C. Cor- bus was President and Frederick H. Wines. Secretary. BOGARDUS, Charles, legislator, was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., March 28, 1841. and left an orphan at six years of age ; was educated in the common schools, began working in a store at 12, and, in 1862, enlisted in the One Hundred and Fifty-first New York Infantry, being elected First Lieutenant, and retiring from the service as Lieutenant-Colonel "for gallant and meritori- ous service" before Petersburg. While in the service he participated in some of the most important battles in Virginia, and was once wounded and once captured. In 1872 he located in Ford County, 111., where, he lias been a success- ful operator in real estate. He has been twice elected to the House of Representatives (1884 and '86) and three times to the State Senate (1888, '92 and '96), and has served on the most important committees in eacli house, and has proved him- self one of the most useful members. At the session of 1895 he was chosen President pro tern. of the Senate. BOG6S, Carroll C., Justice of the Supreme Court, was born in Fairfield, Wayne County, 111., Oct. 19, 1844, and still resides in his native town: has held the offices of State's Attorney, County Judge of Wayne County, and Judge of the Circuit Court for the Second Judicial Circuit, being assigned also to Appellate Court duty. In .1 une. 1897, Judge Boggs was elected a Justice of the Supreme Court to succeed Judge David J. Baker, his term to continue until 1906. BOLTWOOD, Henry L., the son of William and Electa (Stetson) Boltwood, was born at Am- herst, Mass.. Jan. 17, 1831; fitted for college at Amherst Academy and graduated from Amherst College in 1853. While in college he taught school every winter, commencing on a salary of $4 i>er week and "boarding round" among the scholars. After graduating he taught in acad- emies at Limerick. Me., and at Pembroke and 56 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Deny, N. H., and in the high school at Law- rence, Mass. ; also served as School Commissioner for Rockingham County, N. H. In 1864 he went into the service of the Sanitary Commission in the Department of the Gulf, remaining until the close of the war; was also ordained Chaplain of a colored regiment, but was not regularly mustered in. After the close of the war he was employed as Superintendent of Schools at Griggsville, 111., for two years, and, while there, in 1867, organ- ized the first township high school ever organized in the State, where he remained eleven years. He afterwards organized the township high school at Ottawa, remaining there five years, after which, in 1883, he organized and took charge of the township high school at Evanston, where he has since been employed in his profession as a teacher. Professor Boltwood has been a member of the State Board of Education and has served as President of the State Teachers' Association. As a teacher he has given special attention to English language and literature, and to history, being the author of an English Grammar, a High School Speller and "Topical Outlines of General History," besides many contributions to educational jour- nals. He has done a great deal of institute work, both in Illinois and Iowa, and has been known somewhat as a tariff reformer. BOND, Lester L.. lawyer, was born at Raven- na, Ohio, Oct. 27, 1829 ; educated in the common schools and at an academy, meanwhile laboring in local factories ; studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1853, the following year coming to Chicago, where he has given his attention chiefly to practice in connection with patent laws. Mr. Bond served several terms in the Chicago City Council, was Republican Presidential Elector in 1868, and served two terms in the General Assem- bly 1866-70. BOND, Shadrach, first Territorial Delegate in Congress from Illinois and first Governor of the State, was born in Maryland, and, after being liberally educated, removed to Kaskaskia while Illinois was a part of the Northwest Territory. He served as a member of the first Territorial Legislature (of Indiana Territory) and was the first Delegate from the Territory of Illinois in Congress, serving from 1812 to 1814. In the latter year he was appointed Receiver of Public Moneys; he also held a commission as Captain in the War of 1812. On the admission of the State, in 1818, he was elected Governor, and occupied the executive chair until 1822. Died at Kaskas- kia, April 13, 1832. Shadrach Bond, Sr., an uncle of the preceding, came to Illinois in 1781 and was elected Delegate from St. Clair County (then comprehending all Illinois) to the Territorial Legislature of Northwest Territory, in 1799, and, in 1804, to the Legislative Council of the newly organized Territory of Indiana. BOND COUNTY, a small county lying north- east from St. Louis, having an area of 380 square miles and a population 1900) of 16,078. The first American settlers located here in 1807, com- ing from the South, and building Hill's and Jones's forts for protection from the Indians. Settlement was slow, in 1816 there being scarcely twenty-five log cabins in the county. The county-seat is Greenville, where the first cabin was erected in 1815 by George Davidson. The county was organized in 1818, and named in honor of GOT. Shadrach Bond. Its original limits included the present' counties of Clinton, Fayette and Montgomery. The first court was held at Perryville, and, in May, 1817, Judge. Jesse B. Thomas presided over the first Circuit Court at Hill's Station. The first court house was erected at Greenville in 1822. The county contains good timber and farming lands, and at some points, coal is found near the surface. BONNEY, Charles Carroll, lawyer and re- former, was born in Hamilton, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1831 ; educated at Hamilton Academy and settled in Peoria, 111., in 1850, where he pursued the avocation of a teacher while studying law ; was admitted to the bar in 1852, but removed to Chi- cago in 1860, where he has since been engaged in practice; served, as President of the National Law and Order League in New York in 1885, being repeatedly re-elected, and has also been President of the Illinois State Bar Association, as well as a member of the American Bar Associa- tion. Among the reforms which he has advo- cated are constitutional prohibition of special legislation; an extension of equity practice to bankruptcy and other law proceedings; civil serv- ice pensions ; State Boards of labor and capital, etc. He has also published some treatises in book form, chiefly on legal questions, besides editing a volume of "Poems by Alfred W. Arlington, with a sketch of his Character" (1869. ) As Presi- dent of the World's Congresses Auxiliary, in 1893, Mr. Bonney contributed largely to the success of that very interesting and important feature of the great Columbian Exposition in Chicago. BOONE, Lev! I)., M. D., early physician, was bom near Lexington, Ky., December, 1808 a descendant of the celebrated Daniel Boone; re- ceived the degree of M. D. from Transylvania University and came to Edwardsville, 111. , at an HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 57 early day, afterwards locating at Hillsboro and taking part in the Black Hawk War as Captain of a cavalry company ; came to Chicago in 1836 and engaged in the insurance business, later resuming the practice of his profession; served several terms as Alderman and was elected Mayor in 1855 by a combination of temperance men and Know-Nothings ; acquired a large property by operations in real estate. Died, February, 1882 BOONE COUNTY, the smallest of the "north- ern tier" of counties, having an area of only 290 square miles, and a population (1900) of 15,791. Its surface is chiefly rolling prairie, and the principal products are oats and corn. The earli- est settlers came from New York and New Eng- land, and among them were included Medkiff, Dunham, Caswell, Cline, Towner, Doty and Whitney. Later (after the Pottawattomies had evacuated the country), came the Shattuck brothers, Maria Hollenbeck and Mrs. Bullard, Oliver Hale, Nathaniel Crosby, Dr. Whiting, H. C. Walker, and the Neeley and Mahoney families. Boone County was cut off from Winnebago, and organized in 1837, being named in honor of Ken- tucky's pioneer. The first frame house in the county was erected by S. F. Doty and stood for fifty years in the village of Belvidere on the north side of the Kishwaukee River. The county-seat (Belvidere) was platted in 1837, and an academy built soon after. The first Protestant church was a Baptist society under the pastorate of Rev. Dr. King. BOURBONN AIS, a village of Kankakee County, on the Illinois Central Railroad, 5 miles north of Kankakee. Population (1890), 510; (1900). 595. BOUTELL, Henry Sherman, lawyer and Con- gressman, was born in Boston, Mass., March 14, 1856, graduated from the Northwestern Univer- sity at Evanston, 111., in 1874, and from Harvard in 1876; was admitted to the bar in Illinois in 1879, and to that of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1885. In 1884 Mr. Boutell was elected to the lower branch of the Thirty-fourth General Assembly and was one of the "103" who, in the long struggle during the following session, participated in the election of Gen. John A. Logan to the United States Senate for the last time. At a special election held in the Sixth Illinois District in November, 1897, he was elected Representative in Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the sudden death of his pred- ecessor, Congressman Edward D. Cooke, and at the regular election of 1898 was re-elected to the same position, receiving a plurality of 1,116 over his Democratic competitor and a majority of 719 over all. BOUTON, Nathaniel S., manufacturer, was born in Concord, N. H., May 14, 1828; in his youth farmed and taught school in Connecticut, but in 1852 came to Chicago and was employed in a foundry firm, of which he soon afterwards became a partner, in the manufacture of car- wheels and railway castings. Later he became associated with the American Bridge Company's works, which was sold to the Illinois Central Railroad Company in 1857, when he bought the Union Car Works, which ho operated until 1863. He then became the head of the Union Foundry Works, which having been consolidated with the Pullman Car Works in 1886, he retired, organizing the Bouton Foundry Company. Mr. Bouton is a Republican, was Commissioner of Public Works for the city of Chicago two terms before the Civil War, and served as Assistant Quartermaster in the Eighty-eighth Illinois Infantry (Second Board of Trade Regiment) from 1862 until after the battle of Chickamauga. BOYD, Thomas A., was born in Adams County, Pa., June 25, 1830, and graduated at Marshall College, Mercersburg, Pa., at the age of 18; studied law at Chambersburg and was admitted to the bar at Bedford in his native State, where he practiced until 1856. when he removed to Illi- nois. In 1861 he abandoned his practice to enlist in the Seventeenth Illinois Infantry, in which he held the position of Captain. At the close of the war he returned to his home at Lewistown, and, in 1866, was elected State Senator and re-elected at the expiration of his term in 1870, serving in the Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth and Twenty- seventh General Assemblies. He was also a Republican Representative from his District in the Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth Congresses (1877-81). Died,.at Lewistown, May 28, 1897. BRACEVILLE, a town In Grundy County, 61 miles by rail southwest of Chicago. Coal mining is the principal industry. The town has two banks, two churches and good public schools. Population (1890), 2,150; (1900). 1,669. BBADFORD, village of Stark County, on Buda and Rushville branch Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway ; is in excellent farming region and has large grain and live-stock trade, excel- lent high school building, fine churches, good hotels and one newspaper. Pop. (1900), 773. HRAItSBY. William H., pioneer and Judge, was born in Bedford County, Va., July 12, 1787. He removed to Illinois early in life, and was the first postmaster in Washington County (at Cov- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ington), the first school-teacher and the first Circuit and County Clerk and Recorder. At the time of his death he was Probate and County Judge. Besides being Clerk qf all the courts, he was virtually County Treasurer, as he had cus- tody of all the county's money. For several years he was also Deputy United States Surveyor, and in that capacity surveyed much of the south part of the State, as far east as Wayne and Clay Counties. Died at Nashville, 111 , August 21, 1839. BRADWELL, James Bolesworth, lawyer and editor, was born at Lougliborough. England, April 16. 1888, and brought to America in infancy, his parents locating in 1829 or '30 at Utica, N. Y. In 1833 they emigrated to Jacksonville, 111., but the following year removed to Wheeling, Cook County, settling on a farm, where the younger Bradwell received his first lessons in breaking prairie, splitting rails and tilling the soil. His first schooling was obtained in a country log- school-house, but. later, he attendeil the Wilson Academy in Chicago, where he had Judge Lo- renzo Sawyer for an instructor. He also took a course in Knox College at Galesburg, then a manual-labor school, supporting himself by work- ing in a wagon and plow shop, sawing wood, etc. In May, 1852, he was married to Miss Myra Colby, a teacher, with whom he went to Mem- phis, Tenn.. the same year, where they engaged in teaching a select school, the subject of this sketch meanwhile devoting some attention to reading law. He was admitted to the bar there, inn after a stay of less than two years in Mem- phis, returned to Chicago and began practice. In 1861 he was elected County Judge of Cook County, and re-elected four years later, but declined a re-election in 1869. The first half of his term occurring during the progress of the Civil War, he had the opportunity of rendering some vigorous decisions which won for him the reputation of a man of courage and inflexible independence, as well as an incorruptible cham- pion of justice. In 1872 he was elected to the lower branch of the Twenty-eighth General Assembly from Cook County, and re-elected in 1874. He was again a candidate in 1882, and by many believed to have been honestly elected, though his opponent received the certificate. He made a contest for the seat, and the majority of the Committee on Elections reported in his favor ; but he was defeated through the treach- ery and suspected corruption of a professed polit- ical friend. He is the author of the law making women eligible to school offices in Illinois and allowing them to become Notaries Public, and has always been a champion for equal rights for women in the professions and as citizens. 'He was a Second Lieutenant of the One Hundred and Fifth Regiment, Illinois Militia, in 1848; presided over the American Woman's Suffrage Associa- tion at its organization in Cleveland; has been President of the Chicago Press Club, of the Chi- cago Bar Association, and, for a number of years, the Historian of the latter; one of the founders and President of the Union League Club, besides l*ing associated with many other social and business organizations. At present (1899) he is editor of "The Chicago Legal News," founded by his wife thirty years ago, and with which he has been identified in a business capacity from its establishment. Myra Colby (Bradwell), the wife of Judge Bradwell. was born at Manchester, Vt., Feb. 12, 1831 being descended on her mother's side from the Chase family to which Bishop Philander Chase and Salmon P. Chase, the latter Secretary of the Treasury and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by appointment of Abraham Lincoln, belonged. In infancy she was brought to Portage, N. Y. , where she remained until she was twelve years of age, when her family re- moved west. She attended school in Kenosha. Wis., and a seminary at Elgin, afterwards being engaged in teaching. On May 18, 1852, she was married to Judge Bradwell, almost immediately going to Memphis, Tenn., where, with the assist- ance of her husband, she conducted a select school for some time, also teaching in the public schools, when they returned to Chicago. In the early part of the Civil War she took a deep interest in the welfare of the soldiers in the field and their families at home, becoming President of the Soldiers' Aid Society, and was a leading spirit in the Sanitary Fairs held in Chicago in 1863 and in 1865. After the war she commenced the study of law and, in 1868, began the publication of "The Chicago Legal News," with which she re- mained identified until her death also publishing biennially an edition of the session laws after each session of the General Assembly. After passing a most creditable examination, applica- tion was made for her admission to the bar in 1871, but denied in an elaborate decision rendered by Judge C. B. Lawrence of the Supreme Court of the State, on the sole ground of sex, as was also done by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1873, on the latter occasion Chief Justice Chase dissenting. She was finally admitted to the bar on March 28, 1892, and was the first lady member of the State Bar Associ- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ation. Other organizations with which she was identified embraced the Illinois State Press Association, the Board of Managers of the Sol- diers' Home (in war time), the "Illinois Industrial School for Girls" at Evanston, the Washingtonian Home, the Board of Lady Managers of the World's Columbian Exposition, and Chairman of the Woman's Committee on Jurisprudence of the World's Congress Auxiliary of 1893. Although much before the public during the latter years of her life, she never lost the refinement and graces which belong to a true woman. Died, at her home in Chicago, Feb. 14, 1894. BRAIDWOOD, a city in Will County, incorpo- rated in 1860; is 58 miles from Chicago, on the Chicago & Alton Railroad; an important coal- mining point, and in the heart of a ricli agricultural region. It has a bank and a weekly newspaper. Population (1890). 4,641 ; ( 1900), 3,279. BRANSON, Nathaniel W.. lawyer, was born in Jacksonville, 111., May 29, 1837; was educated in the private and public schools of that city and at Illinois College, graduating from the latter in 1857; studied law with David A. Smith, a promi- nent and able lawyer of Jacksonville, and was admitted to the bar in January, 1860, soon after establishing himself in practice at Petersburg, Menard County, where he has ever since resided. In 1867 Mr. Branson was appointed Register in Bankruptcy for the Springfield District a po- sition which he held thirteen years. He was also elected Representative in the General Assembly in 1872, by re-election in 1874 serving four years in the stormy Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth General Assemblies ; was a Delegate from Illinois to the National Republican Convention of 1876. and served for several years most efficiently as a Trustee of the State Institution for the Blind at Jacksonville, part of the time as President of the Board. Politically a conservative Republican, and in no sense an office-seeker, the official po- sitions which he has occupied have come to him unsought and in recognition of his fitness and capacity for the proper discharge of their duties. BRAYMAN, Mason, lawyer and soldier, was born in Buffalo, N. Y., May 23, 1813; brought up as a farmer, became a printer and edited "The Buffalo Bulletin," 1834-35; studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1836; removed west in 1837, was City Attorney of Monroe, Mich., in 1838 and became editor of "The Louisville Adver- tiser" in 1841. In 1842 he opened a law office in Springfield, 111., and the following year was appointed by Governor Ford a commissioner to adjust the Mormon troubles, in which capacity he rendered valuable service. In 1844-45 he was appointed to revise the statutes of the State. Later he devoted much attention to railroad enterprises, being attorney of the Illinois Central Railroad. 1851-53; then projected the construe tion of a railroad from Bird's Point, opposite Cairo, into Arkansas, which was partially com- pleted before the war, and almost wholly de- stroyed during that period. In 1861 he entered the service as Major of the Twenty -ninth Illinois Volunteers, taking part in a number of the early battles, including Fort Donelson and Shiloh; was promoted to a colonelcy for meritorious con- duct at the latter, and for a time served as Adjutant-General on the staff of General McCler- nand; was promoted Brigadier-General in Sep- teml>er, 1862, at the close of the war receiving the brevet rank of Major-General. After the close of the war he devoted considerable atten- tion to reviving his railroad enterprises in the South; edited "The Illinois State Journal," 187273; removed to Wisconsin and was ap- pointed Governor of Idaho in 1876, serving four years, after which he returned to Ripon, WLs. Died, in Kansas City, Feb. 27, 1895. BRKESK, a village in Clinton County, on Baltimore & Ohio S. W. Railway, 39 miles east of St. Louis; lias coal mines, water system, bank and weekly newspaper. Pop. (1890). 80S. (1900), 1,571. BREESE. Sidney, statesman and jurist, was born at Whitesboro, N Y.. (according to the generally accepted authority) July 15, 1800. Owing to a certain sensitiveness about his age in his later years, it has been exceedingly difficult to secure authentic data on the subject; but his arrival at Kaskaskia in 1818, after graduating at Union College, and his admission to the bar in 1820, have induced many to believe that the date of his birth should be placed somewhat earlier. He was related to some of the most prominent families in New York, including the Livingstons and the Morses, and, after his arrival at Kaskas- kia, began the study of law with his friend Elias Kent Kane, afterwards United States Senator. Meanwhile, having served as Postmaster at Kas- kaskia, he became Assistant Secretary of State, and, in December, 1820, superintended the re- moval of the archives of that office to Vandalia. the new State capital. Later he was appointed Prosecuting Attorney, serving in that position from 1822 till 1827, when he became United States District Attorney for Illinois. He was the first official reporter of the Supreme Court, issuing its first volume of decisions; served as Lieutenant-Colonel of volunteers during the 60 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Black Hawk War (1832); in 1835 was elected to the circuit bench, and, in 1841, was advanced to the Supreme bench, serving less than two years, when he resigned to accept a seat in the United States Senate, to which he was elected in 1843 as the successor of Richard M. Young, defeating Stephen A. Douglas in the first race of the latter for the office. While in the Senate (1843-49) he served as Chairman of the Committee on Public Lands, and was one of the first to suggest the construction of a transcontinental railway to the Pacific. He was also one of the originators and active promoters in Congress of the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad enterprise. He was Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives in 1851 , again became Circuit Judge in 1855 and returned to the Supreme bench in 1857 and served more than one term as Chief Justice, the last being in 1873-74. His home during most of his public life in Illinois was at Carlyle. His death occurred at Pinckneyville, June 28, 1878. II R K\T \ >"( , Lorenzo, was born at Mannheim, in the Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, Nov. 14, 1813; was educated at the Universities ol Heidelberg and Freiburg, receiving the degree of I.L.I)., and attaining high honors, both profes- sional and political. He was successively a member of the Baden Chamber of Deputies and of the Frankfort Parliament, and always a leader of the revolutionist party. In 1849 he became President of the Provisional Republican Gov- ernment of Baden, but was, before long, forced to find an asylum in the United States. He first settled in Kalamazoo County, Mich., as a farmer, but, in 1859, removed to Chicago, where he was admitted to the Illinois bar, but soon entered the field of journalism, becoming editor and part proprietor of "The Illinois Staats Zeitung." He held various public offices, being elected to the Legislature in 1862, serving five years as Presi- dent of the Chicago Board of Education, was a Republican Presidential Elector in 1868, and United States Consul at Dresden in 1872 (a gen- eral amnesty having been granted to the participants in the revolution of 1848), and Representative in Congress from 1877 to 1879. Died, in Chicago, Sept. 17, 1891. BRIDGEPORT, a town of Lawrence County, on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad, 14 miles west of Vincennes, Ind. It has a bank and one weekly paper. Population (1900), 487. BRIDGEPORT, a former suburb (now a part of the city) of Chicago, located at the junction of the Illinois & Michigan Canal with the South Branch of the Chicago River. It is now the center of the large slaughtering and packing industry. BRIDGEPORT & SOUTH CHICAGO RAIL- WAY. (See Chicago & Northern Pacific Railroad.) BRIGHTON, a village of Macoupin County, at the intersection of the Chicago & Alton and the Rock Island and St. Louis branch of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railways; coal is mined here; has a newspaper. Population (1880), 691; (1890), 697; (1900), 660. BKIM FIELD, a town of Peoria County, on the Buda and Rushville branch of the Chicago, Bur- lington & Quincy Railway, 38 miles south of Buda; coal-mining and farming are the chief industries. It has one weekly paper and a bank. Population (1880), 832; (1890), 719; (1900), 677. BRISTOL, Frank Milton, clergyman, was born in Orleans County, N. Y. , Jan. 4, 1851; came to Kankakee, 111., in boyhood, and having lost his father at 12 years of age, spent the following years in various manual occupations until about nineteen years of age, when, having been con- verted, he determined to devote his life to the ministry. Through the aid of a benevolent lady, he was enabled to get two years' (1870-72) instruc- tion at the Northwestern University, at Evans- ton, afterwards supporting himself by preaching at various points, meanwhile continuing his studies at the University until 1877. After com- pleting his course he served as pastor of some of the most prominent Methodist churches in Chi- cago, his last charge in the State being at Evans- ton. In 1897 he was transferred to Washington ' City, becoming pastor of the Metropolitan M. E. Church, attended by President McKinley. Dr. Bristol is an author of some repute and an orator of recognized ability. BROA DWELL, Norman M., lawyer, was born in Morgan County, 111., August 1, 1825; was edu- cated in the common schools and at McKendree and Illinois Colleges, but compelled by failing health to leave college without graduating ; spent some time in the book business, then began the study of medicine with a view to benefiting his own health, but finally abandoned this and, about 1850, commenced the study of law in the office of Lincoln & Heradon at Springfield. Having been admitted to the bar, he practiced for a time at Pekin, but, in 1854, returned to Springfield, where he spent the remainder of his life. In 1860 he was elected as a Democrat to the House of Representatives from Sangamon County, serving in the Twenty -second General Assembly. Other offices held by him included those of County Judge (1863-65) and Mayor of the city of Spring- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 61 field, to which last position he was twice elected (1867 and again in 1869). Judge Broadwell was one of the most genial of men, popular, high- minded and honorable in all his dealings. Died, in Springfield, Feb. 28, 1893. BROOKS, John Flavcl, educator, was born in Oneida County, New York, Dec. 3, 1801; graduated at Hamilton College, 1838; studied three years in the theological department of Yale College; was ordained to the Presbyterian min- istry in 1831, and came to Illinois in the service of the American Home Missionary Society. After preaching at Collinsville, Belleville and other points, Mr. Brooks, who was a member of the. celebrated "Yale Band," in 1837 assumed the principalship of a Teachers' Seminary at Waverly, Morgan County, but three years later removed to Springfield, where he established an academy for both sexes. Although finally compelled to abandon this, he continued teaching with some interruptions to within a few years of his death, which occurred in 1886. He was one of the Trus- tees of Illinois College from its foundation up to his death. BBOSS, William, journalist, was born in Sus- sex County, N. J., Nov. 14, 1813, and graduated with honors from Williams College in 1838, hav- ing previously developed his physical strength by much hard work upon the Delaware and Hudson Canal, and in the lumbering trade. For five years after graduating he was a teacher, and settled in Chicago in 1848. Th sre he first engaged in bookselling, but later embarked in journalism. His first publication was "The Prairie Herald," a religious paper, which was discontinued after two years. In 1852, in connection with John L. Scripps, he founded "The Democratic Press," which was consolidated with "The Tribune" in 1858, Mr. Bross retaining his connection with the new concern. He was always an ardent free- soiler, and a firm believer in the great future of Chicago and the Northwest. He was an enthusi- astic Republican, and, in 1856 and 1860, served as an effective campaign orator. In 1864 he was the successful nominee of his party for Lieuten- ant-' Jovernor. This was his only official position outside of a membership in the Chicago Common Council in 1855. As a presiding officer, he was dignified yet affable, and his impartiality was shown by the fact that no appeals were taken from his decisions. After quitting public life he devoted much time to literary pursuits, deliver- ing lectures in various parts of the country. Among his best known works are a brief "His- tory of Chicago," "History of Camp Douglas," and "Tom Quick." Died, in Chicago, Jan. 27. 1890. BROWN, Henry, lawyer and historian, was born at Hebron, Tolland County, Conn., May 13. 1789 the son of a commissary in the army of General Greene of Revolutionary fame; gradu ated at Yale College, and, when of age, removed to New York, later studying law at Albany, Canandaigua and Batavia, and being admitted to the bar about 1813, when he settled down in practice at Cooperstown ; in 1816 was appointed Judge of Herkimer County, -remaining on the bench until about 1834. He then resumed prac- tice at Cooperstown. continuing until 1836, when he removed to Chicago. The following year he was elected a Justice of the Peace, serving two years, and, in 1842, became Prosecuting Attorney of Cook County. During this period he was engaged in writing a "History of Illinois," which was published in New York in 1844 This was regarded at the time as the most voluminous and best digested work on Illinois history that had as yet been published. In 1846, on assuming the Presidency of the Chicago Lyceum, he delivered an inaugural entitled "Chicago, Present and Future," which is still preserved as a striking prediction of Chicago's future greatness. Origi- nally a Democrat, he became a Freesoiler in 1848. Died of cholera, in Chicago, May 16, 1849. BROWN, James B., journalist, was born in Gilmanton, Belknap County, N. H., Sept. 1, 1833 his father being a member of the Legisla- ture and Selectman for his town. The son was educated at Gilmanton Academy, after which he studied medicine for a time, but did not gradu- ate. In 1857 he removed West, first settling at Dunleith, Jo Daviess County, 111., where he became Principal of the public schools; in 1861 was elected County Superintendent of Schools for Jo Daviess County, removing to Galena two years later and assuming the editorship of "The Gazette" of that city. Mr. Brown also served as Postmaster of Galena for several years. Died, Feb. 13, 1896. BROWN, James N., agriculturist and stock- man, was born in Fayette County, Ky., Oct. 1, 1806; came to Sangamon County, 111., in 1833, locating at Island Grove, where he engaged extensively in farming and stock-raising. He served as Representative in the General Assem- blies of 1840, '42, '46, and '52, and in the last was instrumental in securing the incorporation of the Illinois State Agricultural Society, of which he was chosen the first President, being re-elected in 1854. He was one of the most enterprising grow- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. era of blooded cattle in the State and did much to introduce them in Central Illinois ; was also an earnest and influential advocate of scientific education for the agricultural classes and an efficient colaborer with Prof. J. B. Turner, of Jacksonville, in securing the enactment by Con- gress, in 1862. of the law granting lands for the endowment of Industrial Colleges, out of which grew the Illinois State University and institu- tions of like character in other States. Died, Nov. 16, 1868. BROWN, William, lawyer and jurist, was born June 1, 1819, in Cumberland, England, his par- ents emigrating to this country when he was eight years old, and settling in Western New York. He was admitted to the bar at Rochester, in October, 1845, and at once removed to Rock- ford, 111., where he commenced practice. In 1852 he was elected State's Attorney for the Four- teenth Judicial Circuit, and, in 1837, was chosen Mayor of Rockford. In 1870 he was elected to the bench of the Circuit Court as successor to Judge Sheldon, later was promoted to the Su- preme Court, and was re-elected successively in 1873, in '79 and .'85. Died, at Rockford, Jan. 15, 1891. BROWN, William H., lawyer and financier, was born in Connecticut, Dec. 20, 1796; spent his boyhood at Auburn, N. Y., studied law, and, in 1818, came to Illinois with Samuel D. Lock- wood (afterwards a Justice of the State Supreme Court), descending the Ohio River to Shawnee- town in a flat-boat. Mr. Brown visited Kaskas- kia and was soon after appointed Clerk of the United States District Court by Judge Nathaniel Pope, removing, in 1820, to Vandalia, the new State capital, where he remained until 1835. He then removed to Chicago to accept the position of Cashier of the Chicago branch of the State Bank of Illinois, which he continued to fill for many years. He served the city as School Agent for thirteen years (1840-53), managing the city's school fund through a critical period with great discretion and success. He was one of the group of early patriots who successfully resisted the attempt to plant slavery in Illinois in 1823-24; was also one of the projectors of the Chicago & Oalena Union Railroad, was President of the Chicago Historical Society for seven years and connected with many other local enterprises. He was an ardent personal friend of President Lincoln and served as Representative in the Twenty-second General Assembly (1860-62). While making a tour of Europe lie died of paraly- sis at Amsterdam, June 17, 1867. BROWN COUNTY, situated in the western part of the State, with an area of 300 square miles, and a population (1890) of 11,951 ; was cut off from Schuyler and made a separate county in May, 1839, being named in honor of Gen. Jacob Brown. Among the pioneer settlers were the Vandeventers and Hambaughs, John and David Six, William McDaniel, Jeremiah Walker, Willis O'Neil, Harry Lester, John Ausmus apd Robert H. Curry. The county-seat is Mount Sterling, a town of no little attractiveness. Other prosperous villages are Mound Station and Ripley. The chief occupation of the people is farming, although there is some manufacturing of lumber and a few potteries along the Illinois River. Population (1900), 11,557. BROWNE, Francis Fisher, editor and author, was born in South Halifax, Vt., Dec. 1, 1843, the son of William Goldsmith Browne, who was a teacher, editor and author of the song "A Hun- dred Years to Come." In childhood he was brought by his parents to Western Massachusetts, where he attended the public schools and learned the printing trade in his father's newspaper office at Chicopee, Mass. Leaving school in 1862. he enlisted in the Forty-sixth Regiment Massa- chusetts Volunteers, in which he served one year, chiefly in North Carolina and in the Army of the Potomac. On the discharge of his regi- ment he engaged in the study of law at Roches- ter, N. Y., entering the law department of the University of Michigan in 1866, but abandoning his intenton of entering the legal profession, removed to Chicago in 1867, where he engaged in journalistic and literary pursuits. Between 1869 and '74 he was editor of "The Lakeside Monthly, " when he became literary editor of "The Alliance. " but, in 1880, he established and assumed the editorship of "The Dial," a purely literary pub liration which has gained a high reputation, and of which he has remained in control continuously ever since, meanwhile serving as the literary adviser, for many years, of the well-known pub lishing house of McClurg & Co. Besides his journalistic work, Mr. Browne has contributed to the magazines and literary anthologies a num- ber of short lyrics, and is the author of "The Everyday Life of Abraham Lincoln" (1886), and a volume of poems entitled, "Volunteer Grain" (1893). He also compiled and edited "Golden Poems by British and American Authors" (1881) ; "The Golden Treasury of Poetry and Prose" (1886), and the "Laurel Crowned"series of stand- ard poetry (1891-92). Mr. Browne was Chairman of the Committee of the Congress of Authors in HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 63 the "World's Congress Auxiliary held in con- nection with The Columbian Exposition in 1893. BROWNE, Thomas C., early jurist, was born in Kentucky, studied law there and, coming to Shawneetown in 1812, served in the lower branch of the Second Territorial Legislature (1814-16) and in the Council (1816-18), being the first law- yer to enter that body. In 1815 he was appointed Prosecuting Attorney and, on the admission of Illinois as a State, was promoted to the Supreme bench, being re-elected by joint ballot of the Legislature in 1825, and serving continuously until the reorganization of the Supreme Court under the Constitution of 1848, a period of over thirty years. Judge Browne's judicial character and abilities have been differently estimated. Though lacking in industry as a student, he is represented by the late Judge John D. Caton, who knew him personally, as a close thinker and a good judge of men. While seldom, if ever, accustomed to argue questions in the conference room or write out his opinions, he had a capacity for expressing himself in short, pungent sen- tences, which indicated that he was a man of con- siderable ability and had clear and distinct views of his own. An attempt was made to impeach him before the Legislature of 1843 "for want of capacity to discharge the duties of his office," but it failed by an almost unanimous vote. He was a Whig in politics, but had some strong sup- porters among Democrats. In 1822 Judge Browne was one of the four candidates for Governor in the final returns standing third on the list and, by dividing the vote of the advocates of a pro-slavery clause in the State Constitution, contributing to the election of Governor Coles and the defeat of the pro-slavery party. (See Coles, Edward, and Slavery and Slave Laws. ) In the latter part of his official term Judge Browne resided at Ga- lena, but, in 1853, removed with his son-in-law, ex-Congressman Joseph P. Hoge, to San Fran- cisco, Cal., where he died a few years later probably about 1856 or 1858. BROWNING, Orvillc Hlckman, lawyer, United States Senator and Attorney-General, was born in Harrison County, Ky., in 1810. After receiv- ing a classical education at Augusta in his native State, he removed to Quincy, 111., and was admitted to the bar in 1831. In 1832 he served in the Black Hawk War, and from 1836 to 1843, was a member of the Legislature, serving in both houses. A personal friend and political adherent of Abraham Lincoln, he aided in the organization of the Republican party at the memorable Bloomington Convention of 1856. As a delegate to the Chicago Convention in 1860, he aided in securing Mr. Lincoln's nomination, and was a conspicuous supporter of the Government in the Civil War. In 1861 he was appointed by Gov- ernor Yates United States Senator to till Senator Douglas' unexpired term, serving until 1863. In 1866 he became Secretary of the Interior by ap- pointment of President Johnson, also for a time discharging the duties of Attorney-General. Returning to Illinois, he was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1869-70, which was his last participation in public affairs, his time thereafter being devoted to his profession. He died at his home in Quincy, 111., August 10, 1881. BRYAX, Silas Lillanl. legislator and jurist, born in Culpepper County, Va., Nov. 4, 1822; was left an orphan at an early age, and came west in 1840, living for a time with a brother near Troy, Mo. The following year he came to Marion County, 111., where he attended school and worked on a farm; in 1845 entered McKendree College, graduating in 1849, and two years later was admitted to the bar. supporting himself meanwhile by teaching. He settled at Salem 111., and, in 1852, was elected as a Democrat to the State Senate, in which lx>dy he served for eight years, being re-elected in 1856. In 1861 he was elected to the bench of the Second Judicial Circuit, and again chosen in 1867, his second term expiring in 1873. While serving as Judge, he was also elected a Delegate to the Constitu- tional Convention of 1869-70. He was an unsuc- cessful candidate for Congress on the Greeley ticket)in 1872. Died at Salem, March 30, 1880. William Jennings (Bryan), son of the preceding, was born at Salem, 111., March 19, 1860. The early- life of young Bryan was spent on his father's farm, but at the age of ten years he began to attend the public school in town : later spent two years in Whipple Academy, .the preparatory department of Illinois College at Jacksonville, and, in 1881, graduated from the college proper as the valedictorian of his class. Then he devoted two years to the study of law in the Union Law School at Chicago, meanwhile acting as clerk and studying in the law office of ex-Senator Lyman Trumbull. Having graduated in law in 1883, he soon entered upon the practice of his profession at Jacksonville as the partner of Judge E. P. Kirby, a well-known lawyer and prominent Republican of that city. Four years later (1887) found him a citizen of Lincoln, Neb., which has since been his home. He took a prominent part HISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. in the politics of Nebraska, stumping the State for the Democratic nominees in 1888 and '89, and in 1890 received the Democratic nomination for Congress in a district which had been regarded as strongly Republican, and was elected by a large majority. Again, in 1892, he was elected by a reduced majority, but two years later declined a renomination, though proclaiming himself a free-silver candidate for the United States Senate, meanwhile officiating as editor of "The Omaha World-Herald." In July, 1896, he received the nomination for President from the Democratic National Convention at Chicago, on a platform declaring for the "free and unlimited coinage of silver" at the ratio of sixteen of silver (in weight) to one of gold, and a few weeks later was nominated by the "Populists'" at St. Louis for the same office ling the youngest man ever put in nomination for the Presidency in the his- tory of the Government. He conducted an active personal campaign, speaking in nearly every Northern and Middle Western State, but was defeated by his Republican opponent, Maj. William McKinley. Mr. Bryan is an easy and fluent speaker, possessing a voice of unusual compass and power, and is recognized, even by his political opponents', as a man of pure personal character. BRYAN, Thomas Harbour, lawyer and real estate operator, was born at Alexandria, Va., Dec. 22, 1828, being descended on the maternal side from the noted Barbour family of that State ; graduated in law at Harvard, and, at the age of twenty-one, settled in Cincinnati. In 1852 he came to Chicago, where he acquired ex- tensive . real estate interests and built Bryan Hall, which became a popular place for en- tertainments. Being a gifted speaker, as well as a zealous Unionist, Mr. Bryan was chosen to deliver the address of welcome to Senator Douglas, when that statesman returned to Chicago a few weeks before his death in 1861. During the progress of the war he devoted his time and his means most generously to fitting out soldiers for the field and caring for the sick and wounded. His services as President of the great Sanitary Fair in Chicago (1865), where some $300,000 were cleared for disabled soldiers, were especially conspicuous. At this time he became the purchaser (at $3.000) of the original copy of President Lincoln's Emanci]>ation Proclamation, which had been donated to the cause. He also rendered valuable service after the fire of 1871, though a heavy sufferer from that event, and was a leading factor in securing the location of the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago ip 1890, later becoming Vice -President of the Board of Directors and making a visit to Europe in the interest of the Fair. After the war Mr. Bryan resided in Washington for some time, and, by appointment of President Hayes, served as Com- missioner of the District of Columbia. Possessing refined literary and artistic tastes, he has done much for the encouragement of literature and art in Chicago. His home is in the suburban village of Elmhurst. Charles Page (Bryan), son of the preceding, lawyer and foreign minister, was born in Chicago, Oct. 2, 1855, and educated at the University of Virginia and Columbia Law School; was admitted to practice in 1878, and the following year removed to Colorado, where he remained four years, while there serving in both Houses of the State Legislature. In 1883 he returned to Chicago and became a member of the First Regiment of the Illinois National Guard, serving upon the staff of both Governor Oglesby and Governor Fifer; in 1890, was elected to the State Legislature from Cook County, being re- elected in 1892, and in 1894; was also the first Commissioner to visit Europe in the interest of the World's Columbian Exposition, on his return serving as Secretary of the Exposition Commis- sioners in 1891-92. In the latter part of 1897 he was appointed by President McKinley Minister to China, but before being confirmed, early in 1898, was assigned to the United States mission to the Republic of Brazil, where he now is, Hon. E. H. Conger of Iowa, who had previously been appointed to the Brazilian mission, being trans- ferred to Pekin. BRYANT, John Howard, pioneer, brother of William Cullen Bryant, the poet, was born in Cummington, Mass., July 22, 1807, educated at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N. Y. ; removed to Illinois in 1831, and held vari- ous offices in Bureau Comity, including that of Representative in the General Assembly, to which he was elected in 1842, and again in 1858. A practical and enterprising farmer, he was identi- fied with the Illinois State Agricultural Society in its early history, as also with the movement which resulted in the establishment of industrial colleges in the various States. He was one of the founders of the Republican party and a warm personal friend of President Lincoln, being a member of the first Republican State Convention at Bloomington in 1856, and serving as Collector of Internal Revenue by appointment of Mr. Lin- coln in 1862-64. In 1872 Mr. Bryant joined in the Liberal Republican movement at Cincinnati, two HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 65 years later was identified with the "Independent Reform" party, but has since cooperated with the Democratic party. He has produced two volumes of poems, published, respectively, in 1855 and 1885, besides a number of public addresses. His home is at Princeton, Bureau County. BUCK, Hiram, clergyman, was born in Steu- ben County, N. Y., in 1818; joined the Illinois Methodist Episcopal Conference in 1843, and con- tinued in its service for nearly fifty years, being much of the time a Presiding Elder. At his death he bequeathed a considerable sum to the endowment funds of the Wesleyan University at Bloomington and the Illinois Conference College at Jacksonville Died at Decatur, 111., August 23, 1892. lit' lA,a village in Bureau County, at the junc- tion of the main line with the Buda and Rush- ville branch of the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railroad, and the Sterling and Peoria branch of the Chicago & Northwestern, 12 miles southwest of Princeton and 117 miles west-southwest of Chicago: has excellent water-works, electric- light plant, brick and tile factory, fine churches, graded school, a bank and one newspaper Dairying is carried on quite extensively and a good-sized creamery is located here. Population (1890). 990; (1900), 873. BUFORD, Napoleon Bonaparte, banker and soldier, was born in Woodford County, Ky., Jan. 13, 1807 ; graduated at West Point Military Acad- emy, 1827, and served for some time as Lieutenant of Artillery; entered Harvard Law School in 1831, served as Assistant Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy there (1834-35), then resigned his commission, and, after some service as an engineer upon public works in Kentucky, established himself as an iron-founder and banker at Rock Island, 111., in 1857 becoming President of the Rock Island & Peoria Railroad. In 1861 he entered the volunteer service, as Colonel of the Twenty-seventh Illinois, serving at various points in Western Kentucky and Tennessee, as also in the siege of Vicksburg, and at Helena, Ark., where he was in command from Septem- ber, 1863, to March, 1865. In the meantime, by promotion, he attained to the rank of Major- General by brevet, being mustered out in August. 1865. He subsequently held the post of Special United States Commissioner of Indian Affairs (1868), and that of Inspector of the Union Pacific Railroad (1807 -09). Died. March 28, 1883. BULKLEY, (Rev.) Justus, educator, was born at Leicester, Livingston County, N. Y., July 2:?, 1819, taken to Allegany County, N. Y., at 3 years of age, where he remained until 17, attend ing school in a log school-house in the winter and working on a farm in the summer. His family then removed to Illinois, finally locating at Barry, Pike County. In 1842 he entered the preparatory department of Shurtleff College at Upper Alton, graduating there in 1847. He was immediately made Principal of the preparatory department, remaining two years, when he was ordained to the Baptist ministry and became pastor of a church at Jerseyville. Four years later he was appointed Professor of Mathematics in Shurtleff College, but remained only two years, when he accepted the pastorship of a church at Carrollton, which he continued to fill nine years, when, in 1864, he was called to a church at Upper Alton. At the expiration of one year he was again called to a professorship in Shurtleff College, this time taking the chair of Church History and Church Polity, which he continued to fill for a period of thirty-four years; also serving for a time as Acting President dur ing a vacancy in that office. During this period he was frequently called upon to preside as Mod- erator at General Associations of the Baptist Church, and he became widely known, not only in that denomination, but elsewhere. Died at Upper Alton, Jan. 16, 1899. BULL, Lorenzo, banker, Quincy, III, was born in Hartford, Conn,, March 21, 1819, being the eldest son of Lorenzo and Elizabeth Goodwin Bull. His ancestors on both sides were of the party who, under Thomas Hooker, moved from the vicinity of Boston and settled Hartford in 1634. Leaving Hartford in the spring of 1833, he arrived at Quincy, 111., entirely without means, but soon after secured a position with Judge Henry H. Snow, who then held most of the county offices, being Clerk of the County Com- missioners' Court. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Recorder, Judge of Probate. Notary Public and Justice of the Peace. Here the young clerk made himself acquainted with the people of the county (at {liat time few in number), with the land-system of the country and with the legal forms and methods of procedure in the courts. He remained with Judge Snow over two years, receiving for his services, the first year, six dol- lars per month, and. for the second, ten dollars per month, besides his board in Judge Snow's family. He next accepted a situation with Messrs. Holmes, Brown & Co., then one of the most prominent mercantile houses of the city, remaining through various changes of the firm until 1844, when he formed a partnership with 66 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. his brother under the firm name of L. & C. II. Bull, and opened a store for the sale of hardware and crockery, which was the first attempt made in Quincy to separate the mercantile business into different departments. Disposing of their business in 1861, the firm of L. & C. H. Bull embarked in the private banking business, which they continued in one location for about thirty years, when they organized the State Savings Loan & Trust Company, in which he held the position of President until 1898, when he retired. Mr. Bull has always been active in promoting the improvement and growth of the city , was one of the five persons who built most of the horse rail- roads in Quincy, and was, for about twenty years, President of the Company. The Quincy water- works are now (1898) owned entirely by himself and his son. He has never sought or held political office, but at one time was the active President of five distinct business corporations. He was also for some five years one of the Trustees of Illinois College at Jacksonville. He' was married in 1844 to Miss Margaret H. Benedict, daughter of Dr. Wm. M. Benedict, of Milbury, Mass., and they have five children now living. In politics he is a Republican, and his religious associations are with the Congregational Church. Charles Henry (Bull), brother of the preceding, was born in Hartford, Conn., Dec. 16. 1822. and removed to Quincy, 111., in June, 1837. He commenced business as a clerk in a general store, where he remained for seven years, when he entered into partnership with his brother, Lorenzo Bull, in the hardware and crockery business, to which was subsequently added dealing in agricultural implements. This business was continued until the year 1861. when it was sold out, and the brothers established them- selves as private bankers under the same firm name. A few years later they organized the Merchants' and Farmers' National Bank, which was mainly owned and altogether managed by them. Five or six years later this bank was wound up, when they returned to private bank- ing, continuing in this business until 1891, when it was merged in the State Savings Loan & Trust Company, organized under the laws of Illinois with a capital of $300,000, held equally by Lorenzo Bull, Charles H. Bull and Edward J. Parker, respectively, as President, Vice-Presi- dent and Cashier. Near the close of 1898 the First National Bank of Quincy was merged into the State Savings Loan & Trust Company with J. H. Warfield, the President of the former, as President of the consolidated concern. Mr. Bull was one of the parties who originally organized the Quincy. Missouri & Pacific Railroad Com- pany in 1869 a road intended to be built from Quincy, 111., across the State of Missouri to Brownsville, Neb., and of which he is now (1898) the President, the name having been changed to the Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City Railway. He was also identified with the con- struction of the system of street railways in Quincy, and continued active in their manage- ment for about twenty years. He has been active in various other public and private enter- prises, and has done much to advance the growth and prosperity of the city. BUNKER HILL, H city of Macoupin County, on the Cleveland. Cincinnati, Chicago Jt St. Louis Railroad, 37 miles northeast of St. Louis: has electric-lighting plant, telephone service, cxwl mine, flouring mill, wagon and various other manufactories, two lianks, two newspapers, oj>era house, numerous churches, public library, a mili- tary academy and fine public schools, ami many handsome residences; is situated on high ground in a rich agricultural anil dairying region and an important shipping-point. Pop. (1900), 1J279. Itl N \. Jacob, banker and manufacturer, was born in Hunterdon County, N. J., in 1814; came to Springfield in 1836, and, four years later, began business as a grocer, to which he afterwards added that of private banking, continuing until 1878. During a part of this time his bank was one of the best known and widely regarded as one of the most solid institutions of its kind in the State. Though crippled by the financial revulsion of 1873-74 and forced investments in depreciated real estate, he paid dollar for dollar. After retiring from banking in 1878, he assumed charge of the Springfield Watch Factory, in which he was a large stockholder, and of which he became the President. Mr. Bunn was, be- tween 1866 and 1870, a principal stockholder in "The Chicago Republican" (the predecessor of 'The Inter-Ocean''), and was one of the bankers who came to the aid of the State Government with financial assistance at the beginning of the Civil War. Died at Springfield. Oct. 16, 1S97. John W. (Bunn), brother of the preceding and successor to the grocery business of J. & J. W. Bunn, lias been a prominent business man of Springfield, and served as Treasurer of the State Agricultural Board from 1858 to 1898. and of the Illinois Uni- versity from its establishment to 1893. BUNSEN, George, German patriot and educa- tor, was born at Frankfort-on-the-Maine, Ger- many, Fell 18, 1794, and educated in his native HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. city and at Berlin University; while still a student took part in the Peninsular War which resulted in the downfall of Napoleon, but resum- ing his studies in 1816. graduated three years later. He then founded a boys' school at Frank- fort, which he maintained fourteen years, when, having been implicated in the republican revolu tion of 1833, he was forced to leave the country, locating the following year on a farm in St. Clair County, 111. Here he finally became a teacher in the public schools, served in the State Constitu- tional Convention of 1847, was elected School Commissioner of St. Clair County, and, having removed to Belleville in 1855, there conducted a private school for the instruction of teachers while discharging the duties of his office-, later was appointed a member of the first State School Board, serving until 1860, and taking part in the establishment of the Illinois State Normal Urn versity, of which he was a zealous advocate. He was also a contributor to "The Illinois Teacher," and, for several years prior to his death, served as Superintendent of Schools at Belleville without compensation. Died, November, 1872. BUBCHARD, Horatio C., ex -Congressman, was born at Marshall, Oneida County. N. Y., Sept. 22, 1825; graduated at Hamilton College, N. Y., in 1850, and later removed to Stephenson County, 111., making his home at Freeport. By profes- sion he is a lawyer, but he has been also largely interested in mercantile pursuits. From 1857 to 1860 he was School Commissioner of Stephenson County ; from 1863 to 1866 a member of the State Legislature, and from 1869 to 1879 a Representa- tive in Congress, being each time elected as a Republican, for the first time as the successor of E. B. Washburne. After retiring from Congress, he served for six years (1879-85) as Director of the United States Mint at Philadelphia, with marked ability. During the World's Columbian Exposi- tion at Chicago (1893), Mr. Burchard was in charge of the Bureau of Awards in connection with the Mining Department, afterwards resum- ' ing the practice of his profession at Freeport. BURDETTE, Robert Jones, journalist and humorist, was born in Greensborough, Pa. , July 80, 1844, and taken to Peoria, 111., in early life, where he was educated in the public schools. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in the Forty -seventh Illinois Volunteers and served to the end of the war ; adopted journalism in 1869, being employed upon "The Peoria Transcript" and other papers of that city. Later he became associated with "The Burlington (Iowa) Hawkeye," upon which he gained a wide reputation as a genial humor- ist. Several volumes of his sketches have been published, but in recent years he has devoted hi; attention chiefly to lecturing, with occasional contributions to the literary press. BUREAU COUNTY, set off from Putnam County in 1837, near the center of the northern half of the State, Princeton being made the county-seat. Coal had been discovered in 1834, there being considerable quantities mined at Mineral and Selby. Sheffield also has an impor- tant coal trade. Public lands were offered for sale as early as 1835. and by 1844 had been nearly all sold. Princeton was platted in 1832, and. in 1890. contained a population of 3,396. The county has an area of 870 square miles, and, according to the census of 1900, a population of 41.112. The pio- neer settler was Henry Thomas, who erected the first cabin, in Bureau township, in 1828. He was soon followed by the Ament brothers (Edward. Justus and John L. ) , and for a time settlers came in rapid succession, among the earliest being Amos Leonard. Daniel Dimmick, John Hall. William Hoskins, Timothy Perkins, Leonard Roth, Bull x ma and John Dixon. Serious Indian disturbances in 1831 caused a hegira of the settlers, some of whom never returned. In 1833 a fort was erected for the protection of the whites, and, in 1836, there began a new and large influx of immigrants. Among other early set- tlers were John H. and Arthur Bryant, brothers of the poet, William Cullen Bryant. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS, estab- lished in 1879, being an outgrowth of the agitation and discontent among the laboring classes, which culminated in 1877-78. The Board consists of five Commissioners, who serve for a nominal compensation, their term of office being two years. They are nominated by the Executive and confirmed by the Senate. The law requires that three of them shall be manual laborers and two employers of manual labor. The Bureau is charged with the collection, compilation and tabulation of statistics relative to labor in Illi- nois, particularly in its relation to the commer- cial, industrial, social, educational and sanitary conditions of the working classes. The Com- mission is required to submit biennial reports. Those already published contain much informa- tion of value concerning coal and lead mines, convict labor, manufactures, strikes and lock- outs, wages, rent, cost of living, mortgage indebtedness, and kindred topics. BURGESS, Alexander, Protestant Episcopal Bishop of the diocese of Quincy, was born at Providence, R. I., Oct. 31, 1819. He graduated HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. from Brown University in 1838 and from the General Theological Seminary (New York) in 1841. He was made a Deacon, Nov. 3, 1842. and ordained a priest, Nov. 1, 1843. Prior to his ele- vation to the episcopate he was rector of various parishes in Maine, at Brooklyn, N. V , and at Springfield, Mass. He represented the dioceses of Maine, Long Island and Massachusetts in the General Conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church from 1844 to 1877, and, in the latter year, was President of the House of Deputies. Upon the death of his brother George, Bishop of Maine, he was chosen by the clergy of the diocese to suc- ceed him but declined When the diocese of Quincy 111. was created, he was elected its first Bishop, and consecrated ut Christ Church, Spring field, Mass . on May 15, 1N78. Besides publishing a memoir of his brother. Bishop Burgess is the author of several Sunday-school question books, carols and hymns, anil lias been a contributor to periodical church literature. His residence is at Peoria. IM'lt I. KV. Arthur (iiliiiHii, merchant, was born at Exeter, N. H.. Oct. 4. 1K12, received his edu- cation in the local schools, and, in 1835, came West, locating in Chicago. For some two years he served as clerk in the boot, shoe and clothing store of John Holbrook. after which he accepted a position with his half-brother, Stephen F. Gale, the proprietor of the first book and stationery store in Chicago. In 1838 he invested his savings in a bankrupt stock of crockery, purchased from the old State Bank, and entered upon a business career which was continued uninterruptedly for nearly sixty years. In that time Mr. Burley huilt up a business which, for its extent and success, was unsurpassed in its time in the West. His brother in-law, Mr. John Tyrrell, became a member of the firm in 1832. the business there- after being conducted under the name of Burley & Tyrrell, with Mr. Burley as President of the Company until his death, which occurred, August 37, 1897. Augustus Harris (Hurley), brother of the preceding, was born at Exeter, N. H., March 38, 1819 ; was educated in the schools of his native State, and, in his youth, was employed for a time as a clerk in Boston. In 1837 he came to Chicago and took a position as clerk or salesman in the book and stationery store of his half- brother, Stephen F. Gale, subsequently became a partner, and, on the retirement of Mr Gale a few years later, succeeded to the control of the business. In 1857 he disposed of his book and stationery business, and about the same time became one of the founders of the Merchants' Loan and Trust Company, with which he has been connected as a Director ever since. Mr. Burley was a member of the volunteer fire depart- ment organized in Chicago in 1841 Among the numerous public positions held by him may be mentioned, member of the Board of Public Works (1867-70), the first Superintendent of Lincoln Park (1869), Representative from Cook County in the Twenty-seventh General Assembly (1870-72), City Comptroller during the administration of Mayor Medill (1872-73), and again undar Mayor Roche (1887), and member of the City Council (1881-82). Politically, Mr. Burley has been a zealous Repub- lican and served on the Chicago Union Defense Committee in the first year of the Civil War, and was a delegate from the State aMarge to the National Republican Convention at Baltimore in 1864, which nominated Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency a second time. BURNHAM, Daniel Hudson, architect, was l>orn at Henderson, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1846; came to Chicago at 9 years of age; attended private schools and the Chicago High School, after which he spent two years at Waltham. Mass.. receiving special instruction; returning to Chicago in 1867. he was afterwards associated with various firms. About 1873 he formed a business connection with J. W. Root, architect, which extended to the death of the latter in 1891. The firm of Burnham & Root furnished the plans of a large number of the most conspicuous business buildings in Chi- cago, but won their greatest distinction in con- nection with the construction of buildings for the World's Columbian Exposition, of which Mr. Root was Supervising Architect previous to his death, while Mr. Burnham was made Chief of Construction and, later Director of Works. In this capacity his authority was almost absolute, but was used with a discretion that contributed greatly to the success of the enterprise. BURR, Albert 6., former Congressman, was born in Genesee County, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1829: came to Illinois about 1832 with his widowed mother, who settled in Springfield. In early life he became a citizen of Winchester, where he read law and was admitted to the bar, also, for a time, following the occupation of a printer. Here he was twice elected to the lower house of the Gen- eral Assembly (1860 and 1862), meanwhile serving as a member of the State Constitutional Conven- tion of 1862. Having removed to Carrollton. Greene County, he was elected as a Democrat to the Fortieth and Forty-first Congresses (1866 and 1868). serving until March 4. 1871. In August, 1877, he was elected Circuit Judge to fill a HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 69 vacancy and was re-elected for the regular term in June, 1879, but died in office, June 10, 1882. BUBBELL, Orlando, member of Congress, was born in Bradford County, Pa. ; removed with his parents to White County, 111., in 1834, growing up on a farm near Carmi; received a common school education; in 1850 went to California, driving an ox-team across the plains. Soon after the beginning of the Civil War (1861) he raised a company of cavalry, of which he was elected Captain, and which became a part of the First Regiment Illinois Cavalry; served as County Judge from 1873 to 1881, and was elected Sheriff in 1886. In 1894 he was elected Representative in Congress as a Republican from the Twentieth District, composed of counties which formerly constituted a large part of the old Nineteenth District, and which had uniformly been repre- sented by a Democrat. He suffered defeat as a candidate for re-election in 1896. BUBROU6HS, John Curtis, clergyman and educator, was born in Stamford, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1818; graduated at Yale College in 1842, and Madison Theological Seminary in 1846. After five years spent as pastor of Baptist churches at Waterford and West Troy, N. Y., in 1852 he assumed the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of Chicago; about 1856 was elected to the presi- dency of the Chicago University, then just established, having previously declined the presidency of Shurtleff College at Upper Alton. Resigning his position in 1874, he soon after became a member of the Chicago Board of Edu- cation, and, in 1884, was elected Assistant Super- intendent of Public Schools of that city, serving until his death, April 21, 1892. IM'SF.V, Samuel T., banker and ex-Congress- man, was born at Greencastle, Ind., Nov. 16, 1835; in infancy was brought by his parents to Urbana, III., where he was educated and has since resided. From 1857 to 1859 he was engaged in mercantile pursuits, but during 1860-61 attended a commercial college and read law. In 1862 he was chosen Town Collector, but resigned to enter the Union Army, being commissioned^ Second Lieutenant by Governor Yates, and assigned to recruiting service. Having aided in the organization of the Seventy-sixth Illinois Volunteers, he was commissioned its Lieutenant- Colonel, August 12, 1862 ; was afterward promoted to the colonelcy, and mustered out of service at Chicago, August 6, 1865, with the rank of Brevet Brigadier-General. In 1866 he was an unsuccess- ful candidate for the General Assembly on the Democratic ticket, and for Trustee of tho State University in 1888. From 1880 to 1889 he was Mayor and President of the Board of Education of Urbana. In 1867 lie opened a private bank, which he conducted for twenty-one years. In 1890 he was elected to Congress from the Fif- teenth Illinois District, defeating Joseph G. Can non. Republican, by whom he was in turn defeated for the same office in 1892. BCSHNELL, a nourishing city and manufac- turing center in McDonough County, 11 miles northeast nf Macomb. at the junction of two branches of the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy with the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroads; has numerous manufactories, including wooden puni|>s. flour, agricultural implements, wagons and cariiages, tank and fence-work, rural mail- boxes, mattresses, brick, besides egg and poultry packing houses: also has water-works and elec- tric lights, grain elevators, three banks, several churches, graded public and high schools, two newnpai>ers and a public library. Pop. (1900), 2,490. HI SIINKI.I.. Nrhemiah, lawyer, was horn in the town of Westbrook, C'onn., Oct. 9, 1813; graduated at Yale College in 1835, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1837, coming in December of the same year to Quincy, 111. , where, for a time, he assisted in editing "The Whig" of that city, later forming a partnership with O. H. Browning, which was never fully broken until his death. In his practice he gave much attention to land titles in the "Military Tract" ; in 1851 was President of the portion of the North- ern Cross Railroad between Quincy and Gales- burg (now a part of the Chicago, Burlington ft Quincy), and later of the Quincy Bridge Company and the Quincy & Palmyra (Mo.) Railroad. In 1872 he was elected by the Republicans the "minority" Representative from Adams County in the Twenty-eighth General Assembly, but died during the succeeding session, Jan. 31, 1873. He was able, high-minded and honorable in public and private life. BCSHNELL, Washington, lawyer and Attor- ney-General, was born in Madison County, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1825; in 1837 came with his father to Lisbon, Kendall County, 111., where he worked on a farm and taught at times ; studied law at Pough- keepsie. N. Y.. was admitted to the bar and established himself in practice at Ottawa, 111. The public positions held by him were those of State Senator for La Salle County (1861-69) and Attorney -General (1869-73) ; was also a member of the Republican National Convention of 1864, liesides being identified with various business enterprises at Ottawa. Died. June 30, 1885. 70 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. BUTLER, William, State Treasurer, was born in A. lair County, Ky., Dec. 15, 1797; during the war of 1812, at the age of 16 years, served as the messenger of the Governor of Kentucky, carrying dispatches to Gen. William Henry Harrison in the field; removed to Sangamon County, 111., in 1828, and, in 1836, was appointed Clerk of the Circuit Court by Judge Stephen T. Logan. In 1859 he served as foreman of the Grand Jury which investigated the "canal scrip frauds" charged against ex-Governor Matteson, and it was largely through his influence that the pro- ceedings of that body were subsequently pub- lished in an official form. During the same year Governor Bissell appointed him State Treasurer to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of James Miller, and he was elected to the same office in 1860. Mr. Butler was an ardent sup- porter of Abraham Lincoln, whom he efficiently befriended in the early struggles of the latter in Springfield. He died in Springfield, Jan. 11, 1876. BUTTERFIELD, Justin, early lawyer, was born at Keene, N. II . in 1790. He studied at Williams College, and was admitted to the bar at Watertown, N. Y., in 1812. After some years devoted to practice at Adams and at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. , he removed to New Orleans, where he attained a high rank at the bar. In 1835 he settled in Chicago and soon became a leader in his profession there also. In 1841 he was appointed by President Harrison United States District At- torney for the District of Illinois, and, in 1849, by President Taylor Commissioner of the General Land Office, one of his chief competitors for the latter place being Abraham Lincoln. This dis- tinction he probably owed to the personal influ- ence of Daniel Webster, then Secretary of State, of whom Mr. Butterfield was a personal friend and warm admirer. While Commissioner, he rendered valuable service to the State in securing the canal land grant. As a lawyer he was logical and resourceful, as well as witty and quick at repartee, yet his chief strength lay before the Court rather than the jury. Numerous stories are told of his brilliant sallies at the bar and elsewhere. One of the former relates to his address before Judge Nathaniel Pope, of the United States Court at Springfield, in a habeas- corpus case to secure the release of Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet, who was under arrest under the charge of complicity in an attempt to assassin- ate Governor Boggs of Missouri. Rising to begin his argument, Mr. Butterfield said: "I am to address the Pope" (bowing to the Court), "sur- rounded by angels" (bowing still lower to a party of ladies in the audience), "in the presence of the holy apostles, in behalf of the prophet of the Lord." On another occasion, being asked if he was opposed to the war with Mexico, he replied. "I opposed one war" meaning his opposition as a Federalist to the War of 1812 "but learned the folly of it. Henceforth I am for war, pestilence and famine." He died, Oct. 25, 1855. BYFORD, William II., physician and author, was born at Eaton. Ohio, March 20, 1817 ; in 1830 came with his widowed mother to Crawford County, 111., and began learning the tailor's trade at Palestine; later studied medicine at Vincennes and practiced at different points in Indiana. Meanwhile, having graduated at the Ohio Medical College, Cincinnati, in 1850, he assumed a professorship in a Medical College at Evansville, Ind., also editing a medical journal. In 1857 he removed to Chicago, where he ac- cepted a chair in Rush Medical College, but two years later became one of the founders of the Chicago Medical College, where he remained twerty years. He then (1879) returned to Rush, assuming the chair of Gynecology. In 1870 he assisted in founding the Woman's Medical Col- lege of Chicago, remaining President of the Faculty and Board of Trustees until his death, May 21, 1890. He published a number of medical works which are regarded as standard by the profession, besides acting as associate of Dr. N. S. Davis in the editorship of "The Chicago Medical Journal" and as editor-in-chief of "The Medical Journal and Examiner," the successor of the former. Dr. Byford was held in the highest esteem as a physician and a man, both by the general public and his professional associates. BYRON, a village of Ogle County, in a pictur- esque region on Rock River, at junction of the Chicago Great Western and the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railways. 83 miles west-north- west from Chicago; is in rich farming and dairy- ing district: has two banks and two weekly papers. Population (1890), 698; (1900). 1,015. CABLE, a town in Mercer County, on the Rock Island & Peoria Railroad, 26 miles south by east from Rock Island. Coal-mining is the principal industry, but there are also tile works, a good quality of clay for manufacturing purposes being found in abundance. Population (1880), 572; (1890), 1,276; (1900). 697. CABLE, Benjamin T., capitalist and politician, was born in Georgetown. Scott County, Ky.. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 71 August 11, 1853. When he was three years old his father's family removed to Rock Island, 111., where he has since resided. After passing through the Rock Island public schools, he matric- ulated at the University of Michigan, graduating in June, 1876. He owns extensive ranch and manufacturing property, and is reputed wealthy ; is also an active Democratic politician, and influ- ential in his party, having been a member of both the National and State Central Committees. In 1890 he was elected to Congress from the Eleventh Illinois District, but since 1893 has held no public office. CABLE, Ransom R.. railway manager, was born in Athens County, Ohio, Sept. 23, 1834. His early training was mainly of the practical sort, and by the time he was 17 years old he was actively employed as a lumberman. In 1857 he removed to Illinois, first devoting his attention to coal mining in the neighborhood of Rock Island. Later he became interested in the pro- jection and management of railroads, being in turn Superintendent, Vice-President and Presi- dent of the Rock Island & Peoria Railroad. His next position was that of General Manager of the Rockford, Rock Island & St. Louis Railroad. His experience in these positions rendered him famil- iar with both the scope and the details of railroad management, while his success brought him to the favorable notice of those who controlled rail- way interests all over the country. In 1876 he was elected a Director of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway. In connection with this company he has held, successively, the offices of Vice-President, Assistant to the Presi- dent, General Manager and President, being chief executive officer since 1880. (See Chicago, Rock Island (fc Pacific Railiray.) CAHOKIA, the first permanent white settle- ment in Illinois, and, in French colonial times, one of its principal towns. French Jesuit mis- .sionaries established the mission of the Tamaroas here in 1700, to which they gave the name of "Sainte Famille de Caoquias," antedating the settlement at Kaskaskia of the same year by a fejv months. Cahokia and Kaskaskia were jointly made the county -seats of St. Clair County, when that county was organized by Governor St. Clair in 1790. Five years later, when Randolph County was set off from St. Clair, Cahokia was continued as the county-seat of the parent county, so remaining until the removal of the seat of justice to Belleville in 1814. Like its early rival, Kaskaskia, it has dwindled in impor- tance until, in 1890. its population was estimated at 100. Descendants of the early French settlers make up a considerable portion of the present population. The site of the old town is on the line of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Rail- road, about four miles from East St. Louis. Some of the most remarkable Indian mounds in the Mississippi Valley, known as "the Cahokia Mounds, " are located in the vicinity. (See Mound- Builders, Works of the.) CAIRXES, Abraham, a native of Kentucky, in 1816 settled in that part of Crawford County, III, which was embraced in Lawrence County on the organization of the latter in 1821. Mr. Cairnes was a member of the House for Crawford County in the Second General Assembly (1820-22), and for Lawrence County in the Third (1822-24), in the latter voting against the pro-slavery Conven- tion scheme. He removed from Lawrence County to some point on the Mississippi River in 1826, but further details of his history are un- known. CAIRO, the county-seat of Alexander County, and the most important river point between St. Louis and Memphis. Its first charter was ob- tained from the Territorial Legislature by Shad rach Bond (afterwards Governor of Illinois), John G. Corny ges and others, who incorporated the "City and Bank of Cairo. " The company entered about 1,800 acres, but upon the death of Mr. Corny- ges, the land reverted to the Government. The forfeited tract was re-entered in 1835 by Sidney Breese and others, who later transferred it to the "Cairo City and Canal Company,?' a corporation chartered in 1837, which, by purcliase, increased its holdings to 10,000 acres. Peter Stapleton is said to have erected the first house, and John Hawley the second, within the town limits. In consideration of certain privileges, the Illinois Central Railroad has erected around the water front a substantial levee, eighty feet wide. Dur- ing the Civil War Cairo was an important base for military operations. Its population, according to the census of 1900, was 12,568. (See also Alex- ander County.) CAIRO BRIDGE, THE, one of the triumphs of modern engineering, erected by the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad Company across the Ohio River, opposite the city of Cairo. It is the longest metallic bridge across a river in the world, being thirty-three feet longer than the Tay Bridge, in Scotland. The work of construction was begun. July 1. 1S87, and uninterruptedly prosecuted for twenty -seven months, being completed, Oct. 29. iss'.i The first train to cross it was made up of ten locomotives coupled together. The ap- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. proaches from both the Illinois and Kentucky shores consist of iron viaducts and well-braced timber trestles. The Illinois viaduct approach consists of seventeen spans of 150 feet each, and one span of 106 !^ feet. AH these rest on cylin- der piers filled with concrete, and are additionally 1 supported by piles driven within the cylinders. The viaduct on the Kentucky shore is of similar general construction. The total number of spans is twenty -two twenty -one being of 150 feet each, and one of KM>' + feet. The total length of the metal work, from end to end, is 10,650 feet, including that of the bridge proper, which is 4.644 feet. The latter consists of nine through .spans and three deck spans. The through spans rest on ten first-class masonry piers on pneumatic foundations. The total length of the bridge, including the timber trestles, is 20,461 feet about 3# miles. [Four-fifths of the Illinois trestle work has been filled in with earth, while that on the southern shore has been virtually replaced by an embankment since the completion of the bridge. The bridge proper stands 104.42 feet in the clear above low water, and from the deepest foundation to the top of the highest iron work is 248.94 feet. The total cost of the work, including the filling and embankment of the trestles, has been (1895) between $3,250,000 and $3,500,000. CAIRO, VINCEOES & CHICAGO RAIL- ROAD, a division of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway, extending from Danville to Cairo (261 miles), with "a branch nine miles in length from St. Francisville, 111., to Vin- rennes, Ind. It 'a.s chartered as the Cairo & Vincennes Railroad in 1867, completed in 1872, placed in the hands <>f a receiver in 1874, sold under foreclosure in January, 1880, and for some time operated as the Cairo Division of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway. In 1889, having been surrendered by the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway, it was united with the Danville & Southwestern Railroad, reorganized as the Cairo, Vincennes & Chicago Railroad, and, in 1890, leased to the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chi- cago & St. Louis Railway, of which it is known as the "Cairo Division." (See Cleveland, Cincin- nati, Chicago "TER8VIU,E, a village of Kane County iiml manufacturing center, on Luke Ge- neva branch of the('liioHgo& Northwestern Rail- road. 6 miles north of East Elgin and about 48 miles from Chicago. Pop. (1890), 754 ; (1900), 1,002. CARR, Clark ., lawyer, politician and diplo- mat, was horn at Boston, Erie County. N. Y.. May 20, 1836; at 13 years of age accompanied his father's family to Galesburg, 111. , where he spent several years at Knox College. In 1857 he gradu- ated from the Albany Law School, but on return- ' ing to Illinois, soon embarked in politics, his affiliations being uniformly with the Republican party. His first office was that of Postmaster at Galesburg, to which he was appointed by Presi dent Lincoln in 1861 and which he held for twenty-four years. He was a tried and valued assistant of Governor Yates during the War of the Rebellion, serving on the staff of the latter with the rank of Colonel. He was a delegate to the National Convention of his party at Baltimore in 1864. which renominated Lincoln, and took an active part in the campaigns of that year, as well as those of 1868 and 1873. In 1869 he purchased "The Galesburg Republican," which he edited and published for two years. In 1880 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the Republican nomi- nation for Governor ; in 1884 was a delegate to the Republican National Convention, from the State- at-large, and, in 1887, a candidate for the caucus nomination for United States Senator, which was given to Charles B. Farwell. In 1888 he was defeated in the Republican State Convention as candidate for Governor by Joseph W. Fifer. In 1889 President Harrison appointed him Minister to Denmark, which post he filled with marked ability and credit to the country until his resig nation was accepted by President Cleveland, when he returned to his former home at Gales- burg. While in Denmark he did much to promote American trade with that country, especially in the introduction of American corn as an article of food, which has led to a large increase in the annual exportation of this com- modity to Scandinavian markets. CARR, Eugene A., soldier, was born in Erie County, N. Y., May 20, 1830, and graduated at West Point in 1850, entering the Mounted Rifles. Until 1861 he was stationed in the Far West, and engaged in Indian fighting, earning a First Lieu- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 81 tenancy through his gallantry. In 1861 he entered upon active service under General Lyon, in Southwest Missouri, taking part in the engage- ments of Dug Springs and Wilson's Creek, winning the brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel. In September, 1861, he was commissioned Colonel of the Third Illinois Cavalry. He served as acting Brigadier-General in Fremont's hundred-day expedition, for a time commanding the Fourth Division of the Army of the Southwest. On the second day at Pea Ridge, although three times wounded, he remained on the field seven hours, and materially aided in securing a victory, for his bravery being made Brigadier-General of Volunteers. In the summer of 1862 he was promoted to the rank of Major in the Regular Army. During the Vicksburg campaign he com- manded a division, leading the attack at Magnolia Church, at Port Gibson, and at Big Black River, and winning a brevet Lieutenant-Colonelcy in the United States Army. He also distinguished himself for a first and second assault upon taking Vicksburg, and, in the autumn of 1862. com- manded the left wing of the Sixteenth Corps at Corinth. In December of that year he was transferred to the Department of Arkansas, where he gained new laurels, being brevetted Brigadier-General for gallantry at Little Rock, and Major-General for services during the war. After the close of the Civil War, he was stationed chiefly in the West, where he rendered good serv- ice in the Indian campaigns. In 1894 he was retired with the rank of Brigadier-General, and has since resided in New York. CARRIEL, Henry F., M.D., alienist, was born ,\t Cliarlestown, N. II. . and educated at Marlow Academy, N. H., and Wesleyan Seminary. Vt. : graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, in 1857, and immedi- ately accepted the position of Assistant Physician in the New Jersey State Lunatic Asylum, remaining until 1870. Meanwhile, however, he visited a large number of the leading hospitals and asylums of Europe. In 1870, Dr. Carriel received the appointment of Su]>erintendent of the Illinois Central Hospital for the Insane at Jacksonville, a position which he continued to till until 1893, when he voluntarily tendered to Governor Altgeld his resignation, to take effect July 1 of that year. Mrs. Mary Turner (Carriel). wife of Dr. Carriel, and a daughter of Prof. Jonathan B. Turner of Jacksonville, was elected a Trustee of the University of Illinois on the Repub lican ticket in 1896. receiving a plurality of 148,03!) over Julia Holmes Smith, her highest competitor. CARROLL COUNTY, originally a part of Jo Daviess County, but set apart and organized in 1839, named for Charles Carroll of Carrollton. The first settlements were in and around Savanna, Cherry Grove and Arnold's Grove. The first County Commissioners were Messrs. L. H. Bor den, Garner Moffett and S. M. Jersey, who held their first court at Savanna, April 13, 1839. In 1843 the county -seat was changed from Savanna to Mount Carroll, where it yet remains. Town ships were first organized in 1850, and the development of the county has steadily pro- gressed since that date. The surface of the land is rolling, and at certain points decidedly pictur- esque. The land is generally good for farming. It is well timbered, particularly along the Mis- sissippi. Area of the county, 440 square miles; population, 18,963. Mount Carroll is a pleasant, prosperous, wide-awake town, of about 2,000 inhabitants, and noted for its excellent public and private schools. CARROLLTON, the county-seat of Greene County, situated on the west branch' of the Chi- cago & Alton and the Quincy. Carrollton & St. Louis Kailroails. 33 miles north-northwest of Alton, and H4 miles south by west from Jackson- ville. The town has a foundry, carriage and wagon factory, two machine shops, two flour mills, two banks, six churches, a high school, and two weekly newspa|>ei-s. Population (1890), 2,258; (1900). 2,335. CARTER, Joseph N., Justice of the Supreme Court, was born in Hardin County, Ky.. March 12, 1843; came to Illinois in boyhood, and, after attending school at Tuscola four years, engaged in teaching until 1863, when he entered Illinois College, graduating in 1866; in 1868 graduated from the Law Department of the University of Michigan, the next year establishing himself in practice at Quincy, where he lias since resided He was a member of the Thirty-first and Thirty- second General Assemblies (1878-82), and, in June, 1N94. was elected to the seat on the Supreme Bench, which he now occupies CARTER, Thomas Henry, United States Sena tor, born in Scioto County, Ohio, Oct. 30, 1854; in his fifth year was brought to Illinois, his father locating at Pana, where he was educated in the public schools; was employed in farming, railroading and teaching several years, then studied law and was admitted to the bar. and. in 1882, removed to Helena. Mont., where he en- gaged in practice; was elected, as a Republican the last Territorial Delegate to Congress from Idaho and the first Representative from the new 82 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. State: was Commissioner of the General Land Office (1891-92), and, in 1895, was elected to the United States Senate for the term ending in 1901. In 1892 he was chosen Chairman of the Repub- lican National Committee, serving until the St. Louis Convention of 1896. CARTERVILLE, a city in Williamson County, 10 miles by rail northwest of Marion. Coal min- ing is t in' principal industry. It has a bank, five churches, a public school, ami a weekly news- paper. Population (ISSO), 092; (1890), 969; (1900), 1,749; (1904, est.), 2,000. CARTHAGE, a city nml the county-seat of Hancock County, lii miles east of Keokuk, Iowa, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and the Wa- basli Railroads; lias water-works, electric lights, three banks, four trust companies, four weekly and two semi-weekly papers, and is the seat of a Lutheran College. Pop. (1890). 1.654; (1900), 2,104. CARTHAGE COLLEGE, at Carthage. Hancock County, incorporated in 1871; has a teaching faculty of twelve members, and reports 158 pupils sixty-eight men and ninety women for 1897-98. It has a library of 5,000 volumes and endowment of $32,000. Instruction is given in the classical, scientific, musical, fine arts and business depart- ments, as well as in preparatory studies. In 1898 this institution reported a property valuation of $41,000, of which $35,000 was in real estate. CARTHAGE & BURLINGTON RAILROAD. (See Chicago, Burlington , John Dean, early lawyer and jurist, was born in Monroe County, N. Y. , March 19, Cetrough and Archibald Job. As early as 182^_J**2. Left to the care of a widowed mother at there was a horse-mill on Indian Creek, and, in 1827, M. L Lindsley conducted a school on the bluffs. Peter Cartwright, the noted Methodist missionary and evangelist, was one of the earliest preachers, and among the pioneers may be named Messrs. Robertson, Toplo, McDonald, Downing, Davis, Shepherd, Penny, Bergen and Hopkins. Beardstown was the original county-seat, and during both the Black Hawk and Mormon troubles was a depot of supplies and rendezvous for troops. Here also Stephen A. Douglas made his first political speech. The site of the town. an early age, his childhood was spent in poverty and manual labor. At 15 he was set to learn a trade, but an infirmity of sight compelled him to abandon it. After a brief attendance at an academy at Utica, where he studied law between the ages of 19 and 21. in 1833 he removed to Chicago, and shortly afterward, on a visit to Pekin, was examined and licensed to practice by Judee Stephen T. Logan. In 1834, he was elected Justice of the Peace, served as Alderman in 1837-38, and sat upon the bench of the Supreme Court from 1842 to 1864, when he resigned, hav- z z PI X n pi H - X hr] o ?3 5 C/5 Z PI 1 - gs HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Burgeon, later serving as Assistant Surgeon. In 18(j<>, he was elected Representative in tlte Twenty-lifth General Assembly and re-elected in 1888, when he was an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Sneaker in o|i|H>sition to Hon. S. M. Cullom; also agaiu served as Representative in the Twenty-eighth Cent-rat Assembly (1*72-7-1). Sincn retiring from public life Dr. Casey has given his attention to the practice of his profes- sion. Col. Thomas S. (Casey), another son. was horn in Jefferson County. 111.. April C, 18:!2, educated in the common schools and at McKend- ree College, in due course receiving the degree of A.M. from the latter; studied law for three years, being admitted to the liar in 1S.TJ; in I860, was elected State's Attorney for the Twelfth Judicial District, in Septemlier. 1802, was com- missioned Colonel of the One Hundred and Tenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, but was mustered out May Ifi, 180!!. having in the meantime taken part in the battle of Stone River and other important engagements in Western Tennessee. By this lime his regiment, having Ix-en much reduced in numbers, was consolidated with the Sixtieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. In 18G4, he was again elected State's Attorney, serving until I8IW; in 1870. was chosen Representative, and. in 1872. Senator for the Mount Vernon District for a term of four years In 1N70. he waselected Cir- cuit Judge and was immediately assigned to \p|M-llate Court duty, soon after the expiration of his term, in 1885. removing to Springfield, where he died, March 1. I8!H. C.VSS rOl'NTV, situated a little west of the center of the State, with an area of UGll square miles anil a |>pulation (t'JOO) of 17,222 named for (Jen. Lewis Cass. French traders are believed to have made the locality of Bcardstown their headquarters alioul the time of the discovery of ihe Illinois country. The earliest |iermanent white settlers came about 1821), and among them were Thomas Hear, I. Martin I.. Lindslev. John Cetrough and Archibald Job. As early as 1821 there was a horse mill on Indian Creek, and. in 1*27. M : Limlsley conducted a school on the hlulN. I'eter Cartwright. the noted Methodist missionary and evangelist. w;ts one of the earliest l>rc tellers, anil among the pioneers may be named Messrs Robertson, Toplo. McDonald, Downing, Davis. Shepherd, Penny. Bergen and Hopkins Hear.lstown was tl riginal county seat, ami during both the I 'In I. Hawk and Monuon troubles was a depot of supplies and rendezvous for troops. Here also Stephen A Douglas made his lirst i>litical S|M h The site of the town as at present laid out. was at one time sold by Mr. Downing for twenty live dollars. The. county was set off from Morgan in lb:!7. The principal towns are Beardstown. Virginia. Chaiul- lerville, Ashland and Arenzville. The county- seat, formerly at ISeardstovnC was later removed to Virginia, where it now is. Beardstown was incorporated in 18:i7, with about "(Ml inhabitants. Virginia was platted in 18:jG, but not incorporated until 1842. CASTLE, Orlando Lane, educator, was born at Jericho, Vt., July 26, 1822; graduated at Denison University, Ohio, 1846; spent one year as tutor there, and, for several years, had charge of the public schools of Zanesville. Ohio. In 18.'i8. he accepted the chair of Rhetoric, Oratory and Belles-Lettres in Shurtletf College, at Upjier Alton, 111., remaining until his death. Jan. 31, 1892. Professor Castle received the degree of I.L. D. from Denison University in 1H77. C.VTHERWOOD, -Mary Hartnrll, author, was born (Hartwell) in Luray, Ohio. Dec. 1<>, 1844. educated at the Female College, Grunville. Ohio, where she graduated, in 1808. and. in 1887, was married to James S. Catherwood. with whom she resides at Hoopeston. III. Mrs. Catherwood is the author of u number of works of fiction, which have l>een accorded u high rank. Among her earlier productions are "Craime o'-Doom" (1881). "Rocky Fork" (1882). "Old Caravan Days" ecame interested in the construction of telegraph lines in the West, which for a time bore his name and were ultimately incorporated in the "West- ern Union," laying the foundation of a large fortune. On retiring from the bench, he devoted himself for the remainder of his life to his private affairs, to travel, and to literary labors. Among his published works are "The Antelope and Deer of America," "A Summer in Norway," "Miscel- lanies," and "Early Bench and 'Bar of Illinois." Died in Chicago, July 30, 1895. CAT ABLY, Alfred W., early lawyer and legis- lator; was born in Connecticut, Sept. 15, 1793; served as a soldier in the War of 1813, and, in 1822, came to Illinois, first settling at Edwards- ville, and soon afterwards at Carrollton, Greene County. Here he was elected Representative in the Fifth General Assembly (1826), and again to the Twelfth (1840) ; also served as Senator in the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Assemblies (1842-48), acting, in 1845, as one of the Commis- sioners to revise the statutes. In 1844, he was chosen a Presidential Elector, and, in 1846, was a prominent candidate for the Democratic nomi- nation for Governor, but was defeated in conven- tion by Augustus C. French. Mr. Cavarly was prominent both in his profession and in the Legislature while a member of that body. In 1853, he removed to Ottawa, where he resided until his death, Oct. 25, 1876. CENTERYILLE (or Central City), a village in the coal-mining district of Grundy County, near Coal City. Population (1880), 673; (1900). 290. CENTRAL HOSPITAL FOB THE INSANE, established under act of the Legislature passeil March 1, 1847, and located at Jacksonville, Mor- gan County. Its founding was largely due to the philanthropic efforts of Miss Dorothea L. Dix. who addressed the people from the platform and appeared before the General Assembly in behalf of this class of unfortunates. Construction of the building was begun in 1848. By 1851 two wards were ready for occupancy, and the first patient was received in November of that year. The first Superintendent was Dr. J. M. Higgins, who served less than two years, when he was suc- ceeded by Dr. H. K. Jones, who had been Assist- ant Superintendent. Dr. Jones remained as Acting Superintendent for several months, when the place was filled by the appointment of Dr. Andrew McFarland of New Hampshire, his administration continuing until 1870, when he resigned on account of ill-health, being succeeded by Dr. Henry F. Carriel of New Jersey. Dr. Carriel tendered his resignation in 1893, and, after one or two further changes, in 1897 Dr. F. C. Winslow, who had been Assistant Superin- tendent under Dr. Carriel, was placed in charge of the institution. The original plan of construc- tion provided for a center building, five and a half stories high, and two wings with a rear extension in which were to be the chapel, kitchen and employes' quarters. Subsequently these wings were greatly enlarged, permitting an increase in the number of wards, and as the exigencies of the institution demanded, appropri- ations have been made for the erection of addi- tional buildings. Numerous detached buildings have been erected within the past few years, and the capacity of the institution greatly increased "The Annex" admitting of the introduction of many new and valuable features in the classifica- tion and treatment of patients. The number of inmates of late years has ranged from 1,200 to 1,400. The counties from which patients are received in this institution embrace: Rock Island, Mercer, Henry, Bureau, Putnam, Mar- shall, Stark, Kno.x, Warren, Henderson, Hancock, McDonough, Fulton, Peoria, Tazewell, Logan, Mason, Menard, Cass, Schuyler, Adams, Pike, Calhoun, Brown, Scott, Morgan, Sangamon, Christian, Montgomery, Macoupin, Greene and Jersey. CENTRALIA, a city and railway center of Marion County, 250 miles south of Chicago. It forms a trade center for the famous "fruit belt" of Southern Illinois; has a number of coal mines, a glass plant, an envelope factory, iron foundries, railroad repair shops, flour and rolling mills, and an ice plant; also has water- works and sewerage system, a fire department, two daily papers, and excellent graded schools. Several parks afford splendid pleasure resorts. Population (1890), 4,763; (1900), 6.721; (1903, est.). S.OOO. CENTRALIA & ALTAMONT RAILROAD. (See Central ia & Cliextrr Rnilnmil) CENTRALIA & CHESTER RAILROAD, a rail- way line wholly within the State, extending from Salem, in Marion County, to Chester, on the Mississippi River (91.6 miles), with a lateral branch from Sparta to Roxborough (5 miles), and trackage facilities over the Illinois Central from the branch junction to Centralia (2.9 miles) . HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ing served nearly twenty-two years. During this period lie more than once occupied the posi- tion of Chief Justice. Being embarrassed by the linancial stringency of 1837-38, in the latter year he entered a tract of land near Plainlield, and. taking his family with him, began farming. Later in life, while a resident of Ottawa, he became interested in the const met ion of telegraph lines in the West, which for a time l>ore his name ami were ultimately incoqiorated in the "West- ern Union." laying the foundation of a large fortune. On retiring from the l>encli. he devoted himself for the remainder of his life to his private affairs, to travel, and to literary labors. Among his published works are "The Antelope and Deer of America," "A Summer in Norway." "Miscel- lanies," ami "Early Bench and Bar of Illinois." Died in Chicago. Jufy 30, 1H95. OAVARLY, Alfred W., early lawyer and legis- lator was lxni in Connecticut, Sept. 1~>, 17!*:!; served as a soldier in the War of 1S12. and. in IX'.'i. came to Illinois, tirst settling at Edwards- ville. and soi>ii afterwards at C'arrollton. Greene County. Here he was elected Representative in the Fifth General Assembly (l*2li). and again to the Twelfth (1S4D) , also served ;is Senator in the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Assemblies ( IS|-J-4S), acting, in 1X4.1, as one of the Commis- sioners to revise the statutes. In 1X14. hi* was chosen a Presidential Klector, and, in IX-l'i, was a prominent candidate for the Democratic nomi- nation for Governor, but was defeated in conven- tion by Augustus C. French. Mr. Cavarly was prominent lx>th in his profession and in the Legislature while .> inemher of that Univ. In IM.V!. he removed to Ottawa, where he resided until his death. Oct. 'J.".. IHTti. CF.XTERVILLE (or Central City), u village in .the coal-mining district of (irundy County, near Coal City Population (ISSO). li?:t; (190ft). iSH). CENTRAL HOSPITAL FOR THE I\SAXE, c-taMished under act of the Legislature passed March 1. 1*17, and located at .lacksonville. Mor- gan < 'oiinty. Its founding was largely due to the philanthropic efforts of Miss Dorothea L. Di.\ ho addressed (lie jieoplc from the platform anil ' appeared Imfore the General Assembly in U-hall of this class of unfortunates Construction of the building was begun in l*|x. Ity I"-""! two wards were ready for occupancy, and the tirst patient was received in Novemlier of that year. The ti?-st Superintendent was Dr. .1 M. Higgins. whoserved less than two years, when he was suc- ceeded by Dr. H. K. Jones, who had lieen Assist- ant Superintendent Dr. Jones remained as Acting Sii]>erintPndent for several months, when the place was tilled by the appointment of Dr. Andrew McFurland of New Hampshire, his administration' continuing until 1*7U, when he resigned on account of ill health, lieing succeeded by Dr. Henry F. Carriel of -New Jersey Dr. Carriel tendered his resignation in IN&!. and. after one or two further changes, in 1SH7 Dr. F. C. Winslow, who liai lieen Assistant .Superin- tendent under Dr. Carriel. was plaivd in cliarge of the institution. The original plan of construc- tion provided for :t center building, live and a half stories high, and,two wings with a rear extension in which were to be the chajiel. kitchen and employes' quarters. Subsequently these wings were greatly enlarged. |-rmiiting an increase in the mmilier uf wards, and its the exigencies of the institution demanded, appropri- ations have been made for tjhe. erection of addi- tional buildings. Numerous detached buildings have been erected within the past few years, and the cajiaeity of the institution greatly increased "The Annex" admitting of the introduction of many new and valuable features in the classifica- tion and treatment of |>atieiits. The number of inmates of late years has ranged froin 1,20(1 to 1.40O. The counties fron. which (taXients are received in this institution embrace: Rock Island. Mercer. Henry. Bureau. Putnam, Mar shall. Stark. Knox. Warren. Henderson. Hancock. McDonough. Fulton. Peoria. Tazewell. Logan. Mason. Menard, Cass, Schuyler. Adams, Pike. Calhoun. Brown. Scott. 1 Morgan. Sangamon. Christian. Montgomery, Macotipin. Greene and Jersey CENTHAI.IA, a city and railway center of Marion County. ''~> mile- south of Chicago. It forms a trade center for t lie famous "fruit belt" of Souther:. Illinois; has a nnmlier of coal mine- a glass plant, an envelope fai t"iy. iron foundries, railroad repair shep^. tlntirand i< MiKg mills, and an ice plant : also has \\ater-\\ irks and M'weragc systi-in. a tire department. : v. o daily |iapers. and excellent gnuled s;-lni-U Several (rarks atTord' splendid pleasure ivii>. !'. pulation (1- S 1K)). . 4,7lj::. (I'.MHO. ".:.'!: i ;!-!. est. ) N.IIINI 4'KM'RAIJA X Al.TAJIOM' KUIHoMi. iSee ( ', jilrolix <*' '/,.. 1 17fil . --. 88 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. CHASE, Philander, Protestant Episcopal Bishop, was born in Cornish, Vt., Dec 14, 1775, and graduated at Dartmouth in 1795. Although reared as a Congregationalist, he adopted the Episcopal faith, and was ordained a priest in 1799, for several years laboring as a missionary in Northern and Western New York. In 1805, he went to New Orleans, but returning North in 1811, spent six years as a rector at New Haven, Conn., then engaged in missionary work in Ohio, organizing a number of parishes and founding an academy at Worthington; was consecrated a Bishop in 1819, and after a visit to England to raise funds, laid the foundation of Kenyon College and Gambler Theological Seminary, named in honor of two English noblemen who hftd contributed a large portion of the funds. Differences arising with some of his clergy in reference to the proper use of the funds, he resigned both the Bishopric and the Presidency of the college in 1831. and after three years of missionary labor in Michigan, in 1835 was chosen Bishop of Illinois. Making a second visit to England, he succeeded in raising additional funds, and, in 1838, founded Jubilee College at Robin's Nest, Peoria County, 111., for which a charter was obtained in 1847. He was a man of great religious zeal, of indomitable perseverance and the most successful pioneer of the Episcopal Church in the West. He was Presiding Bishop from 1843 until his death, which occurred Sept. ' 20, 1852. Several volumes appeared from his pen, the most important being "A Plea for the West" (1826), and "Reminiscences: an Autobiography, Comprising a History of the Principal Events in the Author's Life" (1848). CHATHAM, a village of Sangamon County, on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, 9 miles south of Springfield. Population (1890), 482; (1900), 62fl, CHATSWORTH, town in Livingston County, on 111. Cent, and Toledo, Peoria & Western Rail- ways, 79 miles east of Peoria; in farming and stock-raising district ; has two banks, three grain elevators, five churches, a graded school, two weekly papers, water works, electric lights, paved streets, cement sidewalks, btick works, and other manufactories. Pop. (1890), 827; (1900), 1,038. CHEBANSE, a town in Iroquois and Kankakee Counties, on the Illinois Central Railroad, 64 miles south-southwest from Chicago; the place has two banks and one newspaper. Population (1880). 728; (1890), 616; (1900), 555. CHENEY, Charles Edward, Bishop of the Re- formed Protestant Episcopal Church, was born in Canandaigua, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1836; graduated at Hobart in 1857, and began study for the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Soon after ordination he became rector of Christ Church. Chicago, and was prominent among those who, under the leadership of Assistant Bishop Cum- mins of Kentucky, organized the Reformed Epis copal Church in 1873. He was elected Missionary Bishop of the Northwest for the new organiza- tion, and was consecrated in Christ Church, Chicago, Dec. 14, 1873. CHENEY, John Vance, author and librarian, was bom at Groveland, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1848, though the family home was at Dorset, Vt.. where he grew up and received his primary edu- cation. He acquired his academic training at Manchester, Vt., and Temple Hill Academy, Genesee, N. Y., graduating from the latter in 1865, later becoming Assistant Principal of the same institution. Having studied law, he was admitted to the bar successively in Massachusetts and New York; but meanwhile having written considerably for the old "Scribner's Monthly" (now "Century Magazine"), while under the editorship of Dr. J. G. Holland, he gradually adopted literature as a profession. Removing to the Pacific Coast, he took charge, in 1887, of the Free Public Library at San Francisco, remaining until 1894, when he accepted the position of Librarian of the Newberry Library in Chicago, as successor to Dr. William F. Poole, deceased. Besides two or three volumes of verse, Mr. Cheney is the author of numerous essays on literary subjects. His published works include "Thistle- Drift," poems (1887); "Wood-Blooms," poems (1888), "Golden Guess," essays (1892); "That Dome in" Air," essays (1895); "Queen Helen," poem (1895) and "Out of the Silence," poem (1897). He is also editor of "Wood Notes Wild," by Simeon Pease Cheney (1892), and Canton Club's edition of Derby's Phoenixiana. CHENOA, an incorporated city of McLean County, at the intersecting point of the Toledo, Peoria & Western and the Chicago & Alton Rail- roads, 48 miles east of Peoria, 23 miles northeast of Bioomington, and 102 miles south of Chicago. Agriculture, dairy farming, fruit-growing and coal-mining are the chief industries of the sur- rounding region. The city also has an electric light plant, water-works, canning works and tile works, besides two banks, seven churches, a graded school, two weekly papers, and telephone systems connecting with the surrounding coun- try. Population (1890), 1,226; (1900), 1,512. CHESBROUGH, Ellis Sylvester, civil engineer, was born in Baltimore, Md. , July 6, 1813 ; at the o I o > a c CA 88 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA <>K ILLINOIS. CHASE, Philander, Protestant Episcopal Bishop, was Ixirn in Cornish, Vt., Dec II. ITT'i, and graduated at J'artmouth in 17'J">. Although reared as a Congregationalist, lie adopted the Episcopal faith, and was ordained a priest in 1799, for several years laboring as a missionary in Northern and Western New York. In 1N<>.">, he went to New Orleans, but returning North in isll, spent six years as a rector at New Haven. Conn. , then engaged in missionary work in Ohio, organizing a number of parishes and founding an academy at Worthington; was consecrated a Bishop in 1819, and after a visit to England to raise funds, laid the foundation of Kenyon College and (iambier Theological Seminary, named in honor of two English noblemen who had contributed a large jxirtion of the funds. Differences arising with some of his clergy in reference to the proper use of the funds, he resigned both the Pishopric and the Presidency of the college in 1H31. ami after three years of missionary labor in Michigan, in 183.1 was chosen Bishop of Illinois. Making a second visit to England, he succeeded in raising additional funds, and. in 1S3S. founded Jubilee College at Robin's Nest, Peoria County, 111., for which a charter was obtained in 1^17. He was a man of great religious zeal, of indomitable [icrseverance and the most successful pioneer of the Episcopal Church in the West. He was Presiding Bishop from 1843 until his death, which occurred Sept. 20, 18ri2. Several volumes appeared from his pen, the most important lieing "A Plea for the West" (182G), and "Reminiscences: an Autobiography. Comprising a History of the Principal Events in the Author's Life" (ISIS). CHATHAM, a village of Sanganum County, on tin? Chicago & Alton Railroad, 11 miles south of Springliulil. Population ( IN'.MIJ, lvj : ( l'.ino>, c.j'.i.. CHATSWOKTH. town in Livingston County, on III. Cent, and Toledo. Peoria & Western Rail- ways. 7'J miles east of Peoria; in farming and stock raising district: has two banks, three grain elevators, live churches, a graded school, two weekly pa|>ers. water works, electric lights paved streets, cement sidewalks, biick works, and other manufactories. Pop. (IN'.HI), N,'7; (1!MJ), 1.03H. t'HKISAXSK. a town in Iro<|iiois and Kankakpe Counties. OTI the Illinois Central Railroad. l>4 miles south southwest from Chicago; the place has two lianks and one newspaper. Population (18SO), 72*: (1*U(>). lilli; (111011,), .VVi CIIKXEV, Charles Edward, Bishop of the Re- formed Protestant Kpiscopal Church, was liorn in Cauandaigua. N. Y. . Feb. 12. 1830; graduated at lloliart in 1*">7. and licgaii study for the ministry of the Protestant Kpiscopal Church. .Soon after ordination he became rector of Christ Church. Chicago, and was prominent among those who. under the leadership of Assistant Bishop Cum- mins of Kentucky, organized the Reformed Epis copal Church in 1*7:). He was elected Missionary Bishop of the Northwest for the new organiza- tion, and was consecrated in Christ Church. Chicago. Pec. 14. 1873. CHKXEY, John Vance, author and librarian, was born at (iroveland. N. Y., Dec. 29, 1848, though the family home was at Dorset, Vt.. where he grew up and received his primary edu- cation. He acquired his academic training at Manchester. Vt.. and Temple Hill Academy, Genesee. N. Y., graduating from the latter in ISO,"), later liecoming Assistant Principal of the same institution. Having studied law, he was admitted to the bar successively in Massachusetts ami New York; but meanwhile having written considerably for the old "Scribner's Monthly" (now "Century Magazine"), while under the editorship of Dr. J. CJ. Holland, he gradually adopted literature as a profession. Removing to the Pacific Coast, he took charge, in 1887, of the Free Public Library at San Francisco, remaining until 1*94, when he accepted the jiosition of Librarian of the Newlxsrry Library in Chicago, as successor to Dr. William F. Poole, deceased. Besides tw< Mir three volumes of verse. Mr. Cheney is the author of numerous essays on literar\ subjects. His published works include "Thistle- Drift." poems (1KS7); "Wood-Blooms, " poems (JSSS), "Golden Guess," essays (1S92); "That Dome in Air," essays (1 S 'J">); "Queen Helen," jmem (ls!(.")) and "Out of the Silence," |MKMII (1*!>7). He is also editor of "Wood Notes Wild." by Simeon Pease Cheney (1S!I2), and Caxton Club's editiiin of Derby's Pin eni. \iana. CHEXOA, an incorporated city of McLean County, at the intersecting point of the Toledo. Peoria A: Western and the Chicago A- Alton Kail- roads, 4M miles east of I'eoria, 23 miles northeast of liloomington. and I o2 miles south of Chicago. Agriculture, dairy fanning, fruit-growing and coal-mining an* the chief industries of the sur- rounding region. The city also has an electric light plant, water works, canning works and tile works, liesides t\vo banks, seven churches,- a gradeil school, two weekly pajiers. and telephone systems connecting with the surrounding coun- try. Population (IS'JO). 1.22ii; (KM'). l.-">12 CHESBROrciI, Ellis S)lvostor,civil engineer, was Ixirn in Baltimore. Md., Julvfi, 1813; at the & n ^i3-> - "I 1 ~d 3Sfc\- 4 - . j,I . SSSsfc-S^f: 1 ^ CHICAGO THOROUGHFARES. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. age of thirteen was cbainman to an engineering party on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, being later employed on other roads. In 1837, he was appointed senior assistant engineer in the con- struction of the Louisville, Cincinnati & Charles- ton Railroad, and, in 1848, Chief Engineer of the Boston Waterworks, in 1850 becoming sole Com- missioner of the Water Department of that city. In 1855, he became engineer of the Chicago Board of Sewerage Commissioners, and in that capacity designed the sewerage system of the city also planning the river tunnels. He resigned the office of Commissioner of Public Works of Chicago in 18T9. He was regarded as an author- ity on water-supply and sewerage, and was con- sulted by the officials of New York, Boston, Toronto, Milwaukee and other cities. Died, August 19, 1886. CHESNUT, John A., lawyer, was born in Ken- tucky, Jan. 19, 1816, his father being a native of South Carolina, but of Irish descent. John A. was educated principally in his native State, but came to Illinois in 1836, read law with P. H. Winchester at Carlinville, was admitted to the bar in 1837, and practiced at Carlinville until 1855, when he removed to Springfield and engaged in real estate and banking business. Mr. Clies- nut was associated with many local business enterprises, was for several years one of the Trustees of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Jacksonville, also a Trustee of the Illinois Female College (Methodist) at the same place, and was Supervisor of the United States Census for the Sixth District of Illinois in 1880. Died, Jan. 14, 1898. CHESTER, the county-seat of Randolph County, situated on the Mississippi River, 76 miles south of St. Louis. It is the seat of the Southern Illinois Penitentiary and of the State Asylum for Insane Convicts It stands in the heart of a region abounding in bituminous coal, and is a prominent shipping point for this com- modity; also has quarries of building stone. It has a grain elevator, flouring mills, rolling mills and foundries. Population (1880), 2,580; (1890), 2,708; (1900), 2,832. CHETLA1N, Augustus Louis, soldier, was born in St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 26, 1824, of French Hugue- not stock his parents having emigrated from Switzerland in 1823, at first becoming members of the Selkirk colony on Red River, in Manitoba. Having received a common school education, he became a merchant at Galena, and was the first to volunteer there in response to the call for troops after the bombardment of Fort Sumter, in 1861, being chosen to the captaincy of a company in the Twelfth Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, which General Grant had declined; participated in the campaign on the Tennessee River which resulted in the capturs of Fort Donelson anil the battle of Shiloh, meanwhile being commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel; also distinguished himself at Corinth, where he remained in command until May, 1863, and organized the first colored regi- ment raised in the West. In December, 1863, he was promoted Brigadier-General and placed in charge of the organization of colored troops in Tennessee, serving later in Kentucky and being bre vetted Major-General in January, 1864. From January to October, 1865, he commanded the post at Memphis, and later the District of Talla- dega, Ala., until January, 186C, when he was mustered out of the service. General Chetlain was, Assessor of Internal Revenue for the District of Utah (1867-69), then appointed United State* Consul at Brussels, serving until 1872, on his return to the United States establishing himself as a banker and broker in Chicago. CHICAGO, the county-seat of Cook County, chief city of Illinois and (1890) second city in population in the United States. SITUATION. The city is situated at the south- west bend of Lake Michigan, 18 miles north of the extreme southern point of the lake, at the mouth of the Chicago River; 715 miles west of New York, 590 miles north of west from Wash- ington, and 260 miles northeast of St. Louis. From the Pacific Coast it is distant 2,417 miles. Latitude 41 52' north; longitude 87 35' west of Greenwich. Area (1898), 186 square miles. TOPOGRAPHY. Chicago stands on the dividing ridge between the Mississippi and St. Lawrence basins. It is 502 feet above sea-level, and its highest point is some 18 feet above Lake Michi- gan. The Chicago River is virtually a bayou,* dividing into north and south branches about a half-mile west of the lake. The surrounding country is a low, flat prairie, but engineering science and skill have done much for it in the way of drainage. The Illinois & Michigan Canal terminates at a point on the south branch of the Chicago River, within the city limits, and unites the waters of Lake Michigan with those of the Illinois River. COMMERCE. The Chicago River, with its branches, affords a water frontage of nearly 60 miles, the greater part of which is utilized for the shipment and unloading of grain, lumber, stone, coal, merchandise, etc. Another navigable stream (the Calumet River) also lies within the i IIIC.XCi i TIM >K< >l (iHKAKtS HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OK ILLINOIS. age of thirteen was chainman to an engineering jiarty on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, lieing later employed on other raids. In 18:57, he was appointed senior assistant engineer in the con- struction of the Louisville, Cincinnati & Charles- ton Railroad, and, in 1840, Chief Engineer of the Boston Waterworks, in 18.>0 Incoming sole Com- missioner of the Water Department of that city. In 18."i."i. lie became engineer of the Chicago Board of Sewerage Commissioners, and in that capacity designed the sewerage system of the city also planning the river tunnels. He resigned the office of Commissioner of Public Works of Chicago in 187!). lie was regarded as an author- ity on water-supply and sewerage, and was con- sulted by the officials of New York, Boston, Toronto, Milwaukee and other cities. Died, August 19, 18S6. CHESM'T, John A., lawyer, was born in Ken- tucky, Jan. 19, 1810, his father being a native of South Carolina, but of Irish descent. John A. was educated principally in bis native State, but came to Illinois in 18110, read law with P. II. Winchester at Carlinville, was admitted to the bar in 1S:J7, ami practiced at Carlinville until 18~>5, when he removed to Springfield and engaged in real estate and banking business. Mr. I 'lies- nut was associated with many local business enterprises, was for several years one of the Trustees of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Jacksonville, also a Trustee of the Illinois Female College (Methodist) at the same place, anil was Supervisor of the United States Census for the Si.xth District of Illinois in 18SII. Pied, Jan 11, 18HS. CIIKSTF.K, the county-seat of Randolph County, situated on the Mississippi Hiver, 70 miles south of St. Louis. It is the. scat of the Southern Illinois Penitentiary and of the Slate Asylum for Insane Convicts It stands in the heart of a region abounding in bituminous coal, ami is a prominent shipping ]x>int for this com- modity: also lias quarries of building stone. It has a grain elevator, flouring mills, rolling mills and foundries. Population (1880), 2,580; (189(1), -',708. (1900), 2,8:w. CIIETLAIN, Augustus Louis, soldier, was liorn in St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 20, 18-21, of French Hugue- not stock his parents having emigrated from Switzerland in 182:!, at lirst becoming members of the Selkirk colony on Red River, in Manitoba. Having received ,i common school education, he became a merchant at Galena, and was the lirst to volunteer there in response to the call for troops after the Ixwnbardmeut of Fort Suinter, in 1*01, being chosen to the captaincy of a company in the Twelfth Regiment of Illinois Volunteers which (ieneral Circuit had declined; participated in the cam|Kiign on the Tennessee River which resulted in the capture of Fort Donelson anu the 1 t tie of Sliiloh. meanwhile being commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel; also distinguished himself at Corinth, where he remained in command until May, i80:i, and organized the first colored regi- ment raised in the West. In December, 18C-'i, he was promoted Brigadier-General and placed in charge of the organization of colored troops in Tennessee, serving later in Kentucky and being brevetted Major-General in January, 1804. From January to Octolier, 18G."i, lie commanded the jxjst at Memphis, and later the District of Talla- dega, Ala., until January, 1800, when he was mustered out of the service. General Chetlain was Assessor of Internal Revenue for the District of Utah (1807-09). then appointed United States Consul at Brussels, serving until 1872, on his return to the United States establishing himself as a banker and broker in Chicago. CHICAGO, the county-seat of Cook County, chief city of Illinois anil (1890) second city in IKipulation in the United States. SITUATION. The city is situated at the south- west liend of Lake Michigan, 18 miles north of the extreme southern jKiint of the lake, at the mouth of the Chicago River; T15 miles west of New York, T>!KI miles north of west from Wash- ington, and 2fi() miles northeast of St. I -oil is. From the Pacific Coast it is distant 2,417 miles. Latitude 41 52' north: longitude s7 :!.">' west of Greenwich. Area (1 *!>-<) , 1M> square miles. TOPOGRAPHY. Chicago stands on the dividing ridge lietween the Mississippi and St. Lawrence basins. It is M'2 feet alnive sea-level. a:jl its highest jMiint is some 18 feet ill Hive l^tke Michi- gan. The Chicago River is virtually a bayou, dividing into north and south branches about a half-mile west, of the lake. The surrounding country is a low, flat prairie, but engineering science and skill have done much for it in the way of drainage. The Illinois & Michigan '.'anal terminates at a point on the south branch of the Chicago River, within the city limits, and unites the waters of Lake Michigan with those of the Illinois River. CIIM.MKKI !:. The Chicago River, with its branches affords a water frontage of nearly Gil miles, the greater part of which is utilized for the shipment and unloading of grain. ImnU-i stone, coal, merchandise, etc. Anfther navigable stream (the Calumet River) also lies within the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. corporate limits. Dredging has made the Chi- cago River, with its branches, navigable for vessels of deep draft. The harbor has also been widened and deepened. Well constructed break- waters protect the vessels lying inside, and the port is ae safe as any on the great lakes. The city is a port of entry, and the tonnage of vessels arriving there exceeds that of any other port in the United States. During 1897, 9,156 vessels arrived, with an aggregate tonnage of 7,309,443, while 9,301 cleared, representing a tonnage of 7.185,324. It is the largest grain market in the world, its elevators (in 1897) having a capacity of 33,550.000 bushels. According to the reports of the Board of Trade, the total receipts and shipments of grain for the year 1898 counting flour as its grain equiva- lent in bushels amounted to 333.097,453 bushels of the former, to 289,930.028 bushels of the latter. The receipts and shipments of various products for the year (1898) were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour (bbls.) . r).316,195 5,032,23H Wheat (bu.) . . 35.741,555 38,094,900 Corn " . . . . 127.428,374 130,397,681 Oats ".... 110,293,647 85,057,636 Rye " . . . . 4.935.30H 4.453.384 Barley " . . . . Cured Meats ill.- ) . 18,116.51)4 UMMJM 6,75T>.247 923.627.722 Dressed Beef " . . 110.286,652 1,060,859.808 r.ive-stock Hogs 9.360.968 1.334.76H Cattle J. 480. 632 864.408 Sheep . 3,502,378 545,001 Chicago is also an important lumber market, the receipts in 1895, including shingles, being 1.562,527 M. feet. As a center for beef and pork- packing, the city is without a rival in the amount of its products, there having been 93,459 cattle and 760,514 hogs packed in 1894-95. In bank clearings and general mercantile business it ranks second only to New York, while it is also one of the chief manufacturing centers of the country. The census of 1890 shows 9,959 manu- facturing establishments, with a capital of $292,- 477,038; employing 303,108 hands, and turning out products valued at $632,184,140. Of the out- put by far the largest was that of the slaughter- ing and meat-packing establishments, amounting to $203,825,093; men's clothing came next ($32,- 517,226) ; iron and steel, $31,419,854; foundry and machine shop products, $29,928.616; planed lumber. $17,604.494. Chicago is also the most important live-stock market in the United States. The Union Stock Yards (in the southwest part of the city) are connected with all railroad lines entering the city, and cover many hundreds of acres. In 1894, there were received 8,788,049 animals (of all descriptions) , valued at $148,057,- 626. Chicago is also a primary market for hides and leather, the production and sales being both of large proportions, and the trade in manufac- tured leather (notably in boots and shoes) exceeds that of any other market in the country. Ship-building is a leading industry, as are also brick-making, distilling and brewing. TRANSPORTATION, ETC. Besides being the chief port on the great lakes, Chicago ranks second to no other American city as a railway center. The old "Galena & Chicago Union," its first railroad, was operated in 1849, and within three years a substantial advance had been scored in the way of steam transportation. Since then the multi- plication of railroad lines focusing in or passing through Chicago has been rapid and steady. In 1895 not less than thirty -eight distinct lines enter the city, although these are operated by only twenty-two companies. Some 2,600 miles of railroad track are laid within the city limits. The number of trains daily arriving and depart- ing (suburban and freight included) is about 2.00U. Intramural transportation is afforded by electric, steam, cable and horse-car lines. Four tunnels under the Chicago River and its branches, and numerous bridges connect the various divi- sions of the city. HISTORY. Point du Sable (a native of San Domingo) was admittedly the first resident of Chicago other than the aborigines. The French missionaries and explorers Marquette, Joliet, La Salle, Hennepin and others came a century earlier, their explorations beginning in 1673. After the expulsion of the French at the close of the French and Indian War, the territory passed under British control, though French traders remained in this vicinity after the War of the Revolution. One of these named Le Mai followed Point du Sable about 1796, and was himself suc- ceeded by John Kinzie, the Indian trader, who came in 1803. Fort Dearborn was built near the mouth of the Chicago River in 1804 on land acquired from the Indians by the treaty of Greenville, concluded by Gen. Anthony Wayne in 1795, but was evacuated in 1812, when most of the garrison and the few inhabitants were massa- cred by the savages. (See Fort Dearborn.) The fort was rebuilt in 1816, and another settlement established around it. The first Government survey was made, 1829-30. Early residents were the Kinzies, the Wolcotts, the Beaubiens and the Millers. The Black Hawk War (1832) rather aided in developing the resources and increasing r <*> HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA ol-' ILLINOIS. corporate limits. Dredging has made the Chi- cago River, with its branches, navigable for vessels of deep draft. The harlMir lias also been widened and deei>eneort in the United States. During 1*97. 9. I'M vessels arrived, with an aggregate tonnage of 7.209, H2. while 9,201 cleared, representing a tonnage of 7.1S.">.:i24. It is the largest grain market in the world, its elevators (in I s 97t having a capacity ..I':!2..'>r>0,oo0 bushels. According to the reportsof the Hoard of Trade the total receipt* and shipments of grain for the vear 1HOH counting llonr as its grain equiva- lent in bushels anioiuited ti> 383.007,4331 bushels .if the former, to 2*9.920 ir,>s bushels of the latter. The receipts and shipments of various products fni the year (|M!ls> were as follows. Receipts. Shipments Hour I bbls. ) 5.311!, 195 5,0:12.230 U'heat (bu 1 35,74I..Vi5 :> 11:11 '.mil i orn "... 127. t2H,:t7l i:lo,:l'.i7.(isi Oats ".... IIJ.2!Kt.B47 S5.057.IKM> Hye 1 935.30N 1.453.3*1 ISarley " -'is, 1111. .V.I 1 li. 755. 24 7 i 'tired Meats i Mi- i 229.iMl5.2Hi 923. 027.722 1 >ressed lieef lin.2Nt!.li.V.' I.ii(in.s5!i,sns l.ive-stock Hogs !).3lill.acking establishments, amounting to :ji203.s'.>5.!. H9.R54: foundry and machine shop products. s.".i !i"s r,ir, planed lumber si; i;n| |]' acres. In 1N!I4. there were received S.7S8.049 animals (of all descriptions), valued at 148,057,- 02(5. Clm-ago is also a primary- market for hides and leather, the production and sales lieing l)oth of large pro]>ortious. and the trade in manufac- tured leather (notably in lioots and shoes) exceeds that of any other market in the country. Ship-building is a leading industry, as are also brick-making, distilling and brewing. TRANSIIIKTATIOX. ETC. Besides U-ing the chief |irton the great hikes. Chicago ranks second to no other American city as a railway center The old "(ialena anics. Some 2.WMI miles of railroad track are laid within the city limits The number of trains daily arri\ ing ami depart ing i suburban ami freight included i is alxmt '.'nun liitnnmiial trans|x>rtation is allorded by electric, steam, cable and horse-car lines Four tunnels under the ( 'hicago River and its branches, and miiiieniiis bridges connect the various divi- sions l( f the city. HlsToiiV I'oint du Sable la native of San Doming*)) was admittedly the tirst resident of Chicago other than the aliorigines. The Kreiich missionaries and explorers Martjuette. Joliet. I -i Salic. Mennepin and others came a century earlier, their explorations l>eginning in 1673 After the expulsion of the French at the close of the French and Indian War. the territory passed under Itritish control, though French traders remained in this vicinity after the War of the Revolution One of these named I,e Mai followed I'oint du Sable al>ut 17!6. and was himself suc- ceeded by .John Kin/.ie, the Indian trader, who came in IMS. Fort Deurlwrn was built near the mouth of the Chicago Itiver in IH01 on land aconircd from the Indians by the treaty of (ireemille. concluded by (ien. Anthony Wavne in ITil'i but was evacuated in 1*12. when most of the garrison and the few inhabitants were massa- cred by the savages (See Fort Dmrliorn . ) The fort was rebuilt in IMfi, and another settlement established around it The lirst (iovernment survey was made. |H^1.:JO. Karly residents were the Kin/ies. the Wolcotts. the Mcuuhiens and the Millers The Black Hawk War (!H#>) rather aided in developing the resource* and increasing o u V u 5 I 2 U* *-* Q z HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 91 the population of the infant settlement by draw- ing to it settlers from the interior for purposes of mutual protection. Town organization was effected on August 10, 1832, the total number of votes polled being 28. The town grew rapidly for a time, but received a set-back in the financial crisis of 1837. ' During May of that year, how- ever, a charter was obtained and Chicago became a city. The total number of votes cast at that time was 703. The census of the city for the 1st of July of that year showed a population of 4,180. The following table shows the names and term of office of the chief city officers from 1837 to 1899: Yu. MA yon CITY ri IKK CTV ATTOBMBY. CITY TRKAnmica. 1837 1S38 1839 1840 1M1 1842 1843 1844 1845 I84< 1847 1841 1849 1860 1851 1852 1833 1854 18U IS58 1857 18S8 1859 I860 18S1 1862 1863 1864 18M ItMM 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 187S 1876 1877-78 1879-80 1881-82 1863-84 1881-86 1887-98 1 1)89-90 1S91 92 JB9 W 18H-98 1ST7-1W 18 I. N. Arnold, eo. l>avt> , i Oeo. Dav!a Wm. H. Brackett Thomas Hoyna Thomas Hoyno J. Curtis N B Judd Hiram Pearsons. Hiram Pearsons. Ueo. W. Dole. W.8 Ournee, N.H. Boll*s(2) N. H. Bolles. F. C. Sheriuan. Walters, yurnee. Walters. Uurnee. Wm. L. Church. Wm. L. Church. Andrew Uetzler. Wm. L. Church. Wm. I. Church. Edward Manierre. Edward Manierre. Kdward Manierre Edward Manierr*. Uriah P. Harris. Wm. F De Wolf. 0. J. Rose C. N. Holden. Alonzo Harvey. Alonzo Harvey. Alonzo Harvey ,C.W.Hunt(6; W. H. Rice. F. H. Cutttnc. W. B. Rlce(7) David A. Gage David A. Gage. A. O. Throop. A. O. Throop. Wm. F. Wentworth. Wm. F. Wentworth. Wm. F. Wentworth. David A. Gage. David A. Gage. David A. Oag*. David A. Gage. Daniel O'Hara. Daniel O'Hara. Clinton Brlggs. Chas. B. Larrabee. W. C. Selpp. Rudolph Brand. John M. Dunphy. Wm. M. iwvme C. Herman Plautz. Bernard Roeelng. Peter Klolbaaaa. Michael J. Bransneld. Adam Wolf. Ernst Hummel. Adam Ortaeifen. N.B. Judd Samuel I,. Smith Mark Skinner G*o. Manterre. Henry Brown u Manierre. Henry BrowniS) Henry W. Clarke Henry W. Clarke Alexander Lloyd F. C. Sherman Ben). W. Raymond Aug.Qarrett,Alson S.8hermaut 4> Aug.Qarrelt.AlsonS.8herman<4l John P. Cbapln JamesCurtlai Junta H. Woodworth E. A. Rucker K. A. Hncker, W in S. Hnm II. . r . 1 Henry B. Clark* Henry B. Clarice Patrick Ballinffall (Jilea Hprinc O R W Lull Henry W. Zlmmermaa 1 Henry W. Zimmerman Henry W. Zimmerman Henry W. Zimmerman John Wentworth H. Krelaman H. Krelsman Abraham Kohn A. J. Marble A. J. Marble Oeo. F. Crocker John Wentworth JuIlanS. Rumeey F. O. Sherman Ira W. Buel Oeo. A.Meecb Daniel It. Driscoll Daniel 1>. Driscoll Jolin B. Hi.-e Albert H. Bodman Albert H. Bodman Albert H. Hodman Charles T. Hoichklsa Charles T. Hotchkiss Charles T. Hotchkiss Haihrouck Davla Israel N Stiles R.B. Mason R.B. Mason JoiephMedlU Joseph fitadllL Israel stiles Israel N Stiles Harvey D. ColTln Harvey D. Oolvln Monroe Heath. (9> H. D. ColTln. Jos. K.C. Forrest Jo. K.C. Forrest Egbert Jatuteeon R.S. Tuthlll Carter H. Harriaon Carter H. Harrison P. j. Howard P. J. Howard John a. NeameUter C. Herman Plauiz D. W. Nlckerson Julius H. UriiiiH'll Julius R. Orinnell Julius 8. Orinnell Hempstead Wasbburne Hempstead Washburne Carter H. Harriaou John A. Roche Hempstead Washburne Carter H. Harrison. Oeo. B. Swlft.dll John P. Hopkins ill I Oeo B Swift James B. B. Van Cleave Chaa. D. Gastfield Jamen K. B. Van Cleave William Lofffler William Lot-flier .. Jacob J. Kern.a.A.TrudeUO) i J'-i A. Trude Carter H. Harriaon. Jr Carter H. Harriaon, Jr. ... MllesJ. Devine Andrew J. Ryan . . (10) lit) It I. N. Arnold resigned, and Oeo. Davis appointed, October, 1837. 2i Uurnee resigned, Bolles appointed his successor April 1840 3i Manierre resigned. Brown appointed his successor. July, 18. K) Election of Uarrett declared Illegal, and Sherman elected at new elerii..n. lield April, 1844. 1 5 1 Brown appointed to flu vacancy caused by resignation of Rucker. (6) Harvey resigned and Hunt appointed to till vacancy. 7i Cutting having failed to qualify. Rice, who was already In office, held over IB) Legislature changed date of election from April to November, the persons in offlca at beginning of lv remaining in t to December o: that year. |9| City organized under general Incorporation Act In 1873, and no city election held until April, 1876. The order (or a new election omitted tbe office of Mayor, yet a popular vote was taken which gave a majority to Thomas Hoyne. The Council then in office refused to canvass this vote, but Its successor, at its first meeting, did so, declaring Hoyne duly elected Oolvln, the incumbent, refused to surrender the office, claiming the right to hold over;" Hoyne then made a contest for tbe office, which reaulted In a decision by the supreme Court denying the claims of both contestants, when a new election was ordered by the City Council. July 12, 1876, at which Monroe Heath was elected, serving out the term. City Attorney Kern, having resigned November 21, 1892, Oeo. A. Trude was appointed to serve out the remainder of the term. Mayor Harrison, baring been assassinated. October 28. 1893, tbe City Council at it neit meeting (November 6, 18931 elected . R Swift (an Alderman from the Eleventh Ward I Mayor ad tnUrim At a special election held December 19, 13*3, John F. Hopkins was elected to flu out tbe unezplred term of Mayor Harrlann. . UISTUKU AL ENCYCLOPEDIA n|-' ILLIMU.v the population of the infant settlement by draw- ing to it settlers from the interior for purposes of mutual protection. Town organization was effected on August 10. 1S32. the total number of votes polled being 28. The town grew rapidly for a time, but received a set-back in the financial crisis of 137. During May of that year, how- ever. :i charter was obtained and Chicago became a city The total number of votes cast at that time was UK'. The census of the city for the 1st of July of that year showed a population of 4.180 The following table shows the names and term of office of the chief city officers from 1837 to CITV Cl.KKft. C'TY ATTHKMK\ OT\ TKK4MCHKK IH37 1838 1939 It40 1841 1*42 IK43 1-44 -;'. IMf> 1*47 tx48 i-rt IH.W IM.M 1852 IMM lH. r ,4 IH55 IS.W 1K47 1H.V* l*alt 1x60 ivtl 1-wiJ 1N3 IVrl isrtS 1-'.'. It7 IHtM iHtia 1S70 IH72 1*73 1*74 1175 1876 1H77-78 1871* HO iHCtf-M ISK5 Hti 1VC-HH iyi ; iy in iMtt -fi i-:*7 if* X. It. Judd Hiram Pearsons. Hiram Pearsons. W.S ! :ml Manierre Kdward Manierre. t'riah P. Harris. Will. K lie Wolf 0.1 Rose C N HoMen. Alonzo Harvey. Alonzo llarve>- Alunzo Harvey . C. W Hunt (* W II R-e. F. II. CiHtiUK. W .11 Bice,? l>avitl A.Uave David A. UaKe A.ti.Thr-Kip A. O. Throop. Wm F. Wentworth. Win F. Wentworth. Wm F Wentworth. David A.tiatfe. David A.dajce. David A Oa^e. David A Oatre. Itaniel (I'Hara Daniel o'Hjtn*. Clinton Briifh*s Chas. It Ijtrrahee. W. C Seipp Rn.lolph Bran.l John M. lUinphv. Win M. Irvine (' Herman I'lautr.. ftenmril Uoesing IVter Kmltiustia. Michael J HransheM Adam Wi.lf Krnst Hummel Win. H. Bracken Bt-nj. W. Raymond Augustus Garret t AIIR < larretl.AIson S.ShermMn 4 Auy.Garrett. Alarm S.Hhermain4 John 1* Clmpin James Ctirliss James H. Woudworlh James II. Wundwurth .1 :uu.- Curtis* Walters. Uurnee J. Curtis James M. Lowe K. A. Rucker Henrv Brown. .. ... . tj Miimerre. Henrv llmwn ;d ll.-nrv W.( larke' ... Henry W. chirk*- t 'harlrs H Lurrattee Pairir-k BnllmKall. Giles Spring It W. Lull Henry 11. Clark Henry II. Clark Arnu VOSH Amu \ oss - Patrick Bal!liif[*ll K. A. Rucker.Wm s. Brown,:. Henrv K. Clurke Henrv It. Clarke.. Sidney AbeJ Sidney A bell Sidney A bell Henry W. Zimmerman . Henry W. Zimmerman . Henry W. Zimmerman .. Henry W. Zimmerman Charles M. Gray Henrv W. Zimmerman .. . J K Marsh Klhott Ai'tlio> Albert H. Rodman .Uhert II. Bodman Albert 11 Bodmun Alhert H. Rodman \|!>ert H. Bodman Charles T Holchkiss Charles T. Hotchkiss Charles T. Hotchkiss. Charle* T Hotchkis Jos K. C. Forrest Jos. K. C Forrest Daniel I>. Driscull.. Daniel It Driscoll llashroiK-k liavia . Hashrourk I>avis... llasdroiu-k Imvis Israel X- Stiles Israel N. Stiles Israel N snlf- Israel N. Htiles j L'>. - p Janiiesuti Kffheri Jumieaoit R S Tuthill U.S. "I iin. Ill i MI mi s. tirinnell JuliiiM S. Orinnell . Julius K Orinriell . Hempatead Waiihhiirne Hempstenil WanhhuriK- JncohJ Kern, (i A Trudr.lOi (lr. A. Trinle. R..VO. West.. Mti-s.l. Ihxn.e . A mlrew J. H> MII JollU It Kir.- - R B. Mason R It Mason Juteuh Medill Joseph Medill Harvey It. Ctvin Harvey It. Colviu Monroe Heath.. *> 11 1>. C..1vn Ttnm.ua Hoyne, . Monroe n .-.> :- Carter H. Harmon faspar Bill/. . . P J Howard Carter H. Harris* MI . P. J Howard Carter 11 Harrison. . Curler H Harrison John A Roche Dewitt C Creuier Hi-mpstcmt Wa*hhurne Carter H Harrison i| Ins successor April 1*40 Manierre resigned. Brown appointed his nuccevwir J"l.v. IM.: 41 Election of Oarrett decl r .-<| nie^til and Sheriimn eledeil al ne .- . .-11 Brown appmnfd t. till vacancy causal by resiicnnlion ..f Rucker. fii Harvey rt-siifned an CuttiiiBhavituffaileil t..,,ualiry. Rice, who wa* already in nHbi- hi N. LeK'slatur rhauged date >f election from April lo Novemlwr. the i to L>ecember u.' that year offlre HI lK-1,'11 City i-rK'ni.' t -(1 under election omiltetl UK then in ofUce refused to ca Incornoriitioti Act in i-" 1 -. ai Hi. -i- of Mayor, yet a popular vute wan tak< ass tins vote, but its successor, at its first meeting- A* hi I April. H mytoThu ;lid s.t. decta > Tl r> NH il . HoytM r fr a TheC.. duly f*li-> i. i .-.I Colvin. the mcuinl>erit, refused lo surrender the ollice. ciaiimnc the rn;hi to " h..ld over." Hoyne then tuade'i for the office which resulted In a decision by the Supreme Court denying ! he claims of bi.th runte- election was ordered by the City Council. July 12. lH7(i. at which Monroe" Healh was electetl serving out the term. City Attorney Kara, having resigned November ji ii ' ' Geo A Trudc wan ai>|Hint>>. 1*!<3. the Cn> Council at it" nezi meeting i Vvetnler 1892) l*cl*>.KIeo. B Swift urM-I ...'.-,-.* \t rs(M-.-ial eie.-n,in l.el-i ii* -ember W, IWS. Joha P Uupkiui was letr Ilftrrin-Mi HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. THE FIRE OF 1871. The city steadily grew m beauty, population and commercial importance until 1871. On Oct. 9 of that year occurred the "great fire" the story of which has passed into history. Recuperation was speedy, and the 2,100 acres burned over were rapidly being rebuilt, when, in 1874, occurred a second conflagration, although by no means so disastrous as that of 1871. The city's recuperative power was again demonstrated, and its subsequent development has been phenomenal. The subjoined statement shows its growth in population : 1837 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 4,179 4,470 28,269 112,162 298.977 503,185 1,099,850 1,698,575 Notwithstanding a large foreign population and a constant army of unemployed men, Chicago has witnessed only three disturbances of the peace by mobs the railroad riots of 1877, the Anarchist disturbance of 1886, and a strike of railroad employes in 1894. MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION. Chicago long since outgrew its special charter, and is now incorporated under the broader provisions of the law applicable to "cities of the first class," under which the city is virtually autonomous. The personnel, drill and equipment of the police and fire departments are second to none, if nov supe- rior to any, to be found in other American cities. The Chicago River, with its branches, divides the city into three principal divisions, known respec- tively as North, South and West. Each division has its statutory geographical boundaries, and each retains its own distinct township organiza- tion. This system is anomalous; it has, how- ever, both assailants and defenders. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Chicago has a fine system of parks and boulevards, well developed, well improved and well managed. One of the parks (Jackson in the South Division) was the site of the World's Columbian Exposition. The water supply is obtained from Lake Michigan by means of cribs and tunnels. In this direction new and better facilities are being constantly introduced, and the existing water system will compare favorably with that of any other Ameri- can city. ARCHITECTURE. The public and office build- ings, as well as the business blocks, are in some instances classical, but generally severely plain. Granite and other varieties of stone are used in the City Hall, County Court House, the Board of Trade structure, and in a few commercial build- ings, as well as in many private residences. In the business part of the city, however, steel, iron, brick and fire clay are the materials most largely employed in construction, the exterior walls being of brick. The most approved methods of fire-proof building are followed, and the "Chicago construction" has been recognized and adopted (with modifications) all over the United States. Office buildings range from ten to sixteen, and even, as in the case of the Masonic Temple, twenty stories in height. Most of them are sumptuous as to the interior, and many of the largest will each accommodate 3,000 to 5,000 occupants, including tenants and their employes. In the residence sections wide diversity may be seen ; the chaste and the ornate styles being about equally popular. Among the handsome public, or semi-public buildings may be mentioned the Public Library, the Newberry Library, the Art Institute, the Armour Institute, the Academy of Sciences, the Auditorium, the Board of Trade Building, the Masonic Temple, and several of the railroad depots. EDUCATION AND LIBRARIES. Chicago has a public school system unsurpassed for excellence in any other city in the country. According to the report of the Board of Education for 1898, the city had a total of 221 primary and grammar schools, besides fourteen high schools, employing 5,268 teachers and giving instruction to over 236,000 pupils in the course of the year. The total expenditures during the year amounted to $6,785,601, of which nearly $4,500,000 was on account of teachers' salaries. The city has nearly $7,500,000 invested in school buildings. Besides pupils attending public schools there are about 100,000 in attendance on private and parochial schools, not reckoning students at higher institutions of learning, such as medical, law, theological, dental and pharmaceutical schools, and the great University of Chicago. Near the city are also the Northwestern and the Lake Forest Universities, the former at Evanston and the latter at Lake Forest. Besides an exten- sive Free Public Library for circulating and refer- ence purposes, maintained by public taxation, and embracing (in 1898) a total of over 235,000 volumes and nearly 50,000 pamphlets, there are the Library of the Chicago Historical Society and the Newberry and Crerar Libraries the last two the outgrowth of posthumous donations by public-spirited and liberal citizens all open to 1MY AFTER CHICAGO FIRE. :.2 IIISToIMy.U, KNCYCI. TIIK FIIH: OF 1*71. The city steadily grew HI beauty, population and commercial im]iortance until 1*71. On Oct. !l of that year occurred the "great h're" the story of which has passed into history. l!ecu|>eration was s|>eedy, and the 2. UK) acres burned over were rapidly being rebuilt, when, in 1*74. occurred a second conflagration, although by no means so disastrous as that of 1*71. The city's recuperative power was again demonstrated, and its subsequent development has been phenomenal. The subjoined statement shows its growth in imputation : 1837 IH40 |sr,o 4. 17!) 4.470 2N.S09 112,102 !)S 1)77 1ST! I IHSO IX'.NI 19UU Notwithstanding a large foreign population and :t constant army of unemployed men. Chicago has witnessed only three disturbances of the peace by mobs the railroad riots of 1N77, the Anarchist disturliance of 1**G. and a strike of railroad c'lnployes in 1*94. Mrxicii'AL ADMIXISTUATIOX. Chicago long since outgrew its s|cial charter, and is now incor|>orated under the broader provisions of the law. applicable to "cities of the lirst class," under which the city is virtually autonomous. The personnel, drill and equipment of the |M>lice and lire depart ments are second to none, if noi supe- rior to any, to IH- found in other American cities. The Chicago River, with its branches, divides the city into three principal divisions, known resjiec- tively as North, South and West. Kach division has its statutory ideographical boundaries, and each retains its own distinct 'township organiza- tion. This system is anomalous; it has, how- ever, Ixitli assailants and defenders. I't'iil.ic iMlMtnVKMKXTS. Chicago has a line system of parks and boulevards, well developed well improved and well managed. One of the parks (Jackson in the South Division) was the site ipf the World's Columbian K.\ posit ion. The water supply is obtained from Lake Michigan by means of cribs and tunnels. In this direction new and better facilities are lieing constantly introduced, and the existing water system will compare favorably with that ol any other Ameri- can city. AUCIIITKCTUHK. The public ami ollice build- ings, as well as the business blocks, are in some instances classical, but generally severely plain iPKIHA OF ILLINOIS. (iranite and other varieties of stone are used in the City Hall, County Court House, the Board of Trade structure, and in a lew commercial build- ings, as well as in many private residences. In the business part of the city, however, steel, iron, brick and lire clay are the materials most largely employed in construction, the exterior walls l>eing of brick. The most approved methods of tire-proof building are followed, and the "Chicago construction" has lieen recognized and adopted (with mod ilicat ions) all over the Cnited States. Ollice buildings range from ten to sixteen, and even, as in the case of the Masonic Temple, twenty stories in height. Most of them are sumptuous as to the interior, and many of the largest will each accommodate 3.000 to .~>.000 occupants, including tenants and their employes. In the residence sections wide diversity may In- seen; thechaste and the ornatestyles lieing alxmt equally popular. Among the handsome public, or semi-public buildings may lie mentioned the Public Library, the Newlierry Library, the Art Institute, the Armour Institute, the Academy of Sciences, the Auditorium, the Board of Trade Building, the Masonic Temple, and several of the railroad dejiots. Eni'i'ATinx AMI LIIIHAHIKS Chicago has a public school system unsurpassed for excellence in any other city in the country. According to the report of the Board of Education for ISJIH. the city had a total of 221 primary and grammar schools, liesides fourteen high schools, employing .1.20* teachers and giving instruction to over 2311.000 pupils in the course of the year. The total expenditures during the year amounted to $(i.7H.'U;oi. of which nearly $4,."iOO.OOO was on account of teachers' salaries. The city has nearly 87,300,000 invested in school buildings, liesides pupils attending public schools there are aliout 1011,000 in attendance on private and parochial schools, not reckoning students at higher institutions of learning, such as medical. law. theological, dental and pharmaceutical .schools, and the great University of Chicago. Near the city are also the Northwestern and the Lake Forest Universities, the former at Kvanston and the latter at Lake Forest. Besides an exten- sive Free Public Library for circulating and refer- ence purposes, maintained by public taxation, and embracing (in isfls) a. total of over 23.". 000 volumes and nearly ,~>0.000 pamphlets, there are the Library of the Chicago Historical Society and the Newlierry anil Crerar Libraries the last two the outgrowth of |Kisthumous donations by public-spirited and liberal citizens all ojien to "AY Al II.K CHICAGO KIRK. CHICAGO THOROUGHFARES. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. the public for purposes of reference under certain conditions. This list does not include the exten- sive library of the University of Chicago and those connected with the Armour Institute and the public schools, intended for the use of the pupils of these various institutions. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE, one of the leading commercial exchanges of the world. It was originally organized in the spring of 1843 as a voluntary association, with a membership of eighty-two. Its primary object was the promo- tion of the city's commercial interests by unity of action. On Feb. 8, 1849, the Legislature enacted a general law authorizing the establish- ment of Boards of Trade, and under its provisions an incorporation was effected a second organi- zation being effected in April, 1850. For several years the association languished, and at times its existence seemed precarious. It was, however, largely instrumental in securing the introduction of the system of measuring grain by weight, which initial step opened the way for subsequent great improvements in the methods of handling, storing, inspecting and grading cereals and seeds. By the close of 1856, the association had overcome the difficulties incident to its earlier years, and the feasibility of erecting a permanent Exchange building began to be agitated, but the project lay dormant for several years. In 1856 was adopted the first system of classification and grading of wheat, which, though crude, formed the founda- tion of the elaborate modern system, which has proved of such benefit to the grain-growing States of the West, and has done so much to give Chicago its commanding influence in the grain markets of the world. In 1858, the privilege of trading on the floor of the Exchange was limited to members. The same year the Board began to receive and send out daily telegraphic market reports at a cost, for the first year, of $500,000, which was defrayed by private subscriptions. New York was the only city with which such communication was then maintained. In Febru- ary, 1859, a special charter was obtained, confer- ring more extensive powers upon the organization, and correspondingly increasing its efficiency. An important era in the Board's history was the Civil War of 1861-65. During this struggle its attitude was one of unde viating loyalty and gener- ous patriotism. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were contributed, by individual members and from the treasury of the organization, for the work of recruiting and equipping regiments, in caring for the wounded on Southern battlefields, and roviding for the families of enlisted men. In 1864, the Board waged to a successful issue a war upon the irredeemable currency with which the entire West was then flooded, and secured such action by the banks and by the railroad and express companies as compelled its replacement by United States legal-tender notes and national bank notes. In 1865, handsome, large (and, as then supposed, permanent) quarters were occu- pied in a new building erected by the Chicago Chamber of Commerce under an agreement with the Board of Trade. This structure was destroyed in the fire of October, 1871, but at once rebuilt, and made ready for re-occupancy in precisely one year after the destruction of its predecessor. Spacious and ample as these quarters were then considered, the growing membership and increas- ing business demonstrated their inadequacy before the close of 1877. Steps looking to the erection of a new building were taken in 1881. and, on May 1, 1885, the new edifice then the largest and most ornate of its class in the world was opened for occupancy. The membership of the Board for the year 1898 aggregated con- siderably in excess of 1,800. The influence of the association is felt in every quarter of the com- mercial world. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD. (See Chicago, Burlington eing effected in April, 1850. For several years the association languished, and at times its existence seemed precarious. It was. however, largely instrumental in securing the introduction of the system of measuring grain by weight, which initial step opened the way for subsequent great improvements in the methods of handling, storing, ins|>ecting and grading cereals and seeds. By the close of 1S5(>, the association had overcome the difficulties incident to its earlier years, and the feasibility of erecting a permanent Exchange building Iiegan to l>e .agitated, but the project lay dormant for several years. In 1856 was adopted the first system of classification and grading of wheat, which, though crude, formed the founda- tion of the elalxjrate modern system, which has proved of such benefit to the grain-growing States of the West, and has done so much to give Chicago its commanding influence in the grain markets of the world. In 1S.~>K, the privilege of trading on the floor of the Exchange was limited to meml>ers. The same year the Boa.rU began to receive and send out daily telegraphic market rejKirts at a cost, for the first year, of $500,IHH), which was defrayed by private subscriptions. New York was the only city with which such communication was then maintained. In Febru- ary, 18.">9, a special charter was obtained, confer- ring more extensive powers upon the organization, and correspondingly increasing its efficiency. An important era in the Board's history was the Civil War of 1861-05. During this struggle its attitude wasone of undeviating loyalty and gener- ous patriotism. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were contributed, by individual members and from the treasury of the organization, for the work of recruiting and equipping regiments, in caring for the wounded on Southern battlefields, and "roviding for the families of enlisted men In 18fi4. the Board waged to a successful issue a war UJMIII the irredeemable currency with wliirh tin- entire West was then flooded, and secured such action by the Uinks and by the railroad and express companies a* com|>elled its replacement by United States legal-tender notes and national bank notes In lS(r>. handsome, large (and. as then supposed. ]>ermanent ) quarters were occu- pied in a new building erected by the Chicago Chamlier of Commerce under an agreement with the Board of Trade. This structure was destroyed in the fire of OctoU-r. 1S71, but at once rebuilt, and made ready for re-occupancy in pre.-isely one year after the destruction of its predecessor Spacious and ample as these quarters were then considered, the growing meml>ershipand increas- ing business demonstrated their inadequacy before the close of 1877. Steps looking to tin- erection of a new building were taken in 1X81. and, on May 1, 18S.~>. the new edifice then tin- largest and most ornate of its class in the world was opened for occupancy The membership of the Board for the year 1898 aggregated con siderably in excess of 1.800. The influence of tin- association is felt in every quarter of the com mercial world. CHICAGO, III III IV.HiN & NOI.'TIII i:\ RAILROAD. (See ('liiratjo. Burlington iV (Jitinfy liiiilruiid. I CHICAGO, Bl"RLIXGTO>' A. QITIXCY RAIL- ROAD (known as the "Burlington Route") is the parent organization of an extensive system which o|)erates railroads in eleven Western and Northwestern States, furnishing connection* from Chicago with Omaha. Denver. St Paul and Minnea|K>lis, St Louis and Kansas City. Chey- enne (Wyo ). Billings (Mont ). Oeadwuod (So Dak,), and intermediate points, and having con nections by affiliated roads with the Pacific Coast The main line extends from Chicago to Denver (Colo.), 1.02:i. 41 miles The mileage of the various branches ami leased proprietary lines (1898) aggregates 4.li27.(Ni miles. The C'oin|>aiiy uses 207.23 miles in conjunction with other roads, besides subsidiary standard-gauge lim-* controlled through the ownership of securities amounting to 1.110 miles more. In addition to these the Chicago. Burlington & Quiney control 179 miles of narrow-gauge road. The whole numl>er of miles of standard-gauge, road operatc.1 by the Burlington system, and known as tlm Burlington Route, on June SO, 1899, is estimated at 7,419. of which 1.509 is in Illinois, all but 47 miles l>eing owned by the Company. The system in Illinois connects many important commercial HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. points, including Chicago. Aurora, Oalesburg, Quincy, Peoria, Streator. Sterling, Mendota, Ful- ton, Lewistown, Rushville, Geneva, Keithsburg, Rock Island, Beardstown. Alton, etc. The entire capitalization of the line (including stock, bonds and floating debt) amounted, in 1898, to $234,884,- 600, which was equivalent to about $33,000 per mile. The total earnings of the road in Illinois, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898, amounted to $8,724,997, and the total disburse- ments of the Company within the State, during the same period, to $7,469.456. Taxes paid in 1898, $377,968. (HISTORY). The first section of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad was constructed under a charter granted, in 1849, to the Aurora Branch Railroad Company, the name being changed in 1852 to the Chicago & Aurora Railroad Company. The line was completed in 1853, from the junction with the old Galena & Chicago Union Railroad. 30 miles west of Chi- cago, to Aurora, later being extended to Mendota. In 1855 the name of the Company was changed by act of the Legislature to the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy. The section between Mendota and Galesburg (80 miles) was built under a charter granted in 1851 to the Central Military Tract Railroad Company, and completed in 1854. July 9, 1856, the two companies were consolidated under the name of the former. Previous to this consolidation the Company had extended aid to the Peoria & Oquawka Railroad (from Peoria to the Mississippi River, nearly opposite Burlington, Iowa), and to the Northern Cross Railroad from Quincy to Galesburg, both of which were com- pleted in 1855 and operated by the Chicago, Bur- lington & Quincy. In 1H57 the name of the Northern Cross was changed to the Quincy & Chicago Railroad. In I860 the latter was sold under foreclosure to the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and, in 1863. the Peoria & Oquawka was acquired in the same way the former constitut- ing the Quinc)r branch of the main line and the latter giving it its Burlington connection. Up to 1863, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy used the track of the Galena & Chicago Union Rail- road to enter the city of Chicago, but that year I it-nan the construction of its line from Aurora to Chicago, which was completed in 1864. In 1872 it acquired control, by perpetual lease, of tlie Burlington & Missouri River Road in Iowa, and, in 1880, extended this line into Nebraska, now reaching Billings, Mont., with a lateral branch to Deadwood, So. Dak. Other branches in Illinois, built or acquired by this corporation, include the Peoria & Hannibal : Carthage & Bur- lington . Quincy & Warsaw ; Ottawa, Chicago A Fox River Valley; Quincy, Alton & St. Louis, and the St. Louis, Rock Island & Chicago. The Chicago, Burlington & Northern known as the Northern Division of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy is an important part of the system, furnishing a connection between St. Louis on the south and St. Paul and Minneapolis on the north, of which more than half of the distance of 583 miles between terminal points, is in Illinois. The latter division was originally chartered, Oct. 21, IMS:, an< ] constructed from Oregon. 111., to St. Paul. Minn. (319 miles), and from Fulton to Savanna, 111. (16.72 miles), and opened, Nov. 1, 1886. It was formally incorporated into the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy line in 1899. In June of the same year the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy also acquired by purchase the Keokuk & Western Railroad from Keokuk to Van Wert. Iowa (143 miles), and the Des Moines & Kansas City Railway, from Des Moines, Iowa, to Gaines- ville, Mo. (112 miles). CHICAGO, DANVILLE & VINCENNES RAIL- ROAD. (See Chicago * Eastern Illinois Rail- road.) CHICAUO DRAINAGE CANAL, a channel or waterway, in course of construction (1892-99) from the Chicago River, within the limits of the city of Chicago, to Joliet Lake, in the Des Plaines River, about 12 miles above the junction of the Des Plaines with the Illinois. The primary object of the channel is the removal of the sewage of the city of Chicago and the proper drainage of the region comprised within what is called the "Sanitary District of Chicago." The feasibility of connecting the waters of Lake Michigan by way of the Des Plaines River with those of the Illinois, attracted the attention of the earliest French explorers of this region, and was com- mented upon, from time to time, by them and their successors. As early as 1808 the subject of a canal uniting Lake Michigan with the Illinois was discussed in a report on roads and canals by Albert Gallatin, then Secretary of the Treasury. and the project was touched upon in a bill relat- ing to the Erie Canal and other enterprises, intro- duced in Congress in 1811. The measure continued to receive attention in the press, in Western Territorial Legislatures and in official reports, one of the latter being a report by John C. Cal- houn, as Secretary of War, in 1819, in which it is spoken of as "valuable for military purposes." In 1822 Congress passed an act granting the right of way to the State through the public lands for such an enterprise, which was followed, B X n 73 o n a n n z D S- > -i z H HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. point- including Chicago. Aurora. Galesburg, yuincy, Peoria. Streatr. Sterling. Mendota, Ful- ton. Lewistown, Rushville. (ieneva. Keithsburg. Rock Island. Beardstow n, Alton, etc. The entire capitalization of the line (including stock. |HIIIC|S and Moating debt ) amounted, in !*!. to S2:J4.MX4.- IHIO, which was equivalent to nlmiit :W:!.0(K) |ier mile. The total earnings ol the road in Illinois, during the fiscal year ending June IV). 1*9*. amounted to *H, 724, (197. anil the total disburse- ments of the Company within the State, during the same period, to -ST. ll>!l.4.">t> Taxes |iaiil in ll. J3S77.9W. (HisToKY). The tirst section of the Chicago. Kurlington A: Vtu'ncy Rjiilroad was const rurted under a charter granted, in 1N4!. to the Aurora Branch Kailroad ( 'oin|>any. the name being changed in l>Ci2 to the Chicago <& Aurora Kailroad Coni|tny The line was completed in |M.~)3. from the junction with the. old ( ialena ositc Iturlington. Iowa), ami to the Northern Cross Railroad from Vuincy to (ialcshurg lioth of which were rom- pleted in 1 and operated hy the Chicago. Bur lington & ynincy In I" the latter was sold under foreclosure to the Clue-ago Burlington <7',' it acquired control. h\ |>ci-[ictual lease, of the Burlington it Missouri River Road in Iowa, and. in INXII. extended this line into Nebraska now reaching Billings. Mont with a lateral branch to Dcadwood So Dak Other hranchcs in Illinois, litiilt or acquired hy this corporation, ilii'ludethe I'eoria \ I laiuiilial Carthage ( V Unr lington; yuincy & Warsaw; Ottawa. Chicago & Fox River Valley; Quincy. Alton & St. Louis. and the St Louis, Rock Island & Chicago. The Chicago. Burlington & Northern known as the Northern Division of the Chicago. Burlington & Quinry is an important |iart of the system, furnishing a connection lietween St Louis on the south and St. Caul ami Minneafiolis on the north, of which more than half of the distance of ">*-.; miles lietween terminal points, is in Illinois The latter division was originally chartered. Oct. 21. IHM.">. and constructed from Oregon. Ill . to St I'm! Minn, i-ll'.i miles), and from Fulton to Savanna. Ill (l(i.72 miles), and o]Hmed. Nov. 1. IKS; It w;is formally incorjiorated into the Chicago, Burlington & (^uincy line in IH'.MI. In June of the same year the Chicago, Burlington & yuincy also acquired by purchase the Keokuk & Western Kailroad from Keokuk to Van Wert Iowa ill:! miles), and the Des Moines it Kansas City Railway from Des Moines. Iowa to Caines ville. Mo. (112 miles) I UK \<.n. li\\v || i.l i VIM'KXXES RAIL- I!O\II. See Cliii-iniii it- Kiixti-rn Illimiix Hail I'm III. ( UK \l.( III! \I\ACK ( \> VI.. , channel or waterway in course of construction (1*02-991 from the Chicago River, within the limits of the city of Chicago, to Joliet Lake, in the Des Plainer River, aliout 12 miles aliove the junction of the Des I'laines with the Illinois. The primary object of the channel is the removal of the sewage of the city of Chicago and the projier drainage of the region comprised within what is called the "Sanitary District of Chicago." The feasibility of connecting the waters of l^tke Michigan by way of the Des I'laines River with those of the Illinois, attracted the attention of the earliest French explorers of this region, and was com- mented upon from time to time, hy them ami their successors. As early as 1SIIS the subject of a canal uniting I.ake Michigan with the Illinois \vas discussed in a re|Mirt on roads and canals b\ \lliert < iiill.it in then Secretary of the Treasury irid the project was touched u|K>n in a bill relat ing to the Krie Canal anil other enterprises, intro duced in * *ongress in 1*11. The measure continued to receive attention in the press, in Western Territorial Legislatures and in oflicial reports, one of the latter lieing a re|~irt by John C Cal houn. as Secretary of War. in 1*H*. in which it is poken of as "valuable for military purposes In |s->-J Congress passed an art granting the right ol way to tin- State through the public lands for such an enterprise which was followed. p . "*' v '*'! i . ^r. ' I ; ' 1' >t .. H '. , . M , & ' v v/ " ^ * |; - -' ' - SANITARY CANAL - CHICAGO MANCHESTER no NORTH SEA - 9ALTIC- NORTH SEA - AMSTERDAM - 2OOOI SUE1 3Z/0 ryoo PANAMA WELLAND I6OO ILLINOIS* MISSISSIPPI HENNEPIN - ^ ^ ',' ; S '-'.'- a a > ERIE 700 ILLINOIS'MICHIGAN COMPARATIVE SIZK OF NOTED CANALS. r HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. five years later, by a grant of lands for the pur- pose of its construction. The work was begun in 1836. and so far completed in 1848 as to admit of the passage of boats from the Chicago basin to La Salle. (See Illinois & Michigan Canal.) Under an act passed by the Legislature in 1865, the work of deepening the canal was undertaken by the city of Chicago with a view to furnishing means to relieve the city of its sewage, the work being completed some time before the fire of 1871. This scheme having failed to accomplish the object designed, other measures began to be considered. Various remedies were proposed, but in all the authorities were confronted with the difficulty of providing a fund, under the provisions of the Constitution of 1870, to meet the necessary cost of construction. In the closing months of the year 1885, Hon. H. B. Kurd, who had been a member of a Board of "Drainage Commission- ers," organized in 1855, was induced to give attention to the subject. Having satisfied him- self and others that the difficulties were not insurmountable with proper action by the Legis- lature, the City Council, on Jan. 27, 1886, passed a resolution authorizing the Mayor to appoint a Commission, to consist of "one expert engineer of reputation and experience in engineering and sanitary matters, " and two consulting engineers, to constitute a "drainage and water-supply com- mission" for the purpose of investigating and reporting upon the matter of water-supply and disposition of the sewage of the city. As a result of this action, Rudolph Bering, of Philadel- phia, was appointed expert engineer by Mayor Harrison, with Benezette Williams and S. G. Artingstall, of Chicago, as consulting engineers. At the succeeding session of the General Assem- bly (1887), two bills one known as the "Hurd bill" and the other as the "Winston bill," but both drawn by Mr. Hurd, the first contemplating doing the work by general taxation and the issue of bonds, and the other by special assessment were introduced in that body. As it was found that neither of these bills could be passed at that session, a new and shorter one, which became known as the "Roche- Winston bill," was intro- duced and passed near the close of the session. A resolution was also adopted creating a com- mission, consisting of two Senators, two Repre- sentatives and Mayor Roche of Chicago, to further investigate the subject. The later act, just referred to, provided for the construction of a cut- off from the Des Plaines River, which would divert the flood-waters of that stream and the North Branch into Lake Michigan north of the city. Nothing was done under this act, however. At the next session (1889) the commission made a favorable report, and a new law was enacted embracing the main features of the Hurd bill, though changing the title of the organization to be formed from the "Metropolitan Town," as proposed by Mr. Hurd, to the "Sanitary Dis- trict." The act, as passed, provided for the election of a Board of nine Trustees, their powers being confined to "providing for the drainage of the district," both us to surplus water and sew- age. Much opposition to the measure had been developed during the pendency of the legislation on the subject, especially in the Illinois valley, on sanitary grounds, as well as fear of midsum- mer flooding of the bottom lands which are cultivated to some extent : but this was overcome by the argument that the channel would, when the Des Plaines and Illinois Rivers were improved between Juliet and La Salle, furnish a new and enlarged waterway for the passage of vessels between the lake and the Mississippi River, and the enterprise was indorsed by conventions held at Peoria, Memphis and elsewhere, during the eighteen months preceding the passage of the act. The promise ultimately to furnish a flow of not less than 600,000 cubic feet per minute also excited alarm in cities situated upon the lakes, lest the taking of so large a volume of water from Lake Michigan should affect the lake-level injuriously to navigation; but these apprehen- sions were quieted by the assurance of expert engineers that the greatest reduction of the lake- level below the present minimum would not exceed three inches, and more likely would not produce a perceptible effect. At the general election, held Nov. 5, 1889, the "Sanitary District of Chicago" was organ- ized by an almost unanimous popular vote the returns showing 70,9:>8 votes for the measure to 242 against. The District, as thus formed, embraces all of the city of Chicago north of Eighty-seventh Street, with forty- three square miles outside of the city limits but within the area to lie benefited by the improvement. Though the channel is located partly in Will County, the district is wholly in Cook and bears the entire exjiense of construc- tion. The first election of Trustees was held at a special election, Dec. 12. 1889, the Trustees then elected to hold their offices for five years and until the following November. The second election occurred, Nov. 5, 1895, when the Board, as now constituted (1899). was chosen, viz.: William Boldenweck, Joseph C. Braden. Zina R. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Carter, Bernard A. Ecktiart, Alexander J. Jones, Thomas Kelly, James P. Mallette, Thomas A. Smyth and Frank Wenter. The Trustees have power to sell bonds in order to procure funds to prosecute the work and to levy taxes upon prop- erty within the district, under certain limitations as to length of time the taxes run and the rate per cent imposed. Under an amendment of the Drainage Act adopted by the Legislature in 1897, the rate of assessment upon property within the Drainage District is limited to one and one-half per cent, up to and including the year 1899, but after that date becomes one-half of one per cent. The bed of the channel, as now in process of construction, commences at Robey Street and the South Branch of the Chicago River, 5.8 miles from Lake Michigan, and extends in a sooth- westerly direction to the vicinity of Summit, where it intersects the Des Plaines River. From this point it follows the bed of that stream to Lockport, in Will County, where, in consequence of the sudden depression in the ground, the bed of the channel comes to the surface, and where the great controlling works are situated. This has made necessary the excavation of about thirteen miles of new channel for the river which runs parallel with, and on the west side of, the drainage canal liesides the construction of about nineteen miles of levee to separate the waters of the canal from the river. The following statement <>f the quality of the material excavated and the I'.imensions of the work, is taken fromapaper by Hon. H. B. Hurd, under the title, "The Chicago Drainage Channel and Waterway," published in the sixth volume of "Industrial Chicago" (1896): 'Through that portion of the channel between Chicago and Summit, which is being constructed to produce a flow of 300,000 cubic feet per minute, which is supposed to be sufficient to dilute sew- age for about the present population (of Chicago) , the width of the channel is 110 feet on the bot- tom, with side slopes of two to one. This portion i if the channel is ultimately to be enlarged to the capacity of 600,000 cubic feet per minute. The i >t tin 1 1 of the channel, at Robey Street, is 34.448 feet below Chicago datum. The width of the .channel from Summit down to the neighborhood of Willow Springs is 202 feet on the bottom, with the same side slope. The cut through the rock, which extends from the neighborhood of Willow Springs to the point where the channel runs out of ground near Lockport, is 160 feet wide at the bottom. The entire depth of the channel is substantially the same as at Robey Street, with the addition of one foot in 40,000 feet The rook portion of the channel is constructed to the full capacity of 600,000 cubic feet per minute. From the point where the channel runs out of ground to Joliet Lake, there is a rapid fall; over this slope works are to be constructed to let the water down in such a manner as not to damage Joliet. " Ground was broken on the rock-cut near Lemont, on Sept. 3, 1892, and work has been in progress almost constantly ever since. The prog- ress of the work was greatly obstructed during the year 1898, by difficulties encountered in secur- ing the right of way for the discharge of the waters of the canal through the city of Joliet. but these were compromised near the close of the year, and it was anticipated that the work would be prosecuted to completion during the year 1899. From Feb. 1, 1890, to Dec. 31, 1898, the net receipts of the Board for the prosecution of the work aggregated $28,257,707. while the net expenditures had amounted to $28,221 864.57. Of the latter, $20,099,284.67 was charged to construc- tion account, $3,156,903.12 to "land account" (including right of way), and $1,222,092.82 to the cost of maintaining the engineering department. When finished, the cost will reach not less than $35,000,000. These figures indicate the stupen- dous character of the work, which bids fair to stand without a rival of its kind in modern engineering and in the results it is expected to achieve. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAT. The total mileage of this line, June 30, 1898, was 1,008 miles, of which 152.52 miles are operated and owned in Illinois. The line in this State extends west from Chicago to East Dubuque, the extreme terminal points being Chicago and Minneapolis in the Northwest, and Kansas City in the Southwest. It has several branches in Illi nois, Iowa and Minnesota, and trackage arrange- ments with several lines, the most important being with the St. Paul & Northern Pacific (10.56 miles), completing the connection between St. Paul and Minneapolis : with the Illinois Central from East Dubuque to Portage (12.23 miles), and with the Chicago & Northern Pacific from Forest Home to the Grand Central Station in Chicago. The company's own track is single, of standard gauge, laid with sixty and seventy-five-pound steel rails. Grades and curvature are light, and the equipment well maintained. The outstand- ing capital stock (1898) was $52,019,054; total capitalization, including stock, bonds and miscel- laneous indebtedness, $57,144,245. (HISTORY). The road was chartered, Jan. 5, 1892, under the laws of Illinois, for the purpose of reorganization of VIFAVS Of DRAINAGE CANAL. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Carter, Bernard A Eckhart, Alexander J. Jones. Thomas Kelly. .lames I'. Mallette. Thomas A. Smyth anil Frank Wenter. The Trustees have ixiwer to sell bonds in order to procure funds to prosecute the work and to levy taxes n|Min prop- erty within the district, under certain limitations as to length of time the taxes run and the rate percent imposed. Under an amendment of the Drainage Act adopted l>y the Legislature in 18!)7. the rate of assessment upon property within the Drainage District is limited to one and one-half |ier cent, tip to and including the year IS!)!), hut after that date becomes mic-half of one [>er cent. The IHM! of the channel, as now in process of construction, commences at Kobey Street and the South Branch of the Chicago River, li.N miles from Lake Michigan, and extends in a south- westerly direction to the vicinity of Summit, where it intersects the Des Plaines River. From this pi ii nt it follows the lied of that stream to Lockport. in AVill County, where, in consequence of the sudden depression in the ground, the lied of the channel comes t the surface, and where the great controlling works a re situated. This has made necessary the excavation of aliout thirteen miles ol new channel for the river which runs parallel ith. and on the west sid" of. the drainage canal besides the. construction of aliout nineteen miles of levee to separate the waters of the 'anal from the river The following statement <>f the quality of the material excavated and the dimensions of the work, is taken fromapaper by II. in. II. 1!. Ilurd. under the title. "The Chicago drainage Channel and Waterway." published in the sixth volume, of 'Industrial Chicago" (1*911) 'Through that (xirtion of the channel lietween < 'hicago and .Summit, which is being constructed In produce a How of mil), INK) i-ubic feet |>er minute which is supposed to be snllicient to dilute sew- age for aliout the present giopulalion (of Chicago). the width of the channel is 111) feet on tlieUit- lom. with side slo|>cs of two to one. This jiortioii i the channel is ultimately t<> lie enlarged to the i apacity of 600.IKIH i-iibic feet per minute The bottom of the. channel at l.'obcy Street, is '.MUM IVet lielow Chicago datum The width of the haiinel from Summit down In the neighlMirho.nl ..I Willow Springs is MIK.' feet mi the bottom, with ilic>ame side slope The .-lit through the rock which extends from the neighborhood of Willow Springs to the |ioint where t he channrl runs out if ground near l.ock|>ort is Hill feet wide at the Uittom. The entire d^pth of the channel is sutistantially the same as at Uoliey Street, with the addition of one foot in IIMHMI I'eet The rek jKirtion of the cnannel is "onstrueted to the full capacity of fJiM).(NK) cubic feet jier minute. From the point where the channel runs out of ground to Joliet Lake, there is a rapid fall; ove this slope works are to t-e constructed to let the water down in such a manner as not to damage Joliet." (rround was broken on the rock-cut near Lemont, on Sept. 3, 1S'J2. and work has been in progress almost constantly ever since. The prog- ress of the work was greatly obstructed during the year istfs, by difficulties encountered in secur- ing the right of way for the discharge of the waters of the canal through the city of Joliet. but these were compromised near the close of the year, and it was anticipated that the work would be prosecuted to completion during the year is<)9. From Feb. 1, ls!W, to Dec. 31, 1S9S, the net receipts of the Board for the prosecution of the work aggregated $2H,S.'i7 > T07, while the net expenditures had amounted to$2s.221 N(>4 ."i7. Of the latter. S2U,<)99,2H4.S7 was charged to construc- tion account, $3.ir>K,903.13 to "bind account" (including right of way), and S1.222.092.S2 to the cost of maintaining the engineering de|iartinent. When finished, the cost will reach not less than s:!.1.(Ml.lNN). These figures indicate the stujieu dons character of the work, which bids fair to stand without a rival of its kind in modern engineering and in the results it is expected to achieve. urn u.o <;KKAT WESTERN RAILWAY. The total jnileage of this line. June :), 1*!)S. was I.INIS miles, of which 1V>..~>2 miles are ojieratcd and owned ill Illinois The line in this State extends west from Chicago t.i East Dubuque. the extreme terminal (Kiints being Chicago and Minnca|Kilis in the Northwest, and Kansas City in the South west It has several branches in Illi iwiis. Iowa and Minnesota, and trackage arrange ments with several lines, the most ini]Kirtant being with tljfcSt F'aul & Northern Pacific (111.5(1 miles), .-omflleting the connection between St I '.-in I .ind Minneapolis: with the Illinois Central from Kast Dubu.|ue to Portage (12.2:! miles), and with the Chi. 'agiiit Northern Pacilic from Forest Home to i In- < fraud Central Station in Chicago The roiupaii v's own track is single, of standard uange. laid with sixty and seventy tive-jiound steel rails. < !radc.s and curvature are light, and the e.|uipnicnt well maintained. The outstand- ing capital stock (1S9H) was S.Vi,(ll9.0.'i4; total i-apitalization, including stock, bonds and miscel- laneous indebtedness. 57. 1 -M.'J-l'i. (IIlSTOUY). The road was chartered, Jan -I, lsf)2. under the laws .'I Illinois, for the purpose of re. irganization of -'-' ."'-" -- ; - ifiSiSf ._.--, -_^ '^- ^r*T, VH'.US UK DK \IN.\Ci: CANAI VIEWS OF DRAINAGE CANAL. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railway Company on a stock basis. During 1895, the De Kalb & Great "Western Railroad (5.81 miles) was built from De Kalb to Sycamore as a feeder of this line. CHICAGO, HARLEM & BATAVIA BAIL- ROAD. (See Chicago & Northern Pacific Rail- road.) CHICAGO, HAVANA & WESTEBN BAIL- ROAD. (See Illinois Central Railroad.) CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, organized, April 24, 1856, for the purposes of (1) establishing a library and a cabinet of antiquities, relics, etc. ; (2) the collection and preservation of historical manuscripts, documents, papers and tracts; (3) the encouragement of the discovery and investi- gation of aboriginal remains, particularly in Illi- nois; (4) the collection of material illustrating the growth and settlement of Chicago. By 1871 the Society had accumulated much valuable material, but the entire collection was destroyed in the great Chicago fire of that year, among the manuscripts consumed being the original draft of the emancipation proclamation by Abraham Lincoln. The nucleus of a second collection was consumed by fire in 1874. Its loss in this second conflagration included many valuable manu- .scripts. In 1877 a temporary building was erected, which was torn down in 1892 to make room for the erection, on the same lot, of a thoroughly fire-proof structure of granite, planned after the most approved modern systems. The new building was erected and dedicated under the direction of its late President, Ed- ward G. Mason, Esq., Dec. 12, 1896. The Society's third collection now embraces about twenty-five thousand volumes and nearly fifty thousand pamphlets; seventy-five portraits in oils, with other works of art; a valuable collection of manuscript documents, and a large museum of local and miscellaneous antiquities. Mr. Charles Evans is Secretary and Librarian. CHICAGO HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COL- LEGE, organized in 1876, with a teaching faculty of nineteen and forty-five matriculates. Its first term opened October 4, of that year, in a leased building. By 1881 the college had outgrown its first quarters, and a commodious, well appointed structure was erected by the trustees, in a more desirable location. The institution was among the first to introduce a graded course of instruc- tion, extending over a period of eighteen years. In 1897, the matriculating class numbered over 200. CHICAGO HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN, located at Chicago, and founded in 1865 by Dr. Mary Harris Thompson. Its declared objects are: "To afford a home for women and children among the respectable poor in need of medical and surgical aid; to treat the same classes at home by an assistant physician; to afford a free dispensary for the same, and to train competent nurses." At the outset the hospital was fairly well sustained through pri- vate benefactions, and, in 1870, largely through Dr. Thompson's efforts, a college was organized for the medical education of women exclusively. (See Northwestern University Woman's Medical School.) The hospital building was totally destroyed in the great fire of 1871, but temporary accommodations were provided in another section of the city. The following year, with the aid of $25,000 appropriated by the Chicago Relief and Aid Society, a permanent building was pur- chased, and, in 1885, a new, commodious and well planned building was erected on the same site, at a cost of about $75,000. CHICAGO, MADISON & NORTHERN RAIL- ROAD, a line of railway 331.3 miles in length, 140 miles of which lie within Illinois. It is operated by the Illinois Central Railroad Company, and is known as its "Freeport Division." The par value of the capital stock outstanding is $50,000 and of bonds $2,500,000, while the floating debt is $3,620,698, making a total capitalization of $6,170,698, or $26,698 per mile. (See also Illinois Central Railroad. ) This road was opened from Chicago to Freeport in 1888. CHICAGO MEDICAL COLLEGE. (See .\<,rth- western University Medical College.) CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ft ST. PAUL BALL* WAT, one of the great trunk lines of the North- west, having a total mileage (1898) of 6,153.88 miles, of which 317.94 are in Illinois. The main line extends from Chicago to Minneapolis, 420 miles, although it has connections with Kansas City, Omaha, Sioux City and various points in Wisconsin, Iowa and the Dakotas. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company enjoys the distinction of being the owner of all the lines operated by it, though it operates 245 miles of second tracks owned jointly with other lines. The greater part of its track is laid with 60, 75 and 85-lb. steel rails. The total capital invested (1898) is $220,005,901, distributed as follows: capital stock, $77,845,000; bonded debt, $135,285,500; other forms of indebtedness, $5,572,401. Its total earnings in Illinois for 1898 were $5,205,244, and the total expendi- tures, $3,320,248. The total number of em- ployes in Illinois for 1898 was 2,293, receiving VIEWS (M J>KAINA<;i: CANAL. HISTORICAL KM Y( Lol'KIHA <>!' ILLINOIS. the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railway Company on a st. the T)e Kail) & Great Western Railroad (~>>1 miles) was built from Pe Kall> to Sycamore as a feeder of this line. CHICAGO, HARLEM A; BATAVIA RAIL- ROAD. (Set> Cliii'injH it .\\irllifm Pacific Hitil- ( HICAGO, HAVANA A: WESTERN RAIL- ROAD. (See IlliiKiix I'l'iitrnl Knilriuiil. ) CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, organized. April 24. IM.Vl, for the pur|Misfs nf (1) establishing a library and a cabinet of antiquities, relics, etc. : (2) the collection anil preserxation of historical manuscripts, documents. pa|>ers ami tracts: (3) I lie encouragement of the discovery and investi- gation of aboriginal remains particularly in Illi- nois: (4) the collection of material illustrating the growth and settlement of Chicago. By 1KT1 the Society had accumulated much valuable material, but the entire collection was destroyed in the gieat Chicago fire of that year, among the manuscripts consumed lieing the original draft .if the emancipation proclamation by Abraham Lincoln. The nucleus of a second collection was consumed by fire in 1x71. Its loss in this second illagration included many \aluable iiianu- -cript-. In 1 s " a tcm|N>rarr building was erected, which was torn down in 1X92 to make room for the erection, on the same lot. of a thoroughly tire-proof structure of granite, planned after the most approved modern systems. The new building was erected and dedicated under the direction of its late President, Ed- ward C,. Mason, Esq., Dec. 12, 1X9.' The Society's third collection now embraces about twenty-five thousand volumes and nearly fifty thonsaml pamphlets; seventy-live jiortraits in oils, with other works of art ; a valuable collection of inauuscript documents, and a large museum of local and miscellaneous antiquities. Mr. Charles Evans is Secretary and Librarian. CHICAGO HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL COL- I I 1. 1 . organized in 1x70. with a teaching faculty of nineteen and forty-live matriculates Its first term o|>enud October I. of that year, in a leased building. Liy 1SS1 the college hail outgrown its first quarters, and a commodious, well apjMiinted structure was erected by the trustees, in a more desirable location The institution was among I he first to introduce a graded course of instruc- tion, extending over a [period of eighteen years. In 1M97, the matrieulatingclassnumbcred over 2011. CHICAGO HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN AMI CHILDREN. located at Chicago, and founded in lsii.% by Dr. Mary Harris Thompson. Its declared objects are : "Tit afford a home for women and children among the respectable poor in need of medical and surgical aid; to treat the same classes at home by an assistant 'physician; to afford a free dispensary for the same, and to train conijieteiit nurses." At the outset the hospital was fairly well sustained through pri- vate Item-factions, and. in 1S70, largely through Dr. Thompson's efforts, a college was organized for the medical education of women exclusively. (See \tniti tn-stern I'liirt-rxiti/ II "('/mm'* .l/n//Va7 Nrlinol. ) The hospital building was totally destroyed in the great fire of 1*71. but temjHirarv accommodations were provided in another section of the city. The following year, with the ai 1 of *->r>.(IO(l appropriated by the Chicago Relief and Aid Society, a permanent building was pur- chased, and, in IXX.l, a new. commodious and well planned building was erected on the same site, at a cost of about 75,000. CHICAGO, MADISON ,v NORTHERN RAIL- ROAD, a line of railway 231.3 miles in length. 140 miles of which lie within Illinois. It is operated by the Illinois Central Kailroad Company, and is known as its "Freeport Division.' The |>ar value of the capital stock outstanding is >CiO,lKX> and of Umds 2,.~>00.000, while the floating debt is $3.fi2o,fi'jx. making a total capitalization of $l!. 170.li9S. or $2(i.li'JS |>er mile. (See also Illinois Ci'ntml Hiiilruiul) This road was o[tened from Chicago to Free-port in 1XX8. CHICAGO MEDICAL COLLEGE. (See A'.wrfc- iresli'rii I'liircrsitif Mftlical Cnllcfjp.) CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE ,v ST. PAl L RAIL- WAV, one of the great trunk lines of the North- west, having a total mileage (1S9S) of fi, 153.83 miles, of which 317.94 are in Illinois. The main line extends from Chicago to Minnea|Kilis. 420 miles, although it has connections with Kans:is City, Omaha Sioux City and various jHiiDts in Wisconsin. Io\va and the Dakotas The Clmiigo, Milwaukee >V St Paul Railroad < 'oinpany enjoys the distinction of lieing the owner of all the lines o|MT.ited bv il though it operates 21.1 miles of second trai-k- owned jointly with other lines. The greater part of its track i> laid with do. 7."> and s.Vlb. steel rails The total capital invested (l s !ISi is $22i.iKI.Vol. distributed as follows: capital slock. $77. M4.-|.IK*I ; l-oiided debt. S13.'i.2S.'i..VMI; other form- of indebtedness, 85.575,401. Its total earnings in Illinois for isys were '?r..20. r i.2-M, and the total expendi- tures. S3.320.2IM. The total number of em- ployes in Illinois for isfls was 2.293 receiving 98 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. $1,746,827.70 in aggregate compensation. Taxes paid for the same year amounted to 8 151,385. (HISTORY). The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway was organized iu 1803 under the name of the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. The Illi- nois portion of the main line was built under a charter granted to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, and the Wisconsin por- tion under charter to the Wisconsin Union Rail- road Company; the whole built and opened in 1872 and purchased by the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company. . It subsequently acquired by purchase several lines in Wisconsin, the whole receiving the present name of the line by act of the Wisconsin Legislature, passed, Feb. 14, 1874. The Chicago & Evanston Railroad was cliartered, Feb. 16, 1861, built from Chicago to Calvary (10.8 miles), and opened, May 1, 1885; was consolidated with the Chicago & Lake Superior Railroad, under the title of the Chicago, Evanston & Lake Superior Railroad Company, Dec. 22, 1885, opened to Evanston, August 1, 1886, and purchased, in June, 1887, by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company. The Road, as now organized, is made up of twenty-two divisions located in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Missouri and Michigan. CHICAGO, PADUCAH & MEMPHIS RAIL- BOAD (Projected), a road chartered, Dec. 19, 1893, to run between Altamont anil Metropolis, 111., 152 miles, with a branch from Johnston City to Carbondale, 20 miles total length, 172 miles. The gauge is standard, and the track laid with sixty-pound steel rails. By Feb. 1, 1895, the road from Altamont to Marion (100 miles) was com- pleted, and work on the remainder of the line lias been in progress. It is intended to connect with the Wabash and the St. Louis Southern systems. Capital stock authorized and subscribed. $2,500,- 000; bonds issued, $1,575,000. Funded debt, authorized, $15,000 per mile in five per cent first mortgage gold bonds. Cost of road up to Feb. 1, 1895, $20,000 per mile ; estimated cost of the entire line, $2,000,000. In December, 1896, this road passed into the hands of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company, and is now operated to Marion, in Williamson County. (See Chicago ratif the Joliet & Chicago Railroad, and leased in jierpetuity to the present Company, which was reorganized in 1857 under the name of the St. Louis, Alton & Chicago Railroad Company. For some time connection was had between Alton and St. Louis by steam-packet boats running in connection with the railroad; but later over the line of the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad the first railway line connecting the two cities and, finally, by the Company's own line, which was constructed in 1K64. and formally opened Jan. 1, 1865. In 1861, a company with the present name (Chicago & Alton Railroad Com- pany) was organized, which, in 1862, purchased the St. Louis. Alton & Chicago Road at fore- closure sale. Several brancli lines have since been acquired by purchase or lease, the most important in the State being the line from Bloomington to St. Louis by way of Jacksonville. This was chartered in 1851 under the name of the St. Louis, Jacksonville & Chicago Railroad, was opened for business in January, 1868, and having been diverted from the route upon which it was originally projected, was completed to Blooming ton and leased to the Chicago & Alton in 1868. In 1884 this branch was absorbed by the main line. Other important branches are the Kansas City Branch from Roodhouse, crossing the Mis- sissippi at Louisiana, Mo. ; the Washington Branch from Dwight to Washington and Lacon, and the Chicago & Peoria, by which entrance is obtained into the city of Peoria over the tracks of the Toledo, Peoria & Western. The whole number of miles operated (1898; is 843.54, of which 580.73 lie in Illinois. Including double tracks and sidings, the Company has a total trackage of 1,186 miles. The total capitalization, in 1898, was $32,793,972, of which $22, 230, 600 was in stock, and $6,694,850 in bonds. The total earnings and income for the year, in Illinois, were $5,022,315. and the operating and other expenses, $4,272,207. This road, under its management as it existed up to 1898, has been one of the most uni- formly successful in the country. Dividends have been paid semiannually from 1863 to 1884, and quarterly from 1884 to 1896. For a number of years previous to 1897. the dividends had amounted to eight per cent per annum on both preferred and common stock, but later liad been reduced to seven per cent on account of short crops along the line. The taxes paid in 1898 were $341.040. The surplus. June 30, 1895, exceeded two and three-quarter million dollars. The Chicago & Alton was the first line in the world to put into service sleeping and dining cars of the Pullman model, which have since been so widely adopted, as well as the first to run free reclining chair-cars for the convenience and comfort of its passengers. At the time the matter embraced in this volume is undergoing final revision (1899), negotiations are in progress for the purcliase of this historic line by a syndi- cate representing the Baltimore & Ohio, the Missouri Pacific, the Union Pacific, and the Missouri, Kansas & Texas systems, in whose interest it will hereafter be operated. CHICAGO & AURORA RAILROAD. (See Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad.) CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS RAIL- ROAD. This company operates a line 516.3 miles in length, of which 278 miles are within Illinois. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 101 The main line in this State extends southerly from Dolton Junction (17 miles south of Chicago) to Danville. Entrance to the Polk Street Depot in Chicago is secured over the tracks of the Western Indiana Railroad. The company owns several important branch lines, as follows: From Momence Junction to the Indiana State Line; from Cissna Junction to Cissna Park; from Dan- ville Junction to Shelbyville, and from Sidell to Rossville. The system in Illinois is of standard gauge, about 108 miles being double track. The right of way is 100 feet wide and well fenced. The grades are light, and the construction (including rails, ties, ballast and bridges), is generally excellent. The capital stock outstand- ing (1895) is $13,594, 400; funded debt, $18,018,000; floating debt, $916,381; total capital invested, $32,570,781; total earnings in Illinois, $2,592,072; expenditures in the State, $2,595,631. The com- pany paid the same year a dividend of six per cent on its common stock ($286,914), and reported a surplus of 1,484,762. The Chicago & Eastern Illinois was originally chartered in 1865 as the Chicago, Danville & Vincennes Railroad, its main line being completed in 1872. In 1873, it defaulted on interest, was sold under foreclosure in 1877, and reorganized as the Chicago & Nashville, but later in same year took its present name. In 1894 it was consolidated with the Chicago & Indiana Coal Railway. Two spurs (5.27 miles in length) were added to the line in 1895. Early in 1897 this line obtained control of the Chicago, Paducah & Memphis Railroad, which is now operated to Marion, in Williamson County. (See Chicago, Paducah & Memphis Railroad.) CHICAGO & GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Of the 335.27 miles of the Chicago & Grand Trunk Railroad, only 30.65 are in Illinois, and of the latter 9.7 miles are operated under lease. That portion of the line within the State extends from Chicago easterly to the Indiana State line. The Company is also lessee of the Grand Junction Railroad, four miles in length. The Road is capitalized at $6,600,000, has a bonded debt of $12.000, 000 and a floating debt (1895) of $2,271,425, making the total capital invested, $20,871,425. The total earnings in Illinois for 1895 amounted to $660,393; disbursements within the State for the same period, $345,233. The Chicago & Graml Trunk Railway, as now constituted, is a consoli- dation of various lines between Port Huron, Mich., and Chicago, operated in the interest of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. The Illi- nois section was built under a charter granted in 1878 to the Chicago & State Line Railway Com- pany, to form a connection with Valparaiso, Ind. This corporation acquired the Chicago & South- ern Railroad (from Chicago to Dolton), and the Chicago & State Line Extension in Indiana, all being consolidated under the name of the North- western Grand Trunk Railroad. In 1880, a anal consolidation of these lines with the eastward connections took place under the present name the Chicago & Grand Trunk Railway. CHICAGO & GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY. (See Pittsbitrg, Cincinnati. Chicago d- St. Lau.it Railway. ) CHICAGO & GREAT SOUTHERN RAILROAD. (See Pi'oria, Decatur & Evansi-ille Railway.) CHICAGO & ILLINOIS SOUTHERN RAIL- WAY. (See Peoria, Decatur & Evansville Rail- way. ) CHICAGO & MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD. (See Chicago y appointment of Mayor Swift, under an act lissed by the Legislature of 1895, retiring in 1897. In 1881 he was the Republican candidate for Mayor of Chicago, but was defeated by Carter H. Harri- non. Mr. Clark is one of the Directors of the Crerar Library, named in the will of Mr. Crerar. CLARK COUNTY, one of the eastern counties of the State, south of the middle line and front- ing upon the Wabash River; area, 510 square miles, and population (1900), 34,033; named for Col. George Rogers Clark. Its organization was effected in 1819. Among the earliest pioneers were John Bartlett, Abraham Washburn, James Whitlock, James B. Anderson, Stephen Archer and Uri Manly. The county -seat is Marshall, the site of which was purchased from the Govern- ment in 1833 by Gov. Joseph Duncan and CoL William B. Archer, the latter becoming sole pro- prietor in 1835, in which year the first log cabin was built. The original county -seat was Darwin, and the change to Marshall (in 1849) was made only after a hard struggle. The soil of the county is rich, and its agricultural products varied, embracing corn (the chief staple), oats, potatoes, winter wheat, butter, sorghum, honey, maple sugar, wool and pork. Woolen, flouring and lumber mills exist, but the manufacturing interests are not extensive. Among the promi- nent towns, besides Marshall and Darwin, are Casey (population 844), Martinsville (779), West- field (510), and York (294). CLAY, Porter, clergyman and brother of the celebrated Henry Clay, was born in Virginia, March, 1779; in early life removed to Kentucky, studied law, and was, for a time, Auditor of Public Accounts in that State; in 1815, was con- verted and gave himself to the Baptist ministry, locating at Jacksonville, 111., where he spent most of his life. Died, in 1S.V). CLAY CITY, a village of Clay County, on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad, 13 miles west of Olney ; has one newspaper, a bank, and is in a grain and fruit-growing region. Population (1898), 612; (1900), 907; (1903), 1,020. CLAY COUNTY, situated in the southeastern quarter of the State; has an area of 470 square miles and a population (1900) of 19,553. It was named for Henry Clay. The first claim in the county was entered by a Mr. Elliot, in 1818, and soon after settlers began to locate homes in the county, although it was not organized until 1824. During the same year the pioneer settlement of Maysville was made the county-seat, but immi- gration continued inactive until 1837, when many settlers arrived, headed by Judges Apper- son and Hopkins and Messrs. Stanford and Lee, who were soon followed by the families of Coch- ran, McCullom and Tender. The Little Wabash River and a number of small tributaries drain the county. A light-colored sandy loam consti- tutes the greater part of the soil, although "black HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 107 prairie loam" appears here and there. Railroad facilities are limited, but sufficient to accommo- date the county's requirements. Fruits, especially apples, are successfully cultivated. Educational advantages are fair, although largely confined to district schools and academies in larger towns. Louisville was made the county- seat in 1842, and, in 1890, had a population of 637. Xenia and Flora are the most important towns. CLAYTON, a town in Adams County, on the Wabash Railway, 28 miles east-northeast of Quincy. A branch of the Wabash Railway ex- tends from this point northwest to Carthage, 111., and Keokuk, Iowa, and another branch to Quincy, I1L The industries include flour and feed mills, machine and railroad repair shops, grain elevator, cigar and harness factories. It has a bank, four churches, a higli school, and a weekly newspaper. Population (1890), 1,088; (1900), 996. CLEAVER, William, pioneer, was born in Lon- " don, England, in 1815: came to Canada with his parents in 1831, and to Chicago in 1834; engaged in business as a. chandler, later going into the grocery trade; in 1849, joined the gold-seekers in California, and, six years afterwards, established himself in the southern part of the present city of Chicago, then called Cleaverville, where he served as Postmaster and managed a general store. He was the owner of considerable real estate at one time in what is now a densely populated part of the city of Chicago. Died in Chicago, Nov. 13, 1896. CLEMENTS, Isaac, ex-Congressman and Gov- ernor of Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Danville, 111., was born in Franklin County, Ind., in 1837; graduated from Asbury University, at Green- castle, in 1859, having supported himself during his college course by teaching. After reading law and being admitted to the bar at Greencastle, he removed to Carbondale, 111., where he again found it necessary to resort to teaching in order to purchase law-books. In July, 1861, he enlisted in the Ninth Illinois Infantry, and was commis- sioned Second Lieutenant of Company G. He was in the service for three years, was three times wounded and twice promoted "for meri- torious service." lu June, 1867, he was ap- ]*>inted Register in Bankruptcy, and from 1873 to 1875 was a Republican Representative in the Forty-third Congress from the (then) Eighteenth District. He was also a member of the Repub- lican State Convention of 1880. In 1889, lie became Pension Agent for the District of Illinois, by appointment of President Harrison, serving until 1893. In the latter part of 1898, he was appointed Superintendent of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home, at Normal, but served only a few months, when he accepted the position of Governor of the new Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, at Danville. CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. The total length of this sys- tem (1898) is 1,807.34 miles, of which 478.39 miles are operated in Illinois. That portion of the main line lying within the State extends from East St. Louis, northeast to the Indiana State line, 181 miles. The Company is also the lessee of the Peoria & Eastern Railroad (132 miles), and oper- ates, in addition, other lines, as follows: The Cairo Division, extending from Tilton, on the line of the Wabash, 3 miles southwest of Dan- ville, to Cairo (259 miles) the Chicago Division, extending from Kankakee southeast to the Indiana State line (34 miles) ; the Alton Branch, from Wann Junction, on the main line, to Alton (4 miles). Besides these, it enjoys with the Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, joint owner- ship of the Kankakee & Seneca Railroad, which it operates. The system is uniformly of standard gauge, and about 380 miles are of double track. It is laid with heavy steel rails (sixty-five, sixty- seven and eighty pounds), laid on white oak ties, and is amply ballasted with broken stone and gravel. Extensive repair shops are located at Mattoon. The total capital of the entire system on June 30, 1898 including capital stock and bonded and floating debt was 97,149,361. The total earnings in Illinois for the year were $3,773, 193, and the total expenditures in the State $3,611,437. The taxes paid the same year were 124,196. The history of this system, so far as Illinois is concerned, begins with the consolida- tion, in 1889, of the Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis & Chicago, the Cleveland, Coltunttei Cin- cinnati & Indianapolis, and the IndianaVCs & St. Louis Railway Companies. In 1890, Certain leased lines in Illinois (elsewhere mentioned) were merged into the system. (For history of the several divisions of this system, see St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute, Peoria & Eastern, Cairo d: Vincennes, and Kankakee & Seneca Railroads. ) CLIMATOLOGY. Extending, as it does, through six degrees of latitude, Illinois affords a great diversity of climate, as regards not only the range of temperature, but also the amount of rainfall. In both particulars it exhibits several points of contrast to States lying between the same parallels of latitude, but nearer the Atlan- tic. The same statement applies, as well, to all 108 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. the North Central and the Western States. Warm winds from the Gulf of Mexico come up the Mississippi Valley, and impart to vegetation in the southern portion of the State, a stimulat- ing influence which is not felt upon the seaboard. On the other hand, there is no great barrier to the descent of the Arctic winds, which, in winter, sweep down toward the Gulf, depressing the temperature to a point lower than is custom- ary nearer the seaboard on the same latitude. Lake Michigan exerts no little influence upon the climate of Chicago and other adjacent districts, mitigating both summer heat and winter cold. If a comparison be instituted between Ottawa and Boston the latter being one degree farther north, but 570 feet nearer the sea-level the springs and summers are found to be about five degrees warmer, and the winters three degrees colder, at the former point. In comparing the East and West in respect of rainfall, it is seen that, in the former section, the same is pretty equally distributed over the four seasons, while in the latter, spring and summer may be called the wet season, and autumn and winter the dry. In the extreme West nearly three-fourths of the yearly precipitation occurs during the growing season. This is a climatic condition highly favorable to the growth of grasses, etc., but detrimental to the growth of trees. Hence we find luxuriant forests near the seaboard, and, in the interior, grassy plains. Illinois occupies a geographical position where these great climatic changes begin to manifest themselves, and where the distinctive features of the prairie first become fully apparent. The annual precipitation of rain is greatest in the southern part of the State, but, owing to the higher temperature of that section, the evaporation is also more rapid. The distribution of the rainfall in respect of seasons is also more unequal toward the south, a fact which may account, in part at least, for the increased area of woodlands in that region. While Illinois lies within the zone of southwest winds, their flow is affected by conditions some- what abnormal. The northeast trades, after entering the Gulf, are deflected by the mountains of Mexico, becoming inward breezes in Texas, southerly winds in the Lower Mississippi Valley, and southwesterly as they enter the Upper Valley. It is to this aerial current that the hot, moist summers are attributable. The north and northwest winds, which set in with the change of the season, depress the temperature to a point below that of the Atlantic slope, and are attended with a diminished precipitation. CLINTON, the county-seat of De Witt County, situated 23 miles south of Bloomington, at inter- section of the Springfield and the Champaign- Havana Divisions with the main line of the Illinois Central Railroad ; lies in a productive agricultural region; has machine shops, flour and planing mills, brick and tile works, water works, electric lighting plant, piano-case factory, banks, three newspapers, six churches, and two public schools. Population (1890), 2,598; (1900), 4,452. CLINTON COUNTY, organized in 1824. from portions of Washington, Bond and Fayette Coun- ties, and named in honor of De Witt Clinton. It is situated directly east of St. Louis, has an area of 494 square miles, and a population (1900) of 19,824. It is drained by the Kaskaskis River and by Shoal, Crooked, Sugar and Beaver Creeks. Its geological formation is similar to that of other counties in the same section. Thick layers of limestone lie near the surface, with coal seams underlying the same at varying depths. The soil is varied, being at some points black and loamy and at others (under timber) decidedly clayey. The timber has been mainly cut for fuel because of the inherent difficulties attending coal-mining. Two railroads cross the county from east to west, but its trade is not important. Agriculture is the chief occupation, corn, wheat and oats being the staple products. CLOUD, Newton, clergyman and legislator, was born in North Carolina, in 1805, and, in 1827. settled in the vicinity of Waverly, Morgan County, 111., where he pursued the vocation of a farmer, as well as a preacher of the Methodist Church. He also became prominent as a Demo- cratic politician, and served in no less than nine sessions of the General Assembly, besides the Constitutional Convention of 1847, of which he was chosen President. He was first elected Representative in the Seventh Assembly (1830), and afterwards served in the House during the sessions of the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Thir- teenth, Fifteenth and Twenty-seventh, and as Senator in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth. He was also Clerk of the House in 1844-45, and. having been elected Representative two years later, was chosen Speaker at the succeeding ses- sion. Although not noted for any specially aggressive qualities, his consistency of character won for him general respect, while his frequent elections to the Legislature prove him to have been a man of large influence. CLOWRY, Robert C., Telegraph Managar, was born in 1838; entered the service of the Illinois & Mississippi Telegraph Company as a messenger HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 109 boy at Joliet in 1852. became manager of the office at Lockport six months later, at Springfield in 1853, and chief operator at St. Louis in 1854. Between 1859 and '63, he held highly responsible positions on various Western lines, but the latter year was commissioned by President Lincoln Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, and placed in charge of United States military lines with headquarters at Little Rock, Ark. ; was mustered out in May, 1866, and immediately appointed District Superintendent of Western Union lines in the Southwest. From that time his promotion was steady and rapid. In 1875 he became Assistant General Superintendent ; in 1878, Assist- ant General Superintendent of the Central Divi- sion at Chicago; in 1880, succeeded General Stager as General Superintendent, and, in 1885, was elected Director, member of the Execu- tive Committee and Vice-President, his terri- tory extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific. COAL AND COAL-MINING. Illinois contains much the larger portion of what is known as the central coal field, covering an area of about 37,000 square miles, and underlying sixty coun- ties, in but forty-five of which, however, opera- tions are conducted on a commercial scale. The Illinois field contains fifteen distinct seams. Those available for commercial mining generally lie at considerable depth and are reached by shafts. The coals are all bituminous, and furnish an excellent steam-making fuel. Coke is manu- factured to a limited extent in La Salle and some of the southern counties, but elsewhere in the State the coal does not yield a good marketable coke. Neither is it in any degree a good gas coal, although used in some localities for that purpose, rather because of its abundance than on account of its adaptability. It is thought that, with the increase of cheap transportation facili- ties, Pittsburg coal will be brought into the State in such quantities as eventually to exclude local coal from the manufacture of gas. In the report of the Eleventh United States Census, the total product of the Illinois coal mines was given as 12,104,272 tons, as against 6,115,377 tons reported by the Tenth Census. The value of the output was estimated at $11,735,203, or $0.97 per ton at the mines. The total number of mines was stated to be 1,072, and the number of tons mined wjjs nearly equal to the combined yield of the mines of Ohio and Indiana. The mines are divided into two classes, technically known as "regular" and "local." Of the former, there' were 358, and of the latter, 714: These 358 regular mines employed 33,934 men and boys, of whom 21,350 worked below ground, besides an office force of 389, and paid, in wages, $8,694,397. The total capital invested in these 358 mines was $17,630,351. According to the report of the State Bureau of Labor Statistics for 1898, 881 mines were operated during the year, employing 35,026 men and producing 18,599,299 tons of coal, which was 1,473,459 tons less than the preceding year the reduction being due to the strike of 1897. Five counties of the State produced more tliaii 1,000,000 tons each, standing in the following order: Sangamon, 1,763.863; St. Clair, 1,600.752: Vermilion, 1,520,G99; Maooupin, 1.264,926; La Salle, 1.165,490. COAL CITY, a town in Grundy County, on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, 29 miles by rail south-southwest of Joliet. Large coal mines are operated here, and the town is an im- portant shipping point for their product. It lias a bank, a weekly newspaper ami live churches. Pop. (1890), 1,672 ; (1900), 2.607 ; (1903), about 3,000. COBB, Emery, capitalist, was born at Dryden. Tompkins County, N. Y.. August 20, 1831; at 16, began the study of telegraphy at Ithaca, later acted as operator on Western New York lines, but, in 1852, became manager of the office at Chicago, continuing until 1865, the various com- panies having meanwhile been consolidated into the Western Union. He then made an extensive tour of the world, and, although he had intro- duced the system of transmitting money by telegraph, he declined all invitations to return to the key-board. Having made large investments in lands about Kankakee, where he now resides, he has devoted much of his time to agriculture and stock-raising; was also, for many years, a member of the State Board of Agriculture, Presi- dent of the Short-Horn Breeders' Association, and, for twenty years (1873-93), a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. He lias done much to improve the city of his adoption by the erection of buildings, the con- struction of electric street-car lines and the promotion of manufactures. COBB, Silas B., pioneer and real-estate opera- tor, was born at Montpelier. Vt., Jan. 23, 1812; came to Chicago in 1833 on a schooner from Buf- falo, the voyage occupying over a month. Being without means, he engaged as a carpenter upon a building which James Kinzie, the Indian trader, was erecting; later he erected a building of his own in which he started a harness-shop, which he conducted successfully for a number of years. He has since been connected with a number 110 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. of business enterprises of a public character, including banks, street and steam railways, but his largest successes have been achieved in the line of improved real estate, of which he is an exten- sive owner. He is also one of the liberal bene- factors of the University of Chicago, "Cobb Lecture Hall,'! on the campus of that institution, being the result of a contribution of his amount- ing to $150,000. Died iu Chicago, April 5, 1900. COBDEN, a village in Union County, on the Illinois Central Railroad, 42 miles north of Cairo and 15 miles south of Carbondale. Fruits and vegetables are extensively cultivated and shipped to northern markets. This region is well tim- bered, and Cobden has two box factories employ- ing a considerable number of men; also has several churches, schools and two weekly papers. Population (1890), 994; (1900.) 1,034. COCHRAN, William Granville, legislator and jurist, was born in Ross County, Ohio, Nov. 13. 1844; brought to Moultrie County, 111., in 1849, and, at the age of 17, enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, serving in the War of the Rebellion three years as a private. Returning home from the war, he resumed life as a farmer, but early in 1873 began merchandising at Lovington, continuing this business three years, when he began the study of law; in 1879, was admitted to the bar, and has since been in active practice. In 1888 he was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly, was an unsuccessful candidate for the Senate in 1890, but was re-elected to the House in 1894, and again in 1896. At the special session of 1890, he was chosen Speaker, and was similarly honored in 1895. He is an excellent parliamen- tarian, clear-headed and just in his rulings, and an able debater. In June, 1897, he was elected for a six years' term to the Circuit bench. He is also one of the Trustees of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home at Normal. IOIIDIM., Ichabod, clergyman and anti- slavery lecturer, was born at Bristol, N. Y., in 1811; at the age of 17 he was a popular temper- ance lecturer; while a student at Middlebury, Vt., began to lecture in opposition to slavery; after leaving college served five years as agent and lecturer of the Anti-Slavery Society; was often exposed to mob violence, but always retain- ing his self-control, succeeded in escaping serious injury. In 1842 he entered the Congrega- tional ministry and held pastorates at Princeton, Lockport, Joliet and elsewhere; between 1854 and '58, lectured extensively through Illinois on the Kansas Nebraska issue, and was a power in the organization of the Republican party. Died at Baraboo. Wis., June 17, 1866. CODY, Hiram Hitchcock, lawyer and Judge; born in Oneida County, N. Y., June 11, 1824; was partially educated at Hamilton College, and, in 1843, came with his father to Kendall County, 111. In 1847, he removed to Naperville, where for six years he served as Clerk of the County Commissioners' Court. In 1851 he was admitted to the bar: in 1861, was elected County Judge with practical unanimity , served as a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1869-70, and, in 1874, was elected Judge of the Twelfth Judi- cial Circuit. His residence (1896) was at Pasa- dena, Cal. COLCHESTER, a city of McDonough County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, midway between Galesburg and Quincy ; is the center of a rich farming and an extensive coal- mining region, producing more than 100.000 tons of coal annually. A superior quality of potter's clay is also mined and shipped extensively to other points. The city has brick and drain-tile works, a bank, four churches, two public schools and two weekly papers. Population (1890), 1,643; (1900), 1,635. COLES, Edward, the second Governor of the State of Illinois, born in Albemarle County, Va. , Dec. 15, 1786, the son of a wealthy planter, who had been a Colonel in the Revolutionary War; was educated at Hampden-Sidney and William and Mary Colleges, but compelled to leave before graduation by an accident which interrupted his studies; in 1809, became the private secretary of President Madison, remaining six years, after which he made a trip to Russia as a special mes- senger by appointment of the President. He early manifested an interest in the emancipation of the slaves of Virginia. In 1815 he made his first tour tlirough the Northwest Territory, going as far west as St. Louis, returning three years later and visiting Kaskaskia while the Constitu- tional Convention of 1818 was in session. In April of the following year he set out from his Virginia home, accompanied by his slaves, for Illinois, traveling by wagons to Brownsville, Pa., where, taking flat-boats, he descended the river with his goods and servants to a point below Louisville, where they disembarked, journeying overland to Edwardsville. While descending the Ohio, he informed his slaves that they were free, and, after arriving at their' destination, gave to each head of a family 160 acres of land. This generous act was, in after years, made the ground for bitter persecution by his enemies. At HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Ill Edwardsville he entered upon the duties of Register of the Land Office, to which he had been appointed by President Monroe. In 1822 he became the candidate for Governor of those opposed to removing the restriction in the State Constitution against the introduction of slavery, and, although a majority of the voters then favored the measure, he was elected by a small plurality over his highest competitor in conse- quence of a division of the opposition vote between three candidates. The Legislature chosen at the same time submitted to the people a proposition for a State Convention to revise the Constitution, which was rejected at the election of 1824 by a majority of 1,668 in a total vote of 11,612. While Governor Coles had the efficient aid in opposition to the measure of such men as Judge Samuel D. Lockwood, Congressman Daniel P. Cook, Morris Birkbeck, George Forquer, Hooper Warren, George Churchill and others, he was himself a most influential factor in protecting Illinois from the blight of slavery, contributing his salary for his entire term ($4,000) to that end. In 1825 it became his duty to welcome La Fay- ette to Illinois. Retiring from office in 1826, he continued to reside some years on his farm near Edwardsville, and, in 1830, was a candidate for Congress, but being a known opponent of Gen- eral Jackson, was defeated by Joseph Duncan. Previous to 1833, he removed to Philadelphia, where he married during the following year, and continued to reside there until his death, July 7, 1868, having lived to see the total extinction of slavery in the United States. (See Slavery and Slave Laws.) COLES COUNTY, originally a part of Crawford County, but organized in 1831, and named in honor of Gov. Edward Coles. lies central to the eastern portion of the State, and embraces 520 square miles, with a population (1900) of 34,146. The Kaskaskia River (sometimes called the Okaw) runs through the northwestern part of the county, but the principal stream is the Embarras (Embraw). The chief resource of the people is agriculture, although the county lies within the limits of the Illinois coal-belt. To the north and west are prairies, while timber abounds in the southeast. The largest crop is of corn, although wheat, dairy products, potatoes, hay, tobacco, sorghum, wool, etc., are also important products. Broom-corn is extensively cultivated. Manufac- turing is carried on to a fair extent, the output embracing sawed lumber, carriages and wagons, agricultural implements, tobacco and snuff, boots and shoes, etc. Charleston, the county-seat, is centrally located, and has a number of handsome public buildings, private residences and business blocks. It was laid out in 1831, and incorporated in 1865; in 1900, its population was 5,488. Mattoon is a railroad center, situated some 130 miles east of St. Louis. It has a population of 9,622, and is an important shipping point for grain and live-stock. Other principal towns are Ashmore. Oakland and Lerna. COLFAX, a village of McLean County, on the Kankakee and Bloomington branch of the Illinois Central Railroad, 23 miles northeast of Blooming- ton. Farming and stock-growing are the leading industries; has two banks, one newspaper, three elevators, and a coal mine. Pop. (1900), 1,153. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, located at Chicago, and organized in 1881. Its first term opened in September, 1882, in a build- ing erected by the trustees at a cost of $60,000, with a faculty embracing twenty-five professors, with a sufficient corps of demonstrators, assist- ants, etc. The number of matriculates was 152. The institution ranks among the leading medical colleges of the West. Its standard of qualifica- tions, for both matriculates and graduates, is equal to those of other first-class medical schools throughout the country. The teaching faculty, of late years, has consisted of some twenty-five professors, who are aided by an adequate corps of assistants, demonstrators, etc, COLLEGES, EARLY. The early Legislatures of Illinois manifested no little unfriendliness toward colleges. The first charters for institutions of this character were granted in 1833, and were for the incorporation of the "Union College of Illi- nois," in Randolph County, and the "Alton Col- lege of Illinois," at Upper Alton. The first named was to be under the care of the Scotch Covenanters, but was never founded. The second was in the interest of the Baptists, but the charter was not accepted. Both these acts contained jealous and unfriendly restrictions, notably one to the effect that no theological department should be established and no pro- fessor of theology employed as an instructor, nor should any religious test be applied in the selec- tion of trustees or the admission of pupils. The friends of higher education, however, made com- mon cause, and. in 1835, secured the passage of an "omnibus bill" incorporating four private colleges the Alton; the Illinois, at Jacksonville; the McKendree, at Lebanon, and the Jonesboro. Similar restrictive provisions as to theological teaching were incorporated in these charters, and a limitation was placed upon the amount of 112 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. property to be owned by any institution, but in many respects the law was more liberal than its predecessors of two years previous. Owing to the absence of suitable preparatory schools, these institutions were compelled to maintain prepara- tory departments under the tuition of the college professors. The college last named above (Jones- boro) was to have been founded by the Christian denomination, but was never organized. The three remaining ones stand, in the order of their formation, McKendree, Illinois, Alton (afterward Shurtleff) ; in the order of graduating initial classes Illinois, McKendree, Shurtleff. Pre- paratory instruction began to be given in Illinois College in 1829, and a class was organized in the collegiate department in 1S31. The Legislature of 1835 also incorporated the Jacksonville Female Academy, the first school for girls chartered in the State. From this time forward colleges and academies were incorporated in rapid succession, many of them at places whose names have long since disappeared from the map of the State. It was at this time that there developed a strong party in favor of founding what were termed, rather euphemistically, "Manual Labor Col- leges." It was believed that the time which a student might be able to "redeem" from study, could be so profitably employed at farm or shop- work as to enable him to earn his own livelihood. Acting upon this theory, the Legislature of 1835 granted charters to the "Franklin Manual Labor College," to be located in either Cook or La Salle County; to the "Burnt Prairie Manual Labor Seminary," in White County, and the "Chatham Manual Labor School," at Lick Prairie. Sanga- mon County. University powers were conferred upon the institution last named, and its charter also contained the somewhat extraordinary pro- vision that any sect might establish a professor- ship of theology therein. In 1837 six more colleges were incorporated, only one of which (Knox) was successfully organized. By 1840, better and broader views of education had developed, and the Legislature of 1841 repealed all prohibition of the establishing of theological departments, as well as the restrictions previously imposed upon the amount and value of property to be owned by private educational institutions. The whole number of colleges and seminaries incorporated under the State law (18%) is forty- three. (See also Illiitoix College, Knox College, Lake Forest University, McKendree College, Mon- mouth College, Juvkxonrille Female Seminary, Monticello Female Seminary, Northwestern fni- rerrity, Slmrtlrff Cntlege. ) COLLIER, Robert Laird, clergyman, was born in Salisbury, Md., August 7, 1837; graduated at Boston University, 1858; soon after became an itinerant Methodist minister, but, in 1866, united with the Unitarian Church and officiated as pastor of churches in Chicago, Boston and Kan- sas City, besides supplying pulpits in various cities in England (1880-85). In 1885, he was appointed United States Consul at Leipsic, but later served as a special commissioner of the Johns Hopkins University in the collection of labor statistics in Europe, meanwhile gaining a wide reputation as a lecturer and magazine writer. His published works include: "Every- Day Subjects in Sunday Sermons" (1869) and "Meditations on the Essence of Christianity" (1876). Died near his birthplace, July 27, 1890. COLLINS, Frederick, manufacturer, was born in Connecticut, Feb. 24-, 1804. He was the young- est of five brothers who came with their parents from Litchtield, Conn , to Illinois, in 1822, and settled in the town of Unionville now Collins- ville in the southwestern part of Madison County. They were enterprising and public- spirited business men, who engaged, quite extensively for the time, in various branches of manufacture, including flour and whisky. This was an era of progress and development, and becoming convinced of the injurious character of the latter branch of their business, it was promptly abandoned. The subject of this sketch was later associated with his brother Michael in the pork-packing and grain business at Naples, tin- early Illinois River terminus of the Sangamon & Morgan (now Wabash) Railroad, but finally located at Quincy in 1851, where he was engaged in manufacturing business for many years. He was a man of high business probity and religious principle, as well as a determined opponent of the institution of slavery, as shown by the fact that he was once subjected by his neighbors to the intended indignity of being hung in effigy for the crime of assisting a fugitive female slave on the road to freedom. In a speech made in 1834, in commemoration of the act of emancipation in the West Indies, he gave utterance to the following prediction . "Methinks the time is not far distant when our own country will celebrate a day of emancipation within her own borders, and con sistent songs of freedom shall indeed ring throughout the length and breadth of the land." He lived to see this prophecy fulfilled, dying at Quincy, in 1878. Mr. Collins was the candidate of the Liberty Men of Illinois for Lieutcnant-Oov- crnor in 1842. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 113 COLLINS, James H., lawyer and jurist, was liorn in Cambridge, Washington County, N. Y., Imt taken in early life to Vernon, Oneida County, where he grew to manhood. After spending a couple of years in an academy, at the age of 18 lie began the study of law, was admitted to the bar in 1834, and as a counsellor and solicitor in 1827, coming to Chicago in the fall of 1833, mak- ing a part of the journey by the first stage-coach from Detroit to the present Western metropolis. After arriving in Illinois, he spent some time in exploration of the surrounding country, but returning to Chicago in 1834. he entered into partnership with Judge John D. Caton, who had been his preceptor in New York, still later being a partner of Justin Butterfield under the firm name of Butterfield & Collins. He was con- sidered an eminent authority in law and gained an extensive practice, being regarded as espe- cially strong in chancery cases as well as an able pleader. Politically, he was an uncompromising anti-slavery man, and often aided runaway slaves in securing their liberty or defended others who did so. He was also one <>f the original promoters of the old Galena & Chicago Union Railroad and one of its first Board of Directors. Died, suddenly of cholera, while attending court at Ottawa, in 1854. COLLINS, Loren ( .. jurist, was born at Wind- sor. Conn., August 1, 1848; at the age of 1* accompanied his family to Illinois, and was educated at the Northwestern University. He read law, was admitted to the bar, and soon built up a remunerative practice. He was elected to the Legislature in 1878, and through his ability as a debater and a parliamentarian, .soon became one of the leaders of his party on the floor of the lower house. He was re-elected in 1880 and 1882. and, in 1883, was chosen Speaker of the Thirty-third General Assembly. In December, 1884, he was appointed a Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Barnum, was elgcted to succeed himself in 1885, and re-elected in 1891, but resigned in 1894, since that time devoting his attention to regular practice in the city of Chicago. COLLINS, William H., retired manufacturer, born at Collinsville. 111.. March 20, 1831; was educated in the common schools am I at Illinois College, later taking a course in literature, philosophy and theology at Yale College; served as pastor of a Congregational church at La Salle several years; in 1858, became editor and propri- etor of "The Jacksonville Journal," which he conducted some four years. The Civil War hav- ing begun, he then accepted the chaplaincy of the Tenth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, but resigning in 1863. organized a company of the One Hundred and Fourth Volunteers, of which he was chosen Captain, participating in the battles of Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. Later he served on the staff of Gen. John M. Palmer and at Fourteenth Army Corps headquarters, until after the fall of Atlanta. Then resigning, in November, 1864, he was appointed by Secretary Stanton Provost- Marshal for the Twelfth District of Illinois, con- tinuing in this service until the close of 1865. when he engaged in the manufacturing business as head of the Collins Plow Company at Quincy. This business he conducted successfully some twenty-five years, when he retired. Mr. Collins has served as Alderman and Mayor, ad interim. of the city of Quincy; Representative in the Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth General Assem- blies during the latter being chosen to deliver the eulogy on Gen. John A. Logan ; was a promi- nent candidate for the nomination for Lieutenant Governor in 1888, and the same year Republican candidate for Congress in the Quincy District; in 1894. was the Republican nominee for State Senator in Adams Count}', and. though a Repub- lican, has been twice elected Supervisor in a strongly Democratic city. COLLINSVILLE, a city on the southern border of Madison County, 13 miles (by rail) east-north- east of St. Louis, on the "Vandalia Line" (T. H. & I. Kv.i. about 11 miles south of Edwardsville. The place was originally settled in 1817 by four brothers named Collins from Li tch field. Conn., who established a tan-yard and erected an ox-mill for grinding corn and wheat and sawing lumber The town was platted by surviving members of this family in 1836. Coal-mining is the principal industry, and one or two mines are operated within the corporate limits. The city lias zinc works, as well as flour mills and brick and tile factories, two building and loan associations, a lead smelter, stock bell factory, electric street railways, seven churches, two banks, a high school, and a newspaper office. Population (1890), 3,498; (1900), 4.081; (1903, est.), 7,500. COLLTER, Robert, clergyman, was born at Keighly. Yorkshire, England, Dec. 8, 1823: left school at eight years of age to earn his living in a factory ; at fourteen was apprenticed to a black- smith and learned the trade of a hammer-maker. His only opportunity of acquiring an education during this period, apart from private study, was 114 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. in a night-school, which he attended two winters. In 1849 he became a local Methodist preacher, came to the United States the next year, settling in Pennsylvania, where he pursued his trade, preaching on Sundays. His views on the atone- ment having gradually been changed towards Unitarianism, his license to preach was revoked by the conference, and, in 1859, he united with the Unitarian Church, having already won a wide reputation as an eloquent public speaker. Coming to Chicago, he began work as a mission- ary, and, in 1860, organized the Unity Church, beginning with seven members, though it has since become one of the strongest and most influ- ential churches in the city. In 1879 he accepted a call to a church in New York City, where he still remains. Of strong anti-slavery views and a zealous Unionist, he served during a part of the Civil War as a camp inspector for the Sanitary Commission. Since the war he has repeatedly visited England, and has exerted a wide influence as a lecturer and pulpit orator on both sides of the Atlantic. He is the author of a number of volumes, including "Nature and Life" (1866) ; "A Man in Earnest: Lifeof A. H. Conant" (1868); "A History of the Town and Parish of likely" (1886), and "Lectures to Young Men and Women" (1886). COLTON, Channcey Sill, pioneer, was born at Springfield, Pa., Sept. 21, 1800; taken to Massachu- setts in childhood and educated at Monson in that State, afterwards residing for many years, dur- ing his manhood, at Monson, Maine. He came to Illinois in 1836, locating on the site of the present city of Galesburg, where he built the first store and dwelling house; continued in general mer- chandise some seventeen or eighteen years, mean- while associating his sons with him in business under the firm name of C. S. Colton & Sons. Mr. Colton was associated with the construction of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad from the beginning, becoming one of the Directors of the Company; was also a Director of the First National Bank of Galesburg, the first organizer and first President of the Farmers' and Mechan- ics' Bank of that city, and one of the Trustees of Knox College. Died in Galesburg, July 27, 1885. Francis (Colton), son of the preceding; born at Monson, Maine, May 24, 1834, came to Gales- burg with his father's family in 1836, and was educated at Knox College, graduating in 1855, and receiving the degree of A.M. in 1858. After graduation, he was in partnership with his father some seven years, also served as Vice-President of the First National Bank of Galesburg, and, in 1866, was appointed by President Johnson United States Consul at Venice, remaining there until 1869. The latter year he became the General Passenger Agent of the Union Pacific Railroad, continuing in that position until 1871, meantime visiting China, Japan and India, and establishing agencies for the Union and Central Pacific Rail- ways in various countries of Europe. In 1872 he succeeded his father as President of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Galesburg, but retired in 1884, and the same year removed to Washington, D. C., where he has since resided. Mr. Colton is a large land owner in some of the Western States, especially Kansas and Nebraska. COLUMBIA, a town of Monroe County, on Mobile & Ohio Railroad, 15 miles south of St. Louis; has a machine shop, large flour mill, brewery, five cigar factories, electric light plant, telephone system, stone quarry, five churches, and public school. Pop. (1900), 1,197; (1903), 1,205. COMPANY OF THE WEST, THE, a company formed in France, in August, 1717, to develop the resources of "New France," in which the "Illinois Country" was at that time included. At the head of the company was the celebrated John Law, and to him and his associates the French monarch granted extraordinary powers, both governmental and commercial. They were given the exclusive right to refine the precious metals, as well as a monopoly in the trade in tobacco and slaves. Later, the company became known as the Indies, or East Indies, Company, owing to the king having granted them conces- sions to trade with the East Indies and China. On Sept. 27, 1717, the Royal Council of France declared that the Illinois Country should form a part of the Province of Louisiana ; and, under the shrewd management of Law and his associates, immigration soon increased, as many as 800 settlers arriving in a single year. The directors of the company, in the exercise of their govern- mental powers, appointed Pierre Duque de Bois- briant Governor of the Illinois District. He proceeded to Kaskaskia, and, within a few miles of that settlement, erected Fort Chartres. (See Fort Chartres. ) The policy of the Indies Company was energetic, and, in the main, wise. Grants of commons were made to various French villages, and Cahokia and Kaskaskia steadily grew in size and population. Permanent settlers were given grants of land and agriculture was encouraged. These grants (which were allodial in their char- acter) covered nearly all the lands in that part of the American Bottom, lying between the Missis- sippi and the Kaskaskia Rivers. Many grantees HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 115 held their lands in one great common field, each proprietor contributing, pro rata, to the mainte- nance of a surrounding fence. In 1721 the Indies Company divided the Province of Louisiana into nine civil and military districts. That of Illinois was numerically the Seventh, and included not only the southern half of the existing State, but also an immense tract west of the Mississippi, extending to the Rocky Mountains, and embrac- ing the present States of Missouri, Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska, besides portions of Arkansas and Colorado. The Commandant, with his secretary and the Company's Commissary, formed the District Council, the civil law being in force. In 1 732, the Indies Company surrendered its charter, and thereafter, the Governors of Illinois were appointed directly by the French crown. COJiCORWIA SEMINARY, an institution lo- cated at Springfield, founded in 1879; the succes- M>r of an earlier institution under the name of Illinois University. Theological, scientific and preparatory departments are maintained, al- though there is no classical course. The insti- tution is under control of the German Lutherans. The institution reports $123,000 worth of real property. The members of the Faculty (1898) are five in number, and there were about 171 students in attendance. CONDEE, Leander D., lawyer, was born in Athens County, Ohio, Sept. 26, 1847; brought by his parents to Coles County, 111., at the age of seven years, and received his education in the common schools and at St. Paul's Academy, Kan- kakee, taking a special course in Michigan State University and graduating from the law depart- ment of the latter in 1868. He then began prac- tice at Butler, Bates County, Mo., where he served three years as City Attorney, but, in 1873, returned to Illinois, locating in Hyde Park (now a part of Chicago), where he served as City Attorney for four consecutive terms before its annexation to Chicago. In 1880, he was elected as a Republican to the State Senate for the Second Senatorial District, serving in the Thirty- second and the Thirty-third General Assemblies. In 1892, he was the Republican nominee for Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County, but was defeated with the National and the State tickets of that year, since when he has given his atten- tion to regular practice, maintaining a high rank in his profession. CONGER, Edwin Hard, lawyer and diploma- tist, was born in Knox County, III., March 7, 1843; graduated at Lombard University, Galesburg, in 1862, and immediately thereafter enlisted as a private in the One Hundred and Second Illinois Volunteers, serving through the war and attain- ing the rank of Captain, besides being brevetted Major for gallant service. Later, he graduated from the Albany Law School and practiced for a time in Galesburg, but, in 1868, removed to Iowa, where he engaged in farming, stock-raising and banking; was twice elected County Treasurer of Dallas County, and, in 1880, State Treasurer, being re-elected in 1882 . in 1886, was elected to Congress from the Des Moines District, and twice re-elected (1888 and '90), but before the close of his last term was appointed by President Harri- son Minister to Brazil, serving until 1893. In 1896, he served as Presidential Elector for the State-at-large, and, in 1897, was re-appointed Minister to Brazil, but, in 1898, was transferred to China, where (1899) he now is. He was suc- ceeded at Rio Janeiro by Charles Page Bryan of Illinois. COXGREtJATIONALISTS, THE. Two Congre- gational ministers Rev. S. J. Mills and Rev. Daniel Smith visited Illinois in 1814, and spent some time at Kaskaskia and Shawneetown, but left for New Orleans without organizing any churches. The first church was organized at Mendon, Adams County, in 1833. followed by others during the same year, at Naperville, Jack- sonville and Quincy. By 1836, the number had increased to ten. Among the pioneer ministers were Jabez Porter, who was also a teacher at Quincy, in 1828, and Rev. Asa Turner, in 1830. who became pastor of the first Quincy church, followed later by Revs. Julian M. Sturtevant (afterwards President of Illinois College), Tru- man M. Post, Edward Beecher and Horatio Foot. Other Congregational ministers who came to t'>e State at an early day were Rev. Salmon Gridley. who finally located at St. Louis; Rev. John M Ellis, who served as a missionary and was instru- mental in founding Illinois College and the Jack- sonville Female Seminary at Jacksonville ; Revs. Thomas Lippincott, Cyrus L. Watson, Tkeron Baldwin, Elisha Jenney, William Kirby, the two Love joys (Owen and Elijah P.), and many more of whom, either temporarily or permanently, became associated with Presbyterian churches. Although Illinois College was under the united patronage of Presbyterians and Congregational ists, the leading spirits in its original establish - ment were Congregationalists, and the same was true of Knox College at Galesburg. In 1835, at Big Grove, in an unoccupied log-cabin, was convened the first Congregational Council, known in the denominational history of th/ State as in; HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. that of Fox River. Since then some twelve to fifteen separate Associations have been organized. By 1890, the development of the denomination had been such that it had 280 churches, support- ing 312 ministers, with 33, 126 members. During that year the disbursements on account of chari- ties and home extension, by the Illinois churches, v were nearly $1,000, 000. The Chicago Theological Seminary, at Chicago, is a Congregational school of divinity, its property holdings being worth nearly 700,000. "The Advance" (published at Chicago) is the chief denominational organ. (See also Religious Denominations. ) CONGRESSIONAL APPORTIONMENT. (See Apportionment, Congressional; also Represent- atives in Congress.) CONKLING, James Cook, lawyer, wae born in New York City, Oct. 13, 1816 ; graduated at Prince- ton College in 1835, and, after studying law and being admitted to the bar at Morristown, N. J., in 1838, removed to Springfield, 111. Here his first business partner was Cyrus Walker, an eminent and widely known lawyer of his time, while at a later period he was associated with Gen. James Shields, afterwards a soldier of the Mexican War and a United States Senator, at different times, from three different States. As an original Whig, Mr. Conkling early became associated with Abraham Lincoln, whose intimate and trusted friend he was through life. It was to him that Mr. Lincoln addressed his celebrated letter, which, by his special request, Mr. Conk- ling read before the great Union mass-meeting at Springfield, held, Sept. 3, 1863, now known as the "Lincoln-Conkling Letter." Mr. Conkling was chosen Mayor of the city of Springfield in 1844, and served in the lower branch of the Seven- teenth and the Twenty-fifth General Assemblies ( 1851 and 1867). It was largely due to his tactful management in the latter, that the first appropri- ation was made for the new State House, which established the capital |>ermanently in that city. At the Bloomington Convention of 1856, where the Republican party in Illinois may be said to have been formally organized, with Mr. Lincoln and three others, he represented Sangamon C'ounty, served on the Committee on Resolutions. ;ui(l was appointed a member of the State Central Committee which conducted the campaign of that year. In I860, and again in 1864, his name was on the Republican State ticket for Presiden- tial Elector, and. on both occasions, it became his duty to cast the electoral vote of Mr. Lincoln's own District for him for President. The intimacy of personal friendship existing between him and Mr. Lincoln was fittingly illustrated by his posi- tion for over thirty 1 years as an original member of the Lincoln Monument Association. Other public positions held by him included those of State Agent during the Civil War by appointment of Governor Yates, Trustee of the State University at Champaign, and of Blackburn University at Carlinville, as also that of Postmaster of the city of Springfield, to which he was appointed in 1890, continuing in office four years. High-minded and honorable, of pure personal character and strong religious convictions, public-spirited and liberal, probably no man did more to promote the growth and prosperity of the city of Spring- field, during the sixty years of his residence there, than he. His death, as a result of old age, occurred in that city, March 1, 1899. Clinton L. (Conkling), son of the preceding, was born in Springfield, Oct. 16, 1843; graduated at Yale College in 1864, studied law with his father, and was licensed to practice in the Illinois courts in 1866, and in the United States courts in 1867. After practicing a few years, he turned his atten- tion to manufacturing, but, in 1877, resumed practice and has proved successful. He has devoted much attention of late years to real estate business, and has represented large land interests in this and other States. For many years he was Secretary of the Lincoln Monument Association, and has served on the Board of County Supervisors, which is the only political office he has held. In 1897 he was the Repub- lican nominee for Judge of the Springfield Cir- cuit, but, although confessedly a man of the highest probity and ability, was defeated in a district overwhelmingly Democratic. CONNOLLY, James Austin, lawyer and Con- gressman, was born in Newark, N. J. , March 8, 1843; went with his parents to Ohio in 1850, where, in 1858-59, he served as Assistant Clerk of the State Senate; studied law and was admitted to the bar in that State in 1861, and soon after removed to Illinois; the following year (1863) he enlisted as a private soldier in the One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinoix Volunteers, but was successively commissioned as Captain and Major, retiring with the rank of brevet Lieutenant- Colonel. In 1872 he was elected Representative in the State Legislature from Coles County and re-elected in 1874; was United States District Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois from 1876 to 188.'5, and again from 1889 to 1893 ; in 1886 was appointed and confirmed Solicitor of the Treasury, but declined the olfice; the same year ran as the Republican r:indidate for Con- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 117 gress in the Springfield (then the Thirteenth) District in opposition to Win. M. Springer, and was defeated by less than 1,000 votes in a district usually Democratic by 3,000 majority. He declined asecond nomination in 1888, but, in 1894, was nominated for a third time (this time for the Seventeenth District), and was elected, as he was for a second term in 1896. He declined a renomina- tion in 1898, returning to the practice of his pro- fession at Springfield at the close of the Fifty-fifth Congress. CONSTABLE, Charles H., lawyer, was born at Chestertown, lid., July 6, 1817; educated at Belle Air Academy and the University of Virginia, graduating from the latter in 1838. Then, having studied law, he was admitted to the bar, came to Illinois early in 1840, locating at Mount Carmel, Wabash County, and, in 1844, was elected to the State Senate for the district composed of Wabash, Edwards and Wayne Counties, serving until 1848. He also served as a Delegate in the Constitutional Convention of 1847. Originally a Whig, on the dissolution of that party in 1854, he became a Democrat; in 1856, served as Presidential Elector-at-large on the Buchanan ticket and, during the Civil War, was a pronounced oppo- nent of the policy of the Government in dealing with secession. Having removed to Marshall, Clark County, in 1852, he continued the practice of his profession there, but was elected Judge of the Circuit Court in 1861, serving until his death, which occurred, Oct. 9, 1865. While holding court at Charleston, in March, 1863, Judge Con- stable was arrested because of his release of four deserters from the army, and the holding to bail, (in the charge of kidnaping, of two Union officers who had arrested them. He was subsequently released by Judge Treat of the United States District Court at Springfield, but the affair cul- minated in a riot at Charleston, on March 22, in which four soldiers and three citizens were killed outright, and eight persons were wounded. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. Illinois lias had four State Conventions called for the purpose of formulating State Constitutions. Of these, three those of 1818, 1847 and 1869-70 adopted Constitutions which went into effect, while the instrument framed by the Convention of 1862 was rejected by the people. A synoptical history of eacli will be found talow: CONVENTION OF 1818. In January. 1818, the Territorial Legislature adopted a resolution instructing the Delegate in Congress (Hon. Xathaniel Pope) to present a petition to Congress requesting the passage of an act authorizing the people of Illinois Territory to organize a State Government. A bjll to this effect was intro- duced, April 7, and became a law, April 18, follow- ing. It authorized the people to frame a Constitution and organize a State Government apportioning the Delegates to be elected from each of the fifteen counties into which the Ter- ritory was then divided, naming the first Monday of July, following, as the day of election, and the first Monday of August as the time for the meet- ing of the Convention. The act was conditioned upon a census of the people of the Territory (to be ordered by the Legislature), showing a popu- lation of not less than 40,000. The census, as taken, showed the required population, but, as finally corrected, this was reduced to 34,620 being the smallest with which any State was ever admitted into the Union. The election took place on July 6, 1818, and the Convention assem- bled at Kaskaskia on August 3. It consisted of thirty-three members. Of these, a majority were farmers of limited education, but with a fair portion of hard common-sense. Five of the Delegates were lawyers, and these undoubtedly wielded a controlling influence. Jesse B. Thomas (afterwards one of the first United States Senators) presided, and Elias Kent Kane, also a later Senator, was among the dominating spirits. It lias been asserted that to the latter should be ascribed whatever new matter was incorporated in the instrument, it being copied in most of its essential provisions from the Con- stitutions of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. The Convention completed its labors and adjourned, August 26, the Constitution was submitted to Congress by Delegate John McLean, without the formality of ratification by the people, and Illi- nois was admitted into the Union as a State by resolution of Congress, adopted Dec. 3, 1818. CONVENTION OF 1847. An attempt was made in 1822 to obtain a revision of the Constitution of 1818, the object of the chief promoters of the movement being to secure the incorporation of a provision authorizing the admission of slavery into Illinois. The passage of a resolution, by the necessary two-thirds vote of both Houses of the General Assembly, submitting the proposition to it vote of the people, was secured by the most questionable methods, at the session of 1822, but after a heated campaign of nearly two years, it was rejected at the election of 1824. (See Slavery and Slave Laws; also Coles. Edward.) At the session of 1840-41. another resolution on the subject was submitted to the people, but it was rejected by the narrow margin of 1.039 118 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. votes. Again, in 1845, the question was submit- ted, and, at the election of 1840, was approved. The election of delegates occurred, April 19, 1847, and the Convention met at .Springfield, June 19. following. It was composed of 162 members, ninety-two of whom were Democrats. The list of Delegates embraced the names of many who afterwards attained high distinction in public affairs, and the body, as a whole, was represent- ative in character. The Bill of Rights attached to the Constitution of 1818 was but little changed in its successor, except by a few additions, among which was a section disqualifying any person who had been concerned in a duel from holding office. The earlier Constitution, how- ever, was carefully revised and several important changes made. Among these may be mentioned the following: Limiting the elective franchise for foreign-born citizens to those who had become naturalized ; making the judiciary elect- ive; requiring that all State officers be elected by the people . changing the time of the election of the Executive, and making him ineligible for immediate re-election; various curtailments of the power of the Legislature; imposing a two- mill tax for payment of the State debt, and pro- viding for the establishment of a sinking fund. The Constitution framed was adopted in conven- tion, August 31. 1847; ratified by popular vote, March 8, 1848, and went into effect, April 1. 1848. CONVENTION OF 1862. The proposition for holding a third Constitutional Convention was submitted to rote of the people by the Legislature of 1859. endorsed at the election of 1860, and the election of Delegates held in November, 1861. In the excitement attendant upon the early events of the war, people paid comparatively little attention to the choice of its members. It was composed of forty-five Democrats, twenty-one Republicans, seven "fusionists" and two classed as doubtful. The Convention assembled at Springfield on Jan. 7, 1862, and remained in ses- sion until March 24, following. It was in many respects a remarkable body. The law providing for its existence prescribed that the members, before proceeding to business, should take an oath to support the State Constitution. This the majority refused to do. Their conception of their powers was such that they seriously deliber- ated upon electing a United States Senator, assumed to make appropriations from the State treasury, claimed the right to interfere with military affairs, and called upon the Governor for information concerning claims of the Illinois Central Railroad, which the Executive refused to lay before them. The instrument drafted pro- posed numerous important changes in the organic law, and was generally regarded as objectionable. It was rejected at an election held, June 17. lK6i, by a majority of over 10,000 votes. , CONVENTION OF 1869-70. The second attempt to revise the Constitution of 1848 resulted in submission to the people, by the Legislature of 1867, of a proposition for a Convention, which was approved at the election of 1868 by a bare major- ity of 704 votes. The election of Delegates was provided for at the next session (1869), the elec- tion held in November and the Convention assembled at Springfield, Dec. 13. Charles Hitchcock was chosen President, John Q. Har- mon, Secretary, and Daniel Shepard and A. H. Swain, First and Second Assistants. There were eighty-five members, of whom forty-four were Republicans and forty -one Democrats, although fifteen had been elected nominally as "Independ ents." It was an assemblage of some of the ablest men of the State, including representatives of all the learned professions except the clerical. l sides merchants, farmers, bankers and journal- ists. Its work was completed May 13, 1870, anil in the main good. Some of the principal changes made in the fundamental law, as proposed by the Convention, were the following: The prohibi- tion of special legislation where a general law may be made to cover the necessities of the case, and the absolute prohibition of such legislation in reference to divorces, lotteries and a score of "I her matters; prohibition of the passage of any law releasing any civil division (district, county, city, township or town) from the payment of its just proportion of any State tax; recommenda tions to the Legislature to enact laws ujioii certain specified subjects, such as liberal home stead and exemption rights, the construction of drains, the regulation of charges on railways (which were declared to be public highways), etc. , etc. ; declaring all elevators and storehouses public warehouses, and providing for their lex>* lative inspection and supervision. The mainte nance of an "efficient system of public schools" was made obligatory upon the Legislature, am) the appropriation of any funds State, munioi|l town or district to the support of sectarian schools was prohibited. The principle of cuinii lative voting, or "minority representation." in the choice of membersof the House of Represent- atives was provided for, and additional wife guards thrown around the passage of bills. The ineligibility of the Governor to re-election for second consecutive term was set aside, ami a HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 119 two-thirds vote of the Legislature made necessary to override, an executive veto. The list of State officers was increased by the creation of the offices of Attorney-General and Superintendent of Public Instruction, these having been previ- ously provided for only by statute. The Supreme Court bench was increased by the addition of four members, making the whole number of Supreme Court judges seven; Appellate Courts authorized after 1874, and County Courts were made courts of record. The compensation of all State officers executive, judicial and legislative was left discretionary with the Legislature, and no limit was placed upon the length of the sessions of the General Assembly. The instru- ment drafted by the Convention was ratified at an election held, July 6, 1870, and went into force. August 8, following. Occasional amendments have been submitted and ratified from time to time. (See Constitutions, Elections and Repre- sentation; also Minority Representation. ) CONSTITUTIONS. Illinois has had three con- stitutionsthat of 1870 being now (1898) in force. The earliest instrument was that approved by Congress in 1818, and the first revision was made in 1847 the Constitution having been ratified at an election held. March 5, 1848, and going into force, April 1, following. The term of State officers has been uniformly fixed at four years, except that of Treasurer, which is two years. Biennial elections and sessions of the General Assembly are provided for. Senators holding their seats for four years, and Representatives two years. The State is required to be apportioned after each decennial census into fifty-one dis- tricts, each of which elects one Senator and three Representatives. The principle of minority rep- resentation has been incorporated into the organic law, each elector being allowed to cast as many votes for one legislative candidate as there are Representatives to be chosen in his district or he may divide his vote equally among all the three candidates or between two of them, as he may see fit. One of the provisions of the Consti tution of 1870 is the inhibition of the General Assembly from passing private laws. Munici- palities are classified, and legislation is for all cities of a class, not for an individual cor|>ora- tion. Individual citizens with a financial griev- ance must secure payment of their claims under the terms of some general appropriation. The sessions of the Legislature are not limited as to time, nor is there any restriction upon the power of the Executive to summon extra sessions. (See also Conxtitiitinnal Conrrntionx: Elertionis; Governors and other State Officers; Judicial System; Suffrage, Etc. ) COOK, Burton (.'., lawyer and Congressman, was bom in Monroe County, N. Y., May 11, 1819; completed his academic education at the Collegi- ate Institute in Rochester, and after studying law, removed to Illinois (1835), locating first at Hennepin and later at Ottawa. Here he began the practice of his profession, and, in 1846. was elected by the Legislature State's Attorney for the Ninth Judicial District, serving two years, when, in 1848, he was re-elected by the people under the Constitution of that year, for four years. From 1833 to 1860, he was State Senator, taking part in the election which resulted in making Ly man Trumbull United States Senator in 1855. In 1861 he served as one of the Peace Commissioners from Illinois in the Conference which met at Washington. He may be called one of the founders of the Republican party in this State, having been a member of the State Central Committee appointed at Bloomington in 1856, and Chairman of the State Central Com- mittee in 1862. In 1864, he was elected to Con- gress, and re-elected in 1866, '68 and '70, but resigned in 1871 to accept the solicitorship of the Northwestern Railroad, which he resigned in 1886. He was an intimate friend of Abraham Lincoln, serving as a delegate to both the National Conventions which nominated him for the Presi- dency, and presenting his name at Baltimore in 1864. His death occurred at Evanston, August 18, 1894. COOK, Daniel Pope, early Congressman, was born in Scott County, Ky., in 1795, removed to Illinois and began the practice of law at Kaskas kia in 1815. Early in 1816, he became joint owner and editor of "The Illinois Intelligencer,' and at the same time served as Auditor of Public Accounts by appointment of Governor Edwards : the next year (1817) was sent by President Mon- roe as bearer of dispatches to John Quincy Adams, then minister to London, and, on liis return, was appointed a Circuit Judge. On the admission of the State he was elected the first Attorney - General, but almost immediately resigned and, in September, 1819, was elected to Congress, serv- ing as Representative until 1827. Having married a daughter of Governor Edwards, he became a resident of Edwardsville. He was a conspicuous opponent of the proposition to make Illinois a slave State in 1823-24. and did much to prevent the success of that scheme. He also bore a prominent part while in Congress in securing the donation of lands for the construction of the 120 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Illinois & Michigan Canal. He was distinguished for his eloquence, and it was during his first Congressional campaign that stump-speaking was introduced into the State. Suffering from consumption, he visited Cuba, and, after return- ing to his home at Edwardsville and failing to improve, he went to Kentucky, where he died, Oct. 16, 1827. John (Cook), soldier, born at Edwardsville, 111., June 12, 1825, the son of Daniel P. Cook, the second Congressman from Illinois, and grandson of Gov. Ninian Edwards, was educated by private tutors and at Illinois College ; in 1855 was elected Mayor of Springfield and the following year Sheriff of Sangamon County, later serving as Quartermaster of the State. Raising a company promptly after the firing on Fort Sumter in 1861, he was commis- sioned Colonel of the Seventh Illinois Volunteers the first regiment organized in Illinois under the first call for troops by President Lincoln ; was promoted Brigadier-General for gallantry at Fort Donelson in March, 18C2; in 1864 commanded the District of Illinois, with headquarters at Spring- field, being mustered out, August, 1865, with the brevet rank of Major-Geueral. General Cook was elected to the lower house of the General Assem- bly from Sangamon County, in 1868. During recent years his home has been in Michigan. COOK COUNTY, situated in the northeastern section of the State, bordering on Lake Michigan, and being the most easterly of the second tier of counties south of the Wisconsin State line. It has an area of 890 square miles ; population (1890), 1,191,922; (1900), 1,838,735; county-seat, Chicago. The county was organized in 1831, having origi- nally embraced the counties of Du Page, Will, Lake, McHenry and Iroquois, in addition to its present territorial limits. It was named in honor of Daniel P. Cook, a distinguished Repre- sentative of Illinois in Congress. (See Cook, Daniel P. ) The first County Commissioners were Samuel Miller, Gholson Kercheval and James Walker, who took the oath of office before Justice John S. C. Hogan, on March 8, 1831. William Lee was appointed Clerk and Archibald Cly bourne Treasurer. Jedediah Wormley was first County Surveyor, and three election districts (Chicago, Du Page and Hickory Creek) were created. A scow ferry was established across the South Branch, with Mark Beaubien as ferryman. Only non-residents were required to pay toll. Geolo- gists are of the opinion that, previous to the glacial epoch, a large portion of the county lay under the waters of Lake Michigan, which was connected with the Mississippi by the Des Plaines River. This theory is borne out by the finding of stratified beds of coal and gravel in the eastern and southern portions of the county, either under- lying the prairies or assuming the form of ridges. The latter, geologists maintain, indicate the exist- ence of an ancient key, and they conclude that, at one time, the level of the lake was nearly forty feet higher than at present. Glacial action is believed to have been very effective in establish- ing surface conditions in this vicinity. Lime- stone and building stone are quarried in tolerable abundance. Athens marble (white when taken out, but growing a rich yellow through exposure) is found in the southwest. Isolated beds of peat have also been found. The general surface is level, although undulating in some portions. The soil near the lake is sandy, but in the interior becomes a black mold from one to four feet in depth. Drainage is afforded by the Des Plaines, Chicago and Calumet Rivers, which is now being improved by the construction of the Drainage Canal. Manufactures and agriculture are the principal industries outside of the city of Chi- cago. (See also Chicago.) COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL, located in Chi cago and under control of the Commissioners of Cook County. It was originally erected by the City of Chicago, at a cost of $80,000, and was intended to be used as a hospital for patients suffering from infectious diseases. For several years the building was unoccupied, but, in 1858, it was leased by an association of physicians, who opened a hospital, with the further purpose of affording facilities for clinical instruction to the students of Rush Medical College. In 1863 the building was taken by the General Government for military purposes, being used as an eye and ear hospital for returning soldiers. In 1865 it reverted to the City of Chicago, and, in 1866, was purchased by Cook County. In 1874 the County Commissioners purchased a new and more spa- cious site at acost of 145,000, and began the erec- tion of buildings thereon. The two principal pavilions were completed and occupied before the close of 1875; the clinical amphitheater and connecting corridors were built in 1876-77, and an administrative building and two additional pavilions were added in 1882-84. Up to that date the total cost of the buildings had been $719,574, and later additions and improvements have swelled the outlay to more than $1,000.000. It accommodates about 800 patients and constitutes a part of the county machinery for the care of the poor. A certain number of beds are placed under the care of homeopathic physicians. The ^ \ r x o z K'O IIISTOlMt AI. KNrYrLOl'KDIA <>K ILLINOIS. -iV Michigan Canal, lie was di-lingnished for hi.- eloquence, and it was during his lirst ( 'ongrcssional campaign that Stump-speaking was mi lodii.'.-d into UK- Stall-. Snll'ering from consumption, hi- visited Cuba, ami alter return- ing to his IIOMIC at F.dward-ville ami failing to improve, lie went to Kentucky, where he died, Oct. lli. 1*^7. John (C.Nik i. soldier, born at F.dwardsville. III. June I'.'. I"--, 1 :., tin- son of Daniel I' Cook, the second Congressman fr Illinois. and grandson of (im Ninian F.dward-. was educalcd by private tutors ami at Illinois College; in I K.Vi was elected Mayor of Springfield ami the following year Shcrilf of Sangamon County. Inter serving as i^uartermustcr of the State liaising a <'oin|iany promptly after the tiiinu' OH Fort Stiniter in l s tll. he \vas commis- .sinneil Colonel of the Seventh Illinois Volunteers the lirst regiment organi/cd ill Illinois under thelirst call for troops hy President Lincoln, was promoted Urigudier-licncral for gallantry at Fort Donelson in March, IxiW; in 1*111 commanded the Distri<'t of Illinois, with head.|iiarters at Spring- field, tetag BMMtOTeO out. .August. Isfl'i. with the brevet rank of Major-! ieneral. (ieneral Cook was elected to the lower house of the (ieneral Asseni- lilv from Sangamon (.'oiinty, in Isiis. During recent years his home has liecn in Michigan. i iiuh COUNTY, situateil in astern seel ion of the Stall', bordering on l*uke Michigan, ami being the most easterly of the second tier of counties south of the Wisconsin State line It has an area of siin-ipiarc miles, population (IMMH l.l'Jl.'.rJ'J: d'.MHi). l.s:js.7a."); county-seat. Chicago. The county was or^ani/ed in |s:j|. having origi- nally emhraccd the counties of Du I'a^e. Will, Lake, Jlcllenry ami lroi|iioi-,. in addition to its present territorial limit.-. It was named in honor of Daniel P. Took, a distinguished liepn- sentativu of Illinois in Congress. (See <',,<,!;. Jlaniil 1'.) The lirst County 'oniiiiir-sioners were Samuel Miller. Clml-on Kerrlicval and James Walker, who took the oath of ollicc hefon^ .Justice John S. C. llo^an. on Mari'h s, |s:;i \Villiam Lei' wasap|Hiinted ( 'lerk and . \rchiliald t'lyl>nrne Treasurer. .ledf'diah AVormley was tirst County SurM'Vor. and lliree election districts (Chicago. I)n I'aj^e ami Iliekory Creek) were created. A scow lurry was established across the South Brunch, with Mark Ucauhieii as ferryman. Only non-residents were rei|iiired to pay toll, (ieolo- (;ists are of the opinion thai, previous to the glacial e|Xich. a law |n -lion of the county lay under the waters of Lake Michigan, which was counected with the Mississippi hy the L)es 1'laines Iliver. Tliis theory is iKirne out by the finding of -iratilied U-dsot coal and gravel in the eastern ami soi it hern port ions of the county, cither under- lyin-; the prairies or assuming the form of ridges. The latter, ^eolo^i-ts maintain, indicale Ihe exist- ence- of an ancient key. and they conclude that, at one time, the level of the lake was nearly forty fi-et higher than at present (ilaciul action is liclicxcd to have been very elfective in estahlish iiix' surface conditions in this vicinity. Lime- stone and Imildinx stone are quarried in tolerable abundance. Athens marble (while when taken out. but growing a rich yellow through exposure) is found in the southwest. Isolated U-ils of peat have also been found. The general surface is level, although undulating in some |mrtions. The soil near the lake is samly. but in the interior becomes a black mold from one to four feet in depth. Drainage isalforded by the Ues I'laines Chicago ADii Calumet Kivers. which is now bein^ improved by thu construction of the Draina^i Canal. Manufactures ami agriculture ar the principal industries outside of the cily of Chi- cago. (See also f 'liii'ttt/tt. ) COOK COf.NTY HOSPITAL, locate.) in Chi ca^o and under control of the Commissioners of Cook Comity. It was originally erected by tin- City of Chicago, at a cost of :-Mil,(loo, and was intended to l>e used as a hospital for patients sulferini; from infectious diseases. For several years the building was unoccupied, but. in l s "s it was leased by an association of physicians, who opened a hospital, with the further purpose of alVordini; facilities for clinical instrti. lion to the students of l.'u-h Medical College. In IM;:; ||,,. building was taken liy the (ieneral (Government for military |. urpo.es. bein^ use. I as a:i eye and ear hospital for returning soldiers. In Isii.'i it reverted to the City of I 'liirago. and. in iMiii. wa- purchased by Cook Ciuinly. In I S 71 Ihe County Coiiuni ioiiers purchased a new and more spa- cion- site at a cost of >>1 I.'J.IKMI. and lie^an the erec- tion of buildings thereon. The two principal |K;\ ilions were completed and occupied In-fore the elo->e of Is^.'t; the clinical amphitheater and connecting corridors were built in 1*7(1-77, and an administrative building and two addilional pavilions were added in l*s->.s|. t'p to that date the total cost of the buildings had licen *71!l..'i74 and later additions and improvements have swelled the outlay lo more ili.m >i .i.ni o..o It accommodales aUnil MM I palienls and constitutes a part of the county machinery for the care of the |ior A certain number of IH-.IS are placed under the care ..I homeupathic physicians. The T. *" 7 > v. ALONG SHERIDAN KOAI) AND ON THE BOULEVARDS. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 121 present (1896) allopathic medical staff consists of fifteen physicians, fifteen surgeons, one oculist and aurist and one pathologist; the homeopathic staff comprises five physicians and five surgeons. In addition, there is a large corps of internes, or house physicians and surgeons, composed of recent grad.iates from the several medical col- leges, who gain their positions through competi- tive examination and hold them for eighteen months. COOK I:, Edward Dean, lawyer and Congress- man, born in Dubuque County, Iowa, Oct. 17, 1849; was educated in the common schools and the high school of Dubuque; studied law in that city and at Columbian University, Washington, D. C., graduating from that institution with the degree of Bachelor of Laws, and was admitted to the bar in Washington in 1873. Coming to Chi- cago the same year, he entered upon the practice of his profession, which he pursued for the remainder of his life. In 1882 he was elected a Representative in the State Legislature from Cook County, serving one term ; was elected as a Republican to the Fifty-fourth Congress for the Sixth District (Chicago), in 1894, and re-elected in 1896. His death occurred suddenly while in attendance on the extra session of Congress in Washington, June 24, 1897. COOLBAUGH, William Findlay, financier, was born in Pike County, Pa., July 1, 1821; at the age of 15 became clerk in a dry-goods store in Philadelphia, but, in 1842, opened a branch establishment of a New York firm at Burlington, Iowa, where he afterwards engaged in the bank-' ing business, also serving in the Iowa State Constitutional Convention, and, as the candidate of his party for United States Senator, being defeated by Hon. James Harlan by one vote. In 18G2 he came to Chicago and opened the banking house of W. F. Coolbaugh & Co., which, in 1865, became the Union National Bank of Chicago. Later he became the first President of the Chi- cago Clearing House, as also of the Bankers' Association of the West and South, a Director of the Board of Trade, and an original incorporator of the .Chamber of Commerce, besides being a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1869-70. His death by suicide, at the foot of Douglas Monument, Nov. 14, 1877, was a shock to the whole city of Chicago. COOLEY, Horace S., Secretary of State, was born in Hartford, Conn., in 1806, studied medi- cine for two years in early life, then went to Ban- gor, Maine, where he began the study of law ; in 1840 he came to Illinois, locating first at Rushville and finally in the city of Quincy ; in 1842 took a prominent part in the campaign which resulted in the election of Thomas Ford as Governor also received from Governor Carlin an appointment as Quartermaster-General of the State. On the accession of Governor French in December, 1846, he was appointed Secretary of State and elected to the same office under the Constitution of 1848. dying before the expiration of his term, April 2. 1850. GORBUS, (Dr.) J. C., physician, was born in Holmes County, Ohio, in 1833, received his pri mary education in the public schools, followed by an academic course, and began the study of medicine at Millersburg, finally graduating from the Western Reserve Medical College at Cleve- land. In 1855 he began practice at Orville, Ohio, but the same year located at Mendota, 111., soon thereafter removing to Lee County, where he remained until 1862. The latter year he was appointed Assistant Surgeon of the Seventy -fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, but was soon pro- moted to the position of Surgeon, though com- pelled to resign the following year on account of ill health. Returning from the army, he located at Mendota. Dr. Corbus served continuously as a member of the State Board of Public Charities from 1873 until the accession of Governor Altgeld to the Governorship in 1893, when he resigned. He was also, for fifteen years, one of the Medical Examiners for his District under the Pension Bureau, and has served as a member of the Republican State Central Committee for the Mendota District. In 1897 he was complimented by Governor Tanner by reappointment to the State Board of Charities, and was made President of the Board. Early in 1899 he was appointed Superintendent of the Eastern Hospital for the Insane at Kankakee, as successor to Dr. William G. Stearns. CORNELL, Paul, real-estate operator and capi- talist, was born of English Quaker ancestry in Washington County, N. Y., August 5, 1822: at 9 years of age removed with his step-father, Dr. Barry, to Ohio, and five years later to Adams. County, 111. Here young Cornell lived the life of a farmer, working part of the year to earn money to send himself to school the remainder; also taught for a time, then entered the office of W. A. Richardson, at Rushville, Schuyler County, as a law student. In 1845 he came to Chicago, but soon after became a student in the law office of Wilson & Henderson at Joliet, and was admitted to practice in that city. Removing to Chicago in 1847, he was associated, successively, with the lat M> "\ TIIK II" >l I.I .\'AU 1 1 Al.oNi, MIK KlU \N ItlSTOItlCAL K\( Y( LOPK1HA ol' H,LI\(U>. present ( IK'.iii) .ill, i|i,-ii In.- m. "lie, il slalf consists of lifteen physicians, lifteen surgeons, one- oculist and Biirist and one pathologist; the homeopathic stalf comprises live physicians ami live surgeons. In addition, tlieiv is a large corps of internes, or house physicians ami surgeons, composed of recent grad iates from the several meilicul col- leges, who gain their positions through competi- tive examination ami hold them for eighteen months COOKK, Edward Ican, lawyer ami Congress- man, horn in Dubui|ue County. Iowa, Oct. 17, |x|!l; was educated ill the common schools and the high school of Duhuijm 1 : studied law in that city and at Columbian University, Washington, D.C.. graduating from that institution with the. decree of Bachelor of Laws, and was admitted to the liar in Washington in 1ST:! Coming to Chi- cago the same year, he entered upon the practice of his profession, which he pursued for the, remainder of his life. In I* 1 *',' he was elected a Representative in the State Legislature from Cook County, serving one term ; was elected as a Republican to the Fifty-fourth Congress for the Sixth District (Chicago), in 1^114. and re-elected in l*!i. His death occurred suddenly while, in atlendan ni I he extra session of Congress in Washington, June -Jl. IS',17. ( OOl.l'.An.ll. William Kindlay, finan<-ier. was Imrn in Pike County. Pa.. July 1, IS'.M; at lin- age of |.~i became clerk in a dry-goods store in 1'iiiladclphia. hut. in 1-1- opc.ned a branch establishment of a New York linn at Rurlington, Iowa, where he afterwards engaged in the liank-' ing business, also serving in the Iowa State Const it nl i, - 1: 'I < ''invention, and. as the candidate of his p.nly lor I'nitcd Sl-ites Senator, being defeated hv II, ui. James Ilarlail by one vote. In IS.ii he came to Chicago and opened the banking house of W. K. Coolliaiigh iV Co., which, in lS(i.">. liccame tins Union National liank of Chicago loiter he iH'came t!ie first President of the Chi- cago Clearing House, as also of the Hankers' Association of the West and South, a Director of the Hoard of Trade, and an original incur] (orator of the Chamber of Commerce, besides Itcing a member of the State Constitutional Convention of isr,'.t-7ll. llis death by suicide, at the toot of Douglas Monument, Nov. 11, 1*77, was a shock to the whole city of Chicago. COOI.KY, Horace S., Secretary of Stale, was born in Hartford, Conn., in INK!, studied medi- cine for two years in early life, then went to Han- gor. Maine, where he liegan the st udv of law; in 1*40 h<' came to Illinois locating tirsl at Itushville ami linally in the city of Quincy ; in 1S40 tool; a prominent part in tl ainpai^n which resulted in the election ot' Thomas I-'ord as t Jovernor als*- receive.! from < iovernor Carlin an ap|x)intmem a- tJiiartermaster-( ieiieral ol the Stale On tin ai'cession of Governor I-'rench in December, l^li. he was ap|Miinted Secretary of State and elected to the same ollice under the ( '.institution of IS|v he liegan pra'tici' at Orville. Ohio but the sunn* year located at Mendota. 111., soot. thereafter removing to l>'e County, where lie remained until I*!!'-' The latter year he wa- apjHiinted Assistant Surgeon of the Seventy -fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry but was soon pro- moted, to the |Hisition of Surgeon, though com pelleil to resign the following year on account of ill health, llcturning from the army, he locale. I at Mendota. Dr. Corbus served continuously as a member of the State Hoard of .Public Charities from is;:; until the accession ol (Governor Altgeld to the Governorship in IS'.i:!. when he resigned He was also, for lil'teen years, one of the Medical Examiners for his District under the PensTon Bureau, anil has served as a menilier of tut* Republican State Central Committee for the Mendota District. In ISD; |,,. was complimented by (iovcrnor Tanner l.\ reap|*iMtMient to the Sta'e HoarJ of Cli.tritie.s. aad was n.adi- President of the Hoard l!ai-|y in I S '.HI he was ap|Kiinteil Sii|)erintendcnt of tin 1 Kasl.-rn llospiial for the Insane at Kankaki'e. as sncci-.s,,i to Dr. William he came I, Chii-ago. but soon alter licc.ime a student ill the law ollice of Wilson A' Henderson at Joliet. and wasadmilteil to practice in that city. Removing to Chicago in ! 17 he was associated, successively, with tin' lat" m HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. I- C. P. Freer, Judge James H. Collins and Messrs. Skinner & Hoyne ; finally entered into a contract with Judge Skinner to perfect the title to 320 acres of land held under tax-title within the present limits of Hyde Park, which he succeeded in doing by visiting the original owners, thereby securing one-half of the property in his own name. He thus became the founder of the village of Hyde Park, meanwhile adding to his posses- sions other lands, which increased vastly in value. He also established a watch factory at Cornell (now a part of Chicago), which did a large busi- ness until removed to California. Mr. Cornell was a member of the first Park Board, and there- fore has the credit of assisting to organize Chi- cago's extensive park system. CORWIN, Franklin, Congressman, was born at Lebanon, Ohio, Jan. 12, 1818, and admitted to the bar at the age of 21. While a resident of Ohio he served in both Houses of the Legislature, and settled in Illinois in 1857, making his home at Peru. He was a member of the lower house of the Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth and Twenty- sixth General Assemblies, being Speaker in 186T. and again in 1869. In 1872 he was elected to Congress as a Republican, but, in 1874, was defeated by Alexander Campbell, who made the race as an Independent. Died, at Peru, 111.. June 15. 1879. COUCH, James, pioneer hotel-keeper, was born at Fort Edward, N. Y., August 31, 1800; removed to Chautauqua County, in the same State, where he remained until his twentieth year, receiving a fair English education. After engaging succes- sively, but with indifferent success, as hotel-clerk, stage-house keeper, lumber-dealer, and in the dis- tilling business, in 1836, in company with his younger brother, Ira, he visited Chicago. They both decided to go into business there, first open- ing a small store, and later entering upon their hotel ventures which proved so eminently suc- cessful, and gave the Tremont House of Chicago .so wide and enviable a reputation. Mr. Couch superintended for his brother Ira the erection, at various times, of many large business blocks in the city. Upon the death of his brother, in 1857, he was made one of the trustees of his estate, and, with other trustees, rebuilt the Tremont House after the Chicago fire of 1871. In April, 1892. while boarding a street car in the central part of the city of Chicago, he was run over by a truck, receiving injuries which resulted in his death the same day at the Tremont House, in the 92d year of his age. Ira (Couch), younger brother of the preceding, was Ixirn in Saratoga County, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1808. At the age of sixteen he was apprenticed to a tailor, and, in 1826, set up in business on his own account. In 1836, while visiting Chicago with his brother James, he determined to go into business there. With a stock of furnishing goods and tailors' supplies, newly bought in New York, a small store was opened. This business soon disposed of, Mr. Couch, with his brother, obtained a lease of the old Tremont House, then a low frame building kept as a saloon boarding house. Changed and refurnished, this was opened as a hotel. It was destroyed by fire in 1839, as was also the larger rebuilt structure in 1849. A second time rebuilt, and on a much larger and grander scale at a cost of S75,000| surpassing anything the West had ever known before, the Tremont House this time stood until the Chicago fire in 1871, when it was again destroyed. Mr. Couch at all times enjoyed an immense patronage, and was able to accumulate (for that time) a large fortune. He purchased and improved a large number of business blocks, then within the business center of the city. In 1853 he retired from active business, and, in con- sequence of impaired health, chose for the rest of his life to seek recreation in travel. In the winter of 1857, while with his family in Havana, Cuba, he was taken with a fever which soon ended his life. His remains now rest in a mausoleum of masonry in Lincoln Park, Chi- cago. COT I.TKR V II,I,K, a town of Randolph County, at the crossing of the Centralia & Chester and the St. Louis & Paducah branch Illinois Central Railways, 49 miles southeast of St. Louis. Farm- ing and coal-mining are the leading industries. The t6wn has two banks, two creameries, and a newspaper. Population (1891)), 598; (1900), 660. COUNTIES, UNORGANIZED. (See Unorgan- ized Countien.) COWHEN. ;i village of Shelby County, at the intersection of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwest- ern and the Toledo, St. Louis & Western Rail- ways, 60 miles southeast of Springfield. Con- siderable coal is mined in the vicinity; has a bank and a weekly paper. Population (1880), 350; (1890), 702; (1900), 751. COWLES, Alfred, newspaper manager, was born in Portage County, Ohio, May 13, 1832, grew up on a farm and, after spending some time at Michigan University, entered the office of "The Cleveland Leader" as a clerk; in 1855 accepted a similar position on "The Chicago Tribune," which had just been bought by Joseph Medill and others, finally becoming a stockholder and busi- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 123 ness manager of the paper, so remaining until his death in Chicago, Dec. 20, 1889. COX, Thomas, pioneer, Senator in the First General Assembly of Illinois (1818-22) from Union County, and a conspicuous figure in early State history ; was a zealous advocate of the policy of making Illinois a slave State; became one of the original proprietors and founders of the city of Springfield, and was appointed the first Register of the Land Office there, but was removed under charges of misconduct ; after his retirement from the Land Office, kept a hotel at Springfield. In 1836 he removed to Iowa (then a part of Wiscon- sin Territory), became a member of the first Territorial Legislature there, was twice re-elected and once Speaker of the House, being prominent in 1840 as commander of the "Regulators" who drove out a gang of murderers and desperadoes who had got possession at Bellevue. Iowa. Died, at Maquoketa, Iowa. 1843. COT, Irug, lawyer, was born in Chenango County, N. Y., July 25, 1832; educated in the common schools and at Central College, Cortland County, N. Y. , graduating in law at Albany in 1857. Then, having removed to Illinois, he located in Kendall County and began practice; in 1868 was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly and, in 1872, served as Presidential Elector on the Republican ticket; removed to Chicago in 1871, later serving as attorney of the Union Stock Yards and Transit Company. Died, in Chicago, Sept. 20, 1897. CRAFTS, Clayton E., legislator and politician, born at Auburn, Geauga County, Ohio, July 8, 1848; was educated at Hiram College and gradu- ated from the Cleveland Law School in 1868, coming to Chicago in 1869. Mr. Crafts served in seven consecutive sessions of the General Assem- bly (1883-95, inclusive) as Representative from Cook County, and was elected by the Democratic majority as Speaker, in 1891, and again in '93. < 'R All;, Alfred H., jurist, was born in Edgar County, 111., Jan. 15, 1831, graduated from Knox College in 1853, and was admitted to the bar in the following year, commencing practice at Knoxville. He held the offices of State's Attorney and County Judge, and represented Knox County in the Constitutional Convention of 1869-70. In 1873 he was elected to the bench of the Supreme Court, as successor to Justice C. B. Lawrence, and was re-elected in '82 and '91 ; his present term expiring with the century. He is a Democrat in politics, but has been three times elected in a Republican judicial district. CRAWFORD, Charles H., lawyer and legisla- tor, was born in Bennington, Vt., but reared in Bureau and La Salle Counties, 111. ; has practiced law for twenty years in Chicago, and been three times elected to the State Senate 1884, '88 and '94 and is author of the Crawford Primary Elec- tion Law. enacted in 1885. CRAWFORD COUNTY, a southeastern county, bordering on the Wabash, 190 miles nearly due south of Chicago named for William H. Craw- ford, a Secretary of War. It has an area of 452 square miles; population (1900), 19,240. The first settlers were the French, but later came emigrants from New England. The soil is rich and well adapted to the production of corn and wheat, which are the principal crops. The county was organized in 1817, Darwin being the first county-seat. The present county-seat is Robinson, with a population (1890) of 1,387: centrally located and the point of intersection of two railroads. Other towns of importance are Palestine (population, 734) and Hutsonville (popu- lation, 582). The latter, as well as Robinson, is a grain-shipping point. The Embarras River crosses the southwest portion cf the county, and receives the waters of Big and Honey Creeks and Bushy Fork. The county lias no mineral resources, but contains some valuable woodland and many well cultivated farms. Tobacco, potatoes, sorghum and wool are among the lead, ing products. CREAL SPRINGS, a village of Williamson County, on the St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad ; has a bank and a weekly paper. Popu- lation (1890), 539; (1900), 940. CREBS, John M., ex-Congressman, was born in Middleburg, Loudoun County, Va. . April 7, 1830. When he was but 7 years old his parents removed to Illinois, where he ever after resided. At the age of 21 he began the study of law, and, in 1852. was admitted to the bar, beginning practice in White County. In 1862 he enlisted in the Eighty-seventh Illinois Volunteers, receiving a commission as Lieutenant-Colonel, participating in all the important movements in the Mississippi Valley, including the capture of Vicksburg, and in the Arkansas campaign, a part of the time commanding a brigade. Returning home, lie resumed the practice of his profession. In 186 he was an unsuccessful candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction on the Democratic ticket. He was elected to Congress in 1868 and re-elected in 1870, and, in 1880, was a delegate to the Democratic State Convention. Died, June 26, 1890. 124 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. CRE1GHTOX, James A., jurist, was born in White County, 111., March 7, 1846; in childhood removed with his parents to Wayne County, and was educated in the schools at Fairfield and at the Southern Illinois College, Salem, graduating from the latter in 1868. After teaching for a time while studying law, he was admitted to the bar in 18TO, and opened an office at Fairfield, but, in 1877, removed to Springfield. In 1885 he was elected a Circuit Judge for the Springfield Cir- cuit, was re-elected in 1891 and again in 1897. < 'K K K A K, John, manufacturer and philanthro- pist, was born of Scotch ancestry in New York City, in 1827 ; at 18 years of age was an employe of an iron-importing firm in that city, subse- quently accepting a position with Morris K. Jessup & Co., in the same line. Coming to Chicago in 1862, in partnership with J. McGregor Adams, he succeeded to the business of Jessup & Co., in that city, also becoming a partner in the Adams & Westlake Company, iron manufactur- ers. He also became interested and an official in various other business organizations, including the Pullman Palace Car Company, the Chicago & Alton Railroad, the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, and, for a time, was President of the Chi- cago & Joliet Railroad, besides being identified with various benevolent institutions and associ- ations. After the fire of 1871. he was intrusted by the New York Chamber of Commerce with the custody of funds sent for the relief of suffer- ers by that calamity. His integrity and business sagacity were universally recognized. After his death, which occurred in Chicago, Oct. 19, 1889, it was found that, after making munificent bequests to some twenty religious and benevolent associations and enterprises, aggregating nearly a million dollars, besides liberal legacies to relatives, he had left the residue of his estate, amounting to some 52,000,000, for the purpose of founding a public library in the city of Chicago, naming thirteen of his most intimate friends as the first Board of Trustees. No more fitting and lasting monument of so noble and public-spirited a man could have been devised. CRETE, a village of Will County, on the Chi- cago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, 30 miles south of Chicago. Population (1890), 642; (1900), 760. CROOK, tieorge, soldier, was born near Day- ton, Ohio, Sept. 8, 1828; graduated at the United States Military Academy, West Point, in 1852, and was assigned as brevet Second Lieutenant to the Fourth Infantry, becoming full Second Lieuten- ant in 1853. In 1861 he entered the volunteer service as Colonel of the Thirty-sixth Ohio Infan- try ; was promoted Brigadier-General in 1862 and Major-General in 1864, being mustered out of the service, January, 1866. During the war he participated in some of the most important battles in West Virginia and Tennessee, fought at Chickamauga and Antietam, and commanded the cavalry in the advance on Richmond in the spring of 1865. On being mustered out of the volunteer service he returned to the regular army, was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the Twenty-third Infantry, and, for several years, was engaged in campaigns against the hostile Indians in the Northwest and in Arizona. In 1888 he was appointed Major-General and, from that time to his death, was in command of the Military Division of the Missouri, with headquarters at Chicago, where he died, March 19, 1890. CROSIAR, Simon, pioneer, was born near Pittsburg, Pa., in the latter part of the last century; removed to Ohio in 1815 and to Illinois in 1819, settling first at Cap au Gris, a French village on the Mississippi just above the mouth of the Illinois in what is now Calhoun County ; later lived at Peoria (1824), at Ottawa (1826), at Shippingport near the present city of La Salle (1829), and at Old Utica (1834) ; in the mean- while built one or two mills on Cedar Creek in La Salle County, kept a storage and commission house, and, for a time, acted as Captain of a steamboat plying on the Illinois. Died, in 1846. CRYSTAL LAKE, a village in McHenry County, at the intersection of two divisions of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, 43 miles northwest of Chicago. Population (1880), 546; (1890), 781; (1900), 930. CUBA, a town in Fulton County, distant 38 miles west-southwest of Peoria, and about 8 miles north of Lewistown. The entire region (includ- ing the town) is underlaid with a good quality of bituminous coal, of which the late State Geologist Worthen asserted that, in seven townships of Fulton County, there are 9,000,000 tons to the square mile, within 150 feet of the surface. Brick and cigars are made here, and the town has two banks, a newspaper, three churches and good schools. Population (1890), 1,114; (1900), 1,198; (1903, school census), 1,400. CULLEN, William, editor and Congressman, born in the north of Ireland, March 4, 1826; while yet a child was brought by his parents to Pitts- burg, Pa. , where he was educated in the public schools. At the age of 20 he removed to La Salle County, 111, and began life as a farmer. Later he took up his residence at Ottawa. He has served as Sheriff of La Salle County, and held HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 125 other local offices, and was for many years a part owner and senior editor of "The Ottawa Repub- lican." From 1881 to 1885, as a Republican, he represented the Eighth Illinois District in Con- gress. CULLOM, Richard Northcraft, farmer and legislator, was born in the State of Maryland, October 1, 1795, but early removed to Wayne County, Ky., where he was Carried to Miss Elizabeth Coffey, a native of North Carolina. In 1830 he removed to Illinois, settling near Wash- ington, Tazewell County, where he continued to reside during the remainder of his life. Although a farmer by vocation, Mr. Cullom was a man of prominence and a recognized leader in public affairs. In 1836 he was elected as a Whig Repre- sentative in the Tenth General Assembly, serving in the same body with Abraham Lincoln, of whom he was an intimate personal and political friend. In 1840 he was chosen a member of the State Senate, serving in the Twelfth and Thir- teenth General Assemblies, and, in 1853, was again elected to the House. Mr. Cullom's death occurred in Tazewell County, Dec. 4, 1872, his wife having died Dec. 5, 1868. Mr. and Mrs. Cullom were the parents of Hon. Shelby. M. Cullom. CDLLOM, Shelby Moore, United States Sena- tor, was born in Wayne County, Ky., Nov. 22, 1829. His parents removed to Tazewell County, 111., in 1830, where his father became a member of the Legislature and attained prominence as a public man. After two years spent in Rock River Seminary at Mount Morris, varied by some experience as a teacher, in 1853 the subject of this sketch went to Springfield to enter upon the study of law in the office of Stuart & Edwards. Being admitted to the bar two years afterward, he was almost immediately elected City Attor- ney, and, in 1856, was a candidate on the Fill- more ticket for Presidential Elector, at the same time being elected to the Twentieth General Assembly for Sangamon County, as he was again, as a Republican, in 1860, being supported alike by the Fillmore men and the Free-Soilers. At the session following the latter election, he was chosen Speaker of the House, which was his first important political recognition. In 1862 he was appointed by President Lincoln a member of the War Claims Commission at Cairo, serving in this capacity with Governor Boutwell of Massachu- setts and Charles A. Dana of New York. He was also a candidate for the State Senate the same year, but then sustained his only defeat. Two years later (1864) he was a candidate for Con- gress, defeating his former preceptor, Hon. John T. Stuart, being re-elected in 1866, and again in 1868, the latter year over B. S. Edwards. He was a delegate to the National Republican Con- vention of 1872, and, as Chairman of the Illinois delegation, placed General Grant in nomination for the Presidency, holding the same position again in 1884 and in 1892; was elected to the Illi- nois House of Representatives in 1872 and in 1874, being chosen Speaker a second time in 1873, as he was the unanimous choice of his party for Speaker again in 1875; in 1876 was elected Gov- ernor, was re-elected in 1880, and, in 1883, elected to the United States Senate as successor to Hon. David Davis. Having had two re-elections since (1889 and '95), he is now serving his third term, which will expire in 1901. In 1898. by special appointment of President McKinley, Senator Cullom served upon a Commission to investigate the condition of the Hawaiian Islands and report a plan of government for this new division of the American Republic. Other important measures with which his name has been promi- nently identified have been the laws for the sup- pression of polygamy in Utah and for the creation of the Inter-State Commerce Commission. At present he is Chairman of the Senate Committee on Inter-State Commerce and a member of those on Appropriations and Foreign Affairs. His career has been conspicuous for his long public service, the large number of important offices which he has held, the almost unbroken uniform- ity of his success when a candidate, and his com- plete exemption from scandals of every sort. No man in the history of the State has been more frequently elected to the United States Senate, and only three Senators Douglas, Trumbull and Logan for an equal number of terms; though only one of these (Senator Trumbull) lived to serve out the full period for which he was elected. CUMBERLAND COUNTY, situated in the southeast quarter of the State, directly south of Coles County, from which it was cut off in 1842. Its area is 350 square miles, and population (1900), 16,124. The county-seat was at Greenup until 1855, when it was transferred to Prairie City, which was laid off in 1854 and incorporated as a town in 1866. The present county-seat is at Toledo (population, 1890, 676). The Embarras River crosses the county, as do also three lines of railroad. Neoga, a mining town, has a popula- tion of 829. The county received its name from the Cumberland Road, which, as originally pro- jected, passed through it. 126 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. CUMMINS; (Rev.) DiTid, Bishop of the Re- formed Protestant Episcopal Church, was born near Smyrna, Del., Dec. 11, 1822; gradu- ated at Dickinson College, Pa., in 1841, and became a licentiate in the Methodist ministry, but, in 1846, took orders in the Episcopal Church; afterwards held rectorships in Balti- more, Norfolk, Richmond and the Trinity Episcopal Church of Chicago, in 1866 being con- secrated Assistant -Bishop of the Diocese of Kentucky. As a recognized leader of the Low- Church or Evangelical party, he early took issue with the ritualistic tendencies of the High-Church party, and, having withdrawn from the Episcopal Church in 1873, became the first Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal organization. He was zeal- ous, eloquent and conscientious, but overtaxed his strength in his new field of labor, dying at Luth- erville, Mi I., June 36. 1876. A memoir of Bishop Cummins, by his wife, was publishedin 1878. CUMULATIVE VOTE. (See Minority Repre- sentation. ) CURTIS, Harvey, clergyman and educator, was born In Adams, Jefferson County, N. Y. , May 30, 1806; graduated at Middlebury College, Vt., in 1831, with the highest honors of his class; after three years at Princeton Theological Seminary, was ordained pastor of the Congregational church at Brandon. Vt., in 1836. In 1841 he accepted an appointment as agent of the Home Missionary Society for Ohio and Indiana, between 1843 and 1858 holding pastorates at Madison, 1 1 nl.. and Chicago. In the latter year he was chosen President of Knox College, at Galesburg, dying there, Sept. 18, 1862. CURTIS, William Elroy, journalist, was born at Akron, Ohio. Nov. 5, 1850 ; graduated at Western Reserve College in 1851, meanwhile learning the art of typesetting; later served as it reporter on "The Cleveland Leader" and, in 1872, took a subordinate position on "The Chicago Inter Ocean," finally rising to tliat of managing- editor. While on "The Inter Ocean" he accom- panied General Ouster in his campaign against the Sioux, spent several months investigating the "Ku-Klux" and "White League" organiza- tions in the South, and, for some years, was "The Inter Ocean" correspondent in Washington. Having retired from "The Inter Ocean." he became Secretary of the "Pan- American Con- gress" in Washington, and afterwards made the tour of the United States with the South and Central American representatives in that Con- gress. During the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago he had general supervision of the Latin-American historical and archaeological exhibits. Mr. Curtis has visited nearly every Central and South American country and has written elaborately on these subjects for the magazines and for publication in book form ; has also published a "Life of Zachariah Chandler'' and a "Diplomatic History of the United States and Foreign Powers." For some time he was managing editor of "The Chicago News" and is now (1898) the Washington Correspondent of "The Chicago Record." CUSHMAN, (Col.) William H. W., financier and manufacturer, was born at Freetown, Mass., May 13, 1813; educated at the American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy, Norwich, Vt. ; at 18 began a mercantile career at Middlebury, and, in 1824, removed to La Salle County, 111., where he opened a country store, also built a mill at Vermilionville; later was identified with many large financial enterprises which generally proved successful, thereby accumulating a for- tune at one time estimated at $3,000,000. He was elected as a Democrat to the Thirteenth and Fourteenth General Assemblies (1842 and '44) and, for several years, held a commission as Captain of the Ottawa Cavalry (militia). The Civil War coming on, he assisted in organizing the Fifty-third Illinois Volunteers, and was com- missioned its Colonel, but resigned Sept. 3, 1862. He organized and was principal owner of the Bank of Ottawa, which, in 1865, became the First National Bank of that city; was the leading spirit in the Hydraulic Company and the Gas Company at Ottawa, built and operated the Ottawa Machine Shops and Foundry, speculated largely in lands in La Salle and Cook Counties his operations in the latter being especially large about Riverside, as well as in Chicago; was a principal stockholder in the bank of Cush- man & Hardin in Chicago, had large interests in the lumber trade in Michigan, and was one of the builders of the Chicago, Paducah & South- western Railroad. The Chicago fire of 1871, however, brought financial disaster upon him. which finally dissipated his fortune and de- stroyed his mental and physical health. His death occurred at Ottawa, Oct. 28, 1878. HALE, Michael <;., lawyer, was born in Lan- caster, Pa., spent his childhood and youth in the public schools of his native city, except one year in West Chester Academy, when he entered Pennsylvania College at Gettysburg, graduating there in 1835. He then began the study of law and was admitted to the bar in 1837: coming to HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 127 Illinois the following year, he was retained in a suit at Greenville, Bond County, which led to his employment in others, and finally to opening an office there. In 1839 he was elected Probate Judge of Bond County, remaining in office four- teen years, meanwhile being commissioned Major of the State Militia in 1844, and serving as mem- ber of a Military Court at Alton in 1847; was also the Delegate from Bond County to the State Con- stitutional Convention of 1847. In 1853 he re- signed the office of County Judge in Bond County to accept that of Register of the Land office at Edwardsville, where he continued to reside, fill- ing the office of County Judge in Madison County five or six terms, besides occupying some subordi- nate positions. Judge Dale married a daughter of Hon. William L. D. Ewing. Died at Edwards- ville, April 1, 1895. DALLAS CITY, a town of Hancock County, at the intersection of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail- roads, 16 miles south of Burlington. It has man- ufactories of lumber, buttons, carriages and wagons, and two weekly newspapers. Popula- tion (1880), 829; (1890), 747; 1900), 970. DANENHOWER, John Wilson, Arctic explorer, was born in Chicago, Sept. 30, 1849 the son of W. W. Danenhower, a journalist. After passing through the schools of Chicago and Washington, he graduated from the United States Naval Acad- emy at Annapolis in 1870, was successively com- missioned as Ensign, Master and Lieutenant, and served on expeditions in the North Pacific and in t In' Mediterranean. In 1878 he joined the Arctic steamer Jeannette at Havre, France, as second in command under Lieut. George W.-De Long; pro- ceeding to San Francisco in July, 1879, the steamer entered the Arctic Ocean by way of Behring Straits. Here, having been caught in an ice-pack, the vessel was held twenty-two months, Lieutenant Danenhower meanwhile being dis- abled most of the time by ophthalmia. The crew, as last compelled to abandon the steamer, dragged their boats over the ice for ninety-five days until they were able to launch them in open water, but were soon separated by a gale. The boat commanded by Lieutenant Danenhower reached the Lena Delta, on the north coast of Siberia, where the crew were rescued by natives, landing Sept. 17 ; 1881. After an ineffectual search on the delta for the crews of the other two boats, Lieutenant Danenhower, with his crew, made the journey of 6,000 miles to Orenburg, finally arriving in the United States in June, 1882. He has told the story of the expedition in "The Narrative of the Jeannette," published in 1882. Died, at Annapolis, Md., April 20, 1887. DANYERS, a village of McLean County, on the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway. The section is agricultural. The town lias a bank and a newspaper. Population (1880), 460; (1890), 506; (1900), 607. DANVILLE, the county-seat of Vermilion County, on Vermilion River and on five impor- tant lines of railroad; in rich coal-mining district and near large deposits of shale and soapstone, which are utilized in manufacture of sewer-pipe, paving and fire-clay brick. The city has car-shops and numerous factories, water- works, electric lights, paved streets, several banks, twenty-seven churches, five graded schools and one high school, and six newspapers, three daily. A Soldiers' Home is located three miles east of the city. Pop. (1890), 11,491; (1900), 16,354. DANVILLE, OLNEY, & OHIO RIVER RAIL- ROAD. (See Chicago f grave perils. He had large business interests in nearly every town in his vicinity, to all of which he gave more or less personal attention. On the night of July 4, 1843, he was assassinated at his home by robbers. Fora long time the crime was shrouded in mystery, but its perpetrators were ultimately detected and brought to punishment. DAVIS, David, jurist and United States Senator, was born in Cecil County, Md., March fl, 1815; pursued his academic studies at Kenyon College, Ohio, and studied law at Yale. He settled at Bloomington, 111., in 1836, and, after practicing law there until 1844, was elected to the lower house of the Fourteenth General Assembly. After serving in the Constitutional Convention of 1847, he was elected Judge of the Eighth Judicial Circuit under the new Constitution in 1848, being re-elected in 1855 and '61. He was a warm, per- sonal friend of Abraham Lincoln, who, in 1862, placed him upon the tench of the United States Supreme Court. He resigned his high judicial honors to become United States Senator in 1877 :is successor to Logan's first term. On Oct. 13, 1881, he was elected President pro tern, of the Senate, serving in this capacity to the end of his term in 1885. He died at his home in Blooming- ton, June 26, 1880. DAVIS, George R., lawyer and Congressman, was born at Three Rivers, Mass., January 3, 1840; received a common school education, and a classical course at Williston Seminary, Eusthamp- ton, Mass. From 1H(W in 1NP>;> he served in the Union army, first as Captain in the Eighth Massachusetts Infantry, and later as Major in the Third Rhode Island Cavalry. After the war he removed to Chicago, where he still resides. By profession he is a lawyer. He took a prominent part in the organization of the Chicago militia, was elected Colonel of the First Regiment, I. N. G., and was for a time the senior Colonel in the State service. In 1876 he was an unsuccessful Republican candidate for Congress, but was elected in 1878, and re-elected in 1880 and 1882. From 1886 to 1890 he was Treasurer of Cook County. He took an active and influential part in securing the location of the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, and was Director-General of the Exposition from its inception to its close, by his executive ability demonstrating the wis- dom of his selection. Died Nov. 25, 1899. DAVIS, Hasbrouck, soldier and journalist, was born at Worcester, Mass., April 23, 1827, being the son of John Davis, United States Senator and Governor of Massachusetts, known in his lifetime as "Honest John Davis." The son came to Chi- cago in 1855 and commenced the practice of law ; in 1861 joined Colonel Voss in the organiza- tion of the Twelfth Illinois Cavalry, being elected Lieutenant-Colonel and, on the retirement of Colonel Voss in 1863, succeeding to the colonelcy. In March, 1865, he was brevetted Brigadier-Gen- eral, remaining in active service until August, 1865, when he resigned. After the war lie was, for a time, editor of "The Chicago Evening Post," was City Attorney of the City of Chicago from 1867 to '69, but later removed to Massachusetts Colonel Davis was drowned at sea, Oct. 19, 1870. by the loss of the steamship Cambria, while on a voyage to Europe. DAVIS, James M., early lawyer, was born in Barren County, Ky., Oct. 9, 1793, came to Illinois in 1817, located in Bond County and is said to have taught the first school in that county. He became a lawyer and a prominent leader of the Whig party, was elected to the Thirteenth Gen- eral Assembly (1842) from Bond County, and to the Twenty-first from Montgomery in 1858, hav- ing, in the meantime, become a citizen of Hillsboro ; was also a member of the State Consti- tutional Convention of 1847. Mr. Davis was a man of striking personal api>earance, being over six feet in height, and of strong individuality. After the dissolution of the Whig party he identi- fied himself with the Democracy and was an intensely bitter opponent of the war policy of the Government. Died, at Hillsboro, Sept. 17. I860. HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 129 DAVIS, John A., soldier, was born in Craw- ford County, Pa., Oct. 25, 1823; came to Stephen- son County, 111., in boyhood and served as Representative in the General Assembly of 1857 and '59; in September, 1861, enlisted as a private, was elected Captain and, on the organization of the Forty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, at Camp Butler, was commissioned its Colonel. He participated in the capture of Fort Donelson, and in the battle of Shiloh was desperately wounded by a shot through the lungs, but recovered in time to join his regiment before the lattle of Corinth, where, on Oct. 4, 1862, he fell mortally wounded, dying a few days after. On receiving a request from some of his fellow-citi- zens, a few days before his death, to accept a nomination for Congress in the Freeport District, Colonel Davis patriotically replied : "I can serve my country better in following the torn banner of my regiment in the battlefield." DAVIS, LevI, lawyer and State Auditor, was born in Cecil County, Md., July 20, 1806; gradu- ated at Jefferson College, Pa., in 1828, and was admitted to the bar at Baltimore in 1830. The following year he removed to Illinois, settling at Vandalia, then the capital. In 1835 Governor Duncan appointed him Auditor of Public Accounts, to which office he was elected by the Legislature in 1837, and again in 1838. In 1846 he took up his residence at Alton. He attained prominence at the bar and was, for several years, attorney for the Chicago & Alton and St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad Companies, in which he was also a Director. Died, at Alton, March 4, 1897. DAVIS, Nathan Smith, M.I).. I.1..K.. physi- cian, educator and editor, was born in Chenango Countys N. Y., Jan. 9, 1817; took a classical and scientific course in Cazenovia Seminary ; in 1837 graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, winning several prizes during his course; the same year began practice at Bing- hainton; spent two years (1847-49) in New York City, when he removed to Chicago to accept the chair of Physiology and General Pathology in Rush Medical College. In 1859 he accepted a similar position in the Chicago Medical College (now the medical department of Northwestern University), where he still remains. Dr. Davis has not only been a busy practitioner, but a volu- minous writer on general and special topics con- nected with his profession, having been editor at different times of several medical periodicals, including "The Chicago Medical Journal," "The Medical Journal and Examiner," and "The Journal of the American Medical Association.' 1 He lias also been prominent in State, National and International Medical Congresses, and is one of the founders of the Northwestern University, the Chicago Academy of Sciences, the Chicago Historical Society, the Illinois State Microscopi- cal Society and the Union College of Law, besides other scientific and benevolent associations. DAVIS, Oliver L., lawyer, was born in New York City, Dec. 20, 1819; after being in the employ of the American Fur Company some seven years, came to Danville, 111., in 1841 and commenced studying law the next year; was elected to the lower branch of the Seventeenth and Twentieth General Assemblies, first as a Democrat and next (1856) as a Republican; served on the Circuit Bench in 1861-66, and again in 1873-79, being assigned in 1877 to the Appellate bench. Died, Jan. 12, 1892. DAWSON, John, early legislator, was born in Virginia, in 1791; came to Illinois in 1827, set- tling in Sangamon County ; served five terms in the lower house of the General Assembly ( 1830, '34, '36, '38 and '46), during a part of the time being the colleague of Abraham Lincoln. He was one of the celebrated "Long Nine" who repre- sented Sangamon County at the time of the removal of the State capital to Springfield ; was also a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1847. Died, Nov. 13, 1850. DEAF AND DUMB, ILLINOIS INSTITU- TION FOR EDUCATION OF, located at Jack- sonville, established by act of the Legislature, Feb. 23, 1839, and the oldest of the State charitable institutions. Work was not begun until 1842, but one building was ready for partial occupancy in 1846 and was completed in 1849. (In 1871 this building, then known as the south wing, was declared unsafe, and was razed and rebuilt.) The center building was completed in 1852 and the north wing in 1857. Other additions and new buildings have been added from time to time, such as new dining halls, workshops, barns, bakery, refrigerator house, kitchens, a gymnasium, separate cot- tages for the sexes, etc. At present (1895) the institution is probably the largest, as it is un- questionably one of the best conducted, of its class in the world. The number of pupils in 1894 was 716. Among its employes are men and women of ripe culture and experience, who have been con- nected with it for more than a quarter of a century. DEARBORN, Lather, lawyer and legislator, was born at Plymouth, N. H., March 24, 1820, 130 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and educated in Plymouth schools and at New- Hampton Academy ; in youth removed to Dear- born County, Ind., where lie taught school and served as deputy Circuit Clerk; then came to Mason County, 111., and, in 1844, to Elgin. Here he was elected Sheriff and, at the expiration of his term, Circuit Clerk, later engaging in the banking business, which proving disastrous in 1857, he returned to Mason County and began the practice of law. He then spent some years in Minnesota, finally returning to Illinois a second time, resumed practice at Havana, served one term in the State Senate (1876-80); in 1884 became member of a law firm in Chicago, but retired in 1887 to accept the attorneyship of the Chicago & Alton Railway, retaining this position until his death, which occurred suddenly at Springfield, April 5, 1889. For the last two years of his life Mr. Dearborn's residence was at Aurora. DECATUR, the county-seat of Macon County; 39 miles east of Springfield and one mile north of the Sangamon River also an important rail- way center. Three coal shafts are operated out- side the city. It is a center for the grain trade, having five elevators. Extensive car and repair shops are located there, and several important manufacturing industries flourish, among them three flouring mills. Decatur has i>aved streets, water-works, electric street railways, and excel- lent public schools, including one of the best and most noted high schools in the State. Four newspapers are published there, each issuing a daily edition. Pop., (1890), 16,841; (1900), 20.754. DECATUR EDITORIAL CONVENTION. (See Anti-Nebraska Editorial Convention.) DECATUR & EASTERN RAILWAY. (See Indiana, Decatur & Western Railway.) DECATUR, MATTOON & SOUTHERN RAIL- ROAD. (See Peoria, Drcatur 8, the Administration (Buchanan) candidate for State Treasurer, as op]>osed to the Douglas wing of the party, but, in 1861, became a strong sup- jxirter of Abraham Lincoln. He served as Presi- dential Elector on the Republican ticket in 1864 and in 1872 (the former year for the State- at- large), in 1868 was elected Lieutenant-Governor anil, in 1877, to a seat on the criminal bench, serving until June. 1879. Died, at Jonesboro, Sept. 7, 1879. DOUGLAS, John M., lawyer and Railway President, was born at Plattsburg, Clinton County, N. Y., August 22, 1819; read law three years in his native city, then came west and settled at Galena, 111. , where he was admitted to the bar in 1841 and began practice. In 1856 he removed to Chicago, and, the following year, became one of the solicitors of the Illinois Central Railroad, with which he had been associated as an attorney at Galena. Between 1861 and 1876 he was a Director of the Company over twelve years ; from 1865 to 1871 its President, and again for eighteen montlis in 1875-76, when he retired permanently. Mr. Douglas' contemporaries speak of him as a lawyer of great ability, as well as a capable executive officer. Died, in Chicago, March 25, 1891. DOUGLAS, Stephen Arnold, statesman, was bora at Brandon, Vt., April 23, 1813. In conse- quence of the deatli of his father in infancy, his early educational advantages were limited. When fifteen he applied himself to the cabinet- maker's trade, and, in 1830, accompanied his mother and step-father to Ontario County, N. Y. In 1832 he began the study of law, but started for the West in 1833. He taught school at Win- chester, 111., reading law at night and practicing before a Justice of the Peace on Saturdays. He was soon admitted to the bar and took a deep interest in politics. In 1835 he was elected Prose- cuting Attorney for Morgan County, but a few months later resigned this office to enter the lower house of the Legislature, to which he was elected in 1836. In 1838 he was a candidate for Congress, but was defeated by John T. Stuart, his Whig opponent; was appointed Secretary of State in December, 1840, and, in February, 1841, elected Judge of the Supreme Court. He was elected to Congress in 1842, '44 and '46, and, in the latter year, was chosen United States Sena- tor, taking his seat March 4, 1847, and being re-elected in 1853 and '59. His last canvass was rendered memorable through his joint debate, in 1858, before the people of the State with Abraham Lincoln, whom he defeated before the Legisla- ture. He was a candidate for the presidential nomination before the Democratic National Conventions of 1S52 and '56. In 1860, after having failed of a nomination for the Presidency at Charleston, S. C., through the operation of the "two thirds rule," he received the nomination from the adjourned convention held at Baltimore six weeks later though not until the delegates from nearly all the Southern States had with- drawn, the seceding delegates afterwards nomi- 136 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. nating John C. Breckenridge. Although defeated for the Presidency by Lincoln, his old-time antagonist, Douglas yielded a cordial support to the incoming administration in its attitude toward the seceded States, occupying a place of honor beside Mr. Lincoln on the portico of the capitol during the inauguration ceremonies. As politician, orator and statesman, Douglas had few superiors. Quick in perception, facile in expedients, ready in resources, earnest iind fearless in utterance, he was a born "leader of men." His shortness of stature, considered in relation to his extraordinary mental acumen, gained for him the sobriquet of the "Little Giant." He died in Chicago, June 3, 1861. DOUGLAS COUNTY, lying a little east of the center of the State, embracing an area of 410 square miles and having a population (1900) of 19,097. The earliest land entry was made by Harrison Gill, of Kentucky, whose patent was signed by Andrew Jackson. Another early settler was John A. Richman, a West Virginian, who erected one of the first frame houses in the county in 1829. The Embarras and Kas- kaskia Rivers flow through the county, which is also crossed by the Wabash and Illinois Central Railways. Douglas County was organized in 1857 (being set off from Coles) and named in honor of Stephen A. Douglas, then United States Senator from Illinois. After a sharp struggle Tus- cola was made the county-seat. It has been visited by several disastrous conflagrations, but is a thriving town, credited, in 1890, with a population of 1,897. Other important towns are Arcola (population, 1,733), and Camargo, which was originally known as New Salem. DOWNERS GROVE, village, Du Page County, on < ' II .V ',' K. K.. 21 miles south-southwest from Chicago, incorporated 1873 . has water- works, elec- tric lights, telephone system, good schools, bank and a newspaper. Pop. (1890;, 960; (1900), 2,103. DOWNING, Finis Eninp, ex-Congressman and lawyer, was born at Virginia, 111., August 24, 1X46; reared on a farm and educated in the public and private schools of his native town ; from 1865 was engaged in mercantile pursuits until 1880, when he was elected Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cass County, serving three successive terms; read law and was admitted to the bar in Decem- ber, IKHT. In August, 1891, he became interested in "The Virginia Enquirer" (a Democratic paper), which he has since conducted; was elected Secretary of the State Senate in 1893, and. in 1894, was returned as elected to the Fifty- fourth Congress from the Sixteenth District by u plurality of forty votes over Gen. John I. Rinaker. the Republican nominee. A contest and recount of the ballots resulted, however, in awarding the seat to General Rinaker. In 1896 Mr. Downing was the nominee of his party for Secretary of State, but was defeated with the rest of his ticket. DRAKE, Francis Marlon, soldier and Governor, was born at Rushville, Schuyler County, 111., Dec. :!0, 1830; early taken to Drakesville, Iowa, which his father founded; entered mercantile life at 1C years of age; crossed the plains to Cali- fornia in 1852, liad experience in Indian warfare and, in 1859, established himself in business at Unionville, Iowa; served through the Civil War, becoming Lieutenant-Colonel and retiring in 1865 with the rank of Brigadier-Gener.il by brevet. He re-entered mercantile life after the war, was admitted to the bar in 18C6, subsequently engaged in railroad building and, in 1881, contrib- buted the bulk of the funds for founding Drake University; was elected Governor of Iowa in 1895, serving until January, 1898. DRAPER, Andrew Sloan. I.L.I)., lawyer and educator, was born in Otsego County, N. Y., June 21, 1848 being a descendant, in the eighth generation, from the "Puritan," James Draper, who settled in Boston in 1647. In 1855 Mr. Draper's parents settled in Albany, N. Y., where he attended school, winning a scholarship in the Albany Academy in 1863, and graduating from that institution in 1866. During the next four years he was employed in teaching, part of the time as an instructor at his alma mater; but, in 1871, graduated from the Union College Law Department, when he began practice. The rank he attained in the profession was indicated by his appointment by President Arthur, in 1884, one of the Judges of the Alabama Claims Com- mission, upon which he served until the conclu- sion of its labors in 1886. He liad previously served in the New York State Senate (1880) and. in 1884, was a delegate to the Republican National Convention, also serving as Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee the same year. After liis return from Europe in 1886, he served as State Superintendent of Public Instmc tion of New York until 1892, and, in 1889, and again in 1890. was President of the National Association of School Superintendents. Soon after retiring from the State Superintendency in New York, lie was chosen Superintendent of Public Schools for the city of Cleveland. Ohio, remaining in that position until 1894, when In- was elected President of the University of Illinois at Champaign, where he now is. His adminis- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 137 tration has been characterized by enterprise and sagacity, and has tended to promote the popular- ity and prosperity of the institution. DRESSER, Charles, clergyman, was born at Pomfret, Conn., Feb. 24, 1800; graduated from Brown University in 1823, went to Virginia, where he studied theology and was ordained a minister of the Protestant Episcopal Church. In 1838 he removed to Springfield, and became rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church there, retiring in 1858. On Nov. 4, 1842, Mr. Dresser performed the ceremony uniting Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd in marriage. He died, March 25, 1865. DRUMMOND, Thomas, jurist, was born at Bristol Mills, Lincoln County, Maine, Oct. 16, 1809. After graduating from Bowdoin College, in 1830, he studied law at Philadelphia, where he was admitted to the bar in 1*53. He settled at Galena. 111., in 1835, and was a member of the General Assembly in 1840-41. In 1850 he was appointed United States District Judge for the District of Illinois as successor to Judge Nathaniel Pope, and four years later removed to Chicago. Upon the division of the State into two judicial districts, in 1853, he was assigned to the North- ern. In 1869 he was elevated to the bench of the United States Circuit Court, and presided over the Seventh Circuit, which at that time included the States of Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin. In 1884 at the age of 75 he resigned, living in retirement until his death, wliich occurred at VVheaton, 111., May 15, 1890. DUBOIS, Jesse Kllgore, State Auditor, was born, Jan. 14, 1811, in Lawrence County, 111., near Vincennes, Ind., where his father, Capt. Toussaint Dubois, had settled about 1780. The latter was a native of Canada, of French descent, and, after settling in the Northwest Territory, liad been a personal friend of General Harrison, under whom he served in the Indian wars, including the battle of Tippecanoe. The son received a partial collegiate education at Bloom- ington, Ind., but, at 24 years of age (1834), was elected to the General Assembly, serving in the same House with Abraham Lincoln, and being re-elected in 1836, '38, and '42. In 1841 he was appointed by President Harrison Register of the Land Office at Palestine, 111., but soon resigned, giving his attention to mercantile pursuits until 1849, when he was appointed Receiver of Public Moneys at Palestine, but was removed by Pierce in 1853. He was a Delegate to the first Repub- lican State Convention, at Bloomington, in 1856, and, on the recommendation of Mr. Lincoln, was nominated for Auditor of Public Accounts, renominated in 1860, and elected both times. In 1864 he was a candidate for the nomination of his party for Governor, but was defeated by General Oglesby, serving, however, on the National Executive Committee of that year, and as a delegate to the National Convention of 1868. Died, at his home near Springfield, Nov. 22. 1876. Fred T. (Dubois), son of the preceding, was born in Crawford County, 111., May 29, 1851; received a common-school and classical educa- tion, graduating from Yale College in 1872 ; was Secretary of the Illinois Railway and Warehouse Commission in 1875-76 ; went to Idaho Territory and engaged in business in 1880, was appointed United States Marshal there in 1882, serving until 1886; elected as a Republican Delegate to the Fiftieth and Fifty-first Congresses, and, on the admission of Idaho as a State (1890), became one of the first United States Senators, his term extending to 1897. He was Chairman of the Idaho delegation in the National Republican Convention at Minneapolis in 1892, and was a member of the National Republican Convention at St. Louis in 1896, but seceded from that body with Senator Teller of Colorado, and has since cooperated with the Populists and Free Silver Democrats. DUCAT, Arthur Charles, soldier and civil engineer, was born in Dublin, Ireland, Feb. 24. 1830, received a liberal education and became a civil engineer. He settled in Chicago in 1851, and six years later was made Secretary and Chief Surveyor of the Board of Underwriters of that city. While acting in this capacity, he virtually revised the schedule system of rating fire-risks. In 1861 he raised a company of 300 engineers, sappers and miners, but neither the State nor Federal authorities would accept it. Thereupon he enlisted as a private in the Twelfth Illinois Volunteers, but his ability earned him rapid promotion. He rose through the grades of Cap- tain, Major and Lieutenant-Colonel, to that of Colonel, and was brevetted Brigadier-General in February, 1864. Compelled by sickness to leave the army. General Ducat returned to Chicago, re-entering the insurance field and finally, after holding various responsible positions, engaging in general business in that line. In 1875 he was entrusted with the task of reorganizing the State militia, which he performed with signal success. Died, at Downer's Grove, 111., Jan. 29. 1896. DUELS AND ANTI-DUELING LAWS. Al- though a majority of the population of Illinois, in Territorial days, came from Southern States where the duel was widely regarded as the proper 138 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. mode for settling "difficulties" of a personal character, it is a curious fact that so few "affairs of honor" (so-called) should have occurred on Illinois soil. The first "affair" of this sort of which either history or tradition has handed down any account, is said to have occurred between an English and a French officer at the time of the surrender of Fort Cl^artres to the British in 1765, and in connection with that event. The officers are said to have fought with small swords one Sunday morning near the Fort, when one of them was killed, but the name of neither the victor nor the vanquished has come down to the present time. Gov. John Reynolds, who is the authority for the story in his "Pioneer History of Illinois," claimed to have received it in his boyhood from an aged Frenchman who represented that he liad seen the combat. An affair of less doubtful authenticity lias come down to us in the history of the Territorial period, and, although it was at first bloodless, it finally ended in a tragedy. This was the Jones- Bond affair, which originated at Kaskaskia in 1808. Rice Jones was the son of John Rice Jones, the first English-speaking lawyer in the "Illinois Country." The younger Jones is described as an exceptionally brilliant young nian who, having studied law, located at Kaskaskia in 180(3. Two years later he became a candidate for Represent- ative from Randolph County in the Legislature of Indiana Territory, of which Illinois was a part. In the course of the canvass which resulted in Jones' election, he became involved in a quarrel with Shadrach Bond, who was then a member of the Territorial Council from the same county, and afterwards became Delegate in Congress from Illinois and the first Governor of the State. Bond challenged Jones and the meeting took place on an Island in the Mississippi between Kaskaskia and St. Genevieve. Bond's second was a Dr. James Dunlap of Kaskaskia. who apiiears also to have l>een a bitter enemy of Jones. The discliarge of a pistol in the hand of Jones after the combatants had taken their places preliminary to the order to "fire," raised the question whether it was accidental or to be regarded as Jones' fire. Dunlap maintained the latter, but Bond accepted the explanation of his adversary that the discharge was accidental, and the generosity which he displayed led to expla- nations that averted a final exchange of shots. The feud thus started between Jones and Dunlap grew until it involved a large part of the com- munity. On Dec. 7, 1808, Dunlap shot down Jones in cold blood and without warning in the streets of Kaskaskia, killing him instantly. The murderer fled to Texas and was never heard of about Kaskaskia afterwards. This incident furnishes the basis of the most graphic chapter in Mrs. Catherwood's story of "Old Kaskaskia." Prompted by this tragical affair, no doubt, the Governor and Territorial Judges, in 1810, framed a stringent law for the suppression of dueling, in which, in case of a fatal result, all parties con- nected with the affair, as principals or seconds, were held to be guilty of murder. Governor Reynolds furnishes the record of a duel between Thomas Rector, the member of a noted family of that name at Kaskaskia, and one Joshua Barton, supposed to have occurred some- time during the War of 1812, though no exact dates are given. This affair took place on the favorite dueling ground known as "Bloody Island," opposite St. Louis, so often resorted to at a later day, by devotees of "the code" in Mis- souri. Reynolds says that "Barton fell in the conflict." The next affair of which history makes men- tion grew out of a drunken carousel at Belleville, in February, 1819, which ended in a duel between two men named Alonzo Stuart and William Bennett, and the killing of Stuart by Bennett. The managers of the affair for the principals are said to liave agreed that the guns should be loaded with blank cartridges, and Stuart was let into the secret but Bennett was not. When the order to fire came, Bennett's gun proved to liave been loaded with ball. Stuart fell mortally wounded, expiring almost immediately. One report says that the duel was intended as a sham, and was so understood by Bennett, who was horrified by the result. He and his two seconds were arrested for murder, but Bennett broke jail and fled to Arkansas. The seconds were tried, Daniel P. Cook conducting the prosecution and Thomas H. Benton defending, the trial resulting in their acquittal. Two years later, Bennett was appre- hended by some sort of artifice, put on his trial, convicted and executed Judge John Reynolds (afterwards Governor) presiding and pronouncing sentence. In a footnote to "The Edwards Papers," edited by the late E. B. Washburne, and printed under the auspices of the Chicago Historical Society, a few years ago, Mr. Washburne relates an incident occurring in Galena about 1838, while "The Northwestern Gazette and Galena Adver- tiser" was under the charge of Sylvester M. Bartlett, who was afterwards one of the founders of "The Quincy Whig." The story, as told by HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 139 Mr. Washburne, is as follows: "David G. Bates (a Galena business man and captain of a packet plying between St. Louis and Galena) wrote a short communication for the paper reflecting on the character of John Turney, a prominent law- yer who had been a member of the House of Representatives in 1828-30, from the District composed of Pike, Adams, Fulton, Schuyler, Peoria and Jo Daviess Counties. Turney de- manded the name of the author and Bartlett gave up the name of Bates. Turney refused to take any notice of Bates and then challenged Bartlett to a duel, which was promptly accepted by Bart- lett. The second of Turney was the Hon. Joseph P. Hoge, afterward a member of Congress from the Galena District. Bartlett's second was William A. Warren, now of Bellevue, Iowa." (Warren was a prominent Union officer during the Civil War.) "The parties went out to the ground selected for the duel, in what was then Wisconsin Territory, seven miles north of Galena, and, after one ineffectual fire, the matter was compromised. Subsequently, Bartlett removed to Quincy, and was for a long time connected with the publication of 'The Quincy Whig.'" During the session of the Twelfth General Assembly (1841), A. R. Dodge, a Democratic Representative from Peoria County, feeling him- self aggrieved by some reflections indulged by Gen. John J. Hardin (then a Whig Representative from Morgan County) upon the Democratic party in connection with the partisan reorganization of the Supreme Court, threatened to "call out" Hurdin. The affair was referred to W. L. D. Ewing and W. A. Richardson for Dodge, and J. J. Brown and E. B. Webb for Hardin, with the result that it was amicably adjusted "honor- ably to both parties." It was during the same session tliat John A. McClernand, then a young and fiery member from Gallatin County who had, two years l>efore, been appointed Secretary of State by Governor Carlin, but had been debarred from taking the office by an adverse decision of the Supreme Court indulged in a violent attack upon the Whig members of the Court based upon allegations afterwards shown to liave been fur- nished by Theophilus W. Smith, a Democratic member of the same court. Smith having joined his associates in a card denying the truth of the charges, McClernand responded with the publi- cation of the cards of persons tracing the allega- tions directly to Smith himself. This brought a note from Smith which McClernand construed into a challenge and answered with a prompt accept- ance. Attorney-General Lamborn, having got wind of the affair, lodged a complaint with a Springfield Justice of the Peace, wliich resulted in placing the pugnacious jurist under bonds to keep the peace, when he took his departure for Chicago, and the "affair" ended. An incident of greater historical interest than all the others yet mentioned, was the affair in which James Shields and Abraham Lincoln the former the State Auditor and the hitter at that time a young attorney at Springfield were con- cerned. A communication in doggerel verse liad appeared in "The Springfield Journal" ridiculing the Auditor. Shields made demand upon the editor (Mr. Simeon Francis) for the name of the author, and. in accordance with previous under- standing, the name of Lincoln was given. (Evi- dence, later coming to light, showed that the real authors were Miss Mary Todd who, a few months later, became Mrs. Lincoln and Miss Julia Jayne, afterwards the wife of Senator Trumbull.) Shields, tlirough John D. Whiteside. a former State Treasurer, demanded a retraction of the offensive matter the demand being presented to Lincoln at Tremont, in Tazewell County, where Lincoln was attending court. Without attempt- ing to follow the affair through all its complicated details Shields having assumed that Lincoln was the author without further investigation, and Lincoln refusing to make any explanation unless the first demand was withdrawn Lincoln named Dr. E. H. Merriman as his second and accepted Shield's challenge, naming cavalry broadswords as the weapons and the Missouri shore, within three miles of the city of Alton, as the place. The principals, with their "friends," met at the appointed time and place (Sept. 22, 1842. opposite the city of Alton); but, in the meantime, mutual friends, liaving been apprised of what was going on, also appeared on the ground and brought about explanations which averted an actual con- flict. Those especially instrumental in bringing about this result were Gen. John J. Hardin of Jacksonville, and Dr. R. W. English of Greene County, while John D. Whiteside, W. L. D. Ewing anil Dr. T. M. Hope acted as represent- atives of Shields, and Dr. E. H. Merriman, Dr. A. T. Bledsoe and William Butler for Lincoln. Out of this affair, within the next few days, followed challenges from Shields to Butler and Whiteside to Merriman ; but, although these were accepted, yet owing to some objection on the part of the challenging party to the conditions named by the party challenged, thereby resulting in de- lay, no meeting actually took place. * 140 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Another affair which bore important results without ending in a tragedy, occurred during the session of the Constitutional Convention in 1847. The parties to it were O. C. Pratt and Thompson Campbell both Delegates from Jo Daviess County, and both Democrats. Some sparring between them over the question of suffrage for naturalized foreigners resulted in an invitation from Pratt to Campbell to meet him at the Planters' House in St. Louis, with an intimation that this was for the purpose of arranging the preliminaries of a duel. Both parties were on hand before the appointed time, but their arrest by the St. Louis authorities and putting them under heavy bonds to keep the peace, gave them an excuse for returning to their convention duties without coming to actual hostilities if they had such intention. This was promptly followed by the adoption in Convention of the provision of the Constitution of 1848, disqualify- ing any person engaged in a dueling affair, either as principal or second, from holding any office of honor or profit in the State. The last and principal affair of this kind of historic significance, in which a citizen of Illinois was engaged, though not on Illinois soil, was that in which Congressman William H. Bissell, after- wards Governor of Illinois, and Jefferson Davis were concerned in February, 1850. During the debate on the "Compromise Measures" of that year, Congressman Seddon of Virginia went out of his way to indulge in implied reflections upon the courage of Northern soldiers as displayed on the battle-field of Buena Vista, and to claim for the Mississippi regiment commanded by Davis the credit of saving the day. Replying to these claims Colonel Bissell took occasion to correct the Virginia Congressman's statements, and especi- ally to vindicate the good name of the Illinois and Kentucky troops. In doing so he declared that, at the critical moment alluded to by Seddon, when the Indiana regiment gave -way, Davis's regiment was not within a mile and a half of the scene of action. This was construed by Davis as a reflection upon his troops, and led to a challenge which was promptly accepted by Bissell, who named the soldier's weapon (the common army musket), loaded with ball ivnd buckshot, with forty paces as the distance, with liberty to advance up to ten otherwise leaving the pre- liminaries to be settled by his friends. The evi- dence manifested by Bissell that he was not to be intimidated, but was prepared to face death itself to vindicate his own honor and that of his comrades in the field, was a surprise to the South- ern leaders, and they soon found a way for Davis to withdraw his challenge on condition that Bissell should add to his letter of acceptance a clause awarding credit to the Mississippi regi- ment for what they actually did, but without dis- avowing or retracting a single word he had uttered in his speech. In the meantime, it is said that President Taylor, who was the father-in-law of Davis, having been apprised of what was on foot, had taken precautions to prevent a meeting by instituting legal proceedings the night before it was to take place, though this was rendered unnecessary by the act of Davis himself. Thus, Colonel Bissell's position was virtually (though indirectly) justified by his enemies. It is true, he was violently assailed by his political opponents for alleged violation of the inhibition in the State Constitution against dueling, especially when he came to take the oatli of office as Governor of Illinois, seven years later; but his course in "turn- ing the tables" against his fire-eating opponents aroused the enthusiasm of the North, while his friends maintained that the act having been performed beyond the jurisdiction of the State, he was technically not guilty of any violation of the laws. While the provision in the Constitution of 184H. against dueling, was not re-incorporated in that of 1870, the laws on the subject are very strin- gent. Besides imposing a penalty of not less than one nor more than five years' imprisonment, or a fine not exceeding $3,000, upon any one who, as principal or second, participates in a duel with a deadly weapon, whether such duel proves fatal or not, or who seniLs, carries or accepts a chal- lenge: the law also provides that any one con- victed of such offense shall he disqualified for holding "any office of profit, trust or emolument, either civil or military, under the Constitution or laws of this State." Any person leaving the State to send or receive a challenge is subject to the same penalties as if the offense had lieen committed within the State; and any person who may inflict upon his antagonist a fatal wound, as ' the result of an engagement made in this State to fight a duel beyond its jurisdiction when the person so wounded dies within this State is held to be guilty of murder and subject to punishment for the same. The publishing of any person as a coward, or the applying to him of opprobrious or abusive language, for refusing to accept a clial- lenge, is declared to be a crime punishable by fine or imprisonment. DUFF, Andrew D., lawyer and Judge, was Iwrn of a family of pioneer settlers in Bond HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 141 County, 111., Jan. 24, 1820; was educated in the country schools, and, from 1842 to 1847, spent his time in teaching and as a fanner. The latter year he removed to Benton, Franklin County, where he began reading law, but suspended his studies to enlist in the Mexican War, serving as a private; in 1849 was elected County Judge of Franklin County, and, in the following year, was admitted to the bar. In 1861 he was elected Judge for the Twenty-sixth Circuit and re- elected in 1867, serving until 1873. He also served as a Delegate in the State Constitutional Convention of 1862 from the district composed of Franklin and Jackson Counties, and, being a zealous Democrat, was one of the leaders in calling the mass meeting held at Peoria, in August, 1864, to protest against the jwlicy of the Government in the prosecution of the war. About the close of his last term upon the bench (1873), he removed to Carbondale, where he con- tinued to reside. In his later years he be- came an Independent in politics, acting for :. time in cooperation with the friends of temperance. In 1885 he was appointed by joint resolution of the Legislature on a commission to revise the revenue code of the State. Died, at Tucson, Ariz., June 25, 1889. DUNCAX, Joseph, Congressman and Gov- ernor, was born at Paris, Ky., Feb. 22, 1794; emigrated to Illinois in 1818, having previously served with distinction in the War of 1812, and been presented with a sword, by vote of Congress, for gallant conduct in the defense of Fort Stephen- son. He was commissioned Major-General of Illinois militia in 1823 and elected State Senator from Jackson County in 1824. He served in the lower house of Congress from 1827 to 1834, when he resigned his seat to occupy 'the gubernatorial chair, to which he was elected the latter year. He was the author of the first free-school law, adopted in 1825. His executive policy was con- servative and consistent, and his administration successful. He erected the first frame building at Jacksonville, in 1834, and was a liberal friend of Illinois College at that place. In his personal character he was kindly, genial and unassuming, although fearless in the expression of his convic- tions. He was the Whig candidate for Governor in 1842, when he met with his first political defeat. Died, at Jacksonville, Jan. 15, 1844, mourned by men of all parties. DUNCAN, Thomas, soldier, was born in Kas- kaskia. III., April 14, 1809; served as a private in the Illinois mounted volunteers during the Black Hawk War of 1832 ; also as First Lieutenant of cavalry in the regular army in the Mexican War (1846), and as Major and Lieutenant-Colonel during the War of the Rebellion, still later doing duty upon the frontier keeping the Indians in check. He was retired from active service in 1873, and died in Washington, Jan. 7, 1887. DUNDEE, a town on Fox River, in Kane County. 5 miles (by rail) north of Elgin and 47 miles west-northwest of Chicago. It has two distinct corporations East and West Dundee but is progressive and united in action. Dairy farming is the principal industry of the adjacent region, and the town has two large milk-con- densing plants, a cheese factory, etc. It lias good water power and there are flour and saw-mills, besides brick and tile-works, an.extensive nursery, two banks, six churches, a handsome high school building, a public library and one weekly paper. Population (1890), 2,023; (1900), 2,765. DUNHAM, John High, banker and Board of Trade operator, was born in Seneca County, N. Y., 1817; came to Chicago in 1844, engaged in the wholesale grocery trade, and, a few years later, took a prominent part in solving the ques- tion of a water supply for the city ; was elected to the Twentieth General Assembly (1856) and the next year assisted in organizing the Merchants' Loan & Trust Company, of which he became the first President, retiring five years later and re- engaging in the mercantile business. While Hon. Hugh McCullough was Secretary of the Treasury, he was appointed National Bank Examiner for Illinois, serving until 1866. He was a member of the Chicago Historical Society, the Academy of Sciences, and an early member of the Board of Trade. Died, April 28, 18113, leaving a large estate. DUNHAM, Ransom W.. merchant and Con- gressman, was born at Savoy, Mass., March 21. 1838; after graduating from the High School at Springfield. Mass., in 1855. was connected with the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany until August, 1860. In 1857 he removed from Springfield to Chicago, and at the termina- tion of his connection with the Insurance Com- pany, embarked in the grain and provision commission business in that city, and, in*"1882, was President of the Chicago Board of Trade. From 1883 to 1889 he represented the First Illinois District in Congress, after the expiration of his last term devoting his attention to his large private business. His death took place suddenly at Springfield, Mass.. August 19, 1896. DUNLAP, (icoruc Lincoln, civil engineer and Railway Superintendent, was born at Brunswick, 142 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Maine, in 1828; studied mathematics and engineer- ing at Gorham Academy, and, after several years' experience on the Boston & Maine and the New York & Erie Railways, came west in 1855 and accepted a position as assistant engineer on what is now the Chicago & Northwestern Rail- road, finally becoming its General Superintend- ent, and, in fourteen years of his connection with that road, vastly extending its lines. Between 1872 and '79 he was connected with the Montreal & Quebec Railway, but the latter year returned to Illinois and was actively connected with the extension of the Wabash system until his retire- ment a few years ago. DUNLAP, Henry M., horticulturist and legis- lator, was born in Cook County, 111., Nov. 14, 1853 the son of M. L. Dunlap (the well-known "Rural"), who became a prominent horticulturist In Champaign County and was one of the found- ers of the State Agricultural Society. The family having located at Savoy, Champaign County, about 1857, the younger Dunlap was educated in the University of Illinois, graduating in the scientific department in 1875. Following in the footsteps of his father, he engaged extensively in fruit-growing, and has served in the office of both President and Secretary of the State Horti cultural Society, besides local offices. In 1892 he was elected as a Republican to the State Senate for the Thirtieth District, was re-elected in 1896, anil has been prominent in State legislation. DUNLAP, Mathias Lane, horticulturist, was Iwrn at Cherry Valley, N. Y., Sept. 14. 1814; I'oming to La Salle County, 111., in 1835, he taught school the following winter; then secured a clerkship in Chicago, and later became hook- keeper for a firm of contractors on the Illinois & Michigan Canal, remaining two years. Having entered a body of Government land in the western part of Cook County, he turned his attention to farming, giving a portion of his time to survey- ing. In 1845 he became interested in horticulture iind, in a few years, built up one of the most extensive nurseries in the West. In 1854 he was chosen a Representative in the Nineteenth Gen- eral Assembly from Cook County, and, at the following session, presided over the caucus which resulted in the nomination and final election of Lyman Trumbull to the United States Senate for the first time Politically an anti-slavery Demo- crat, he espoused the cause of freedom in the Territories, while his house was one of the depots of the "underground railroad." In 1855 he pur- chased a half-section of land near Champaign, whither he removed, two years later, for the prosecution of his nursery business. He was an active member, for many years, of the State Agri- cultural Society and an earnest supporter of the scheme for the establishment of an "Industrial University," which finally took form in the Uni- versity of Illinois at Champaign. From 1853 to his death he was the agricultural correspondent, first of "The Chicago Democratic Press," and later of "The Tribune," writing over the nom de plume of "Rural." Died, Feb. 14, 1875. DU PAGE COUNTY, organized in 1839, named for a river which flows through it. It adjoins Cook County on the west and contains 340 square miles. In 1900 its population was 28,196. The county-seat was originally at Naperville, which was platted in 1842 and named in honor of Capt. Joseph Naper, who settled upon the site in 1831. In 18G9 the county government was removed to Wheaton, the location of Wheaton College, where it yet remains. Besides Captain Naper, early settlers of prominence were Bailey Hobson (the pioneer in the township of Lisle), and Pierce Downer (in Downer's Grove). The chief towns are Wheaton (population, 1,622), Naperville (2,216), Hinsdale (1,584), Downer's Grove (960), and Roselle (450). Hinsdale and Roselle are largely populated by persons doing business in Chicago. DO <{UOIX, a city and railway junction in Perry County, 76 miles north of Cairo; has a foundry, machine shops, planing-mill, flour mills, salt works, ice factory, soda-water factory, creamery, coal mines, graded school, public library and four newspapers. Population (1890), 4.052; (1900), 4,353; (1903, school census), 5,207. DURBOROW, Allan Cathcart, ex-Congress- man, was born in Philadelphia, Nov. 20, 1857. When five years old he accompanied his parents to Williamsport, Ind., where he received his early education. He entered the preparatory department of Wabash College in 1872, and graduated from the University of Indiana, at Bloomington, in 1877. After two years' residence in Indianapolis, he removed to Chicago, where he engaged in business. Always active in local politics, he was elected by the Democrats in 1890, and again in 1892, Representative in Congress from the Second District, retiring with the close of the Fifty-third Congress. Mr. Durborow is Treasurer of the Chicago Air-Line Express Com- pany. DUSTIN, (Gen.) Daniel, soldier, was born in Topsham, Orange County, Vt., Oct. 5, 1820; received a common-school and academic educa- tion, graduating in medicine at Dartmouth Col- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 143 lege in 1846. After practicing three years at Corinth, Vt., he went to California in 1850 and engaged in mining, but three years later resumed the practice of his profession while conducting a mercantile business. He was subsequently chosen to the California Legislature from Nevada County, but coming to Illinois in 1858, he engaged in the drug business at Sycamore, De Kalb County, in connection with J. E. Elwood. On the breaking out of the war in 1861, he sold out his drug business and assisted in raising the Eighth Regiment Illinois Cavalry, and was com- missioned Captain of Company L. The regiment was assigned to the Army of the Potomac, and, in January, 1862, he was promoted to the position of Major, afterwards taking part in the battle of Manassas, and the great "seven days' fight" before Richmond. In September, 1862, the One Hundred and Fifth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry was mustered in at Dixon, and Major Dustin was commissioned its Colonel, soon after joining the Army of the Cumberland. After the Atlanta campaign he was assigned to the com- mand of a brigade in the Third Division of the Twelfth Army Corps, remaining in this position to the close of the war, meanwhile having been brevetted Brigadier-General for bravery displayed on the battle-field at Averysboro, N. C. He was mustered out at Washington, June 7, 1865, and took part in the grand review of the armies in that city which marked the close of the war. Returning to his home in De Kalb County, he was elected County Clerk in the following November, remaining in office four years. Sub- sequently he was chosen Circuit Clerk and ex- officio Recorder, and was twice thereafter re-elected in 1884 and 1888. On the organization of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Quincy, in 1885, he was appointed by Governor Oglesby one of the Trustees, retaining the position until his death. In May, 1890, he was appointed by President Harrison Assistant United States Treasurer at Chicago, but died in office while on a visit with his daughter at Carthage, Mo., March 30, 1892. General Dustin was a Mason of high degree, and, in 18T2, was chosen Right Eminent Commander of the Grand Commandery of the State. IMVKillT, a prosperous city in Livingston County, 74 miles, by rail, south-southwest of Chi- cago, 52 miles northeast of Bloomington, and 22 miles east of Streator; has two banks, two weekly papers, six s churches, five large warehouses, two electric light plants, complete water-works sys- tem, and four hotels. The city is the center of a rich farming and stock-raising district. Dwight has attained celebrity as the location of the first of "Keeley Institutes," founded for the cure of the drink and morphine habit. Population (1890), 1,354; (1900), 2,015. These figures do not include the floating population, which 13 augmented by patients who receive treatment at the "Keeley Institute." DYER, Charles Yolney, M.It., pioneer physi- cian, was born at Clarendon, Vt., June 12, 1808; graduated in medicine at Middlebury College, in 1830: began practice at Newark, N. J., in 1831, and in Chicago in 1835. He was an uncomprom- ising opponent of slavery and an avowed sup- porter' of the "underground railroad," and, in 1848, received the support of the Free-Soil party of Illinois for Governor. Dr. Dyer was also one of the original incorporators of the North Chicago Street Railway Company, and his name was prominently identified with many local benevo- lent enterprises. Died, in Lake View (then a suburb of Chicago), April 24, 1878. EARLVILLE, a city and railway junction in La Salle County, 52 miles northeast of Princeton, at the intersecting point of the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy i^nd the Chicago & Northwestern Railroads. It is in the center of an agricultural and stock-raising district, and is an important shipping-point. It has seven churches, a graded school, one bank, two weekly newspapers and manufactorTes of plows, wagons and carriages. Population (1980), 963; (1890), 1,058; (1900), 1,122. EARLY, John, legislator and Lieutenant-Gov- ernor, was born of American parentage and Irish ancestry in Essex County, Canada West, March 17, 1828, and accompanied liis parents to Cale- donia, Boone County, 111., in 1846. His boyhood was passed upon his father's farm, and in youth he learned the trade (his father's) of carpenter and joiner. In 1852 he removed to Rockford, Winnebago County, and, in 1865, became State Agent of the New England Mutual Life Insur- ance Company. Between 1863 and 1866 he held sundry local offices, and, in 18G9, was appointed by Governor Palmer a Trustee of the State Reform School. In 1870 he was elected State Senator and re-elected in 1874, serving in the Twenty-seventh, Twenty eighth. Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth General Assemblies. In 1873 he was elected President pro tern, of the Senate, and, Lieut-Gov. Beveridge succeeding to the executive chair, he became ex-officio Lieutenant-Governor. In 1875 he was again the Republican nominee for the Presidency of the Senate, but *as defeated 144 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. by a coalition of Democrats and Independents. He died while a member of the Senate. Sept. 2, 1877. EARTHQUAKE OF 1811. A series of the most remarkable earthquakes in the history of the Mississippi Valley began on the night of November 16, 1811. continuing for several months and finally ending with the destruction of Carac- cas, Venezuela, in March following. While the center of the earlier disturbance appears to have been in the vicinity of New Madrid, in Southeast- ern Missouri, its minor effects were felt through a wide extent of country, especially in the settled portions of Illinois. Contemporaneous history states that, in the American Bottom, then the most densely settled portion of Illinois, the results were very perceptible. The walls of a brick house belonging to Mr. Samuel Judy, a pioneer settler in the eastern edge of the bottom, near Edwardsville. Madison County, were cracked by the convulsion, the effects being seen for more than two generations. Gov. John Reynolds, then a young man of 23. living witli his father's family in what was called the "Goshen Settle- ment," near Edwardsville, in his history of "My Own Times," says of it: "Our family were all sleeping in a log-cabin, and my father leaped out of bed, crying out, 'The Indians are on the house. The battle of Tippecanoe had been recently fought, and it was supposed the Indians would attack the settlements. Not one in the family knew at that time it was an earthquake. The next morning another shock made us acquainted with it. ... The cattle came running home bellowing with fear, and all animals were terribly alarmed. Our house cracked and quivered so we were fearful it would fall to the ground. In the American Bottom many chimneys were thrown down, and the church bell at Cahokia was sounded by the agitation of the building. It is said a shock of an earthquake was felt in Kaskas- kia in 1804, but I did not perceive it." Owing to the sparseness of the population in Illinois at that time, but little is known of the effect of the con- vulsion of 1811 elsewhere, but there are numerous "sink-holes" in Union and adjacent counties, between the forks of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, which probably owe their origin to this or some similar disturbance. "On the Kaskaskia River below Athens," says Governor Reynolds in his "Pioneer History." "the water and white sand were thrown up through a fissure of the earth." EAST DUBUQUE, an incorporated city of Jo Daviess County, on the east bank of the Missis- sippi, 17 miles (by rail) northeast of Galena. It is connected with Dubuque, Iowa, by a railroad and a wagon bridge two miles in length. It has a grain elevator, a box factory, a planing mill and manufactories of cultivators and sand drills. It has also a bank, two churches, good public schools and a weekly newspaper. Population (1880). 1,037; (1890). 1,069; (1900), 1,146. EA8TON, (Col.) Knfiis. pioneer, founder of the city of Alton; was born at Litchfield. Conn., May 4, 1774; studied law and practiced two years in Oneida County. N. V. ; emigrated to St. Louis in 1804. and was commissioned by President Jefferson Judge of the Territory of Louisiana, and also became the first Postmaster of St. Louis, in 1808. From 1814 to 1818 he served as Delegate in Congress from Missouri Territory, and, on the organization of the State of Missouri (1821). was appointed Attorney -General for the State, serving until 1826. His death occurred at St. Charles, Mo.. July 5, 1834. Colonel Easton's connection with Illinois history is based chiefly upon the fact that he was the founder of the present city of Alton, which he laid out, in 1817, on a tract of land of which he had obtained possession at the mouth of the Little Piasa Creek, naming the town for his son. Rev. Thomas Lippincott, prominently identified with the early history of that portion of the State, kept a store for Easton at Milton, on Wood River, about two miles from Alton, in the early " '20's." EAST ST. LOUIS, a flourishing city in St. Clair County, on the east bank of the Mississippi di- rectly opposite St. Louis; is the terminus of twenty-two railroads and several electric lines, and the leading commercial and manufacturing point in Southern Illinois. Its industries include rolling mills, steel, brass, malleable iron and glass works, grain elevators and flour mills, breweries, stockyards and packing houses. The city has eleven public and five parochial schools, one high school, and two colleges; is well sup- plied with banks and has one daily and four weekly papers. Population (1890), 15,169; (1900), 29,655; (1903, est). 40,000. EASTERN HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. The act for the establishment of this institution passed the General Assembly in 1877. Many cities offered inducements, by way of donations, for the location of the new hospital, but the site finally selected was a farm of 250 acres near Kun- kakee, and this was subsequently enlarged by the purchase of 327 additional acres in 1881. Work was begun in 1878 and the first patients received in December, 1879. The plan of the institution is. in many respects, unique. It comprises a X 3 Jl pa z; O VJ 15 O 79 X V) 25 X > 7; 144 HISTORICAL KNCYCLOI'KDIA <>K ILLINOIS. I iv a coalition of Demorrats .UK! Independents lie died wliili' a uiemlicr of the Senate. Sept. '. 1*77. KAKTHOJAKK OK Isll. A .cries of t| l( . unt remarkable earthquakes, in I lie history of the Mississippi Valley he^an mi the nijjht of Novembpf Hi. IMl ci ml inning for several months Mini finally endim.:' ^ith the'destruct inn of Carac .as Venezuela, in M:in-h f..ll,.w i.,_- While the center of tht- earlier .list iir bailee appears to have lieen in the \ icinity nl 1 New Madrid in Southeast ern Missouri, its minor etfeets were felt through a wide c\ici,t ..I ...until es|iecially in the -le The walls of a brick limise boloimin^ t> Mr Samuel .Imh a pioneer settler in I he eastern eil^'e of the Ixittom near Kdwardsville. Madison Count v . were cracked In' t he eon\ nlsion. the etfects beinji seen for more than I wo general tons ( lov John Ke\ nolds. then a youne; man of .':! living with his father's family in what was called the "(ioshen Settle inent." near r'dwar\viiif; t" the |i.n i-i,.- ..t the population in Illinoisat that time, l.u! little is known of the effect : thcentl- i ulsioii of 1>-1 1 elsew -here, hut t here are numerous "sinkholes" in Cnion ami ail.jacent counties. Itetwei-u the forks of the Ohio ami Mississippi lli\ crs. which prohahly owe t heir origin to t his i> r some similar ilisturhance "On the Kaskaskia 1,'iver lielow Athens " says Governor Ifeynolils in his "Pioneer History." "t he water ami w hite saml were thrown up t hrounh a fissure of the earth" KAST IU'IM'()l"E,an incorporate,| ,-ity ..!' .1,, llaviess County on the east liank of the Missis sippi 1? miles l,\ raid northeast of lialena It is iMiuneoti'il with Duhuque. Iowa, by a railmttil ami a wa^on hriil^e two miles in length It has a ^'rain elevator, a lio.\ faetory. a planini; mill ami manufactories of cultivators ami saml ilrills It has also a liank. two churches u,,.l pulilie SI'|KKI|S ami a weekly news|iaper. Population , issil). t,u:!7: dsiidi. I.IMHI; (I'.tildi, 1.140. I VN| u\. i ('ill. i liiilns, pioneer foiimlerof the city of Alton: was l.oii. at l.itchlielil. Conn.. May l.i 1771. xtmlii'il law ami practiceil two years in Oneiila County. X. V ; emigrated to St. Louis in |SI4. ami was ciimiuissioneil hy Presi-lent .letfei'son .Inil^e ot the Territory of Louisiana, ami also hecame the tirst 1'ost master of St. Louis, in ixns. From 1*1 I to 1*1* he served as Delegate in Congress from Mis.soiivi Territory and. on the organization of the State of Missouri (!*.'! i was appointed \ttorney ( ieneral for t he State, serving until Is-.'li Mis .leath o,-curred at St. Cliarles Mo .Inly ">. |s:tl Colonel Kaston's connei't ion with Illinois history is l.ased chielly upon the fact that he was I he founder of the present city i.f \lton w In. -h he laid out. in 1*1 7. on a t ract of land of which he had ohtained |iossession at the mouth of id.. Little I'iasa Creek, naming the lown foi- his son. Rev. Thomas Lippincotl. prominently iilentilied with the early history of that [Kirtion of the State kept a store for Kastoii al Milton, on Wood River, alioiit two miles from Alton, in the early " ''Jo's KAST ST. I.OI IS. a nourishing city in St. Clair County, on the east hank of the Mississippi di- rectly opposite St. Louis; is the terminus of twenty-twi> railroads and several eleetrie lines, and the leading commercial atid niannfai turin point in Southern Illinois Its industries include rolling mills, steel, hrass. malleahle iron and ^lass works, xrain elevators and Hour mills, hreweries. stockyards and packing houses. The city has eleven puhlic and live parochial schools, one liiyli school, and two colleges: is well sup- plieil with kinks ami has ore daily and four weekly pajiers Population (I *!K>) l."i.|ll!l; (l'- MMI ). ',".t,li.Vi: l!lli:i es|. i III. 110(1 EASTKKX IIOSIMTA1. KOI! THE INSANE. The act foi the estahlishment of tins institutioti passed the (ieneral Assembly in 1*77. Many cities offered inducements hy way of donations, for the location of the new hospital, hut the site tinally sj'leeted was a farm of 'J."iO acres near Kan kakce and this was subsequently enlarged liv the purehase of :7 additional a<-res in 1**1 Work was iK'^'un in l^x , tM ,| (). f, rs t jiatients reeeiveil in UecemlK-r |s7!i The plan of the institution is in many respects. unii|iie It comprises a LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 145 general building, three stories high, capable of accommodating 300 to 400 patients, and a number of detached buildings, technically termed cot- tages, where various classes of insane patients may be grouped and receive the particular treatment best adapted to ensure their recovery. The plans were mainly worked out from suggestions by Frederick Howard Wines, LL.D., then Secretary of the Board of Public Charities, and have attracted generally favorable comment both in this country and abroad. The seventy-five build- ings occupied for the various purposes of the institution, cover a quarter-section of land laid off in regular streets, beautified with trees, plants and flowers, and presenting all the appearance of a flourishing village with numerous small parks adorned with walks and drives. The counties from which patients are received include Cook. Champaign, Coles, Cumberland. De Witt, Doug- las, Edgar, Ford, Grundy, Iroquois, Kankakee. La Salle, Livingston, Macon, McLean, Moultrie j Piatt, Shelby, Vermilion and Will. The whole number of patients in 1M9H was 2,200, while the employes of all classes numbered .TOO. EASTERN ILLINOIS NORMAL SCHOOL, an institution designed to qualify teachers for giving instruction in the public schools, located at Charleston, Coles County, under an act of the Legislature passed at the session of 1895. The act appropriated $50,000 for the erection of build- ings, to which additional appropriations were added in 1897 and 1898, of 25,000 and $50,000, respectively, with $56,216.72 contributed by the city of Charleston, making a total of $181,216.72. The building was begun in 1896, the corner-stone being laid on May 27 of that year. There was delay in the progress of the work in consequence of the failure of the contractors in December, 1896, but the work was resumed in 1897 and practically completed early in 1899, with the expectation that the institution would be opened for the reception of students in September fol- lowing. EASTMAN, Zebina, anti-slavery journalist, was born at North Amherst, Mass.. Sept. 8, 1815; became a printer's apprentice at 14. but later spent a short time in an academy at Hadley. Then, after a brief experience as an employe in the office of "The Hartford Pearl," at the age of 18 he invested his patrimony of some 82,000 in the establishment of "The Free Press" at Fayette- ville, Vt. This venture proving unsuccessful, in 1837 he came west, stopping a year or two at Ann Arbor, Mich. In 1839 he visited Peoria by way of Chicago, working for a time on "The Peoria Register," but soon after joined Benjamin Lundy, who was preparing to revive his paper. "The Genius of Universal Emancipation," at Lowell. La Salle County. This scheme was partially defeated by Lundy 's early death, but, after a few months' delay, Eastman, in conjunc- tion with Hooper Warren, began the publication of "The Genius of Liberty" as the successor of Lundy 's paper, using the printing press which Warren had used in the office of "The Commer- cial Advertiser, " in Chicago, a year or so before. In 1842, at the invitation of prominent Abolitionists, the paper was removed to Chicago, where it was issued under the name of "The Western Citizen," in 1853 becoming "The Free West," and finally, in 1856, being merged in "The Chicago Tribune." After the suspension of "The Free West," Mr. Eastman began the publication of "The Chicago Magazine," a literary and historical monthly, but it reached only its fifth number, when it was discontinued for want of financial support. In 1861 he was appointed by President Lincoln United States Consul at Bristol. England, where he remained eight years. On his return from Europe, he took up his residence at Elgin, later removing to Maywood, a suburb of Chicago, where he died, June 14, 1883. During the latter years of his life Mr. Eastman contributed many articles of great historical interest to the Chi- cago press. (See Ln-ndy. Benjamin, and Warrett, Hooper.) EBERHART, John .Frederick, educator and real-estate operator, was born in Mercer County. Pa., Jan. 21, 1829: commenced teaching at 16 years of age, and, in 1853, graduated from Alle- gheny College, at Meadville. soon after becoming Principal of Albright Seminary at Berlin, in the same State ; in 1855 came west by way of .Chicago, locating at Dixon and engaging in editorial work ; a year later established "The Northwestern Home and School Journal." which he published three years, in the meantime establishing and conducting teachers' institutes in Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. In 1859 he was elected School Commissioner of Cook County a position which was afterwards changed to County Superintend- ent of Schools, and which he held ten years. Mr. Eberhurt was largely instrumental in the estab- lishment of the Cook County Normal School. Since retiring from office he lias been engaged in the real-estate business in Chicago. ECKHART, Bernard A., manufacturer and President of the Chicago Drainage Board, was born in Alsace. France (now Germany), brought to America in infancy and reared on a farm in 146 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Vernon County, Wis. ; was educated at Milwau- kee, and, in 1868, became clerk in the office of the Eagle Milling Company of that city, afterwards serving as its Eastern agent in various seaboard cities. He finally established an extensive mill- ing business in Chicago, in which lie is now engaged. In 1884 he served as a delegate to the National Waterway Convention at St. Paul and, in 1886, was elected to the State Senate, serving four years and taking a prominent part in draft- ing the Sanitary Drainage Bill passed by the Thirty-sixth General Assembly. He has also been prominent in connection with various financial institutions, and, in 1891, was elected one of the Trustees of the Sanitary District of Chicago, was re-elected in 1895 and chosen President of the Board for the following year, and re-elected Pres- ident in December, 1898. EDBROOKE, Willonghby J., Supervising Architect, was born at Deerfield, Lake County, 111. , Sept. 3, 1843 ; brought up to the architectural profession by his father and under the instruc- tion of Chicago architects. During Mayor Roche's administration he held the position of Commissioner of Public Works, and, in April, 1891, was appointed Supervising Architect of the Treasury Department at Washington, in that capacity supervising the construction of Govern- ment buildings at the World's Columbian Exposi- tion. Died, in Chicago, March 26, 1896. EDDY, Henry, pioneer lawyer and editor, was born in Vermont, in 1798, reared in New York, learned the printer's trade at Pittsburg, served in the War of 1812, and was wounded in the battle of Black Rock, near Buffalo ; came to Shawneetown, 111., in 1818, where he edited "The Illinois Emigrant," the earliest paper in that part of the State ; was a Presidential Elector in 1824, a Representative in the Second and Fif- teenth General Assemblies, and elected a Circuit Judge in 1835, but resigned a few weeks later. He was a Whig in politics. Usher F. Linder, in his "Reminiscences of .. the Early Bench and Bar of Illinois," says of Mr. Eddy: "When he addressed the court, he elicited the most profound attention. He was a sort of walking law library. He never forgot anything that he ever knew, whether law, poetry or belles lettres. " Died, June 29, 1849. EDDY, Thomas Mears, clergyman and author, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, Sept. 7, 1823; educated at Greensborough, Ind., and, from 1842 to 1853, was a Methodist circuit preacher in that State, becoming Agent of the American Bible Society the latter year, and Presiding Elder of the Indianapolis district until 1856, when he was appointed editor of "The Northwestern Christian Advocate," in Chicago, retiring from that position in 1868. Later, he held pastorates in Baltimore and Washington, and was chosen one of the Corresponding Secretaries of the Mis- sionary Society by the General Conference of 1872. Dr. Eddy was a copious writer for the press, and, besides occasional sermons, published two volumes of reminiscences and personal sketches of prominent Illinoisans in the War of the Rebellion under the title of "Patriotism of Illinois" (1865). Died, in New York City, Oct. 7. 1874. EDGAR, John, early settler at Kaskaskia, was born in Ireland and, during the American Revo- lution, served as an officer in the British navy, but married an American woman of great force of character who sympathized strongly with the patriot cause. Having become involved in the desertion of three British soldiers whom his wife had promised to assist in reaching the American camp, he was compelled to flee. After remaining for a while in the American army, during which he became the friend of General La Fayette, he sought safety by coming west, arriving at Kas- kaskia in 1784. His property was confiscated, but his wife succeeded in saving some $12,000 from the wreck, with which she joined him two years later. He engaged in business and became an extensive land-owner, being credited, during Territorial days, with the ownership of nearly 50,000 acres situated in Randolph, Monroe, St. Clair, Madison, Clinton, Washington, Perry and Jackson Counties, and long known as the "Edgar lands." He also purchased and rebuilt a mill near Kaskaskia which had belonged to a French- man named Paget, and became a large shipper of flour at an early day to the Southern markets. When St. Clair County was organized, in 1790, he was appointed one of the Judges of the Common Pleas Court, and so appears to have continued for more than a quarter of a century. On the establishment of a Territorial Legislature for the Northwest Territory, he was chosen, in 1799, one of the members for St. Clair County the Legis- lature holding its session at Chillicothe, in the present State of Ohio, under the administration of Governor St. Clair. He was also appointed a Major General of militia, retaining the office for many years. General and Mrs. Edgar were leaders of society at the old Territorial capital, and, on the visit of La Fayette to Kaskaskia in 1825, a reception was given at their hquse to the distinguished Frenchman, whose acquaintance HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OK ILLINOIS. U7 they had made more than forty years before. He died at Kaskaskia. in 1832. Edgar County, in the eastern part of the State, was named in honor of General Edgar. He was' Worshipful Master of the first Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Illinois, constituted at Kaskaskia in 1S06. KIM. Ut COUNTY, one of the middle tier of counties from north to south, lying on the east- ern bonier of the State; was organized in 1823, and named for General Edgar, an early citizen of Kaskaskia. It contains 630 square miles, with a population (1900) of 28,273. The county is nearly square, well watered and wooded. Most of the acreage is under cultivation, grain-growing and stock-raising being the principal industries. Generally, the soil is black to a considerable depth, though at some points especially adjoin- ing the timber lands in the east the soft, brown clay of the subsoil comes to the surface. Beds of the drift period, one hundred feet deep, are found in the northern portion, and some twenty-five years ago a nearly perfect skeleton of a mastodon was exhumed. A bed of limestone, twenty-five feet thick, crops out near Baldwinsville and runs along Brouillet's creek to the State line. Paris, the county -seat, is a railroad center, and has a popu- lation of over 6,000. Vermilion and Dudley are prominent shipping points, while Chrisman, which was an unbroken prairie in 1872, was credited with a population of 900 in 1900. KDIMtl U(i, a village of Christian County, on the Baltimore it Ohio Southwestern Railway, 18 miles southeast of Springfield; has two banks and one newspaper. The region is agricultural, though some coal is mined here. Population (1880), 551; (1890), 806; (1900), 1,071. EDSALL, James Kirtlami, former Attorney General, was l>orn at Windham, Greene County. X. Y., May 10. 1*31. After passing through the common-schools, he attended an academy at Prattsville, N.Y. , supporting himself, meanwhile, by working upon a farm. He read law at Pratts- ville and C'at skill, and was admitted to the bar at Albany in 1852. The next two years he spent in Wisconsin and Minnesota, and, in 1854, removed to Leavenworth, Kan. He was elected to the Legislature of tliat State in 1855, being a member of the Topeka (free-soil) body when it was broken up by United States troops in 1856. In August, 1856, he settled at Dixon, 111., and at once engaged in practice. In 1863 he was elected Mayor of that city, and, in 1870, was chosen State Senator, serving on the Committees on Munic- ipalities and Judiciary in the Twenty-seventh General Assembly. In 1872 he was elected Attorney -General on the Republican ticket and re-elected in 1876. At the expiration of his second term he took up his residence in Chicago, where he afterwards devoted himself to the prac- tice of his profession, until his death, which occurred, June 20, 1892. EDUCATION. The first step in the direction of the establish- ment of a system of free schools for the region now comprised within the State of Illinois was taken in the enactment by Congress, on May 20, 1785, of "An Ordinance for Ascertaining the mode of disposing of lands in the Western Terri- tory." This applied specifically to the region northwest of the Ohio River, which had been acquired through the conquest of the "Illinois Country" by CoL George Rogers Clark, acting under the auspices of the State of Virginia and by authority received from its Governor, the patriotic Patrick Henry. This act for the first time established the present system of township (or as it was then called, ''rectangular") surveys, devised by Capt. Thomas Hutching, who became the first Surveyor-General (or "Geographer," as the office was styled) of the United States under the same act. Its important feature, in this con- nection, was the provision "that there shall 1* reserved the lot No. 16 of every township, for the maintenance of public schools within the town- ship. " The same reservation (the term "section" being substituted for "lot" in the act of May 18, 1796) was made in all sulisequent acts for the sale of public lands the acts of July 23, 1787, and June 20, 1788, declaring that "the lot No. 16 in each township, or fractional part of a township," shall be "given perpetually for the purpose con- tained in said ordinance" (i. e., the act of 1785). The next step was taken in the Ordinance of 1787 (Art. III.), in the declaration that, "religion, morality and knowledge being necessary for the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged." The reservation referred to in the act of 1785 (and subsequent acts) was reiterated in the "enabling act" passed by Congress. April 18, 1818, authoriz- ing the people of Illinois Territory to organize a State Government, and was formally accepted by the Convention which formed the first Stat*- Constitution. The enabling act also set apart one entire township (in addition to one previously donated for the same purpose by act of Congress in 1804) for the use of a seminary of learning, 148 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. together with three per cent of the net proceeds of the sales of public lands within the State, "to be appropriated by the Legislature of the State for the encouragement of learning, of which one- sixth part" (or one-half of one per cent) "shall be exclusively bestowed on a college or univer- sity." Thus, the plan for the establishment of a system of free public education in Illinois had its inception in the first steps for the organization of the Northwest Territory, was recognized in the Ordinance of 1787 which reserved that Territory forever to freedom, and was again reiterated in the preliminary steps for the organization of the State Government. These several acts became the basis of that permanent provision for the encouragement of education known as the "town- ship," "seminary" and "college or university" funds. EARLY SCHOOLS. Previous to this, however, a beginning had been made in the attempt to estab- lish schools for the benefit of the children of the pioneers. One John Seeley is said to have taught the first American school within the territory of Illinois, in a log-cabin in Monroe County, in 1783, followed by others in the next twenty years in Monroe, Randolph, St. Clair and Madison Coun- ties. Seeley 's earliest successor was Francis Clark, who, in turn, was followed by a man named Halfpenny, who afterwards built a mill near the present town of Waterloo in Monroe County. Among the teachers of a still later period were John Boyle, a soldier in Col. George Rogers Clark's army, who taught in Randolph County between 1790 and 1800; John Atwater, near Edwardsville, in 1H07, and John Messinger, a sur- veyor, who was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1818 and Speaker of the first House of Representatives. The latter taught in the vicinity of Shiloh in St. Clair County, afterwards the site of Rev. John M. Peck's Rock Spring Seminary. The schools which existed during this period, and for many years after the organi- zation of the State Government, were necessarily few, widely scattered and of a very primitive character, receiving their sup]x>rt entirely by subscription from their patrons. FIRST FREE SCHOOL LAW AND SALES OP SCHOOL LANDS. It has been stated that the first free school in the State was established at Upper Alton, in 1821, but there is good reason for believ- ing this claim was based upon the power granted by the Legislature, in an act passed that year, to establish such schools there, which power was never carried into effect. The first attempt to establish a free-school system for the whole State was made in January, 1835, in the passage of a bill introduced by Joseph Duncan, afterwards a Congressman and Governor of the State. It nominally appropriated two dollars out of each one hundred dollars received in the State Treasury, to be distributed to those who had paid taxes or subscriptions for the support of schools. So small was the aggregate revenue of the State at that time (only a little over $60,000), that the sum realized from this law would have been but little more than $1,000 per year. It remained practically a dead letter and was repealed in 1829, when the State inaugurated the policy of selling the seminary lands and borrowing the proceeds for the payment of current expenses. In this way 43,200 acres (or all but four and a half sec- tions) of the seminary lands were disposed of, realizing less than 860,000. The first sale of township school lands took place in Greene County in 1831, and, two years later, the greater part of the school section in the heart of the present city of Chicago was sold, producing about $39,000. The average rate at which these sales were made, up to 1882, was $3.78 per acre, and the minimum, 70 cents per acre. That these lands have, in very few instances, produced the results expected of them, was not so much the fault of the system as of those selected to administer it whose bad judgment in premature sales, or whose complicity with the schemes of speculators, were the means, in many cases, of squandering what might otherwise have furnished a liberal provision for the support of public schools in many sections of the State. Mr. W. L. Pillsbury, at present Secretary of the University of Illinois, in a paper printed in the report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for 1885-86 to which the writer is indebted for many of the facts presented in this article gives to Chicago the credit of establishing the first free schools in the State in 1834, while Alton followed in 1837, and Springfield and Jacksonville in 1840. EARLY HIOHER INSTITUTIONS. A movement looking to the establishment of a higher institu- tion of learning in Indiana Territory (of which Illinois then formed a part), was inaugurated by the passage, through the Territorial Legislature at Vincennes, in November, 1806, of an act incorpo- rating the University of Indiana Territory to be located at Vincennes. One provision of the act authorized the raising of $20,000 for the institu- tion by means of a lottery. A Board of Trustees was promptly organized, with Gen. William Henry Harrison, then the Territorial Governor, at its head ; but, lieyond the erection of a building, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 149 little progress was made. Twenty-one years later (1837) the first successful attempt to found an advanced school was made by the indomitable Rev. John M. Peck, resulting in the establish- ment of his Theological Seminary and High School at Rock Springs, St. Clair County, which, in 1831, became the nucleus of Shurtleff College at Upper Alton. In like manner, Lebanon Semi- nary, established in 1828, two years later expanded into McKendree College, while instruc- tion began to be given at Illinois College, Jack- sonville, in December, 1829, as the outcome of a movement started by a band of young men at Yale College in 1827 these several institutions being formally incorporated by the same act of the Legislature, passed in 1835. (See sketches of these Institutions. ) EDUCATIONAL CONVENTIONS. In 1833 there was held at Vandalia (then the State capital) the first of a series of educational conventions, which were continued somewhat irregularly for twenty- years, and whose history is remarkable for the number of those participating in them who after- wards gained distinction in State and National history. At first these conventions were held at the State capital during the sessions of the Gen- eral Assembly, when the chief actors in them were members of that body and State officers, with a few other friends of education from the ranks of professional or business men. At the convention of 1833, we find, among those partici- pating, the names of Sidney Breese, afterwards a United States Senator and Justice of the Supreme Court ; Judge S. D. Lock wood, then of the Supreme Court; W. L. D. Ewing, afterwards acting Gov- ernor and United States Senator ; O. H. Browning, afterwards United States Senator and Secretary of the Interior; James Hall and John Russell, the most notable writers in the State in their day, besides Dr. J. M. Peck, Archibald Williams, Benjamin Mills, Jesse B. Thomas, Henry Eddy and others, all prominent in their several depart- ments. In a second convention at the same place, nearly two years later, Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas and Col. John J. Hardin were participants. At Springfield, in 1840, pro- fessional and literary men began to take a more prominent part, although the members of the Legislature were present ia considerable force. A convention held at Peoria, in 1844, was made up largely of professional teachers and school officers, with a few citizens of local prominence; and the same may be said of those held at Jack- sonville in 1845, and later at Chicago and other points. Various attempts were made to form permanent educational societies, finally result- ing, in December, 1854, in the organization of the "State Teachers' Institute," which, three years later, took the name of the "State Teachers' Association" though an association of the same name was organized in 1836 and continued in existence several years. STATE SUPERINTENDENT AND SCHOOL JOUR- NALS. The appointment of a State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction began to be agitated as early as 1837, and was urged from time to time in memorials and resolutions by educational conven- tions, by the educational press, and in the State Legislature ; but it was not until February, 1854, that an act was passed creating the office, when the Hon. Ninian W. Edwards was appointed by Gov. Joel A. Matteson, continuing in office until his successor was elected in 1856. "The Common School Advocate" was published for a year at Jacksonville, beginning with January, 1837; in 1841 "The Illinois Common School Advocate" began publication at Springfield, but was discon- tinued after the issue of a few numbers. In 1855 was established "The Illinois Teacher." This was merged, in 1873, in "The Illinois School- master," which l>ecame the organ of the State Teachers' Association, so remaining several years. The State 'Teachers' Association has no official organ now, but the "Public School Journal" is the chief educational publication of the State. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. In 1851 was insti- tuted a movement which, although obstructed for some time by partisan opposition, lias been followed by more far-reaching results, for the country at large, than any single measure in the history of education since the act of 1785 setting apart one section in each township for the support of public schools. This was the scheme formu- lated by the late Prof. Jonatlian B. Turner, of Jacksonville, for a system of practical scientific education for the agricultural, mechanical and other industrial classes, at a Farmers' Convention held under the auspices of the Buel Institute (an Agricultural Society), at Granville, Putnam County, Nov. 18, 1851. While proposing a plan for a "State University" for Illinois, it also advo- cated, from the outset, a "University for the industrial classes in each of the States," by way of supplementing the work which a "National Institute of Science," such as the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, was expected to accom- plish. The proposition attracted the attention of persons interested in the cause of industrial education in other States, especially in New York and some of the New England States, and 150 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. received their hearty endorsement and cooper- ation. The Granville meeting was followed by a series of similar conventions held at Springfield, June 8, 1852; Chicago, Nov. 24, 1852; Springfield, Jan. 4, 1853, and Springfield, Jan. 1, 1855, at which the scheme was still further elaborated. At the Springfield meeting of January, 1852, an organization was formed under the title of the "Industrial League of the State of Illinois," with a view to disseminating information, securing more thorough organization on the part of friends of the measure, and the employment of lecturers to address the people of the State on the subject. At the same time, it was resolved that "this Con- vention memorialize Congress for the purpose of obtaining a grant of public lands to establish and endow industrial institutions in each and every State in the Union." It is worthy of note that this resolution contains the central idea of the act passed by Congress nearly ten years after- ward, making appropriations of public lands for the establishment and support of industrial colleges in the several States, which act received the approval of President Lincoln, July 2, 1862 a similar measure having been vetoed by Presi- dent Buchanan in February, 1859. The State was extensively canvassed by Professor Turner, Mr. Bronson Murray (now of New York), the late Dr. R. C. Rutherford and others, Sn behalf of the objects of the League, and the Legislature, at its session of 1853, by unanimous vote in both houses, adopted the resolutions commending the measure and instructing the United States Senators from Illinois, and requesting its Representatives, to give it their support. Though not specifically contemplated at the outset of the movement, the Convention at Springfield, in January, 1855, pro- posed, as a part of the scheme, the establishment of a "Teachers' Seminary or Normal School Department," which took form in the act passed at the session of 1857, for the establishment of the State Normal School at Normal. Although delayed, as already stated, the advocates of indus- trial education in Illinois, aided by those of other States, finally triumphed in 1862. The lands received by the State as the result of this act amounted to 480,000 acres, besides subsequent do- nations. (See University of Illinois; also Turner, Jonathan Baldirin.) On the foundation thus furnished was established, by act of the Legisla- ture in 1867, the "Illinois Industrial University' 1 now the University of Illinois at Champaign, to say nothing of more than forty similar insti- tutions in as many States and Territories, based upon the same general act of Congress. FREE-SCHOOL SYSTEM. While there may lie said to have been a sort of free-school system in existence in Illinois previous to 1855, it was limited to a few fortunate districts possessing funds derived from the sale of school-lands situ- ated within their respective limits. The system of free schools, as it now exists, based upon general taxation for the creation of a permanent school fund, had its origin in the act of that year. As already shown, the office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction had been iTeated by act of the Legislature in February, 1H54, and the act of 1855 was but a natural corol- lary of the previous measure, giving to the ]>eople a uniform system, as the earlier one had provided an official for its administration. Since then there have been many amendments of the school law, but these have been generally in the direc- tion of securing greater efficiency, but with- out departure from the principle of securing to all the children of the State the equal privileges of a common-school education. The development of the system began practically about 1857, and, in the next quarter of a century, the laws on the subject had grown into a considerable volume, while the number- less decisions, emanating from the office of the State Superintendent in construction of these laws, made up a volume of still larger proportions. The following comparative table of school statistics, for 1860 and 1896, compiled from the Reports of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, will illustrate the growth of the system in some of its more important features: 18TO. 1896. Population No. of Persons of School Aire < be- tween 6 and 21) So. of Pupils enrolled School Districts. Public Schools Graded Public Hlsh Schools Hcliool Houses built duriiiK the year W hole No. or School Homes No. or Male Teachers " Female Teachers Whole No. or Teachers In Public Schools Highest Monthly Wages paid Male Teachers Highest Monthly Wages paid Female Teachers Lowest Monthly Wages paid Male Teachers Lowest Monthly Wages paid Female Teachers A verage Monthly Wagon paid Male Teachers Average Monthly Wages paid Female Teachers No. or Private Schools No. of Pupils In Private Schools Interest on State and County Funds received Amount or Income from Township Funds 1 .7 II. 'J51 St.) 4,250,00!J 1.384.367 M9.B04 472.247 ''.Vi V.IK: 2M 14,708 1180.00 75.00 100 4.00 28.S2 18 JO (00 29,21/4 ri.4S0.38 322,152.00 12.B23 1,887 272 15 .4 IS I3UO.OO 2.6IH 1W.96S I6J.SU.63 889.614.2li Only white children were Included In these statistics tor I860. G Z < w jc H r r 1 C z; 'n H < O t- r 2 o i.-.n HIVI'i'liK AL KNCYCIiOPKDIA -: Springfield, limited to a few fortunate districts )K.ssessiii^ Jan. 4. is.*,:!, and Spring-Held. Jan. 1. 1 H .">. at funds derived from the sale of school-lands sit u- \vhii-h the scheme was still further elaborated ated within tin-irrespective limits. The system \t I he Springfield meeting of January. |s.Yi, an of free schools, as it now exists, based upon . ,rj_-ani/.ation was formed under the title ,.f the general taxation fort I reation of a (icrmaiicnt ' Industrial League of the Stale of Illinois " with school fund, had its origin in the act of that a view to disscminat inej information, securing \ear. As already shown, the otlice of Slate more thorough orjpmi/at ion on the part of friends Superintendent of Public Instruction had been of the measure, and the employment of lecturers created by act of the Legislature in February, to address the people of the Stale on the subject. is.M, and the act of is.v; was but a natural enrol- \t Ihe same time it wasresohed that "this Con- lary of the previous measure. ^-i\ inn to the |-ople M-ntioii memorialize Congress for tin- pur|msc of a uniform system, as the earlier one had provided ohtalninj; a Kraut of public lands to establish ami an otlicial for its administration. Since then endow industrial institutions in each and every there have U-cn many amendments of the school State in the I'nion." It is worthy of note that law. but these have lieen generally in the din-c- tliis resolution contains the central idea of tin- tion of securing greater eHicieiicy. hut with act (Kissed by Congress nearly ten years after- out dc|iartiire from the principle of securing ward, ni.il.ii.-- appropriations of public lands for to all the children of the State the equal the establishment and support of industrial privileges of a common set 1 education The colleges in the several States which act rccei veil development of the system hepin practically the approval of President Lincoln. July -V 1*1!'.' aliotit ls.-,7, and, in the next quarter of a a similar measure having been vetoed by Presi- century, the laws on the subject had irnnvn dent Buchanan in February. Is.V.I. The State into a considerable volume, while the number was extensively canvassed by Professor Turner less decisions, emanating from the otlice of t he Mr. Bronson Murray (now of New York i the late State Superintendent in construction of these llr. ]!. C. Hutherford and others, in In-half of the laws, made up a volume of still larger proportions objects of the League and the Legislature, at its The following comparative table of school session of Is.-,:), hy unanimous vole in Inith house., statistics, for infill and Is'.lli. compiled from the adopted the resolul ions commendine; t In- measure Iteports of the State Superintendent of Public and instructing the I niled Stales Senators f mm Instruction, will illustrate the growth of the Illinois, and reiiucstinn its Ilepresentatives. t,, -vstem in some of its more important features Hive it their sii|>|N>rt. Though not speciiically l-ai i- conleniplated at tin- outset of t he movement the x.T'iIf'fSiiuiiil'ii'iwil.j \k" i.- l " li -' JSI ""' *--"'' Conventional Sprin^lield. in January, IH.VI. pro- '"'" '"."""[' { , , I,'-''""? ' ",' ; |M,sed. as a part of tbe scheme, the establishment s--ini.il iii^Trn-ts -,',.v. n.u . of a "Teachers' Seminary or Normal School iirn-i.il .-y* T!--7 Department." which took form in Ihe act [Kissed . \,':>.',\ 11^,1,.--. V.iVia .iuoi, at the session of 1N.",7. for the establishment of w'l,',',',;^", ,,r's,T M ,,; L H,;,',,,.,' ,'-i i-. : ' ; ^ the State Normal School at Normal. Although N "." f ^i;|',]^::;";,.^. r , delayed, as already staled, the advocates of indus- U'ipii.- N.I. nr Ti-.n-m-ni m i-nh.p- I rial education in Illinois, aideil by those of other llhthnu Miiniiily Wmicim iiiuii Mai* Slates, finally triumphed in IHC,-,' The lands iii1''s'!' n M,.i.thiy "\VK.-I "imi.i received by the Stale as the result of this act tinrSTMoiolSy WiiiiiM">lifi amounted to -4SII.IIIHI acres besides subsequent do f 'wmi'""Miiii'ihiv ', .i,i "'" nations (See I 'nii'i rsitti t>f llliitnis ; also Tiirm'r. fvmm\9Tw t nien 4. mi i"uu Av-rw.- Miiiillily WHL-<-> IUIM! Mill" JiiHllthlut ISnlilii-iii I On the foundation thus TU-IMT . . . ;-. 57 71, furnished was established, by act of the l^-^isla- ' Ft-nula TC|HT " ii .VIM turein IwiT. the "Illinois Industrial University" x!| ,','f i'"^"^'.'.^^'/"^.- s. i , Hfui iwliii-i -now the University ..f Illinois at Champaii;n ii^r.-si msii.-:ii,,ic.,i, 1 ,ij Fnn.1. |TJUO> ,,;-, ^JM to siiy nothing; of more I han forty similar insti- Aramnioi Income ftmT-nrtip .,.., ,,, , ,,-ii4i- tut ions in as many States and Territories bused . Only whilP cliil-lr.-n w^r-- Mi.-iii.l.-.l In 11.^-.. i-mtisn,^ f..r iijmn the Siiiue general act of i undress ,;., 3 LL. c en & Id O s < z HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 151 I860. 1896. Amount received from suitpTm (690,0(10.00 | 1AOO.000.UU " " " Special Dis- trict Tales 1,265. 137.00 13,U3,ao961 Amount received from Bonds dur- Ingtheyear 517,960.93 Total Amount received during the vear by School District* 2,193.45i.ui 15.607,172.60 Amount paid Male Teacher! 2.772,829.32 " " Female 7.186. 106.67 Whole amount paid Teachers .... 1.M2.2U.OU ,95S,934.9ii Amount paid for new School House* 348.728.00 1,873,757.25 Amount paid for repairs and Im- provement* 1,070,755.09 Amount paid for School Furniture. 24337.00 154.836.64 ApparatUK ,563.UI 164,29692 " " " Books for Dis- trict Libraries ... 80.124 OU 13,664.97 Total Expenditures 2.'.'68,868.0ll 14,614.627.31 Climated value of School Property 13.304.8S2.00 42,70.2ti7.uil " " Libraries.. 877319.00 " " Apparatus 607,389.00 The sums annually disbursed for incidental expenses on account of superintendence and the cost of maintaining the higher institutions estab- lished, and partially or wholly supported by the State, increase the total expenditures by some $600,000 per annum. These higher institutions include the Illinois State Normal University at Normal, the Southern Illinois Normal at Carbou- ilale and the University of Illinois at Urbana; to which were added by the Legislature, at its ses- sion of 1895, the Eastern Illinois Normal School, afterwards established at Charleston, and the Northern Illinois Normal at De Kalb. These institutions, although under supervision of the State, are partly supported by tuition fees. (See description of these institutions under their several titles.) The normal schools as their names indicate are primarily designed for the training of teachers, although other classes of pupils are admitted under certain conditions, including the payment of tuition. At the Uni- versity of Illinois instruction is given in the clas- sics, the sciences, agriculture and the meclianio arts. In addition to these the State supports four other institutions of an educational rather than ;t custodial character viz. : the Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb and the Insti- tution for the Blind, at Jacksonville; the Asylum for the Feeble-Minded at Lincoln, and the Sol- diers' Orphans' Home at Normal. The estimated value of the property connected with these several institutions, in addition to the value of school property given in the preceding table, will increase the total (exclusive of permanent funds) to $47,155,374.95, of which $4,375,107.95 repre- sents property belonging to the institutions above mentioned. POWERS AND DUTIES OF SUPERINTENDENTS AND OTHER SCHOOL OFFICERS. Each county elects a County Superintendent of Schools, whose duty it is to visit schools, conduct teachers' insti- tutes, advise with teachers and school officers and instruct them in their respective duties, conduct examinations of persons desiring to become teachers, and exercise general supervision over school affairs within his county. The subordi- nate officers are Township Trustees, a Township Treasurer, and a Board of District Directors or in place of the latter in cities and villages Boards of Education. The two last named Boards have power to employ teachers and, generally, to super- vise the management of schools in districts. The State Superintendent is entrusted with general supervision of the common-school system of the State, and it is his duty to advise and assist County Superintendents, to visit State Cliaritable institutions, to issue official circulars to teachers, school officers and others in regard to their rights and duties under the general school code; to decide controverted questions of school law, com- ing to him by appeal from County Superintend- ents and others, and to make full and detailed reports of the operations of his office to the ( iovernor, biennially. He is also made ex-officio a member of the Board of Trustees of the Univer- sity of Illinois and of the several Normal Schools, and is empowered to grant certificates of two different grades to teachers the higher grade to lie valid during the lifetime of the holder, and the lower for two years. Certificates granted by County Superintendents are also of two grades and have a tenure of one and two years, respec lively, in the county where given. The conditions for securing a certificate of the first (or two- years' ) grade, require that the candidate shall be of good moral character and qualified to teach orthography, reading in English, penmanship, arithmetic, modem geography, English grammar, the elements of the natural sciences, the history of the United States, physiology and the laws of health. The second grade (or one-year) certifi- cate calls for examination in the branches just enumerated, except the natural sciences, physi- ology and laws of health; but teachers employed exclusively in giving instruction in music, draw- ing, penmanship or other special branches, may take examinations in these branches alone, but are restricted, in teaching, to those in which they have been examined. County Boards are empowered to establish County Normal Schools for the education of teachers for the common schools and the management of such normal schools is placed in the hands of a County Board of Education, to consist of not less than five nor more than eight persons, of whom the Chairman of the County Board and the County Superin- tendent of Schools shall !* ex officio members. HISTORICAL KN< Yt LOI'KIMA Ol' ILUNoIs 1.11 Isrti. !.. Amount received from M;it- 'l'a\ - $ i;yt.uiiu.u<' f 1 .IIOM.HHI."" " " S|M*4-ial I*!*- trirtTaXfs l.'.iv,.l::7.j IX,1KJNV-*1 ins'lruct them in their res|>ective duties, conduct examinations of fiersons desiring to liwome Amount nreivtii rr.iru (tomls ilm - ing tln-yar . 517, %".!'.: r..t.il Yin it reifivetl ilurinti Hit- tnirlivsrhuol ]>ilni'ts. . ZMWUH."" IJ."7.IT:.Sii Aliioiim paul Mai? T.'iK-liTa .. . . ZJiSJ&tX Feiilnlr " . 7.lB.lcnr.7 Win ilc uniiHint imitl Ti'jn-lien . l.:>4-.-_'ll n.u-U.yn Amount ntiifl r..r n. \ MHiuul H..MS.-S :H.7->IN. 1 .^7:1.757 -..'. Aniiiinii paiil r.ir r-|.:irs ami tin* |>ri>v>.|in-nt!1 1 ,1170.75.".."' ' Aiiniuiit paid f..r S.-h..i.l Fiirniniri' :4X17 .. si-liiMil alfairs within his county The suUirdi nate ollicers are Tow nship Trustees, a Township Treasurer, and a Hoard of District Directors or in place of the latter in cities and villages Hoards of Education The two last named ISojirds have vis* the management of schiwils in distrii'ts. Tin- State Sii|'rintendent is entrusted with general B"..k* t"r !>!! tri.-l I.ihrarln . *' '- ' i:i.ia;4."7 I'olHl l:v|..-i..li[im-s . - V.W.-..- "" M.iiM.i>-J7-M Lilirnrl.-.' :t77.l!'.iHi Anpuruni- I7.:M."U Tin- MINIS aniuially ili>lmrsci| lor incidental State, and it is bis duty t" advise and assist * 'oiint \ Sujierint en dents, to visit State Charitable i'0-.t (it inaintaiiiiiiK I lie higher iiistitutimis i~ital' lisht-il. mid partially cir wlmlly sup|x>rti-d by tin- school otlicersand others in regard to their rights slim I.IK id |,,.|- aiitiiiin TlicM- hi^lier iiistitiitinn^ iiicliuli- the Illinois Siat<' Normal l~nivcn.it> at Normal, t In- Southern Illinois Normal at ( ':irlni 'laic and the l~nivcriily of Illinois at I'rUma ! wliich were added by tin- Lc^islattirc. at its ses- sion of IS'.Ci. the Kastern Illinois Normal School afterwards established .-it Charleston, ami I In- Northern Illinois Normal at 1 > Kail. These institutions, although ui. i. i SH|HT% ision of tin- State, are |irtly sn|i|iorti-.| by tuition fees (See description of 1 hese ills! it lit ions under their several lith's i The ii"imal selnHtls as their iiiu't" him !>\ :i|>|-:i! from < 'ounly Su|HTinteinl- ents and others, and to make full and detailed re|M>rts of the ojierations of his oHicc to the iio\ernor. biennially He is also made c.\-otl]cio a nifinUT of tin' Hoard of Trusti-esof the I'niver sin of Illinois and of the si-veral Normal SchiKils and i- eni|>owercil to ^ranl certilicati-s of two be \alid during tin- lifetime of tin- holder, and the lower l".i two \ears Certiticales granted by I'-Mintx Sii|.|interidents are also of two grades ami Iiavi- a tenure of one and two years. res|(ti- training of leaebei-s. although oilier classes of for securing a certilicate of the tirst tor t wo- including the pa\mcnl of tuition At the I'ni \ ei sit \ of Illinois inst ( 1 1, -t ii .n i:. ^i\ en in 1 he cla* -i-^ the sciences, a^i ii-ii It nrc and 1 he mechann- arts In addil ion to ; In-se t he Slate supports four other institutions of an e. im-atioiial rather t ban a listodial character \ i/ 1 he Inst ii lit ion lorlln Killli-atioll of tin- 1 leaf ami Dunibalnl tln-lnsti Int l.. n for the Hlind at .lacLsonx ille tile .\sylum ol' iroo.l moral charai'ler and ipi.-ditied t" teai-b ..rlho^raphv readin-. in Kn-_'ljsli pi-nmanship aritbmelic nioilern -_'e, i^niphy . Knirlish irrammar the eleiiifiits of the natural si-ii'llces the history of Hie 1 nited Stall's physiolo^v and iln-lawsof dealt b The secon.l irrade 101- ..in- yean ccrtili iite '-;Uls fi.r e\aminat i< .11 inltn- branches jnst enumi-nf ed .-xccpt the naliiral sciences pbysi liers' Orphans' Home at Normal The est iiii:ii>'~i.:!TI.!i.'i. of uhich s).:;?.'VliiT.!i.'i i-epn- -enls |.i..|., ! i \ iH'lonv'iiii; to tin* institutions nlntve tin-lit ioned !' i i:s vsi) |)i -in. s n|.' Sfi-r.iMNTi M.I;N i- >\h UTiiri: S.ii. ...i IM MI i:i:s -Kai-h ci.unn lects a County Sii|H-riiitendent of Schools wliosi- duty it is to \ isit sehooK conduct teachers' insti lines advise with teachers and s,.|,,,,,| otlio-rs ai..| e\i-bisi\ .-h in ^i\ in^ instniellol'i in miisie. .|niw - :i.'^ |ii-niiiaiish^ji or other s| M 'cial branches mav lake examinations in tln-se branches alone but are rest rid ed. ill teaching Ii . 1 hose in w hied t de\ have been examined Count \ Hoards are cm|Hiweretl to establish County Normal Schools for tin- education of teachers l..i th minion schools anQ the maiia^enn'iii of siidi normal scl Is i- pi. 1 in Iho hands ,,l a County liourd of r.ilucation. t" eoiisisi i.l m.l less t ban live nor nil ! 1 ban ei^ht |..'i-..n^ of whom the Chairman ..; tin- I'onnlx I'^iard and l In- Coiinlv Siijtcrin lelldenl of Scl 1- s!i;,H U .'X i'llici.1 luemb'-r- 152 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OE ILLINOIS. Boards of Education and Directors may establish kindergartens (when authorized to do so by vote of a majority of the voters of their districts), for children between the ages of four and six years, but the cost of supporting the same must be defrayed by a special tax. A compulsory pro- vision' of the School Law requires that each child, between the ages of seven and fourteen years, shall be sent to school at least sixteen weeks of each year, unless otherwise instructed in the elementary branches, or disqualified by physical or mental disability. Under the provisions of an act, passed in 1891, women are made eligible to any office created by the general or special school laws of the State, when twenty-one years of age or upwards, and otherwise possessing the same qualifications for the office as are prescribed for men. (For list of incumbents in the office of State Superintendent, see Superintendents of Public Instruction. ) EDWARDS, Arthur, D.D., clergyman, soldier and editor, was born at Norwalk, Ohio, Nov. 23, 1834; educated at Albion, Mich., and the Wes- leyan University of Ohio, graduating from the latter in 1858 ; entered the Detroit Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church the same year, was ordained in 1860 and, from 1861 until after the battle of Gettysburg, served as Chaplain of the First Michigan Cavalry, when he resigned to accept the colonelcy of a cavalry regiment. In 1864, he was elected assistant editor of "The Northwestern Christian Advocate" at Chicago, and, on the retirement of Dr. Eddy in 1872, became Editor-in-chief, being re-elected every four years thereafter to the present time. He has also been a member of each General Confer- ence since 1872, was a member of the Ecumenical Conference at London in 1881, and has held other positions of prominence within the church. EDWARDS, Cyrus, pioneer lawyer, was born in Montgomery County, Md., Jan. 17, 1793; at the age of seven accompanied his parents to Ken- tucky, where he received his primary education, and studied law; was admitted to the bar at Kas- kaskia, 111., in 1815, Ninian Edwards (of whom he was the youngest brother) being then Territorial Governor. During the next fourteen years he resided alternately in Missouri and Kentucky, and, in 1829, took up his residence at Edwards- ville. Owing to impaired health he decided to abandon his profession and engage in general business, later becoming a resident of Upper Alton. In 1832 he was elected to the lower house of the Legislature as a Whig, and again, in 1840 and '60, the last time as a Republican ; was State Senator from 1835 to '39, and was also the Whig candidate for Governor, in 1838, in opposition to Thomas Carlin (Democrat), who was elected. He served in the Black Hawk War, was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1847, and espe- cially interested in education and in public chari- ties, being, for thirty-five years, a Trustee of Shurtleff College, to which he was a most munificent benefactor, and which conferred on him the degree of LL.D. in 1852. Died at Upper Alton, September, 1877. EDWARDS, Ninian, Territorial Governor and United States Senator, was born in Montgomery County, Md., March 17, 1775; fora time had the celebrated William Wirt as a tutor, completing his course at Dickinson College. At the age of 19 he emigrated to Kentucky, where, after squander- ing considerable money, he studied law and, step by step, rose to be Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals. In 1809 President Madison appointed him the first Territorial Governor of Illinois. This office he held until the admission of Illinois as a State in 1818, when he was elected United Sates Senator and re-elected on the completion of his first (the short) term. In 1828 he was elected Governor of the State, his successful administra- tion terminating in 1830. In 1832 he became a candidate for Congress, but was defeated by Charles Slade. He was able, magnanimous and incorruptible, although charged with aristocratic tendencies which were largely hereditary. Died, at his home at Belleville, on July 20, 1833, of cholera, the disease having been contracted through self-sacrificing efforts to assist sufferers from the epidemic. His demise cast a gloom over the entire State. Two valuable volumes bearing upon State history, comprising his cor- respondence with many public men of his time, have been published; the first under the title of "History of Illinois and Life of Ninian Edwards," by his son, the late Ninian Wirt Edwards, and the other "The Edwards Papers," edited by the late Elihu B. Washburne, and printed under the auspices of the Chicago Historical Society. Ninian Wirt (Edwards), son of Gov. Ninian Edwards, was born at Frankfort, Ky., April 15, 1809, the year his father became Territoriat Governor of Illinois; spent his boyhood at Kas- kaskia, Edwardsville and Belleville, and was educated- at Transylvania University, graduating in 1833. He married Elizabeth P. Todd, a sister of Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, was appointed Attor- ney-General in 1834, but resigned in 1835, when he removed to Springfield. In 1830 he was elected to the Legislature from Sangamon HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 153 County, as the colleague of Abraham Lincoln, being one of the celebrated "Long Nine," and was influential in securing the removal of the State capital to Springfield. He was re-elected to the House in 1838, to the State Senate in 1844, and again to the House in 1843 ; was also a mem- ber of the Constitutional Convention of 1847. Again, in 1850, he was elected to the House, but resigned on account of his change of politics from Whig to Democratic, and, in the election to fill the vacancy, was defeated by James C. Conk- ling. He served as Superintendent of Public Instruction by appointment of Governor Matte- son, 1854-57, and, in 1861, was appointed by President Lincoln, Captain Commissary of Sub- sistence, which position he filled until June, 1865, since which time he remained in private life. He is the author of the "Life and Times of Ninian Edwards" (1870), which was prepared at the request of the State Historical Society. Died, at Springfield, Sept. 2, 1889. Benjamin Stevenson (Edwards), lawyer and jurist, another son of Gov. Ninian Edwards, was born at Edwardsville, 111., June 3, 1818, graduated from Yale College in 1838, and was admitted to the bar the following year. Originally a Whig, he subsequently became a Democrat, was a Delegate to the Con- stitutional Convention of 1862, and, in 1868, was an unsuccessful candidate for Congress in opposi- tion to Shelby M. Cullom. In 1869 he was elected Circuit Judge of the Springfield Circuit, but within eighteen months resigned the position, preferring the excitement and emoluments of private practice to the dignity and scanty salary attaching to the bench. As a lawyer and as a citizen he was universally respected. Died, at his home in Springfield, Feb. 4, 1886, at the time of his decease being President of the Illinois State Bar Association. EDWARDS, Richard, educator, ex Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, was born in Cardi- ganshire, Wales, Dec. 23, 1822; emigrated with his parents to Portage County, Ohio, and began life on a farm; later graduated at the State Normal School, Bridgewater, Mass., and from the Polytechnic Institute at Troy, N. Y., receiv- ing the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Civil Engineer; served for a time as a civil engineer on the Boston water works, then beginning a career as a teacher which continued almost unin- terruptedly for thirty-five years. During this period he was connected with the Normal School at Bridgewater; a Boys' High School at Salem, and the State Normal at the same place, coming west in 1857 to establish the Normal School at St. Louis, Mo., still later becoming Principal of the St. Louis High School, and, in 1862, accepting the Presidency of the State Normal University, at Normal, 111. It was here where Dr. Edwards, remaining fourteen years, accomplished his greatest work and left his deepest impress upon the educational system of the State by personal contact with its teachers. The next nine 3~ears were spent as pastor of the First Congregational church at Princeton, when, after eighteen months in the service of Knox College as Finan- cial Agent, he was again called, in 1886, to a closer connection with the educational field by his election to the office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction, serving until 1891, when, having failed of a re-election, he soon after assumed the Presidency of Blackburn University at Carlinville. Failing health, however, com- pelled his retirement a year later, when he removed to Bloomington, which is now (1898) his place of residence. EDWARDS COUNTY, situated in the south- eastern part of the State, between Richland and White on the north and south, and Wabash and Wayne on -the east and west, and touching the Ohio River on its southeastern border. It was separated from Gallatin County in 1814, during the Territorial period. Its territory was dimin- ished in 1824 by the carving out of Wabash County. The surface is diversified by prairie and timber, the soil fertile and well adapted to the raising of both wheat and corn. The princi- pal streams, besides the Ohio, are Bonpas Creek, on the east, and the Little Wabash River on the west. Palmyra (a place no longer on the map) was the seat for holding the first county court, in 1815, John Mclntosh, Seth Gard and William Barney being the Judges. Albion, the present county-seat (population, 937), was laid out by Morris Birkbeck and George Flower (emigrants from England), in 1819, and settled largely by their countrymen, but not incorporated until 1860. The area of the county is 220 square miles, and population, in 1900, 10,345. Grayville, with a population of 2,000 in 1890, is partly in this county, though mostly in White. Edwards County was named in honor of Ninian Edwards, the Territorial Governor of Illinois. EDWARDSVILLE, the county-seat of Madison County, settled in 1812 and named in honor of Territorial Governor Ninian Edwards ; is on four lines of railway and contiguous to two others, 18 miles northeast of St. Louis. Edwardsville was the home of some of the most prominent men in the history of the State, including Governors Ed- 1M HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OK ILLINOIS. wards. Coles, and others. It has pressed and shale brickyards, coal mines, flour mills, machine shops, banks, electric street railway, water- works, schools, and churches. In a suburb of the.city (LeClaire) is a coo|?rntive manufactory of sani- tary supplies, using large shops and doing a large Business. Edwardsville has three newspapers, one issued semi-weekly. Population (1890). 3,561 ; (IfMH)), 4.157; with suburb (estimated), 5,000. EFFINGHAM,an incorporated city, the county- scat of Effingham County, ti miles northeast from St. Louis and HIM south west of Chicago; has four papers, creamery, milk condensory, and ice fac- tory. Population (1890), :!.2BO; (11)00). 3.774. EFFIJTGHAM COUNTY, cut off from Fayette (and separately organized) in 1831 named for Gen. Edward Effingham. It is situated in the central portion of the State, 62 miles northeast of St. Louis ; has an area of 4HO square miles and a population (1900) of 20.465. T. M. Short, I. Fanchon and William I. Hawkins were the first County Commissioners. Effingham. the county-seat, was platted by Messrs. Alexander and Little in 1854. Messrs. Gillemvater, Hawkins and Brown were among the earliest settlers. Several lines of rail- way cross the county. Agriculture and sheep- raising are leading industries, wool being one of the principal products. E6AN, William Bradshan, M.D., pioneer phy- sican, was born in Ireland, Sept. 28, 1808; spent .some time during his youth in the study of sur- gery in England, later attending lectures at Dub- lin. About 1828 he went to Canada, taught for a time in the schools of Quebec and Montreal and, in 1830, was licensed by the Medical Board of New Jersey and began practice at Newark in that State, later practicing in New York. In 1833 he removed to Chicago and was early recog- nized as a prominent physician ; on July 4, 1836, delivered the address at the breaking of ground for the Illinois & Michigan Canal. During the early years of his residence in Chicago, Dr. Egan was owner of the block on which the Tremont House stands, and erected a number of houses t here. He was a zealous Democrat and a delegate to the first Convention of that party, held at. Joliet in 1843: was elected County Recorder in 1844 and Representative in the Eighteenth Oen- eral Assembly (1853-54). Died. Oct. 27. 1860. ELBURN, a village of Kane County, on the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, 8 miles west r.f Geneva. It has banks and a weekly news- paper Population (1890), 584; (1900), 606 ELDORADO, a town in Saline County, on the Cleveland, Cincinnati. Chicago & St. Louis, the Louisville & Nashville, and the St. Louis, Alton & IV IT.- Haute Railroads; has a bank and one newspaper; district argicultural. Population, (1900), 1,445. KI.I1K I (, K. Hamilton >., lawyer and soldier, was born at South Williamstown. Mass., August. 1837; graduated at Williams College in the class with President Garfield, in 1856, and at Albany Law School, in 1857; soon afterward came to Chicago and began practice; in 1862 assisted in organizing the One Hundred and Twenty -seventh Illinois Volunteers, of which lie was elected Lieutenant-Colonel, before the end of the year being promoted to the position of Colonel; dis- tinguished himself at Arkansas Post. Chicka- mauga and in the battles before Vicksburg. winning the rank of Brevet Brigadier-General, but, after two years' service, was compelled to retire on account of disability, being carried east on a stretcher. Subsequently he recovered suffi- ciently to resume his profession, but died in Chicago, Dec. 1, 1882, much regretted by a large circle of friends, with whom he was exceedingly popular. ELECTIONS. The elections of public officers in Illinois are of two general classes: (I) those conducted in accordance with United States laws, and (II) those conducted exclusively under State laws. I. To the first class belong: (1) the election of United States Senators; (2) Presidential Elect- ors, and (3 ) Representatives in Congress. 1. (UNITED STATES SENATORS). The election of United States Senators, while an art of the State Legislature, is conducted solely under forms pre scribed by the laws of the United States. These make it the duty of the Legislature, on the seconil Tuesday after convening at the session next pre- ceding the expiration of the term for which any Senator may have been chosen, to proceed to elect his successor in the following manner: Each House is required, on the day designated, in open session and by the viva voce vote of each member present, to name some person for United States Senator, the result of the balloting to be entered on the journals of the respective Houses. At twelve o'clock (M. ) dn the day following the day of election, the members of the two Houses meet in joint assembly, when the journals of both Houses are read. If it appears that the same person has received a majority of all the votes in each House, he is declared elected Senator. If, however, no one has received such majority, or if either House has failed to take proceedings .is required on the preceding day. then the members HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 155 of the two Houses, in joint assembly, proceed to ballot for Senator by viva vooe vote of members present. The person receiving a majority of all the votes cast a majority of the members of l>oth Houses being present and voting is declared elected; otherwise the joint assembly is renewed at noon each legislative day of the session, and at least one ballot taken until a Senator is chosen. When a vacancy exists in the Senate at the time of the assembling of the legislature, the same rule prevails as to the time of holding an election to fill it; and, if a vacancy occurs during the session, the Legislature is required to proceed to an election on the second Tuesday after having received official notice of such vacancy. The tenure of a United States Senator for a full term is six years the regular term beginning with a new Congress the two Senators from each State lielonging to different "classes," so that their terms expire alternately at periods of two anil four years from each other. 2. (PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS). The choice of Electors of President and Vice-President is made by popular vote taken quadrennially on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The date of such election is fixed by act of Congress, being the same as that for Congressman, although the State legislature prescribes the manner of conducting it and making returns of the same. The number of Electors chosen equals the number of Senators and Representatives taken together (in 1899 it was twenty-four), and they are elected on a gen- eral ticket, a plurality of votes being sufficient to elect. Electors meet at the State capital on the second Monday of January after their election (Act of Congress, 1H87), to cast the vote of the State. 3. (MEMBERS OF CONGRESS). The elec- tion of Representatives in Congress is also held under United States law, occurring biennially >n the even years) simultaneously with the gen- eral State election in November. Should Congress select a different date for such election, it would lie the duty of the legislature to recognize it by a corresponding change in the State law relating to the election of Congressmen. The tenure of a Congressman is two years, the election being by Districts instead of a general ticket, as in the case of Presidential Electors the term of each Representative for a full term l>eginning with a new Congress, on the Uh of March of the odd years following a general election. (See Co" ijri'ssional Apportion meiit. ) II. All officers under the State Government except Boards of Trustees of charitable and penal institutions or the heads of certain departments, which are made appointive by the Governor are elected by popular vote. Apart from county officers they consist of three classes: (1) Legisla tive; (2) Executive; (3) Judicial which are chosen at different times and for different periods. 1. (LEGISLATURE). Legislative officers consist of Senators and Representatives, chosen at elections held on the Tuesday after the first Monday of November, biennially. The regular term of a Senator (of whom there are fifty -one under the present Constitution) is four years; twenty-five (those in Districts bearing even numbers) being chosen on the years in which a President ami Governor are elected, and the other twenty -six at the intermediate period two years later. Thus, one-half of each State Senate is composed of what are called "hold-over" Senators. Representatives are elected biennially at the November election, and hold office two years. The qualifications as to eligibility for a seat in the State Senate require that the incumbent shall be 25 years of age, while 21 years renders one eligible to a seat in the House the Constitution requiring that each shall have been a resident of the State for five years, and of the District for which he is chosen, two years next preceding his election. (See Legislative Apportionment and Minority Repre- sentation.) 2. (EXECUTIVE OFFICERS). The officers constituting the Executive Department include the Governor. Lieutenant-Governor. Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Attorney-General. Each of these, except the State Treasurer, holds office four years and with the exception of the Treasurer and Superintend- ent of Public Instruction are elected at the general election at which Presidential Electors are chosen. The election of State Superintendent occurs on the intermediate (even) years, and that of State Treasurer every two years coincidently with the election of Governor and Superintendent of Public Instruction, respectively. (See Execu- tive Officers.) In addition to the State officer- already named, three Trustees of the Universitv of Illinois are elected biennially at the general election in . November, each holding office fo>- six years. These trustees (nine in number), with the Governor, President of the State Board "f Agriculture and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, constitute the Board of Trustees of the University'of Illinois. 3. (JcmciARY). The Judicial Department embraces Judges of the Supreme. Circuit and County Courts, and such other subordinate officials as may be connected with the ailministr.it ion of justice. For the 156 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. election of members of the Supreme Court the State is divided into seven Districts, each of which elects a Justice of the Supreme Court for a term of nine years. The elections in five of these the First, Second, Third, Sixth and Seventh occur on the first Monday in June every ninth year from 1879, the last election having occurred in June, 1897. The elections in the other t vo Districts occur at similar periods of nine years from 1876 and 1873, respectively the last election in the Fourth District having occurred in June, 1893, and that in the Fifth in 1891. Circuit Judges are chosen on the first Monday in June every six years, counting from 1873. Judges of the Superior Court of Cook County are elected every six years at the November election. Clerks of the Supreme and Appellate Courts are elected at the November election for six years, the last election having occurred in 1896. Under the act of April 2, 1897, consolidating the Supreme Court into one Grand Division, the number of Supreme Court Clerks is reduced to one, although the Clerks elected in 1896 remain in office and have charge of the records of their several Divisions until the expiration of their terms in 1902. The Supreme Court holds five terms annually at Spring- field, beginning, respectively, on the first Tuesday of October, December, February, April and June. (OTHER OFFICERS), (a) Members of the State Board of Equalization (one for every Congres- sional District) are elective every four years at the same time as Congressmen, (b) County officers (except County Commissioners not under township organization ) hold office for four years and are chosen at the November election as follows: (1) At the general election at which the Governor is chosen Clerk of the Circuit Court, State's Attorney, Recorder of Deeds (in counties having a population of 00,000 or over), Coroner and County Surveyor. (2) On inter- mediate years Sheriff, County Judge, Probate Judge (in counties having a. population of 70,000 and over), County Clerk, Treasurer, Superintend- ent of Schools, and Clerk of Criminal Court of Cook County, (c) In counties not under town- ship organization a Board of County Commission- ers is elected, one being chosen in November of each year, and each holding office three years, (d) Under the general law the polls open at 8 a. m., and close at 7 p. m. In cities acrepting an Act of the Legislature passed in 1885, the hour of opening the polls is 6 a. m., and of closing 4 p. m. (See also Australian Ballot. ) ELECTORS, QUALIFICATIONS OF. (See Suffrage. ) ELGIN, an important city of Northern Illinois, in Kane County, on Fox River and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Chicago & Northwest- ern Railroads, besides two rural electric lines, 36 miles northwest of Chicago; has valuable water- power and over fifty manufacturing establish- ments, including the National Watch Factory and the Cook Publishing Company, both among the most extensive of their kind-in the world; is also a great dairy center with extensive creameries and milk-condensing works. The quotations of its Butter and Cheese Exchange are telegraphed to all the great commercial centers and regulate the prices of these commodities throughout the country. Elgin is the seat of the Northern (Illi- nois) Hospital for the Insane, and has a handsome Government (postoffice) building, fine public library and many liandsome residences. It has had a rapid growth in the past twenty years. Population (1890), 17,823; (1900), 22,433. ELGIN, JOLIET& EASTERN RAILWAY. The main line of this road extends west from Dyer on the Indiana State line to Joliet, thence northeast to Waukegan. The total length of the line (1898) is 192.72 miles, of which 159.93 miles are in Illi- nois. The entire capital of the company, includ- ing stock and indebtedness, amounted (1898), to $13,799,630 more than $71,000 per mile. Its total earnings in Illinois for the same year were $1,212,- 026, and its entire expenditure in the State, $1,156,146. The company paid in taxes, the same year, 48,876. Branch lines extend southerly from Walker Junction to Coster, where connec- tion is made with the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad, and northwesterly from Normantown, on the main line, to Aurora. (HISTORY). The Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Rail- way was chartered in 1887 and absorbed the Joliet, Aurora & Northern Railway, from Joliet to Aurora (21 miles), which had been commenced in 1886 and was completed in 1888, with extensions from Joliet to Spuulding, 111. , and from Joliet to McCool, Ind. In January, 1891, the Company purchased all the properties and franchises of the Gardner, Coal City & Normantown and the Waukegan & Southwestern Railway Companies (formerly operated under lease). The former of these two roads was chartered in 1889 and opened in 1890. The system forms a belt line around Chicago, intersecting all railroads entering that city from every direction. Its traffic is chiefly in the transportation of freight. ELIZABETHTOWN, the county-seat of Hardin County. It stands on the north bank of the Ohio River, 44 miles above Paducah, Ky., and about HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 157 135 miles southeast of Belleville; has a brick and tile factory, large tie trade, two churches, two flouring mills, a bank, and one newspaper. Pop- ulation (1890), 652; (1900), 668. . ELK HART, a town of Logan County, on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, 18 miles northeast of Springfield ; is a rich farming section ; has a coal shaft. Population (1890), 414; (1900), 553. ELKIN, William F., pioneer and early legisla- tor, was born in Clark County, Ky., April 13, 1793; after spending several years in Ohio and Indiana, came to Sangamon County, 111. , in 1825 . was elected to the Sixth, Tenth and Eleventh General Assemblies, being one of the "Long Nine" from Sangamon County and, in 1861, was appointed by his former colleague (Abraham Lincoln) Register of the Land Office at Spring- field, resigning in 1872. Died, in 1878. ELLIS, Edward F. W., soldier, was born at Wilton, Maine, April 15, 1819; studied law and was admitted to the bar in Ohio ; spent three years (1849-52) in California, serving in the Legislature of that State in 1851, -and proving himself an earnest opponent of slavery ; returned to Ohio the next year, and, in 1854, removed to Rockford, 111., where he embarked in the banking business. Soon after the firing on Fort Sumter, he organ- ized the Ellis Rifles, which having been attached to the Fifteenth Illinois, he was elected Lieuten- ant-Colonel of the regiment ; was in command at the battle of Shiloh, April 6, 1862, and was killed while bravely leading on his men. ELLIS, (Rev.) John Millot, early home mis- sionary, was born in Keene, N. H., July 14, 1793; came to Illinois as a home missionary of the Presbyterian Church at an early day, and served for a time as pastor of churches at Kaskaskia and Jacksonville, and was one of the influential factors in securing the location of Illinois Col- lege at the latter place. His wife also conducted, for some years, a private school for young ladies at Jacksonville, which developed into the Jack- sonville Female Academy in 1833, and is still maintained after a history of over sixty years. Mr. Ellis was later associated with the establish- ment of Wabash College, at Crawfordsville, Ind., finally returning to New Hampshire, where, in 1840, he was pastor of a church at East Hanover. In 1844 he again entered the service of the Soci- ety for Promoting Collegiate and Theological Education in the West. Died, August 6, 1855. ELLSWORTH, Ephraim Elmer, soldier, first victim of the Civil War, was born at Mechanics- ville, Saratoga County, N. Y., April 23, 1837. He oame to Chicago at an early age, studied law, and became a patent solicitor. In 1860 he raised a regiment of Zouaves in Chicago, which became famous for the perfection of its discipline and drill, and of which he was commissioned Colonel. In 1861 he accompanied President Lincoln to Washington, going from there to New York, where he recruited and organized a Zouave regiment composed of firemen. He became its Colonel and the regiment was ordered to Alexan- dria, Va. While stationed there Colonel Ells- worth observed that a Confederate flag was flying above a hotel owned by one Jackson. Rushing to the roof, he tore it down, but before he reached the street was shot and killed by Jackson, who was in turn shot by Frank H. Brownell, one of Ellsworth's men. He was the first Union soldier killed in the war. Died, May 24, 1861. ELMHITRST (formerly Cottage Hill), a village of Du Page County, on the Chicago Great Western and III. Cent. Railroads, 15 miles west of Chicago; is the seat of the Evangelical Seminary ; has elec- tric interurban line, two papers, stone quarry, electric light, water and sewerage systems, high school, and churches. Pop. (1900). 1,728. ELM WOOD, a town of Peoria County, on the Galesburg and Peoria and Buda and Rushville branches of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 26 miles west-northwest of Peoria; the principal industries are coal-mining and corn and tomato canning ; has a bank and one newspaper. Population (1890), 1,548; (1900), 1,582. EL PASO, a city in Woodford County, 17 miles north of Bloomington, 33 miles east of Peoria, at the crossing Illinois Central and Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroads ; in agricultural district ; has two national banks, three grain elevators, two high schools, two newspapers, nine churches. Pop. (1890), 1,353; (1900), 1,441: (1903, est.), 1,600. EMBARRAS RIVER, rises in Champaign County and runs south ward through the counties of Douglas, Coles and Cumberland, to Newton, in Jasper County, where it turns to the southeast, passing through Lawrence County, and entering the Wabash River about seven miles below Vin- cennes. It is nearly 150 miles long. EMMERSON, Charles, jurist, was bom at North Haverhill, Grafton County, N. H., April 15, 1811; came to Illinois in 183:J, first settling at Jackson- ville, where he spent one term in Illinois College, then studied law c,t Springfield, and, having been admitted to the bar, began practice at Decatur, where he spent the remainder of his life except three years (1847-50) during which he resided at Paris, Edgar County. In 1850 he was elected to 15* HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. the Legislature, and, iii 1853, to the Circuit bench, serving on the latter by re-election till 1867. The- Utter year he was a candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court, but was defeated by the late Judge Pinkney H. Walker. In 1869 he was elected to the State Constitutional Convention. l>ut died in April. INTO, while the Convention was still in session. KNFIEUt, a town of White County, at the intersection of the Louisville & Nashville with the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railway, 10 miles west of Carmi ; is the seat of Southern Illi- nois College. Tin- town also has a bank and one newspaper. Population (1880), 717; (1*90), H70; (1900), 971; (1903, est.), 1,000. ENGLISH, Joseph (>., hunker, was born at Rising Sun, Ind.. Dec. 17, 1H20; lived fora time at Perrysvilleand l>a Fayette in that State, finally engaging in merchandising in the former; in 1853 removed to Danville, 111., where he formed a partnership with John L. Tincher in mercantile business; later conducted a private banking busi- ness and, in 1863, established the First National Bank, of which he has l>een President over twenty years. He served two terms as Mayor of Dan- ville, in 1872 was elected a member of the State Board of Equalization, and. for more tlian twenty years, has been one of the Directors of the Chicago & Eastern Railroad. At the present time Mr. English, having practically retired from busi- ness, is spending most of his time in the West. ENOS, Pascal Paoli, pioneer, was born at Windsor, Conn., in 1770; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1794, studied law, and. after spending some years in Vermont, where he served as High Sheriff of Windsor County, in September, 1815, removed West, stopping first at Cincinnati. A year later he descended the Ohio by flat-boat to Shawneetown, 111., crossed the State by land, finally locating at St. Charles, Mo., and later nt St. Louis. Then, having purchased a tract of land in Madison County. III., he remained there alx>ut two years, when, in 1823, having receiver! from President Monroe the appointment of Receiver of the newly established Land Office at Springfield, he removed thither, making it his permanent home. He was one of the original purchasers of the land on which the city of Springfield now stands, and joined with Maj. Elijah lies. John Taylor and Thomas Cox, the other patentees, in laying out the town, to which they first gave tin- name of Calhoun. Mr Enos remained in office through the administration of President John yuincy Adams, but was removed hv President Jackson for political reasons, in 1H'>1. Died, at Springfield, April, 1832. Pascal P. (Enos), Jr., eldest son of Mr. Enos. was born in St. Charles, Mo., Nov. 28, 1816; was elected Representative in the General Assembly from Sangamon County in 1852, and served by appointment of Justice McLean of the Supreme Court as Clerk of the United States Circuit Court, being reappointed by Judge David Davis, dying in office, Feb. 17, 1867. Zlmrl A. (Enos), another son, was born Sept. 29, 1821, is a citizen of Springfield has served as County Surveyor and Alderman of the city. Julia 15., a daughter, was born in Spring field, Dec. 20, 1882, is the widow of the late O. M. Hatch, Secretary of State( 1857-65). EPLER, Cyrus, lawyer and jurist, was born at Charleston, Clark County, Ind., Nov. 12, 1825; graduated at Illinois College, Jackson- ville, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1852, being elected State's Attorney the same year; also served as a member of the General Assembly two terms (1857-61) and as Master in Chancery for Morgan County. 1867-73. In 1873 he was elected Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit and was re-elected successively in 1879, '85 and '91, serving four terms, and retiring in 1897. During his entire professional and official career his home has been in Jacksonville. EQUALITY, a village of Gallatin County, on the Shawneetown Division of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, 11 miles west-northwest of Shawneetown. It was for a time, in early days, the county seat of Gallatin County and market for the salt manufactured in that vicinity. Some coal is mined in the neighborhood. One weekl} |vper is published here. Population (1880), 500; (1890), 622; (1900). 898. ERIE, a village of Whiteside County, on the Rock Island and Sterling Division of the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 30 miles north- east of Rock Island. Population (1880), 537; (1890), r,:\:,, (1900), 768. EUREKA , the county-seat of Woodford County, incorporated in 1856, situated 19 miles east of Peoria; is in the heart of a rich stock-raising and agricultural district. The principal mechanical industry is a large canning factory. Besides having good grammar and high schools, it is also the seat of Eureka College, under the control of the Christian denomination, in connection with which are a Normal School and a Biblical Insti- tute. The town has a handsome courthouse and a jail, two weekly and one monthly paper. Eureka became the county-seat of Woodford County in 1H96. the change from Metamora being HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 1.VO due to the central location and more convenient accessibility of the former from all parts of the county. Population (1880), 1,185; (1890), 1,481; (1900), 1,661. EUREKA COLLEGE, located at Eureka, Wood- ford County, and chartered in 1855, distinctively under the care and supervision of the "Christian" or "Campbellite" denomination. The primary aim of its founders was to prejrare young men for the ministry, while at the same time affording facilities for liberal culture. It was chartered in 1855, and its growth, while gradual, has been steady. Besides a preparatory department and a business school, the college maintains a collegiate department (with classical and scientific courses) and a theological school, the latter being designed to lit young men for the ministry of the denomi- nation. Both male and female matriculates are received. In 1896 there was a faculty of eighteen professors and assistants, and an attendance of some 325 students, nearly one-third of whom were females. The total value of the institution's property is 144,000, which includes an endow- ment of $45,000 and real estate valued at 85,000. EUSTACE, John V., lawyer and judge, was born in Philadelphia. Sept. 9, 1821; graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1839, and. in 1842, at the age of 21, was admitted to the bar, removing the same year to Dixon, 111., where lie resided until his death. In 185C he was elected to the General Assembly and, in 185T, became Circuit Judge, serving one term; was chosen Presidential Elector in 1864. and. hi March, 1878, was again elevated to the Circuit Bench, vice Judge Heaton, deceased. He was elected to the same position in 1879, and re-elected in 1885. but died in 1888, three years before the expiration of his term. EVANGELICAL SEMINARY, an institution under the direction of the Lutheran denomina- tion, incorporated in 1865 and located at Elm- hurst, Du Page County. Instruction is given in the classics, theology, oratory and preparatory studies, by a faculty of eight teachers. The number of pupils during the school year (1895-90) was 133 all young men. It has property valued at $59,305. EVANS, Henry H., legislator, was born in Toronto, Can., March 9, 1836; bronght by his father (who was a native of Pennsylvania) to Aurora, 111., where the latter finaUy_Decame fore- man of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy ma- chine shops at that place. In 1862 young Evans enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Illinois Volunteers, serving until the close of the war. Since the war he lias Iwcome most widely known as a member of the General Assembly, hav- ing been elected first to the House, in 1876, and subsequently to the Senate every four years from 1880 to the year 1898, giving him over twenty years of almost continuous service. He is a large owner of real estate and lias been prominently connected with financial and other business enterprises at Aurora, including the Aurora Gas and Street Railway Companies; also served with the rank of Colonel on the staffs of Governors Cullom. Hamilton, Fifer and Oglesby. EVANS, (Rev.) Jervice ., educator and re- former, was born in Marshall County, 111., Dec. 19, 1833; entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1854, and, in 1872, accepted the presidency of Hedding College at Abingdon, which he filled for six years. He then became President of Chaddock College at Quincy, but the fallowing year returned to pastoral work. In 1889 he again became President of Hedding Col- lege, where (1898) he still remains. Dr. Evans is a member of the Central Illinois (M. E.) Confer- ence and a leader in the prohibition movement ; has also produced a number of volumes on reli- gious and moral questions. EVANS, John, M.D., physician and Governor, was born at Waynesville, Ohio, of Quaker ances- try, March 9, 1814; graduated in medicine at Cincinnati and began practice at Ottawa, 111., but soon returned to Ohio, finally locating at Attica, Ind. Here he became prominent in the establishment of the first insane hospital in In- diana, at Indianapolis, about 1841-42, becoming a resident of that city in 1845. Three years later, having accepted a chair in Rush Medical College, in Chicago, he removed thither, also serving for a time as editor of "The Northwestern Medical and Surgical Journal." He served as a member of the Chicago City Council, l>ecame a successful operator in real estate and in the promotion of various railroad enterprises, and was one of the founders of the Northwestern University, at 'Evanston, serving as President of the Board of Trustees over forty years. Dr. Evans was one of the founders of the Republican party in Illinois, and a strong personal friend of President Lincoln, from whom, in 1862, he received the appointment of Governor of the Territory of Colorado, con tinning in office until displaced by Andrew John- son in 1865. In Colorado he became a leading factor in the construction of some of the most important railroad lines in that section, including the Denver, Texas & Gulf Road, of which he was for many years the President. He was also 160 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. prominent in connection with educational and church enterprises at Denver, which was his home after leaving Illinois. Died, in Denver, July 3, 1897. EVANSTOJf, a city of Cook County, situated 12 miles north of Chicago, on the Chicago, Milwau- kee & St. Paul and the Chicago & Northwestern Railroads. The original town was incorporated Dec. 29, 1863, and, in March, 1869, a special act was passed by the Legislature incorporating it as a city, but rejected by vote of the people. On Oct. 19, 1872, the voters of the corporate town adopted village organizations under the General Village and City Incorporation Act of the same year. Since then annexations of adjacent terri- tory to the village of Evanston have taken place as follows: In January, 1873, two small districts by petition ; in April, 1874, the village of North Evanston was annexed by a majority vote of the electors of both corporations; in April. 1886, there was another annexation of a small out-lying- district by petition ; in February, 1892, the ques- tion of the annexation of South Evanston was submitted to the voters of both corporations and adopted. On March 29, 1892, the question of organization under a city government was sub- mitted to popular vote of the consolidated corpo- ration and decided in the affirmative, the first city election taking place April 19, following. The population of the original corporation of Evanston, according to the census of 189(1, was 12,072, and of South Evanston, 3,205, making the total population of the new city 15,967. Judged by the census returns' of 1900, the consolidated city has had a healthy growth in the past ten years, giving it, at the end of the century, a population of 19,259. Evanston is one of the most attractive residence cities in Northern Illinois and famed for its educational advantages. Besides having an admirable system of graded and high schools, it is the seat of the academic and theological departments of the Northwestern University, the latter being known as the Garrett Biblical Institute. The city has well paved streets, is lighted by both gas and electricity, and maintains its own system of water works. Prohibition is strictly enforced within the corporate limits under stringent municipal ordinances, and the charter of the Northwestern University forbidding the sale of intoxicants within four miles of that institution. As a consequence, it is certain to attract the most desirable class of people, whether consisting of those seeking permanent homes or simply contemplating temporary residence for the sake f.f educational advantages. EWING, William Lee Davidson, early lawyer and politician, was born in Kentucky in 1795, and came to Illinois at an early day, first settling at Shawneetown. As early as 1820 he appears from a letter of Governor Edwards to President Mon- roe, to have been holding some Federal appoint- ment, presumably that of Receiver of Public Moneys in the Land Office at Vandalia, as con- temporary history shows that, in 1822, he lost a deposit of 1,000 by the robbery of the bank there. He was also Brigadier-General of the State militia at an early day, Colonel of the "Spy Battalion" during the Black Hawk War, and, as Indian Agent, superintended the removal of the Sacs and Foxes west of the Mississippi. Other posi- tions held by him included Clerk of the House of Representatives two sessions (1826-27 and 1828-29) ; Representative from the counties composing the Vandalia District in the Seventh General Assem- bly (1830-31), when healso became Speakerof the House; Senator from the same District in the Eighth and Ninth General Assemblies, of which he was chosen President pro tempore. While sen-ing in this capacity he became ex-officio Lieutenant-Governor in consequence of the resig- nation of Lieut. -Gov. Zadoc Casey to accept a seat in Congress, in March, 1833, and, in Novem- ber, 1834, assumed the Governorship as successor to Governor Reynolds, who had been elected to Congress to fill a vacancy. He served only fifteen days as Governor, when he gave place to Gov. Joseph Duncan, who liad been elected in due course at the previous election. A year later (December, 1835) he was chosen United States Senator to succeed Elias Kent Kane, who had died in office. Failing of a re-election to the Senatorship in 1837, he was returned to the House of Representatives from his old district in 1838, as he was again in 1840, at each session being chosen Speaker over Abraham Lincoln, who was the Whig candidate. Dropping out of the Legis- lature at the close of his term, we find him at the beginning of the next session (December, 1842) in his old place as Clerk of the House, but, before the close of the session (in March, 1843), appointed Auditor of Public Accounts as successor to James Shields, who had resigned. While occupying the office of Auditor, Mr. Ewing died, March 25, 1846. His public career was as unique as it was remark- able, in the number and character of the official positions held by him within a period of twenty- five years. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. (See State officers under heads of "Governor," "Lieutenant -Gov- ernor." etc.) HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 161 EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY, ILLINOIS CHARITABLE. This institution is an outgrowth of a private charity founded at Chicago, in 1858, by Dr. Edward L. Holmes, a distinguished Chi- cago oculist. In 1871 the property of the institu- tion was transferred to and accepted by the State, the title was changed, by the substitution of the word "Illinois" for "Chicago," and the Infirmary became a State institution. The fire of 1871 destroyed the building, and, in 1873-74, the State erected another of brick, four stories in height, at the corner of West Adams and Peoria Streets, Chicago. The institution receives patients from all the counties of the State, the same receiving board, lodging, and medical aid, and (when neces- sary) surgical treatment, free of charge. The number of patients on Dec. 1. 1897, was 160. In 1877 a free eye and ear dispensary was opened under legislative authority, which is under charge of some eminent Chicago specialists. FAIRBCRY, an incorporated city of Livings- ton County, situated ten miles southeast of Pon- tiac, in a fertile and thickly -settled region. Coal, sandstone, limestone, tire-clay and a micaceous quartz are found in the neighborhood. The town has banks, grain elevators, flouring mills and two weekly newspa|>ers. Population (1880), 4.140; (1*90). 2,32-t; (1900). 2,187. FAIRFIELD, an incorporated city, the county- seat of Wayne County and a railway junction, 108 miles southeast of St. Louis. The town has an extensive woolen factory and large flouring and saw mills. It also has four weekly papers and is an important fruit and grain-shipping point. Population (1880). 1,391: (1890). 1.881; (1900). 2.338. FAIRMOUNT, a village of Vermilion County, on the Wabash Railway, 13 miles west-southwest frorti Danville; industrial interests chiefly agri- cultural ; has brick and tile factory, a coal mine, stone quarry, three rural mail routes and one weekly paper. Population (1890). 649 ; (1900), 928. FALLOWS, (Rt. Rev.) Samuel, Bishop of Re- formed Protestant Episcopal Church, was born at Pendleton, near Manchester, England, Dec. 13, 1835 ; removed with his parents to Wisconsin in 1848, and graduated from the State, University there in 1859, during a part of his university course serving as pastor of a Methodist Episcopal church at Madison; was next Vice-President of Gainesville University till 1861, when he was ordained to the Methodist ministry and became pastor of a church at Oshkosh. The following year he was appointed Chaplain of the Thirty- second Wisconsin Volunteers, but later assisted in organizing the Fortieth Wisconsin, of which he became Colonel, in 1865 being brevetted Briga- dier-General. On his return to civil life he became a pastor in Milwaukee; was appointed State Superintendent of Public Instruction for Wisconsin to fill a vacancy, in 1871, and was twice re-elected. In 1874 he was elected President of the Illinois Wesleyan University at Bloomington, 111., remaining two years; in 1875 united with the Reformed Episcopal Church, soon after became Rector of St. Paul's Church in Chicago, and was elected a Bishop in 1876, also assuming the editorship of "The Appeal," the organ of the church. He served as Regent of the University of Wisconsin (1864-74), and for several years has been one of the Trustees of the Illinois State Reform School at Pontiac. He is the author of two or three volumes, one of them being a "Sup- plementary Dictionary," published in 1884. Bishop Fallows lias had supervision of Reformed Episcopal Church work in the West and North- west for several years ; has also served as Chaplain of the Grand Army of the Republic for the Department of Illinois and of the Loyal Legion, and was Chairman of the General Committee of the Educational Congress during the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. FARIXA, a town of Fayette County, on the Chicago Division of the Illinois Central Railroad, 2!) miles northeast of Centralia. Agriculture and fruit-growing constitute the chief business of the section ; the town has one newspaper. Popula- tion (1890), 018; (1900). 693; (1903, est.). 800. FARMER CITY, a city of De Witt County, 25 miles southeast of Bloomington, at the junction of the Springfield division of the Illinois Central and the Peoria division of the Cleveland, Cincin- nati, Chicago & St. Louis Railways. It is a trading center for a rich agricultural and stock- raising district, especially noted for rearing finely bred horses. The cits' lias banks, two news- papers, churches of four denominations and good schools, including a high school. Population (1880). 1,289; (1890), 1.367: (1900). 1,664- FARMERS' INSTITUTE, an organization created by an act, approved June 24, 1895, de- signed to encourage practical education among farmers, and to assist in developing the agricul- tural resources of the State. Its membership consists of three delegates from each county in the State, elected annually by the Farmers' Institute in such county. Its affairs are managed by a Board of Directors constituted as follows: The Superintendent of Public Instruction, the 162 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Professor of Agriculture in the University of Illi- nois, and the Presidents of the State Board of Agriculture, Dairymen's Association and Horti- cultural Society, ex-officio, with one member from each Congressional District, chosen by the dele- gates from the district at the annual meeting of the organization. Annual meetings (between Oct. 1 and March 1) are required to be held, which shall continue in session for not less than three days. The topics for discussion are the cultivation of crops, the care and breeding of domestic animals, dairy husbandry, horticulture, farm drainage, improvement of highways and general farm management. The reports of the annual meetings are printed by the State to the number of 10,000, one-half of the edition being placed at the disposal of the Institute. Suitable quarters for the officers of the organization are provided in the State capitol. FARMINGTON, a city and railroad center in Fulton County. 13 miles nortli of Canton and 22 miles WH^t of Peoria. Coal is extensively mined here; there are also brick nml tile factories, a foundry, one steam flour mill, and two cigar manufactories. It is a large shipping-point for grain and live-stock. The town has two banks and two newspajivrs. five churches and a graded school. Population (18!0). 1,375; (1903. est), 2.103. FARNSWORTH, F,lon John, soldier, was Iwrn at Green Oak, Livingston County, Mich., in 1837. After completing a course in the public schools, he entered the University of Michigan, but left college at the end of his freshman year (1858) to serve in the Quartermaster's department of the army in the Utah expedition. At the expiration of his term of service he became a buffalo hunter and a carrier of mails between the haunts of civilization and the then newly-discovered mines at Pike's Peak. Returning to Illinois, he was commissioned (1861) Assistant Quartermaster of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, of which his uncle was Colonel. (See Farnnwortli, John Franklin.) He soon rose to a captaincy, distinguishing him- self in the battles of the Peninsula. In May, 1863, he was appointed aid-de-camp to General Pleasanton, and, on June 29, 1863, was made a Brigadier-General. Four days later he was killed, while gallantly leading a charge at Gettysburg. FARNSWORTH, John Franklin, soldier and former Congressman, was born at Eaton. Canada East, March 27, 1820; removed to Michigan in 1834, and later to Illinois, settling in Kane County, where he practiced law for many years, making his home at St. Charles. He was elected to Congress in 1856, and re-elected in 1858. In September of 1861. he was commissioned Colonel of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry Volunteers, and was brevetted Brigadier-General in November. 1862, but resigned, Marcli 4. 1863, to take his seat in Congress to which he had been elected the November previous, by successive re-elections serving from 1863 to 1873. The latter years of his life were spent in Washington, where he died, July 14, 1897. FARWFLL, Charles Benjamin, merchant and United States Senator, was born at Painted Post. X. Y.. July 1, 1823; removed to Illinois in 183*. and, for six years, was employed in surveying and farming. In 1844 he engaged in the real estate business and in banking, at Chicago. He was elected County Clerk in 1853, and re-elected in 1857. Later he entered into commerce, becom- ing a partner with his brother, John Villiers. in the firm of J. V. Farwell & Co. He was a mem- ber of the State Board of Equalization in 1867 ; Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Cook County in 1868; and National Bank Examiner in 1869. In 1870 he wsts elected to Congress as a Republican, was re elected in 1872, but was defeated in 1874. after u contest for the seat which was carried into the House .it Washington. Again, in 1880, he was returned to Congress, making three full terms in that body. He also served for several years as Chairman of th- Republican State Central Committee. After the deatli of Gen. John A. Logan he was (1887 > elected United States Senator, his term expiring March 3, 1891. Mr. Farwell has since devoted his attention to the immense mercantile busi- ness of J. V. Farwell & Co. FARWELL, John Villiers. merchant, was born at Campbelltown. Steulten County, N. Y., July 29, 1825, the son of a farmer; received a common school education and. in 1838, removed with his father's family to Ogle County, 111. Here he attended Mount Morris Seminary for a time, but, in 1845, came to Chicago without capital anil secured employment in the City Clerk's office, then became a book-kee|>er in the dry-goods establishment of Hamilton & White, and, still later, with Hamilton & Day. Having thus received his bent towards a mercantile career, he soon after entered the concern of Wadsworth & Phelps as a clerk, at a salary of 600 a year, but was admitted to a partnership in 1850, the title of the firm becoming Cooley, Farwell & Co., in 1860. About this time Marshall Field and Levi Z. Leiter became associated with the concern and received their mercantile training under the supervision of Mr. Farwell. In 1865 the title of the tirm HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 163 became J. V. Farwell & Co., but, in 1891, the firm was incorporated under the name of The J. V. Farwell Company, his brother, Charles B. Far- well, being a member. The subject of this sketch has long been a prominent factor in religious circles, a leading spirit of the Young Men's Christian Association, and served as President of the Chicago Branch of the United States Christian Commission during the Civil War. Politically he is a Republican and served as Presi- dential Elector at the time of President Lincoln's second election in 1864 ; also served by appoint- ment of President Grant, in 1869, on the Board of Indian Commissioners. He was a member of the syndicate which erected the Texas State Capitol, at Austin, in that State ; has been, for a number of years, Vice-President and Treasurer of the J. V. Farwell Company, and President of the Colorado Consolidated Land and Water Company. He was also prominent in the organization of the Chicago Public Library, and a member of the Union League, the Chicago Historical Society and the Art Institute. FARWELL, William Washington, jurist, was born at Morrisville, Madison County, N. Y. , Jan. 5, 1817, of old Puritan ancestry ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1837, and was admitted to the bar at Rochester, N. Y., in 1841. In 1848 he removed to Chicago, but the following year went to California, returning to his birthplace in 1850. In 1854 he again settled at Chicago and soon secured a prominent position at the bar. In 1871 he was elected Circuit Court Judge for Cook County, and, in 1873, re-elected for a term of six years. During this period he sat chiefly upon the chancery side of the court, and, for a time, presided as Chief Justice. At the close of his second term he was a candidate for re-election as a Republican, but was defeated with the re- mainder of the ticket. In 1880 he was chosen Professor of Equity Jurisprudence in the Union College of Law (now the Northwestern Univer- sity Law School) , serving until June, 1893, when he resigned. Died, in Chicago, April 30, 1894. KAVKTTE COUNTY, situated about 60 miles south of the geographical center of the State; was organized in 1821, and named for the French General La Fayette. It has an area of 720 square miles; population (1900), 28,065. The soil is fer- tile and a rich vein of bituminous coal underlies the county. Agriculture, fruit-growing and mining are the chief industries. The old, historic "Cumberland Road," the trail for all west-bound emigrants, crossed the county at an early date. Perryville was the first county-seat, but this town is now extinct. Vandalia, the present seat of county government (population, 2,144), stands upon a succession of hills upon the west bank of the Kaskaskia. From 1830 to 1839 it was the State Capital. Besides Vandalia the chief towns are Ramsey, noted for its railroad ties and tim- ber, and St. Ellin i. FEEBLE-MINDED CHILDREN, ASYLUM FOR. This institution, originally established as a sort of appendage to the Illinois Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, was started at Jacksonville, in 1865, as an "experimental school, for the instruction of idiots and feeble-minded children. ' ' Its success having been assured, the school was placed upon an independent basis in 1871, and. in 1875, a site at Lincoln, Logan County, covering forty acres, was donated, and the erection of buildings begun. The original plan provided for a center building, with wings and a rear exten- sion, to cost $124,775. Besides a main or adminis- tration building, the institution embraces a school building and custodial hall, a hospital and industrial workshop, and, during the past year, a chapel has been added. It has control of 890 acres, of which 400 are leased for farming pur- poses, the rental going to the benefit of the insti- tution. The remainder is used for the purposes of the institution as farm land, gardens or pas- ture, about ninety acres being occupied by the institution buildings. The capacity of the insti- tution is about 700 inmates, with many applica- tions constantly on file for the admission of others for whom there is no room. FEEHAN, Patrick A., D.D., Archbishop of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Chicago, and Metropolitan of Illinois, was born at Tipperary, Ireland, in 1829, and educated at Mavnooth College. He emigrated to the United States in 1852, settling at St. Louis, and was at once appointed President of the Seminary of Caronde- let. Later he was made pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Conception at St. Louis, where he achieved marked distinction. In 1865 he was consecrated Bishop of Nashville, managing the affairs of the diocese with great ability. In 1880 Chicago was raised to an archiepiscopal see, with Suffragan Bishops at Alton and Peoria, and Bishop Feehan was consecrated its first Arch- bishop. His administration has been conserva- tive, yet efficient, and the archdiocese has greatly prospered under his rule. FELL, Jesse W., lawyer and real-estate opera- tor, was born in Chester County, Pa., about 1808; started west on foot in 1828, and, after spending some years at Steubenville, Ohio, came to Dela- 164 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. van, 111., in 1832, and the next year located at Bloomington, being the first lawyer in that new- town. Later he became agent for school lands and the State Bank, but failed financially in 1837, and returned to practice: resided several years at Payson. Adams County, but returning to Bloomington in 1855. was instrumental in securing the location of the Chicago & Alton Railroad through that town, and was one of the founders of the towns of Clinton, Pontiac, Lex- ington and El Paso. He was an intimate personal and political friend of Abraham Lincoln, and it was to him Mr. Lincoln addressed his celebrated personal biography ; in the campaign of I860 he served as Secretary- of the Republican State Cen- tral Committee, and, in 1862, was appointed by Mr. Lincoln a Paymaster in the regular army, serving some two years. Mr. Fell was also a zeal- ous friend of the cause of industrial education, and bore an ini|K>rtant part in securing the location of the State Normal University at Nor- mal, of which city he was the founder. Died, at Bloomington, Jan. 25, 18H7. FERGUS, Robert, early printer, was born in Glasgow, Scotland. August 4, 1815: learned the printer's trade in his native city, assisting in his youth in putting in type some of Walter Scott's productions and other works which now rank among English classics. In 1834 he came to America, finally Iwating in Chicago, where, with various partners, he pursued the business of a job printer continuously some fifty years being the veteran printer of Chicago. He was killed by being run over by a railroad train at. Evanston, July 23. 1897. The establishment of which he was so long the head is continued liy his sons. FERNWOOD, a suburban station on the Chi- cago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, 12 south of ter- minal station; annexed to City of Chicago, 1891. FERRY, KINIm Peyre, politician, born in Monroe, Mich., August 9. 1825: was educated in his native town and admitted to the bar at Fort Wayne, Ind., in 1845, removed to Waukegan, III. . the following year, served as Postmaster and, in 1856, was candidate on the Republican ticket for Presidential Elector; was elected Mayor of Waukegan in 1859, a member of the State Con- stitutional Convention of 1862, State Bank Com- missioner in 1861 -63. Assistant Adjutant-General on the staff of Governor Yates during the war, and a delegate to the Republican National Con- vention of 1864. After the war he served as direct-tax Commissioner for Tennessee; in 1869 was appointed Surveyor-General of Washington Territory-and, in 1872 and "76, Territorial GOT- ernor. On the admission of Washington as a State, in 1889, he was elected the first Governor. Died, at Seattle, Wash., Oct. 14. 1895. FEVRE RIVER, a small stream which rises in Southern Wisconsin and enters the Mississippi in Jo Daviess County, six miles below Galena, whicli stands upon its banks. It is navigable for steam- boats between Galena and its mouth. The name originally given to it by early French explorers was "Feve" (the French name for "Bean"), which has since been corrupted into its present form. I'M 1 K I.I \ . Orlando B., lawyer and politician, was born in Kentucky. Dec. 16, 1808, and admitted to the bar at Mount Carmel, Wabash County. III., in March, 1830. In 1834 he was elected to the lower house of the Ninth General Assembly. After serving a term as State's Attorney for Wabash County, in 1837 he removed to Charleston, Coles County, where, in 1838, and again in '42, he was elected to the Legislature, as he was for the last time in 1878. He was four times elected to Congress, serving from 1843 to "49. and from 1851 to '53; was Presidential Elector in 1856. and candidate for the same position on the Democratic ticket for the State-at-large in 1884; was also a delegate to the Democratic National Conventions of 1856 and '60. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1H62. Died, at Cliarleston, May 5. 1886.' FIELD, Alexander Pope, early legislator and Secretary of State, came to Illinois about the time of its admission into the Union, locating in Union County, which he represented in the Third, Fifth and Sixth General Assemblies. In the first of these he was a prominent factor In the ejection of Representative Hansen of Pike County and the seating of Shaw in his place, which enabled the advocates of slavery to secure the passage of a resolution submitting to the people the question of calling a State Constitutional Convention. In 1828 he was appointed Secretary of State by Governor Edwards, remaining in office under Governors Reynolds and Dun- can and through half the term of Governor Carlin, though the latter attempted to secure his removal in 1838 by the appointment of John A. McClernand the courts, however, declaring against the latter. In November, 1840, the Governor's act was made effective by the confirmation, by the Senate, of Stephen A. Doug- las as Secretary in place of Field. Douglas held the office only to the following February, when he resigned to take a place on the Supreme HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OK ILLINOIS. 165 liencli and Lyman Trumbull was appointed to succeed him. Field (who had become a Whig) was appointed by President Harrison, in 1841, Secretary of Wisconsin Territory, later removed, to St. Louis and finally to New Orleans, where he was at the beginning of the late war. In Decem- ber, 1863, he presented himself as a member of the Thirty-eighth Congress for Louisiana, but was refused his seat, though claiming in an elo- quent speech to have been a loyal man. Died, in New Orleans, in 1877. Mr. Field was a nephew of Judge Nathaniel Pope, for over thirty years on the bench of the United States District Court. FIELD, Engrene, journalist, humorist and poet, was born in St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 2. 1850. Left an orphan at an early age, he was reared by a rela- tive at Amherst, Mass., and received a portion of his literary training at Monson and Williamstown in that State, completing his course at the State University of Missouri. After an extended tour through Europe in 1872-73, he began his journal- istic career at St. Louis, Mo., as a reporter on "The Evening Journal," later becoming its city editor. During the next ten years lie was succes- sively connected with newspapers at St. Joseph, Mo., St. Louis, Kansas City, and at Denver, Colo., at the last named city being managing editor of "The Tribune." In 1883 he removed to Chicago, becoming a special writer for "The Chicago News," his particular department for several years being a pungent, witty column with the caption, "Sharps and Flats.'' He wrote con- siderable prose fiction and much jioetry, among the latter being successful translations of several of Horace's Odes. As a poet, -however, he was best known through his short poems relating to childhood and home, which strongly appealed to the popular- heart. Died, in Chicago, deeply mourned by a large circle of admirers, Nov. 4, 1895. FIELD, Marshall, merchant and capitalist, was born in Conway. Mass., in 1835. and grew upon a farm, receiving a common school and academic education. At the age of 17 he entered upon a mercantile career as clerk in a dry-goods store at Pittsfield, Mass., but, in 1856, came to Chicago and secured employment with Messrs. Cooley, Wadsworth & Co. ; in 1860 was admitted into partnership, the firm becoming Cooley, Farwell & Co., and still later, Farwell, Field & Co. The last named firm was dissolved and that of Field, Palmer & Leiter organized in 1865. Mr. Palmer having retired in 1867, the firm was continued under the name of Field, Leiter & Co.. until 1881, when Mr. Leiter retired, the concern being since known as Marshall Field & Co. The growth of the business of this great establishment is shown by the fact that, whereas its sales amounted before the fire to some 812,000,000 annually, in 1895 they aggregated S40.000.000. Mr. Field's business career has been remarkable for its suc- cess in a city famous for its successful business men and the vast ness of their commercial oper- ations. He has been a generous and discrimi- nating patron of important public enterprises, some of his more conspicuous donations being the gift of a tract of land valued at $300,000 and $100.000 in cash, to the Chicago University, and $1,000.000 to the endowment of the Field Colum- bian Museum, as a sequel to the World's Colum- bian Exposition. The latter, chiefly through the munificence of Mr. Field, promises to become one of the leading institutions of its kind in the United States. Besides his mercantile interests. Mr. Field lias extensive interests in various finan- cial and manufacturing enterprises, including the Pullman Palace Car Company and the Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, in each of which he is a Director. FIFER, Joseph W., born at Stanton, Va., Oct. 28, 1840; in 1857 he accompanied his father (who was a stone-mason) to McLean County, 111., and worked at the manufacture and laying of brick. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted as a private in the Thirty-third Illinois Infantry, and was dangerously wounded at the assault on Jack- son, Miss., in 1863. On the healing of his wound, disregarding the advice of family and friends, he rejoined his regiment. At the close of the war, when about 25 years of age. he entered the Wes- leyan University at Bloomington, where, by dint of liard work and frugality, while supporting himself in part by manual labor, he secured a diploma in 1868. He at once began the study of law, and, soon after his admission, entered upon a practice which subsequently proved both success- ful and lucrative. He was elected Corporation Counsel of Bloomington in 1871 and State's Attor- ney for McLean County in 1N72. holding the latter office, through re-election, until 1880, when he was chosen State Senator, serving in the Thirty- second and Thirty : third General Assemblies. In 1888 he was nominated and elected Governor on the Republican ticket, but, in 1892, was defeated by John P. Altgeld, the Democratic nominee, though running in advance of the national and the rest of the State ticket. FIXERTY, John F.. ex-Congressman and journalist, was born in Galway, Ireland, Sept. 10. 1846. His studies were mainly prosecuted 166 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. under private tutors. At the age of 16 he entered the profession of journalism, and, in 1864, coming to America, soon after enlisted, serving for 100 days during the Civil War, in the Ninety-ninth New York Volunteers. Subsequently, having removed to Chicago, he was connected with "The Chicago Times" as a special correspondent from 1876 to 1881, and, in 1882, established "The Citi- zen," a weekly newspaper devoted to the Irish- American interest, which he continues to pub- lish. In 1883 he was elected, as an Independ- ent Democrat, to represent the Second Illinois District in the Forty-eighth Congress, but, run- ning as an Independent Republican for re-election in 1884, was defeated by Frank Lawler, Democrat. In 1887 he was appointed Oil Inspector of Chi- cago, and, since 1889, has held no public office, giving his attention to editorial work on his paper. FISHER, (Dr.) George, pioneer physician and legislator, was probably a native of Virginia, from which State he appears to have come to Kaskaskia previous to 1800. He became very prominent during the Territorial period; was appointed by William Henry Harrison, then Governor of Indiana Territory, the first Sheriff of Randolph County after its organization in 1801 ; was elected from that county to the Indiana Territorial House of Representatives in 1805, and afterwards promoted to the Territorial Council ; was also Representative in the First and Third Legislatures of Illinois Territory (1812 and '16), serving as Speaker of each. He was a Dele- gate to the Constitutional Convention of 1818, but died [on his farm near Kaskaskia in 1820. Dr. Fisher participated in the organization of the first Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in Illi- nois at Kaskaskia, in 1806, and was elected one of its officers. FISHERIES. The fisheries of Illinois center chiefly at Chicago, the catch being taken from Lake Michigan, and including salmon trout, white fish (the latter species including a lake herring), wall-eyed pike, three kinds of bass, three varieties of sucker, carp and sturgeon. The "fishing fleet" of Lake Michigan, properly so called, (according to the census of 1890) con- sisted of forty-seven steamers and one schooner, of which only one a steamer of twenty-six tons burthen was credited to Illinois. The same report showed a capital of $36,105 invested in land, buildings, wharves, vessels, boats and apparatus. In addition to the "fishing fleet" mentioned, nearly 1,100 sail-boats and other vari- eties of craft are employed in the industry, sailing from ports between Chicago and Macki nac, of which, in 1890, Illinois furnished 94, or about nine .per cent. All sorts of apparatus are used, but the principal are gill, fyke and pound nets, and seines. The total value of these minor Illinois craft, with their equipment, for 1890, was nearly $18,000, the catch aggregating 723.830 pounds, valued at between $34,000 and $25,000. Of this draught, the entire quantity was either sold fresh in Chicago and adjacent markets. or shipped, either in ice or frozen. The Mississippi and its tributaries yield wall-eyed pike, pike perch, buffalo fish, sturgeon, paddle fish, and other species available for food. FITHIAN, George '., ex-Congressman, was born on a farm near Willow Hill, 111., July 4, 1854. His early education was obtained in the common schools, and he learned the trade of a printer at Mount CarmeL While employed at the case he found time to study law, and was admitted to the bar in 1875. In 1876 he was elected State's Attorney for Jasper County, and re-elected in 1880. He was prominent in Democratic politics, and, in 1888, was elected on the ticket of that party to represent the Sixteenth Illinois District in Congress. He was re-elected in 1890 and again in 1892, but, in 1894, was defeated by his Republican opponent. UTIII AN, (Dr.) William, pioneer physician, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1800; built the first houses in Springfield and Urbana in that State; in 1822 began the study of medicine at Urbana ; later practiced two years at Mechanics- burgh, and four years at Urbana, as partner of his preceptor; in 1830 came west, locating at Danville, Vermilion County, where he became a large land -owner; in 1832 served with the Ver- milion County militia in the Black Hawk War, and, in 1834, was elected Representative in the Ninth General Assembly, the first of which Abraham Lincoln was a member; afterwards served two terms in the State Senate from the Danville District (1838-46). Dr. Fithian was active in promoting the railroad interests of Danville, giving the right of way for railroad purposes through a large body of land belonging to him, in Vermilion County. He was also a member of various medical associations, and, during his later years, was the oldest practicing physician in the State. Died, in Danville, 111., April 5, 1890. FLA<;<>, Gershom, pioneer, was born in Rich- mond, Vt., in 1792, came west in 1816, settling in Madison County, 111., in 1818, where he was known as an enterprising farmer and a prominent HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 167 and influential citizen. Originally a Whig, he became a zealous Republican on the organization of that party, dying in 1857. Wlllartl Catting (Flagg), son of the preceding, was born in Madi- son County, 111., Sept 16, 1829, spent his early life on his father's farm and in the common schools; from 1844 to '50 was a pupil in the celebrated high school of Edward Wyman in St. Louis, finally graduating with honors at Yale College, in 1854. During his college course he took a number of literary prizes, and, in his senior year, served as one of the editors of "The Yale Literary Magazine." Returning to Illinois after gradu- ation, he took charge of his father's farm, engaged extensively in fruit-culture and stock-raising, being the first to introduce the Devon breed of cattle in Madison County in 1859. He was a member of the Republican State Central Com- mittee in 1860; in 1862, by appointment of Gov. Yates, became Enrolling Officer for Madison County ; served as Collector of Internal Revenue for the Twelfth District, 1864-69, and. in 1868, was elected to the State Senate for a term of four years, and, during the last session of his term (1872), took a prominent part in the revision of the school law ; was appointed a member of the first Board of Trustees of the Industrial Univer- sity (now the University of Illinois) at Cham- paign, and reappointed in 1875. Mr. Flagg was also prominent in agricultural and horticultural organizations, serving as Secretary of the State Horticultural Society from 1861 to '69, when he became its President. He was one of the origi- nators of the "farmers' movement," served for some time as President of "The State Farmers' Association," wrote voluminously, and delivered addresses in various States on agricultural and horticultural topics, and, in 1875, was elected President of the National Agricultural Congress. In his later years he was a recognized leader in the Granger movement. Died, at Mora, Madison County, 111., April.'), 1878. FLEMIM, Robert K., pioneer printer, was lx>rn in Erie County, Pa., learned the printers' trade in Pittsburg, and, coining west while quite young, worked at his trade in St. Louis, finally removing to Kaskaskia, where he was placed in control of the office of "The Republican Advo- cate," which had been established in 1823, by Elias Kent Kane. The publication of "The Advocate" having lieen suspended, he revived it in May, 1825, under the name of "The Kaskaskia Recorder," but soon removed it to Vandalia (then the State capital), and, in 1827, began the publi- cation of "The Illinois Corrector, " at Edwards- ville. Two years later lie returned to Kaskaskia and resumed the publication of "The Recorder," but, in 1833, was induced to remove his office to Belleville, where he commenced the publication of "The St. Clair Gazette," followed by "The St. Clair Mercury," both of which had a brief exist- ence. About 1843 he returned to the newspaper business as publisher of "The Belleville Advo- cate," which he continued for a number of years. He died, at Belleville, in 1874, leaving two sons who have been prominently identified with the history of journalism in Southern Illinois, at Belleville and elsewhere. FLETCHER, Job, pioneer and early legislator, was born in Virginia, in 1793, removed to Sanga- mon County, 111., in 1819; was elected Represent- ative in 1826, and, in 1834, to the State Senate, serving in the latter body six years. He was one of the famous "Long Nine" which represented Sangamon County in the Tenth General Assem- bly. Mr. Fletcher was again a member of the House in 1844-45. Died, in Sangamon County, in 1872. FLORA, a city in Harter Township, Clay County, on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad, 95 miles east of St. Louis, and 108 miles south-southeast of Springfield; has barrel factory, flouring mills, cold storage and ice plant, three fruit-working factories, two banks, six churches and a weekly newspaper. Population (1890), 1,695; (19(10), 2.311 ; (1903. est.). 3,000. FLOWER, George, early English colonist, was born in Hertfordshire, England, about 1780; came to the United States in 1817, and was associ- ated with Morris Birkbeck in founding the "English Settlement" ' at Albion, Edwards County, 111. Being in affluent circumstances, he built an elegant mansion and stocked an exten- sive farm with blooded animals from England and other parts of Europe, but met with reverses which dissipated his wealth. In common with Mr. Birkbeck, he was one of the determined opponents of the attempt to establish slavery in Illinois in 1824, and did much to defeat tliat measure. He and his wife died on the same day (Jan. 15, 1862), while on a visit to a daughter at Grayville, III. A book written by him "History of the English Settlement in Edwards County, 111." and published in 1882, is a valuable contri- bution to the early history of that portion of the State Edward Fordhams (Flower), son of the preceding, was born in England, Jan. 31, 1805, but came with his father to Illinois in early life : later he returned to England and spent nearly half a century at Stratford-on-Avon. where he 108 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. was four times chosen Mayor of that borough and entertained many visitors from the United States to Shakespeare's birthplace. Died, March 26. 1883. FOBES, Philena, educator, born in Onondaga County, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1811; was educated at Albany and at Cortland Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. ; in 1838 became a teacher in Monticello Female Seminary, then newly established at Godfrey, 111., under Rev. Theron Baldwin, Prin- cipal. On the retirement of Mr. Baldwin in 1843, Miss Fobes succeeded to the principalship, remaining until 1866, when she retired. For some years she resided at Rochester, N. Y., and New Haven, Conn., but. in 1886, she removed to Philadelphia, where she afterwards made her home, notwithstanding her advanced age, main- taining a lively interest in educational and benevolent enterprises. Miss Fobes died at Phila- delphia, Nov. 8, 1898, and was buried at New Haven, Conn. TOLEY, Thomas, Roman Catholic Bishop, born in Baltimore. Md., in 1823; was ordained a priest in 1846, and, two years later, was appointed Chan- cellor of the Diocese, being made Vicar-General in 1867. He was nominated Coadjutor Bishop of the Chicago Diocese in 1869 (Bishop Duggan hav- ing become insane), and, in 1870, was consecrated Bishop. His administration of diocesan work was prudent and eminently successful. As a man and citizen he won the respect of all creeds and classes alike, the State Legislature adopting resolutions of respect and regret upon learning of his death, which occurred at Baltimore, in 1879. FORBES, Stephen Van Rensselaer, pioneer teacher, was born at Windliam, Vt. , July 2y special cliarter in 1808, and, under the general law, in 1888. Farming and stock-raising are the principal industries. The village has a bank, water-works, electric light plant, creamery, vil- lage hall, seven churches, a graded school, and a newspaper. Population (1890), 1,118; (1900), 1,047. FORSYTHE, Albert P., ex-Congressman, was born at New Richmond, Ohio. May 24, 1830; received his early education in the common schools, and at Asbury University. He was reared upon a farm and followed farming as his life-work. During the War of the Rebellion he served in the Union army as Lieutenant. In politics he early became an ardent Nationalist, and was chosen President of the Illinois State Grange of the Patrons of Industry, in December, 1875, and again in January, 1878. In 1878 he was elected to Congress as a Nationalist, but, in 1880, though receiving the nominations of the com- bined Republican and Greenback parties, was defeated by Samuel W. Moulton, Democrat. FORT, Greenbnry I,., soldier and Congress- man, was born in Ohio, Oct. 17, 1825, and, in 1834, removed with his parents to Illinois. In 1850 he was elected Sheriff of Putnam County ; in 1852, Clerk of the Circuit Court, and, having mean- while been admitted to the bar at Lacon, became County Judge in 1857, serving until 1861. In April of the latter year he enlisted under the first call for troops, by re-enlistments serving till March 24, 1866. Beginning as Quartermaster of his regiment, he served as Chief Quartermaster of the Fifteenth Army Corps on the "March to the Sea," and was mustered out with the rank of Colonel and Brevet Brigadier-General. On his return from the field, he was elected to the State Senate, serving in the Twenty-fifth and Twenty- sixth General Assemblies, and, from 1873 to 1881, as Representative in Congress. He died, at Lacon. June 13, 1M83. FORT < HAKTKKS, a strong fortification erected by the French in 1718, on the American Bottom, 16 miles northwest from Kaskaskia. The soil on which it stood was alluvial, and the limestone of which its walls were built was quarried from an adjacent bluff. In form it was an irregular quadrangle, surrounded on three sides by a wall two feet two inches thick, and on the fourth by a ravine, which, during the spring- time, was full of water. During the period of French ascendency in Illinois, Fort Chartres was the seat of government. About four miles east soon sprang up the village of Prairie du Rocher (or Rock Prairie). (See Prairie du Rocher. ) At the outbreak of the French and Indian War (1756), the original fortification was repaired and virtually rebuilt. Its cost at that time is esti- mated to have amounted to 1,000,000 French crowns. After the occupation of Illinois by the British, Fort Chartres still remained the seat of government until 1772, when one side of the fortification was washed away by a freshet, and headquarters were transferred to Kaskaskia. The first common law court ever held in the Mis- sissippi Valley was established here, in 1768, by the order of Colonel Wilkins of the English army. The ruins of the old fort, situated in the northwest corner of Randolph County, once con- stituted an object of no little interest to anti- quarians, but the site has disappeared during the past generation by the encroachments of the Mississippi. FORT DEARBORN, the name of a United States military post, established at the mouth of the Chicago River in 1803 or 1804, on a tract of land six miles square conveyed by the Indians in EARLY HISTORIC SCENES, CHICAGO. 17" HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF IUJNOIS. FOKItFST. Joseph K. ('.. journalist, xvas Ixirn in Cork. Ireland, Xov -Mi, is:. 1 !); came tn Chicago in t*.lo, soon after Recurinjg employment as a writer on "Tl j Kvening -lonrnal." and. later on, 'The (Jem of tin- I'rairii-s. " the predecessor "f "The Tribune." being associated witli tin- latter .it the ilate of its establishment, in .lime. 1*17. Muring the earl \ years of liis resilience in ('hi cago. Mr. Forrest spent some time as a teacher On retiring from "The Tribune," he became the associate of John Wentxvorth in the management if "The Chicago Demoi'rat." a relation which was broken up by tin nsolidation of the latter with "The Tribune." in INfil He then liecame the Springfield corresjiondent of "The Tribune." also holdin,; a position on the staff of ( iovcrnor Sates, anil still later represented "The St. Louis Democrat" ami "(liirajjo Times," as Washington corrcs|>oiident : assisted in founding "The Chicago Republican" xv "Inter < >ccan"i. in |sT>.~i. and. some years later, liecame a leading writer II|K.II the same He served one term as ( 'lerk of the city of < 'hicago but. in his later years, and up to t h<- period ol lii- death, was a leading contributor to Ih Ilium- .! "Tin 1 I 'hicago Kvcning News" oxer the signal nres of "An I Hi I Tinier" and "Now or Never," Di.-d in I 'hioago. .June 1'3, Is'.lii FOIMtKSTOV. a village in < >_1e County, the termini!" of the Chicago and Iowa branch of the ' hicagn. liiirlington ,v 'iHiincy Railroad, and point of intersect ion of the Illinois Central and the Chicago. Milwaukee ,v St. I'aul Railways: I'lT nrles west bv north from Chicago, and I- miles south of l-'n-eport . founded in I*". I. incorporated by special c-harter in l^ils and. under the general law. ill l"s a- a Nationalist, but. in l s sn. though receiving the nominations of the com- bined Republican and (ircpnhack parties, was . I. -I. ale I by Samuel \V Moultn. Democrat KOKT. (ireenbury I... soldier and Contiress- maii. was born in Ohio. Oct. IT. ls-.>5, and, in |s:j4. removed with his parents to Illinois. In 1S-VI he was elected Sheriff of Pntn.im t'ollllty; ill l^.V.', Clerk of the Circuit Court, and. having mean- while U-en admitted to the bar at Lacon. liecame County .lud^e in IViT. s-rving until l s 'il. In \pril ..f the latter year he enlisted under the lirst all fo op b nlistments serving till March ,'!. lsi;ii Ifa-giiiiiing as (Quartermaster of his regiment . he served as < 'hief '.Quartermaster of the Fifteenth Army Corps on the "March to tin Sea." and was mustered out with the rank of < 'olonel and Hrevet Hrii;adier-( ieneral. On his return from the Held, he was elected to the State Senate, serving in t he Twenty-lifth and Twenty- sixth I ieneral Assemblies, and. from 1*7:! to l**l. as Itepresentat ive in t 'oligress. He died, at Lacon .1 ...... i:i. |ss:; I'OKT CIIAKTItKS. a strong f,,rtilication erected by the Freni-h in 17|s. on the Americai Itottom, I'i miles northwest from Kaskaskia. The soil on which it stood was alluvial, and the limestone of which its walls were built was piarried from an adjacent blulF. In form it was an irregular ipiadrangle. surrounded on three sides by a wall t \\ o feet two inches thick, and on the fourth by a rax ine, which, during the spring- time. was full of water. During the |icriod of I-' rencli ascendency in Illinois. Fort Chart res xvas the seat of government. Almut four miles east soon sprang up the village of I'rairie dii Koclier (or Rock 1'rairiei (See I'rtiirit- tin Ittirltrr.) At tl ..... uthrcak of the French and Indian War (IT'il'ii. the original fortilication was repaired and virtually rebuilt Its cost at that time is esti mated to have amounted to l.niHI.nlHI French eroxvns After tl ..... ccupation of Illinois by the British, Fort Chartres still remained the seat of government until 177'.?, when one side of the fortilication xvas washed away by a freshet, and headquarters were transferred to Kaskaskia. The'lirst common law court ever held in the Mis- sissippi Valley was established here, in I7U*. by the order of Colonel Wilkins of the English army The ruins of the old fort, situated ill the northwest corner of Randolph County, once con stitntcd an object of i-.o little interest to anti- ipiarians, but the site has disappeared during the, past generation by Hie encroachments of the Mississippi. HUM' III \l:i:oi;\. -. name of a I'nited States military post, established at the mouth of the Chicago Kiver in !>:( or l^ii-t. on a tract of land six miles sipiar ...... nveyed by the Indians in i . \ki.v ins-mule si KM:S. cni(.,\<;K ILLINOIS. 171 tin- treaty of Greenville, oonrluded liy (iem-nil Wayne in 17'jr. It originally consisted of two Mock houses located :vt opjmsite angles (nortli we.st ami southeast) of a strong wooden stockade with the Commandant's quarters on the east side of the quadrangle, soldiers' kin-arks on the south. oflicers' harrac'ks on the west, and maga/ine. contractor's (sutler's) store and general store house on the north all the huildings lieing con- structed of logs, and all. except the lilock houses. U'ing entirely within the enclosure Its annu- m-Mil consisted of three light pieces of artillery It- (milder and lirst commander was ( 'apt John Whistler, 'i native of Ireland who had surrendered with Hurgoyne, at Saratoga.. N. V.. and who suhM'tjueut ly liecame an American citizen, and served with distinction throughout the War of IM'J. Hi- was SHIM led, in 1*111. I iy < 'apt N.-itlian Heal- 1. As early as |soii the Indians ar.Hin.l the fort manifested stuns of disquietude. Teeiuuseh. a few yeai's later, heading an OJKMI an I rev-ill In |s|n a council of I'nttawato inies ottawas and Chipjw-was was held at S| Joseph. Mi.-h.. at which it was decided not to ! -hi I heootlt'cdcracy proposed hy ( 'hicf Tecuniseli In I'M! hostilities were precipitated liy an attack Upon the I'llited States tri-ops under Gen William Henry Harrison at Tippecanoe In April. 1 S !'J. hostile hands of Winnehagos appeared in the vicinity of Fort Dearliorn. terrifying the settlers liy their atrocities Many of the whites -. -light refuge within the stockade Within two months after the declaral ion of war against F.ngland. in 1*1'.'. orders were issued for the evacuation of Fort liearliorn and the transfer of tin- garrison I.. Detroit The garrison at that time, numliered ahout 7o. including oilicers. a large numlier of the troops hcing ill. \hn-ist simultaneously with II rder for evacuation ij.pc.ircd hands of Indians clamoring' for a dis frihution of the goods, to which they claimed t'i--\ were entitled under treaty stipulations Knowing that he had hut almut forty men ahle t'- light and that his march would lie sadly hindered liy the care of ahoui a do/en women and twenty children, the commandant hesitated. The I'oltawatomies. through whose countrv he would havetopass had always liecn friendly, and In- wailed Within six days a force of .~>INI or ;ines readily assented. iH-Iicvin*; tliat therehy all the whisky and ammunition which they knew to In- within the enclosure, would fall into their hands Meanwhile Capt William Wells. Indian Aent at Fort Wayne, had arrived at Fort Dearliorn with a friendly force of Miamis fi act as an escort Heconvinced Captain lieald that it would lie the height of folly to ^ive the Indians liquor and nun powder. Accordingly the commandant emptied the former into the lake and destroyed the latter This was the signal for war Hlack Partridge claimed he could no longer restrain his yonii); hraves. and at a council of the alniri^ines it was resolved to massacre tin- garrison and settlers. On the fifteenth of August the ^ates of the fort were opened anil the evacuation lie^'an A IKUH! of rottawatoniies accomidinied the whites under thej;uiscof a friendly escort They soon deserted and. within a mile and a half from the fort, itetfin the sickening scene of carnage known a- the "Fort Dearhorn Massacre" Nearly a' MI Indians |i.-irticipated. their loss IHMIIK less than twenty The Miami escort lied at the first exchaiifri" of shots With hut four- exceptions the wounded white prisoners were dis|iatched with savage ferocity and promptitude Those not wounded were scattered amon^ various trilies The next day the fort with its stockade was hurned. In 1*1(1 (alter the treaty of St. l^iuis) the fort was rchuilt U|mn a more elaliorate HCale- The second Fort Dcarhi-rn contained. U-sides har racks and otlicers' .{Uartcrs. a maj^a/.ine and pro\ isiou-store. was enclose,! hv a stftiare stock ade. and protecled hv liasliuns at two of its angles It was aji.iin evacuated in !*.': anil r-- ^'arrisoiie-l in I s '** The troops were once more withdrawn in !*:!! I., rcinru the following year ilurin- the Hlack Hawk War. The final evacuation occurred in l*:!''i r'OUT (iACi:, situated on tl astern li'mlls of the Kaskaskia Iliver. op|isite the \ illa^i- of Kas kaskia. Il was creeled anil in-eii|ii<-il hv tin- Itritish in I??'.' It wa- hiiilt of heavy, square tiniU-rs and olilon^ in shape, its dimensions Ix-inn '.".Hlxi.ll feet On the ni^ht ot .Inly I. 177*. it was captured hy a detachment of American troops imandeii hv Col (Jeor-e Ifo-el's Clark, win- held a commission from Virginia The sold icrs \\ithSimon Kenton ai their h.-ad \\ere s-ereilv 172 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. admitted to the fort by a Pennsylvania!! who happened to be within, and the commandant, Rocheblave, was surprised in bed, while sleeping with his wife by his side. FORT JEFFERSON. I. A fort erected by Col. George Rogers Clark, under instructions from the Governor of Virginia, at the Iron Banks on the east bank of the Mississippi, below the mouth of the Ohio River. He promised lands to all adult, able-bodied white males who would emi- grate thither and settle, either with or without their families. Many accepted the offer, and a considerable colony was established there. Toward the close of the Revolutionary War, Vir- ginia being unable longer to sustain the garrison, the colony was scattered, many families going to Kaskaskia. II. A fort in the Miami valley, erected by Governor St. Clair and General Butler, in October, 1791. Within thirty miles of the post St. Glair's army, which had been badly weakened through desertions, was cut to piece* by the enemy, and the fortification was aban- doned. FORT MASSAC, an early French fortification, erected about 1711 on the Ohio River, 40 miles from its mouth, in what is now Massac County. It was the first fortification (except Fort St. Louis) in the "Illinois Country," antedating Fort Chartres by several years. The origin of the name is uncertain. The best authorities are of the opinion that it was so called in honor of the engineer who superintended its construction ; by others it has been traced to the name of the French Minister of Marine ; others assert that it is a corruption of the word "Massacre." a name given to the locality because of the massacre there of a large number of French soldiers by the Indians. The Virginians sometimes spoke of it as the "Cherokee fort." It was garrisoned by the French until after the evacuation of the country under the terms of the Treaty of Paris. It later became a sort of depot for American settlers, a few families constantly residing within and around the fortification. At a very early day a military road was laid out from the fort to Kaskaskia, the trees alongside being utilized as milestones, the number of miles being cut with irons and painted red. After the close of the Revolutionary War, the United States Govern- ment strengthened and garrisoned the fort by way of defense against inroads by the S]>aiiiards. With the cession of Louisiana to the United States, in 1803, the fort was evacuated and never re-garrisoned. According to the "American State Papers," during the period of the French occupation, it was both a Jesuit missionary station and a trading post. FORT KACKVILLE, a British fortification, erected in 1769, on the Wabasli River a short distance below Vincennes. It was a stockade, with bastions and a few pieces of cannon. In 1778 it fell into the hands of the Americans, and was for a time commanded by Captain Helm, with a garrison of a few Americans and Illinois French. In December, 1778, Helm and oifc private alone occupied the fort and surrendered to Hamilton, British Governor of Detroit, who led a force into the country around Vincennes. FOKT SHERIDAN, United States Military Post, in Lake County, on the Milwaukee Division of the Chicago er contributed to the Chicago Historical Society. Although the work alluded to by him was evidently constructed after the arrival of the French in the country, the exact period to which it l>elougs is in doubt. According to Dr. Boyer, it was on an elevated ridge of timber land in Palos Township, in the western part of Cook County. He says: "I first saw it in 1833, and since then have visited it in company with other persons, some of whom are still living. I feel sure that it was not built dur- ing the Sac War from its appearance. ... It seems probable that it was the work of French traders or explorers, as there were trees a century old growing in its environs. It was evidently the work of an enlightened people, skilled in the science of warfare. ... As a strategic point it most completely commanded the surrounding country and the crossing of the swamp or 'Sag'. " Is it improbable that this was the fort occupied by Colonel Durantye in 1695? The remains of a small fort, supposed to have been a French trad- ing post, were found by the pioneer settlers of Lake County, where the present city of Waukegan stands, giving to that place its first name of "Little Fort." This structure was seen in 1825 by Col. William S. Hamilton (a son of Alexander Hamilton, first Secretary of the Treasury), who liad served in the session of the General Assembly of that year as a Representative from Sangamon County, and was then on his way to Green Bay, and the remains of the pickets or palisades were visible as late as 1835. While the date of its 174 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. erection is unknown, it probably belonged to the latter part of the eighteenth century. There is also a tradition that a fort or trading post, erected by a Frenchman named Oaray (or Guarie) stood on the North Branch of the Chicago River prior to the erection of the first Fort Dearborn in 1803. F08S, (irnrirr Edmund, lawyer and Congress- man, was born in Franklin County, Vt., July 2, 1863; graduated from Harvard University, in 1885; attended the Columbia Law School and School of Political Science in New York City, finally graduating from the Union College of Law in Chicago, in 1889, when he was admitted to the bar and began practice. He never held any political office until elected as a Republican to the Fifty fourth Congress (1894). from the Seventh Illinois District, receiving a majority of more than 8,000 votes over his Democratic and Populist competitors. In 1896 he was again the candidate of his party, and was re-elected by a majority of over 20,000, as he was a third time, in 1898, by more than 12,000 majority. In the Fifty-fifth Congress Mr. Foss was a member of the Committees on Naval Affairs and Expenditures in the Department of Agriculture. FOSTER, (Dr.) John Herbert, physician and educator, was born of Quaker ancestry at Hills- borough, N. H., March 8, 1796. His early years were spent on his father's farm, but at the age of 16 he entered an academy at Meriden, N. H., and, three years later, began teaching with an older brother at Schoharie, N. Y. Having spent some sixteen years teaching and practicing medicine at various places in his native State, in 1832 he came west, first locating in Morgan County. 111. While there he took part in the Black Hawk War, serving as a Surgeon. Before the close of the year he was compelled to come to Chicago to look after the estate of a brother who was an officer in the army and had been killed by an insubordinate soldier at Green Bay. Having thus fallen heir to a considerable amount of real estate, which, in subsequent years, largely appreciated in value, he became identified with early Chicago and ultimately one of the largest real-estate owners of his time in the city. He 'A.I- an active promoter of education during this period, serving on both City and State Boards. His death occurred, May 18, 1874, in consequence of injuries sustained by being thrown from a vehicle in which he was riding nine days previous. FOSTER, John Wells, author and scientist. was born at Brimfield, Mass., in 1815, and edu- cated at Wesleyan University, Conn ; later studied law and was admitted to the bar in Ohio, but soon turned his attention to scientific pursuits, being employed for several years in the geological survey of Ohio, during which he investigated the coal-beds of the State. Having incidentally devoted considerable attention to the study of metallurgy, he was employed about 1844 by mining capitalists to make the first systematic survey of the Lake Superior copper region, upon which, in conjunction with J. D. Whitney, he made a report which was published in two vol- umes in 1850-51. Returning to Massachusetts, he participated in the organization of the "American Party" there, though we find him soon after breaking with it on the slavery question. In 1855 he was a candidate for Congress in the Springfield (Mass.) District, but was beaten by a small majority. In 1858 he removed to Chicago and, for some time, was Land Commissioner of the Illinois Central Railroad. The latter years of his life were devoted chiefly to archaeological researches and writings, also serving for some years as Professor of Natural History in the (old) University of Chicago. His works include "The Mississippi Valley ; its Physical Geography, Min- eral Resources,'-' etc. (Chicago, 1869) ; "Mineral Wealth and Railroad Development," (New York, 1872) ; "Prehistoric Races of the United States," (Chicago, 1873), besides contributions to numer- ous scientific periodicals. He was a member of several scientific associations and, in 1809, Presi- dent of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. He died in Hyde Park, now a part of Chicago, June 29, 1873. FOl'KE, Philip B., lawyer and Congressman, was born at Kaskaskia. 111., Jan. 23, 1818; was chiefly self-educated and began his career as a clerk, afterwards acting as a civil engineer ; about 1841-42 was associated with the publication of "The Belleville Advocate," later studied law, and, after being admitted to the bar. served as Prosecuting Attorney, being re-elected to that office in 18~>6. Previous to this, however, he had been elected to the lower branch of the Seven- teenth General Assembly (1850), and, in 1858, was elected as a Democrat to the Thirty-sixth Congress and re-elected two years later. While still in Congress he assisted in organizing the Thirtieth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, of which he was commissioned Colonel, but resigned on account of ill-health soon after the battle of Shiloh. After leaving the army he removed to New Orleans, where he was appointed Public Adminis- trator and practiced law for some time. He then took up the prosecution of the cotton-claims against the Mexican Government, in which he HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 175 was engaged some seven years, finally removing to Washington City and making several trips to Europe in the interest of these suits. He won his cases, but died soon after a decision in his favor, largely in consequence of overtaxing his brain in their prosecution. His death occurred in Washington, Oct. 3, 1876, when he was buried in the Congressional Cemetery, President Grant and a number of Senators and Congressmen acting as pall-bearers at his funeral. FOWLER, Charles Henry, Methodist Episcopal Bishop, born in Burford, Conn., August 11, 1837; > was partially educated at Rock River Seminary, Mount Morris, finally graduating at Genesee College, N. Y., in 1859. He then began the study of law in Chicago, but, changing his purpose, entered Garrett Biblical Institute, at Evanston, graduating in 1861. Having been admitted to the Rock River Methodist Episcopal Conference he was appointed successively to Chicago churches till 1872; then became President of the North- western University, holding this office four years, when he was elected to the editorship of "The Christian Advocate" of New York. In 1884 he was elected and ordained Bishop. His residence is in San Francisco, his labors as Bishop being devoted largely to the Pacific States. FOX RIVER (of Illinois) called Pishtaka by the Indians rises in Waukesha County, Wis., and, after running southward through Kenosha and Racine Counties in that State, passes into Illinois. It intersects McHeury and Kane Coun- ties and runs southward to the city of Aurora, below which point it flows south west ward, until it empties into the Illinois River at Ottawa. Its length is estimated at 220 miles. The chief towns on its banks are Elgin, Aurora and Ottawa. It affords abundant water power. FOXES, an Indian tribe. (See Sacs and Foxes.) FRANCIS, Simeon, pioneer journalist, was born at Wethersfield, Conn., May 14, 1796, learned the printer's trade at New Haven, and, in connection with a partner, published a paper at Buffalo, N. Y. In consequence ot the excitement growing out of the abduction of Morgan in 1828, (being a Mason) he was compelled to suspend, and, coming to Illinois in the fall of 1831, com- menced the publication of "The Sangamo" (now "The Illinois State") "Journal" at Springfield, continuing his connection therewith until 1855, when he sold out to Messrs. Bailhache & Baker. Abraham Lincoln was his close friend and often wrote editorials for his paper. Mr. Francis was active in the organization of the State Agricul- tural Society (1853), serving as its Recording Secretary for several years. In 1859 he moved to Portland, Ore., where he published "The Oregon Farmer," and served as President of the Oregon State Agricultural Society; in 1861 was ap- pointed by President Lincoln, Paymaster in the regular army, serving until 1870, when he retired on half-pay. Died, at Portland, Ore., Oct. 25, 1872. Allen (Francis), brother of the preceding, was born at Wethersfield. Conn., April 14, 1815; in 1834, joined his brother at Springfield, 111., and became a partner in the publication of "The Journal" until its sale, in 1855. In 1861 he was appointed United States Consul at Victoria, B. C., serving until 1871, when he engaged in the fur trade. Later he was United States Consul at Port Stanley, Can., dying there, about 1887. Josiah (Francis), cousin of the preceding, born at Wethersfield, Conn., Jan. 17, 1804; was early connected with "The Springfield Journal"; in 1836 engaged in merchandising at Athens, Menard County; returning to Springfield, was elected to the Legislature in 1840, and served one term as Mayor of Springfield. Died in 1867. FRANKLIN, a village of Morgan County, on the Jacksonville & St. Louis Railroad, 12 miles southeast of Jacksonville. The place has a news- paper and two banks; the surrounding country is agricultural. Population (1880), 316; (1890), 578; (1900), 687. FRANKLIN COUNTY, located in the south- central part of the State; was organized in 1818. and has an area of 430 square miles. Population (1900), 19,675. The county is well timbered and is drained by the Big Muddy River. The soil is fertile and the products include cereals, potatoes, sorghum, wool, pork and fruit. The county -seat is Benton, with a population (1890) of 939. The county contains no large towns, although large, well-cultivated farms are numerous. The earli- est white settlers came from Kentucky and Ten- nessee, and the hereditary traditions of generous, southwestern hospitality are preserved among the residents of to-day. FRANKLIN GROTE, a town of Lee County, on Council Bluffs Division of the Chicago & North- western Railway, 88 miles west of Chicago. Grain, poultry, and live-stock are shipped from here. It has banks, water-works, high school, and a weekly paper. Population (1890), 736; (1900), 681. FRAZIER, Robert, a native of Kentucky, who came to Southern Illinois at an early day and served as State Senator from Edwards County, in the Second and Third General Assemblies, in the 176 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. latter being an opponent of the scheme to make Illinois a slave State. He was a farmer by occu- p.it ion and, at the time he was a member of the Legislature, resided in what afterwards became Wabash County. Subsequently he removed to Edwards County, near Albion, where he died. "Frazier's Prairie." in Edwards County, was named for him. FREEBURG, a village of St. Clair County, on the St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad, 8 miles southeast of Belleville. Population (1880). 1,038; (1890). 848; (1900), 1,214. FREEMAN, Norman L., lawyer and Supreme Court Reporter, was born in Caledonia, Living- ston County, N. Y.. May 9, 1823; in 1831 accom- panied his widowed mother to Ann Arbor. Mich., removing six years afterward to Detroit ; was edu- cated at Cleveland and Ohio University, taught school at Lexington, Ky., while studying law, and was admitted to the bar in 1846; removed to Sliawneetown, 111., in 1851. was admitted to the Illinois bar and practiced some eight years. He then began farming in Marion Cnunty. Mo., but. in 1862, returned to Shawneetown and, in 1863, was appointed Re|>orter of Decisions by the Supreme Court of Illinois, serving until his death, which occurred at Springfield near the beginning of his sixth term in office, August 23, 1894. FREE MASONS, the oldest secret fraternity in the State known as the "Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons" the first Ixxlge being instituted at Kaskaskia, June, 3, 1806, with Gen. John Edgar, Worshipful Master; Michael Jones. Senior Warden; James Ualbraith. Junior War- den ; William Arundel, Secretary ; Robert Robin- son, Senior Deacon. These are names of persons who were, without exception, prominent in the early history of Illinois. A Grand Lodge was organized at Vamlalia in 1822, with Gov. Shad- rach Bond as first Grand Master, but the organi- zation of the Grand Ix>dge, as it now exists, took place at Jacksonville in 1840. The number of Lodges constituting the Grand Lodge of Illinois in 1840 was six. with 157 memliers; the number of Lodges within the same jurisdiction in 1895 was 713, with a membership of 50,727, of which 47,335 resided in Illinois. The dues for 1895 were $37,834.50; the contributions to members, their widows and orphans, $25,038.41 ; to non- Hiembers, $6,306.3H. and to the Illinois Masonic Orphans' Home. SI, 315.80. Apollo Commandery No. 1 of Knights Templar the pioneer organi- zation of its kind in this or any neighboring State was organized in Chicago, May 20, 1845, and the Grand Commandery of the order in Illi- nois in 1857, with James V. Z. Blaney, Grand Commander. In 1895 it was made up of sixty - five subordinate commanderies, with a total membership of 9,355, and dues amounting to $7,754.75. The principal officers in 1895-96 were Henry Hunter Montgomery. Grand Commander; John Henry Witbeck, Grand Treasurer, and Gil- bert W. Barnard, Grand Recorder. The Spring- field Chapter of Royal Arch-Masons was organized in Springfield, Sept. 17, 1841. and the Royal Arch Chapter of the State at Jacksonville. April 9, 1850, the nine existing Chapters being formally chartered Oct. 14. of the same year. The number of subordinate Chapters, in 1895, was 186, with a total membership of 16,414. The Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters, in 1894. embraced 32 subordinate Councils, with a membership of 2,318. FREEPORT, a city and railway center, the county-seat of Stephenson County, 121 miles west of Chicago ; lias good water-power from the Peca- tonica River, with several manufacturing estab- lishments, the output including carriages, wagon -wheels,- wind-mills, coffee-mills, organs, piano-stools, leather, mineral paint, foundry pro- ducts, chicken incubators and vinegar. The Illi- nois Central Railroad has shops here and the city has a Government postofh'ce building. Popula- tion (1890), 10,189; (1900), 13,258. FREEPORT COLLEGE, an institution at Free port. 111., incorporated in 1895; is co-educational ; had a faculty of six instructors in 1896, with 116 pupils. FREER, Lemuel Cm ell Paine, early lawyer, was born in Dutcliess County, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1815; came to Chicago in 1836, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1840; was a zealous anti-slavery man and an active supporter of the Government during the War of the Rebellion ; for many years was President of the Board of Trustees of Rush Medical College. Died, in Chicago, April 14, 1892. FRENCH, Augustus ( ., ninth Governor of Illinois (1846-52), was born in New Hampshire. August 2, 1808. After coming to Illinois, he became a resident of Crawford County, and a lawyer by profession. He was a member of the Tenth and Eleventh General Assemblies, and Receiver, for a time, of the Land Office at Pales- tine. He served as Presidential Elector in 1844, was elected to the office of ( iovernor as a Demo- crat in 1846 by a majority of nearly 17,000 over two competitors, and was the unanimous choice of his |mrty for a second term in 1848. His adminis- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 177 t ration was free from scandals. He was appointed Bank Commissioner by Governor Matteson, and later accepted the chair of Law in McKendree College at Lebanon. In 1858 he was the nominee of the Douglas wing of the Democratic party for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. ex-Gov. John Reynolds being the candidate of the Buchanan branch of the party. Both were defeated. His last public service was as a mem- ber from St. Clair County of the Constitutional Convention of 1862. Died, at Lebanon, Sept. 4. 1864. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. The first premonition of this struggle in the West was given in 1698, when two English vessels entered the mouth of the Mississippi, to take possession of the French Territory of Louisiana, which then included what afterward became the State of Illinois. This expedition, however, returned without result. Great Britain was anxious to have a colorable pretext for attempting to evict the French, and began negotiation of treaties with the Indian tribes as early as 1724, expecting thereby to fortify her original claim, which was based on the right of prior discovery. The numerous shiftings of the political kaleidoscope in Europe prevented any further steps in this direc- tion on the part of England until 1748-49. when the Ohio Land Company received a royal grant of 500,000 acres along the Ohio River, with exclu- sive trading privileges. The Company proceeded to explore and survey ami, alxmt 1752, established a trading post on Loramie Creek. 47 miles north of Dayton. The French foresaw that hostilities were probable, ami advanced their posts as far east as the Allegheny River. Complaints by the Ohio Company induced an ineffectual remon- strance on the part of Virginia. Among the ambassadors sent to the French by the Governor of Virginia was George Washington, who thus, in early manhood. !>ecante identified with Illinois history. His report was of such a nature as to induce the erection of counter fortifications by the British, one of which (at the junction of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers) was seized and occupied by the French before its completion. Then ensued a series of engagements which, while not involving large forces of men, were fraught with grave consequences, and in which the French were generally successful. In 1755 occurred "Braddock's defeat" in an expedition to recover Fort Duquesne (where Pittsburg now stands), which had been captured by the French the previous year, and the Government of Great Britain determined to redouble its efforts. The final result was the termination of French domi- nation in the Ohio Valley. Later came the down- fall of French ascendency in Canada as the result of the battle of Quebec : but the vanquished yet hoped to be able to retain Louisiana and Illinois But France was forced to indemnify Spain for the loss of Florida, which it did by the cession of all of Louisiana lying west of the Mississippi (includ- ing the city of New Orleans), and this virtually ended French hopes in Illinois. The last military post in North America to be garrisoned by French troops was Fort Chartres. in Illinois Territory, where St. Ange remained in command until its evacuation was demanded by the English. FRENCH GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. French Governors began to be appointed by the Company of the Indies (which see) in 1733, the "Illinois Country" having previously been treated as a dependency of Canada. The first Governor ( or "commandant'') was Pierre Duque de Boisbriant. who was commandant for only three years, when he was summoned to New Orleans (1725) to suc- ceed de Bienville as Governor of Louisiana. Capt. du Tisne was in command for a short time after his departure, but was succeeded by another Captain in the royal army, whose name is vari- ously spelled de Liette. de Lielte. De Siette and Delietto. He was followed in turn by St. Ange (the father of St. Ange de Bellerive), who died in 1742. In 1732 the Company of the Indies surren- dered its charter to the crown, and the Governors of the Illinois Country were thereafter appointed directly by royal authority. Under the earlier Governors justice had been administered under the civil law : with the change in the method of appointment the code known as the "Common Law of Paris" came into effect, although not rigidly enforced because found in many particu- lars to be ill-suited to the needs of a new country. The first of the Royal Governors was Pierre d' Artaguiette. who was appointed in 1734, but was captured while engaged in an expedition against the Chirkasaws. in 1730. and burned at the stake. (See D' Artaguiette.) He was followed by Alphouse de la Buissoniere. who was succeeded, in 1740. by Capt. Benoist de St. Claire. In 1742 he gave way to the Chevalier Bertel or Berthet. but was reinstated about 1748. The last of the French Governors of the "Illinois Country" was Louis St. Ange de Bellerive. who retired to St. Louis, after turning over the command to Cap- tain Stirling, the English officer sent to supersede him. in 1765. (St. Ange de Bellerive died, Deo. 27. 1774.) The administration of the French commandants, while firm, was usuallv conserva- 178 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. tive and benevolent. Local self-government was encouraged as far as practicable, and, while the Governors' power over commerce was virtually unrestricted, they interfered but little with the ordinary life of the people. FREW, Calvin Hamill, lawyer and State Sena- tor, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, educated at Finley (Ohio) High School, Beaver (Pa.) Academy and Vermilion Institute at Hayesville, Ohio. ; in 1863 was Principal of the High School at Kalida, Ohio, where he began the study of law, which he continued the next two years with Messrs. Strain & Kidder, at Monmouth, 111., meanwhile acting as Principal of a high school at Young America ; in 1865 removed to Paxton, Ford County, which has since been his home, and the same year was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Illi- nois. Mr. Frew served as Assistant Superintend- ent of Schools for Ford County (1865-68) ; in 1868 was elected Representative in the Twenty-sixth General Assembly, re-elected in 1870, and again in '78. While practicing law he has been con- nected with some of the most important cases before the courts in that section of the State, and his fidelity and skill in their management are testified by members of the bar, as well as Judges upon the bench. Of late years he has devoted his attention to breeding trotting horses, with a view to the improvement of his health but not with the intention of permanently abandoning his profession. FRY, Jacob, pioneer and soldier, was born in Fayette County, Ky., Sept. 20, 1799; learned the trade of a carpenter and came to Illinois in 1819, working first at Alton, but, in 1820, took up his residence near the present town of Carrollton, in which he built the first house. Greene County was not organized until two years later, and this border settlement was, at that time, the extreme northern white settlement in Illinois. He served as Constable and Deputy Sheriff (simultaneously) for six years, and was then elected Sheriff, being five times re-elected. He served through the Black Hawk War (first as Lieutenant-Colonel and afterwards as Colonel), having in his regiment Abraham Lincoln, O. H. Browning, John Wood (afterwards Governor) and Robert Anderson, of Fort Sumter fame. In 1837 he was appointed Commissioner of the Illinois & Michigan Canal, and re-appointed in 1839 and '41, later becoming Acting Commissioner, with authority to settle up the business of the former commission, which was that year legislated out of office. He was afterwards appointed Canal Trustee by Governor Ford, and, in 1847, retired from connection with canal management. In 1850 he went to Cali- fornia, where he engaged in mining and trade for three years, meanwhile serving one term in the State Senate. In 1857 he was appointed Col- lector of the Port at Chicago by President Buch- anan, but was removed in 1859 because of his friendship for Senator Douglas. In 1860 he returned to Greene County ; in 1861, in spite of his advanced age, was commissioned Colonel of the Sixty-first Illinois Volunteers, and later partici- pated in numerous engagements (among them the battle of Shiloh), was captured by Forrest, and ultimately compelled to resign because of im- paired health and failing eyesight, finally becom- ing totally blind. He died, June 27, 1881, and was buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, near Spring- field. Two of Colonel Fry's sons achieved dis- tinction during the Civil War. James Barnet (Fry), son of the preceding, was born at Car- rollton, 111., Feb. 22, 1827; graduated at West Point Military Academy, in 1847, and was assigned to artillery service ; after a short experi- ence as Assistant Instructor, joined his regiment, the Third United States Artillery, in Mexico, remaining there through 1847-48. Later, he was employed on frontier and garrison duty, and again as Instructor in 1853-54, and as Adjutant of the Academy during 1854-59; became Assistant Adjutant-General, March 16, 1861, then served as Chief of Staff to General McDowell and General Buell (1861-62), taking part in the battles of Bull Run, Shiloh and Corinth, and in the campaign in Kentucky; was made Provost-Marshal-General of the United States, in March, 1863, and con- ducted the drafts of that year, receiving the rank of Brigadier-General, April 21, 1864. He con- tinued in this office until August 30, 1866, during which time he put in the army 1,120,621 men, arrested 76,562 deserters, collected $26,366,316.78 and made an exact enrollment of the National forces. After the war he served as Adjutant- General with the rank of Colonel, till June 1, 1881, when he was retired at his own request. Besides his various official reports, he published a "Sketch of the Adjutant-General's Department, United States Army, from 1775 to 1875, " and "His- tory and Legal Effects of Brevets in the Armies of Great Britain and the United States, from their origin in 1692 to the Present Time, " (1877). Died, in Newport, R. I., July 11, 1894. William M. (Fry), another son, was Provost Marshal of the North Illinois District during the Civil War, and rendered valuable service to the Government. FULLER, Allen Curtis, lawyer, jurist and Adjutant-General, was born in Farmington, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 179 Conn., Sept. 24, 1822; studied law at Warsaw, N. Y. , was admitted to practice, in 1846 came to Belvidere, Boone County, 111., and, after practic- ing there some years, was elected Circuit Judge in 1861. A few months afterward he was induced to accept the office of Adjutant-General l>y appointment of Governor Yates, entering upon the duties of the office in November, 1861. At first it was understood that his acceptance was only temporary, so that he did not formally resign his place upon the bench until July. 1862. He continued to discharge the duties of Adjutant- General until January, 1865, when, having been elected Representative in the General Assembly, he was succeeded in the Adjutant-General's office by General Isham N. Haynie. He served as Speaker of the House during the following ses- sion, and as State Senator from 1867 to 1873 in the Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth and Twenty- seventh General Assemblies. He was also elected a Republican Presidential Elector in 1860, and again in 1876. Since retiring from office, General Fuller has devoted his attention to the practice of his profession and looking after a large private business at Belvidere. FULLER, Charles E., lawyer and legislator, was born at Flora, Boone County, 111., March 31, 1849; attended the district school until 12 years of age, and, between 1861 and '67, served as clerk in stores at Belvidere and Cherry Valley. He then spent a couple of years in the book business in Iowa, when (1869) he began the study of law with Hon. Jesse S. Hildrup, at Belvidere, and was admitted to the bar in 1870. Since then Mr. Fuller lias practiced his profession at Belvi- dere, was Corporation Attorney for that city in 1875-76, the latter year being elected State's Attorney for Boone County. From 1879 to 1891 he served continuously in the Legislature, first as State Senator in the Thirty-first and Thirty - second General Assemblies, then as a member of the House for three sessions, in 1888 being returned to the Senate, where he served the next two sessions. Mr. Fuller established a liigh reputation in the Legislature as a debater, and was the candidate of his party (the Republican) for Speaker of the House in 1885. He was also a delegate to the Republican National Convention of 1884. Mr. Fuller was elected Judge of the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Circuit at the judicial election of June, 1897. FULLER, Melville Weston, eighth Chief Jus- tice of the United States Supreme Court, was born at Augusta, Maine, Feb. 11, 1833, graduated from Bowdoin College in 1853, was admitted to the bar in 1855, and became City Attorney of his native city, but resigned and removed to Chicago the following year. Through his mother's family he traces his descent back to the Pilgrims of the Mayflower. His literary and legal attain- ments are of a high order. In politics he has always been a strong Democrat. He served as a Delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1862 and as a member of the Legislature in 1863, after tliat time devoting his attention to the practice of his profession in Chicago. In 1888 President Cleveland appointed him Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, since which time he has resided at Washington, although still claiming a residence in Chicago, where he lias considerable property interests. FULLERTOX, Alexander >'., pioneer settler and lawyer, born in Chester. Vt., in 1804. was educated at Middlebury College and Litchfield Law School, and. coming to Chicago in 1833. finally engaged in real-estate and mercantile business, in which he was very successful. His name lias been given to one of the avenues of Chicago, as well as associated with one of the prominent business blocks. He was one of the original members of the Second Presbyterian Church of tliat city. Died, Sept. 29, 1880. Ft'LTOX, a city and railway center in White- side County, 135 miles west of Chicago, located on the Mississippi River and the Chicago & Northwestern, the Chicago, Burlington inted by Gov- ernor Oglesby in 1885 to revise the State Revenue Laws; by appointment of President Harrison, Superintendent of the Galesburg Government Building, and a long term Trustee of the Illinois Hospital for the Insane at Rock Island, by appointment of Governor Altgeld. He has also been a frequent representative of his party (the Republican) in State and District Conven- tions, and, since 1861, has been an active and leading member of the Board of Trustees of 182 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Knox College. Mr. Gale was married, Oct. 6, 1 H45, to Miss Caroline Ferris, granddaughter of the financial representative of the Galesburg Colony of 1836, and has had eight children, of whom four are living. Died Sep. I, 1900. (i ALEJi A,'the county-seat of Jo Daviess County, a city and port of entry, 150 miles in a direct line west by northwest of Chicago; is located on Galena Uiver, about 4'^ miles above its junction witli the Mississippi, and is an intersecting point for the Chicago, Burlington it Quincy, the North- western, and the Illinois Central Kailroads, with connections by stub with the Chicago Great Western. It is built partially in a valley and partially on the bluffs which overlook the river, the Galena River being made navigable for ves- M'|S of deep draught by a system of lockage. The vicinity abounds in rich mines of sulphide of lead (galena), from which the city takes its name. Galena is adorned by handsome public and priv- ate buildings and a beautiful park, in which stands a fine bronze statue of General Grant, and a symmetrical monument dedicated to the sol- diers and sailors of Jo Daviess County who lost their lives during the Civil War. Its industries include a furniture factory, a table factory, two foundries, a tub factory and a carriage factory. Zinc ore is now being produced in and near the city in large quantities, and its mining interests will become vast at no distant day. It owns an electric light plant, and water is furnished from an artesian well 1,700 feet deep. Galena was one of the earliest towns in Northern Illinois to be settled, its mines having been worked in the bit- ter part of the seventeenth century. Many men of distinction in State and National affairs came from Galena, among whom were Gen. U. S. Grant, Gen. John A. Rawlins, Gen. John E. Smith. Gen. John C. Smith. Gen. A. L. Cbetlain, Gen. John O. Duer, (Jen. W. R. Rowley. Gen. E. D. Baker, Hon. E. R. Washburne, Secretary of State under Grant, Hon. Thompson Campbell, Secretary of State of Illinois, and Judge Drum- inond. Population (1890). 5,635; (1900). 5,005. (JALENA & CHICAGO I'NIOM RAILROAD. (See Chicago tfr Xurthtrcxtern Rtiilu'tti/.) (. U.KSItl l;,thr county-seat of Knox County and an important educational center. The lirst settlers were emigrants from the East, a large pro- portion of them l>eing members of a colony organ- ized by Rev. George W. Gale, of Whitesboro, N. Y., in whose honor the original village was named. It is situated in the heart of a rich agricultural district ">3 miles northwest of Peoria, 99 miles northeast of Quincy and 103 miles south- west of Chicago; is an important railway center, being at the junction of the main line with two branch lines of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroads. It was incorporated as a village in 1841, and as a city by special charter in 1857. There are beauti- ful parks and the residence streets are well shaded, while 25 miles of street are paved with vitrified brick. The city owns a system of water- works receiving its supply from artesian wells and artificial lakes, has an efficient and well- equipped paid fire-department, an electric street car system with three suburban lines, gas and electric lighting systems, steam-heating plant, etc. It also has a number of flourishing mechan- ical industries, including two iron foundries, agri- cultural implement works, flouring mills, carriage and wagon works and a broom factory, besides other industrial enterprises of minor importance. The manufacture of vitrified paving brick is quite extensively carried on at plants near the city limits, the city itself being the shipping-point as well as the point of administrative control. The Chicago, Burlington .v Quincy Railroad Company has shops and stockyards here, while considerable coal is mined in the vicinity. The public buildings include a courthouse, Govern- ment postoffice building, an opera house, nine- teen churches, ten public schools with a high school and free kindergarten, and a handsome public library building erected at a cost of SlOO,- 000, of which one-half was contributed by Mr. Carnegie. Galesburg enjoys its (thief distinction as the seat of a large number of high class liter- ary institutions, including Knox College (non- sectarian), Lombard University (Universalist), and Corpus Christ! Lyceum and University, and St. Joseph's Academy (both Roman Catholic)- Three interurban electric railroad lines connect Galesburg with neighboring towns. Pop. (1*00), 15,264; (1900), 18.607. UALLATIN COUNTY, one of three counties organized in Illinois Territory in 1812 the others being Madison and Johnson. Previous to that date the Territory had consisted of only two coun- ties, St. Clair and Randolph. The new county was named in honor of Albert Gallatin, then Secretary of the Treasury. It is situated on the Ohio and Wabash Rivers, in the extreme south- eastern part of the State, and has an area of 349 square miles; population (l'.K)ll). 15.X36. The first cabin erected by an American settler was the home of Michael Sprinkle, who settled at Shaw- neetown in 1800. The place early became an important trading post anil distributing iioiiit. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 183 A ferry across the Wabash was established in .1803, by Alexander Wilson, whose descendants conducted it for more than seventy-five years. Although Stephen Rector made a Government survey as early as 1807, the public lands were not placed on the market until 1818. Shawneetown, the county-seat, is the most important town, having a population of some 2,200. Bituminous coal is found in large quantities, and mining is an important industry. The prosperity of the county has been much retarded by floods, particu- larly at Shawneetown and Equality. At the former point the difference between high and low water mark in the Ohio River has been as much as fifty-two feet. GALLOWAY, Andrew Jackson, civil engineer, was born of Scotch ancestry in Butler County. Pa., Dec. 21, 1814; came with his father to Cory- ilon, Ind. . in 1820. took a course in Hanover Col- lege, graduating as a civil engineer in 1837 ; then came to Mount Carmel. White County, 111., with a view to employment on projected Illinois rail- roads, but engaged in teaching for a year, liaving among his pupils a number who have since been prominent in State affairs. Later, lie obtained f mployment as an assistant engineer, serving for a time under William Gooding, Chief Engineer of the Illinois & Michigan Canal ; was also Assistant Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk of the State Senate in 1840-41, and held the same position in the House in 1846-47, and again in 184H-49, in the meantime having located a farm in La Salic County, where the present city of Streator stands. In 1849 he was appointed Secretary of the Canal Trustees, and. in 1851, became assistant engineer on the Illinois Central Railroad, Utter superin- tending its construction, and finally being trans- ferred to the land department, but retiring in 1855 to engage in real-estate business in Chicago, dealing largely in railroad lands. Mr. Galloway was elected a County Commissioner for Cook County, and has since been connected with many measures of local inii>ortance. GALYA, a town in Henry County. 45 miles southeast of Rock Island and 48 miles north- northwest of Peoria ; the point of intersection of the Rock Island & Peoria and the Chicago, Bur- lington & Quincy Railways. It stands at the summit of the dividing ridge between the Missis- sippi and the Illinois Rivers, and is a manufac- turing and coal-mining town. It has eight churches, three banks, good schools, and two weekly newspapers. The surrounding country is agricultural and wealthy, and is rich in coal. Population (1890), 2.40D; (1!KX>). 2,682. GARDNER, a village in Garfield Township. Grundy County, on the Chicago een a large share- holder) was permitted to go into liquidation upon 188 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. the surrender of State bonds in exchange for a like amount of bank stock owned by the State. The same conditional release was granted to the bank at Shawneetown. The net result was a reduction of the State debt by about $3,000,000. The Governor was authorized to negotiate a loan of $1,600,000 on the credit of the State, for the purpose of prosecuting the work on the canal and meeting the indebtedness already incurred. The Executive was also made sole "Fund Com- missioner" and, in that capacity, was empowered (in connection with the Auditor) to sell the railroads, etc., belonging to the State at public auction. Provision was also made for the redemp- tion of the bonds hypothecated with Macalister and Stebbins. (See Macalister and Stebbins Bonds.) The Congressional distribution of the moneys arising from the sale of public lands was acquiesced in, and the revenues and resources of the State were pledged to the redemption "of every debt contracted by an authorized agent for a good and valuable consideration." To establish a sinking fund to meet such obligation, a tax of twenty cents on every $100, payable in coin, was levied. This Legislature also made a re-appor- tionment of the State into Seven Congressional Districts. The Legislature adjourned, March 6, 1843, after a session of ninety-two days. ' FOURTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Dec. 2, 1844, and ad journed March 3, 1845, the ses- sion lasting ninety-two days. The Senate was composed of twenty-six Democrats and fifteen Whigs; the House of eighty Democrats and thirty-nine Whigs. David Davis was among the new members. William A. Richardson defeated Stephen T. Logan for the Speakership, and James Semple was elected United States Senator to suc- ceed Samuel McRoberts. deceased. The canal law was amended by the passage of a supple- mental act, transferring the property to Trustees and empowering the Governor to complete the negotiations for the borrowing of $1,600,000 for its construction. The State revenue being in- sufficient to meet the ordinary expenses of the government, to say nothing of the arrears of interest on the State debt, a tax of three mills on each dollar's worth of property was imposed for 1845 and of three and one-half mills thereafter. Of the revenue thus raised in 1845, one mill was set apart to pay the interest on the State debt and one and one-half mills for the same purpose from the taxes collected in 1846 "and forever thereafter." FIFTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Dec. 7, 1846. The farewell message of Governor Ford and the inaugural of Governor French were lead- ing incidents. The Democrats had a two-thirds majority in each house. Lieut. -Gov. Joseph B. Wells presided in the Senate, and Newton Cloud was elected Speaker of the House, the compli- mentary vote of the Whigs being given to Stephen T. Logan. Stephen A. Douglas was elected United States Senator, the whigs voting for Cyrus Edwards. State officers were elected as follows: Auditor, Thomas H. Campbell; State Treasurer, Milton Carpenter both by acclamation; and Horace S Cooley was nominated and confirmed Secretary of State. A new school law was enacted ; the sale of the Gallat in County salines was authorized ; the University of Chicago was incorporated, and the Hospital for the Insane at Jacksonville established; the sale of the North- ern Cross Railroad was authorized; District Courts were established ; and provision was made for refunding the State debt. The Assembly adjourned, March 1, 1847, after a session of eighty -five days. SIXTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY. This was the first Legislature to convene under the Constitu- tion of 1847. There were twenty-five members in the Senate and seventy-five in the House. The body assembled on Jan. 1, 1849, continu- ing in session until Feb. 12 the session being limited by the Constitution to six weeks. Zadoc Casey was chosen Speaker, defeating Richard Yates by a vote of forty-six to nineteen. After endorsing the policy of the administration in reference to the Mexican War and thanking the soldiers, the Assembly proceeded to the election of United States Senator to succeed Sidney Breese. The choice fell upon Gen. James Shields, the other caucus candidates being Breese and McClemand, while Gen. William F. Thornton led the forlorn hope for the Whigs. The principle of the Wilmot proviso was endorsed. The Governor convened the Legislature in special session on Oct. 22. A question as to the eligibility of Gen. Shields having arisen (growing out of his nativity and naturalization), and the legal obstacles hav- ing been removed by the lapse of time, he was re-elected Senator at the special session. Outside of the passage of a general law authorizing the incorporation of railroads, little general legisla- tion was enacted. The special session adjourned Nov. 7. Length of regular session forty-three days; special, seventeen total sixty. SEVENTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 6, 1851, adjourned Feb. 17 length of session forty-three days. Sidney Breese (ex- Senator) was chosen Speaker. The session was HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 189 characterized by a vast amount of legislation, not all of which was well considered. By joint reso- lution of both houses the endorsement of the Wilmot proviso at the previous session was rescinded. The first homestead exemption act was passed, and a stringent liquor law adopted, the sale of liquor in quantities less than one quart being prohibited. Township organization was authorized and what was virtually free-banking was sanctioned. The latter law was ratified by popular vote in November, 1851. An act incorpo- rating the Illinois Central Railroad was also passed at this session, the measure being drafted by James L. D. Morrison. A special session of this Assembly was held in 1852 under a call by the Governor, lasting from June 7 to the 23d seventeen days. The most important general legislation of the special session was the reappor- tionment of the State into nine Congressional Districts. This Legislature was in session a total of sixty days. EIGHTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY. The first (or regular) session convened Jan. 3, 1853, and adjourned Feb. 14. The Senate was composed of twenty Democrats and five Whigs ; the House, of fifty-nine Democrats, sixteen Whigs and one "Free-Soiler. " Lieutenant-Governor Koerner presided in the upper, and ex-Gov. John Reynolds in the lower house. Governor Matteson was inaugurated on the 16th ; Stephen A. Douglas was re-elected United States Senator, Jan. 5, the Whigs casting a complimentary vote for Joseph Gillespie. More than 450 laws were enacted, the majority being "private acts." The prohibitory temperance legislation of the preceding General Assembly was repealed and the license system re-enacted. This body also passed the famous "black laws' ' designed to prevent the immigration of free negroes into the State. The sum of $18,000 was appropriated for the erection and furnishing of an executive mansion; the State Agricultural Society was incorporated; the re- mainder of the State lands was ordered sold, and any surplus funds in the treasury appropriated toward reducing the State debt. A special session was convened on Feb. 9, 1854, and adjourned March 4. The most important measures adopted were : a legislative re-apportionment, an act pro- viding for the election of a Superintendent of Public Instruction, and a charter for the Missis- sippi & Atlantic Railroad. The regular session lasted forty-three days, the special twenty-four total, sixty-seven. NINETEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY met Jan. 1, 1855, and adjourned Feb. 15 the session lasting forty-six days. Thomas J. Turner was elected Speaker of the House. The political complexion of the Legislature was much mixed, among the members being old-line Whigs, Abolitionists. Free-Soilers, Know-Nothings, Pro-slavery Demo- crats and Anti-Nebraska Democrats. The Nebraska question was the leading issue, and in reference thereto the Senate stood fourteen Nebraska members and eleven anti-Nebraska ; the House, thirty-four straight-out Democrats, while the entire strength of the opposition was forty- one. A United States Senator was to be chosen to succeed Gen. James Shields, and the friends of free-soil had a clear majority of four on joint ballot. Abraham Lincoln was the caucus nomi- nee of the Whigs, and General Shields of the Demo- crats. The two houses met in joint session Feb. 8. The result of the first ballot was, Lincoln, forty- five; Shields, forty-one; scattering, thirteen; present, but not voting, one. Mr. Lincoln's strength steadily waned, then rallied slightly on the sixth and seventh ballots, but again declined. Shields' forty-one votes rising on the fifth ballot to forty-two, but having dropped on the next ballot to forty-one, his name was withdrawn and that of Gov. Joel A. Matteson substituted. Mat- teson gained until he received forty -seven votes, which was the limit of his strength. On the ninth ballot, Loncom's vote having dropped to fifteen, his name was withdrawn at his own request, his support going, on the next ballot, to Lyman Trumbull. an anti-Nebraska Democrat, who received fifty-one votes to forty-seven for Matteson and one for Archibald Williams one member not voting. Trumbull, having received a majority, was elected. Five members had voted for him from the start. These were Sena- tors John M. Palmer. Norman B. Judd and Burton C. Cook, and Representatives Henry S. Baker and George T. Allen. It had been hoped that they would, in time, come to the support of Mr. Lin- coln, but they explained that they had been instructed by their constituents to vote only for an anti-Nebraska Democrat. They were all sub sequently prominent leaders in the Republican party. Having inaugurated its work by accom- plishing a political revolution, this Legislature proceeded to adopt several measures more or less radical in their tendency. One of these was the Maine liquor law, with the condition that it be submitted to popular vote. It failed of ratifica- tion by vote of the people at an election held in the following June. A new common school law was enacted, and railroads were required to fence their tracks. The Assembly also adopted a reso- 190 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. lution calling for a Convention to amend the Con- stitution, but this was defeated at the polls. TWENTIETH GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 5, 1857, and adjourned, sine die. Feb. 19. A Republican State administration, with Governor Bissell at its head, had just been elected, but the Legislature was Democratic in Ixith branches. Lieut.-Gov. John Wood presided over the Senate, and Samuel Holmes, of Adams County, defeated Isaac N. Arnold, of Cook, for the Speakership of the House. Among the prominent members were Norman B. Judd. of Cook; A. J. Kuykendall, of Johnson; Shelby M. Cullom, of Sangamon; John A. Logan, of Jackson; William R. Morrison, of Monroe; Isaac N. Arnold, of Cook : Joseph Oilles- pie, of Madison, and S. W. Moulton, of Shelby. Among the important measures enacted by this General Assembly were the following: Acts establishing and maintaining free schools; estab- lishing a Normal University at Normal ; amending the banking law , providing for the general incor- poration of railroads; providing for the building of a new penitentiary ; and funding the accrued arrears of interest on the public debt. Length of session, forty-six days. TWENTY-FIRST GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 3, 1859. and was in session for fifty-three days, adjourning Feb. 24. The Senate consisted of twenty-five, and the House of seventy-five members. The presiding officers were: of the Senate, Lieut.-Gov. Wood; of the House, W. R. Morrison, of Monroe County, who defeated his Republican opponent, Vital Jarrot, of St. Clair, on a viva voce vote. The Governor's message showed a reduction of Sl.HMi.s77 in the State debt during two years preceding, leaving a balance of principal and arrears of interest amounting to *iri38,454. On Jan. 0, !.-,!), the Assembly, in joint session, elected Stephen A. Douglas to suc- ceed himself as United States Senator, by a vote of fifty-four to forty six for Abraham Lincoln. The Legislature was thrown into great disorder in consequence of an attempt to prevent the receipt from the Governor of a veto of a legisla- tive apportionment bill which had been passed by the Democratic majority in the face of bitter opposition on the part of the Republicans, who denounced it as partisan and unjust. TWENTY-SECDND GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened in regular session on Jan. 7, 1861, consisting of twenty-five Senators and seventy-five Represent- atives. For the first time in the State's history, the Democrats failed to control the organization of either house. Lieut.-Gov. Francis A. Hoffman presided over the Senate, and S. M. Cullom, of Sangamon. was chosen Speaker of the House, the Democratic candidate being James W. Singleton. Thomas A. Marshall, of Coles County, was elected President pro tern, of the Senate over A. J. Kuy- kendall, of Johnson. The message of the retiring Governor (John Wood) reported a reduction of the State debt, during four years of Republican administration, of S2.860.402, and showed the number of lanks to be 110, whose aggregate cir- culation was S12.320.964. Lyman Trumbull was re-elected United States Senator on January 10. receiving fifty-four votes, to forty-six cast for Samuel S. Marsliall. Governor Yates was inau- gurated, Jan. 14. The most important legislation of this session related to the following subjects: the separate property rights of married women ; the encouragement of mining and the support of public schools; the payment of certain evidences of State indebtedness ; protection of the purity of the ballot-box, and a resolution submitting to the people the question of the calling of a Convention to amend the Constitution. Joint resolutions were passed relative to the death of Governor Bissell : to the appointment of Commissioners to attend a Peace Conference in Washington, and referring to federal relations. The latter deprecated amendments to the United States Constitution, but expressed a willingness to unite with any States which might consider themselves aggrieved, in petitioning Congress to call a convention for the consideration of such amendments, at the same time pledging the entire resources of Illi- nois to the National Government for the preser- vation of the Union and the enforcement of the laws. The regular session ended Feb. 22, having lasted forty -seven days. Immediately following President Lincoln's first call for volunteers to suppress the rebellion, Governor Yates recon- vened the General Assembly in special session to consider and adopt methods to aid and support the Federal authority in preserving the Union and protecting the rights and property of the people. The two houses assembled on April 23. On April 25 Senator Douglas addressed the members on the issues of the day, in response to an invitation con- veyed in a joint resolution. The special session closed May 3, 1861, and not a few of the legislator* promptly volunteered in the Union army. Length of the regular session, forty-seven days; of the special, eleven total fifty-eight. TWENTY-THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY was com- posed of twenty-five Senators and eighty-eight Representatives. It convened Jan. 5, 1863, and was Democratic in both branches. The presiding officer of the Senate was Lieutenant-Governor HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 191 Hoffman; Samuel A. Buckmaster was elected Speaker of the House by a vote of fifty-three to twenty-five. On Jan. 12, William A. Richardson was elected United States Senator to succeed 8. A. Douglas, deceased, the Republican nominee being Governor Yates, who received thirty-eight votes out of a total of 103 cast. Much of the time of the session was devoted to angry discussion of the policy of the National Government in the prosecution of the war. The views of the oppos- ing parties were expressed in majority and minor- ity reports from the Committee on Federal Relations the former condemning and the latter upholding the Federal administration. The majority report was adopted in the House on Feb. 12, by a vote of fifty-two to twenty-eight, and the resolutions which it embodied were at once sent to the Senate for concurrence. Before they could be acted upon in that body a Demo- cratic Senator J. M. Rodgers, of Clinton Count}- died. This left the Senate politically tied, a Republican presiding officer having the deciding vote. Consequently no action was taken at the time, and, on Feb. 14, the Legislature adjourned till June 2. Immediately upon re-assembling, joint resolutions relating to a sine die adjourn- ment were introduced in both houses. A disagree- ment regarding the date of such adjournment ensued, when Governor Yates, exercising the power conferred upon him by the Constitution in such cases, sent in a message (June 10, 1863) proroguing the General Assembly until "the Saturday next preceding the first Monday in January, 1865.' The members of the Republican minority at once left the hall. The members of the majority convened and adjourned from day to day until June 24, when, having adopted an address to the people setting forth their grievance and denouncing the State executive, they took a recess until the Tuesday after the first Monday of January, 1864. The action of the Governor, hav- ing been submitted to the Supreme Court, was sustained, and no further session of this General Assembly was held. Owing to the prominence of political issues, no important legislation was effected at this session, even the ordinary appro- priations for the State institutions failing. This caused much embarrassment to the State Govern- ment in meeting current expenses, but banks and capitalists came to its aid, and no important interest was permitted to suffer. The total length of the session was fifty days forty -one days before the recess and nine days after. TWENTY-FOURTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 2, 1865, and remained in session forty-six days. It consisted of twenty-live Senators and eighty-five Representatives. The Republicans had a majority in both houses. Lieutenant-Gov- ernor Bross presided over the Senate, and Allen C. Fuller, of Boone County, was chosen Sneaker of the House, over Ambrose M. Miller. Democrat, the vote standing 48 to 23. Governor Yates. in his valedictory message, reported tliat, notwith- standing the heavy expenditure attendant upon the enlistment and maintenance of troops, etc., the State debt had been reduced 8987,786 in four years. On Jan. 4, 1865, Governor Yates was elected to the United States Senate, receiving sixty-four votes to forty three cast for James C. Robinson. Governor Oglesby was inaugurated Jan. 16. The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified by this Legisla- ture, and sundry special appropriations made. Among the latter was one of $3,000 toward the State's proportion for the establishment of a National Cemetery at Gettysburg; $25,000 for the purchase of the land on which is the tomb of the deceased Senator Douglas; besides sums for establishing a home for Soldiers' Orphans and an experimental school for the training of idiots and feeble-minded children. The first act for the registry of legal voters was passed at this session. TWENTY-FIFTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY. This body held one regular and two special sessions. It first convened and organized on Jan. 7, 1867. Lieutenant-Governor Bross presided over the upper, and Franklin Corwin, of La Salle County, over the lower house. The Governor (Oglesby ), in his message, reported a reduction of $2,607,95B in the State debt during the two years preceding, and recommended various appropriations for pub- lic purposes. He also urged the calling of a Con- vention to amend the Constitution. On Jan. 15, Lyman Trumbull was chosen United States Sena- tor, the complimentary Democratic vote being given to T. Lyle Dickey, who received thirty- three votes out of 109. The regular session lasted fifty -three days, adjourning Feb. 28. The Four- teenth Amendment to the United States Constitu- tion was ratified and important legislation enacted relative to State taxation and the regulation of public warehouses; a State Board of Equalization of Assessments was established, and the office of Attorney-General created. (Under this law Robert G. Ingersoll was the first appointee. ) Provision was made for the erection of a new State House, to establish a Reform School for Juvenile Offenders, and for the support of other State institutions. The first special session con* 192 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. vened on June 11, 1867, having been summoned to consider questions relating to internal revenue. The lessee of the penitentiary having surrendered his lease without notice, the Governor found it necessary to make immediate provision for the management of that institution. Not having included this matter in his original call, no ne- cessity then existing, he at once summoned a .second special session, before the adjournment of the first. This convened on June 14, remained in session until June 28, and adopted what is substantially the present penitentiary law of the State. This General Assembly was in session seventy-one days fifty-three at the regular, three at the first special session and fifteen at the second. TWENTY-SIXTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 4, 1869. The Republicans had a majority in each house. The newly elected Lieutenant-Gov- ernor, John Dougherty, presided in the Senate, and Franklin Corwin. of Peru, was again chosen Speaker of the House. Governor Oglesby sub- mitted his final message at the opening of the session, showing a total reduction in the State debt during his term of $4,743,821. Governor John M. Palmer was inaugurated Jan. 11. The most important acts passed by this Legislature were the following: Calling the Constitutional Convention of 1869; ratifying the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution ; granting well behaved convicts a reduction in their terms of imprisonment; for the prevention of cruelty to animals ; providing for the regula- tion of freights and fares on railroads; estab- lishing the Southern Normal University; pro- viding for the erection of the Northern Insane Hospital; and establishing a Board of Com- missioners of Public Charities. The celebrated "Lake Front Bill," especially affecting the interests of the city of Chicago, occupied a great deal of time during this session, and though finally passed over the Governor's veto, was repealed in 1873. This session was inter- rupted by a recess which extended from March 12 to April 13.- The Legislature re-assem- liled April 14, and adjourned, sine die, April 20, liiiving been in actual session seventy-four days. TWENTY-SEVENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY had four sessions, one regular, two special and one adjourned. The first convened Jan. 4, 1871, and adjourned on April 17. having lusted 104 days, when a recess was taken to Nov. 15 following. The body was made up of fifty Senators and 177 Representatives. The Republicans again con- trolled both houses, electing William M. Smith, Speaker (over William R. Morrison, Democrat), while Lieutenant-Governor Dougherty presided in the Senate. The latter occupied the Hall of Rep- resentatives in the old State Capitol, while the House held its sessions in a new church edifice erected by the Second Presbyterian Church. John A. Logan was elected United States Sena- tor, defeating Thomas J. Turner (Democrat) by a vote, on joint ballot, of 131 to 89. This was the first Illinois Legislature to meet after the adoption of the Constitution of 1870, and its time was mainly devoted to framing, discussing and pass- ing laws required by the changes in the organic law of the State. The first special session opened on May 24 and closed on June 22, 1871, continu- ing thirty days. It was convened by Governor Palmer to make additional appropriations for the necessary expenses of the State Government and for the continuance of work on the new State House. The purpose of the Governor in sum- moning the second special session was to provide financial relief for the city of Chicago after the great fire of Oct. 9-11, 1871. Members were sum moned by special telegrams and were in their seats Oct. 13, continuing in session to Oct. 24 twelve days. Governor Palmer had already suggested a plan by which the State might aid the stricken city without doing violence to either the spirit or letter of the new Con- stitution, which expressly prohibited special legislation. Chicago had advanced $2,500,000 toward the completion of the Illinois & Michigan Canal, under the pledge of the State that this outlay should be made good. The Legislature voted an appropriation sufficient to pay both principal and interest of this loan, amounting, in round numbers, to about $3,000,000. The ad- journed session opened on Nov. 15, 1871, and came to an end on April 9, 1872 having continued 147 days. It was entirely devoted to considering and adopting legislation germane to the new Consti- tution. The total length of all sessions of this General Assembly was 293 days. TWENTY-EIGHTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 8, 1873. It was composed of fifty -one Sena- tors and 153 Representatives; the upper house standing thirty-three Republicans to eighteen Democrats, and the lower, eighty-six Republicans to sixty-seven Democrats. The Senate chose John Early, of Winnebago, President pro tempore, and Shelby M. Cullom was elected Speaker of the House. Governor Oglesby was inaugurated Jan. 13, but, eight days later, was elected to the United States Senate, being succeeded in the Governor- ship by Lieut. -Gov. John L. Beveridge. An HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 193 appropriation of $1,000,000 was made for carrying on the work on the new capitol and various other acts of a public character passed, the most impor- tant being an amendment of the railroad law of the previous session. On May 6, the Legislature adjourned until Jan. 8, 1874. The purpose of the recess was to enable a Commission on the Revision of the Laws to complete a report. The work was duly completed and nearly all the titles reported by the Commissioners were adopted at the adjourned session. An adjournment, sine die, was taken March 31, 1874 the two sessions having lasted, respectively, 119 and 83 days total 202. TWENTY-NINTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan 6, 1875. While the Republicans had a plu- rality in both houses, they were defeated in an effort to secure their organization through a fusion of Democrats and Independents. A. A. Glenn (Democrat) was elected President pro tern- pore of the Senate (becoming acting Lieutenant- Governor), and Elijah M. Haines was chosen presiding officer of the lower house. The leaders on both sides of the Chamber were aggressive, and the session, as a whole, was one of the most turbulent and disorderly in the history of the State. Little legislation of vital importance (outside of regular appropriation bills) was enacted. This Legislature adjourned. April 15, liaving been in session 100 days. THIRTIETH GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 3 ; 1877. and adjourned, sine die. on May 24. The Democrats and Independents in the Senate united in securing control of that body, although the House was Republican. Fawcett Plumb, of La Salle County, was chosen President pro tempore <>f the upper, and James Shaw Speaker of the lower, house. The inauguration of State officers took place Jan. 8. Shelby M. Cullom becoming Governor and Andrew Sliuman, Lieutenant-Gov- ernor. This was one of the most exciting years in American political history Both of the domi- nant parties claimed to have elected the President, and the respective votes in the Electoral College were so close as to excite grave apprehension in many minds. It was also the year for the choice of a Senator by the Illinois Legislature, and the attention of the entire country was directed toward this State. Gen. John M. Palmer was the nominee of the Democratic caucus and John A. Logan of the Republicans. On the twenty- fourth ballot the name of General Logan was withdrawn, most of the Republican vote going to Charles B. Lawrence, and the Democrats going over to David Davis, who, although an original Republican and friend of Lincoln, and Justice of the Supreme Court by appointment of Mr. Lin- coln, had become an Independent Democrat. On the fortieth ballot (taken Jan. 25). Judge Davis received 101 votes, to 94 for Judge Lawrenx (Republican) and five scattering, thus securing Davis' election. Not many acts of vital impor- tance were passed by this Legislature. Appellate Courts were established and new judicial districts created; the original jurisdiction of county courts was enlarged: better safeguards were thrown about miners; measures looking at once to the supervision and protection of railroads were passed, as well as various laws relating chiefly to the police administration of the State and of municipalities. The length of the session was 142 days. THIRTY-FIRST GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 8, 1879, with a Republican majority in each house. Andrew Shuman, the newly elected Lieu- tenant-Governor, presided in the Senate, and William A. James of Lake County was chosen Speaker of the House. John M. Hamilton of McLean County (afterwards Governor), was chosen President pro tempore of the Senate. John A. Logan was elected United States Senator on Jan. 21, the complimentary Democratic vote being given to Gen. John C. Black. Various laws of public importance were enacted by this Legislature, among them being one creating the Bureau of Labor Statistics ; the first oleomargar- ine law; a drainage and levee act; a law for the reorganization of the militia; an act for the regulation of pawnbrokers; a law limiting the pardoning power, and various laws looking toward the supervision and control of railways. The session lasted 144 days, anil the Assembly adjourned, sine die, May 31, 1879. THIRTY SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 5, 1881, the Republicans having a majority in both branches. Lieutenant-Governor Hamil- ton presided in the Senate, William J. Campbell of Cook County being elected President pro tem- pore. Horace H. Thomas, also of Cook, was chosen Speaker of the House. Besides the rou- tine legislation, the most important measures enacted by this Assembly were laws to prevent the spread of pleuro-pneumonia among cattle: regulating the sale of firearms; providing more stringent penalties for the adulteration of food, drink or medicine; regulating the practice of pharmacy and dentistry ; amending the revenue and school laws; and requiring annual statements from official custodians of public moneys. The Legislature adjourned May 80, after having been 194 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. in .-.'-MI .11 146 days, but was called together again in special session by the Governor on March 23, 1882, to pass new Legislative and Congressional Apportionment Laws, and for the consideration of other subjects. The special session lasted forty-four days, adjourning May 5 both sessions occupying a total of 190 days. THIRTY-THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 2, 1883, with the Republicans again in the majority in both houses. William J. Campbell was re-elected President pro tempore of the Senate, but not until the sixty-first ballot, six Republicans refusing to be bound by the nomina- tion of a caucus held prior to their arrival at Springfield. Loren C. Collins, also of Cook, was elected Speaker of the House.' The compliment- ary Democratic vote was given to Thomas M. Shaw in the Senate, and to Austin O. Sexton in the House. Governor Cullom, the Republican caucus nominee, was elected United States Senator, Jan. 16, receiving a majority in each branch of the General Assembly. The celebrated "Harper High-License Bill," and the first "Compulsory School Law" were passed at this session, the other acts being of ordinary character. The Legislature adjourned June 18, having been in session 168 days. THIRTY-FOURTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 7, 1885. The Senate was Republican by a majority of one, there being twenty-six members of that party, twenty-four Democrats and one greenback Democrat. William J. Campbell, of Cook County, was for the third time chosen President pro tempore. The House stood seventy- six Republicans and seventy-six Democrats, with one member Elijah M. Haines of Lake County calling himself an "Independent. " The contest for the Speakership continued until Jan. 29, when, neither party being able to elect its nomi- nee, the Democrats took up Haines as a candidate and placed him in the chair, with Haines' assist- ance, filling the minor offices with their own men. After the inauguration of Governor Oglesby, Jan. 30, the first business was the elec- tion of a United States Senator. The balloting proceeded until May 18, when John A. Logan re- ceived 103 votes to ninety -six for Lambert Tree and five scattering. Three members one Republican and two Democrats had died since the opening of the session ; and it was through the election of a Republican in place of one of the deceased Democrats, that the Republicans succeeded in electing their candidate. The session was a stormy one throughout, the Speaker being, much of the time, at odds with the House, and an unsuccessful effort was made to depose him. Charges of bribery against certain members were preferred and investigated, but no definite result was reached. Among the important measures l>assed by this Legislature were the following: A joint resolution providing for submission of an amendment to the Constitution prohibiting con- tract labor in penal institutions; providing by resolution for the appointment of a non-partisan Commission of twelve to draft a new revenue code; the Crawford primary election law; an act amending the code of criminal procedure ; estab- lishing a Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, subse- quently located at Quincy ; creating a Live-Stock Commission and appropriating 531,712 for the completion of the State House. The Assembly adjourned, sine die, June 26, 1885, after a session of 171 days. THIRTY-FIFTH GENERAL, ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 5, 1887. The Republicans had a majority of twelve in the Senate and three in the House. For President pro. tempore of the Senate, August W. Berggren was chosen; for Speaker of the House, Dr. William F. Calhoun, of De Witt County. The death of General Logan, which had occurred Dec. 26. 1886, was officially an- nounced by Governor Oglesby i and. on Jan. 18, Charles B. Farwell was elected to succeed him as United States Senator. William R. Morrison and Benjamin W. Goodhue were the candidates of the Democratic and Labor parties, respectively. Some of the most important laws passed by this General Assembly were the following: Amend- ing the law relating to the spread of contagious diseases among cattle, etc. ; the Chase bill to prohibit book-making and pool -selling ; regulat- ing trust companies; making the Trustees of the University of Illinois elective; inhibiting aliens from holding real estate, and forbidding the marriage of first cousins. An act virtually creating a new State banking system was also passed, subject to ratification by popular vote. Other acts, having more particular reference to Chicago and Cook County, were: a law making cities and counties responsible for three -fourtlis of the damage resulting from mobs and riots ; the Merritt conspiracy law ; the Gibbs Jury Commis- sion law. and an act for the suppression of bucket-shop gambling. The session ended June 15, 1887. having continued 162 days. THIRTY-SIXTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 7. 1889, in its first (or regular) session, the Republicans being largely in the majority. The Senate elected Theodore S. Chapman of Jersey County, President pro tempore, and the House HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 195 Asa C. Matthews of Pike County, Speaker. Mr. Matthews was appointed First Comptroller of the Treasury by President Harrison, on May 9 (see Matthews, Asa C. ), and resigned the Speakership on the following day. He was succeeded by James H. Miller of Stark County. Shelby M. Cullom was re-elected to the United States Senate on January 22, the Democrats again voting for ex-Gov. John M. Palmer. The "Sanitary Drain- age District Law," designed for the benefit of the city of Chicago, was enacted at this session ; an asylum for insane criminals was established at Chester ; the annexation of cities, towns, villages, etc., under certain conditions, was authorized; more stringent legislation was enacted relative to the circulation of obscene literature; a new com- pulsory education law was passed, and the em- ployment on public works of aliens who had not declared their intention of becoming citizens was prohibited. This session ended, May 28. A special session was convened by Governor Fifer on July 24, 1890, to frame and adopt legislation rendered necessary by the Act of Congress locat- ing the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago. Mr. Miller having died in the interim, William G. Cochran, of Moultrie County, was chosen Speaker of the House. The special session concluded Aug. 1, 1890, having enacted the following meas- ures ; An Act granting the use of all State lands, (submerged or other) in or adjacent to Chicago, to the World's Columbian Exposition for a period to extend one year after the closing of the Exposi- tion; authorizing the Chicago Boards of Park Commissioners to grant the use of the public parks, or any part thereof, to promote the objects of such Exposition ; a joint resolution providing for the submission to the people of a Constitu- tional Amendment granting to the city of Chicago the power (provided a majority of the qualified voters desired it) to issue bonds to an amount not exceeding $3,000,000, the same to bear interest and the proceeds of their sale to be turned over to the Exposition Managers to be devoted to the use and for the benefit of the Exposition. (See also World's Columbian Exposition. ) The total length of the two sessions was 150 days. THIRTY-SEVENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY convened Jan. 7, 1891, and adjourned June 12 following. Lieut. -Gov. Ray presided in the Senate, Milton W.- Matthews (Republican), of Urbana, being elected President pro tern. The Democrats had c:ontrol in the House and elected Clayton E. Crafts, of Cook County, Speaker. The most exciting feature of the session was the election of a United States Senator to succeed Charles B. Farwell. Neither of the two leading parties had a majority on joint ballot, the balance of power being held by three "Independent" members of the House, who had been elected as represent- atives of the Farmers' Mutual Benevolent Alli- ance. Richard J. Oglesby was the caucus nominee of the Republicans and John M. Palmer of the Democrats. For a time the Independents stood as a unit for A. J. Streeter, but later two of the three voted for ex-Governor Palmer, finally, on March 11, securing his election on the 154th ballot in joint session. Meanwhile, the Repub- licans had cast tentative ballots for Alson J. Streeter and Cicero J. Lindley, in hope of draw- ing the Independents to their support, but without effective result. The final ballot stood Palmer. 103 ; Lindley, 101, Streeter 1. Of 1,296 bills intro- duced in both Houses at this session, only 151 became laws, the most important being: The Australian ballot law, and acts regulating build ing and loan associations : prohibiting the employ- ment of children under thirteen at manual labor fixing the legal rate of interest at seven per cent ; prohibiting the "truck system" of paying em- ployes, and granting the right of suffrage to women in the election of school officers. An amendment of the State Constitution permitting the submission of two Constitutional Amend- ments to the people at the same time, was sub- mitted by this Legislature and ratified at the election of 1892. The session covered a period of 157 days. THIRTY-EIGHTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY. This body convened Jan. 4, 1893. The Democrats were in the ascendency in both houses, having a majority of seven in the Senate and of three in the lower house. Joseph R. Gill, the Lieutenant- Governor, was ex-officio President of the Senate, and John W. Coppinger, of Alton, was chosen President pro tern. Clayton E. Crafts of Cook County was again chosen Speaker of the House. The inauguration of the new State officers took place on the afternoon of Tuesday, Jan. 10. This Legislature was in session 164 days, adjourning June 16, 1893. Not very much legislation of a general character was enacted. New Congres- sional and Legislative apportionments were passed, the former dividing the State into twenty- two districts; an Insurance Department was created; a naval militia was established; the scope of the juvenile reformatory was enlarged and the compulsory education law was amended. THIRTY-NFNTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY. This Legislature held two sessions a regular and a special. The former opened Jan. 9. 1895. and 190 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. closed June 14, following. The political com- plexion of the Senate was Republicans, thirty- three; Democrats, eighteen; of the House, ninety-two Republicans and sixty -one Democrats. John Meyer, of Cook County, was elected Speaker of the House, and Charles Bogardus of Piatt County, President pro tern, of the Senate. Acts were passed making appropriations for improve- ment of the State Fair Grounds at Springfield ; authorizing the establishment of a Western Hos- pital for the Insane ($100,000); appropriating $100,000 for a Western Hospital for the Insane; 165,000 for an Asylum for Incurable Insane ; $50,- 000, each, for two additional Normal Schools one in Northern and the other in Eastern Illinois; $35,000 for a Soldiers' Widows' Home all being new institutions besides $15,000 for a State exhibition at the Atlanta Exposition ; $65,000 to mark, by monuments, the position of Illinois troops on the battlefields of Chickamauga, Look- out Mountain and Missionary Ridge. Other acts passed fixed the salaries of members of the Gen- eral Assembly at $1,000 each for each regular session; accepted the custody of the Lincoln monument at Springfield, authorized provision for the retirement and pensioning of teachers in public schools, and authorized the adoption of civil service rules for cities. The special session convened, pursuant to a call by the Governor, on June 25, 1895, took a recess. June 28 to July 9. re-assembled on the latter date, and adjourned, sine die, August 2. Outside of routine legisla- tion, no laws were passed except one providing additional necessary revenue for State purposes and one creating a State Board of Arbitration. The regular session continued 157 days and the .special twenty-nine total 186. FORTIETH GENERAL ASSEMBLY met in regular session at Springfield, Jan. 6. 1897, and ad journed, sine die, June 4. The Republicans had a major- ity in both branches, the House standing eighty- eight Republicans to sixty-three Democrats and two Populists, and the Senate, thirty-nine Repub- licans to eleven Democrats and one Populist, giving the Republicans a majority on joint ballot of fifty votes. Both houses were promptly organ- ized by the election of Republican officers, Edward C. Curtis of Kankakee County being chosen Speaker of the House, and Hendrick V. Fisher, of Henry County, President pro tern, of the Sen- ate. Governor Tanner and the other Republican State officers were formally inaugurated on Jan. 11, and, on Jan. 20, William E. Mason (Republican) was chosen United States Senator to succeed John M. Palmer, receiving in joint session 125 votes to seventy-seven for John P. Altgeld (Democrat). Among the principal laws enacted at this session were the following: An act concerning aliens and to regulate the right to hold real estate, and prescribing the terms and conditions for the conveyance of the same; empowering the Commissioners who were ap- pointed at the previous session to ascertain and mark the positions occupied by Illinois Volunteers in the battles of Chickamauga, Lookout Moun- tain and Missionary Ridge, to expend the remain- ing appropriations in their hands for the erection of monuments on the battle-grounds; authorizing the appointment of a similar Commission to ascertain and mark the positions held by Illinois troops in the battle of Shiloh ; to reimburse the University of Illinois for the loss of funds result- ing from the Spaulding defalcation and affirming the liability of the State for "the endowment fund of the University, amounting to $456,712.91, and for so much in addition as may be received in future from the sale of lands"; authorizing the adoption of the "Torrens land-title system" in the conveyance and registration of land titles by vote of the people in any county : the consolida- tion of the three Supreme Court Districts of the State into one and locating the Court at Spring- field; creating a State Board of Pardons, and prescribing the manner of applying for pardons and commutations. An act of this session, which produced much agitation and led to a great deal of discussion in the press and elsewhere, was the street railroad law empowering the City Council, or other corporate authority of any city, to grant franchises to street railway companies extending to fifty years. This act was repealed by the General Assembly of 1899 before any street rail- way corporation had secured a franchise under it. A special session was called by Governor Tanner to meet Dec. 7, 1897, the proclamation naming five topics for legislative action. The session continued to Feb. 24, 1898, only two of the meas- ures named by the Governor in his call being affirmatively acted upon. These included: (1) an elaborate act prescribing the manner of conduct- ing primary elections of delegates to nominating conventions, and (2) a new revenue law regulat- ing the manner of assessing and collecting taxes. One provision of the latter law limits the valuation of property for assessment purposes to one-fifth its cash value. The length of the regular session was 150 days, and that of the special session eighty days total, 230 days. 6ENESEO, a city in Henry County, about two miles south of the Green River. It is on the Chi- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 197 cago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, 23 miles east of Rock Island and 75 miles west of Ottawa. It is in the heart of a grain-growing region, and has two large grain elevators. Manufacturing is also carried on to a considerable extent here, furniture, wagons and farming implements con- stituting the chief output. Geneseo has eleven churches, a graded and a high school, a col- legiate institute, two banks, and two newspapers, one issuing a daily edition. Population (1890), ' 3,182; (1900), 3,356. GENEVA, a city and railway junction on Fox River, and the county -seat of Kane County ; 35 miles west of Chicago. It has a fine courthouse, completed in 1892 at a cost of $350,000. and numerous handsome churches and school build- ings. A State Reformatory for juvenile female offenders has been located here. There is an ex- cellent water-power, operating six manufac- tories, including extensive glucose works. The town has a bank, creamery, water-works, gas and electric light plant, and two weekly news- papers. The surrounding country is devoted to agriculture and dairy farming. Population (1880), 1,239; (1890), 1,692; (1900), 2,446. GENOA, a village of De Kalb County, on Omaha Division of the Chi., Mil. & St. Paul, the 111. Cent, and Chi. & N. W. Railroads, 59 miles west of Chicago. Dairying is a leading industry ; has two banks, shoe and telephone factories, and two newspapers. Population (1890). 634; (1900), 1,140. GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS. The geological structure of Illinois embraces a representation, more or less complete, of the whole paleonic series of formations, from the calciferous group of the Lower Silurian to the top of the coal meas- ures. In addition to these older rocks there is a limited area in the extreme southern end of the State covered with Tertiary deposits. Over- spreading these formations are beds of more recent age, comprising sands, clays and gravel, varying in thickness from ten to more than two hundred feet. These superficial deposits may be divided into Alluvium, Loess and Drift, and con- stitute the Quaternary system of modern geolo- gists. LOWER SILURIAN SYSTEM. Under this heading may be noted three distinct groups : the Calcifer- ous, the Trenton and the Cincinnati. The first mentioned group comprises the St. Peter's Sand- stone and the Lower Magnesian Limestone. The former outcrops only at a single locality, in La Salle County, extending about two miles along the valley of the Illinois River in the vicinity of Utica. The thickness of the strata appearing above the surface is about 80 feet, thin bands of Magnesian limestone alternating with layers of Calciferous sandstone. Many of the layers con- tain good hydraulic rock, which is utilized in the manufacture of cement. The entire thickness of the rock below the surface has not been ascer- tained, but is estimated at about 400 feet. The St. Peter's Sandstone outcrops in the valley of the Illinois, constituting the main portion of the bluffs from Utica to a point beyond Ottawa, and forms the "bed rock" in most of the northern townships of La Salle County. It also outcrops on the Rock River in the vicinity of Oregon City, and forms a conspicuous bluff on the Mississippi in Calhoun County. Its maximum thickness in the State may be estimated at about 200 feet. It is too incoherent in its texture to be valuable as a building stone, though some of the upper strata in Lee County have been utilized for caps and sills. It affords, however, a fine quality of sand for the manufacture of glass. The Trenton group, which immediately overlies the St. Peter's Sandstone, consists of three divisions. The low- est is a brown Magnesian Limestone, or Dolomite, usually found in regular beds, or strata, varying from four inches to two feet in thickness. The aggregate thickness varies from twenty feet, in the northern portion of the State, to sixty or seventy feet at the bluff in Calhoun County. At the quarries in La Salle County, it abounds in fossils, including a large Lituites and several specimens of Orthoceras, Maclurea, etc. The middle division of the Trenton group consists of light gray, compact limestones in the southern and western parts of the State, and of light blue, thin-bedded, shaly limestone in the northern por- tions. The upper division is the well-known Galena limestone, the lead-bearing rock of the Northwest. It is a buff colored, porous Dolomite, sometimes arenaceous and unevenly textured, giving origin to a ferruginous, sandy clay when decomposed. The lead ores occur in crevioee. caverns and horizontal seams. These crevices were probably formed by shrinkage of the strata from crystallization or by some disturbing force from beneath, and have been enlarged by decomposi- tion of the exposed surface. Fossils belonging to a lower order of marine animal than the coral are found in this rock, a* are also marine sheila, corals and crustaceans. Although this limestone crops out over a considerable portion of the terri- tory between the Mississippi and the Rock River, the productive lead mines are chiefly confined to Jo Daviess and Stephenson Counties. All the divisions of the Trenton group afford good build- 198 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ing material, some of the rock being susceptible of a high polish and making a handsome, durable marble. About seventy feet are exposed near Thebes, in Alexander County. All through the Southwest this stone is known as Cape Girardeau marble, from its being extensively quarried at Cape Girardeau. Mo. The Cincinnati group immediately succeeds the Trenton in the ascend- ing scale, and forms the uppermost member of the Lower Silurian system. It usually consists of argillaceous and sandy shales, although, in the northwest portion of the State, Magnesian lime- stone is found with the shales. The prevailing colors of the beds are light blue and drab, weathering to a light ashen gray. This group is found well exposed in the vicinity of Thebes, Alexander County, furnishing a durable building stone extensively used for foundation walls. Fossils are found in profusion in all the beds, many fine specimens, in a perfect state of preser- vation, having been exhumed. UPPER SILURIAN SYSTEM. The Niagara group in Northern Illinois consists of brown, gray and buff magnesian limestones, sometimes evenly bedded, as at Juliet and Athens, and sometimes concretionary and brecciated, as at Bridgeport and Port Byron. Near Chicago the cells and pockets of this rock are filled with petroleum, but it has been ascertained that only the thirty upper feet of the rock contain bituminous matter. The quarries in Will and Jersey Counties furnish fine building and flagging stone. The rock is of a light gray color, changing to buff on exposure. In Pike and Calhoun Counties, also, there are out - croppings of this rock and quarries are numerous. It is usually evenly bedded, the strata varying in thickness from two inches to two feet, and break- ing evenly. Its aggregate thickness in Western and Northern Illinois ranges from fifty to 150 feet. In Union and Alexander Counties, in the southern part of the State, the Upper Silurian series consists chiefly of thin bedded gray or buff-colored limestone, silicious and cherty, flinty material largely preponderating over the lime- stone. Fossils are not abundant in this formation, although the quarries at Bridgeport, in Cook County, have afforded casts of nearly 100 species of marine organisms, the calcareous portion hav- ing been washed away. DEVONIAN SYSTEM. This system is represented in Illinois by three well marked divisions, cor- responding to the Oriskany sandstone, the Onon- daga limestone and the Hamilton and Corniferoua beds of New York. To these the late Professor Worthen for many years State Geologist, added, although with some hesitancy, the black shale formation of Illinois. Although these comprise an aggregate thickness of over 500 feet, their exposure is limited to a few isolated outcroppings along the bluffs of the Illinois, Mississippi and Rock Rivers. The lower division, called "Clear Creek Limestone," is about 250 feet thick, and is only found in the extreme southern end of the State. It consists of chert, or impure flint, and thin-bedded silico-magnesian limestones, rather compact in texture, and of buff or light gray to nearly white colors. When decomposed by atmospheric influences, it forms a fine white clay, resembling common chalk in appearance. Some of the cherty beds resemble burr stones in poros- ity, and good mill-stones are made therefrom in Union County. Some of the stone is bluish-gray, or mottled and crystalline, capable of receiving a high polish, and making an elegant and durable building stone. The Onondaga group comprises some sixty feet of quartzose sandstone and striped silicious shales. The structure of the rock is almost identical with that of St. Peter's Sandstone. In the vicinity of its outcrop in Union County are found fine beds of potter's clay, also variegated in color. The rock strata are about twenty feet thick, evenly bedded and of a coarse, granular structure, which renders the stone valuable for heavy masonry. The group has not been found north of Jackson County. Large quantities of characteristic fossils abound. The rocks composing the Hamilton group are the most valuable of all the divisions of the Devonian system, and the outcrops can be identified only by their fossils. In Union and Jackson Counties it is found from eighty to 100 feet in thickness, two beds of bluish gray, fetid limestone being sepa- rated by about twenty feet of calcareous shales. The limestones are highly bituminous. In Jersey and Calhoun Counties the group is only six to ten feet thick, and consists of a hard, silicious limestone, passing at some points into a quartzose sandstone, and at others becoming argillaceous, as at Graf ton. The most northern outcrop is in Rock Island County, where the rock is concretion- ary in structure and is utilized for building pur- poses and in the manufacture of quicklime. Fossils are numerous, among them being a few fragments of fishes, which are the oldest remains of vertebrate animals yet found in the State. The black shale probably attains its maximum development in Union County, where it ranges from fifty to seventy-five feet in thickness. Its lower portion is a fine, black, laminated slate, sometimes closely resembling the bituminous HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 199 shales associated with the coal seams, which cir- cumstance has led to the fruitless expenditure of much time and money. The bituminous portion of the mass, on distillation, yields an oil closely resembling petroleum. Crystals of iron pyrites are abundant in the argillaceous portion of the group, which does noi extend north of the coun- ties of Calhoun, Jersey and Pike. LOWER CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM. This is di- visible into five groups, as follows : The Kinder- hook group, the Burlington limestone, and the Keokuk, St. Louis and Chester groups. Its greatest development is in the southern portion of the State, where it has a thickness of 1,400 or 1,500 feet. It thins out to the northward so rapidly that, in the vicinity of the Lower Rapids on the Mississippi, it is only 300 feet thick, while it wholly disappears below Rock Island. The Kinder- hook group is variable in its lithological charac- ter, consisting of argillaceous and sandy shales, with thin beds of compact and oolitic limestone, passing locally into calcareous shales or impure limestone. The entire formation is mainly a mechanical sediment, with but a very small por- tion of organic matter. The Burlington lime- stone, on the other hand, is composed almost entirely of the fossilized remains of organic beings, with barely enough sedimentary material to act as a cement. Its maximum thickness scarcely exceeds 200 feet, and its principal out- crops are in the counties of Jersey, Greene, Scott, Calhoun, Pike, Adams, Warren and Henderson. The rock is usually a light gray, buff or brown limestone, either coarsely granular or crystalline in structure. The Keokuk group immediately succeeds the Burlington in the ascending order, with no well defined line of demarcation, the chief points of difference between the two being in color and in the character of fossils found. At the upper part of this group is found a bed of nalcareo-argillaceous shale, containing a great variety of geodes, which furnish beautiful cabinet specimens of crystallized quartz, chalcedony, dolomite and iron pyrites. In Jersey and Monroe Counties a bed of hydraulic limestone, adapted to the manufacture of cement, is found at the top of this formation. The St. Louis group is partly a fine-grained or semi-crystallized bluish-gray limestone, and partly concretionary, as around Alton. In the extreme southern part of the State the rock is highly bituminous and susceptible of receiving a high polish, being used as a black marble. Beds of magnesian limestone are found here and there, which furnish a good stone for foundation walls. In Hardin County, the rock is traversed by veins of fluor spar, carrying galena and zinc blonde. The Chester group is only found in the southern part of the State, thinning out from a thickness of eight hundred feet in Jackson and Randolph Counties, to about twenty feet at Alton. It consists of hard, gray, crystalline, argillaceous limestones, alternating with sandy and argillaceous shales and sandstones, which locally replace each other. A few species of true carboniferous flora are found in the are- naceous shales and sandstones of this group, the earliest traces of pre-historic land plants found in the State. Outcrops extend in a narrow belt from the southern part of Hardin County to the southern line of St. Clair County, passing around the southwest border of the coal field. UPPER CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM. This includes the Conglomerate, or "Mill Stone Grit" of Euro- pean authors, and the true coal measures. In the southern portion of the State its greatest thick- ness is about 1,200 feet. It becomes thinner toward the north, scarcely exceeding 400 or 500 feet in the vicinity of La Salle. The word "con- glomerate" designates a thick bed of sandstone that lies at the base of the coal measures, and appears to have resulted from the culmination of the arenaceous sedimentary accumulations. It consists of massive quartzose sandstone, some- times nearly white, but more frequently stained red or brown by the ferruginous matter which it contains, and is frequently composed in part of rounded quartz pebbles, from the size of a pea to several inches in diameter. When highly ferruginous, the oxide of iron cements the sand into a hard crust on the surface of the rock, which successfully resists the de- nuding influence of the atmosphere, so that the rock forms towering cliffs on the banks of the stream along which are its outcrops. Its thickness varies from 200 feet in the southern part of the State to twenty-five feet in the northern. It lias afforded a few species of fossil plants, but no animal remains. The coal measures of Illinois are at least 1,000 feet thick and cover nearly three-fourths of its entire area. The strata are horizontal, the dip rarely exceeding six to ten feet to the mile. The formation is made up of sandstone, shales, thin beds of limestone, coal, and its associated fire clays. The thickness of the workable beds is from six to twenty-four inches in the upper measures, and from two to five feet in the lower measures. The fire clays, on which the coal seams usually rest, probably represent the ancient soil on which grew the trees and plants from which the coal is formed. 200 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. When pure, these clays are valuable for the manufacture of fire brick, tile and common pottery. Illinois coal is wholly of the bitumi- nous variety, the metamorphic conditions which resulted in the production of anthracite coal in Pennsylvania not having extended to this State. Fossils, both vegetable and animal, abound in the coal measures. TERTIARY SYSTEM. This system is represented only in the southern end of the State, where cer- tain deposits of stratified sands, shales and con- glomerate are found, which appear to mark the northern boundary of the great Tertiary forma- tion of the Gulf States. Potter's clay, lignite and silicious woods are found in the formation. QUATERNARY SYSTEM. This system embraces all the superficial material, including sands, clay, gravel and. soil which overspreads the older for- mations in all portions of the State. It gives origin to the soil from which the agricultural wealth of Illinois is derived. It may be properly separated into four divisions: Post-tertiary sands, Drift, Loess and Alluvium. The first- named occupies the lowest position in the series, and consists of stratified beds of yellow sand and blue clay, of variable thickness, overlaid by a black or deep brown, loamy soil, in which are found leaves, branches and trunks of trees in a good state of preservation. Next above lie the drift deposits, consisting of blue, yellow and brown clays, containing gravel and boulders of various sizes, the latter the water-worn frag- ments of rocks, many of which have been washed down from the northern shores of the great lakes. This drift formation varies in thickness from twenty to 120 feet, and its accumulations are probably due to the combined influence of water currents and moving ice. The subsoil over a large part of the northern and central portions of the State is composed of fine brown olay. Prof. Desquereux (Illinois Geological Sur- vey, Vol. I.) accounts for the origin of thus clay and of the black prairie soil above it, by attribut- ing it to the growth and decomposition of a peculiar vegetation. The Loess is a fine mechan- ical sediment that appears to have accumulated in some body of fresh water. It consists of marly sands and clays, of a thickness varying from five to sixty feet. Its greatest development is along the bluffs of the principal rivers. The fossils found in this formation consist chiefly of the bones and teeth of extinct mammalia, such as the mam- moth, mastodon, etc. Stone implements of primeval man are also discovered. The term alluvium is usually restricted to the deposits forming the bottom lands of the rivers and smaller streams. They consist of irregularly stratified sand, clay and loam, which are fre- quently found in alternate layers, and contain more or less organic matter from decomposed animal and vegetable substances. When suffi- ciently elevated, they constitute the richest and most productive farming lands in the State. GEORGETOWN, a village of Vermilion County, on the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway, 10 miles south of Danville. It has a bank, telegraph and express office and a news- paper. Population (1890), 662; (1900), 98S. GERMAN EVANGELICAL SCHOOL, located at Addison, Du Page County; incorporated in 1852; has a faculty of three instructors and reports 1X7 pupils for 1897-98, with a property valuation of $9,600. GERMA Jf TOWN, a village of Vermilion County, and suburb of Danville; is the center of a coal- mining district.' Population (1880), 540; (1890), 1,178; (1900), 1,782. GEST, William H., lawyer and ex-Congress- man, was born at Jacksonville, 111., Jan. 7, 1838. When but four years old his parents removed to Rock Island, where he has since resided. He graduated from Williams College in 1860, was admitted to the bar in 1862, and has always been actively engaged in practice. In 1886 he was elected to Congress by the Republicans of the Eleventh Illinois District, and was re-elected in 1888, but in 1890 was defeated by Benjamin T. Cable, Democrat. GIBAL'LT, Pierre, a French priest, supposed to have been born at New Madrid in what is now Southeastern Missouri, early in the eighteenth century; was Vicar-General at Kaskaskia, with ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the churches at Cahokia, St. Genevieve and adjacent points, at the time of the capture of Kaskaskia by Col. George Rogers Clark in 1778, and rendered Clark important aid in conciliating the French citizens of Illinois. He also made a visit to Vincennes and induced the people there to take the oath of allegi- ance to the new government. He even advanced means to aid Clark's destitute troops, but beyond a formal vote of thanks by the Virginia Legisla- ture, he does not appear to have received any recompense. Governor St. Clair, in a report to Thomas Jefferson, then Secretary of State, dwelt impressively upon the value of Father Gibault's services and sacrifices, and Judge Law said of him, "Next to Clark and (Francis) Vigo, the United States are indebted more to Father Gibault for the accession of the States comprised HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 201 in what was the original Northwest Territory than to any other man. " The date and place of his death are unknown. GIBSON CITY, a town in Ford County, situ- ated on the Lake Erie & Western Railroad. 34 miles east of Bloomington. and at the intersec- tion of the Wabash Railroad and the Springfield Division of the Illinois Central. The principal mechanical [industries are iron works, canning works, a shoe factory, and a tile factory. It has two banks, two newspapers, nine churches and an academy. A college is projected. Popula- tion (1890), 1,803; (1900), 2,054; (1903, est.), 3,165. (ill,!,, Joseph It., Lieutenant-Governor (1893- 97), was born on a farm near Marion, Williamson County, 111., Feb. 17, 1862. In 1868 his father settled at Murphysboro, where Mr. Gill still makes his home. His academic education was received at the school of the Christian Brothers, in St. Louis, and at the Southern Illinois Normal University, Carbondale. In 1886 he graduated from the Law Department of the Michigan State University, at Ann Arbor. Returning home he purchased an interest in "The Murphysboro Inde- pendent," which paper he conducted and edited up to January, 1893. In 1888 he was elected to the lower house of the Legislature and re-elected in 1890. As a legislator he was prominent as a champion of the labor interest. In 1892 he was nominated and elected Lieutenant-Governor on the Democratic ticket, serving from January, 1893, to '97. GILLESPIE, a village of Macoupin County, on the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway, 10 miles southwest of Litchfield. This is an agricultural, coal-mining and stock-raising region ; the town has a bank and a newspaper. Population (1890), 948; (1900), 873. GILLESPIE, Joseph, lawyer and Judge, was born in New York City, August 22, 1809, of Irish parents, who removed to Illinois in 1819, settling on a farm near Edwardsville. After coming to Illinois, at 10 years, he did not attend school over two months. In 1827 he went to the lead mines at Galena, remaining until 1829. In 1831, at the invitation of Cyrus Edwards, he began the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in 1837, having been elected Probate Judge in 1836. He also served during two campaigns (1831 and '32) in the Black Hawk War. He was a Whig in politics and a warm personal friend of Abraham Lincoln. In 1840 he was elected to the lower house of the Legislature, serving one term, and was a member of the State Senate from 1847 to 1859. In 1853 he received the few votes of the Whig members of the Legislature for United States Senator, in opposition to Stephen A. Douglas, and, in 1860, presided over the second Republican State Convention at Decatur, at which elements were set in motion which resulted in the nomi- nation of Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency for the first time, a week later. In 1861 he was elected Judge of the Twenty-fourth Judicial Circuit, and re-elected in 1867 for a second term, serving until 1873. Died, at his home at Edwards- ville, Jan. 7, 1885. GILLETT, John Dean, agriculturist and stock- man, was born in Connecticut, April 28, 1819; spent several years of his youth in Georgia, but, in 1838, came to Illinois by way of St. Louis, finally reaching "Bald Knob," in Logan County, where an uncle of the same name resided. Here he went to work, and, by frugality and judicious investments, finally acquired a large body of choice lands, adding to his agricultural operations the rearing and feeding of stock for the Chicago and foreign markets. In this he was remarkably successful. In his later years he was President of a National Bank at Lincoln. At the time of his death, August 27, 1888, he was the owner . 16,500 acres of improved lands in the vicinity of Elkhart, Logan County, besides large herds of fine stock, both cattle and horses. He left a large family, one of his daughters being the wife of the late Senator Richard J. Oglesby. GILLETT, Philip Goode, specialist and edu- cator, born in Madison, Ind., March 24, 1833; was educated at Asbury University, Greencastle, Ind. . graduating in 1852, and the same year became an instructor in the Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb in that State. In 1856 lit became Principal of the Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb at Jackson- ville, remaining there until 1893, when lie resigned. Thereafter, for some years, he was President of the Association for the Promotion uf Speech by the Deaf, with headquarters in Wash- ington, D. C., but later returned to Jacksonville, where he lias since been living in retirement. GILLHAM, Daniel It., agriculturist and legis- lator, was born at a place now called Wanda, in Madison County, 111., April 29, 1826 his father being a farmer and itinerant Methodist preacher, who belonged to one of the pioneer families in the American Bottom at an early day. The sub- ject of this sketch was educated in the common schools and at McKendreu College, but did not graduate from the latter. In his early life he followed the vocation of a farmer and stock - grower in one of the most prosperous and highly 202 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. cultivated portions. of the American Bottom, a few miles below Alton, but, in 1872, removed to Alton, where he spent the remainder of his life. He became a member of the State Board of Agri- ' culture in 1866, serving eight years as Superin- tendent and later as its President; was also a Trustee of Shurtleff College some twenty-five years, and for a time President of the Board. In 1870 he was elected to the lower branch of the Twenty-seventh General Assembly, and to the State Senate in 1882, serving a term of four years in the latter. On the night of March 17, 1890, he was assaulted by a burglar in his house, receiving a wound from a pistol-shot in consequence of which he died, April 6, following. The identity of his assailant was never discovered, and the crime consequently went unpunished. GILMAN, a city in" Iroquois County, at the intersection of the Illinois Central and the To- ledo, Peoria & Western Railways, 81 miles south by west from Chicago and 208 miles northeast of St. Louis. It is in the heart of one of the richest corn districts of the State and has large stock-raising and fruit-growing interests. It has an opera house, a public library, an extensive nursery, brick and tile works, a linseed oil mill, two banks and two weekly newspapers. Arte- sian well water is obtained by boring from 90 to ,'00 feet Population (1890), 1,112; (1900), 1,441. GILMAN, Arthur, was born at Alton, 111., June 22, 1837, the son of Winthrop S. Gilman, of the firm of Gilman & Godfrey, in whose warehouse the printing press of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy was stored at the time of its destruction by a mob in 1837 ; was educated in St. Louis and New York, began business as a banker in 1857, but, in 1870, removed to Cambridge, Mass., and connected himself with "The Riverside Press." Mr. Gilman was one of the prime movers in what is known as "The Harvard Annex" in the interest of equal collegiate advantages for women, and has written much for the periodical press, besides publishing a number of volumes in the line of history and English literature. GILMAN, CLINTON & SPRINGFIELD RAIL- ROAD. (See Illinois Central Railroad.) GIRARD, a city in Macoupin County, on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, 25 miles south by west from Springfield and 13 miles north-northeast of Carlinville. Coal-mining is carried on extensively here. The city also has a bank, five churches and a weekly newspaper. Population (1880), 1,024; (1890), 1,524; (1900), 1,601. GLEXCOE, a village of Cook County, on the Milwaukee Division of the Chicago & Northwest- ern Railway, 19 miles north of Chicago. Popu- lation (1880), 387; (1890), 569; (1900), 1,020. GLENN, Archibald A., ex-Lieutenant-Governor, was born in Nicholas County, Ky . , Jan. 30, 1819. In 1828 his father's family removed to Illinois, settling first in Vermilion, and later in Schuyler County. At the age of 13, being forced to abandon school, for six years he worked upon the farm of his widowed mother, and, at 19, entered a printing office at Rushville, where he learned the trade of compositor. In 1844 he published a Whig campaign paper, which was discontinued after the defeat of Henry Clay. For eleven years he was Circuit Clerk of Brown County, during which period he was admitted to the bar ; was a member of the Constitutional Convention o"' 1862, and of the State Board of Equalization from 1868 to 1872. The latter year he was elected to the State Senate for four years, and, in 1875, chosen its President, thus becoming ex-officio Lieutenant-Governor. He early abandoned legal practice to engage in banking and in mercan- tile investment. After the expiration of his term in the Senate, he removed to Kansas, where, at latest advices, he still resided. GLENN, John .1., lawyer and jurist, was born in Ashland County, Ohio, March 2, 1831 ; gradu- ated from Miami University in 1858 and, in 1858, was admitted to the bar at Terre Haute, Ind. Removing to Illinois in 1860, he settled in Mercer County, a year later removing to Monmouth in Warren County, where he still resides. In 1877 he was elected Judge of the Tenth Judicial Cir- cuit and re-elected in 1879, '85, '91, and '97. After his last election he served for some time, by appointment of the Supreme Court, as a mem- ber of the Appellate Court for the Springfield District, but ultimately resigned and returned to Circuit Court duty. His reputation as a cool- headed, impartial Judge stands very high, and his name has been favorably regarded for a place on the Supreme Bench. GLOVER, Joseph Otis, lawyer, was born in Cayuga County, N. Y.. April 13, 1810, and edu- cated in the high-school at Aurora in that State. In 1835 he came west to attend to a land case at Galena for his father, and, although not then a lawyer, he managed the case so successfully that he was asked to take charge of two others. This determined the bent of his mind towards the law, to the study of which he turned his attention under the preceptorship of the late Judge The- ophilus L. Dickey, then of Ottawa. Soon after l>eing admitted to the bar in 1840, he formed a partnership with the late Burton C. Cook, whioh HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 203 lasted over thirty years. In 1846 he was elected as a Democrat to the lower branch of the Fif- teenth General Assembly, but, on the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, he became one of the founders of the Republican party and a close friend of Abraham Lincoln, whom he entertained, at the time of his (Lincoln's) debate with Senator Douglas, at Ottawa, in 1858. In 1868 he served as Presidential Elector at the time of General Grant's first election to the Presidency, and the following year was appointed United States Dis- trict Attorney for the Northern District, serving until 1875. In 1877 he was appointed by Gov- ernor Cullom a member of the Board of Railway and Canal Commissioners, of which he afterwards became President, serving six years. Died, in Chicago, Dec. 10, 1892. UODFRET, a village of Madison County, on the Chicago & Alton Railway, 5 miles north of Alton. It is the seat of Monticello Female Seminary, and named for Capt. Benjamin Godfrey, an early settler who was chiefly instrumental in founding that institution. Population (1890), 228. GODFREY, (Capt.) Benjamin, sea captain and philanthropist, was born at Chatham, Mass. , Dec. 4, 1794: at nine years of age he ran away from home and went to sea, his first voyage being to Ireland, where he spent nine years. The War of 1812 coming on, he returned home, spending a part of the next three years in the naval service, also gaining a knowledge of the science of navi- gation. Later, he became master of a merchant- vessel making voyages to Italy, Spain, the West Indies and other countries, finally, by shipwreck in Cuban waters, losing the bulk of his fortune. In 1824 he engaged in mercantile business at Matamoras, Mex., where he accumulated a hand- some fortune ; but, in transferring it (amounting to some $200,000 in silver) across the country on pack-animals, he was attacked and robbed by brigands, with which that country was then infested. Resuming business at New Orleans, he was again successful, and, in 1833, came north, locating near Alton, 111., the next year engaging in the warehouse and commission business as the partner of Winthrop S. Gilman, under the name of Godfrey & Gilman. It was in the warehouse of this firm at Alton that the printing-press of Elijah P. Love joy was stored when it was seized and destroyed by a mob. and Lovejoy was killed, in October, 1837. (See iMi-ejoy, Elijah P.) Soon after establishing himself at Alton, Captain God- frey made a donation of land and money for the erection of a young ladies' seminary at the village of Godfrey, four miles from Alton. (See Monti- cello Female Seminary.) The first cost of the erection of buildings, borne by him, was $53,000. The institution was opened, April 11, 1838, and Captain Godfrey continued to be one of its Trustees as long as he lived. He was also one of the lead- ing spirits in the construction of the Alton & Springfield Railroad (now a part of the Chicago & Alton), in which he invested heavily and un- profitably. Died, at Godfrey, April 13, 1862. 60LCONDA, a village and county-seat of Pope County, on the Ohio River, 80 miles northeast of Cairo; located in agricultural and mining dis- trict ; zinc, lead and kaolin mined in the vicinity ; has a courthouse, eight churches, schools, one bank, a newspaper, a box factory, flour and saw mills, and a fluor-spar factory. It is the termi- nus of a branch of the Illinois Central Railroad. Population (1890), 1.174: (1900), 1,140. GOLDZIER, Julius, ex-Congressman, was born at Vienna, Austria, Jan. 20, 1854, and emigrated to New York in 1866. In 1872 he settled in Chicago, where he was admitted to the bar in 1877, and where he has practiced law ever since. From 1890 to 1892 he was a member of the Chicago City Council, and, in 1892, was the successful Democratic candidate in the Fourth District, for Congress, but was defeated in 1894 by Edward D. Cooke. At the Chicago city election of 1899 he was again re- turned to the Council as Alderman for the Thirty- second Ward. GOODIXfi, James, pioneer, was born about 1767, and, in 1832, was residing at Bristol, Ontario County, N. Y., when he removed to Cook County, 111., settling in what was later called "Gooding's Grove," now a part of Will County. The Grove was also called the "Yankee Settlement," from the Eastern origin of the principal settlers. Mr. Gooding was accompanied, or soon after joined, by three sons James, Jr., William and Jasper and a nephew, Charles Gooding, all of whom became prominent citizens. The senior Gooding died in 1849, at the age of 82 years. William (Gooding), civil engineer, son of the preceding, was born at Bristol. Ontario County, N. Y., April 1, 1803; educated in the common schools and by private tuition, after which he divided his time chiefly between teaching and working on the farm of his father, James Gooding. Having devoted considerable attention to surveying and civil engineering, he obtained employment in 1826 on the Welland Canal, where he remained three years. He then engaged in mercantile pursuits at Lock- port, N. Y. , but sold out at the end of the first year and went to Ohio to engage in his profession. 204 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Being unsuccessful in this, he accepted employ- ment for a time as a rodman, but later secured a position as Assistant Engineer on the Ohio Canal. After a brief visit to his father's in 1832, he returned to Ohio and engaged in business there for a short time, but the following year joined his father, who had previously settled in a portion of what is now Will County, but then Cook, mak- ing the trip by the first mail steamer around the lakes. He at first settled at "Gooding's Grove" and engaged in farming. In 1836 he was ap- pointed Assistant Engineer on the Illinois & Michigan Canal, but, in 1842, became Chief Engi- neer, continuing in that position until the com- pletion of the canal in 1848, when he became Secretary of the Canal Board. Died, at Ix>ckport, Will County, in May, 1878. GOODRICH, Grant, lawyer and jurist, was born in Milton, Saratoga, County, N. Y., August 7, 1811 ; grew up in Western New York, studied law and came to Chicago in 1834, becoming one of the most prominent and reputable members of his profession, as well as a leader in many of the movements for the educational, moral and reli- gious advancement of the commttnity. He was one of the founders of the First Methodist Epis- copal Church of Chicago, an active member of the Union Defense Committee during the war, an incorporator and life-long Trustee of the North- western University, and President of the Board of Trustees of Garrett Biblical Institute, besides being identified with many organizations of a strictly benevolent character. In 1839 Judge Goodrich was elected a Judge of the newly organ- ized Superior Court, but, at the end of his term, resumed the practice of his profession. Died, March 15, 1889. 6ORE, David, ex-State Auditor, was born in Trigg County, Ky., Aprils, 1827; came with his parents to Madison County, III. , in 1834, and served in the Mexican War as a Quartermaster, afterwards locating in Macoupin County, where he lias been extensively engaged in farming. In 1874 he was an unsuccessful Greenback-Labor candidate for State Treasurer, in 1884 was elected to the State Senate from the MacoUpin-Morgan District, and, in 1892, nominated and elected, as a Democrat, Auditor of Public Accounts, serving until 1897. For some sixteen years he was a member of the State Board of Agriculture, the last two years of that period being its President. His home is at Carlinville. GOUDY, Calvin, early printer and physician, was born in Ohio, June 2, 1814; removed with his parents, in childhood, to Indianapolis, and in 1832 to Vandalia, 111., where he worked in the State printing office and bindery. In the fall of 1833 the family removed to Jacksonville, and the following year he entered Illinois College, being for a time a college-mate of Richard Yates, after- wards Governor. Here he continued his vocation as a printer, working for a time on "Peck's Gazetteer of Illinois" and "Goudy's Almanac." of which his father was publisher. In association with a brother while in Jacksonville, he began the publication of "The Common School Advo- cate," the pioneer publication of its kind in the Northwest, which was continued for about a year. Later he studied medicine with Drs. Henry and Merriman in Springfield, finally graduating at the St. Louis Medical College and, in 1844 began practice at Taylorville ; in 1847 was elected Probate Judge of Christian County for a term of four years; in 1851 engaged in mercantile busi- ness, which he continued nineteen years. In 1856 he was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly and, in the session of the following; year, was a leading supporter of the act estab- lishing the State Normal School at Normal, still later serving for some sixteen years on the State Board of Education. Died, at Taylorville, in 1877. Dr. Goudy was an older brother of the late William C. Goudy of Chicago. GOCDY, William C., lawyer, was born in Indiana, May 15, 1824 ; came to Illinois, with his father, first to Vandalia and afterwards to Jack- sonville, previous to 1833, where the latter began the publication of "The Farmer's Almanac" a well-known publication of that time. At Jack- sonville young Goudy entered Illinois College, graduating in 1845, when he began the study of law with Judge Stephen T. Logan, of Springfield ; was admitted to the bar in 1847, and the next year began practice at Lewistown, Fulton County; served as State's Attorney (1852-55) and as State Senator (1856-60); at the close of his term re- moved to Chicago, where he became prominent as a corporation and railroad lawyer, in 1886 be- coming General Solicitor of the Chicago & North- western Railroad. During President Cleveland's first term, Mr. Goudy was believed to exert a large influence with the administration, and was credited with having been largely instrumental in securing the appointment of his partner, Mel- ville W. Fuller, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Died, April 27, 1893. GBAFF, Joseph V., lawyer and Congressman, was born at Terre Haute, Ind., July 1, 1854; after graduating from the Terre Haute high-school, spent one year in Wabash College at Crawfords- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 205 ville. but did not graduate ; studied law and was admitted to the bar at Delavan, 111., in 1879; in 1892 was a delegate to the Republican National Convention at Minneapolis, but, with the excep- tion of President of the Board of Education, never held any public office until elected to Con- gress from the Fourteenth Illinois District, as a Republican, in November, 1894. Mr. Graff was a successful candidate for re-election in 1896, and again in '98. GRAFTON, a town in Jersey County, situated on the Mississippi one and a half miles below the mouth of the Illinois River. The bluffs are high and fine river views are obtainable. A fine quality of fossiliferous limestone is quarried here and exported by the river. The town has a bank, three churches and a graded school. Pop- ulation (1880), 807, (1890), 927; (1900), 988. GRAIN INSPECTION, a mode of regulating the grain-trade in accordance with State law, and under the general supervision of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission. The principal exec- utive officer of the department is the Chief Inspector of Grain, the expenses of whose adminis- tration are borne by fees. The chief business of the inspection department is transacted in Chi- cago, where the principal offices are located. (See Railroad and Warehouse Commission. ) GRAMMAR, John, pioneer and early legislator, came to Southern Illinois at a very early date and served as a member of the Third Territorial Council for Johnson County (1816-18); was a citizen of Union County when it was organized in 1818, and served as State Senator from that county in the Third and Fourth General Assem- blies (1822-26), and again in the Seventh and Eighth General Assemblies (1830-34), for the Dis- trict composed of Union, Johnson and Alexander Counties. He is described as having been very illiterate, but a man of much shrewdness and considerable influence. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, a fra- ternal, charitable and patriotic association, limited to men who served in the Union army or navy during the Civil War, and received hon- orable discharge. Its founder was Dr. B. F. Stephenson, who served as Surgeon of the Four- teenth Illinois Infantry. In this task he had the cooperation of Rev. William J. Rutledge, Chaplain of the same regiment. Col. Jolm M. Snyder, Dr. James Hamilton, Maj. Robert M. Woods, Maj. Robert Allen, Col. Martin Flood, Col. Daniel Grass, Col. Edward Prince, Capt. John S. Phelps, Capt. John A. Lightfoot, Col. B. F. Smith, Maj. A. A. North, Capt. Henry E. Howe, and Col. B. F. Hawkes. all Illinois veter- ans. Numerous conferences were held at Spring- field, in this State, a ritual was prepared, and the first post was chartered at Decatur, 111., April (>. 1866. The charter members were Col. I. C. Pugli. George R. Steele, J. W. Routh, Joseph Prior. J. H. Nale, J. T. Bishop, G H. Dunning, B F. Sibley, M. F. Kanau, C. Reibsame, I. N. Coltrin. and Aquila Toland. All but one of these had served in Illinois regiments. At first, the work of organization proceeded slowly, the ex-soldiers generally being somewhat doubtful of the result of the project; but, before July 12, 1866, the date fixed for the assembling of a State Convention to form the Department of Illinois, thirty-nine posts had been chartered, and, by 1869, there were 330 reported in Illinois. By October, 1866, Depart- ments had been formed in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota, and posts established in Ohio, Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, Massa- chussetts, New York, Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia, and the first National Encampment was held at Indianapolis, November 20 of that year. In 1894 there were 7,500 posts, located in every State and Territory of the Union, with a membership of 450,000. The scheme of organization provides for precinct, State and National bodies. The first are known as posts, each having a number, to which the name of some battle or locality, or of some deceased soldier may be prefixed; the second (State organizations) are known as Departments; and the supreme power of the Order is vested in the National En- campment, which meets annually. As has l>een said, the G. A. R. had its inception in Illinois. The aim and dream of Dr. Stephenson and his associates was to create a grand organization of veterans which, through its cohesion, no less than its incisiveness, should constitute a potential fac- tor in the inculcation and development of patriot- ism as well as mutual support. While he died sorrowing that he had not seen the fruition of his hopes, the present lias witnessed the fullest realization of his dream. (See Steplienson, B. F. ) The constitution of the order expressly prohibits any attempt to use the organization for partisan purposes, or even the discussion, at any meeting, of partisan questions. Its aims are to foster and strengthen fraternal feelings among members ; to assist comrades needing help or protection and aid comrades' widows and orphans, and to incul- cate unswerving loyalty. The "Woman's Relief Corps" is an auxiliary organization, originating at Portland, Maine, in 1869. The following is a list of Illinois Department Commanders, chronolog- 206 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ioally arranged: B. F. Stephenson (Provisional, 1866), John M. Palmer (1866-68), Thomas O. Osborne (1869-70), Charles E. Lippincott (1871), Hubert Dilger (1872), Guy T. Gould (1873), Hiram Hilliard (1874-76), Joseph S. Reynolds (1877), T. B. Coulter (1878), Edgar D. Swain (1879-80), J. W. Burst (1881), Thomas G. Lawler (1882), S. A. Harper (1883). L. T. Dickason (1884), William W. Berry (1885), Philip Sidney Post (1886), A. C. Sweetser (1887), James A. Sexton (1888), James S. Martin (1889), William I. Distin (1890), Horace S. Clark (1891), Edwin Harlan (1892), Edward A. Blodgett (1893), H. H. McDowell (1894), W. H. Powell (1895), William G. Cochran (1896), A. L. Schimpff (1897), John C. Black (1898), John B. Inman (1899). The fol- lowing Illinoisans have held the position of Com- mander-in-Chief : S. A. Hurlbut, (two terms) 1866-67; John A. Logan, (three terms) 1868-70; Thomas G. Lawler, 1894; James A. Sexton, 1898. GRAND PRAIRIE SEMINARY, a co-educa- tional institution at Onarga, Iroquois County, in- corporated in 1863;. had a faculty of eleven teach- ers in 1897-98, with 285 pupils 145 male and 140 female. It reports an endowment of $10,000 and property valued at $55,000. Besides the usual classical and scientific departments, instruction is given in music, oratory, fine arts and prepara- tory studies. GRAND TOWER, a town in Jackson County, situated on the Mississippi River, 27 miles south- west of Carbondale ; the western terminus of the Grand Tower & Carbondale Railroad. It received its name from a high, rocky island, lying in the river opposite the village. It has four churches, a weekly newspaper, and two blast furnaces for iron. Population (1890), 624; (1900), 881. GRAND TOTTER & CAPE GIRARDEAD RAILROAD. (See Chicago dt Texas Railroad.) GRAND TOWER & CARBONDALE RAIL- ROAD. (See Chicago . Thomas I) OslK>rm> a*V.)-70i. Charles K. Lippinoott ( 1H71 ). HulH-rt Dilger . Thomas (i Lawlcr (I**-. 1 ). S. A. Har|*r (!**:!>. I.. T Dic-kason (l**4i. \Villiuni W Merry i !**:.>. Philip Sidney post il**ti), A ('. Sweet-er (1**7). James A Sexton HHNS.), .lain.-s S. Martin (is*istin (IS!X), HoraccS Clark (1*!U), Kdwin Harlan (1 *!:>), F.dward A Hlodgett (!*'.:!). II II McDowell {1*!I4). W H. Powell (l*!r>). William ), A. L. Schimpff (l*H7i. John ('. Black (!*!*), .John B. Imnan (Isfl'.li. The fol- lowing Illinoisans have held the position of ( 'om- rii:iinli>r-iii-( 'hief S. A Hiirlhnt. (two terms) l*ti(!-i;7; John A. Logan, (three terms) ll>*-7n ; Thomas (!. Lawlrr, 1*!>4: James A. Sexton. 1W. (;RAM PRAIRIK SKMINART, u i-.,...,iui-a- tional institution at Onar^'a, Iroquois County, in cor|>rate'l in !*';'; had a faculty of eleven teach- ers in l w f>7 '.i* with 'Jxr, pupils It") male and HO female. It reports an endowment of $10.01)0 ami property valued at S.Vi.ooO. Besides the usual i'la,ssical ;ind seientitie departments, instruction is j^iven in musie. oratory, line arts and prepara- tory studies. (RAM) TOWFR, a town in Jackson County, situated on the Mississippi Hiver. 27 miles south- west of CarlMmdale ; the western terminus of the I i rind Tower A Carhondalp Kailroad. It received its name from a hi^li. rocky island, lyin^ in the river opposite the village. It has four churches, a weekly newspaper, and two blastfurnaces for iron. Population (IWOi. li'.'l. d'.iooi. ssi. <;UAM> TIMVKR A: CAI'E i.lKUMH M RAILROAD. (S,.,- rVii'.vir/f. ,{ 7'...v ( .s Hnilr,i l.liVMi TOWER \ < M;l!iM\l I RAIL- ROAU. (S,. H fhifiitja <{ Tf.r*".">. removing to McHenry t Viimty tli" -aim- year and soon after enj.'auiiiK in th" live -toi-k ami wool Imsiness. In |H7',' lie was Ifct'-d -is i I. 1 . |.iilihc:i!i Itepn-eniativf in the Twt-':i v-i i^hth (i'-ncral Ass.-rnlilv. hcin-' xicccs -i\, !v re-e!e.-ti-.| |,, |!ie Tweiitv-iiinlli. Tliirlii-tli and Tiiiriy lirl. an I l'i'i_: chosen Tcnipor:iry SjM'ak.T c.f th.'Twenit ninih ;nid Thirli.'th He i-- ive.v : .-Mill.-!- ol' ||:e Sl-ili- Senate for t lie Ki_rhth District, having heel: e|,-.-t.'d in Ix'JIi. Hi 1 homo is at West Mcllenry. (iRA>T, Ale\aniler Krurser, early lawyer and jurist, was horn at Imernc-s. Scotland, in l^u.| came to Illinois at an early day and located at Sliawneetiiwn. where he studied law with Henry I'.ddy tlie pioneer lawyer ami editor of that place. Mr. < Irani i- dc-ci ihed a- a man of marked ability , as were many of the early settlers of that region. l:i February. !*!(">. he was -lei-ted by tin.* I ieneral Assembly Jud;,'e f1. and still later serving as a drill master at Camp Yates. in June following he was commissioned by Governor Yates Colonel of the Twenty first Illinois Volunteers, which he immediately led into the field in the State of Missouri was soon after promoted to a Brigadier (ieneralship and became a full Major ( ieneral of Volunteers on the fall of Forts Uouelson and Henry, in February following His successes at Fort (iibson. Raymond. Champion Hill. and. Big Black River, ending with the capture of Vicks- burg were the leading victories of the I'nion armies in IMiKI. His successful defense of Chat- tanooga was also 01 f his victories in tin* West n t he same year. Commissioned a Ma jor-l ieneral of the Regular Army after the fall of Vickslmrg he became Lieutenant-! ieneral in 1*114. and. in March of that year, assumed command of all the Northern armies. Taking personal command of the Army of the Potomac', lie directed the cam- paign against Richmond, which resulted in the final evacuation and downfall of the ( 'onfedcrate capital and tli" surrender of (leneral Lee at \piiomatto\ on April * l*i;r> In July 1*tlti, he was made (ieneral the ollice being created for him. He al-o served as Secretary of War. ad interim, under President Johnson, from \u gust. |sr,7. to January. t*'l*. In l*iM he was elected President of the I'nited States and re elected in I*;-; Hi^ administrati'iii may not have U'eii fiec fn*m mi-takes, but it was ciiarae- T: HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 207 terized by patriotism and integrity of purpose. During 1877-79 he made a tour of the world, being received everywhere with the highest honors. In 1880 his friends made an unsuccessful effort to secure his renomination as a Presidential candi- date on the Republican ticket. Died, at Mount McGregor. N. Y., July 23, 1885. His chief literary work was his "Memoirs" (two volumes, 1885-86), which was very extensively sold. GRAPE CREEK, a surburban mining village in Vermilion County, on the Big Vermilion River and the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, six miles south of Danville. The chief industry is coal mining, which is extensively carried on. Population (1890), 778; (1900), 610 6RATIOT, Charles, of Huguenot parentage, born at Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1752. After receiving a mercantile training in the counting house of an uncle in London, he emigrated to Canada, entering the employ of another uncle at Montreal He first came to the "Illinois Coun- try"- in 1775, as an Indian trader, remaining one year. In 1777 he returned and formed a partner- ship with David McRae and John Kay, two young Scotchmen from Montreal. He established depots at Cahokia and Kaskaskia. Upon the arrival of Col. George Rogers Clark, in 1778, he rendered that commander material financial assistance, becoming personally responsible for the supplies needed by the penniless American army. When the transfer of sovereignty took place at St. Louis, on March 10, 1804, and Louisiana Territory became a part of the United States, it was from the balcony of his house that the first American flag was unfurled in Upper Louisiana. In recom- pense for his liberal expenditure, he was promised 30,000 acres of land near the present site of Louisville, but this he never received. Died, at St. Louis, April 21, 1817. GRAYIER, Father Jacques, a Jesuit mission- ary, born in France, but at what date cannot be stated with certainty. After some years spent in Canada he was sent by his ecclesiastical superiors to the Illinois Mission (1688), succeeding Allouez as Superior two years later, and being made Vicar-General in 1691. He labored among the Miamis, Peorias and Kaskaskias his most numer- ous conversions being among the latter tribe as also among the Cahokias, Osages, Tamaroas and Missouris. It is said to have been largely through his influence that the Illinois were induced to settle at Kaskaskia instead of going south. In 1705 he received a severe wound during an attack by the Illinois Indians, incited, if not actually led, by one of their medicine men. It is said that he visited Paris for treatment, but failed to find a cure. Accounts of his death vary as to time and place, but all agree that it resulted from the wound above mentioned. Some of his biographers assert that he died at sea; others that he returned from France, yet suffering from the Indian poison, to Louisiana in February, 1708, and died near Mobile, Ala., the same year. GRAY, Elisha, electrician and inventor, was born at Barnes vi lie, Ohio, August 2, 1835; after serving as an apprentice at various trades, took a course at Oberlin College, devoting especial attention to the physical sciences, meanwhile supporting himself by manual labor. In 1865 he began his career as an electrician and, in 1867, received his first patent; devised a method of transmitting telephone signals, and, in 1875, suc- ceeded in transmitting four messages simultane- ously on one wire to New York and Boston, a year later accomplishing the same with eight messages to New York and Philadelphia. Pro- fessor Gray has invented a telegraph switch, a repeater, enunciator and type-writing telegraph. From 1869 to '73 he was employed in the manu- facture of telegraph apparatus at Cleveland and Chicago, but has since been electrician of the Western Electric Company of Chicago. His latest invention, the "telautograph" for reproducing by telegraph the handwriting of the sender of a telegram attracted great interest at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. He is author of "Telegraphy and Telephony" and "Experimental Researches in Electro-Harmonic Telegraphy and Telephony." GRAY, William ('., Ph.D., editor, was born in Butler County, Ohio, in 1830; graduated from the Farmers' (now Belmont) College in 1850. read law and began secular editorial work in 1852, being connected, in the next fourteen years, with "The Tiffin Tribune," "Cleveland Herald" and "Newark American." Then, after several years spent in general publishing business in Cincinnati, after the great fire of 1871 he came to Chicago, to take charge of "The Interior," the organ of the Presbyterian Church, which he has since conducted. The success of the paper under his management affords the best evidence of his practical good sense. He holds the degree of Ph.D., received from Wooster University in 1881. GRAYYILLE, a city situated on the border of White and Edwards Counties, lying chiefly in the former, on the Wabash River, 35 miles north- west of Evansville, Ind., 16 miles northeast of Carmi, and forty miles southwest of Vinoennes. It is located in the heart of a heavily timbered HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA <>l-' 807 terized by patriotism ami integrity of purpose. During 1*77-79 lie made a tour of the world, being received everywhere with the highest honors In 18(50 his friends made an unsuccessful elTort to secure his renomination as a Presidential candi- date on the Republican ticket. Died, at Mount McCregor, X. Y., July i3, 1885. His chief literary work was his "Memoirs" (two volumes, ISs.VNi), which was very extensively sold. (iRAl'K rKEEK,asurlmrban mining village iu Vermilion County, on the Big Vermilion Kiver and tlie Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, six miles south of Danville The chief industry is coal mining, which is extensively carried on. Population (1*90). 778; (ItXXIi. lilO I.UA I I" I , Charles, of Huguenot parentage, born at Lausanne. Switzerland, in 17.~>2. After receiving a mercantile training in the counting house of an uncle in Ix>mlnn, he emigrated to Canada, entering the employ of another uncle at Montreal. He lirst came to the "Illinois Coun- try" in 177.1, as an Indian trader, remaining one year. In 1777 he returned and formed a partner- ship with David McRae and John Kay. two young Scotchmen from Montreal. He established depots at Cahokia and Kaskaskia. Upon the arrival of Col. (Jeorge Rogers Clark, in 1778, lie rendered that commander material financial assistance. upcoming |iersunally responsible for tin- supplies needed by the penniless American army. When the transfer of sovereignty took place at St Louis, on March Id. 1x114 and Louisiana Territory became a part of the Tinted States, it was from tin; balcony of his house that the first American llag was unfurled in L ? pj>er Louisiana. In recom- pense for his liberal expenditure, he was promised 8(I,(KHI acres of land near the present site of Louisville but this he never received. Died, at St. Louis. April 21, 1817. <;U \VIi:i!. Father Jacques, a Jesuit mission- ary, born in France but at what date cannot lie stated with certainty. After some years s|>cnt iu Canada he was sent by his ecclesiastical sii|>criors to the Illinois Mission (108*). succeeding Allou.-/. its Superior two years later, and lieing made Vicar-(iencral in llilM. He laltored among the Miamis. IVoriasand K.iskaskias his most numer- ous conversions lieing among the latter triU- as also among the Cahokias. Osages. Tamaroas and Missmiris. It is said to have licen largely through his inlluence that the Illinois were induced to settle at Kaskaskia instead of going south. In 17115 he received a severe wound during an attack by the Illinois Indians, incited, if not actually led, by one of their medicine men. It is said that he visited Paris for treatment, but failed to find a cure. Accounts of his dealii vary a- to time and place, but all agree that il resulted from the wound aUive mentioned. Some of hi~ biographers assert that he died at sea: other- that he returned from France, yet suffering from the Indian poison, to Louisiana in February, 17(18, and died near Mobile. Ala., the same year GRAY, Kli-lui, electrician and inventor, was born at Baruesville, Ohio. August 2, 1835; after serving as an apprentice at various trades, took a course at Ol>erlin College, devoting especial attention to the physical sciences, mcanwhili supporting himself by manual labor. In 18415 he began his career as an electrician and, in 1867 received his tirst patent ; devised a method of transmitting telephone signals, ami. in 1S75. suc- ceeded in transmitting four messages simultane- ously on one wire to New York and Ihiston, a year later accomplishing the same with eight messages to New York and Philadelphia. Pro fessor Gray lias invented a telegraph switch. A repeater, enunciator ami type-writing telegraph From 1WI9 to '78 he was employed in the man u- facture of telegraph apparatus at Cleveland and Chicago, but has since U-en electrician of the Western Klectric Company of Chicago. His latest invention, the telautograph" for reproducing by telegraph the handwriting of the, sender of a telegram attracted great interest at tin- World's Columbian Kxjiositioii of isi:! He i^ author of "Telegraphy and Telephony" and "Kxperimental Researches in Klcctro-Ilarnionir Telegraphy and Telephony GRAY. William ('.. rii.li.. editor, was born in Butler County. Ohio, in is:!0; graduated from the Farmers' (now Itclmont) College in ls."ii> read law and began secular editorial work ii 1S.V,' lieing connected, in the next fourteen years, with "The Tillin Tribune." ' Cleveland HcraM" and "Newark American." Then, after several years sjient in general publishing biisim-ss in Cincinnati, after the great lire of 1N71 In- came t.. Chicago, to take charge of "The Interior." thu organ of the Preshytt-rian Church, which he ha^ since conducted. The success of the paper under his management alfords theltest evidence of his practical good sense. Hi- holds the degree <>f Ph. I)., received from Wooster L'niversity in 1SS1 (iRAYYII.I.K, a city situated on the border of NVhile and F.d wards dimities, lying chiefly in the former, on the Wahash River. :r> miles north west of Kvansville, Ind., It! miles northeast of Carmi. and forty miles southwest of Vincennes It is located in the heart of a heavily timbered 208 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. region and is an important hard-wood market. Valuable coal deposits exist. The industries in- clude flour, saw and planing mills, stave factories and creamery. The city has an electric light and water plant, two banks, eight churches, and two weekly papers. Population < i:mo ;, 1,948. 6RAYYLLLE & MATTOON RAILROAD. (See Peoria, Decatur & Evansville Railway. ) GBEATHOl'SE, Lnclen, soldier, was born at Carlinville, 111., in 1343; graduated at Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, and studied law ; enlisted as a private at the beginning of the War of the Rebellion and rose to the rank of Colonel of the Forty-eighth Illinois Volunteers; bore a conspicuous part in the movements of the Army of the Tennessee; was killed in battle near Atlanta, Ga., June 31, 1864. GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD (of 1843 and '49). (See Illinois Central Railroad.) GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD (2). (See Wabash Railway.) GREEN RIYER, rises in Lee County, and, after draining part of Bureau County, flows west- ward through Henry County, and enters Rock River about 10 miles east by south from Rock Island. It is nearly 120 miles long. GREEN, William II ., State Senator and Judge, was bom at Danville, Ky., Dec. 8, 1830. In 1847 he accompanied his father's family to Illinois, and, for three years following, taught school, at the same time reading law. He was admitted to the bar in 1852 and be^an practice at Mount Vernon, removing to Metropolis the next year, and to Cairo in 1863. In 1858 he was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly, was re-elected in 1860 and, two years later, was elected to the State Senate for four 'years. In December, 1865, he was elected Judge of the Third Judicial Circuit, to fill the unexpired term of Judge Mulkey, retiring with the expiration of bis term in 1867. He was a delegate to the National Democratic Conventions of 1860, '64, 68, '80, '84 and '88, besides being for many years a member of the State Central Committee of that party, and also, for four terms, a member of the State Board of Education, of which he has been for several years the President. He is at present ( 1899) engaged in the practice of his profession at Cairo. GREENE, Hriiri SacheTeral, attorney, was born in the North of Ireland, July, 1833, brought to Canada at five years of age, and from nine com- pelled to support himself, sometimes as a clerk and at others setting type in a printing office. After spending some time in Western New York, in 1853 he commenced the study of law at Dan- ville, Ind. . with Hugh Crea, now of Decatur, III. ; four years later settled at Clinton, DeWitt County, where he taught and studied law with Lawrence Weldon, now of the Court of Claims, Washington. In 1859 he was admitted to the bar ut Springfield, on the motion of Abraham Lin- coln, and was associated in practice, for a time, with Hon. Clifton H. Moore of Clinton; later served as Prosecuting Attorney and one term (1867-69) as Representative in the General Assem- bly. At the close of his term in the Legislature he removed to Springfield, forming a law partner- ship with Milton Hay and David T. Littler, under the firm name of Hay, Greene & Littler, still later becoming the head of the firm of Greene & Humphrey. From the date of his removal to Springfield, for some thirty years his chief employ- ment was as a corporation lawyer, for the most part in the service of the Chicago & Alton and the Wabash Railways. H is death occurred at his home in Springfield, after a protracted illness, Feb. 25, 1899. Of recognized ability, thoroughly devoted to his profession, high minded and honor- able in all his dealings, he commanded respect wherever he was known. GREENE, William G., pioneer, was born in Tennessee in 1812 ; came to Illinois in 1822 with his father (Bowling Greene), who settled in the vicinity of New Salem, now in Menard County. The younger Greene was an intimate friend and fellow-student, at Illinois College, of Richard Yates (afterwards Governor), and also an early friend and admirer of Abraham Lincoln, under whom he held an appointment in Utah for some years. He died at Tallula, Menard County, in 1894. GREENFIELD, a city in the eastern part of Greene County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and the Quincy, Carrollton & St. Louis Railways, 12 miles east of Carrollton and 55 miles north of St. Louis ; is an agricultural, coal-mining and stock-raising region. The city has several churches, public schools, a seminary, electric light plant, steam flouring mill, and one weekly paper. It is an important shipping point for cattle, horses, swine, corn, grain and produce. Population (1890). 1,131 ; (1900), 1,0*5. GREENE COUNTY, cut off from Madison and separately organized in 1821 . has an area of 544 square miles; population (1900), 23,402; named for Gen. Nathaniel Greene, a Revolutionary sol- dier. The soil and climate are varied and adapted to a diversity of products, wheat and fruit being among the principal. Building stone and clay HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 209 are abundant. Probably the first English-speak- ing settlers were David Stockton and James Whiteside, who located south of Macoupin Creek in June, 1817. Samuel Thomas and others (among them Gen. Jacob Fry) followed soon afterward. The Indians were numerous and aggressive, and had destroyed not a few of the monuments of the Government surveys, erected some years before. Immigration of the whites, however, was rapid, and it was not long before the nucleus of a village was established at Car- rollton, where General Fry erected the first house and made the first coffin needed in the settle- ment. This town, the county-seat and most important place in the county, was laid off by Thomas Carlin in 1821. Other flourishing towns are Whitehall (population. 1,961). and Roodhouse (an important railroad center) with a population of 2,360. GREENF. P, village of Cumberland County, at intersection of the Vandalia Line and Evansville branch 111. Cent. By. ; in farming and fruit- growing region; has powder mill, bank, broom factory, five churches, public library and good schools. Population (1890), 858; (1900), 1,085. 6REENVIEW, a village in Menard County, on the Jacksonville branch of the Chicago & Alton Railroad, 22 miles north-northwest of Springfield and 36 miles northeast of Jacksonville. It has a coal mine, bank, two weekly papers, seven churches, and a graded and high school. Popu- lation (1890), 1,108; (1900), 1,019; (1903), 1.245. GREENVILLE, an incorporated city, the county-seat of Bond County, on the East Fork of Big Shoal Creek and the St. Louis, Vandalia & Terre Haute Railroad, 50 miles east-northeast of St. Louis; is in a rich agricultural and coal-min- ing region. Corn and wheat are raised exten- sively in the surrounding country, and there are extensive coal mines adjacent to the city. The leading manufacturing product is in the line of wagons. It is the seat of Greenville College (a coeducational institution) ; has several banks and three weekly newspapers. Population (1890), 1,868; (1900). 2,504. GREENY1LLE, TREATY OF, a treaty negoti- ated by Gen. Anthony Wayne with a number of Indian tribes (see Indian Treaties), at Green- ville, after his victory over the savages at the battle of Maumee Rapids, in August, 1795. This was the first treaty relating to Illinois lands in which a number of tribes united. The lands con- veyed within the present limits of the State of Illinois were as follows: A tract six miles square at the mouth of the Chicago River; another, twelve miles square, near the mouth of the Illinois River; another, six miles square, around the old fort at Peoria ; the post of Fort Massac; the 150,000 acres set apart as bounty lands for the army of Gen. George Rogers Clark, and "the lands at all other places in the posses- sion of the Freud i people and other white set tiers among them, the Indian title to which has been thus extinguished. ' ' On the other hand, the United States relinquished all claim to all other Indian lands north of the Ohio, east of the Mis sissippi and south of the great lakes. The cash consideration paid by the Government was $210,000. GREGG, David L., lawyer and Secretary of State, emigrated from Albany, N. Y and began the practice of law at Joliet, 111., where, in 1839, he also edited "The Juliet Courier," the first paper established in Will County. From 1842 to 1846, he represented Will, Du Page and Iroquois Counties in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Gen- eral Assemblies; later removed to Chicago, after which he served for a time as United States Dis- trict Attorney; in 1847 was chosen one of the Delegates from Cook County to the State Consti- tutional Convention of that year, and served as Secretary of State from 1850 to 1853. as successor to Horace S. Cooley, who died in office the former year. In the Democratic State Convention of 1852, Mr. Gregg was a leading candidate for the nomination for Governor, though finally defeated by Joel A. Matteson; served as Presidential Elector for that year, and, in 1853, was appointed by President Pierce Commissioner to the Sandwich Islands, still later for a time acting as the minis- ter or adviser of King Kamehamaha IV, who died in 1863. Returning to California he was ap- pointed by President Lincoln Receiver of Public Moneys at Carson City, Nev. , where he died, Dec 23, 1868. GREGORY, John Milton, clergyman and edu- cator, was born at Sand Lake, Rensselaer Co., N. Y.. July 6, 1822; graduated from Union Col- lege in 1846 and, after devoting two years to the study of law, studied theology and entered the Baptist ministry. After a brief pastorate in the East he came West, becoming Principal of a classical school at Detroit. His ability as an educator was soon recognized, and, in 1858, he was elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction in Michigan, but declined a re-elec- tion in 1863. In 1854. he assisted in founding "The Michigan Journal of Education," of which he was editor-in-chief. In 1863 he accepted the Presidency of Kalamazoo College, and four years 210 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. later was called to that of the newly founded University of Illinois, at Champaign, where he remained until 1880. He was United States Commissioner to the Vienna Exposition in 1873, Illinois State Commissioner to the Paris Exposi- tion of 1878, also serving as one of the judges in the educational department of the Philadelphia Centennial of 1876. From 1882 to '85 he was a member of the United States Civil Service Com- mission. The degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by Madison University (Hamilton. N Y.) in 1866. While State Superintendent he published a "Compend of School Laws" of Michi- gan, besides numerous addresses on educational subjects. Other works of his are "Handbook of History" and "Map of Time" (Chicago, 1866) ; "A. New Political Economy" (Cincinnati, 1882); and "Seven Laws of Teaching" (Chicago, 1883). While holding a chair as Professor Emeritus of Political Economy in the University of Illinois during the latter years of his life, he resided in Washington, D. C., where he died, Oct. 20, 1898. By his special request he was buried on the grounds of the University at Champaign. 0. Then, having spent some years in teach- ing, he entered the Dane Law School at Harvard, 232 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. later continuing his studies at Burlington and finally, in the fall of 1853, removing to Chicago. Here he opened a law office in connection with his old classmate, the late Judge John A. Jame- son, but early in the following year removed to Freeport, where he subsequently served as City Attorney, Master in Chancery and President of the City School Board. Returning to Chicago in 1860, he became a member of the law firm of Cornell, Jameson & Hibbard, and still later the head of the firm of Hibbard, Rich & Noble. In 1870 he was appointed by Judge Orummond Register in Bankruptcy for the Chicago District, serving during the life of the law. He was also, for some time, a Director of the National Bank of Illinois, and Vice-President of the American Insurance Company. Died, Nov. 14, 1897. HICKS, Stephen ;., lawyer and soldier of three wars, was born in Jackson County, Ga., Feb. 22, 1807 the son of John Hicks, one of the seven soldiers killed at the battle of New Orleans, Jan. 8, 1815. Leaving the roof of a step-father at an early age, he found his way to Illinois, working for a time in the lead mines near Galena, and later at the carpenter's trade with an uncle ; served as a Sergeant in the Black Hawk War, finally locating in Jefferson County, where he studied law and was admitted to the bar. Here he was elected to the lower branch of the Twelfth General Assembly (1840) and re-elected succes- sively to the Thirteenth and Fourteenth. Early in the Mexican War (1846) he recruited a com- pany for the Third Regiment, of which he was chosen Captain, a year later becoming Lieuten- ant-Colonel of the Sixth. At the beginning of the Civil War Colonel Hicks was practicing his profession at Salem, Marion County. He promptly raised a company which became a part of the Fortieth Regiment Volunteer Infantry, of which he was commissioned Colonel. The regi- ment saw active service in the campaign in West- ern Tennessee, including the battle of Shiloh, where Colonel Hicks was dangerously wounded through the lungs, only recovering after some months in hospital and at his home. He rejoined his regiment in July following, but found him- self compelled to accept an honorable discharge, a few months later, on account of disability. Having finally recovered, he was restored to his old command, and served to the close of the war. In October, 1863, he w.is placed in command at Paducah, Ky., where he remained eighteen months, after which he was transferred to Colum- bus, Ky. While in command at Paducah, the place was desperately assaulted by the rebel Colonel Forrest, but successfully defended, the rebel assailants sustaining a loss of some 1,200 killed and wounded. After the war Colonel Hicks returned to Salem, where he died, Dec. 14, 1869, and was buried, in accordance with his request, in the folds of the American flag. Born on Washington's birthday, it is a somewhat curious coincidence that the death of this brave soldier should have occurred on the anniversary of that of the "Father of His Country." HltJBEE, Channcey L., lawyer and Judge, was born in Clermont County, Ohio, Sept. 7, 1821, and settled in Pike County, 111., in 1844. He early took an interest in politics, being elected to the lower house of the Legislature in 1854, and two years later to the State Senate. In 1861 he was elected Judge of the Fifth Circuit Court, and was re-elected in 1867, '73, and "79. In 1877, and again in '79, he was assigned to the bench of the Appellate Court. Died, at Pittsfield, Dec. 7, 1884. HIGGINS, Tan Hollls, lawyer, was born in Genessee County, N. Y., and received his early education at Auburn and Seneca Falls ; came to Chicago in 1837 and, after spending gome time as clerk in his brother's store, taught some months in Vermilion County; then went to St. Louis, where he spent a year or two as reporter on "The Missouri Argus," later engaging in commercial pursuits; in 1842 removed to Iroquois County. 111. , where he read law and was admitted to the bar; in 1845, established himself in practice in Galena, served two years as City Attorney there, but returned to Chicago in 1852, where he contin- ued to reside for the remainder of his life. In 1858 he was elected as a Republican Representative in the Twenty-first General Assembly ; served sev- eral years as Judge of the Chicago City Court, and was a zealous supporter of the Government during the War of the Rebellion. Judge Higgins was successful as a lawyer and business man, and was connected with a number of important busi- ness enterprises, especially in connection with real-estate operations ; was also a member of sev- eral local societies of a professional, social and patriotic character. Died, at Darien, Wis., April 17, 1893. HIGGINSON, Charles M., civil engineer and Assistant Railway President, was born in Chica- go, July 11, 1846 the son of George M.Higginson, who located in Chicago about 1843 and engaged in the real-estate business ; was educated at the Lawrence Scientific School, Cambridge, Mass.. and entered the engineering department of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad in 1867. remaining until 1875. He then became the pur- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 233 chasing agent of the Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw Railroad, but, a year later, returned to Chicago, and soon after assumed the same position in con- nection with the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, being transferred to the Auditorship of the latter road in 1879. Later, he became assistant to President Ripley of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Line, where he remained until his death, which occurred at Riverside, 111., May 6, 1899. Mr. Higginson was, for several years, President of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, and a member of the Board of Managers of the Young Men's Christian Association of Chicago. HIGH, James L., lawyer and author, was born at Belleville, Ohio, Oct. 6, 1844; in boyhood came to Wisconsin, and graduated at Wisconsin State University, at Madison, in 1864, also serving for a time as Adjutant of the Forty-ninth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers ; studied law at the Michi- gan University Law School and, in 1867, came to Chicago, where he began practice. He spent the winter of 1871-72 in Salt Lake City and, in the absence of the United States District Attorney, conducted the trial of certain Mormon leaders for connection with the celebrated Mountain Meadow Massacre, also acting as correspondent of "The New York Times," his letters being widely copied. Returning to Chicago he took a high rank in his profession. He was the author of several volumes, including treatises on "The Law of Injunctions as administered in the Courts of Englandand America,"and "Extraordinary Legal Remedies, Mandamus, QuoWarrantoand Prohibi- tions," which are accepted as high authority with the profession. In 1870 he published a revised edition of Lord Erskine's Works, including all his legal arguments, together with a memoir of his life. Died, Oct. 3, 1898. HIGHLAND, a city in the southeastern part of Madison County, founded in 1836 and located on the Vandalia line, 32 miles east of St. Louis. Its manufacturing industries include a milk-con^ densing plant, creamery, flour and planing mills, breweries, embroidery works, etc. It contains several churches and schools, a Roman Catholic Seminary, a hospital, and has three newspapers one German. The early settlers were Germans of the most thrifty and enterprising classes. The surrounding country is agricultural. Popu- lation (1880), 1,960; (1890), 1,857; (1900, decennial census), 1,970. HIGHLAND PARK, an incorporated city of Lake County, on the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, 23 miles north-northwest of Chicago. It hae a salubrious site on a bluff 100 feet above Lake Michigan, and is a favorite residence and health resort. It has a large hotel, several churches, a military academy, and a weekly paper. Two Waukegan papers issue editions here. Population (1890), 2,163; (1900), 2,806. HILDRUP, Jesse S., lawyer and legislator was born in Middletown, Conn. , March 14, 1833 ; at 15 removed to the State of New York and after- wards to Harrisburg, Pa. ; in 1860 came to Belvi- dere, 111., where he began the practice of law, also serving as Corporation Trustee and Township Supervisor, and, during the latter years of the war, as Deputy Provost Marshal. His first im- portant elective office was that of Delegate to the State Constitutional Convention of 1870, but he was elected Representative in the General Assem- bly the same year, and again in 1872. While iu the House he took a prominent part in the legis lation which resulted in the organization of the Railroad and Warehouse Board. Mr. Hildrup was also a Republican Presidential Elector in 1868, and United States Marshal for the Northern District of Illinois from 1877 to 1881. During the last few years much of his time baa been spent in California for the benefit of the health of some members of his family. HILL, Charles Augustus, ex-Congressman, was born at Truxton, Cortland County, N. Y. . August 23, 1833. He acquired his early education by dint of hard labor, and much privation. In 1854 he removed to Illinois, settling in Will County, where, for several years, he taught school, as he had done while in New York. Meanwhile he read law, his last instructor being Hon. H. C. Newcomb, of Indianapolis, where he was admitted to the bar. He returned to Will County in 1860, and, in 1862, enlisted in the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, participating in the battle of Antietam. Later he was commissioned First Lieutenant in the First United States Regi- ment of Colored Troops, with which he remained until the close of the war, rising to the rank of Captain. In 1865 he returned to Joliet and to the practice of his profession. In 1868 he was elected State's Attorney for the district comprising Will and Grundy Counties, but declined a renomina- tion. In 1888 he was the successful Republican candidate for Congress from the Eighth Illinois District, but was defeated for re-election in 189O by Lewis Steward, Democrat. HILLSBORO, an incorporated city, the count) - seat of Montgomery County, on the Cleveland. Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway, 67 miles northeast of St. Louis. Its manufactures are flour, brick and tile, carriages and harness. 234 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. furniture and woolen goods. It has a high school, banks and two weekly newspapers. The surrounding region is agricultural, though con- siderable coal is mined in the vicinity. Popula- tion (1880). 2,858; (1890), 2,500; (1900), 1,937. HINCKLEY, a village of De Kalb County, on the Rochelle Division of the Chicago, Burlington A Quinoy Railroad, 18 miles west of Aurora; in rich agricultural and dairying region; has grain elevators, brick and tile works, water system and electric light plant. Pop. (1890), 496; (1900), 587. HINRICHSEN, William II.. ex-Secretary of State and ex-Congressman, was born at Franklin, Morgan County, III, May 27, 1850; educated at the University of Illinois, spent four years in the office of his father, who was stock-agent of the Wabash Railroad, and six years (1874-80) as Deputy Sheriff of Morgan County; then went into the newspaper business, editing the Jackson- ville "Evening Courier," until 1886, after which he was connected with "The Quincy Herald," to 1890, when he returned to Jacksonville and re- sumed his place on "The Courier. " He was Clerk of the House of Representatives in 1891, and elected Secretary of State in 1892. serving until January, 1897. Mr. Hinrichsen has been a mem- ber of the Democratic State Central Committee since 1890, and was Chairman of that body dur- ing 1894-96. In 1896 Mr. Hinrichsen was the nominee of his party for Congress in the Six- teenth District and was elected by over 6,000 majority, but failed to secure a renominution in 1898. HINSDALE, a village in Du Page County and popular residence suburb, on the Chicago, Bur- lington & Quincy Railroad, 17 miles west-south- west of Chicago. It has four churches, a graded school, an academy, electric light plant, water- works, sewerage system, and two weekly news- papers. Population (1890), 1,584; (1900), 2,578. HITCHCOCK, Charles, lawyer, was born at Hanson, Plymouth County, Mass., April 4, 1827; studied at Dartmouth College and at Harvard Law School, and was admitted to the bar in 1854, soon afterward establishing himself for the prac- tice of his profession in Chicago. In 1869 Mr. Hitchcock was elected to the State Constitutional Convention, which was the only important pub- lic office that he held, though his capacity was recognized by his election to the Presidency of that body. Died, May 6, 1881. HITCHCOCK, Luke, clergyman, was born April 13. 1813, at Lebanon, N. Y., entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1834, and, after supplying various charges in that State during the next five years, in 1839 came to Chicago, becoming one of the most influential factors in the Methodist denomination in Northern Illinois. Between that date and 1860 he was identified, as regular pastor or Pre- siding Elder, with churches at Dixon, Ottawa, Belvidere, Rockford, Mount Morris, St. Charles and Chicago (the old Clark Street church), with two years' service (1841-43) as agent of Rock River Seminary at Mount Morris his itinerant labors being interrupted at two or three periods by ill-health, compelling him to assume a super- annuated relation. From 1852 to '80, inclusive, he was a delegate every four years to the General Conference. In 1860 he was appointed Agent of the Western Book Concern, and, as the junior representative, was placed in charge of the depository at Chicago in 1868 becoming the Senior Agent, and so remaining until 1880. His subsequent service included two terms as Presid- ing Elder for the Dixon and Chicago Districts; the position of Superintendent of the Chicago Home Missionary and Church Extension Society; Superintendent of the Wesley Hospital (which he assisted to organize), his last position being that of Corresponding Secretary of the Superannu- ates' Relief Association. He was also influential in securing the establishment of a church paper in Chicago and the founding of the Northwestern University and Garrett Biblical Institute. Died, while on a visit to a daughter at East Orange, X. J., Nov. 12, 1898. HITT, Daniel F., civil engineer and soldier, was born in Bourbon County, Ky., June 13, 1810 the son of a Methodist preacher who freed his slaves and removed to Urbana, Ohio, in 1814. In 1829 the son began the study of engineering and, removing to Illinois the following year, was ap- jwinted Assistant Engineer on the Illinois & Michigan Canal, later being employed in survey- ing some sixteen years. Being stationed at Prairie du < 'him at the time of the Black Hawk War (1832), he was attached to the Stephenson Rangers for a year, but at the end of that period resumed surveying and, having settled in La Salle County, became the first Surveyor of that county. In 18C1 he joined Colonel Cushman, of Ottawa, in the organization of the Fifty-third Illinois Volunteers, was mustered into the service in March, 1862, and commissioned its Lieutenant- Colonel. The regiment took part in various battles, including those of Shiloh, Corinth and La Grange, Tenn. In the latter Colonel Hitt received an injury by being thrown from his horse which compelled his resignation and from HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 235 which he never fully recovered. Returning to Ottawa, he continued to reside there until his death, May 11, 1899. Colonel Hitt was father of Andrew J. Hitt, General Superintendent of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, and uncle of Congressman Robert R. Hitt of Mount Morris. Originally a Democrat, he allied himself with the Republican party on the breaking out of the Civil War. He was a thirty-second degree Mason and prominent in Grand Army circles. HITT, Isaac R., real-estate operator, was born at Boonsboro, Md., June 2, 1828; in 1845 entered the freshman class at Asbury University, Ind., graduating in 1849. Then, removing to Ottawa, 111 , he was engaged for a time in fanning, but, in 1832, entered into the forwarding and com- mission business at La Salle. Having meanwhile devoted some attention to real-estate law, in 1853 he began buying and selling real estate while continuing his fanning operations, adding thereto coal-mining. In May, 1856, he was a delegate from La Salle County to the State Convention at Bloomington which resulted in the organization of the Republican party in Illinois. Removing to Chicago in 1860, he engaged in the real-estate business there ; in 1862 was appointed on a com- mittee of citizens to look after the interests of wounded Illinois soldiers after the battle of Fort DoneLson, in that capacity visiting hospitals at Cairo, Evansville, Paducah and Nashville. Dur- ing the war he engaged to some extent in the business of prosecuting soldiers' claims. Mr. Hitt has been a member of both the Chicago and the National Academy of Sciences, and, in 18C9, was appointed by Governor Palmer on the Com- mission to lay out the park system of Chicago. Since 1871 he has resided at Evanston, where he aided in the erection of the Woman's College in connection with the Northwestern University. In 1876 he was appointed by the Governor agent to prosecute the claims of the State for swamp lands within its limits, and has given much of his attention to that business since. HITT, Robert Roberts, Congressman, was born at Urbana, Ohio, Jan. 16, 1834. When ho was three years old his parents removed to Illinois, settling in Ogle County. His education was acquired at Rock River Seminary (now Mount Morris College), and at De Pauw University, Ind. In 1858 Mr. Hitt was one of the reporters who reported the celebrated debate of that year between Lincoln and Douglas. From December, 1874, until March, '81. he was connected with the United States embassy at Paris, serving as First Secretary of Legation and Charge d' Affaires ad interim. He was Assistant Secretary of State in 1881, but resigned the post in 1882, having been elected to Congress from the Sixth Illinois Dis- trict to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of R. M. A. Hawk. By eight successive re-elec- tions he has represented the District continuously since, his career being conspicuous for long serv- ice. In that time he has taken an important part in the deliberations of the House, serving as Chairman of many important committees, not- ably that on Foreign Affairs, of which he has been Chairman for several terms, and for which his diplomatic experience well qualifies him. In 1898 he was appointed by President McKinley a member of the Committee to visit Hawaii and report upon a form of government for that por- tion of the newly acquired national domain. Mr. Hitt was strongly supported as a candidate for the United States Senate in 1895, and favorably considered for the position of Minister to Eng- land after the retirement of Secretary Day in 1898. HO BART, Horace R., was born in Wisconsin in 1839; graduated at Beloit College and, after a brief experience in newspaper work, enlisted, in 1861, in the First Wisconsin Cavalry and was assigned to duty as Battalion Quartermaster. Being wounded at Helena, Ark., he was com- pelled to resign, but afterwards served as Deputy Provost Marshal of the Second Wisconsin Dis- trict. In 1866 he re-entered newspaper work as reporter on "The Chicago Tribune," and later was associated, as city editor, with "The Chicago Evening Post" and "Evening Mail"; later was editor of "The Jacksonville Daily Journal" and "The Chicago Morning Courier, " also being, for some years from 1809, Western Manager of the American Press Association. In 1876, Mr. Hobart became one of the editors of "The Railway Age" (Chicago), with which he remained until the close of the year 1898, when he retired to give his attention to real-estate matters. HOFFMAN, Francis A., Lieutenant -Governor (1861-65), was born at Herford, Prussia, in 1822, and emigrated to America in 1 839, reaching Chica- go the same year. There he became a boot-black in a leading hotel, but within a month was teaching a small German school at Dunkley's Grove (now Addison), Du Page County, and later officiating as a Lutheran minister. In 1847 he represented that county in the River and Harbor Convention at Chicago. In 1852 he removed to Chicago, and, the following year, entered the City Council. Later, he embarked in the real-estate business, and, in 1854, opened a lianking house, but was HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. foroed to assign in 1861. He early became a recognized anti-slavery leader and a contributor to the German press, and, in 1856, was nominated for Lieutenant-Governor on the first Republican State ticket with William H. Bissell, but was found ineligible by reason of his short residence in the United States, and withdrew, giving place to John Wood of Quincy. In 1860 he was again nominated, and having in the meantime become eligible, was elected. In 1864 he was a Repub- lican candidate for Presidential Elector, and assisted in Mr. Lincoln's second election. He was at one time Foreign Land Commissioner for the Illinois Central Railroad, and acted as Consul at Chicago for several German States. For a number of years past Mr. Hoffman has been editor of an agricultural paper in Southern Wisconsin. HOGAN, John, clergyman and early politician, was born in the city of Mallow, County of Cork, Ireland, Jan. 2, 1805; brought in childhood to Baltimore, Mil. . and having been left an orphan at eight years of age, learned the trade of a shoe- maker. In 1826 he became an itinerant Metho- dist preacher, and, coming west the same year, preached at various points in Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. In 1830 he was married to Miss Mary Mitchell West, of Belleville, 111., and soon after, having retired from the itinerancy, engaged in mercantile business at Edwardsville and Alton. In 1836 he was elected Representative in the Tenth General Assembly from Madison County, two years later was appointed a Commissioner of Public Works and, being re-elected in 1840, was made President of the Board; in 1841 was ap- pointed by President Harrison Register of the Land Office at Dixon, where he remained until 1845. During the anti-slavery excitement which attended the assassination of Elijah P. Lovejoy in 1837, he was a resident of Alton and was re- garded by the friends of Lovejoy as favoring the pro-slavery faction. After retiring from the Land Office at Dixon, he removed to St. Louis, where he engaged in the wholesale grocery busi- ness. In his early political life he was a Whig, but later co-operated with the Democratic party ; in 1857 he was appointed by President Buchanan Postmaster of the city of St. Louis, serving until the accession of Lincoln in 1861 ; in 1864 was elected as a Democrat to the Thirty-ninth Con- gress, serving two years. He was also a delegate to the National Union (Democratic) Convention at Philadelphia in 1866. After his retirement from the Methodist itinerancy he continued to officiate as a "local" preacher and was esteemed a speaker of unusual eloquence and ability. Hi* death occurred, Feb. 5, 1892. He is author of sev- eral volumes, including "The Resources of Mis- souri," "Commerce and Manufactures of St. Louis," and a "History of Methodism." H06E, Joseph P., Congressman, was born in Ohio early in the century and came to Galena, 111., in 1836, where he attained prominence as a lawyer. In 1842 he was elected Representative in Congress, as claimed at the time by the aid of the Mormon vote at Nauvoo, serving one term. In 1853 he went to San Francisco, Cal., and be- came a Judge in that State, dying a few years since at the age of over 80 years. He is repre- sented to have been a man of much ability and a graceful and eloquent orator. Mr. Hoge was a son-in-law of Thomas C. Browne, one of the Jus- tices of the first Supreme Court of Illinois who held office until 1848. HOLUSTER, (Dr.) John Hamilton, physi- cian, was born at Riga, N. V., in 1824; was brought to Romeo, Mich., by his parents in in- fancy, but his father having died, at the age of IT went to Rochester, N. Y. , to be educated, finally graduating in medicine at Berkshire College. Mass. , in 1847, and beginning practice at Otisco. Mich. Two years later he removed to Grand Rapids and, in 1855, to Chicago, where he held, for a time, the position of demonstrator of anat- omy in Rush Medical College, and, in 1856, be- came one of the founders of the Chicago Medical College, in which he has held various chairs. He also served as Surgeon of Mercy Hospital and was, for twenty years, Clinical Professor in the same institution; was President of the State Medical Society, and, for twenty years, its Treas- urer. Other positions held by him have been those of Trustee of the American Medical Associ- ation and editor of its journal, President of the Young Men's Christian Association and of the Chicago Congregational Club. He has also been prominent in Sunday School and church work in connection with the Armour Mission, with which he has been associated for many years. HOME FOE JUVENILE OFFENDERS, (FE- MALE). The establishment of this institution was authorized by act of June 22, 1893, which appropriated $75,000 towards its erection and maintenance, not more than $15,000 to be ex- pended for a site. (See also State Guardians for i! iris.) It is designed to receive girls between the ages of 10 and 16 committed thereto by any court of record upon conviction of a misdemeanor, the term of commitment not to be less than one year, or to exceed minority. Justices of the c < z c JIISTOIUCAL KXC'YCLOPKDIA . and in Is.Vi. was nominated for I.icnicriant-Oovernor on the lirst Republican State, ticket with William II. I'.isM'll but was found ineligible by remain of hitttthort residence in the I'nited States, aii'l withdrew, giving place to John Wood of yuincy. I" '*'" '"-' was again Moiiiiiiateer in Southern Wisconsin lf(MA\, John, clcrgynijin ami early politician. w;ts Ixirn in the city of Mallow. County of Cork. Ireland. Jan '.'. I*n.-, : brought in childhood i(, Malliniore. Mil., ami having lieen left an orphan at eight years of age. learned the trade of it shoe- maker In ls l *r> he l>ecame an itinerant Metho- dist preacher, and. coming west the same year, preached at various points in Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. In ixtn lie was married to Miss Mary Mitchell West, of Helleville. 111., and soon after, having retired from the itinerancy, engaged in mercantile hnsiness at Kdwardsvilleand Alton. In ls:ili he was elected Representative, in the Tenth < ieneral Assembly from Madison County, two years later was appointed a < 'omniissioner of Public Works and, living re-elected in 1*4*1. was made President of the Hoard, in IN-U was ap- pointed l>y ('resident Harrison Register of the Imd Ollice at Ilixnn. where he remained until 1*1.1. During the anti-slavery excitement which attended the assassination of Klijah I'. Lovejoy in I*I!7. he was a resident of Alton and was re garded liy the friends of Lovejoy as favoring the j>m slavery faction. After retiring from the Land Ollice at Di.von, he removed to St. Louis, where he engaged in the wholesale grocery husi ness In his early political life he u as a Whig, lint later co-operated with the Democratic party; in 1M57 he, was appointed liy President liuchanan Postmaster of I he city of St. Louis, serving until the accession of Lincoln in I*HI ; in IMil was elected as a Democrat to the Thirty-ninth Con- gress, serving t wo years, lie was also a delegate to thri Nat ional I nion (Democratic) Convention at Phiiudelphin in Ixlili After his retirement from tin- Mcthodi-i itinerancy he conlinueil to otliciate as a "local" preacher and was esteemed a speaker of Unusual eloi|iience and ability. His death occurred. Keh. ">, 1S!I2. He isauthor of sev- eral volumes, including "The Resources of Mis- souri." "C'ommerce anil Manufactures of Si Louis." atid a "History of Methodism." IKMiK. Joseph I'., Congressman, was liorn in Ohio early in the century and came to (ialena 111., in twin, where he attained prominence as a lawyer In 1 s !'-' he was fleeted Representative in Congress, as claimed at the time hy the aid of the Mormon vote at Xauvoo. serving one term In 1X5H he went to San Trancisco, Cal.. and 1- came a Judge in that State, dying a few year- since at the age of over *ositions held hy him have licen t hose of Trustee of the American Medical Associ- ation and editor of its journal. President of the Young Men's Christian Association and of tin Chicago Congregational Chih. He has also lieen prominent in Sunday School and church work in connection with the Armour Mission, with which he has heen associated for manv years. HOMK FOR Jl VEMI.K OFFEXMERS, ( FK- >1 \1.1 . The establishment of this institution was amhori/ed liy act of June '."-i. 1 *'.(:!, which appropriated sTo.iMIII towards its erect inn and maintenance, not more than Airi.uiKI to lie ex- pended for a site. (See also Stitti- (lnuriliiinn fm llirlx.) It is designed to receive girls U'twecn the ages of HI and Hi committed thereto hy any court of record II|KIII conviction of a misdemeanor, the term of commitment not to lie less than one vear. or to exceed minoritv Justices of tin o u 2 z 5 W CQ OS u - W g z M a M W Id tt i D & HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Peace, however, may send girls for a term not less than three months. The act of incorporation provides for a commutation of sentence to be earned by good conduct and a prolongation of the sentence by bad behavior. The Trustees are empowered, in their discretion, either to appren- tice the girls or to adopt them out during their minority. Temporary quarters were furnished for the Home during the first two years of its existence in Chicago, but permanent buildings for the institution have been erected on tin- banks of Fox River, near Geneva, in Kane County. HOMER, a village in Champaign County, on the Wabash Railway, 20 miles west-southwest from Danville and about 18 miles east-southeast from Champaign. It supports a carriage factory ; also has two banks, several churches, a seminary, an opera house, and one weekly paper. The region is chiefly agricultural. Population (1880), 984; (1890), 917; (1900), 1,080. HOMESTEAD LAWS. In general such laws have been defined to be "legislation enacted to secure, to some extent, the enjoyment of a home and shelter for a family or individual by exempt- ing, under certain conditions, the residence occu- pied by the family or individual, from liability to be sold for the payment of the debts of its owner, and by restricting his rights of free alienation." In Illinois, this exemption extends to the farm and dwelling thereon of every householder hav- ing a family, and occupied as a residence, whether owned or possessed under a lease, to the value of $1,000. The exemption continues after death, for the benefit of decedent's wife or hus- band occupying the homestead, and also of the children, if any, until the youngest attain the age of 21 years. Husband and wife must join in releasing the exemption, but the property is always liable for improvements thereon. In 1862 Congress passed an act known as the "Homestead Law" for the protection of the rights of settlers on public lands under certain restrictions as to active occupancy, under which most of that class of lands since taken for settlement have been purchased. HOMEWOOD, a village of Cook County, on the Illinois Central Railway, 23 miles south of Chi- cago. Population, (1900), 352. HOOLEV, Richard M., theatrical manager, was born in Ireland, April 13, 1822; at the age of 18 entered the theater as a musician and, four years later, came to America, soon after forming an association with E. P. Christy, the originator of negro minstrelsy entertainments which went under his name. In 1848 Mr. Hooley conducted a company of minstrels through the principal towns of England, Scotland and Ireland, and t< some of the chief cities on the continent; re- turned to America five years later, and subse- quently managed houses in San Francisco. Philadelphia, Brooklyn and New Xork, finally locating in Chicago in 1869. where he remaine|- Peace, however, may .--eiid gins for a term not less than three mouths. The act of incorjioration provides for a ..-... ..in of sentence to tie earned l>y good conduct and a prolongation of tin- sentence by bad behavior. Tile Trustees arc empowered, in their discretion, either to appn-n- tice tlii- girls or to adopt them out during their minority Temixirary charters were inn, .-!. for the Home during the lirst two years of its existence in Chicago, hut permanent buildings for the institution have been erected on the banks of Fox River, nearUeneva. in Kane County. IKnii.lt. a village in Champaign County, on the \Vabash Railway. '.'(' miles west-southwest from Danville and aliout 1* miles east-southeast from Champaign It sup|iorts a carriage factory; also hay two hanks several churches, a seminary, an opera house, and one weekly paper The region is chielly agricultural. Population (Issii), 904; (IHilll). !I17: (I'.MKI). 1,118(1. HOMKSTKAI) LAWS. In general such laws have l>een detineil to IH- "legislation enacted to secure, to some extent, the enjoyment of a home and shelter fora family or individual by exempt- ing, under certain conditions, the resilience occu- pied by the family or individual, from liability to be sold for the payment of the debts of its owner, ami by restricting his rights of free alienation." In Illinois, this exemption extends to the farm and dwelling thereon of every householder hav- ing a family, and occupied as a residence, whether owned or [Hissesscd tinder a lease, to the value of -Sl."0". 'Hie exemption continues after death for the benelit of decedent's wife or hus- band occupying the homestead, and also of the children, if any, until the youngest attain the age of -J1 years. Husband and wife must join in releasing the exemption, but the property is always liable for improvements thereon. In IsCrJ Congress passed an act known as the "Homestead l^aw" for the protection of the rights of settlers on public lands under certain restrictions as to active occuiancy. under which most of that class of lands since taken for settlement have been purchased. . IIOMMVOOI). a village of Cook County, on the Illinois Central Kailway. - miles south of Chi cago. Population. (P.IOll). :!">-'. 1IOOI.KY, ftiHiafil >!.. theatrical manager, was liorn in Ireland. April I:!. Is-. 1 -.'; at the age of 18 entered the theater as a musician and. four years later, came to America, soon alter forming an association with K P. Christy, the originator of negro minstrelsy entertainments which went under his name In !"!> Mr llooley conducted a company ->! minstrels through the pn> .} , towns of Kngland Scotland and Ireland, and t. some of the chief cities on the continent: re turned to America live years later, and s'll.s. inienlly managed houses in San Fruncisc,' Philadelphia. lirookl.vn and New York, tinaih locating in Chicago in ISI;H. where lie remained the rest of bis life his theater liecoming one >f the most widely known and |Kipular inth;:; ; (1SHM, about. I.VHI HOPKINS, Albert .1., Congressman, was 1mm in De Kalb County. Ill Augu-t |.Y 1^10. After graduating from Ilillsdale College. Midi., in 1ST", he studied law and Itegan practice at Aiirora He rapidly attained prominence at the b.tr. and in ls?i. was elected State's Attorney for Kane County, serving in that capacity for four years He is an ardent Kepublican and high in the (Kirty's councils, having !>een Chairman of tin- State Central Committee from 1>7S to ISSO, and a Presidential Kleclor on the lilaine it Ixigan ticket in |ss|. The ^ame year he was elH-Ul I" the l-'orty-ninlh Congress from the Fifth District (ini\\ the I-jghtii) and has INMMI continuonslv re elected ever since, receiving a clear majoritv in ISHS ,,f more than IS. (Hill votes over two com|H-ti tors. At present (1S1IS) 1,^. j s Chairman of the Select House Committee on Censn-* anil a memlM-r of the Committees on Ways and Means, and Mer chant Marine and Fisheries In l^lMi In- \\;is strongly Mip|Hirted for the Itepiiblican noinina t ion for ( iovernor IIOl'<;HTO>i, Horace llnckini:. pioneer print. -i and journalist, was ln.rn at Springlield. Vt , \ ei-seer" : on arriving at hi- majority U-came a journeyman printer and. in IS'.'S. went to New York. s|>endiiig some time in tin* employment of the ILirper Brothers. After a brief season s|'nt in Koston. he took charge of "The Statesman" at Castleton. Vt . but in |s;i| again went to New York taking with him a device for throwing the printed sheet oil the press, which was afterwards a.l.tpt.-.i ,,n ihe 238 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Adams and Hoe printing presses. His next move was to Marietta, Ohio, in 1834, thence by way of Cincinnati and Louisville to St. Louis, working for a time in the office of the old "St. Louis Republican." He soon after went to Galena and engaged in lead-mining, but later became associated with Sylvester M. Bartlett in the management of "The Northwestern Gazette and Galena Advertiser," finally becoming sole proprietor. In 1842 he sold out the paper, but resumed his connection with it the following year, remaining until 1863, when he finally sold out. He afterwards spent some time on the Pacific slope, was for a time American Consul to the Sandwich Islands, but finally returned to Galena and, during the later years of his life, was Postmaster there, dying April 30, 1879. IIOYI'Y, Charles Edward, educator, soldier and lawyer, was born in Orange County, Vt., April 26, 1827; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1852, and became successively Principal of high schools at Farmington, Mass., and Peoria, 111. Later, he assisted in organizing the Illinois State Normal School at Normal, of which he was President from 1857 to 1861 being also President of the State Teachers' Association (1856), mem- ber of the State Board of Education, and, for some years, editor of "The Illinois Teacher." In Au- gust, 1861, he assisted in organizing, and was com- missioned Colonel of, the Thirty-third Illinois Volunteers, known as the "Normal" or "School- Masters' Regiment," from the fact that it was composed largely of teachers and young men from the State colleges. In 1862 he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General and, a few months later, to brevet Major-General for gallant and meritorious conduct. Leaving the military service in May, 1863, he engaged in the practice of law in Washington, D. C. Died, in Washing- ton, Nov. 17, 1897. ROWLAND, George, educator and author, was born (of Pilgrim ancestry) at Conway, Mass., July 30, 1824. After graduating from Amherst College in 1850, he devoted two years to teaching in the public schools, and three years to a tutor- ship in his Alma Mater, giving instruction in Latin, Greek and French. He began the study of law, but, after a year's reading, he abandoned it, removing to Chicago, where he became Assist- ant Principal of the city's one high school, in 1858. He became its Principal in 1860, and, in 1880, was elected Superintendent of Chicago City Schools, This position he filled until August, 1891, when he resigned. He also served as Trus- tee of Amherst College for several years, and as a member of the Illinois State Board of Education, being President of that body in 1883. As an author he was of some note; his work being chiefly on educational lines. He published a translation of the -Km 'id adapted to tbe use of schools, besides translations of some of Horace's Odes and portions of the Iliad and Odyssey. He was also the author of an English grammar. Died, in Chicago, Oct. 21, 1892. HOYNE, Philip A., lawyer and United States Commissioner, was born in New York City, Nov. 20, 1824; came to Chicago in 1841, and, after spending eleven years alternately in Galena and Chicago, finally located permanently in Chicago, in 1852; in 1853 was elected Clerk of the Record- er's Court of Chicago, retaining the position five years; was admitted to the bar in March, 1856, and appointed United States Commissioner the same year, remaining in office until his death, Nov. 3, 1894. Mr. Hoyne was an officer of the Chicago Pioneers and one of the founders of the Union League Club. II I HI! V It I), Gnrdon Saltonstall, pioneer and Indian trader, was born at Windsor, Vt., August 22, 1802. His early youth was passed in Canada, chiefly in the employ of the American Fur Com- pany. In 1818 he first visited Fort Dearborn, and for nine years traveled back and forth in the interest of his employers. In 1827, having em- barked in business on his own account, he estab- lished several trading posts in Illinois, becoming a resident of Chicago in 1832. From this time forward he became identified with the history and development of the State. He served with distinction during the Black Hawk and Winne- bago Wars, was enterprising and public-spirited, and did much to promote the early development of Chicago. He was elected to the Legislature from Vermilion County in 1832, and, in 1835, was appointed by Governor Duncan one of the Commissioners of the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Died, at Chicago, Sept. 14, 1886. From the time he became a citizen of Chicago, for fifty years, no man was more active or public-spirited in promoting its commercial development and general prosperity. He was identified with almost every branch of business upon which its growth as a commercial city depended, from that of an early Indian trader to that of a real-estate operator, being manager of one of the largest pack- ing houses of his time, as well as promoter of early railroad enterprises. A zealous Republican, he was one of the most earnest supporters of Abraham Lincoln in the campaign of 1860, was prominently identified with every local measure HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. for the maintenance of the Union cause, and, for a year, held a commission as Captain in the Eighty-eighth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, known as the ' 'Second Board of Trade Regiment. ' ' HUGHITT, Marvin, Railway President, was born, August, 1837, and, in 1856, began his rail- road experience on the Chicago & Alton Railway as Superintendent of Telegraph and Train-de- gpatcher. In 1862 he entered the service of the Illinois Central Company in a similar capacity, still later occupying the positions of Assistant Superintendent and General Superintendent, re- maining in the latter from 1865 to 1870, when he resigned to become Assistant General Manager of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul In 1872 he became associated with the Chicago & North- western Railroad, in connection with which he has held the positions of Superintendent, General Manager, Second Vice-President and President the last of which (1899) he still occupies. Hl'LETT, Alta M., lawyer, was bom near Rockford, 111., June 4, 1854; early learned teleg- raphy and became a successful operator, but sub- sequently engaged in teaching and the study of law. In 1872, having passed the required exami- nation, she applied for admission to the bar, but was rejected on account of sex. She then, in conjunction with Mrs. Bradwell and others, interested herself in securing the passage of an act by the Legislature giving women the right that had been denied her, which having been accomplished, she went to Chicago, was admitted to the bar and began practice. Died, in Cali- fornia, March 27, 1877. HUNT, Daniel I)., legislator, was born in Wyoming County, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1835, came to De Kalb County, 111., in 1857, and has since been engaged in hotel, mercantile and farming busi- ness. He was elected as a Republican Represent- ative in the Thirty-fifth General Assembly in 1886, and re elected in 1888. Two years later he was elected to the State Senate, re-elected in 1894, and again in 1898 giving him a continuous sen-ice in one or the other branch of the General Assembly of sixteen years. During the session of 1895, Senator Hunt was especially active in the legislation which resulted in the location of the Northern Illinois Normal Institute at De Kalb. HUNT, Geortfe, lawyer and ex-Attorney-Gen- eral, was born in Knox County, Ohio, in 1841; having lost both parents in childhood, came, with an uncle, to Edgar County, 111., in 1855. In July, 1861, at the age of 20, he enlisted in the Twelfth Illinois Infantry, re-enlisting as a veteran in 1864, and rising from the ranks to a captaincy. After the close of the war, he studied law, was admitted to the bar, and, locating at Paris, Edgar County, soon acquired a large practice. He was elected State Senator on the Republican ticket in 1874, and re-elected in 1878 and '82. In 1884 he received his first nomination for Attorney-Gen- eral, was renominated in 1888, and elected both times, serving eight years. Among the im- portant questions with which General Hunt had to deal during his two terms were the celebrated "anarchist cases" of 1887 and of 1890-92. In the former the condemned Chicago anarchists applied through their counsel to the Supreme Court of the United States, for a writ of error to the Su- preme Court of Illinois to compel the latter to grant them a new trial, which was refused. Tho case, on the part of the State, was conducted by General Hunt, while Gen. B. F. Butler of Massa- chusetts, John Randolph Tucker of Virginia. Roger A. Pryor of New York, and Messrs. W. P. Black and Solomon of Chicago appeared for the plaintiffs. Again, in 1890, Fielden and Schwab, who had been condemned to life imprisonment, attempted to secure their release the former by an application similar to that of 1887, and the latter by appeal from a decision of Judge Gresham of the United States Circuit Court refusing a writ of habeas corpus. The final hearing of these cases was had before the Supreme Court of the United States in January, 1892, General Butler again appearing as leading counsel for the plaintiffs but with the same result as in 1887. General Hunt's management of these cases won for him much deserved commendation both at home and abroad. HUNTER, Andrew J., was bom in Greencastle, Ind., Dec. 17, 1831, and removed in infancy by his parents, to Edgar County, this State. His early education was received in the common schools and at Edgar Academy. He commenced his business life as a civil engineer, but, after three years spent in that profession, began the study of law and was admitted to the bar. He has since been actively engaged in practice at Paris, Edgar County. From 18C4 to 1868 he repre- sented that county in the State Senate, and, in 1870, led the Democratic forlorn hope in the Fif- teenth Congressional District against General Jesse H. Moore, and rendered a like service to his party in 1882, when Joseph G. Cannon was his Republican antagonist. In 1886 he was elected Judge of the Edgar County Court, and, in 1890, was re-elected, but resigned this office in 1892, having been elected Congressman for the State- 240 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. at- large on the Democratic ticket. He was a can- didate for Congress from the Nineteenth District again in 1898, and was again elected, receiving a majority of 1,200 over Hon. Benson Wood, his Republican opponent and immediate predecessor. HUNTER, (Gen.) David, soldier, was born in Washington, D. C., July 21, 1802; graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1823, and assigned to the Fifth Infantry with the rank of Second Lieutenant, becoming First Lieutenant in 1828 and Captain of Dragoons in 1833. During this period he twice crossed the plains to the Rocky Mountains, but, in 1836, resigned his com- mission and engaged in business in Chicago, Re-entering the service as Paymaster in 1842, he was Chief Paymaster of General Wool's command in the Mexican War, and was afterwards stationed at New Orleans. Washington, Detroit, St. Louis and on the frontier. He was a personal friend of President Lincoln, whom he accompanied when the latter set out for Washington in February, 1801. but was disabled at Buffalo, having his collar-bone dislocated by the crowd. He was appointed Colonel of the Sixth United States Cavalry, May 14, 1861, three days later commis- sioned Brigadier-General and, in August, made Major-General. In the Manassas campaign he commanded the main column of McDowell's army and was severely wounded at Bull Run; served under Fremont in Missouri and succeeded him in command in November, 1861, remaining until March, 1862. Being transferred to the Department of the South in May following, he issued an order declaring the persons held as slaves in Georgia, Florida and South Carolina free, which order was revoked by President Lin- coln ten days later. On account of the steps taken by him for the organization of colored troops, Jefferson Davis issued an order declaring him, in case of capture, subject to execution as a felon. In May, 1864, he was placed in com- mand of the Department of the West, and, in 1865, served on various courts-martial, being President of the commission that tried Mr. Lin- coln's assassins ; was tire vetted Major-General in March, 1865, retired from active service July, 1866, and died in Washington, Feb. 2, 1886. Gen- eral Hunter married a daughter of John Kinzie, the first permanent citizen of Chicago. HTJBD, Harvey H., lawyer, was born in Fair- field County, Conn., Feb. 24, 1827. At the age of 15 he walked to Bridgeport, where he began life as office-boy in "The Bridgeport Standard," a journal of pronounced Whig proclivities. In 1844 he came to Illinois, entering Jubilee College, but, after a brief attendance, came to Chicago in 1846. There he found temporary employment as a compositor, later commencing the study of law, and being admitted to the bar in 1848. A portion of the present city of Evanston is built upon a 24S-,i( TO tract owned and subdivided by Mr. Hurd and his partner. Always in sympathy with the old school and most radical type of Abolitionists, he took a deep interest in the Kan- sas-Missouri troubles of 1856, and became a mem- ber of the "National Kansas Committee" appointed by the Buffalo (N. T.) Convention, of which body he was a member. He was chosen Secretary of the executive committee, and it is not too much to say that, largely through his earnest and poorly requited labors, Kansas was finally admitted into the Union as a free State. It was mainly through his efforts that seed for planting was gratuitously distributed among the free-soil settlers. In 1869 he was appointed a member of the Commission to revise the statutes of Illinois, a large part of the work devolving upon him in consequence of the withdrawal of his colleagues. The revision was completed in 1874, in conjunction with a Joint Committee of Revision of both Houses appointed by the Legis- lature of 1873. While no statutory revision has been ordered by subsequent Legislatures, Mr. Hurd has carried on the same character of work on independent lines, issuing new editions of the statutes from time to time, which are regarded as standard works by the bar. In 1875 he was nominated by the Republican party for a seat on the Supreme bench, but was defeated by the late Judge T. Lyle Dickey. For several years he filled a chair in the faculty of the Union College of Law. His home is in Evanston. HURLBUT, Stephen A., soldier, Congressman and Foreign Minister, was born at Charleston, S. C., Nov. 29, 1815, received a thorough liberal education, and was admitted to the bar in 1837. Soon afterwards he removed to Illinois, making his home at Belvidere. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1847, in 1848 was an unsuccessful candidate for Presidential Elector on the Whig ticket, but, on the organization of the Republican party in 1856, promptly identified himself with that party and was elected to the lower branch of the General Assembly as a Republican in 1858 and again in 1860. During the War of the Rebellion he served with distinc- tion from May, 1861, to July. 1865. He entered the service as Brigadier-General, commanding the Fourth Division of Grant's army at Pittsburg Landing; was made a Major-General in Septem- n V o 7; I n V g c_ H a V) I- n V a HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA <>K ILLINOIS at large on the Demornitic ticket. He was a i-jin didate for Congress from tlie Niueteentli District c_ r aiii in 1M96. and was r.'.un elected, receiving a majority of 1,21(0 over lion. Benson Wood, his Republican opponent and immediate predecessor III VIM!. (Urn. i David, soldier, was lirn in Wellington. I). C. July 21, 1*02: graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1822. and assigned to tlie Fifth Infantry with the rank of Second Lieutenant, becoming First Lieutenant in I*-* and Captain of Dragoons in ls:;:i During this perioil he twice crossed the plains to the Rocky Mountains, Imt, in IW>. resigned his com- mission and engaged in business in Chicago. Re-entering the service as Paymaster in 1*42. he was Chief 1'ay master of (ieneral Wool's command in the Mexican War. and was after wards stationed at New Orleans. Washington. Detroit. St. Louis and on the frontier He was a personal friend of President Lincoln, whom he accompanied when the latter set out for Washington in February 1NC.1. hut was disabled at Buffalo, having his collar-bone dislocated by the crowd. He was appointed Colonel of the Sixth I'nited Statc^ Cavalry. May 11. 1*01. three days later commis- sioned Brigadier < Jeneral and. in August, made Major-General In the Manassas campaign he commanded the main column of McDowell's army and was severely wounded at Bull Run served under Fremont in Missouri anil succeeded him in command in November. !*'>!. remaining until March 1*2 Being transferred to the Department of the South in May following, he issued an order declaring the persons held as slaves in (ieorgia. Florida and South Carolina free, which order was revoked by President Lin coin ten flays later On account of the steps taken by him for the organization of colored troops. Jefferson Davis issued an order declaring him. in case of capture, subject to execution as a felon. In May. 1*04. he was placed in com- mand of the Department of the West. ami. in l*G."i, served on various courts-martial, lieing President of the commission that tried Mr. Lin- coln's assassins . was brcvetteil Major-' leneral in March. l s fi-Y retired from active ser\ ice July. 1*015. and died in Washington. Feb 2. l*Nf, (Sen- eral Hunter married a daughter of John Kinzie the tirst permanent citi/.en of Chicago IH'ltl), llarvey It., lawyer was liorn in Fair field County Conn Feb '.'4.1*27 At the age of !~i he walked to Bridgeport, where he U-gan life as office-lioy in 'The Pridge]iort Standard." a journal of pronounced Whig proclivities In 1844 he came t. Illinois entering Jubilee College. but. after a brief attendance, came to Chicago in 1846. There he found tem|iorary employment as a com|K>sitor. later commencing the study of law. and lieing admitted to the bar in 1848. A jiortion of the present city of Evanston is built upon a 24 w -acre tract owned and subdivided by Mr Hurd and his partner Always in sympathy with the old school ami most radical type of AlK)litionists. he took a deep interest in the Kan- sas-Missouri troubles of l*5fi. and became a mem- lier of the "National Kansas Committee" apjHiinted by the Buffalo (N Y ) Convention, of which body he was a member. He was chosen Secretary of the executive committee, and it is not too much to say that, largely through his earnest and poorly requited labors. Kansas was finally admitted into the Union as a free State. It was mainly through his efforts that seed for planting was gratuitously distributed among the free-soil settlers. In 1H*1!) he was appointed a member of the Commission to revise the statutes of Illinois a large part of the work devolving U|ion him in consequence of the withdrawal of his colleagues. The revision was completed in 1874. in conjunction with a Joint Committee of Revision of both Houses appointed by the Legis- lature of I*?:!. Whilu no statutory revision has iieen ordered by subsequent Legislatures, Mr Hurd has carried on the same character of work on independent lines, issuing new editions of tlie statutes from time to time, which are regarded as standard works by the bar. In 1875 he was nominated by the Republican party for a seat on the Supreme bench but was defeated by the late Judge T Lyle Dickey. For several years he filled a chair in the faculty of the Union College of I-iw His home is in Kvanston. Ill HI.HI'T. Stephen A., soldier. Congressman and Foreign Minister, was born at Charleston, S, C. , Nov. 29, Wl'i, received a thorough liberal education, and was admitted to the bar in 1837. Soon afterwards he removed to Illinois, making his borne at Belvidere. He was a memlier of the Constitutional Convention of 1*47. in 1*1M was an unsuccessful candidate for Presidential Klector on the Whig ticket, but. on the organization of the Republican party in IS'iC. promptly identified himself with that jKirty and was elected to the lower branch of the (leneral Assembly as a Republican in l s ">s and again in Infill. During the War of the Rebellion he served with distinc- tion from May. IHfil. to July. l*G. r >. He entered the service as Brigadier (leneral. commanding the Fourth Division of Grant's army at Pittsburg Landing was made a Major-( General in Septem > u H HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ber, 1862, and later assigned to the command of the Sixteenth Army Corps, at Memphis, and sub- sequently to the command of the Department of the Gulf (1864-65). After the close of the war he served another term in the General Assembly (1867), was chosen Presidential Elector for the State-at-large in 1868, and, in 1869, was appointed by President Grant Minister Resident to the United States of Colombia, serving until 1872. The latter year he was elected Representative to Congress, and re-elected two years later. In 1876 he was a candidate for re-election as an independent Republican, but was defeated by William Lathrop, the regular nominee. In 1881 he was appointed Minister Resident to Peru, and died at Lima, March 27, 1882. HtJTCHINS, Thomas, was born in Monmouth, N. J., in 1730. died in Pittsburg, Pa., April 28. 1789. He was the first Government Surveyor, fre- quently called the "Geographer": was also an officer of the Sixtieth Royal (British) regiment, and assistant engineer under Bouquet. At the outbreak of the Revolution, while stationed at Fort Chartres, he resigned his commission be- cause of his sympathy with the patriots. Three years later he was charged with being in treason- able correspondence with Franklin, and im- prisoned in the Tower of London. He is said to have devised the present system of Government surveys in this country, and his services in carry- ing it into effect were certainly of great value. He was the author of several valuable works, the best known being a "Topographical Description of Virginia. " H UTSOX VILLE, a village of Crawford County, on the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway, and the Wabash River, 34 miles south of Paris. The district is agricultural. The town has a bank and a weekly paper. Population (1890), 582; (1900), 743. ILLINOIS. (GENERAL HISTORY.) ILLINOIS is the twenty -first State of the Federal Union in the order of its admission, the twentieth in present area and the third in point of popula- tion. A concise history of the region, of which it constituted the central portion at an early period, will be found in the following pages: The greater part of the territory now comprised within the State of Illinois was known and at- tracted eager attention from the nations of the old world especially in France, Germany and England before the close of the third quarter of the seventeenth century. More than one hun- dred years before the struggle for American Inde- pendence began, or the geographical division known as the "Territory of the Northwest" had an existence; before the names of Kentucky, Tennessee, Vermont or Ohio had been heard of, and while the early settlers of New England and Virginia were still struggling for a foothold among the Indian tribes on the Atlantic coast, the "Illinois Country" occupied a place on the maps of North America as distinct and definite as New York or Pennsylvania. And from that time forward, until it assumed its position in the Union with the rank of a State, no other faction has been the theater of more momentous and stirring events or has contributed more material, affording interest and instruction to the archaeol- ogist, the ethnologist and the historian, than that portion of the American Continent now known as the "State of Illinois." THE "ILLINOIS COUNTRY." What was known to the early French explorers and their followers and descendants, for the ninety years which intervened between the discoveries of Joliet and La Salle, down to the surrender of this region to the English, as the "Illinois Country," is de- scribed with great clearness and definiteness by Capt. Philip Pittman, an English engineer who made the first survey of the Mississippi River soon after the transfer of the French possessions east of the Mississippi to the British, and who published the result of his observations in London in 1770. In this report, which is evidently a work of the highest authenticity, and is the more valuable because written at a transition period when it was of the first importance to preserve and hand down the facts of early French history to the new occupants of the soil, the boundaries of the "Illinois Country" are defined as follows: "The Country of the Illinois is bounded by the Mississippi on the west, by the river Illinois on the north, by the Ouabache and Miamis on the east and the Ohio on the south." From this it would appear that the country lying between the Illinois and the Mississippi Rivers to the west and northwest of the former, was not considered a part of the "Illinois Country," and HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA <>F ILLINOIS. 241 lier. 1862, and later assigned to the rominand of the Sixteenth Army Corps, at Memphis, and sub- sequently to the command of the Department of the Gulf (lHr,4-6. r . After the close of the war he served 'another term in the General Assembly (1*67). was chosen Presidential Elector for the State-at-large in 1S6S. and. in lKf>9. was appointed l>y President Grant Minister Resident to the United States of Colombia, serving until 1*72. The latter year he was elected Representative to Congress, and re-elected two years later In 1*76 he was a candidate for re-election as an independent Republican, but was defeated by William Lathrop. the regular nominee. In 1**1 )IH was appointed Minister Resident to Peru, ami .lied at Lima. March 27, 1S82. HfTCHIXS, Thomas, was liorn in Monmouth. N .1 .. in 17"ft. died in Pittsburg, Pa.. April 2*. 17^9. He was the first Government Surveyor, fre- '(Uently called tin- "Geographer": was also an officer of the Sixtieth Royal (British; regiment and assistant engineer under Bouquet At the outbreak of the Revolution, while stationed at Fort Chartres. he resigned his commission U- cause of his sympathy with the patriots. Three years later he was charged with lieing in treason- able corres|Kindeuce with Franklin, and im- prisoned in the Tower of London He is said to have devised the present >ystem of Government -iirveys in tliis country, and hU er vices in carry ing it into effect were certainly of great value He was the author of several valuable works, the liest known being a "Topographical Description of Virginia." IirTSOXVIIXE.a village of Crawford County. on the Cleveland, Cincinnati. Chicago & St Louis Railway, and the Wabash River H-f miles soutliof Paris. The district is agricultural. The town has a bank and a weekly paper Population I L LI No IS. (OKNEKAI. llISTom . I ILLINOIS is i he twenty-first State of the Federal I'nion in the order of it> ad mission, the twentieth in present area anil the third in poiui of popula- tion. A concise history of the region, of which it constituted the central portion at an early period, will be found in the following pages: The greater part of the territory now comprised within the State of Illinois was known and at- tracted eager attention from the nations of the old world especially in France. Germany ami England before the close of the third *ew Kngland and Virginia were still struggling for a foothold among the Indian tribes on the Atlantic coast, the "Illinois Country" occupied a place on the maps of North America as distinct and definite a- New York or Pennsylvania. And from that time forward, until it assumed its jtosition in the T'nion with the rank of a State, no other section has Itecn the theater of more momentous and -tirring events or ha- contributed more material, affording interest and instruction to the archa-ol- ngist. the ethnologist and the historian, than that portion of the American Continent now known as the "State .f Illinois " TIIK "ILLINOIS CIIL'NTUV " What was known to the early French explorer.-, and their followers and descendants, for the ninety years which intervened between the discoveries of Juliet anil Lit Salle. down to the surrender of this region to the Knglish, as the "Illinois Country." is de- scrilwd with great clearnes* and detiniteness by t 'apt. Philip Pittman an Knglish engineer who made the first survey of the Mississippi River soon after the transfer of the French possessions east of the Mississippi to the Hrilish. and who published the result of his observations in Ix>udon in 177O. In this report, winch is evidently a work of the highest authenticity, and is the more valuable In'cause written at a transition jieriod when it was of the first ini|Hirtance to preserve and hand down the facts of early French history tn the new occupants of tlie soil, the ItoundaricH of the "Illinois ('ountry" are defined :LS follows. "The Country of the Illinois is Iniunded by the Mississippi on the west by the river Illinois on the north, by the Oiiabachc and Miami.- on the east and the Ohio on the south. " From this if would appear thai the country lying between the Illinois ami the Mississippi Rivers to the west and northwest of the former was noi considered a part of the "lllinoi- Country " and 242 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. this agrees generally with the records of the early French explorers, except that they regarded the region which comprehends the site of the present city of Chicago the importance of which appears to have been appreciated from the first as a connecting link between the Lakes and the upper tributaries of the rivers falling into the Gulf of Mexico as belonging thereto ORIGIN OF THE NAME. The "Country" appears to have derived its name from Inini, a word of Algonquin origin, signifying "the men," eu- phemized by the French into Illini with the suffix ois. signifying "tribe." The root of the term, applied both to the country and the Indians occupying it, has been still further defined as "a perfect man" (Humes on "Indian Names"), and the derivative has been used by the French chroniclers in various forms though always with the same signification a signification of which the earliest claimants of the appellation, as well as their successors of a different race, have not failed to be duly proud. BOUNDARIES AND AREA. It is this region which gave the name to the State of which it constituted so large and important a part. Its boundaries, so far as the Wabash and the Ohio Rivers (as well as the Mississippi from the mouth of the Ohio to the mouth of the Illinois) are con- cerned, are identical with those given to the "Illinois Country" by Pittman. The State is bounded on the north by Wisconsin ; on the east by Lake Michigan, the State of Indiana and the Wabash River; southeast by the Ohio, flowing between it and the State of Kentucky ; and west and southwest by the Mississippi, which sepa- rates it from the States of Iowa and Missouri. A peculiarity of the Act of Congress defining the boundaries of the State, is the fact that, while the jurisdiction of Illinois extends to the middle of Lake Michigan and also of the channels of the Wabash and the Mississippi, it stops at the north bank of the Ohio River ; this seems to have been a sort of concession on the part of the framers of the Act to our proud neighbors of the "Park and Bloody Ground." Geographically, the State lies between the parallels of 36 59' and 42' 30' north latitude, and the meridian of 10 30' and 14 of longitude west from the city of Washington. From its extreme southern limit at the mouth of the Ohio to the Wisconsin boundary on the north, its estimated length is 385 miles, with an extreme breadth, from the Indiana State line to the Mis- sissippi River at a point between Quincy and Warsaw, of 218 miles. Owing to the tortuous course of its river and lake boundaries, which comprise about three-fourths of the whole, its physical outline is extremely irregular. Between the limits described, it has an estimated area of 56,650 square miles, of which 650 square miles is water the latter being chiefly in Lake Michigan. This area is more than one and one-half times that of all New England (Maine being excepted), and is greater than that of any other State east of the Mississippi, except Michigan, Georgia and Florida Wisconsin lacking only a few hundred square miles of the same. When these figures are taken into account some idea may be formed of the magnificence of the domain comprised within the limits of the State of Illinois a domain larger in extent than that of England, more than one-fourth of that of all France and nearly half that of the British Islands, including Scotland and Ireland. The possibilities of such a country, possessing a soil unequaled in fertility, in proportion to its area, by any other State of the Union and with re- sources in agriculture, manufactures and com- merce unsurpassed in any country on the face of the globe, transcend all human conception. STREAMS AND NAVIGATION. Lying between the Mississippi and its chief eastern tributary, the Ohio, with the Wabash on the east, and inter- sected from northeast to southwest by the Illinois and its numerous affluents, and with no moun- tainous region within its limits, Illinois is at once one of the best watered, as well as one of the most level States in the Union. Besides the Sanga- mon, Kankakee, Fox and Des Plaines Rivers, chief tributaries of the Illinois, and the Kaskaskia draining the region between the Illinois and the Wabash, Rock River, in the northwestern portion of the State, is most important on account of its valuable water-power. All of these streams were regarded as navigable for some sort of craft, dur- ing at least a portion of the year, in the early history of the country, and with the magnificent Mississippi along the whole western border, gave to Illinois a larger extent of navigable waters than that of any other single State. Although practical navigation, apart from the lake and by natural water courses, is now limited to the Mis- sissippi, Illinois and Ohio making an aggregate of about 1,000 miles the importance of the smaller streams, when the people were dependent almost wholly upon some means of water com- munication for the transportation of heavy com- modities as well as for travel, could not be over-estimated, and it is not without its effect upon the productiveness of the soil, now that water transportation has given place to railroads. : , HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. The whole number of streams shown upon the best maps exceeds 380. TOPOGRAPHY. In physical conformation the surface of the State presents the aspect of an inclined plane with a moderate descent in the general direction of the streams toward the south and southwest. Cairo, at the extreme southern end of the State and the point of lowest depres- sion, has an elevation above sea-level of about 300 feet, while the altitude of Lake Michigan at Chicago is 583 feet. The greatest elevation is reached near Scale's Mound in the northwestern part of the State 1.257 feet while a spur from the Ozark Mountains of Missouri, projected across the southern part of the State, rises in Jackson and Union Counties to a height of over 900 feet. The eastern end of this spur, in the northeast corner of Pope County, reaches an elevation of 1,046 feet. South of this ridge, the surface of the country between the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers was originally covered with dense forests. These included some of the most valuable species of timber for lumber manufacture, such as the different varieties of oak, walnut, poplar, ash, sugar-maple and cypress, besides elm, linden, hickory, honey-locust, pecan, hack-berry, cotton- wood, sycamore, sassafras, black-gum and beech. The native fruits included the persimmon, wild plum, grape and paw- paw, with various kinds of berries, such as blackberries, raspberries, straw- berries (in the prairie districts) and some others. Most of the native growths of woods common to the south were found along the streams farther north, except the cypress beech, pecan and a few others. PRAIRIES. A peculiar feature of the country, in the middle and northern portion of the State, which excited the amazement of early explorers, was the vast extent of the prairies or natural meadows. The origin of these has been attrib- uted to various causes, such as some peculiarity of the soil, absence or excess of moisture, recent upheaval of the surface from lakes or some other bodies of water, the action of fires, etc. In many sections there appears little to distinguish the soil of the prairies from that of the adjacent woodlands, that may not be accounted for by the character of their vegetation and other causes, for the luxuriant growth of native grasses and other productions has demonstrated that they do not lack in fertility, and the readiness with which trees take root when artificially propa- gated and protected, has shown that there is nothing in the soil itself unfavorable to their growth. Whatever may have been the original cause of the prairies, however, there is no doubt that annually recurring fires hare had much to do in perpetuating their existence, and even extending their limits, as the absence of the same agent has tended to favor the encroachments of the forests. While originally regarded as an obstacle to the occupation of the country by a dense population, there is no doubt that their existence has contributed to its rapid develop- ment when it was discovered with what ease these apparent wastes could be subdued, and how productive they were capable of becoming when once brought under cultivation. In spite of the uniformity in altitude of the State as a whole, many sections present a variety of surface and a mingling of plain and woodland of the most pleasing character. This is espe- cially the case in some of the prairie districts where the undulating landscape covered with rich herbage and brilliant flowers must have presented to the first explorers a scene of ravish- ing beauty, which has been enhanced rather than diminished in recent times by the hand of culti- vation. Along some of the streams also, espe dally on the upper Mississippi and Illinois, and at some points on the Ohio, is found scenery of a most picturesque variety. ANIMALS, ETC. From this description of the country it will be easy to infer what must have been the varieties of the animal kingdom which here found a home. These included the buffalo, various kinds of deer, the bear, panther, fox, wolf, and wild-cat, while swans, geese and ducks covered the lakes and streams. It was a veritable paradise for game, both large and small, as well as for their native hunters. "One can scarcely travel," wrote one of the earliest priestly explor- ers, "without finding a prodigious multitude of turkeys, that keep together in flocks often to the number of ten hundred." Beaver, otter, and mink were found along the streams. Most of these, especially the larger species of game, have disappeared before the tide of civilization, but the smaller, such as quail, prairie chicken, duck and the different varieties of fish in the streams, pro- tected by law during certain seasons of the year, continue to exist in considerable numbers. SOIL AND CLIMATE. The capabilities of the soil in a region thus situated can be readily under- stood. In proportion to the extent of its surface, Illinois has a larger area of cultivable land than any other State in the Union, with a soil of supe- rior quality, much of it unsurpassed in natural fertility. This is especially true of the "American Bottom," a region extending a distance of ninety 244 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. miles along the east bank of the Mississippi, from a few miles below Alton nearly to Chester, and of an average width of five to eight miles. This was the seat of the first permanent white settle- ment in the Mississippi Valley, and portions of it have been under cultivation from one hundred to one hundred and fifty years without exhaustion. Other smaller areas of scarcely less fertility are found both upon the bottom-lands and in the prairies in the central portions of the State. Extending through five and one-half degrees of latitude, Illinois has a great variety of climate. Though subject at times to sudden alternations of temperature, these occasions have been rare since the country has been thoroughly settled. Its mean average for a series of years has been 48 in the northern part of the State and 56 in the southern, differing little from other States upon the same latitude. The mean winter temper- ature has ranged from 25 in the north to 34 in the south, and the summer mean from 67 in the north to 78 in the south. The extreme winter temperature has seldom fallen below 20 below zero in the northern portion, while the highest summer temperature ranges from 95 to 102. The average difference in temperature between the northern and southern portions of the State is about 10, and the difference in the progress of the seasons for the same sections, from four to six weeks. Such a wide variety of climate is favor- able to the production of nearly all the grains and fruits peculiar to the temperate zone. CONTEST FOR OCCUPATION. Three powers early became contestants for the supremacy on the North American Continent. The first of these was Spain, claiming possession on the ground of the discovery by Columbus; England, basing her claim upon the discoveries of the Cabots, and France, maintaining her right to a Considerable part of the continent by virtue of the discovery and exploration by Jacques Cartier of the Gulf and River St. Lawrence, in 1534-35, and the settlement of Quebec by Champlain seventy-four years later. The claim of Spain was general, extending to both North and South America; and, while she early established her colonies in Mexico, the West Indies and Peru, the country was too vast and her agents too busy seeking for gold to interfere materially with her competitors. The Dutch, Swedes and Germans established small, though flourishing colonies, but they were not colonizers nor were they numeric- ally as strong as their neighbors, and their settle- ments were ultimately absorbed by the latter. Both the Spaniards and the French were zealous in proselyting the aborigines, but while the former did not hesitate to torture their victims in order to extort their gold while claiming to save their souls, the latter were more gentle and beneficent in their policy, and, by their kindness, succeeded in winning and retaining the friend- ship of the Indians in a remarkable degree. They were traders as well as missionaries, and this fact and the readiness with which they adapted them- selves to the habits of those whom they found in possession of the soil, enabled them to make the most extensive explorations in small numbers and at little cost, and even to remain for un- limited periods among their aboriginal friends. On the other hand, the English were artisans and tillers of the soil with a due proportion engaged in commerce or upon the sea; and, while they were later in planting their colonies in Virginia and New England, and less aggressive in the work of exploration, they maintained a surer foothold on the soil when they had once estab- lished themselves. To this fact is due the per- manence and steady growth of the English colonies in the New World, and the virtual domi- nance of the Anglo-Saxon race over more than five-sevenths of the North American Continent a result which has been illustrated in the history of every people that has made agriculture, manu- factures and legitimate commerce the basis of their prosperity. EARLY EXPLORATIONS. The French explorers were the first Europeans to visit the "Country of the Illinois," and, for nearly a century, they and their successors and descendants held undisputed possession of the country, as well as the greater part of the Mississippi Valley. It is true that Spain put in a feeble and indefinite claim to this whole region, but she was kept too busy else- where to make her claim good, and, in 1763, she relinquished it entirely as to the Mississippi Valley and west to the Pacific Ocean, in order to strengthen herself elsewhere. There is a peculiar coincidence in the fact that, while the English colonists who settled about Massachusetts Bay named tliat region "New England," the French gave to their possessions, from the St. Lawrence to the mouth of the Mis- sissippi, the name of "New France," and the Spaniards called all the region claimed by them, extending from Panama to Puget Sound, "New Spain. " The boundaries of each were very indefi- nite and often conflicting, but were settled by the treaty of 1763. As early as 1634, Jean Nicolet, coming by way of Canada, discovered Lake Michigan then HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 245 called by the French, "Lac des Illinois" entered Green Bay and visited some of the tribes of Indians in that region. In 1641 zealous mission- aries had reached the Falls of St. Mary (called by the French "Sault Ste. Marie"), and, in 1658, two French fur-traders are alleged to have penetrated as far west as "La Pointe" on Lake Superior, where they opened up a trade with the Sioux Indians and wintered in the neighborhood of the Apostle Islands near where the towns of Ashland and Hay tli-lil. Wis., now stand. A few years later (1665), Fathers Allouez and Dablon, French mis- sionaries, visited the Chippewas on the southern shore of Lake Superior, and missions were estab- lished at Green Bay, Ste. Marie and La Pointe. About the same time the mission of St. Ignace was established on the north shore of the Straits of Mackinaw (spelled by the French "Michilli- macinac"). It is also claimed that the French traveler, Radisson. during the year of 1658-59, reached the upper Mississippi, antedating the claims of Juliet and Marquette as its discoverers by fourteen years. Nicholas Perrot, an intelli- gent chronicler who left a manuscript account of his travels, is said to have made extensive explor- ations about the head of the great lakes as far south as the Fox River of Wisconsin, between 1670 and 1690, and to have held an important conference with representatives of numerous tribes of Indians at Sault Ste. Marie in June, 1671. Perrot is also said to have made the first discovery of lead mines in the West. Up to this time, however, no white man appears to have reached the "Illinois Country," though much had been heard of its beauty and its wealth in game. On May 17, 1673, Louis Joliet, an enter- prising explorer who had already visited the Lake Superior region in search of copper mines, under a commission from the Governor of Canada, in company with Father Jacques Marquette and five voyageurs, with a meager stock of provisions and a few trinkets for trading with the natives, set out in two birch-bark canoes from St. Ignace on a tour of exploration southward. Coasting along the west shore of Lake Michigan and Green Ray and through Lake Winnebago, they reached the country of the Mascoutins on Fox River, ascended that stream to the portage to the Wis- consin, then descended the latter to the Mis- sissippi, which they discovered on June 17. Descending the Mississippi, which they named "Rio de la Conception, " they passed the mouth of the Des Moines, where they are supposed to have encountered the first Indians of the Illinois tribes, by whom they were hospitably enter- tained. Later they discovered a rude painting upon the rocks on the east side of the river, which, from the description, is supposed to have been the famous "Piasa Bird," which was still to be seen, a short distance above Alton, within the present generation. (See Piasa Bird, The Legend of. ) Passing the mouth of the Missouri River and the present site of the city of St. Louis, and continuing past the mouth of the Ohio, they finally reached what Marquette called the village of the Akanseas, which has been assumed to be identical with the mouth of the Arkansas, though it has been questioned whether they proceeded so far south. Convinced that the Mississippi "had its mouth in Florida or the Gulf of Mexico, " and fearing capture by the Spaniards, they started on their return. Reaching the mouth of the Illinois, they entered that stream and ascended past the village of the Peorias and the "Illinois town of the Kaskaskias" the latter being about where the town of Utica, LA Salle County, now stands at each of which they made a brief stay. Escorted by guides from the Kaskaskias, they crossed the portage to Lake Michigan where Chicago now stands, and re- turned to Green Bay, which they reached in the latter part of September. (See Joliet and Mar- quette.) The next and most important expedition to Illi- nois important because it led to the first per- manent settlements was undertaken by Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, in 1679. This eager and intelligent, but finally unfortunate, discov- erer had spent several years in exploration in the lake region and among the streams south of the lakes and west of the Alleghenies. It has been claimed that, during this tour, he descended the Ohio to its junction with the Mississippi; also that he reached the Illinois by way of the head of Lake Michigan and the Chicago portage, and even descended the Mississippi to the 36th parallel, antedating Marquette's first visit to that stream by two years. The chief authority for this claim is La Salle's biographer, Pierre Margry, who bases his statement on alleged con- versations with La Salle and letters of his friends. The absence of any allusion to these discoveries in La Salle's own papers, of a later date, addressed to the King, is regarded as fatal to this claim. However this may have been, there is conclusive evidence that, during this period, he met with Joliet while the latter was returning ? t)m one of his trips to the Lake Superior country. With an imagination fired by what he then lea/ned. he made a visit to his native country, receiving a HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. liberal grant from the French Government which enabled him to carry out his plans. With the aid of Henry de Tonty, an Italian who afterward accompanied him in his most important expedi- tious, and who proved a most valuable and effi- cient co-laborer, under the auspices of Frontenao. then Governor of Canada, he constructed a small vessel at the foot of Lake Erie, in which, with a company of thirty-four persons, he set sail on the seventh of August, 1679, for the West. This vessel (named the "Griffon") is believed to have been the first sailing-vessel that ever navigated the lakes. His object was to reach the Illinois, and he carried with him material for a boat which he intended to put together on that stream. Arriving in Green Bay early in Septem- ber, by way of Lake Huron and the straits of Mackinaw, he disembarked his stores, and, load- ing the Griffon with furs, started it on its return with instructions, after discharging its cargo at the starting point, to join him at the head of Lake Michigan. With a force of seventeen men and three missionaries in four canoes, he started southward, following the western shore of Lake Michigan past the mouth of the Chicago River, on Nov. 1, 1679, and reached the mouth of the St. Joseph River, at the southeast corner of the lake, which had been selected as a rendez- vous. Here he was joined by Tonty, three weeks later, with a force of twenty Frenchmen who had come by the eastern shore, but the Griffon never was heard from again, and is supposed to have been lost on the return voyage. While waiting for Tonty he erected a fort, afterward called Fort Miami. The two parties here united, and, leaving four men in charge of the fort, with the remaining thirty-three, he resumed his journey on the third of December. Ascending the St. Joseph to about where South Bend, Ind., now stands, he made a portage with his canoes and stores across to the headwaters of the Kan- kakee, which he descended to the Illinois. On the first of January he arrived at the great Indian town of the Kaskaskias, which Marquette had left for the last time nearly five years before, but found it deserted, the Indians being absent on a hunting expedition. Proceeding down the Illi- nois, on Jan. 4, 1680, he passed through Peoria Lake and the next morning reached the Indian village of that name at the foot of the lake, and established friendly relations with its people. Having determined to set up his vessel here, he constructed a rude fort on the eastern bank of the river about four miles south of the village. With the exception of the cabin built for Mar- quette on the South Branch of the Chicago River in the winter of 1674-75, this was probably the first structure erected by white men in Illinois. This received the name "Creve-Coeur "Broken Heart" which, from its subsequent history, proved exceedingly appropriate. Having dis- patched Father Louis Hennepin with two com- panions to the Upper Mississippi, by way of the mouth of the Illinois, on an expedition which resulted in the discovery of the Falls of St. Anthony, La Salle started on his return to Canada for additional assistance and the stores which he had failed to receive in consequence of the loss of the Griffon. Soon after his depar- ture, a majority of the men left with Tonty at Fort Creve-Cceur mutinied, and, having plundered the fort, partially destroyed it. This compelled Tonty and five companions who had remained true, to retreat to the Indian village of the Illi- nois near "Starved Rock," between where the cities of Ottawa and La Salle now stand, where he spent the summer awaiting the return of La Salle. In September, Tonty 's Indian allies hav- ing been attacked and defeated by the Iroquou, he and his companions were again compelled to flee, reaching Green Bay the next spring, after having spent the winter among the Pottawato- mies in the present State of Wisconsin. During the next three years (1681-83) La Salle made two other visits to Illinois, encountering and partially overcoming formidable obstacles at each end of the journey. At the last visit, in company with the faithful Tonty, whom he had met at Mackinaw in the spring of 1681, after a separation of more than a year, he extended his exploration to the mouth of the Mississippi, of which he took formal possession on April 9, 1682, in the name of "Louis the Grand, King of France and Navarre. " This was the first expedition of white men to pass down the river and determine the problem of its discharge into the Gulf of Mexico. Returning to Mackinaw, and again to Illinois, in the fall of 1682, Tonty set about carrying into effect La Salle's scheme of fortifying ' 'The Rock, ' ' to which reference has been made under the name of "Starved Rock." The buildings are said to have included store-houses (it was intended as a trading post), dwellings and a block-house erected on the summit of the rock, and to which the name of "Fort St. Louis" was given, while a village of confederated Indian tribes gathered about its base on the south which bore the name of La Vantum. According to the historian, Parkman, the population of this colony, in the LA SALLE. HKNRY DE TOXTY FORT DEAKBOKN FROM THE WEST, 1808. WAR EAGLE. CHIEF CHICAGOU. 240 HISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. iilieral grant from the French Government which cn.ihled him to carry out liis plans. With the itiil of Henry de Tonty. an Italian who afterward accoiufiouied him in his most important expedi- tions, and who proved a most valuable and effi- cient co-laborer, under the auspices of Frontenac, then Governor of Canada, he constructed a small vessel at the foot of Lake Erie, in which, with a company of thirty-four persons, he set sail on the seventh of August, 1679, for the West. This vessel (named the "Griffon") is believed to have been the lirst sailing-vessel that ever navigated the lakes. His object was to reach the Illinois, and he carried with him material fur a boat which he intended to put together on that stream. Arriving in Green Bay early in Septem- ber, by way of Lake Huron and the straits of Mackinaw, he disembarked his stores, and, load- ing the Griffon with furs, started it on its return with instructions, after discharging its cargo at the starting point, to join him at the head of Lake Michigan. With a force of seventeen men and three missionaries in four canoes, he started southward, following the western shore of Lake Michigan past the mouth of the Chicago River, on Nov. 1, 1679, and reached the mouth of the St. Joseph River, at the southeast corner of the lake, which hud been selected as a rendez- vous. Here he was joined by Touty, three weeks later, with a force of twenty Frenchmen who had come by the eastern shore, but the Griffon never was heard from again, and is supposed to have been lost on the return voyage. While waiting for Tonty he erected a fort, afterward called Fort Miami. The two parties here united, and, leaving four men in charge of the fort, with the remaining . thirty-three, he resumed his journey on the third of December. Ascending the St. Joseph to about where South Bend. Ind., now stands, he made a portage with his canoes and stores across to the headwaters of theKan- kakee, which he descended to the Illinois. On the tirst of January he arrived at the great Indian town of the Kaskaskias. which Marquette had left for the last time nearly five years before, but found it deserted, the Indians being absent on a hunting expedition. Proceeding down the Illi nois. on Jan. 4, 1680, he passed through Peoria Lake and the next morning reached the Indian village of that name at the foot of the lake, ami established friendly relations with its people Having determined to set up his vessel here, he constructed a rude fort on the eastern bank of the river about four miles south of the village With the exception of the cabin built for Mar- quette on the South Branch of the Chicago River in the winter of 1074-7"). this was probably the first structure erected by white men in Illinois This received the name "Creve-Cosur " Broken Heart" which, from its subsequent history, proved exceedingly appropriate. Having dis- patched Father Louis Hennepin with two com- panions to the Upper Mississippi, by way of the mouth of the Illinois, on an expedition which resulted in the discovery of the Falls of St Anthony, La Salle started on his return to Canada for additional assistance and the stores which he had failed to receive in consequence of the loss of the Griffon. Soon after his depar- ture, a majority of the men left with Touty at Fort Creve-Cueur mutinied, and. having plundered the fort, partially destroyed it. This compelled Tonty and live companions who had remained true, to retreat to the Indian village of the Illi- nois near "Starved Rock." between where the cities of Ottawa and La Salle now stand, where he spent the summer awaiting the return of La Salle. In September, Tonty 's Indian allies hav- ing been attacked and defeated by the Iroquois, he ami his companions were again compelled to Hee. reaching Green Bay the next spring, after having spent the winter among the Pottawato- mies in the present State of Wisconsin. During the next three years (1681 83) La Salle made two other visits to Illinois, encountering and partially overcoming formidable obstacles at each end of the journey. At the last visit, in company with the faithful Tonty, whom he had met lit Mackinaw in the spring of 1681. after a separation of more than a year, he extended his exploration to the mouth of the Mississippi, of which he took formal possession on April 9, 16S2, in the name of "Louis the Grand, King of Franco and Navarre." This was the lirst expedition of white men to pass down the river and determine the problem of its discharge into the Gulf of Mexico. Returning to Mackinaw, and again to Illinois in the fall of 1682, Tonty set about carrying into effect La Salle's scheme of fortifying "The Rock," to which reference has been made under the name of "Starved Rock " The buildings are said to have included store-houses (it was intended as a trading post), dwellings and a block-house erected on the summit of the rock, and to which the name of "Fort St. Louis" was given, while a village of confederated Indian tribes gathered about its base on the south which bore the name of La Vantimi According to the historian. Parkman, the i>opulation of this colony, in the I.A SAM. i-:. IIKNKY I>K TOVIY $PH ' ! * ~ IDKT l)i:.\KI!()KN 1 ROM IHK \VI.SI'. l-n- WAI: KAiii.K. I'MIKK I IIICAlilll . FORT DEARBORN 2D, IN 1853, FROM THE SOUTHWEST. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 247 days of its greatest prosperity, was not lees than 20,000. Tonty retained his headquarters at Fort St. Louis for eighteen years, during which he made extensive excursions throughout the West. The proprietorship of the fort was granted to him in 1690, but, in 1702, it was ordered by the Governor of Canada to be discontinued on the plea that the charter had been violated. It con- tinued to be used as a trading post, however, as late as 1718, when it was raided by the Indians and burned. (See La Salle; Tonty; Hennepin, and Starved Sock.) Other explorers who were the contemporaries or early successors of Harquette, Joliet, La Salle, Tonty, Hennepin and their companions in the Northwest, and many of whom are known to have visited the "Illinois Country," and probably all of whom did so, were Daniel Qreysolon du Lhut (called by La Salle, du Luth), a cousin of Tonty, who was the first to reach the Mississippi directly t from Lake Superior, and from whom the city of Duluth has been named ; Henry Joutel, a towns- man of La Salle, who was one of the survivors of the ill-fated Matagorda Bay colony; Pierre Le Sueur, the discoverer of the Minnesota River, and Baron la Hontan, who made a tour through Illinois in 1688-89, of which he published an account in 1708. Chicago River early became a prominent point in the estimation of the French explorers and was a favorite line of travel in reaching the Illi- nois by way of the Des Plaines, though probably sometimes confounded with other streams about the head of the lake. The Calumet and Grand Calumet, allowing easy portage to the Des Plaines, were also used, while the St. Joseph, from which portage was had into the Kankakee. seems to have been a part of the route first used by La Salle. ABORIGINES AND EARLY MISSIONS. When the early French explorers arrived in the "Illinois Country" they found it occupied by a number of tribes of Indians, the most numerous being the "Illinois," which consisted of several families or bands that spread themselves over the country on both sides of the Illinois River, extending even west of the Mississippi : the Piankeshaws on the east, extending beyond the present western boundary of Indiana, and the Miamis in the northeast, with whom a weaker tribe called the Weas were allied. The Illinois confederation included the Kaskaskias, Peorias, Cahokias, Tamaroas and Mitchigamies the last being the tribe from which Lake Michigan took its name. (See Illinois Indians. ) There seems to have been a general drift of some of the stronger tribes toward the south and east about this time, as Allouez represents that he found the Miamis and their neighbors, the Mascout ins. about Green Bay when he arrived there in 1670. At the same time, there is evidence that the Pottawatomies were located along the southern shore of Lake Superior and about the Sault Ste. Marie (now known as "The Soo"), though within the next fifty years they had advanced southward along the western shore of Lake Michigan until they reached where Chicago now stands. Other tribes from the north were the Kickapoos, Sacs and Foxes, and Winnebagoes, while the Shawnees were a branch of a stronger tribe from the south- east Charlevoix. who wrote an account of his visit to the "Illinois Country" in 1721, says: "Fifty years ago the Miamis were settled on the southern extremity of Lake Michigan, in a place called Chicago from the name of a small river which runs into the lake, the source of which is not far distant from that of the River Illinois." It does not follow necessarily that this was the Chicago River of to-day, as the name appears to have been applied somewhat indefinitely, by the early explorers, both to a region of country between the bead of the lake and the Illinois River, and to more than one stream emptying into the lake in that vicinity. It has been con- jectured that the river meant by Charlevoix was the Calumet, as his description would apply as well to that as to the Chicago, and there is other evidence that the Miamis, who were found about the mouth of the St. Joseph River during the eighteenth century, occupied a portion of Southern Michigan and Northern Indiana, ex- tending as far east as the Scioto River in Ohio. From the first, the Illinois seem to have con- ceived a strong liking for the French, and being pressed by the Iroquois on the east, the Sacs and Foxes, Pottawatomies and Kickapoos on the north and the Sioux on the west, by the begin- ning of the eighteenth century we find them, much reduced in numbers, gathered about the French settlements near the mouth of the Kas- kaskia (or Okaw) River, in the western part of the present counties of Randolph, Monroe and St Clair In spite of the zealous efforts of the mis- sionaries, the contact of these tribes with the whites was attended with the usual results demoralization, degradation and gradual extermi- nation. The latter result was hastened by the frequent attacks to which they were exposed from their more warlike enemies, so that by the latter part of the eighteenth century, they were HUM 1)1 AKIIOUN _'!,), IN I*.V!. KKuM TIIK SOrTIIU I.ST. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ,'47 days of its greatest prosperity, was not less than 20,000. Tonty retained his headquarters at Fort St. Louis for eighteen years, during which he made extensive excursions throughout the West The proprietorship of the fort was granted to him in 1690, but, in 1702, it was ordered by the Governor of Canada to be discontinued on the plea that the charter had been violated. It con- tinued to be used as a trading post, however, as late as 1718, when it was raided by the Indians and burned. (See La Sallr; Tonty; Htnnepin, and Starved Rock.) Other explorers who were the contemporaries or early successors of Marquette, Joliet, La Salle, Tonty, Hennepin and their companions in the Northwest, and many of whom are known to have visited the "Illinois Country," and probably all of whom did so, wore Daniel Greysolon du I. hut (called by La Salle. du Luth), a cousin of Tonty, who was the first to reach the Mississippi directly from Lake Su|rior, and from whom the city of Duluth has been named ; Henry Joutel, a towns- man of La Salle, who was one of the survivors of the ill-fated Matagorda Bay colony; Pierre Le Sueur, the discoverer of the Minnesota River, and Baron la Hontan, who made a tour through Illinois in 168H-89. of which lie published an account in 1703. Chicago River early became a prominent point in the estimation of the French explorers and was a favorite line of travel in reaching the Illi- nois by way of the Ues Plaines, though probably sometimes confounded with other streams about the head of the lake The Calumet and Grand Calumet, allowing easy portage to the Des Plaines, were also used. while the St Joseph, from which portage was had into the Kankakee. serins tit have been a p:irt (if the route first u-eil by I.a Salle. AliouiciiXES AM> KAKLV MISSIONS When the early French explorers arrived in the "Illinois I'ountry" they foimil it occupied by a numlter of trilies of Indians, the must numerous lieingthe "Illinois," which consisted of several families or hands that spread themselves over the country on both sides of the Illinois Hiver. extending even west of the Mississippi, the Piankeshaws on the east, extending heyoud the present western txiundary of Indiana, and the Miamis in the northeast, with whom a weaker tribe called the \Veas were allied The Illinois confederation included the Kaskaskias. Peorias. Cahokias. Tamaroas and MitcbigMntM the last lieing the tribe from which Lake Michigan took its name iSee Illinois Iniliiinx ) There seems to have been a general drift of some of the stronger tribes toward the south and east about this time, as A Hone/, represents that he found the Miaiuis and their neighbors, the Mascoutins, about Green Bay when he arrived there in 1070 At the same time, there is evidence that the Pottawatomies were located along the southern shore >f l-ik.- Superior and about the Sault Ste. Marie (now known as "The Soo"), though within the next fifty years they had advanced southward along the western shore of Lake Michigan until they reached where Chicago now stands Other trilies from the north were the Kickapoos, Sacs and Foxes, and \Vinnebagoes. while the Sluiwnees were a branch of a stronger trilie from the south- east Charlevoix. who wrote an account of hi- visit to the "Illinois Country" in 1721. says: "Fifty years ago the Miami.- were settled on the southern extremity of I,ake Michigan, in a place called Chicago from the name of a small river which runs into the lake, the source of which if) not far distant from that of the River Illinois " It does not follow necessarily that this was the Chicago River of to-day, as the name appeals to have lieen applied somewhat indefinitely, by tlw> early explorers, both to a region of country between the head of the lake and the Illinois River, and to more than one stream emptying into the lake in that vicinity It has been con jectured that the river meant by Charlevoix was the Calumet, as his description would apply as well to that as to the Chicago, and there is other evidence that the Miainis. who were found almut the mouth of the St Joseph River during the eighteenth century, occupied a portion of Southern Michigan and Northern Indiana, ex- tending as far east as the Scioto River in Ohio From the first the Illinois seem to have con eived a strong liking for the French, and living pressed by the Iroquois on the east, the Sacs and Foxes. Pottawatomies and Kickajioos ou the north and the Sioux on the west, by the begin ning of the eighteenth century we find them, much reduced in numliers gathered about the French settlements near the mouth of the Kas kaskia 'orOkawl River, in the western part of the present counties of Randolph. Mouroe and St Clair In spite of the zealous efforts of the mis sionaries. th< ntact of these tribes with tin- whites was attended with the usual results demoralization, degradation and gradual extermi- nation The latter result was hastened by the frequent attacks to which they were ex|sed from their more warlike enemies, so that by the latter part of the eighteenth century they ere 248 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. reduced to a few hundred dissolute and depraved survivors of a once vigorous and warlike race. During the early part of the French occupation, there arose a chief named Chicagou (from whom the city of Chicago received its name) who ap- pears, like Red Jacket, Tecumseh and Logan, to have been a man of unusual intelligence and vigor of character, and to have exercised great influence with his people. In 1725 he was sent to Paris, where he received the attentions due to a foreign potentate, and, on his return, was given a command in an expedition against the Chicka- saws, who had been making incursions from the south. Such was the general distribution of the Indians in the northern and central portions of the State, within the first fifty years after the arrival of the French. At a later period the Kickapoos ad- vanced farther south and occupied a considerable share of the central portion of the State, and even extended to the mouth of the Wabash. The southern part was roamed over by bands from beyond the Ohio and the Mississippi, including the Cherokees and Chickasaws, and the Arkansas tribes, some of whom were very powerful and ranged over a vast extent of country. The earliest civilized dwellings in Illinois, after the forts erected for purposes of defense, were undoubtedly the posts of the fur-traders and the missionary stations. Fort Miami, the first mili- tary post, established by La Salle in the winter of 1679-80, was at the mouth of the St. Joseph River within the boundaries of what is now the State of Michigan. Fort Creve-Coeur, partially erected a few months later on the east side of the Illinois a few miles below where the city of Peoria now stands, was never occupied. Mr. Charles Ballance, the historian of Peoria, locates this fort at the present village of Wesley, in Tazewell County, nearly opposite Lower Peoria. Fort St. Louis, built by Tonty on the summit of "Starved Rock," in the fall and winter of 1682, was the second erected in the "Illinois Country," but the first occupied. It has been claimed that Marquette established a mission among the Kas- kaskias, opposite "The Rock," on occasion of his first visit, in September, 1673, and that he re- newed it in the spring of 1675, when he visited it for the last time. It is doubtful if this mission was more than a season of preaching to the natives, celebrating mass, administering baptism, etc. ; at least the story of an established mission has been denied. That this devoted and zealous propagandist regarded it as a mission, however, is evident from his own journal. He gave to it the name of the "Mission of the Immaculate Conception," and, although he was compelled by failing health to abandon it almost immediately, it is claimed that it was renewed in 1677 by Father Allouez, who had been active in founding missions in the Lake Superior region, and that it was maintained until the arrival of La Salle in 1680. The hostility of La Salle to the Jesuits led to Allouez' withdrawal, but he subsequently returned and was succeeded in 1688 by Father Gravier, whose labors extended from Mackinaw to Biloxi on the Gulf of Mexico. There is evidence that a mission had been established among the Miamis as early as 1698, under the name "Chicago," as it is mentioned by St. Cosme in the report of his visit in 1699-1700. This, for the reasons already given showing the indefinite use made of the name Chicago as applied to streams about the head of Lake Michi- gan, probably referred to some other locality in the vicinity, and not to the site of the present city of Chicago. Even at an earlier date there appears, from a statement in Tonty's Memoirs, to have been a fort at Chicago probably about the same locality as the mission. Speaking of his return from Canada to the "Illinois Country" in 1685, he says: "I embarked for the Illinois Oct. 30, 1685, but being stopped by the ice, I was obliged to leave my canoe and proceed by land. After going 120 leagues, I arrived at Fort Chicagou, where M. de la Durantaye com- manded." According to the best authorities it was during the year 1700 that a mission and permanent settle- ment was established by Father Jacques Pinet among the Tamaroas at a village called Cahokia (or "Sainte Famille de Caoquias"), a few miles south of the present site of the city of East St. Louis. This was the first permanent settlement by Europeans in Illinois, as that at Kaskaskia on the Illinois was broken up the same year. A few months after the establishment of the mission at Cahokia (which received the name of "St. Sulpice"), but during the same year, the Kaskaskias, having abandoned their village on the upper Illinois, were induced to settle near the mouth of the river which bears their name, and the mission and village the latter afterward becoming the first capital of the Territory and State of Illinois came into being. This identity of names has led to some confusion in determin- ing the date and place of the first permanent settlement in Illinois, the date of Marquette's first arrival at Kaskaskia on the Illinois being given by some authors as that of the settlement HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 249 at Kaskaskia on the Mississippi, twenty-seven years later. PERIOD OF FRENCH OCCUPATION. --As may be readily inferred from the methods of French colonization, the first permanent settlements gathered about the missions at Cahokia and Kas- kaskia, or rather were parts of them. At later periods, but during the French occupation of the country, other villages were established, the most important being St. Philip and Prairie du Rocher; all of these being located in the fertile valley now known as the "American Bottom," between the older towns of Cahokia and Kaskas- kia. There were several Indian villages in the vicinity of the French settlements, and this became, for a time, the most populous locality in the Mississippi Valley and the center of an active trade carried on with the settlements near the mouth of the Mississippi. Large quantities of the products of the country, such as flour, bacon, pork, tallow, lumber, lead, peltries, and even wine, were transported in keel-boats or batteaus to New Orleans; rice, manufactured tobacco, cotton goods and such other fabrics as the simple wants of the people required, being brought back in return. These boats went in convoys of seven to twelve in number for mutual protection, three months being required to make a trip, of which two were made annually one in the spring and the other in the autumn. The French possessions in North America went under the general name of ' 'New France, " but their boundaries were never clearly defined, though an attempt was made to do so through Commission- ers who met at Paris, in 1752. They were under- stood by the French to include the valley of the St. Lawrence, with Labrador and Nova Scotia, to the northern boundaries of the British colonies; the region of the Great Lakes ; and the Valley of the Mississippi from the headwaters of the Ohio westward to the Pacific Ocean and south to the Gulf of Mexico. While these claims were con- tested by England on the east and Spain on the southwest, they comprehended the very heart of the North American continent, a region unsur- passed in fertility and natural resources and now the home of more than half of the entire population of the American Republic. That the French should have reluctantly yielded up so magnificent a domain is natural. And yet they did this by the treaty of 1763, sur- rendering the region east of the Mississippi (except a comparatively small district near the mouth of that stream) to England, and the remainder to Spain an evidence of the straits to which they had been reduced by a long series of devastating wars. (See French and Indian Wars.) In 1712 Antoine Crozat, under royal letters- patent, obtained from Louis XIV. of France a monopoly of the commerce, with control of the country, "from the edge of the sea (Gulf of Mexico) as far as the Illinois." This grant hav- ing been surrendered a few years later, was re- newed in 1717 to the "Company of the West," of which the celebrated John Law was the head, and under it jurisdiction was exercised over the trade of Illinois. On September 27 of the same year (1717), the "Illinois Country," which had been a dependency of Canada, was incorporated with Louisiana and became part of that province. Law's company received enlarged powers under the name of the "East Indies Company," and although it went out of existence in 1721 with the opprobrious title of the "South Sea Bubble," leaving in its wake hundreds of ruined private fortunes in France and England, it did much to stimulate the population and development of the Mississippi Valley. During its existence (in 1718) New Orleans was founded and Fort Chartres erected, being named after the Due de Chartres. son of the Regent of France. Pierre Duque Bois briant was the first commandant of Illinois and superintended the erection of the fort. (See Fort Chartres.) One of the privileges granted to Law's com- pany was the importation of slaves; and under it, in 1721, Philip F. Renault brought to the country five hundred slaves, besides two hundred artisans, mechanics and laborers. Two years later he received a large grant of land, and founded the village of St. Philip, a few miles north of Fort Chartres. Thus Illinois became slave territory before a white settlement of any sort existed in what afterward became the slave State of Missouri. During 1721 the country under control of the East Indies Company was divided into nine civil and military districts, each presided over by a commandant and a judge, with a superior coun- cil at New Orleans. Of these, Illinois, the largest and, next to New Orleans, the most populous, was the seventh. It embraced over one-half the present State, with the country west of the Mis- ssisippi, between the Arkansas and the 43d degree of latitude, to the Rocky Mountains, and included the present States of Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and parts of Arkansas and Colorado. In 1732, the Indies Company surrendered its charter, and Louisiana, including the District of Illinois, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. was afterward* governed by officers appointed directly by the crown. (See French Governor*.) As early aa September, 1699, an attempt was made by an expedition fitted out by the English Government, under command of Captains Barr and Clements, to take possession of the country about the mouth of the Mississippi on the ground of prior discovery; but they found the French under Bienville already in possession at Bilozi, and they sailed away without making any further effort to carry the scheme into effect. Mean- while, in the early part of the next century, the English were successful in attaching to their interests the Iroquois, who were the deadly foes of the French, and held possession of Western New York and the region around the headwaters of the Ohio River, extending their incursions against the Indian allies of the French as far west as Illinois The real struggle for territory be- tween the English and French began with the formation of the Ohio Land Company in 1748-49, and the grant to it by the English Government of half a million acres of land along the Ohio River, with the exclusive right of trading with the Indian tribes in that region. Out of this grew the establishment, in the next two yean, of trading posts and forts on the Miami and Mau mew in Western Ohio, followed by the protracted French and Indian War, which was prosecuted with varied fortunes until the final defeat of the French at Quebec, on the thirteenth of Septem- ber, 1759, which broke their power on the Ameri- can continent. Among those who took part in this struggle, was a contingent from the French garrison of Fort Chartres. Neyon de Villiers, commandant of the fort, was one of these, being the only survivor of seven brothers who partici- pated in the defense of Canada. Still hopeful of saving Louisiana and Illinois, he departed with a few followers for New Orleans, but the treaty of Paris, Feb. 10, 1763, destroyed all hope, for by its terms Canada, and all other territory east of the Mississippi as far south as the northern boundary of Florida, was surrendered to Great Britain, while the remainder, including the vast territory between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains, was given up to Spain. Thus the "Illinois Country" fell into the hands of the British, although the actual transfer of Fort Chartres and the country dependent upon it did not take place until Oct. 10, 1765, when its veteran commandant, St. Ange who had come from Vincennes to assume command on the retirement of Villiers, and who held it faithfully for the conqueror surrendered it to Capt. Thomas Stirling as the representative of the Eng- lish Government. It is worthy of note that this was the last place on the North American con- tinent to lower the French flag. BRITISH OCCUPATION. The delay of the British in taking possession of the "Illinois Country," after the defeat of the -French at Quebec and the surrender of their possessions in America by the treaty of 1763, was due to its isolated position and the difficulty of reaching it with sufficient force to establish the British authority. The first attempt was made in the spring of 1764, when Maj. Arthur Loftus, starting from Pensa- cola, attempted to ascend the Mississippi with a force of four hundred regulars, but, being met by a superior Indian force, was compelled to retreat. In August of the same year, Capt. Thomas Morris was dispatched from Western Pennsylvania with a small force "to take posses- sion of the Illinois Country." This expedition got as far as Fort Miami on the Maumee, when its progress was arrested, and its commander nar- rowly escaped death. The next attempt was made in 1765, when Maj. George Croghan, a Dep- uty Superintendent of Indian affairs whose name has been made historical by the celebrated speech of the Indian Chief Logan, was detailed from Fort Pitt, to visit Illinois. Croghan being detained, Lieut. Alexander Frazer, who was to accompany him, proceeded alone. Frazer reached Kaskas- kia. but met with so rough a reception from both the French and Indiana that he thought it advisable to leave in disguise, and escaped by descending the Mississippi to New Orleans. Croghan started on his journey on the fifteenth of May, proceeding down the Ohio, accompanied by a party of friendly Indians, but having been captured near the mouth of the Wabash, he finally returned to Detroit without reaching his destination. The first British official to reach Fort Chartres was Capt. Thomas Stirling. De- scending the Ohio with a force of one hundred men, he reached Fort Chartres, Oct. 10, 1765, and received the surrender of the fort from the faith- ful and courteous St. Ange. It is estimated that at least one-third of the French citizens, includ- ing the more wealthy, left rather than become British subjects. Those about Fort Chartres left almost in a body. Some joined the French colonies on the lower Mississippi, while others, crossing the river, settled in St. Genevieve, then in Spanish territory. Much the larger number followed St. Ange to St. Louis, which had been established as a trading post by Pierre La Clede, during the previous year, and which now received HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 251 what, in these later days, would be called a great "boom." Captain Stirling was relieved of bis command at Fort Chartres, Dec. 4, by Maj. Robert Farmer. Other British Commandants at Fort Chartres were Col. Edward Cole, Col. John Reed, Colonel Wilkins, Capt. Hugh Lord and Francois de Ras- tel, Chevalier de Rocheblave. The last had been an officer in the French army, and, having resided at Kaskaskia. transferred his allegiance on occu- pation of the country by the British. He was the last official representative of the British Govern- ment in Illinois. The total population of the French villages in Illinois, at the time of their transfer to England, has been estimated at about 1,600, of which 700 were about Kaskaskia and 450 in the vicinity of Cahokia. Captain Pittman estimated the popu- lation of all the French villages in Illinois and on the Wabash, at the time of his visit in 1770, at about 2,000. Of St. Louis or "Paincourt," as it was called Captain Pittman said: "There are about forty private houses and as many families. " Host of these, if not all, had emigrated from the French villages. In fact, although nominally in Spanish territory, it was essentially a French town, protected, as Pittman said, by "a French garrison" consisting of "a Captain-Commandant, two Lieutenants, a Fort Major, one Sergeant, one Corporal and twenty men." ACTION OP CONTINENTAL CONGRESS. The first official notice taken of the "Illinois Country" by the Continental Congress, was the adoption by that body, July 13, 177S, of an act creating three Indian Departments a Northern, Middle and Southern. Illinois was assigned to the second, with Benjamin Franklin and James Wilson, of Pennsylvania, and Patrick Henry, of Virginia, as Commissioners. In April, 1776, Col. George Morgan, who had been a trader at Kaskaskia, was appointed agent and successor to these Commis- sioners, with headquarters at Fort Pitt. The promulgation of the Declaration of Independence, on the Fourth of July, 1776, and the events im- mediately preceding and following that event, directed attention to the colonies on the Atlantic coast; yet the frontiersmen of Virginia were watching an opportunity to deliver a blow to the Government of King George in a quarter where it was least expected, and where it was destined to have an immense influence upon the future of the new nation, as well as that of the American continent. COL. GEOROE ROGERS CLARK'S EXPEDITION. During the year 1777. Col. George Rogers Clark, a native of Virginia, then scarcely twenty-five years of age, having conceived a plan of seizing the settlements in the Mississippi Valley, sent trusty spies to learn the sentiments of the people and the condition of affairs at Kaskaskia The report brought to him gave him encouragement, and, in December of the same year, he laid before Gov. Patrick Henry, of Virginia, his plans for the reduction of the posts in Illinois. These were approved, and, on Jan. 2, 1778, Clark received authority to recruit seven companies of fifty men each for three months' service, and Governor Henry gave him $6,000 for expenses. Proceeding to Fort Pitt, he succeeded in recruiting three companies, who were directed to rendezvous at Corn Island, opposite the present city of Louis- ville. It has been claimed that, in order to deceive the British as to his real destination, Clark authorized the announcement that the object of the expedition was to protect the settle- ments in Kentucky from the Indians. At Corn Island another company was organized, making four in all, under the command of Captains Bow- man, Montgomery, Helm and Harrod, and having embarked on keel-boats, they passed the Falls of the Ohio, June 24. Reaching the island at the mouth of the Tennessee on the 28th, he was met by a party of eight American hunters, who had left Kaskaskia a few days before, and who, join- ing his command, rendered good service as guides. He disembarked his force at the mouth of a small creek one mile above Fort Massac, June 28, and, directing his course across the country, on the evening of the sixth day (July 4, 1778) arrived within three miles of ymV^Vi% The surprise of the unsuspecting citizens of Kas- kaskia and its small garrison was complete. His force having, under cover of darkness, been ferried across the Kaskaskia River, about a mile above the town, one detachment surrounded the town, while the other seized the fort, capturing Rocheblave and his little command without fir- ing a gun. The famous Indian fighter and hunter, Simon Kenton, led the way to the fort. This is supposed to have been what Captain Pitt- man called the "Jesuits' house," which had been sold by the French Government after the country was ceded to England, the Jesuit order having been suppressed. A wooden fort, erected in 1786, and known afterward by the British as Fort Gage, had stood on the bluff opposite the town, but, according to Pittman, this was burnt in 1766, and there is no evidence that it was ever rebuilt. Clark's expedition was thus far a complete suc- cess. Rocheblave, proving recalcitrant, was HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. placed in irons and sent as a prisoner of war to Williaiasburg, while his slaves were confiscated, the exceeds of their sale being divided among Clot's troops. The inhabitants were easily conciliated, and Cahokia having been captured without bloodshed, Clark turned his attention to Vincennes. Through the influence of Pierre Gibault the Vicar-General in charge at Kaskas- kia the people of Vincennes were induced to swear allegiance to the United States, and, although the place was afterward captured by a British force from Detroit, it was, on Feb. 24, 1779, recaptured by Colonel Clark, together with a body of prisoners but little smaller than the attacking force, and $50,000 worth of prop- erty. (See Clark, Col. George Rogers.) UNDER GOVERNMENT OF VIRGINIA. Seldom in the history of the world have such important results been achieved by such insignificant instru- mentalities and with so little sacrifice of life, as in this almost bloodless campaign of the youthful conqueror of Illinois. Having been won largely through Virginia enterprise and valor and by material aid furnished through Governor Henry, the Virginia House of Delegates, in October, 1778, proceeded to assert the jurisdiction of that commonwealth over the settlements of the North- west, by organizing all the country west and north of the Ohio River into a county to be called "Illinois," (see Illinois County), and empowering the Governor to appoint a ' 'County-Lieutenant or Commandant-in-Chief" to exercise civil author- ity during the pleasure of the appointing power. Thus "Illinois County" was older than the States of Ohio or Indiana, while Patrick Henry, the elo- quent orator of the Revolution, became ex-officio its first Governor. Col. John Todd, a citizen of Kentucky, was appointed "County -Lieutenant, " Dec. 12, 1778, entering upon his duties in Hay following. The militia was organized, Deputy-Commandants for Kaskaskiaand Cahokia appointed, and the first election of civil officers ever had in Illinois, was held under Colonel Todd's direction. His record-book, now in posses- sion of the Chicago Historical Society, shows that he was accustomed to exercise powers scarcely inferior to those of a State Executive. (See Todd, Col. John.) In 1782 one "Thimothe Demunbrunt" sub- scribed himself as "Lt. comd'g par interim, etc." but the origin of his authority is not clearly understood. He assumed to act as Commandant until the arrival of Gov. Arthur St. Clair, first Territorial Governor of the Northwest Territory, in 1790. After the close of the Revolution, courts ceased to be held and civil affairs fell into great disorder. "In effect, there was neither law nor order in the 'Illinois Country' for the seven years from 1783 to 1790." During the progress of the Revolution, there were the usual rumors and alarms in the "Illinois Country" peculiar to frontier life in time of war. The country, however, was singularly exempt from any serious calamity such as a general massacre. One reason for this was the friendly relations which had existed between the French and their Indian neighbors previous to the con- quest, and which the new masters, after the cap- ture of Kaskaskia, took pains to perpetuate. Several movements were projected by the British and their Indian allies about Detroit and in Can- ada, but they were kept so busy elsewhere that they had little time to put their plans into execu- tion. One of these was a proposed movement from Pensacola against the Spanish posts on the lower Mississippi, to punish Spain for having engaged in the war of 1779, but the promptness with which the Spanish Governor of New Orleans proceeded to capture Fort Manchac, Baton Rouge and Natchez from their British possessors, con- vinced the latter that this was a "game at which two could play." In ignorance of these results, an expedition, 750 strong, composed largely of Indians, fitted out at Mackinaw under command of Capt. Patrick St. Clair, started in the early part of May, 1780, to co-operate with the expedition on the lower Mississippi, but intending to deal a destructive blow to the Illinois villages and the Spanish towns of St. Louis and St. Genevieve on the way. This expedition reached St. Louis, May 26, but Col. George Rogers Clark, having arrived at Cahokia with a small force twenty-four hours earlier, prepared to co-operate with the Spaniards on the western shore of the Mississippi, and the invading force confined their depredations to kill- ing seven or eight villagers, and then beat a hasty retreat in the direction they had come. These were the last expeditions organized to regain the "Country of the Illinois" or capture Spanish posts on the Mississippi. EXPEDITIONS AOAINST FORT ST. JOSEPH. An expedition of a different sort is worthy of mention in this connection, as it originated in Illinois. This consisted of a company of seventeen men, led by one Thomas Brady, a citizen of Cahokia. who, marching across the country, in the month of October, 1780, after the retreat of Sinclair, from St. Louis, succeeded in surprising and cap- turing Fort St. Joseph about where La Salle had erected Fort Miami, near the mouth of the St HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 353 Joseph River, a hundred years before. Brady and his party captured a few British prisoners, and a large quantity of goods. On their return, while encamped on the Calumet, they were attacked by a band of Pottawatomies. and all were killed, wounded or taken prisoners except Brady and two others, who escaped. Early in January, 1781, a party consisting of sixty -five whites, organized from St. Louis and Cahokia, with some 200 Indians, and headed by Don Eugenio Pourre, a Spaniard, started on a second expedition against Fort St. Joseph. By silencing the Indians, whom they met on their way, with promises of plunder, they were able to reach the fort without discovery, captured it and, raising the Spanish flag, formally took possession in the name of the King of Spain. After retaining pos- session for a few days, the party returned to St. Louis, but in negotiating the treaty of peace at Paris, in 1783, this incident was made the basis of a claim put forth by Spain to ownership of the "Illinois Country" "by right of conquest." THE TERRITORIAL PERIOD. At the very outset of its existence, the new Government of the United States was confronted with an embarrass- ing question which deeply affected the interests of the territory of which Illinois formed a part. This was the claim of certain States to lands lying between their western boundaries and the Mississippi River, then the western boundary of the Republic. These claims were based either upon the terms of their original charters or upon the cession of lands by the Indians, and it was under a claim of the former character, as well as by right of conquest, that Virginia assumed to ex- ercise authority over the "Illinois Country" after its capture by the Clark expedition. This con- struction was opposed by the States which, from their geographical position or other cause, had no claim to lands beyond their own boundaries, and the controversy was waged with considerable bitterness for several years, proving a formidable obstacle to the ratification of the Articles of Con- federation. As early as 1779 the subject received the attention of Congress in the adoption of a resolution requesting the States having such claims to "forbear settling or issuing warrants for unappropriated lands or granting the same during the continuance of the present (Revolu- tionary) W/r. " In the following year. New York authorized her Delegates in Congress to limit its boundaries in such manner as they might think expedient, and to cede to the Government its claini to western lands. The case was further com - plicated by the claims of certain land companies which had been previously organized. New York filed her cession to the General Government of lands claimed by her in October, 1783, followed by Virginia nearly a year later, and by Massa- chusetts and Connecticut in 1785 and 1786. Other States followed somewhat tardily, Georgia being the last, in 1802. The only claims of this charac- ter affecting lands in Illinois were those of Vir- ginia covering the southern part of the State, and Connecticut and Massachusetts applying to the northern portion. It was from the splendid domain north and west of the Ohio thus acquired from Virginia and other States, that the North- west Territory was finally organized. ORDINANCE OF 1787. The first step was taken in the passage by Congress, in 1784, of a resolution providing for the temporary government of the Western Territory, and this was followed three years later by the enactment of the celebrated Ordinance of 1787. While this latter document contained numerous provisions which marked a new departure in the science of free government as, for instance, that declaring that "religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged" its crowning feature was the sixth article, as follows: "There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said Territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted." Although there has been considerable contro- versy as to the authorship of the above and other provisions of this immortal document, it is worthy of note that substantially the same lan- guage was introduced in the resolutions of 1784. by a Delegate from a slave State Thomas Jeffer- son, of Virginia though not. at that time, adopted. Jefferson was not a member of the Congress of 1787 (being then Minister to France), and could have had nothing directly to do with the later Ordinance; yet it is evident that the principle which he had advocated finally received the approval of eight out of the thirteen States, all that were represented in that Congress includ- ing the slave States of Virginia, Delaware, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. (See Ordinance of 1787.) NORTHWEST TERRITORY ORGANIZED. Under the Ordinance of 1787, organizing the Northwest Territory, Gen. Arthur St. Clair, who had been a soldier of the Revolution, was appointed the first Governor on Feb. 1, 1788, with Winthrop Sargent, Secretary, and Samuel Holden Parsons. 254 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. James Mitchell Varnum and John Cteves Sy mines. Judges. All these were reappointed by President Washington in 1789. The new Terri- torial Government was organized at Marietta, a settlement on the Ohio, July 15, 1788, but it was nearly two years later before Governor St. Clair visited Illinois, arriving at Kaskaskia, March 5, 1790. The County of St. Clair (named after him) was organized at this time, embracing all the settlements between the Wabash and the Missis- sippi. (See St. Clair County.) He found the inhabitants generally in a deplorable condition, neglected by the Government, the courts of jus- tice practically abolished and many of the citizens sadly in need of the obligations due them from the Government for supplies furnished to Colonel Clark twelve years before. After a stay of three months, the Governor returned east. In 1795, Judge Turner held the flrst court in St. Clair County, at Cahokia, as the county-seat, although both Cahokia and Kaskaskia had been named as county-seats by Governor St. Clair. Out of the disposition of the local authorities to retain the official records at Cahokia, and consequent dis- agreement over the county-seat question, at least in part, grew the order of 1795 organizing the second county (Randolph), and Kaskaskia became its county-seat. In 1796 Governor St. Clair paid a second visit to Illinois, accompanied by Judge Symmes, who held court at both county-seats. On Nov. 4, 1791, occurred the defeat of Gov- ernor St. Clair, in the western part of the present State of Ohio, by a force of Indians under com- mand of Little Turtle, in which the whites sus- tained a heavy loss of both men and property an event which had an unfavorable effect upon conditions throughout the Northwest Territory generally. St. Clair, having resigned his com- mand of the army, was succeeded by Gen. Anthony Wayne, who, in a vigorous campaign, overwhelmed the Indians with defeat. This resulted in the treaty with the Western tribes at Greenville, August 3. 1795, which was the begin- ning of a period of comparative peace with the Indians all over the Western Country. (See Wayne, (Gen.) Anthony.) FIRST TERRITORIAL LEGISLATION. In 1798, the Territory having gained the requisite population, an election of members of a Legislative Council and House of Representatives was held in accord- ance with the provisions of the Ordinance of 1787. This was the first Territorial Legislature organized in the history of the Republic. It met at Cincin- nati, Feb. 4, 1799, Shadrach Bond being the Delegate from St. Clair County and John Edgar from Randolph. Gen. William Henry Harrison, who had succeeded Sargent as Secretary of the Territory, June 26, 1798, was elected Delegate to Congress, receiving a majority of one vote over Arthur St. Clair, Jr., son of the Governor. OHIO AND INDIANA TERRITORIES. By act of Congress, May 7, 1800, the Northwest Territory was divided into Ohio and Indiana Territories . the latter embracing the region west of the pres- ent State of Ohio, and having its capital at "Saint Vincent" (Vincennes). May 18, William Henry Harrison, who had been the first Delegate in Con- gress from the Northwest Territory, was ap- pointed Governor of Indiana Territory, which at first consisted of three counties : Knoz, St. Clair and Randolph the two latter being within the boundaries of the present State of Illinois. Their aggregate population at this time was estimated at less than 5,000. During his administration Governor Harrison concluded thirteen treaties with the Indians, of which six related to the ces sion of lands in Illinois. The first treaty relating to lands in Illinois was that of Greenville, con- cluded by General Wayne in 1795. By this the Government acquired six miles square at the mouth of the Chicago River ; twelve miles square at the mouth of the Illinois , six miles square at the old Peoria fort ; the post of Fort Massac ; and 150,000 acres assigned to General Clark and his soldiers, besides all other lands "in possession of the French people and all other white settlers among them, the Indian title to which had been thus extinguished." (See Indian Treaties; also. OreenviOe, Treaty of. ) During the year 1803, the treaty with France for the purchase of Louisiana and West Florida was concluded, and on March 26, 1804, an act was passed by Congress attaching all that portion of Louisiana lying north of the thirty-third parallel of latitude and west of the Mississippi to Indiana Territory for governmental purposes. This in- cluded the present States of Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, the two Dakotas and parts of Colorado, Wyoming and Mon- tana. This arrangement continued only until the following March, when Louisiana was placed under a separate Territorial organization. For four years Indiana Territory was governed under laws framed by the Governor and Judges, but, the population having increased to the re- quired number, an election was held, Sept. 11, 1804, on the proposition to advance the gov- ernment to the "second grade" by the election of a Territorial Legislature. The smallness of the vote indicated the indifference of the people on HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ,'55 the subject Out of 400 votes cast, the proposition received a majority of 138. The two Illinois counties cast a total of 142 votes, of which St. Clair furnished 81 and Randolph 61. The former gave a majority of 37 against the measure and the latter 19 in its favor, showing a net negative majority of 18. The adoption of the proposition was due, therefore, to the affirmative vote in the other counties. There were in the Territory at this time six counties ; one of these (Wayne) was in Michigan, which was set off, in 1805, as a sep- arate Territory. At the election of Delegates to a Territorial Legislature, held Jan. 3, 1805, Shad- rach Bond, ST., and William Biggs were elected for St. Clair County and George Fisher for Ran- dolph. Bond having meanwhile become a mem- ber of the Legislative Council, Shadrach Bond, Jr., was chosen his successor. The Legislature convened at Vincennes, Feb. 7, 1805, but only to recommend a list of persons from whom it was the duty of Congress to select a Legislative Council. In addition to Bond, Pierre Menard was chosen for Randolph and John Hay for St. Clair. ILLINOIS TERRITORY ORGANIZED. The Illinois counties were represented in two regular and one special session of the Territorial Legislature dur- ing the time they were a part of Indiana Terri- tory. By act of Congress, which became a law Feb. 3, 1809, the Territory was divided, the west- ern part being named Illinois. At this point the history of Illinois, as a sepa- rate political division, begins. While its bounda- ries in all other directions were aa now, on the north it extended to the Canada line. From what has already been said, it appears that the earliest white settlements were established by French Canadians, chiefly at Kaskaskia, Cahokia and the other villages in the southern part of the American Bottom. At the time of Clark's in- vasion, there were not known to have been more than two Americans among these people, except such hunters and trappers as paid them occasional visits. One of the earliest American settlers in Southern Illinois was Capt. Nathan Hull, who came from Massachusetts and settled at an early day on the Ohio, near where Golconda now stands, afterward removing to the vicinity of Kaskaskia, where he died in 1806. In 1781, a company of immigrants, consisting (with one or two exceptions) of members of Clark's command in 1778, arrived with their families from Mary- land and Virginia and established themselves on the American Bottom. The "New Design" set- tlement, on the boundary line between St. Clair and Monroe Counties, ami the lirst distinctively American colony in the "Illinois Country," was established by this party. Some of its members afterward became prominent in the history of the Territory and the State. William Biggs, a mem- ber of the first Territorial Legislature, with others, settled in or near Kaskaskia about 1783, and William Arundel, the first American mer- chant at Cahokia, came there from Peoria during the same year. Gen. John Edgar, for many years a leading citizen and merchant at the capital, arrived at Kaskaskia in 1784, and William Mor- rison, Kaskaskia's principal merchant, came from Philadelphia as early as 1 790, followed some years afterward by several brothers. James Lemen came before the beginning of the present cen- tury, and was the founder of a large and influ- ential family in the vicinity of Shiloh, St. Clair County, and Rev. David Badgley headed a colony of 154 from Virginia, who arrived in 1797. Among other prominent arrivals of this period were John Rice Jones, Pierre Meuard (first Lieutenant-Governor of the State), Shadrach Bond, Jr. (first Governor), John Hay, John Messinger, William Kinney, Capt. Joseph Ogle; and of a later date, Nathaniel Pope (afterward Secretary of the Territory, Delegate to Congress. Justice of the United States Court and father of the late Maj.-Gen. John Pope), Elias Kent Kane (first Secretary of State and afterward United States Senator), Daniel P. Cook (first Attorney- General and second Representative in Congress). George Forquer (at onetime Secretary of State). and Dr. George Fisher all prominent in Terri- torial or State history. (See biographical sketches of these early settlers under their re- spective names.) The government of the new Territory was organized by the appointment of Ninian Ed- wards, Governor; Nathaniel Pope, Secretary, and Alexander Stuart, Obadiah Jones and Jesse B. Thomas, Territorial Judges. (See Edwarde, Ninian.) Stuart having been transferred to Missouri, Stanley Griswold was appointed in his stead. Governor Edwards arrived at Kas- kaskia, the capital, in June, 1809. At that time the two counties of St. Clair and Randolph comprised the settled portion of the Territory, with a white population estimated at about 9,000 The Governor and Judges immediately proceeded to formulate a code of laws, and the appoint- ments made by Secretary Pope, who had preceded the Governor in his arrival in the Territory, were confirmed. Benjamin H. Doyle was the first Attorney-General, but he resigned in a few 256 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. months, when the place was offered to John J. Crittenden the well-known United States Sen- ator from Kentucky at the beginning of the Civil War but by him declined. Thomas T. Crittenden was then appointed. An incident of the year 1811 was the battle of Tippecanoe, resulting in the defeat of Tecumseh, the great chief of the Shawnees, by Gen. William Henry Harrison. Four companies of mounted rangers were raised in Illinois this year under direction of Col. William Russell, of Kentucky, who built Camp Russell near Edwardsville the following year. They were commanded by Cap- tains Samuel Whiteside, William B. Whiteside, James B. Moore and Jacob Short. The memo- rable earthquake which had its center about New Madrid, Mo., occurred in December of this year, and was quite violent in some portions of Southern Illinois. (See Earthquake of IS 11.) WAR OP 1812. During the following year the second war with England began, but no serious outbreak occurred in Illinois until August, 1812, when the massacre at Fort Dearborn, where Chicago now stands, took place. This had long been a favorite trading post of the Indians, at first under French occupation and afterward under the Americans. Sometime during 1803-04, a fort had been built near the mouth of Chicago River on the south side, on land acquired from the Indians by the treaty of Greenville in 1795. (See Fort Dearborn.) In the spring of 1812 some alarm had been caused by outrages committed by Indians in the vicinity, and in the early part of August, Capt. Nathan Heald, commanding the garrison of less than seventy -five men, received instructions from General Hull, in command at Detroit, to evacuate the fort, disposing of the public property as he might see fit. Friendjy Indians advised Heald either to make prepara- tions for a vigorous defense, or evacuate at once. Instead of this, he notified the Indians of his in- tention to retire and divide the stores among them, with the conditions subsequently agreed upon in council, that his garrison should be afforded an escort and safe passage to Fort Wayne. On the 14th of August he proceeded to distribute the bulk of the goods as promised, but the ammunition, guns and liquors were de- stroyed. This he justified on the ground that a bad use would be made of them, while the Indians construed it as a violation of the agree- ment. The tragedy which followed, is thus de- scribed in Moses' "History of Illinois:" "Black Partridge, a Pottawatomie Chief, who had been on terms of friendship with the whites, appeared before Captain Heald and informed him plainly that his young men intended to imbrue their hands in the blood of the whites; that he was no longer able to restrain them, and, surrendering a medal he had worn in token of amity, closed by saying: 'I will not wear a token of peace while I am compelled to act as an enemy. ' In the meantime the Indians were riot- ing upon the provisions, and becoming so aggres- sive in their bearing that it was resolved to march out the next day. The fatal fifteenth arrived. To each soldier was distributed twenty-five rounds of reserved ammunition. The baggage and ambulance wagons were laden, and the gar- rison slowly wended its way outside the protect- ing walls of the fort the Indian escort of 500 following in the rear. What next occurred in this disastrous movement is narrated by Captain Heald in his report, as follows: 'The situation of the country rendered it necessary for us to take the beach, with the lake on our left, and a high sand bank on our right at about three hundred yards distance. We had proceeded about a mile and a half, when it was discovered (by Captain Wells) that the Indians were prepared to attack us from behind the bank. I immediately marched up with the company to the top of the bank, when the action commenced: after firing one round, we charged, and the Indians gave way in front and joined those on our flanks. In about fif- teen minutes they got possession of all pur horses, provisions and baggage of every description, and finding the Miamis (who had come from Fort Wayne with Captain Wells to act as an escort) did not assist us, I drew off the few men I had left and took possession of a small elevation in the open prairie out of shot of the bank, or any other cover. The Indians did not follow me but assembled in a body on top of the bank, and after some consultation among ttiemselves, made signs for me to approach them. I advanced toward them alone, and was met by one of the Potta- watomie chiefs called Black Bird, with an inter- preter. After shaking hands, he requested me to surrender, promising to spare the lives of all the prisoners. On a few moments' consideration I concluded it would be most prudent to comply with this request, although I did not put entire confidence in his promise. The troops had made a brave defense, but what could so small a force do against such overwhelming numbers? It was evident with over half their number dead upon the field, or wounded, further resistance would be. hopeless. Twenty-six regulars and twelve militia, with two women and twelve children, were killed. Among the slain were Captain Wells, Dr. Van Voorhis and Ensign George Ronan. (Captain Wells, when young, had been captured by Indians and had married among them.) He (Wells) was familiar with all the wiles, stratagems, as well as the vindictiveness of the Indian character, and when the conflict began, he said to his niece (Mrs. Heald), by whose side he was standing, 'We have not the slightest chance for life ; we must part to meet no more in this world. God bless you.' With these words he dashed forward into the thickest of the fight. He refused to be taken prisoner, knowing what his fate would be, when a young HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 257 red-skin cut him down with his tomahawk, jumped upon his body, cut out his heart and ate a portion of it with saVage delight. "The prisoners taken were Captain Heald and wife, both wounded, Lieutenant Helm, also wounded, and wife, with twenty-fire non-com- missioned officers and privates, and eleven women and children. The loss of the Indians was fifteen killed, Mr. Kinzie's family had been entrusted to the care of some friendly Indians and were not with the retiring garrison. The Indians engaged in this outrage were principally Pottawatomies, with a few Chippewas. Ottawas, Winnebagoes, and Kickapoos. Fort Dearborn was plundered and burned on the next morning." (See Fort Dearborn; also War of IS 12.) Thus ended the most bloody tragedy that ever occurred on the soil of Illinois with Americans as victims. The place where this affair occurred, as described by Captain Heald, was on the lake shore about the foot of Eighteenth Street in the present city of Chicago. After the destruction of the fort, the site of the present city of Chicago remained unoccupied until 1816. when the fort was rebuilt. At that time the bones of the vic- tims of the massacre of 1812 still lay bleaching upon the sands near the lake shore, but they were gathered up a few years later and buried. The new fort continued to be occupied somewhat irregularly until 1837, when it was finally aban- doned, there being no longer any reason for maintaining it as a defense against the Indians. OTHER EVENTS OP THE WAR. The part played by Illinois in the War of 1812, consisted chiefly in looking after the large Indian population within and near its borders. Two expeditions were undertaken to Peoria Lake in the Fall of 1812; the first of these, under the direction of Governor Edwards, burned two Kickapoo vil- lages, one of them being that of "Black Part- ridge," who had befriended the whites at Fort Dearborn. A few weeks later Capt. Thomas E. Craig, at the head of a company of militia, made a descent upon the ancient French village of Peoria, mi the pretext that the inhabitants had har- txired hostile Indians and fired on his boats. He burned a part of the town and, taking the people as prisoners down the river, put them ashore below Alton, in the beginning of winter. Both these affairs were severely censured. There were expeditions against the Indians on the Illinois and Upper Mississippi in 1813 and 1814. In the latter year, Illinois troops took part with credit in two engagements at Rock Island the last of these being in co-operation with regu- lars, under command of Maj. Zachary Taylor, afterwards President, against a force of Indians supported by the British. Fort Clark at Peoria was erected in 1813. and Fort Edwards at War- saw, opposite the mouth of the Des Moines, at the close of the campaign of 1814. A council with the Indians, conducted by Governors ^Ed wards of Illinois and Clarke of Missouri, and /Auguste Chouteau, a merchant of St. Louis, as Government Commissioners, on the Mississippi just below Alton, in July, 1815, concluded a treaty of peace with the principal Northwestern tribes, thus ending the war. FIBST TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE. By act of Congress, adopted May 21, 1812, the Territory of Illinois was raised to the second grade i. e., em- powered to elect a Territorial Legislature. In September, three additional counties Madison, Gallatin and Johnson were organized, making five in all, and, in October, an election for the choice of five members of the Council and seven Representatives was held, resulting as follows: Councilmen Pierre Menard of Randolph County ; William Biggs of St. Clair; Samuel Judy of Madison; Thomas Ferguson of Johnson, and Benjamin Talbot of Gallatin. Representatives George Fisher of Randolph ; Joshua Oglesby and Jacob Short of St. Clair; William Jones of Madi- son; Philip Trammel and Alexander Wilson of Gallatin, and John Grammar of Johnson. The Legislature met at Kaskaskia, Nov. 25, the Coun- cil organizing with Pierre Menard as President and John Thomas, Secretary; and the House, with George Fisher as Speaker and William C. Greenup, Clerk. Shadrach Bond was elected the first Delegate to Congress. A second Legislature was elected in 1814, con- vening at Kaskaskia, Nov. 14. Menard was con- tinued President of the Council during the whole Territorial period; while George Fisher was Speaker of each House, except the Second. The county of Edwards was organized in 1814, and White in 1815. Other* counties organized under the Territorial Government were Jackson, Mon- roe, Crawford and Pope in 1816; Bond in 1817, and Franklin, Union and Washington in 1818, making fifteen in all. Of these all but the three last-named were organized previous to the passage by Congress of the enabling act author- izing the Territory of Illinois to organize a State government. In 1816 the Bank of Illinois was established at Shawneetown, with branches at Edwardsville and Kaskaskia. EARLY TOWNS. Besides the French villages in the American Bottom, there is said to have been a French and Indian village on the west bank of Peoria Lake, as early as 1711. This site appears to have been abandoned about 1775 and a new HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. village established on the present site of Peoria soon after, which was maintained until 1812, when it was broken up by Captain Craig. Other early towns were Shawneetown, laid out in 1808 ; Belleville, established as the county-seat of St. Clair County, in 1814; Edwardsville, founded in 1815; Upper Alton, in 1816, and Alton, in 1818. Ciirnii, Fairfield, Waterloo, Golconda, Lawrence- ville, Mount Carmel and Vienna also belonged to this period; while Jacksonville, Springfield and Galena were settled a few years later. Chicago is mentioned in "Beck's Gazetteer" of 1823, as "a village of Pike County." ADMISSION AS A STATE. The preliminary steps for the admission of Illinois as a State, were taken in the passage of an Enabling Act by Congress, April 13, 1818. An important incident in this connection was the amendment of the act, mak- ing the parallel of 42 30' from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River the northern boundary, instead of a line extending from the southern extremity of the Lake. This was obtained through the influence of Hon. Nathaniel Pope, then Delegate from Illinois, and by it the State secured a strip of country fifty-one miles in width, from the Lake to the Mississippi, embrac- ing what have since become fourteen of the most populous counties of the State, including the city of Chicago. The political, material and moral results which hare followed this important act, have been the subject of much interesting dis- cussion and cannot be easily over-estimated. (See Northern Boundary Question; also Pope, Nathaniel. ) Another measure of great importance, which Mr. Pope secured, was a modification of the provision of the Enabling Act requiring the appropriation of five per cent of the proceeds from the sale of pub- lic lands within the State, to the construction of roads and canals. The amendment which he secured authorizes the application of two-fifths of this fund to the making of roads leading to the State, but requires "the residue to be appropri- ated by the Legislature of the State for the encouragement of learning, of which one-sixth part shall be exclusively bestowed on a college or university." This was the beginning of that system of liberal encouragement of education by the General Government, which has been at- tended with such beneficent results in the younger States, and has reflected so much honor upon the Nation. (See Education; Railroads, and Illinois the United States Senate, though he served only alwut two years, dying in 1JO. (See State Bank. ) INTRODUCTION OF THE SLAVERY QUESTION. The second State election, which occurred in August, 1822, proved the beginning of a turbu- lent period through the introduction of some exciting questions into State politics. There were four candidates for gubernatorial honors in the field': Chief-Justice Phillips, of the Supreme Court, supported by the friends of Governor Bond; Associate-Justice Browne, of the same court, supported by the friends of Governor Edwards; Gen. James B. Moore, a noted Indian fighter and the candidate of the "Old Rangers." and Edward Coles. The latter was a native of Virginia, who had served as private secretary of President Monroe, and liad been employed as a special messenger to Russia. He had made two visits to Illinois, the first in 1815 and the second in 1818. The Convention to form a State Constitu- tion being in session at the date of the latter visit, he took a deep interest in the discussion of the slavery question and exerted his influence in securing the adoption of the prohibitory article in the organic law. On April 1, 1819, he started from his home in Virginia to remove to Edwards- ville, III., taking with him his ten slaves. The journey from Brownsville. Pa., was made in two flat-boats to a point below Louisville, where he disembarked, traveling by land to Edwards- ville. While descending the Ohio River he sur- prised his slaves by announcing that they were free. The scene, as described by himself, was most dramatic. Having declined to avail them- selves of the privilege of leaving him. he took them with him to his destination, where he eventually gave each head of a family 160 acres of land. Arrived at Edwardsville, he assumed the position of Register of the Land Office, to which he had been appointed by President Mon- roe, before leaving Virginia The act of Coles with reference to his slaves established his reputation as an opponent of slavery, and it was in this attitude that he stood as a candidate for Governor both Phillips and Browne being friendly to "the institution,'' which had had a virtual existence in the "Illinois Country" from the time Renault brought 500 260 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. .slaves to the vicinity of Kaskaskia, one hun- dred years before. Although the Constitution declared that "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall hereafter be introduced into the State," this had not been effectual in eliminating it. In fact, while this language was construed, so long as it remained in the Constitution, as prohibiting legislation authorizing the admission of slaves from without, it was not regarded as inimical to the institution as it already existed ; and, as the population came largely from the slave States, there had been a rapidly growing sentiment in favor of removing the inhibitory clause. Although the pro-slavery party was divided between two candidates for Governor, it had hardly contemplated the possibility of defeat, and it was consequently a surprise when the returns showed that Coles was elected, receiv- ing 2,854 votes to 2,687 for Phillips, 2,443 for Browne and 622 for Moore Coles' plurality being 167 in a total of 8,606. Coles thus became Oovernor on less than one-third of the popular vote. Daniel P. Cook, who had made the race for Congress at the same election against McLean, as an avowed opponent of slavery, was successful by a majority of 878. (See Coles, Edward; also Coofc, Daniel Pope. ) The real struggle was now to occur in the Legis- lature, which met Dec. 2, 1882. The House organized with William M. Alexander as Speaker, while the Senate elected Thomas Lippincott (afterwards a prominent Presbyterian minister and the father of the late Gen. Charles E. Lippin- cott), Secretary, and Henry S. Dodge, Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk. The other State officers appointed by the Governor, or elected by the Legislature, were Samuel D. Lookwood, Secretary of State; Elijah C. Berry, Auditor; Abner Field, Treasurer, and James Turney, Attorney -General. Lock wood had served nearly two years previously as Attorney-General, but remained in the office of Secretary of State only three months, when he resigned to accept the position of Receiver for the Land Office. (See Lockwood, Samuel Drake. ) The slavery question came up in the Legisla- ture on the reference to a special committee of a portion of the Governor's message, calling atten- tion to the continued existence of slavery in spite of the ordinance of 1787, and recommending that steps be taken for its extinction. Majority and minority reports were submitted, the former claiming the right of the State to amend its Con- stitution and thereby make such disposition of the slaves as it saw proper. Out of this grew a resolution submitting to the electors at the next election a proposition for a convention to revise the Constitution. This passed the Senate by the necessary two-thirds vote, and, having come up in the House (Feb. 11, 1823), it failed by a single vote Nicholas Hansen, a Representative from Pike County, whose seat had been unsuccessfully contested by John Shaw at the beginning of the session, being one of those voting in the negative. The next day, without further investigation, the majority proceeded to reconsider its action in seating Hansen two and a half months previ- ously, and Shaw was seated in his place; though, in order to do this, some crooked work was nec- essary to evade the rules. Shaw being seated, the submission resolution was then passed. No more exciting campaign was ever had in Illinois. Of five papers then published in the State, "The Edwardsville Spectator," edited by Hooper Warren, opposed the measure, being finally rein- forced by "The Illinois Intelligencer," which had been removed to Vandalia; "The Illinois Gaz- ette," at Shawneetown, published articles on both sides of the question, though rather favoring the anti-slavery cause, while "The Republican Advocate," at Kaskaskia, the organ of Senator Elias Kent Kane, and "The Republican," at Edwardsville, under direction of Judge Theophi- 1ns W. Smith, Emanuel J. West and Judge Samuel McRoberts (afterwards United States Senator), favored the Convention. The latter paper was established for the especial purpose of supporting the Convention scheme and was promptly discontinued on the defeat of the meas- ure. (See Newspapers, Early.) Among other supporters of the Convention proposition were Senator Jesse B. Thomas, John McLean, Richard M. Young, Judges Phillips, Browne and Reynolds, of the Supreme Court, and many more; while among the leading champions of the opposition, were Judge Lockwood, George Forquer (after- ward Secretary of State), Morris Birkbeck, George Churchill, Thomas Mather and Rev. Thomas Lip- pincott. Daniel P. Cook, then Representative in Congress, was the leading champion of freedom on the stump, while Governor Coles contributed the salary of his entire term ($4,000), as well as his influence, to the support of the cause. Gov- ernor Edwards (then in the Senate) was the owner of slaves and occupied a non-committal position. The election was held August 2, 1834, resulting in 4,972 votes for a Convention, to 6,640 against it, defeating the proposition by a majority of 1,668. Considering the size of the aggregate vote (11,612), the result was a decisive one. By it Illinois escaped the greatest danger it ever en- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 261 countered previous to the War of the Rebellion. (See Slavery and Slave Laws.) At the same election Cook was re-elected to Congress by 3,016 majority over Shadrach Bond. The vote for President was divided between John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay and William H. Crawford Adams receiving a plurality, but much below a majority. The Elect- oral College failing to elect a President, the decision of the question passed into the hands of the Congressional House of Representatives, when Adams was elected, receiving the vote of Illinois through its only Representative, Mr. Cook. During the remainder of his term, Governor Coles was made the victim of much vexatious litigation at the hands of his enemies, a verdict being rendered against him in the sum of $2,000 for bringing his emancipated negroes into the State, in violation of the law of 1819. The Legis lature having passed an act releasing him from the penalty, it was declared unconstitutional by a malicious Circuit Judge, though his decision was promptly reversed by the Supreme Court. Having lived a few years on his farm near Edwardsville, in 1832 he removed to Philadelphia, where he spent the remainder of his days, his death occurring there, July 7, 1868. In the face of opprobrium and defamation, and sometimes in danger of mob violence, Governor Coles per- formed a service to the State which has scarcely yet been fully recognized. (See Coles, Edward. ) A ridiculous incident of the closing year of Coles' administration was the attempt of Lieut Gov. Frederick Adolphus Hubbard, after having tasted the sweets of executive power during the Governor's temporary absence from the State, to usurp the position after the Governor's return. The ambitious aspirations of the would-be usurper were suppressed by the Supreme Court. An interesting event of the year 1825, was the visit of General La Fayette to Kaskaskia. He was welcomed in an address by Governor Coles, and the event was made the occasion of much festivity by the French citizens of the ancient capital (See La Fayette, Visit of.) The first State House at Vandalia having been destroyed by fire, Dec. 9, 1823, a new one was erected during the following year at a cost of $12,381.50, toward which the people of Vandalia contributed $5,000. EDWARDS' ADMINISTRATION. The State elec- tion of 1826 resulted in again calling Ninian Edwards to the gubernatorial chair, which he had filled during nearly the whole of the exist nee of Illinois as a Territory. Elected one of the first United States Senators, and re-elected for a second term in 1819, he had resigned this office in 1824 to accept the position of Minister to Mexico, by appointment of President Monroe. Having become involved in a controversy with William H. Crawford, Secretary of the Treasury, he resigned the Mexican mission, and, after a period of retirement to private life for the first time after he came to Illinois, he appealed to the people of the State for endorsement, with the result stated. His administration was unevent- ful except for the "Winnebago War," which caused considerable commotion on the frontier, without resulting in much bloodshed. Governor Edwards was a fine specimen of the "old school gentleman" of that period dignified and polished in his manners, courtly and precise in his address, proud and ambitious, with a tendency to the despotic in his bearing in consequence of having been reared in a slave State and his long connec- tion with the executive office. His early educa- tion had been under the direction of the celebrated William Wirt, between whom and himself a close friendship existed. He was wealthy for the time, being an extensive land owner as well as slave-holder and the proprietor of stores and mills, which were managed by agents, but he lost heavily by bad debts. He was for many years a close friend of Hooper Warren, the pioneer printer, furnishing the material with which the latter published his papers at Spring field and Galena. At the expiration of his term of office near the close of 1830, he retired to his home at Belleville, where, after making an un- successful campaign for Congress in 1832, in which he was defeated by Charles Slade, he died of cholera. July 20, 1833. (See Kdwarrt*. Ninian. ) William Kinney, of Belleville, who was a can- didate for Lieutenant-Govemor on the ticket opposed to Edwards, was elected over Samuel M Thompson. In 1830, Kinney became a candidate for Governor but was defeated by John Reynolds, known as the "Old Ranger." One of the argu- ments used against Kinney in this campaign was that, in the Legislature of 1823, he was one of three members who voted against the Illinois & Michigan Canal, on the ground that "it (the canal) would make an opening for the Yankees to come to the country." During Edwards' administration the first steps were taken towards the erection of a State peni- tentiary at Alton, funds therefor being secured by the sale of a portion of the saline lands in Gal- latin County. (See Alton Penitentiary.) The first 262 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Commissioners having charge of its construction were Shadrach Bond, William P. McKee and Dr. Uershom Jayne the last-named the father of Dr. William Jayne of Springfield, and father-in- law of the late Senator I .y man Trumbull. GOVERNOR REYNOLDS BLACK HAWK WAR. The election of 1830 resulted in the choice of John Reynolds for Governor over William Kinney, by a majority of 3,899, in a total vote of 49,051, while /.aili ii- Casey, the candidate on the Kinney ticket, was elected Lieutenant-Governor. (See Reynolds, John.) The most important event of Reynolds' admin- istration was the "Black-Hawk War." Eight thousand militia were called out during this war to reinforce 1,500 regular troops, the final result being the driving of 400 Indians west of the Mis- sissippi. Rock Island, which had been the favor- ite rallying point of the Indians for generations, was the central point at the beginning of this war. It is impossible to give the details of this complicated struggle, which was protracted through two campaigns (1831 and 1832), though there was no fighting worth speaking of except in the last, and no serious loss to the whites in that, except the surprise and defeat of Stillman's command. Beardstown was the base of opera- tions in each of these campaigns, and that city has probably never witnessed such scenes of bustle and excitement since. The Indian village at Rock Island was destroyed, and the fugitives, after being pursued through Northern Illinois and Southwestern Wisconsin without being allowed to surrender, were driven beyond the Mississippi in a famishing condition and with spirits completely broken. Galena, at that time the emporium of the "Lead Mine Region," and the largest town in the State north of Springfield, was the center of great excitement, as the war was waged in the region surrounding it. (See Black Hawk War. ) Although cool judges have not regarded this campaign as reflecting honor upon either the prowess or the magnanimity of the whites, it was remarkable for the number of those connected with it whose names afterwards became famous in the history of the State and the Nsrtflm. Among them were two who after- wards became Presidents of the United States Col. Zachary Taylor of the regular army, and Abraham Lincoln, a Captain in the State militia besides Jefferson Davis, then a Lieutenant in the regular army and afterwards head of the Southern Confederacy; three subsequent Gov- ernors Duncan, Carlin and Ford besides Gov- ernor Reynolds, who at that time occupied the gubernatorial chair; James Semple, afterwards United States Senator; John T. Stuart, Lincoln's law preceptor and partner, and later a Member of Congress, to say nothing of many others, who, in after years, occupied prominent positions as mem bers of Congress, the Legislature or otherwise. Among the latter were Gen. John J. Hardin ; the late Joseph Gillespie, of Edwardsville; Col. John Dement; William Thomas of Jackson- ville; Lieut. -Col. Jacob Fry; Henry Dodge and others. Under the census of 1830, Illinois became entitled to three Representatives in Congress instead of one, by whom it had been represented from the date of its admission as a State. Lieu- tenant-Governor Casey, having been elected to the Twenty-third Congress for the Second Dis- trict under the new apportionment, on March 1, 1833, tendered his resignation of the Lieutenant- Governorship, and was succeeded by William L. D. Ewing, Temporary President of the Senate. (See Apportionment, Congressional: Casey, Zadoe, and Representatives in Congress.) Within two weeks of the close of his term (Nov. 17, 1834), Governor Reynolds followed the example of his associate in office by resigning the Governorship to accept the seat in Congress for the First (or Southern) District, which had been rendered vacant by the death of Hon. Charles Slade, the incumbent in office, in July previous. This opened the way for a new promotion of acting Lieutenant-Governor Ewing, who thus had the distinction of occupying the gubernatorial office for the brief space of two weeks. (See Reynolds, John, and Slade, Charles. ) Ewing probably held a greater variety of offices under the State, than any other man who ever lived in it. Repeatedly elected to each branch of the General Assembly, he more than once filled the chair of Speaker of the House and President of the Senate ; served as Acting Lieu- tenant-Governor and Governor by virtue of the resignation of his superiors; was United States Senator from 1835 to 1837; still later became Clerk of the House where he had presided as Speaker, finally, in 1843, being elected Auditor of Public Accounts, and dying in that office three years later. In less than twenty years, he held eight or ten different offices, including the high- est in the State. (See String, William Lee David- son.) DUNCAN'S ADMINISTRATION. Joseph Duncan, who had served the State as its only Represent- ative in three Congresses, was elected Governor, August, 1834. over four competitors William HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 263 Kinney, Robert K. McLaughlin, James Evans and W. B. Archer. (See Duncan, Joseph. ) His administration was made memorable by the large number of distinguished men who either entered public life at this period or gained additional prominence by their connection with public affairs. Among these were Abraham Lin- coln and Stephen A. Douglas ; Col. E. D. Baker, who afterward and at different times represented Illinois and Oregon in the councils of the Nation, and who fell at Ball's Bluff in 1862 ; Orville H. Browning, a prospective United States Senator and future cabinet officer; Lieut. -Go v. John Dougherty; art. THE MURDER OF LOVEJOY. An event occurred near the close of Governor Duncan's term, which left a stain upon the locality, but for which his administration had no direct responsibility; to- wit, the murder of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, by a pro-slavery mob at Alton. Lovejoy was a native of Maine, who. coining to St. Louis in 1827, had been employed upon various papers, the last being "The St. Louis Observer. " The outspoken hostility of this paper to slavery aroused a bitter local opposition which led to its removal to Alton, where the first number of "The Alton Observer" was issued, Sept. 8, 1836, though not until one press and a considerable portion of the material had been destroyed by a mob. On the night of August 21, 1837, there was a second destruction of the material, when a third press having been procured, it was taken from the warehouse and thrown into the Mississippi. A fourth press was ordered, and, pending its arrival, Lovejoy appeared before a public meet- ing of his opponents and, in an impassioned address, maintained his right to freedom of speech, declaring in conclusion: "If the civil authorities refuse to protect me, I must look to God ; and if I die, I have determined to make my grave in Alton." These words proved prophetic. The new press was stored in the warehouse of Godfrey, Gillman & Co., on the night of Nov. 6, 1837. A guard of sixty volunteers remained about the building the next day, but when night came all but nineteen retired to their homes. During the night a mob attacked the building, when a shot from the inside killed Lyman Bishop. An attempt was then made by the rioters to fire the warehouse by sending a man to the roof. To dislodge the incendiary, Lovejoy, with two others, emerged from the building, when two or three men in concealment fired upon him, the shots taking effect in a vital part of his body, causing his death almost instant!} 1 . He was buried the following day without an inquest. Several of the attacking party and the defenders of the building were tried for riot and acquitted the former probably on account of popular sympathy with the crime, and the latter because they were guiltless of any crime except that of defending private property and attempting to preserve the law. The act of firing the fatal shots has been charged upon two men a Dr. Jennings and his comrade. Dr. Beall. The former, it is said, was afterwards cut to pieces in a bar-room fight in Vicksburg, Miss., while the latter, having been captured by Comanche Indians in Texas, was burned alive. On the other hand. Lovejoy has been honored as a martyr and the sentiments for which he died have triumphed. (See Lovejoy, Elijah Parish; also Alton Riots. ) CARLIN SUCCEEDS TO THE GOVERNORSHIP. Duncan was succeeded by Gov. Thomas Carlin. who was chosen at the election of 1838 over Cyrus Edwards (a younger brother of Gov. Ninian Edwards), who was the Whig candidate. 364 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. The successful candidate for Lieutenant-Governor was Stinson H. Anderson of Jefferson County. (SeeCartt'n, (don.) Thomas; Anderson, StinsonH.) Among the members of the Legislature chosen at this time we find the names of Orville H. Browning, Robert Blackwell, George Churchill, William G. Gatewood, Ebenezer Peck (of Cook County), William A. Richardson, Newton Cloud, .fosse K. Dubois, O. B. Ficklin, Vital Jarrot, John Logan, William F. Thornton and Archibald Williams all men of prominence in the subse- quent history of the State. This was the last Legislature that assembled at Vandalia, Spring- field becoming the capital, July 4, 1839. The comer-stone of the first State capitol at Spring- field was laid with imposing ceremonies, July 4, 1837, Col. E. D. Baker delivering an eloquent address. Its estimated cost was $130,000, but $240,000 was expended upon it before its com- pletion. An incident of this campaign was the election to Congress, after a bitter struggle, of John T. Stuart over Stephen A. Douglas from the Third District, by a majority of fourteen votes. Stuart was re-elected in 1840, but in 1842 he was suc- ceeded, under a new apportionment, by Col. John J. Hardin, while Douglas, elected from the Quincy District, then entered the National Coun- cils for the first time. FlELD-McCLERNAND CONTEST. An exciting event connected with Carlin's administration was the attempt to remove Alexander P. Field from the office of Secretary of State, which he had held since 1838. Under the Constitution of 1818, this office was filled by Domination by the Gov- ernor "with the advice and consent of the Senate." Carlin nominated John A. McCler- naml to supersede Field, but the Senate refused to confirm the nomination. After adjournment of the Legislature, McClernand attempted to obtain possession of the office by writ of quo warranto. The Judge of a Circuit Court decided the case in his favor, but this decision was overruled by the Supreme Court. A special session having been called, in November, 1840, Stephen A. Douglas, then of Morgan County, was nominated and con- firmed Secretary of State, but held the position only a few months, when he resigned to accept a place on the Supreme bench, being succeeded as Secretary by Ly man Trumbull. SUPREME COURT REVOLUTIONIZED. Certain decisions of some of the lower courts about this time, bearing upon the suffrage of aliens, excited the apprehension of the Democrats, who had heretofore been in political control of the State, and a movement was started in the Legislature to reorganize the Supreme Court, a majority of whom were Whigs. The Democrats were not unanimous in favor of the measure, but, after a bitter struggle, it was adopted, receiving a bare majority of one in the House. Under this act five additional Judges were elected, viz. : Thomas Ford, Sidney Breese, Walter B. Scales, Samuel H. Treat and Stephen A. Douglas all Demo- crats. Mr. Ford, one of the new Judges, and afterwards Governor, has characterized this step as "a confessedly violent and somewhat revolu- tionary measure, which could never have suc- ceeded except in times of great party excite- ment." The great Whig mass-meeting at Springfield, in June, 1810, was an incident of the political campaign of that year. No such popular assem- blage had ever been seen in the State before. It is estimated that 20,000 people nearly five per cent of the entire population of the State were present, including a large delegation from Chi- cago who marched overland, under command of the late Ma j. -Gen. David Hunter, bearing with them many devices so popular in that memorable campaign. FORD ELECTED GOVERNOR. Judge Thomas Ford became the Democratic candidate for Gov- ernor in 1842, taking the place on the ticket of Col. Adam W. Snyder, who had died after nomi nation. Ford was elected by more than 8,000 majority over ex-Governor Duncan, the Whig candidate. John Moore, of McLean County (who had been a member of the Legislature for Severn I terms and was afterwards State Treasurer), was elected Lieutenant-Governor. (See Fortl. Thomas; Snyder, Adam W., and Moore, John.) EMBARRASSING QUESTIONS. The failure of tin- State and the Shawneetown banks, near the close of Carlin's administration, had produced a condi- tion of business depression that was felt all over the State. At the beginning of Ford's adminis- tration, the State debt was estimated at $15,657.- 950 within about one million of the highest point it ever reached while the total population was a little over half a million. In addition to these drawbacks, the Mormon question became a source of embarrassment. This people, after having been driven from Missouri, settled at Nauvoo, in Hancock County; they increased rapidly in numbers, and, by the arrogant course of their leaders and their odious doctrines especially with reference to "celestial marriage. " and their assumptions of authority aroused the bitter hostility of neighboring communities not HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 265 of their faith. The popular indignation became greatly intensified by the course of unscrupulous politicians and the granting to the Mormons, by the Legislature, of certain charters and special privileges. Various charges were made against the obnoxious sect, including rioting, kidnap- ing, robbery, counterfeiting, etc., and the Gov- ernor called out the militia of the neighboring counties to preserve the peace. Joseph Smith the founder of the sect with his brother Hy ruin and three others, were induced to surrender to the authorities at Carthage, on the 23d of June, 1844, under promise of protection of their per- sons. Then the charge was changed to treason and they were thrown into jail, a guard of eight men being placed about the building. A con- siderable portion of the militia had disbanded and returned home, while others were openly hostile to the prisoners. On June 27 a band of 150 disguised men attacked the jail, finding little opposition among those set to guard it. In the assault which followed both of the Smiths were killed, while John Taylor, another of the prisoners, was wounded. The trial of the murderers was a farce and they were acquitted. A state of virtual war continued for a year, in which Governor Ford's authority was openly defied or treated with contempt by those whom he had called upon to preserve the peace. In the fall of 1845 the Mormons agreed to leave the State, and the following spring the pilgrim- age to Salt Lake began. Gen. John J. Hardin. who afterward fell at Buena Vista, was twice called on by Governor Ford to head parties of militia to restore order, while Gen. Mason Bray- man conducted the negotiations which resulted in the promise of removal. The great body of the refugees spent the following winter at Coun- cil Bluffs, Iowa, arriving at Salt Lake in June following. Another considerable body entered the service of the Government to obtain safe con- duct and sustenance across the plains. While the conduct of the Mormons during their stay at Nauvoo was, no doubt, very irritating and often lawless, it is equally true that the dis- ordered condition of affairs was taken advantage of by unscrupulous demagogues for dishonest purposes, and this episode has left a stigma upon the name of more than one over-zealous anti- Mormon hero. (See Mormons: Smith, Joseph.) Though Governor Ford's integrity and ability in certain directions have not been questioned, his administration was not a successful one, largely on account of the conditions which pre- vailed at the time and the embarrassments which he met from his own party. (See Ford, Woman. I MEXICAN WAR. A still more tragic chapter opened during the last year of Ford's administra- tion, in the beginning of the war with Mexico Three regiments of twelve months' volunteers, called for by the General Government from the State of Illinois, were furnished with alacrity, and many more men offered their services than could be accepted. The names of their respective commanders Cols. John J. Hardin, William H. Bissell and Ferris Forman have been accorded a high place in the annals of the State and the Nation. Hardin was of an honorable Kentucky family; he had achieved distinction at the bar and served in the State Legislature and in Con- gress, and his death on the battlefield of Buena Vista was universally deplored. (See Hardin. John J.) Bissell afterward served with distinc- tion in Congress and was the first Republican Governor of Illinois, elected in 1856. Edward D Baker, then a Whig member of Congress, re ceived authority to raise an additional regiment, and laid the foundation of a reputation as broad as the Nation. Two other regiments were raised in the State "for the war" during the next year, led respectively by Col. Edward W. B. Newby and James Collins, beside four independent companies of mounted volunteers. The whole number of volunteers furnished by Illinois in this conflict was 6,123, of whom 86 were killed, and 182 wounded, 12 dying of their wounds. Their loss in killed was greater than that of any other State, and the number of wounded only exceeded by those from South Carolina and Pennsylvania Among other Illinoisans who participated in this struggle, were Thomas L. Harris, William A Richardson, J. L. D. Morrison, Murray F. Tuley and Charles C. P. Holden, while still others, either in the ranks or in subordinate positions, received the "baptism of fire" which prepared them to win distinction as commanders of corps, divisions, brigades and regiments during the War of the Rebellion, including such names as John A. Logan, Richard J. Oglesby, Benjamin M. Prentiss, James D. Morgan, W. H. L. Wallace (who fell at Pittsburg Landing), Stephen G. Hicks, Michael K. Lawler, Leonard F. Ross. Ishain N. Haynie, Theophilus Lyle Dickey. Dudley Wickersham, Isaac C. Pugh, Thomas H. Flynn, J. P. Post, Nathaniel Niles, W. R. Morri- son, and others. (See Mexican War.) FRENCH'S ADMINISTRATION-MASSAC REBELLION Except for the Mexican War, which was still in progress, and acts of mob violence in certain portions of the State especially by a band of self- 2GG HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. styled "regulators" in Pope and Massac Counties the administration of Augustus C. French, which began with the close of the year 1846, was a quiet one. French was elected at the previous August election by a vote of 58,700 to 36,775 for Thomas M. Kilpatrick, the Whig candidate, and 5.112 for Richard Eels, the Free-Soil (or Aboli- tion) candidate. The Whigs held their first State Convention this year for the nomination of a State ticket, meeting at Peoria. At the same election Abraham Lincoln was elected to Con- gress, defeating Peter Cartwright, the famous pioneer Methodist preacher, who was the Demo- cratic candidate. At the session of the Legisla- ture which followed, Stephen A. Douglas was elected to the United States Senate as successor to James Semple. NEW CONVENTION MOVEMENT. Governor French was a native of New Hampshire, born August 2, 1808; he had practiced his profession as a lawyer in Crawford County, had been a member of the Tenth and Eleventh General Assemblies and Receiver of the Land Office at Palestine. The State had now begun to recover from the depression caused by the reverses of 1837 and subsequent years, and for some time its growth in population had been satisfactory. The old Constitution, however, had been felt to be a hampering influence, especially in dealing with the State debt, and, as early as 1842, the question of a State Convention to frame a new Constitu- tion had been submitted to popular vote, but was defeated by the narrow margin of 1,039 votes. The Legislature of 1844-45 adopted a resolution for resubmission, and at the election of 1846 it was approved by the people by a majority of 35,326 in a total vote of 81,352. The State then contained ninety-nine counties, with an aggregate population of 602,150. The assessed valuation of property one year later was $92,206,493, while the State debt was $16,661,795 or more than eighteen per cent of the entire assessed value of the property of the State. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF 1847. The election of members of a State Convention to form a second Constitution for the State of Illi- nois, was held April 19, 1847. Of one hundred and sixty -two members chosen, ninety-two were Democrats, leaving seventy members to all shades of the opposition. The Convention assembled at Springfield, June 7, 1847; it was organized by the election of Newton Cloud, Per- manent President, and concluded its labors after ;i session of nearly three months, adjourning August 31. The Constitution was submitted to a vote of the people, March 6, 1848, and was rati- fied by 59,887 votes in its favor to 15,859 against. A special article prohibiting free persons of color from settling in the State was adopted by 49,060 votes for, to 20,883 against it; and another, pro- viding for a two-mill tax, by 41,017 for, to 30,586 against. The Constitution went into effect April 1, 1848. (See Constitutions: also Constitutional Convention of 1S47.) The provision imposing a special two-mill tax, to be applied to the payment of the State in- debtedness, was the means of restoring the State credit, while that prohibiting the immigration of free persons of color, though in accordance with the spirit of the times, brought upon the State much opprobrium and was repudiated with emphasis during the War of the Rebellion. The demand for retrenchment, caused by the financial depression following the wild legislation of 1837, led to the adoption of many radical pro- visions in the new Constitution, some of which were afterward found to be serious errors open- ing the way for grave abuses. Among these was the practical limitation of the biennial ses- sions of the General Assembly to forty-two days, while the per diem of members was fixed at two dollars. The salaries of State officers were also fixed at what would now be recognized as an absurdly low figure, that of Governor being $1,500; Supreme Court Judges, $1,200 each; Cir- cuit Judges, $1,000; State Auditor, $1,000; Secre- tary of State, and State Treasurer, $800 each. Among less objectionable provisions were those restricting the right of suffrage to white male citizens above the age of 21 years, which excluded (except as to residents of the State at the time of the adoption of the Constitution) a class of unnaturalized foreigners who had exercised the privilege as "inhabitants" under the Constitu- tion of 1818; providing for the election of all State, judicial and county officers by popular vote; prohibiting the State from incurring in- debtedness in excess of $50,000 without a special vote of the people, or granting the credit of the State in aid of any individual association or cor- poration; fixing the date of the State election on the Tuesday after the first Monday in Novem- ber in every fourth year, instead of the first- Monday in August, as had been the rule under the old Constitution. The tenure of office of all State officers was fixed at four years, except that of State Treasurer, which was made two years, and the Governor alone was made ineligible to immediate re-election. The number of members of the General Assembly was fixed at twenty-five HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 267 in the Senate and seventy-five in the House, subject to a certain specified ratio of in- crease when the population should exceed 1.000,000. As the Constitution of 1818 had been modeled upon the form then most popular in the Southern States especially with reference to the large number of officers made appointive by the Gov- ernor, or elective by the Legislature so the new Constitution was, in some of its features, more in harmony with those of other Northern States, and indicated the growing influence of New Eng- land sentiment. This was especially the case with reference to the section providing for a sys- tem of township organization in the several counties of the State at the pleasure of a majority of the voters of each county. ELECTIONS OF 1848. Besides the election for the ratification of the State Constitution, three other State elections were held in 1848, viz.: (1) for the election of State officers in August ; (2) an election of Judges in September, and (3) the Presidential election in November. At the first of these, Governor French, whose first term had lieen cut short two years by the adoption of the new Constitution, was re-elected for a second term, practically without opposition, the vote against him being divided between Pierre Menard and Dr. C. V. Dyer. French thus became his own successor, being the first Illinois Governor to be re-elected, and, though two years of his lirst term had been cut off by the adoption of the Constitution, he served in the gubernatorial office six years. The other State officers elected, were William McMurtry, of Knox, Lieutenant- Uovernor; Horace S. Cooley, of Adams, Secretary of State; Thomas H. Campbell, of Randolph, Auditor; and Milton Carpenter, of Hamilton, State Treasurer all Democrats, and all but McMurtry being their own successors. At the Presidential election in November, the electoral vote was given to Lewis Cass, the Democratic candidate, who received 56,300 votes, to 53,047 for Taylor, the Whig candidate, and 15,774 for Martin Van Buren, the candidate of the Free Democracy or Free-Soil party. Thus, for the first time in the history of the State after 1824, the Democratic candidate for President failed to receive an absolute majority of the popular vote, being in a minority of 12,521, while having a plurality over the Whig candidate of 3.253. The only noteworthy results in the election of Con- gressmen this year were the election of Col. E. D. Baker (Whig), from the Galena District, and that of Maj. Thomas L. Harris (Democrat), from the Spridgfield District. Both Baker and Harris had been soldiers in the Mexican War, which probably accounted for their election in Districts usually opposed to them politically. The other five Congressmen elected from the State at the same time including John Wentworth, then chosen for a fourth term from the Chicago Dis- trict were Democrats. The Judges elected to the Supreme bench were Lyman Trumbull, from the Southern Division : Samuel II. Treat, from the Central, and John Dean Caton, from the Northern all Democrats. A leading event of this session was the election of a United States Senator in place of Sidney Breese. Gen. James Shields, who had been severely wounded on the battle-field of Cerro Gordo ; Sidney Breese, who had been the United States Senator for six years, and John A. Mc- Clernand, then a member of Congress, were arrayed against each other before the Democratic caucus. After a bitter contest, Shields was declared the choice of his party and was finally elected. He did not immediately obtain his seat, however. On presentation of his credentials, after a heated controversy in Congress and out of it, in which he injudiciously assailed his prede- cessor in very intemperate language, he was declared ineligible on the ground that, being of foreign birth, the nine years of citizenship required by the Constitution after naturalization had not elapsed previous to his election. In October, following, the Legislature was called together in special session, and, Shields' disabil- ity having now been removed by the expiration of the constitutional period, he was re-elected, though not without a renewal of the bitter con- test of the regular session. Another noteworthy event of this special session was the adoption of a joint resolution favoring the principles of the "Wilmot Proviso." Although this was rescinded at the next regular session, on the ground that the points at issue had been settled in the Compro- mise measures of 1850, it indicated the drift of sentiment in Illinois toward opposition to the spread of the institution of slavery, and this was still more strongly emphasized by the election of Abraham Lincoln in I860. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. Two important measures which passed the General Assembly at the session of 1851, were the Free-Banking Law, and the act incorporating the Illinois Central Railroad Company. The credit of first suggest- ing this great thoroughfare has been claimed for William Smith Waite. a citizen of Bond County. 111., as early as 1835, although a special charter 268 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS for a road over a part of this line had been passed by the Legislature in 1834. W. K. Ackerman, in his "Historical Sketch" of the Illinois Central Railroad, awards the credit of originating this enterprise to Lieut. -Gov. Alexander M. Jenkins, in the Legislature of 1832, of which he was a member, and Speaker of the House at the time. He afterwards became President of the first Illi- nois Central Railroad Company, organized under an act passed at the session of 1836, which pro- vided for the construction of a line from Cairo to Peru, 111. , but resigned the next year on the sur- render by the road of its charter. The first step toward legislation in Congress on this subject was taken in the introduction, by Senator Breese, of a bill in March, 1843; but it was not until 1850 that the measure took the form of a direct grant of lands to the State, finally passing the Senate in May, and the House in September, following. The act ceded to the State of Illinois, for the pur- pose of aiding in the construction of a line of railroad from the junction of the Ohio and Mis- sissippi, with branches to Chicago and Dubuque, Iowa, respectively, alternate sections of land on each side of said railroad, aggregating 2,595,000 iicres, the length of the main line and branches exceeding seven hundred miles. An act incorpo- rating the Illinois Central Railroad Company passed the Illinois Legislature in February, 1851. The company was thereupon promptly organized with a number of New York capitalists at its head, including Robert Schuyler, George Gris- wold and Gouverneur Morris, and the grant was placed in the hands of trustees to be used for the purpose designated, under the pledge of the Company to build the road by July 4, 1854, and to pay seven per cent of its gross earnings into the State Treasury perpetually. A large propor- tion of the line was constructed through sections of country either sparsely settled or wholly unpopulated, but which have since become among the richest and most populous portions of the State. The fund already received by the State from the road exceeds the amount of the State debt incurred under the internal improvement scheme of 1837. (See Illinois Central Railroad.) ELECTION OF 1852. Joel A. Matteson (Demo- crat) was elected Governor at the November election, in 1852, receiving 80,645 votes to 64,405 for Edwin B. Webb, Whig, and 8,809 for Dexter A. Knowlton, Free-Soil. The other State officers elected, were Gustavus Koarner, Lieutenant- Governor; Alexander Starne, Secretary of State; Thomas H. Campbell, Auditor ; and John Moore, Treasurer. The Whig candidates for these offices, respectively, were James L. D. Morrison. Buckner S. Morris, Charles A. Betts and Francis Arenz. John A. Logan appeared among the new members of the House chosen at this election as a Representative from Jackson County; while Henry W. Blodgett, since United States District Judge for the Northern District of Illinois, and late Counsel of the American Arbitrators of the Behring Sea Commission, was the only Free-Soil member, being the Representative from Lake County. John Reynolds, who had been Gov- ernor, a Justice of the Supreme Court and Mem ber of Congress, was a member of the House and was elected Speaker. (See Webb, Edwin B.; Knowlton, Dexter A.; Koerner, Gustavus; Starne, Alexander; Moore, John; Morrison, James L.D.; Morris, Buckner S.; Arenz, Francis A. ; Blodgett Henry W.) REDUCTION OF STATE DEBT BEGINS. The State debt reached its maximum at the beginning of Matteson's administration, amounting to $18,724,177, of which $7,259,822 was canal debt. The State had now entered upon a new and pros perous period, and, in the next four years, the debt was reduced by the sum of $4,564,840. leaving the amount outstanding, Jan. 1, 1857. $12,834,144. The three State institutions at Jacksonville the Asylums for the Deaf and Dumb, the Blind and Insane had been in suc- cessful operation several years, but now internal dissensions and dissatisfaction with their man- agement seriously interfered with their prosperity and finally led to revolutions which, for a time, impaired their usefulness. KANSAS-NEBRASKA EXCITEMENT. During Mat- teson's administration a period of political ex- citement began, caused by the introduction in the United States Senate, in January, 1854, by Senator Douglas, of Illinois, of the bill for the repeal of the Missouri Compromise otherwise known as the Kansas- Nebraska Bill. Although this belongs rather to National history, the prominent part played in it by an Illinois states- man who had won applause three or four years before, by the service he had performed in secur ing the passage of the Illinois Central Railroad grant, and the effect which his course had in revolutionizing the politics of the State, justifies reference to it here. After a debate, almost unprecedented in bitterness, it became a law. May 30, 1854. The agitation in Illinois was intense. At Chicago, Douglas was practically denied a hearing. Going to Springfield, where the State Fair was in progress, during the first week of October, 1854, he made a speech in the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. State Capitol in his defense. This was replied to by Abraham Lincoln, then a private citizen, to whom Douglas made a rejoinder. Speeches were also made in criticism of Douglas' position by Judges Breese and Trumbull (both of whom bad been prominent Democrats), and other Demo- cratic leaders were understood to be ready to assail the champion of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, though they afterwards reversed their position under partisan pressure and became supporters of the measure. The first State Convention of the opponents of the Nebraska Bill was held at the same time, but the attendance was small and the attempt to effect a permanent organization was not successful. At the session of the Nineteenth General Assembly, which met in January, fol- lowing, Lyman Trumbull was chosen the first Republican United States Senator from Illinois, in place of General Shields, whose term was about to expire. Trumbull was elected on tne tenth ballot, receiving fifty-one votes to forty-seven for Governor Matteson, though Lincoln had led on the Republican side at every previous ballot, and on the first had come within six votes of an election. Although he was then the choice of a large majority of the opposition to the Demo- cratic candidate, when Lincoln saw that the original supporters of Trumbull would not cast their votes for himself, he generously insisted that his friends should support his rival, thus determining the result. (See Matteson, Joel A. ; Trumbull, Lyman, and Lincoln, Abraham.) DECATUR EDITORIAL CONVENTION. On Feb. 22, 1856, occurred the convention of Anti-Neb- raska (Republican) editors at Decatur, which proved the first effective step in consolidating the opposition to the Kansas- Nebraska Bill into a compact political organization. The main busi- ness of this convention consisted in the adoption of a series of resolutions defining the position of their authors on National questions especially with reference to the institution of slavery and appointing a State Convention to be held at Bloomington, May 29, following. A State Cen- tral Committee to represent the new party was also appointed at this convention. With two or three exceptions the Com mit Icemen accepted and joined in the call for the State Convention, which was held at the time designated, when the first Republican State ticket was put in the field. Among the distinguished men who participated in this Convention were Abraham Lincoln, O. H. Browning, Richard Yates, Owen Lovejoy, John M. Palmer, Isaac N. Arnold and John Went worth. Palmer presided, while Abraham Lin coin, who was one of the chief speakers, was one of the delegates appointed to the National Con- vention, held at Philadelphia on the 17th of June. The candidates put in nomination for State offices were: William H. Bissell for Governor; Francis A. Hoffman for Lieutenant-Governor (afterwaril replaced by John Wood on account of Hoffman'* ineligibility); Ozias M. Hatch for Secretary of State; Jesse K. Dubois for Auditor; James H Miller for State Treasurer, and William H. Powell for Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Democratic ticket was composed of William A Richardson for Governor; R. J. Hamilton, Lieu- tenant-Governor; W. H. Snyder, Secretary of State; S. K. Casey, Auditor; John Moore, Treas urer, and J. H. St. Matthew, Superintendent of Public Instruction. The American organization also nominated a ticket headed by Buckner S Morris for Governor. Although the Democrats carried the State for Buchanan, their candidate for President, by a plurality of 9, 159, the entire Republican State ticket was elected by pluralities ranging from 3,031 to 20.213 the latter being the majority for Miller, candidate for State Treas urer, whose name was on both the Republican and American tickets. (See Anti-Nebraska Editorial Convention, and Bloomington Convention of 1856.) ADMINISTRATION OF GOVERNOR BISSELU With the inauguration of Governor Bissell, the Republican party entered upon the control of the State Government, which was maintained with out interruption until the close of the administra tion of Governor Fifer, in January, 1893 a period of thirty-six years. On account of physical disa bility Bissell's inauguration took place in the executive mansion, Jan. 12, 1857. He was immediately made the object of virulent personal abuse in the House, being charged with perjury in taking the oath of office in face of the fact that, while a member of Congress, he bad accepted a challenge to fight a duel with Jefferson Davis To this, the reply was made that the offense charged took place outside of the State and be yond the legal jurisdiction of the Constitution of Illinois. (SeefiiueU. William H.) While the State continued to prosper under Bissell's administration, the most important events of this period related rather to general than to State policy. One of these was the deliv ery by Abraham Lincoln, in the Hall of Repre- sentatives, on the evening of June 17, 1858, of the celebrated speech in which he announced the doctrine that "a house divided against itself can- not stand." This was followed during the next 270 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. few months by the series of memorable debutes between those two great champions of their respective irties Lincoln and Douglas which attracted the attention of the whole land. The result was the re-election of Douglas to the United States Senate for a third term, but it also made Abraham Lincoln President of the United States. {See Lincoln and Douglas Debates. ) About the middle of Bissell's term (February, 1859), came the discovery of what has since been known as the celebrated "Canal Scrip Fraud." This consisted in t lie fraudulent funding in State bonds of a large amount of State scrip which had been issued for temporary purposes during the construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, but which had been subsequently redeemed. A legislative investigation proved the amount ille- gally funded to have been $323,183, and that the bulk of the bonds issued therefor so far as they could be traced had been delivered to ex-Gov. Joel A. Matteson. For this amount, with ac- crued interest, he gave to the State an indemnity bond, secured by real-estate mortgages, from which the State eventually realized $238,000 out of $255,000 then due. Further investigation proved additional frauds of like character, aggre- gating 816.1. 346, which the State never recovered. An attempt was made to prosecute Matteson criminally in the Sangamon County Circuit Court, but the grand jury failed, by a close vote, to find an indictment against him. (See Canal Scrip Fraud.) An attempt was made during Bissell's adminis- tration to secure the refunding (at par and in violation of an existing law) of one hundred and fourteen $1.000 bonds hypothecated with Macalis- ter & Stebbins of New York in 1841, and for which the State had received an insignificant consideration. The error was discovered when new bonds for the principal had been issued, but the process was immediately stopped and the new bonds surrendered the claimants being limited by law to 28.64 cents on the dollar. This subject is treated at length elsewhere in this vol- ume. (See Macal inter & Stebbins Bonds.) Governor Bissell's administration was otherwise unevent- ful, although the State continued to prosper under it as it had not done since the "internal improvement craze" of 183? had resulted in im- posing such a burden of debt upon it. At the time of his election Governor Bissell was an invalid in consequence of an injury to his spine, from which he never recovered. He died in office, March 18. 1860, a little over two months after having entered upon the last year of his term of office, and was succeeded by Lieut. -Gov. John Wood, who served out the unexpired term. (See Bissell, William H.; also Wood. John.) POLITICAL CAMPAIGN OF I860. The political campaign of 1860 was one of unparalleled excite- ment throughout the nation, but especially in Illinois, which became, in a certain sense, the chief battle-ground, furnishing the successful candidate for the Presidency, as well as being the State in which the convention which nominated him met. The Republican State Convention, held at Decatur, May 9, put in nomination Richard Vates of Morgan County, for Governor : Francis A. Hoffman for Lieutenant-Governor, O. M. Hatch for Secretary of State, Jesse K. Dubois for Auditor, William Butler for Treasurer, and Newton Bateman for Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction. If this campaign was memorable for its excitement, it was also memorable for the large number of National and State tickets in the field. The National Republican Convention assembled at Chicago, May 16, and, on the third ballot, Abraham Lincoln was nominated for President amid a whirlwind of enthusiasm unsur- passed in the history of National Conventions, of which so many have been held in the "conven- tion city" of the Northwest. The campaign was what might have been expected from such a beginning. Lincoln, though receiving consider- ably less than one-half the popular vote, had a plurality over his highest competitor of nearly half a million votes, and a majority in the elect- oral colleges of fifty-seven. In Illinois he received 172,161 votes to 160,215 for Douglas, his leading opponent. The vote for Governor stood : Yates (Republican), 172,196; Allen (Douglas- Democrat), 159,253; Hope (Breckinridge Demo- crat), 2,049; Stuart (American), 1.626. Among the prominent men of different parties who appeared for the first time in the General Assembly chosen at this time, were William B. Ogden, Richard J. Oglesby, Washington Bushnell, and Henry E. Dummer, of the Senate, and Wil- liam R. Archer, J. Russell Jones. Robert H. McClellan, J. Young Scammon, William H. Brown, Lawrence Weldon, N. M. Broadwell, and John Scholfield, in the House. Shelby M. Cul- lom, who had entered the Legislature at the previous session, was re-elected to this and was chosen Speaker of the House over J. W. Single- ton. Lyman Trumbull was re-elected to the United States Senate by the votes of the Repub- licans over Samuel S. Marshall, the Democratic candidate. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. BEGINNING OF THE REBELLION. Almost simul- taneously with the accession of the new State Government, and before the inauguration of the President at Washington, began that series of startling events which ultimately culminated in the attempted secession of eleven States of the Union the first acts in the great drama of war which occupied the attention of the world for the next four years. On Jan. 14, 1861, the new State administration was inaugurated ; on Feb. 2, Commissioners to the futile Peace Conven- tion held at Washington,, were appointed from Illinois, consisting of Stephen T. Logan, John M. Palmer, ex-Gov. John Wood, B. C. Cook and T. J. Turner; and on Feb. II, Abraham Lincoln took leave of his friends and neighbors at Spring- field on his departure for Washington, in that simple, touching speech which has taken a place beside his inaugural addresses and his Gettysburg speech, as an American classic. The events which followed ; the firing on Fort Sumter on the twelfth of April and its surrender ; the call for 75,000 troops and the excitement which prevailed all over the country, are matters of National his- tory. Illinoisans responded with promptness and enthusiasm to the call for six regiments of State militia for three months' service, and one week later (April 21), Gen. R. K. Swift, of Chicago, at the head of seven companies numbering 595 men, was en route for Cairo to execute the order of the Secretary of War for the occupation of that place. The offer of military organizations pro- ceeded rapidly, and by the eighteenth of April, fifty companies had been tendered, while the public-spirited and patriotic bankers of the prin- cipal cities were offering to supply the State with money to arm and equip the hastily organized troops. Following in order the six regiments which Illinois had sent to the Mexican War, those called out for the three months' service in 1861 were numbered consecutively from seven to twelve, and were commanded by the following officers, respectively: Cols. John Cook, Richard J. Oglesby, Eleazer A. Paine, James D. Morgan, W. H. L. Wallace and John McArthur, with Gen. Benjamin M. Prentiss as brigade com- mander. The rank and file numbered 4,680 men, of whom 2,000, at the end of their term of serv- ice, re-enlisted for three years. (See H'ar of the Rebellion. ) Among the many who visited the State Capitol in the early months of war to offer their services to the Government in suppressing the Rebellion, one of the most modest and unassuming was a gentleman from Galena who brought a letter of introduction to Governor Yates from Congress- man E. B. Washburue. Though he had been a Captain in the regular army and had seen service in the war with Mexico, he set tip no pretension on that account, but after days of patient wait - ing, was given temporary employment as a clerk in the office of the Adjutant-General, Col. T. S. Mather. Finally, an emergency having arisen requiring the services of an officer of military experience as commandant at Camp Yates (a camp of rendezvous and instruction near Spring field), he was assigned to the place, rather as an experiment and from necessity than from convic- tion of any peculiar fitness for the position. Having acquitted himself creditably here, he was assigned, a few weeks later, to the command of a regiment (The Twenty-first Illinois Volunteers) which, from previous bad management, had manifested a mutinous tendency. And thus Ulysses S. Grant, the most successful leader of the war, the organizer of final victory over the Rebellion, the Lieutenant-General of the armies of the Union and twice elected President of the United States, started upon that career which won for him the plaudits of the Nation and the title of the grandest soldier of his time. (See Grant, Ulysses S.) The responses of Illinois, under the leadership of its patriotic "War Governor," Richard Yates, to the repeated calls for volunteers through the four years of war, were cheerful and prompt. Illi- nois troops took part in nearly every important battle in the Mississippi Valley and in many of those in the East, besides accompanying Sher- man in his triumphal "March to the Sea." Illi- nois blood stained the field at Belmont, at Wilson's Creek, Lexington. Forts Donelson and Henry ; at Shiloh, Corinth, Nashville, Stone River and Chickamauga; at Jackson, during the siege of Vicksburg, at Allatoona Pass, Kenesaw Moun- tain, Resaca, Peach Tree Creek and Atlanta, in the South and West; and at Chancellorsville, Antietam, Gettysburg, Petersburg and in the battles of "the Wilderness' 1 in Virginia. Of all the States of the Union, Illinois alone, up to Feb. 1, 1864, presented the proud recofd of hav- ing answered every call upon her for troops without a draft. The whole number of enlist- ments from the State under the various calls from 1861 to 1865, according to the records of the War Department, was 255,057 to meet quotas aggre gating 244,496. The ratio of troops furnished to population was 15.1 per cent, which was only exceeded by the District of Columbia (which had a large influx from the States), and Kansas 272 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and Nevada, each of which had a much larger proportion of adult male population. The whole number of regimental organizations, according to the returns in the Adjutant General's office, was 151 regiments of infantry (numbered con- secutively from the Sixth to the One Hundred and Fifty-seventh), 17 regiments of cavalry and 2 regiments of artillery, besides 9 independent bat- teries. The total losses of Illinois troops, officially reported by the War Department, ' were 34,834 (13.65 per cent), of which 5,874 were killed in battle, 4,020 died of wounds, 22,786 died of disease, and 2, 154 from other causes. Besides the great Commander in-Chief, Abraham Lincoln, and Lieut. -Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, Illinois furnished 11 full Major-Generals of volunteers, viz. : Generals John Pope, John A. McClernaud, S. A. Hurlbut, B. M. Prentiss, John M. Palmer, R. J. Oglesby, John A. Logan, John M. Schofield, Giles A. Smith, Wesley Merritt and Benjamin H. Grierson ; 20 Brevet Major-Generals ; 24 Brigadier- Generals, and over 120 Brevet Brigadier-Generals. (See sketches of these officers under their respec- tive names.) Among the long list of regimental officers who fell upon the field or died from wounds, appear the names of Col. J. R. Scott of the Nineteenth ; Col. Thomas D. Williams of the Twenty-fifth, and Col. F. A. Harrington of the Twenty-seventhall killed at Stone River; CoL John W. S. Alexander of the Twenty-first; Col. Daniel Gilmer of the Thirty-eighth; Lieut. -Col. Duncan J. Hall of the Eighty-ninth ; Col. Timothy O'Mearaof the Ninetieth, and Col. Holden Put- nam, at Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge; CoL John B. Wyman of the Thirteenth, at Chickasaw Bayou; Lieut. -Col. Thomas W. Ross, of the Thirty -second, at Shiloh; Col. John A Davis of the Forty -sixth, at Hatchie; Col. Wil- liam A. Dickerman of the One Hundred and Third, at Resaca; Col. Oscar Harmon, at Kent-- saw ; Col. John A. Bross, at Petersburg, besides CoL Mihalotzy, Col. Silas Miller, Lieut. -Col. Melancthon Smith, Maj. Zenas Applington, Col. John J. Mudd, Col. Matthew H. Starr, Maj. Wm, H. Medill, Col. Warren Stewart and many more on other battle-fields. (Biographical sketches of many of these officers will be found under the proper heads elsewhere in this volume.) It would be a grateful task to record here the names <>f a host of others, who, after acquitting them- selves bravely on the field, survived to enjoy the plaudits of a grateful people, were this within the design and scope of the present work. One of the most brilliant exploits of the War was the raid from La Grange. Tenn., to Baton Rouge. La., in May, 1863, led by Col. B. H. Grierson, of the Sixth Illinois Cavalry, in co-operation with the Seventh under command of Col. Edward Prince. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OP 1862. An incident of a different character was the calling of a convention to revise the State Constitu- tion, which met at Springfield, Jan. 7, 1862. A majority of this body was composed of those opposed to the war policy of the Government, and a disposition to interfere with the affairs of the State administration and the General Gov- ernment was soon manifested, which was resented by the executive and many of the soldiers in the field. The convention adjourned March 24, and its work was submitted to vote of the people, June 17, 1862, when it was rejected by a majority of more than 16,000, not counting the soldiers in the field, who were permitted, as a matter of policy, to vote upon it, but who were practically unanimous in opposition to it. DEATH OP DOUOLAS. A few days before this election (June 3, 1862), United States Senator Stephen A. Douglas died, at the Tremont House in Chicago, depriving the Democratic party of the State of its most sagacious and patriotic adviser. (See Douglas. Stephen A.) LEGISLATURE OF 1863. Another political inci- dent of this period grew out of the session of the General Assembly of 1863. This body having been elected on the tide of the political revulsion which followed the issuance of President Lin- coln's preliminary Proclamation of Emancipation, was Democratic in both branches. One of its first acts was the election of William A. Richard- son United States Senator, in place of O. H. Browning, who had been appointed by Governor Tates to the vacancy caused by the death of Douglas. This Legislature early showed a tend- ency to follow in the footsteps of the Constitu- tional Convention of 1862, by attempting to cripple the State and General Governments in the prosecution of the war. Resolutions on the subject of the war, which the friends of the Union regarded as of a most mischievous charac ter, were introduced and passed in the House, but owing to the death of a member on the majority side, they failed to pass the Senate. These denounced the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus; condemned "the attempted enforcement of compensated emancipation" and "the transpor- tation of negroes into the State;" accused the General Government of "usurpation," of "sub- verting the Constitution" and attempting to establish a "consolidated military despotism;" HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 273 charged that the war had been "diverted from its first avowed object to that of subjugation and the abolition of slavery;" declared the belief of the authors that its "further prosecution .... cannot result in the restoration of the Union .... unless the President's Emancipation Proc- lamation be withdrawn;" appealed to Congress to secure an armistice with the rebel States, and closed by appointing six Commissioners (who were named) to confer with Congress, with a view to the holding of a National Convention to adjust the differences between the States. These measures occupied the attention of the Legisla- ture to the exclusion of subjects of State interest, so that little legislation was accomplished not even the ordinary appropriation bills being passed. LEGISLATURE PROROGUED. At this juncture, the two Houses having disagreed as to the date of adjournment, Governor Yates exercised the constitutional prerogative of proroguing them, which he did in a message on June 10, declaring them adjourned to the last day of their constitu- tional term. The Republicans accepted the result nd withdrew, but the Democratic majority in the House and a minority in the Senate continued in session for some days, without being able to transact any business except the filing of an empty protest, when they adjourned to the first Monday of January, 1864. The excitement pro- duced by this affair, in the Legislature and throughout the State, was intense; but the action of Governor Yates was sustained by the Supreme Court and the adjourned session was never held. The failure of the Legislature to make provision for the expenses of the State Government and the relief of the soldiers in the field, made it neces- sary for Governor Yates to accept that aid from the public-spirited bankers and capitalists of the State which was never wanting when needed during this critical period. (See Twenty-Third General Assembly. ) PEACE CONVENTIONS. Largely attended "peace conventions" were held during this year, at Springfield on June 17, and at Peoria in Septem- ber, at which resolutions opposing the "further offensive prosecution of the war" were adopted. An immense Union mass-meeting was also held at Springfield on Sept. 3, which was addressed by distinguished speakers, including both Re- publicans and War-Democrats. An important incident of this meeting was the reading of the letter from President Lincoln to Hon. James C. Conkling. in which he defended his war policy, and especially his Emancipation Proclamation, in a characteristically logical manner. POLITICAL CAMPAIGN OF 1864. The year 1864 was full of exciting political and military events. Among the former was the nomination of George B. McClellan for President by the Democratic Con- vention held at Chicago, August 29, on a platform declaring the wara "failure" as an "experiment" for restoring the Union, and demanding a "cessa- tion of hostilities' ' with a view to a convention for the restoration of peace. Mr. Lincoln had been renominated by the Republicans at Philadelphia, in June previous, with Andrew Johnson as the candidate for Vice- President. The leaders of the respective State tickets were Gen. Richard J. Oglesby, on the part of the Republicans, for Gov- ernor, with William Bross, for Lieutenant-Gov- ernor, and James C. Robinson as the Democratic candidate for Governor. CAMP DOUGLAS CONSPIRACY. For months rumors had been rife concerning a conspiracy of rebels from the South and their sympathizers in the North, to release the rebel prisoners confined in Camp Douglas, Chicago, and at Rock Island, Springfield and Alton aggregating over 25,000 men. It was charged that the scheme was to be put into effect simultaneously with the Novem- ber election, but the activity of the military authorities in arresting the leaders and seizing their arms, defeated it. The investigations of a military court before whom a number of the arrested parties were tried, proved the existence of an extensive organization, calling itself "American Knights" or "Sons of Liberty," of which a number of well-known politicians in Illinois were members. (See Camp Douglas Conspiracy.) At the November election Illinois gave a major- ity for Lincoln of 30,756, and for Oglesby, for Governor, of 33,675, with a proportionate major ity for the rest of the ticket. Lincoln's total vote in the electoral college was 2 12, to 2 1 for McClellan. LEGISLATURE OF 1865. The Republicans had a decided majority in both branches of the Legis- lature of 1865, and one of its earliest acts was the election of Governor Yates, United States Sena- tor, in place of William A. Richardson, who had been elected two years before to the seat formerly held by Douglas. This was the last public posi- tion held by the popular Illinois "War Gov- ernor. " During his official term no more popular public servant ever occupied the executive chair a fact demonstrated by the promptness with which, on retiring from it, he was elected to the United States Senate. His personal and political integrity was never questioned by his most bitter IH ilitical opponents, while those who had known 274 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. him longest and most intimately, trusted him most implicitly. The service which he performed in giving direction to the patriotic sentiment of the State and in marshaling its heroic soldiers for the defense of the Union can never be over- estimated. (See Yates, Richard.) OGLESBY'S ADMINISTRATION. Governor Ogles- by and the other State officers were inaugu- rated Jan. 17, 1865. Entering upon its duties with a Legislature in full sympathy with it, the new administration was confronted by no such difficulties as those with which its predecessor had to contend. Its head, who had been identi- fied with the war from its beginning, was one of the first Illinoisans promoted to the rank of Major-General, was personally popular and enjoyed the confidence and respect of the people of the State. Allen C. Fuller, who had retired from a position on the Circuit bench to accept that of Adjutant-General, which he held during the last three years of the war, was Speaker of the House. This Legislature was the first among those of all the States to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment of the National Constitution, abolish- ing slavery, which it did in both Houses, on the evening of Feb. 1, 1865 the same day the resolu- tion had been finally acted on by Congress and received the sanction of the President. The odious "black laws," which had disgraced the State for twelve years, were wiped from the statute-book at this session. The Legislature adjourned after a session of forty-six days, leav- ing a record as creditable in the disposal of busi- ness as that of its predecessor had been discredit- able. (See Oglesby, Richard J. ) ASSASSINATION OF LINCOLN. The war was now rapidly approaching a successful termination. Lee had surrendered to Grant at Appomattox, April 9, 1865, and the people were celebrating this event with joyful festivities through all the loyal States, but nowhere with more enthusiasm than in Illinois, the home of the two great leaders Lincoln and Grant. In the midst of these jubilations came the assassination of Presi- dent Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth, on the evening of April 14, 1865, in Ford's Theater, Washington. The appalling news was borne on the wings of the telegraph to every corner of the land, and instantly a nation in rejoicing was changed to a nation in mourning. A pall of gloom hung over every part of the land. Public buildings, business houses and dwellings in every city, village and hamlet throughout the loyal States were draped with the insignia of a univer- sal sorrow. Millions of strong men, and tender, patriotic women who had given their husbands, sons and brothers for the defense of the Union, wept as if overtaken by a great personal calam- ity. If the nation mourned, much more did Illi- nois, at the taking off of its chief citizen, the grandest character of the age, who had served both State and Nation with such patriotic fidel- ity, and perished in the very zenith of his fame and in the hour of his country's triumph. THE FUNERAL. Then came the sorrowful march of the funeral cortege from Washington to Springfield the most impressive spectacle witnessed since the Day of the Crucifixion. In all this, Illinois bore a conspicuous part, as on the fourth day of May, 1865, amid the most solemn ceremonies and in the presence of sorrowing thousands, she received to her bosom, near his old home at the State Capital, the remains of the Great Liberator. The part which Illinois played in the great struggle has already been dwelt upon as fully as the scope of this work will permit. It only remains to be said that the patriotic service of the men of the State was grandly supplemented by the equally patriotic service of its women iu "Soldiers' Aid Societies," "Sisters of the Good Samaritan," "Needle Pickets," and in sanitary organizations for the purpose of contributing to the comfort and health of the soldiers in camp and in hospital, and in giving them generous receptions on their return to their homes. The work done by these organizations, and by indi- vidual nurses in the field, illustrates one of the brightest pages in the history of the war. ELECTION OP 1866. The administration of Gov- ernor Oglesby was as peaceful as it was prosper- ous. The chief political events of 1866 were the election of Newton Bateman, State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction, and Gen. Geo. W. Smith, Treasurer, while Gen. John A. Logan, as Representative from the State-at-large. re-entered Congress, from which he had retired in 1861 to enter the Union army. His majority was un- precedented, reaching 55,987. The Legislature of 1867 re-elected Judge Trumbull to the United States Senate for a third term, his chief competi- tor in the Republican caucus being Gen. John M. Palmer. The Fourteenth Amendment to the National Constitution, conferring citizenship upon persona of color, was ratified by this Legis- lature. ELECTION OF 1868. The Republican State Con- vention of 1868, held at Peoria, May 6, nominated the following ticket: For Governor, John M. Palmer, Lieutenant-Governor, John Dougherty; HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Secretary of State, Edward Pummel): Auditor, Charles E. Lippincott, State Treasurer, ErastusN. Bates ; Attorney General. Washington Bushnell. John R. Eden, afterward a member of Congress for three terms, headed the Democratic ticket as candidate for Governor, with William H. Van Epps for Lieutenant-Governor. The Republican National Convention was held at Chicago, May 21, nominating Gen. U. S. Grant for President and Schuyler Colfax for Vice- President. They were opposed by Horatio Seymour for President, and F. P. Blair for Vice- President. The result in November was the election of Grant and Colfax, who received 214 electoral votes from 26 States, to 80 electoral votes for Seymour and Blair from 8 States three States not voting. Grant's majority in Illinois was 51,150. Of course the Republican State ticket was elected. The Legislature elected at the same time consisted of eighteen Republicans to nine Democrats in the Senate and fifty-eight Republicans to twenty-seven Democrats in the House. PALMER'S ADMINISTRATION. Governor Palm- er's administration began auspiciously, at a time when the passions aroused by the war were sub- siding and the State was recovering its normal prosperity. (See Palmer, John 1U.) Leading events of the next four years were the adoption of a new State Constitution and the Chicago fire. The first steps in legislation looking to the con- trol of railroads were taken at the session of 1869, and although a stringent law on the subject passed both Houses, it was vetoed by the Gov- ernor. A milder measure was afterward enacted, and, although superseded by the Constitution of 18TU, it furnished the key-note for much of the legislation since had on the subject. The cele- brated "Lake Front Bill," conveying to the city ot Chicago and the Illinois Central Railroad the title of the State to certain lands included in what was known as the "Lake Front Park," was passed, and although vetoed by the Governor, was re-enacted over his veto. This act was finally repealed by the Legislature of 1873, and after many years of litigation, the rights claimed under it by the Illinois Central Railroad Com- pany have been recently declared void by the Supreme Court of the United States. The Fif- teenth Amendment of the National Constitution, prohibiting the denial of the right of suffrage to "citizens of the United States .... on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude," was ratified by a strictly party vote in each House, on March 5. The first step toward the erection of a new State Capitol at Springfield had been taken in an appropriation of $430.000, at the session of 1867. the total cost being limited to $3,000,000. A second appropriation of S650.00U was made at the session of 1869. The Constitution of 1870 limited the cost to $3,500,000, but an act passed by the Legislature of 1883, making a final appropriation of $531,712 for completing and furnishing the building, was ratified by the people in 1884. The original cost of the building and its furniture exceeded $4,000,000. (See State Houses. ) The State Convention for framing a new Con- stitution met at Springfield. Dec. 13, 1869. It consisted of eighty-five members forty-four Republicans and forty-one Democrats. A num- ber classed as Republicans, however, were elected as "Independents" and co-operated with the Democrats in the organization. Charles Hitch- cock was elected President. The Convention terminated its labors, May 13, 1870; the Constitu- tion was ratified by vote of the people, July 2, and went into effect, August 8, 1870. A special provision establishing the principle of "minority representation" in the election of Representatives in the General Assembly, was adopted by a smaller vote than the main instrument. A lead- ing feature of the latter was the general restric- tion upon special legislation and the enumeration of a large variety of subjects to be provided for under general laws. It laid the basis of our present railroad and warehouse laws; declared the inviolability of the Illinois Central Railroad tax; prohibited the sale or lease of the Illinois & Michigan Canal without a vote of the people . prohibited municipalities from becoming sub- scribers to the stock of any railroad or private corporation; limited the rate of taxation and amount of indebtedness to be incurred ; required the enactment of laws for the protection of miners, etc. The restriction in the old Constitu- tion against the re-election of a Governor as his own immediate successor was removed, but placed upon the office of State Treasurer. The Legisla- ture consists of 204 members 51 Senators and 153 Representatives one Senator and three Repre- sentatives being chosen from each district. (Set- Constitutional Convention of 1SU9-70; also Con- stitution of 1870. ) At the election of 1870, General Logan was re- elected Congressman-at-large by 24,672 majority ; Gen. E. N. Bates, Treasurer, and Newton Bate- man, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. LEGISLATURE or 1871. The Twenty-seventh General Assembly (1871), in its various sessions, 276 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. spent more time in legislation than any other in the history of the State a fact to be accounted for, in part, by the Chicago Fire and the exten- sive revision of the laws required in consequence of the adoption of the new Constitution. Besides the regular session, there were two special, or called, sessions and an adjourned session, cover- ing, in all, a period of 292 days. This Legislature adopted the system of "State control" in the management of the labor and discipline of the convicts of the State penitentiary, which was strongly urged by Governor Palmer in a special message. General Logan having been elected United States Senator at this session. Gen. John L. Beveridge was elected to the vacant position of Congressman -at- large at a special election held Oct 4. CHICAOO FIRE OF 1871. The calamitous fire at Chicago, Oct. 8-9, 1871, though belonging rather to local than to general State history, excited the profound sympathy, not only of the people of the State and the Nation, but of the civilized world. The area burned over, including streets, covered 2,124 acres, with 13,500 buildings out of 18,000, leaving 92,000 persons homeless. The loss of i't'i' is estimated at 250, and of prop- erty at $187,927.000. Governor Palmer called the Legislature together in special session to act upon the emergency, Oct. 13, but as the State was pre- cluded from affording direct aid, the plan was adopted of reimbursing the city for the amount it luul expended in the enlargement of the Illinois <& Michigan Canal, amounting to $2,955,340. The unfortunate shooting of a citizen by a cadet in a regiment of United States troops organized for guard duty, led to some controversy between Governor Palmer, on one side, and the Mayor of Chicago and the military authorities, including President Grant, on the other; but the general verdict was, that, while nice distinctions between civil and military authority may not have been observed, the service rendered by the military, in a great emergency, was of the highest value and was prompted by the best intentions. (See Fire of 1871 under title Chicago.) POLITICAL CAMPAIGN OF 1872. The political campaign of 1873 in Illinois resulted in much con- fusion and a partial reorganization of parties. Dissatisfied with the administration of President Grant, a number of the State officers (including Governor Palmer) and other prominent Repub- licans of the State, joined in what was called the 'Liberal Republican" movement, and supported Horace Oreeley for the Presidency. Ex-Gov- ernor Oglesby again became the standard-bearer of the Republicans for Governor, with Gen. John L. Beveridge for Lieutenant-Governor. At the November election, the Grant and Wilson (Repub- lican) Electors in Illinois received 241,944 votes, to 184,938 for Greeley, and 3,138 for O'Conor. The plurality for Oglesby, for Governor, was 40,690. Governor Oglesby's second administration was of brief duration. Within a week after his in- auguration he was nominated by a legislative caucus of his party for United States Senator to succeed Judge Trumbull, and was elected, receiv- ing an aggregate of 117 votes in the two Houses against 78 for Trumbull, who was supported by the party whose candidates he had defeated at three previous elections. (See Oglesby, Richard J. ) Lieutenant-Governor Beveridge thus became Governor, filling out the unexpired term of his chief. His administration was high-minded, clean and honorable. (See Beveridge, John L.) REPUBLICAN REVERSE OF 1874. The election of 1874 resulted in the first serious reverse I he Republican party had experienced in Illinois since 1862. Although Thomas S. Ridgway, the Republican candidate for State Treasurer, was elected by a plurality of nearly 35,000, by a com- bination of the opposition, S. M. Etter (Fusion) was at the same time elected State Superintend- ent, while the Fusionists secured a majority in each House of the General Assembly. After a protracted contest, E. M. Haines who had been a Democrat, a Republican, and had been elected to this Legislature as an "Independent" was elected Speaker of the House over Shelby M. Cul- lom, and A. A. Glenn (Democrat) was chosen President of the Senate, thus becoming ex-officio Lieutenant-Governor. The session which fol- lowedespecially in the House was one of the most turbulent and disorderly in the history of the State, coming to a termination, April 15, after having enacted very few laws of any im- portance. (See Tieenty-ninth General Assembly. ) CAMPAIGN OF 1876. Shelby M. Cullom was the candidate of the Republican party for Governor in 1876, with Rutherford B. Hayes heading the National ticket. The excitement which attended the campaign, the closeness of the vote between the two Presidential candidates Hayes and Tilden and the determination of the result through the medium of an Electoral Commission, are fresh in the memory of the present gener- ation. In Illinois the Republican plurality for President was 19,631, but owing to the combina- tion of the Democratic and Greenback vote on Lewis Steward for Governor, the majority for c / X n o i> ^-\ c ~ 27f. I11STOUICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. .spent more time in legislation than any other in tin- history of the State a fact to be accounted for. in part, by tin- Chicago Hire and the exten- sive revision ol ' ihe laws required in consequence f UN adoption ol tin- new Constitution. Besides i In' regular session, there WITH two s(>ecia!, or railed, sessions ami an adjourned session, cover- ing, in all, :i period of ijili days. This Lcgi.slaturn adopted Ihn system <'| 'Siato control" in the .'. ' i. ei:...,i, of the lalxir and discipline of the convicts of thu State penitentiary, which was strongly urged by < inventor Palmer in n special ine-sage. Uoneral Logan having bcv.il elected I'nitcd HtotGH Senator at thi.s session. Cien. John I. I '-everitlgu was elected to the vacant position of Congressman :it.-l.irg" at asocial election hell Del 4. rmcMM l'n:i; m- 1871. The calaniitoii- iirn at Chicago. Oct 8-0. 1MI. though Ix-longing rather to local than In general State history, uxcitcd the |iriiloiind sympathy, not only of I ho people >f the Stale, ami I hu Nation, but of thu civilized world. The area burned over. including slreets. covered li, 10 I acres, with 18,600 buildings out. of IS. 000, leaving !r.'.0". and of prop- i-ii v at >'>;,!/, '7. HIM) liovernor Palmer calleil the l.i-^isl.ituie tom-t her iti sjK-cial session to act ii|K>n i In- emergency. Oct. l:t, Imt as the State was pre- 'hnied from allonlni',' direct aid, the plan was auoptetl of reimbursing tin- city for tht; anioutit >! had expende'l in tin: enlargement ol" tlu i Illinois .V Michigan Canal, ainountin^ lo S'J.'J.'j.""!.:!!!). T!t- loiforfcunatfl shooting of aciti/.en liy a crulK ma rc^iineiil. of liniled States troops or^'aiii/'-d toi ^uat'l duly. lc.! IS72. TJie politii-al .i:u|iaignof 1872 in Illinois resulted in much con fusion and a partial reorganization of parlies. i )i-s it isfied with the administration of President ii.iul. a number of the State ollicers (including 1 iiior Calmer) and other prominent Kcpub- licans of the State, joined in what was called the i .iii--i.il l:<'|uil>lie.in" movement, and .sup[iorter ' ij/leshy's second administration was of brief di. ration. Within a week after his in- augural ion he was nominated by a legislative caucus of liis party for I'nited States Senator to succeed .litd-^e Triiiiiliull. 'ind was electeil, receiv- ing an aggregate of 117 votes in the two Houses against 7 s for Trumhull. who was supiMirled by the party whose candidates he hail defeated at t'lpe previous elections. (See '*./'< slit/. A' u-llill'tl .1 ) Lieutenant (iovernor I'.cvei >!_ thus liecame liovernor. lilling out the uncxpircd term of his chief. Ilis administration was high-minded, clean and honorable. ;See / -r. riV;/e. Joint L\ I{I:|'|-|:I.K-\N Kl.vi.itst.; IIK ls;i The election of l^Tl resulted in the lirst serious reverse ihc i:epublic:iii party had experienced in Illinois since IMVJ. Although Thomas S IJidgway. the Kepuhlicaii candidate lor Slate Treasiirer, was electeii by a plurality of nearly '\~i .(lull, by a com- bination of the opposition. S. M. I'-tter (Fusion) was ai the same time elected State Superinti'iid- et:t. while the I'usioiiists secured a majority in each House of the (ieneral Assembly. After a protracted content. K M. llaines who had been a. Demoenit. a K'epiihlican, and had been elected to this Legislature as an "Independent" was elect e.l Speaker of the I louse over Shelby M. ( 'ill loin, and A. \. (Menu (Democrat) was chosen 1'resiilent of the Senate, thus In-coining ex-otlieio Li-'Utenant I .overnoi. Tiie session which fol- lowedespecially in tlm House -was one of the most turbulent and disorderly in the history of the State, coming to a termination, April 15. after having enacted very feu" laws of anv im- portance, ^ee Tir> nt//-t< intli (,'iHI'rill .l.s'.S' Hllil'l.) C\MI'\HiX i'l' IsTii. Shelby M. Ciillom was thu 'andidale of [lie I^epublican party for:!I, but owing to the combina tion of the hemocratic and (irecnhack vote on Lewis .Steward for (iovvrnor. the majority for fcpSt'vlpp' ' - - ?. i^L if- : ' '- t :.\ .-*' .-.--. . BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. CHICAGO. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 277 fullom was reduced to 6,798. The other State officers elected were: Andrew Shuman, Lieu- tenant-Governor; George H. Harlow, Secretary of State; Thomas B. Needles, Auditor; Edward I : nt /., Treasurer, and James K. Edsall, Attorney- General. Each of these had pluralities exceeding 20,000, except Needles, who, having a single com- petitor, had a smaller majority than Cullom. The new State House was occupied for the first time by the State officers and the Legislature chosen at this time. Although the Republicans had a majority in the House, the Independents held the "balance of power" in joint session of the General Assembly. After a stubborn and protracted struggle in the effort to choose a United States Senator to succeed Senator John A. Logan, David Davis, of Bloomington, was elected on the fortieth ballot. He had been a Whig and a warm personal friend of Lincoln, by whom he was appointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of tho United States in 1862. His election to the United States Senate by the Demo- crats and Independents led to his retirement from the Supreme bench, thus preventing his appoint- ment on the Electoral Commission of 1877 a cir- cumstance which, in the opinion of many, may have had an important bearing upon the decision of that tribunal. In the latter part of his term he served as President pro tempore of the Senate, and more frequently acted with the Republicans than with their opponents. He supported Blaine and Logan for President and Vice-President, in 1884. (See Davis, David. ) STRIKE OF 1877. The extensive railroad strike, in July, 1877, caused widespread demoralization of business, especially in the railroad centers of the State and throughout the country generally. The newly -organized National Guard was called out and rendered efficient service in restoring order. Governor Cullom 's action in the premises was prompt, and has been generally commended as eminently wise and discreet. ELECTION OP 1878. Four sets of candidates were in the field for the offices of State Treasurer and Superintendent of Public Instruction in 1878 Republican, Democratic, Greenback and Pro- hibition. The Republicans were successful, Gen. John C. Smith being elected Treasurer, and .lames P. Slade, Superintendent, by pluralities averaging about 35,000. The same party also plected eleven out of nineteen members of Con- gress, and, for the first time in six years, secured a majority in each branch of the General Assem- bly. At the session of this Legislature, in Janu- ary following, John A. Logan was elected to the United States Senate as successor to Gen. R. J. Oglesby, whose term expired in March following. CoL William A. James, of Lake County, served as Speaker of the House at this session. (See Smith, John Corson; Slade, James P.; also Thirty- first General Assembly. ) CAMPAIGN OF 1880. The political campaign of 1880 is memorable for the determined struggle made by the friends of General Grant to secure his nomination for the Presidency for a third term. The Republican State Convention, begin- ning at Springfield, May 19, lasted three days, ending in instructions in favor of General Grant by a vote of 399 to 285. These were nulli3ed, however, by the action of the National Conven- tion two weeks later. Governor Cullom was nominated for re-election; John M. Hamilton for Lieutenant-Governor ; Henry D. Dement for Sec- retary of State; Charles P. Swigert for Auditor; Edward Rutz (for a third term) for Treasurer, and James McCartney for Attorney-General. (See Dement, Henry D.; Swigert, diaries P.; Rutz, Edward, and McCartney, James. ) Ex-Sena- tor Trumbull headed the Democratic ticket as its candidate for Governor, with General L. B. Par- sons for Lieutenant-Governor. The Republican National Convention met in Chicago, June 2. After thirty-six ballots, in which 306 delegates stood unwaveringly by Gen- eral Grant, James A. Garfield, of Ohio, was nominated, with Chester A. Arthur, of New York, for Vice-President. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock was the Democratic candidate and Gen. James B. Weaver, the Greenback nominee. In Illinois, 622,156 votes were cast, Garfield receiv- ing a plurality of 40,716. The entire Republican State ticket was elected by nearly the same plu- ralities, and the Republicans again had decisive majorities in both branches of the Legislature. No startling events occurred during Governor Cullom's second term. The State continued to increase in wealth, population and prosperity, and the heavy debt, by which it had been bur- dened thirty years before, was practically "wiped out." ELECTION OP 1882. At the election of 1882, Gen. John C. Smith, who had been elected State Treasurer in 1878, was re-elected for a second term, over Alfred Orendorff, while Charles T. Strattan, the Republican candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction, was de- feated by Henry Raab. The Republicans again had a majority in each House of the General Assembly, amounting to twelve on joint ballot. Loren C. Collins was elected Speaker of the l;t>.\kl> ill- TKADK liril.niNC, ( UK Act). IIISTOIMCAL KNrycLoi'LiHA or ILLINOIS 2 IV IV I t Ctslliim was reduced to (i.7\ The other Stale' otiiccrs elected werf Andrew Sliunian. Lieu- |.-::ant (iovernor: (!eor";e II Hariow. Secretary of Suite; Thomas I! Needles. Auditor. i-Mward I ,'iit/, Tre-UMircr. and James K. Kdsall. Attorney- l e-neral Kui'li of I hese hud pluralities exceeding .'u.iliHI. except X lies, who, having ;i single com- petitor, had a smaller majority than ('iiltoin. The lieu" State House was occupied for the lirst time liy the State ii(lie"rs and the Legislature chosen at this time VlthooKh the Republican!) had a niajiirity in the House, the Indc|.|idents hel,| the "halance of power" in joint session of thi' (ieiieral Asseml.K \fter a stiililMirn an. I protracted stru.^ule i" tin- ell'ort to choose a I'M it el Slates Sen; it or 1" succeed Senator .lohn A. l.o-j-aii, David !>i\', of liloomin^'ton. was lei-ted mi the for!ie!h hallot. lie. had heen a Wlii^and a warm i -.-nal friend of Lincoln, hy '.'II he was api' ,ii.'.- ! Associate .lusticc of the ^upreme ( '.mit ( I'..- I'nited States in ISli-.'. Jlis I. "-lion t" the I nit e. I Si ales Senate l.y thi- I l.-mo- i-ralsaiiil Indepeii'l'-n's l--il to his retirement from tin- Supreme lioneli. thus preventing his appoint- un-nt on the Kl-'-'lor.!! ' 'i'liiinissiun (f 1S77 a cir- ';; ;:ui' ' whirh. ; the (ipiiiion of man\. n:ay have ha.) an imporlaM U-arin.^ upon the deciMoii of Iliat trilmnal. In iic-- lalli-r part of hi-l.-na In- served as Presideni )>!> tempore of tin- Si-iiad-, and more fre.jiii-tit !^ a>-lel \\ith thi- Itepnhli.'ans than with their oppoiifMts I le siip|ir !*?? Tin 1 extt'iisire railnwd strike. n .Tulv. 1 S 77. nal *;nar'l was callfl nit and rendered eilicient service in iesioriMR "I'di-r. (inverih >r ( 'nllom's action in the premises v-.as prompt, and has U-en ^ r i-nerally coinnii-nded i- eminently \vi^- and iliscrei-t. Kl.rrri'iS i>r |s> l-'onr sets of camliilates A ere in tlio Held lor tii" otlices of Stale Treasurer ami Superintendent ! I'uhlii- Instructmu in I^TS K'i'puhlic-aii. Ih'tiiocratic. llreetihaek and I'm liiltilinn The Ilcpuliiieatis were Miccessful. lien. Julin (T. Smith I liein.^' elected Treasurer, and .lames I'. Sladi', Superintendent, hy pluralities .ivera^iti;^ alMiut :!">. nun Tin- same parly also 'li'.-ted eleven oul of nineteen mi-inhers of Con- ,-n-ss ami. for the lirst lime in six years, secured .1 ma.jnrily in each hranch of theK l 1 *^!. The [K.lilical campaign of l^xil is menuirahle for thi- di-termined strn^^li- made hy the friends of Ci-n.-ral Uraiit to si'i-iire his nomination for the I're-idcncy for a third term. The It^pulilicaii .State Convent inn. l-t;in nin^ at Sprin:;(ield. Ma\ !'' lasti-1 thn-e days, i-ndiri^ in instriK'tioiis in tavorof < ii-in-ral < irant hy a vole of :'.!'!l to >.", Thi-"- WIT.- nulli led howeM-r. l.y the a'-lionof the Naiiiiiial Coiiveii- lioTi two \\i--Us later. (JoM-rnor Cullom was nominated for rc-el(K-tion : John M ILunilt-m for Lienl.-nalit-l Governor. Henry I) I)eni"iil for Sec- retary of Slat.-; Cliarl.-- I'. Swi^ert fi.r Auditor: l-Mward I.'utz ( for a third term! tor Treasurer and Jam.- McCartney I'.T At |..rne\ < ..-neral (S,..- ll,i,i,i,l. II, urif l> : Siriij,;-f. I'lmrlix I': l.'ttt~. I'flirttrtl. and M,-* 'tn-ti" ij. Jttut, *. ) I '.\ Sena tor Triimlnill headed the DeiiiiMTalii- ticket as its candi'Iate for < lov.-i nor. with ( leueral I. I". I'ar- SOIIH for Lieutenant -< Jovenmr T.'ie IN-puhlican Nali.mal Cniiveiiiinii met in Chi.-ajro June ,' \lt.-r lhirty-si\ hallots. in which :!"i'i di-li-L-ales stood nnwav.-riri'.-ly l.y (len- eral (irant. Janus \ ilarli.-M ..f Ohio, w.-is" nominati-d. with Cln->i.-r \ Art'mr. ol New ^',.rli. for Vice-President < ien. \Vinlii-ld --- ott llalicock \vas t!n l 1 >emocra1 ic candidate and Cn-n James It "Weaver, (h.- i.i - eenhack nominee In Illinois (',.'-.* l.%ti \o|.-s \vi-ro cast, (iarli.-l I n-c.-iv- ing a plurality of 1" Tlti Thei-nure l,'*-fin!.!].-aii State ticket was elected hy nearly I lie same plu- ralities, and l!ie K'e;.iil.]ic.iiis a-a.n had d'-cisivt* inajoiities in K.|!I li!-aueti.-> ol (lie I..- :-!aiuni. No startling e\ent iirre.l dmi::-- (invernur Cullom's s.-,-i.n.l I. -rm Thi- Slate i-oatinuel In increase in wealth population and pr..s|M-ril-y. and the h.-avy d.-hl. l.y which it h.i.l IM-II Inir- di-neil thirty years l.fore. was practically "w^H-d out " |-;i.l-:iT|ilV "I l^s.' _.\l the elerliotl , ,f 1 SS-_> (ien John C. Smilli. who had U-en elecle.1 Stilte Treasurer in IsTs. was re-elected for a second term, over Alfred < )r.-inloi if. while Charles T Strattan. I he 1,'epiihlican can.lidale for State Siiperintenileiil of Piihlic InstriK-tioii. W:LS de feateil I iy Henry 1,'aah The 1,'epnhlicans a^ain hail a majority in each House of tl. (ieneral A.ssemldy amounting to twelve on joint hallot -Loren C Collins was elected S|>eaker i>f tile 27K HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OK ILLINOIS. House. In the election of United States Senator, which occurred at this session, Governor Cullom was chosen as the successor to David Davis, Gen. .John M. Palmer receiving the Democratic vote. Lieut. -Gov. Johu M. Hamilton thus became Gov- ernor, nearly in the middle of his term. (See ( 'ullom, Shelby M. ; Hamilton, John 3f.: Collins, Loren C., and Html). Ilrnrii.) The "Harper High License Law," enacted by the Thirty-third General Assembly (1883), has become one of the permanent features of the Illi- nois statutes for the control of the liquor traffic, and has been more or less closely copied in other States. POLITICAL CAMPAIGN OF 1884. In 18x4, Gen. R. J. Oglesby again Itecame the choice of the Republican party for Governor, receiving at Peoria the conspicuous compliment of a nomina- tion for a third term, by acclamation. Carter II Harrison was the candidate of the Democrats. The Republican National Convention was again held in Chicago, meeting June 3, 1884; Gen. John A. Logan was the choice of the Illinois Repub- licans for President, and was put in nomination in the Convention by Senator Cullom. The choice of the Convention, however, fell upon James G. Blaine, on the fourth killot. his leading competitor l>eing President Arthur. Logan was then nominated for Vice-President by acclama- tion. At the election in November the Republican party met its first reverse on the National battle- field since ln5enitentiary for four years for ]>erjury growing out of the investiga- tion. A motive for this attempted fraud was found in the close vote in the Legislature for United Suites Senator Senator Logan being a candidate for re-election, while the Legislature stood 102 Republicans to 1 Democrats and two Greenbackers on joint ballot. A tedious contest on the election of Speaker of the House finally resulted in the success of E. M. Haines. Pending the struggle over the Senatorship, two seats in the House and one in the Senate were rendered vacant by death the deceased Senator and one of the Representatives being Democrats, and the other Representative a Republican. The special election for Senator resulted in filling the vacancy with a new member of the same political faith as his predecessor ; but both vacancies in the House were filled by Republicans. The gain of a Repub- lican member in place of a Democrat in the House was brought about by the election of Captain William H. Weaver Representative from the Thirty-fourth District (composed of Mason. Menard, Cass and Schuyler Counties) over the Democratic candidate, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Representative J. Henry Shaw, Democrat. This was accomplished by what is called a "still hunt" on the jiart of the Repub- licans, in which the Democrats, being taken by surprise, suffered a defeat. It furnished the sen- sation not only of the session, but of special elec- tions generally, especially as every county in the District was strongly Democratic. This gave tin- Republicans a majority in each House, and the re-election of Logan followed, though not until two months had been consumed in the contest. (See Logan, John A.) OOLESDY'S THIRD TERM. The only disturbing events during Governor Oglesby 's third terra were strikes among the quarrymen at Joliet and Lemont, in May, 1885; by the railroad switchmen at East St. Louis, in April, 188G, and among the employes at the Union Stock-Yards, in November of thessme year. In each case troops were called out and order finally restored, but not until sev- eral persons had been killed in the two former, and both strikers and employers had lost heavily in the interruption of business. At the election of 1886, John R. Tanner and Dr. Richard Edwards (Republicans) were respec- tively elected State Treasurer and State Superin- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 279 tendent of Public Instruction, by 34,816 plurality for the former and 29,928 for the latter. (See Tanner, John B.; Edwards, Richard.) In the Thirty-fifth General Assembly, which met January, 1887. the Republicans had a major- ity in eachT House, and Charles B. Farwell was elected to the United States Senate in place of Gen. John A. Logan, deceased. (See Farirell. Charles B. ) FIFEK ELECTED GOVERNOR. The political campaign of 1888 was a spirited one, though less bitter than the one of four years previous. Ex- Senator Joseph W. Fifer, of McLean County, and Ex-Gov. John M. Palmer were pitted against each other as opposing candidates for Governor. (See Fifer, Joseph W. ) Prohibition and Labor tickets were also in the field The Republican National Convention was again held in Chicago, June 20-25, resulting in the nomination of Benjamin Harrison for President, on the eighth ballot. The delegates from Illinois, with two or three excep- tions, voted steadily for Judge Walter Q. Gresham. (See (Iri'sham, Walter Q.) Grover Cleveland headed the Democratic ticket as a candidate for re-election. At the November elec- tion, 747,683 votes were cast in Illinois, giving the Republican Electors a plurality of 22,104. Fifer's plurality over Palmer was 12,547, and that of the remainder of the Republican State ticket, still larger. Those elected were Lyman B. Ray, Lieutenant-Governor ; Isaac N. Pearson, Secre tary of State; Gen. Charles W. Pavey, Auditor; Charles Becker, Treasurer, and George Hunt. Attorney -General (See Kay, Lyman B.; Pear- xou, Isaac N.: J'aiTy. Charles It"; and Becker. Charles.) The Republicans secured twenty-six majority on joint ballot in the Legislature the largest since 1881. Among the acts of the Legis- lature of 1889 were the re-election of Senator Cullom to the United States Senate, practically without a contest ; the revision of the compulsory education law, and the enactment of the Chicago drainage law. At a special session held in July. 1890, the first steps in the preliminary legislation looking to the holding of the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 in the city of Chicago, were taken. (See World's Columbian Exposition.) REPUBLICAN DEFEAT OP 1890. The campaign of 1890 resulted in a defeat for the Republicans on both the State and Legislative tickets. Edward S. Wilson was eleqted Treasurer by a plurality of 9,847 and Prof. Henry Raab, who had been Super- intendent of Public Instruction between 1883 and 1887, was elected for a second term by 34,042. Though lacking two of an absolute majority on joint ballot in the Legislature, the Democrats were able, with the aid of two members belonging to the Farmers' Alliance, after a prolonged and exciting contest, to elect Ex-Gov. John M. Palmer United States Senator, as successor to C. B. Farwell. The election took place on March 11, resulting, on the 154th ballot, in 103 votes for Palmer to 100 for Cicero J. Lindley (Republican) and one for A. J. Streeter. (See Palmer, John M. ) ELECTION'S OF 1892. At the elections of 1892 the Republicans of Illinois sustained their first defeat on both State and National issues since 1856. The Democratic State Convention was held at Springfield, April 27. and that of the Republicans on May 4. The Democrats put in nomination John P. Altgeld for Governor; Joseph B. Gill for Lieutenant-Governor; William H. Hiarichsen for Secretary of State; Rufus N. Ramsay for State Treasurer; David Gore for Auditor ; Maurice T. Moloney for Attorney-Gen- eral, with John C. Black and Andrew J. Hunter for Congressmen-at-large and three candidates for Trustees of the University of Illinois. The can- didates on the Republican ticket were: For Gov ernor, Joseph W. Fifer; Lieutenant-Governor, Lyman B. Ray ; Secretary of State. Isaac N. Pear- son; Auditor, Charles W. Pavey; Attorney -Gen- eral, George W. Prince; State Treasurer, Henry L. Hertz ; Congressmen-at-large, George S. Willits and Richard Yates, with three University Trus- tees. The first four were all incumbents nomi- nated to succeed themselves. The Republican National Convention held its session at Minneapo- lis June 7-10, nominating President Harrison for re-election, while that of the Democrats met in Chicago, on June 21, remaining in session until June 24, for the third time choosing, as its standard-bearer, Grover Cleveland, with Adlai T. Stevenson, of Bloomington, 111., as his running- mate for Vice-President. The Prohibition and People's Party also had complete National and State tickets in the field. The State campaign was conducted with great vigor on both sides, the Democrats, under the leadersliip of Altgeld, mak- ing an especially bitter contest upon some features of the compulsory school law. and gaining many votes from the ranks of the German-Republicans. The result in the State showed a plurality for Cleveland of 26,993 votes out of a total 873,646 the combined Prohibition and People's Party vote amounting to 48,077. The votes for the respec- tive heads of the State tickets were: Altgeld (Dem.), 425,498; Fifer (Rep.), 402,659; Link (Pro.), 25,628 ;Barnet (Peo.), 20, 108 plurality for Altgeld, 22,808. The vote for Fifer was the high- 280 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. eat given to any Republican candidate on either the National or the State ticket, leading that of President Harrison by nearly 3,400, while the vote for Altgeld, though falling behind that of Cleveland, led the votes of all his associates on the Democratic State ticket with the single exception of Ramsay, the Democratic Candidate for Treas- urer. Of the twenty-two Representatives in Congress from the State chosen at this time, eleven were Republicans and eleven Democrats, including among the latter the two Congressmen from the State-at-large. The Thirty -eighth Gen- eral Assembly stood twenty-nine Democrats to twenty-two Republicans in the Senate, and seventy -eight Democrats to seventy-five Republic- ans in the House. The administration of Governor Fifer the last in a long and unbroken line under Republican Gov- ernors closed with the financial and industrial interests of the State in a prosperous condition, the State out of debt with an ample surplus in its treasury. Fifer was the first private soldier of the Civil War to be elected to the Governorship, though the result of the next two elections have shown that he was not to be the last both of his successors belonging to the same class. Governor Altgeld was the first foreign-born citizen of the State to be elected Governor, though the State has had four Lieutenant-Governors of foreign birth, viz. : Pierre Menard, a French Canadian ; John Moore, an Englishman, and Gustavus Koerner and Francis A. Hoffman, both Germans. ALTOELD'S ADMINISTRATION. The Thirty- eighth General Assembly began its session, Jan. 4, 1893, the Democrats having a majority in each House. (See Thirty-eighth General Assembly.) The inauguration of the State officers occurred on January 10. The most important events con- nected with Governor Altgeld's administration were the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, and the strike of railway employes in 1894. Both of these have been treated in detail under their proper heads. (See WorlcC s Columbian Exposi- tion, and Labor Troubles.) A serious disaster befell the State in the destruction by fire, on the night of Jan. 3, 1895, of a portion of the buildings connected with the Southern Hospital for the Insane at Anna, involving a loss to the State of nearly $200,000, and subjecting the inmates and officers of the institution to great risk and no small amount of suffering, although no lives were lost. The Thirty-ninth General Assembly, which met a few days after the fire, made an appropri- ation of $171,970 for the restoration of the build- ings destroyed, and work was begun immediately. The defalcation of Charles W. Spalding, Treas- urer of the University of Illinois, which came to light near the close of Governor Altgeld's term, involved the State in heavy loss (the exact amount of which is not even yet fully known), and operated unfortunately for the credit of the retiring administration, in view of the adoption of a policy which made the Governor more directly responsible for the management of the State in- stitutions than that pursued by most of his prede- cessors. The Governor's course in connection with the strike of 1894 was also severely criticised in some quarters, especially as it brought him in opposition to the policy of the National adminis- tration, and exposed him to the charge of sympa- thizing with the strikers at a time when they were regarded as acting in open violation of law. ELECTION OF 1894. The election of 1894 showed as surprising a reaction against the Democratic party, as that of 1892 had been in an opposite direction. The two State offices to be vacated this year State Treasurer and State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction were filled by the elec- tion of Republicans by unprecedented majorities. The plurality for Henry Wulff for State Treas- urer, was 133,427, and that in favor of Samuel M. Inglis for State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, scarcely 10,000 less. Of twenty -two Repre- sentatives in Congress, all but two returned as elected were Republicans, and these two were unseated as the result of contests. The Legisla- ture stood thirty-three Republicans to eighteen Democrats in the Senate, and eighty -eight Repub- licans to sixty -one Democrats in the House. One of the most important acts of the Thirty - ninth General Assembly, at the following session, was the enactment of a law fixing the compensa- tion of members of the General Assembly at $1,000 for each regular session, with five dollars per day and mileage for called, or extra, sessions. This Legislature also passed acts making appropriations for the erection of buildings for the use of the State Fair, which had been permanently located at Springfield; for the establishment of two ad- ditional hospitals for the insane, one near Rock Island and the other (for incurables) near Peoria; for the Northern and Eastern Illinois Normal Schools, and for a Soldiers' Widows' Home at Wilmington. PERMANENT LOCATION OP THE STATE FAIR. In consequence of the absorption of public atten- tion especially among the industrial and manu- facturing classes by the World's Columbian Exposition, the holding of the Annual Fair of the Illinois State Board of Agriculture for 1893 was z PI rr f t- c < 880 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS est given to an}' Republican candidate on either the National or the State ticket, leading that of President Harrison by nearly 3,40(1, while the vote for Altgeld, though falling behind that of Cleveland, led the votes of all his associates on tho Democratic State ticket with the single exception of Ramsay, the Democratic Candidate for Treas urer. Of the twenty-two Representatives in Congress from tli State chosen at this time, eleven were Republicans and eleven Democrats, including among the latter the two Congressmen from the Stato-at-large. The Thirty-eighth Gen- eral Assembly stood twenty-nine Democrats to twenty-two Republicans in thu Senate, and seventy-eight Democrats to seventy five Republic- ans in tli- 1 louse. The administration of ( Inventor Fifer the last in a long and unbroken line under Republican Gov- ernors closed with the financial and industrial interests of the State in a prosperous condition, the State out of debt with an ample surplus in its treasury Fifer was the first private soldier of the Civil War to be elected to the Governorship, though tin 1 result of the next two elections have shown that lie was not to Iw the last both of his successors belonging to the same class. Governor Altgeld wa.s the first foreign-liorn citizen of the Stale to be elected Governor, though tho State has had four Lieutenant -Governors of foreign birth, vi/. : Pierre Menard, a French Canadian; John Moore, an Englishman, and Gustavus Koerner and Francis A. Hotrman. both Germans. Ai.rciKi.D's ADMINISTRATION. The Thirty- eighth General Assembly began its session, Jan. t, INHH. tin 1 Democrats having a majority in each House (See Tliirli/-i'iylitlt rlil's Columbian K.i'jtoxi- liini. and l.nlior Tmnlili-x ) A serious disaster befell the State in the destruction by fire, on tin 1 night of Jan :!. |s!ir,, of a iK.rtion of the buildings connected with I lie Southern Hospital for the Insane at Anna, involving a loss to the State of nearly x-JdlMilio, and subjecting the inmates ami officers of tlie institution to great risk and no small amount of suffering, although no lives were lost The Thirty ninth General Assembly, which met a few days after the fire, made an appropri ation of SIT 1.1170 for the restoration of the build ings destroyed, and work was begun immediately Tin- defalcation of Charles W. Spalding, Treas- urer of the University of Illinois, which came to light near the close of Governor Altgeld's term, involved the State in heavy loss (the exact amount of which is not even yet fully known i. and operated unfortunately for the credit of the retiring administration, in view of the adoption ol a policy which made the Governor more directly responsible for the management of the State in- stitutions than that pur-ued by most of bis prede- cessors. The Governor's course in connection with the strike of 1N1I4 was also severely criticised in some cmarters, especially as it brought him in opposition to the policy of the National adminis tratiou, and exposed him to the charge of sympa thi/ing with the strikers at a time when they were regarded as acting in open violation of law ELECTION OF ISU4. The election of IHJM showed as surprising a reaction against the Democratic party, as that of 1HU2 had been in an opposite direction. The two State offices to 1* vacated this year State Treasurer and State Superintend ent of Public Instruction were tilled by the elec- tion of Republicans by unprecedented majorities. The plurality for Henry \Vullf for State Trtas urer, was Ut;i.4'-27, and that in favor of Samuel M. Inglis for State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, scarcely 10,000 less. I >f twenty-two Repre sontativcs in Congress, all but two returned as elected were Republicans, and these two were unseated as the result of contests. The Legisla ture stood thirty-three Republicans to eighteen Democrats in the Senate, and eighty eight Repub licans to sixty -one Democrats in the House. One of the most important acts of the Thirty ninth General Assembly, at the following session was the enactment of a law lixing the compen^a tion of membersof the General Assembly at 81, Mm for' each regular session, with five dollars per day and mileage for called, or extra, sessions. This Legislature also passedacts making appropriations for the erection of buildings for the use of tin- State Fair, which had ln-en [KTinanently located lit Springfield; for the establishment of two ad ditional hospitals for the insane, one near Rock Island and the other (for incurables) near I'eoria. for the Northern and Eastern Illinois Normal Schools, and for a Soldiers' Widows' Home at Wilmington. I'KKMANKNT LOCATION OF THE STATK FAIU. Ill consequence of the absorption of public alien tion especially among the industrial and manu- facturing classes by the World's Columbian Exposition, the holding of the Annual Fair of the Illinois State Board of Agriculture for 1W)3 was o z f. X u bl c J* X 3 X o 2 u. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 281 omitted for the first time since the Civil War. The initial steps were taken by the Board at its annual meeting in Springfield, in January of that year, looking to the permanent location of the Fair; and, at a meeting of the Board held in Chi- cago, in October following, formal specifications were adopted prescribing the conditions to be met in securing the prize. These were sent to cities intending to compete for the location as the basis of proposals to be submitted by them. Responses were received from the cities of Bloomington, Decatur, Peoritt.and Springfield, at the annual meeting in January, 1894, with the result that, on the eighth ballot, the bid of Springfield was accepted and the Fair permanently located at that place by a vote of eleven for Springfield to ten divided between five other points. The Springfield proposal provided for conveyance to the State Board of Agriculture of 155 acres of land embracing the old Sangamon County Fair Grounds immediately north of the city besides a cash contribution of $50,000 voted by the San- gamon County Board of Supervisors for the erection of permanent buildings. Other contri- butions increased the estimated value of the donations from Sangamon County (including the land) to $139,800, not including the pledge of the city of Springfield to pave two streets to the gates of the Fair Grounds and furnish water free, be- sides an agreement on the part of the electric light company to furnish light for two years free of charge. The construction of buildings was begun the same year, and the first Fair held on the site in September following. Additional buildings have been erected and other improve- ments introduced each year, until the grounds are now regarded as among the best equipped for exhibition purposes in the United States. In the meantime, the increasing success of the Fair from year to year has demonstrated the wisdom of the action taken by the Board of Agriculture in the matter of location. CAMPAIGN OF 1896. The political campaign of 1896 was one of almost unprecedented activity in Illinois, as well as remarkable for the variety and character of the issues involved and the number of party candidates in the field. As usual, the Democratic and the Republican parties were the chief factors in the contest, although there was a wide diversity of sentiment in each, which tended to the introduction of new issues and the organization of parties on new lines. The Republicans took the lead in organizing for the canvass, holding their State Convention at Springfield on April 29 and 30. while the Demo- crats followed, at Peoria, on June 23. The former put in nomination John R. Tanner for Governor; William A. Northcott for Lieutenant-Governor ; James A. Rose for Secretary of State ; James S. McCullough for Auditor; Henry L. Hertz for Treasurer, and Edward C. Akin for Attorney- General, with Mary Turner Carriel, Thomas J Smyth and Francis M. McKay for University Trustees. The ticket put in nomination by the Democracy for State officers embraced John P. Altgeld for re-election to the Governorship; for Lieutenaut-Governor, Monroe C. Crawford; Sec- retary of State, Finis E. Downing; Auditor, Andrew L. Maxwell; Attorney -General, George A. Trade, with three candidates for Trustees. The National Republican Convention met at St. Louis on June 16, and, after a three days' session, put in nomination William McKinley, of Ohio, for President, and Garret A. Hobart, of New Jersey, for Vioe-President ; while their Demo- cratic opponents, following a policy which had been maintained almost continuously by one or the other party since 1860, set in motion its party machinery in Chicago holding its National Con- vention in that city, July 7-11, when, for the first time in the history of the nation, a native of Illinois was nominated for the Presidency in the person of William J. Bryan of Nebraska, with Arthur Sewall, a ship-builder of Maine, for the second place on the ticket. The main issues, as enunciated in the platforms of the respective parties, were industrial and financial, as shown by the prominence given to the tariff and monetary questions in each. This was the natural result of the business depression which had prevailed since 1893. While the Republican platform adhered to the traditional position of the party on the tariff issue, and declared in favor of maintaining the gold standard as the basis of the monetary system of the country, that of the Democracy took a new departure by declaring unreservedly for the "free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1 ;" and this be- came the leading issue of the campaign. The fact that Thomas E. Watson, of Georgia, who had been favored by the Populists as a candidate for Vice President, and was afterwards formally nominated by a convention of that party, with Mr. Bryan at its head, was ignored by the Chi- cago Convention, led to much friction between the Populist and Democratic wings of the party At the same time a very considerable body in influence and political prestige, if not in numbers in the ranks of the old-line Democratic party, refused to accept the doctrine of the free-silver HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OK ILLINOIS. omitted for the lirst time since the Civil War The initial steps were taken by the Board at its annual meeting in S]iringlielnses were received from the cities of BloootingtOB. Decatur, I'eoria and .Springfield, at the annual meeting in January, 1M1M. with the result that, on the eighth ballot, the bid of Springfield was accepted and the Fair permanently located at that place by a vote of eleven for Springfield to ten divided between live other |>oints. The Springfield proposal provided for conveyance to the State Board of Agriculture of 1S5 acres of land embracing the old Sangarnon County Fair Grounds immediately north of the city besides a cash contribution of 511, (Kid voted by the San- gamon County Board of Supervisors for the erection of fieriiiaiieiit buildings. Other contri- butions increased the estimated value of the donations from Sangamon County (including the land) to SUiO,S(M>. not including the pledge of the city of Springfield to pave two streets to the gates of the Fair (! rounds ami furnish water free, IH-- sides an agreement on the part of the electric light company to furnish light for two years free of charge. The construction of buildings was liegun the same year, and the lirst Fair held on the site in September following Additional buildings have liven erected and other improve- ments introduced each year, until the grounds are now regarded as among the l>est equipped for exhibition purjmses in the United States In the meantime, the increasing success of the Fair from ye;r to year has demonstrated the wisdom of the action taken by the Hoard of Agriculture in the matter of location CAMPAIGN OK 1W>. The jiolilieal campaign of IWMi was one of almost unprecedented activity in Illinois as well as remarkable for the variety and character of the issues involved and the nuinl'fi of party candidates in the field As usual, the Democratic ami the Republican parties were the chief factors in the/ contest, although there was a wide diversity of sentiment in each, which tended to the introduction of new issues and the organization of parties on new lines The Republicans took the lead in organizing for the canvass, holding their State Convention at Springfield on April ill and !!0. while the Demo- crats followed, at Peoria, on June 23. The former pui in nomination John H. Tanner for (loveruor William A Northcott for Lieutenant-Uoveruor . James A. liose for Secretary of State: James S McCulIough for Auditor; Henry L. Hertz for Treasurer, and Edward C Akin for Attorney (ieneral, with Mary Turner Carrie!, Thomas J Smyth and Francis M McKay for University TrustiH-s. The ticket put in nomination by the Democracy for State officers embraced John I'. Altgeld for re-election to the Governorship, for Lieutenant-* lovernor, Monroe C. Crawford; Sec- retary of State, Finis K. Downing; Auditor, Andrew L. Maxwell; Attorney-! iener.il. (George A. Trude, with three candidates for Trustees. The National Republican Convention met at St Louis on June Id, and, after a three days' session, put in nomination William McKiuley, of Ohio, for President, and Carret A Ilohart, of New Jersey, for Vice- President: while their Demo cratic opponents, following a jtolicy which had been maintained almost continuously by one or the other party since 1SGO, set in motion its [>arty machinery in Chicago holding its National Con vention in that city, July 7-11, when, for the first time in the history of the nation, a native of Illinois was nominated for the Presidency in the person of William J. Bryan of Nebraska, with Arthur Sewall, a shipbuilder of Maine, for the second place on the ticket The main issues, as enunciated in the platforms of the respective parties, were industrial and financial, as shown by the prominence given to the tarilT and monetary questions in each. This was the natural result of the business depression which had prevailed since- 1H!C!. While the Republican! platform adhered to the traditional |H>sition of the, party on the tariff issue, and declared in favor of maintaining the gold standard as the basis of the monetary system of tin- country, that of the Democracy took a new departure by declaring unreservedly for the "free, and unlimited coinage of lioth silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 1<> to 1 ," and this lie- came 'the leading issue of the rampaign. The fact that Thomas K. Watson, of < icorgia, who had Id-en favored by the Populists as a candidate for Vice President, and was afterwards formally nominatcd by a convention of that (tarty, w-ith Mr Bryan at its head, was ignored by the Chi eago ( 'on\ eiitioii. led to much friction Ix'twcen the Populist and Democratic wings of the |tart\ At the same time a very considerable liody in influence and [lolitical prestige, if not in numbers in the ranks of the old-line Democratic |>arty refused to accept the doctrine of the free silvei HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. section on the monetary question, and. adopting the name of "Gold Democrats,'' put in nomination a ticket composed of John M. Palmer, of Illinois, for President, and Simon B. Buckner, of Ken- tucky, for Vice-President. Besides these, the Pro- hibitionists, Nationalists. Socialist-Labor Party and "Middle-of-the-Road" (or "straight-out") Populists, had more or less complete tickets in the Held, making a total of seven sets of candidates appealing for the votes of the people on issues assumed to be of National importance. The fact that the two great parties Democratic and Republican established their principal head- cjuarters for the prosecution of the campaign in Chicago, had the effect to make that city and the State of Illinois the center of political activ- ity for the nation. Demonstrations of an impos- ing character were held by both parties. At the November election the Republicans carried the day by a plurality, in Illinois, of 141,517 for their national ticket out of a total of 1,090,869 votes, while the leading candidates on the State ticket received the following pluralities: John R. Tan ner (for Governor). 113,381; Northcott (for Lieu- tenant-GovernorK 137,354; Rose ( for Secretary of State), 136.611; McCullough (for Auditor). 138,- 013; Hertz (for Treasurer), 116,064; Akin (for Attorney-General), 132,650. The Republicans also elected seventeen Representatives in Congress to three Democrats and two People's Party men. The total vote cast, in this campaign, for the "Gold Democratic" candidate for Governor was 8,100. Gov. TANNER'S ADMINISTRATION The Fortieth General Assembly met Jan. 6, 1897, consisting of eighty-eight Republicans to sixty-three Demo- crats and two Populists in the House, and thirty- nine Republicans to eleven Democrats and one Populist in the Senate. The Republicans finally gained one member in each house by contests. Edward C. Curtis, of Kankakee County, was chosen Speaker of the House and Hendrick V. Fisher, of Henry County. President pro tern, of the Senate, with a full set of Republican officers in the subordinate positions. The inauguration of the newly elected State officers took place on the llth, the inaugural address of Governor Tanner taking strong ground in favor of main- taining the issues indorsed by the people at the late election. Ou Jan. ;!0, William E. Mason, of Chicago, was elected United States Senator, as the successor of Senator Palmer, whose term was about to expire. Mr. Mason received the full Republican strength (125 votes) in the two Houses, to the 77 Democratic votes cast for John P. Altgeld. (See fortieth General AxxenMy. ) Among the principal measures enacted by the Fortieth General Assembly at its regular session were; The "Torrens Land Title System," regu- lating the conveyance and registration of land titles (which see) ; the consolidation of the three Supreme Court Districts into one and locating the Supreme Court at Springfield, and the Allen Street-Railroad Law, empowering City Councils and other corporate authorities of cities to grant street railway franchises for a period of fifty years. On Dec. 7, 1897, the Legislature met in special session under a call of the Governor, nam- ing five subjects upon which legislation was sug- gested. Of these only two were acted upon affirmatively, viz. : a law prescribing the manner of conducting the election of delegates to nomi- nating political conventions, and a new revenue law regulating the assessment and collection of taxes. The main feature of the latter act is the requirement that property shall be entered upon the books of the assessor at its cash value, subject to revision by a Board of Review, the basis of valuation for purposes of taxation being one-fifth of this amount. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. The most not- able event in the history of Illinois during the year 1898 was the Spanish-American War, and the part Illinois played in it. In this contest Illinoisans manifested the same eagerness to serve their country as did their fathers and fel- low citizens in the War of the Rebellion, a third of a century ago. The first call for volunteers was responded to with alacrity by the men com- posing the Illinois National Guard, seven regi- ments of infantry, .from the First to Seventh inclusive, besides one regiment of Cavalry and one Battery of Artillery in all about 9,000 men being mustered in between May 7 and May 21 Although only one of these the First, under the command of Col. Henry L. Turner of Chicago saw practical service in Cuba before the surrender at Santiago, others in camps of instruction in the South stood ready to respond to the demand for their service in the field. Under the second call for troops two other regiments the Eighth and the Ninth were organized and the former (com- posed of Afro-Americans officered by men of their own race) relieved the First Illinois on guard duty at Santiago after the surrender. A body of engineers from Company E of the Second United States Engineers, recruited in Chicago, were among the first to see service in Cuba, while many Illinoisans belonging to the Naval Reserve were assigned to duty on United States war vessels, and rendered most valuable service in the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 283 naval engagements in Cuban waters. The Third Regiment (Col. Fred. Bennitt) also took part in the movement for the occupation of Porto Rico. The several regiments on their return for muster- out, after the conclusion of terms of peace with Spain, received most enthusiastic ovations from their fellow-citizens at home. Besides the regi- ments mentioned, several Provisional Regiments were organized and stood ready to respond to the call of the Government for their services had the emergency required. (See H'nr, TJie Spanish American. ) LABOR DISTURBANCES. The principal labor disturbances in the State, under Governor Tan- ner's administration, occurred during the coal- miners' strike of 1897, and the lock-out at the Pana and Virden mines in 1898. The attempt to introduce colored laborers from the South to operate these mines led to violence between the adherents of the "Miners' Union" and the mine- owners and operators, and their employes, at these points, during which it was necessary to call out the National Guard, and :i number of lives were sacrificed on both sides. A flood in the Ohio, during the spring of 1898, caused the breaking of the levee at Shawneetown, 111., on the 3d day of April, in consequence of which a large proportion of the city was flooded, many homes and business houses wrecked or greatly injured, and much other property de- stroyed. The most serious disaster, however, was the loss of some twenty-five lives, for the most part of women and children who, being surprised in their homes, were unable to escape. Aid was promptly furnished by the State Government in the form of tents to shelter the survivors and rations to feed them ; and contributions of money and provisions from the citizens of the State, col- lected by relief organizations during the next two or three months, were needed to moderate the suffering. (See Inundation*, Remarkable.) CAMPAIGN OF 1898. The political campaign of 1898 was a quiet one, at least nominally conducted on the same general issues as that of 1896, al- though the gradual return of business prosperity had greatly modified the intensity of interest with which some of the economic questions of the preceding campaign had been regarded. The only State officers to be elected were a State- Treasurer, a Superintendent of Public Instruction, and three State University Trustees the total vote cast for the former being 878,622 against 1,090,869 for President in 1896. Of the former. Floyd K. Whittemore (Republican candidate for State Treasurer) received 448.940 to 405.490 for M. F. Dunlap (Democrat), with 34,192 divided between three other candidates: while Alfred Rayliss (Republican) received a plurality of 68,899 over his Democratic competitor, with 23,- 190 votes cast for three others. The Republican candidates for University Trustees were, of course, elected. The Republicans lost heavily in their representation in Congress, though electing thir- teen out of twenty-two members of the Fifty- sixth Congress, leaving nine to their Democratic opponents, who were practically consolidated in this campaign with the Populists. FORTY-FIRST GENERAL ASSEMBLY. The Forty first General Assembly met, Jan. 4, 1899, and adjourned, April 14, after a session of 101 days, with one exception (that of 1875), the shortest regular session in the history of the State Gov- ernment since the adoption of the Constitution of 1870. The House of Representatives consisted of eighty-one Republicans to seventy -one Democrats and one Prohibitionist; and the Senate, of thirty four Republicans to sixteen Democrats and one Populist giving a Republican majority on joint ballot of twenty -six. Of 176 bills which passed both Houses, received the approval of the Gov- ernor and became laws, some of the more impor- tant were the following: Amending the State Arbitration Law by extending its scope and the general powers of the Board ; creating the office of State Architect at a salary of $5,000 per annum. to furnish plans and specifications for public buildings and supervise the construction and care of the same ; authorizing the consolidation of the territory of cities under township organi- zation, and consisting of five or more Congres- sional townships, into one township ; empowering each Justice of the Supreme Court to employ a private secretary at a salary of $2,000 per annum, to be paid by the State; amending the State Revenue Law of 1898 ; authorizing the establish- ment and maintenance of parental or truant schools; and empowering the State to establish Free Employment Offices, in the proportion of one to each city of 50,000 inhabitants, or three in cities of 1,000,000 and over. An act was also passed requiring the Secretary of State, when an amendment of the State Constitution is to be voted upon by the electors at any general elec- tion, to prepare a statement setting forth the pro- visions of the same and furnish copies thereof to each County Clerk, whose duty it is to have said copies published and posted at the places of voting for the information of voters. One of the most important actsof this Legislature was the repeal, by a practically unanimous vote, of the Street- 284 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. railway Franchise Law of the previous session, the provisions of which, empowering City Coun- cils to grant street-railway franchises extending over a period of fifty years, had been severely criticised by a portion of the press and excited intense hostility, especially in some of the larger cities of the State. Although in force nearly two years, not a single corporation had succeeded in obtaining a franchise under it. A RETROSPECT AND A LOOK INTO THE FUTURE. The history of Illinois has been traced concisely and in outline from the earliest period to the present time. Previous to the visit of Juliet and Marquette, in 1673, as unknown as Central Africa, for a century it continued the hunting ground of savages and the home of wild animals common to the plains and forests of the Mississippi Valley. The region brought under the influence of civili- zation, such as then existed, comprised a small area, scarcely larger than two ordinarily sized counties of the present day. Thirteen years of nominal British control (1765-78) saw little change, except the exodus of a part of the old French population, who preferred Spanish to British rule. The period of development began with the occupation of Illinois by Clark in 1778. That saw the "Illinois County," created for the gov- ernment of the settlements northwest of the Ohio, expanded into five States, with an area of 250,000 square miles and a population, in 1890, of 13,500,000. In 1880 the population of the State equaled that of the Thirteen Colonies at the close of the Revolution. The eleventh State in the Union in this respect in 1850, in 1890 it had advanced to third rank. With its unsurpassed fertility of soil, its inexhaustible supplies of fuel for manufacturing purposes, its system of rail roads, surpassing in extent that of any other State, there is little risk in predicting that the next forty years will see it advanced to second, if not first rank, in both wealth and population. But if the development of Illinois on material lines has been marvelous, its contributions to the Nation in philanthropists and educators, soldiers and statesmen, have rendered it conspicuous. A long list of these might be mentioned, but two names from the ranks of Illinoisans have been, by common consent, assigned a higher place than all others, and have left a deeper impress upon the history of the Nation than any others since the days of Washington. These are, Ulysses S. Grant, the Organizer of Victory for the Union arms and Conqueror of the Rebellion, and Abraham Lincoln, the Great Emancipator, the Preserver of the Republic, r.nd its Martyred President. CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD. Important Events in Illinois Hittory. 1673. Jolfet and Marqoette reach Illinois from Green Bay by way of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. 1674-5. Marquette makes a second visit to Illinois and Spends the winter on the present site or Chicago. 1680.- La Salle and To my descend the Illinois to Peorla Lake. 1681.-Tonty begins the erection of Port fcL Louis on " Starved Rock " In La Salle County. 1683. l.a Halle nd Tonty tescend the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers to the mouth of the lafer, and take pueaession i April tf, 1682* in the name or the King or France. 1700. First permanent French settlement In Illinois and Mis- sion or si Sulpice established at < hokla 1700. Kaskaskia Indians remove rrom the Upper Illinois and locate near the mouth or the Kaskaskla River. French settlement established here the same year becomes the town or Kaskaskia and ruture capital or Illinois. 1718. The first Fort Chartres. erected near Kaakaskia. 1718. Fort St. Louis, on the Upper Illinois, burned by Indiana. 1751. Fort fhartres rebuilt and strengthened. 1765. The Illinois country surrendered by toe French to the British under the treaty or 1703. 1778. 'July 4t Col. George Rogers Clark, at the head of an expe* dltinn organized under authority orGov. Patrick Henry of Virginia, arrives at Kaskvkia. The occupation or Illinois by the American troops rollows. 1778. Illinois County create! by Act of the Virginia House of Delegates, for the government of the settlements north- west or the Ohio River. 1787. Congress adopts the Ordinance of 1787. organizing the Northwest Territory, embracing the present btwa or Ohio. Indiana, Illlno . Michigan and Wisconsin. 1788. General Arthur St. Clair appointed Governor of North- west Territory. 1790. st Clair county organized. I7 1 '. Randolph County organized. ItWG. Northwest Territory divided into Ohio and Indiana Ter- ritories, Illinois being embraced In the latter. 1809. Illinois Territory set oft* from Indiana, and Nlnlau Edwards appointed Governor. 1818. i Dec. :ii Illinois admitted as a State. 1820. - state capital removed from Kaskaskia to Vandalia. 182.1-24. -Unsuccessful attempt to make Illinois a slave Bute. l - :" \ [tril 30) General La Foyelte visits Kaakaskia. 18.12,-Black Hawk War. 1839. tJ ily 4j springlield becomes the third capital of the State under an Actor the Legislature pussej in 1837. I- 1*. Trip second Constitution adopted. 1*M - Abraham Lincoln Is elected President. 1861. War of the Rebellion begins. 18K1. (Jan. 1) Lincoln issues his final Proclamation of Eman- cipation. 1864 Lincoln's second election to the Presidency. 1865. (April 14) Abraham Lincoln assassinated in Washlngton- 1865. ( May < President LI coin's funeral In sjiringtleld. 1865 The War or the Rebellion ends. I8iw.-Gn. U. s. Grant elected to the Presidency. 1870. The third State Constitution adopted. POPULATION OF ILLINOIS At Each Decennial Census from 1810 to 1300. 1810123) 12.282 I0i ji 65.I62 18IW (201 157,446 1840 (Hi 471,. In.) 1850 (HI 851,470 1860 (4) 1.711.951 1870 (41 2,M,Wtl 18BO (4) 3077.871 I MM (3) 182M5I 1900 (3) 1.821,650 NOTE. Figures In parenthesis Indicate the rank of the SUM In order i>r population. ILLINOIS CITIES Raring a Population of 10,000 and Over (OOO). Name. Population. Chicago 1^98.755 Peorla 66.100 Qulucy 36.252 Sprlnglield 14.169 Rockrord 81,061 Joliet 29,363 EastSt Louis 2S.665 Aurora M.M7 Bloomlngton 23.286 Elgin 21.433 Uecatur 20.764 Rock Island 11MU8 Evauslon. 19,2i Name. Population. Galeoburg 18,607 Belleville. 17.481 Mollue 17.248 Uanvllle. 16,364 Jacksonville 16.078 Alton 14.210 felreator 14.079 Kaukake* 13.595 Freeport 1I261 Cairo 12.666 Ottawa 10.588 LaUajJa... 10,446 HISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 286 INDEX. This Index relates exclusively to matter embraced In the article under the title "Illinois." Rnhjecw of general State history will be foutid treated at length, under topical head*, lu the body of the Encyclopedia. Admission of Illinois as a State, 258. Altgeld, John P., administration as Gnv er i ior . 279-80 ; defeated for re-election, 281 Anderson, Stinson H.,264. Anti-Nebraska Editorial Convention. 2Sft. Anti-slavery contest of 1822-24; defeat of a convention scheme, 260. Baker. Col. E. I)., 283; orator at laying the corner-stone of State capitol, 264. Bate man, Newton, State Superintendent Of Public Instruction, 270,274.275. Beveridge. John L., Congressman and Lieutenant-Governor; becomes Governor by resignation of Governor Ogleaby,27t>. Birkbeck, Morris, 260. Blssell, William H . Colonel In Mexican War. 265; Governor, 269; death, 270. Black Hawk War. 262. Blodgett, Henry W., Free Boll member of the Legislature. 2tttf. Bloomlngton Convention (1856), 269. Bolsbriant, first French Commandant. 249. Bond, Shadrach. 255; Delegate In Congress, 297; flrst Governor, 258. Breese. Bldney,259 Browne, Thomas C., 260. Browning, Orvtlle H., In Bloomlngton Convention, 269; U 8. Senator. 273. Cahokla, flrst French settlement at, 252. Camp l>ougla* conspiracy, 27X Canal scrip Fi ami, 270. Carlin, Thomas, elected Ooverr.or. 263 Casey. Zadoc, elected to Congresa; re* signs the Lieu tenant -Governorship, 262. Cbarlevolx visits Illinois. 247 Chicago and Calumet Rivers. Importance of la estimation of early explorers, 247 Chicago election frauds, 278. Chicago, fire of 1871,276. Chicagoa, Indian Chief for whom Chicago waa named, 248. Clark, (-ol. George Rogers, expedition to Illinois; captureof Kaskaskla,ai. Colea, Edward, emancipates his slaves; candidate for Governor, 259; his election, 260; persecuted by bis enemies, 261. Constitutional Convention of 1818, 2S8. Constitutional Convention of 1847, 266. Constitutional Convention of 1*2, 272. Constitutional Convention of 1870,275. Cook, Daniel P.. 265: Attorney-General, 258; elected to Congress. 260-61. Craig, Capt. Thomas, expedition against Indians at Peorla. 257. Cullom, Shelby M., Speaker of General As- sembly, 270; elected Governor, 276; fea- tures of his administration; re-elected, 277; elected to U. 8. Senate. 278. Davis. David. United States Senator, 277. Douglas, Stephen A., 263; Justice Supreme Court, 164, U 8. Senator, 266; debates with Lincoln. 268- 70: re-elected U.S. Sen- ator, 270; death, 272. Duncan, Joaepn. Governor; character of his administration. 262-63. Early towns, 268. Earthquake of 1811. ISA. Edwards. Nlulan, Governor Illinois Terri- tory. 255. elected U. H. Senator, 259; elected Governor; administration and death, XI. Ewing, William L. D . becomes acting Governor; occupant of many offices, 282. Explorer a, early French, 244-5. Farwell, Charles B.,279 Fleld-MrClernand contest, 264. Flfer. Joseph W., elected Governor, 279. Fisher, Dr. George. Speaker of Territorial House of Representatives, 257. Ford, Thomas, Governor; embarrassing questions of bis administration, 264 Fort Chart res, surrendered to British, 250. Fort l>earborn massacre, 256-57. Fort Gage burned, 251. Fort Masaac.startingpointon the Ohio of Clark's expedition, 251. Tort St Louis. 246; raided and horned by Indians, 247 Franklin, Benjamin, Indian Commissioner for Illinois in 1776, 251. French, Augustus C., Governor. 266-7. French aud Indian War, 290. French occupation ; settlement about K. kaskia and Cahokia. 249. French villages, population of in 1765,251. Glbault. Pierre, 252. Grant. Ulyses 8., arrival at Springfield; Colonel of Twenty-first Illinois Volun- teers, 271: elected President 275. Gresbam, Walter Q , supported by Illinois Republicans for the Presidency, 279. Hamilton, John M , Lteutenant-Governor, 277; succeeds Gov. Cullom, 278. Hansen-Shaw contest, 280. Hardin, John J., 263; elected to Congress, 264; killed at Buena Vista, 265. Harrison, William Henry, first Governor of Indiana Territory. 254. Henry, Patrick, Indian Commissioner for Illinois Country; assist* in planning Clark's expedition, 251; ex-offlcio Gov- ernor of territory northwest of the Ohio River Illinois, its rank In order of admission into the Union, area and population, 241; In- dlan origin of the name; boundaries aud area; geographical location; navigable streams. 242; topography, fauna and flora, 243; soil and climate, 243-44; con teat for occupation, 244: part of Louisi- ana tit 1721, 249: surrendered to the British la 1765, 251; under government of Vlrgl nia. 252 : part of Indiana Territory, 54; Territorial Government organized; Nlnlan Edwards appointed Governor, 255, admitted as a State. 258 Illinois A Michigan Canal, 261. Illinois Central Railroad, 267-68. -Illinois Country," boundaries defined by Cap.ain Pltiman, 241; Patrick Henry, flrst American Governor, 252. Illinois County organized by Virginia House of Delegates, 252. Illinois Territory organized; first Territo- rial officers, 255. Indiana Territory organized. 254; first Territorial Legislature elected, 255. Indian tribes; location in Illinois, 247. Internal Improvement scheme. 263. Juliet, Louis, accompanied by Marquette, visits Illinois in 1673, 245. Kane, Elias Kent, 258. Kansas- Nebraska contest, 268. Kask&skia Indians remove from Upper Illinois to mouth of Kaskaskia, 248. Kenton, Simon, guide for Clark's expedi- tion against Kaskaskia. 251. Labor disturbances, 27u, 280, 283. La Fayette. visit of, to Kaskaskia, 261. La Halle, expedition to Illinois In 1679-80, 245; builds Fort Miami, near mouth of St. Joseph; disaster of Fort Creve-Cceur; erection of FortSt. Louis, 246. Lincoln, Abraham, Representative In the General Assembly. 2t>3; elected to Con* gress, 266; unsuccessful candidate for the United States Senate; member of Bloomingt'm Convention of 1856 ; " House divided-agalnst-ltself" speech, 269; elected President.270: departure for Washington, 271; elected for a second term, 273; assassination and funeral, 274. Lincoln- Douglas debates. 270. Lock wood, Samuel D., Attorney-General; Secretary of State; opponent of pro- slavery convention scheme, 260. Logan. Gen. John A., prominent Union soldier, 272; Cougressman-at-large.274-7&; elected United States Senator. 276; Re- publican nominee for Vtce-Preaideut; third election as Senator, 278 "LonirNlne."263. Louisiana united with Illinois. 254. Lovejoy, Elijah P . murdered at Alton, 263. Macalister and Stebbuis bonds. 270. Marquette. Puttier Jacques (see Jollet); his mission among the Kaskn9klas. 248. Mason, William E.. U S. Senator. 282. McLean. John, Speaker; first Represent a- liveui Congress: U.S Senator; death, 266. Menard, Pierre, 255; President of Terri- torial Council, 257; elected Lieutenant- Governor. 258; anecdote of, 259, Mexican War, 265. Morgan, Col. fieorge, Indian Agent at Ca*~ kaskia in 1776. 251. Mormon War, 264-65. New Design settlement, 255. New Krance,244. 249. Nicole t. Jean, French explorei, 244-5. Northwest Territory organized: Gen. Ar- thur St. Clalr appointed Governor, 253: first Territorial Legislature; separated Into Territories of Ohio and Indiana. 254. Oglesby, Richard J.. soldier In Civil War. 271; elected Governor, 274; second elec- tion; chosen U. 8. Senator, 276; third election to governorship, 278. Ordinance of 1787,253. * Paincourt" (early name for St Louis settled by French from Illinois. 251. Palmer, John M., member of Peace Con - ference of 1861, 271; elected Governor; prominent events of bis administration. .75; unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Governor; elected U.S. senator. 27*: candidate for President. 2Si. Peace Conference of 1861.271. Peace conventions of 1863,273. Perrot. Nicholas, explorer, 245. Pittman, Capt. Philip, defines the bounda- ries of the "Illinois Country," 241. Pope, Nathaniel, Secretary of Illinois Ter- ritory. 255; Delegate in Congress: serv- ice 1 n fix! ng northern boundary, 258. Prairies, origin of, 243. Randolph County organized. CM. Renault, Philip F.. first importer of Afri- can slaves to Illinois. 249. Republican State Convention of 18S6.269. Reynolds. John, elected Governor: resign* to lake seat In Congress, 262; Speaker of Illinois Uouseof Representatives. 268. Richardson, William A., candidate for Governor. 270; U.S. Senator. 272. Rocheblave, Chevalier de. last British Commandant In Illinois. SSI; sent a* a prisoner of war to Wtlliamaburg, 252 Shawneetown Bank, 267. Shawneetown flood, 283. Shields, Gen. James, 163; elected U. 8. Sen- ator, 267; defeated for re-election, 269. Southern Hospital for Insaue burned, 280. Spanish-American War, 281. Springfield, third State capital, 263; erec- tion of new state capitol at, authorize*! 275; State Bank, 259. St. Clair, Arthur, first Governor of North- west Territory, 253: visits Illinois, 2M. St. Clatr County organized, 251. State debt reaches its maximum. 268. State Fair permanently 1 1 >rtt ted , 281. Streams and navigation. 242. Supreme t'ouri revolutionized, 254. Tanner. John K . state Treasurer, 27s, elected Governor, 281-2. Thomas. Jesse B.. 256; President of Con- stitutional Convention of 1818, 258 elected United States Sena tor, 259. Todd.CoI . John. County-Lieutenant of Illi- nois County, 252. Tonty, Henry de i see LaSalle). Treaty with Indians near A I ton. 257. Trumbull. Lymau, Secretary of State. 264 elected United States Senator. 269-70: Democratic candidate for Governor, 277. Vandalia. the second State capital, a>9. War of 1812, 256; expeditions to Peoria Lake. 257. War of the Rebellion; some prominent Illinois actors; number of troops fur- nished by Illln -Is: Important hattles par- ticipated in, 271 72; some officers whu fell:,Grierson raid. 272. Warren. Hooper, editor Edwardsvillr Spectator. 260. Wayne. Gen Anthony. 254. Whig mass-meeting at Springfield. 364. Wilmot Proviso, action of Illinois Legisla- ture upon, 267. Wood, John, Lieutenant-Governor, fills Hissell's unexpired term. 270. Yates, Richard, at Bloomlncton Conven- tion of 1856. 269; Governor, 270; prorogues Legislature of 1863; elected United States Senator, 273. 286 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. I I.KS. Klijah, pioneer mercliant, was born in Kentucky, March 28, 1796; received the rudiments of an education in two winters' schooling, and began his business career by purchasing 100 head of yearling cattle upon which, after herding them three years in the valleys of Eastern Ken- tucky, he realized a profit of nearly $3,000. In 1818 he went to St. Louis, then a French village of 2,500 inhabitants, and, after spending three years as clerk in a frontier store at "Old Frank- lin," on the Missouri River, nearly opposite the present town of Boonville, in 1821 made a horse- hack tour through Central Illinois, finally locating at Springfield, which had just been selected by a board of Commissioners as the temporary county -seat of Sangamon County. Here he soon brought a stock of goods by keel-boat from St. Louis and opened the first store in the new town. Two years later (1823), in conjunction with Pascal P. Enos, Daniel P. Cook and Thomas Cox, he entered a section of land comprised within the present area of the city of Springfield, which later became the permanent county-seat and finally the State capital. Mr. lies became the first postmaster of Springfield, and, in 1826, was elected State Senator, served as Major in the Winnebago War (1827), enlisted as a private in the Black Hawk War (1831-32), but was soon advanced to the rank of Captain. In 1830 he sold his store to John Williams, who had been his clerk, and, in 1838-39, built the "American House," which afterwards became the temporary .stopping-place of many of Illinois' most famous .statesmen. He invested largely in valuable farming lands, and. at his death, left a large estate. Died, Sept. 4, 1883. ILLINOIS ASYLl'M FOR INCURABLE IN SANE, an institution founded under an act of the General Assembly, passed at the session of 1895, making an appropriation of $65,000 for the pur- chase of a site and the erection of buildings with capacity for the accommodation of 200 patients. The institution was located by the Trustees at Bartonville, a suburb of the city of Peoria, and the erection of buildings begun in 1896. Later these were found to be located on ground which had been undermined in excavating for coal, and their removal to a different location was under- taken in 1898. The institution is intended to relieve the other hospitals for the Insane by the reception of patients deemed incurable. ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL, a water- way connecting Lake Michigan with the Illinois River, and forming a connecting link in the water-route between the St. Lawrence and the Gulf of Mexico. Its summit level U about 580 feet above tide water. Its point of beginning is at the South Branch of the Chicago River, about five miles from the lake. Thence it flows some eight miles to the valley of the Des Plaines, fol- lowing the valley to the mouth of the Kankakee (forty-two miles), thence to its southwestern terminus at La Salic, the head of navigation on the Illinois. Between these points the canal has four feeders the Calumet, Des Plaines, Du Page and Kankakee. It passes through Lockport. Juliet, Morris, and Ottawa, receiving accessions from the waters of the Fox River at the latter point. The canal proper is 96 miles long, and it has five feeders whose aggregate length is twenty-five" miles, forty feet wide and four feet deep, with four aqueducts and seven dams. The difference in level between Lake Michigan and the Illinois River at La Salle is one hundred and forty-five feet. To permit the ascent of vessels, there are seventeen locks, ranging from three and one half to twelve and one-half feet in lift, their dimensions being 110x18 feet, and admitting the passage of boats carrying 150 tons. At Lock- port, Joliet, Du Page, Ottawa and La Salle are large basins, three of which supply power to fac- tories. To increase the water supply, rendered necessary by the high summit level, pumping works were erected at Bridgeport, having two thirty-eight foot independent wheels, each capa ble of delivering (through buckets of ten feet length or width) 15,000 cubic feet of water per minute. These pumping works were erected in 1848, at a cost of $15,000, and were in almost con- tinuous use until 1870. It was soon found that these machines might be utilized for the benefit of Chicago, by forcing the sewage of the Chicago River to the summit level of the canal, and allow- ing its place to be filled by pure water from the lake. This pumping, however, cost a large sum, and to obviate this expense $2,955,340 was ex- pended by Chicago in deepening the canal be- tween 1865 and 1871, so that the sewage of the south division of the city might be carried through the canal to the Des Plaines. This sum was returned to the City by the State after the great fire of 1871. (As to further measures for carry- ing off Chicago sewage, see Chicago Drainage Canal.) ' In connection with the canal three locks and dams have been built on the Illinois River, one at Henry, about twenty-eight miles below La Salle ; one at the mouth of Copperas Creek, about sixty miles below Henry; and another at La Grange. The object of these works (the first HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 287 two being practically an extension of the canal) is to furnish slack-water navigation through- out the year. The cost of that at Henry (400,000) was defrayed by direct appropriation from the (State treasury. Copperas Creek dam cost $410,831, of which amount the United States Government paid $62,360. The General Government also con- structed a dam at La Grange and appropriated funds for the building of another at Kampsville Landing, witli a view to making the river thor- oughly navigable the year round. The beneficial results expected from these works have not been realized and their demolition is advocated. HISTORY. The early missionaries and fur- traders first directed attention to the nearness of the waters of Lake Michigan and the Illinois. The project of the construction of a canal was made the subject of a report by Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the Treasury in 1808. and, in 1811, a bill on the subject was introduced in Congress in connection with the Erie and other canal enter- prises. In 1822 Congress granted the right of way across the public lands "for the route of a canal connecting the Illinois River with the south bend of Lake Michigan," which was fol- lowed five years Inter by a grant of 300,000 acres of land to aid in its construction, which was to be undertaken by the' State of Illinois. The earliest surveys contemplated a channel 100 miles long, and the original estimates of cost varied between $639,000 and $716,000. Later surveys and estimates (1833) placed the cost of a canal forty feet wide and four feet deep at $4,040,000. In 1836 another Board of Commissioners was created and surveys were made looking to the constmction of a waterway sixty feet wide at the surface, thirty-six feet at bottom, and six feet in depth. Work was begun in June of that year; was suspended in 1841; and renewed in 1846, when a canal loan of $1,000,000 was negotiated. The channel was opened for navigation in April, 1848, by which time the total outlay had reached $6,170,226. By 1871, Illinois had liquidated its entire indebtedness on account of the canal and the latter reverted to the State. The total cost up to 1879 including amount refunded to Chi- cagowas $9,513,831, while the sum returned to the State from earnings, sale of canal lands, etc., amounted to 8,819,731. In 1882 an offer was made to cede the canal to the United States upcn condition that it should be enlarged and ex- tended to the Mississippi, was repeated in 1887, but has been declined. ILLINOIS AND MISSISSIPPI CANAL (gener- ally known as "Hennepin Canal"), a projected navigable water-way in course of construction (1899) by the General Government, designed to connect the Upper Illinois with the Mississippi River. Its object is to furnish a continuous navigable water-cliannel from Lake Michigan, at or near Chicago, by way of the Illinois & Michi- gan Canal (or the Sanitary Drainage Canal) and the Illinois River, to the Mississippi at the mouth of Rock River, and finally to the Gulf of Mexico. THE ROUTE. The canal, at its eastern end, leaves the Illinois River one and three-fourths miles above the city of Hennepin, where the river makes the great bend to the south. Ascend- ing the Bureau Creek valley, the route passes over the dividing ridge between the Illinois River and the Mississippi to Rock River at the mouth of Green River; thence by slack- water down Rock River, and around the lower rapids in that stream at Milan, to the Mississippi. The esti- mated length of the main channel between its eastern and western termini is seventy-five miles the distance having been reduced by changes in the route after the lirst survey. To this is t<> be added a "feeder" extending from the vicinity of Sheffield, on the summit-level (twenty-eight miles west of the starting point on the Illinois), north to Rock Falls on Rock River opposite the city of Sterling in Whiteside County, for the purpose of obtaining an adequate supply of water for the main canal on its highest level. The length of this feeder is twenty-nine miles and, as its dimensions are the same as those of the main channel, it will be navigable for vessels of the same class as the latter. A dam to lie constructed at Sterling, to turn water into the feeder, will furnish slack- water navigation on Rock River to Dixon, practically lengthening the entire rout* to tliat extent. HISTORY. The subject of such a work began to be actively agitated as early as 1H71, and, under authority of various acts of Congress, preliminary surveys began to be made by Government engi- neers that year. In 1890 detailed plans and esti- mates, based upon these preliminary surveys, were submitted to Congress in accordance with the river and harbor act of August, 1888. Thiv report became tho basis of an appropriation in the river and harbor act of Sept. 19, 1890, for carrying the work into practical execution. Actual work was begun on the western end of tin- canal in July, 1892, and at the- eastern end in the spring of 1894. Since then it has been prosecuted as continuously as the appropriations made by Congress from year to year would permit. Ac- cording to the report of Major Marshall, Chief of 288 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Engineers in charge of the work, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898, the construction of the canal around the lower rapids of Rock River (four and one-half miles), with three locks, three swing bridges, two dams, besides various build- ings, was completed and that portion of the canal opened to navigation on April 17. 1895. In the early part of 1899, the bulk of the excavation and masonry on the eastern section was practi- cally completed, the feeder line under contract, and five out of the eighteen bridges required to be constructed in place; and it was estimated that the whole line, with Jocks, bridges, culverts and aqueducts, will be completed within two years, at the farthest, by 1902. DIMENSIONS, METHODS OP CONSTRUCTION, COST. ETC. As already stated, the length of the main line is seventy-five miles, of which twenty -eight miles (the eastern section) is east of the junction of the feeder, and forty-seven miles (the western section) west of that point making, with the twenty-nine miles of feeder, a total of one hun- dred and four miles, or seven miles longer than the Illinois & Michigan Canal. The rise from the Illinois River datum to the summit-level on the eastern section is accomplished by twenty-one locks with a lift of six to fourteen feet each, to reach an altitude of 196 feet; while the descent of ninety-three feet to the low-water level of the Mississippi on the western end is accomplished through ten locks, varying from six to fourteen feet each. The width of the canal, at the water surface, is eighty feet, with a depth below the surface-line of seven feet. The banks are rip- rapped with stone the entire length of the canal. The locks are one hundred and seventy feet long, between the quoins, by thirty-five feet in width, admitting the passage of vessels of one hundred and forty feet in length and thirty-two feet beam and each capable of carrying six hundred tons of freight. The bulk of the masonry employed in the con- struction of locks, as well as abutments for bridges and aqueducts, is solid concrete manufac- tured in place, while the lock-gates and aque- ducts proper are of steel the use of these materials resulting in a. large saving in the first cost as to the former, and securing greater solid- ity and permanence in all. The concrete work, already completed, is found to have withstood the effects of ice even more successfully than natural stone. The smaller culverts are of iron piping and the framework of all the bridges of steel. The earlier estimates placed the entire cost of construction of the canal, locks, bridges, build- ings, etc., at $5,068,000 for the main channel and $1,858,000 for the Rock River feeder a total of $6,926,000. This has been reduced, however, by changes in the route and unexpected saving in the material employed for masonry work. The total expenditure, as shown by official reports, up to June 30, 1898, was $1,748,905.13. The amount expended up to March 1, 1899, approxi- mated $2,500,000, while the amount necessary to complete the work (exclusive of an unexpended balance) was estimated, in round numbers, at $3,500,000. The completion of this work, it is estimated, will result in a saving of over 400 miles in water transportation between Chicago and the western terminus of the canal. In order to make the canal available to its full capacity between lake points and the Mississippi, the enlargement of the Illinois & Michigan Canal, both as to width and depth of channel, will be an indispensable necessity ; and it is anticipated that an effort will be made to secure action in this direction by the Illinois Legislature at its next session. Another expedient likely to receive strong support will be, to induce the General Government to accept the tender of the Illinois & Michigan Canal and, by the enlargement of the latter through its whole length or, from Lockport to the Illinois River at La Salle, with the utilization of the Chicago Drainage Canal furnish a national water-way between the lakes and the Gulf of Mexico of sufficient capacity to accommodate steamers and other vessels of at least 600 tons burthen. ILLINOIS BAND, THE, an association consist- ing of seven young men, then students in Yale College, who, in the winter of 1828-29, entered into a mutual compact to devote their lives to the promotion of Christian education in the West, especially in Illinois. It was composed of Theron Baldwin, John F. Brooks, Mason Grosvenor, Elisha Jenney, William Kirby, Julian M. Sturte- vant and Asa Turner. All of these came to Illi- nois at an early day, and one of the first results of their efforts was the founding of Illinois Col- lege at Jacksonville, in 1829, with which all became associated as members of the first Board of Trustees, several of them so remaining to the close of their lives, while most of them were con- nected with the institution for a considerable period, either as members of the faculty or finan- cial agents Dr. Sturtevant having been Presi- dent for thirty-two years and an instructor or professor fifty-six years. (See Baldwin. Theron; Brooks, John F. ; and Sturtevant, Julian II. ) HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 289 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, a corpo- ration controlling the principal line of railroad extending through the entire length of the State from north to south, besides numerous side branches acquired by lease during the past few years. The main lines are made up of three gen- eral divisions, extending from Chicago to Cairo, IlL (364.73 miles); from Centralia to Dubuque, Iowa, (340.77 miles), and from Cairo to New- Orleans, La. (547.79 miles) making a total of 1,253.29 miles of main line, of which 705.5 miles are in Illinois. Besides this the company con- trols, through lease and stock ownership, a large number of lateral branches which are operated by the company, making the total mileage officially reported up to June 30, 1898, 3,130.21 miles. (HISTORY.) The Illinois Central Railroad is not only one of the lines earliest projected in the history of the State, but has been most inti- mately connected with its development. The project of a road starting from the mouth of the Ohio and extending northward through the State is said to have been suggested by Lieut. -Gov. Alexander M. Jenkins as early as 1832; was advocated by the late Judge Sidney Breese and others in 1835 under the name of the Wabash & Mississippi Railroad, and took the form of a charter granted by the Legislature in January, 1836, to the first "Illinois Central Railroad Com- pany," to construct a road from Cairo to a point near the southern terminus of the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Nothing was done under this act, although an organization was effected, with Governor Jenkins as President of the Company. The Company surrendered its charter the next year and the work was undertaken by the State, under the internal improvement act of 1837, and considerable money expended without complet- ing any portion of the line. The State having abandoned the enterprise, the Legislature, in 1843, incorporated the "Great Western Railway Company" under what came to be known as tho "Holbrook charter," to be organized under the auspices of the Cairo City & Canal Company, the line to connect the termini named in the charter of 1836, via Vandalia, Shelbyville, Decatur and Bloomington. Considerable money was expended under this charter, but the scheme again failed of completion, and the act was repealed in 1845. A charter under the same name, with some modification as to organization, was renewed in 1849. In January, 1850, Senator Douglas introduced a bill in the United States Senate making a grant to the State of Illinois of alternate sections of land along the line of a proposed road extending from Cairo to Duluth in the northwest corner of the State, with a branch to Chicago, which bill passed the Senate in May of the same year and the House in September, and became the basis of the Illinois Central Rail- road Company as it exists to-day. Previous to the passage of this act. however, the Cairo City & Canal Company had been induced to execute a full surrender to the State of its rights and privi- leges under the "Holbrook charter. " This was followed in February, 1831, by the act of the Legislature incorporating the Illinois Central Railroad Company, and assigning thereto (under specified conditions) the grant of lands received from the General Government. This grant covered alternate sections within six miles of the line, Or the equivalent thereof (when such lands were not vacant), to be placed on lands within fifteen miles of the line. The number of acres thus assigned to the Company was 2,595,000, (about 3,840 acres per mile), which were con- veyed to Trustees as security for the performance of the work. An engineering party, organized at Chicago, May 21. 1851, began the prelim- inary survey of the Chicago branch, and before the end of the year the whole line was surveyed and staked out The first contract for grading was let on March 15, 1852, being for that portion between Chicago and Kensington (then known as Calumet), 14 miles. This was opened for traffic, May 24, 18ri2, and over it the Michigan Central, which had been in course of construction from the east, obtained trackage rights to enter Chicago. Later, contracts were let for other sections, some of them in June, and the last on Oct. 14, 1852. In May, 1853, the section from La Salle to Bloomington (61 miles) was com- pleted and opened for business, a temporary bridge being constructed over the Illinois near La Salle, and cars hauled to the top of the bluff with chains and cable by means of a stationary engine. In July, 1854, the Chicago Division was put in operation to Urbana, 128 miles; the main line from Cairo to La Salle (301 miles), completed Jan. 8, 1855, and the line from La Salle to Duluth (now East Dubuque), 146.73 miles, on June 12, 1855 the entire road (705.5 miles) being com- pleted, Sept. 27, 1856. (FINANCIAL STATEMENT.) The share capital of the road was originally fixed at $17,000,000, but previous to 1869 it had been increased to $25,500,000, and during 1873-74 to $29.000,000. The present capitalization (1898) is $163,352,593, of which $52,500,000 is in stock, $52,680,925 in bonds, and $51,367.000 in miscel- laneous obligations. The total cost of the road 290 1IISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. in Illinois, as shown by a report made in 1889, was $35,110,609. By the terms of its charter the corporation is exempt from taxation, but in lieu thereof is required to pay into the State treasury, semi-annually. seven per cent upon the gross earnings of the line in Illinois. The sum thus paid into the State treasury from Oct. 31, 1855, when the first payment of $29,751.59 was made, up to anJ including Oct. 31, 1898, aggregated $17,315,193.24. The last payment (October, 1898), amounted to $334,527.01. The largest payment in the history of the road was that of October, 1893, amounting, for the preceding six months, to $450,17634. The net income of the main line in Illinois, for the year ending June 30, 1898, was $12,299,021, and the total expenditures within the State 812,831,161. (LEASED LINES.) The first addition to the Illinois Central System was made in 1867 in the acquisition, by lease, of the Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad, extending from Dubuque to Sioux Falls, Iowa. Since then it has extended its Iowa connections, by the construction of new lines and the acquisition or extension of others. The most important addition to the line outside of the State of Illinois was an arrangement effected, in 1872, with the New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern, and the Mississippi Central Rail- roads with which it previously had traffic con- nections giving it control of a line from Jackson, Tenn. , to New Orleans, La. At first, connection was had between the Illinois Central at Cairo and the Southern Divisions of the system, by means of transfer steamers, but subsequently the gap was tilled in and the through line opened to traffic in December, 1873. In 1874 the New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern and the Mississippi Central roads were consolidated under the title of the New Orleans, St. Louis & Chicago Railroad, but the new corporation defaulted on its interest in 1876. The Illinois Central, which was the owner of a majority of the bonds of the constitu- ent lines which went to make up the New Orleans, St Louis & Chicago Railroad, then acquired ownership of the whole line by foreclosure pro- ceedings in 1877, and it was reorganized, on Jan. 1, 1878, under the name of the Chicago, St. Louis & New Orleans Railroad, and placed in charge of one of the Vice-Presidents of the Illinois Central Company. (ILLINOIS BRANCHES.) The more im- portant branches of the Illinois Central within the State include: (1) The Springfield Division from Chicago to Springfield (111.47 miles), chartered in 1867, and opened in 1871 as the Oilman, Clinton & Springfield Railroad ; passed into the hands of a receiver in 1873, sold under foreclosure in 1H7f>, and leased, in 1878, for fifty years, to the Illinois Central Railroad: (2) The Rantoul Division from Leroy to the Indiana State line (66.21 miles in Illinois), chartered in 1876 as the Havana, Ran- toul & Eastern Railroad, built as a narrow-gauge line and operated in 1881 ; afterwards clianged to standard-gauge, and controlled by the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific until May, 1884, when it passed into the hands of a receiver ; in December of the same year taken in charge by the bondholders ; in 1885 again placed in the liands of a receiver, and. in October, 1886, sold to the Illinois Central: (3) The Chicago. Havana & Western Railroad, from Havana to Champaign, with a branch from White- heath to Decatur (total, 131.62 miles), constructed as the western extension of the Indianapolis. Bloomington & Western, and opened in 1873; sold under foreclosure in 1879 and organized as the Champaign. Havana & Western; in 1880 pur- chased by the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific; in 1884 taken possession of by the mortgage trustees and, in September, 1886, sold under foreclosure to the Illinois Central Railroad: (4) The Freeport Division, from Chicago by way of Freeport to Madison, Wis. (140 miles in Illinois), constructed under a charter granted to the Chicago, Madison & Northern Railroad (which see), opened for traffic in 1888, and transferred to the Illinois Central Railroad Company in January, 1889 : (5) The Kankakee & Southwestern (131.26 miles), constructed from Kankakee to Bloomington under the charters of the Kankakee & Western and the Kankakee & Southwestern Railroads; acquired by the Illinois Central in 1878, begun in 1880, and extended to Bloomington in 1883 . and (6) The St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute (which see under its old name). Other Illinois branch lines of less importance embrace the Blue Island; the Chicago & Texas; the Mound City ; the South Chicago; the St. Louis, Belleville & Southern, and the St. Charles Air-Line, which furnishes an entrance to the City of ( 'hicago over an ele- vated track. The total length of these Illinois branches in 1898 was 919.72 miles, with the main lines making the total mileage of the company within the State 1,624.22 miles. For several years up to 1805 the Illinois Central had a connection with St. Louis over the line of the Terre Haute & Indianapolis from Effingham, but this is now secured by way of the Springfield Division and the main line to Pana, whence its trains pass over the old Indianapolis & St. Louis now the Cleve- land, Cinciunati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway. Between June 30, 1897 and April 30, 1898, branch lines in the Southern States (chiefly in Kentucky HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 291 and Tennessee), to the extent of 670 miles, were added to the Illinois Central System. The Cairo Bridge, constructed across the Ohio River near its mouth, at a cost of $3,000,000, for the purpose of connecting the Northern and Southern Divisions of the Illinois Central System, and one of the most stupendous structures of its kind in the world, belongs wholly to the Illinois Central Railroad Company. (See Cairo Bridge.) ILLINOIS COLLEGE, an institution of learn- ing at Jacksonville, 111., which was the first to graduate a collegiate class in the history of the State. It had its origin in a movement inaugu- rated about 1827 or 1838 to secure the location, at some point in Illinois, of a seminary or college which would give the youth of the State the opportunity of acquiring a higher education. Some of the most influential factors in this move- ment were already citizens of Jacksonville, or contemplated becoming such. In January, 1828, the outline of a plan for such an institution was drawn up by Rev. John M. Ellis, a home missionary of the Presbyterian Church, and Hon. Samuel D. Lockwood, then a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State, as a basis for soliciting subscriptions for the organization of a stock-company to carry the enterprise into execution. The plan, as then proposed, contemplated provision for a depart- ment of female education, at least until a separate institution could be furnished which, if not a forerunner of the co-educational system now so much in vogue, at least foreshadowed the estab- lishment of the Jacksonville Female Seminary, which soon followed the founding of the college. A few months after these preliminary steps were taken, Mr. Ellis was brought into communication with a group of young men at Yale College (see "Illinois Band") who had entered into a com- pact to devote their lives to the cause of educa- tional and missionary work in the West, and out of the union of these two forces, soon afterwards effected, grew Illinois College. The organization of the "Illinois" or "Yale Band," was formally consummated in February, 1829, and before the close of the year a fund of $10,000 for the purpose of laying the foundation of the proposed institu- tion in Illinois had been pledged by friends of education in the East, a beginning had been made in the erection of buildings on the present site of Illinois College at Jacksonville, and, in Decem- ber of the same year, the work of instruction of a preparatory class had been begun by Rev. Julian M. Sturtevant, who had taken the place of "avant- oourier" of the movement. A year later (1831) Rev. Edward Beecher, the oldest son of the inde- fatigable Lyman Beecher, and brother of Henry Ward already then well known as a leader in the ranks of those opposed to slavery had be- come identified with the new enterprise and assumed the position of its first President. Such was the prejudice against "Yankees" in Illinois at that time, and the jealousy of theological influ- ence in education, that it was not until 1835 that the friends of the institution were able to secure a charter from the Legislature. An ineffectual attempt had been made in 1830, and when it was finally granted, it was in the form of an "omni- bus bill" including three other institutions, but with restrictions as to the amount of real estate that might be held, and prohibiting the organiza- tion of theological departments, both of which were subsequently repealed. (See Early Col- leges.) The same year the college graduated its first class, consisting of two members Richard Yates. afterwards War Governor and United States Senator, and Rev. Jonathan Spillman, the composer of "Sweet Afton. " Limited as was this first output of alumni, it was politically and morally strong. In 1843 a medical department was established, but it was abandoned five years later for want of adequate support. Dr. Beecher retired from the Presidency in 1844, when he was succeeded by Dr. Sturtevant, who continued in that capacity until 1876 (thirty-two years), when he became Professor Emeritus, remaining until 1885 his connection with the institution cover- ing a period of fifty-six years. Others who hive occupied the position of President include Ruf us C. Crampton (acting), 1876-82; Rev. Edward A. Tanner, 1882-92; and Dr. John E. Bradley, the incumbent from 1892 to 1899. Among the earli- est and influential friends of the institution, besides Judge Lockwood already mentioned, may be enumerated such names as Gov. Joseph Dun- can, Thomas Mather, Winthrop S. Oilman, Frederick Collins and William H. Brown (of Chicago), all of whom were members of the early Board of Trustees. It was found necessary to maintain a preparatory department for many years to fit pupils for the college classes proper, and, in 1866, Whipple Academy was established and provided with a separate building for this purpose. The standard of admission to the col- lege course has been gradually advanced, keeping abreast, in this respect, of other American col- leges. At present the institution has a faculty of 15 members and an endowment of some $150,000. with a library (1898) numbering over 15,000 vol- umes and property valued at $360,000. Degrees are conferred in both classical and scientific 292 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. courses in the college proper. The list of alumni embraces some 750 names, including many who have been prominent in State and National affairs. ILLINOIS COUNTY, the name given to the first civil organization of the territory northwest of the Ohio River, after its conquest by Col. George Rogers Clark in 1778. This was done by act of the Virginia House of Delegates, passed in October of the same year, which, among other things, provided as follows: "The citizens of the commonwealth of Virginia, who are already set- tled, or shall hereafter settle, on the western side of the Ohio, shall be included in a distinct county which shall be called Illinois County; and the Governor of this commonwealth, with the advice of the Council, may appoint a County-Lieutenant or Commandant- in-chief of the county during pleasure, who shall take the oath of fidelity to this commonwealth and the oath of office accord- ing to the form of their own religion. And all civil offices to which the inhabitants hare been accustomed, necessary for the preservation of the peace and the administration of justice, shall be chosen by a majority of the citizens of their re- spective districts, to be convened for that purpose by the County-Lieutenant or Commandant, or his deputy, and shall be commissioned by said County-Lieutenant." As the Commonwealth of Virginia, by virtue of Colonel Clark's conquest, then claimed jurisdiction over the entire region west of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi, Illinois County nominally embraced the territory comprised within the limits of the present States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wiscon- sin, though the settlements were limited to the vicinity of TTaainmfcia. vincenne.s (in the present State of Indiana) and Detroit. Col. John Todd, of Kentucky, was appointed by Gov. Patrick Henry, the first Lieutenant-Commandant under this act, holding office two yean. Out of Illinois County were subsequently organized the follow- ing counties by "order" of Gov. Arthur St. Clair, after his assumption of the duties of Governor, following the passage, by Congress, of the Ordi- nance of 1787, creating the Northwest Territory, Wubtmton Hamilton -It Cl.lt Kooz Randolph Cor rTY-flmAT DATB or OBOAKTCATIOH Marietta July 27, 17M Cincinnati Jan. 4, I7W ( Oahokla \ Prairie do Boclur April 27, 17W PDltBL VtncuuMl Kukaakla June JO. 17W Oct. 6, 1796 Washington, originally comprising the State of Ohio, was reduced, on the organization of Hamil- ton County, to the eastern portion, Hamilton County embracing the west, with Cincinnati (originally called "Losantiville," near old Fort Washington) as the county-seat. St. Clair, the third county organized out of this territory, at first had virtually three county-seats, but divi- sions and jealousies among the people and officials in reference to the place of deposit for the records, resulted in the issue, five years later, of an order creating the new county of Randolph, the second in the "Illinois Country" these (St. Clair and Randolph) constituting the -two counties into which it was divided at the date of organization of Illinois Territory. Out of these events grew the title of "Mother of Counties" given to Illinois County as the original of all the counties in the five States northwest of the Ohio; while St. Clair County inherited the title as to the State of Illinois. (See Illinois; also St. Clair. Arthur, and Todd, (Col.) John.) ILLINOIS FARMERS' RAILROAD. (See Jacksonville olis A St. Louis Railroad. !i\ miles east-northeast of Alton, and 17 miles east hy north of IJtrhlield . has live elmrclies. flouring anil saw mills, creamery, ami a weekly newspaper. Population (IM'.W). r ' :! ": (I'.HHI;. 075 ISHAM, I'.clwmnl S., lawyer. \vas ln>rn at Bennington, Vt., Jan. 1.1. IXiii; educated at Lawrence Academy ami \VilliainsCnllege, Mass., taking his degree at the latter in 1*57; was admitted to the bar at Rutland. Vt.. in 1858. coming to Chicago the same year. Mr. Isham was a Representative in the Twenty-fourth General Assembly (1W4-06) and, in 1881, his name was prominently considered for a position on the Supreme bench of the United States. He is the senior member of the firm of Isham, Lin- coln & Beale. which has had the management of some of the most important cases coming before the Chicago courts JACKSON, lluntlngton Wolcott, lawyer, born in Newark. N. J. . Jan. 28, 1841, being descended i m the maternal side from Oliver Wolcott, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence; received his education at Phillips Academy, \ndover. Muss., and at Princeton College, leav- ing the latter at the close of his junior year to enter the army, and taking part in the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, a jrt of the time being on the staff of Maj.-Gen. John Newton, and, later, with Sherman from Chattanooga to Atlanta, finally receiving the, rank of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel for gallant and meritorious service. Returning to civil life in !8Cr>. he entered Harvard Law School for one term, then siient a year in Euro|>e, on his return resuming his legal studies at Newark. N. J. ; oame to Chicago in 1HC7. and the following year was admitted to the bar. has served as Su|>ervisor of South Chicago, as President of the Chicago Bar Association, and (by ap[>ointment of the Comptroller of the. Currency) as receiver and attorney of the Third National Bank of Chicago. Under the will of the late John Crerar he became an executor of the estate, and a trustee of the Crerar Library Died at Newark, N. J., Jan 3, 1001. JACKSON' COUNTY, organized in 1810. and named in honor of Andrew Jackson; area, 580 Mjuarr miles; population (1900), ::::>? I. It lies in the southwest portion of the State, the Mis- Hwsippi River forming its principal western i nun lary ,'I'ln- bottom lands along the river arc wonderfully fertile, but liable to overflow. It i* (Tossed by grange of hills regarded as a brand i of the Ozark range. Toward the east the soil is warm, ana well adapted to fruit-growing. One of the richest beds of bituminous coal in the Stati crops out at various points, varying in depth from a few inches to fouror live hundred feet below the surface. Valuable timber and good building stone are found and there are numerous saline springs Wheat, tobacco and fruit are principal crops Early pioneers, with the date of their arrival, were as follows: 1814, W. Boon; 181.V Joseph Duncan (afterwards Governor); 1817 Oliver Crass, Mrs. William Kimmel, S. Lewis. K. Harrold, George Butcher and W. Eakin; 181*. the Bysleys, Mark Bradley, James Hughes and John Barron. Brownsville was the first county seat and an important town, but owing to a dis- astrous fire in 1843, the government was removed to Murphy sboro, where Dr. Igan (father of Gen John A. Logan) donated a tract of land for county-buildings. John A. Logan was born here The principal towns (with their respective popn lation. as shown by the United States Census of 1890), were: Murphysboro. 3.8KO; Carbondale 2,382; and Grand Tower. 634. JACKSONVILLE, the county-seat of Morgan County, anil an important railroad center; popu lation (IM'JO) about 13,000. The town was laid out in 1825. and named in honor of Gen. Andrew Jackson. The first court house was erected in 1826, and among early lawyers were Josiah Lam- born, John J. Hardin, Stephen A. Douglas, an several banks, a large woolen mill, carriage fac- tories, brick yards, planing mills, and two news- paper establishments, each publishing daily ami weekly editions. It justly ranks as one of tin- most attractive and interesting cities of the State, noted for the hospitality and intelligence of its citizens. Although immigrants from Kentucky and other Southern States predominated in its early settlement, the location there of Illinois College and the Jacksonville Female Academy, alxmt 1H30. brought to it many settlers of New England birth, so that it early came to be INSITH TION l-i.K 1)1 Al- AM) IH'MI!. |U KsoN\ II I I . Main Building and Girls' Cottage. INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND, JACKSONVILLE. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 301 regarded as more distinctively New England in the character of its population than any other town in Southern Illinois. Pop. (1900), 15,078. JACKSONVILLE FEMALE ACADEMY, an institution for the education of young ladies, at Jacksonville, the oldest of its class in the State. The initial steps for its organization were taken in 1830, the year after the establishment of Illinois College. It may be said to have been an offshoot of the latter, these two constituting the originals of that remarkable group of educational and State Institutions which now exist in that city. Instruction began to be given in the Academy in Hay, 1838, under the pn'ncipalship of Miss Sarah C. Crocker, and, in 1835, it was formally incorpo- rated by act of the Legislature, being the first educational institution to receive a charter from that body; though Illinois, McKendree and Sburtleff Colleges were incorporated at a later period of the same session. Among its founders appear the names of Gov. Joseph Duncan, Judge Samuel D. Lockwood, Rev. Julian M. Sturtevant (for fifty years the President or a Professor of Illi- nois College), John P. Wilkinson, Rev. John M. Ellia, David B. Ayers and Dr. Ero Chandler, all of whom, except the last, were prominently identified with the early history of Illinois Col- lege. The list of the alumnae embraces over five hundred names. The Illinois Conservatory of Music (founded in 1871) and a School of Fine Arts are attached to the Academy, all being under the management of Prof. E. F. Bullard, A.M. JACKSONVILLE, LOUISVILLE ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. (See Jacksonville oay.) JACKSONVILLE, NORTHWESTERN A: SOUTHEASTERN RAILROAD. (See Jackson- ville & St. Louis tinil it-ay.) JACKSONVILLE A: ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. Originally chartered as the Illinois Farmers' Kail- road, and constructed from Jacksonville to Waverly in 1M7; laterchangedtotheJacksonville, Northwestern & Southeastern and track extended to Virden (31 miles) ; in 1879 passed into the hands of a new company under the title of the Jacksonville Southeastern, and was extended as follows: to Litchfield (1880), 23 miles; to Smith- boro (1882), 29 miles: to Centralia (1883), 29 miles total, 112 miles. In 1887 a section between Centralia and Driver's (IC'/i miles) was con- structed by the Jacksonville Southeastern, and operated under lease by the successor to that line, but, in 1893, was separated from it under the name of the Louisville & St. Louis Railway. By the use of five miles of trackage on the Louis- ville & Nashville Railroad, connection was obtained between Driver's and Mount Vernon The same year (1887) the Jacksonville Southeast- ern obtained control of the Litchfield, Carrollton & Western Railroad, from Litchfield to Columhi ana on the Illinois River, and the Chicago, Peoriu & St. Louis, embracing lines from Peoria to St Louis, via Springfield and Jacksonville. Tin- Jacksonville Southeastern was reorganized in IHiKi under the name of the Jacksonville, Louisville & St. Louis Railway, and. in 1*93. was placed in the hands of a receiver. The Chicago, Peoria A St. Louis Divisions were subsequently separated from the Jacksonville line and placed in charge of a separate receiver. Foreclosure proceedings began in 1X94 and. during ISMC, the road was sold under foreclosure and reorganized under its pres- ent title. (See Chicayo. Pi'nrin < St. Loui Kail- rtntd of Illinois.) The capital stock of the Jacksonville & St. Louis Railway (June 30, 1897 was $1,. 100. 000; funded debt. $2.300,000 total S3.KOO.OOO. JAMES, Colin II., clergyman, was born in Ran- dolph County, now in West Virginia. Jan. l,"i 1808; died at Bonita, Kan.. Jan. 30, 18W. He was the son of Rev. Dr. William B. James, a pioneer preacher in the Ohio Valley, who removed t Ohio in 1812, settling first in Jefferson County in that State, and later (1S14) at 51ansfield. SUUNC- <|Uently the family took up its residence at Ilelt V Prairie in Vigo (now Vermilion) County. Ind Before 1830 Colin D. James came to Illinois, and in 1S34, became a minister of the 51ethodist Epis copal Church, remaining in active ministerial work until 1871. after which he accepted a super annuated relation During his connection with the church in Illinois he served as station preacher or Presiding Elder at the following points; RocL Island (1834): Platteville (1836); Apple River (1837); Paris (1838. '42 and '43); Eugene (1839). Georgetown (1S40); Shelbyville (1841); Grafton (1844 and '45); S|>arta District (1845-47) ; Lebanon District (1848-49); Alton District (1850); Bloom ington District (1851-52); and later at Jackson ville, Winchester, -Greenfield. Island Orove Oldtown, Heyworth, Normal, Atlanta, McLean and Shirley. During 1861 -6',' he acted as agent for the Illinois Female College at Jacksonville and, in 1871. for the erection of a Metho 'list church at Normal, lit* was twice married His tirst wife (Eliza A. Plasters of Living- ston) died in 1840. The following year he mai ried Amanda K. Casad, daughter of Dr Anthonv W. Casad. He removed from Normal to Evan* ton in 1876, and from the latter place fc> HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Kansas in 1879. Of his surviving children, Edmund J. is (1898) Professor in the University of Chicago; John N. is in charge of the mag- netic laboratory in the National Observatory at Washington, D. C. ; Benjamin B. is Professor in the State Normal School at St. Cloud, Minn., and Qeorge F. is instructor in the Cambridge Preparatory School of Chicago. JAMES, Edmund Janes, was born, May 21, 1855, at Jacksonville, Morgan County, 111., the fourth son of Rev. Colin Dew James of the Illi- nois Conference, grandson on his mother's side uf Rev. Dr. Anthony Wayne Casad and great- grandson of Samuel Stites (all of whose sketches appear elsewhere in this volume) ; was educated in the Model Department of the Illinois State Normal School at Bloomington (Normal), from which he graduated in June, 1873, and entered the Northwestern University, at Evanston, 111., in November of the same year. On May 1, 1874, he was appointed Recorder on the United States Lake Survey, where he continued during one season engaged in work on the lower part of Lake Ontario and the upper St. Lawrence. He entered Harvard College, Nov. 2, 1874, but went to Europe in August, 1875, entering the University of Halle, Oct. 16, 1875, where he graduated, August 4, 1877, with the degrees of A.M. and Ph.D. On his return to the United States he was elected Principal of the Public High School in Evanston, III., Jan. 1, 1878, but resigned in June, 1879, to accept a position in the Illinois State Normal School at Bloomington as Professor of Latin and Greek, and Principal of the High School Department in connection with the Model School. Resigning this position at Christmas time, 1882, he went to Europe for study ; accepted a position in the University of Pennsylvania as Professor of Public Administration, in Septem- ber, 1883, where he remained for over thirteen years. While here he was, for a time. Secretary of the Graduate Faculty and organized the in- struction in this Department. He was also Director of the Wharton School of Finance and Economy, the first attempt to organize a college course in the field of commerce and industry. During this time he officiated as editor of "The Political Economy and Public Law Series" issued by the University of Pennsylvania. Resigning his position in the University of Pennsylvania on Feb. 1, 1896, he accepted that of Professor of Pub- lic Administration and Director of the University Extension Division in the University of Chicago, where he has since continued. Professor James has been identified with the progress of economic studies in the United States since the early eighties. He was one of the organizers and one of the first Vice-Presidents of the American Economic Association. On Deo. 14, 1889, he founded the American Academy of Political and Social Science with headquarters at Philadelphia, became its first President, and has continued such to the present time. He was also, for some years, editor of its publications. The Academy has now become the largest Association in the world devoted to the cultivation of economic and social subjects. He was one of the originators of, and one of the most frequent contributors to, "Lalor's Cyclopaedia of Political Science"; was also the pioneer in the movement to introduce into the United States the scheme of public instruction known as University Extension; was the first President of the American Society for the Exten- sion of University Teaching, under whose auspices the first effective extension work was done in this country, and has been Director of the Extension Division in the University of Chicago since Febru- ary, 1896. He has been especially identified with the development of higher commercial education in the United States. From his position as Director of the Wharton School of Finance and Economy he has affected the course of instruc- tion in this Department in a most marked way. He was invited by the American Bankers' Association, in the year 1892, to make a careful study of the subject of Commercial Education in Europe, and his report to this association on the Education of Business Men in Europe, republiahed by the University of Chicago in the year 1898, has become a standard authority on this subject Owing largely to his efforts, departments similar to the Wharton School of Finance and Economy have been established under the title of College of Commerce, College of Commerce and Politics, and Collegiate Course in Commerce, in the Uni- versities of California and Chicago, and Columbia University. He has been identified with the progress of college education in general, espe- cially in its relation to secondary and elementary education, and was one of the early advocates of the establishment of departments of education in our colleges and universities, the policy of which is now adopted by nearly all the leading institu- tions. He was, for a time, State Examiner of High Schools in Illinois, and was founder of "The Illinois School Journal," long one of the most influential educational periodicals in the State, now changed in name to "School and Home." He has been especially active in the establish- ment of public kindergartens in different cities. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and has been repeatedly offered the headship of important institutions, among them being the University of Iowa, the University of Illinois, and the University of Cincinnati. He has served as V ice-President of the National Municipal League; of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Economic Association, and of the Board of Trus- tees of the Illinois State Historical Library ; is a member of the American Philosophical Society, of the Pennsylvania Historical Society, of the National Council of Education, and of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. He was a member of the Committee of Thirteen of the National Teachers' Association on college entrance requirements) is a member of various patriotic and historical societies, including the Sons of the American Revolution, the Society of the Colonial 'Wars, the Holland and the Huguenot Society. He is the author of more than one hun- dred papers and monographs on various economic, educational, legal and administrative subjects. Professor James was married, August 22, 1879, to Anna Margarethe Lange, of Halle, Prussia, daughter of the Rev. Wilhelm Roderich Lange, and granddaughter of the famous Professor G er- lach of the University of Halle. JAMESON, John Alexander, lawyer and jur- ist, was born at Irasbnrgh, Vt., Jan. 25, 1831; graduated from the University of Vermont in 184*. After several years spent in teaching, he began the study of law, and graduated from the Dane Law School (of Harvard College) in 1853. Coming west the same year he located at Free- port, 111., but removed to Chicago in 1856. In 1885 he was elected to the bench of the Superior Court of Chicago, remaining in office until 1883. During a portion of this period he acted as lec- turer in the Union College of Law at Chicago, and as editor of "The American Law Register." Hi* literary labors were unceasing, his most notable work being entitled "Constitutional Con- ventions; their History, Power and Modes of Proceeding." He was also a fine classical scholar, speaking and reading German, French, Spanish and Italian, and was deeply interested in charitable and reformatory work. Died, sud- denly, in Chicago, June 16, 1890. J A R ROT, Nicholas, early French settler of St. Clair County, was born in France, received a liberal education and, on account of the disturbed condition there in the latter part of the last cen- tury, left his native country about 1790. After spending some time at Baltimore and New Orleans, he arrived at Cahokia, 111., in 1794, and became a permanent settler there. He early be- came a Major of militia and engaged in trade with the Indians, frequently visiting Prairie du Chien, St. Anthony's Falls (now Minneapolis) and the Illinois River in his trading expeditions, and, on one or two occasions, incurring great risk of life from hostile savages. He acquired a large property, especially in lands, built mill* and erected one of the earliest and finest brick houses in that part of the country. He also served as Justice of the Peace and Judge of the County Court of St Clair County. Died, in 1828. Vital (Jarrot), son of the preceding, inherited a large landed fortune from his father, and was an enterprising and public-spirited citizen of St. Clair County during the last generation. He served as Representative from St Clair County in the Eleventh, Twentieth, Twenty-first and Twenty-second General Assemblies, in the first being an associate of Abraham Lincoln and always his firm friend and admirer. At the organization of the Twenty-second General Assembly (1857), he received the support of the Republican members for Speaker of the House in opposition to CoL W. R. Morrison, who was elected. He sacrificed a large share of his prop- erty in a public-spirited effort to build up a rolling mill at East St. Louis, being reduced thereby from affluence to poverty. President Lincoln appointed him an Indian Agent, which took him to the Black Hills region, where he died, some years after, from toil and exposure, at the age of 73 years. JASPER COCNTT, in the eastern part of Southern Illinois, having an area of 606 square miles, and a population (in 1900) of 20, 160. It was organized in 1831 and named for Sergeant Jasper of Revolutionary fame. The county was placed un- der township organization in 1860. The first Board of County Commissioners consisted of B. Rey- nolds, W. Richards and George Mattingley. The Embarras River crosses the county. The general surface is level, although gently undulating in some portions. Manufacturing is carried on in a small way; but the people are principally inter- ested in agriculture, the chief products consisting of wheat, potatoes, sorghum, fruit and tobacco. Wool-growing is an important industry. Newton is the county-seat, with a population (in 1890) of 1,428. JATNE, (Dr.) Oenhom, early physician, was born in Orange County, N. Y., October, 1791 ; served as Surgeon in the War of 1812, and came to Illinois in 1819, settling in Springfield in 1821 ; was one of the Commissioners appointed to construct the 304 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. first State Penitentiary (1827), and one of the first Commissioners of the Illinois & Michigan Canal. His oldest daughter (Julia Maria) became the wife of Senator Trumbull. Dr. Jayne died at Springfield, in 1867. Or. William (Jayne), son of the preceding, was born in Springfield, 111. , Oct. 8, 1826; educated by private tutors and at Illinois College, being a member of the class of 1847, later receiving the degree of A.M. He was one of the founders of the Phi Alpha Society while in that institution; graduated from the Medical Depart- ment of Missouri State University; in 1860 was elected State Senator for Sangamon County, and, the following year, was appointed by President Lincoln Governor of the Territory of Dakota, later serving as Delegate in Congress from that Territory. In 1869 he was appointed Pension Agent for Illinois, also served for four terms as Mayor of his native city, and is now V ion-Presi- dent of the First National Bank, Springfield. JEFFERSON COUNTY, a south-central county, cut off from Edwards and White Counties, in 1819, when it was separately organized, being named in honor of Thomas Jefferson. Its area is 680 square miles, and its population (1900), 28,133. The Big Muddy River, with one or two tributa- ries, flows through the county in a southerly direc- tion. Along the banks of streams a variety of hardwood timber is found. The railroad facilities are advantageous. The surface is level and the soil rich. Cereals and fruit are easily produced. A fine bed of limestone (seven to fifteen feet thick) crosses the middle of the county. It has been quarried and found well adapted to building purposes. The county possesses an abundance of running water, much of which is slightly im- pregnated with salt. The upper coal measure underlies the entire county, but the seam is scarcely more than two feet thick at any point. The chief industry is agriculture, though lumber is manufactured to some extent. Mount Vernon, the county-seat, was incorporated as a city in 1872. Its population in 1890 was 3,233. It has several manufactories and is the seat of the Appellate Court for the Southern Judicial District of the State. JEFFERT, Edward Turner, Railway President and Manager, born in Liverpool, Eng., April 6, 1843, his father being an engineer in the British navy; about 1850 came with his widowed mother to Wheeling, Va , and, in 1856, to Chicago, where he secured employment as office-boy in the machinery department of the Illinois Central Railroad. Here he finally became an apprentice and, passing through various grades of the me- chanioal department, in May, 1877, became General Superintendent of the Road, and, in 1885, General Manager of the entire line. In 1889 he withdrew from the Illinois Central and, for several yean past, has been President and General Manager of the Denver & Rio Grande Railway, with head- quarters at Denver, Colo. Mr. Jeffery's career as a railway man has been one of the most conspicu- ous and successful in the history of American railroads. JENKINS, Alexander M., Lieutenant-Governor (1834-36), came to Illinois in his youth and located in Jackson County, being for a time a resident of Brownsville, the first county-seat of Jackson County, where he was engaged in trade. Later he studied law and became eminent in his pro- fession in Southern Illinois. In 1830 Mr. Jenkins was elected Representative in the Seventh General Assembly, was re-elected in 1832, serving during his second term as Speaker of the House, and took part the latter year in the Black Hawk War as Captain of a company. In 1834 Mr. Jenkins was elected Lieutenant-Governor at the same time with Governor Duncan, though on an opposing ticket, but resigned, in 1836, to become President of the first Illinois Central Railroad Company, which was chartered that year. The charter of the road was surrendered in 1837, when the State had in contemplation the policy of building a system of roads at its own cost. For a time he was Receiver of Public Moneys in the Land Office at Edwardsville, and, in 1847, was elected to the State Constitutional Convention of that year. Other positions held by him included that of Jus- tice of t lie Circuit Court for the Third Judicial Circuit, to which he was elected in 1859, and re-elected in 1861, but died in office, February 13, 1864. Mr. Jenkins was an uncle of Gen. John A. Logan, who read law with him after his return from the Mexican War. JENNET, William Le Baron, engineer and architect, born at Fairhaven, Mass., Sept. 25, 1832; was educated at Phillips Academy, An- dover, graduating in 1849; at 17 took a trip around the world, and, after a year spent in the Scientific Department of Harvard College, took a course in the Ecole Centrale des Artes et Manu- factures in Paris, graduating in 1856. He then served for a year as engineer on the Tehuantepec Railroad, and, in 1861, was made an Aid on the staff of General Grant, being transferred the next year to the staff of General Sherman, with whom he remained three years, participating in many of the most important battles of the war in the West. Later, he was engaged in the preparation HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 305 of maps of General Sherman's campaigns, which were published in the "Memoirs" of the latter. In 1868 he located in Chicago, and has since given his attention almost solely to architecture, the result being seen in some of Chicago's most noteworthy buildings. JERSEY COUNTY, situated in the western portion of the middle division of the State, bordering on the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers. Originally a part of Greene County, it was sepa- rately organized in 1839, with an area of 360 square miles. There were a few settlers in the county as early as 1816-17. Jersey ville, the county-seat, was platted in 1834, a majority of the early resi- dents being natives of, or at least emigrants from. New Jersey. The mild climate, added to the character of the soil, is especially adapted to fruit-growing and stock-raising. The census of 1900 gave the population of the county as 14,612 and of Jerseyville, 3,517. Grafton, near the junction of the Mississippi with the Illinois, had a population of 987. The last mentioned town is noted for its stone quarries, which employ a number of men. JERSEYYILLE, a city and county -seat of Jer- sey County, the point of junction of the Chicago & Alton and the Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis Railways, 19 miles north of Alton and 45 miles north of St. Louis, Mo. The city is in an agri cultural district, but has manufactories of flour, plows, carriages and wagons, shoe factory and watch-making machinery. It contains a hand- some courthouse, completed in 1894, nine churches, a graded public school, besides a sep- arate school for colored children, a convent, library, telephone system, electric lights, artesian wells, and three papers. Population (1890), 3,307; (1900), 3,517; (1903, est.), 4,117. JO DA VI ESS COUNTY, situated in the north- west corner of the State ; has an area of 663 square miles; population (1900), 24,533. It was first explored by Le Seuer, who reported the discovery of lead in 1700. Another Frenchman (Bouthil- lier) was the first permanent white settler, locat- ing on the site of the present city of Galena in 1830. About the same time came several Ameri- can families ; a trading post was established, and the hamlet was known as Fredericks' Point, so called after one of the pioneers. In 1822 the Government reserved from settlement a tract 10 miles square along the Mississippi, with a view of controlling the mining interest. In 1823 mining privileges were granted upon a royalty of one- sixth, and the first smelting furnace was erected the same year. Immigration increased rapidly and, inside of three years, the "Point" had a popu- lation of 150, and a post-office was established with a fortnightly mail to and from Vandalia, then the State capital In 1827 county organiza- tion was effected, the county being named in honor of Gen. Joseph Hamilton Daviess, who was killed in the Battle of Tippecanoe. The original tract, however, has been subdivided until it now constitutes nine counties. The settlers took an active part in both the Winnebago and Black Hawk Wars. In 1846-47 the mineral lands were placed on the market by the Government, and quickly taken by corporations and individuals. The scenery is varied, and the soil (particularly in the east) well suited to the cultivation of grain. The county is well wooded and well watered, and thoroughly drained by the Fever and Apple Rivers. The name Galena was given to the county-seat (originally, as has been said, Fredericks' Point) by Lieutenant Thomas, Gov- ernment Surveyor, in 1827, in which year it was platted. Its general appearance is picturesque. Its early growth was extraordinary, but later (particularly after the growth of Chicago) it received a set-back. In 1841 it claimed 2,000 population and was incorporated ; in 1870 it had about 7,000 population, and, in 1900, 5,005. The names of Grant, Rawlins and E. B. Washburne are associated with its history. Other important towns in the county are Warren (population 1,327), East Dubuque (1,146) and Elizabeth (659). JOHNSON, Caleb C., lawyer and legislator, was bom in Whiteside County, 111.. May 23, 1844, educated in the common schools and at the Military Academy at Fulton, 111. ; served during the Civil War in the Sixty-ninth and One Hun- dred and Fortieth Regiments Illinois Volunteers; in 1877 was admitted to the bar and, two yean later, began practice. He has served upon the Board of Township Supervisors of Whiteside County; in 1884 was elected to the House of Representatives of the Thirty-fourth General Assembly, was re-elected in 1886, and again in 1896. He also held the position of Deputy Col- lector of Internal Revenue for his District during the first Cleveland administration, and was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention of 1888. JOHNSON, (Her.) Herrlek, clergyman and educator, was born near Fonda, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1832'; graduated at Hamilton College, 1857, and at Auburn Theological Seminary, 1860; held Pres- byterian pastorates in Troy, Pittsburg and Phila- delphia; in 1874 became Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology in Auburn Theological 306 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Seminary, and, in 1880, accepted a pastorate in Chicago, also becoming Lecturer on Sacred Rhet- oric in McCorraick Theological Seminary. In 1888 he resigned his pastorate, devoting his atten- tion thereafter to the duties of his professorship. He was Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly at Springfield, in 1882, and has served as President, for many years, of the Presbyterian Church Board of Aid for Colleges, and of the Board of Trustees of Lake Forest University. Besides many periodical articles, he has published several volumes on religious subjects. JOHNSON, Hosmer A., M.D., LL.D., physi- cian, was born near Buffalo, K. Y., Oct. 6, 1822; at twelve removed to a farm in Lapeer County, Mich. In spite of limited school privileges, at eighteen he secured a teachers' certificate, and, by teaching in the winter and attending an academy in the summer, prepared for college, entering the University of Michigan in 1846 and graduating in 1849. In 1850 he became a student of medicine at Rush Medical College in Chicago, graduating in 1852, and the same year becoming Secretary of the Cook County Medical Society, and, the year following, associate editor of "The Illinois Medical and Surgical Journal" For three years he was a member of the faculty of Rush, but, in 1858, resigned to become one of the founders of a new medical school, which has now become a part of Northwestern University. During the Civil War, Dr. Johnson was Chair- man of the State Board of Medical Examiners; later serving upon the Board of Health of Chi- cago, and upon the National Board of Health. He was also attending physician of Cook County Hospital and consulting physician of the Chicago Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. At the time of the great fire of 1871, he was one of the Direct- on of the Chicago Relief and Aid Society. His connections with local, State and National Soci- eties and organizations (medical, scientific, social and otherwise) wern the National Board of Health. He was also attending physician of Cook County Hospital and consulting physician of the Chicago Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. At the time of the great fire of 1871, he was one of the Direct- ors of the Chicago Relief and Aid Society. His connections with local. State and National Soci- eties and organizations (medical, scientific, social and otherwise) wer-i very numerous. lie trav- eled' extensively, both in this country and in Europe, during his visits to the latter devoting much time to the study of foreign sanitary con- ditions, and making further attainments in medi- cine and surgery. In 188:! the degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by Northwestern Uni- versity. During his later years, Dr. Johnson was engaged almost wholly in consultations. Died, Feb. 20, 1S01. JOHNSON COUNTY, lies in the southern por- tion of the State, and is one of the smallest counties, having an area of only 340 square miles, and a population (I'.iOUj of 15.G67 named for Col. Richard M. Johnson. Its organization dates back to 1812. A dividing ridge (forming a sort of water shed) extends from east to west, the waters of the Cache and Bay Rivers running south, and those of the Big Muddy and Saline toward the north. A minor coal seam of variable thickness (perhaps a spur from the regular coal- measures) crops out here and there. Sandstone and limestone are abundant, and, under dills along the bluffs, saltpeter lias been obtained in small quantities. Weak copperas springs are numerous. The soil is rich, the principal crops being wheat, corn and tobacco. Cotton is raised for home consumption and fruit-culture receives some attention. Vienna is the county-seat, with a population, in 1890, of 828. JOHNSTON, Noah, pioneer and banker, was born in Hardy County, Va., Dec. 20, 1799, and. at the age of 12 years, emigrated with his father to Woodford County, Ky. In 1824 he removed to Indiana, and. a few years later, to JelTerson County, 111., where he began farming. He sub- sequently engaged in merchandising, but proving unfortunate, turned his attention to politics, serving first as County Commissioner and then as County Clerk. In 1838 he was elected to th* State Senate for the counties of Hamilton and Jefferson, serving four years; was Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk of the Senate during the session of 1844-45, and, in 1846, elected Representative in the Fifteenth General Assembly The following year he was made Paymaster in the United States Army, serving through the Mexican War; in 1852 served with Abraham Lincoln and Judge Hugh T. Dickey of Chicago, on a Commission appointed to investigate claims against the State for the construction of the Illinois & Michigan Canal, and, in 1854, was appointed Clerk of tin- Supreme Court for the Third Division, being elected to the same position in 1861. Other posi- tions held by him included those of Deputy United States Marshal under the administration of Presi- dent Polk, Commissioner to superintend the con- struction of the Supreme Court Building at Mount Vernon, and Postmaster of that city. lie was also elected Representative again in 1800. The later years of his life were spent as President of the Mount Vernon National Bank. Died, No- vember, 1891, in his 92d year. .101,1 1' 1 . the county-seat of Will County, situ- ated in the Des Plaines River Valley, 36 miles southwest of Chicago, on the Illinois & Michigan Canal, and the intersecting point of live lines of railway. A good quality of calcareous building stone underlies the entire region, ami is exten- o > 2^ < H Z w a. u HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 307 sively quarried. ( ravel, sand, and clay are also easily obtained in considerable quantities. Within t'euty miles are productive coal mines. The Northern Illinois Penitentiary and a female penal institute stand just outside the city limits on the north. Juliet is an important manufac- turing center, the census of 1900 crediting the city with 455 establishments, having $15,452,196 capital, employing 6,523 hands, paying $3,957,529 wages and $17,891,836 for raw material, turning out an annual product valued at $27. 765, 104. The leading industries are the manufacture of foundry and machine-shop products, engines, agricultural implements, pig-iron, Bessemer steel, steel bridges, rods, tin cans, wallpaper, matches, beer, saddles, paint, furniture, pianos, and stoves, besides quarrying and stone cutting. The Chi- cago Drainage Canal supplies valuable water- power. The city has many handsome public buildings and private residences, among the former being four high schools, Government postoffice building, two public libraries, and two public hospitals. It also has two public and two school parks. Population (1880), 11,657; (1890), 23,254, (including suburbs), 34,473; (1900), 29,358. JOLIET, AURORA & NORTHERN RAIL- WAT. (See Elgin. Joliet , i:>6 capital, employing 0.523 hands, paying S3,!I57,52S( wages and $17.8Sll.s3li for raw material, turning out an annual product valued at S27.7oiver. The city has many handsome public buildings and private residences, among the former being four high schools. Government lstorfice building, two public libraries, and two public hospitals It also has two public ami two school parks. Population (1880), 11,657; (1890). 23,254. (including suburbs), 34,473: (1900). 29.353. JOLIET, AURORA & NORTHERN RAIL- WAY. (See Elyin. Juliet 73, when Frontenac commissioned him to explore. Starting from the missionary station of St. Iguace, with Father Marquette, he went up the Fox River within the present State of Wisconsin and down the Wis- consin to the Mississippi, which he descended as far as the mouth of the Arkansas. He was the first to discover that the Mississippi Mows to the Gulf rather than to the Pacific. He returned to Green Bay via the Illinois River, and (as believed) the sites of the present cities of Joliet and Chicago. Although later appointed rcyal hydrographer and given the island of Anticosti, he never revisited the Mississippi. Some historians assert that this was largely' due to the influential jeal- ousy of Ierpetuity, from Sept. 7, 1854 (the date of completion), to the Michigan Central Rail- road Company, which owns nearly all its stock. Its capital stock is $300,000, and its funded debt, $$0,000. Other forms of indebtedness swell the total amount of capital invested (1895) to $1,- 143,201. Total earnings and income in Illinois in 1894, $89,017; total expenditures, $62,370. (See Michigan Central Railroad. ) JONES, Alfred M., politician and legislator, was born in New Hampshire, Feb. 5, 1837, brought to McHenry County, 111., at 10 years of age, and, at 16, began life in the pineries and engaged in rafting on the Mississippi. Then, after two winters in school at Rockford, and a short se:i.son in teaching, ha spent a year in the book and jen-elry business at Warren, Jo Daviess County. The following year (1858) he made atrip to Pike's Peak, but meeting disappointment in his expec- tations in regard to mining, returned almost immediately. The next few years were spent in various occupations, including law and real estate business, until 1872, when he was elected to the Twenty-eighth General Assembly, and re-elected two years later. Other positions successively held by him were those of Commis- sioner of the Joliet Penitentiary, Collector of Internal Revenue for the Sterling District, and United States Marshal for the Northern District of Illinois. lie was, for fourteen years, a member of the Republican State Central Committee, dur ing twelve years of that period lieing its cliair- man. Since 1S85, Mr. Jones has been manager of the Bethesda Mineral Spring* at Waukesha, Wis., but has found time to make his mark in Wisconsin politics also. JONES, John Rice, first English lawyer in Illi- nois, was born in Wales, Feb. 11, 1759; educated at Oxford in medicine and law, and, after prac- ticing the latter in London fora short time, came to America in 1784, spending two years in Phila- delphia, where he made the acquaintance of Dr. Benjamin Rush and Benjamin Franklin; in 1786, having reached the Kails of the Ohio, he joined Col. George Rogers Clark's expedition against the Indians on the Wabash. This having partially failed through the discontent and desertion of the troops, he remained .it Vincennee four years, part of the time as Commissary- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. General of the garrison there. In 1790 he went to Kaskaskia, but eleven years later returned to Vin- cennes, being commissioned the same year by i iov. William Henry Harrison, Attorney-General of Indiana Territory, and, in 1805, becoming a member of the first Legislative Council. He was Secretary of the convention at Vincennes, in December, 1803, which memorialized Congress to suspend, for ten years, the article in the Ordi- nance of 1787 forbidding slavery in the Northwest Territory. In 1808 he removed a second time to Kaskaskia, remaining two years, when he located within the present limits of the State of Missouri (then the Territory of Louisiana), residing suc- cessively at St. Genevieve, St. Louis and Potosi, at the latter place acquiring large interests in mineral lands. He became prominent in Mis- souri politics, served as a member of the Conven- tion which framed the first State Constitution, was a prominent candidate for United States Senator before the first Legislature, and finally elected by the same a Justice of the Supreme Court, dying in office at St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1824. He appears to have enjoyed an extensive practice among the early residents, as shown by the fact that, the year of his return to Kaskaskia, he paid taxes on more than 16,000 acres of land in Monroe County, to say nothing of his possessions about Vincecnes and his subsequent acquisitions in Missouri. He also prepared the first revision of laws for Indiana Territory when Illinois com- posed a part of it. Rice (Jones), son of the pre- ceding by a first marriage, was born in Wales, Sept. 28, 1781; came to America with his par- ents, and was educated at Transylvania University and the University of Pennsylvania, taking a medical degree at the latter, but later studying law at Litchfield, Conn., and locating at Kaskas- kia in 1806. Described as a young man of brilliant talents, he took a prominent part in politics and, at a special election held in September, 1808, was elected to the Indiana Territorial Legislature, by the party known as "Divisionists" i. e., in favor of the division of the Territory which proved successful in the organization of Illinois Territory the following year. Bitterness engendered in this contest led to a challenge from Shadrach Bond (afterwards first Governor of the State) > which Jones accepted; but the affair was ami- cably adjusted on the field without an exchange of shots. One Dr. James Dunlap, who had been Bond's second, expressed dissatisfaction with the settlement; a bitter factional fight was main- tained between the friends of the respective parties, ending in the assassination of Jones, who was shot by Dunlap on the street in Kaskaskia, Dec. 7, 1808 Jones dying in a few minutes, while Dunlap fled, ending his days in Texas. Gen. John Rice (Jones), Jr., another son, was born at Kaskaskia, Jan. 8, 1792, served under Capt. Henry Dodge in the War of 1812, and, in 1831, went to Texas, where he bore a conspicuous part in securing the independence of that State from Mexico, dying there in 1845 the year of its annexation to the United States. George Wallace (Jones), fourth son of John Rice Jones (1st), was born at Vincennes, Indiana Territory, April 12, 1804; graduated at Transylvania Uni- versity, in 1825; served as Clerk of the United States District Court in Missouri in 1826, and as Aid to Gen. Dodge in the Black Hawk War; in 1834 was elected Delegate in Congress from Michigan Territory (then including the present States of Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa), later serving two terms as Delegate from Iowa Terri- tory, and, on its admission as a State, being elected one of the first United States Senators and re- elected in 1852; in 1859, was appointed by Presi- dent Buchanan Minister to Bogota, Colombia, but recalled in 1861 on account of a letter to Jefferson Davis expressing sympathy with the cause of the South, and was imprisoned for two months in Fort Lafayette. In 1838 he was the sec- ond of Senator Cilley in the famous Cilley-Graves duel near Washington, which resulted in the death of the former. After his retirement from office, General Jones' residence was at Dubuque, Iowa, where he died, July 22, 1896, in the 93d year of his age. JONES, Mirhse 1 , early politician, was a Penn- sylvanian by birth, who came to Illinois in Terri- torial days, and, as early as 1809, was Register of the Land Office at KXgfcyilrin : afterwards removed to Shawneetown and represented Gallatin County as a Delegate to the Constitu- tional Convention of 1818 and as Senator in the first four General Assemblies, and also as Repre- sentative in the Eighth. He was a candidate for United States Senator in 1819, but was defeated by Governor Edwards, and was a Presidential Elector in 1820. He is represented to have been a man of considerable ability but of bitter passions, a supporter of the scheme for a pro-slavery con- stitution and a bitter opponent of Governor Edwards. JONES, J. Russell, capitalist, was bom at Conneaut, Ashtabula County, Ohio, Feb. 17, 1823; after spending two years as clerk in a store in his native town, came to Chicago in 1838; spent the next two years at Rockton, when he accepted a HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 309 clerkship in a leading mercantile establishment at Galena, finally being advanced to a partner- ship, which was dissolved in 1856. In 1860 he was elected, as a Republican, Representative in the Twenty-second General Assembly, and, in March following, was appointed by President Lincoln United States Marshal for the Northern District of Illinois. In 1869, by appointment of President Grant, he became Minister to Belgium. remaining in office until 1875, when he resigned and returned to Chicago. Subsequently he leclined the position of Secretary of the Interior, but was appointed Collector of the Port of Chi- cago, from which he retired in 1888. Mr. Jones served as member of the National Republican Committee for Illinois in 1868. In 1863 he organ- ized the West Division Street Railway, laying the foundation of an ample fortune. JONES, William, pioneer merchant, was born at Charlemont. Mass., Oct. 22, 1789, but spent his boyhood and early manhood in New York State, ultimately locating at Buffalo, where he engaged in business as a grocer, and also held various public positions. In 1831 he made a tour of observation westward by way of Detroit, finally reaching Fort Dearborn, which he again visited in 1832 and in '33, making small investments each time in real estate, which afterwards appreciated immensely in value. In 1834, in partnership with By ram King of Buffalo, Mr. Jones engaged in the stove and hardware business, founding in Chicago the firm of Jones & King, and the next year brought his family. While he never held any important public office, he was one of the most prominent of those early residents of Chicago through whose enterprise and public spirit the city was made to prosper. He held the office of Justice of the Peace, served in the City Council, was one of the founders of the city fire depart- ment, served for twelve years (1840-52) on the Board of School Inspectors (for a considerable time as its President), and contributed liberally to the cause of education, including gifts of $50,000 to the old Chicago University, of which lie was a Trustee and, for some time, President of its Executive Committee. Died, Jan. 18, 1868. Fernando (Jones), son of the preceding, was born at Forestville, Chautauqua County, N. Y., May 26, 1820, having, for some time in his boyhood, Millard Fillmore (afterwards President) as his teacher at Buffalo, and, still later, Reuben E. Fen- ton (afterwards Governor and a United States Senator) as classmate. After coming to Chicago, in 1835, he was employed for some time as a clerk in Government offices and by the Trustees of the Illinois & Michigan Canal: spent a season at Canandaigua Academy, N. Y. ; edited a periodical at Jackson, Mich. , for a year or two, but finally coming to Chicago, opened an abstract and title office, in which he was engaged at the time of the fire of 1871, and which, by consolidation with two other firms, became the foundation of the Title Guarantee and Trust Company, which still play* an important part in the real-estate business of Chicago. Mr. Jones has held various public posi- tions, including that of Trustee of the Hospital for the Insane at Jacksonville, and has for years been a Trustee of the University of Chicago. -Kller Kent (Jones), another son, was one of the found- ers of "The Gem of the Prairies" newspaper, out of which grew "The Chicago Tribune"; was for many years a citizen of Quincy, 111., and promi- nent member of the Republican State Central Committee, and, for a time, one of the publisher* of "The Prairie Farmer." Died, in Quincy, August 20, 1886. JO Jf ESBORO, the county -seat of Union County, situated about a mile west of the line of the Illi- nois Central Railroad. It is some 30 miles north of Cairo, with which it is connected by the Mobile & Ohio R. R. It stands in the center of a fertile territory, largely devoted to fruit-growing, and it an important shipping-point for fruit and early vegetables; has a silica mill, pickle factory and a bank. There are also four churches, and one weekly newspaper, as well as a graded school. Population (1900), 1,180. JOSLYJf, Merritt L., lawyer, was born in Livingston County, N. Y., in 1827, came to Illi- nois in 1839, his father settling in McHenry County, where the son, on arriving at manhood, engaged in the practice of the law. The latter became prominent in political circles and, in 1856, was a Buchanan Presidential Elector. On the breaking out of the war he allied himself with the Republican party ; served as a Captain in the Thirty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and, in 1864, was elected to the Twenty-fourth General Assembly from McHenry County, later serving as Senator during the sessions of the Thirtieth* and Thirty-first Assemblies (1876-80). After the death of President Garfield, he was appointed by President Arthur Assistant Secre- tary of the Interior, serving to the close of the administration. Returning to his home at Wood- stock, 111., he resumed the practice of his profes- sion, and, since 1889, has discharged the duties of Master in Chancery for McHenry County. JOUETT, Charles, Chicago's first lawyer, was born in Virginia in 1772, studied law at Charlottes- 310 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ville in that State; in 1803 was appointed by President Jefferson Indian Agent at Detroit and, in 1805, acted as Commissioner in conducting a treaty with the Wyandottes, Ottawas and other Indiana of Northwestern Ohio and Michigan at Maumee City, Ohio. In the fall of the latter year he was appointed Indian Agent at Fort Dearborn, serving there until the year before the Fort Dear- born Massacre. Removing to Mercer County, Ky., in 1811, he was elected to a Judgeship there, but, in 1815, was reappointed by President Madi- son Indian Agent at Fort Dearborn, remaining until 1818, when he again returned to Kentucky. In 1819 he was appointed to a United States Judgeship in the newly organized Territory of Arkansas, but remained only a few months, when he resumed his residence in Kentucky, dying there, May 28, 1834. JOURNALISM. (See Newspaper*, Early.) JUDD, Norman Bnel, lawyer, legislator. For- eign Minister, was born at Rome, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1815, where he read law and was admitted to the bar. In 1836 he removed to Chicago and com- menced practice in the (then) frontier settle- ment. He early rose to a position of prominence and influence in public affairs, holding various municipal offices and being a member of the State Senate from 1844 to 1860 continuously. In 1860 he was a Delegate-at- large to the Republican National Convention, and, in 1861, President Lin- coln appointed him Minister Plenipotentiary to Prussia, where he represented this country for four years. He was a warm personal friend of Lincoln, and accompanied him on his memorable journey from Springfield to Washington in 1861. In 1870 he was elected to the Forty-first Congress. Died, at Chicago, Nov. 10, 1878. JUDD, S. Corning, lawyer and politician, born in Onondaga County, N. Y., July 21, 1827; was educated at Aurora Academy, taught for a time in Canada and was admitted to the bar in New York in 1848 ; edited "The Syracuse Daily Star" in 1849, and, in 1850, accepted a position in the Interior Department in Washington. Later, he resumed his place upon "The Star," but, in 1854, removed to Lewistown, Fulton County, 111., and began practice with his brother-in-law, the late W. C. Goudy. In 1873 he removed to Chicago, entering into partnership with William Fitzhugh White- house, son of Bishop Whitehouse, and became prominent in connection with some ecclesiastical trials which followed. In 1860 he was a Demo- cratic candidate for Presidential Elector and. during the war, was a determined opponent of the war policy of the Government, as such mak- ing an unsuccessful campaign for Lieutenant - Governor in 1864. In 1885 he was appointed Postmaster of the city of Chicago, serving until 1889. Died, in Chicago, Sept. 22, 1895. JUDICIAL SYSTEM, THE. The Constitution of 1818 vested the judicial power of the State in one Supreme Court, and such inferior courts as the Legislature might establish. The former consisted of one Chief Justice and three Associ- ates, appointed by joint ballot of the Legislature but, until 1825, when a new act went into effect, they were required to perform circuit duties in the several counties, while exercising appellate jurisdiction in their united capacity. In 1824 the Legislature divided the State into five circuits, appointing one Circuit Judge for each, but, two years later, these were legislated out of office, and circuit court duty again devolved upon the Supreme Judges, the State being divided into four circuits. In 1829 a new act authorized the appointment of one Circuit Judge, who was assigned to duty in the territory northwest of the Illinois River, the Supreme Justices continuing to perform circuit duty in the four other circuits. This arrangement continued until 1835, when the State was divided into six judicial circuits, and, five additional Circuit Judges having been elected, the Supreme Judges were again relieved from circuit court service. After this no mate- rial changes occurred except in the increase of the number of circuits until 1841, the whole number then being nine. At this time political reasons led to an entire reorganization of the courts. An act passed Feb. 10, 1841, repealed all laws author- izing the election of Circuit Judges, and provided for the appointment of five additional Associate Judges of the Supreme Court, making nine in all; and, for a third time, circuit duties devolved upon the Supreme Court Judges, the State being divided at the same time into nine circuits. By the adoption of the Constitution of 1848 the judiciary system underwent an entire change, all judicial officers being made elective by the people. The Constitution provided for a Supreme Court, consisting of three Judges, Circuit Courts, County Courts, and courts to be held by Justices of the Peace. In addition to these, the Legisla- ture had the power to create inferior civil and criminal courts in cities, but only upon a uniform plan. For the election of Supreme Judges, the State was divided into three Grand Judicial Divi- sions. The Legislature might, however, if it saw fit, provide for the election of all three Judges on a general ticket, to be voted throughout the State-at-large ; but this power was never exer- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 311 ciaed. Appeals lay from the Circuit Courts to the Supreme Court for the particular division in which the county might be located, although, by unanimous consent of all parties in interest, an appeal might be transferred to another district. Nine Circuit Courts were established, but the number might be increased at the discretion of the General Assembly. Availing itself of its constitutional power and providing for the needs of a rapidly growing community, the Legislature gradually increased the number of circuits to thirty. The term of office for Supreme Court Judges was nine, and, for Circuit Judges, six years. Vacancies were to be filled by popular election, unless the unexpired term of the deceased or retiring incumbent was less than one year, in which case the Governor was authorized to appoint. Circuit Courts were vested with appellate jurisdiction from inferior tribunals, and each was required to hold at least two terms annually in each county, as might be fixed by statute. The Constitution of 1870, without changing the mode of election or term of office, made several changes adapted to altered conditions. As regards the Supreme Court, the three Grand Divisions were retained, but the number of Judges was increased to seven, chosen from a like number of districts, but sitting together to con- stitute a full court, of which four members con- stitute a quorum. A Chief Justice is chosen by the Court, and is usually one of the Judges nearing the expiration of his term. The minor officers include a Reporter of Decisions, and one Clerk in each Division. By an act passed in 1897, the three Supreme Court Divisions were consoli- dated in one, the Court being required to hold its sittings in Springfield, and hereafter only one Clerk will be elected instead of three as hereto- fore. The salaries of Justices of the Supreme Court are fixed by law at $5,000 each. The State was divided in 1873 into twenty-seven circuits (Cook County being a circuit by itself), and one or more terms of the circuit court are required to be held each year in each county in the State. The jurisdiction of the Circuit Courts is both original and appellate, and includes mat- ters civil and criminal, in law and in equity. The Judges are elected by districts, and hold office for six years. In 1877 the State was divided into thirteen judicial circuits (exclusive of Cook County), but without reducing the number of Judges (twenty-six) already in office, and the election of one additional Judge (to serve two yean) was ordered in each district, thus increas- ing the number of Judges to thirty-nine. Again in 1897 the Legislature passed an act increasing the number of judicial circuits, exclusive of Cook County, to seventeen, while the number of Judges in each circuit remained the same, so that the whole number of Judges elected that year outside of Cook County was fifty-one. The salaries of Circuit Judges are $3,500 per year, except in Cook County, where they are $7,000. The Constitution also provided for the organiza- tion of Appellate Courts after the year 1874, hav- ing uniform jurisdiction in districts created for that purpose. These courts are a connecting link between the Circuit and the Supreme Courts, and greatly relieve the crowded calendar of the latter. In 1877 the Legislature established four of these tribunals: one for the County of Cook; one to include all the Northern Grand Division except Cook County; the third to embrace the Central Grand Division, and the fourth the South- ern. Each Appellate Court is held by three Cir- cuit Court Judges, named by the Judges of the Supreme Court, each assignment covering three years, and no Judge either allowed to receive extra compensation or sit in review of his own rulings or decisions. Two terms are held in each District every year, and these courts have no original jurisdiction. COOK COUNTY. The judicial system of Cook County is different from that of the rest of the State. The Constitution of 1870 made the county an independent district, and exempted it from being subject to any subsequent redistricting. The bench of the Circuit Court in Cook County, at first fixed at five Judges, has been increased under the Constitution to fourteen, who receive additional compensation from the county treas- ury. The Legislature has the constitutional right to increase the number of Judges according to population. In 1849 the Legislature estab- lished the Cook County Court of Common Pleas. Later, this became the Superior Court of Cook County, which now (1898) consists of thirteen Judges. For this court there exists the same constitutional provision relative to an increase of Judges as in the case of the Circuit Court of Cook County. JUDY, Jacob, pioneer, a native of Switzer- land, who, having come to the United States at an early day, remained some years in Maryland, when, in 1786, he started west, spending two years near Louisville, Ky., finally arriving at Kaskaskia, 111., in 1788. In 1792 he removed to New Design, in Monroe County, and, in 1800, located within the present limits of Madison 312 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. County, where he died in 1807. Samuel (Judy), son of the preceding, born August 19, 1773, was brought by his father to Illinois in 1788, and after- wards became prominent in political affairs and famous as an Indian fighter. On the organization of Madison County he became one of the first County Commissioners, serving many years. He also commanded a body of "Rangers" in the Indian campaigns during the War of 1812, gain- ing the title of Colonel, and served as a member from Madison County in the Second Territorial Council (1814-15). Previous to 1811 he built the first brick house within the limits of Madison County, which still stood, not many years since, a few miles from Edwardsville. Colonel Judy died in 1838. Jacob (Judy), eldest son of Samuel, was Register of the Land Office at Edwardsville, 1845-49. Thomas (Judy), younger son of Samuel, was born, Dec. 19, 1804, and represented Madison County in the Eighteenth General Assembly (1852-54). His death occurred Oct. 4, 1880. JUDY, James William, soldier, was born in Clark County, Ky., May 8, 1822 his ancestors on his father's side being from Switzerland, and those on his mother's from Scotland; grew up on a farm and, in 1852, removed to Menard County, 111, where he has since resided. In August, 1862, he enlisted as a private soldier, was elected Cap- tain of his company, and, on its incorporation as part of the One Hundred and Fourteenth Regi- ment Illinois Volunteers at Camp Butler, was chosen Colonel by acclamation. The One Hun- dred and Fourteenth, as part of the Fifteenth Army Corps under command of that brilliant soldier, Gen. Win. T. Sherman, was attached to the Army of the Tennessee, and took part in the entire siege of Vicksburg, from May, 1863, to the surrender on the 3d of July following. It also participated in the siege of Jackson, Miss., and numerous other engagements. After one year's service, Colonel Judy was compelled to resign by domestic affliction, having lost two children by death within eight days of each other, while others of his family were dangerously ill. On his retirement from the army, he became deeply interested in thorough-bred cattle, and is now the most noted stock auctioneer in the United States having, in the past thirty years, sold more thorough-bred cattle than any other man living his operations extending from Canada to Cali- fornia, and from Minnesota to Texas. Colonel Judy was elected a member of the State Board of Agriculture in 1874, and so remained continu- ously until 189(5 except two years also serving as President of the Board from 1894 to 1896. He bore a conspicuous part in securing the location of the State Fair at Springfield in 1894, and the improvements there made under his administra- tion have not been paralleled in any other State. Originally, and up to 1856, an old-line Whig, Colonel Judy has since been an ardent Repub- lican ; and though active in political campaigns, has never held a political office nor desired one, being content with the discharge of his duty as a patriotic private citizen. K A\ A >*, Michael F., soldier and legislator, was born in Essex County, N. Y., in November, 1837, at twenty years of age removed to Macon County, 111., and engaged in farming. During the Civil War he enlisted in the Forty-first Illinois Volun- teers (Col. I. C. Pugh's regiment), serving nearly four years and retiring with the rank of Captain. After the war he served six years as Mayor of the city of Decatur. In 1894 he was elected State Senator, serving in the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth General Assemblies. Captain Kanan was one of the founders of the Grand Army of the Republic, and a member of the first Post of the order ever established that at Decatur. KANE, a Tillage of Greene County, on the Jacksonville Division of the Chicago & Alton Railway, 40 miles south of Jacksonville. It has a bank and a weekly paper. Population (1880), 408; (1890), 551; (1900), 588. RANK, Ellas Kent, early United States Sena- tor, is said by Lanman's "Dictionary of Congress" to have been born in New York, June 7. 1796. The late Gen. Geo. W. Smith, of Chicago, a rela- tive of Senator Kane's by marriage, in a paper read before the Illinois State Bar Associatior (1895), rejecting other statements assigning the date of the Illinois Senator's birth to various years from 1786 to 1796, expresses the opinion, based on family letters, that he was really born in 1794. He was educated at Yale College, gradu- ating in 1812, read law in New York, and emi- grated to Tennessee in 1813 or early in 1814, but, before the close of the latter year, removed to Illi- nois, settling at Kaskaskia. His abilities were recognized by his appointment, early in 1818, as Judge of the eastern circuit under the Territorial Government. Before the close of the same year he served as a member of the first State Consti- tutional Convention, and was appointed by Gov- ernor Bond the first Secretary of State under the new State Government, but resigned on the accession of Governor Coles in 1822. Two years later he was elected to the General Assembly as Representative from Randolph County, but HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 313 resigned before the close of the year to accept a aeat in the United States Senate, to which he was elected in 1834, and re-elected in 1830. Before the expiration of his second term (Dec. 12, 1835), having reached the age of a little more than 40 years, he died in Washington, deeply mourned by his fellow-members of Congress and by his constituents. Senator Kane was a usin of the distinguished Chancellor Kent of New York, through his mother's family, while, on his father's side, he was a relative of the celebrated Arctic explorer, Elisha Kent Kane. KANE COUNTY, one of the wealthiest and most progressive counties in the State, situated in the northeastern quarter. It has an area of 540 square miles, and population (1900) of 78,792; was named for Senator Elias Kent Kane. Tim- ber and water are abundant, Fox River flowing through the county from north to south. Immi- gration began in 1833, and received a new impetus in 1835, when the Pottawatomies were removed west of the Mississippi. A school was established in 1834, and a church organized in 1835. County organization was effected in June, 1836, and the public lands came on the market in 1842. The Ciril War record of the county is more than creditable, the number of volunteers exceeding the assessed quota. Farming, grazing, manufac- turing and dairy industries chiefly engage the attention of the people. The county has many flourishing cities and towns. Geneva is the county- Heat. (See Aurora, Dundee, Eldora, Elgin, Geneva and St. Charles.) KINGLET, a village of La Salle County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway, three miles northwest of Streator. There are several coal shafts here. Population (1900), 1,004. KANKAKEE, a city and county-seat of Kanka- kee County, on Kankakee River and 111. Cent. Railroad, at intersection of the "Big Four" witli the Indiana, 111. & Iowa Railroad, 56 miles south of Chicago. It is an agricultural and stock-raising region, near extensive coal fields and bog iron ore ; has water-power, flour and paper mills, agri- cultural implement, furniture, and piano fac- tories, knitting and novelty works, besides two quarries of valuable building stone. The East- ern Hospital for the Insane is located here. There are four papers, four banks, five schools, water-works, gas and electric light, electric car lines, and Government postoffice building. Popu- lation (1890). 9,025; (1900), 13.595. KANKAKEE COI'XTY, a wealthy and popu- lous county in the northeast section of the State, having an area of 680 square miles receiving its name from its principal river. It was set apart from Will and Iroquois Counties under the act passed in 1851, the owners of the site of the present city of Kankakee contributing $5,000 toward the erection of county buildings. Agri- culture, manufacturing and coal-mining are the principal pursuits. The first white settler was one Noah Vasseur, a Frenchman, and the first American, Thomas Durham Population (1880), 25,047; (1890), 28,732; (1900), 37,164. KANKAKEE RIVER, a sluggish stream, rising in St. Joseph County, Ind., and flowing west- southwest through English Lake and a flat marshy region, into Illinois. In Kankakee County it unites with the Iroquois from the south and the Des Plaines from the north, after the junction with the latter, taking the name of the Illinois. KANKAKEE & SENECA RAILROAD, a line lying wholly in Illinois, 42.08 miles in length. It has a capital stock of $10,000, bonded debt of $650,000 and other forms of indebtedness (1895) reaching $557, 629; total capitalization, $1,217,889. This road was chartered in 1881, and opened in 1882. It connects with the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad, and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, and is owned jointly by these two lines, but operated by the former. (See Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago A St. Lena* Rail- road.) KANSAS, a village in Edgar County, on the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis and the Chicago & Ohio River Railways, 156 miles northeast of St. Louis, 104 miles west of Indian- apolis, 13 miles east of Charleston and 11 miles west-southwest of Paris. The surrounding region is agricultural and stock-raising. TTMIMM has tile works, two grain elevators, a canning factory, and railway machine shops, beside four churches, a collegiate institute, a National bank and a weekly newspaper. Population (1880), 723 : (1890). 1,037; (1900), 1,049. KASKASKIA, a village of the Illinois Indians, and later a French trading post, first occupied in 1700. It passed into the hands of the British after the French-Indian War in 1765, and was captured by Col. George Rogers Clark, at the head of a force of Virginia troops, in 1778. (See Clark, George Rogers. ) At that time the white inhab- itants were almost entirely of French descent. The first exercise of the elective franchise in Illi- nois occurred here in the year last named, and, in 1804, the United States Government opened a land office there. For many years the most important commercial town in the Territory, it remained the Territorial and State capital down 314 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. to 1819, when the seat of government was re- moved to Vandalia. Originally situated on the west side of the Ka.ska.skia River, some six miles from the Mississippi, early in 1899 its site had been swept away by the encroachments of the latter stream, so that all that is left of the princi- pal town of Illinois, in Territorial days, is simply its name. KASK ASKI V INDIANS, one of the five tribes constituting the Illinois confederation of Algon- quin Indians. About the year 1700 they removed from what is now La Sal le County, to Southern Illinois, where they established themselves along the banks of the river which bears their name. They were finally removed, with their brethren of the Illinois, west of the Mississippi, and, as a distinct tribe, have become extinct. KASKASKIA BITER, rises in Champaign County, and flows southwest through the coun- ties of Douglas, Coles, Moultrie, Shelby, Fayette, Clinton and St. Clair, thence southward through Randolph, and empties into the Mississippi River near Chester. It is nearly 300 miles long, and flows through a fertile, undulating country, which forms part of the great coal field of the State. KEITH, Kelson, Sr., merchant and manufac- turer, born at Barre, Vt . Jan. 28, 1833, was edu- cated at home and in the district schools; spent 1850-54 in Montpelier, coming to Chicago the latter year and obtaining employment in a retail dry-goods store. In 1860 he assisted in establish- ing the firm of Keith, Faxon & Co., now Ed sou Keith & Co. ; is also President of the corporation of Keith Brothers & Co., a Director of the Metro- politan National Bank, and the Edison Electric Light Company. Elbrldge 6. (Keith), banker, brother of the preceding, was born at Barre, Vt., July 16, 1840; attended local schools and Barre Academy ; came to Chicago in 1857, the next year taking a position as clerk in the house of Keith, Faxon & Co., in 1865 becoming a partner and, in 1884, being chosen President of the Metropolitan National Bank, where he still remains. Mr. Keith was a member of the Republican National Convention of 1880, and belongs to several local literary, political and social clubs ; was also one of the Directors of the World's Columbian Expo- sition of 1893-93. KEITHSBURG, a town in Mercer County on the Mississippi River, at the intersection of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and the Iowa Cen- tral Railways; 100 miles west-northwest of Peoria. Principal industries are fisheries, ship- ping, manufacture of pearl buttons and oilers ; has me paper. Pop. (1900), 1,566; (1903, est.), 3,000. KELLOGG, Hiram Hnntington, clergyman and educator, was born at Clinton (then 'Whites- town), N. Y., in February, 1803. graduated at Hamilton College and Auburn Seminary, after which he served for some years as pastor at various places in Central New York. Later, he established the Young Ladies' Domestic Seminary at Clinton, claimed to be the first ladies' semi- nary in the State, and the first experiment in the country uniting manual training of girls with scholastic instruction, antedating Mount Hoi- yoke, Oberlin and other institutions which adopted this system. Color was no bar to admission to the institution, though the daughters of some of the wealthiest families of the State were among its pupils. Mr. Kellogg was a co- laborer with Gerritt Smith, Beriah Green, the Tappans, Garri- son and others, in the effort to arouse public senti- ment in opposition to slavery. In 1836 he united with Prof. George W. Gale and others in the movement for the establishment of a colony and the building up of a Christian and anti-slavery institution in the West, which resulted in the location of the town of Galesburg and the found, ing there of Knox College. Mr. Kellogg was chosen the first President of the institution and, in 1841, left his thriving school at Clinton to identify himself with the new enterprise, which, in its infancy, was a manual-labor school. In the West he soon became the ally and co- laborer of such men as Owen Love joy, Ichabod Codding, Dr. C. V. Dyer and others, in the work of extirpat- ing slavery. In 1843 he visited England as a member of the World's Peace Convention, re- maining abroad about a year, during which time he made the acquaintance of Jacob Bright and others of the most prominent men of that day in England and Scotland. Resigning the Presidency of Knox College in 1847, he returned to Clinton Seminary, and was later engaged in various busi- ness enterprises until 1861, when he again re- moved to Illinois, and was engaged in preaching and teaching at various points during the remainder of his life, dying suddenly, at his home school at Mount Forest, 111., Jan. 1, 1881. KELLOGG, William Pitt, was born at Orwell, Vt., Dec. 8, 1831, removed to Illinois in 1848, studied law at Peoria, was admitted to the bar in 1854, and began practice in Fulton County. He was a candidate for Presidential Elector on the Republican ticket in 1856 and 1860, being elected the latter year. Appointed Chief Justice of Nebraska in 1861, he resigned to accept the colonelcy of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry. Fail- ing health caused his retirement from the army I. Old Kaskaskia from Garrison Hill (18U3). 2. Kaskaskia Hotel where LaFayette was feted in 1835. 3.--First Illinois State House, 1818. 4. Interior of Room (18!tt) where LaKayette banquet was held. 5. Pierre Menard Mansion, ti. House of Chief Uucoign, last of the Cascasquias (Kaskaskias). HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA <>F ILLINOIS. to I81!>, when the seat of government was re- moved to Vandalia. OriginaUjr situated on the west, side of the Kaskaskia Kiver, some six miles from the Mississippi, early in IN!)!* its site had been swept away by the encroachments of tin- latter stream, so that all that is left of the princi- pal town of Illinois, in Territorial days, is simply its name. KASKASKIA INDIANS, one of the five tril.es constituting the Illinois confederation of Algon- quin Indians. Aliout the year 1700 they removed from what is now La Salli- County, to Southern Illinois, where they established themselves along the kinks of the river which bears their name. They were finally removed, with their brethren of the Illinois, west of the Mississippi, and, as a distinct tribe, have become extinct. KASKASKIA KM IK, rises in Champaign < 'ounty, and flows southwest through the coun- ties of Douglas, Coles. Moultrie. Shelby, Kayette. Clinton and St. ('lair, thence southward through Randolph, ami empties into the Mississippi River near Chester It is nearly IMMi miles long, and Mows through a fertile, undulating country, which forms part of the. great coal field of the State. KEITH. Hil-n. Sr., merchant and manufac turer. born at Havre Vt. . Jan. 28. |n:t:!. was edu- rated at home and in the district schools: spent IS5(>-r>4 in Montpelirr. coming to Chicago the latter year and obtaining employment in a retail dry-goods store. In l*l>0 he assisted in establish- ing the linn of Keith. Faxon A' Co.. now Kelson Keith & Co. , is also ('resident of the cor|>oration of Keith Brothers orn at Barre, Vt. . July Hi, 1840; attended local schH>ls ancr of the Republican National Convention of IMHO. and belongs to several local literary, political and social clubs: was also one f the Directors of the World's Columbian Expo- sition of 189S-!K!. hITI USItl KC..I town in Mercer County on the Mississippi Kiver, at the intersection of the Chicago. Burlington >\: <,Miincy and the Iowa ('en- I nil Railways: loo miles west-northwest of I'eoria. Principal industries are fisheries, ship- ping, manufacture of pearl buttons and oilers: has ..ne paper Pop M'.MMI). I..Vlli: (I'.MKt, est.). 2,000 hi MUM,. Hiram Huntingtun, clergyman and educator, was l>orn at Clinton (then Whites- town), N. Y., in February, 1803, graduated at Hamilton College and Auburn Seminary, after which he served for some years as pastor at various places in Central New York. Later, he established the Young Ladies' Domestic Seminary at Clinton, claimed to be the first ladies' semi- nary in the State, and the first experiment in the country uniting manual training of girls with scholastic instruction, antedating Mount Hoi- yoke. < II .crlin and other institutions which adopted this system. Color was no bar to admission to the institution, though the daughters of some of the wealthiest families of the State were among its pupils. Mr. Kellogg was a co- laborer with jerritt Smith. Beriah (ireen. the Tappans, Oarri- son and others, in the effort to arouse public senti- ment in op|Kisition to slavery In IKili he united with Prof, (leorge W. dale and others in the movement for the establishment of a colony and the building up of a Christian and anti-slavery institution in the West, which resulted in the location of the town of (ialesburg and the found ing there of Knox College Mr. Kellogg was chosen the first President of the institution and. in 1*41. left his thriving school at Clinton to identify himself with the new enterprise, which, in its infancy, was a manual lal>or school. In the West he soon became the ally and co laborer of such men as Owen Love joy, Ichabod Codding, Dr C. V Dyer and others, in the work of extirpat- ing slavery. In 1843 he visited England as a member of the World's Peace Convention, re- maining abroad about a year, during which time he made the acquaintance of Jacob Bright and others of the most prominent men of that day in England and Scotland. Resigning the Presidency of Knox College in 1H47. he returned to Clinton Seminary, ami was later engaged in various busi- ness enterprises until 18(11, when he again re- moved to Illinois, ami was engaged in preaching and teaching at various jioints during the remainder of his life, dying suddenly, at his home school at Mount Forest. 111., Jan. 1, 1881. h I I.HM.i., William Pin, was horn at Orwell. Vt.. Dec. 8. 1H31, removed to Illinois in 1848, -t in lie. I law at Peoria. was admitted to the liar in 18.14. and began practice in Fulton County. He was a candidate for Presidential Elector on the Republican ticket in 1850. being elected the latter year Appointed Chief Justice of Nebraska in 1>M51, he resigned to accept the colonelcy of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry. Fail ing health caused his retirement from the army I < >I<1 Kaskaskia lr< in (iarristm Hill ll*'.':!i. _'. K.isk.i-ki.i I Intel wlu-rr l.al-.tyettu was fi-trd in l^'J.'i. ''. Kirsi Illinois Si. it<- Hon-r, 1^1^. I. Inirrinr "I Kmnii (l y '.^li wlirn- l.,il- 'ayi-tti- lian<|iict was ln-UI. V I'icrri- \li-n.ini M.insimi. 'i. I Iniist- nf Lliirf Dm niijii. last of llu- 1 'ai .isi|iiias ( Kask.iski.isi. 1. Remnant ol Old Kaskaskia (1898| 2. View on Principal Street (1891) 3. Gen. John Kdgar's H (1891). 4. House of Gov. Bond (1891). 5. "Clicnu Mansion" where Lafayette was entertained, appeared in 1898. (i. Old State House (1900). House as it HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 315 after the battle of Corinth. In 1865 he was appointed Collector of the Port at New Orleans. Thereafter he became a conspicuous figure in both Louisiana and National politics, serving as United States Senator from Louisiana from 1868 to 1871, and as Governor from 1872 to 1876, during the stormiest period of reconstruction, and mak- ing hosts of bitter personal and political enemies as well as warm friends. An unsuccessful attempt was made to impeach him in 1876. In 1877 he was elected a second time to the United States Senate by one of two rival Legislatures, being awarded his seat after a bitter contest. At the close of his term (1883) he took his seat in the lower house to which he was elected in 1882, serving until 1885. While retaining his residence in Louisiana, Mr. Kellogg has spent much of his time of late years in Washington City. KENDALL COUNTY, a northeastern county, with an area of 330 square miles and a population (1900) of 11,467. The surface is rolling and the soil fertile, although generally a light, sandy loam. The county was organized in 1841, out of parts of Kane and La Salle, and was named in honor of President Jackson's Postmaster-General. The Fox River (running southwestwardly through the county), with its tributaries, affords ample drainage and considerable water power; the railroad facilities are admirable; timber is abundant. Yorkville and Oswego have been rivals for the county-seat, the distinction finally resting with the former. Among the pioneers may be mentioned Messrs. John Wilson, Ed- ward Ament, David Carpenter, Samuel Smith, the Wormley and Pierce brothers, and E. Morgan. KENDRICK, Adiii A., educator, was born at Ticonderoga, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1836; educated at Granville Academy, N. Y., and Middlebury Col- lege; removed to Janesville, AVis., in 1857, studied law and began practice at Monroe, in that State, a year later removing to St. Louis, where he con- tinued practice for a short time. Then, having abandoned the law, after a course in the Theolog- ical Seminary at Rochester, N. Y., in 1861 he became pastor of the North Baptist Church in Chicago, but, in 1865, removed to St. Louis, where he remained in pastoral work until 1872, when he assumed the Presidency of Shurtleff College at Upper Alton, 111. KENNET, a village and railway station in Dewitt County, at the intersection of the Spring- field Division of the Illinois Central and the Peoria, Decatur & Evansville Railroads, 36 miles northeast of Springfield. The town has two banks and two newspapers ; the district is agricultural Population (1880), 418; (1890), 497; (1900), 584. KENT, (Rev.) A rat us, pioneer and Congrega- tional missionary, was born in Suffield, Conn, in 1794, educated at Yale and Princeton and, in 1829, as a Congregational missionary, came to the Galena lead mines then esteemed "a place so hard no one else would take it. " In less than two years he had a Sunday-school with ten teachers and sixty to ninety scholars, and had also estab- lished a day-school, which he conducted himself. In 1831 he organized the First Presbyterian Church of Galena, of which he remained pastor until 1848, when he became Agent of the Home Missionary Society. He was prominent in laying the foundations of Beloit College and Rockford Female Seminary, meanwhile contributing freely from his meager salary to charitable purposes. Died at Galena, Nov. 8, 1869. KEOKUK, (interpretation, "The Watchful Foz"), a Chief of the Sacs and Foxes, born on Rock River, about 1780. He had the credit of shrewdness and bravery, which enabled him finally to displace his rival, Black Hawk. He always professed ardent friendship for the whites, although this was not infrequently attributed to a far-seeing policy. He earnestly dissuaded Black Hawk from the formation of his confeder- acy, and when the latter was forced to surrender himself to the United States authorities, he was formally delivered to the custody of Keokuk. By the Rock Island treaty, of September, 1832, Keo- kuk was formally recognized as the principal Chief of the Sacs and Foxes, and granted a reser- vation on the Iowa River, 40 miles square. Here he lived until 1845, when he removed to TT^Tiiff^i where, in June, 1848, he fell a victim to poison, supposedly administered by some partisan of Black Hawk. (See Black Hawk and Black Hawk War.) KERFOOT, Samnel H., real-estate operator, was born in Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 18, 1823, and educated under the tutorship of Rev. Dr. Muh- lenburg at St. Paul's College, Flushing, Long Island, graduating at the age of 19. He was then associated with a brother in founding St. James College, in Washington County, Md., bat, in 1848, removed to Chicago and engaged in the real-estate business, in which he was one of the oldest operators at the time of his death, Dec. 28, 1896. He was one of the founders and a life member of the Chicago Historical Society and of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, and associated with other learned and social organizations. He was also a member of the original Real Estate I. KriiMi.inl ill < Mil K.i>kaskia i l>'.i*i _'. Virw im I'rim i|..il Strv. lloiid i IM'I I. "'. "Clii'ini M.uisiiici" whnc l..il aviiu w.i- i-iilfrtaincil, .is ii ,!|ipr.lll-ll in |si|s r, |,|,| Stair ll.nisr ilmmi. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS after the battle of Corinth. In 1865 he was appointed Collector of the Port at New Orleans Thereafter he liecanie a conspicuous figure in both Louisiana and National politics, serving as L'nited States Senator from Louisiana from IWls to 1871. and as Governor from 1872 to 187fi, during tlie stormiest period of reconstruction, and mak- ing hosts of bitter personal and political enemies as well as warm friends. An unsuccessful attempt was made to impeach him in 1*70. In 1877 he was elected a second time ti> the United States Senate by one of two rival Legislatures, being awarded his seat after a bitter contest. At the close of his term (1883) he took his seat in the lower house t<> which he was elected in 1882. serving until 1885. While retaining his residence in Louisiana, Mr. Kellogg has s|M-nt much of his time of late years in Washington City. KENDALL TOl'MTV, a northeastern county, with an area of .Ml square miles and a population 11100) of 11,467. The surface is rolling and the soil fertile, although generally a light, sandy loam The county was organized in 1841. out of |iarts of Kane and La Salle, and was named in honor of President Jackson's Postmaster General. Tl> Fox River (running southwestwardly through the county), with its tributaries, affords ample drainage and considerable water power, tin- railroad facilities are admirable: timlier is abundant. Yorkville and Oswego have l>een rivals for the county -seat, the distinction finally resting with the former Among the pioneers may l>e mentioned Messrs. John Wilson. Ed- ward Ament. David Car|>enter, Samuel Smith, the Worm ley and Pierce brothers, anil E. Morgan. KEXURICK, Adin A., educator, wax born at Ticonderoga, N. V . . Jan 7, 18:{(i; educated at Granville Academy. N'. Y., and Middlebury Col- lege; removed to Janesville, Wis. . in 1857. studied law and began practice at Monroe, in that State. a year later removing to St. Louis, where he con- tinued practice for a short time. Then, having aliandoned the law. after a course in the Theolog- ical Seminary at Rochester. N. Y. . in 18I>1 he became pastor of the North Baptist Church in Chicago, but. in 18li5, removed to St Louis, where he remained in pastoral work until 1872, when he assumed the Presidency of ShurtletT College at l"p|)er Alton. Ill KEXXF.Y, a village and railway station in Hewitt County, at the intersection of the Spring field Division of the Illinois Central and the I'eoria, Decatur & F.vansville Railroads. .Ill miles northeast of Springfield The town has two banks and two newspapers; the district is agricultural. Population (1880). 418; (180). 4117- (I'.IOO), 584. KEXT, (Rev.) Aratus, pioneer and Congrega tional missionary, was born in Suffield. Conn, in 1794, educated at Yale and Princeton and. in 1829, as a Congregational missionary, came to the Galena lead mines then esteemed "a place so hard no one else would take it." In less than two years he had a Sunday school with ten teachers and sixty to ninety scholars, and had also estab- lished a day-school, which he conducted himself. In 1831 he organized the First Presbyterian Church of Galena, of which he remained |>astor until 1848, when he became Agent of the Home Missionary Society. He was prominent in laying the foundations of lieloit College and Rockford Female Seminary, meanwhile contributing freely from his meager salary to charitable purposes Died at Galena, Nov. 8. Isii'.i hlOKI k, (interpretation. "The Watchful Fox">. a Chief of the Sacs and Foxes, born on Rock River, about 1780. He had the credit of shrewdness and bravery, which enabled him finally to displace bis rival. Black Hawk. He always professed ardent friendship for the wliiUw. although this was not infrequently attributed to a far-seeing policy. He earnestly dissuaded lilack Hawk from the formation of his confeder acy, anil when the latter was forced to surrender himself to the United States authorities, he was formally delivered to the custody of Keokuk. By the Rock Island treaty of September. 1832. Keo- kuk was formally recognized as the principal Chief of the Sacs and Foxes, and granted a reser- vation on the Iowa River, 40 miles square. Here he lived until 1845, when he removed to Kansas, where, in June. 1848, be fell a victim U> poison, supposedly administered by some jarti.san of Black Hawk. (Si-e liltn-k Hairk and Rlaek Hawk ll'nr. ) KEKFOOT, Samuel II.. real-estate operator, was liorn in Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 18, 1823, and educated under the tutorship of Rev. Dr. Muh lenhurg at St. Paul's College, Flushing, Long Island, graduating at the age of 19. He was then associated with a brother in founding St James College, in Washington County, Md., but, in 1*4*. removed to Chicago and engaged in the real estate business, in which be was one of the oldest operators at the time of his death. Dec. 28. 18!M>. He was one of the founders and a life memlK-r of tiie Chicago Historical Society and of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, and associated with other learned and social organizations He was also a member of the original Real Estate 316 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and Stock Board of Chicago and its first Presi- dent. KEWANEE, a city in Henry County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 131 miles southwest of Chicago. Agriculture and coat-mining are chief industries of the surround- ing country. The city contains eighteen churches, six graded schools, a public library of 10,000 volumes, three national banks, one weekly and two daily papers. It has extensive manufactories employing four to five thousand hands, the out- put including tubing and soil-pipe, boilers, pumps and heating apparatus, agricultural implements, etc. Population (1890), 4,569; (1900), 8,382; (1903, est). 10,000. KETES, WilUrd, pioneer, was born at New- fane, Windsor County, Vt., Oct. 28, 1792; spent his early life on a farm, enjoying only such edu- cational advantages as could be secured by a few months' attendance on school in winter; in 1817 started west by way of Mackinaw and, crossing Wisconsin (then an unbroken wilderness), finally reached Prairie du Chien, after which he spent a year in the "pineries. " In 1819 he descended the Mississippi with a raft, his attention en route being attracted by the present site of the city of Quincy, to which, after two years spent in exten- sive exploration of the "Military Tract" in the interest of certain owners of bounty lands, he again returned, finding it still unoccupied. Then, after two years spent in farming in Pike County, in 1894 he joined his friend, the late GOT. John Wood, who had built the first house in Quincy two years previous. Mr. Keyes thus became one of the three earliest settlers of Quincy. the other two being John Wood and a Major Rose. On the organization of Adams County, in January, 1825, he was appointed a member of the first Board of County Commission- ers, which held its first meeting in his house. Mr. Keyes acquired considerable landed property about Quincy, a portion of which he donated to the Chicago Theological Seminary, thereby fur- nishing means for the erection of "Willard Hall" in connection with that institution. His death occurred in Quincy, Feb. 7, 1872. KICKAPOOS, a tribe of Indians whose eth- nology is closely related to that of the Mascou- tins. The French orthography of the word was various, the early explorers designating them as "Kic-a-pous," "Kick-a-poux," "Kick-a-bou, " and "Quick-a-pous." The significance of the name is uncertain, different authorities construing it to mean "the otter's foot" and the "rabbit's ghost, " according to dialect. From 1602. when the tribe was first visited by Samuel Champlain, the Kicka- poos were noted as a nation of warriors. They fought against Christianization, and were, for some time, hostile to the French, although they proved efficient allies of the latter during the French and Indian War. Their first formal recognition of the authority of the United States was in the treaty of Edwardsville (1819), in which reference was made to the treaties executed at Vin6ennes (1805 and 1809). Nearly a century before, they had left their seats in Wisconsin and established villages along the Rock River and near Chicago (1712-15). At the time of the Edwardsville treaty they had settlements in the valleys of the Wabash, Embarras, Kaskaskia. Sangamon and Illinois Rivers. While they fought bravely at the battle of Tippecanoe, their chief military skill lay in predatory warfare. As compared with other tribes, they were industri cms, intelligent and cleanly. In 1833-33 they were removed to a reservation in Ka.injiyj Thence- many of them drifted to the southwest, join- ing roving, plundering bands. In language, manners and customs, the Kickapoos closely resembled the Sacs and Foxes, with whom som. ethnologists believe them to have been more or less closely connected. KILPATRICK, Thomas M., legislator and soldier, was born in Crawford County, Pa., June 1, 1807. He learned the potter's trade, and, at the age of 27, removed to Scott County, 111. He was a deep thinker, an apt and reflective student of public affairs, and naturally eloquent. He was twice elected to the State Senate (1840 and '44), and, in 1846, was the Whig candidate for Governor, but was defeated by Augustus C. French, Democrat. In 1850 he emigrated to California, but, after a few years, returned to Illinois and took an active part in the campaigns of 1858 and 1860. On the outbreak of the Civil War he was commissioned Colonel of the Twenty- eighth Illinois Volunteers, for which regiment he had recruited a company. He was killed at the battle of Shiloh, April 6. 1862, while leading a charge. KINDERHOOK, a village and railway station in Pike County, on the Hannibal Division of the Wabash Railway, 13 miles east of Hannibal. Population (1890), 473; (1900), 370. KING, John Lyle, lawyer, was born in Madison. Ind., in 1825 the son of a pioneer settler who was one of the founders of Hanover College and of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary there, which afterwards became the "Presby- terian Theological Seminary of the Northwest, ' HISTORICAL KXCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. now the McCormick Theological Seminary of Chicago. After graduating at Hanover, Mr. King began the study of law with an uncle at Madison, and the following year was admitted to the bar. In 1852 he was elected to the Indiana Legislature and, while a member of that body, acted as Chair- man of the Committee to present Louis Kossuth, the Hungarian patriot and exile, to the Legisla- ture ; also took a prominent part, during the next few years, in the organization of the Republican party. Removing to Chicago in 1856, he soon became prominent in his profession there, and, in 1860, was elected City Attorney over Col. James A. Mulligan , who became eminent a year or two later, in connection with the war for the Union. Hav- ing a fondness for literature, Mr. King wrote much for the press and, in 1878, published a volume of sporting experiences with a party of professional friends in the woods and waters of Northern Wis- consin and Michigan, under the title, "Trouting on the Brule River, or Summer Wayfaring in the Northern Wilderness. " Died in Chicago, April 17, 1892. KINO, William H ., lawyer, was born at Clifton Park, Saratoga County, N.Y., Oct. 28, 1817; gradu- ated from Union College in 1846, studied law at Waterford and, having been admitted to the bar the following year, began practice at the same place. In 1853 he removed to Chicago, where he held a number of important positions, including the Presidency of the Chicago Law Institute, the Chicago Bar Association, the Chicago Board of Education, and the Union College Alumni Association of the Northwest. In 1870 he was elected to the lower branch of the Twenty- seventh General Assembly, and, during the ses- sions following the fire of 1871 prepared the act for the protection of titles to real estate, made necessary by the destruction of the records in the Recorder's office. Mr. King received the degree of LL.I) from his Alma Mater in 1879. Died, in Chicago, Feb. 6, 1892. KINGMAN, Martin, was born at Deer Creek, Tazewell County, 111., April 1, 1844; attended school at Washington, 111., then taught two or three years, and, in June, 1862, enlisted in the Eighty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, serv- ing three years without the loss of a day a part of the time on detached service in charge of an ambulance corps and, later, as Assistant Quarter- master. Returning from the war with the rank of First Lieutenant, in August, 1865, he went to Peoria, where he engaged in business and has re- mained ever since. He is now connected with the following business concerns: Kingman & Co., manufacturers and dealers in farm machinery, buggies, wagons, etc. ; The Kingman Plow Com- pany, Bank of Illinois, Peoria Cordage Company . Peoria General Electric Company, and National Hotel Company, besides various outside enter- prises all large concerns in each of which he is a large stockholder and a Director. Mr. Kingman was Canal Commissioner for six years this being his only connection with politics. During 1898 he was also chosen Lieutenant-Colonel of the Peoria Provisional Regiment organized for the Spanish- American War. His career in connection with the industrial development of Peoria has been especially conspicuous and successful. KISKADE (or Kinkead), William, a native of Tennessee, settled in what is now Lawrence County, in 1817, and was elected to the State Senate in 1822, but appears to have served only one session, as he was succeeded in the Fourth General Assembly by James Bird. Although a Tennesseean by birth, he was one of the most aggressive opponents of the scheme for making Illinois a slave State, being the only man who made a speech against the pro-slavery convention resolution, though this was cut short by the determination of the pro-con ventionists to permit no debate. Mr. Kinkade was appointed Post- master at Lawrenceville by President John Quincy Adams, and held the position for many years. He died in 1846. KINMUNDY, a city in Marion County, on the Illinois Central Railroad, 229 miles south of Chicago and 24 miles northeast of Centralia Agriculture, stock-raising, fruit-growing and coal-mining are the principal industries of the surrounding country. Kinmundy has flouring mills and brick-making plants, with other manufacturing establishments of minor impor- tance. There are five churches, a bank and a weekly newspaper. Population (1880), 1,096; (1890), 1.045; (1900), 1,221. KINNEY, William, Lieutenant-Governor of Illinois from 1826 to 1830 ; was born in Kentucky in 1781 and came to Illinois early in life, finally settling in St. Clair County. Of limited educa- tional advantages, he was taught to read by his wife after marriage. He became a Baptist preacher, was a good stump-orator; served two sessions in the State Senate (the First and Third), was a candidate for Governor in 1834, but was defeated by Joseph Duncan ; in 1838 was elected by the Legislature a member of the Board of Public Works, becoming its President. Died in 1843. William C. (Kinney), son of the preced- ing, was bom in Illinois, served as a member of 318 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. the Constitutional Convention of 1847 and as Representative in the Nineteenth General Assem- bly (1855), and, in 1857, was appointed by Gov- ernor Bissell Adjutant-General of the State, dying in office the following year. KIN/IK, John, Indian-trader and earliest citi- zen of Chicago, was born in Quebec, Canada, in 1763. His father was a Scotchman named McKenzie, but the son dropped the prefix "Me," and the name soon came to be spelled "Kinzie" an orthography recognized by the family. Dur- ing his early childhood his father died, and his mother gave him a stepfather by the name of William Forsythe. When ten years old he left home and, for three years, devoted himself to learning the jeweler's trade at Quebec. Fasci- nated by stories of adventure in the West, he removed thither and became an Indian-trader. In 1804 he established a trading post at what is now the site of Chicago, being the first solitary white settler. Later he established other posts on the Rock, Illinois and Kankakee Rivers. He was twice married, and the father of a numerous family. His daughter Maria married Gen. David Hunter, and his daughter-in-law, Mrs. John H. Kinzie, achieved literary distinction as the authoress of "Wau Bun," etc. (N. Y. 1860.) Died in Chicago, Jan. 6, 1828. John Harris (Kinzie), son of the preceding, was born at Sand- wich, Canada, July 7, 1803, brought by his par- ents to Chicago, and taken to Detroit after the massacre of 1812, but returned to Chicago in 1816. Two years later his father placed him at Mackinac Agency of the American Fur Com- pany, and, in 1824, he was transferred to Prairie du Chien. The following year he was Sub-Agent of Indian affairs at Fort Winnebago, where he witnessed several important Indian treaties. In 1830 he went to Connecticut, where he was married, and, in 1833, took up his permanent resi- dence in Chicago, forming a partnership with Gen. David Hunter, his brother-in-law, in the forwarding business. In 1841 he was appointed Registrar of Public Lands by President Harrison, but was removed by Tyler. In 1848 he was appointed Canal Collector, and, in 1849, President Taylor commissioned him Receiver of Public Moneys. In 1861 he was commissioned Pay- master in the army by President Lincoln, which office he held until his death, which occurred on a railroad train near Pittsburg, Pa., June 21, 1866. K1RIIY, Edward P., lawyer and legislator, was born in Putnam County, 111., Oct. 28, 1834 the son of Rev. William Kirby, one of the found- ers and early professors of Illinois College at Jacksonville; graduated at Illinois College in 1864, then taught several years at St. Louis and Jacksonville; was admitted to the bar in 1864, and, in 1873, was elected County Judge of Morgan County as a Republican; was Representative in the General Assembly from Morgan County (1891-93) ; also served for several years as Trustee of the Central Hospital for the Insane and, for a long period, as Trustee and Treasurer of Illinois College. K I UK, (Gen.) Edward N., soldier, was born of Quaker parentage in Jefferson County, Ohio, Feb. 29, 1828; graduated at the Friends' Academy, at Mount Pleasant in the same State, and, after teaching for a time, began the study of law, completing it at Baltimore, Md., where he was admitted to the bar in 1853. A year later he removed to Sterling, 111., where he continued in his profession until after the battle of the first Bull Run, when he raised a regiment. The quota of the State being already full, this was not im- mediately accepted; but, after some delay, was mustered in in September, 1861, as the Thirty- fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, with the subject of this sketch as Colonel. In the field he soon proved himself a brave and dashing officer; at the battle of Shiloh, though wounded through the shoulder, he refused to leave the field. After remaining with the army several days, inflam- matory fever set in, necessitating his removal to the hospital at Louisville, where he lay between life and death for some time. Having partially recovered, in August, 1862, he set out to rejoin his regiment, but was stopped en route by an order assigning him to command at Louisville. In November following he was commissioned Brigadier-General for "heroic action, gallantry and ability" displayed on the field. In the last days of December, 1862, he had sufficiently re- covered to take part in the series of engagement* at Stone River, where he was agaiu wounded, this time fatally. He was taken to his home in Illinois, and, although he survived several months, the career of one of the most brilliant and promising soldiers of the war was cut short by his death, July 21, 1863. K IRK LAM), Joseph, journalist and author, was born at Geneva, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1830 the son of Prof. William Kirk la ml of Hamilton College: was brought by his parents to Michigan in 1886, where he remained until 1856, when he came to the city of Chicago. In 1861 he enlisted as a private in the Twelfth Illinois Infantry (three- months' men), was elected Second Lieutenant, but later became Aid-de-Camp on the staff of HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. General McClellan. serving there and on the staff of General Fitz-John Porter until the retirement of the latter, meanwhile taking part in the Pen- insular campaign and in the battle of Antietam. Returning to Chicago he gave attention to some coal-mining property near Danville, but later studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1880. A few years later he produced his first novel, and, from 1890, devoted his attention solely to literary pursuits, for several years being liter- ary editor of "The Chicago Tribune. " His works several of which first appeared as serials in the magazines include "Zury, the Meanest Man in Spring County" (1885); "The McVeys" (1887); "The Captain of Co. K." (1889), besides the "His- tory of the Chicago Massacre of 1812," and "The Story of Chicago' ' the latter in two volumes. At the time of his death he had just concluded, in collaboration with Hon. John Moses, the work of editing a two-volume "History of Chicago," pub- lished by Messrs. Munsell & Co. (1895). Died, in Chicago, April 29, 1894. Elizabeth Stanslniry (Kirkland), sister of the preceding teacher and author was born at Geneva, N. Y. , came to Chicago in 1867 and, five years later, established a select school for young ladies, out of which grew what is known as the "Kirkland Social Settlement," which was continued until her death, July 30, 1896. She was the author of a number of vol- umes of decided merit, written with the especial object of giving entertainment and instruction to the young including "Six Little Cooks," "Dora's Housekeeping," "Speech and Manners," a Child's "History of France," a "History of England," "History of English Literature," etc. At her death she left a "History of Italy" ready for the hands of the publishers. KIRKPATRICK, John, pioneer Methodist preacher, was born in Georgia, whence he emi- grated in 1802; located at Springfield, III, at an early day, where he built the first horse-mill in that vicinity; in 1829 removed to Adams County, and finally to Ottumwa, Iowa, where he died in 1845. Mr. Kirkpatrick is believed to have been the first local Methodist preacher licensed in Illinois. Having inherited three slaves (a woman and two boys) while in Adams County, he brought them to Illinois and gave them their freedom. The boys were bound to a man in Quincy to learn a trade, but mysteriously disappeared presumably having been kidnaped with the connivance of the man in whose charge they had been placed. KIRKWOOD, a city in Warren County, once known as "Young America," situated about six miles southwest of Monuiouth, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad; is a stock-ship- ping point and in an agricultural region. The town has two banks, five churches, and two weekly newspapers. Pop. (1890), 949: (1900), 1,008 KISHWAVKEE RIVER, rises in McHenry County, runs west through Boone, and enters Rock River in Winnebago County, eight miles below Rockford. It is 75 miles long. An afflu- ent called the South Kishwaukee River runs north-northeast and northwest through De Kalb County, and enters the Kiskwaukee in Winne- bago County, about eight miles southeast ol Rockford. KITCHELL, Wickllff, lawyer and Attorney- General of Illinois, was born in New Jersey, May 21, 1789. Feb. 29, 1812, he was married, at Newark, N. J., to Miss Elizabeth Roes, and the same year emigrated west, passing down the Ohio on a flat-boat from Pittaburg. Pa., and settled near Cincinnati In 1814 he became a resident of Southern Indiana, where he was elected sheriff, studied law and was admitted to the bar, finally becom- ing a successful practitioner. In 1817 he removed to Palestine, Crawford County, 111., where, in 1820, he was elected Representative in the Second General Assembly, and was also a member of the State Senate from 1828 to 1832. In 1838 he re- moved to Hillsboro, Montgomery County, was appointed Attorney-General in 1839, serving until near the close of the following year, when he resigned to take his seat as Representative in the Twelfth General Assembly. Between 184fi and 1854 he was a resident of Fort Madison, Iowa, but the latter year returned to Hillsboro. During his early political career Mr. Kitchell had been a Democrat ; but, on the passage of the Kansas-Neb- raska act, became an earnest Republican. Pub- lic-spirited and progressive, he was in advance of his time on many public questions. Died, Jan. 2, 1869. Alfred (Kitchell), son of the preceding, lawyer and Judge, born at Palestine, 111., March 29, 1820 ; was educated at Indiana State Univer- sity and Hillsboro Academy, admitted to the bar in 1841, and, the following year, commenced practice at Olney ; was elected State's Attorney in 1843, through repeated re-elections holding the office ten years; was a member of the Constitu- tional Convention of 1847 and, in 1849, was elected Judge of Richland County ; later assisted in establishing the first newspaper published in Olney, and in organizing the Republican party there in 1856; in 1859 was elected Judge of the Twenty-fifth Judicial Circuit, serving one term He was also influential in procuring a charter for 320 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, and in the con- struction of the line, being au original corporator and subsequently a Director of the Company. Later he removed to Galesburg, where he died, Nov. 11, 1876. Edward (KitcheU), another son, was born at Palestine, 111., Dec. 21, 1829; was educated at Hillsboro Academy until 1846, when he removed with his father's family to Fort Madison, Iowa, but later returned to Hillsboro to continue his studies; in 1852 made the trip across the plains to California to engage in gold mining, but the following year went to Walla Walla, Washington Territory, where he opened a law office; in 1854 returned to Illinois, locating at Olney, Richland County, forming a partnership with Horace Hay ward, a relative, in the practice of law. Here, having taken position against the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, he became, in 1856, the editor of the first Republican, news- paper published in that part of Illinois known as "Egypt." with his brother, Judge Alfred KitcheU, being one of the original thirty-nine Republicans in Richland County. In 1863 he assisted in organizing the Ninety-eighth Regiment Illinois Volunteers at Centralia, which, in the following year having been mounted, became a part of the famous "Wilder Brigade." At first he was com- missioned Lieutenant-Colonel, but succeeded to the command of the regiment after the wounding of Colonel Funkhouser at Chickamauga in Sep- tember, 1863; was finally promoted to the colo- nelcy in July, 1865, and mustered out with the rank of Brigadier-General by brevet. Resuming the practice of his profession at Olney, he was, in 1866, the Republican candidate for Congress in a district strongly Democratic; also served as Collector of Internal Revenue for a short time and, in 1868, was Presidential Elector for the same District. Died, at Olney, July 11, 1869. John Wirkliff (KitcheU), youngest son of Wick- liff KitcheU, was born at Palestine, Crawford County, 111., May 30, 1835, educated at Hillsboro, read law at Fort Madison, Iowa, and admitted to the bar in that State. At the age of 19 years he served as Assistant Clerk of the House of Repre- sentatives at Springfield, and was Reading Clerk of the same body at the session of 1861. Previous to the latter date he had edited "The Montgomery County Herald," and -later, "The Charleston Courier." Resigning his position as Reading Clerk in 1861, he enlisted under the first call of President Lincoln in the Ninth Illinois Volun- teers, served as Adjutant of the regiment and afterwards as Captain of his company. At the expiration of his term of enlistment he established "The Union Monitor" at Hillsboro, which he con- ducted until drafted into the service in 1864, serving until the close of the war. In 1866 he removed to Pana (his present residence), resum- ing practice there ; was a candidate for the State Senate the same year, and, in 1870, was the Republican nominee for Congress in that District. KNICKERBOCKER, Joshua ('.. lawyer, was born in Gallatin, Columbia County, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1827 ; brought by his father to Alden, McHenry County, 111., in 1844, and educated in the com- mon schools of that place; removed to Chicago in 1860, studied law and was admitted to practice in 1862; served on the Board of Supervisors and in the City Council and, in 1868, was elected Repre- sentative in the General Assembly, serving one term. He was also a member of the State Board of Education from 1875 to '77, and the latter year was elected Probate Judge for Cook County, serving until his death, Jan. 5, 1890. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, a secret semi-mili tary and benevolent association founded in the City of Washington, D. C, Feb. 19, 1864, Justus H. Rathbone (who died Dec. 9, 1889) being its recognized founder. The order was established in Illinois, May 4, 1869, by the organization of "Welcome Lodge, No. 1," in the city of Chicago. On July 1, 1869, this Lodge had nineteen mem- bers. At the close of the year four additional Lodges had been instituted, having an aggregate membership of 245. Early in the foUowing year, on petition of these five Lodges, approved by the Grand Chancellor, a Grand Lodge of the Order for the State of Illinois was instituted in Chicago, with a membership of twenty-nine Past Chancel- lors as representatives of the five subordinate Lodges the total membership of these Lodges at that date being 382. December 31, 1870, the total membership in Illinois had increased to 850. June 30, 1895, the total number of Lodges in the State was 525, and the membership 38.441. The assets belonging to the Lodges in Illinois, on Jan. 1, 1894, amounted to $418,151.77. KNOWLTON, Dexter A., pioneer and banker, was born in Fairfield, Herkimer County, N. Y., March 3, 1812, taken to Chautauqua County in infancy and passed his childhood and youth on a farm. Having determined on a mercantile ca- reer, he entered an academy at Fredonia, paying his own way ; in 1838 started on a peddling tour for the West, and, in the following year, settled at Freeport, III, where he opened a general store; in 1843 began investments in real estate, finally laying off sundry additions to the city of Free- port, from which he realized large profits. He HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 321 was also prominently connected with the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad and, in 1850, became a Director of the Company, remaining in office some twelve'years. In 1852 he was the Free-Soil candidate for Governor of Illinois, but a few years later became extensively interested in the Con- gress & Empire Spring Company at Saratoga, X. Y. ; then, after a four years' residence in Brooklyn, returned to Freeport in 1870, where he engaged in banking business, dying in that city, March 10, 1876. KNOX, Joseph, lawyer, was born at Blanford, Mass., Jan. 11, 1805; studied law with his brother, Gen. Alanson Knox, in his native town, was admitted to the bar in 1828, subsequently removing to Worcester, in the same State, where lie began the practice of his profession. In 1887 he removed west, locating at Stephenson, now Rock Island, 111., where he continued in practice for twenty-three years. During the greater part of that time he was associated with Hon. John W. Drury, under the firm name of Knox & Drury, gaining a wide reputation as a lawyer throughout Northern Illinois. Among the important cases in which he took part during his residence in Rock Island was the prosecution of the murderers of Colonel Davenport in 1845. In 1853 he served as a Democratic Presidential Elector, but in the next campaign identified himself with the Republican party as a supporter of John C. Fremont for the Presidency. In 1860 he removed to Chicago and, two years later, was appointed State's Attorney by Governor Yates, remaining in office until suc- ceeded by his partner, Charles H. Reed. After coming to Chicago he was identified with a num- ber of notable cases. His death occurred, August B, 1881. KNOX COLLEGE, a non-sectarian institution for the higher education of the youth of both sexes, located at Galesburg, Knox County. It was founded in 1837, fully organized in 1841, and graduated its first class in 1846. The number of graduates from that date until 1894, aggregated 867. In 1893 it had 663 students in attendance, and a faculty of 20 professors. Its library con- tains about 6,000 volumes. Its endowment amounts to $300,000 and its buildings are valued at $150,000. Dr. Newton Bateman was at its head for more than twenty years, and. on his res- ignation (1893), John H. Finley, Ph.D., became its President, but resigned in 1899. KNOX COUNTY, a wealthy interior county west of the Illinois River, having an area of 720 square miles and a population (1000) of 43,612. It was named in honor of Gen. Henry Knox. Its territorial limits were defined by legislative enactment in 1825, but the actual organization dates from 1830, when Riggs Pennington, Philip Hash and Charles Hansford were named the first Commissioners. Knoxville was the first county- seat selected, and here (in the winter of 1830-31) was erected the first court house, constructed of logs, two stories in height, at a cost of $192. The soil is rich, and agriculture flour- ishes. The present county-seat (1899) is Gales- bur- well known for its educational institutions, the best known of which are Knox College, founded in 1837, and Lombard University, founded in 1851. A flourishing Episcopal Semi- nary is located at Knoxville, and Hedding Col- lege at Abingdon. KNOXVILLE, a city in Knox County, on the Galesburg-Peoria Division of the Chicago, Bur- lington & Quincy Railroad, 50 miles west of Peoria, and 5 miles east of Galesburg; was formerly the county-seat, and still contains the fair grounds and almshouse. The municipal gov- ernment is composed of a mayor, six aldermen, with seven heads of departments. It has electric lighting and street-car service, good water-work*, banks, numerous churches, three public schools, and is the seat of St. Mary's school for girls, and St. Alban's, for boys. Population (1890), 1,728 ; (1900). 1,857. KOERNEB, liostavus, lawyer and Lieutenant- Govemor, was born in Germany in 1809, and received a university education. He was a law- yer by profession, and emigrated to Illinois in 1833, settling finally at Belleville. He at once affiliated with the Democratic party, and soon became prominent in politics. In 1842 he was elected to the General Assembly, and three years later was appointed to the bench of the State Supreme Court. In 1852 he was elected Lieuten- ant-Governor on the ticket headed by Joel A. Matteson; but, at the close of his term, became identified with the Republican party and was a staunch Union man during the Civil War, serving for a time as Colonel on General Fremont's and General Halleck's staffs. In 1862 President Lin- coln made him Minister to Spain, a post which be resigned in January, 1865. He was a member of the Chicago Convention of 1860 that nominated Lincoln for the Presidency; was a Republican Presidential Elector in 1868, and a delegate to the Cincinnati Convention of 1872 that named Horace Greeley for the Presidency. In 1867 he served as President of the first Board of Trustees of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home, and, in 1870, was elected to the Legislature a second time. The HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. following year he was appointed a member of the first Board of Railroad and Warehouse Commis- sioners, and served as its President. He is the author of "Collection of the Important General Laws of Illinois, with Comments" (in German, St. Louis, 1838); "Prom Spain" (Frankfort on- the-Main, 1866); "Das Deutsche Element in den Vereiningten Staaten" (Cincinnati, 1880; second edition. New York, 1885) ; and a number of mono- graphs. Died, at Belleville, April 9, 1896. KOHLSAAT, Christian ('., Judge of United States Court, was born in Edwards County, 111., Jan. 8, 1844 his father being a native of Germany who settled in Edwards County in 1835, while his mother was born in England. The family removed to Galena in 1854, where young Kolilsaat attended the public schools, later taking a course in Chicago University, after which he began the study of law. In 1867 he became a reporter on "The Chicago Evening Journal," was admitted to the bar in the same year, and, in 1868, accepted a position in the office of the County Clerk, where he kept the records of the County Court under Judge Bradwell's administration. During the sessions of the Twenty -seventh General Assembly (1871-72) , he served as First Assistant Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk of the House, after which he began practice; in 1881 was the Republican nominee for County Judge, but was defeated by Judge Prendergast; served as member of the Board of West Side Park Commissioners, 1884-90; in 1890 was appointed Probate Judge of Cook County (as successor to Judge Knickerbocker, who died in January of that year), and was elected to the office in November following, and re-elected in 1894, as he was again in 1898. Early in 1899 he was appointed, by President McKinley, Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, as successor to Judge Grosscup, who had been appointed United States Circuit Judge in place of Judge Showalter, deceased. KOHLSAAT, Herman H., editor and news- paper publisher, was born in Edwards County, 111., March 22, 1853, and taken the following year to Galena, where he remained until 12 years of age, when the family removed to Chicago. Here, after attending the public schools some three years, he became a cash-boy in the store of Car- son, Pirie & Co., a year later rising to the position of cashier, remaining two years. Then, after having been connected with various business concerns, he became the junior member of the firm of Blake, Shaw & Co., for whom he had been a traveling salesman some five years. In 1880 he became associated with the Dake Bakery, in con- nection with which he laid the foundation of an extensive business by establishing a system of restaurants and lunch counters in the business portions of the city. In 1891, after a somewhat pro- tracted visit to Europe, Mr. Kolilsaat bought a con- trolling interest in "The Chicago Inter Ocean, ' but withdrew early in 1894. In April, 1895, he be- came principal proprietor of "The Chicago Times- Herald," as the successor of the late James W. Scott, who died suddenly in New York, soon after effecting a consolidation of Chicago's two Demo- cratic papers, "The Times" and "Herald," in one concern. Although changing the political status of the paper from Democratic to Independent, Mr. Kohlsaat's liberal enterprise has won for it an assured success. He is also owner and pub- lisher of "The Chicago Evening Post." His whole business career has been one of almost phenomenal success attained by vigorous enter- prise and high-minded, honorable methods. Mr. Kohlsaat is one of the original incorporators of the University of Chicago, of which he continue* to be one of the Trustees. KBOME, William Henry, lawyer, bom of Ger- man parentage, in Louisville, Ky., July 1, 1842; in 1851 was brought by his father to Madison County, 111. , where he lived and worked for some years on a farm. He acquired his education in the common schools and at McEendree College, graduating from the latter in 1863. After spend- ing his summer months in farm labor and teach- ing school during the winter, for a year or two, he read law for a time with Judge M. G. Dale of Edwardsville, and, in 1866, entered the law department of Michigan University, gradu- ating in 1869, though admitted the year previous to practice by the Supreme Court of Illinois. Mr. Krome has been successively the partner of Judge John G. Irwin, Hon. W. F. L. Hadley (late Congressman from the Eighteenth District) and C. W. Terry. He has held the office of Mayor of Edwardsville (1873), State Senator (1874-78), and, in 1893, was a prominent candidate before the Democratic judicial convention for the nomina- tion for Justice of the Supreme Court, to succeed Justice Scholfield, deceased. He is also President of the Madison County State Bank. h I K.FKXKK, William C., lawyer and soldier, was born in Germany and came to St. Clair County, 111., in 1861. Early in 1865 he was com- missioned Colonel of the One Hundred and Forty- ninth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, one of the latest regiments organized for the Civil War, and was soon after promoted to the rank of Brevet HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 323 Brigadier-General, serving until January, 1866. Later, General Kueffner studied law at St. Louis, and having graduated in 1871, established himself in practice at Belleville, where he has since resided. He was a successful contestant for a seat in the Republican National Convention of 1880 from the Seventeenth District. Kt'Y KENDALL, Andrew J., lawyer and legis- lator, was born of pioneer parents in Gallatin (now Hardin) County, 111., March 3, 1815; was Belf-educated chiefly, but in his early manhood adopted the law as a profession, locating at Vienna in Johnson County, where he continued to reside to the end of his life. In 1842 he was elected a Representative in the Thirteenth Gen- eral Assembly, and re-elected two years later; in 1850 became State Senator, serving continuously in the same body for twelve years ; in 1861 en- listed, and was commissioned Major, in the Thirty-first Illinois Volunteers (Gen. John A. Logan's regiment), but was compelled to resign, in May following, on acount of impaired health. Two years later (1864) he was elected Represent- ative in the Thirty-ninth Congress, serving one term; and, after several years in private life, was again returned to the State Senate in 1878, serving in the Thirty- first and Thirty-second General Assemblies. In all, Major Kuykendall saw twenty years' service in the State Legislature, of which sixteen were spent in the Senate and four in the House, besides two years in Congress. A zealous Democrat previous to the war, he was an ardent supporter of the war policy of the Govern- ment, and, in 1864, presided over the "Union" (Republican) State Convention of that year. He was also a member of the Senate Finance Com- mittee in the session of 1859, which had the duty of investigating the Matteson "canal scrip fraud." Died, at Vienna, 111., May 11, 1891. LABOR TROUBLES. 1. THE RAILROAD STRIKE OF 1877. By this name is generally char- acterized the labor disturbances of 1877, which, beginning at Pittsburg in July, spread over the entire country, interrupting transportation, and, for a time, threatening to paralyze trade. Illi- nois suffered severely. The primary cause of the troubles was the general prostration of business resulting from the depression of values, whicli affected manufacturers and merchants alike. A reduction of expenses became necessary, and the wages of employes were lowered. Dissatisfaction and restlessness on the part of the latter ensued, which found expression in the ordering of a strike among railroad operatives on a larger scale than had ever been witnessed in this country. In Illi- nois, Peoria, Decatur, Braidwood, East St. Louis. Galesburg, La Salle and Chicago were the prin- cipal points affected. In all these cities angry, excited men formed themselves into mobs, which tore up tracks, took possession of machine shops, in some cases destroyed roundhouses, applied the torch to warehouses, and, for a time, held com- merce by the throat, not only defying the law but even contending in arms against the military sent to disperse them. The entire force of the State militia was called into service, Major- General Arthur C. Ducat being in command The State troops were divided into three brigades, commanded respectively by Brigadier-Generals Torrence, Bates and Pavey. General Ducat assumed personal command at Braidwood, where were sent the Third Regiment and the Tenth Battalion, who suppressed the riots at that point with ease. Col. Joseph W. Stambaugh and Lieut. -Col. J. B. Parsons were the respective regimental commanders. Generals Bates and Pavey were in command at East St. Louis, where the excitement was at fever heat, the mobs terrorizing peaceable citizens and destroy ing much property. Governor Cullom went to this point in person. Chicago, however, was the chief railroad center of the State, and only prompt and severely repressive measures held in check one of the most dangerous mobs which ever threatened property and life in that city The local police force was inadequate to control the rioters, and Mayor Heath felt himself forced to call for aid from the State. Brig. -Gen. Joseph T. Torrence then commanded the First Brigade. I. N. G., with headquarters at Chicago. Under instructions from Governor Cullom, he promptly and effectively co-operated with the municipal authorities in quelling the uprising. He received valuable support from volunteer companies, some of which were largely composed of Union veter- ans. The latter were commanded by such ex- perienced commanders as Generals Reynolds Martin Beem, and O. L. Mann, and Colonel Owen Stuart. General Lieb also led a company of veterans enlisted by himself, and General Shall ner and Major James H. D. Daly organized cavalry force of 150 old soldiers, who rendered efficient service. The disturbance was promptly subdued, transportation resumed, and trade once more began to move in its accustomed channels 2. THE STRIKE OF 1894. This was an uprising which originated in Chicago and was incited by . comparatively young labor organization called the American Railway Union. In its inception it HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. was sympathetic, its ostensible motive, at the outset, being the righting of wrongs alleged to have been suffered by employes of the Pullman Palace Car Company. The latter quit work on May 11, and, on June 22, the American Railway Union ordered a general boycott against all rail- road companies hauling Pullman cars after June 26. The General Managers of the lines entering Chicago took prompt action (June 25) looking toward mutual protection, protesting against the proposed boycott, and affirming their resolution to adhere to existing contracts, any action on the part of the strikers to the contrary notwithstand- ing. Trouble began on the 26th. The hauling of freight was necessarily soon discontinued; sub- urban traffic was interrupted ; switching had to he done by inexperienced hands under police or military protection (officials and clerks some- times throwing the levers), and in the presence of large crowds of law-defying hoodlums gathered along the tracks, avowedly through sympathy with the strikers, but actually in the hope of plunder. Trains were sidetracked, derailed, and, in not a few instances, valuable freight was burned. Passengers were forced to undergo the inconvenience of being cooped up for hours in crowded cars, in transit, without food or water, sometimes almost within sight of their destina- tion, and sometimes threatened with death should they attempt to leave their prison houses. The mobs, intoxicated by seeming success, finally ven- tured to interfere with the passage of trains carrying the United States mails, and, at this juncture, the Federal authorities interfered. President Cleveland at once ordered the protec- tion of all mail trains by armed guards, to be appointed by the United States Marshal. An additional force of Deputy Sheriffs was also sworn in by the Sheriff of Cook County, and the city police force was augmented. The United States District Court also issued a restraining order, directed against the officers and members of the American Railway Union, as well as against all other persons interfering with the business of railroads carrying the mails. Service was readily accepted by the officers of the Union, but the copies distributed among the insurgent mob were torn and trampled upon. Thereupon the Presi- dent ordered Federal troops to Chicago, both to protect Government property (notably the Sub- treasury) and to guard mail trains. The Gov- ernor (John P. Altgeld) protested, but without avail A few days later, the Mayor of Chicago requested the State Executive to place a force of State militia at his control for the protection of property and the prevention of bloodshed. Gen- eral Wheeler, with the entire second division of the I. N. (., at once received orders to report to the municipal authorities. The presence of the militia greatly incensed the turbulent crowds, yet it proved most salutary. The troops displayed exemplary firmness under most trying circum- stances, dispersing jeering and threatening crowds by physical force or bayonet charges, the rioters being fired upon only twice. Gradually order was restored. The disreputable element subsided, and wiser and more conservative coun- sels prevailed among the ranks of the strikers. Impediments to traffic were removed and trains were soon running as though no interruption had occurred. The troops were withdrawn (first the Federal and afterwards those of the State), and the courts were left to deal with the subject in accordance with the statutes. The entire execu- tive board of the American Railway Union were indicted for conspiracy, but the indictments were never pressed. The officers, however, were all found guilty of contempt of court in having dis- obeyed the restraining order of the Federal court, and sentenced to terms in the county jail. Eugene V. Debs, the President of the Union, was convicted on two charges and given a sentence of six months on each, but the two sentences were afterward made concurrent. The other members of the Board received a similar sentence for three months each. All but the Vice-President, George W. Howard, served their terms at Woodstock, McHenry County. Howard was sent to the Will County jail at Joliet. LACEY, 1.) man, lawyer and jurist, was born in Tompkins County, N. Y., May 6, 1833. In 1837 his parents settled in Fulton County, 111. He graduated from Illinois College in 1855 and was admitted to the bar in 1856, commencing practice at Havana, Mason County, the same year. In 1862 he was elected, as a Democrat, to represent the counties of Mason and Menard in the lower house of the Legislature ; was elected to the Cir- cuit Court bench in 1873, and re-elected in 1879, '85 and '91; also served for several years upon the bench of the Appellate Court. LACON, a city and county-seat of Marshall County, situated on the Illinois River, and on the Dwight and Lacon branch of the Chicago ft Alton Railroad, 130 miles southwest of Chicago. A pontoon bridge connects it with Sparland on the opposite bank of the Illinois. The surround- ing country raises large quantities of grain, for which Lacon is a shipping point. The river it navigable by steamboats to this point. The city HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 325 has grain elevators, woolen mills, marble works, a carriage factory and a national bank. It also has water works, an excellent telephone system, good drainage, and is lighted by electricity. There are seven churches, a graded school and two weekly newspapers. Population (1880), 1,814; (1890), 1,649; (1900), 1,601. LA FAYETTE (Marquis de), VISIT OF. An event of profound interest in the history of Illi- nois, during the year 1825, was the visit to the State by the Marquis de La Fayette, who had been the ally of the American people during their struggle for independence. The distin- guished Frenchman having arrived in the coun- try during the latter part of 1824, the General Assembly in session at Vandalia, in December of that year, adopted an address inviting him to visit Illinois. This was communicated to La Fayette by Gov. Edward Coles, who had met the General in Europe seven years before. Governor Coles' letter and the address of the General Assembly were answered with an acceptance by La Fayette from Washington, under date of Jan. 16, 1825. The approach of the latter was made by way of New Orleans, the steamer Natchez (by which General La Fayette ascended the Mis- sissippi) arriving at the old French village of Carondelet, below St. Louis, on the 28th of April CoL William S. Hamilton, a son of Alexander Hamilton, and at that time a Representative in the General Assembly from Sangamon County, as well as an Aid-de-Camp on the staff of Gov- ernor Coles, was dispatched from the home of the latter at Edwardsville, to meet the distinguished visitor, which he did at St. Louis. On Saturday, April 30, the boat bearing General La Fayette, with a large delegation of prominent citizens of Missouri, left St. Louis, arriving at Kaskaskia, where a reception awaited him at the elegant residence of Gen. John Edgar, Governor Coles delivering an address of welcome. The presence of a number of old soldiers, who had fought under La Fayette at Brandywine and Yorktown, consti- tuted an interesting feature of the occasion. This was followed by a banquet at the tavern kept by Colonel Sweet, and a closing reception at the house of William Morrison, Sr., a member of the cele- brated family of that name, and one of the lead- ing merchants of Kaskaskia. Among those participating in the reception ceremonies, who were then, or afterwards became, prominent factors in State history, appear the names of Gen. John Edgar, ex-Governor Bond, Judge Nathaniel Pope, Elias Kent Kane, ex-Lieutenant-Governor Menard, Col. Thomas Mather and Sidney Breese, a future United States Senator and Justice of tin- Supreme Court. The boat left Kaskaskia at midnight for Nashville, Tenn., Governor Coles accompanying the party and returning with it to Sliawneetown, where an imposing reception was given and an address of welcome delivered by Judge James Hall, on May 14, 1825. A few hours later General La Fayette left on his way up the Ohio. LAFATETTE, BLOOMINGTON t MISSIS- SIPPI RAILROAD. (See Lake Erie A Western Railroad.) LAFLIN, Matthew, manufacturer, was born at Southwick. Hampden County, Mass., Dec. 16, 1803; in his youth was clerk for a time in the store of Laflin & Loomis, powder manufacturers, at Lee, Mass., later becoming a partner in the Canton Powder Mills. About 1832 he engaged in the manufacture of axes at Saugerties, N. Y. which proving a failure, he again engaged in powder manufacture, and, in 1837, came to Chi- cago, where he finally established a factory his firm, in 1840, becoming Laflin & Smith, and, later, Laflin, Smith & Co. Becoming largely interested in real estate, he devoted his atten tion chiefly to that business after 1849, with great success, not only in Chicago but else where, having done much for the develop ment of Waukesha, Wis., where he erected one of the principal hotels the "Fountain Spring House" also being one of the original stock- holders of the Elgin Watch Company. Mr. Laflin was a zealous supporter of the Government during the war for the preservation of the Union, and, before his death, made a donation of $75,- 000 for a building for the Chicago Academy of Sciences, which was erected in the western part of Lincoln Park. Died, in Chicago, May 20, 1897. LA GRANGE, a village in Cook County, and one of the handsomest suburbs of Chicago, from which it is distant 15 miles, south-southwest, on the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy Railroad. The streets are broad and shaded and there are many handsome residences. The village is lighted by electricity, and has public water-works, seven churches, a high school and a weekly paper. Population (1880). 531; (1890), 2,314; (1900), 3,969. LA HARPE, a city in Hancock County, on the Toledo, Peoria i Western Railway, 70 miles west by south from Peoria and 20 miles south-south- east of Burlington, Iowa. Brick, tile and cigars constitute the manufactured output. La Harpe lias two banks, five churches, a graded and a high school, a seminary, and two newspapers Population (1880), 958; (1890), 1,113; (1900), 1,591. 326 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. LAKE COUNTY, in the extreme northeast corner of the State, having an area of 490 square miles, and a population (1900) of 34,504. It was cut off from McHenry County and separately organized in 1839. Pioneer settlers began to arrive in 1839, locating chiefly along the Des Plaines River. The Indians vacated the region the following year. The first County Commission- ers (E. E. Hunter, William Brown and E. C. Berrey) located the county-seat at Libertyville, but, in 1841, it was removed to Little Fort, now Waukegan. The county derives its name from the fact that some forty small lakes are found within its limits. The surface is undulating and about equally divided between sand, prairie and second-growth timber. At Waukegan there are several maufacturing establishments, and the Glen Flora medicinal spring attracts many in- valids. Highland Park and Lake Forest are resi- dence towns of great beauty situated on the lake bluff, populated largely by the families of Chicago business men. LAKE ERIE & MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD. (See Lake Erie f her most important works being a "History o' New York City," in two volumes. She was a member of nearly thirty historical and other learned societies. Died, Jan. 2, 1893. LAMBORN, Josiah, early lawyer and Attor- ney -General; born in Washington County, Ky., and educated at Transylvania University; was Attorney -General of the State by appointment of Governor Carlin, 1840-43, at that time being a resident of Jacksonville. He is described by his contemporaries as an able and brilliant man, but of convivial habits and unscrupulous to such a degree that his name was mixed up with a num- ber of official scandals. Separated from his family, he died of delirium tremens, at White- hall, Greene County. LAMOILLE, a village of Bureau County, on the Mendota-Fulton branch of the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy Railway, 9 miles northwest of Men- do ta; in rich farming and stock-raising region; has a bank, three churches, fine school-building, and a newspaper. Pop. (1890), 516; (1900), 576. LAMON, Ward Hill, lawyer, was born at Mill Creek, Frederick County, W. Va., Jan. 6, 1838; received a common school education and was engaged in teaching for a time ; also began the study of medicine, but relinquished it for the law. About 1847-48 he located at Danville, 111 . subsequently read law with the late Judge Oliver L. Davis, attending lectures at the Louisville Law School, where he had Gen. John A. Logan for a class-mate. On admission to the bar, he became the Danville partner of Abraham Lincoln the partnership being in existence as early as 1853. In 1859 he removed to Bloomington, and, in the Presidential campaign of I860, was a zeal- ous supporter of Mr. Lincoln. In February, 1861, he was chosen by Mr. Lincoln to accompany him to Washington, making the perilous night jour- ney through Baltimore in Mr. Lincoln's company. Being a man of undoubted courage, as well as almost giant stature, he soon received the ap- pointment of Marshal of the District of Columbia, and, in the first weeks of the new administration, made a confidential visit to Colonel Anderson, then in command at Fort Sumter. to secure accurate information as to the situation there. In May, 1861, he obtained authority to raise a regiment, of which he was commissioned Colonel, remaining in the field to December, when he returned to the discharge of his duties as Marshal at Washington, but was absent from Washington on the night of the assassination April 14, 1865. Resigning his office after this event, he entered into partnership for the practice of law with the late Jeremiah S. Black of Pennsylvania. Some years later he published the first volume of a pro- posed Life of Lincoln, using material which he obtained from Mr. Lincoln's Springfield partner. William H. Herndon, but the second volume was never issued. His death occurred at Martins- 328 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. burg, W. Va., not far from his birthplace, May 7, 1893. Colonel Lamou married a daughter of Judge Stephen T. Logan, of Springfield. LANARK, a city in Carroll County, 19 miles by rail southwest of Freeport, and 7 miles east of Mount Carroll The surrounding country is largely devoted to grain-growing, and Lanark has two elevators and is an important shipping- point. Manufacturing of various descriptions is carried on. The city has two banks (one Na- tional and one State), eight churches, a graded and high school, and a weekly newspaper. Popu- lation (1880), 1,198; (1890), 1,295; (1900). 1,306. LANDES, Silas /., ex-Congressman, was born in Augusta County, Va., May 15, 1843. In early youth he removed to Illinois, and was admitted to the bar of this State in August, 1863, and has been in active practice at Mount Carmel since 1864. In 1872 he was elected State's Attorney for Wa'oash County, was re-elected in 1876, and again in 1880. He represented the Sixteenth Illi- nois District in Congress from 1885 to 1889, being elected on the Democratic ticket. LANDRI6AN, John, farmer and legislator, was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, in 1832, and brought to America at one year of age, his parents stopping for a time in New Jersey. His early life was spent at Lafayette, Ind. After completing his education in the seminary there, he engaged in railroad and canal contracting. Coming to Illinois in 1858, he purchased a farm near Albion, Edwards County, where he has since resided. He has been twice elected as a Democrat to the House of Representatives (1868 and '74) and twice to the State Senate (1870 and '96), and has been, for over twenty years, a member of the State Agricultural Society for four years of that time being President of the Board, and some sixteen years Vice-Presi- dent. LANE, Albert Grannls, educator, was born in Cook County, 111., March 15, 1841, and educated in the public schools, graduating with the first class from the Chicago High School in 1858. He immediately entered upon the business of teach- ing as Principal, but, in 1869, was elected Super- intendent of Schools for Cook County. After three years' service as cashier of a bank, he was elected County Superintendent, a second time, in 1877, and regularly every four years thereafter until 1890. In 1891 he was chosen Superintend- ent of Schools for the city of Chicago, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Superin- tendent Howland a position which he continued to fill until the appointment of E. B. Andrews, Superintendent, when he became First Assistant Superintendent. LANE, Edward, ex-Congressman, was born in Cleveland. Ohio, March 27, 1842, and became a resident of Illinois at the age of 16. After receiv- ing an academic education he studied law and was admitted to the Illinois bar in February. 1865. Since then he has been a successful prac titioner at Hillsboro. From 1869 to 1873 he served as County Judge. In 1886 he was the successful Democratic candidate for Congress from the Seventeenth Illinois District and re-elected for three successive terms, but was defeated by Frederick Remann (Republican) in 1894, and again by W. F. L. Hadley, at a special election, in 1895, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Remann. LANPHIER, Charles H., journalist, was born at Alexandria, Va., April 14, 1820; from 4 years of age lived in Washington City ; in 18J6 entered the office as an apprentice of "The State Regis ter" at Vandalia, 111., (then owned by his brother- in-law, William Walters). Later, the paper was removed to Springfield, and Walters, having enlisted for the Mexican war in 1846, died at St. Louis, en route to the field. Lanphier, having thus succeeded to the management, and, finally, to the proprietorship of the paper, was elected public printer at the next session of the Legisla- ture, and, in 1847, took into partnership George Walker, who acted as editor until 1858. Mr. Lan- phier continued the publication of the paper until 1863, and then sold out. During the war he was one of the State Board of Army Auditors appointed by Governor Yates; was elected Circuit Clerk in 1864 and re-elected in 1868, and, in 1872, was Democratic candidate for County Treasurer but defeated with the rest of his party. LARCOM, Lacy, author and teacher, born at Beverly, Mass., in 1826; attended a grammar school and worked in a cotton mill at Lowell, becoming one of the most popular contributors to "The Lowell Offering," a magazine conducted by the factory girls, thereby winning the acquaint- ance and friendship of the poet Whittier. In 1846 she came to Illinois and, for three years, was a student at Monticello Female Seminary, near Alton, meanwhile teaching at intervals in the vicinity. Returning to Massachusetts she taught for six years; in 1865 established "Our Young Folks," of which she was editor until 1874. Her books, both poetical and prose, have taken a high rank for their elevated literary and moral tone. Died, in Boston, April 17, 1893. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 329 LARNED, Edward Channing, lawyer, was born in Providence, R. I., July 14, 1820; graduated at ( Brown University in 1840 ; was Professor of Mathe- matics one year in Kemper College, Wis., then studied law and, in 1847, came to Chicago. He was an earnest opponent of slavery and gained considerable deserved celebrity by a speech which he delivered in 1851, in opposition to the fugitive slave law. He was a warm friend of Abraham Lincoln and, in 1860, made speeches in his support ; was an active member of the Union Defense Committee of Chicago during the war, and, in 1861, was appointed by Mr. Lincoln United States District Attorney of the Northern District of Illinois, but compelled to resign by failing health. Being absent in Europe at the time of the fire of 1871, he returned immediately and devoted his attention to the work of the Belief and Aid Society. Making a second visit to Europe in 1872-73, he wrote many letters for the press, also doing much other literary work in spite of declining health. Died at Lake Forest, 111., September, 1884. LA SALLE, a city in La Salle County, 99 miles southwest of Chicago, situated on the Illinois River at southern terminus of the Illinois & Michigan Canal, and at intersection of three trunk lines of railroads. Bituminous coal abounds and is extensively mined; zinc smelting and the manufacture of glass and hydraulic and Portland cement are leading industries; also has a large ice trade with the South annually. It is connected with adjacent towns by electric rail- ways, and with Peoria by daily river packets. Population (1890), 9,855; (1900), 10,446. LA SALLE, Rent Robert Cavelier, Sienr de, a famous explorer, born at Rouen, France, in 1643; entered the Jesuit order, but conceiving that he had mistaken his vocation, came to America in 1666. He obtained a grant of land about the Lachine Rapids of the St. Lawrence, above Montreal. It was probably his intention to settle there as a grand seigneur ; but, becoming interested in stories told him by some Seneca Indians, he started two years later in quest of a great waterway, which he believed led to the South Sea (Pacific Ocean) and afforded a short route to China. He passed through Lake Ontario, and is believed to have discovered the Ohio. The claim that he reached the Illinois River at this time has been questioned. Having re-visited France in 1677 he was given a patent of nobility and extensive land-grants in Canada. In 1679 he visited the Northwest and explored the great lakes, finally reaching the head of Lake Michi- gan and erecting a fort near the mouth of the St. Joseph River. From there he made a portage to the Illinois, which he descended early in 1680 to Lake Peoria, where he began the erection of a fort to which, in consequence of the misfortunes attending the expedition, was given the name of Creve-Coeur. Returning from here to Canada for supplies, in the following fall he again appeared in Illinois, but found his fort at Lake Peoria a ruin and his followers, whom he had left there, gone. Compelled again to return to Canada, iii the latter part of 1681 he set out on his third expedition to Illinois, and making the portage by way of the Chicago and Des Plaines Rivers reached "Starved Rock," near the present city of Ottawa, where his lieutenant, Tonty, had already begun the erection of a fort. In 1682, accom- panied by Tonty, he descended the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers, reaching the Gulf of Mexico on April 9. He gave the region the name of Louisi- ana. In 1683 he again returned to France and was commissioned to found a colony at the mouth of the Mississippi, which he unsuccessfully attempted to do in 1684, the expedition finally landing about Matagorda Bay in Texas. After other fruitless attempts (death and desertions having seriously reduced the number of his colo- nists) , while attempting to reach Canada, he was murdered by his companions near Trinity River in the present State of Texas, March 19, 1687. Another theory regarding La Salle's ill-starred Texas expedition is, that he intended to establish a colony west of the Mississippi, with a view to contesting with the Spaniards for the possession of that region, but that the French government failed to give him the support which had been promised, leaving him to his fate. LA SALLE COUNTY, one of the wealthiest counties in the northeastern section, being second in size and in population in the State It was organized in 1831, and has an area of 1,152 square miles; population (1900), 87,776. The history of this region dates back to 1675, when Marquette established a mission at an Indian village on the Illinois River about where Utica now stands, eight miles west of Ottawa. La Salle (for whom the county is named) erected a fort here in 1682. which was, for many years, the headquarters for French missionaries and traders. Later, the Illinois Indians were well-nigh exterminated by starvation, at the same point, which has be come famous in Western history as "Starved Rock." The surface of the county is undulat- ing and slopes toward the Illinois River. The soil is rich, and timber abounds on the bluffs and 330 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. along the streams. Water is easily procured. Four beds of coal underlie the entire county, and good building stone is quarried at a depth of 150 to 200 feet. Excellent hydraulic cement is made from the calciferous deposit, Utica being espe- cially noted for this industry. The First Ameri- can settlers came about the time of Captain Long's survey of a canal route (1816). The Illinois & Michigan Canal was located by a joint corps of State and National engineers in 1830. (See ///>'- nois A Michigan Canal.) During the Black Hawk War, La Salle County was a prominent base of military operations. LATHROP, William, lawyer and Congress- man, was born in Genesee County, N. Y., April 17, 1825. His early education was acquired in the common schools. Later he read law and was admitted to the bar, commencing practice in 1851, making his home in Central New York until his removal to Illinois. In 1856 he represented the Bockford District in the lower bouse of the General Assembly, and, in 1876, was elected, as a Republican, to represent the (then) Fourth Illi- nois District in Congress. LA VANTUM, the name given, in the latter part of the seventeenth century, to the principal village of the Illinois Indians, situated on the Illinois River, near the present town of Utica, in La Salle County. (See Starved Rock. ) LAWLER, Frank, was born at Rochester, X. Y., June 25, 1842. His first active occupation was as a news-agent on railroads, which business he followed for three years. He learned the trade of a ship-calker, and was elected to the Presidency of the Ship-Carpenters' and Ship- Calkers' Association. While yet a young man he settled in Chicago and, in 1869, was appointed to a clerical position in the postoffice in that city ; later, served as a letter-carrier, and as a member of the City Council (1876-84). In 1884 he was elected to Congress from the Second District, which he represented in that body for three suc- cessive terms. While serving his last year in Congress (1890) he was an unsuccessful candidate on the Democratic ticket for Sheriff of Cook County; in 1893 was an unsuccessful applicant for the Chicago postmastership, was defeated as ui Independent-Democrat for Congress in 1894, but, in 1895, was elected Alderman for the Nine- teenth Ward of the city of Chicago. Died, Jan. 17. 1896. I, \\Vl.li:. (Gen.) Michael K.. soldier, was born in County Kildare, Ireland, Nov. 16, 1814, brought to the United States in 1816, and, in 1819, to Gallatin County, 111., where his father began farming. The younger Lawler early evinced a military taste by organizing a military company in 1842, of which he served as Captain three or four years. In 1846 he organized a company for the Mexican War, which was attached to the Third Regiment Illinois Volunteers (Colonel Forman's), and, at the end of its term of enlistment, raised a company of cavalry, with which he served to the end of the war in all, seeing two and a half years' service. He then resumed the peaceful life of a farmer ; but, on the breaking out of the rebellion, again gave proof of his patri- otism by recruiting the Eighteenth Illinois Volun- teer Infantry the first regiment organized in the Eighteenth Congressional District of which he was commissioned Colonel, entering into the three years' service in May, 1861. His regiment took part in most of the early engagements in Western Kentucky and Tennessee, including the capture of Fort Donelson, where it lost heavily, Colonel Lawler himself being severely wounded. Later, he was in command, for some time, at Jackson, Trim., and, in November, 1862, was com- missioned Brigadier-General "for gallant and meritorious service." He was also an active participant in the operations against Vicksburg, and was thanked on the field by General Grant for his service at the battle of Big Black, pro- nounced by Charles A. Dana (then Assistant Secretary of War) "one of the most splendid exploits of the war. ' ' After the fall of Vicksburg he took part in the siege of Jackson, Miss., and in the campaigns on the Teche and Red River, and in Texas, also being in command, for six months, at Baton Rouge, La. In March, 1865, he was brevetted Major-General, and mustered out, January, 1866, after a service of four years and seven months. He then returned to his Gallatin County farm, where he died, July 26, 1882. LAWLER, Thomas 6., soldier and Com- mander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, was born in Liverpool, Eng.. April 7, 1844; was brought to Illinois by his parents in childhood, and, at 17 years of age, enlisted in the Nineteenth Illinois Volunteers, serv- ing first as a private, then as Sergeant, later being elected First Lieutenant, and (although not mustered in, for two months) during the Atlanta campaign being in command of his com- pany, and placed on the roll of honor by order of General Rosecrans. He participated in every battle in which his regiment was engaged, and, at the battle of Missionary Ridge, was the first man of his command over the enemy's works. After the war he became prominent as an officer HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 331 of the Illinois National Guard, organizing the Rockford Rifles, in 1876, and serving as Colonel of the Third Regiment for seven years; was ap- pointed Postmaster at Rockford by President Hayes, but removed by Cleveland in 1885; re- appointed by Harrison and again displaced on the accession of Cleveland. He was one of the organizers of G. L. Nevius Post, G. A. R., of which he served as Commander twenty-sir years ; in 1882 was elected Department Commander for the State of Illinois and, in 1894, Commander-in- chief, serving one year. LAWRENCE, Charles B., jurist, was born at Vergennes, Vt., Dec. 17, 1830. After two years spent at Middlebury College, he entered the junior class at Union College, graduating from the latter in 1841. He devoted two years to teaching in Alabama, and began reading law at Cincinnati in 1843, completing his studies at St. Louis, where he was admitted to the bar and began practice in 1844. The following year he removed to Quincy, 111., where he was a promi- nent practitioner for ten years. The years 1856-58 he spent in foreign travel, with the pri- mary object of restoring his impaired health. On his return home he began farming in Warren County, with the same end in view. In 1861 he accepted a nomination to the Circuit Court bench and was elected without opposition. Before the expiration of his term, in 1864, he was elected a Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court for the Northern Grand Division, and, in 1870, became Chief Justice. At this time his home was at Galesburg. Failing of a re-election in 1873, he removed to Chicago, and at once became one of the leaders of the Cook County bar. Although persistently urged by personal and political friends, to permit his name to be used in connec- tion with a vacancy on the bench of the United States Supreme Court, he steadfastly declined. In 1877 he received the votes of the Republicans in the State Legislature for United States Senator against David Davis, who was elected. Died, at Decatur, Ala., April 9, 1883. LAWRENCE COUNTY, one of the eastern counties in the "southern tier,'' originally a part of Edwards, but separated from the latter in 1821, and named for Commodore Lawrence. In 1900 its area was 360 square miles, and its popu- lation, 16,523. The first English speaking settlers seem to have emigrated from the colony at Vin- cennes. Ind. St. Francisville, in the southeast- ern portion, and Allison prairie, in the northeast, were favored by the American pioneers. Settle- ment was more or less desultory until after the War of 1812. Game was abundant and the soil productive. About a dozen negro families found homes, in 1819, near Lawrenceville, and a Shaker colony was established about Charlottesville the same year. Among the best remembered pio- neers are the families of Lautermann, Chubb, Kincaid, Buchanan and Laus the latter having come from South Carolina. Toussaint Dubois, a Frenchman and father of Jesse K. Dubois, State Auditor (1857-64), was a large land proprietor at an early day, and his house was first utilized as a court house. The county is richer in historic associations than in populous towns. Lawrence- ville, the county-seat, was credited with 865 inhabitants by the census of 1890. St. Francis- ville and Sumner are flourishing towns. LAWRENCEVILLE, the county-seat of Law- rence County, is situated on the Kmbarras River, at the intersection of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern and the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railways, 9 miles west of Vincennes, Ind. , and 139 miles east of St. Louis. It has a courthouse, four churches, a graded school and two weekly newspapers. Population (1890), 865; (1900), 1,300; (1903, est.), 1,600. LAW80N, Victor P., journalist and newspaper proprietor, was born in Chicago, of Scandinavian parentage, Sept 9, 1850. After graduating at the Chicago High School, he prosecuted his studies at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and at Harvard University. In August, 1876, he pur- chased an interest in "The Chicago Daily News," being for some time a partner of Melville E. Stone, but became sole proprietor in 1888, pub- lishing morning and evening editions. He reduced the price of the morning edition to one cent, and changed its name to "The Chicago Record." He has always taken a deep interest in the cause of popular education, and, in 1888, established a fund to provide for the distribution of medals among public school children of Chi- cago, the award to be made upon the basis of comparative excellence in the preparation of essays upon topics connected with American history. LEBANON, a city in St. Clair County, situated on Silver Creek, and on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad, 11 miles northeast of Belleville and 24 miles east of St. Louis; is lo- cated in an agricultural and coal-mining region. Its manufacturing interests are limited, a flour- ing mill being the chief industry of this charac- ter. The city has electric lights and electric trolley line connecting with Belleville and St. Louis; also has a bank, eight churches, two 332 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. newspapers and is an important educational cen- ter, being the seat of McKendree College, founded in 1828. Population (1890), 1,636; (1900), 1,812. LEE COUNTY, one of the third tier of counties south of the Wisconsin State line; named for Richard Henry Lee of Revolutionary fame : area, 740 square miles; population (1900), 29.894. It was cut off from Ogle County, and separately organized in 1839. In 1840 the population was but little over 3,000. Charles F. Ingals, Nathan R. Whitney and James P. Dizon were the first County -Commissioners. Agriculture is the prin- cipal pursuit, although stone quarries are found here and there, notably at Ashton. The county- seat is Dizon, where, in 1828, one Ogee, a half- breed, built a cabin and established a ferry across the Rock River. In 1830, John Dizon, of New York, purchased Ogee's interest for $1,800. Set- tlement and progress were greatly retarded by the Black Hawk War, but immigration fairly set in in 1838. The first court house was built in 1840, and the same year the United States Land Office was removed from Galena to Dizon, Colo., John Dement, an early pioneer, being appointed Receiver. Dizon was incorporated as a city in 18S9. and, in 1900, had a population of 7,917. LEGISLATIVE APPORTIONMENT. (See Apportionment. Legislative.) LEGISLATURE. (See General Assemblies.) LELAND, a village of La Salle County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway, 29 miles southwest of Aurora. Population (1900), 634. LELAND, Edwin S., lawyer and Judge, was born at Dennysville, Me., August 28, 1812, and admitted to the bar at Dedham, Mass., in 1834. In 1835 he removed to Ottawa, 111., and, in 1839, to Oregon, Ogle County, where he practiced for four years. Returning to Ottawa in 1843, he rapidly rose in his profession, until, in 1852, he was elected to the Circuit Court bench to fill the unezpired term of Judge T. Lyle Dickey, who had resigned. In 1866 Governor Oglesby ap- pointed him Circuit Judge to fill the unexpired term of Judge Hollister. He was elected by popular vote in 1867, and re-elected in 18T3, being assigned to the Appellate Court of the Second District in 1877. He was prominently identified with the genesis of the Republican party, whose tenets he zealously championed. He was also prominent in local affairs, having been elected the first Republican Mayor of Ottawa (1856), President of the Board of Education and County Treasurer. Died, June, 24, 1889. LEM EX, James, Sr., pioneer, was born in Berk- eley County, Va., Nov. 20, 1760; served as a soldier in the War of the Revolution, being present at the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781 ; in 1786 came to Illinois, settling at the village of New Design, near the present site of Waterloo, in Monroe County. He was a man of enterprise and sterling integrity, and ultimately became the head of one of the most prominent and influential families in Southern Illinois. He is said to have been the first person admitted to the Baptist Church by immersion in Illinois, finally becoming a minister of that denomination. Of a family of eight children, four of his sons became ministers. Mr. Lemen's prominence was indicated by the fact that he was approached by Aaron Burr, with offers of large rewards for his influence in found- ing that ambitious schemer's projected South- western Empire, but the proposals were indignantly rejected and the scheme denounced. Died, at Waterloo, Jan. 8, 1822. Robert (Lemen), oldest son of the preceding, was born in Berkeley County, Va., Sept. 25, 1783; came with his father to Illinois, and, after his marriage, settled in St. Clair County. He held a commission as magis- trate and, for a time, was United States Marshal for Illinois under the administration of John Quincy Adams. Died in Ridge Prairie, St. Clair County, August 24, I860. Rev. Joseph (Lemen), the second son, was born in Berkeley County, Va., Sept. 8, 1785, brought to Illinois in 1786, and. on reaching manhood, married Mary Kinney, a daughter of Rev. William Kinney, who after- wards became Lieutenant-Governor of the State. Joseph Lemen settled in Ridge Prairie, in the northern part of St. Clair County, and for many years supplied the pulpit of the Bethel Baptist church, which had been founded in 1809 on the principle of opposition to human slavery. His death occurred at his home, June 29, 1861. Rev. James (Lemen), Jr., the third son, was born in Monroe County, 111., Oct. 8, 1787; early united with the Baptist Church and became a minister ass'sting in the ordination of his father, whose sketch stands at the head of this article. He served as a Delegate from St. Clair County in the first State Constitutional Convention (1818) and as Senator in the Second, Fourth and Fifth General Assemblies. He also preached extensively in Illinois, Missouri, and Kentucky, and assisted in the organization of many churches, although his labors were chiefly within his own. Mr. Lemen was the second child of American parents born in Illinois Enoch Moore being the first. Died, Feb. 8, 1870. William (Lemen), the fourth son, born in Monroe County, III., in 1791; served as a soldier in the Black Hawk War. Died in Monroe HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 333 County, in 1857. Rev. Josiah (Lemen), the fifth son, born in Monroe County, 111., August 15, 1794; was a Baptist preacher. Died near Du- quoin, July 11, 1867. Rev. Hoses (Lemen), the sixth son, born in Monroe County, 111., in 1797; became a Baptist minister early in life, served as Representative in the Sixth General Assembly (1888-30) for Monroe County. Died, in Montgom- ery County, 111., March 5, 1859. LEMOXT, a city in Cook County, 25 miles southwest of Chicago, on the Des Plaines River and the Chicago & Alton Railroad. A thick vein of Silurian limestone (Athens marble) is extensively quarried here, constituting the chief industry. Owing to the number of industrial enterprises, Lemon t is at times the temporary home of a large number of workmen. The city has a bank, electric lights, six churches, two papers, five public and four private schools, one business college, aluminum and concrete works. Population of the township (1890), 5,539; (1900), 4,441. LE MOTIVE, John V., ex-Congressman, was born in Washington County, Pa., in 1838, and graduated from Washington College, Pa., in 1847. He studied law at Pittsburg, where he was admitted to the bar in 1852. He at once removed to Chicago, where he continued a permanent resident and active practitioner. In 1872 he was a candidate for Congress on the Liberal Repub- lican ticket, but was defeated by Charles B. Far- well, Republican. In 1874 he was again a candidate against Mr. Farwell. Both claimed the election, and a contest ensued which was decided by the House in favor of Mr. Le Moyne. LENA, a village in Stephenson County, on the Illinois Central Railroad, 13 miles northwest of Freeport and 38 miles east of Galena. It is in a farming and dairying district, but has some manufactures, the making of caskets being the principal industry in this line. There are six churches, two banks, and two newspapers. Pop- ulation (1890), 1,270; (1900), 1,253. LEONARD, Edward F., Railway President, was born in Connecticut in 1836 ; graduated from Union College, N. Y., was admitted to the bar and came to Springfield, 111. , in 1858 : served for several years as clerk in the office of the State Auditor, was afterwards connected with the con- struction of the "St. Louis Short Line" (now a part of the Illinois Central Railway), and was private secretary of Governor Cullom during his first term. For several years he has been Presi- dent of the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroad, with headquarters at Peoria. LEROY. a city in McLean County, 15 miles southwest of Bloomington; has two banks, sev- eral churches, a graded school and a plow factory. Two weekly papers are published there. Popu lation (1880), 1,068; (1890), 1,258; (1900), 1,629. LEVER ETT, Washington and Warren, edu caters and twin-brothers, whose careers were strikingly similar; born at Brook line. Mass., Dec 19, 1805, and passed their boyhood on a farm ; in 1827 began a preparatory course of study under an elder brother at Roxbury, Mass., entered Brown University as freshmen, the next year, and graduated in 1833. Warren, being in bad health, spent the following winter in South Carolina, afterwards engaging in teaching, for a time, and in study in Newton Theological Seminary, while Washington served as tutor two years in his Alma Mater and in Columbian College in Wash- ington, D. C., then took a course at Newton graduating there in 1836. The same year he accepted the chair of Mathematics in Shurtleff College at Upper Alton, remaining, with slight interruption, until 1868. Warren, after suffering from hemorrhage of the lungs, came west in the fall of 1837, and. after teaching for a few months at Greenville, Bond County, in 1839 joined his brother at Shurtleff College as Principal of the preparatory department, subsequently being advanced to the chair of Ancient Languages, which he continued to occupy until June, 1868, when he retired in the same year with his brother. After resigning he established himself in the book business, which was continued until his death. Nov. 8, 1872. Washington, the surviving brother, continued to be a member of the Board of Trus- tees of Shurtleff College, and to discharge the duties of Librarian and Treasurer of the institu- tion. Died, Dec. 13, 1889. LEWIS INSTITUTE, an educational institu- tion based upon a bequest of Allen C. Lewis, in the city of Chicago, established in 1895. It main- tains departments in law, the classics, prepara- tory studies and manual training, and owns property valued at $1,600,000, with funds and endowment amounting to $1,100,000. No report is made of the number of pupils. LEWIS, John H., ex-Congressman, was born in Tompkins County, N. Y., July 21, 1830. When six years old he accompanied his parents to Knox County, 111., where he attended the public schools, read law, and was admitted to the bar in 1860. The same year he was elected Clerk of the Circuit Court of Knox County. In 1874 he was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly, and, in 1880, was the successful Repub- 334 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. lican candidate for Congress from the old Ninth District In 1883, he was a candidate for re- election from the same district (then the Tenth), but was defeated by Nicholas E. Worthington, his Democratic opponent. LEW1STOWN, the county -seat of Fulton County, located on two lines of railway, fifty miles southwest of Peoria and sixty miles north- west of Springfield. It contains flour and saw- mills, carriage and wagon, can-making, duplex-scales and evener factories, six churches and four newspapers, one issuing a daily edition; also excellent public schools. Population (1880), 1.771; (1890), 2,166; (1900), 2,504, LEXINGTON, a city in McLean County, on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, 110 miles south of Chicago and 16 miles northeast of Bloomington. The surrounding region is agricultural and stock- raising, and the town has a flourishing trade in horses and other live-stock. Tile is manufac- tured here, and the town has two banks, five churches, a high school and two weekly news- papers. Population (1890), 1,187; (1900), 1,415. LIBERTTYILLE, a village of Lake County, on the main line of the Chicago & Madison Division of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, 35 miles north-northwest of Chicago. The region is agricultural. The town has some manufac- tures, two banks and a weekly paper. Popula- tion (1890), 550; (1900), 864. LIBRARIES. (STATISTICAL. ) A report of the Commissioner of Education for 1895-96, on the subject of "Public, Society and School Libraries in the United States," presents some approximate statistics of libraries in the several States, based upon the reports of librarians, so far as they could be obtained in reply to inquiries sent out from the Bureau of Education in Washington. As shown by the statistical tables embodied in this report, there were 348 libraries in Illinois reporting 300 volumes and over, of which 134 belonged to the smallest class noted, or those con- taining less than 1,000 volumes. The remaining 214 were divided into the following classes: Containing 300.000 and less than 500. 000 volumes 1 100,000 50.000 25.000 10,000 5,000 1,000 300,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 2 1 5 27 34 144 A general classification of libraries of 1,000 volumes and over, as to character, divides them into. General, 91 ; School. 36; College, 42; College Society, 7; Law, 3; Theological, 7; State, 2; Asy- lum and Reformatory, 4; Young Men's Christian Association, 2; Scientific, 6; Historical, 3; Soci- ety, 8; Medical, Odd Fellows and Social, 1 each. The total number of volumes belonging to the class of 1,000 volumes and over was 1,822,580 with 447,168 pamphlets; and, of the class between 300 and 1,000 volumes, 66,992 making a grand total of 1,889,572 volumes. The library belonging to the largest (or 300,000) class, is that of the University of Chicago, reporting 305,000 volumes, with 180,000 pamphlets, while the Chicago Public Library and the Newberry Library belong to the second class, reporting, respectively, 217,065 vol- umes with 42,000 pamphlets, and 135,244 volumes and 35,654 pamphlets. (The report of the Chi- cago Public Library for 1898 shows a total, for that year, of 235,385 volumes and 44,069 pam- phlets.) As to sources of support or method of adminis- tration, 42 of the class reporting 1,000 volumes and over, are supported by taxation ; 27, by appro- priations by State, County or City; 20, from endowment funds ; 54, from membership fees and dues; 16, from book-rents; 26, from donations, leaving 53 to be supported from sources not stated. The total income of 131 reporting on this subject is $787,262; the aggregate endowment of 17 of this class is $2,283,197, and the value of buildings belonging to 36 is estimated at $2,981,- 575. Of the 214 libraries reporting 1,000 volumes and over, 88 are free, 28 are reference, and 158 are both circulating and reference. The free public libraries in the State containing 3,000 volumes and over, in 1896, amounted to 39. The following list includes those of this class con- taining 10,000 volumes and over: Chicago, Public Library Peoria, Springfield, Rockford, Quincy, Galesburg Elgin, Gail Borden Public Library Bloomington, Withers " Evanston, Free Decatur, " Belleville, Aurora, Rock Island, Joliet, (1896) 217,065 57,604 28.639 28,000 and Reading Room 19,400 18,409 17.000 16,068 15,515 14,766 14,511 14.350 12,634 22,325 The John Crerar Library (a scientific reference library) established in the City of Chicago in 1894, on the basis of' a bequest of the late John Crerar, estimated as amounting to fully $3,000,- 000 is rapidly adding to its resources, having, in the four years of its history, acquired over 40,000 volumes. With its princely endowment. 73 S3 c r- C z w ?0 H r z o 334 lllsT<>i;ic.\L KNCYCLOPEDIA <>F ILLINOIS. lican candidate for ( 'impress from the old Ninth District. In I*"-'.', hi' was a candidate for re- election from the same district (then the Truth), but was defeated l>y Nicholas K. Worthington, his Democratic opponent. LEWISTOtt'.V, the county-scat of Fulton County. located on two lines of railway, fifty miles southwest of Peoria ami sixty miles north- west of Springfield. It contains Hour and saw- mills, carriage and wagon, can-making, duplex-scales and evener factories, six churches and four newspapers, one issuing a daily edition; aLso excellent public schools. Population (lN*oi, 1.771; (1N90), 2.16U; (1900), 2,504, l,EXlXGTO>',a city in McLean County, on the Chicago iV: Alton Railroad, 110 miles south f Chicago and Hi miles northeast of Uoantington. The surrounding region is agricultural and stock- raising, anil the town has a flourishing trade ill horses and other live-stock. Tile is manufac- tured here, and the town has two banks, live churches, a high school and two weekly news- papers. Population (18!>0), 1,1*7; (1900), 1,410. LIBERTVVILI.E, a village of Lake County, on the main line of the Chicago it Madison Division of the Chicago. Milwaukee t St. Paul Railway. ;!5 miles north-northwest of Chicago. The region is agricultural. The town has some manufac- tures, two hanks and a weeklv paper Popula tion (1*10). .Vdl: (I90II). Mil MHKAIUKS. (STATlsTli-Ai..) A re|K)rt.f the Commissioner of r'.ducation for Is'tt-lHi, on the subject of "Public. Society and School Libraries in the I'nited States," presents some approximate -tatistics of libraries in the several States, luised upon the re|Mirts of librarians, so far as they could I*) nbtaiiied in reply to inquiries sent out fri)in the llureaii of Kdiu'ation in Washington. \s shown by the statistical tables emlxulicd in this re|H>rt. there were :!IH libraries in Illinois reporting IXKI vulmnes and over, of which llil In-longed In the smallest elass noted. or those con- taining I-ss than loon volumes. The remaining JI4 were ili\ iiled into the following classes: Containing MO.lxmand (ess than ~>ii oou volume^ I " loo.ooo " :(IIII.IHMI " 2 511,000 " " IIIO.IHKI " 1 25,1100 r,ip,uiM( " r> III.IKHI " " .'.*!. INN) " 27 ."i, IK in " lo.oiHi :M 1.IHKI " " 5.0011 " 114 A general classilication of libraries of I.IMiil ectively, 217,065 vol- umes with 42,000 pamphlets, and 135.244 volumes and 35,1154 pamphlets. (The report of the Chi- cago Public Library for 1S9S shows a total, for that year, of 2!!5,3H5 volumes and 44.009 jiam- phlets") As to sources of support or method of adminis- tration. 42 of- the class reporting 1. 000 volumes and OMT, aresup|Kirted by taxation ; 27, by appro- priations by State. County or City; 20. from endowment funds; 54. from meml'i-ship fees and dues; Iti. from book-rents: 2I>. from donations, leaving !>:! to be supported from sources not stated. The total income of 131 reporting on this subject is $7^7.202; the aggregate endowment of 17 of this class is $2. 2X3, 197. and the value of buildings belonging to 3(i is estimated at !52,!t81.- 575. Of the214 libraries reporting I.IHMI volumes and over. HH are free. 2* are reference, and I5S are Imtli circulating and reference The free public libraries in the State containing 'Mlilll volumes and over, in IH'.lfi. amounted to 3! The following list includes thosnof this i laxs con- taining IO.IMMI volumes and over: Chicago. Public Library . (1M!MJ) -.'17 (Mi5 Peoria. .~.7.r,n4 Springfield, " " 2H.t>:>9 Kockfonl. " 2X.OOO Viiincy. " " and Mewling ICmuu l!.4(Mi (lalesburg " IM.4I.U Klgin. liail Hordeii Public Library . . I7.IHMI ItliHimington. Withers " . I. , Ki.lMJK Kvanston. Free " " . . 15.515 Deeatur. " . . . 14,768 Belleville, . .- 14.51 1 Aurora, ll.S'iil Hock Island. |2 li:',| Juliet " ... 22.S25 The John I'rerar Library (a scientific reference library) established in the City of Chicago in IS'.M. on the basis of a bequest of the late John Crerar. estimated as amounting to fully $:l. (MM). - (Kill is rapidly adding to its resources, having, in tho four years of its history, acquired over 40,000 volumes. With its princely endowment. X V VI o h, O ~. o c u. X EC 3 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 335 H is destined, in the course of a few years, to be reckoned one of the leading libraries of its class in the United States, as it is one of the most modern and carefully selected. The Newberry and Chicago Historical Society Libraries fill an important place for reference pur- poses, especially on historical subjects. A tardy beginning has been made in building up a State Historical Library in Springfield ; but, owing to the indifference of the Legislature and the meager support it has received, the State which was, for nearly a hundred years, the theater of the most important events in the development of the Mis- sissippi Valley, has, as yet, scarcely accomplished anything worthy of its name in collecting and preserving the records of its own history. In point of historical origin, next to the Illinois State Library, which dates from the admission of the State into the Union in 1818, the oldest library in the State is that of the McCormick Theological Seminary, which is set down as hav- ing had its origin in 1825, though this occurred in another State. The early State College Li- braries follow next in chronological order : Shurt- leff College, at Upper Alton, 1827 ; Illinois College, at Jacksonville, 1829; McKendree College, at Lebanon, 1834; Rockford College, 1849; Lombard University, at Galesburg, 1852. In most cases, however, these are simply the dates of the estab- lishment of the institution, or the period at which instruction began to be given in the school which finally developed into the college. The school library is constantly becoming a more important factor in the liberal education of the youth of the State. Adding to this the "Illi- nois Pupils' Reading Circle," organized by the State Teachers' Association some ten years ago, but still in the experimental stage, and the sys- tem of "traveling libraries," set on foot at a later period, there is a constant tendency to enlarge the range of popular reading and bring the public library, in some of its various forms, within the reach of a larger class. THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY LAW OP ILLINOIS. The following history and analysis of the Free Public Library Law of Illinois is contributed, for the "Historical Encyclopedia," by E. S. Willcox, Librarian of the Peoria Public Library: The Library Law passed by the Legislature of Idinois in 1872 was the first broadly planned, comprehensive and complete Free Public Li- brary Law placed on the statute book of any State in the Union. It is true, New Hamp- shire, in 1849, and Massachusetts, in 1851, had taken steps in this direction, with three or four brief sections of laws, permissive in their character rather than directive, but lacking the vitalizing qualities of our Illinois law. in that they provided no sufficiently specific working method no sailing directions for starting and administering such free public libraries. They seem to have had no influence on subsequent library legislation, while, to quote the language of Mr. Fletcher in his "Public Libraries in America," "the wisdom of the Illinois law, in this regard, is probably the reason why it has been so widely copied in other States." By this law of 1872 Illinois placed herself at the head of her sister States in encouraging the spread of general intelligence among the people : but it is also a record to be equally proud of, that, within less than five years after her admission to the Union, Dec. 3, 1818 that is, at the first ses- sion of her Third General Assembly a general Act was passed and approved, Jan. 31, 1823, entitled : "An act to incorporate such persons as may associate for the purpose of procuring and erecting public libraries in this State," with the following preamble WHIRKAII, B disposition for Improvement In useful knowledge has manifested Itself ID various parts of this State, by associating for procuring and erecting public libraries; and, whereas, it is of the utmost tmitortance to the public that the sources of Information should be multi- plied, and Institutions for that purpose encouraged and pro- moted: Sec. i. Be It enacted, "etc. Then follow ten sections, covering five and a half pages of the published laws of that session, giving explicit directions as to the organizing and maintaining of such Associations, with pro- visions as enlightened and liberal as we could ask for to-day. The libraries contemplated in this act are, of course, subscription libraries, the only kind known at that time, free public libraries supported by taxation not having come into vogue in that early day. It is the one vivifying quality of the Illinois law of 1872, that it showed how to start a free public library, how to manage it when started and how to provide it with the necessary funds. It furnished a full and minute set of sailing directions for the ship it launched, and. moreover, was nut loaded down with useless limitations. With a few exceptions notably the Boston Public Library, working under a special charter, and an occasional endowed library, like the Astor Library ^all public libraries in those days were subscription libraries, like the great Mercantile Libraries of New York, St. Louis and Cincinnati, with dues of from $3 to $10 from each member per year. With dues at SI a year, our Peoria Mercantile Library, at its best, never had over 286 members in any one year. Compare this with our present public membership of 6,500, and it will be seen that some kind of a free public library law was needed. That was the conclu- sion I, as one of the Directors of the Peoria Mer- cantile Library, came to in 1869. We had tried every expedient for years, in the way of lecture courses, concerts, spelling matches, "Drummer Boy of Shiloh," and begging, to increase our membership and revenue. So far, and no farther, seemed to be the rule with all subscription libraries. They did not reach the masses who needed them most. And, for this manifest rea- r. Y. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA <>F ILLINOIS. h is destined, in tin course of a few years, to be reckoned one, of tin; lending libraries of its class in the United Stall's, as it is one of the most modern and carefully selected. The Newl>erry and Chicago Historical Societ} Libraries fill an important place for reference pur poses, especially on historical subjects. A tardy beginning has been made in building up a State Historical Library in Springfield; but. owing to the iiidilference of the Legislature and the meager support it has received, the State which was. for nearly a hundred years, the theater of the most important events in the development of the Mis- sissippi Valley, has, as yet, scarcely accomplished anything worthy of its name in collecting and preserving the records of its own history. In point of historical origin, next to the Illinois State Library, which dates from the admission of the State into the Union in 181H, the oldest library in the State is that of the McCormick Theological Seminary, which is set down as hav- ing hail its origin in 1S25, though this occurred in another State The early State College Li- braries follow next in chronological order: Shurt- lelf College, at Upper Alton, 1827; Illinois College, at Jacksonville, IS'JU; McKendree College, at Lebanon, Is3t; Rockford College. 1H4!); Ix-mliani University, at dalesburg. 1852. In most cases, however, these are simply the dates of the estab- lishment of the institution, or the period at which instruction began to lie given in the school which finally developed into the college. The school library is constantly becoming :. more important factor in the liberal education of the youth of the State. Adding to this the "Illi- nois Pupils' Heading Circle." organized by the State Teachers' Association some te'ti years ago, but still in the experimental stage, ami thesis tern of "traveling libraries," set on foot at a later period, there is a constant tendency to enlarge the ranges of popular reading and bring the public library, in some of its various forms, within the reach of a larger class. Tin-: Fiii.i. Pini.n- I.IIIKAIIV LAW OK ILLINOIS The following history and analysis of the Tree Public Library Law of Illinois is contributed, for the. "Historical Kncvelo|>cJia. " by K. S. Willcox. Librarian of the Penria 1'ublic Library: The Library I .aw passed by the Legislature of Illinois in 1-7'.' was the lirst broadly planned, comprehensive and complete Free Public Li- brary Law placed <>n the statute ln>k of any State in the Union It is true. New Hamp- shire, in 1H49 ami Massachusetts, in Is.M. had taken steps in this direction withthr i four brief sections of laws permissive in their character rather than directive, but lacking the vitalizing qualities of our Illincis law. in that they provided no sutliciently specitic working method no sailing directions lor starting and administering such free public libraries. They seem to have hail no influence on subsequent library legislation, while, to quote the language of Mr. Fletcher in his "Public Libraries in America." "the, wisdom of the Illinois law, in this regard, is probably the reason why it has been so widely copied in other States . " By this law of l>-7',' Illinois placed herself at the bead of her sister States in encouraging the spread of general intelligence among the people. hut it is also a record to IK' equally proud of. that, within less than five years after her admission to the Union, Dec. 3. 1*1* that is. at the first ses sion of her Third General Assembly a general Act was passed and approved, Jan. ill. 1KJ3. entitled: "An act to incorporate such |ersons as may associate for the purpose of procuring and erecting public libraries in this State." with the following preamble- \ViiKRp.A'*. a disiMisilion fur improvement !n useful kOOVtedBB has manifested Itself ill various parts of this stati 1 , tiy associating fur procuring and en-elim: cnlilic libraries and. whereas, it is of the utmost itnporctni-e the puhlii' that the sources of information should t" Hiiilti plied, and Institutions for that pnr|>se encouraged and pri- lilotcd: Sec. 1. lie it enacted," etr. Then follow ten sections, covering five and a hair pages of the published laws of that session, giving explicit directions as to the organizing and maintaining of such Associations, with pro visions as enlightened and lilieral as w could ask for to-day. The libraries contemplated in this act are, of course, subscription libraries, the only kind known at that time, free public libraries supported by taxation not having come into vogue in that early day. It is the one vivifying quality of the Illinois law of 1N72. that it showed how to Marl a free public library, how to manage it when started and how to provide it with the necessary funds It furnished a full and minute set of sailing directions for t he ship it launched, and. moreover, was not loaded d.> n with unless limitations With a few exceptions notably the Itoston Public Library, working voder a special charter and an occasional endowed library, like t lie . \stor L'braiv all public libraries in those days were subscription libraries, like the gival Mercantile Libraries of New York. St. I.ouis and Cincinnati, with dues of from s:: to SIM frini each memlwr per year With dues at *1 a \oat.onr Peoria Mercantile Library, at its liest. never bad over 2SU memlicrs in any one year. Care t bis with our present public niemlicrship of (i..~i increasi- our membership and re\ enue. S.> far. and im farther seemed to be the rule with all subscription libraries.. Tin > did m.t reach the masses )i needed them tnosi And. fm- this manifest rea- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. son : the necessary cost of annual dues stood in the way; the women and young people who wanted something to read, who thirsted for knowledge, and who are the principal patrons of the free public library to-day, did not hold the family purse-strings; while the men, who did hold the purse-strings, did not particularly care for books. It was my experience, derived as a Director in the Peoria Mercantile Library when it was still a small, struggling subscription library, that sug- gested the need of a State law authorizing cities and towns to tax themselves for the support of public libraries, as they already did for the sup- port of public schools. When, in 1870, I submitted the plan to some of my friends, they pronounced it Quixotic the people would never consent to pay taxes for libraries. To which I replied, that, until sometime in the '50's, we had no free public schools in this State. I then drew up the form of a law, substantially .as it now stands; and, after submitting it to Justin Winsor, then of the Boston Public Li- brary ; William F. Poole, then in Cincinnati, and William T. Harris, then in St. Louis, I placed it in the hands of my friend, Mr. Samuel Caldwell, in December, 1870, who took it with him to Springfield, promising to do what he could to get it through the Legislature, of which he was a member from Peoria. The bill was introduced by Mr. Caldwell, March 23, 1871, as House bill No. 563. and as House bill No. 563 it finally received the Governor's signature and became a law, March 7, 1872. The essential features of our Illinois law are: /. The power of initiative in starting a free public library lies in the City Council, and not in an appeal to the voters of the city at a general flection. It is a weak point in the English public libra- ries act that this initiative is left to the electors or voters of a city, and, in several London and pro- vincial districts, the proposed law has been repeatedly voted down by the very people it was most calculated to benefit, from fear of a little extra taxation. //. The amount of tax to be, levied i permissive, not mandatory. We can trust to the public spirit of our city authorities, supported by an intelligent public sentiment, to provide for the library needs. A mandatory law, requiring the levying of a certain fixed percentage of the city's total assessment, might invite extravagance, as it has in several instances where a mandatory law is in force. ///. The Library Board has exclusive control of library appropriations. This is to be interpreted that Public Library Boards are separate and distinct departments of the city administration; and experience has shown that they are as capable and honest in handling money as School Boards or City Councils. TV. Library Boards consi.it of nitu' members to serve for three years. V. The members of the Board are appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council, from the citizens at large with reference to their fitness for such office. VI. An annual report is to be made by the Board to the City Council, stating the condition of their trust on the first day of June of each year. This, with slight modifications adapting it to villages, towns and townships, is, in substance, the Free Public Library Law of Illinois. Under its beneficent operation flourishing free public libraries have been established in the principal cities and towns of our State slowly, at first, but, of late years, more rapidly as their usefulness has become apparent. No argument is now needed to show the im- portance the imperative necessity of the widest possible diffusion of intelligence among the people of a free State. Knowledge and ignorance the one means civilization, the other, barbarism. Give a man the taste for good books and the means of gratifying it, and you can hardly fail of making him a better, happier man and a wiser citizen. You place him in contact with the best society in every period of history ; you set before him nobler examples to imitate and safer paths to follow. We have no way of foretelling how many and how great benefits will accrue to society and the State, in the future, from the comparatively modern introduction of the free public library into our educational system; but when some youthful Abraham Lincoln, poring over yKsop's Fables, Weems' Life of Washington and a United States History, by the flickering light of a pine- knot in a log-cabin, rises at length to be the hope and bulwark of a nation, then we learn what the world may owe to a taste for books. In the gen- eral spread of intelligence through our free schools, our free press and our free libraries, lies our only hope that our free American institutions shall not decay and perish from the earth. " Knowledge Is the only good. Ignorance tbe only evQ." " Let knowledge grow from more to more." LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. The office of Lieutenant-Governor, created by the Constitution of 1818, has been retained in each of the subsequent Constitutions, being elective by the people at the same time with that of Gov- ernor. The following is a list of the Lieutenant Governors of the State, from the date of its admission into the Union to the present time (1899), with the date and length of each incum- bent's term: Pierre Menard, 1818-22; Adolphus Frederick Hubbard, 1822-26; William Kinney, 1826-30; Zadoc Casey, 1830-33; William Lee D. K wing (succeeded to the office as President of the Senate), 1833-34; Alexander M. Jenkins, 1834-36; William H. Davidson (as President of the Senate), 1836-38; Stinson H. Anderson, 1838-42; John Moore, 1842-46; Joseph B. Wells, 1846-49; William McMurtry, 1849-53; Gustavus Koerner, 1853-57; John Wood, 1857-60; Thomas A. Mar- shall (as President of the Senate), Jan. 7-14, 1861 ; Francis A. Hoffman, 1861-65; William Bross. 1865-69; John Dougherty, 1869-73; John L. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 337 Beveridge. Jan. 13-23, 1873; John Early (as President of the Senate), 1873-75; Archibald A. Glenn (as President of the Senate), 1875-77; Andrew Shuman, 1877-81; John M. Hamilton, 1881-83; William J. Campbell (as President of the Senate), 1883-85; John C. Smith, 1885-89; Lyrnan B. Ray, 1889-93; Joseph B. Gill, 1893-97; William A. Northcott, 1897 . LIMESTONE. Illinois ranks next to Pennsyl- vania in its output of limestone, the United States Census Report for 1890 giving the number of quarries as 104, and the total value of the product as $2,190,604. In the value of stone used for building purposes Illinois far exceeds any other State, the greater proportion of the output in Pennsylvania being suitable only for flux. Next to its employment as building stone, Illinois limestone is chiefly used for street-work, a small percentage being used for flux, and still less for bridge-work, and but little for burning into lime. The quarries in this State employ 3,383 hands, and represent a capital of $3,316,616, in the latter par- ticular also ranking next to Pennsylvania. The quarries are found in various parts of the State, but the most productive and most valuable are in the northern section. LINCOLN, an incorporated city, and county- seat of Logan County, at the intersection of the Chicago & Alton, the Champaign and Havana and the Peoria, Decatur and Evansville Divi- sions of the Illinois Central Railroad ; is 28 miles northeast of Springfield, and 157 miles southwest of Chicago. The surrounding country is devoted to agriculture, stock-raising and coal-mining. Considerable manufacturing is carried on, among the products being flour, brick and drain tile. The city has water-works, fire department, gas and electric lighting plant, telephone system, machine shops, eighteen churches, good schools, three national banks, a public library, electric street railways, and several newspapers. Besides possessing good schools, it is the seat of Lincoln University (a Cumberland Presbyterian institu- tion, founded in 1865) The Odd Fellows' Orphans' Home and the Illinois (State) Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children are also located here. Population (1890), 6,725; (1900), 8.92; (1903, est.), 12,000. LINCOLN, Abraham, sixteenth President of the United States, was born in Hardin County, Ky . Feb. 12, 1809, of Quaker-English descent, his grandfather liaving emigrated from Virginia to Kentucky about 1780, where he was killed by the Indians in 1784. Thomas Lincoln, the father of Abraham, settled in Indiana in 1816 and removed to Macon County in 1830. Abraham was the issue of his father's first marriage, his mother's maiden name being Nancy Hanks. The early occupations of the future President were varied. He served at different times as farm-laborer, flat- boatman, country salesman, merchant, surveyor, lawyer, State legislator, Congressman and Presi- dent. In 1832 he enlisted for the Black Hawk War, and was chosen Captain of his company ; was an unsuccessful candidate for the Legislature the same year, but elected two years later. About this time he turned his attention to the study of law, was admitted to the bar in 1836, and, one year later, began practice at Springfield. By successive re-elections he served in the House until 1842, when he declined a re-election. In 1838, and again in 1840, he was the Whig candi- date for Speaker of the House, on both occasions being defeated by William L. D. Ewing. In 1841 he was an applicant to President William Henry Harrison for the position of Commissioner of the General Land Office, the appointment going to Justin Butterfield. His next official position was that of Representative in the Thirtieth Congress (1847-49). From that time he gave his attention to his profession until 1855, when he was a lead- ing candidate for the United States Senate in opposition to the principles of the Nebraska Bill, but failed of election, Lyman Trumbull being chosen. In 1856, he took a leading part in the organization of the Republican party at Bloom- ington, and, in 1858, was formally nominated by the Republican State Convention for the United States Senate, later engaging in a joint debate with Senator Douglas on party issues, during which they delivered speeches at seven different cities of the State. Although he again failed to secure the prize of an election, owing to the char- acter of the legislative apportionment then in force, which gave a majority of the Senators and Representatives to a Democratic minority of the voters, his burning, incisive utterances on the subject of slavery attracted the attention of the whole country, and prepared the way for the future triumph of the Republican party. Previ- ous to this he had been four times (1840, '44, '52, and '56) on the ticket of his party as candidate for Presidential Elector. In 1860, he was the nominee of the Republican party for the Presi- dency and was chosen by a decisive majority in the Electoral College, though receiving a minor- ity of the aggregate popular vote. Unquestion ably his candidacy was aided by internal dissensions in the Democratic party. His election and his inauguration (on March 4, 1861) were 338 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. made a pretext for secession, and he met the issue with promptitude and firmness, tempered with kindness and moderation towards the se- cessionists. He was re-elected to the Presidency in 1864, the vote in the Electoral College standing 212 for Lincoln to 21 for his opponent, Gen. George B. McClellan. The history of Mr. Lin- coln's life in the Presidential chair is the history of the whole country during its most dramatic period. Next to his success in restoring the authority of the Government over the whole Union, history will, no doubt, record his issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation of January, 1863, as the most important and far-reaching act of his administration. And yet to this act, which has embalmed his memory in the hearts of the lovers of freedom and human justice in all ages and in all lands, the world over, is due his death at the hands of the assassin, J. Wilkes Booth, in Washington City, April 15, 1865, as the result of an assault made upon him in Ford's Theater the evening previous his death occurring one week after the fall of Richmond and the surrender of Lee's army just as peace, with the restoration of the Union, was assured. A period of National mourning ensued, and he was accorded the honor of a National funeral, his remains being finally laid to rest in a mausoleum in Springfield. His profound sympathy with every class of sufferers during the War of the Rebellion ; his forbearance in the treatment of enemies; his sagacity in giving direction to public sentiment at home and in dealing with international questions abroad; his courage in preparing the way for the removal of slavery the bone of contention between the warring sections have given him a place in the affections of the people beside that of Washington himself, and won for him the respect and admi- ration of all civilized nations. LINCOLN, Robert Todd, lawyer, member of the Cabinet and Foreign Minister, the son of Abraham Lincoln, was born in Springfield, 111., August 1, 1843, and educated in the home schools and at Harvard University, graduating from the latter in 1864. During the last few months of the Civil War, he served on the staff of General Grant with the rank of Captain. After the war he studied law and, on his admission to the bar, settled in Chicago, finally becoming a member of the firm of Lincoln & Isham. In 1880, he was chosen a Presidential Elector on the Republican ticket, and, in March following, appointed Secre- tary of War by President Garfield, serving to the close of the term. In 1889 he became Minister to England by appointment of President Harrison, gaining high distinction as a diplomatist. This was the last public office held by him. After the death of George M. Pullman he became Acting President of the Pullman Palace Car Company, later being formally elected to that office, which (1899) he still holds. Mr. Lincoln's name has been frequently mentioned in connection with the Republican nomination for the Presidency, but its use has not been encouraged by him. LINCOLN AND DOUGLAS DEBATE, a name popularly given to a series of joint discussions between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Doug- las, held at different points in the State during the summer and autumn of 1858, while both were candidates for the position of United States Sena- tor. The places and dates of holding these discussions were as follows: At Ottawa, August 21 ; at Free port , August 27 ; at Jonesboro, Sept 15; at Charleston, Sept. 18; at Galesburg, Oct. 7; at Quincy , Oct. 13 ; at Alton, Oct. 15. Immense audiences gathered to hear these debates, which have become famous in the political history of the Nation, and the campaign was the most noted in the history of any State. It resulted in the securing by Douglas of a re-election to the Senate but his answers to the shrewdly -couched interrog- atories of Lincoln bd to the alienation of his Southern following, the disruption of the Demo- cratic party in 1860, and the defeat of his Presi- dential aspirations, with the placing of Mr Lincoln prominently before the Nation as a sagacious political leader, and his final election to the Presidency. LINCOLN UNIVERSITY, an institution located at Lincoln, Logan County, 111., incorporated in 1865. It is co-educational, has a faculty of eleven instructors and, for 1896-8, reports 209 pupils ninety-one male and 118 female. Instruction is given in the classics, the sciences, music, fine arts and preparatory studies. The institution has a library of 3,000 volumes, and reports funds and endowment amounting to $60,000, with property valued at $55,000. LINDER, Usher I'., lawyer and politician, was born in Elizabethtown, Hardin County, Ky. (ten miles from the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln), March 20, 1809; came to Illinois in 1835, finally locating at Charleston, Coles County ; after travel- ing the circuit a few months was elected Repre- sentative in the Tenth General Assembly (1836), but resigned before the close of the session to accept the office of Attorney-General, which he held less than a year and a half, when he resigned that also. Again, in 1846, he was elected to the Fifteenth General Assembly and re-elected to the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 339 Sixteenth and Seventeenth, afterwards giving his attention to the practice of his profession. Mr. Linder, in his best days, was a fluent speaker with some elements of eloquence which gave him a wide popularity as a campaign orator. Originally a Whig, on the dissolution of that party he became a Democrat, and, in 1860, was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention at Charleston, S. ("'., and at Baltimore. During the last four years of his life he wrote a series of articles under the title of "Reminiscences of the Early Bench and Bar of Illinois," which was pub- lished in book form in 1876. Died in Chicago, June 5, 1876. LINEtiAR, David T., legislator, was born in Ohio, Feb. 12, 1830; came to Spencer County, Ind., in 1840, and to Wayne County, 111., in 1858, afterward locating at Cairo, where he served as Postmaster during the Civil War ; was a Repub- lican Presidential Elector in 1872, but afterwards became a Democrat, and served as such in the lower branch of the General Assembly (1880-86). Died at Cairo, Feb. 2, 1886. LIPPINCOTT, Charles E., State Auditor, was born at Edwardsville, 111., Jan. 26, 1825; attended Illinois College at Jacksonville, but did not graduate; in 1849 graduated from the St. Louis Medical College, and began the practice of medi- cine at Chandlerville, Cass County. In 1852 he went to California, remaining there five years, taking an active part in the anti-slavery contest, and serving as State Senator (1853-55). In 1857, having returned to Illinois, he resumed practice at Chandlerville, and, in 1861, under authority of Governor Yates, recruited a company which was attached to the Thirty-third Illinois Infantry as Company K, and of which he was commissioned Captain, having declined the lieutenant-colo- nelcy. Within twelve months he became Colonel, and, on Sept. 16, 1865, was mustered out as brevet Brigadier-General. In 1866 he reluctantly con- sented to lead the Republican forlorn hope as a candidate for Congress in the (then) Ninth Con- gressional District, largely reducing the Demo- cratic majority. In 1867 he was elected Secretary of the State Senate, and the same year chosen Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives at Washington. In 1868 he was elected State Audi- tor, and re-elected in 1872 ; also served as Perma- nent President of the Republican State Conven- tion of 1878. On the establishment of the Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Quincy, he became its first Superintendent, assuming his duties in March, 1887, but died Sept. 13, following, as a result of injuries received from a runaway team while driving through the grounds of the institu- tion a few days previous. Emily Webster Chandler (Lippincott), wife of the preceding, was born March 13, 1833, at Chandlerville. Cass County, 111., the daughter of Dr. Charles Chand- ler, a prominent physician widely known in that section of the State ; was educated at Jacksonville Female Academy, and married, Dec. 25, 1851, to Dr. (afterwards General) Charles E. Lippincott. Soon after the death of her husband, in Septem- ber, 1887, Mrs. Lippincott, who had already endeared herself by her acts of kindness to the veterans in the Soldiers 1 and Sailors' Home, was appointed Matron of the institution, serving until her death, May 21, 1895. The respect in which she was held by the old soldiers, to whose com fort and necessities she had ministered in hos pital and elsewhere, was shown in a most touching manner at the time of her death, and on the removal of her remains to be laid by the side of her husband, in Oak Ridge Cemetery at Spring- field. LIPPINCOTT, (Rev.) Thomas, early clergy man, was born in Salem, N. J., in 1791; in 1817 started west, arriving in St. Louis in February 1818 ; the same year established himself in mer- cantile business at Milton, then a place of som. importance near Alton. This place proving unhealthy, he subsequently removed to Edwards ville, where he was for a time employed as clerk in the Land Office. He afterwards served a* Secretary of the Senate (1822-23). That he was a man of education and high intelligence, as well as a strong opponent of slavery, is shown by his writings, in conjunction with Judge Samuel D. Lockwood, George Churchill and others, in oppo- sition to the scheme for securing the adoption of a pro-slavery Constitution in Illinois in 1*24. In 1825 he purchased from Hooper Warren "The Edwardsville Spectator," which he edited for a year or more, but soon after entered the ministry of the Presbyterian Church and became an influ- ential factor in building up that denomination in Illinois. He was also partly instrumental in securing the location of Illinois College at Jack sonville. He died at Pana, 111., April 13, 1889. Gen. Charles E. Lippincott, State Auditor (1869-77), was a son of the subject of this sketch LUJUOR LAWS. In the early history of the State, the question of the regulation of the sale of intoxicants was virtually relegated to the control of the local authorities, who granted license, col lected fees, and fixed the tariff of charges. As early as 1851, however, the General Assembly, with a view to mitigating what it was felt had 340 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. become a growing evil, enacted a law popularly known as the "quart law," which, it was hoped, would do away with the indiscriminate sale of liquor by the glass. The law failed to meet the expectation of its framers and supporters, and, in 1855, a prohibitory law was submitted to the elect- ors, which wag rejected at the polls. Since that late a general license system has prevailed, except in certain towns and cities where prohibitory ordinances were adopted. .The regulations gov- erning the traffic, therefore, have been widely variant in different localities. The Legislature, however, has always possessed the same constitu- tional power to regulate the sale of intoxicants, as aconite, henbane, strychnine, or other poisons. In 1879 the Woman's Christian Temperance Union began the agitation of the license question from a new standpoint. In March of that year, a delegation of Illinois women, headed by Miss Frances E. Willard, presented to the Legislature a monster petition, signed by 80,000 voters and 100,000 women, praying for the amendment of the State Constitution, so as to give females above the age of 21 the right to vote upon the granting of licenses in the localities of their residences. Miss Willard and Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, of Iowa, addressed the House in its favor, and Miss Willard spoke to the Senate on the same lines. The measure was defeated in the House by a vote of fifty-five to fifty-three, and the Senate took no action. In 1881 the same bill was introduced anew, but again failed of passage. Nevertheless, persistent agitation was not without its results. In 1883 the Legislature enacted what is generally termed the "High License Law," by the provi- sions of which a minimum license of $500 per annum was imposed for the sale of alcoholic drinks, and $150 for malt liquors, with the authority on the part of municipalities to impose a still higher rate by ordinance. This measure was made largely a partisan issue, the Repub- licans voting almost solidly for it, and the Demo- crats almost solidly opposing it. The bill was promptly signed by Governor Hamilton. The liquor laws of Illinois, therefore, at the present time are based upon local option, high license and local supervision. The criminal code of the State contains the customary provisions respecting the sale of stimulants to minors and other prohibited parties, or at forbidden times, but, in the larger cities, many of the provisions of the State law are rendered practically inoperative by the municipal ordinances, or absolutely nullified by the indifference or studied neglect of the local officials. LITCHFIELD, the principal city of Montgom- ery County, at the intersection of Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis, the Wabash and the Illinois Central, with three other short-line railways, 43 miles south of Springfield and 47 miles northeast of St. Louis. The surrounding country is fer- tile, undulating prairie, in which are found coal, oil and natural gas. A coal mine is operated within the corporate limits. Orain is extensively raised, and Litchfield has several elevators, flour- ing mills, a can factory, briquette works, etc. The output of the manufacturing establishments also includes foundry and machine shop prod- ucts, brick and tile, brooms, ginger ale and cider. The city is lighted by both gas and electricity, and has a Holly water-works system, a public library and public parks, two banks, twelve churches, high and graded schools, and an Ursu- line convent, a Catholic hospital, and two monthly, two weekly, and two daily periodicals. Population (1890), 5,811; (1900), 5,918; (1903. est ), 7,000. LITCHFIELD, CARROLLTON & WESTERN RAILROAD, a line which extends from Colum- biana, on the Illinois River, to Barnett, 111., 51.5 miles; is of standard gauge, the track being laid with fifty-six pound steel rails. It was opened for business, in three different sections, from 1883 to 1887, and for three years was operated in con- nection with the Jacksonville Southeastern Railway. In May, 1890, the latter was sold under foreclosure, and, in November, 1893, the Litch- field, Carrollton & Western reverted to the former owners. Six months later it passed into the hands of a receiver, by whom (up to 1898) it has since been operated. The general offices are at Carlinville. LITTLE, George, merchant and banker, was born in Columbia, Pa., in 1808; came to Rush- ville, 111., in 1836, embarking in the mercantile business, which he prosecuted sixty years. In 1865 he established the Bank of Rushville, of which he was President, in these two branches of business amassing a large fortune. Died, March 5, 1896. LITTLE VERMILION RIVER rises in Ver- milion County, 111., and flows eastwardly into Indiana, emptying into the Wabash in Vermilion County, Ind. LITTLE WABASH RIVER, rises in Effingham and Cumberland Counties, flows east and south through Clay, Wayne and White, and enters the Wabash River about 8 miles above the mouth of the latter. Its estimated length is about 180 miles. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 341 LITTLER, David T., lawyer and State Senator, was born at Clifton, Greene County, Ohio, Feb. 7, 1836; was educated in the common schools in his native State and, at twenty-one, removed to Lincoln , III. , where he worked at the carpenter's trade for two years, meanwhile studying law. He was admitted to the bar in 1860, soon after was elected a Justice of the Peace, and later appointed Master in Chancery. In 1866 he was appointed by President Johnson Collector of Internal Revenue for the Eighth District, but resigned in 1868, removing to Springfield the same year, where he entered into partnership with the late Henry S. Greene, Hilton Hay being admitted to the firm soon after, the partnership continuing untU 1881. In 1882 Mr. Littler was elected Representative in the Thirty-fourth General Assembly from Sangamon County, was re-elected in 1886, and returned to the Senate in 1894, serv- ing in the latter body four years. In both Houses Mr. Littler took a specially prominent part in legislation on the revenue question. LI Y Fit .M OK K, Mary Ashton, reformer and phi- lanthropist, was born (Mary Ashton Rice) in Boston, Mass., Dec. 19, 1821 ; taught for a time in a female seminary in Charlestown, and spent two years as a governess in Southern Virginia; later married Rev. Daniel P. Livermore, a Universalist minister, who held pastorates at various places in Massachusetts and at Quincy, 111., becoming editor of "The New Covenant" at Chicago, in 1857. During this time Mrs. Livermore wrote much for denominational papers and in assisting her husband; in 1862 was appointed an agent, and traveled extensively in the interest of the United States Sanitary Commission, visiting hospitals and camps in the Mississippi Valley; also took a prominent part in the great North- western Sanitary Fair at Chicago in 1863. Of late years she has labored and lectured exten- sively in the interest of woman suffrage and tem- perance, besides being the author of several volumes, one of these being "Pen Pictures of Chicago" (1865). Her home is in Boston. LITINGSTON COUNTY, situated about mid- way between Chicago and Springfield. The sur- face is rolling toward the east, but is level in the west; area, 1,026 square miles; population (1900), 42,035, named for Edward Livingston. It was organized in 1837, the first Commissioners being Robert Breckenridge, Jonathan Moon and Daniel Rockwood. Pontiac was selected as the county- seat, the proprietors donating ample lands and $3,000 in cash for the erection of public buildings. Vermilion River and Indian Creek are the prin- cipal streams. Coal underlies the entire county, and shafts are in successful operation at various points. It is one of the chief agricultural coun- ties of the State, the yield of oats and corn being large. Stock-raising is also extensively carried on. The development of the county really dates from the opening of the Chicago & Alton Rail- road in 1854, since which date it has been crossed by numerous other lines. Pontiac, the county- seat, is situated on the Vermilion, is a railroad center and the site of the State Reform School- Its population in 1890 was 2,784. Dwight has attained a wide reputation as the seat of the parent "Keeley" Institute for the cure of the liquor habit. LOCKPORT, a village in Will County, laid oat in 1837 and incorporated in 1853: situated 33 miles southwest of Chicago, on the Des Plaines River, the Illinois & Michigan Canal, the Atchi- son, Topeka & Santa Fe and the Chicago & Alton Railroads. The surrounding region is agricul- tural ; limestone is extensively quarried. Manu- factures are flour, oatmeal, brass goods, paper and strawboard. It has ten churches, a public and high school, parochial schools, a bank, gas plant, electric car lines, and one weekly paper. The controlling works of the Chicago Drainage Canal and offices of the Illinois & Michigan Canal are located here. Population (1890), 2,449; (1900). 2,659. LOCKW001), Samuel Drake, jurist, was born at Poundridge, Westchester County, N. Y., August 2, 1789 , left fatherless at the age of ten, after a few months at a private school in New Jersey, he went to live with an uncle (Francis Drake) at Waterford, N. Y., with whom he studied law, being admitted to the bar at Batavia, N. Y., in 1811. In 1813 he removed to Auburn, and later became Master in Chancery. In 1818 he descended the Ohio River upon a flat-boat in company with William H. Brown, afterwards of Chicago, and walking across the country from Shawneetown, arrived at Kaskaskia in Decem- ber, but finally settled at Carmi, where he remained a year. In 1821 he was elected Attor- ney-General of the State, but resigned the fol- lowing year to accept the position of Secretary of State, to which he was appointed by Governor Coles, and which he filled only three months, when President Monroe made him Receiver of Public Moneys at Edwardsville. About the same time he was also appointed agent of the First Board of Canal Commissioners. The Legislature of 1824-25 elected him Judge of the Supreme Court, his service extending until the adoption 341! HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. of the Constitution of 1848, which he assisted in framing as a Delegate from Morgan County. In 1851 he was made State Trustee of the Illinois Central Railroad, which office he held until his death. He was always an uncompromising antagonist of slavery and a leading supporter of Governor Coles in opposition to the plan to secure a pro-slavery Constitution in 1834. His personal and political integrity was recognized by all parties. From 1838 to 1833 Judge Lockwood was a citizen of Jacksonville, where he proved him- self an efficient friend and patron of Illinois Col- lege, serving for over a quarter of a century as one of its Trustees, and was also influential in securing several of the State charitable institu- tions there. His later years were spent at Batavia, where he died, April 23, 1874, in the 85th year of his age. LODA, a village of Iroquois County, on the Chicago Division of the Illinois Central Railway, 4 miles north of Paxton. The region is agricul- tural, and the town has considerable local trade. It also has a bank and one weekly paper. Population (1880), 635; (1890), 598; (1900), 668. LOGAN, Cornelius Ambrose, physician and diplomatist, born at Deerfield, Mass., August 6, 1836, the son of a dramatist of the same name , was educated at Auburn Academy and served as Medical Superintendent of St. John's Hospital, Cincinnati, and, later, as Professor in the Hos- pital at Leavenworth, Kan. In 1873 he was appointed United States Minister to Chili, after- wards served as Minister to Guatemala, and again (1881) as Minister to Chili, remaining until 1883. He was for twelve years editor of "The Medical Herald," Leavenworth, Kan., and edited the works of his relative, Gen. John A. Logan (1886), besides contributing to foreign medical publi- cations and publishing two or three volumes on medical and sanitary questions. Resides in Chicago. LOU AN, John, physician and soldier, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, Dec. 30, 1809; at six years of age was taken to Missouri, his family settling near the Grand Tower among the Shaw- nee and Delaware Indians. He began business as clerk in a New Orleans commission house, but returning to Illinois in 1830, engaged in the blacksmith trade for two years ; in 1831 enlisted in the Ninth Regiment Illinois Militia and took part in the Indian troubles of that year and the Black Hawk War of 1833, later being Colonel of the Forty-fourth Regiment State Militia. At the close of the Black Hawk War he settled in Carlinvillt- and having graduated in medicine, engaged in practice in that place until 1861. At the beginning of the war he raised a company for the Seventh Illinois Volunteers, but the quota being already full, it was not accepted. He was finally commissioned Colonel of the Thirty- second Illinois Volunteers, and reported to Gen- eral Grant at Cairo, in January, 1863, a few weeks later taking part in the battles of Forts Henry and Donelson. Subsequently he had command of the Fourth Division of the Army of the Ten- nessee under General Hurlbut. His regiment lost heavily at the battle of Shiloh, he himself being severely wounded and compelled to leave the field. In December, 1864, he was discharged with the brevet rank of Brigadier-General. In 1866 Colonel Logan was appointed by President Johnson United States Marshal for the Southern District of Illinois, serving until 1870, when he resumed the practice of his profession at Carl in ville. Originally a Democrat, he became a Republican on the organization of that party, serving as a delegate to the first Republican State Convention at Bloomington in 1856. He was a man of strong personal characteristics and an earnest patriot. Died at his home at Carlinville. August 24, 1885. LOtiAN, John Alexander, soldier and states- man, was born at old Brownsville, the original county-seat of Jackson County, 111., Feb. 9, 1826, the son of Dr. John Logan, a native of Ireland and an early immigrant into Illinois, where he attained prominence as a public man. Young Logan volunteered as a private in the Mexican War, but was soon promoted to a lieutenancy, and afterwards became Quartermaster of his regiment. He was elected Clerk of Jackson County in 1849, but resigned the office to prose- cute his law studies. Having graduated from Louisville University in 1851, he entered into partnership with his uncle, Alexander M. Jenk ins; was elected to the Legislature as a Democrat in 1853, and again in 1856, having been Prosecut- ing Attorney in the interim. He was chosen a Presidential Elector on the Democratic ticket in 1856, was elected to Congress in 1858, and again in 1860, as a Douglas Democrat. During the special session of Congress in 1861, he left his seat, and fought in the ranks at Bull Run. In September, 1861, he organized the Thirty-first Regiment Illinois Infantry, and was commis- sioned by Governor Yates its Colonel His mili- tary career was brilliant, and he rapidly rose to be Major-General. President Johnson tendered him the mission to Mexico, which he declined. In 1866 he was elected as a Republican to Con HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 343 gross for the State-at-large, and acted as one of the managers in the impeachment trial of the President; was twice re-elected and, in 1871, was chosen United States Senator, as he was again in 1879. In 1884 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the Presidential nomination at the Republican Convention in Chicago, but was finally placed on the ticket for the Vice-Presidency with James G. Blaine, the ticket being defeated in November following. In 1885 he was again elected Senator, but died during his term at Washington, Dec. 26, 1886. General Logan was the author of "The Great Conspiracy" and of "The Volunteer Soldier of America." In 1897 an equestrian statue was erected to his memory on the Lake Front Park in Chicago. LOGAN, Stephen Trigg, eminent Illinois jurist, was born in Franklin County, Ky., Feb. 24, 1800; studied law at Glasgow, Ky . , and was admitted to the bar before attaining his majority. After practicing in his native State some ten years, in 1833 he emigrated to Illinois, settling in Sanga- mon County, one year later opening an office at Springfield. In 1835 he was elevated to the bench of the First Judicial Circuit ; resigned two years later, was re-commissioned in 1839, but again resigned. In 1842, and again in 1844 and 1846, he was elected to the General Assem- bly; also served as a member of the Consti- tutional Convention of 1847. Between 1841 and 1844 he was a partner of Abraham Lin coin. In 1854 he was again chosen a member of the lower house of the Legislature, was a delegate to the Republican National Conven- tion in 1860, and, in 1861, was commissioned by Governor Yates to represent Illinois in the Peace Conference, which assembled in Wash- ington. Soon afterward he retired to private life. As an advocate his ability was widely recognized. Died at Springfield, July 17, 1880. LOGAN COUNTY, situated in the central part of the State, and having an area of about 620 square miles. Its surface is chiefly a level or moderately undulating prairie, with some high ridges, as at Elkhart. Its soil is extremely fertile and well drained by numerous creeks. Coal- mining is successfully carried on. The other staple products are corn, wheat, oats, hay, cattle and pork. Settlers began to locate in 1819-22, and the county was organized in 1839, being originally cut off from Sangamon. In 1840 a portion of Tazewell was added and, in 1845, a part of De Witt County. It was named in honor of Dr. John Logan, father of Senator John A. Logan. Postville was the first county-seat, but. in 1847, a change was made to Mount Pulaski. and, later, to Lincoln, which is the present capi- tal. Population (1890), 25,489; (1900), 28,680. LOMBARD, a village of Dupage County, on the Chicago & Great Western and the Chicago & Northwestern Railways. Population (1880), 378: (1890), 515; (1900), 590. LOMBARD UNIVERSITY, an institution at Galesburg under control of the Univeraalist denomination, founded in 1851. It has prepara- tory, collegiate and theological departments. The collegiate department includes both classical and scientific courses, with a specially arranged course of three years for young women, who con- stitute nearly half the number of students. The University has an endowment of $200,000, and owns additional property, real and personal, of the value of $100,000. In 1898 it reported a fac- ulty of thirteen professors, with an attendance of 191 students. LONDON MILLS, a village and railway station of Fulton County, on the Fulton Narrow Gauge and Iowa Central Railroads, 19 miles southeast of Galesburg. The district is agricultural; the town has two banks and a weekly newspaper; fine brick clay is mined. Pop. (1900), 528. LON(J, Stephen Harrlman, civil engineer, was born in Hopkinton, N. H., Dec. 30, 1784; gradu ated at Dartmouth College in 1809, and, after teaching some rears, entered the United States Army in December, 1814, as a Lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers, acting as Assistant Professor of Mathematics at West Point; in 1816 was trans ferred to the Topographical Engineers with the brevet rank of Major. From 1818 to 1823 he had charge of explorations between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains, and. in 1823-24. to the sources of the Mississippi. One of the highest peaks of the Rocky Mountains was named in his honor. Between 1827 and 1830 he was employed as a civil engineer on the Baltimore 4 Ohio Railroad, and from 1837 to 1840, as Engineer in-Chief of the Western & Atlantic Railroad, in Georgia, where he introduced a system of curves and a new kind of truss bridge afterwards gener- ally adopted. On the organization of the Topo graphical Engineers as a separate corps in 1838. he became Major of that body, and, in 1861, chief, with the rank of Colonel. An account of his first expedition to the Rocky Mountains (1819-20) by Dr. Edwin James, was published in 1823, and the following year appeared "Long's Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake of the Woods, Etc." He was a member of the Ameri- can Philosophical Society and the author of the 344 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. first original treatise on railroad building ever published in this country, under the title of "Railroad Manual" (1829). During the latter days of his life his home was at Alton, 111., where he died, Sept. 4, 1864. Though retired from active service in June, 1863, he continued in the discharge of important duties up to his death. LONGENEOKER, Joel H., lawyer, was born in Crawford County, 111., 'June 12, 1847; before reaching his eighteenth year he enlisted in the Fifth Illinois Cavalry, serving until the close of the war. After attending the high school at Robinson and teaching for some time, he began the study of law and was admitted to the bar at Olney in 1870; served two years as City Attorney and four (1877-81) as Prosecuting Attorney, in the latter year removing to Chicago. Here, in 1884, he be- came the assistant of Luther Laflin Mills in the office of Prosecuting Attorney of Cook County, retaining that position with Mr. Mills' successor, Judge Grinnell. On the promotion of the latter to the bench, in 1886, Mr. Longenecker succeeded to the office of Prosecuting Attorney, continuing in that position until 1892. While in this office he conducted a large number of important crimi- nal cases, the most important, perhaps, being the trial of the murderers of Dr. Cronin, in which he gained a wide reputation for skill and ability as a prosecutor in criminal cases. LOOMIS, (Rev. > Hubbell, clergyman and edu- cator, was born in Colchester, Conn., May 31, 1775 ; prepared for college in the common schools and at Plainfield Academy, in his native State, finally graduating at Union College, N. Y., in 1799 having supported himself during a con- siderable part of his educational course by manual labor and teaching. He subsequently studied theology, and, for twenty-four years, served as pastor of a Congregational church at Willington, Conn., meanwhile fitting a number of young men for college, including among them Dr. Jared Sparks, afterwards President of Har- vard College and author of numerous historical works. About 1829 his views on the subject of baptism underwent a change, resulting in his uniting himself with the Baptist Church. Com- ing to Illinois soon after, he spent some time at Kaskaskia and Edwardsville, and, in 1832, located at Upper Alton, where he became a prominent factor in laying the foundation of Shurtleff Col- lege, first by the establishment of the Baptist Seminary, of which he was the Principal for several years, and later by assisting, in 1835, to secure the charter of the college in which the seminary was merged. His name stood first on the list of Trustees of the new institution, and, in proportion to his means, he was a liberal con- tributor to its support in the period of its infancy. The latter years of his life were spent among hit; books in literary and scientific pursuits. Died at Upper Alton, Dec. 15, 1872, at the advanced age of nearly 98 years. A son of his Prof. Ellas Loomis an eminent mathematician and natural- ist, was the author of "Loomis' Algebra" and other scientific text-books, in extensive use in the colleges of the country. He held professorships in various institutions at different times, the last being that of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in Yale College, from 1860 up to his death in 1889. LOB1MER, William, Member of Congress, was born in Manchester, England, of Scotch parent- age, April 27, 1861; came with his parents to America at five years of age, and, after spending some years in Michigan and Ohio, came to Chi- cago in 1870, where he entered a private school. Having lost his father by death at twelve years of age, he became an apprentice in the sign-paint- ing business; was afterwards an employe on a street-railroad, finally engaging in the real-estate business and serving as an appointee of Mayor Roche and Mayor Washburne in the city water department. In 1892 he was the Republican nominee for Clerk of the Superior Court, but was defeated. Two years later he was elected to the Fifty- fourth Congress from the Second Illinois District, and re-elected in 1896, as he was again in 1898. His plurality in 1896 amounted to 26,736 votes. LOUISVILLE, the county-seat of Clay County ; situated on the Little Wabash River and on the Springfield Division of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad. It is 100 miles south- southeast of Springfield and 7 miles north of Flora; has a courthouse, three churches, a high school, a savings bank and two weekly news- papers. Population (1890), 637; (1900) 646. LOUISVILLE, EVANSVILLE & NEW AL- BANY RAILROAD. (See Louisville, Evansvillr & St. Louis (Consolidated) Railroad. ) LOUISVILLE, EVANSVILLE & ST. LOUIS (Consolidated) RAILROAD. The length of this entire line is 358.55 miles, of which nearly 150 miles are operated in Illinois. It crosses the State from East St. Louis to Mount Carmel, on the Wabash River. Within Illinois the system uses a single track of standard gauge, laid with steel rails on white-oak ties. The grades are usually light, although, as the line leaves the Mississippi bottom, the gradient is about two per cent or 105.6 feet per mile. The total capitalization HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. (1898) was $18,236,246, of which $4,247,909 was in stock and $10,568,350 in bonds. (HISTORY.) The original corporation was organized in both Indi- ana and Illinois in 1869, and the Illinois section of the line opened from Mount Cannel to Albion (18 miles) in January, 1873. The Indiana division was sold under foreclosure in 1876 to the Louis- ville, New Albany & St. Louis Railway Com- pany, while the Illinois division was reorganized in 1878 under the name of the St. Louis, Mount Carmel & New Albany Railroad. A few months later the two divisions were consolidated under the name of the former. In 1881 this line was again consolidated with the Evansville, Rockport & Eastern Railroad (of Indiana), taking the name of the Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis Railroad. In 1889, by a still further consolidation, it absorbed several short lines in Indiana and Illi- nois those in the latter State being the Illinois & St. Louis Railroad and Coal Company, the Belleville, Centralia & Eastern (projected from Belleville to Mount Vernon) and the Venice & Carondelet the new organization assuming the present name Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis (Consolidated) Railroad. LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILROAD, a corporation operating an extensive system of railroads, chiefly south of the Ohio River and extending through Kentucky and Tennessee into Indiana. The portion of the line in Illinois (known as the St. Louis, Evansville & Nashville line) extends from East St. Louis to the W abash River, in White County (133.64 miles), with branches from Belleville to O'Fallon (6.07 miles), and from McLeansboro to Shawneetown (40.7 miles) total, 180.41 miles. The Illinois Divi- sion, though virtually owned by the operating line, is formally leased from the Southeast & St. Louis Railway Company, whose corporate exist- ence is merely nominal. The latter company acquired title to the property after foreclosure in November, 1880, and leased it in perpetuity to the Louisville & Nashville Company. The total earnings and income of the leased line in Illinois, for 1898, were $1,052,789, and the total expendi- tures (including 847,198 taxes) were $657,125. LOUISVILLE & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. (See Jacksonville Is a vigorous and effective campaign speaker. In 1897 he was elected United States Senator, receiving in the Legislature 125 votes to 77 for John P. Altgeld, the Democratic candidate. MASON CITY, a prosperous city in Mason County, at the intersection of the Chicago A HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 355 Alton and the Havana branch of the Illinois Central Railroads, 18 miles west by north of Lincoln, and about 30 miles north of Springfield. Being in the heart of a rich corn-growing district, it is an important shipping point for that com- modity. It has four churches, two banks, two newspapers, brick works, flour-mills, grain-ele- vators and a carriage factory. Population ( 1880), 1,714; (1890), 1,869; (1900), 1,890. MASON COUNTY, organized in 1841, with a population of about 2,000; population (1900), 17,491, and area of 560 square miles, named for a county in Kentucky. It lies a little northwest of the center of the State, the Illinois and Sanga- inon Rivers forming its west and its south bound- aries. The soil, while sandy, is fertile. The chief staple is corn, and the county offers excel- lent opportunities for viticulture. The American pioneer of Mason County was probably Maj. Ossian B. Ross, who settled at Havana in 1832. Not until 1837, however, can immigration be said to have set in rapidly. Havana was first chosen as the county -seat, but Bath enjoyed the honor for a few years, the county offices being per- manently removed to the former point in 1851. Mason City is an important shipping point on the Chicago & Alton Railroad MASONS, ANCIENT ORDER OF FREE AND ACCEPTED. (See Free-Masons. ) MASSAC COUNTY, an extreme southern county of the State and one of the smallest, its area, being but little more than 240 square miles, with a population (1900) of 13,110 named for Fort Massac, within its borders. The surface is hilly toward the north, but the bottom lands along the Ohio River are swampy and liable to frequent overflows. A considerable portion of the natural resources consists of timber oak, wal- nut, poplar, hickory, cypress and cottonwood abounding. Saw-mills are found in nearly every town, and considerable grain and tobacco are raised. The original settlers were largely from Ohio, Kentucky and North Carolina, and hospi- tality is traditional. Metropolis, on the Ohio River, is the county-seat. It was laid off in 1839, although Massac County was not separately organized until 1843. At Massac City may be seen the ruins of the early French fort of that name. MASSAC COUNTY REBELLION, the name commonly given to an outbreak of mob violence which occurred in Massac County, in 1845-46. An arrested criminal having asserted that an organ- ized band of thieves and robbers existed, and having given the names of a large number of the alleged members, popular excitement rose to fever heat. A company of self-appointed "regu- lators" was formed, whose acts were so arbitrary that, at the August election of 1846, a Sheriff and County Clerk were elected on the avowed issue of opposition to these irregular tactics. This served to stimulate the "regulators" to renewed activity. Many persons were forced to leave the county on suspicion, and others tortured into making confession. In consequence, some leading ' ' regulators' ' were thrown into jail, only to be soon released by their friends, who ordered the Sheriff and County Clerk to leave the county. The feud rapidly grew, both in proportions and in inten- sity. Governor French made two futile efforts to restore order through mediation, and the ordinary processes of law were also found unavailing. Judge Scales was threatened with lynching Only 60 men dared to serve in the Sheriff's posse, and these surrendered upon promise of personal immunity from violence. This pledge was not regarded, several members of the posse being led away as prisoners, some of whom, it was believed, were drowned in the Ohio River. All the incarcer- ated "regulators" were again released, the Sheriff and his supporters were once more ordered to leave, and fresh seizures and outrages followed each other in quick succession. To remedy this condition of affairs, the Legislature of 1847 enacted a law creating district courts, under the provi- sions of which a Judge might hold court in any county in his circuit. This virtually conferred upon the Judge the right to change the venue at his own discretion, and thus secure juries unbiased by local or partisan feeling. The effect of this legislation was highly beneficial in restoring quiet, although the embers of the feud still smoldered and intermittently leaped into flame for several years thereafter. MATHENY, Charles R., pioneer, was born in Loudoun County, Va., March 6, 1786, licensed as a Methodist preacher, in Kentucky, and, in 1805, came to St. Clair County (then in Indiana Terri- tory), as a missionary. Later, he studied law and was admitted to the bar; served in the Third Territorial (1817) and the Second State Legisla- tures (1820-22) ; removed, in 1821, to the newly organized county of Sangamon, where he was appointed the first County Clerk, remaining in office eighteen years, also for some years holding, at the same time, the offices of Circuit Clerk, Recorder and Probate Judge. Died, while County Clerk, in 1839. Noh W. (Matheny), son of the preceding, was born in St. Clair County, HI. , July 31. 1815; was assistant of his father in the :!56 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. County Clerk's office in Sangamon County, and, on the death of the latter, (November, 1839), was elected his successor, and re-elected for eight con- secutive terms, serving until 1873. Died, April 30, 1877. James H. (Matheny), another son. born Oct. 30, 1818, in St. Clair County; served in his youth as Clerk in various local offices; was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1847, elected Circuit Clerk in 1853, at the close of his term beginning the practice of law; was com- missioned Lieutenant-Colonel of the One Hundred and Fourteenth Illinois Volunteers, in October, 1862, and, after the siege of Vicksburg. served as Judge Advocate until July, 1864, when he resigned. He then returned to his profession, but, in 1873, was elected County Judge of Sanga- mon County, holding the office by repeated re- elections until his death, Sept. 7, 1890, having resided in Springfield 68 years. MATHER, Thomas, pioneer merchant, was born, April 24, 1795, at Simsbury, Hartford County, Conn. . in early manhood was engaged for a time in business in New York City, but, in the spring of 1818, came to Ka.ska.skia, 111., where he soon after became associated in business with James L. Lamb and others. This firm was afterwards quite extensively engaged in trade with New Orleans. Later he became one of the founders of the town of Chester. In 1820 Mr. Mather was elected to the lower branch of the Second General Assembly from Randolph County, was re-elected to the Third (serving for a part of the session as Speaker), and again to the Fourth, but, before the expiration of his last term, resigned to accept an appointment from Presi i lent John Quincy Adams as Commissioner to locate the military road from Independence to Santa Fe, and to conclude treaties with the Indians along the line. In the Legislature of 1822 he was one of the most determined oppo- nents of the scheme for securing a pro-slavery Constitution. In 1828 he was again elected to the House and. in 1832, to the Senate for a term oi four years. He also served as Colonel on the staff of Governor Coles, and was supported for the United States Senate, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John McLean, in 1830. Having removed to Springfield in 1835, he became promi- nent in business affairs there in connection with his former partner, Mr. James L. Lamb ; in 1837 was appointed a member of the first Board of Fund Commissioners for the State under the internal improvement system ; also served seven years as President of the Springfield branch of the State Hank: was connected, as a stork- holder, with the construction of the Sangamon & Morgan (now Wabash) Railroad, extending from Springfield to the Illinois river at Naples, and was also identified, financially, with the old Chi- cago & Galena Union Railroad. From 1835 until his death. Colonel Mather served as one of the Trustees of Illinois College at Jacksonville, and was a liberal contributor to the endowment of that institution. His death occurred during a visit to Philadelphia, March 28, 1853. MATTESON, Joel Aldrich, ninth regularly elected Governor of Illinois (1853-57), was born in Watertown, N. Y.. August 8, 1808; after some experience in business and as a teacher, in 1831 he went to South Carolina, where he was foreman in the construction of the first railroad in that State. In 1834 he removed to Illinois, where he became a contractor on the Illinois & Michigan Canal, and also engaged in manufacturing at Juliet. After serving three terms in the State Senate, he was elected Governor in 1853, and, in 1855, was defeated by Lyman Trumbull for the United States Senator-ship. At the close of his gubernatorial term he was complimented by the Legislature, and retired to private life a popular man. Later, there were developed grave scandals in connection with the refunding of certain canal scrip, with which his name unfortunately was connected. He turned over property to the State of the value of nearly $250,000. for its indemnification. He finally took up his resi- dence in Chicago, and later spent considerable time in travel in Europe. He was for many years the lessee and President of the Chicago & Alton Railroad. Died in Chicago, Jan. 31, 1873. MATTHEWS, Asa ( ., ex-Comptroller of the United States Treasury, was born in Pike County, 111., March 22, 1833; graduated from Illinois Col- lege in 1855, and was admitted to the bar three years later. Upon the outbreak of the Civil War, he abandoned a remunerative practice at Pitts- field to enlist in the army, and was elected and commissioned a Captain in the Ninety-ninth Illi- nois Volunteers. He rose to the rank of Colonel, being mustered out of the service in August, 1865. He was appointed Collector of Internal Revenue in 1869, and Supervisor for the District composed of Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan, in 1875. Being elected to the Thirtieth General Assembly in 1876, he resigned his office, and was re-elected to the Legislature in 1878. On the death of Judge Higbee, Governor Hamilton appointed Mr. Matthews to fill the vacancy thus created on the bench of the Sixth Circuit, his term expiring in 1885. In 1888 he was elected to HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. the Thirty-sixth General Assembly and was chosen Speaker of the House. In May, 1889, President Harrison named him First Comp- troller of the United States Treasury, and the House, by a unanimous vote, expressed its grati- fication at his selection. Since retiring from office, Colonel Matthews has devoted his attention to the practice of his profession at Pittsfield. MATTHEWS, Milton W., lawyer and journal- ist, was born in Clark County, 111., March 1, 1846, educated in the common schools, and, near the close of the war, served in a 100-days' regiment ; began teaching in Champaign County in 1865, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1867 ; in 1878 was appointed Master in Chancery, served two terms as Prosecuting Attorney, and, in 1888, was elected to the State Senate, meanwhile, from 1879, discharging the duties of editor of "The Champaign County Herald," of which he was also proprietor. During his last session in the State Senate (1891-93) he served as President pro tern, of that body: was also President of the State Press Association and served on the staff of Governor Fifer, with the rank of Colonel of the Illinois National Guard. Died, at Urbana, May 10, 1892. MATTOON, an important city in Coles County, 173 miles west of south from Chicago and 56 miles west of Terre Haute, Ind. ; a point of junction for three lines of railway, and an important shipping point for corn and broom corn, which are both extensively grown in the surrounding region. It has several banks, foundries, machine shops, brick and tile-works, flour-mills, grain-elevators, with two daily and four weekly newspapers; also lias good graded schools and a high school. The repair shops of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chi- cago & St. Louis Railroad are located here. Population (1890), 6.833; (1900), 9,632. MAXWELL, Philip, M.D., pioneer physician, was born at Guilford, Vt., April 3, 1799, graduated in medicine and practiced for a time at Sackett's Harbor, also serving in the New York Legisla- ture; was appointed Assistant Surgeon at Fort Dearborn, in 1833, remaining intil the abandon- ment of the fort at the end of 1836. In 1838 he was promoted Surgeon, and served with Gen. Zachary Taylor in the campaign against the Semi- noles in Florida, but resumed private practice in Chicago in 1844; served two terms as Represent ative in the General Assembly (1848-52) and, in 1855, settled on the shores of Lake Geneva, Wis., where he died, Nov. 5, 1859. MAY, William I... early lawyer and Congress- man, was born in Kentucky, came at an early day to Edwardsville, 111., and afterwards to Jackson- ville; was elected from Morgan County to the Sixth General Assembly (1828), and the next year removed to Springfield, having been appointed by President Jackson Receiver of Public Moneys for the Land Office there. He was twice elected to Congress (1834 and '36). the first year defeating Benjamin Mills, a brilliant lawyer of Galena. Later, May became a resident of Peoria, but finally removed to California, where he died. MAYO, Walter L., legislator, was born in Albe- marle County Va.. March T, 1810; caine to Edwards County. 111., in 1828, and began teach- ing. He took part in the Black Hawk War (1831-32), being appointed by Governor Reynolds Quartermaster of a battalion organized in that section of the State. He had previously been appointed County Clerk of Edwards County to fill a vacancy, and continued, by successive re-elec- tions, to occupy the position for thirty-seven years also acting, for a portion of the time, as Circuit Clerk, Judge of Probate and County Treas- urer. In 1870 he was elected Representative in the Twenty-seventh General Assembly for the Edwards County District. On the evening of Jan. 18, 1878, he mysteriously disappeared, having been last seen at the Union Depot at East St Louis, when about to take the train for his home at Albion, and is supposed to have been secretly murdered. No trace of his body or of the crime was ever discovered, and the affair has remained one of the mysteries of the criminal history of Illinois. MATWOOD, a village of Cook County, and suburb of Chicago, 10 miles west of that city, on the Chicago & Northwestern and the Chicago Great Western Railways; has churches, two weekly newspapers, public schools and some manufactures. Population (1900), 4,532. MCALLISTER, William K., jurist, was born in Washington County. N". Y.. in 1818. After admission to the bar he commenced practice at Albion, N. Y.. and, in 1854. removed to Chicago. In 1866 he was a candidate for the bench of the Superior Court of that city, but was defeated by Judge Jameson. Two years later he was chosen Judge of the Recorder's Court, and, in 1870, was elected a Justice of the Supreme Court, which position he resigned in 1875, having been elected a Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County to fill a vacancy. He was re-elected for a full term and assigned to Appellate Court duty in 1878. He was elected for a third time in 1885, but. before the expiration of his term, he died. Oct 29. 1S8K 358 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. McARTHUR, John, soldier, was born in I'.rs kine, Scotland, Nov. 17, 1826; worked at his father's trade of blacksmith until 23 years old, when, coming to the United States, he settled in Chicago. Here he became foreman of a boiler- making establishment, later acquiring an estab- lishment of his own. Hiving joined the Twelfth Illinois Volunteers at the beginning of the war, with a company of which he was Captain, he was chosen Lieutenant-Colonel, still later Colonel, and. in March, 18C2, promoted to Brigadier-Gen- eral for gallantry in the assault on Fort Donelson, where he commanded a brigade. At Shiloh he was wounded, but after having his wound dressed, returned to the fight and succeeded to the com- mand of the Second Division when Gen. W. H. 1 . Wallace fell mortally wounded. He commanded a division of McPherson's corps in the operations against Vicksburg, and bore a conspicuous part in the battle of Nashville, where he commanded a division under Gen. A. J. Smith, winning a brevet Major-Generalship by his gallantry. General McArthur was Postmaster of Chicago from 1873 to 1877. McCAUG, Ezra Butler, lawyer, was born at Kinderhook, N Y., Nov. 22, 1825; studied law at Hudson, and, coming to Chicago in 1847, entered the law office of J. Young Scammon, soon after- wards becoming a member of the firm of Scam- mon & McCagg. During the war Mr. McCagg was an active member of the United States Sani- tary Commission, and (for some years after the fire of 1871) of the Relief and Aid Society ; is also a life-member and officer of the Chicago Histori- cal Society, besides being identified with several State and municipal boards. His standing in his profession is shown by the fact that he has been more than once offered a non-partisan nomina- tion for Justice of the Supreme Court, but has de- clined. He occupies a high rank in literary circles, as well as a connoisseur in art, and is the owner of a large private library collected since the destruction of one of the best in the West by the fire of 1871. McCARTXEY, James, lawyer and ex-Attorney General, was born of Scotch parentage in the north of Ireland. Feb. 14, 1835; at two years of age was brought to the United States and, until 1845, resided in Pennsylvania, when his parents removed to Trumbull County, Ohio. Here he spent his youth in general farm work, meanwhile attending a high school and finally engaging in teaching. In 1856 he began the study of law at Warren, Ohio, which he continued a year later in the office of Harding & Reed, at Monmouth, 111. ; was admitted to the bar in January, 1858, and began practice at Monmouth, removing the fol- lowing year toGalva. In April, 1861, he enlisted in what afterwards became the Seventeenth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, was commissioned a First Lieutenant, but, a year later, was com- pelled to resign on account of ill-health. A few months later he re-enlisted in the One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois, being soon promoted to ;i captaincy, although serving much of the time a.- Judge Advocate on courts-martial, and, for one year, as Acting Assistant Adjutant-General in the Army of the Ohio. At the conclusion of his term of service in the army, he resumed the practice of his profession at Fairfield, 111. ; in 1880 was nominated and elected, as a Republican, Attorney- General of the State, and, during his last year in office, began the celebrated "Lake Front suits" which finally terminated successfully for the city of Chicago. Since retiring from office, Gen eral McCartney has been engaged in the practice of his profession, chiefly in Springfield and Chi- cago, having been a resident of the latter city since 1890. HcCARTNEY, Robert Wilson, lawyer and jurist, was born in Trumbull County, Ohio. March 19, 1843, spent a portion of his boyhood in Pennsylvania, afterwards returning to Youngs- town, Ohio, where he enlisted as a private in the Sixth Ohio Cavalry. He was severely wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, lying two days and nights on the field and enduring untold suffering. As soon as able to take the field he was commis- sioned, by Governor Cur! in. a Captain in the Eighty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, serving in the army of the Potomac to the close of the war. and taking part in the grand review at Washing- ton in May, 1865. After the war he took a course in a business college at Pittsburg, removed to Cleveland and began the study of law, but soon came to Illinois, and, having completed his law studies with his brother, J. T. McCartney, at Metropolis, was admitted to the bar in 1868 ; also edited a Republican paper there, became inter ested in lumber manufacture and was one of the founders of the First National Bank of that city. In 1873 he was elected County Judge of Massac County, serving nine years, when (1882) he was elected Representative in the Thirty-third Gen- eral Assembly. At the close of his term in the Legislature he was elected Judge of the Circuit Court for the first Circuit, serving from 1885 to 1891. Died, Oct. 27, 1893. Judge McCartney was able, public-spirited and patriotic. The city of Metropolis owes to him the Free Public Library bearing his name. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 359 McCLAUGHRY, Robert Wilson, penologist, was born at Fountain Green, Hancock County, III., July 22, 1839, being descended from Scotch- Irish ancestry his grandfather, who was a native of the North of Ireland, having come to America in his youth and served in the War of the Revolu- tion. The subject of this sketch grew up on a farm, attending school in the winter until 1854, then spent the next two winters at an academy, and, in 1856, began a course in Monmouth Col- lege, where he graduated in 1860. The following year he spent as instructor in Latin in the same institution, but, in 1861, became editor of "The Carthage Republican," a Democratic paper, which he made a strong advocate of the cause of the Union, meanwhile, both by his pen and on the stump, encouraging enlistments in the army. About the first of July, 1862, having disposed of his interest in the paper, he enlisted in a company of which he was unanimously chosen Captain, and which, with four other companies organized in the same section, became the nucleus of the One Hundred and Eighteenth Illinois Volunteers. The regiment having been completed at Camp Butler, he was elected Major, and going to the field in the following fall, took part in General Sherman's first movement against Vicksburg by way of Chickasaw Bayou, in December, 1862. Later, as a member of Osterhaus' Division of Gen- eral McClernand's corps, he participated with his regiment in the capture of Arkansas Post, and in the operations against Vicksburg which resulted in the capture of that stronghold, in July, 1863. He then joined the Department of the Gulf under command of General Banks, but was compelled by sickness to return north. Having sufficiently recovered, he spent a few months in the recruit- ing service (1864), but, in May of that year, was transferred, by order of President Lincoln, to the Pay Department, as Additional-Paymaster, with the rank of Major, being finally assigned to duty at Springfield, where he remained, paying off Illi- nois regiments as mustered out of the service, until Oct. 13, 1865, when he was honorably dis- charged. A few weeks later he was elected County Clerk of Hancock County, serving four years. In the meantime he engaged in the stone business, as head of the firm of R. \V. McClaughry & Co., furnishing stone for the basement of the State Capitol at Springfield and for bridges across the Mississippi at Quincy and Keokuk later being engaged in the same business at St. Gene- vieve. Mo., with headquarters at St. Louis. Com- pelled to retire by failing health, he took up his residence at Monmouth in 1873, but, in 1874, was called to the wardenship of the State Peniten- tiary at Joliet. Here he remained until December, 1888, when he resigned to accept the superin- tendent 1 }- of the Industrial Reformatory at Huntingdon, Pa., but, in May, 1891, accepted from Mayor Washburne the position of Chief of Police in Chicago, continuing in service, under Mayor Harrison, until August, 1893, when he became Superintendent of the Illinois State Reformatory at Pontiac. Early in 1897 he was again offered and accepted the position of Warden of the State Penitentiary at Joliet. Here he re- mained until 1899, when he received from Presi- dent McKinley the appointment of Warden of the Military Prison at Fort Leaven worth, Kan., which position he now (1899) occupies. Major Mc- Claughry 's administration of penal and reforma- tory institutions has been eminently satisfactory, and he has taken rank as one of the most success- ful penologists in the country. McCLELLAN, Robert H., lawyer and banker, was born in Washington County, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1823; graduated at Union College, Schenectady, in 1847, and then studied law with Hon. Martin I. Townsend, of Troy, being admitted to the bar in 1850. The same year he removed to Galena, 111. ; during his first winter there, edited "The Galena Gazette," and the following spring formed a partnership with John M. Douglas, afterwards General Solicitor and President of the Illinois Central Railroad, which ended with the removal of the latter to Chicago, when Mr. McClellan succeeded him as local attorney of the road at Galena. In 1834 Mr. McClellan became President of the Bank of Galena later the "National Bank of Galena" remaining for over twenty years. He is also largely interested in local manufac- tories and financial institutions elewhere. He served as a Republican Representative in the Twenty-second General Assembly (1861-62), and as Senator (1876-80), and maintained a high rank as a sagacious and judicious legislator. Liberal, public-spirited and patriotic, his name has been prominently connected with all movements for the improvement of his locality and the advance- ment of the interests of the State. McCLERNAND, John Alexander, a volunteer officer in the Civil War and prominent Demo- cratic politician, was born in Breckenridge County, Ky., May 30, 1812, brought to Shawnee- town in 1816, was admitted to the bar in 1832. and engaged in journalism for a time. He served in the Black Hawk War, and was elected to the Legislature in 1836. and again in 1840 and '42. The latter year he was elected to Congress, serv- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ing four consecutive terms, but declining a renomination, being about to remove to Jackson- ville, where he resided from 1851 to 1856. Twice (1840 and '52) he was a Presidential Elector on the Democratic ticket. In 1856 he removed to Springfield, and, in 1859, re-entered Congress as Representative of the Springfield District; was re-elected in 1860, but resigned in 1861 to accept a commission as Brigadier-General of Volunteers from President Lincoln, being promoted Major- General early in 1862. He participated in the battles of Belmont, Fort Donelson, Shiloh and before Vicksburg, and was in command at the rapture of Arkansas Post, but was severely criti- cised for some of his acts during the Vicksburg campaign and relieved of his command by Gen- eral Grant. Having finally been restored by order of President Lincoln, he participated in the campaign in Louisiana and Texas, but resigned his commission in 1864. General McClernand presided over the Democratic National Conven- tion of 1876, and, in 1886, was appointed by Presi- dent Cleveland one of the members of the Utah Commission, serving through President Harri- son's administration. He was also elected Circuit Judge in 1870, as successor to Hon. B. S. Edwards, who had resigned. Died Sept. 20, 1900. McCLURt), Alexander ('., soldier and pub- lisher, was born in Philadelphia but grew up in Pittsburg, where his father was an iron manu- facturer. He graduated at Miami University- Oxford, Ohio., and, after studying law for a time with Chief Justice Lowrie of Pennsylvania, came to Chicago in 1859, and entered the bookstore of 8. C. Griggs & Co., as a junior clerk. Early in 1861 he enlisted as a private in the War of the Rebellion, but the quota of three-months' men being already full, his services were not accepted. In August. 1862, he became a member of the "Crosby Guards," afterwards incorporated in the Eighty -eighth Illinois Infantry (Second Board of Trade Regiment), and was unanimously elected Captain of Company H. After the battle of Perryville, he was detailed as Judge Advocate at Nashville, and, in the following year, offered the position of Assistant Adjutant-General on the staff of General McCook, afterwards serving in a similar capacity on the staffs of Generals Thomas. Sheridan and Baird. He took part in the defense of Chattanooga and, at the battle of Missionary Ridge, had two horses shot under him ; was also with the Fourteenth Army Corps in the Atlanta campaign, and, at the request of Gen. Jeff. C. Davis, was promoted to the rank of Colonel and brevetted Brigadier-General later, being pre- sented with a sword bearing the names of the principal battles in which he was engaged, besides being especially complimented in letters by Generals Sherman, Thomas, Baird, Mitchell. Davis and others. He was invited to enter the regular army at the close of the war, but pre- ferred to return to private life, and resumed his former position with S. C. Griggs & Co., soon after becoming a junior partner in the concern, of which he has since become the chief. In the various mutations through which this extensive firm has gone, General McCIurg has been a lead- ing factor until now (and since 18U7) he stands at the head of the most extensive publishing firm west of New York. McCOMNEL, Murray, pioneer and lawyer, was born in Orange County, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1798, anil educated in the common schools; left home at 14 years of age and, after a year at Louisville, spent several years flat-boating, trading and hunting in the West, during this period visiting Arkansas, Texas and Kansas, finally settling on a farm near Herculaneum, Mo. In 1823 he located in Scott (then a part of Morgan) County, 111. , but when the town of Jacksonville was laid out. became a citizen of that place. During the Black Hawk War (July and August, 1832), he served on the staff of Gen. J. D. Henry with the rank <>f Major; in 1837 was appointed by Governor Dun- can a member of the Board of Public Works for the First Judicial District, in this capacity having charge of the construction of the railroad between Meredosia and Springfield (then known as the Northern Cross Railroad) the first public rail- road built in the State, and the only one con- structed during the "internal improvement" era following 1837. He also held a commission from Governor French as Major-General of State Mi- litia, in 1855 was appointed by President Pierce Fifth Auditor of the Treasury Department, but retired in 1859. In 1832, on his return from the Black Hawk War, he was elected a Repre sentative in the State Legislature from Morgan County, and, in 1864, was elected to the State Senate for the District composed of Morgan. Menard, Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, serving until 1868. Though previously a Demo- crat and a delegate to the Democratic National Convention of 1860, he was an earnest supporter of the war policy of the Government, and was one of four Democratic Senators, in the General Assembly of 1865, who voted for the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment of the National Constitution, prohibiting slavery in the United States. His death occurred by assassination, by HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 361 some unknown person, in his office at Jackson ville, Feb. 9, 1869. John Ludluiii (McConnel), son of the preceding, was born in Jacksonville. 111., Nov. 11, 1886, studied law and graduated at Transylvania Law School; in 1846 enlisted as a private in the Mexican War, became First Lieu- tenant and was promoted Captain after the battle of Buena Vista, where he was twice wounded. After the war he returned to Jacksonville and wrote several books illustrative of Western life and character, which were published between 1850 and 1853. At the time of his death Jan. 17. 1862 he was engaged in the preparation of a "History of Early Explorations in America," hav- ing special reference to the labors of the early Roman Catholic missionaries. HcCONNELL, (Gen). John, soldier, was born in Madison County, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1824, and came with his parents to Illinois when about sixteen years of age. His father (James McConnell) was a native of Ireland, who came to the United States shortly before the War of 1812, and, after remaining in New York until 1840, came to San- gamon County, III., locating a few miles south of Springfield, where he engaged extensively in sheep-raising. He was an enterprising and pro- gressive agriculturist, and was one of the founders of the State Agricultural Society, being President of the Convention of 1852 which resulted in its organization. His death took place, Jan. 7, 1867. The subject of this sketch was engaged with his father and brothers in the farming and stock business until 1861, when he raised a company for the Third Illinois Cavalry, of which he was elected Captain, was later promoted Major, serv- ing until March, 1863, during that time taking part in some of the important battles of the war in Southwest Missouri, including Pea Ridge, and was highly complimented by his commander, Gen. G. M. Dodge, for bravery. Some three months after leaving the Third Cavalry, he was commissioned by Governor Yates Colonel of the Fifth Illinois Cavalry, and, in March, 1865, was commissioned Brevet Brigadier-General, his com- mission being signed by President Lincoln on April 14, 1865, the morning preceding the night of his assassination. During the latter part of his service. General McConnell was on duty in Texas, being finally mustered out in October, 1865. After the death of his father, and until 1879, he continued in the business of sheep-raising and farming, being for a time the owner of several extensive farms in Sangamon County, but, in 1879, engaged in the insurance business in Springfield, where he died, March 14, 1898. McCONNELL, Samuel P., sou r,t the preceding, was born at Springfield, III, on July 5, 1849 After completing his literary studies he read law at Springfield in the office of Stuart, Edwards & Brown, and was admitted to the bar in 1872, soon after establishing himself in practice in Chicago After various partnerships, in which he was asso- ciated with leading lawyers of Chicago, he was elected Judge of the Cook County Circuit Court, in 1889, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge W. K. McAllister, serving until 1894, when he resigned to give his attention to private prac- tice. Although one of the youngest Judges upon the bench, Judge McConnell was called upon, soon aftor his election, to preside at the trial of the conspirators in the celebrated Cronin murder case, in which he displayed great ability. He has also had charge, as presiding Judge, of a number of civil suits of great importance affecting cor po rations. McCORMICK, Cyrus Hall, inventor and manu- facturer, born in Rockbridge County, Va., Feb. 15. 1809. In youth he manifested unusual mechani- cal ingenuity, and early began attempts at the manufacture of some device for cutting grain, his first finished machine being produced in 1831. Though he had been manufacturing for years in a small way, it was not until 1844 that his first machine was shipped to the West, and. in 1847, he came to Chicago with a view (> establishing its manufacture in the heart of the region where its use would be most in demand One of his early partners in the business was William B. Ogden, afterwards so widely known in connection with Chicago's railroad history The business grew on his hands until it became one of the largest manufacturing interests in the United States. Mr. McCormick was a Democrat, and, in 1860, he bought "The Chicago Times." and having united it with "The Herald," which he already owned, a few months later sold the consolidated concern to Wilbur F. Storey. "The Interior," the Northwestern mouthpiece of the Presbyterian faith, had been founded by a joint stock-company in 1870, but was burned out in 1871 and removed to Cincinnati. In January. 1872, it was returned to Chicago, and, at the beginning of the following year, it became the property of Mr. McCormick in conjunction with Dr. Gray, who has been its editor and manager ever since. Mr. McCormick's most liberal work was undoubtedly the endowment of the Presby- terian Theological Seminary in Chicago, which goes by his name. His death occurred, May 13. 1884, after a business life of almost unprere HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. dented success, and after conferring upon the agriculturists of the country a boon of inestimable value. McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, a Presbyterian school of theology in Chicago, be- ing the outgrowth of an institution originally con- nected with Hanover College, Ind., in 1830. In 1859 the late Cyrus H. SIcOormick donated $100,- 000 to the school, and it was removed to Chicago, where it was opened in September, with a class of fifteen students. Since then nearly $300.000 have been contributed toward a building fund by Mr. McCormick and his Heirs, besides numerous donations to the same end made by others. The number of buildings is nine, four being for the general purposes of the institution (incluJ'ig dormitories), and five being houses for the pro- fessors. The course of instruction covers three annual terms of seven months each, and includes didactic and polemic theology, biblical and ecclesiastical history, sacred rhetoric and pastoral theology, church government and the sacra- ments, New Testament literature and exegesis, apologetics and missions, and homiletics. The faculty consists of eight professors, one adjunct professor, and one instructor in elocution and vocal culture. Between 200 and 300 students are enrolled, including post-graduates. McCDLLOCH, David, lawyer and jurist, was born in Cumberland County, Pa., Jan. 25, 1832; received his academic education at Marshall Col- lege, Mercersburg, Pa. , graduating in the class of 1853. Then, after spending some six months as a teacher in his native village, he came west, arriving at Peoria early in 1853. Here he con- ducted a private school for two years, when, in 1855, he began the study of law in the office of Manning & Merriman, being admitted to the bar in 1857. Soon after entering upon his law studies he was elected School Commissioner for Peoria County, serving, by successive re-elections, three terms (1855-61). At the close of this period he was taken into partnership with his old precep- tor, Julius Manning, who died, July 4, 1862. In 1877 he was elected Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit, under the law authorizing the increase of Judges in each circuit to three, and was re- elected in 1879, serving until 1885. Six years of this period were spent as a Justice of the Appellate Court for the Third Appellate District. On retiring from the bench, Judge McCulloch entered into partnership with his son, E. D. McCulloch, which is still maintained. Politically, Judge McCulloch was reared as a Democrat, but during the Civil War became a Republican. Since 1886 he has been identified with the Prohibition Party, although, as the result of questions arising during the Spanish-American War, giving a cordial support to the policy of President McKinley. In religious views he is a Presbyterian, and is a mem- ber of the Board of Directors of the McCormick Theological Seminary at Chicago. McCULLOUGH, James Skiles, Auditor of Public Accounts, was born in Mercersburg, Franklin County, Pa., May 4, 1843; in 1854 came with his father to Urbana, 111. , and grew up on a farm in that vicinity, receiving such education as could be obtained in the public schools. In 1863, at the age of 19 years, he enlisted as a private in Company G, Seventy-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served during the next three years in the Departments of the Mississippi and the Gulf, j^oanwhile participating in the campaign against Victsburg, and, near the close of the war, in the operations about Mobile. On the 9th of April, 1865, while taking part in the assault on Fort Blakely, near Mobile, his left arm was torn to pieces by a grape-shot, compelling its amputation near the shoulder. His final discharge occurred in July, 1865. Returning home he spent a year in school at Urbana, after which he n-as a student in the Soldiers' College at Fulton, III., for two years. He then (18C8) entered the office of the County Clerk of Champaign County as a deputy, remain- ing until 1873, when he was chosen County Clerk, serving by successive re-elections until 1896. The latter year he received the nomination of the Republican Party for Auditor of Public Accounts, and, at the November election, was elected by a plurality of 138,000 votes over his Democratic opponent. He was serving his sixth term as County* Clerk when chosen Auditor, having received the nomination of his party on each occasion without opposition. MeDANXOLD, John J., lawyer and ex-Con- gressman, was born in Brown County, 111. , August 29, 1851, acquired his early education in the com- mon schools of his native county and in a private school; graduated from the Law Department of the Iowa State University in 1874, and was admitted to the bar in Illinois the same year, commencing practice at Mount Sterling. In 1885 he was made Master in Chancery, in 1886, elected County Judge, and re-elected in 1890, resigning his seat in October, 1893, to accept an election by the Democrats of the Twelfth Illinois District as Representative in the Fifty-third Congress. After retiring from Congress (March 4, 1895), Mr. McDannold removed to Chicago, where he engaged in the practice of his profession. IIISTOIJICAL KXCYCI.OPEDIA OK ILLIXOIS. denied success, a'lil after conferring II|M:II the agriculturists of the "ountry a IHHIII of inestimable value. MHOK.MH'K I III ii. DI. K \ I. SEMINARY, a Presbyterian school of theulogy in Chicago, lie- ing the outgrowth of an institution originally con- nected with Ronover Collide, Iml.. in ls:!o. In l*. r i! the late Cyrus II. Mc( -irmick scs of the institution (inclu.! ; 'ig ilonnitories), anil live licing houses for the pro- fessors. The rourse of instruction covers three annual terms of seven months each, timl includes 'liilactic ami |Kilcmic theology, biblical an. I ecclesiastical history, sacred rhetoric anil pastoral theology, church government anil the sacra- ments. New Testament literature ami exegesis, apologetics anil missions, anil lion ii let it's. The faculty consists of oighft professors, one adjunct |irol'essor, anil one instructor in elocution and vocal culture Between ','HII and :UHI students are nrolleil, including post-graduates. JMTI.I.Oril, David, lawyer ami jurist, was horn in Cuinlicrlanil County. Pa. , Jan. '.'.1. I*:!'- 1 ; receiveil his academic i>ducatiou at Marshall Col- lege. Merccrsburg, I'a , graduating in the class of 1H.VJ. Then, after spending some six months as a teacher in his native village, he came west, arriving at I'eoria early in 1M53. Here he con ducted a private school for two years, when, in 1K.V>, lie liegan the study of law- in the office of Manning & Merrimari. lieinf; admitted to the liar in 1W.T7. SIMIII alter enterinn upon his law .studies he was elected School Commissioner for I'eoria County, serving, liy successive re-elections, three terms (1x5r>-fil). At the close of this jK-rioil he was taken into partnership with his old precep- tor. Julius Manning, who died, July I. 1W12. In 1877 he was elected Circuit .luil^e for tins Kiftlilh Circuit, under the law authori/in^ the increase of Jtiilgcs in each circuit to three, and was re- elected in 1H7!t. serving until I*N-Y Six years of I his (K-riod were s|icnt as a Just ice of the . \ppcl lain Court for the Third Ap[>ellate District On retiring from the bench. Judge McCuIIoch entered into partnership with his son, K. I). McCullocli. which is still maintained. Piiliticnlly, Jiiilge McCulliK'h was roared as a F>emocrat !>ut iluring the Civil War Ix-came a TJeimblican. Since Issr. he lias lieen identified with the Prohibition Party. although, as the result of i|iiestions arising during the Spanish-American War. giving a cordial support to the policy of President McKinley. In religions views lie is a Presbyterian, and is a mem- ber of the Hoard of Directors of the McConnick Theological Seminary at Chicago Hrl I I I 011.11. .la s Skili-s, Auditor of Public Accounts, was born in Morcersburg, I'Vaiiklin Coiinly. I'a.. May I, ls|:! ; in ls.%| came with his father to i'rhana. Ill . and grew up on a farm in that \ icinity. receiving such education as could be obtained in the public schools In IMii, at the age of 111 years, he enlisted as a private in Company (i. Seventy-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served during the next three years in the Departments of the Mississippi and the(!iilf, i.anwhile participating in the campaign against Vicksburg, and. near the close of the war, in the o|ierations aUiut Mobile. On the !lth of April. IKCi.'i. while taking part in the assault on Tort lila!;.dy near Mobile, his left arm was torn to pieces by a grape shot, compelling its amputation near the shoulder. His linal discharge occurred in July. IKI'M. Keturninghome he spent a year in schixil at I'rbana. after which he was astuilcnt in the Soldiers' < 'ollege at Fulton. III., for two years. Me then ( INIiSi entered the oflice of the County ' 'lerk of ( 'hampaign ( 'ounty as a deputy, remain- ing until IN?:!, when he was chosen ( 'ounty t 'Icrk, serving by successive re-elections until IMMi. The latter year he received the nomination of th Republican Party for Auditor of Public Accounts, and, at the Novemlicr election, was elected by a plurality of 13H.IHM) votes over his Democratic opponent. Me was serving his sixth term as County Clerk when chosen Auditor, having received the nomination of his party on each occasion without opposition. Mi'IM\\OI,I>, John .1.. lawyer and ex-Con gresstnan. was born in Brown County. 111., August 2!l, IKil, acquired his early education in the com- mon schools of his native county and in a private school; graduated from the Law Department of the Iowa State I'niversity in 1*71, and was admitted to the bar in Illinois the same year, commencing practice at Mount Sterling. In I**.") he was made Master in Chancery, in IHSIi. elected County Judge, and re-elected in 1WMI. resigning his seat in Octolicr. I*!!',', to accept an election bv the Di -rats of the Twelfth Illinois District as Itepre-icntative in the Fifty-third Congress. After retiring from Congress (March 1. IWTO.Mr. .McDannolil removed to Chicago, where ho engaged in the practice of his profession Sfcsj&tf***** * T: v; h HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 363 McDONOUGH COUNTY, organized under an act passed, Jan. 25, 1826, and attached, for judicial purposes, to Schuyler County until 1830. Its present area is 580 square miles named in honor of Commodore McDonough. The first settlement in the county was at Industry, on the site of which William Carter (the pioneer of the county) built a cabin in 1826. James and John Vance and William Job settled in the vicinity in the following year. Out of this settlement grew Blandinsville. William Pennington located on Spring Creek in 1828, and, in 1831, James M. Campbell erected the first frame house on the site of the present city of Macomb. The first sermon, preached by a Protestant minister in the county, was delivered in the Job settlement by Rev. John Logan, a Baptist. Among the early officers were John Huston, County Treasurer; William Southward, Sheriff; Peter Hale, Coro- ner, and Jesse Bartlett, Surveyor. The first term of the Circuit Court was held in 1830, and presided over by Hon. Richard M. Young. The first railway to cross the county was the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (1857). Since then other lines have penetrated it, and there are numerous railroad centers and shipping points of consider- able importance. Population (1880), 25,037; (1890), 27,467; (1900), 28,412. McDOUGALL, James Alexander, lawyer and United States Senator, was born in Bethlehem. Albany County, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1817; educated at the Albany grammar school, studied law and settled in Pike County, 111., in 1837; was Attor- ney-General of Illinois four years (1843-47) ; then engaged in engineering and, in 1849, organized ;ind led an exploring expedition to the Rio del Norte, Gila and Colorado Rivers, finally settling at San Francisco and engaging in the practice of law. In 1850 he was elected Attorney-General of California, served several terms in the State Legislature, and, in 1852, was chosen, as a Demo- crat, to Congress, but declined a re-election ; in 1860 was elected United States Senator from Cali- fornia, serving as a War Democrat until 1867. At the expiration of his senatorial term he retired to Albany, N. Y., where he died, Sept. 3, 1867. Though somewhat irregular in habits, he was, at times, a brilliant and effective speaker, and, dur- ing the War of the Rebellion, rendered valuable aid to the Union cause. McFARLAND, Andrew, M.D., alienist, was horn in Concord, N. H., July 14, 1817, graduated at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1841, and, after being engaged in general practice for a few years, was invited to assume the man- agement of the New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane at Concord. Here he remained some eight years, during which he acquired consider- able reputation in the treatment of nervous and mental disorders. In 1854 he was offered and accepted the position of Medical Superintendent of the Illinois State (now Central) Hospital for the Insane at Jacksonville, entering upon his duties in June of that year, and continuing his connection with that institution for a period of more than sixteen years. Having resigned his position in the State Hospital in June. 1870, he soon after established the Oaklawn Retreat, at Jacksonville, a private institution for the treat- ment of insane patients, which he conducted with a great degree of success, and with which he was associated during the remainder of his life, dying, Nov. 22, 1891. Dr. McFarland's sen-- ices were in frequent request as a medical expert in cases before the courts, invariably, however, on the side of the defense. The last case in which he appeared as a witness was at the trial of Charles F. Guiteau, the assassin of President Gartield, whom he believed to be insane. McGAHEY, David, settled in Crawford County, 111., in 1817, and served as Representative from that County in the Third and Fourth General Assemblies (1822-26), and as Senator in the Eighth and Ninth (1832-36). Although a native of Tennessee, Mr. McGahey was a strong opponent of slavery, and, at the session of 1822, was one of those who voted against the pro-slavery Constitu- tion resolution. He continued to reside in Law- rence County until his death in 1851. James D. (McGahey), a son of the preceding, was elected to the Ninth General Assembly from Crawford County, in 1834, but died during his term of service. McGAXX, Lawrence Edward, ex-Congressman, was born in Ireland, Feb. 2, 1852. His father having died in 1884. the following year his mother emigrated to the United States, settling at Milford, Mass., where he attended the public schools. In 1865 he came to Chicago, and, for fourteen years, found employment as a shoe- maker. In 1879 he entered the municipal service as a clerk, and, on Jan. 1, 1885, was appointed City Superintendent of Streets, resigning in May, 1891. He was elected in 1892, as a Democrat, to represent the Second Illinois District in the Fifty-second Congress, and re-elected to the Fifty- third. In 1894 he was a candidate for re-election and received a certificate of election by a small majority over Hugh R. Belknap (Republican). An investigation having shown his defeat, he t 1 - u > i niSTOIJICAL KXfYrLOPKDIA OF ILLINOIS. MeDOXOnW rOl'XTT. organized under an act passed. Jan. 'i~>. IS'-'li, aiin. IN present arra is iiso square miles named in honor nf Cpmitiadoro McDonougll. The iirst settlement in the county was at Industry, on the site of which William Carter (the pioneer of the county) built a caliin in !*','<>. James and John Vaneo and William Joli settled in the vicinity in the following year. ( )nt of this settlement grew Hlandinsville William Penniiigton located MI spring Creek in 1--.'S and, in \ v '.'-\. James M Campbell erected (he Iirst frame house on the -!!< of the present city of MacoinV The lir-t -crmon, preached h\ a Protestant minister in the oitnty, was delivered in tin- Job settlement by IJi-v. John Logan, a Baptist Aiming the early llicers wen; John Huston. County Treasurer. William Southward Sheriff; 1'cter Hale. Coro- ner, and Jesse llartlctt. Surveyor. The first term of the Circuit Court was held in IS.TO. ami (.resided over liy lion Richard M Young. The :ir-t railway to cross the county was the Chicago. Uurlington & i.inincv (isr,7). Since then other lilies have penetrated it. and there are numerous railroad centers and shipping points of consider :il.le importance 1'opulation (ISKOi. 'i'i.(i:!7; IS'.WM, 27,-lfiT: (I'.Miin, i.s.412. McDOnui.l,. James Alexander, lawyer and I'nilcil States Senator, was liorn in IVthlchcm. Ubany County X V . Nov. 111. 1*17; educated :tt the Albany grammar school, studied law and -tiled in Pike County. Ill . in 1s:!7; was Atlor- ney-(!eneral of Illinois four years (|S|:!-|7>: then "gaged in engineering and. in IslO. orgaiii/.ed and led an exploring expedition to the Rio del Norte. (iila and Colorado Rivers, finally settling at San Francisco and engaging in the practice of Uw. In is.'d) lie was elected Attorney-General of California, served several terms in the Slate Legislature, and. in |s.*^, was chosen, as a Demo- crat, to Congress, hut declined a re-election ; in isr,0 was elected Tinted States Senator from ( 'ali- tornia. serving a- a War Democrat until 1*07. \t thi' expiration of his senatorial term he retired to Alhany, N Y . where he died. Sept. :!. ls(!7. Though somewhat irregular in hahits. he was. at limes, a brilliant and effective speaker, anil. orn in Concord. N. II.. July M, 1S17, grailuated at Jefferson Medical College. Philadelphia, in 1*11. and. after being engaged in general practice fora few years, was invited to assume the man- agement of the New Hampshire* Asylum for the Irsane at Concord. Here he remained -i.im eight years, during which he acquired consider able reputation in the treatment of nervous and mental di-ordcr-. In Is.'il he was offered and accepted the position of Medical Superintendent of the Illinois Stjite (now Central) I l..-|iiial for the Insaiie at Jacksonville, entering ii|>n his duties in June of thai \.-ar, and continuing hi~ connection with il^al inslitntion fora |>eriod of more than sixl years Having resigned hi- l"-ili.in in the Stale Hospital in June. |s7n | M . sixni after cstahlishi-il the Daklawn l.Vnval. at Jacksonville, a pri\ale insl ilnl ion for I lie treat meiit "I insane patients, \\lndi In inlucted wilh a great degp-e of Miccess, and with which he was associated during the remainder of hi- life, living. Nov >-.'. ISIM | ),-. McKai la-hl's S.TV ices were in frc<[iicnt rr.jiiest as a medical -x|M i ri in cases I ief ore the court-, invariably. !i..u.-\.-i on tlie side of the defense The last case in which he appeared 88 U v\ it ness was at the trial of Charle- F. (luiteail. the assassin of President (arliidd whom he lielieved to ! insiine. Mci; MII'.V, Daviil, settle.l iii Crawford CoiinU III , in ls'17. antl served as llepresenlative from that County in the Third and Fourth (ieneral .Assemblies ( IS'.'-.'-'J'il. and as Senator in the F.ighth and Ninth (|s:!-j ::ii) Although a native of Tennessee. Mr Mcliahey w;isa stroiigop|K.neiit of slavery, and. at the session of isii. was one of t hose who voted against the pro-slavery ( 'onstitu- tiou resolution. He continued to reside in l.aw rence County until his death in l>*"il James I> iMc(!aheyt. a sou of the preceding, was elected to the Ninth (General Assembly from Crawford County, in ls:!l, but died during his term of service. MHJAXX, I.arenre Ednard, ex-Congressman was Uirn in Ireland, Feb ->. Is-V,' His father having died in 1SS4. the following year his mother ('migrated to the I'niled States, settling at Milford. Mass . where he attended the public schools. In I Mitt he came to Chicago, and. for fourteen years, found employment as a shoe- maker In 1N7!) he entered the municipal service as a clerk, ami. on Jan I. lss."j. \\-as ap|>ointcd City Superintendent of Streets, resigning in May. isill. He was elected in IS'.l-J. as a Democrat, to represent the Second Illinois District in the Fifty-second Congress, and re-elected to the Fifty third. In l*'.'l he was a candidate for re election and received a certificate of election by a small majority over Hugh K Bclknap (Republican) An investigation having shown his defeat he 364 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. magnanimously surrendered his seat to his com- petitor without a contest. He has large business interests in Chicago, especially in street railroad property, being President of an important elec- trio line. McHENRY, a village in McHenry County, situ- ated on the Fox River and the Chicago & North- western Railway. The river is here navigable for steamboats of light draft, which ply between the town and Fox Lake, a favorite resort for sports- men. The town has bottling works, a creamery, marble and granite works, cigar factory, flour mills, brewery, bank, four churches, and one weekly paper. Pop. (1890), 979; (1900), 1,013. MeHENRY, William, legislator and soldier of the Black Hawk War, came from Kentucky to Illinois in 1809, locating in White County, and afterwards became prominent as a legislator and soldier in the War of 1812, and in the Black Hawk War of 1833, serving in the latter as Major of the "Spy Battalion" and participating in the battle of Bad Axe. He also served as Represent- ative in the First, Fourth, Fifth and Ninth Gen- eral Assemblies, and as Senator in the Sixth and Seventh. While serving his last term in the House (183ft), he died and was buried at Vandalia, then the State capital. McHenry County organ- ized by act of the Legislature, passed at a second session during the winter of 1835-36 was named in his honor MeHENRT COUNTY, lies in the northern por- tion of the State, bounded on the north by Wis- consin named for Gen. William McHenry. Its area is 624 square miles. With what is now the County of I .-ike, it was erected into a county in 1836, the county-seat being at McHenry. Three years later the eastern part was set off as the County of Lake, and the county-seat of McHenry County removed to Woodstock, the geograph- ical center. The soil is well watered by living springs and is highly productive. Hardwood groves are numerous. Fruits and berries are extensively cultivated, but the herbage is espe- cially adapted to dairying, Kentucky blue grass being indigenous. Large quantities of milk are daily shipped to Chicago, and the annual pro- duction of butter and cheese reaches into the millions of pounds. The geological formations comprise the drift and the Cincinnati and Niagara groups of rocks. Near Fox River are found gravel ridges. Vegetable remains and logs of wood have been found at various depths in the drift deposits ; in one instance a cedar log, seven inches in diameter, having been discovered forty- two feet below the surface. Peat is found every- where, although the most extensive deposits are in the northern half of the county, where they exist in sloughs covering several thousands of acres. Several lines of railroad cross the county, and every important village is a railway station. Woodstock, Marengo, and Harvard are the prin- cipal towns. Population (1880), 24,908; (1890), 26,114; (1900), 29,759. McINTOSH. (Capt.) Alexander, was born in Fulton County, N. Y., in 1823; at 19 years of age entered an academy at Galway Center, remaining three years; in 1845 removed to Joliet, 111., and, two years later, started "The Joliet True Democrat," but sold out the next year, and, in 1849, went to California. Returning in 1852, he U nigh t back "The True Democrat," which he edited until 1857, meanwhile (1856) having been elected Clerk of the Circuit Court and Recorder of Will County. In 1863 he was appointed by President Lincoln Captain and Assistant Quarter master, serving under General Sherman in 1864 and in the "March to the Sea," and, after the war, being for a time Post Quartermaster at Mobile. Having resigned in 1866, he engaged in mercantile business at Wilmington, Will Comity; but, in 1869, bought "The Wilmington Independ- ent," which he published until 1873. The next year he returned to Joliet, and, a few months after, became political editor of "The Joliet Republican,'' and was subsequently connected, in a similar capacity, with other papers, including "The Phoenix" and "The Sun" of the same city. Died, in Joliet, Feb 2, 1899. McKENDREE, William, Methodist Episcopal Bishop, was born in Virginia, in 1757, enlisted as a private in the War of the Revolution, but later served as Adjutant and in the commissary depart- ment. He was converted at 30 years of age, and the next year began preaching in his native State, being advanced to the position of Presiding Elder ; in 1800 was transferred to the West, Illi- nois falling within his District Here he remained until his elevation to the episcopacy in 1808. McKendree College, at Lebanon, received its name from him, together with a donation of 480 acres of land. Died, near Nashville, Tenn., March 5, 1835. McKENDREE COLLEGE, one of the earliest of Illinois colleges, located at Lebanon and incorpo- rated in 1835. Its founding was suggested by Rev. Peter Cartwright, and it may be said to have had its inception at the Methodist Episcopal Conference held at Mount Carmel, in September. 1827. The first funds for its establishment were subscribed by citizens of Lebanon, who contrib- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 365 u ted from their scanty means, $1,385. Instruc- tion began, Nov. 24, 1838, under Rev. Edward Ames, afterwards a Bishop of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. In 1830 Bishop McKendree made a donation of land to the infant institution, and the school was named in his honor. It cannot be said to have become really a college until 1836, and its first class graduated in 1841. University powers were granted it by an amendment to its charter in 1839. At present the departments are as follows: Preparatory, business, classical, scientific, law, music and oratory. The institu- tion owns property to the value of $90,000, includ- ing an endowment of $25.000, and has about 200 students, of both sexes, and a faculty of ten instructors. (See Colleges, Early.) McLAREN, William Edward, Episcopal Bishop, was born at Geneva, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1831 ; gradu- ated at Washington and Jefferson College (Wash- ington, Pa.) in 1851, and, after six years spent in teaching and in journalistic work, entered Alle- gheny Theological Seminary, graduating and entering the Presbyterian ministry in 1860. For three years he was a missionary at Bogota, South America, and later in charge of churches at Peoria, 111., and Detroit, Mich. Having entered the Protestant Episcopal Church, he was made a deacon in July, 1872, and ordained priest the fol- lowing October, immediately thereafter assuming the pastorate of Trinity Church, Cleveland, Ohio. In July, 1875, he was elected Bishop of the Prot- estant Episcopal Diocese of Illinois, which then included the whole State. Subsequently, the dioceses of Quincy and Springfield were erected therefrom, Bishop McLaren remaining at the head of the Chicago See. During his episcopate, church work has been active and effective, and the Western Theological Seminary in Chicago lias been founded. His published works include numerous sermons, addresses and poems, besides a volume entitled "Catholic Dogma the Antidote to Doubt" (New York, 1884). MCLAUGHLIN, Robert K., early lawyer and State Treasurer, was born in Virginia, Oct. 25, 1779; before attaining his majority went to Ken- tucky, and, about 1815, removed to Illinois, set- tling finally at Belleville, where he entered upon the practice of law. The first public position held by him seems to have been that of Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk of both Houses of the Third (or last) Territorial Legislature (1816-18). In August, 1819, he entered upon the duties of State Treasurer, as successor to John Thomas, who had been Treasurer during the whole Territorial period, serving until January, 1823. Becoming a citizen of Vandalia. by the removal thither of the State capital a few months later, he continued to reside there the remainder of his life. He subse- quently represented the Fayette District as Representative in the Fifth General Assembly, and as Senator in the Sixth, Seventh and Tenth, and, in 1837, became Register of the Land Office at Vandalia, serving until 1845. Although an uncle of Gen. Joseph Duncan, he became a can- didate for Governor against the latter, in 1834, standing third on the list. He married a Miss Bond, a niece of Gov. Shadrach Bond, under whose administration he served as State Treasurer. Died, at Vandalia, May 29, 1862. MeLEAN, a village of McLean County, on the Chicago & Alton Railway, 14 miles southwest of Bloomington, in a farming, dairying and stock- growing district; has one weekly {taper. Popu- lation (1890), 500; (1900), 532. McLEAN, John, early United States Senator, was born in North Carolina in 1791, brought l>r his father to Kentucky when four years old, ami at 23, was admitted to the bar and removed to Illinois, settling at Shawneetown in 1815. Pos- sessing oratorical gifts of a high order and un almost magnetic power over men, coupled with strong common sense, a keen sense of humor and, great command of language, he soon attained prominence at the bar and as a popular speaker In 1818 he was elected the first Representative in Congress from the new State, defeating Daniel !' Cook, but served only a few months, being de- feated by Cook at the next election. He was three times elected to the Legislature, serving once as Speaker. In 1824 he was chosen Unite- 1 States Senator to succeed Governor Edwards (who had resigned), serving one year. In 1828 he was elected for a second time by a unanimous vote. but lived to serve only one session, dying at Shawneetown, Oct. 4, 1830. In testimony of the public appreciation of the loss which the State had sustained by his death. McLean County was named in his honor. McLEAN COUNTY, the largest county of the State, having an area of 1166 square miles, is central as to the region north of the latitude of St. Louis and about midway between that city and Chicago was named for John McLean, an early United States Senator. The early immi- grants were largely from Ohio, although Ken- tucky and New York were well represented. The county was organized in 1830, the population at that time being about 1,200. The greater portion of the surface is high, undulating prairie, will occasional groves and belts of timber. On the 366 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. creek bottoms are 1 1 mini black walnut, sycamore, buckeye, black ash and elm, while the sandy ridges are covered with scrub oak and black-jack. The soil is extremely fertile (generally a rich, brown loam), and the entire county is underlaid with coal. The chief occupations are stock-rais- ing, coal-mining, agriculture and manufactures. Sugar and Mackinaw Creeks, with their tribu- taries, afford thorough drainage. Sand and gravel beds are numerous, but vary greatly in depth. At Chenoa one has been found, in boring for coal, thirty feet thick, overlaid by forty-five feet of the clay common to this formation. The upper seam of coal in the Bloomington shafts is No. 6 of the general section, and the lower, No. 4 ; the latter averaging four feet in thickness. The principal towns are Bloomington (the county- seat). Normal, Lfxington, LeRoy and Chenoa. Population (1890), Cy.036; (1'JOO), 67,843. McLEANKBORO, a city and the county-seat of Hamilton County, upon a branch of the Louis- ville & Nashville Railroad, 103 miles east south- east of St. Louis and about 48 miles southeast of Centralia. The people are enterprising and pro- gressive, the city is up-to-date and prosperous, supporting three banks and six churches. Two weekly newspapers are published here. Popula- tion (1880). 1,341; (1890). 1,355; (1900), 1,758. McXULLIN, James 0., Railway Manager, was born at Watertown. N. Y., Feb. 13, 1836; began work as Freight and Ticket Agent of the Great Western Railroad (now Wabash), at Decatur, 111., Hay, 1857, remaining until 1860, when he accepted the position of Freight Agent of the Chicago & Alton at Springfield. Here he re- mained until Jan. 1, 1863, when he was trans- ferred in a similar capacity to Chicago; in September, 1864, became Superintendent of the Northern Division of the Chicago & Alton, after- wards successively filling the positions of Assist- ant General Superintendent (1867), General Superintendent (1868-78) aod General Manager (1878-83). The latter year he was elected Vice- President, remaining in office some ten years, when ill-health compelled his retirement Died, in Chicago, Dec. 30. 1896. McMURTRY, William, Lieutenant-Governor, was born in Mercer County, Ky., Feb. 20, 1801 ; removed from Kentucky to Crawford County, I tid., and, in 1829, came to Knox County, 111., settling in Henderson Township. He was elected Representative in the Tenth General Assembly 1 1*56), and to the Senate in 1842, serving in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth General Assemblies. In 1848 he was elected Lieutenant-Governor on the same ticket with Gov. A. C. French, being the first to hold the office under the Constitution adopted that year. In 1863 he assisted in raising the One Hundred and Second Regiment Illinois Volunteers, and, although advanced in years, was elected Colonel, but a few weeks later was compelled to accept a discharge on account of failing health. Died, April 10, 1875. McNEELEY, Thompson W., lawyer and ex-Con- gressman, was born in Jacksonville, 111., Oct. 5, 1835, and graduated at Lombard University, Galesburg, at the age of 21. The following year he was licensed to practice, but continued to pur- sue his professional studies, attending the Law University at Louisville, Ky . , from which insti- tution he graduated in 1859. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1862, and chairman of the Democratic State Central Com- mittee in 1878. From 1869 to 1873 he represented his District in Congress, resuming his practice at Petersburg, Menard County, after his retire- ment. McNULTA, John, soldier and ex-Congressman, was born in New York City, Nov. 9, 1837, received an academic education, was admitted to the bar, and settled at Bloomington, in this State, while yet a young man. On May 3, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the Union army, and served until August 9, 1865, rising, successively, to the rank of Captain, Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel and Brevet Brigadier-General. From 1869 to 1873 he was a member of the lower house of the General Assembly from McLean County, and, in 1872, was elected to the Forty-third Congress, as a Repub- lican. General McNulta has been prominent in the councils of the Republican party, standing second on the ballot for a candidate for Governor, in the State Convention of 1888, and serving as Permanent President of the State Convention of 1890. In 1896 he was one of the most earnest advocates of the nomination of Mr. McKinley for President. Some of his most important work, within the past few years, has been performed in connection with receiverships of certain railway und other corporations, especially that of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad, from 1884 to 1890. He is now (1898) Receiver of the National Bank of Illinois, Chicago. Died Feb. 22. 1900. MePHERSON, Simeon J., clergyman, de- scended from the Clan McPherson of Scotland, was born at Mumford, Monroe County, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1850 ; prepared for college at Leroy and Fulton, and graduated at Princeton, N. J., in 1874. Then, after a year's service as teacher of mathematics at his Alma Mater, he entered the Theological HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. :J67 Seminary there, and graduated from that depart- ment in 1879, having in the meantime traveled through Europe, Egypt and Palestine. He was licensed to preach by the Rochester Presbytery in 1877, and spent three years (1879-82) in pas- toral labor at East Orange, N. J. , when he ac- cepted a call to the Second Presbyterian Church of Chicago, remaining until the early part of 1899, when he tendered his resignation to accept the position of Director of the Lawrenceville Prepar- atory Academy of Princeton College, N. J. McROBERTS, Josiah, jurist, was bom in Monroe County, 111., June 12, 1820; graduated from St. Mary's College (Mo.) in 1839; studied law at Danville, 111., with his brother Samuel, and, in 1842, entered the law department of Transylvania University, graduating in 1844, after which he at once began practice. In 1846 he was elected to the State Senate for the Cham- paign and Vermilion District, at the expiration of his term removing to Joliet. In 1852 he was appointed by Governor Matteson Trustee of the Illinois & Michigan Canal, which office he held for four years. In 1866 he was appointed Circuit Court Judge by Governor Oglesby, to fill a va- cancy, and was re-elected in 1867, '73, '79, and '85, but died a few months after his last election. McROBERTS, Samnel, United States Sena- tor, was born in Monroe County, 111., Feb. 20, 1799; graduated from Transylvania University in 1819; in 1821, was elected the first Circuit Clerk of his native county, and, in 1825, appointed Circuit Judge, which office he held for three years. In 1828 he was elected State Senator, representing the district comprising Monroe, Clinton and Washington Counties. Later he was appointed United States District Attorney by President Jackson, but soon resigned to become Receiver of Public Moneys at Danville, by appointment of President Van Buren, and, in 1839, Solicitor of the General Land Office at Washington. Resigning the latter office in the fall of 1841, at the next session of the Illinois Legislature he was elected United States Senator to succeed John M. Robinson, deceased. Died, at Cincinnati, Ohio, March 22, 1843. being suc- ceeded by James Semple. McYICKER, James Robert, actor and theat- rical manager, was born in New York City, Feb. 14, 1822; thrown upon his own resources by the death of his father in infancy and the necessity of assisting to support his widowed mother, he early engaged in various occupations, until, at the age of 15, he became an apprentice in the office of "The St. Louis Republican." three years later becoming a journeyman printer. He tirsl appeared on the stage in the St. diaries Theater. New Orleans, in 1843; two years later was priii cipal comedian in Rice's Theater, Chicago, re- maining until 1852, when he made a tour of tin- country, appearing in Yankee characters. About 1855 he made a tour of England and, on In- return, commenced building his first Chicago theater, which was opened, Nov. 3, 1857, and was conducted with varied fortune until burned down in the great fire of 1871. Rebuilt and remodeled from time to time, it burned down a second time in August, 1890, the losses from these several fires having imposed upon Mr. McVicker a heavy burden. Although an excellent comedian, Mr. McVicker did not appear on the stage after 1882. from that date giving his attention entirely to management. He enjoyed in an eminent degree the respect and confidence, not only of the profession, but of the general public. Died in Chicago, March 7, 1896. He WILLIAMS, David, banker. Dwight, IlL, was born in Belmont County, Ohio, Jan. 14, 1834 . was brought to Illinois in infancy and grew up on a farm until 14 years of age, when he entered the office of the Pittsfield (Pike County) "Free Press" as an apprentice. In 1849 he engaged in the lumber trade with his father, the management of which devolved upon him a few years later. In the early 50's he was, for a time, a student in Illinois College at Jacksonville, but did not graduate; in 1855 removed to Dwight, Livingston County, then a new town on the line of the Chi- cago & Alton Railroad, which had been completed to that point a few months previous. Here he erected the first store building in the town, and put in a $2,000 stock of goods on borrowed capi- tal, remaining in the mercantile business for eighteen years, and retaining an interest in the establishment seven years longer. In the mean- time, while engaged in merchandising, he began a banking business, which was enlarged on his retirement from the former, receiving his entire attention. The profits derived from his banking business were invested in farm lands until he became one of the largest land owners in Living- ston County. Mr. McWilliams is one of the original members of the first Methodist Episcopal Church organized at Dwight, and has served as :i lay delegate to several General Conferences of that denomination, as well as a delegate to the Ecumenical Council in London in 1881 ; has also been a liberal contributor to the support of vari ous literary and theological institutions of the church, and has served for many years as a Trus- 368 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. tee of the Northwestern University at Evanston. In politics he is a zealous Republican, and has repeatedly served as a delegate to the State Con- ventions of that party, including the Bloomington Convention of 1856, and was a candidate for Presidential Elector for the Ninth District on the Blaine ticket in 1884. He has made several ex- tended tours to Europe and other foreign coun- tries, the last including a trip to Egypt and the Holy Land, during 1898 99. MECHANICSBURU, a village of Sangamon County, near the Wabash Railway. 13 miles east of Springfield. Population (1880), 396; (1890), 436; (1900), 476. MEDILL, JoMeph, editor and newspaper pub- lisher, was born. April 6, 1823, in the vicinity (now a part of the city) of St. John, N. B., of Scotch- Irish parentage, but remotely of Huguenot descent. At nine years of age he accompanied his parents to Stark County, Ohio, where he enjoyed such educational advantages as belonged to that region anil period. He entered an acad- emy with a view to preparing for college, but his family having suffered from a fire, he was com- pelled to turn his attention to business; studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1846, and began practice at New Philadelphia, in Tuscarawas County. Here he caught the spirit of journalism by frequent visits to the office of a local paper, learned to set type and to work a hand-press. In 1849 he bought a paper at Coshocton, of which he assumed editorial charge, employing his brothers as assistants in various capacities. The name of this paper was "The Coshocton Whig," which he soon changed to "The Republican," in which he dealt vigorous blows at political and other abuses, which several times brought upon him assaults from his political opponents that being the style of political argument in those days. Two years later, having sold out "The Repub- lican," he established "The Daily Forest City" at Cleveland a Whig paper with free-soil proclivi- ties. The following year "The Forest City" was consolidated with "The Free-Democrat," a Free- Soil paper under the editorship of John C. Vaughan, a South Carolina Abolitionist, the new paper taking the name of "The Cleveland Leader." Mr. Medill, with the co-operation of Mr. Vaughan, then went to work to secure the consolidation of the elements opposed to slavery in one compact organization. In this he was aided by the introduction of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill in Congress, in December, 1853, and. before its passage in May following, Mr. Medill had begun to agitate the question nf a union of all opposed to that measure in a new party under the name "Republican." During the winter of 1854-55 he received a call from Gen. J. D. Web- ster, at that time part owner of "The Chicago Tribune, " which resulted in his visiting Chicago a few months later, and his purchase of an inter- est in the paper, his connection with the concern dating from June 18, 1855. He was almost immediately joined by Dr. Charles H. Ray, who had been editor of "The Galena Jeffersonian," and, still later, by J. C. Vaughan and Alfred Cowles. who bad been associated with him on "The Cleveland Leader." Mr. Medill assumed the position of managing editor, and, on the retirement of Dr. Ray, in 1863, became editor-in- chief until 1866, when he gave place to Horace White, now of "The New York Evening Post." During the Civil War period he was a zealous supporter of President Lincoln's emancipation policy, and served, for a time, as President of the "Loyal League," which proved such an influ- ential factor in upholding the hands of the Gov- ernment during the darkest period of the rebellion. In 1869 Mr. Medill was elected to the State Constitutional Convention, and, in that body, was the leading advocate of the principle of "minority representation" in the election of Representatives, as it was finally incorporated in the Constitution. In 1871 he was appointed by President Grant a member of the first Civil Service Commission, representing a principle to which lie ever remained thoroughly committed. A few weeks after the great fire of the same year, he was elected Mayor of the city of Chicago. The financial condition of the city at the time, and other questions in issue, involved great diffi- culties and responsibilities, which he met in a way to command general approval. During his administration the Chicago Public Library was established, Mr. Medill delivering the address at its opening, Jan. 1, 1873. Near the close of his term as Mayor, he resigned the office and spent the following year in Europe. Almost simultane- ously with his return from his European trip, he secured a controlling interest in "The Tribune," resuming control of the paper, Nov. 9, 1874, which, as editor-in-chief, he retained for the remainder of his life of nearly twenty-five years. The growth of the paper in business and influence, from the beginning of his connection with it, was one of the marvels of journalism, making it easily one of the most successful newspaper ventures in the United States, if not in the world. Early in December, 1898, Mr. Medill went to San Antonio, Texas, hoping to receive relief in that HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 369 mild climate from a chronic disease which had been troubling him for years, but died in that city, March 16, 1899, within three weeks of hav- ing reached his 76th birthday. The conspicuous features of his character were a strong individu- ality and indomitable perseverance, which led him never to accept defeat. A few weeks previ- ous to his death, facts were developed going to show that, in 1881, he was offered, by President I'.arlield. the position of Postmaster-General, which was declined, when he was tendered the choice of any position in the Cabinet except two which had been previously promised; also, that he was offered a position in President Harrison's Cabinet, in 1889. MEDILL, (Maj.i William II.. soldier, was born at Massillon, Ohio, Nov. 5, 1835; in 1855, came to Chicago and was associated with "The Prairie Farmer." Subsequently he was editor of "The Stark County (Ohio) Republican," but again returning to Chicago, at the beginning of the war, was employed on "The Tribune," of which his brother (Hon. Joseph Medill) was editor. After a few months' service in Barker's Dragoons (a short-time organization), in Septem- ber, 1861, he joined the Eighth Illinois Cavalry (Colonel Farnsworth's), and, declining an election as Major, was chosen Senior Captain. The regi- ment soon joined the Army of the Potomac. By the promotion of his superior officers Captain Medill was finally advanced to the command, and, during the Peninsular campaign of 1862, led his troops on a reconnoissance within twelve miles of Richmond. At the battle of Gettysburg he had command of a portion of his regiment, acquit- ting himself with great credit. A few days after, while attacking a party of rebels who were attempting to build a bridge across the Potomac at Williamsburg, he received a fatal wound through the lungs, dying at Frederick City, July 16, 1863. MEF.k'EK, Moses, pioneer, was liorn in New- ark, N. J., June 17, 1790; removed to Cincinnati. Ohio, in 1817, engaging in the manufacture of white lead until 1822, when he headed a pioneer expedition to the frontier settlement at Galena. 111., to enter upon the business of smelting lead- ore. He served as Captain of a company in the Black Hawk War, later removing to Iowa County, Wis., where he built the first smelting works in that Territory, served in the Territorial Legislature (1840-43) and in the first Constitu- tional Convention (1846). A "History of the Early Lead Regions," by him. appears in the sixth volume of "The Wisconsin Historical Soci- ety Collections." Died, at Shullsburg, Wis., July 7, 1865. MELROSE, a suburb of Chicago, 11 miles west of the initial station of the Chicago & North- western Railroad, upon which it is located. It has two or three churches, some manufacturing establishments and one weekly paper Popula- tion (1890), 1,050; (1900), 2,592. MEMBRE, Zenobins, French missionary, was born in France in 1645 ; accompanied La Salle on his expedition to Illinois in 1679, and remained at Fort Creve-Coeur with Henry de Tonty ; descended the Mississippi with La Salle in 1682 . returned to France and wrote a history of the expedition, and, in 1684, accompanied La Salle on his final expedition ; is supposed to have landed with La Salle in Texas, and there to have been massacred by the natives in 1687. (See /." Salle and Tonty. ) MENARD, Pierre, French pioneer and first Lieutenant-governor, was born at St. Antoine. Can., Oct. 7, 1766; settled at Kaskaskia, in 1790, and engaged in trade. Becoming interested in politics, he was elected to the Territorial Council of Indiana, and later to the Legislative Council of Illinois Territory, being presiding officer of the latter until the admission of Illinois as a State. He was, for several years, Government Agent, and in this capacity negotiated several important treaties with the Indians, of whose characteris- tics he seemed to have an intuitive perception. He was of a nervous temperament, impulsive and generous. In 1818 he was elected the first Lieu- tenant-Governor of the new State. His term of office having expired, he retired to private life and the care of his extensive business. He died at Kaskaskia, in June, 1844, leaving what was then considered a large estate. Among his assets, however, were found a large number of promis- sory notes, which he had endorsed for personal friends, besides many uncollectablt accounts from poor people, to whom he had sold goods through pure generosity. Menard County was named for him, and a statue in his honor stands in the capitol grounds at Springfield, erected by the son of his old partner Charles Pierre Chou- teau. of St. Louis. MENARD COUNTY, near the geographical center of the State, and originally a part of Sangamon, but separately organized in 1839, the Provisional Commissioners being Joseph Wat- kins, William Engle and George W. Simpson. The county was named in honor of Pierre Menard. who settled at Kaskaskia prior to the Territorial organization of Illinois. (See Menard. Pierre.) Cotton was an important crop until 1830, when 370 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. agriculture underwent a change. Stock-raising is now extensively carried on. Three fine veins of bituminous coal underlie the county. Among early American settlers may be mentioned the Clarys, Matthew Rogers, Amor Batterton. Solo- mon Pruitt and William Gideon. The names of Meadows. Montgomery, Green, Boyer and Grant are also familiar to early settlers. The county furnished a company of eighty-six volunteers for the Mexican War. The county-seat is at Peters- burg. The area of the county is 320 square miles, and its population, under the last census, 14,336. In 1829 was laid out the town of Salem, now extinct, but for some years the home of Abraham Lincoln, who was once its Postmaster, and who marched thence to the Black Hawk War as Captain of a company. MENDON, a town of Adams County, on the Burlington & Quincy Division of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway, 15 miles northeast of Quincy ; has a bank and a newspaper ; is sur- rounded by a farming and stock-raising district. Population (1880), 652; (1890). 640; (1900), 627. MENDOTA, a city in La Salle County, founded in 1853, at the junction of the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy with its Rochelle and Fulton branches and the Illinois Central Railway, 80 miles south- west of Chicago. It has eight churches, three graded and two high schools, and a public li- brary Wartburg Seminary (Lutheran, opened in 1853) is located here. The chief industrial plants are two iron foundries, machine shops, plow works and a brewery. The city has three banks and four weekly newspapers. The sur- rounding country is agricultural and the city has considerable local trade. Population (1890), 3,642; (1900). 3,736. MERCER COUNTY, a western county, with an area of 555 square miles and a population (1900) of 20,945 named for Gen. Hugh Mercer. The Mississippi forms the western boundary, and along this river the earliest American settlements were made. William Dennison, a Pennsy Ivanian, settled in New Boston Township in 1828, and, before the expiration of a half dozen years, the Vannattas, Keith, Jackson. Wilson, Farlow, Bridges, Perry and Fleharty had arrived. Mer- cer County was separated from Warren, and specially organized in 1825. The soil is a rich, black loam, admirably adapted to the cultivation of cereals. A good quality of building stone is found at various points. Aledo is the county- seat. The county lies on the outskirts of the Illinois coal fields and mining was commenced in 1845. MERCY HOSPITAL, located in Chicago, and the first permanent hospital in the State char- tered in 1847 or 1848 as -the "Illinois General Hospital of the Lakes." No steps were taken toward organization until 1850, when, with a scanty fund scarcely exceeding $150, twelve beds were secured and placed on oiie floor of a board ing house, whose proprietress was engaged as nurse and stewardess. Drs. N. S. Davis anil Daniel Brainard were, respectively, the first physician and surgeon in charge. In 1851 the hospital was given in charge of the Sisters o>~ Mercy, who at once enlarged and improved the accommodations, and, in 1852, changed its name to Mercy Hospital. Three or four years later, a removal was made to a building previously occu- pied as an orphan asylum. Being the only pub- lic hospital in the city, its wards were constantly overcrowded, and, in 1869, a more capacious and better arranged building was erected. This edifice it has continued to occupy, although many additions and improvements have been, and are still being, made. The Sisters of Mercy own the grounds and buildings, and manage the nursing and all the domestic and financial affairs of the institution. The present medical staff (1896) consists of thirteen physicians and surgeons, besides three internes, or resident practitioners. MEREDOSI4, a town in Morgan County, on the east bank of the Illinois River and on the Wabash Railway, some 58 miles west of Spring- field; is a grain shipping point and fishing and hunting resort. It was the first Illinois River point to be connected with the State capital by railroad in 1838. Population (1890), 621 ; (1900), 700. HERRIAM, (Col.) Jonathan, soldier, legisla- tor and farmer, was born in Vermont, Nov. 1, 1834; was brought to Springfield, 111., when two years old, living afterwards at Alton, his parents finally locating, in 1841, in Tazewell County, where he now resides when not officially em- ployed pursuing the occupation of a farmer. He was educated at Wesleyan University, Blooming- ton, and at McKendree College; entered the Union army in 1862, being commissioned Lieu- tenant-Colonel of the One Hundred and Seven- teenth Illinois Infantry, and serving to the close of the war. During the Civil War period he was one of the founders of the "Union League of America," which proved so influential a factor in sustaining the war policy of the Government. He was also a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1869-70; an unsuccessful Repub- lican nominee for Congress in 1870; served as Collector of Internal Revenue for the Springfield HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 371 District from 1873 to '83, was a Representative in the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth General Assem- blies, and, in 1897, was appointed, by President McKinley, Pension Agent for the State of Illinois, with headquarters in Chicago. Thoroughly pa- triotic and of incorruptible integrity, he has won the respect and confidence of all in every public position he has been called to fill. MERRILL, Stephen Mason, Methodist Episco- pal Bishop, was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, Sept. 16. 1825, entered the Ohio Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in 1864, as a travel- ing preacher, and, four years later, became editor of "The Western Christian Advocate," at Cin- cinnati. He was ordained Bishop at Brooklyn in 1872, and, after two years spent in Minnesota, removed to Chicago, where he still resides. The degree of D.D. was conferred upon him by Ohio Wesleyan University, in 1868, and that of LL.D. by the Northwestern University, in 1886. He has published "Christian Baptism" (Cincinnati, 1876); "New Testament Idea of Hell" (1878); "Second Coming of Christ" (1879); "Aspects of Christian Experience" (1882) ; "Digest of Metho- dist Law" (1885); and "Outlines of Thought on Probation" (1886). MERRITT, Jobn W., journalist, was born in New York City, July 4, 1806; studied law and practiced, for a time, with the celebrated James T. Brady as a partner. In 1841 he removed to St. Clair County, 111., purchased and, from 1848 to '51, conducted "The Belleville Advocate"; later, removed to Salem, 111. , where he established "The Salem Advocate" ; served as Assistant Sec- retary of the State Constitutional Convention of 1862, and as Representative in the Twenty-third General Assembly. In 1864 he purchased "The State Register" at Springfield, and was its editor for several years. Died, Nov. 16, 1878. Thomas E. (Merritt), son of the preceding, lawyer and politician, was born in New York City, April 29, 1834; at six years of age was brought by his father to Illinois, where he attended the common schools and later learned the trade of carriage- painting. Subsequently he read law, and was admitted to the bar, at Springfield, in 1862. In 1868 he was elected, as a Democrat, to the lower house of the General Assembly from the Salem District, and was re-elected to the same body in 1870, '74, '76, '86 and '88. He also served two terms in the Senate (1878-'86), making an almost continuous service in the General Assembly of eighteen years. He has repeatedly been a mem- ber of State conventions of his party, and stands as one of its trusted representatives. Maj .-( J en . Wesley (Merritt), another son, was born in New York, June 16, 1836, came with his father to Illi- nois in childhood, and was appointed a cadet at West Point Military Academy from this State, graduating in 1860 ; became a Second Lieutenant in the regular army, the same year, and was pro- moted to the rank of First Lieutenant, a year later. After the beginning of the Civil War, he was rapidly promoted, reaching the rank of Brigadier -General of Volunteers in 1862, and being mustered out, in 1866, with the brevet rank of Major-General. He re-entered the regular army as Lieutenant-Colonel, was promoted to a colonelcy in 1876, and, in 1887, received a com- mission as Brigadier-General, in 1897 becoming Major-General. He was in command, for a time, of the Department of the Missouri, but, on his last promotion, was transferred to the Depart- ment of the East, with headquarters at Gov- ernor's Island, N. Y. Soon after the beginning of the war with Spain, he was assigned to the command of the land forces destined for the Philippines, and appointed Military Governor of the Islands. Towards the close of the year he returned to the United States and resumed his old command at New York. MKSSI \<;KH, John, pioneer surveyor and car- tographer, was born at West Stockbridge, Mass. . in 1771, grew up on a farm, but secured a good education, especially in mathematics. Going t<> Vermont in 1783, he learned the trade of a car- penter and mill-wright; removed to Kentucky in 1799, and, in 1802, to Illinois (then a part of Indi- ana Territory), locating first in the American Bottom and, later, at New Design within the present limits of Monroe County. Two years later he became the proprietor of a mill, and. between 1804 and 1806, taught one of the earliest schools in St. Clair Count}-. The latter year he took up the vocation of a surveyor, which he fol- lowed for many years as a sub-contractor under William Rector, surveying much of the land in St. Clair and Randolph Counties, and, still later, assisting in determining the northern boundary of the State. He also served for a time as a teacher of mathematics in Rock Spring Seminary ; in 1821 published "A Manual, or Hand-Book, intended for Convenience in Practical Survey- ing," and prepared some of the earlier State and county maps. In 1808 he was elected to the Indiana Territorial Legislature, to fill a vacancy, and took part in the steps which resulted in set- ting up a separate Territorial Government for Illinois, the following year. He also received an appointment as the first Surveyor of St. Clair 372 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. County under the new Territorial Government; was chosen a Delegate from St. Clair County to the Convention of 1818, which framed the first State Constitution, and, the same year, was elected a Representative in the First General Assembly, serving as Speaker of that body. After leaving New Design, the later years of hi.s life were spent on a farm two and a half miles north of Belleville, where he died in 1846. METAMORA, a town of Woodford County, on a branch of the Chicago & Alton Railroad. 19 miles east-northeast of Peoria and some thirty miles northwest of Bloomington; is center of a fine farming district. The town has a creamery, soda factory, one bank, three churches, two newspapers, schools and a park. Population (1880), 828; (1900), 758. Metamora was the county-seat of Woodford County until 1899, when the seat of justice was removed to Eureka. HETCALF, Andrew W., lawyer, was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, August 6, 1828 ; educated at Madison College in his native State, graduating in 1846, and, after studying law at Cambridge, Ohio, three years, was admitted to the bar in 1850. The following year he went to Appleton, Wis., but remained only a year, when he removed to St. Louis, then to Edwardsville, and shortly after to Alton, to take charge of the legal busi- ness of George T. Brown, then publisher of "The Alton Courier." In 1853 he returned to Edwards- ville to reside permanently, and, in 1859, was uppointed by Governor Bissell State's Attorney for Madison County, serving one year. In 1864 he was elected State Senator for a term of four years; was a delegate to the Republican National Convention of 1872, and, in 1876, a lay delegate from the Southern Illinois Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church to the General Con- ference at Baltimore ; has also been a Trustee of McKendree College, at Lebanon, 111., for more than twenty-five years. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, one of the most numerous Protestant church organiza- tions in the United States and in Illinois. Rev. Joseph Lillard was the first preacher of this sect to settle in the Northwest Territory, and Capt. Joseph Ogle was the first class-leader (1795). It is stated that the first American preacher in the American Bottom was Rev. Hosea Riggs (1796). Rev. Benjamin Young took charge of the first Methodist mission in 1803, and, in 1804, this mis- sion was attached to the Cumberland (Tenn.) circuit. Rev. Joseph Oglesby and Charles R. Matheny were among the early circuit riders. In 1820 there were seven circuits in Illinois, and, in 1830, twenty-eight, the actual membership exceeding 10,000. The first Methodist service in Chicago was held by Rev. Jesse Walker, in 1826. The first Methodist society in that city was organized by Rev. Stephen R. Beggs, in June, 1831. By 1835 the number of circuits had in- creased to 61, with 370 ministers and 15,000 mem- bers. Rev. Peter Cartwright was among the early revivalists. The growth of this denomi- nation in the State has been extraordinary. By 1890, it had nearly 2,000 churches, 937 ministers, and 151,000 members the total number of Metho- dists in the United States, by the same census, being 4,980,240. The church property owned in 1890 (including parsonages) approached $111,000,- 000, and the total contributions were estimated at $3,073,923. The denomination in Illinois sup- ports two theological seminaries and the Garrett Biblical Institute at Evanston. "The North- western Christian Advocate," with a circulation of some 30,000, is its official organ in Illinois. (See also Religious Denominations.) METROPOLIS CITY, the county -seat of Massac County, 156 miles southeast of St. Louis, situated on the Ohio River and on the St. Louis and Paducah Division of the Illinois Central Rail- road. The city was founded in 1839, on the site of old Fort Massac, which was erected by the French, aided by the Indians, about 1711. Its industries consist largely of various forms of wood-working. Saw and planing mills are a commercial factor; other establishments turn out wheel, buggy and wagon material, barrel staves and heads, boxes and baskets, and veneers. There are also flouring mills and potteries The city has a public library, two banks, water- works, electric lights, numerous churches, high school and graded schools, and three papers. Population (1880). 2,668; (1890), 3,573; (1900), 4,069. MEXICAN WAR. Briefly stated, this war originated in the annexation of Texas to the United States, early in 1846. There was a dis- agreement as to the western boundary of Texas. Mexico complained of encroachment upon her territory, and hostilities began with the battle of Palo Alto, May 8, and ended with the treaty of peace, concluded at Guadalupe Hidalgo, near the City of Mexico, Feb. 2, 1848. Among the most prominent figures were President Polk, under whose administration annexation was effected, and Gen. Zachary Taylor, who was chief in com- mand in the field at the beginning of the war, and was elected Folk's successor. Illinois furnished more than her full quota of troops for the strug- gle. May 13, 1846, war was declared. On May HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 373 35, Governor Ford issued his proclamation calling for the enlistment of three regiments of infantry, the assessed quota of the State. The response was prompt and general. Alton was named as the rendezvous, and Col. (afterwards General) Sylvester Churchill was the mustering officer. The regiments mustered in were commanded, respectively, by Col. John J. Hardin, Col. Wm. H. Bissell (afterwards Governor) and Col. Ferris Forman. An additional twelve months' regiment (the Fourth) was accepted, under command of Col. E. D. Baker, who later became United States Senator from Oregon, and fell at the battle of Ball's Bluff, in October, 1861. A second call was made in April, 1847, under which Illinois sent two more regiments, for the war, towards the Mexican frontier. These were commanded by Col. Edward W. B. Newby and Col. James Collins. Independent companies were also tendered and accepted. Besides, there were Nome 150 volunteers who joined the regiments already in the field. Commanders of the inde- pendent companies were Capts. Adam Dunlap, of Schuyler County; Wyatt B. Stapp, of War- ren; Michael K. Lawler, of Shawneetown, and Josiah Little. Col. John J. Hardin, of the First, was killed at Buena Vista, and the official mor- tuary list includes many names of Illinois' best and bravest sons. After participating in the battle of Buena Vista, the Illinois troops shared in the triumphal entry into the City of Mexico, on Sept. 16, 1847, and (in connection with those from Kentucky) were especially complimented in (teneral Taylor's official report. The Third and Fourth regiments won distinction at Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo and the City of Mexico. At the second of these battles, General Shields fell severely (and, as supposed for a time, mortally) wounded. Colonel Baker succeeded Shields, led a gallant charge, and really turned the day at Cerro Gordo. Among the officers honorably named by General Scott, in his official report, were Colonel Forman, Major Harris, Adjutant Fondey, Capt. J. S. Post, and Lieutenants Hammond and Davis. All the Illinois troops were mustered out lietween May 25, 1847 and Nov. 7, 1848, the inde- pendent companies being the last to quit the service. The total number of volunteers was 6.123, of whom 86 were killed, and 160 wounded, 12 of the latter dying of their wounds. Gallant service in the Mexican War soon became a pass- port to political preferment, and some of the brave soldiers of 1846-47 subsequently achieved merited distinction in civil life. Many also be- came distinguished soldiers in the War of the Rebellion, including such names as John A. Logan, Richard J. Oglesby, M. K. Lawler, James D. Morgan, W. H. L. Wallace, B. M. Prentiss, W. R. Morrison, L. F. Ross, and others. The cost of the war, with $15,000,000 paid for territory annexed, is estimated at $166,500,000 and the extent of territory acquired, nearly 1,000,000 square miles considerably more than the whole of the present territory of the Republic of Mexico. METER, John, lawyer and legislator, was born in Holland, Feb. 27, 1852 ; came to Chicago at the age of 12 years ; entered the Northwestern Uni- versity, supporting himself by labor during vaca- tions and by teaching in a night school, until his third year in the university, when he became a student in the Union College of Law, being admitted to the bar in 1879; was elected from Cook County to the Thirty-fifth General Assembly (1884), and re-elected to the Thirty-sixth, Thirty- eighth and Thirty-ninth, being chosen Speaker of the latter (Jan. 18, 1895). Died in office, at Free- port, 111., July 3, 1895, during a special session of the General Assembly. MIAMIS, The. The preponderance of author- ity favors the belief that this tribe of Indians was originally a part of the Ill-i-ni or Illinois, but the date of their separation from the parent stock cannot be told. It is likely, however, that it occurred before the French pushed their explo- rations from Canada westward and southward, into and along the Mississippi Valley. Father Dablon alludes to the presence of Miamis (whom he calls Ou-mi-a-mi) in a mixed Indian village, near the mouth of Fox River of Wisconsin, in 1670. The orthography of their name is varied. The Iroquois and the British generally knew them as the "Twightwees, " and so they were commonly called by the American colonists. The Weas and Piankeshaws were of the same tribe When La Salle founded his colony at Starved Rock, the Miamis had villages which could muster some 1,950 warriors, of which the Weas had 500 and the Piankeshaws 150, the re- maining 1,300 being Miamis proper. In 1671 (according to a written statement by Charlevoix in 1721), the Miamis occupied three villages- one on the St. Joseph River, one on the Mau- mee and one on the "Ouabache" (Wabash). They' were friendly toward the French until 1694, when a large number of them were massacred by a party of Sioux, who carried firearms which had been furnished them by the Frenchmen. The breach thus caused was never closed. Having become possessed of guns 374 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. themselves, the Miamis were able, not only to hold their own, but also to extend their hunting grounds as far eastward as the Scioto, alternately warring with the French, British and Americans. General Harrison says of them that, ten years before the treaty of Greenville, they could have brought upon the field a body of 3,000 "of the finest light troops in the world," but lacking in discipline and enterprise. Border warfare and smallpox, however, had, by that date (1795), greatly reduced their numerical strength. The main seat of the Miamis was at Fort Wayne, whose residents, because of their superior num- bers and intelligence, dominated all other bands except the Piankeshaws. The physical and moral deterioration of the tribe began immedi- ately after the treaty of Greenville. Little by little, they ceded their lands to the United States, the money received therefor being chiefly squan- dered in debauchery. Decimated by vice and disease, the remnants of this once powerful abo- riginal nation gradually drifted westward across the Mississippi, whence their valorous sires had emigrated two centuries before. The small rem- nant of the band finally settled in Indian Terri- tory, but they have made comparatively little progress toward civilization. (See also fianke- s/iaics; Weas.) MICHAEL REESE HOSPITAL, located in Chicago, under care of the association known as the United Hebrew Charities. Previous to 1871 this association maintained a small hospital for the care of some of its beneficiaries, but it was destroyed in the conflagration of that year, and no immediate effort to rebuild was made. In 1880, however, Michael Reese, a Jewish gentleman who had accumulated a large fortune in Cali- fornia, bequeathed $97,000 to the organization. With this sum, considerably increased by addi- tions from other sources, an imposing building was erected, well arranged and thoroughly equipped for hospital purposes. The institution thus founded was named after its principal bene- factor. Patients are received without discrimi- nation as to race or religion, and more than half those admitted are charity patients. The present medical staff consists of thirteen surgeons and physicians, several of whom are eminent specialists. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. The main line of this road extends from Chicago to Detroit, 270 miles, with trackage facilities from Kensington, 14 miles, over the line of the Illinois Central, to its terminus in Chicago. Branch lines (leased, proprietary and operated) in Canada, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois swell the total mileage to 1,643.56 miles. (HlSTOBY.) The company was chartered in 1846, and purchased from the State of Michigan the line from Detroit to Kalamazoo, 144 miles, of which construction had been begun in 1836. The road was completed to Michigan City in 1850, and, in May, 1852, reached Kensington, 111. As at present constituted, the road (with its auxiliaries) forms an integral part of what is popularly known as the "Vanderbilt System." Only 35 miles of the entire line are operated in Illinois, of which 29 belong to the Juliet & Northern Indiana branch (which see). The outstanding capital stock (1898) was $18,- 738,000 and the funded debt, 19,101,000. Earn- ings in Illinois the same year, $484,002; total operating expenses, $540,905; taxes, 824,250. MICHIGAN, LAKE. (See Lake Michigan.) MIHALOTZY, Geza, soldier, a native of Hun- gary and compatriot of Kossuth in the Magyar struggle: came to Chicago in 1848, in 1861 enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Illinois Volunteers (first "Hecker regiment"), and, on the resignation of Colonel Hecker, a few weeks later, was promoted to the Colonelcy. A trained soldier, he served with gallantry and distinction, but was fatally wounded at Buzzard's Roost, Feb. 24, 1864, dying at Chattanooga, March 11, 1864. MILAN, a town of Rock Island County, on the Rock Island & Peoria Railway, six miles south of Rock Island. It is located on Rock River, has several mills, a bank and a newspaper. Popula- tion (1880), 845; (1890), 692; (1900), 719. M1LBURN, (Rev.) William Henry, clergy- man, was born in Philadelphia, Sept. 26, 1820. At the age of five years he almost totally lost sight in both eyes, as the result of an accident, and subsequent malpractice in their treatment. For a time he was able to decipher letters with difficulty, and thus learned to read. In the face of such obstacles he carried on his studies until 12 years of age, when he accompanied his father's family to Jacksonville, 111., and, five years later, became an itinerant Methodist preacher. For a time he rode a circuit covering 200 miles, preach- ing, on an average, ten times a week, for $100 per year. In 1845, while on a Mississippi steamboat, he pu'olicly rebuked a number of Congressmen, who were his fellow passengers, for intemperance and gaming. This resulted in his being made Chaplain of the House of Representatives. From 1848 to 1850 he was pastor of a church at Mont- gomery, Ala., during which time he was tried for heresy, and later became pastor of a "Free Church." Again, in 1853, he was chosen Chap- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. lain of Congress. While in Europe, in 1859, lie took orders in the Episcopal Church, but returned to Methodism in 1871. He has since l>een twice Chaplain of the House (1885 and '87) and three times (1893, '95 and '97) elected to the same posi- tion in the Senate He is generally known as "the blind preacher" and achieved considerable prominence by his eloquence as a lecturer on "What a Blind Man Saw in Europe." Among his published writings are. "Rifle. Axe and Sad- dlebags" (1856), "Ten Yeaps of Preacher Life" (1858) and "Pioneers. Preachers and People of the Mississippi Valley" (I860). MILCHRIST, Thomas ., lawyer, was born in the Isle of Man in 1839, and, at the age of eight years, came to America with his parents, who settled in Peoria, 111. Here he attended school and worked on a farm until the beginning of the Civil War, when lie enlisted in the One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois Volunteers, serving until 1865, and being discharged with the rank of Cap- tain. After the war he read law with John I. Bennett then of Galena, but later Master in Chancery of the United States Court at Chicago was admitted to the bar in 1867, and, for a number of years, served as State's Attorney in Henry County. In 1888 he was a delegate from Illinois to the Republican National Convention, and the following year was appointed by Presi- dent Harrison United States District Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois. Since retiring from office in 1893, Mr. Milchrist has been engaged in private practice in Chicago. In 1898 he was elected a State Senator for the Fifth Dis- trict (city of Chicago) in the Forty-first General Assembly. MILES, Nelson A., Major-General. was born at Westminster, Mass., August 8, 1839, and, at the breaking out of the Civil War, was engaged in mercantile pursuits in the city of Boston. In October, 1861, he entered the service as a Second Lieutenant in a Massachusetts regiment, dis- tinguished himself at the battles of Fair Oaks, Charles City Cross Roads and Malvern Hill, in one of which he was wounded In Sep- tember, 1862, he was Colonel of the Sixty- first New York, which he led at Fredericksburg and at Chancellorsville. where he was again severely wounded. He commanded the First Brigade of the First Division of the Second Army Corps in the Richmond campaign, and was made Brigadier-General, May 12, 1864. and Major- General, by brevet, for gallantry shown at Ream's Station, in December of the same year. At the rlose of the war he was commissioned Colonel of the Fortieth United States Infantry, and distin- guished himself in caiujKugns against the Indians; became a Brigadier-General in 1880, and Major- General in 1890, in the interim being in command of the Department of the Columbia, and. after 1890, of the Missouri, with headquarters at Chi- cago. Here he did much to give efficiency anil importance to the post at Fort Sheridan, and, in 1894, rendered valuable sen-ice in checking the strike riots about Chicago. Near the close of the year he was transferred to the Department of tin- East, and, on the retirement <>(' General Schofield in 1895, was placed in command of the anuv. with headquarters in Washington. During the Spanish- American war ( 18) General Miles gave attention to the fitting out of troops for the Cuban and Porto Rican campaigns, and visited Santiago during the siege conducted by General Shatter, but took no active command in the field until the occupation of Porto Rico, which was conducted with rare discrimination and good judgment, and with comparatively little loss of life or suffering to the troops. XILFORD, a prosperous village of Iroquois County, on the Chicago i Eastern Illinois Rail- road, 88 miles south of Chicago; is in a rich farm- ing region ; has water and sewerage systems, electric lights, two brick and tile works, three large grain elevators. Hour mill, three churches, good schools, a public library and a weekly news- paper. It is an important shipping point for grain and live-stock Population (1890), 957; (1900). 1.077. MILITARY BOU>TV LANDS. (See Military Tract. ) MILITARY TRACT, a |*.|mlai name given to a section of the State, set apart under an act of Congress. j>assed. May attend county musters, which were often con- ducted in a very informal manner, or made the occasion of a sort of periodical frolic. The act of July, 1833 (following the Black Hawk War), required an enrollment of "all free, white, male inhabitants of military age (except such as might be exempt under the Constitution or laws)"; divided the State into five divisions by counties, each division to be organized into a certain speci- fied number of brigades. This act was quite elaborate, covering some twenty-four pages, and provided for regimental, battalion and company musters, defined the duties of officers, manner of election, etc. The act of 1837 encouraged the organization of volunteer companies. The Mexi- can War (1845-47) gave a new impetus to this class of legislation, as also did the War of the Rebellion (1861-65). While the office of Adju- tant-General had existed from the first, its duties except during the Black Hawk and Mexican Ware were rather nominal, and were discharged without stated compensation, the incumbent being merely Chief -of-staff to the Governor as Commander-in-Chief. The War of the Rebellion at once brought it into prominence, as an impor- tant part of the State Government, which it has since maintained. The various measures passed, during this period, belong rather to the history of the late war than to the subject of this chapter. In 1865, however, the office was put on a different footing, and the important part it had played, during the preceding four years, was recognized by the passage of "an act to provide for the ap- pointment, and designate the work, fix the pay and prescribe the duties, of the Adjutant-General HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 377 of Illinois." During the next four years, its most important work was the publication of eight volumes of war records, containing a com- plete roster of the officers and men of the various regiments and other military organizations from Illinois, with an outline of their movements and a list of the battles in which they were engaged. To the Adjutant-General's office, as now adminis- tered, is entrusted the custody of the war- records, battle-flags and trophies of the late war. A further step was taken, in 1877, in the passage of an act formulating a military code and provid- ing for more thorough organization. Modifying amendments to this act were adopted in 1879 and 1885. While, under these laws, "all able-bodied male citizens of this State, between the ages of 18 and 45" (with certain specified exceptions), are declared "subject to military duty, and desig- nated as the Illinois State Militia," provision is made for the organization of a body of "active militia," designated as the "Illinois National Ouard," to consist of "not more than oighty-four companies of infantry, two batteries of artillery and two troops of cavalry," recruited by volun- tary enlistments for a period of three years, with right to re-enlist for one or more years. The National Guard, as at present constituted, con- sists of three brigades, with a total force of about 9,000 men, organized into nine regiments, besides the batteries and cavalry already mentioned. Gatling guns are used by the artillery and breech- loading rifles by the infantry. Camps of instruc- tion are held for the regiments, respectively one or more regiments participating each year, usually at "Camp Lincoln" near Springfield, when regimental and brigade drills, competitive rifle practice and mock battles are had. An act establishing the "Naval Militia of Illinois," to consist of "not more than eight divisions or com- panies," divided into two battalions of four divi- sions each, was passed by the General Assembly of 1893 the whole to be under the command of an officer with the rank of Commander. The commanding officer of each battalion is styled a "Lieutenant-Commander," and both the Com- mander and Lieutenant-Commanders have their respective staffs their organization, in other respects, being conformable to the laws of the United States. A set of "Regulations," based upon these several laws, has been prepared by the Adjutant-General for the government of the various organizations. The Governor is author- ized, by law, to call out the militia to resist inva- sion, or to suppress violence and enforce execution of the laws, when called upon by the civil author- ities of any city, town or county. This authority, however, is exercised with great discretion, and only when the local authorities are deemed unable to cope with threatened resistance to law. The officers of the National Guard, when called into actual service for the suppression of riot or the enforcement of the laws, receive the same com- pensation paid to officers of the United States army of like grade, while the enlisted men receive $2 per day. During the time they are at any encampment, the officers and men alike receive $1 per day. with necessary subsistence and cost of transportation to and from the encampment. (For list of incumbents in Adjutant-General's office, see Adjutants-General; see, also, Spanish - American War ) MILLER, James H., Speaker of the House of Representatives, was born in Ohio, May 29, 1843 ; in early life came to Toulon, Stark County, III., where he finally engaged in the practice of law. At the beginning of the Rebellion he enlisted in the Union army, but before being mustered into the service, received an injury which rendered him a cripple for life. Though of feeble physical organization and a sufferer from ill-health, lie was a man of decided ability and much influence. He served as State's Attorney of Stark County (1872-76) and, in 1884, was elected Representative in the Thirty-fourth General Assembly, at the following session being one of the most zealous supporters of Gen. John A. Logan, in the cele- brated contest which resulted in the election of the latter, for the third time, to the United States Senate. By successive re-elections he also served in the Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth General Assemblies, during the session of the latter being chosen Speaker of the House, as successor to A. C. Matthews, who had been appointed, during the session, First Comptroller of the Treasury at Washington. In the early part of the summer of 1890, Mr. Miller visited Colorado for the bene- fit of his health, but, a week after his arrival at Manitou Springs, died suddenly, June 27, 1890. HILLS, Benjamin, lawyer and early poli- tician, was a native of Western Massachusetts, and described by his contemporaries as a highly educated and accomplished lawyer, as well as a brilliant orator. The exact date of his arrival in Illinois cannot be determined with certainty, but he appears to have been in the "Lead Mine Region" about Galena, as early as 1828 or '27, and was notable as one of the first "Yankees" to locate in that section of the State. He was elected a Representative in the Eighth General Assembly (1832). his district embracing the 378 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. counties of Peoria, Jo Daviess, Putnam, La Sallr and Cook, including all the State north of Sangu- mon (as it then stood), and extending from the Mississippi River to the Indiana State line. At this session occurred the impeachment trial of Theophilus W. Smith, of the Supreme Court, Mr. Mills acting as Chairman of the Impeachment Committee, anil delivering a speech of great ]x>wer and brilliancy, which lasted two or three days. In 1834 1m watt a candidate for Congress from the Northern District, but was defeated by William I. May (Democrat), as claimed by Mr. Mill's friends, unfairly. He early fell a victim to consumption and, returning to Massachusetts, died in Berkshire County, in that State, in 1841 Hon. R. H. McClellan, of Galena, says of him : "He was a man of remarkable ability, learning and eloquence," while Governor Ford, in his "History of Illinois," testifies that, "by common consent of all his contemporaries. Mr. Mills was regarded as the most popular ami brilliant lawyer of his day at the Galena bar." MILLS, Henry A., State Senator, was born at New Hartford, Oneida County, N. Y., in 1827; located at Mount Carroll, Carroll County, 111., in 185G, finally engaging in the banking business at that place. Having served in various local offices, he was, in 1874, chosen State Senator for the Eleventh District, but died at Galesburf; liefore the expiration of his term, July 7, 1877. MILLS, Luther Laflln, lawyer, was born at North Adams, Mass., Sept. :l, 1S4K; brought to Chicago in infancy, and educated in the public schools of that city and at Michigan State Uni- versity. In 1868 he Ixsgan the study of law, was admitted to practice three years later., and, in 187rn in Vermont. Mav IS. 1825: from 18.14 to '51 he lived in Ohio, the latter year coming to Chicago, where lie worked at his trade of watch-maker. In 1855 lie went to Central America and was with Gen- eral William Walker at Greytown. Returning to Illinois, he resumed his trade at Springfield; in 1857 he was appointed, by Auditor Dubois, chief clerk in the Auditor's office, serving until 1864, when he was elected State Auditor as successor to his chief. Retiring from office in 1869, he gave attention to his private business. He was one of the founders and a Director of the Spring- field Iron Company. Died in 1879. MINIER, a village of Tazewell County, at the intersection of the Jacksonville Division of the Chicago & Alton and the Terre Haute & Peoria Railroads. -'ii miles southeast of Peoria; is in fine farming district and has several grain elevators, some manufactures, two banks and a newspaper. Population (1890). 064; (1900), 74. MINONK, a city in Woodford County, 29 miles north of Bloomington and 53 miles northeast of Peoria, on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and the Illinois Central Railways. The surrounding region is agricultural, though much coal is mined in the vicinity. The city has brick yards, tile factories, steam flouring-mills, several grain elevators, two private )>anks and two weekly newspapers. Population (1880), 1,913; (1890), 2,316; (1900), 2,546. MINORITY REPRESENTATION, a method of choosing members of the General Assembly and other deliberative bodies, designed to secure n-|> resentation, in such bodies, to minority parties. In Illinois, this method is limited to the election of members of the lower branch of the General Assembly except as to private corporations, which may, at their option, apply it in the election of Trustees or Directors. In the apportionment of members of the General Assembly (see Legis- lative Apportionment), the State Constitution requires that the Senatorial and Representative Districts shall be identical in territory, each of such Districts being entitled to choose one Sena- tor and three Representatives. The provisions of the Constitution, making specific application of the principle of "minority representation" (or "cumulative voting," as it is sometimes called), declares that, in the election of Representatives, "each qualified voter may cast as many votes for one candidate as there are Representatives, or (he) may distribute the same, or equal parts thereof, among the candidates as he shall see fit." (State Constitution, Art. IV, sections 7 and 8.) In practice, this provision gives the voter ]K>wertocast three votes for one candidate : two HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 379 votes for one candidate and one for another, or one and a half votes to each of two candidates, or he may distribute his vote equally among three candidates (giving one to each); but no other division is admissible without invalidating his ballot as to this office. Other forms of minor- ity representation liave been proixwed by various writers, among whom Mr. Thomas Hare, John Stuart Mill, and Mr. Craig, of England, are most prominent; but that adopted in Illinois seems to be the simplest and most easy of application. XI3SHALL, William A., legislator and jurist, a native of Ohio who came to Kushville. 111., at an early day, and entered upon the practice of law; served as Representative in the Eighth. Tenth and Twelfth General Assemblies, and a* Delegate to the State Constitutional Convention of 1847. He was elected Judge of the Circuit Court for the Fifth Circuit, under the new Con- stitution, in 184H, an d died in office, early in 1853. being succeeded by the late Judge Pinkney II. Walker. MISSIONARIES, EARLY. The earliest Chris- tian missionaries in Illinois were of the Roman Catholic faith. As a rule, these accompanied the French explorers and did not a little toward the extension of French dominion. They were usually members of one of two orders the "Recollects," founded by St. Francis, or the "Jesuits," founded by Loyola. Between these two bodies of ecclesi- astics existed, at times, a strong rivalry; the former having been earlier in the field, but hav- ing been virtually subordinated to the latter by Cardinal Richelieu. The controversy between the two orders gradually involved the civil authorities, and continued until the suppression of the Jesuits, in France, in 1764. The most noted of the Jesuit missionaries were Fathers Allouez. Oravier, Marquette, Dablon. Pinet, Rasle, Lamo- ges, Binneteau ami Marest. Of the Recollects, the most conspicuous were Fathers Membre, Douay, Le Clerq, Hennepin and Ribourde Besides these, there were also Father Bergier and Montigny, who, llonging to no religious order, were called secular priests. The first Catholic mission, founded in Illinois, was probably that at the original Kaskaskia. on the Illinois, in the present county of La Salle, where Father Mar- ijuette did missionary work in 1673, followed by Allouez in 1677. (See Allouez, Claude Jean.} The latter was succeeded, in 1688. by Father Gra\ ier, who was followed, in Ifi'.i'-'. by Father Sebas- tian Rasle. but who. returning in Iti'.il remained until 1695. when he was succeeded by Pinet and Binneteau. In 1700 Father Marest was in charge of the mission, and the number of Indians among whom he labored was, that year considerably diminished by the emigration of the Kaskaskias to the south. Father Gravier, about this time, labored among the Peorias. but was incapacitated by a wound received from the medicine man of the tribe, which finally resulted in his death, at Mobile, in 1706. The Peoria station remained vacant for a time, but was finally filled by Father Deville. Another early Catholic mis- sion in Illinois was that at Cahokia While the precise date of its establishment cannot be fixed with certainty, there is evidence that it was in existence in 1700. being the earliest in tliat region. Among the early Fathers, who ministered to the savages there, were Pinet. St. Cosme. Bergier and l.amiiges. This mission was at first called the Tamaroa, and. later, the mission of St. Sulpice. It was probably the first permanent mission in the Illinois Country. Among those in charge, down to 1718, were Fathers de Montigny, Damon (prob- ably), Varlet, de la Source, and le Mercier. In 1707, Father Mermet assisted Father Marest at Kaskaskia. and, in 17iO, that mission became a regularly constituted parish, the incumbent being Father de Beaubois. Rev. Philip Boucher preached and administered the sacraments at Fort St. Louis, where he died in 1719. liaving been preceded by Fathers Membre and Ribourde in 1680, and by Fathers Douay and Le Clerq in 1687-88. The persecution and banishment of the early Jesuit missionaries, by the Superior Council of Louisiana (of which Illinois had formerly been :i part), in 1763, is a curious chapter in State his- tory. That body, following the example of some provincial legislative bodies in France, officially declared the order a dangerous nuisance, and decreed the confiscation of all its property, in- cluding plate and vestments, and the razing of its churche*. as well as the banishment of it* members. This decree the Louisiana Council undertook to enforce in Illinois, disregarding the fact that that territory had passed under the jurisdiction of Great Britain. The Jesuits seem to have offered no resistance, either physical or legal, and all members of the order in Illinois were ruthlessly, and without a shadow of author- ity, carried to New Orleans and thence deported to France. Only one Father Sebastian Louis Meurin was allowed to return to Illinois ; and he. only after promising to recognize the ecclesiastical authority of the Superior Council as supreme, and to hold no communication with Quebec or Rome. The labors of the missionaries, apart from spiritual results, were of great value They 380 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. perpetuated the records of early discoveries, reduced the language, and even dialects, of the aborigines, to grammatical rules, and preserved the original traditions and described the customs of the savages. (Authorities: Shea and Kip's "Catholic Missions," "Magazine of Western His- tory," Winsor's "America," and Shea's "Catholic Church in Colonial Days.") MISSISSIPPI RIVER. (Indian name, "Missi Sipi," the "Great Water.") Its head waters are in the northern part of Minnesota, 1,680 feet above tide-water. Its chief source is Itasca Lake, which is 1,575 feet higher than the sea, and which is fed by a stream having its source within one mile of the head waters of the Red River of the North. From this sheet of water to the mouth of the river, the distance is variously estimated at from 3,000 to 3,160 miles. Lake Itasca is in lat. 47 10' north and Ion. 95 20' west from Greenwich. The river at first runs north- ward, but soon turns toward the east and expands into a series of small lakes. Its course, as far as Crow Wing, is extremely sinuous, below which point it runs southward to St. Cloud, thence south- eastward to Minneapolis, where occur the Falls of St. Anthony, establishing a complete barrier to navigation for the lower Mississippi. In less than a mile the river descends 66 feet, including a per- pendicular fall of 17 feet, furnishing an immense water-power, which is utilized in operating flour- ing-mills and other manufacturing establish- ments. A few miles below St. Paul it reaches the western boundary of Wisconsin, where it expands into the long and beautiful Lake Pepin, bordered by picturesque limestone bluffs, some 400 feet high. Below Dubuque its general direc- tion is southward, and it forms the boundary between the States ot Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas and the northern part of Louisiana, on the west, and Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mis- sissippi, on the east. After many sinuous turn- ings in its southern course, it enters the Gulf of Mexico by three principal passes, or mouths, at the southeastern extremity of Plaquemines Parish, La., in lat. 29 north and Ion. 89 12' west. Its principal affluents on the right are the Minnesota, Iowa, Des Moines, Missouri, Arkansas and Red Rivers, and, on the left, the Wisconsin, Illinois and Ohio. The Missouri River is longer than that part of the Mississippi above the point of junction, the distance from its source to the delta of the latter being about 4,300 miles, which exceeds that of any other river in the world. The width of the stream at St. Louis is about 8,500 feet, at the mouth of the Ohio nearly 4,600 feet, and at New Orleans about 2,500 feet. The mean velocity of the current between St. Louis and the Gulf of Mexico is about five to five and one-half miles per hour. The average depth below Red River is said to be 121 feet, though, in the vicinity of New Orleans, the maximum is said to reach 150 feet. The principal rapids below the Falls of St. Anthony are at Rock Island and the Des Moines Rapids above Keokuk, the former having twenty-two feet fall and the latter twenty-four feet. A canal around the Des Moines Rapids, along the west bank of the river, aids navigation. The alluvial banks which pre- vail on one or both shores of the lower Mississippi, often spread out into extensive "bottoms" which are of inexhaustible fertility. The most impor- tant of these above the mouth of the Ohio, is the "American Bottom," extending along the east bank from Alton to Chester. Immense sums have been spent in the construction of levees for the protection of the lands along the lower river from overflow, as also in the construction of a system of jetties at the mouth, to improve navi- gation by deepening the channel. MISSISSIPPI BITER BRIDGE, THE, one of the best constructed railroad bridges in the West, spanning the Mississippi from Pike, 111., to Loui- siana, Mo. The construction company was char- tered, April 25, 1872, and the bridge was ready for the passage of trains on Dec. 24, 1873. On Dec. 8, 1877, it was leased in perpetuity by the Chicago & Alton Railway Company, which holds all its stock and f 150,000 of its bonds as an investment, payingarental of $60,000 per annum, to be applied in the payment of 7 per cent interest on stock and 6 per cent on bonds. In 1894, $71,000 was paid for rental, $16,000 going toward a sinking fund. MOBILE & OHIO RAILROAD. This company operates 160.6 miles of road in Illinois, of which 151.6 are leased from the St. Louis & Cairo Rail- road. (See St. Louis db Cairo Railroad.) MOM* E, a flourishing manufacturing city in Rock Island County, incorporated in 1872, on the Mississippi above Rock Island and opposite Davenport, Iowa; is 168 miles south of west from Chicago, and the intersecting point of three trunk lines of railway. Moline, Rock Island and Davenport are connected by steam and street railways, bridges and ferries. All three obtain water-power from the Mississippi. The region around Moline is rich in coal, and several pro- ductive mines are operated in the vicinity. It is an important manufacturing point, its chief out- puts being agricultural implements, filters, malle- able iron, steam engines, vehicles, lumber, organs HISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 381 (pipe and reed), paper, lead-roofing, wind-mills, milling machinery, and furniture. The city has admirable water-works, several churches, good schools, gas and electric light plants, a public library, five banks, three daily and weekly papers. It also has an extensive electric power plant, electric street cars and interurban line. Population (1890), 12,000; (1900), 17,948. MOLONEY, Maurice T., ex-Attorney-General, was born in Ireland, in 1849; came to America in 1867, and, after a course in the Seminary of ' 'Our Lady of the Angels" at Niagara Falls, studied theology ; then taught for a time in Virginia and studied law at the University of that State, graduating in 1871, finally locating at Ottawa, 111. , where he served three years as State's Attor- ney of La Salle County, and, in 1892, was nomi- nated and elected Attorney-General on the Democratic State ticket, serving until January, 1897. MOMENCE, a town in Kankakee County, situ- ated on the Kankakee River and at the intersec- tion of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois and the Indiana, Illinois & Iowa Railroads, 54 miles south of Chicago; has water power, a flouring mill, enameled brick factory, railway repair shops, two banks, two newspapers, five churches and two schools. Population (1890), 1,635; (1900), 2,026. MONMOUTH, the county-seat of Warren County, 26 miles east of the Mississippi River; at point of intersection of two lines of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and the Iowa Central Rail- ways. The Santa Fe enters Monmouth on the Iowa Central lines. The surrounding country is agricultural and coal yielding. The city lias manufactories of agricultural implements, sewer- pipe, pottery, paving brick, and cigars. Mon- mouth College (United Presbyterian) was chartered in 1857, and the library of this institu- tion, with that of Warren County (also located at Monmouth) aggregates 30,000 volumes. There are three national banks, two daily, three weekly and two other periodical publications. An ap- propriation was made by the Fifty-fifth Congress for the erection of a Government building at Monmouth. Population (1890), 5,936; (1900), 7,460. MONMOUTH COLLEGE, an educational insti- tution, controlled by the United Presbyterian denomination, but non-sectarian ; located at Mon- mouth. It was founded in 1856, its first class graduating in 1858. Its Presidents have been Drs. D. A. Wallace (1856-78) and J. B. McMichael, the latter occupying the position from 1878 until 1897. In 1896 the faculty consisted of fifteen instructors and the number of students was 289. The college campus covers ten acres, tastefully laid out. The institution confers four degrees A.B., B.S., M.B., and B.L. For the conferring of the first three, four years' study is required , for the degree of B.L., three years. MONROE, George D., State Senator, was born in Jefferson County, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1844, and came with his parents to Illinois in 1849. His father having been elected Sheriff of Will County in 1864, he became a resident of Juliet, serving as a deputy in his father's office. In 1865 he engaged in merchandising as the partner of his father, which was exchanged, some fifteen years later, for the wholesale grocery trade, and, finally, for the real-estate and mortgage-loan business, in which he is still employed. He has also been extensively engaged in the stone business some twenty years, being a large stockholder in the Western Stone Company and Vice-President of the concern. In 1894 Mr. Monroe was elected, as a Republican, to the State Senate from the Twenty-fifth District, serving in the Thirty -ninth and Fortieth General Assemblies, and proving himself one of the most influential members ( that body. MONROE COUNTY, situated in the southwest part of the State, bordering on the Mississippi named for President Monroe. Its area is about 380 square miles. It was organized in 1816 and included within its boundaries several of the French villages which constituted, for many years, a center of civilization in the West American settlers, however, began to locate in the district as early as 1781. The county has a diversified surface and is heavily timbered. The soil is fertile, embracing both upland and river bottom. Agriculture and the manufacture and shipping of lumber constitute leading occupations of the citizens. Waterloo is the county-seat. Population (1890), 12,948; (1900), 13,847. MONTGOMERY COUNTY, an interior county, situated northeast of St. Louis and south of Springfield; area 702 square miles, population (1900), 30,836 derives its name from Gen. Richard Montgomery. The earliest settlements by Ameri- cans were toward the close of 1816, county organi- zation being effected five years later. The entire population, at that time, scarcely exceeded 100 families. The surface is undulating, well watered and timbered. The seat of county government is located at Hillsboro. Litchfield is an important town. Here are situated car-shops and some manufacturing establishments. Conspicuous in the county's history as pioneers were Harris Reavis. Henry Pyatt. John Levi, Aaron Casey HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. John Tillson. Hiraiu Rountree. the Wrights (Joseph and Charles), the Hills (John and Henry), William McDavid and John Russell. MOM IT K l.l.O, a city and the county-seat of I'iatt County, on the Sangamon River, midway lietween Chicago and St. Louis, on the Kaukaker und Blooinington Division of the Illinois Central, and the Chicago and St. Louis Division of the Wabash Railways. It lies within the "corn belt," and stock-raising is extensively carried on in the surrounding country. Among the city industries are a foundry and machine shoj>s. steam Hour and planing mills, broom, cigar and harness-making, and patent fence and tile works. The city is lighted by electricity, has several elevators, an excellent water system, numerous churches and good schools, with l>anks and three weekly papers. Population (1890), 1,043; (1900), 1,982. MOXTICELLO FEMALE SEMINARY, the second institution established in Illinois for the higher education of women Jacksonville Female Seminary being the first. It was founded through the munificence of Capt. Benjamin < Jodfrey. who donated fifteen acres for a site, at (Jodfrey. Madison County, and gave $53,00(1 toward erecting and equipping the buildings. The institution was oj>eiu>d on April 11, 1838. with sixteen young lady pupils. Rev. Theron Itjildwin, one of the celebrated "Vale Hand," being the first Principal. In \X4~> lie was suc- ceeded by Miss I'hilena Folws, and she. in turn, by Miss Harriet X. Haskell, in INdti. who still remains in charge. In November. 1883, the seminary building, with its contents. was burned : tiut the institution continued its sessions in tern porary quarters until the erection of a new build- ing, which was soon accomplished through the generosity of alumna 1 and friends of female edu- cation throughout the country. The new struc ture is of stone, three stories in height, and thoroughly modern. The average nunilwr of pupils is 150, with fourteen instructors, and the standard of the institution is of a high diameter. MOORE, Clifton H., lawyer and financier, was born at Kirtland. Lake County. Ohio. Oct. 2fi. 1817; after a brief season spent in two academies and one term in the Western Reserve Teachers' Seminary, at Kirtland, in 1839 he came west and engaged in teaching at Pekin. 111., while giving his leisure to the study of law. He spent the next year at Tremont as Deputy County and Circuit Clerk, was admitted to the bar at Spring lield in 1841, and located soon after at Clinton DeWitt County, which has since been his home. In partnership with the late Judge David Davis. of Hloomington, Mr. Moore, a few years later, began operating extensively in Illinois lands, and is now one of the largest land proprietors in the State, besides being interested in a number of manufacturing ventures and a local bank. The only official position of importance he has held is that of Delegate to the State Constitu- tional Convention of 1869-70. He is an enthusi- astic collector of State historical and art treasures, of which he possesses one of the most valuable private collections in Illinois. MOORE, Henry, pioneer lawyer, came to Chi- cago from Concord, Mass., in 1834. and was almost immediately admitted to the bar, also acting for a time as a clerk in the office of Col. Richard J. Hamilton, who held pretty much all the county offices on the organization of Cook County. Mr. Moore was one of the original Trustees of Rush Medical College, and obtained from the Legislature the first charter for a gas company in Chicago. In 1838 he went to Ha- vana, Cuba, for the benefit of his failing health, but subsequently returned to Concord, Mass., where lie died some years afterward. MOORE, .lames, pioneer, was born in the State of Maryland in 1750; was married in his native State, about 1772. to Miss Catherine Biggs, later removing to Virginia. In 1777 he came to the Illinois Country as a spy, preliminary to the con- templated expedition of Col. George Rogers Clark, which captured Kaskaskia in July, 1778. After the Clark expedition (in which he served :is Captain, by appointment of Oov. Patrick Henry), he returned to Virginia, where he remained until 1781, when he organized a party of emigrants, which he acconi|>anied to Illinois. s)iendiiig the winter at Kaskaskia. The following year they located at a |>oiiit in the northern part of Monroe County, which afterwards received the name of Bellefontaine. After his arrival in Illinois, he organized a company of "Minute Men." of which he was chosen Captain. He was a man of prominence and influence among the early settlers, but died in 1788. A numerous and influential family of his descendants have grown up in Southern Illinois? John (Moore), son of the preceding, was Ixirn in Maryland in 1773, and brought by his father to Illinois eight years later. He married a sister of (ien. John D. Whiteside. who afterwards became State Treasurer, and also served as Fund Commissioner of the State of Illi- nois under the internal improvement system Moore was un officer of the State Militia, and served in u company of rangers during the War of 1H12; was also the first County Treasurer of HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Monroe County. Died, July 4, 1833. James B. (Moore), the third son of Capt. James Moore, was born in 1780, and brought to Illinois by his par- ents; in his early manhood he followed the business of keel-boating on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, visiting New Orleans, Pittsburg and other points ; became a prominent Indian fighter during the War of 1812, and was commissioned Captain by Governor Edwards and authorized to raise a company of mounted rangers; also served as Sheriff of Monroe County, by appoint- ment of Governor Edwards, in Territorial days ; was Presidential Elector in 1820, and State Sena- tor for Madison County in 1836-40, dying in the latter year. Enoch (Moore), fourth son of Capt. James Moore, the pioneer, was born in the old block-house at Bellefontaine in 1782, being the first child born of American parents in Illinois ; served as a "ranger" in the company of bis brother, James B. ; occupied the office of Clerk of the Circuit Court, and afterwards that of Judge of Probate of Monroe County during the Terri- torial period ; was Delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1818, and served as Representative from Monroe County in the Second General Assembly, later filling various county offices for some twenty years. He died in 1848. MOORE, Jesse II.. clergyman, soldier and Con- gressman, born near Lebanon, St. Clair County, 111., April 22, 1817, and graduated from McKen- . dree College in 1842. For thirteen years he was a teacher, during portions of this period being successively at the head of three literary insti- tutions in the West. In 1849 he was ordained a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but resigned pastorate duties in 1862, to take part in the War for the Union, organizing the One Hun- dred and Fifteenth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, of which he was commissioned Colonel, also serving as brigade commander during the last year of the war, and being brevetted Brigadier-General at its close. After the war he re-entered the ministry, but, in 1868, while Presiding Elder of the Decatur District, he was elected to the Forty-first Con- gress as a Republican, being re-elected in 1870; afterwards served as Pension Agent at Spring- field, and, in 1881, was appointed United States Consul at Callao, Peru, dying in office, in that city, July 11, 1883. MOORE, John, Lieutenant-Governor (1842-46) ; Was born in Lincolnshire, Eng., Sept. 8, 1793; came to America and settled in Illinois in 1830, spending most of his life as a resident of Bloom- ington. In 1838 he was elected to the lower branch of the Eleventh General Assembly from the McLean District, and, in 1840, to the Senate, but before the close of his term, in 1842, was elected Lieutenant-Governor with Gov. Thouiu- Ford. At the outbreak of the Mexican War he took a conspicuous part in recruiting the Fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteers (Col. E. D. Baker's), of which he was chosen Lieutenant-Colonel, serving gallantly throughout the struggle. In 1848 he was appointed State Treasurer, as succev sor of Milton Carpenter, who died in office. In 1850 he was elected to the same office, and con- tinued to discharge its duties until 1857, when he was succeeded by James Miller. Died, Sept. 23, 1863. MOORE, RlsdoD, pioneer, was born in Dela- ware in 1760; removed to North Carolina in 178!i. and, a few years later, to Hancock County, Ga. . where he served two terms in the Legislature He emigrated from Georgia in 1812, and settleil In St. Clair County, 111. besides a family of fif- teen white persons, bringing with him eighteen colored people the object of his removal being to get rid of slavery. He purchased a farm in what was known as the "Turkey Hill Settle- ment," about four miles east of Belleville, when' he resided until his death in 1828. Mr. Moon- became a prominent citizen, was elected to the Second Territorial House of Representatives, and was chosen Speaker, serving as such for two ses- sions (1814-15). He was also Representative from St. Clair County in the First. .Second and Thin! General Assemblies after the admission of Illinois into the Union. In the last of these he was one of the most zealous opponents of the pro-slavery Convention scheme of 1822-24. He left a numei ous and highly resected family of descendants, who were afterwards prominent in public affairs.- William (Moore), his son, served as a Captain in the War of 1812, and also commanded a company in the Black Hawk War. He represented St Clair County in the lower branch of the Nintli and Tenth General Assemblies; was a local preacher of the Methodist Church, and was Presi- dent of the Board of Trustees of McKendree Col lege at the time of his death in IM'.i. Risdon (Moore), Jr., a cousin of the first named Risdon Moore, was a Representative from St. Clair County in the Fourth General Assembly and Senator in the Sixth, but died l>efore the expiration of his term, being succeeded at the next session by Adam W. Snyder. MOORE, Stephen Richey, lawyer, was born of Scotch ancestry, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 22. 1832; in 1851, entered Farmers' College near Cin- cinnati, graduating in 1856, and. having qualified 384 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS himself fur the practice of law, located the fol- lowing year at Kunkakee, 111., which has since it-en his home. In 1858 he was employed in defense of the late Father Chiniquy, who recently died in Montreal, in one of the celebrated suits begun against him by dignitaries of the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Moore is a man of strik- ing appearance and great independence of char- acter, a Methodist in religious belief and has generally acted |x>litically in co-operation with the Democratic party, though strongly anti- slavery in bis views. In 1873 he was a delegate to the Liberal Republican Convention at Cin- cinnati which nominated Mr. Greeley for the Presidency, and, in 1896, participated in the same way in the Indianapolis Convention which nomi- nated Gen. John M. Palmer for the same office, in the following campaign giving the "Gold Democ- racy" a vigorous support. MORAN, Thomas A., lawyer and jurist, was born at Bridgeport, Conn. , Oct. 7, 1839 ; received his preliminary cilur.-ition in the district schools of Wisconsin (to which State his father's family had removed in 1846), and at an academy at Salem, Wig. ; began reading law at Kenosha in 1859, meanwhile supporting himself by teaching. In May, 1865, he graduated from the Albany (N. Y.) Law School, and the same year com- menced practice in Chicago, rapidly rising to the front rank of his profession. In 1879 he was elected a Judge of the Cook County Circuit Court, and re-elected in 1885. At the expiration of his second term he resumed private practice. While on the bench he at first heard only common law cases, but later divided the business of the equity side of the court with Judge Tuley. In June, 1886, he was assigned to the bench of the Appel- late Court, of which tribunal he was, for a year, Chief Justice. MORGAN, James Dady, soldier, was born in Boston, Mass., August 1, 1810, and, at 16 years of age, went for a three years' trading voyage on the ship "Beverly." When thirty days out a mutiny arose, and .shortly afterward the vessel was burned. Morgan escaped to South America, and. after many hardships, returned to Boston. In 1834 he removed to Quincy, 111., and engaged in mercantile pursuits; aided in raising the "Quincy Grays" during the Mormon difficulties ( 1844-45) ; during the Mexican War commanded a company in the First Regiment Illinois Volun- teers; in 1861 became Lieutenant-Colonel of the Tenth Regiment in the three months' service, and Colonel on reorganization of the regiment for three years; was promoted Brigadier-General in July, 1862, for meritorious service ; commanded a brigade at Nashville, and, in March, 1865, was brevetted Major-General for gallantry at Benton- ville, N. C., being mustered out, August 24, 1865. After the war he resumed business at Quincy, 111., being President of the Quincy Gas Company and Vice-President of a bank; was also Presi- dent, for some time, of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Died, at Quincy, Sept. 12, 1896. MORGAN COUNTY, a central county of the State, lying west of Sangamon, and bordering on the Illinois River named for Gen. Daniel Mor- gan; area, 580 square miles; population (1900), 35,006. The earliest American settlers were probably Elisha and Seymour Kellogg, who located on Mauvaisterre Creek in 1818. Dr. George Caldwell came in 1820, and was the first phy- sician, and Dr. Ero Chandler settled on the pres- ent site of the city of Jacksonville in 1821. Immigrants began to arrive ill large numbers about 1822, and, Jan. 31, 1823. the county was organized, the first election being held at the house of James G. Swinerton, six miles south- west of the present city of Jacksonville. Olm- stead's Mound was the first county-seat, but this choice was only temporary. Two years later, Jacksonville was selected, and has ever since so continued. (See Jacksonville. ) Cass Countj was cut off from Morgan in 1837, and Scott County in 1839. About 1837 Morgan was the most populous county in the State. The county is nearly equally divided between woodland and prairie, and is well watered. Besides the Illinois River on its western border, there are several smaller streams, among them Indian, Apple, Sandy and Mauvaisterre Creeks. Bituminous coal underlies the eastern part of the county, and thin veins crop out along the Illinois River bluffs. Sandstone has also been quarried. MORGAN PARK, a suburban village of Cook County, 13 miles south of Chicago, on the Chi- cago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway ; is the seat of the Academy (a preparatory branch) of the University of Chicago and the Scandinavian De- partment of the Divinity School connected with the same institution. Population (1880), 187; (1890), 1.037; (1900), 2,329. MORMONS, a religious sect, founded by Joseph Smith, Jr., at Fayette, Seneca County. N. Y., August 0, 1830, sty ling themselves the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. " Memliership in 1892 was estimated at 230,000, of whom some 20,000 were outside of the United States. Their religious teachings are peculiar. They avow faith in the Trinity and in the Bible (as by them HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 385 interpreted). They believe, however, that the "Book of Mormon" assumed to be of divine origin and a direct revelation to Smith is of equal authority with the Scriptures, if not supe- rior to them. Among their ordinances are liaptism and the laying-on of hands, and, in their church organization, they recognize various orders apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangel- ists, etc. They also believe in the restoration of the Ten Tribes and the literal re assembling of Israel, the return and rule of Christ in person, and the rebuilding of Zion in America. Polyg- amy is encouraged anil made an article of faith, though professedly not practiced under existing laws in the United States. The supreme power is vested in a President, who has authority in temporal and spiritual affairs alike; although there is less effort now than formerly, on the part of the priesthood, to interfere in temporalities. Driven from New York in 1831, Smith and his followers first settled at Kirtland, Ohio. There, for a time, the sect flourished and built a temple; but, within seven years, their doctrines and prac- tioes excited so much hostility that they were forced to make another removal. Their next settlement was at Far West, Mo. ; but here the hatred toward them became so intense as to result in open war. From Missouri they recrossed the Mississippi and founded the city of Nauvoo, near Commerce, in Hancock County, 111. The charter granted by the Legislature was an extraordinary instrument, and well-nigh made the city independent of the State. Nauvoo soon obtained commercial importance, in two years becoming a city of some 16,000 inhabitants. The Mormons rapidly became a powerful factor in State politics, when there broke out a more bitter public enmity than the sect had yet en- countered. Internal dissensions also sprang up, and. in ISM. a discontented Mormon founded a newspaper at Nauvoo, in which he violently assailed the prophet and threatened him with exposure. Smith's answer to this was the de- struction of the printing office, and the editor promptly secured a warrant for his arrest, return- able at Carthage. Smith went before a friendly justice at Nauvoo, who promptly discharged him, but he positively refused to appear before the Carthage magistrate. Thereupon the latter issued a second warrant, charging Smith with treason. This also was treated with contempt. The militia was called out to make the arrest, and the Mormons, who had formed a strong military organization, armed to defend their leader. After a few trifling clashes between the soldiers and the "Saints," Smith was persuaded to sur- render and go to Cartilage, the county-seat, where he was incarcerated in the county jail. Within twenty-four hours (on Sunday, June 27, 1844), a mob attacked the prison. Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were killed, and some of their adherents, who had accompanied them to jail, were wounded. Brigham Young (then an apostle) at once assumed the leadership and. after several months of intense popular excite- ment, in the following year led his followers across the Mississippi, finally locating (IB-IT) in Utah. (See also Nauvoo.) There their history has not been free from charges of crime; but, whatever may be the character of the leaders, they have succeeded in building up a prosperous community in a region which they found a vir- tual desert, a little more than forty years ago. The polity of the Church has been greatly modi- fied in consequence of restrictions placed upon it by Congressional legislation, especially in refer- ence to polygamy, and by contact with other communities. (See Smith, Joseph.) MORRIS; a city and the county -seat of Grundy County, on the Illinois River, the Illinois & Michigan Canal, and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, 61 miles southwest of Chicago. It is an extensive grain market, and the center of a region rich in bituminous coal. There is valu- able water-power here, and much manufacturing is done, including builders' hardware, plows, iron specialties, paper car-wheels, brick and tile, flour and planing mills, oatmeal and tanned leather. There are also a normal and scientific school, two national banks and three daily and weekly news- papers. Population (1880), 3,486; (1890), 3,653; (1900). 4,27i MORRIS, Buckner Smith, early lawyer born at Augusta, Ky., August 19, 1800; was admitted to the bar in 1827, and, for seven years thereafter, continued to reside in Kentucky, serving two terms in the Legislature of that State. In 1834 he removed to Chicago, took an active part in the incorporation of "the city, and was elected its second Mayor in 1838. In 1840 he was a Whig candidate for Presidential Elector. Abraham Lincoln running on the same ticket, and, in 1852, was defeated as the Whig candidate for Secretary of State. He was elected a Judge of the Seventh Circuit in 1851, but declined a re- nomination in 1855. In 1856 he accepted the American (or Know-Nothing) nomination for Governor, and, in 1860, that of the Bell-Everett party for the same office. He was vehemently opposed to the election of either Lincoln or 386 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Breckenridge to the Presidency, believing that civil war would result in either event. A shadow was thrown across his life, in 1864, by his arrest and trial for alleged complicity in a rebel plot to burn and pillage Chicago and liberate the prisoners of war held at Camp Douglas. The trial, however, which was held at Cincinnati, resulted in his acquittal. Died, in Kentucky, Dec. 18, 1879. Those who knew Judge Morris, in his early life in the city of Chicago, describe him as a man of genial and kindly disposition, in spite of his opposition to the abolition of slavery a fact which, no doubt, had much to do with his acquittal of the charge of complicity with the Camp Douglas conspiracy, as the evidence of his being in communication with the leading con- spirators appears to have been conclusive. (See Camp Douglas Conspiracy.) MORRIS, Freeman P., lawyer and politician, was born in Cook County, 111., March 19, 1854, labored on a farm and attended the district school in his youth, but completed his education in Chicago, graduating from the Union College of Law, and was admitted to practice in 1874, when he located at Watseka, Iroquois County. In 1884 he was elected, as a Democrat, to the House of Representatives from the Iroquois Dis- trict, and has since been re-elected in 1888, '94, '96, being one of the most influential members of his party in that body. In 1893 he was appointed by Governor Altgeld Aid-de-Camp, with the rank of Colonel, on his personal staff, but resigned in 1896. MORRIS, Isaac Newton, lawyer and Congress- man, was born at Bethel, Clermont County. Ohio, Jan. 22, 1812; educated at Miami Univer- sity, admitted to the bar in 1835, and the next year removed to Quincy, 111. ; was a member and President of the Board of Canal Commissioners (1842-43), served in the Fifteenth General Assem- bly ( 1846-48) ; was elected to Congress as a Demo- crat in 1856, and again in 1858, but opposed the admission of Kansas under the Lecompton Con- stitution; in 1868 supported General Grant who had been his friend in boyhood for President, and, in 1870, was appointed a member of the Union Pacific Railroad Commission. Died, Oct. 29, 1879. MORRISON, a city, the county -seat of White- side County, founded in 185."); is a station on the Chicago the bar, practicing at Belleville. He was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly from St. Clair County, in 1844, and to the State Senate in 1848, and again in 54. In 1852 lie was an unsuccessful candidate for the Lieutenant-Gov- ernorship on the Whig ticket, but. on the disso- lution of that party, allied himself with the Democracy, and was, for many years, its leader in Southern Illinois. In 1855 he was elected to Con- gress to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna- tion of LymanTrumbull, who had been elected i the United States Senate. In 1860 he was a can- didate before the Democratic State Convention for the nomination for Governor, but was defeated l n 304 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. transportation. Legislation of this character began with the first General Assembly (1819), and continued, at intervals, with reference to one or two of the more important interior rivers of the State, as late as 1867. Besides the Illinois and Wabash, still recognized as navigable .streams, the following were made the subject of legislation of this character: Beaucoup Creek, a branch of the Big Muddy, in Perry and Jackson Counties (law of IKlli); Big Bay, a tributary of the Ohio in Po[ve County (Acts of 1833); Big Muddy, to the junction of the East and West Forks in Jefferson County (1835). with various subsequent amendments; Big Vermilion, declared navigable (1831); Bon Pas. a branch of the Wabash, between Wabash and Edwards Coun- ties (1831) ; Cache River, to main fork in Johnson County (1819); Des Plaines, declared navigable (1839); Embarras (1X31), with various subsequent acts in reference t<> improvement; Fox River, declared navigable to the Wisconsin line (1840). and Fox River Navigation Company, incorpo rated (1855); Kankakee and Iroquois Navigation fc Manufacturing Company, incorporated (1847), with various changes and amendments (1851-65) ; Kaskaskia (or Okaw). declared navigable to a point in Fayette County north of Vaiulalia (1H19), with various modifying acts (1823-67) ; Macoupin Creek, to Carrollton and Alton road (1837); Piasa, declared navigable in Jersey and Madison Counties (1861); Rock River Navigation Com- pany, incorporated (1841). with subsequent acts ( 1845-67) ; Sangamon River, declared navigable to Third Principal Meridian east line of Sanga- mon County (IH93). and the North Fork of same to Champaign County (1845); Sny-Carty (a bayou of the Mississippi), declared navigable in Pike and Adams Counties (1H59); Spoon River, navi- gable to Cameron's mill in Fulton County (1835), with various modifying acts (1845-53); Little Wabash Navigation Company, incorporated and river declared navigable to McCawley's bridge proliably in Clay County (1826), with various sutxsequent acts making appropriations for its improvement; Skillet Fork (a branch f the Little Wabash), declared navigable to Slocum's Mill in Marion County (1837). and to Ridgway Mills (lK46i. Other acts passed at various times declared a numl>er of unim- portant streams navigable, including Big Creek in Fulton County, Crooked Creek in Schuyler County, I.nsk's Creek in Pope County, McKee's Creek in Pike County. Seven Mile Creek in Ogle County, besides a number of others" of similar 'haracter NEALE, THOMAS M., pioneer lawyer, was born in Fauquier County, Va., 1796; while yet a child removed with his parents to Bowling Green. Ky., and became a common soldier in the War of 1812; came to Springfield. 111., in 1824, and began the practice of law ; served as Colonel of a regi- ment raised in Sangamon and Morgan Counties for the Winnelwgo War (1827), and afterwards as Surveyor of Sangamon County, appointing Abraham Lincoln as his deputy. He also served as a Justice of the Peace, for a number of years, at Springfield. Died, August 7, 1840. NEECE, William II.. ex-Congressman, was ixirn. Feb. 26, 1831, in what is now a part of Logan County. 111., but which was then within the limits of Sangamon; was reared on a farm and attended the public schools in McDonough County ; studied law and was admitted to the liar in 1H.1H, and has I wen ever since engaged in practice. His political career began in 1861, when he was chosen a member of the City Coun. cil of Macomb. In 1H64 he was elected to the Legislature, and, in 1869, a member of the Con- stitutional Convention. In 1871 he was again elected to the lower house of the General Assem- bly, and. in 1878, to the State Senate. From 1883 to 18H7 he represented the Eleventh Illinois Dis- trict in Congress, as a Democrat, but was defeated for re-election in 1890 by William H. Gest, Republican. NEGROES. (See Slavery and Slave Laws.) >EO(iA,a village of Cumberland County, at the intersection of the Illinois Central and the Toledo. St. Louis A: Western Railways, 20 miles southwest of Charleston ; has a bank, two newspapers, some manufactories, ami ships grain, r hay, fruit and live-stock. Pop. (1890), 829; (1900), 1,136 NEPONSET, a village and station on the Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, in Bureau County, 4 miles southwest of Mendota. Popula- tion (1880), 652; (1890), 542; (1900), 516. NEW ALBANY & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. (See Louisville, Evausrillt er and considerable grain trade. Population (188(1), 603; (1890), 624; (1900), 856. NEW BERLIN, a village of Sangamon County, on the Wabash Railway, 17 miles west of Spring- field. Population (1880), 403; (1900), 533. NEWBERRY LIBRARY, a large reference li- brary, located in Chicago, endowed by Walter L. r. Art Institute. Public Library. Armour Institute. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Court-House. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 395 New berry, an early business man of Chicago, who left half of his estate (aggregating over 12,000,000) for the purpose. The property bequeathed was largely in real estate, which has since greatly in- creased in value. The library was established in temporary quarters in 1887, and the first section of a permanent building was opened in the autumn of 1893. By that time there had been accumulated about 160,000 books and pamphlets. A collection of nearly fifty portraits chiefly of eminent Americans, including many citizens of Chicago was presented to the library by G. P. A. Healy, a distinguished artist, since deceased. The site of the building occupies an entire block, and the original design contemplates a handsome front on each of the four streets, with a large rectangular court in the center. The section already completed is massive and imposing, and its interior is admirably adapted to the purposes of a library, and at the same time rich and beautiful. When completed, the building will have a capacity for four to six million vokomes. XE WHERRY, Walter C., ex-Congressman, was born at Sangerfield, Oneida County, N. Y . Dec. 33, 1835. Early in the Civil War he enlisted as a private, and rose, step by step, to a colonelcy, and was mustered out as Brevet Brigadier-General. In 1890 he was elected, as a Democrat, to represent the Fourth Illinois District in the Fifty-second Congress (1891-93). His home is in Chicago. NEWBERKT, Walter L., merchant, banker and philanthropist, was born at East Windsor, Conn., Sept. 18, 1804, descended from English ancestry. He was President Jackson's personal appointee to the United States Military Academy at West Point, but was prevented from taking the exami- nation by sickness. Subsequently he embarked in business at Buffalo, N. Y , going to Detroit in 1838, and settling at Chicago in 1833. After engaging in general merchandising for several years, he turned his attention to banking, in which he accumulated a large fortune. He was a prominent and influential citizen, serving several terms as President of the Board of Edu- cation, and being, for six years, the President of the Chicago Historical Society. He died at sea, Nov. 6, 1868, leaving a large estate, one-half of which he devoted, by will, to the founding of a free reference library in Chicago. (See Newberry Library.) NEW BOSTON, a city of Mercer County, on the Mississippi River, at the western terminus of the Galva and New Boston Division of the Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy Railway. Population (1890), 445; (1900), 703. NEW BRIGHTON, a village of St. Clair County and suburb of East St. Louis. Population (1890), 868. NEW BURNSIDE, a village of Johnson County, on the Cairo Division of the Cleveland, Cincin- nati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway, 53 miles northeast of Cairo. Population (1880), 650; (1890), 596; (1900), 468. NEW DOUGLAS, a village in Madison County, on the Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad ; in farming and fruit-growing region ; has coal mine, flour mill and newspaper. Population (1900), 469. NEWELL, John, Railway President, was born at West Newbury, Mass., March 31, 1830, being directly descended from "Pilgrim" stock. At the age of 16 he entered the employment of the Cheshire Railroad in New Hampshire. Eighteen months later he was appointed an assistant engi- neer on the Vermont Central Railroad, and placed in charge of the construction of a 10-mile section of the line. His promotion was rapid, and, in 1850, he accepted a responsible position on the Champlain & St. Lawrence Railroad. From 1850 to 1856 he was engaged in making surveys for roads in Kentucky and New York, and, during the latter year, held the position of engineer of the Cairo City Company, of Cairo, 111. In 1857 he entered the service of the Illinois Central Rail- road Company, as Division Engineer, where his remarkable success attracted the attention of the owners of the old Winona & St. Peter Railroad (now a part of the Chicago & Northwestern system), who tendered him the presidency. This he accepted, but, in 1864, was made President of the Cleveland & Toledo Railroad. Four years later, he accepted the position of General Superin- tendent and Chief Engineer of the New York Central Railroad, but resigned, in 1869, to become Vice-President of the Illinois Central Railroad In 1871 he was elevated to the presidency, but retired in September, 1874, to accept the position of General Manager of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad, of which he was elected President, in May, 1883, and continued in office until the time of his death, which occurred at Youngstown, Ohio, August 35, 1894. NEWHALL, (Dr.) Horatio, early physician and newspaper publisher, came from St. Louis, Mo., to Galena, 111., in 1827, and engaged in min- ing and smelting, but abandoned this business, the following year, for the practice of his profes- sion; soon afterward became interested in the publication of "The Miners' Journal, "and still later in "The Galena Advertiser," with which Hooper Warren and Dr. Philleo were associated. Art 1'iililic l.ihr.iry. Arm< >nr Instil utr. I'l'lll.lC 111 II. DIM. S. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Newberry, an early business man of Chicago, who left half of his estate (aggregating over $2,000.000) for the purpose. The property bequeathed was largely in real estate, which has since greatly in- creased in value. The library was established in temporary quarters in 1887, and the first section of a permanent building was opened in the uituiiiii of 1893. By that time there had been accumulated about 160,000 books and pamphlets. A collection of nearly fifty portraits chiefly of eminent Americans, including many citizens of Chicago was presented to the library by G. P. A. I [faly. a distinguished artist, since deceased. The site of the building occupies an entire block, imd the original design contemplates a handsome front on each of the four streets, with a large rectangular court in the center. The section ulready completed is massive and imposing, and its interior is admirably adapted to the purposes of a library, and at the same time rich and beautiful. When completed, the building will have a capacity for four to six million volumes. NEWBERRV, Walter , ex-Congressman, was Imrn at SangerfieM. Oneida County, N. Y , Dec. 23. 1835. Early in the Civil War he enlisted as a private, and rose, step by step, to a colonelcy, and was mustered out as Brevet Brigadier-General. In 1H90 he was elected, us a Democrat, to represent the Fourth Illinois District in the Fifty-second < 'ongress (1H91-93). His home is in Chicago. NEWBERK V.Walter L., m.Tc-hant, banker and philanthropist, was UH-II at Kust Windsor, Conn., Sept. 18, 1*04, descended from English ancestry. He was President Jackson's personal appointee tn the United States Military Academy at West Point, but was prevented from taking the exami- nation by sickness. Subsequently he embarked in business at Buffalo. N. Y., going to Detroit in 1*28, and settling at Chicago in 1H:!:!. After engaging in general merchandising for several years, he turned his attention to banking, in which he accumulated a large fortune. He was :i prominent and influential citizen, serving several terms as President of the Board of Edu- cation, ami being, for six years, the President of the Chicago Historical Society. He died at sea. Xov. C, 180H, leaving a large estate, one-half of which he devoted, by will, to the founding of a free reference library in Chicago. (See Xeirlirrry Library.) \EW BOSTON, a city of Mercer County, on the Mississippi Hiver. at the western terminus of the Galva and New Boston Division of the Chi- cago, Burlington & (juincy Railway. Population (1890), 44.1; (1900), 703. NEW BRIGHTON, a village of St. Clair County and suburb of East St. Louis. Population (1HBO). *6. NEW Bt'RNSIDE, a village of Johnson County on the Cairo Division of the Cleveland, Cincin nati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway, 53 miles northeast of Cairo. Population (1880). 650; (1890). 596; (1900), 468. NEW DOUGLAS, a village in Madison County, on the Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad; in farming and fruit-growing region; has coal mine. Hour mill and newspaper. Population (l!KX)). 4fi9. NEWELL, John, Railway President, was born at West Newbury. Mass.. March 31, 1*10, being directly descended from "Pilgrim" stock. At the age of 16 be entered the employment of the Cheshire Railroad in New Hampshire. Eighteen months later he was ap|>ointed an assistant engi neer on the Vermont Central Railroad, .and placed in charge of the construction of a 10-mile section of the line. His promotion was rapid, and. in 1850, he accepted a res|>onsible |iosition on the Champlain & St. Lawrence Railroad. From 1850 to 1856 he was engaged in making surveys for roads in Kentucky and New York. anil, during the latter year, helil the position of engineer of the Cairo City Coni]Kiny, of Cairo. 111. In 1857 be entered the service of the Illinois Central Rail- road Coni]>any, as Division Engineer, where his remarkable success attracted the attention of the owners of the old Winona & St. Peter Railroad (now a part of the Chicago & Northwestern system), who tendered him the presidency This he accepted, but, in 1H(!4, was made President of the Cleveland & Toledo Railroad. Four years later, he accepted the position of General Superin- tendent ami Chief Engineer of the New York Central Railroad, but resigned, in 18B9, to become Vice- President of the Illinois Central Railroad. In 1871 he was elevated to the presidency, but retired in Septemlwr, 1874, to accept the position of General Manager of the Lake Shore \- Michigan Southern Railroad, of which he was elected President, in May, 1883, and continued in office until the time of his death, which occurred at Youngstown. Ohio. August 25. 1H94. NEWHALL, (Dr.) Horatio, early physician and newspaper publisher, came from St. Louis, Mo., to Galena, 111., in 1K27. and engaged in min- ing and smelting, but abandoned this business, the following year, for the practice of his profes- sion; soon afterward became interested in the publication of "The Miners' Journal," and still later in "The Galena Advertiser," with which Hooper Warren and Dr. Philleo were associated. 396 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. In 1830 he became a Surgeon in the United States Army, and was stationed at Fort Winnebago, but retired from the service, in 1832, and returned to Galena. When the Black Hawk War broke out he volunteered his services, and, by order of General Scott, was placed in charge of a military hospital at Galena, of which he had control until the close of the war. The difficulties of the posi- tion were increased by the appearance of the Asiatic cholera among the troops, but he seems to have discharged his duties with satisfaction to the military authorities. He enjoyed a wide reputation for professional ability, and had an extensive practice. Died, Sept. 19, 1870. NEWMAN, a village of Douglas County, on the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railway, 52 miles east of Decatur; has a bank, a newspaper, can- ning factory, broom factory, electric lights, and large trade in agricultural products and live- stock. Population (1890), 990; (1900), 1,166. NEWSPAPERS, EARLY. The first newspaper published in the Northwest Territory, of which the present State of Illinois, at the time, com- posed a part, was "TheCentinel of the Northwest Territory." established at Cincinnati by William Maxwell, the first issue appearing in November, 1793. This was also the first newspaper published west of the Allegheny Mountains. In 1796 it was sold to Edmund Freeman and assumed the name of "Freeman's Journal." Nathaniel Willis (grandfather of N. P. .Willis, the poet) estab- lished "The Scioto Gazette." at Chillicothe. in 1796. "The Western Spy and Hamilton Gazette" was the third paper in Northwest Territory (also within the limits of Ohio), founded in 1799. Willis's paper became the organ of the Terri- torial Government on the removal of the capital to Chillicothe, in 1800. The first newspaper in Indiana Territory (then including Illinois) was established by Elihu Stout at Vincennes, beginning publication. July 4, 1804. It took the name of "The Western Sun and Gen- eral Advertiser," but is now known as "The Western Sun," having had a continuous exist- ence for ninety-five years. The first newspaper published in Illinois Terri- tory was "The Illinois Herald," but, owing to the absence of early files and other specific records, the date of its establishment has been involved in some doubt. Its founder was Matthew Dun- can (a brother of Joseph Duncan, who was after- wards a member of Congress and Governor of the State from 1834 to 1838), and its place of pub- lication Kaskaskia, at that time the Territorial capital. Duncan, who was a native of Kentucky, brought a press and a primitive printer's outfit with him from that State. Gov. John Reynolds, who came as a boy to the "Illinois Country" in 1800, while it was still a part of the "Northwest Territory." in his "Pioneer History of Illinois." has fixed the date of the first issue of this paper in 1809, the same year in which Illinois was severed from Indiana Territory and placed under a separate Territorial Government. There is good reason, however, for believing that the Governor was mistaken in this statement. If Duncan brought his press to Illinois in 1809 which is probable it does not seem to have been employed at once in the publication of a news- paper, as Hooper Warren (the founder of the third paper established in Illinois) says it "was for years only used for the public printing." The earliest issue of "The Illinois Herald" known to be in existence, is No. 32 of Vol. II, and bears date, April 18, 1816. Calculating from these ilata, if the paper was issued continuously from its establishment, the date of the first issue would have been Sept. 6, 1814. Corroborative evidence of this is found in the fact that "The Missouri Gazette, ' ' the original of the old " Missouri Repub- lican" (now "The St. Louis Republic"), which was established in 1808, makes no mention of the Kaskaskia paper before 1814, although communi- cation between Kaskaskia and St. Louis was most intimate, and these two were, for several years, the only papers published west of Vin- cennes, Ind. In August, 1817, "The Herald" was sold to Daniel P. Cook and Robert Blackwell, and the name of the paper was changed to "The Illinois Intelligencer." Cook who had previously been Auditor of Public Accounts for the Territory, and afterwards became a Territorial Circuit Judge, the first Attorney-General under the new State Government, and, for eight years, served as the only Representative in Congress from Illinois for a time officiated as editor of "The Intelli- gencer," while Blackwell (who had succeeded to the Auditorship) had charge of the publication. The size of the paper, which had been four pages of three wide columns to the page, was increased, by the new publishers, to four columns to the page. On the removal of the State capital to Vandalia, in 1820, "The Intelligencer" was removed thither also, and continued under its later name, afterwards becoming, after a change of management, an opponent of the scheme for the calling of a State Convention to revise the State Constitution with a view to making Illinois a slave State. (See Slavery and Slave Laws.) HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 397 The second paper established on Illinois soil was "The Shawnee Chief," which began publica- tion at Shawneetown, Sept. 5, 1818, with Henry Eddy who afterwards became a prominent law- yer of Southern Illinois as its editor. The name of "The Chief" was soon afterwards changed to "The Illinois Emigrant," and some years later, became "The Shawneetown Gazette." Among others who were associated with the Shawnee- town paper, in early days, was James Hall, after- wards a Circuit Judge and State Treasurer, and, without doubt, the most prolific and popular writer of his day in Illinois. Later, he estab- lished "The Illinois Magazine" at Vandalia. sub- sequently removed to Cincinnati, and issued under the name of "The Western Monthly Magazine. 1 ' He was also a frequent contributor to other maga- zines of that period, and author of several vol- umes, including "Legends of the West" and "Border Tales." During the contest over the slavery question, in 1823-24, "The Gazette" rendered valuable service to the anti-slavery party by the publication of articles in opposition to the Convention scheme, from the pen of Morris Birkbeck and others. The third Illinois paper and, in 1823-24, the strongest and most influential opponent of the scheme for establishing slavery in Illinois was "The Edwardsville Spectator," which began pub- lication at Edwardsville, Madison County, May 23, 1819. Hooper Warren was the publisher and responsible editor, though he received valuable aid from the pens of Governor Coles, George Churchill, Rev. Thomas Lippincott, Judge Samuel D. Lockwood, Morris Birkbeck and others. (See Warren, Hooper.) Warren sold "The Spectator" to Rev. Thomas Lippincott in 1825, and was afterwards associated with papers at Springfield, Galena, Chicago and elsewhere. The agitation of the slavery question (in part, at least) led to the establishment of two new papers in 1822. The first of these was "The Republican Advocate," which began publication at Kaskaskia, in April of that year, under the management of Elias Kent Kane, then an aspir- ant to the United States Senatorship. After his election to that office in 1824, "The Advocate" passed into the hands of Robert K. Fleming, who, after a period of suspension, established "The Kaskaskia Recorder," but, a year or two later, removed to Vandalia. "The Star of the West" was established at Edwardsville, as an opponent of Warren's "Spectator." the first issue making its appearance, Sept. 14, 1822, with Theophilus W. Smith, afterwards a Justice of the Supreme Court, as its reputed editor. A few months later it passed into new hands, and, in August, 1828. assumed the name of "The Illinois Republican." Both "The Republican Advocate" and "The Illinois Republican" were zealous organs of the pro-slavery party. With the settlement of the slavery question in Illinois, by the election of 1824, Illinois journal- ism may be said to have entered upon a new era At the close of this first period there were only five papers published in the State all established within a period of ten years : and one of these ("The Illinois Republican." at Edwardsville) promptly ceased publication on the settlement of the slavery question in opposition to the views which it had advocated. The next period of fif teen years (1825-40) was prolific in the establish- ment of new newspaper ventures, as might ! expected from the rapid increase of the State in population, and the development in the art of printing during the same period. "The Western Sun," established at Belleville (according to one report, in December, 1825, and according to another, in the winter of 1827-28) by Dr. Joseph Green, appears to have been the first paper pub- lished in St. ( 'lair County. This was followed by "The Pioneer," begun, April 25, 1829, at Rock Spring, St. ('lair County, with the indomitable Dr. John M. Peck, author of "Peck's Gazetteer," as its editor. It was removed in 1836 to Upper Alton, when it took the name of "The Western Pioneer and Baptist Banner." Previous to this, however, Hooper Warren, having come into pos- session of the material upon which he had printed "The Edwardsville Spectator," removed it to Springfield, and, in the winter of 1826-27, began the publication of the first ]>aper at the present State capital, which he named "The Sangamo Gazette." It had but a brief existence. During 1830, George Forquer, then Attorney-General of the State, in conjunction with his half-brother. Thomas Ford (afterwards Governor), was engaged in the publication of a paper called "The Cour- ier," at Springfield, which was continued only a short time. The earliest paper north of Spring- field appears to have been "The Hennepin Jour- nal," which began publication, Sept. 15, 1827. "The Sangamo Journal" now "The Illinois State Journal," and the oldest paper of continu- ous existence in the State was established at Springfield by Simeon and Josiah Francis (cous- ins from Connecticut), the first issue bearing date, Nov. 10. 1831. Before the close of the same year James G. Edwards, afterwards the founder of "The Burlington (Iowa) Hawkeye," began the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. publication of "The Illinois Patriot" at Jackson- ville. Another paper, established the same year, was "The Gazette" at Vandalia, then the State capital. (See Forquer, George; Ford, Thomas; Francis, Simeon.) At this early date the development of the lead mines about Galena had made that place a center of great business activity. On July 8, 1828, James Jones commenced the issue of "The Miners' Journal, "the first paper at Galena. Jones died of cholera in 1833, and his paper passed into other hands. July 30, 1839, "The Galena Adver- tiser and Upper Mississippi Herald" began pub- lication, with Drs. Horatio New-hall and Addison Philleo as editors, and Hooper Warren as pub- lisher, but appears to have been discontinued before the expiration of its first year. "The Galenian" was established as a Democratic paper by Philleo, in May, 1833, but ceased publication in September, 1836. "The Northwestern Gazette and Galena Advertiser," founded in November, 1834, by Loring and Bartlett (the last named afterwards one of the founders of "The Quincy Whig"), has had a continuous existence, being now known as "The Galena Advertiser." Benja- min Mills, one of the most brilliant lawyers of his time, was editor of this paper during a part of the first year of its publication. Robert K. Fleming, who has already been mentioned as the successor of Elias Kent Kane in the publication of "The Republican Advocate," at Kaskaskia, later published a paper for a short time at Vandalia, but, in 1827, removed his establishment to Edwardsville, where he began the publication of "The Corrector." The latter was continued a little over a year, when it was suspended. He then resumed the publication of "The Recorder" at Kaskaskia. In December, 1833, he removed to Belleville and began the pub- lication of "The St. Clair Gazette," which after- wards passed, through various changes of owners, under the names of "The St. Clair Mercury" and "Representative and Gazette." This was suc- ceeded, in 1889, by "The Belleville Advocate," which has been published continuously to the present time. Samuel S. Brooks (the father of Austin Brooks, afterwards of "The Quincy Herald") at differ- ent times published papers at various points in the State. His first enterprise was "The Crisis" at Edwardsville, which he changed to "The Illinois Advocate," and, at the close of his first year, sold out to Judge John York Sawyer, who united it with "The Western Plowboy," which he had established a few months previous. "The Advocate" was removed to Vandalia, and, on the death of the owner (who had been appointed State Printer), was consoli- dated with "The Illinois Register," which had been established in 1836. The new paper took the name of "The Illinois Register and People's Advocate," in 1839 was removed to Springfield, and is now known as "The Illinois State Regis- ter." Other papers established between 1830 and 1840 include: "The Vandalia Whig" (1831); "The Alton Spectator," the first paper published in Alton (January, 1834); "The Chicago Demo- crat," by John Calhoun (Nov. 28, 1833); "The Beardstown Chronicle and Illinois Bounty Land Advertiser," by Francis A. Arenz (July 29, 1833) ; "The Alton American" (1833); "The White County News," at Carmi (1833); "The Danville Enquirer" (1833); "The Illinois Champion," at Peoria (1834) ; "The Mount Carmel Sentinel and Wabash Advocate" (1834); "The Illinois State Gazette and Jacksonville News," at Jacksonville (1835); "The Illinois Argus and Bounty Land Register," at Quincy (1835); "The Rushville Journal and Military Tract Advertiser" (1835); "The Alton Telegraph" (1836); "The Alton Observer" (1836); "The Carthaginian," at Car- thage (1836) ; "The Bloomington Observer" (1837) ; "The Backwoodsman," founded by Prof. John Russell, at Grafton, and the first paper published in Greene County (1837); "The Quincy Whig" (1838) ; "The Illinois Statesman," at Paris, Edgar County (1838); "The Peoria Register" (1838). The second paper to be established in Chicago was "The Chicago American," whose initial number was issued, June 8, 1835, with Thomas O. Davis as proprietor and editor. In July, 1837, it passed into the hands of William Stuart & Co. , and, on April 9, 1839, its publishers began the issue of the first daily ever published in Chicago. "The Chicago Express" succeeded "The Ameri- can" in 1842, and, in 1844, became the forerunner of "The Chicago Journal." The third Chicago paper was "The Commercial Advertiser," founded by Hooper Warren, in 1838. It lived only about a year. Zebina Eastman, who was afterwards associated with Warren, and became one of the most influential journalistic opponents of slavery, arrived in the State in 1839, and, in the latter part of that year, was associated with the celebrated Abolitionist, Benjamin Lundy, in the preliminary steps for the issue of "The Genius of Universal Emancipation," projected by Lundy at Lowell, in La Salle County. Lundy's untimely death, in August, 1839, however, pre- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 390 vented him from seeing the consummation of his plan, although Eastman lived to carry it out in part. A paper whose career, although extending only a little over one year, marked an era in Illi- nois journalism, was "The Alton Observer," its history closing with the assassination of its editor, Rev. Elijah P. Love joy, on the night of Nov. 8, 1837, while unsuccessfully attempting to protect his press from destruction, for the fourth time, by a pro-slavery mob. Humiliating as was this crime to every law-abiding Illinoisan, it undoubtedly strengthened the cause of free speech and assisted in hastening the downfall of the institution in whose behalf it was committed. That the development in the field of journal- ism, within the past sixty years, has more than kept pace with the growth in population, is shown by the fact that there is not a county in the State without its newspaper, while every town of a few hundred population has either one or more. According to statistics for 1898, there were 605 cities and towns in the State having periodical publications of some sort, making a total of 1,709, of which 174 were issued daily, 34 semi-weekly, 1,205 weekly, 38 semi-monthly, 238 monthly, and the remainder at various periods ranging from tri-weekly to eight times a year. NEWTON, the county-seat of 'Jasper County, situated on the Embarras River, at the intersec- tion of subsidiary lines of the Illinois Central Railroad from Peoria and Effingham; is an in- corporated city, was settled in 1828, and made the county-seat in 1836. Agriculture, coal-mining and dairy farming are the principal pursuits in the surrounding region. The city has water- power, which is utilized to some extent in manu- facturing, but most of its factories are operated by steam. Among these establishments are flour and saw mills, and grain elevators. There are a half-dozen churches, a good public school system, including parochial school and high school, besides two banks and three weekly papers. Population (1890), 1,428; (1900), 1.630. NEW TORE, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAIL- WAY (Nickel Plate), a line 522.47 miles in length, of which (1898) only 9.96 miles are operated in Illinois. It owns no track in Illinois, but uses the track of the Chicago & State Line Railroad (9.96 miles in length), of which it has financial control, to enter the city of Chicago. The total capitalization of the New York, Chicago & St. Louis, in 1898, is $50,222,568, of which $19,425,000 is in bonds. (HISTORY.) The New York, Chi- cago & St. Louis Railroad was incorporated under the laws of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois in 1881, construction begun immediately, and the road put in operation in 1882. In 1885 it passed into the hands of a receiver, was sold under foreclosure in 1887, and reorganized by the consolidation of Tarious east' ern lines with the Fort Wayne & Illinois Railroad, forming the line under its present name. The road between Buffalo, N. Y., and the west line of Indiana is owned by the Company, but, for its line in Illinois, it uses the track of the Chicago & State Line Railroad, of which it is the lessee, as well as the owner of its capital stock. The main line of the "Nickel Plate" is controlled by the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway, which owns more than half of both the preferred and common stock. NIANTIC, a town in Macon County, on the Wabash Railway, 27 miles east of Springfield. Agriculture is the leading industry. The town has three elevators, three churches, school, coal mine, a newspaper and a bank. Pop. (1900), 654. MCOLAY, John George, author, was born in Essingen, Bavaria, Feb. 26, 1832; at 6 years of age was brought to the United States, lived for a time in Cincinnati, attending the public schools there, and then came to Illinois; at 16 entered the office of "The Pike County Free Press" at Pitts- field, and, while still in his minority, became editor and proprietor of the paper. In 1857 he became Assistant Secretary of State under O. M. Hatch, the first Republican Secretary, but during Mr. Lincoln's candidacy for President, in 1860. aided him as private secretary, also acting as a correspondent of "The St. Louis Democrat." After the election he was formally selected by Mr. Lincoln as his private secretary, accompany- ing him to Washington and remaining until Mr. Lincoln's assassination. In 1865 he was appointed United States Consul at Paris, remaining until 1869; on his return for some time edited "The Chicago Republican"; was also Marshal of the United States Supreme Court in Washington from 1872 to 1887. Mr. Nicolay is author, in col- laboration with John Hay, of "Abraham Lincoln : A History," first published serially in "The Cen- tury Magazine," and later issued in ten volumes; of "The Outbreak of the Rebellion" in "Cam- paigns of the Civil War," besides numerous maga- zine articles. He lives in Washington, D. C. NICOLET, Jean, early French explorer, came from Cherbourg, France, in 1618, and, for several years, lived among the Algonquins, whose lan- guage he learned and for whom he acted an interpreter. On July 4, 1634, he discovered Lake Michigan, then called the "Lake of the Illinois " 4(K) HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and visited the Chippewas, Menominees and Winnebague*. in the region about Green Bay. ;imong whom he was received kindly. From the Mascoutins, on the Fox River (of Wisconsin), he learned of the Illinois Indians, some of whose northern villages he also visited. He subse- quently returned to Quebec, where he was drowned, in October, 1642. He was probably the first Caucasian to visit Wisconsin and Illinois. NILES, Nathaniel, lawyer, editor and soldier. iKjrnat Plainfield. Otsego County, N. Y.. Feb. 4. 1817; attended an academy at Albany, from 1830 to '34, was licensed to practice law and removed west in 1837, residing successively at Delphi and Frankfort, Ind. . and at Owensburg, Ky., until 1843, when he settled in Belleville, 111. In is-iii he was commissioned u First Lieutenant in the Second Regiment Illinois Volunteers (Colonel Uissell's) for the Mexican War, but, after the liattle of Buena Vista, was promoted by General Wool to the captaincy of an independent com- l>any of Texas foot. He was elected Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives at the session of 1849, and the same year was chosen County Judge of St. Clair County, serving until 1861. With the exception of brief periods from 1851 to '59, he was editor and part owner of "The Belle- ville Advocate. " :i paper originally Democratic, but which became Republican on the organiza- tion of the Republican party. In 1861 he was appointed Colonel of the Fifty -fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, but the completion of its organization having been delayed, he resigned, and, the following year, was commissioned Colo- nel of the One Hundred and Thirtieth, serving until May, 1864, when he resigned in March. 1865, receiving the compliment of a brevet Briga- dier-Generalship. During the winter of 1862 6.". he was in command at Memphis, but later took part in the Vicksburg campaign, and in the cam- paigns on Red River and Bayou Teche. After trie war he served as Representative in the General Assembly from St. Clair County (1865-66) ; as Trustee of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Jacksonville; on the Commission for building the State Penitentiary at Joliet, and as Commissioner (by appointment of Governor Oglesby) for locating the Soldiers' Orphans' Home. His later years have been spent chiefly in the practice of his profession, with occasional excursions into journalism. Originally an anti- slavery Democrat, he became one of the founders of the Republican party in Southern Illinois. NIXON, William Penn, journalist, Collector of 'ustoms, was born in Wayne County, Ind., of North Carolina and Quaker ancestry, early in 1832. In 1853 he graduated from Farmers' (now Belmont) College, near Cincinnati, Ohio. After devoting two years to teaching, he entered the law department of the University i>i Pennsyl- vania (1855), graduating in 1859. For nine years thereafter he practiced law at Cincinnati, during which period he was thrice elected to the Ohio Legislature. In 1868 he embarked in journalism he and his older brother, Dr. O. W. Nixon, with a few friends, founding "The Cincinnati Chron- icle." A few years later "The Times" was pur- chased, and the two papers were consolidated under the name of "The Times-Chronicle." In May, 1872, having disposed of his interests in Cincinnati, he assumed the business manage- ment of "The Chicago Inter Ocean," then a new venture and struggling for a foothold. In 1875 he and his brother, Dr. O. W. Nixon, secured a controlling interest in the paper, when the former assumed the position of editor-in-chief, which he continued to occupy until 1897, when he was appointed Collector of Customs for the City of Chicago a position which he now holds. NO kOM IS, a city of Montgomery County, on the "Big Four" main line and " "Frisco" Rail- roads, HI miles east by north from St. Louis and 52 miles west of Mattoon; in important grain- growing and hay -producing section; has water- works, electric lights, three flour mills, two machine shops, wagon factory, creamery, seven churches, high school, two banks and three papers; is noted for shipments of poultry, butter and eggs. Population (1890), 1,305; (1900), 1,371. NORMAL, a city in McLean County, 2 miles north of Bloomington and 124 southwest of Chi- cago; at intersecting point of the Chicago & Alton and the Illinois Central Railroads. It lies in a rich coal and agricultural region, and has extensive fruit-tree nurseries, two canning fac- tories, one bank, hospital, and four periodicals. It is the seat of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home, founded in 1869, and the Illinois State Normal University, founded in 1857; has city and rural mail delivery. Pop. (1890). 3,459; (1900). 8,795. NORMAL UNIVERSITIES. (See Southern Illinois Normal Unirrrsity: State Normal Uni- versity. ) NORTH ALTON, a village of Madison County and suburb of the city of Alton. Population (1880), 838; (1890). 762; (1900), 904. NORTHCOTT, William A., Lieutenant-Gov- ernor, was born in Murfreesboro, Term., Jan. 28, 1854 the son of Gen. R. S. Northcott, whose loyalty to the Union, at the beginning of the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 401 Rebellion, compelled- him to leave his Southern home and seek safety for himself and family in the North. He went to West Virginia, was com- missioned Colonel of a regiment and served through the war, being for some nine months a prisoner in Libby Prison. After acquiring his literary education in the public schools, the younger Northcott spent some time in the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., after which he was engaged in teaching. Meanwhile, he was prepar- ing for the practice of law and was admitted to the bar in 1877, two years later coming to Green- ville, Bond County, 111., which has since been his home. In 1880, by appointment of President Hayes, he served as Supervisor of the Census for the Seventh District ; in 1882 was elected State's Attorney for Bond County and re-elected suc- cessively in '84 and '88 ; in 1890 was appointed on the Board of Visitors to the United States Naval Academy, and, by selection of the Board, delivered the annual address to the graduating lass of that year. In 1892 he was the Repub- lican nominee for Congress for the Eighteenth Dis- trict, but was defeated in the general landslide of that year. In 1896 he was more fortunate, being elected Lieutenant-Governor by the vote of the State, receiving a plurality of over 137,000 over his Democratic opponent. .NORTH PEORIA, formerly a suburban village in Peoria County. ~ miles north of the city of Peoria; annexed to the city of Peoria in 1900. NORTHERN BOUNDARY QUESTION, THE. The Ordinance of 1787, making the first specific provision, by Congress, for the government of the country lying northwest of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi (known as the Northwest Territory), provided, among other things (Art. V., Ordinance 1787), that "there shall be formed in the said Territory not less than three nor more than five States." It then proceeds to fix the boundaries of the proposed States, on the assump- tion that there shall be three in number, adding thereto the following proviso: "Provided, how- ever, and it is further understood and declared, that the boundaries of these three States shall be subject so far to be altered that, if Congress shall hereafter find it expedient, they shall have authority to form one or two States in that part of the said Territory which lies north of an east and west line drawn through the southerly bend or extreme of Lake Michigan." On the basis of this provision it has been claimed that the north- ern boundaries of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio should have been on the exact latitude of the southern limit of Lake Michigan, and that the failure to establish this boundary was a violation of the Ordinance, inasmuch as the fourteenth sec- tion of the preamble thereto declares that "the following articles shall be considered as articles of compact between the original States and the people and States in the said Territory, and for- ever remain unalterable, unless by common con- sent." In the limited state of geographical knowledge, existing at the time of the adoption of the Ordinance, there seems to have been con- siderable difference of opinion as to the latitude of the southern limit of Lake Michigan. The map of Mitchell (1755) had placed it on the paral- lel of 42 20', while that of Thomas Hutchins (1778) fixed it at 41 37'. It was officially estab- lished by Government survey, in 1835, at 41" 37' 07.9". As a matter of fact, the northern bound- ary of neither of the three States named was finally fixed on the line mentioned in the proviso above quoted from the Ordinance that of Ohio, where it meets the shore of Lake Erie, being a little north of 41 44' ; that of Indiana at 41 46' (some 10 miles north of the southern bend of the lake), and that of Illinois at 42 30' about 61 miles north of the same line. The boundary line between Ohio and Michigan was settled after a bitter controversy, on the admission of the latter State into the Union, in 1837, in the acceptance by her of certain conditions proposed by Congress. These included the annexation to Michigan of what is known as the "Upper Peninsula," lying between Lakes Michigan and Superior, in lieu of a strip averaging six miles on her southern border, which she demanded from Ohio. The establishment of the northern bound- ary of Illinois, in 1818, upon the line which now exists, is universally conceded to have been due to the action of Judge Nathaniel Pope, then the Delegate in Congress from Illinois Territory. While it was then acquiesced in without ques- tion, it has since been the subject of considerable controversy and has been followed by almost incalculable results. The "enabling act," as originally introduced early in 1818, empowering the people of Illinois Territory to form a State Government, fixed the northern boundary of the proposed State at 41 39', then the supposed lati- tude of the southern extremity of Lake Michigan. While the act was under consideration in Com- mittee of the Whole, Mr. Pope offered an amend- ment advancing the northern boundary to 42 30'. The object of his amendment (as he ex- plained) was to gain for the new State a coast line on Lake Michigan, bringing it into political and commercial relations with the States east of HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. it Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York thus ''affording additional security to the per- petuity of the Union." He argued that the location of the State between the Mississippi, Wabash and Ohio Rivers all flowing to the south would bring it in intimate communica- tion with the Southern States, and that, in the event of an attempted disruption of the Union, it was important that it should be identified with the commerce of the Lakes, instead of being left entirely to the waters of the south-flowing rivers. "Thus, " said he, "a rival interest would be created to check the wish for a Western or South- ern Confederacy. Her interests would thus be balanced and her inclinations turned to the North." He recognized Illinois as already "the key to the West," and he evidently foresaw that the time might come when it would be the Key- stone of the Union. While this evinced wonder- ful foresight, scarcely less convincing was his argument that, in time, a commercial emporium would grow up upon Lake Michigan, which would demand an outlet by means of a canal to the Illi- nois River a work which was realized in the completion of the Illinois & Michigan Canal thirty years later, but which would scarcely have been accomplished had the State been practically cut off from the Lake and its chief emporium left to grow up in another commonwealth, or not at all. Judge Pope's amendment was accepted without division, and, in this form, a few days later, the bill became a law. The almost super- human sagacity exhibited in Judge Pope's argu- ment, has been repeatedly illustrated in the commercial and political history of the State since, but never more significantly than in the commanding position which Illinois occupied during the late Civil War, with one of its citi- zens in the Presidential chair and another leading its 250,000 citizen soldiery and the armies of the Union in battling for the perpetuity of the Republic a position which more than fulfilled every prediction made for it The territory affected by thia settlement of the northern boundary, includes all that part of the State north of the northern line of La Salle County, and embraces the greater portion of the fourteen counties of Cook, Dupage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, Boone, DeKalb, Lee, Ogle, Winnebago, Stephen- son, Jo Daviess, Carroll and Whiteside, with por- tions of Kendall, Will and Rock Island estimated at 8,500 square miles, or more than one-seventh of the present area of the State. It has been argued that this territory belonged to the State of Wisconsin under the provisions of the Ordi- nance of 1787, and there were repeated attempts made, on the part of the Wisconsin Legislature and its Territorial Governor (Doty), between 1839 and 1843, to induce the people of these counties to recognize this claim. These were, in a few instances, partially successful, although no official notice was taken of them by the authorities of Illi- nois. The reply made to the Wisconsin claim by Governor Ford who wrote his "History of Illi- nois" when the subject was fresh in the public mind was that, while the Ordinance of 1787 gave Congress power to organize a State north of the parallel running through the southern bend of Lake Michigan, "there is nothing in the Ordi- nance requiring such additional State to be organized of the territory north of that line. " In other words, that, when Congress, in 1818, authorized the organization of an additional State north of and in (i. e., within) the line named, it did not violate the Ordinance of 1787, but acted in accordance with it in practically assuming that the new State "need not neces- sarily include the whole of the region north of that line. " The question was set at rest by Wis- consin herself in the action of her Constitutional Convention of 1847-48, in framing her first con- stitution, in form recognizing the northern boundary of Illinois as fixed by the enabling act of 1818. NORTHERN HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, an institution for the treatment of the insane, created by Act of the Legislature, approved, April 16, 1869. The Commissioners appointed by Gov- ernor Palmer to fix its location consisted of August Adams, B. F. Shaw, W. R. Brown, M. L. Joslyn, 1). S. Hammond and William Adams. After considering many offers and examining numerous sites, the Commissioners finally selected the Chisholm farm, consisting of about 155 acres, \Vi miles from Elgin, on the west side of Fox River, and overlooking that stream, as a site this having been tendered as a donation by the citizens of Elgin. Plans were adopted in the latter part of 1869, the system of construction chosen conforming, in the main, to that of the United States Hospital for the Insane at Wash- ington, D. C. By January, 1872, the north wing and rear building were so far advanced as to per- mit the reception of sixty patients. The center building was ready for occupancy in April, 1873, and the south wing before the end of the follow- ing year. The total expenditures previous to 1879 had exceeded $637,000, and since that date liberal appropriations have been made for addi- tions, repairs and improvements, including the a o I X 4 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. it I n ii.ni.i Ohio. Pennsylvania and New York thus "affording additional security to the per petuity of the Union." He argued that the location of the State between the Mississippi, Waliash and Ohio Rivers all flowing to the south would bring it in intimate communica- tion with the Southern States, and that, in the event of an attempted disruption of the Union, it was important that it should l>e identified with the commerce of the Lakes, instead of being left entirely to the waters of the soutli-tlowing rivers. "Thus," said he. "a rival interest would be created to check the wish for a Western or South- ern Confederacy. Her interests would thus ! balanced ami her inclinations turned to the North " He recognized Illinois as already "the key to the West." and he evidently foresaw that the time might come when it would be the Key- stone of the Union. AVhile this evinced wonder- ful foresight, scarcely less convincing was his argument that, in time, a commercial emporium would grow up upon Lake Michigan, which would demand an outlet by means of a canal to the Illi- nois River a work which was realized in the completion of the Illinois & Michigan Canal thirty years later, but which would scarcely have been accomplished had the State been practically cut olf from the Lake and its chief emporium left to grow up in another commonwealth, or not at all. Judge Pope's amendment was accepted without division, and. in this form, a few days later, the bill became a law. The almost sujier- human sagacity exhibited in Judge Pope's argu- ment, has been repeatedly illustrated in the commercial and political history of the State since, but never more significantly than in the commanding position which Illinois occupied during the late Civil War, with one of its citi- zens in the Presidential chair and another leading its 25(1.0(10 citizen soldiery and the armies of the Union in K-ittling for the perpetuity of the Republic a position which more than fulfilled every prediction made for it. The territory affected by this settlement of the northern boundary, includes all that part of the State north of the northern line of I-i Salle County, and embraces the greater |>ortion of the fourteen counties of Cook, Dupage, Kane, Lake. McIIenry, Roone, DeKalb. Lee. Ogle. Winnebago. Stephen- son. Jo Daviess, Carroll ami Wliiteside. with por- tions of Kendall, Will and Rock Island estimated at N.500 square miles, or more than one-seventh of the present area of the State. It has liecn argued that this territory liclonged to the State of Wisconsin under the provisions of the Ordi- nance of 1787, and there were repeated attempts made, on the part of the Wisconsin Legislature and its Territorial Governor (Doty), between 1S3! and 1S4IJ, to induce the people of these counties t S. Hammond and William Adams After considering many oilers and examining numerous sites, the Commissioners finally selected the Chisholm farm, consisting of air. mi 155 acres. 1'i miles from Elgin, on the west side of Fox River, ami overlooking that stream, as a site- this having been tendered as a donation by the citizens of Elgin. Plans were adopted in the latter part of 1869, the system of construction chosen conforming, in the main, to that of the United States Hospital for the Insane at Wash- ington, D. C. By January, 17'J. the north wing and rear building were so far advanced as to per- mit the reception of sixty patients. The center building was ready for occupancy in April. 187:!. and the south wing before the end of the follow- ing year. The total expenditures previous to 1876 had exceeded Sfi37. (>(. and since that date liberal appropriations have been made for addi- tions, repairs and improvements, including the X y o y a z o as u H u Z x 2 a ffi O a M w HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 403 addition of between 300 and 400 acres to the lands connected with the institution The first Board of Trustees consisted of Charles N. Holden, Oliver Everett and Henry "W. Sherman, with Dr. E. A. Kilbourne as the first Superintendent, and Dr. Richard A. Dewey (afterwards Superintend- ent of the Eastern Hospital at Kankakee) as his Assistant. Dr. Kilbourne remained at the head of the institution until his death, Feb. 27, 1890, covering a period of nineteen years. Dr. Kil- bourne was succeeded by Dr. Henry J. Brooks, and he, by Dr. Loewy, in June, 1893, and the latter by Dr. John B. Hamilton (former Super- vising Surgeon of the United States Marine Hos- pital Service) in 1897. Dr. Hamilton died in December, 1898. (See Hamilton, John B.) The total value of State property, June 30, 1894, was 1882,745.66, of which $701,330 was in land and buildings. Under the terms of the law estab- lishing the hospital, provision is made for the care therein of the incurably insane, so that it is both a hospital and an asylum. The whole num- ber of patients under treatment, for the two years preceding June 30, 1894, was 1,797, the number of inmates, on Dec. 1, 1897, 1,054, and the average daily attendance for treatment, for the year 1896, 1,296. The following counties comprise the dis- trict dependent upon the Elgin Hospital: Boone, Carroll, Cook, DeKalb, Jo Daviess, Kane. Ken- dall, Lake, Stephenson, Whiteside and Winne- bago. NORTHERN ILLINOIS NORMAL SCHOOL, an institution, incorporated in 1884, at Dixon, Lee County, 111., for the purpose of giving instruction in branches related to the art of teaching. Its last report claims a total of 1,639 pupils, of whom 885 were men and 744 women, receiving instruc- tion from thirty-six teachers. The total value of property was estimated at more than $200,000, of which $160,000 was in real estate and $45,000 in apparatus. Attendance on the institution has been affected by the establishment, under act of the Legislature of 1895, of the Northern State Normal School at DeKalb (which see). NORTHERN PENITENTIARY, THE, an insti- tution for the confinement of criminals of the State, located at Joliet, Will County. The site was purchased by the State in 1857, and com- prises some seventy-two acres. Its erection was found necessary because of the inadequacy of the first penitentiary, at Alton. (See Alton Peni- tentiary.) The original plan contemplated a cell-house containing 1,000 cells, which, it was thought, would meet the public necessities for many years to come. Its estimated cost was $550,000; but, within ten years, there had been expended upon the institution the sum of $934.- 000, and its capacity was taxed to the utmost. Subsequent enlargements have increased the cost to over $1,600,000, but by 1877. the institution had become so overcrowded that the erection of another State penal institution became positivnly necessary. (See Southern Penitentiary.) The prison has always been conducted on "the Auburn system," which contemplates associate labor in silence, silent meals in a common refec- tory, and (as nearly as practicable) isolation at night. The system of labor has varied at differ- ent times, the "lessee system," the "contract system" and the "State account plan" being successively in force. (See Convict Labor. ) The whole number of convicts in the institution, at the date of the official report of 1895, was 1,566. The total assets of the institution, Sept. 30, 1894, were reported at $2,121,308.86, of which $1,644,- 601.11 was in real estate. NORTH & SOUTH RAILROAD. (See St. Louis, Peoria & Northern Railway.) NORTHERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, an institution for the education of teachers of the common schools, authorized to be established liy act of the Legislature passed at the session of 1895. The act made an appropriation of $50,000 for the erection of buildings and other improve- ments. The institution was located at DeKalb. DeKalb County, in the spring of 1896, and the erection of buildings commenced soon after- Isaac F. Ellwood, of DeKalb, contributing $20.- 000 in cash, and J. F. Glidden, a site of sixty seven acres of land. Up to Dec. 1, 1897, the appropriations and contributions, in land and money, aggregated $175,000. The school was expected to be ready for the reception of pupils in the latter part of 1899, and, it is estimated, will accommodate 1.000 students. NORTHWEST TERRITORY. The name formerly applied to that portion of the Uniteeriod of nineteen years Dr Kil- bourne was succeeded by Dr. Henry J. Hntoks. and he. by Dr. Uoewy. in June 1H9JI. and the latter by Dr. John 1!. Hamilton (former Super- vising Surgeon of the United States Marine Hos- pital Service" in 1*97. Dr. Hamilton died in December. IH'.IS. (See Hamilton, ./.i/i/i />' I Tlie total value of State property, June ItO. 1*94. was $**.>. 74.V6I.. of which $7tll. :130 was in land and buildings. Under the terms of the law estab lishing the hospital, provision is made for the care therein of the incurably insane, so that it is l)oth a hospital and an asylum. The whole num- ber of patients under treatment, for the two years preceding June '!", 1*94. was 1,71*7. the numlcr of inmates, on Dec. 1. 1*97, l,or>4, and the average daily attendance for treatment, for the year l*9f>. I.2W>. The following counties comprise the dis- trict de|MMident U|HIII the Elgin Hospital: lioone, Carroll. Cook. DeKalb. Jo Daviess. Kane. Ken- dall Lake, Stepbenson. \Vbitesiile and Winne- hago. NOI; I III I;N ILLINOIS NORMAL SCHOOL. an institution. ineor|iorated in I ( at Dixon. 1 County. III., for the pur|M>se of giving instruction in branches related to the art of teaching. Its last report claims a total of I.IKMI pupils, of whom **"> wen- men and 744 women, receiving inslrue lion from thirty-six teachers The total value of property was estimated at more than 8500, MU, c,f which 1(1(1.000 was in real estate and S4.1.00O in apparatus. Attendance on the institution has lieen affected by the establishment, under act of the Legislature of 1*9.'., of the Northern State Normal School at DeKalb (which seel. NORTHERN PENITENTIARY, THE, an iiist,- tution lor the confinement of criminals . i the State, located at Joliet. Will County. The site was purchased by the State in 1s."i7. and com- prises some seventy-two acres Its erection was found necessary heeaiise of tin- inadeijuacv of tin- first |M-niteiitiary. at Alton. (See .-!//.. I'm! tfiifini'1/.} The original plan contemplated a cell-house, containing I.OOO cells, which, it was thought, would meet the pnblie necessities for many years to come. Its estimated cost was $.V>0.0 the institution the sum of S'.i:;i 000 and its capacity was taxed to the utmost Subsequent enlargements have increased the cost to over*l.! plan for tin- government of this vast region wa-. devised and formulated by Thomas Jefferson in his | li,, |, 0-, -d OrdiiKUice of 17*4. which failed 404 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. of ultimate passage. But three years later a broader scheme was evolved, and the famous Ordinance of 1787, with its clause prohibiting the extension of slavery beyond the Ohio River, passed the Continental Congress. This act has been sometimes termed "The American Magna Charta," because of its engrafting upon the organic law the principles of human freedom and equal rights. The plan for the establishment of a distinctive territorial civil government in a new Territory the first of its kind in the new republic was felt to be a tentative step, and too much power was not granted to the residents. All the officers were appointive, and each official was required to be a land-owner. The elective franchise (but only for members of the General Assembly) could first be exercised only after the population had reached 5,000. Even then, every elector must own fifty acres of land, and every Representative, 200 acres. More liberal provisions, however, were subsequently incorporated by amendment, in 1809. The first civil government in the Northwest Territory was established by act of the Virginia Legislature, in the organization of all the country west of the Ohio under the name "Illinois County," of which the Governor was authorized to appoint a "County Lieuten- ant" or "Commandant-in-Chief. " The first "Commandant" appointed was Col. John Todd, of Kentucky, though he continued to discharge the duties for only a short period, being killed in the battle of Blue Licks, in 1782. After that the Illinois Country was almost without the semblance of an organized civil government, until 1788, when Gen. Arthur St. Clair was appointed the first Governor of Northwest Territory, under the Ordinance of 1787, serving until the separation of this region into the Territories of Ohio and Indi- ana in 1800, when William Henry Harrison became the Governor of the latter, embracing all that portion of the original Northwest Territory except the State of Ohio. During St. Clair's administration (1790) that part of the present State of Illinois between the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers on the west, and a line extending north from about the Bite of old Fort Massac, on the Ohio, to the mouth of the Mackinaw River, in the present county of Tazewell, on the east, was erected into a county under the name of St. Clair, with three county -seats, viz. : Cahokia, Kaskaskia and Prairie du Roclier. (See St. Clair County.) Between 1830 and 1834 the name North- west Territory was applied to an unorganized region, embracing the present State of Wisconsin, attached to Michigan Territory for governmental purposes. (See Illinoit County; St Clair, Arthur; and Todd, John.) NORTHWESTERN COLLEGE, located at Naperville, Du Page County, and founded in 1865, under the auspices of the Evangelical Asso- ciation. It maintains business, preparatory and collegiate departments, besides a theological school. In 1898 it had a faculty of nineteen profes- sors and assistants, with some 360 students, less than one-third of the latter being females, though both sexes are admitted to the college on an equal footing. The institution owns property to the value of $207,000, including an endowment of $85,000. NORTHWESTERN GRAND TRUNK RAIL-. WAY. (See Chicago A Grand Trunk Railway. ) NORTHWESTERN NORMAL, located at Gene seo, Henry County, 111. , incorporated in 1884 ; in 1894 had a faculty of twelve teachers with 171 pupils, of whom ninety were male and eighty-one female. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, an impor- tant educational institution, established at Evanston, in Cook County, in 1851. In 1898 it reported 2,599 students (1,980 male and 619 female), and a faculty of 234 instructors. It embraces the following departments, all of which confer degrees: A College of Liberal Arts; two Medical Schools (one for women exclusively); a Law School; a School of Phar- macy and a Dental College. The Garrett Bibli- cal Institute, at which no degrees are con- ferred, constitutes the theological department of the University. The charter of the institution requires a majority of the Trustees to be mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the University is the largest and wealthiest of the schools controlled by that denomination. The College of Liberal Arts and the Garrett Biblical Institute are at Evanston ; the other departments (all professional) are located in Chicago. In the academic department (Liberal Arts School), pro- vision is made for both graduate and post-gradu- ate courses. The Medical School was formerly known as the Chicago Medical College, and its Law Department was originally the Union Col- lege of Law, both of which have been absorbed by the University, as have also its schools of dentistry and pharmacy, which were formerly independent institutions. The property owned by the University is valued at $4,870,000, of which $1.100,000 is real estate, and $2,250,000 in endow- ment funds. Its income from fees paid by students in 1898 was $215,288, and total receipts from all sources, $482,389. Co-education of the sexes pre- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 405 vails in the College of Liberal Arts. Dr. Henry Wade Rogers is President. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL, located in Chicago; was organized in 1859 as Medical School of the Lind (now Lake Forest) University. Three annual terms, of five months each, at first constituted a course, although attendance at two only was compul- sory. The institution first opened in temporary quarters, Oct. 9, 1859, with thirteen professors and thirty-three students. By 1863 more ample accommodations were needed, and the Trustees of the land University being unable to provide a building, one was erected by the faculty. In 1864 the University relinquished all claim to the institution, which was thereupon incorporated as the Chicago Medical College. In 1868 the length of the annual terms was increased to six months, and additional requirements were imposed on candidates for both matriculation and gradu- ation. The same year, the college building was sold, and the erection of a new and more commo- dious edifice, on the grounds of the Mercy Hos- pital, was commenced. This was completed in 1870, and the college became the medical depart- ment of the Northwestern University. The number of professorships had been increased to eighteen, and that of undergraduates to 107. Since that date new laboratory and clinical build- ings have been erected, and the growth of the institution has been steady and substantial. Mercy and St. Luke's Hospital, and the South Side Free Dispensary afford resources for clinical instruction. The teaching faculty, as constituted in 1898, consists of about fifty instructors, in- cluding professors, lecturers, demonstrators, and assistants. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY WOMAN'S MEDICAL SCHOOL, an institution for the pro fessional education of women, located in Chicago. Its first corporate name was the "Woman's Hospital Medical College of Chicago, " and it was in close connection with the Chicago Hospital for Women and Children. Later, it severed its connection with the hospital and took the name of the "Woman's Medical College of Chicago." Co-education of the sexes, in medicine and surgery, was experimentally tried from 1868 to 1870, but the experiment proved repugnant to t Im male students, who unanimously signed a protest against the continuance of the system. The result was the establishment of a separate school for women in 1870, with a faculty of six- teen professors. The requirements for graduation were fixed at four years of medical study, includ- ing three annual graded college terms of six months each. The first term opened in the autumn of 1870, with an attendance of twenty students. The original location of the school was in the "North Division" of Chicago, in tem- porary quarters. After the fire of 1871 a removal was effected to the "West Division," where (in 1878-79) a modest, but well arranged building was erected. A larger structure was built in 1884, and, in 1891, the institution became a part of the Northwestern University. The college, in all its departments, is organized along the lines of the best medical schools of the country. In 1896 there were twenty-four professorships, all capably filled, and among the faculty are some of the best known specialists in the country. NORTON, Jesse 0., lawyer, Congressman and Judge, was born at Bennington, Vt., April 25, 1813, and graduated from Williams College in 1835. He settled at Joliet in 1839, and soon became prominent in the affairs of Will County. His first public office was that of City Attorney, after which he served as County Judge (1846-50). Meanwhile, he was chosen a Delegate to the Con- stitutional Convention of 1847. In 1850 he was elected to the Legislature, and, in 1852, to Con- gress, as a Whig. His vigorous opposition to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise resulted in his re-election as a Representative in 1854. At the expiration of his second term (1857) he was chosen Judge of the eleventh circuit, to fill the unexpired term of Judge Randall, resigned. He was once more elected to Congress in 1862, but disagreed with his party as to the legal status of the States lately in rebellion. President Johnson appointed him United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, which office he filled until 1869. Immediately upon his retirement he began private practice at Chicago, where he died. August 3, 1875. NORWOOD PARE, a village of Cook County, on the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad (Wis- consin Division), 11 miles northwest of Chicago. Incorporated in City of Chicago, 1893. NOYES, George Clement, clergyman, was born at Landaff, N. H., August 4, 1833, brought by his parents to Pike County, 111., in 1844, and, at the age of 16, determined to devote his life to the ministry ; in 1851, entered Illinois College at Jack- sonville, graduating with first honors in the class of 1855. In the following autumn he entered Union Theological Seminary in New York, and. having graduated in 1858, was ordained the same year, and installed pastor of the First Presby- terian Church at Laporte, Ind. Here he remained 406 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ten years, when he accepted a call to the First Presbyterian Church of Evanston, 111., then a small organization which developed, during the twenty years of his pastorate, into one of the strongest and most influential churches in Evans- ton. For a number of years Dr. Noyes was an editorial writer and weekly correspondent of "The New York Evangelist," over the signature of "Clement." He was also, for several years, an active and very efficient member of the Board of Trustees of Knox College. The liberal bent of his mind was illustrated in the fact that he acted as counsel for Prof. David Swing, during the cele- brated trial of the latter for heresy before the Chicago Presbytery his argument on that occasion winning encomiums from all classes of people. His death took place at Evanston, Jan. 14, 1889, as the result of an attack of pneumonia, and was deeply deplored, not only by his own church and denomination, but by the whole com- munity. Some two weeks after it occurred a union meeting was held in one of the churches at Evanston, at which addresses in commemoration of his services were delivered by some dozen ministers of that village and of Chicago, while various social and literary organizations and the press bore testimony to his high character. He was a member of the Literary Society of Chicago, and, during the last year of his life, served as its President. Dr. Noyea was married, in 1858, to a daughter of David A. Smith, Esq., an honored citizen and able lawyer of Jacksonville. OAKLAND, a city of Coles County on the Van- dalia Line and the Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad, 15 miles northeast of Charleston; is in grain center and broom-corn belt ; the town has two banks and one daily and two weekly papers. Pop. (1890), 995;(1900), 1,198. OAK PARK, a village of Cook County, and popular residence suburb of Chicago, miles west of the initial station of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, on which it is located ; is also upon the line of the Wisconsin Central Rail- road. The place has numerous churches, pros- perous schools, a public library, telegraph and express offices, banks and two local papers. Population (1880), 1.888; (1890), 4,771. OBERLT, John II ., journalist and Civil Serv- ice Commissioner, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 6, 1837; spent part of his boyhood in Allegheny County, Pa., but, in 1853, began learn- ing the printer's trade in the office of "The Woos- ter (Ohio) Republican, " completing it at Memphis, Tenn., and becoming a journeyman printer in 1857. He worked in various offices, including the Wooster paper, where he also began the study of law, but, in 1860, became part proprietor of "The Bulletin" job office at Memphis, in which he had been employed as an apprentice, and. later, as foreman. Having been notified to leave Memphis on account of his Union principles after the beginning of the Civil War, he returned to Wooster, Ohio, and conducted various papers there during the next four years, but, in 1865, came to Cairo, 111. , where he served for a time as foreman of "The Cairo Democrat," three years later establishing ' 'The Cairo Bulletin. ' ' Although the latter paper was burned out a few months later, it was immediately re-established. In 1873 lie was elected Representative in the Twenty -eighth General Assembly, and, in 1877, was appointed by Governor Cullom the Democratic member of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission, serving four years, meanwhile (in 1880) being the Demo- cratic candidate for Secretary of State. Other positions held by him included Mayor of the city of Cairo (1869) ; President of the National Typo- graphical Union at Chicago (1865), and at Mem- phis (1866); delegate to the Democratic National Convention at Baltimore (1872), and Chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee (1882-84). After retiring from the Railroad ami Warehouse Commission, he united in founding "The Bloomington (111.) Bulletin," of which he was editor some three years. During President Cleveland's administration he was appointed a member of the Civil Service Commission, being later transferred to the Commissionership of Indian Affairs. He was subsequently connected in an editorial capacity with "The Washington Post," "The Richmond (Va.) State," "The Con- cord (N. H. ) People and Patriot" and "The Wash- ington Times." While engaged in an attempt to reorganize "The People and Patriot," he died at Concord, N. H., April 15, 1899. ODD FELLOWS. "Western Star" Lodge, No. 1, I. 0. 0. F., was instituted at Alton, June 11. 1836. In 1838 the Grand Lodge of Illinois was instituted at the same place, and reorganized, at Springfield, in 1842. S. C. Pierce was the first Grand Master, and Samuel L. Miller, Grand Sec- retary. Wildey Encampment, No. 1, was organ- ized at Alton in 1838, and the Grand Encampment, at Peoria, in 1850, with Charles H. Constable Grand Patriarch. In 1850 the subordinate brandies of the Order numbered seventy-six, with 3,2!tl members, and $25,392.87 revenue. In 1895 the Lodges numbered 888, the membership 50,54-1. with $475,252.18 revenue, of which $185,018.40 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 407 was expended for relief. The Encampment branch, in 1895, embraced 179 organizations with a membership of 6,812 and 123,865.25 revenue, of which $6,781.40 was paid out for relief. The Rebekah branch, for the same year, comprised 422 Lodges, with 22,000 members and $43,215.65 revenue, of which $3,122.79 was for relief. The total sum distributed for relief by the several organizations (1895) was $144,972.59. The Order was especially liberal in its benefactions to the sufferers by the Chicago fire of 1871, an appeal to its members calling forth a generous response throughout the United States. (See Odd Fellows Orphan*' Home. ) ODD FELLOWS' ORPHANS' HOME, a benevo- lent institution, incorporated in 1889, erected at Lincoln, HI., under the auspices of the Daughters of Rebekah (see Odd Fellows), and dedicated August 19, 1892. The building is four stories in height, has a capacity for the accommodation of fifty children, and cost $36,524.76, exclusive of forty acres of land valued at $8,000. 01) ELL, a village of Livingston County, and station on the Chicago & Alton Railway, 82 miles south-southwest of Chicago. It is in a grain and stock-raising region. Population (1880) , 908; (1890), 800; (1900), 1,000. ODIN, a village of Marion County, at the cross- ing of the Chicago branch of the Illinois Central and the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Rail- ways, 244 miles south by west from Chicago ; in fruit belt; has coal-mine, two fruit evaporators, hank and a newspaper. Fop. (1900), 1,180. O'FALLON, a village of St. Clair County, on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railway, 18 miles east of St. Louis : has interurban railway, electric lights, water-works, factories, coal-mine, bank and a newspaper. Pop. (1900), 1,267. 06DEW, William Bntler, capitalist and Rail- way President, born at Walton, N. Y., June 15, 1805. He was a member of the New York Legis- lature in 1834, and, the following year, removed to Chicago, where he established a land and trust agency. He took an active part in the various enterprises centering around Chicago, and, on the incorporation of the city, was elected its first Mayor, He was prominently identified with the construction of the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad, and, in 1847. became its President. While visiting Europe in 1853, he made a careful study of the canals of Holland, which convinced him of the desirability of widening and deepen- ing the Illinois & Michigan Canal and of con- structing a ship canal across the southern peninsula of Michigan. In 1855 lie became Presi- dent of the Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lac Railroad, and effected its consolidation with the Galena & Chicago Union. Out of this consoli- dation sprang the Chicago & Northwestern Rail- way Company, of which he was elected President. In 1850 he presided over the National Pacific Railroad Convention, and, upon the formation of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, he became its President. He was largely connected with the inception of the Northern Pacific line, in the success of which he was a firm believer. He also controlled various other interests of public importance, among them the great lumbering establishments at Peshtigo, Wis., and, at the time of his death, was the owner of what was probably the largest plant of that description in the world. His benefactions were numerous, among the recipients being the Rush Medical College, of which he was President; the Theological Semi- nary of the Northwest, the Chicago Historical Society, the Academy of Sciences, the University of Chicago, the Astronomical Society, and many other educational and benevolent institutions and organizations in the Northwest. Died, in New York City, August 3, 1877. (See Chicago A Northwestern Railroad. ) OGLE, Joseph, pioneer, was born in Virginia in 1741, came to Illinois in 1785, settling in the American Bottom within the present County of Monroe, but afterwards removed to St. Clair County, about the site of the present town of O'Fallon, 8 miles north of Belleville ; was selected by his neighbors to serve as Captain in their skirmishes with the Indians. Died, at his home in St. Clair County, in February, 1821. Captain Ogle had the reputation of being the earliest con- vert to Methodism in Illinois. Ogle County, in Northern Illinois, was named in his honor. .laculi (Ogle), son of the preceding, also a native of Virginia, was born about 1772, came to Illinois with his father in 1785, and was a 'Ranger" in the War of 1812. He served as a Representative from St. Clair County in the Third General Assembly (1822). and again in the Seventh (1830), in the former being an opponent of the pro-slavery convention scheme. Beyond two terms in the Legislature he seems to have held no public office except that of Justice of the Peace. Like his father, he was a zealous Metho- dist and highly respected. Died, in 1844, aged 72 years. OGLE COUNTY, next to the "northern tier" of counties of the State and originally a part of Jo Daviess. It was separately organized in 1837. and Lee County was carved from its territory in 408 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 1839. In 1900 its area was 780 square miles, and its population 29,129. Before the Black Hawk War immigration was slow, and life primitive. Peoria was the nearest food market. New grain was "ground" on a grater, and old pounded with an extemporized pestle in a wooden mortar. Rock River flows across the county from north- east to southwest. A little oak timber grow.s along its banks, but, generally speaking, the sur- face is undulating prairie, with soil of a rich loam. Sandstone is in ample supply, and. all the limestones abound. An extensive peatassage of the famous "Ordinance," on the 13th day of July, 1787. While making provision for a mode of temporary self-government by the people, its most striking features are to be found in the six "articles" a sort of "Bill of Rights" with which the document closes. These assert: (1) the right of freedom of worship and religious opinion; (2) the right to the benefit of habeas corpus and trial by jury ; to proportionate repre- sentation, and to protection in liberty and prop- erty; (3) that "religion, morality and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged"; (4) that the States, formed within the territory referred to. "shall forever remain a part of this confeder- acy of the United States of America, subject to the Articles of Confederation and to such alter- ations therein as shall be constitutionally made' ' ; (5) prescribe the boundaries of the States to be formed therein and the conditions of their admis- sion into the Union ; and (6 and most significant of all) repeat the prohibition regarding the introduction of slavery into the Northwest Terri- tory, as proposed by Jefferson, but without any qualification as to time. There has been consider- able controversy regarding the authorship of this portion of the Ordinance, into which it is not necessary to enter here. While it has been char- acterized as a second and advanced Declaration of Independence and probably no single act of Congress was ever fraught with more important and far-reaching results it seems remarkable that a majority of the States supporting it and securing its adoption, were then, and long con- tinued to be, slave States. ORE6ON, the county-seat of Ogle County, situated on Rock River and the Minneapolis Branch of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail- road. 100 miles west from Chicago. The sur- rounding region is agricultural; the town has water power and manufactures flour, pianos, steel tanks, street sprinklers, and iron castings. It has two banks, water-works supplied by flowing artesian wells, cereal mill, and two weekly news- papers ; has also obtained some repute as a summer resort. Pop. (1880), 1,088; (1890), 1,566; (1900),1,577. ORION, a village of Henry County, at the inter- section of the Rock Island Division of the Chicago Burlington & Quincy and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railways, 19 miles southeast of Rock Island. Pop. (1890), 624; (1900), 584. OSBORN, William Henry, Railway President, was born at Salem, Mass., Dec. 21, 1820. After receiving a high school education in his native town, he entered the counting room of the East India house of Peele, Hubbell & Co. ; was subse- quently sent to represent the firm at Manila, finally engaging in business on his own account, during which he traveled extensively in Europe. Returning to the United States in 1853, he took up his residence in New York, and, having mar- ried the daughter of Jonathan Sturges, one of the original incorporators and promoters of the Illi- nois Central Railroad, he soon after became asso- ciated with that enterprise. In August, 1854, be was chosen a Director of the Company, and, on Dec. 1, 1855, became its third President, serving in the latter position nearly ten years (until July 11, 1865), and, as a Director, until 1877 in all, twenty-two years. After retiring from his con- nection with the Illinois Central Railroad, Mr. Osborn gave his attention largely to enterprises of an educational and benevolent character in aid of the unfortunate classes in the State of New York. OSBORN, Thomas 0., soldier and diplomatist, was born in Licking County, Ohio, August 11. 1832; graduated from the Ohio University at Athens, in 1854; studied law at Crawfordsville, Ind., with Gen. Lew Wallace, was admitted to the bar and began practice in Chicago. Early in the war for the Union he joined the "Yates Phalanx," which, after some delay on account of the quota being full, was mustered into the serv- ice, in August, 1861, as the Thirty-ninth Illinois Volunteers, the subject of this sketch being com- missioned its Lieutenant-Colonel. His promotion to the colonelcy soon followed, the regiment being sent east to guard the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, where it met the celebrated Stonewall Jackson, and took part in many important en- gagements, including the battles of Winchester. Bermuda Hundreds, and Drury's Bluff, besides the sieges of Charleston and Petersburg. At Bermuda Hundreds Colonel Osborn was severely HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 411 wounded, losing the use of his right arm. He bore a conspicuous part in the operations about Richmond which resulted in the capture of the rebel capital, his services being recognized by promotion to the brevet rank of Major-General. At the close of the war he returned to the prac- tice of law in Chicago, but, in 1874, was appointed Consul-Oeneral and Minister-Resident to the Argentine Republic, remaining in that 'position until June, 1885, when he resigned, resuming his residence in Chicago. OSWEGO, a village in Kendall County, on the Aurora and Streator branch of the Chicago, Bur- lington & Quincy Railway, 6 miles south of Aurora. Population (1890), 641; (1900), 618. OTTAWA, the county-seat and principal city of La Salle County, being incorporated as a vil- lage in 1838, and, as a city, in 1853. It is located at the confluence of the Illinois and Fox Rivers and on the Illinois & Michigan Canal. It is the intersecting point of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway and the Streator bran'oh of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, 98 miles east of Rock Island and 83 miles west-southwest of Chi- cago. The surrounding region abounds in coal. Sand of a superior quality for the manufacture of glass is found in the vicinity and the place has extensive glass works. Other manufactured products are brick, drain-tile, sewer-pipe, tile- roofing, pottery, pianos, organs, cigars, wagons and carriages, agricultural implements, hay carriers, hay presses, sash, doors, blinds, cabinet work, saddlery and harness and pumps. The city has some handsome public buildings including the Appellate (formerly Supreme) Court House for the Northern Division. It also has several public parks, one of which (South Park) contains a medicinal spring. There are a dozen churches and numerous public school buildings, including a high school. The city is lighted by gas and electricity, has electric street railways, good sewerage, and water-works supplied from over 150 artesian wells and numerous natural springs. It has one private and two national banks, five libraries, and eight weekly newspapers (three German), of which four issue daily editions. Pop. (1890), 9,985; (1900), 10,588. OTTAWA, CHICAGO & FOX RIVER VALLEY RAILROAD. (See Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad.) OCTAQAMIES, a name given, by the French, to the Indian tribe known as the Foxes. (See .Sacs and Foxes. ) OWEN, Thomas J. V., early legislator and Indian Agent, was born in Kentucky, April 5, 1801; came to Illinois at an early day, and, in 1830, was elected to the Seventh General Assem bly from Randolph County; the following year was appointed Indian Agent at Chicago, as suc- cessor to Dr. Alexander Wolcott, who had died in the latter part of 1830. Mr. Owen served as Indian Agent until 1833; was a member of the first Board of Town Trustees of the village of Chi- cago, Commissioner of School Lands, and one of the Government Commissioners who conducted the treaty with the Pottawatomie and other tribes of Indians at Chicago, in September, 1833. Died, in Chicago. Oct. 15, 1835. PADDOCK, Galas, pioneer, a native of Massa- chusetts, was born in 1758; at the age of 17 he entered the Colonial Army, serving until the close of the Revolutionary War. and being in Washington's command at the crossing of the Delaware. After the war he removed to Ver- mont; but, in 1815, went to Cincinnati, and, a year later, to St. Charles, Mo. Then, after hav- ing spent about a year at St. Louis, in 1818 he located in Madison County, 111., at a point after- wards known as "Paddock's Grove," and which became one of the most prosperous agricultural sections of Southern Illinois. Died, in 1831. PAINE, (Gen.) Eleazer A., soldier, was born in Parkman, Geauga County, Ohio, Sept. 10. 1815; graduated at West Point Military Academy, in 1839, and was assigned to the First Infantry, serving in the Florida War (1839-40), but resigned, Oct. 11, 1840. He then studied law and practiced at Painesville, Ohio, (1843-48), and at Monmouth, 111., (1848-61), meanwhile sen-ing in the lower branch of the Eighteenth General Assembly (1853-53). Before leaving Ohio, he had been Deputy United States Marshal and Lieutenant- Colonel of the State Militia, and. in Illinois, became Brigadier-General of Militia (1845-48). He was appointed Colonel of the Ninth Illinois in April, 1861, and served through the war, being promoted Brigadier-General in September. 1861. The first duty performed by his regiment, after this date, was- the occupation of Paducah, Ky.. where he was in command. Later, it took part in the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson, the battles of Shiloh. New Madrid and Corinth, and also in the various engagements in Northern Georgia and in the "march to the sea." From November, 1862, to May. 1864, General Paine was guarding railroad lines in Central Tennessee, and, during a part of 1864, in command of the Western District of Kentucky. He resigned, April 5, 18G.~>, and died in Jersey City, Dec. 16, 412 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 1882. A sturdy Union man, he performed his duty as a soldier with great zeal and efficiency. PALATINE, a village of Cook County, on the Wisconsin Division of the Chicago & Northwest- ern Railroad, 26 miles northwest from Chicago. There are flour and planing mills here; dairying and farming are leading industries of the sur- rounding country. Population (1880), 731; (1890), 891; (1900), 1,020. PALESTINE, a town in Crawford County, about 2 miles from the Wabash River, 7 miles east of Robinson, and 35 miles southwest of Terre Haute, on the Illinois Central Railway ; has five churches, a graded school, a bank, weekly newspaper, flour mill, cold storage plant, canning factory, garment factory, and municipal light and power plant. Pop. (1890), 732; (1900), 979. PALMER, Frank W., journalist, ex-Congress- man and Public Printer, was born at Manchester, Dearborn County, Ind., Oct. 11, 1827; learned the printer's trade at Jamestown, N. Y., afterwards edited "The Jamestown Journal," and served two terms in the New York Legislature ; in 1858 removed to Dubuque, Iowa, and edited "The Dubuque Times," was elected to Congress in 1860, and again in 1868 and 1872, meanwhile having purchased "The Des Moines Register," which he edited for several years. In 1873 he removed to Chicago and became editor of "The Inter Ocean," remaining two years; in 1877 was appointed Post- master of the city of Chicago, serving eight years. Shortly after the accession of President Harrison, in 1889, he was appointed Public Printer, continu- ing in office until the accession of President Cleve- land in 1893, when he returned to newspaper work, but resumed his old place at the head of the Government Printing Bureau after the inaugura- tion of President McKinley in 1897. PALMER, John McAnley, lawyer, soldier and United States Senator, was born in Scott County, Ky., Sept. 13, 1817; removed with his father to Madison County, 111., in 1831, and, four years later, entered Shurtleff College, at Upper Alton, as a student ; later taught and studied law, being admitted to the bar in 1839. In 1843 he was elected Probate Judge of Macoupin County, also served in the State Constitutional Convention of 1847 ; after discharging the duties of Probate and County Judge, was elected to the State Senate, to nil a vacancy, in 1852, and re-elected in 1854, as an Anti-Nebraska Democrat, casting his vote for Lyman Trumbull for United States Senator in 1855, but resigned his seat in 1856 ; was President of the first Republican State Convention, held at Bloomington in the latter year, and appointed a delegate to the National Convention at Philadel- phia ; was an unsuccessful candidate for Congress in 1859, and chosen a Presidential Elector on the Republican ticket in 1860; served as a member of the National Peace Conference of 1861 ; entered the army as Colonel of the Fourteenth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry ; was promoted Briga- dier General, in November, 1861, taking part in the campaign in Tennessee up to Chickamauga, assuming the command of the Fourteenth Army Corps with the rank of Major-General, but was relieved at his own request before Atlanta. In 1865 he was assigned, by President Lincoln, to command of the Military Department of Ken- tucky, but, in September, 1866, retired from the service, and, in 1867, became a citizen of Spring- field. The following year he was elected Gov- ernor, as a Republican, but, in 1872, supported Horace Greeley for President, and has since co- operated with the Democratic party. He was three times the unsuccessful candidate of his party for United States Senator, and was their nominee for Governor in 1888, but defeated. In 1890 he was nominated for United States Senator by the Democratic State Convention and elected in joint session of the Legislature, March 11, 1891. receiving on the 154th ballot 101 Democratic and two Farmers' Mutual Alliance votes. He became an important factor in the campaign of 1896 as candidate of the "Sound Money" Democracy for President, although receiving no electoral votes, proving his devotion to principle. His last years were occupied in preparation of a volume of personal recollections, which was completed, under the title of "The Story of an Earnest Life," a few weeks before his death, which occurred at his home in Springfield, September 25, 1900. PALMER, Potter, merchant and capitalist, was born in Albany County, N. Y., in 1825; received an English education and became a junior clerk in a country store at Durham, Greene County, in that State, three years later being placed in charge of the business, and finally engaging in business on his own account. Com- ing to Chicago in 1852, he embarked in the dry- goods business on Lake Street, establishing the house which afterwards became Field, Leiter & Co. (now Marshall Field & Co. ) , from which he re- tired, in 1865, with the basis of an ample fortune, which has since been immensely increased by fortunate operations in real estate. Mr. Palmer was Second Vice-President of the first Board of Local Directors of the World's Columbian Expo- sition in 1891. Mrs. Bertha M. Honore (Palmer), wife of the preceding, is the daughter of H. H. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 413 Honore, formerly a prominent real-estate owner and operator of Chicago. She is a native of Louisville, Ky., where her girlhood was chiefly spent, though she was educated at a convent near Baltimore, Md. Later she came with her family to Chicago, and, in 1870, was married to Potter Palmer. Mrs. Palmer has been a recognized leader in many social and benevolent movements, but won the highest praise by her ability and administrative skill, exhibited as President of the Board of Lady Managers of the World's Colum- bian Exposition of 1893. PALMYRA, a village of Macoupin County, on the Springfield Division of the St. Louis, Chicago & St. Paul Railway, 33 miles southwest from Springfield ; has some local manufactories, a bank and a newspaper. Population (1900), 813. PANA, an important railway center and prin- cipal city of Christian County, situated in the southeastern part of the County, and at the inter- secting point of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwest- ern, the Illinois Central and the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroads, 35 miles south by west from Decatur, and 42 miles southeast of Springfield. It is an important ship- ping-point for grain and has two elevators. Its mechanical establishments include two flouring mills, a foundry, two machine shops and two planing mills. The surrounding region is rich in coal, which is extensively mined. Pana has banks, several churches, graded schools, and three papers issuing daily and weekly editions. Population (1890), 5,077; (1900), 5,530. PANA, SPRINGFIELD & NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD. (See Baltimore & Ohio South- western Railroad.) PARIS, a handsome and flourishing city, the county-seat of Edgar County. It is an important railway center, situated on the "Big Four" and the Vandalia Line, 160 miles south of Chicago, and 170 miles east-northeast of St. Louis; is in the heart of a wealthy and populous agricultural region, and has a prosperous trade. Its industries include foundries, three elevators, flour, saw and planing mills, glass, broom, and corn product factories. The city has three banks, three daily and four weekly newspapers, a court house, ten churches, and graded schools. Pop. (1890), 4,996; (1900), 6,106. PARIS & DECATUR RAILROAD. (See Terre Haute & Peoria Railroad. ) PARIS & TERRE HAUTE RAILROAD. (See Terre Haute in 1885. He was assigned to the bench of the Appellate Court in 1H77, and again in 1879 and '85. He was severely wounded by a shot received from strikers on the line of the Chicago & Alton Railroad, near Chicago, in 1886, resulting in his being permanently disabled physically, in consequence of which he declined a re-election to the bench in 1*91 PINCKNEYVILLE,acity and the county-seat of Perry County, situated at the intersection of the Paducah Division Illinois Central and the Wabash, Chester & Western Railways, 10 miles west-northwest of Duquoin. Coal-mining is carried on in the immediate vicinity, and flour, carriages, plows and dressed lumber are among the manufactured products. Pinckneyville has two banks one of which is national two weekly newspapers, seven churches, a graded and a high school. Population (18SO), 964; (1890), 1,298; (1900), 2,357. PITTSBl*R(i, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO A. ST. LOL'IS RAILROAD, one of the Pennsyl- vania Company's lines, operating 1,403 miles of road, of which 1,090 miles are owned and the remainder leased length of line in Illinois, 28 miles. The Company is the outgrowth of a con- solidation, in 1890, of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railway with the Chicago. St. Louis & Pittsburg, the Cincinnati & Richmond and the Jeffersonville, Madison & Indianapolis Railroads. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company controls the entire line through ownership of stock. Capital stock outstanding, in 1898. $47,791,601; 426 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. funded debt, $48,438,000; floating debt, $2,314,703 total capital $98,500,584. (HISTORY.) The Chicago, St. Louis & Pittsburg Railroad, em- bracing the Illinois division of this line, was made up of various corporations organized under the laws of Illinois and Indiana. One of its compo- nent parts was the Chicago & Oreat Eastern Railway, organized, in 1865, by consolidation of the Galena & Illinois River Railroad (chartered in 1857), the Chicago & Oreat Eastern Railway of Indiana, the Cincinnati ft Chicago Air-Line (organized 1860), and the Cincinnati, Logans- port A Chicago Railway. In 1869, the consoli- dated line was leased to the Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railway Company, and operated under the name of the Columbus, Chicago & Indiana Central between Bradford, Ohio, and Chicago, from 1869 until its consolidation, under the present name, in 1890. (See Pennsylvania Railroad. ) PITTSBURG, FORT WAYNE * CHICAGO RAILROAD. (See Pittiburg, Fort Wayne A Chi- 0190 Kit Unity. ) PITTSBURG, FORT WAYNE A CHICAGO RAILWAY. The total length of this line is nearly 470 miles, but only a little over 16 miles are within Illinois. It was operated by the Penn- sylvania Railroad Company as lessee. The entire capitalization in 1898 was $53,549,990; and the earnings in Illinois, $472,228. (HISTORY.) The Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway is the result of the consolidation, August 1, 1856, of the Ohio & Pennsylvania, the Ohio & Indiana and the Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad Companies, under the name of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne ft Chicago Railroad. The road was opened through its entire length, Jan. 1, 1859; was sold under foreclosure in 1861 ; reorganized under its present title, in 1863, and leased to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, for 999 years, from July 1, 1869. (See Pennsylvania Railroad.) PITTSFIELD, the county -seat of Pike County, situated on the Hannibal & Naples branch of the Wabash Railway, about 40 miles southeast of Quincy, and about the same distance south of west from Jacksonville. Its public buildings include a handsome court house and graded and high school buildings. The city has an electric light plant, city water-works, a flour mill, a National and a State hank, nine churches, and four weekly newspapers. Pop. (1890), 2,395; (1900), 2,393. PLAINFIELD, a village of Will County, on the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railroad and an interur- ban electric line. 8 miles northwest of Joliet; is in a dairying section; has a bank and one news- paper. Pop. (1890). 85?; (1900), 930. PLANO, a city in Kendall County, situated near the Fox River, and on the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy Railroad, 14 miles west-southwest of Aurora. There are manufactories of agri- cultural implements and bedsteads. The city has banks, several churches, graded and high schools, and a weekly newspaper. Pop. (1890), 1,825; (1900). 1,684; (1908, est.), 3,250. PLEASANT PLAINS, a village of Sangamon County, on Springfield Division Baltimore & Ohio S. W. Railroad, 16 miles northwest of Spring- field; in rich farming region; has coal-shaft, bank, five churches, college and two newspapers. Population (1890), 518; (1900). 575. PLEASANTS, George Washington, jurist, was born in Harrodsburg, Ky , Nov. 24, 1833; received a classical education at Williams College, Mass. . graduating in 1843; studied law in New York City, and was admitted to the bar at Rochester, N. V , in 1845, establishing himself in practice at Williamstown, Mass., where he remained until 1849. In 1851 he removed to Washington, D. C., and, after residing there two years, came to Illi- nois, locating at Rock Island, which has since been his home. In 1861 he was elected, as a Republican, to the State Constitutional Conven- tion which met at Springfield in January follow- ing, and, in 1867. was chosen Judge for the Sixth (now Tenth) Judicial Circuit, having served by successive re-elections until June, 1897, retiring at the close of his fifth term a record for length of service seldom paralleled in the judicial his- tory of the State. The last twenty years of this period were spent on the Appellate bench. For several years past Judge Pleasants has been a sufferer from failing eyesight, but has been faith- ful in attendance on his judicial duties. As a judicial officer and a man, his reputation stands among the highest. PLUMB, Ralph, soldier and ex-Congressman, was born in Chautauqua County, N. Y., March 39, 1816. After leaving school he became a mer- chant's clerk, and was himself a merchant for eighteen years. From New York he removed to Ohio, where he was elected a member of the Legislature in 1855, later coming to Illinois. During the Civil War he served four years in the Union army as Captain and Quartermaster, being brevetted Lieutenant-Colonel at its close. He made his home at Streator, where he was elected Mayor (1881-1888). There he engaged in coal- mining and has been connected with several important enterprises. From 1885 to 1889 he HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 427 represented the Eighth Illinois District in Con- gress, after which he retired to private life. PLYMOUTH, a village of Hancock County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway, 41 miles northeast of Quincy ; is trade center of rich farming district ; has two banks, electric lights, water-works, and one paper. Pop. (1900), 854. POINTE DE SAIBLE, Jean Baptlste, a negro and Indian-trader, reputed to have been the first settler on the present site of the city of Chicago. He is said to have been a native of San Domingo, but is described by his contemporaries as "well educated and handsome," though dissipated. He appears to have been at the present site of Chi- cago as early as 1794, his house being located on the north side near the junction of the North and South branches of the Chicago River, where he carried on a considerable trade with the Indians. About 1796 he is said to have sold out to a French trader named Le Mai, and joined a countryman of liis, named Glamorgan, at Peoria, where he died soon after. Glamorgan, who was the reputed owner of a large Spanish land-grant in the vicin- . ity of St. Louis, is said to have been. associated \ with Point de Saible in trade among the Peorias, before the latter came to Chicago. POLO, a city in Ogle County, at intersection of the Illinois Central and the Chicago. Burling- ton & Northern Railways, 23 miles south of Free- l>rt and 12 miles north of Dixon. The surrounding region is devoted to agriculture and stock-raising, and Polo is a shipping point for large quantities of cattle and hogs. Agricultural implements (including harvesters) and buggies are manufactured here. The city hag banks, one weekly and one semi -weekly paper, seven churches, a graded public and high school, and a public library. Pop. (1890), 1,728; (1900), 1,869. PONTIAC, an Ottawa chief, born on the Ottawa River, in Canada, about 1720. While yet a young man he became the principal Chief of the allied Ottawas, Ojibways and Pottawatoraies. He was always a firm ally of the French, to whose interests he was devotedly attached, defending them at Detroit against an attack of the Northern tribes, and (it is generally believed) leading the Ottawas in the defeat of Braddock. He reluctantly acquiesced in the issue of the French and Indian War, although at first strongly disposed to dispute the progress of Major Rogers, the British officer sent to take possession of the western forts. In 1762 he dispatched emissaries to a large number of tribes, whom he desired to unite in a league for the extermination of the English. His proposals were favorably"reoeived. and thus was organized what is commonly spoken of as the "Conspiracy of Pontiac." He himself undertook to lead an assault upon Detroit. The garrison, however, was apprised of his inten- tion, and made preparations accordingly. Pontiac thereupon laid siege to the fort, but was unable to prevent the ingress of provisions, the Canadian settlers furnishing supplies to both besieged and besiegers with absolute impartiality. Finally a boat-load of ammunition and supplies was landed at Detroit from Lake Erie, and the English made an unsuccessful sortie on July 31, 1763. After a desultory warfare, lasting for nearly three months, the Indians withdrew into Indiana, where Pontiac tried in vain to organize another movement. Although Detroit had not been taken, the Indians captured Forts Sandusky, St. Joseph, Miami, Ouiatanon, LeBoeuf and Venango, besides the posts of Mackinaw and Preeque Isle. The garrisons at all these points were massacred and innumerable outrages perpetrated elsewhere. Additional British troops were sent west, and the Indians finally brought under control. Pontiac wag present at Oswego when a treaty was signed with Sir William Johnson, but remained implacable. His end was tragic. Broken in heart, but still proud in spirit and relentless in purpose, he applied to the former (and last) French Governor of Illinois, the younger St. Ange, who was then at St. Louis, for co-operation and support in another raid against the British. Being refused aid or countenance, according to a story long popularly received, he returned to the vicinity of Cabokia, where, in 1769, he was mur- dered by a Kaskaskia Indian in consideration of a barrel of liquor. X. Matson, author of several volumes bearing on early history in Illinois, cit- ing Col. Joseph N. Bourassa, an educated half- breed of Kansas, as authority for his statement, asserts that the Indian killed at Cahokia was an impostor, and that the true Pontiac was assassi- nated by Kineboo, the Head Chief of the Illinois, in a council held on the Des Plaines River, near the present site of Joliet. So well convinced, it is said, was Pierre Chouteau, the St. Louis Indian trader, of the truth of this last story, that he caused a monument, which he had erected over the grave of the false Pontiac, to be removed. Out of the murder of Pontiac, whether occurring at Cahokia or Joliet. it is generally agreed, resulted the extermination of the Illinois and the tragedy of "Starved Rock." (See Starved Bode. ) PONTIAC, an incorporated city, the county- seat of Livingston County. It stands on the bank of the Vemillion River, and is also a point 428 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. of intersection of the Chicago & Alton, the Wabash and the Illinois Central Railroads. It is :u( miles north-northeast from Bloomington and 93 miles south-southwest of Chicago. The sur- rounding region is devoted to agriculture, stock- raising and coal-mining. Pontiac has four banks and four weekly newspapers (two issuing daily editions), numerous churches and good schools. Various kinds of manufacturing are conducted, among the principal establishments being flour- ing mills, three shoe factories, straw paper and candy factories and a foundry. The State Re- formatory for Juvenile Offenders is located here. Pop. (1890), 2,784; (1900), 4,266. POOL, Orval, merchant and banker, was born in Union County, Ky., near Shawneetcwn, 111., Feb. 17, 1809, but lived in Shawneetown from seven years of age; in boyhood learned the saddler's trade, but, in 1843, engaged in the dry-goods business, J. McKee Peeples and Thomas S. Ridg- way becoming his partners in 1846. In 1800 he retired from the dry-goods trade and became an extensive dealer in produce, pork and tobacco. In 1871 he established the Gallatin County National Bank, of which he was the first Presi- dent. Died, June 30, 1871. POOLE, William Frederick, bibliographer, librarian and historical writer, was born at Salem, Mass., Dec. 24, 1821, graduated from Yale College in 1849, and, at the close of his sophomore year, was appointed assistant librarian of his col- lege society, which owned a library of 10,000 vol- umes. Here he prepared and published the first edition of his now famous "Index to Periodical Literature." A second and enlarged addition was published in 1853, and secured for its author wide fame, in both America and Europe. In 1852 he was made Librarian of the Boston Mercantile Library, and, from 1856 to 1869, had charge of the Boston Athenaeum, then one of the largest li- braries in the United States, which he relinquished to engage in expert library work. He organized libraries in several New England cities and towns, at the United States Naval Academy, and the Cincinnati Public Library, finally becoming Librarian of the latter institution. In October, 1873, he assumed charge of the Chicago Public Library, then being organized, and, in 1887, became Librarian of the Newberry Library, organizing this institution and remaining at its head until his death, which occurred, March 1, 1894. The degree of LL.D. was conferred on him by the Northwestern University in 1882. Dr. Pi Kile took a prominent part in the organization of library associations, and was one of the Vice- President 1 ! of the International Conference of Librarians, held in London in 1871. His advice was much sought in relation to library architec- turt and management. He wrote much on topics connected with his profession and on historical subjects, frequently contributing to "The North American Review." In 1874-75 he edited a liter- ary paper at Chicago, called "The Owl," and was later a constant contributor to "The Dial." He was President of the American Historical Society and member of State Historical Societies and of other kindred associations. POPE, Nathaniel, first Territorial Secretary of Illinois, Delegate in Congress and jurist, was born at Louisville, Ky., in 1774; graduated with high honor from Transylvania University, at Lexing- ton, Ky., read law with his brother, Senator John Pope, and, in 1804, emigrated to New Orleans, later living, for a time, at Ste. Genevieve, Mo. In 1808 he became a resident of Kaskaskia and, the next year, was appointed the first Territorial Secretary of Illinois. His native judgment was strong and profound and his intellect quick and far-reaching, while both were thoroughly trained and disciplined by study. In 1816 he was elected a Territorial Delegate to Congress, and proved himself, not only devoted to the interests of his constituents, but also a shrewd tactician. He was largely instrumental in securing the passage of the act authorizing the formation of a State government, and it was mainly through his efforts that the northern boundary of Illinois was fixed at Int. 42 30' north, instead of the southern bend of Lake Michigan. Upon the admission of Illinois into the Union, he was made United States Judge of the District, which then embraced the entire State. This office he filled with dig- nity, impartiality and acceptability until his death, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lu- cretia Yeatman, in St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 23, 1850. Pope County was named in his honor. (jen. John (Pope), son of the preceding, was born in Louis- ville, Ky., March 16, 1822 ; graduated at the United States Military Academy, 1842, and appointed brevet Second Lieutenant of Topographical Engineers; served in Florida (1842-44), on the northeast boundary survey, and in the Mexican War (1846-47), being promoted First Lieutenant for bravery at Monterey and Captain at Buena Vista. In 1849 he conducted an exploring expe- dition in Minnesota, was in charge of topograph- ical engineering service in New Mexico (1851-53), and of the surrey of a route for the Union Pacific Railway (1853-59), meanwhile experimenting on the feasibility of artesian wells on the "Staked HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 429 Plains" in Northwestern Texas. He was a zeal- ous friend of Abraham Lincoln in the political campaign of 1860, and was court-martialed for criticising the policy of President Buchanan, in a paper read before a literary society in Cincinnati, the proceedings being finally dropped on the recommendation of the (then) Secretary of War, Joseph Holt. In 1861 he was one of the officers detailed by the War Department to conduct Mr. Lincoln to the capital, and, in May following, was made Brigadier-General of Volunteers and assigned to command in Missouri, where he per- formed valuable service in protecting railroad communications and driving out guerrillas, gain- ing an important victory over Sterling Price at Black wat IT, in December of that year; in 1862 had command of the land forces co-operating with Admiral Foote, in the expedition against New Madrid and Island No. 10. resulting in the capture of that stronghold with 6.500 prisoners, 125 cannon and 7,000 small arms, thereby win- ning a Major-General's commission. Later, hav- ing participated in the operations against Corinth, he was transferred to command of the Army of Virginia, and soon after commissioned Briga- dier-General in the regular army. Here, being forced to meet a greatly superior force under General Lee, he was subjected to reverses which led to his falling back on Washington and a request to be relieved of his command. For fail- ure to give him proper support, Gen. Fitzjohn Porter was tried by court-martial, and, having been convicted, was cashiered and declared for- ever disqualified from holding any office of trust or profit under the United States Government although this verdict was finally set aside and Porter restored to the army as Colonel, by act of Congress, in August, 1886. General Pope's sub- sequent service was performed chiefly against the Indians in the Northwest, until 1865, when he took command of the military division of Mis- souri, and, in June following, of the Department of the Missouri, including all the Northwestern States and Territories, from which he was relieved early in 1866. Later, he held command, under the Reconstruction Acts, in Georgia, Ala- bama and Florida ( 1 867-68 ) ; the Department of the Lakes (1868-70) ; Department of the Missouri (1870- 84) ; and Department of the Pacific, from 1884 to his retirement, March 16, 1886. General Pope published "Explorations from the Red River to the Rio Grande'' and "Campaigns in Virginia" (1868). Died, at Sandusky, Ohio, Sept 23, 1892. POPE COUNTT, lies on the southern border of the State, and contains an area of about 360 square miles named in honor of Judge Nathaniel Pope. It was erected in 1816 (two years before the admission of Illinois as a State) from parts of Gallatin and Johnson Counties. The county-seat was first located at Sandsville, Imt later changed to Golconda. Robert Lacy, Benoni Lee and Thomas Ferguson were the first Commissioners ; Hamlet Ferguson was chosen Sheriff; John Scott, Recorder; Thomas C. Browne, Prosecuting- Attor- ney, and Samuel Omelveney. Treasurer. The highest land in Southern Illinois is in the north- eastern part of this county, reaching an elevation of 1,046 feet. The bluffs along the Ohio River are bold in outline, and the ridges are surmounted by a thick growth of timber, notably oak and hick- ory,. Portions of the bottom lands are submerged, at times, during a part of the year and are covered with cypress timber. The remains of Indian mounds and fortifications are found, and some interesting relics have len exhumed. Sand- stone is quarried in abundance, and coal is found here and there. Mineral springs (with copperas as the chief ingredient) are numerous. Iron is found in limited quantities, among the rocks toward the south, while spar and kaolin clay are found in the north. The chief agricultural products are potatoes, corn and tobacco. Popu- lation (1890), 14,016; (UKW), 13,585. PORT BYRON, a village of Rock Island County, on the Mississippi River anil the Chicago. Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway, 16 miles above Rock Island; has lime kilns, grain elevator, two banks, academy, public schools, and a newspaper. Pop. (1900). 732. The (Illinois) Western Hospital for the Insane is located at Watertown, twelve mile-* below Port Byron. PORTER, (Rer.) .li-rrmiali, pioneer clergy- man, was born at Hadley, Mass., in 1804; gradu- ated from Williams College in 1S25, and studied theology at both Andover and Princeton semi naries, graduating from the latter in 1831. The same year he made the (then) long and perilous journey to Fort Brady, a military post at the Sault Ste. Marie, where he began his work as a missionary. In 1833 he came to Chicago, where he remained for two years, organizing the First Presbyterian Church of Chicago, with a member- ship of twenty-six persons. Afterwards he had pastoral charge of churches at Peoria and Farni- ington. While in Chicago he was married to Miss Eliza Chappell, one of the earliest teachers in Chicago. From 1840 to '58 he was located at Green Bay, Wis., accepting a call from a Chicago Church in the year last named. In 1861 he was commissioned Chaplain in the volunteer service 430 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. by Governor Vates, and mustered out in 1865. The next five years were divided between labors at Brownsville, Tex., in the service of the Sani- tary Commission, and a pastorate at Prairie du Chien. In 1870 he was commissioned Chaplain in the regular army, remaining in the service (with occasional leaves of absence) until 1888, when he was retired from active service on account of advanced age. His closing years were spent at the homes of his children in Detroit and Beloit; died at the latter city, July 25, 1893, at the age of 89 years. I'OSEY, (Gen.) Thomas, Continental and Revolutionary soldier, was born in Virginia, July 9, 1750 ; in 1774 took part in Lord Dunmore's expe- dition against the Indians, and, later, in various engagements of the Revolutionary War, being part of the time under the immediate command of Washington ; was with General Wayne in the assault on Stony Point and present at CornwaluV surrender at Yorktown ; also served, after the war, with Wayne as a Brigadier-General in the North- west Territory- Removing to Kentucky, he served in the State Senate, for a time being presiding officer and acting Lieutenant-Goveraor ; later (1812), was elected United States Senator from Louisiana, and, from 1813 to '16, served as Territorial Governor of Indiana Died, at the home of his son-in-law, Joseph M. Street, at Shawneetown, 111. , March 18, 1818, where he lies buried. At the time of his death General Posey was serving as Indian Agent. POST, Joel 8., lawyer and soldier of the Mexi- can War; was born in Ontario (now Wayne) County, N. Y., April 27, 1816; in 1828 removed with his father to Washtenaw County, Mich., remaining there until 1839, when he came to Macon County, 111. The following year, he com- menced the study of law with Judge Charles Emmerson, of Decatur, and was admitted to the bar in 1841. In 1 Mr, he enlisted in the Mexican War, and served as Quartermaster of the Fourth Regiment (Col. E. D. Baker's) ; in 1856 was elected to the State Senate, and, at the following session, was a leading supporter of the measures which resulted in the establishment of the State Nor- mal School at Bloomington. Capt. Post's later years were spent at Decatur, where he died, June 7. 1886. POST, Philip Sidney, soldier and Congress- man, was born at Florida, Orange County, N. Y., March 19, 1833; at the age of 22 graduated from Union College, studied law at Poughkeepsie Law School, and, removing to Illinois, was admitted to the bar iu 1856 At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted, and was commissioned Second Lieutenant in the Fifty-ninth Illinois Volunteers. He was a gallant, fearless soldier, and was re- peatedly promoted for bravery and meritorious service, until he attained the rank of brevet Brigadier-General He participated in many important battles and was severely wounded at Pea Ridge and Nashville. In 1865 he was in com- mand in Western Texas. After the close of the war he entered the diplomatic service, being appointed Consul-General to Austria-Hungary in 1874, but resigned in 1879, and returned to his home in Galesburg. From 1882 to 1886 he was a member of the Republican State Central Com- mittee, and, during 1886, waa Commander of the Department of Illinois, G. A. R. He was elected to Congress from the Tenth District on the Repub- lican ticket in 1886, serving continuously by re- election until his death,' which occurred in Washington, Jan. 6, 1895. POST, Truman Ma reeling, D.D., clergyman, was born at Middlebury, Vt.. June 3, 1810; gradu- ated at Middlebury College in 1829, was Principal of Castleton Academy for a year, and a tutor at Middlebury two years, meanwhile studying law. After a winter spent in Washington, listening to the orators of the time in Congress and before the Supreme Court, including Clay, Webster, Wirt and their contemporaries, he went west in 1833, first visiting St. Louis, but finally settling at Jacksonville, 111., where he was admitted to the bar, but soon after accepted the Professorship of Classical Languages in Illinois College, and later that of History; then began the study of theology, was ordained in 1840, and assumed the pastorship of the Congregational Church in Jack- sonville. In 1847 he was called to the pastorate of the -Third Presbyterian Church of St. Louis, and, in 1851, to the First Congregational Church, of which the former furnished the nucleus. For a year or two after removing to St. Louis, he continued his lectures on history at Illinois Col- lege for a short period each year ; also held the professorship of Ancient and Modem History in Washington University, in St. Louis; in 1873-75 was Southworth lecturer on Congregationalism in Andover Theological Seminary and, for sev- eral years, Professor of Ecclesiastical History in Chicago Theological Seminary. His splendid diction and his noble style of oratory caused him to be much sought after as a public lecturer or platform speaker at college commencements, while his purity of life and refinement of charac- ter attracted to him all with whom he came in personal contact. He received the degree of HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 431 D D. from Middlebury College in 1855; was a fre- quent contributor to "The Biblical Repository" and other religious publications, and, besides numerous addresses, sermons and pamphlets, he was the author of a volume entitled "The Skep- tical Era in Modern History" (New York, 1856). Be resigned his pastorate in January, 1882, but continued to be a frequent speaker, either in the pulpit or on the lecture platform, nearly to the period of his death, which occurred in St. Louis, Dec. 31, 1886. For a quarter of a century he was one of the Trustees of Monticello Female Semi- nary, at Godfrey, 111., being, for a considerable portion of the time, President of the Board. POTTAWATOMIES, THE, an Indian tribe, one of the three subdivisions of the Ojibwas (or Ojibbeways), who, in turn, constituted a numer- ous family of the Algonquins. The other branches were the Ottawa and the Chippewas. The latter, however, retained the family name, and hence some writers have regarded the "Ojib- beways" and ,the "Chippewas" as essentially identical. This interchanging of names has been a prolific source of error. Inherently, the dis- tinction was analogous to that existing between genus and species, although a confusion of nomenclature has naturally resulted in errors more or less serious. These three tribes early separated, the Pottawatomies going south from Green Bay along the -western shore of Lake Michigan. The meaning of the name is, "we are making a fire," and the word is a translation into the Pottawatomie language of the name first given to the tribe by the Miamis. These Indians were tall, fierce and haughty, and the tribe was divided into four branches, or clans, called by names which signify, respectively, the golden carp, the tortoise, the crab and the frog. Accord- ing to the "Jesuit Relations," the Pottawatomies were first met by the French, on the north of Lake Huron, in 1639-40. More than a quarter of a century later (1666) Father Allouez speaks of them as dwellers on the shores of Lake Michigan. The same Father described them as idolatrous and polygamous, yet as possessing a rude civility and as being kindly disposed toward the French. This friendship continued unbroken until the expulsion of the latter from the Northwest. About 1678 they spread southward from Green Bay to the head of Lake Michigan, a portion of the tribe settling in Illinois as far south as the Kankakee and Illinois Rivers, crowding the Winnebagoes and the Sacs and Foxes on the west, and advancing, on the east, into the country of the Miamis as far as the Wabash and the Maumee. They fought on the side of the French in the French and Indian War, and later took part in the conspiracy of Pontiac to capture and reduce the British posts, and were so influenced by Tecumseh and the Prophet that a considerable number of their warri- ors fought against General Harrison at Tippe- canoe. During the War of 1812 they actively supported the British. They were also prominent at the Chicago massacre. Schoolcraft says of them, "They were foremost at all treaties where lands were to be ceded, clamoring for the lion's share of all presents and annuities, particularly where these last were the price paid for the sale of other lands than their own." The Pottawato- mies were parties to the treaties at Chicago in 1832 and 1833, and were among the last of the tribes to remove beyond the Mississippi, their final emigration not taking place until 1838. In 1846 the scattered fragments of this tribe coalesced with those of the Chippewas and Ottawas, and formed the Pottawatomie nation. They ceded all their lands, wherever located, to the United States, for $850,000, agreeing to accept 576,000 acres in Kansas in lieu of $87,000 of this amount. Through the rapacity and trespasses of white settlers, this reservation was soon dismembered, and the lands passed into other hands. In 1867, under an ena- bling act of Congress, 1,400 of the nation (then estimated at 2,500) became citizens. Their pres- ent location is in the southeastern part of Okla- homa. POWELL, John Wesley, Ph.D., LL.D., geolo- gist and anthropologist, was born at Mount Morris N. Y., March 24, 1834, the son of a Methodist itinerant preacher, passing his early life at vari- ous places in Ohio, Wisconsin and Illinois ; studied for a time in Illinois College (Jacksonville), and subsequently in Wheaton College, but, in 1854, began a special course at Oberlin, Ohio, teaching at intervals in public schools. Having a predi- lection for the natural sciences, he spent much time in making collections, which he placed in various Illinois institutions. Entering the army in 1861 as a private of the Twentieth Illinois Volunteers, he later became a Captain of the Second Illinois Artillery, being finally promoted Major. He lost his right arm at the battle of Shiloh, but returned to his regiment as soon as sufficiently recovered, and continued in active service to the close of the war. In 1865 he became Professor of Geology and Curator of the Museum in Illinois Wesleyan University at Bloomington, but resigned to accept a similar position in the State Normal University. In 1867 he began his 432 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. greatest work in connection with science by leading a class of pupils to the mountains of Colorado for the study of geology, which he fol- lowed, a year later, by a more thorough survey of the cafion of the Colorado River than had ever before been attempted. This led to provision by Congress, in 1870, for a topographical and geo- logical survey of the Colorado and its tributaries, which was appropriately placed under his direc- tion. Later, he was placed in charge of the Bureau of Ethnology in connection with the Smithsonian Institute, and, again in 1881. was assigned to the directorship of the United States ( leological Survey, later becoming Director of the Bureau of Ethnology, in connection with the Smithsonian Institute In Washington City, where (1899) he still remains. In 1886 Major Powell received the degree of Ph.D. from Heidel- berg University, and that of LL.D. from Har- vard the same year. He is also a member of the leading scientific associations of the country, while his reports and addresses fill numerous volumes issued by the Government. POWELL, William Henry, soldier and manu- facturer, was born in South Wales, May 10, 1825 ; came to America in 1830. was educated in the common schools of Tennessee, and (1856-61) was manager of a manufacturing company at Iron- ton. Ohio; in 1861, became Captain of a West Virginia cavalry comi>any, and was advanced through the grades of Major, Lieutenant-Colonel .1 ml Colonel, was wounded while leading a charge at Wytheville, Va. , left on the field, captured and confined in Libby Prison six months. After ex- change he led a cavalry division in the Army of the Shenandoah ; was made Brigadier-General in October, 1864; after the war settled in West Vir- ginia, and was a Republican Presidential Elector in 1868. He is now at the head of a nail mill and foundry in Belleville, and was Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic for the Department of Illinois during 1895 116. PRAIRIE CITY, a village in McDonough County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 23 miles southwest from Galesburg and IT miles northeast of Macomb; has a carriage factory, flour mill, elevators, lumber and stock yards, a nursery, u bank, four churches and two weekly papers. Pop. (1890). 812; (1900). H18. PRAIRIE DU PONT, (in English, Bridge Prairie), an early French settlement, one mile south of Cahokia. It was commenced about 1760, located on the banks of a creek, on which was the first mill, operated by water-power, in that section, having l>.-. i erected by missionaries from St. Sulpice. in 1754. In 1765 the village contained fourteen families. In 1844 it was inundated and nearly destroyed. PRAIRIE dn ROCHER, (in English. Prairie of the Rock), an early French village in what is now Monroe County, which began to spring up near Fort Chartres (see Fort Chartres), and by 1T22 had grown to be a considerable settlement. It stood at the foot of the Mississippi bluffs, about four miles northeast of the fort. Like other French villages in Illinois, it had its church and priest, its common field and commons. Many of the houses were picturesque cottages built of limestone. The ancient village is now extinct; yetyfeear the outlet of a creek which runs through the bluff, may be seen the vestiges of a water mill, said to have been erected by the Jesuits during the days of French occupation. PRENTICE, William S., Methodist Episcopal clergyman, was born in St. Clair County, 111., in 1819; licensed as a Methodist preacher in 1849, and filled pastorates at Paris. Danville, Carlin- ville, Springfield, Jacksonville and other places the latter part of his life, serving as Presiding Elder ; was a delegate to the General Conference of 1860, and regularly re-elected from 1872 to the end of his life. During the latter part of his life his home was in Springfield. Died, June 28. 1887. I'RKM ISS. Benjamin Maj l.crry, soldier, was born at Belleville, Wood County. Va.. Nov. 23, 1819; in 1835 accompanied his parents to Mis- souri, and, in 1841, removed to Quincy, 111., where he learned a trade, afterwards embarking in the commission business. In 1844-45 he was Lieuten- ant of a company sent against the Mormons at Nauvoo, later serving as Captain of Volunteers in the Mexican War. In 1860 he was an unsuccess- ful Republican candidate for Congress; at the outbreak of the Civil War tendered his services to Governor Yates, and was commissioned Colonel of the Tenth Illinois Volunteers, was almost immediately promoted to Brigadier-General and placed in command at Cairo, so continuing until relieved by General Grant, in September, 1861. At the battle of Shiloh, in April following, he was captured with most of his command, after a most vigorous fight with a superior rebel force, but, in 1862, was exchanged and brevetted Major General of Volunteers. He was a member of the court-martial that tried Gen. Fitzjohn Porter, and, as commander at Helena, Ark. , defeated the Confederate Generals Holmes and Price on July 3, 1863. He resigned his commission, Oct. 28. 1863. In 1869 he was appointed by President Grant Pension Agent at Quincy. serving four HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 433 years. At present (1898) General Prentiss" resi- dence is at Bethany. Mo., where he served as Postmaster, during the administration of Presi- dent Benjamin Harrison, and was reappointed by President McKinley. Died Feb. 8, 1901. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. (See Elections. ) PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL, located at Chi- cago, was organized in 1883 by a number of wealthy and liberal Presbyterians, "for the pur- pose of affording medical and surgical aid to sick and disabled persons, and to provide them, while inmates of the hospital, with the ministrations of the gospel, agreeably to the doctrines and forms of the Presbyterian Church." Rush Med- ical College offered a portion of its ground as a site (see Rush Medical College) , and through generous subscriptions, a well-planned building was erected, capable of accommodating about 250 patients. A corridor connects the college and hospital buildings. The medical staff comprises eighteen of Chicago's l>est known physicians and surgeons. PRESBYTERIANS, THE. The first Presby- terian society in Illinois was organized by Rev. James McGready, of Kentucky, in 1816. at Sharon, White County. Revs. Samuel J. Mills and Daniel Smith, also Presbyterians, had visited the State in 1814, as representatives of the Massa- rhusetts Missionary Society, but had formed no society. The members of the Sharon church were almost all immigrants from the South, and were largely of Scotch-Irish extraction. Two other churches were established in 1H19 one at Shoal Creek, Bond County, and the other at Edwardsville. In 1825 there were but three Presbyterian ministers in Illinois Revs. Stephen Bliss, John Brich and B. F. Spilman. Ten years later there were 80 churches, with a membership of 2,500 and 60 ministers. In 1880 the number of churches had increased to 487; but, in 1890, (as shown by the United States census) there were less. In the latter year there were 405 ministers and 52,945 members. The Synod of Illinois is the highest ecclesiastical court of the denomination in the State, and, under its jurisdiction, the church maintains two seminaries: one (the Me Cormick) at Chicago, and the other (the Black- burn University) at Carlinville. The organ of the denomination is "The Interior," founded by Cyrus H. McConnick. and published weekly at Chicago, with William C. Gray as editor. The Illinois Synod embraced within its jurisdiction ( 1895) eleven Presbyteries, to which were attached 483 churches. 464 ministers and a membership of 63,247. (See also Religion* Denomination*.) I'RICK KIT, Abraham, pioneer merchant, was born near Lexington. Ky. . came to Madison County. Ill, in 1808; was employed for a time in the drug business in St. Louis, then opened a store at Edwardsville, where, in 1813, he received from the first County Court of Madison County, a license to retail merchandise. In 1818, he served as one of the three Delegates from Madison County to the Convention which framed the first State Constitution, and, the same year, was elected a Representative in the First General Assembly; was also Postmaster of the town of Edwardsville for a number of years. In 1825 he removed to Adams County and laid out an addi- tion to the city of Quincy; was also engaged there in trade with the Indians. In 1836, while engaged on a Government contract for the re- moval of snags and other obstructions to the navi- gation of Red River, be died at Natchitoches. La. George W. (Prickett) a son of the preceding, and afterwards a citizen of Chicago, is said to have been the first white child born in Edwards- ville. Isaac (Prickett), a brother of Abraham, came to St. Louis in 1815, and to Edwardsville in 1818, where he was engaged in mercantile busi- ness with his brother and, later, on his own account. He held the offices of Postmaster, Pub- lic Administrator, Quartermaster-General of State Militia. Inspector of the State Penitentiary, and, from 1838 to '-42. was Receiver of Public Moneys at Edwardsville, dying in 1844. PRICKETT, David, pioneer lawyer, was born in Franklin County, Ga., Sept. 21. 1800; in early childhood was taken by his parents to Kentucky and from there to Edwardsville, 111. He gradu ated from Transylvania University, and, in 1831, began the practice of law ; was the first Supreme Court Reporter of Illinois, Judge of the Madison County Probate Court, Representative in the General Assembly (1826-28), Aid-de-Camp to . General Whiteside in the Black Hawk War. State's Attorney for Springfield Judicial Circuit (1837), Treasurer of the Board of Canal Commis- sioners (1840), Director of the State Bank of Illi- nois (1842). Clerk of the House of Representatives for ten sessions and Assistant Clerk of the same at the time of his death, March 1, 1847. PRINCE, David, physician and surgeon, was born in Brooklyne, Windham County, Conn., June 21, 1816; removed with his parents to Canandaigua, N. Y . and was educated in the academy there ; began the study of medicine in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, finishing at the Ohio Medical College, Cin- cinnati, where he was associated, for a year and a 434 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. half, with the celebrated surgeon, Dr. Huzzy. In 1843 he came to Jacksonville, 111., and, for two years, was Professor of Anatomy in the Medical Department of Illinois College; later, spent five years practicing in St. Louis, and lecturing on surgery in the St. Louis Medical College, when, returning to Jacksonville in 1852, he established himself in practice there, devoting special atten- tion to surgery, in which he had already won a wide reputation. During the latter part of the Civil War he served, for fourteen months, as Brigade Surgeon in the Army of the Potomac, and, on the capture of a portion of his brigade, voluntarily surrendered himself that he might attend the captives of his command in Libby Prison. After the close of the war he was employed for some months, by the Sanitary Com- mission, in writing a medical history of the war. He visited Europe twice, first in 1881 as a dele- gate to the International Medical Congress in London, and again as a member of the Copen- hagen Congress of 1884 at each visit making careful inspection of the hospitals in London, Paris, and Berlin. About 1867 he established a Sanitarium in Jacksonville for the treatment of surgical cases and chronic diseases, to which he gave the closing years of his life. Thoroughly devoted to his profession, liberal, public-spirited and sagacious in the adoption of new methods, he stood in the front rank of his profession, and his death was mourned by large numbers who had received the benefit of his ministrations without money and without price. He was member of a number of leading professional associations, besides local literary and social organizations. Died, at Jacksonville, Dec. 19, 1889. PRINCE, Edward, lawyer, was born at West Bloomfield, Ontario County, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1832; attended school at Pay son. 111., and Illinois Col- lege, Jacksonville, graduating from the latter in 1852 ; studied law at Quincy, and after admission to the bar in 1858, began dealing in real estate. In 1861 he offered his services to Governor Yates, was made Captain and Drill-master of cavalry and, a few months later, commissioned Lieuten- ant-Colonel of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry, tak- ing part, as second in command, in the celebrated "Orierson raid" through Mississippi, in 1863, serving until discharged with the rank of Colonel of his regiment, in 1864. After the war he gave considerable attention to engineering and the construction of a system of water- works for the city of Quincy. where he now resides. PRINCE, Weorge W., lawyer and Congressman, born in Tazewell County, 111., March 4, 1854; was educated in the public schools and at Knoi Col- lege, graduating from the latter in 1878. He then studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1880 ; was elected City Attorney of Galesburg the following year ; served as chairman of the Knoz County Republican Central Committee in 1884, and, in 1888, was elected Representative in the General Assembly and re-elected two years later. In 1893 he was the Republican nominee for Attorney -General of the .State of Illinois, but was defeated with the rest of the State ticket; at a special election, held in April, 1895, he was chosen Representative in Congress from the Tenth District to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Col. Philip Sidney Post, which had occurred in January preceding. In common with a majority of his colleagues, Mr. Prince wai* re-elected in 1896, receiving a plurality of nearly 16,000 votes, and was elected for a third term in November, 1898. PRINCETON, a city and the county-seat of Bureau County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 22 miles west-southwest of Mendota, and 104 miles west-southwest of Chi- cago; has a court house, gas-works, electric lights, graded and high schools, numerous churches, three newspapers and several banks. Coal is mined five miles east, and the manufac- tures include flour, carriages and farm imple- ments. Pop. (1890), 3,396; (1900), 4,023. Prince- ton is populated with one of the most intelligent and progressive communities in the State. It was the home of Owen Love joy during the greater part of his life in Illinois. PRINCETON & WESTERN RAILWAY. (See Chicago apci mills, furnit nre factories. or};an works, and art iticial-ice factories Population (1MSU). :>7. ,!<: (1H!MI). :il.4!M; (I'.tOOi, :;.>:>?. qriNTV, AI/TOX & ST. ions RAII,KOAI>. (See ' 'Itiftli/it. Hin-liHi/ttni iV" 1 f fnitiry Itu ilnnlil. } OU\< V \ < IIM AI.O RAILROAD. (See RAILROAD. .See \\~(itmslt l!ttili'inl } TV \ WARSAW i:\ll. l.'dMi. i See t 'liii-ttffii. Iliii-ltH'flfni it' (Jitincif Ifiiitrtmd. ) I.'VVH, llenr.v, ex-State Sujierintendent of Public Instruction, was horn in Wetzlar. Klien- i-.li Prussia June ,'(>. |x:!7: learned the trade of a currier wit h his father and came to the I'nited States in I*.V!. finally locating at Helleville. Ill where, in lN."i7. lie became a teacher ill the |-nl lie SC|HH>!S ; ill 1x7'! was made Superintendent of schools for that city and. in INNi, was elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction on the Democratic ticket, declined a reiiomination in l*Wi; was nominated a second time in IMM). and re-elected, but defeated by S. M. IngUs in 1*91. In the administration of his office. I'ro- i- --.I K':iah showed a commendable freedom from partisanship After retiring from the office of State Superintendent, he resumed a jHtsition in connection with the public schools of Helleville. KAIMSSOM, IMerre .-prit. an early French traveler and trader, who is said to have reached t.lie ' |'| i Mississippi on his third voyage to the West in KM* ."ill The |icriod of his explorations extended from Hi.V.' to ItisM. of which he prepared a narrative which was published by the Prince Society of Host on in IMS.-,, under the title of "IJadisson's Voyages." lie and liis brother in law. Medard Choiiart. lirst conceived the idea of planting a settlement at Hudson's Hay (See < 'liiniiirt. Meilitnl.) I.'MI. I.-OMI \M> WAREHOUSE COMMIS- SIO\ 9 a Hoard of t hrcc ' 'i>mmissioncrs. appointed by t he executive ( by :ind wit h the ad \ ice and con- f-ent of the Sen. iti- iimlei authority of an act ap- proved, April lit, 1*71. for the enforcement of the provisions of the Constitution and laws in relation to railroads and warehouses The Commission 's (Hiwers are partly judicial, partly executive. The following is a summary ol its IKIWITS and duties: To establish a schedule ol maximum rales, equi- table to shipper and carrier alike: to require yearly rejiorts from railroads and warehouses; to hear and pa-s upon complaints of extortion and unjust discrimination, and (if necessary) enforce prosecutions therefor, to secure the safe condi- tion of railway road l>eds. bri>l>;esand trestles; to hear and decide all manner of complaints relative to intersections and to protect j^rade-crossincs. to insure the adoption of a safe interlocking syx- tem. to be approved by the Commission . to enforce projier rules for the inspection and re^'is tration of Krai" throughout the State. The prin- cipal offices of the Commission are at the Slate capital, where monthly sessions are held, l-'oi tin- purpose of properly conducting the jjniin inspection tlepartmeiit. monthly meetings are also held at Chicago, where the offices of a (Jrain lns|>ector. appointed by the Hoard, are located Here all business relating to this department is discussed and necessary sjiecia! meetings are held. The inspection department has no revenue outside of fees, but the latter are ample for its maintenance. Fees for insjiection on arrival ("insjiection in") are twenty live cents per car- load, ten cents per wa^on-load. and forty cent- IKT 1,000 bushels from canal-lxiat or vessels. 1-W insjiection from store ("inspected out"> the fee^ are fifty cents per 1.IMHI bushels to vessels. thirty-five cents per car-load, ami ten cents per wa^on load to teams. While there are ne\ei wanting some cases of friction U-tween the trans portation companies ami warehousemen on tin- one hand, and the Commission on the other there can lie no question that the formation i the latter has IH-CII of j^reat value to the recciv ers. ship|HTs. forwarders and tax-payers of the State generally. Similar regulations in regard !< the inspection of ^rain in warehouses, at Kast Si Louis and I'eoria. are also in force. The lirst Hoard, created under the act of 1871, consisted of liiistavus Koerner. Kichard P. Morgan and David S Hammond, holding oflicc until |x7:i Utliei Hoards have lii-eii as follows: 1N7S-77 Henry |i Cook (deceased lw7;t, and succeeded by .lames Steele). David A. Hrow n and .lohn M. Pearson IX77-SII William M. Smith Ceor^e M. HOKUC and .lohn II. <)l>erly (retired ISM| anil succeeded by William H. Robinson); |ss:j.s.- ( _Wm. X. Hrain aril, K. C Lewis and Charles T. St ration; isx.ys'.t .lohn I Hinaker. Henjaniin I' Marsh and Win ! .Johnson (retired in INX7 anil succeeded by .[HSOII |{oers); ISNiMK! lohn If. Wheeler. Isaac N Phillips and W S. Crim isiici'eeded. 1WI1, by John I,' Tanner); ls!i:)-!7 W. S Cantrell. Thomas T (ialian and Charles I' l.a|- (succeeded. ls!"i. by (icor^'e W. Kithian): IWI7-!I!I Cicero J. Lindley, Charles S. Hannells and .James E. Bidwell (See also tfriitii litMjH'ctiiHi.) z 2 o X CA * a 5 _) o HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. RAILROADS (IN GENERAL). The existing railroad system of Illinois had its inception in the mania for internal improvement which swept over the country "in 1836-37, the basis of the plan adopted in Illinois (as in the Eastern States) being that the State should construct, maintain, own and operate an elaborate system. Lines were to be constructed from Cairo to Galena, from Alton to Mount Carmel, from Peoria to Warsaw, from Alton to the Central Railroad, from Belleville to Mount Carmel, from Bloomington to Mack- inaw Town, and from Meredosia to Springfield. The experiment proved extremely unfortunate to the financial interests of the State, and laid the foundation of an immense debt under which it staggered for many years. The Northern Cross Railroad, extending from Meredosia to Spring- field, was the only one so far completed as to be in operation. It was sold, in 1847, to Nicholas H. Ridgely, of Springfield for $21,100, he being the highest bidder. This line formed a nucleus of the existing Wabash system. The first road to be operated by private parties (outside of a prim- itive tramway in St. ( 'lair County, designed for the transportation of coal to St. Louis) was the Galena & Chicago Union, chartered in 1836. This was the second line completed in the State, and the first to run from Chicago. The subsequent development of the railway system of Illinois was at first gradual, then steady and finally rapid. A succinct description of the various lines now in operation in the State may be found under appropriate headings. At present Illinois leads all the States of the Union in the extent of railways in operation, the total mileage (1897) of main track being 10,785.43 or 19 miles for each 100 square miles of territory and 25 miles for each 10,000 inhabitants estimating the population ( 1898) at four and a quarter millions. Every one of the 102 counties of the State is traversed by at least one railroad except three Calhoun, Hardin and Pope. The entire capitalization of the 111 companies doing business in the State in 189C, (including capital stock, funded debt and current liabilities), was $2,669,164,142 equal to $67,556 per mile. In 1894, fifteen owned and ten leased lines paid dividends of from four to eight per cent on common, and from four to ten per cent on preferred, stock the total amount thus paid aggregating $25,321,752. The total earnings and income, in Illinois, of all lines operated in the State, aggregated $77,508,537, while the total expenditure within the State was $71,463,367. Of the 58,263,860 tons of freight carried, 11,611,- 798 were of agricultural products and 17,179,366 mineral products. The number of passengers (earning revenue) carried during the year, was 83,281,655. The total number of railroad em- ployes (of all classes) was 61,200. The entire amount of taxes paid by railroad companies for the year was $3,846,379. From 1836, when the first special charter was granted for the con- struction of a railroad in Illinois, until 1869 after which all corporations of this character came under the general incorporation laws of the State in accordance with the Constitution of 1870 293 special charters for the construction of railroads were granted by the Legislature, besides numerous amendments of charters already in existence. (For the history of important indi- vidual lines see each road under its corporate name.) RALSTON, Virgil Young, editor and soldier, was born, July 16, 1828, at Vanceburg, Ky. ; was a student in Illinois College one year (1846-47). after which he studied law in Quincy and prac- ticed for a time . also resided some time in Cali- fornia; 1855-57 was one of the editors of "The Quincy Whig," and represented that paper in the Editorial Convention at Decatur, Feb. 22, 1856. (See Anti-ytbraska Editorial Convention.) In 1861, he was commissioned a Captain in the Six- teenth Illinois Volunteers, but soon resigned on account of ill-health; later, enlisted in an Iowa regiment, but died in hospital at St. Louis, from wounds and exposure, April 19, 1864. RAMSAY, Rnfog > .. State Treasurer, was born on a farm in Clinton County, 111. . May 20, 1838 ; received a collegiate education at Illinois and McKendree Colleges, and at Indiana State Uni- versity; studied law with ex-Gov. A. C. French, and was admitted to the bar in 1865, but soon abandoned the law for banking, in which he was engaged both at Lebanon and Carlyle, limiting his business to the latter place about 1890. He served one term (from 1865) as County Clerk, and two terms (1889 and '91) as Representative in the General Assembly, and. in 1892, was nominated as a Democrat and elected State Treasurer. Died in office, at Carlyle, Nov. 11, 1894. RAMSEY, a village of Fayette County, at the intersection of the Illinois Central and the Toledo. St. Louis & Western Railroads, 12 miles north of Vandalia; the district is agricultural; lias one newspaper. Pop. (1890), 598; (1900), 747. RANDOLPH COUNTY, lies in the southwest section of the State, and borders on the Missis- sippi River; area 560 square miles; named for Beverly Randolph. It was set off from St. Clair County in 1795, being the second county organ- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. RAILROADS IN <;E\F,RAL). The existing railroad system of Illinois had its inception in the mania for internal improvement which swept over the country -in 1*36-87. the basis of the plan adopted in Illinois (as in the Eastern States) linim that the State should i-oustruct, maintain, own and operate an elalmrate system Lines were to l>e constructed from Cairo to Galena, from Alton to Mount Carmel. from Peoria to Warsaw, from Alton to the Central Itailroad. from Belleville tn Mount Carmel. from Bloomingtou to Mack inaw Town, and from Meredosia to Springfield. The experiment proved extremely unfortunate tn the financial interests of the State, and laid the foundation of an immense del>t under which il staggered for many years. The Northern Cross Kailroad. extending from Meredosia to Spring- lield. was the only one so far completed as to lie. in operation. It was sold, in 1W47. to Nicholas H Uidgely, of Springfield for 31.100. he being the highest bidder. This line formed a nucleus ol the existing \\~aliasli system The tirst road to lie operated by private parties (olitside of a prim- itive tramway in St Clair County, designed for the transportation of coal to St. Louis) was the (ialena iV Chicago Union chartered in ls:!ti. This was the second line completed in the State, and the lirst to run from Chicago The subsequent development of the railway system of Illinois was at tirst gradual, then steady and linalU rapid A succinct description of the various lines now in o(ieration in the Slate may lie found under appropriate headings At present Illinois leads all the States of the I'ninii in the extent of railways in ojieration. the total mileage { |N'.t7) of main track lieing 10.7*."i.4-> or II* miles for each MHI square miles of territory and 2o miles for each Iti IHHI inhabitants estimating the population tlSilSt :ii four and a quarter millions. L'verv one f the 102 counties of (he State is traversed bv at least one railroad except three Calhoim. llanlin and Pope The entire capitalisation of the III companies doing business in the State in is'ji,. I including capital stock funded debt and cnrrenl liabilities), was $2.liliU. Hit. 14-' ei|iial to >n;7..Vii; per mile. In 1HSM. fifteen owned and ten leased lines paid dividends of from four to eight jier cent on common, and from four to ten |ier cent "U preferred, stock the total amount thus |iaid aggregating $2.i.:!21.7.VJ The total earnings and income, in Illinois, of all lines operated in the State, aggregated S77.r,IIM..-,:!T. while the total expenditure within the State was $71. Ili:!.:t(i7 Of the r,S,2fi3..%0 tons of freight carried. 11. till 7(IH were of agricultural products and 1T.17!I.:MM1 mineral products The number of passengers (earning revenue) carried during the year, was N3.2H1.II55. The total number of railroad em- ployes (of all classes i was til, 20(1 The entire amount of taxes paid by railroad companies for the year was $J.S4fi :!7!t From 1*36, when the tirst special charter was granted for the con- struction of a railroad in Illinois, until IHIiH after which all corporations of this character came under the general incorporation laws of the State in accordance with the Constitution of 1870 2M3 special charters for the construction of railroads were granted by the Legislature, liesides numerous amendments of charters already in existence (For the history of important indi- vidual lilies see each road under its <-or|x>rate name. > I! U TON. Virfril Young, editor and soldier, was INIHI. July IB. 1S2*. at Vanceburg. Ky. ; was a student iii Illinois College one year (1846-47). after which he studied law in Vuincy and prac- ticed for a time, also resided some time in Cali- fornia. lx.V-57 was one of the editors of "The Quincy Whig." and represented that paper in the Editorial Convention at Decatur. Feb. 22. 185. (See .t/i//-.\Wi;vr%7.vi f.V/iVorm/ f'tiin'fnfttm I In isiil. he was commissioned a Captain in the Six- teenth Illinois Volunteers, but soon resigned on account of ill health, later, enlisted in ail Iowa regiment but died in hospital at St Ixiui.s. from wounds and ex|Ksure. April l!l. I**i4. RAMSA V. Kufn* >'.. State Treasurer, was horn on a farm in Clinton County III May 20, ivjs received ;i collegiate education at Illinois and McKendree Colleges, and at Indiana State Uni- versity, studied law with ex-tiov. \. C. French, and was admitted to the liar in W>'>. but soon abandoned the law for banking iti which he was engaged lull hat Lebanon and t'.uKle. limiting his business to tlie latter place about |s!HI Hi- served one term i from isii.'.i as < 'oiinly < 'lerk and tw:i terms i |ssy .-mil '!M ) as Representative in the lieneral Assembly, and in IMicj. was nominated as a Democrat ami elected State Treasurer. Itied in ullice. at Cailyle Nov II IMH RA.MSKV. a village ot Kayette County, at the intersection of the lllin is ( 'entral and the Toleilo. St Louis A Westein Uailroitils. 12 miles north ot V.ni.|;ili;i the ilistriel i a'_'i icnltiiral . lias one ne\vs|iii|ier. Pop. il*'.'"'. "i'.is: niHIoi. Mr K.tMMtU'H i (II N M lies in the southwest section of the State, and borders on the Missis sippi Itivcr: area -Mill sijuare miles, named for Iteverly Randolph It was set off from St Clair County in 17!l.">. l-ing the secoinl county organ- 440 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ized in the territory which now constitutes the State of Illinois. From the earliest period of Illi- nois history, Randolph County has been a pivotal point. In the autumn of 1700 a French and Indian settlement was established at KaskasHa, which subsequently became the center of French influence in the Mississippi Valley. In 1722 Prairie du Rocher was founded by the French. It was in Randolph County that Fort Chartres was built, in 1720, and it was here that Col. George Rogers Clark's expedition for the seizure of the "Illinois Country" met with success in the capture of Kaskasltia. American immigration began with the close of the Revolutionary War. Among the early settlers were the Cranes (Icha- bod and George), Gen. John Edgar, the Dodge family, the Morrisons, and John Rice Jones. Toward the close of the century came Shadrach Bond (afterwards the first Governor of the State) with his uncle of the same name, and the Menards (Pierre and Hippolyte), the first of whom subsequently became Lieutenant -Gov- ernor. (See Bond, Shadrach; Menard, Pierre.) In outline, Randolph County is triangular, while its surface is diversified. Timber and building stone are abundant, and coal underlies a consid- erable area. Chester, the county-seat, a city of 3,000 inhabitants, is a place of considerable trade and the seat of the Southern Illinois Penitentiary. The county is crossed by several railroad lines, and transportation facilities are excellent. Pop- ulation (1890), 25,049; (1900), 28,001. RANSOM, (Gen.) Thomas Edward GreenBeld, soldier, was born at Norwich, Vt. , Nov. 29, 1834 ; educated at Norwich University, an institution under charge of his father, who was later an officer of the Mexican War and killed at Chapul- tepec. Having learned civil engineering, he entered on his profession at Peru, 111., in 1851; in 1855 became a member of the real-estate firm of A. J. Galloway & Co., Chicago, soon after removing to Fayette County, where he acted as agent of the Illinois Central Railroad. Under the first call for volunteers, in April, 1861, he organized a company, which having been incor- porated in the Eleventh Illinois, he was elected Major, and, on the reorganization of the regiment for the three-years' service, was commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel, in this capacity having com- mand of his regiment at Fort Donelson, where he was severely wounded and won deserved pro- motion to a colonelcy, as successor to Gen. W. II I. Wallace, afterwards killed at Shiloh. Here Colonel Ransom again distinguished himself by his bravery, and though again wounded while leading his regiment, remained in command through the day. His service was recognized by promotion as Brigadier - General. He bore a prominent part in the siege of Vicksburg and in the Red River campaign, and, later, commanded the Seventh Army Corps in the operations about Atlanta, but finally fell a victim to disease and his numerous wounds, dying in Chicago, Oct. 29, 1864, having previously received the brevet rank of Major-General. General Ransom was con- fessedly one of the most brilliant officers contrib- uted by Illinois to the War for the Union, and was pronounced, by both Grant and Sherman, one of the ablest volunteer generals in their com- mands. RANTOCL, a city in Champaign County, at the junction of the main line of the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad, with its West Lebanon and Leroy branch, 14 miles north-northeast of Champaign and 114 miles south by west of Chicago. It has a national bank, seven churches, opera house, graded school, two weekly papers, machine shops, flouring and flax mills, tile factories, and many handsome residences. Pop. (1900), 1,207. RASLE, Sebastian, a Jesuit missionary, born in France, in 1658; at his own request was attached to the French missions in Canada in 1689, and, about 1691 or '92, was sent to the Illi- nois Country, where he labored for two years, traveling much and making a careful study of the Indian dialects. He left many manuscripts descriptive of his journey ings and of the mode of life and character of the aborigines. From Illi- nois he was transferred to Norridgewock, Maine, where he prepared a dictionary of the Abenaki language in three volumes, which is now pre- served in the library of Harvard College. His influence over his Indian parishioners was great, and his use of it, during the French and Indian War, so incensed the English colonists in Massa- chusetts that the Governor set a price upon his head. On August 12, 1724, he was slain, with seven Indian chiefs who were seeking to aid his escape, during a night attack upon Norridge- wock by a force of English soldiers from Fort Richmond, his mutilated body being interred the next day by the Indians. In 1833, the citizens of Norridgewock erected a monument to his mem- ory on the spot where he fell. RASTER, Herman, journalist, was born in Ger- many in 1828 ; entered journalism and came to America in 1851, being employed on German papers in Buffalo and New York City; in 1867 accepted the position of editor-in-chief of "The Chicago Staats Zeitung," which he continued to HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 441 fill until June, 1890, when he went to Europe for the benefit of his health, dying at Dresden, July 24, 1891. While employed on papers in this country during the Civil War, he acted as the American correspondent of papers at Berlin, Bremen, Vienna, and other cities of Central Europe. He served as delegate to both State and National Conventions of the Republican party, and, in 1869, received from President Grant the appointment of Collector of Internal Revenue for the Chicago District, but, during the later years of his life, cooperated with the Democratic party. RAUCH, John Henry, physician and sanitary expert, born in Lebanon, Pa., Sept. 4, 1838, and graduated in medicine at the University of Penn- sylvania, in 1849. The following year he removed to Iowa, settling at Burlington. He was an active member of the Iowa State Medical Society, and, in 1851, prepared and published a "Report on the Medical and Economic Botany of Iowa," and, later, made a collection of ichthyologic remains of the Upper Mississippi and Missouri for Professor Agassiz. From 1857 to 1860 he filled the chair of Materia Medica and Medical Botany at Rush Medical College, Chicago, occupying the same position in 1859 in the Chicago College of Pharmacy, of which he was one of the organ- izers. During the Civil War he served, until 1864, as Assistant Medical Director, first in the Army of the Potomac, and later in Louisiana, being bre vetted Lieutenant-Colonel at the close of the struggle. Returning to Chicago, he aided in reorganizing the city's health service, and, in 1867, was appointed a member of the new Board of Health and Sanitary Inspector, serving until 1876. The latter year he was chosen President of the American Public Health Association, and, in 1877, a member of the newly created State Board of Health of Illinois, and elected its first President. Later, he became Secretary, and con- tinued in tliiit office during his connection with the Board. In 1878-79 he devoted much attention to the yellow-fever epidemic, and was instru- mental in the formation of the Sanitary Council of the Mississippi, and in securing the adoption of a system of river inspection by the National Board of Health. He was a member of many scientific bodies, and the author of numerous monographs and printed addresses, chiefly in the domain of sanitary science and preventive med- icine. Among them may be noticed "Intra- mural Interments and Their Influence on Health and Epidemics," "Sanitary Problems of Chi- cago." "Prevention of Asiatic Cholera in North America," and a series of reports as Secretary of the State Board of Health. Died, at Lebanon. Pa., March 24, 1894. RAl'M, (Gen.) (ireen Berry, soldier and author, was born at Golconda, Pope County, HI., Dec. 3. 1829, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1853, but, three years later, removed with his family to Kansas. His Free-State proclivities rendering him obnoxious to the pro - slavery party there, he returned to Illinois in 1857, settling at Harrisburg, Saline County. Early in the Civil War he was commissioned a Major in the Fifty sixth Illinois Volunteers, was subsequently pro- moted to a Lieutenant-Colonelcy, and. later, advanced to a Brigadier-Generalship, resigning his commission at the close of the war (May 6, 1865). He was with Rosecrans in the Mississippi campaign of 1862. took a conspicuous part in the battle of Corinth, participated in the siege of Vicksburg and was wounded at Missionary Ridge. He also rendered valuable service during the Atlanta campaign, keeping lines of communi- cation open, re-enforcing Resaca and repulsing an attack by General Hood. He was with Sherman in the "March to the Sea," and with Hancock, in the Shenandoah Valley, when the war closed. In 1866 General Raum became President of the pro- jected Cairo & Vincennes Railroad, an enterprise of which he had been an active promoter. He was elected to Congress in 1866 from the South- ern Illinois District (then the Thirteenth), serv- ing one term, and the same year presided over the Republican State Convention, as he did again in 1876 and in 1880 was also a delegate to the National Conventions at Cincinnati and Chicago the last two years just mentioned. From August 2, 1876, to May 31, 1883, General Raum served as Commissioner of Internal Revenue at Washing- ton, in that time having superintended the col- lection of $800,000,000 of revenue, and the disbursement of $30,000,000. After retiring from the Commissionership, he resumed the practice of law in Washington. In 1889 he was appointed Commissioner of Pensions, remaining to the close of President Harrison's administration, when he removed to Chicago and again engaged in practice. During the various political cam- paigns of the past thirty years, his services have been in frequent request as a campaign speaker, and he has canvassed a number of States in the interest of the Republican party. Besides his official reports, he is author of "The Existing Conflict Between Republican Government and Southern Oligarchy" (Washington, 1884), and a number of magazine articles. 442 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. K A 1 T M, John, pioneer and early legislator, was born in Hummelstown, Pa., July 14, 1793, and died at Ooloonda, 111., March 14, 1869. Having received a liberal education in his native State, the subject of this sketch settled at Shawneetown, 111., in 1823, but removed to Qolconda, Pope County, in 1836. He had previously served three years in the War of 1812, as First Lieutenant of the Sixteenth Infantry, and, while a resident of Illinois, served in the Block Hawk War of 1832 as Brigade Major. He was also elected Senator from the District composed of Pope and Johnson Counties in the Eighth General Assembly (1833). as successor to Samuel Alexander, who had resigned. The following year he was appointed Clerk of the Circuit Court of Pope County, and was also elected Clerk of the County Court the same year, holding both offices for many years, and retaining the County Clerkship up to his death, a period of thirty-five years. He was married March 22. 1827, to Juliet C. Field, and was father of Brig. -Gen. Green B. Raum, and Maj. John M. Raum. both of whom served in the volunteer army from Illinois during the Civil War. K AH I.I NS, John Aaron, soldier, Secretary of War, was born at East Galena, Feb. 13, 1831, the son of a small farmer, who was also a charcoal- burner. The son. after irregular attendance on the district schools and a year passed at Mount Morris Academy, began the study of law. He was admitted to the bar at Galena in 1854, and at once began practice. In 1807 he was elected City Attorney of Galena, and nominated on the Doug- las electoral ticket in 1860. At the outbreak of the Civil War he favored, and publicly advocated, coercive measures, and it is said that it was partly through his influence that General Grant early tendered his services to the Government. He served on the staff of the latter from the time General Grant was given command of a brigade until the close of the war, most of the time being its chief, and rising in rank, step by step, until, in 1863, he became a Brigadier-General, and, in 1865a Major-General. His long service on the .staff of General Grunt indicates the estimation in which lie was held by his chief. Promptly on the assumption of the Presidency by General Grant, in March, 1869. he was appointed Secre- tary of War, but consumption had already obtained a hold upon his constitution, and he sur- vived only six months, dying in office, Sept. 6, 1869. BAT, Charles II., journalist, was born at Nor- wich, Chenango County. N. Y., March 12, 1821; came west in 1843, studied medicine and began practice at Muscatine, Iowa, afterwards locating in Tazewell County, 111., also being associated, for a time, with the publication of a temperance paper at Springfield. In 1847 he removed to Galena, soon after becoming editor of "The Galena Jeffersonian, " a Democratic paper, with which he remained until 1854. He took strong ground against the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, and, at the session of the Legislature of 1855, served as Secretary of the Senate, also acting as corre- spondent of "The New York Tribune"; a few months later became associated with Joseph Medill and John C. Vaughan in the purchase and management of "The Chicago Tribune," Dr. Ray assuming the position of editor-in-chief. Dr. Ray was one of the most trenchant and powerful writers ever connected with the Illinois press, and his articles exerted a wide influence during the period of the organization of the Republican party, in which he was an influential factor. He was a member of the Convention of Anti-Neb- raska editors held at Decatur, Feb. 22, 1856, and served as Chairman of the Committee on Reso- lutions. (See Anti-Nebraska Editorial Conven- tion.) At the State Republican Convention held at Bloomington, in May following, he was appointed a member of the State Central Com- mittee for that year ; was also Canal Trustee by appointment of Governor Bissell, serving from 1857 to 1861. In November, 1863, he severed his connection with "The Tribune" and engaged in oil speculations in Canada which proved finan- cially disastrous. In 1865 he returned to the paper as an editorial writer, remaining only for a short time. In 1868 he assumed the management of "The Chicago Evening Post." with which he remained identified until his death. Sept. 23, 1870. RAT, l.jimtn Hforlicr, ex Lieutenant-Gov- ernor, was born in Crittenden County, Vt., August 17, 1831; removed to Illinois in 1852, and has since been engaged in mercantile business in this State. After filling several local offices he was elected to represent Grundy County in the lower house of the Twenty-eighth General Assembly (1872), and, ten years later, was chosen State Senator, serving from 1883 to 1887, anil being one of the recognized party leaders on the floor. In 1888, he was elected Lieutenant Gov- ernor on the Republican ticket, his term expiring in 1893. His home is at Morris, Grundy County. RAT, William H., Congressman, was born in Dutchess County. N. Y.. Dec. 14, 1812; grew to manhood in his native State, receiving a limited HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 443 education; in 1834 removed to Rushville. 111., engaging in business as a merchant and, later, as a banker; was a member of the first State Board of Equalization (1)467-69), and, in 1872, was elected to Congress as a Republican, representing his District from 1873 to 1875. Died, Jan. 25, 1881. RAYMOND, a village of Montgomery County, on the St. Louis Division of the Wabasli Railway, 50 miles southwest of Decatur ; has electric lights, some manufactures and a weekly paper. Con- siderable coal is mined here and grain and fruit grown in the surrounding country. Population (1880), 543; (1890), 841; (1900), 906. RAYMOND, (Ret.) Miner, D.D., clergyman and educator, was born in New York City. August 29. 1811. being descended from a family of Huguenots (known by the name of "Rai- monde"), who were expelled from France on account of their religion. In his youth he learned the trade of a shoemaker with his father, at Rensselaerville, N. Y. He united with the Methodist Episcopal Church at the age of 17. later taking a course in the Wesleyan Academy at Wilbraham, Mass.. where he afterwards became a teacher. In 1838 he joined the New England Conference and, three years later, began pastoral work at Worcester, subsequently occu- pying pulpits in Boston and Westfield. In 1848, on the resignation of Dr. Robert Allyn (after- wards President of McKendree College and of the Southern Illinois Normal University at Carbon- dale), Dr.Raymond succeeded to the principalship of the Academy at Wilbraham, remaining there until 1864, when he was elected to the chair of systematic theology in the Garrett Biblical Insti- tute at Evanston, 111., his connection with the latter institution continuing until 1895, when he resigned. For some three years of this period he served as pastor of the First Methodist Church at Evanston. His death occurred, Nov. 25, 1897. REAVIS, Logan Uriah, journalist, was born in the Sangamon Bottom, Mason County, 111.. March 26, 1831 ; in 1855 entered the office of "The Beardsto wn Gazette, ' ' later purchased an interest in the paper and continued its publication under the name of "The Central Illinoian," until 1857. when he sold out and went to Nebraska. Return- ing, in 1860, he repurchased his old paper and conducted it until 1866. when he sold out for the last time. The remainder of his life was devoted chiefly to advocating the removal of the National Capital to St. Louis, which he did by lectures and the publication of pamphlets and books on the subject; also published a "Life of Horace Greeley." another of General Harney. and two or three other volumes. Died in St. Louis, April 25, 1889. RECTOR, the name of a prominent and influ- ential family who lived at Kaskaskia in Terri- torial days. According to Governor Reynolds, who has left the most detailed account of them in his "Pioneer History of Illinois." they consisted of nine brothers and four daughters, all of whom were born in Fauquier County, Va.. some of them emigrating to Ohio, while others came to Illinois, arriving at Kaskaskia in 1806. Reynolds describes them as passionate and impulsive, but possessed of a high standard of integrity and a chivalrous and patriotic spirit. William, the oldest brother, and regarded as the head of the family, became a Deputy Surveyor soon after coming to Illinois, and took part in the Indian campaigns between 1812 and 1814. In 1816 he was appointed Surveyor-General of Illinois, Mis souri and Arkansas, and afterwards removed to St. Louis. Stephen, another of the brothers, was a Lieutenant in Captain Moore's Company of Rangers in the War of 1812, while Charles commanded one of the two regiments organized by Governor Edwards, in 1812, for the expedition against the Indians at the head of Peoria Lake. Nelson, still another brother, served in the same expedition on the staff of Governor Edwards. Stephen, already mentioned, was a member of the expedition sent to strengthen Prairie du Chien in 1814, and showed great cour- age in a fight with the Indians at Rock Island. During the same year Nelson Rector and Captain Samuel Whiteside joined Col. Zachary Taylor (afterwards President) in an expedition on the Upper Mississippi, in which they came in conflict with the British and Indians at Rock Island, in which Captain Rector again displayed the cour- age so characteristic of his family. On the 1st of March. 1814, while in charge of a surveying party on Saline Creek, in Gallatin County, according to Reynolds, Nelson was ambushed by the Indians and, though severely wounded, was carried away by his horse, and recovered. F.lias. another mem- ber of the family, was Governor Edwards' first Adjutant-General, serving a few months in 1800, when he gave place to Robert Morrison, but was reappointed in 1810, serving for more than three years. Thomas, one of the younger members, had a duel with Joshua Barton on "Bloody Island," sometime between 1812 and 1814, in which he killed Ms antagonist. (See Duel*.) A jxirtion of this historic family drifted into Arkan- sas, where they became prominent, one of their 444 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. descendants serving as Governor of that State during the Civil War period. RED HI 'II. a city in Randolph County, on the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, some 37 miles south- southeast of St. Louis, and 21 miles south of Belle- ville: has a carriage factory and two flouring mills, electric lights, a hospital, two banks, five churches, a graded school and a weekly news- paper. Pop. (1890), 1,176; (1900), 1,169. REEVES, Owen T., lawyer and jurist, was born in Ross County, Ohio, Dec. 18, 1829; gradu- ated at the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Dela- ware, in 1850, afterwards serving as a tutor in that institution and as Principal of a High School at Chillicothe. In 1854 he came to Bloom- ington, 111., and, as a member of the School Board, assisted in reorganizing the school system of that city; also has served continuously, for over 40 years, as one of the Trustees of the Illi- nois Wesleyan University, being a part of the time President of the Board. In the meantime, he had begun the practice of law, served as City Attorney and member of the Board of Supervis- ors. July 1, 1862, he enlisted in the Seventieth Illinois Volunteers (a 100-days' emergency regi- ment), was elected Colonel and mustered out, with his command, in October, 1862. Colonel Reeves was subsequently connected with the construction of the Lafayette, Bloomington & Mississippi Railroad (now a part of the Illinois Central), and was also one of the founders of the Law Department of the Wesleyan University. In 1877 he was elected to the Circuit bench, serv- ing continuously, by repeated re-elections, until 1891 during the latter part of his incumbency being upon the Appellate bench. REEVES, Walter, Member of Congress and lawyer, was born near Brownsville, Pa., Sept. 25, 1848 ; removed to Illinois at 8 years of age and was reared on a farm; later became a teacher and lawyer, following his profession at Streator ; in 1894 he was nominated by the Republicans of the Eleventh District for Congress, as successor to the Hon. Thomas J. Henderson, and was elected, receiving a majority over three competitors. Mr. Reeves was re-elected in 1896, and again in 1898. REFORMATORY, ILLINOIS STATE, a prison for the incarceration of male offenders under 21 years of age, who are believed to be susceptible of reformation. It is the successor of the "State Reform School,'' which was created by act of the Legislature of 1867, but not opened for the admission of inmates until 1871. It is located at Pontiac. The number olPtnmates, in 1872, was 165, which was increased to 324 in 1890. The results, while moderately successful, were not altogether satisfactory. The appropriations made for con- struction, maintenance, etc., were not upon a scale adequate to accomplish what was desired, and, in 1891, a radical change was effected. Previous to that date the limit, as to age, was 16 years. The law establishing the present reforma- tory provides for a system of indeterminate sen- tences, and a release upon parole, of inmates who, in the opinion of the Board of Managers, may be safely granted conditional liberation. The inmates are divided into two classes. (1) those between the ages of 10 and 16, and(2) those between 16 and 21. The Board of Managers is composed of five members, not more than three of whom shall be of the same party, their term of office to be for ten years. The course of treat- ment is educational (intellectually, morally and industrially), schools being conducted, trades taught, and the inmates constantly impressed with the conviction that, only through genuine and unmistakable evidence of improvement, can they regain their freedom. The reformatory influence of tho institution may be best inferred from the results of one year's operation. Of 146 inmates paroled, 15 violated their parole and became fugitives, 6 were returned to the Reformatory, 1 died, and 124 remained in employment and regularly reporting. Among the industries carried on are painting and glaz- ing, masonry and plastering, gardening, knit- ting, chair-caning, broom-making, carpentering, tailoring and blacksmithing. The grounds of the Reformatory contain a vein of excellent coal, which it is proposed to mine, utilizing the clay, thus obtained, in the manufacture of brick, which can be employed in the construction of additional needed buildings. The average num- ber of inmates is about 800, and the crimes for which they are sentenced range, in gravity, from simple assault, or petit larceny, to the most seri- ous offenses known to the criminal code, with the exception of homicide. The number of inmates, at the beginning of the year 1895, was 812. An institution of a similar character, for the confinement of juvenile female offenders, was established under an act of the Legislature passed at the session of 1893, and located at Gen- eva, Kane County. (See Home for Juvenile Female Offender*.) RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. The State constitution contains the familiar guaranty of absolute freedom of conscience. The chief denominations have grown in like ratio with the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 145 population, as may be seen from figures given below. The earliest Christian services held were conducted by Catholic missionaries, who attested the sincerity of their convictions (in many instances) by the sacrifice of their lives, either through violence or exposure. The aborigines, however, were not easily Christianized; and, shortly after the cession of Illinois by France to Great Britain, the Catholic missions, being gener- ally withdrawn, ceased to exert much influence upon the red men, although the French, who remained in the ceded territory, continued to adhere to their ancient faith. (See Early Mis- sionaries.) One of the first Protestant sects to hold service in Illinois, was the Methodist Epis- copal : Rev. Joseph Lillard coming to Illinois in 1793, and Rev. Hosea Riggs settling in the American Bottom in 1796. (For history of Methodism in Illinois, see Methodist Episcopal Church.) The pioneer Protestant preacher, however, was a Baptist Elder James Smith who came to New Design in 1787. Revs. David Badgley and Joseph Chance followed him in 1796, and the first denominational association was formed in 1807. (As to inception and growth of this denomination in Illinois, see also Bap- tists.) In 1814 the Massachusetts Missionary Society sent two missionaries to Illinois Revs. Samuel J. Mills and Daniel Smith. Two years later (1816), the First Presbyterian Church was organized at Sharon, by Rev. James McGready, of Kentucky. (See also Presbyterians.) The Congregationalists began to arrive with the tide of immigration that set in from the Eastern States, early in the '30's. Four churches were organized in 1833, and the subsequent growth of the denomination in the State, if gradual, has been steady. (See Congregationalists.) About the same time came the Disciples of Christ (some- times railed, from their founder, "Campbellites"). They encouraged free discussion, were liberal and warm hearted, and did not require belief in any particular creed as a condition of membership. The sect grew rapidly in numerical strength. (See Disciples of Christ.) The Protestant Episco- palians obtained their first foothold in Illinois, in 1835, when Rev. Philander Chase (afterward con- secrated Bishop) immigrated to the State from the East. (See Protestant Episcopal Church.) The Lutherans in Illinois are chiefly of German or Scandinavian birth or descent, as may be inferred from the fact that, out of sixty-four churches in Chicago under care of the Missouri Synod, only four use the English language. They are the only Protestant sect maintaining (when- ever possible) a system of parochial schools. (See Lutherans. ) There are twenty -six other religious bodies in the State, exclusive of the Jews, who have twelve synagogues and nine rabbis. Ac- cording to the census statistics of 1890, these twenty-six sects, with their numerical strength, number of buildings, ministers, etc., are as fol- lows: Anti-Mission Baptists. 2,800 members, 78 churches and 63 ministers; Church of God, 1,200 members, 39 churches, 34 ministers; Dunkards, 121,000 members, 155 churches, 83 ministers: Friends ("Quakers") 2,655 members, 25 churches: Free Methodists, 1,805 members, 38 churches, 84 ministers; Free- Will Baptists. 4,694 members, 107 churches, 72 ministers; Evangelical Association, 15,904 members, 143 churches, 152 ministers; Cumberland Presbyterians, 11,804 members, 198 churches, 149 ministers; Methodist Episcopal (South) 3,927 members, 34 churches, 33 minis- ters; Moravians, 720 members, 3 churches, 3 ministers; New Jerusalem Church (Swedenborgi- ans), 662 members, 14 churches, 8 ministers: Primitive Methodist, 230 members, 2 churches. 2 ministers; Protestant Methodist, 5,000 members. 91 churches, 106 ministers ; Reformed Church in United States, 4,100 members, 34 churches, 19 ministers; Reformed Church of America, 2,200 members, 24 churches, 23 ministers;- Reformed Episcopalians, 2,150 members, 13 churches, 11 ministers; Reformed Presbyterians, 1,400 mem- bers, 7 churches, 6 ministers; Salvation Army. 1,980 members; Second Advent 1st s. 4,500 mem- bers, 64 churches, 35 ministers; Seventh Day Baptists, 320 members, 7 churches, 11 ministers: Universalists, 3,160 members, 45 churches, 37 ministers; Unitarians, 1,225 members. 19 churches, 14 ministers; United Evangelical, 30,000 members, 129 churches, 108 ministers: United Brethren, 16,500 members, 275 churches. 260 ministers ; United Presbyterians, 11, 250 mem- bers, 203 churches, 199 ministers; Wesleyan Methodists, 1,100 members, 16 churches. 33 min- isters. (See various Churches under their proper names; also Roman Catholic Church.) REND, William Patrick, soldier, capitalist, and coal-operator, was born in County Leitrim, Ireland, Feb. 10, 1840. brought to Lowell. Mass.. in boyhood, and graduated from the high school there at 17; taught for a time near New York City and later in Maryland, where he began a course of classical study. The Civil War coming on, he enlisted in the Fourteenth Regiment New York Volunteers, serving most of the time as a . non-commissioned officer, and participating in the battles of the second Bull Run. Malvern Hill, 44' HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Antietam, Frederic ksburg and Chancellorsville. After the war lie came to Chicago and secured employment in a railway surveyor's office, later acting sa foreman of the Northwestern freight depot, and finally embarking in the coal business, which was conducted with such success that he became the owner of some of the most valuable mining properties in the country. Meanwhile he has taken a deep interest in the welfare of miners and other classes of laborers, and has sought to promote arbitration and conciliation between employers and employed, as a means of averting disastrous strikes. He was especially active during the long strike of 1897, in efforts to bring about an understanding between the miners and the operators. For several years he held a commission as Lieutenant-Colonel of the Illinois National Guard until compelled, by the demands of his private business, to tender his resignation. REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. 'Hi- following table presents the names, residence. Districts represented, politics (except as to earlier ones), and lenirth of term or terms of service of Illinois Representatives in the lower House of Congress, from the organization of Illinois as a Territory down to the present time; (D. Democrat; W, Whig; R, Republican; G-B, Greenback; P, Populist). NAMK. REHIDKWCIC. DlHT. TCMH. REMARKS. Hhadrach Bond Benjamin Stephenson Kaakaskia Kdwardsville ... Territory Territory 1*12-14.... IMM>; 1816-18 Made Rec'r of Pub. Moneys. Made Rec'r of Pub. Moneys. Kaakaskia State 1818-19 Elected U. s. Senator, 1824 am) _" Daniel P Cook Kaskaskla State 1819-27 Jacltsotkt Morgan Cos Jacksonville Springfield Belleville Belleville 1827-33 Joseph Duncan William L. M **> . 1 ' Charles Blade Third Third First 1833-34 1834- W.... 1883-34 1834-37 Elected Governor; resigned. To succeed Duncan. Died; term completed by Reynolds. One and one-half terms. John Ray colds, i > /i*ijnc Casey, D Adam w . Snyder, D Hellevllle First 18*8.43 Mt. Vernoii Belleville Second Pint 1838-43 Third 1838-43 John T. Stuart, O. P. Springfield Eighth . . . 1863-6A First i-i i r< John A. McClernand. Ji... John A . McClernand. V . . . Second 1843-61 Springfield ... . Sixth 1859-62 HMitfiifU. 1 >!<.. M ; succeeded by A. L. Knapp. Third 1843-49 Orlando B. Flcklln, I> ,. . Third 1851-53 1843-51 . . John Wentworth, D Chicago Second 185.1-5.~> 1865-67 .Stephen A. Douglas, D William A. Richardson, I > William A. Rlchardfton. D. Joseph P. Hoce, D John J. Hardln, W Kdward D. Baker, W Kdward IX Bakpr, W John Henry, W Thomas J. Turner, D Abraham Lincoln, W William H. fiissell. D William H.BIssell.D Timothy R. Young. 1> Thomas L. H arris, I) Thomas L. Harris, Jl Willis Allen, D Quhicy RuHhvllle andUulncy Fifth Fifth Sixth 1*43-47 1847-56 : 180143 KI'dU.a Sen. ,Apr..'47;suc.byW. A. Richardson ResUAug., -'..; term tilled by Jacob C. Dmvls. Ualena Jacksonville airlngfield... fcle:.a Jacksonville Sixth Seventh Seventh Sixth 1843-45 1843-45 I845-4f> Resigned, Dec., '4tt; succeeded by John Henry. 1848-01 Seventh Sixth Feb. to Mar.. 1847. 1847-48 Served Raker's unexplred term. Springfield Belleville Seventh Pint 1847-4'J 1849-53 Jtelleville. Marshall Eighth Third 1853-.V> 1848-51 seventh 1849-51 Petersburg Marlon Sixth Second 1855-5H 1851 -S3 Died. Nov.24. -5H; sue. by 1'hait. 1>. Hodges. Wlllia Allen, D Richard S. Maloney, l> Thompson CarnuhHl, ]> Richard Yates. W Richard Yates. W E.B. WMhburne,K.... E. B. Washburoe, R Jesse O. Norton. R Marlon . . . Ninth 1853-55 Belvidere Fourth 1851-53 Oalena 31xth 1851-5.1 Jacksonville Jacksonville Seventh Sixth First 1851-53.... 1853-55 1853-43 I!....!! '....'. ......'..'.'..'. Galena Joliet joliet Third Third Slxlh 1863-39... 1853-57 -, ReMignd. March 9. '&* to accept French mis- J slon; term rilled by H. C. Burchard. l863-tt*>. . . Fourth 1853-67 James C. Allen, D Jam CM C. Allen. 1* Palestine Seventh 1853-57 Palestine State-ut-large . 1863-65 James H. Wood worth, R.. Jacob C. Davis, D Second 1855-57 (julncy Belleville Fifth Eighth 1856-67 1855 To till unexplred term of Richardson. Chonen r 8. Senator; reaigned. Filled Trumbull'i unexplred term. J. L. I>. Morrison, D Samuel H. Marshall, D Sam i ir 1 8. Marshall. 1 > SamuelS, Marshall, D John F. Farnsworth. R John K Farnsworth, H .... OWPII Love)oy,R Owen Loveloy. R William Kellogg. R Isaac N. Morris, U CharlesD.Hodgea.lt .... Aaron Shaw, D Belleville Me Leans boro McLeanshoro Eighth Ninth Kiev. -Hill 185W7 1855-59 1865*7.1 McLeansboro Chicago Second 1X57-61 1863-74 Princeton Princeton Canton Third Fifth 1857<63 1883-65 Died, Mar "64; term filled by E C Ingmoll Fourth Fifth 1857-63 1857-61.... Rlvth .Inn (<. M:.r I'-!' . Filled unexpired term of Thos. L. Harris. Lawrenceville Seventh 1857-58 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 447 NAME. Kl MPKM K. DIST. TEKM. REMARK Sixteenth 1883-K5 James C'. Roniuson, |i James C. Robinson. l> James C. Robitmon, 1 ' James C. Robinson, U Philip B. Fouke. D John A. Logan, R Marshall 1059-63 Marshall lMtt-6.> Springfield Eighth 1871-73 Twelfth 1873- 7.1 Belleville Ben ton Carbondale Eighth is.Vt. t::; Ninth stauj-at-large Second 1859-& 1869-71 Res'd, Apr. VJ; term tilled by W. J. Allen. < Chosen U. S. Senator, 1871; resigned, term - til If i by John L. Beveridge. Isaac N. Arnold, B Isaac N. Arnold. R William J.Allen, D William J. Allen, D ] Mil -.';.. . pint 1863-65 Marion Marion Jersey ville Ninth Thirteenth.... 1862-63 1863-65 Served Logan's iincxpired term. Fifth Tenth 1861-33 Served McCta-naml's ntiexnlred term. 1863-65 1 Charles M.Harris, R Fourth 1SB3.B.1 Ebon C. Ingersoll, R John R. Eden, D Peoria Sullivan Fifth, 11864-71 Seventh 1865-65 1864-'65 filled Lovpjoy'* unexplred term John R. Eden, D Lewis W Rom D Sullivan Seventeenth... Ninth. 1885-87 18MMI9 William R. Morrison, D.... William R. Morrison, I> ... William R. Morrison, D.... s. W. Moulton, R Waterloo Waterloo Waterloo SbelbyvUle Shelbyvllle Twelfth Seventeenth... 1863-65 1873-83. . . . 1883-87 State-at-large. 1965-67 1881-83 aW. Moulton, D Abner C. Harding. R Burton (J. Cook, R H. P. H. Broumell.R Shelby M. Cullom, R Anthony Thornton, D Sbelbyville Monmouth Ottawa Charleston Springfield Shelbyville Seventeenth... 1883-85 1865-69 .. . Sixth 1865-71 IS65-69 Re-elected, *7U but iWd inrun beg'ugof li-rm. Eighth Tenth, 1865-71 ' 1865-67 Belleville Twelfth Ih65-6y.. Jehu Baker, R Jehu Baker, P A. J. Kuykemlall, R Belleville Belleville Vienna 1887-89 1 * Twenty-first .. 1897-99 First A ni fj R Ti " * Green B. Raum, R Horatio C. Burchard, R.... HoralioC. Burcbard, P..... John H. Hawley, R John B. Hawley, R Metropolis Freeport Thirteenth Third 18C7-69 1869-73 Filled unexpiml term r Washburn**. 1869-73 Rock Island Sixth 1873-75 Jesse 11. Moore, R Thomas W. McNeeley. D.. Decatnr Petersburg Belleville Ninth Twelfth 1869 73 1869 73 John M. Crebs, D .. John L. Beveridge, R Charles B. Farwell. R Charles B. Farwell, R Charles B. Farwel l, R Carmi Evanston Thirteenth Slate-al-large. 1869-73 1871-73 Served uitexpirel u-rni . .1 l^gan. Chicago Third Third 1873-76 May, '76, seat awarded to J. V. Le Moyne . Fifth Henry Snapp, R Edward Y. Rice, D John B Ric,R Joliet Sixth Tenth 1871 73 1871 "3 Filled unexpired term of B. C. Cook. Chicago Chicago First First Second... 187374 1874-77 1878-75. Died Dec.. 74 : ffiicce*ded by B. U. Caulrteld. From 1S74-75 served out Rice's term Stephen A. Hurlbut, R Franklin Corwin, R Greenbury L. Fort, R Peru Lacon Seventh Eighth 1873-75 Ninth... 1873-75 William H. Ray. R Robert M. Knapp, 1> Robert M. Knapn, D John MVXiilta, K Joseph U. Cannon, R Joseph G. Cannon, R Joseph G. Cannon, R. Joseph G. Cannon. R Rushville (Tenth Jersey ville Eleventh Jersevville Eleventh Bloomtngton Thirteenth .... Tuscolaand Danville. Fourteenth.... Danville Fifteenth Danville Fifteenth Danville 1 Twelfth 1873-75 1873-75 1877-79 1873-75 1873-83 1895 Isaac Clements, R. Carter H. Harrison, J' John V. Le Moyne, 1>. T. J. Henderson, R Carbondale Chicago Chicago Princeton A Geneseo. . Second Third Sixth Seventh.... 1875 79 187677 1K75 83 (883 95 Awarded seat, vk-e Far\veli. Richard H. Whttinf, R- . . - John C. Baghy . I> Peoria Rush vine Ninth 1875-77 Scott Wike, D William M. Springer. IX... William M. Springer, D. . Adlai K. Stevenson. D Adlal E. Stevenson, 1 > William A J. Sparks. !>.... William Hartzell.D .. .. William B. Anderson, D .. William Aldrlch. R Carter H Harrison, 1 Lorenz Brentano, R William Lathrop. R Philip C. Hayes. R Thomas A, Boyd. R Benjamin F Marsh, R. .. PittsHeld Twelfth 1889 93 Twelfth Springfield Bloomington. Bloomington Carlyle Chester Mt. Vernon Chicago Sixteenth l-::.-- ; '-. First 1877-K3. - Chicago .Third. 1877-79 ... Morris Lewi s ion Warsaw 1877-81 Ninth Tenth 1877-81 1S77-H3. 448 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. NAME. Rcai DENG E. DlST. TERM. REMARKS. Benjamin P. Marsh. R Thomas F. Tip ton, R R. W. Townshend, I> Warsaw Fifteenth 18K Shawneetown Thirteenth.... 1877-79. George R. I >n vi a . R. Hiram Barber, B John C. Sherwln, R It. MA Hawk, R Janieti W . Singleton. i> A. P. Foray the. O. B JotmR. Thomas, R John R. Thomas. R William Cullen.K Chicago Geneva and Elgin Mt. Carroll Third 1879-81 Fifth 1879-82. 1879-83 Died, '82; succeeded by R. R. Hltt. Isabel Metropolis 1881-83 William Cullen, R Eighth . , 1881-83 Lewis E. Payson, R John H. Lewis. R Dietrich C. Smith. R R W. Dunham. R Jnhn F. Flnerty. R. Mt. Morris Mt. Morris Sixth Ninth 1882-96 896 Succeeded R. M. A. Hawk, deceased. Tenth 1883-87 Macomb Eleventh 883-87 Jonathan H. Rowell. R Winchester liloomington Twelfth 1W*3-91.. . Chicago . ftpawmH .. . 188&-B1 James H. Ward, I) Albert J. Hopkins R Third 1885-87 R-iflh . !-.',-:.", Albert J. Hopklnn. R Ralph Plumb, R MMi Silas G. Landes, D 1886-SO William E. Manon, 1C Third 1887-91 | Philip Hldney Post. R William H.Gest, R George A Anderson, J* Edward Lane, D Caletibiirg Tenth 1887-96 1887-91 Died, Jan. 6, 1806. Twelfth 1887-89. . . . Hillsboro Seventeenth... First 1887-95 1869-93 A liner Taylor, R Charles A. Bill. R Toilet Eighth - 1889-91 u 1 11mm s. Forman. It James R. Williams, 1) JameaR. Williams. 1> George W. Smith. R George W. Smith, R Lawrence E. McQann. I > . 1889-95 1889-9i Nineteenth.... 1899 Murphysboro Twentieth Twenty -sec' nd second l-vi-'i, 1895- 1891-95 Chicago Third 1891-93 1 ,f \v w Steward, 1 nd Herman W. Snow R ... Eighth ! 891 -93 Ninth 1:91-93 BfiijaminT. Cable. l> 1^91.93 Kloomington I'rhana 1891-93 Samuel T. Busey, 1* JolmC. Black.D Andrew J. Hunter. I) FirrH>nth .. . 1891-93 ;tJW-U5 Paris State-at-large. 1893-95 1897-99 J. Frank A Id rich. R Julius Goldzler D Robert A. Chllds. R Hamilton K. Wheeler. R .. John J. McDannold, D 893-97 , Chicago .Fourtb I893-W5 Hinsdale Kik'hili 1893-95 1893-95 1893-95 ..... 1893-95 1895 Hugh R. Bel knap. R Chicago Charles W. Woodman. It. . Chicago Third Fourth 1895-99 1895-97 A warded seat after con. with 1- K McGann. ftlward D. Cooke. R George HL Foss, R Of urge W. Prince, R Chicago j&xth Chicago 'Seventh 1805-98 1895- 1895 i>led, J tine 4. '98; aucU by Henry s. Boutell. [895 Vespasian Warner, R . . . J. V. Graff. R Fi ills K. IX) wning, 1 > James A. Connolly, R. . Frederick Remann, R Win. F. 1 - Had ley. R . . . Benson Wood. R. 1895 1895 Virginia SpriiiBlield Sixteenth Seventeenth... 1895-97 1895-9U 1895 Died; July iV/wVsuc'd.' by 'wVFVil'HJMiiey. Elected to fill vacancy. ftlwardavllle Eighteenth Io9o 1895-97 18U5-U7 Kverett J. Murphy, R Bant Kt. Ix>uis James R. Mann, R Chicago Daniel W. Mills, R Chicago,... ThomtUI M. Jett, D. f fllnhnm Twenty-first.. First 1895-97 U7- 1897 1897 James R. Campbell, !>.... George P. Foster. K Thorna* Cuaack, D KdgarT. Noonan. I> Henry M. Jioutell. R W. E. Williams. D B. F. Caldwell. D Joseph B. Crowley, l McLeans boro rtur.l 1899 Chicago Fourth Chicago Fifth Chicago iHixth Pit (afield Sixteenth Chatham Seventeenth . . . Rohlnwin Nineteenth .... 1899 18V9 1898- 1899 1899 1899 Succeeded E. D. Cooke, deceased. HISTOBICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. REYNOLDS, John, Justice of Supreme Court and fourth Governor of Illinois, was born of Irish ancestry, in Montgomery County, Pa., Feb. 26, 1789. and brought by his parents to Kaskaskia, 111., in 1800, spending the first nine years of his life in Illinois on a farm. After receiving a com- mon school education, and a two years' course of study in a college at Knoxville, Tenn. , he studied law and began practice. In 1813-13 he served as a scout in the campaigns against the Indians, winning for himself the title, in after life, of "The Old Ranger." Afterwards he removed to Cahokia, where he began the practice of law, and, in 1818, became Associate Justice of the first Supreme Court of the new State. Retiring from the bench in 1825, he served two terms in the Legislature, and was elected Governor in 1830, in 1832 personally commanding the State volunteers called for service in the Black Hawk War. Two weeks before the expiration of his term (1834), he resigned to accept a seat in Con- gress, to which he had been elected as the suc- cessor of Charles Slade, who had died in office, and was again elected in 1838, always as a Demo- crat. He also served as Representative in the Fifteenth General Assembly, and again in the Eighteenth (1852-54), being chosen Speaker of the latter. In 1858 he was the administration (or Buchanan) Democratic candidate for State Su- |>erintendent of Public Instruction, as opposed to the Republican and regular (or Douglas) Demo- cratic candidates. For some years he edited a daily paper called "The Eagle," which was pub- lished at Belleville. While Governor Reynolds acquired some reputation as a "classical scholar," from the time spent in a Tennessee College at that early day, this was not sustained by either his colloquial or written style. He was an ardent champion of slavery, and, in the early days of the Rebellion, gained unfavorable notori- ety in consequence of a letter written to Jefferson Davis expressing sympathy with the cause of "secession." Nevertheless, in spite of intense prejudice and bitter partisanship on some ques- tions, he possessed many amiable qualities, as shown by his devotion to temperance, and his popularity among persons of opposite political opinions. Although at times crude in style, and not always reliable in his statement of historical facts and events, Governor Reynolds has rendered a valuable service to posterity by his writings relating to the early history of the State, espe- cially those connected with his own times. His Itest known works are: "Pioneer History of Illi- nois" (Belleville, 1848); "A Glance at theCrystal Palace, and Sketches of Travel" (1854); and "My Life and Times" (1855). His death occurred at Belleville, May 8. 1865. REYNOLDS, John Parker, Secretary and President of State Board of Agriculture, was bom at Lebanon, Ohio, March 1, 1820, and graduated from the Miami University at the age of 18. In 1840 he graduated from the Cincinnati Law School, and soon afterward began practice. He removed to Illinois in 1854, settling first in Win- nebago County, later, successively in Marion County, in Springfield and in Chicago. From 1860 to 1870 he was Secretary of the State Agri- cultural Society, and, upon the creation of the State Board of Agriculture in 1871, was elected its President, filling that position until 1888, when he resigned. He has also occupied numer- ous other posts of honor and of trust of a public or semi-public character, having been President of the Illinois State Sanitary Commission during the War of the Rebellion, a Commissioner to the Paris Exposition of 1867, Chief Grain Inspector from 1878 to 1882, and Secretary of the Inter- State Industrial Exposition Company of Chicago, from the date of its organization (1873) until its final dissolution. His most important public service, in recent years, was rendered asDirector- in-Chief of the Illinois exhibit in the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. REYNOLDS, Joseph Smith, soldier and legis- lator, was born at New Lenox, 111., Dec. 3, 1839; at 17 years of age went to Chicago, was educated in the high school there, within a month after graduation enlisting as a private in the Sixty- fourth Illinois Volunteers. From the ranks he rose to a colonelcy through the gradations of Second-Lieutenant and Captain, and, in July, 1865, was brevetted Brigadier-General. He was a gallant soldier, and was thrice wounded. On his return home after nearly four years' service, he entered the law department of the Chicago University, graduating therefrom and beginning practice in 1866. General Reynolds has been prominent in public life, having served as a member of both branches of the General Assem- bly, and having been a State Commissioner to the Vienna Exposition of 1873. He is a member of the G. A. R., and, in 1875, was elected Senior Vice-Commander of the order for the United States. REYNOLDS, William Morton, clergyman, was born in Fayette County, Pa., March 4, 1812; after graduating at Jefferson College, Pa., in 1832, was connected with various institutions in that State, as well as President of Capital University at 450 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Columbus, Ohio, ; then, coming to Illinois, was President of the Illinois State University at Springfield, 1857-60, after which he became Prin- cipal of a female seminary in Chicago. Previ- ously a Lutheran, he took orders in the Protestant Episcopal Church in 1864, and served several parishes until his death. In his early life he founded, and, for a time, conducted several reli- gious publications at Gettysburg, Pa., besides issuing a number of printed addresses and other published works. Died at Oak Park, near Chi- cago, Sept. 5, 1876. RHOADS, (Col.) Franklin Lawrence, soldier and steamboat captain, was born in Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 11, 1824; brought to Pekin. Tazewell County, 111. , in 1836, where he learned the print- er's trade, and, on the breaking out of the Mexican War, enlisted, serving to the close. Returning home he engaged in the river trade, and, for fifteen years, commanded steamboats on the Illinois, Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. In April, 1861. he was commissioned Captain of a company of three months' men attached to the Eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and, on the reorganization of the regiment for the three- years' service, was commissioned Lieutenant- Colonel, soon after being promoted to the colo- nelcy, as successor to Col. Richard J. Oglesby, who had been promoted Brigadier-General. After serving through the spring campaign of 1862 in Western Kentucky and Tennessee, he was com- pelled by rapidly declining health to resign, when he located in Shawneetown, retiring in 1874 to his farm near that city. During the latter years of his life he was a confirmed invalid, dying at Shawneetown, Jan. 6, 1879. BHOADS, Joshua, M.D., A.M., physician and educator, was born in Philadelphia, Sept. 14, 1806; studied medicine and graduated at the University of Pennsylvania with the degree of M.D., also receiving the degree of A.M., from Princeton ; after several years spent in practice as a physician, and as Principal in some of the public schools of Philadelphia, in 1839 he was elected Principal of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Blind, and, in 1850, took charge of the State Institution for the Blind at Jacksonville, 111., then in its infancy. Here he remained until 1874, when he retired. Died, February 1, 1876. RICE, Edward Y., lawyer and jurist, born in Logan County, Ky., Feb. 8, 1820, was educated in the common schools and at Shurtleff College, after which he read law with John M. Palmer at Carlinville, and was admitted to practice, in 1845, at llilUI.ro ; in 1847 was elected County Recorder of Montgomery County, and, in 1848, to the Six- teenth General Assembly, serving one term. Later he was elected County Judge of Montgom- ery County, was Master in Chancery from 1853 to 1857, and the latter year was elected Judge of the Eighteenth Circuit, being re-elected in 1861 and again in 1867. He was also a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1869-70, and, at the election of the latter year, was chosen Repre- sentative in the Forty-second Congress as a Democrat. Died, April 16, 1883. RICE, John B., theatrical manager, Mayor of Chicago, and Congressman, was born at Easton, Md., in 1809. By profession he was an actor, and, coming to Chicago in 1847, built and opened there the first theater. In 1857 he retired from the stage, and, in 1865, was elected Mayor of Chicago, the city of his adoption, and re-elected in 1867. He was also prominent in the early stages of the Civil War in the measures taken to raise troops in Chicago. In 1872 he was elected to the Forty-third Congress as a Republican, but, before the expiration of his term, died, at Nor- folk, Va., on Dec. 6, 1874. At a special election to fill the vacancy, Bernard G. Caulfield was chosen to succeed him. RICHARDSON, William A., lawyer and poli- tician, born in Fayette County, Ky., Oct. 11, 1811, was educated at Transylvania University, came to the bar at .19, and settled in Schuyler County, 111., becoming State's Attorney in 1835; was elected to the lower branch of the Legislature in 1836, to the Senate in 1838, and to the House again in 1844, from Adams County the latter year being also chosen Presidential Elector on the Polk and Dallas ticket, and, at the succeeding session of the General Assembly, serving as Speaker of the House. He entered the Mexican War as Captain, and won a Majority through gallantry at Buena Vista. From 1847 to 1856 (when he resigned to become a candidate for Governor), he was a Democratic Representative in Congress from the Quincy District ; re-entered Congress in 1861, and, in 1863, was chosen United States Senator to fill the unexpired term of Stephen A. Douglas. He was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention of 1868, but after that retired to private life, acting, for a short time, as editor of "The Quincy Herald." Died, at Quincy, Dec. 27, 1875. RICHLAND COUNTY, situated in the south- east quarter of the State, and lias an area of 361 square miles. It was organized from Edwards County in 1841. Among the early pioneers may be mentioned the Evans brothers. Thaddeug HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 451 Morebouse, Hugh Calhoun and son, Thomas Gardner, James Parker, Cornelius De Long, James Gilmore and Elijah Nelson. In 1820 there were but thirty families in the district. The first frame houses the Nelson and More- house homesteads were built in 1821, and, some years later, James Laws erected the first brick house. The pioneers traded at Vincennes, but, in 1825, a store was opened at Stringtown by Jacob May ; and the same year the first school was opened at Watertown, taught by Isaac Chaun- cey. The first church was erected by the Bap- tists in 1822, and services were conducted by William Martin, a Kentuckian. For a long time the mails were carried on horseback by Louis and James Beard, but, in 1824. Mills and Whet- sell established a line of four-horse stages. The principal road, known as the "trace road," lead- ing from Louisville to Cahokia, followed a buffalo and Indian trail about where the main street of Olney now is. Olney was selected as the county-seat upon the organization of the county, and a Mr. Lilly built the first house there. The chief branches of industry followed by the inhabitants are agriculture and fruit- growing. Population (1880), 15,545; (1890). 15,019; (1900), 16,391. RIDGE FARM, a village of Vermillion County, at junction of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis and the Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroads, 174 miles northeast of St. Louis; has electric light plant, planing mill, elevators, bank and two papers. Pop. (1900). 938; (1904), 1.300. RIDGELY, a manufacturing and mining Mil >- urb of the city of Springfield. An extensive rolling mill is located there, and there are several coal-shafts in the vicinity. Population(1900), 1,169. RIDGELY, Charles, manufacturer and capi- talist, born in Springfield, 111., Jan. 17. 1836; was educated in private schools and at Illinois Col- lege ; after leaving college spent some time as a clerk in his father's bank at Springfield, finally becoming a member of the firm and successively Cashier and Vice-President. In 1870 he was Democratic candidate for State Treasurer, but later has affiliated with the Republican party. About 1872 he became identified with the Spring- field Iron Company, of which he has been Presi- dent for many years ; has also been President of the Consolidated Coal Company of St. Louis and. for some time, was a Director of the Wabash Rail- road. Mr. Ridgely is also one of the Trustees of Illinois College. RIDGELY, Nicholas H., early banker, was born in Baltimore, Md., April 27, 1800; after leaving school was engaged, for a time, in the dry-goods trade, but, in 1829, came to St. Louis to assume a clerkship in the branch of the United States Bank just organized there. In 1835 a branch of the State Bank of Illinois was established at Springfield, and Mr. Ridgely became its cashier, and, when it went into liqui- dation, was appointed one of the trustees to wind up its affairs. He subsequently became Presi- dent of the Clark's Exchange Bank in that city, but this having gone into liquidation a few years later, he went into the private banking business as head of the "Ridgely Bank," which, in 1866, became the "Ridgely National Bank," one of the strongest financial institutions in the State out- side of Chicago. After the collapse of the inter- nal improvement scheme, Mr. Ridgely became one of the purchasers of the "Northern Cross Railroad" (now that part of the Wabash system extending from the Illinois river to Springfield), when it was sold by the State in 1847, paying therefor $21,100. He was also one of the Spring- field bankers to tender a loan to the State at the beginning of the war in 1861. He was one of th builders and principal owner of the Springfield gas-light system. His business career was an eminently successful one, leaving an estate at his death, Jan. 31, 1888. valued at over $2,000,000. RIDGWAY, a village of Gallatin County, on the Shawneetown Division of the Baltimore A Ohio Southwestern Railway, 12 miles northwest of Shawneetown: has a bank and one newspaper. Pop. (1890), 523; (1900), 839; (1903, est), 1,000. RIDGWAY, Thomas S., merchant, banker and politician, was born at Carmi, 111., August 30, 1826. His father having died when he was but 4 years old and his mother when he was 14, his education was largely acquired through contact with the world, apart from such as lie received from his mother and during a year's attendance at a private school. When he was 6 years of age the family removed to Shawneetown. where he ever afterwards made his home. In 1845 he em- barked in business as a merchant, and the firm of Peeples & Ridgway soon became one of the most prominent in Southern Illinois. In 1865 the partners closed out their business and organized the first National Bank of Shawneetown. of which, after the death of Mr. Peeples in 1875, Mr. Ridgway was President. He was one of the projectors of the Springfield & Illinois South- eastern Railway, now a part of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern system, and. from 1867 to 1874, served as its President. He was an ardent and active Republican, and served as a delegate 452 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. to every State and National Convention of his !>:u-ty from 1868 to 1896. In 1874 he was elected State Treasurer, the candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction on the same ticket being defeated. In 1876 and 1880 he was an unsuccess- ful candidate for his party's nomination for Gov- ernor. Three times he consented to lead the forlorn hope of the Republicans as a candidate for Congress from an impregnably Democratic stronghold. For several years he was a Director of the McCormick Theological Seminary, at Chi- cago, and, for nineteen years, was a Trustee of the Southern Illinois Normal University at Carbon- dale, resigning in 1893. Died, at Shawneetown, Nov. 17, 1897. K l(i(JS. James M., ex-Congressman, was born in Scott County, 111., April 17, 1839, where he received a common school education, supple- mented by a partial collegiate course. Be is a practicing lawyer of Winchester. In 1864 he was elected Sheriff, serving two years. In 1871-72 he represented Scott County in the lower house of the Twenty-seventh General Assembly, and was State's Attorney from 1872 to 1876. In 1882, and again in 1884, he was the successful Democratic candidate for Congress in the Twelfth Illinois District. RI6OS, Scott, pioneer, was born in North Carolina about 1790: removed to Crawford County, 111, early in 1815, and represented that county in the First General Assembly (1818-20). In 1885 he removed to Scott County, where he continued to reside until his death, Feb. 24, 1872. RINAKER, John I., lawyer and Congressman, liorn in Baltimore, Md., Nov. 18, 1S:!0. Left an orphan at an early age. he came to Illinois in 1836. and, for several years, lived on farms in Siingamon and Morgan Counties; was educated at Illinois and McKendree Colleges, graduating from the latter in 1851 ; in 1852 began reading law with John M. Palmer at Carlinville, and was admitted to the bar in 1854. In August, 1862, he recruited the One Hundred and Twenty-second Illinois Volunteers, of which he was commis- sioned Colonel. Four months later he was wounded in battle, but served with his regiment through the war, and was brevetted Brigadier- General at its close. Returning from the war he resumed the practice of his profession at Carlin- ville. Since 1858 he has been an active Repub- lican ; has twice (1872 and '76) served his party as a Presidential Elector the latter year for the State -at-large and, in 1874, accepted a nomina- tion for Congress against William R. Morrison, largely reducing the normal Democratic major- ity. At the State Republican Convention of 1880 he was a prominent, but unsuccessful, candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor. In 1894 he made the race as the Republican candi- date for Congress in the Sixteenth District and, although his opponent was awarded the certifi- cate of election, on a bare majority of 60 votes on the face of the returns, a re-count, ordered by the Fifty-fourth Congress, showed a majority for General Rinaker, and he was seated near the close of the first session. He was a candidate for re-election in 1896, but defeated in a strongly Democratic District. RIPLEV, Edward Paygon, Railway President, was born in Dorchester (now a part of Boston), Mass.. Oct. 30, 1845, being related, on his mother's side, to the distinguished author, Dr. Edward Payson. After receiving his education in the high school of his native place, at the age of 17 he entered upon a commercial life, as clerk in a wholesale dry-goods establishment in Boston. About the time he became of age, he entered into the service of the Pennsylvania Railroad as a clerk in the freight department in the Boston office, but,a few years later, assumed a responsible position in connection with the Chicago. Burling- ton & Quincy line, finally becoming General Agent for the business of that road east of Buffalo, though retaining his headquarters at Boston. In 1878 he removed to Chicago to accept the position of General Freight A gent of the Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy System, with which he remained twelve years, serving successively as General Traffic Manager and General Manager, until June 1, 1890, when he resigned to become Third Vice-President of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul line. This relation was continued until Jan. 1, 1896, when Mr. Ripley accepted the Presidency of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, which (1899) he now holds. Mr. Ripley was a prominent factor in securing the location of the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, and, in April, 1891, was chosen one of the Directors of the Exposition, serving on the Executive Committee and the Committee of Ways and Means and Transportation, being Chair- man of the latter. RIVERSIDE, a suburban town on the Des Plaines River and the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railway, 11 miles west of Chicago, has handsome parks, several churches, a bank, two local papers and numerous fine residences. Population (1890), 1,000; (1900), 1,551. RIVERTON, a village in Clear Creek Town- ship, Sangamon County, at the crossing of the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Wabash Railroad over the Sangamon River. 6)4 miles east-northeast of Springfield. It has four churches, a nursery, and two coal mines. Popu- lation (1880), 705: (1890), 1,127, (1900), 1,511 ; (1903, est.), about C.OOO. BITES, John Cook, early banker and journal- ist, was born in Franklin County, Va., May 24, 1795; in 1806 removed to Kentucky, where he grew up under care of an uncle, Samuel Casey. He received a good education and was a man of high character and attractive manners. In his early manhood he came to Illinois, and was con- nected, for a time, with the Branch State Bank at Edwardsville, but, about 1824, removed to Shawneetown and held a position in the bank there; also studied law and was admitted to practice. Finally, having accepted a clerkship in the Fourth Auditor's Office in Washington, he removed to that city, and, in 1830, became associated with Francis P. Blair, Sr., in the establishment of "The Congressional Globe" .(the predecessor of ''The Congressional Record"), of which he finally became sole proprietor, so remaining until 1864. Like his partner, Blair, although a native of Virginia and a life-long Democrat, he was intensely loyal, anil contrib- uted liberally of his means for the equipment of soldiers from the District of Columbia, and for the support of their families, during the Civil War. His expenditures for these objects have been estimated at some $30,000. Died, in Prince George's County, Md., April 10, 1864. ROVXOKE, a village of Woodford County, on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, 28 miles northeast of Peoria; is in a coal district: has two banks, a coal mine, and one newspaper. Population (1880), 355; (1890), 831; (1900). 966. BOBB, Thomas Patten, Sanitary Agent, was born in Bath, Maine, in 1819; came to Cook County, III, in 1838, and, after arriving at man- hood, established the first exclusive wholesale grocery house in Chicago, remaining in the busi- ness until 1850. He then went to California, establishing himself in mercantile business at Sacramento, where he remained seven years, meanwhile being elected Mayor of that city. Returning to Chicago on the breaking out of the war, he was appointed on the staff of Governor Vates with the rank of Major, and. while serv- ing in this capacity, was instrumental in giving General Grant the first duty he performed in the office of the Adjutant-General after his arrival from Galena. Later, he was assigned to duty as Inspector-General of Illinois troops with the rank of Colonel, having general charge of sanitary affairs until the close of the war, when he was appointed Cotton Agent for the State of Georgia, and, still later. President of the Board of Tax Commissioners for that State. Other positions held by him were those of Postmaster and Col- lector of Customs at Savannah, Ga. ; he was also one of the publishers of "The New Era," a Republican paper at Atlanta, and a prominent actor in reconstruction affairs. Resigning the Collectorship, he was appointed by the President United States Commissioner to investigate Mexi- can outrages on the Rio Grande border : was sub- sequently identified with Texas railroad interests as the President of the Corpus Christi & Rio Grande Railroad, and one of the projectors of the Chicago, Texas & Mexican Central Railway, being thus engaged until 1872. Later he returned to California, dying near Glen wood, in that State, April 10, 1895, aged 7"> years and 10 months. BOBEBTS, William Charles, clergyman and educator, was born in a small village of Wales, England., Sept. 23, 1H32: received his primary education in that country, but, removing to America during his minority, graduated from Princeton College in 1855, and from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1858. After filling vari- ous pastorates in Delaware, New Jersey and Ohio, in 1881 he was elected Corresponding Secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, the next year being offered the Presidency of Rutgers College, which he declined. In 1887 he accepted the presidency of Lake Forest Univer- sity, which he still retains. From 1859 to 1*6:! he was a Trustee of Lafayette College, and, in 1866, was elected to a trusteeship of his Alma Mater. He has traveled extensively in the Orient, and was a member of the first and third councils of the Reformed Churches, held at Edin- burgh ami Belfast. Besides occasional sermons and frequent contributions to English, Ameri- can, German and Welsh periodicals, Dr. Roberts has published a Welsh translation of the West- minster shorter catechism and a collection of letters on the great preachers of Wales, which appeared in Utica, 1868. He received the degree of D.D., from Union College in 1872. and that of LL.D.. from Princeton, in 1887. BOBIXSO.V, an incorporated city and the county -seat of Crawford County, 25 miles north- west of Vincennes, Ind. , and 44 miles south of Paris. 111. ; is on two lines of railroad and in the heart of a fruit and agricultural region. The city has water-works, electric lights, two banks and three weekly newspapers Population (1890;. 1,387; (1900), 1,683; (1904), about 2,000. 454 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ROBINSON, James ('.. lawyer and former Congressman, was born in Edgar County, 111. , in 1822, read law and was admitted to the bar in 1850. He served as a private during the Mexican War, and, in 1858, was elected to Congress as a Democrat, as he was again in 1860, '62, 'TO and '72. In 1864 he was the Democratic nominee for Governor. He was a fluent speaker, and attained considerable distinction as an advocate in crimi- nal practice. Died, at Springfield, Nov. 3, 1886. ROBINSON, John M., United States Senator, born in Kentucky in 1793, was liberally educated and became a lawyer by profession. In early life he settled at Carmi, 111., where he married. He was of fine physique, of engaging manners, and personally popular. Through his association with the State militia he earned the title of "General. " In 1830 he was elected to the United States Senate, to fill the unexpired term of John McLean. His immediate predecessor was David Jewett Baker, appointed by Governor Edwards, who served one month but failed of election by the Legislature. In 1834 Mr. Robinson was re- elected for a full term, which expired in 1841. In 1843 he was elected to a seat upon the Illinois Supreme bench, but died at Ottawa, April 27. of the same year, within three months after his elevation. ROCHELLE, a city of Ogle County and an intersecting point of the Chicago & Northwestern and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railways. It is 75 miles west of Chicago, 27 miles south of Rockford, and 23 miles east by north of Dizon. It is in a rich agricultural and stock-raising region, rendering Rochelle an important ship- ping point. Among its industrial establish- ments are water-works, electric lights, a flouring mill and silk-underwear factory- The city has three banks, five churches and three newspapers. Pop. (1890), 1,789; (1900), 2,078; (1903), 2,500. ROCHESTER, a village and early settlement in Sangamon County, laid out in 1819; in rich agricultural district, on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad, 7> miles southeast of Springfield ; has a bank, two churches, one school, and a newspaper. Population (1900). 365 ROCK FALLS, a city in Whiteside County, on Rock River and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad; has excellent water-power, a good public school system with a high school, banks and a weekly newspaper. Agricultural imple- ments, barbed wire, furniture, flour and paper are its chief manufactures. Water for the navigable feeder of the Hennepin Canal is taken from Rock River at this point. Pop. (1900), 2,176. ROCKFORD, a flourishing manufacturing city, the county -seat of Winnebago County ; lies on both sides of the Rock River, 92 miles west of Chicago. Four trunk lines of railroad the Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago & North- western, the Illinois Central and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul intersect here. Excellent water-power is secured by a dam across the river, and communication between the two divisions of the city is facilitated by three railway and three highway bridges. Water is provided from five artesian wells, a reserve main leading to the river. The city is wealthy, prosperous and pro- gressive. The assessed valuation of property, in 1893, was 16,531,235. Churches are numerous and schools, both public and private, are abundant and well conducted. The census of 1890 showed $7,715,069 capital invested in 246 manufacturing establishments, which employed 5, 223 persons and turned out an annual product valued at $8, 888,- 904. The principal industries are the manufac- ture of agricultural implements and furniture, though watches, silver-plated ware, paper, flour and grape sugar are among the other products. Pop. (1880), 13,129; (1890), 23,584; (1900), 31,051. ROCKFORD COLLEGE, located at Rockford, 111., incorporated in 1847; in 1898 had a faculty of 21 instructors with 161 pupils. The branches taught include the classics, music and fine arts. It has a library of 6,150 volumes, funds and en- dowment aggregating $50,880 and property valued at $240,880, of which $150,000 is real estate. ROCK ISLAND, the principal city and county- seat of Rock Island County, on the Mississippi River, 182 miles west by south from Chicago ; is the converging point of five lines of railroad, and the western terminus of the Hennepin Canal. The name is derived from an island in the Missis- sippi River, opposite the city, 3 miles long, which belongs to the United States Government and contains an arsenal and armory. The river channel north of the island is navigable, the southern channel having been dammed by the Government, thereby giving great water power to Rock Island and Moline. A combined railway and highway bridge spans the river from Rock Island to Davenport, Iowa, crossing the island, while a railway bridge connects the cities a mile below. The island was the site of Fort Arm- strong during the Black Hawk War, and was also a place for the confinement of Confederate prison- ers during the Civil War. Rock Island is in a re- gion of much picturesque scenery and has exten- sive manufactures of lumber, agricultural imple- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 455 iiii-ii ts, iron, carriages and wagons and oilcloth; also five banks and three newspapers, two issuing daily editions. Pop. (1890), 13,634; (1900), 19,493. ROCK ISLAND COUNTY, in the northwestern section of the State bordering upon the Missis- sippi River (which constitutes its northwestern boundary for more than 60 miles), and having an area of 440 square miles. In 1816 the Govern- ment erected a fort on Rock Island (an island in the Mississippi, 3 miles long and one-half to three-quarters of a mile wide), naming it Fort Armstrong. It has always remained a military post, and is now the seat of an extensive arsenal and work-shops. In the spring of 1828, settle- ments were made near Port Byron by John and Thomas Kinney, Archibald Allen and George Harlan. Other early settlers, near Rock Island and Rapids City, were J. W. Spencer, J. W. Bar- r it-Is, Benjamin F. Pike and Conrad Leak; and among the pioneers were Wells and Michael Bart- lett, Joel Thompson, the Simms brothers and George Davenport. The country was full of Indians, this being the headquarters of Black Hawk and the initial point of the Black Hawk War. (See Black Hawk, and Black Hawk War.) By 1829 settlers were increased in number and county organization was effected in 1835, Rock Island (then called Stephenson) being made the county-seat. Joseph Con way was the first County Clerk, and Joel Wells, Sr., the first Treas- urer. The first court was held at the residence of John W. Barriels, in Farnhamsburg. The county is irregular in shape, and the soil and scenery greatly varied. Coal is abundant, the water-power inexhaustible, and the county's mining and manufacturing interests are very extensive. Several lines of railway cross the county, affording admirable transportation facili- ties to both eastern and western markets. Rock Island and Moline (which see) are the two prin- cipal cities in the county, though there are several other important points. Coal Valley is the center of large mining interests, and Milan is also a manufacturing center. Port Byron is one of the oldest towns in the county, and has con- siderable lime and lumber interests, while Water- town is the seat of the Western Hospital for the Insane. Population of the county (1880), 38.302; (1890), 41,917; (1900), 55,249. ROCK ISLAND & PEORIA RAILWAY, a standard-guage road, laid with steel rails, extend- ing from Rock Island to Peoria, 91 miles. It is lessee of the Rock Island & Mercer County Rail- road, running from Milan to Cable, 111., giving it a total length of 118 miles with Peoria Terminal, 121.10 miles. (HISTORY.) The company is a reorganization (Oct. 9, 1877) of the Peoria & Rock Island Railroad Company, whose road was sold under foreclosure, April 4, 1877. The latter Road was the result of the consolidation, in 1869, of two corporations the Rock Island & Peoria and the Peoria & Rock Island Railroad Compa- nies the new organization taking the latter name. The road was opened through its entire length, Jan. 1, 1872, its sale under foreclosure and reorganization under its present name taking place, as already stated, in 1877. The Cable Branch was organized in 1876, as the Rock Island & Mercer County Railroad, and opened in De- cember of the same year, sold under foreclosure in 1877, and leased to the Rock Island & Peoria Rail- road, July 1, 1885, for 999 years, the rental for the entire period being commuted at 450,000. (FINANCIAL.) The cost of the entire road and equipment was $2,654,487. The capital stock (1898) is $1,500.000; funded debt, $600,000; other forms of indebtedness increasing the total capital invested to $2, 181, 066. ROCK RIVER, a stream which rises in Wash- ington County, Wis., and flows generally in a southerly direction, a part of its course being very sinuous. After crossing the northern boundary of Illinois, it runs southwestward, intersecting the counties of Winnebago, Ogle, Lee. Whiteside and Rock Island, and entering the Mississippi three miles below the city of Rock Island. It is about 375 miles long, but its navigation is partly obstructed by rapids, which, however, furnish abundant water-power. The principal towns on its banks are Rockford. Dixon and Sterling. Its valley is wide, and noted for its beauty and fertility. ROCKTOX, a village in Winnebago County, at the junction of two branches of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, on Rock River. 13 miles north of Rockford ; has manufactures of paper and agricultural implements, a feed mill, and local paper. Pop. (1890). 892; (1900), 936. ROE, Edward Reynolds, A. II.. M.I)., physician, soldier and author, was born at Lebanon, Ohio, June 22, 1813; removed with his father, in 1819, to Cincinnati, and graduated at Louisville Med- ical Institute in 1842 ; began practice at Anderson, Ind., but soon removed to Shawneetown, III., where he gave much attention to geological research and made some extensive natural his- tory collections. From 1848 to '52 he resided at Jacksonville, lectured extensively on his favorite science, wrote for the press and, for two yeans (1850-52), edited "The Jacksonville Journal, " still 456 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. later editing the newly established "Constitu- tionalist" for a few months. During a part of this period he was lecturer on natural science at Shurtleff College ; also delivered a lecture before the State Legislature on the geology of Illinois, which was immediately followed by the passage of the act establishing the State Geological Department. A majority of both houses joined in a request for his appointment as State Geolo- gist, but it was rejected on partisan grounds he, then, being a Whig. Removing to Blooming ton in 1852, Dr. Roe became prominent in educa- tional matters, being the first Professor of Natural Science in the State Normal University, and also a Trustee of the Illinois Wesleyan University. Having identified himself with the Democratic party at this time, he became its nominee for State Superintendent of Public Instruction in 1860, but, on the inception of the war in 1861, he promptly espoused the cause of the Union, raised three companies (mostly Normal students) which were attached to the Thirty-third Illinois (Nor- mal) Regiment : was elected Captain and succes- sively promoted to Major and Lieutenant-Colonel. Having been dangerously wounded in the assault at Vicksburg, on May 22, 1863, and compelled to return home, he was elected Circuit Clerk by the combined vote of both parties, was re-elected four years later, became editor of "The Bloom- ington Pantagraph" and. in 1870, was elected to the Twenty-seventh General Assembly, where he won distinction by a somewhat notable humorous speech in opposition to removing the State Capital to Peoria. In 1871 he was ap- pointed Marshal for the Southern District of Illi- nois, serving nine years. Dr. Roe was a somewhat prolific author, having produced more than a dozen works which have appeared in book form. One of these, "Virginia Rose; a Tale of Illinois in Early Days," first appeared as a prize serial in "The Alton Courier" in 1852. Others of his more noteworthy productions are : "The Gray and the Blue"; "Brought to Bay"; "From the Beaten Path"; "G. A. R. ; or How She Married His Double"; "Dr. Caldwell; or the Trail of the Serpent"; and "Prairie-Land and Other Poems." He died in Chicago, Nov. 6, 1893. ROGERS, George Clarke, soldier, was born in (irafton County, N H., Nov. 22, 1838; but was educated in Vermont and Illinois, having re- moved to the latter State early in life. While teaching he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1860; was the first, in 1861, to raise a com- pany in Lake County for the war. which was mustered into the Fifteenth Illinois Volunteers ; was chosen Second-Lieutenant and later Captain was wounded four times at Shiloh, but refused to leave the field, and led his regiment in the final charge: was promoted Lieutenant-Colonel and soon after commissioned Colonel for gallantry at Hatchie. At Champion Hills he received three wounds, from one of which he never fully re- covered ; took a prominent part in the operations at Allatoona and commanded a brigade nearly two years, including the Atlanta campaign, retiring with the rank of brevet Brigadier-Gen- eral. Since the war has practiced law in Illinois and in Kansas. ROGERS, Henry Wade, educator, lawyer and author, was born in Central New York in 1853; entered Hamilton College, but the following year became a student in Michigan University, graduating there in 1874, also receiving the degree of A.M., from the same institution, in 1877. In 1883 he was elected to a professorship in the Ann Arbor Law School, and, in 1885, was made Dean of the Faculty, succeeding Judge Cooley, at the age of 32. Five years later he was tendered, and accepted, the Presidency of the Northwestern University, at Evanston, being the first layman chosen to the position, and succeed- ing a long line of Bishops and divines. The same year (1890), Wesleyan University conferred upon him the honorary degree of LL.D. He is a mem- ber of the American Bar Association, has served for a number of years on its Committee on Legal Education and Admission to the Bar, and was the first Chairman of the Section on Legal Edu- cation. President Rogers was the General Chair- man of the Conference on the Future Foreign Policy of the United States, held at Saratoga Springs, N. V., in August, 1898. At the Con- gress held in 1893, as auxiliary to the Columbian Exposition, he was chosen Chairman of the Com- mittee on Law Reform and Jurisprudence, ami was for a time associate editor of ' "The American Law Register," of Philadelphia. He is also the author of a treatise on "Expert Testimony." which has passed through two editions, and has edited a work entitled "Illinois Citations." besides doing much other valuable literary work of a similar character. ROGERS, John Gorln, jurist, was born at Glasgow, Ky., Dec. 28, 1818, of English and early Virginian ancestry ; was educated at Center Col- lege, Danville, Ky., and at Transylvania Univer- sity, graduating from the latter institution in 1841, with the degree of Bachelor of Laws. For sixteen years he practiced in his native town, and, in 1857, removed to Chicago, where he soon HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 457 attained professional prominence. In 1870 he was elected a Judge of the Cook County Circuit Court, continuing on the bench, through repeated re-elections, until his death, which occurred suddenly, Jan. 10, 1887, four years before the expiration of the term for which he had been elected. ROGERS PARK, a village and suburb 9 miles north of Chicago, on Lake Michigan and the Chicago & Northwestern and the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railways ; has a bank and two weekly newspapers ; is reached by electric street- car line from Chicago, and is a popular residence suburb. Annexed to City of Chicago, 1893. ROLL, John F., pioneer, was born in Green Village, N. J., June 4, 1814; came to Illinois in 1830, and settled in Sangamon County. He assisted Abraham Lincoln in the construction of the flat-boat with which the latter descended the Mississippi River to New Orleans, in 1831. Mr. Roll, who was a mechanic and contractor, built a number of houses in Springfield, where he has since continued to reside. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. The earliest Christians to establish places of worship in Illi- nois were priests of the Catholic faith. Early Catholic missionaries were explorers and histori- ans as well as preachers. (See Allouez; Bergier; Early Missionaries; Oravier; Marquette.) The church went hand in hand with the represent- atives of the French Government, carrying in one hand the cross and in the other the flag of France, simultaneously disseminating the doc- trines of Christianity and inculcating loyalty to the House of Bourbon. For nearly a hundred years, the self-sacrificing and devoted Catholic clergy of the seventeenth and eighteenth cen- turies ministered to the spiritual wants of the early French settlers and the natives. They were not without factional jealousies, however, and a severe blow was dealt to a branch of them in the order for the banishment of the Jesuits and the confiscation of their property. (See Early Mis- sionaries.) The subsequent occupation of the country by the English, with the contemporane- ous emigration of a considerable portion of the French west of the Mississippi, dissipated many congregations. Up to 1H30 Illinois was included in the diocese of Missouri; but at that time it was constituted a separate diocese, under the episco- pal control of Rt. Rev. Joseph Rosatti. At that date there were few, if any, priests in Illinois. But Bishop Rosatti was a man of earnest purpose and rare administrative ability. New parishes were organized as rapidly as circumstances would permit, and the growth of the church has been steady. By 1840 there were thirty-one parishes and twenty priests. In 1896 there are reported 698 parishes, 764 clergymen and a Catholic population exceeding 850,000. (See also Religious Denominations.) ROODHOUSE, a city in Greene County, 21 miles south of Jacksonville, and at junction of three divisions of the Chicago & Alton Railroad ; is in fertile agricultural and coal-mining region . city contains a flouring mill, grain-elevator, stock- yards, railway shops, water-works, electric light plant, two private banks, fine opera house, good school buildings, one daily and two weekly papers. Pop. (1890), 2,360; (1900), 2,351. ROODHOUSE, John, farmer and founder of the town of Roodhouse, in Greene County, 111., was born in Yorkshire. England, brought to America in childhood, his father settling in Greene County, 111., in 1831. In his early man- hood he opened a farm in Tazewell County, but finally returned to the paternal home in Greene County, where, on the location of the Jackson- ville Division of the Chicago & Alton Railroad, he laid out the town of Roodhouse, at the junc- tion of the Louisiana and Kansas City branch with the main line. ROOT, George Frederick, musical composer and author, was born at Sheffield, Mass. , August 30, 1820. He was a natural musician, and, while employed on his father's farm, learned to play on various instruments. In 1838 he removed to Bos- ton, where he began his life-work. Besides teaching music in the public schools, he was employed to direct the musical service in two churches. From Boston he removed to New York, and. in 1850, went to Paris for purposes of musical study. In 1853 he made his first public essay as a composer in the song. "Hazel Dell." which became popular at once. From this time forward his success as a song-writer was assured. His music, while not of a high artistic character, captivated the popular ear and appealed strongly to the heart. In 1860 he took up his residence in Chicago, where he conducted a musical journal and wrote those "war songs" which created and perpetuated his fame. Among the best known are "Rally Round the Flag"; "Just Before the Battle, Mother"; and "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp." Other popular songs by him are "Rosalie, the Prairie Flower"; "A Hundred Years Ago"; and "The Old Folks are Gone." Besides songs In- con? posed several cantatas and much sacred music, also publishing many books of instruction and numerous collections of vocal and instru- 458 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. mental music. In 1872 the University of Chicago conferred on him the degree of Mus. Doc. Died, near Portland, Maine, August 6, 1895. ROOTS, Benajah Guernsey, civil engineer, and educator, was born in Onondaga County N. Y., April 20, 1811, and educated in the schools and academies of Central New York; began teaching in 1827, and. after spending a year at sea for the benefit of his health, took a course in law and civil engineering. He was employed as a civil engineer on the Western Railroad of Massachusetts until 1838, when he came to Illi- nois and obtained employment on the railroad projected from Alton to Shawneetown, under the "internal improvement system" of 1837. When that was suspended in 1839, he settled on a farm near the present site of Tamaroa, Perry County, and soon after opened a boarding school, continuing its management until 1846, when he became Princijial of a seminary at Sparta. In 1851 he went into the service of the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad, first as resident engineer in charge of surveys and construction, later as land agent and attorney. He was prominent in the introduction of the graded school system in Illi- nois and in the establishment of the State Nor- mal School at Bloomington and the University of Illinois at Champaign : was a member of the State Board of Education from its organization, and served as delegate to the National Repub- lican Convention of 1868. Died, at his home in Perry County, 111., May 9, 1888. Philander Keep (Roots), son of the preceding, born in Tolland County, Conn., June 4, 1838, brought to Illinois the same year and educated in his father's school, and in an academy at Carrollton and the Wes- leyan University at Bloomington ; at the age of 17 belonged to a corps of engineers employed on a Southern railroad, and, during the war, served as a civil engineer in the construction and repair of military roads. Later, he was Deputy Sur- veyor-General of Nebraska; in 1871 became Chief Engineer on the Cairo & Fulton (now a part of the Iron Mountain) Railway; then engaged in the banking business in Arkansas, first as cashier of a bank at Fort Smith and afterwards of the Merchants' National Bank at Little Rock, of which his brother, Logan H., was President. Logan H. (Roots), another son, born near Tama- roa. Perry County, 111., March 22, 1841, was edu- cated at home and at the State Normal at Bloomington, meanwhile serving as principal of a high school at Duquoin ; in 1802 enlisted in the Eighty-first Illinois Volunteers, serving through the war and acting as Chief Commissary for General Sherman on the "March to the Sea," and participating in the great review in Wash- ington, in May, 1865. After the conclusion of the war he was appointed Collector of Internal Revenue for the First Arkansas District, was elected from that State to the Fortieth and Forty-first Congresses (1868 and 1870) being, at the time, the youngest member in that body and was appointed United States Marshal by Presi- dent Grant. He finally became President of the Merchants' National Bank at Little Rock, with which he remained nearly twenty years. Died, suddenly, of congestion of the brain, May 30, 1893, leaving an estate valued at nearly one and a half millions, of which he gave a large share to charitable purposes and to the city of Little Rock, for the benefit of its hospitals and the im- provement of its parks. ROSE, James A., Secretary of State, was born at Golconda, Pope County, 111., Oct. 13, 1850. The foundation of his education was secured in the public schools of his native place, and, after a term in the Normal University at Normal, 111., at the age of 18 he took charge of a country school. Soon he was chosen Principal of the Golconda graded schools, was later made County Superintendent of Schools, and re-elected -for a second term. During his second term he was admitted to the bar, and, resigning the office of Superintendent, was elected State's Attorney without opposition, being re-elected for another term. In 1889, by appointment of Governor Fifer, he became one of the Trustees of the Pontiac Reformatory, serving until the nest year, when he was transferred to the Board of Commissioners of the Southern Illinois Peniten- tiary at Chester, which position he continued to occupy until 1893. In 1896 he was elected Secre- tary of State on the Republican ticket, his term extending to January, 1901. ROSEVILLE, a village in Warren County, on the Rock Island Division of the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy Railroad, 17 miles northwest of Bushnell ; has water and electric-light plants, two banks, public library and one newspaper Region agricultural and coal-mining. Pop. (1900), 1,014. ROSS, Leonard Fnlton, soldier, born in Fulton County, 111., July 18, 1823; was educated in the common schools and at Illinois College, Jackson- ville, studied law and admitted to the bar in 1845; the following year enlisted in the Fourth Illinois Volunteers for the Mexican War, became First Lieutenant and was commended for services at Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo ; also performed im- portant service as bearer of dispatches for Gen- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 459 eral Taylor. After the war he served six years as Probate Judge. In May, 1861, he enlisted in the war for the Union, and was chosen Colonel of the Seventeenth Illinois Volunteers, serving with it in Missouri and Kentucky ; was commis- sioned Brigadier-General a few weeks after the capture of Fort Donelson, and, after the evacu- ation of Corinth, was assigned to the command of a division with headquarters at Bolivar, Tenn. He resigned in July, 1863, and, in 1867, was appointed by President Johnson Collector of Internal Revenue for the Ninth District; has been three times a delegate to National Repub- lican Conventions and twice defeated as a candi- date for Congress in a Democratic District. Since the war he has devoted his attention largely to stock-raising, having a large stock- farm in Iowa. In his later years was President of a bank at Lewistown, 111. Died Jan. 17, 1901. ROSS, (Col.)' William, pioneer, was born at Monson, Hampden County, Mass., April 24, 1792; removed with his father's family, in 1805, to Pittsfield, Mass., where he remained until his twentieth year, when he was commissioned an Ensign in the Twenty-first Regiment United States Infantry, serving through the War of 1812-14, and participating in the battle of Sack- ett's Harbor. During the latter part of his serv- ice he acted as drill-master at various points. Then, returning to Pittsfield, he carried on the business of blacksmithing as an employer, mean- while rilling some local offices. In 1820, a com- pany consisting of himself and four brothers, with their families and a few others, started for the West, intending to settle in Illinois. Reach- ing the head-waters of the Allegheny overland, they transferred their wagons, teams and other property to flat-boats, descending that stream and the Ohio to Shawneetown, 111. Here they disembarked and, crossing the State, reached Upper Alton, where they found only one house, that of Maj. Charles W. Hunter. Leaving their families at Upper Alton, the brothers proceeded north, crossing the Illinois River near its mouth, until they reached a point in the western part of the present county of Pike, where the town of Atlas was afterwards located. Here they erected four rough log-cabins, on a beautiful prairie not far from the Mississippi, removing their families thither a few weeks later. They suffered the usual privations incident to life in a new country, not excepting sickness and deatli of some of their number. At the next session of the Legislature (1820-21) Pike County was estab- lished, embracing all that part of the State west and north of the Illinois, and including the present cities of Galena and Chicago. The Ross settlement became the nucleus of the town of Atlas, laid out by Colonel Ross and his associates in 1823, at an early day the rival of Quincy, and becoming the second county-seat of Pike County, so remaining from 1824 to 1833, when the seat of justice was removed to Pittsfield. During this period Colonel Ross was one of the most promi- nent citizens of the county, holding, simultane- ously or successively, the offices of Probate Judge, Circuit and County Clerk, Justice of the Peace, and others of a subordinate character. As Colonel of Militia, in 1832, he was ordered by Governor Reynolds to raise a company for the Black Hawk War, and, in four days, reported at Beardstown with twice the number of men called for. In 1834 he was elected to the lower branch of the General Assembly, also serving in the Senate during the three following sessions, a part of the time as President pro tern, of the last- named body. While in the General Assembly he was instrumental in securing legislation of great importance relating to Military Tract lands. The year following the establishment of the county-seat at Pittsfield (1834) he became a citi- zen of that place, which be had the privilege of naming for his early home. He was a member of the Republican State Convention of 1856, and a delegate to the National Republican Convention of 1860, which nominated Mr. Lincoln for Presi- dent the first time. Beginning life poor he acquired considerable property; was liberal, pub- lic-spirited and patriotic, making a handsome donation to the first company organized in Pike County, for the suppression of the Rebellion. Died, at Pittsfield. May 31, 1873. ROSSVILLE, a village of Vermillion County, on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, 19 miles north of Danville ; has electric-light plant, water- works, tile and brick-works, two banks and two newspapers. Pop. (1890), 879; (1900), 1,435. ROUNDS, Sterling Parker, public printer, was born in Berkshire, Vt., June 27, 1828; about 1840 began learning the printer's trade at Ken- osha, Wis., anil, in 1S4T>. was foreman of the State printing office at Madison, afterward working in offices in Milwaukee. Racine and Buffalo, going to Chicago in 18.51. Here he finally established a printer's warehouse, to which he later added an electrotype foundry and the manufacture of presses, also commencing the issue of "Round's Printers' Cabinet," a trade-paper, which was continued during his life. In 1881 he was ap- pointed by President Garfield Public Printer at 460 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Washington, sen-ing until 1885, when he removed to Omaha, Neb., and was identified with "The Republican, " of that city, until his death, Dec. 17, 1887. ROUNTREE, Hiram, County Judge, born in Rutherford County, N. C., Dec. 22, 1794; was brought to Kentucky in infancy, where he grew to manhood and served as an Ensign in the War of 1812 under General Shelby. In 1817 he re- moved to Illinois Territory, first locating in Hadison County, where he taught school for two years near Edwardsville, but removed to Fayette County about the time of the removal of the State capital to Vandalia. On the organization of Montgomery County, in 1821, he was appointed to office there and ever afterwards resided at Hillsboro. For a number of years in the early history of the county, he held (at the same time) the offices of Clerk of the County Commissioners Court, Clerk of the Circuit Court, County Recorder, Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, Master in Chancery and Judge of Probate, besides that of Postmaster for the town of Hillsboro. In 1826 he was elected Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk of the Senate and re-elected in 1830 ; served as Delegate in the Constitutional Convention of 1847, and the next year was elected to the State Senate, serving in the Sixteenth and Seven- teenth General Assemblies. On retiring from the Senate (1852), he was elected County Judge without opposition, was re-elected to the same office in 1861, and again, in 1865, as the nominee of the Republicans. Judge Rountree was noted for his sound judgment and sterling integrity. Died, at Hillsboro, March 4, 1873. ROUTT, John L., soldier and Governor, was born at Eddyville, Ky., April 23, 1826, brought to Illinois in infancy and educated in the com- mon schools. Soon after coming of age he was elected and served one term as Sheriff of McLean County ; in 1862 enlisted and became Captain of Company E, Ninety-fourth Illinois Volunteers. After the war he engaged in business in Bloom- ington, and was apjxjinted by President Grant, successively, United States Marshal for the Southern District of Illinois, Second Assistant Postmaster-General and Territorial Governor of Colorado. On the admission of Colorado as a State, he was elected the first Governor under the State Government, and re-elected in 1890 serv- ing, in all, three years. His home is in Denver. He lias been extensively and successfully identi- fied with mining enterprises in Colorado. Utitt i:i.l.. Jonathan II., ex-Congressman, was born at Haverhill, N. H., Feb. 10, 1833. He is a graduate of Eureka College and of the Law Department of the Chicago University. During the War of the Rebellion he served three years as company officer in the Seventeenth Illinois Infantry. In 1868 he was elected State's Attor- ney for the Eighth Judicial Circuit, and, in 1880, was a Presidential Elector on the Republican ticket. In 1882 he was elected to Congress from the Fourteenth Illinois District and three times re-elected, serving until March, 1891. His home is at Bloomington. ROWETT, Richard, soldier, was born in Corn- wall, England, in 1830, came to the United States in 1851, finally settling on a farm near Carlinville, 111., and becoming a breeder of thorough-bred horses. In 1861 he entered the service as a Captain in the Seventh Illinois Volunteers and was successively promoted Major, Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel; was wounded in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth and Allatoona, especially distinguishing himself at the latter and being brevetted Brigadier-General for gallantry. After the war lie returned to his stock-farm, but later held the positions of Canal Commissioner, Penitentiary Commissioner, Rep- resentative in the Thirtieth General Assem- bly and Collector of Internal Revenue for the Fourth (Quincy) District, until its consolidation with the Eighth District by President Cleveland. Died, in Chicago, July 13, 1887. RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE, located in Chi- cago; incorporated by act of March 2, 1837, the charter having been prepared the previous year by Drs. Daniel Brainard and Josiah C. Goodhue. The extreme financial depression of the following year prevented the organization of a faculty until 1843. The institution was named in honor of Dr. Benjamin Rush, the eminent practitioner, medical author and teacher of Philadelphia in the latter half of the eighteenth century. The first faculty consisted of four professors, and the first term opened on Dec. 4, 1843, with a class of twenty-two students. Three years' study was required for graduation, but only two annual terms of sixteen weeks each need be attended at the college itself. Instruction was given in a few rooms temporarily opened for that purpose. The next year a small building, costing between 3,000 and $4,000, was erected. This was re-ar- ranged and enlarged in 1855 at a. cost of $15,000. The constant and rapid growth of the college necessitated the erection of a new building in 1867, the cost of which was S70.000. This was destroyed in the fire of 1H71. and another, costing $54,000, was erected in 1876 and a free dispensary HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. added. In 1844 the Presbyterian Hospital was located on a portion of the college lot, and the two institutions connected, thus insuring abun- dant and stable facilities for clinical instruction. Shortly afterwards, Rush College became the medical department of Lake Forest University. The present faculty (1898) consists of 95 profes- . sors, adjunct professors, lecturers and instructors of all grades, and over 600 students in attend- ance. The length of the annual terms is six months, and four years of study are required for graduation, attendance upon at least three col- lege terms being compulsory. EUSHVILLE, the county-seat of Schuyler County, 50 miles northeast of Quincy and 11 miles northwest of Beardstown ; is the southern terminus of the Buda and Rush ville branch of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. The town was selected as the county-seat in 1826, the seat of justice being removed from a place called Beardstown, about five miles eastward (not the present Beardstown in Cass County), where it had been located at the time of the organization of Schuyler County, a year previous. At first the new seat of justice was called Rush- ton, in honor of Dr. Benjamin Rush, but after- wards took its present mime. It is a coal-mining, grain and fruit-growing region, and contains several manufactories, including flour-mills, brick and tile works; also lias two banks (State and private) and a public library. Four periodicals (one daily) are published here. Population (1880), 1,662; (1890), 2,031; (1900), 2,292. RUSSELL, John, pioneer teacher and author, was born at Cavendish, Vt., July 31, 1793. and educated in the common schools of his native State and at Middlebury College, where he gradu- ated in 1818 having obtained means to support himself, during his college course, by teaching and by the publication, before he had reached his 20th year, of a volume entitled "The Authentic History of Vermont State Prison. " After gradu- ation he taught for a short time in Georgia ; but, early in the following year, joined his father on the way to Missouri. The next five years he spent in teaching in the "Bonhommie Bottom" on the Missouri River. During this period he published, anonymously, in "The St. Charles Mis- sourian," a temperance allegory entitled "The Venomous Worm" (or "The Worm of the Still"), which gained a wide popularity and was early recognized by the compilers of school-readers as a sort of classic. Leaving this locality he taught a year in St. Louis, when he removed to Vandalia (then the capital of Illinois), after which he spent two years teaching in the Seminary at Upper Alton, which afterwards became Shurtleff College. In 1828 he removed to Greene County, locating at a point near the Illinois River to which he gave the name of Bluffdale. Here he was li- censed as a Baptist preacher, officiating in this ca- pacity only occasionally, while pursuing his calling as a teacher or writer for the press, to which he was an almost constant contributor during the last twenty-five years of his life About 1837 or 1838 he was editor of a paper called "The Backwoodsman" at Grafton then a part of Greene County, but now in Jersey County to which he afterwards continued to be a contribu tor some time longer, and, in 1841-42, was editor of "The Advertiser, ' at Louisville, Ky. He was also, for several years. Principal of the Spring Hill Academy in East Feliciana Parish, La., meanwhile serving for a portion of the time as Superintendent of Public Schools. He was the author of a number of stories and sketches, some of which went through several editions, and, at the time of his death, had in preparation a his toryof "The Black Hawk War," "Evidences of Christianity" and a "History of Illinois." He was an accomplished linguist, being able to read with fluency Greek. Latin, French, Spanish and Italian, besides having considerable familiarity with several other modern languages. In 1862 he received from the University of Chicago the degree of LL.D. Died, Jan. 2. 1863, and was buried on the old homestead at BlufTdale RUSSELL, Martin J., politician and journal- ist, born in Chicago, Dec. 20, 1845. He was a nephew of Col. James A. Mulligan (see Muttigaii, James A.) and served with credit as Adjutant - General on the staff of the latter in the Civil War. In 1870 he became a reporter on "The Chicago Evening Post," and was advanced to the position of city editor. Subsequently he was connected with "The Times," and "The Tele- gram" ; was also a member of the Board of Edu- cation of Hyde Park before the annexation of that village to Chicago, and lias been one of the South Park Commissioners of the city last named. After the purchase of "The Chicago Times" by Carter H. Harrison he remained for a time on the editorial staff. In 1894 President Cleveland appointed him Collector of the Port of Chicago. At the expiration of his term of office he resumed editorial work as editor-in-chief of "The Chron- icle," the organ of the Democratic party in Chicago. Died June 25. 1900. RUTHERFORD, Friend S., lawyer and sol- dier, was born in Schenectady. X. Y., Sept. 25. 462 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 1820; studied law in Troy and removed to Illi- nois, settling -at Edwardsville, and finally at Alton; was a Republican candidate for Presi- dential Elector in 18.6, and, in 1860, a member of t lie National Republican Convention at Chicago, which nominated Mr. Lincoln for the Presidency. In September, 1862, he was commissioned Colonel <>f the Ninety -seventh Illinois Volunteers, and participated in the capture of Port Gibson and in the operations about Vicksburg also leading in t he attack on Arkansas Post, and subsequently serving in Louisiana, but died as the result of fatigue and exposure in the service, June 20, 1 H64, one week )>efore his promotion to the rank of Brigadier-General. Reuben C. (Rutherford), brother of the preceding, was born at Troy, N. Y. , Sept. 29, 1823. but grew up in Vermont and New Hampshire; received a degree in law when quite young, but afterwards fitted himself as a lec- turer on physiology and hygiene, upon which he lectured extensively ii^ Michigan, Illinois and other States after coming west in 1849. During 1854-55, in co-operation with Prof. J. B. Turner and others, he canvassed and lectured extensively throughout Illinois in support of the movement which resulted in the donation of public lands, by Congress, for the establishment of "Industrial Colleges" in the several States. The establish- ment of the University of Illinois, at Champaign, was the outgrowth of this movement. In 1856 he located at Quincy. where he resided some thirty years; in 1861. served for several months as the first Commissary of Subsistence at Cairo; was later associated with the State Quartermaster's Department, finally entering the secret service of the War Department, in which he remained until 1867, retiring with the rank of brevet Brigadier- General. In 1886, General Rutherford removed to New York City, where he died, June 24, 1895. George V. (Rutherford), another brother, was liorn at Rutland, Vt, 1830; was first admitted to the bar, but afterwards took charge of the con- struction of telegraph lines in some of the South- ern States; at the beginning of the Civil War became Assistant Quartermaster-General of the State of Illinois, at Springfield, under ex-Gov. .lohn Wood, but subsequently entered the Quartermaster's service of the General Govern- ment in Washington, retiring after the war with the rank of Brigadier-General. He then returned to Quincy, 111. , where he resided until 1872, when 1 10 engaged in manufacturing business at North ainpton, Mass.. but finally removed to California for the benefit of his failing health. Died, at St. Helena, Cal, August 28, 1872. RUTLAND, a village of La Salle County, on the Illinois Central Railroad, 25 miles south of La Salle; has a bank, five churches, school, and a newspaper, with coal mines in the vicinity. Pop. (1890), 509; (1900), 893; (1903), 1,093. RUTLEDtiE, (Rev.) William J., clergyman, Army Chaplain, born in Augusta County, Va., June 24, 1820; was converted at the age of 12 years and, at 21, became a member of the Illinois Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, serving various churches in the central and west- ern parts of the State also acting, for a time, as Agent of the Illinois Conference Female College at Jacksonville. From 1861 to 1863 he was Chap- lain of the Fourteenth Regiment Illinois Volun- teers. Returning from the war, he served as pastor of churches at Jacksonville, Bloomington, Quincy, Rushville, Springfield, Griggsville and other points; from 1881 to '84 was Chaplain of the Illinois State Penitentiary at Joliet. Mr. Rutledge was one of the founders of the Grand Army of the Republic, and served for many years as Chaplain of the order for the Department of Illinois. In connection with the ministry, he has occupied a supernumerary relation since 1885. Died in Jacksonville, April 14, 1900. KIT/, Edward, State Treasurer, was born in a village in the Duchy of Baden, Germany, May 5, 1829; came to America in 1848, locating on a farm in St. Clair County, 111. ; went to California in 1857, and, early in 1861, enlisted in the Third United States Artillery at San Francisco, serving with the Army of the Potomac until his discharge in 1864, and taking part in every battle in which his command was engaged. After his return in 1865, he located in St. Clair County, and was elected County Surveyor, served three consecu- tive terms as County Treasurer, and was elected State Treasurer three times 1872, '76 and '80. About 1892 he removed to California, where he now resides. RYAN, Edward G., early editor and jurist, born at Newcastle House, County Meath, Ireland, Nov. 13, 1810; was educated for the priesthood, but turned his attention to law, and, in 1830, came to New York and engaged in teaching while prosecuting his legal studies; in 1836 re- moved to Chicago, where he was admitted to the bar and was, for a time, associated in practice with Hugh T. Dickey. In April, 1840, Mr. Ryan assumed the editorship of a weekly paper in Chi- cago called "The Illinois Tribune," which he conducted for over a year, and which is remem- bered chiefly on account of its bitter assaults on Judge John Pearson of Danville, who had HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 463 aroused the hostility of some members of the Chicago bar by his rulings upon the bench. About 1842 Ryan removed to Milwaukee, Wis., where he was, for a time, a partner of Matthew H. Carpenter (afterwards United States Senator), and was connected with a number of celebrated trials before the courts of that State, including the Barstow-Bashford case, which ended with Bashford becoming the first Republican Governor of Wisconsin. In 1874 he was appointed Chief Justice of Wisconsin, serving until his death, which occurred at Madison, Oct. 19, 1880. He was a strong partisan, and, during the Civil War, was an intense opponent of the war policy of the Government. In spite of infirmities of temper, he appears to have been a man of much learning and recognized legal ability. RYAN, James, Roman Catholic Bishop, born in Ireland in 1848 and emigrated to America in childhood; was educated for the priesthood in Kentucky, and, after ordination, was made a pro- fessor in St. Joseph's Seminary, at Bardstown, Ky. In 1878 he removed to Illinois, attaching himself to the diocese of Peoria, and having charge of parishes at Wataga and Danville. In 1881 he became rector of the Ottawa parish, within the episcopal jurisdiction of the Arch- bishop of Chicago. In 1888 he was made Bishop of the see of Alton, the prior incumbent (Bishop Baltes) having died in 1886. SACS AND FOXES, two confederated Indian tribes, who were among the most warlike and powerful of the aborigines of the Illinois Country. The Foxes called themselves the Musk-wah-ha- kee, a name compounded of two words, signify- ing "those of red earth." The French called them Ou-ta-ga-mies, that being their spelling of the name given them by other tribes, the mean- ing of which was "Foxes," and which was bestowed upon them because their totem (or armorial device, as it may be called) was a fox. They seem to have been driven westward from the northern shore of Lake Ontario, by way of Niagara and Mackinac, to the region around Green Bay, Wis. Concerning their allied breth- ren, the Sacs, less is known. The name is vari- ously spelled in the Indian dialects Ou-sa-kies, Sauks, etc. and the term Sacs is unquestionably an abbreviated corruption. Black Hawk be- longed to this tribe. The Foxes and Sacs formed a confederation according to aboriginal tradition, on what is now known as the Sac River, near Green Bay. but the date of the alliance cannot be determined. The origin of the Sacs is equally uncertain. Black Hawk claimed that his tribe originally dwelt around Quebec, but, as to the authenticity of this claim, historical authorities differ widely. Subsequent to 1670 the history of the allied tribes is tolerably well defined. Their characteristics, location and habits are described at some length by Father Allouez, who visited them in 1666-67. He says that they were numer- ous and warlike, but depicts them as "penurious, avaricious, thievish and quarrelsome." That they were cordially detested by their neighbors is certain, and Judge James Hall calls them "the Ishmaelites of the lakes. " They were unfriendly to the French, who attached to themselves other tribes, and, through the aid of the latter, had well-nigh exterminated them, when the Sacs and Foxes sued for peace, which was granted on terms most humiliating to the vanquished. By 1718, however, they were virtually in possession of the region around Rock River in Illinois, and. four years later, through the aid of the Mascou- tins and Kickapoos, they had expelled the Illinois, driving the last of that ill-fated tribe across th Illinois River. They abstained from taking part in the border wars that marked the close of the Revolutionary War. and therefore did not par- ticipate in the treaty of Greenville in 1795. At that date, according to Judge Hall, they claimed the country as far west as Council Bluffs, Iowa, and as far north as Prairie du Chien. They offered to co-operate with the United States Government in the War of 1812, but this offer was declined, and a portion of the tribe, under the leadership of Black Hawk, enlisted on the side of the British. The Black Hawk War proved their political ruin. By the treaty of Rock Island they ceded vast tracts of land, including a large part of the eastern half of Iowa and a large body of land east of the Mississippi. (See Black Hawk \\'ar; Indian Treaties.) In 1842 the Government divided the nation into two bands, removing both to reservations in the farther West. One was located on the Osage River and the other on the south side of the Nee-ma-ha River, near the northwest corner of Kansas. From these reser- vations, there is little doubt, many of them have silently emigrated toward the Rocky Mountains, where the hoe might be laid aside for the rifle, the net and the spear of the hunter. A few years ago a part of these confederated tribes were located in the eastern part of Oklahoma. SAILOR SPRINGS, a village and health resort in Clay County, 5 miles north of Clay City, has an academy and a local paper. Population (1900), 419; (1903, est.), 550. i 464 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. SALEM, an incorporated city, the county-seat of Marion County, on the Baltimore & Ohio South- western, the Chicago & Eastern Illinois and the Illinois Southern Railroads, 71 miles east of St. Louis, and 16 miles northeast of Centralia; in agricultural and coal district. A leading indus- try is the culture, evaporation and shipment of fruit. The city has flour-mills, two banks and three weekly newspapers. Pop. (1890), 1,493; (1900), 1,642. SALINE COUNTY, a southeastern county, organized in 1847, having an area of 380 square miles. It derives its name from the salt springs which are found in every part of the county. The northern portion is rolling and yields an abundance of coal of a quality suitable for smith- ing. The bottoms are swampy, but heavily timbered, and saw-mills abound. Oak, hickory, sweet gum, mulberry, locust and sassafras are the prevailing varieties. Fruit and tobacco are extensively cultivated. The climate is mild and humid, and the vegetation varied. The soil of the low lands is rich, and. when drained, makes excellent farming lands. In some localities a good gray sandstone, soft enough to be worked, is quarried, and millstone grit is frequently found. In the southern half of the county are the Eagle Mountains, a line of hills having an altitude of some 450 to 500 feet above the level of the Mis- sissippi at Cairo, and believed by geologists to have been a part of the upheaval that gave birth to the Ozark Mountains in Missouri and Arkan- sas. The highest land in the county is 864 feet above sea-level. Tradition says that these hills are rich in silver ore, but it has not been found in paying quantities. Springs strongly impreg- nated with sulphur are found on the slopes. The county-seat was originally located at Raleigh, which was platted in 1848, but it was subse- quently removed to Harrisburg, which was laid out in 1859. Population of the county (1880). 15,940; (1890), 19,342; (1900), 21,685. SALINE RIVER, a stream formed by the con- fluence of two branches, both of which flow through portions of Saline County, uniting in Gallatin County. The North Fork rises in Hamil- ton County and runs nearly south, while the South Fork drains part of Williamson County, and runs east through Saline. The river (which is little more than a creek), thus formed, runs southeast, entering the Ohio ten miles below Shawneetown. SALT MANUFACTURE. There is evidence going to show that the saline springs, in Gallatin County, were utilized by the aboriginal inhabit- ants in the making of salt, long before the advent of white settlers. There have been discovered, at various points, what appear to be the remains of evaporating kettles, composed of hardened clay and pounded shells, varying in diameter from three to four feet. In 1812, with a view to en- couraging the manufacture of salt from these springs, Congress granted to Illinois the use of 36 square miles, the fee still remaining in the United States. These lands were .leased by the State to private parties, but the income derived from them was comparatively small and fre- quently difficult of collection. The workmen were mostly slaves from Kentucky and Tennes- see, who are especially referred to in Article VI. , Section 2, of the Constitution of 1818. The salt made brought |5 per 100 pounds, and was shipped in keel-boats to various points on the Ohio, Mis- sissippi, Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers, while many purchasers came hundreds of miles on horseback and carried it away on pack animals. In 1827. the State treasury being empty and the General Assembly having decided to erect a peni- tentiary at Alton, Congress was petitioned to donate these lands to the State in fee, and per- mission was granted "to sell 30,000 acres of the Ohio Salines in Gallatin County, and apply the proceeds to such purposes as the Legislature might by law direct." The sale was made, one- half of the proceeds set apart for the building of the penitentiary, and one-half to the improve- ment of roads and rivers in the eastern part of the State. The manufacture of salt was carried on, however for a time by lessees and subse- quently by owners until 1873, about which time it was abandoned, chiefly because it had ceased to be profitable on account of competition with other districts possessing superior facilities. Some salt was manufactured in Vermilion County about 1824. The manufacture has been success- fully carried on in recent years, from the product of artesian wells, at St. John, in Perry County. SANDOYAL, a village of Marion County, at the crossing of the western branch of the Illinois Central Railroad, and the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern. 6 miles north of Centralia. The town has coal mines and some manufactures, with banks and one newspaper. Population (1880), 564; (1890), 834; (1900), 1,258. SANDSTONE. The quantity of sandstone quar- ried in Illinois is comparatively insignificant, its value being less than one-fifth of one per cent of the value of the output of the entire country. In 1890 the State ranked twenty-fifth in the list of States producing this mineral, the total value HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 465 of the stone quarried being but $17,896, repre- senting 141,605 cubic feet, taken from ten quar- ries, which employed forty-six hands, and had an aggregate capital invested of $49,400. SANDWICH, a city in De Kalb County, incor- porated in 1873, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 58 miles southwest of Chicago. The principal industries are the manufacture of agricultural implements, hay-presses, corn-shell- ers, pumps and wind-mills. Sandwich has two private banks, two weekly and one semi-weekly papers. Pop. (1890), 2,516; (1900), 2,520; (1903), 2.865. SANGAMON COUNTY, a central county, organized under act of June 30, 1821, from parts of Bond and Madison Counties, and embracing the present counties of Sangamon, Cass, Menard, Mason, Tazewell. Logan, and parts of Morgan, McLean, Woodford, Marshall and Putnam. It was named for the river flowing through it. Though reduced in area somewhat, four years later, it extended to the Illinois River, but was reduced to its present limits by the setting apart of Menard, Logan and Dane (now Christian) Counties, in 1839. Henry Funderburk is believed to have been the first white settler, arriving there in 1817 and locating in what is now Cotton Hill Township, being followed, the next year, by William Drennan, Joseph Dodds, James McCoy, Robert Pulliam and others. John Kelly located on the present site of the city of Springfield in 1818, and was there at the time of the selection of that place as the temporary seat of justice in 1821. Other settlements were made at Auburn, Island Grove, and elsewhere, and population began to flow in rapidly. Remnants of the Potta- watotnie and Kickapoo Indians were still there, but soon moved north or west. County organi- zation was effected in 1821, the first Board of County Commissioners being composed of Wil- liam Drennan, Zachariah Peter and Samuel Lee. John Reynolds (afterwards Governor) held the first term of Circuit Court, with John Taylor. Sheriff; Henry Starr. Prosecuting Attorney, and Charles R. Matheny, Circuit Clerk. A United States Land Office was established at Springfield in 1823, with Pascal P. Enos as Receiver, the first sale of lands taking place the same year. The soil of Sangamon County is exuberantly fer- tile, with rich underlying deposits of bituminous coal, which is mined in large quantities. The chief towns are Springfield, Auburn, Riverton, Illiopolis and Pleasant Plains. The area of the county is 860 square miles. Population (1880), r>2,894; (1890), 61.195; (1900), 71.593. SANGAMON RIVER, formed by the union of the North and South Forks, of which the former is the longer, or main branch. The North Fork rises in the northern part of Champaign County, whence it runs southwest to the city of Decatur, thence westward through Sangamon County, forming the north boundary of Christian County, and empty ing into the Illinois River about 9 miles above Beardstown. The Sangamon is nearly 240 miles long, including the North Fork. The South Fork flows through Christian County, and joins the North Fork about 6 miles east of Springfield. In the early history of the State the Sangamon was regarded as a navigable stream, and its improvement was one of the measures advocated by Abraham Lincoln in 1832, when he was for the first time a candidate (though unsuc- cessfully) for the Legislature. In the spring of 1832 a small steamer from Cincinnati, called the "Talisman," ascended the river to a point near Springfield. The event was celebrated with great rejoicing by the people, but the vessel encountered so much difficulty in getting out of the river that the experiment was never repeated. SANGAMON & MORGAN RAILROAD. (See Wabash Railroad.) SANGER, Lorenzo P., railway and canal con- tractor, was born at Littleton, N. H., March 2, 1809 ; brought in childhood to Livingston County, N. Y., where his father became a contractor on the Erie Canal, the son also being employed upon the same work. The latter subsequently became a contractor on the Pennsylvania Canal on his own account, being known as "the boy contract- or." Then, after a brief experience in mercantile business, and a year spent in the construction of a canal in Indiana, in 1836 he came to Illinois, and soon after became an extensive contractor on the Illinois & Michigan Canal, having charge of rock excavation at Lockport. He was also connected with the Rock River improvement scheme, and interested in a line of stages between Chicago and Galena, which, having been consolidated with the line managed by the firm of Fink & Walker, finally became the Northwestern Stage Company, extending its operations throughout Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Missouri Mr. Sanger having charge of the Western Division, for a time, with headquarters at St. Louis. In 1851 he became the head of the firm of Sanger, Camp & Co., contractors for the construction of the Western (or Illinois) Division of the Ohio & Mississippi (now the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern) Railway, upon which he 466 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. was employed for several years. Other works with which he was connected were the North Missouri Railroad and the construction of the State Penitentiary at Joliet, as member of the firm of Sanger & Casey, for a time, also lessees of convict labor. In 1862 Mr. Sanger received from Governor Yates, by request of President Lincoln, a commission as Colonel, and was assigned to staff duty in Kentucky and Tennessee. After the war he became largely interested in stone quarries adjacent to Joliet : also had an extensive contract, from the City of Chicago, for deepening the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Died, at Oakland, Cal., March 23, 1875, whither he had gone for the benefit of his health. James Young (Sanger), brother of the preceding, was born at Sutton, Vt . March 14, 1814: in boyhood spent some time in a large mercantile establishment at Pittsburg, Pa., later being associated with his father and elder brother in contracts on the Erie Canal and similar works in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indi- ana. At the age of 22 he came with his father's family to St. Joseph, Mich., where they estab- lished a large supply store, and engaged in bridge-building and similar enterprises. At a later period, in connection with his father and his brother, 1. P. Sanger, he was prominently connected with the construction of the Illinois & Michigan Canal the aqueduct at Ottawa and the locks at Peru being constructed by them. About 1850 the Construction Company, of which he and his brother, L. P. Sanger, were leading members, undertook the construction of the Ohio & Mississippi (now Baltimore & Ohio Southwest- ern) Railroad, from St. Louis to Vincennes, I ml., and were prominently identified with other rail- road enterprises in Southern Illinois, Missouri and California. Died, July 3, 1867, when consum- mating arrangements for the performance of a large contract on the Union Pacific Railroad. SANITARY COMMISSION. (See Illinois San- itary Commission.) SANITARY DISTRICT OF CHICAGO. (See Chicago Drainage Canal. ) SAU6ANASH, the Indian name of a half-breed known as Capt. Billy Caldwell, the son of a British officer and a Pottawatomie woman, born in Canada about 1780; received an education from the Jesuits at Detroit, and was able to speak and write English and French, besides several Indian dialects ; was a friend of Tecum- seh's and, during the latter part of his life, a devoted friend of the whites. He took up his residence in Chicago about 1820. and, in 1826, was a Justice of the Peace, while nominally a subject of Great Britain and a Chief of the Otta- was and Pottawa,tomies. In 1828 the Govern- ment, in consideration of his services, built for him the first frame house ever erected in Chicago, which he occupied until his departure with his tribe for Council Bluffs in 1836. By a treaty, made Jan. 2, 1830, reservations were granted by the Government to Sauganash, Shabona and other friendly Indians (see Shabona), and 1,240 acres on the North Branch of Chicago River set apart for Caldwell, which he sold before leaving the country. Died, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, Sept. 28, 1841. SAY AGE, George S. F., D.D., clergyman, was born at Cromwell, Conn., Jan. 29, 1817; gradu- ated at Yale College in 1844; studied theology at Andover and New Haven, graduating in 1847; was ordained a home missionary the same year and spent twelve years as pastor at St. Charles. 111. , for four years being corresponding editor of "The Prairie Herald" and "The Congregational Herald." For ten years he was in the service of the American Tract Society, and, during the Civil War, was engaged in sanitary and religious work in the army. In 1870 he was appointed Western Secretary of the Congregational Publishing Society, remaining two years, after which he be- came Financial Secretary of the Chicago Theo- logical Seminary. He has also been a Director of the institution since 1854, a Trustee of Beloit College since 1850, and, for several years, editor and publisher of "The Congregational Review." SAVANNA, a city in Carroll County, situated on the Mississippi River and the Chicago, Bur- lington & Northern and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railways; is 10 miles west of Mount Carroll and about 20 miles north of Clinton, Iowa. It is an important shipping-point and con- tains several manufactories of machinery, lumber, flour, etc. It has two State banks, a public library, churches, two graded schools, township high school, and two daily and weekly news- papers. Pop. (1890), 3,097; (1900), 3,825. SAYBROOK, a village of McLean County, on the Lake Erie & Western Railroad, 26 miles east of Bloomington; district agricultural; county fairs held here; the town has two banks and two newspapers. Pop. (1890), 851 ; (1900), 879. SCATES, Walter Bennett, jurist and soldier, was born at South Boston. Halifax County, Va. , Jan. 18, 1808; was taken in infancy to Hopkins- ville, Ky . where he resided until 1831, having meanwhile learned the printer's trade at Nash- ville and studied law at Louisville. In 1831 he removed to Frankfort. Franklin County, IU., HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 467 where, for a time, he was County Surveyor. In 1836, having been appointed Attorney-General, he removed to Vandalia, then the seat of govern- ment, but resigned at the close of the same year to accept the judgeship of the Third Judicial Circuit, and took up his residence at Shawnee- town. In 1841 he was one of five new Judges added to the Supreme Court bench, the others being Sidney Breese, Stephen A. Douglas, Thomas Ford and Samuel H. Treat. In that year he removed to Mount Vernon, Jefferson County, and, in January, 184T, resigned his seat upon the bench to resume practice. The same year he was a member of the Constitutional Con- vention and Chairman of the Committee on Judiciary. In June, 1854, he again took a seat upon the Supreme Court bench, being chosen to succeed Lyman Trumbull, but resigned in Slay, 1857. and resumed practice in Chicago. In 1862 he vo unteered in defense of the Union, received a Major's commission and was assigned to duty on the staff of General McClernand ; was made. Assistant Adjutant-General and mustered out in January, 18<><>. In July, 1866, President Johnson appointed him Collector of Customs at Chicago, which position he filled until July 1, 1869, when he was removed by President Grant, during the same period, being ex-officio custodian of United States funds, the office of Assistant Treasurer not having been then created. Died, at Evanston, Oct. 26, 1886. SCAMMOX, Jonathan Young, lawyer and banker, was born at Whitetield, Maine, July 27, 1812; after graduating at Waterville (now Colby) University in 1831, he studied law and ^vas admitted to the bar at Hallowell, in 1835 remov- ing to Chicago, where he spent the remainder of his life. After a year spent as deputy in the office of the Circuit Clerk of Cook County, during which he prepared a revision of the Illinois stat- utes, he was appointed attorney for the State Bank of Illinois in 183T, and, in 1839, became reporter of the Supreme Court, which office he held until 184.1. In the meantime, he was associ- ated with several prominent lawyers, his first legal firm beiug that of Scammon, McCagg & Fuller, which was continued up to the fire of 1871. A large oj>erator in real estate and identi- fied with many enterprises of a public or benevo- lent character, his most important financial venture was in connection with the Chicago Marine & Fire Insurance Company, which con- ducted an extensive banking business for many years, and of which he was the President and leading spirit. As a citizen lie was progressive. public-spirited and liberal. He was one of the main promoters and organizers of the old Galena & Chicago Union Railway, the first railroad to run west from Lake Michigan ; was also promi- nently identified with the founding of the Chi- cago public school system, a Trustee of the (old) Chicago University, and one of the founders of the Chicago Historical Society, of the Chicago Academy of Sciences and the Chicago Astro- nomical Society being the first President of the latter body. He erected, at a cost of 30,000, the Fort Dearborn Observatory, in which he caused to be placed the most power- ful telescope which had at t hat time been brought to the West. He also maintained the observatory at his own expense. He was the pioneer of Swedenborgianism in Chicago, and, in politics, a staunch Whig, and, later, an ardent Republican. In 1844 he was one of the founders of "The Chi- cago American," a paper designed to advance the candidacy of Henry Clay for the Presidency ; and, in 1872, when "The Chicago Tribune" espoused the Liberal Republican cause, he started "The Inter-Ocean" as a Republican organ, being, for some time, its sole proprietor and editor-in- chief. He was one of the first to encourage the adoption of the homeopathic system of medicine in Chicago, and was prominently connected with the founding of the Hahnemann Medical College and the Hahnemann Hospital, being a Trustee in both for many years. As a member of the Gen- eral Assembly he secured the passage of many important measures, among them being legisla- tion looking toward the bettering of the currency and the banking system. He accumulated a large fortune, but lost most of it by the fire of 1871 and the panic of 1873. Died, in Chicago, March 17, 1890. SCAERITT, \atlian, pioneer, was born in Con- necticut, came to Edwardsville, 111., in 1820, and, in 1821, located in Scarritt's Prairie. Madison County. His sons afterward became influential in business and Methodist church circles. Died, Dec. 12, 1847. SCENERY, NATURAL. Notwithstanding the i uniformity of surface which characterizes ;i country containing no mountain ranges, but which is made up largely of natural prairies, there are a number of localities in Illinois where scenery of a picturesque, and even bold and rugged character, may be found. One of the most striking of these features is produced by a spur or low range of hills from the Ozark Moun- tains of Missouri, projected across the southern part of the State from the vicinity of Grand 468 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Tower in Jackson County, through the northern part of Union, and through portions of William- son, Johnson, Saline, Pope and Hardin Counties. Grand Tower, the initial point in the western part of the State, is an isolated cliff of limestone, standing out in the channel of the Mississippi, and forming an island nearly 100 feet above low- water level. It has been a conspicuous landmark for navigators ever since the discovery of the Mississippi. "Fountain Bluff," a few miles above Grand Tower, is another conspicuous point immediately on the river bank, formed by some isolated hills about three miles long by a mile and a half wide, which have withstood the forces that excavated the valley now occupied by the Mississippi. About half a mile from the lower end of this hill, with a low valley between them, is a smaller eminence known as the' "Devil's Bake Oven." The main chain of bluffs, known as the "Back Bone," is about five miles from the river, and rises to a height of nearly 700 feet above low-tide in the Gulf of Mexico, or more than 400 feet above the level of the river at Cairo. "Bald Knob" is a very prominent inland bluff promontory near Alta Pass on the line of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, in the northern part of Union County, with an elevation above tide- water of 985 feet. The highest point in this range of hills is reached in the northeastern part of Pope County the elevation at that point (as ascertained by Prof. Rolfe of the State University at Champaign) being 1,046 feet. There is some striking scenery in the neighborhood of Grafton between Alton and the mouth of the Illinois, as well as some distance up the latter stream though the landscape along the middle section of the Illinois is generally monotonous or only gently undulating, except at Peoria and a few other points, where bluffs rise to a considerable height. On the Upper Illinois, beginning at Peru, the scenery again becomes picturesque, including the celebrated "Starved Rock," the site of La Salle's Fort St. Louis (which see). This rock rises to a perpendicular height of alxmt 125 feet from the surface of the river at the ordinary stage. On the opposite side of the river, about four miles below Ottawa, is "Buffalo Rock," an isolated ridge of rock about two miles long by forty to sixty rods wide, evidently once an island at a period when the Illinois River occupied the whole valley. Additional interest is given to both these localities by their associ- ation with early history. Deer Park, on the Ver- milion River some two miles from where it empties into the Illinois, just below "Starved Rock" is a peculiar grotto-like formation, caused by a ravine which enters the Vermilion at this point. Ascending this ravine from its mouth, for a quarter of a mile, between almost perpen- dicular walls, the road terminates abruptly at a dome-like overhanging rock which widens at this point to about 150 feet in diameter at the base, with a height of about 75 feet. A clear spring of water gushes from the base of the cliff, and, at certain seasons of the year, a beautiul water-fall pours from the cliffs into a little lake at the bot- tom of the chasm. There is much other striking scenery higher up, on both the Illinois and Fox Rivers. A point which arrested the attention of the earliest explorers in this region was Mount Joliet, near the city of that name. It is first mentioned by St. Cosme in 1698, and has been variously known as Monjolly, Mont Jolie, Mount Juliet, and Mount Joliet. It had an elevation, in early times, of about 30 feet -with a level top 1,300 by 225 feet. Prof. O. H. Marshall, in "The American Antiquarian," expresses the opinion that, originally, it was an island in the river, which, at a remote period, swept down the valley of the Des Plaines. Mount Joliet was a favorite rallying point of Illinois Indians, who were accustomed to hold their councils at its base. The scenery along Rock River is not striking from its boldness, but it attracted the attention of early explorers by the picturesque beauty of its groves, undulating plains and sheets of water. The highest and most abrupt elevations are met with in Jo Daviess County, near the Wisconsin State line. Pilot Knob, a natural mound about three miles south of Galena and two miles from the Mississippi, has been a landmark well known to tourists and river men ever since the Upper Mississippi began to be navigated. Towering above the surrounding bluffs, it reaches an alti- tude of some 430 feet above the ordinary level of Fever River. A chain of some half dozen of these mounds extends some four or five miles in a north- easterly direction from Pilot Knob, Waddel's and Jackson's Mounds being conspicuous among them. There are also some castellated rocks" around the city of Galena which are very strik- ing. Charles Mound, belonging to the system already referred to, is believed to be the highest elevation in the State. It stands near the Wis- consin State line, and, according to Prof. Rolfe, lias an altitude of 314 feet above the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad at Scales' Mound Station, and, 1,257 feet above the Gulf of Mexico. SCHAUMBER6, a village in Schaumberg Township, Cook County. Population, ."173. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. SCHNEIDER, George, journalist and banker, was born at Pirmasens, Bavaria, Dec. 13, 1833. Being sentenced to death for his participation in the attempted rebellion of 1848, he escaped to America in 1849, going from New York to Cleve- land, and afterwards to St. Louis. There, in con- nection with his brother, he established a Herman daily "The New Era" which was intensely anti-slavery anil exerted a decided political influ- ence, especially among persons of German birth. In 1851 he removed to Chicago, where he became editor of "The Stoats Zeitung," in which he vigorously opposed the Kansas- Nebraska bill on its introduction by Senator Douglas. His attitude and articles gave such offense to the partisan friends of this measure, that "The Zeitung" was threatened with destruction by a mob in 1855. He early took advanced ground in opposition to slavery, and was a member of the convention of Anti-Nebraska editors, held at Decatur in 1856, and of the first Republican State Convention, held at Bloomington the same year, as well as of the National Republican Conventions of 1856 and 1H60, participating in the nomination of both Jolui C. Fremont and Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency. In 1861 he was a member of the Chicago Union Defense Committee, and was appointed, by Mr. Lincoln, Consul-Geueral at Elsinore, Denmark. Returning to America in 1H62, he disposed of his interest in "The Stoats Zeitung" and was appointed the first Collector of Internal Revenue for the Chicago District. On retiring from this office he engaged in banking, subsequently becoming President of the National I tank of Illinois, with which he was associated for a quarter of a century. In 1877 President Hayes tendered him the ministry to Switzerland, which he declined. In 1880 he was chosen Presi- dential Elector for the State-at -large, also serving for a number of years as a member of the Repub- lican State Central Committee. SCHOFIELD, John McAllister, Major-General, was born in Chautauqua County, N. Y., Sept 29, 1831; brought to Bristol, Kendall County, 111., in 1843, and, two years later, removed to Freeport; graduated from the United States Military Acad- emy, in 1853, as classmate of Generals McPherson and Sheridan : was assigned to the artillery ser- vice and served two years in Florida, after which he spent five years (1855-60) as an instructor at West Point. At the beginning of the Civil War lie was on leave of absence, acting as Professor of Physics in Washington University at St. Louis, but, waiving his leave, he at once returned to duty and was appointed mustering officer; then, by permission of the War Department, entered the First Missouri Volunteers as Major, serving as Chief of Staff to General Lyon in the early battles in Missouri, including Wilson's Creek. His subsequent career included the organization of the Missouri State Militia (1862), command of the Army of the Frontier in South- west Missouri, command of the Department of the Missouri and Ohio, participation in the Atlanta campaign and co-operation with Sher- man in the capture of the rebel Gen. Joseph E. Johnston in North Carolina his army having been transferred for this purpose, from Tennessee by way of Washington. After the close of the war he went on a special mission to Mexico to investigate the French occupation of that country ; was commander of the Department of the Potomac, and served as Secretary of War, by appointment of President Johnson, from June, 1868, to March, 1869. On retiring from the Cabi- net he was commissioned a full Major-General and held various Division and Department com- mands until 1886, when, on the death of General Sherman, he succeeded to the command of the Army, with headquarters at Washington. He was retired under the age limit, Sept. 29, 1895. His present home is in Washington. SCHOLFIELD, John, jurist, was born in Clark County, 111. , in 1834 ; acquired the rudiments of an education in the common schools during boy- hood, meanwhile gaining some knowledge of the higher branches through toilsome application to text-books without a preceptor. At the age of 20 he entered the law school at Louisville, Ky . graduating two years later, and beginning prac- tice at Marshall, 111. He defrayed his expenses at the law school from the proceeds of the sale of a small piece of land to which he had fallen heir. In 1856 he was elected State's Attorney, and, in 1860, was chosen to represent his county in the Legislature.. After serving one term he returned to his professional career and succeeded in build- ing up a profitable practice. In 1869-70 he repre- sented Clark and Cumberland Counties in the Constitutional Convention, and, in 1870, became Solicitor for the Vandalia Railroad. In 1873 he was elected to fill the vacancy on the bench of the Supreme Court of the State for the Middle Grand Division, caused by the resignation of Judge Anthony Thornton, and re-elected without oppo- sition in 1879 and 1888. Died, in office, Feb. 13, 1893. It lias been claimed that President Cleve- land would have tendered him the Chief Justice- ship of the United States Supreme Court, had he not insistently declined to accept the honor. 470 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. SCHOOL-HOUSES, EARLY. The primitive school-houses of Illinois were built of logs, and were extremely rude, as regards both structure and furnishing. Indeed, the earliest pioneers rarely erected a special building to be used as a school-house. An old smoke-house, an abandoned dwelling, an old block-house, or the loft or one end of a settler's cabin not unf requently answered the purpose, and the church and the court-house were often made to accommodate the school. When a school- house, as such, was to be built, the men of the district gathered at the site selected, bringing their axes and a few other tools, with their ox-teams, and devoted four or five days to constructing a house into which, perhaps, not a nail was driven. Trees were cut from the public lands, and, without hewing, fashioned into a cabin. Sixteen feet square was usually con- sidered the proper dimensions. In the walls were cut two holes, one for a door to admit light iind air, and the other for the open fireplace, from which rose a chimney, usually built of sticks and mud, on the outside. Danger of fire was averted by thickly lining' the inside of the chimney with clay mortar. Sometimes, but only with great labor, stone was substituted for mortar made from the clay soil. The chimneys were always wide, seldom less than six feet, and sometimes extending across one entire end of the building. The fuel used was wood cut directly from the forest, frequently in its green state, dragged to the spot in the form of logs or entire trees to )>e cut by the older pupils in lengths suited to the width of the chimney. Occasionally there was no chimney, the fire, in some of the most primi- tive structures, being built on the earth and the smoke escaping through a hole in the roof. In such houses a long board was set up on the wind- ward side, and shifted from side to side as the wind varied. Stones or logs answered for andirons, clapboards served its shovels, and no one complained of the lack of tongs. Roofs were made of roughly split clapl>oards, held in place by "weight poles" laid on the boards, and by sup- ports starting from "eaves i>oles.'' The space between the logs, which constituted the walls of the building, was filled in with blocks of wood or "chinking," and the crevices, both exterior and interior, daubed over with clay mortar, in which straw was sometimes mixed to increase its adhesiveness. On one side of the structure one or two logs were sometimes cut out to allow the admission of light; and, as glass could not always be procured, rain and snow were excluded and light admitted by the use of greased paper. Over this space a board, attached to the outer wall by leather hinges, was sometimes suspended to keep out the storms. The placing of a glass window in a country school-house at Edwardsville, in 1834, was considered an important event. Ordi- narily the floor was of the natural earth, although this was sometimes covered with a layer of clay, firmly packed down. Only the more pretentious school-houses had "puncheon floors"; i. e., floors made of split logs roughly hewn. Few had "ceilings" (so-called), the latter being usually made of clapboards, sometimes of bark, on which was spread earth, to keep out the cold. The seats were also of puncheons (without backs) supported on four legs made of pieces of ]>oles inserted through augur holes. No one had a desk, except the advanced pupils who were learning to write. For their convenience a broader and smoother puncheon was fastened into the wall by wooden pins, in such a way that it would slope downward toward the pupil, the front being supported by a brace extending from the wall. When a pupil was writing he faced the wall. When he had finished this task, he "reversed him- self" and faced the teacher and his schoolmates. These adjuncts completed the furnishings, with the exception of a split-bottomed chair for the teacher (who seldom had a desk) and a pail, or "piggin," of water, with a gourd for a drinking cup. Rough and uncouth as these structures were, they were evidences of public spirit and of appreciation of the advantages of education. They were built and maintained by mutual aid and sacrifice, and, in them, some of the great men of the State and Nation obtained that primary training which formed the foundation of their subsequent careers. (See Education.) SCHUYLER COUNTY, located in the western portion of the State, has an area of 4130 square miles, and was named for Gen. Philip Schuyler. The first American settlers arrived in 1823. ami, among the earliest pioneers, were Calvin HoUirt, William H. Taylor and Orris McCartney. The county was organized from a portion of I'ike County, in 1825, the first Commissioners being Thomas Blair, Thomas McKee and Samuel Ilor- ney. The Commissioners appointed to locate the county-scat, selected a site in the eastern part of the county about one mile west of the present village of Pleasant View, to which the name of Beardstown was given, and where the earliest court was held, Judge John York Sawyer presid- ing, with Hart Fellows as Clerk, and Orris Mc- Cartney, Sheriff. This location, however, proving unsatisfactory, new Commissioners were ap- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 471 pointed, who, in the early part of 1826, selected the present site of the city of Rushville, some five miles west of the point originally chosen. The new seat of justice was first called Rushton, in honor of Dr. Benjamin Rush, but the name was afterwards changed to Rushville. Ephraim Eggleston was the pioneer of Rushville. The surface of the county is rolling, and the region contains excellent farming land, which is well watered by the Illinois River and numerous creeks. Population (1890), 16,013; (1900), 16,129. SCHWATKA, Frederick, Arctic explorer, was born at Galena, 111., Sept. 29, 1849; graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1871, and was commissioned Second Lieutenant in the Third Cavalry, serving on the frontier until 1877, meantime studying law and medicine, being admitted to the bar in 1875, and graduating in medicine in 1876. Having his interest excited by reports of traces of Sir John Franklin's expedi- tion, found by the Esquimaux, he obtained leave of absence in 1878, and, with Win. H. Gilder as second in command, sailed from New York in the "Eothen," June 19, for King William's Land. The party returned, Sept. 22, 1880, having found and buried the skeletons of many of Franklin's party, besides discovering relics which tended to clear up the mystery of their fate. During this period he made a sledge journey of 3,251 miles. Again, in 1883, he headed an exploring expedition up the Yukon River. After a brief return to army duty he tendered his resignation in 1885, and the next year led a special expedition to Alaska, under the auspices of "The New York Times,'' later making a voyage of discovery among the Aleutian Islands. In 1889 he con- ducted an expedition to Northern Mexico, where he found many interesting relics of Aztec civili- zation and of the cliff and cave-dwellers. He received the Roquette Arctic Medal from the Geographical Society of Paris, and a medal from the Imperial Geographical Society of Russia : also published several volumes relating to his re- searches, under the titles, "Along Alaska's Great River''; "The Franklin Search Under Lieutenant Schwatka" ; "Nimrod of the North" ; and "Children of the Cold." Died, at Portland, Ore., Nov. 2, 1892. SCOTT, James W., journalist, was born in Walworth County, Wis., June 26, 1849, the son of a printer, editor and publisher. While a boy he accompanied- his father to Galena, where the latter established a newspaper, and where he learned the printer's trade. After graduating from the Galena high school, he entered Beloit College, but left at the end of his sophomore year. Going to NewYork, he became interested in flori- culture, at the same time contributing short articles to horticultural periodicals. Later he was a compositor in Washington. His first news- paper venture was the publication of a weekry newspaper in Maryland in 1872. Returning to Illinois, conjointly with his father he started "The Industrial Press" at Galena, but, in 1875. removed to Chicago. There he purchased "The Daily National Hotel Reporter," from which he withdrew a few years later. In May, 1881, in conjunction with others, he organized The Chi- cago Herald Company, in which he ultimately secured a, controlling interest. His journalistic and executive capability soon brought additional responsibilities. He was chosen President of the American Newspaper Publishers' Association, of the Chicago Press Club, and of the United Press the latter being an organization for the collec- tion and dissemination of telegraphic news to journals throughout the United States and Can- ada. He was also conspicuously connected with the preliminary organization of the World's Columbian Exposition, and Chairman of the Press Committee. In 1893 he started an evening paper at Chicago, which he named "The Post.' 1 Early in 1895 he purchased "The Chicago Times. " intending to consolidate it with "The Herald." but before the final consummation of his plans, he died suddenly, while on a business visit in New York, April 14. 1895. SCOTT, John M., lawyer and jurist, was born in St. Clair County, 111., August 1, 1834; his father being of Scotch-Irish descent and his mother a Virginian. His attendance upon dis- trict schools was supplemented by private tuition, and his early education was the best that the comparatively new country afforded. He read law at Belleville, was admitted to the bar in 1848, removed to McLean County, which con- tinued to be his home for nearly fifty years. He served as County School Commissioner from 1849 to 1852, and, in the latter year, was elected County Judge. In 1856 he was an unsuccessful Repub- lican candidate for the State Senate, frequently speaking from the same platform with Abraham Lincoln. In 1862 he was elected Judge of the Circuit Court of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, to succeed David Davis on the elevation of the latter to the bench of the United States Supreme Court, and was re-elected in 1867. In 1870, a new judicial election being rendered necessary by the adoption of the new Constitution, Judge Scott was chosen Justice of the Supreme Court 472 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. for a term of nine years ; was re-elected in 1879, but declined a renomination in 1888. The latter years of his life were devoted to his private affairs. Died, at Bloomington, Jan. 21, 1898. Shortly before his death Judge Scott published a volume containing a History of the Illinois Supreme Court, including brief sketches of the early occupants of the Supreme Court bench and early lawyers of the State. SCOTT, Matthew Thompson, agriculturist and real-estate operator, was born at Lexington, Ky., Feb. 24, 1828; graduated at Centre College in 1846, then spent several years looking after his father's landed interests in Ohio, when he came to Illinois and invested largely in lands for him- self and others. He laid out the town of Chenoa in 1856; lived in Springfield in 1870-72, when he removed to Bloomington, where he organized the McLean County Coal Company, remaining as its head until his death; was also the founder of "The Bloomington Bulletin," in 1878. Died, at Bloomington, May 21, 1891. SCOTT, Owen, journalist and ex-Congressmau, was born in Jackson Township, Effingham County, 111., July 6, 1848, reared on a farm, and, after receiving a thorough common-school edu- cation, became a teacher, and was, for eight years, Superintendent of Schools for his native county. In January, 1874, he was admitted to the bar, but abandoned practice, ten years later, to engage in newspaper work. His first publi- cation was "The Effingham Democrat, " which he left to become proprietor and manager of "The Bloomington Bulletin." He was also publisher of "The Illinois Freemason," a monthly periodi- cal. Before removing to Bloomington he filled the offices of City Attorney and Mayor of Effing- ham, and also served as Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue. In 1890 he was elected as a Democrat from the Fourteenth Illinois District to the Fifty-second Congress. In 1892 he was a candidate for re-election, but was defeated by his Republican opponent, Benjamin F. Funk. Dur- ing the past few years, Mr. Scott has been editor of "The Bloomington Leader." SCOTT COUNTY, lies in the western part of the State adjoining the Illinois River, and has an area of 248 square miles. The region was origi- nally owned by the Kickapoo Indians, who ceded it to the Government by the treaty of Edwardsville, July 30, 1819. Six months later (in January, 1820) a party of Kentuckians settled near Lynnville (now in Morgan County), their names being Thomas Stevens, James Scott, Alfred Miller, Thomas Allen, John Scott and Adam Miller. Allen erected the first house in the county, John Scott the second and Adam Miller the third. About the same time came Stephen M. Umpstead, whose wife was the first white woman in the county. Other pioneers were Jedediah Webster, Stephen Pierce, Joseph Dens- more, Jesse Roberts, and Samuel Bogard. The country was rough and the conveniences of civi- lization few and remote. Settlers took their corn to Edwardsville to be ground, and went to Alton for their mail. Turbulence early showed itself, and, in 1822, a band of "Regulators" was organized from the best citizens, who meted out a rough and ready sort of justice, until 1830, occasionally shooting a desperado at his cabin door. Scott County was cut off from Morgan and organized in 1839. It contains good farming land, much of it being originally timbered, and it is well watered by the Illinois River and numerous small streams. Winchester is the county-seat. Population of the county (1880), 10,741; (1890), 10,304; (1900), 10,455. SCRIPPS, John L., journalist, was born near Cape Girardeau, Mo., Feb. 18, 1818; was taken to Rushville. Ill, in childhood, and educated at McKendree College; studied law and came to Chicago in 1847, with the intention of practicing, but, a year or so later, bought a third interest in "The Chicago Tribune," which had been estab- lished during the previous year. In 1852 he withdrew from "The Tribune," and, in conjunc- tion with William Bross (afterwards Lieuten- ant-Go vernor), established "The Daily Demo- cratic Press." which was consolidated with "The Tribune" in July, 1858, under the name of "The Press and Tribune," Mr. Scripps remaining one of the editors of the new concern. IB 1861 he was appointed, by Mr. Lincoln, Postmaster of the city of Chicago, serving until 1865, when, having sold his interest in "The Tribune," he engaged in the banking business as a member of the firm of Scripps, Preston & Kean. His health, however, soon showed signs of failure, and he died, Sept. 21, 1866, at Minneaiwlis, Minn., whither he had gone in hopes of restoration. Mr. Scripps was a finished and able writer who did much to elevate the standard of Chicago journalism. SCROGGS, George, journalist, was born at Wilmington, Clinton, County, Ohio, Oct. 7, 1842 the son of Dr. John W. Scroggs, who came to Champaign County, 111., in 1851, and, in 1858, took charge of "The Central Illinois Gazette." In 1866-67 Dr. Scroggs was active in securing the location of the State University at Champaign, afterwards serving as a member of the first Board HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 473 of Trustees of that institution. The son, at the age of 15, became an apprentice in his father's printing office, continuing until 1862, when he enlisted as a private in the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, being promoted through the positions of Sergeant-Major and Second Lieutenant, and finally serving on the staffs of Gen. Jeff. C. Davis and Gen. James D. Morgan, but declining a commission as Adju- tant of the Sixtieth Illinois. He participated in the battles of Perry ville, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge and the march with Sherman to the sea, in the latter being severely wounded at Bentonville, N. C. He remained in the service until July, 1865, when he resigned; then entered the Uni- rersity at Champaign, later studied law, mean- while writing for "The Champaign Gazette and Union," of which he finally became sole propri- etor. In 1877 he was appointed an Aid-de-Camp on the staff of Governor Cullom. and, the follow- ing year, was elected to the Thirty-first General Assembly, but, before the close of the session (1879), received the appointment of United States Consul to Hamburg, Germany. He was com- pelled to surrender this position, a year later, on account of ill-health, and, returning home, died, Oct. 15, 1880. SEATONVILLE, a village in Hall Township. Bureau County. Population (1900), 909. , SECRETARIES OF STATE. The following is a list of the Secretaries of State of Illinois from its admission into the Union down to the present time (1899), with the date and duration of the term of each incumbent: Elias Kent Kane, 1818-22; Samuel D. Lockwood. 1822-23: David Blackwell, 1823-24; Morris Birkbeck, October, 1824 to January, 1825 (failed of confirmation by the Senate); George Forquer, 1825-28; Alexander Pope Field, 1828-40; Stephen A. Douglas, 1840-41 (served three months resigned to take a seat on the Supreme bench); Lyman Trumbull, 1841-43; Thompson Campbell, 1843-46; Horace S. Cooley, 1846-50; David L. Gregg, 1850-53; Alexander Star iif. 1853-57 : Ozias M. Hatch, 1857-65 ; Sharon Tyndale, 1865-69; Edward Rummel, 1869-73; George H. Harlow, 1873-81; Henry D. Dement, 1881-89; Isaac N. Pearson. 1889-93; William H. Hinrichsen, 1893-97; James A. Rose, 1897 . Nathaniel Pope and Joseph Phillips were the only Secretaries of Illinois during the Territorial period, the former serving from 1809 to 1816, and the latter from 1816 to 1818. Under the first Con- stitution (1818) the office of the Secretary of State was filled by appointment by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, but without limitation as to term of office. By the Constitution of 1848, and again by that of 1870, that officer was made elective by the people at the same time as the Governor, for a term of four years. SECRET TREASONABLE SOCIETIES. Early in the War of the Rebellion there sprang up, at various points in the Northwest, organizations of persons disaffected toward the National Govern- ment. They were most numerous in Ohio, Indi- ana, Illinois, Kentucky and Missouri. At first they were known by such titles as "Circles of Honor," "Mutual Protective Associations," etc. But they had kindred aims and their members were soon united in one organization, styled "Knights of the Golden Circle." Its secrets having been partially disclosed, this body ceased to exist or, it would be more correct to say, changed its name being soon succeeded (1863) by an organization of similar character, called the "American Knights." These societies, as first formed, were rather political than military. The "American Knights" had more forcible aims, but this, in turn, was also exposed, and the order was re-organized under the name of "Sons of Liberty." The last named order started in Indiana, and, owing to its more perfect organ i zation, rapidly spread over the Northwest, acquiring much more strength and influence than its predecessors had done. The ultimate author- ity of the organization was vested in a Supreme Council, whose officers were a "supreme com- mander," "secretary of state, "and "treasurer" Each State represented formed a division, under a "deputy grand commander." States were divided into military districts, under "major-general,. " County lodges were termed "temples." The order was virtually an officered army, and its aims were aggressive. It had its conuuauder-in- chief. its brigades and its regiments. Three degrees were recognized, and the oaths of secrecy taken at each initiation surpassed, in binding force, either the oath of allegiance or an oath taken in a court of justice. The maintenance of slavery, and forcible opposition to a coercive policy by the Government in dealing with seces- sion, were the pivotal doctrines of the order. Its methods and purposes were to discourage enlist- ments and resist a draft; to aid and protect deserters: to disseminate treasonable literature; to aid the Confederates in destroying Government property. Clement L. Vallandigham, the expat- riated traitor, was at its head, and, in 1864, claimed that it had a numerical strength of 400,- 000, of whom 65,000 were in Illinois. Many overt 474 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. acts were committed, but the organization, hav- ing been exposed and defeated in its objects, dis- banded in 1865. (See Camp Douglas Conspiracy. ) SELKY, Paul, editor, was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, July 20, 1825; removed with his parents, in 1837. to Van Buren County, Iowa, but, at the age of 19, went to Southern Illinois, where he spent four years teaching, chiefly in Madison County. In 1848 he entered the preparatory department of Illinois College at Jacksonville, but left the institution during his junior year to assume the editorship of 'The Morgan Journal," at Jacksonville, with which he remained until the fall of 1858, covering the period of the organization of the Republican party, in which "The Journal" took an active part. He was a member of the Anti-Nebraska (afterwards known as Republican) State Convention, which met at Springfield, in October. 1854 (the first ever held in the State), and, on Feb. 22, 1856, attended and presided over a conference of Anti-Nebraska editors of the State at Decatur, called to devise a line of policy for the newly organizing Repub- lican party. (See Anti-A'ebrtiska Editorial Convention.) This body appointed the first Republican State Central Committee and desig- nated the date of the Bloomington Convention of May 29, following, which put in nomination the first Republican State ticket ever named in Illinois, which ticket was elected in the following November (See Bloomington Convention.) In 1859 he prepared a pamphlet giving a history of the celebrated Canal scrip fraud, which was widely circulated. (See Canal Scrip Fraud. ) Going South in the fall of 1859, he was engaged in teaching in the State of Louisiana until the last of June, 1801. Just two weeks before the fall of Fort Sumter he was denounced to his Southern neighbors as an "abolitionist" and falsely cliarged with having been connected with the "underground railroad," in letters from secession sympathizers in the North, whose per- sonal and political enmity he had incurred while conducting a Republican paper in Illinois, some of whom referred to Jefferson Davis, Senator Slidell, of Louisiana, and other Southern leaders as vouchers for their characters. He at once invited an investigation by the Board of Trus- tees of the institution, of which he was the Principal, when that body although composed, for the most part, of Southern men on the basis of testimonials from prominent citizens of Jack sonville, and other evidence, adopted resolutions declaring the charges prompted by personal hos- tility, and delivered the letters of his accusers into his hands. Returning North with his family in July, 1861, he spent some nine months in the com- missary and transportation branches of the ser- vice at Cairo and at Paducah, Ky. In July, 1862, he became associate editor of "The Illinois State Journal" at Springfield, remaining until Novem- ber, 1865. The next six months were spent as Assistant Deputy Collector in the Custom House at New Orleans, but, returning North in June, 1866, he soon after became identified with the Chicago press, serving, first upon the staff of "The Evening Journal" and, later, on "The Repub- lican." In May, 1868, he assumed the editorship of "The Quincy Whig," ultimately becoming part proprietor of that paper, but, in January. 1874, resumed his old place on "The State Jour nal," four years later becoming one of its propri- etors. In 1880 he was appointed by President Hayes Postmaster of Springfield, was reappointed by Arthur in 1884, but resigned in 1886. Mean while he had sold his interest in "The Journal," but the following year organized a new company for its purchase, when he resumed his former position as editor. In 1889 he disposed of his holding in "The Journal," finally removing to Chicago, where he has been employed in literary work. In all he has been engaged in editorial work over thirty-five years, of which eighteen were spent upon "The State Journal." In 1860 Mr. Selby was complimented by his Alma Mater with the honorary degree of A. M. He has been twice married, first to Miss Erra Post, of Spring- field, who died in November. 1865, leaving two daughters, and, in 1870, to Mrs. Mary J. Hitch- cock, of Quincy, by whom he had two children. i >t h of whom died in infancy. SEMPLE, James, United States Senator, was born in Green County, Ky . , Jan. 5, 1798, of Scotch descent ; after learning the tanner's trade, studied law and emigrated to Illinois in 1818, removing to Missouri four years later, where he was ad- mitted to the bar. Returning to Illinois in 1828. lie began practice at Edwardsville. but later became a citizen of Alton. During the Black Hawk War he served as Brigadier-General. He was thrice elected to the lower house of the Legislature (1832, '34 and 36). and was Speaker during the last two terms. In 1833 he was elected Attorney-General by the Legislature, but served only until the following year, and, in 1837, was appointed Minister to Granada, South America. In 1843 he was appointed, and after- wards elected. United States Senator to fill the unexpired term of Samuel McRoberts, at the expiration of his term (1847) retiring to private HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 475 life. He laid out the town of Elsah, in Jersey County, just south of which lie owned a large estate on the Mississippi bluffs, where he died. Dec. 20, 1866. SENECA (formerly Crotty). a village of La Salle County, situated on the Illinois River, the Illinois & Michigan Canal and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railways, 13 miles east of Ottawa. It has a graded school, several churches, a bank, some manufactures, grain warehouses, coal mines, telephone system and one newspaper. Pop. (1890), 1,190; (1900), 1,036. SK\\. (Dr.) Nicholas, physican and surgeon, was born in the Canton of St. Gaul. Switzerland, Oct. 31. 1844; was brought to America at 8 years of age, his parents settling at Washington, Wis. He received a grammar school education at Fond du Lac, and, in 1864. began the study of medi- cine, graduating at the Chicago Medical College in 1868. After some eighteen months spent as resident physician in the Cook County Hospital. he began practice at Ashford, Wis., but removed to Milwaukee in 1874, where he became attending physician of the Milwaukee Hospital. In 18TT he visited Europe, graduated the following year from the University of Munich, and. on his return, became Professor of the Principles of Surgery and Surgical Pathology in Rusli Medical College in Chicago also has held the chair of the Prac- tice of Surgery in the same institution. Dr. Senn has achieved great success and won an international reputation in the treatment of difficult cases of abdominal surgery. He is the author of a number of volumes on different branches of surgery which are recognized as standard authorities. A few years ago he pur- chased the extensive library of the late Dr. Will- iam Baum, Professor of Surgery in the University of Gottingen, which he presented to the New- berry Library of Chicago. In 1H9U, Dr. Senn was appointed Surgeon -General of the Illinois National Guard, and has also lieen President of the Association of Military Surgeons of the National Guard of the United States, besides being identified with various other medical bodies. Soon after the beginning of the Spanish- American War. he was appointed, by President McKinley, a Surgeon of Volunteers with the rank of Colonel, and rendered most efficient aid in the military branch of the service at Cump Chicka- mauga and in the Santiago campaign. SEXTON, (Col.) James A., Commander-in- Chief of Grand Army of the Republic, was born in the city of Chicago, Jan. 5, 1844; in April. 1861. being then only a little over IT, enlisted as a private soldier under the first call for troops issued by President Lincoln ; at the close of his term was appointed a Sergeant, with authority to recruit a company which afterwards was attached to the Fifty -first Volunteer Infantry. Later, he was transferred to the Sixty -seventh with the rank of Lieuteuant, and, a few months after, to the Seventy -second with a commission as Captain of Company I), which he had recruited. As com- mander of his regiment, then constituting a part of the Seventeenth Army Corps, he participated in the battles of Columbia. Duck Creek, Spring Hill, Franklin and Nashville, and in the Nash ville campaign. Both at Nashville and Franklin he was wounded, and again, at Spanish Fort, by a piece of shell which broke his leg. His regiment took part in seven battles and eleven skirmishes, and. while it went out 907 strong in officers and men. it returned with only 332. all told, although it had been recruited by 234 men. He was known as "The boy Captain," being only 18 years old when he received his first commission, and 21 when, after participating in the Mobile cam- paign, he was mustered out with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. After the close of the war he engaged in planting in the South, purchasing a plantation in Lowndes County. Ala., but. in 1867, returned to Chicago, where he became a member of the firm of Cribben. Sexton & Co., stove manufacturers, from which he retired in 1898. In 1884 he served as Presidential Elector on the Republican ticket for the Fourth District, and. in 1889, was appointed, by President Harrison. Postmaster of the city of Chicago, serving over five years. In 1888 he was chosen Department Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic for the State of Illinois, and. ten years later, to the position of Commander-in-Chief of the order, which he held- at the time of his death. He had also been, for a number of years, one of the Trus- tees of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Quincy, and, during most of the time, President of the Board. Towards the close of the year 1898, he was appointed by President McKinley a member of the Commission to investigate the conduct of the Spanish-American War, but. before the Com- mission had concluded its labors, was taken with "the grip." which developed into pneumonia, from which he died in Washington, Feb. 5, 189ft. SEYMOUR, Weorge Franklin, Protestant Epis- copal Bishop, was born in New York City, Jan. 5. 1829; graduated from Columbia College in 1850, and from the General Theological Seminary (New York) in 1854. He received both minor 47G HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and major orders at the hands of Bishop Potter, being made deacon in 1854 and ordained priest in 1855. For several years he was engaged in mis- sionary work. During this period he was promi- nently identified with the founding of St. Stephen's College. After serving as rector in various parishes, in 1865 he was made Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the New York Semi- nary, and, ten years later, was chosen Dean of the institution, still retaining his professorship. Racine College conferred upon him the degree of S.T.D., in 1867, and Columbia that of LL.D. in 1878. In 1874 he was elected Bishop of Illinois, but failed of confirmation in the House of Depu- ties. Upon the erection of the new diocese of Springfield (1877) he accepted and was conse- crated Bishop at .Trinity Church, N. Y., June 11, 1878. He was a prominent member of the Third Pan-Anglican Council (London, 1885), and has done much to foster the growth and extend the influence of his church in his diocese. SHABBONA, a village of De Kalb County, on the Iowa Division of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 25 miles west of Aurora. Population (1890), 502; (1900), 587. Sll AHOV.V (or Shabbona), an Ottawa Chief, was born near the Maumee River, in Ohio, about 1775, and served under Tecumseh from 1807 to the battle of the Thames in 1813. In 1810 he accompanied Tecumseh and Capt. Billy Caldwell (see Sauganasti) to the homes of the Pottawato- mies and other tribes within the present limits of Illinois and Wisconsin, to secure their co-oper- ation in driving the white settlers out of the country. At the battle of the Thames, he was by the side of Tecumseh when he fell, and both he and Caldwell, losing faith in their British allies, soon after submitted to the United States through General Cass at Detroit. Shabona was opposed to Black Hawk in 1832. and did much to thwart the plans of the latter and aid the whites. Hav- ing married a daughter of a Pottawatomie chief, who had a village on the Illinois River east of the present city of Ottawa, he lived there for some time, but finally removed 25 miles north to Shabona's Grove in De Kalb County. Here lie remained till 1837, when he removed to Western Missouri. Black Hawk's followers having a reservation near by, hostilities began between them, in which a son and nephew of Shabona were killed. He finally returned to his old home in Illinois, but found it occupied by whites, who drove him from the grove that bore his name. Some friends then bought for him twenty acres of land on Mazon Creek, near Morris, where he died, July 27, 1859. He is described as a noble specimen of his race. A life of him has been published by N. Matson (Chicago, 1878). SHANNON, a village of Carroll County, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, 18 miles southwest of Freeport. It is an important trade center, has a bank and one newspaper. Popu- lation (1890), 591; (1900), 678. SHAW, Aaron, former Congressman, born in Orange County, N. Y., in 1811; was educated at the Montgomery Academy, studied law and was admitted to the bar at Goshen in that State. In 1833 he removed to Lawrence County, 111. He has held various important public offices. He was a member of the first Internal Improvement Convention of the State; was chosen State's Attorney by the Legislature, in which body he served two terms; served four years as Judge of the Twenty-fifth Judicial Circuit; was elected to the Thirty-fifth Congress in 1856, and to the Forty-eighth in 1882, as a Democrat. SHAW, James, lawyer, jurist, was born in Ire- land, May 3, 1832, brought to this country in in- fancy and grew up on a farm in Cass County, 111. : graduated from Illinois College in 1857, and. after admission to the bar, began practice at Mount Carroll. In 1870 he was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly, being re-elected in 1872, '76 and '78. He was Speaker of the House during the session of 1877, and one of the Republican leaders on the floor during the suc- ceeding session. In 1872 he was chosen a Presi- dential Elector, and, in 1891, to a seat on the Circuit bench from the Thirteenth Circuit, and, in 1897 was re-elected for the Fifteenth Circuit. SHAWNEETOWN, a city and the county-seat of Gallatin County, on the Ohio River 120 miles from its mouth and at the terminus of the Shaw- neetown Divisions of the Baltimore & Ohio South- western and the Louisville & Nashville Railroads; is one of the oldest towns in the State, having been laid out in 1808, and noted for the number of prominent men who resided there at an early day. Coal is extensively mined in that section, and Shawneetown is one of the largest shipping points for lumber, coal and farm products between Cairo and Louisville, navigation being open the year round. Some manufacturing is done here; the city has several mills, a foundry and machine shop, two or three banks, several churches, good schools and two weekly papers. Since the disastrous floods of 1884 and 1898, Shaw- neetown has reconstructed its levee system on a substantial scale, which is now believed to furnish HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 477 ample protection against the recurrence of similar disaster. Pop. (1900), 1,698; (1903, est.), 2,200. Ml K A II A \, James W., journalist, was born in Baltimore. Md., spent his early life, after reaching manhood, in Washington City as a Congressional Reporter, and, in 1847. reported the proceedings of the Illinois State Constitutional Convention at Springfield. Through the influence of Senator Douglas he was induced, in 1854. to accept the editorship of "The Young America" newspaper at Chicago, which was soon after changed to "The Chicago Times." Here he remained until the fall of I860, when, "The Times" having been sold and consolidated with "The Herald," a Buchanan-Breckenridge organ, he established a new paper called "The Morning Post." This he made representative of the views of the "War Democrats" as against "The Times," which was opposed to the war. In May, 1865, he sold the plant of "The Post" and it became "The Chicago Republican" now "Inter Ocean." A few months later. Mr. Sheahan accepted a position as chief writer on the editorial staff of "The Chicago Tribune," which he retained until his death, June 17, 1883. SHEFFIELD, a prosperous village of Bureau County, on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, 44 miles east of Rock Island ; has valu- able coal mines, a bank and one newspaper. Population (1890), 993; (1900), 1,265. SHELBY COUNTY, lies south of the center of the State, and contains an area of 776 square miles. The tide of immigration to this county was at first from Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina, although later it began to set in from the Northern States. The first cabin in the county was built by Simeon Wakefield on what is now the site of Williamsburg, first called Cold Spring. Joseph Daniel was the earliest settler in what is now Shelbyville, pre-empting ten acres, which he soon afterward sold to Joseph Oliver, the pioneer merchant of the county, and father of the first white child born within its limits. Other pioneers were Shimei Wakefield, Levi Casey and Samuel Hall. In lieu of hats the early settlers wore caps made of squirrel or coon skin, with the tails dangling at the backs, and he was regarded as well dressed who boasted a fringed buckskin shirt and trousers, with moccasins. The county was formed in 1827, and Shelbyville made the county-seat. Both county and town are named in honor of Governor Shelby, of Ken- tucky. County Judge Joseph Oliver held the first court in the cabin of Burnett Bone, and Judge Theophilus W. Smith presided over the first Circuit Court in 1828. Coal is abundant, and limestone and sandstone are also found. The surface is somewhat rolling and well wooded. The Little Wabash and Kaskaskia Rivers flow through the central and southeastern portions. The county lies in the very heart of the great corn belt of the State, and has excellent transpor- tation facilities, being penetrated by four lines of railway. Population (1880), 30,270; (1890), 31,- 191; (1900), 32,126. SHELBYVILLE, the county-seat and an incor- porated city of Shelby County, on the Kaskaskia River and two lines of railway, 32 miles southeast of Decatur. Agriculture is carried on exten- sively, and there is considerable coal mining in the immediate vicinity. The city has two flour- ing mills, a handle factory, a creamery, one National and one State bank, one daily and four weekly papers and one monthly periodical, an Orphans' Home, ten churches, two graded schools, and a public library. Population (1890), 3,162; (1900), 3,546. SHELDON, a village of Iroquois County, at the intersection of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis and the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railways, 9 miles east of Watseka ; has two banks and a newspaper. The region is agricultural. Pop. (1890), 910; (1900), 1,103. SHELDON, Benjamin R., jurist, was born in Massachusetts in 1813, graduated from Williams College in 1831, studied law at the Yale Law School, and was admitted to practice in 1836. Emigrating to Illinois, he located temporarily at Hennepin, Putnam County, but soon removed to Galena, and finally to Rockford. In 1848 he was elected Circuit Judge of the Sixth Circuit, which afterwards being divided, he was assigned to the Fourteenth Circuit, remaining until 1870, when he was elected a Justice of the Supreme Court, presiding as Chief Justice in 1877. He was re- elected in 1879, but retired in 1888, being suc- ceeded by the late Justice Bailey. Died, April 13, 1897. SHEPPARD, Nathan, author and lecturer, was born in Baltimore, Md., Nov. 9. 1834; graduated at Rochester Theological Seminary in 1859; dur- ing the Civil War was special correspondent of "The New York World" and "The Chicago Jour- nal" and "Tribune," and, during the Franco- German War, of "The Cincinnati Gazette;" also served as special American correspondent of "The London Times," and was a contributor to "Frazer's Magazine" and "Temple Bar." In 1873 he became a lecturer on Modern English Liter- ature and Rhetoric in Chicago University and. 476 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. four years later, accepted a similar position in Allegheny College; also spent four years in Europe, lecturing in the principal towns of Great Britain and Ireland. In 1884 he founded the "Athenaeum" at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., of which he was President until his death, early in 1888. "The Dickens Reader," "Character Read- ings from George Eliot" and "Essays of George Eliot" were among the volumes issued by him between 1881 and 1887. Died in New York City, Jan. 24, 1888. SHERMAN, Alston Smith, early Chicago Mayor, was born at Barre. Vt, April 21, 1811. remaining there until 1836, when he came to Chicago and began business as a contractor and builder. Sev- eral years later he opened the first stone quarries at Lemont, 111. Mr. Sherman spent many years in the service of Chicago as a public official. From 1840 to 1842 he was Captain of a company of militia; for two years served as Chief of the Fire Department, and was elected Alderman in 1842, serving again in 1846. In 1844, he was chosen Mayor, his administration being marked by the first extensive public improvements made in Chicago. After his term as Mayor he did much to secure a better water supply for the city. He was especially interested in promoting common school education, being for several years u member of the City School Board. He was Vice-President of the tirst Board of Trustees of Northwestern University. Retired from active pursuits, Mr. Sherman is now ( 18991 spending a serene old age at Waukegan. 111. Oren (Sherman) brother of the preceding and early Chicago mer- chant, was born at Barre, Vt. , March 5, 1816. After spending several years in a mercantile house in Montpelier. Vt., at the age of twenty he came west, first to $Jew Buffalo, Mich., and, in 1836, to Chicago, opening a dry-goods store there the next spring. iWith various partners Mr. Sherman continued Tn a general mercantile busi- ness until 1853, at the same time being extensively engaged in the provision trade, one-half the entire transactions in pork in the city passing through Lis hands. Next he engaged in developing stone quarries at Lemont, 111. ; also became extensively interested in the marble business, continuing in this until a few years after the panic of 187*!, when he retired in consequence of a shock of paralysis. Died, in Chicago, Dec. 15, 1898. SHERMAN, Elijah I!., lawyer, was born at Fairfield, Vt., June 18, 1832 his family being distantly related to Roger Sherman, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and the late Gen. \V. T. Sherman; gained his education in the common schools and at Middlebury College, where he graduated in 1860 ; began teaching, but soon after enlisted as a private in the war for the Union ; received a Lieutenant's commission, and served until captured on the eve of the battle at Antietam, when he was paroled and sent to Camp Douglas, Chicago, awaiting exchange. During this period he commenced reading law and, hav ing resigned his commission, graduated from the law department of Chicago University in 1864 In 1876 he was elected Representative in the General Assembly from Cook County, and re- elected in 1878, and the following year appointed Master in Chancery of the United States District Court, a position which he still occupies He has repeatedly been called upon to deliver addresses on political, literary and patriotic occasions, one of these being before the alumni of his alma mater, in 1884, when he was complimented with the degree of LL.D. SHIELDS, James, soldier and United States Senator, was born in Ireland in 1810, emigrated to the United States at the age of sixteen, and began the practice of law at Kaskaskia in 1832. He was elected to the Legislature in 1836, and State Auditor in 1839. In 1843 he became a Judge of the Supreme Court of the State, and, in 1845, was made Commiasioner of the General Land Office. In July, 1846, he was commissioned Brigadier-General in the Mexican War gaining the brevet of Major-General at Cerro-Gordo, where he was severely wounded. He was again wounded at Chapultepec, and mustered out in 1848. The same year he was appointed Governor of Oregon Territory. In 1849 the Democrats iu the Illinois Legislature elected him Senator, anil he resigned his office in Oregon. In 1856 he removed to Minnesota, and, in 1858, was chosen United States Senator from that State, his term expiring in 1859, when he established a residence in California. At the outbreak of the Civil War (1861) he was superintending a mine in Mexico, but at once hastened to Washington to tender bin services to the Governmnet. He was commis sioned Brigadier-General, and served with dis- tinction until March. 1863, when the effect of numerous wounds caused him to resign. He sub- sequently removed to Missouri, practicing law at Carrollton and serving in the Legislature of that State in 1874 and 1879. In the latter year he was elected United States Senator to fill out the une \ pired term of Senator Bogy, who had died in office serving only six weeks, but being the only man in the history of the country who filled the office of United States Senator from three differ- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 47'J ent States. Died, at Ottumwa, Iowa, June 1, 1879. SHIPMAN, a town of Macoupin County, on the Chicago & Alton Railway, 19 miles north-north- east of Alton and 14 miles southwest of Carlin- ville. Population (1890), 410; (1900), 396. Sll I I'M A V, George E., M.D., physician and philanthropist, born in New York City, March 4, 1820; graduated at the University of New York in 1839, and took a course in the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons; practiced for a time at Peoria, 111., but, in 1846, located in Chicago, where he assisted in organizing the first Homeopathic Hospital in that city, and, in 1855, was one of the first Trustees of Hahnemann College. In 1871 he established, in Chicago, the Foundlings' Home at his own expense, giving to it the latter years of his life. Died. Jan. 20, 1893. SHOREY, Daniel Lewis, lawyer and philan- thropist, was born at Jonesborough, Washington County, Maine, Jan. 31, 1824; educated at Phil- lips Academy, Andover, Mass., and at Dartmouth College, graduating from the latter in 1851; taught two years in Washington City, meanwhile reading law, afterwards taking a course at Dane Law School, Cambridge; was admitted to the bar in Boston in 1854, the next year locating at Davenport, Iowa, where he remained ten years. In 1865 he removed to Chicago, where he prose- cuted his profession until 1890, when he retired. Mr. Shorey was prominent in the establishment of the Chicago Public Library, and a member of the first Library Board; was also a prominent member of the Chicago Literary Club, and was a Director in the new University of Chicago and deeply interested in its prosperity. Died, in Chi- cago, March 4, 1899. SHORT, (Rev.) William F., clergyman and educator, was born in Ohio in 1829, brought to Morgan County, 111., in childhood, and lived upon a farm until 20 years of age, when he entered McKendree College, spending his senior year, however, at Wesleyan University, Bloomington, where he graduated in 1854. He had meanwhile accepted a call to the Missouri Conference Semi- nary at Jackson. Mo. ; where he remained three years, when he returned to Illinois, serving churches at Jacksonville and elsewhere, for a part of the time being Presiding Elder of the Jacksonville District. In 1875 he was elected President of Illinois Female College at Jackson- ville, continuing in that position until 1893, when lie was appointed Superintendent of the Illinois State Institution for the Blind at the same place, but resigned early in 1897. Dr. Short received the degree of D.D., conferred upon him by Ohio Wesleyan University. SHOUP, tteorge L., United States Senator, was born at Kittanning, Pa., June 15, 1836; came to Illinois in 1852, his father locating on a stock- farm near Galesburg; in 1859 removed to Colo- rado, where he engaged in mining and mercantile business until 1861, when he enlisted in a com- pany of scouts, being advanced from the rank of First Lieutenant to the Colonelcy of the Third Colorado Cavalry, meanwhile serving as Delegate to the State Constitutional Convention of 1864. Retiring to private life, he again engaged in mer- cantile and mining business, first in Nevada and then in Idaho; served two terms in the Terri- torial Legislature of the latter, was appointed Territorial Governor in 1889 and, in 1890, was chosen the first Governor of the State, in October of the same year being elected to the United States Senate, and re-elected in 1895 for a second term, which ends in 1901. Senator Shoup is one of the few Western Senators who remained faith- ful to the regular Republican organization, during the political campaign of 1896. SHOWALTER, John W., jurist, was born in Mason County, Ky., Feb. 8, 1844; resided some years in Scott County in that State, and was educated in the local schools, at Maysville and Ohio University, finally graduating at Yale Col- lege in 1H67; came to Chicago in 1869, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1870. He returned to Kentucky after the fire of 1871, but, in 1872, again came to Chicago and entered the employment of the firm of Moore & Caulfield. with whom he had been before the fire. In 1H7!) he became a member of the firm of Abbott, Oliver & Showalter (later, Oliver & Showalter), where he remained until his appointment as United States Circuit Judge, in March, 189r>. Died, in Chicago, Dec. 12, 1898. SHl'.M A N, Andrew, journalist and Lieutenant- Governor, was born at Manor. Lancaster County, Pa., Nov. 8, 1830. His father dying in 1837. he was reared by an uncle. At the age of 15 he became an apprentice in the office of "The Lan- caster Union and Sentinel." A year later he ac- companied his employer to Auburn, N. Y., working for two years on "The Daily Advertiser" of tliat city, then known as Governor Seward's "home organ." At the age of 18 he edited, published and distributed during his leisure hours a small weekly paper called "The Auburnian." At the conclusion of his apprenticeship he was em- ployed, for a year or two. in editing and publish- ing "The Cayuga Chief. " a temperance journal. 480 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. In 1851 he entered Hamilton College, but, before the completion of his junior year, consented, at the solicitation of friends of William H. Seward, to assume editorial control of "The Syracuse Daily Journal." In July, 1856, he came to Chi- cago, to accept an editorial position on "The Evening Journal" of that city, later becoming editor-in-chief and President of the Journal Com- pany. From 1865 to 18TO (first by executive appointment and afterward by popular election) he was a Commissioner of the Illinois State Peni- tentiary at Joliet, resigning the office four years before the expiration of his term. In 1876 he was elected Lieutenant-Governor on the Repub- lican ticket. Owing to declining health, he abandoned active journalistic work in 1888, dying in Chicago, May 5, 1890. His home during the latter years of his life was at Evanston. Governor Shuman was author of a romance entitled "Loves of a Lawyer," besides numerous addresses before literary, commercial and scien- tific associations. SHUMWAY, Dorice Dnight, merchant, was born at Williamsburg, Worcester County, Mass. , Sept. 28, 1813, descended from French Huguenot ancestry; came to Zanesville, Ohio, in 1837, and to Montgomery County, 111., in 1841; married a daughter of Hiram Rountree, an early resident <>f Hillsboro, and, in 1843, located in Christian County ; was engaged for a time in merchandis- ing at Taylorville. but retired in 1858, thereafter giving his attention to a large landed estate. In 1 846 he was chosen Representative in the General Assembly, served in the Constitutional Conven- tion of 1847, and four years as County Judge of Christian County. Died, May 9, 1870. Hiram P. (Shumway), eldest son of the preceding, was born in Montgomery County, 111.. June, 1842; spent his boyhood on a farm in Christian County and in his father's store at Taylorville; took an academy course and, in 1864, engaged in mercan- tile business; was Representative in the Twenty- eighth General Assembly and Senator in the Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh, afterwards removing to Springfield, where he engaged in the stone business. SHURTLEFF COLLEGE, an institution located at Upper Alton, and the third estab- lished in Illinois. It was originally incorporated as the "Alton College" in 1831, under a special charter which was not accepted, but re-incorpo- rated in 1835, in an "omnibus bill" with Illi- nois and McKendree Colleges. (See Early Col- leges.) Its primal origin was a school at Rock Spring in St. Clair County, founded about 1824, by Rev. John M. Peck. This became the "Rock Spring Seminary" in 1827, and, about 1831, was united with an academy at Upper Alton. This was the nucleus of "Alton" (afterward "Shurt- leff") College. As far as its denominational control is concerned, it has always been domi- nated by Baptist influence. Dr. Peck's original idea was to found a school for teaching theology and Biblical literature, but this project was at first inhibited by the State. Hubbard Loomis and John Russell were among the first instruc- tors. Later, Dr. Benjamin Shurtleff donated the college $10,000, and the institution was named in his honor. College classes were not organized until 1840, and several years elapsed before a class graduated. Its endowment in 1898 was over $126,000, in addition to $125,000 worth of real and personal property. About 255 students were in attendance. Besides preparatory and collegiate departments, the college also maintains a theo- logical school. It has a faculty of twenty instructors and is co-educational. SIBLET, a village of Ford County, on the Chi- cago Division of the Wabash Railway, 105 miles south-southwest of Chicago; has banks and a weekly newspaper. The district is agricultural. Population (1890), 404; (1900), 444 SIBLET, Joseph, lawyer and jurist, was born at Westfield, Mass., in 1818; learned the trade of a whip-maker and afterwards engaged in mer- chandising. In 1843 he began the study of law at Syracuse, N. Y., and, upon admission to the bar, came west, finally settling at Nauvoo, Han- cock County. He maintained a neutral attitude during the Mormon troubles, thus giving offense to a section of the community. In 1847 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the Legislature, but was elected in 1850, and re-elected in 1852. In 1853 he removed to Warsaw, and, in 1855, was elected Judge of the Circuit Court, and re-elected in 1861, '67 and '73, being assigned to the bench of the Appellate Court of the Second District, in 1877. His residence, after 1865. was at Quincy, where he died, June 18, 1897. SIDELL, a village of Vermillion County, on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois and Cincinnati, Hamil- ton & Dayton Railroads; has a bank, electric light plant and a newspaper. Pop. (1900), 776. SIDNEY, a village of Champaign County, on the main line of the Wabash Railway, at the junc- tion of a branch to Champaign, 48 miles east-north- east of Decatur. It is in a farming district; has a bank and a newspaper. Population, (1900), 564. SIM, (Dr.) 'William, pioneer physician, was born at Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1795, came to HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 481 America in early manhood, and was the first phy- sician to settle at Golconda, in Pope County, which he represented in the Fourth and Fifth General Assemblies (1824 and '28). He married a Miss Elizabeth Jack of Philadelphia, making the journey from Golconda to Philadelphia for that purpose on horseback. He had a family of five children, one son, Dr. Francis L. Sim, rising to distinction as a physician, and, for a time, being President of a Medical College at Memphis, Tenn. The elder Dr. Sim died at Golconda, in 1868. M MS, James, early legislator and Methodist preacher, was a native of South Carolina, but removed to Kentucky in early manhood, thence to St. Clair County. 111., and, in 1820, to Sanga- mon County, where he was elected, in 1822, as the first Representative from that county in the Third General Assembly. At the succeeding ses- sion of the Legislature, he was one of those who voted against the Convention resolution designed t prepare the way for making Illinois a slave State. Mr. Sims resided for a time in Menard County, but finally removed to Morgan. SINGER, Horace M., capitalist, was born in Schnectady. N. Y., Oct. 1, 1823; came to Chicago in 1836 and found employment on the Illinois & Michigan Canal, serving as superintendent of repairs upon the Canal until 1853. While thus employed he became one of the proprietors of the stone-quarries at Lemont. managed by the firm of Singer & Talcott until about 1890. when they became the property of the Western Stone Company. Originally a Democrat, he became a Republican during the Civil War, and served as a member of the Twenty-fifth General Assembly (1867) for Cook County, was elected County Com- missioner in 1870, and was Chairman of the Republican County Central Committee in 1880. He was also associated with several financial institutions, being a director of the First National Bank and of the Auditorium Company of Chi- cago, and a member of the Union League and Calumet Clubs. Died, at Pasadena, Cal., Dec. 2H, 1896. SINGLETON, James W., Congressman, born at Paxton, Va., Nov. 23, 1811; was educated at the Winchester (Va. ) Academy, and removed to Illinois in 1833, settling first at Mount Sterling, Brown County, and, some twenty years later, near Quincy. By profession he was a lawyer, and was prominent in political and commercial affairs. In his later years he devoted consider- able attention to stock-raising. He was elected Brigadier-General of the Illinois militia in 1844, being identified to some extent with the ' 'Mor- mon War" ; was a member of the Constitutional Conventions of 1847 and 1862, served six terms in the Legislature, and was elected, on the Demo- cratic ticket, to Congress in 1878, and again in 1880. In 1882 he ran as an independent Demo- crat, but was defeated by the regular nominee of his party. James M. Riggs. During the War of the Rebellion he was one of the most conspicuous leaders of the "peace party." He constructed the Quincy & Toledo (now part of the Wabash) and the Quincy, Alton & St. Louis (now part of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy) Railways, being President of both companies. His death occurred at Baltimore, Md., April 4. 1892. SIN NET, John S.. pioneer, was born at Lex- ington, Ky. , March 10, 1796 ; at three years of age, taken by his parents to Missouri : enlisted in the War of 1H12, but. soon after the war, came to Illinois, and, about 1818, settled in what is now Christian County, locating on land constituting a part of the present city of Taylorville. In 1840 he removed to Tazewell County, dying there. Jan. 13, 1872. SKINNER, Mark, jurist, was born at Manches- ter, Vt.. Sept. 13, 1813; graduated from Middle- bury College in 1833, studied law, and, in 1836. came to Chicago; was admitted to the bar in 1839, became City Attorney in 1840, later Master in Chancery for Cook County, and finally United States District Attorney under President Tyler. As member of the House Finance Committee in the Fifteenth General Assembly (1846-48), he aided influentially in securing the adoption of measures for refunding and paying the State debt. In 1851 he was elected Judge of the Court of Common Pleas (now Superior Court ) of Cook County, but declined a re-election in 1853. Origi- nally a Democrat, Judge Skinner was an ardent opponent of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill and a liberal supporter of the Government policy dur- ing the rebellion. He liberally aided the United States Sanitary Commission and was identified with all the leading charities of the city. Among the great business enterprises with which he was officially associated were the Galena & Chi- cago Union and the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railways (in each of which he was a Director), the Chicago Marine & Fire Insurance Company, the Gas-Light and Coke Company and others. Died, Sept. 16. 1887. Judge Skinner's only sur- viving son was killed in the trenches before Petersburg, the last year of the Civil War. SKINNER, Otis Ainsworth, clergyman and author, was born at Royalton, Vt., July 3. 1807: 482 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. taught for some time, became a Universalist minister, serving churches in Baltimore, Boston and New York between 1831 and 1857; then came to Elgin, 111., was elected President of Lom- bard University at Galesburg, but the following year took charge of a church at Joliet. Died, at Naperville, Sept. 18, 1861. He wrote several vol- umes on religious topics, and, at different times, edited religious periodicals at Baltimore, Haver- hill. Mass., and Boston. SKINNER, Ozias C., lawyer and jurist, was born at Floyd, Oneida County, N. Y., in 1817; in 1836, removed to Illinois, settling in Peoria County, where he engaged in farming. In 1838 he began the study of law at Greenville, Ohio, and was admitted to the bar of that State in 1840. Eighteen months later he returned to Illinois, and began practice at Carthage, Hancock County, removing to Quincy in 1844. During the "Mor- mon War" he served as Aid-de-camp to Governor Ford. In 1848 he was elected to the lower house of the Sixteenth General Assembly, and, for a short time, served as Prosecuting Attorney for the district including Adams and Brown Coun- ties. In 1851 he was elected Judge of the (then) Fifteenth Judicial Circuit, and, in 1855, suc- ceeded Judge S. H. Treat on the Supreme bench, resigning this position in April, 1858, two months before the expiration of his term. He was a large land owner and had extensive agricultural interests. He built, and was the first President of the Carthage & Quincy Railroad, now a part of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system. He was a prominent member of the Constitutional Convention of 1869, serving as Chairman of the Committee on Judiciary. Died in 1877. SLADE, Charles, early Congressman; his early history, including date and place of birth, are unknown. In 1820 he was elected Representative from Washington County in the Second General Assembly, and, in 1826, was re-elected to the same body for Clinton and Washington. In 1832 he was elected one of the three Congressmen from Illinois, representing the First District. After attending the first session of the Twenty- third Congress, while on his way home, he was attacked with cholera, dying near Vincennes, Ind., July 11, 1834. SLADE, James P., ex-State Superintendent of Public Instruction, was born at Westerlo, Albany County, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1837, and spent his boy- hood with his parents on a farm, except while absent at school; in 1856 removed to Belleville, 111., where he soon became connected with the public schools, serving for a number of years as Principal of the Belleville High School. While connected with the Belleville schools, he was elected County Superintendent, remaining in office some ten years ; later had charge of Almira College at Greenville, Bond County, served six years as Superintendent of Schools at East St. Louis and, in 1878, was elected State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction as the nominee of the Republican party. On retirement from the office of State Superintendent, he resumed his place at the head of Almira College, but, for the past few years, has been Superintendent of Schools at East St. Louis. SLAVERY AGITATION OF 1823-24. (See Slavery and Slave Laws.) SLAVERY AND SLAVE LAWS. African slaves were first brought into the Illinois country by a Frenchman named Pierre F. Renault, about 1732. At that time the present State formed a part of Louisiana?' and the traffic in slaves was regulated by French royal edicts. When Great Britain acquired the territory, at the close of the French and Indian War, the former subjects of France were guaranteed security for their per- sons "and effects," and no interference with slavery was attempted. Upon the conquest of Illinois by Virginia (see Chirk, George Rogers), the French very gentjrally professed allegiance to that commonwealth, and. in her deed of cession to the United States, Virginia expressly stipulated for the protection of the "rights and liberties" of the French citizens. This was construed as recognizing the right of property in negro slaves. Even the Ordinance of 1787, while pro- hibiting slavery in the Northwest Territory, pre- served to the settlers (reference being especially made to the French and Canadians) "of the Kas- kaskias, St. Vincents and neighboring villages, their laws and customs, now (then) in force, relative to the descent and conveyance of prop- erty. ' ' A conservative construction of this clause was, that while it prohibited the extension of slavery and the importation of slaves, the status of those who were at that time in involuntary servitude, and of their descendants, was left un- changed. There were those, however, who denied the constitutionality of the Ordinance in toto, on the ground that Congress had exceeded its powers in its passage. There was also a party which claimed that all children of slaves, born after 1787, were free from birth. In 1794 a con- vention was held at Vincennes, pursuant to a call from Governor Harrison, and a memorial to Con- gress was adopted, praying for the repeal or, at least a modification of the sixth clause of the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 483 Ordinance of 1787. The first Congressional Com- mittee, to which this petition was referred, reported adversely upon it ; but a second commit- tee recommended the suspension of the operation of the clause in question for ten years. But no action was taken by the National Legislature, and, in 1807, a counter petition, extensively signed, was forwarded to that body, and Congress left the matter in statu quo. It is worthy of note that some of the most earnest opponents of the measure were Representatives from Southern Slave States, John Randolph, of Virginia, being one of them. The pro-slavery party in the State then prepared what is popularly known as the "Indenture Law," which was one of the first acts adopted by Governor Edwards and his Council, and was re-enacted by the first Territorial Legis- lature in 1812. It was entitled, "An Act relating to the Introduction of Negroes and Mulattoes into this Territory," and gave permission to bring slaves above 15 years of age into the State, when they might be registered and kept in servitude within certain limitations. Slaves under that age might also be brought in, registered, and held in bondage until they reached the age of 35, if males, and 30, if females. The issue of registered slaves were to serve their mother's master until the age of 30 or 28, according to sex. The effect of this legislation was rapidly to increase the number of slaves. The Constitution of 1818 pro- hibited the introduction of slavery thereafter that is to say, after its adoption. In 1822 the slave-holding party, with their supporters, began to agitate the question of so amending the organic law as to make Illinois a slave State. To effect such a change the calling of a convention was necessary, and, for eighteen months, the struggle between "conventionists" and their opponents was bitter and fierce. The question was submitted to a popular vote on August 2, 1824, the result of the count showing 4,972 votes for such convention and 6,640 against. This decisive result settled the question of slave-hold- ing in Illinois for all future time, though the existence of slavery in the State continued to be recognized by the National Census until 1840. The number, according to the census of 1810, was 168; in 1820 they had increased to 917. Then the number began to diminish, being reduced in 1830 to 747, and, in 1840 (the last census which shows any portion of the population held in bondage), it was 331. Hooper Warren who has been mentioned else- where as editor of "The Edwardsville Spectator," and a leading factor in securing the defeat of the scheme to make Illinois a slave State in 1822 in an article in the first number of "The Genius of Liberty" (January, 1841), speaking of that con- test, says there were, at its beginning, only three papers in the State "The Intelligencer" at Van- dalia, "The Gazette" at Shawneetown, and "The Spectator" at Edwardsville. The first two of these, at the outset, favored the Convention scheme, while "The Spectator" opposed it. The management of the campaign on the part of the pro-slavery party was assigned to Emanuel J. West, Theophilus W. Smith and Oliver L. Kelly, and a paper was established by the name of "The Illinois Republican," with Smith as editor. Among the active opponents of the measure were George Churchill. Thomas Lippincott, Samuel D. Lockwood, Henry Starr (afterwards of Cincin nati). Rev. John M. Peck and Rev. James Lemen, of St. Clair County. Others who con- tributed to the cause were Daniel P. Cook, Morris Birkbeck, Dr. Hugh Steel and Burton of Jackson County, Dr. Henry Perrine of Bond; William Leggett of Edwardsville (afterwards editor of "The New York Evening Post"), Ben- jamin Lundy (then of Missouri), David Black well and Rev. John Dew, of St. Clair County. Still others were Nathaniel Pope (Judge of the United States District Court), William B. Archer, Wil- liam H. Brown and Benjamin Mills (of Vandal ia John Tillson, Dr. Horatio Newhall, George For- quer, Col. Thomas Mather. Thomas Ford, Juil^'c David J. Baker, Charles W. Hunter and Henry II Snow (of Alton). This testimony is of interest as coming from one who probably had more to d<> with defeating the scheme, with the exception of Gov. Edward Coles. Outside of the more elabor- ate Histories of Illinois, the most accurate ami detailed accounts of this particular period are to be found in "Sketch of Edward Coles" by the latf E. B. Washburne, and "Early Movement in Illi- nois for the Legalization of Slavery," an ad- dress before the Chicago Historical Society (1864), by Hon. William H. Brown, of Chicago. (See also, Coles, Edward; Warren, Hooper; Brown. William H.; Churchill, George; lAppincott, Tliomas; and Newspapers, Early, elsewhere in this volume. ) SLOAN, Wesley, legislator and jurist, was born in Dorchester County, Md., Feb. 20,, 1806. At the age of 17, having received a fair academic education, he accompanied his parents to Phila- delphia, where, for a year, he was employed in a wholesale grocery. His father dying, he returned to Maryland and engaged in teaching, at the same time studying law, and being admitted to UISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. the bar in 1831. He came to Illinois in 1838. ^oing first to Chicago, and afterward to Kaskas kia, finally settling at Golconda in 1839, which continued to be his home the remainder of his life. In 1848 he was elected to the Legislature, iind re-elected in 1850, '52, and '56, serving three times as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. He was one of the members of the first State Board of Education, created by Act of Feb. 18, 1857, and took a prominent part in the founding and organization of the State educational insti- tutions. In 1857 he was elected to the bench of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, and re-elected in 1861, but declined a re-election for a third term. Died, Jan. 15, 1887. SMITH, Ahncr, jurist, was born at Orange, Franklin County, Mass., August 4, 1843, of an old New England family, whose ancestors came to Massachusetts Colony about 1630; was edu- cated in the public schools and at Middlebury College, Vt . graduating from the latter in 1866. After graduation he spent a year as a teacher in Newton Academy, at Shoreham, Vt., coming to Chicago in 1867, and entering upon the study of law, being admitted to the bar in 1868. The next twenty-five years were spent in the practice of his profession in Chicago, within that time serv- ing as the attorney of several important corpo- rations. In 1893 he was elected a Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, and re-elected in 1897, his term of service continuing until 1903. SMITH, (Dr.) Charles << i Iniuu, physician, was liorn at Exeter, N. H., Jan. 4, 1828, received his early education at Phillips Academy, in his native place, finally graduating from Harvard Univer- sity in 1847. He soon after commenced the study < if medicine in the Harvard Medical School, but completed his course at the University of Penn- sylvania in 1831. After two years spent as attending physician of the Alms House in South Boston, Mass., in 1853 he came to Chicago, where he soon acquired an extensive practice. During the Civil War he was one of six physicians employed by the Government for the treatment of prisoners of war in hospital at Camp Douglas. In 1868 he visited Europe for the purpose of observing the management of hospitals in Ger- many, France and England, on his return being invited to lecture in the Woman's Medical College in Chicago, and also becoming consulting phy- sician in the Women's and Children's Hospital, as well as in the Presbyterian Hospital a position which he continued to occupy for the remainder of his life, gaining a wide reputation in the treat- ment of women's and children's diseases. Died, Jan. 10, 1894. SMITH, David Allen, lawyer, was born near Richmond, Va., June 18, 1809; removed with his father, at an early day, to Pulaski, Tenn. ; at 17 went to Courtland, Lawrence County, Ala., where he studied law with Judge Bramlette and began practice. His father, dying about 1831, left him the owner of a number of slaves whom, in 1837, he brought to Carlinville, 111., and emanci- pated, giving bond that they should not become a charge to the State. In 1839 he removed to Jacksonville, where he practiced law until hi* death. Col. John J. Hardiu was his partner at the time of his death on the battle-field of Buena Vista. Mr. Smith was a Trustee and generous patron of Illinois College, for a quarter of a cen- tury, but never held any political office. As a lawyer he was conscientious and faithful to the interests of his clients ; as a citizen, liberal, pub- lic-spirited and patriotic. He contributed liber- ally to the support of the Government dur- ing the war for the Union. Died, at Anoka, Minn., July 13, 1865, where he had gone to accompany an invalid son. Thomas William (Smith), eldest son of the preceding, born at Courtland, Ala., Sept. 27, 1832; died at Clear water, Minn., Oct. 29, 1865. He graduated at Illinois College in 1852, studied law and served as Captain in the Tenth Illinois Volunteers, until, broken in health, he returned home to die. SMITH, Dietrich C., ex-Congressman, was born at Ostfriesland, Hanover, April 4, 1840, in boyhood came to the United States, and, since 1849, has been a resident of Pekin, Tazewell County. In 1861 he enlisted in the Eighth Illi- nois Volunteers, was promoted to a Lieutenancy, and, while so serving, was severely wounded at Shiloh. Later, he was attached to the One Hun- dred and Thirty-ninth Illinois Infantry, and was mustered out of service as Captain of Company C of that regiment. His business is that of banker and manufacturer, besides which he has had con- siderable experience in the construction and management of railroads. He was a member of the Thirtieth General Assembly, and, in 1880, was elected Representative iu Congress from what was then the Thirteenth District, on the Repub- lican ticket, defeating Adlai E. Stevenson, after- wards Vice-President. In 1882, his county (Taze- well) having been attached to the district for many years represented by Wm. M. Springer, he was defeated by the latter as a candidate for re- election. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 485 SMITH, George, one of Chicago's pioneers and early bankers, was born in Aberdeenshire, Scot- land, March 8, 1808. It was his early intention to study medicine, and he entered Aberdeen Col- lege with this end in view, but was forced to quit the institution at the end of two years, because of impaired vision. In 1833 he came to America, and, in 1834, settled in Chicago, where he resided until 1861, meanwhile spending one year in Scot- land. He invested largely in real estate in Chi- cago and Wisconsin, at one time owning a considerable portion of the present site of Mil- waukee. In 1837 he secured the charter for the Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company, whose headquarters were at Milwaukee. He was really the owner of the company, although Alex- ander Mitchell, of Milwaukee, was its Secretary. Under this charter Mr. Smith was able to issue $1.500,000 in certificates, which circulated freely as currency. In 1839 he founded Chicago's first private banking house. About 1843 he was inter- ested in a storage and commission business in - Chicago, with a Mr. Webster as partner. He was a Director in the old Galena & Chicago Union Railroad (now a part of the Chicago & Northwestern), and aided it, while in course of construction, by loans of money; was also a charter member of the Chicago Board of Trade, organized in 1848. In 1854, the State of Wiscon- sin having prohibited the circulation of the Wis- consin Marine and Fire Insurance certificates above mentioned. Mr. Smith solil out the com- pany to his partner. Mitchell, and bought two Georgia bank charters, which, together, em- powered him to issue $3.000,000 in currency. The notes were duly issued in Georgia, and put into circulation in Illinois, over the counter of George Smith & Co.'s Chicago bank. About 18ri6 Mr. Smith begun winding up his affairs in Chicago, meanwhile spending most of his time in Scotland, but, returning in 1860. made extensive invest- ments in railroad and other American securities, which netted him large profits. The amount of capital which he is reputed to have taken with him to his native land has been estimated at $10,000,000, though he retained considerable tracts of valuable lands in Wisconsin and about Chicago. Among those who were associated with him in business, either as employes or otherwise, and who have since been prominently identified with Chicago business affairs, were Hon. Charles B. Farwell, E. I. Tinkham (after- wards a prominent banker of Chicago), E. W. Willard, now of Newport, R. I., and others. Mr. Smith made several visits, during the last forty years, to the United States, but divided his time chiefly between Scotland (where he was the owner of a castle) and London. Died Oct. 7, 1899. SMITH, (Jeorge W., soldier, lawyer and State Treasurer, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan 8, 1837. It was his intention to acquire a col- legiate education, but his father's business embarrassments having compelled the abandon- ment of his studies, at 17 of years age he went to Arkansas and taught school for two years. In 1856 he returned to Albany and began the study of law, graduating from the law school in 1858. In October of that year he removed to Chicago, where he remained continuously in practice, with the exception of the years 1862-65, when he was serving in the Union army, and 1867-68, when he filled the office of State Treasurer. He was mus- tered into service, August 27, 1862, as a Captain in the Eighty -eighth 1 Hindis Infantry the second Board of Trade regiment. At Stone River, he was seriously wounded and captured After four days' confinement, he was aided by a negro to escape He made his way to the Union lines but was granted leave of absence, being incapaci tuted for service. On his return to duty he joined his regiment in the Chattanooga cam- paign, and was officially complimented for his bravery at Gordon's Mills. At Mission Ridge he was again severely wounded, and was once more l>ersonally complimented in the official report At Kenesaw Mountain (June 27. 1864), Capt Smith commanded the regiment after the killing of Lieutenant-Colonel Chandler, and was pro moted to a Lieutenant-Colonelcy for bravery on the field. He led the charge at Franklin, and was brevetted Colonel, and thanked by the com- mander for his gallant service. In the spring of 1SG5 lie was brevetted Brigadier General, and, in June following, was mustered out. Returning to Chicago, he resumed the practice of his pro- fession, and gained a prominent position at the bar. In Iffifi he was elected State Treasurer, and. after the expiration of his term, in January. 1869. held no public office. General Smith was, for many years, a Trustee of the Chicago Histor- ical Society, and Vice-President of the Board. Died, in Chicago, Sept. 16, 1898. SMITH, George W., lawyer and Congressman, was born in Putnam County. Ohio, August 18, 1846. When he was four years old, his father removed to Wayne County. 111., settling on a farm. He attended the common schools and graduated from the literary department of M<- Kendree College, at Lebanon, in 1S68. In hU youth he learned the trade of a blacksmith, Init 486 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. later determined to study law. After reading for a time at Fair field. 111., he entered the Law Department of the Bloomington (Ind.) Univer- sity, graduating there in 1870. The same year he was admitted to the bar in Illinois, and has since practiced at Murphysboro. In 1880 he was a Republican Presidential Elector, and, in 1888, was elected a Republican Representative to Congress from the Twentieth Illinois District, and has been continuously re-elected, now ( 1899) serving his sixth consecutive term as Representative from the Twenty-second District. SMITH, Giles Alexander, soldier, and Assist- ant Postmaster-General, was born in Jefferson County, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1829; engaged in dry- goods business in Cincinnati and Bloomington, 111 . in 1861 being proprietor of a hotel in the latter place; became a Captain in the Eighth Missouri Volunteers, was engaged at Forts Henry and Donelson, Shiloh and Corinth, and promoted Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel in 1862; led his regiment on the first attack on Vicksburg, and was severely wounded at Arkansas Post ; was pro- moted Brigadier-General in August, 1863, for gallant and meritorious conduct; led a brigade of the Fifteenth Army Corps at Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge, as also in the Atlanta cam paign, and a division of the Seventeenth Corps in the "March to the Sea. " After the surrender of Lee he was transferred to the Twenty-fifth Army Corps, became Major-General in 1865, and resigned in 1866, having declined a commission as Colonel in the regular army ; about 1869 was appointed, by President Grant. Second Assistant Postmaster-General, but resigned on account of failing health in 1H72. Died, at Bloomington, Nov. 8, 1876. General Smith was one of the founders of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee. SMITH, (Justavns Adolphns, soldier, was born in Philadelphia, Dec. 26, 1820; at 16 joined two brothers who had located at Springfield, Ohio, where he learned the trade of a carriage-maker. In December, 1837, he arrived at Decatur, 111., but soon after located at Springfield, where lie resided some six years. Then, returning to Decatur, lie devoted his attention to carriage manufacture, doing a large business with the South, but losing heavily as the result of the war. An original Whig, he became a Democrat on the dissolution of the Whig party, but early took ground in favor of the Union after the firing on Fort Sumter; was offered and accepted the colonelcy of the Thirty-fifth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, at the same time assisting Governor Yates in the selection of Camp Butler as a camp of recruiting and instruction. Having been assigned to duty in Missouri, in the summer of 1861, he proceeded to Jefferson City, joined Fre- mont at Carthage in that State, and made a forced march to Springfield, afterwards taking part in the campaign in Arkansas and in the battle of Pea Ridge, where he had a horse shot under him and was severely (and, it was supposed, fatally) wounded, not recovering until 1868. Being compelled to return home, he received authority to raise an independent brigade, but was unable to accompany it to the field. In Sep- tember, 1862, he was commissioned a Brigadier- General by President Lincoln, "for meritorious conduct," but was unable to enter into active service on account of his wound. Later, he was assigned to the command of a convalescent camp at Murfreesboro, Tenn., under Gen. George H. Thomas. In 1864 he took part in securing the second election of President Lincoln, and, in the early part of 1865, was commissioned by Gov- ernor Oglesby Colonel of a new regiment (the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Illinois), but, on account of his wounds, was assigned to court- martial duty, remaining in the service until January, 1866, when he was mustered out with the brevet rank of Brigadier-General. During the second year of his service he was presented with a magnificent sword by the rank and file of his regiment (the Thirty-fifth), for brave and gal- lant conduct at Pea Ridge. After retiring from the army, he engaged in cotton planting in Ala- bama, but was not successful ; in 1868, canvassed Alabama for General Grant for President, but declined a nomination in his own favor for Con- gress. In 1870 he was appointed, by General Grant, United States Collection and Disbursing Agent for the District of New Mexico, where he continued to reside. SMITH, John Corson, soldier, ex-Lieutenant - Governor and ex-State Treasurer, was born in Philadelphia, Feb. 13, 1832. At the age of 16 he was apprenticed to a carpenter and builder. In 1854 he came to Chicago, and worked at his trade, for a time, but soon removed to Galena, where he finally engaged in business as a contractor. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in the Seventy-fourth Illinois Volunteers, but, having received author- ity from Governor Yates, raised a company, of which he was chosen Captain, and which was incorporated in the Ninety-sixth Illinois Infan- try. Of this regiment he was soon elected Major. After a short service about Cincinnati, Ohio, and Covington and Newport, Ky., the Ninety- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 487 sixth was sent to the front, and took part (among other battles) in the second engagement at Fort Donelson and in the bloody fight at Franklin, Tenn. Later, Major Smith was assigned to staff duty under Generals Baird and Steedman, serv- ing through the Tullahoma campaign, and par- ticipating in the battles of Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. Being promoted to a Lieutenant-Colonelcy, he rejoined his regi- ment, and was given command of a brigade. In the Atlanta campaign he served gallantly, tak- ing a conspicuous part in its long series of bloody engagements, and being severely wounded at Kenesaw Mountain. In February, 1865, he was 1 irevetted Colonel, and, in June, 1865, Brigadier- General. Soon after his return to Galena he was appointed Assistant Assessor of Internal Revenue, but was legislated out of office in 1873. In 1873 he removed to Chicago and embarked in business. In 1874-76 he was a member (and Secretary) of the Illinois Board of Commissioners to the Cen- tennial Exposition at Philadelphia. In 1875 he was appointed Chief Grain-Inspector at Chicago, and held the office for several years. In 1873 and '76 he was a delegate to the National Republican Conventions of those years, and, in 1878, was elected State Treasurer, as he was again in 1882. In 1884 he was elected Lieutenant-Governor, serv- ing until 1889. He is a prominent Mason, Knight Templar and Odd Fellow, as well as a distin- guished member of the Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and was prominently connected with the erection of the "Masonic Temple Build- ing" in Chicago. SMITH, John Eugene, soldier, was born in Switzerland, August 3, 1816, the son of an officer who had served under Napoleon, and after the downfall of the latter, emigrated to Philadelphia. The subject of this sketch received an academic education and became a jeweler : in 1861 entered the volunteer service as Colonel of the Forty-fifth Illinois Infantry; took part in the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson, in the battle of Shiloh and siege of Corinth ; was promoted a Brigadier- General in November, 1862, and placed in com- mand of a division in the Sixteenth Army Corps; led the Third Division of the Seventeenth Army Corps in the Vicksburg campaign, later being transferred to the Fifteenth, and taking part in the battle of Missionary Ridge and the Atlanta and Carolina campaigns of 1864-65. He received the brevet rank of Major-General of Volunteers in January, 1865, and, on his muster-out from the volunteer service, became Colonel of the Twenty- seventh United States Infantry, being transferred. in 1870, to the Fourteenth. In 1867 his service* at Vicksburg and Savannah were further recog- nized by conferring upon him the brevets of Brig- adier and Major-General in the regular army. In May, 1881, he was retired, afterwards residing in Chicago, where he died, Jan. 29, 1897. SMITH, Joseph, the founder of the Mormon sect, was born at Sharon, Vt. , Dec. 23, 1805. In 1815 his parents removed to Palmyra, N. Y., and still later to Manchester. He early showed a dreamy mental cast, and claimed to be able to locate stolen articles by means of a magic stone. In 1820 he claimed to have seen a vision, but his pretensions were ridiculed by his acquaintances. His story of the revelation of the golden plates by the angel Moroni, and of the latter 's instruc- tions to him, is well known. With the aid of Martin Harris and Oliver Cowdery he prepared the "Book of Mormon," alleging that he had deciphered it from heaven-sent characters, through the aid of miraculous spectacles. This was published in 1830. In later years Smith claimed to have received supplementary reve- lations, which so taxed the credulity of his fol- lowers that some of them apostatized. He also claimed supernatural power, such as exorcism, etc. He soon gained followers in considerable numbers, whom, in 1832, he led west, a part settling at Kirtland, Ohio, and the remainder in Jackson County, Mo. Driven out of Ohio five years later, the bulk of the sect found the way to their friends in Missouri, whence they were finally expelled after many conflicts with the authorities. Smith, with the other refugees, fled to Hancock County, 111., founding the city of Nauvoo, which was incorporated in 1840. Here was begun, in the following year, the erection of a great temple, but again he aroused the hostility of the authorities, although soon wielding con- siderable political power. After various unsuc- cessful attempts to arrest him in 1844, Smith and a number of his followers were induced to sur- render themselves under the promise of protection from violence and a fair trial. Having been taken to Carthage, the county -seat, all were dis- charged under recognizance to appear at court except Smith and his brother Hyrum, who were held under the new charge of "treason," and were placed in jail. So intense had been the feeling against the Mormons, that Governor Ford called out the militia to preserve the peace; but it is evident that the feeling among the latter was in sympathy with that of the populace. Most of the militia were disbanded after Smith's arrest, one company being left on duty at Carthage. 488 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. from whom only eight men were detailed to guard the jail. In this condition of affairs a mob of 150 disguised men, alleged to be from Warsaw, appeared before the jail on the evening of June 27, and, forcing the guards who made only a feeble resistance. Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were both shot down, while a friend, who had remained with them, was wounded. The fate of Smith undoubtedly went far to win for him the reputation of martyr, and give a new impulse to the Mormon faith. (See Mormons; Nauvoo. ) SMITH, .In-tin Almerin, D.D., clergyman and editor, was born at Ticonderoga, X. Y., Dec. 29, 1819, educated at New Hampton Literary and Theological Institute and Union College, gradu- ating from the latter in 1848 ; served a year as Principal of the Union Academy at Bennington, Vt., followed by four years of pastoral work, when he assumed the pastorate of the First Bap- tist church at Rochester, N. Y., where he remained five years. Then (1853) he removed to Chicago to assume the editorship of "The Chris- tian Times" (now "The Standard"), with which he was associated for the remainder of his life. Meanwhile he assisted in organizing three Baptist churches in Chicago, serving two of them as l>astor for a considerable period; made an ex- tended tour of Europe in 1869, attending the Vatican Council at Rome; was a Trustee and one of the founders of the old Chicago Univer- sity, and Trustee and Lecturer of the Baptist Theological Seminary; was also the author of several religious works. Died, at Morgan Park, near Chicago, Feb. 4, 1896. SMITH, Perry II., lawyer and politician, was born in Augusta, Oneida County, N. Y., March 18, 1828; entered Hamilton College at the age of 14 and graduated, second in his class, at 18 ; began reading law and was admitted to the bar on com- ing of age in 1849. Then, removing to Appleton. Wis., when 23 years of age he was elected a Judge, served later in both branches of the Legislature, and, in 1857, became Vice-President of the Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lac Railway, retaining the same position in the reorganized corporation when it became the Chicago & Northwestern. In 1856 Mr. Smith came to Chi- cago and resided there till his death, on Palm Sunday of 1885. He was prominent in railway circles and in the councils of the Democratic party, being the recognized representative of Mr. Tilden's interests in the Northwest in the cam- paign of 1876. SMITH, Robert, Congressman and lawyer, was born at Petersborough, N. H., June 12, 1802; was educated and admitted to the bar in his native town, settled at Alton, 111., in 1832, and engaged in practice. In 1836 he was elected to the General Assembly from Madison County, and re-elected in 1838. In 1842 he was elected to the Twenty -eighth Congress, and twice re-elected, serving three successive terms. During the Civil War he was commissioned Paymaster, with the rank of Major, and was stationed at St. Louis. He was largely interested in the construction of water power at Minneapolis, Minn., and also in railroad enterprises in Illinois. He was a promi- nent Mason and a public-spirited citizen. Died, at Alton, Dec. 20, 1867. SMITH, Samuel Lisle, lawyer, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1817, and. belonging to a wealthy family, enjoyed superior educational advantages, taking a course in the Yale Law School at an age too early to admit of his receiv- ing a degree. In 1836 he came to Illinois, to look after some lauded interests of his father's in the vicinity of Peru. Returning east within the next two years, he obtained his diploma, and, again coming west, located in Chicago in 1838, and. for a time, occupied an office with the well-known law firm of Butterfield & Collins. In 1839 he was elected City Attorney and, at the great Whig meeting at Springfield, in June, 1840, was one of the principal speakers, establishing a reputation as one of the most brilliant campaign orators in the West. As an admirer of Henry Clay, he was active in the Presidential campaign of 1844. anil was also a prominent speaker at the River and Harbor Convention at Chicago, in 1847. With a keen sense of humor, brilliant, witty and a mas- ter of repartee and invective, he achieved popu- larity, both at the bar and on the lecture platform, and had the promise of future success, which was unfortunately marred by his convivial habits. Died of cholera, in Chicago, July 30, IRVl. Mr. Smith married the daughter of Dr. Potts, of Philadelphia, an eminent clergyman of the Episcopal Church. SMITH, Sidney, jurist, was born in WashinK- ton County, N. Y., May 12, 1829; studied law and was admitted to the bar at Albion, in that State, in 1851 ; came to Chicago in 1856 and entered into partnership with Grant Goodrich and Will- iam W. Farwell, both of whom were afterwards elected to places on the bench the first in the Superior, and the latter in the Circuit Court. In 1879 Judge Smith was elected to the Superior Court of Cook County, serving until 1885. when he became the attorney of the Chicago IJoanl of Trade. He was the Republican candidate for HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 489 Mayor, in opposition to Carter H. Harrison, in 1885, and is believed by many to have been honestly elected, though defeated on the face of the returns. A recount was ordered by the court, but so much delay was incurred and so many obstacles placed in the way of carrying the order into effect, that Judge Smith abandoned the con- test in disgust, although making material gains as far as it had gone. During his professional career he was connected, as counsel, with some of the most important trials before the Chicago courts; was also one of the Directors of the Chi- cago Public Library, on its organization in 1871. Died suddenly, in Chicago, Oct. 6, 1898. SMITH, Theophllns Washington, Judge and |K>litician, was born in New York City, Sept. 28, 1784, served for a time in the United States navy, was a law student in the office of Aaron Burr, was admitted to the bar in his native State in 1805, and, in 1816, came west, finally locating at Edwardsville, where he soon became a prominent figure in early State history. In 1820 he was an unsuccessful candidate before the Legislature for the office of Attorney -General, being defeated by Samuel D. Lockwood, but was elected to the State Senate in 1822, serving four years. In 1823 he was one of the leaders of the "Conventionist" party, whose aim was to adopt a new Constitution which would legalize slavery in Illinois, during this period being the editor of the leading organ of the pro-slavery party. In 1825 he was elected one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, but resigned, Dec. 26, 1842. He was im- peached in 1832 on charges alleging oppressive conduct, corruption, and other high misdemean- ors in office, but secured a negative acquittal, a two-thirds vote being necessary to conviction. The vote in the Senate stood twelve for convic- tion (on a part of the charges) to ten for acquittal, four being excused from voting. During the Black Hawk War lie served as Quartermaster- General on the Governor's staff. As a jurist, he was charged by his political opponents with being unable to divest himself of his partisan bias, and even with privately advising counsel, in political causes, of defects in the record, which they (the counsel) had not discovered. He was also a member of the first Board of Commission- ers of the Illinois & Michigan Canal, appointed in 1823. Died, in Chicago, May 6, 1846. SMITH, William Henry, journalist. Associ- ated Press Manager, was born in Columbia County, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1833; at three years of age was taken by his parents to Ohio, where he enjoyed the best educational advantages that State at the time afforded. After completing his school course he began teaching, and, for a time, served as tutor in a Western college, but soon turned his attention to journalism, at first as assistant editor of a weekly publication at Cincin- nati, still later becoming its editor, and, in 1855. city editor of "The Cincinnati Gazette," with which he was connected in a more responsible position at the beginning of the war, incidentally doing work upon "The Literary Review." His connection with a leading paper enabled him to exert a strong influence in support of the Govern- ment. This he used most faithfully in assisting to raise troops in the first years of the war, and. in 1863, in bringing forward and securing the election of John Brough as a Union candidate for Governor in opposition to Clement L. Vallandi gham, the Democratic candidate. In 1864 he was nominated and elected Secretary of State, being re-elected two years later. After retiring from office he returned to journalism at Cincinnati, as editor of "The Evening Chronicle," from which he retired in 1870 to become Agent of the West - ern Associated Press, with headquarters, at first at Cleveland, but later at Chicago. His success in this line was demonstrated by the final union of the New York and Western Associated Press organizations under his management, continuing until 1893, when he retired. Mr. Smith was .-. strong personal friend of President Hayes, by whom he was appointed Collector of the Port of Chicago in 1877. While engaged in official duties he found time to do considerable literary work, liaving published, several years ago, "TheSt. Clair Papers," in two volumes, and a life of Charles Hammond, besides contributions to periodicals. After retiring from the management of the Associated Press, he was engaged upon a "His- tory of American Politics" and a "Life of Ruther- ford B. Hayes," which are said to have been well advanced at the time of his death, which took place at his home, at Lake Forest. 111., July '-7. 1896. SMITH, William M., merchant, stock-breeder and politician, was born near Frankfort, K\ May 23, 1827; in 1846 accompanied his father's family to Lexington, McLean County, 111. , where they settled. A few years later he bought forty acres of government land, finally increasing his holdings to 800 acres, and becoming a breeder of fine stock. Still later he added to his agricultural pursuits the business of a merchant. Having early identified himself with the Republican party, he remained a firm adherent of its prin- ciples during the Civil War. and, while declining 490 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. a commission tendered him by Governor Yates, devoted his time and means liberally to the re- cruiting and organization of regiments for serv- ice in the field, and procuring supplies for the sick and wounded. In 1866 he was elected to the lower house of the Legislature, and was re-elected in 1868 and '70, serving, during his last term, as Speaker. In 1877 he was appointed by Governor Cullom a member of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission, of which body he served as President until 1883. He was a man of remarkably genial temperament, liberal impulses, and wide popu- larity. Died, March 25, 1886. SMITH, William Sooy, soldier and civil engi- neer, was born at Tarlton, Pickaway County, Ohio, July 22, 1830 ; graduated at Ohio University in 1849, and, at the United States Military Acad- emy, in 1853, having among his classmates, at the latter, Generals McPherson, Schofield and Sheri- dan. Coming to Chicago the following year, he first found employment as an engineer on the Illinois Central Railroad, but later became assist- ant of Lieutenant-Colonel Graham in engineer service on the lakes ; a year later took charge of a select school in Buffalo; in 1857 made the first surveys for the International Bridge at Niagara Falls, then went into the service of extensive h it -11111(111 vi- and bridge- works at Trenton, N. J. . in their interest making a visit to Cuba, and also superintending the construction of a bridge across the Savannah River. The war intervening, he returned North and was appointed Lieutenant- Colonel and assigned to duty as Assistant Adju- tant-General at Camp Denison, Ohio, but, in June, 1862, was commissioned Colonel of the Thirteenth Ohio Volunteers, participating in the West Virginia campaigns, and later, at Shiloh and Perryville. In April, 1862, he was promoted Brigadier-General of volunteers, commanding divisions in the Army of the Ohio until the fall of 1863, when he joined Grant and took part in the Vicksburg campaign, as commander of the First Division of the Sixteenth Army Corps. Subsequently he was made Chief of the Cavalry Department, serving on the staffs of Grant and Sherman, until compelled to resign, in 1864, on account of impaired health. During the war General Smith rendered valuable service to the Union cause in great emergencies, by his knowl- edge of engineering. On retiring to private life he resumed his profession at Chicago, and since has been employed by the Government on some nf its most stupendous works on the lakes, and lias also planned several of the most important railroad bridges across the Missouri and other streams. He has been much consulted in refer- ence to municipal engineering, and his name is connected with a number of the gigantic edifices in Chicago. SMITHBORO, a village and railroad junction in Bond County, 3 miles east of Greenville. Population, 393; (1900), 314. SJiAPP, Henry, Congressman, born in Livings- ton County, N. Y., June 30, 1822, came to Illinois with his father when 11 years old, and, having read law at Joliet, was admitted to the bar in 1847. He practiced in Will County for twenty years before entering public life. In 1868 he was elected to the State Senate and occupied a seat in that body until his election, in 1871, to the Forty- second Congress, by the Republicans of the (then) Sixth Illinois District, as successor to B. C. Cook, who had resigned. Died, at Joliet, Nov. 23, 1895. SNOW, Herman W., ex-Congressman, was born in La Porte County, Ind., July 3. 1836, but was reared in Kentucky, working upon a farm for five years, while yet in his minority becoming a resident of Illinois. For several years he was a school teacher, meanwhile studying law and being admitted to the bar. Early in the war he enlisted as a private in the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Illinois Volunteers, rising to the rank of Captain. His term of service having expired, he re-enlisted in the One Hundred and Fifty-first Illinois, and was mustered out with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. After the close of the war he resumed teaching at the Chicago High School, and later served in the General Assembly (1873-74) as Representative from Wood- ford County. In 1890 he was elected, as a Demo- crat, to represent the Ninth Illinois District in Congress, but was defeated by his Republican opponent in 1892. SNOWHOOK, William B., first Collector of Customs at Chicago, was born in Ireland in 1804; at the age of eight years was brought to New York, where he learned the printer's trade, and worked for some time in the same office with Horace Greeley. At 16 he went back to Ireland, remaining two years, but, returning to the United States, began the study of law ; was also employed on the Passaic Canal; in 1836. came to Chicago, and was soon after associated with William B. Ogden in a contract on the Illi- nois & Michigan Canal, which lasted until 1841. As early as 1840 he became prominent as a leader in the Democratic party, and, in 1846, received from President Polk an appointment as first Col- lector of Customs for Chicago (having previously served as Special Surveyor of the Port, while HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 491 attached to the District of Detroit) ; in 1853, was re-appointed to the Collectorship by President Pierce, serving two years. During the "Mormon War" (1844) he organized and equipped, at his own expense, the Montgomery Guards, and was commissioned Colonel, but the disturbances were brought to an end before the order to march. From 1856 he devoted his attention chiefly to his practice, but, in 1862, was one of the Democrats of Chicago who took part in a movement to sus- tain the Government by stimulating enlistments; was also a member of the Convention which nominated Mr. Greeley for President in 1872. Died, in Chicago, May 5, 1882. SNYDER, Adam Wilson, pioneer lawyer, and early Congressman, was born at Connellsville, Pa., Oct. 6, 1799. In early life he followed the occupation of wool-curling for a livelihood, attending school in the winter. In 1815, he emi- grated to Columbus, Ohio, and afterwards settled in Ridge Prairie, St. Clair County, 111. Being offered a situation in a wool-curling and fulling mill at Cahokia, he removed thither in 1817. He formed the friendship of Judge Jesse B. Thomas, and, through the latter's encouragement and aid, studied law and gained a solid professional, poli- tical, social and financial position. In 1830 he was elected State Senator from St. Clair County, and re-elected for two successive terms. He served through the Black Hawk War as private, Adjutant and Captain. In 1833 he removed to Belleville, and, in 1834, was defeated for Congress by Governor Reynolds, whom he, in turn, defeated in 1836. Two years later Reynolds again defeated him for the same position, and, in 1840, he was elected State Senator. In 1841 he was the Demo- cratic nominee for Governor. The election was held in August, 1842, but, in May preceding, he died at his home in Belleville. His place on the ticket was filled by Thomas Ford, who was elected. William H. (Snyder), son of the pre- ceding, was born in St. Clair County, 111., July 12, 1825 ; educated at McKendree College, studied law with Lieutenant-Governor Koerner, and was admitted to practice in 1845; also served for a time as Postmaster of the city of Belleville, and, during the Mexican War, as First-Lieutenant and Adjutant of the Fifth Illinois Volunteers. From 1850 to '54 he represented his county in the Legis- lature; in 1855 was appointed, by Governor Mat- teson, State's Attorney, which position he filled for two years. He was an unsuccessful candidate for the office of Secretary of State in 1856, and, in 1857, was elected a Judge of the Twenty- fourth Circuit, was re-elected for the Third Cir- cuit in '73, '79 and '85. He was also a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1869-70. Died. at Belleville, Dec. 24, 1892. SOLDIERS' AXD SAILORS' HOME, a State charitable institution, founded by act of the Legislature in 1885, and located at Quincy, Adams County. The object of its establish- ment was to provide a comfortable home for such disabled or dependent veterans of the United States land or naval forces as had honorably served during the Civil War. It was opened for the reception of veterans on March 3, 1887, the first cost of site and build- ings having been about $350,000. The total num- ber of inmates admitted up to June 30, 1894, was 2,813; the number in attendance during the two previous years 988, and the whole number present on Nov. 10, 1894, 1,088. The value of property at that time was $393,636.08. Considerable appro- priations have been made for additions to the buildings at subsequent sessions of the Legisla- ture. The General Government pays to the State $100 per year for each veteran supported at the Home. SOLDIERS' ORPHANS' HOME, ILLINOIS, an institution, created by act of 1865, for the main- tenance and education of children of deceased soldiers of the Civil War. An eighty-acre tract, one mile north of Normal, was selected as the site, and the first principal building was com- pleted and opened for the admission of benefici -aries on June 1, 1869. Its first cost was $135,000. the site having been donated. Repairs and the construction of new buildings, from time to time, have considerably increased this sum. In 1875 the benefits of the institution were extended, by legislative enactment, to the children of sol- diers who had died after the close of the war. The aggregate number of inmates, in 1894, was 572, of whom 323 were males and 249 females. SOLDIERS' WIDOWS' HOME. Provision was made for the establishment of this institution by the Thirty-ninth General Assembly, in an act. approved, June 13, 1895, appropriating $20,000 for the purchase of a site, the erection of buildings and furnishing the same. It is designed for the reception and care of the mothers, wives, widows and daughters of such honorably discharged soldiers or sailors, in the United States service, as may have died, or may be physically or men- tally unable to provide for the families natu- rally dependent on them, provided that such persons have been residents of the State for at least one year previous to admission, and are without means or ability for self-support. 492 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. The affairs of the Home are managed by a board of five trustees, of whom two are men and three women, the former to be members of the Grand Army of the Republic and of different political parties, and the latter members of the Women's Relief Corps of this State. The institu- tion was located at Wilmington, occupying a site of seventeen acres, where it was formally opened in a house of eighteen rooms, March 11, 1800, with twenty-six applications for admit- tance. The plan contemplates an early enlarge- ment by the erection of additional cottages. SORENTO, a village of Bond County, at the intersection of the Jacksonville & St. Louis and the Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railways, 14 miles southeast of Lilchfield; lias a bank and a newspaper. Its interests are agricultural and mining. Pop. (1890), 538; (1900), 1,000. SOULARD, James (iaston, pioneer, born of French ancestry in St. Louis, Mo., July 13, 1798; resided there until 1821, when, having married the daughter of a soldier of the Revolution, he received an appointment at Fort Snelling, near the present city of St. Paul, then under command of Col. Snelling, who was his wife's brother-in- law. The Fort was reached after a tedious jour- ney by flat-boat and overland, late in the fall of 1821, his wife accompanying him. Three years later they returned to St. Louis, where, being an engineer, he was engaged for several years in surveying. In 1827 he removed with his family to Galena, for the next six years had charge of a store of the Gratiot Brothers, early business men of that locality. Towards the close of this period he received the appointment of County Recorder, also holding the position of County Surveyor and Postmaster of Galena at the same time. His later years were devoted to farming and horti- culture, his death taking place, Sept. 17, 1878. Mr. Soulard was probably the first man to engage in freighting between Galena and Chicago. "The Galena Advertiser'' of Sept. 14, 1829, makes mention of a wagon-load of lead sent by him to Chicago, his team taking back a load of salt, the paper remarking: "This is the first wagon that lias ever passed from the Mississippi River to Chicago." Great results were predicted from the exchange of commodities between the lake and the lead mine district. Mrs. Eliza M. Hunt (Soulard), wife of the preceding, was l>orn at Detroit, Dec. 18, 1804, her father being Col. Thomas A. Hunt, who had taken part in the Battle of Bunker Hill and remained in the army until his death, at St. Louis, in 1807. His descend- ants have maintained their connection with the army ever since, a son being a prominent artillery officer at the Battle of Gettysburg. Mrs. Soular was married at St. Louis, in 1820, and survive her husband some sixteen years, dying at Galena August 11, 1894. She had resided in Galen.- nearly seventy years, and at the date of her death, in the 90th year of her age, she was that city's oldest resident. SOUTH CHICAGO & WESTERN INDIANA RAILROAD. (See Chicago A- Western Indiana Railroad.) SOUTH DANVILLE, a suburb of the city of Danville, Vermilion County. Population (1890), 799; (1900), 898. SOUTHEAST & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. (See Loiiimnlle & Nashville Railroad.) SOUTH ELGIN, a village of Kane County, near the city of Elgin. Population (1900), 515. SOUTHERN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, located at Albion, Edwards County, incorporated in 1891 ; had a faculty of ten teachers with 219 pupils (1897-98) about equally male and female. Besides classical, scientific, normal, music and fine arts departments, instruction is given in pre- paratory studies and business education. Its property is valued at 916,500. SOUTHERN HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, located at Anna, Union County, founded by act of the Legislature in 1869. The original site com- prised 290 acres and cost a little more than 22,000, of which one-fourth was donated by citi- zens of the county. The construction of builil- ings was begun in 1869, but it was not until March, 1875, that the north wing (the first com- pleted) was ready for occupancy. Other portions were completed a year later. The Trustees pur- chased 160 additional acres in 1883. The first cost (up to September, 1876) was nearly $635,000. In 1881 one wing of the main building was de- stroyed by fire, and was subsequently rebuilt ; the patients being, meanwhile, cared for in temporary wooden barracks. The total value of lands and buildings belonging to the State, June 30, 1894, was estimated at $738,580, and, of property of all sorts, at $833,700. The wooden barracks were later converted into a permanent ward, additions made to the main buildings, a detached building for the accommodation of 300 patients erected, numerous outbuildings put up and general im- provements made. A second fire on the night of Jan. 3, 1895, destroyed a large part of the main building, inflicting a loss upon the State of $175,000. Provision was made for rebuilding by the Legislature of that year. The institution has capacity for about 750 patients. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Thr affairs n( the Ilimir are managed by a board of five trustees, of whom two are men and three women, the former to be members of the Grand Army of the Kcpublic ami of different ].' 'iic.il parties anV \Ve-iern I'ailwavs. 14 miles southeast of Lilchlield; 'ias a hank alula news|Ktper. Its interests are agricultuial aiul mining. i'up. (IMin,. .V!S; (I'.KMn, l.ono. S(ri.\i:i>. .lam.- <.a-lim. pi Imrn of French ancestry in St. Louis. Mo.. .Inly l"i 17!is ; resided there until I- 1 .'!, when, having marrieil the daughter of a soldier of the Revolution he received an ap|>inlment at Fort Snolling near tlie present city of St. 1'anl. then under command of Col Snelling. " I'o "'is bis wife's brother-in- law. The r'ort was reached after a tedious .jour- ney by Hat-boat and overland, late in the fall of 1821. bis wife a mpanyiiig him. Three year- later they returned to St. Louis, where. being an engineer, he was engaged for .several year- in survey ing. In |s-_'7 hi' removed with hi- family to (ialena. for the next six vcars had charge of a store of theGratiot Hrothers. early business men of that locality. Towards I he close of this period lie leeched the appoint inent of County llccordcr also holding the position of County Surveyor an. I Postmaster of (ialena at the same time. Hi- later years were devoted to farming and horti- culture, bis death taking place Sept 17. ls> Mr Sonlard was probably the first man t<> eriua-e in freight ing between (ialena and Chicago "Tbe (ialena Advertise]" ..T Sept II, |s-.".i, makes mention of a wagon-load of lead sent by him to Chicago his team taking back a load of .salt. t he |ia|T remarking: "This i- the lirst wagon that has ever passed from I lie Mississippi l.'ivcr to Chicago." Great results were predicted from the exchange of commodities between the lake and the lead mine district. Mr*. Kli*a M. Hunt: (Soiilardl, \\'ife of tin- preceding, wa- t.orn at Detroit Dec. Is. |sn|, her father 1 ing C.,1 !i..'i.: i A Hunt, who bad taken pan in the Kittle of Hunker Hill ami remained in the arm \ until his death, at St. Louis, in |sli7. 11 is descend- ants ba. and survive her husband some sixteen years, dying at < ialen.i August 11, 1S!M. She bad resided in Galen:' nearly seventy years, and at the date of her death, in the '."It h year of her a-^e. she was that city's oldest resident. SOI Til i UK M. it A. WKSTKKX IM)IAY\ I. 1 \ll.l:im>. (See (V./cn;/., ,V ll'c.v/.-ril l,,,lirar\ wooden barracks. The total value of lands ana buildings belonging to the State, .lime :;n ls;i| was estimated at ST:ts.."i.sd. and. of properly of all soils, at *s:;::. ;nd. The wooden barrai-ks were later converted intoa permanent ward, addition- made to the main building-, a detached hnildini: for the accommodation of :inn patients erected, numerous outbuildings put up and general im- I roveiueiils madi'. A second lire on the night of .Ian :j. \*-'.ir> destroyed a large part of the main building, inllicting a loss upon the Slate i.f SI i.l.nnd. 1'rovision was made for rebuilding by the Legislaturi' of that year. The institution b.i< i-apaeity for aliout 7"iU jiatients x - ,- -. r. ~ ~ r 'X = > r rr |. - : u z 2 >" 3 PS o u. U 3S W H u. c HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 493 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS NORMAL UNIYER- SITT, established in 1869, and located, after competitive bidding, at Carbondale, which offered lands and bonds at first estimated to be of the value of $329,000, but which later depreciated, through shrinkage, to 175,000. Construction was commenced in May, 1870, and the first or main building was completed and appropriately dedi- cated in July, 1874. Its cost was $265,000, but it was destroyed by fire, Nov. 26, 1883. In Febru- ary, 1887, a new structure was completed at a cost of $150,000. Two normal courses of instruction are given classical and scientific each extend, ing over a period of four years. The conditions of admission require that the pupil shall be 16 years of age, and shall possess the qualifications enabling him to pass examination for a second- grade teacher's certificate. Those unable to do so may enter a preparatory department for six months. Pupils who pledge themselves to teach in the public schools, not less than half the time of their attendance at the University, receive free tuition with a small charge for incidentals, while others pay a tuition fee. The number of students in attendance for the year 1897-98 was 720, coming from forty-seven counties, chiefly in the southern half of the State, with represent- atives from eight other States. The teaching faculty for the same year consisted, besides the President, of sixteen instructors in the various departments, of whom five were ladies and eleven gentlemen. SOUTHERN PENITENTIARY, THE, located near Chester, on the Mississippi River. Its erec- tion was rendered necessary by the overcrowding of the Northern Penitentiary. (See Northern Penitentiary.) The law providing for its estab- lishment required the Commissioners to select a site convenient of access, adjacent to stone and timber, and having a high elevation, with a never failing supply of water. In 1877, 122 acres were purchased at Chester, and the erection of build- ings commenced. The first appropriation was of $200,000, and $300,000 was added in 1879. By March, 1878, 200 convicts were received, and their labor was utilized in the completion of the buildings, which are constructed upon approved modern principles. The prison receives convicts sent from the southern portion of the State, and has accommodation for some 1,200 prisoners. In connection with this penitentiary is an asylum for insane convicts, the erection of which was provided for by the Legislature in 1889. SOUTH GROYE, a village of De Kalb County. Population (1890), 730. SPALDING, Jesse, manufacturer. Collector of Customs and Street Railway President, was born at Athens, Bradford County, Pa., April 15, 1833; early commenced lumbering on the Susquehanna. and, at 23, began dealing on his own account. In 1857 he removed to Chicago, and soon after bought the property of the New York Lumber Company at the mouth of the Menominee River in Wiscon- sin, where, with different partners, and finally practically alone, lie has carried on the business of lumber manufacture on a large scale ever since. In 1881 he was appointed, by President Arthur, Collector of the Port of Chicago, and, in 1889, received from President Harrison an appointment as one of the Government Directors of the Union Pacific Railway. Mr. Spalding was a zealous supporter of the Government during the War of the Rebellion and rendered valuable aid in the construction and equipment of Camp Douglas and the barracks at Chicago for the returning soldiers, receiving Auditor's warrants in payment, when no funds in the State treasury were available for the purpose. He was associ- ated with William B. Ogden and others in the project for connecting Green Bay and Sturgeon Bay by a ship canal, which was completed in 1882, and, on the death of Mr. Ogden, succeeded to the Presidency of the Canal Company, serving until 1893, when the canal was turned over to the General Government. He has also been identified with many other public enterprises intimately connected with the development and prosperity of Chicago, and, in July, 1899, became President of the Chicago Union Traction Company, having control of the North and West Chicago Street Railway Systems. SPALDIMJ, John Lancaster, Catholic Bishop, was born in Lebanon, Ky., June 2, 1840; educated in the United States and in Europe, ordained a priest in the Catholic Church in 1863, and there- upon attached to the cathedral at Louisville, as assistant. In 1869 he organized a congregation of colored people, and built for their use the Church of St. Augustine, having been assigned to that parish as pastor. Soon afterwards he was appointed Secretary to the Bishop and made Chancellor of the Diocese. In 1873 he was trans- ferred from Louisville to New York, where he was attached to the missionary parish of St. Michael's. He had, by this time, achieved no little fame as a pulpit orator and lecturer. When the diocese of Peoria, 111., was created, in 1877, tin- choice of the Pope fell upon him for the new see, and lie was consecrated Bishop, on May 1 of that year, by Cardinal McCloskey at New York. His i S^ J V^ w&- - m m* % . HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. SOUTHERN' ILLINOIS NORMAL IMVKH- SITV, established iu 1S!, and located, after competitive bidding, at ( "arUmdale. which offered lands ami lionds at lirst estimated to lie of the value of S22!I.OOO. hut which later depreciated, through shrinkage, to 75,WIU. I 'mist ruction was commenced iu May, 1*70, and the first or main building was completed and appropriately dedi- cated in July, 1374. Its cost was ?2C3,0iO, hut it was destroyed liy fire, Nov. 26, 18*:!. In Fehru- ary, 1*^7. a new structure was completed at a cost of Sl."iO.(MH. Two luirmal courses of instruction are given cla-ssic-al and scientilic each extend, ing over a ]icriod of four years. The condition.* of admission reimire that the pupil shall lw Hi years of age, and shall possess the qualific*tSonn enabling him to IKISS examination for a second- grade teacher's cert itieate Tliosc unable to do so 1 may enter a preparatory department for six months. 1'npils w In. pledge themselves to teach in the public sehools, nol less than half the time of their altendance at tlie 1'niversity. receive free luitioti with -,( small charge for incidt ntaK. wllile olhers pav a tuition fee. The number of students in altendjinre f.irthe year 1>!7 *.t s ' was ?*00,. and .e Kail. Coimty 1'opuhition (IS'.Mii, ;:in SI'ALIIN(il, .lesse, manufacturer. Collector of Customs and Street Railway resident, was Imrn at Athens, Bradford County. 1'a , Ajiril 15, I*:;::; early commenced lumlierin;; on the Suscjuehanna and, at 8, began dealing on his own a<-count In 1S57 he removed to Chicago, and soon after lion^ht the property of the New York I.uml>er Comjuiny at the mouth of the Menominee Kiver in Wiscon- sin, where, with different jtartiM-rs, and linallv practically alomv he has carried on the business of lumlxT mamilactnre on a lar;_-e scale ever since In Is*! he was appointed, liy President Arthur. Collector of the 1'oit of Chicago and in Issit, received from 1'rcsideni Harrison an appointment as om <>f the ose He was :i.**-i ated uiih William H. t )gden and others i:i tin- project for connecting (Ini'ii I'.av and Slnrgi-.a I Say by a ship canal, which a* coinpleteil IK iss,'. and. on the death of Mr. Ou'dcn, sutvet-de.l to the I'lesiileiicy of the ('anal ( '<>in[Kiny. serving until l*!i::. when the canal wa* turned over to lln- (General ( lovernmenl. lie has al*o lieen idem i tie. i with many other public enterprises intimaleiv ilillllei'led vv ilh the development and pros|Hlilv of Chicago, and. in July, l*'.i!i. U-caine l'resi,l..ni of the Chicago I'm. .n Traction c..mpai.v havinir control of the North and West Chicago Sire.-! Kailway Systems. Sl'AI.IIIMi. Jlin Lanea*ler. i aiholic l:isl:..|. wa* Imrn in Lebanon |\\ .li '.' i*l(li educate.! in tin' 1'niled States and in I ;; ..|- ordaine.i , priest in tin- Catholic Chnn-li in Isc;.:. and then- ii|in altaehed to the cathedra! at Louisville, as assistant. In |sii!i he organi/i-i a congregation ot* cot that parish as pastor. Soon afterwards In wa- ap|Hiinled Secretary to the );,-in.p and maile Chancellor of rlic Diocese In 1*7:: he was trans- ferred from Louisville to New York, where he was attache. 1 to the missionary parish rary rounty-seat of Sangamon County, the organi- zation of which had been authorized by act of the Legislature in January previous, ami the name Springfield was given to it. Iii 1823 the selection was made permanent. The latter year the first sale of lands took place, the original site being entered by Pascal P. Enos. Elijah lies and Thomas Cox. The town was platted about the same time, and the name "Calhoun" was given to a section in the northwest quarter of the present city this being the "hey-day" of the South Carolina statesman's greatest popularity but the change was not popularly accepted, and the new name was soon dropped. It was incorpo- rated as a town, April 2, 1832, and as a city, April 6, 1840; and re-incorporated, under the general, law in 1882. It was made the State capital by act of the Legislature, passed at the session of 1837, which went into effect, July 4, 1839, and the Legislature first convened there in December of the latter year. The general surface is flat, though there is rolling ground to the west. The city has excellent water-works, a paid fire-depart- ment, six banks, electric street railways, gas and electric lighting, commodious hotels, fine churches, numerous handsome residences, beauti- ful parks, thorough sewerage, and is one of the best paved and handsomest cities in the State. The city proper, in 1890, contained an area of four square miles, but has since been enlarged by the annexation of the following suburbs: North Springfield, April 7, 1891 ; West Springfield, Jan. 4, 1898; and South Springfield and the village of Laurel, April 5, 1898. These additions give to the present city an area of 5.84 square miles. The population of the original city, according to the census of 1880, was 19,743, and, in 1890, 24,903, while t hut of the annexed suburbs, at the last census, was 2, 109 making a total of 29,072. The latest school census (1898) showed a total popu- lation of 33,375 population by census (1900), 34,159. Besides the State House, the city has a handsome United States Government Building for United States Court and post-office purposes, a county courthouse (the former State capitol). a city hall and (State) Executive Mansion. Springfield was the home of Abraham Lincoln. His former residence has been donated to the State, and bis tomb and monument are in the beautiful Oak Ridge cemetery, adjoining the city. Springfield is an important coal-mining center, and has many important industries, notably a watch factory, rolling mills, and exten- sive manufactories of agricultural implements and furniture. It is also the permanent location of the State Fairs, for which extensive buildings have been erected on the Fair Grounds north of the city. There are three daily papers two morn- ing and one evening published here, besides various other publications. Pop. (1900), 34,159. SPRINGFIELD, EFFINGHAM & SOUTH- EASTERN RAILROAD. (See fit. Lmii*. Indian- Eastern Railroad. ) HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 497 SPRINGFIELD >v ILLINOIS SOUTHEAST- ERN RAILROAD. (See Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad. ) SPRINGFIELD & NORTHWESTERN RAIL- ROAD. (See Chicago, Peoria & St Louis Railroad of Illinois.) SPRING VALLEY, an incorporated city in Bureau Count}-, at intersection of the Chicago i Northwestern, the Chicago, Rock Island it Pacific, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the Toluca, Marquette & Northern Railways, 100 miles southwest of Chicago. It lies in a coal- mining region and has important manufacturing interests as well. It has two banks, electric street and interurban railways, and two news- papers. Population (1890), 3,837; (1900), 6,214. ST. AGATHA'S SCHOOL, an institution for young ladies, at Springfield, under the patronage of the Bishop of the Episcopal Church, incorpo- rated in 1889. It has a faculty of eight teachers giving instruction in the preparatory and higher branches, including music and fine arts. It reported fifty-five pupils in 1894, and real estate valued at $15,000. ST. ALBAN'S ACADEMY, a boys' and young men's school at Knoxville, III., incorporated in 1896 under the auspices of the Episcopal Church ; in 1898 had a faculty of seven teachers, with forty-five pupils, and property valued at $61,100, of which $54,000 was real estate. Instruction is given in the classical and scientific branches, besides music and preparatory studies. ST. ANXE, a village of Kankakee County, at the crossing of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois and the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago ears date. April 27. 1790, defines the boundaries of the new county which took his own name as follows: "Beginning at the mouth of the Little Michillimackanack River, 498 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. running thence southerly in a direct line to the mouth of the little river above Fort Massac upon the Ohio River ; thence with the said river to its junction with the Mississippi; thence up the Mississippi to the mouth of the Illinois, and so up the Illinois River to the place of beginning, with all the adjacent islands of said rivers, Illinois and Mississippi." The "Little Michillimackanack, " the initial point mentioned in this description also variously spelled "Makina" and "Macki- naw," the latter being the name by which the stream is now known empties into the Illinois River on the south side a few miles below Pekin, in Tazewell County. The boundaries of St. Clair County, as given by Gov. St. Clair, indicate the imperfect knowledge of the topog- raphy of the "Illinois Country" existing in that day, as a line drawn south from the mouth of the Mackinaw River, instead of reaching the Ohio "above Fort Massac," would have followed the longitude of the present city of Springfield, striking the Mississippi about the northwestern corner of Jackson County, twenty -five miles west of the mouth of the Ohio. The object of Gov- ernor St. Clair's order was, of course, to include the settled portions of the Illinois Country in the new county ; and, if it had had the effect intended, the eastern border of the county would have fol- lowed a line some fifty miles farther eastward, along the eastern border of Marion, Jefferson, Franklin, Williamson and Johnson Counties, reaching the Ohio River about the present site uf Metropolis City in Massac County, and embracing about one-half of the area of the present State of Illinois. For all practical purposes it embraced all the Illinois Country, as it included that por- tion in which the white settlements were locateil. (See St. Clair, Arthur; also Illinois Country.) The early records of St. Clair County are in the French language ; its first settlers and its early civilization were French, and the first church to inculcate the doctrine of Christianity was the Roman Catholic. The first proceedings in court under the common law were had in 1796. The first Justices of the Peace were appointed in 1K07, and, as there was no penitentiary, the whipping- post and pillory played an important part in the code of penalties, these punishments being im- partially meted out as late as the time of Judge (afterwards Governor) Reynolds, to "the lame, the halt and the blind," for such offenses as the lar- ceny of a silk handkerchief. At first three places Cahokia, Prairie du Rocher and Kaskas- kia were named as county -seats by Governor St. Clair ; but Randolph County having been set off in 1895, Cahokia became the county-seat of the older county, so remaining until 1813, when Belleville was selected as the seat of justice. At that time it was a mere cornfield owned by George Blair, although settlements had previously been established in Ridge Prairie and at Badgley. Judge Jesse B. Thomas held his first court in :L log-cabin, but a rude court house was erected in 1814, and, the same year, George E. Blair estab- lished a hostelry, Joseph Kerr opened a store, and, in 1817, additional improvements were inaugurated by Daniel Murray and others, from Baltimore. John H. Dennis and the Mitchells and Wests (from Virginia) settled soon after- ward, becoming farmers and mechanics. Belle- ville was incorporated in 1819. In 1825 Governor Edwards bought the large landed interests of Etienne Persoueau, a large French land-owner, ordered a new survey of the town and infused fresh life into its development. Settlers began to arrive in large numbers, mainly Virginians, who brought with them their slaves, the right to hold which was, for many years, a fruitful and perennial source of strife. Emigrants from Germany began to arrive at an early day, and now a large proportion of the population of Belleville and St. Clair County is made up of that nationality. The county, as at present organized, lies on the west- ern border of the south half of the State, immedi- ately opposite St. Louis, and comprises some 680 square miles. Three-fourths of it are underlaid by a vein of coal, six to eight feet thick, and about one hundred feet below the surface. Con- siderable wheat is raised. The principal towns are Belleville, East St. Louis, Lebanon and Mas- coutah. Population of the county (1880), 61,806; (1890), 66,571; (1900), 86,685. ST. JOHN, an incorporated village of Perry County, on the Illinois Central Railway, one mile north of Duquoin. Coal is mined and salt manu- factured here. Population about 500. ST. JOSEPH, a village of Champaign County, on the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway, 10 miles east of Champaign ; has inter- urban railroad connection. Pop. (1900), 637. ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL, (Chicago), founded in 1860, by the Sisters of Charity. Having been de- stroyed in the fire of 1871, it was rebuilt in the following year. In 1892 it was reconstructed, en- larged and made thoroughly modern in its appoint- ments. It can accommodate about 250 patients. The Sisters attend to the nursing, and conduct the domestic and financial affairs. The medical staff comprises ten physicans and surgeons, among whom are some of the most eminent in Chicago. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 4U5 ST. l.or IS. ALTON & CHICAGO RAILROAD. (See Chicago & Alton Railroad. ) ST. LOUIS, ALTON & SPRINGFIELD RAIL- ROAD. (See St. Louis, Chicago The road was completed by the receiver in 1HNU, and, in 1885, restored to the Construction Com- pany by the discliarge of the receiver. For a short time it was operated in connection with the Bloomfield Railroad of Indiana, but was reorganized in 1886 as the Indiana & Illinois Southern Railroad, and the gauge changed to standard in 1887. Having made default in the payment of interest, it was sold under foreclosure in 1890 and purchased in the interest of the bond- holders, by whom it was conveyed to the St. Louis, Indianapolis & Eastern Railroad Company, in whose name the line is operated. Its business 500 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. is limited, and chiefly local. The total earnings in 1X98 were $65,583 and the expenditures $69,112. Its capital stock was $740,000; bonded debt, $978,000, other indebtedness increasing the total capital investment to $1,816,736. ST. LOUIS, JACKSONVILLE & CHICAGO RAILROAD. (See Chicago ro, to Carbondale. The company is also the lessee of the Carbondale & Shawneetown Rail- road, extending from Carbondale to Marion, 17.5 miles total, 50.5 miles. The track is of standard gauge and laid with 56 and 60-pound steel rails. The company was organized in August, 1886, to succeed to the property of the St. Louis Coal Rail- road (organized in 1879) and the St. Louis Central Railway ; and was leased for 980 years from Dec. 1, 1886, to the St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad Company, at an annual rental equal te thirty per cent of the gross earnings, with a mini- mum guarantee of $32,000, which is sufficient to pay the interest on the first mortgage bonds. During the year 1896 this line passed under lease from the St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Rail- road Company, into the hands of the Illinois Central Railroad Company. ST. LOUIS, SPRINGFIELD & TINCENNES RAILROAD COMPANY, a corporation organized in July, 1899, to take over the property of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railway in the State of Illinois, known as the Ohio & Mississippi and the Springfield & Illinois Southeastern Railways the former extending from Vin- cennes, I ml., to East St. Louis, and the latter from Beardstown to Shawneetown. The prop- erty was sold under foreclosure, at Cincinnati, July 10, 1899, and transferred, for purposes of reorganization, into the hands of the new cor- poration, July 28, 1899. (For history of the several lines see Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railway.) ST. LOUIS, YANDALIA & TERRE HAUTE RAILROAD. This line extends from East St. Louis eastward across the State, to the Indiana State line, a distance of 158.3 miles. The Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company is the lessee. The track is single, of standard gauge, and laid with steel rails. The outstanding capi- tal stock, in 1898, was $3,924,058, the bonded debt, $4,496,000, and the floating debt, $218.480. (HIS- TORY ) The St. Louis, Vandalia & Terre Haute Railroad was chartered in 1865, opened in 1870 and leased to the Terre Haute & Indianapolis HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 501 Railroad, for itself and the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad. ST. LOUIS & CAIRO RAILROAD, extends from East St. Louis to Cairo, 111., 151.6 miles, with a branch from Hillstadt Junction to High Prairie, !> miles. The track is of standard gauge and laid mainly with steel rails. (HISTORY.) The origi- nal charter was granted to the Cairo & St. Louis Railroad Company, Feb. 16, 1865, and the road opened, March 1, 1875. Subsequently it passed into the hands of a receiver, was sold under fore- closure, July 14, 1881, and was taken charge of by a new company under its present name, Feb. 1, 1882. On Feb. 1, 1886, it was leased to the Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company for forty-five years, and now constitutes the Illinois Division of that line, giving it a connection with St. Louis. (See Mobile & Ohio Railway. ) ST. LOUIS & CENTRAL ILLINOIS RAIL- BOAD. (See St. Louis, Chicago & St. Paul Railroad. ) ST. LOUIS & CHICAGO RAILROAD (of Illinois). (See St. Louis, Peoria & Northern Railway.) ST. LOUIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. (See St. Louis, Peoria & Northern Railway.) ST. LOUIS & PEORIA RAILWAY. (See St. Louis, Peoria & Northern Railway. ) ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL, located in Chicago. It was chartered in 1865, its incorporators, in their initial statement, substantially declaring their object to be the establishment of a free hos- pital under the control of the Protestant Epis- copal Church, which should be open to the afflicted poor, without distinction of race or creed. The hospital was opened on a small scale, but steadily increased until 1879, when re-incor- jmration was effected under the general law. In 1885 a new building was erected on land donated for that purpose, at a cost exceeding $150,000, exclusive of $20,000 for furnishing. While its primary object has been to afford accommoda- tion, with medical and surgical care, gratuitously, to the needy poor, the institution also provides a considerable number of comfortable, well-fur- nished private rooms for patients who are able and willing to pay for the same. It contains an amphitheater for surgical operations and clinics, and has a free dispensary for out-patients. Dur- ing the past few years important additions have been made, the number of beds increased, and provision made for a training school for nurses. The medical staff (1896) consists of thirteen physicians and surgeons and two pathologist*. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, a young ladies' semi nary, under the patronage of the Episcopal Church, at Knoxville, Knox County, 111. ; was incorporated in 1858, in 1898 had a faculty of four- teen teachers, giving instruction to 113 pupils. The brandies taught include the classics, the sciences, fine arts, music and preparatory studies. The institution has a library of 2,200 volumes, and owns property valued at 130,500, of which $100,000 is real estate. STAGER, Anson, soldier and Telegraph Super- intendent, was born in Ontario County, N. Y.. April 20, 1825 ; at 16 years of age entered the serv- ice of Henry O'Reilly, a printer who afterwards became a pioneer in building telegraph lines, and with whom he became associated in various enter- prises of this character. Having introduced several improvements in the construction of bat- teries and the arrangement of wires, he was, in 1852, made General Superintendent of the princi- pal lines in the West, and, on the organization of the Western Union Company, was retained in this position. Early in the Civil War he was entrusted with the management of telegraph lines in Southern Ohio and along the Virginia border, and, in October following, was appointed General Superintendent of Government tele- graphs, remaining in this position until Septem- ber, 1868, his services being recognized in his promotion to a brevet Brigadier-Generalship of Volunteers. In 1869 General Stager returned to Chicago and, in addition to his duties as General Superintendent, engaged in the promotion of a number of enterprises connected with the manu- facture of electrical appliances and other branches of the business. One of these was the consolidation of the telephone companies, of which he became President, as also of the West- ern Edison Electric Light Company, besides being a Director in several other corporations. Died, in Chicago, March 26, 1885. ST A N DISH, John Tan Ness, a lineal descendant of Capt. Miles Standish, the Pilgrim leader, was born at Woodstock, Vt., Feb. 26, 1825. His early years were spent on a farm, but a love of knowl- edge and books became his ruling passion, and he devoted several years to study, in the "Liberal Institute" at Lebanon, N. H., finally graduating, with the degree of A. B., at Norwich University in the class of 1847. Later, he received the degree of A.M., in due course, from his Alma Mater in 1855; that of Ph.D. from Knox College, in 1883, of LL.DfromSt. Lawrence University in 1893, and from Norwich, in 1898. Dr. Standish chose the profession of a teacher, and has spent 502 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. over fifty years in its pursuit in connection with private and public schools and the College, of which more than forty years were as Professor and President of Iximbard University at Galeshurg. He has also lectured and conducted Teachers' Institutes all over the State, and, in ISTii), was elected President of the State Teachers' Associ- ation. He made three visits to the Old World in 1879, '82-83, and '91-92 and, during his second trip, traveled over 40,000 miles, visiting nearly every country of Europe, including the "Land of the Midnight Sun," besides Northern Africa from the Mediterranean to the Desert of Sahara, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Asia Minor. A lover of art, he has visited nearly all the principal museums and picture galleries of the world. In jx>litics he is a Republican, and, in opposition to many college men, a firm believer in the doctrine of protection. In religion, he is a Universalist. STA IT, James T. B., State Auditor, was born in Woodford County, Ky., April 13, 1804; at the age of 12 accompanied his widowed mother to Kaskaskia, 111. , where she settled ; before he was 20 years old, was employed as a clerk in the office of the State Auditor, and, upon the resignation of that officer, was appointed his successor, being twice thereafter elected by the Legislature, serv- ing nearly five years. He resigned the auditor- ship to accept the Presidency of the State Bank at Vandalia, which post he filled for thirteen years; acted as Aid-de-camp on Governor Rey- nolds staff in the Black Hawk War, and served as Adjutant of the Third Illinois Volunteers dur- ing the war with Mexico. President Taylor appointed Mr. Stapp Receiver of the United States Land Office at Vandalia, which office he held during the Fillmore administration, resign- ing in 1855. Two years later he removed to Decatur, where he continued to reside until his death in 1876. A handsome Methodist chapel, erected by him in that city, bears bis name. STARK COUNTY, an interior county in the northern half of the State, lying west of the Illi- nois River; has an area of 290 square miles. It has a rich, alluvial soil, well watered by numer- ous small streams. The principal industries are agriculture and stock-raising, and the chief towns are Toulon and Wyoming. The county was erected from Putnam and Knox in 1839, and named in honor of General Stark, of Revolution- ary fame. The earliest settler was Isaac B. Essex, who built a cabin on Spoon River, in 1828, and gave his name to a township. Of other pio- neer families, the Buswells, Smiths, Spencers and Eastmans came from New England; the Thom- ases, Moores, Holgates, Fullers and Whittakers from Pennsylvania; the Coxes from Ohio, the Perrys and Parkers froin Virginia; the McClanu- hans from Kentucky ; the Hendersons from Ten- nessee ; the Lees and Hazens from New Jersey ; the Halls from England, and the TurnbulLs and Olivers from Scotland. The pioneer church was the Congregational at Toulon. Population U8HO), 11,207; (1890), 9,982; (1900), 10,186. STARTED ROCK, a celebrated rock or cliff on the south side of Illinois River, in La Salle County, upon which the French explorer, I-a Salle, and his lieutenant, Tonty, erected a fort in 1682, which they named Fort St. Louis. It was one mile north of the supposed location of the Indian village of La Vantum, the metropolis, so to speak, of the Illinois Indians about the time of the arrival of the first French explorers. The population of this village, in 1680, according to Father Membre, was some seven or eight thou- sand. Both La Vantum and Fort St. Louis were repeatedly attacked by the Iroquois. The Illinois were temporarily driven from La Vantum, but the French, for the time being, successfully defended their fortification. In 1702 the fort was abandoned as a military post, but continued t< > lie used as a French trading-post until 171 S. when it was burned by Indians. The Illinois were not again molested until 1722, when the Foxes made an unsuccessful attack upon them. The larger portion of the tribe, however, resolved to cast in their fortunes with other tribes on the Mississippi River. Those who remained fell an easy prey to the foes by whom they were sur- rounded. In 1769 they were attacked from the north by tribes who desired to avenge the murder of Pontiac. Finding themselves hard pressed. they betook themselves to the bluff where Fort St. Louis had formerly stood. Here they were besieged for twelve days, when, destitute of food or water, they made a gallant but hopeless sortie. According to a tradition handed down among the Indians, all were massacred by the besiegers in an attempt to escape by night, except one halt - breed, who succeeded in evading his pursuers. This sanguinary catastrophe has given the rock its popular name. Elmer Baldwin, in his History of Lu SalleCounty (1877), says: "The bones of the victims lay scattered about the cliff in pro- fusion after the settlement by the whites, ami are still found mingled plentifully with the soil. " (See La Salle, Robert Carelier; Tonty; Fort Nt. Louis.) HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OK ILLINOIS. STARJfE, Alexander, Secretary of State and State Treasurer, was born in Philadelphia. Pa., Nov. 21, 1813; in the spring of 1836 removed to Illinois, settling at Griggsville, Pike County, where he opened a general store. From 1839 to '4'- he served as Commissioner of Pike County, ami, in the latter year, was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly, and re-elected in 1H44. Having, in the meanwhile, disposed of his store at Griggsville and removed to Pittsfield, he was appointed, by Judge Purple, Clerk of the Circuit Court, and elected to the same office for four years, when it was made elective. In 1852 he was elected Secretary of State, when he removed to Springfield, returning to Griggsville at the expiration of his term in 185T, to assume the Presidency of the old Hannibal and Naples Railroad (now a part of the Wabash system). He represented Pike and Brown Counties in the Constitutional Convention of 1862, and the same year was elected State Treasurer. He thereupon again removed to Springfield, where he resided until his death, being, with his sons, extensively engaged in coal mining. In 1870, and again iu 1873, he was elected State Senator from San- gamon County. He died at Springfield, March 81, 1886. STATE BANK OF ILLINOIS. The first legis- lation, having for its object the establishment of a bank within the territory which now consti- tutes the State of Illinois, was the passage, by the Territorial Legislature of 1816, of an act incorporating the "Bank of Illinois at Shawnee- town, with branches at Edwardsville and Kas- kaskia." In the Second General Assembly of the State (1820) an act was passed, over the Governor's veto and in defiance of the adverse judgment of the Council of Revision, establish- ing a State Bank at Vandalia with branches at Shawneetown, Edwardsville, and Brownsville in Jackson County. This was, in effect, a recharter- ing of the banks at Shawneetown and Edwards- ville. So far as the former is concerned, it seems to have been well managed; but the official i -i induct of the officers of the latter, on the basis of charges made by Governor Edwards in 1826. was made the subject of a legislative investiga- tion, which (although it resulted in nothing) seems to have had some basis of fact, in view of the losses finally sustained in winding up its affairs that of the General Government amount- ing to $54,000. Grave charges were made in this connection against men who were then, or afterwards became, prominent in State affairs, including one Justice of the Supreme Court and one (still later) a United States Senator. The experiment was disastrous, as, ten years later (1831), it was found necessary for the State t<> incur a debt of $100,000 to redeem the outstaml ing circulation. Influenced, however, by the popular demand for an increase in the "circu- lating medium," the State continued its experi- ment of becoming a stockholder in banks managed by its citizens, and accordingly we find it, in 1835, legislating in the same direction for the establishing of a central "Bank of Illinois" at Springfield, with branches at other points as might be required, not to exceed six in number. One of these branches was established at Van- dalia and another at Chicago, furnishing the first banking institution of the latter city. Two years later, when the State was entering upon its scheme of internal improvement, laws were enacted increasing the capital stock of these banks to $4,000,000 in the aggregate. Following the example of similar institutions elsewhere, they suspended specie payments a few months later, but were protected by "stay laws" and other devices until 1842, when the internal improvement scheme having been finally aban- doned, they fell in general collapse. The State ceased to be a stock-holder in 1843. and the banks were put in course of liquidation, though it required several years to complete the work. STATE CAPITALS. The first State capital of 1 Hinois was Kaskaskia, where the first Territorial Legislature convened, Nov. 25, 1812. At that time there were but five counties in the State St. Clair and Randolph being the most important, and Kaskaskia being the county-seat of the latter. Illinois was admitted into the Union as a State in 1818, and the first Constitution provided that the seat of government should remain at Kaskaskia until removed by legislative enact- ment. That instrument, however, made it obli- gatory upon the Legislature, at its first session, to itition Congress for a grant of not more than four sections of land, on which should be erected a town, which should remain the seat of govern- ment for twenty years. The petition was duly presented and granted ; and, in accordance with the power granted by the Constitution, a Board of five Commissioners selected the site of the present city of Vandalia, then a point in the wilderness twenty miles north of any settle inent. But so great was the faith of speculators in the future of the proposed city, that town lots were soon selling at $100 to $780 each. The Com- missioners, in obedience to law, erected a plain two-story frame building scarcely more than a commodious shanty to which the State offices were removed in December, 1820. This building 504 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. was burned, Dec. 9, 1833, and a brick structure erected in its place. Later, when the question of a second removal of the capital began to be agi- tated, the citizens of Vandalia assumed the risk <>f erecting a new, brick State House, costing $16,000. Of this amount $6,000 was reimbursed by the Governor from the contingent fund, and the balance ($10,000) was appropriated in 1837, when the seat of government was removed to Springfield, by vote of the Tenth General Assem- bly on the fourth ballot. The other places receiv- ing the principal vote at the time of the removal to Springfield, were Jacksonville, Vandalia, Peoria, Alton and Illiopolis Springfield receiv- ing the largest vote at each ballot. The law removing the capital appropriated $50,000 from the State Treasury, provided that a like amount should be raised by private subscription and guaranteed by bond, and that at least two acres of land should be donated as a site. Two State Houses have been erected at Springfield, the first cost of the present one (including furnishing) having been a little in excess of $4,000,000. Abraham Lincoln, who was a member of the Legislature from Sangamon County at the time, was an influential factor in securing the removal of the capital to Springfield. STATE DEBT. The State debt, which proved so formidable a burden upon the State of Illinois for a generation, and, for a part of that period, seriously checked its prosperity, was the direct outgrowth of the internal improvement scheme entered upon in 1837. (See Internal Improvement Policy. ) At the time this enterprise was under- taken the aggregate debt of the State was less than $400,000 accumulated within the preceding six years. Two years later (1838) it had increased to over $6,500,000, while the total valuation of real and personal property, for the purposes of taxation, was less than $60, 000, 000, and the aggre- gate receipts of the State treasury, for the same year, amounted to less than $150,000. At the same time, the disbursements, for the support of the State Government alone, had grown to more than twice the receipts. This disparity continued until the declining credit of the State forced upon the managers of public affairs an involuntary economy, when the means could no longer be secured for more lavish expenditures. The first bonds issued at the inception of the internal improvement scheme sold at a premium of 5 per rent, but rapidly declined until they were hawked in the markets of New York and London &t a dis- count, in some cases falling into the hands of brokers who failed before completing their con- tracts, thus causing a direct loss to the State. If the internal improvement scheme was ill-advised, the time chosen to carry it into effect was most unfortunate, as it came simultaneously with the panic of 1837, rendering the disaster all the more complete. Of the various works undertaken by the State, only the Illinois & Michigan Canal brought a return, all the others resulting in more or less complete loss. The internal improvement scheme was abandoned in 1839-40, but not until State bonds exceeding $13,000,000 had been issued. For two years longer the State struggled with its embarrassments, increased by the failure of the State Bank in February, 1842, and, by that of the Bank of Illinois at Shawneetown, a few months later, with the proceeds of more than two and a half millions of the State's bonds in their possession. Thus left without credit, or means even of paying the accruing interest, there were those who regarded the State as hopelessly bank nipt, and advocated repudiation as the only means of escape. Better counsels prevailed, how- ever ; the Constitution of 1848 put the State on a basis of strict economy in the matter of salaries and general expenditures, with restrictions upon the Legislature in reference to incurring in- debtedness, while the beneficent "two-mill tax" gave assurance to its creditors that its debts would be paid. While the growth of the State, in wealth and population, had previously been checked by the fear of excessive taxation, it now entered upon a new career of prosperity, in spite of its burdens its increase in population, be- tween 1850 and 1860, amounting to over 100 per cent. The movement of the State debt after 1H40 when the internal improvement scheme was abandoned chiefly by accretions of unpaid inter- est, has been estimated as follows: 1842, $15,- 637,950; 1844, $14,633,969; 1846, $16,389,817; 1848, $16,661,795. It reached its maximum in 1853 the first year of Governor Matteson's administra- tion when it was officially reported at $16,724,- 177. At this time the work of extinguishment began, and was prosecuted under successive administrations, except during the war, when the vast expense incurred in sending troops to the field caused an increase. During Governor Bissell's administration, the reduction amounted to over $3,000,000; during Oglesby's, to over five and a quarter million, besides two and a quarter million paid on interest. In 1880 the debt hail been reduced to $281,059.11, and, before the close of 1882, it had been entirely extinguished, except a balance of $18,500 in bonds, which, having been called in years previously and never presented for I 1 p 5 o JO a; r =' 3 90 5(14 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA <]' ILLINOIS. was burneil. Dec. !i. IN',''!, and a brick structure erected in its place. Later, when tin- question of a second removal of the capital began to be agi- tated, tlie citizens of Vaiulalia assumed the risk >f erecting a new brick State House, costing SH;,IMPO. Of this aimiiint *l>.il(> was reiinburse.l liy the (lovernor from the contingent fund, and the balance (Sl(i.lilHl) was appropriated in 1:!7. when the seat of government was removed ti> Springfield, by vote of the Tenth fiencral Assem- bly on tlie fourth ballot The other places receiv in;; the principal vote at the time of the removal to Springfield, were Jacksonville, Vandalia. 1'eoria Alton and Illiopolis Springfield recch in;; the largest vote at each ballot The law removing the capital appropriated $50,000 from the State Treasury, provided that .1 like amount should IK- raised by private subscription and guaranteed by bond and that at least two acres of land should be donated as a site Two State Houses have lieen erected at Springfield, the first ost of the present one (including furnishing) having been n little in excess of $4.000.000. \hraham Lincoln, who was a member of the Legislature from Sangainoii County at the time, was an influential factor in securing the removal of the capital to Springfield STATK IIKHT. The Stale debt, which proved so formidable a burden UJHUI the State of Illinois for a generation ami. for a (art of that |-riod seriously checked its prosperity was the direct outgrowth of the internal improvement scheme entered ujion in l*:17 (See hitt i-nnl Itnjtntft-ittt iif I'ulii-if. I At the time this enterprise was under taken the aggregate debt of the State was less than S400 (Mill accumulated within the preceding six years Two years later ( |s::s> it bad increased to over SO. .IIIO MM P. while the total valuation of real and personal property, for the purposes of taxation, was less than 860.000.000, and the aggre- gate receipts of the State treasury, for the same year, amounted to less than SI.IO.OOO At the same lime the disbursements, for the support of the State Government alone, had grown to more t hun twice t he receipts. This disparit y continued until the declining credit of I he State forced upon the managers of public affairs an involuntary economy, when the means could no longer he secured for more lavish cx|ictiditiires The first bonds issued at the inception of the internal improvement scheme sold at a premium of > per cent but rapidly declined until they were hawked in the markets of New York and London at a dis- count in some cases falling into the liiinds of broker- \\ ho failed before completing their con- tracts, thus causing a direct loss to the State. II the internal improvement scheme was ill-advised, the time chosen to carry it into effect was most unfortunate, as it came simultaneously with the panic of lx:!7. rendering the disaster all the more complete. Of the various works undertaken by the State, only the Illinois & Michigan Canal brought a return, all the others resulting in more or less complete loss. The internal improvement scheme was abandoned in |s:!!)-40, but not until State lionds exceeding Si:t. (100.000 had lieen issued. For two years longer the State struggled with its embarrassments, increased by the failure f the State Rank in February. IS-I'J. and. by that of the Rank of Illinois at Shawneetown, a few months later, with the proceeds of more than two and a half millions of tin- St.it.- 1 bonds in their (Missession. Thus left without credit, or mean*- even of paying the accruing interest, there were those who regarded the State as ho|>cless!y hank nipt, and advocated repudiation as the only means of escape Retter counsels prevailed, how- ever the Constitution of l*|s put the Stale mi :i basis of strict economy in the matter of saluric* and general expenditures, with restrictions II|HI the Legislature in reference to incurring in debtedness. while the beneficent "two-mill tax" gave assurance to its creditors that its debt- would be paid While the growth of the Stale, in wealth and population, had previously lieen checked by the fear of excessive taxation, it now entered upon a new career of prosperity, in spite ..I its burdens its increase in giopulation. be- tween 1*50 and 1*60, amounting to over HIM per cent The movement of the State debt after 1*1" when the internal improvement scheme wa~ abandoned chiefly by accretions of unpaid inter- est, has licen estimated as follows: 1S4','. X].-, . fi:i7.!r>o. |s||. xi.|,i;:::!.!;!l; |s.|o. ifl.::so.siT; l^K siu.Cidl 7!i.~, It reached its maximum in 1W: the first year of (Governor Matteson's administra lion when it w'as oflicially reported at lli 7'.'l. 177 At this time the work of extinguishment licgaii and was prosecuted under successive :nluiinist rations, except during tin- war. v\ IM-K the vast expense incurred in sending troops It, the field caused an increase During (iovernor l:i i-ll - administration, the reduction amounted to over s:t (Kio.ddli; during OglcsbyX to over live and a ijuarter million, besides two and a quarter million paid on interest In |ss<) the debt had lieen reduced to S2K|,O.V.. 1 1. and In-fore tlie clo-i of fss-.' it had lieen entirely extinguished, except a balance of sis r,(i() j n Ixmds which, having bed. called in year* previously and never presented fur sc c is a c z 33 c z - H D M ' 5 O HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ol>5 payment, are supposed to liave been lost. (See Macalister and Stebbins Bonds. ) STATE GUARDIANS FOB GIRLS, a bureau organized for the care of female juvenile delin- quents, by act of June 2, 1893. The Board consists of seven members, nominated by the Executive and confirmed by the Senate, and who consti- tute a body politic and corporate. Not more than two of the members may reside in the same Con- gressional District and, of the seven members, four must be women. (See also Home for Female Juvenile Offenders.) The term of office is six years. STATE HOUSE, located at Springfield. Its construction was begun under an act passed by the Legislature in February, 1867, and completed in 1887. It stands in a park of about eight acres, donated to the State by the citizens of Spring- field. A provision of the State Constitution of 1870 prohibited the expenditure of any sum in excess of $3,500,000 in the erection and furnishing of the building, without previous approval of such additional expenditure by the people. This amount proving insufficient, the Legislature, at its session of 1885, passed an act making an addi- tional appropriation of $531,712, which liaving been approved by popular vote at the general election of 1886, the expenditure was made and the capitol completed during the following year, thus raising the total cost of construction and fur- nishing to a little in excess of $4,000,000. The building is cruciform as to its ground plan, and classic in its style of architecture : its extreme dimensions (including porticoes), from north Jto south, being 379 feet, and, from east to west, 286 feet. The walls are of dressed Joliet limestone, while the porticoes, which are spacious and lofty, are of sandstone, supported by polished columns of gray granite. The three stories of the building are surmounted by a Mansard roof, with two turrets and a central dome of stately dimensions. Its extreme height, to the top of the iron flag-staff, which rises from a lantern springing from the dome, is 364 feet. STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY, an institu- tion for the education of teachers, organized under an act of the General Assembly, passed Feb. 18, 1857. This act placed the work of organization in the hands of a board of fifteen persons, which was styled "The Board of Educa- tion of the State of Illinois, " and was constituted as follows: C. B. Denio of Jo Daviess County, Simeon Wright of Lee; Daniel Wilkins of Mc- Lean; Charles E. Hovey of Peoria; George P. Rex of Pike; Samuel W. Moulton of Shelby; John Gillespie of Jasper ; George Bunsen of St. Clair; Wesley Sloan of Pope; Ninian W. Edwards of Sangamon; John R. Eden of Moultrie: Flavel Moseley and William Wells of Cook ; Albert R. Shannon of White; and the Superintendent oV Public Instruction, ex-officio. The object of the University, as defined in the organizing law, is to qualify teachers for the public schools of the State, and the course of instruction to be given embraces "the art of teaching, and all branches which pertain to a common-school education ; in the elements of the natural sciences, including agricultural chemistry, animal and vegetable physiology, in the fundamental laws of the United States and of the State of Illinois iii regard to the rights and duties of citizens, and such other studies as the Board of Education may, from time to time, prescribe." Various cities competed for the location of the institution. Bloomington being finally selected, its bid, in- cluding 160 acres of land, being estimated as equivalent to $141,725. The corner-stone was laid on September 29, 1857, and the first building was ready for permanent occupancy in Septem- ber, 1860. Previously, however, it had lieen sufficiently advanced to permit of its being used, and the first commencement exercises were held on June 29 of the latter year. Three years earlier, the academic department had been organ- ized under the charge of Charles E. Hovey. The first cost, including furniture, etc., was not far from $200,000. Gratuitous instruction is given to two pupils from each county, and to three from each Senatorial District. The departments are : Grammar school, high school, normal department and model school, all of which are overcrowded. The whole number of students in attendance on the institution during the school year, 1897-HH. was 1,197, of whom 891 were in the normal department and 306 in the practice school depart- ment, including representatives from 86 coun- ties of the State, with a few pupils from other States on the payment of tuition. The teaching faculty (including the President and Librarian for the same year, was made up of twenty-six members twelve ladies and fourteen gentlemen. The expenditures for the year 1897-98 aggregated $47,626.92, against 866,528.69 for 1896-97. Nearly $22.000 of the amount expended during the latter year was on account of the construction of a gymnasium building. STATE PROPERTY. The United States Cen sus of 1890 gave the value of real and personal property belonging to the State as follows : Pub lie lands, $328,000; buildings. $22,164,000; mis- ISTOIJH'AL i:.\(Y( Lol'KIMA OF Il.l.l\ii|>. payment, art 1 supjiosed to have l>een lost e. Ninian W Kdwards ot Sang-amon . John 1,' Kden of Moultrie I'lavel M.iseley and William \\Vllsof C.n.k : AlU-rtK. Shannon of White: and the Sn|icrinlei!dcnl o'. I'ublic Instruction, ex oliicio Tln> olijefl ol lite University, as dclined in the organi/.iii}; law. is to <|uaiify teachers for the public schools of I In- state, and the course of instruction to lc gi\oh embraces "(he art of teaching and all bran, h.-- which perlain to a common schiHil education: in the 4'lemeiits of the natural sciences, im-l, !::_ agricultural c-hemisiry . animal and vegetable phvsiolug\ . in the fundamental laws of the Cnited States and of the Stale of lllinoi-. n. regard to the rights and duties of citizens, and such other studies as the Hoard of l-'diiealion i,..i; from time to time, prescriU- " Variou- <:i:e- om|ieled for the lo<'atiist riel The d**|i;trtmeiits a. (Grammar seliool. high school, normal departiii' 1.1 ami model schmd. all of which arc overcrowd. . The whole number of students in attendance >i, the institution during the school year. I S '.'T ''" was I.IH7. ol whom Mtl were in the normal department and ''(> in the practice school dep.n ment, including representatives from >*C> cinn. lU-s of the Stall' with a few pupils from oth. i Stall's on the [laymenl ot tuition The teaehin. faculty lini'lnding Ihe ('resident :mi| Liliranai for the same \ear. was made up of twenty -si\ memlicrs - twelve ladlesand fourteen gelitlemel. The ex|M'iidilnres for the year I*!I7 !rs aggregaU'd si; il'.'ii Hi. against si;r,.:,is (Hi for |s'.Hi-!7 Nearlv .s-.'-J.IHMI ot the amount ,-x|pended during the lattei year was on account ol the construction of .1 gv mnasiiim luiilding STATK I'KUI'KKTV. The L nitod SUtes Cei, siis of IsOll gave the value of real and |>crsoiial pro|M'rlv Udoiigiiig to t lu- State as follows I'ul. lie lands S:;-JS.IMHI buildings .S'.'i Ilil.iKMi. uu> 5 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. oellaneous property, $2,650,000 total, $25,143,000. The land may be subdivided thus: Camp-grounds of the Illinois National Guard near Springfield (donated), $40,000; Illinois and Michigan Canal, $168,000; Illinois University lands, in Illinois (donated by the General Government), $41,000, in Minnesota (similarly donated), 879,000. The buildings comprise those connected with the cliaritable, penal and educational institutions of the State, besides the State Arsenal, two build- ings for the use of the Appellate Courts (at Ottawa and Mount Vernon), the State House, the Executive Mansion, and locks and dams erected at Henry and Copperas Creek. Of the miscellaneous property, $120,000 represents the equipment of the Illinois National Guard ; $1,959,- 000 the value of the movable property of public buildings; $550,000 the endowment fund of the University of Illinois; and $21,000 the movable property of the Illinois & Michigan Canal. The figures given relative to the value of the public buildings include only the first appropriations for their erection. Considerable sums have since been expended upon some of them in repairs, enlargements and improvements. STATE TREASURERS. The only Treasurer of Illinois during the Territorial period was John Thomas, who served from 1812 to 1818, and became the first incumbent under the State Government. Under the Constitution of 1818 the Treasurer was elected, biennially, by joint vote of the two Houses of the General Assembly ; by the Constitution of 1848, this officer was made elective by the people for the same period, with- out limitations as to number of terms ; under the Constitution of 1870, the manner of election and duration of term are unchanged, but the incum- bent is ineligible to re-election, for two years from expiration of the term for which he may have been chosen. The following is a list of the State Treasurers, from the date of the admission of the State into the Union down to the present time (1899), with the date and duration of the term of each: John Thomas, 1818-19; Robert K. McLaughlin, 1819-23; Abner Field, 182327; James Hall, 1827-31; John Dement, 1831-36; Charles Gregory, 1836-37; John D. Whiteside, 1H37-41; Milton Carpenter, 1841-48; John Moore, 1848-57; James Miller, 1857-59; William Butler, 1859-63; Alexander Starne, 1863-65; James H. Beveridge, 1865-67; George W. Smith, 1867-69; Erastus N. Bates, 1869-73; Edward Rutz, 1873-75; Thomas S. Ridgway, 1875-77; Edward Rutz, 1877-79; John C. Smith, 1879-81; Edward Rutz. 1881-83; John C. Smith, 1883-85; Jacob Gross, 1885-87; John R. Tanner, 1887-89; Charles Becker, 1889-91; Edward S. Wilson, 1891-98; Rufus N. Ramsay, 1893-95; Henry Wulff, 1895-97; Henry L. Hertz, 1897-99; Floyd K. Whittemore, 1899- . STAUNTON, a village in the southeast corner of Macoupin County, on the Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis and the Wabash Railways; is 36 miles northeast of St. Louis, and 14 miles southwest of Litchfield. Agriculture and coal-mining are the industries of the surrounding region. Staunton has two banks, eight churches and a weekly newspaper. Population (1880), 1,358 ; (1890), 8,209 ; (1900), 2,786. STEEL PRODUCTION. In the manufacture of steel, Illinois has long ranked as the second State in the Union in the amount of its output, and, during the period between 1880 and 1890, the increase in production was 241 per cent. In 1880 there were but six steel works in the State: in 1890 these had increased to fourteen; and the production of steel of all kinds (in tons of 2,000 pounds) had risen from 254,569 tons to 868,250. Of the 3,837,039 tons of Bessemer steel ingots, or direct castings, produced in the United States in 1890, 22 per cent were turned out in Illinois, nearly all the steel produced in the State being made by that process. From the tonnage of ingots, as given above, Illinois produced 622,260 pounds of steel rails, more than 30 per cent of the aggregate for the entire country. This fact is noteworthy, inasmuch as the competition in the manufacture of Bessemer steel rails, since 1880, has been so great that many rail mills have converted their steel into forms other than rails, experience having proved their production to any considerable extent, during the past few years, unprofitable except in works favorably located for obtaining cheap raw material, or operated under the latest and most approved methods of manufacture. Open-hearth steel is no longer made in Illinois, but the manufacture of crucible steel is slightly increasing, the out- put in 1890 being 445 tons, as against 130 in 1880. For purposes requiring special grades of steel the product of the crucible process will be always in demand, but the high cost of manufacture prevents it, in a majority of instances, from successfully competing in price with the other processes mentioned. STEPHENSON, Benjamin, pioneer and early politician, came to Illinois from Kentucky in 1809, and was appointed the first Sheriff of Randolph County by Governor Edwards under the Territorial Government; afterwards served HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 507 as a. Colonel of Illinois militia during the War of 1813; represented Illinois Territory as Delegate in Congress, 1814-16, and, on his retirement from Congress, became Register of the Land Office at Edwardsville, finally dying at Edwardsville Col. James W. (Stephenson) , a son of the preceding, was a soldier during the Black Hawk War, after- wards became a prominent politician in the north- western part of the State, served as Register of the Land Office at Galena and, in 1838, received the Democratic nomination for Governor, but withdrew before the election. STEPHENSON, (Dr.) Benjamin Franklin, physician and soldier, was born in Wayne County, ,111., Oct. 30, 1822, and accompanied his parents, in 1825, to Sangamon County, where the family settled. His early educational advantages were meager, and he did not study his profession (medicine) until after reaching his majority, graduating from Rush Medical College, Chicago, in 1850. He began practice at Petersburg, but, in April, 1862, was mustered into the volunteer army as Surgeon of the Fourteenth Illinois Infantry. After a little over two years service he was mustered out in June, 1864, when he took up his residence in Springfield, and, for a year, wax engaged in the drug business there. In 1865 he resumed professional practice. He lacked tenac- ity of purpose, however, was indifferent to money, and always willing to give his own services and orders for medicine to the poor. Hence, his prac- tice was not lucrative. He was one of the leaders in the organization of the Grand Army of the Republic (which see), in connection with which he is most widely known ; but his services in its cause failed to receive, during his lifetime, the recognition which they deserved, nor did the organization promptly flourish, as he had hoped. He finally returned with his family to Peters- burg. Died, at Rock Creek, Menard, County, 111. , August 30, 1871. STEPHENSON COUNTY, a northwestern county, with an area of 560 square miles. The soil is rich, productive and well timbered. Fruit- culture and stock-raising are among the chief industries. Not until 1827 did the aborigines quit the locality, and the county was organized, ten years later, and named for Gen. Benjamin Stephenson. A man named Kirker, who had been in the employment of Colonel Gratiot as a lead-miner, near Galena, is said to have built the first cabin within the present limits of what was called Burr Oak Grove, and set himself up as an Indian-trader in 1820, but only remained a short time. He was followed, the next year, by Oliver W. Kellogg, who took Kirker s place, built a more pretentious dwelling and became the first permanent settler. Later came William Wad- dams, the Montagues, Baker, Kilpatriek, Preston the Goddards, and others whose names are linked with the county's early history. The first house in Freeport was built by William Baker. Organi- zation was effected in 1837. the total poll being eighty-four votes. The earliest teacher was Nel- son Martin, who is said to have taught a school of some twelve pupils, in a house which stood on the site of the present city of Freeport. Popula- tion (1880), 31,963; (1890), 31,338; (1900). 34,933. STERLING, a flourishing city on the north bank of Rock River, in Whiteside County, 10 miles west of Chicago, 39 miles east of Clinton, Iowa, and 52 miles east-northeast of Rock Island. It has ample railway facilities, furnished by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Sterling & Peoria, and the Chicago & Northwestern Rail- roads. It contains fourteen churches, an opera house, high and grade schools, Carnegie library, Government postoffice building, three banks, electric street and interurban car lines, electric and gas lighting, water-works, paved streets and sidewalks, lire department and four newspaper offices, two issuing daily editions. It has fine water-power, and is an important manufacturing center, its works turning out agricultural imple- ments, carriages, paper, barbed-wire, school furni- ture, burial caskets, pumps, sash, doors, etc. It also has the Sterling Iron Works, besides foundries and machine shops. The river here flows through charming scenery. Pop. (1890), 5,834; (1900), 6,309. STEVENS, Bradford R., ex-Congressman, was born at Boscawen (afterwards Webster), N. H.. Jan. 3, 1813. After attending schools in New Hampshire and at Montreal, he entered Dart- mouth College, graduating therefrom in 1835. During the six years following, he devoted him- self to teaching, at Hopkinsville. Ky., and New York City. In 1843 he removed to Bureau County, 111., where he became a merchant and farmer. In 1868 he was chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and. in 1870, was elected to Con- gress, as an Independent Democrat, for the Fifth District. STEVENSON, Adlat E., ex-Vice-President of the United States, was born in Christian County. Ky., Oct. 23, 1835. In 1852 he removed with his parents to Bloomington. McLean County, 111., where the family settled; was educated at the Illinois Wesleyan University and at Centre Col- lege. Ky.. was admitted to the bar in IRIS and began practice at Metamora. Woodford County, 608 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. where he was Master in Chancery, 1861-65, and State's Attorney, 1865-69. In 1864 he was candi- date for Presidential Elector on the Democratic ticket. In 1869 he returned to Bloomington, where he has since resided. In 1874, and again in 1876, he was an unsuccessful candidate of his party for Congress, but was elected as a Green- back Democrat in 1878, though defeated in 1880 and 1882. In 1877 he was appointed by President Hayes a member of the Board of Visitors to West Point. During the first administration of President Cleveland (1885-89) he was First Assist- ant Postmaster General; was a member of the National Democratic Conventions of 1884 and 1893, being Chairman of the Illinois delegation the latter year. In 1892 he received his party's nomination for the Vice-Presidency, and "was elected to that office, serving until 1897. Since retiring from office he has resumed his residence at Bloomington. STEWARD, Lewis, manufacturer and former Congressman, was born in Wayne County, Pa., Nov. 20, 1824, and received a common school education. At the age of 14 he accompanied his parents to Kendall County, 111., where he after- wards resided, being engaged in farming and the manufacture of agricultural implements at Piano. He studied law but never practiced. In 1876 he was an unsuccessful candidate for Gov- ernor on the Democratic ticket, being defeated by Shelby M. Cullom. In 1890 the Democrats of the Eighth Illinois District elected him to Con- gress. In 1892 he was again a candidate, but was defeated by his Republican opponent, Robert A. Childs, by the narrow margin of 27 votes, and, in 1894, was again defeated, this time being pitted against Albert J. Hopkins. Mr. Steward died at liis home at Piano, August 26, 1896. STEWARDSON, a town of Shelby County, at the intersection of the Toledo, St. Louis & Kan- sas City Railway with the Altamont branch of the Wabash, 12 miles southeast of Shelby ville; is in a grain and lumber region; has a bank and a weekly paper. Population, (1900), 677. STICKNEY, William II., pioneer lawyer, was born in Baltimore, Md., Nov. 9, 1809, studied law and was admitted to the bar at Cincinnati in 1831, and, in Illinois in 1834, being at that time a resident of Shawneetown ; was elected State's Attorney by the Legislature, in 1839, for the cir- cuit embracing some fourteen counties in the southern and southeastern part of the State ; for a time also, about 1835-36, officiated as editor of "The Gallatin Democrat," and "The Illinois Advertiser," published at Shawneetowu. In 1846 Mr. Stickney was elected to the lower branch of the General Assembly from Gallatin County, and, twenty-eight years later having come to Chi- cago in 1848 to the same body from Cook County, serving in the somewhat famous Twenty- ninth Assembly. He also held the office of Police Justice for some thirteen years, from 1860 onward. He lived to an advanced age, dying in Chicago, Feb. 14, 1898, being at the time the oldest surviving member of the Chicago bar. STILES, Isaac Newton, lawyer and soldier, born at Suffield, Conn., July 16, 1833; was ad- mitted to the bar at Lafayette, Ind., in 1855, became Prosecuting Attorney, a member of the Legislature and an effective speaker in the Fre- mont campaign of 1856; enlisted as a private sol- dier at the beginning of the war, went to the field as Adjutant, was captured at Malvern Hill, and, after six weeks' confinement in Libby prison, exchanged and returned to duty; was promoted Major, Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel, and brevetted Brigadier-General for meritorious service. After the war he practiced his profes- sion in Chicago, though almost totally blind. Died, Jan. 18, 1895. STILLMAX, Stephen, first State Senator from Sangamon County, 111. , was a native of Massachu- setts who came, with his widowed mother, to Sangamon County inyl820, and settled near Williamsville, where he became the first Post- master in the first postoffice in the State north of the Sangamon River. In 1822, Mr. Stillman was elected as the first State Senator from Sangamon County, serving four years, and, at his first session, lieing one of the opponents of the pro-slavery Convention resolution. He died, in Peoria, some- where between 1835 and 1840. STILLMAN VALLEY, village in Ogle County, on Chicago Great Western and the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railways; site of first battle Black Hawk War; has graded schools, four churches, a bank and a newspaper. Pop. , 475. STITES, Samuel, pioneer, was born near Mount Bethel, Somerset County, N. J., Oct. 31, 1776; died, August 16, 1839, on his farm, which subsequently became the site of the city of Tren- ton, in Clinton County, 111. He was descended from John Stites, M.D., who was born in Em; land in 1595, emigrated to America, and died at Hempstead, L. I., in 1717. at the age of 122 years. The family removed to New Jersey in the latter part of the seventeenth century. Samuel was a cousin of Benjamin Stites, the first white man to settle within the present limits of Cincinnati, and various members of the family were prominent in HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 509 the settlement of the upper Ohio Valley as early as 1788. Samuel Stites married, Sept. 14, 1794, Martha Martin, daughter of Ephraim Martin, and grand- daughter of Col. Ephraim Martin, both soldiers of the New Jersey line during the Revo- lutionary War with the last named of whom lie had (in connection with John Cleves Symmes) been intimately associated in the purchase and settlement of the Miami Valley. In 1800 he removed to Hamilton County, Ohio, in 1803 to Greene County, and, in 1818, in company with his son-in-law. Anthony Wayne C'asacl, to St. Glair County, 111., settling near Union Grove Later, he removed to O'Fallon. and, still later, to Clinton County. He left a large family, several members of which became prominent pioneers in the movements toward Minnesota and Kansas. STOLBRAND, Carlos John Mueller, soldier, was born in Sweden, May 11, 1821 ; at the age of 18, enlisted in the Royal Artillery of his native land, serving through the campaign of Schleswig- Holstein (1848) ; came to the United States soon after, and, m 1861, enlisted in the first battalion of Illinois Light Artillery, finally becoming Chief of Artillery under Gen. John A. Logan. When the latter became commander of the Fifteenth Army Corps, Col. Stolbrand was placed at the head of the artillery brigade ; in February, 1865, was made Brigadier-General, and mustered out in January, 1866. After the war he went South, and was Secretary of the South Carolina Consti- tutional Convention of 1868. The same year he was a delegate to the Republican National Con- vention at Chicago, and a Presidential Elector. He was an inventor and patented various im- provements in steam engines and boilers; was also Superintendent of Public Buildings at Charleston, S. C., under President Harrison. Died, at Charleston, Feb. 3, 1894. STONE, Daniel, early lawyer and legislator, was a native of Vermont and graduate of Middle- bury College; became a member of the Spring- field (111.) bar in 1833, and, in 1836, was elected to the General Assembly being one of the cele- brated "Long Nine" from Sangamon County, and joining Abraham Lincoln in his protest against a series of pro-slavery resolutions which had been adopted by the House. In 1837 he was a Circuit Court Judge and, being assigned to the north- western part of the State, removed to Galena, but was legislated out of office, when he left the State, dying a few years later, in Essex County, N. J. STONE, Horatio 0., pioneer, was born in Ontario (now Monroe) County, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1811 ; in boyhood learned the trade of shoemaker, and later acted as overseer of laborers on the Lackawanna Canal. In 1831, having located in Wayne County, Mich., he was drafted for the Black Hawk War, serving twenty-two days under Gen. Jacob Brown. In January, 1835, he came to Chicago and, having made a fortunate specu- lation in real estate in that early day, a few months later entered upon the grocery and pro- vision trade, which he afterwards extended to grain ; finally giving his chief attention to real estate, in which he was remarkably successful, leaving a large fortune at his death, which occurred in Chicago, June 20, 1877. STONE, (Rev.) Luther, Baptist clergyman, was born in the town of Oxford, Worcester County, Mass., Sept. 26, 1815, and spent his boy- hood on a farm. After acquiring a common school education, he prepared for college at Lei- cester Academy, and, in 1835, entered Brown University, graduating in the class of 1839. He then spent three years at the Theological Insti- tute at Newton, Mass. ; was ordained to the ministry at Oxford, in 1843, but, coming west the next year, entered upon evangelical work in Rock Island, Davenport, Burlington and neigh- boring towns. Later, he was pastor of the First Baptist Church at Rockford, 111. In 1847 Mr Stone came to Chicago and established "The Watchman of the Prairies," which survives to- day under the name of "The Standard," and has become the leading Baptist organ in the West. After six years of editorial work, he took up evangelistic work in Chicago, among the poor and criminal classes. During the Civil War he conducted religious services at Camp Douglas, Soldiers' Rest and the Marine Hospital. He was associated in the conduct and promotion of many educational and charitable institutions. He did much for the First Baptist Church of Chicago, and, during the latter years of his life, was attached to the Immanuel Baptist Church, which he labored to establish. Died, in Julv, 1890. STONE, Melville ., journalist, banker, Man- ager ot Associated Press, born at Hudson, 111., August 18, 1848. Coming to Chicago in 1880, he graduated from the local high school in 1867, and, in 1870, acquired the sole proprietorship of a foundry and machine shop. Finding himself without resources after the great fire of 1871, he embarked in journalism, rising, through the suc- cessive grades of reporter, city editor, assistant editor and Washington correspondent, to the position of editor-in-chief of his own journal. 510 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. He was connected with various Chicago dailies between 1871 and 1875, and, on Christinas Day of the latter year, issued the first number of ' 'The Chicago Daily News." He gradually disposed of his interest in this journal, entirely severing his connection therewith in 1888. Since that date he has been engaged in banking in the city of Chicago, and is also General Manager of the Associated Press. STONE, Samuel, philanthropist, was born at Chesterfield, Mass., Dec. 6, 1798; left an orphan at seven years of age, after a short tenn in Lei- cester Academy, and several years in a wholesale store in Boston, at the age of 19 removed to Rochester, N. V. . to take charge of interests in the "Holland Purchase," belonging to his father's estate; in 1843-49. was a resident of ^Detroit ami interested in some of the early railroad enter- prises centering there, but the latter year re- moved to Milwaukee, being there associated with Ezra Cornell in telegraph construction. In 1859 he became a citizen of Chicago, where he was one of the founders of the Chicago Historical Society, and a liberal patron of many enterprises of a public and benevolent character. Died, May 4, 1876. STONE FORT, a village in the counties of Saline and Williamson. It is situated on the Cairo Division of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway, 57 miles northeast of Cairo. Population (1900), 479. STOREY, Wilbur I'., journalist and news- paper publisher, was born at Salisbury, Vt., Dec. 19, 1819. He liegan to learn the printer's trade at 12, and, before he was 19, was part owner of a Democratic paper called "The Herald," published at La Porte, Ind. Later, he either edited or con- trolled journals published at Mishawaka, Ind., and Jackson ano!itical ties. About 1X76 his health began to decline. Medical aid failed to afford relief, and, in August, 1884, he was ad- judged to be of unsound mind, and his estate was placed in the hands of a conservator. On the 27th of the following October (1884), he died at his home in Chicago. STORKS, Emery Alexander, lawyer, was born at Hinsdale, Cattaraugus County, N. Y., August 12, 1835; began the study of law with his father, later pursued a legal course at Buffalo, and, in 1853, was admitted to the bar; spent two years (1857-59) in New York City, the latter year 're- moving to Chicago, where he attained great prominence as an advocate at the bar, as well as an orator on other occasions. Politically a Republican, he took an active part in Presidential campaigns, being a delegate-at-large from Illinois to the National Republican Conventions of 1868, '72, and '80, and serving as one of the Vice-Presi- dents in 1872. Erratic in habits and a master of epigram and repartee, many of his speeches are quoted with relish and appreciation by those who were his contemporaries at the Chicago bar. Died suddenly, while in attendance on the Su- preme Court at Ottawa, Sept. 12, 1885. STRAWN, Jacob, agriculturist and stock- dealer, born in Somerset County, Pa., May 30, 1800 ; removed to Licking County, Ohio, in 1817, and to Illinois, in 1831, settling four miles south- west of Jacksonville. He was one of the first to demonstrate the possibilities of Illinois as a live- stock state. Unpretentious and despising mere show, he illustrated the virtues of industry, fru- gality and honesty. At his death which occurred August 23, 1865 he left an estate estimated in value at about $1,000,000, acquired by industry and business enterprise. He was a zealous Unionist during the war, at one time contributing $10,000 to the Christian Commission. STREATOR, a city (laid out in 1868 and incor- porated in 1882) in the southern part of La Salic County, 93 miles southwest of Chicago; situated on the Vermilion River and a central jxnnt for five railroads. It is surrounded by a rich agri- cultural i-i mm r\ . and is underlaid by coal seams (two of which are worked) and by shale and various clay products of value, adapted to the manufacture of fire and building-brick, drain- pipe, etc. The city is thoroughly modern, having gas, electric lighting, street railways, water- works, a good tire-department, and a large, im- proved public ]>ark. Churches and schools are numerous, as are also fine public and private buildings. One of the chief industries is the manufacture of glass, including rolled-plate, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 511 window-glass, flint and Bohemian ware and glass bottles. Other successful industries are foundries and machine shops, flour mills, and clay working establishments. There are several banks, and three daily and weekly papers are published here. The estimated property valuation, in 1884, was $12,000,000. Streator boasts some handsome public buildings, especially the Government post- office and the Carnegie public library building, both of which have been erected within the past few years. Pop. (1890). 11,414; (1900), 14,079. STREET, Joseph M., pioneer and early politi- cian, settled at Shawneetown about 1812, coming from Kentucky, though believed to have been a native of Eastern Virginia. In 1827 he was a Brigadier-General of militia, and appears to have been prominent in the affairs of that section of the State. His correspondence with Governor Edwards, about this time, shows him to have been a man of far more than ordinary education, with a good opinion of his merits and capabilities. He was a most persistent applicant for office, making urgent appeals to Governor Edwards, Henry Clay and other politicians in Kentucky, Virginia and Washington, on the ground of his poverty and large family. In 1827 he received the offer of the clerkship of the new county of Peoria, but, on visiting that region, was disgusted with the prospect; returning to Shawneetown, bought a farm in Sangamon County, but, before the close of the year, was appointed Indian Agent at Prairie du Chien. This was during the difficul- ties with the Winnebago Indians, upon which he made voluminous reports to the Secretary of War. Mr. Street was a son-in-law of Gen. Thomas Posey, a Revolutionary soldier, who was prominent in the early history of Indiana and its last Territorial Governor. (See Posey, (Gen.) Thomas.) STREETER, Alson J., farmer and politician, was born in Eensselaer County, N. Y., in 1823; at the age of two years accompanied his father to Illinois, the family settling at Dixon, Lee County, He attended Knox College for three years, and, in 1849, went to California, where he spent two years in gold mining. Returning to Illinois, he purchased a farm of 240 acres near New Windsor, Mercer County, to which he has since added sev- eral thousand acres. In 1872 he was elected to the lower house of the Twenty-eighth General Assembly as a Democrat, but, in 1873, allied him- self with the Greenback party, whose candidate for Congress he was in 1878, and for Governor in 1880, when he received nearly 3,000 votes more than his party's Presidential nominee, in Illinois. In 1884 he was elected State Senator by a coali- tion of Greenbackers and Democrats in the Twenty-fourth Senatorial District, but acted as an independent throughout his entire term. STRONG, William Emerson, soldier, was born at Granville, N. Y., in 1840; from 13 years of age. spent his early life in Wisconsin, studied law and was admitted to the bar at Racine in 1861. The same year he enlisted under the first call for troops, took part, as Captain of a Wisconsin Com- pany, in the first battle of Bull Run; was afterwards promoted and assigned to duty as Inspector-General in the West, participated in the Vicksburg and Atlanta campaigns, being finally advanced to the rank of Brigadier-Gen- eral. After some fifteen months spent in the position of Inspector-General of the Freedmen's Bureau (1865-66), he located in Chicago, and became connected with several important busi- ness enterprises, besides assisting, as an officer on the staff of Governor Cullom, in the organization of the Illinois National Guard. He was elected on the first Board of Directors of the World's Columbian Exposition, and, while making a tour of Europe in the interest of that enterprise, died, at Florence, Italy, April 10, 1891. STUART, John Todd, lawyer and Congress- man, born near Lexington. Ky., Nov. 10, 1807 the son of Robert Stuart, a Presbyterian minister and Professor of Languages in Transylvania University, and related, on the maternal side, to the Todd family, of whom Mrs. Abraham Lincoln was a member. He graduated at Centre College. Danville, in 1826, and, after studying law. re- moved to Springfield, 111., in 1828, and began practice. In 1832 he was elected Representative in the General Assembly, re-elected in 1834, and. in 1836, defeated, as the Whig candidate for Con- gress, by Wm. L. May, though elected, two years later, over Stephen A. Douglas, and again in 184(1. In 1837, Abraham Lincoln, who had been studying law under Mr. Stuart's advice and instruction, became his partner, the relation- ship continuing until 1841. He served in the State Senate, 1849-53, was the Bell-Everett candidate for Governor in 1860, and was elected to Congress, as a Democrat, for a third time, in 1862, but, in 1864, was defeated by Shelby M. Cullom, his former pupil. During the latter years of his life, Mr. Stuart was head of the law firm of Stuart, Edwards & Brown. Died, at Springfield, Nov. 28, 1885. STURGES, Solomon, merchant and banker, was born at Fairfield, Conn.. April 21, 1796. parly manifested a passion for the sea and. in 1810, 512 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. made a voyage, on a vessel of which his brother was captain, from New York to Georgetown, D. C., intending to continue it to Lisbon. At Georgetown he was induced to accept a position as clerk with a Mr. Williams, where he was associated with two other youths, as fellow-em- ployes, who became eminent bankers and capitalists W. W. Corcoran, afterwards the well-known banker of Washington, and George W. Peabody, who had a successful banking career in England, and won a name as one of the most liberal and public-spirited of philanthropists. During the War of 1812 young Sturges joined a volunteer infantry company, where he had, for comrades, George W. Peabody and Francis S. Key, tin- latter author of the popular national song, "The Star Spangled Banner." In 1814 Mr. Sturges accepted a clerkship in the store of his brother-in-law, Ebenezer Buckingham, at Put- nam, Muskingum County, Ohio, two years later becoming a partner in the concern, where he developed that business capacity which laid the foundation for his future wealth. Before steam- ers navigated the waters of the Ohio and Missis- sippi Rivers, he piloted flat-boats, loaded with produce and merchandise, to New Orleans, return- ing overland. During one of his visits to that <-ity, he witnessed the arrival of the "Washing- ton," the first steamer to descend the Mississippi, as, in 1817, he saw the arrival of the "Walk-in- the- Water" at Detroit, the first steamer to arrive from Buffalo the occasion of his visit to Detroit lieing to carry funds to General Cass to pay off the United States troops. About 1849 he was associated with the construction of the Wabash & Erie Canal, from the Ohio River to Terre Haute, Ind., advancing money for the prosecution of the work, for which was reimbursed by the State. In 1854 he came to Chicago, and, in partnership with his brothers-in-law, C. P. and Alvah Buck- ingham, erected the first large grain-elevator in that city, on land leased from the Illinois Central Railroad Company, following it, two years later, by another of equal capacity. For a time, sub- stantially all the grain coming into Chicago, by railroad, passed into these elevators. In 1857 he established the private banking house of Solomon Sturges & Sons, which, shortly after his death, under the management of his son, George Stur- ;,'<, became the Northwestern National Bank of Chicago. He was intensely patriotic and, on the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, used i if his means freely in support of the Govern- ment, equipping the Sturges Rifles, an independ- uiit company, at a cost of $20,000. He was also a subscriber to the first loan made by the Govern- ment, during this period, taking $100,000 in Government bonds. While devoted to his busi- ness, he was a hater of shams and corruption, and contributed freely to Christian and benevolent enterprises. Died, at the home of a daughter, at Zanesville, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1864, leaving a large fortune acquired by legitimate trade. MT im V AM , Julian MIIIIS.UI. D.D., I, !..!>.. clergyman and educator, was born at Warren, Litchfield County, Conn., July 26, 1805; spent his youth in Summit County, Ohio, meanwhile pre- paring for college ; in 1822, entered Yale College as the classmate of the celebrated Klizur Wright, graduating in 1826. After two years as Princi- pal of an academy at Canaan, Conn., he entered Yale Divinity School, graduating there in 1829; then came west, and, after spending a year in superintending the erection of buildings, in De- cember, 1830, as sole tutor, began instruction to ,. class of nine pupils in what is now Illinois Col- lege, at Jacksonville. Having been joined, the following year, by Dr. Edward Beecher as Presi- dent, Mr. Sturtevant assumed the chair of Mathe- matics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, which he retained until 1844, when, by the retirement of Dr. Beecher, he succeeded to the offices of President and Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. Here he labored, inces- santly and unselfishly, as a teacher during term time, and, as financial agent during vacations, in the interest of the institution of which he liad been one of the chief founders, serving until 1876, when he resigned the Presidency, giving his attention, for the next ten years, to the duties of Professor of Mental Science and Science of Gov- ernment, which he had discharged from 1870. In 1886 he retired from the institution entirely, having given to its service fifty-six years of his life. In 1863, Dr. Sturtevant visited Europe in the interest of the Union cause, delivering effec- tive addresses at a number of points in England. He was a frequent contributor to the weekly religious and periodical press, and was the author of "Economics, or the Science of Wealth" (1876) a text-book on political economy, and "Keys of Sect, or the Church of the New Testament" (1879), besides frequently occupying the pulpits of local and distant churches having been early ordained a Congregational minister. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Mis- souri and that of LL.D. from Iowa University. Died, in Jacksonville, Feb. 11, 1886. Julian M. (Sturtevant), Jr., son of the preceding, was born at Jacksonville, III. Feb. 2, 1834; fitted for col- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 513 lege in the preparatory department of Illinois College and graduated from the college (proper) in 1854. After leaving college he served as teacher in the Jacksonville public schools one year, then spent a year as tutor in Illinois Col- lege, when he began the study of theology at Andover Theological Seminary, graduating there in 1859, meanwhile having discharged the duties of Chaplain of the Connecticut State's prison in 185* He was ordained a minister of the Con- gregational Church at Hannibal, Mo., in 1860, remaining as pastor in that city nine years. He has since been engaged in pastoral work in New York City (1869-70), Ottawa, 111., (1870-73) ; Den- ver, Cola, (1873-77); Grinnell, Iowa, (1877-84); Cleveland, Ohio, (1884-90); Galesburg, 111., (1890-93), and Aurora, (1893-97). Since leaving the Congregational church at Aurora, Dr. Sturte- vant has been engaged in pastoral work in Chi- cago. He was also editor of "The Congrega- tionalist" of Iowa (1881-84), and, at different periods, has served as Trustee of Colorado, Marietta and Knox Colleges; being still an honored member of the Knox College Board. He received the degree of D.D. from Illinois College, in 1879. SUBLETTE, a station and village on the Illi- nois Central Railroad, in Lee County, 8 miles northwest of Mendota. Population, (1900), 306. SUFFRAGE, in general, the right or privilege t>f voting. The qualifications of electors (or voters), in the choice of public officers in Illinois, are fixed by the State Constitution (Art. VII.), except as to school officers, which are prescribed by law. Under the State Constitution the exer- cise of the right to vote is limited to persons who were electors at the time of the adoption of the Constitution of 1848, or who are native or natu- ralized male citizens of the United States, of the age of 21 years or over, who have been residents of the State one year, of the county ninety days, and of the district (or precinct) in which they offer to vote, 30 days. Under an act passed in 1891, women, of 21 years of age and upwards, are entitled to vote for school officers, and are also eligible to such offices under the same conditions, as to age and residence, as male citizens. (See Elections; Australian Ballot. ) SULLIVAN, a city and county -seat of Moultrie County, 25 miles southeast of Decatur and 14 miles northwest of Mattoon ; is on three lines of railway. It is in an agricultural and stock-rais- ing region; contains two State banks and four weekly newspapers. Population (1880), 1,305; (1890), 1,468; (1900), 2,399; (1900, est), 3,100. SULLIVAN, William K., journalist, was born at Waterford, Ireland, Nov. 10, 1843 ; educated at the Waterford Model School and in Dublin ; came to the United States in 1863, and, after teaching for a time in Kane County, in 1864 enlisted in the One Hundred and Forty-first Regiment Illinois Volunteers. Then, after a brief season spent in teaching and on a visit to his native land, he began work as a reporter on New York papers, later being employed on "The Chicago Tribune" and "The Evening Journal," on the latter, at different times, holding the position of city edi- tor, managing editor and correspondent. He was also a Representative from Cook County in the Twenty-seventh General Assembly, for three years a member of the Chicago Board of Edu- cation, and appointed United States Consul to the Bermudas by President Harrison, resigning in 1892. Died, in Chicago, January 17, 1899. Sl'LI.IV A\T. Michael Lucas, agriculturist, was born at Franklinton (a suburb of Columbus, Ohio), August 6, 1807; was educated at Ohio University and Centre College, Ky., and after being engaged in the improvement of an immense tract of land inherited from his father near his birth-place, devoting much attention, meanwhile, to the raising of improved stock in 1854 sold his Ohio lands and bought 80,000 acres, chiefly in Champaign and Piatt Counties, 111., where he began farming on a larger scale than before. The enterprise proved a financial failure, and he was finally compelled to sell a considerable portion of his estate in Champaign County, known as Broad Lands, to John T. Alexander (see Alexander, John T.), retiring to a farm of 40,000 acres at Burr Oaks, 111. He died, at Henderson, Ky., Jan. 29, 1879. SUM MER FIELD, a village of St. Clair County, on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railway, 27 miles east of St. Louis ; was the home of Gen. Fred. Hecker. Population (1900), 360. SUMNER, a city of Lawrence County, on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad, 19 miles west of Vincennes, Ind. ; has a fine school house, four churches, two banks, two flour mills, tele- phones, and one weekly newspaper. Pop. (1890), 1,037; (1900), 1,268. SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUC- TION. The office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction was created by act of the Legislature, at a special session held in 1854, its duties previous to that time, from 1845, having been discharged by the Secretary of State as Superintendent, ex-officio. The following is a list of the incumbents from the date of the formal 514 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. creation of the office down to the present time i :-'.>!!:, with the date anil duration of the term of fjirli. Ninian W. Edwards (by appointment of the Governor), 1854-57; William H. Powell (by election), 1857-59; Newton Bateman, 1859-63; John P. Brooks, 1863-65; Newton Bateman, 1865-75; Samuel W. Etter, 1875-79; James P. Slade, 1879-83; Henry Raab, 1883-87; Richard Edwards, 1887-91; Henry Raab, 1891-95; Samuel M. Inglis, 1895-98; James H. Freeman, June, 1898, to January, 1899 (by appointment of the Governor, to fill the unexpired term of Prof. Inglis, who died in office, June 1, 1898) ; Alfred Baylis, 1899. Previous to 1870 the tenure of the office was two years, but, by the Constitution adopted that year, it was extended to four years, the elections occurring on the even years between those for Governor and other State officers except State Treasurer. SUPREME COURT, JUDGES OF THE. The following is a list of Justices of the Supreme Court of Illinois who have held office since the organization of the State Government, with the period of their respective incumbencies: Joseph Phillips, 1818-22 (resigned); Thomas C. Browne, 1818 48 (term expired on adoption of new Con- stitution); William P. Foster, Oct. 9, 1818, to July 7, 1819 (resigned), John Reynolds, 1818-25; Thomas Reynolds (vice Phillips), 1822-25; Wil- liam Wilson (vice Foster) 1819-48 (term expired on adoption of new Constitution) ; Samuel D Lockwood, 1825-48 (term expired on adoption of new Constitution) ; Theophilus W. Smith, 1825-42 (resigned); Thomas Ford, Feb. 15, 1841, to Au- gust 1, 1842 (resigned) ; Sidney Breese, Feb. 15, 1841, to Dec. 19, 1842 (resigned) also (by re-elec- tions), 1857-78 (died in office) ; Walter B. Scates, 1841-47 (resigned) also (vice Trumbull), 1854-57 (resigned); Samuel H. Treat, 1841-55 (resigned); Stephen A. Douglas, 1841-42 (resigned) ; John D. Caton (vice Ford) August, 1842, to March, 1843 also (vice Robinson and by successive re-elec- tions), May, 1843 to January, 1864 (resigned); James Semple (vice Breese), Jan. 14, 1843, to April 16, 1843 (resigned) ; Richard M. Young (vice Smith), 1843-47 (resigned); John M. Robinson (vice Ford), Jan. 14, 1843, to April 27, 1843 (died in office); Jesse B. Thomas, Jr., (vice Douglas), 1843-45 (resigned) also (vice Young), 1847-48; James Shields (vice Semple), 1843-45 (resigned); Norman H. Purple (vice Thomas), 1843-48 (retired under Constitution of 1848) ; Gustavus Koerner (vice Shields), 1845-48 (retired by Constitution); William A. Denning (vice Scales), 1847-48 (re- tired by Constitution) ; Lyman Trumbull, 1848-53 (resigned); Ozias C. Skinner (vice Treat), 1855-58 (resigned); Pinkney H. Walker (vice Skinner), 1858-85 (deceased); Corydon Beckwith (by ap- pointment, vice Caton), Jan. 7, 1864, to June 6. 1864; Charles B. Lawrence (one term), 1864-73; Anthony Thornton, 1870-73 (resigned); John M. Scott (two terms), 1870-88; Benjamin R. Sheldon (two terms), 1870-88; William K. McAllister, 1870-75 (resigned) ; John Scholfield (vice Thorn- ton), 187393 (died); T. Lyle Dickey (vice McAllister), 1875-85 (died) ; David J. Baker (ap- pointed, vice Breese), July 9, 1878, to June 2, 1879 also, 1888-97; John H. Mulkey, 1879-88; Damon G. Tunnicliffe (appointed, vice Walker), Feb. 15, 1885, to June 1, 1885; Simeon P. Shope, 1885-94; Joseph M. Bailey, 1888-95 (died in office). The Supreme Court, as at present constituted (1899), is as follows: Carroll C. Boggs, elected, 1897; Jesse J. Phillips (vice Scholfield, deceased) elected, 1893, and re-elected, 1897; Jacob W. Wil- kin, elected, 1888, and re-elected, 1897; Joseph N. Carter, elected, 1894; Alfred M. Craig, elec- ted, 1873, and re-elected, 1882 and '91 ; James H. Cartwright (vice Bailey), elected, 1895, and re- elected, 1897; Benjamin D. Magruder (vice Dickey), elected, 1885, '88 and '97. The terms of Justices Boggs, Phillips, Wilkin, Cartwright and Magruder expire in 1906 ; that of Justice Carter on 1903; and Justice Craig's, in 1900. Under the Constitution of 1818, the Justices of the Supreme Court were chosen by joint ballot of the Legisla- ture, but, under the Constitutions of 1848 and 1870, by popular vote for terms of nine years each. (See Judicial System; also sketches of individual members of the Supreme Court under their proper names.) SURVEYS, EARLY GOVERNMENT. The first United States law passed on the subject of Gov- ernment surveys was dated. May 20, 1785. After reserving certain lands to be allotted by way of pensions and to be donated for school purposes, it provided for the division of the remaining pub- lic lands among the original thirteen States. This, however, was, in effect, repealed by the Ordi- nance of 1788. The latter provided for a rectan- gular system of surveys which, with but little modification, has remained in force ever since. Briefly outlined, the system is as follows: Town- ships, six miles square, are laid out from principal bases, each township containing thirty-six sec- tions of one square mile, numbered consecutively, the numeration to commence at the upper right hand corner of the township. The first principal meridian (84' 51' west of Greenwich), coincided HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 515 with the line dividing Indiana and Ohio. The second (1 37' farther west) had direct relation to surveys in Eastern Illinois. The third (89 KV 80" west of Greenwich) and the fourth (90 29' 68" west) governed the remainder of Illinois sur- veys. The first Public Surveyor was Thomas Hutchins, who was called "the geographer." (See Hutching, Thomas.) SWEET, (Gen.) Benjamin J., soldier, was born at Kirkland, Oneida County, N. Y., April 24, 1832 ; came with his father, in 1848, to Sheboy- gan, Wis., studied law, was elected to the State Senate in 1859, and, in 1861, enlisted in the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers, being commissioned Major in 1862. Later, he resigned and, returning home, assisted in the organization of the Twenty -first and Twenty-second regiments, being elected Colonel of the former; and with it taking part in the campaign in Western Kentucky and Tennes- see. In 1863 he was assigned to command at Camp Douglas, and was there on the exposure, in November, 1864, of the conspiracy to release the rebel prisoners. (See Camp Douglas Conspir- acy.) The service which he rendered in the defeat of this bold and dangerous conspiracy evinced his courage and sagacity, and was of inestimable value to the country. After the war. General Sweet located at Lombard, near Chicago, was appointed Pension Agent at Chi- cago, afterwards served as Supervisor of Internal Revenue, and, in 1872, became Deputy Commis- sioner of Internal Revenue at Washington. Died, in Washington, Jan. 1, 1874 Miss Ada C. (Sweet), for eight years (1874-82) the efficient Pension Agent at Chicago, is General Sweet's daughter. SWEETSER, A. C., soldier and Department Commander G. A. R., was born in Oxford County, Maine, in 1839; came to Bloomington, 111., in 1857; enlisted at the beginning of the Civil War in the Eighth Illinois Volunteers and, later, in the Thirty-ninth; at the battle of Wierbottom Church, Va., in June, 1864, was shot through both legs, necessitating the amputation of one of them. After the war he held several offices of trust, including those of City Collector of Bloom- ington and Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue for the Springfield District; in 1887 was elected Department Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic for Illinois. Died, at Bloomington, March 23, 1896. SWETT, Leonard, lawyer, was born near Turner, Maine, August 11, 1825; was educated at Waterville College (now Colby University), but left before graduation; read law in Portland, and, while seeking a location in the West, enlisted in an Indiana regiment for the Mexican War, being attacked by climatic fever, was discharged before completing his term of enlistment. He soon after came to Bloomington, 111., where he became the intimate friend of Abraham Lincoln and David Davis, traveling the circuit with them for a number of years. He early became active in State politics, waa a member of the Republican State Convention of 1856, was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly in 1858, and, in 1860, was a zealous supporter of Mr. Lin- coln as a Presidential Elector for the State-at- large. In 1862 he received the Republican nomination for Congress in his District, but WM defeated. Removing to Chicago in 1865, he gained increased distinction as a lawyer, espe- cially in the management of criminal cases. In 1872 he was a supporter of Horace Greeley for President, but later returned to the Republican party, and, in the National Republican Conven- tion of 1888, presented the name of Judge Gresham for nomination for the Presidency. Died, June 8, 1889. SWI6ERT, Charles Philip, ex- Auditor of Pub- lic Accounts, was born in the Province of Baden, Germany, Nov. 27, 1843, brought by his parents to Chicago, 111., in childhood, and, in his boy- hood, attended the Scammon School in that city. In 1854 his family removed to a farm in Kanka- kee County, where, between the ages of 12 and 18, he assisted his father in "breaking" between 400 and 500 acres of prairie land. On the break- ing out of the war, in 1861, although scarcely 18 years of age, he enlisted as a private in the Forty- second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and, in April, 1862, was one of twenty heroic volunteers who ran the blockade, on the gunboat Carondelet, at Island No. 10, assisting materially in the reduc- tion of that rebel stronghold, which resulted in the capture of 7,000 prisoners. At the battle of Farmington, Miss., during the siege of Corinth, in May, 1862, he had his right arm torn from its socket by a six-pound cannon-ball, compelling his retirement from the army. Returning home, after many weeks spent in hospital at Jefferson Barracks and Quincy, 111., he received his final discharge, Dec. 21, 1862, spent a year in school, also took a course in Bryant & Stratum's Com- mercial College in Chicago, and having learne I to write with his left hand, taught for a time in Kankakee County ; served as letter-carrier in Chi- cago, and for a year as Deputy County Clerk of Kankakee County, followed by two terms (1867- 69) as a student in the Soldiers' College at Fulton. 516 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 111. The latter year he entered upon the duties of Treasurer of Kankakee County, serving, by successive re-elections, until 1880, when he re- signed to take the position of State Auditor, to which he was elected a second time in 1884. In all these positions Mr. Swigert has proved him- self an upright, capable and high-minded public official. Of late years his residence has been in Chicago. SWING, (Rev.) David, clergyman and pulpit orator, was born of German ancestry, at Cincin- nati, Ohio, August 23, 1836. After 1837 (his father dying about this time), the family resided for a time at Reedsburgh, and, later, on a farm near Williamsburgh, in Clerrnont County, in the same State. In 1 <>-. liaving graduated from the Miami (Ohio) University, he commenced the study of theology, but, in 1854, accepted the position of Professor of Languages in his Alma Mater, which he continued to fill for thirteen years. His first pastorate was in connection with the Westminster Presbyterian Church of Chi- cago, which he assumed in 1866. His church edifice was destroyed in the great Chicago fire, but was later rebuilt. As a preacher he was popular ; but, in April, 1874, he was placed on trial, before n ecclesiastical rourt of his own denomi- nation, on charges (if heresy. He was acquitted by the trial court, but, l>efore the appeal taken by the prosecution could be heard, he personally withdrew from affiliation with the denomination. Shortly afterward he became jiastor of an inde- pendent religious organization known as the "Central Church," preaching, first at McVicker's Theatre and. afterward, at Centnil Music Hall, Chicago. He was a fluent and popular speaker on all themes, a frequent and valued contributor to numerous magazines, us well as the author of several volumes. Among his best known books are "Motives of Life,'' "Truths for To-day," and "Club Essays." Died, in Chicago, Oct. 3, 1894. SYCAMORE, the county-seat of De Kalb County (founded in 1836), 56 miles west of Chi- cago, at the intersection of the Chicago & North- western and the Chicago (ireat Western Rail- roads; lies in a region devoted to agriculture, dairying and stock-raising. The city itself con- tains several factories, the principal products being agricultural implements, flour, insulated wire, brick, tile, varnish, furniture, soap and carriages and wagons. There are also works for canning vegetables and fruit, besides two creamer- ies. The town is lighted by electricity, and has high-pressure water-works. There are eleven churches, three graded public schools and a young ladies' seminary. Population (1880), 3,028; (1890), 2,987; (1900). 3,653. TAFT, Lorado, sculptor, was born at Elmwood, Peoria County, 111., April 29, 1860; at an early age evinced a predilection for sculpture and began modeling; graduated at the University of Illinois- in 1880, then went to Paris and studied sculpture in the famous Ecole des Beaux Arts until 1885. The following year he settled in Chi cago, finally becoming associated with the Chi- cago Art Institute. He lias been a lecturer on art in the Chicago University. Mr. Taft fur- nished the decorations of the Horticultural Build- ing on the World's Fair Grounds, in 1893. TALCOTT, Mancel, business man, was bora in Rome, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1817; attended the com- mon schools until 17 years of age, when he set out for the West, traveling on foot from Detroit to Chicago, and thence to Park Ridge, where he worked at farming until 1850. Then, having followed the occupation of a miner for some time, in California, with some success, he united with Horace M. Singer in establishing the firm of Singer & Talcott, stone-dealers, which lasted dur- ing most of his life. He served as a member of the Chicago City Council, on the Board of County Commissioners, as a member of the Police Board, and was one of the founders of the First National Bank, and President, for several years, of the Stock Yards National Bank. Liberal and public- spirited, he contributed freely to works of charity. Died, June 5, 1878. TALCOTT, (Capt.) William, soldier of the War of 1812 and pioneer, was born in Gilead, Conn., March 6, 1774; emigrated to Rome, Oneida County, N. Y., in 1H10, and engaged in farming; served as a Lieutenant in the Oneida County militia during the War of 1812-14, being stationed at Sackett's Harbor under the command of Gen. Winfield Scott. In 1835, in company with his eldest son, Thomas B. Talcott, he made an ex- tended tour through the West, finally selecting a location in Illinois at the junction of Rock River tind the Pecatonica, where the town of Rockton now stands there being only two white families, at that time, within the present limits of Winne- bago County. Two years later (1837), he brought his family to this point, with his sons took up a considerable body of Government land and erected two mills, to which customers came from a long distance. In 1838 Captain Talcott took part in the organization of the first Congre- gational Church in that section of the State. A zealous anti-slavery man. he supported James 6. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 517 Birney (the Liberty candidate for President) in 1844, continuing to act with that party until the organization of the Republican party in 1856; was deeply interested in the War for the Union, but died before its conclusion, Sept. 2, 1864. Maj. Thomas B. (Talcott), oldest son of the pre- ceding, was born at Hebron, Conn , April 17, i806; was taken to Rome, N. Y., by his father in nfancy, and, after reaching maturity, engaged in mercantile business with his brother in Che- mung County ; in 1835 accompanied his father in a tour through the West, finally locating at Rockton, where he engaged in agriculture. On the organization of Winnebago County, in 1836, he was elected one of the first County Commis- sioners, and, in 1850, to the State Senate, serving four years. He also held various local offices. Died, Sept. 30, 1894. Hon. Wait (Talcott), second son of Capt. William Talcott, was born at He- bron, Conn., Oct. 17, 1807, and taken to Rome, N. Y., where lie remained until his 19th year, when he engaged in business at Booneville and, still later, in Utica; in 1838, removed to Illinois and joined his father at Rockton, finally becoming a citizen of Rockford, where, in his later years, he was extensively engaged in manu- facturing, having become, in 1854, with his brother Sylvester, a partner of the firm of J. H. Manny & Co., in the manufacture of the Manny reaper and mower. He was an original anti- slavery man and, at one time.a Free-Soil candidate for Congress, but became a zealous Republican and ardent friend of Abraham Lincoln, whom he employed as an attorney in the famous suit of McCormick vs. the Manny Reaper Company for infringement of patent. In 1854 he was elected to the State Senate, succeeding his brother, Thomas B., and was the first Collector of Internal Revenue in the Second District, appointed by Mr. Lincoln in 1862, and continuing in office some five years. Though too old for active service in the field, during the Civil War, he voluntarily hired a substitute to take his place. Mr. Talcott was one of the original incorporators and Trus- tees of Beloit College, and a founder of Rockford Female Seminary, remaining a trustee of each for many years. Died, June 7, 1890. SylTester (Talcott), third son of William Talcott, born at Rome, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1810; when of age, engaged in mercantile business in Chemung County; in 1837 removed, with other members of the family, to Winnebago County, 111., where he joined his father in the entry of Government lands and the erection of mills, as already detailed. He became one of the first Justices of the Peace in Winne- County, also served as Supervisor for a number of years and. although a farmer, became interested, in 1854, with his brother Wait, in the Manny Reaper Company at Rockford. He also followed the example of liis brother, just named, in furnishing a substitute for the War of the Rebellion, though too old for service himself. Died, June 19, 1885. Henry Walter (Talcott), fourth son of William Talcott, was born at Rome, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1814; came with his father to Winnebago County, 111., in 1835, and was connected with his father and brothers in busi- ness. Died, Dec. 9, 1870. Dwight Lewis (Tal- cott). oldest son of Henry Walter Talcott, bom in Winnebago County; at the age of 17 years enlisted at Belvidere, in January, 1864, as a soldier in the Ninth Illinois Volunteer Infantry ; served as provost guard some two months at Fort Picker- ing, near Memphis, and later took part in many of the important battles of that j-ear in Missis- sippi and Tennessee. Having been captured at Campl>ellsville, Tenn., he was taken to Anderson- ville, Ga., where he suffered all the horrors of that famous prison-pen, until March, 1865, when lie was released, arriving at home a helpless skeleton, the day after Abraham Lincoln's assas- sination. Mr. Talcott sulwequently settled in Muscatine County, Iowa. TALLl'LA, a prosperous village of Menanl County, on the Jacksonville branch of the Chi- cago A: Alton Railway, 24 miles northeast of Jacksonville; is in the midst of a grain, coal- mining, and stock-growing region ; has a local bank and newspaper. Pop. (1890), 445 ; (1900), 639. TAMAROA, a village in Perry County, situated at the junction of the Illinois Central with the Wabash, Chester \- Western Railroad. 8 miles north of Dui[Uoin. and 57 miles east-southeast of Belleville. It has a bank, a newspaper office, a large public school, five churches and two flour- ing mills. Coal is mined here and exported in large quantities. Pop. (1900). 853. TAMAROA A: MOUNT VERXON RAILROAD. (See \\~abash, Cltcstcr & Western Railroad.) TANNER, Edward Allen, clergyman and edu- cator, was born of New England ancestry, at Waverly, III., Nov. 29. 1837 being the first child who could claim nativity there; was educated in the local schools and at Illinois College, graduating from the latter in 1857; spent four years teaching in his native place and at Jack- sonville; then accepted the Professorship of Latin in Pacific University at Portland. Oregon, remaining four years, when he returned to his Alma Mater (1865), aanming there the chair of 518 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Latin and Rhetoric. In 1881 he was appointed financial agent of the latter institution, and, in 1882, its President. While in Oregon he had been ordained a minister of the Congregational Church, and, for a considerable period during his connection with Illinois College, officiated as Chaplain of the Central Hospital for the Insane at Jacksonville, besides supplying local and other pulpits. He labored earnestly for the benefit of the institution under his charge, and, during his incumbency, added materially to its endowment and resources. Died, at Jackson- ville, Feb. 8, 1892. TANNER, John R., Governor, was born in Warrick County, Ind., April 4, 1844, and brought to Southern Illinois in boyhood, where he grew up on a farm in the vicinity of Carbondale, enjoying only such educational advantages as were afforded by the common school; in 1868, at the age of 19, enlisted in the Ninety-eighth Illi- nois Volunteers, serving until June, 1865, when he was transferred to the Sixty-first, and finally mustered out in September following. All the male members of Governor Tanner's family were soldiers of the late war, his father dying in a rebel prison at Columbus, Miss. , one of his bro- thers suffering the same fate from wounds at Nash- ville, Tenn. , and another brother dying in hospital at Pine Bluff, Ark. Only one of this patriotic family, besides Governor Tanner, still survives Mr. J. M. Tanner of Clay County, who left the service with the rank of Lieutenant of the Thir- teenth Illinois Cavalry. Returning from the war, Mr. Tanner established himself in business as a farmer in Clay County, later engaging suc- cessfully in the milling and lumber business as the partner of his brother. The public positions held by him, since the war, include those of Sheriff of Clay County (1870-72), Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court (1872-76), and State Senator (1880-83). During the latter year he received the appoint- ment of United States Marshal for tbe Southern District of Illinois, serving until after the acces- sion of President Cleveland in 1885. In 1886, he was the Republican nominee for State Treasurer and was elected by an unusually large majority ; in 1891 was appointed, by Governor Fifer, a member of the Railroad and Warehouse Commis- sion, but, in 1892, received the appointment of Assistant United States Treasurer at Chicago, continuing in the latter office until December, 1893. For ten years (1874-84) he was a member of the Republican State Central Committee, re- turning to that body in 1894, when he was chosen Chairman and conducted the campaign which resulted in the unprecedented Republican suc- cesses of that year. In 1896 he received the nomination of his party for Governor, and was elected over Gov. John P. Altgeld, his Demo- cratic opponent, by a plurality of over 113,000, and a majority, over all, of nearly 90,000 votes. TANNER, Tazewell B., jurist, was born in Henry County, Va., and came to Jefferson County, III, about 1846 or '47, at first taking a position as teacher and Superintendent of Public Schools. Later, he was connected with "The Jeffersonian," a Democratic paper at Mount Ver- non, and, in 1849, went to the gold regions of California, meeting with reasonable success as a miner. Returning in a year or two, he was elected Clerk of the Circuit Court, and, while in the discharge of his duties, prosecuted the study of law, finally, on admission to the bar, entering into partnership with the late Col. Thomas S. Casey. In 1854 he was elected Representative in the Nineteenth General Assembly, and was in- strumental in securing the appropriation for the erection of a Supreme Court building at Mount Vernon. In 1862 he served as a Delegate to the State Constitutional Convention of that year ; was elected Circuit Judge in 1873, and, in 1877, was assigned to duty on the Appellate bench, but, at the expiration of his term, declined a re-election and resumed the practice of his profession at Mount Vernon. Died, March 25, 1880. TAXATION, in its legal sense, the mode of raising revenue. In its general sense its purposes are the support of the State and local govern- ments, the promotion of the public good by fostering education and works of public improve- ment, the protection of society by the preser- vation of order and the punishment of crime, and the support of the helpless and destitute. In practice, and as prescribed by the Constitution, the raising of revenue is required to be done "by levying a tax by valuation, so that every person and corporation shall pay a tax in proportion to the value of his, her or its property such value to be ascertained by some person or persons, to be elected or appointed in such manner as the Gen- eral Assembly shall direct, and not otherwise." (State Constitution, 1870 Art. Revenue, Sec. 1.) The person selected under the law to make this valuation is the Assessor of the county or the township (in counties under township organiza- tion), and he is required to make a return to the County Board at its July meeting each year the latter having authority to hear complaints of tax- payers and adjust inequalities when found to exist. It is made the duty of the Assessor to HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 519 include in his return, as real-estate, all lands and the buildings or other improvements erected thereon; and, under the head of personal prop- erty, all tangible effects, besides moneys, credits, bonds or stocks, shares of stock of companies or corporations, investments, annuities, franchises, royalties, etc. Property used for school, church or cemetery purposes, as well as public buildings and other property belonging to the State and General Government, municipalities, public charities, public libraries, agricultural and scien- tific societies, are declared exempt. Nominally, all property subject to taxation is required to be assessed at its cash valuation ; but, in reality, the valuation, of late years, has been on a basis of twenty-five to thirty-three per cent of its esti- mated cash value. In the larger cities, however, the valuation is often much lower than this, while very large amounts escape assessment altogether. The Revenue Act, passed at the special session of the Fortieth General Assembly (1898), requires the Assessor to make a return of all property subject to taxation in his district, at its cash valuation, upon which a Board of Review fixes a tax on the basis of twenty per cent of such cash valuation. An abstract of the property assessment of each county goes before the State Board of Equalization, at its annual meeting in August, for the purpose of comparison and equal- izing valuations between counties, but the Board has no power to modify the assessments of indi- vidual tax-payers. (See State Board of Equali- zation. ) This Board has exclusive power to fix the valuation for purposes of taxation of the capital stock or franchises of companies (except certain specified manufacturing corporations) , in- corporated under the State laws, together with the "railroad track" and "rolling stock" of railroads, and the capital stock of railroads and telegraph lines, and to fix the distribution of the latter between counties in which they lie. The Consti- tution of 1848 empowered the Legislature to impose a capitation tax, of not less than fifty cents nor more than one dollar, upon each free white male citizen entitled to the right of suf- frage, between the ages of 21 and 60 years, but the Constitution of 1870 grants no such power, though it authorizes the extension of the "objects and subjects of taxation" in accordance with the principle contained in the first section of the Revenue Article. Special assessments in cities, for the construction of sewers, pavements, etc., being local and in the form of benefits, cannot be said to come under the head of general tax- ation. The same is to be said of revenue derived from fines and penalties, which are forms of punishment for specific offenses, and go to the benefit of certain specified funds. TAYLOR, Abner, ex-Congressman, is a native of Maine, and a resident of Chicago. He has been in active business all his life as contractor, builder and merchant, and, for some time, a member of the wholesale dry-goods firm of J. V. Farwell & Co. , of Chicago. He was a member of the Thirty- fourth General Assembly, a delegate to the National Republican Convention of 1884, and represented the First Illinois District in the Fifty- first and Fifty -second Congresses, 1889 to 1893. Mr. Taylor was one of the contractors for the erection of the new State Capitol of Texas. TAYLOR, Benjamin Franklin, journalist, poet and lecturer, was born at Lowville, N. Y., July 19, 1819; graduated at Madison University in 1839, the next year becoming literary and dra- matic critic of "The Chicago Evening Journal." Here, in a few years, he acquired a wide reputa- tion as a journalist and poet, and was much in demand as a lecturer on literary topics. His letters from the field during the Rebellion, as war correspondent of "The Evening Journal," won for him even a greater popularity, and were complimented by translation into more than one European language. After the war, he gave his attention more unreservedly to literature, his principal works appearing after that date. His publications in book form, including both prose and poetry, comprise the following: "Attractions of Language" (1845) ; "January and June" (1853); "Pictures in Camp and Field" (1871); "The World on Wheels" (1873); "Old Time Pic- tures and Sheaves of Rhyme" (1874); "Songs of Yesterday" (1877); "Summer Savory Gleaned from Rural Nooks" (1879) ; "Between the Gates" pictures of California life (1881) ; "Dulce Domum, the Burden of Song" (1884), and "Theo- philus Trent, or Old Times in the Oak Openings," a novel (1887). The last was in the hands of the publishers at his death, Feb. 27, 1887. Among his most popular poems are "The Isle of the Long Ago," "The Old Village Choir," and "Rhymes of the River." "The London Times" complimented Mr. Taylor with the title of "The Oliver Gold- smith of America." TAYLOR, Edmund Dick, early Indian-trader and legislator, was born at Fairfield C. H., Va., Oct. 18, 1802 the son of a commissary in the army of the Revolution, under General Greene, and a cousin of General (later, President) Zacharj Taylor; left his native State in his youth and, at an early day, came to Springfield, 111., where he 520 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. opened an Indian-trading post and general store : was elected from Sangamon County to the lower branch of the Seventh General Assembly (1830) and re-elected in 1832 the latter year being a competitor of Abraham Lincoln, whom he defeated. In 1834 he was elected to the State Senate and, at .the next session of the Legislature, was one of the celebrated "Long Nine" who secured the removal of the State Capital to Springfield. He resigned before the close of his term to accept, from President Jackson, the ap- pointment of Receiver of Public Moneys at Chi- cago. Here he became one of the promoters of the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad (1837), serving as one of the Commissioners to secure subscriptions of stock, and was also active in advocating the construction of the Illinois & Michigan Canal. The title of "Colonel," by which he was known during most of his life, was acquired by service, with that rank, on the staff of Gov. John Reynolds, during the Black Hawk War of 1832. After coming to Chicago, Colonel Taylor became one of the Trustees of the Chicago branch of the State Bank, and was later identified with various banking enterprises, as also a some- what extensive operator in real estate. An active Democrat in the early part of his career in Illi- nois, Colonel Taylor was one of the members of his party to take ground against the Kansas-Neb- raska bill in 1854, and advocated the election of General Bissell to the governorship in 1856. In 1860 he was again in line with his party in sup- port of Senator Douglas for the Presidency, and was an opponent of the war policy of the Govern- ment still later, as shown by his participation in the celebrated "Peace Convention" at Spring- field, of June 17, 1863. In the latter years of his life he became extensively interested in coal lands in La Salle and adjoining counties, and, for a considerable time, served as President of the Northern Illinois Coal & Mining Company, his home, during a part of this period, being at Mendota. Died, in Chicago, Deo. 4, 1891. TAYLORVILLE, a city and county-seat of Christian County, on the South Fork of the Sanga- mon River and on the Wabash Railway at its point of intersection with the Springfield Division of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern. It is about 27 miles southeast of Springfield, and 28 miles southwest of Decatur. It has several banks, flour mills, paper mill, electric light and gas plants, water-works, two coal mines, carriage and wagon shops, a manufactory of farming implements, two daily and weekly papers, nine churches and five graded and township high schools. Much coal is mined in this vicinity. Pop. (1890), 2,839; (1900), 4,248. TAZEWELL COUNTY, a central county on the Illinois River ; was first settled in 1823 and organized in 1827 ; has an area of 650 square miles was named for Governor Tazewell of Virginia. It is drained by the Illinois and Mackinaw Rivers and traversed by several lines of railway. The surface is generally level, the soil alluvial and rich, but, requiring drainage, especially on the river bottoms. Gravel, coal and sandstone are found, but, generally speaking, Tazewell is an agricultural county. The cereals are extensively cultivated; wool is also clipped, and there are dairy interests of some importance. Distilling is extensively conducted at Pekin. the county -seat, which is also the seat of other mechanical indus- tries. (See also Pekin.) Population of the county (1880), 29,666; (1890), 29,556; (1900), 33,221. TEMPLE, John Taylor, M.D., early Chicago physician, born in Virginia in 1804, graduated in medicine at Middlebury College, Vt., in 1830, and, in 1833, arrived in Chicago. At this time he had a contract for carrying the United States mail from Chicago to Fort Howard, near Green Bay, and the following year undertook a similar con- tract between Chicago and Ottawa. Having sold these out three years later, he devoted his atten- tion to the practice of his profession, though interested, for a time, in contracts for the con- struction of the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Dr. Temple was instrumental in erecting the first house (after Rev. Jesse Walker's missionary station at Wolf Point), for public religious worship in Chicago, and, although himself a Baptist, it was used in common by Protestant denominations. He was a member of the first Board of Trustees of Rush Medical College, though he later became a convert to homeopathy, and finally, removing to St. Louis, assisted in founding the St. Louis School of Homeopathy, dying there, Feb. 24, 1877. TENURE OF OFFICE. (See Elections.) TERRE HAUTE, ALTON & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. (See St. 01/1.1, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad.) TERRE HAUTE & ALTON RAILROAD (See St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad. ) TERRE HAUTE & INDIANAPOLIS RAIL- ROAD, a corporation operating no line of its own within the State, but the lessee and operator of the following lines (which see): St. Louis, Vandalia & Terre Haute, 158.3 miles; Terre Haute & Peoria, 145.12 miles; East St. Louis & Carondelet, 12.74 miles total length of leased HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 521 lines in Illinois, 316.16 miles. The Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad was incorporated in Indiana in 1847, as the Terre Haute & Rich- mond, completed a line between the points named in the title, in 1852, and took its present name in 1866. The Pennsylrania Railroad Com- pany purchased a controlling interest in its stock in 1893. TERRE HAUTE A PEORIA RAILROAD, (Vandalia Line), a line of road extending from Terre Haute, Ind., to Peoria. 111., 145.12 miles, with 28. 78 miles of trackage, making in all 173.9 miles in operation, all being in Illinois operated by the Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Com- pany. The gauge is standard, and the rails are steel. (HISTORY.) It was organized Feb. 7, 1887, successor to the Illinois Midland Railroad. The latter was made up by the consolidation (Nov. 4, 1874) of three lines: (1) The Peoria, Atlanta & Decatur Railroad, chartered in 1869 and opened iu 1874; (2) the Paris & Decatur Railroad, chartered in 1861 and opened in December, 1872; and (3) the Paris & Terre Haute Railroad, chartered in 1873 and opened in 1874 the consolidated lines assuming the name of the Illinois Midland Rail- road. In 1886 the Illinois Midland was sold under foreclosure and, in February, 1887, reorganized as the Terre Haute & Peoria Railroad. In 1892 it was leased for ninety-nine years to the Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company, and is operated as a part of the "Vandalia System.'' The capital stock (1898) was $3,764,200; funded debt, $2,230,000, total capital invested, $6,227,- 481. TEUTOPOLIS, a village of Effingham County, on the Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad, 4 miles east of Effingham; was originally settled by a colony of Germans from Cincinnati. Popu- lation (1900), 498. THOMAS, Horace H., lawyer and legislator, was born in Vermont, Dec. 18, 1831, graduated at Middlebury College, and, after admission to the bar, removed to Chicago, where he commenced practice. At the outbreak of the rebellion he enlisted and was commissioned Assistant Adju- tant-General of the Army of the Ohio. At the close of the war he took up his residence in Ten- nessee, serving as Quartermaster upon the staff of Governor Brownlow. In 1867 he returned to Chicago and resumed practice. He was elected a Representative in the Legislature in 1878 and re-elected in 1880, being chosen Speaker of the House during his latter term. In 1888 he was elected State Senator from the Sixth District, serving during the sessions of the Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh General Assemblies. In 1897, General Thomas was appointed United States Appraiser in connection with the Custom House in Chicago. THOMAS, Jessie Burgess, jurist and United States Senator, was born at Hagerstown, Mil . claiming direct descent from Lord Baltimore. Taken west in childhood, he grew to manhood and settled at Lawrenceburg, Indiana Territory, in 1803; in 1805 was Speaker of the Territorial Legislature and. later, represented the Territory as Delegate in Congress. On the organization of Illinois Territory (which he had favored), he removed to Kaskaskia, was appointed one of the first Judges for the new Territory, and, in 1818, as Delegate from St. Clair County, presided over the first State Constitutional Convention, and, on the admission of the State, became one of the first United States Senators Governor Edwards being his colleague. Though an avowed advo- cate of slavery, he gained no little prominence as the author of the celebrated "Missouri Com- promise," adopted in 1820. He was re-elected to the Senate in 1823, serving until 1829. He sub- sequently removed to Mount Vernon, Ohio, where he died by suicide, May 4, 1853. Jesse Burgess (Thomas). Jr., nephew of the United States Sena- tor of the same name, was born at Lebanon, Ohio, July 31, 1806, was educated at Transylvania University, and, being admitted to the bar, located at Edwardsville, 111. He first appeared in connection with public affairs as Secretary of the State Senate in 1830, being re-elected iu 1832 ; in 1834 was elected Representative in the General Assembly from Madison County, but, in Febru- ary following, was appointed Attorney-General, serving only one year. He afterwards held the position of Circuit Judge (1837-39), his home being then in Springfield; in 1843 he became Associ- ate Justice of the Supreme Court, by appointment of the Governor, as successor to Stephen A. Doug- las, and was afterwards elected to the same office by the Legislature, remaining until 1848. During a part of his professional career he was the partner of David Prickett and William L. May, at Springfield, and afterwards a member of the Galena bar, finally removing to Chicago, where he died, Feb. 21, ISSO.-Jesse B. (Thomas) third, clergyman and son of the last named ; born at Edwardsville, III., July 29, 1832; educated at Kenyon College, Ohio, and Rochester (N. Y.) Theological Seminary ; practiced law for a time in Chicago, but finally entered the Baptist minis- try, serving churches at Waukegan, 111., Brook, lyn, N. Y., and San Francisco (1862-69). Ha 522 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. then became pastor of the Michigan Avenue Bap- tist Church, in Chicago, remaining until 1874, when he returned to Brooklyn. In 1887 he became Professor of Biblical History in the Theological Seminary at Newton, Mass., where he has since resided. He is the author of several volumes, and, in 1866, received the degree of D.D. from the old University of Chicago. THOMAS, John, pioneer and soldier of the Black Hawk War, was born in Wythe County, Va., Jan. 11, 1800. At the age of 18 he accom- panied his parents to St. Clair County, 111. , where the family located in what was then called the Alexander settlement, near the present site of Sliiloli When he was 22 he rented a farm (although he had not enough money to buy a horse) and married. Six years later he bought and stocked a farm, and, from that time forward, rapidly accumulated real property, until he became one of the most extensive owners of farm- ing land in St. Clair County. In early life he was fond of military exercise, holding various offices in local organizations and serving as a Colonel in the Black Hawk War. In 1824 he was one of the leaders of the party opposed to the amendment of the State Constitution to sanction slavery, was a zealous opponent of the Kansas- Nebraska bill in 1854, and a firm supporter of the Republican party from the date of its formation. He was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly in 1838, '62, '64, '72 and '74; and to the State Senate in 1878, serving four years in the latter body. Died, at Belleville, Dec. 16, 1894, in the 05th year of his age. THOMAS, John I!., ex-Congressman, was born at Mount Vernon, 111., Oct. 11, 1846. He served in the Union Army during the War of the Rebel- lion, rising from the ranks to a captaincy. After his return home he studied law, and was admit- ted to the bar in 1869. From 1872 to 1876 he was State's Attorney, and, from 1879 to 1889, repre- sented his District in Congress. In 1897, Mr. Thomas was appointed by President McKinley an additional United States District Judge for Indian Territory. His home is now at Vanita, in that Territory. THOMAS, William, pioneer lawyer and legis- lator, was born in what is now Allen County, Ky., Nov. 23, 1802; received a rudimentary edu- cation, and served as deputy of his father (who was Sheriff), and afterwards of the County Clerk ; studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1823; in 1826 removed to Jacksonville, 111., where he taught school, served as a private in the Winne- hago War (1827), and at the session of 1828-29, reported the proceedings of the General Assem- bly for "The Vandalia Intelligencer" ; was State's Attorney and School Commissioner of Morgan County; served as Quartermaster and Commis- sary in the Black Hawk War (1831-32), first under Gen. Joseph Duncan and, a year later, under General Whiteside ; in 1839 was appointed Circuit Judge, but legislated out of oilier two years later. It was as a member of the Legislature, however, that he gained the greatest prominence, first as State Senator in 1834-40, and Representative in 1846-48 and 1850-58, when he was especially influ- ential in the legislation which resulted in estab- lishing the institutions for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, and the Hospital for the Insane (the first in the State) at Jacksonville serving, for a time, as a member of the Board of Trustees of the latter. He was also prominent in connec- tion with many enterprises of a local character, including the establishment of the Illinois Female College, to which, although without children of his own, he was a liberal contributor. During the first year of the war he was a member of the Board of Army Auditors by appointment of Gov- ernor Yates. Died, at Jacksonville, August 22, 1889. THORNTON, Anthony, jurist, was born in Bourbon County. Ky., Nov. 9, 1814 being descended from a Virginia family. After the usual primary instruction in the common schools, he spent two years in a high school at Gallatin, Tenn., when he entered Centre College at Dan- ville, Ky., afterwards continuing his studies at Miami University, Ohio, where he graduated in 1834. Having studied law with an uncle at Paris, ICy., he was licensed to practice in 1836, when he left his native State with a view to set- tling in Missouri, but, visiting his uncle, Gen. William F. Thornton, at Shelby ville, 111., was induced to establish himself in practice there. He served as a member of the State Constitutional Conventions of 1847 and 1862, and as Represent- ative in the Seventeenth General Assembly (1850-52) for Shelby County. In 1864 he was elected to the Thirty-ninth Congress, and, in 1870, to the Illinois Supreme Court, but served only until 1873, when he resigned. In 1879 Judge Thornton removed to Decatur, III., but subsequently returned to Shelbyville, where (1898) he now resides. THORNTON, William Fitzhngh, Commissioner of the Illinois & Michigan Canal, was bora in Hanover County, Va., Oct. 4, 1789; in 1806. went to Alexandria, Va., where he conducted a drug business for a time, also acting as associate HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 523 editor of "The Alexandria Gazette." Subse- quently removing to Washington City, he con- ducted a paper there in the interest of John Quincy Adams for the Presidency. During the War of 1812-14 he served as a Captain of cavalry, and, for a time, as staff -officer of General Winder. On occasion of the visit of Marquis La Fayette to America (1824-25) he accompanied the distin- guished Frenchman from Baltimore to Rich- mond. In 1829 he removed to Kentucky, and, in 1833, to Shelbyville, 111., where he soon after engaged in mercantile business, to which he added a banking and brokerage business in 1859, with which he was actively associated until his death. In 1836, he was appointed, by Governor Duncan, one of the Commissioners of the Illinois & Michigan Canal, serving as President of the Board until 1842. In 1840, he made a visit to London, as financial agent of the State, in the interest of the Canal, and succeeded in making a sale of bonds to the amount of $1,000,000 on what were then considered favorable terms. General Thornton was an ardent Whig until the organi- zation of the Republican party, when he became a Democrat. Died, at Shelbyville, Oct. 21, 1873. TILLSON, John, pioneer, was born at Halifax, Mass., March 13, 1796; came to Illinois in 1819, locating at Hillsboro, Montgomery County, where he became a prominent and enterprising operator in real estate, doing a large business for eastern parties ; was one of the founders of Hillsboro Academy and an influential and liberal friend of Illinois College, being a Trustee of the latter from its establishment until his death ; was sup- ported in the Legislature of 1827 for State Treas- urer, but defeated by James Hall. Died, at Peoria, May 11, 1853. -^Christiana Holmes (Till- son), wife of the preceding, was born at Kingston, Mass., Oct. 10, 1798; married to John Tillson in 1822, and immediately came to Illinois to reside; was a woman of rare culture and refinement, and deeply interested in benevolent enterprises. Died, in New York City, May 29, 1872. Charles Holmes (Tillson), son of John and Christiana Holmes Tillson, was born at Hillsboro, 111. , Sept. 15. 1823; educated at Hillsboro Academy and Illinois College, graduating from the latter in 1844; studied law in St. Louis and at Transyl- vania University, was admitted to the bar in St. Louis and practiced there some years also served several terms in the City Council, and was a member of the National Guard of Missouri in the War of the Rebellion. Died, Nov. 25, 1865. John (Tillson), Jr., another son, was born at Hillsboro, 111., Oct. 12, 1825; educated at Hills- boro Academy and Illinois College, but did not graduate from the latter; graduated from Tran- sylvania Law School, Ky., in 1847, and was admitted to the bar at Quincy, III., the same year; practiced two years at Galena, when he returned to Quincy. In 1861 he enlisted in the Tenth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, became its Lieutenant-Colonel, on the promotion of Col. J. D. Morgan to Brigadier-General, was advanced to the colonelcy, and, in July, 1865, was mustered out with the rank of brevet Brigadier-General ; for two years later held a commission as Captain in the regular army. During a portion of 1869-70 he was editor of "The Quincy Whig"; in 1873 was elected Representative in the Twenty-eighth General Assembly to succeed Nehemiah Bushnell, who had died in office, and, during the same year, was appointed Collector of Internal Revenue for the Quincy District, serving until 1881. Died, August 6, 1892. TILLSON, Robert, pioneer, was born in Hali- fax County, Mass., August 12, 1800; came to Illi- nois in 1822, and was employed, for several years, as a clerk in the land agency of his brother, John Tillson, at Hillsboro. In 1826 he engaged in the mercantile business with Charles Holmes, Jr., in St. Louis, but, in 1828, removed to Quincy, III., where he opened the first general store in that city; also served as Postmaster for some ten years. During this period he built the first two- story frame building erected in Quincy, up to that date. Retiring from the mercantile business in 1840 he engaged in real estate, ultimately becoming the proprietor of considerable property of this character ; was also a contractor for fur- nishing cavalry accouterments to the Government during the war. Soon after the war he erected one of the handsomest business blocks existing in the city at that time. Died, in Quincy, Dec. 27, 1892. II M II KK. John 1... banker, was born in Ken- tucky in 1821 ; brought by his parents to Vermil- ion County, Ind., in 1829, and left an orphan at 17; attended school in Coles County, 111., and was employed as clerk in a store at Danville, 1843-53. He then became a member of the firm of Tincher & English, merchants, later establish- ing a bank, which became the First National Bank of Danville. In 1864 Mr. Tincher was elected Representative in the Twenty-fourth General Assembly and, two years later, to the Senate, being re-elected in 1870. He was also a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1869-70. Died, in Springfield. Dec. 17, 1871, 524 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. while in attendance on the adjourned session of that year. TIPTON, Thomas F., lawyer and jurist, was born in Franklin County, Ohio, August 29, 1833; has been a resident of McLean County, 111., from the age of 10 years, his present home being at Bloomington. He was admitted to the bar in 1857, and, from January, 18G7, to December, 1868, was State's Attorney for the Eighth Judicial Circuit. In 1870 he was elected Judge of the same circuit, and under the new Constitution, was chosen Judge of the new Fourteenth Circuit. From 1877 to 1879 he represented the (then) Thirteenth Illinois District in Congress, but, in 1878, was defeated by Adlai E. Stevenson, the Democratic nominee. In 1891 he was re-elected to a seat on the Circuit bench for the Bloomington Circuit, but resumed practice at the expiration of his term in 1897. T1SKILWA, a village of Bureau County, on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, 7 miles southwest of Princeton ; has creameries and cheese factories, churches, school, library, water- works, bank and a newspaper. Pop. (1900), 965. TODD, (Col.) John, soldier, was born in Mont- gomery County, Pa., in 1750; took part in the battle of Point Pleasant, Va., in 1774, as Adju- tant-General of General Lewis; settled as a lawyer at Fincastle, Va., and, in 1775, removed to Fayette County, Ky., the next year locating near Lexington. He was one of the first two Delegates from Kentucky County to the Virginia House of Burgesses, and, in 1778, accompanied Col. George Rogers Clark on his expedition against Kaskaskia and Vincennes. In Decem- ber, 1778, he was appointed by Gov. Patrick Henry, Lieutenant -Commandant of Illinois County, embracing the region northwest of the Ohio River, serving two years; in 1780, was again a member of the Virginia Legislature, where he procured grants of land for public schools and introduced a bill for negro-emancipation. He was killed by Indians, at the battle of Blue Licks, Ky., August 19, 1782. TODD, (Dr.) John, physician, born near Lex- ington, Ky., April 27, 1787, was one of the earli- est graduates of Transylvania University, also graduating at the Medical University of Phila- delphia; was appointed Surgeon -General of Ken- tucky troops in the War of 1812, and captured at tne battle of River Raisin. Returning to Lex- ington after his release, he practiced there and at Bardstown, removed to Edwardsville, 111., in 1817, and, in 1827, to Springfield, where he had been appointed Register of the Laud Office by President John Quincy Adams, but was removed by Jackson in 1829. Dr. Todd continued to reside at Springfield until his death, which occurred, Jan. 9, 1865. He was a grandson of John Todd, who was appointed Commandant of Illinois County by Gov. Patrick Henry in 1778, and an uncle of Mrs. Abraham Lincoln. John Itlair Smith (Todd), son of the preceding, was born at Lexington, Ky., April 4, 1814; came with his father to Illinois in 1817 ; graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1837, serving after- wards in tin 1 Florida and Mexican wars and on the frontier; resigned, and was an Indian-trader in Dakota, 1856-61 ; the latter year, took his seat as a Delegate in Congress from Dakota, then served as Brigadier-General of Volun- teers, 1861-62; was again Delegate in Congress in 1863-65, Speaker of the Dakota Legislature in 1867, and Governor of the Territory, 1869-71. Died, at Yankton City, Jan. 5, 1872. TOLEDO, a village and the county-seat of Cumberland County, on the Illinois Central Rail- road ; founded in 1854 ; has five churches, a graded school, two banks, creamery, flour mill, elevator, and two weekly newspapers. There are no manu- factories, the leading industry in the surrounding country being agriculture. Pop. (1890), 676; (1900), 818. TOLEDO, CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS RAIL- ROAD. (See Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas Citg Railroad. ) TOLEDO, PEORIA k WARSAW RAILROAD. (See Toledo, Peoria & Western Railway.) TOLEDO, PEORIA & WESTERN RAILROAD. (See Toledo, Peoria < Western Railicay.) TOLEDO, PEORIA & WESTERN RAILWAY, a line of railroad wholly within the State of Illi- nois, extending from Effner, at the Indiana State line, west to the Mississippi River at Warsaw. The length of the whole line is 230.7 miles, owned entirely by the company. It is made up of a division from Effner to Peoria (110.9 miles) which is practically an air-line throughout nearly its entire length and the Peoria and Warsaw Division (108.8 miles) with branches from La Harpe to Iowa Junction (10.4 miles) and 0.6 of a mile connecting with the Keokuk bridge at Hamilton. (HISTORY.) The original charter for this line was granted, in 1863, under the name of the Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw Railroad ; the main line was completed in 1868, and the La Harpe & Iowa Junction branch in 1873. Default was made in 1873, the road sold under foreclosure, in 1880, and reorganized as the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroad, and the line leased for 4!) ' 4 ' HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 525 years to the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway Company. The latter defaulted in July, 1884, and, a year later, the Toledo, Peoria & Western was transferred to trustees for the first mortgage bond-holders, was sold under foreclosure in October, 1886, and, in March, 1887, the present company, under the name of the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railway Company, was organized for the purpose of taking over the property. In 1893 the Pennsylvania Railroad Company obtained a controlling interest in the stock, and, in 1894, an agreement, for joint ownership and management, was entered into between that corporation and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Com- pany. The total capitalization, in 1898, was $9,712,433, of which $4,076,900 was in stock and $4, 895,000 in bonds. TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS & KANSAS CITY KAIL- ROAD. This line crosses the State in a northeast direction from East St. Louis to Humrick, near the Indiana State line, with Toledo as its eastern terminus. The length of the entire line is 450.72 miles, of which 179% miles are operated in Illi- nois. (HISTORY.) The Illinois portion of the line grew out of the union of charters granted to the Tuscola, Charleston & Vincennes and the Charleston, Neoga & St. Louis Railroad Com- panies, which were consolidated in 1881 with certain Indiana lines under the name of the Toledo, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railroad. During 1882 a narrow-gauge road was constructed from Ridge Farm, in Vermilion County, to East St. Louis (172 miles). In 1885 this was sold under foreclosure and, in June, 1886, consolidated with the main line under the name of the Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City Railroad. The whole line was changed to standard gauge in 1887-89, and otherwise materially improved, but, in 1893, went into the hands of receivers. Plans of re- organization have been under consideration, but the receivers were still in control in 1898. TOLEDO, WABASH & WESTERN RAIL- ROAD. (See Wabash Railroad.) TOLONO, a city in Champaign County, situ- ated at the intersection of the Wabash and the Illinois Central Railroads. 9 miles south of Cham- paign and 37 miles east-northeast of Decatur. It is the business center of a prosperous agricultural region. The town has five churches, a graded school, a bank, a button factory, and a weekly newspaper. Population (1880), 905; (1890), 902 (1900), 845. TONICA, a village of La Salle County, on the Illinois Central Railway, 9 miles south of La Salle ; the district is agricultural, but the place has some manufactures and a newspaper. Population (1890), 473; (1900), 497. TONTY, Chevalier Henry de, explorer and sol dier, born at Gaeta. Italy, about 1650 What is now known as the Tontine system of insurance undoubtedly originated with his father. The younger Tonty was adventurous, and, even as a youth, took part in numerous land and naval encounters. In the course of his experience he lost a hand, which was replaced by an iron or copper substitute. He embarked with La Salle in 1678, and aided in the construction of a fort at Niagara. He advanced into the country of the Illinois and established friendly relations with them, only to witness the defeat of his putative savage allies by the Iroquois. After various encounters (chiefly under the direction of La Salle) with the Indians in Illinois, he returned to Green Bay in 1681. The same year under La Salle's orders he began the erection of Fort St. Louis, on what is now called "Starved Rock" in La Salle County. In 1682 he descended the Mis- sissippi to its mouth, with La Salle, but was ordered back to Mackinaw for assistance. In 1684 he returned to Illinois and successfully repulsed the Iroquois from Fort St. Louis. In 1686 he again descended the Mississippi in search of La Salle. Disheartened by the death of his commander and the loss of his early comrades, he took up his residence with the Illinois Indians. Among them he was found by Iberville in 1700, as a hunter and fur-trader. He died, in Mobile, in September, 1704. He was La Salle's most effi- cient coadjutor, and next to his ill-fated leader, did more than any other of the early French explorers to make Illinois known to the civilized world. TOPOGRAPHY. Illinois is, generally speak- ing, an elevated table-land. If low water at Cairo be adopted as the maximum depression, and the summits of the two ridges hereinafter men- tioned as the highest points of elevation, the alti- tude of this table land above the sea-level varies from 300 to 850 feet, the mean elevation being about 600 feet. The State has no mountain chains, and its few hills are probably the result of unequal denudation during the drift epoch. In some localities, particularly in the valley of the upper Mississippi, the streams have cut channels from 200 to 300 feet deep through the nearly horizontal strata, and here are found pre- cipitous scarps, but. for the most part, the fundamental rocks are covered by a thick layer of detrital material. In the northwest there is a broken tract of uneven ground ; the central por- 526 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. tion of the State is almost wholly flat prairie, and, in the alluvial lands in the State, there are many deep valleys, eroded by the action of streams. The' surface generally slopes toward the south and southwest, but the uniformity is broken by two ridges, which cross the State, one in either extremity. The northern ridge crosses the Rock River at Grand Detour and the Illinois At Split Rock, with an extreme altitude of 800 to 450 feet above sea-level, though the altitude of Mount Morris, in Ogle County, exceeds 900 feet. That in the south consists of a range of hills in the latitude of Jonesboro, and extending from Shawneetown to Grand Tower. These hills are also about 800 feet above the level of the ocean. The highest point in the State is in Jo Daviess. County, just south of the Wisconsin State line (near Scale's Mound) reaching an elevation of 1,257 feet above sea-level, while the highest in the south is in the northeast corner of Pope County 1,046 feet a spur of the Ozark moun- tains. The following statistics regarding eleva- tions are taken from a report of Prof. C. W. Rolfe, of the University of Illinois, based on observations made under the auspices of the Illi- nois Board of World's Fair Commissioners: The lowest gauge of the Ohio river, at its mouth (above sea-level), is 268.58 feet, and the mean level of Lake Michigan at Chicago 581.28 feet. The altitudes of a few prominent points are as follows: Highest point in Jackson County, 695 feet; "Bald Knob" in Union County, 985; high- est point in Cook County (Barrington), 818; in La Salle County (Mendota), 747; in Livingston (Strawn), 770; in Will (Monee), 804; in Pike (Arden), 790; in Lake (Lake Zurich), 880; in Bureau, 910; in Boone, 1,010; in Lee (Carnahan), 1,017; in Stephenson (Waddam's Grove), 1,018; in Kane (Briar Hill), 974; in Winnebago, 985. The elevations of important towns are: Peoria, 465; Jacksonville, 602; Springfield, 596; Gales- burg, 755; Joliet, 537; Rockford, 728; Blooming- ton, 821. Outside of the immediate valleys of the streams, and a few isolated groves or copses, little timber is found in the northern and central portions of the State, and such growth as there is. lacks the thriftiness characteristic of the for- ests in the Ohio valley. These forests cover a belt extending some sixty miles north of Cairo, and, while they generally include few coniferous trees, they abound in various species of oak, black and white walnut, white and yellow pop- lar, ash, elm, sugar-maple, linden, honey locust, "ottonwood, mulberry, sycamore, pecan, persim- mon, and (in the immediate valley of the Ohio) the cypress. From a commercial point of view, Illinois loses nothing through the lack of timber over three-fourths of the State's area. Chicago is an accessible market for the product of the forests of the upper lakes, so that the supply of lumber is ample, while extensive coal-fields sup- ply abundant fuel. The rich soil of the prairies, with its abundance of organic matter (see Geo- logical Formations), more than compensates for the want of pine forests, whose soil is ill adapted to agriculture. About two-thirds of the entire boundary of the State consists of navigable waters. These, with their tributary streams, ensure sufficient drainage. TORRENS LAND TITLE SYSTEM. A system for the registration of titles to, and incumbrances upon, land, as well as transfers thereof, intended to remove all unnecessary obstructions to the cheap, simple and safe sale, acquisition and transfer of realty. The system has been in suc- cessful operation in Canada, Australia, New Zea- land and British Columbia for many years, and it is also in force in some States in the American Union. An act providing for its introduction into Illinois was first passed by the Twenty- ninth General Assembly, and approved, June 13, 1895. The final legislation in reference thereto was enacted by the succeeding Legislature, and was approved, May 1, 1897. It is far more elabo- rate in its consideration of details, and is believed to be, in many respects, much better adapted to accomplish the ends in view, than was the origi- nal act of 1895. The law is applicable only to counties of the first and second class, and can be adopted in no county except by a vote of a majority of the qualified voters of the same the vote "for" or "against" to be taken at either the November or April elections, or at an election for the choice of Judges. Thus far the only county to adopt the system has been Cook, and there it encountered strong opposition on the part of certain parties of influence and wealth. After its adoption, a test case was brought, rais- ing the question of the constitutionality of the act. The issue was taken to the Supreme Court, which tribunal finally upheld the law. The Torrens system substitutes a certificate of regis- tration and of transfer for the more elaborate deeds and mortgages in use for centuries. Under it there can be no actual transfer of a title until the same is entered upon the public land regis- ter, kept in the office of the Registrar, in which case the deed or mortgage becomes a mere power of attorney to authorize the transfer to be made, upon the principle of an ordinary stock transfer, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 52? or of the registration of a United States bond, the actual transfer and public notice thereof being simultaneous. A brief synopsis of the pro- visions of the Illinois statute is given below. Recorders of deeds are made Registrars, and required to give bonds of either $50,000 or $200,- 000, according to the population of the county. Any person or corporation, having an interest in land, may make application to any court having chancery jurisdiction, to have his title thereto registered. Such application must be in writ- ing, signed and verified by oath, and must con- form, in matters of specification and detail, with the requirements of the act. The court may refer the application to one of the standing examiners appointed by the Registrar, who are required to be competent attorneys and to give bond to ex- amine into the title, as well as the truth of the applicant's statements. Immediately upon the filing of the application, notice thereof is given by the clerk, through publication and the issuance of a summons to be served, as in other proceed- ings in chancery, against all persons mentioned in the petition as having or claiming any inter- est in the property described. Any person inter- ested, whether named as a defendant or not, may enter an appearance within the time allowed. A failure to enter an appearance is regarded as a confession by default. The court, in passing upon the application, is in no case bound by the examiner's report, but may require other and further proof ; and, in its final adjudication, passes upon all questions of title and incumbrance, directing the Registrar to register the title in the party in whom it is .to be vested, and making provision as to the manner and order in which incumbrances thereon shall appear upon the certificate to be issued. An appeal may be allowed to the Supreme Court, if prayed at the time of entering the decree, upon like terms as in other cases in chancery ; and a writ of error may be sued out from that tribunal within two years after the entry of the order or decree. The period last mentioned may be said to be the statutory period of limitation, after which the decree of the court must be regarded as final, although safeguards are provided for those who may have been defrauded, and for a few other classes of persons. Upon the filing of the order or decree of the court, it becomes the duty of the Registrar to issue a certificate of title, the form of which is prescribed by the act, making such notations at the end as shall show and preserve the priorities of all estates, mortgages, incum- brances and changes to which the owner's title is subject. For the purpose of preserving evidence of the owner's handwriting, a receipt for the certificate, duly witnessed or acknowledged, is required of him, which is preserved in the Regis- trar's office. In case any registered owner should desire to transfer the whole or any part of his estate, or any interest therein, he is required to execute a conveyance to the transferee, which, together with the certificate of title last issued, must be surrendered to the Registrar. That official thereupon issues a new certificate, stamp- ing the word "cancelled" across the surrendered certificate, as well as upon the corresponding entry in his books of record. When land is first brought within the operation of the act, the receiver of the certificate of title is required to pay to the Registrar one-tenth of one per cent of the value of the land, the aggregate so received to be deposited with and invested by the County Treasurer, and reserved as an indemnity fund for the reimbursement of persons sustaining any loss through any omission, mistake or malfea- sance of the Registrar or his subordinates. The advantage claimed for the Torrens system is, chiefly, that titles registered thereunder can be dealt with more safely, quickly and inexpensively than under the old system ; it being possible to close the entire transaction within an hour or two, without the need of an abstract of title, while (as the law is administered in Cook County) the cost of transfer is only $3. It is asserted that a title, once registered, can be dealt with almost as quickly and cheaply, and quite as safely, as shares of stock or registered bonds. TOULON, the county-seat of Stark County, on the Peoria & Rock Island Railroad. 37 miles north- northwest of Peoria, and 11 miles southeast of Galva. Besides the county court-house, the town has five churches and a high school, an academy, steam granite works, two banks, and two weekly papers. Population (1880), 967; (1890), 945; (1900), 1,057. TOWER HILL, a village of Shelby County, on the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis and the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Rail- roads, 7 miles east of Pana; has bank, grain ele- vators, and coal mine. Pop. (1900), 615. TOWNSHEND, Richard W., lawyer and Con- gressman, was born in Prince George's County, Md., April 30, 1840. Between the ages of 10 and 18 he attended public and private schools at Washington, D. C. In 1858 he came to Illinois, where he began teaching, at the same time reading law with S. S. Marshall, at Mc- Leansboro, where he was admitted to the bar 528 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. in 1862, and where he began practice. From 186!! to 1868 he was Circuit Clerk of Hamilton County, and, from 1868 to 1872, Prosecuting Attorney for the Twelfth Judicial Circuit. In 1873 he removed to Shawneetown, where lie became an officer of the Oallatiii National Bank. From 1C64 to 1875 lie was a member of the Democratic State Cen- tral Committee, and a delegate to the National Democratic Convention at Baltimore, in 1872. For twelve years (1877 to 1889) he represented his District in Congress; was re-elected in 1888, but died, March 9, 1889, a few days after the beginning of his seventh term. TRACY, John .fl., artist, was born in Illinois about 1842 ; served in an Illinois regiment during the Civil War; studied painting in Paris in 1866-76; established himself as a portrait painter in St. Louis and, later, won a high reputation as a painter of animals, being regarded as an author- ity on the anatomy of the horse and the dog. Died, at Ocean Springs, Miss., March 20, 1893. TREASURERS. (See State Treasurers. ) TREAT, Samuel Hnbbel, lawyer and jurist, was born at Plainfield, Otsego County, N. Y. . June 21. 1811, worked on his father's farm and studied law at Richfield, where he was admitted to practice. In 1834 lie came to Springfield, 111., traveling most of the way on foot. Here he formed a partnership with (ieorge Forquer, who had held the offices of Secretary of State and Attorney-General. In 1839 lie was appointed a Circuit Judge, and, on the reorganization of the Supreme Court in 1841, was elevated to the Supreme bench, being acting Chief Justice at the time of the adoption of the Constitution of 1H4S. Having l*en elected to the Supreme bench under the new Constitution, he remained in office until March, 1855, when lie resigned to take the )x>si- tion of Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois, to which he had been appointed by President Pierce. This position he continued to occupy until his death, which occurred at Springfield, March 27, 1887. Judge Treat's judicial career was one of the long- est in the history of the State, covering a period of forty-eight years, of which fourteen were spent upon the Supreme bench, and thirty-two in the position of Judge of the United States Dis- trict Court. TREATIES. (See Greenville, Treaty of: Indian Treaties.) TREE, Lambert, jurist, diplomat and ex-Con- gressman, was born in Washington, D. C. , Nov. 29, 1832, of an ancestry distinguished in the War of the Revolution. He received a superior clas- sical and professional education, and was admit- ted to the bar, at Washington, in October, 1855. Removing to Chicago soon afterward, his profes- sional career has been chiefly connected with that city. In 1864 he was^ chosen President of the Law Institute, and served as Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, from 1870 to 1875, when he resigned. The three following years he spent in foreign travel, returning to Chicago in 1878. In that year, and again in 1880, he was the Democratic candidate for Congress from the Fourth Illinois District, but was defeated by his Republican opponent. In 1885 he was the candi- date of his party for United States Senator, but was defeated by John A. Logan, by one vote. In 1884 he was a member of the National Democratic Convention which first nominated Grover Cleve- land, and, in July, 1885, President Cleveland appointed him Minister to Belgium, conferring the Russian mission upon him in September, 1888. On March 3. 1889. he resigned this post and returned home. In 1890 he was appointed by President Harrison a Commissioner to the Inter- national Monetary Conference at Washington. The year before he had attended (although not as a delegate) the International Conference, at Brus- sels, looking to the suppression of the slave-trade, where he exerted all his influence on the side of humanity. In 1802 Belgium conferred upon him the distinction of "Councillor of Honor" upon its commission to the World's Columbian Exposi tion. In 1896 Judge Tree was one of the most earnest opponents of the free-silver policy, and, after the Spanish- American War, a zealous advo- cate of the policy of retaining the territory acquired from Spain. TREMONT,a town of Tazewell County, on the Peoria Division of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago <$: St. Louis Railway, 9 miles southeast of Pekin; has two banks, two telephone exchanges, and one newspaper. Pop. (1900), 768. TRENTON, a town of Clinton County, on the Baltimore & Ohio South western Railway, 31 miles east of St. Louis: in agricultural district; has creamery, milk condensery, two coal mines, six churches, a public school and one newspaper. Pop. (1890), 1,384; (1900), 1,706; (1904). about 2,000. TROY, a village of Madison County, on the Terre Haute & Indianapolis railroad, 21 miles northeast of St. l.oui- . has churches, a bank and a newspaper. Pop. (1900), 1,080. TRUITT, James Madison, lawyer and soldier, a native of Trimble County, Ky., was born Feb. 12, 1842, but lived in Illinois since 1843, his father having settled near Carrollton that year; wag HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 529 educated at Hillsboro and at McEendree College : enlisted in the One Hundred and Seventeenth Illinois Volunteers in 1862, and was promoted from the ranks to Lieutenant. After the war he studied law with Jesse J. Phillips, now of the Supreme Court, and, in 1872, was elected to the Twenty -eighth General Assembly, and, in 1888, a Presidential Elector on the Republican ticket. Mr. Truitt has been twice a prominent but unsuc- cessful candidate for the Republican nomination for Attorney-General. His home is at Hillsboro, where he is engaged in the practice of his profes- sion. Died July 26, 1900. TRl'MBl'LL, l.nnan, statesman, was born at Colchester, Conn., Oct. 12, 1813, descended from a historical family, being a grand-nephew of Gov. Jonathan Trumbull, of Connecticut, from whom the name "Brother Jonathan" was derived as an appellation for Americans. Having received an academic education in his native town, at the age of 16 he began teaching a district school near his home, went South four years later, and en- gaged in teaching at Greenville, Ga. Here he studied law with Judge Hiram Warner, after- wards of the Supreme Court, and was admitted to the bar in 1837. Leaving Georgia the same year, he came to Illinois on horseback, visiting Vandalia. Belleville, Jacksonville, Springfield, Tremont and La Salle, and finally reaching Chicago, then a village of four or five thousand inhabitants. At Jacksonville he obtained a license to practice from Judge Lockwood, and, after visiting Michi- gan and his native State, he settled at Belleville, which continued to be his home for twenty years. His entrance into public life began with his elec- tion as Representative in the General Assembly in 1840. This was followed, in February, 1841, by his appointment by Governor Carlin, Secre- tary of State, as the successor of Stephen A. Douglas, who, after holding the position only two months, had resigned to accept a seat on the Supreme bench. Here he remained two years, when he was removed by Governor Ford, March 4, 1843, but, five years later (1848), waselected a Justice of the Supreme Court, was re-elected in 1852, but resigned in 1853 on account of impaired health. A year later (1854) he was elected to Congress from the Belleville District as an anti- Nebraska Democrat, but, before taking his seat, was promoted to the United States Senate, as the successor of General Shields in the memorable con- test of 1855, which resulted in the defeat of Abra- liam Lincoln. Senator Trumbull's career of eighteen years in the United States Senate (being re-elected in 1861 and 1867) is one of the most memorable in the history of that body, covering, as it does, the whole history of the war for the Union, and the period of reconstruction which followed it. During this period, as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Judiciary, he had more to do in shaping legislation on war and recon- struction measures than any other single member of that body. While he disagreed with a large majority of his Republican associates on the ques- tion of Andrew Johnson's impeachment, he was always found in sympathy with them on the vital questions affecting the war and restoration of the Union. The Civil Rights Bill and Freedmen's Bureau Bills were shaped by his hand. In 1872 he joined in the ''Liberal Republican" movement and afterwards co-operated with the Democratic party, being their candidate for Governor in 1880. From 1863 his home was in Chicago, where, after retiring from the Senate, he con- tinued in the practice of his profession until his death, which occurred in that city, June 25, 1896. TUG MILLS. These were a sort of primitive machine used in grinding corn in Territorial and early State days. The mechanism consisted of an upright shaft, into the upper end of which were fastened bars, resembling those in the capstan of a ship. Into the outer end of each of these bars was driven a pin. A belt, made of a broad strip of ox-hide, twisted into a sort of rope, was stretched around these pins and wrapped twice around a circular piece of wood called a trundle head, through which passed a perpendicular flat bar of iron, which turned the mill-stone, usually about eighteen inches in diameter. From the upright shaft projected a beam, to which were hitched one or two horses, which furnished the motive power. Oxen were sometimes employed as motive power in lieu of horses. These rudi- mentary contrivances were capable of grinding about twelve bushels of corn, each, per day. TFLEY, Murray Floyd, lawyer and jurist, was born at Louisville, Ky., March 4. 1827, of English extraction and descended from the early settlers of Virginia. His father died in 1832, and, eleven years later, his mother, having married Col. Richard J. Hamilton, for many years a prominent lawyer of Chicago, removed with her family to that city. Young Tuley began reading law with his step-father and completed his studies at the Louisville Law Institute in 1847, the same year being admitted to the bar in Chicago. About the same time he enlisted in the Fifth Illinois Volun- teers for service in the Mexican War, and was commissioned First Lieutenant. The war having ended, he settled at Santa Fe, N. M., where he 530 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. practiced law, also served as Attorney-General and in the Territorial Legislature. Returning to Chicago in 1854, he was associated in practice, successively, with Andrew Harvie, Judge Gary and J. N. Barker, and finally as head of the firm of Tuley, Stiles & Lewis. From 1869 to 1873 he was Corporation Counsel, and during this time framed the General Incorporation Act for Cities, under which the City of Chicago was reincor- porated. In 1879 he was elevated to the bench of the Circuit Court of Cook County, and re- elected every six years thereafter, his last election being in 1897. He is now serving his fourth term, some ten years of his incumbency having been spent in the capacity of Chief Justice. TT N MCI.1PKK, Damon 6., lawyer and jurist, was born in Herkimer County, N. Y., August 20, 1829; at the age of 20, emigrated to Illinois, set- tling in Vermont, Fulton County, where, for a time, he was engaged in mercantile pursuits. He subsequently studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1853. In 1854 he established himself at Macomb, McDonough County, where he built up a large and lucrative practice. In 1868 he was chosen Presidential Elector on the Repub- lican ticket, and, from February to June, 1885, by appointment of Governor Oglesby, occupied a seat on the bench of the Supreme Court, vice Pinkney H. Walker, deceased, who had been one of his first professional preceptors. TURCHIN, John Basil (Ivan Vasilevitch Tur- chinoff), soldier, engineer and author, was born in Russia, Jan. 30, 1822. He graduated from the artillery school at St. Petersburg, in 1841, and was commissioned ensign; participated in the Hungarian campaign of 1849, and, in 1852, was assigned to the staff of the Imperial Guards; served through the Crimean War, rising to the rank of Colonel, and being made senior staff officer of the active corps. In 1856 he came to this country, settling in Chicago, and, for five years, was in the service of the Illinois Central Railway Company as topographical engineer. In 1861 he was commissioned Colonel of the Nine- teenth Illinois Volunteers, and, after leading his regiment in Missouri, Kentucky and Alabama, was, on July 7, 1862, promoted to a Brigadier- Generalship, being attached to the Army of the Cumberland until 1864, when he resigned. After the war he was, for six years, solicitor of patents at Chicago, but, in 1873, returned to engineering. In 1879 he established a Polish colony at Radom, in Washington County, in this State, and settled as a farmer. He is an occasional contributor to the press, writing usually on military or scientific subjects, and is the author of the "Campaign and Battle of Chickamauga" (Chicago, 1888). TURNER (now WEST CHICAGO), a town and manufacturing center in Winfield Township, Du Page County, 30 miles west of Chicago, at the junction of two divisions of the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy, the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern and the Chicago & Northwestern Railroads. The town has a rolling-mill, manufactories of wagons and pumps, and railroad repair shops. It also has five churches, a graded school, and two newspapers. Pop. (1900), 1,877; with suburb, 2,270. TURNER, (Col.) Henry L., soldier and real- estate operator, was born at Oberlin, Ohio, August 26, 1845, and received a part of his edu- cation in the college there. During the Civil War he served as First Lieutenant in the One Hundred and Fiftieth Ohio Volunteers, and later, with the same rank in a colored regiment, taking part in the operations about Richmond, the capture of Fort Fisher, of Wilmington and of Gen. Joe Johnston's army. Coming to Chi- cago after the close of the war, he became con- nected with the business office of ' The Advance, " but later was employed in the banking house of Jay Cooke & Co. , in Philadelphia. On the failure of that concern, in 1872, he returned to Chicago and bought "The Advance," which he conducted some two years, when he sold out and engaged in the real estate business, with which he has since been identified being President of the Chicago Real Estate Board in 1888. He has also been President of the Western Publishing Company and a Trustee of Oberlin College. Colonel Turner is an enthusiastic member of the Illinois National Guard and, on the declaration of war between the United States and Spain, in April, 1898, promptly resumed his connection with the First Regiment of the Guard, and finally led it to Santiago de Cuba during the fighting there his regiment being the only one from Illinois to see actual serv- ice in the field during the progress of the war. Colonel Turner won the admiration of his com- mand and the entire nation by the manner in which he discharged his duty. The regiment was mustered out at Chicago, Nov. 17, 1898, when he retired to private life. TURNER, John Bice, Railway President, was born at Colchester, Delaware County, N. Y. , Jan. 14, 1799; after a brief business career in his native State, he became identified with the con- struction and operation of railroads. Among the works with which he was thus connected, were the Delaware Division of the New York & Erie and the Troy & Schenectady Roads. In 1843 he HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 531 came to Chicago, having previously purchased a large body of land at Blue Island. In 1847 he joined with W. B. Ogden and others, in resusci- tating the Galena & Chicago Union Railway, which had been incorporated in 1836. He became President of the Company in 1850, and assisted in constructing various sections of road in Northern Illinois and Wisconsin, which have since become portions of the Chicago & Northwestern system. He was also one of the original Directors of the North Side Street Railway Company, organized in 1859. Died, Feb. 26, 1871. TURNER, Jonathan Baldwin, educator and agriculturist, was born in Templeton, Mass., Dec. 7, 1805; grew up on a farm and, before reaching his majority, began teaching in a country school. After spending a short time in an academy at Salem, in 1827 he entered the preparatory depart- ment of Yale College, supporting himself, in part, by manual labor and teaching in a gymnasium. In 1829 he matriculated in the classical depart- ment at Yale, graduated in 1833, and the same year accepted a position as tutor in Illinois Col- lege at Jacksonville, 111., which had been opened, three years previous, by the late Dr. J. M. Sturte- vant. In the next fourteen years he gave in- struction in nearly every branch embraced in the college curriculum, though holding, during most of this period, the chair of Rhetoric and English Literature. In 1847 he retired from college duties to give attention to scientific agriculture, in which he had always manifested a deep inter- est. The cultivation and sale of the Osage orange as a hedge-plant now occupied his attention for many years, and its successful introduction in Illinois and other Western States where the absence of timber rendered some substitute a necessity for fencing purposes was largely due to his efforts. At the same time he took a deep interest in the cause of practical scientific edu- cation for the industrial classes, and, about 1850, began formulating that system of industrial edu- cation which, after twelve years of labor and agitation, he had the satisfaction of seeing recognized in the act adopted by Congress, and approved by President Lincoln, in July, 1862, making liberal donations of public lands for the establishment of "Industrial Colleges" in the several States, out of which grew the University of Illinois at Champaign. While Professor Tur- ner had zealous colaborers in this field, in Illinois and elsewhere, to him, more than to any other single man in the Nation, belongs the credit for this magnificent achievement. (See Education, and University of Illinois.) He was also one of the chief factors in founding and building up the Illinois State Teachers' Association, and the State Agricultural and Horticultural Societies. His address on "The Millennium of Labor," delivered at the first State Agricultural Fair at Springfield, in 1853, is still remembered as mark- ing an era in industrial progress in Illinois. A zealous champion of free thought, in both political and religious affairs, he long bore the reproach which attached to the radical Abolitionist, only to enjoy, in later years, the respect universally accorded to those who had the courage and independence to avow their honest convictions. Prof. Turner was twice an unsuccessful candidate for Congress once as a Republican and once as an "Independent" and wrote much on political, religious and educational topics. The evening of an honored and useful life was spent among friends in Jacksonville, which was his home for more than sixty years, his death taking place in that city, Jan. 10, 1899, at the advanced age of 93 years. Mrs. Mary Turner Carriel, at the pres- ent time (1899) one of the Trustees of the Univer- sity of Illinois, is Prof. Turner's only daughter. TURNER, Thomas J., lawyer and Congress man, born in Trumbull County, Ohio, April 5, 1815. Leaving home at the age of 18, he spent three years in Indiana and in the mining dis- tricts about Galena and in Southern Wisconsin, locating in Stephenson County, in 1836, where he was admitted to the bar in 1840, and elected Probate Judge in 1841. Soon afterwards Gov- ernor Ford appointed him Prosecuting Attorney, in which capacity he secured the conviction and punishment of the murderers of Colonel Daven- port. In 1846 he was elected to Congress as a Democrat, and, the following year, founded "The Prairie Democrat" (afterward "The Freeport Bulletin"), the first newspaper published in the county. Elected to the Legislature in 1854, he was chosen Speaker of the House, the next year becoming the first Mayor of Freeport. He was a member of the Peace Conference of 1861, and, in May of that year, was commissioned, by Governor Yates, Colonel of the Fifteenth Illinois Volun- teers, but resigned in 1862. He served as a mem- ber of the Constitutional Convention of 1869-70, and, in 1871, was again elected to the Legisla- ture, where he received the Democratic caucus nomination for United States Senator against General Logan. In 1871 he removed to Chicago, and was twice an unsuccessful candidate for the office of State's Attorney. In February, 1874, he went to Hot Springs, Ark. , for medical treatment, and died there, April 3 following. 532 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. TUSCOLA, a city and the county-seat of Douglas County, located at the intersection of the Illinois Central and two other trunk lines of rail - way, 22 miles south of Champaign, and 36 miles east of Decatur. Besides a brick court-house it has five churches, a graded school, a national bank, two weekly newspapers and two establish- ments for the manufacture of carriages and wagons. Population (1880), 1,457; (1890), 1,897; (1900), 2,569. TUSCOLA, CHARLESTON & VINCENNES RAILROAD. (See Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City Railroad.) TUTHILL, Richard Stanley, jurist, was born at Vergennes, Jackson County, 111., Nov. 10, 1841. After passing through the common schools of his native county, he took a preparatory course in a high school at St. Louis and in Illinois College, Jacksonville, when he entered Middlebury Col- lege, Vt . graduating there in 1863. Immediately thereafter he joined the Federal army at Vicks- burg, and, after serving for some time in a com- pany of scouts attached to General Logan's command, was commissioned a Lieutenant in the First Michigan Light Artillery, with which lie served until the close of the war, meanwhile being twice promoted. During this time he was with General Sherman in the march to Meridian, and in the Atlanta campaign, also took part with General Thomas in the operations against the rebel General Hood in Tennessee, and in the battle of Nashville. Having resigned his com- mission in May, 1865, he took up the study of law. which he had prosecuted as he had opportu- nity while in the army, and was admitted to the bar at Nashville in 1866, afterwards serving for a time as Prosecuting Attorney on the Nashville circuit. In 1873 he removed to Chicago, two years later was elected City Attorney and re- elected in 1877 ; was a delegate to the Republican National Convention of 1880 and, in 1884, was appointed United States District Attorney for the Northern District, serving until 1886. In 1887 he was elected Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Rogers, was re-elected for a full term in 1891, and again in 1897. TYNDALE, Sharon, Secretary of State, born in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 19, 1816; at the age of 17 came to Belleville, 111., and was engaged for a time in mercantile business, later being employed in a surveyor's corps under the internal improve- ment system of 1837. Having married in 1839, he returned soon after to Philadelphia, where he engaged in mercantile business with his father ; then came to Illinois, a second time, in 1845, spend- ing a year or two in business at Peoria. About 1847 he returned to Belleville and entered upon a course of mathematical study, with a view to fitting himself more thoroughly for the profession of a civil engineer. In 1851 he graduated in engineering at Cambridge, Mass., after which he was employed for a time on the Sunbury & Erie Railroad, and later on certain Illinois railroads. In 1857 he was elected County Surveyor of St. Clair County, and, in 1861, by appointment of President Lincoln, became Postmaster of the city of Belleville. He held this position until 1864, when he received the Republican nomination for Secretary of State and was elected, remaining in office four years. He was an earnest advocate, and virtually author, of the first act for the regis- tration of voters in Illinois, passed at the session of 1865. After retiring from office in 1869, he continued to reside in Springfield, and was em- ployed for a time in the survey of the Gilman, Clinton & Springfield Railway now the Spring- field Division of the Illinois Central. At an early hour on the morning of April 29, 1871, while going from his home to the railroad station at Springfield, to take the train for St. Louis, he was assassinated upon the street by shooting, as sup- posed for the purpose of robbery his dead body being found a few hours later at the scene of tha tragedy. Mr. Tyndale was a brother of Gen. Hector Tyndale of Pennsylvania, who won a high reputation by his services during the war. His second wife, who survived him, was a daughter of Sliadrach Penn, an editor of con- siderable reputation who was the contemporary and rival of George D. Prentice at Louisville, for some years. "UNDERGROUND RAILROAD," THE. A history of Illinois would be incomplete without reference to the unique system which existed there, as in other Northern States, from forty to seventy years ago, known by the somewhat mys- terious title of "The Underground Railroad." The origin of the term has been traced (probably in a spirit of facetiousness) to the expression of a Kentucky planter who, having pursued a fugi- tive slave across the Ohio River, was so surprised by his sudden disappearance, as soon as he had reached the opposite shore, that he was led to remark, "The nigger must have gone off on an underground road." From "underground road" to "underground railroad," the transition would appear to have been easy, especially in view of the increased facility with which the work was performed when railroads came into use. For HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. readers of the present generation, it may be well to explain what "The Underground Eailroad" really was. It may be defined as the figurative appellation for a spontaneous movement in the free States extending, sometimes, into the slave States themselves to assist slaves in their efforts to escape from bondage to freedom. The movement dates back to a period close to the Revolutionary War, long before it received a definite name. Assistance given to fugitives from one State by citizens of another, became a cause of complaint almost as soon as the Govern- ment was organized. In fact, the first President himself lost a slave who took refuge at Ports- mouth, N. H., where the public sentiment was so strong against his return, that the patriotic and philosophic "Father of his Country" chose to let him remain unmolested, rather than "excite a, mob or riot, or even uneasy sensations, in the minds of well-disposed citizens. " That the mat- ter was already one of concern in the minds of slaveholders, is shown by the fact that a provision was inserted in the Constitution for their concili- ation, guaranteeing the return of fugitives from labor, as well as from justice, from one State to another. In 1793 Congress passed the first Fugitive Slave Law, which was signed by President Washing- ton. This law provided that the owner, his agent or attorney, might follow the slave into any State or Territory, and, upon oath or affi- davit before a court or magistrate, be entitled to a warrant for his return. Any person who should hinder the arrest of the fugitive, or who should harbor, aid or assist him, knowing him to be such, was subject to a fine of $500 for each offense. In 1830, fifty -seven years later, the first act having proved inefficacious, or conditions having changed, a second and more stringent law was enacted. This is the one usually referred to in discussions of the subject. It provided for an increased fine, not to exceed $1,000, and im- prisonment not exceeding six months, with liability for civil damages to the party injured. No proof of ownership was required beyond the statement of a claimant, and the accused was not permitted to testify for himself. The fee of the United States Commissioner, before whom the case was tried, was ten dollars if he found for the claimant: if not, five dollars. This seemed to many an indirect form of bribery ; clearly, it made it to the Judge's pecuniary advantage to decide in favor of the claimant. The law made it possible and easy for a white man to arrest, and carry into slavery, any free negro who could not immediately prove, by other witnesses, that he was born free, or had purchased his freedom. Instead of discouraging the disposition, on the part of the opponents of slavery, to aid fugi- tives in their efforts to reach a region where they would be secure in their freedom, the effect of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 (as that of 1793 had been in a smaller degree) was the very oppo- site of that intended by its authors unless, indeed, they meant to make matters worse. The provisions of the act seemed, to many people, so unfair, so one-sided, that they rebelled in spirit and refused to be made parties to its enforce- ment. The law aroused the anti-slavery senti- ment of the North, and stimulated the active friends of the fugitives to take greater risks in their behalf. New efforts on the part of the slaveholders were met by a determination to evade, hinder and nullify the law. And here a strange anomaly is presented. The slaveholder, in attempting to recover his slave, was acting within his constitutional and legal rights. The slave was his property in law. He had purchased or inherited his bondman on the same plane with his horse or his land, and, apart from the right to hold a human being in bond- age, regarded his legal rights to the one as good as the other. From a legal standpoint his posi- tion was impregnable. The slave was his, repre- senting so much of money value, and whoever was instrumental in the loss of that slave was, both theoretically and technically, a partner in robbery. Therefore he looked on "The Under- ground Railway" as the work of thieves, and en- tertained bitter hatred toward all concerned in its operation. Oh the other hand, men who were, in all other respects, good citizens often relig- iously devout and pillars of the church became bold and flagrant violators of the law in relation to this sort of property. They set at nought a plain provision of the Constitution and the act of Congress for its enforcement. Without hope of personal gain or reward, at the risk of fine and imprisonment, with the certainty of social ostra- cism and bitter opposition, they harbored the fugitive and helped him forward on evert' occasion. And why? Because they saw in him a man. with the same inherent right to "life. liberty and the pursuit of happiness" that they themselves possessed. To them this was a higher law than any Legislature, State or National, could enact. They denied that there could be truly such a thing as property in man. Believing that the law violated human rights, they justified themselves in rendering it null and void. 534 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. For the most part, the "Underground Rail- road" operators and promoters were plain, obscure men, without hope of fame or desire for notoriety. Yet there were some whose names are conspicuous in history, such as Wendell Phillips, Thomas Wentworth Higginson and Theodore Parker of Massachusetts; Gerrit Smith and Thurlow Weed of New York; Joshua R. Giddings of Ohio, and Owen Love joy of Illinois. These had their followers and sympathizers in all the Northern States, and even in some por- tions of the South. It is a curious fact, that some of the most active spirits connected with the "Underground Railroad" were natives of the South, or had resided there long enough to become thoroughly acquainted with the "insti- tution." Levi Coffin, who had the reputation of being the "President of the Underground Rail- road" at least so far as the region west of the Ohio was concerned was an active operator on the line in North Carolina before his removal from that State to Indiana in 1826. Indeed, as a system, it is claimed to have had its origin at Guilford College, in the "Old North State" in 1819, though the evidence of this may not be conclusive. Owing to the peculiar nature of their business, no official reports were made, no lists of officers, conductors, station agents or operators preserved, and few records kept which are now accessible. Consequently, we are dependent chiefly upon the personal recollection of individual operators for a history of their transactions. Each station on the road was the house of a "friend" and it is significant, in this connection, that in every settlement of Friends, or Quakers, there was sure to be a house of refuge for the slave. For this reason it was, perhaps, that one of the most frequently traveled lines extended from Vir- ginia and Maryland through Eastern Pennsyl- vania, and then on towards New York or directly to Canada. From the proximity of Ohio to Virginia and Kentucky, and the fact that it offered the shortest route through free soil to Canada, it was traversed by more lines than any other State, although Indiana was pretty thoroughly "grid-ironed" by roads to freedom. In all, however, the routes were irregular, often zigzag, for purposes of security, and the "con- ductor" was any one who conveyed fugitives from one station to another The "train" was some- times a farm-wagon, loaded with produce for market at some town (or depot) on the line, fre- quently a closed carriage, and it is related that once, in Ohio, a number of carriages conveying a large party, were made to represent a funeral procession. Occasionally the train ran on foot, for convenience of side-tracking into the woods or a cornfield, in case of pursuit by a wild loco- motive. Then.-again, there were not wanting lawyers who, in case the operator, conductor or station agent got into trouble, were ready, without fee or reward, to defend either him or his human freight in the courts. These included such names of national repute as Salmon P. Chase, Thaddeus Stevens, Charles Sunmer, William H. Seward, Rutherford B. Hayes, Richard H. Dana, and Isaac N. Arnold, while, taking the whole country over, their "name was legion." Ami there were a few men of wealth, like Thomas Garrett of Delaware, willing to contribute money by thousands to their assistance. Although technically acting in violation of law or, as claimed by themselves, in obedience to a "higher law" the time has already come when there is a disposition to look upon the actors as, in a certain sense, heroes, and their deeds as fitly belonging to the field of romance. The most comprehensive collection of material relating to the history of this movement has been furnished in a recent volume entitled, "The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Free- dom," by Prof. Wilbur H. Siebert, of Ohio State University ; and, while it is not wholly free from errors, both as to individual names and facts, it will probably remain as the best compilation of history bearing on this subject especially as the principal actors are fast passing away. One of the interesting features of Prof. Siebert's book is a map purporting to give the principal routes and stations in the States northwest of the Ohio, yet the accuracy of this, as well as the correct- ness of personal names given, has been questioned by some best informed on the subject. Aa might be expected from its geographical position between two slave States Kentucky and Mis- souri on the one hand, and the lakes offering a highway to Canada on the other, it is naturally to be assumed that Illinois would be an attract- ive field, both for the fugitive and his sympa- thizer. The period of greatest activity of the system in this State was between 1840 and 1861 the latter being the year when the pro-slavery party in the South, by their attempt forcibly to dissolve the Union, took the business out of the hands of the secret agents of the "Underground Railroad," and in a certain sense placed it in the hands of the Union armies. It was in 1841 that Abra- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ham Lincoln then a conservative opponent of the extension of slavery on an appeal from a judgment, rendered by the Circuit Court in Taze- well County, in favor of the holder of a note given for the service of the indentured slave- girl "Nance," obtained a decision from the Supreme Court of Illinois upholding the doctrine that the girl was free under the Ordinance of 1787 and the State Constitution, and that the note, given to the person who claimed to be her owner, was void. And it is a somewhat curious coincidence that the same Abraham Lincoln, as President of the United States, in the second year of the War of the Rebellion, issued the Proclamation of Emancipation which finally resulted in striking the shackles from the limbs of every slave in the Union. In the practical operation of aiding fugitives in Illinois, it was natural that the towns along the border upon the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, should have served as a sort of entrepots, or initial stations, for the reception of this class of freight especially if adjacent to some anti- slavery community. This was the case at Ches- ter, from which access was easy to Sparta, where a colony of Covenanters, or Seceders, was located, and whence a route extended, by way of Oakdale, Nashville and Centralist, in the direction of Chicago. Alton offered convenient access to Bond County, where there was a community of anti-slavery people at an early day, or the fugi- tives could be forwarded northward by way of Jerseyville, Waverly and Jacksonville, about each of which there was a strong anti-slavery sentiment. Quincy, in spite of an intense hos- tility among the mass of the community to any- thing savoring of abolitionism, became the theater of great activity on the part of the opponents of the institution, especially after the advent there of Dr. David Nelson and Dr. Rich- ard Eells, both of whom had rendered themselves obnoxious to the people of Missouri by extending aid to fugitives. The former was a practical abolitionist who, having freed his slaves in his native State of Virginia, removed to Missouri and attempted to establish Marion College, a few miles from Palmyra, but was soon driven to Illinois. Locating near Quincy, he founded the "Mission Institute" there, at which he continued to dis- seminate his anti-slavery views, while educating young men for missionary work. The "Insti- tute" was finally burned by emissaries from Mis- souri, while three young men who had been connected with it, having been caught in Mis- souri, were condemned to twelve years' confine- ment in the penitentiary of that State partly on the testimony of a negro, although a negro was not t lien a legal witness in the courts against a white man. Dr. Eells was prosecuted before Stephen A. Douglas (then a Judge of the Circuit Court), and fined for aiding a fugitive to escape, and the judgment against him was finally con- firmed by the Supreme Court after his death, in 1832, ten years after the original indictment. A map in Professor Siebert's book, showing the routes aud principal stations of the "Undergound Railroad," makes mention of the following places in Illinois, in addition to those already referred to: Carlinville, in Macoupin County; Pay son and Mendon, in Adams; Washington, in Taze- well ; Metamora, in Woodford ; Magnolia, in Put- nam; Galesburg, in Knox; Princeton (the home of Owen Lovejoy and the Bryants), in Bureau; and many more. Ottawa appears to have been the meeting ]>oint of a number of lines, as well as the home of a strong colony of practical abo- litionists. Cairo also became an iinjmrtaiit transfer station for fugitives arriving by river, after the completion of the Illinois Central Rail- road, especially as it offered the speediest way of reaching Chicago, towards which nearly all the lines converged. It was here that the fugitives could be most safely disposed of by placing them upon vessels, which, without stopping at inter- mediate ports, could soon land them on Canadian soil. As to methods, these differed according to cir- cumstances, the emergencies of the occasion, or the taste, convenience or resources of the oper- ator. Deacon Levi Morse, of Woodford County, near Metamoia, had a route towards Magnolia. Putnam County, and his favorite "car" was a farm wagon in which there was a double bottom. The passengers were snugly placed below, and grain sacks,tilled with bran or other light material, were laid over, so that the whole presented the appearance of an ordinary load of grain on its way to market. The same was true as to stations and routes. One, who was an operator, says: "Wherever an abolitionist happened on a fugi- tive, or the converse, there was a station, for the time, and the route was to the next anti-slavery man to the east or the north. As a general rule, the agent preferred not to know anything beyond the operation of his own immediate section of the road. If he knew nothing about the operations of another, and the other knew nothing of his. they could not be witnesses in court. We have it on the authority of Judge Harvey B. Kurd, of Chicago, that runaways were usually 536 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. forwarded from that city to Canada by way of the Lakes, there being several steamers available for that purpose. On one occasion thirteen were put aboard a vessel under the eyes of a United States Marshal and his deputies. The fugitives, secreted in a woodshed, one by one took the places of colored stevedores carrying wood aboard the ship. Possibly the term, "There's a nigger in the woodpile," may have originated in this incident. Thirteen was an "unlucky num- ber" in this instance for the masters. Among the notable trials for assisting runaways in violation of tha Fugitive Slave Law, in addi- tion to the case of Dr. Eells, already mentioned, were those of Owen Lovejoy of Princeton, and Deacon Gushing of Will County, both of whom were defended by Judge James Collins of Chi- cago. John Hossack and Dr. Joseph Stout of Ottawa, with some half-dozen of their neighbors and friends, were tried at Ottawa, in 1859, for assisting a fugitive and acquitted on a techni- cality. A strong array of attorneys, afterwards widely known through the northern part of the State, appeared for the defense, including Isaac N. Arnold, Joseph Knox, B. C. Cook, J. V. Eus- tace, Edward S. Leland arid E. C. Lamed. Joseph T. Morse, of Woodford County, was also arrested, taken to Peoria and committed to jail, but acquitted on trial. Another noteworthy case was that of Dr. Samuel Willard (now of Chicago) and his father, Julius A. Willard, charged with assisting in the escape of a fugitive at Jacksonville, in 1843, when the Doctor was a student in Illinois College. "The National Corporation Reporter," a few years ago, gave an account of this affair, together with a letter from Dr. Willard, in which he states that, after protracted litigation, during which the case was carried to the Supreme Court, it was ended by his pleading guilty before Judge Samuel D. Lockwood, when he was fined one dollar and costs the latter amounting to twenty dollars. The Doctor frankly adds: "My father, as well as myself, helped many fugitives afterwards." It did not always happen, however, that offenders escaped so easily. Judge Harvey B. Hurd, already referred to, and an active anti-slavery man in the days of the Fugitive Slave Law, relates the following : Once, when the trial of a fugitive was going on before Justice Kercheval, in a room on the second floor of a two-story frame building on Clark Street in the city of Chicago, the crowd in attendance filled the room, the stairway and the adjoining sidewalk. In some way the prisoner got mixed in with the audience, and passed down over the heads of those on the stairs, where the officers were unable to follow. In another case, tried before United States Commissioner Geo. W. Meeker, the result was made to hinge upon a point in the indictment to the effect that the fugitive was "copper-colored. " The Commissioner, as the story goes, being in- clined to favor public sentiment, called for a large copper cent, that he might make comparison. The decision was, that the prisoner was "off color," so to speak, and he was hustled out of the room before the officers could re-arrest him, as they had been instructed to do. Dr. Samuel Willard, in a review of Professor Siebert's book, published in "The Dial" of Chi cago, makes mention of Henry Irving and Will- iam Chauncey Carter as among his active allies at Jacksonville, with Rev. Bilious Pond and Deacon Lyman of Farmington (near the present village of Farmingdale in Sangamon County), Luther Ransom of Springfield, Andrew Borders of Randolph County, Joseph Gerrish of Jersey and William T. Allan of Henry, as their coadju- tors in other parts of the State. Other active agents or promoters, in the same field, included such names as Dr. Charles V. Dyer, Philo Carpen- ter, Calvin De Wolf, L. C. P. Freer, Zebina East- man, James H. Collins, Harvey B. Hurd, J. Young Scammon, Col. J. F. Farnsworth and others of Chicago, whose names have already been men- tioned ; Rev. Asa Turner, Deacon Ballard, J. K. Van Dorn and Erastus Benton, of Quincy and Adams County; President Rufus Blanchard of Knox College, Galesburg; John Leeper of Bond; the late Prof. J. B. Turner and Elihu Wolcott of Jacksonville; Capt. Parker Morse and his four sons Joseph T., Levi P., Parker, Jr., and Mark of Woodford County ; Rev. William Sloane of Randolph ; William Strawn of La Salic, besides a host who were willing to aid their fellow men in their aspirations to freedom, without advertising their own exploits. Among the incidents of "Underground Rail- road" in Illinois is one which had some importance politically, having for its climax a dramatic scene in Congress, but of which, so far as known, no full account has ever been written. About 1855, Ephraim Lombard, a Mississippi planter, but a New Englander by birth, purchased a large body of prairie land in the northeastern part of Stark County, and, taking up his residence temporarily in the village of Bradford, began its improve- ment. He had brought with him from Mississippi a negro, gray-haired and bent with age, a slave HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 537 of probably no great value. "Old Mose," as he was called, soon came to be well known and a favorite in the neighborhood. Lombard boldly stated that he had brought him there as a slave ; that, by virtue of the Dred Scott decision (then of recent date), he had a constitutional right to take his slaves wherever he pleased, and that "Old Mose" was just as much his property in Illinois as in Mississippi. It soon became evident to some, that his bringing of the negro to Illinois was an experiment to test the law and the feel- ings of the Northern people. This being the case, a shrewd play would have been to let him have his way till other slaves should have been brought to stock the new plantation. But this was too slow a process for the abolitionists, to whom the holding of a slave in the free State of Illinois appeared an unbearable outrage. It was feared that he might take the old negro back to Mississippi and fail to bring any others. It was reported, also, that "Old Mose'' was ill-treated; that he was given only the coarsest food in a back shed, as if he were a horse or a dog, instead of being permitted to eat at table with the family. The prairie citizen of that time was very par- ticular upon this point of etiquette. The hired man or woman, debarred from the table of his or her employer, would not have remained a day. A quiet consultation with "Old Mose" revealed the fact that he would hail the gift of freedom joyously. Accordingly, one Peter Risedorf, and another equally daring, met him by the light of the stars and, before morning, he was placed in the care of Owen Lovejoy, at Princeton, twenty miles away. From there he was speedily "franked" by the member of Congress to friends in Canada. There was a great commotion in Bradford over the "stealing" of "Old Mose." Lombard and his friends denounced the act in terms bitter and profane, and threatened vengeance upon the per- petrators. The conductors were known only to a few, and they kept their secret well. Lovejoy's part in the affair, however, soon leaked out. Lombard returned to Mississippi, where he related his experiences to Mr. Singleton, the Representative in Congress from his district. During the next session of Congress, Singleton took occasion, in a speech, to sneer at Lovejoy as a "nigger-stealer," citing the case of "Old Mose." Mr. Lovejoy replied in his usual fervid and dramatic style, making a speech which ensured his election to Congress for life "Is it desired to call attention to this fact of my assisting fugitive slaves'!" he said. "Owen Lovejoy lives at Prince- ton, 111., three-quarters of a mile east of the village, and he aids every slave that comes to his door and asks it. Thou invisible Demon of Slavery, dost thou think to cross my humble threshold and forbid me to give bread to the hungry and shelter to the homeless? I bid you defiance, in the name of my God I" With another incident of an amusing charac- ter this article may be closed: Hon. J. Young Scammon, of Chicago, being accused of conniving at the escape of a slave from officers of the law. was asked by the court what he would do if sum- moned as one of a posse to pursue and capture a fugitive. "I would certainly obey the summons," he replied, "but I should probably stub my toe and fall down before I reached him." NOTI. Those who wish to pursue the subject of the "Underground Railroad" In Illinois further, are referred to the work of Dr. Siebert, already meotioDed. and to the various County Histories which hare been Issued and may be found in the public libraries; also for Interesting Inci- dents, to " Reminiscences of Levl nitim." Johnson's "From Dixie to Canada," Petifs Sketches. "Still. Under- ground Railroad," and a pamphlet of the same title by James H. Faircluld, ex-President of Oberlin College. UNDERWOOD, William H., lawyer, legislator and jurist, was born at Schoharie Court House, N. Y., Feb. 21. 1818, and, after admission to the bar, removed to Belleville, 111., where he began practice in 1840. The following year he was elected State's Attorney, and re-elected in 1843. In 1846 he was chosen a member of the lower house of the General Assembly, and, in 1848-54, sat as Judge of the Second Circuit. During this period he declined a nomination to Congress, although equivalent to an election. In 1856 he was elected State Senator, and re-elected in 1860. He was a member of the Constitutional Conven- tion of 1869-70, and, in 1870, was again elected to the Senate, retiring to private life in 1872. Died, Sept. 23. 1875. UNION COUNTY, one of the fifteen counties into which Illinois was divided at the time of its admission as a State having been organized, under the Territorial Government, in January, 1818. It is situated in the southern division of the State, bounded on the west by the Mississippi River, and has an area of 400 square miles. The eastern and interior portions are drained by the Cache River and Clear Creek. The western part of the county comprises the broad, rich bottom lands lying along the Mississippi, but is subject to frequent overflow, while the eastern portion is hilly, and most of its area originally heavily tim- bered. The county is especially rich in minerals. Iron-ore, lead, bituminous coal, chalk, alum and 538 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. potter's clay are found in considerable abun- dance. Several lines of railway (the most impor- tant being the Illinois Central) either cross or tap the county. The chief occupation is agri- culture, although manufacturing is carried on to a limited extent. Fruit is extensively cultivated. Jonesboro is the county-seat, and Cobden and Anna important shipping stations. The latter is the location of the Southern Hospital for the Insane. The population of the county, in 1890, was 31,539. Being next to St. Clair, Randolph and Gallatin, one of the earliest settled counties in the State, many prominent men found their first home, on coming into the State, at Jones- boro, and this region, for a time, exerted a strong influence in public affairs. Pop. (1900), 22,610. UNION LEAGUE OF AMERICA, a secret polit- ical and patriotic order whicli had its origin early in the late Civil War, for the avowed pur- pose of sustaining the cause of the Union and counteracting the machinations of the secret organizations designed to promote the success of the Rebellion. The first regular Council of the order was organized at Pekin, Tazewell County, June 35, 1863, consisting of eleven members, as follows: John W. Glasgow, Dr. D. A. Cheever, Hart Montgomery, Maj. Richard N. Cullom (father of Senator Cullom), Alexander Small, Rev. J. W. II. Vernon, George H. Harlow (after- ward Secretary of State), Charles Turner, Col. Jonathan Merriam, Henry Pratt and L. F. Gar- rett. One of the number was a Union refugee from Tennessee, who dictated the first oath from memory, as administered to members of a some- what similar order which had been organized uiuong the Unionists of his own State. It sol- emnly pledged the taker. (1) to preserve invio- late the secrets and business of the order; (3) to "support, maintain, protect and defend the civil liberties of the Union of these United States against all enemies, either domestic or foreign, at all times aud under all circumstances, " even "if necessary, to the sacrifice of life"; (3) to aid in electing only true Union men to offices of trust in the town, county, State and General Government; (4) to assist, protect and defend any member of the order who might be in peril from his connection with the order, and (5) to obey all laws, rules or regulations of any Council to which the taker of the oath might be attached. The oath was taken upon the Bible, the Decla- ration of Independence and Constitution of the United States, the taker pledging his sacred honor to its fulfillment. A special reason for the organization existed in the activity, about this time, of the "Knights of the Golden Circle," a disloyal organization which had been introduced from the South, and which afterwards took the name, in the North, of "American Knights" and ' 'Sons of Liberty. ' ' (See Secret Treasonable Soci- eties.) Three months later, the organization had extended to a number of other counties of the State and, on the 35th of September following, the first State Council met at Bloomington twelve counties being represented and a State organization was effected. At this meeting the following general officers were chosen: Grand President Judge Mark Bangs, of Marshall County (now of Chicago); Grand Vice-President Prof. Daniel Wilkin, of McLean ; Grand Secre- tary George H. Harlow. of Tazewell; Grand Treasurer H. S. Austin, of Peoria, Grand Mar- shal J. R. Gorin, of Macon; Grand Herald A. Gould, of Henry; Grand Sentinel John E. Rosette, of Sangamon. An Executive Committee was also appointed, consisting of Joseph Medill of "The Chicago Tribune"; Dr. A. J. McFar- land, of Morgan County; J. K. Warren, of Macon; Rev. J. C. Rybolt, of La Salle; the President, Judge Bangs; Enoch Emery, of Peoria; and John E. Rosette. Under the direction of this Committee, with Mr. Medill as its Chairman, the constitution and by-laws were thoroughly revised and a new ritual adopted, which materi- ally changed the phraseology and removed some of the crudities of the original obligation, as well as increased the beauty and impressiveness of the initiatory ceremonies. New signs, grips and l>ass-words were also adopted, which were finally accepted by the various organizations of the order throughout the Union, which, by this time, included many soldiers in the army, as well as civilians. The second Grand (or State) Council was held at Springfield, January 14, 1863, with only seven counties represented. The limited representation was discouraging, but the mem- bers took heart from the inspiring words of Gov- ernor Yates. addressed to a committee of the order who waited upon him. At a special ses- sion of the Executive Committee, held at Peoria, six days later, a vigorous campaign was mapped out, under which agents were sent into nearly every county in the State. In Oc- tober, 1863, the strength of the order in Illi- nois was estimated at three to five thousand; a few months later, the number of enrolled members had increased to 50,000 so rapid had been the growth of the order. On March 2">, 18GU, a Grand Council met in Chicago 404 Councils in Illinois being represented, with HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 539 a number from Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wiscon- sin, Iowa and Minnesota. At this meeting a Committee was appointed to prepare a plan of organization for a National Grand Council, which was carried out at Cleveland, Ohio, on the 20th of May following the constitution, ritual and signs of the Illinois organization being adopted with slight modifications. The evised obligation taken upon the Bible, the Declaration of Inde- pendence and the Constitution of the United States bound members of the League to "sup- port, protect and defend the Government of the United States and the flag thereof, against all enemies, foreign and domestic," and to"beartrue faith and allegiance to the same"; to "defend the State against invasion or insurrection"; to support only "true and reliable men" for offices of trust and profit; to protect and defend worthy members, and to preserve inviolate the secrets of the order. The address to new mem- bers was a model of impress! veness and a powerful appeal to their patriotism. The organization extended rapidly, not only throughout the North- west, but in the South also, especially in the army. In 1864 the number of Councils in Illinois was estimated at 1,300, with a membership of 175,000; and it is estimated that the total mem- bership, throughout the Union, was 2,000,000. The influence of the silent, but zealous and effect- ive, operations of the organization, was shown, not only in the stimulus given to enlistments and support of the war policy of the Government, but in the raising of supplies for the sick and wounded soldiers in the field. Within a few weeks before the fall of Vicksburg, over $25,000 in cash, besides large quantities of stores, were sent to Col. John Williams (then in charge of the Sanitary Bureau at Springfield), as the direct result of appeals made through circulars sent out by the officers of the "League." Large contri- butions of money and supplies also reached the sick and wounded in hospital through the medium of the Sanitary Commission in Chicago. Zealous efforts were made by the opposition to get at the secrets of the order, and, in one case, a complete copy of the ritual was published by one of their organs ; but the effect was so far the reverse of wliat was anticipated, that this line of attack was not continued. During the stormy session of the Legislature in 1863, the League is said to have rendered effective service in protecting Gov- ernor Yates from threatened assassination. It Continued its silent but effective operations until the complete overthrow of the rebellion, when it ceased to exist as a political organization. UNITED STATES SENATORS. The follow- ing is a list of United States senators from Illinois, from the date of the admission of the State into the Union until 1899, with the date and duration of the term of each: Ninian Edwards, 1818-84; Jesse B. Thomas, Sr., 1818-29; John McLean, 1884-25 and 1829-30; Elias Kent Kane, 1825-35; David Jewett Baker, Nov. 12 to Dec. 11, 1830; John M. Robinson, 1830-41 ; William L. D. Ewing, 1835-37; Richard M. Young, 1837-43; Samuel Mc- Roberts, 1841-43; Sidney Breese, 1843-49; James Semple. 1843-47; Stephen A. Douglas, 1847-61; James Shields, 1849-55; Lyman Trumbull, 1855-78; Orville H. Browning, 1861-63; William A. Rich- ardson, 1863-65; Richard Yates, 1865-71; John A. Logan, 1871-77 and 1879-86; Richard J. Oglesby, 1873-79; David Davis, 1877-83; Shelby M. Cullom, first elected in 1883, and re-elected in '89 and '95, his third term expiring in 1901 ; Charles B. Far- well, 1887-91; John McAuley Palmer, 1891-97; William E. Mason, elected in 1897, for the term expiring, March 4, 1903. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAUO (The New). One of the leading educational institutions of the country, located at Chicago. It is the outgrowth of an attempt, put forth by the American Educa- tional Society (organized at Washington in 1888). to supply the place which the original institution of the same name had been designed to fill. (See University of Clticago Tlie Old.) The following year, Mr. John D. Rockefeller of New York ten- dered a contribution of $600,000 toward the endow ment of the enterprise, conditioned upon securing additional pledges to the amount of $400,000 by June 1, 1890. The offer was accepted, and the sum promptly raised. In addition, a site, covering four blocks of land in the city of Chicago, was secured two and one-lialf blocks being acquired by purclxase for 5282,500, and one and one- half (valued at 8135.000) donated by Mr. Marshall Field. A charter was secured and an organiza- tion effected. Sept. 10, 1890. The Presidency of the institution was tendered to, and accepted by. Dr. William R. Harper. Since that time the University lias been the recipient of other gener- ous benefactions by Mr. Rockefeller and others, until the aggregate donations (1898) exceed $10,- 000,000. Of this amount over one-lialf lias been contributed by Mr. Rockefeller, while he has pledged himself to make additional contributions of 2,000,000. conditioned upon the raising of a like sum, from other donors, by Jan. 1, 1900. The buildings erected on the campus, prior to 189C. include a chemical laboratory costing $182,000 : a lecture hall, $150,000; a physical laboratory 540 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. $150,000; a museum, $100,000; an academy dor- mitory, $30,000; three dormitories for women, 150,000; two dormitories for men, $100,000, to which several important additions were made during 1896 and 97. The faculty embraces over 150 instructors, selected with reference to their fitness for their respective departments from among the most eminent scholars in America and Europe. Women are admitted as students and graduated upon an equality with men. The work of practical instruction began in October, 1892, with 589 registered students, coming from nearly every Northern State, and including 250 gradu- ates from other institutions, to which accessions were made, during the year, raising the aggregate to over 900. The second year the number ex- ceeded 1,100; the third, it rose to 1,750, and the fourth (1895-96), to some 2,000, including repre- sentatives from every State of the Union, besides many from foreign countries. Special features of the institution include the admission of gradu- ates from other institutions to a post-graduate course, and the University Extension Division, which is conducted largely by means of lecture courses, in other cities, or through lecture centers in the vicinity of the University, non-resident students having the privilege of written exami- nations. The various libraries embrace over 300,000 volumes, of which nearly 60,000 belong to what are called the "Departmental Libraries," besides a large and valuable collection of maps and pamphlets. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO (The Old), an educational institution at Chicago, under the care of the Baptist denomination, for some years known as the Douglas University. Senator Stephen A. Douglas offered, in 1854, to donate ten acres of land, in what was then near the southern border of the city of Chicago, as a site for an institution of learning, provided buildings cost- ing $100,000, be erected thereon within a stipu- lated time. The corner-stone of the main building was laid, July 4, 1857, but the financial panic of that year prevented its completion, and Mr. Doug- las extended the time, and finally deeded the land to the trustees without reserve. For eighteen years the institution led a precarious existence, struggling under a heavy debt. By 1885, mort- gages to the amount of $320,000 having accumu- lated, the trustees abandoned further effort, and acquiesced in the sale of the property under fore- closure proceedings. The original plan of the institution contemplated preparatory and col- legiate departments, together with a college of law and a theological school. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, the leading edu- cational institution under control of the State, located at Urbana and adjoining the city of Champaign. The Legislature at the session of 1863 accepted a grant of 480,000 acres of land under Act of Congress, approved July 2, 1862, making an appropriation of public lands to States 30,000 acres for each Senator and each Representative in Congress establishing colleges for teaching agri- culture and the mechanic arts, though not to the exclusion of classical and scientific studies. Land- scrip under this grant was issued and placed in the hands of Governor Yates, and a Board of Trustees appointed under the State law was organ- ized in March, 1867, the institution being located the same year. Departments and courses of study were established, and Dr. John M. Gregory, of Michigan, was chosen Regent (President). The landscrip issued to Illinois was sold at an early day for what it wonld bring in open market, except 25.000 acres, which was located in Ne- braska and Minnesota. This has recently been sold, realizing a larger sum than was received for all the scrip otherwise disposed of. The entire sum thus secured for permanent endowment ag- gregates $613,026. The University revenues were further increased by donations from Congress to each institution organized under the Act of 1862, of $15,000 per annum for the maintenance of an Agricultural Experiment Station, and, in 1890, of a similar amount for instruction the latter to be increased $1,000 annually until it should reach $25,000. A mechanical building was erected in f871, and this is claimed to have been the first of its kind in America intended for strictly educa- tional purposes. What was called "the main building" was formally opened in December, 1873. Other buildings em brace a "Science Hall," opened in 1892; a new "Engineering Hall," 1894; a fine Library Building, 1897. Eleven other prin- cipal structures and a number of smaller ones have been erected as conditions required. The value of property aggregates nearly $2,500,000, and appropriations from the State, for all purposes, previous to 1904, foot up 85,123,517.90. Since 1871 the institution has been open to women. The courses of study embrace agriculture, chem- istry, polytechnics, military tactics, natural and general sciences, languages and literature, eco- nomics, household science, trade and commerce. The Graduate School dates from 1891. In 1896 the Chicago College of Pharmacy was connected with the University: a College of Law and a Library School were opened in 1897, and the same year the Chicago College of Physicians and |Sur- 5-1" HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA <>F ILLINOIS. si.'iii.iMIM; a museum. SIOM.INHP; an academy dor- mitory. SoO.ooo, three dormitories for women. s|:,ii. IIIKI. two dormitories for men. S.IIPII.MOM, to wliicli several important additions were made ilin in.L- 1 S '.H> ami SlT. Tin- faculty embraces over l"i( I instructors, selected with reference to their Illness for their res|-etive department* from among tlie most eminent seliolars in America an>l I'.urope. Women are ailmitteil as students and graduated II|HUI an equality \vitli men. The work ol practical instruction liepin in Octolicr. IN'.K.', witli,V-il registered students, coming from nearly every Northern State, and including ','."iO gradu- ates from other institutions. 1<. which accession^ were made, during the year, raising the a^re^ale to over '.Hill. The second year the immlicr ex- ceeded I. lull; the third, it rose to l,?."iO, and the fourth (|s!I.V!Mi), to some .'.(PIMP, including repre- sentative* from every State of the Union, liesides many from foreign countries. S[>ccial feature-^ of the institution include the admission of gradu- ates from other institutions to a post -graduate course, and the University Kxtension Division, which is conducted largely liy means of lecture courses, ill other cities, or through lecture centers in the vicinity of the University, lion resident students having the privilege of written exami- nations The various lihraries emlirace over oiHi.Miio \oluiiics. of which nearly (in. nun iVlun;.- to what are called the " Departmental Libraries." liesides a larne and valuable collection of maps and pamphlets. I MVKKSITV OK i IIH M. (> (The oldi. an eilucational institution at Chicago, under the care of the R-iptist denomination, for some years known a- the Douglas I'niversity. Senator Stephen A. Douglas offered, in 1 *">), to donate lei, acres of land, in what was then near the southern border of the city of Chicago, as a site for an institution of learning, provided building* cost inn Slim, Olio, he erected thereon within a stipn lated time The corner-stone of the main huildin- was laid. July I. 1X-TT hut the financial panic of that year prevented its completion, and Mr Ilou^ las extended the time, and finally deeded tin- land to tin- trustees without reserve. For eighteen years the institution led a precarious existence, strn^lin;; under a heavy del it. Hy ' ss ~'. moil ^a^c-s to the amount of S:!'20,OO() having acciimu lated. the trustees ahaiidoneil further effort, ami acquiesced in the sale of the jiro|>crty under fore closure proceedings The original plan of Jhe institution contemplatecl pre|iaratory and col- legiate depart nls, together with a college of law and a theological school. f.MVKRSITY OF ILLINOIS, the leading edu- cational institution under control of the State, located at L'rhana and adjoining the city of C'hampai^n. The Legislature at tlie session of IMi:; accepted arrant of IHUWM) acres of land under Act of Congress, approved July '-, lMi'.J, inaUin_- .11, appropriation of public lands to States HO.ooo acres for ea<'h Senator and each Representative in Congress estahlishin^ colleges for teaching agri- culture and the mechanic arts, though not to the exclusion of classical and scientilic studies. I.and- scrip under this j;raiit was issued and placed iu the hands of (iovernor Yates, and a Board of Trustees ap| minted under the State law wa.s organ- ized in March. l*t>7. the institution liein;; located the same year. Departments and courses of study were established, and Dr. John M. Gregory, ol Michigan, was chosen Recent (President). The landscrip issued to Illinois was sold at an early day for what it wonld brin^c in ojien market, except O'I.OIKI acres, which was located in Ne- braska and Minnesota. This has recently been sold, realix.iiu; a larger sum than was recehed i or all the scrip otherwise disposed of. The entire sum thus secured for permanent endowment a^- greKatea 8618,096. The University revenues were further increased by donations from Congress to each institution organized under the Act of 1*ii'..'. of sl.'i OOO per annum for the maintenance of an Agricultural Experiment Station, and. in 1X90, of ,i similar amount for instruction the latter to l*s increased si. (Mil ( annually until it should reach ?','.i.iKHl. A mechanical building was erected ill 1*71, and this is claimed to have been the lirst of its kind in America intended for strictly educa- tional purposes. What was called "the main building'* was formally opened in Decemlier, IN?:!. Other buildings embrace a "Science Hall.''' ojiened in 1N9'-'; anew "Engineering Hall,*' IMH; a line Library I'.-nMn. is'.i;. Kleveii other prin- cipal structures and a number 000,000, and appropriations from the State, for all pur|Kjses, previous to I'.MM. fKit u]i sri,li:!,517.!)l). Since. 1>*71 the institution has been open to women. The courses of study embrace agriculture, chem- istry, polytechnics, military tactics, natural ami general sciences. laiiKiiaKes and literature, eco- nomics, household science, trade and commerce. The (iraduate School dates from isill. Ill 1WM the Chicago College of I'liarinufy was connected with the University: a College of Ijiw and a Library School were opened in 1MI7, and tlie same year the Chicago College of I'liysiciaiis and |Sur- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 541 geons was affiliated as the College of Medicine a School of Dentistry being added to the latter in 1901. In 1885 the State Laboratory of Natural History was transferred from Normal, 111., and an Agricultural Experiment Station entablished in 1888, from which bulletins are sent to farmers throughout the State who may desire them. The first name of the Institution was "Illinois Indus- trial University," but, in 1885, this was changed to "University of Illinois." In 1887 the Trustees (of whom there are nine) were made elective by popular vote three being elected every two years, each holding office six years. Dr. Gregory, having resigned the office of Regent in 1880, was succeeded by Dr. Selim H. Peabody, who had been Professor of Mechanical and Civil Engineer- ing. Dr. Peabody resigned in 1891. The duties of Regent were then discharged by Prof. Thomas J. Burrill until August, 1894, when Dr. Andrew Sloan Draper, former State Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of New York, was installed as President, serving until 1904. The corps of instruction (1904) includes over 100 Pro- fessors, 60 Associate and Assistant Professors and 200 Instructors and Assistants, besides special lecturers, demonstrators and clerks. The num- ber of students has increased rapidly in recent years, as shown by the following totals for suc- cessive years from 1890-91 to 1903-04, inclusive: 519; 583; 714; 743; 810; 852; 1,076; 1,582; 1,824; 2,234; 2,505; 2,932; 3,289; 3,589. Of the last num- ber, 2,271 were men and 718 women. During 1903-04 there were in all departments at Urbana, 2,547 students (256 being in the Preparatory Aca- demy) ; and in the three Professional Departments in Chicago, 1,042, of whom 694 were in the Col- lege of Medicine, 185 in the School of Pharmacy, and 163 in the School of Dentistry. The Univer- sity Library contains 63,700 volumes and 14,500 pamphlets, not including 5,350 volumes and 15,850 pamphlets in the State Laboratory of Nat- ural History. The University occupies a con- spicuous and attractive site, embracing 220 acres adjacent to the line between Urbana and Cham- paign, and near the residence portion of the two cities. The athletic field of 11 acres, on which stand the gymnasium and armory, is enclosed with an ornamental iron fence. The campus, otherwise, is an open and beautiful park with fine landscape effects. UNORGANIZED COUNTIES. In addition to the 102 counties into which Illinois is divided, acts were passed by the General Assembly, at different times, providing for the organiza- tion of a number of others, a few of which were subsequently organized under different names, but the majority of which were never organized at all the proposition for such or- ganization being rejected by vote of the people within the proposed boundaries, or allowed to lapse by non-action. These unorganized coun- ties, with the date of the several acts authorizing them, and the territory which they were in- tended to include, were as follows: Allen County (1841) comprising portions of Sanga- mon, Morgan and Macoupin Counties; Audobon (Audubon) County (1843) from portions of Mont- gomery, Fayette and Shelby; Benton County (1843) from Morgan, Greene and Macoupin; Coffee County (1837) with substantially the same territory now comprised within the bound- aries of Stark County, authorized two years later; Dane County (1839) name changed to Christian in 1840; Harrison County (1855) from McLean, Champaign and Vermilion, com- prising territory since partially incorporated in Ford County; Holmes County (1857) from Champaign and Vermilion; Marquette County (1843), changed (1847) to Highland compris- ing the northern portion of Adams, (this act was accepted, with Columbus as the county- seat, but organization finally vacated) ; Michi- gan County (1837) from a part of Cook; Milton County (1843) from the south part of Vermil- ion; Okaw County (1841) comprising substan- tially the same territory as Moultrie, organized under act of 1843; Oregon County (1851) from parts of Sangamon, Morgan and Macoupin Coun- ties, and covering substantially the same terri- tory as proposed to be incorporated in Allen County ten years earlier. The last act of this character was passed in 1867, when an attempt was made to organize Lincoln County out ol parts of Champaign and Vermilion, but which failed for want of an affirmative vote. UPPER ALTON, a city of Madison County, situated on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, about 1 J miles northeast of Alton laid out in 1816. It has several churches, and is the seat of Shurtleff College and the Western Military Academy, the former founded about 1831, and controlled by the Baptist denomination. Beds of excellent clay are found in the vicinity and utilized in pottery manufacture. Pop. (1890), 1,803: (1900), 2,373. UPTON, George Putnam, journalist, was born at Roxbury, Mass., Oct. 25, 1834; graduated from Brown University in 1854, removed to Chicago in 1855, and began newspaper work on "The Native American," the following year taking the place of city editor of "The Evening Jour- X. _ L HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA UK ILLINOIS. VII Seems was affiliated Jis the College of Medicine it School of Dentistry being sulileil to the Litter in 1901. In 1885 the State Lalxjratory of Natural History was transferred from Normal, 111., and an Agricultural Experiment Station entahlished in 1888, from which bulletins are sent to fanners throughout the State who may desire them. The first name of the Institution was "Illinois Indus- trial University." but. in iss;i. this was change.! to "University of Illinois." In 1887 the Trustee (of whom there are nine) were made elective l>y popular vote three being elected every tv.-o years, each holding otlire six years. Dr. (Jregory. having resigned the otlice of Regent in I8sn, was .succeeded by Dr. Selim II. Peabody, who had l>een Professor of Mechanical and Civil Engineer- ing. Dr. Peabody resigned in 1*01. The duties of Regent were then discharged by Prof. Thomas J. Burrill until August, 1*94, when Dr. Andrew Sloan Draper, former State Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of New York, was installed as President, serving until 1904. The corps of instruction (1904) includes over 100 Pro- fessors, 60 Associate and Assistant Professors and 2(10 Instructors and Assistants, besides special lecturers, demonstrators and clerks. The num- ber of students has increased rapidly iu recent years, as shown by the following totals for suc- cessive years from 1890-91 to 1903-04. inclusive: 519; , r ,s:t; 714; 713; 810; 852; 1,075: 1,582; 1,824: 2.234; 2.503; 2,932; 3,2*9; 3.589. Of the last num- ber, 2.271 were men and 718 women. During 1903-04 there were in all departments at Urbana. 2.547 students (25(5 being in the Preparatory Aca- demy); and in the three Professional Departments in Chicago, 1.012. of whom 694 were in the Col- lege of Medicine, 185 in the School of Pharmacy, and 163 in the School of Dentistry. The Univer- sity Library contains (i3.700 volumes and 14.50(1 pamphlets, not including 5.350 volumes and 15,850 pamphlets in the State Laboratory of Nat- ural History. The University occupies a con- spicuous and attractive site, embracing 220 acres adjacent to the line lietwetn Uibanu and Cham- paign, and near the residence portion of the two cities. The athletic field of 11 acres, on which stand the gymnasium and armory, is enclosed with an ornamental iron fence. The campus, otherwise, is an open and beautiful park with fine landscajie effects. UN01UiAM/KI) COUM'IKS. In addition to the 102 counties into which Illinois is divided, acts were passed by the lieneral Assembly, at different times, providing for the organiza- tion f ., muni" i of others, a few of which were snl>se.|iientl\ organized under dillep -nt. names, but the majority of which were ne\er organized at all the pro]i-ition lor Mich or- ganization being rejected by vote of the |i>ple within the proposed boundaries, or allowed in lapse, by non-action. These uliorgani/.cd coun- ties, wit h^Mic date of Ihe several act- authorizing them. ..inl the territory which liny were in- tended lo include, were us follow-: Allen County (lsfl< comprising jtortions of S.utg;i- inoii. Morgan and Macoiipin Counties; Audolxm (Audu I ton i County (I8|:j) (com portions of Mont goni'-ry. Favdte and Shelby, Itcnton County (18|:!t from Morgan. aign and Vermilion ; Marijuette County (18-1:!). changed il*47i to Highland compris ing the northern portion of Adams, (this art was accepted, with Columbus as the countv- seat, but organization linally vacated). Michi- gan County i|s:!7i from a |>art of Cook; Milton County (184;!; from the south part of Vermil ion; Okaw County (1811) comprising suhstan- tially the same territory as Moultrie, organized under ad of |s.|:: ; Oregon County (1851) from parts ol Sangamon. Morgan and Macoiipin Conn ties, and covering substantially the same terri lory a- proposed to lie incorporated in Allen County ten years earlier The last, act of this character was passed in ]sii7. when an attempt was made to organize Lincoln County out parts of Champaign anil Vermilion but \\hirit failed for want of an affirmative Mile t'PI'EK ALTON, a city of Madison County, situated on the Chicago .V- Alton Uailroad. about ! J miles northeast of Alton laid out in I8|ii It ha-s several churches, ami is the sent of Shurtleil College and the Western Military Academy, the former founded about 18,'ti. and controlled by the Haptist denomination. Beds of excellent clay are found in the vicinity and utilized in pottery manufacture. Pop. (1H9O). 1,913 ; (J90O). 237:! I'PTOX, (Jeorer Putnam, .journalist, was burn at Koxbiiry. Mass., Oct. 25, ]s:!4. gnuluatml from Hnwn I'niversity in 1854. removed to Chicago in 1855. and licgan newspaper work on "The Native American." the following year taking the place of city editor of "The Evening Jour- 542 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. nal." In 1862, Mr. Upton became musical critic on "The Chicago Tribune," serving for a time also as its war correspondent in the field, later (about 1881) taking a place on the general edi- torial staff, which he still retains. He is regarded as an authority on musical and dramatic topics. Mr. Upton is also a stockholder in, and, for sev- eral years, has been Vice- President of the "Trib- une" Company. Besides numerous contributions to magazines, his works include: "Letters of Peregrine Pickle" (1869) ; "Memories, a Story of German Love," translated from the German of Max Muller (1879); "Woman in Music" (1880); "Lives of German Composers" (3 vols. 1883-84); 1 lesides four volumes of standard operas, oratorios, cantatas, and symphonies (1885-88). CRBANA, a flourishing city, the county-seat of Champaign County, on the "Big Fou," the Illinois Central and the Wabash Railways: 130 miles south of Chicago and 31 miles west of Dan- ville; in agricultural and coal-mining region. The mechanical industries include extensive rail- road shops, manufacture of brick, suspenders and lawn-mowers. The Cunningham Deaconesses' Home and Orphanage is located here. The city has water-works, gas and electric light plants, electric car-lines (local and interurban), superior schools, nine churches, three banks and three newspapers. Urbana is the seat of the University of Illinois. Pop. (1890), 3,511; (1900), 5,738. USREY, William .1., editor and soldier, was born at Washington (near Natchez), Miss., May 16. 1827; was educated at Natchez, and, before reaching manhood, came to Macon County, 111., where he engaged in teaching until 1846, when lie enlisted as a private in Company C, Fourth Illinois Volunteers, for tyie Mexican War. In 1855, he joined with a Mr. Wingate in the estab- lishment, at Decatur, of "The Illinois State Chron- icle," of which he soon after took sole charge, conducting the paper until 1861, when he enlisted in the Thirty-fifth Illinois Volunteers and was ap)K>inted Adjutant. Although born and edu- cated in a slave State, Mr. Usrey was an earnest opponent of slavery, as proved by the attitude of his paper in opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. He was one of the most zealous endorsers of the proposition for a conference of the Anti- Nebraska editors of the State of Illinois, to agree upon a line of policy in opposition to the further extension of slavery, and, when that body met at Decatur, on Feb. 22, 1856, he served as its Secre- tary, thus taking a prominent part in the initial steps which resulted in the organization of the Republican ]>arty in Illinois. (See Anti-Xfbranka Editorial Convention.) After returning from the war he resumed his place as editor of "The Chronicle," but finally retired from newspaper work in 1871. He was twice Postmaster of the city of Decatur, first previous to 1850, and again under the administration of President Grant; served also as a member of the City Council and was a member of the local Post of the G. A. R. , and Secretary of the Macon County Association of Mexican War Veterans. Died, at Decatur, Jan. 20, 1894. UTICA, (also called North Utica), a village of La Salle County, on the Illinois & Michigan Canal and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, 10 miles west of Ottawa, situated on the Illinois River opposite "Starved Rock," also believed to stand on the site of the Kaskaskia village found by the French Explorer, La Salle, when he first visited Illinois. "Utica cement" is produced here; it also has several factories or mills, besides banks and a weekly paper. Popu- lation (1880), 767; (1890), 1.094; (1900), 1,150. VAX ARNAM, John, lawyer and soldier, was Iwrn at Plattsburg, N. Y., March 3, 1820. Hav- ing lost his father at five years of age, he went to live with a farmer, but ran away in his boyhood ; later, began teaching, studied law, and was ad- mitted to the bar in New York City, beginning practice at Marshall, Mich. In 1858 he removed to Chicago, and, as a member of the firm of Walker, Van Arnam & Dexter, became promi- nent as a criminal lawyer and railroad attorney, be/ing for a time Solicitor of the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy Railroad. In 1862 he assisted in organizing the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry and was commissioned its Colonel, but was compelled to resign on account of illness. After spending some time in California, he resumed practice in Chicago in 1865. His later years were spent in California, dying at San Diego, in that State, April 6, 1890. V A M> A l;l A , the principal city and county -seat of Fayette County. It is situated on the Kas- kaskia River, 30 miles north of Centralia, 62 miles south by west of Decatur, and 68 miles east-northeast of St. Louis. It is an intersecting point for the Illinois Central and the St. Louis, Vandalia and Terre Haute Railroads. It was the capital of the State from 1820 to 1839, the seat of government being removed to Springfield, the latter year, in accordance with act of the General Assembly passed at the session of 1837. It con- tains a court house (old State Capitol building), six churches, two banks, three weekly papers, a HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 543 graded school, flour, saw and paper mills, foundry, stave and heading mill, carriage and wagon and brick works. Pop. (1890), 8,144; (1900), 2,665. YANDEYEER, Horatio >!.. pioneer lawyer, was born in Washington County, Ind., March 1, 1816; came with his family to Illinois at an early age, settling ou Clear Creek, now in Christian County; taught school and studied law, using books borrowed from the late Hon. John T. Stuart of Springfield ; was elected first County Recorder of Christian County and, soon after, appointed Circuit Clerk, tilling both offices three years. He also held the office of County Judge from 1848 to 1857 ; was twice chosen Representative in the General Assembly (1842 and 1850) and once to the State Senate (1862); in 1846. enlisted and was chosen Captain of a company for the Mexican War, but, having been rejected on account of the quota being full, was appointed Assistant-Quarter- master, in this capacity serving on the staff of General Taylor at the battle of Buena Vista. Among other offices held by Mr. Vandeveer, were those of Postmaster of Taylorville, Master in Chancery, Presidential Elector (1848), Delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1862, and Judge of the Circuit Court (1870-79). In 1868 Judge Vandeveer established the private banking firm of H. M. Vandeveer & Co., at Taylorville, which, in conjunction with his sons, he continued successfully during the remainder of his life. Died, March 12, 1894. YAN HORNE, William ('., Railway Manager and President, was born in Will County, 111., February, 1848; began his career as a telegraph operator on the Illinois Central Railroad in 1856, was attached to the Michigan Central and Chi- cago & Alton Railroads (1858-72), later being General Manager or General Superintendent of various other lines (1872-79). He next served as General Superintendent of the Chicago, Milwau- kee & St. Paul, but soon after became General Manager of the Canadian Pacific, which he assisted to construct to the Pacific Coast; was elected Vice-President of the line in 1884, and its President in 1888. His services have been recog- nized by conferring upon him the order of knighthood by the British Government. VASSEUR, Noel C., pioneer Indian-trader, was born of French parentage in Canada, Dec. 25, 1799; at the age of 17 made a trip with a trading party to the West, crossing Wisconsin by way of the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers, the route pursued by Joliet and Marquette in 1673 ; later, was associ- ated with Gurdon S. Hubbard in the service of the American Fur Company, in 1820 visiting the region now embraced in Iroquois County, where he and Hubbard subsequently established a trad- ing post among the Pottawatomie Indians, believed to have been the site of the present town of Iroquois. The way of reaching their station from Chicago was by the Chicago and Des Plaines Rivers to the Kankakee, and ascending the latter and the Iroquois. Here Vasseur re- mained in trade until the removal of the Indians west of the Mississippi, in which he served as agent of the Government. While in the Iroquois region he married Watseka, a somewhat famous Pottawatomie woman, for whom the town of Watseka was named, and who had previously been the Indian wife of a fellow-trader. His later years- were spent at Hour bonuais Grove, in Kankakee County, where he died, Dec. 12, 1879. YENICE, a city of Madison County, on the Mississippi River opposite St. Louis and 2 miles north of East St. Louis; is touched by six trunk lines of railroad, and at the eastern approach to the new "Merchants' Bridge," with its round- house, has two ferries to St. Louis, street car line, electric lights, water-works, some manufactures and a newspaper. Pop. (1890), 932; (1900). 2,450. YENICE & CARONDELET RAILROAD. (See Louisville, Evctuiville . 49,905; (1900), 65,635. 544 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. VERMILION RIVER, a tributary of the Illi- nois; rises in Ford and the northern part of McLean County, and, running northwestward through Livingston and the southern part of La Salle Counties, enters the Illinois River nearly opposite the city of La Salle ; has a length of about 80 miles. VERMILION RIVER, an affluent of the Wa- bash, formed by the union of the North, Middle and South Forks, which rise in Illinois, and come together near DanvUle in this State. It flows southeastward, and enters the Wabash in Vermilion County, Ind. The main stream is about 88 miles long. The South Fork, however, which rises in Champaign County and runs east- ward, has a length of nearly 75 miles. The Little Vermilion River enters the Wabash about 7 or 8 miles below the Vermilion, which is some- times called the Big Vermilion, by way of distinction. VERMONT, a village in Fulton County, at junction of Galesburg and St. Louis Division of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 24 miles north of Beardstown ; has a carriage manu- factory, flour and saw-mills, brick and tile works, electric light plant, besides two banks, four churches, two graded schools, and one weekly newspaper. An artesian well has been sunk here to the depth of 2 600 feet Pop. (1900), 1,195. VERSAILLES, a town of Brown County, on the Wabash Railway, 48 miles east of Quincy; is in a timber and agricultural district ; has a bank and weekly newspaper. Population (1900), 524. VIENNA, the county-seat of Johnson County, situated on the Cairo and Vinoennes branch of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad, 36 miles north-northwest of Cairo. It has a court house, several churches, a graded school, banks and two weekly newspapers. Population (1880), 494; (1890), 888; (1900). 1,817. VIGO, Francois, pioneer and early Indian- trader, was born at Mondovi, Sardinia (Western Italy), in 1747, served as a private soldier, first at Havana and afterwards at New Orleans. When he left the Spanish army he came to St. Louis, then the military headquarters of Spain for Upper Louisiana, where he became a partner of Com- mandant de Leba, and was extensively engaged in the fur-trade among the Indians on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. On the occupation of Kaskaskia by Col. George Rogers Clark in 1778. he rendered valuable aid to the Americans, turn- ing out supplies to feed Clark's destitute soldiers, and accepting Virginia Continental money, at par, in payment, incurring liabilities in excess of $20,000. This, followed by the confiscation policy of the British Colonel Hamilton, at Vincennes, where Vigo had considerable property, reduced him to extreme penury. H. W. Beckwith says that, towards the close of his life, he lived on his little homestead near Vincennes, in great poverty but cheerful to the last He was never recom- pensed during his life for his sacrifices in behalf of the American cause, though a tardy restitution was attempted, after his death, by the United States Government, for the benefit of his heirs. He died, at a ripe old age, at Vincennes, Ind., March 22, 1835. VILLA RIIHJE, a village of Pulaski County, on the Illinois Central Railway, 10 miles north of Cairo. Population, 500. VINCENNES, Jean Baptiste Bissot, a Canadian explorer, born at Quebec, January, 1688, of aris- tocratic and wealthy ancestry. He was closely connected with Louis Joliet probably his brother-in-law, although some historians say that he was the tatter's nephew. He entered the Canadian army as ensign in 1701. and had a long and varied experience as an Indian fighter. About 1725 he took up his residence on wliat is now the site of the present city of Vincennes, Ind., which is named in his honor. Here he erected an earth fort and established a trading- post. In 1726. under orders, he co-operated with D'Artaguiette (then the French Governor of Illi- nois) in an expedition against the Chickasaws. The expedition resulted disastrously. Vincennes and D'Artaguiette were captured and burned ;(t the stake, together with Father Senat (a Jesuit priest) and others of the command. (See also D'Artaguiette; French Governors of Illinois. ) VI It DEN, a city of Macoupin County, on the Chicago & Alton and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroads, 21 miles south by west from Springfield, and 31 miles east-southeast of Jack- sonville. It has five churches, two banks, two newspapers, telephone service, electric lights, grain elevators, machine shop, and extensive coal mines. Pop.(1900), 2,280 ; (school censusl908),8,651. VIRGINIA, an incorporated city, the county- seat of Cass County, situated at the intersection of the Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis, with the Spring- field Division of the Baltimore & Ohio South- western Railroad, 15 miles north of Jacksonville, and 33 miles west-northwest of Springfield. It lies in the heart of a rich agricultural region. There is a flouring mill here, besides manu- factories of wagons and cigars. The city has two National and one State bank, five churches, a HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 545 high school, and two weekly papers. Pop. (1890), 1,602; (1900), 1,600. \ OCKE, William, lawyer, was born at Min- den, Westphalia (Germany), in 1839, the son of a Government Secretary in the Prussian service. Having lost his father at an early age, he emi- grated to America in 1856, and, after a short stuy in New York, came to Chicago, where he found employment as a paper-carrier for "The Staats-Zeitung," meanwhile giving his attention to the study of law. Later, he became associated with a real-estate firm; on the commencement of the Civil War, enlisted as a private in a three months' regiment, and, finally, in the Twenty-fourth Illinois (the first Hecker regi- ment), in which lie rose to the rank of Captain. Returning from the army, he was employed as city editor of "The Staats-Zeitung," but, in 1865, became Clerk of the Chicago Police Court, serving until 1869. Meanwhile he had been admitted to the bar, and, on retirement from office, began practice, but, in 1870, was elected Representative in the Twenty-seventh General Assembly, in which he bore a leading part in framing "the burnt record act'' made necessary by the fire of 1871. He has since been engaged in the practice of his profession, having been, for a number of years, attorney for the German Consulate at Chicago, also serving, for several years, on the Chicago Board of Education. Mr. Vocke is a man of high literary tastes, as shown by his publication, in 1869, of a volume of poems translated from the German, which lias been highly commended, besides a legal work on "The Administration of Justice in the United States, and a Synopsis of the Mode of Procedure in our Federal and State Courts and All Federal and State Laws relating to Subjects of Interest to Aliens," which has been published in the Ger- man Language, and is highly valued by German lawyers and business men. Mr. Vocke was a member of the Republican National Convention of 1872 at Philadelphia, which nominated General Grant for the Presidency a second time. VOLK, Leonard Wells, a distinguished Illinois sculptor, born at Wellstown (afterwards Wells), N. Y., Nov. 7, 1828. Later, his father, who was a marble cutter, removed to Pittsfield, Mass., and, at the age of 16, Leonard began work in his shop. In 1848 he came west and began model- ing in clay and drawing at St. Louis, being only self-taught. He married a cousin of Stephen A. Douglas, and the latter, in 1855, aided him in the prosecution of his art studies in Italy. Two years afterward he settled in Chicago, where he modeled the first portrait bust ever made in the city, having for his subject his first patron the "Little Giant." The next year (1858) he made a life-size marble statue of Douglas. In 1860 he made a portrait bust of Abraham Lincoln, which passed into the possession of the Chicago His- torical Society and was destroyed in the great fire of 1871. In 1868-69, and again in 1871-72, he revisited Italy for purposes of study. In 1867 he was elected academician of the Chicago Academy, and was its President for eight years. He was genial, companionable and charitable, and always ready to assist his younger and less fortunate pro- fessional brethren. His best known works are the Douglas Monument, in Chicago, several soldiers' monuments in different parts of the country, the statuary for the Henry Keep mausoleum at Watertown, N. Y. , life-size statues of Lincoln and Douglas, in the State House at Springfield, and numerous portrait busts of men eminent in political, ecclesiastical and commercial life. Died, at Osceola, Wis., August 18, 1895. TOSS, Arno, journalist, lawyer and soldier, born in Prussia, April 16, 1821 ; emigrated to the United States and was admitted to the bar in Chicago, in 1848, the same year becoming editor of "The Staats-Zeitung"; was elected City Attorney in 1852, and again in laW; in 1861 became Major of the Sixth Illinois Cavalry, but afterwards assisted in organizing the Twelfth Cavalry, of which he was commissioned Colonel, still later serving with his command in Vir- ginia. He was at Harper's Ferry at the time of the capture of tliat place in September, 1862, but succeeded in cutting liis way, with his command, through the rebel lines, escaping into Pennsyl- vania. Compelled by ill-health to leave the serr- ice in 1863, he retired to a farm in Will County, but, in 1869, returned to Chicago, where lie served as Master in Chancery and was elected to the lower branch of the General Assembly in 1876. but declined a re-election in 1878. Died, in Chi- cago, March 23, 1888. WABASH, CHESTER & WESTERN BAIL- ROAD, a railway running from Chester to Mount Vernon, 111., 63.33 miles, with a branch extend- ing from Chester to Menard. 1.5 miles; total mileage, 64.83. It is of standard gauge, and almost entirely laid with 60-pound steel rails. (HISTORY.) It was organized, Feb. 20, 1878. as successor to the Iron Mountain, Chester & East- ern Railroad. During the fiscal year 1893-94 the Company purchased the Tain arc >a & Mount Ver- non Railroad, extending from Mount Vemon to 546 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Tanmroa, 22.5 miles. Capital stock (1898), $1,- 250,000; bonded indebtedness, $690,000; total capitalization, $2,028,573. W A HASH COUNTY, situated in the southeast corner of the State ; area 220 square miles. The county was carved out from Edwards in 1824, and the first court house built at Centerville, in May, 1826. Later, Mount Carmel was made the county-seat. (See Mount Carmel.) The Wabash River drains the county on the east; other streams are the Bon Pas, Coffee and Crawfish Creeks. The surface is undulating with a fair growth of timber. The chief industries are the raising of live-stock and the cultivation of cere- als. The wool-crop is likewise valuable. The county is crossed by the Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis and the Cairo and Viucenues Division of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroads. Population (1880), 4,945; (1890), 11,866; (1900), 12,583. WABASH RAILROAD, an extensive railroad system connecting the cities of Detroit and Toledo, on the east, with Kansas City and Council Bluffs on the west, with branches to Chicago, St. Louis, Quincy and A 1 turnout. 111., and to Keokuk and Des Moines, Iowa. The total mileage (1898) is 1,874.96 miles, of which 677.4 miles are in Illi- nois all of the latter being the property of the company, besides 176.7 miles of yard-tracks, sid- ings and spurs. The company has trackage privileges over the Toledo, Peoria & Western (6.5 miles) between Elvaston and Keokuk bridge, and over the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (21.8 miles) between Camp Point and Quincy. (IIis- TORY.) A considerable portion of this road in Illinois is constructed on the line upon which the Northern Cross Railroad was projected, in the "internal improvement" scheme adopted in 1837, and embraces the only section of road completed under that scheme that between the Illinois River and Springfield. (1) The construction of this section was begun by the State, May 11, 1837, the first rail laid, May 9, 1838, the road completed to Jacksonville, Jan. 1, 1840, and to Springfield, May 13, 1842. It was operated for a time by "mule power," but the income was in- sufficient to keep the line in repair and it was finally abandoned. In 1847 the line was sold for $21,100 toN. H. Ridgelyand Thomas Mather of Springfield, and by them transferred to New York capitalists, who organized the Sangamon & Morgan Railroad Company, reconstructed the road from Springfield to Naples and opened it for business in 1849. (2) In 1853 two corporations were organized in Ohio and Indiana, respectively, under the name of the Toledo & Illinois Railroad and the Lake Erie, Wabash & St. Louis Railroad, which were consolidated as the Toledo, Wabash & Western Railroad, June 25, 1856. In 1858 these lines were sold separately under foreclo- sure, and finally reorganized, under a special char- ter granted by the Illinois Legislature, under the name of the Great Western Railroad Company. (3) The Quincy & Toledo Railroad, extending from Camp Point to the Illinois River opposite Meredosia, was constructed in 1858-59, and that, with the Illinois & Southern Iowa (from Clay- ton to Keokuk), was united, July 1, 1865, with the eastern divisions extending to Toledo, the new organization taking the name of the main line, (Toledo, Wabash & Western). (4) The Hannibal & Naples Division (49.6 miles), from Bluffs to Hannibal, Mo., was chartered in 186:), opened for business in 1870 and leased to the Toledo, Wabash & Western. The latter defaulted on its interest iu 1875, was placed in the hands of a receiver and, in 1877, was turned over to a new company under the name of the Wabash Railway Company. (5) In 1868 the company, as it then existed, promoted and secured the con- struction, and afterwards acquired the owner- ship, of a line extending from Decatur to East St. Louis (llO.o miles) under the name of the Deca- tur & East St. Louis Railroad. (6) The Eel River Railroad, from Butler to Logansport, Ind., was acquired in 1877, and afterwards extended to Detroit under the name of the Detroit, Butler & St. Louis Railroad, completing the connection from Logansport to Detroit. In November, 1879, the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway Com- pany was organized, took the property and con- solidated it with certain lines west of the Mississippi, of which the chief was the St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern. A line had been pro- jected from Decatur to Chicago as early as 187U, but, not having been constructed in 1881, the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific purchased what was known as the Chicago & Paducah Railroad, uniting with the main line at Bement, and (by way of the Decatur and St. Louis Division) giv- ing a direct line between Chicago and St. Louis. At this time the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific was operating the following additional leased lines: Pekin, Lincoln & Decatur (67.2 miles) ; Hannibal & Central Missouri (70.2 miles) ; Lafayette, Mun- cie & Bloomington (36. 7 miles), and the Lafayette Bloomington & Muncie (80 miles). A connection between Chicago on the west and Toledo and Detroit on the east was established over the Grand Trunk road in 1882, but, in 1890, the com- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 547 pany constructed a line from Hontpelier, Ohio, to Clark, Ind. (149.7 miles), thence by track lease to Chicago (17.5 miles), giving an independent line between Chicago and Detroit by what is known to investors as the Detroit & Chicago Division. The total mileage of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific system, in 1884, amounted to over 3,600 miles; but, in May of that year, default having been made in the payment of interest, the work of disintegration began. The main line east of the Mississippi and that on the west were sepa- rated, the latter taking the name of the "Wabash Western." The Eastern Division was placed in the hands of a receiver, so remaining until May, 1889, when the two divisions, having been bought in by a purchasing committee, were consolidated under the present name. The total earnings and income of the road in Illinois, for the fiscal year 1898, were $4,402,621, and the expenses $4,836,110. The total capital invested (1898) was $139,889,643, including capital stock of $52,000,000 and bonds to the amount of $81,- 534,000. WABASH BITER, rises in northwestern Ohio, passes into Indiana, and runs northwest to Hun- tington. It then flows nearly due west to Logans- port, thence southwest to Covington, finally turning southward to Terre Haute, a few miles below which it strikes the western boundary of Indiana. It forms the boundary between Illinois and Indiana (taking into account its numerous windings) for some 200 miles. Below Vincennes it runs in a south-southwesterly direction, and enters the Ohio at the south-west extremity of Indiana, near latitude 37 49' north. Its length is estimated at 557 miles. WABASH & MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD. (See Illinois Central Railroad. ) WABASH, ST. LOUIS & PACIFIC RAIL- ROAD. (See Wabaxh Railroad.) WABASH it WESTERN RAILROAD. (See Wabask Railroad.) WAIT, William Smith, pioneer, and original .suggestor of the Illinois Central Railroad, was born in Portland, Maine, March 5, 1789, and edu- cated in the public schools of his native place. In his youth he entered a book-publishing house in which his father was a partner, and was for a time associated with the publication of a weekly l>aper. Later the business was conducted at Boston, ami extended over the Eastern, Middle, iind Southern States, the subject of this sketch making extensive tours in the interest of the firm. In 1817 he made a tour to the West, reaching St. Louis, and, early in the following year, visited Bond County, 111., where he made his first entry of land from the Government. Returning to Boston a few months later, he con- tinued in the service of the publishing firm until 1820, when he again came to Illinois, and, in 1821, began farming in Ripley Township, Bond County. Returning East in 1824, he spent tin- next ten years in the employment of the publish- ing firm, with occasional visits to Illinois. In 1835 he located permanently near Greenville. Bond County, and engaged extensively in farm- ing and fruit-raising, planting one of the largest apple orchards in the State at that early day. In 1845 he presided as chairman over the National Industrial Convention in New York, and, in 1848, was nominated as the candidate of the National Reform Association for Vice-President on the ticket with Gerrit Smith of New York, but declined. He was also prominent in County and State Agricultural Societies. Mr Wait has been credited with being one of the first (if not the very first) to suggest the construction of the Illinois Central Railroad, which he did as early as 1835 ; was also one of the prime movers in the construction of the Mississippi & Atlantic Rail- road now the "Vandalia Line" giving much time to the latter enterprise from 1846 for many years, and was one of the original iucorporati aign; was in reserve at Champion Hills and Xashville, and mustered out July 3, 1865. at Chicago. Battery B was organized in April, 1861, en- gaged at Belmont. Fort Donelson, Shiloh, in the siege of Corinth and at La Grange, Holly Springs, Memphis, Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, the siege of Vicksburg, Mechanicsburg, Richmond (La.), the Atlanta campaign and the battle of Nashville. The Battery was reorganized by con- solidation with Battery A, and mustered out at Chicago, July 2, 1865. Battery D was organized at Cairo, Sept. 2, 1861 ; was engaged at Fort Donelson and at Shiloh. and mustered out, July 28, 1865, at Chicago. Battery was organized at Camp Douglas and mustered into service, Dec. 19, 1861 ; was engaged at Shiloh, Corinth, Jackson, Vicksburg, Gun- town, Pontotoc, Tupelo and Nashville, and mus- tered out at Louisville, Dec. 24, 1864. Battery F was recruited at Dixon and mus- tered in at Springfield, Feb. 25, 1862. It took part in the siege of Corinth and the Yocona expedition, and was consolidated with the other butteries in the regiment, March 7, 1865. Battery G was organized at Cairo and mus- tered in Sept. 28, 1861 ; was engaged in the siege and the second battle of Corinth, and mustered out at Springfield, July 24, 1865. Battery H was recruited in and about Chicago, during January and February, 1862 ; participated in the battle of Shiloh, siege of Vicksburg, and in the Atlanta campaign, the "March to the Sea," and through the Carolinas with Sherman. Battery I was organized at Camp Douglas and mustered in, Feb. 10, 1862; was engaged at Shiloh, in the Tallahatchie raid, the sieges of Vicksburg and Jackson, and in the battles of Chattanooga and Vicksburg It veteranized, March 17, 1864, and was mustered out. July 26, 1*65. Battery K was organ ized at Shawneetown and mustered in, Jan. 9. 1862. participated in Bum- side's campaign in Tennessee, and in the capture of Knoxville. Part of the men were mustered out at Springfield in June, 1865, and the re manider at Chicago in July. Battery M was organized at Camp Douglas and mustered into the service, August 12, 1862, for three years. It served through the Chickamauga campaign, being engaged at Chickamauga; also was engaged at Missionary Ridge, was besieged at Chattanooga, and took part in all the impor- tant battles of the Atlanta campaign. It was mustered out at Chicago, July 24, 1864, having traveled 3,102 miles and been under fire 178 days. SECOND LIGHT ARTILLERY. Consisted of nine batteries. Battery A was organized at Peoria, and mustered into service, May 23, 1861 ; served in Missouri and Arkansas, doing brilliant work at Pea Ridge. It was mustered out of service at Springfield, July 27, 1865. Battery D was organized at Cairo, and mustered into service in December, 1861 ; was engaged at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Meridian and Decatur, and mustered out at Louisville, Nov. 21, 1864. Battery E was organized at St. Louis, Mo., in August, 1861, and mustered into service, August 20, at that point. It was engaged at Fort Donel- son and Shiloh, and in the siege of Corinth and the Yocona expedition was consolidated with Battery A. Battery F was organized at Cape Girardeau, Mo., and mustered in, Dec. 11, 1861; was engaged at Shiloh, in the siege and second battle of Corinth, and the Meridian campaign; also at Kenesaw. Atlanta and Jonesboro. It was mustered out, July 27, 1865. at Springfield. Battery H was organized at Springfield, De- cember, 1861, and mustered in. Dec. 31, 1861 ; was engaged at Fort Donelson and in the siege of Fort Pillow; veteranized, Jan. 1, 1864, was mounted as cavalry the following summer, and mustered out at Springfield, July 29, 18C5. Battery I was recruited in Will County, and mustered into service at Camp Butler, Dec. 31, 1861. It participated in the siege of Island No. 10. in the advance upon Cornith, and in the battles of Perryville, Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Chattanooga. It veteranized, Jan. 1, 1864, marched with Sher- man to Atlanta, and thence to Savannah and through the Carolinas, and was mustered out at Springfield. Battery K was organized at Springfield and mustered in Dec. 31, 1863; was engaged at Fort Pillow, the capture of Clarkston, Mo., and the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OK ILLINOIS. 571 siege of Vicksburg. It was mustered out, July 14. 1865, at Chicago. Battery L was organized at Chicago and mus- tered in, Feb. 28. 1862; participated in the ad- vance on Corinth, the battle of Hatchie and the advance on the Tallahatchie, and was mustered out at Chicago, August 9, 1865. Battery M was organized at Chicago, and mus- tered in at Springfield, June, 1862 ; was engaged at Jonesboro, Blue Spring, Blountsville and Rogersville, being finally consolidated with other batteries of the regiment. CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE BATTERY. Organ- ized through the efforts of the Chicago Board of Trade, which raised $15,000 for its equipment, within forty-eight hours. It was mustered into service, August 1, 1862, was engaged at Law- renceburg, Murfreesboro, Stone River, Chicka- mauga, Farmington, Decatur (Ga.), Atlanta, Tx>vejoy Station, Nashville, Selma and Columbus (Ga. ) It was mustered out at Chicago, June 30, 1865, and paid in full, July 3, having marched 5.268 miles and traveled by rail 1,231 miles. The lattery was in eleven of the hardest battles fought in the West, and in twenty-six minor battles, being in action forty-two times while on scouts, reconnoissances or outpost duty. CHICAGO MERCANTILE BATTERY. Recruited and organized under the auspices of the Mercan- tile Association, an association of prominent and patriotic merchants of the City of Chicago. It was mustered into service, August 29, 1862, at Camp Douglas, participated in the Tallahatchie and Tazoo expeditions, the first attack upon Vicksburg, the battle of Arkansas Post, the siege of Vicksburg, the battles of Magnolia Hills, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge and Jackson (Miss.); also took part in Banks' Red River ex- pedition; was mustered out at Chicago, and received final payment, July 10, 1865, having traveled, by river, sea and land, over 11,000 miles. SPRINGFIELD LIGHT ARTILLERY. Recruited principally from the cities of Springfield, Belle- ville and Wenona, and mustered into service at Springfield, for the term of three years, August 21, 1862. numbering 199 men and officers. It participated in the capture of Little Rock and in the Red River expedition, and was mustered out at Springfield, 114 strong, June 30, 1865. COGSWELL'S BATTERY, LIGHT ARTILLERY. Organized at Ottawa, 111., and mustered in, Nov. 11, 1861, as Company A (Artillery) Fifty-third Illinois Volunteers, Colonel Cushman command- ing the regiment. It participated in the advance on Corinth, the siege of Vicksburg, the battle of Missionary Ridge, and the capture of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely, near Mobile. The regiment was mustered out at Springfield, August 14, 1865, having served three years and nine months, marched over 7,500 miles, and partici- pated in seven sieges and battles. STURGES RIFLES. An independent company, organized at Chicago, armed, equipped and sub- sisted for nearly two months, by the patriotic generosity of Mr. Solomon Sturges; was mustered into sen-ice, May 6, 1861 ; in June following, was ordered to West Virginia, serving as body- guard of General McClellan; was engaged at Rich Mountain, in the siege of Yorktown, and in the seven days' battle of the Chickahominy. A portion of the company was at Antietam, the remainder having been detached as foragers, scouts, etc. It was mustered out at Washington, Nov. 25, 1862. WAR, THE SPANISH - AMERICAS. The oppressions and misrule which had character- ized the administration of affairs by the Spanish Government and its agents for generations, in the Island of Cuba, culminated, in April, 1898, in mutual declarations of war between Spain and the United States. The causes leading up to this result were the injurious effects upon American commerce and the interests of American citizens owning property in Cuba, as well as the constant expense imposed upon the Government of the United States in the maintenance of a large navy along the South Atlantic coast to suppress fili- bustering, superadded to the friction and unrest produced among the people of this country by the long continuance of disorders and abuses so near to our own shores, which aroused the sympathy and indignation of the entire civilized world. For three years a large proportion of the Cuban population had been in open rebellion against the Spanish Government, and, while the latter had imported a large army to the island and sub- jected the insurgents and their families and sympathizers to the grossest cruelties, not even excepting torture and starvation itself, their policy had failed to bring the insurgents into subjection or to restore order. In this condition of affairs the United States Government had endeavored, through negotiation, to secure a miti- gation of the evils complained of, by a modifica- tion of the Spanish policy of government in the island ; but all suggestions in this direction had either been resented by Spain as unwarrantable interference in her affairs, or promises of reform, when made, had been as invariably broken. 572 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. In the meantime an increasing sentiment had been growing up in the United States in favor of conceding belligerent rights to the Cuban insur- gents, or the recognition of their independence, which found expression in measures proposed in Congress all offers of friendly intervention by the United States having been rejected by Spain with evidences of indignation. Compelled, at last, to recognize its inability to subdue the insur- rection, the Spanish Government, in November, 1897, made a pretense of tendering autonomy to the Cuban people, with the privilege of amnesty to the insurgents on laying down their arms. The long duration of the war and the outrages perpetrated upon the helpless "reconcentrados," coupled with the increased confidence of the insurgents in the final triumph of their cause, rendered this movement even if intended to be carried out to the letter of no avail. The proffer came too late, and was promptly rejected. In this condition of affairs and with a view to greater security for American interests, the American battleship Maine was ordered to Havana, on Jan. 24. 1898. It arrived in Havana Harbor the following day, and was anchored at a point designated by the Spanish commander. On the night of February 15, following, it was blown up and destroyed by some force, as shown by after investigation, applied from without. Of a crew of 354 men belonging to the vessel at the time, 266 were either killed outright by the explosion, or died from their wounds. Not only the Ameri- can people, but the entire civilized world, was hocked by the catastrophe. An act of horrible treachery had been perpetrated against an American vessel and its crew on a peaceful mis- sion in the harbor of a professedly friendly na- tion. The successive steps leading to actual hostili- ties were rapid and eventful. One of the earliest and must significant of these was the passage, by a unanimous vote of both houses of Congress, on March 9, of an appropriation placing $50,000,000 in the hands of the President as an emergency fund for purposes of national defense. This was followed, two days later, by an order for the mobilization of the army. The more important events following this step were : An order, under date of April 5, withdrawing American consuls from Spanish stations: the departure, on April 9, of Consul-General Fitzhugh Lee from Havana; April 19, the adoption by Congress of concurrent resolutions declaring Cuba independent and directing the President to use the land and naval forces of the United States to put an end to Spanish authority in the island; April 20, the sending to the Spanish Government, by the Presi- dent, of an ultimatum in accordance with this act ; April 21, the delivery to Minister Woodford, at Madrid, of his passports without waiting for the presentation of the ultimatum, with the departure of the Spanish Minister from Washing- ton; April 23, the issue of a call by the President for 125,000 volunters; April 24, the final declara- tion of war by Spain ; April 25, the adoption by Congress of a resolution declaring that war had existed from April 21 ; on the same date an order to Admiral Dewey, in command of the Asiatic Squadron at Hongkong, to sail for Manila with a view to investing that city and blockading Philippine ports. The chief events subsequent to the declaration of war embraced the following: May 1, the destruction by Admiral Dewey's squadron of the Spanish fleet in the harbor of Manila; May 19, the arrival of the Spanish Admiral Cervera's fleet at Santiago de Cuba; May 25, a second call by the President for 75,000 volunteers; July 3, the attempt of Cervera's fleet to escape, and its destruction off Santiago; July 17, the surrender of Santiago to the forces under General Shafter; July 30, the statement by the President, through the French Ambassador at Washington, of the terms on which the United States would consent to make peace ; August 9, acceptance of the peace terms by Spain, followed, three days later, by the signing of the peace protocol ; September 9, the appointment by the President of Peace Commis- sioners on the part of the United States ; Sept. 18, the announcement of the Peace Commissioners selected by Spain; October 1, the beginning of the Peace Conference by the representatives of the two powers, at Paris, and the formal signing, on December 10, of the peace treaty, including the recognition by Spain of the freedom of Cuba, with the transfer to the United States of Porto Rico and her other West India islands, together with the surrender of the Philippines for a con- sideration of $20,000,000. Seldom, if ever, in the history of nations have such vast and far-reaching results been accom- plished within so short a period. The war, which practically began with the destruction of the Spanish fleet in Manila Harbor an event which aroused the enthusiasm of the whole American people, and won the respect and admiration of other nations was practically ended by the surrender of Santiago and the declaration by the President of the conditions of peace just three months later. Succeeding HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 573 events, up to the formal signing of the peace treaty, were merely the recognition of results previously determined. HISTORY OP ILLINOIS REGIMENTS. The part played by Illinois in connection with these events may be briefly summarized in the history of Illi- nois regiments and other organizations. Under the first call of the President for 125, 000 volun- teers, eight regiments seven of infantry and one of cavalry were assigned to Illinois, to which was subsequently added, on application through Governor Tanner, one battery of light artil- lery. The infantry regiments were made up of the Illinois National Guard, numbered consecutively from one to seven, and were practically mobilized at their home stations within forty-eight hours from the receipt of the call, and began to arrive at Camp Tanner, near Springfield, the place of rendezvous, on April 26, the day after the issue of the Governor's call. The record of Illinois troops is conspicuous for the promptness of their response and the com- pleteness of their organization in this respect being unsurpassed by those of any other State. Under the call of May 25 for an additional force of 75,000 men, the quota assigned to Illinois was two regiments, which were promptly furnished, taking the names of tlie Eighth and Ninth. The first of these belonged to the Illinois National Guard, as the regiments mustered in under the first call had done, while the Ninth was one of a number of "Provisional Regiments" which had tendered their services to the Government. Some twenty-five other regiments of this class, more or less complete, stood ready to perfect their organi- zations should there be occasion for their serv- ices. The aggregate strength of Illinois organi- zations at date of muster out from the United States service was 12,28011,789 men and 491 officers. FIRST REGIMENT ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS (orig- inally Illinois National Guard) was organized at Chicago, and mustered into the United States service at Camp Tanner (Springfield), under the command of Col. Henry L. Turner, May 13, 1898; left Springfield for Camp Thomas (Chickamauga) Hay 17; assigned to First Brigade, Third Division, of the First Army Corps; started for Tampa, Fla., June 2, but soon after arrival there was transferred to Picnic Island, and assigned to provost duty in place of the First United States Infantry. On June 30 the bulk of the regiment embarked for Cuba, but was detained in the har- bor at Key West until July 5, when the vessel sailed for Santiago, arriving in Guantanamo Bay on the evening of the 8th. Disembarking on the 10th, the whole regiment arrived on the firing line on the llth, spent several days and nights in the trenches before Santiago, and were present at the surrender of that city on the 17th. Two companies had previously been detached for the scarcely less perilous duty of service in the fever hospitals and in caring for their wounded comrades. The next month was spent on guard duty in the captured city, until August 25, when, depleted in numbers and weakened by fever, the bulk of the regiment was transferred by hospital boats to Camp Wikoff, on Montauk Point, L. I. The members of the regi- ment able to travel left Camp Wikoff, September 8, for Chicago, arriving two days later, where they met an enthusiastic reception and were mustered out. November 17, 1,235 strong (rank and file) a considerable number of recruits having joined the regiment just before leaving Tampa. The record of the First was conspicuous by the fact that it was the only Illinois regiment to see service in Cuba during the progress of actual hostilities. Before leaving Tampa some eighty members of the regiment were detailed for engineering duty in Porto Rico, sailed for that island on July 12. and were among the first to perform service there. The First suffered severely from yellow fever while in Cuba, but, as a regiment, while in the service, made a brilliant record, which was highly complimented in the official reports of its com- manding officers. SECOND REGIMENT ILLINOIS VOLUNTEER IN- FANTRY (originally Second L N. G.). This regi- ment, also from Chicago, began to arrive at Springfield, April 27, 1898 at that time number- ing 1,202 men and 47 officers, under command of CoL George M. Moulton; was mustered in between May 4 and May 15 ; on May 17 started for Tampa, Fla., but en route its destination was changed to Jacksonville, where, as a part of the Seventh Army Corps, under command of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, it assisted in the dedication of Camp Cuba Libre. October 25 it was transferred to Savannah, Ga. , remaining at "Camp Lee" until December 8, when two battalions embarked for Havana, landing on the 15th, being followed, a few days later, by the Third Battalion, and sta- tioned at Camp Columbia. From Dec. 17 to Jan. 11, 1899, Colonel Moulton served as Chief of Police for the city of Havana. On March 28 to 80 the regiment left Camp Columbia in detach- ments for Augusta, Ga., where it arrived April 5, and was mustered out, April 26, 1,051 strong (rank and file), and returned to Chicago. Dur- 574 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ing its stay in Cuba the regiment did not lose a man. A history of this regiment has been written by Rev. H. W. Bolton, its late Chaplain. THIRD REGIMENT ILLINOIS VOLUNTEER IN- FANTRY, composed of companies of the Illinois National Guard from the counties of La Salle. Livingston, Kane, Kankakee, McHeiiry, Ogle, Will, and Winnebago, under command of Col. Fred Bennitt, reported at Springfield, with 1,170 men and 50 officers, on April 27 ; was mustered in May 7, 1898; transferred from Springfield to Camp Thomas (Chickamauga), May 14; on July 22 left Chickamauga for Porto Rico; on the 28th sailed from Newport News, on the liner St. Louis, arriving at Ponce, Porto Rico, on July 31 ; soon after disembarking captured Arroyo, and assisted in the capture of Guayama, which was the beginning of General Brooke's advance across the island to San Juan, when intelligence was received of the signing of the peace protocol by Spain. From August 13 to October 1 the Third Continued in the performance of guard duty in Porto Rico; on October 22, 986 men and 39 offi- cers took transport for home by way of New York, arriving in Chicago, November 11, the several companies being mustered out at their respective home stations. Its strength at final muster-out was 1,273 men and officers. This regiment had the distinction of being one of the first to see service in Porto Rico, but suffered severely from fever and other diseases during the three months of its stay in the island. FOURTH ILLINOIS VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, com- posed of companies from Champaign, Coles, Douglas, Edgar, Effingham, Fayette, Jackson, Jefferson, Montgomery, Richland, and St. Clair counties; mustered into the service at Spring- field, May 20, under command of Col. Casimer Andel; started immediately for Tampa, Fla., but en route its destination was changed to Jackson- ville, where it was stationed at Camp Cuba Libre as a part of the Seventh Corps under command of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee; in October was transferred to Savannah, Ga., remaining at Camp Onward until about the first of January, when the regi- ment took ship for Havana. Here the regiment was stationed at Camp Columbia until April 4, 1899, when it returned to Augusta, Ga., and was mustered out at Camp Mackenzie (Augusta). May 2, the companies returning to their respective home stations. During a part of its stay at Jacksonville, and again at Savannah, the regi- ment was employed on guard duty. While at Jacksonville Colonel Andel was suspended by court-martial, and finally tendered his resigna- tion, his place being supplied by Lieut. -Col. Eton Swift, of the Ninth. FIFTH REGIMENT ILLINOIS VOLUNTEER IN- FANTRY was the first regiment to report, and was mustered in at Springfield, May 7, 1898, under command of Col. James S. Culver, being finally composed of twelve companies from Pike, Chris- tian, Sangamon, McLean, Montgomery, Adams, Tazewell, Macon, Morgan, Peoria, and Fulton counties; on May 14 left Springfield for Camp Thomas (Chickamauga, Ga.), being assigned to the command of General Brooke; Augusts left Chickamauga for Newport News, Va., with the expectation of embarking for Porto Rico a previous order of July 26 to the same purport having been countermanded; at Newport News embarked on the transport Obdam, but again the order was rescinded, and, after remaining on board thirty-six hours, the regiment was disem- barked. The next move was made to Lexington Ky., where the regiment having lost hope of reaching "the front" remained until Sept. 5, when it returned to Springfield for final muster- out. This regiment was composed of some of the l>est material in the State, and anxious for active service, but after a succession of disappoint- ments, was compelled to return to its home sta- tion without meeting the enemy. After its arrival at Springfield the regiment was furloughed for thirty days and finally mustered out, October 16, numbering 1,213 men and 47 officers. , SIXTH REGIMENT ILLINOIS VOLUNTEER IN- FANTRY, consisting of twelve companies from the counties of Rock Island, Knox, Whiteside, Lee, Carroll, Stephenson, Henry, Warren, Bureau, and Jo Daviess, was mustered in May 11, 1898, under command of Col. D. Jack Foster; on May 17 left Springfield for Camp Alger, Va. ; July 5 the regiment moved to Charleston, S. C., where a part embarked for Siboney, Cuba, but the whole regiment was soon after united in General Miles' expedition for the invasion of Porto Rico, landing at Gunmen on July 25, and advancing into the interior as far as Adjunta and Utuado. After several weeks' service in the interior, the regiment returned to Ponce, and on September 7 took transport for the return home, arrived at Springfield a week later, and was mustered out November 25, the regiment at that time consist- ing of 1,239 men and 49 officers. SEVENTH ILLINOIS VOLUNTEER INFANTRY (known as the "Hibernian Rifles"). Two battalion? of this regiment reported at Spring, field, April 27, with 33 officers and 765 enlisted men, being afterwards increased to the maxi- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 575 i nun i ; was mustered into the United States serv- ice, under command of Col. Marcus Kavanagh, May 18, 1898; on May 38 started for Camp Alger, Vs. ; was afterwards encamped at Thoroughfare Gap and Camp Meade ; on September 9 returned to Springfield, was furloughed for thirty days, and mustered out, October 20, numbering 1,260 men and 49 officers. Like the Fifth, the Seventh saw no actual service in the field. EIGHTH ILLINOIS VOLUNTEER INFANTRY (col- ored regiment), mustered into the service at Springfield under the second call of the Presi- dent, July 23, 1898, being composed wholly of Afro- Americans under officers of their own race, with Col. John R. Marshall in command, the muster-roll showing 1,195 men and 76 officers. The six companies, from A to F, were from Chi- cago, the other five being, respectively, from Bloomington, Springfield, Quincy, Ldtchfield, Mound City and Metropolis, and Cairo. The regiment having tendered their services to relieve the First Illinois on duty at Santiago de Cuba, it started for Cuba, August 8, by way of New York ; immediately on arrival at Santiago, a week later, was assigned to duty, but subse- quently transferred to San Luis, where Colone ( Marshall was made military governor. The major part of the regiment remained here until ordered home early in March, 1899, arrived at Chicago, March 15, and was mustered out, April 3, 1,226 strong, rank and file, having been in service nine months and six days. NINTH ILLINOIS VOLUNTEER INFANTRY was organized from the counties of Southern Illinois, and mustered in at Springfield under the second call of the President, July 4-11, 1898, under com- mand of Col. James R. Campbell; arrived at Camp Cuba Libre (Jacksonville, Fla.), August 9; two months later was transferred to Savannah, Ga. ; was moved to Havana in December, where it remained until May, 1899, when it returned to Augusta, Ga., and was mustered out there, May 20, 1899, at that time consisting of 1,095 men and 46 officers. From Augusta the several companies returned to their respective home stations. The Ninth was the only "Provisional Regiment" from Illinois mustered into the service during the war, the other regiments all belonging to the National Guard. FIRST ILLINOIS CAVALRY was organized at Chi- cago immediately after the President's first call, seven companies being recruited from Chicago, two from Bloomington, and one each from Springfield, Elkhart, and Lacon ; was mustered in at Springfield, May 21, 1898, under command of Col. Edward C. Young; left Springfield for Camp Thomas, Ga., May 30, remaining there until August 24, when it returned to Fort Sheridan, near Chicago, where it was stationed until October 11, when it was mustered out, at that time con- sisting of 1,158 men and 50 officers. Although the regiment saw no active service in the field, it established an excellent record for itself in respect to discipline. FIRST ENGINEERING CORPS, consisting of 80 men detailed from the First Illinois Volunteers, were among the first Illinois soldiers to see serv- ice in Porto Rico, accompanying General Miles' expedition in the latter part of July, and being engaged for a time in the construction of bridges in aid of the intended advance across the island. On September 8 they embarked for the return home, arrived at Chicago, September 17, and were mustered out November 20. BATTERY A (I. N. G.), from Danville, 111., was mustered in under a special order of the War Department, May 12, 1898, under command of Capt. Oscar P. Yaeger, consisting of 118 men; left Springfield for Camp Thomas, Ga., May 19, and, two months later, joined in General Miles' Porto Rico expedition, landing at Guanico on August 3, and taking part in the affair at Gua- yama on the 12th. News of peace having been received, the Battery returned to Ponce, where it remained until September 7, when it started on the return home by way of New York, arrived at Danville, September 17, was furloughed for sixty days, and mustered out November 25. The Battery was equipped with modern breech-load- ing rapid-firing guns, operated by practical artil- lerists and prepared for effective service. NAVAL RESERVES. One of the earliest steps taken by the Government after it became ap- parent that hostilities could not be averted, was to begin preparation for strengthening the naval arm of the service. The existence of the "Naval Militia," first organized in 1893, placed Illinois in an exceptionally favorable position for making a prompt response to the call of the Government, as well as furnishing a superior class of men for service a fact evidenced during the operations in the West Indies. Gen. John McNulta, as head of the local committee, was active in calling the attention of the Navy Department to the value of the service to be rendered by this organization, which resulted in its being enlisted practically as a body, taking the name of "Naval Reserves" all but eighty-eight of the number passing the physical examination, the places of these being promptly filled by new recruits. The first de- 576 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. tachment of over 200 left Chicago May 2, under the command of Lieut. -Com. John M. Hawley, followed soon after by the remainder of the First Battalion, making the whole number from Chi- cago 400, with 267, constituting the Second Bat- talion, from other towns of the State. The latter was made up of 147 men from Moline, 58 from Quincy, and 62 from Alton making a total from the State of 667. This does not include others, not belonging to this organization, who enlisted for service in the navy during the war, which raised the whole number for the State over 1,000. The Reserves enlisted from Illinois occupied a different relation to the Government from that of the "naval militia" of other States, which retained their State organizations, while those from Illinois were regularly mustered into the United States service. The recruits from Illinois were embarked at Key West, Norfolk and New York, and distributed among fifty-two different vessels, including nearly every vessel belonging to the North Atlantic Squadron. They saw serv- ice in nearly every department from the position of stokers in the hold to that of gunners in the turrets of the big battleships, the largest number (60) being assigned to the famous battleship Ore- gon, while the cruiser Yale followed with 47 ; the Harvard with 35; Cincinnati, 27; Yankton, 19; Franklin, 18; Montgomery and Indiana, each, 17; Hector, 14 ; Marietta, 1 1 ; Wilmington and Lan- caster, 10 each, and others down to one each. Illinois sailors thus had the privilege of partici- pating in the brilliant affair of July 3, which resulted in the destruction of Cervera's fleet off Santiago, as also in nearly every other event in the West Indies of less importance, without the loss of a man while in the service, although among the most exposed. They were mustered out at different times, as they could be spared from the service, or the vessels to which they were attached went out of commission, a portion serving out their full term of one year. The Reserves from Chicago retain their organization under the name of "Naval Reserve Veterans," with headquarters in the Masonic Temple Build- ing, Chicago. W A ltl>, James H., ex-Congressman, was born in Chicago, Nov. 30, 1853, and educated in the Chicago public schools and at the University of Notre Dame, graduating from the latter in 1873. Three years later he graduated from the Union College of Law, Chicago, and was admitted to the bar. Since then he has continued to practice his profession in his native city. In 1879 he was elected Supervisor of the town of West Chicago, and, in 1884, was a candidate for Presidential Elector on the Democratic ticket, and the same year, was the successful candidate of his party for Congress in the Third Illinois District, serv- ing one term. WINNEBAGO INDIANS, a tribe of the Da- cota, or Sioux, stock, which at one time occupied a part of Northern Illinois. The word Winne- bago is a corruption of the French Ouinebe- goutz, Ouimbegouc, etc., the diphthong "ou" taking the place of the consonant "w," which is wanting in the French alphabet. These were, in turn, French misspellings of an Algonquin term meaning "fetid," which the latter tribe applied to the Winnebagoes because they had come from the western ocean the salt (or "fetid") water. In their advance towards the East the Winnebagoes early invaded the country of the Illinois, but were finally driven north- ward by the latter, who surpassed them in num- bers rather than in bravery. The invaders settled in Wisconsin, near the Fox River, and here they were first visited by the Jesuit Fathers in the seventeenth century. (See Jesuit Rela- tions.) The Winnebagoes are commonly re- garded as a Wisconsin tribe; yet, that they claimed territorial rights in Illinois is shown by the fact that the treaty of Prairia du Chien (August 1, 1829), alludes to a Winnebago village located in what is now Jo Daviess County, near the mouth of the Pecatonica River. While, as a rule, the tribe, if left to itself, was disposed to live > in amity with the whites, it was carried away by the eloquence and diplomacy of Tecumseh and the cajoleries of "The Prophet. " General Harrison especially alludes to the brav- ery of the Winnebago warriors at Tippecanoe' which he attributees in part, however, to a super- stitious faith in "The Prophet." In June or July, 1827, an unprovoked and brutal outrage by the whites upon an unoffending and practically defenseless party of Winnebagoes, near Prairie du Chien brought on what is known as the 'Winnebago War." (See Winnebago War.) The tribe took no part in the Black Hawk War, largely because of the great influence and shrewd tactic of their chief, Naw-caw. By treaties executed in 1832 and 1837 the Winnebagoes ceded to the United States all their lands lying east of the Mississippi. They were finally removed west of that river, and, after many shiftings of loca- tion, were placed upon the Omaha Reservation in Eastern Nebraska, where their industry, thrift and peaceable disposition elicited high praise from Government officials. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 577 WARNER, Vespasian, lawyer and Member of Congress, was born in De Witt County, 111., April 23, 1842, and has lived all his life in his native county his present residence being Clinton. After a short course in Lombard University, while studying law in the office of Hon. Law- rence Weldon, at Clinton, he enlisted as a private soldier of the Twentieth Illinois Volunteers, in June, 1861, serving until July, 1866, when he was mustered out with the rank of Captain and brevet Major. He received a gunshot wound at Sbiloh, but continued to serve in the Army of the Tennessee until the evacuation of Atlanta, when he was ordered North on account of dis- ability. His last service was in fighting Indians on the plains. After the war he completed his law studies at Harvard University, graduating in 1868, when he entered into a law partnership with Clifton H. Moore of Clinton. He served as Judge- Advocate General of the Illinois National Guard for several years, with the rank of Colonel, under the administrations of Governors Hamil- ton, Oglesby and Fifer, and, in 1894, was nomi- nated and elected, as a Republican, to the Fifty-fourth Congress for the Thirteenth District, being re-elected in 1896, and again in 1898. In the Fifty-fifth Congress, Mr. Warner was mem- ber of the Committees on Agriculture and Invalid Pensions, and Chairman of the Committee on Revision of the Laws. WARREN, a village in Jo Daviess County, at intersection of the Illinois Central and the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railways. 36 miles west-northwest of Freeport and 27 miles east by north of Galena. The surrounding region is agricultural and stock-raising ; there are also lead mines in the vicinity. Tobacco is grown to some extent. Warren has a flouring mill, tin factory, creamery and stone quarries, a State bank, water supply from artesian wells, fire department, gas plant, two weekly newspapers, five churches, a high school, an academy and a public library. Pop. (1890), 1,172; (1900), 1,327. WARREN, Calvin A., lawyer, was born in Essex County, N. Y., June 3, 1807; in his youth, worked for a time, as a typographer, in the office of "The Northern Spectator," at Poultney, Vt., side by side with Horace Greeley, afterwards the founder of "The New York Tribune." Later, he became one of the publishers of "The Palladium" at Ballston, N. Y., but, in 1832, removed to Hamilton County, Ohio, where he began the study of law, completing his course at Transyl- vania University. Ky., in 1834, and beginning practice at. Batavia, Ohio, as the partner of Thomas Morris, then a United States Senator from Ohio, whose daughter he married, thereby becoming the brother-in-law of the late Isaac N. Morris, of Quincy, 111. In 1836, Mr. Warren came to Quincy, Adams County, 111., but soon after removed to Warsaw in Hancock County, where he resided until 1839, when he returned to Quincy. Here he continued in practice, either alone or as a partner, at different times, of sev- eral of the leading attorneys of that city. Although be held no office except that of Master in Chancery, which he occupied for some sixteen years, the possession of an inexhaustible fund of humor, with strong practical sense and decided ability as a speaker, gave him great popularity at the bar and upon the stump, and made him a recognized leader in the ranks of the Democratic party, of which he was a life-long member. He served as Presidential Elector on the Pierce ticket in 1852, and was the nominee of his party for the same position on one or two other occa- sions. Died, at Quincy, Feb. 22, 1881. WARREN, Hooper, pioneer journalist, was born at Walpole, N. H., in 1790; learned the print- er's trade on the Rutland (Vt.) "Herald"; in 1814 went to Delaware, whence, three years later, he emigrated to Kentucky, working for a time on a paper at Frankfort. In 1818 lie came to St. Louis and worked in the office of the old "Mis- souri Gazette" (the predecessor of "The Repub- lican"), and also acted as the agent of a lumber company at Cairo, 111., when the whole popula- tion of that place consisted of one family domi- ciled on a grounded flat-boat. In March, 1819, he established, at Edwardsville, the third paper in Illinois, its predecessors being "The Illinois Intelligencer," at Kaskaskia, and "The Illinois Emigrant," at Shawneetown. The name given to the new paper was "The Spectator," and the contest over the effort to introduce a pro-slavery clause in the State Constitution soon brought it into prominence. Backed by Governor Coles, Congressman Daniel P. Cook, Judge S. D. Lock- wood, Rev. Thomas Lippincott, Judge Wm. H. Brown (afterwards of Chicago), George Churchill and other opponents of slavery, "The Spectator" made a sturdy fight in opposition to the scheme, which ended in' defeat of the measure by the rejection at the polls, in 1834, of the proposition for a Constitutional Convention. Warren left the Edwardsville paper in 1825, and was, for a time, associated with "The National Crisis," an anti-slavery paper at Cincinnati, but soon re- turned to Illinois and established "The Sangamon Spectator" the first paper ever published at the 578 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. present State capital. This he sold out in 1829, and, for the next three years, was connected with "The Advertiser and Upper Mississippi Her- ald," at Galena. Abandoning this field in 1832, he removed to Hennepin, where, within the next five years, he held the offices of Clerk of the Cir- cuit and County Commissioners' Courts and ex- officio Recorder of Deeds. In 1836 he began the publication of the third paper in Chicago "The Commercial Advertiser" (a weekly) which was continued a little more than a year, when it was abandoned, and he settled on a farm at Henry, Marshall County. His further newspaper ven- tures were, as the associate of Zebina Eastman, in the publication of "The Genius of Liberty," at Lowell, La Salle County, and "The Western Citizen" afterwards "The Free West" in Chi- cago. (See Eastman, Zebina, and Lundy, Ben- jamin.) On the discontinuance of "The Free West" in 1856, he again retired to his farm at Henry, where he spent the remainder of his days. While returning home from a visit to Chicago, in August, 1864, he was taken ill at Mendota, dying there on the 22d of the month. WARREN, John Esaias, diplomatist and real- estate operator, was born in Troy, N. Y., in 1826, graduated at Union College and was connected with the American Legation to Spain during the administration of President Pierce; in 1859-60 was a member of the Minnesota Legislature and, in 1861-62, Mayor of St. Paul; in 1867, came to Chicago, where, while engaged in real-estate business, he became known to the press as the author of a series of articles entitled "Topics of the Time." In 1886 he took up his residence in Brussels, Belgium, where he died, July 6, 1896. Mr. Warren was author of several volumes of travel, of which "An Attache in Spain" and "Para" are most important. WARREN COUNTY. A western county, created by act of the Legislature, in 1825, but not fully organized until 1830, having at that time about 350 inhabitants , has an area of 540 square miles, and was named for Gen. Joseph Warren. It is drained by the Henderson River and its affluents, and is traversed by the Chicago, Bur- lington & Quincy (two divisions), the Iowa Central and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroads. Bituminous coal is mined and lime- stone is quarried in large quantities. The county's early development was retarded in consequence of having become the "seat of war," during the Black Hawk War. The principal products are grain and live-stock, although manufacturing is carried on to some extent. The county-seat and chief city is Monmouth (which see). Roseville is a shipping point. Population (1880), 22,933. (1890), 21,281; (1900), 23,163. WARRENSBUR6, a town of Macon County, on Peoria Division 111. Cent. Railway, 9 miles northwest of Decatur; has elevators, canning factory, a bank and newspaper. Pop. (1900), 503. WARSAW, the largest town in Hancock County, and admirably situated for trade. It stands on a bluff on the Mississippi River, some three miles below Keokuk, and about 40 miles above Quincy. It is the western terminus of the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railway, and lies 116 miles west-southwest of Peoria. Old Fort Edwards, established by Gen. Zachary Taylor, during the War of 1812, was located within the limits of the present city of Warsaw, opposite the mouth of the Des Moines River. An iron foundry, a large woolen mill, a plow factory and cooperage works are its principal manufac- turing establishments. The channel of the Missis- sippi admits of the passage of the largest steamers up to this point. Warsaw has eight churches, :. system of common schools comprising one high and three grammar schools, a National bank and two weekly newspapers. Population (1880), 3,10.<; (1890), 2,721; (1900), 2,335. WASHBUBN, a village of Woodford County, on a branch of the Chicago & Alton Railway 25 miles northeast of Peoria; has banks and . weekly paper ; the district is agricultural. Popu- lation (1890), 598; (1900), 703. i WASHBURNE, Ellhu Benjamin, Congressman and diplomatist, was born at Livermore, Maine. Sept. 23, 1816 ; in early life learned the trade of a printer, but graduated from Harvard Law School and was admitted to the bar in 1840. Coming west, he settled at Galena, forming a partnership with Charles S. Hempstead, for the practice of law, in 1841. He was a stalwart Whig, and, as such, was elected to Congress in 1852. He con- tinued to represent his District until 1869, taking a prominent position, as a Republican, on the organization of that party. On account of his long service he was known as the "Father of the House," administering the Speaker's oath three times to Schuyler Colfax and once to James (i. Blaine. He was appointed Secretary of State by General Grant in 1869, but surrendered his port- folio to become Envoy to France, in which ca pacity he achieved great distinction. He was the only official representative of a foreign govern ment who remained in Paris, during the siege of that city by the Germans (1870-71) and the reign of the ''Commune." For his conduct he was HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. honored by the Governments of France and Ger- many alike. On his return to the United States. he made his home in Chicago, where he devoted his latter years chiefly to literary labor, and where he died, Oct. 22, 1887. He was strongly favored as a candidate for the Presidency in 1880. WASHINGTON, a city in Tazewell County, situated at the intersection of the Chicago & Alton, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and the Toledo, Peoria * Western Railroads. It is 21 miles west of El Paso, and 12 miles east of Peoria. Carriages, plows and farming implements con- stitute the manufactured output. It is also an important shipping-point for farm products. It has electric light and water- works plants, eight churches, a graded school, two banks and two newspapers. Pop. (1890), 1,301; (1900), 1,451. WASHINGTON COUNTY, an interior county of Southern Illinois, east of St. Louis; is drained by the Kaskaskia River and the Elkhorn, Beaucoup and Muddy Creeks; was organized in 1818, and has an area of 540 square miles. The surface is diversified, well watered and timbered. The soil is of variable fertility. Corn, wheat and oats are the chief agricultural products. Manu- facturing is carried onto some extent, among the products being agricultural implements, flour, carriages and wagons. The most impor- tant town is Nashville, which is also the county- seat. Population (1890), 19,262; (1900), 19,526. Washington was one of the fifteen counties into which Illinois was divided at the organization of the State Government, being one of the last three created during the Territorial period the other two being Franklin and Union. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, a village of Cook County, on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railways, 12 miles southwest of Chicago; has a graded school, female seminary, military school, a car factory, several churches and a newspaper. Annexed to City of Chicago, 1890. WATAGA, a village of Knox County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 8 miles northeast of Galesburg. Population (1900), 545. WATERLOO, the county-seat and chief town of Monroe County, on the Illinois Division of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, 24 miles east of south from St. Louis. The region is chiefly agricultural, but underlaid with coal. Its industries embrace two flour mills, a plow factory, distillery, cream- ery, two ice plants, and some minor concerns. The city has municipal water and electric light plants, four churches, a graded school and two newspapers. Pop. (1890), 1,860; (1900). 2,114. W A TERM AX, Arba Nelson, lawyer and jurist. was born at Greensboro, Orleans County, Vt. . Feb. 3, 1836. After receiving an academic edu- cation and teaching for a time, he read law at Montpelier and, later, passed through the Albany Law School. In 1861 he was admitted to the bar, removed to Joliet, 111., and opened an office. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in the One Hun- dredth Illinois Volunteers, serving with the Army of the Cumberland for two years, anil being mustered out in August, 184, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. On leaving the army, Colonel Waterman commenced practice in Chicago. In 1873-74 he represented the Eleventh Ward in the City Council In 1887 he was elected to the bench of the Cook County Circuit Court. and was re-elected in 1891 and, again, in 1897. In 1890 he was assigned as one of the Judges of the Appellate Court. WATSEKA, the county-seat of Iroquois County, situated on the Iroquois River, at the mouth of Sugar Creek, and at the intersection of the Chi- cago .v Eastern Illinois and the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroads, 77 miles south of Chicago, 4f> miles north of Danville and 14 miles east ol Gilman. It has flour-mills, brick and tile work.- and foundries, besides several churches, banks, a graded school and three weekly newspapers- Artesian well water is obtained by boring to the depth of 100 to 160 feet, and some forty flowing streams from these shafts are in the place. Popu- lation (1890), 2,017; (1900), 2,505. WATTS, Amos, jurist, was born in St. Clair County, 111., Oct. 25, 1821, but removed to Wash- ington County in boyhood, and was elected County Clerk in 1847, '49 and '53, and State's Attorney for the Second Judicial District in 1856 and '60; then became editor and proprietor of a news- paper, later resuming the practice of law, and, in 1873, was elected Circuit Judge, remaining in office until his death, at Nashville. Ill Dec. C, 1888. WAUKEGAN, the county-seat and principal city of Lake County, situated on the shore of Lake Michigan and on the Chicago & North western Railroad, about 36 miles north by west from Chicago, and 50 miles south of Milwaukee is also the northern terminus of the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railroad and connected by electric lines with Chicago and Fox Lake. Lake Michigan is about 80 miles wide opposite this point. Waukegan was first known as "Little Fort,'' from the remains of an old fort that stood on its site. The principal part of the city is built on a bluff, which rises abruptly to the height of about 580 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. fifty feet. Between the bluff and the shore is a flat tract about 400 yards wide which is occupied by gardens, dwellings, warehouses and manu- factories. The manufactures include steel-wire, refined sugar, scales, agricultural implements, brass and iron products, sash, doors and blinds, leather, beer, etc. ; the city has paved streets, gas and electric light plants, three banks, eight or ten churches, graded and high schools and two newspapers. A large trade in grain, lumber, coal and dairy products is carried on. Pop. (1890), 4,915; (1900), 9,426. WAUKEGAN & SOUTHWESTERN RAIL- WAY. (See Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway.) WAVERLY, a city in Morgan County, 18 miles southeast of Jacksonville, on the Jacksonville iV St. Louis and the Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis Railroads. It was originally settled by enter- prising emigrants from New England, whose descendants constitute a large proportion of the population. It is the center of a rich agricultural region, has a fine graded school, six or seven churches, two banks, two newspapers and tile works. Population (1880), 1,134; (1890), 1,337; (1900), 1,573. WAYNE, (Gen.) Anthony, soldier, was born in Chester County, Pa., Jan. 1, 1745, of Anglo-Irish descent, graduated as a Surveyor, and first prac- ticed his profession in Nova Scotia. During the years immediately antecedent to the Revolution he was prominent in the colonial councils of his native State, to which he had returned in 1767, where he became a member of the "Committee of Safety." On June 3, 1776, he was commissioned Colonel of the Fourth Regiment of Pennsylvania troops in the Continental army, and, during the War of the Revolution, was conspicuous for his courage and ability as a leader. One of his most daring and successful achievements was the cap- ture of Stony Point, in 1779, when the works having been carried and Wayne having received, what was supposed to be, his death-wound he entered the fort, supported by his aids. For this service he was awarded a gold medal by Con- gress. He also took a conspicuous part in the investiture and capture of Yorktown. In October. 1783, he was brevetted Major-General. In 1784 he was elected to the Pennsylvania Legislature. A few years later he settled in (ieorgia, which State he represented in Congress for seven months, when his seat was declared vacant after contest. In April, 1792, lie was confirmed as General-in-Chief of the United States Army on nomination of President Washington. His con nection with Illinois history began shortly after St. Cluir's defeat, when he led a force into Ohio (1783) and erected a stockade at Greenville, which he named Fort Recovery ; his object being to subdue the hostile savage tribes. In this he was eminently successful and, on August 3, 1793, after a victorious campaign, negotiated the Treaty of Greenville, as broad in its provisions as it was far-reaching in its influence. He was a daring fighter, and although Washington called him "prudent," his dauntlessness earned for him the sobriquet of "Mad Anthony." In matters of dress he was punctilious, and, on this account, he was sometimes dubbed "Dandy Wayne." He was one of the few white officers whom all the Western Indian tribes at once feared and re- spected. They named him "Black Snake" and "Tornado." He died at Presque Isle near Erie, Dec. 15, 1796. Thirteen years afterward his remains were removed by one of his sons, and interred in Badnor churchyard, in his native county. The Pennsylvania Historical Society erected a marble monument over his grave, and appropriately dedicated it on July 4 of the same year. WAYNE COUNTY, in the southeast quarter of the State; has an area of 720 square miles; wa organized in 1819, and named for Gen. Anthony Wayne. The county is watered and drained by the Little Wabash and its branches, notably the Skillet Fork. At the first election held in the county, only fifteen votes were cast. Early life was exceedingly primitive, the first settler* pounding corn into meal with a wooden pestle, a hollowed stump being used as a mortar. The first mill erected (of the antique South Carolina pattern) charged 25 cents per bushel for grinding. Prairie and woodland make up the surface, and the soil is fertile. Railroad facilities are furnished by the Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis and the Baltimore & Ohio (Southwestern) Railroads. Corn, oats, tobacco, wheat, hay and wool are the chief agricultural products. Saw mills are numer- ous and there are also carriage and wagon facto- ries. Fairfield is the county -seat. Population (1880), 21,291; (1890), 23,806; (1900). 27,626. WEAK, THE, a branch of the Miami tribe of Indians. They called themselves "We-wee- hahs," anil were spoken of by the French as "Oui- at-a-nons" and "Oui-as. " Other corruptions of the name were common among the British and American colonists. In 1718 they had a village at Chicago, but abandoned it through fear of their hostile neighbors, the Chippewaa and Potta- watomies. The Weas were, at one time, brave and warlike; but their numliprs were reduced by HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. constant warfare and disease, and, in the end, debauchery enervated and demoralized them. They were removed west of the Mississippi and given a reservation in Miami County, Kan. This they ultimately sold, and, under the leadership of Baptiste Feoria, united with their few remain- ing brethren of the Miamis and with the remnant of the Ill-i-ni under the title of the "confederated tribes, " and settled in Indian Territory. (See also Uiamin: Piankeshaws.) WEBB, Edwin B., early lawyer and politician, was born about 1802, came to the vicinity of Carmi, White County, 111, about 1828 to 1830, and, still later, studied law at Transylvania Uni- versity. He held the office of Prosecuting Attorney of White County, and, in 1834, was elected to the lower branch of the General Assembly, serving, by successive re-elections, until 1842, and, in the Senate, from 1842 to '46. During his service in the House he was a col- league and political and personal friend of Abraham Lincoln. He opposed the internal improvement scheme of 1837, predicting many of the disasters which were actually realized a few years later. He was a candidate for Presi- dential Elector on the Whig ticket, in 1844 and '48, and, in 1852, received the nomination for Governor as the opponent of Joel A. Matteson, two years later, being an unsuccessful candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court in opposition to Judge W. B. Scates. While practicing law at Ormi, he was also a partner of his brother in the mercantile business. Died, Oct. 14, 1858, in the 56th year of his age. WEBB, Henry Livingston, soldier and pioneer (an elder brother of James Watson Webb, a noted New York journalist), was born at Claverack, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1795; served as a soldier in the War of 1812, came to Southern Illinois in 1817, and became one of the founders of the town of America near the mouth of the Ohio; was Repre- sentative in the Fourth and Eleventh General Assemblies, a Major in the Black Hawk War and Captain of volunteers and, afterwards, Colonel of regulars, in the Mexican War. In 1860 he went to Texas and served, for a time, in a semi -mili- tary capacity under the Confederate Govern- ment; returned to Illinois in 1869, and died, at Makanda. Oct. 5, 1876. WEBSTER, Fletcher, lawyer and soldier, was born at Portsmouth, N. H., July 23, 1813; gradu- ated at Harvard in 1833, and studied law with his father (Daniel Webster) ; in 1837, located at Peru, 111., where he practiced three years. His father having been appointed Secretary of State in 1841, the son became his private secretary, was also Secretary of Legation to Caleb Gushing (Minister to China) in 1843, a member of the Massachusetts Legislature in 1847, and Surveyor of the Port of Boston, 1850-61; the latter year became Colonel of the Twelfth Massachusetts Volunteers, and was killed in the second battle bf Bull Run, August 30, 1862. WEBSTER, Joseph Dana, civil engineer and soldier, was born at Old Hampton, N. H.. August 25, 1811. He graduated from Dart- mouth College in 1832, and afterwards read law at Newburyport, Mass. His natural incli- nation was for engineering, and, after serv- ing for a time in the Engineer and War offices, at Washington, was made a United States civil engineer (1835) and, on July 7, 1838, entered the army as Second Lieutenant of Topographical Engineers. He served through the Mexican War, was made First Lieutenant in 1849, and promoted to a captaincy, in March, 1853. Thir- teen months later he resigned, removing to Chi- cago, where he made his permanent home, and soon after was identified, for a time, with the proprietorship of "The Chicago Tribune." He was President of the commission that perfected the Chicago sewerage system, and designed and executed the raising of the grade of a large por- tion of the city from two to eight feet, whole blocks of buildings being raised by jack screws, while new foundations were inserted. At the outbreak of the Civil War he tendered his serv- ices to the Government and superintended the erection of the fortifications at Cairo, 111., and Paducah, Ky. On April 7. 1861, he was com- missioned Paymaster of Volunteers, with the rank of Major, and, in February, 1862, Colonel of the First Illinois Artillery. For several months he was chief of General Grant's staff, participat- ing in the capture of Forts Donelson and Henry, and in the battle of Shiloh, in the latter as Chief of Artillery. In October, 1862, the War Depart- ment detailed him to make a survey of the Illi- nois & Michigan Canal, and, the following month, he was commissioned Brigadier-General of Volunteers, serving as Military Governor of Mem- phis and Superintendent of military railroads. He was again chief of staff to General Grant during the Vicksburg campaign, and, from 1864 until the close of the war, occupied the same relation to General Sherman. He was brevetted Major-General of Volunteers, March 13. 1865, but, resigning Nov. 6, following, returned to Chicago, where he spent the remainder of his life. From 1869 to 1872 he was Assessor of Internal Revenue HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. there, and, later, Assistant United States Treas- urer, and, in July, 1873, was appointed Collector of Internal Revenue. Died, at Chicago, March 12, 1876. WELCH, William R., lawyer and jurist, was born in Jessamine County, Ky., Jan. 22, 1828, educated at Transylvania University, Lexington, graduating from the academic department in 1847, and, from the law school, in 1851. In 1864 he removed to Carlinville, Macoupin County, 111., which place he made his permanent home. In 1877 he was elected to the bench of the Fifth Circuit, and re-elected in 1879 and '85. In 1884 he was assigned to the bench of the Appellate Court for the Second District. Died, Sept. 1, 1888. WELDON, Lawrence, one of the Judges of the United States Court of Claims, Washington, D. C., was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, in 1829; while a child, removed with his parents to Madison County, and was educated in the com- mon schools, the local academy and at Wittenberg College, Springfield, in the same State; read law with Hon. R. A. Harrison, a prominent member of the Ohio bar, and was admitted to practice in 1854, meanwhile, in 1852-53, having served as a clerk in the office of the Secretary of State at Columbus. In 1854 he removed to Illinois, locat- ing at Clinton, DeWitt County, where he engaged in practice; in 1860 was elected a Representative in the Twenty-second General Assembly, was also chosen a Presidential Elector the same year, and assisted in the first election of Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency. Early in 1861 he resigned his seat in the Legislature to accept the position of United States District Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois, tendered him by President Lincoln, but resigned the latter office in 1866 and, the following year, removed to Bloomington, where he continued the practice of his profession until 1883, when he was appointed, by President Arthur, an Associate Justice of the United States Court of Claims at Washington a position which he still (1899) continues to fill. Judge Weldon is among the remaining few who rode the circuit and practiced law with Mr. Lin- coln. From the time of coming to the State in 1854 to 1860, he was one of Mr. Lincoln's most intimate traveling companions in the old Eighth Circuit, which extended from Sangamon County on the west to Vermilion on the east, and of which Judge David Davis, afterwards of the Supreme Court of the United States and United States Senator, was the presiding Justice. The Judge holds in his memory many pleasant remi- niscences of that day, especially of the eastern portion of the District, where he was accustomed to meet the late Senator Voorhees, Senator Mc- Donald and other leading lawyers of Indiana, as well as the historic men whom he met at the State capital. WELLS, Albert W., lawyer and legislator, was born at Woodstock, Conn., May 9, 1839, and enjoyed only such educational and other advan- tages as belonged to the average New England boy of that period. During his boyhood his family removed to New Jersey, where he attended an academy, later, graduating from Columbia College and Law School in New York City, and began practice with State Senator Robert Allen at Red Bank, N. J. During the Civil War he enlisted in a New Jersey regiment and took part in the battle of Gettysburg, resuming his profes- sion at the close of the war. Coming west in 1870, he settled in Quincy, III, where he con- tinued practice. In 1886 he was elected to the House of Representatives from Adams County, as a Democrat, and re-elected two years later. In 1890 he was advanced to the Senate, where, by re-election in 1894, he served continuously until his death in office, March 5, 1897. His abilities and long service covering the sessions of the Thirty-fifth to the Fortieth General Assem- blies placed him at the head of the Democratic side of the Senate during the latter part of his legislative career. WELLS, William, soldier and victim of the Fort Dearborn massacre, was born in Kentucky, about 1770. When a boy of 12, he was captured by the Miami Indians, whose chief. Little Turtle, adopted him, giving him his daughter in mar- riage when he grew to manhood. He was highly esteemed by the tribe as a warrior, and, in 1790, was present at the battle where Gen. Arthur St. Clair was defeated. He then realized that he was fighting against his own race, and informed his father-in-law that he intended to ally himself with the whites. Leaving the Miamis, he made his way to General Wayne, who made him Cap- tain of a company of scouts. After the treaty of Greenville (1795) he settled on a farm near Fort Wayne, where he was joined by his Indian wife. Here he acted as Indian Agent and Justice of the Peace. In 1812 he learned of the contemplated evacuation of Fort Dearborn, and, at the head of thirty Miamis, he set out for the post, his inten- tion being to furnish a body-guard to the non- combatants on their proposed march to Fort Wayne. On August 13, he marched out of the fort with fifteen of his dusky warriors behind HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 683 him, the remainder bringing up the rear. Before a mile and a half had been traveled, the party fell into an Indian ambuscade, and an indiscrimi- nate massacre followed. (See Fort Dearborn.) The Miamis fled, and Captain Wells' body was riddled with bullets, his head cut off and his heart taken out. He was an uncle of Mrs. Heald, wife of the commander of Fort Dearborn. WELLS, William Harvey, educator, was born in Tolland, Conn., Feb. 27, 1812; lived on a farm until 17 years old, attending school irregularly, but made such progress that he became succes- sively a teacher in the Teachers' Seminary at Andover and Newburyport, and, finally, Principal of the State Normal School at Westfield, Mass. In 1856 he accepted the position of Superintend- ent of Public Schools for the city of Chicago, serving till 1864, when he resigned. He was an organizer of the Massachusetts State Teachers' Association, one of the first editors of "The Massachusetts Teacher" and prominently con- nected with various benevolent, educational and learned societies ; was also author of several text- books, and assisted in the revision of "Webster's Unabridged Dictionary." Died, Jan. 21, 1885. WENOX A, city on the eastern border of Mar- shall County, 20 miles south of La Salle, has zinc works, public and parochial schools, a weekly paper, two banks, and five churches. A good quality of soft coal is mined here. Popu- lation (1880), 911; (1890), 1,053; (1900), 1,486. WENTWORTH, John, early journalist and Congressman, was born at Sandwich, N. H., March 5, 1815, graduated from Dartmouth Col- lege in 1836, and came to Chicago the same year, where he became editor of "The Chicago Demo- crat," which had been established by John Cal- houn three years previous. He soon after became proprietor of "The Democrat," of which he con- tinued to be the publisher until it was merged into "The Chicago Tribune," July 24, 1864. He also studied law, and was admitted to the Illinois bar in 1841. He served in Congress as a Demo- crat from 1843 to 1851, and again from 1853 to 1855, but left the Democratic party on the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. He was elected Mayor of Chicago in 1857, and again in 1860, during his incumbency introducing a number of important municipal reforms ; was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1862, and twice served on the Board of Education. He again represented Illinois in Congress as a Republican from 1865 to 1867 making fourteen years of service in that body. In 1872 he joined in the Greeley movement, but later renewed his alle- giance to the Republican party. In 1871 xfr. Went- worth published an elaborate genealogical work in three volumes, entitled "History of the Went- worth Family." A volume of "Congressional Reminiscences" and two by him on "Early Chi- cago," published in connection with the Fergus Historical Series, contain some valuable informa- tion on early local and national history. On account of his extraordinary height he received the sobriquet of "Long John," by which lie was familiarly known throughout the State. Died, in Chicago, Oct. 16, 1888. WEST, Edward H., merchant and banker, was born in Virginia, May 2, 1814; came with his father to Illinois in 1818 ; in 1829 became a clerk in the Recorder's office at Edwardsville, also served as deputy postmaster, and, in 1833, took a position in the United States Land Office there. Two years later he engaged in mercantile busi- ness, which he prosecuted over thirty years meanwhile filling the office of County Treasurer, ex-oflicio Superintendent of Schools, and Delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1847. In 1867, in conjunction with W. R. Prickett, he established a bank at Edwardsville, with which he was con- nected until his death, Oct. 31, 1887. Mr. West officiated frequently as a "local preacher" of the Methodist Church, in which capacity he showed much ability as a public speaker. WEST, Mary Allen, educator and philanthro- pist, was born at Galesburg, 111., July 31, 1837; graduated at Knox Seminary in 1854 and taught until 1873, when she was elected County Super- intendent of Schools, serving nine years. She took an active and influential interest in educa- tional and reformatory movements, wa& for two years editor of "Our Home Monthly," in Phila- delphia, and also a contributor to other journals, besides being editor-in-chief of "The Union Sig- nal," Chicago, the organ of the Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union in which she held the position of President ; was also President, in the latter days of her life, of the Illinois Woman's Press Association of Chicago, that city having become her home in 1885. In 1892, Miss West started on a tour of the world for the benefit of her health, but died at Tokio, Japan. Dec. 1. 1892. WESTERN HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, an institution for the treatment of the insane, located at Watertown, Rock Island County, in accordance with an act of the General Assembly, approved, May 22, 1895. The Thirty-ninth Gen- eral Assembly made an appropriation of $100,000 for the erection of fire-proof buildings, while Rock Island County donated a tract of 400 acroe HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. of land valued at |40, 000. The site selected by the Commissioners, is a commanding one overlooking the Mississippi River, eight miles above Rock Island, and five and a half miles from Holine, and the buildings are of the most modern style of con- struction. Watertown is reached by two lines of railroad the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy besides the Mississippi River. The erection of buildings was begun in 1896, and they were opened for the reception of patients in 1898. They have a ca- pacity for 800 patients. WESTERN MILITARY ACADEMY, an insti- tution located at Upper Alton, Madison County, incorporated in 1893; has a faculty of eight mem- bers and reports eighty pupils for 1897-98, with property valued at $70,000. The institution gives instruction in literary and scientific branches, besides preparatory and business courses. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE, located at Bushnell, McDonnugh County; incorporated in 1888. It is co-educational, has a corps of twelve instructors and reported 500 pupils for 1897-98, 300 males and 200 females. WESTERN SPRINGS, a village of Cook County, and residence suburb of the city of Chi- cago, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail- road, 15 miles west of the initial station. Population (1890), 451; (li.OO), 662. WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, located in Chicago and controlled by the Protes- tant Episcopal Church. It was founded in 1883 through the munificence of Dr. Tolman Wheeler, and was opened for students two years later. It has two buildings, of a superior order of archi- tecture one including the school and lecture rooms .and the other a dormitory. A hospital and gymnasium are attached to the latter, and a school for boys is conducted on the first floor of the main building, which is known as Wheeler Hall. The institution is under the general super- vision of Rt. Rev. William E. McLaren, Protes- tant Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Illinois. WESTFIBLD, village of Clark County, on Cin., Ham. & Dayton R. R., 10 m. s.-e. of Charleston; seat of West field College; has a bank, five churches and two newspapers. Pop. (1900). 820. WEST SALEM, a town of Edwards County, on the Peoria-Evansville Div. 111. Cent. R. R., 12 miles northeast of Albion; has a bank and a weekly paper. Pop. (1890), 476; (1900). 700. WETHERELL, Emma Abbott, vocalist, was born in Chicago, Do. 9, 1849; in her childhood attracted attention while singing with her father (a poor musician) in hotels and on the streets in Chicago, Peoria and elsewhere; at 18 years of age, went to New York to study, earning her way by giving concerts en route, and receiving aid and encouragement from Clara Louisa Kellogg : in New York was patronized by Henry Ward Beecher and others, and aided in securing the training of European masters. Compelled to sur- mount many obstacles from poverty and other causes, her after success in her profession was phenomenal. Died, during a professional tour, at Salt Lake City, Jan. 5, 1891. Miss Abbott married her manager, Eugene Wetherell, who died before her. WH EATON, a city and the county-seat of Du Page County, situated on the Chicago & North- western Railway, 25 miles west of Chicago. Agri- culture and stock-raising are the chief industries in the surrounding region. The city owns a new water- works plant (costing $60,000) and has a public library valued at $75.000, the gift of a resident, Mr. John Quincy Adams; has a court house, electric light plant, sewerage and drainage system, seven churches, three graded schools, four weekly newspapers and a State bank. Wheaton is the seat of Wheaton College (which nee). Population (1880), 1,160; (1890), 1.622; (1900), 2.345. WHEATON COLLEGE, an educational insti- tution located at Wheaton, Du Page County, and under Congregational control. It was founded in 1853, as the Illinois Institute, and was char- tered under its present name in 1860. Its early existence was one of struggle, but of late years it has been established on a better foundation, in 1898 having $54,000 invested in productive funds, and property aggregating $136.000. The faculty comprises fifteen professors, and, in 1898, there were 321 students in attendance. It is co-edu- cational and instruction is given in business and preparatory studies, as well as the fine arts, music and classical literature. WHEELER, David Hilton, D.D., LL.D., clergy- man, was born at Ithaca, N. Y , Nov. 19, 1829; graduated at Rock River Seminary, Mount Morris, in 1851; edited "The Carroll County Republican" and held a professorship in Cornell College, Iowa, (1*57-61) ; was United States Con- sul at Geneva, Switzerland, (1861-66) ; Professor of English Literature in Northwestern University (1867-75); edited "The Methodist" in New York, seven years, and was President of Allegheny College (1883-87); received the degree of D.D. from Cornell College in 1867, and that of LL.D. from the Northwestern University in 1881. He is the author of "Brigandage in South Italy" HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 685 (two volumes, 1864) and "By-Ways of Literature'' (1883), besides some translations. WHEELER, Hamilton K., ex-Congressman, was born at Ballston, N. Y., August 5, 1848, but emigrated with his parents to Illinois in 1852; remained on a farm until 19 years of age, his educational advantages being limited to three months' attendance upon a district school each year. In 1871, he was admitted to the bar at Kankakee, where he has since continued to prac- tice. In 1884 he was elected to represent the Six- teenth District in the State Senate, where he served on many important committees, being Chairman of that on the Judicial Department. In 1892 he was elected Representative in Con- gress from the Ninth Illinois District, on the Republican ticket. WHEELING, a town on the northern border of Cook County, on the Wisconsin Central Railway. Population (1890), 811; (1900), 331. WHISTLER, (MaJ.) John, soldier and builder of the first Fort Dearborn, was born in Ulster, Ire- land, about 1756 ; served under Burgoyne in the Revolution, and was with the force surrendered by that officer at Saratoga, in 1777. After the peace he returned to the United States, settled at Hagerstown, Md., and entered the United States Army, serving at first in the ranks and being severely wounded in the disastrous Indian cam- paigns of 1791. Later, he was promoted to a captaincy and, in the summer of 1803, sent with his company, to the head of Lake Michigan, where he constructed the first Fort Dearborn within the limits of the present city of Chicago, remaining in command until 1811, when he was succeeded by Captain Heald. He received the brevet rank of Major, in 1815 was appointed military store-keeper at Newport, Ky., and after- wards at Jefferson Barracks, near St. Louis, where he died, Sept. 3, 1829. Lieut. William Whistler, his son, who was with his father, for a time, in old Fort Dearborn but transferred, in 1809, to Fort Wayne was of the force included in Hull's surrender at Detroit in 1812. After his exchange he was promoted to a captaincy, to the rank of Major in 1826 and to a Lieutenant-Colo- nelcy in 1845, dying at Newport, Ky., in 1863. James Abbott McNiel Whistler, the celebrated, but eccentric artist of that name, is a grandson of the first Major Whistler. WHITE, George E., ex-Congressman, was born in Massachusetts in 1848; after graduating, at the age of 16, he enlisted as a private in the Fifty- seventh Massachusetts Veteran Volunteers, serv- ing under General Grant in the campaign against Richmond from the battle of the Wilder- ness until the surrender of Lee. Having taken a course in a commercial college at Worcester, Mass., in 1867 he came to Chicago, securing em- ployment in a lumber yard, but a year later began business on his own account, which he has successfully conducted. In 1878 he was elected to the State Senate, as a Republican, from one of the Chicago Districts, and re-elected four years later, serving in that body eight years. He declined a nomination for Congress in 1884, but accepted in 1894, and was elected for the Fifth District, as he was again in 1896, but was defeated, in 1898, by Edward T. Noonan, Demo- crat. WHITE, Horace, journalist, was born at Cole- brook, N. H., August 10, 1834; in 1853 graduated at Beloit College, Wis., whither his father had removed in 1837 ; engaged in journalism as city editor of "The Chicago Evening Journal," later becoming agent of the Associated Press, and, in 1857, an editorial writer on "The Chicago Trib- une," during a part of the war acting as its Washington correspondent. He also served, in 1856, as Assistant Secretary of the Kansas National Committee, and, later, as Secretary of the Republican State Central Committee. In 1864 he purchased an interest in "The Tribune," a year or so later becoming editor-in-chief, but retired in October, 1874. After a protracted European tour, he united with Carl Schurz and E. L. Godkin of "The Nation," in the purchase and reorganization of "The New York Evening Post," of which he is now editor-in-chief. WHITE, Julius, soldier, was born in Cazen- ovia, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1816; removed to Illinois in 1836, residing there and in Wisconsin, where he was a member of the Legislature of 1849; in 1861 was made Collector of Customs at Chicago, but resigned to assume the colonelcy of the Thirty-seventh Illinois Volunteers, which he commanded on the Fremont expedition to South- west Missouri. He afterwards served with Gen- eral Curtiss in Arkansas, participated in the battle of Pea Ridge and was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General. He was subsequently assigned to the Department of the Shenandoah, but finding his position at Martinsburg, W. Va., untenable, retired to Harper's Ferry, voluntarily serving under Colonel Miles, his inferior in com- mand. When this post was surrendered (Sept. 15, 1862), he was made a prisoner, but released under parole ; was tried by a court of inquiry at his own request, and acquitted, the court finding that he had acted with courage and capability. 686 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. He resigned in 1864, and, in March, 1865, was brevetted Major-General of Volunteers. Died, at Evanston, May 12, 1890. WHITE COUNTY, situated in the southeastern quarter of the State, and bounded on the east by the Wabash River; was organized in 1816, being the tenth county organized during the Territorial period: area, 500 square miles. The county is crossed by three railroads and drained by the Wabash and Little Wabash Rivers. The surface consists of prairie and woodland, and the soil is, for the most part, highly productive. The princi- pal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, tobacco, fruit, butter, sorghum and wool. The principal industrial establishments are carriage factories, saw mills and flour mills. Carmi is the county-seat. Other towns are En- field, Orayville and Norris City. Population (1880), 23.087; (1890), 25,005; (1900), 25,386. WHITEHALL, a city in Greene County, at the intersection of the Chicago & Alton and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroads. 65 miles north of St. Louis and 24 miles south-southwest of Jacksonville; in rich farming region; has stoneware and sewer-pipe factories, foundry and machine shop, flour mill, elevators, wagon shops, creamery, water system, sanitarium, heating, electric light and power system, nurseries and fruit-supply houses, and two poultry packing douses; also lias five churches, a graded school, two banks an J three newspapers one daily. Pop- ulation (1890), 1,961; (1900), 2.030. H II ITKIIOl M:, Henry John, Protestant Epis- copal Bishop, was born in New York City, August 19, 1803; graduated from Columbia College in 1821, and from the (New York) General Theolog- ical Seminary in 1824. After ordination he was rector of various parishes in Pennsylvania and New York until 1851, when he was chosen Assist- ant Bishop of Illinois, succeeding Bishop Chase in 1852. In 1867, by invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, he delivered the opening sermon before the Pan-Anglican Conference held in England. During this visit he received the degree of D.D. from Oxford University, and that of LL.D. from Cambridge. His rigid views as a churchman and a disciplinarian, were illustrated in his prosecution of Rev. Charles Edward Cheney, which resulted in the formation of the Reformed Episcopal Church. He was a brilliant orator and a trenchant and unyielding controver- sialist. Died, in Chicago. August 10, 1874. WHITESIDE COUNTV, in the northwestern portion of the State bordering on the Mississippi River; created by act of the Legislature passed in 1836, and named for Capt. Samuel Whiteside, a noted Indian fighter; area, 700 square miles. The surface is level, diversified by prairies and wood- land, and the soil is extremely fertile. The county-seat was first fixed at Lyndon, then at Sterling, and finally at Morrison, its present location. The Rock River crosses the county and furnishes abundant water power for numer- ous factories, turning out agricultural imple- ments, carriages and wagons, furniture, woolen goods, flour and wrapping paper. There are also distilling and brewing interests, besides saw and planing mills. Corn is the staple agricultural product, although all the leading cereals are extensively grown. The principal towns are Morrison, Sterling, Fulton and Rock Falls. Popu- lation (1880). 30,885; (1890), 30 854; (1900), 34.710. WHITESIDE, William, pioneer and soldier of the Revolution, emigrated from the frontier of North Carolina to Kentucky, and thence, in 1793, to the present limits of Monroe County, 111., erecting a fort between Cahokia and Kaskaskia, which became widely known as "Whiteside Station." He served as a Justice of the Peace, and was active in organizing the militia during the War of 1812-14, dying at the old Station in 1815. John (Whiteside), a brother of the preced- ing, and also a Revolutionary soldier, came to Illinois at the same time, as also did William B. and Samuel, sons of the two brothers, respec- tively. All of them became famous as Indian fighters. The two latter served as Captains of companies of "Rangers" in the War of 1812, Samuel taking part in the battle of Rock Island in 1814, and contributing greatly to the success of the day. During the Black Hawk War (1832) he attained the rank of Brigadier-General. Whiteside County was named in his honor. He made one of the earliest improvements in Ridge Prairie, a rich section of Madison County, and represented that county in the First General Assembly. William B. served as Sheriff of Madi- son County for a number of years. John D. (Whiteside), another member of this historic family, became very prominent, serving in the lower House of the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Fourteenth General Assemblies, and in the Sen- ate of the Tenth, from Monroe County; was a Presidential Elector in 1836, State Treasurer (1837-41) and a member of the State Constitu- tional Convention of 1847. General Whiteside, as he was known, was the second of James Shields in the famous Shields and Lincoln duel (so-called) in 1842. and, as such, carried the challenge of the former to Mr. Lincoln. (See Duels. ) HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 587 WHITING, Lorenzo I)., legislator, was born in Wayne County, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1819; came to Illinois in 1838, but did not settle there perma- nently until 1849, when he located in Bureau County. He was a Representative from that county in the Twenty-sixth General Assembly 1869), and a member of the Senate continuously from 1871 to 1887, serving in the latter through eight General Assemblies. Died at his home near Tiskilwa, Bureau County, 111., Oct. 10, 1889. WHITING, Richard H., Congressman, was born at West Hartford, Conn., June 17, 1826, and received a common school education. In 1862 he was commissioned Paymaster in the Volunteer Army of the Union, and resigned in 1866. Hav- ing removed to Illinois, he was appointed Assist- ant Assessor of Internal Revenue for the Fifth Illinois District, in February, 1870, and so contin- ued until the abolition of the office in 1873. On retiring from the Assessorship he was appointed Collector of Internal Revenue, and served until March 4, 1875, when he resigned to take his seat as Republican Representative in Congress from the Feoria District, to which he had been elected in November, 1874. After the expiration of his term he held no public office, but was a member of the Republican National Convention of 1884. Died, at the Continental Hotel, in New York City, May 24, 1888. WHITNEY, James W., pioneer lawyer and early teacher, known by the nickname of "Lord Coke" ; came to Illinois in Territorial days (be- lieved to have been about 1800) ; resided for some time at or near Edwardsville, then became a teacher at Atlas, Pike County, and, still later, the first Circuit and County Clerk of that county. Though nominally a lawyer, he had little if any practice. He acquired the title, by which he was popularly known for a quarter of a century, by his custom of visiting the State Capital, during the sessions of the General Assembly, when he would organize the lobbyists and visit- ors about the capital of which there were an unusual number in those days into what was called the "Third House." Having been regu- larly chosen to preside under the name of "Speaker of the Lobby," he would deliver a mes- sage full of practical hits and jokes, aimed at members of the two houses and others, which would be received with cheers and laughter. The meetings of the "Third House." being held in the evening, were attended by many members and visitors in lieu of other forms of entertain- ment. Mr. Whitney's home, in his latter years, was at Pittsfield. He resided for a time at Quincy. Died, Dec. 13, 1860, aged over 80 years. WHITTEMOKE, Floyd K., State Treasurer, is a native of New York, came at an early age, with his parents, to Sycamore, 111., where he was edu- cated in the high school there. He purposed becoming a lawyer, but, on the election of the late James H.' Beveridge State Treasurer, in 1864, accepted the position of clerk in the office. Later, he was employed as a clerk in the banking house of Jacob Bunn in Springfield, and, on the organization of the State National Bank, was chosen cashier of that Institution, retaining the position some twenty years. After the appoint- ment of Hon. John R. Tanner to the position of Assistant Treasurer of the United States, at Chi- cago, in 1892, Mr. Whittemore became cashier in that office, and, in 1865, Assistant State Treas- rure under the administration of State Treasurer Henry Wulff. In 1898 he was elected State Treasurer, receiving a plurality of 43,450 over his Democratic opponent. WICKERSHAM, (Col.) Dudley, soldier and merchant, was bom in Woodford County, Ky., Nov. 22, 1819; came to Springfield, 111., in 1843. and served as a member of the Fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteers (Col. E. D. Baker's) through the Mexican War. On the return of peace he engaged in the dry-goods trade in Springfield, until 1861, when he enlisted in the Tenth Regi- ment Illinois Cavalry, serving, first as Lieutenant- Colonel and then as Colonel, until May, 1864. when, his regiment having been consolidated with the Fifteenth Cavalry, he resigned. After the war, he held the office of Assessor of Internal Revenue for several years, after which he en- gaged in the grocery trade. Died, in Springfield, August 8, 1898. WIDEN, Raphael, pioneer and early legislator, was a native of Sweden, who, having been taken to France at eight years of age, was educated for a Catholic priest. Coming to the United States in 1815, he was at Cahokia, IIL, in 1818, where, during the same year, he married into a French family of that place. He served in the House of Representatives from Randolph County, in the Second and Third General Assemblies (1820 24), and as Senator in the Fourth and Fifth (1824-28). During his last term in the House, he was one of those who voted against the pro-slavery Con- vention resolution. He died of cholera, at Kas- kaskia, in 1833. WIEE, Scott, lawyer and ex-Congressman, was born at Meadville, Pa., April 6, 1834; at 4 years of age removed with his parents to Quincy, III , 688 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and, in 1844, to Pike County. Having graduated from Lombard University, Galesburg, in 1857, he began reading law with Judge O. C. Skinner of Quincy. He was admitted to the bar in 1858, but, before commencing practice, spent a year at Harvard Law School, graduating there in 1859. Immediately thereafter he opened an office at Pittsfield, 111., and has resided there ever since. In politics he has always been a strong Democrat. He served two terms in the Legislature (1863-67) and, in 1874, was chosen Representative from his District in Congress, being re-elected in 1888 and, again, in 1890. In 1893 he was appointed by President Cleveland Third Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, which position he continued to fill until March, 1897, when he resumed the practice of law at Pittsfield. Died Jan. 15, 1901. WILEY, (Col.) Benjamin Ladd, soldier, was born in Smithneld, Jefferson County, Ohio, March 25, 1821, came to Illinois in 1845 and began life at Vienna, Johnson County, as a teacher. In 1846 he enlisted for the Mexican War, as a member of the Fifth (Colonel Newby's) Regiment Illinois Volunteers, serving chiefly in New Mexico until mustered out in 1848. A year later he removed to Jonesboro, where he spent some time at the carpenter's trade, after which he became clerk in a store, meanwhile assisting to edit "The Jonesboro Gazette" until 1853; then became traveling salesman for a St. Louis firm, but later engaged in the hardware trade at Jonesboro, in which he continued for several years. In 1856 he was the Republican candidate for Congress for the Ninth District, receiving 4,000 votes, while Fremont, the Republican can- didate for President, received only 825 in the same district. In 1857 he opened a real estate office in Jonesboro in conjunction with David L. Phillips and Col. J. W. Ashley, with which he was connected until 1860, when he removed to Makanda, Jackson County. In September, 1861, he was mustered in as Lieutenant-Colonel of the Fifth Illinois Cavalry, later serving in Missouri and Arkansas under Generals Steele and Curtis-,, being, a part of the time, in command of the First Brigade of Cavalry, and. in the advance on Vicks- burg, having command of the right wing of General Grant's cavalry. Being disabled by rheumatism at the end of the siege, he tendered his resignation, and was immediately appointed Enrolling Officer at Cairo, serving in this capac- ity until May, 1865, when he was mustered out. In 1869 he was appointed by Governor Palmer one of the Commissioners to locate the Southern Illinois Hospital for the Insane, and served as Secretary of the Board until the institution was opened at Anna, in May, 1871. In 1869 he was defeated as a candidate for County Judge of Jackson County, and, in 1872, for the State Sen- ate, by a small majority in a strongly Democratic District; in 1876 was the Republican candidate for Congress, in the Eighteenth District, against William Hartzell, but was defeated by only twenty votes, while carrying six out of the ten counties comprising the District. In the latter years of his life, Colonel Wiley was engaged quite extensively in fruit-growing at Makanda, Jack- son County, where he died, March 22, 1890. WILKIE, Franc Bangs, journalist, was born in Saratoga County, N. Y., July 2, 1830; took a partial course at Union College, after which he edited papers at Scbenectady, N. Y., Elgin, 111., and Davenport and Dubuque, Iowa; also serving, during a part of the Civil War, as the western war correspondent of "The New York Times.'' In 1863 he became an editorial writer on "The Chicago Times," remaining with that paper, with the exception of a brief interval, until 1888 a part of the time as its European correspond- ent. He was the author of a series of sketches over the nom de plume of "Poliuto," and of a volume of reminiscences under the title. "Thirty-five Years of Journalism," published shortly before his death, which took place, April 13, 1892. WILKIN, Jacob W., Justice of the Supreme Court, was born in Licking County, Ohio, June 7, 1837; removed with his parents to Illinois, at 12 years of age, and was educated at McKendree College ; served three years in the War for the Union; studied law with Judge Scholfield and was admitted to the bar in 1866. In 1872, he was chosen Presidential Elector on the Republican ticket, and, in 1879, elected Judge of the Circuit Court and re-elected in 1885 the latter year being assigned to the Appellate bench for the Fourth District, where he remained until his election to the Supreme bench in 1888, being re-elected to the latter office in 1897. His home is at Danville. WILKINSON, Ira 0., lawyer and Judge, was born in Virginia in 1822, and accompanied his father to Jacksonville (1835), where he was edu- cated. During a short sen-ice as Deputy Clerk of Morgan County, he conceived a fondness for the profession of the law, and, after a course of study under Judge William Thomas, was admitted to practice in 1847. Richard Yates (afterwards Gov- ernor and Senator) was his first partner. In 1845 he removed to Rock Island, and, six years later, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 589 was elected a Circuit Judge, being again closen to the same position in 1861. At the expiration of his second term he removed to Chicago. Died, at Jacksonville, August 24, 1894. WILKINSON, John P., early merchant, was born, Dec. 14, 1790, in New Kent County, Va., emigrated first to Kentucky, and, in 1838, settled in Jacksonville, 111., where he engaged in mer- cantile business. Mr. Wilkinson was a liberal friend of Illinois College and Jacksonville Female Academy, of each of which he was a Trustee from their origin until his death, which occurred, during a business visit to St. Louis, in December, 1841. WILL, Conrad, pioneer physician and early legislator, was born in Philadelphia, June 4, 1778 ; about 1804 removed to Somerset County Pa., and, in 1813, to Kaskaskia, 111. He was a physician by profession, but having leased the saline lands on the Big Muddy, in the vicinity of what after- wards became the town of Brownsville, he engaged in the manufacture of salt, removing thither in 1815, and becoming one of the founders of Brownsville, afterwards the first county-seat of Jackson County. On the organization of Jackson County, in 1816, he became a member of the first Board of County Commissioners, and, in 1818, served as Delegate from that county in the Convention which framed the first State Consti- tution. Thereafter he served continuously as a member of the Legislature from 1818 to '34 first as Senator in the First General Assembly, then as Representative in the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth, and again as Senator in the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth his career being conspicuous for long service. He died in office, June 11, 1834. Dr. Will was short of stature, fleshy, of jovial disposition and fond of playing practical jokes upon his associates, but very popular, as shown by his successive elections to the Legislature. He has been called "The Father of Jackson County." Will County, organized by act of the Legislature two years after his death, was named in his honor. WILL COUNTY, a northeastern county, em- bracing 850 square miles, named in honor of Dr. Conrad Will, an early politician and legislator. Early explorations of the territory were made in 1829, when white settlers were few. The bluff west of Joliet is said to have been first occupied by David and Benjamin Maggard. Joseph Smith, the Mormon "apostle," expounded his peculiar doctrines at "the Point" in 1831. Sev- eral of the early settlers fled from the country during (or after) a raid by the Sac Indians. There is a legend, seemingly well supported, to the effect that the first lumber, sawed to build the first frame house in Chicago (that of P. F. W. Peck), was sawed at Plainfield. Will County, originally a part of Cook, was separately erected in 1836, Joliet being made the county-seat Agriculture, quarrying and manufacturing are the chief industries. Joliet, Lockport and Wil- mington are the principal towns. Population (1880), 53,422; (1890), 62,007; (1900), 74,764. WILLABD, Frances Elizabeth, teacher and reformer, was born at Churchville, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1839, graduated from the Northwesters Female College at Evanston, 111., in 1859, and, in 1862, accepted the Professorship of Natural Sciences in that institution. During 1866-67 she was the Principal of the Genessee Wesleyan Seminary. The next two years she devoted to travel and study abroad, meanwhile contribut- ing to various periodicals. From 1871 to 1874 ah* was Professor of Esthetics in the Northwester* University and dean of the Woman's College. She was always an enthusiastic champion of temperance, and, in 1874, abandoned her profes- sion to identify herself with the Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union. For five years she was Corresponding Secretary of the national body, and, from 1879, its President. While Secretary she organized the Home Protective Association, and prepared a petition to the Illinois Legislature, to which nearly 200,000 names were attached, asking for the granting to women of the right to vote on the license question. In 1878 she suc- ceeded her brother, Oliver A. Willard (who had died), as editor of "The Chicago Evening Post," but, a few months later, withdrew, and, in 1882, was elected as a member of the executive com- mittee of the National Prohibition party. IB 1886 she became leader of the White Cross Move- ment for the protection of women, and succeeded in securing favorable legislation, in this direc- tion, in twelve States. In 1883 she founded the World's Christian Temperance Union, and, in 1888, was chosen its President, as also President of the International Council of Women. The latter years of her life were spent chiefly abroad, much of the time as the guest and co-worker of Lady Henry Somerset, of England, during which she devoted much attention to investigating the condition of women in the Orient. Miss Willard was a prolific and highly valued contributor to the magazines, and (besides numerous pamphlets) published several volumes, including "Nineteen Beautiful Years" (a tribute to her sister): "Woman in Temperance"; "How to Win," "* 690 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. "Woman in the Pulpit." Died, in New York, Feb. 18, 1898. WILLARD, Sanmel, A.M., M.D., LL.D., phy- sician and educator, was born in Lunenberg, Vt. ( Dec. 30, 1821 the lineal descendant of Maj. Simon Willard, one of the founders of Concord, Mass., and prominent in "King Philip's War." and of his son, Rev. Dr. Samuel Willard, of the Old South Church, Boston, and seventh President of Harvard College. The subject of this sketch was taken in his infancy to Boston, and, in 1831, to Car roll t..n, 111., where his father pursued the avocation of a druggist. After a preparatory course at Shurtleff College, Upper Alton, in 1838 he entered the freshman class in Illinois College at Jacksonville, but withdrew the following year, re-entering college in 1840 and graduating in the class of 1843, as a classmate of Dr. Newton Bate- man, afterwards State Superintendent of Public Instruction and President of Knoz College, and Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, now of Elmira, N. Y. The next year he spent as Tutor in Illinois Col- lege, when he began the study of medicine at Quincy, graduating from the Medical Department of Illinois College in 1848. During a part of the latter year he edited a Free-Soil campaign paper ("The Tribune") at Quincy, and, later, "The Western Temperance Magazine" at the same place. In 1849 he began the practice of his pro- fession at St. Louis, but the next year removed toCollinsville, III, remaining until 1857, when he took charge of the Department of Languages in the newly organized State Normal University at Normal. The second year of the Civil War (1862) he enlisted as a private in the Ninety -seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, but was soon after commissioned as Surgeon with the rank of Major, participating in the campaigns in Tennessee and in the first attack upon Vicksburg. Being dis- abled by an attack of paralysis, in February, 1863, he was compelled to resign, when he had suffici- ently recovered accepting a position in the office of Provost Marshal General Oakes, at Spring- field, where he remained until the close of the war. He then became Grand Secretary of the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows for the State of Illinois a position which he had held from 1856 to 1862 remaining under his second appoint- ment from 1865 to '69. The next year he served as Superintendent of Schools at Springfield, meanwhile assisting in founding the Springfield public library, and serving as its first librarian. In 1870 he accepted the professorship of History in the West Side High School of Chicago, which, with the exception of two years (1884-86), he continued to occupy for more than twenty- five years, retiring in 1898. In the meantime, Dr. Willard has been a laborious literary worker, having been, for a considerable period, editor, or assistant-editor, of "The Illinois Teacher," a con- tributor to "The Century Magazine" and "The Dial" of Chicago, besides having published a "Digest of the Laws of Odd Fellowship" in six- teen volumes, begun while he was Grand Secre- tary of the Order in 1864, and continued in 1872 and '82; a "Synopsis of History and Historical Chart," covering the period from B. C. 800 to A. D. 1876 of which he has had a second edition in course of preparation. Of late years he has been engaged upon a "Historical Diction- ary of Names and Places," which will include some 12,000 topics, and which promises to be the most important work of his life. Previous to the war he was an avowed Abolitionist and operator on the "Underground Railroad," who made no concealment of his opinions, and, on one or two occasions, was called to answer for them in prosecutions under the "Fugitive Slave Act." (See "Underground Railroad.") His friend and classmate, the late Dr. Bateman, says of him: "Dr. Willard is a sound thinker; a clear and forcible writer; of broad and accurate scholarship; conscientious, genial and kindly, and a most estimable gentleman." WILLIAMS, Archibald, lawyer and jurist, was born in Montgomery County, Ky., June 10, 1801; with moderate advantages but natural fondness for study, he chose the profession of law, and was admitted to the bar in Tennessee in 1828, coming to Quincy, 111., the following year. He was elected to the General Assembly three times serving in the Senate in 1832-36, and in the House, 1836-40 ; was United States District Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois, by appointment of President Taylor, 1849-53; wan twice the candidate of his party (the Whig) for United States Senator, and appointed by Presi- dent Lincoln, in 1861, United States District Judge for the State of Kansas. His abilities and high character were widely recognized. Died, in Quincy, Sept. 21, 1863 His son, John II., an attorney at Quincy, served as Judge of the Cir- cuit Court 1879-85. Another son, Abraham Lin- coln, was twice elected Attorney -General of Kansas. WILLIAMS, Erastns Smith, lawyer and ju- rist, was bom at Salem, N. Y., May 22, 1821. In 1842 he removed to Chicago, where, after reading law, he was admitted to the bar in 1844. In 1854 he was appointed Master in Chancery, which HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 591 office he filled until 1863, when he was elected a Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County. After re-election in 1870 he became Chief Justice, and, at the same time, heard most of the cases on the equity side of the court. In 1879 he was a candidate for re-election as a Republican, but was defeated with the party ticket. After his retirement from the bench he resumed private practice. Died, Feb. 24, 1884. WILLIAMS, James R., Congressman, was born in White County, 111., Dec. 27, 1850, at the age of 25 graduated from the Indiana State Uni- versity, at Bloomington, and, in 1876, from the Union College of Law. Chicago, since then being an active and successful practitioner at Canni. In 1880 he was appointed Master in Chancery and served two years. From 1882 to 1886 he was County Judge. In 1892 he was a nominee on the Democratic ticket for Presidential Elector. He was elected to represent the Nineteenth Illi- nois District in the Fifty-first Congress at a special election held to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of R. W. Townshend, was re-elected in 1890 and 1892, but defeated by Orlando Burrell (Republican) for re-election in the newly organ- ized Twentieth District in 1894. In 1898 he was again a candidate and elected to the Fifty -sixth Congress. WILLIAMS, John, pioneer merchant, was born in Bath County, Ky., Sept. 11, 1808; be- tween 14 and 16 years of age was clerk in a store in his native State; then, joining his parents, who had settled on a tract of land in a part of Sangamon (now Menard) County, 111., he found employment as clerk in the store of Major Elijah lies, at Springfield, whom he succeeded in busi- ness at the age of 22, continuing it without inter- ruption until 1880. In 1856 Mr. Williams was the Republican candidate for Congress in the Springfield District, and, in 1861, was appointed Commissary-General for the State, rendering valuable service in furnishing supplies for State troops, in camps of instruction and while proceed- ing to the field, in the first years of the war ; was also chief officer of the Illinois Sanitary Commis- sion for two years, and, as one of the intimate persona) friends of Mr. Lincoln, was chosen to accompany the remains of the martyred President, from Washington to Springfield, for burial. Liberal, enterprising and public-spirited, his name was associated with nearly every public enter- prise of importance in Springfield during his business career being one of the founders, and, for eleven years President, of the First National Bank; a chief promoter in the construction of what is now the Springfield Division of the Illi- nois Central Railroad, and the Springfield and Peoria line; a Director of the Springfield Iron Company; one of the Commissioners who con- structed the Springfield water-works, and an officer of the Lincoln Monument Association, from 18C5 to his death, May 29, 1890. WILLIAMS, Norman, lawyer, was born at Woodstock, Vt., Feb. 1, 1833, being related, on both the paternal and maternal sides, to some of the most prominent families of New England. He fitted for college at Union Academy, Meriden, and graduated from the University of Vermont in the class of 1855. After taking a course in the Albany Law School and with a law firm in his native town, he was admitted to practice in both New York and Vermont, removed to Chi- cago in 1858, and, in 1860, became a member of the firm of King, Kales & Williams, still later forming a partnership with Gen. John L. Thomp- son, which ended with the death of the latter in 1888. In a professional capacity he assisted in the organization of the Pullman Palace Car Com- pany, and was a member of its Board of Directors ; also assisted in organizing the Western Electric Company, and was prominently identified with the Chicago Telephone Company and the Western Union Telegraph Company. In 1881 he served as the United States Commissioner to the Electrical Exposition at Paris. In conjunction with his brother (Edward H. Williams) he assisted in founding the public library at Woodstock, Vt, which, in honor of his father, received the name of "The Norman Williams Public Library.'' With Col. Huntington W. Jackson and J. Mc- Gregor Adams, Mr. Williams was named, in the will of the late John Crerar, as an executor of the Crerar estate and one of the Trustees of the Crerar Public Library, and became its first Presi- dent; was also a Director of the Chicago Pub- lic Library, and trustee of a number of large estates. Mr. Williams was a son-in-law of the late Judge John D. Caton, and his oldest daughter became the wife of Major-General Wesley Mer- ritt, a few months before his death, which oc- curred at Hampton Beach, X. H., June 19, 1899 his remains being interred in his native town of Woodstock, Vt. WILLIAMS, Robert Ebenezer, lawyer, born Dec. 3, 1825, at Clarksville, Pa., his grandfathers on both sides being soldiers of the Revolutionary War. In 1830 his parents removed to Washing- ton in the same State, where in boyhood he worked as a mechanic in his father's shop, attending a common school in the winter until 693 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. he reached the age of 17 years, when he entered Washington College, remaining for more than a year. He then began teaching, and, in 1845 went to Kentucky, where he pursued the business of a teacher for four years. Then he entered Bethany College in West Virginia, at the same time prosecuting his law studies, but left at the close of his junior year, when, having been licensed to practice, he removed to Clinton, Texas. Here he accepted, from a retired lawyer, the loan of a law library, which he afterwards purchased ; served for two years as State's Attor- ney, and, in 1856, came to Bloomington, 111., where he spent the remainder of his life in the practice of his profession. Much of his time was devoted to practice as a railroad attorney, espe- cially in connection with the Chicago & Alton and the Illinois Central Railroads, in which he acquired prominence and wealth. He was a life- long Democrat and, in 1868, was the unsuccessful candidate of his party for Attorney-General of the State. The last three years of his life he had been in bad health, dying at Bloomington, Feb. 15. 1899. WILLIAMS. Samuel, Bank President, was born in Adams County, Ohio, July 11, 1820; came to Winnebago County, 111., in 1835, and, in 1842. removed to Iroquois County, where he held vari- ous local offices, including that of County Judge, to which he was elected in 1861. During his later years he had been President of the Watseka Citizens' Bank. Died, June 16, 1896. WILLIAMSON, Rollln Samuel, legislator and jurist, was born at Cornwall, Vt., May 23, 1839. At the age of 14 he went to Boston, where he began life as a telegraph messenger boy. In two years he had become a skillful operator, and, as such, was employed in various offices in New England and New York. In 1857 he came to Chicago seeking employment and, through the fortunate correction of an error on the part of the receiver of a message, secured the position of operator and station agent at Palatine, Cook County. Here he read law during his leisure time without a preceptor, and, in 1870, was admitted to the bar. The same year he was elected to the lower House of the General Assembly and, in 1872, to the Senate. In 1880 he waa elected to the bench of the Superior Court of Cook County, and, in 1887, was chosen a Judge of the Cook County Circuit Court. Died, Au- gust 10, 1889. WILLIAMSON COUNTY, in the southern'part of the State, originally set off from Franklin and organized in 1839. The county is well watered, the principal streams being the Big Muddy and the South Fork of the Saline. The surface is undulating and the soil fertile. The region was originally well covered with forests. All the cereals (as well as potatoes) are cultivated, and rich meadows encourage stock-raising. Coal and sandstone underlie the entire county. Area, 440 square miles; population (1880), 19,324: (1890) 22,226; (1900), 27,796. WILLIAMSTILLE, village of Sangamon Coun- ty, on Chicago & Alton Railroad, 12 miles north of Springfield; has a bank, elevator. 3 churches, a newspaper and coal-mines. Pop. (1900), 573. WILLIS, Jonathan Clay, soldier and former Railroad and Warehouse Commissioner, was born in Sumner County, Tenn. , June 27, 1826; brought to c ;il lut in County, 111., in 1834, and settled at Golconda in 1843; was elected Sheriff of Pops County in 1856, removed to Metropolis in 1859, and engaged in the wharf -boat and commission business. He entered the service as Quarter- master of the Forty-eighth Illinois Volunteers in 1861, but was compelled to resign on account of injuries, in 1863; was elected Representative ir the Twenty-sixth General Assembly (1868). appointed Collector of Internal Revenue in 1869, and Railway and Warehouse Commissioner in 1892, as the successor of John R. Tanner, serving until 1893. WILMETTE, a village in Cook County, 14 miles north of Chicago, on the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad , a handsome suburb of Chicago on the shore of Lake Michigan ; principal streets paved and shaded with fine forest trees; has public library and good schools. Pop. (1900), 2,300. WILMINGTON, a city of Will County, on the Kankakee River and the Chicago & Alton Rail- road, 53 miles from Chicago and 15 south-south- west of Joliet; has considerable manufactures, two National banks, a graded school, churches and one newspaper. Wilmington is the location of the Illinois Soldiers' Widows' Home. Popu- lation (1890), 1,576; (1900), 1,430. WILSON, Charles Lush, journalist, was bom in Fairfield County, Conn., Oct. 10, 1818, edu- cated in the common schools and at an academy in his native State, and, in 1835, removed to Chi- cago, entering the employment of his older brothers, who were connected with the construc- tion of the Illinois & Michigan Canal at Joliet. His brother, Richard L., having assumed charge of "The Chicago Daily Journal" (the successor of "The Chicago American"), in',1844, Charles L. took a position in the office, ultimately securing a 'partnership, which continued until the death HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. of his brother in 1856, when he succeeded to the ownership of the paper. Mr. Wilson was an ardent friend and supporter of Abraham Lincoln for the United States Senate in 1858, but, in 1860, favored the nomination of Mr. Seward for the Presidency, though earnestly supporting Mr. Lin- coln after his nomination. In 1861 he was appointed Secretary of the American Legation at London, serving with the late Minister Charles Francis Adams, until 1864, when he resigned and resumed his connection with "The Journal." In 1875 his health began to fail, and three years later, having gone to San Antonio, Tex., in the hope of receiving benefit from a change of cli- mate, he died in that city, March 9, 1878. Richard Lnsh (Wilson), an older brother of the preceding, the first editor and publisher of "The Chicago Evening Journal," the oldest paper of consecutive publication in Chicago, was a native of New York. Coming to Chicago with his brother John L. , in 1834, they soon after estab- lished themselves in business on the Illinois & Michigan Canal, then in course of construction. In 1844 he took charge of "The Chicago Daily Journal" for a publishing committee which had purchased the material of "The Chicago Ameri- can," but soon after became principal proprietor. In April, 1847, while firing a salute in honor of the victory of Buena Vista, he lost an arm and was otherwise injured by the explosion of the can- non. Early in 1849, he was appointed, by Presi- dent Taylor, Postmaster of the city of Chicago, but, having failed of confirmation, was compelled to retire in favor of a successor appointed by Millard Fillmore, eleven months later. Mr. Wilson published a little volume in 1842 entitled "A Trip to Santa Fe," and, a few years later, a story of travel under the title, "Short Ravel- lings from a Long Yarn." Died, December, 1856. John Lush (Wilson), another brother, also a native of New York, came to Illinois in 1834, was afterwards associated with his brothers in busi- ness, being for a time business manager of "The Chicago Journal;" also served one term as Sher- iff of Cook County. Died, in Chicago, April 13, 1888. WILSON, Isaac Grant, jurist, was born at Middlebury, N. Y., April 26, 1817, graduated from Brown University in 1838, and the same year came to Chicago, whither his father's family had preceded him in 1835. After reading law for two years, he entered the senior class at Cambridge (Mass.) Law School, graduating in 1841. In August of that year he opened an office at Elgin, and. for ten years "rode the cir- cuit." In 1851 he was elected to the bench of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit to fill a vacancy, and re-elected for a full terra in 1855, and again in '61. In November of the latter year he was commissioned the first Colonel of the Fifty- second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, but resigned, a few weeks later, and resumed his place upon the bench. From 1867 to 1879 he devoted him- self to private practice, which was largely in the Federal Courts. In 1879 he resumed his seat upon the bench (this time for the Twelfth Cir- cuit), and was at once designated as one of the Judges of the Appellate Court at Chicago, of which tribunal he became Chief Justice in 1881. In 1885 he was re-elected Circuit Judge, but died, about the close of his term, at Geneva, June 8. 1891. WILSON, James (jrant, soldier and author, was born at Edinburgh, Scotland, April 28, 1832, and, when only a year old, was brought by his father, William Wilson, to America. The family settled at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where Jarnes Grant was educated at College Hill and under private teachers. After finishing his studies he became his father's partner in business, but, in 1855, went abroad, and, shortly after his return, removed to Chicago, where he founded the first literary paper established in the Northwest. At the outbreak of the Civil War, he disposed of his journal to enlist in the Fifteenth Illinois Cavalry, of which he was commissioned Major and after- wards promoted to the colonelcy. In August. 1863, while at New Orleans, by advice of General Grant, he accepted a commission as Colonel of the Fourth Regiment United States Colored Cavalry, and was assigned, as Aid-de-camp, to the staff of the Commander of the Department of the Gulf, filling this post until April, 1865. When General Banks was relieved, Colonel Wil- son was brevetted Brigadier-General and placed in command at Port Hudson, resigning in July. 1865, since which time his home has been in New York. He is best known as an author, having published numerous addresses, and being a fre- quent contributor to American and European magazines. Among larger works which he has written or edited are "Biographical Sketches of Illinois Officers"; "Love in Letters"; "Life of General U. S. Grant"; "Life and Letters of Fitz Greene Halleck"; "Poets and Poetry of Scotland"; "Bryant and His Friends", and "Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography." WILSON, James Harrison, soldier and mili- tary engineer, was bom near Shawneetown, 111. , Sept. 2. 1837. His grandfather. Alexander Wil- 594 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. son, was one of the pioneers of Illinois, and his father (Harrison Wilson) was an ensign dur- ing the War of 1812 and a Captain in the Black Hawk War. His brother (Bluford Wilson) served as Assistant Adjutant-General of Volun- teers during the Civil War, and as Solicitor of the United States Treasury during the "whisky ring" prosecutions. James H. was educated in the common schools, at McKendree College, and the United States Military Academy at West Point, graduating from the latter in 1860, and being assigned to the Topographical Engineer Corps. In September, 1861, he was promoted to a First Lieutenancy, then served as Chief Topo- graphical Engineer of the Port Royal expedition until March, 1862; was afterwards attached to the Department of the South, being present at the bombardment of Fort Pulaski; was Aid-de- camp to McClellan, and participated in the bat- tles of South Mountain and Antietum ; was made Lieutenant-Colonel of Volunteers in November, 1862; was Chief Topographical Engineer and Inspector-General of the Army of the Tennessee until October, 1863, being actively engaged in the operations around Vicksburg; was made Captain of Engineers in May, 1863, and Brigadier- General of Volunteers, Oct. 31, following. He also conducted operations preliminary to the battle of Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge, and for the relief of Knoxville. Later, he was placed in command of the Third Division of the cavalry corps of the Army of the Potomac, serving from May to August, 1864, under General Sheridan. Subsequently he was transferred to the Depart- ment of the Mississippi, where he so distinguished himself that, on April 20, 1865,' he was made Major-General of Volunteers. In twenty-eight days he captured five fortified cities, twenty- three stands of colors. 288 guns and 6,820 prison- ers among the latter being Jefferson Davis. He was mustered out of the volunteer service in January, 1866, and, on July 28, following, was commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel of the Thirty- fifth United States Infantry, being also brevetted Major-General in the regular army. On Dec. 31, 1870, he returned to civil life, and was afterwards largely engaged in railroad and engineering oper- ations, especially in West Virginia. Promptly after the declaration of war with Spain (1898) General Wilson was appointed, by the President, Major-General of Volunteers, serving until its close. He is the author of "China: Travels and Investigations in the Middle Kingdom" ; "Life of Andrew J. Alexander"; and the "Life of Gen. U. 8. Grant," in conjunction with Charles A. Dana. His home, in recent years, has been in New York. WILSON, John M., lawyer and jurist, was born in New Hampshire in 1802, graduated at Bowdoin College in 1824 the classmate of Frank- lin Pierce and Nathaniel Hawthorne; studied law in New Hampshire and came to Illinois in 1835, locating at Joliet; removed to Chicago in 1841, where he was the partner of Norman B. Judd, serving, at different periods, as attorney of the Chicago & Rock Island, the Lake Shore & Michi- gan Southern and the Chicago & Northwestern Railways; was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Cook County, 1853-59, when he became Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of Chicago, serving until 1868. Died, Dec. 7, 1883. WILSON, John P., lawyer, was born in White- side County, 111., July 3, 1844; educated in the common schools and at Knox College, Galesburg. graduating from the latter in 1865; two years later was admitted to the bar in Chicago, and speedily attained prominence in his profession. During the World's Fair period he was retained as counsel by the Committee on Grounds and Buildings, and was prominently connected, as counsel for the city, with the Lake Front litiga- tion. WILSON, Robert I ... early legislator, was born in Washington County, Pa., Sept. 11, 1805, taken to Zanesville, Ohio, in 1810, graduated at Frank- lin College in 1831, studied law and, in 1833. removed to Athens (now in Menard County), 111. ; was elected Representative in 1836, and was one of the members from Sangamon County, known as the "Long Nine," who assisted in securing the removal of the State Capital to Springfield. Mr. Wilson removed to Sterling, Whiteside County, in 1840, was elected five times Circuit Clerk and served eight years as Probate Judge. Immedi- ately after the fall of Fort Sumter, he enlisted as private in a battalion in Washington City under command of Cassias M. Clay, for guard duty until the arrival of the Seventh New York Regi- ment. He subsequently assisted in raising troops in Illinois, was appointed Paymaster by Lincoln, serving at Washington, St. Louis, and, after the fall of Vicksburg, at Springfield being mustered out in November, 1865. Died, in White- side County, 1880. WILSON, Robert S., lawyer and jurist, was born at Mont rose, Susquehanna County, Pa., Nov. 6, 1M-: learned the printer's art, then studied law and was admitted to the bar in Allegheny County, about 1833; in 1836 removed to Ann Arbor, Mich., where he served as Probate Judge HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and State Senator; in 1850 came to Chicago, was elected Judge of the Recorder's Court in 1853, and re-elected in 1858, serving ten years, and proving "a terror to evil-doers." Died, at Law- rence, Mich., Dec. 23, 1882. WILSON, William, early jurist, was born in Loudoun County, Va., April 27, 1794; studied law with Hon. John Cook, a distinguished lawyer, and minister to France in the early part of the century ; in 1817 removed to Kentucky, soon after came to Illinois, two years later locating in White County, near Carmi, which continued to be his home during the remainder of his life. In 1819 he was appointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court as successor to William P. Foster, who is described by Governor Ford as "a great rascal and no lawyer," and who held office only about nine months. Judge Wilson was re-elected to the Supreme bench, as Chief- Justice, in 1825, being then only a little over 30 years old, and held office until the reorganization of the Supreme Court under the Constitution of 1843 a period of over twenty-nine years, and, with the exception of Judge Browne's, the long- est term of service in the history of the court. He died at his home in White County, April 29, 1857. A Whig in early life, he allied himself with the Democratic party on the dissolution of the former. Hon. James C. Conkling, of Spring- field, says of him, "as a writer, his style was clear and distinct; as a lawyer, his judgment was sound and discriminating," WINCHESTER, a city and county-seat of Scott County, founded in 1839, situated on Big Sandy Creek and on the line of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 29 miles south of Beardstown and 84 miles north by west of St. Louis. While the surrounding region is agricultural and largely devoted to wheat growing, there is some coal mining. Winchester is an important shipping- point, having three grain elevators, two flouring mills, and a coal mine employing fifty miners. There are four Protestant and one Catholic church, a court house, a high school, a graded school building, two banks and two weekly news- papers. Population (1880), 1,626; (1890), 1,542; (1900). 1,711. WINDSOR, a. city of Shelby County at the cross- ing of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis and the Wabash Railways, 11 miles north- east of Shelbyville. Population (1880), 768; (1890), 888; (1900), 866. WINES, Frederick Howard, clergyman and sociologist, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., April 0, 1838, graduated at Washington (Pa. ) College in 1857, and, after serving as tutor there for a short time, entered Princeton Theological Semi- nary, but was compelled temporarily to discon- tinue his studies on account of a weakness of the eyes. The Presbytery of St. Louis licensed him to preach in 1860, and, in 1862, he was com- missioned Hospital Chaplain in the Union army. During 1862-64 he was stationed at Springfield. Mo., participating in the battle of Springfield on Jan. 8, 1863, and being personally mentioned for bravery on the field in the official report. Re- entering the seminary at Princeton in 1864, he graduated in 1865, and at once accepted a call to the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church of Springfield, 111., which he filled for four years. In 1869 he was appointed Secretary of the newly created Board of Commissioners of Public Chari- ties of Illinois, in which capacity he continued until 1893, when he resigned For the next four years he was chiefly engaged in literary work, in lecturing before universities on topics connected with social science, in aiding in the organization of charitable work, and in the conduct of a thorough investigation into the relations between liquor legislation and crime. At an early period he took a prominent part in organizing the various Boards of Public Charities of the United States into an organization known as the National Conference of Charities and Corrections, and, at the Louisville meeting (1883), was elected its President. At the International Penitentiary Congress at Stockholm (1878) he was the official delegate from Illinois. On his return, as a result of his observations while abroad, he submitted to the Legislature a report strongly advocating the construction of the Kankakee Hospital for the Insane, then about to be built, upon the "detached ward" or "village" plan, a departure from then existing methods, which marks an era in the treatment of insane in the United States. Mr. Wines conducted the investigation into the condition and number of the defective, depend- ent and delinquent classes throughout the coun- try, his report constituting a separate volume under the "Tenth Census," and rendered a simi- lar service in connection with the eleventh census (1890). In 1887 he was elected Secretary of the National Prison Association, succeeding to the post formerly held by his father, Enoch Cobb Wines, D.D., LL.D. After the inauguration of Governor Tanner in 1897, he resumed his former position of Secretary of the Board of Public Charities, remaining until 1899, when he again tendered his resignation, having received the appointment to the position of Assistant Director 696 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. of the Twelfth Census, which he now holds. He is the author of "Crime and Reformation" (1895); of a voluminous series of reports; also of numer- oun pamphlets and brochures, among which may be mentioned "The County Jail System; An Argument for its Abolition" (1878) ; "The Kanka- kee Hospital" (1883); "Provision for the Insane in the United States" (1885); "Conditional Liberation, or the Paroling of Prisoners" (1886), and "American Prisons in the Tenth Census" (1888). WINES, Walter B., lawyer (brother of Freder- ick H. Wines), was born in Boston, Mass., Oct. 10, 1848, received his primary education at Willis- ton Academy, East Hamilton, Mass. , after which he entered Middlebury College, Vt., taking a classical course and graduating there. He after- wards became a student in the law department of Columbia College, N. Y., graduating in 1871, being admitted to the bar the same year and commencing practice in New York City. In 1879 he came to Springfield, 111. , and was, for a time, identified with the bar of that city. Later, he removed to Chicago, where he has been engaged in literary and journalistic work. WINNEBAGO COUNTY, situated in the "northern tier," bordering on the Wisconsin State line; was organized, under an act passed in 1836, from La Salle and Jo Daviess Counties, and has an area of 553 square miles. The county is drained by the Rock and Pecatonica Rivers. The surface is rolling prairie and the soil fertile. The geology is simple, the quaternary deposits being underlaid by the Galena blue and buff limestone, adapted for building purposes. All the cereals are raised in abundance, the chief product being corn. The Winnebago Indians (who gave name to the county) formerly lived on the west side of the Rock River, and the Potta- watomies on the east, but both tribes removed westward in 18:!5. (As to manufacturing inter- ests see Rockford.) Population (1880), 30,505; (1890), 39,938; (1900), 47,845 WINNEBAGO WAR. The name given to an Indian disturbance which had its origin in 1837, during the administration of Gov. Ninian Edwards. The Indians had been quiet since the conclusion of the War of 1813, but a few isolated outrages were sufficient to start terrified "run- ners'' in all directions. In the northern portion of the State, from Galena to Chicago (then Fort Dearborn) the alarm was intense. The meagre militia force of the State was summoned and volunteers were called for. Meanwhile, 600 United States Regular Infantry, under command of Gen. Henry Atkinson, put in an appearance. Besides the infantry, Atkinson had at his disposal some 130 mounted sharpshooters. The origin of the disturbance was as follows: The Winne- bagoes attacked a band of Chippewas, who were (by treaty) under Government potection, several of the latter being killed. For participation in this offense, four Wiunebago Indians were sum- marily apprehended, surrendered to the Chippe- was and shot. Meanwhile, some dispute had arisen as to the title of the lands, claimed by the Winnebagoes in the vicinity of Gale'ia, which had been occupied by white miners. Repeated acts of hostility and of reprisal, along the Upper Mississippi, intensified mutual distrust. A gather- ing of the Indians around two keel-boats, laden with supplies for Fort Snelling, which had anchored near Prairie du Chien and opposite a Winnebago camp, was regarded by the whites as a hostile act. Liquor was freely distributed, and there is historical evidence that a half-dozen drunken squaws were carried off and shamefully maltreated. Several hundred warriors assembled to avenge the deception which had been practiced upon them. They laid in ambush for the boats on their return trip. The first passed too rapidly to be successfully assailed, but the second grounded and was savagely, yet unsuccessfully, attacked. The presence of General Atkinson's forces prevented an actual outbreak, and, on his demand, the great Winnebago Chief. Red Bird, with six other leading men of the tribe, sur- rendered themselves as hostages to save their nation from extermination. A majority of these were, after trial, acquitted. Red Bird, however, unable to endure confinement, literally pined to death in prison, dying on Feb. 16, 1838. He is described as having been a savage of superior intelligence and noble character. A treaty of peace was concluded with the Winnebagoes in a council held at Prairie du Chien, a few months later, but the affair seems to have produced as much alarm among the Indians as it did among the whites. (For Winnebago Indians see page 576. ) WINNETKA, a village of Cook County, on the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, 16'/4 miles north of Chicago. It stands eighty feet above the level of Lake Michigan, has good schools (being the seat of the Winnetka Institute), sev- eral churches, and is a popular residence town. Population (1880). 584; (1890), 1,079; (1900), 1,833. WINSTON, Frederick Hampton, lawyer, was born in Liberty County, Ga., Nov. 20, 1830, was brought to Woodford County, Ky., in 1835, left an orphan at 13, and attended the common HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 597 schools until 18, when, returning to Georgia, he engaged in cotton manufacture. He finally began the study of law with United States Sena- tor W. C. Dawson, and graduated from Harvard Law School in 1852 ; spent some time in the office of W. M. Evarts in New York, was admitted to the bar and came to Chicago in 1853, where he formed a partnership with Norman B. Judd, afterwards being associated with Judge Henry W. Blodgett; served as general solicitor of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railways remaining with the latter twenty years. In 1885 he was appointed, by President Cleveland, Minister to Persia, but resigned the following year, and traveled exten- sively in Russia, Scandinavia and other foreign countries. Mr. Winston was a delegate to the Democratic National Conventions of 1868, '76 and 'S4; first President of the Stock Yards at Jersey City, for twelve years President of the Lincoln Park Commission, and a Director of the Lincoln National Bank. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES. The Wiscon- sin Central Company was organized, June 17, 1887, and subsequently acquired the Minnesota, St. Croix & Wisconsin, the Wisconsin & Minne- sota, the Chippewa Falls & Western, the St. Paul & St. Croix Falls, the Wisconsin Central, the Penokee, and the Packwaukee & Montebello Rail- roads, and assumed the leases of the Milwaukee & Lake Wionebago and the Wisconsin & Minne- sota Roads. On July 1, 1888, the company began to operate the entire Wisconsin Central system, with the exception of the Wisconsin Central Railroad and the leased Milwaukee & Lake Win- nebago. which remained in charge of the Wis- consin Central Railroad mortgage trustees until Nov. 1, 1889, when these, too, passed under the control of the Wisconsin Central Company. The Wisconsin Central Railroad Company is a re- organization (Oct. 1, 1879) of a company formed Jan. 1, 1871. The Wisconsin Central and the Wisconsin Central Railroad Companies, though differing in name, are a financial unit; the former holding most of the first mortgage bonds of the latter, and substantially all its notes, stocks and income bonds, but, for legal reasons (such as the protection of land titles), it is necessary that separate corporations be maintained. On April 1, 1890, the Wisconsin Central Company executed a lease to the Northern Pacific Railroad, but this was set aside by the courts, on Sept. 27, 1893, for non-payment of rent, and was finally canceled. On the same day receivers were appointed to insure the protection of all interests. The total mileage is 415.46 miles, of which the Company owns 258.90 only .10 of a mile in Illinois. A line, 58.10 miles in length, with 8.44 miles of side-track (total, 66.54 miles), lying wholly within the State of Illinois, is operated by the Chicago & Wisconsin and furnishes the allied line an en- trance into Chicago. WITHROW, Thomas F., lawyer, was born in Virginia in March, 1833, removed with his parents to Ohio in childhood, attended the Western Reserve College, and, after the death of his father, taught school and worked as a printer, later, editing a paper at Mount Vernon. In 1855 he removed to Janesville, Wis., where he again engaged in journalistic work, studied law, was admitted to the bar in Iowa in 1857, settled at Des Moines and served as private secretary of Governors Lowe and Kirkwood. In 1860 he became Supreme Court Reporter; served as Chairman of the Republican State Central Com- mittee in 1863 and, in 1866, became associated with the Rock Island Railroad in the capacity of local attorney, was made chief law officer of the Company in 1873, and removed to Chicago, and, in 1890, was promoted to the position of General Counsel. Died, in Chicago, Feb. 3, 1893. WOLCOTT, (Dr.) Alexander, early Indian Agent, was born at East Windsor, Conn., Feb. 14, 1790; graduated from Yale College in 1809, and, after a course in medicine, was commis- sioned, in 1812, Surgeon's Mate in the United States Army. In 1820 he was appointed Indian Agent at Fort Dearborn (now Chicago), as suc- cessor to Charles Jouett the first Agent who had been appointed a United States Judge in Arkansas. The same year he accompanied Gen- eral Lewis Cass and Henry Schoolcraft on their tour among the Indians of the Northwest; was married in 1823 to Ellen Marion Kinzie, a daughter of Col. John Kinzie, the first perma- nent settler of Chicago; in 1825 was appointed a Justice of the Peace for Peoria County, which then included Cook County; was a Judge of Election in 1830, and one of the purchasers of a block of ground in the heart of the present city of Chicago, at the first sale of lots, held Sept. 27, 1830, but died before the close of the year. Dr. Wolcott appears to have been a high-minded and honorable man, as well as far in advance of the mass of pioneers in point of education and intel- ligence. WOMAN'S MEDICAL COLLEGE OF CHI- CAGO. (See Northwestern University Woman's Medical School.) 098 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. WOMAN SUFFRAGE. (See Suffrage.) WOOD, Benson, lawyer and Congressman, was born in Susquehanna County, Fa., in 1839; re- ceived a common school and academic education ; at the age of 20 came to Illinois, and, for two years, taught school in Lee County. He then enlisted as a soldier in an Illinois regiment, attaining the rank of Captain of Infantry ; after the war, graduated from the Law Department of the old Chicago University, and has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. He was elected a member of the Twenty-eighth Gen- eral Assembly (1872) and was a delegate to the Republican National Conventions of 1876 and 1888 ; also served as Mayor of the city of Effing- ham, where he now resides. In 1894 he was elected to the Fifty-fourth Congress by the Republicans of the Nineteenth District, which lias uniformly returned a Democrat, and, in office, proved himself a most industrious and efficient member. Mr. Wood was defeated as a candidate for re-election in 1896. WOOD, John, pioneer, Lieutenant-Governor and Governor, was born at Moravia, N. Y. , Dec. 20, 1798 his father being a Revolutionary soldier who had served as Surgeon and Captain in the army. At the age of 21 years young Wood re- moved to Illinois, settling in what is now Adams County, and building the first log-cabin on the site of the present city of Quincy. He was a member of the upper house of the Seventeenth and Eight- eenth General Assemblies, and was elected Lieu- tenant-Governor in 1859 on tha same ticket with Governor Bissell, and served out the unexpired term of the latter, who died in office. (See Bis- sell, William II. ) He was succeeded by Richard Yates in 1861. In February of that year he was appointed one of the five Commissioners from Illinois to the "Peace Conference" at Wash- ington, to consider methods for averting civil war. The following May he was appointed Quartermaster-General for the State by Governor Yates, and assisted most efficiently in fitting out the troops for the field. In June, 1864, he was commissioned Colonel of the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Illinois Volunteers (100-days' men) and mustered out of service the following Sep- tember. Died, at Quincy, June 11, 1880. He was liberal, patriotic and public-spirited. His fellow-citizens of Quincy erected a monument to his memory, which was appropriately dedicated, July 4, 1883. WOODFORD COUNTY, situated a little north of the center of the State, bounded on the west by the Illinois River; organized in 1841; area. 540 square miles. The surface is generally level, except along the Illinois River, the soil fertile and well watered. The county lies in the north- ern section of the great coal field of the State. Eureka is the county-seat. Other thriving cities and towns are Metamora, Minonk, El Paso anil Roanoke. Corn, oats, wheat, potatoes and barley are 'the principal crops. The chief mechanical industries are flour manufacture, carriage and wagon-making, and saddlery and harness work. Population (1890), 21,429; (1900), 21,822. WOODHDLL, a village of Henry County, on Keithsburg branch Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 15 miles west of Galva; has a bank, electric lights, water works, brick and tile works, six churches and weekly paper. Pop. (1900), 774. WOODMAN, Charles W., lawyer and Congress- man, was born in Aalborg, Denmark. March 11, 1844; received his early education in the schools of his native country, but took to the sea in 1860, following the life of a sailor until 1863, when, coming to Philadelphia, he enlisted in the Gulf Squadron of the United States. After the war he came to Chicago, and, after reading law for some time in the office of James L. High, gradu- ated from the Law Department of the Chicago University in 1871. Some years later he was appointed Prosecuting Attorney for some of tlie lower courts, and. in 1881, was nominated by the Judges of Cook County as one of the Justices of the Peace for the city of Chicago. In 1894 he became the Republican candidate for Congress from the Fourth District and was elected, but failed to secure a renomination in 1896. Died, in Elgin Asylum for the Insane, March 18. 1898. WOODS, Robert Mann, was born at Greenville. Pa., April 17, 1840; came with his parents to Illi- nois in 1842, the family settling at Barry, Pike. County, but subsequently residing at Pittsfield. Canton and Galesburg. He was educated at Knox College in the latter place, which was his home from 1849 to '58; later, taught school in Iowa and Missouri until 1861, when he went to Springfield and began the study of law with Milton Hay and Shelby M. Cullom. His law studies having been interrupted by the Civil War, after spending some time in the mustering and disbursing office, he was promoted by Gov- ernor Yates to a place in the executive office, from which . he went to the field as Adjutant of the Sixty-fourth Illinois Infantry, known as the "Yates Sharp-Shooters." After participating, with the Army of the Tennessee, in the Atlanta campaign, he took part in the "March to the Sea," and the campaign in the Carolinas. includ- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 699 ing the siege of Savannah and the forcing of the Salkahatchie, where he distinguished himself, as also in the taking of Columbia, Fayetteville, Cheraw, Raleigh and Bentonville. At the latter place he had a horse shot under him and won the brevet rank of Major for gallantry in the field, having previously been commissioned Captain of Company A of his regiment. He also served on the staffs of Gens. Giles A. Smith, Benjamin F. Potts, and William W. Belknap, and was the last mustering officer in General Sherman's army. In 1867 Major Woods removed to Chicago, where lie was in business for a number of years, serving as chief clerk of Custom House construction from 1872 to 1877. In 1879 he purchased "The Daily Republican" at Joliet, which he conducted successfully for fifteen years. While connected with "The Republican," he served as Secretary of the Illinois Republican Press Association and in various other positions. Major Woods was one of the founders of the Grand Army of the Republic, whose birth-place was in Illinois. (See Grand Army of the Repub- lic; also Stephenson, Dr. B. F.) When Dr. Stephenson (who had been Surgeon of the Four- teenth Illinois Infantry), conceived the idea of founding such an order, he called to his assist- ance Major Woods, who was then engaged in writing the histories of Illinois regiments for the Adjutant-General's Report. The Major wrote the Constitution and By-laws of the Order, the charter blanks for all the reports, etc. The first official order bears his name as the first Adjutant- General of the Order, as follows: HEADQUARTERS DKPABTMKNT op ILLINOIS GRAND AKMV or THE REPUBLIC. SPRINGFIELD. ILL.. AI>KJL 1, 1866. (JKKERAL ORDERS I No. 1. & Tlie following named officers are hereby appointed and assigned to duty at these headquarters. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly: Colonel Jules C. Webber. A.D.C. and Chler of Stair. Colonel John M. Snyder, Quartermaster-General. Major Ki.lx.Tt M. Woods. Adjutant-General. Captain John A. Llghtfoot, Assistant Adjutant-General. Captain Jobn 8. Pbelps. Ald-de-C'amp. By order of B. F. stepbenson, Department Commander. KOBKRT M. WOODS, Adjutant-General. Major Woods afterwards organized the various Departments in the West, and it has been con- ceded that he furnished the money necessary to carry on the work during the first six months of the existence of the Order. He has never accepted a nomination or run for any political office, but is now engaged in financial business in Joliet and Chicago, with his residence in the former place. WOODSOK, David Meade, lawyer and jurist, was born in Jessamine County, Ky., May 18, 1806; was educated in private schools and at Transylvania University, and read law with his father. He served a term in the Kentucky Legis- lature in 1832, and, in 1834, removed to Illinois, settling at Carrollton, Greene County. In 1830 he was elected State's Attorney and, in 1840, a member of the lower house of the Legislature, being elected a second time in 1868. In 1843 he was the Whig candidate for Congress in the Fifth District, but was defeated by Stephen A. Douglas. He was a member of the Constitutional Conventions of 1847 and 1869-70. In 1848 he was elected a Judge of the First Judicial Circuit, remaining in office until 1867. Died, in 1877. WOODSTOCK, the county-seat of McHenry County, situated on the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, about 51 miles northwest of Chicago and 32 miles east of Rockford. It contains a court house, eight churches, four banks, three newspaper offices, foundry and machine shops, planing mills, canning works, pickle, cheese and butter factories. The Oliver Typewriter Factory is located here: the town is also the seat of the Todd Seminary for boys. Population (1890), 1,683; (1900), 2,502. WORCESTER, Linns E., State Senator, was born in Windsor, Vt., Dec. 5, 1811, was educated in the common schools of his native State and at Chester Academy, came to Illinois in 1836, and. after teaching three years, entered a dry-goods store at Whitehall as clerk, later becoming a partner. He was also engaged in various other branches of business at different times, including the drug, hardware, grocery, agricultural imple- ment and lumber business. In 1843 he was appointed Postmaster at Whitehall, serving twelve years ; was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1847, served as County Judge for six years from 1853, and as Trustee of the Insti- tution for the Deaf and Dumb, at Jacksonville, from 1859, by successive reappointments, for twelve years. In 1856 he was elected, as a Demo- crat, to the State Senate, to succeed John M. Palmer, resigned ; was re-elected in 1860, and, at the session of 1865, was one of the five Demo- cratic members of that body who voted for the ratification of the Emancipation Amendment of the National Constitution. He was elected County Judge a second time, in 1863, and re- elected in 1867, served as delegate to the Demo- cratic National Convention of 1876, and, for more than thirty years, was one of the Directors of the Jacksonville branch of the Chicago & Alton 600 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Railroad, serving from the organization of the corporation until his death, which occurred Oct. 19, 1891. W OIMtF.N, a village of Madison County, on the Wabash and the Jacksonville, Louisville & St. Louis Railways, 32 miles northeast of St. Louis. Population (1890), 522; (1900), 544 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. An exhibition of the scientific, liberal and mechan- ical arts of all nations, held at Chicago, between May 1 and Oct. 31, 1893. The project had its inception in November, 1885, in a resolution adopted by the directorate of the Chicago Inter- State Exposition Company. On July 6, 1888, the first well defined action was taken, the Iroquois Club, of Chicago, inviting the co-operation of six other leading clubs of that city in "securing the location of an international celebration at Chi- cago of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus." In July, 1889, a decisive step was taken in the appointment by Mayor Cregier, under resolution of the City Council, of a committee of 100 (afterwards increased to 256) citizens, who were charged with the duty of promoting the selection of Chicago as the site for the Exposition. New York, Washington and St. Louis were competing points, but the choice of Congress fell upon Chicago, and the act establish- ing the World's Fair at that city was signed by President Harrison on April 25, 1890. Under the requirements of the law, the President appointed eight Commissioners-at-large, with two Commis- sioners and two alternates from each State and Territory and the District of Columbia. Col. George R. Davis, of Chicago, was elected Direc- tor-General by the body thus constituted. Ex- Senator Thomas M. Palmer, of Michigan, was chosen President of the Commission and John T. Dickinson, of Texas, Secretary. This Commis- sion delegated much of its power to a Board of Reference and Control, who were instructed to act with a similar number appointed by the World's Columbian Exposition. The latter organization was an incorporation, with a direc- torate of forty-five members, elected annually by the stockholders. Lyman J. Gage, of Chicago, was the first President of the corporation, and was succeeded by W. T. Baker and Harlow N. Higinbotham. In addition to these bodies, certain powers were vested in a Board of Lady Managers, composed of two members, with alternates, from each State and Territory, besides nine from the city of Chicago. Mrs. Potter Palmer was chosen President of the latter. This Board was particu- larly charged with supervision of women's par- ticipation in the Exposition, and of the exhibits of women's work. The supreme executive power was vested in the Joint Board of Control. The site selected was Jackson Park, in the South Division of Chi- cago, with a strip connecting Jackson and Washington Parks, known as the "Midway Plaisance," which was surrendered to "conces- sionaires" who purchased the privilege of giving exhibitions, or conducting restaurants or selling- booths thereon. The total area of the site was 633 acres, and that of the buildings not reckon- ing those erected by States other than Illinois, and by foreign governments was about 200 acres. When to this is added the acreage of the foreign and State buildings, the total space under roof approximated 250 acres. These fig- ures do not include the buildings erected by private exhibitors, caterers and venders, which would add a small percentage to the grand total. Forty-seven foreign Governments made appropri- ations for the erection of their own buildings and other expenses connected with official represen- tation, and there were exhibitors from eighty -six nations. The United States Government erected its own building, and appropriated $500,000 to defray the expenses of a national exhibit, besides $2,500,000 toward the general cost of the Exposi- tion. The appropriations by foreign Governments aggregated about $6,500.000, and those by the States ana Territories, 6,120,000 that of Illinois being $800,000. The entire outlay of the World's Columbian Exposition Company, up to March 31, 1894, including the cost of preliminary organiza- tion, construction, operating and post-Exposition expenses, was $27,151,800. This is, of course, exclusive of foreign and State expenditures, which would swell the aggregate cost to nearly $45,000.000. Citizens of Chicago subscribed $5,608,206 toward the capital stock of the Exposi- tion Company, and the municipality, $5,000,000, which was raised by the sale of bonds. (See Thirty-sixth General Assembly.) The site, while admirably adapted to the pur- pose, was, when chosen, a marshy flat, crossed by low sand ridges, upon which stood occasional clumps of stunted scrub oaks. Before the gates of the great fair were opened to the public, the entire area had been transformed into a dream of beauty. Marshes had been drained, filled in and sodded; driveways and broad walks constructed; artificial ponds and lagoons dug and embanked, and all the highest skill of the landscape garden- er's art had been called into play to produce MAP OP THE GROUNDS OF THE bulk far: Stat.on EXJO^IJIO ; N AT Jackson Park showing the General Arrangement 4-UUU 600 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA Of ILLINOIS. Railroad, serving from the organization of the corporation until his death, which occurred Oct. 1. IMJ1. WOIfKKN.il village of Madison County, on the Wahash anil the Jacksonville. l.oui-\illc \ St. Ixmis Itailways l!i miles northeast of St. l.onis. Population (|S!Mii, :,,','; il'.um>. "> 1 1 \Milli ll's I 01 I Mill \N EXPOSITION. An exhibition of the scientitie. liberal and meehan- ieal arts of all nations, held al Chicago, between May 1 ainl Oct :il. IsJKJ. The project had its inception in November. IS.-Oi, in :\ resolution .adopted hy the directorate of the L'hi< airo Idler- State Kxposition Company. On .Inly I!. Isss. tl,,. first well dcliiifd action was taken, the IIOIMIOI- Club, of Chicago, inviting the co-operation of si\ other leading clubs of that cit\ in "si-curing tin- location of an inteniation.il celehralion at Chi- cago of the )< >f i|| i anniversary of the discovery of America hy i 'olnmlms. " In .July. ISMI, a decisive step was taken in the appointment hy Mayor Cretrier, under resolution of the City Council of a committee of Inn {afterwards increased to '.'."iiv, citi/i us. who were charged with the duty of promol ill^ t he select ion of ( 'hica^o a-' t he site tor tile Imposition. New York, Washington and St. I.i ,1 were competing point.s. hut the choice . Congress fell upon < 'hicax", and tin 1 act establish- ing the World's l-'airat I hat city was signed In. President 1 farrison on April il. 1 S !HI. 1'nder the n .pon niciil -! the law. the ('resident appointed ei^ht Commissioners-at-lar^e, with two Commis- sioners and two alternates Imm each State and Territory and the District of Columbia. Col (ieorp' IJ. l)avis. of Chicago, was elected l)iree- tor-( ieneral hy the hi.dy t hlis const i I Illed. K.\- S.-n:itov 'rii-Miia^ M. I'ahnec. of Micliii:an. \\as i-ho-i-i: :'..'... M ol the I 'ommission and .lolm T. IlicUinsini. of Texas, Secri'tary, This Commis siuii ilele^'ati'd much of its (Kiwer to a Hoard of IJelelelice and Control, who were instructed to act win. a similar numlx-r appointed hy the World's Columbian Kxpositinii. The latter orxanixation was an incorporation, with a direc- torate uf lorty-live memlHTs elected annually by the stoekliolders. l.yman .1. (ia^'c>. of Chii'a^'o was the lirsl ('resident (d' the corporation, and was snccei'dcil by W. T. lijiker and Ilarlow N. Hif;inbotliam. In addit ion to these Uulies. certain powers w ere vosted in a Hoard of I.ady Managers. com|Kisi'd ot two memltcrs, with alternatt's. from each State ami Territory, besides nine from the city of Chicago Mrs Potter Palmer was choseu President of the latter. This Hoard was particu- larly churned with supervision of women's par ticipation ia the Exposition, and of the exhibit* of women's work. The supreme e.xecntivc power was vested in the Joint Hoard of Control. The site selected was Jackson 1'arlc. in the South I)i\isi,m of Ciii rajjo. with a strip connect iny; Jackson an>: \Vashinj;ton Parks, known as the "Midway Plaisance," which was surrendi-reil to ''<-once:, sionaires" w no purchased the priv|Ipj3> of giving exhibitions, or conducting i\>tama!iis or selling biKiths thereon. The total area of th" site w;.. r,:;:! acres, and that of the buildings not reckon- ing those erected by States oth< r than Illinois, ami by foreign .governments w:is abi.nl ','"'> acres. When to this is added liit aciiitU' of tlif foreign ami State buildings, the total space under roof approximated L'.'il) acn->. These lij; ures do not include 1 the buildings erected liy prii'ate exhibiii irs. cati-rers an-l \eiulcrs. whi-h wcnild add a small percentage to the .land total Forty-seven i'.irei^n (iovernmeiits made appropri- ations lor t ile erect ion of their o\\ n ii:lil.lii.- s atld other i \pensi-s connected with ullicial represei tation. and there were (.-xhibitors I'n.ni eighty six nations. The L'niled Stall's (Mivernnn nt erecteii its own building, and appropriated S"iii nnip t,, defray the i xpenses of a national exiiihii. beside -<-'. ."inn. (inn toward tin- ^'eniTal cost ,,i tin- I'.xposj lion. The appropriations by foreign Coveinments aj^'rc^ated about *r,..10(l.ll(lfl. and tliose by I h< Stales ami Tei riiufios, sii, |-,Mt,niK( thai of Illiimi bein^r ssiiii.iinn. The entire outlay of the World's Columbian Kxpositi,,n Company, up to March :!l. l s !ll including thecosi ,,i preliminary 01 ^iini/.a- tion. construction, opera! in;; and |n.-t K.\posiiinn expenses, was S'j;. l.'il.MUI. This is, ol coin si exclusive of foreign and State i pellditllles which would swell the ii^jjrofsitu eo,l to nearly si.'i.iHMi.mm. Citixeiis of Chicago snbscrilH-ii s'l.tiilN.-.Mir, toward the capital stock of the' K.\i>o.si lion ("oni|iiiny. and the municipality. s."i.iK>.liiK> which was raised by the sale of bonds. (See Tllift If xi.rtll (llHI'I'tll Axxi'Httittf ) The site, while admirably adapt*- I to the pur- IMISC. was. wln-n chosen, a marshy llat. crossed by low sand ridges. U|KIN which sl.n d occasional clumps of stunted scrub oaks. Hi Ion tlie j;ates ol the ;rreat fair were oficned to tlie public, the entire area had been transfori 1 into a dream of boanty. Marshes h.id been ilriiined. lilled in anil sodded: ilrivcways and broad walk- constructed. artificial ponds and lagoons du^' and embank<>d. and all the highest skill of the landsc;i|ie garden- ers iirt hid been called into play to produce MAP or THE GROUNDS OF THE AT Jackson Park g the General Arrangement of Iclings and Grounds 1893. cz:--:-: t : i ^ r , ^ j - , c~~ ^3 r;. i r -~ sTiQCK - n ; r - LJJLJJULJJLJ MIIMTAY 1'l.tlSAXK n [Moor, sli ; Turlosti| -j ^H Palace . . Village j niitri / z o IT. c X D J U o o X s: t/5 t/5 O X HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 601 varied and striking effects. But the task had been a Herculean one. There were seventeen principal for, as they may be called, depart- mental) buildings, all of beautiful and ornate design, and all of vast size. They were known as the Manufacturers' and Liberal Arts, the Machinery, Electrical, Transportation, Woman's, Horticultural, Mines and Mining, Anthropolog- ical, Administration, Art Galleries, Agricultural, Art Institute, Fisheries, Live Stock, Dairy and Forestry buildings, and the Music Hall and Ca- sino. Several of these had large annexes. The Manufacturers' Building was the largest. It was rectangular (1687x 787 feet), having a ground area of 31 acres and a floor and gallery area of 44 acres. Its central chamber was 1280x380 feet, with a nave 107 feet wide, both hall and nave being surrounded by a gallery 50 feet wide. It was four times as large as the Roman Coliseum and three times as large as St. Peter's at Rome ; 17,000,000 feet of lumber, 13,000,000 pounds of steel, and 2,000,000 pounds of iron had been used in its construction, involving a cost of 81, 800,000. It was originally intended to open the Exposi- tion, formally, on Oct. 21, 1892, the quadri-centen- nial of Columbus' discovery of land on the Western Hemisphere, but the magnitude of the undertaking rendered this impracticable. Con- sequently, while dedicatory ceremonies were held on t hat day, preceded by a monster procession and followed by elaborate pyrotechnic displays at night, May 1, 1893, was fixed as the opening day the machinery and fountains being put in oper- ation, at the touch of an electric button by Presi- dent Cleveland, at the close of a short address. The total number of admissions from that date to Oct. 31, was 27,530,460 the largest for any single day being on Oct. 9 (Chicago Day) amount- ing to 761,944. The total receipts from all sources (including National and State appropriations, subscriptions, etc.), amounted to $28,151,168.75, of which $10.626,330.76 was from the sale of tick- ets, and $3,699,581.43 from concessions. The aggregate attendance fell short of that at the Paris Exposition of 1889 by about 500,000, while the receipts from the sale of tickets and con- cessions exceeded the latter by nearly $5,800,000. Subscribers to the Exposition stock received a return of ten per cent on the same. The Illinois building was the first of the State buildings to be completed. It was also the largest find most costly, but was severely criti- cised from an architectural standpoint. The exhibits showed the internal resources of the State, as well as the development of its govern- mental system, and its progress in civilization from the days of the first pioneers. The entire Illinois exhibit in the State building was under charge of the State Board of Agriculture, who devoted one-tenth of the appropriation, and a like proportion of floor space, to the exhibition of the work of Illinois women as scientists, authors, artists, decorators, etc. Among special features of the Illinois exhibit were: State trophies and relics, kept in a fire-proof memorial hall; the dis- play of grains and minerals, and an immense topographical map (prepared at a cost of $15,000), drafted on a scale of two miles to the inch, show- ing the character and resources of the State, and correcting many serious cartographical errors previously undiscovered. WOBTHEN, Amos Henry, scientist and State Geologist, was born at Bradford, Vt., Oct. 31, 1813, emigrated to Kent -icky in 1834, and, in 1838, removed to Illinois, locating at Warsaw. Teach- ing, surveying and mercantile business were his pursuits until 1842, when he returned to the East, spending two years in Boston, but return- ing to Warsaw in 1844. His natural predilections were toward the natural sciences, and, after coming west, he devoted most of his leisure time to the collection and study of specimens of mineralogy, geology and conchology. On the organization of the geological survey of Illinois in 1851, he was appointed assistant to Dr. J. G. Norwood, then State Geologist, and, in 1858, suc- ceeded to the office, having meanwhile spent three years as Assistant Geologist in the first Iowa survey. As State Geologist he published seven volumes of reports, and was engaged upon the eighth when overtaken by death. May 6, 1888. These reports, which are as comprehensive as they are voluminous, have been reviewed and warmly commended by the leading scientific periodicals of this country and Europe. In 1877 field work was discontinued, and the State His- torical Library and Natural History Museum were established, Professor Worthen being placed in charge as curator. He was the author of various valuable scientific papers and member of numer- ous scientific societies in this country and in Europe. WORTHI\GTOJT, Nicholas Ellsworth, ex-Con- gressman, was born in Brooke County, W. Va., March 30, 1S36, and completed his education at Allegheny College, Pa. , studied Law at Morgan- town, Va., and was admitted to the bar in 1860. He is a resident of Peoria, and, by profession, a lawyer; was County Superintendent of Schools of Peoria County from 1868 to 1872, and jr. X y. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. OOi varied and striking ell'ecls. But tin- task had been a Herculean one There were seven', i -> -n principal s7 .\ 7>7 feel). lia'in;; .i uround ,-trt-a of ->\ acres ami a Moor ami xallc'y :.iv:: ol 44 acres lii central eham'.icr was I'.'Mix:!. 1 -!) fei t wiih a n:ivc l7 lee! wide. l;i/!li 'nail an.! nave 1 1. ITU surrounded by ., L_'all.-i-y "HI I'IT! wide. It was four time- as larvrc as the 1,'on'an I' ' ah i -on si ruction. iu\nl\ iii',- s; i ! ' si..-im .IMM. It "as originally inteml.'il to open Hie l'!\j.,.-i tiim. fonnally. on I lei. '.'I Is'.r.', ;l:i' i|tiailri c. :,ien- nial ci ( '.iliinilins' iliM-nvei-y ol laml 01 ll:e \\VMrrn lleinis|iliere lull the nia.^nit mle ol ihe umlertaUin^ ivmlenil this ini[>r,u'ti(-.il>lc. Coii- M-ijiieiit \\ . while ileiiicatory ceremonies \\eri' lie!. I on tliat -lav', precede-! li\ a mon-iter jiroi-fssion ani follow rd liy elaliorate |iyri>tecliiiic dis|ilay> ui flight, .May I, l.s'.^S. was lixed as t he ojienin^ day the machinery ami fountains l-in^ put in oper- ation, at the touch of an eleelrie tuition liy IVesi- ileni Cli'Velaml at the close of a short addle-. The loial niiinlier of admissions from that da:< t*i Del. :!1. "as iT..V!il. Ilio -the lar-est for an\ single day lieinj; on ( )el 11 1( 'liica.^o Day I aniotinl iii to ; ill. !i II. The total receipts from all souri . . iiiM-ln.iii.L- National and stale appropriations^ Kiibscriplions. etc . i, amounteil to s-,'s. l.")1.1(is.7">. of which S10 li;>i:.:;:!i). Tli was from the sale of tick ets, and s:;, (Kill. .~il. -1:1 from concessions. Tlio a^'grejiate attendance fell short of that at the Paris i:.\|Hi.sitioii of ISSH liy alit .VKI.IMKI, while the receipts from the sale of tickets and con- cessions exceeded the latter liy nearly S.'i.MiHI.IMMI. SubscriU'l's to the Exposition stock received a return of ten per cent on tho same The Illinois liuiMin^ was the first of the State buildings to tie completed. It was also the largest ami most costly, but was severely criti- cised from an architectural standjHiint. The exhibits showed the internal resources of the State, aw well as the development of its govern- mental system, and its progress in rivili/atiot, from the da\- -; tin lirst piori'-.-r- Theenlin Illinois exhii'i: i-. :- Siale buil.iini; \V:LS uiulei < bar^e of li- Slal ii. aid of \: 'culture, win ilevoted otie tOMtliul i he appmpr' n .. MI. and a lik< pro|Mirt ioii of ill.... r~ t .,:<. to the < \iiiiiit ion ol tli. work if Illli. -i. s \\oim-n as sci..ntists atitbors i'- ts. -' i- i'.- Amor;. sj.,i;al featimf ' : the i . were: St.. . u'opbies ami relics. !.-;.: in :i l,if-,.iof i i-lai j.ali; tile di- piay i-l -.:-.i;i.s .-.. : minera). ;;:. an immetis. pare ! a! .-; . , -vo mil, i'li-li. show solin . Stale, am: cor.-ectil - :ii.i:;\ ..Kills c;.| 'i.i.lH-ill I.TroIT pivvioi; : . lllldi.s -,.., -ri -d. Vt'OJM !II..\, A:i.!s licnrj. and Siaii (iixiUiKisl. ivii-; Uirn ai lirao 1 ... .:. \;. D.t. ::i M::. i-:;-i T, : - to i.. i--ickyia - ..:,|io;n|e,l ;.- . t I >r. J. 4; '.i! IheaSia'c Ceoloirist. . ,. .11 1(S.",S, sue lee.J.-d [.- ' h. < :iit ,-. having i hile S|K'III. 1 "'i.'- . lirst Iowa Mirie\. l ,s M:,|,. l.-olo^jsl ii, ;.,; :;s!:ed seven volumes oi re|iii,-i-.. and was , :, d upon tin ci-Jilh wiien ..-. .-riaKeii l.y dea'.o, M.iy , 1KSH. Thi-s.- re|K,rls Inch are as . ! i.siv<- av the\ are voluniiiioiis. have lice' ;-\iew . : warmly commended by tin- 1. ; .icntilii. periodicals of li.i ntrvan-l . .... ,- In 1ST". field work was .ii-> ontinue,! an. I l! Stale His torieal Library ami Natural History M iiseiiin were established. 1'rofi-ssor U'ortheii l.< i :y jil.iceil iu char_-e as curator. lie was the author of various valuable scientific p-i|icisand men l-r of niiiner- oiis scientific societies in this cei}ii(ry and in Europe. WOKTIIIXUTOV. M.-liolas KINn.irlh, ex-Con- ^'r<'ssman was IHHH in Brooke i'ouuty, \V. Va., March :ill ISIMi and coiiijileied his education at Allegheny College. Pa studied l.-iv. at Morgan- town. Va.. and was admitlcd to the Uir in tSIK) He is a resident of IVoria. ami, by prolessmn. a lawyer: was Ponnty Superinlen-lent of ScliooLs of Peoria County from 1S- of K< i e- sentatives. Died, in an in^ai;- ;.-. ;..ni. in AVash- in^ton, i'l l s ">-' 101'Ml MK.VN niltlS'llAX ASSOriATHiN, lirst |>erinanuntly organized at t ;..c.c.;o. in lv",s. although desi.!;i.;-y movcmi nts uf ;i kindled char- acter had previously Iwen started :it I'eori;;. Quinoy. Ci,-ca_'o and Spring-held, some as earix .is ls.1l. From l-.is m I>7'J, various a-soe:..!i.,n~ >vi re formed at. ilillVreiit points t liroii/liout tin) Stall-, xvl.icli V..-H- entirely inil<>penilei:l of each otiier. "flic lirst ell'ort looUin^r to union ami mutual ai-i. was mailc in Is?'.'. x\ hi n ifoln-rl \V> i iensalt. on ln'iialf of ll> Intel-national ( '0111- mitti-e. e.-illi I a ronxeiitioii. t" mi- I ai lilnoiiiiii^'- ton Nim ini.er (i-!i. Slate conventions liaxt- l-i-u helil anmiaii\ MI.I-I' I--7','. In that of ls7.1. st"|is tt-eri- l:ik":i I'K.i.in^ to the iip|M>ilitlliCIl1 '.' iar\. an. I. in |s7'i. t 'liarl.-- M. Mort'Hi iUisiiiueil I in' oliicc. IMui'h 'exaii^eliMic xvnrli was. 'lorn ati>) nexv a-soi-iat ions I'l.rnn.i. tin- i,.;..l nuni'n-r !';. ortcil al the ( 'lianipau'n < 'onv.-nt !on. in 1 S 77. ln'!n^ MMv two. Afleron year's xxorl; Mr. Morion re-i^nei| the secrelaryshi|i. Hie oiliei; romainin'.: \a<-ant for three \ears. Tin- ecalur < 'oiivent ion in 1*7'.', an>l. in Apnl. I SMI. I. if I'.ioun \\asinaile Slati' S cn-tary. ai; ! has oi-riipieil II.- position lo the r,i, -.-:ii tim< (IWKii. At the ilale of hi.s appoint rneiil tin ollicial liirures si;oxx-cil sixteen associations in Illi- nois, with a total membership of ',', 1 1:;. ami prop- erty x-alueil at .s I .'i ; .11 n i. i'.. la.hn_- liiiihlinx I'umls. the assoi'i.'i ion ,it (Miica^n ami Aurora owning Imililin^s. Tniriei'ii ollicers xvi-re employ >vl. none of them li'-in^ in C'hica^o. Sinet- Issn tin- work has stcatlily ^roxx'n. so- thai live Assistant Slate Sccretari"* are now employeil. Ill ISM>. a plan for arran^in^' the State work umler ih-part- mental administration was ileviseil. hut not put fat Operation until Is'JO. The present six ilepart- monls of supervision are: (ieneral Supervision, in charge of the State Secretary ami his Assist- ants; railroail anil city work: counties ami towns: work unions students: corres|imlinn mmiuersuip ilepartment. and ollici- work. The txvo last iinmod aro wndor one rxerutive head. hut i-acli of the others in charge of an Assistant Secretary, xvho" is res|>onsihle for its development . The entire xvork is under the suiiervision of a State Kxecutix'e Committee of twenty-sevei. inemlters one- third of \v horn are elected annually U'illis II. llerrii-k of Chicago has hei'n its chair man for several year~. This liody is appointed lv a State convention composed of delegate* from the local Associations, of ti ;i --i- there \\en it. i i, -toiler. IVis. Hi;, with :; i.:.-ni!.ei-shi|i o! |.1>-s The value f the properly owned xxa.- > .',1 n 1 1 u n i. Tweiily-two occupy ln-.r own huilii iri^s. of which H\e are for railroad men and one for -indents. \Ve-.-kly ^atherin^s for yoiiti^ mei. numiiereil -J|s. and there are now K ;.rcseiitatives or correspond' nts in 005 communities where n organization lioa In '-n elFeeted. .-:iii,iilir phys- iral i-ultni'i' is made a feature hy ,' as-m-iat ions. and education:;! xvork has been largely ileveloped. Theeiirilline!.; in e\. nin^' class,. s. ..mih_' l-!(s.iii. xvas !>7s. Th" i.uii'i.iL,' of tlie i '!.i :a^<> hrancli (eri'cted in ls;i:;j i : . ; the finest of ill- < lass in tin xv rid. Ile.-enily a sueeessl'nl a--oi'i:ilion has o.-(-:i lorin.'d aiii"i:_' <-oal minef. a:!-! another :i!i.i'i:iT l'i.' iir.-l J;T,-nl'.' hoys of the Illinois Stale Reformatory, while an extensive work has heei, conducted at tin- i amps of the Illi::oi- National (JUiird. /AM!; Charles >., laxvyer and .jtirist, xv;i_s I in Ciliulieriaml Connly. N. .1.. March :.' |s':;|.of Kir.lish and Nev. lin^land stock. .\; the a^' 1 of HI lie emi^'rateil ic. S.m^anion <''.iiiily. 111., for a lime working on a farm and ai In n-i, -making l-'rom l-'i'.' to '.'.."i !.eat;endi-d M. !<< n.iiee College, lult did not ^'raduale. and. on lei\he_- college I'lixaxed ii. tea. Inn;;, at the saint lime reading law. In ls.17 In. was admitted l the liar ami commenced pracliceat Sprin^liel-i. The follow- ing year he wa> elected City Attorney. He had f'ir partners, at inherent times, William II. llermlon (once a partner of Ahiai.:im Lincoln) ami Senator Shelln M. Ciillom. in Is7o lie xvas elected a .Iml^e of the f'ircuit Court for the Fifth .ludicial Circuit, and xvas re-elected in ls7'J. In |ss;i President Arthur appointed loin Chief Jus- tice of ('tail, xvhere he has since re-,.1. d. though superseded hy the aplHiintmenl of a successor liy President Cleveland. At the first Slate elec- tion in I'tah. held in November, lsit-1. ho xx - as chosen one of the .luil^es of the Supreme Court of the new Commonwealth, hut was defeated for re-election, hy his Democratic opponent, in IK'JH. SCI.M S IN SOI Til I'AKK WORLD'S FAIR BUILDINGS. The Peristyle. (ierman Bulldlog, Administration I'.mldini:. The Fisheries. SUPPLEMENT. The following matter, received too late for Insertion In the body of this work, is added In the form of a supplement. COGHLAN, (Capt.) Joseph Bullock, naval officer, was born in Kentucky, and, at the age of 15 years, came to Illinois, living on a farm for a time near Carlyle, in Clinton County. In 1860 he was appointed by his uncle, Hon. Philip B. Fouke then a Representative in Congress from the Belleville District to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, graduating in 1863, and being pro- moted through the successive grades of Ensign, Master, Lieutenant, Lieutenant-Commander, and Commander, and serving upon various vessels until Nov. 18, 1893, when he was commissioned Captain and, in 1897, assigned to the command Of the battleship Raleigh, on the Asiatic Station. He was thus connected with Admiral Dewey's squadron at the beginning of the Spanish- Ameri- can War, and took a conspicuous and brilliant part in the affair in Manila Bay. on May 1, 1898, which resulted in the destruction of the Spanish fleet. Captain Coghlan's connection with subsequent events in the Philippines was in the highest degree creditable to himself and the country. His vessel (the Raleigh) was the first of Admiral Dewey's squadron to return home, coming by way of the Suez Canal, in the summer of 1899, he and his crew receiving an immense ovation on their arrival in New York harbor. CRANE, (Ber.) Junes Lyons, clergyman, army chaplain, was born at Mt. Eaton, Wayne County. Ohio, August 30, 1823, united with the Methodist Episcopal Church at Cincinnati in 1841, and, coming to Edgar County. Illinois, in 1842, attended a seminary at Paris some three years. He joined the Illinois Conference in 1846, and was assigned to the Danville circuit, after- wards presiding over charges at Grand vie w. Hills- boro, Alton, Jacksonville, and Springfield at the last two points being stationed two or more times, besides serving as Presiding Elder of the Paris, Danville, and Springfield Districts. The importance of the stations which he filled during bis itinerant career served as evidence of his recognized ability and popularity as a preacher. In July, 1861, he was appointed Chaplain of the Twenty-first Regiment Illinois Volunteers, at that time commanded by Ulysses S. Grant at Colonel, and, although he remained with the regiment only a few months, the friendship then established between him and the future com- mander of the armies of the Union lasted through their lives. This was shown by his appointment by President Grant, in 1869, to the position of Postmaster of the city of Springfield, which came to him as a personal compliment, being re- appointed four years afterwards and continuing in office eight years. After retiring from tho Springfield postoffice, he occupied charges at Island Grove and Shelby ville, his death occurring at the latter place, July 29, 1879. as the result of an attack of paralysis some two weeks previous, Mr Crane was married in 1847 to Miss Elizabeth Mayo, daughter of CoL J Mayo a prominent citizen of Edgar County, at an early day his wife surviving him some twenty years. Rev. Charles A Crane and Rev Frank Crane, pastors of prominent Methodist churches in Boston and Chicago, are eons of the subject of this sketch DA WES, Charles Gates, Comptroller of the Treasury, was born at Marietta, Ohio, August 27. 1865; graduated from Marietta College in 1884, and from the Cincinnati Law School in 1886; worked at civil engineering during his vacations, finally becoming Chief Engineer of the Toledo ft Ohio Railroad. Between 1887 and 1894 he wac engaged in the practice of law at Lincoln, Neb., but afterwards became interested in the gas busi- ness in various cities, including Evanston, I1L. which became his home. In 1896 he took a lead- ing part in securing instructions by the Republi- can State Convention at Springfield in favor of the nomination of Mr McKinley for the Presi- dency, and during the succeeding campaign served as a member of the National Republican Committee for the State of Illinois. Soon after the accession of President McKinley, he wa appointed Comptroller of the Treasury, a position 805 i ill }-:i in J ii i iiiw;ii ^ UnKI.ICS FAIR 111 II.HIN'.S. '""' lvrM >' ll- - A.iniiiiistr:it ;uii.iniK. nfru* SUPPLEMENT. The following matter, received too lato for insertion in the body of this work, is :iorn at Mt. Eaton, Wayne County Ohio, August :!0. 182a, united with tho Methodist Episcopal Church at Cincinnati in 1841, and, coming to Edgar County. Illinois, in 1842. attended a seminary at Paris some three years, lie joined the Illinois Conference in It-lii, and was assigned to the Danville circuit, after- wards presiding over charges at Grandview. Ilills- boro, Alton. Jacksonville, and Springfield at tho last two points being stationed two or more times, besides serving as Presiding Elder of the Paris, Danville, and Springfield Districts. Tho importance of the stations which he filled during his itinerant carper server! as evidence of his recognized ability and popularity as a preacher In July, IsGl, ho V>MS npp' ink i Chaplain of tho Twenty-first Kcgimcnt Kiini'.s Volunteers, at that timo commanded by Cij >~.-s S. Uraut as Colonel, and, although he remained with the regiment only a few months, the friendship ther. established between him an ! the fist ';ie coin- niaiiderof tho armies of tho Ui'.Km lasted through their lives. This was shown by his appointment by President Giant in 1SCI), to t"e p<>sitirn at Marietta, Ohio, August 27, isir,. graduated from Marietta College i:i 1"!. and from the Cincinnati Law School ill 1SSG; worked at civil engineering during his vacations, finally becoming Chief Engineer of the Toledo & Ohio Railroad. Between ISs? and 1S91 he wa engaged iu the practice of law at Lincoln. N.-h.. hut afterwards became interested in the gas busi- ness in various cities, including Evanston. IlL. which became his homo. In 18!H'> ho took a Ic.ul- ing part in securing instructions uy the Republi- can State Convention at Springfield in favor of the nomination of Mr McKinley for the Presi- dency, and during the succeeding campaign served as a memlierof the National Republican Committee for the State of Illinois. Soon after the accession of President McKinley. he was appointed Comptroller of the Treasury, a position 605 606 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. which he now holds. Mr. Dawes is the son of R. B. Dawes, a former Congressman from Ohio, and the great-grandson of Manasseh Cutler, who was an influential factor in the early history of the Northwest Territory, and has beeii credited with exerting a strong influence in shaping and securing the adoption of the Ordinance of 1787. JUSTIN, (CoL) William L., former Depart- ment Commander of Grand Army of the Repub- lic for the State of Illinois, was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 9, 1843, his father being of English descent, while his maternal grandfather was a Colonel of the Polish Lancers in the army of the first Napoleon, who, after the exile of his leader, came to America, settling in Indiana. The father of the subject of this sketch settled at Keokuk, Iowa, where the son grew to manhood and in February, 1863, enlisted as a private in the Seventeenth Iowa Infantry, having been twice rejected previously on account of physical ail- ment. Soon after enlistment he was detailed for provost-marshal duty, but later took part with his regiment in the campaign in Alabama. He served for a time in the Fifteenth Army Corps, under Gen. John A. Logan, was subsequently detailed for duty on the Staff of General Raum, and participated in the battles of Resaca and Tilton, Ga. Having been captured in the latter, he was imprisoned successively at Jacksonville (Ga.), Montgomery, Savannah, and finally at Andersonville. From the latter he succeeded in effecting his escape, but was recaptured and returned to that famous prison-pen. Having escaped a second time by assuming the name of a dead man and bribing the guard, he was again captured and imprisoned at various points in Mis- sissippi until exchanged about the time of the assassination of President Lincoln. He was then so weakened by his long confinement and scanty fare that he had to lie carried on board the steamer on a stretcher. At this time he narrowly escaped being on board the steamer Sultana, which was blown up below Cairo, with 2,100 .soldiers on board, u large proportion of whom lost their lives. After being mustered out at Daven- port, Iowa, June 28, 186,'}, he was employed for a time on the Des Moines Valley Railroad, and as a messenger and route agent of the United States Express Company. In 1872 he established him- self in business in Quincy, 111 , in which he proved very successful. Here he became prom- inent in local Grand Army circles, anil, in 1890, was unanimously elected Commander of the Department of Illinois. Previous to this he had been an officer of the Illinois National Guard, and served as Aid-de-Camp, with the rank of Colonel, on the staff of Governors Hamilton, Oglesby and Fifer. In 1897 Colonel Distin was appointed by President McKinley Surveyor-Gen- eral for the Territory of Alaska, a position which (1899) he still holds. DUMMER, Henry ., lawyer, was born at Hallowell. Maine, April 9, 1808, was educated in Bowdoin College, graduating there in the class of 1827, after which he took a course in law at Cam- bridge Law School, and was soon after admitted to the bar. Then, having spent some two years in his native State, in 1832 he removed to Illinois, settling first in Springfield, where he remained six years, being for a part of the time a partner of John T. Stuart, who afterwards became the first partner in law of Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Dum- mer had a brother, Richard William Dummer, who had preceded him to Illinois, living for a time in Jacksonville. In 1838 he removed to Beardstown, Cass County, which continued to be his home for more than a quarter of a century. During his residence there he served as Alder- man, City Attorney and Judge of Probate for Cass County . also represented Cass County in the Constitutional Convention of 1847, and, in 1860, was elected State Senator in the Twenty-second General Assembly, serving four years. Mr. Dummer was an earnest Republican, and served that party as a delegate for the State-at-large to the Convention of 1864, at Baltimore, which nominated Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency a second time. In 1864 he removed to Jackson- ville, and for the next year was the law partner of David A. Smith, until the death of the latter in 1865. In the summer of 1878 Mr. Dummer went to Mackinac, Mich. , in search of health, but died there August 12 of that year. ECKELS, James H.* ex-Comptroller of the Currency, was born of Scotch-Irish parentage at Princeton, 111., Nov. 22, 1858, was educated in the common schools and the high school of his native town, graduated from the Law School at Albany, N. Y., in 1881, and the following year began practice at Ottawa, 111. Here he con- tinued in active practice until 1893, when he was appointed by President Cleveland Comptroller of the Currency, serving until May 1, 1898, when he resigned to accept the presidency of the Com- mercial 'National Bank of Chicago. Mr. Eckels manifested such distinguished ability in the dis- charge of his duties as Comptroller that he received the notable compliment of being retained in office by a Republican administration more than a year after the retirement of Presi- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 607 dent Cleveland, while his selection for a place at the head of one of the leading banking institu- tions of Chicago was a no less marked recognition of his abilities as a financier. He was a Delegate from the Eleventh District to the National Democratic Convention at Chicago in 1892, and repiesented the same district in the Gold Demo- cratic Convention at Indianapolis in 1896, and assisted in framing the platform there adopted which indicated his views on the financial ques- tions involved in the campaign of that year. FIELD, Daniel, early merchant, was born in Jefferson County, Kentucky, Nov. 30, 1790, and settled at Golconda, 111., in 1818, dying there in 1865. He was a man of great enterprise, engaged in merchandising, and became a large land- holder, farmer and stock-grower, and an extensive shipper of stock and produce to lower Mississippi markets. He married Elizabeth Dailey of Charleston, Ind., and raised a large family of children, one of whom, Philip D., became Sheriff. while another, John, was County Judge of Pope County. His daughter, Maria, married Gen. Green B. Itnuin, who became prominent as a soldier during the Civil War and, later, as a mem- ber of Congress and Commissioner of Internal Revenue and Pension Commissioner in Wash- ington. FIELD, Green B., member of a pioneer family, was born within the present limits of the State of Indiana in 1787, served as a Lieutenant in the War of 1812, was married in Bourbon County, Kentucky, to Miss Mary E. Cogswell, the daughter of Dr. Joseph Cogswell, a soldier of the Revolutionary War, and, in 1817, removed to Pope County, Illinois, where he laid off the town of Golconda, which became the county-seat. He served as a Representative from Pope County in the First General Assembly (1818-20), and was the father of Juliet C. Field, who became the wife of John Raum ; of Edna Field, the wife of Dr. Tarlton Dunn, and of Green B. Field, who was a Lieutenant in Third Regiment Illinois Volunteers during the Mexican War. Mr. Field was the grandfather of Gen. Green B. Raum, mentioned in the preceding paragraph. He died of yellow fever in Louisiana in 1823. GALE, Stephen Francis, first Chicago book- seller and a railway promoter, was born at Exeter, N. H.. March 8, 1812; at 15 years of age became clerk in a leading book-store in Boston; came to Chicago in 1835, and soon afterwards opened the first book and stationery establish- ment in that city, which, in after years, gained an extensive trade. In 1842 the firm of S. F. Gale & Co. was organized, but Mr. Gale, having become head of the Chicago Fire Department, retired from business in 184"> As early as 1840 he was associated with W m. B. Ogden and John B. Turner in the steps then being taken to revive the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad (now a part of the Chicago & Northwestern), and, in conjunction with these gentlemen, becamo responsible for the means to purcliase the charter and assets of the road from the Eastern bond- holders. Later, he engaged iu the construction of the branch road from Turner Junction to Aurora, became President of the line and ex- tended it to Mendota to connect with the Illinois Central at that Point. Tlie.se roads afterwards became a part of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy line. A number of years ago Mr. Gale returned to his old home in New Hampshire, where he has since resided. HAY, John, early settler, came to the region of Kaskaskia between 1790 and 1800, and became a prominent citizen of St. (.'lair County. He was selected as a member of the First Legislative Council of Indiana Territory for St. Clair County in 1805. In 1809 he was appointed Clerk of the Common Pleas Court of St. Clair County, and was continued in office after the organization of the State Government, serving until his death at Belleville in 1845. HAYS, John, pioneer settler of Northwest Ter- ritory, was a native of New York, who came to Cahokia, in the "Illinois Country," in 1793, and lived there the remainder of his life. His early life had been spent in the fur-trade about Macki- nac, in the Lake of the Woods region and about the sources of the Mississippi. During the War of 1812 he was able to furnish Governor Edwards valuable information in reference to the Indians in the Northwest. He filled the office of Post- master at Caliokia for a number of years, and was Sheriff of St. Clair County from 1798 to 1818. JKOCLTON, (Col.) George M., soldier and building contractor, was born at Readsburg, Vt.. March 15, 1851, came early in life to Chicago, and was educated in the schools of that city. By pro- fession he is a contractor and builder, the firm of which he is a member having been connected with the construction of a number of large build- ings, including some extensive grain elevators. Colonel Moulton became a member of the Second Regiment Illinois National Guard in June, 1884. being elected to the office of Major, which he retained until January, 1893, when he was appointed Inspector of Rifle Practice on the staff of General Wheeler. A year later he was con> 608 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. missioned Colonel of the regiment, a position which he occupied at the time of the call by the President for troops to serve in the Spanish- American War in April, 1898. He promptly answered the call, and was sworn into the United States service at the head of his regiment early in May. The regiment was almost immediately ordered to Jacksonville, Fla., remaining there And at Savannah, Ga., until early in December, when it was transferred to Havana, Cuba. Here he was soon after appointed Chief of Police for the city of Havana, remaining in office until the middle of January, 1899, when he returned to his regiment, then stationed at Camp Columbia, near the city of Havana. In the latter part of March he returned with his regiment to Augusta, Ga., where it was mustered out, April 26, 1899, one year from the date of its arrival at Springfield. After leaving the service Colonel Moulton resumed his business as a contractor. SHERMAN, Lawrence V., legislator and Speaker of the Forty-first General Assembly, was born in Miami County, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1858; at 3 years of age came to Illinois, his parents settling at Industry, McDonough County. When he had reached the age of- 10 years he went to Jasper County, where he grew to manhood, received his education in the common schools and in the law- department of McKendree College, graduating from the latter, and, in 1881, located at Macomb, McDonough County. Here he began his career by driving a team upon the street in order to accumulate means enabling him to devote his entire attention to his chosen profession of law. He soon took an active interest in politics, was elected County Judge in 1886, and, at the expire-' tion of his term, formed a partnership with George D. Tunnicliffe and D. G. Tunnicliffe, ex-Justice of the Supreme Court. In 1894 he was a candidate for the Republican nomination for Representative in the General Assembly, but withdrew to prevent a split in the party; was nominated and elected in 1896, and re-elected in 1898. and, at the succeeding session of the Forty-first General Assembly, was nominated by the Republican caucus and elected Speaker, as he was again of the Forty-second in 1901. VINYARD, Philip, early legislator, was born in Pennsylvania in 1800. came to Illinois at an early day, and settled in Pope County, which he represented in the lower branch of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth General Assemblies. He married Miss Matilda McCoy, the daughter of a prominent Illinois pioneer, and served as Sheriff of Pope County for a number of years. Died, at Got conda,' in 1862. SUPPLEMENT NO. II. BLACK HAWK WAR, THE. The episode known in history under the name of ' 'The Black Hawk War," was the most formidable conflict between the whites and Indians, as well as the most far-reaching in its results, that ever oc- curred upon the soil of Illinois. It takes its name from the Indian Chief, of the Sac tribe, Black Hawk (Indian name, Makatai Meshekia- kiak, meaning "Black Sparrow Hawk"), who was the leader of the hostile Indian band and a principal factor in the struggle. Black Hawk had been an ally of the British during the War of 1812 15, served with Tecumseh when the lat- ter fell at the battle of the Thames in 1813, and, after the war, continued to maintain friendly re- lations with his "British father." The outbreak in Illinois had its origin in the construction put upon the treaty negotiated by Gen. William Henry Harrison with the Sac and Fox Indians on behalf of the United States Government, No- vember 3, 1804, under which the Indians trans- ferred to the Government nearly 15,000,000 acres of land comprising the region lying between the Wisconsin River on the north. Fox River of Illi- nois on the east and southeast, and the Mississippi on the west, for which the Government agreed to pay to the confederated tribes less than $2,500 in goods and the insignificant sum of $1,000 per an- num in perpetuity. While the validity of the treaty was denied on the part of the Indians on the ground that it had originally been entered into by their chiefs under duress, while held as prisoners HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 601 under a charge of murder at Jefferson Barracks, during which they had been kept in a state of con- stant intoxication, it had been repeatedly reaf- firmed by parts or all of the tribe, especially iu 1815, in 1816, in 1822 and in 1823, and finally recog- nized by Black Hawk himself in i831. The part of the treaty of 1804 which was the immediate cause of the disagreement was that which stipulated that, so long as the lands ceded under it remained the property of the United States (that is, should not be transferred to private owners), "the Indians belonging to the said tribes shall enjoy the priv- ilege of living or hunting upon them." Al- though these lands had not been put upon the market, or even surveyed, as "squatters" multi- plied in this region little respect was paid to the treaty rights of the Indians, particularly with reference to those localities where, by reason of fertility of the soil or some other natural advan- tage, the Indians had established something like permanent homes and introduced a sort of crude cultivation. This was especially the case with reference to the Sac village of "Saukenuk" on the north bank of Rock River near its mouth, where the Indians, when not absent on the chase, had lived for over a century, had cultivated fields of corn and vegetables and had buried their dead. In the early part of the last century, it is estimated that some five hundred families had been accustomed to congregate here, making it the largest Indian village in the West. As early as 1823 the encroachments of squatters on the rights claimed by the Indians under the treaty of 1804 began ; their fields were taken possession of by the intruders, their lodges burned and their women and children whipped and driven away during the absence of the men on their annual hunts. The dangers resulting from these con- flicts led Governor Edwards, as early as 1828, to demand of the General Government the expul- sion of the Indians from Illinois, which resulted in an order from President Jackson in 1829 for their removal west of the Mississippi. On appli- cation of Col. George Davenport, a trader of much influence with the Indians, the time was extended to April 1, 1830. During the preceding year Colonel Davenport and the firm of Davenport and Fan i ham bought from the United States Gov- ernment most of the lands on Rock River occupied by Black Hawk's band, with the intention, as has been claimed, of permitting the Indians to remain. This was not so understood by Black Hawk, who was greatly incensed, although Davenport offered to take other lands from the Government in ex- change or cancel the sale an arrangement to which President Jackson would not consent. OB their return in the spring of 1830, the Indians found whites in possession of their village. Pre- vented from cultivating their fields, and their annual hunt proving unsuccessful, the following winter proved for them one of great hardship. Black Hawk, having made a visit to his " British father " (the British Agent) at Maiden, Canada, claimed to have received words of sympathy and encouragement, which induced him to determine to regain possession of their fields. In this he was encouraged by Neapope, his second in com- mand, and by assurance of support from White Cloud, a half Sac and half Winnebago known also as " The Prophet " whose village (Prophet's Town) was some forty miles from the mouth of Rock River, and through whom Black Hawk claimed to have leceived promises of aid in guns, ammunition and provisions from the British. The reappearance of Black Hawk's band in the vicinity of his old haunts, in the spring of 1831, produced a wild panic among the frontier settlers. Messages were hurried to Governor Reynolds, who had succeeded Governor Edwards in De- cember previous, appealing for protection against the savages. The Governor issued a call for 700 volunteers " to remove the band of Sac Indians" at Rock Island beyond the Mississippi. Al- though Gen. E. P. Gaines of the regular army, commanding the military district, thought the regulars sufficiently strong to cope with the situa- tion, the Governor's proclamation was responded to by more than twice the number called for. The volunteers assembled early in June, 1831, at Beardstown, the place of rendezvous named in the call, and having been organized into two regi- ments under command of Col. James D. Henrj and Col. Daniel Laeb, with a spy battalion under Gen. Joseph Duncan, marched across the country and, after effecting a junction with General Gaines' regulars, appeared before Black Hawk's village OB the 25th of June. In the meantime General Gaines, having learned that the Pottawatomies, Winnebagos and Kickapoos had promised to join the Sacs in their uprising, asked the assistance of the battalion of mounted men previously offered by Governor Reynolds. The combined armies amounted to 2.500 men, while the fighting force of the Indians was 300. Finding himself over- whelmingly outnumbered. Black Hawk withdrew under cover of night to the west side of the Missis- sippi After burning the village, General Gainee notified Black Hawk of his intention to pursue and attack his band, which had the effect to bring the fugitive chief to the General's 610 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. quarters, where, on June 30, a new treaty was entered into by which he bound himself and his people to remain west of the Mississippi unless permitted to return by the United States. This ended the campaign, and the volunteers returned to their homes, although the affair had produced an intense excitement along the whole frontier, and involved a heavy expense. The next winter was spent by Black Hawk and his band on the site of old Fort Madison, in the present State of Iowa. Dissatisfied and humil- iated by his repulse of the previous year, in disre- gard of his pledge to General Games, on April 6, 1832, at the head of 500 warriors and their fam- ilies, he again crossed the Mississippi at Yel- low Banks about the site of the present city of Oquawka, fifty miles below Rock Island, with the intention, as claimed, if not permitted to stop at his old village, to proceed to the Prophet's Town and raise a crop with the Winnebagoes. Here he was met by The Prophet with renewed assurances of aid from the Winnebagoes, which was still further strengthened by promises from the Brit- ish Agent received through a visit by Neapope to Maiden the previous autumn. An incident of this invasion was the effective warning given to the white settlers by Shabona, a friendly Ottawa chief, which probably had the effect to prevent a widespread massacre. Besides the towns of Galena and Chicago, the settlements in Illinois north of Fort Clark (Peoria) were limited to some thirty families on Bureau Creek with a few cabins at Hennepin, Peru, LaSalle, Ottawa, In- dian Creek, Dixon, Kellogg's Grove, Apple Creek, and a few other points. Gen. Henry Atkinson, commanding the regulars at Fort Armstrong (Rock Island), having learned of the arrival of Black Hawk a week after he crossed the Missis- sippi, at once took steps to notify Governor Rey- nolds of the situation with a requisition for an adequate force of militia to cooperate with the regulars. Under date of April 16, 1832, the Gov- ernor issued his call for "a strong detachment of militia," to meet by April 22, Beardstown again being named as a place of rendezvous. The call resulted in the assembling of a force which was organized into four regiments under command of Cols. John DeWitt, Jacob Fry, John Thomas and Samuel M. Thompson, together with a spy bat- talion under Maj. James D. Henry, an odd bat- talion under Maj. Thomas James and a foot battalion under Maj. Thomas Long. To these were subsequently added two independent battalions of mounted men, under command of Majors Isaiah Stillman and David Bailey, which were finally consolidated as the Fifth Regiment under command of Col. James Johnson. The organiza- tion of the first four regiments at Beardstown was completed by April 27, and the force under command of Brigadier-General Whiteeide (but accompanied by Governor Reynolds, who was allowed pay as Major General by the General Government) began its march to Fort Armstrong, arriving there May 7 and being mustered into the United States service. Among others accompany- ing the expedition who were then, or afterwards became, noted citizens of the State, were Vital Jarrot, Adjutant-General; Cyrus Edwards, Ord- nance Officer; Murray McConnel, Staff Officer, and Abraham Lincoln, Captain of a company of volunteers from Sangamon County in the Fourth Regiment. Col. Zachary Taylor, then commander of a regiment of regulars, arrived at Fort Arm- strong about the same time with reinforcements from Fort Leavenworth and Fort Crawford. The total force of militia amounted to 1,935 men, anil of regulars about 1,000. An interesting story is told concerning a speech delivered to the volun- teers by Colonel Taylor about this time. After reminding them of their duty to obey an order promptly, the future hero of the Mexican War added: "The safety of all depends upon the obe- dience and courage of all. You are citizen sol- diers; some of you may fill high offices, or even be Presidents some day but not if you refuse to do your duty. Forward, march!" A curious com- mentary upon this speech is furnished in the fact that, while Taylor himself afterwards became President, at least one of his hearers a volunteer who probably then had no aspiration to that dis- tinction (Abraham Lincoln) reached the same position during the most dramatic period in the nation's history. Two days after the arrival at Fort Armstrong, the advance up Rock River began, the main force of the volunteers proceeding by land under Gen- eral Whiteside, while General Atkinson, with 400 regular and 300 volunteer foot soldiers, pro- ceeded by boat, carrying with him the artillery, provisions and bulk of the baggage. Whiteside. advancing by the east bank of the river, was the first to arrive at the Prophet's Town, which, finding deserted, he pushed on to Dixon's Ferry (now Dixon), where he arrived May 12. Here he found the independent battalions of Stillman and Bailey with ammunition and supplies of which Whiteside stood in need. The mounted battalions under command of Major Stillman, having been sent forward by Whiteside as a scouting party, left Dixon on the 13th and, on the afternoon of HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 611 the next day, went into camp in a strong position near the mouth of Sycamore Creek. As soon dis- covered, Black Hawk was in camp at the same time, as he afterwards claimed, with about forty of hia braves, on Sycamore Creek, three miles distant, while the greater part of his band were en- camped with the more war-like faction of the Pot - taw-atomies some seven miles farther north on the Kishwaukee River. As claimed by Black Hawk in his autobiography, having been disappointed in his expectation of forming an alliance with the Winnebagoes and the Pottawatomies, he had at this juncture determined to return to the west side of the Mississippi. Hearing of the arrival of Stillman's command in the vicinity, and taking it for granted that this was the whole of Atkin- son's command, he sent out three of his young men with a white flag, to arrange a parley and convey to Atkinson his offer to meet the latter in council. These were captured by some of Still- man's band regardless of their flag of truce, while a party of five other braves who followed to ob- serve the treatment received by the flagbearers, were attacked and two of their number killed, the the other three escaping to their camp. Black Hawk learning the fate of his truce party was aroused to the fiercest indignation. Tearing the flag to pieces with which he had intended to go into council with the whites, and appealing to his followers to avenge the murder of their comrades, he prepared for the attack. The rangers num- bered 275 men, while Black Hawk's band has been estimated at less than forty. As the rangers caught sight of the Indians, they rushed forward in pell-mell fashion. Retiring behind a fringe of bushes, the Indians awaited the attack. As the rangers approached, Black Hawk and his party rose up with a war whoop, at the same time opening fire on their assailants. The further history of the affair was as much of a disgrace to Stillman's command as had been their desecra- tion of the flag of truce. Thrown into panic by their reception by Black Hawk's little band, the rangers turned and, without firing a shot, began the retreat, dashing through their own camp and abandoning every thing, which fell into the hands of the Indians. An attempt was made by one or two officers and a few of their men to check the retreat, but without success, the bulk of the fu- gitives continuing their mad rush for safety through the night until they reached Dixon, twenty-five miles distant, while many never stopped until they reached their homes, forty or fifty miles distant. The casualties to the rangers amounted to eleven killed and two wounded, while the Indian loss consisted of two spies and one of the flag-bearers, treacherously killed near Stillman's camp, 'ihis ill-starred af- fair, which has passed into history 38 "Stillman - defeat," produced a general panic alon-j the fron- tier by inducing an exaggerated estimate of the strength of the Indian force, while it led 1 lack Hawk to form a poor opinion of the courage f the white troops at the same time that it led to an exalted estimate of the prowess of his own little band thus becoming an important factor in prolonging the war and in the bloody massacres which followed. Whiteside, with his force of 1,400 men, advanced to the scene of the defeat the next day and buried the dead, while on the 19th, Atkinson, with his force of regulars, pro- ceeded up Rock River, leaving the remnant of Stillman's force to guard the wounded and sup- plies at Dixon. No sooner had he left than the demoralized fugitives of a few days before de serted their post for their homes, compelling At- kinson to return for the protection of his base of supplies, while Whiteside was ordered to follow the trail of Black Hawk who had started up the Kishwaukee for the swamps about Lake Kosh- konong, nearly west of Milwaukee within the present State of Wisconsin. At this point the really active stage of the campaign began. Black Hawk, leaving the women and children of his band in the fastnesses of the swamps, divided his followers into two bands, retaining about 200 under his own com- mand, while the notorious half-breed, Mike Girty , ledaband of one hundred renegadePottawatomies. Returning to the vicinity of Rock Island, he gathered some recruits from the Pottawatomies and Winnebagoes, and the work of rapine and massacre among the frontier settlers began. One of the most notable of these was the Indian Creek Massacre in LaSalle County, about twelve miles north of Ottawa, on May 21, when sixteen persons were killed at the Home of William Davis, and two young girls Sylvia and Rachel Hall, aged, respectively, 17 and 15 years were carried away captives. The girls were subse- quently released, having been ransomed for $2,000 in horses and trinkets through a Winnebago Chief and surrendered to sub-agent Henry Gratiot. Great as was the emergency at this juncture, the volunteers began to manifest evi- dence of dissatisfaction and, claiming that they had served out their term of enlistment, refused to follow the Indians into the swamps of Wis- consin. As the result of a council of war, the volunteers were ordered to Ottawa, where they HISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. were mustered out on May 28, by Lieut. Robt. Anderson, afterwards General Anderson of Fort Sumter fame. Meanwhile Governor Reynolds had issued his call (with that of 1831 the third,) for 9,000 men to serve during the war. Gen. Winfield Scott was also ordered from the East with 1,000 regulars although, owing to cholera breaking out among the troops, they did not arrive in time to take part in the campaign. The rank and file of volunteers responding under the new call was 3,148, with recruits and regulars then in Illinois making an army of 4,000. Pend- ing the arrival of the troops under the new call, and to meet an immediate emergency, 300 men were enlisted from the disbanded rangers for a period of twenty days, and organized into a regiment under command of Col. Jacob Fry, with James D. Henry as Lieutenant Colonel and John Thomas as Major. Among those who en- listed as privates in this regiment were Brig.- Gen. Whiteside and Capt. Abraham Lincoln. A regiment of five companies, numbering 195 men, from Putnam County under command of Col. John Strawn, and another of eight companies from Vermilion County under Col. Isaac R. Moore, were organized and assigned to guard duty for a period of twenty days. The new volunteers were rendezvoused at Fort Wilbourn, nearly opposite Peru, June 15, and organized into three brigades, each consisting of three regiments and a spy battalion. The First Brigade (915 strong) was placed under command of Brig. -Gen. Alexander Posey. the Second under Gen. Milton K. Alexander, and the third under Gen. James D. Henry. Others who served as officers in some of these several organizations, and afterwards became prominent in State his- tory, were Lieut. -Col. Gurdon S. Hubbard of the Vermilion County regiment ; John A. Modern - and, on the staff of General Posey ; Maj. John Dement ; then State Treasurer ; Stinson H. Ander- son, afterwards Lieutenant-Governor; Lieut. - GOT. Zadoc Casey; Maj., William McHenry; Sidney Breese (afterwards Judge of the State Supreme Court and United States Senator) : W. L. D. Ewing (as Major of a spy battalion, after- wards United States Senator and State Auditor) ; Alexander W. Jenkins (afterwards Lieutenant- Governor) ; James W. Semple (afterwards United States Senator) ; and William Weather ford (after- wards a Colonel in the Mexican War), and many more. Of the Illinois troops, Posey 's brigade was assigned to the duty of dispersing the Indians between Galena and Rock River, Alexander's sent to intercept Black Hawk up the Rock River, while Henry's remained with Gen. Atkinson at Dixon. During the next two weeks engage- ments of a more or less serious character were had on the Pecatonica on the southern border of the present State of Wisconsin; at Apple River Fort fourteen miles east of Galena, which was successfully defended against a force under Black Hawk himself, and at Kellogg's Grove the next day (June 25), when the same band ambushed Maj. Dement 's spy battalion, and rani'! near in- flicting a defeat, which was prevented by Dement's coolness and the timely arrival of re- inforcements. In the latter engagement the whites lost five killed besides 47 horses which had been tethered outside their lines, the loss of tha Indians being sixteen killed. Skirmishes also occurred with varying results, at Plum River Fort, Burr Oak Grove, Sinsiniwa and Blue Mounds the last two within the present State of Wisconsin. Believing the bulk of the Indians to be camped in the vicinity of Lake Koshkonong, General Atkinson left Dixon June 27 with a combined force of regulars and volunteers numbering 2,600 men the volunteers being under the command of General Henry. They reached the outlet of the Lake July 2, but found no Indians, being joined two days later by General Alexander'sbrigade.and on the 6th by Gen. Posey's. From here the com- mands of Generals Henry and Alexander were sent for supplies to Fort Winnebago, at the Port- age of the Wisconsin ; Colonel Ewing, with the Second Regiment of Posey's brigade descending Rock River to Dixon, Posey with the remainder, going to Fort Hamilton for the protection of settlers in the lead-mining region, while Atkin- son, advancing with the regulars up Lake Koshko- nong, began the erection of temporary fortifica- tions on Bark River near the site of the present village of Fort Atkinson. At Fort Winnebago Alexander and Henry obtained evidence of the actual location of Black Hawk's camp through Pierre Poquette, a half-breed scout and trader in the employ of the American Fur Company, whom they employed with a number of Winne bagos to act as guides. From this point Alex- ander's command returned to General Atkinson's headquarters, carrying with them twelve day's provisions for the main army, while General Henry 's (600 strong), with Major Dodge's battalion numbering 150, with an equal quantity of supplies for themselves, started under the guidance of Poquette and his Winnebago aids to find Black Hawk's camp. Arriving on the 18th at the Winnebago village on Rock River where Black HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 613 Hawk and his band had been located, their camp was found deserted, the Winnebagos insisting that they had gone to Cranberry ( now Horicon) Lake, a half-day's inarch up the river. Messen- gers were immediately dispatched to Atkinson's headquarters, thirty-five miles distant, to ap- prise him of this fact. When they had proceeded about half the distance, they struck a broad, fresh trail, which proved to be that of Black Hawk's band headed westward toward the Mis- sissippi. The guide having deserted them in order to warn his tribesmen that further dis- sembling to deceive the whites as to the whereabouts of the Sacs was use- less, the messengers were compelled to follow him to General Henry's camp. The discovery pro- duced the wildest enthusiasm among the volun- teers, and from this time-events followed in rapid succession. Leaving as far as possible all incum- brances behind, the pursuit of the fu uives was begun without delay, the troops wading through swamps sometimes in water to their armpits. Soon evidence of the character of the flight the Indians were making, in the shape of exhausted horses, blankets, and camp equipage cast aside along the trail, began to appear, and straggling bands of Winnebagos, who had now begun to desert Black Hawk, gave information that the Indians were only a few miles in advance. On the evening of the 20th of July Henry's forces encamped at "The Four Lakes," the present site of the city of Madison, Wis. , Black Hawk's force lying in ambush the same night seven or eight miles distant. During the next afternoon the rear-guard of the Indians under Neapope was overtaken and skirmishing continued until the bluffs of the Wisconsin were reached. Black Hawk's avowed object was to protect the passage of the main body of his people across the stream. The loss of the Indians in these skirmishes has been estimated at 40 to 68, while Black Hawk claimed that it was only six killed, the loss of the whites being one killed and eight wounded. During the night Black Hawk succeeded in placing a considerable number of the women and children and old men on a raft and in canoes obtained from the Winnebagos, and sent them down the river, believing that, as non-combat- ants, they would be permitted by the regulars to pass Fort Crawford, at the mouth of the Wis- consin, undisturbed. In this he was mistaken. A force sent from the fort under Colonel Ritner to intercept them, fired mercilessly upon the help- less fugitives, killing fifteen of their number, while about fifty were drowned and thirty-two women and children made prisoners. The re- mainder, escaping into the woods, with few ex- ceptions died from starvation and exposure, or were massacred by their enemies, the Henomi- nees, acting under white officers. During the night after the battle of Wisconsin Heights, a loud, shrill voice of some one speaking in an un- known tongue was heard in the direction where Black Hawk's band was supposed to be. This caused something of a panic in Henry's camp, as it was supposed to come from some one giving orders for un attack. It was afterwards learned that the speaker was Neapope speaking in the Winnebago language in the hope that he might be heard by Poquette and the Winnebago guides. He was describing the helpless condition of his people, claiming that the war had been forced upon them, that their women and children were starving, and that, if permitted peacefully to re- cross the Mississippi, they would give no further trouble. Unfortunately Poquette and the other guides had left for Fort Winnebago, so that no one was there to translate Neapope's appeal and it failed of its object. General Henry's force having discovered that the Indians had escaped Black Hawk heading with the bulk of his warriors towards the Mississippi spent the next and day night on the field, but on the following day (July 23) started to meet General Atkinson, who had, in the meantime, been noti- fied of the pursuit. The head of their columns met at Blue Mounds, the same evening, a com- plete junction between the regulars and the volunteers being effected at Helena, a deserted village on the Wisconsin. Here by using the logs of the deserted cabins for rafts, -the army crossed the river on the 27th and the 28th and the pursuit of black Hawk's fugitive band was re- newed. Evidence of their famishing condition was found in the trees stripped of bark for food, the carcasses of dead ponies, with here and there the dead body of an Indian. On August 1, Black Hawk's depleted and famish- ing band reached the Mississippi two miles below the mouth of the Bad Ax, an insignificant stream, and immediately began trying to cross the river ; but having only two or three canoes, the work was slow. About the middle of the afternoon the steam transport, " Warrior," ap- peared on the scene, having on board a score of regulars and volunteers, returning from a visit to the village of the Sioux Chief, Wabasha, to notify him that his old enemies, the Sacs, were headed in that direction. Black Hawk raised the white flag in token of surrender, but the officer 614 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. in command claiming that he feared treachery or an ambush, demanded that Black Hawk should come on board. This he was unable to do, as he had no canoe. After waiting a few minutes a murderous fire of canister and musketry was opened from the steamer on the few Indians on shore, who made such feeble resistance as they were able. The result was the lulling of one white man and twenty -three Indians. After this exploit the "Warrior" proceeded to Prairie du Chien, twelve or fifteen miles distant, for fuel. During the night a few more of the Indians crossed the river, but Black Hawk, seeing the hopelessness of further resistance, accompanied by the Prophet, and taking with him a party of ten warriors and thirty-five squaws and children, fled in the direction of " the dells " of the Wis- oonsin. On the momingof the 2d General Atkinson arrived within four or five miles of the Sac position. Disposing his forces with the regulars and Colonel Dodge's rangers in the center.the brig- ades of Posey and Alexander on the right and Henry's on the left, he began the pursuit, but was drawn by the Indian decoys up the river from the place where the main body of the Indians were trying to cross the stream. This had the effect of leaving General Henry in the rear practically without orders, but it became the means of making his command the prime factors in the climax which followed. Some of the spies attached to Henry's command having accidental- ly discovered the trail of the main body of the fu- gitives, he began the pursuit without waiting for orders and soon found himself engaged with some 300 savages, a force nearly equal to his own. It was here that the only thing like a regular battle occurred. The savages fought with the fury of despair, while Henry's force was no doubt nerved to greater deeds of courage by the insult which they conceived had been put upon them by Gen- eral Atkinson. Atkinson, hearing the battle in progress and discovering that he was being led off on a false scent, soon joined Henry's force with his main army, and the steamer " Warrior," arriving from Prairie du Chien, opened a fire of canister upon the pent-up Indians. The battle soon degenerated into a massacre. In the course of the three hours through which it lasted, it is es- timated that 150 Indians were killed by fire from the troops, an equal number of both sexes and all ages drowned while attempting to cross the river or by being driven into it, while about 50 (chiefly women and children^ were made prison- ers. The loss of the whites was 20 killed and 13 wounded. When the "battle" was nearing its close it is said that Black Hawk, having repented the abandonment of his people, returned within sight of the battle-ground, but seeing the slaugh- ter in progress which he was powerless to avert, he turned and, with a howl of. rage and horror, fled into the forest. About 300 Indians (mostly non- combatants) succeeded in crossing the river in a condition of exhaustion from hunger and fatigue, but these were set upon by the Sioux under Chief Wabasha, through the suggestion and agency of General Atkinson, and nearly one-half their num- ber exterminated. Of the remainder many died from wounds and exhaustion, while still others perished while attempting to reach Keokuk's band who had refused to join in Black Hawk's desper- ate venture. Of one thousand who crossed to the east side of the river with Black Hawk in April, it is estimated that not more than 150 survived the tragic events of the next four months. General Scott, having arrived at Prairie du Chien early in August, assumed command and, on August 15, mustered out the volunteers at Dixon, 111. After witnessing the bloody climax at the Bad Axe of his ill-starred invasion. Black Hawk fled to the dells of the Wisconsin, where he and the Prophet surrendered themselves to the Win. nebagos, by whom they were delivered to the Indian Agent at Prairie du Chien. Having been taken to Fort Armstrong on September 21, he there signed a treaty of peace. Later he was taken to Jefferson Barracks (near St. Louis) in the custody of Jefferson Davis, then a Lieutenant in the regular army, where he was held a captive during the following winter. The connection of Davis with the Black Hawk War, mentioned by many historians, seems to have been confined to this act. In April, 1833, with the Prophet and Neapope, he was taken to Washington and then to Fortress Monroe, where they were detained as prisoners of war until June 4, when they were released. Black Hawk, after being taken to many principal cities in order to impress him with the strength of the American nation, was brought to Fort Armstrong, and there committed to the guardianship of his rival, Keokuk, but survived this humiliation only a few years, dying on a small reservation set apart for him in Davis County, Iowa, October 3, 1838. Such is the story of the Black Hawk War, the most notable struggle with the aborigines in Illi- nois history. At its beginning both the State and national authorities were grossly misled by an exaggerated estimate of the strength of Black Hawk's force as to numbers and his plans for recovering the site of his old village, while HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 616 Black Hawk had conceived a low estimate of the numbers and courage of his white enemies, es- pecially after the Stillman defeat. The cost of the war to the State and nation in money has been estimated at $3,000,000, and in sacrifice of life on both sides at not less than 1,200. The loss of life by the troops in irregular skirmishes, and in massacres of settlers by the Indians, aggregated about 250, while an equal number of regulars perished from a visitation of cholera at the various stations within the district affected by the war, especially at Detroit, Chicago, Fort Armstrong and Galena. Yet it is the judgment of later historians that nearly all this sacrifice of life and treasure might have been avoided, but for a series of blunders due to the blind or un- scrupulous policy of officials or interloping squat- ters upon lands which the Indians had occupied under the treaty of 1804. A conspicious blunder- to call it by no harsher name was the violation by Stillman 's command of the rules of civilized warfare in the attack made upon Black Hawk's messengers, sent under flag of truce to request a conference to settle terms under which he might return to the west side of the Mississippi an act which resulted in a humiliating and disgraceful defeat for its authors and proved the first step in actual war. Another misfortune was the failure to understand Neapope's appeal for peace and permission for his people to pass beyond the Mississippi the night after the battle of Wisconsin Heights; and the third and most inexcusable blunder of all, was the refusal of the officer in command of the " Warrior " to respect Black Hawk's flag of truce and request for a conference just before the bloody massacre which has gone into history under the name of the " battle of the Bad Axe." Kither of these events, properly availed of, would have prevented much of the butchery of that bloody episode which has left a stain upon the page of history, although this statement implies in disposition to detract from the patriotism and courage of some of the leading actors upon whom the responsibility was placed of protecting the frontier settler from outrage and massacre. One of the features of the war was the bitter jealousy engendered by the unwise policy pursued by General Atkinson towards some of the volun- teers especially the treatment of General James D. Henry, who, although subjected to repeated slights and insults, is regarded by Governor Ford and others as the real hero of the war. Too brave a soldier to shirk any responsibility and too modest to exploit his own deeds, he felt deeply the studied purpose of his superior to ignore him in the conduct of the campaign a purpose which, as in the affair at the Bad Axe, was defeated by accident or by General Henry's soldierly sagacity and attention to duty, although he gave out to the public no utterance of com- plaint. Broken in health by the hardships and exposures of the campaign, he went South soon after the war and died of consumption, unknown and almost alone, in the city of New Orleans, less two years later. Aside from contemporaneous newspaper ac- counts, monographs, and manuscripts on file in public libraries relating to this epoch in State history, the most comprehensive records of the Black Hawk War are to be found in the " Life of Black Hawk," dictated by himself (1834) ; Wake- field's " History of the War between the United States and the Sac and Fox Nations" (1834); Drake's" Life of Black Hawk" (1854); Ford's "History of Illinois" (1854); Reynolds' "Pio- neer History of Illinois; and " My Own Times"; Davidson & Stuve's and Moses' Histories of Illi- nois; Blanchard's "The Northwest and Chicago"; Armstrong's " The Sauks and the Black Hawk War," and Reuben G. Thwaite's "Story of the Black Hawk War " (1892.) CHICAGO HEIGHTS, a village in the southern part of Cook County, twenty-eight miles south of the central part of Chicago, on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois, the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern and the Michigan Central Railroads; is located in an agricultural region, but has some manufactures as well as good schools also has one newspaper. Population (1900), 5,100. GRANITE, a city of Madison County, located five miles north of St. Louis on the lines of the Burlington; the Chicago & Alton; Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis; Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis (Illinois), and the Wabash Railways. It is adjacent to the Merchants' Terminal Bridge across the Mississippi and has considerable manu- facturing and grain-storage business; has two newspapers. Population (1900), 3,122. HARLEM, a village of Proviso Township, Cook County, and suburb of Chicago, on the line of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, nine miles west of the terminal station at Chicago. Harlem originally embraced the village of Oak Park, now a part of the city of Chicago, but, in 1884, was set off and incorporated as a village. Considerable manufacturing is done here. Population (1900), 4,085. HARTET, a city of Cook County, and an im- portant manufacturing suburbof the city of Chi- 616 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. cago, three miles southwest of the southern city limits. It is on the line of the Illinois Central and the Chicago & Grand Trunk Railways, and has extensive manufactures of harvesting, street and (team railway machinery, gasoline stoves, enameled ware, etc. ; also has one newspaper and ample school facilities. Population (1900), 5,395. IOWA CENTRAL RAILWAY, a railway line having its principal termini at Peoria, 111., and Manly Junction, nine miles north of Mason City, Iowa, with several lateral branches making con- nections with Centerville, Newton, State Center, Story City, Algona and Northwood in the latter State. The total length of line owned, leased and operated by the Company, officially reported in 1899, was 508.98 miles, of which 89.76 miles- including 3.5 miles trackage facilities on the Peoria & Pekin Union between Iowa Junction and Peoria were in Illinois. The Illinois divi- sion extends from Keithsburg where it enters the State at the crossing of the Mississippi to Peoria. (HISTORY.) The Iowa Central Railway Company WAS originally chartered as the Central Railroad Company of Iowa and the road com- pleted in October, 1871. In 1873 it passed into the hands of a receiver and, on June 4, 1879, was reorganized under the name of the Central Iowa Railway Company. In May, 1883, this company purchased the Peoria & Farmington Railroad, which was incorporated into the main line, but defaulted and passed into the hands of a receiver December 1, 1886; the line was sold under fore- closure in 1887 and 1888, to the Iowa Central Railway Company, which had effected a new organization on the basis of $11, 000,000 common stock, $6,000,000 preferred stock and $1,379,625 temporary debt certificates convertible into pre- ferred stock, and $7,500,000 first mortgage bonds. The transaction was completed, the receiver dis- charged and the road turned over to the new company, May 15, 1889. (FINANCIAL). The total capitalization of the road in 1899 was $21,337,558, of which $14,159,180 was in stock, $6,650,095 in bonds and $528, 283 in other forms of indebtedness. The total earnings and income of the line in Illi- nois for the same year were $532,568, and the ex- penditures $566,333. SPARTA, a city of Randolph County, situated on the Centralia & Chester and the Mobile & Ohio Railroads, twenty miles northwest of Ches- ter and fifty miles southeast of St. Louis. It has a number of manufacturing establishments, in- cluding plow factories, a woolen mill, a cannery and creameries; also has natural gas. The first settler was James McClurken, from South Caro- lina, who settled here in 1818. He was joined by James Armour a few years later, who bought land of McClurken, and together they laid out a village, which first received the name of Co- lumbus. About the same time Robert O. Shan- non, who had been conducting a mercantile busi- ness in the vicinity, located in the town and became the first Postmaster. In 1839 the name of the town was changed to Sparta. Mr. McClur- ken, its earliest settler, appears to have been a man of considerable enterprise, as he is credited with having built the first cotton gin in this vi- cinity, besides still later, erecting saw and flour mills and a woolen mill Sparta was incorporated as a village in 1837 and in 1859 as a city. A col- ony of members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church (Covenanters or "Seceders") established at Eden, a beautiful site about a mile from Sparta, about 1822, cut an important figure in the history of the latter place, as it became the means of attracting here an industrious and thriving population. At a later period it became one of the most important stations of the "Under- ground Railroad" (so called) in Illinois (which see). The population of Sparta (1890) waa 1,979: (1900), 2,041. TOLUCA, a city of Marshall County situated on the line of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Ft- Railroad, 18 miles southwest of Streator. It is in the center of a rich agricultural district ; has the usual church and educational facilities of cities of its rank, and two newspapers. Population (1900), 2,629. WEST HAMMOND, a village situated in the northeast corner of Thornton Township, Cook County, adjacent to Hammond, 1ml., from which it is separated by the Indiana State line. It is on the Michigan Central Railroad, one mile south of the Chicago City limits, and has convenient ac- cess to several other lines, including the Chicago & Erie; New York, Chicago & St. Louis, and Western Indiana Railroads. Like its Indiana neighbor, it is a manufacturing center of much importance, was incorporated as a village in 1892, and has grown rapidly within the last few- years, having a. population, according to the cen- sus of 1900, of 2,935. 'LI B R, OF THE' ' U N I VERSITY OF ILLINOIS 977 B3\h cop Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. ' . University of Illinois Library vjn.V r.r. nV , oct SEP 2 9 M 3_1 198 OCT1 1973 ism 61995 1905 i980 LI611I41 LIBRARY OF I HE yutVtRSIiY OF ILLINOIS . HISTORICAL -.'' - - ".' ' ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS EDITED BY NEWTON BATEMAN, LL. D. PAI L SKLBY, A. M. AND HISTORY OF EVANSTON EDITED BY HARVEY B. HUKD, LL.D. ROIJKRT D. SIIKIM'AKD, D.D. VOLUME II ILLUSTRATED CH ICAGO: MUNSELL PUBLISHING COMPANY PUBLISHERS. 1906. Entered according to Art of Centre**. In the jettre 18M, 1899. llWO anil 1306 by WILLIAM W. M U N S E L L . hi the office of ttie Librarian of Cointreau WASHINGTON PREKACB An analysis of the motives which have induced Evanstonians to join in the fur- nishing of material for this record of local history would afford evidence, not only of a feeling of obligation to the past and present, but also to future generations ; and this, it is but just to say, has been the impelling force in the conception and preparation of this volume. Book-making is an expensive undertaking, and the limited sale which a work treat- ing of a small community would obtain, would inevitably involve heavy financial re- sponsibilities. The publishers of that excellent work, "The Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois," have deemed it practicable to produce a special Evanston edition of that work embracing, as a feature of added interest and value, a supplemental volume largely devoted to Evanston history, prepared and edited by Evanstonians. The busi- ness management of the enterprise rests with the publishers who have had a long and successful experience in the publication of works of this character, and to whom great credit is due for successfully financing the cost of production and carrying to a faithful completion this important work. This history has been written in the belief that it is needed ; that man's immor- tal instincts revolt at the thought of the good of the past being buried in oblivion that the fruitage of lives which have accomplished results, epitomized in the word "his- tory," should be forgotten that lessons of faithful doing, accompanied by self-sacri- fice, zealous faith and daring courage little short of the heroic, should fail of their highest accomplishment by inspiration and example, because no one has recorded them that present and future generations should be deprived of these teachings, examples and educational forces, simply for the want of a proper and available published record of many facts now having an existence only in the memory of individuals who cannot long remain, and whose passing away will place the foundation facts of our history beyond the reach of those who come after them. Hence this history, with the imperfections and shortcomings always incident to human authorship, yet the results of the best thought and intelligent efforts of many accomplished writers and contributors who have produced, in concise but comprehen- i I 375229 sive form, a carefully prepared and faithful record of facts and events relating to the various topics assigned to them. Without attempting to enumerate all of them by name, I here wish to express my personal obligation to Robert D. Sheppard, D. D., as my Editorial Associate, and to each author for the faithful and intelligent service ren- dered in the preparation of this work, as well as the lasting debt of gratitude due to them from the home-loving and Evanston-loving people of to-day and the future. The conception that our city's history, together with the memoirs of its founders and builders, was deserving of record, received its first practical suggestion in the organization, about seven years ago, of the Evanston Historical Society, which is do- ing such noble work in its chosen field of research and collection of historical material. To the influence and labors of this association is due, not only the conception of the need of an authoritative published History of Evanston, but, in a large degree through the labors and co-operation of its members, the success which has attended the preparation of such a work. Believing that it will have a permanent value, not only to citizens of Evanston and Cook County, but to many others interested in State history, I herewith bring my labors in connection with the volume to a close, with thanks to my associates and co-laborers and hope that it will meet the expectation of its patrons and have for them an interest corresponding with the labor required in its preparation. FOREWORD The preface to this work, written by the late Hon. Harvey B. Hurd, after the vari- ous manuscripts furnished by the many contributors were well in hand, quite fully sets forth the inception of this undertaking and the potent influences leading thereto. It is self-evident that the preparation of so extended a history of Evanston was a more formidable task than originally contemplated, and unavoidable delays were experi- enced incident to receiving the completed manuscripts from some of our friends con- tributing the same, and still further delays were occasioned by the sending to each author a copy of the printer's proof of his or her portion of the work. To do this was thought important in order, first, that each writer might thus have a last opportunity to correct and make more complete his or her department ; and, second, that each chap- ter might, by this means, receive any necessary additions extending its scope to a more recent period. Credit is due to the publishers for the pecuniary outlay which they necessarily have borne, and for the great care evidently taken by them in the preparation of the whole work and in placing it in completed form before its readers. I have every reason to believe that the various chapters, furnished by about forty special contributors to the city's history, have been prepared with great care ; that the completed work will constitute a valued addition to the library of all Evanstonians, and will be accorded a prominent place in the historical collections of Illinois. INDEX CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. The Evanston of 1905 Seat of Learning and Gem Suburb of a Great Me- tropolis Results Accomplished by Fifty Years of Development Contrast Between Past and Present First Township Organization Under Name of Ridgeville Evanston Township Organized in 1857 The Village Platted in 1854 Later Changes in Township and Municipal Organization Old Name of Ridgeville Township Re- sumed in 1903, with Boundaries Identical with City of Evanston Garrett Biblical Institute Precedes the University City Govern- ment Organized in 1892 Early Evanston Homes and Their Occu- pants Advent of the First Railroad Career of Dr. John Evans 15-20 CHAPTER II. OUR INDIAN PREDECESSORS. The First Evanstonians Indian Relics Stone Implements and What They Indicate Early Explorers Joliet, Marquette, La Salle and Tonty Early Indian Tribes The Iroquois, Illinois, and Pottawat- omies Ouilmette Reservation and Family The Fort Dearborn Massacre Home of the Ouilmettes Treaty of Prairie du Chien Indian Trails and Trees on the North Shore Aboriginal Camps and Villages Indian Mounds and Graves Reminiscences of Ear- ly Settlers Important Treaties An Englishman's Story of the Treaty of Chicago in 1833 CHAPTER III. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. The Beginning First Meeting of the Founders of the University Prime Movers in the Enterprise Resolutions and Draft of Charter Adopt- ed The Legislature Acts First Board of Trustees Organization Effected Search for a Site for the New Institution The Present Location at Evanston Finally Selected Acquisition of Lands Val- uable Real Estate in Chicago Retained as Part of the Endowment Election of a President is Decided Upon 21-52 53-3* CHAPTER IV. INSTITUTION IN DEVELOPMENT. Dr. Clark T. Hinman Chosen First President Sale of Scholarships Begins Career of the New President Cut Short by His Early Death Town Site Platted and Named in Honor of Dr. John Evans Gar- rett Biblical Institute Established First Corps of College Profes- sors Elected University Assets in 1854 Four-Mile Anti-Liquor District Established by Act of the Legislature Teaching Force of the University Increased Dr. Evans' Land Policy The Institution is Opened for Pupils Some of the First Students 61-66 CHAPTER V. CONDITIONS IN 1856-1860. Trustees Meet in First University Building Dr. R. S. Foster Elected the Second President The Faculty Enlarged Absorption of Rush Medical College Projected Competitors Enter the Field Professor Jones' "Fern. Sem." President Foster Visits the L T niversity, but Obtains a Year's Leave of Absence He Joins the Faculty in 1857 The Assets of the Institution Increased to Nearly $316,000 Re- inforcement of the Faculty First Graduated Class in 1859 Dr. Foster Resigns the Presidency and is succeeded by Dr. E. O. Haven 67-72 CHAPTER VI. PERIODS OF DEPRESSION AND GROWTH. Changes of Faculty Charter Amendments Adopted Effect of the Civil War on Number of Students Accessions to the Faculty Univer- sity Land Debt is Liquidated Orrington Lunt Land Donation for Benefit of Library University Hall Projected Accession of Stu- dents and Teaching Force Following the War Period New Prizes Serve as a Stimulus to the Students First Honorary Degrees Con- ferred Corporate N'ame is Changed Professors' Salaries Increased and Erection of University Hall Prosecuted A "Gold Brick" Dona- tion Encouraging Financial Development Death of Acting Pres- . ident Noyes 73-7$ CHAPTER VII. A DECADE OF CHANGE. Chicago Medical College Merged in the University A "Town and Gown" Contest Dr. Erastus O. Haven Enters L'pon the Presidency Women Admitted to College Classes Addition to the Faculty Greenleaf Library Advent of College Journalism -- Another Change in the Presidency Dr. Haven Succeeded by Dr. C. H. Fowler Increase of Students and Growth of College Catalogue Co-Education Established and Miss Frances E. Willard Joins the Faculty Gymnasium Erected Financial Embarrassment Presi- dent Fowler Retires and Dr. Oliver H. Marcy Becomes Acting President The University Wins on the Taxation Issue Life-Sav- ing Station Established 79-8$ CHAPTER VIII. AN ERA OF PROGRESS. Dr. Joseph Cummings, the Nestor of Eastern Educators, Succeeds to the Presidency Indebtedness Wiped Out and the Institution Enters Upon a More Prosperous Era Munificent Gifts and Improvements Changes in Faculty and Trustees Illinois School of Pharmacy and School of Dentistry Added Celebration of University Day Inaugurated President Cummings' Successful Career and His Taking Away Dr. Marcy Temporarily Assumes the Position of Acting President Dr. Henry Wade Rogers Succeeds to the Pres- idency in 1890 Other Changes and Improvements Department Schools and Colleges Real Estate Investments 87-91 CHAPTER IX. SOME SIDE ISSUES. Athletics and College Societies Women's Educational Associations "The Settlement" and the University Guild Dr. Rogers Resigns the Presidency in 1899. and is Succeeded by Dr. Bonbright as Act- ing President Long List of Notable Friends of the University Who Have Passed Away Tribute to Their Memory Dr. Edmund J. James' Two Years' Administration He is Succeeded by Dr. Abram W. Harris 93-98 CHAPTER X. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. Object of its Organization Early Conditions and Methods of Medical Education Dr. N. S. Davis Begins the Agitation for Graded In- struction and Longer Courses Lind University Established in 1859 Institution Affiliated with Northwestern University in 1869 Changes of Name and Location Growth, Present Conditions and Methods of Instruction South Side Free Dispensary Hospitals : Mercy, Wesley, St. Luke's and Provident Clinical and other Ad- vantages Influence of the Founders of the School Shown in its Growth and Character of its Graduates Positions Won by its Alumni 99- IO 3 CHAPTER XI. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL. Historical Sketch Law School Founded in 1859 Hon. Thomas Hoyne Leads in Endowment of First Chair Only Three Law Schools then West of the Alleghenies First Faculty Notable Faculty Members of Later Date Union College of Law Result of Combination of Northwestern and University of Chicago First Board of Mana- gers and First Faculty Under New Arrangement University of Chicago Suspended in 1866 Northwestern Assumes Control of Law School in 1891 Subsequent History Changes in Require- ments of Supreme Court as to Law Course Present Home and Conditions Acquisition of Gary Collection Present Outlook 105-108 CHAPTER XII. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY DENTAL SCHOOL. Dental Education as a Distinct Branch of Professional Training First Dental School Established in 1839 Development Due to State Leg- islation Dental Schools in Eastern Cities Chicago College of Den- tal Surgery Graduates its First Class in 1885 Dr. Thomas L. Gil- mer Leads Movement for Establishment of Northwestern Univer- sity Dental School Consolidation with American College of Dental Surgery Dr. Theodore Menges Chief Promoter First Faculty of the Consolidated School Present Condition Finds a Permanent Home in Historic Tremont House Building 109-1 15 CHAPTER XIII. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF PHARMACY. Founding of School of Pharmacy in Connection with Northwestern Uni- versity Promoters of the Movement School Opened in 1886 Its Extensive ' Equipment Instruction Rooms and Laboratories Num- ber of Students in Eighteen Years They are Drawn from Practi- cally All the States and Territories Present Location of the Institu- tion Library and Value of Equipment Annual Expenditures Faculty of 1905 117-118 CHAPTER XIV. THE WOMAN'S MEDICAL SCHOOL. Demand for Higher Education for Women First Steps in Founding Woman's Medical College Promoters of Movement in Chicago "Woman's Hospital Medical College" Founded in 1870 First Fac- ulty Story of "The Little Barn" Career of Dr. Mary H. Thomp- son, Drs. Byford, Dyas and Others Some Notable Graduates A Period of Struggle Institution Reorganized in 1877 as Woman's Medical College President Byford Dies in 1890 Institution Affil- iated with Northwestern University Is Discontinued in 1902 Graduates in Foreign Missionary and Other Fields Alumnae Or- ganization 1 19-129 CHAPTER XV. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Sphere of Music in Higher Institutions Its Influence on Character and as the Hand-Maid of Religion Higher Aspects of the Art Its Growth in the Universities History of its Connection with Ev- anston Educational Institutions Northwestern Female College Merged into Evanston College for Ladies in 1871 The Latter Be- comes a Part of Northwestern University in 1873 Struggles, Changes and Growth of Later Years Some Notable Teachers In- crease in Roll of Pupils Need of Ampler Buildings Music Fes- tivals 131-148 . CHAPTER XVI. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ORATORY. Professor Cumnock as Founder Growth and Standing Due to his Labors First Class Graduated in 1881 Its Aim and Branches Taught Building Erected Is Dedicated in 1895 Location and Description Advantage over Private Institutions of Like Character Training in English Composition and Rhetoric Enrollment According to Last Catalogue Promising Outlook for the Future 149-150 CHAPTER XVII. UNIVERSITY ATHLETICS. Evanston Life-Saving Crew Tragic Fate of the Steamer "Lady Elgin" Leads to Its Organization Its First Members List of Notable Rescues Service Rewarded by Issue of Medals to the Crew by Act of Congress Baseball History The Old Gymnasium Tug of War Teams-: Football Records Athletic Field and Grand Stand Track Athletics and Tennis Games 151-162 CHAPTER XVIII. GARRETT BIBLICAL INSTITUTE. Historical Sketch Origin of the Institute Due to the Munificence of Mrs. Augustus Garrett Building Erected in 1855 and Institute Opened in 1856 Additional Buildings Erected in 1867 and 1887 The Re- publican "Wigwam" of 1860 Becomes the Property of the Institute Reverse Caused by Fire of 1871 Disaster Averted in 1897 Growth of the Institute Personal History Large Number of the Alumni in Missionary and Other Fields Members of the Faculty and Board of Trustees. 163-167 CHAPTER XIX. EARLY DRAINAGE. First Steps in Organization of a Drainage System for Evanston Natural Conditions Early Legislation of 1855 The Late Harvey B. Hurd Member and Secretary of First Board of Commissioners Construc- tion of Ditches Begun Drainage Amendment of the Present Con- stitution Adopted in 1878 Extension of the System Local Opposi- tion A Tax Collector's Experience A Flood Converts the Oppo- nents of the System 169-172 CHAPTER XX. PUBLIC UTILITIES. Area and Topography of the City of Evanston The Drainage Problem A Period of Evolution Municipal Development Electric Light System Installed Street Improvements Parks and Boulevards The Transportation Problem Steam and Inter-urban Railway Connections Heating System Telephone Service Evanston as a Residence City 173-180 CHAPTER XXI. WATER SUPPLY LIGHTING SYSTEM. Conditions Prior to 1874 First Movement to Secure an Adequate Water Supply Charles J. Gilbert Its Leader Holly Engines Installed in 1874 and 1886 Annexation of South Evanston The Consolidated City Incorporated in 1892 Increase in the Water Supply in 1897 Source of Supply Revenue Extent of System Street Lighting by Gas Introduced in 1871 Introduction of Electric Lighting in 1890 Installation of the Evanston- Yaryan Light and Heating Sys- tem 181-185 CHAPTER XXII. EDUCATION. The Public Schools of Evanston Day of the Log School House Early Schools and their Teachers Sacrifice of School Lands Present ' School Buildings Township High School Preliminary History School Opened in September, 1883 Prof. Boltwood its First Princi- pal Present School Building Manual Training A Moot Presi- dential Election Drawing Department List of Trustees 187-200 CHAPTER XXIII. EVANSTON AUTHORS. Establishment of Northwestern University the Beginning of Evanston Lit- erary Life Effect of the Gathering of Professors, Instructors and Students Growth of Literary Activity Some Notable Authors Edward Eggleston and Frances E. Willard Begin their Careers in Evanston Miss Willard's "A Classic Town" Miss Simpson's Cata- logue of Evanston Authors for 1900 Growth of Nine Years Al- phabetical List of Authors with Bibliography and Biographical Rec- ords 201-215 CHAPTER XXIV. LIBRARIES PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Evanston's First Library Major Mulford the "Gentleman Pioneer of Evanston" Some Specimens of His Library First Sunday School Library Private Libraries of Today Unique Collection of Curios History of Evanston Free Public Library Edward Eggleston Prime Mover in Its Founding First Step in Organization Later History and Growth Roll of Librarians and Other Officers Cata- loguing and Library Extension Internal Management and Condi- tions Site for a Library Building Secured in 1904 Carnegie Gift of $50.000 Erection of New Building Commenced in June, 1906. . . 217-231 CHAPTER XXV. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. First Step in the Organization of a University Library President Foster's Gift Advance of Fifty Years The Greenleaf Library University Library is Made a Depository for Government Publications Re- cent Notable Donations Orrington Lunt Library Building is Dedi- cated in 1894 The Orrington Lunt Library Fund Internal Ad- ministration List of Those Who Have Served as Librarians Libraries of Garrett Biblical Institute and Professional Schools. . . . 233-236 CHAPTER XXVI. EVANSTON NEWSPAPERS. The Newspaper as a Necessity Introduction and Growth of Local Jour- nals The "Suburban Idea," The "Evanston Index" and Other Early Papers Story of the "Evanston Press" Advent of the Daily Effect of the Chicago Printer's Strike of 1898 Temper- ance Organ College Journals A "Frat." and "Barb." Advertising Contest Quarterly and Monthly Publications High Standard of Evanston Journalism 237-243 CHAPTER XXVII. MEDICAL HISTORY. (REGULAR.) Primitive Sanitary Conditions Freedom from Malarial Diseases Some Old-Time Physicians Sketch of Dr. John Evans Drs. Lud- lam, Weller and Blaney Dr. N. S. Davis the Nestor of Medical Education An Early Drug Store Sketches of Later Day Phy- sicians Drs. Webster, Bannister, Burchmore, Brayton, Bond, Phillips, Haven, Hemenway, Kaufman, and others Evanston Physicians' Club 245-254 CHAPTER XXVIII. MEDICAL HISTORY. (HOMOEOPATHIC.) First Case of Homoeopathic Treatment in Evanston Successful Results Early Homoeopathic Physicians Dr. I lawkes First Local Prac- titioner He is Followed by Dr. C. D. Fairbanks Sketch of Dr. Oscar H. Mann His Prominence in Local Educational, Of- ficial and Social Relations Founding of the Evanston Hospital Doctors Marcy, Clapp and Fuller Roll of the Later Physicians and Surgeons 255-260 CHAPTER XXIX. EVANSTON HOSPITAL. The Evanston Benevolent Society First Steps in Founding a Hospital Organization is Effected in 1891 First Board of Officers Medical Staff Fund and Building Campaign Enlargement of the Institution Projected Munificent Gift of Mrs. Cable Other Donations The Endowment Reaches $50,000 Hospital of the Present and the Future Internal Arrangement and Official Ad- ministration List of Principal Donors Present Officers 261-2/4 CHAPTER XXX. LOCAL MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS. Evanston as it Existed in 1856 Primitive Church Music War Songs A Commencement Concert The Hutchinson Family Jules Lumbard O. H. Merwin Becomes a Choir Leader Other Notable Musicians Evanston's First Musical Club Some Fa- mous Teachers and Performers Thomas Concert Class Organized Mrs. Edward Wyman Musical Department of Evanston Wo- man's Club Women's Clubs as a Factor in Musical Training Evanston Musical Club Maennerchor Organized Programs Officers 275-287 CHAPTER XXXI. EVANSTON BANKS. History of Evanston Banking Enterprises Effect of the Chicago Fire First Private Bank Established in 1874 Incorporated as a State Bank in 1892 First Officers of the New Institution Growth of Deposits It Successfully Withstands the Panic of 1893 Pres- ent Officers ( 1906) A First National Bank Venture The Panic of 1893 Results in Disaster The City National Bank of Evanston Established in 1900 First Officers and Leading Stockholders Its Prosperous Career Condition in 1906 289-293 CHAPTER XXXII. EVANSTON REAL ESTATE. Primary Geological Conditions Early Roads The Indian Trail A Period of Growth "The Path the Calf Made" Influence of the University Evanston Over-boomed Effect of the Chicago Fire Local Real Estate Rivalries Notable Residences The Transportation Problem The Park System Taxation Ev- anston Homes Real Estate Values 295-302 CHAPTER XXXIII. EVANSTON ARCHITECTURE. Historic Progress Influence of the Architect on the City's Growth The "Georgian" Style Follows the Log and Grout Houses Churches and Private Residences Advent of the Victorian Gothic Style University Hall and Union Park Congregational Church Architect G. P. Randall the Designer Asa Lyons Evanston's First Resident Architect Others who followed him Descrip- tion of Some Notable Buildings and their Designers Public Li- brary Enumeration of Principal Private and Public Buildings. . 303-309 CHAPTER XXXIV. STREET NOMENCLATURE. Origin of Street and Avenue Names in Evanston Milage Platted in 1853 and Named for Dr. John Evans Postoffice Previous- ly Known as Ridgeville, and Still Earlier as Gross Point Ev- anston Postoffice Established in 1855 Street Names Derived from Prominent Methodists, Early Residents or Noted Statesmen History and Biography thus Incorporated in Street Nomencla- ture System of Street and Avenue Numbering List of Princi- pal Streets and Persons for Whom Named 311-316 CHAPTER XXXV. THE FOUR-MILE LIMIT. Act Incorporating Northwestern University Amended Prohibition Dis- trict Established Sale of Spirituous Liquors Within Four Miles of the University Prohibited Local Sentiment in Favor of the Law Violations and Anti-Saloon Litigation Citizens' League Organized Supreme Court Decisions 317-321 CHAPTER XXXVI. HOMES AND HOME-MAKERS 1846-1870. Some of the Early Homes of Evanston Men and Women Who Have Left Their Impress on the City's History - What Evanston Owes to Its Early Home Builders Historic Names on the City Map Abraham Lincoln and other Distinguished Visitors The Willard and Eggleston Families Notable Workers in the Field of Religion, Education, Literature and the Arts 3 2 3~339 CHAPTER XXXVII. EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY. Early Methodist Services in Grosse Point District First Methodist Epis- copal Church Organized Some of the Pioneer Preachers Influ- ence of the Coming of Garrett Biblical Institute and Northwestern University Notable Ministers of a Later Date Central M. E. Church List of Pastors Norwegian-Danish and Swedish M. E. Churches Hemenway, Wheadon and Emmanuel Churches First Baptist Church Its Founders and List of Pastors History of Presbyterianism First and Second Presbyterian Churches Pastors and Auxiliary Societies St. Mark's Episcopal Church List of Pastors St. Matthew's Mission St. Mary's Catholic Church, Schools and Related Associations Congregational Church and Auxiliary Organizations Bethlehem German Evangelical, Norwegian-Danish and Swedish Lutheran Churches Evanston Christian Church and Its History Church of Christ (Scientist) . . 341-389 CHAPTER XXXVIII. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Evanston Young Men's Christian Association Organization Effected in 1885 First Board of Officers General History Association Building Erected and Dedicated in 1898 Gymnasium and Nata- torium Constructed List of Former and Present Officers 39!"393 CHAPTER XXXIX. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNIONS. Women's Temperance Alliance Evanston Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union Organized in 1875 Working Departments Enforce- ment of Four-Mile Limit Law Industrial School Children's Organization Loyal Temperance Legion and Gospel Temper- ance Meetings Miss Frances E. Willard and Other Noted Leaders Manual Training School The Evanston W. C. T. U. Reiley and South Evanston Unions Young Woman's Organiza- tion 395-404 CHAPTER XL. CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS. Evanston Benevolent Society Organized Names of Its Founders and First Officers Hospital Projected New Society Takes the Name "Associated Charities" Auxiliary Organizations Moth- ers' Sewing School St. Vincent de Paul Society Needle Work Guild Mothers' Club Visiting Nurse Association King's Daughters Camp Good Will Its Service in Behalf of Poor Mothers and Children Receipts and Expenditures 405-423 CHAPTER XLI. SOCIAL LIFE IN A UNIVERSITY TOWN. Transitions of a Half Century Social Life as It Existed in Early Days The Building up of a Great Christian Institution as Its Dominant Motive Reminiscences of Some of Its Early Factors Influence of Hospitality on Student Life and Character Some of Those Who Were Influential in Establishing Evanston's Reputa- tion as a Hospitable Center 425-431 CHAPTER XLII. SOCIAL AND LITERARY CLUBS. A Reminiscence of Noah's Ark Social Instincts of Evanstonians Philosophical Association Its Founders and Their Favorite Top- ics The "O. R. Circle" Blossoms Out as the "Legensia" Bry- ant Circle Pierian Club Woman's Clubs The Fortnightly Succeeds the "Woman's Reading Circle" Its Service in the Field of Charity and Philanthropy The Coterie Twentieth Century and Present Day Clubs 433-442 CHAPTER XLIII. THE EVANSTON WOMAN'S CLUB. Origin of Evanston Woman's Club Julia Ward Howe's Advice Or- ganization and First Officers Club Programs Auxiliary Or- ganizations Work of the Traveling Library Committee Field Day at Lake Geneva Object of the Club Defined in Its Constitu- tion Club Motto 443-447 CHAPTER XLIV. THE EVANSTON CLUB. Promoters and Organizers of "The Greenwood Club" First Members and Officers Name Changed to "The Evanston Club" Club Building Erected First Reception Changes in By-Laws and Membership Value of Club Property List of Officers 449-452 CHAPTER XLV. EVANSTON COUNTRY CLUB. First Steps and Motives Prompting Organization Names of Projectors Organization Effected in May, 1888 The Xew Club Finds a Home Memories of the "Old Shelter" and Its First Occupants The Club Formally Incorporated First Board of Directors New Quarters Dedicated in October, 1902 New Year's Recep- tions and Children's Day Chief Functions Lady Directors Pro- motion of Branch Associations Dramatic, Cycling, Musical Equestrian and Polo Branches Banjo and Mandolin Association Former and Present Officers Present Membership 800 List of Life Members 453-461 PORTRAITS AND ILLUSTRATIONS Bassett, Jared 106 Boutelle, Joshua P 114 Bragdon, Merritt C 123 Canfield, William J 134 Carson, Oliver M 140 City Hall 174 Clark Alexander 146 Comstock, Charles 154 Condict, Wallace R 160 Grain, Charles 188 Cummings, Joseph 194 Currey, J. Seymour 200 Dawes, Charles G 206 Dyche, William A 212 Evans, John 218 Evanston Hospital 262 Farwcll, Simeon 224 First Methodist Episcopal Church 342 Foster, John J 230 Foster, Volney W 238 Gross Point Lighthouse 182 Grover, Frank R 242 Hinman, Clark T 266 Hurd, Harvey B 15 Isbester, Tunis 280 Jenks, Chancellor L 286 Jones, William H 292 Kedzie, John H 300 Kirk, John B 306 Kline, George R 312 Kline, Simon V 318 Little, Charles J 324 Lunt, Orrington 330 Lyons, Joseph M 350 Map City of Evanston Facing Title Page Map Ridgeville Township, 1851 1*8 Mark, Anson 356 Northwestern Female College 80 Orrington Lunt Home 336 Orrington Lunt Library 234 Orrington Lunt Library ( Floor Plans) 234 Pitner, Levi C '. 362 Pool on the Campus 6S Poole, Isaac 368 Poppenhusen, Conrad H 374 President Roosevelt's Visit 94 Raymond, Miner 380 Residence of Aaron O. Auten 100 Residence of Abraham C. Bird 110 Residence of William L. Brown 12S Residence of Mrs. Wallace R. Condict 116 Residence of Lawrence G. Hallberg 246 Residence of Francis A. Hardy 256 Residence of the late Harvey B. Hurd 273 Residence of Mrs. Charles H. Rowe 39S Residence of Robert D. Sheppard 416 Residence of Parke E. Simmons 456 Residence of Charles A. Ward 434 Ridgaway, Henry B 3S6 Sargent, George M 404 Schwall, Andrew 410 South End of the Campus 62 Stockton, William E 422 The Old Oak 74 Townsend, Adam F 428 University Hall 54 White, Hugh A 438 Willard, Frances E 444 Williams, John M 450 Y. M. C. A. Building 392 BIOGRAPHICAL Ahlberg, August 620 Anderson, Frank Herbert 579 Andrews, Wilbur J 643 Anthony, Elliott 500 Balderston, Stephen V 621 Banks, Alexander F 620 Barker, John T 635 Barlow, Charles W 590 Barnes, James Milton 580 Bass, Myron H 584 Bassett, Asahel 592 Bassett, Jared 497 Bates, Thomas 615 Beebe, Thomas H 623 Black, Carl Ellsworth 595 Blake, Edgar Ovet 599 Boltwood, Henry Leonidas 540 Boring, Ezra March 641 Borton, Frank Lynn 608 Boutelle, Joshua P 517 Bragdon, Charles C 606 Bragdon, Merritt C : . . 510 Brainard, William Newell 596 Brayton, Sarah H 580 Bristol, Lewis Tabor 632 Brown, Andrew J 565 Brown, Walter Lee 640 Brown, William Liston 543 Browne, Vernelle Freeland 633 Buntain, Cassius M. C 611 Burns, Peter Thomas 613 Butler, Henry 634 Byrne, John G 624 Calligan, John Brenton 610 Camden, William J 614 Canfield, William J 519 Carney, John 609 Carpenter. William Montelle 585 Carson, Oliver M : 519 Catlin. Franklin Sexton 606 Cennak, Jerome J 645 Clark, Alexander 495 Coe, George Albert 576 Coe, Sadie Knowland 576 Comstock, Charles 484 Condict, Wallace Reynolds 518 Crain, Charles 538 Cummings, Joseph 489 Cumnock, Robert McLean 530 Currey, Josiah Seymour 530 Damsel, William Hudson 627 Davis, Nathan Smith, Jr 603 Dawes, Charles Gates 509 Deering, William 483 Dixon, George William 617 Dodds, Robert 611 Dyche David R 608 Elliot, Frank M 563 Kiting, Philip E 646 Eversz, Ernest Hammond 643 Farwell, Simeon 507 Filer, Alanson 583 Flinn, John J 625 Follansbee, Mitchell Davis 627 Forrey, Frank Myer 626 Foster, John J 537 Foster, Volney W 503 Fox, George Thomas 645 Gallup, Walter L 589 Garland, James A 618 Gerould, Frank Wheelock 629 Gibson, John W 636 Gooch, George E 636 Greene, Benjamin Allen 563 Griswold, William Morse 585 Grover, Aldin J 525 Grover, Frank Reed 526 Hall, Winfield Scott 591 Mainline, John H 553 Hamline, Leonidas P 552 Harbert, Elizabeth Boynton 559 Harbert, William S 558 Helm, Walter B 647 Hemenway, Henry B 564 Hempstead, Edward 616 Herben, Stephen Joseph 546 Herdien, Elmer Forrest 633 Hcrdien, Walter Laurance 633 Hinsdale, Henry W 622 Hitt, Isaac R., Jr 594 Hoag, Thomas C 555 Hoag, William Gale 556 Hoffman, John Raymond 650 Holmes, Raynor Elmore 615 Hoover, Judson Wilkes 617 Hotch, Louis Grant 646 Hungate, John H 588 Hurd, Harvey B 474 1 de, George Osman 628 Isbester, Tunis 537 Jenks, Chancellor Livingston 486 Johnson, Richard R 618 Jones, Albert R 550 Jones, William Hugh 508 Kedzie, John Hume 488 Kimball, Dorr Augustine 573 Kingsley, Homer Hitchcock 549 Kirk, John B 506 Kirkbride, Charles Neville 617 Kline, Charles Gaffield 536 Kline, George Romyne 535 Kline, Simon Veder 535 Knight, Newell Clark 549 Lake Richard Conover 570 Learned, Edward W 571 Leonhardt, Susan 631 Lindsay, Mary Boyd 599 Little, Arthur W 544 Loba, Jean Frederic 557 Logan, Charles Lyford 645 Loomis, Mason B 588 Lorimer, Joseph M 582 Lunt, Orrington 463 Lutkin, Peter Christian 566 Lyons, Joseph McGee 539 Mann, Oscar H 578 Marcy, Elizabeth Eunice 604 Mark, Anson 548 Mayo, Charles H 614 Maxson, Orrin T 629 McCallin, Sidney G 646 McCleary, Wilbur Wallace 587 Merrick, George Peck 547 Meyer, Sidney Bachrach 585 Miller, Humphry's H. C 521 Moore, George Henry 638 Murphy, Edward J 638 Murphy, John C 637 Nesbitt, George W 648 Nichols, Roscoe Townley 613 Oldberg, Prof. Oscar 596 Parkes, William Beckley 630 Persons, Albert D 647 Piper, Charles Edward 644 Pitner, Levi Carroll 511 Plummer, Samuel Craig 646 Poole, Charles Clarence 639 Poppenhusen, Conrad Herman 534 Raddin, Charles S 639 Raymond, Frederick D 516 Raymond, James Henry 601 Raymond, Miner 513 Remy, Curtis H 554 Richards, Charles L 614 Ridgaway, Henry Bascom 498 Sargent, George Myrick 493 Schwall, Andrew 538 Sheppard, Robert Dickinson 477 Sluitterly, Eugene E 601 Sluitterly, John Jay 600 Smith, Amos A. L 618 Smyth, Hugh P 604 Solcnberger, Amos R 649 Spencer, Claudius B 555 Stevens, William Leon 648 Stockton, William Eichbaun 527 Stow, Nelson Lloyd 550 Stringfield, C. Pruyn 619 Sweet, Alanson 577 Synnestvedt, Paul 648 Tallmadge, Lewis Cass 574 Terry. Milton S 545 Townsend, Adam Fries 520 Trowbridge, Lucius A 572 Tuttle, Ole Hansen 649 Van Arsdale, John R 572 Voje, John H 590 Volz, George P. K. 641 Walcott, Chester P 568 Waldberg, Benjamin 649 Walworth, Nathan H 568 Watson, Thomas H 593 Way, Charles 'L'yman 581 Webster, Edward H 641 White, Hugh Alexander 485 Whitefield, George W 607 Willard, Frances E 47S Williams, John Marshall 522 Winslow, Rollin Curtis 627 Woodbridge, John R 598 Work, Joseph Waters 631 Young, Aaron Nelson 548 Zipperman, Solomon W 613 OF THE "WVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CHAPTER I. HISTORY OF EVANSTON INTRODUCTORY. The Evanston of 1905 Gem Suburb of a Great Metropolis and Seat of Learning Results Accomplished by Fifty Years of Development Contrast Between Past and Present First Township Organiza- tion Under Name of Ridgeville Evans- ton Township Organised in 1857 The Village Platted in 1854 Later Changes in Township and Municipal Organisation Old Name of Ridgeville Township Re- sumed in /poj, with Boundaries Identical with City of Evanston Garrett Biblical Institute Precedes the University City Government Organized in 1892 Early Evanston Homes and Their Occupants Adz-ent of the First Railroad The Ca- reer of Dr. John Evans. The Evanston of 1905 is justification of an effort to unfold the story of its planting and its development. Gem of suburbs as it is, lying contiguous to the greatest of west- ern cities and the home of many of its most active men of affairs, it also occupies a commanding position as a seat of intel- ligence and learning. It has crowded into its short career so much of human interest, it has been the source of so many wide spreading and helpful influences, it is so endeared to the people who have found in it a home, that the narration of its fifty years of progress must be told. Like many an- other American city closely associated with a metropolis, it has attained its present proud position within the memory of men now living, among whom is included the general editor of the present work. It pos- sesses no ruins and no ivy-covered walls. Its oldest buildings bear the marks of re- cent construction, and its well paved streets have but lately passed from the hands of the contractor. Unlike some of the his- toric towns of the United States, whose history has been written covering two cen- turies or more, and which reflect the growth and history of the American people, this tidy suburban town has developed quickly within itself all the forces that make up our active, advanced American life, of schools and churches, of clubs and cabals; in re- ligion, society, politics, philanthropy and pleasure it is an epitome of distinctly mod- ern progress. Numerous helpful hands have been employed to draw the composite pic- ture that is meant to convey a lasting im- pression of the facts and forces that make up the idea of Evanston, and placing them side by side, or mingling them in one's If, INTRODUCTORY thought, we have the resultant of as wide- awake, up-to-date, eager, intelligent, inter- esting and hopeful a community of men, women and youth as the world can furnish. Perhaps you have at some time paused to listen to the mingled din of a great city and, with a quick ear, analyzed the indi- vidual sounds that make up the hum of the city's life. That task has been ours. The hum is well nigh deafening to the ear, sensitized by attention even in a town which boasts few noises of factories or traffic. But its hum is not less real, of activities which employ the finer faculties of men and women. It will be told otherwheres how the particular region that now bears the name of Evanston came to be selected as the site of a college town. Delving into the political conditions that antedate the modern city, we find that Cook County, 111., in which Evanston is located, was, previous to 1849, under what is known in this State as County Government ; that is, the county affairs were managed by a Board of Com- missioners, who supervised the community business of the neighborhoods that had not yet emerged into local government. Many of these were designated by a name which might later attach to a township, but there was no township government, though there were townships indicated in the United States Survey, and designated by numbers, which were used before 1849, ar >d nave been since used in connection with school purposes, as illustrating this condition. It is interesting to note that the records of Township 41 in which Evanston is located now in possession of the Evanston Historical Society, were begun in 1846, and that they record the election of Town- ship Trustees for school purposes four years before the first election of officers of the town of Ridgeville, which included Evanston; and, as throwing a little light upon the onerous duties of these early Trustees, we read from the minutes of their third meeting, held May 20, 1846, at the Ridge Road House : "It was ordered that we proceed to hire Miss Cornelia Wheadon to teach our school the present season, at one dollar and twenty-five cents a week. Also, it was ordered that the school house should be repaired as soon as possible, and furnished with a water-pail and dipper." Evidently Township 41 had enjoyed the blessing of a school house long enough for it to get out of repair, probably under the regime of County Commissioners. In the Code of By-Laws of the School Trustees, it was provided that, in case a patron of the school refused, or was not in position at the appointed time, to receive the teacher the required number of days, the teacher should select his or her own boarding place, and the board bill should be taxed with such patron's tuition bill. From such germs has Evanston's splendid school system de- veloped. Township Organization. By the Con- stitution of 1848 the Legislature was re- quired to provide by general law for town- ship organization, which it did by Act of February 12, 1849. By tn ' s act the people were permitted to divide their counties into towns or townships, which were to conform as nearly as might be with the congressional townships. Commissioners were appointed for the purpose of dividing the county, and the people were permitted to select the names of the townships. When they could not agree, the Commissioners were author- ized to select the names for them. The people of fractional Town 41 North, Range 14 East, chose the name of Ridgeville. This continued to be the name of the town until by act of the Legislature of February 15, 1857, it was changed to Evanston, and the township was enlarged by the addition of a tier of sections taken from Niles Town- ship on the west and the Archange Reser- HISTORY OF EVAXSTOX vation and several sections in Township 42, taken from New Trier on the north. The language of the act reads: "The name of Ridgeville shall be changed to Evanston, and the Town of Evanston shall comprise all of fractional Township 41 North, Range 14 East, Sections 12, 13, 24, 25 'and 36, Township 41 North, Range 13 East, the Archange Reservation and fractional Sec- tions 22, 26 and 27, Township 42 North, Range 14 East, and the same shall form and constitute a township for school purposes and be known as Town 41 North, Range 14 East." Dreary reading perhaps, dry as dust but thrilling none the loss, because it is the record of a creative act of great importance. Under an enabling act, approved May 23, 1877, and amended May 15, 1903, the ter- ritory embraced within the present limits of the city of Evanston has been formed into a township under the old name of Ridgeville, which makes the boundaries of the city and the new township identical and in effect consolidates the township and city governments. The new township as now constituted embraces what previously formed the southern part of New Trier Township and a small section from the northeast corner of Niles Township. The remainder of the former Township of Evanston now constitutes the northern por- tion of the City of Chicago, with a small section south of the Chicago city limits and west of the southern portion of Evanston, these two sections remaining under the old name of Evanston Township, though not embracing any part of the city of that name. Village and City Organization. Such are Evanston's present geographical and political relations to the county and the State. Under the loose system of county and township government it subsisted till 1863. It had been platted as a town in 1854, and outstripping all other sections of the township, and taking on exclusive- ness and individuality, it demanded a nar- rower and more intensive government of its platted territory. The agitation cul- minated in a meeting of voters on De- cember 29, 1863, when it was decided, in accordance with the law on the subject, to organize an incorporated town, and the decision was consummated by the election of five Trustees, January 6, 1864. The new town was bounded by Lake Michigan on the east, Wesley Avenue on the west, Crain and Hamilton Streets on the south, and Foster Street on the north. In 1869 a special act of the Legislature permitted the incorporation of the City of Evanston, but content with their simple form of gov- ernment, the citizens decided against its adoption by a vote of 197 to 82. Yet with- in three years they organized under the Act of 1872 for Cities and Villages, but continued their village form of government by Trustees selected from the village at large instead of by Aldermen from wards, with a Village President instead of Mayor. In 1872 new territory was annexed to the town on petition of property owners of the district lying north of Foster Street and east of Wesley and Asbury Avenues, and extending to the present limits of the city. On October 19, 1872, village or- ganization was adopted under the general City and Village Incorporation Act of April to, 1872, and the first village election took place April 15, 1873. Further in- crease of territory was made January 7, 1873, by the annexation, on petition, of the region bounded on the north by Grant Street, on the south by Church and Foster Streets, on the east by Wesley and Asbury Avenues, and on the west by Dodge Street. Then followed, during the same month, the accession of the region bounded on the north by Grant and Simpson Streets, i8 INTRODUCTORY on the south by Church Street, on the east by Dodge Street, and on the west by Hart- irey and McDaniel Avenues. April 21, 1874, the Village of North Evanston suc- cumbed to the acquisitive mood of its larger neighbor, and, in September of the same year, the territory lying between Hamilton and Greenleaf Streets, with the lake on the east and Chicago Avenue on the west, was included by petition. In April, 1886, the territory bounded by Church Street, Wesley Avenue, Crain Street and McDaniel Avenue, was likewise annexed on petition. Finally, on February 20, 1892, the important question of the annexation of South Evan- ston was submitted to the vote of both vil- lages and approved by a small majority. Thus the chapter of territorial expansion for Evanston was closed for the time be- ing. It had now outgrown the swaddling clothes of village government and de- manded the habiliments of a city. The question of the adoption of city organiza- tion was submitted to the people on March 29, 1892, and was adopted by a vote of 784 to 26. The first city election took place April 19, 1892, when Dr. Oscar H. Mann became the first Mayor of the city. Physical Characteristics. The physical characteristics of Evanston have changed but little in the progress of the years. Its main features, north and south, were the Lake Shore on the east, more wooded than now. with two ridges, one called the East Ridge, comprising the land purchased by the University, and the other the West Ridge, comprising the lands of Brown and Hurd, which were a part of the first town- plat. The latter ridge was some forty-five feet above the lake level. Between the ridges was a level valley, receptacle of the drainage of the ridges, often giving the impression of a swamp, but easily suscept- ible of being drained to the north or by ditches to the Lake. The trend of these ridges constrained the surveyors in the platting of the town, so that the streets running north and south paralleled the ridge roads, and the east and west bound streets crossed the former at right angles. The original plat comprised three hundred and fifty acres, purchased by the Trustees of the University from John H. Foster, in 1853, and nearly two hundred and fifty acres, purchased about the same time, by Andrew J. Brown and Harvey B. Hurd, from James Carney. The tract was well wooded, especially along the shore of the Lake, chiefly with oaks, some few of which remain to give a hint of the noble forest of which they formed a part. The plat, which perished in the Chicago fire, bore the names of streets that kept fresh in memory some of the active spirits who were associated with the early days of the enterprise, such as Dempster, Hinman, Judson, Benson, Sherman, Davis, Orrington and Clark ; while to the west, such names of streets as Oak, Maple Grove and Ridge were a tribute to the conditions that then pre- vailed, and help the late-comers to picture the leafy shade, overlooked by the old-time thoroughfare that crowned the ridge; and still farther west, Wesley and Asbury Avenues flanked the town, testifying to the loyal Methodism of the settlers who dwelt within it. The Town Platted. The purchases of the land were made in 1853, and, during that year, the town was staked out and streets thrown up, but the plat was not acknowledged till 1854, in which year a number of lots were sold, houses built and families settled. The plat made by the Northwestern University provided gener- ously, in its portion of the town, for public parks such as now beautify the town. The streets were spacious, and a constituency was appealed to such as might be attracted to an educational center. This was the HISTORY OF EVANSTON chief magnet. The idea of the suburban residence had not yet emerged. The fam- ilies who came were chiefly those that were attracted by the idea of residence in a college town. Garrett Biblical Institute preceded the University on university ground, and John Dempster, at Old Demp- ster Hall, realized to the early students of the Institute, as Mark Hopkins did to the students of Williams College, how a very few facilities in the hands of such a master will serve to develop the minds and hearts of men eager for an education. Obadiah Huse early ministered to the physical wants of students at Dempster Hall in such man- ner that their slender purses might provide for a not too luxurious existence. Philo Judson was the advance guard of the Uni- versity, selling lots, vending scholarships, drumming up settlers and promoting the town. Hurd, Brown, Beveridge, Pearsons, Judson, Evans, Clifford and Ludlam were among the people who picked their way over the newly made thoroughfares of the new town to their new homes, with wet and muddy feet ofttimes, during the years 1854 and 1855. And, until the summer of 1855, if they went to Chicago, they must do so by their own private conveyance. They were sturdy people ; practical, religious, neighborly, genuine pioneers who could curry a horse, build a house, lead a class- meeting and finance a town and two in- stitutions of learning. On the West Ridge Road lived the Huntoons, the Grains and the McDaniels and Carneys, the Pratts and the Garfields, antedating the town. The home of John L. Beveridge was on Chicago Avenue, near Clark Street ; of John A. Pearsons on Grove Street, near Chicago Avenue ; of Philo Judson at Ridge Avenue aftid Davis Street; of Judge H. B. Hurd in the same vicinity ; of G. W. Reynolds where the Avenue House now stands ; and Dempster Hall and the home of Dr. John Dempster on the .Lake Shore north of Simpson Street. The Snyders home was on Chicago Avenue, near Dempster Street. These were the scattered centers of life in the ambitious hamlet. They were soon reinforced by the families of the Professors of the University and Institute, and such families as the Willards, from which was destined to proceed that bright and shining light in philanthropy and temperance re- form, Frances E. Willard, probably the best known product of Evanston life, its his- torian in "A Classic Town," an orator and writer of rare power. George F. Foster soon took up his home on Chicago Avenue near Church Street a shouting Methodist and social to his finger tips, whose house was a seat of hospitality and elegance. George W. Reynolds was on Davis Street, near to the corner of Chicago Avenue, on which corner the Reynolds House, still a part of the Avenue House, was built. We take ex- ception to him as a builder, for on one occa- sion at a caucus, or neighborhood meeting, the floor of his house suddenly collapsed, precipitating the company into the cellar, and the same performance was re-enacted at the house of George F. Foster, also built by Mr. Reynolds. There was no "Index" or "Press" in those days to note these happenings, but the survivors tell the tale with more laughter than they then ex- perienced. Church Street took its name from the donated site of what was to be the Cathedral Church of the town, the center of the relig- ious and social life of this God-fearing com- munity, chiefly of the Methodist persuasion, but broad-minded enough to welcome those of other communions in their worship, and disposed, when the time of separation should come, to give them a site on which to raise their own roof-tree, as the title deeds from the University to Trustees of the older churches of Evanston will testify consid- 20 INTRODUCTORY eration one dollar and other valuable bene- fits, such as good will and gladness at their coming, their loyalty and their prosperity. Advent of the First Railroad. The Chicago and Milwaukee Railroad was be- ing located in 1853, and the Trustees of the University, by resolution of October 26, 1853, requested the company to locate their road through the land of the University so as to strike the center, or within thirty-five rods south of the center of Section 19 of Township 41 North, Range 1 8, and offer- ing to donate the right of way. and one acre of land for a depot, providing the railroad company would make such location and agree not to allow any establishment for the sale of liquor or gambling houses, or other nuisance, to be placed on such right of way or depot ground. March 28, 1854, the Trustees passed another resolution re- questing the railroad company to locate its station on a line west of Davis Street which terminated at Sherman Avenue on a small ridge on the Carney farm, or as near as may be expedient in the judgment of the agent, providing the owner of the Carney farm lay off suitable streets for the same. Mr. A. J. Brown, who held the title of the Carney tract for himself and others, conveyed the right of way and depot ground to the railroad company about the date of the resolution referred to, and it appears on the plat of the town. It was not, however, till the summer of 1855 that trains began running through the town. Two through trains and one accommodation train were all the facilities that were offered. Evan- ston seldom filled the single passenger car of the accommodation (or "Waukegan") train, as it was most familiarly known, and the grumbling railroad authorities threatened to take off the train, declaring that it did not pay and gave no promise of ever paying. But they took it out in grumbling. It did pay, and was destined to be their best paying piece of road through its suburban traffic, as a prosperous com- munity grew around the cheerful, hos- pitable nucleus that had grouped itself near to the Northwestern University and Garrett Biblical Institute. Such are some of Evanston's beginnings with which we introduce the reader to the more elaborate story, as told in detail by those familiar with it. One word more we cannot refrain from saying concerning Dr. John Evans, the man whose chief monument (though he has many others) is the Classic Town; in whose brain was chiefly conceived the thought of this educational and home center, and by whose skill and suggestions and influence the plans were chiefly made to compass the acquisition of the land that should be the Northwestern University's chief source of endowment, and by whom the enterprise was financed for all the coming years. Close to him wrought Orrington Lunt, imbibing his zeal and supplementing his labors by his unsel- fish devotion and tireless energy. John Evans was as far-seeing a man as ever wrought in the formative days of cities or States ; a plain man who dreamed of large things, and whose heart kept pace with his swift moving intellect. The sphere of his activity was changed all too soon from the region that bears his name to a distant State, where he built railroads, planned Titanic enterprises, supervised the beginning of a great commonwealth and helped to found another University in the Far West. Evanston is honored in her name, as she honors the name of her founder. Kind reader, if you have read thus far, read on. CHAPTER II'. OUR INDIAN PREDECESSORS. (Bj FRANK R. GROVKR. Vjce-Prwiilent Kvanrton Hietorlcal Society.) The First Evans/onions Indian Relics Stone Implements and What They Indi- cate Early Explorers Joliet, Mar- quettc. La Salic and Tonty First ll'hite Visitors Indian Tribes The Iroquois, Illinois and Pottawatomies Ouilmette Reservation and Family The Fort Dear- born Massacre Home of the Otiil- mettes Treaty of Prairie du Chien In- dian Trails and Trees on North Shore Aboriginal Camps and Villages Indian Mounds and Graves Reminiscenses of Early Settlers Important Treaties An Englishman's Story of the Treaty of Chi- cago in 1833. Since the discovery of this continent the North American Indian has ever been the subject of constant study, discussion and contention. His origin, his traditions, his character, his manners and customs, his superstitions, his eloquence, the wars in which he has engaged, his tribal relations, his certain destiny, the wrongs he has done and those that he has suffered have, for four centuries, been favorite themes for the his- torian, the poet, the philanthropist, the eth- nologist. And yet, with all the countless books that have been written upon the SUb- 'Compiled from two papers ; (1). "Our Indian Predecessors The First Kvanstonians," read before the Eyanston Historical Society, November 2, 1901 ; and (2) "Some Indian Land Marks of the North Shore," read be- fore the Chicago Historical Society, February 21, liX(5, with some supplemental notations by the writer. ject, there is still room for inquiry, for speculation, for historical research. Every political division of this country, from state to hamlet, has a mine of untold facts, which must ever remain undisclosed. Still, the diligent and the curious can, with all due regard to the limitations to truth put upon the honest historian, gather old facts that will in the aggregate be of inter- est as -local history. With that end in view I wish to tell you what I have been able to learn of our Indian predecessors the first Evanstonians. Stone Implements Found in This Vi- cinity and What They Indicate. There is no more interesting field for historical re- search than that of the implements and weapons of the prehistoric Indian. There is. too, a later time of which there is no writ- ten history, before the coining of the Jesuit Missionary and his early successor, the In- dian Trader, who was the first vendor of steel hatchets and arrow points, that is of no less interest. Much of the Indian history of those times must of necessity remain forever undis- closed. Some of it has been gathered from credible traditions, some of it distorted by the frailty of human recollection and by the fragile partition that oft divides memory from imagination, and truthfulness from the inclination to boast of the prowess of Indian ancestrv. All of these factors, of OUR INDIAN PREDECESSORS course, result in endless confusion, and what the exact truth is must be left, for the most part, to uncertainty and speculation. But a portion of that history, as applied to the North Shore, is told as simply and plainly by the stone implements and weap- ons as though written in words on monu- ment or obelisk. The entrance to this field of inquiry opens, of course, more easily and widely to the man of science the archaeologist but the merest novice, if he be curious and diligent, will there find a mine of historic facts that are both interest- ing and reliable. One of the greatest orators of modern times has entertained thousands of his hearers and readers with the topic, "The man of imagination what does he see?" And so the student, whether he has great learning or that next best substitute in- dustry when he finds the chippings of flint, chert or cobble-stone left in the work- shop of the ancient artisan of the North Shore, or when he sees the many finish- ing wares that have been worn and used and lost by the ancient customers of this ancient artisan, and then found again, can reproduce a reasonably accurate picture of the red man, who sat ages ago on the West Shore of old Lake Michigan, and, with un- told labor and deftness, prepared the ar- rows and spear-heads that his red brothers, in due time, hurled at deer, or buffalo or dusky foe; and this student can, in fair and truthful speculation, follow these red brothers in all they saw and did through the forest and across the broad prairies, in the hunt and in the chase, to the wigwam and to the camp fire, on the war path and in their idle roamings from place to place. These implements may, for convenience in this discussion, be divided into two classes : first, those found along the lake shore near the beach, which are often im- perfect in form, consisting of "rejects" and chippings, and found in the aboriginal quarries and shops; and, second, the per- fect forms found farther from the lake, where they were in use. I will refer to them in the order named. It must be borne in mind that, from Wil- . mette to Waukegan, there are high bluffs, reaching to the beach, so that in that locali- ty the remains of these shops or chipping stations have, to some extent at least, been obliterated by the waves. But, both north and south of these high bluffs, many of these shops have been located and clearly in- dicate that the Lake Shore, with its ready material among the gravel constantly thrown up by the waves, not only furnished an inexhaustible supply of material ready for use and easily accessible, but that it was resorted to in preference to the more laborious method of seeking and mining materials to the West. Indeed, it is quite probable, and a plausible theory, that the Indian population, for many miles to the west and for untold centuries, used the Lake Shore almost exclusively for the manufacture of stone implements and weap- ons. These shops, or chipping stations, have generally been found in the sand dunes or ridges immediately adjacent to the beach, where there was shelter from the wind and waves. Many, of course, have long since disappeared by the action of the lake ; but at least four of them were located along the shore at Edgewater and Rogers Park, one immediately south of the Indian boundary line at the city limits. In the early days of Evanston and, to my personal knowledge, even as late as 1870, the chip- pings, rejects and broken arrow-heads, in- dicating one of the largest of these shops, could easily be found in Evanston extend- ing from what is now Main Street to Greenleaf Street, and about on a line from the Industrial School to the present Evans- ton residences of Messrs. John C. Spry, HISTORY OF EVANSTON Charles E. Graves and Milton H. Wilson. This particular shop was not only the re- sort of the idle school boy in his quest for arrow points, but was, in the year 1884, the subject of scientific investigation by Dr. William A. Phillips, a member of the Ev- anston Historical Society (Science, Vol. 3, page 273, 1884), who made a collection at that time of the chert refuse, "illustrating the successive stages of the chipping or flaking work, beginning with the water- worn pebble from the beach and ending with the nearly completed, but broken, im- plement," which collection is now in the Museum of the Northwestern University at Evanston (Rep. Curator N. W. University Museum, 1884, Smithsonian Report, 1897 1161, pp. 587-600). At the present site of the Dearborn Ob- servatory, on the campus of the North- western University, was another of these shops, although a smaller one, which was partially obliterated in the construction of that building, and several others have been located at different times along the lake front of Rogers Park and Evanston. Indeed, the various collections of these implements, chippings and also of broken pottery would indicate not only an unusual Indian population, but that this industry was general along the lake shore, and much nearer the Chicago river than the sites just described. This situation can easily be dem- onstrated by the merest glance at the collec- tion of the late Karl A. Dilg, in possession of the Chicago Historical Society. Immediately north of Waukegan, east of the Northwestern Railway, and extending nearly to the Kenosha city limits, and be- tween the bluff that was formerly the shore line and the present lake front, are some 1,200 to 1,300 acres of low sand dunes, all of which have, from time to time, consti- tuted the shore of the receding lake. This district is replete with shops and stations of this character, especially so at what was for- merly Benton, and now Beach Station, and extending from there north, a distance of about five miles, through Doctor Dowie's "City of Zion" to the state line. As early as 1853 this locality was also the subject of scientific investigation on this subject. (Prof. I. A. Lapham, Antiquities-of Wis- consin, Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. 7, page 6, 1885). These investigations have been further pursued by Dr. Phillips, assisted by Messrs. W. C. Wyrnan and E. F. Wyman, of Ev- anston, and by Mr. F. H. Lyman, of Ke- nosha. In the district between Beach Sta- tion and the State line no less than thirty- two sites were located, and a new group or variety of implements found, viz.: weapons and utensils in endless variety, made of trap rock or cobble-stone, and which are now designated, "The Trap Flake Series." A very entertaining and instructive des- cription of this locality and these imple- ments, their uses and the method employed in flaking them, with plates and pictures, will be found in the Smithsonian Report for 1897, pages 587-600, in an able paper by Dr. Phillips, under the title, "A New Group of Stone Implements from the Southern Shores of Lake Michigan." The implements and weapons, made in these localities along the shore from the Chicago River to Kenosha, represent almost unlimited varieties, from the ordinary ar- rowhead and the net weight or stone sinker used by the Pottawatomie fisher- man, or his ancient predecessor, to the finest of polished hatchets, spear-heads and drills. It is not within the scope of this discus- sion to go further into the details of this lost art, in showing how these implements were made and for what they were used that inquiry should be left to more able hands ; but the field for exploration is as OUR INDIAN PREDECESSORS boundless and unlimited as the enthusiasm of the archaeologist, and is full of interest even to the layman. The second class, in this subdivision of these implements, are the finished weapons and utensils that, in the long ago, left the work-shop of the artisan, on the beach and elsewhere, were placed in the hands of his warrior customer and have been scattered, used and lost on the land which we have designated the North Shore. Generally speaking, these implements are found in about the same variety and number as in any ordinary Indian country, with one or two remarkable exceptions that will re- ceive special attention. The materials used in their manufacture indicate the presence of Indians from remote parts of the con- tinent, or barter and exchange with remote tribes. They also indicate that the North Shore especially for from- three to six miles from the lake was not only a great hunting ground, but that the western shore of the lake has been the scene of many a bloody battle between these red warriors of the olden time. They also further indi- cate, in one or two localities that will be mentioned, an extended Indian population during a long period of time. I am told by members of the Academy of Sciences and others, who have the best means of infor- mation, that it is hard to distinguish the particular peoples by these relics, as there is great similarity in manufacture among re- spective tribes the distinguishing marks being more especially in the wooden handles or hafts, which, of course, cannot be found and that some of these implements are of prehistoric origin. The nearest locality where these imple- ments are found in the greatest variety and number is what was formerly known as Rowmanville being the vicinity of Rose Hill Cemetery and extending from there to the North Branch of the Chicago River and throughout the territory north of there, ex- tending to Forest Glen, Niles Center and High Ridge, where they have been found in such abundance that a great ancient vil- lage and probably several such villages in that district, is a certainty all of which will receive later mention when we consider the sites of the Indian villages. The locality west of Evanston, in the town of Niles, which is now a gardening district, has sup- plied many excellent specimens ploughed up by the farm hands, and it has been an easy matter, with a little patience and at- tention, to secure a good collection in these localities ; and there are many of them notably the collection of William A. Peter- son, of the Peterson Nursery Company, gathered largely from the lands of that company at Rose Hill, the collection of Dr. A. S. Alexander, formerly of Evanston, gathered very largely in Evanston and the township of Niles ; also the interesting col- lection of Karl A. Dilg, already referred to, and that of Adolph Miller at Bowman- ville. Still another locality is the neighbor- hood of the Indian Village at Waukegan, and from there north to the State line, in the 'locality investigated and described by Dr. Phillips in his paper. These land marks these bits of clay, and flint and cobble-stone to which has been made but very scant and imperfect ref- erence, tell, as they have ever told, a per- fect, and yet an imperfect, story ; perfect, because we know from that, in some far off day, the North Shore was, as it is now, a favorite abiding place ; perfect, too, be- cause the man of science can tell us in some measure of how these people lived and what they did ; imperfect, because we must rely to some extent upon theory and speculation and cannot open wide the door with what is understood by the term writ- ten history. HISTORY OF EVANSTON The Early Explorers. All the writers upon the early history of the Northwest, of necessity describe, in more or less de- tail, the expeditions, exploits and adven- tures of the explorers and Jesuit mission- aries, who first saw the Indians, who were the first white men in Illinois, and who have been the greatest contributors to the history of the Indians of the Northern States. Among these the names of James Marquette, Louis Joliet, La Salle, Henry de Tonty, Hennepin and Claude Allouez are so prominent that the youngest student, who has read even the average school his- tory of the day, can give, with reasonable accuracy, an outline of where they went, what they saw and what they did. In most of their travels they were ac- companied by friendly Indians as guides and assistants, to whose fidelity and atten- tion we owe quite as much as to the ex- plorers themselves. Reference to the ex- tended travels of these daring and hardy men would be useless repetition, but it cer- tainly is of interest to know that such famous voyagers as Father Marquette, Joliet, La Salle, Tonty, and Fathers Hen- nepin and Allouez, with their Indian friends, all in their day and in their turn, visited the site of Evanston or coasted its shores in their canoes. To the circum- stances of some of these early visits to thit, locality, I briefly direct your attention. It was the month of June, 1673, over two hundred years ago, when Louis Joliet educated as a priest, but with more love for exploration and adventure and James Marquette who longed to see and trace the course of the great river that De Soto had discovered over one hundred years be- fore, and who, godly man that he was, loved still more to carry the tidings of the Christ to the red man of the prairies with five French companions in two canoes, started upon that long and toilsome journey through Green Bay, up the Fox River of Wiscon- sin, from thence into and down the Wis- consin and the Mississippi, and up the then nameless river to the Indian village of the Illinois, where they arrived late in the sum- mer and tarried until September. The first visit of a white man to Evans- ton, in September, 1673, is thus described by Francis Parkman in his life of La Salle and the "Discovery of the Great West": "An Illinois chief, with a band of young warriors, offered to guide them to the Lake of the Illinois, that is to say, Lake Michi- gan ; thither they repaired," via the Illi- nois, Desplaines and Chicago rivers, "and, coasting the shores of the lake, reached Green Bay at the end of September." The month of November the following year ( 1674) found Marquette again coast- ing the western shores of Lake Michigan, accompanied by two white men, "Pierre Porteret and Jacques " (Marquette's diary ) , a band of Pottawatomies and another band of Illinois ten canoes in all on his way from Green Bay to his beloved mission of the Illinois, to which he had promised the Indians surely to return. Frail and sick in body, but strong and rich in energy and religious fervor, he made this, his last voyage, from which there proved to be no return for him. Parkman ( La Salle, pp. 67, 68) describes the journey : "November had come ; the bright hues of the autumn foliage was changed to rusty brown. The shore wag desolate and the lake was stormy. They were more than a month in coasting its western border." Marquette's diary (brought to light nearly two centuries later) gives an inter- esting account of this journey, describing the land, the forest, the prairie, the buffalo, the deer and other game; the Indians they met, their camp fires at night on shore and their battles with the waves by day, and tells the story of their arrival at the Chicago OUR INDIAN PREDECESSORS River on December 4, 1674, and finding it frozen over; but what is of special interest to us, his diary shows almost conclusively that, on December 3, the day before, the party landed somewhere near the light- house within our present city limits. His notation is as follows: "December 3, having said holy mass and embarked, we were compelled to make a point and land on account of floating masses of ice." The only point of land within the day's journey shown upon our present maps, and even the maps of those days, including that of Marquette, is what is known to-day by the sailors as "Gross Point," where the Evanston light-house stands. Father Allouez made the same journey in the winter of 1676 and 1677, on his way with two companions to the Illinois coun- try, to take the place of Father Marquette in the Illinois mission. They encountered untold hardships, dragging their canoes for many weary miles over the ice-floes of the lake and the snow along its shores. Two years later is the date when white men were next here (November, 1679), when La Salle, Father Hennepin (the his- torian of the expedition), a Mohegan In- dian (La Salle's faithful servant and hunt- er), and fourteen Frenchmen in four large canoes deeply laden with merchandise, tools and guns, made the same voyage from Green Bay and to St. Joseph, Mich., then called Miami, on their way to the Illi- nois country, to build a fort and to further establish the trade and colonies of New France. They skirted the entire western and southern shores of the lake, while Ton- ty proceeded by the eastern shore. An interesting account of their adven- tures, hardships and meetings with both hostile and friendly Indians, can be found in Parkman's Life of La Salle (pp. 142- 150). As the author says : "This was no journey of pleasure. The lake was ruffled with almost ceaseless storms ; clouds big with rain above, a tur- moil of gray and gloomy waves beneath. Every night the canoes must be shouldered through the breakers and dragged up the steep banks. . . . * "The men paddled all day with no other food than a handful of Indian corn. They were spent with toil and sick with the wild berries which they ravenously devoured and dejected at the prospects before them." That they, too, may have camped at night or rested by noonday within the limits of our present city is entirely probable. "As they approached the head of the lake game grew abundant." Marquette verifies this latter statement, for in his diary (entry of December 4, 1674), he says: "Deer hunting is pretty good as you get away from the Pottawatomies." And his next entry (December 12), made after arriving at Chicago, is further verification. He says : "Pierre and Jacques killed three cattle (buffalo) and four deer, one of which ran quite a distance with his heart cut in two. They contented themselves with killing three or four turkeys of the many that were around our cabin. Jacques brought in a partridge he had killed, in every way re- sembling those of France." It was winter time a year later 1680. La Salle had not returned from his memo- rable and heroic tramp from the Illinois back to Canada. His men had deserted ; his goods had been destroyed by mutineers and In- dians ; Hennepin was on the Mississippi. The Iroquois had dispersed and all but de- stroyed the Illinois, and all that remained of La Salle's party was his faithful lieutenant and friend, Henry de Tonty, and two fol- lowers Membre and Boissondet. Tonty had failed to pacify the Iroquois, had been seriously- wounded in battle by them, and he and his two surviving companions, HISTORY OF EVANSTON without food or shelter, fled for their lives. Sick, wounded and maimed, he reached the shores of Lake Michigan at Chicago, and he and his companions began their long northward journey on foot, along the dreary and ice-bound shores of the lake to old Michilimackinac. Parkman ("Life of La Salle," p. 220) thus describes their journey: "The cold was intense and it was no easy task to grub up wild onions from the frozen ground, to save themselves from starving. Tonty fell ill of a fever and swelling of the limbs, which disabled him from traveling, and hence ensued a long delay. At length they reached Green Bay, where they would have starved had they not gleaned a few ears of corn and frozen squashes in the fields of an empty Indian town." A volume could easily be written describ- ing the exploits of the later but still early white and Indian visitors to these shores. The western shore of the lake was the great highway between the Chicago port- age and Green Bay and Mackinac. We need not depend upon imagination to paint the picture of the white voyageur and his In- dian companion plying the paddle with steady stroke, keeping time to the notes of his boat song, while their birch bark ca- noes skimmed the surface of the lake, for the "Jesuit Relations" of those early days will supply the facts. [These travels along the shore of the lake call to mind the early maps, tracing the shore lines made by these explorers, and a fact of local interest is, that in all probability the shore line here at Evanston, in the seventeenth century, extended much farther into the lake how much cannot be told from the maps, as they were not drawn to scale. This fact appears from a large bay shown on the maps immediately north of the site of our city, indicating that the shore to the south has since been washed away. The maps referred to are (i) one called Marquette's map, Hist, of Ills., by Sidney Breese, p. 78; (2) map copied by Parkman found in the "Archives of the Ma- rine" at Paris, dated 1683 "may, in fact, have been one drawn by Joliet from recol- lection"; (3) Joliet 's earliest map (1673- 74), "Windsor's Geographical Discoveries in the Interior of North America" ; (4) Haines' "American Indian," p. 344. On the map first mentioned Marquette locates a copper mine near Evanston. This was probably done from tales of the In- dians describing such mines as being to the north, and Marquette misunderstanding the distance.] Indian Tribes. For two hundred years preceding the advent of the white man to Illinois and for how much longer we do not know the territory lying be- tween the Mississippi and the Atlantic, and from the Carolinas to Hudson Bay, was oc- cupied by two great families of Indian tribes, distinguished by their languages. All this vast wilderness, with the exception of New York, a part of Ohio and part of Canada, was the country of the tribes speaking the Algonquin language and H ; o, and lived there for over thirty-six years, and that ?nr - c 'w~" hc've^i 1826 and 1829 he located within the present limits of Ev- anston or Wilmette Village, and certainly within the Reservation. Mrs. Kinzie took Ouilmette 's daughter Josette with her to the Indian Agency, of which her husband was in charge at Old Fort Winnebago in Wisconsin, on her re- turn from Chicago in 1831. She describes her ("Wau-bun," 300) as " a little bound girl, a bright, pretty child of ten years of age. She had been at the Saint Joseph's Mission School." Mrs. Kinzie, at the time of the Black Hawk war (1832) fled from Fort Winnebago to Green Bay in a canoe and took this same little Josette Ouilmette with her ("Wau-bun," 426). That Josette was a protege of the Kinzie family, and that they took a lively interest in her welfare, further appears from the treaty of 1833 with the Pottawatomies at Chicago. She is personally provided for. probably at the demand of the Kinzies, in the following words : "To Josette Ouil- mette (John H. Kinzie, Trustee), $200." The other children did not fare so well, for the Treaty further provides, "To Antoine Ouilmette's children, $300." Archange Ouilmette, wife of Antoine, was a squaw of the Pottawatomie tribe, be- longing to a band of that tribe locate'.! at the time she was married at what is now Wilmette Village, although the band were constant rovers over what is now Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin. While Archange was of the Pottawatomie tribe her father was a white man, a trader in the em- ploy of the American Fur Company, a Frenchman, bearing the rather striking name of Francois Chevallier. Archange was born at Sugar Creek, Michigan, about 1764 and died at Council Bluffs, Iowa, in 1840. (Authority, Sophia Martell, daugh- ter, and Israel Martell. grandson of An- toine.) John Wentworth says in his reminis- cences that Ouilmette's daughter, Eliza- beth, married for her first husband en May ii, 1830, Michael Welch, "the first Irish- man in Chicago." This wedding, with the son of Erin groom and the Pottawatomie bride, was celebrated in an old log cabin that stood until some two years ago (1903) on the east side of Sheridan Road, at Kenilworth, and about two blocks north of the Kenil- worth water tower. I secured a kodak pic- ture of this log cabin shortly before it was removed, copy of which appears on an adjoining page. This cabin was built by one John Doyle, who, considering his name and date of residence, may be safely designated "the first Irishman of the North Shore," for I am sure there are few who can successfully dispute my statement, nor do I see any reason why the North Shore should not have its "first Irishman" as well as Chicago. My authority as to this being the house where the wedding was celebrated is Mr. Charles S. Raddin, of Evanston, who se- cured the information some years ago from Mrs. Archibald Clybourne, who may have been present at the wedding, although Mr. Raddin neglected to ask her. Mr. Raddin was further neglectful in failing to get the name of the best man and the maid of hon- or, and whether they were Irish or Potta- watomie. The ceremony was performed by John B. Beaubien, a Justice of the Peace, as HISTORY OF EVANSTON 37 is shown beyond question by the records of Peoria County. Ouilmette and his family lived in this cabin at the time of this wedding, and for some time thereafter (authority, Sophia Martell, who also corroborates Mr. Raddin regarding her sister's marriage), although their most permanent abode was about a mile south of there, as will be shown later. The Treaty of Prairie du Chien with the Chippewas, Ottawas and Pottawatomies, by which the Reservation was ceded to Ouil- mette's wife, was concluded July 29, 1829. Among other provisions of land for In- dians and others, Article 4 of the Treaty provides as follows: "To Archange Ouil- mette. a Pottawatomie woman, wife of An- toine, two sections for herself and her chil- dren on Lake Michigan, south of and ad- joining the northern boundary of the ces- sion herein made by the Indians aforesaid to the United States. . . . The tracts of land herein stipulated to be granted shall never be leased or conveyed by the grantees, or their heirs, to any person whatever, with- out the permission of the President of the United States." The land was surveyed by the Govern- ment surveyors in 1842, and the patent therefor was issued October 2gth of the same year. Site of Evanston Lands Acquired From the Indians. This treaty is of special historical interest. By it the United States acquired title from the Indians to all of the land within the city limits of Evans- ton and great tracts to the west, bounded as follows : Beginning at the north line of Ouilmette's reservation, or a little south of Kenilworth on the Lake Shore, due west to the Rock River, thence down the river and east of it to the Indian boundary line on Fox River, estab- lished by the treaty of 1816; thence northeasterly on that line to Lake Michi- gan, thence north along the lake shore to the place of beginning. (The line men- tioned as running "northeasterly to Lake Michigan" is the center of the street in Rogers Park, known for many years and in our records as the "Indian Boundary Road." now unfortunately changed by di- rection of the City Council of Chicago to "Rogers Avenue." It is about half way between Calvary Cemetery and the Rog- ers Park depot ; crosses Clark Street or Chicago Avenue at the site of the old toll- gate and Justice Murphy's birthplace on the opposite corner). There should be active co-operation in restoring the name "Indian Boundary" to this highway. I am informed that the name was changed at the solicitation of Mr. Rog- ers' family. He was, no doubt, a worthy pioneer, but his name seems to have been sufficiently perpetuated by the name Rog- ers' Park, which was the former village now annexed to Chicago. There is, too, a railroad station there of that name, and many real estate subdivisions also bearing his name. This Indian Boundary line is not only a great land mark, but the treaty which fixed it had great historical signif- icance in the development of Illinois. This line is referred to in many maps, surveys, deeds and conveyances, is in part the divid- ing line between the cities of Chicago and Evanston, runs in a southwesterly direc- tion, intersecting other roads and streets in such manner as to make it an important and distinctive highway, the importance of which will grow more and more as the years go by. The disinclination of the City Council to disturb historical land- marks by changing the names of old high- ways should surely have been exercised in this instance, and one of the aldermen of that ward, Mr. W. P. Dunn, assures me that he agrees with this sentiment. This treaty also included a vast terri- OUR INDIAN PREDECESSORS tory lying between the Mississippi and Rock rivers in Illinois and Wisconsin, and was planned, it is said, with reference to the succeeding Treaty of Chicago in 1833, to finally clear Western Illinois and South- ern Wisconsin of the Indians. "By its pro- visions the Indians became completely hemmed in or surrounded. To use a com- mon saying in playing checkers, the In- dians were driven into the 'single corner' before they were aware of it." Haines, p 554-) This treaty was the entering wedge, de- signed, as above stated, to eventually oust the Pottawatomies and other tribes from Illinois and Wisconsin, and the manner in which its execution was secured reflects no credit upon our nation. If the writers who have investigated the subject can be relied upon, hardly any treaty with the In- dians ever made is subject to more just criticism. Story of the Ouilmette Reservation. It is claimed by Elijah M. Haines, au- thor of "The American Indian," that the two sections of land constituting the Ouil- mette Reservation, were given to Ouil- mette's wife and children as a bribe for the husband's influence in securing the execu- tion of this treaty. Mr. Haines, late of Waukegan, was for some years Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives, and spent a portion of each year, for many years, among the Indians. In his book he devotes some ten pages (550-560) to "the ingenious work in overreaching the In- dians in procuring the execution of this treaty," from which it appears, if Mr. Haines is correct, that plans were laid in advance by the Government's agents to carry it through by electing chiefs to fill vacancies in the Pottawatomie tribe, who were not only friendly to the whites, but who were parties to a prior conspiracy to dupe the Indians. As the author says, "the jury being thus successfully packed, the verdict was awaited as a matter of form." Mr. Haines seems to have reached this con- clusion after careful investigation, includ- ing personal interviews with some of the principals, among whom was Alexander Robinson, one of the chiefs who was elected at the very time the treaty was signed. Mr. Haines sets out a personal interview be- tween himself and Robinson on the sub- ject, which is as follows: "Mr. Robinson, when and how did you become a chief?" "Me made chief at the treaty of Prairie du Chien." "How did you happen to be made chief?" "Old Wilmette, he come to me one day and he say: Dr. Wolcott" (then Indian agent at Chi- cago, who Mr. Haines says, planned the deal) "want me and Billy Caldwell to be chief. He ask me if I will. Me say yes, if Dr. Wolcott want me to be." "After the Indians had met together at Prairie du Chien for the Treaty, what was the first thing done ?" "The first thing they do they make me and Billy Caldwell chiefs; then we be chiefs . . . then we all go and make the treaty." Chiefs Robinson and Caldwell were hand- somely taken care of, both -in this treaty and -subsequent ones, in the way of an- nuities, cash and lands, as were also their friends. Archange Ouilmette, Indian wife of the man designated by Chief Robinson as "Old Wilmette," and her children thus, according to Mr. Haines, secured the two sections of land constituting the Reserva- tion under discussion, and which seems to show that Ouilmette was, indeed, as al- ready stated, a thrifty Frenchman. There is ample ground, however, for disagreement with Mr. Haines in his volun- tary criticism of Ouilmette in this trans- action. It must be borne in mind that Ouilmette and his family were not only friendly to the whites during the stirring and perilous times at Chicago in the War of 1812, but they themselves had suffered depredations at the hands of the Indians, as shown by Ouilmette's letter to John H. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 39 Kinzie. Then, too, he was occupying this very land, then of little value, and consid- ering his fidelity to the Government, not- withstanding his marriage to a Pottawato- mie wife, it would seem that this cession of these two sections of land, under the cir- cumstances, was entirely right and prob- ably very small compensation for his friendly services. Then, too, it must be re- membered that he did not get the land, but it went to his Pottawatomie wife and her children. Mr. Haines says of this transaction and of Dr. Wolcott's and Ouilmette's connec- tion with it (p. 557) : "In aid of this purpose, it seems he secured the services of Antoine Wilmette, a French- man, who had married an Indian wife of the Pottawatomie tribe, one of the oldest residents of Chicago, and a man of much influence with the Indians and a particular friend of Robinson's." It is fair to say that Mr. Haines excuses both Robinson and Caldwell for their action in the matter, on the ground that they had long been friendly to the whites and were misled into believing that the integrity of their white friends was as lasting as their own (p. 556). It is to be regretted that Mr. Haines did not express the same views as to Ouilmette, for history clearly demon- strates that he was richly entitled to it. Ouilmette was also on hand when the Treaty of Chicago (1833) was negotiated, as he was at Prairie du Chien, for the treaty not only provides for the donations already mentioned to Chiefs Robinson and Caldwell, to Ouilmette's children and others, but he secured $800 for himself, as the treaty shows. Whether this was com- pensation for his hogs that had been "dis- troyed" some thirty years before by the In- dians, or as further compensation for his prior services at Prairie du Chien or at Chicago in 1812, is not disclosed, but it cer- tainly is evidence of his desire to see that his finances should not suffer in deals made with his wife's relations. Joseph Fountain, late of Evanston, now deceased, father-in-law of ex-Alderman Carroll, says in an affidavit dated in 1871, "that when he first came here he lived with Antoine Ouilmette; that at that time he (Antoine) was an old man, about 70 years of age, and was living upon the Reservation with his nephew, Archange, his wife, being then absent. . . . That within a year or two thereafter the children returned and lived with their father upon the Reservation The children went away again and return- ed again in 1844. They were then all over lawful age, had usual and ordinary intelli- gence of white people and were competent to manage and sell their property. . . . That he was intimate with the children and their father and after their return as- sisted them in building a house to live in on the Reservation. That during the last twenty (20) years the Indian heirs have not been back there. . . . That in the years 1852 and 1853 the land was not worth over $3,00 per acre." I find by inquiry of Mary Fountain, Jo- seph Fountain's widow, a very old lady, in Evanston, still living in 1901", and by like inquiry of Mr. Benjamin F. Hill 2 and others, that the house just mentioned was built of logs, situated on the high bluffs on the lake shore, opposite, or a little north of Lake Avenue, in the Village of Wilmette, and that the former site of the house has long since, and within the memory of old residents been washed into the lake, many acres of land having been thus washed away. Mr. Hill says that this house was at one time occupied by Joel Stebbins, who used it as a tavern. JMrs. Fountain died in Evanston February 17. 190. ^Benjamin F. Hill died in Milwaukee. Wisconsin. Oc- tober 7, 1!X>5 his residence up to that time, hoocver. having been in Evanston. 4 o OUR INDIAN PREDECESSORS The affidavit of Mr. Fountain indicates that Ouilmette lived on the Reservation un- til 1838. His letter of 1839 indicates a residence at Racine, at which place he had a farm for several prior years, and while living in Chicago, or at least a tract of land where he frequently went. (Author- ity, Sophia Martell.) Mr. Benjamin F. Hill says that he knew him about the year 1838; that he was then a very old man, rather small of stature, dark skinned and bowed with age ; that about that year he went away. He died at Council Bluffs. December I, 1841. Mr. Hill says that Mr. Fountain omits in his affidavit one item concerning the acquaintance between Ouilmette and Foun- tain, viz. : a lawsuit, in which Ouilmette prosecuted Fountain and others for tres- passing upon the Reservation by cutting timber, which resulted unfavorably to Ouil- mette ; that there was a large bill of court costs which Fountain's lawyer collected by- having the Sheriff levy upon and sell a pair of fine Indian ponies belonging to Ouil- mette, which were his special pride, and that it was immediately after this incident that Ouilmette left the Reservation never to return. (The value of the timber probably ac- counts for the selection of this land by Ouilmette when the treaty was drawn.) There are many other interesting remin- iscences among old settlers of Evanston re- garding Ouilmette. One from William Carney, former Chief of Police of Evans- ton and for many years a Cook County Deputy Sheriff, who was born in Evanston, is to the effect that Ouilmette often went through Evanston, along the old Ridge trail on which the Carneys lived, on foot and always carrying a bag over his shoul- der ; that the children were afraid of him, and that Carney's mother, when he was a small bov, used to threaten him with the punishment for misconduct of giving him to "Old Ouilmette," who would put him in the bag and carry young Carney home to his squaw. Mr. Carney says, "Then I used to be good" ; and it is local history that, in later years, my youthful associates used to say something to the same effect about be- ing good after an interview with Mr. Car- ney himself, when he had grown to man- hood and become the first Chief of Police of Evanston, his brother John constituting the remainder of the force. In those days, too, "Carney will get you if you don't look out!" was a common parental threat in Evanston. As already shown, neither Archange Ouilmette nor her children could, under the treaty and patent, sell any of the land with- out the consent of the President of the United States. Consequently there is much data respecting the family, both in the Recorder's office of this county, in the form of affidavits and in the office of the Interior Department at Washington, es- pecially in the General Land Office and the office of Indian Affairs. To some of these documents I refer : By a petition dated February 22, 1844, to the President of the United States, signed by seven of the children of Ouil- mette (all except Joseph), it appears that Archange Ouilmette, the mother, died at Council Bluffs on November 25, 1840; that six of the children signing the petition then resided at Council Bluffs, and one (prob- ably the former little Josette) at Fort Win- nebago, Wisconsin Territory; that in con- sequence of their living at a remote dis- tance, the land is deteriorating in value "by having much of its timber, which con- stitutes its chief worth, cut off and stolen by various individuals living near by," which would seem to indicate that people were not so good in those days in Evans- ton as they have been reputed to be in some HISTORY OF EVANSTOX later days, if the Chicago newspapers can be believed in this respect. The petition further says : "The home of your petitioners, with one exception, is at Council Bluffs, with the Pottawatomie tribe of Indians, with whom we are connected by blood, and that your petitioners cannot, with due regard to their feelings and interests, reside away from their tribe on said Reserve" ; also that they have been put to expense in em- ploying agents, whose employment has not been beneficial. The petition then asks leave to sell or lease the land, and the prayer concludes in the following words: "Or, that your Excellency will cause the Government of the United States to pur- chase back from us said Reserve of land, and pay us one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre therefor." "And your petitioners further show that they are now at Chicago on expense, wait- ing for the termination of this petition, and anxious to return home as soon as possible," and request action "without delay." As the result of this petition and subse- quent ones, Henry W. Clarke was ap- pointed a Special Indian Agent to make sale of the Reservation, or rather that part of it owned by the seven petitioners, so that a fair price could be obtained, and sale was made to real estate speculators during the years 1844 and 1845. ^ n tne corre- spondence between the various departments of the Government with reference to the sale, appear the signatures of John H. Kin- zie. John Went worth (then member of Congress), William Wilkins, Secretary of War, President John Tyler, W. L. Marcy, Secretary of War; also the signatures of Presidents James K. Polk and U. S. Grant. 1 ' tpor copies of these documents pee "Historical Col- lections," Kvanston Historical Society. The south half of the Reservation, in- cluding all that is in Evanston (640 acres), sold for $1,000, or a little over $1.50 per acre. The north section was sold in sep- arate parcels for a larger sum. The cor- respondence tends to show that the seven Ouilmette children carried their money home with them, but as the Special Indian Agent had no compensation from the Gov- ernment and there were several lawyers en- gaged in the transaction, the amount that the Indians carried back to Council Bluffs can be better imagined than described. Joseph Ouilmette in the year 1844 took his share of the Reservation in severally, deeding the remainder of the Reservation to his brothers and sisters, and they in turn deeding his share to him. The share that he took was in the northeastern part of the Reservation; he secured the best price in making a sale and seemed inclined, not only to separate his property interests from his brothers and sisters, but to be more of a white man than an Indian, as he did not follow the family and the Pottawatomie tribe to the West for several years, but adopted the life of a Wisconsin farmer, re- moving later to the Pottawatomie Reserva- tion in Kansas. An affidavit made by Norman Clark, May 25, 1871, states that Joseph Ouilmette was in 1853 a farmer, residing on his farm in Marathon county, Wis., "about 300 miles from Racine," and that the $460 he re- ceived for his share of the Reservation "was used in and about the improvement of his farm," upon which he lived for about seven years, and that he was capable of managing his affairs "as ordinary, full- blooded white farmers are" ; that from 1850 to 1853 he carried on a farm within two miles of Racine, presumably on the land formerly owned by his father, An- toine. It appears from various recorded affi- OUR INDIAN PREDECESSORS davits that all of the children of Ouil- mette are now dead. Such affidavits must have been made from hearsay and with a view of extinguishing upon the face of the records all possible adverese claims, for I find by investigation that a daughter of Ouilmette (Sophia Martell) is still (1905) living on the Pottawatomie Reservation in Kansas, at a very advanced age, but with a good memory that has served a useful purpose in supplying the writer with a few of the facts here noted. With this excep- tion, all of the children are dead, but many of their descendants are still living on this same Reservation, and several of them are people of intelligence and education, priz- ing highly the history of their ancestors. Mitchell Ouilmette, on May 2, 1832, (as John Went worth says) enlisted in the first "militia of the town of Chicago until all apprehension of danger from the Indians may have subsided" probably referring to the Black Hawk War. Mr. Went worth's authority is a copy of the enlistment roll, where, in transacting the copy, his name is stated as "Michael," an evident mistake in transcribing from the original signa- ture. While it is true that Captain Heald, of Fort Dearborn, was notified on August 7 or 9, 1812, of the declaration of war against England by a message carried by the Pottawatomie chief Win-a-mac, or Win- nemeg (the Catfish), from General Hull at Detroit, warning Captain Heald that the Post and Island of Mackinac had fallen into the hands of the British, of the conse- quent danger to the Chicago garrison, and the probable necessity of retiring to Fort Wayne, still it is stated upon good author- ity that Louis Ouilmette, son of Antoint, learned the same facts from a band of In- dians on the North Shore, who had come either from Mackinac or from that vicin- ity, and at once carried the information to the garrison several days before the arrival of Win-a-mac. (Authority, data in hands of C. S. Raddin.) The only relic of Antoine Ouilmette in the hands of the Evanston Historical So- ciety is an old chisel, or tapping gouge, used by him in tapping maple trees in making maple sugar on the Reservation, at a point a little west and some two blocks north of the present Wilmette station of the Northwest- ern Railway, immediately west of Dr. B. C. Stolp's residence. This chisel, or gouge, was secured by Mr. Benjamin F. Hill in this sugar bush soon after Ouilmette went away, and there is not the slightest doubt of its being the former property of Ouil- mette ; for Mr. Hill, who has been quoted frequently in this paper, is not only the John Wentworth of Evanston in the mat- ter of being an early settler (1836), with a great fund of authentic information, but he is a man of force and intelligence, of ex- cellent memory, unquestionable integrity, and always interested in historical sub- jects, as his many valuable contributions to the Evanston Historical Society abun- dantly show. Convincing evidence of the shortness of the span between the wigwam, the log cabin and the modern home, is presented when we consider that there are many liv- in Evanstonians who knew the Ouilmette family, and who saw their North Shore Reservation in all the primeval beauty of its ancient forest and towering elms. Indian Trails of the North Shore. "Red Men's Roads" have of late been the subject of much investigation. Passing reference, therefore, to some of the Indian Trails of the North Shore will not be out of place here. My information is con- fined largely to Evanston and that imme- diate vicinity. For over a quarter of a century the Northwestern Railway has operated what the North Shore residents HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 43 call "The Green Bay Train." A quarter of a century before that the white pioneer went to "Little Fort" or Waukegan on the "Green Bay Road," and before that old settlers say it was the "Green Bay In- dian Trail." Along this trail, in the year 1680, fled the wounded Henri de Tonty and his two or three follow- ers, in their historic flight from the blood-thirsty Iroquois, who time and again had also chased their red enemies in terror before them along this same Indian trail, and, in the later days, the white pio- neer saw, in the same trail, the tracks of many moccasined feet and of many Indian ponies wending their way to and from the treaty making councils at Fort Dearborn. Evanston historians have long been at loggerheads as to the location of this Green Bay Road. They all agree that it followed the line of Clark Street north, to a point opposite the north line of Rose Hill Cemetery, and there the trouble begins. Some insist that it went due north, follow- ing Clark Street and its Evanston exten- sion called there Chicago Avenue to a point a little north of the Evanston light- house, there reaching "the Ridge." Others claim that its divergence to 'the Ridge" was at the point of difference. Probably Both are right, each route being used, accord- ing to the wetness or dryness of the sea- son. At all events, there is no doubt for old settlers all agree, from Benjamin F. Hill, who came to Evanston in 1836, to Frances E. Willard, author of "The Classic Town" in 1892 that through Evanston there were at least two well-defined north and south Indian trails, one following "the Ridge" or the high ground that extends from the terminus of Lincoln Avenue at Bowman- ville, or Rose Hill, on the south, to the high bluff on the lake front to the north of Evanston, and the other trail was right on the bank of the lake shore. This latter trail, however, there is reason to believe, was a very ancient trail, leading to the chipping stations or shops already de- scribed; and, in the later days, when the settlers began to arrive, and when weapons were purchased of traders and, therefore, no further use for the primitive article this latter trail was used only in following the game that also used it. "The Ridge" trail ran to the south, along the high ground, through Rose Hill Cemetery, reaching both the ancient and the modern Indian Village somewhere in that vicinity probably at or near the western limits of the cemetery or on the North Branch. There is abundant evidence to show that north of Evanston, this trail, which reaches the Lake Shore in the north part of Evans- ton, led to Milwaukee and even north of that, following generally the present line of Sheridan Road with a branch around the south end of "The Skokie," reaching the North Branch of the Chicago River at or near its source, and in turn the Desplaines River and the Lake region to the north- west. One authority places the "Little Fort (Waukegan) Trail" six miles west of Evanston, on one of the sand ridges there. As these ridges (of which there are sev- eral) lie generally alongside low, marshy places between the ridges, and as these ridges extend north and south, it is no doubt true, considering the Indian popula- tion and the important points both north and south, that there were well denned In- dian trails on all of them, with branches in varying directions, that would lead to Lit- tle Fort; but whatever may have been the name of this western trail, the most direct ones from Chicago to Little Fort were through Evanston. The existence and location of these Evanston trails is not left in doubt, for there are several living witnesses, both in Chicago and Evanston, who have seen them 44 OUR INDIAN PREDECESSORS and have traveled them. The Ridge Trail had been in such constant use that the path was worn more than a foot into the ground from constant travel. Major Mulford, one of Evanston's pioneers, had his home ad- joining his trail, immediately west of the present site of Calvary Cemetery, and was frequently visited there by his Chicago friends, among them Fernando Jones. The site of this trail is known as Ridge Boule- vard, in Evanston, and upon it live many of Chicago's leading citizens. Mr. B. F. Hill, in describing the Ridge Trail, says: "On each side of the Ridge and close to it, were two Indian ' trails, where the Indians traveled north and south'. One was about where Ridge Avenue now is, and the other in the neighborhood of As- bury Avenue, or perhaps a little west of that. These trails were so much used that the path was worn more than a foot into the ground from the constant travel, show- ing that these trails had been used for many years." Indian Trees of the North Shore. There are, at various places along the North Shore, and following closely the line of several of the old Indian trails, some curious trees that apparently have been broken, or rather bent and tied down while saplings by Indians to mark these trails ; that custom has been followed in other lo- calities, among which, it is said, is the Brad- dock trail, several localities near Fox Lake, 111., also in the vicinity of Mackinac, and it is entirely probable here. The trees are in- variably large and. if this convenient and plausible theory is correct, some of this work of so marking the trails must have been done a century and more ago, for many of the trees are white oaks of considerable size. These trees, and this theory, present also a most interesting field for inquiry and specu- lation. Photographs of some of these trees were taken by Mr. A. W. Watriss of Rog- ers Park, who, as well as Mr. C. S. Rad- din of the Evanston Historical Society and Vice-President of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, have taken great interest in this subject. One of these trees is located on the county line, beside the railroad tracks of the Northwestern Railroad at the south- west corner of the Highland Park Ceme- tery, and can easily be seen from passing trains; and another at Calvary Cemetery, west of the railroad, can also be so seen; and one of them long stood in the dooryard, at Davis Street and Hinman Avenue, of the late Dr. Miner Raymond, of Evanston, father of Messrs. Samuel, James and Fred D. Raymond. But some six years ago there were eleven of these trees in perfect alignment, leading from the site of the old Indian Village at Highland Park in a northwesterly direc* tion for several miles. Most of them are still standing and can be easily identified ; anil what is particularly of interest is the fact that all of these trees are white oaks, while another old trail farther to the south, near Wilmette, are without exception white elms, indicating system in the selec- tion. Those in the City of Evanston were oaks, and supposed by the supporters of this theory to lead to the chipping stations or shops on the lake shore. Two or three of these trees were also located on the North Branch of the Chicago River, near the Glen View Golf Club, probably mark- ing the trail to one of the near-by villages. Another circumstance that gives color to this contention is, that where those trees are found was once a dense and heavy forest, where it is probable that an Indian trail would be marked, if marked at all. There is still another theory to the ef- fect that these trees were bent down when young saplings, and used in the construction of wigwams by covering them with mats a common method among the Algonquins ; HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 45 but as these trees generally stand alone, with no near-by duplicates, there seems to be little to warrant this contention. Another North Shore tree that has be- come historic on account of the attention of the modern newspaper reporter, is what was known as "the Pottawatomie tree," lo- cated about three miles west of Wilmette, on the farm of M. A. Kloepfer, who se- cures quite a revenue from its exhibition. This was a remarkable tree, but is now dead, having been partially destroyed by fire and cut off some thirty feet from the ground. It was said to be the largest tree in Illinois, a cottonwood, 160 feet high and eighteen feet in diameter, with a hol- low trunk that would hold thirty-one people. All sorts of Indian traditions, of the im- promptu variety, have been related with ref- erence to its Indian history, most of them be- ing about as reliable as the average historical novel, or the relation of an old settler in his dotage, who sometimes has been found to know many things that were not so. Still, it may be true that such a tree, towering so high above the surrounding forest, may, on account of being such a conspicuous land- mark, have been a place of Indian rendez- vous. Indian Camps and Villages. A picture of an Indian country would be sadly dis- appointing and deficient without the In- dian camps and villages, and, therefore. I direct your attention to the sites of such camps an.l villages as I have been able to locate in Evanston and vicinity. The village near Bowmanville, already referred to, was designated by the late Karl Dilg, in an article published in "The Lake View Independent," as "Chicago's Great- est Indian Village," and it is quite certain that there is every reason for giving it that name. The vast number and variety of the weapons, utensils, chippings, bits of pottery and litter of many descriptions not only in- dicate an unusual population, but extended residence for a very long space of time. Some of these utensils are claimed to be pre-historic and very ancient, and the area covered by them, extending practically over the territory from Rose Hill Cemetery to the Xorth Branch of the Chicago River, with like finds as far north as High Ridge, would indicate a very extensive village. Another populous village is said to have been at Xiles Center, one at Forest Glen, or Edgebrook, and still another on the North Branch of the Chicago River, near the Glen View golf-grounds. One of these villages is, in all probability, the one re- ferred to in Marquette's diary as being six leagues (or some 18 miles) to the north. These locations by Mr. Dilg are further corroborated by Mr. Albert F. Scharf, who has made extensive personal examination of the ground, and has shown many of the locations upon a map. which not only seems to have been prepared with great care, but which is, in many instances that I could name, entirely corroborated by other inde- pendent investigations. Mr. Dilg locates also another village on the Ridge Trail at Rogers Park, which he says is practically a continuation of this Bowmanville village, "as there are chips everywhere" in this vi- cinity indicating this fact and such inhabi- tants to the Evanston City Limits on "the Ridge" ; and further claims that these vil- lages are of great antiquity, reaching back to the time of the Mound Builders, and cor- roborated, he says, by tht utensils found, some of copper, and by the further fact that there is no written history concerning any such population as must have lived for a long space of time in this locality. Whether Mr. Dilg be right or wrong in these conclusions, it is certain that these were populous villages in times of which there is no written history of this vicinity, and these same localities were in later times 4 6 OUR INDIAN PREDECESSORS favorite camping grounds and smaller vil- lage sites for the Pottawatomies, as is abundantly shown by the testimony of many early pioneers who saw them here along the North Branch of the Chicago River. Mr. Budlong, proprietor of the present extensive truck farm, or garden, at Bow- manville, very recently (1904) in excavat- ing a gravel-pit, unexpectedly opened and exposed to view an Indian grave of more than ordinary interest. The grave con- tained fourteen skeletons buried in a circle, the feet without exception pointing toward the center. Although apparently well preserved when uncovered, they soon crumbled to pieces after being exposed to the air. The site of this grave is about ten rods north of Foster Avenue, and of the center of Section 12 ; and, when California Avenue is opened, the site of these graves will be in that highway (authority, Wil- liam A. Peterson, who pointed out the lo- cation to the writer.) It is reasonable to suppose that these fourteen mute tenants of Mr. Budlong's gravel-pit were Potta- watomies, who were some of the later res- idents of the Bowmanville Indian Village. Two small villages are said to have been located at Rogers Park, on the Indian boundary line, and between Clark Street and the Lake, one of them within the pres- ent limits of Evanston (authority, Albert F. Scharf's map). The same authority lo- cates a small village at the foot of Demp- ster Street, in Evanston, which must have been done by the litter of a temporary vil- lage or camp that was there about the year 1840, during the summer season, and oc- cupied by a small roving band of Potta- watomie fishermen, described by an Evans- ton pioneer, James Carney, who visited them. Still another small village was on the north side of Hill Street, in Wilmette, about 300 feet east of Sheridan Road, on the north boundary of the Evanston golf-grounds, and one also at Gross Point, I am informed. In 1835, when the Carney family first came to Evanston, there was, at about the southwest corner of Davis Street and Wes- ley Avenue, in Evanston, a log hut, with roof of straw, that is said to have been constructed by Indians, and that was, in fact, inhabited by them (one or two fam- ilies), for quite a time while hunting in the vicinity. Immediately north of Sheridan Road, where it turns to the west, some two or three blocks north of the Evanston light- house, fronting the lake shore and on the property belonging to Mr. Charles Deering, was another Indian Village consisting of from fifteen to twenty wigwams. It must have been quite a permanent place of abode, for they had a cornfield there, and the mounds showing where the corn grew in rows could be seen but a few years ago. Mr. James Carney, of Evanston, vis- ited this village when a small boy, and has a vivid recollection of the wigwams built of rushes and mats, the Indians, their squaws, the children, the dogs, and espe- cially of five or six of the Indians who fol- lowed him home after one of his visits to secure a certain black pup to which they took a fancy, which Mrs. Carney, his mother, gave them, much to his disappoint- ment, for he, too, was fond of the dog. This was done while James was in hiding in a hay stack back of the house. In 1852 Dr. Henry M. Bannister and a companion, while hunting on the Lake Shore discovered the site of an Indian vil- lage immediately south of what is now Greenleaf Street and east of the present Sheridan Road and lying east of the shop or chipping station before described. The site was well defined, not only by the fire places, but by the litter of many kinds, in- cluding broken utensils and pottery. This HISTORY OF EVANSTON 47 discovery of Dr. Bannister's has received ample corroboration by other investiga- tions. Still another village is thus described by Mr. B. F. Hill, of Evanston : "The Indians had winter quarters at Wil- mette and lived in wigwams made of poles and mats of rushes. The village was where the Westerfield place used to be, near the present intersection of Lake Ave- nue and Sheridan Road. It was their cus- tom to come there late in the fall and stay for the winter." (This village was com- posed, not only of Indians, but French and half-breeds, the Ouilmettes and some of the Beaubiens are said to have lived with them part of the time). A part of the same interview with Mr. Hill is also of interest in this connection. I quote from it as follows: "Evanston was quite a hunting ground for the Indians on account of the deer being plenty there. During the early years of my residence here Indians were coming and going all the time, traveling north and south from Chicago, Green Bay and other points, in- cluding the winter village at Wilmette, and to and from the lake on hunting expedi- tions. The last band that I remember of seeing was some time in the early for- ties ; they were camping temporarily on the side of the road and at about what is now the intersection of Lake Avenue and Eighth Street in Wilmette. "I remember seeing John Kinzie Clark, who had a ranch in Northfield, where he raised ponies, on one occasion, coming along through the Wilmette woods with three or four Indian ponies. He was a great hunter, and, on this occasion, had three or four deer tied onto the backs of the pon- ies. He was riding one pony and the pony to the rear had his bridle tied to the tail of the pony Clark was riding, and the whole string was thus tied together, Indian file or tandem fashion. "The Indians I have described were all Pottawatomies. Roaming bands frequent- ly camped near my father's house and would call and trade." ("Our Indian Pre- decessors," 23.) The wigwams of all these North Shore camps and villages have, like their builders, disappeared forever from the earth, but it is a pleasing reverie to think of them and of the forests and the ridges and the North Shore, as in those olden days they used to be. The Indian Mounds and Graves of the North Shore are also most interesting land marks. Indian graves have been found in Evanston in many localities along the lake front, one on the property of Dr. Robert D. Sheppard. by Mr. C. S. Raddin and Dr. William A. Phillips, two by my father, Al- din J. Grover, in the year 1866, in laying the foundation for "Heck Hall," the first building constructed on the Northwestern University campus ; two more about a block north of Mr. Charles Deering's residence, on the bank of the lake ; another in the ex- cavation for the foundation of James Rood's building on Davis Street, some ten years ago. The emblematic or totemic mound, in the form of a huge lizard that was under the present site of the Wellington Street Sta- tion of the Northwestern Elevated Rail- road, may well be classed among the North Shore landmarks, and I was informed its existence has been fully authenticated. An- other one used for burial purposes, and now also obliterated, was located near the Saint Paul Railway viaduct, at the intersec- tion of Ridge Boulevard in Evanston. This mound was excavated some fifty years ago by Evanston pioneers, Joel Stebbins, Paul Pratt and James Colvin, who found a col- lection of "war instruments and skeletons." (Authority, James Carney, of Evanston.) Another landmark that may well be classed under this heading is across the ra- OUR INDIAN PREDECESSORS vine from the residence and on the premises of the late McGregor Adams, at Highland Park, which is circular in form, and about thirty feet in diameter, with a round eleva- tion in the center, and is said to have been the site of a huge wigwam used as a "coun- cil house," with trails leading to it from the west, marked by the trees elsewhere de- scribed. But to return to Evanston : there was an Indian cemetery beside the Green Bay or Ridge Avenue trail, some four or five blocks northwest of the Evanston light- house, and extending from the Evanston Hospital north to the lake, terminating about at the property now owned by Mr. P. W. Gates, and extending across the eastern edge of the Evanston golf-grounds. The last burial there is fully described in Frances E. VVillard's history of Evanston, "The Classic Town" (page 21). The last burial in this cemetery is well authenticated by old settlers. "This Indian's coffin was made of poles or saplings, laid up like a log house and bound together at the corners with withes of bark, and the top was also of poles fas- tened in like manner. With him was bu- ried his gun and tomahawk and his dog. He was buried in a sitting posture, above ground, and facing the east." (See Mr. Hill's account of this in Miss Willard's "Classic Town.") Some old settlers (then boys) were kept awake many nights by visions of the grin- ning skeleton, which they saw by peeping through the cracks between the poles, which immediately preceded their flight in terror to their home. The tomahawk bu- ried with this Indian was found on the site of the grave of this identical Indian in 1875, and is now the property of the Evans- ton Historical Society. The exact site of this burial is on the west side of Ridge Boulevard, a little north of the intersection of Sheridan Road and thirty to forty feet south of Joseph Nellessen's house, and it may be of interest to Evanston golf en- thusiasts, who pursue the game until the shadows of evening fall, to know that Hole or Green No. 9, of the Evanston Golf Club's course, is within less than fifty feet of this former sepulcher. (Authority. 'B. F. Hill, who saw, when a boy, the grave, procured the tomahawk and presented it to the Ev- anston Society, and who has described to the writer the exact location as deter- mined by the modern landmarks just mentioned.) The many burials, so wildly scattered over Evanston, have an important signifi- cance in the respect that they indicate more than the ordinary scattering Indian popu- lation. Recollections of Later Settlers. In later years and. even as late as 1870, single Indians and very small bands or families, came through Evanston, traveling to and from the north and Chicago, following the railroad and the lake. I have personal rec- ollection of such visitors on two or three occasions between 1866 and 1870, when they would camp and spend the night un- der the oaks at the northeast corner of Sherman Avenue and Lake Street ; but these were not the wild prairie Indians of the olden time, and their character may be illustrated by an anecdote. A year or two ago I was visiting the summer home of a Kentucky gentleman on Lake Huron. His family had a colored cook "Aunt Caro- line" who had never before been in the North. My friend had in his employ, about his grounds, several half-breed Chippewas (Ojilnvays). The next morning, after "Aunt Caroline's" arrival, one of the chil- dren of the family tried to alarm her by saying that the Indians were apt to scalp her. to which she replied: "Law no. honey! them's pet Indians." HISTORY OF EVANSTON 49 Five Great Treaties Removal of the Pottawatomies. Five important treaties preceded and were effective in divesting the Pottawatomies of their title to this part of the land of the Illinois. The first was the treaty of Greenville, effected by William H. Harrison, as aid-de-camp to Major-General Anthony Wayne, August 3, 1795, by which the Indians ceded "one piece of land six miles square at the mouth of the Chikago River, emptying into the southwest end of Lake Michigan, where a fort formerly stood." The second was the treaty of Saint Louis, concluded August 24, 1816, and negotiated by Gov. N'in inn Edwards, by which the In- dians ceded twenty miles of lake front, di- rectly south of Evanston, and a great ad- jacent territory lying to the west and south. The northern boundary of this cession (ten miles north of the Chicago River) is what has been known by Ridgeville and Evans- ton citizens, for some fifty years, as "the Indian Boundary line" and "Indian Boun- dary Road," above referred to. The south- ern boundary of the land ceded by this treaty began on the lake shore, ten miles south of the Chicago River. The Indians retained by the provisions of this treaty the right to hunt and fish, within the tract of land ceded, "so long as it may continue to be the property of the United States." The object of the Government in securing this land, was said to be "to construct a military road to facilitate the building of the proposed ship canal." (Blanchard, supra, 419.) The third of the treaties referred to was the Treaty of Chicago, concluded August 29, 1821, by which the Pottawatomies ceded some 5,000,000 acres of land in Michigan, and thus began the most important cessions of their large domain. It was at Chicago at this time that the Pottawatomie Chief Me-te-a made his eloquent and historical speech, so often quoted by Indian histori- ans. It is of interest to show the feeling of the Pottawatomies in regard to parting with their lands. The following quotations are from Samuel G. Drake's "Book of the Indians": "You know that we first came to this country a long time ago, and when we sat ourselves down upon it, we met with a great many hardships and difficulties. Our country was then very large ; but it has dwindled away to a small spot, and you wish to purchase that. . . . We have brought all the warriors and the young men and women of our tribe that one part may not do what the oth- ers object to. ... Our country was given to us by the Great Spirit, who gave it to us to hunt upon, to make our cornfields upon, to live upon, and to make our beds upon when we die, and He would never forgive us should we bargain it away. When you first spoke to us of lands at St. Mary's we said we had a little and agreed to sell you a piece of it ; but we told you we could spare no more. Now you ask us again. You are never satisfied. We have sold you a great tract of land already, but it is not enough. . . . You are grad- ually taking away our hunting grounds. Your children are driving us before them. We are growing uneasy. What lands you have you can retain forever, but we shall sell no more. You think, perhaps, that I speak in passion, but my heart is good towards you. I speak like one of your own children. I am an Indian, a red-skin, and live by hunting and fishing, but my country is already too small, and I do not know how to bring up my children if I give it all away. . . . We speak to you with a good heart and the feelings of a friend. You are acquainted with this piece of land the country we live in. Shall we give it up? Take notice it is a small piece of land, and if we give it away what will become of us? . . . If we had more land, you should get more, but our land has been wasting away ever since the white people became our neighbors and we now have hardly enough left to cover the bones of our tribe. You are in the midst of your red children. We all shake hands with you. Behold our war- riors, our women and children. Take pity on us and on our words." The fourth of the treaties in question was that of Prairie du Chien, concluded July 29, 1829, ceding the lake front from Kenilworth to Rogers Park, including Wilmette and Evanston and lands to the west, fully men- tioned in references to Ouilmette, his fam- ily and Reservation. The fifth of the treaties mentioned was the final treaty of Chicago, concluded Sep- tember 26, 1833, by which the Pottawato- mies ceded to the United States all that OUR INDIAN PREDECESSORS remained of their lands in Illinois and Wis- consin ("supposed to contain," the treaty says, "about five million acres"), and which provided for and resulted in their removal from Illinois and west of the Mississippi. There is a very numerous class of Ameri- can writers who have little or no sympa- thy with the Indian or his supposed rights ; they look upon him and the land he has oc- cupied as not only the inevitable, but the just spoil of advancing civilization. It must, however, be a man with a heart of stone that could view, without some feeling of sentiment, this once proud and powerful na- tion, compelled by circumstance to which they had made no contribution, to desert the land of their fathers and terminate a resi- dence of more than a century and a half, at the demand of more powerful masters. Chicago in 1833 was an insignificant frontier village : but it was then the scene of a great and historic drama, both pictur- esque and pathetic. At the time the treaty was concluded an English writer, a gentle- man of learning Charles J. Latrobe was making a tour of this country, and was in Chicago. In a book dedicated to Washing- ton Irving, entitled "Rambler," printed in London in 1835, he describes the scene from which I quote: "When within five miles of Chicago we came to the first Indian encampment ; five thousand Indians were said to be collected around this little upstart village. "We found the village on our arrival crowded to excess, and we procured with great difficulty a small apartment, comfortless and noisy from its close proximity to others, but quite as good as we could have hoped for. The Pottawatomies were encamped on all sides on the wide level prairie beyond the scattered village, beneath the shelter of the low woods on the side of the small river, or to the leeward of the sand hills near the beach of the lake. They consisted of three principal tribes with certain adjuncts from smaller tribes. The main divisions are, the Pottawatomies of the prairie and those of the forest, and these are sub- divided into distinct villages under their several chiefs. . . . "A preliminary council had been held with the chiefs some days before our arrival. The princi- pal commissioner had opened it, as we learned, by stating that, 'as their great father in Washington had heard that they wished to sell their land, he had sent Commissioners to treat with them.' The Indians promptly answered by their organ 'that their great father in Washington must have seen a bad bird which had told him a lie, for that, far from wishing to sell their land, they wished to keep it.' The commissioner, nothing daunted, re- plied : 'That nevertheless, as they had come to- gether for a council, they must take the matter into consideration.' He then explained to them promptly the wishes and intentions of their great father, and asked their opinion thereon. Thus pressed, they looked at the sky, saw a few wander- ing clouds, and straightway adjourned sine die, as the weather is not clear enough for so solemn a council. "However, as the treaty had been opened, pro- vision was supplied to them by regular rations; and the same night they had great rejoicing danced the war dance, and kept the eyes and ears of all open by running and howling about the village. "Such was the state of affairs on our arrival. Companies of old warriors might be seen sitting smoking under every bush, arguing, palavering or 'pow-wowing' with great earnestness; but there seemed no possibility of bringing them to another council in a hurry. . . "Next in rank to the officers and commissioners, may be noticed certain store-keepers and mer- chants here; looking either to the influx of new settlers establishing themselves in the neighbor- hood, or those passing yet further to the westward, for custom and profit ; not to forget the chance of extraordinary occasions like the present. Add to these a doctor or two, two or three lawyers, a land agent, and five or six hotel-keepers. These may be considered as stationary, and proprietors of the half a hundred clap-board houses around you. "Then, for the birds of passage exclusive of the Pottawatomies, of whom more anon and emigrants and land speculators as numerous as the sands. You will find horse-dealers and horse- stealers; rogues of every description, white, black, brown, and red ; half-breeds, quarter-breeds, and men of no breed at all; dealers in pigs, poultry and potatoes; men pursuing Indian claims, some for tracts of land, others, like our friend Snipe (one of his stage coach companions on the way), for pigs which wolves had eaten, creditors of the tribes or of particular Indians, who know that they have no chance of getting their money, if they do not get it from the government agents sharpers of every degree; peddlers, grog-sellers, Indian agents and Indian traders of every description, and contractors to supply the Pottawatomies with food. The little village was in an uproar from morning to night, and from night to morning ; for, during the hours of darkness, when the housed portion of the population of Chicago strove to ob- tain repose in the crowded plank edifices of the village, the Indians howled, sang, wept, yelled and whooped in their various encampments. "I loved to stroll out toward sunset across the river, and gaze upon the level horizon, stretching HISTORY OF EVANSTON to the northwest over the surface of the prairie, dotted with innumerable objects far and near. Not far from the river lay many groups of tents constructed of coarse canvas, blankets and mats, and surmounted by poles supporting meat, moc- casins and rags. Their vicinity was always en- livened by various painted Indian figures, dressed in the most gaudy attire. The interior of the hov- els generally displayed a confined area, perhaps covered with a few half-rotten mats or shavings, upon which men, women, children and baggage were heaped pell-mell. "Far and wide the grassy prairie teemed with figures ; warriors mounted or on foot, squaws and horses; here a race between three or four Indian ponies, each carrying a double rider, whooping and yelling like fiends ; there a solitary horseman with a long spear, turbaned like an Arab, scouring along at full speed ; groups of hobbled horses, In- dian dogs and children, or a grave conclave of gray chiefs seated on the grass in consultation. "It was amusing to wind silently from group to group here noting the raised knife, the sudden drunken brawl, quashed by the good-natured and even playful interference of the neighbors; there a party breaking up their encampment, and falling with their little train of loaded ponies and wolfish dogs into the deep, black narrow trail running to the north. You peep into a wigwam and see a domestic feud ; the chief sitting in dogged silence on the mat, while the women, of which there were commonly two or three in every dwelling, and who appeared every evening more elevated with the fumes of whisky than the males, read him a lect- ure. From another tent a constant voice of wrangling and weeping would proceed, when sud- denly an offended fair one would draw the mat aside, and taking a youth standing without by the hand, lead him apart and sitting down on the grass, set up the most indescriable whine as she told her grief. Then forward comes an Indian, staggering with his chum from a debauch; he is met by his squaw, with her child dangling in a fold of her blanket behind, and the sobbing and weeping which accompanies her whining appeal to him, as she hangs to his hand, would melt your heart, if you did not see that she was quite as tipsy as himself. . . . "It is a grievous thing that the government is not strong-handed enough to put a stop to the shameful and scandalous sale of whisky to those poor, miserable wretches. But here lie casks of it for sale under the very eyes of the Commis- sioners, met together for purposes which demand that sobriety should be maintained, were it only that no one should be able to lay at their door an accusation of unfair dealing, and of having taken advantage of the helpless Indian in a bargain, whereby the people of the United States were to be so greatly the gainers. . . . "Day after day passed. It was in vain that the signal gun from the fort gave notice of an as- semblage of chiefs at the council fire. Reasons were always found for its delay. One day an in- fluential chief was not in the way; another, the sky looked cloudy, and the Indian never performs an important business except the sky be clear. At length, on September 21st, the Pottawatomies re- solved to meet the Commissioners. We were politely invited to be present. "The council fire was lighted under a spacious open shed on the green meadow, on the opposite side of the river from that on which the fort stood. From the difficulty of getting all together, i: was late in the afternoon when they assembled. There might be twenty or thirty chiefs present, seated at the lower end of the enclosure, while the commissioners, interpreters, etc., were at the up- per. The palaver was opened by the principal Commissioner. . . . "The relative positions of the Commissioners and the whites before the council fire, and that of the red children of the forest and prairie, were to me strikingly impressive. The glorious light of the setting sun streaming in under the low roof of the council house, fell full on the countenances of the former as they faced the west while the pale light of the east hardly lighted up the dark and painted lineaments of the poor Indians, whose souls evidently clave to their birthright in that quarter. Even though convinced of the necessity of their removal, my heart bled for them in their desolation and decline. Ignorant and degraded as they may have been in their original state, their degradation is now ten-fold, after years of inter- course with the whites; and their speedy disap- pearance from the earth appears as certain as though it were already sealed and accomplished. "Your own reflections will lead you to form the conclusion and it will be a just one that even if he had the will, the power would be wanting for the Indian to keep his territory, and that the busi- ness of arranging the terms of an Indian treaty whatever it might have been two hundred years ago, while the Indian tribes had not, as now, thrown aside the rude but vigorous intellectual character which distinguished many among them now lies chiefly between the various traders, agents, creditors and balf-breeds of the tribes, on whom custom and necessity have made the de- graded chiefs dependent, and the Government agents. When the former have seen matters so far arranged their self-interests and various schemes and claims are likely to be fulfilled and allowed to their hearts' content, the silent acqui- escence of the Indian follows of course; and till this is the case, the treaty can never be amicably effected. In fine, before we quitted Chicago on the 25th. three or four days later, the treaty with the Pottawatomies was concluded the Commis- sioners putting their hands, and the assembled chief their paws, to the same." Thus, as so ably described by the English writer, was consummated the transfer by which Illinois ceased to be the land of the Indian. The Indians received as compensa- tion for this vast grant $100,000 "to satisfy sundry individuals in behalf of whom res- ervations were asked, which the Commis- sioners refused to grant"; $175,000 to "sat- OUR INDIAN PREDECESSORS isfy the claims made against" the Indians ; $100,000 to be paid in goods and provisions ; $280,000 to be paid in an annuity of $14,000 each year for twenty years; $150,000 "to be applied to the erection of mills, farm houses, Indian houses, blacksmith shops, ag- ricultural improvements," etc., and $70,000 "for purposes of education and the encour- agement of the domestic arts." One remarkable feature of this treaty is the fact that, by its provisions, some five hundred to one thousand persons, most of them with no Indian blood in their veins, derived personal gain from the transaction ; the allowance and payment of individual claims ranging in amount from a few dol- lars to many thousands, and, as already noted, about one-third of the cash consider- ation was thus disbursed. Among the in- dividual beneficiaries also appear the follow- ing: Alexander Robinson, $10,000 cash and $300 annuity, "in addition to annuities already granted" ; Billy Caldwell, $10,000 cash and $400 annuity, "in addition to an- nuities already granted" ; John Kinzie Clark, $400; allowances to Ouilmette and his family, already noted ; "John K. Clark's Indian children $400" (John Kinzie Clark see B. F. Hill's interview supra), and various allowances to the Kinzie family. The mere reading of the treaty demon- strates that the "birds of pasage," "land speculators," "men pursuing Indian claims," "creditors of the tribe," "sharpers of every degree," and "Indian traders of every description," so graphically described by the English tourist, constituted no small minority of the assembly at Chicago on this occasion, or of those who had to do with framing that part of the treaty that pro- vided for the payment of individual claims. Three years after the signing of this last treaty and in the years 1835 and 1836, the Pottawatomies or at least the most of them then some 5,000 in number, were re- moved west of the Mississippi, into Mis- souri, near Fort Leavenworth. They re- mained there but a year or two on account of the hostility of the frontier settlers, and were again removed to Council Bluffs, and in a few years again to a reservation in Kansas, where three or four hundred of their number still exist, while others are in the Indian Territory. Their history since leaving Illinois has been in the main that of all the Indian tribes a steady dwindling, until less than what was one-fourth of their numbers in 1836 now remain. These transactions are all within the memory of many living citizens. A little more than half a century has rolled by since these children of the prairie and of the for- est took their farewell look at old Lake Michigan and crossed, for the last time, in their westward journey, the plains and woods and streams of the land of the Illi- nois. Their fathers entered here with strong and bloody hands; peacably, yet by still stronger hands, have they gone the way of all their race. They have caused the white man to hear and to speak of the last of the Illinois ; and soon too soon will the white man also hear of the last of the Pottawa- tomies. CHAPTER III. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY The Beginning First Meeting of fhe Founders Prime Movers in the Enter- prise Resolutions and Draft of Charter Adopted The Legislature Acts First Board of Trustees Organisation Ef- fected Search for a Site for the New Institution The Present Location at Ev- anston Finally Selected Acquisition of Lands Valuable Real Estate in Chicago Retained as Part of the Endowment Election of a President is Decided Upon. Most American Universities that have attained to a position of strength and wide usefulness have had humble beginnings, and have gathered volume and momentum through a long period of years. They have acquired, too, in that time, a style and a spirit, all their own, which it is difficult to portray in words. It needs the experience and interest of an alumnus to give life to what would be the dreary details of its progress ; yet these details are what we call history. They are the footprints of its for- ward march. What Northwestern Univer- sity is now, is to most of us the thing that makes the story of interest. This will be hinted at in the progress of this narra- tion, and will be told more fully by other writers. The period of the existence of Northwestern University has been under the close observation of men now living. One of its original founders then a young man, now full of years still tarries among us, and some of its earliest graduates are still in the vigor of life. Its records are all accessible, unfaded as if written only yes- terday. Its growth coincides with that of the town in which it is located and the neighboring city. It is a perilous task to deal with names so familiar as the names of the men who have chiefly wrought out its fortunes, or with events so recent We can deal more bravely, and perhaps more freely, with men and events of a few centuries gone. First Meeting of the Founders. It was on May 31, 1850, that a little company of men gathered by appointment in the dingy law office of Grant Goodrich, on Lake Street, between Clark and Dearborn, in the City of Chicago, over the hardware store of Jabez K. Botsford. That region was then the very heart of the business life of Chicago. These men were convened for the ambitious purpose of establishing a uni- versity at what they considered the Center of Influence in the Northwest, under the patronage and government of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago then had three Methodist Churches: Clark Street, the munificent Mother of Chicago Methodism, on the South Side; Canal Street on the West Side; and Indiana Street Chapel on the North Side. The men present were representatives of those churches. The 53 54 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY most positive and aggressive among them were Grant Goodrich and John Evans. The latter was most likely the leader, for he was a man who dreamed great dreams, and then set to work to realize them. The roll of the founders who disposed themselves in the law office that day were: Rev. Richard Haney, then pastor of Clark Street Church; Rev. R. K. Blanchard, Pastor of Canal Street Church; Rev. Zadok Hall, Pastor of In- diana Street Church ; Grant Goodrich, An- drew J. Brown, John Evans, Orrington Lunt, Jabez K. Botsford and Henry W. Clark ; three ministers of the gospel, three attorneys, one physician and two mer- chants evidenced that the future would not neglect the departments of Theology, Medicine, Law and, possibly, Commerce. These were devoted men, men of zeal, en- thusiastic Methodist Christians who had faith in the future and wished their church, in its educational work, to share in the op- portunities they believed the future had in store. There was, at that time, no institu- tion of college rank nearer than Galesburg, Illinois, where Knox College was situated. The only other colleges in the State at that time were Illinois College at Jacksonville. Shurtleff at Alton, and McKendree at Lebanon ; and inasmuch as Chicago was to be the metropolis of the Northwest and a great center of population, it should also be a seat of learning. The chair was taken by Grant Goodrich. The work of the meeting had been cut and dried. Brother Goodrich had a little paper in his pocket which he was prepared to read, explaining the purpose of their gathering. He was the Methodist attorney of Chicago. There were other Methodist lawyers in Chicago, but he over-topped them ; he was earlier in the field ; keen, combative, per- sistent, devoted to his clients and of stain- less honor, a man who wanted his own way and fought for it. There were men in that company who would give Brother Goodrich good battle if he left any weak points exposed, notably Dr. Evans, who had a mind of his own and no hesitancy or lack of skill in expressing it. The scheme of Northwestern University bears the marks of his far-seeing mind, whose plans were uniformly bold and full of faith, and which, with the added element of time, have, in almost every scheme with which he was connected, achieved a splendid result. Steps Taken for Founding the Univer- sity. The purpose of the meeting was briefly explained. Andrew J. Brown was made Secretary, and then the paper was produced the first formal step in the establishment of the University. That paper read as follows : "\\"HEREAS, The interests of sanctified learning require the immediate establishment of a univer- sity in the Northwest, under the patronage of the Methodist Episcopal Church : "Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to prepare a draft of a charter to incorporate a literary university, to be located at Chicago, to be under the control and patronage of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, to be submitted to the next General Assembly of the State of Illinois. "Retailed, That said committee memorialize the Rock River, Wisconsin, Michigan and North Indiana Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to mutually take part in the government and patronage of said university. "Resolved, That a committee of three be ap- pointed to ascertain what amount can be obtained for the erection and endowment of said institu- tion." These resolutions were spoken to by Rev. Richard Haney, the foremost preacher in Rock River Conference, at that early day pastor of its leading pulpit, a man of commanding presence and persuasive speech, and very loyal to his church and all her agencies, against whom posterity has no charge to make that he did not labor tire- lessly or wisely, or plan broadly for the coming years, and a man who was destined w 5 \( iRTIIVv KSTKKX L'XI\ T.RSITY most positive and aggressive among them were Grant Goodrich and John Evans. The latter was most likely the leader, for he was a man who dreamed great dreams, and then set to work to realize them. The roll of the founders who disposed themselves in the law office that day were: Rev. Richard Haney, then pastor of Clark Street Church ; Rev. R. K. IJlanchard, Pastor of Canal Street Church: Rev. Zadok Hall, Pastor of In- diana Street Church: Grant Goodrich. An- drew J. Brown. John Evans, Orrington Lunt, Jabez K. Botsford and Henry \V. Clark; three ministers of the gospel, three attorneys, one physician and two mer- chants evidenced that the future would not neglect the departments of Theology, Medicine, Law and, possibly. Commerce. These were devoted men, men of zeal, en- thusiastic Methodist Christians who had faith in the future and wished their church, in its educational work, to share in the op- portunities they believed the future had in store. There was, at that time, no institu- tion of college rank nearer than Galesburg. Illinois, where Knox College was situated. The only other colleges in the State at that time were Illinois College at Jacksonville. ShurtlerT at Alton, and McKendrec at Lebanon : and inasmuch as Chicago was to be the metropolis of the Northwest and a great center of population, it should also be a seat of learning. The chair was taken by ( Irani Goodrich. The work of the meeting had been cut and dried. Brother Goodrich had a little paper in his pocket which he was prepared to read. explaining the purpose of their gathering. He was the Methodist attorney of Chicago. There were other Methodist lawyers in Chicago, but he over-topped them : he was earlier in the field ; keen, combative, per- sistent, devoted to his clients and of stain- less honor, a man who wanted his own way and fought for it. There were men in that companv \\lio would give Brother Goodrich good battle if he left any weak points exposed, notably Dr. Evans, who had a mind of his own and no hcsitancv or lack of skill in expressing it. The scheme of Northwestern University bears the marks of his far-seeing mind, whose plans were uniformly bold and full of faith, and which, with the added element of time. have, in almost every scheme with uhich he wa.-. connected, achieved a splendid result. Steps Taken for Founding the Univer- sity. The purpose of the meeting was briefly explained. Andrew J. Brown was made Secretary, and then the paper was produced the first formal step in the establishment of the I'niversity. That paper read as follows : "\\UIREAS. Tin- interests of sanctified learnini; require the immediate establishment of a univer- sity in the Northwest, under the patronage of the Methodist Episcopal Church : "Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to prepare a draft of a ciiarter to incorporate a literary university, to be located at Chicago, to be under the control and patronage of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, to be submitted to the next General Assembly of the State of Illinois "Retailed, That said committee mcmoriah/e the Rock River. Wisconsin. Michigan and North Indiana Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to mutually take part in the government and patronage of said university. "Resolved, That a committee of three lie ap pointed to ascertain what amount can be obtained for the erection and endowment of said institu- tion." These resolutions were spoken to bv Rev. Richard I fancy, the foremost preacher in Rock River Conference, at that early day pastor of its leading pulpit, a man of commanding presence and persuasive speech, and very loyal to his church and all her agencies, against whom posterity has no charge to make that he did not labor tire- lessly or wisely, or plan broadlv for the coming years, and a man who wa> destined LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 55 to be associated with Northwestern Univer- sity, as a Trustee, till his death, and who, during that time, never missed an annual meeting of its Board of Trustees, save one, when sickness interfered. Then Dr. Evans spoke, with kindling eye and with the fervid speech of a great pro- moter. He saw the future in the instant. He would associate the cause of education with the inevitable growth of Chicago and the increase of values of property. Let men sacrifice something now, and the com- ing peoples would pay tribute to their de- votion and sagacity, was the burden of his speech. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. The two committees suggested were appointed: First, On the Charter John Evans, A. J. Brown, E. G. Meek, A. S. Sherman and Grant Goodrich ; Second, On Co-operation of Northwest Conferences Rev. R. Haney, Rev. R. H. Blanchard and Dr. John Evans. They were requested to report in two weeks from that date, at three o'clock p. m., at the Clark Street parsonage. They meant business, and the committees went immediately about their work. Promptly at three o'clock of the day appointed, the brethren gathered in the parlor of Brother Haney's parsonage on Clark Street, in the rear of the First Church. Dr. Evans reported for his committee the draft of a charter as follows: Form of Charter Proposed. Section I. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General As- sembly : That Richard Haney, Philo Judson, S. P. Keyes and A. E. Phelps, and such persons as shall be appointed by the Rock River Annual Confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church to suc- ceed them in the said office; Henry Summers, Elihu Springer, David Brooks and Elmore Yo- cum, and such persons as shall be appointed by the Wisconsin Annual Conference of said Church to succeed them ; four individuals, if chosen, and such persons as shall be appointed to succeed them by the Michigan Annual Conference of said Church; four individuals, if chosen, and such persons as shall be appointed to succeed them by the North Indiana Annual Conference of said Church; H. W. Reed, I. I. Stewart, D. N. Smith and George M. Teas, and such persons as shall be appointed to succeed them by the Iowa Annual Conference of said Church; four individuals, if chosen, and such persons as shall be appointed to succeed them by the Illinois Annual Conference of said Church ; A. S. Sherman, Grant Goodrich, Andrew J. Brown, John Evans, Orrington Lunt, J. K. Botsford, Joseph Kettlestrings, George F. Foster, Eri Reynolds, John M. Arnold, Absalom Funk and E. B. Kingsley, and such persons, citi- zens of Chicago or its vicinity, as shall be ap- pointed by the Board of Trustees hereby consti- tuted to succeed them ; be and they are hereby created and constituted a body politic and corpor- ate, under the name and tide of the Trustees of the Northwestern University, and henceforth shall be styled and known by that name, and by name and style to remain and have perpetual succession, with power to sue and to be sued, plead and be implead- ed, to acquire, hold and convey property, real, per- sonal or mixed, in all lawful ways ; to have and to use a common seal and to alter the same at pleas- ure ; to make and alter, from time to time, such by- laws as they may deem necessary for the govern- ment of said institution, its officers and servants, provided such by-laws are not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of this State and of the United States, and to confer on such persons as may be considered worthy such academical or hon- orary degrees as are usually conveyed by similar institutions. Section 2. The term of office of said Trustees shall be four years, but that of one member of the Board for each Conference enjoying the appoint- ing power by this act, and (the) term of three of the members whose successors are to be ap- pointed by the Board hereby constituted, shall ex- pire annually, the term of each member of the Board herein named to be fixed by lot at the first meeting of said Board, which Board shall, in manner above specified, have perpetual succession, and shall hold the property of said institution sole- ly for the purposes of education, and not as a stock for the individual benefit of themselves or any contributor to the endowment of the same; and no particular religious faith shall be required of those who become students of the institution. Nine members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business of the Board, except the appointment of President or Professor, or tho NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY establishment of chairs in said institution, and the enactment of by-laws for its government, for which the presence of a majority of the Board shall be necessary. Section 3. Said Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, under whose con- trol and patronage said University is placed, shall each also have the right to appoint annually two suitable persons, members of their own body, visitors to said University, who shall attend the examination of students, and be entitled to par- ticipate in the deliberations of the Board of Trustees and enjoy all the privileges of members of said Board, except the right to vote. Section 4. Said institution shall remain located in or near the City of Chicago, Cook County, and the corporators and their successors shall be com- petent in law or equity to take to themselves, in their said corporate name, real, personal or mixed estate, by gift, grant, bargain and sale, conveyance, will, devise or bequest of any person or persons whomsoever; and the same estate, whether real, personal or mixed, to grant, bargain, sell, convey, devise, let, place out at interest, or otherwise dis- pose of the same for the use of said institution in such manner as to them shall seem most beneficial to said institution. Said corporation shall faith- fully apply all the funds collected, or the proceeds of the property belonging to the said institution, according to their best judgment, in erecting and completing suitable buildings, supporting necessary officers, instructors and servants, and procuring books, maps, charts, globes and philosophical, chemical and other apparatus necessary to the success of the institution, and do all other acts usually performed by similar institutions that may be deemed necessary or useful to the success of said institution, under the restrictions herein im- posed : Provided, nevertheless, that in case any donation, devise or bequest shall be made for par- ticular purposes, accordant with the design of the institution, and the corporation shall accept the same, every such donation, devise or bequest shall be applied in conformity with the express condi- tions of the donor or. devisor: provided, further, that said corporation shall not be allowed to hold more than two thousand acres of land at any one time, unless the said corporation shall have re- ceived the same gift, grant or devise; and in such case they shall be required to sell or dispose of the same within ten years from the time they shall acquire such title; and, on failure to do so, such lands, over and above the before-named two thou- sand acres, shall revert to the original donor, grantor, devisor or their heirs. Section 5. The Treasurer of the institution, and all other agents when required, before entering upon the duties of their appointment, shall give bond for the security of the corporation in such penal sums, and with such securities as the cor- poration shall approve, and all process against the corporation shall be by summons, and the service of the same shall be by leaving an attested copy thereof with the Treasurer, at least sixty days be- fore the return day thereof. Section 6. The corporation shall have power to employ and appoint a President or Principal for said institution, and all such professors or teachers and all such servants as shall be necessary, and shall have power to displace any or such of them as the interest of the institution shall require, to fill vacancies which may happen by death, resig- nation or otherwise, among said officers and ser- vants, and to prescribe and direct the course of studies to be pursued in said institution. Section 7. The corporation shall have power to establish departments for the study of any and all the learned and liberal professions in the same, to confer the degree of doctor in the learned arts and sciences and belles-lettres, and to confer such other academical degrees as are usually conferred by the most learned institutions. Section 8. Said institution shall have the power to institute a board of competent persons, always including the faculty, who shall examine such in- dividuals as shall apply, and if such applicants are found to possess such knowledge pursued in said institution as, in the judgment of said Board, ren- ders them worthy, they may be considered gradu- ates in course, and shall be entitled to diplomas ac- cordingly on paying such fee as the corporation shall affix, which fee, however, shall in no case exceed the tuition bills of the full course of studies in said institution. Said Examination Board may not exceed the number of ten, three of whom may transact business, provided one be of the faculty. Section 9. Should the corporation at any time act contrary to the provisions of this charter, or fail to comply with the same, upon complaint being made to the Circuit Court of Cook County, a scire facias shall issue, and the Circuit Attorney shall prosecute, on behalf of the people of this State, for the forfeiture of this charter. This act shall be a public act, and shall be con- strued liberally in all courts, for the purpose herein expressed. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 57 The draft of the charter was approved as read, and it was agreed that the Legis- lature, at its ensuing session, should be asked to enact it into law. A memorial was framed at the same meeting to the dif- ferent conferences in the region of the Northwest, asking their participation. Min- nesota, Nebraska and the Dakotas were then unknown quantities in their conception of the Northwest, and were not included in the memorial. Organization is Effected. The charter became a law at the ensuing session of the Legislature, the act being signed by Sidney Breese, Speaker of the House, and Lieuten- ant-Governor William McMurtry, as Presi- dent of the Senate, and received the approval of Gov. A. C. French, January 28, 1851. On the I4th of June, next ensuing, the first meeting of the corporation was held for purposes of organization, and their first formal action was the election of Dr. N. S. Davis as Trustee, to succeed Eri Reynolds, one of the charter members, who had died. They accepted the act of the Legislature, divided the members into classes by lot, and adopted a plan of operations for the estab- lishment of the College of Liberal Arts, with a President who should be Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, a Professor of Mathematics, one of Natural Sciences, and another of Modern Lan- guages. A Preparatory School was like- wise contemplated in the City of Chicago, where there was not, at that time, even a high school, and steps were taken to raise money for these purposes. Beginning at the bottom, their thought was, first, to set the Preparatory School in operation. For this purpose twenty-five thousand dollars was needed. It was firmly resolved, "that no debts should be contracted or money ex- pended, without the means be first pro- vided," and Congress was to be memorial- ized for a grant of lands to the Northwest- ern L^niversity. Nothing ever resulted from this memorial, but the Trustees were not idle in other directions. They organized by the election of Dr. John Evans, the master spirit among them, as President ; A. S. Sherman as Vice-President ; Andrew J. Brown as Secretary; and Jabez K. Botsford as Treasurer. These, with Grant Goodrich, George F. Foster and Dr. N. S. Davis, constituted the Executive Commit- tee of the Board. Seeking a Site. The Committee on Site for the Preparatory School reported August 4, 1852, recommending the purchase of the property of the First Universalist Society in Chicago, which had a frontage of eighty feet on Washington Street, about the middle of the block east of the Clark Street Methodist Episcopal Church, at a cost of four thousand dollars, one-half cash and the balance in three years, at six per cent interest. On August 28th they raised their bid on this property to forty-eight hundred dollars, and started a subscription for the purpose of securing funds. Evi- dently there was a hitch in the negotiations, for the Board appointed Dr. Evans and Orrington Lunt to view other lots for the same purpose. That committee turned aside from the Universalist Church property, and recommended the purchase of a lot about two hundred feet square at the corner of LaSalle and Jackson Streets, from P. F. W. Peck. This situation was thought to be a little remote, but, the lot being larger, it was deemed more desirable for the pro- posed Preparatory School, and the purchase was consummated a thousand dollars be- ing paid down, contributed by a few of the brethren. The title was taken in the name of John Evans, to be later transferred to the Trustees of Northwestern University. The consideration was eight thousand dol- lars. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Erection of Building Authorized. On September 22, 1852, the erection of a build- ing upon this property was authorized, to accommodate three hundred students, and, on the same date a committee was ap- pointed, consisting of S. P. Keyes, N. S. Davis and Orrington Lunt, to recommend a site for the Collegiate Department. The ambition and scope of these early founders is seen in a series of resolutions adopted at this meeting, appealing to the Methodist people of the Northwest not to multiply higher institutions of learning, but to con- centrate their effort upon a single institu- tion, viz., the Northwestern University, and to make it an institution of the highest order of excellence, complete in all its parts; and, further, they resolved to ask from the Legislature power to establish pre- paratory schools in different sections of the Northwest, and to affiliate preparatory in- stitutions already in existence. In the following October Rev. Philo Jud- son was appointed to solicit subscriptions for the new enterprise. He had been pastor of the Clark Street Church, was an accom- plished and influential preacher and a man of affairs, with just the make-up to appeal to the constituency of the new institution. His first duty was to obtain funds for the Preparatory School on La- Salle Street. Site for Collegiate Department Sought. But the developments with reference to the site of the Collegiate Department were destined to turn the Trustees away from Chicago. The Committee on Site con- sidered a location at Rose Hill, strongly commended by William B. Ogden ; a farm near Jefferson was looked upon with favor ; then the Lake Shore in the region of Win- netka and Lake Forest. The region contig- uous to Chicago on the north, because it was swampy, was usually avoided in going north by taking what was known as the "Old Sand Road." This road veered to the northwest at a point half a mile west of the northern limit of Lincoln Park at that time an old Chicago Cemetery and struck the Ridge Road just north of what is now Rose Hill Cemetery, then known as Rose's Ridge. Thus, to the ordinary traveler, the region north of Lincoln Park, adjoining the lake, was a terra incognita. Orrington Lunt had casually visited that region and demanded, before a location was settled upon, that the Lake Shore be ex- plored. He delayed a decision upon the Jefferson property and arranged a tour of inspection of the Lake Shore. Andrew J. Brown recalls it as of the Fourth of July, 1853. Disposed in various vehicles, the Trustees took the Sand Road, stopped for lunch at the Rose's Ridge Tavern, and pursued their way along the Ridge Road to what is the corner of Ridge Avenue and Clark Street ; thence following an old cow path easterly, over the slough in the region of Davis Street and Sherman Avenue, they found themselves in a splendid oak forest skirting the Lake Shore, the remains of which will help us to recall that scene of ex- ploration for a university site fifty years ago. To see it was to desire it. Three hundred and eighty acres lay in a single tract, owned by Dr. J. H. Foster. The price asked was twenty- five thousand dollars far in excess of its 'value, as values were then estimated. The terms were easy ; one thousand dollars down, the balance in ten years at six per cent interest. Releases might be given from time to time on payment of one hundred dollars per acre. The purchase was con- summated, and the college site and college town, made up of forest and swamp, was permanently located. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 59 It was decided that it was "inexpedient Bank, would furnish valuable endowment to erect a Preparatory School in the City for the fledgling college, of Chicago at the present time" ; the chosen The Trustees decided likewise to elect a site for that building, however, was good President of the institution, whose first duty enough to keep, and, in the years to come, should be to procure subscriptions and plan as the site of the Grand Pacific Hotel, and for the establishment of an endowment for later, of the Illinois Trust and Savings the University. CHAPTER IV. INSTITUTION IN DEVELOPMENT Dr. Hinman Chosen First President Sale of Scholarships Begins Career of the New President Cut Short by His Early Death Town Platted and Named in Honor of Dr. John Evans Garrett Bib- lical Institute Established First Corps of College Professors Elected Universi- ty Assets in 1854 Four-Mile Anti- Liquor District Established by Act of the Legislature The Teaching Force In- creased Dr. Evans' Land Policy The Institution is Opened for Pupils Some of the First Students. At the meeting of June 23, 1853, Dr. Clark T. Hinman was unanimously elected the first President of the University. He was thirty-six years of age, a Trustee from Michigan Conference and principal of Al- bion Seminary. He was a graduate of Wesleyan University, Connecticut, and had been principal of Newbury Seminary, in Vermont. He was a man of zeal and method. He laid hands upon one and an- other of the Trustees, and took them out among their business acquaintances to give him an opportunity to present his cause. The scheme of raising money, which was adopted, and which Dr. Hinman was especially to present, was by the sale of scholarships. Perpetual scholarships were issued, which were to entitle to tuition the purchaser, his son or grandson and other descendants by will, and were sold for one hundred dollars ; transferable scholarships were sold for one hundred dollars, entitling the holder to five hundred dollars in tuition ; and scholarships were sold for fifty dollars, entitling the holder to two hundred dollars in tuition. A bond was issued on the first payment, and the scholarship was to be issued on the completion of payments with- in an allotted time. One-half of the funds from these sales was to be used for pur- poses of instruction, and the other half for the purchase of lands, not to exceed twelve hundred acres, as a site for the University and for the erection of buildings. The Trustees evidently thought that some tan- gible equivalent must be tendered for money spent for education in that early da) r . Scholarships certainly proved market- able ; and, if the same zeal had been exer- cised in the careful collection of the amounts pledged for them as was shown in their sale, the growth of the institution would have been more rapid ; for Dr. Hin- man disposed of them with great success among all sorts and conditions of men on Water Street, among commission men and grain dealers ; on Canal Street, to the lum- ber men ; in town, to the merchants ; and in the country, to the farmers. In the short period of his service he sold scholarships to the amount of $64.600, while others, under the stimulus of his activity, sold $37,000 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY worth. He was dreaming, meanwhile, of the institution whose financial foundations he sought to lay, but death overtook him ere his dream had been realized. He died in 1854, one year before the formal open- ing of the institution in which he hoped to teach as Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy. Town Platted and Named Public Parks. In the meantime, the land purchased by the Trustees from Dr. Foster, and some two hundred and forty-eight acres adjoining it on the west, which had been purchased by Andrew J. Brown and Harvey B. Hurd, was laid out into lots and blocks, and platted and named Evanston. in honor of Dr. John Evans. The University's part was bounded on the west by Sherman Avenue. What lay west of Sherman Avenue was in the Brown and Hurd tract. Many of the avenues and streets bear the names of the favorite friends of the University as ( )rrington Avenue, named for Orrington Lunt : Sher- man Avenue, for A. S. Sherman : Hinman Avenue, for Dr. Hinman, the first President ; Judson Avenue, for Rev. Philo Judson ; Davis Street, in honor of Dr. N. S. Davis. Six public parks were included in the plan to beautify the future Evanston, and the Lake Shore, from Davis Street to Uni- versity Place, east of Michigan Avenue, was dedicateil to the same purpose. The contemplated campus extended from the projection eastward of the south line of Foster Street to the north line of University- Place a beautiful and spacious campus, respected Founders, but hardly enough for a university of so ambitious a title as yours. But Block I. to Simpson Street so they thought might be used as a campus in an emergency, and they still held lands to the north, unplatted, which might be used for the same purpose, but which, in their wildest dreams, they did not fancy would be needed for the campus of the institution they were founding. Garrett Biblical Institute Founded. The scheme of a Biblical Institute had been started in Chicago by the same found- ers, and Eliza Garrett, by her will, had ar- ranged for the endowment of such an insti- tution ; but the beginnings of the institution were had in February, 1854. To them the Trustees of the University offered a site at a nominal rent. The offer was accepted and an institution established on the campus that was destined to make splendid history in theological education. Streets were graded in the growing town ; transporta- tion was furnished by the Chicago & Mil- waukee Railroad now the Milwaukee di- vision of the Chicago Northwestern the right of way for which was given by Brown & Hurd. It is notable that this gift was coupled with the agreement that all pas- senger trains should stop at Evanston an agreement that it would be difficult for the road to fulfill. Not content with their three hundred acres of ground, the Billings farm (con- tiguous to their first purchase) was bought, consisting of twenty-eight acres, for three thousand dollars. They chose to forget, for the time being, one of their earlier resolu- tions, viz. : "Resolved, That no debts shall be contracted or money expended without the means be first provided.'' It was a purchase on time, and time, they believed, was on their side. Values of their sub- divided property were advancing. They could soon open their school, possibly in 1855. To this end they elected a small corps of professors in June, 1854: Henry S. Noyes, Professor of Mathematics; W. D. Godman, Professor of Greek ; and Abel Stevens, Professor of Literature. When the Treasurer made his report in 1854, the assets of the University, in land, notes and subscriptions, were estimated at $281,915, with liabilities of $32.255.04. The Foster purchase had increased in value from $25,000 to $102,000; the Billings farm from V, c w z o Jj a worth. He was dreaming, meanwhile, of tin- institution whose financial foundations he sought to lay. but death overtook him f-n- his tin-am had been realized. !li- died in 18:54. one year before the formal open- ing of the institution in which he hoped to teach as Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy. Town Platted and Named Public Parks. In the meantime, the land purchased by the Trustees from Dr. Foster, and -ome tuo hundred and forty-eight acres adjoining it on the west, which had been purchased by Andrew J. Ilrown and 1 larve\ 11. ! iurd. wa- laid out into lots and blocks, and platted and named Lvanston. in honor of Dr. John Evans. The I'nivcrsity's pan was bounded on the wist by Sherman Avenue. What lay west of Sherman Avenue was in the Ilrown and llur.l tract. Many of the avuv.u- and streets bear the names of the favorite friend- !' ihe l'imer-it\ a- < >rnnut"ii Avenue, named for Orrington l.unt: Sher- man .\\eiuu-. for A. S. Sherman: ilinman Avenue, fin- Dr. Uinman, the first i're-ident: Indson Avenue, for Rev. 1'hiln Jud-on: Davis Street, in honor of Dr. \. S. Davi-. Six public park- were included in the plan to beautify the future L\an-to:i. and the Lake Shore, from Davi- Street 1" I'ni- versity I 'lace, ea-t of Michigan Avenue, was dedicated to the -ame p:irpo-e. The Contl'illJ>latt'd campus exteiideil irom the projection ea-t ward of the -outh line of Footer Street to tlie north line of I 'niversity Place a beautiful and -pacious campus, re-pected Founders, but hardly enough for a univer-i'.v of so ambitious a title :t- \ours. I'ut Iliock i. to Simp-on Street -o they thought might be u-ed a- a camp'.:- in an emergency, and I!HA -till held l::n ':- to the north, unplatted, which might !" u-ed for the same purpose, but which, in their uilde-t dream-, thev did not fanc\ would be needed for the campus of the iii-titutioil thev were founding. r.\i\ KKSITY Garrett Biblical Institute Founded. The scheme of a Biblical Institute had been started in Chicago by the same found- ers, and F.liza I iarrett. by her will, had ar- ranged lor the endowment of such an insti- tution : but the beginnings of the institution were had in February. 1854. To them the Trustees of the University offered a site at a nominal rent. The offer was accepted and an institution established on the campus that was destined to make splendid history in theological education. Streets were graded in the growing town: transporta- tion was furnished by the Chicago & Mil- waukee Railroad now the Milwaukee di- vision of the I hicago Northwestern the right of wax for which was given by Ilrown & I Iurd. It is notable that this gift was coupled with the agreement that all pas- senger trains should -top at Kvanston an agreement that it would be difficult for the road to fulfill. N'ot content with their three hundred acres of ground, the Hillings farm (con- tiguous to their first purchase I was bought, consisting of twenty-eight acres, for three thousand dollar-. Thev chose to forget, for the time being, one of their earlier resolu- tions, viz. : "Resolved, That no debts -hall he contracted or money expended without the means be first provided." It was a purchase on time, and time, they believed, was on their siile. Values of their Mih- divided property were advancing. They could soon open their school , possihlv in 1855. To this end they elected a small corps of professor* in June. 1854: Henry S. Noves. Professor of Mathematics: W. D. ( iodman. I'rofe-sor of < ireek : and Abel Sleven-. I'rofe-sor of Literature. When the Treasurer made his report in 1854. the asset- of the I 'niversity, in land, note- and subscription-, were estimated at $.281.1115. with liahilitie- of $.}_'. -255.04. The Foster purchase had increased in value from 8j5.Ki to Sioj.ooo : the Hilling- farm from LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON $3,000 to $4,200; and the Peck purchase, from $8.000 to $43,400. Subscriptions to scholarships made up the remainder of the estimated wealth. Site of the University Described. It was probably at the annual meeting in June, 1854, that the hopeful feeling and aggressive spirit of the Trustees of the institution were voiced in a report which was of the nature of a proclamation and formulation of their plans, as thus far de- veloped. They offered devout praise to God and their sincere thanks to the found- ers for the present success and the future prospects of the University. They described the location at Evanston in glowing terms, stating that, "On the shore of Lake Michi- gan, eleven miles north of the City of Chi- cago and on the line of the Chicago & Milwaukee Railroad the site being large, beautiful and healthful, including some four hundred and forty acres of land, sufficiently elevated above the lake and the surrounding country to afford an extensive view of each, extending nearly two miles along the shore aiid about one-half of it covered with a young and thrifty forest in its natural state, affording the lovers of good taste every facility desirable for the most lovely resi- dence in the country a town has been laid out and named Evanston. The University buildings will occupy the latitudinal center of the town and the highest point of land, covered with a beautiful grove, and inclin- ing at an angle of some thirty degrees toward the lake shore." They add that, "In respect of the motive in selecting the site of the University and establishing the institution, neither local prejudice nor a spirit of opposition to kindred institutions has had any place in the hearts of its friends, but rather a desire to meet ad- equately the growing need in the Northwest of a university of the highest grade, adapted to the country, to its increasing prosperity and the advanced state of learning in the present age. Its location makes it central for the entire Northwest ; and the magni- tude of the enterprise, by developing the educational resources of the country on a large scale, and by stimulating a spirit of noble, generous rivalry, will benefit institu- tions of every grade. We very frankly, and we hope not ostentatiously, aver our design of making it an institution second to none, and worthy of the country in which it is located and its name, 'The Northwestern University.' " Teaching Features of the University. They then proceed to state its distinctive features : Undergraduate courses of in- struction ; Post-Graduate courses ; a Med- ical Department in the near future ; a Law School. But immediate attention was to be given to the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, with a classical course of four years, a scientific course and an elective course of the same duration. The condi- tions of admission were to be the same as those of other colleges of the country, not excepting Yale or Harvard. The scheme of contemplated professorships numbered fourteen, among which were some not yet realized; as a Professorship of the Fine Arts and Arts of Design, a Professorship of Didactics, of Physical Education and Hygiene. Young men were had in mind for these various chairs, some of whom were to increase their efficiency by devoting a year or more to travel in Europe and to study in the best Eastern Universities, comparing their own modes of instruction and profiting by the society of the ripest scholars of the age. Abel Stevens, William D. Godman and Henry S. Noyes had been selected for Literature, Greek and Mathematics. The merits of these men were set forth in a manner that showed their confidence, as, for instance: "To speak of their qualifications is superfluous"; and then, speaking of NORTHWESTERN* UNIVERSITY Abel Stevens, they say: "As a rhetorician and finished scholar in English Literature, Abel Stevens stands beside the finest writ- ers of the nation, and as a preacher, and particularly a platform speaker, is unsur- passed in America." The commendation was doubtless merited ; but their expres- sions lead us to say, verily those founders knew how to blow the Northwestern trum- pet. They hoped to fill the remaining chairs, or such as were needed, at the subsequent session. They presented a tabulation of their net assets, showing the estimate of their resources in land and promises at $250,000, to which they proposed to add $150,000 by the sale of scholarships, and $100,000 by donations the last for the purpose of erect- ing suitable buildings, including an observa- tory, and purchasing a library, cabinet, ap- paratus and other university fixtures. This report, or proclamation, was signed by Grant Goodrich, Chairman of the Commit- tee, attorney and special pleader for the in- fant University, and bears date July 4, 1854 the spirit of the day, no doubt, giving color to his rhetoric and a touch of ex- travagance to the document. But he was in earnest, and so were they all. When the Board met in June, 1855, Dr. Hinman, was no longer with them. That eager spirit had succumbed to the burden of his labors. He had undertaken to increase the endowment from the sale of scholar- ships to $250,000, and to secure the needed $100.000 for the erection of buildings. There is every probability that, with his rare faculty for influencing men, he would have accomplished even more than he 1 had undertaken had time permitted. Fitting resolutions were passed, recounting the ser- vice which this gifted young man had rendered and the hopes that were enter- tained of him. Those inadequate resolu- tions have perished ; at least, they are not of record. His monument is in the insti- tution he helped to found ; and, while it lives, his name and his service will not be forgotten. They sought two years later to perpetuate his memory by some monument on the college grounds. It is, perhaps, well that they failed in this, for he partakes, with others, in the monumental character of the entire University enterprise to the devotion and sacrifice of its founders. At this session of the Board the liberal policy of the institution was signalized by the grant of a large lot for the Evanston public schools, and it was decided that the formal opening of the University should take place on November 1st of the same year. A building was in course of erection, at the southeast corner of Block 20, on Davis Street, near Hinman Avenue, in which to house the infant college. Sub- scriptions, running through three years had been taken for this purpose. That building is with us still : the "Old College" on the campus, a building about fifty feet in width and forty feet in depth, of three stories in height with an attic and a belfry. It con- tained six class-rooms, a chapel, a small museum and halls for two literary societies, with three rooms in the attic, where, with a little oat-meal for food, a few aspiring students might board themselves and com- pensate the University for their rent by ringing the college bell. The chapel fur- nished the meeting place of the Society of the First Methodist Church until they erected a church edifice of their own. Other meetings, political and social, were also held there. The liberal spirit of the founders was further evidenced at this meeting by the adoption of the report of the Committee on Professorships, which declared that, "In the election of Professors of Northwestern University, the Board of Trustees will have reference to character and qualifications HISTORY OF EVANSTOX alone: that is to say, that a professor need not necessarily be a Methodist." The Anti-Liquor Limit Established. It was at this meeting that an amend- ment to their charter, enacted at the last session of the Legislature, was accepted, two sections of which were fraught with tremendous issues for the future institution. Section II provided that, ( "No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be sold, under .license or otherwise, within four miles of the location of said University, ex- cept for medicinal, mechanical or sacra- mental purposes, under a penalty of twenty- five dollars for each offense, to be re- covered before any Justice of the Peace in said County of Cook; provided, that so much of this act as relates to the sale of intoxicating drinks within four miles may be repealed by the General Assembly when- ever they think proper." This created a prohibition district, ostensibly for the pro- tection of the students against the tempta- tions of the saloon, and incidentally protect- ing the city that should grow up about the University from the evils of the liquor traf- fic ; and against this prohibition, the arts and persistence of the traffic in ardent spirits were to be continuously exerted. The third section of the amendment or- ganized the University into a Trust Com- pany, presumably for its own benefit, but its language was broader than that. It said, "The said corporation shall have power to take, hold, use and manage, lease and dispose of all such property, as may in any manner come to said corporation, charged with any trust or trusts, in con- formity with such trusts and direction, and to execute all such trusts as may be confided to it." Section 4 conceded the public value of such an institution as the Northwestern University, and ordained, "That all prop- erty, of whatever kind or description, be- longing to or owned by said corporation. shall be forever free from taxation for any and all purposes. This act shall be public and take effect from and after its passage." It was signed by the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate, and approved by Joel A. Matteson, Gover- nor, February 14, 1855. On June I5th the chosen corps of teach- ers was sought to be increased by the ad- dition of Dr. J. V. Z. Blaney, to the pros- pective faculty, as Professor of Chemistry, of whom similar high praise could be given, as to fitness for the work upon which he was expected to enter, as to his colleagues in the notable prommciamento of July 4. 1854; but it was discovered that there was not a sufficient number of Trustees present to constitute a quorum for the election of professors, so the election was declared void, but, in 1857, he was duly elected to the chair of Natural Science. It was now apparent that it would be difficult to hold the entire territory of the Northwest to the policy of a single institu- tion, for the Trustees were requested to permit cancelling of notes taken in Iowa for the sale of scholarships, or to allow the notes and subscriptions to be transferred to the Iowa Wesleyan University. The request was not granted, but it gave evi- dence of a tendency which was sadly noted to localize interests in the matter of educa- tion in portions of the district, which had been chosen as the field for the University. In July, 1855, a movement was started by Dr. Evans, and strongly advocated by him, seeking to fasten upon the Trustees the policy of withholding its property from sale and reserving it exclusively for pur- poses of lease. That far-sighted man saw clearly the value of the property for pur- pose of endowment, but overlooked the practical difficulty of successfully maintain- ing possession of a large body of land within the limits of a corporation such as NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Evanston was destined to be, on such a basis. With their usual sagacity, the Trustees laid his resolution on the table, even though Dr. Evans urged it with his usual vigor and persistence. University Opened First Students. The frame building on Davis Street was completed for occupancy by November, 1855, and circulars had been sent out in- viting the Northwestern students to as- semble. Professor Noyes was on hand to teach mathematics, and Professor Godman, likewise, to teach the classics. Professor Abel Stevens did not appear ; nor was he greatly needed, for there were only ten students in all, and their requirements could be easily met by two instructors. Indeed, though Professor Stevens was announced for the following year, he did not even then appear ; and the name of Abel Stevens, the gifted historian of Methodism, is connected with the fortunes of Northwestern only as a "Might have Been." The roll of pupils for that year will always be of interest, as the advance guard of that great com- pany that, in time, should be permanently enrolled as students of the University. There were Thomas E. Annis, Winchester E. Clifford, Samuel L. Eastman, J. Marshall Godman, Horace A. Goodrich, C. F. Staf- ford, Hart L. Stewart, Albert Lamb and Elhanon Q. Searle. There is one name lacking, but history has often to bewail that there are blanks that cannot easily be filled. These were, somehow, grouped in a Fresh- man Class an awkward squad, I warrant, of unequal preparation; but the professors had time to spend on individual cases, so that the awkward squad were drilled into the uniformity of a Freshman Class. A lit- erary society was organized and named in honor of the lamented Dr. Hinman. It inherited his library as a part of its equip- ment, and was assigned a room for its sessions in the northeast corner of the third story of the college building. Greek, Latin and Mathematics, with declamations on Saturday, formed the program of instruc- tion. Permits must be secured for absence from town, and church services must be religiously attended on Sunday; such was the routine of that first college year. Tuition, when not covered by a scholarship, was forty-five dollars per annum, with other fees amounting to nine dollars. The price of board was from two dollars and a half to three dollars and a half per week, in homes of the early settlers. The college bell tolled out the hours of recitation and de- votion, and the beginnings of college life in Evanston were laid. CHAPTER V. CONDITIONS IN 1856-1860 Trustees Meet in Their Own Building Dr. R. S. Foster Elected the Second Pres- ident The Faculty Enlarged Absorp- tion of Rush Medical College Projected Competitors Enter the Field Professor Jones' "Fern. Sem." President Foster Visits the University, but Obtains a Year's Leave of Absence He Joins the Faculty in 1857 The Assets of the In- stitution Increased to Nearly $316,000 Reinforcement of the Faculty First Graduated Class in 1850 Dr. Foster Re- signs the Presidency and Dr. E. O. Haven Becomes His Successor. In June of 1856 the Trustees met under their own roof in the little chapel of the University Building. They had made a be- ginning. Two professors had been at work at salaries of fifteen hundred dollars per annum. An agent had been busy in the sale of lots and scholarships. Their land was assuming the character of a settlement. The frogs were still croaking in the low places, but drainage had been started by "The Drainage Committee," and the frogs were given notice to quit or, at least, to go as far south as Dempster Street. Dr. Foster Elected Second President. The Board of Trustees thought they re- quired a President soon, to give direction and leadership and help them in acquiring the resources needful for their work. Two names were especially canvassed : Those of Randolph S. Foster and E. Otis Haven, both rising men of unusual talent. The election resulted in fifteen votes for Dr. R. S. Foster and nine for Dr. E. O. Haven. The election of Dr. Foster was made unani- mous, with but one dissenting vote. He was thirty-six years of age and had already acquired a brilliant reputation as a pulpit orator, and was then serving a prominent church in New York. He was to fill the chair of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy in connection with the Presidency. His salary was to be two thousand dollars a year. A thousand dollars was appropriated for books. The chair of Latin Language and Literature was filled by the election of Daniel Bonbright, a young man of great promise, then a tutor in Yale College. His service was not to begin at once, but he was to be allowed a year's absence in Europe be- fore taking up the work. Tentative steps were taken at this meet- ing to carry out the university idea, to which the Trustees tenaciously held, by requesting Rush Medical College, which was now in its infancy, and Garrett Biblical Institute, to unite with them in a University organization for the purpose of conferring degrees; but the doctors and theologians preferred their single blessedness, at least for the present. They were willing to occupy a sisterly relation, but nothing more. There 68 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY was little use for a seal as yet on diplomas, but one was desirable in the execution of scholarships and real estate instruments of the corporation. For this purpose a design was chosen, consisting of an open book with radiating rays of light encircled by the words, "Northwestern University." This was to give place, later, to a somewhat more ornate design; but it was destined to do duty for many years in the authorization of titles to land and scholarships, and upon the parchments of the early graduates. The minds of the brethren were deeply stirred over an incident that was brought to their notice at this time. They could not easily understand why Iowa Wesleyan University should spring up within their territory, but the matter was brought very close to them when Rev. W. P. Jones se- cured a charter for the Northwestern Fe- male College and Male Preparatory School, and flung out his banners within easy hail of the building where they were assembled. He had appropriated their name and func- tion ; he was aggressive and purposeful. They appointed a committee, on which was the shrewd attorney. Grant Goodrich, and the saintly Hooper Crews, to dissuade him. But neither the law nor the gospel were effective to divert the professor from his chosen name or purpose. Threats of prose- cution from the lawyer and persuasion from the preacher were alike futile. He even had the temerity to appear, later, before the Trustees and request the use of their build- ing until such time as his quarters should be ready for occupancy. It does not require historical or other imagination to picture the promptness with which Professor Jones was shown the door. However, the estab- lishment of what was known as the "Fern. Sem." was not similarly hailed by the students of the college. It was counted a boon, and often, I doubt not. when the as- siduous attention of college students by day and by night made life a burden to the said professor, he was led to wonder if, indeed, he had not committed an error in invading the territory of Northwestern University with his Northwestern Female College. However, it lived on, doing good work until it was merged in the institution whose Trustees it at first defied. In July, 1856, the President-elect ap- peared to look over his heritage and exhort the Trustees to larger undertakings. New and appropriate buildings he evidently thought necessary, for the Board immedi- ately resolved to prepare plans for perma- nent structures. He asked them to excuse him from entering upon his office for the period of one year, so that he might con- tinue for that time in the service of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church of New York. His request was granted and the funds that otherwise would have been devoted to his salary were appropriated to the enrichment of the library. Evidently Dr. Foster came again in September to the opening of the college year, for the first recorded minutes of the faculty bear date, September 16, 1856. It took place in the study of Pro- fessor Noyes. There were present: Ran- dolph S. Foster, President; Henry S. Noyes, Professor of Mathematics ; and William D. Godman, Professor of Greek. It was agreed that, in the absence of the President for the ensuing year, the duties of the faculty should be divided as follows : Professor Noyes should assume the admin- istration of discipline and act as Treasurer ; Professor Godman should be Secretary and Librarian. One other item of business is recorded: "Resolved, That a Bible class be formed and taught on the Sabbath day. Professor Noyes to teach it." The next meeting took place October 13, 1856, and its record is as follows: "In Faculty assembled. Resolved, That a student whose credit in recitations falls o X f-S RTII WESTERN UNIVERSITY was little use for a seal as yet on diplomas, but one was desirable in the execution of scholarships and real estate instruments of the corporation. For this purpose a design was chosen, consisting; of an open book with radiating rays of light encircled by the words, "Northwestern University." This was to give place, later, to a somewhat more ornate design : but it was destined to do dutv for many years in the authorization of titles to land and scholarships, and upon the parchments of tile early graduates. The minds of the brethren were deeply stirred over an incident that was brought to their notice at this time. They could not easilv understand wh\ Iowa \\eslevan University should spring up within their territory, but the matter was brought very close to them when Rev. \Y. I'. Junes se- cured a charter for the Northwestern Fe- male College and Male Preparatory School, and thing out hi- banner- within easv hail of the building where thev were assembled. He had appropriated their name and tuiie- tion ; lie was aggressive and purposeful. They appointed a committee, on which was the shrewd attorney, ('.rant < ioodrich. and the saintlv Ilooper Crews, to dissuade him. Hut neither the la\\ nor the gospel were effective to divert the professor from his chosen name or purpose. Threats of pro-e- cution from the lawver and persuasion from the preacher were alike futile. I le even had the temerity to appear, later, before the Trustees and request the Use of their build- ing until such time as his i|iiarters should he ready for occupancy. It doe- not require historical or other imagination to picture the promptness with which l'rofe--or Junes was shown the door. However, the estab- lishment of what was known as the "Feni. Sem." was not similarly hailed by the students of the college. It was counted a boon, and often, 1 doubt not. when the as- siduous attention of college students by day and by night made life a burden to the said professor, he was led to wonder if, indeed, he had not committed an error in invading the territory of Northwestern University with his Northwestern Female College. However, it lived on. doing good work until it was merged in the institution whose Trustees it at first defied. In July. 1856. the President-elect ap- peared to look over his heritage and exhort the Trustees to larger undertakings. New and appropriate buildings he evidentl) thought necessary, for the Board immedi- ately resolved to prepare plans for perma- nent structures. He asked them to excuse him from entering upon his office for tin- period of one vear. so that he might con- tinue for that time in the service of Trinit\ Methodist Episcopal Church of New York. His request was granted ami the funds that otherwi-e would have been devoted to his salary were appropriated to the enrichment of the library. Evidently Dr. Foster came again in September to the opening of the college year, for the first recorded minutes of the faculty bear date, September id, 1X5(1. It took place in the study of Pro- fessor Noyes. There were present: Ran- dolph S. Foster. President: Henry S. Noyes. Professor of Mathematics: and William I), (iodman. Professor of (ireek. It was agreed that, in the absence of the President for the ensuing year, the duties of the faculty should be divider! as follows: Professor Noyes should assume the admi 11 - istration of discipline and act as Treasurer; Professor (iodman should be Secretary and Librarian. One other item of business i- recorded: "Resolved. That a I'.ible class be formed and taught on the Sabbath day. Professor Noyes to teach it." The next meeting took place October 13, 1856. and its record is as follows: "In Faculty assembled. Resolved. That a student whose credit in recitations falls LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 69 below the average for the term, shall fall out of his class to the next lower; if a Freshman, his recitations are postponed for the year. W. D. GODMAN, Sec'y." Thus these two, in faculty assembled, carried on the interior legislation of the infant University during that year, col- lecting fees, attending to the library, doing all but the janitor work, which was dis- charged by some embryo statesmen who lived in the attic, at the munificent compen- sation of two dollars a week. Dr. Foster appeared on the 5th of June, 1857, and then there were three. They were not so lonesome. They even held two faculty meetings in a month, and the records lengthen to a page and bristle with sug- gestions to the Trustees as to what should be done to push the fortunes of the little college. There had been twenty-two students in attendance during the year a gain of over one hundred per cent. Among them I note the familiar names of Henry M. Kidder, W. A. Spencer, A. C. Linn, Homer A. Plympton, James W. Haney and I. McCaskey. There were two classes now. The library had grown to two thousand volumes. The museum had been begun under the enthusiastic labors of Robert Ken- nicott. They issued a circular in the sum- mer of 1857, promising three classes for the ensuing year, and a fourth, if students with advanced standing should make appli- cation; also an academic school, which should be a private enterprise where pre- paratory branches of study would be taught, students, partially prepared for college, be- ing permitted to spend a part of their time in college, the rest in the academy. They hesitated about the establishment of an academy under university auspices. They had not issued a catalogue as yet. Professor Bonbright was given permission to remain abroad another year, and the working force of the college was to be reinforced by the arrival of Dr. J. V. Z. Blaney, Professor of Natural Science, and the sum of one thousand dollars was appropriated for the purchase of philosophical and chemical ap- paratus. Financial Conditions During 1857. The sessions of the Trustees for 1857 give out no sign of the embarrassment that was prevailing in the business world. They took careful account of their assets in va- rious schedules, and reported them as $315,845.30 in excess of their liabilities. The jubilant Financial Agent, in his fourth annual report, says: "Seldom, if ever, has it been the good fortune of an institution, unless endowed by very liberal bequests, to present in its infancy such a pecuniary basis as is shown by the exhibit herewith submitted. Four years since this institution was an experiment, and, by many, thought to be a visionary one. The entire capital consisted in whatever of profit or advantage might accrue from the ownership of six- teen lots in Chicago, which were held by Dr. Evans, and upon which a few in- dividuals had made advances of one thousand dollars, with the intention of plac- ing the investment to the account of the University. During that and the ensuing year, subscriptions to the amount of $22,440, payable in four equal annual in- stallments, were obtained. The site of the institution and that part of the now flourish- ing city of Evanston, constituting the original purchase about three hundred and eighty acres was bought of Dr. John H. Foster for $25,000, which sum, less one thousand dollars, was to remain for ten years at six per cent interest. This pur- chase, and the sixteen lots in Chicago which were subsequently conveyed to the Trustees at the original cost of $8,000 and expenses, together with two parcels of land since purchased and sold at an advance, constitute the principal sources from which NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY the present capital of the University has been derived. To the amount thus obtained add the proceeds of scholarships sold, and you have the assets above indicated." It is small wonder that Brother Judson was jubilant, and, with the rapid settlement of Evanston and sale of lots, could meet the hard times with a smile. The schedule of expenses shows to some extent the rough work that the University was called upon to do in order to provide for its educational plant. It is largely made up of items, such as surveying and platting, grading, clearing streets, ditching, chopping, fencing, bridg- ing, draining, grubbing, building break- waters indeed, the whole vocabulary of the pioneer was taxed to describe their op- erations. Meantime, while the Trustees were grubbing and chopping their way to the material enrichment of their institution, students and teachers were grubbing and chopping their way, under disadvantages, to the accomplishment of their ideals. One of the reported schedules of this year gives the names of purchasers of homesteads in Evanston some eighty-five in number, all well known Methodist names who were to make up the members left of the delightful company of old settlers, whose neighborli- ness and hospitality, whose simple kindliness and approachability, made Evanston a good place for a homesick boy to happen into. Most of these people purchased in blocks contiguous to University Place, usually a hundred feet front, and at prices ranging from five to ten dollars a foot. The cat- alogue of 1859 announced that there were twelve hundred inhabitants in Evanston. The desert and the solitary place were being made glad by habitation. The hard times were somewhat reflected in the financial re- port of the following year, when a gain of only about three thousand dollars was re- ported; and, though the purchase money on Evanston lands was not due until 1863, they passed a resolution setting aside fifty thousand dollars in securities, for the pay- ment of that debt and for the erection of buildings, provided no other resources were received for those purposes. Professor Bonbright was notified to ap- pear in Evanston and take up his work in 1858. More students were expected that year, and arrangements were made to in- sure for them board with G. W. Reynolds, at $2.50 per week, including washing, light, fuel and room, and he was loaned five hundred dollars to assist in carrying out the difficult project. Surveying and leveling instruments were furnished Professor Noyes in connection with his work, which were to be procured "with the least possible outlay of funds." If the Trustees had known what good use he would make of them, and how much he would save them as a practical surveyor, they would not have been so niggardly in their grant. The year 1857 passed uneventfully in the little college. The faculty was reinforced by the service of a tutor, S. L. Eastman, whose duty it was to assist in preparatory classes. The library was increased and the foundations of the museum were growing, in the Northwestern class-room, under the skillful hands of Robert Kennicott. Thus, another year rolled round with Dr. Foster as President. There were twenty-nine students in all, and they were on the eve of sending out the first graduating class. On recommendation of the faculty, the de- gree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred upon Thomas E. Annis, Winchester E. Clifford, Samuel L. Eastman and Elhanpn Q. Searles, and the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy upon Henry M. Kidder. These were to be the advance guard of the army of Northwestern graduates. In June of 1859 the members of this class made their graduating orations and departed from the scenes of their scholastic training. These HISTORY OF EVANSTON early graduating exercises were events in Evanston, when the men who had developed under the eye of the community took their leave of scenes that had become familiar. The people were interested in them, and thronged the little church to hear their orations. The farewell of the President was touching and personal, for he knew these men, had interested himself in them person- ally, and regarded their going away as a father regards the departure of his sons from the old home. The coming years might add the dignity of numbers to com- mencement occasions, but they would lack the sweet flavor of personal acquaintance and the inspiration of departure amid the regrets and tender farewells of a commu- nity who would watch the careers of the departing students with solicitude and hope. The Financial Agent, Rev. Philo Judson, had now resigned and Prof. Henry S. Noyes, in addition to his duties as professor, was appointed Agent of the University. He had previously looked after the financial affairs incidental to college expenses, tu- ition, etc., and now, in the most painstaking way, he was to carry, for a time, the burden of property management and business detail that was so vital to the institution. Though an excellent scholar and thorough mathe- matician, he was a man of affairs. He knew men and things as well as books, and was not niggardly of service of any sort that might advance the work that was dear to him. The Trustees were a little alarmed lest the expenses of the growing college should outstrip the receipts, and their alarm took the form of a resolution instructing the Executive Committee to bring the expenses of the institution within the available in- come. The budget showed expenses of five thousand dollars a year in excess of the income. It was truly alarming. They raised a subscription to lessen the deficit and arranged to pay teachers in land when other resources failed. Dr. Haven Succeeds to the Presidency. By June. 1860, Dr. Foster had resigned the presidency; his library was added to the University library, and he returned to what was, to him, the more attractive work of the pastorate in New York City, leaving behind him memories of his genial and helpful presence and his inspiring eloquence that graced any occasion when he was the orator. Dr. E. O. Haven was elected in his place. His name had been turned down at the previous election ; this time the Trustees were turned down, and that all- round, indefatigable, and adaptable pro- fessor, Henry S. Noyes, was made Yice- President. Dr. Foster's departure was signal- ized by a resolution which voiced the deep regret over his going: "Resolved, That the intercourse of Dr. Foster with the Board has been that of the Christian minister and the Christian gentleman, and that his con- nection with the University has manifested his intelligence and earnest devotion to the cause of education, and that his influence of the members of the University was such as endears his memory to all the friends of the institution, and that the best wishes of the Board attend him to the avocation of the Christian ministry." They were still under the spell of his charming presence and en- gaging speech when they wrote that. And what opportunities those Trustees and students had in those days, to sit under the preaching of such men as Foster and Simpson and Dempster! giants whom the moderns have hardly duplicated. But there were serviceable men to come. Professor Noyes, if not showy, was substantial and useful beyond many more brilliant men. In matters of discipline he was kind. Mischievous fellows used to hyphenate his name and called him Professor No-ves. But NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY they found to their sorrow that, when oc- casion demanded it, in matters of discipline, his Yes was Yea, and his No, Nay and there was no appeal. He met the in-coming student with a warm greeting that dissi- pated his homesickness, and his lovely wife supplemented his labors with such graceful kindness as made the new-comer feel that Evanston was all right as long as these people were in town. There were thirty students in 1859-60, and the ranks of the graduates were in- creased by the names of A. C. Linn, W. A. Lord, H. A. Plympton, E. Q. Searles, M. C. Spaulding, B. A. Springer and H. L. Stewart, who received the degree of A. B., and W. H. H. Raleigh who received the de- gree of Ph. B. The Academy was now duly organized, with a principal of its own. War- ren Taplin being first called to that office. CHAPTER VI. PERIODS OF DEPRESSIOX AND GROWTH Changes of Faculty Charter Amendments Adopted Effect of the Civil War on Number of Students Accessions to the Faculty University Land Debt is Liqui- dated Orrington Lunt Land Donation for Benefit of Library University Hall Projected Accession of Students and Teaching Force Following the War Period New Prises Serve as a Stimulus to the Students First Honorary Degrees Conferred Corporate Name is Changed . Professors' Salaries Increased and Erection of University Hall Prosecuted A "Gold Brick" Donation Encourag- ing Financial Development -Death of Acting President Noyes. In 1860-61 there had been forty-three students in College and forty-nine in the Academy, the library had been increased to over three thousand volumes, and the cur- riculum had remained the same, with its emphasis on Latin, Greek and Mathematics. Dr. Godnian resigned his chair in Greek in 1860, thereby reducing the teaching force of the college. The presumption is, that the burden of his work fell on the broad shoulders of Professor Noyes, who was al- ready carrying Mathematics and the Acting Presidency, besides acting as Secretary of the Board of Trustees and Financial Agent ; and, in view of his responsibilities, six hundred dollars was added to his salary over that of the other professors. It was an efficient and economical arrangement; but how about the not too strong Professor ? He is weaving his life into his work with- out stint. A formal transfer of assets was now made to J. G. Hamilton, as Trustee, to the extent of $37,949, to meet approaching in- debtedness, and, as a result, he was ready to meet Dr. Foster, the mortgagee of the Evanston lands, when he called for pay- ment in 1863. Dr. Bonbright now takes his place as Secretary of the faculty, to keep its records almost continuously till 1873. In 1861 amendments were added to the charter, regulating the number and work of Trustees appointed by the Annual Con- ferences, and providing that any chartered institution of learning may become a de- partment of this University, by agreement between the Boards of Trustees of both institutions. They are still coquetting with Rush Medical College and Garrett Biblical Institute, and have serious intentions as to a Law School. They had made some in- vestment in the property of Rock River Seminary at Mt. Morris, Illinois, probably in the neighborhood of five thousand dol- lars. A creditor had seized upon it and it was liable to be alienated. They were will- ing to relinquish their claim if it could be saved by local friends, but it passed from under Methodist control, and the first of 73 74 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY their ventures in affiliated preparatory schools, as provided for by their charter, was a failure. The Civil War Financial Conditions. The existence of the War of the Rebel- lion was reflected in college life in 1862, in the resignation by Dr. J. V. Z. Blaney, of the Chair of Natural Science. He was parted with sadly, and the best wishes of the little college followed him in the patriotic service in which he engaged. Many of the students followed him in the service, among them being Plympton, McCaskey, Spencer and Haney, H. A. Pearsons, O. C. Foster, Charles F. Smith and M. C. Springer, and many others whose names are lost to us; and, from time to time, the Recruiting Ser- geant, with his fife and drum, found Evan- ston and its students a fruitful field for re- cruiting operations, seriously thinning the ranks and causing the faculty to invoke the authority of the distant parents as to whether or not their boys should be per- mitted to enlist. In consequence of the depletion of the faculty, Drs. Dempster and Bannister were called to assist in the work of instruction. Clark Street Methodist Episcopal Church offered in 1862 to open its church doors in Chicago for the commencement exercises a proposition which was declined on the ground of the smallness of the class; so that, on that occasion, the rafters of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Evanston resounded with the eloquence of Robert Bentley, Isaac McCaskey, William T. Rose. David Sterrit and Bennett B. Botsford The number of students, all told, that year, had dwindled to eighty-nine. The Senior class of 1862-63 was reduced by enlistments to two persons, and one of these had no sooner doffed his scholastic gown than he put on the soldier's uniform and marched away to his country's service. Still, there was a gain of preparatory students that year, and the aggregate number on the col- lege roll was slightly increased. June 18, 1862, Oliver Marcy was elected to the Chair of Natural Science and Physics, to succeed Dr. Blaney, who was made Professor Emeritus. Professor Marcy had been teaching at Wilbraham, Mass. He was an enthusiast in his work and a most genial and painstaking teacher, who was destined to a long and honorable service in his new relations. Rev. N. H. Axtell, later an honored member of Rock River Conference, was likewise added to the teaching force during the year as Prin- cipal of the Academy, assisted by A. C. Linn, a graduate of the class of 1860, as Tutor in Mathematics and Latin a sturdy, thorough-going teacher who was soon to enter the service of his country and lay down his life in her cause. The income of the University was now estimated by a judicious committee, con- sisting of Bishop Simpson, J. G. Hamilton and Prof. H. S. Noyes, at $5,594, and its whole property was valued at $225,000. Evidently there had been a great shrink- age from former valuations, or a strong desire to stimulate donations by putting an exceedingly conservative estimate upon the property. At any rate, the pressure was upon the Trustees to provide better build- ings and better boarding accommodations, in order to appeal to new students and to hold those already in attendance. From time to time the matter was earnestly discussed by the Trustees. A building known as the Club House, now located on Orrington Avenue, near Clark Street, capable of ac- commodating about twenty students, was the result of this agitation the first experi- ment of the University in the matter of dor- mitories. Fifteen thousand dollars worth of scholarship notes was likewise set apart as a building fund, besides ten thousand a w o c 74 X( )KTII\\ ESTERX I'XIVERSITY tlicir ventures in affiliated preparatory schools, as provided for by their charter, was a failure. The Civil War Financial Conditions. The existence of the \\'ar of the. Rebel- lion was reflected in college life in 1862. in the resignation by Dr. J. V. Z. Blaney, of the Chair of Natural Science. He was parted with sadly, and the best wishes of the little college followed him in the patriotic service in which he engaged. Many of the students followed him in the service, among them being Plympton, McCaskey, Spencer and Haney. H. A. Pearsons. (). C. Foster, Charles F. Smith and M. C. Springer, and many others whose names are lost to us; and. from time to time, the Recruiting Ser- geant, with his fife and drum, found Evan- ston and its students a fruitful field for re- cruiting operations, seriously thinning the ranks an.l causing the faculty to invoke the authority of the distant parents as to whether or not their boys should be per- mitted to enlist. In consequence of the depletion of the faculty. Drs. Dempster and Bannister were called to assist in the work of instruction. Clark Street Methodist Episcopal Church offered in 1862 to open its church doors in Chicago for the commencement exercises a proposition which was declined on the ground of the smallness of the class; so that, on that occasion, the rafters of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Evanston resounded with the eloquence of Robert Bentley. Isaac .McCaskey. U'illiam T. Rose. David Sterrit and Bennett 11. Botsford The number of students, all told, that year, had dwindled to eighty-nine. The Senior class of 1862-63 was reduced by enlistments in iwo persons, and one of these had no -OOIHT doffed his scholastic gown than he put on the soldier's uniform anil marched awa\ to his omntn's service. Still, there was a gain of preparatory students that year, and the aggregate number on the col- lege roll was slightly increased. June 18. 1862, Oliver Marcy was elected to the Chair of Xatural Science and Physics, to succeed Dr. Blaney, who was made Professor Emeritus. Professor Marcy had been teaching at Wilbraham, Mass. He was an enthusiast in his work and a most genial and painstaking teacher, who was destined to a long and honorable service in his new relations. Rev. X. H. Axtell, later an honored member of Rock River Conference, was likewise added to the teaching force during the year as Prin- cipal of the Academy, assisted by A. C. Linn, a graduate of the class of r8f>o. as Tutor in Mathematics and Latin a sturdv. thorough-going teacher who was soon to enter the service of his country and lay down his life in her cause. The income of the University was now estimated by a judicious committee, con- sisting of Bishop Simpson. J. (i. Hamilton and Prof. H. S. \oyes, at $5,50,4. all( l ' ts whole property was valued at $225. (xxj. Evidently there had been a great shrink- age from former valuations, or a strong desire to stimulate donations by putting an exceedingly conservative estimate upon the property. At any rate, the pressure was upon the Trustees to provide better build- ings and better boarding accommodations, in order to appeal to new students and to hold those already in attendance. From time to time the matter was earnestly discussed by the Trustees. A building known as the Club House, now located on ( )rrington Avenue, near Clark Street, capable of ac- commodating about twenty students, \\a> the result of this agitation the first experi- ment of the University in the matter of dor- mitories. Fifteen thousand dollars worth of scholarship notes was likewise set apart as a building fund, besides ten thousand LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF I HISTORY OF EVANSTON' 75 dollars from prospective sales of University lands. The rest must wait upon donations. In November, 1863, James G. Hamilton, the University Treasurer, announced the fulfilment of his trust in the matter of the payment of the University debt, for which $39,000 of assets had been put in his hands. It was a happy consummation. It realized the forethought of the fathers and nerved them to still larger undertakings. A definite plan for locating upon the campus the build- ings that were sure to come with the prog- ress of time was now devised ; and the services of the eloquent Dr. Tiffany were secured, as Financial Agent, to see if his powers of persuasion could not unlock the pursestrings of numerous patrons to the extent of providing funds for the projected buildings. The cost of the main building was to be one hundred thousand dollars, and some were sanguine enough to believe that, in the space of a few months, that silver-tongued orator could coin his speech into the needed amount. But the task was too difficult : few contributions were secured by the gifted agent, and Rev. S. A. W. Jewett took up the task with little better success. Accessions to the Teaching Force. In 1865 the name of Rev. Louis Kistler appears as a temporary appointment to the Chair of Greek and Principal of the Pre- paratory Department. This appointment was made permanent the following year. He was an animated instructor, full of ac- tion, and knew his subject well. His eccen- tricities were such as-to interest his students and give rise to those mischievous pranks that students are wont to play where there is opportunity. He had his favorite pupils ; among them a young Scot, fresh from the farm in Lake County, appealed to his partiality by his conscientious devotion to his work and his uniform excellence in his classes Robert Baird, who was destined to write after his name, "Professor of Greek Language and Literature." Those of us who sat under Prof. Kistler will readily con- cede to him that, in the class-room, he put a spirit and fire into Homer's heroic lines that we were unable to acquire in the ordi- nary use of our lexicons. It was during the year 1865 that Orring- ton Lunt, upon whose heart rested heavily the educational work of the church, donated a tract of one hundred and fifty-seven acres of land in George Smith's Sub-division, ad- joining Wilmette, which was to be applied to library endowment. The conditions of this donation involved a few financial obli- gations on the part of the University, which were gladh met in view of the prospective value of this library endowment, and, stimu- lated by the gift, the Trustees set themselves afresh to the task of college buildings. They employed an architect G. P. Randall, of Chicago who designed the building that is now known as University Hall. It was a fascinating thing, when drawn on paper as it would be when drawn in stone, dom- inating the campus and sounding out the hours from its watch-tower to the genera- tions of coming students. But how to build it was the question which still re- mained unanswered. In 1865 and 1866 we note the name of George Strobridge as Principal of the Academy. He had returned from the war to the peaceful pursuit of pedagogy, and John Poucher was his assistant. In 1866 a new name was added to the corps of instructors that of David H. Wheeler, Professor of History and English Literature a genial and accomplished scholar and elegant writer, who had seen much of the world and was destined to make a marked impression while he re- mained in this corner of it. The items of Trustee business of these years are somewhat dreary reading made NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY up, as they were, of transactions concerning the property of the University, of repairs and improvements of one sort or anotlur, the discussion of the problem of shore pro- tection, and of various ways and means for the enlargement of property interests and the raising of funds. But all this is of exceeding importance, in order that the professors may be supported in their work and the students kept at their tasks with the increasing facilities that they require. And the work goes on. Evans, Lunt, Bots- ford, Hamilton, Cook, Noyes and Hoag as the Executive Committee did the busi- ness that must be done, held things together and hoped for improvement and growth. The increase of college students was not rapid, but the academy numbers had reached one hundred and five in 1866, with a roll of seven teachers, among them being the new names of John Ellis and Edmund W. Burke the Judge Burke, that is to be, though, to be honest, we did not then suspect it. The catalogue of that year blos- soms out unexpectedly with the announce- ment of the Lunt Prize in Philology, the Haskin Prize in Mathematics, the Hurd Prize in Physical Science, the Kedzie Prize in Declamation and the Hamilton Prize in Composition and Reading. These prizes gave a marvelous stimulus to things. It all came out of the effort of John A. Copeland to start a prize declamation contest, a few years before, when a petition was presented to the faculty, which was duly discussed and about which there was much hesitation, though the petition was granted that a prize declamation contest be permitted. Tom Strobridge won the first prize and Will Comstock the second. The occasion aroused an interest such as the University had rarely known. The contestants had raised the funds for their prizes, but thereafter, as it appeared, kind friends would furnish them. One incident of 1866 shows how difficult it was for the Trustees to anticipate the future requirements of the University. A deed was given to the heirs of John Demp- ster for what was known as Dempster's Sub-division, which cut the campus in twain in the region of the deep ditch which runs from Sheridan Road to the Lake, north of Cook Street. This was the result of a pre- vious contract, executed at a time when the Trustees might have been forgiven for their lack of foresight. The Garrett Bibli- cal Institute had been located on the campus just south of the property described; and, to imagine that the remainder of the cam- pus would suffice for the needs of the grow- ing institution, was a fallacy that it required but little time to prove. In the same year the Presbyterians were given a site for a church. The Baptists and Congregational- ists were similarly treated, and when they had no house of worship, they were wel- come to the College Chapel. During the same year the corporate name of the Uni- versity was changed from "Trustees of the Northwestern University" to "Northwestern University." Other names were suggested, but the Trustees clung tenaciously to the idea with which they started, of a univer- sity for the Northwest. The Treasurer's report for that year showed assets to the amount of $419,751.50 and subscriptions to the University Hall amounting to $48,000. The first honorary degrees given by the University were bestowed in 1866, when George W. Quereau, George M. Steele, and George S. Hare were given the degree of Doctor of Divinity, and, upon Randolph S. Foster and Joseph Cummings were con- ferred the degree of Doctor of Laws. Professor Bonbright continued to act as Secretary of the Faculty till 1869, when Professor Marcy relieved him for a number of years. During this period the faculty re- mained unchanged. HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 77 Increase in Salaries and Assets. A strong desire was manifested in 1867 to see the erection of University Hall pushed to completion. Matters were look- ing much more hopeful. The income from endowment had been found sufficient to warrant increasing the salaries of the pro- fessors from $1,500 to $2,000 per annum, and within a year the assets had increased over $40,000. The building was now under- taken in a very cautious manner. It was to be constructed of Athens stone, and, with the discreetness that always characterized them, the Trustees proposed to stop and roof the building over when it reached a point beyond which their available funds would not enable them to proceed. H. B. Hurd proposed in this emergency and the proposition carried that the building be completed to the roof and enclosed before halting in the enterprise. Their hearts were gladdened by the announcement made by Prof. Louis Kistler, that one William Walker, of Kankakee, proposed to give the munificent sum of thirty thousand dollars for the completion of the building. It was a cruel disappointment when the discovery was made that Lord Walker's specialty was subscribing to various benevolent enter- prises. His benefactions, however, were of the "gold-brick" variety. The Trustees of Garrett Biblical Institute were treated to a similar experience at the dedication of Heck Hall. But there were those who promised and performed ; and in an emergency, a loan could be safely made, so the University Hall was assured. The building went on, giving marvelous stimulus to the work of the college, as voiced in the last report of Professor Noyes as Secretary and Financial Agent, made in June, 1868, in which he says : "The work of the new college build- ing is progressing with gratifying rapidity. Its erection has greatly inspired public con- fidence in the permanent growth of Evan- ston, and had a marked influence in en- hancing the prices of University property. It can no longer be doubted that the resolu- tion adopted at the last meeting of the Board, to proceed at once with the building, was a wise and prudent measure. The early completion of the edifice will hasten the day of its more complete and generous endowment." He reported the assets of the institution at $703,706.08, with a net income of nearly seventeen thousand dollars during 1866. The Snyder farm had been purchased, south of Dempster Street, running from Chicago Avenue to the lake, at a cost of $26,623.12, and, by June roth, sales and leases of that property, were made by Pro- fessor Xoyes, amounting to $42,445, leav- ing a profit above the original investment of $15.821.88, to which should be added, as a conservative estimate, lots unsold to the value of $74,470, and all within the space of two years. Verily, if subscriptions to the new building were not forthcoming, they could turn aside to their old procedure of building up the L'niversity on the in- crease of land values. This transaction Professor Noyes carried through; sur- veyed and sub-divided the grounds, mar- keted the property up to 1868, and it has since proved one of the choicest of the University's holdings. His work was nearly done. His strength, never great, was break- ing under the load that he had carried and he needed rest and change. The Trustees complimented him for his fidelity as he laid down his tasks all but his teaching and secretaryship of the Board. Miss Willard has well said of him: "Xo one ever con- nected with the institution has placed upon it a more skillful hand, or at a time when it was more plastic to his touch. To the last syllable of recorded time, his name should be associated with the Xorthwestern NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY University, and doubtless it will some day be permanently connected with some build- ing of the growing group upon the College campus." He relinquished his work in 1869 and his secretaryship in 1870, and was ten- derly laid to rest, at Rosehill Cemetery, in 1872. Professor D. H. Wheeler succeeded him in the Acting Presidency of the insti- tution. T. C. Hoag, the former Treasurer of the University, now succeeded to the du- ties of Agent, bringing to the task a large business experience and orderly habits in the conduct of affairs. For more than twenty- five years he was to continue in the dis- charge of that office or of the treasurership, giving good account of his stewardship. CHAPTER VII. A DECADE OF CHANGE Chicago Medical College Merged in the University A "Town and Gown" Con- test Dr. Erastus O. Haven Enters Upon the Presidency Women Admitted to College Classes Addition to the Fac- ulty Greenleaf Library College Jour- nals Dr. Haven is Succeeded in the Presidency by Dr. C. H. Fowler In- crease of Students and Growth of College Catalogue Coeducation Established and Miss Frances E. Willard Joins the Fac- ulty Gymnasium Erected Financial Embarrassment President Fowler Re- tires and Dr. Oliver H. Marcy Becomes Acting President The University Wins on the Taxation Issue Life-Saving Sta- tion Established. The Chicago Medical College had now become an integral part of Northwestern University, located on the corner of Prairie Avenue and Twenty-sixth Street, Chicago, in close conjunction with Mercy Hospital. The University aided in the erection of its building and felt great pride in the new connection, which was largely brought about through the agency of Dr. N. S. Davis, an early Trustee of the University and deeply interested in the cause of medi- cal education. The income of the Univer- sity had now been enhanced by returns from the La Salle Street lots, which had been leased to the Grand Pacific Hotel corpora- tion, and the future looked brighter. In the catalogue of 1868-69 there appears, for the first time, the name of Robert M. Cumnock, Instructor in Elocution, with the modest compensation of three dollars a week. His time as an instructor would command that much an hour a few years later. His services proved so acceptable that he was paid three hundred dollars the following year for such services as he ren- dered in connection with the College students. He was a rising man and has risen to be one of the fixed stars in the firmament of the University. The name of Robert Baird now appears, too, as Instruc- tor in Greek in the Academy. He, too, was a rising man, on his way to become a fixed star, so to speak, in the University constel- lation, but died deeply regretted during the year 19x55. Town and Gown Contest New Build- ings. Most colleges have had their town and gown experiences and, growing up, as the Town of Evanston has done, under the shadow of the University, it would almost seem that experiences of hostility would be avoided; but the student body was con- stantly discovering that they were regarded as an element that had few rights at the hands of the native-born, and more than once they had rough treatment at the hands of the town boys. Nor is it to be wondered 79 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY at that the owners of melon patches, to the south and on the ridge, regarded the student community with some suspicion during the period when the juicy melon ripens on its vine. But the Trustees, too, had their troubles in 1869, when the Town vs. Gown spirit was manifested by a visitation of vil- lagers to the Trustees' Board on the subject of taxation. They were respectfully heard and were told that the Trustees had troubles of their own in maintaining an institution that would be a credit to all concerned, even with the subsidy given by the State in the form of exemption from general taxation; and, then, Grant Goodrich took the floor and informed the visitors as to what the University had done for the town, was do- ing and would continue to do, and what were its rights under its charter, and how the scheme of mutual benefits ought at once and forever to quiet the incipient murmur- ings on the subject of tax-burdens because of University exemption. He did not fully lay the ghost. It has since walked abroad and, perhaps, will never down, for there never yet was a college town but had its war 'twixt "town and gown." The lease of part of the campus to Gar- rett Biblical Institute was put in form, as it now exists, after long and tedious con- ferences indeed, after Heck Hall had been erected and the mutual relations were so adjusted that they might live ever after happily and helpfully, side by side. University Hall was now well-nigh com- plete and the formal dedication and occupa- tion was designed for 1870. It was con- sidered desirable that a President should be elected to begin service simultaneously with the occupation of this Hall, and thought turned again to Dr. Erastus O. Haven. He was then President of the University of Michigan a man whose coming would give new dignity and prominence to the Univer- sity. Dr. Haven Assumes the Presidency. The Trustees fixed his salary uiirabile dictu! at $4.500 per annum, and elected him without a dissenting vote. President Haven was then forty-nine years of age. He had graduated from Wesleyan Univer- sity in 1842 ; had been Principal of Amenia Seminary ; had been Professor of Latin in Michigan University, and later of English Language, Literature and History ; had been editor of "Zion's Herald"; a member of the Massachusetts State Senate, and Overseer of Harvard University ; then President of the University of Michigan for six years before accepting the Presi- dency of Northwestern. He was a clear, earnest and logical speaker, and his long experience and eminent qualifications strongly commended him in his new re- lations. His first year was signalized by the admission of women to the college classes almost a new departure among colleges in the United States, but a move- ment that he had championed and concern- ing which he had assurances before coming to Evanston. The working union with the Chicago Medical College was consummated in his first year, and there were added to the roll of University instructors the con- spicuous names of Davis, Andrews, John- son, Byford, Isham, Hollister, Roler and Bevan, with N. S. Davis then in his prime Dean of the Medical School. The sum- mary of names of University students counted three hundred and thirty-seven, of which two hundred and sixty-two were in Evanston. The curriculum had been greatly enriched. Julius F. Kellogg had entered the College Faculty as Professor of Civil Engineering a splendid mathematician, an excellent teacher and well beloved. The north end of the third story of University Hall had been set apart as a library, in which the accumulated treasures of twenty years were installed, and to which XORTHXVKSTKRX FKMAI.K COI.LEGE So .\<>KTII\\ KSTKKX UNIVERSITY at that the owners of nit-Ion patches, to the south and on the ridge, regarded the student community with some suspicion during the period when the juicy melon ripens on its vine. But the Trustees, too, had their troubles in 1869. when the Town vs. Gown spirit was manifested by a visitation of vil- lagers to the Trustees' Board on the subject of taxation. They were respectfully heard and were told that the Trustees had troubles of their own in maintaining an institution that would be a credit to all concerned, even with the subsidy given by the State in the form of exemption from general taxation ; and. then, Grant Goodrich took the floor and informed the visitors as to what the University had done for the town, was do- ing and would continue to do. and what were its rights under its charter, and how tile scheme of mutual benefits ought at once and forever to quiet the incipient murmur- ings on the subject of tax-burdens because of University exemption. He did not fully lay the ghost. It has since walked abroad and, perhaps, will never down, for there never \et wa> a college town but had it> war 'twixt "town and gown." The lease of part of the campus to Gar- rett Biblical Institute was put in form, as it now exists, after long and tedious con- ferences indeed, after Heck Hall had been erected and the mutual relations were so Adjusted that they might live ever after happily anil helpfully, side by side. University Hall was now well-nigh com- plete anil the formal dedication and occupa- tion was designed for 1870. It was con- sidered desirable that a I 'resident should be elected to begin service simultaneously with the occupation of this Hall, and thought turned again to Dr. Erastus ( ). I laven. 1 le was then Pre>ident of the University of Michigan a man whose coming would give new dignity and prominence to the I'niver- sitv. Dr. Haven Assumes the Presidency. The Tru-tee- fixed his -alary iiiimhilc i/iclii.' at 84.51 x) l"-' r annum, and elected him without a dissenting vote. President Haven was then forty-nine years of age. He had graduated from \Vesleyan Univer- sity in 1842: had been Principal of Amenia Seminary : had been Professor of Latin in Michigan University, and later of English Language. Literature and History; had been editor of "Zion's Herald"; a member of the Massachusetts State Senate, and Overseer of Harvard University: then President of the University of Michigan for six years before accepting the Presi- dency of Northwestern. He was a clear, earnest and logical speaker, and his long experience and eminent qualifications -troiiglx 1 commended him in hi- ue\\ re- lations. His first year was signalized by the admission of women to the college clas-e- alniii-t a new departure ami ing colleges in the L'nited States, but a move- ment that he had championed and concern- ing which he had assurances before coming to Evanston. The working union with the Chicago Medical College was consummated in his first year, and there were added to the roll of University instructors the con- spicuous names of Davis. Andrews, John- son, liyford, Isham. Hollister. Roler and Ilevan, with N. S. Davis then in his prime Dean of the Medical School. The sum- mary of names of University students counted three hundred and thirty-seven, of which two hundred and sixty-two were in Evan-ton. The curriculum had been greatly enriched. Julius F. Kellogg had entered the College Faculty as Professor of Civil Engineering a splendid mathematician, an excellent teacher and well beloved. The north end of the third story of University Hall had been set apart as a library, in which the accumulated treasures of twentv vears were installed, and to which M iKTiiu I>TI:KN I ; I-:M u.r. ci >i. i.i-:< '.i LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 81 was added the Greenleaf Library of twenty thousand volumes, rich in classics, in phil- osophy, in art and education, the private library of Dr. John Schulze, Minister of Education in Prussia. The funds for this rich and timely purchase were the gift of Luther L. Greenleaf, one of Evanston's large-hearted and well-disposed citizens, a friend and a Trustee of the University. The Advent of College Journalism. College journalism began during the presidency of Dr. Haven, with the issue of "The Tripod" a serious and well edited publication, whose columns represented the College and the Medical School. A rival entered the field in 1878, and, for three years, made matters interesting, as only rival papers with an inadequate constituency can. These papers were combined in 1881 in the "Northwestern," the present college paper, which has held the field alone, ex- cept during a single year, when the "Barbs," who concluded that they were discrimi- nated against in the make-up of the editorial staff, entered the field of college journal- ism, in which Sidney P. Johnston won his newspaper spurs. The "Evanston Press," too, was an outgrowth of college journal- ism, bringing out the latent talent of Robert Vandercook and giving direction to the bent of Edwin L. Shuman, afterwards the accomplished literary editor of the "Chicago Tribune," and still later of the "Record- Herald." And what shall we say of the numerous reporters who have reported Evanston news for the Chicago press? Eager for news, they have sometimes created it, and very often magnified some trivial incident into a harmful sensation. Many of them have graduated into jour- nalism, however, and given a good account of themselves. For many years James W. Scott, of the "Chicago Herald," maintained the Herald Scholarship and Mr. H. H. Kohlsaat has continued it. A publication that has reflected much of the spirit of college life was the "Pandora," issued in 1884 and published by the senior class. In 1885 the name was changed to "Syllabus," and its publication was assumed by the fraternities. In 1893 the publication was undertaken by the junior class and so con- tinues. "Sketches in Purple" is a most creditable exhibit of literary work done in the classes of Prof. J. S. Clark, first published in 1901, with hope of an annual appearing. The list of prizes as stimulants to all sorts of intellectual activity had been increased by the addition of prizes for excellence in liter- ary composition, leading up to the Blan- chard Prize of one hundred dollars for the best English oration, and sundry prizes for excellence in debate and elocution. The Catalogue of 1869-70 is the most attractive issue of that periodical thus far published, and it impressed the founders that their hopes of Northwestern were reaching some fruitage. A cut of the new University Hall adorns its pages, giving the impression of amplitude of accommodation in which to do the college work. The joy of teachers and students in the spacious quarters, which contrasted so strongly with the stuffy quarters on Davis Street, amounted almost to intoxication. Then, too, the freedom of the splendid campus, with its oak-tree shade, its outlook on the open lake, were means of intellectual growth and culture that could not be over- rated. The museum, that was growing to splendid proportions under the loving care of Professor Marcy, was given spacious quarters in the lofty upper story of the building. The Preparatory School was given the cast-off garment of the College on Davis Street; and it, too, took on new dignity and importance, with its little cam- pus all its own, where Preps, would no longer be over awed by the lordly airs of 82 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY college men. Amos W. Patten, and Charles W. Pearson and E. P. Shrader, names that will figure more prominently by and by, were added to the teaching force of the Academy. Through Dr. Haven's efforts, the hospitality of the College was extended to the Evanston College for Ladies, and an opening made for the co-operation of the Scandinavians in the work of the College. Prof. H. S. Carhart, fresh from Middle- town, was added to the faculty in the Chair of Civil Engineering, while Professor Kel- logg assumed the Chair of Mathematics. Professor Carhart likewise took up the du- ties of Secretary of the Faculty, which Pro- fessor Marcy and Professor Bonbright had carried. Few colleges were then better equipped with bright, earnest men, or had a better share of hope and the stimulus of manifest progression. Another Change of Administration. The administration of Dr. Haven was all too short. His ambitions were, no doubt, ecclesiastical. The General Conference called him away to the Secretaryship of the Board of Education, and he inclined to the summons. Gentle, loving persuasion was of no avail to divert him from this public call. In October, 1872, Dr. C. H. Fowler was elected President of the Uni- versity for the second time, he having de- clined an earlier election. His career, since 1861, when he graduated from Garrett Biblical Institute, had been in the adjacent City of Chicago, where he had acquired the reputation of a pulpit orator of the highest rank. His brilliant parts and large influence promised well for a splendid career at Evanston. He magnified his work and made it honorable and, with the stim- ulus of youth, he planned for large things in connection with his charge. He planned a School of Technology. A School of Music was established. The Evanston Col- lege for Ladies was merged in the Uni- versity, and a Law School was established in conjunction with the University of Chicago, which was destined to become exclusively the Northwestern University Law School. The catalogue, never larger than eighty pages in any previous issue, now became an imposing document of one hundred and eighty pages, with broadened curriculum, lists of professional schools and affiliated preparatory schools, and an enrollment of eight hundred and sixty-six students, to- gether with a double-page engraving of the campus and its buildings and the adjacent lake enough to fire the prospective student with an eager desire to be a part of such a school. The succeeding catalogue is less ambitious, composed of one hundred and twelve pages, of lighter paper and smaller type. The President had doubtless heard from the business office as to the cost of printing and the matter of postage ; but the roll of students had increased to eight hun- dred ninety-one. Organization of Teaching Force. Frances E. Willard had become asso- ciated with the University, as Professor of Esthetics, on the merging of the Evanston College for Ladies in the University. Her students came with her and the roll of the graduates of the Northwestern Female Col- lege, to which the Evanston College for Ladies succeeded, was included among the alumni of Northwestern University. That brilliant woman did not tarry long in educa- tional work. She was calculated for leader- ship rather than for service in the ranks. She chafed under the restraints of a conservative Board of Trustees. Her career was to be world-wide. As the President of the Wo- man's Christian Temperance Union she found her sphere ; she wielded her pen with the most polished grace, and she spoke as one inspired, when her theme involved the welfare of men and women. The College was proud of her, of her genius and of the sacri- HISTORY OF EVANSTON fice and devotion with which she applied it. Her successor, as Dean of the Woman's College, was Miss Ellen Soule, who be- came Mrs. Professor Carhart, and gave place, in turn, to Miss Jane M. Bancroft. With the merging of the College for Ladies a new element was introduced in the Board of Government by the election of three lady Trustees, one of whom, for a time, served on the Executive Committee Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller having the distinction to be the first woman to take her place in the "Seats of the Mighty." A much needed improvement on the cam- pus was made in 1876 by the building of the Gymnasium by a stock company of students, with a bowling alley in the base- ment and a large room for exercise above, in size about forty feet by eighty. It was not adequate to the needs of the institu- tion, but it would do as a step towards bet- ter things, a long step, perhaps, ere the new Gymnasium is to be erected but the need was so great that students took hold of the enterprise, managing it by a Board of Directors. New names appear in 1876 as donors of prizes to stimulate various sorts of effort: the Easter Prize displacing the Blanchard, the Gage Prizes, the Mann Prize, the Phil- lips Prize, and others given by the Uni- versity. Prof. Herbert F. Fisk came to the Pre- paratory School in 1875, with the rank of Professor, and later became Professor of Pedagogics in the College. He had grad- uated early from Wesleyan University, and since his graduation had taught contin- uously in academies in the East. He was destined now to find a field of continuous labor, and to make a record as teacher and disciplinarian. The Old College Building had been enlarged and moved to the cam- pus, to serve, for a long series of years, as the scene of his labors where he should preside, a terror to evil-doers and a praise to them that do well. The discipline of that end of the campus was safe while Dr. Fisk was in town. Financial Situation New Burdens. It has already been indicated that President Fowler had started things at a more rapid pace than they had previously been going. Such movements require money. The absorption of the Ladies' Col- lege increased the debt and a dangerous deficit was piling up. One large subscription of twenty-five thousand dollars proved to be of the Walker variety and the Trustees were greatly disturbed. Some advocated the rapid sale of property and its use to diminish the debt and to defray the ex- penses upon which they had entered, rather than take a backward step. The records of 1875 fairly reflect the earnestness of the controversy over the question of the policy to be pursued by the University with refer- ence to unproductive property. In the com- munications of Governor Evans, of T. C. Hoag, of W. H. Lunt and of Rev. Philo Judson on this subject, almost the last word was spoken on behalf of the respective pol- icies of holding for lease or selling out the residence property of the University, at go- ing prices to actual settlers, and investing the resultant funds. When this discussion again arises as arise it will from time to time the minutes of 1875 will prove an armory of weapons to the con- testants. Governor Evans wrote as one deeply interested in the institution, as hav- ing given to it with generous liberality and having put it under restraint to withhold from sale a certain portion of its property. Philo Judson wrote as one who met the actual situation in his work as Land Agent, and reached a height of eloquence and ar- gument in his plea for generous and un- restricted sales that seems unanswerable. If he or Governor Evans had never written 8 4 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY anything else than these two papers, these recorded documents of two of the founders of the institution would reveal to us of a later generation that they were men of keen intellectuality and good fighters. So far as the policy with reference to the sale of property is concerned, this discus- sion was without practical result. The lim- itations which Governor Evans placed upon the sale of property, by conditional grants to the University of sundry pieces of Chi- cago property, were revoked by a later in- strument. Indeed, the limitations agreed to by the Executive Committee in receiving gifts from Governor Evans were not ap- proved by the Board of Trustees, and the whole question of the sale of property, with a view to limitations, was referred to a com- mittee of three, in 1871, the report from whom has never been called up. Rev. Philo Judson's communication on this subject was his last word to the University, and it is indeed a heritage. He died a few months later and a feeling tribute graces the record, describing him as "one of the founders of the institution" ; as "the first and, for many years Business Manager and Financial Agent, and later Trustee and Executive Officer, who has rendered long and efficient service to the University. To his intel- lectual force, sagacity, wisdom, integrity, unselfishness and fidelity, the cause of edu- cation is lastingly indebted." And much more to the same effect, which was inspired by a genuine appreciation of a man of most sterling and serviceable qualities. The Board started out upon the year 1876 with a discouraging budget, showing a probable deficit of nearly sixteen thousand dollars ; but the end of the year was reached with a somewhat better showing, though, on the whole, not entirely satisfactory. A judicious Committee on Ways and Means was appointed to look matters in the face, and see if some remedy could not be devised to avoid a crisis. They could only figure out a probable deficit of $23,750 per annum. They reminded their brethren that, in their great desire for rapid development, they had forgotten the old adage, "Make haste slow- ly," and they recommended a return to the old ways of making no appropriations for salaries or other expenses in advance of cur- rent income. This policy, said they, must be adhered to rigidly, in the future, for we cannot afford to mortgage the future use- fulness of the institution. Dr. Fowler having been elected editor of the "Christian Advocate" in New York, in May of that year, resigned his position, to the great regret of the Board, who passed resolutions of warm commendation of his work and his influence. The Chairs of English Literature and Chemistry were likewise vacated and the work distributed. Thus the ship was lightened and proceeded on its voyage with a better prospect of reaching port. Dr. Oliver Marcy was made Acting President a work which, although not at all to his taste, he took up and admin- istered with the same fidelity and zeal that he gave to his own department, winning re- spect and confidence at every step and ad- ministering government and discipline with an even hand. A new menace came in 1876 to try the patience of the Trustees who were heroically struggling with the problem of finance, in the listing of their property by the assess- ors for taxation. The expense of testing the legality of the claim was appalling, and the possibly unfavorable outcome of litiga- tion was even more discouraging. But they stood firmly upon their chartered rights. The contest in the lower court of the State was adverse, as was expected. The decision in the State Supreme Court was similarly adverse, but not unanimous, there being two dissenting Justices. The case then went to Washington, with Grant HISTORY OF EVAXSTOX Goodrich, Wirt Dexter and Senator M. H. Carpenter as attorneys for the University, and their efforts were crowned with the happy result of a reversal of the decision of the State Courts. The contention of the tax-collector was that, though the property of the University was exempted from tax- ation by the amendment to the charter in 1855, a subsequent statute of 1872 limited this exemption to land and other property in immediate use by the school. The Supreme Court of the United States con- strued the charter in harmony with the powers granted to the Legislature under the Constitution of 1848, and, therefore, not limited by the new Constitution of 1870. We cannot say if any bonfires blazed on the campus when the decision was made known. It is quite certain that a new light gleamed from the faces of the surviving founders, and especially from the face of the surviving attorney, Grant Goodrich, who drew the charter amendment that had been controverted and which meant so much to the institution. Life Saving Station is Established. During 1876 the Life Saving Station of the United States was established on the campus, manned by students and presided over by Captain Larson, an "old salt" who is the soul of discipline and fidelity, as de- vout as he is brave, whose influence upon his boys has been the very best. The work of life-saving at the station has been a source of honest joy and pride to the friends of the University. The lease of University grounds for this purpose was for twenty years, and in 1896 was renewed for fifty years, so that it has a future in connection with the institution. Without serious diminution in numbers, but on a more even keel, the University kept on its course under the wise admin- istration of Dr. Marcy, till 1881. Prof. Kistler had retired and his old-time pupil was made instructor in Greek. Charles W. Pearson, too, had risen to an instructorship in English Literature in place of D. H. Wheeler. New names were appearing in instructorships which will afterwards figure in connection with professorships in the in- stitution. The financial burden that had been much relieved was still oppressing, and the heroic method of reduction of sal- aries was applied, with the hope that it would not be for long. George F. Foster, one of the charter members of the Board of Trustees, passed away in 1878 and was memorialized in the records of the Trustees. He was a man of zeal and generous liberality ; a shouting Methodist, ardent in his temperament, earnest and persistent in the discharge of what he believed to be his duty. He was a warm and devoted friend, an open and hon- orable opponent. William Wheeler, too, had gone, and the ranks of the early Trus- tees were sadly thinning. CHAPTBR VIII. AN ERA OF PROGRESS Dr. Joseph Cummings, the Nestor of East- ern Educators, Succeeds to the Presiden- cy Indebtedness Wiped Out and the In- stitution Enters Upon a Afore Prosper- ous Era Munificent Gifts and Improve- ments Changes in Faculty and Trustees Illinois School of Pharmacy and School of Dentistry Added Celebration of Uni- versity Day Inaugurated President Cummings' Successful Career and His Taking Away Dr. Marcy Temporarily Assumes the Position of Acting Presi- dent Dr. Henry IVade Rogers Suc- ceeds to the Presidency in 1890 Other Changes and Improvements Depart- ment Schools and Colleges Real Estate Investments. Dr. Marcy was becoming weary of tasks that took him from his class-room and his beloved museum, and, in June, 1881, Joseph Cummings, the Nestor of educators in the Methodist Episcopal Church, long-time President of Wesleyan University, an old man but full of vigor, was chosen for the Presidency. He was coming to his own ; for, had not the Northwestern, for years, paid tribute to Middletown in the filling of its chairs? There were Marcy, and Fisk, and Carhart, and Cumnock, and Morse, and there were others coming. Surely, the grand old man might take up his work with no sense of novelty in his new situation. He was a man of noble parts, full of dignity but full of gentleness, as devoted to his work as is the sun to shining. He was an ideal College President of the old school ; great in the recitation room, great as a disciplinarian, strong in administration, a financier, an economist, a mighty man in the pulpit or on the rostrum, able to do great things and small, considerate of his colleagues, no tyrant, but a believer in faculty government and, without coercion of their opinion, willing to abide by it. What a mighty man he seemed on commencement days, in his square Doctor's cap and silk gown, bidding candidates "ascendat," and conferring degrees in Latin without a slip, a task over which his successors stumbled. Before his work was done, two hundred thousand dollars of indebtedness from for- mer years had been cleared off. Governor Evans helped nobly : William Deering bore the lion's share ; and one and another lifted, under the persuasive power of Dr. Cum- mings or Dr. Hatfield, till the work of liqui- dation of indebtedness was wrought, and then, relieved of burden, the college work went on more hopefully. New professors were secured, development took place in the line of true, logical growth under the hand of a master. His annual reports were and are still the strongest and most helpful papers ever submitted to the Board of Trus- tees, full of stimulus and suggestions. The NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Fayerweather Hall of Science was secured, the gift, for a long time, of an unknown donor into whose ear Dr. Hatfield, at a time- ly moment, had dropped a word concerning Northwestern, and it resulted in this anonymous gift and would result in more when his will should be opened that helped mightily in the development of the work in Chemistry and Physics. Professor Carhart was tempted away to Michigan University just as he was about to enter into his heritage of the new building, to carry on the brilliant career of a physicist, which he had so well begun at Northwestern. Organization of New Departments. Then, too, on the north campus arose the graceful pile of Dearborn Observatory, the gift of James B. Hobbs, equipped with the splendid instruments that were formerly in the old Dearborn Observatory at the rear of Chicago University. The gift was made without ostentation, after the manner of the princely giver that he is, and there was installed Prof. George W. Hough as astron- omer, to keep up his vigil over Jupiter, with whom he is so well acquainted, and to increase the list of double stars whose hid- ings he has such facility in finding out. Then, as a result of Dr. Hatfield 's efforts, a dormitory was erected on Cook Street to house thirty young men, the second experi- ment of the University in that direction. The death of Robert F. Queal was chron- icled in 1883, one of the later most valuable Trustees of the institution, a man of grace and tact, and loyal to the core. In 1886 James S. Kirk, a stalwart, useful member of the Board was taken away ; and, in 1887, Philip R. Shumway, who had given great promise of valuable aid in the counsels of the Executive Committee. In 1884 the Illinois School of Pharmacy became the property of the University, thereafter to be known as the Northwestern School of Pharmacy this through the labors of Dr. D. R. Dyche, one of the most self -forgetful, public-spirited Trustees -that ever helped to carry the burdens of the in- stitution. The School of Dentistry was like- wise taken on, to become one of the most flourishing departments by and by. The celebration of University Day was begun February 22, 1886, by the assembling of all departments in Evanston, who marched through the streets to the strains of martial music, and were addressed by representatives of the University culminat- ing in a collation and a reception at Willard Hall. This happy custom was continued into the administration of President Rogers, and fell at last into innocuous desuetude. The Passing away of Dr. Cummings. For almost ten years, in the ripeness of his wisdom and powers, without dimness of vision or abatement of natural vigor, Dr. Cummings kept on his way as President of the University, with a broadening curricu- lum and increasing number of students, large graduating classes and a splendid fac- ulty that were harmonious and enthusiastic and united in honoring their chief and fol- lowing his leadership. Though disease was preying upon him, he gave out no sign of weakness. He called the regular meeting of the faculty to assemble in his room when the hand of death was upon him, and passed away as a soldier in battle, with his armor on. His name and character is a heritage to those of us who knew him well, stimu- lating to duty. Not less useful, on the social side of college life, in that eminently suc- cessful administration, was the influence of the queenly woman who presided in the home of the President. She was a woman of striking presence, of tact and sprightli- ness, with a keen eye to take in difficult situations and a skillful hand to relieve all embarrassments. These two were a mar- velous combination in a college community. I do. not wonder that Middletown students HISTORY OF EVAXSTON are ready to bow down at the mention of . their names. Northwestern students, be- tween 1880 and 1890, are ready to do like- wise. Dr. Cummings' last appearance in chapel was a scene long to be remembered. He would not be relieved of his accustomed task of leading the devotions, though his breath came quick and his utterance was choked. He read the hymn, "My Jesus, as thou wilt, Tho' seen through many a tear, Let not my star of hope Grow dim or disappear." A solemn stillness pervaded the little chapel. The broken voice that led the de- votions was speaking for the last time among us, and it spoke out in prayer and Scripture and hymn, as if conscious that it was a farewell, the keynote of a life attuned to duty, "My Lord, thy will be done." Cheerful and serene, though feeble from acute disease, he left the chapel that day amid faces sad with fear and eager with sympathy, and went home to die as brave- ly as he went to work. We carried him to his final rest a few days later, and enshrined him in our hearts as one of the few great men that we had known. He was not a writer of dreary pamphlets or a seeker after notoriety. He felt called of God to do the work of a Christian educator by character, example, precept and wise and prayerful administration, and he did it well, and thereon rests his abiding fame. Then Dr. Marcy was called once more to take up the task of administration till some new man could be found, with youth and strength and scope of vision, fit to take up the work that had developed somewhat after the hope of the founders. A new appraisal had taken place of the property on La Salle Street that had been clung to tenaciously during the vicissitudes of forty years, which resulted in an increase of income of more than fiftv thousand dol- lars per annum. It meant the accomplish- ment of much that had been dreamed of, and the long hoped for development. Dr. Rogers Called to the Presidency. In September. 1890, Dr. Henry Wade Rogers was called to the Presidency of the institution. He had been Dean of the Law School of the University of Michigan, and entered most auspiciously upon his work at the most fortunate moment in the career of the University. In June, 1892, T. C. Hoag. having de- clined to serve longer as Treasurer and Business Agent, retired from the arduous duties of his office with an enviable record for fidelity and skill in the conduct of the affairs of the University, and Prof. R. D. Sheppard was invited to assume the busi- ness cares of the institution, in addition to his college work. The work of the decade was to be one of development on the mate- rial side, far in excess of any similar period in the history of the University, as the an- nual reports of receipts and expenditures will show. The spacious buildings on Dearborn Street, near Twenty-fourth, were erected for the proper housing of the Medi- cal School and School of Pharmacy, on land that had been purchased largely by the gift for that purpose of William Deer- ing, and an adjacent lot had been purchased for the prospective occupancy of Wesley Hospital. The Woman's Medical College on Lincoln Street, Chicago, was purchased at a cost of twenty-five thousand dollars, and it became an integral part of the Uni- versity, with a goodly list of alumnae and an eminent faculty. In 1892 the American College of Dental Surgery was combined with the North- western Dental School, with a student at- tendance of over five hundred and an equip- ment unsurpassed, over which presided Theodore Menges, a phenomenon of energy and tact in the organization and manage- NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY ment of such an institution, whose untimely death, a few years since, left that school sadly orphaned but still vigorous and a monument to his energy and devotion. The Law School was reorganized and made one of the best of its kind, with better quarters and with an enriched curriculum. Orrington Lunt Library Dedicated. On the campus the new Orrington Lunt Library was erected and named in honor of its principal benefactor, the genial, saint- ly Orrington Lunt, who walked among us in the evening of his days as the spirit of peace and benediction. Justin Winsor came on the dedication and spoke a splendid mes- sage, but the charming address of the founder of the library who, for so long had believed in books as a prime requisite of a student community, and who had manifested his faith by his works, was the great event of that dedicatory occasion. Then, too, the School of Music was housed in its own quarters, with a hall for recitals and rooms for instruction and prac- tice, presided over by Prof. P. C. Lutkin, whose skill and devotion have made it one of the important features of the University work. Then, too, in this favored time arose the Annie May Swift Hall, devoted to elocu- tion and oratory, the gift chiefly of Gustavus F. Swift, in honor of his daughter, who died during her career in college. It was the graceful tribute of the bereaved parent to a beautiful girl. Others contributed to this building at the solicita- tion of Professor Cumnock, but Mr. Swift's gift made it possible, and there its enthusi- astic Director has made a school unique in its character and unsurpassed anywhere. At last the Fayerweather bequest of one hundred thousand dollars came to hand, the result of Dr. Hatfield's timely sugges- tion to the generous leather merchant whose benefactions to American colleges have been one of the phenomenal things in the history of those institutions. Then Fisk Hall was constructed the dream of Dr. Fisk for twenty years crowning the labors of his devoted life. William Deering built it with a capacity to care for six or seven hundred students, with a chapel that is the best auditorium on the campus, and with all the appointments and equipment of an academy of the first rank. Woman's Hall was enlarged by the same generous giver, so that its capacity was almost doubled. Then the campus was fenced and the gateways were built, giving an air of indi- viduality and dignity to the college en- closure. William Deering did that ; and one quiet afternoon, on his way to town, he left at the business office a package of papers that the dazed Business Manager found, on inspection, to consist of over two hundred thousand dollars worth of securi- ties; and, a little later, when Wesley Hos- pital was needed, not only for the charity work of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but also an adjunct to the work of the Medical School, he dazed the same easily dazable Business Manager by the offer of fifty thousand dollars for that purpose, and property worth one hundred thousand dollars for the future endowment. Yet this was not all; for, when Onarga Semi- nary was to be saved from loss and made an affiliated academy of Northwestern Uni- versity, Mr. Deering gave five thousand dollars to help that enterprise to a consum- mation ; and, again, when the Tremont House was under consideration, his gift of twenty-five thousand dollars helped to acquire that splendid property. The chapter of his gracious deeds on behalf of the Uni- versity might be prolonged, but the histor- ian is not permitted to dwell over-much on the deeds of living men. Of the records and events of the last ten years its men HISTORY OF EVANSTON and its transactions he feels compelled to speak with cautious reserve. But these have been years of progress. Early in Dr. Rogers' administration, on the suggestion of David Swing, the annual commencement exercises were taken to Chi- cago and held in the Auditorium, where an oration was delivered by some orator of note before a magnificent assembly. Men like Theodore Roosevelt, Ex-Governor Chamberlain, Bishops Warren and Gallo- way, Drs. Northrup, Canfield, Day and Buckley have been numbered among the orators, and thousands of Northwestern graduates have ascended the stage and re- ceived their diplomas at the hands of the President of the University. Formerly all honorary degrees had been given on the recommendation of the Faculty of the Col- lege of Liberal Arts, and now that service was rendered by a University Council, con- sisting of representatives of the different departments, who, in addition to this func- tion, might recommend to the Trustees action upon such matters as were of general University interest. On the La Salle Street property of the University was erected a building, un- rivaled among the bank buildings of the world, for the use of one of the strongest institutions in the West, and leased for one hundred years at a rental that will be one of the principal supports of the University in beneficent work during that long period. It has improved the property on Kinzie Street, Chicago, donated by William Deer- ing, and leased it for fifty years to a strong corporation at a very satisfactory rental. It has acquired the Tremont House at a cost of five hundred thousand dollars, as the future home of the Law School, the Dental School and the School of Pharmacy, devoting to these schools a space as great as that comprised by any three of the buildings on the college campus, and has still re- served the old parlor floor of the Tremont House for general University purposes, of- fices, parlors, alumni headquarters, and a small assembly hall, while still retaining the first floor as a source of revenue. CHARTER IX. SOME SIDE ISSUES Athletics and College Societies Wo- men's Educational Associations "The Settlement" and the University Guild Dr. Rogers Resigns the Presidency in 1899, and is Succeeded by Dr. Bonbright as Acting President A Long List of Notable Friends of the University Who Have Passed Away Tribute to Their Memory Dr. E. J. James' Two Years' Administration He is succeeded by Dr. Abram W. Harris. And what shall we say of College Athlet- ics that have flourished during these ten years, in spite of the fact that the expected donor of a great gymnasium has not come to view ? The old "Gym." has done a noble work, but it is confessedly a back number. Still, the students have made good use of it and the Athletic Field on the north cam- pus has been the scene of vigorous sport and rare athletic performances. It is largely within the last ten years that athletic sports have formed a prominent feature in the life of Western colleges, and during that period, Northwestern has often ranked with the best, and, even when defeated, has been undiscouraged ; and, in the trials of forensic and dialectic skill with the great institu- tions of the West, she has proved herself a foeman not to be despised. Y. M. and Y. W- C. A. Other Societies. In the religious work of the college, its general conduct in these later years has been in the hands of the Young Men's and the Young Woman's Christian Associations. The responsibility has been largely on the students, with the sympathetic aid of mem- bers of the faculty. A house has been occu- pied by the young men as an Association headquarters; secretaries have been em- ployed, with University aid, by both Asso- ciations ; and the evangelistic spirit with marked results has attended both these associations. Greek Letter Societies have taken deep root in the University and detracted some- what from the vigor of the old debating societies that were of such educational value in the early history of the University. "Phi Kappa Psi" was founded in 1864, and the "Alpha Phi" in 1881. Now there are numerous other organizations, with their cliques and politics, and other redeeming features of good fellowship, that are among the pleasant recollections of college life. For a few years, beginning in 1893, the "University Record" was published, with a compendium of information of interest to the alumni and the public. Professor Cald- well and Professor Gray were editors, and performed their task well. The last issue was of June, 1895. The scheme will bear resurrection when some fit man with ade- quate support can give it attention. Collateral with the work of the Univer- 93 94 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY sity, and springing out of it, has been the work of the Woman's Educational Aid Association, of which, for many years, Mrs. J. A. Pearsons has been President, and with whom have been associated such elect ladies as Mrs. Cummings, Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Gage, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Clifford and others, in an effort to furnish a home for young women during their college life, where they can board cheaply, assisting in the work, and yet be provided with the comforts and elegances that are so desirable from an educational point of view. With the aid of Dr. Pearsons they have sustained the Col- lege Cottage for many years, which has been once enlarged ; and now, by the timely gift of thirty thousand dollars from the same philanthropic source, they have under their charge the new Chapin Hall, which was dedicated in the fall of 1901 by its generous donor, and where sixty young women are housed as a happy family in elegance and comfort. Another collateral institution has been that of "The Settlement," started and pre- sided over during her presence in Evanston by Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers, to minister, as such institutions do, to the life of the neglected poor in the Northwestern section of Chicago. There University graduates are in residence and University students help to carry on the various forms of life and service peculiar to the settlement. To carry on this work and erect their com- modious building, Mr. Milton Wilson gave the munificent sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, and the finished structure with its perfect appointments, the property of Northwestern University stands as a mon- ument of his interest in the welfare of his fellowmen. Another collateral institution founded by Mrs. Rogers was the University Guild, an association of women whose pursuit has been culture, and who, in a few years, have gathered together a beautiful collection of art treasures which are deposited in Lunt Library. These are now the property of the University, and may serve as the nucleus of an Art Museum, when these treasures, and those which Dr. Marcy gathered dur- ing his long career, are fitly housed. Resignation of President Rogers. In 1899 Dr. Rogers resigned the Presi- dency of the University and returned to a law professorship at Yale University, and Dr. Bonbright was persuaded to take up the Acting Presidency during a brief inter- regnum, while the quest for a new presi- dent went on. The period ended in January, 1902. It is not often in American life that a man is planted in a community to grow as a tree grows, from the sapling period to the period of advanced maturity, be- coming a landmark and a source of benefit to all passers-by. But all this is true of the Professor of Latin, Acting President of Northwestern University. Seized upon as a stripling tutor, rounded out in culture and methods by foreign study and observation, he has spent an ordinary lifetime in his chair ; devoted as a lover to a single love ; doing his part with a wisdom, thoroughness and grace that has left nothing to be desired as a teacher, gentleman, friend and inspirer of youth. From the very first date of graduations at Evanston he has seen the stream of students go by ; has known them all and taken a place in their memories as an integral part of their culture, their character and ideals. He has noted every step of progress, every movement of whatever sort that has gone to make up the traditions of Northwestern University, so that his were safe hands in which to entrust for any length of time the discipline, the growth, the care of the institution, with the assurance that the ad- ministration would be without caprice or doubtful experiment. Eager to escape pub- PRESIOKXT ROOSKVKLTS VISIT IN 1<03 '4 \< "RTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY sity, and springing out of it, has been the work of the Woman's Educational Aid Association, of which, for many years, Mrs. J. A. Pearsons has been President, and with whom have been associated such elect ladies as Mrs. Cummings. Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Gage. Mrs. Townsend. Mrs. Clifford and others, in an effort to furnish a home for young women during their college life, where they can hoard cheaply, assisting in the work, and yet be provided with the comforts and elegances that are MI desirable from an educational point of view. With the aid of Dr. Pearsons they have sustained the Col- lege Cottage for many years, which has been once enlarged; and now. by the timely gift of thirty thousand dollars from the same phil.inthropic source, they have under their charge the new Chapin Hall, which was dedicated in the fall of Kpl by its generous donor, and where sixty young women are housed as a happy family in elegance and comfort. Another collateral institution has been that of "The Settlement." started and pre- sided over during her presence in Evanston by Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers, to minister, as such institutions do, to the life of the neglected poor in the Northwestern section of Chicago. There University graduates are in residence and University students help to carry pn the various forms of life and service peculiar to the settlement. To carry on this work and erect their com- modious building. Mr. Milton Wilson gave the munificent sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, and the finished structure with its jierfei't appointments, the property of Northwestern University stands as a mon- ument of his interest in the welfare of his fellowmen. Another collateral institution founded by Mrs. Rogers was the University Guild, an association of women whose pursuit has been culture, and who. in a few vears. have gathered together a beautiful collection of art treasures which are deposited in Lunt Library. These are now the property of the University, and may serve as the nucleus of an Art Museum, when these treasures, and those which Dr. Marcy gathered dur- ing his long career, are fitly housed. Resignation of President Rogers. In iS'ii) Dr. Kngers resigned the Presi- dency of the University and returned to a law professorship at Yale University, and Dr. Donbright was persuaded to take up the Acting Presidency during a brief inter- regnum, while the quest for a new presi- dent went on. The period ended in January, KJO.J. It is not often in American life that a man is planted in a community to grow as a tree grows, from the sapling period to the period of advanced maturity, be- coming a landmark and a source of benefit to all passers-by. I'ut all this is true of the Professor of Latin, Acting President of Northwestern University. Seized upon as a stripling tutor, rounded out in culture and methods by foreign study and observation. hi 1 has >pent an ordinarv lifetime in his chair ; devoted as a lover to a single love ; doing his part with a wisdom, thoroughness and grace that has left nothing to be desired as a teacher, gentleman, friend and inspirer of youth. From the very first date of graduations at Evanston he has seen the stream of students go by ; has known them all ami taken a place in their memories as an integral part of their culture, their character and ideals. He has noted every step of progress, every movement of whatever sort that has gone to make up the traditions of Northwestern University, so that his were safe hands in which to entrust for any length of time the discipline, the growth, the care of the institution, with the assurance that the ad- ministration would be without caprice or doubtful experiment. Eager to escape pub- rivi:sini-:\T Kerg's have received their first performance at the faculty concerts, a Trio for piano, violin and 'cello, and a String Quartette. This latter work was repeated at a concert of the Chi- cago Manuscript Society, of which Profes- sor Oldberg is President. Other numbers on the same occasion were the Finale from a String Quartette by Professor Knapp, and a sacred solo for contralto with violin obli- gate by Professor Lutkin. A matter of congratulation has been the steady increase in the interest and appre- ciation of the Chamber Music Recitals by our faculty. Works of this character are the most difficult to comprehend in all musical literature, and many of the greatest com- posers have confided their loftiest inspira- tions to this most refined form of composi- tion, calling, as it does, upon a company of individual artists for its proper representa- tion. The patience, devotion and zeal neces- sary to produce a good ensemble of con- certed instruments is something enormous, and the school and the community are very fortunate in having professional musicians of such high ideals and ambitions. For the sake of those interested, a list is appended of the works given during the past seven sea- sons, a number of which are but rarely per- formed : Bach, Concerto for two Violins. Bargiel, String Quartette No. 3, Op. 15. Trio for Piano, Violin, and 'Cello. Op. 6. No. 1 Trio for Piano, Violin, and 'Cello, Op. 8. No. 3. 142 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Beethoven, String Quartette, Op. 15, No. 3. String Quartette, Op. 18, No. 2. String Quartette, Op. 18, No. 6 String Quartette, Op. 50, No. 1. String Quartette, Op. 59, No. 3. String Quartette, Op. 18, No. 2. String Quartette, Op. 18, No. 4. String Quartette, Op. 95. String Quartette, Op. 74. String Trio, Op. 9, No. 3. Trio for Piano, Violin, and 'Cello, Op. 97. Serenade for Violin, Viola, and 'Cello, Op. 8. Serenade for Flute, Violin, and Viola. Op. 25. Septette for Clarionet, Bassoon, Horn, and Strings, Op. 20. (Four movements. The wind instruments supplied upon the organ.) Concerto for Violin, Op. 61. (First movement with Leonard Cadenza.) Sonata for Piano and Violin, Op. 47. Borodine. Serenade Espagnole for Strings. Brahms, Quintette for Piano, two Violins, Viola, and 'Cello, Op. 34. Sextette for Strings, Op. 18. Chopin, Polonaise for 'Cello and Piano, Op. 3. Dvorak, String Quartette, Op. 51. Quintette for Piano, two Violins, Viola, 'Cello, Op. 81. Bagatelles for two Violins, 'Cello, and Organ, Op. 47. Bagatelles for two Violins, 'Cello, and Organ, Op. 95. String Quartette, Op. 96. Cesar Franck, Sonata for Piano and Violin. Foote, Arthur, Quintette for Piano, two Violins, Viola and 'Cello. Op. 38. Gade, Trio for Piano, Violin, and 'Cello, Op. 42. Godard, Trio for Piano, Violin, and 'Cello, Op. 72. Goldmark, Quintette for Piano, two Violins, Viola, and 'Cello, Op. 30. Golterman, Concertstueck for 'Cello, Op. 65. Grieg, Sonata for Piano and Violin, Op. 45. Sonata for Piano and Violin, Op. 13. String Quartette, G. minor. Hubbard W. Harris, Sonata for 'Cello and Piano. (Second and third movements.) Handel, Sonata for Piano and Violin, A. major. Haydn, String Quartette, Op. 77, No. 1. Variations from Kaiser Quartette. Hoffmann, Sonata for Violin and Piano, Opi 67. Harold E. Knapp, String Quartette in C major. Liadow, Scherzo for Strings. P. C. Lutkin, Trio for Piano, Violin, and 'Cello, Op. 1. (Second movement.) Andante for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 6. (Orchestral part arranged for strings and organ.) Mendelssohn, String Quartette, Op. 12, No. 1. Trio for Piano, Violin, and 'Cello, Op. 66. Sonata for 'Cello and Piano, Op. 45, No. 1. Mozart, Quintette for Clarionette and Strings. String Quartette No. 14. Arne Oldberg, String Quartette, C minor. Trio for Piano, Violin and 'Cello, E minor. String Quartette, D major. Rubinstein, Sonata for 'Cello and Piano, Op. 18. (First movement.) Sonata for Violin and Piano, Op. 13. (First movement.) String Quartette, Op. 17, No. 3. Charles Schubert, Andante and Caprice for 'Cello. Schubert, String Quartette, Op. 29. (Two movements.) String Quartette, D minor. (Two movements.) String Quintette. Trio for Piano, Violin, and 'Cello, Op. 00. Trio for Piano, Violin, and 'Cello, Op. 100. (Two movements.) Quintette for Piano, Violin, Viola, 'Cello, and Bass, Op. 114. Schumann, String Quartette, Op. 41, No. 2. Quintette for Piano, two Violins, Viola, and 'Cello, Op. 44. Quartette for Piano, Violin, Viola, and 'Cello, Op. 45. Saint Saens, Quintette for Piano and Strings, Op. 14. Svendsen, Allegro Scherzando. Tschaikowsky, String Quartette, Op. 11. Trio, for Piano, Violin and 'Cello, Op. 50. Wathall, A. G., Suite for Strings. Weber, Concerto for Clarionet, Op. 7u. (Orchestral part arranged for Organ and Strings.) Weber, Josef Miroslav, String Quartette in B minor. It is with difficulty that the business of the School is properly attended to in its present inadequate quarters. Thirty rooms with as many pianos, are in constant use for instruction and practice. Ten more would only relieve our immediate necessities. A concert hall, with larger seating capacity, and a good-sized organ are also much need- ed. That the conditions exist in Evanston for the development of one of the largest and most influential schools oi music in the country, there can be no doubt. Students have been registered from China, East India, South America, Mexico, France, England, Newfoundland, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and twenty-eight of the United States. Each year brings us a more talented and desirable class of students, as our reputation expands. Very capable students have been graduated and at least three prominent Chicago churches have been supplied by us with organists, where the duties are as exacting as any churches in the West. A gifted violin student, who has received his entire HISTORY OF EVANSTOX training in the school, recently played for one of the most capable judges in the coun- try, and his work was most highly com- mended and a brilliant future for him pre- dicted. Alfred G. Wathall, one of our grad- uates in theory, has written the music to a light opera in conjunction with George Ade, and it has had an unprecedented run at the Studebaker in Chicago. Our piano grad- uates have appeared professionally with success and many have established good teaching connections and send capable stu- dents to us every year. Another has gone to Madison, Wis., where he is instructor in the University of Wisconsin, has the most important church position and conducts two choral societies, one of which he organized. These instances are cited to show some of the practical results of the School. A crying need in the musical education of America is a more thorough training in the theory of composition in music. With- out this we can never attain to artistic prominence in the world of art, as far as original work is concerned. The average American composer has a smattering of harmony and, possibly, a faint idea of strict counterpoint. With this limited equipment he rushes into print with the hope of meet- ing the popular taste and gaining notoriety and wealth. Of the exacting discipline that would place the material of musical com- position at his ready command, the close study of the masters, the comprehension of the subtle laws of esthetics, of propor- tion, balance and contrast, of even the mechanical outline of musical forms, he knows little and cares less. A University School of Music should strive to supply this great lack and to estab- lish not only a high standard of musical learning, but of general culture as well. It should guard against the one-sided tenden- cies of professional education and add to it such elements as will serve to broaden the vision, enlarge the sympathies, and sharpen the intellect and understanding. Scholarli- ness and thoroughness should characterize its teachings and its faculty should stand for the highest ideals of art. Of equal, if not greater, importance should be its moral tone and influence. The sensitive and emotional nature associated with the artistic tempera- ment should be safeguarded in every possi- ble way. In large cities there is, unhappily, a tinge of the moral laxity prevalent in European capitals among professional men. It is by no means confined to musicians. It is a most dangerous and pernicious en- vironment for the young in their formative years, and not infrequently ends most dis- astrously. Against these lamentable possi- bilities the wholesome surroundings of Evanston offer a marked contrast. Its churches and Christian associations, its freedom from saloons and questionable re- sorts, together with its educational facilities and attractive location, make it an ideal home for the pursuit of a musical educa- tion. Evanston, with its beautiful homes and cultured residents, should take a peculiar pride in the cultivation of the fine arts, and should loyally support all educational ef- forts in that direction. The School of Music has grown steadily from small be- ginnings and its one advertisement has been its own work. It has drawn to itself an able faculty thoroughly in accord with Univer- sity ideals. It has an unusual proportion of men actively engaged in composition of the better sort. It attracts talented students and holds them to such an extent, that, in several instances, the entire family have changed their mode of life in order to live in Evanston, so that the student could reap the full benefit of the advantages of- fered by continuous residence here. With its Preparatory Department it has given op- portunity to a number of its capable grad- 144 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY uates to make a start professionally. Its faculty and student recitals have been open to the public without charge, and they have formed, together with the concerts of the Evanston Musical Club, by far the larger and more important part of the musi- cal attractions in Evanston. Concert pro- grams that are arranged to please the aver- age audience are rarely of real educational value. The school has consistently and persistently held to the highest standards, and the value of such a rigid policy is not always readily recognized, but the wisdom of it has been amply justified by the steady increase in attendance and appreciation. There is no surer gauge of real refinement and culture than the measure of esteem in which good music is held in a community. But Evanston should not confine its ambition or interest to the welfare of a Con- servatory of Music. Great possibilities exist here for the development of the art outside the scope of a good music school. Music Festivals, after the plan of Cincinnati or Worcester, are quite feasible here. They are managed successfully, both from an ar- tistic and a financial point of view, at such small places as Ann Arbor, Mich., and Oberlin, Ohio, where they have but a frac- tion of our advantages or facilities. Still they contrive to have good choruses and orchestras and to engage really great artists. We are more fortunately situated here, in that we have better choral resources, and that an unsurpassed orchestra can be ob- tained without the great expense that is entailed by transportation and hotel accom- modations in places remote from large cities. The only essential lack in Evanston is a suitable hall. The rest is merely a matter of enterprise and ambition. The music festival presents peculiar con- ditions for the effective performance of music conditions that are almost a neces- sity for a satisfactory rendition of certain great works. These works require an enthu- siastic and responsive state of feeling as re- gards the audience, and this condition is difficult to arouse without the festival spirit. The stimulating atmosphere of excitement, the cumulative effect of successive perform- ances, the concentration of artistic talent, the relaxation from the ordinary daily pursuits, all tend to put the hearer in a receptive and appreciative attitude. All these elements react upon the performers and, as a consequence, results are realized which would be quite impossible at isolated concerts. The permanent establishment of annual or biennial festivals would give Evanston an artistic prominence obtainable in no other manner. With its great University and its superior moral surroundings, it al- ready enjoys a most enviable reputation as an educational center. Add to this the attraction and distinction of notable musi- cal festivals, and Evanston will be unique among the cities of the West as an artistic and literary community. And the larger portion of gain would not be to the residents of our favored town, but to the student hailing from the farm or the country village. What an education it would be to him if, in the course of his college life, he would have the opportunity to hear the great master- works of music given under inspiring and uplifting conditions! Coming, as they do, from all quarters of the Union, many of them would return to their homes as so many musical missionaries, fired with an ambition to do what they could for good art. Hundreds would go forth from us every year with their esthetic sense stirred and enlarged, with a wholesome respect for the great names in music and an apprecia- tive familiarity with the standard oratorios and orchestral works. The seeds of musical culture, thus sown, would bear fruit in scores of communities, and would play no small part in the higher development of our country. HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 145 Events of 1902-03. The year 1902-1903 was made notable by an increase of an even hundred students in attendance and of over six thousand dollars in income. Courses in English language, English literature and modern languages were added to the graduating requirements with the result of bringing to the Uni- versity a better class of students, as far as general education was concerned. A series of eight concerts, known as the "Artists' Series," was begun, given alter- nately by members of our own faculty and by visiting artists. The latter included Minnie Fish-Griffin in a song recital ; Ar- thur Hochman, of Berlin, in a piano reci- tal : 1'runo Steindel in a 'cello recital, and Glenn Hall, of New York, and Allen Spencer, of Chicago, in a joint song and piano recital. These concerts attracted a large attendance, both on the part of the students and the town people. Additional quarters for the kindergar- ten work of the Preparatory Department were acquired in the Y. M. C. A. building, and the school was unable to supply all the non-resident students with pianos for their practicing. The graduating con- certs brought brilliant performances of the Schumann A minor, and the Rubin- stein D minor piano concertos, and the Pagannini concerto for violin. Four di- plomas and thirteen certificates were added to our list. Enlarged Attendance of 1903-04. The year 1903-1904, brought the attendance just over the five hundred mark and the income up to $35,000, with eight gradu- ates in the diploma course and eighteen in the certificate course. The first con- cert in the Artists' Series was a decided novelty in the way of a programme, of chamber music for piano and wood-wind instruments, participated in by Messrs. Starke, Meyer, Demare. and Kruse of the Thomas Orchestra and Professor Oldberg of our faculty. Later there was a song re- cital by Gwylim Miles, a violin recital by Leopold Kramer, concert-meister of the Thomas Orchestra, and a piano recital by Augusta Cotlou. As usual, the L^niver- sity String Quartette, under Professor Knapp, gave four excellent concerts, while Miss Cameron, Miss Hull, Mr. Blackman, and Mr. Williams of the faculty all ap- peared on interesting programmes. Pro- fessor Stanley of the University of Michi- gan gave a most entertaining lecture on early Venetian opera, and' Gustav Holm- quist gave a most artistic recital of Scan- dinavian songs. A further matter of in- terest was the first performance of an elaborate quintette for piano and string, by Professor Oldberg, which proved to be a work of unusual scope and worth. Five of the advanced students and grad- uates went to Europe at the end of the school year to continue their work in Leipzig, Berlin and Paris, and several of them at once won prominence by reason of their talents and the schooling they had received in Evanston. Over fifty student recitals were given during the year, and many hundred compositions for piano, or- gan, violin and voice were performed. A house opposite Music Hall was rented and filled with pianos for practicing purposes. Conditions of 1904-05. The year 1904- 1905 again showed a recoil in attendance after successive gains of the previous years, the enrollment dropping to 466. The loss in income was not relatively so great, as a large proportion of students re- mained through the year. As usual, a number of inquiring students failed to ap- pear upon learning that the official board- ing places could not accommodate them ; as they or their parents objected to board- ing in town, principally upon the score of expense. The graduates were four in the graduate class and fifteen in the certifi- cate class. 146 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY The Artists' Series of concerts was a notable one. With the co-operation of the Thomas Study class and the Evan- ston Musical Club, famous artists and or- ganizations appeared. The first of these was the celebrated Kneisel Quartette of Boston, who gave us a fine program, re- markable for its charm of tone, refine- ment of shading, and artistic interpreta- tion. This was followed by a song re- cital by Muriel Foster, the greatest con- tralto now upon the concert stage. On the evening previous to her recital, Miss Foster appeared with the Evanston Mus- ical Club in Dvorak's "Stabat Mater" and upon the same occasion Professor Oldberg played for the first time his new symphonic concerto for piano and orches- tra, a brilliant and most difficult work, in which he scored a great success both as composer and pianist. In February the Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra, under the magnetic baton of Emil Paur. gave P.eethoven's Overture to Egmont, the same composer's Emperor Concerto for piano and orchestra with Mr. Paur at the piano, Tscharkowsky's Pathetic Symphony and Wagner's Vor- spiel to the Meistersaenger. The concert provoked the utmost enthusiasm, due to the energy and virility of Mr. Paur's con- ducting. The last concert by visitors was an evening of old-time music by Arnold Dol- metsch's party, performed upon the in- struments for which the music was orig- inally written, such as the spinet, harpsi- chord, dulcimer and viola of various kinds. In the four concerts given by our own faculty a number of standard classi- cal string quartettes were played, and a first performance of a Quintette by Caesar Franck, in which Mrs. Coe supplemented the University Quartette at the piano. With the assistance of Mrs. Lida Scott Brown as reader, Mrs. Coe gave a per- formance of her popular melodrama, "Hiawatha," before a large and apprecia- tive audience. The musical themes for this work are largely drawn from Indian sources, and are judiciously and effective- ly applied as a back-ground to the recita- tion of this famous poem. The Outlook of 1905-06. The present year (1905-1906) bids fair to be the most prosperous of all in a material sense, and the school shows, in many ways, the benefits accruing from fifteen years of en- deavor to establish an institution for musical instruction upon a worthy aca- demic basis. A new department of Pub- lic School Methods was inaugurated in the fall, designed to fit candidates for the position of supervisor of music in the public schools. There is but one school in the West that specializes to any con- siderable extent in this branch of work, and it would seem that such a depart- ment, with the collateral advantages of a College of Liberal Arts and a well-equip- ped School of Music, would be very at- tractive. This department is in the very capable charge of Miss Leila M. Harlow, supervisor of music in the Evanston grade schools. The Artists' Series brought the Knei- sel Quartette for its second appearance here and a song recital by George Ham- lin, and will include a chamber music re- cital of wood-wind instruments, at which a new Quintette for piano, oboe, clari- net, French horn and bassoon of Profes- sor Oldberg's will receive its first pro- duction, and a piano recital by Emil Paur. That there is a coterie of ardent and sincere music lovers in Evanston is evi- denced by the increasing interest taken in chamber music. The concerts of the Kneisel Quartette have been patronized LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVAXSTCX to an extent which puts Chicago to the blush, and the keen and discriminating appreciation for string quartette music is largely due to the unceasing efforts of Professor Harold Knapp in this direction. He has labored for the canst 1 in season and out of season, with unflagging zeal and enthusiasm, despite discouragements and lukewarm interest, and it is pleasant to chronicle that his high ideals and abid- ing faith in the best in art have at last won recognition. His capable quartette has played repeatedly in the homes of our music lovers and chamber music in every sense of the term has come to its own. Professor Knapp's able colleagues are Messrs. Lewis R. Blackmail, Charles El- ander and Day Williams. Changes in Teaching Force. The well- known contralto, Mrs. Eleanor Kirkham, was added to the vocal force of the fac- ulty and, upon her removal to Xew York, was succeeded by Mrs. Lillian French Read. Provision for the study of the harp was made by the appointment of Mrs. Clara Murray, who was succeeded by Walfried Singer of the Thomas orches- tra. Mr. Walter Keller and Mr. Anthony Stankowitch resigned, the latter to ac- cept charge of a large music department in a Southern school. Mr. Alfred G. Wat- hall, a graduate of the school who had been appointed instructor in harmony, and who played viola in the University String Quartette, resigned in order to pur- sue his studies in London. The Evan- ston Musical Club performed a very cred- itable cantata of Mr. Wathall's, entitled "Alice Brand." for chorus, soli, and full orchestra. His undoubted ability as a composer has enlisted the active interest of Sir Villiers Stanford and Sir Frederick Bridge, of the Royal College of Music. London. John Skelton was succeeded by Charles S. Horn as instructor of band instru- ments, and also took charge of the Uni- versity Hand. Mrs. Elizabeth Raymond Woodward. Mrs. Xina Shumway Knapp, and Miss Bertha A. Beeman were ad- vanced from the Preparatory Department to the regular faculty. Mr. Irving Ham- lin was appointed Secretary of the school in 1902. and greatly improved the busi- ness relations of the school, which had formerly been in the hands of inexper- ienced students. The following names appear on the fac- ulty of the Preparatory Department since 1902: William E. Zench. Mrs. Car- rie D. Barrows. Grace Ericson. Elizabeth L. Shotwell. Mrs. Hila Yerbeck Knapp. Sarah Moore, Juliet Maude Marceau. Xel- lie B. Flodin and John M. Rosborough. The last five mentioned are still upon the faculty. Necrology of the Year. The sad duty remains of making record of the death of two who were intimately connected with" the school the one as teacher and the other as student. Mrs. Saidee Knowland Coe. Professor of Piano and Musical History, and wife of Professor George A. Coe. of the College of Liberal Arts, died at Alameda. Cal.. August 24. 1905. Mrs. Coe was a member of the faculty of the School of Music for eleven years and performed her duties with great fidelity and success. As a pianist, teacher and lecture recitalist Mrs. Coe had an ex- tended reputation, and she was particu- larly interested in bringing forward new or comparatively unknown works. The courses in the History of Music were greatly extended under her direction and compared favorably with those of our greatest schools and universities. Her lec- tures on the music of the American In- dians and on the Wagner music-dramas were especially noteworthy. Mrs. Coe 148 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY had resigned her position in the School of Music and had been appointed as a spe- cial lecturer on music in the College of Liberal Arts. Her plans for a year's vaca- tion in Europe for recreation and study were rudely shattered by her sudden death. A large circle of friends and pupils mourn her loss and untimely end. Earle Waterous, for ten years a violin student under Professor Knapp, died at his home in Evanston November 15, 1905. Evincing signs of unusual ability as a mere child, he was given a thorough schooling and before he was out of his 'teens had acquired a very unusual tech- nical mastery of his instrument. Inter- ested friends sent him to Europe and he immediately took a commanding posi- tion in the Leipszig Conservatory, elicit- ing the most flattering comments from the local press and winning predictions of high rank as a virtuoso from his teachers. With every promise of a brilliant career he was seized with a dread disease and barely reached his home ere he passed away. CHAPTER XVI. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ORATORY Professor Ctimnock as Founder Growth and Standing Due to his Labors First Class Graduated in 1881 Its Aim and Branches Taught Building Erected Is Dedicated in 1895 Location and Descrip- tion Advantage over Private Institu- tions of Like Character Training in English Composition and Rhetoric En- rollment According to Last Catalogue Promising Outlook for the Future. The existence, growth and high standing of the School of Oratory of the North- western University (generally known as the Cumnock School of Oratory), is largely the outcome of the life and labors of Prof. R. L. Cumnock. Entering the service of the University in the fall of 1868, he labored for ten years, doing the work as- signed him in the curriculum of the College of Liberal Arts. In the fall of 1878 an urgent demand for advanced work in vocal expression and interpretation resulted in the organization of a special department known as the School of Oratory. The first class was graduated in 1881. The special purpose involved in the organization of this new department was to furnish instruc- tion and training in three subjects, viz: Elocution, English and Physical Culture. The chief aim of the school was to pre- pare young men and women to teach these subjects in colleges, academies, high and normal schools. For many years the stu- dents in this department were accommo- dated in the College of Liberal Arts. From 1890 to 1894 the applications for admission to the school were so numerous that many could not be accepted by reason of the meager accommodations in University Hall. In the spring of 1894 Professor Cumnock secured from the Trustees a site on the University campus and assumed the entire responsibility of erecting a building for the special use of the School of Oratory. The building, with its equipment costing $30,- ooo, was, at its dedication on May 16, 1895. handed over to the President of the Univer- sity by Professor Cumnock, entirely free from debt. The building was named the Annie May- Swift Hall, in memory of one of Professor Cumnock's former pupils, whose father. Gustavus F. Swift, of Chicago, generously contributed to its erection. It stands just northeast of the Liberal Arts Building, near the lake shore. Many of the windows look directly upon the water, and from every point the view is beautiful. The building is of the Venetian style of architecture. The basement is of rock-faced Lemont lime- stone, and the upper stories are a buff-col- ored Roman brick and terra cotta. The roof is of red tile. There are three main entrances, the one on the south leading to the broad corridor that opens into the audi- 149 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY toriuin. and the other two on the east and west sides of the building. The auditorium, though not large, is the handsomest room in any of the University buildings. No pillars obstruct the view, as the roof is supported by iron trusses stretching from the roof girders. The floor has a gentle incline to the stage from the sides and rear of the auditorium, so that from every seat an excellent view may be obtained. This building gives the depart- ment the best facilities of any school of oratory in America, and enables it to offer special advantages to all students pursuing its course of study. The unique feature in the organization of the work of the school is the emphasis placed upon private training. Two private lessons in elocution are given, weekly, to each student during the entire course. Be- ing free from rent and taxes, which other schools of like character are compelled to pay, the management can afford to provide this personal training which other schools of oratory cannot, or do not, offer. In a large measure the same personal training is carried on in English composition and rhetoric. The number enrolled in the last catalogue of the school is 214, and the patronage is increasing slowly, but steadily. The graduates of the school are filling im- portant positions in many of the leading colleges and schools of the Middle West, while a flourishing school of oratory, named after the Director and managed by one of the former teachers of this Department, is located at Los Angeles. California. It is safe to say that the future of this Department is secure, and that students, as they come to learn the high grade and qual- ity of the work done here, will enroll them- selves, where the highest art in public speaking and writing are essential condi- tions for graduation. CHAPTER XVII. UNIVERSITY ATHLETICS (By PKOF. J. SCOTT CLABK, A. M., Lit. D.) Evanston Life-Saving Crew Tragic Fate of the Steamer "Lad\ Elgin" Leads to Its Organization Its First Members List of Notable Rescues Service Re- warded by Issue of Medals to the Crew by Act of Congress Baseball History The Old Gymnasium Tug of War Teams Football Records Athletic Field and Grand Stand Track Athletics and Tennis Games. The noblest and the most interesting chapter in the history of athletics at North- western University grows out of the fact that its founders selected for the University a site near what had long been known to lake mariners as a dangerous point on the shore of Lake Michigan. As the determin- ation of this site settled the site of Evanston, so the configuration of the shore at this point made it inevitable that, sooner or later, there should be established here a life-saving sta- tion. Long before the days of football teams, coaches, trainers, and the like long before a gymnasium was even asked for, a volunteer band of Northwestern students made themselves immortal and won the praise of the nation by their heroic rescue of passengers from the ill-fated steamer, the "Lady Elgin." On the 8th day of September, 1860, a merry company of four hundred souls set out from Chicago for an excursion trip. The story of the rapid de- struction of the steamer by fire and the death by drowning and otherwise of all but 98 of the passengers, is one of the tragic episodes in the history of Chicago. As the terrified victims came floating toward the shore line of the University campus, cling- ing to bits of the wreckage, only to be tossed cruelly back by the breakers, while horrified friends who lined the bluff shrieked in agony, several students, led by Edward \V. Spencer, of the class of 1861, stepped out from the crowd, attached ropes to their waists, and plunged into the surf, to risk their lives in an effort to save drowning women and children. Again and again they made their way through the angry waves and deposited in safety some fainting victim of the disaster. It was only when their own strength gave out completely that they desisted. Spencer was carried to his room in a fainting condition. He is still living (1903) in California, and it is as- serted on apparently good authority that his health, throughout his long life, has been seriously affected by his voluntary ex- posure in behalf of the victims of the "Lady Elgin" disaster. The wide interest excited by the action of the Northwestern students in connection with the burning of the "Lady Elgin" re- sulted in the organization, in October. 1872, 151 152 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY of a volunteer crew of five men from the Senior class of the College of Liberal Arts. The members of this crew have since be- come well known in high circles in the Central West ; they were L. C. Collins, George Lunt, E. J. Harrison, Eltinge El- more, George Bragdon, F. Roys, and M. D. Kimball. Soon afterward Dr. E. O. Haven, then President of the University, received from Commodore Murray, then in charge of the United States life-saving service, a pres- ent of a fine life-boat, and Dr. Haven com- mitted the boat to the care of the Senior class, from whose members the crew were selected. The boat was presented with the provision "that proper care will be taken of it and that it will be officered and manned by students, who will train themselves and do their best, if an emergency arises, to help any craft that may be in danger on the coast of the University." We find no record of any immediate provision for housing the boat ; but, in 1873, the students petitioned that the life-boat be taken from the ex- clusive control of the Senior class and be placed in charge of a crew selected from all classes, according to their best physical and moral qualifications. No action seems to have been taken during 1874, but in 1875 the boat was placed in the hands of such a crew as was called for by the petition. In December, 1876, it was announced that an agreement had been reached with the Federal Government, by the terms of which a life-saving station was to be immediately erected by the Gov- ernment on the University campus, and that a crew of five was to be selected from the student body, irrespective of classes, which was to be captained by an experienced seaman paid by the Govern- ment. In April, 1877, E. J. Bickell, '77, was ap- pointed captain of the new crew, and sixty other students applied for the subordinate positions. They were to receive $40 per month during the season and $3 extra for every wreck trip. In the following June the college faculty nominated as members of the crew: Warrington, '79; Hobart, '79; King, '79; Piper, '80; Shannon. '8 1 ; and M. J. Hall of the Preparatory School, and these students were duly accepted by the Government. For a time the life-boat was housed in a temporary structure on the beach, but in 1876 the Government erected the eastern two-thirds of the present Life- Saving Station at a cost of about six thou- sand dollars. The site selected was on ground now covered by Fisk Hall. Prior to the erection of the latter building, in the summer of 1899, the station was removed to its present site on land then newly made near the water's edge. Since the formal organization of the Evanston life-saving crew, in 1877, as a regular part of the government service, over four hundred lives have been saved by its agency. The following tabular statement is taken from the records somewhat at ran- dom, and is typical of the work- of the crew since 1883. To such rescues as these must be added scores of cases where vessels have been relieved from awkward or dangerous situations, but where it was not found neces- sary to remove either passengers or crews. Besides the aggregate of over four hundred lives the local life-saving crew has saved property amounting to millions in value: Date. Name and No. Brought Class of Ashore in Vessel Surf-boat. May 9. 1883. Schooner Kate E. Howard." 8 Sept. 19, 1886. Schooner 'Sodus." Z June 19. 1887. Schooner 'Sunrise," 7 Nov. 24. 1887. Schooner Halstead," M Oct. >. 1889. Schooner 'Ironton," 8 Nov. 28, 1889. Steamer, 'Calumet," u May 18. 18O4. Schooner 'Lincoln Ball," 4 May 26. 1R93. Schooner 'J. Emory Owen," 2 Nov. 26, 1895. Steamer, 'Michigan," 9 Of these, the rescues from the vessels "Calumet," "Owen," and "Michigan," are HISTORY OF EVANSTON 153 the most noteworthy. By reference to the dates it will be seen that two rescues were made very late in November, nearly a month after the crews were off from reg- ular summer and autumn duty. In both cases the rescues were made in the teeth of fierce gales and blinding snowstorms. Both involved tremendous and heroic exer- tion on the part of the crew, in order to get the surf-boat launched at the points opposite the wrecks. The "Calumet" was stranded at the very unusual distance of one thousand yards from the shore. The aggregate value of the three vessels, with their cargoes, was over $252,000. Not a life was lost in any of the rescues enumerated in the fore- going table. Mention should also be made of the large number of persons who have been rescued from capsized row-boats and of the rescued children who have fallen from the piers. The present captain, Patrick Murray (1904), was appointed July 18, 1903, after having served as surfman seven years at the North Manitou Island station, two years at Muskegon station, and five years al Evan- ston. Captain Lawrence O. Lawson, who made such a worthy record for twenty-three years at the head of our station, was born in Swe- den in 1843, and began the life of a sailor at the age of eighteen. He came to Amer- ica in 1 86 1, and sailed on the Great Lakes during the following three years. He be- came a citizen of Evanston in 1864, engaged in fishing for a time, and was appointed Cap- tain of the crew in 1880. In addition to his services in aiding to save nearly five hun- dred lives, Captain Lawson originated the system of righting the Beebee-McClellan surf-boat, which has since been adopted by the Government for use by all the crews of the service. In rescuing the "Calumet," as already described, Captain Lawson and his crew manifested such courage and endur- ance that Congress awarded to each man a gold medal for "saving life from the perils of the sea." The medal consists of a gold bar from which hangs a broad ribbon sup- porting a golden eagle, sustaining in his beak a heavy disk of gold. The medal com- plete weighs about four ounces. In a circle on the face of the medal are the words "United States of America Act of Con- gress, June 2Oth. 1874." In high relief is a representation of a crew in the act of saving a drowning person. On the obverse, in a circle, are the words : "In memory of heroic deeds in saving life from the perils of the sea." In relief is a tablet, surmounted by an eagle, with a woman's figure on the left, while on the right are an anchor and seals. Each medal is inscribed to its owner: "For heroic services at the wreck of the 'Calu- met,' Nov. 28, 1889." In addition to Cap- tain Lawson, the crew who thus honored Evanston in honoring themselves were : W. M. Ewing, F. M. Kindig, E. B. Fowler, \V. L. Wilson, G. E. Crosby, and Jacob Loin- ing, all University students at the time. BASEBALL. Little seems to have been done in the way of general college athletics during the first twenty-five years of Northwestern's exist- ence. In fact, systematic athletics were as yet undeveloped in this country. Lawn ten- nis had not been imported, track athletics were in an incipient stage, and the modern game of football was unknown. The village of Evanston was small, and the college was smaller. There was plenty of wood to saw, and there was now and then a citizen's cow to be pulled out of the slough that existed in all its depth along the present line of our railways. In such diversions as these did the early sons of Northwestern engage for the development of their physical strength and, incidentally, the repletion of their thin purses. With the incoming of the 'seventies 154 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY baseball began to be called "the national game," and our boys, like all normal youths, soon caught the fever. As early as the spring of 1871, we read of inter-class games, and in June of that year a nine, of which Mr. James Raymond was a member, placed on record the first publicly recorded score, which stood North- western 35, "The Prairies" (a local Chicago nine) 7. On the 4th of July, 1871, occurred a memorable series of events, no small part of which were athletic in character. This was the day when ten thousand people gathered from all the surrounding country in the campus grove; when the Ellsworth Zouaves paraded under General John L. Beveridge as Grand Marshal; when $10,- ooo was raised to set the young University on its feet, and when the corner-stone of the "Evanston College for Ladies" (now Wil- lard Hall) was laid. This was an indepen- dent school until June, 1873. Of the $10,- ooo raised on this memorable day, $2,500 was given by Governor Evans, whose name our city bears ; several thousands were given by other friends of higher education, and r.n small sum was raised, as the college paper says, "by sales and exhibitions." These ex- hibitions seem to have consisted of what would now be called, in the parlance of track athletics, various "events," such as jumps, ball-throwing, tub-races, boat-races on the lake, etc., etc. So we may say with much of accuracy that Northwestern's for- mal athletics began with a field day. Some features of this first field day are worth chronicling in detail. Here they are : "Baseball match between Ladies' College nine and Northwestern University ; prize a silver ball ; score, 57 to 4 in favor of North- western." (What an ominous beginning for co-education!) "Regatta Yachts, six-oared barges, and sculls ; prize an ice-set and three flags." "Exhibition drill by the Ellsworth Zouaves." "Baseball match with the 'Atlantics' of Chicago." During the spring and fall of 1871 the University nine played ten games with non- college nines, including the afterward fa- mous White Stockings of Chicago, whom the college boys beat by a score of 18 to 12, and two with Racine College, in which each side scored but once. The highest recorded score of the season was 68 a fact that speaks volumes as to the crudeness of the game and the players of those early ilays. Of the twelve games, our team won ten. During the next decade, and longer, the four colleges of what was then literally the Northwest were Northwestern University, Chicago University (the old institution, dis- continued in 1885), Racine College, and, later, Lake Forest University. The great State Universities that have since so largely dominated Western college athletics, were then either unborn or still in their infancy, and the custom of making long trips for in- tercollegiate games had not become estab- lished. We find no records for 1872 and 1873, but during 1874 a team, which in- cluded John Hamline as short-stop and Charles Wheeler as center-fielder, played nine intercollegiate games. In the "final" for "the championship of the Northwest," Ra- cine won by a few points. As compared with "our ancient enemy," Chicago, the total score for the season was Northwestern University 42, Chicago University, 34. From 1875 to the present day the baseball records of Northwestern are chequered but not discreditable. In 1875 we won the silver ball and "the championship for the North- west," with Charles Wheeler as left-fielder. W. G. Evans, '77, son of Governor Evans, and George Lunt, '72, were the leaders in / x '(.< ,d - JL.t'ns/* LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVAXSTON 155 the University athletics of the early seven- ties. In 1876, at Waukegan, was formed the first intercollegiate baseball association in this section, and the games of the season transferred the silver ball and the champion- ship to Chicago. During this year batting records of the college nines began to be published. By the terms of the constitution of this intercollegiate association, each col- lege was to play two games with each of the other three institutions. In 1877 Chicago again won the championship. During 1878 the colors white and brown were adopted by the Northwestern players, and a regular baseball diamond was laid out, "resodded, and rolled," on the site where the Orrington Lunt Library building now stands. It was during this year that the first efforts were made to check the already growing tendency toward professionalism. Before this year the custom seems to have been to use. as players on any college team, the best men obtainable, without much scrutiny as to their actual relation to the scholastic curriculum of the college. But in the constitution of the "Intercollegiate Baseball Association" that was in force during 1878, I find the fol- lowing article : "The captains of the respective nines must file with the secretary of the Association, be- fore April 2Oth, the names of their respec- tive nines and of the substitutes, together with a certificate from the secretary of the Faculty showing that the players have been in daily attendance at their respective insti- tutions for twenty days previous to the first announced league game." It will be seen that, while this action did not prevent a student from entering college for a course in baseball, it was the first step toward pure college athletics in the Central West. During 1878 the silver ball went to Ra- cine College. In 1879 our team defeated Racine once and Chicago twice. In 1880 the games of the Association resulted in a tie between Racine and Northwestern : and, as Racine refused to play off the tie, thus retaining possession of the silver ball trophy. North- western withdrew from the association. Because of the disruption of the old league there seems to have been no inter- collegiate baseball here during 1881. but in December of that year delegates from Racine College, the University of Wiscon- sin, the University of Michigan. Chicago University and Northwestern met in Chi- cago and formed a new league. The limits of our space forbid a detailed account of the baseball games from 1881 to 1903. Over our defeats it is fair to draw the mantle of oblivion : over our victories we have a right to rejoice. In 1883, when the University of Michigan had withdrawn from the base ball league, and when Beloit College had been admitted instead. Northwestern won the championship of the league w-ithout los- ing a single game. The team for that year consisted of Plummer, Huxford, Rollins, Stewart. Bannister. Policy, Tillinghast, Dill- man and Tomlinson. Again in 1889 we won the championship of the Northwest and a pennant, with a team consisting of T. C. Moulding. J. A. Rogers, A. P. Haagenson, M. P. Noyes, F. C. Chapin, A. B. Fleager, C. C. Johnson. L. H. Stewart, and H. H. Jones ; and in 1891 the championship was again awarded to Northwestern. In 1892 we won the championship in the smaller league ( the old league), and secured the second place in a new league, including the great State uni- versities of the Middle West. In 1894 our team defeated Chicago in three excellent games, one of 12 and one of 10 innings, the scores being, respectively. 3-2, 8-t. and 6-4 in our favor. During this season we also 156 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY defeated Wisconsin 9 to 8, Oberlin 1 1 to 6, Wisconsin again 4 to i, and Minnesota 6 to 2. So the season of 1894 is the banner year of our baseball history ; for, by winning nine games in succession, we were fairly en- titled to the intercollegiate baseball cham- pionship of the Central West. The men who thus shed undying glory on Alma Mater were: John H. Kedzie (Captain), Frank Griffith, C. N. Jenks, J. K. Bass, C. D. Mc- Williams, Otis Maclay, W. D. Barnes, T. H. Lewis, W. A. Cooling, C. D. Reimers, A. E. Price and C. L. Leesley. The loss of several of these star players by graduation left the team of 1895 unable to win many victories, and the team of 1896 was not much more successful. In '97 the fates were kinder to us, and we defeated Nebraska, Beloit, Ohio State, and Wisconsin, by good scores ; '98 was another off year in Northwestern base- ball ; in '99 we defeated Chicago once and Wisconsin once; in 1900 we defeated Chi- cago once and Oberlin once : in 1901 Illi- nois was our only victim among "the big nine"; in 1902 we defeated Chicago twice, Nebraska once, and Beloit once. The sea- sons of 1903 and 1904 have not been suc- cessful. THE OLD GYMNASIUM. The movement for the erection of a gym- nasium was begun by under-graduates. In October, 1875, two young men, since prom- inent in Evanston and Denver, Messrs. Frank M. Elliot and W. G. Evans, issued a circular setting forth the project of build- ing a gymnasium and soliciting aid from the friends and graduates of the institution. They soon perfected an organization, under the laws of the State, with F. M. Elliot, W. G. Evans, F. M. Bristol, F. M. Taylor, A. W. McPherson, and J. A. J. Whipple as commissioners. These under-graduates pro- ceeded to issue $4,000 worth of stock in shares of $10 each, whose duration was for ninety-nine years. It must be remembered that the University was then still in its early infancy and that the students were few in number and poor in purse. But their faith in themselves and in the future. was sublime. Fourteen hundred dollars was soon raised by sales to one hundred and twenty-nine subscribers, nearly every one being an under-graduate. Work was begun in December, 1875, anc l by tne Ist f Febru- ary the building, 40x80, resting on a brick foundation, was erected, enclosed, and par- tially equipped, at a total cost of $1,900. It was not found possible, at that time, to complete the exterior of the building by casing the walls with brick, according to the original plan. A bowling alley was built in the basement by the Sigma Chi fraternity, and the "gym" was very popular with the under-graduates until 1878, when it began to lose its attractions. To quote one of the original commissioners : The new generation of students did not or could not raise money to veneer the building in order to protect it and to repair the worn-out apparatus. It was necessary to do something before all should be lost or ruined. It was finally decided to have the University take the property and maintain it as a "gymnasium." Through the indefatigable efforts of Mr. George Lunt, of the class of '72. a major- ity of the stock was finally secured, and was transferred to the Trustees, on condition that they should complete the building, fur- nish it with necessary apparatus, assume all liabilities of the association, and maintain the building and the apparatus in good re- pair for gymnasium purposes only. The transfer was completed in the spring of 1881, and one of the first acts of Dr. Joseph Cummings, then recently elected President of the University, was to induce the Trus- tees to veneer the building. The interior was cased with lumber by the students and members of the Faculty, including the ven- HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 157 erable President, the trustees furnishing only the lumber and the nails. New appar- atus was put in, and the rejuvenated "gym" was opened with a public entertainment on February 20, 1883. The feelings of the under-graduates were expressed thus by Mr. M. M. Gridley. editor-in-chief of the college journal in 1882-83: "Once more the gymnasium is a topic of great interest. It is not now, as it was last year, a source of grumbling and discontent. Instead of a broken-down, weather-beaten old building, an eye-sore to the campus, it is a fine-looking brick struc- ture, a thing of beauty and a joy forever. . . . . We now have one of the fin- est and most complete gymnasiums in the West." (Sic.) As an assurance of better things in the college athletics, the Trustees at this time engaged a regular instructor in physical culture. Mr. C. A. Duplessis, who held the position until October, 1883. when he was succeeded by Mr. Philip Greiner. Mr. Greiner continued to act as physical instructor until June, 1894, when he was succeeded by Mr. W. L. Bryan. At the opening of the college year 1898, the gymnasium and the physical work passed into the hands of Dr. C. M. Hollister, who held the place until December, 1902. The present physical director (1903) is Mr. Horace Butterworth, who has made an en- viable reputation in such work at the Uni- versity of Chicago. THE TUG-OF-WAR TEAMS. During the later 'eighties and die early 'nineties the athletes of Northwestern ob- tained wide fame in a test of muscle not ordinarily given much emphasis in college athletics. We refer to our memorable tug- of-war team, of which the instructor was the organizer and a prominent member. We find the first notice of the team in 1886. In 1887 they won a medal in a contest with a team from the Casino Gymnasium, then recently established in Chicago, and later in the same year they won "the champion- ship" and a silver cup by defeating a team from the Illinois National Guards. This original tug-of-war team consisted of Philip Greiner, H. Caddock, C. T. Watrous, W. W. Wilkinson, and C. Greenman. During 1888, when E. B. Fowler, H. R. Hayes, J. B. Loining, J. G. Hensel, A. H. Phelps, and J. T. Hottendorf had been added to the team, Messrs. Wilkinson and Greenman having dropped out, they de- feated a Pullman team, the Casino Gymna- sium team of Chicago, the Chicago Amateur Athletic Club team, and the Illinois National Guard team; and in April of that year, in a contest with three teams at the Casino Gymnasium, they proved themselves cham- pions and won five gold medals. During 1889 they continued their victories over all local teams, winning various prizes and se- curing possession of the Meriden cup. It was this team that really began the practice of inter-department contests at North- western; for we read that, on University Day, in January, 1890, the tug-of-war team defeated teams from our Medical and Dental Schools, respectively. During the spring of 1890 they defeated several local teams, and won the championship of the West, securing permanent possession of the Hub cup. After several local victories earlv in 1891, the team made an Eastern trip, with the intention of meeting teams from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard. Columbia, and other Eastern Uni- versities. Only one of these proposed con- tests was ever held. After beating the Technology team in three trial contests, our team, in the final contest, lost the "drop" by five inches, and were defeated by two and one-half inches. But their display of skill and brawn was such that the teams from the other great institutions of the East found 158 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY it wise to excuse themselves from pulling, on the ground of illness, etc. This was not the last time that an Eastern team has de- clined to match conclusions with one from the West. THE MOVEMENT AGAINST PROFESSIONALISM. We have spoken of the beginning of the movement against professionalism in West- ern college athletics. In this movement the representatives of Northwestern University have had a prominent and very creditable part. In 1883 the Western Baseball Asso- ciation, then made up of Racine, Wisconsin, Chicago, Northwestern, and Beloit. enacted further rules forbidding a student player to play on a professional team during the col- lege season or to take pay for playing any- where during such a season, requiring a previous residence in college of at least two terms, and making ineligible any man "whose college expenses are in any way borne by men connected with baseball in- terests." The new association of 1891 ad- vanced the good work by enacting that a candidate for a college team position must Le carrying at least five hours of work in class per week, must not receive in any way compensation for playing on the college team or on any other team, must be regis- tered at least two months before the first scheduled intercollegiate game, must not play on a college team for more than an aggregate of five years, must be prepared to make affidavit, on demand, as to his eligi- bility, and must present a certificate of eligi- bility signed by three members of his Fac- ulty. In March, 1892, a local association was formed, in which the four branches of athletics now generally recognized as such namely : baseball, football, track ath- letics, and tennis were each represented on a joint committee consisting of two men representing each branch, two alumni, and a secretary, chosen by this joint committee. This committee was to audit the accounts of the four branches, to have general over- sight of the athletic grounds, to ratify the elections of all captains, and to have power to demand resignations and to order new elections in case of incompetency or mal- feasance in office. The prime object of this arrangement seems to have been to eliminate from our athletics the sometimes harmful influence of fraternity preferences in selecting men and officers for the various teams. At the beginning of the college year 1892-93, our Faculty appointed a committee on athletics consisting of Professors Coe (chairman), Hatfield, and Gray. No for- mal rules were at first laid down, but the Annual of that year informs the students that they must not hereafter play with pro- fessional teams ; that members of all our local teams must be students in full and regular standing ; that all schedules of games must be submitted to the committee for approval, and that, before joining a team, men will be subjected to a physical examination. During the year 1893-94 Pro- fessor Coe remained as chairman, supported by Professors Sheppard and Gray, and addi- tional restrictions were announced, forbid- ding a student to play on any other team while a member of a university team and requiring the selection of players to be sub- mitted to the committee for approval. In these days of comparatively pure college athletics, the restrictions already named seem mild indeed. But they were regarded by the under-graduates in 1892-94 as severe. That first faculty committee made a brave fight. Their greatest victory was in dem- onstrating to the student body that ath- letics was a subject legitimately within the control of the faculty. After undergo- ing a vast amount of abuse and obloquy. Professor Coe settled that question conclu- HISTORY OF EVAXSTON 59 sively, and his efforts and sufferings in a good cause should not be forgotten. With the beginning of the college year of 1894-95 the Trustees took athletics from the direct control of the Faculty and placed it in the hands of a "Committee for the Regu- lation of Athletic Sports," consisting of three professors, three alumni, and three under-graduates. At that time and ever since, the Faculty and alumni members of the committee have been appointed by the Trustees and the student members by the general student body. During 1894-95 the Faculty members were Professors Holgate (Chairman), Sheppard, and Gray. This committee continued the good work already begun, and dropped summarily from a team one of the worst offenders of the early days. Although hampered by a deadlock in the committee lasting nearly all the year, they stood for higher ideals in college sport. The restrictions on the various teams during 1894-95 seem to have been substan- tially those in force during the previous year. But the call for more stringent meas- ures was everywhere heard ; and so, early in January, 1895, a meeting of the presi- dents of the universities then familiarly known as "the big seven" was held in Chi- .cago. The fruit of this presidents' confer- ence was "The Presidents' Rules," the first general enactment for the government of college athletics in the Central West. In brief, these rules required that a student, to be eligible for a team in any of the universi- ties concerned, must be a bona fide student, must have been in residence in his college at least six months, must receive no pay for his athletic services, must not play under an assumed name, and must not be delinquent in his studies. It was further provided that a graduate student might play during the minimum number of years necessary to se- cure a degree in his graduate school (thus allowing a medical student, for example, to play altogether seven years on a college team) ; that college games might be played only on grounds controlled by one or the other team participating; that the selection of managers and captains must be submitted for approval to the governing boards : that no college teams should play with profes- sional teams ; and that the respective reg- istrars should certify to the proper selection of the various teams. These rules were pub- lished in our Annual of 1894-95, and were promptly put into effect here. At the beginning of the college year 1895- 96, the Trustees formed an entirely new committee, of which the Faculty members were Professors Clark ( Chairman ) , Young, and White, while Messrs. Fred Raymond, Frank Dyche, and Charles Wheeler were the alumni members. With the exception of Mr. Wheeler, who resigned in 1898, this committee remained unchanged as to Fac- ulty and alumni during the succeeding four years. It was during these years that the Conference Rules were gradually developed into substantially their present form. The chairmen of the boards of control in the "big seven" universities, who endeavored to enforce "The Presidents' Rules" soon found that they must be amended if the desired ends were to be attained. Consequently a conference of chairmen was called at Chi- cago early in the winter of 1896, and a mutual interpretation of the rules was agreed upon, while the term "professional" was more clearly defined. At every one of the successive confer- ences the lines were drawn more sharply and the restrictions made more severe. In November. 1896. we lengthened the required probation of a player in residence from six months to one year ; we reduced the possi- ble time-limit for a graduate-student player from three or four to two years : we restricted all games to contests between "educational institutions" : and where a stu- i6o NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY dent had not been in residence over half of the year preceding his proposed admission to the under-graduate team, we required him to be on probation still six months longer. In the conference of 1897 we re- duced the combined graduate and under- graduate limit to four years of playing on a Varsity team ; we enacted that, after September I, 1898, all preparatory students should be barred from playing on a Varsity team, and we ordered that, thereafter, there must be an exchange of lists of proposed players at least ten days before any inter- collegiate game. In the conference of 1898 we defined professionalism still more closely, adopting the now famous clause requiring the candidate to make affidavit that he has "never used his athletic skill for gain." We also shut out from the teams all persons who were receiving from any of the universi- ties concerned any remuneration for their services as teachers. A few minor changes in the conference rules have been made since 1898. By the gradual enactment and honest enforcement of these rules the universities of the Central West have secured a degree of purity in their athletics of which they may well be proud. FOOTBALL. During the autumn of 1878 the old-fash- ioned Rugby game of football began to be played on the campus in a general way, and the college colors were changed to purple and gold. In February, 1880, the first local football association was formed, the Rugby rules were published in the college paper, and regular team practice was begun. Little seems to have been done in this game during 1881, but in November, 1882, we find that Northwestern defeated Lake Forest in what was later to become the most intense of college sports. During '83, '84. '85, and '86 the records hardly mention foot- ball. In November, 1887, a challenge for a Thanksgiving game with Michigan Univer- sity was declined on the ground that our team was not in training. There was a team during 1889, but we find no mention of any intercollegiate games. The first recorded game with an institution of similar rank was in November, 1890, when Northwestern de- feated Wisconsin by a score of 22 to 10. A little later we beat Beloit 22 to 6. In the autumn of 1891 a Football League was formed with Wisconsin, Beloit, and Lake Forest, and five intercollegiate games were played, our men winning two and tying one. In 1892 Northwestern first took a prom- inent place in football, defeating Michigan by a score of 10 to 8, Beloit by a score of 36 to o, Wisconsin by a score of 26 to 6, tying both Chicago and Illinois, and thus winning second place in the big Western League. This first great team was captained and trained by Paul Noyes, and included VanDoozer, Gates, Culver, Sheppard, Ken- nicott, Wilson, Pearce, McCluskey, Oberne, Griffith, and Williams. The games of 1893 and 1894 did not redound to our glory. In 1895 the team was strengthened by such men as Potter, Gloss, and Siberts, and de- feated Beloit 34 to 6; Armour Institute 44 to o; Chicago 22 to 6 (in the return game Chicago won, 6 to o) ; Purdue, 24 to 6 ; and Illinois 43 to 8. The year 1896 was the banner year in football for Northwestern, up to the present. The team consisted of the famous veteran half-backs, Potter and VanDoozer, aided by such helpers as Hunter. Pearce, Levings, Perry, Sloane, Andrews, Thorne, Gloss, and Brown. These were the famous "cripples," so happily car- icatured in the Chicago Record, who de- feated Chicago on Marshall Field by the score of 46 to 6; who tied Chicago in the return game, with a score of 6 to 6; who went down to Champaign with a crowd of three hundred roaring student supporters in a special train, and gave to the Illini their OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVAXSTON 161 first defeat in football on their home grounds to the tune of 6 to 4; and who, in that famous Thanksgiving game on our home grounds, before a crowd of four thousand people, played Wisconsin to a standstill. The score was 6 to 6; but the conditions and circumstances were such that unbiased observers generally counted it a victory for Northwestern. The team was managed during 1896 by Mr. Frank Haller, and much was done in the way of providing a training-table and a coach that had not been so thoroughly done before. After paying all expenses of the season, we were able to settle a bill of $1,000 which had been hanging over the local athletic asso- ciation ever since the grand stand was built and partially paid for in 1891-92. The season of 1897 was not a successful one, although the remarkable kick from the middle of our field by O'Dea of Wisconsin must be mentioned as one of the most sen- sational features in the history of Western football. During the season of 1898 partic- ular effort was made in the way of hiring a high-priced coach from the East and a pro- fessional trainer, providing a large training table, etc. But our unwise plan of changing coaches and methods every year could have but one result, and that was defeat. With the coming of Dr. C. M. Hollister, in Sep- tember, 1898, to act as general manager and coach for all branches of our college ath- letics except tennis, a great advance was made in every way. It now became possible to gain in momentum every year by con- tinuing the same style of play and by taking advantage of the specific training given to particular men on the team of a preceding year. Although we were far from regain- ing the glories of 1896, we made some im- provement during 1898, and in 1899 we de- feated Minnesota 1 1 to 5, Indiana n to 6, and Purdue 29 to o. In 1900 we defeated Chicago 5 to o, Indiana 12 to o, tied Beloit 6 to 6, tied Iowa 6 to 6, and secured third place in the "big nine" group of Western universities. The game with Iowa, which was played at Rock Island on Thanksgiving Day, was one of the great surprises of that year, for the Iowa giants had defeated near- ly all comers so far during that season, and had widely advertised their intention to "do up" Northwestern. In 1901 our team de- feated Illinois 17 to ii, Chicago 6 to 5, and Purdue 10 to 5. With the graduation of the class of 1902 we lost five great players : Johnson, the Dietz brothers, Elliott, and Hansen. The team of the following season was therefore composed largely of new, untrained material, and the results were what was to be expected under the circum- stances. An interesting social feature connected with football at Northwestern has been the football "banquets" that have been held for several years in the old chapel room of "Old College' 1 during the week after the close of the season. To Dr. R. L. Sheppard, who has annually paid the bill for "feeding" the members of the team and the "scrubs" at these banquets, thankful recognition is here due. THE ATHLETIC FIELD AND GRAND STAXD. It was not until 1892 that the field sports of Northwestern could be said to have a home. Prior to 1891 the teams had played, as before stated, where the Orrington Lunt Library now stands, and the spectators had been compelled to use the turf for grand stand and "bleachers." In September, 1891, the Trustees formally set apart the present field for athletic purposes, and at the same time Mr. George Muir, Evanston's long- time genial bookseller, whose Davis Street store, where Smith's studio is now, was for decades the downtown headquarters for stu- dents, started an energetic movement to raise money for a grand stand. In this ef- 162 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY fort Mr. Muir was ably assisted by Mr. Louis S. Rice, of the class of '83. These two men worked indefatigably and most unselfishly, soliciting aid from every alum- nus whom they could reach, and within a few months they succeeded in raising about $1,500 from citizens, alumni, and under- graduates. Strong in faith in the loyalty of future students, these two gentlemen went ahead with the building, and completed the present structure at a cost of about $2,500. The grand stand was opened with appro- priate ceremonies on the 151)1 of October, 1892. Meantime the Trustees had done some work in grading and partially draining the baseball field. But we were still without an enclosing fence, so that there were no certain means of collecting revenue by charging an admission to the games. But in the autumn of 1893 Dr. Sheppard al- ways the most generous local supporter of our athletics, and the man for whom the students later unanimously and very prop- erly named the present grounds "Sheppard Field" came forward with an offer to fur- nish lumber for a fence. His offer was promptly accepted, a boss carpenter was hired, also through Dr. Sheppard's gener- osity, and scores of under-graduates turned out with saw and hammer, with the result that the present enclosure was soon com- pleted. During the summer of 1896 the present quarter-mile cinder track was made entirely by student and Faculty enterprise, and was paid for largely from the football receipts of the previous year. In the autumn of 1896 the first of the now existing "bleach- ers" were built, the work being entirely done by students and professors under the direc- tion of the Chairman of the Committee for the Regulation of Athletic Sports. The northern half of the west "bleachers" and all the east "bleachers" were built in the fall of 1898, and the work and material were paid for out of the treasury of the athletic association. TRACK ATHLETICS AND TENNIS. We have already spoken of the field sports connected with the great celebration held in the campus grove on the 4th of July, 1871. Some of the records made then are interesting by way of comparison with more recent records. We learn that T. C. War- rington kicked the football 147 feet 6 inches and threw the baseball 304 feet 10 inches ; that Frank Andrews won the hurdle race (120 yards and five hurdles) in 18 seconds ; and that George Lunt won the pole vault, making 6 feet 7 inches. The first formal University field day was held in 1879, and this observance has been a part of the college athletic life pretty regularly ever since. The most noteworthy records ever made on the home field by North- western students are as follows : 100 yard dash, 10 seconds A. R. Jones, '99 200 yard dash, 221-S seconds A. R. Jones, '99 440 yard run, 52 seconds R. S. Sturgeon, '00 800 yard run, 2 minutes - seconds... R. S. Sturgeon, '00 1 mile run, 4 minutes Td seconds H. Baker. '01 2 mile run, 10 minutes 21 4-5 seconds.. K. E. Morris. '04 220 yard hurdles. 211 2-."> seconds J. A. Brown 120 yard hurdles, HI 2-."> seconds J. A. Brown High jump. ." feet it 1-4 inches Claude Smith Broad jump. 22 feet " inches O. Davis Pole vault, 10 feet (i inches R. E. Wilson. '98 Hammer throw. 120 feet 1 inch Arthur Baird Shot-put, 30 feet 9 inches Arthur Baird Discus Throw, 121 feet X inches Arthur Baird The first three of the present seven Col- lege and Academy tennis courts were laid out and partially completed in the spring' of 1895. In the following autumn, under a new administration, these were completed and paid for and a fourth was built, thus completing the courts of the University proper. The Academy courts were built in 1900. Our local courts have been the scene of many a well-fought battle between our own students and between the many profes- sors and instructors who seek health in tennis, and they have witnessed several in- tercollegiate contests. CHAPTER XVIII. GARRETT BIBLICAL INSTITUTE (By PRESIDENT CHARLES J. LITTLE) Historical Sketch Origin of the Institute Due to the Munificence of Mrs. Augustus Garrett Building Erected in 1855 and Institute Opened in 1856 Additional Buildings Erected in 1867 and 1887 The Republican "Wigwam" of 1860 Be- comes the Property of the Institute Re- verse Caused by Fire of 1871 Disaster Averted in 1897 Growth of the Insti- tute Personal History Large Number of the Alumni in Missionary and Other Fields Members of the Faculty and Board of Trustees. In the winter of 1839 Mr. Augustus Gar- rett and his wife, Eliza Garrett, joined the Clark Street Methodist Episcopal Church of Chicago, of which the Rev. Peter R. Borein was then pastor. Mr. Borein was a man of unusual eloquence and piety, but of imperfect education. He often attributed this fact to the lack of a school in which men like himself might obtain a proper preparation for the ministry, and frequently said this in conversations with Mrs. Gar- rett. In 1848 Mrs. Garrett was left a widow and in possession of what subsequently de- veloped into a large property. In the year 1852 she authorized her legal adviser, Grant Goodrich, to ascertain the views of persons whom he might deem worthy of special regard and consultation as to the field of greatest promise for her beneficence, and in October, 1853. her last will and testa- ment was formally executed, in which she set apart the residue of her estate for the founding of Garrett Biblical Institute. During the autumn in which her will was executed the Rev. Dr. John Dempster visited the West with the intention of planting an institution for the training of Methodist ministers. On passing through Chicago he learned of Mrs. Garrett's pur- pose, and, after an interview with her, a meeting of the Church in Chicago was called to determine what course should be pursued. Rev. John Clark presided. A committee consisting of John Clark, Philo Judson, Orrington Lunt, John Adams and Grant Goodrich, was empowered to adopt such measures as it was believed would re- sult in the speedy erection of a building in which to open a school and to provide the means to sustain it until Mrs. Garrett's bequest should become available. They took upon themselves the responsibility of providing a building at Evanston and of fur- nishing an annual revenue of $1,600. Dr. Dempster undertook to provide whatever amount above that sum might be necessary to support the faculty. A building capable of accommodating forty students was com- pleted in 1855, and the first term was opened 163 164 GARRETT BIBLICAL INSTITUTE in charge of Rev. John Dempster, D.D. ; Rev. William Goodfellow, A.M., and Rev. William P. Wright. A. M. The institution was opened with interesting services, in which Mrs. Garrett participated. The first term began with four students and closed with sixteen. The second began with twelve and closed with nineteen. The greatest num- ber in attendance at any one time was twenty-eight. Annual conferences passed encouraging resolutions and individuals and churches contributed to support the school. Mrs. Garrett was so anxious to disencumber her estate and make it available for her benevolent designs that for several years she would accept only $400 a year for 'her support, nearly half of which she devoted to pious purposes. This estimable and ex- cellent woman died on the 23d of Novem- ber, 1855, the last act of her life being to confirm to the now chartered institute the munificent bequest that she had made for its endowment. An excellent portrait of Mrs. Garrett now hangs in the President's office in Me- morial Hall. It is the picture of a sweet- faced, intelligent woman, and corresponds with all that has been said and written of her goodness and piety. Her death was sudden and unexpected, but she died in great peace indeed, in great triumph. She was greatly beloved and greatly lamented. The temporary organization was brought to a close in the spring of 1856, and in May of the same year the Trustees, under the charter of 1855, appealed to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church for recognition. This recognition was granted and the Bishops were request- ed to act as an advisory committee to coun- sel with the Trustees. A permanent organi- zation was effected and the Institute opened on the 22d of September, 1856, about three years from the time that Mrs. Garrett de- termined upon its founding. When the Institute was first opened at Evanston there was not, in the whole dis- tance between Chicago and Waukegan, a single Protestant church. There was great need of evangelical effort in the villages that were springing up along the lake shore. The students of the Institute established and maintained regular appointments at which they preached, exhorted, taught Sun- day schools, distributed tracts, and in con- nection with which they visited the people to converse with them concerning their reli- gious welfare. Great interest was taken by the faculty in this evangelical activity. At the same time earnest efforts were made to connect with the Institute a department for missionary training. In an early catalogue the leading design of the Institute was stated in these words: "It is to make think- ing, speaking, acting men." The founders of the Institute had a vivid forecast of the future of Chicago, and believed that a special Providence had directed its loca- tion ; but they were compelled to face much prejudice and often deplored the lack of earnest co-operation, both of laymen and ministers. The first building was a wooden structure accommodating forty students. In a few vears a new building became necessary, and in 1867, through the efficient agency of Rev. J. S. Smart and the Women's Centen- nial Association, a building, now known as Heck Hall, was erected at a cost of $57,000. This served for lecture rooms, library and chapel, as well as a dormitory for stu- dents until 1887, when the present Me- morial Hall was finished during the presi- dency of Rev. Dr. Henry B. Ridgaway. The older building, which has recently been completely renovated, is now devoted sole- ly to the use of students. The portion of Mrs. Garrett's estate which came into the hands of the Trustees consisted chiefly of the ground where in HISTORY OF EVANSTON 165 1860 the "Wigwam" was erected in which Abraham Lincoln was nominated for Pres- ident of the United States. In 1870 a block of brick stores was built upon this ground, but all these buildings were destroyed in the fire of 1871, and the estate was left with a debt of $92,000. The generous lib- erality of the church contributed a sum of $62,500 for the relief of the Institute in this critical time, and in 1872 a larger block of buildings was erected upon the same site. The debt incurred in this enterprise was re- moved by the active efforts of the Rev. W. C. Dandy, D.D., who was appointed finan- cial agent. Among the numerous gifts ob- tained by him was one of $30,000 from Mrs. Cornelia Miller for the endowment of the Chair of Practical Theology. Under the wise management of the Trustees the prop- erty of the Institute gradually increased in value, but in 1897 another crisis occurred, the results of which were averted by the careful management of the present treasur- er of the Institute, the Rev. Dr. R. D. Shep- pard. The magnificent building now occu- pied by Reid, Murdock & Co. was erected under Dr. Sheppard's supervision after a lease had been negotiated which promises to afford a large revenue for immediate needs. The debt created in this connection the Trustees hope to extinguish by the sinking fund which they have started. The Institute has deviated but little from its original ideal. It has met, from time to time, the demands of the period ; thus, in the summer of 1892, it enlarged its facili- ties for the study of the English Bible, a systematic scheme for English Bible study being substituted in the diploma course for the study of Hebrew. In 1895 it took steps for instruction in Sociology. The Library has grown rapidly under the careful man- agement of the Rev. Dr. Terry, and in- cludes the splendid collection of Methodist books and original documents the finest in the world purchased for the Institute by Mr. William Deering. The records of the Seminary show that, since 1854, nearly 3.500 persons have enjoyed the privileges of the school. Of this number 700 have com- pleted a three years' course, and of these 365 have received the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. The large majority of these grad- uates are pastors, many of whom are now filling conspicuous pulpits with ability. Among those now living may be mentioned : James S. Chadwick and George E. Stro- bridge, of the New York East Conference ; Charles B. Wilcox, of Kansas City : Polemus H. Swift, W. E. Tilroe, John X. Hall. John D. Leek and John P. Brushingham, of Chi- cago ; Edward S. Ninde, of Ann Arbor ; Edwin A. Schell, of Greencastle, Ind. ; Hugh D. Atchison, of Dubuque, Iowa; A. E. Craig.of Ottumwa, Iowa : E. G. Lewis, of Grand Rapids, Mich. ; William A. Shanklin. of Reading, Pa. ; James S. Montgomery, of Minneapolis ; E. B. Patterson, of Balti- more ; James H. Senseny, Des Moines, Iowa. Forty of the Alumni have gone to the foreign field as missionaries. Among these are two Missionary Bishops, Joseph C. Hartzell and F. W. Warne ; in China are Virgil C. Hart, William T. Hobart, Myron C. Wilcox, H. Olin Cady, Spencer Lewis, F. L. Guthrie, W. H. Lacey, W. C. Lang- don and Quincy A. Meyers ; in India are J. H. Gill, D. O. Fox, James S. Messmore, J. W. Waugh, J. C. Lawson, William H. Hollister, Harvey R. Calkins, D. C. Clancy and John W. Robinson ; in Burmah, Julius Smith ; in Southeast Africa, John M. Springer ; in Singapore. John R. Denyes and Ernest S. Lyons; in Mexico, Ira C. Cartwright ; in South America, M. J. Pusey and H. B. Shinn. Homer C. Stuntz, for- merly of India, is now in the Philippine Islands. Thirty-three are serving as Presidents i66 GARRETT BIBLICAL INSTITUTE and professors in schools and colleges. Among these are: Nathan Burwash, Presi- dent of Victoria College, Canada ; William H. Crawford, President of Allegheny Col- lege, Pa. ; Eli McClish, President of Pacific College, Cal. ; Xels E. Simonson, Principal of the Norwegian-Danish School, Evans- ton ; J. Riley Weaver, Professor in DePauw University ; Robert D. Sheppard and Amos W. Patten, Professors in Northwestern University ; Charles Horswell, Solon C. Bronson and Charles M. Stuart, Professors in Garrett Biblical Institute ; Melvin P. Lackland, Professor in Illinois Wesleyan University ; Orange H. Cessna, Professor in Iowa State Agricultural College ; Thomas Nicholson. President Dakota Wesleyan University, South Dakota. Among the earliest graduates in the class of 1861 was Bishop Charles H. Fowler. In the same class was Oliver A. Willard. the brilliant brother of the lamented Frances E. Willard. The Norwegian-Danish Department was organized in 1886 under the principalship of Rev. Nels E. Simonson, D.D., an alum- nus of the English Department. During the thirteen years of its operation, it has had in attendance more than one hundred students. The Presidents of the faculty have been : John Dempster, Matthew Simpson, William X. Xinde, Henry B. Ridgaway and Charles J. Little. The members of the faculty have been : John Dempster, William Goodfellow, Wil- liam O. \Vright, Daniel P. Kidder, Henry Bannister. Francis D. Hemenway. Miner Raymond, Robert L. Cumnock, William X. Ninde, Henry B. Ridgaway. Charles F. Bradley, Milton S. Terry. Charles W. Ben- nett. Charles Horswell, Charles J. Little. Solon C. Bronson, Charles M. Stuart. Dore- mus A. Hayes. The Trustees have been: Grant Good- rich, Orrington Lunt, John Evans, Philo Judson, Stephen P. Keyes, Luke Hitchcock, Hooper Crews, Thomas M. Eddy, John V. Farwell, E. H. Gammon, Charles H. Fowl- er, A. E. Bishop, S. H. Adams, William Deering, Robert D. Sheppard, Oliver H. Horton, William C. Dandy, Frank M. Bris- tol, Frank P. Crandon, Amos W. Patton, Polemus H. Swift. John Dempster, the first President, be- longed to that vigorous Scotch- Irish stock which has been so potent in American his- tory. His natural powers were very great, and though himself without a theological training, he may be said to be the founder of the theological schools in American Methodism. He exercised great influence, not only among his brethren, but in the gen- eral community, and was one of the com- mittee that waited upon Mr. Lincoln in the crisis of the war to strengthen his hands and to assure him of the unfailing support of his fellow-citizens of Illinois. Matthew Simpson, the eloquent Bishop, was the greatest preacher that recent Meth- odism has produced. His influence during the war surpassed that of any clergyman in the land, partly because of his great en- dowments and excellent ' character, and partly because he represented a church that "sent more men to the field and more pray- ers to heaven" than any other in the land. Bishop Ninde, who succeeded him as President, drew all hearts to himself. His personal appearance was singularly at- tractive ; his behavior was brotherly and his spirit so Christ-like that students revered him and the community trusted him im- plicitly. Dr. Ridgaway came to Evanston from Cincinnati. He brought with him a great reputation as an eloquent preacher and a successful pastor. During his administra- tion Memorial Hall was built. He, too, was greatly beloved. ' . LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 167 Of the many distinguished members of the faculty the most conspicuous was Dr. Miner Raymond. No man in Methodism possessed a clearer mind. His words were weighty and his sentences, many of them, have become household words to his pu- pils. He lived to be more than four score years of age and continued his teaching un- til his eighty-second year. Among the Trustees Orrington Lunt was, by reason of his personality and his many years of service, the most conspicu- ous and the most useful. He gave to the Institute unstinted service. He watched over its interests as he watched over his own, and prayed for it as he prayed for his family. Few institutions have enjoyed such devotion as Orrington Lunt gave to Garrett Biblical Institute, and his name will be connected with it so long as it shall last CHAPTER XIX. EARLY DRAINAGE First Steps in Organisation of a Drainage System for Evanston Natural Condi- tions Early Legislation of 1855 The Late Harvey B. Hurd, Member and Sec- retary of First Board of Commissioners Construction of Ditches Begun Drain- age Amendment of the Present Consti- tution Adopted in 1878 Extension of the System Local Opposition A Tax Collector's Experience A Flood Con- verts the Opponents of the System. The drainage of Evanston forms an im- portant and interesting chapter in its his- tory. There is plenty of evidence showing that all the territory now included in the towns of Evanston, Niles, Jefferson, Lake View and the southeastern portion of New Trier, were at some time covered by the waters of Lake Michigan. There are, in this territory, three distinct ridges made by the lake which mark several distinct reces- sions of its waters. The west one, some- times called "Dutch Ridge," commences at Winnetka, at the south end of the clay bluff stretching along the west shore, and runs thence southwesterly, spreading and flat- tening out in fan-shape towards the north branch of the Chicago River and terminat- ing at that stream near Niles Center. East of this, from a mile in width at the north end, to two or three miles at the south end, is Evanston's "West Ridge," which com- mences where Ridge Avenue strikes the lake and runs almost directly south to Rose- hill, where it turns sharply to the west, forming a J and flattening out considerably at Bowmanville, and also terminating at the north branch near that place, leaving be- tween these two ridges a valley partly wooded and partly prairie. The east one of the three ridges commences at the lake shore in the L'niversity campus and runs southerly through Evanston, and bending slightly to the eastward through Lake View, ends at Lincoln Park. Natural Conditions. These several ridges, to a certain extent, cut off the drain- age of the land between them, and this land was subject to occasional overflow, and was to some extent swampy during the en- tire year. Portions of it were impassable during most of the year. At quite an early day a small ditch was constructed midway between the east and west ridges, emptying into the lake through a ravine between the College campus and the site of the first Biblical Institute building erected in 1854, but afterward destroyed by fire. This ditch was called the Mulford Ditch, from the fact that Major E. H. Mulford was principally instrumental in its construction ; Edward Murphy was associated with him in the making of it. At the time of the location of Evanston this ditch had pretty much gone to decay 169 170 EARLY DRAINAGE and the land between the two ridges was so swampy it was difficult to pass from one ridge to the other except in one or two places. Something in the way of drainage was accomplished by the throwing up of the streets when Evanston was laid out in 1853- First Drainage Commission. By an act approved February 15, 1855, "The Drainage Commission" was created for the purpose of draining the wet lands in Town- ships 41 and 42, in Range 13 and 14, and Sections i, 2, n and 12. in Township 40 of Range 13. This Commission was given power "to lay out, locate, construct, com- plete and alter ditches, embankments, cul- verts, bridges and roads, and maintain and keep the same in repair." The Commission- ers named in the act were Harvey B. Kurd, George M. Huntoon, James B. Colvin, John L. Beveridge and John H. Foster. As Dr. Foster resided in Chicago and did not wish to engage in the undertaking, A. G. Wilder was put in his place. Mr. Hurd was Secre- tary of the Commission, and to a consider- able extent managed its operations. At that time the only road on the prairie west of Evanston was one running north and south along the east edge of the Big Woods, leading from what was known as "Emerson's barn" to Chicago by way of Bowmanville. This road was passable only during a portion of the year late in the summer and when the ground was frozen up. Construction of Ditches Begun. The first ditch constructed by the Commission \vas along the west side of this road ; the excavation being thrown up in such a manner as to make a fairly passable road from "Emerson's barn" neighborhood to Bowmanville. The next work of the Commission was the construction of what is known as the "Big Ditch," about half way between the Big Woods and West Ridge. It was so shaped that the north end of it from the north side of Center Street, on the town line between Evanston and New Trier, emptied into the lake, and from the south side of Center Street the water was carried south, emptying into the North Branch at a point about three-fourths of a mile north- west of Bowmanville. Later several ditches were laid out and constructed across the prairie ; these were so laid out and constructed as to create roads. One of them is the Rogers Road, com- mencing just west of what was then the home of Philip Rogers, after whom Rogers Park was named, running thence west to Xiles Center. Another is the Mulford Road; another extended on Church Street west to the Big Woods, and another was the Emerson Road, now Emerson Street. These roads have all become prominent thoroughfares ; the last three have been ex- tended west to Dutch Ridge, and Church Street has been extended to the Glenn View Golf Club grounds. The Commission en- larged the Mulford Ditch so that it fur- nished pretty fair drainage for the territory lying between the east and west ridges in the Village of Evanston until the sewerage system was put in. Later a ditch was con- structed across the east ridge from a point just west of Tillman Mann's house, at the distance of about three blocks south of Rog- ers Park depot to the lake. A. G. Wilder having died, Michael Gorm- ley of Glencoe was put on the Commission in his place, and the Commission undertook to drain the Skokie, lying west of Winnet- ka, Glencoe and Highland Park. It first constructed a ditch emptying into the east fork of the North Branch, but it was found that in flood times the water set back in the North Branch and up this ditch, flood- ing the Skokie. Another outlet was there- fore made through the Dutch Ridge, at a HISTORY OF EVANSTOX point about half way between Winnetka and the Gross Point settlement, carrying the water into the lake through what is now Kenilworth. The Skokie being about forty feet above the lake level, ample fall was found, and this last ditch redeemed a large amount of valuable lands at the south end of the Skokie, now covered by some of the best farms in that neighborhood. The subsequent efforts of the Commis- sion to enlarge the Skokie ditch and extend it further north, were opposed by some of the land-owners who were assessed for the expense of their improvement, and two cases were carried to the Supreme Court to test the constitutionality of the law. In the case of Hessler vs. The Drainage Commis- sioners (reported in 53 111. Reports, page 105), the court held the law to be unconsti- tutional. This decision was rendered in January, 1870, and put an end to the opera- tions of "The Drainage Commissioners." This was one of several decisions of like import, for there were several other com- missions in different parts of the State, acting under similar laws, where assess- ments for benefits had been held unconstitu- tional, but so much interest had been cre- ated in favor of drainage that a clause was put into the Constitution of 1870, designed to permit the General Assembly to pass laws for that purpose. This clause was amended by vote of the people in November, 1878, adopting an amendment of the Consti- tution, which is now the authority for the drainage laws found in the statutes general- ly known as the Farm Drainage Acts. Extension of the System. The north portion of the big ditch was later, under one of these acts, very considerably enlarged and extended south so as to draw the water lakeward from Church Street, but all those parts of the Big Ditch and Mulford Ditch within the corporate limits of Evanston have been supplanted by sew- ers constructed by the City of Evanston. The Rogers Park Ditch has been supplant- ed by a main sewer on Pratt Avenue, which carried all the drainage of Rogers Park west of the East Ridge into the lake. All the roads which were constructed by the Commission are not only maintained, but have been extended and improved and are now principal highways. The law under which they were constructed having been declared void, the owner of the land upon which they were laid out might have fenced them up, but they were of such evident util- ity and propriety that no one has shown any disposition to do so. and having now been in use over twenty years, they have become legal highways. Local Opposition. The opposition of the owners of the lands proposed to be bene- fitted was not confined to the validity of the law. When the first ditch was being laid out along the west side of the Big Woods Road, the Big Woods people came out with pitch-forks and clubs to drive off the en- gineer and his assistants, but fortunately the engineer was a good-natured man, but very firm, and did not allow himself to be driven off. Later, when the Rogers Road ditch was projected, a very vigorous protest was made, the people insisting that they did not need any more drainage: that they would rather have their land as it was without fur- ther drainage, and I am of the opinion that had I not put on my pleasantest manner with them, I should have received rough treat- ment on one of my visits to the neighbor- hood in the collection of assessments. I had the satisfaction, however, later in the season, of turning the tables on them. It occurred in this way : Our ditchers, for the purpose of protecting their work from being flooded, threw up their excavation in such a way as to create a dam on each side of the ditch. In the midst of haying time, when a large 1 7 2 EARLY DRAINAGE quantity of hay was down, and considerable of it was in cocks, and when the ditch was about two-thirds across the prairie, there came a heavy rain which flooded the prairie. To save their hay, the people rallied in force, drove off the ditchers, cut the dams and let the water off, and thus saved much of their hay which would otherwise have been all spoiled. We had the ring-leaders arrested, brought over to Evanston and fined. Though they were not quite happy in the payment of their fines, they were much more reconciled to the payment of their assessments, acknowledging that af- ter all the drainage was a pretty good thing. All the work done by "The Drainage Commission" was by special assessment. Unfortunately, the Chicago fire in 1871 destroyed all our assessment rolls, or I should take pleasure in showing you how much more economically work was done by commissioners interested in the land as owners than is now done by municipal authorities who have no interest in com- mon with those who have to foot the bills. ' CHAPTER XX. PUBLIC UTILITIES (By ALKXASDKI! CLARK) Area and Topography of the City of Evan- ston The Drainage Problem A Period of Evolution Municipal Development Electric Light System Installed Street Improvements Parks and Boulevards The Transportation Problem Steam and Interurban Railway Connections Heat- ing System Telephone Service Evan- ston as a Residence City. The total area of the city of Evanston is about 4,000 acres. The lots generally have a frontage of fifty feet. As they average about five lots to the acre, this would make a total of 20,000 lots within the city limits. Estimating a population of five persons to each lot, would give the city a total popula- tion of about 100,000 when the territory is fully built up. The present population is about 20,000. It consists largely of resi- dents who do business in the City of Chi- cago, while there is a large local population, residing permanently in the city, of whom a large proportion are in the employment of the other class. Topographically the territory consists of an area intersected by two ridges running north and south, one known as the East, and the other as the West Ridge. The East, or Chicago Avenue Ridge, has an elevation of twenty to twenty-five feet above Lake Michigan, while Ridge Avenue (West Ridge) rises about forty-five feet above the lake level. There is a large area to the west of Ridge Avenue which was at one time very low and swampy in its character. The opening of sewers through these two ridges to the lake has drained this area, and, although relatively low, it is actually about twenty feet above Lake Michigan, which is, on an average, about a mile and a half distant. The difference in elevation, therefore, af- fords a very good fall when the sewers are cut through. Drainage. The drainage of this area west of Ridge Avenue was a serious prob- lem for early Evanston. The first drainage district ever organized in the State of Illi- nois was created for the purpose of accom- plishing this purpose. In 1855, the Legis- lature, by special act, created a drainage corporation, consisting of the late Harvey B. Hurd and four other members, for the purpose of draining this territory. Early in the 'sixties, this act was declared unconstitutional, and, in the meanwhile, the ditch leading from the prairie west of Evan- ston had been cut through to the lake at a point just north of the city limits, and also a connection had been made about the north line of Kenilworth. through the Gross Point Ridge to the Skokie. There two ditches carried away great volumes of sur- 173 174 PUBLIC UTILITIES face water that flooded these areas at certain seasons of the year. The first sewer in Evanston which tapped this west prairie country was the Emerson Street sewer, which was made of large capacity and was intended to drain this area included within the limits of the city of Evanston : as has already been stated, it has rendered the territory entirely habitable. There is a large area south of the portion included in the City of Evanston, part of which is in the Town of Evanston (now Ridgeville) and part within the Town of Niles, which as yet has no drainage, and must ultimately look for its drainage to a connection with the North Branch of the Chicago River, either through an open channel into which the Evanston drainage will be diverted, or by sewers constructed in the City of Chicago and connected with the Drainage Canal. A line of brickyards is gradually working its way along the east edge of this low ground, and, in time, will work out an open channel which will amount to an extension of the North Branch. A Period of Evolution. It is exceed- ingly interesting to trace the evolution of an open farm country into the complex de- velopment of a city. It is difficult for the early residents of such a district to contem- plate the possibilities of paved streets, sewers, water mains, gas and electric supply, and to work with reference to the ultimate establishment of these improvements. Hence, such development goes on in a very tardy and expensive manner, the work being per- formed largely on experimental lines and with reference to the demands of the im- mediate present, and not with any compre- hensive grasp of the needs of the future. In the south end of the present City of Evanston, which constituted the village of South Evanston, the first attempt at drain- age was by means of wooden box-drains from the railroad leading down to the lake. One of these was constructed in Keeney Avenue, and a similar construction was placed on Main Street, but cut through Chicago Avenue Ridge, so as to drain the low-lying territory through the two ridges. It speaks well for the foresight of the men who performed this work, that, when they cut through Chicago Avenue Ridge, ex- cavated to a depth sufficient to drain this outlying territory and constructed the drain of brick, when later it was found neces- sary to change it into a sewer, it was only necessary to reconstruct the portion be- tween the ridges up to Chicago Avenue Ridge and then to excavate across Ridge Avenue to the city limits on the west. Municipal Consolidation. The present city of Evanston is made up of what was originally three municipal corporations : Evanston proper, South Evanston and North Evanston. The boundary of Evan- ston proper, or Evanston center, was orig- inally on the south by Hamilton and Grain Streets, and on the north by Foster Street. The first attempt at merging was in 1873. The Village of Evanston as it then existed was desirous of securing a water supply, but did not have the means to do so, and under the constitutional limitations as to in- debtedness could not issue bonds in suffi- cient amount to accomplish this purpose. In order to increase its bonding capacity the plan was devised of uniting the Village of Evanston and North Evanston. The Village of South Evanston remained a distinct cor- poration until 1892, when, after some pre- vious attempts, which proved unsuccessful, the question of annexation to the Village of Evanston was taken up and, after a hotly contested campaign, was carried through. The Village of South Evanston owes its existence to the fact that no land was owned within its limits by the Northwest- ern University. In the early days this Uni- I! V II.M 1 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVAXSTOX versity owned a large portion of the proper- ty included the original City of Evans- ton, and as this property was largely unim- proved and not subject to taxation, this ex- emption threw a very serious burden upon the portion of the village not owned by the University. To escape this taxation was the incentive for the organization of the new Village of South Evanston. The framers of our present Constitution in their wisdom, saw fit to so hedge about the municipality that no margin for ex- travagant expenditure should be allowed, and by inserting the provision in the Consti- tution that no municipal corporation should become indebted, including present indebt- edness, in excess of five per cent of its property, so hampered an increase of in- debtedness that it is utterly impossible for any small municipality to have metropolitan facilities ; so that, just as soon as these facilities are desired, it becomes necessary to consolidate in order to enlarge the bond- ing and taxing area. The same principle that applies in busi- ness, and influencing the merging of several disconnected establishments in the same line of business into one. thereby securing great- er economy in their management and opera- tion, applies, up to a certain limit, with even greater force to municipalities. The desperate struggles of some of these corporations to assume metropolitan airs, without the means, are very amusing. For instance, the Village of South Evanston de- sired a water supply, and, in order to secure it, first bored an artesian well about 2,600 feet deep, which spurted up like an oil gush- er sixty feet above the surface ; but the water was so hard that it could not be cut with an axe. and left a residuum of its or- ganic elements upon the foliage that hap- pened to be sprinkled with it. The residents then began to clamor for lake water ; but, in order to get a pure sup- ply, it was necessary to go out some dis- tance from the shore and construct a pump- ing station. A block of ground between Main Street and Keclzie Avenue was found which the lake was gradually eating up. It had been taken by foreclosure by Eastern parties, and they were in danger of losing their holdings by the erosion of the water. It was found, therefore, that the whole block could be purchased for about $i .600. A frontage of about 800 feet on Lake Mich- igan was thus secured at this nominal figure. The question then arose how to get the money to protect this land from the en- croachments of the lake, grade it and se- cure a water supply. The first problem was solved by levying a special assessment on every lot between the Ridge and the lake on those lots between the railroad and the lake $5.00 each, and on those between the Northwestern Railroad and Ridge Ave- nue $3.00 each. Hy this means $7.000 was raised, which was spent upon breakwaters, grading and setting out trees, and the pres- ent little park is the result of that invest- ment. The extent of the ground has already been nearly doubled by accretion, and is capable of much greater enlargement at a trifling expenditure. About $20.000 was added to the bonded indebtedness and a pumping station and water-tower were built. Electric Lighting. The town then having started on the highway of progress, it was thought that it would be a good thing if an electric lighting system could be in- stalled : bids were called for and it was as- certained that such a system could be estab- lished with a capacity for lighting the town at about $7.000. But the town was already bonded up to its full constitutional limit, and the improvement being a public one, it did not seem possible that any more money could be raised by special assessment. This device was then resorted to : a contract was 176 PUBLIC UTILITIES made with an electric light company where- by it constructed a plant in the village and leased it to the municipality at a rental to be paid quarterly, with an agreement that, when a certain amount of rent was paid, the title to the plant should vest in the village. This plan was borrowed from the method pursued by impecunious females in pur- chasing sewing machines, pianos and furni- ture. To the credit of the people of the village and the lawyers residing in it, no effort was made to test the doubtful legali- ty of this proceeding, and South Evanston soon had the satisfaction of being the only municipality electrically lighted between Waukegan and Chicago. The same boilers, the same engineers and fireman that oper- ated the water plant also operated the light- ing plant, and the success of the experi- ment is a very instructive lesson in the municipal management of public utilities. But it was soon found that the sewer- age which poured into the lake on Main Street, about 600 feet from the pumping station, was threatening contamination of the water supply, and it was necessary that the inlet be pushed far out into the lake. By none of the devices before discovered could any additional funds be secured, and it became a question with South Evanston of annexation or impure water; and this, more than any other fact, contributed to the merging of the two municipalities. Shortly after they were merged, the City of Evanston was organized, with seven wards and fourteen Aldermen. Street Improvements. The surface soil of most of the area upon which Evans- ton is built is sand, excepting the west prai- rie, where it consists of a light stratum of black soil over blue clay. On the sandy area the first method of street-making was confined to what is known as claying and graveling. Loads of blue clay from the west prairie were dumped along and spread upon the street to a depth of four or five inches, this being covered by a layer of three or four inches of lake gravel. When the rains fell the gravel worked itself into the mud, and, for a lightly traveled street, it was not bad. The claying and graveling of a strip twenty feet wide in the center of a street cost about 50 cents per running foot, and the writer has a very distinct re- collection of the clamor that was raised when the assessment was levied upon the abutting property for this improvement. The bearing of the burden of assessments is purely a matter of education. As the Irish- man said about hanging: it is not so bad when you get used to it, provided you do not die in the meantime; and the same property owners that so bitterly contested the 50 cents per running foot assessment have since then borne with the greatest equanimity an assessment of three or four dollars per front foot for paving and curb- ing. I have a very distinct recollection of the paving of Davis Street with clay and gravel. The abutting owners desired that there should be plenty of clay put on ; so they stood around in the hot sun and bossed the job, and the contractor gave them all they wanted. Six or eight inches of it was put on and the gravel dumped on this, and, for the next year and a half, Davis Street was a hog-wallow during the greater part of the year. This ended the era of clay and gravel. The next pavement laid upon Davis Street was macadam. This was not found satisfactory and brick was laid upon the macadam. I think the history of the paving of Davis Street illustrates most forcibly the expensive evolution by which municipalities are educated up to the man- agement of their affairs. "Vox populi" may be "vox Dei," but it is an exceedingly expensive voice when it comes to dealing with business matters. I think a careful in- HISTORY OF EVAXSTOX 177 vestigation will establish the fact that gen- erally what the people want in a business proposition is the thing they ought not to get. Such questions can not be settled by town meetings. I remember very distinctly when James Ayers attempted to pave Hin- man Avenue. After an immense amount of oratory, discussions back and forth, theories and protests from people who wanted the street kept like a country village street and who dreaded city improvements, James finally gave the matter up and said in his opinion Hinman Avenue could never be paved that there was "too much brains on the street." With the advent of paved streets came the problem of providing for the cost of their maintenance, and the City of Evanston to-day, with its increased area and valua- tion, finds itself in almost as great financial straits as the old village of South Evanston in its early struggles. The wooden block pavement craze struck quite hard in South Evanston, and the re- sult is miles of streets to be repaved at the expense of the abutting owners. Perhaps the best and most durable pavement ever laid in Evanston is the piece on Chicago Avenue from Davis Street north. It is of brick, and has been down ten years and is practically as smooth and good to-day as when first laid. It was laid by experts. It consists of a layer of sand with a layer of brick laid flatwise, this being surmounted by another layer of sand and a layer of brick laid edgewise. The only possible ob- jection to such a pavement is its noise. Evanston has to-day some of the finest macadamized streets in the country. Asso- ciations have been formed on quite a num- ber of streets for their care and mainte- nance, and it has been found that a street can be kept clean and in perfect condition for less than the cost of sprinkling on the individual plan. Property owners are grad- ually waking up to the proposition that the care of the street in front of abutting prop- erty is just as much a duty on the part of the owner as the care of his front yard and household surroundings. Evanston is shut in on the south by Cal- vary Cemetery, which extends from the lake to Chicago Avenue. Chicago Avenue is an extension of Clark Street ; Asbury Avenue an extension of Western Avenue, and Sheridan Road an extension in South Ev- anston of Ashland Avenue in the City of Chicago. In the early '6os an effort was made by the township authorities to extend Evanston Avenue through Calvary Cemetery, and the attempt was resisted, t'i et armis, by the then Archbishop. But along in 1887 an as- sociation, known as the Xorth Shore Im- provement Association, was organized by citizens along the Xorth Shore for the prin- cipal purpose of constructing a driveway along the lake for the use of the shore towns from Lincoln Park north. So much en- thusiasm and public spirit was generated in the matter that Archbishop Feehan gener- ously donated a loo-foot strip through Cal- vary Cemetery, and public-spirited citizens in Evanston, headed by Mr. Yolney W. Fos- ter, raised about $3,000 to level down the sand-hills and clay and gravel the roadway. This opened up an outlet for driving pur- poses from Evanston to Chicago. Parks and Boulevards. The drive- way thus opened up was known as the Sheridan Road. Except at a few points it constitutes a good highway all the way from Fort Sheridan to Chicago, with por- tions in Lake Forest and Waukegan. In 1893 the passage of an act of the Legis- lature was secured authorizing the forma- tion of park districts along the shore of Lake Michigan, and vesting in such dis- tricts the title to the submerged land. An effort was made to organize such a district PUBLIC UTILITIES to include the City of Evanston, but times were hard and taxes were high, and the people could not see their way clear to es- tablish a new taxing municipality. The portion of the West Side of Rogers Park, however, organized itself into a district un- der this law, and has constructed on Ridge Avenue a mile and three-quarters of the finest driveway in or around the city. This little district took this street as a sand-heap and has improved and beautified it in every particular with trees, sod and every requisite for residence purposes. Spurred to emula- tion, the East Side of Rogers Park, after a bitter contest, succeeded in organizing an- other district, and these people have taken hold of the Sheridan Road on the east side and are now duplicating the improvements made on Ridge Avenue. Township Organization. An effort is now being made by the City of Evanston to abolish the useless and expensive town- ship organization system by which the ter- ritory is burdened. (As will be seen by the first chapter of this work, relating to the present territorial boundaries of the City of Evanston, the object just mentioned has been accomplished by the organization of the territory embraced within the City of Evanston into a single township under the name of "Ridgeville," with boundaries iden- tical with those of the city.) The territory embraced within the City of Evanston pre- viously included portions of three town- ships, and each of these townships olaced a different valuation on property. The re- sult was that a lot on one side of McDaniel Street, in North Evanston, bore 50 per cent more of all the burden of taxation than a lot on the opposite side of the street in the township of Xiles, equally well situated. Moreover, the city was burdened with three sets of Highway Commissioners ; three sets of Assessors ; three sets of Collectors, and three sets of Town Clerks, necessitating an immense amount of bookkeeping. These Highway Commissioners were vested with taxing powers equal to about one-half of the taxing power of the municipality itself, with a provision that one-half of all the money raised in the area of the City of Evanston must be expended on the farm ter- ritory outside of the city limits. The whole method of township organization, as it ex- isted in the City of Evanston, was one of the most outrageous illustrations of municipal mismanagement that could be well devised. The consolidation alluded to which was accomplished under an act of the Legis- lature passed in 1903 has resulted in the abolition of the useless offices of Highway Commissioner, Town Clerk and Town Col- lector, and the consolidation of the town- ship business with the city business, as well as the abolition of township elections on a separate day. As a result of this change greater economy will be secured and the City of Evanston will be enabled to or- ganize itself into a park district under the law of 1893, and it will also be in position to take possession of the submerged land on the lake front, with a view of establish- ing, in the future, parks and drives along the whole shore. No man with an atom of prevision can fail to see the great possibili- ties of such a right to the city. Of course, to attempt to fill in the great areas of this submerged land under previous conditions would have meant bankruptcy to the city. The money heretofore spent under the com- plicated township organization, if spent in this direction, would have added immensely to the future prosperity and beauty of the city. Under the new arrangement rights and property can be secured at the cost of a few hundreds of dollars .that, ten years hence, would have cost thousands. The best illustration of this is the history of the little park in South Evanston heretofore narrated. What was then secured for $1,600 RIDGEV1LLE X A TOWNSHIP Portion of Map pulilislieil k J. H '1 .. n-hip *''''- 17. !>"'". "IK! ai the del ached and formed into e Township of Lake View. On the 1st of January I'-OO, the name was from EvanMon t Kidyeville Township, i IK- limits identU'al with those of tin- City of Kvunston. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 179 would probably now cost from twenty to thirty thousand dollars. Transportation. About the time of the incorporation of the Village of Evans- ton, along in 1856 or 1858, the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad was completed be- tween Chicago and Milwaukee, and a sub- urban service was installed and carried on upon a single track until along about 1885, when the present double-track service was installed. In 1864 a corporation consisting of Orrington Lunt, John Evans and some other persons, was created under the title of the Chicago & Evanston Railroad Com- pany. The object of the scheme was to con- struct a horse or steam road from the City of Evanston to the City of Chicago, the in- tention being to connect about Fullerton Avenue with the horse cars. The road got no farther than some rights along the river up to Fullerton Avenue, and it then slum- bered under the blanket of an injunction until along in 1887, when it was revived and pushed to completion up to Calvary Cemetery, and a new corporation was then organized known as the Chicago, Evanston & Lake Superior Railroad Company, which obtained rights to construct the road through South Evanston and Evanston. The road soon after came under the control of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Com- pany, which was then looking for another entrance into the city, its lease over the Pan- handle being about to expire. The property was bought for this purpose, but its use was not needed and it has been operated since as a local line, with very little profit to the company. In 1892 the writer, D. H. Louderback. and John L. Cockran organized a company known as the Chicago & North Shore Street Railway Company to construct a street rail- way line from Evanston to Chicago. The installation of this service in Evanston was very bitterly contested by many of the resi- dents, who claimed they had come out to Evanston to get away from this sort of thing ; but it was pointed out to them that, with the growth of the City of Chicago, in order to get away from it, it would be nec- essary to get farther out than twelve miles from the center of the city. One resident was particularly solicitous about the effect of this innovation upon the Lord's day. He afterward agreed, however, that in consid- eration of $1,500 he would withdraw his opposition and leave the Lord to take care of his own day. The $1,500 was not paid. The road was finally installed and has proved a very fair success, and it is be- lieved to be a benefit to the people of the city. The City of Evanston is now anxious to get some benefit from the construction of the Northwestern Elevated. The present service is not satisfactory on account of its slowness and the necessity for transfers. When the road was completed it was ex- pected that the St. Paul would make some traffic arrangement by which a connection could be secured with the elevated by an incline, and its cars could pass without transfer from Evanston down into the city over the express tracks of the elevated. Ne- gotiations up to the present time have not resulted in the success of such a scheme ; but it is so much to the interest of all par- ties concerned that it can be safely assured that this plan will finally be carried out, and that the St. Paul line will be equipped with electricity and operated in connection with the Northwestern Elevated to Evanston. If such an equipment were made, and stops made at frequent intervals through the city, with an express service from the city down over the elevated without any stop, say to Kinzie Street, and a frequent service given with a ten-cent fare, it is believed that the building boom that has set in at the terminus of the elevated would extend up along the shore and include the Citv of Evanston. i8o PUBLIC UTILITIES A line leaving this main line at Oakton Avenue and going west to Asbury, and along on Asbury, Florence and Ashland, and along the Northwestern up through to Gross Point, would bring a large area of the City of Evanston, which is now remote from depots, into close touch with the city by the very best kind of service, provided the cars were carried through without trans- fer over the elevated down into the city. A trolley line from Evanston to Waukegan has been installed, and a branch line leaving this line at Lake Bluff is now being built across to Libertyville, with the intention of being pushed into the Fox Lake region. When this line is completed it will certainly be the greatest pleasure riding and picnic line around Chicago, and the people of Evanston will be put in close connection with some of the most beautiful country around Chicago. Gas and Electric Lighting. At a very early day in the history of Evanston, Edwin Lee Brown, one of the city's public- spirited citizens, organized a company known as the Northwestern Gas Light and Coke Com- pany, and started a gas plant. Pipes were laid to the principal buildings in the village. This plant has now been finally merged with the People's Gas Company of Chicago and gas rates run about the same as they do in the city, and the service has been extended practically over the whole city of Evanston. Another corporation was organized by some of the citizens of Evanston eight or ten years ago for the purpose of furnishing electric light to the then village of Evan- ston, known as the Evanston Illuminating Company, and it has done for the City of Evanston what has not been done for any other city of its size in the United States, namely : put most of its wires underground. Its franchise for the use of the streets runs for about seventeen years, and it has a con- tract with the City of Evanston for public lighting running about ten years. Heating System. A couple of years ago a corporation was organized by Mr. Yaryan, of Toledo, Ohio, known as the Evanston Yaryan Company, and a franchise secured for furnishing heat by hot water carried through pipes connected with the houses. Recently a plant has been constructed and the service extended to about two hundred houses with the most gratifying results. Ashes, smoke and coal dust are eliminated from the home, and heat is furnished at a rate less than the actual cost of coal for private heating. It is very generally ad- mitted that this single improvement adds fully twenty-five per cent to the value of property thereby benefited for residence. If any man is going to build a home he would be willing to pay that much more, provided he could secure this service; and the demand is spreading all over the city for the extension of the same. Telephone Service. The Chicago Tel- ephone Company has extended its service into Evanston and erected a very beautiful building on Chicago Avenue, just south of Davis Street, for its offices. The local charge for residences is very reasonable, and the service has been found extremely satis- factory. As has already been suggested, the terri- tory embraced within the limits of the City of Evanston is capable of furnishing com- fortable homes with plenty of air-space for about 100,000 people. There is no reason why this city should not be a model one. The problems of municipal government and management are live ones, and some of the best thought of the country is devoting itself to their solution. Perhaps nowhere could be found a more ideal spot or a better environment for the practical solution of many of these problems, and the residents of the City of Evanston are of a class to lend themselves readily to assisting along these lines. CHAPTER XXI. WATER SUPPLY LIGHTING SYSTEM (87 THOMAS BATES) Conditions Prior to 1874 First Move for an Adequate Water Supply Charles J. Gilbert Leader in the Movement Holly Engines Installed in 1874 and 1886 Annexation of South Evanston The Consolidated City Incorporated in 1892 Increase in the Water Supply in 1897 Source of Supply Revenue Extent of System Street Lighting by Gas Intro- duced in 1871 Introduction of Electric Lighting in 1890 Installation of the Evanston-Yaryan Light and Heating System. Prior to 1874 the supply of water used by the citizens of Evanston was procured from their own private wells and cisterns. However, for two years before that time, the Village Board of the then Village of Evanston had been considering and discus- sing the possibility of a more satisfactory means of furnishing the people with water, but, as it involved the building of a water- works plant, putting down sewers and water-pipes and the purchase of an engine, it involved an expense which, to some of the learned fathers of that time, was appalling. Leader in the Movement for an Im- proved Water Supply. The manwhowas most active and persistent in his fight for the establishment of a water-plant was Charles J. Gilbert, who has, ever since that time, been known as the father of the Evan- ston Water- Works. He not only gave lib- erally of his time, but also contributed lib- erally of his private means in traveling about the country for the purpose of ascer- taining the best system, the best engines and the best sort of plant for the village, and, in 1874, the first engine and pumping station were installed. The engine was named the "C. J. Gilbert." It is a quadroduplex Holly engine, with a rated capacity of 2,000,000 gallons per day ; but after it was installed and, in cases of emergency, it pumped in the neighborhood of 3,000,000 gallons per day. This engine is still running and in good condition, and it is a somewhat remarkable fact that Samuel B. Penney, who was installed as second engineer of the Evanston Water- Works in 1874. is still in charge of them, and has been in the continuous service of the village and city successively since the old "C. J. Gilbert" pumped the first gallon of water. This engine was run for seventeen years, night and day, and during those seventeen years it ran on an average of 23.7 hours out of each 24 for the entire time. The largest amount of water ever pumped in one day during the year 1875 was 656,- 918 gallons, and for the entire month of May, 1876, there was pumped 6,636,448 gallons in the thirty-one days. As com- pared with this record, it may be said that, on August 8, 1900, the amount of water 181 18.2 WATER SUPPLY LIGHTING SYSTEM pumped in one day at the Evanston pump- ing station was 10,156,132 gallons, almost one-third more than was pumped for the en- tire month of May, 1876. The Cost Second Engine Installed in 1886. The cost of the first Holly engine bought in Evanston, together with boiler, was $24,000. In the year 1886 it became apparent to the authorities of the then Vil- lage of Evanston, that the engine which had run night and day since 1875 was, in its capacity, inadequate for the wants of the people, and thereupon, after the usual in- vestigation, consideration and discussion, a second Holly engine was purchased, of the Gaskill type, and, in the year 1888, it was installed with a rated capacity of 5,000,000 gallons a day, which, under pressure, could be increased to 5,500,000 per day. It is a little remarkable that, upon the installation of this second engine, the then Village Board of Trustees were divided as to whether they should throw out the first engine or sell it for what they could get, upon the theory that this second engine, with a 5,000,000 gallons capacity, would be sufficient for the needs of the village for the next twenty years. It was, however, finally decided to retain the first engine for a time at least, and the wisdom of this decision was shown by the fact that, in less than three years, the second engine was found inad- equate, and from that time until the year 1896, the water required at times taxed the full capacity of both engines. Annexation of South Evanston. A few years after the installation of the second engine, the Village of South Evanston was annexed to Evanston, and one month later (March, 1892), the consolidated village was incorporated ,as the City of Evanston. Prior to the annexation of the Village of South Evanston, it had received its water supply largely from an artesian well ; but after the annexation, the water-mains were extended or connected with the mains of the City of Evanston, and it then became apparent that the capacity of the engines was insufficient to supply the needs of the people, and, there- fore, in 1896 the City Council of Evanston took into consideration the question of the purchase of another engine to meet the in- creased demand. Third Engine Installed in 1897. Great diversity of opinion arose in the minds of the Aldermen composing the City Council as to what kind of an engine was best fitted for the purpose. The discussion at times was bitter and personal, but it resulted in the purchase, in 1897, and the installation of another Holly engine, of the Decrow type, with a pumping capacity of 12,000,000 to 14,000,000 gallons per day. This last men- tioned engine, up to this time, has been found fully adequate to supply the needs of the city. The second engine, without any boilers or fittings, cost about $12,000, and the third engine, together with foundations and such fittings as were necessary, cost about $35.000. The supply of water to these engines is procured through two in-take pipes, the first being 16 inches in diameter, which was laid on the bed of the lake in 1875. and which extends out 1,200 feet from the shore. In 1889, this in-take pipe being found insuf- ficient, another in-take pipe 30 inches in diameter was laid on the bottom of the lake, extending out 2.600 feet to a submerged crib, and it is through this latter pipe that all of the water pumped for the City of Evanston is received, except in summer time, when much water is used for the sprinkling of lawns, and then both pipes are necessary to supply the demand. Much inconvenience has been experienced in the coldest weather of the winter months, from what is known as anchor or slush ice, which sinks and accumulates about the openings of the submerged cribs and clogs r.ROSS POINT Lir.HTHOrSK Sheritlan Road and Central Street Tower completed June 30. 187.3. I-ight exhibited Sprinc of i ISJ \\.\TKK SUPPLY LIGHT1XG SYSTEM pumped in i UK 1 'lav at the Kvatiston pump- ing station was 10.150. i^j jallims. almost one-third more than was pumped fi>r the en- tire month of May. 1X7/1. The Cost Second Engine Installed in 1886. -Tlie cost of the lir>t Nolly engine bought in Kvatiston. together with boiler, wa- S_'4.iKi. In the year iXX/i it became apparent to the authorities of the then Vil- lage of Kvaiiston. that the engine which hail run ni^dit and .ooo gallon- a day. which, under pressure, could he increased to :;.;IK).(KKI per day. It i- a little remarkable that, upon the installation of this -ccond engine, the then Village Hoard of Trustees were divided as to uhetlier they -houM throw out the lir-t engine or -ell it for what they could yet. upon the thenrv that this second engine. uiih a 5.000.000 fjalluns capacity, \voiilil In- sufficient for tin- needs of the village for tile next twenty year-. It wa-. however, tinaltv decided to retain the lir-l engine for a time at lea-l. and the wisdom of this decision u as shown by the fact that, in le-- than three year. the -ecoii'l engine wa- found inad- ei|iiale. and from that time until the year iS'i'i. the water rti|iiiri*i| at times taxed the full capacity of both engines. Annexation of South Evanston. A few year- after the in-lallation of tin- second engine, ih.- \ illaye of South Kvau-tou ua- annexed io Kvan-t' ,n. and one month later I March. lXij_>i. ihe consolidated village wa- incorporated a- ih< < 'ity of Kvan-ton. Prior lo the annexalion of the Village of South Kvaii-ton. it had received il- water supply largely from an artesian well: but after the annexation, the water-mains were extended or connected with tile mains of the City of Kvanstnu. and it then became apparent that the capacity of the engines was insufficient to supply the needs of the people, and. there- fore, in iS the City Council "f Kvanston took into consideration the question of the purchase of another engine to meet the in- creased demand. Third Engine Installed in 1897. < ireat diversity of opinion arose in the minds of the Aldermen composing the City Council as to what kind of an engine was best titled for the purpose. The discussion at times was bitter and personal, but it resulted in the purchase, in \X\v type, with a pumping capacity of I_>...ooo gallons per da\ . This last men- tioned engine, up to tins time, has been found fully adequate to supply the needs of the city. The second engine, without any boilers or tilting'-, cost about Si_'.. and the third engine, together with foundation* and such fittings as were ncce--ar\ . co-t about S.V.IXKI. The supplv of water to the-r engines i- procured through two in-take pipe-, the tir-t bcinjr I'' inches in diameter, which was laid on the lied of the lake in 1X75. and winch extends out l.jix> feet from the shore. In iSSi). this in-take pipe licin^ found insuf- ficient, another in-take pipe ,}o inches in diameter was laid mi the bottom of the lake, extending out j.ixx) feet to a -ubmerijed crib, and it is through this latter pipe that all of the \\ater pumped for the Citv of Kvan-toii is received, except in summer time, when much water is ii-ed for the sprinkling of lawn-, and then both pipes are necessary to supply the demand. Much inconvenience has been experienced in the coldest weather of the winter month-, from what i- known as anchor or -lii-h ice. which sink- and accumulate- about the openings of the submerged cribs and clfjs <.U(>SS I'lUNT I.K .ll'l'lli il r-l >].. nihll UiOil nil'l < fi11r:il Sli.-.-l |n.i -i-iiiii|ili r,.| Jtnii .i. i"r.< I ulil , xhil.ic. .1 Sp, LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 183 the flow of water, and many expedients have been resorted to in order to overcome this difficulty, none of which, however, have been entirely successful. With a view to accom- plishing this object, within the past year, connections have been made with the mains of Rogers Park and the City of Chicago, by which, in case of emergency, the valves may be opened and the supply of water, if cut off by anchor ice, may be obtained from the mains of the City of Chicago through Rogers Park. At the present time the ques- tion of a tunnel out under the surface of the lake is being agitated and seriously con- sidered for the purpose of, at all times, securing an adequate supply. At the present time the City of Evanston is also furnishing to the Village of Wil- mette its supply of water. The pressure upon the mains on an aver- age is 40 pounds to the square inch, which can be raised to 80 pounds to the square inch in case of fire. The coal consumed in the year 1901 was 2,000 tons. Income Extent of System. The rev- enue received from water-tax in 1901 was $65,000, which does not include the water permits ; including the water permits, the total receipts of the Water Department for the year 1901 was about $70,000. It, per- haps, would not be advisable to state how much of this $70,000 is clear profit to the city, but it may be sufficient to add that, whilst the water-tax in the city is not higher than that of other cities in fact, is con- siderably less than the water-tax of rnany cities still the Evanston water-works plant, today, is proving an exceedingly profitable investment for the city. The water, for which this $70,000 is paid, is distributed to the citizens of Evanston through sixty-one miles of water-mains. The supply is abundant. No restrictions are placed upon the citizens in regard to lawn sprinkling, and the beautiful trees and lawns of the city bear witness to the fact that the water-plant of Evanston, today, is a decided success. Lighting. Prior to 18T1 a few smoky, flickering oil-lamps were the only guide which an Evanston citizen had at night to aid him in keeping out of the mud and the ditches of the unpaved and unsewered streets ; but it was during this year that the Northwestern Gas-Light & Coke Com- pany erected a small plant and furnished to a very limited number a substitute for the oil-lamps in the form of gas. It was nearly five years after this, however, before gas street-lamps came into anything like gen- eral use. Evanston then, as now, was a city of homes. The people who settled there de- sired large lawns and plenty of room. A comparatively few people covered a large ' area, and to light effectively all the streets with gas involved an expenditure which was out of all proportion to the number of in- habitants who derived the benefit ; and, therefore, it was not until about the year 1890 that an Evanston citizen could boast that his town was well lighted. Indeed, it was not until about the year 1895 that the lighting of the streets of the city could be said to be entirely satisfactory. Evanston Electric Illuminating Com- pany. In the year 1890 the Evanston Electric Illuminating Company built its plant in Evanston, and, within one year after that plant was established, it entered into a contract with the City of Evanston to supply arc-lights of 2,ooo-candle power at the rate of $83.75 eacn P er year, under what was known as the Philadelphia Moon- light Schedule. In the month of July, 1895, the city- entered into a contract with the Evanston Electric Illuminating Company by which it was agreed that the latter should furnish arc-lights of 2,ooo-candle power at a yearly 1 84 WATER SUPPLY LIGHTING SYSTEM cost of $65 per light, which contract pro- vided that, at the end of five years, the illuminating company should have the right to raise the price to $67.50 per light. The five-year contract expired in July, 1900, but in the spring of 1900 the Evan- ston-Yaryan Company applied to the City Council for an ordinance permitting them to establish an electric light and heating plant, and it was represented by the latter company that, by combining the two and furnishing both light and heat to the cit- izens, they would be able to furnish electric light at a greatly reduced price. The ordinance for which the new com- pany petitioned was granted by the Coun- cil, and the Evanston-Yaryan Company at once entered into competition with the Evanston Electric Illuminating Company for the street lighting contract, the result of which was that the City Council were enabled to make and close a contract with the Evanston Electric Illuminating Com- pany, by which the latter agreed to furnish arc -lamps for lighting the streets of Evan- ston at $60 per light of 2,ooo-candle power, for a period of ten years, upon a schedule much more liberal than that known as the Philadelphia Moon-light Schedule. Under this contract the City of Evanston is now paying for 273 lights at an aggregate cost of $16,380.00 per year. Yaryan Light and Heating System. The Evanston-Yaryan Company erected its light and heat plant in the year 1900. It experienced great difficulty in securing per- mits for the extension of its wires, the re- sult being that it was able to furnish elec- tric light only to a comparatively small number of consumers ; but it immediately placed its mains in the central portion of the city for the furnishing of heat by means of hot water, which was pumped through those mains and into the houses from force pumps located in the central plant. In the summer or fall of 1902 it consolidated its electric plant with the Evanston Electric Illumi- nating Company, and, at the present time, the electric lighting of Evanston is again controlled by one corporation. The franchise granted by the City Council of Evanston to the Evanston-Yaryan Com- pany fixed a limit upon the price that it might charge for furnishing heat to con- sumers, and in the summer of 1902 the com- pany complained to the City Council that, under the limit thus fixed, it was unable to furnish heat upon a paying basis; and, in fact, it complained that it was running its plant at a loss. Thereupon, in September, 1902, further concessions were granted to the company by the City Council, under which it is now running its heating plant, and by reason of which it is enabled to secure a higher price for the heat furnished to consumers. There can be no question that the heat thus furnished is ideal and very satisfactory to the consumers ; but the question remains whether the Evanston-Yaryan Company will be enabled to furnish heat to its patrons at a price which they can afford to pay. In other words, the present prices charged arc something in excess of what it would cost the consumer to heat his premises with a plant of his own. However, whilst this plant may be said to be now in an experi- mental state, there can be no question that the furnishing heat from a central plant is coming more largely into favor every year, and it is therefore predicted that the lieat- ing plant erected by the Evanston-Yaryan Company is now, and hereafter will be, a success. It is claimed by this company that it can furnish heat to residents living a mile from its central plant, the hot water being forced out through pipes that are protected from the influence of the cold and returned by other pipes to the central heating plant, HISTORY OF EVAXSTOX 185 where the water is again heated to a high temperature and again forced out through the pipes to the consumers. But whilst the company claims that it can heat buildings a mile from its plant, still it is doubtful whether the heat can be profitably furnished to buildings situated three-quarters of a mile away. It is estimated that the Evanston-Yaryan Company are, at this time, supplying heat to about 250 consumers, and, from the re- ports received, it is fair to assume that but few of those consumers would be willing to go back to the old system of heating, even though the expense of the hot-water heat from the Yaryan plant is somewhat greater than would be the cost of heating their buildings by the old process. In conclusion, it may be said today that, in the matter of water supply and in city lighting, there are few, if any, cities more fortunate than the citv of Evanston. CHAPTER XXII. EDUCATION (By PROF. HENBY L. BOLTWOOD, tote Principal Township High Sthool) The Public Schools of Evanston Day of the Log School House Early Schools and their Teachers Sacrifice of School Land Present School Buildings Toivnsliip High School Preliminary History School Opened in September, 1883 Prof. Boltwood its First Principal Present School Building Manual Train- ing A Mimic Presidential Election Drawing Department List of Trustees. The earliest records of Evanston public schools begin with May 9, 1846. This was about eleven years before the existing school laws of Illinois were framed. In those days the Township Trustees constituted the Board of Education, unless more than one district existed in the township. These trustees were appointed by the County Commissioners. The trustees of Township 41 North, Range 14 East, in 1846, were E. Bennett and O. Munn, Jr., with George M. Huntoon, Secretary and Treasurer. Prior to the above date, a log school- house had been erected, probably by private subscription, on the northwest corner of Ridge Avenue and Greenleaf Street, on a lot which Henry Clark had deeded to the township for school and cemetery purposes. A private or subscription school had been maintained as early as 1844. The first teacher employed was a Mrs. Marshall, who taught at first in a cooper shop on the Ridge road, nearly opposite the residence of the late Ozro Grain. The log school-house occupied in 1846 was probably built in 1845. One of its logs is now in the Central school at South Evanston. It seems to have needed repairs in 1846. Before 1857, public schools in Illinois were not free schools. The public funds derived from the State and from the income of the school lands were not ample enough to maintain school except for a brief time. Teachers kept a schedule of attendance, and all the expenses for fuel, repairs and teachers' wages, were distributed among the parents of the several pupils in propor- tion to the number of days of attendance, regardless of property. The poorest man in the district might be called upon to pay the heaviest tax. This was the case in Connec- ticut as late as 1853. Parents were also required to board the teacher a certain num- ber of days, according to the number of pupils sent from their family. This "board- ing "round" was the rule, and not the ex- ception, in New England in those days, and is occasionally to be found even now. In case of a refusal to board the teacher, the teacher might, after due notice, select a boarding place, and the board-bill could be legally collected of the recusant family. The per diem rates do not appear in the school records, but from tuition bills in the posses- sion of some of the old residents, thev varied 187 1 88 EDUCATION from three-fourths of a cent to six cents, according to the number of pupils or the wages of the teacher. The first teacher employed by the Trus- tees of the Evanston District was Miss Cor- nelia Wheadon, daughter of the well-known "Father \Yheadon." Miss Wheadon now Mrs. C. A. Churcher, is still living (1903) at 2044 Sherman Avenue. She was engaged at a salary of $1.25 per week very fair wages for the time. A motion was made at the board meeting to repair the school- house and to purchase a water-pail and dipper. The repairs were voted down. Pupils who lived along Chicago and Hin- man Avenue, then known as the East Ridge, were sometimes unable to cross to the school-house except in boats or on rafts, on account of the deep water. Ozro Grain shot wild ducks, and occasionally a deer, about where Grain Street crosses Benson Avenue, just south of the present high school building. Before Miss Wheadon, Elmira Burroughs (Mrs. Palmer), and a Mr. T. H. Ballard taught. Miss Wheadon had also taught five weeks before her re- corded engagement, and was allowed six shillings a week for her services. Miss H. W. Barnes succeeded Miss Wheadon. She was married to Sylvester Hill, and continued to teach after marriage. Her wages were two dollars a week. In the winter of 1846 nine cords of wood were required to warm the little one-room school-house. School Funds. In the famous Ordin- ance of 1787, Congress Declared that "schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged," but did not specify how this should be done. But when, in 1818, Congress passed the act enabling the people of Illinois to form a State Constitu- tion, it was provided that Section 16 in every towhiship should be granted to the State for the use of the inhabitants of such township for the support of schools. In case that Section 1 6 had already been disposed of, other lands equivalent thereto, and as contiguous as may be, were to be granted. The State Constitutional Convention ac- cepted this provision. But as Evanston is only a small fraction of the west side of a township whose legal designation is 41 North, Range 14 East, Section 16 is under the lake. To provide for such and similar cases, a law was passed in 1826, allowing townships so situated to select lands elsewhere. Accordingly Evan- ston, then known as Gross Point or Ridge- ville, obtained as school land a tract lying in Section 12, Township 41 North, Range 13 East, a part of Niles Township, containing 153.48 acres. This land lay between Simp- son Street on the south and Grant Street on the north, Dodge Avenue on the east and Hartrey Avenue on the west. Most unwisely, as it now seems, the School Trustees sold this land at the min- imum Government price of $1.25 per acre. One of the purchasers was Wendel Ellis, whose patent to the land was granted De- cember 27, 1847, by Augustus C. French, Governor of Illinois, upon a return made by George Manierre. School Commissioner of Cook County. The money obtained by the sale of this land disappeared when School Treasurer Green defaulted in 1873. To prevent such sales as the above, sev- eral of the younger States have laws that fix a minimum price for school lands, far in ex- cess of the Government rate, and thus secure to the schools a permanent fund f great value. The school lands of Texas will ultimately give the schools of that State a permanent fund of not less than thirty mil- lions. If Chicago had today all the original school lands of its several townships, the income would be almost enough to run its schools. The early records are sadly defective. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVAKSTOX 189 Nothing is recorded for the year 1847. The Trustees in 1848 were O. A. Grain, E. Ben- nett and M. Dunlap. G. M. Huntoon was Treasurer. His bond was fixed at $400. The regular meetings were held at the Ridge House in Gross Point. A special meeting was called to be held "at early candle light." In that year it was voted that a sale of cemetery lots be held on the school premises, but no record of sale ap- pears. In March, 1848, it was voted to divide the township into two school districts, put- ting all of the township north of the south line of Section 19 into District One. Legal notice of a meeting to vote on the proposed change was ordered, but there is no record of any vote upon the question, and the prob- ability is that the matter was dropped with- out a vote. It was not till February, 1852, that the division into districts was legally made. District I comprised the south part of the township, and District 2 extended "from the south line of Eli Gaffield's farm" to the north boundary of the township. So reads the record. But a subsequent vote makes the north District No. I, and makes its south boundary the middle line east and west of Section 19. In a list of by-laws adopted in April, 1860, trustees who were absent without ex- cuse from a regular meeting were to pay a fine of fifty cents, but no record is made of any collection of a fine. Teachers were required to teach twenty-two days each" month. They were also required to use exertions to have the children go to and from school in an orderly manner, and make it a rule that they should not play by the way. or bear tales of any of the transactions in school or during intermission. "Scholars shall be required to come with clean faces and hands under pain of being expelled from school." When District 2 was organized, the school funds were divided upon a property basis, and District I received $25.49, and District 2, $13.50. By vote of the township, February 14, 1856, District 2 was divided, and that part south of the Indian boundary was desig- nated as District 3, but there is no record of its organization, though the organization of Districts I, 2 and 4 are preserved. In 1870 District 3 was annexed again to District 2. The bond of the School Treasurer for 1856 was for $1,000. The first regular school-tax was levied in 1856 fifty cents on each hundred dollars of taxable property. This amount was ex- pected to provide for the running of the schools, and to pay up a deficiency. District 4 was organized in April, 1857. It included "all that part of Evanston" north of the center of the south half of fractional Sections 7 and 12, in Townships 13 and 14. The first teacher of this school was M. E. Budlong. The first recorded school census was in October, 1857. All white children under twenty-one were to be enumerated. C. Thomas took the census, and was allowed six dollars for his services, but no record of the result appears. It seems that the Directors of District 2 bought a school-house lot of George M. Huntoon for $250, and received a deed from him, running to the Directors. Treasurer H. B. Hurd took the necessary legal action to restrain the Directors from paying the sum to Huntoon until the proper deed was made, vesting the title in the School Trus- tees. This result was not secured without a lawsuit. In 1859 District 4 was re-annexed to Dis- trict i. This seems to have been because of the small number of children in the district. There are no records of the trustees be- tween May, 1862, and October, 1868. Samuel Greene was elected Treasurer. 190 EDUCATION In April, 1870, "Section 12, and so much of Section 7 as lies west of the Ridge road and in the town of Evanston," was made a separate district, to be known as District 3. At a subsequent meeting, all of Section 7 was set back to District I. An appraisement of property was made in July following, to determine the allotment of school funds. The valuation of District I was $307,399, and of Section 12, $6,470. Upon petition of residents of New Trier 'and of "lots No. i to 19, both inclusive, in George Smith's sub-division of the south part of the Archange Ouilmette Reserva- tion," Union District No. 3, the North Evanston district was legally constituted, October 3, 1870. District No. 4, the Rogers Park District, was also constituted in October, 1870. There was some difficulty about its boun- daries, but it was finally settled that it should include all of the township lying south of the south boundary of Calvary Cemetery. In April, 1875, Union School District No. 5 was organized. It included the northeast part of Evanston Township, and a part of New Trier Township, or the "Ouilmette Reserve." Samuel Greene, Township Treasurer, de- faulted in 1873. His bondsmen, apparently, paid the amount due from him in 1876, $5,397.10. The first school-house built in District I was a one-story, one-room building, which was erected on the north side of Church Street, just east of Maple Avenue. Another story was added to it later. It was after- wards removed to 1618 Orrington Avenue, and is now occupied as a laundry. It was probably built in 1852. the year of the or- ganization of the district. The upper story was used as a polling place for several years. About 1860 the Benson Avenue school- house was erected, just south of Clark Street. It was twice enlarged ; the last time in 1870. In this same year the lots on which the Hinman Avenue and the Noyes Street schools now stand were purchased, and school-houses were probably built soon after, but all the records of the district prior to 1870 are missing, and some records of later years are incomplete. The original Noyes Street building is still standing on the north side of Gaffield Place, just west of the Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad. The Hinman Avenue frame building was removed in 1881, to make room for a new brick edifice. It was taken to Benson Avenue, near Clark Street, and used as a church by the Second Baptist congregation till destroyed by fire in 1889. In 1879 the three schools had outgrown their accommodations, and there was much discussion as to the proper means to provide more room. The Board of Education recom- mended a consolidation of all the schools on the block then known as the Lakeside property between Sherman and Chicago Avenue, north of Greenwood and south of Lake. The citizens, however, disapproved of this, and a new building was voted, to be placed on the Hinman Avenue lot, and a lot was purchased on Wesley Avenue, on which a large one-story brick building was erected. This was known as the Wesley Avenue School until 1900, when the name of David B. Dewey School was given it in honor of one of Evanston's most efficient citizens, who was for many years a member of the School Board. Both the Hinman Avenue and the Wesley Avenue buildings were con- structed of one story only. The idea was, in this way, to avoid stair-climbing and to lessen danger in case of fire. The present high cost of land in Evanston will be in the way of any more buildings of this sort, but the Wesley Avenue building still has all its eight rooms on the ground floor. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 191 The Benson Avenue building stood on leased ground, directly on the right of way of the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. Its removal became necessary when that road was built in 1892. It was moved in three sections to the south side of Emerson Street, just west of Maple Avenue. The Haven school was then built on Church Street. It was very appropriately named after Dr. O. E. Haven, who was Superintendent of Schools from 1873 to 1882, and afterwards on the Board of Education till his untimely death in 1888. In 1892 the Moves Street School was pro- vided with a new and enlarged building, which has been already outgrown, and a large addition was completed early in 1903. In 1894 the Larimer School was erected on Grain Street, on the very south boundary line of the district. It was named in honor of Joseph Larimer, a valued member of the School Board, and a man whose love for young men, and whose good influence upon them, well merited such a tribute to his memory. The Hinman Avenue School re- ceived a new building in 1898. This gives District I (or 76 in the present county enumeration) five large buildings, contain- ing forty-nine rooms, with a seating ca- pacity of about two thousand. Three addi- tional rooms are also rented on Asbury Avenue, to accommodate the overflow of the D. B. Dewey School. There appears to be no record of the earliest teachers of this district. The names of Echenbracht and Edwards are found among the earlier Principals. P. C. Han- ford, who was murdered in Chicago, was also a Principal. Charles Raymond, who is still living here, was the first to grade the schools and to receive the title of Superin- tendent. He was succeeded in 1873 by Otis E. Haven, son of Bishop Haven of the University of Michigan. Mr. Haven was a born teacher of rare executive ability. He not only brought the schools to a high degree of efficiency, but secured for himself a remarkable personal affection which still remains fresh in the minds of his numerous pupils. He was the first to organize a high school. There was no small opposition to the idea of a high school at first; especially from those who thought that the academy of the Northwestern University, which was al- ready in the field, was fully competent to do the work of such a school. However the school was established in 1876. It had no building, and was quartered in Lyons hall and elsewhere. From the very beginning it had an excellent name for scholarship, and sent its graduates to several of the best colleges. It had many tuition pupils from South Evanston, Rogers Park and else- where. Among its early teachers was Dr. E. J. James, now President of the University of Illinois, from January, 1878. to May, 1889, His successor was J. Scott Clark, now Pro- fessor of English in Northwestern Univer- sity. George S. Baker, now a lawyer in Evan- ston, succeeded Mr. Haven in 1882, and was Superintendent for four years. Mr. Baker is a graduate of Michigan University and came to Evanston from McGregor, Iowa. He resigned his position to take up the study of law, as Mr. Haven did of medicine. During his administration the schools steadily grew and prospered. Homer H. Kingsley. a graduate of Mich- igan University, succeeded Mr. Baker in 1886, and still continues in charge. Mr. Kingsley has been especially successful in thoroughly grading the schools, and in securing excellent buildings. The intro- duction of the kindergarten, of manual training and of domestic science is also due largely to his exertions, seconded and en- couraged by the Woman's Club, and by 192 EDUCATION many citizens. His work is widely known throughout the State, and the schools of Evanston attract many visitors from abroad and are most cordially supported by the tax-payers. This district was one of the first to give women a place on the School Board, and Mrs. Louise P. Stanwood was the first woman to serve on the Board. The value of the grounds and buildings now owned by the district is about $250,- ooo, and its bonded debt about $70,000. These bonds, at 4 and 4'/2 per cent, com- mand a premium. The finances of the dis- trict have been very ably managed by our prominent business men. A. X. Young, Simeon Farwell, F. P. Crandon, and H. H. C. Miller may be mentioned as having done much in regard to the finances. Evanston was among the first to incor- porate the kindergarten in its school system. The first kindergarten was established in 1892. There are now four, and the experi- ment has proved very satisfactory. Manual training was introduced in the form of shop-work as early as 1897, but a new impulse was given to it in 1901. Mrs. Alfred H. Gross and her brother, Irwin Rew, are the generous donors of funds to equip a Manual Training and a Domestic Science Department. Mrs. Gross offered an unlimited sum for the equipment of a Domestic Science school, only stipulating that it should be the finest in the country and the best that money could furnish. The Board furnished the building in which the two new departments are housed. Mr. Rew offered $500 to equip the man- ual training room, and both Mrs. Gross and Mr. Rew offered $1,000 toward the salary of the requisite teachers, if the buildings were provided for by the Board. The equipment of the Domestic Science department cost over $1,700. Mr. Rew's first gift to equip the Manual Training De- partment was $500. He subsequently gave a dozen lathes, of the latest and most im- proved pattern, at a cost of about $400. The building cost $8,000. Classes of twenty-four are taught at the same time. About two hundred boys and the same num- ber of girls receive instruction weekly. The cost of the material used and all incidental expenses are paid by the regular appropria- tions of the Board. The tenure of office among Evanston teachers is worthy of notice. Miss Nannie M. Hines and Miss Celia Sargent have completed their thirtieth year of service, and many others are nearing twenty years of continuous work. District Two (South Evanston). The modern history of District Two begins in 1871, in which year a four-room brick building was erected on the present site of the Central School, on Main Street. The cost was $18,000. This building was great- ly enlarged in 1890, at a cost of $10,000. In 1893, while the school was in session, fire broke out and entirely destroyed the building. By heroic efforts on the part of the teachers, no lives were lost, though sev- eral persons were injured. In 1901 a memorial fountain was erected to commem- orate the names of the teachers who were most active in the rescue work. A new building was at once erected on the same site, at a cost of $47,000. While this was under construction, the schools were accommodated in rented rooms. The eighth grade pupils occupied part of the high school building till the end of the school year. In 1886 a four-room building was erected on the east side of the railroad, on Main Street near Forest Avenue. This was soon outgrown, and the present Lincoln school- house was erected in 1895, at a cost of $47,- ooo. In 1900 another building, known as the HISTORY OF EVANSTON 193 Washington School, was built on the west side, on the northwest corner of Ashland Avenue and Main Street, at a cost of $35,- ooo. It may safely be said that all these build- ings are unsurpassed in their adaptation to school work and in the completeness of their equipment. The lighting, heating and ornamentation can hardly be improved. They attract many visitors who are seeking for models and suggestions. Township High School. In the winter of 1883, the attention of the citizens of Evanston village was called to the fact that additional school accommoda- tions were needed for all the schools, and especially for the High School, which had been maintained for several years with- out any regular home. It had been moved about from hall to hall, and was greatly hindered in its work by its cramped and uncomfortable quarters, in rooms which were in no way suited to school uses. The rapid growth of the village had filled all the school buildings to overflowing. As the villages of Evanston and of South Evan- ston were in close proximity, and as all of the population of the township was dis- tributed along the line of a single railroad, the idea of a Township High School was received with favor from its first mention. After considerable discussion in private circles and in the local papers, a public meeting was announced to be held in Lyons' hall, on the evening of February II, 1882. The call for the meeting was headed by John L. Beveridge, L. C. Pitner and H. A. Pearsons. The meeting was held according to an- nouncement. Henry L. Boutelle presided. After free discussion, a committee was ap- pointed consisting of John H. Kedzie, George O. Ide, William Blanchard, Oliver Adams and Harvey B. Hurd, who were in- structed to prepare a report to be pre- sented at an adjourned meeting to be held February i8th. This committee re- ported at the adjourned meeting, presenting the facts and figures which, in their judg- ment, favored the establishment of the pro- posed school. After considerable discus- sion, the following resolution was unani- mously adopted: "Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that a Township High School be established at an early date, and that a com- mittee of seven be appointed by the chair, the duty of said committee being to interest the citizens of the town in the matter, and especially in those districts in which there has been thus far least interest in the mat- ter." These districts were, naturally, North Evanston and Rogers Park, which were farthest from the center of the township. South Evanston had been sending many pupils to the village high school from its first organization, upon payment of tuition. The committee appointed in accordance with the foregoing resolution was composed of W. H. Crocker, Oliver Adams, Alex- ander H. Gunn, A. G. Bell, F. P. Crandon, Norton W. Boomer, and George O. Ide. The report of the committee appointed on the nth of February and the proceed- ings of the meeting held on the i8th of that month were published in the "Index" of the week following the i8th. On the Qth of March, a petition, headed by Hugh A. White and H. B. Hurd, and signed by eighty-seven other legal voters, was filed with the Township Treasurer, Ambrose Foster, requesting that the ques- tion of the establishment of a Township High School be submitted to the legal voters of the township at the next election of School Trustees. This election resulted in a vote of 611 in favor of the school to 147 against it. William Blanchard was elected School Trustee. Thomas A. Cos- 194 EDUCATION grove resigned from the Board of Trustees and Norton W. Boomer was elected in his place. Mr. Cosgrove's resignation was because both Mr. Blanchard and himself were residents of the same school district, contrary to law. On the loth of July, 1882, a notice was issued calling an election to be held on the 22d of the same month, to vote upon two propositions : First. To authorize the Trustees of the township to purchase a site for building and to erect a suitable building upon it. Second. To authorize them to borrow not exceeding $40,000, for the purchase of a site and the erection of a building, and to issue bonds for the amount actually bor- rowed. The question of a site, of course, was of great interest, and several sites were pro- posed. Charles Raymond, once Principal of the schools in District I, advocated the selection of the public park ; but it was found that this property was not available except for park purposes. Others advo- cated the block then known as the Lakeside Block, between Chicago and Sherman Avenues, north' of Greenwood Boulevard, then occupied by a building which had been used for a private school. The site pro- posed in the election call was the corner of Benson Avenue and Dempster Street, front- ing west 250 feet on Benson Avenue, and measuring 200 feet on Dempster Street. At the election held in accordance with the above call, 176 votes were cast in favor of this site, and two against it. Only one vote was cast against issuing the bonds. The purchase price of the site selected was $4,000, or $16 per front foot. The ground was very low, and $2,200 was ex- pended in filling. The building of sewers has since entirely changed the conditions. The bonds issued bore 5 per cent interest, payable semi-annually, and were all taken bv the Hide and Leather Bank of Chicago, at par. The plan selected for the building was furnished by W. \V. Boynton, a Chi- cago architect. The contract price of the structure was $32,500. The . furniture, library, and apparatus cost about $2,500. The mason work was done by Charles T. Bartlett of Evanston, and the woodwork by A. H. Avers of Chicago. McDougal Broth- ers, of Evanston, did the plumbing, and J. B. Hobbs, of Evanston, took the contract for painting. Ground was broken for the building October 18, 1882, but owing to the severity of the weather, little was done until the spring of the following year. The work was completed and the building form- ally dedicated August 31, 1883. At the dedicatory exercises prayer was offered by Rev. F. S. Jewell. Addresses were made by Dr. O. E. Haven, former Superintendent of the village schools ; by Albert .G. Lane, County Superintendent of Schools; Rev. Dr. Cummings, President of the Northwestern University, and others. William Blanchard, President of the Town- ship Trustees of Schools, presented the keys of the building to the Principal-elect, and Prof. R. H. Cumnock, of the School of Oratory, gave selected readings. The Board of Trustees, at the date of the opening of the school, were William Blanchard, S. Goodenow and S. D. Childs. Mr. Childs was chosen at a special election called to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Norton W. Boomer, who did not live to see the completion of an enterprise in which he had taken great interest. The school was opened September 3, 1883. The following teachers were em- ployed : Principal, Henry L. Boltwood, A. M. (Amherst.) Science, Lyndon Evans, A. B. (Knox.) Mathematics. Eva S. Edwards (Oswego Normal School.) LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 195 Latin and English, Mary L. Barrie. German and History, Ellen L. White. Music, O. H. Merwin. Mr. Boltwood, who came to Illinois from Massachusetts in 1865, is widely known as the father of the Township High School in Illinois. In 1867 he organized in Prince- ton, Bureau County, the first school of this kind. Its success was an important factor in procuring the passage of the present State law pertaining to high schools. The Princeton school was organized under a special act. After teaching eleven years in Princeton, he organized another township high school at Ottawa, LaSalle County. Mr. Evans came from the High School in LaSalle. Miss Edwards and Miss White had been teaching for two years in the High School of Evanston. Miss Barrie came with Mr. Boltwood from Ottawa. On the morning of December 20 the first very cold day of the winter the build- ing was found to be on fire. A register had been carelessly placed directly upon woodwork, only a few feet above a fur- nace. The school session was just com- mencing when the fire was discovered. The pupils behaved admirably. When it was ap- parent that the fire could not be controlled, they quietly removed their books, and as- sisted in carrying the library and apparatus to neighboring houses. Only one piece of apparatus, of trifling value, was injured. The fire department worked admirably, but it was very difficult to reach the fire. Aid was summoned from Chicago, and after three hours of hard work the flames were extinguished. The greater part of the build- ing was uninjured except by water and smoke. The loss was about $4,000, fully covered by insurance. By extra hard work the building was reopened for school in a little more than two weeks, although with many unfavorable conditions. An even one hundred pupils were enrolled at the outset. Among them were several who had grad- uated in former years, but who wished to carry their studies farther with improved conditions. The general course of study was lengthened from three years to four. In consequence there was no regular class to graduate at the end of the year. Five pupils graduated, however, of whom all but one had been in the school four years. The total enrollment for the year reached one hundred and forty-three. Drawing had not been taught in the vil- lage high school, nor in the graded schools, but Miss Edwards was kind enough to take up this subject, and the high quality of the drawing work of the school from the first has been largely due to her energy and perseverance. O. H. Merwin had charge of the music, but the interest in this subject has never been very great, and it was re- tained in the course only three years. While it was retained, the pupils furnished the music for the graduating exercises. Prize Speaking. In the spring of 1884 a prize-speaking contest was held, open to pupils of the third year. An admis- sion fee was charged and the prizes were paid out of the receipts. Any surplus was expended for the school, especially for the benefit of the Athletic Association. After a few years the prizes were given bv two of our citizens, and the proceeds were applied to the class fund of the Junior Class. It soon became a custom for the Junior Class to give a reception to the Seniors on the occasion of graduation. This reception is generally held in the school building. The enrollment of 1883-84 reached one hundred and fifty-five. The drawing work was increased. Typewriting was introduced as a voluntary study in connection with bookkeeping, and a class in shorthand was conducted outside of school hours. Forty different pupils took up typewriting, some of whom became reasonably expert. 196 EDUCATION Mr. Evans, having been elected Superin- tendent of the South Evanston schools, re- signed at the end of the first year, and was succeeded by William Harkins, A.M., as teacher of Science and English. Near the close of this year an industrial exhibit was given by the school, to which the pupils were requested to bring some- thing of their own handiwork, not neces- sarily anything connected with school work. Most of them complied, and a very inter- esting display was made. Besides drawing, writing in English and German, typewrit- ing, shorthand and map-drawing, which might be considered as school work, there were exhibited scroll sawing, wood carv- ing, pieces of philosophical apparatus, bread, butter, confectionery, a great variety of needlework, and various collections of plants, insects and postage stamps. A large number of visitors inspected the exhibit. A class of twelve graduated this year. One hundred and sixty pupils were en- rolled in the fall of 1885, and the total en- rollment of the year was one hundred and seventy-one. This necessitated more teach- ing force, and Miss Jane H. White was added to the corps. Mr. Harkins was suc- ceeded as teacher of Science by Benjamin B. James, now (1903) Superintendent of Schools in West Superior, Wis. The increased number of pupils required a remodeling of the assembly room, which had been arranged on the original plan for only one hundred and forty-four pupils. By doubling the number of desks in part of the room one hundred and eighty were accom- modated. In 1885 the school competed for the first time in the State Fair Exhibit, send- ing five sets of examination papers. Three of these took first prizes of $5 each. In 1886 ten sets of papers were sent, which took eight first prizes and two seconds, besides the two "sweep-stake" prizes for the best six and the best ten sets. For seven successive years the school carried off the highest honors, and received, in cash, $424, which was expended in pictures, casts and books for the library. At the end of this time the former system of awarding prizes was changed, and the school has not com- peted since. The industrial exhibit of 1886 surpassed that of the former year, both in quantity and quality. The drawing and clay modeling attracted no little attention. A class of four- teen graduated this year. Mr. James was succeeded at the close of the year by Lorenzo N. Johnson, A. B., of the Wesleyan University of Middletown, Conn. Mr. Johnson remained five years and did splendid work. He took great in- terest in school athletics, which, under his general charge, were very successful. He resigned in 1891 to accept a position as In- structor in Botany at Ann Arbor Universi- ty, Mich., where he remained until his la- mented death in 1897. From the first, the school took special interest in athletics. For several years in succession Evanston won the pennant in the Cook County Baseball League. It has also won high honors in indoor baseball. In football it has not been able to compete very favorably with the larger schools. The loss of Crain field, near the schoolhouse, was a great drawback to good practice. The names of Frederick W. Poole, John H. Kedzie, Irving McDowell, Richard Carr, Arthur Sickels and Frederick Lanphesr, not to mention many others, will long be remembered in the school. Without following further in detail the history of the school it may briefly be said that the growth was very regular for sev- eral consecutive years, the increase averag- ing about thirty a year, and requiring an additional teacher each year. The annexing HISTORY OF EVANSTON 197 of Rogers Park to Chicago, in 1893, pre- vented the usual increase in that year. While no effort has been made to secure pupils from abroad a considerable number have attended, chiefly from the towns on the north. New Trier Township in which are located Wilmette, Winnetka, Kenil- worth and Glencoe was a regular contrib- utor to the attendance until it established a Township High School of its own. In the first semester of 1900-01 all the High School pupils of that township, seventy-seven in number, attended the Evanston school, while their own building was in process of erection. Their tuition, amounting to $1,525, was paid by New Trier Township. The total enrollment of the school in twenty years is almost exactly 2,900. Com- paring this number with the number of graduates, 549, and not counting the 420 enrolled this year (1903), it will be seen that about 22 per cent of all that enter the school complete the course. Nineteen classes have graduated, con- taining in all 549 pupils. Of these about forty per cent have gone to colleges, or higher institutions, besides many who have entered college without completing the High School course, or who have com- pleted their preparation elsewhere. Of these graduates 205 or about 37 per cent were boys ; a much larger proportion than is usually found among the graduates of high schools. In one class the boys out- numbered the girls, and in another they were equal in number. Graduates or under-graduates have en- tered the following colleges and profes- sional schools, though the list is undoubt- edly incomplete: Amherst, Boston Univer- sity, Bowdoin, Dartmouth, Harvard, Wil- liams, Yale, Massachusetts School of Tech- nology, Holyoke, Smith, Wellesley, Vassar, Bryn Mawr, Wells, Baltimore Female Col- lege, Cornell, Princeton, Syracuse, Annapo- lis, West Point. Lehigh University of Mich- igan, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, Wesleyan University of Bloomington, Northwestern University, Lake Forest University, University of Cali- fornia. Berkeley, Colorado, Denver, Beloit, Rockford, Oberlin. Lewis Institute, Ar- mour Institute, School of Mines at Golden, School of Mines at Rolla, School of Mines at Houghton, Art Institute at Chicago, Cumnock School of Oratory, besides sever- al law and medical schools. Many have taken high honors, and several are profes- sors or instructors in various colleges. The original school building was planned to satisfy the needs of the Evanston of 1883 rather than with any view to the future. Evanston then had a population of about 8,000. Before four years had passed, the original assembly room was too small to accommodate the pupils, and a remodeling of the building was necessary. The growth continued, and in 1889 a large wing on the south side, containing ten recitation rooms, was added to the building at a cost of $22.- ooo. This, in turn, proved too small, and in 1899 a new front and a north wing were added. This involved a virtual reconstruc- tion of the whole building, and the prob- lem of fitting the new to the old \vas much more difficult of solution than the building of an entirely new structure. Mr. Charles R. Ayers, however, proved equal to the occasion, and the present building is both attractive in appearance and convenient for work. The cost of the improvement was about $90,000. The north wing contains the Biological, the Physical and the Chemical laboratories, and a lecture room which is used in com- mon by the different teachers. The Manual Training Department occupies the north basement. On the second floor of this wing are the rooms assigned to the Drawing Department. There are three study-rooms, 198 EDUCATION one for the Senior class, one occupied by the second and third year pupils, and one (the original assembly room) allotted to the entering class. The pupils generally study- in these rooms when not in recitation. The building contains thirty-six rooms above the basement, and is intended to ac- commodate at least six hundred pupils. The present enrollment (1903) is 420. One of the rooms is designated as the Infirmary, and is equipped as an emergency hospital. Two large recitation rooms, thrown to- gether, are used as a sort of gymnasium. There is not room enough on the premises for a regular gymnasium. The proximity to two railroads is the greatest defect in the location. Twenty teachers are now em- ployed besides an office clerk. Manual Training. In 188(i the Board purchased tools for woodwork, enough to equip a class of twelve, and Mr. T. E. Skin- ner, a carpenter and contractor, gave in- struction outside of school hours to classes. Each pupil paid a fee of twenty-five cents a week for instruction. Twenty took in- struction at first. They constructed their own benches and tool chests, and made easels enough to furnish the drawing de- partment, but there was no regular course pursued. The hours after school were not favorable to work. In winter it became dark too early and in the milder weather it in- terfered with school athletics. Manual training was therefore dropped for some years. When the enlarged and remodeled build- ing was planned two large rooms in the basement were set aside for mechanical training. Improved benches and new tools were provided. A three horse-power dyna- mo was furnished, which takes the requisite current from the city electric plant. Four wood lathes were provided. Mr. Clarence M. Thome took charge of the work. A reg- ular course was laid out, in connection witli mechanical drawing. The work was done in school hours, and received credit like any other study requiring equal time. Mr. Ward W. Pearson took charge of the work in 1901 and is still in charge of it. This year two lathes, a circular saw, a band-saw, a drill and a forge have been added to the plant, which altogether cost about $1,500. As a rule, the pupils have taken interest in their work. Conditions of room prevent any other than woodwork and a course longer than two years. Citizenship. On the day of the Pres- idential election the school has twice had a lesson in practical citizenship by going through the form of holding an election. Judges are appointed ; voters are registered in regular poll-books by clerks ; votes are challenged ; regulation polling-booths are erected, and the specimen ballots sent out by the county officials are used instead of the official ones. Careful instruction is given in regard to the marking of the bal- lot. These elections have excited no little interest. Drawing Department. Twenty years ago except in Massachusetts few schools outside the larger cities included drawing, or any kind of manual training, in their regular courses of study. At the opening of the Evanston Township High School, the Principal said, "We must make^a begin- ning, no matter how small it is," and the beginning was made. The pupils enrolled in that first drawing- class, almost without exception, had never had any previous instruction in that study. However, their interest and faithfulness gave promise of success to the experiment, and the results justified it. From the first the aim was to be practical. The allotted time was forty-five minutes daily, on alter- nate days, for two years. The work was planned to open to the -pupil as many ave- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 199 nues as possible, leaving him to choose and specialize later. Form-drawing and design from given units were the basis of the first year's work ; representation and construction followed as the pupils gained confidence and power. "Correlation" was an important feature; the drawing department supplemented the work in science and history. Under the su- perintendence of the drawing teacher, charts and sketches in zoology and botany were prepared. Clay modeling was introduced in 1885. In those days the drawing and mathematics were taught in the same room, and the pu- pil who went to the board to demonstrate a problem in Algebra and Geometry thread- ed his way cautiously around and among easels, tables, drawing boards and all the other "needfuls" that were slowly but sure- ly accumulating. Increasing numbers and lack of space made it necessary .to omit the modeling until 1889, when it was again taken up under much more favorable con- ditions ; not as before, as a supplement to drawing, but as an independent study, taken daily for a full year. In 1887 Historic Art was introduced. The introduction of drawing in the public schools relieved our course of some of the elementary work which before had been nec- essary. No feature of the course has proved more satisfactory, and no other has brought, in after years, more emphatic testimonials as to "value received." The pupils receive lectures which they themselves illustrate with their own drawings, and also insert in their note books whatever comes to hand from magazine and other illustrations. The Egyptian, the Assyrian, the Greek, the Ro- man and the Gothic are all treated. This department has nearly a hundred books of its own, more than two hundred large charts of mounted magazine clippings and illustrations, several hundred mounted prints and photographs, besides the use of the pictures and charts belonging in other departments and about a hundred and fifty lantern slides. In 1899 clay modeling, under the efficient supervision of Miss Maud I. Moore, a graduate of the school, and later of the Chicago Art Institute, assumed new life and interest. It is a third-year study, and is open to none who have not done excellent work in art. In 1900 the introduction of Manual Training as a part of the school curriculum made it necessary to increase the work in mechanical drawing; consequently, in ad- dition to the regular free-hand drawing, those who elect can have a two years' course in mechanical. Twice the department has outgrown its quarters. It now has commodious rooms, well equipped with store-rooms and cases, in which to house its. material. Modern and improved adjustable" tables are provided for the mechanical and charcoal drawing; another room is devoted to historical art and design, and still another to the clay modeling. The school has, from time to time, sent its work to competitive exhibits, and al- though compelled to compete with schools that carry drawing through a full four years' course, has won honors and received honorable mention. A fair proportion of our pupils have gone to art schools, and are now professional teachers, illustrators, designers, architects, draftsmen and civil engineers, while others, in different professions, testify that their High School work in art has been of great service. It is due to the people of Evanston to say that the drawing department has always had their hearty support. They may justly congratulate themselves that they were among the first, and not the last, to recog- 200 EDUCATION nize its value and give it an honorable place. It is simply an act of justice to say that Miss Eva S. Edwards, who has had full charge of the work from the beginning and developed it from feeble infancy to full ma- turity, is entitled to the highest credit for its present and past success. Few teachers have been privileged to witness such a hap- py growth, or have worked more patiently and unsparingly for its realization. List of Trustees. The following were the Trustees of the school under the school law of 1870: William Blanchard, President (1882- 1890) ; S. D. Childs, deceased (1882-1884) ; S. B. Goodenow (1882-1890); Henry J. Wallingford (vice Childs), (1884-1890'). By the law of 1889 the High School passed, in April, 1890, under control of a Board of Education, consisting of five mem- bers. The Board then chosen was as fol- lows: Chas. B. Congdon, President (1890- 1897) ; John W. Bynam (1890-1891) ; Ed- ward D. Coxe (Rogers Park), (1890- 1893); Thomas Bates (1890-1900); How- ard G. Grey (1890-1902). Mr. Coxe resigned in 1893 in conse- quence of the annexation of Rogers Park to the City of Chicago. The following have served since: L. H. Bushnell (1891-1000) ; David S. McMullen (1894-1901). The present board consists of the follow- ing: William S. Lord, President, appointed 1897 ; Conrad H. Poppenhusen, appointed 1900; Harold Dyrenforth, appointed 1001 ; Dorr A. Kimball, appointed 1901 ; George P. Merrick, appointed 1902. Winsor Chase is Secretary. (Prof. Henry L. Boltwood, who prepared the preceding chapter, died January 23, 1906, terminating a career of over fifty years in connection with the cause of edu- cation, of which over forty years were spent in the State of Illinois and more than twenty -two years as Principal of the Evan- ston Township High School.) LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CHAPTER XXIII. EVAXSTOX AUTHORS (By J. SEYMOUR CURKKV. President Evanston Historical Society) Establishment of Northwestern University Marks the Beginning of Evanston Liter- ary Life Effect of the Gathering of Professors, Instructors and Students Growth of Literary Activity Edward Egglcston and Frances E. Willard Begin their Careers Here Miss IVillard's "A Classic Town" Miss Simpson's Cata- logue of Evanston Authors in /poo Growth of Nine Years Alphabetical List of Authors with Bibliography and Biographical Records. The literary life of Evanston began with the establishment of the Northwestern Uni- versity in 1855, and has flourished and kept pace with the intellectual development of the people. Naturally the location of an institution of learning attracted a large number of dwellers here who were in sym- pathy with the University and its work, or who were connected with it as professors, instructors or students. This created an at- mosphere that was favorable to the growth of every form of literary activity, and the book publishers, as well as those of journals and periodicals, soon became familiar with the names of Evanston people as authors and contributors. Various weekly and monthly publications have been established here and have enjoyed prosperous careers. It was in Evanston that Edward Eggles- ton lived when he began to write his re- markable series of books, beginning as a writer of fiction and afterwards becoming a historian of great reputation. It was here that Frances Willard began her liter-" ary work. and. possessing wonderful tal- ents, attracted the attention of the world to her work in the Woman's Christian Tem- perance Union. There were others who were writers of wide reputation before coin- ing here, but who continued their literary work in this favorable environment. Many societies of a literary character have en- joyed successful careers, and their records are a valuable possession of the conir.mnity. The first account of the literary history of Evanston is embodied in Frances Wil- lard's history, entitled "A Classic Town," published in 1891, in which she says: "The amount of scholarly ink which has been put to paper by Evanston pens will com- pare favorably with that of any other com- munity of its size and age in the world." "The literary atmosphere," she says, "is the highest charm of Evanston :" and adds, "lit- erary people, be they great or small, hover by instinct around a center of books and thought and character." At a meeting of the Young Woman's Missionary Society of the First M. E. Church, in 1900. one of the features was the sale of a "Catalogue of Evanston Au- thors" for the benefit of the society. The catalogue was in pamphlet form and was 201 202 EVANSTON AUTHORS compiled by Miss Frances Simpson, who, with the help of the staff of the Evanston Public Library, prepared a list of 214 authors, with the titles of their books or contributions to the press in one form or another. In Miss Willard's book, published nine years before, she had given the names of sixty-four authors and journalists. Thus it would appear that there had been a large increase in the number at the time that Miss Simpson's list was prepared. This was pre- dicted by Miss \Yillard who said in 1891, "It is safe to predict that the coming thirty- five years will show ten times as much work of this kind as the past thirty-five can show." The authors whose names and works are given below are those who do now, or, at some period of their lives, liave resided in Evanston, and who have published their works in book form. The list does not in- clude journalists, contributors to periodi- cals, or writers of pamphlets. The attempt has been made to make the list fairly com- plete, but omissions are likely to be found. The reader's indulgence is asked for any shortcomings of this kind. The people of Evanston take a just pride in the work of their writers, denoting, as it does, the intellectual status and culture of the community; and they will, no doubt, be surprised and gratified at the record here shown. IIIIILIOGRAPHY PERSONAL SKETCHES. Isaac Emens Adams. Born at Mend- ham, X. J., October 29, 1857 ; graduated at Northwestern University ; received degree of A. M. from same institution in 1882 ; on staff of "Chicago Times" for several years ; and afterwards practiced law. Author: "Life of Emory A. Storrs" (1886). A. T. Andreas: "History of Cook Coun- ty, Illinois, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time" (1884); "History of Chi- cago from the Earliest Period to the Present Time" (3 v., 1884-86). Mrs. Rena Michaels Atchison: "Un- American Immigration : Its Present Effects and Future Perils: A Study from the Cen- sus of 1890" (1894). Charles Beach Atwell. Born at Theresa, X. Y., April ii, 1855; educated in Water- town (X. Y.) High School and Syracuse University ; Professor of Botany in Xorth- western University since 1894. Author: "The Alumni Record of the Northwestern University" (1903). M. Helen Beckwith': "In Mythland." (2 v., 1896) ; "Storyland with the Scissors" (1899). Katharine Beebe: "First School Year for Primary Workers" (1895); "Home Occupations for Little Children" (1896); "School Room Plays" ( 1898) ; "Story of Longfellow" (1899); "Story of George Rogers Clark" (1900). Charles Wesley Bennett. Born at East Bethany, N. Y., July 18, 1828; educated at Wesleyan (Conn.) University; Profes- sor of History at Syracuse (X. Y.)L L T ni- versity, 1871-85; Professor of Historical Theology in Garrett Biblical Institute. 1885-91 ; died at Evanston, April 17, 1891. Author: "Christian Archeology" (1888). Henry Leonidas Boltwood. Born at Amherst, Mass. Jan. 17, 1831; died at Evanston, Jan. 23, 1906; was grad- uated at Amherst College; in 1864 entered the service of the U. S. Sanitary Commis- sion ; was principal of the High School at Princeton, 111., from 1867 to 1878; and oc- cupied a similar position at Ottawa, 111., for the succeeding five years : in 1883, came to Evanston where he became Principal of the High School and remained in this posi- tion up to the time of his death. Author: "English Grammar and How to Teach It." (1871 ) : "Topical Outlines of HISTORY OF EVAXSTOX 203 General History" ( 1889) ; "Higher Spell- er" (1893). Lewis Henry Boutell. Born in Boston, Mass., July 21, 1826; died at Washington, D. C, January 16, 1899; was graduated from Brown University in 1844 and from Harvard Law School in 1847; on Jan. I, 1848, was admitted to the bar in Boston; came West in 1863 and. in 1865. began the practice of law in Chicago. In 1893 he left the law practice for literary pursuits. Author: "Alexander Hamilton, the Con- structive Statesman" (1890); "Thomas Jefferson, the Man of Letters" ( 1891 ) ; "Life of Roger Sherman" (1896). Frank Milton Bristol. Methodist Epis- copal clergyman, born in Orleans County, N. Y., January 4, 1851; graduated from Northwestern University, Ph. B., 1877, (A. M., D.D.) ; was pastor of leading churches in Chicago; now pastor Metro- politan Methodist Episcopal Church. Wash- ington. D. C. Author: "Providential Epochs"; "The Ministry of Art" (1897); "Shakespeare and America" (1898). Solon Gary Bronson. Born at West Union, Iowa, July 26, 1855 ; graduated at Upper Iowa University. Fayette, Iowa; be- came a professor in the Cornelia Miller de- partment of Practical Theology, of the Gar- rett Biblical Institute, in 1896; has received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from two institutions, viz. : Garrett Biblical Institute. 1894, and Cornell College, Iowa, 1903. Author: "Delusions: A Volume of Ad- dresses" (1895). Walter Lee Brown. Born at Melrose. Mass.. August 24. 1853, graduated at Xorthwestern University and Columbia College School of Mines : died at Evans- ton. April 6, 1904. Author: "Manual of Assaying Gold, Sil- ver, Copper and Lead Ores" (Ed. 6. 1896). William Caldwell. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Xovember 10, 1863 ; educated in Edinburgh; graduated from Edinburgh University (M. A.) in 1884; post-graduate student in Germany, Paris, and Cambridge (England), 1887-91, inclusive; received de- gree of Doctor in Mental and Moral Sci- ence, Edinburgh ; obtained high honors at Edinburgh ; called to Sage School of Phil- osophy, Cornell University, X. Y., 1891 ; to University of Chicago, 1892; to Xorth- western University, 1894, where he has been Professor of Moral and Social Philosophy. Author: "Schopenhauer's System in its Philosophical Significance" (1893). Henry Smith Carhart. Born, Coeymans, X. Y., March 27. 1844: graduated from Wesleyan University, Middletown. Conn., in 1869 : later studied at Yale, Harvard and Berlin; Professor of Physics and Chem- istry at Xorthwestern University, 1872-86: President of Board of Judges, Department of Electricity, Columbian Exposition, 1893; member of Electrical Societies ; Professor of Physics, University of Michigan since 1886. Author: "Primary Batteries" (1891); 'Elements of Physics" (with H. N. Chute) (1892); "University Physics" (1894-6); "Electrical Measurements" (1895). George Chainey. Unitarian minister, born in England in 1851 ; educated in Evan- ston and Boston ; pastor Unitarian Church. Evansville, Indiana. 1877-80; engaged in work on Biblical Interpretation. Author. "Foundation Stones." a Series of Unitarian Sermons (1879) ; "The Xew Version: Discourses on the Bible in Boston" (1882) ; "She: An Allegory of the Church" (1889); "Jeanne D'Arc, the Flower of France" (1888); "The Ten Command- ments" (1900); "Book of Ruth: An Idyl of Friendship between the Heavens and the Earth" (1901); "Unsealed Bible"; v. I, Genesis (1902). J. Scott Clark. Born in Copenhagen, X. Y., September 23, 1854 ; graduated from 20 4 EVANSTON AUTHORS Syracuse University in 1877 ; Principal of Evanston High School, 1879-82; Professor of Rhetoric and English Criticism, Syracuse University, 1882-92; Professor of English Language, Northwestern University, since 1892. Author: "Practical Rhetoric" (1886); "Briefer Practical Rhetoric" (1892); "Study of English Prose Writers" (1898) ; "Study of English and American Poets" (1900). Samuel Travers Clover. Born in Lon- don, England, August 13, 1859; educated there; began newspaper career in 1880, making trip around the world ; worked on newspapers in Dakota five years ; staff cor- respondent of "Chicago Herald ;" Manag- ing editor of "Chicago Evening Post," from 1894 to 1901 ; "Los Angeles (Cal.) Evening N'ews," 1905. Author: "Paul Travers' Adventures" ( 1897) ; "Glimpses Across the Sea" (1900) ; "Rose Reef to Buluwayo" (1896) ; "Poets and Poetry of Dakota" (1898); "Zephyrs from Dakota" (1898). George Albert Coe. Born Monroe Coun- ty, N. Y., March 26, 1862 ; graduated from University of Rochester ; Ph. D., Boston University, 1891 ; John Evans Professor of Philosophy, Northwestern University since 1893. Author: "The Spiritual Life: Studies in the Science of Religion" (1900) ; "The Religion of a Mature Mind" (1902). Lyman Edgar Cooley, Born Canan- daigua, N. Y., December 5, 1850: graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, C.E., 1874; Professor in Northwestern Univer- sity, 1874-77 : Associate Editor "Engineer- ing Xews," 1876-78 ; Assistant Engineer of railroad bridge over the Missouri River, Glasgow, Missouri, 1878; Assistant United States Engineer on Mississippi and Miss- ouri River improvements. 1878-84; Editor "American Engineer," 1884: Consulting Engineer for Chicago Sanitary District (Drainage Canal). Member of the Inter- national Deep Waterways Committee, 1895- 96. Author: 'The Lakes and Gulf Water- way." Edwin C. Crawford. Born at Fostoria, Ohio, April 10. 1845 ; educated at High School, Ft. Wayne, Intl., and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1874. Author : "Civil Government of Illinois and the United States" ; Special Chapters On Chicago and Cook County (1890). Henry Crew. Born Richmond. Ohio, June 4, 1859; graduated from Princeton College, B. A., 1882 ; Fellow at Princeton, 1882-84 : Fellow Johns Hopkins, 1884-87, Ph.D., 1887; Instructor in Physics, Har- vard College, 1888-91 ; Astronomer Lick- Observatory, 1891-92; Assistant Editor "Astrophysical Journal" : Professor of Physics, Northwestern University, since 1892. Author: "Elements of Physics," for Use in High Schools (1899) > "Laboratory Manual of Physics," for Use in High Schools (with R. R. Tatnall) (1902); Editor: "Wave Theory of Light"; "Mem- oirs of Huygens, Young and Fresnel" (1900). Robert McLean Cumnock. Born in Ayr, Scotland, May 31, 1844; came to America in the following year: graduated at Wes- leyan University in 1868; and soon after became Professor of Elocution at North- western University, which position he has held to the present time. Author: "Choice Readings"; "School Speaker." Nathan Smith Davis, Sr., M. D., LL. D Born at Greene, N. Y., January 9, 1817; graduated from College of Physicians and Surgeons, Fairfield, N. Y., 1837; received honorary degree A. M. Northwestern Uni- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 205 versity, and LL. D. from Illinois Wesleyan University; practiced medicine in Chicago from 1849 ; Professor in Rush Medical Col- lege, Chicago, 1849-59 ; one of the founders (1859) of Chicago Medical College, now Medical Department Northwestern Univer- sity; Professor there for thirty years and Dean of Faculty until 1898, resigned ; editor of various medical journals; President of the International Medical Congress, 1887 ; one of the founders of Mercy Hospital, and one of its physicians, for over forty years ; a founder and Trustee of Northwestern University, Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago Historical Society, Illinois State Microscopical Society and Union College of Law ; a member of various other Medical Associations in Chicago and New York ; died June 16, 1904. Author : "Principles and Practice of Medicine." and various pamphlets on med- ical subjects and on temperance. Nathan Smith Davis, Jr., M. D. Born in Chicago, September 5, 1858; graduated from Northwestern University, 1880, A. M. 1883 ; graduated from Chicago Medical College, 1883 ; has since practiced in Chi- cago ; Associate Professor of Pathology, 1884-86; since then Professor of the Prin- ciples and Practice of Medicine and of Clin- ical Medicine, Chicago Medical College ; Physician to Mercy Hospital since 1884 ; Member of the Ninth International Medical Congress, Pan-American Medical Congress, etc. Author: "Consumption: How to Pre- vent It and How to Live With It"; "Dis- eases of the Lungs, Heart and Kidneys," etc. Edward Eggleston. Born Vevay, Indi- ana, December 10, 1837 ; died September 2, 1902; educated at country and village schools in Indiana ; entered Methodist Episcopal ministry in 1857; editor of "Little Corporal." Chicago, 1866-67; chief Editor of the "National Sunday School Teacher" ( 1867-70) and other religious papers ; President of the American Histor- ical Association in 1900. Author: "Hoosier Schoolmaster" (1871) ; "End of the World" (1872); "Mystery of Metropolisville" (1873); "Circuit Rider" ( 1874) ; "Hoosier School Boy" (1883) ; "History of the United States and Its People" (1888) ; "First Book in Amer- ican History" (1889) ; "Beginners of a Na- tion" (1896) ; "Transit of Civilization from England to America" (1900); Editor, "Christ in Art" (1874) ; "Christ in Litera- ture" (1875). Finley Ellingwood. Born Dearborn County, Ind.. September 12. 1852 ; educated in Kankakee, 111. ; graduated from Bennett Medical College in 1878; Professor in same institution from 1885 to present time. Author: "Manual of Medical Chemis- try" ( 1889) ; "Annual of Eclectic Medi- cine" (1890, '91 and '92); "Systematic Treatise on Materia Medica" (1899) ; "Treatment of Disease" (1906). Frank Macajah Elliot. Born at Corin- na, Me., March 27. 1853; graduated at Northwestern L'niversity : President Evans- ton Hospital Association since 1896. Author: "History of Omega" (1885). George H. Ellis: "Analysis of White Paints" (1898). Joseph Emerson: "Lectures and Ser- mons on Subjects connected with Christian Liberal Education" (1897). Marshall Davis Ewell. Born in Oxford, Michigan, August 18, 1844; educated in Michigan ; LL. B. University of Michigan 1868 ; A. M. Northwestern University, 1879 ; Professor of Common Law, Univer- sity College of Law. Chicago, from 1877 until the founding of Kent College of Law also known as Microscopist ; President of the American Microscopical Society. 1893. Author: "Leading Cases on Disabilities" 206 EVANSTON AUTHORS ( 1876) ; "Treatise on Law of Fixtures" (1876); "Essentials of the Law" (1882); "Manual of Medical Jurisprudence" (1887). Editor: "Blackwell on Tax Titles"; "Evans on Agencies"; "Lindley on Part- nership," and other works. Charles Samuel Farrar: "Art Topics: History of Sculpture, Painting and Archi- tecture" (1885). Randolph Sinks Foster. Born Williams- burg, Ohio, February 22, 1820; educated at Augusta College, Kentucky; entered itinerant ministry of Methodist Episcopal Church 1837, in Kentucky Conference; later was transferred to Ohio and, in 1850, to New York, remaining until 1857 ; Presi- dent of Northwestern University 1857-60; again in pastorate work in New York and Sing Sing, 1860-68; Professor of Syste- matic Theology, 1868-69; President of Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1869-72; died in 1903. Author: "Objections to Calvinism" (1849); "Centenary Thoughts" (1884); "Beyond the Grave" (1878); "Studies in Theology" (1886); "Philosophy of Chris- tian Experience"; "Christian Purity" (1851). Francis Gellatly: "Necklace of Liberty" ( 1886) ; "Love Made to Order, and Temper Tempest." Anna Adams Gordon. Born in Boston, July 21, 1853; educated in Newton (Mass.) High School and at Mt. Holvoke College; for twenty-one years private secretary of Miss Frances E. Willard ; Vice President at Large of National W. C. T. U. Author : "Marching Songs" ; "White Ribbon Hymnal"; "Beautiful Life of Frances E. Willard" (1898). Ulysses Sherman Grant. Born in Mo- line, Illinois, February 14, 1867 ; graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1888; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins, 1893 ; Assistant State Geologist, Minnesota, 1893-99; ^ n ~ structor in Geology in the University of Minnesota, 1897-98 ; Assistant Geologist on the Geological and Natural History Survey of Wisconsin since 1899; Assistant Editor of the "American Geologist" since 1897; Professor of Geology and Curator of the Museum, Northwestern University, since 1899. Author: " Preliminary Report on the Copperbearing Rocks of Douglas County, Wisconsin ( 1900) ; "Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey" (v. 6, 1900) ; "Final Report of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota" (with N. H. Winchell) (1899-1900). John Henry Gray. Born in Charleston, Illinois, March n, 1859; graduated from Harvard in 1887; Ph. D., Halle, Germany, 1892; Studied also at Paris, Vienna and Berlin ; Instructor in Political Economy at Harvard, 1887-89 ; Chairman of the World's Congress Auxiliary on Political Science in connection with the Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 ; Chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Civic Federation of Chi- cago; 1894-96; First Vice President of the American Economic Association, 1897-98; appointed by Labor Commissioner, C. D. Wright, to investigate labor conditions in England, 1902 ; Professor of Political Economy and Social Science, Northwestern University, since 1892. Author: "Die Stellung der Privaten Be- leuchtnugsgesellschaften zu Stadt und Staat" ; "Die Erfahrung in Wein, Paris und Massachusetts," Jena (1893). Evarts Boutell Greene. Born at Kobe, Japan, July 8, 1870 : was educated in a private school at Yokohama, Japan, and in the public schools of Westborough, Mass., and Evanston ; student at Northwestern University, 1885-88, and at Harvard, 1888- 93; A. B., A. M., Ph. D., all from Har- vard ; at University of Berlin, Germany, 1893 to 1894; Professor of History. Uni- versity of Illinois. /%*^, yWKs~ LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 207 Author: "The Provincial Governors in the English Colonies of North America" (Harvard Historical Series, Vol. 7, 1898), "The Government of Illinois, Its History and Administration" (Macmillan, 1904); "Provincial America" (Harpers, 1905). James Stanley Grimes: Geonomy: The Creation of Continents by Ocean Currents'* ( 1857) ; "Human Nature and the Nerves" (1857); "Improved System of Geonomy" ( 1866) ; Mesmerism and Magic Eloquence" (1862); "Mysteries of the Head and Heart" (1870) ; "New System of Phrenol- ogy and Evolution of the Brain" ( 1869) ; "Philosophy of the Mind" (1870) ; "Phreno Geology, the Evolution of Animals and Man" (1850) ; "Phreno Physiology, Hu- man Nature, the Evolution of Mind and its Instruments" (1901). Mrs. Elizabeth Morrisson Boynton Har- bert. Born in Crawfordsville, Indiana, April 15, 1845 ! graduated from Terre Haute Female College 1862 ; for eight years editor Woman's Department, "Chicago Inter-Ocean." Author: "Out of Her Sphere" (1871); "The Golden Fleece" (1867); "Amore" ; Cdmposer of the songs, words and music of "On Arlington Heights," "What Shall we Do With the Hours?" etc. James Taft Hatfield. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 15, 1862; gra'duated from Northwestern University, 1883: A.M. 1886; Johns Hopkins University, Ph.D., 1890; traveled and studied in Japan, China, India and Egypt, 1883-84: Professor of Classi- cal Languages in Rust University, Holly Springs, Mississippi, 1884-85 ; graduate student and Fellow at Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, 1887-90; Professor of German Language and Literature at Northwestern University, 1890; studied at Berlin, Weimar and Oxford, 1896-97; served in Spanish- American War as Captain of a five-inch gun on the U. S. cruiser "Yale," June to August, 1898; Professor of German Literature at Northwestern University since 1890; Con- tributing editor "Americana Germanica" ; Member of the American Oriental Society since 1884; Member of the Modern Lan- guage Association of America, etc. Author: "Elements of Sanskrit Gram- mar" (1884); "Index to Gothic Forms in Kluge's Wreterbuch" (1889); "Freytag's Rittm|tster von alt-Rosen" (1894). Editor of German texts; Translator of German poems. Erastus Otis Haven. Born in Boston, November i, 1820; died in Salem, Oregon, August 1 88 1 ; graduated from Wesleyan University in 1842; in 1848 entered Meth- odist Episcopal ministry in New York Con- ference ; in 1853 Professor of Latin in Uni- versity of Michigan, which he exchanged the next year for the chair of Eng- lish Language, Literature and History ; given degree of D. D. in 1854 by Union College ; resigned in 1856, and returned to Boston, where he was editor of "Zion's Herald" for seven years, during which period he served two years in State Senate, and a part of the time was an Overseer of Harvard University : Presi- dent of University of Michigan. 1863-69; President of Northwestern University. 1869-72 ; in 1880 was ordained a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Author: "American Progress; The Young Man Advised" (1855); "Pillars of Truth" (1866); "Rhetoric" (1869). Henry Bixby Hemenway. Born at Montpelier, Vt., December 20, 1856: gradu- ated at Northwestern University. 1879: practicing physician since 1880. Author: "Healthful Womanhood and Childhood" (1894). Newell Dwight Hillis. Born in Mag- nolia, Iowa, September 2, 1858; educated at Iowa College, Lake Forest University and McCormick Theological Seminary 208 EVANSTON AUTHORS ( M. A., and D. D., Northwestern Univer- sity) ; entered Presbyterian ministry; pas- tor at Peoria, Illinois, 1887-90; at Evan- ston, Illinois, 1890-94 ; succeeded late Prof. David Swing as pastor of Central Church, Chicago (an independent church), 1894; pastor of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, since January, 1899. Author: "The Investment of Influence" (1898) ; "A Man's Value to Society" (1896); "How the Inner Light Failed"; "Foretokens of Immortality" (1897); "Great Books as Life Teachers" (1899); "Influence of Christ in Modern Life" (1900). Rosa Birch Hitt. Born at Elkhart, Ind., April 25, 1863; educated at the High School, Marion, Ind., and at Northwestern University ; married Isaac R. Hitt, Jr., in 1889. Author: "The Instrument Tuned" (1904)'. Jane Currie Hoge. Born in Philadel- phia, Pa., July 31, 1811; educated at Miss Longstrength's school in Philadelphia ; en- gaged with the U. S. Sanitary Commission during the Civil War, visiting more than one hundred thousand men in hospitals ; died at Chicago, August 26, 1890. Author: "The Boys in Blue" (1867). Thomas Franklin Holgate. Born in Hastings County, Ontario, April 8, 1859; graduated at Victoria College, Toronto, 1884 : Professor at Northwestern Univer- sity since 1893. Author: "Elementary Geometry, Plane and Solid" (1001). George Washington Hough. Born in Montgomery County, New York, October 24, 1836; graduated from Union College in 1856; Astronomer and Director of Dudley Observatory, Albany, N. Y., 1860- 74; Director of Dearborn Observatory and Professor of Astronomy in University of Chicago, 1879-87; discovered more than 600 new double stars and made systematic study of the planet Jupiter ; invented many instruments pertaining to astronomy, me- teorology and physics ; Professor of Astron- omy at Northwestern University and Direc- tor of Dearborn Observatory since 1887. Author: "Annals of the Dudley Obser- vatory" (2 v., 1866-1871); "Annual Re- ports of the Chicago Astronomical So- ciety." Mary Hess Hull. Born at Miltonville, Ohio, April 22, 1845 (maiden name Mary Ann Hess) ; educated in schools of her na- tive town ; married Morton Hull, December, 1863; died in Chicago September 13, 1905. Author: "Columbus, and What He Found" (1892); "Browning's Christmas Eve," (1900). Harvey Bostwick Hurd. Born in Hun- tington, Connecticut, February 14, 1828; came to Chicago in 1846; admitted to the bar in 1848 ; LL. D. Northwestern Univer- sity ; Professor in the Chicago Law School (now a department of Northwestern Uni- versity), 1862-1900; first President of the Village of Evanston ; official reviser of General Statutes of Illinois ; edited State edition of the same, 1874; has since edited sixteen editions of General State Laws ; originator of the great Chicago Drainage Canal scheme; died January 20, l!)0l>. Author: "Torrens Act of Illinois for Registration of Land Titles" ; also of "Juve- nile Court Act of Illinois," April 22, 1899. Edmund Janes James. Born in Jackson- ville, Illinois, May 21, 1855; educated at Illinois State Normal School and North- western and Harvard Universities, A. M. ; Ph. D., University of Halle, Germany (1877) ; Principal of Evanston High School ( 1878-79) ; Principal of Model High School, Normal, Illinois (1879-82) ; Pro- fessor of Public Finance and Admin- istration, Wharton School of Finance and Economy, University of Pennsyl- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 209 vania (1883-95); Professor of Politi- cal and Social Science, University of Pennsylvania (1884-95); Edited the pub- lications of the University of Pennsylvania, Political Economy and Public Law Series (1886-95) ; Vice President of the American Economic Association; President of the American Academy of Political and Social Science since 1889; Vice President of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois State His- torical Library since 1895 > Professor of Public Administration and Director of Ex- tension Division in the University of Chi- cago (1896-1902) ; President of Northwest- ern University ( 1902-04) ; then became President University of Illinois at Urbana, Illinois. Author : "Relation of the Modern Muni- cipality to the Gas Supply" ( 1886) ; "The Legal Tender Decisions" (1887); "The Canal and the Railway" (1890); "Federal Constitution of Germany" (1890) ; "Federal Constitution of Switzerland" ( 1890) ; Edu- cation of Business Men in Europe" (1899) ; "Government of a Typical Prussian City" (Halle) (1900). James Alton James. Born in Hazel- green, Wisconsin, September 17, 1864; graduated from University of Wisconsin in 1888; held scholarship and fellowship in History, Johns Hopkins University, 1891- 93 ; Ph. D., 1893 1 Professor of History Cornell College, Iowa, four years ; Member of the American Historical Society ; Mem- ber of Council and Secretary of North- western Settlement ; President of the North Central History Teachers' Association ; Professor of History, Northwestern Uni- versity since 1897. Author: "Constitution and Admission of Iowa into the Union" (1900); "Govern- ment in State and Nation" (with A. H. Sanford) (1901). William Patterson Jones. Born about 1827; founder (1855) of the North- western Female College, and for many years President of same ; in 1862 was sent as Consul to Macao, China ; later became President of Fremont (Neb.) Normal School, where he died about 1890. Author: "Myth of Stone Idol, a Poem" (1876); "Inter-Ocean Curiosity Shop." John Hume Kedzie. Born in Stamford, N. Y., September 8, 1815 : graduated from Oberlin College in 1841 : admitted to the bar in 1847 ! member of Illinois Legislature, 1877 to 1879; died at Evanston, April 9, 1903. Author: "Solar Heat, Gravitation and Sun Spots" (1886). Daniel Parish Kidder. Born at Darien, N. Y., October 18, 1815 ; graduated at Wes- leyan University, Middletown, Conn., in 1836; from 1837 to 1840 was a missionary to Brazil ; and from 1844 to 1856 editor of the Sunday School publications of the Meth- odist Episcopal church ; compiled and edited more than eight hundred volumes for Sun- day School libraries ; the list of which would fill many pages of this history; in 1856 be- came Professor of Practical Theology in the Garrett Biblical Institute, where he re- mained until 1871, when he was called to a like chair in the Drew Theological Sem- inary : died at Evanston, July 29, 1891. Author: "Mormonism and the Mor- mons" (1844); "Residence and Travel in Brazil" (2 vols., 1845) ; in conjunction with Rev. J. C. Fletcher, "Brazil and the Bra- zilians" (1857) ; and "Treatise on Homilet- ics" (1868). Homer H. Kingsley. Born at Kalama- zoo, Mich., June 9. 1859; graduated at Michigan University in 1881 : Principal of Evanston Public Schools (Dist. No. i) since 1886. Author: "The New Era Word Book" Nellie Fitch Kingsley. Born at Peoria, 111., October 4, 1862 ; educated at Kalama- 2IO EVANSTOX AUTHORS zoo (Mich.) High School; married to Homer H. Kingsley, August 18, 1886. Author: "History of the Lewis and Clark Expedition" (1900); "Four Ameri- can Explorers" (1902). Marshall Monroe Kirkman. Born in Il- linois, July 10, 1842 ; entered railway ser- vice with Chicago & Northwestern Railroad in 1856: Second Vice President of Chicago & Northwestern Railway since 1889. Author: "The Science of Railways" (12 v., 1894) ; "Classical Portfolio of Primi- tive Carriers" (1896) ; "Romance of Gilbert Holmes" (1900) ; "The Air Brake" (1901) ; "Building and Repairing Railways" (1901). Samuel Ellsworth Kiser. Born Ship- pensville. Pa., February 2, 1862; educated in Pennsylvania and Ohio ; editorial writer "Chicago Record-Herald." Author: "Budd Wilkins at the Show" (1898) : "Georgie" (1890) ; "Love Sonnets of an Office Boy" (1902) : "Ballads of the Busy Days" (1903): "Charles, the Chauf- feur" (1905). Loren Laertes Knox. Born at Moms- ville, N. Y., January 8. 1811; educated at Cazenovia (N. Y. ) Seminary, and Wes- leyan University ( Middletown. Conn.); Professor of Greek in Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis. ; died at Evanston. January 18. 1901. Author: "Evangelical Rationalism" (1879). John Harper Lang. Horn in Ohio, De- cember, 1856 ; educated at Tuebingen, \Vuerzburg and Breslau. Germany; mem- ber of several scientific societies ; Professor of Chemistry in Medical School, North- western University, since 1881. Author: "Elements of General Chem- istry" (1898): "A Text Book of Wine Analysis" (1900) ; "Laboratory Manual of Physiological Chemistry" (1894). William C Levere: "Imperial America" (1899) ; "Twixt Greek and Barb" (1900). Arthur Wilde Little. Episcopal clergy- man. Author: "Reasons for Being a Church- man" ( 1886) : "The Times and Teaching of John Wesley" ; "The Intellectual Life of the Priest"; "The Character of Washington"; "The Maintenance of the Church Idea." Charles Joseph Little. Born in Philadel- phia, Pa., September 21, 1840; graduated at University of Pennsylvania, 1861 ; Pro- fessor in Dickinson College, 1874-85 ; at Syracuse University, 1885-91 ; President Garrett Biblical Institute since 1891. Author: Comprehensive History of America" (1896). William Sinclair Lord. Born in Syca- more, Illinois. August 24, 1863. Author: "Verses" (1883); "Beads of Morning" (1888); "Blue and Gold" (1896) ; "Jingle and Jangle" (1899). Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch. Born in Ransomville, Niagara County, N. Y., June 4, 1862; educated in Illinois; graduated from Union College of Law, Chicago. 1886: practiced law in Rockford, Illinois, 1886-90, since which time she has been engaged in the practice of law in Chi- cago. Author: "Mr. Lex; or, the Legal Status of Mother and Child" (1902). William Smythe Babcock Matthews. Born in London. N. H., May 8. 1837 : edu- cated in New Hampshire : studied music in Boston ; practical teacher of music since 1853; since 18(17 has been living in Chi- cago; in 1891 established and has since been editor of "Music" (a magazine). Author: "How to L : nderstand Music" (2 v.. 1880 and 1888) ; "Primer of Musi- cal forms" (1890) ; "Music and its Ideals" (1897); "Popular History of Music" (1891): "The Great in Music" first and second series (1900-1902) ; "Dictionary of Musical Terms" (1895); "The Masters and Their Music" (1898). HISTORY OF EVAXSTOX 211 Samuel Merwin. Born in Evanston, Oc- tober 6, 1874; educated in Evanston, De- troit and Northwestern University. Author: "The Short Line War" (with H. K. Webster) (1899): "Calumet K." (with same) (1901) ; "The Road to Fron- tenac" (1901). Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller. Born in Brooklyn, Conn., October 22, 1833 ; grad- uated from Oberlin College. 1857 (A. M.) : Editor of "Little Corporal," afterwards combined with "St. Xicholas" ; Dean of Woman's College, Xorthwestern Universi- ty, 1891-98. Author: "From Avalon" (poems) ( 1896) ; "The Royal Road to Fortune" ; "The Kirkwood Series" ; "Captain Fritz" ; "Little Neighbors" ; "What Tommy Did" ; "The House that Jack Rented": "Songs from the Nest" (poems) ( 1894) ; "For the Beloved" (poems). Wilbur Dick Xesbit. Born. Xenia, Ohio, September 16, 1871 ; educated in public schools, Cedarville, Ohio. Author: "Trail to Borland" (1904): "Little Henry's Slate" (1903) ; "An Alpha- bet of History" (1905). Mary Louise Ninde : "We Two Alone in Europe" (1886): "William Xavier Ninde: a Biography" (1902). Mrs. Minerva Brace Norton. Author: "In and Around Berlin" ( 1889) ; "Service in the King's Guard" (1891). Simon Nelson Patten. Born in Illinois, May i, 1852: educated in Illinois; took de- grees of A. M. and Ph. D. at University of Halle, Germany : studied law in Law School Northwestern University : in 1888 elected Professor of Political Economy in the Wharton School of Finance and Economy, University of Pennsylvania. Author: "Taxation in American States and Cities"; "Premises of Political Econ- omy"; "The Stability of Prices"; "Con- sumption of Wealth" ; "Theory of Pros- perity" (1902). Charles William Pearson. Born in Leeds, England, August 7. 1846 : graduated from the Northwestern University in 1871. and afterwards became professor of Eng- lish literature in the same institution : he resigned this position in 1902, and became pastor of the Unitarian church at Quincy, 111.; died in England, July n, 1905. Author: "Methodism: a Retrospect and Outlook: A Poem" ( 1891 ) : "The Carpenter Prophet : a Life of Jesus Christ and a Dis- cussion of His Ideals" (1902). William Frederick Poole. Born at Sa- lem, Mass.. December 24, 1821 ; died at Evanston, March i. 1894: educated in Massachusetts : graduated from Yale Col- lege in 1849: in 1851 became Assistant Li- brarian of the Boston Athenaeum and, in the following year was made Librarian of the Mercantile Library of that city a flour- ishing institution subsequently merged into the Boston Public Library ; in 1853 attended the first gathering of librarians ever held in the world, Edward Everett Hale and Dr. Henry Barnard, of Hartford, being among those present ; in 1856 returned to Boston Athenaeum, where he remained thirteen years: in 1873 was called to the Public Library of Chicago : in 1887 took charge of the Newberry Library, Chicago : con- tributed many papers to the reports pub- lished by the L'nited States Bureaus of Edu- cation ; in 1887 was President of the American Historical Association : in 1882 received the honorary degree of LL. D. from Northwestern University ; died at Evanston. March i, 1894. Author: "Poole's Index to Periodical Literature" (with W. I. Fletcher) (4 v., 1882-1893) : "Anti-slavery Opinions before the Year 1800" (1873); "Columbus and the Finding of the New World" (1892). Miner Raymond. Born in New York 212 EVANSTON AUTHORS City, August 29, 1811; graduated from Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., in 1831 ; instructor in same; LL. D. in 1884; Professor of Systematic Theology in Gar- rett Biblical Institute, 1864-97; died at Ev- anston November 25, 1897. Author: "Systematic Theology" (3 v., 1877). Henry Bascom Ridgaway. Born in Tal- bot County Md., September 7, 1830; gradu- ated from Dickinson College (Penn.) in 1849; Professor of Historical Theology in Garrett Biblical Institute in 1882; Presi- dent of same in 1884; died March 30, 1895. Author : "The Lord's Land." ( 1876) ; "Life of Alfred Cookman" (1871); "Life of Bishop Janes" ( 1882) ; "Life of Bishop Waugh" (1883); "Life of Bishop Simp- son" (1885). Charles Humphrey Roberts. Author: "Down the O-hi-o" (1891). Henry Wade Rogers. Born Holland Patent, X. Y., October 10, 1853 ; graduated from University of Michigan, 1874; (A. M. and LL.D. Wesleyan University, Conn.) ; admitted to the bar in 1877; Pro- fessor of Law in the Law School of the L T niversity of Michigan, 1883 ; Dean of same, 1885-90; President of Northwestern University, 1890-1901 ; Chairman of Worlds' Congress on Jurisprudence and Law Reform, World's Columbian Exposi- tion, Chicago, 1893; General Chairman of the Saratoga Conference on the Foreign Policy of the United States, 1898; Profes- sor of Law in Yale University, since Sep- tember, 1901. Author: "Illinois Citations" (1881) ; "Law of Expert Testimony" (1883 2d ed., 1891). Robert Dickinson Sheppard. Born near Chicago, 111., July. 23, 1847: graduated at Chicago University in 1869: at Garrett I'.ib- lical Institute 1870; Professor of History at Northwestern University, 1886 to 11)03. Author: "Abraham Lincoln" (1903). Edwin Llewellyn Shuman. Born in Manor Township, Pa., December 13, 1863; educated in Cook County Normal School and Englewood High School ; editorial writer on "Chicago Journal," 1892-95 ; lit- erary editor and editorial writer on "Chica- go Tribune," 1895-1901 ; literary editor "Chicago Record-Herald," 1901 to date. Author: "Steps into Journalism" (1894) ; "Practical Journalism" (1903). Matthew Simpson. Born at Cadiz, Ohio, June 20, 1811; attended Madison (Pa.) College ; became tutor in same ; in 1837 Professor of Natural Science in Alleghany College ; President of Indiana Asbury University 1839-48: elected Bishop of Methodist Episcopal church in 1852 ; Presi- dent of Garrett Biblical Institute in 1859; died in Philadelphia June 18, 1884. Author: "Cyclopaedia of Methodism" (1878) ; "One Hundred Years of Method- ism" ( 1876) ; "Lectures on Preaching" (1879); "Sermons" (1885). Alice Bunker Stockham. Born in Ohio, in 1833, of Quaker parentage ; graduated from the Eclectic Medical College, Cincin- nati : practiced in Indiana and Chicago ; established the Stockham Publishing Com- pany, of which she is President, to publish her own works and other "advanced" books ; was a leader in the introduction of "sloyd" in Chicago public schools; active worker for social purity, woman suffrage and social reform. Author: "Tokology: a Book of Mater- nity" (1883) ; "Koradine" (1893) '< "Karez- za" (1896); "Tolstoi: a Man of Peace" (1000). Charles Macaulay Stuart. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, August 20, 1853; grad- uated from Kalamazoo College in 1880; D. D., Garrett Biblical Institute ; Associate editor of the "Michigan Christian Advo- cate" ( 1885-86) ; Assistant editor "North- WILLIAM A DVCIII-: LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 213 western Christian Advocate" (1886-96); Professor of Sacred Rhetoric in Garrett Biblical Institute since 1896. Author : "Text of Photogravures of the. Holy Land" (1890); "Life and Selected Writings of Francis Dana Hemenway" (with C. F. Bradley and A. W. Patten) ( 1890) ; "Vision of Christ in the Poet" ( 1896) ; "Story of the Master Pieces" (1897). Milton Spenser Terry. Born Coeymans, X. Y., February 22. 1840; educated at Troy University and Yale Divinity School : A. M. Wesleyan University, 1871 ; D. D., same institution, 1880: LL. D., Northwestern University, 1895 : Professor in Garrett Bib- lical Institute, Evanston, since 1885. Author: "Commentary on the Old Tes- tament" (1875): "Biblical Hermeneutics" (1883); "The Sibylline Oracles" (1890); "Rambles in the Old World" (1894) ; "Biblical Apocalyptics" (1898). David Decamp Thompson. Born April 29, 1852, at Cincinnati. Ohio ; graduated at Ohio Wesleyan University : editor of "Northwestern Christian Advocate" since 1901. Author: "Abraham Lincoln": "John Wesley as a Social Reformer." Edward Thomson. Born at Portsea. England. October 12, 1810: came to Amer- ica with his parents in 1818: graduated from the medical department of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania : in charge of Xorvvalk (Ohio) Seminary. 1838-43; elected Bishop of Methodist Episcopal Church in 1864; died March 22. 1870. Author: "Evidences of Revealed Re- ligion"; "Moral and Religious Essays" (3 vols.) ; "Oriental Missions" (2 vols.). Charles Burton Thwing. Born at Ther- esa, X. Y., March 4, 1860: graduated from Northwestern University. 1888; Ph. D., Bonn, Germany, 1894; Professor of Phy- sics, Knox College, Galesburg, 111., since 1896. Author: "An Elementary Physics,'\i894). Henry Kitchell Webster. Born in Evan- ston, September 7, 1875; graduated from Hamilton College, N. Y., 1897, (Ph. M.) ; Instructor in Rhetoric Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. (1897-8). Author: "The Short Line War" (with Samuel Merwin) (1899); "The Banker and the Bear" (1900) ; "Calumet K" (with Samuel Merwin) (1901); "Roger Drake" (1902). David Hilton Wheeler. Born at Ithaca, N. Y., November 19, 1829; attended Rock River Seminary : Professor of Greek in Cornell College: U. S. Consul at Genoa, Italy, 1861 to 1866; Professor of English Literature at Northwestern University, 1867 to 1875 : f r a P art f this t ' rne ( '867 to 1869) being acting president: editor of "The Methodist," 1875 to 1883: President of Allegheny College, 1883 to 1892; died at Meadville, Pa., June 18. 1902. Author: "Brigandage in South Italy" (1864): "By -Ways of Literature" (1883) ; "Our Industrial Utopia." Mrs. Irene Grosvenor Wheelock : "Nest- lings of Forest and Marsh" (1902). John Henry Wigmore. Born in San Francisco, Cal. : graduated from Harvard University with degree of A. B.. 1803. LL. B.. 1887 ; Professor of Law at Northwest- ern University from 1893. Author: "Materials for the Study of Private Law in Old Japan" (1892) : "The Australian .Ballot System" ( 1889) : "Six- teenth Edition of Greenleaf on Evidence." Vol. I. (1899): "Treatise on Evidence" (4 vols., 1904-5). Mrs. Caroline McCoy Willard. Author: "Life in Alaska" (1884): "Kin-da-shon's Wife: an Alaskan Story" (1892). Frances Elizabeth Willard. Born Sep- tember 28, 1839, at Churchville. near Rochester. N. Y. ; graduated from North- western University and took degree of A. M. from Syracuse University ; in 1862 was 2I 4 EVAXSTON AUTHORS Professor of Natural Science at the North- western Female College, Evanston. Illinois ; in 1866-67 was Preceptress in the Wesleyan Seminary. Lima, N. Y. ; in 1871 was Presi- dent of the Women's College of North- western University, and Professor of Aes- thetics in the University; in 1874 was ap- pointed Corresponding Secretary of the Na- tional Women's Christian Temperance Union and, in 1879, was made President of that body the largest society ever organ- ized, conducted and controlled exclusively by women. She traveled extensively in the interest of the society and visited every State and Territory in the Union ; in 1884 helped establish the Prohibition Party ; originated a petition against the importation and manufacture of alcohol and opium, which was signed by seven million persons ; was editor of the "Chicago Post," the "Union Signal," and other journals ; died in New York, February 18, 1898. Author: "Nineteen Beautiful Years" (1863); "Hints and Help in Temperance Work" (1875); "Women and Temper- ance" (1883); "How to Win" (1886); "Woman in the Pulpit" (1888) : "Glimpses of Fifty Years" ; "The Autobiography of an American Woman." Josiah Flynt Willard. Born in Appleton, Wisconsin, January 23, 1869; educated in Berlin University (1890-95). Author : "Tramping with Tramps" (1899) ; "Powers that Prey" (with Francis Walton) (1900): "Notes of an Itinerant Policeman" (1900); "World of Graft" (1900). S. R. Winchell. Author: "Latin Prose Composition" (1875): "Lessons in Greek Syntax" ( 1886). Ervvin E. Wood. Born at Plainfield, 111.. February 6, 1848; student at Northwestern University and Garrett Biblical Institute, 1864 to 1869: engaged in editorial work in Chicago and New York. Author: "Epigraph Album" (1880). Abrain Van Eps Young. Born in She- boygan. Wisconsin, June 5, 1853; grad- uated from the University of Michigan in 1875 ; Fellow in Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University ; Assistant in Chemistry, Har- vard University ; Professor in Chemistry at Northwestern University since 1885. Author: "The Elementary Principles of Chemistry" (1901) ;"Suggestions to Teach- ers. Designed to accompany the Elementary Principles of Chemistry" (1901). Jane Eggleston Zimmerman. Author : "Gray Heads on Green Shoulders." Charles Zueblin. Born in Pendleton, In- diana, May 4, 1866 ; graduated from North- western University in 1887, and from Yale in 1889; founded Northwestern University Settlement, 1892 ; was the first Secretary of the Chicago Society for University Ex- tension, 1892 : Secretary of Class Study Division of the University Extension De- partment of the University of Chicago, 1892 : member of various municipal, politi- cal and social science leagues; associate Professor of Sociology in the University of Chicago since 1896. Author: "American Municipal Prog- ress" (1902). The general character of the works of the authors given above is shown in the fol- lowing classification, arranged in the order given in "Dewey's Manual of Classifica- tion :" i . 5 per cent ) Bibliography Political Economy and Law Philology Science Art and Music Fiction, Essays and Poetry - 103 Biography ------- 25 History 2q Total 261 (= Among the works thus fortuitously brought together as those of Evanston authors, we find a wide range of author- ship, from the comics of Nesbit and Kiser to the profundity of Raymond's "Systematic HISTORY OF EVANSTON 215 Theology" and Poole's "Index to Periodical Literature." As usual in a general line of literary productions, the Fiction, Essays and Poetry in the above table form about 40 per cent of the whole, corresponding in a general way with the proportion observed in the circulation of a public library. Sci- ence, Political Economy and Physiology, taken together, make up about 35 per cent ; and when the 25 per cent of the remainder is shown as History, Biography, and the Fine Arts, the solid and serious character given to the whole is sufficiently apparent. From this may be inferred a high general average of culture and learning among the writers. The works mentioned in the above list are not confined to the English lan- guage, for here we find the productions of Hatfield and Gray in German : and it is like- ly, if the search had been more thorough, there would have appeared others in tongues far remote from our beloved ver- nacular. Had it been a part of the plan of this chapter to enumerate the contributions to periodical literature and to the printed proceedings of learned societies, the intel- lectual activities of the writers who now make their dwelling place in Evanston or have done so at some time in the past, would have shown a much more extended range and increase in number. Macaulay said that "one shelfful of European books was worth more than the whole native literature of India." Here is presented what may be the equivalent of a "shelfful" and even more, and it is a satis- faction to find this weighty characterization of Macaulay thus fairly applied to the pro- ductions emanating from one community among all the great numbers of centers of intelligence to be found in our country. CHAPTER XXIV. LIBRARIES PUBLIC AND PRIVATE (Bjr MAKV B. LINDSAY. Librarian) Evanston' s First Library Major Mulford, the "Gentleman Pioneer of Evanston" Some Specimens of His Library First Sunday School Library Private Libra- ries of Today Unique Collection of Cu- rios History of Evanston Free Public Library Edward Egglcston Prime Mover in Its Founding First Step in Organisation Later History and Growth Roll of Librarians and Other Officers Cataloguing and Library Extension Internal Management and Conditions Site for a Library Building Secured in 1904. The first collection of books brought to- gether in Evanston was, without doubt, that of the private library of the late Major Ed- ward H. Mulford, who came here in 1835 and settled on the Ridge road. The old Kirk mansion on Ridge Avenue, we are told, con- tains within itself a part of Major Mul- ford 's old home, the first place occupied by him in what was at a later date called "Ridgeville." The later home of the family was the homestead which still stands on the corner of Ridge and Mulford Avenues. This place, with its background of wooded grove, its grounds fragrant with flowers, facing Ridge road, whose avenue of oaks extended to the Rogers Park line, was one of the most picturesque of the early homes of the place. Major Mulford was called the "gentle- man pioneer of Evanston," because it was rare i those early days to possess much ed- ucation or to own a library. Of the size of this library we have no exact data. Mrs. Pliny Brown of Chicago, Major Mulford's granddaughter, says her earliest recollec- tion is of three large book cases full of books. Major Mulford died March 5, 1878, and the books, with the rest of the property, were divided among the members of the family. Many of these books are retained by Mrs. Pliny Brown, who kindly fur- nished a list of them. Of these some of the interesting early editions are: "John Quincy Adams," by W. H. Sew- ard. Derby, 1849. Macaulay's "History of England." Har- per, 1849. ( Ist Amer. ed.) "Life and Writings of Dr. Chalmers." Harper, 1849-52. "Washington's Agricultural Correspond- ence," by Franklin Knight. 1847. "Louis the Fourteenth and the Court of France, in the Seventeenth Century," by Miss Pardoe, Harper, 1847. "The Near and Heavenly Horizon ; Re- marks on Ecclesiastical History," by John Jastin. Holbourn, 1752. A notable book of local interest is "Wau- bun ; or, The Early Day in the Northwest." by Mrs. John H. Kinzie of Chicago, pub- 218 LIBRARIES PUBLIC AND PRIVATE lished in 1856. Of this book the "London Athenseum" of that date said : "Written in perfectly simple, unpretending style, but with a keen perception of humor and a genuine love of adventure, which makes it very fascinating to read." The old family Bible is dated 1813, the year of Major Mulford's marriage. Among Major Mulford's books left in trust of later tenants of the old home- stead, are a number of school-books, many of which bear interesting autographs and notes made by members of the family. We are indebted to Mr. Francis J. McAssey for many descriptive notes upon these books. In Lindley Murray's English Read- er, Lexington, Ky., 1824, the poem by Wordsworth, the "Pet Lamb," is marked (apparently in Major Mulford's handwrit- ing), to the effect that this poem was "learned by Ann at the age of seven years for her father, who was to pay her 25 cents." The names also occur of E. H. Mul ford, George G. Mulford, James John- son Mulford; Anna Mulford, Monticello Female Seminary ; Mary Mulford, Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis. The autograph of William S. Gibbs, Chi- cago High School, is found in Hilliard's First Reader, Boston, 1857. Among other school books used in those early days was "Abercrombie's Intellectual Philosophy," Boston, 1841 ; "Porter's An- alysis." Andover, 1828; "Newman's Rhet- oric," Andover, 1839. "Comstock's Philos- ophy," Xew York, is inscribed as belonging to William Orr "Junor," "Covington Pres- byterian Collegiate Institute." An animated school-room correspond- ence had evidently been conducted upon the fly-leaves at intervals during the study of philosophy, between the owner and a rival in regard to their affections for one C. Lindley, who is described as "anjellick." It is interesting to speculate who "Bill" Orr and his rival, "John Me," were, and what finally became of their beautiful "Miss C. Lindley." all of whom "went to school to Mister Heir." We note the contents of "Specimens of American Poetry," arranged by Samuel Kettell. Boston, 1829; Whittier. Richard Henry Dana and George Bancroft are each represented by one poem, Longfellow by three, Bryant by nine and John G. C. Brain- ard by ten. Whittier is spoken of in a biographical sketch as "one of the most youthful of our poets, and his verses show a more than common maturity of power . . . the editor of the 'American Manu- facturer,' a newspaper of Boston." "Hoyle's Games," New York, 1829, con- tains, among other games, "A Practical Treatise on the Game of Goff, or Golf," showing that golf was played "according to Hoyle" even in those early days. The following quotation is found written on the last page of Chesterfield's "Men and Manners," New York, 1831 : "To do jus- tice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God," signed "E. H. Mulford" this quotation, evidently, as the present owner of the book observes, "describing a Christian gentleman better, to the Major's mind, than the whole book he had finished reading." "Thomas Jefferson's Manual of Par- liamentary Rules," Philadelphia. 1853, is another book worthy of note. "The New York Book," New York, Geo. Dearborn, publisher, 1837, compiled from poetical writings of natives of New York State, contains "An Address to Black Hawk," evidently inspired by witnessing Black Hawk led captive through some eastern city. This book contains the autograph of Mrs. Bertha Gibbs. Another contribution to tbe history of New York is "Rochester and Western New York." by Henry O'Reilly. Rochester, 1838, JOHN I:\.\NS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVAXSTON 219 containing maps and illustrations of the city, also steel engravings of Colonel Rochester, after whom the city (Rochester) was named, and Vincent Matthews, the first lawyer admitted to the bar of Ontario County, then (1790) comprising all that part of the State west of Seneca Lake. This book also covers fully the develop- ment of the Erie Canal and early railroad projects. Henry O'Reilly, the author of this book, is said to have edited the first news- paper published west of New York City. The "Musical Carcanet," New York, 1832, contains the words and music of "the most admired popular songs arranged for the voice, flute and violin." In a collection of poems, entitled "Elegant Extracts," is included a poem called "The Lighthouse," credited to Tom Moore, which is not to be found in any of the current editions of Moore's works. Perhaps the most interesting book, in its bearing on local history, is "Laws of Illi- nois." published at Vandalia in 1833 that city being at that time the capital of the State. This book is now the property of the Evanston Historical Society. It is espe- cially interesting from the fact that Major Mulford was a Justice of the Peace, and is said to have held the first court in Cook County which would not be at all sur- prising when we consider that, in 1833, Chicago had only twenty-nine voters, com- prising the entire adult male population in the election of that year. 1 This book prob- ably furnished Justice Mulford all the legal lore necessary to the settlement of all liti- gation arising from cattle breaking down fences, etc., in what is now the City of Ev- anston. Another book, now in possession of the Evanston Historical Society, is Dr. Isaac Mulford's "History of New Jersey." 1845. The author was a brother of Major Mulford, and the book bears the names of "Isaac Mulford" and "E. H. Mulford, Ridgeville. 111." "Scott's Lessons." a school book, published in 1823 and bearing the autograph of E. H. Mulford, was also pre- sented to the Evanston Historical Society. An example of the progress of science of that clay is furnished in "Bigelow's Tech- nology." published in 1815. and especially interesting from the fact that its author deemed it incomprehensible that the steam engine could ever be improved beyond its capacity at that time. Among the works in the line of fiction current in the first few years of Major Mul- ford's residence in Evanston may be men- tioned: Beaconsfield's "Young Duke." 1831. and "Vivian Grey," 1826; Cooper's "Home- ward Bound," Philadelphia, 1838. One of the novels of a later date is "The Schoen- berg-Cotta Eamily," by Mrs. Charles. 1863. First Sunday School Library. Close- ly allied with the history of this first Ev- anston library was the first Sunday School Library. This Sunday School, which was the seed from which sprang the present First Methodist Sunday School, was start- ed at the old Mulford place and afterward moved to the log school-house which stood on the corner of Greenleaf Street and the Ridge. Mr. Abraham Wigelsworth was then the Superintendent. Mrs. Kate Hag- arty, now of Ravenswood, then Mrs. Ed- ward Mulford, who was at one time Super- intendent, librarian and choir leader, brought with her from the East, about 1854. a collection of fifty books, which she pre- sented to this Sunday School, thus found- ing the first Sunday School Library in Ev- anston. Private Libraries of Today. The library belonging to Dr. Daniel Bonbright. Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. North- western University, is without doubt the oldest of the existing private libraries of Evanston. Dr. Bonbright, who came to Ev- anston in 1855. is the oldest member of the 220 LIBRARIES PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Faculty of Northwestern University; his library has grown up in connection with his chair of instruction in the Latin language and literature, and naturally its most im- portant scope is in that direction. Notable among the early libraries of Ev- anston may be mentioned that of the late Rev. Francis D. Hemenway, D.D., who came here in 1857 as Principal of the Pre- paratory Department of Garrett Biblical Institute and later became Professor in the Institute. He was Librarian of the Insti- tute for many years and until his death in 1884. Dr. Hemenway was a member of the sub-committee to revise the Methodist Hymn Book in 1876, and during this work he gathered about 200 volumes on hymnol- ogy. This remarkable collection was pre- sented to Garrett Biblical Institute in 1891 by his son, Henry B. Hemenway, M. D. About seventy-five volumes, once a part of this early library, are now in the possession of the Evanston Free Public Library, hav- ing been presented by Dr. H. B. Hemen- way. Besides possessing the remainder of his father's library. Dr. Henry B. Hemenway has a collection numbering about 600 vol- umes, more than one-half of which are medical works. This library contains the following quaint old volumes: "The Cruci- fied Jesus ; or, A Full Account of the Na- ture, Design and Benefits of the Lord's Supper." by Anthony Harneck, D.D., pub- lished by Lowndes in London, 1700; an ex- tract from Mr. Law's "Serious Call to the Holy Life." by Rev. John Wesley, Phila- delphia. 1803 : "Rhetorical Reader, with Rhetorical Exercises," by Ebenezer Porter, D.D., New York, 1835 a very popular reader some sixty years ago and probably the first work published on oratory ; a very early medical work. "Nine Commentaries Upon Fevers and Two Epistles Concerning the Smallpox," London, 1730; a rare old book entitled, "Some of the Beauties of Free Masonry," by Joshua Bradley, 1816, has quite a history, having been left by an American soldier at the home of Mrs. Hem- enway 's grandmother, at Matamoras, Mex- ico. It bears its early owner's signature, John R. Bowdish, 1822. Among other early Evanstonians, whose libraries were a source of inspiration to the youth of that day, may be mentioned the following: Judge Harvey B. Hurd, who came to Ev- anston in 1855, and whose library was un- fortunately destroyed by fire in recent years. Rev. Henry Bannister, D.D., who lived and taught in Evanston twenty-seven years, coming here in 1856. Dr. Oliver Marcy, who became Professor of Natural History in Northwestern Uni- versity in 1862, and left at his death, in 1890, a well selected library. Mr. L. H. Boutell, who came to Evanston in 1865 and was identified with the foun- ding of the Public Library. His private li- brary was a carefully selected, scholarly collection. Edward Eggleston, who came here in 1866 as editor of the "Little Corporal," and whose private library had such an important part in the initial steps that led to the found- ing of the Free Public Library. Probably the largest and most valuable private collection of books in Evanston is that belonging to Mrs. Charles J. Morse, whose library of about 10,200 volumes con- sists of three departments: (a) Profession- al Engineering; (b) General Literature; (c) Art, with especial reference to Oriental Art (Japan, China and India). The Art Collection serves to trace the history of Oriental Art from India into China, from China into Japan, and its de- velopment in each country. The collection of books in English, French and German, HISTORY OF EVANSTON 221 relating to the History, Religions, Arts and Industries, etc., of Japan, China, India, Ceylon and other Buddhist countries, is more complete than any similar collec- tion to be found in any of the large libraries of Chicago. Supplementing the above library is a col- lection of (a) "The Art; or, illustrated Books of Japan," and (b) "The Art, Liter- ature and History of Art of China." The former is an attempt to form a complete collection of the art and illustrated books of Japan from the beginning of their publi- cation, about 1608, to the present time, so far as they were of value to art. This col- lection of about 700 titles is representative and probably more complete than any in this country or in Europe, the similar de- partment in the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris containing, in 1900, only 581 titles. The Chinese books consist of some 5,000 volumes, containing nearly the complete lit- erature of the art of painting in China, as well as Encyclopedias, Histories, the Clas- sics, Essays and Belles-Lettres. In this de- partment is found the largest encyclopedia ever published in any country, consisting of 1,628 volumes, profusely illustrated. One of the largest of the private collec- tions in Evanston is that of Dr. Robert D. Sheppard, whose library, occupying a beau- tiful room on the east side of his home, facing the lake, contains about 5,000 vol- umes. Dr. Sheppard has made special col- lections of English and American history and economics. Mr. Walter Lee Brown's library, of about 4.000 volumes, contains many sets of the earlier authors of England and America and few of the present. It consists largely of first editions of Cooper, Hawthorne, Irv- ing and Poe, and contains special collec- tions of the various editions of the "Medita- tions of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus" and White's "Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne." Mr. Brown has also made a special collection of "Chap Books," most of which were published during the eigh- teenth century, one being dated as early as 1696. Mr. Frank M. Elliott has a library of about 2,200 volumes, consisting of standard books in fiction and miscellaneous classes. Mr. Elliott also has made a valuable collec- tion of works on Lincoln and Illinois, and Mrs. Elliott has a useful musical library. The library of Mr. Charles Cleveland, of about 1, 600 volumes, is one of the most valuable private collections in Evanston. Most of the volumes are large paper and de luxe editions, and represent not only the highest typographical excellence, but the most artistic examples of book-binding in existence, forming a collection which is probably not equaled in this respect by any in the West. Among these fine bindings are specimens of the art of Cobden-Sanderson. Riviere, Zaehnsdorf, Cockrell, Roger de Coverley, Tout. Prideaux, Chambolle- Durer, Mercier, Ritter, Michel, David, Joly and Lortic. Of the more notable works may be men- tioned : A majority of the Kelmscott Press publications ; a full set of Caxton Club pub- lications ; full set of Eugene Field's first editions and presentation copies ; Fiske's "History of the United States," extra il- lustrated ; Shakespeare's Works, sixteen volumes, extra illustrated; de luxe edi- tions of Hawthorne and Emerson and first edition of Ruskin's Works. Many of the volumes in this library have appeared in loan exhibitions, both in Chicago and in Evanston. The late J. H. Kedzie's library consists of some 600 volumes of standard authors, with a special collection of scientific works, notably on astronomy, in which subject Mr. Kedzie had made special research. The Orrington Lunt Library of North- 222 LIBRARIES PUBLIC AND PRIVATE western University and the Garrett Bib- lical Institute Library, both of which are so densely identified with the early history of Evanston, will be found described in the chapter devoted to the history of those in- stitutions. The Margaret C. Way Memorial Library was presented to the Woman's Educational Aid Association by Mrs. Kate V. McMullen in memory of her mother, Mrs. Margaret C. Way, who was for eighteen years a member of this Association. This library, which contains about 400 volumes, is for the special use and benefit of the students and teachers who reside at the College Cot- tage, now known as Pearsons Hall. The Evanston Township High School has a good working library of some 1. 600 volumes. The graded schools are also pro- vided with reference libraries. Collection of Curios. A collection not of books, but of equal value in point of historic interest is that of Honorable George S. Knapp, who has gathered to- gether what is probably one of the most re- markable collections of historic and scien- tific curios in the country. Mr. Knapp was the general manager of the Columbian Lib- erty Bell, which was one of the most inter- esting exhibits of the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago of 1893, an d to the making of which the pennies of 250,000 children were contributed, together with many historic pieces of metal, identified with various struggles for liberty. The most remarkable of these relics was that contributed by Mrs. Roger A. Pryor, of New York, which was formed of two bul- lets one from the North and one from the South which met in the air and so imbed- ded themselves into each other as to form a solid mass and assume the shape of the letter "U," typical of the L'nion of to-day. Many things pertaining to the bell are still in Mr. Knapp's possession, the most interesting being the "International Rope," which was used by representatives of all nations in ringing the bell on "Chicago Day," 1893. The idea, which is a unique one, was conceived by Mr. Knapp. The rope, which is fifty-four feet long, is made of materials from all nations of the earth. The central strand, consisting of a piece of rawhide contributed by the United States, is covered by strands from the other na- tions, the whole being wrapped with the "red. white and blue." The first contribu- tion to this rope was from Queen Victoria a skein of linen thread spun by her own hand. The last was a piece of a meteor. Thus, as the owner says of it, "Heaven and earth helped to make it." The Columbian Peace Plow was made from the relics, mostly swords and bayo- nets, which could not be used in making the Liberty Bell. On the beam of the plow are the words, "And they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Xation shall not lift sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." Another interesting reminder of the World's Fair is the beautiful American flag the official flag of the Exposition which was made of American silk, spun from co- coons by women of twenty-six States of the Union. This flag was dedicated to the wo- men of America at the opening of the Wo- man's Building in 1893, and was presented to the Board of Lady Managers by Mr. G. S. Knapp and his son, G. M. Knapp, and was then presented back to them by that board. The staff is made of cherry and in- laid with pieces of wood furnished by the World's Fair Commissioners from each State and Territory in the Union, each piece being of great historical value. Among the Revolutionary relics in this collection may be mentioned the following: Piece of Paul Jones' flag, the first to be sa- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 223 luted by a foreign power; sword used at Bunker Hill by Mr. Knapp's great-grand- father : lanterns used by Washington's body guard ; blunderbuss taken from the boat from which the tea was thrown over- board in Boston harbor. This eighteenth century gun is a wicked looking piece, which bears on its large mouth the words, "Happy is he that escapes me." Relics of a later historic period are : Cup of white china used by Lincoln ; cigar-hold- er used by Grant : gavel composed of a picket from the late President McKinley's fence at Canton (given to the owner by Mr. McKinley himself) and a piece of the plank- on which he stood at his inauguration ; a Confederate flag found in a bale of cotton on board a ship which arrived in Liverpool, England, in 1864, after having run the blockade of New Orleans ; an American flag carried by Mr. Knapp through the campaigns of Grant. Garfield, Elaine, Har- rison and McKinley ; a piece of an old fort at San Juan, in the capture of which some of our own Evanston troops assisted ; a col- lection of swords and daggers used by the Filipinos in the late war, and on which the stains of blood still show, in spite of clean- ing and polishing ; a bow used by Black Hawk : a "Rob Roy" pistol from Sir Walter Scott's collection : a revolver carried by- Robert E. Lee in the Civil War. Among relics of a local interest may be mentioned : A carved staff made of wood from the old City Hall, which stood on the present site of the Rookery Building, Chi- cago : a frame made from the steps of the old Ogden House, which stood on the pres- ent site of the Xewberry Library ; the new- el-post of the Ogden house. The first two were carved by Mr. Knapp. who has done several pieces of very intricate carving with a pen-knife, notable among which is a series of frames held together by links, emblemat- ic of events in the history of the world the whole cut with a pen-knife from one solid piece of black walnut, the links being cut without disjoining. Not the least inter- esting in this unique collection is a piece of the first water-pipe laid in the City of Chi- cago, as well as samples of every kind of pipe used there since that time. Evanston Free Public Library. The Evanston Free Public Library had its origin in a plan to form "The Evanston Sabbath School Union Library" in Febru- ary. 1870. For the inception of the idea of such a library, however, we must go back to 1867 or 1868. when Dr. Edward Eggles- ton. then Superintendent of the First Meth- odist Sunday School, formed a class of boys who met at his house, which stood until re- cent years at 1017 Davis Street. This class, which was not confined to boys of any one church, held a brief religious meeting, aft- er which they were invited freely into Dr. Eggleston's library and allowed to choose books for their home reading. We quote from an article in "The Index" of Decem- ber 18. 1897, by Dr. Henry B. Hemenway, who. describing this class, speaks of Dr. Eggleston as the "Father of the Public Li- brary" : "My mental picture of Edward Eggleston generally shows him in the half hour after the meeting. He sits in a large, easy chair. his heavy brown hair pushed back, and his face lit up as he looks first to one. then to another of his hearers. A boy sits on each knee, another on each arm of the chair, one or two more hang on its back, while the rest get close to his feet on the floor, or on low stools. Then he told us stories stories of his boyhood, or of the frontier. Some of them have since been printed. Before we parted he took us into the little library and helped us to select books for our week's reading. He did not object to books of ad- venture for spice, but I remember that he tried to instill into our minds a taste for 22 4 LIBRARIES PUBLIC AND PRIVATE books of more value, like Abbott's histories. The class grew until he had to move it into the Kindergarten building, which he had built for his sister in the yard east of the house. He added to his library, but it was too small. Then he began to appeal to some of our old citizens, L. L. Greenleaf among others, for the forming of a public library." The impetus thus given resulted in the realization of Dr. Eggleston's cherished plan, and although his name is not found in the records of the library, he having moved to Brooklyn just about that time, yet there is no doubt that the beloved author of "Roxy" and the "Hoosier Schoolmaster" and many other books dear to young and old, was the inspiration of the present Pub- lic Library. The first organization was formed at the residence of William T. Shepherd, 1738 Chicago Avenue, by the following named persons: L. L. Greenleaf, Rev. M. G. Clarke, Dr. E. O. Haven, A. L. Winne, William P. Kimball, William T. Shepherd. The next recorded meeting was held August 26, 1870, at the residence of William T. Shepherd. Those present at this meeting were: L. L. Greenleaf, A. L. Winne, Rev. E. X. Packard, H. C. Tillinghast and Wil- liam T. Shepherd. At this meeting it was voted that the name of the Association be "The Evanston Library Association," the plan for a Union Sabbath School Library not being feasible. A committee which was appointed to draft by-laws and a constitu- tion consisted of Rev. E. N. Packard, Dr. J. S. Jewell and William T. Shepherd. On October 18, 1870, this constitution was adopted at a meeting held in the Methodist Church. Dr. E. O. Haven, chairman, and E. S. Taylor, Secretary. This constitution provided that the name of the Association be "The Evanston Library Association" ; that the object be "to establish and main- tain a public library and reading room, and in connection with this, by all suitable means to awaken a desire for sound knowl- edge and a correct taste, and to provide for the gratification of the same among all classes of the community." Two classes ot membership were pro- vided for, viz. : Ordinary and Life the first being open to all residents of Evanston upon the payment of $5.00 per annum. The sec- ond was open to residents of Evanston upon the payment of $30.00 for gentle- men and $20.00 for ladies. Annual meet- ings of the Association and monthly meet- ings of its Board of Directors were pro- vided. The Nominating Committee who selected the first Board of Officers consisted of Gen- eral (afterwards Governor) John L. Bever- idge, Messrs. E. R. Paul, Merrill Ladd, Samuel Greene and Ambrose Foster. The following officers were elected : President, L. L. Greenleaf; Vice-President, H. G. Powers; Corresponding Secretary, Charles Randolph ; Recording Secretary, Samuel Greene ; Treasurer, Lyman J. Gage ; Di- rectors, Rev. E. O. Haven, D.D. ; Ambrose Foster, Andrew Shuman, L. H. Boutell, J. S. Jewell, M. D., and J. H. Kedzie. On October 25th at a meeting of the Board of Directors at the residence of H. G. Powers, the first Committees were ap- pointed as follows: Books and Periodicals, L. H. Boutell, Andrew Shuman, Dr. E. O. Haven ; Rooms and Furnishing, Samuel Greene, J. H. Kedzie, H. G. Powers and L. L. Greenleaf; Finance, H. G. Powers, Ambrose Foster, L. J. Gage and L. L. Greenleaf; Lectures, Dr. J. S. Jewell, Charles Randolph and L. H. Boutell. Besides fees from members, many dona- tions of money were made by friends of the enterprise, the largest of which was $575 from L. L. Greenleaf. Some revenue was also derived, later, from lectures and from rent of the Association rooms. Valuable LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 225 donati'ons of books were made by H. G. Powers, Andrew Shuman, J. S. Jewell, L. J. Gage and others. On December 3, 1870, the Book Commit- tee were authorized to purchase books to the amount of $1,000. Rooms were secured on the second floor of Dr. W. S. Scott's building, now numbered 613 Davis Street, and the Library was formally opened on February 9, 1871. The Association was organized as a body corporate under the laws of the State of Illinois on February 23, 1871. At this time a Constitution was adopted, which was practically the same as that adopted by the Association October 18, 1870. The first monthly report of the Library showed one hundred Life and An- nual members, thirty-three weekly sub- scribers, ninety books in circulation. On October 29, 1872 a Committee con- sisting of Messrs. L. L. Greenleaf, L. H. Boutell and J. S. Page were appointed to see what measures were needed to bring about the transfer of the Library to the town. Through the efforts of this Com- mittee the matter was brought to a vote of the people at the Spring election, and in April, 1873, the citizens of the Village of Evanston, without dissent, voted for a two- mill tax for a free public library, under the provisions of the Illinois Library Law, which was passed in March, 1872. The Trustees of the Village of Evanston thereupon ap- pointed as Directors of the Free Public Library, Messrs. L. H. Boutell, J. S. Jewell, ,O. E.' Willard, J. H. Kedzie, Samuel Greene, E. S. Taylor, Andrew Shuman, L. L. Greenleaf and Thomas Freeman. On May 22, 1873, the Evanston Library Association authorized the Trustees to transfer the books and other property of the Association to the Directors of the Free Public Library of the Village of Evanston, upon condition that the same be forever kept as a Free Public Library for the use of the inhabitants of the village, and upon the further condition that said Directors as- sume the indebtedness of the Association. In accordance with these instructions the 913 volumes, and other property belonging to the Association, were transferred by the Trustees on July 3. 1873. The first meet- ing of the Board of Directors of the Free Library of the Village of Evanston was held at the Library rooms on June 21, 1873. The ballot for officers resulted in the choice of J. H. Kedzie for President and Samuel Greene for Secretary. In April, 1889, the Library was moved to the lower floor of Anton Block's building, 522 and 524 Sher- man Avenue. Upon the erection of the new City Hall in 1892, rooms on the second floor were assigned to the Public Library. These rooms were planned and adapted to the needs of the Library under the direction of N. C. Gridley, the President of the Board, and in April, 1893, tne Library was removed to these rooms in the City Hall, its present quarters. Thus began a period of greater growth and expansion. The yearly accessions of books which, for the twenty- one years since its foundation, had averaged 465 volumes per year, now ranged from 1,142 volumes added in 1893, to 2,907 vol- umes added in 1897. This impulse toward a larger purchase of books was given through the generosity of John R. Lindgren, who, during the year 1891-92, turned over to the Library for a book fund, his salary as City Treasurer, amounting to $1.502.36. Officers and Directors. J. H. Kedzie, the first President of the Free Public Li- brary Board, was succeeded by L. H. Bou- tell in April, 1877. Mr. Boutell, who, as we have recorded, was identified with the first Board of Directors of the Library Associa- tion, continued in faithful service as a mem- ber of the Board and of the Book Commit- tee for twentv-nine years until his death, January 16, 1899. In May, 1882, X. C. 226 LIBRARIES PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Gridley was elected to the office of Presi- dent, which he held until his resignation, in June, 1895. after twenty years membership upon the Hoard, executing as President not only the duties of this office, but much of the work incident to the purchase of books, etc., usually devolving upon the librarian. To the many years of active service of these two gentlemen, is due, in large part, the successful growth of the library and the careful selection of books which formed the foundation of a collection well balanced in all departments. Mr. J. \Y. Thompson, who was appointed a member of the Board in June, 1890, has been, since June, 1895, its faithful and efficient presiding officer. The first Secre- tary, Samuel Greene, served from October, 1870. to November, 1873. The successors to this office have been as follows : E. S. Taylor, H. -M. Bannister, X. C. Gridley, H. G. Lunt, J. S. Currey and Wm. S. Lord, the last three named having served for eight years each. Mr. Lord still holding this office. Charles A. Rogers is the oldest in service of the present Board of Directors, having served continuously since 1876. The re- maining members of the present Board, not before mentioned are : J. Seymour Currey, Vice-Presidcnt ; Richard C. Lake, Charles G. Neely, Fred W. Nichols, George W. Paullin, Walter Lee Brown (resigned). Librarians. Mr. Thomas J' Kellam was the first librarian, serving from Jan- uary to March, 1871. The compensation of the Librarian was fixed at $5 per week, this amount being understood to cover all expense incurred in the care of the room. Mr. Kellam was succeeded by Miss Mary E. Greene, who held the position until March, 1872, when Miss L. H. Newman was elected, and was retained by the Free Library Board, thus becoming the first Librarian of the Free Public Library. Those succeeding to this position have been as follows: Miss Nellie A. Lathrop, October, 1875, to September, 1876. Miss L. H. Bannister, September, 1876, to November, 1880. Miss Lizzie R. Hunt, November, 1880, to September, 1882. Miss Ada L. Fairfield, September, 1882, to September, 1883. Miss Anna P. Lord, September, 1883, to November, 1888. Miss Laura R. Richards, November, 1888. to May, 1891. Miss Mary S. Morse, May, 1891, to Oc- tober, 1891. Miss May Van Benschoten, October, 1891. to June, 1894. In December, 1893. it was resolved by the Board that the increasing work of the Library required the services of a trained librarian. In accordance with this resolu- tion, the present Librarian. Miss Mary B. Lindsay, was appointed and entered upon her duties, June I, 1894. Classification and Cataloguing. In 1896 the simple classification under which the books were arrange:! was found to be inadequate to the growth of the Library, and the work of reclassifying the Library under the Dewey Decimal system was be- gun in March of that year, under the direc- tion of Dr. George E. Wire, late of the Newberry Library, and formerly identified with this Library as First Assistant Libra- rian. Miss Mary E. Gale was employed to make the card catalogue. This work was completed in December. 1896, having been accomplished without closing the library or materially interfering with its use. The first printed catalogue was published in De- cember, 1873, and included a historical sketch of the Library for the three years since its organization. Later catalogues were published in 1877, 1887. 1889 and HISTORY OF EVANSTON 227 1892. An "Annotated Finding List of Fic- tion, Books for Young People and Selected Lists" was published in 1897. The card catalogue, which is in dictionary form, under names of authors, titles and subjects, is kept up to date by a trained cataloguer, and thus takes the place of a printed cat- alogue, with continuous supplements. Bul- letins of new books are published quarterly during the vear and distributed free to readers. Library Extension. One of the chief means of promoting and extending the work of the Library on broader lines was inaugurated in March. 1896, when, in com- pliance with a request from F. W. Nichols, Superintendent of School District No. 2, about loo books were loaned to the schools in that district to be circulated under the direction of the teachers. In the following year a system of separate school libraries was adopted. These school libraries of about one hundred books each were sent in turn to the schools farthest removed from the library, including all the school districts. One of these libraries was the gift of Mr. Richard C. Lake, of the Board of Direc- tors. This circulation of books through the schools, besides giving the children the ben- efit of a careful selection of books, has been an effectual means of bringing into touch with the library the families of those chil- dren, who. residing in the remoter parts of the city, were otherwise not acquainted with the library and its privileges. A graded and annotated list of the 500 books in the school libraries, compiled by the Reference Librarian, has just been published. In Oc- tober, 1897. the work for children was made a part of the work of the Reference Libra- rian and further co-operation of the library with the school was made possible by her visits to the schools and conference with the teachers. A "Children's Corner" was established in the reading room of the library in October, 1 898. and here, even in its crowded quar- ters, is seen something of what might be ac- complished in this very important line of library work, in a building equipped with a separate children's room. A Children's Library League was organized January 26, 1899. with the object of promoting among the young people a better care of the books and other property of the library and the cultivation of a taste for the best books. Reference Department. The Reference Department of about 900 volumes is said to be better equipped than most libraries of its size. The usefulness of this Department was greatly enhanced in October, 1897, when the position of Assistant Librarian for Reference and Children's work was created. The placing of this department in charge of a trained assistant has made possible a much larger work by the preparation of ref- erence lists on special subjects for clubs and for individuals, and by bringing to young people and adults a better knowledge of the various reference books and their use. As a means of further extension of the library's usefulness and of increasing knowl- edge of its methods and work among the citizens, an annual "Library Day" was in- augurated on December 10. 1897. This an- nual event has taken the form of a reception or "open house." day at the library, during which books were not circulated, but the staff and Directors served as a reception committee and explained the various de- partments and methods of work. Special exhibits of books and curios, loaned by friends of the library, added to the interest of the occasion. The twenty-fifth anniver- sary of the opening of the Free Public Library was celebrated in this way on Oc- tober 13, 1898. The crowded condition of the library rooms has made it necessary for the past two years to abandon, temporarily, this popular annual feature. 228 LIBRARIES PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Hours. The Library was open from 3 p. m. to 9 p. m., every day, except Sundays and holidays, until October, 1871, when the great Chicago fire made it necessary to cur- tail expenses. The hours were therefore limited at that time to Saturday afternoons and evenings, from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 9. In 1873 the hours were extended to three afternoons and evenings of the week. In April, 1893, the patronage of the library warranted its opening every day except Sunday from 2 to 9 o'clock p. m. In De- cember, 1895, the hours for opening were made I p. m. to 9 p. m. daily and from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Saturdays. Beginning March 15, 1897, the present hours were inaugurated, viz: 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., daily, and in January, 1901, the plan of holiday and Sunday opening was inaugurated the reading room being open on those days from 2 p. m. until 6 p. m. Privileges, Etc. Since the organization of the Free Public Library, membership has been free to all residents of Evanston upon the furnishing of written guaranty. The family card, good for three books and the individual card good for one book, were exchanged in August, 1896, for individual cards issued to each resident, without limit of age, allowing two books on each card. A fee of fifty cents per month, or $2.50 per year, gives the privileges of the library to non-residents. Xon-resident students were at first allowed the use of the library for reference; in October, 1896, the privilege of drawing books from the library was granted to them. Since September, 1898, the public have been admitted to the shelves as far as practicable with the limited room. Staff. On August 29, 1893, the matter of employment of Librarian and staff of assistants was placed under the jurisdiction of the Civil Service Commission. The Staff at present (1905) consists of the fol- lowing : Mary B. Lindsay, Librarian ; Elizabeth P. Clarke, Reference Librarian; Cora M. Hill, Superintendent Circulating Department ; Gertrude L. Brown, Cat- aloguer ; Bertha S. Bliss, Arthur H. Knox, Eddy S. Brandt, Assistants ; Wm. E. Lee, Janitor. From the 913 volumes which formed the nucleus of the Free Public Library in 1873, the number has grown to about 30,000 vol- umes an average growth of about i.ooo volumes per year. From the small begin- ning represented by about 9,000 books cir- culated during its first year, the circula- tion has grown to 114,551 volumes, which went into the homes and the schools for the year ending June I, 1901. The annual income of the library has risen from twelve hundred to about ten thousand dollars. The purchase of books, which in 1874 amounted to $260, has. for the last ten years, averaged about $2,000 per year, the book purchases for the year 1900-01 being 2,557 volumes, amounting to $2,459.49. It has been the aim of the Public Library to keep in touch with the larger library in- terests of the country. To this end the Library has. in recent years, been repre- sented at the meetings of the American Library Association and the Illinois State Library Association, President J. W. Thompson serving for a term as President of the latter Association. In February, 1898. an Inter-State Library Conference was held in Evanston, which was attended by some 170 delegates, eleven States being represented. A number of citizens gener- ously aided the Public and University Libra- ries in the entertainment of this conference. Library Building. On May 31, 1884. the neeel for more room becoming apparent, Mr. Holmes Hoge was appointed "a com- mittee of one to consult with Mr. Deering, about the erection of a library building suitable for the necessities of the people of the village." The annual report of the HISTORY OF EVAXSTON 229 same date contained an appeal to the citi- zens of Evanston to provide a building for the Library. In April, 1887, Mr. William Deering offered $5,000 toward the erection of a library building, following which a cir- cular letter was issued signed by the Presi- dent of the Board, urging that a generous response be given to the Committee who would call upon the citizens for further sub- scriptions. After earnest efforts made to raise the required amount, the plan was abandoned in June, 1887, owing to the slight encouragement given by the citizens. During the next ten years, though no action was taken, the question was often discussed by the Board, and endeavors made to create sentiment toward obtaining a building. In December, 1897, Mr. Charles F. Grey, of Evanston, offered $10,- ooo toward a $100,000 building. A com- mittee from the Board was appointed to confer with Mr. Grey and to take up the matter of a new building. Though there were no offers toward the remaining $100,- ooo, yet the Board felt confident that the required amount would be forthcoming, and efforts were continued toward securing a suitable site. In October, 1898, a commit- tee was appointed to ascertain possible con- sent of property owners abutting on the City Park in case the City would grant per- mission to place the library building there. This committee canvassed the matter and reported almost unanimous refusal on the part of property owners to consent to hav- ing the park used as a site. In June, 1899, resolutions were adopted by the Board asking the City Council to appropriate $35,000 for a site for the Li- brary. These resolutions were referred by the Council to the Judiciary Committee in consultation with the Corporation Counsel. The appropriation was not granted. In January. 1900, Mr. C. F. Grey offered to give $100,000 for a library building, pro- vided a site should be furnished, cleared of buildings, free of cost or incumbrance, and the premises after purchase removed from the tax list. A committee from the Board was appointed to raise funds for the pur- chase of a site. Anticipating the securing of the amount necessary for the building, the Board had previously made efforts to secure the property facing east on Chicago Avenue, extending north from the Baptist church to Grove Street, but efforts to obtain options on all of this property failed, and before the money could be secured that part of this property on the corner of Grove Street was sold to the Christian Science Church. Options were then obtained on the property facing west on Chicago Avenue, extending from the alley south to Grove Street. In June, 1900, the Site Committee issued a circular letter to citizens of Evanston call- ing a meeting of citizens to consider ways and means of raising the needed funds to obtain a site. This meeting was held July 6, 1900, in the City Council chamber, and it was voted to attempt to raise the required amount on the voluntary assessment plan, and a committee of citizens was chosen to act with a committee from the Library Board in spreading and collecting the as- sessment. An equal per cent of each tax- payer was determined according to the tax lists and notices were sent them stating amount of share of each. Notices were also sent to non-tax-payers, asking for a per- centage of their income. In response to this voluntary assessment, there was received $2.709.85 in cash from one hundred and twenty people. Pledges were received from forty-one people aggregating $2.116.80. The total amount necessary to purchase a suitable site in a central location was about $40.000. Realizing that this plan had failed, the money was returned to the donors and 230 LIBRARIES PUBLIC AND PRIVATE a final report made by the Treasurer of the fund. Rev. F. Clatworthy, in August, 1901. In the meantime another attempt was made toward securing the City Park. This movement was started by Rev. J. H. Boyd, D. D., who interested a number of citizens in the matter and announced the subject for discussion at his "Conversazione," De- cember 13, 1900, at the First Presbyterian church. This was made a public meeting, and the subject was fully discussed and resolutions were passed requesting the Library Board to ascertain whether the Park could be secured under the law, and to endeavor to secure consents of abutting property owners and the preferences of the legal voters of Evanston as to the site for the Library. A special committee was ap- pointed from the Library Board, and made a careful canvass of the property owners abutting on the Park, but they were obliged to report in February, 1901, that they had been unable to obtain consent of all the owners. Though many who had formerly objected now consented, yet a few adhered to the opinion that their property would be largely damaged by the use of any part of the park for the purpose contemplated. January 31, 1901, Mr. J. C. Shaffer sug- gested the probability of securing a site on Chicago Avenue between Church and Davis Streets. A Committee was appointed to act with Mr. Shaffer towards securing this site. On April 6, 1901, following upon the passage of a State law giving to cities the power to levy a tax for the purpose of pur- chasing sites for public library buildings, the Board of Directors passed resolutions determining to purchase a site, the esti- mated cost of which was $45.000, the collec- tion of such cost to be spread over a period of fifteen years. A copy of these resolu- tions was sent to the Citv Council and approved by them, but it was subsequently found that the City of Evanston was already indebted to its full legal limit ; hence such action of the Council was found illegal and was rescinded. In May. 1901, the Site Committee re- ported pledges received to the amount of $12.000. In June, 1901, Mr. Joseph M. Lyons was authorized to raise subscriptions to the site fund at a compensation of one per cent, conditional upon his raising a sum in addition to that already subscribed suffi- cient to pay for the site. Although pledges to the amount of $17,000 were secured, this enterprise also resulted in failure. After various other unsuccessful attempts, in June, 1904, the effort to secure a site was crowned with success, through the pur- chase of one by the city at the corner of Orrington Avenue and Church Street at a cost of $31,600.00. A glance at the history of the library movement throughout the country shows the wonderful possibilities of the work of the public library in educating the masses, and thus making for a higher citizenship. The Management of our Public Library is still confident that, in due time, some solution of our site problem will be reached, and Evanston's Public Library will not be long hampered by lack of room from at- taining to that larger educational work toward which, during its twenty-nine years of history, it has steadily been advanc- ing. The movement for a new building for the Public Library culminated in the offer of Mr. Andrew Carnegie to provide $50.000 towards the cost of such a building. This was supplemented by a bond issue of the City of Evanston of $31,600. for the site at the north-east corner of Church Street and Orrington Ave.. and $25.000 towards the cost of the building. This, with some other ! HISTORY OF EVANSTON 231 funds at the disposal of the Library Board, will enable the authorities to erect a build- ing to cost approximately $100.000. The corner-stone of this new building was laid on June 2. 1906. A box was in- closed in the corner-stone containing a writ- ten account of the efforts made to provide for the new building, reports, photographs of the various persons connected with the library and the citv administration, news- papers of the day, and various mementoes. The general design of the building is pure classic, fronting on Orrington Avenue, constructed of steel framework with Bed- ford stone in the exterior walls, and with a portico supported by Grecian columns. The capacity of the space for books is double that needed for the present collec- tion, thus making ample provision for fu- ture growth. LlbRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CHAPTER XXV. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY (By LODILLA AMBROSE, Pb. M., AesieUnt Librarian) First Step in the Organisation of a Uni- versity Library President Foster's Gift Advance of Fifty Years The Green- leaf Library University Library is Made a Depository for Government Pub- lications Recent Notable Donations Orriiigton Lunt Library Building is De- dicated in i8()j The Orrington Lunt Librarv Fund Internal Administration List of Those who hare Sen-ed as Li- brarians Libraries of Garrett Biblical Institute and Professional Schools. The Northwestern University Library is an integral part of the institution whose name it bears. The beginnings of the Li- brarv were small and unheralded ; its growth has been gradual, but constant and substantial. The earliest mention of a li- brary in the University records occurs in the minutes of the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, June, 1856, this being the first meeting after the University was opened to students. The report of the Fac- ulty then submitted touched on the question of a library. This led to the appointment of a committee that made the following report : "The Committee on Library rec- ommends that }he Executive Committee be authorized to expend one thousand dollars in the purchase of books for the commence- ment of a library during the present year, and that the same amount be set apart from year to year, for additions thereto, the catalogue to be selected under the direction of the Faculty." A little later President Foster gave his first year's salary for the purchase of books : and in December. 1856. the Financial Agent was authorized to fit up a room in the University building to accommodate the Li- brary. In June, 1857, the librarian report- ed 1,977 volumes and 37 pamphlets; these volumes, with a few exceptions, having been selected and purchased by President Foster. The annual meetings of 1857 and 1858 suspended the action taken in 1856 making an annual appropriation of one thousand dollars for books. In 1860, 675 volumes, chiefly philosophical and histori- cal, were purchased from President Fos- ter's library. In 1868, a printed catalogue of the library, prepared by Charles K. Ban- nister, '69, was published : a summary of the entries in this slight, green-covered pamphlet shows that the library then con- tained about 3,000 volumes. In June. 1870. the librarian reported 3,635 volumes; twen- ty years later there were 23,279 volumes, and April 30, 1903, there are 51.658 vol- umes and 35.000 pamphlets. The first great addition to the library came through the gift of Mr. Luther L. Greenleaf. Negotiations, begun in 1869 in Berlin with the heirs of Johann Schulze, Ph. D., a member of the Prussian Minis- 233 234 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY try of Public Instruction, resulted in secur- ing for the University the valuable library of this eminent German scholar and publi- cist. In recognition of Mr. Greenleaf's liberality the collection is known as the Greenleaf Library. It contains 1 1 ,246 vol- umes, and a very large number of unbound dissertations and other monographs, the publications of universities and learned so- cieties. It includes a collection of the Greek and Latin classics, with the subsidi- ary literature, remarkable for its range and completeness. There are also choice selec- tions of works in history, philosophy, and other leading subjects. In 1874, the library of the late Prof. Henry S. Xoyes, containing 1.500 well chosen volumes, was purchased by the Uni- versity for the library. In 1878, Mr. Wil- liam Deering and the Hon. Lyman J. Gage bought and presented a portion of the li- brary of the late Oliver A. Willard, chiefly volumes of State and local history and po- litical science. In 1895, Mrs. R. W. Patterson gave nearly 500 volumes, largely biblical and philosophical, from the library of her hus- band, the late Rev. R. VV. Patterson, D. D. In 1896, the joint gifts of friends enabled the library to purchase a complete set of the Hansard Parliamentary Debates. In 1898. similar gifts secured complete sets of the Reports of the United States Supreme Court and of the Illinois Supreme Court, and also created a fund of $1,850 for the purchase of the later editions of the Greek and Latin classics, supplementing the Greenleaf collection of earlier date. Another gift received in 1898 was the li- brary of German authors (2,533 volumes) collected by Geheimer Regierungsrath Schneider, of Schleswig, Germany. It in- cludes many first and second editions, and some early Reformation prints. Gifts from leading German citizens of Chicago, se- cured by the late Assistant Professor Colin, made possible the purchase of this collec- tion. In 1900, Dr. Herbert F. Fisk obtained for the Academy a supplementary library of over 500 volumes. In the same year Mr. Xorman W. Harris gave $750 for the pur- chase of books on political economy ; Mrs. Oliver Marcy gave selected volumes from the scientific library of her husband, the late Dr. ( )liver Marcy, Professor of Geology ; and Mrs. Henry Cohn presented valuable works from the linguistic library of her husband, the late Henry Cohn, Assistant Professor of German. A generous donor to the library is the United States Government. The library was designated as a depository of govern- ment publications by Senator John A. Lo- gan, May 26, 1876. In April, 1903, its col- lection of these documents numbers 6.740 volumes and 10,154 pamphlets. In addi- tion to these, some 3,000 volumes of the official publications of States and cities have been collected. In 1870, the Librarian's report gave the list of periodicals regularly received, com- prising 39 titles ; in 1890, this list contained 105 titles, and in 1903, 320 titles. The hours of opening in 1870, according to the record, were four hours each week- day afternoon. These hours have been gradually extended in response to greater demands, until in 1903 the library is open thirteen hours each day for six days a week, during the college year. Early re- ports mention appreciative use of the li- brary. Records of later years show a marked increase in its use along all lines an increase that quite outstrips the growth of the library, as well as the advance in the number of students.* The library's first habitation was a room in the building now called Old College. In December, 1869. it was transferred to X o 5: X LlbRARY OF THE PNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS ORRINC.TOX LI T XT LIBRARY LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 235 rooms in the new University Hall. In August, 1894, came another migration, this time to the Orrington Lunt Library Build- ing. As early as 1859 a prudent Trustee urged the necessity of a fireproof library building : in 1885 the need was emphasized in the report of the Committee on Library, and, in 1891, the subject was prominent in the President's report. July 22, 1891. Mr. Orrington Lunt, Vice-President of the Board of Trustees, signified his readiness to give $50,000 toward a library building. As an addition to this generous gift. $15,- ooo was contributed in varying sums by other friends of the University. Among these contributions was a gift of $5.000 made by Mrs. Robert M. Hatfield as a me- morial of her husband, the late Rev. Rob- ert M. Hatfield, D. D., for years a Trustee of the University. The amount thus given through personal beneficence was raised to $100,000 by an appropriation from the funds of the University. The building is situated on the Universi- ty campus at Evanston, facing Sheridan Road, and covering an area of 73 by 162 feet. It is planned so that future additions may be made without sacrificing exterior effect or interior convenience. The outer walls are of buff Bedford limestone, the roof is red conosera tile. The building is constructed on the slow-burning, or prac- tically fireproof, system, sometimes called mill-construction. The style of the build- ing is an adaptation of the Italian Renais- sance ; its outlines are simple with little ornamentation, but the whole is harmonious and pleasing. The large semi-circular porch is supported by Ionic columns ; on the frieze, in raised lettering, is the inscrip- tion. "Orrington Lunt Library." On either side of the entrance are cloak rooms: a broad oak staircase leads to the second floor, which provides an assembly room seating 500 persons, art rooms and seminar rooms. The third story, extending only over the central portion' of the build- ing, is devoted to offices and recitation rooms. The basement, well lighted and thoroughly furnished, contains among others a large document room, seminar rooms, work rooms, and toilet rooms. The first, or main, story is devoted en- tirely to library uses : in one wing is the reading room and in the center and in the other wing is the book room, the two being separated hy the delivery desk and card catalogue cases. The windows are large and placed so that all light comes from above. All the wood-work and furnish- ings of this floor are of polished red oak. The reading room seats 120 persons. All the stories are connected with the book room by a book-lift and speaking tube. In a central extension of the building, as shown in the ground plan, are the Libra- rian's room and the cataloguing room. The heating is by steam from a detached sta- tion and the lighting is by gas and electri- city. The architect is William A. Otis, of Chicago. The Orrington Lunt Library was dedi- cated. September 26. 1894. In the after- noon in the assembly room of the building, the exercises of formal opening were held. The program was as follows : invocation by the Rev. Franklin W. Fisk, D. D.. LL. D.. President of Chicago Theological Semin- ary: address of presentation by Mr. Or- rington Lunt : address of acceptance by President Henry Wade Rogers, LL. D. ; dedication ode, by Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller : address by Charles Kendall Adams. LL. D., President of the University of Wis- consin. In the evening, in the First Metho- dist Episcopal Church, a public address on "The Development of the Library" was de- livered by the late Justin Winsor, LL. D.. Librarian of Harvard University. Various gifts of books and money have already been noted. It remains to mention the Orrington Lunt endowment property. 236 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY In 1865 Mr. Lunt conveyed to the Univer- sity 157 acres of land in North Evanston, thereby cancelling certain subscriptions previously made, and designating the gen- erous remainder as a permanent endow- ment. Three years later this was set apart by the Board of Trustees as the foundation for a library, and named the Orrington Lunt Library fund. At an early date, a portion of the land was sold, expensive im- provements have since been made on the property ; its present valuation is $90,000. When the property becomes productive, it is expected to yield an increasing income for the purchase of books. The details of the administration of the library are too technical for presentation here. The present system is the result of gradual growth and development along the lines shown to be important by the great library movement of the last twenty-five years. During the earlier years, some one of the professors was appointed librarian ; among those who acted in this capacity were W. D. Godman, David H. Wheeler, Louis Kistler and Charles W. Pearson. In 1875-76 the Rev. W. H. Daniels served as librarian. For the following ten years the name of Horace G. Lunt appeared in the catalogue as Librarian. During the last two of these years, George E. V-'ire was Assistant Librarian. No one now bears the title of Librarian, but Miss Lodilla Ambrose, Ph. M., has been Assistant Li- brarian since January i, 1888. Aside from student assistants, the present staff are: Miss Olinia M. Mattison, Ph. B., First As- sistant since September, 1898; Miss Fran- ces C. Pierce, Ph. B., Assistant in the read- ing room since September, 1901, and Miss Adaline M. Baker, B. L. S., cataloguer since September, 1902. A committee on the library, from their own number, reports annually to the Board of Trustees on the state of the library. The Library Commit- tee of the faculty co-operates with the As- sistant Librarian in the administration of the library. Of this important committee, the late Dr. Daniel Bonbright was, for many years, the Chairman, and the library owes much to his careful oversight. The library of the Garrett Biblical Insti- tute, numbering 16,260 volumes and 2,200 pamphlets, is also on the campus, and is open to all students. The Dearborn Observatory has an as- tronomical library of about 1,000 volumes and 1,000 pamphlets. The professional schools, located in Chi- cago, have special libraries as follows: Volumes Pamphlets Medical School 3,252 5,200* Law School 6,789 No report School of Pharmacy 810 No report Dental School 2,452 2,000* Estimated. The several collections of books belong- ing to the University make a total of 65,- 961 volumes and 43,200 pamphlets. The Library of the Law School has made large gains in the current year, 1903. It has completed its sets of the Reports and compiled statutes of all of the States, and has added about 500 volumes of text-books and treatises. Two large gifts have been received but are not yet enumerated. The Hon. Elbert H. Gary, class of 1867 in the Law School, has presented a collection of the judicial decisions and leading law jour- nals of eight European countries, namely: Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Italy. This gift contains about 2,500 volumes. The late Charles C. Bonney gave to the University Library some 400 volumes from his own law library. Thus has the library progressed from small beginnings to days of greater things. With a generous endowment property in- creasing in value, and with the fostering management of the great University, of which it is so vital a part, the rapid growth of the library is a thing assured. CHAPTER XXVI. EVANSTON NEWSPAPERS (By WILLIAM C. LEVERE) The Newspaper as a Necessity Introduc- tion and Grozt'th of Local Journals The "Suburban Idea," The "Evanston Index" and Other Early Papers Story of the "Evanston Press" Advent of the Daily The Chicago Printer's Strike of 1898 Temperance Organ College Journals A "Frat." and "Barb." Advertising Con- test Quarterly and Monthly Publica- tions High Standard of Evanston Journalism. In an intellectual community the news- paper is a necessity rather than a luxury. It is an index to the character of Evanston that, despite its proximity to a great city, it has been the home of several strong and able periodicals, the beginnings of one of these dating several decades back. In re- cent years, when the competition with met- ropolitan papers has become keener than ever, with a large staff of local reporters representing the great dailies of our neigh- boring city, the local papers have not only survived, but have increased in usefulness and prospered in material things. It is the purpose of this chapter to deal especially with the publications which have made a marked impress on the civic, social, educational and business life of Evanston. To give a history of every publication which has appeared in the city would re- quire a volume rather than a chapter, for there is scarcely one of the very numerous literary organizations, social clubs, and re- ligious societies, which has not. from time to time, fathered a small magazine or jour- nal, the existence of which was ephemeral and yet which served its purpose for the brief period it lived. Due attention will be given to the more important of these in this article. The newspaper which will for- ever possess the honor of being the pioneer of Evanston journalistic enterprise was "The Suburban Idea." It first appeared in 1864 and continued one year. Its editor and publisher was Rev. Nathan Sheppard. who, after his removal from Evanston some years later, became famous as the author of a number of well-known books, the most widely circulated of which was, "How To Speak in Public." Mr. Sheppard was a man of superior literary attainments, and the tone of "The Suburban Idea" was al- ways high. It was published weekly, had four pages and four columns. During its short life it served a useful purpose to the little village, and cultivated the desire for a local newspaper of high grade which was to be so amply met by its successor. In any history of Evanston. the second of June. 1872, ought to figure as one of the most important dates, for it was on this day the first number of "The Evanston In- dex" appeared. Seldom has a paper be- come part and parcel of a community, of 237 238 EVAXSTON NEWSPAPERS its homes, its official life, its every activity, as this paper has been in the thirty-two years it has been published. The credit for the founding of "The Index" belongs to Mr. Alfred L. Sevvell. Mr. Sewell, togeth- er with Mr. John E. Miller, had been pub- lishing "The Little Corporal." a paper for youth, which attained national circulation. Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller was the edi- tor of "The Little Corporal." Mr. Sewell saw the possibilities of a village newspaper from a business standpoint, and that the commercial reasons which were his inspira- tion for the venture were satisfied, an in- spection of the advertising columns of the little sheet will show. That it was a little sheet, the interesting files on exhibition at "The Index" are proof, for by actual meas- urement each of the four pages was but 15 by 20 ]/2 inches. When the first number of "The Index" appeared the Village of Evanston did not contain a printing estab- lishment large enough to handle such a publication, despite its tiny dimensions. Each week Mr. Sewell would take the "copy" to Chicago, and there the paper was printed at first. Later in the year, after Mr. Sewell had dispose;! of his Chicago es- tablishment, the paper was printed by the Chicago Newspaper L'nion. When "The Index" was a year old. Mr. Sewell opened a printing office in Evanston. and from that time "The Index" has known no home either for editorial room or publishing of- fice, save that in the city it has served. In November, 1875. Mr. John A. Childs, who had been connected with the paper from the first, and Mr. David Cavan bought all of Mr. Sewell's interest in the paper and two years and two months later, in January, Mr. Childs became the sole proprietor by purchasing the interest held by Mr. Cavan. It was just before the sale of "The In- dex" to Cavan & Childs that "The Evans- ton Herald" appeared : but in the spring of 1876 it was amalgamated with "The In- dex." For some time the latter paper was published in a building which stood on Davis Street, one door west of where the present Century building stands. A fire broke out one night and threatened to de- stroy the plant. When the good citizens realized that danger threatened their family paper, they rushed to the rescue, and dump- ing the type into buckets, they triumphant- ly carried it to safety. The humor of this incident will best be appreciated by those who are familiar with the printing business. The entire building at 526 Davis Street is now given up to the"Index"plant. The three floors are filled with the latest and finest make of presses, while several linotypes are kept busy on twenty-four hour runs, all the year round. It is not too much to say of "The Index," as it now appears, that it is the handsomest weekly newspaper in the United States. Since 1903 Mr. Albert H. Bowman has been associated with Mr. Childs in its publication, and is now Sec- retary and Treasurer of the corporation of which Mr. Childs is President. The story of "The Evanston Press." its conception, evolution and present day pop- ularity, is of exceeding interest. The mod- ern novelists who are finding the back- ground for their stories in business life, could write many interesting pages in re- counting the incidents which surround the growth, struggles, and triumphs of "The Press" during its upward progress to its present career. The first number of "The Evanston Press" appeared January 5, 1889. Enterprising at the start, it was fortunate enough to secure the services of Miss Frances E. Willard. who contributed, week- ly for a year, a chapter under the caption, "An Old Timer's Story of Evanston." This series of reminiscences attracted wide at- tention and, before the third issue of the paper appeared, it had over one thousand LIBRARY OF THE MNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 239 paid subscribers. The founders of "The Press" were two young men, both fresh from college, .Mr. Robert O. Yandercook and Mr. Edwin L. Shuman. The latter withdrew after one year, but Mr. Yander- cook has continued to manage and publish the paper, with the exception of one year, since its first appearance. In telling of the beginnings of "The Evanston Press" Mr. Vandercook goes back twenty-five years and gives a glimpse of an Evanston boyhood of rare interest, for it brings a picture to many of experiences along the same line. Mr. Yandercook. in telling of the little seed that was planted, says: "It came about like this. Big brother traded a boyish knick-knack for a little toy print- ing press. The younger brother was very envious of the toy and longed to possess it. Big brother said he would sell it for $1.50. The small boy said he would take it. but he didn't have any money, but would pay for it in a week. The $1.50 was paid from the earnings of the printing press within the time named. As fast as other money was earned it was added to the outfit. The lit- tle toy was soon discarded for a more prac- tical machine. That in its turn was dis- carded for others, until at the time of leav- ing high school, about $500 had been in- vested in a printing plant. All was earned except one item of $40, which was a pres- ent toward a new press." From this first start, so vividly depicted, came "The High School Budget," and though it lived but a year, Mr. Yandercook considers the experience gained but one more step toward the ultimate goal, "The Evanston Press." The corporation which first published "The Press" was known as The University. Press Company. Mr. Yan- dercook tells the story of this publishing company in the following words, "It was at the end of the sophomore year when good old Dr. Cummings, the President of the University, called one of the founders of what was then known as The University Press, and gave him the kindliest words of fatherly advice. The good old Doctor said. 'I hear you have just formed a University Press Company and have spent considera- ble money for type and equipment. I want to warn you to go slow. You know noth- ing, or practically nothing, of the printing trade. \Yhat little experience you have had may have been all right along lines you were pursuing, but I am fearful that branching out will only result in failure to yourself anil disappointment to your friends !' Some people called it obstinacy, some perseverance, that caused disregard of Dr. Cummings' advice, but in later years it seems to us it was as much obstinacy as perseverance. Much additional equipment was added to the little printing plant and the University Press Company, capital stock $1.000. was fully organized and in- corporated under the laws of the State of Illinois. H. H. C. Miller, attorney. The University Trustees, in order to assist the new corporation, gave it office room, jani- tor's service, light and fuel free. The plant was set up in the basement of the gymna- sium building. Here four or five students earned their way while in college by setting type on "The Xorthwestern," the college- paper and the college catalogue, and a number of others also earned a large share of their college expenses. This was the 'quid pro quo' why the university fur- nished what it did." It was not until "The Evanston Press" had been published two years that the name of the corporation was changed to the Ev- anston Press Company. For six years, "The Press" was published in the Simpson Market Building on the south-east corner of Fountain Square. The next five years it was located in the Park building, between the Davis Street depots. Since 1900 "The 2 4 EVAXSTON NEWSPAPERS Press" has occupied the three story brick building at 609 Davis Street, and there it has had the most successful period of its life. Mr. Robert O. Vandercook continues to retain the financial and editorial control, and the outlook is, that this publication will continue for years to come to give valuable service to the cause of honorable journalism and integrity in civic affairs. An interesting incident in the history of "The Index" and "The Press" is that at one time they became dailies and were sold on the streets of Chicago as such. It was tluring the Spanish-American War. There was a strike in the mechanical department of the Chicago dailies, and all of them had suspended publication. The great sea fight at Santiago was fought and the peo- ple of Chicago were mad for news. For several days the cry of "Index!" "Press!" sounded on the city streets, instead of the familiar names the people were wont to hear. "The Press" became so enterprising that it published three editions a day. It secured a special correspondent at Wash- ington and still preserves in its office the telegram it received announcing the de- struction of Cervera's fleet. Evanston for a brief period had a regular daily paj>er. It was called "The Evanston Daily News," and was published by Milton A. Smith, who came to Evanston from An- niston, Ala., to establish the paper. At An- niston Mr. Smith had been the successful publisher of "The Hot Blast," but the peo- ple of Evanston did not regard his scheme with favor and the life of the daily was short, the first number appearing in No- vember. 1897, and the last in February, 1898. The paper had eight pages, half of which were devoted to news from through- out the country. As this was plate matter and was considerably later than the date when the same matter appeared in the Chi- cago dailies, it was not an overwhelmingly popular feature. Old-timers in Evanston remember two publications which flourished many years ago. Just after the Chicago fire of 1871, Mr. L. C. Pitner issued "The Real Estate News." It had no regular time of publi- cation, but appeared at intervals for two years. It had four pages and these were filled with real estate advertisements and lo- cal news items. The other of the two was "The Lake Breeze." It was published monthly during 1875 by Harry W. Taylor. Miss Frances E. Willard wrote a serial story entitled "Miriam," which appeared in "The Lake Breeze." William Duffell was editor and publish- er of "The Evanston Citizen," a weekly- newspaper, the first number of which was issued November 3, 1882. It was a strong advocate of the prohibition cause and it was a popular paper during its life. The last number appeared the last week in De- cember, 1891. Since December, 1903, Evanston has been the publication headquarters of "The Union Signal," the national organ of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. This weekly publication with its large cir- culation, has brought new fame to Evans- ton as the home of important periodicals. Together with "The Union Signal" is fos- tered "The Crusader Monthly," a child's paper, published by the temperance work- ers. Northwestern University has been the home of many publications, the best known of which has been and is "The Northwest- ern," which is now publishec' tri-weekly. "The Northwestern" is the successor of two college papers, "The Tripod" and "The Vidette," which united in January, 1881, and adopted the now familiar name. "The Tripod' was a monthly and first appeared January, 1871. It was published by the lit- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 241 erary societies of the university. It was a twelve-page, three-column magazine. "The Vidette" was a semi-monthly and its publishers were the entire student body. When "The Northwestern" first appeared it was published semi-monthly. In 1890 a college war broke out between the fraternity and non-fraternity students of the university. "The Northwestern" was controlled by the fraternity students, and their rivals, wishing an organ of their own, established "The Northwestern World." The first number appeared Octo- ber 17, 1890, and it was published weekly during the college year until June, 1892. Its demise was caused by its last elected editor becoming a fraternity member. An amusing phase of the struggle for advertis- ing patronage between the two journals has been told in the college novel, " Twixt Greek and Barb." which is devoted to the story of college life at Northwestern. The contest was such a unique feature of jour- nalistic adventure that we quote the story as it appears in the book. The genesis of the contest is first told as follows : "The big Sophomore grinned blandly at his friends as he said, 'If you howling man- iacs will be cool, calm and collected for a brief space of time, I'll tell you something interesting. Harburton has told you that I have been getting 'ads' for the new paper. Tedlon, the dry-goods man, does as much advertising as any merchant on Davis Street. I called on him today, and he de- clared that he would be able to advertise in only one of the two papers. I made a tre- mendous stagger to get his business, but the old man was foxy, and declared that he wanted to find out which paper would do him the most good. In the next issue of both papers, he will advertise a special sale for Saturday. In "The Northwestern" he will advertise underwear, and in "The New World." kid gloves. The advertisement bringing in the greatest returns will win for its paper his advertising for the vear. The sale will begin at eight o'clock in the morning, and will close at five in the after- noon. Now, fellows, here is a chano: to let your patriotism wax warm. The fraterni- ties know of the offer, and they intend to land that advertising contract for their sheet. Every mother's son and daughter of the Greeks will stock up with enough underwear to last them the rest of their lives. This will be the first clash, and we must draw first blood. Everyone of us ought to buy enough gloves to cover the fingers of an octopus. Each fellow must make himself a committee of one. and gel all his friends to buy their season's supply of gloves next Saturday, and above all buy them at Tedlon's. These fraternity people must learn that we mean business. 'It's war to the knife, the knife to the hilt and the hilt to the heart.' "Keg's speech aroused the enthusiasm of the crowd. The contest arranged by the shrewd merchant furnished the rival fac- tions a tangible basis upon which to begin the struggle for supremacy. When the meeting adjourned, the crowd poured down the stairway with many suggestions of method and prophecies of victory." The result of the fight between the fac- tions in this queer journalistic war is told in another chapter as follows: "The sole topic at the breakfast table was the contest to take place that day between the frats and the barbs for Tedlon's ad- vertising. Excitement ran high in univer- sity circles, and both sides were as full of prophecies as politicians at election time. After finishing breakfast. Steve and Leslie started for Tedlon's. where the sale was to commence at eight o'clock. It was a few minutes before the hour when they arrived there, and they found a long line of stu- .lents waiting for the dtxrs to open. At 240 EVAXSTON NEWSPAPERS Press" has occupied the three story brick building at 609 Davis Street, and there it has had the most successful period of its life. Mr. Robert O. Vandercook continues to retain the financial and editorial control, and the outlook is, that this publication will continue for years to come to give valuable service to the cause of honorable journalism and integrity in civic affairs. An interesting incident in the history of "The Index" and "The Press" is that at one time they became dailies and were sold on the streets of Chicago as such. It was during the Spanish-American War. There was a strike in the mechanical department of the Chicago dailies, and all of them had suspended publication. The great sea fight at Santiago was fought and the peo- ple of Chicago were mad for news. For several days the cry of "Index!" "Press!" sounded on the city streets, instead of the familiar names the people were wont to hear. "The Press" became so enterprising that it published three editions a day. It secured a special correspondent at Wash- ington and still preserves in its office the telegram it received announcing the de- struction of Cervera's fleet. Evanston for a brief period had a regular daily paper. It was called "The Evanston Daily X'ews," and was published by Milton A. Smith, who came to Evanston from An- niston, Ala., to establish the paper. At An- niston Mr. Smith had been the successful publisher of "The Hot Blast," but the peo- ple of Evanston did not regard his scheme with favor and the life of the daily was short, the first number appearing in Xo- vember, 1897, and the last in February. 1898. The paper had eight pages, half of which were devoted to news from through- out the country. As this was plate matter and was considerably later than the date when the same matter appeared in the Chi- cago dailies, it was not an overwhelmingly popular feature. Old-timers in Evanston remember two publications which flourished many years ago. Just after the Chicago fire of 1871, Mr. L. C. Pitner issued "The Real Estate Xews." It had no regular time of publi- cation, but appeared at intervals for two years. It had four pages and these were filled with real estate advertisements and lo- cal news items. The other of the two was "The Lake Breeze." It was published monthly during 1875 by Harry W. Taylor. Miss Frances E. Willard wrote a serial story entitled "Miriam," which appeared in "The Lake Breeze." William Duffell was editor and publish- er of "The Evanston Citizen," a weekly newspaper, the first number of which was issued Xovember 3, 1882. It was a strong advocate of the prohibition cause and it was a popular paper during its life. The last number appeared the last week in De- cember, 1891. Since December, 1903, Evanston has been the publication headquarters of "The Union Signal," the national organ of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. This weekly publication with its large cir- culation, has brought new fame to Evans- ton as the home of important periodicals. Together with "The Union Signal" is fos- tered "The Crusader Monthly," a child's paper, published by the temperance work- ers. Xorthwestern University has been the home of many publications, the best known of which has been and is "The X'orthwest- ern," which is now published tri-weekly. "The Xorthwestern" is the successor of two college papers, "The Tripod" and "The Vidette," which united in January, 1881, and adopted the now familiar name. "The Tripod' was a monthly and first appeared January, 1871. It was published by the lit- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 241 erary societies of the university. It was a twelve-page, three-column magazine. "The Vidette" was a semi-monthly and its publishers were the entire student body. When "The Northwestern" first appeared it was published semi-monthly. In 1890 a college war broke out between the fraternity and non-fraternity students of the university. "The Northwestern" was controlled by the fraternity students, and their rivals, wishing an organ of their own, established "The Northwestern World." The first number appeared Octo- ber 17, 1890, and it was published weekly during the college year until June. 1892. Its demise was caused by its last elected editor becoming a fraternity member. An amusing phase of the struggle for advertis- ing patronage between the two journals has been told in the college novel, " 'Twixt Greek and Barb," which is devoted to the story of college life at Northwestern. The contest was such a unique feature of jour- nalistic adventure that we quote the story as it appears in the book. The genesis of the contest is first told as follows: "The big Sophomore grinned blandly at his friends as he said, 'If you howling man- iacs will be cool, calm and collected for a brief space of time. I'll tell you something interesting. Harburton has told you that I have been getting 'ads' for the new paper. Tedlon, the dry-goods man, does as much advertising as any merchant on Davis Street. I called on him today, and he de- clared that he would be able to advertise in only one of the two papers. I made a tre- mendous stagger to get his business, but the old man was foxy, and declared that he wanted to find out which paper would do him the most good. In the next issue of both papers, he will advertise a special sale for Saturday. In "The Northwestern" he will advertise underwear, and in "The New- World." kid gloves. The advertisement bringing in the greatest returns will win for its paper his advertising for the vear. The sale will begin at eight o'clock in the morning, and will close at five in the after- noon. Now. fellows, here is a chano: to let your patriotism wax warm. The fraterni- ties know of the offer, and they intend to land that advertising contract for their sheet. Every mother's son and daughter of the Greeks will stock up with enough underwear to last them the rest of their lives. This will be the first clash, and we must draw first blood. Everyone of us ought to buy enough gloves to cover the fingers of an octopus. Each fellow must make himself a committee of one. and gel all his friends to buy their season's supply of gloves next Saturday, and above all buy them at Tedlon 's. These fraternity people must learn that we mean business. 'It's war to the knife, the knife to the hilt and the hilt to the heart.' "Keg's speech aroused the enthusiasm of the crowd. The contest arranged by the shrewd merchant furnished the rival fac- tions a tangible basis upon which to begin the struggle for supremacy. When the meeting adjourned, the crowd poured down the stairway with many suggestions of method and prophecies of victory." The result of the fight between the fac- tions in this queer journalistic war is told in another chapter as follows: "The sole topic at the breakfast table was the contest to take place that day between the frats and the barbs for Tedlon's ad- vertising. Excitement ran high in univer- sity circles, and both sides were as full of prophecies as politicians at election time. After finishing breakfast. Steve and Leslie started for Tedlon's, where the sale was to commence at eight o'clock. It was a few minutes before the hour when they arrived there, and they found a long line of stu- dents waiting for the doors to open. At 242 EVANSTON NEWSPAPERS eight o'clock, Mr. Tecllon appeared and throwing back the doors, welcomed them in with a gesture. The struggle had be- gun. The first man to buy a pair of gloves was the veteran captain of the Life Saving Crew, who said that, being a barb himself, he would have to stand by the cause. The fraternity men and women came in force, and, as each left with great packages of goods, the eyes of the proprietor glistened. At noon the contest seemed about even. There had been more barbs who had made purchases than Greeks, but the latter had purchased greater amounts, and Harney Dale, who was acting as one of the manag- ers for the frats, declared that they were sure to win. Later in the afternoon as he- stood on the edge of the walk before the store, he cried, .'Great Scotland, we are un- done.' The sight that brought forth ihis exclamation was a long line of 'bibs,' who were approaching. It was known that the sympathies of the Heck Hallites had bem enlisted by the Barbarians, but the fraterni- ty men had hoped that the 'theologs' would simply lend their moral influence to the foe. Now that they saw them approaching, led by Jack Williams, who had rounded them up with the skill of a veteran politi- cian, they were seized for the first time with the fear of defeat. There were more than a hundred 'bibs' in line, and, from the looks on their faces, it was evident they meant business. "Harney stepped in front of Jack and de- manded, 'Say, old man, are you going to ring in the whole Methodist conference on us?' " 'Just watch my smoke,' said Jack, winking, as he steered the first of the crowd into the store. " 'Oh, Lord ! Rennick,' whispered Har- ney to his friend, 'what shall we do?' " 'Bless me, if I know,' was Tom's reply, 'I'm afraid they've got us on the hip.' " 'Can't we turn in a fire alarm,' asked Harney, 'and tell them that Heck Ha'.l is burning to the ground ?' "'Why not set it afire?' suggested Tom, 'What a sweet revenge that would be.' " 'Stop fooling, and let's get our think- ing caps on, or we are done for.' " 'Well, then,' said Rennick, 'they've brought down Heck Hall ; we might go up and bring down the fair flowers cf Wil- lard Hall.' " 'Why, half of them have been here al- ready,' said Harney, 'but I'll go up and see Laura Merrill, and have her try to persuade the rest of the girls to come to our rescue, while you go and hunt the fellows and tell them that they must come and buy again.' " 'Buy again ! Why half the fellows who have been playing this game, have gone broke now, but it's all for the cause, and I'll see what I can get them to do.' "Harney and Tom gathered all the fra- ternity folk that they could find, and sent them to bring the needed aid. A strong rally was made, and the hopes of the Greeks began to rise once more. Five o'clock came at last. " 'We've won,' cried Jack Williams. " 'We've won,' cried Harney Hale. ' 'You both deserve to win,' cried Mr. Tedlon. rubbing his hands together with joy. It had been the greatest day for sales in the history of the store. No matter who else had won. Mr. Tedlon, was certainly a winner by a large majority. "It was a brief matter for the sales of the day to be counted up, and the beaming face of Mr. Tedlon again appeared at the door. The street was blocked with stu- dents Greeks, barbs, 'bibs.' 'preps' and 'co-eds,' all anxious to hear the announce- ment. "Mr. Tedlon waved his hand to silence the cheers. 'Dear friends.' he said. 'I will not keep you in suspense. The contest has F.YAXSTI )\ XFWSI'Al'FRS eight o'clock. Mr. Tedlon appeared ami throwing hack the doors, welcomed them in with a gesture. Tile struggle had be- gun. The rirst man to buy a pair of gloves was the veteran captain of the Life Saving I rcw. who said that. being a harh himself, he would have to stand liy the can-e. Tlu fraternity men and women came in force. and. as each left with great packagis of goods, the eyes of the proprietor glistened. At noon the contest seemed ahoiu even. There had been more barbs who had mad* 1 purchases than < irccks. lint the latter had purchased greater amounts, and Hartley Dale, who was acting as one of the manag- ers for the t'rats. declared that they were sure to win. Later in the afternoon as IK- stood on the edge of the walk before the store, he cried. .'( ireat Scotland, we are un- done.' The sight that brought forth this exclamation was a long line of 'bibs,' who were approaching, ll was known that the sympathies of the Heck Hallites had been enlisted by the llarbarians. but the fraterni- ty men had hoped that the 'thcologs' would simply lend their moral inlluencc to the foe. Xow that thev saw them approaching. led by Jack Williams, who had rounded them tip with the skill of a veteran politi- cian, they were sci/ed for the first time with the fear of defeat. There were more than a hundred 'hills' in line. and. from the looks on their laces, it was evident they meant business. "I larney stepped in front of Jack and de- manded. 'Say. old man. are you going to ring in the whole Methodist conference on us ?' " 'lust watch my smoke.' said Jack, winking, as he steered the lirst of the crowd into the store. "'<)h. Lord! Kciiniek.' whispered Ilar- nev to his friend, 'what ^hall we do?' "'liless me. if I know.' was Tom's rc<>'\. 'I'm afraid the;, 've got tis , , n t| K - hip.' " V:;:i'; we turn in a tire alarm.' asked Harncy. 'and tell them that Heck Hall is burning to the ground?' "'Why not set it alire?' suggested Tom. 'What a sweet revenge that would be.' "'Stop fooling, and let's get our think- ing caps on. or we are done for.' " 'Well, then.' said kcnnick. 'they've brought down I leek Hall: we might g.i up and bring down the fair tlowi r-. if Wil- lard Hall.' " 'Why. half of them have been here al- ready,' said I larney. 'hut I'll go up and see Laura Merrill, and have her try to persuade the rest of the girls to come to our rescue, while you go and hunt the fellows and tell them that they must come and buy again.' "'Iliiv again! Whv half the fellow* who have been plaving this game, have gone broke now. but it's all for the cause, and I'll see what 1 can get them to do.' "I larney and Tom gathered all the fra- ternity folk that they could find, and sent them to bring the needed aid. A strong rally was made, ami the hopes of the ( ireeks began to rise once more. Five o'clock came at last. " 'We've won.' cried lack Williams. ''We've won.' cried Hartley Hale. ''You both deserve to win.' cried Mr. Tcdlon. rubbing his hands together with joy. It had been the greatest dav for sales in the historv of the store. Xo matter who rise had won. Mr. Tedlon. was certainly a winner bv a large majority. "It was a brief matter for the sales of the day to be counted up. and the beaming face of Mr. Tedlon again appeared at the duor. The street was blocked with stu- dents (ireeks. barbs. 'bi!.' 'prep-' and 'co-eds.' all anxious to hear the announce- ment. "Mr. Tedlon waved his hand to silence the cheers. MU-ar friends.' he said. 'I will not keep \ oti in suspense. The contest has LlbRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 243 been won by the friends of the Northwest- ern World.' If the Barbarians, when they sacked Athens, had uttered such a cry as then went up to the heavens, it is no wonder the inhabitants were stricken with terror. The latter-day Greeks, at least, fled as pre- cipitously, and left the field to the victori- ous enemy." Numbered with other college publica- tions are "The Northwestern University Record." a quarterly edited by a joint com- mittee from the faculties : "The Euphron- ian," published by the Euphronian Literary Society ; "The Academian." the organ of the students of Northwestern Academy, and "The Northwestern Magazine." a liter- ary magazine which appeared for one col- lege year, that of 1903-04. Among the papers of general circulation which are now published in Evanston, are: "Correct English," a magazine dealing with the intricacies of the language, appearing monthly and published and edited by Mrs. Josephine Turck Baker; "The National Stenographer," a monthly published and edited by C. H. Rush. Our colored citi- zens are represented by the "North Shore Colored American," the editor of which is Francis Stewart and the publisher \V. H. Twiggs. This is not the first periodical which the colored citizens have had. Dur- ing the year 1889, "The Afro-American Budget. " a monthly magazine, attracted favorable attention. "The Day." a weekly, appeared during 11)04. It survived a short time. Its editors and publishers were Wesley Stanger and Charles Van Patten. "The Noon." a mag- azine of selected poetry, made its initial appearance in October, 1900. and continued for two years. William S. Lord was edi- tor and publisher. Looking back over this list of publica- tions, representing the aspirations, interests and progress of the community, Evanston has reason to take pride to herself. The standard has always been high ; the ideal, the best. CHAPTER XXVII. MEDICAL HISTORY (REGULAR) (87 HKSRY BIXBY HKMENWAV t U. D.) Primitive Health Conditions Freedom from Malarial Diseases Some Old- Time Physicians Sketch of Dr. John Erans Drs. Lndlam, U'eller and Blaney Dr. N. S. Doris the Nestor of Medical Education An Early Drug Store Sketches of Later Day Physicians Drs. Webster. Bannister. Bnrchinore. Bray- ton, Bond, Phillies, Hai'cn. Hemcnii.'ay, Kaufman, and others Eranston Phy- sicians' Club. When Marc Anthony said : 'The evil that men do lives after them : The good is oft interred with their hones." he clearly was not speaking of physicians. If any of them ever made mistakes, those errors have been covered with the daisies of charity and hidden by the snow of ob- livion, while their good deeds continue to grow and multiply as the years pass by. Evanston is itself a memorial to the med- ical profession. It is called in honor of a distinguished member of a former faculty of Rush Medical college. Its principal business street was named after the Xestor of the American Medical Association. The old village depended upon the Northwest- ern University for its existence. The first subscription for starting the University bore obligations to the amount of $20/100. and of this amount $5. 500 was subscribed by Drs. John Evans, X. S. Davis and Wil- liam Justice. Of the amount actually paid in on this subscription physicians gave over one-third. A regular practitioner of medi- cine has been the chief executive of the village : another was Postmaster, and doc- tors have borne their share of the work of education, and other public service. Early Health Conditions. Before 1855 there was no doctor residing in Ridgeville, as the place was then called. Then, as nc.iv. this was a particularly healthy section. Whereas, Chicago, and the ground south of the river, was only eight feet above the lake, here it was three times as high, and drainage was correspondingly better. B. F. Hill said to the writer that he never knew of a case of fever and ague occurring in those early days, along this north shore and east of the Xorth Branch. The early settlers were familiar with the use of bone- set for malarial fevers, rue for worms, lo- belia for fevers, butterfly weed for pleurisy, tansy, camomile, saffron and other herbs. They knew how to use poultices and the wet pack, as well as other home remedies. Many of the better educated had such books as "Beach's American Practice." Seldom was a physician sent for to attend any one here. Alonzo Burroughs, who lived then in the campus at what is now the edge of the lake opposite Memorial hall, 245 246 MEDICAL HISTORY never had the assistance of a physician in his house until after the birth of his sev- enth child. I find that, for a time, a young doctor by the name of Smith lived with the Dennis family near the present Gage place on the shore in Wilmette. Dr. John Kennicott, who lived at Xorthfield, cov- ered this territory in his "drive." Dr. Hoffman in Xiles practiced aniony our German citizens. Dr. John Evans, from whom the place has its name, was born at Waynesville, O., March 9. 1814, of Quaker ancestry. His parents at one time lived in South Carolina, but they were obliged to emigrate on ac- count of abolition sentiments. In Ohio his father continued the manufacture of tools for which the family had been somewhat noted for three generations. John was graduated from Clermont Academy and, in 1836, having received his medical degree, he began the practice of medicine along the Illinois River. Later he settled in Attica, Ind. While there he began the agitation which resulted in the establishment of the first State Insane Asylum at Indianapolis, of which he was appointed the first Super- intendent. In 1845 he moved to Chicago and took the chair of midwifery in Rush Medical College, which he held for ten years. He also edited the "Northwestern Medical Journal" He inherited a taste for business and gradually devoted more attention to secular affairs. He aided largely in building the Chicago and Fort Wayne Railroad. He secured for them their terminal facilities in Chicago. As was before stated, he took an active part in starting the Xorthwestern L'niversity. and he was the President of its Board of Trustees for forty-two years. In 1855 he built and moved into his Ev- anston home. It was a Gothic cottage which has since been moved to 1317 Chi- cago Avenue. It still retains many of its older decorations, but it has lost some of the original Gothic beauty by the substitu- tion of clapboards for battens. Originally it stood facing south on Clark Street in the middle of the block from Hinman to Jud- son Avenue. It was surrounded with a white picket fence, the east half of the block being a rolling lawn, while the Hin- man Avenue side was given up to flowers and shrubs, among which gravel walks wound in geometric designs. Behind the house was the Gothic barn (now the resi- dence of Sandy Trent, Xo. 1815 Benson Avenue), the hot-beds and vegetable gar- den, and further back the modest cot- tage of the doctor's man. Mike Cavenaugh. I have described this, my old playground, as a type of the better homes of the village. In 1862 Dr. Evans became Governor of Colorado, and was never here much of the time afterward, though the family home was nominally here until 1867. From '63 to '65 the house was occupied by Luther L. Greenleaf. While in Evanston the Doc- tor practiced little, chiefly in consultation. Of his deeds in politics and railroad build- ing we have nothing here to say further than that, to him more than to any other one man, does Colorado owe her present prosperity. As a student and practitioner of medicine he was literally in the front rank. In opposition to the prevailing opin- ion of the profession of that time, he af- firmed, in the 'forties, the contagiousness of cholera, and yet. as late as 1862, his wife rode in a carriage with the casket contain- ing a victim of scarlet fever, and on re- turning home took her little Margaret upon her knee. The result was another little grave in Rose Hill. While teaching in Chicago he spent much time perfecting an extractor which he had invented. He was quite proud of his results and showed the instrument to his class. One of the students obtained a ' 'PI *". *v? - . . ; : 181 w i LIBRARY OF fHE UNIVIRSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 247 patent on it. Dr. Evans, instead of attempt- ing to have the patent set aside, so thor- oughly condemned the patenting of any professional article, and so perfectly showed forth every possible objection to the use of that particular instrument that, today, there are very few living who ever have heard of it. Dr. Evans died in Den- ver, Colo.. July 3, 1897. Dr. James W. Ludlam. After Dr. Evans. Orrington Lunt and others had completed the purchase of the Evanston farm for the University, they stopped to water their horses at the tavern kept by Major Mulford. This tavern was a por- tion of the building since known as the James S. Kirk home, and is now used by the Sisters of St. Francis as a hospital. Vis- iting the Major at the time were Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Watson Ludlam. They had come West to see their sons Reuben and James, who had located in Chicago. After talking with the university folks. Dr. Lud- lam became impressed with the future of the town and purchased of the Major ten acres of land on the west side of Ridge Avenue. He built there his first Evanston house just south of Oakton Avenue. The locust trees that he planted show the loca- tion of the house which was burned some twenty years ago. When Dr. Ludlam found that the new town would not be near the old settlement, he first purchased the southeast corner of Hinman Avenue and Clark Street, opposite Dr. Evans, which he later exchanged for the present site of the Evanston Club. Here he erected the house since moved to 1206 Hinman Avenue, and now occupied by his children. Jacob Wat- son. Jr.. and Miss "Mollie." Dr. Ludlam was born at Camden. X. J.. November 28, 1807. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, and prac- ticed at Deerfield, X. J.. until he came to Evanston. March 31. 1855. He died here July ii, 1859, and his body was the first interred in Rose Hill. With the exception of Dr. Blaney, Dr. Ludlam was probably the most thoroughly educated man in the profession among the early settlers. In those days it was not unusual for a man to begin practicing after from three to six months' study, but Dr. Ludlam took three years, and as long as he lived in the East it was his custom to frequently spend a month at one of the schools of medicine. Tall in stature and polished in manner, he was an ideal physician. The Ludlam family were not an unim- portant part of the social life of the burgh. Of Reuben, the oldest son. who later be- came President of the State Board of Health, the old Doctor said to one of the then old settlers: "I have a boy practicing in Chicago ; I have this satisfaction about him, that he will never kill any one with his medicines." Reuben remained in Chi- cago, but James, or Major, as he has since been known, went with the Evanston boys General Beveridge, Major Russell, Lieu- tenant Harry Pearsons and others into the Eighth Illinois Cavalry. And 'Miss Mol- ly!' I remember hearing one of the young ladies remark one day after a wedding: "Xow, Molly Ludham has been a brides- maid seven times, and that is a sign that she never will be married." She never has. For many years she taught in the old Ben- son Avenue School, and she did her work well. Evanston's Second Physician. The sec- ond physician to locate here was Fayette Montrose Weller, who came in the summer of 1855, and settled on Ridge Avenue op- posite the present site of the Academy of the Visitation. His ancestors were early settlers of Xew England from Bavaria, Holland. Scotland and England. He was born at Sardinia. X. Y.. April 13, 1825. He first studied for the ministry, but changed 248 MEDICAL HISTORY his mind and graduated from the medical department of the University of Michigan in 1854. His first wife. Marie Antoinette Hypolite. died in Evanston in 1858. Three years later he married Philena M., the eld- est daughter of George M. Huntoon, one of the earliest settlers of Ridgeville. Dr. Weller was for three or four years the village Postmaster, using the Max Hahn building, which stood at 619 Davis Street. Here he kept the second drug store opened in the village, though it could not have been as attractive as the colored lights and soda fountains are at present, for it did not impress itself upon the memories of the girls of the day. \Yhen Ed. Clifford be- came Postmaster, Dr. Weller sold to him the drugs which he moved into the little store, Xo. 1610 Chicago Avenue. Dr. Weller was a thick-set, dark-complexioned man. of medium height and a good practi- tioner. In 1865 Dr. Weller sold his prac- tice to Dr. Ira B. fieier. but he returned to Evanston in the 'seventies for a short time. In 1878 he moved to Chicago, where he died at the age of 70. Dr. Blaney. James Y. Z. Blaney was born at Xewcastle. Delaware, May I. 1820, into a family known for its refinement and education, with ample means to provide a thorough education. The son was gradu- ated from. Princeton College when eighteen and, as soon as he reached his majority, he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from Jefferson Medical College. In 1842- 43 he was on duty at Jefferson Barracks. St. Louis. A year later he located in Chi- cago, and became Professor of Chemistry at Rush. lie also edited the "Xorthwestern Medical Journal." In 1857 he added to his other work the chair of Chemistry in the University and moved to Evanston. He built and occupied the house which recent- ly gave place to Mayor Patten's new one on Ridge Avenue. As with Dr. Evans, Dr. Blaney 's Evanston practice was chiefly consulting. At the outbreak of the war Dr. Blaney was ordered East as Medical Inspector, and never returned to Evanston to reside. Later he was returned to Chi- cago as Medical Purveyor, and at the close of the war he was mustered out as a Lieu- tenant Colonel. He died in Chicago. De- cember ii, 1874. After the death of Dr. Ludlani, Dr. J. H. Hobbs, a recent graduate from Rush, made a short sojourn in our midst. About the same time a dapper little graduate from the University of Pennsylvania, in the class of '54, made his appearance. He wore eye- glasses the only ones in town, perhaps. He was a perfect gentleman, and the admi- ration of all the young ladies. He started the first baseball club in the village. But William Yarian was also a man of skill. He was the nephew of one of America's best surgeons Washington Atlee and at the beginning of the war he became a Brigade Surgeon. On one occasion, on reaching a new post, he was at once ar- rested as a spy, being mistaken for a Con- federate (ieneral whom he strongly re- sembled. At the close of the war he settled in Titusville. Pennsylvania, where he is now an honored member of the profession. I am told that in '61 there was a woman physician living in the house on the campus formerly occupied by Alonzo Burroughs, but she was probably not a graduate. At the same time there was a Dr.. P.arker living opposite the old Methodist church, corner of ( )rrington and Church Streets. He served in the army and after the war he settled in Wisconsin. Ira B. (icier, a brother of Mrs. Mary F. Haskins. came in '65. He was a bachelor, and at the last lived in a cottage which he built on the northeast corner of Benson Avenue and Davis Street. He was a native of Central Xew York. He was a very HISTORY OF EVANSTON 249 well informed physician, but he never had a large practice. He lacked the decision, energy and backbone which are necessary for the work. A slight indisposition always caused him to fear his coming dissolution. On the other hand, he was an enthusiastic Mason, and was the real founder of Evans Lodge, for the first two years acting, and the next real. Worshipful Master of the lodge. He moved to Florida in 1872. Dr. Leonidas P. Hamline, son of Bishop Hamline of the Methodist Church, was born at Zanesville, O., August 13. 1828. He graduated at Castleton Medical College. Yt. He moved to Evanston with his family in 1865. and built the residence now occu- pied by his daughter. Mrs. T. S. Creighton. at 1722 Judson Avenue. There he died January 22. 1897. During his early days in Evanston Dr. Hamline did most of the sur- gery performed here and saw an occasional sick patient, but he had practically retired from practice when he came here. Later Physicians. Dr. Washington S. Scott came to Evanston March I, 1865. Born near \Yellsburg. Brooke County. Yt., he went to college at Meadville. I'a. He re- ceived his medical education in Philadel- phia. Cincinnati and Xew Orleans. Before coming to Evanston lie practiced for some time in Iowa. He was not in active practice long here, but sold out to Dr. Poole in 1867. He threw all his energy into busi- ness. He started a drug store at 613 Davis street, almost on the same spot on which a man by the name of Donovan started the first store several years earlier : but. where- as Donovan soon went out of business. Dr. Scott's is still in existence, two doors west, now under the ownership of Hill & Leffing- well. Dr. Scott was a Democrat, but not offensively so. Naturally a Southern sym- pathizer, few ever heard him say it. He put forth his best thought in the interest of Evanston. He built the first brick busi- ness block in town. 611 and 613 Davis Street, and the first public hall. He built the first building intended for a postoffice, and the first Masonic temple. He died at the age of 70. in Springfield. 111., June 25, IQOI. Dr. Isaac Poole was born in Halifax, Plymouth County, Mass., July 26. 1837. He was graduated in medicine from the Berkshire Medical College, Pittsfield Mass., in November. 1862. For two years he was interne at the Kings County. X. Y., Hospital. For two years he served as a Surgeon in the United States Xavy. He came to Evanston in February, 1867. and has practiced here ever since. He is now the oldest physician in Evanston. and the oldest in the practice of medicine. He is of revolutionary and of Puritan descent. His grandfather, John Poole. was a minute man (luring the entire War of Independence. 1 le is also descended from Dr. Samuel Fuller, the physician of the Mayflower. James Stewart Jewell was born at Galena. III., September 8. 1837. He was graduated from the Chicago Medical College in 1860. He was Professor of Anatomy in the same institution from 1864 to 1869. and of Xer- vous Diseases during the later years of his life. In 1870 he received the honorary de- gree of A. M. from Xorthwestem Univer- sity. He died in Chicago. . \pril 18. 1887. Dr. Jewell was naturally a brilliant man. He was a most entertaining lecturer and conversationalist. He was a linguist of more than ordinary ability. Soon after he came to Evanston. about 1868. he started a Bible class in the Methodist Sunday-school, then under the superintendence of Ed- ward Eggleston. The class grew rapidly, and it was soon postponed until after the regular session of the school for two rea- sons : first, that they might have more room : and second, that members of other 250 MEDICAL HISTORY churches might attend. So popular was he that the old Methodist church, then the largest auditorium in the village, was filled every week. He illustrated his lectures with large charcoal sketches and maps of his own drawing. So interested did he be- come that he started to write a book on the Life and Travels of St. Paul, and with that in view, he took a party of Evanston young men to Palestine in 1870. In his party was Frederick Huse. later a doctor of medicine. The book was never finished. He became interested in psychology, and through that he began a closer study of the nervous sys- tem. This led to a study of the diseases of the nervous system, to which he limited his later practice. He started a "Journal of Nervous Diseases," and left a partially completed work upon this subject, but death overtook him in the midst of his labor. I have heard them tell how he first appeared in the medical school, a tall, awkward boy, wearing blue-jeans trousers. I have heard him narrate about his weary work in coun- try practice before he came to Evanston, often sleeping as he rode upon his horse's back, awakening with a start as he uncon- sciously ducked his head to avoid an over- hanging branch. He killed himself by over- work, and a disregard of the very rules which he so well taught us. James Henry Etheridge, the son of a phy- sician, was born in Johnsville, N. Y., March 20, 1845. After studying at Ann Arbor he graduated from Rush Medical College in 1868, and settled in Evanston. His sister was the wife of Lyrnan J. Gage, who then lived on Hinman Avenue. After practicing here for a year and a half. Dr. Etheridge married Harriet, the daughter of H. G. Powers, and, in 1870, went to Europe for further study. When he returned he settled in Chicago, where he died in 1891. having been a professor in his alma mater for thirty vears. It is not probable that any man has ex- erted a more powerful influence upon the medical profession of the United States than my old preceptor. Dr. Nathan Smith Davis. The Davis family lived opposite the First Methodist church from 1871 to 1881, and it had been the doctor's expectation to spend here the remainder of his life, but the un- timely death of his son Frank changed his plans. The Nestor of Medical Education. N S. Davis, the youngest of seven children, was born on a farm which his father had cleared at Greene, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1817. This son, after attending Cazenovia Seminary, began the study of medicine in 1831 with Dr. Daniel Clark, at Smithville Flats. Ac- cording to custom the boy lived with his preceptor, taking care of his horses and doing other work. In 1837, before he was of age, he graduated with honor from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Fair- field, N. Y. His thesis was upon animal temperature. While in college he boarded himself much of the time. He settled first at Vienna, X. Y.. and then at Binghamton. where, for a time, he had as an associate, Dr. A. B. Palmer, later the Dean of the Medical Department at Ann Arbor. In 1847 Dr. Davis became a professor in the College of Physiciansand Surgeons in New York City. Two years later he came to Chicago as a Professor of Practice in Rush Medical College. Dr. Davis early began to advocate a more systematic course in the study of medicine, and in 1859, he started the Chicago Medical College, now owned by the Northwestern University. This was the first medical school in this country to in- sist upon a graded course of three years' study. Harvard being the second, more than a decade later. Chiefly at his own expense he started a hospital in the old Lake House, which later became Mercy Hospital. In honor of Dr. Davis the American Medical HISTORY OF EVANSTON 25 i Association, several years ago, had a medal struck, thus recognizing him as its founder. It was his pen that drew up the code of ethics which still governs that body. Dr. Davis was a clear thinker and forcible speaker. He was tireless in his original investigations. He did his share of editor- ial work, the last being upon the "Journal of the American Medical Association." Dr. Davis always took a most active part in sanitary matters. In Chicago and in Evan- ston, by popular lectures and constant agita- tion, he did much toward the establishment of public water supply and sewerage sys- tems. There was a time in Chicago when he was spoken of as "Pope Davis," because of his influence over the Irish people. This influence was noted in the dark days of the Civil War, when recruits were badly wanted but were slow to come. Then Dr. Davis, standing on the court house steps, so elo- quently pleaded with them that large num- bers came forward to enlist. Dr. Davis was one of the first physicians to decry the use of alcohol as medicine, and later, through his efforts, the Washington- ian Home was started in Chicago for the care of inebriates. Dr. Davis was always an active member of the Methodist Church, and while he lived in Evanston he seldom was absent from the morning or evening service, and as regular as the hour for Sunday-school, you might see him walk down the middle aisle to his Hible class. For two or three years he was President of the Board of Village Trustees. On one occasion a Trustee sent in a bill for hotel and livery entertainment of some visitors to the village. Dr. Davis cast it aside with the remark that such matters were private and should not be paid from village funds. "I think we should pay the bill," said one of the Trustees, indicating thereby a dissent from the decision of the chair. ''All right." said Dr. Davis, putting his hand into his pocket. "I'll give five dollars, what will you give?" "One." was the feeble reply. Dr. Davis was always the poor man's friend. On one occasion a lady brought her daughter to the doctor, insisting that she wanted him to give her special atten- tion, and she was willing to pay whatever he asked. The Doctor's head was bent over as he listened to her. Then he replied: "My fee is one dollar. I give my best care to every patient, the poor as well as the rich. I cannot do more in your case." The son of Bishop Whitehouse once came to consult Dr. Davis. He was dressed in the height of fashion. The office girl gave him a number and requested him to take a seat : but, looking with scorn upon the long line of working people ahead of him. he rapped at the private door. He explained to the Doctor that he wished to consult him. "Take a seat," was the reply. "Probably you do not know who I am," said the young man. "I am the son of Bishop White- house." "Take two seats," responded Dr. Davis, as he turned to hear the troubles of "next." The Doctor's advice to his students as to treatment was, "First determine what is wrong. Then find the cause and remove it. Lastly determine what in your judg- ment is the best remedy to be used in the case and use it." I have often heard him tell with a twinkle in his eye how he once sent to an eclectic physician for some simple remedy for one case and of his neighbor's boastful pride over the fact. Dr. Davis re- ceived the honorary degrees of A. M.. and LL. D. from Northwestern University. He died June 16, 1904. An Early Drug Store. In the early 'seventies Dr. T. S. Blackburn, a native of Canada and graduate from Ann Arbor, opened a drug store in the brick building east of the Central Street station of the -5 2 MEDICAL HISTORY Northwestern Road. The North Evanston practice was divided between Drs. Black- burn and Jenks, both of whom are now dead. In the late 'seventies there appeared in the village a fine looking gentleman, of middle age. who promised to cut a wide swath in the local profession. Whence he came or where he studied I have not found. His name was Trimble. In a short time he had upon his list the names of several prominent families, but an unfortunate series of fatal accidents discouraged him and he sought the balmy air of Florida, followed by a threat of shooting if ever he were seen in town again. Latter Day Physicians. Dr. Edward H. Webster was born of old Puritan stock at Wells River, Yt., in 1851. He traces his ancestry in this country to the middle of the seventeenth century. In 1867 the family moved to Evanston, where the father was known for his generosity to the poor. Ed- ward attended the university and was a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. He graduated from the Chicago Medical Col- lege in 1877. and has been located in Evan- ston since '/<>. In his later student days, and for two years following, he was in charge of the infirmary of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway in Chicago, and ever since he has been the District Surgeon of that company. Henry Martyn Bannister, son of Profes- sor Henry Bannister. I"). D.. of the old Insti- tute faculty, was born at Cazenovia. N. Y., July 25. 1844. The family came to Evanston in 1856. Here the son received his degree of A. M. From 1864 to 1873 he was con- nected with the Smithsonion Institute, at Washington. He was badly frozen, separ- ated from his companions and nearly lost his life, while on the exploring expedition sent out by the Government before we pur- chased Alaska. He was graduated from the medical department of Columbia University in 1871. For some years he was a physician at the Kankakee Asylum, but during much of his professional career he has been en- gaged in medical journalism. He is now on the staff of the "Journal of the American Medical Association." Gustav A. Fischer, born in 1846. came here about 1875. He was graduated from the University of Prague. Austria, in 1871., He now resides in Chicago. John J. Scheuber came here from Switzerland about the same time. He had quite a practice among the Germans. He treated cancer with plasters, and had a diphtheria cure which still has some reputation. He married a sister of J. H. Stephen, the genial manager of Muno's baker^. Dr. Scheuber died in Joliet, in 1900, at the age of 64. John H. Burchmore was born November 12, 1849. in Salem. Mass., where his family had resided since before the Revolution. He was graduated from the medical school of Harvard University in 1875. and, after serv- ing as interne in the Massachusetts General Hospital and resident physician in the Boston Lying-in Hospital, in 1877 ne '~ cated in what was then North Evanston. He married a daughter of John W. Stewart, one of the most prominent residents there. Dr. Sarah H. Brayton was born in Eng- land in 1849. She was graduated in medi- cine by the New York Free Medical Col- lege for Women, in the spring of 1875. In 1883 she settled in Evanston. Thomas Sheldon Bond, the son of a Con- gregational minister, was born at Lee, Mass., December 14, 1842. He graduated from Amherst College with the degree of A. M., in 1863. and taught at Lake Forest. In l8f>7 he graduated from the Chicago Medical College and the next year received a like degree from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York. From 1869 to 1874 he was demonstrator of anatomy HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 253 and from 1874 to 1879, Professor of Anat- omy in Chicago Medical College. He then retired to private life and, in 1882 moved to Evanston, where he died December 4, 1895. Dr. Bond was as fine an anatomist as there was in Chicago, and a most excel- lent teacher. William A. Phillips, son of William B. Phillips, was born in Chicago, January 18, 1861. His genealogy in this country reaches back to George Phillips, who came to Salem, Mass., in 1632. In 1870 the fam- ily moved to Evanston. Here the son re- ceived the degree of Ph. B. He studied in the Northwestern Medical School, and in 1887 received the degree of M. D. from Harvard. After spending a year at Vienna he settled in Evanston. For a time he was lecturer on comparative anatomy in the University. He is an enthusiastic student of anthropology, and his valuable collec- tion is one of the attractions of the Univer- sity Museum. Otis Erastus Haven, the eldest son of Bishop E. O. Haven, once President of the University, was born in New York City, July 2, 1849. He was graduated as an A. B. from Ann Arbor, in 1870, and went to Iowa to teach. In 1873 he received his master's degree, and came to Evanston as Superintendent of the Public Schools. Then he studied medicine while teaching, and was graduated from Rush in 1882. He spent some months in Xew York Hospital and then opened an office here. He was at once elected a member of the Board of Ed- ucation and served until his death. February 3, 1888. His professional career had been short, but he was universally beloved as a man and physician. Henry Bixby Hemenway was born at Montpelier, Yt. December 20, 1856. He traces his family in Salem, Mass., back as, far as 1636. He came to Evanston in September. 1857, where his father became professor in the Theological School. He received the degrees of A. B. and A. M. from the University, and was licensed to practice in 1880 by State examination. He was graduated from Chicago Medical Col- lege in 1 88 1 and located at Kalamazoo. Mich. While there he was City Health Of- ficer. Secretary of Board of United States Examining Surgeons. Division Surgeon of the Michigan Central and of the Grand Rap- ids & Indiana Railways, and held offices in the local and State Medical Societies. In the fall of 1890 he returned to Evanston. He taught one year in Rush College and gave a course of lectures at the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons in 1900, during the illness of Professor Carter. He is the Surgeon of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul and the Chicago & Milwaukee electric roads. Gustav W. Kaufman was born in Han- over, Germany, in 1860. He was educated in the German Gymnasium and School of Pharmacy. In 1881 he came to America and engaged in the drug business in St. Louis. He was graduated from the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in 1886, and four years later received the doctor's degree from the St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons. He settled in Evanston in 1890. Lack of space prevents more than the mere mention of Dr. Gray, a copy of Jewell, who conducted a small private asylum here in the 'eighties : of Bentz, who at one time lived in Xorth Evanston and moved to Wheeling : of O. T. Maxson, who graduated from Rush in 1849. and came to South Evanston in '84. taking great interest in that village; he died in '95, as did also Hawley, after a short residence here : or Leonard, also of the south wards ; of Ly- ford, who came in the 'eighties, and re- turned to Port Byron : of Stewart, who was killed by the cars in '93 ; of Josiah 254 MEDICAL HISTORY Jones, who gave up the Health Commission- ership to dig gold in the Klondike ; of Drs. O. Mueller, Bernard Miller. Frazier and Kinimet, returned to Chicago ; of W. A. Palmer, removed to Minnesota, and Ivaats. returned to England ; of Harriet Wolfe, who became a Goodrich and retired from prac- tice ; of Wilder, who married Marie Huse, and died in Iowa ; of Harding, who married Mary Clifford, an old resident, and in '91 returned to Evanston from Goshen ; of Da- kin, an Evanston boy, who graduated from Physicians and Surgeons, New York, in '90, and came back two years later ; of Bjork- man, who died in 1903; of Harder, Stock- ley, Baird, Balderston. Mars, East, the McEwens, Clyde, who came here since 1890. and the various specialists who have resided here: such as Ridlon, the leading orthopedic surgeon of the West : Dodd, the eye surgeon ; Ballenger and Walters, the laryngologists ; Pusey and Andrews, all of whom now reside in Evanston. William R. Parks, our present Commis- sioner of Health, was born in Milwaukee in 1869. He received the degrees of Ph. B. and Ph. M. from Northwestern University, and in 1893 graduated from Rush Medical College. After two years in the Presby- terian Hospital he returned to Evanston to practice. In 1883 a Medical Society was organized by some of the more recent settlers in the profession in Evanston. It was known as the Physicians' Club. Its meetings were held at the Avenue House. Its Officers were Dr. Hemenway, President ; Kaufman, \ ice- President : and Palmer, Secretary and Treasurer. At the close of the year the or- ganization was a thing of the past. In 1902 one of the first branches organ- ized of the Chicago Medical Society was established in Evanston. Its membership is not limited to Evanston, but it includes resident physicians of the North Shore to the County line. In the effort to unify the profession, this society opens its doors to all reputable practitioners. CHAPTER XXVIII. MEDICAL HISTORY (HOMEOPATHIC.) (By DR. M. C. BRAGDOX) First Case of Homoeopathic Treatment in Eranston Successful Results Early Homoeopathic Physicians Dr. Hau'kcs First Local Practitioner He is Followed by Dr. C. D. Fairbanks Sketch of Dr. Oscar H. Mann His Prominence in Local Educational, Official and Social Re- lations Founding of the Ei'anston Hos- pital Doctors Marcy. Clapp and Fuller Roll of the Later Physicians and Sur- geons. About 1854 a child living in the neighbor- hood of the Mulford tavern was taken sick one night, and the family feared that she could not live till morning. There was no doctor nearer than Chicago, and it was not likely that one could be obtained before the next day, too late to save the patient. It was ascertained that the wife of one of the early settlers then stopping at the tavern had a case of homoeopathic rem- edies. The gentleman did not believe in that mode of treatment, but his wife did. As she was ill, the husband took the case of pills in one hand and a manual of prac- tice in the other, and went to the patient's relief. He knew little, if any, of the signs of disease, but he sat by the bed and studied the book. He said, in telling of the incident, that while he was not very hopeful of do- ing good, he felt sure that he would do no harm. In the morning the patient was suf- ficiently recovered so that it was not con- sidered necessary to send for a physician. So far as known, this was the first record of homoeopathic treatment in Evanston. Many of the early residents were ac- customed to this method before they came to Evanston. It was not uncommon to find a copy of Small's "Manual of Homoeopathic Practice" on the book shelf, or some other book for family use, and the more common remedies were kept on hand, even by those who were accustomed to employ the old school doctors. The simplicity of the sys- tem, the ease with which it could be used, and the freedom from harmful results, recommended it. Homoeopathy in Evanston has always had the support of many of the best educated people in the village, and among the earlier residents were many strong believers in the new school. Doctors Adam Miller, J. Nicholas Cooke, Reuben Ludlani. and other Chicago practitioners, made frequent professional trips to the village. First Resident Practitioner. At that early time there were few homoeopathic schools. Most of the practitioners were graduates of the old school who had be- come dissatisfied with the heroic treatment then in vogue, and so had taken refuge in this more simple system. Many of them 255 256 MEDICAL HISTORY however did not adhere strictly to the law of similars. In 1856 one of this style came and settled in the village. His name was Hawkes. So far as the writer has been able to find, he was not related to Prof. \V. J. Hawkes who came later, though they have often been confounded with each other. This man was in some way related by marriage to Dr. Moses Gunn, one of the foremost surgeons of half a century ago in Chicago, and to Mr. Gould, who long occupied the position of clerk at Rush Medical College. He was also a distant connection of the Judson family, and for his use Rev. Philo Judson had erected the commodious house which was removed to give place to the Young Men's Christian Association building in 1898. Dr. Hawkes remained only a year. From that time until the middle 'sixties there was no resident homeopathic physi- cian. Dr. C. D. Fairbanks lived in Evan- ston about 1865. Little is known of him. All who knew him spoke well of him, both as a man and as a physician. It is said that he moved from our midst to Englc- wood, but this is uncertain. Dr. Oscar H. Mann. In 1866 Oscar H. Mann took the place vacated in the com- munity by Dr. Fairbanks. Dr. Mann was born at Providence, R. I., Xovember 24, 1835. His great-grandfather was an of- ficer in the American Revolution. The doctor received his earlier medical educa- tion in New- York City, and began prac- ticing. He received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from I lahnemann Medical Col- lege. Chicago, March. 1866. Afterward he came to Evanston where he was for many years a prominent factor in the life of the village, socially and politically. For about three years he lectured on Chemistry and Hygiene at the Northwestern Female Col- lege, which was familiarly called the Jones College from its founder and Principal. Dr. Maun was one of the prime movers, and the first President of the Evanston Social Club, the first organization of the kind in our midst. L'nder its auspices were held theatricals, dances, and card parties. At this time it is hard to realize with what horror such an organization was then gen- erally regarded. It occupied the rooms now devoted to the Odd Fellows, 604 Davis Street. Dr. Mann served as Township, and Village Trustee. He was the last Presi- dent of the village, and the first Mayor of the city. L'nder his administration the old Village of South Evanston, which was or- ganized because its residents did not wish to be taxed for a general water supply, was merged with Evanston, in order to get the benefit of our superior water system. The present City Hall was erected with rooms for the Police and Fire Departments, and for the Public Library. His home, once the scene of frequent parties, stood where the present Mann building now houses the Postoffice and Masonic Temple. In 1889 the house was removed to 811 University Place, where it now stands. He was one of the first officers of the Evanston Com- mandery Knights Templar, and served one year as President of the State Homoeopathic Medical Society. He gradually retired from practice, and. on the completion of his ser- vice as Mayor, spent some years on his ranch at Okobojo, South Dakota, though still re- taining his legal residence and interest in Evanston. Dr. M. C. Bragdon. In the summer of 1873 Dr. Mann took into partnership a young man from Evanston. then fresh from his studies in Vienna. Merritt Caldwell P.ragdon was born at Auburn, X. Y., Jan- uary Ci. 1850. His father. Rev. Charles P. I'.ragdon, was sent to Evanston in 1858 as the pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church. The family moved into the house which had been built for Dr. Hawkes, on I - r~ v*. MEDICAL HISTORY however iljil imt adhere strictly to the !;i\v nf similars. In iSv one of lliis style came ami settled in the village. His name was Ilawkcs. Si i far as the writer has heeii ahle In timl. he was imt relateil to I 'n't'. \\ . J. Hawko. who eame later, though they have iifteii lieen o ml'mindcd with eaeh cither. This man was in sonic way relateil by marriage l<> Dr. Moses I iiniii. one of the foremost surgeons nf half a century a^.i in l hicajMi. ami In Mr. (imild. \\Iin lonj; oeeniiieil the position of elerk at Rush Medical College, lie was also a distant connection of the Judson family, and for his tise l\ev. I'liiln Indson had erected the eotnmi "hotis hoiise whieh was removed to ;^ive place to the Yoiini; Men's Christian . \ssneiation building in lSi|S. | )r. llawkes remained only a \ ear. From that time until the middle sixties there was no resident homieopatllio physi- eian. I )r. C. I), l-'airlianks lived in Kvan- stoii ahoiu iSo;. Little is known of him. All \\lin kneu him sp,,kc well of him. both as a man and as a plnsician. It is said that lie moved from mtr midst to Knide- \\oo.l. hut this is uncertain. Dr. Oscar H. Mann. In iXf.n ( Kear II. Mann took the place vacated in the com- munity bv Dr. Fairbanks. Dr. Mann was horn at Providence. l\. I.. November j^. iX.^s. Ilis Ljrcat-^randfalher was an of- ficer in the American Revolution. The doctor received his earlier medical educa- tion in New York Ciu. and be^an prac- ticing, lie received tile decree of Doctor of Medicine from llaliiiemann Medical Col- lege. Chicago. March. iSiiii. Afteruard he came to Kvanston where In- was for many \ears a prominent factor in the life of the village, socjallv and |)o1iticall\ . I'or about three \cafs he lectured on ('hemistr\ am! I lyffit'ili 1 at the \orth\\estern I'emale ('o|- le^e. which \\as familiarK called the Imu's College from its founder and Principal. Dr. Mann was oi:e of the prime movers, and the first I 'resident of the Kvanston Social Club, the first organization of the kind in our midst. 1'nder its auspices were held theatricals, dances, and card parties. At this time it is hard to realize with what horror sueh :in organization was then jjen- erally regarded. It occupied the rooms now devoted to the < >dd fellows, (104 Davis Street. Dr. Mann served as Township, and Village Trustee. lie uas the last Presi- dent of the village, and the first Mayor of the city. I'nder his administration the old Village of South I-'. van-ton, which uas or- ^ani/ed because its residents did not wish to be taxed for a general water supply, was merged with Kvanston. in order to jjct the beiu-tit of our superior water system. The ]iresent Cit\ I lall was erected with rooms for the Police and Fire Departments, and for the Public l.ibrarv. His home, once the scene of frei|Uent parties, stood where the present Mann building now houses the I'ostotficc anjl Masonic I emple. In |SS<) the house was removed to Sii I'niversiu Place, where it no\\ stands. He was one of tlie first officers of the Kvanston Coin- mandery Knijjhts lemplar. and served one \earas President of the State I lonneopathic Medical Society. I le .uraduall\ retired from practice, and. mi the completion of his ser- vice as Ma\or. spent some years mi his ranch at I ikohnjo. South Dakota, though still re- taining his le^ral residence and interest in Kvnnstoii. Dr. M. C. Bragdon. In the summer of iSj^ Dr. Mann took into partnership a youny man from Kvanston. then fresh from his studies in Vienna. Merrill Caldwell llra^doii was born at Auburn. X. Y.. Ian- nary i<. 1X51;. Ilis father. l\e\. Charles P. llrajjdoll. \\as sent in l-.vaiiston in iX^X as the pastor of the First Methodist Kpiscopal Church. The famiK moved into the hmise which had been built for Dr. liaukcs. on LIBRARY OF THE MWVtRSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 257 Orrington Avenue. Here the father died, leaving his widow, three boys and two girls. Merritt, the second son, was graduated in 1870 from the Northwestern University, served as a clerk in the State Senate, studie.l in Chicago Medical College, and finally, in 1873, was graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Philadel- phia. After some months spent in foreign study, he entered upon his duties in Dr. Mann's office. He is a trustee of his father's church, and a member of the Uni- versity Board of Trustees. He has devoted his attention to the practice of his profes- sion. He is a member of the State and National Homoeopathic Medical Societies. His chief public service in the community was the establishment of the Evanston Hos- pital, of which he is now one of the staff of physicians. Seeing the need for such an institution, he urged it upon one of his patrons, Mrs. Rebecca Butler, and his old neighbor, Mrs. Marie Huse Wilder now Mrs. Daniel Kidder and those ladies undertook its organization. Beginning in a small way, it has steadily grown until now it is one of the most modern, well equipped and best managed hospitals in America. Dr. Anson L. Marcy. After Dr. Brag- don left the office of Dr. Mann, Anson L. Marcy took his place. Dr. Marcy was a nephew of Prof. Oliver Marcy, of the Uni- versity, and a classmate of Dr. Bragdon in the Hahnemann Medical College of Phil- adelphia, where he received his Doctor's degree in 1873. He came here originally as a student in the Academy and University, though he did not graduate. In his student days he was an expert taxidermist, and there are still many evidences of his skill to be found in the University Museum. After graduating in medicine he settled in Dakota, but having made a matrimonial alliance with the daughter of 'Squire Curry, he was drawn back to this village. He is now prac- ticing in Richmond, Ya. Dr. Clapp. Eben Pratt Clapp, the son of one of the oldest homoeopathic practi- tioners in the State. Dr. Ela H. Clapp, was born at Rome. 111.. March 10, 1859. The family came to Evanston to educate the son, and he was graduated from the North- western University in 1881. He was grad- uated from the Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago in 1882. and after studying in Europe, settled in Evanston. where he has since practiced. For six years he served as an efficient Commissioner of Health for the City of Evanston. He is a member of the staff of physicians at the Evanston Hos- pital. He has now retired from active practice and spends his winters in Cali- fornia. Dr. Ela H. Clapp was the second hom- repathic physician to settle in Illinois He first studied in Cincinnati and began practice in Ohio, and later, after practicing for some years, he went to Cleveland for special study. After leaving Ohio he set- tled in Central Illinois. Having retired from active work he came to Evanston in 1874. His home overlooked the lake, and stood at the northwest corner of Church Street and Judson Avenue. Though not engaged in practice in Evanston. his posi- tion among the profession of the State en- titles him to recognition here. He died April 12. 1888. of paralysis. Later Homoeopathic Physicians. Har- ry Parsons was the son of an Evanston mer- chant. The family lived in the northern part of the village. Harry was graduated from Hahnemann Medical College of Chi- cago in 1880. He practiced in Evanston after graduation, but later moved to Ravens- wood, where he is now enjoying an active practice. Prof. William f. Hawkes, a native of Pensylvania. came here in the 'eighties, but returned to Chicago, and later removed to Southern California. He was graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College of MEDICAL HISTORY Philadelphia, in 1867. During his residence here. Dr. Hawkes continued to occupy the chair of Materia Medica in Chicago Hah- neniann College. He was a man of good address, genial, well posted in his profes- sion, and successful in practice: yet for some reason he never took root in our soil. Dr. Allen Benjamin Clayton came to Evanston in 1885, and was the only one of our homoeopathic practitioners to die while practicing here. 1 le was born January 26, 1849, at Aylmer. ( tntario. His preliminary education was obtained in the schools of Aylmer and Saint Thomas. Pie received his medical training in the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons at Toronto, and in the Hahnemann .Medical College of Chi- cago, K eing graduated from the latter school in 1869. He settled first in Chatham. Ontario, moving thence to Marinette. \Vis. He came to Evanston in 1885. He was a gentleman of fine literary tastes, affable in manner, and at one time he had a lucrative practice. His father had wished him to enter the legal profession, but this was not to his liking. He died in Chicago, of rectal cancer, September 15. KJOO. Eugene E. Shutterly was born at Can- nonsburg. Pa.. January 2. 1862. He came to Evanston in 1877. He studied in the Academy, graduating in 1886. He then entered the Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago, from which he was graduated in 1888. He immediately began practice in Evanston. He has also served the city as its Commissioner of Health, conducting the office with satisfaction to all concerned. He is a member of the staff of physicians at the Evanston Hospital. Mary F. McCrillis was the first woman homoeopathic physician to settle among us. She was born in Xew Hampshire in 1856, of Xew England parentage. She was grad- uated from the Boston L'niversity School of Medicine in 1882. She came to Evanston in 1888, and has since that time been engaged here in general practice. She is a member of the staff of Physicians at the Evanston Hospital. Quiet and unobtrusive in manner, and well versed in her profes- sion, she has proved a worthy member of the fraternity. Frances B. Wilkins, a graduate of the Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago in 1876. has several times resided in Evan- ston. Her husband. John M. Wilkins, re- ceived his M. D. degree from the Chicago National Medical College in 1896. Alice B. Stockham, born in Ohio in 1835, ayd graduated from the Chicago Homoso- pathic Medical College in 1882. came to Evanston about 1894. Here she did not enter general practice, but devoted herself to literary and commercial pursuits. She was the author of several books and pamph- lets, the best known of which are "Tokol- ogy" and "The Koradine Letters." Charles Gordon Fuller, born at James- town. X. V., April o. 1856. has resided in Evanston over fifteen years. Having re- ceived his early education in the schools of Jamestown and at Columbia College, he entered the Chicago Homoeopathic Medical College, graduating in 1880. Later he took special studies at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Xew York, at the Xew York '- >phthalmic College and Hospital and the Xew York ( Jphthalmic and Aural Institute. He is ex-Major and Surgeon of the First Regiment Infantry of the Illinois Xational Guard. ( )phthalmic and Aural Surgeon to several Chicago Hospitals and a member of the consulting staff of the Evanston Hos- pital. He is also a member of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, the American Homoeopathic Ophthalmological, Otological and Laryngological Society, ex-Assistant Surgeon to Xew York Ophthalmic Hospital. Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society. England, member of the A. A. A. S. Asso- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 259 ciation. Military Surgeons of the United States, and the American Microscopical So- ciety. Dr. Fuller's office is in Chicago, where he has confined his attention to dis- eases of the eye and ear. Burton Haseltine graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago in 1896, and, after being associated with Dr. Shears of Chicago for two years, came to Evanston, limiting his practice to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. He is the author of numerous monographs. Secretary of the State Homoeopathic Medical Asso- ciation, member of the National and Chi- cago Homoeopathic Societies, Senior Pro- fessor of Nose and Throat in his alma mater, and attending Eye and Ear Surgeon to Cook County Hospital and Home of the Friendless. He has now removed to Chi- cago. Samuel M. Moore, a native of Kentucky, and a graduate from the Chicago Homoeo- pathic Medical College in i&)5. and also serving as interne at Cook County Hospital, came to Evanston in 1897. For several years he enjoyed a prosperous hospital prac- tice. He was a member of the staff of Physicians at the Evanston Hospital, but he retired in 1904 to engage in mercantile pur- suits. He has now resumed his practice in Sheridan Park. 111. Guernsey P. \Yaring was graduated from Dunham Medical College in 1897. and is a Professor of Materia Medica in the Hah- nemann Medical College of Chicago. He is a member of the State and Xational Medical Societies. Dr. James T. Kent, who received his de- grees from the Eclectic School in Cincinnati in 1871. and the Homoeopathic College of St. Louis in 1884. is now Professor of Materia Medica at Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago, a member of the State and National Homoeopathic Medical Soci- eties, and the author of "Kent's Repertory," "Kent's Materia Medica," and "Kent's Phil- osophy." Edwin H. Pratt was graduated from Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago in 1877. He is the author of a work on Ori- ficial Surgery, is known as a successful operator and has for many years been one of the leading homoeopathic surgeons. He has resided in Evanston since 1900. Abbie J. Hinkle was born in Philadelphia in 1853. There she received her preliminary education. After several years spent in teaching in the public schools, she turned her attention to medicine, being graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago in 1887. She first settled in Chica- go. In January, 1895. she located in Evan- ston. During her student days she was an officer in the college clinical society, and more recently she has been a Vice- Presi- dent of the Illinois Homoeopathic Medical Association. Thomas H. \Yinslow, a native of Xor- way, was graduated from the Herring Col- lege in Chicago in 1896. Since graduation he has practiced in Evanston. Having taken special work in the branches per- taining to diseases of the nose, throat, ear and eye. in February. 1904. he moved to ( )akland. Cal., to practice that specialty. Ransom M. P>arrows. born in Michigan in 1849. is a brother of the late Rev. Dr. John H. Barrows, previous to his death President of Oberlin College. Ohio. Dr. Barrows received his education in his na- tive State, being graduated from the Michi- gan University Medical School in 1877. In 1884 he took a degree from the Hahne- mann Medical College of Chicago. After several years spent in Chicago he located in Evanston in 1901. He moved to \Vil- mette two years later. George F. M. Tyson was born in Chica- go, October 30, 1872. He has practiced in 26o MEDICAL HISTORY Evanston since his graduation from the Chicago National Medical College in 1898. Frank H. Edwards grew up in Evanston. He was born in Irving Park. Cook County, November 16, 1871. He was graduated from the Evanston High School, and be- gan his professional studies under the di- rection of Dr. Clayton. In 1895 he was graduated from the Chicago Homoeopathic Medical College, and began his career at Rockford. 111. After three years he re- turned to Evanston. In 1902 he received a diploma from Rush Medical College. He then spent some time studying in Vienna, and later with his uncle. Dr. Ira Harris, in Tripoli, Syria. He is the author of several monographs. He has joined the Christian Scientists. G. F. Harry was born in Chicago. Janu- ary 12. 1875. H B was graduated from the Chicago Manual Training School in 1894, and from the Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia in 1902. He immediately settled in Evanston. He is a member of the Illinois Homoeopathic Medi- cal Association and a graduate of the Chi- cago Lying-in Hospital. He is a member of the staff of Evanston Hospital. Dwight M. Clark, who took the practice of Dr. Moore, was born at Yellow Springs, Ohio. March 29, 1878. He studied at the Michigan University, was graduated from Chicago Homoeopathic Medical College, in 1901. served as an interne at Cook County Hospital, received a diploma from Rush Medical in 1903. and came to Evanston in January. 1904. He is a member of staff of Evanston Hospital. From the foregoing it may be seen that the homoeopathic practitioners of the city have not been entirely occupied with pri- vate affairs. To members of this profes- sion is largely due the praise for the pres- ent existence of two of our public build- ings, the City Hall, and the Hospital. Two of these doctors have served the city well as Commissioners of Health. Aside from these, others have done much toward the development of the city in a more (juiet way, by the improvement of vacant property, erecting thereon residences and business blocks. Three for years showed an interest in the University by maintain- ing therein prizes for oratory, declama- tion, and scholarship. One is a director in one of our banks, and one is a Trustee in the University. But beyond all that has been said, in the quiet every day work of relief of distress and suffering the disci- ples of Hahnemann have done their full share. CHAPTER XXIX. EVANSTON HOSPITAL (By WILLI\M HUDSON HARPKB) The Eranston Benevolent Society First Steps in Founding a Hospital Organ- ization is Effected in 1891 First Board of officers Medical Staff Fund and Building Campaign Enlargement of the Institution Projected Munificent Gift of Mrs. Cable Other Donations The Eiulo-i'iiient Reaches $50.000 Hos- pital of the Present and the Future In- ternal Arrangement and Official Admin- istration List of Principal Donors Present Officers. When the exigencies of life in the grow- ing Village of Evanston had made the care of its dependent and other sick more and more inadequate ; when lives had been lost in the transportation of the afflicted to Chicago, and in insufficient ministration to those sought to be cured within the village. a movement arose in Evanston to bring on a better day. This movement was not based upon an abstract philanthropy. It was the offspring of the Evanston Benevo- lent Society, whose charitable service had. for several years, met an appealing emer- gency. The Beginning. The seed of the Ev- anston Hospital was planted at a meeting of citizens at the Avenue House. November 17. 1891. Strictly speaking, it was a meet- ing of the Evanston Benevolent Associa- tion, called to consider the report, on the es- tablishment of a hospital in Evanston, of a special committee consisting of J . J. Parkhurst. Dr. D. R. Dyche, .Mrs. Maria Huse Wilder and Mrs. Rebecca X. But- ler. There were present William Blanch- ard. Dr. D. R. Dyche, H. B. Hurd. J. J. Parkhurst, J. M. Larimer. W. A. Hamil- ton, Erank M. Elliot. W. E. Stockton, Mrs. Jane Bishop. Henry A. Pearsons. Mrs. J. M. Larimer. Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Frank M. Elliott. Mrs. 1 Hitler. Mrs. Wild- er. Mrs. Pearsons and Mrs. Bishop. It was agreed that Evanston should have an emer- gency hospital, and there were appointed as a committee on incorporation Mr. Hamil- ton. Mr. Larimer. Dr. D. R. Dyche. Mrs. Butler, and Mrs. Wilder. The meeting au- thorized overtures contemplating assistance by the Village Trustees and Board of Health : and from Mr. Parkhurst. on behalf of the executive committee of Northwest- ern University, assurance was received of the possibility that the University would lend financial help to the enterprise. Organization First Officers. ( )ne week after, in the same place, a meeting of citizens affirmed the decision of the pre- vious meeting that "an emergency hospital is a necessity for the village of Evanston." Incorporation followed December 2. and on December 4. iftji. there was organized the Evanston Emergency Hospital. The first administration of the institution, now 261 262 EVANSTON HOSPITAL in its successor almost unique in its per- fections, was entrusted to the following citizens : President John R. Lindgren ; Vice- President Julia M. Watson; Secretary Marie Huse Wilder ; Treasurer Frank E. Lord ; Executive Committee Win. Blanchard, J. M. Larimer, John H. Kedzie, F. Stuy- vesant Peabody, Frank M. Elliot, Maria A. Holabird, Rebecca X. Butler, Marie Huse Wilder, and Catherine I. Pearsons. The hospital organization began its ex- istence with sixty-three directors public- spirited and influential, and with a truly liberal conception of the mission of the in- stitution contemplated. The directors, soon afterwards reduced to thirty, were elected for service in three classes, sever- ally for one, two. and. three years. The site chosen for the hospital, after resources and proposed service had been considered, was on Xo. 806 Emerson Street. Here was bought for $2.800 a lot, 45 by 170 feet, bearing an eight-room cottage which was duly made suitable for hospital purposes at a cost of about $1,500. It was not an imposing structure, but well enough adapt- ed to the needs of the time, and it was a very healthy acorn. Then fifty feet of ad- joining property, costing $1,650, was bought, and thus-wise Evanston seemed safeguarded for many years. To make this unpretentious start in the founding of an institution indispensable to Evanston, many active people had done much efficient work when, at the first annual meeting. Xo- vember I, 1892. the hospital was reported in possession of funds amounting to $7,- 702 a total composed of subscriptions, dues from annual and life members, a dona- tion of more than $3.000 from the proceeds of a summer kirmess conducted by the Wo- man's Club and others, and by a donation of $320 from the Apollo Club of Chicago. which had sung the "Messiah" in public concert in Evanston. First Medical Staff. The hospital was opened for service, March 27, 1893, with Miss Emily E. Robinson, matron, and the following physicians as a medical staff: Isaac Poole, M. D. ; E. H. Webster, M. D. ; W. A. Phillips, M. D. ; Sarah H. Brayton. M. D.; H. B. Hemenway, M. D.; A. B. Clayton. M. D. ; M. C. Bragdon, M. D. ; O. H. Mann, M. D. ; E. P. Clapp. M. D. ; Mary F. McCrillis, M. D. ; I. V. Stevens. M. D.; and S. F. Verbeck, M. D. The hospital recognized all accepted schools of medicine and opened its doors to patients both paid and free. Month by month the management perfected equipment and sys- tem, the rate of charge for service in the wards being from $5.00 to $10.00. and for a private room from $15.00 to $25.00 a week. Directing an institution for public service, the hospital management in these early years looked with justifiable hopes toward the city authorities for assistance. By no means was it promptly vouchsafed : and when the executive committee was in- formed at its meeting in June, 1893, tnat it was impossible to get an appropriation from the Evanston Common Council, it was felt by more than one public-spirited mem- ber that the service of the new institution to the common weal was receiving but scant recognition. Xone too robust a child was the Emergency Hospital at this period. Funds were not too plenty, and citizens at large were not yet so trained in systematic benevolence as to make excessive provision for this municipal necessity. So, along with the manifold activities of committees and directors to keep and improve Evans- ton's first refuge for the afflicted, there arose discussion about the inauguration of the practice of Hospital Sunday. This hap- py and profitable way of contributing to hospital support in time took hold, and is 2fi2 LVAXST( )\ HOSPITAL in it- -ncccs-of ;ilnin>t uni<|iic in it-. per- fection-, ua- entrusted t" the following citizens : President luliii 1\. Lind.tjrcn : Vice- President Julia M. \\at-on; Secretary Marie llu-c Wilder: Trea-nrcr Frank I'.. Lord: F..\ccuti\ e (.' nniniuci Win. I'danehard. I. M. Larimer. John II. Ked/ie- 1". Stuy- \e-ant Pcabod). Frank M. Llliot, Maria \. llolaliinl. Ki.-ln.-i.-i-a X. P.ntler. Marie lln-e \\ilili-r. anil Catherine I. I 'carsons. 'I'lu- ho-pital organization bct;an it.- ex- istence with .-ixty-tliri-i- directors pnblie- spiritcd and inlliu-ntial. and with a trtih liberal conception oi tlu- mis-ion of the in- stitution contemplated, llu- directors. MM in afterward- reduced to thirtv. were elected for service in three ela->e-. -ever- all) lor one. two. and. three year-. The -he elio-eii for the lio-|>jtal. after re-onree- and |iro|io-ed .-erviee had heen eon-idered. \\a- on .\o. So' i l-.inei'-on Street. I lere \\a- liotti^lit forSj.Soii a lot. 45 I iy 170 feet, hearing an ei^ht-rooin oottai^e which x\a- ihtly made -nitahle for ho-pital |iur]io-e- at a i-o-t of ahont Si.^ixi. it \\a- not an im]MiMn;j -iruelnre. lint well enough ada]it- ed to the need.- of the time, and it ua- a ven health) aeorn. Then lift) feet of ad- jiiinin.i| proper!) . eo-tin.i; Si. '150. \\a- lioiiyht. and thu--\\i-e I'.van-ton -eenied -alei;narded lor main \ear-. lo make thi- unpretentious -tart in the fonndin.L;' of an institution indi-pen-ahle to I'.van-ton. man) active people had done much efficient \\ork \\heii. at the lir-t annual ineetin.tr. \o- veinher. I. lSo_>. the- ho-pital \\a- reported in p. I--.,-,M, MI of fund- amounting to 87.- 70.' :i total coinpo-eil of subscriptions. dili-- ii'oiii animal and hie iiiemher-. a dona- tion of more than S^.IHKI irmn the procccd- nf a -innnier kirme-- o inducted \>\ the \\ o- 1'iaii - I !nli ;;:id oilier-, and li\ a donation .: Mary F. Mcl'rillis. M. I).: I. V. Steven-. M. I).: an.! S. I-', \erheck. M. I). The hospital recojjnized all accepted school- of medicine and opened its door- to patient- hot h paid and free. Month hy month the management perfected equipment and sy.-- tem. the rate of charge for -erviee in the wards heint; from 5.00 to Slo.(X). and for a private room from Si^.oo to Sj^.ix) a week. I lircetini; an institution for pnhlic service, the hospital niana.t^emi-iit in tlte.-e early \ears looked \\ith instiriahle hope- toward the city authorities for assistance. I!) no means was it promptlv vonchsafeil : and when the executive committee was in- formed at its mectim; in June. lS<^. that it was impossible to ^et an ap]>ropriation I ron i the l-.vanston ( ommon Council, it wa- Iclt h) more than one public-spirited nieni- her that the service of the new institution to the common weal was receiving hnt -cant recognition. None too mhn-t a child wa- the l-'.mertjeiicy Hospital at this period, l-'nnds were not too pU-ntv. and citixens at lartje were not \ el so trained in sv-tematic henevoleiice as to make excessive provision lor tin- municipal ncce itv. So. alont; with the inanifolil activities of committee- and directors to keep and improve |-.vans- t- m's first refu-e for the afllicted. there arose ili-cn ion ahoin the inan^nration of ihc' jiractiee of I |o-pital Sun. lav. Tin- haji- p) and profitable \\a\ of coiilrilintint; to ho-pilal -npporl in time look hold, and i- LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 263 to-day, in Evanston, as in other cities, a re- liable vehicle for large public benevolences. Official Board. At the first annual meeting of the hospital corporation. No- vember 14, 1893, the following officers were elected : President Arthur Crr : Vice-President Mrs. Rebecca X. But- ler: Secretary Marie Huse \Yilder: Treasurer E. B. Quintan. Mr. Orr subsequently resigning. Hon. J. H. Kedzie was elected in his stead. Xot long after, Mrs. \Yilder resigning. Miss Mary Harris, February 5. 1894, was elect- ed to the secretaryship, and began a period of service long, meritorious, and of a char- acter that goes not a little unrewarded. Raising Funds. In 1894, reaching about for popular ways and means to let the public know that a hospital in Evanston was up and doing, and that it would wel- come all possible support, the institution's friends conducted a so-called "magazine entertainment" in Bailey's Opera House. The entertainment proved a novel and sprightly potpourri of "stunts" by home talent, and brought into the hospital treas- ury $319. But the little hospital was truly an emergency institution, itself not infre- quently its own chief emergency : and so to meet its needs, its industrious sponsors fell upon a venture of considerable magni- tude and genuinely artistic attributes. This was an open-air performance of Gilbert and Sullivan's charming opera, the "Mika- do." A stage was erected on the vacant lot at the northwest corner of Davis Street and Judson Avenue, and with clever prin- cipals, and equally clever auxiliaries from the young people of the village, the opera was sung on four successive evenings, in July. 1894, and before large and delighted audiences. The net proceeds of this very praiseworthy entertainment amounted to 82.000. Among the efficient managers of this enterprise were W. J. Fabian. Mrs. William Holabird. W. L. Wells, John M. Ewen, Mrs. F. A. Hardy, and Frank M. Elliot. The Evanston Emergency Hospital was now a fact. It was at work. The public knew it was at work, and had gratefully profited by its ministrations. But it was not big enough, complete enough, modern enough in short, it was inadequate. It simply would not do. So it was quite in order at the annual meeting of the associa- tion, Xovember 6. i8 ray ton for efficient work in procuring the proper furnishing of the building without cost to the association. New Enlargements Projected. The annual meeting of the Evanston Hospital Association, assembling at the Avenue House, November I, 1898. was a meeting of congratulation and a declaration of prog- ress in a branch of public service that was doing honor to its workers and to all sym- pathetic citizens who had lent aid and com- fort. The main building of the hospital, capable of sheltering as many as eighteen patients., was now a monumental fact. As complete as it was. its very usefulness emphasized its inadequacy, and its friends already looked forward to needed exten- sions: to wards for contagious, infectious and obstetrical cases, and to minor new ac- commodations. Noteworthy in the hos- pital's new equipment was an ambulance for service, a gift of Mrs. John M. Ewen, as a thank-offering for preservation in an hour of great danger: and. to bind it closer to the public, the hospital had now the tem- porary endowment of four free beds one being supported by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church, two by North- western University, and one by Mrs. Wat- son. \ ice-President of the association. Further sustained on strong shoulders, the hospital felt itself to be. by the gratuitous service, two months each, of its entire med- ical staff. An abstract from the treasurer's report for one year made at this annual meeting will suggest the financial career of the hospital at this period : a period, be it remembered, itiarked between 1894 and 1898 by general strenuous effort in re- covery from national panic and depres- sion. Subscriptions for building; fun.', and site: 1895. $250; 1896, $4.615; 1897. $11.040: 1898. $9.513- Amount allowed for old hospital. $5.500. Expended on new site. $14.691. Expended on new building. $17.140. Receipts from entertainments. $1.802. Receipts from memberships, $500. Receipts from donations. $115. Receipts from patients' board. $2.108. 266 EVANSTON HOSPITAL Receipts from support of beds. $5/5. Receipts from subscriptions for furnish- ing. $1.725. Expenses for maintenance. $5,707. The association continued for 1898-1899 the officers of the previous year. Early in 1899 the City of Evanston. without specified obligations upon the hospital, made to the institution an appropriation of $300. At the annual meeting of the association. Xo- vember 7. 1899. the latter prepared for the aid and prestige which future donations might prove to the institution, by determin- ing the privileges which should pertain to endowments of various amounts, and fixing classification for the same. With renewed persistency now appeared the need of a contagious ward, as well as of a wing to the hospital, and both interests were committed to a special committee. Another year the association continued its efficient executives in office, and strengthened its medical staff by the addition of a consulting staff in the persons of eminent Chicago specialists Dr. Christian Fenger, Dr. John Ridlon. and Dr. Charles Adams. But the year 1900 brought to Evanston and its hospital a real loss in the death of Hugh R. Wilson. When the hospital association came to formally deplore the death of this stanch friend and good citizen, it did so, in part, in the'e feeling words: "Resolved, That, in the death of Mr. Wilson, the hospital loses one of its most active and interested supporters. In his readiness to assist the suffering : in his broad-minded and judicious charity : in his kindliness and gentleness of action. Mr. Wilson has. at all times during his connection with the asso- ciation, been a helpful inspiration to those who have worked with him. His foresight and good judgment, together with his gen- erosity of support, have served to advance our work in every practical way." Munificent Gifts of 1900. Institutions. like men. must be in the way of opportunity if they would have fortune knock at their door. A rather mysterious notice sum- moned to a special meeting the directors of the Evanston Hospital Association, March 19. 1900. When met, F. F. Peabody, Chairman of the Finance Committee, threw his associates into happy consternation by the following remarks : "Mrs. Herman D. Cable wishes me to say that she will give $25,000 for the erec- tion of a needed addition to the hospital to be known as the Herman D. Cable Memorial Building, and that, if this gift is accepted, she will give an additional $25.000 to endow a children's ward in the new building." We may be sure this gift was accepted, and that the thanks, then formally voted Mrs. Cable, were deep and sincere ; and it is also to be recorded that the Directors made it their duty to amplify the unexpected op- portunity, to enlarge the existing building, and to raise, on their own part, an additional endowment fund of at least $25.000. The hospital year of 1900-1901. inaugu- rated by continuance in office of the retiring executive officers, was also marked by resig- nation from the directorate of Hon. J. H. Kedzic, long identified with hospital inter- ests, and the election of Mrs. Alice A. Cable, whose gift of a memorial building. with alterations in the main building, the Hoard now formally voted to realize. The year 1901 was one of expansion and con- struction in hospital interests. From a "rummage sale" in January the hospital received $1,813. '" April Mr. Irvvin Rew, a public-spirited citizen of Evanston, offered and the offer was accepted to equip the hospital with a heating and laundry plant at an estimated cost of S4/>8o. In October there was borne in upon the hospital management, both by the City Board of Health and by the hospital staff, the need of an extension in the wav of CI.ARK T. HINMAN EVAXSTON HOSPITAL Receipts troni Mi|>|>rt "I IH'<|>. 8575. Receipts irom subscriptions fur furnish- ing. Si .7-5. ExjK'nsvs fi >r maintenance, S5.7"7- The association continued fur iXi)X-iSi><) the officers <>f the previous year. Marly in iSrove to i ho institution. bv dctermin- vivf the privileges which should pertain to endowments of various amounts, and lixinjj classification im- the same, \\ith reneued persistency nou appeared the need of a contagion- \vanl. as well as ol a win:j to the hospital, and hotii interests were committed to a --pedal committee. Another year the association continued its efficient executives in office, and strengthened its medical stall b\ the addition of a consulting -raff in the pcrsi ins of eminent ( hicai;' > specialists 1 >r. Chri-tian Kcnyvr. I )r. John Kidlon. and I >r. Charle> Adams. I'.iu the vear iij brought to K van-ton and it- hospital a real loss in the death of llni^h 1\. \Vil-oti. \\ "icn the hospital association came to formally deplore the death of this stanch friend -mi! yooil citizen, it did so. in part, in these- feeling words: "Resolved. That, in the death of Mr. \Vil-on. the hospital loses one oi its most active and interested supporters. In his readiness to a>si,| the -nlVerinv; : in hi.- hroad-mindod and judicious chariu : in his kindliness and Ljentlciiess of action. Mr. \\il-on has, at all times during his connection uitli the asso- ciation, heen a liel|iful inspiration to those \'. ho have worked \\iih him. His foresight and tjoml judgment, together uilh his ^en- ei'o-itv ot siippiin. have -i-rvod to aihance our work in e\er\ jiraolical wa\. Munificent Gifts of 1900. In-tiititimi-, like men. must he in the way of opportunity it" the) would have fortune knock at their door. A rather mysterious notice snm- mone I to a special meeting the directors of the Kvanston 1 hpital Association. March H). II^H). \\hen met. 1 : . 1 ; . I'eahod). Chairman of the l-'inance Committee, threw hi.s associates into happy consternation hv the following remarks: "Mrs. Herman I >. Cable wishes me to say that she will i;ive S_>5.o for the erec- tion of a needed addition to the hospital to he .known as the Herman I >. Cable Memorial Itttildin.uf. and that, if this j^ift is accepted, she will jjivi 1 an additional SJi.cxx) to endow a children's ward in the new building." \\ e may be sure' this s^ift was accepted, and that the thanks, then formally voted Mrs. Cable, were deep and sincere: and it is also to he recorded that the Directors made it their duty to amplify the unexpected op- portunity, to enlarge the existing building. and to raise, on their own part, an additional endowment fund of at least Sj^.txx). The hospital year of IIKXI-II^OI. inaugu- rated bv continuance in office of the retiring executive officers, was also marked by resig- nation from the directorate of I Ion. I. II. Ixedxie. IOIIJL;' identified with hospital inter- est-, and the election of Mrs. Alice A. ('able, whose s^ift of a memorial building, with alterations in the main buildin;.;. the l!oard now formally voted to realize. The vear HIOI was one of expansion and con- struction in hospital interests. Krom a "rummage .-ale" in jannan the hospital received Sl.Si^. In April Mr. Irwin l\ew. a puhlic-sjiiritt'd citizen of Kvanston. offered- and the offer wa- accepted to ci|uip the hospital with a heating and laundry plant at an estimated cost of Sj.iiSo. In ( Ictober there wa- borne in upon the ho-pital management, both by the i 'it) I'.oard of Health and b\ the ho-pital -taff. the need of an extension in the wa\ of CI.AKK T I UNMAN LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 267 an isolation ward. At the annual meeting. November 5th, the retiring officers were re-elected, and the very important additions to the institutions represented by the gifts of Mr. Rew and .Mrs. Cable were formally acknowledged the Cable Memorial Build- ing being characterized as completely fur- nished and the children's ward endowed in memory of Anita Hutchins Cable. Endowment Secured. The association began its hospital year of 1901-1902 with its same efficient officers, and welcomed from another "rummage" sale a donation amounting to $1.440. In February the en- dowment fund had reached $46.00x3 of the contemplated 850.000 : and in April the coveted goal was finally attained. As the good year closed divers talented amateur artists of Evanston contributed as the re- ceipts of 'a performance of the "Rivals." at the Country Club, more than $500 to in- crease the usefulness of this popular refuge of rest and healing. In the history of amusements in Evanston this admirable presentation of the sterling old comedy will prove of long life in local reminiscence. So well in hand was the work of the associa- tion now coming, that the reduction of the floating debt of about $11.000 became an achievement to be undertaken until accom- plished. Feeling its strength in the substan- tial work done, and in the officers whom it re-elected for the year 1902-1903. the asso- ciation was also brought to know its weak- ness when, on April loth, it was confronted with the death of Hon. John H. Kedzie, and on May 2Oth of Mr. Dorr A. Kimball. In terms of sorrow and appreciation Mr. Kedzie was formally lamented as "a friend who has met every emergency of the asso- ciation's existence with generous words and generous deeds" : and. to Mr. Kimball's memory, the association offered no mean tribute when it declared him "an upright business man and honorable citizen of Evanston. whose pure life and public spirit made him an example for all." When the association, at its eleventh annual meeting. November 10. 1903. elected its former officers, and checked off a reduction of near- ly half the floating debt in pledges received, the feeling was general that the hospital was" truly founded and that its beneficiaries, the public, would never permit it to decline. Hospital of the Present and the Future. \Yhen this volume - the story of a re- markable American community shall have received more than one supplement, there will still be rising on the highest land in Evanston the city itself but a borough in a mammoth municipality of 5.000.000 or 10.000,000 people a group of buildings enveloped in the kindly shade of many trees, and looking to be. what it probably will be. a haven for the afflicted. What the hospital of that day will be to the city of that day none knows: but we do know that the Evanston Hospital of today is. to the Ev- anston of today, the most complete agency for practical philanthropy that any institu- tion of its kind in the world, with the same equipment, fulfills. The Evanston Hospital, as it stands today structure, equipment, and administration is briefly this : ( )n the summit of Ridge Avenue. Xo. 2650. at right angles to the thoroughfare and several rods removed, rises the hos- pital's administration building. It is of stone and vitrified brick, the latter a struc- tural material of the highest resistance and of good color tone. The building is of three stories, with high pitched and tile roof. Its architectural style has decorum, and suggests repose. An ample porch front, with balcony, looks eastward over a falling landscape toward the lake, a quarter of a mile distant. At right angles to this building connected therewith by a two-story and basement corridor, rises the second of the hospital buildings, the 268 EVANSTON HOSPITAL memorial gift of Mrs. Alice A. Cable. This is in architectural keeping with its dignified fellow, and the forerunner of others yet to rise in stately alignment westward and northward to the boundary of the insti- tution's property. The following taken from the President's report for 1905 is interesting : "For several years reference has been made in our annual reports to the neces- sity of providing a maternity hospital, and last year particular emphasis was given to this subject. In response to this appeal, Mr. Lucian M. Williams, on behalf of himself, his brother and sisters, made known their desire to build this hospital, and requested the Hoard of Directors to prepare plans and obtain estimates for a most approved and scientifically constructed building, to be erected as a memorial to their mother. Elizabeth Williams. Such plans and esti- mates were secured and presented, and the sum of $25.000 was promised for this pur- pose. It is expected this much needed hos- pital will be completed and ready for occu- pancy by June I. 1906. The erection of this building will be the consummation of a hope long deferred. It will be located north of the administration building, fronting on Ridge Avenue, and will correspond in ma- terial and style of architecture with our present buildings. There will be thirteen beds for patients, an operating room with dependencies, diet kitchens, children's nur- sery, etc. The rooms for private patients will be on one floor and those for ward and free patients on the other floor. The private rooms will be arranged with adjoining bath rooms and so planned as to give the utmost privacy and comfort. This generous gift will open the way for enlarging the char- itable work of the Hospital. It is expected the income will be augmented by the use of the private rooms, and that it will be suf- ficient to meet the expenses of this addition- al building after the first year. The need of this new and thoroughly equipped Hos- pital has become more apparent with each year. This magnificent gift is, therefore, most timely, and will be a valuable addition to our present admirably equipped hos- pital. This is another instance in which generous friends, desiring to perpetuate the memory of some beloved member of their family, have made it possible to erect a building as a memorial that will be con- stantly in use for the benefit of the sick and afflicted." This, then, is the main architectural mass of the Evanston I lospital. When this sys- tem of buildings shall have its complete setting of verdure, when its hundreds of trees and shrubs, selected and planted with design, shall have arisen to enfold it, the tourist of the north shore will linger with delight in its presence, and the household word will become fixed, that the Evanston Hospital is a place to behold as well as a place to seek new life in. But a hospital is what it is within. In operating equipment the Evanston Hospital is highly efficient. A visiting and consulting staff of the first class, com- manding the support of a community of in- telligence and wealth, would naturally lead this to he secured. Therefore this hospital has a special room for the administration of an.-esthetics. whence the patient is wheeled, an ample hydraulic elevator being used when necessary, to any part of either build- ing. The hospital also has a generous re- ceiving room hard by a driveway approach- ing the connecting corridors from the rear ; and here, where water may be applied with convenience and profusion, an emergency case may be prepared for the operating table. The operating room, with apparatus for water and instrument sterilization ad- joining, is placed in a swelling bay with top and side lights and north exposure. Its HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 269 table, operating outfit, plumbing, and snowy enameled walls tell the story of an American warship the cleanest place in the world, and the most effectual instru- ment for the purpose for which it is created. Supplementing these main factors for per- fect operating service are medicine closets and lavatories for the professional staff. The first and last impression of the do- mestic equipment of the Evanston Hospital is, that it is scientifically chosen and used : that such parts of it as should be dainty and feminine are superlatively dainty and fem- inine ; and that, through all, spreads the genius of reason, cleanliness, and order. These various characteristics are generally expressed in the exquisite neatness and re- finement of the institution's housekeeping : " in the furnishing of the private rooms : in the simple, restful details of ward furnish- ings ; in the ample dining-room for nurses, as well as in their ample and beautiful club room ; in the home-like sleeping rooms of the nurses ; in the practical machinery for bathing, cooking, storage ; and in the cleri- cal service of administration. So much for operating equipment, but the right people must use it ; and so much for domestic fur- nishings, but not yet do walls, tools, and furnishings make a hospital. There must be a soul in the place, a god in the machine. Arrangement and Internal Administra- tion. The administration of the Evan- ston Hospital is full worthy its physical out- fit ; and this is so because it stands in every way for the high technical and humanita- rian standards of the institution's founders. With far more effort than the average cit- izen of Evanston appreciated, the sworn friends of the enterprise, now so firmly assured, shaped its early fortunes, besought donations of money and utilities, showed it worthy of confidence and large bequests, and finally with such capital built their grand work high upon a hill. So it is in the nature of things, this hospital being a mon- ument to sacrifice, that a strong, wise, and tender spirit should vitalize its administra- tion. In Miss Annie L. Locke, who has been Superintendent eight years, is this spirit personified. In this sketch of one of Evanston 's most important institutions, ranking next to the municipal departments of police, fire, water, and public works, two types of inquiry about the place should find satisfaction. How good a place is it to get well in ? \Yha: about it should interest the tourist and gen- eral visitor? To both of these inquiries answer has in the main been made ; but there remain details of equipment and ad- ministration that should not go unnoted. The first Moor of the administration is the greater part of the governing depart- ment of the hospital. Here is the reception parlor for visitors, office and apartments for the Superintendent, and rooms for sur- gical treatment. P.eneath. in the basement. is the private dining-room of the Superin- tendent, the nurses' dining-room, and an extensive culinary equipment. On the sec- ond floor are private rooms and semi-private wards, occupants of the former enjoying an environment and retiracy surpassing that of a private home, and occupants of the latter being privileged to have a private, as well as a hospital, physician. On the third floor are rooms for domestic use. Two long sunny corridors enticing haunts for con- valescents unite the administration with the Herman D. Cable Memorial Building. This latter, in structure, equipment and con- tented occupants, is, like its companion, something good to see. It is the house of the men's ward, the women's and children's wards, and the private rooms of the nurses. On the first floor, with outlook east and south, is the ward for men with seven beds, and the ward for women with ten beds. The building's southern end is one enor- 2JO EVAXSTON HOSPITAL nious bay. furnishing a sun-room annex to the women's ward on the first floor, and to the children's ward on the second. Capa- cious and comfortable are these sun-rooms blissful half-way houses to health. The top floor shelters, in home-like chambers void of the institutional air. the members of the nursing staff, and has space for their large and inviting club and lecture room. Char- acteristic details of equipment in this build- ing are the marble outfitting* of the men's bath-room, the treadle action plumbing in the administration room, the ventilator sys- tem by steam exhaust fans, the diet kitchen, and the commodious elevator. On every floor of the combined buildings are reels of hose and extinguishers for emergency fire uses. A pumping service auxiliary to city pressure is also supplied. An important and complete annex to the ward and administration buildings of the hospital, is an auxiliary building housing its steam-plant and laundry. The heating agent of the hospital is hot water circulated from boilers in this same building, where a reserve set of boilers promise capacity sufficient for future additions in the way of buildings, which the unoccupied area of the present hospital grounds can accommodate. The steam laundry, located on the second floor of the heat and power plant building, is admirably equipped for dispatch and perfection of work. Its centrifugal wringer and extensive drying compartments include apparatus nowhere excelled. The wood fin- ishings of the hospital buildings are in oak. save where stained or white painted wood is used to supplement the more domestic fur- nishings of private apartments. The grounds of the Evanston Hospital have ample space for departmental addi- tions : and, it is the hope of its manage- ment, that there shall, in the near future, be added a pavilion for contagious, and a building for private patients such addi- tions taking systematic place along lines westward of the Herman D. Cable Memor- ial Building and parallel thereto. When the time is opportune the buildings will be provided. To remind the management of the hos- pital's need of a maternity retreat, there came one season, to a friendly niche in the hospitable structure, a busy home-making robin which mothered two broods. This, explains the superintendent with a smile, is the Evanston Hospital's first maternity ward. The hospital in 1899 opened a train- ing school for nurses. It has now graduated twenty students, all pupils of the selected practitioners of Evanston lecturing at the hospital, and nearly all. at one time and an- other, members of the hospital nursing staff. In the school at present are thirteen pupils. Such has been the evolution of the Evan- ston Hospital, and such, in the main, is its characteristic equipment and administra- tion. But for those who will read this record in years to come, as well as for the prospective beneficiaries and benefac- tors of today, still further information about this unique place of refuge and health should be supplied. And. first, no applicant whose condition will not imperil the insti- tution is turned from its doors. The chil- dren's ward is specially endowed by Mrs. Cable for the free use of crippled and sick children, and there are also private rooms for children. In the women's and men's ward a patient may pay as much as $1.00 a day or nothing. In the semi-private wards the charge is $10.00 a week; in the private rooms, $15 to $30 per week. It is the in- come from the private rooms and more such rooms are needed that helps supply the deficiency in hospital revenue caused, in part, by increasing charity work in the gen- eral wards. The hospital work of 1905 may be expressed as equivalent to 7.561 service HISTORY OF EVAXSTON 271 days given its free and pay patients. Of this over 34 per cent was service to free patients. The expense of hospital mainte- nance in 1905 was $24.182.41, to defray which receipts from hospital service con- tributed $14.854.11. The paid-in endow- ment fund is $50,50x3. The only indebted- ness was incurred for buildings, and this has been reduced to $5,010. To operate the hospital with its present mechanical equip- ment and staff, consisting of Superinten- dent, its efficient Assistant Superintendent, Miss Edith A. Bird, and fifteen nurses, there is needed, from voluntary subscribers ( aside from material donations, income from receipts and endowment income the latter amounting to $2.259) tne sunl f $7,500. A free bed in a ward may be per- petually endowed for $5.000: a bed and a room for $10.000. The hospital has eighteen free beds and fifteen rooms. A gift of $100 or more to the endowment fund makes the donor an endowment member, or a like sum to the general fund, a life member. A gift of $10 secures a year's membership in the Hospital Association. The hospital stands including the mater- nity hospital and 100 feet of land recently purchased for $4.250 as a total invest- ment of about $130.000. Since organization the hospital has cared for 1.982 patients, and, in n^5. 4MI people contributed to the institution's support. From its start, the hospital in every form of favorable pub- licity has been upheld by the "Evanston Press" and the "Evanston Index." The administrative policy of the hos- pital is, of course, non-sectarian. Its re- ceipts from the Protestant churches, on Hospital Sunday. February 14, 1905. were $4.394.13. The City of Evanston appro- priates yearly to the hospital the sum of $300. Free beds are maintained by the Presbyterian and Congregational churches, and bv Northwestern Universitv. The medical ami surgical attendance is the vol- untary and unpaid daily attendance of two competent Evanston practitioners, rotating in service with associates, composing a total volunteer staff of twelve. For consultation the resident staff calls upon the most emi- nent physicians and surgeons of Chicago. The ambulance of the Evanston Hospital, is modern, up-to-date, with full equipment, and is under the direction of the superin- tendent. Official Administration. The affairs of the Evanston Hospital are guided by its executive officers and thirty Directors, oper- ating in twelve committees. In all co-oper- ative effort certain people voluntarily take or. are besought to take, and do take posts high and posts humble, but all of- laborious duty. Hundreds of public-spirited citizens united to raise the Evanston Hospital. an:l hundreds continue to unite to make it the most attractive and useful place of its scope and equipment in the United States. Among these hundreds there must be some, even more than others, whom circumstances have elected to service peculiarly long, dif- ficult and efficient. ( >f this smaller band common consent would approve the men- tion of Frank M. Elliot. President : Julia M. Watson, Vice-President; and Mary Harris. Secretary, the association's execu- tive officers for eleven consecutive years : of F. F. Peabody. Charles R. Webster. David R. Forgan. John R. Lindgren. Rol- lin A. Keyes. Irwin Rew, William G. Hoag. for their service in finance and investment committee work : of William P.. Phillips, for care of the variegated plant life that beautifies the grounds : of Mrs. Charles J. Connell, Mrs. Julia M. Watson. Mrs. Vir- ginia Creighton. P. R. Shumway and Wil- liam I). Phillips for faithful and sym- pathetic service on the Executive Commit- tee: of Dr. Sarah H. Rravton. for work contributed to the furnishing of the hos- 2-72 EVANSTON HOSPITAL pital ; of the Visiting Committee, Mrs. James A. Patten, and of E. H. Buehler on the Medical Supply Committee. List of Donors. Donors to the funds of the Evanston Hospital have been many, and at least two sources of income, not directly personal, are an interesting illus- tration of how an enterprise of this char- acter mav profit by public movements animated by belief in its merits and faith in its future. These two sources are the fixed annual institution of Hospital Sunday, and the benefit entertainment conducted by clubs or by society at large. Benefactions have been generally meas- ured by the competency of benefactors. While many small contributions have been, and continue to be. as the breath of life of this institution, certain large ones, at crit- ical periods, have fixed the lines of its growth and the scope of its mission. The Endowment Fund of $50.500 was contributed by the following Endowment Members: I. F. Blackstone. William Liston Brown, Mrs. Alice A. Cable, Frank E. Lord. James A. Patten, Mrs. Lilly Parker Stacey. Thomas I. Stacey, Mrs. Julia M. Watson. Mrs. Hugh R. Wilson, and un- named friends in sums of $5,000, 1,500 and $2,500. respectively. The following Life Members have each contributed $100 or more to the hospital: M. C. Armour. Mrs. M. C. Armour, C. A. Barry, William H. Bartlett. Dr. M. C. Bragdon, Mrs. W. L. Brown, Mrs. Edwin F. Brown, Mrs. Rebecca \'. Butler, Daniel H. Burnham, William Blanchard. William II. Bartlett, William L. Brown, Rev. Charles F. Mradley. E. H. Buehler, Mrs. W. B. Bogert, Charles T. Roynton. E. J. Buf- fington. Mrs. W. H. Burnet, Mrs. Alice A. Cable, David S. Cook, Mrs. Louise Condict, Mrs. T. S. Creighton, C. P. Coffin, J. J. Charles, Ira B. Cook, Charles B. Congdon, Charles \\. Cleveland. William Deering, Frank M. Elliot, John M. Ewen, Mrs. John M. Ewen, C. W. Elphicke, Mary Fabian, W. J. Fabian, D. R. Forgan, Frank P. Frazier, J. H. Garaghty. Mrs. P. W. Gates, P. W. Gates, Charles F. Grey, Clara Gris- wold, A. H. (jross, Mrs. A. H. Gross, Mrs. Virginia Mainline, Mrs. A. J. Harding, F. A. Hardy. Mrs. C. H. Hall, E. A. Hill. Mrs. Janet W. Hubbard. William G. Hoag, Mrs. T. C. Hoag. W. H. Jones, Marshall M. Kirkman, X. C. Knight. E. S. Lacey, Richard C. Lake, John R. Lindgren, Thomas Lord, George S. Lord, Frank E. Lord, David R. Lewis. P. L. McKinney. M. D., Roger B. McMullen. Mrs. James A. Patten, F. F. Peabody. F. S. Peabody, H. A. Pearsons, William B. Phillips, Kate C. Quinlan. Irwin Rew, George B. Rey- nolds, Fleming H. Revell, W. T. Rickards, Mrs. C. H. Rowe. George Scott, R. L. Scott. R. S. Scott, J. E. Scott, Rev. H. P. Smyth, J. S. Shaffer, George M. Sargent. George Watson Smith. Robert D. Sheppard. William E. Stockton, Philip R. Shumway. Mrs. Lucy D. Shuman. Mrs. T. I. Stacey, H. C. Tillinghast, Leroy D. Thoman, H. J. \\allingford, C. A. Ward. Mrs. J. F. Ward. Mrs. Julia M. Watson, Margaret S. Wat- son. Milton H. Wilson. Mrs. H. R. Wilson, John E. Wil-der, Charles E. Yerkes, A. X. Young. The total cash receipts to the Evanston Hospital since its organization have been $308.719.00. This sum has bex;n expended as follows: Buildings and land $i28,o8f> Endowment Fund 50.500 Maintenance for twelve years 130.133 On May 15. iqo6. Mrs. Julia M. Watson died suddenly, depriving this association of one of its most devoted and valuable members. Mrs. Wat- son bad been identified with the hospital from the beginning, and during these sixteen years had beui an officer and active worker in its behalf. The hospital was peculiarly near to her heart and the object of her special devotion. At a special meeting of the Executive Commit- tee of the Hospital Association the following me- morial paper was adopted : KVAMSTOX HOSPITAL pital : of the \ i-itiiii^ Committee. Mrs. James A. Patten, ami of K. II. 1'iiichlcrmi the Medical Supply Committee. List of Donors, Dmim-- in the funds if ihe L\ aiistoti Hospital have been many, and at lea-t ixvn -mirce- of income, n.'t direcllx personal, are an interesting illus- tration nf h.iu an enterprise of this char- acter max profit hx public movements animated hx belief in its merit- and faith in its lutnre. These txxo sources are the tixeil annual institution of lhpital Sunday. and the benefit entertainment cmidncted by clubs nr b\ sncietx al larjje. I'.enel'actimis have been i^enerallx meas- ured b\ the compctencx of benefactors. While many small contributions have been, and cmitiime to be. as the breath of life of this instilulion. ecrlain lari^e one-, at crit- ical period-, have fixed the lines of its growth and the scope of its mission. The Endowment I'uml of $50.500 \\as cmitributcd hx the fill lowing Kndnxvmciit Members: I. l ; . I'.lackstnne. William Li-tmi I'.roxvn. Mr-. Alice A. ('able, l-'rank I-".. Lord, lame- A. Patten. Mrs. l.illx Parker Stacey. Thnmas I. Siacex . Mr-. Julia Al. \\al-.,n. Mr-. lln.L, r h K. \\il-mi. and un- named friends in stuns of S-J.OOO, 1 .-' i and S_'.;iin. respeclix elx . The folloxxini; l.ile Meinlier- have each cmilribnted Sloo . .r m>.re t.. the ho-pital : M. ('. \nni.nr. Mr-. M. ( . \rmmir. C. \. Harry, \\illiam II. P.artleti. Dr. M. C. P.ra-dmi. Mr-. \\ . L. I'.mxxn. Mr-. Kdxxin I'. I'.ri.xxu. Mr-. Rrbecca X. I '.tiller. Daniel II, liurnham. \\illiam I'.lanchard. \\illiaui II. I'.arllelt. \\'illiam I .. I'.roxxn. Kex. Charles I'. I'.radlex. I-".. II. I'.nchkr. Mr-. \\ . I!. I'.n^crt. (harle- T. I'.nxnlmi. I-'.. I. I'.uf- lin^imi. Mr-. \\ . II. I In met. Mr-. Alice A. ('able. David S. ('..ok. Mr-. I .mii-e ( 'midicl. Mr-. T. S. Crci^hlon. ( '. P. inl'lin. J. J. Charles. Ira P.. Conk. Charles II. ( '.minimi, ('harle- P.. ( 'I. velaud. U'illiam Deerintr. l ; rank M. l-lllim. J, ,hn M. l-.xveii. Mrs. John M . Kxvcn. C. \\ . F.lpliicke. Marx I'ahian. \\ . J. Kal>ian. I). U. l ; i.riran. l-'rank I', l-'raxier. I. II. (iarayhtx. Mr-. I'. \\'. ( iales. I'. \\'. ( iales. (.hark-- I', (.rex. Clara ( iris- xv. -1.1. A. II. (irnss. Mr-. A. II. ( in.-s. Mrs. \iri;inia I lamline. Mr-. A. I. I lanliny;. !". A. llanly. Mr-. C. II. Hail. I-'.. A. Hill. Mrs. Jaiiel W. I Inlihanl. William < ,. Una-. Mrs. T. C. Una-. W. II. Jones. Marshall M. Kirkman. X. C. Knight. I-".. S. l.acex. Ricliaril (.'. Lake. Inhn 1\. Liml^ren. Thomas l.nr.l. ( ienr^e S. L.inl. l-'rank I-'.. l.i inl. l>ax'i.l 1\. l.eui-. I'. L. McKinnex. M. D.. Un-er I'.. McMnllen. Mr-. James A. 1'allen. !'. !". I'eahmly. I". S. I'eahmlx. II. A. IVarsons. \\illiam I'.. Phillip-. Kale ( . (Jninlan. Irxxin Kexv. l ienrtje 1!. Uex- nnlils. I'lemin^; II. Kexell. \\ . T. Kickanls. Mr-. ('. II. Knxxc. (ie.ir^e Scntl. K. L. So Hi. K. S. Soitt. J. I-!. Si-nil. l\ev. II. P. Smyth. J. S. Shaffer, (ienrye M. Sargent, (ieiir^e \\al-. m Smith. Knhert 1). She])panl. William !'.. Stockton. Philip U. Slnmixxax. Mr-, l.ticy I). Shtnnan. Mr-. T. I. Stacex. II. C. Tillinyha-t. Lemx I ). Tlmtnan. II. J. \\alliu-mr.l. C. A. \\"anl. Mr-. J. I', \\anl. Mr-. Julia M. Wat-mi. Margaret S. Wat- soii. Mill, ,n II. \\ il-mi. Mr-. I I. K. \\ il-mi. Ji.hn I-".. U'il.ler. Charle- ]'.. Verkes. A. X! N'ouii}''. The liiial ca.-h receijit- in the L\-an-li m I ln-pilai since it~ nr^ani/atimi haxe heen S.^uS.jn^i.oo. This -uin ha- heen e\]>emle.l as follows: I'.nil. lin^s an. I lau.l Sl.jS.oSr. I'.mli i\\ n:eiit I'nmi ^n.^ixi Maintenance fur t \xclvc xears ' .?"'.?,? (>n M.r> 15. i.i'i',. Mr-. Juli.-i M U'.UM.II ilinl -n.l.lrnlx. .li-pr]\ IDL; lln- .i-.^'ii'i;tti'iii <) our .,i' u^ in,. -l .K\. t.-.l .in.l \.ihi.ilili- iiicniln-r- Mr- \\':.l -"ii li.'i'l li-i:i I'li-ntilu-.l null ilie lin.jiM.-il I'nnii tin- l.i-^iiiiuim. :i\\'\ iltinnv; llu--r -i\tri-li >r;ir- ll.'i.l l.'-im an ufl'uvr :in.l :HMIVI- v\..rkuffington, Mrs. M. A. Mead. Mrs. H. H. Hoyt, Mrs. John C. Spry. Mrs. T. M. Holgate, Mrs. J. H. Garaghty, Mrs. W. H. Warren, Mrs. James W. Howell, Mrs. Philip R. Shumway. Directors. Term Expires 1906 Mr. William B. Bogert, Prof. J. H. Gray, Mr. William B. Phillips, Mrs. W. L. Brown, Mr. Rollin A. Keves, Mrs. William Hola- 274 EVANJTOX HOSPITAL bird, Mrs. James A. Patten, Mr. Frank M. Elliot, Mr. E. H. Buehler; Mr. Clyde M. Carr. Term Expires 1907 Mrs. H. D. Cable, Mr. Philip R. Shumway, Mrs. C. S. Pop- penhusen, Mrs. John C. Spry, Mrs. T. S. Creighton, Mr. M. C. Armour, Mr. Irwin Rew, Mrs. E. J. Buffington, Mr. R. L. Scott, Mr. Charles F. Marlow. Term Expires 1908 Mr. F. P. Frazier, Mr. F. F. Peabody, Mr. C. R. Webster, Mr. D. R. Forgan, Mr. Robert J. Bassett, Mrs. Julia M. Watson, Mrs. C. J. Connell, Mrs. Lucy J. Rowe, Mr. William G. Hoag, Mr. Frank H. Armstrong. Medical Staff. E. H. Webster, M. D. ; W. A. Phillips, M. D. ; William R. Parkes, M. D. ; P. D. Harding, M. D. : Sarah H. Brayton. M. D.; Frank C. Dakin, M. D. ; M. C. Bragdon, M. D. ; E. E. Shutterly, M. D. ; Mary F. McCrillis, M. D. ; Dwight Clark, M D. ; B. C. Stolp, M. D. Consulting Staff. Charles Adams, M. D. ; C. S. Bigelow, D. D. S. ; Frank Billings, M. D. ; Arthur R. Edwards, M. D. ; Charles G. Fuller, M. D. ; D. W. Graham, M. D. ; Fernand Henrotin, M. D. ; Hugh T. Pat- rick, M. D.; John Ridlon, M. D. ; Will \Yalter, M. D. ; W. S. Alexander, Patholo- gist. CHAPTER XXX. LOCAL MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS (By PROFESSOR SAIDEE KNOWLAND COE) Ei-anston as it E.risted in 1856 Primc'cal Church Music War Songs A Com- mencement Concert The Hittchinson Family Jules Litmbard O. H. Mcnvin Becomes A Choir Leader Other Xota- ble Musicians Ei'anston's First Musical Club Some Famous Teachers and Per- formers Thomas Concert Class Organ- ised Mrs. Edward ll'yman Musical Department of Eranston U'oman's Club IVomen's Clubs as a Factor in Musical Training Eranston Musical Club Maennerchor Organized Programs Officers. Evanston has become such an acknowl- edged musical as well as literary center, that the tracing of the steps leading up to its present high state of development affords unusual interest. Let us close our eyes and picture to ourselves the town in 1856. It consisted, as a reliable authority informs us, of a few houses : the University represented by the old Academy building, which then stood on the corner of Davis Street and Hinman Avenue; the North- western Women's College, further south on Chicago Avenue : the Methodist Church, a wooden building which everybody attend- ed ; and a general store and postoffice. At this stage it is natural that musical interest should have centered around the music in the church. This, at first, consisted of sincr- ing by the congregation of old familiar hymns. A little later a choir was formed of the young people of the church, led first by Mr. Hart P. Danks, who afterwards be- came well known as a composer of songs and church music. Mrs. Mary Willard was a member of this choir, which sang not only the hymns and old-fashioned anthems for the church service, but was always on hand for prayer meetings, lectures, so- ciables and even sleigh-rides and picnics. Mr. Danks was succeeded as choir-leader by Mr. John A. Pearsons. In the war meet- ings, held in the old University chapel, the choir thrilled its hearers with its rendering of patriotic songs. The first brass band in the town was or- ganized in 1857, and was led by Frank Steel, an Evanston boy, who afterwards achieved some reputation as bandmaster in a New York regiment during the war. About this time Mr. J. I?. Merwin a dis- tant relative of Mr. (). H. Merwin, whose notable work for music in Evanston will be mentioned later on succeeded in stir- ring up considerable musical enthusiasm among the young people. Under his direc- tion they gave one or two sacred cantatas, which were greatly enjoyed. At commence- ment time a concert was always given in the Methodist Church by the music teacher and pupils of the Women's College. This was the most pretentious musical event of the 275 274 EVANSTOX HOSPITAL bird, Mrs. James A. Patten, Mr. Frank M. Elliot, Mr. E. H. Buehler; Mr. Clyde M. Carr. Term Expires 1907 Mrs. H. D. Cable, Mr. Philip R. Shumway, Mrs. C. S. Pop- penhusen, Mrs. John C. Spry, Mrs. T. S. Creighton, Mr. M. C. Armour, Mr. Irwin Rew, Mrs. E. J. Buffington, Mr. R. L. Scott, Mr. Charles F. Marlow. Term Expires 1908 Mr. F. P. Frazier, Mr. F. F. Peabody, Mr. C. R. Webster, Mr. D. R. Forgan, Mr. Robert J. Bassett, Mrs. Julia M. Watson, Mrs. C. J. Connell, Mrs. Lucy J. Rowe, Mr. William G. Hoag, Mr. Frank H. Armstrong. Medical Staff. E. H. Webster, M. D. ; W. A. Phillips, M. D. ; William R. Parkes, M. D. ; P. D. Harding. M. D. ; Sarah H. Brayton, M. D. ; Frank C. Dakin, M. D. ; M. C. Bragdon, M. D. ; E. E. Shutterly, M. D. ; Mary F. McCrillis, M. D. ; Dwight Clark, M D. ; B. C. Stolp, M. D. Consulting Staff. Charles Adams, M. D. ; C. S. Bigelow, D. D. S. ; Frank Billings, M. D. ; Arthur R. Edwards, M. D. ; Charles G. Fuller, M. D. ; D. W. Graham, M. D. ; Fernand Henrotin, M. D. ; Hugh T. Pat- rick, M. D. ; John Ridlon, M. D. ; Will Walter, M. D. ; W. S. Alexander, Patholo- gist. CHAPTER XXX. LOCAL MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS (Bj PROFESSOR SAIDEE KNOWJLAND COE) Ei-anston as it E.ristcd in 1856 Primci'al Church Music U'ar Songs A Com- mencement Concert The Hiitchinsou Family Jules Liunbard O. H. Men<.'in Becomes A Choir Leader Other Xota- blc Musicians Evanston's First Musical Club Some Famous Teachers and Per- formers Thomas Concert Class Organ- ised Mrs. Edward ll'ymau Musical Department of Eranston Iranian's Club Women's Clubs as a Factor in Musical Training Eranston Musical Club Maenncrchor Organized Programs Officers. Evanston has become such an acknowl- edged musical as well as literary center, that the tracing of the steps leading up to its present high state of development affords unusual interest. Let us close our eyes and picture to ourselves the town in 1856. It consisted, as a reliable authority informs us, of a few houses: the University represented by the old Academy building, which then stood on the corner of Davis Street and Hininan Avenue ; the North- western Women's College, further south on Chicago Avenue : the Methodist Church, a wooden building which everybody attend- ed : and a general store and postoffice. At this stage it is natural that musical interest should have centered around the music in the church. This, at first, consisted of sing- ing by the congregation of old familiar hymns. A little later a choir was formed of the young people of the church, led first by Mr. Hart P. Danks, who afterwards be- came well known as a composer of songs and church music. Mrs. Mary Willard was a member of this choir, which sang not only the hymns and old-fashioned anthems for the church service, but was always on hand for prayer meetings, lectures, so- ciables and even sleigh-rides and picnics. Mr. Danks was succeeded as choir-leader by Mr. John A. Pearsons. In the war meet- ings, held in the old University chapel, the choir thrilled its hearers with its rendering of patriotic songs. The first brass band in the town was or- ganized in 1857, and was led by Frank Steel, an Evanston boy, who afterwards achieved some reputation as bandmaster in a New York regiment during tire war. About this time Mr. J. P>. Merwin a dis- tant relative of Mr. O. H. Merwin, whose notable work for music in Evanston will be mentioned later on succeeded in stir- ring up considerable musical enthusiasm among the young people. L'nder his direc- tion they gave one or two sacred cantatas, which were greatly enjoyed. At commence- ment time a concert was always given in the Methodist Church by the music teacher and pupils of the Women's College. This was the most pretentious musical event of the 2 7 6 'LOCAL MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS year for the town. From time to time vari- ous musicians from outside gave concerts in Evanston. Among these are remember- ed the Hutchinson Family and Jules Lum- bard, whose singing was very popular dur- ing the war. In 1869 Mr. O. H. Merwin came to Evanston and was made director of the choir, a position he held for thirteen years, until 1882. The period of Mr. Merwin's activity in this work may be said to mark the musical transition between the Evan- ston of the past and the Evanston of the present. During his regime the choir, which was made up from the young people of the church and students of the Univer- sity, numbered from forty to seventy mem- bers. Among the names we find many famil- iar ones. Miss Ella Prindle, now Mrs. Amos W. Patten, was leading soprano for eight or ten years ; Mrs. Frank P. Crandon and Mrs. H. F. Fisk occupied front seats in the soprano row, while Professor James Taft Hatfield reinforced the tenors. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kirk, Miss Lindgren (now Mrs. Nels Simonsen), Mr. and Mrs. Inglehart, Miss Nellie Hurd (now Mrs. Comstock). the Raymond brothers, Mr. Scott Matthews, Miss Pomeroy, and many others whose names are well known to old Evanstonians, mingled their voices in Mr. Merwin's choir. This organization gave frequent entertainments for the benefit of the church, on which occasion the choir was reinforced by all the singers in the town. In the spring of 1879 a concert was given in which Miss Annie Louise Gary took the leading part. The following year "The Messiah" was produced with Myron Whit- ney as basso. In 1882 Mr. Merwin was succeeded by Mr. Locke, director of the Music Department of the University. The Evanston Amateur Musical Club. The first important musical club in Evanston was the Evanston Amateur Musical Club, a musical and social organization which flourished for five years from 1882 to 1887. Its founder and presiding genius was Miss Xina G. Lunt, to whose perse- verance and untiring energy the success of the enterprise was due. She started the club with fourteen young amateur musi- cians as a nucleus. The membership grew with such rapidity that it comprised large active, associate and honorary lists. The last included the names of many prom- inent Chicago musicians, notably Mrs. Regina Watson (who was always a great source of inspiration and help to the club), Miss Fannie Root, Miss Amy Fay, Mr. Carl Wolfsohn, Mr. Fred W. Root, Mr. Emil Liebling and others. For two years fortnightly afternoon musicals were given during the season at the homes of the mem- bers. The programs were furnished large- ly by the active members. Frequent even- ing recitals by well known artists added much to the interest of the association. It was finally deemed best to do away with the afternoon meetings and have the entertain- ments all given in the evening, the programs to be furnished by artists of established reputation. At the same time the term "amateur" was dropped, the name of the club appearing as the Evanston Musical Club. The list of artists who appeared in recitals before this club is a notable one. It includes Seeboeck. Amy Fay. Carl Wolfsohn, Emil Liebling, Frank Root. Mrs. Walter Wyman. Mine. Carreno, Sherwood, Annie Rommeiss, Mrs. May Phoenix Cameron, Mine. Hopekirk. Mine. Trebelli, Jacobsohn, Musin, Fannie Bloom- field Zeisler, The Mendelssohn Quintette Club of Boston. Rummel, Lilli Lehman and others. There were also Chamber Con- certs given under the direction of Mr. William Lewis. Church Music. With the growth of Evanston, churches of various denomina- HISTORY OF EVANSTON tions have sprung up and their choirs have added no little to the musical development of the town. The Congregational Church choir has become noted as a training-ground for some of our best known concert sing- ers. Among them are Mr. Francis Fisher Powers, Mrs. Minnie Fish Griffin and Mrs. Minnie D. Methot, who has recently gone into opera. The following excerpt is taken from an interesting article on "Church Music" by Mr. Frank M. Elliot, in which he sketches the musical history of the Evan- ston Congregational Church : "One of the choirs long to be remember- ed was, in 1875 and 1876. known as the Powers Quartet, composed of Miss Emily Powers. Miss Lottie Powers (now Mrs. Oman). Mr. Francis Fisher Powers and Mr. Fred Powers. They were all musical and their singing was always enjoyed. "In 1881. 1882 and 1883 the music was under the direction of Mr. George H. lott. This was the first of our paid choirs. Mr. lott entered upon his duties with enthusi- asm, and unquestionably did more to edu- cate our people in good sacred music than anyone before or since. His selections were always of a high order of merit. His exactness with the musicians, his fine ap- preciation of music, together with the superb quality of his voice, gave a render- ing that was always satisfactory and help- ful to his listeners. The Te Deum became one of the most enjoyable of the selections given. It was his custom to give a Te Deum at every morning service, and this feature became so characteristic that his choir was known ever after as the 'Te Deum choir.' "In iSrjo, 1891 and 1892. the choir com- posed of Miss Grace E. Jones. Miss EstVer A. Pitkin. Mr. Henry Taylor. Jr.. and Mr. J. P. McGrath. gave an excellent rendering of all their music. They were together so long that they became accustomed to each other's singing. Their ensemble work was, perhaps, as good as that of any choir we have had. By far the best choir we ever had was composed of Mrs. Minnie Fish Griffin. Miss Alice Hayes, Mr. Johnston and Mr. William Richards. Unfortun- ately this choir was together only three months. Their voices were evenly balanced, and all were experienced and artistic sing- ers, so that every selection that they under- took was sure of proper interpretation. "There have been other excellent choirs, but, as a rule, one or more of the voices were defective. The singers who have endeared themselves to our people and who will always be regarded with the high- est esteem, both for their musical ability and for their sincerity and devotion to their work while in the choir are Miss Owens, Miss Carpenter. Mrs. Bartlett, Mrs. Goetz, Mrs. Brewer, Mrs. Lamphere, Mrs. Minnie D. Methot, Mrs. Stella Lawrence Xara- more. Mrs. Grace Jones Taylor. Mrs. Esther Pitkin-Bartlett. Mrs. Jennie Sugg Carson. Mrs. Minnie Fish Griffin, Miss Hayes, Miss Sohlberg. Miss Kelley, Mr. George H. lott, Mr. Homer F. Stone. Mr. James F. Bird. Mr. Charles A. Dew. Mr. Henry Taylor. Jr.. Mr. J. P. McGrath. Mr. William Richards. Mr. James F. Johnston and Mr. L. F. Brown. "The organists, who. by their association with this church, have become a part of its history, are J. \\ . Ludlani. Clarkson Rey- nolds Larabee, Arthur Cutler. Prof. \\". S. B. Mathews. Prof. Oscar Mayo. Miss Mollie Ludlam. Miss Lydia S. Harris. R. H. L. Watson. L. P. Ilmt. H. D. Atchison. Hubert Oldham. W. W. Graves. A. F. McCarrell. John A. West. Edwin Barnes. Irving Proctor. John Mills Mayhew and Scott Wheeler." In recent years the most marked feature of the music of the Congregational Church 2/8 LOCAL MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS has been the artistic singing of Mrs. Sanger of 1901 a series of organ concerts was Steele. , given in the First Methodist church by St. Mark's (Episcopal) Church has a Professor P. C. Lutkin, Miss Mary Porter vested choir, which furnishes the music Pratt, Miss Tina Mae Haines, Mr. William for the regular service throughout the year E. Zeuch and Mr. A. F. McCarrell. After and in addition, usually performs the St. the installation of the new organ especially Cecilia Mass at Easter. noteworthy recitals were given with the In June, 1897, a series of free organ re- following programs: citals was inauguarated in the Presbyter- Toccata and Fugue, D minor Bach iail Church. These Were Continued through Anthem "Praise the" Lord". .'...". .'."... ..A. Randegger _ . (a) Chorus "Sing unto God" G. F. Haiidcl four Seasons. The expenses Were Dome (t "La Cygne" (The Swan) C. Samt-Saens .... ., (c) Nuptial March A. Guilmant by private citizens who contributed each Mr. clarence Eddy , , Ouartette "Thou Shalt Ilring Them In".. A. S. Sullivan year in response to an appeal from the Quartette ,, . , Allegro Canta'>ile. From the fifth Organ Symphony pastor. Dr. I'oyd. The organists who fur- Toccata c. M. yvidor .... , .. ~. , . Lamentation, op. !.' A. Guilmant rushed the programs were Miss Tina Mae Mr. Eddy TT . . ... Soprano Solo "I will Extol Thee. O Lord" Costa Hames, organist of the church, to whom the Miss Ridgeiey ..... ~ Barcarolle E. H. Lamare Credit Of the enterprise IS largely due, ScOtt March and Chorus from Tannhauscr Wagner \Yheeler, Arthur Dunham, James Watson, \ r- \r r~ n r* ir \j The following program was given by A. F. McCarrell, Francis Moore, Ada ,.... TI n-ii- Mr rreaenck Archer on February 28, \\ ilhams, Francis Hemington. \\ illiam Zeuch and Clarence Dickinson. During the . . . ... Allegro Moderate from Organ Symphony. .. .W. Faulkes summer of 1899 the entire group of six re- Pastorale jorgan . , TT (a) Scherzo Gigout Citals was given by -MlSS Haines, assisted Chorale in D minor Caesar Franck " (a) Chanson sans Paroles E. II. Lamare by prominent vocalists. Among the solo- o>> iiumonttsque J. Caiiaert* istS who assisted during the four Seasons Poeme Symphonique'-"Rouet '. when, through the enthusiasm and personal effort of Mrs. Edward Wyman. the little band was marshalled, in closing her remarks at the introductory meeting. I re- member that she said, 'of course we have high hopes.' A group of women holding subscriptions to the concerts of one of the greatest orchestras the world has ever known, unite into a class with the purpose of becoming better fitted to appreciate this beautiful music. With this single aim they meet, each gladly giving to the others what- ever she can perform, whether of artistic effort or of the silent inspiration of the listener. These are the simple conditions. Hut which of us can measure the growth in herself resulting from the interchange? and. in the community in which we are a part, it is said that our influence is wide ; that we occupy a position of responsibility. t LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 281 May we continue to realize our supreme g^'f;;; ;;;;;;;; ;:::::::;;> ..Margaret Rmhven Lang privilege of listening to the greatest music ^f^^i.'o' j^i- : :i: :::...... a Kathletn Rogers oi the centuries under the leadership ol the T^Ma p r7^ lla !. Con .'!::::: ' Maude Valerie White greatest of living conductors. May we The Throstle \ continue to hold to the 'high hopes' with TUESDAY, FEBRUARV 13. 10 A. M. which we began, always mindful that such Clara Schumann measure of success as has been ours, has ^S^S^ml" III" '.'.:'." '.Ui^' 'B&& ^aynS been in exact ratio to our obedience to the pE^^Wte'i^'Aiiiiri'.'.V.'.'.'.ikta." Grace Eriekwrn divine law which orders all of Giving and Fanny Mendelssohn Paper Mrs. F. B. Dyche Receiving. Piano Caprices Miss Kdna Flesheim Two Songs Miss Florence Stevens During the past three vears, in addition ,,,.' . MARCH H. IOOO. to the study of the Thomas programs, the - -ii Jessie L. Gaynor subject of chamber music has been taken up s kct ch of Work in Composition Mrs. Gaynor under the direction of Professor Harold ^--/ "-Songs from the child WorW... Gaynor ,- If I Were a Bee. Kliapp. Hush-a-Iiye. Baby Dear. Music Department of the Evanston "he 1 Wind Went Wooing the Rose. Woman's Club. In 1897 it was decided to A*?S5J: K ' SS ' add a Music Department to the other thriv- StaSTI^ 1 '"*^ ing departments of the Evanston Woman's ^Fire"'^^? 011 ' Club. Mrs. H. D. Cable was made chair- s^rirtg'song man anil Mrs. Coe was engaged, during the Accom P"- Mr - F - F - B le - first season, to give a series of illustrated APRIL 10. K)OO. lectures on musical topics. The second MrE ' H ' H ' A B " ch _ r Paper Mrs. T. P. Stanwood season's work consisted of miscellaneous fSSii (..Miss Louise E. Whitehead programs. In 1899 Mrs. Coe was made SSe "*^f*" ; Miss Mabel nimn Musical Director of the department, a f^"^^^^^^" A " a Min " position which she held for three years. Personal Lettj.o b the^aub^.^..^.._.Mrs. Beach During that period she planned in detail all J; nrRO "r."v :. Miss fj'? ui5e ,. E - Whitehead Piano Phantoms Miss Grace Erickson of the work of the department, personally W i" uI Year > s ri M t the Spring" I Miss Alta Miller superintending the presentation of each pro- 1>ial10 g s E^ n ' Ev s e r "f i'nd p Mr W w A G e Togan derato gram. Through the season. 1899-1900. a M vy 22 l{ uniciue course was carried out, devoted ex- _ .. _. L-CCtlC Lnarninadc clllsivelv to the Compositions of WOmen. Short Sketches of Life and Work... Mrs. George A. Coe Dense Pastorale f Several Of tile COinpOSCrS themselves tOOk Scnrf Dance Mrs. Irene Stevens Calirrhoe 3 a hvelv interest in the work, and letters VocalSombrero Mr. Alfred n. Shaw The Flatterer Mrs. W. II. Knapp of encouragement and appreciation were Bourse, n. minor > Miss Edna Eversz received from Mrs. H. H. A. Beach and Vocal "Veins. Mon i\\m Aime" . Miss Winifred Xiehtinirale LeClle C hnmilindc. Two Pianos "Le Soir" Mrs. John R. Lindcren "Le Matin". . .Miss Harriet Engle Brown The following programs were given: vr c *-g] vSeTlianVon.':. ! Mr - AIfr - d D - Shaw j.-iTjTtDv rt irirtn Concert Studv "Autumn" Miss Edna Flesheim JAHUAKX y, 1 L)U. Vocal -"Ritoiirnelle" Miss Winifred XiEhtingale I-ectnre- "Women Composers" Mrs. Crosby Adams Concertstuck. . Miss Carrie Hollirnok Vocal Illustrations Miss Una Howell Orchestral Accompamment on Second Piano. Mrs. PROGRAM ne0rKe A - COC ' Th'e C Sw!,; g. T! . le . 11 . : 1 . t r:::::::* Eleanor smith Through the season of 1900-1901 the fol- piead^r? 18 S " E ' lowing programs were given, devoted to Hope me I Marguerite Melville American composers : 282 LOCAL MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS JANUARY 8, Paper Mrs. Chancellor Jenks, Jr. William Mason 3 improvisation* *" C " f Miss Grace Erickson John Knowles Paine Vocal The Matin Song > M . A , M:ii. r I Wore Your Roses ( M|SS Alta Mlller Piano Nocturne, op. 4.1 Miss Elizabeth Raymond Dudley Buck Vocal Spring's Awakening. . .Miss Louise E. Whitehead Piano By the Brookside, op. 8, No. 2. Miss Mabel Dunn Vocal Sunset Where Did You Come From, Baby Dear * \f; ,\1* \fi1W When the Heart is Young. ( M " B A!ta Mlller Salve Regina Miss Whitehead George Whitfield Chadwick Vocal The Danza j Miss Miller Oh, Let Night Speak to Me. v Piano Irish Melody............. .j Miss Dunn Scherztno, op. i. rto. 3. . . > He Loves Me > Allah * ...Miss Whitehead Sings the Nightingale to the Rose.. 1 FEBRUARY 12, I()O2. Suite Characteristique Arne OMberg An Revoir } White Caps I Revcry j- Mr. Oldberg Song to the Moon I Le retour j "The Child and His Music." An Illustrated Talk Mr. W. H. Neidlinger MARCH 12, IQOI. Illustrated lecture on "The National Music of America." Mr. Louis C. Elson, Professor of Musical Theory and Lecturer on the Orchestra and on Musical History in the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass. APRIL 9, I9OI. Arthur W. Foote Paper .......................... Mrs. William A. Dyche Piano Suite, D. minor ..... ] William L. Vance , . ..... R r omance and .. FUBt :?: I Capriccio ........... J Vocal Through the Long Days t and Years ............. ; Mis ............. On the Way to Kew ..... Margaret Master the Way to _ _ Piano Selections Irani Poems (after Omar Khay- yam Mrs. George A. Coe Vcal Memnmn ) I'm Wearing Awa J Miss Easter Sweetheart - Piano and Violin Sonata, G minor. Allegro Appassionata. Alia Siciliano. Adagio. Allegro Molto. Miss Klizabeth Raymond and Mr. Lewis Blackman MAY 28, IQOI. Edward A. MacDowell Short Talk on the Composer with selections from Sea Pieces Mrs. George A. Coe Piano The Witches' Dance Miss Mabel Dunn i^pr^?a,ion::::::::::::::i Willi *"> L - Van M^rc'h Wind \ Miss Grace Erickson Songs to be selected Miss Annie Louise Daniels Czardas Mrs. William L. Vance In view of the activity along 1 musical lines throughout the various organizations of women, it is a matter of especial interest to note the following opinion expressed in a private letter by the eminent American composer, Mr. Arthur Foote, of Boston : "From circumstances, I am more ac- quainted with the work done by those clubs than most people right here, and I do not hesitate to give my belief that the most efficient factor for music in America now is just that done by those clubs, chiefly, naturally, in the Middle West, although there has been a surprising and healthful growth in the same direction about here ; but, rim as they are, generally by level- headed and truly musical people, their ef- fect, I firmly believe, will be more than either of us can imagine in the next twenty years." During the season of 1901-1902 the Music Section of the Evanston Woman's Club, under the direction of Mrs. Coe, carried out the following Historical and Analytical Course: JANUARY 14. 1902. Lecture Recital "Primitive Music" Mrs. George A. Coe Vocal Illustrations Miss Louise Whitehead The Development from Crude beginnings among the Savages to the Attempts of the Early Christians. Beginnings of Folk Music. Development of the Scale. The Music of the Chinese, Japanese, and Hindoos. MUSICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. Japanese and Hindoo Songs Negro Folk Songs The Lady Picking Mulberries Edgar S. Kelley (Written on Chinese scale.) Suite for Piano "Miniatures in Chinese Colors".... Lillian Statson Miller Movement from Chinese Suite for Orchestra Edgar S. Kelley JANUARY 28, 1902. Lecture Recital "Music of the American Indians".... Mrs. George A. Coe Vocal Illustrations Miss Mary Florence Steve Indian Legends, Superstitions and Sense of Musical Rhythm. Scalping Songs. Prayers. Cradle Songs. Songs of Joy and Sorrow. FEBRUARY II, IOX>2. MUSIC OF THE GREEKS. The Creek Drama Mrs. Doremus A. Haves The Greek Music System Mrs. George A. Coe Musical Illustrations Mr. Arthur Burton FEBRUARY 25, I9O2. Development of Church Music ("from Ambrose and Gregory to beginning of the Netherland School). Music in the Bible. Musical Attempts of the Early Christians. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 283 Paper Mrs. C. D. B. Hpwell Musical Analysis, including Development of Notation.. Mrs. Coe Vocal Illustrations of Ambrosian and Gregorian Chants and Hebrew Hymns Mrs. H. W. Knapp MARCH II, I9O2. Lecture Recital "History of Folk Music" Mrs. Joseph W. Hines Folk Songs of Scandinavia. Russian and Slavic Songs. MARCH 25, 1902. "EPOCH OF THE NETHERLANDERS" Papers by Mrs. E. L. Harpham and Miss Elizabeth P. Clarke. Musical Illustrations by Vocal Quartette under the direction of Miss Tina Mae Haines. APRIL 8. I9O2. THE OPERA. Italy Peri to Verdi. France Beaujoyeux to Gounod. Germany Kaiser to Wagner. England Purcell to Handel. Paper Mrs. Homer H. Kingsley Vocal Illustrations Mr. A. I). Shaw and Mrs. Smith Piano Numbers Miss Grace Ericson, Miss Marion Titus and Miss Hoff. APRIL 22, I9O2. Analytical Lecture on Wagner's "Siegfried," with illus* trations from the score Mrs. George A. Coe MAY 13, I9O2. THE ORATORIO. Papers. Oratorio in Italy Mrs. W. A. Illsley Oratorio in Germany Mrs. E. W. Goldschmidt Oratorio in England Miss Mary B. Lindsay Vocal Illustrations Mr. Conrad Kimbafl Piano Illustrations Mrs. Goldschmidt and Mrs. W. I". Hypes MAY 27, I OO2. Lecture Recital "Spanish Folk Music" Senora Hlanca de Freyre Tibbits Work of Woman's Club. The follow- ing resume of the three season's work was prepared by Miss Tina Mae Haines: "An inquiry into the cause of the steady growth of general culture among an in- dustrial busy people would reveal the pres- ence of a multitude of important forces, all working toward a broader and deeper knowledge of the arts and sciences. One of these important forces is the universal spirit of investigation which continually asks to know why things are as they are; that spirit which insists upon dissecting the component parts of everything which probes into the very mind and heart of every one who has given a part of his best self to the world the spirit which seeks to uncover the mysteries of creative power itself. "Music, the most elusive of all the arts, has not escaped this microscopic examina- tion. It is only within recent years, how- ever, that the general public has shown any perceptible desire to really understand the science of music. It has been content to have its ears tickled and its feet inspired, to declare one's self fond of music meant simply that one was fond of the 'tune.' The number of such is steadily diminishing, and moreover the time is rapidly passing, when a musician, who knows nothing but his music, can pass muster. "The better class of conservatories, the establishment of orchestras and organiza- tions for the analytical study of orchestral literature, the appearance on the scenes of competent musical lecturers, and the exer- tions of our impressarios to appeal to the cultivated musical palate, are all large fac- tors in contributing to a more intelligent comprehension of music as an art. and not merely as a form of entertainment. With- in the past few years these forces have re- ceived powerful impetus from the vari- ous women's clubs, many of which have in- corporated in their courses of study depart- ments of music. "The Woman's Club of Evanston is a notable example. It has just completed the third year of a splendidly-conceived and well carried out course of study. The club showed excellent judgment in engag- ing Mrs. George Coe for the musical direc- tor, and the wisdom of the selection has long since been proved by the steady growth of the department and the increasing interest in the examination of the course of study shows the extensive sco]ie of the work un- dertaken. During the season of 1899 and 1900 the general subject was, 'Woman in Composition, and special features were an illustrated lecture talk by Mrs. Jessie Gay- 28 4 LOCAL MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS nor of 'Methods of Work in Composition.' The subject of the study course, during the season of 1900 and 1901, was 'American Composers.' Among other interesting things. Mr. Louis C. Elson, of Boston, gave an illustrated lecture on 'The National Music of America.' and Mr. \Y. H. Neid- linger gave a talk on 'Children's Songs.' "Tile series running through the season just closed has been devoted to the study of the development of music from its earliest beginnings. Many well-known soloists have furnished illustrations for the various programs. Some of the papers were pre- pared by members of the club, and Mrs. Coe herself, besides contributing a number of lectures and papers, has added to every program from her ample store of informa- tion. "Mrs. Coe, in preparing her lectures, has added to her wide experience as a teacher and her thorough knowledge of the general history of music, a detailed study of the de- velopment of music among all nationalities, sparing no pains to secure rare and authen- tic material : and those who have heard these lectures, fully realize the careful selec- tion of interesting matter, the absence of superfluous details and the artistic and logi- cal arrangement of the information so care- fully gleaned. Mrs. Coe should have the satisfaction of feeling that, in addition to interesting and entertaining her auditors, she is wielding an educational influence of immeasurable value and stimulating a de- sire for a more sincere study of the science of music." During the season of njoj-K/53. a series of lecture recitals was given before the club by Madam dc Roode Rice. During 1903-11,104 a series of miscellaneous pro- grams was given, including the first public performance of the "Melodrama of Hiawa- tha" for speaking voice and piano by Saidee Knowland Coe. given with the composer at the piano and Miss Mae Neal, reader. A series of interesting and instructive lecture- recitals has been given the past season by Miss Tina Mae Haines. who is to furnish another course next winter. The Evanston Musical Club. One great cause of encouragement in the musi- cal development of America is the broad- ening of general education to include some knowledge of the fine arts, notably music, and a corresponding enlargement of musi- cal training to include culture along literary and scientific lines. It follows, therefore, that in towns where are situated colleges or universities of importance, one may, at the present time, as confidently expect to become acquainted with some at least of the masterpieces of music as with the great works of literature. That the Evanston Musical Club has done real musical culture work no one can doubt who has watched its progress during the last few years and noted the number of new, as well as standard, works that have been brought to the attention of many per- sons who, perhaps otherwise, would never have heard them. One cause for congrat- ulation in the work of the club is that the audiences are not made up solely of people sated with musical opportunities. The con- certs prove a musical feast for many stu- dents and others whose opportunities for hearing great choral works have been very limited. The following "Retrospective." pub- lished by officers of the club, gives a history of its start and first four seasons' work: "In 1894 a Mrennerchor of twenty voices was organized in the Country Club, under the direction of Professor P. C. Lutkin, anil gave its first concert at the club house on November 3Oth. with Max llendix violinist, and Miss Fanchon Thompson, contralto, as soloist. The same program was repeated at the Congregational church HISTORY OF EVANSTON 285 and was the first public performance of the Evanston Musical Club. In the meantime, a ladies' auxiliary chorus was formed, which also gave a concert at the Country Club. On February 19, 1895, the two or- ganizations united in a public performance at the Congregational church, with Francis Walker, baritone, and Frederick Archer, organist, as soloists. On May ~th an ora- torio was attempted, and Sullivan's "Prod- igal Son" was given with a quartette of home talent. The full chorus had grown to ninety voices and. largely through the ef- forts of the first President, Mr. John R. Lindgren, an associate member lis of sixty- six was secured. "The work of the Club had given so much pleasure and satisfaction that more pretentious plans were laid for the coming season. The concerts were all given at the Congregational church, beginning with the Maennerchor on November 12, assisted by Bruno Steindel, 'cellist. On December I7th the first performance of the 'Messiah' was given and met with hearty approval. The solo quartette consisted of Miss Anita Mul- doon, of Cincinnati. Mrs. Anna Rommeis Thacker. Mr. Walter Root and Mr. William Richards. A Part-song Concert 'was next given on February 7. 1896, with Mine. Lillian Blauvelt. The crowning feature of the year was the performance of 'Elijah.' on April 24. with Mrs. Janet Boyd Brown. Mrs. Foresman Bagg. Mr. William F. Hypes, and Mr. Plunkett Greene, as solo quartette. At both oratorios Mr. Clar- ence Dickinson presided at the organ. At the end of the season the active members numbered over one hundred, and the asso- ciate members eighty-nine. "With its third season the Club adopted its present policy of giving three concerts annually the 'Messiah' at Christmas tide, a Part-song Concert, with an eminent solo- ist, in February, and a great oratorio in April. The new season was inaugurated with the first appearance of an orchestra, and to provide the necessary stage-room, and also to accommodate the increasing at- tendance, the concerts of the Club were transferred to the First Methodist church, where they have since been held. The per- formance of the Messiah, with its proper orchestral setting, created much enthusiasm and received high praise from Chicago critics. The solo quartette included Miss Helen Buckley, Mrs. Anna Rommeis Thacker, William J. Brown, and Charles VV. Clark. The following artists assisted at the Part-song Concert: Mile. Alice Verlet, from the Paris Opera Comique, and Mr. Leo Stern, 'cellist, from London. The season closed with a successful perform- ance of Haydn's 'Creation,' with orchestra, and Miss Helen Buckley. William F. Hypes and George Ellsworth Holmes as soloists. The chorus now numbered one hundred and twenty members, and there were about an equal number of associate members. "The high standard the Club had set for its 'Messiah' performance was fully main- tained at the opening concert of the fourth season. The assisting artists were Mrs. Genevieve Clark Wilson. Mrs. Sue Harring- ton Furbeck, Mr. George Hamlin and Mr. Lewis Campion. M. Henry Marteau, the eminent violinist, was the attraction at the Part-song Concert. In place of the usual oratorio at the last concert, an English Idyl, entitled 'St. John's Eve.' for solo, chorus and orchestra, was given with Mrs. Proctor Smith, Mrs. Christine Xeilson Drier. George Hamlin and Sidney Biden in the solo parts. So great was the enjoyment in this beautiful work that a repetition was demanded. A second performance was given for a worthy charitable object. Miss Eolia Carpenter and Mr. William Hypes replacing Mrs. Drier and Mr. Hamlin. The chorus had increased to one hundred and 286 LOCAL MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS thirty members and the associate members PROGRAM. to nearly one hundred and fifty." *' Gallu ' Motette L p r io^. P Mr. Imfth"" 1 chorus " Gounod During the succeeding years the follow- " chaconnc ' for Vi Sit &'' B * ch ing programs have been presented: 3 ' I^n^nT^.' ^"'." 5 ^ Barge.. b Cradle Song Gilbert A. Alcock FIFTH SEASON. 4. Two Part Songs, for Mixed Voices DECEMBER I 3> 1898. '. . ^i*^'! !'!". .^l'"^ ."""i Horace' ' Ellis 'TUG- uc-ecr AU > b Full Fathom Five Charles Wood THE MESSIAH. 5 Violin Solos- Miss Jennie Osborn. Soprano; Mrs. Sue Harrington a Nocturne, D flat Chopin Sarasate Furbeck, Contralto; Mr. Holmes Cowper, Tenor; Mr. Humoresque Tschaikowsky Charles \V. Clark, Bass; Mr. Curtis A. Barry, Organist. c Dance Brahms-Joachim _ 6. Six Ancient Folk Songs of the Netherlands (A. D. FEBRUARY 23, iSOQ. 16^0) arranged by E. Kremser For Maennerchor, Baritone and Tenor Solos PART SONG CONCERT. 7. Chorus, for Ladies' Voices and Soprano Soloists Mr. Bruno Steindel, Violoncello; Mr. Holmes T h , e Sailors' Christmas ..Chammade Cowper Tenor ^' Mrs. Smith Accompanists Mrs. Bruno Steindel; Mr. Elias Arnold a Ballad, for Baritone and Chorus Bredin ^ oung Lochmvar Liza Lehmann ___. , Solo Mrs. Stacey PROGRAM. 9 Violin Solo Hungarian Themes with Variations Cantata "The Pilgrims" G. W. Chadwick Ernst Evanston Musical Club. Miss Jackson Le Desir Servais 10. Two-Part Songs for Mixed Chorus Mr. Steindel. a Evening and Morning Hymn Rheinberger Anthem for Tenor Solo , and Chorus P. C. Lutkin b Gypsy Life Schumann Mr. Cowper and Evanston Musical Club. The Elizabethan Madrigals C. Withers Stanford ADDIT >- irtnn Evanston Musical Club. APRIL 2J , lyOO. Polonaise for Piano and 'Cello. ....... Chopin Thc EIijah Mendelssohn .... , Mr - and Mrs - Stemdel. Soloists Mrs. Genevieve Clark Wilson, Soprano; Mrs. Winter Days... Caldcott Sue Harrington Furbeck, Alto; Mr. George Hamlin, Evanston Musical Club. Tenor; Mr. Charles W. Clark. Basso. Homewards ......_.... Rhemberger Wilson Reed, Soprano (The Youth). Ladies Chorus. Richard Uhlemaim, Mezzo Soprano. Rjf!54n^::::::::::::::::::u\\"-:::;::::::aii A and p ^ k <- A "- Adagio Eva 1 """" Musical Club. Moart SEVENTH SEASON. Taramdle Popper rc^c-\tni.'D rR innn Mr. Steindel. DECEMB1 18, 1900. The Song of the Vikings Eaton Fanning ^j lc M ess j an Handel Evanston Musical Club. Soloists Mrs. 'Jennie' Fish Griffin.' Soprano:' Miss 'Mabelle ~Q ,Q^,-> Crawford. Alto; Mr. Frederick Carberry, Tenor; Mr. APRIL 28, I99. Charles W. Clark, Basso. MENDELSSOHN FESTIVAL. Miss Jennie Osborn. Soprano; Miss Alton Littleton WMWAi 1>> IWt. Smith. Soprano; Mr. George Hamlin, Tenor; Miss PART SONG CONCERT Una Howcll, Pianist. Soloists Madame Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler, Pianiste ; PROGRAM. Mr Chauncey Earle Bryant, Tenor. Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, op. 25 Miss Una Howell PROGRAM. Motette "Hear My Prayer". Miss Osborn and Evanston Credo r* Musical Club. ' Sandus From ' St ' Cecilia' ' Mass'.' i Gounod A Hymn of Praise. o. Piano Solos SIXTH SEASON. a " Ha ^-' har , kf j hc lark n' -Schubert ( 1 ranslated for Piano by Liszt). DECEMBF.R 14, lOOX). b. Marche Militaire Schubert (Duet arranged as a solo by Tausig). "The Messiah" Handel Mme. Zeisler. Soloists Mrs. Sanger Steele, Soprano; Miss Mabelle 3. Part Song for Mixed Voices. Crawford, Alto; Mr. Glenn Hall, Tenor; Mr. Arthur "When Spring Comes Laughing" .... Eaton Fanning Van Eweyk, Basso. 4. The Twenty-third Psalm, for Ladies' Voices "The Lord is my Shepherd" Schubert 1 \VITARV ? TOOO 5. Piano Solos JANUAKY 4, No. 1.... i The Messiah Handel Valse op f>4 No ' ' Soloists Mrs. Sanger Steele, Soprano; Miss Mahelle " \Inie ' Zeisler Crawford. Contralto; Mr. Glenn Hall, Tenor; Mr. 6 Two Part Songs, 'for Mixed Voices- Harry K. Parsons. Baso. T wo Maidens P. C. Lutkin (Dedicated to the Apollo Musical Club). FEBRUARY 5, 1900. . The Babbling Brook P. C. Lutkin (Dedicated to the Evanston Musical Club.) PART SONG CONCERT. 7. Two Part Songs, for Mixed Voices- Soloists Leonora Jackson, Violinist. a Spring Cowen (Mr. Ernest H. Jackson. Accompanist.) b Lover's Counsel.... Incidental solos by Mrs. Alton Littleton Dmitri, Soprano; Piano Solos Liebestraum (Nocturne, No. 31). ...Liszt Harry R. Parsons, Basso; Russell Wilbur, Tenor; Caprice Espagnole, op. I!" Moszkowski William A. Stacey. Baritone. Mme. Zeisler. H. M. Tilroe, Reader. ft. March and Chorus from Tannhauser. celt ft I ( / / /( V L i r - . HISTORY OF EVAXSTON 287 APRIL 21, CENTRAL MUSIC HALL, CHICAGO. "The Elijah" ............................. Mendelssohn By the combined Evanston and Ravenswood Clubs, under the direction of Professor P. C. Lutkin. Soloists Mrs. Genevieve Clark Wilson, Soprano; Miss Elaine De Sellem, Alto; Mr. George Hamlin, Tenor; Mr. Charles W. Clark, Basso. MAY 7, IQOI. Stabat Mater ................................. Rossini Hiawatha's Wedding Feast ......... S. Coleridge Taylor Soloists Miss Helen Buckley, Soprano ; Miss Elaine De Sellem, Alto; Mr. Holmes Cowper, Tenor; Mr. F. B. Webster, Bass. EIGHTH SEASON. NOVEMBER 21, IQOI. .. Soloists Mrs. Maria Hoag-Haughley, Soprano; Mrs. Ella Pierson Kirkham, Alto; Mr. L. E. Rollo, Tenor; Mr. Joseph Baernstein, Basso. FEBRUARY 2J, 1902. PART SONG CONCERT. Soloists Mme. Corinne Moore Lawson, Soprano ; Mr. Gustav Ilolmquist, Basso. PROGRAM. PART I. 1. "Hear My Prayer" .................... Mendelssohn Motet te for Soprano Solo and Chorus. Mrs. Lawson and Chorus. 2. The King's Prayer from Lohengrin .......... Wagner Bass Solo, Quintette and Chorus. Mr. Holmquist. Miss Anna L. Beebe, Soprano; Miss Louise White- head, Alto; Mr. A. D. Shaw, Tenor; Mr. C. N. Stevens, Baritone. 3. Te Deum, opus 103 ...................... Dvorak Soprano and Bass Solo and Chorus. Mrs. Lawson, Mr. Holmquist and Chorus. PART If. 1. The Dance, opus ^7. No. 1 ...... ..... Edward Elgar From the "Bavarian Highlands." Evanston Musical Club. li. a Norwegian Shepherd Song. Old Melodv 16th Cent. c LoilLs^cT 5 ':: ! .............. O.d English 3 - ttB^&ViK-a:! ..... Ed - rd E * Evanston Musical Club. 4. a The First Love Song .......... Carl Grammann b The Sand Carrier .............. August Bungert c Serenata ........................... Moszkowski Mrs. Lawson. 5. The Marksmen. Opus 27, No. 6 ........ Edward Elgar Evanston Musical Club. APRIL 22, I9O2. VERDI'S. Manzoni Requjem. Soloists Mrs. Geiievieve Clark Wilson, Soprano ; Miss Jessie Lynde Hopkins, Mezzo Soprano; Mr. John B. Miller, Tenor ; Mr. Joseph Baernstein, Basso. Other especially important works present- ed by the Club are "Caractacus" and "King Olaf" by Elgar, and Dvorak's "Stabat Mater." Interest in the club was greatly augmented by the winning of the second prize of $3,500 in the choral contest at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at Saint Louis, in 1904. under the direction of Pro- fessor Lutkin. In the concert of January 30, 1905, a concerto for piano and orchestra by Arne Oldberg had its first performance, and the celebrated English contralto, Muriel Foster, was the most notable solist. The Presidents of the Evanston Musical Club have been Mr. John R. Lindgren, Mr. W. F. Hypes, Mr. Frank \V. Smith, Mr. Chancellor Jenks and Mr. C. N. Stevens. Let us hope that the great development along musical lines, which has taken place in Evanston during the last few years, may lead some public spirited citizen to erect a large hall suitable for concert purposes. Mendelssohn has said. "I know of no aim more noble than that of giving music to one's native language and to one's native country." What more noble monument could an Evanstonian erect than a building in his own town, which would make possible an annual musical festival whose strains would mingle with the ma- jestic organ point of our beautiful Lake Michigan, in fulfilling the musicians' calling which, according to Schumann, is "to send light into the deep recesses of the human heart." CHAPTER XXXI. EVANSTOX BANKS (By WILLIAM G. HOAO) The Stor\ of Banking Enterprises in Evan- ston Effect of the Chicago Fire First Private Bank Establislied in /2.39 $1,4 Officers. The present officers of the City Xational Bank of Evanston (1906) are: President Joseph F. Ward. Nice- President William S. Mason. Cashier Charles X. Stevens. Directors. Henry A.Pearsons. Thomas Bates, Rollin A. Keyes. Joseph A. Paden. David R. Forgan. William S. Mason. James A. Patten. Joseph F. Ward. A considerable improvement lately add- ed to the City Xational P>ank is a safety deposit vault, commodious and of extraor- dinary strength of construction. Its aux- iliary conveniences for patrons are com- plete and elegant. f CHAPTER XXXII. EVAXSTON REAL ESTATE (Bjr FRANK M ELLIOT) Primary Geological Conditions Early Roads The Indian Trail A Period of Growth "The Path the Calf Made" Influence of the University Evans ton Over-boomed Effect of the Chicago Fire Local Real Estate Rivalries Notable Residences The Transportation Problem The Park System Taxation Evans- ton Homes Real Estate Values. We are told that Evanston, at one time, was entirely submerged by Lake Michigan, but that gradually, through unknown ages, the waters receded. The battle-field of the two contending forces land and water is distinctly marked by the alignment of land fortification or ridges. This great struggle had continued year in and year out. with the land forces conquering and adding much territory to their possession. These lines of fortification are visible to- day. The highest and most prominent of all. runs along the Gross Point Road, three miles distant from the Lake ; another on Ridge Avenue, a mile distant; one on Hin- man Avenue, a quarter of a mile distant, and still another along the lake shore, where the battle of land and water is still raging. This contest between the land and water is one of great importance to the real es- tate of Evanston. Practically the last stand has been reached, for the force of the waters of Lake Michigan is so great, that it is no longer possible to extend the land, with any degree of safety. Covering this territory conquered from the lake, there has grown a beautiful forest of oak, maple, elm and linden, a portion of which has withstood the violence of the elements and the ruthless depredations of man. Early Roads. There were two roads running from Chicago to Green Bay which passed through Evanston one on the Gross Point highland, and the other, known as the Green Bay Road, running along Ridge Avenue. East of the latter was an old Indian trail, the route of which can still be traced by a number of trees with large branches bent to the ground. The best ex- ample of these is a tree at the State line just east of the Electric Road. The large oak at the entrance of the College Campus, and the one at the northeast corner of Forest Avenue and Lake Street, mark the direc- tion of the trail. There was only one cross road located in Rogers Park along the Indian Boundary Line. The low land be- tween the ridges was filled with water and marsh, resembling in effect the present con- dition of the Skokie. These roads were, for the most part, built of corduroy and were maintaned at private expense. A toll was exacted for the use of them and one of the oldest toll stations, and the last to ex- ist, was in Rogers Park at the intersection of Chicago Avenue and the Indian Boun- 296 EVANSTON REAL ESTATE dary Line. The toll house was discontinued about 1875. A Period of Growth. The de,velop- ment from a "forest primeval" to a city lot is interesting, for into this development enters the human element, which is a never ending source of interest. The low and marshy places, the hills and the ridges, the obstruction of trees and tangled wood all of these must be brought under the con- trol of man. Streets must be made, sewers built, and much digging, cutting and burn- ing, before a city lot is defined. This, in brief, is what has taken place in Evanston. There have been periods of immigration that have added to the material growth of Evanston. The western march of civiliza- tion brought farmers into this country. These acquired title to their farms from the Government. They planted fruit trees, and especially a large number of the peach variety. These prospered and brought rich harvests until the time when the forests, which extended to the North Branch of the Chicago River, were destroyed. The climat- ic changes which ensued after this destruc- tion made it impossible for peaches to grow on this side of Lake Michigan. In 1853 the N'orth western University- was established here. From a few homes and a store on Ridge Avenue a settlement called Ridgevilk grew a new town, named Evanston in honor of the late Governor Evans, of Colorado, one of the founders of the University. There was the infusion of a new clement into the community ; pro- fessors and their families, scholars and trades people. The coming of these rep- resented the second immigration. "The Path the Calf Made." The growth of a town can sometimes be traced from its foot-paths. First comes the trail of the Indian, or frontiersman, who marks his way with a broken branch, or a blaze on the trees. The settler, with his flock and herds, then follows nature's own sur- vey for a future city's thoroughfare in "the path the calf made," of which the poet, Sam Walter Foss, thus graphically sings: "One day. through the primeval wood, A calf walked home, as good calves should; Hut made a trail all bent askew, A crooked trail as all calves do. Since then two hundred years have fled, And, 1 infer, the calf is dead. Hut still he left hehind his trail. And thereby hangs my moral tale. The trail was taken up next day t'.y a lone dog that passed that 'way ; And then a wise bell-wether sheep Pursued the trail o'er vale and steep. And drew the flock behind him, too, As good bell-wethers always do. And from that day, o'er hill and glade. Through these old woods a path was made; And many men wound in ana out. And dodged, and turned, and bent about, And uttered words of righteous wrath Because 'twas such a crooked path. But still they followed do not laugh The first migrations of that calf. And through this winding woodway stalked, Because he wabbled when he walked. This forest path became a lane, That bent and turned, and turned again ; This crooked lane became a road, Where many a poor horse with his load Toiled on beneath the burning sun. And traveled some three miles in one. And thus, a centurv and a half. They trod in the footsteps of that calf. The years passed on in swiftness fleet, The road became a village street ; And this, before men were aware, A city's crowded thoroughfare; And soon the central street was this, ( )f a renowned metropolis. Ami men two centuries and a half Trod in the footsteps of that calf." In the early settlement, for foot passen- gers there were first walks of clay and gravel extending from the Lake Shore in Davis Street to the business portion ; after- ward the single plank, laid 'lengthwise ; then the double-barreled walk of two planks, with a space between, the invention of Obadiah Huse. President of the Village Hoard ; next the board walk, three or four feet in width, the wider board or dirt walk, and then the flag stone, brick or cement walk of the present day each serving its day or purpose until superseded by some- thing better. All these walks mark with distinctness, the growth and evolution that has taken place in our community. Influence of the University. The in- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 297 fluence of the University brought, as early inhabitants, a class of people who have been of great benefit to Evanston. They were people of refinement who desired quiet with the delights of intellectual and con- genial society. They established homes here and many of their friends, attracted by their example, came to live in this quiet and scholastic atmosphere. The University purchased large tracts of land amounting to 343 acres. In July. 1854, the Plat of Evanston was made b\ Andrew J. Brown, Philo Judson and the Northwestern University. As an illustra- tion of the rapid advance of land values, take for example the southwest quarter of Section 18, Township 41, Range 14, being 1 60 acres, lying between Church and Demp- ster Streets, and Asbury and Chicago Ave- nues. In 1840. fames Carney bought this land from the Government for $1.25 per acre, a total of $200. In 1854, Carney sold this land to Andrew James Brown for $13.000. After the subdivision was made the best lots sold for $350 each. The lot on south- west corner of Davis Street and Maple Avenue, 70 by 215 feet, sold, in 1855, for 8350. In 1865, it sold for $600. In 1870 the same lot. only 1 15 feet deep, sold for $2.000. and in 1889 for $7.000. It is worth to-day, without improvements. $17.500. Let us take another example on the East Side. In 1865. the Northwestern University bought the "Snyder farm," 6oJ^ acres, for $24.227. This farm ran from Hamilton to Greenleaf Streets, and from Chicago Avenue to Lake Michigan. As platted to-day, there are about 6.660 feet frontage and a conserva- tive value would be $100 per front foot, or $666.000. ( hher examples might be cited to show the increase in value of real estate in Evanston : but it would be about the same story, and would only repeat what is well known of the substantial and fixed value of real estate throughout the entire city. Expansion of 1872. During the Civil War, when the unsettled condition of the country was making its influence felt even at this distance from the field of action while Evanston was sending the best of her manhood to the front, she still made ad- vances, and had enough surplus energy to contribute generally toward the building up of the town. The greatest expansion took place in 1872. In common with the rest of the State, and. indeed, with many parts of the country, Evanston was over-boomed. It needed the bursting of the bubble in 1873 to bring values to their legitimate level. During the subsequent decade, real estate values and the movement of property wore slowly down to a more rational pace. Effect of the Chicago Fire. Up to the time of the Chicago fire in 1871, the Univer- sity was the dominant influence which brought people to Evanston. The loss and ruination brought about by that fire en- forced the sale of much property, and this caused a depreciation of prices. Rigid fire ordinances followed that great catastrophe, and the enforcement of stringent regula- tions drove beyond the Chicago city limits those people, who. desiring to build houses for themselves, had not means for the erec- tion of structures of brick or other fire- proof materials. These circumstances acted decidedly in favor of suburban localities, to which professional men, clerks, and others of moderate income were attracted. A feature of the real estate business since then has been the suburban trade. Evanston receiving a large influx of people at the time of the Chicago fire. They were attracted by its accessibility, its delightful surroundings, and the high character of the people who already resided in the village. The re- 298 EVANSTON REAL ESTATE striction of the liquor faffic, making it il- legal to sell or manufacture alcoholic bever- ages, has had a beneficial effect, not only in giving the community a high standard, but in maintaining and enhancing the value of property within its limits. The preference of the people for homes outside of Chicago created an unusual demand for houses and lots in Evanston. Prices advanced rapidly, and the building of houses and the selling of them became a profitable business. Keen and wide-awake business men were quick to grasp the situation, and soon there were new sub-divisions of land into lots. These were disposed of rapidly and other sub- divisions made and sold out. There was a boom in real estate. The buying of acres and subdividing them was so extensive that, to this day, the growth of our city has been inadequate to bring them into the market for residence purposes. As we view some of these outlying sub-divisions, now occu- pied, fallowed or returned to nature, we wonder at the credulity, the misguided judgment and the almost criminality of the men who made them. It does not seem pos- sible that any one could have been so mis- guided as to expect these sub-divisions to become the homes of other beings than the musk-rat or the gopher. The time of dis- illusion came in the panic of 1873. Prices took a tumble from which, after thirty years, they have scarcely recovered. Evanston was tainted by the same wild speculation in "undigested" real estate as Chicago. Many people suffered the bitter experience of los- ing their property by foreclosure and many were burdened with property they could not afford to keep. Values were brought to the lowest level, and, after several years of adjustment, a healthful progress began which has continued up to the present time. During the last twenty-five years there have been many interesting changes in the character and property of certain locali- ties, and a shifting more or less of popular favor as to residence sections and business localities. While prices in some parts of the city have not yet come back to the speculaton values of years ago, the pres- ent value of most of our Evanston real estate has never before been reached. In the business center of the city there is some property that has never decreased in value. The property along Davis Street has held its own, notwithstanding the es- tablishment of business centers at Main, Dempster and Central Streets. Local Rivalries. There has always been more or less of a good natured rival- ry between the East and West Side prop- erty owners, the railroads passing through the middle of the city being the dividing line. The East-Siders have the Library University, banks, several clubs and the leading stores and parks, together with the lake, as their chief attractive features : while the West-Siders claim the rise of land along the Ridge, the High School, the Country Club, the unobstructed view of the sunsets, and protection from the harsh winds which sometimes sweep over the lake. The point of excellence in fine residences is about equally divided be- tween the two sides. It has been my ob- servation, however, during an experience of twenty-five years in the real estate business, and as a resident of Evanston, that the difference between the East and West sides is a species of fancy rather than of fact ; that it is largely a question of neighbors and friends. Upon which- ever side a person first makes his home there he will soon form acquaintances and friend- ships that will bring contentment and happiness. This is the truth of the whole matter in a nut-shell. Values are about equally divided on both sides. Property held at the highest price is found on each side, and from this to the lowest priced HISTORY OF EVANSTON 299 lots there is about an equal division. This, however, was not true in the early days. The finest residences were on the West Side, and the value of Ridge Avenue lots was considered twice as great as that of lots in the Lake district. The change of value has been greater in this district because of its recent improvements and its new buildings. Evanston Residences. The residences of Evanston, for the most part, are of frame structure. There have been some typical houses which reorejsent the time in which they were built. The oldest of these is the residence of D. H. Burnham, which is unique in having the walls of cement or grout. It was built by Air. Geo. H. Bliss about 1859, and was then consid- ered one of the finest in the town. The house of Mr. James Rood, on Davis Street, which was built by L. L. Greenleaf in the early 'seventies, was typical of many houses of a similar structure. Other old- timers may be mentioned. Mr. O. F. Gibbs built the Mulford home on Ridge Avenue, which was sold to James S. Kirk, and is now owned by the Saint Francis Hospital. Then there are T. C. Hoag's residence, corner of Davis and Hinman, built in 1856 : Judge Harvey P>. Kurd's home on Ridge Avenue; the 1'urington home, a part of which is now included in the resi- dence of Mr. Frank C. Letts on Green- wood Boulevard ; the brick residence on Ridge and Greenwood, built by Mr. Geo. F. Foster in 1863 and sold to the late Charles Comstock ; Mrs. Watson's house on Ridge Avenue, and the Somer's home- stead on Chicago Avenue and University Place. Among the finest residences built within the last twenty years may be men- tioned those owned by W. H. Bartlett, Mil- ton H. Wilson, R. D. Sheppard, Arthur Orr, Mrs. C. H. Rowe, J. C. Shaffer, Mrs. Vir- ginia M. Hamline, James A. Patten, Mrs. H. R. \Vilson, John B. Kirk, R. C. Lake and C. A. Ward. During the past five years there has been an evolution in building, and the first flat and apartment buildings have made their appearance in our midst. This is in line with the progressing movement of real estate, as they bring a far greater income than can be obtained by other im- provements. Property that is losing at- tractiveness for residence purposes, and which cannot, by the nature of the case, become business property, can thus be utilized for profitable investment. Sadly deficient are our hotel accommodations. What is needed is a first-class, fire-proof hotel, with modern appointments, a new library building and an auditorium. The churches are now used extensively for all public meetings. Evanston has passed the lyceum era, and is now ripe for the buildings which modern up-to-date cities possess. Every public improvement adds to the comfort of the people and, conse- quently, enhances the value of real estate. During the time prior to the Chicago fire, Evanston had among its population many men who, a few years later, were to make it famous through their achieve- ments. The foundations of many of the best homes were laid, and definite plans for future development were made. They were, of course, crude and incomplete ; but the men of Evanston had a fair con- ception of the possibilities here for a city of homes. The men who were actively engaged in real estate at this time were L. L. Greenleaf. Rev. Obadiah Huse, Charles E. Brown, D. P. Kidder, J. H. Kedzie. J. H. Keeney, Merrill Ladd. C. L. Jenks, O. A. Grain, J. W. Stewart, L. C. Pitner. I. R. I litt. Andrew J. Brown, George M. Huntoon, Gen. White, Eli Gaffield, O. F. Gibbs, Charles J. Gilbert and Joseph M. Lyons. 300 EVAXSTON REAL ESTATE There have been other eras when the immigration to Evanston has induced some- what more than the natural growth. In 1892, during the World's Fair, when Ev- anston prospered with Chicago, there were many new residences built, some of them costing from $50.000 to $75,000 each. The Transportation Problem. One of the striking features of the real estate sit- uation just now is the effect of rapid transportation upon it. Electric and steam railroads have had marked influ- ence on the value of residence property. There is no question that this influence is felt on real estate values all along the lines of railroad extension. Outlying properties in communities more remote have been brought into competition with those which heretofore have had the advan- tage of accessibility. Fast train facilities make it possible for a man to have a home thirty miles distant from Chicago where land is cheap. Competition is thus extended. Other and better inducements for real es- tate within the nearer districts of Chicago, must be made to meet this outside compe- tition. That inducement is best solved by the reduction of price, and this is what has happened in many suburban towns, in- cluding Evanston. Evanston has two railroads and two electric street car lines. When these were started the increase of population in our city was noticeable. These roads have created a market for property, and values have been stimulated thereby. It is rea- sonable to expect a great increase in the growth of our city. With better equip- ment for transportation service, and when passengers can be landed in the heart of Chicago, many people will come here to live. The importance of Evanston is, in a large measure, determined by its rela- tionship with Chicago. It is dominated, with all other cities in the Northwest, by that great metropolis. The Park System. The parks of Ev- anston have been limited to the lake shore south of the University campus, and the block bounded by Chicago, Hinman, Lake and Grove Streets. These parks were given by the Northwestern University, when the original plat of Evanston was made. During the last ten years consider- able attention has been given to the devel- opment of our park system, especially along the Lake Shore, where the city has filled and graded and planted trees and shrubs. The trees which were planted by the early settlors along the park way of the streets, have become strong and vig- orous, and in many streets their tops have spread out until they meet, forming beauti- ful archways. Our elms are noted for their beauty and hardiness. They line the streets everywhere and are so mani- festly symmetrical and vigorous, that the city seems to be nestling in the forest. Nowhere, except in the old New England towns, are they so attractive. There are few fences dividing the ownership of lots and, with its well groomed lawns, the whole city is, in a certain sense, a great park. Flowers, shrubs and trees adorn most of the grounds. In the early days the streets were sim- ply as nature made them. The cedar-block pavement was cheap and, perhaps, the best that could be had at that time, but it had to be replaced by modern pavements, divided between macadam, brick and as- phalt. With few exceptions, all the streets are now paved with these substantial and durable pavements. Taxation. When the subject of taxes is mentioned, there always arises the question of the non-payment of taxes on the property owned by the Northwestern LIBRARY OF THE HNIVtRSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 301 University. Before the University had sold much of its property this was a seri- ous matter ; for under its charter the Uni- versity was exempt from paying all gen- eral taxes. However, in street improve- ments, such as sewers, water mains and side-walks, the University has always paid its full share. The policy of the Universi- ty has been liberal in the selling of its property. In 1874, a restriction was im- posed by Gov. Evans, who had given a large sum of money ($100.000). as report- ed), with the understanding that one-quar- ter of every block remaining unsold should be held by the University for leas- ing purposes only. The leasing of prop- erty for business purposes was on the basis of six per cent on a conservative val- uation for a period of fifty or ninety-nine years, with the added condition of a re- valuation every ten years. On residence property the rate of interest was four per cent. Considering the fact that there was no general tax to be paid except on the im- provements, and none on the land, many of these leases were made. As long as high rates of interest continued, these leases were considered desirable, but since money rates have become reduced, they are no longer in demand. The restriction imposed by Gov. Evans has since been re- scinded, and the University can sell any of its property. The policy, however, has not been to sell where leases have been made. The tax rate is about one per cent on the actual value of the property. If the real estate is valued at $10.000. the tax will be about $100. The Assessor, however, in making his valuations, places it at one-fifth the real value. The tax covers the amount needed for public schools, which are of the highest order of excellence, and consequently expensive to maintain. It also covers the amount used for the Public Library, State, Coun- ty and City. The University, as a landlord, has been conservative, and the sale of its property is made only at current valuation. It has made only limited improvements on its property, when it might have made others which would have been helpful in develop- ing districts where it owned large tracts of land. It is not difficult to conceive that the policy of building homes on its resi- dence lots would have contributed to the benefit of the University, as well as to the interests of the city at large. Evanston Homes. One great charm of Evanston lies in its homes. Lake Michi- gan is the prime element in its landscape. The meandering shore, with its borders of sand, is a source of unfailing delight. To the west is a commanding view of the setting sun, with its glory of color. Mr. D. H. Burnham, the Director of \Yorks of the \\ orld's Fair, in a recent address pays this tribute to our city : "Evanston," he says, "is the most beautiful city in the world. There are cities that surpass Ev- anston in natural scenery and in other sin- gle points many are superior: but take the city as a whole, as a place of residence, there is none to equal it. Evanston has the most beautiful streets to be found anywhere, and their bordering trees make of the town a veritable park. Many of its residences also are incomparable as exam- ples of high class architecture. "Besides these points of beauty, there are the lake shore and the bordering fields. Perhaps the greatest charm about the city is its atmosphere of refinement and culture that is reflected in every one's daily life. It has resulted from the gath- ering here of a higher class of people than is usually found in a city, and this condi- tion is constantly drawing to it more peo- ple of the same class." 302 EVANSTON REAL ESTATE It is seen, therefore, that the market for real estate in Evanston has been made, first, by the influence of the Northwestern University; second, by the immigration following the Chicago fires third, its trans- portation facilities; and fourth, by the character of its citizens, its substantial improvements, and its attractive sur- roundings. Real Estate Values. The value of property in Evanston for business pur- poses is from $100 to $500 per front foot ; for residence lots of the better localities, from $50 to $300 per front foot. In the outlying districts lots are valued from $10 to $40 per foot. The fact that Evans- ton is not exclusive or made up of one class of people, with high priced building restrictions, but is cosmopolitan, includ- ing all classes, with every kind of artisan, workman and professional business man. makes it an ideal place for residence. During each decade it has won new and added interest. Its school and home cir- cles have been "stamped with a propriety seal ;" its churches, representing every de- nomination and creed, are tolerant and full of enthusiasm ; its civic government, made up of the best representation of its people ; its healthfulness, the absence of the degrading influence of vice these, and much more, make Evanston a place where men. women and children may live in se- curity, in the enjoyment of many privi- leges and much happiness. On returning from excursions into re- gions far and near, one is eager to re- affirm these beauties and the restful wel- come of Evanston. This is why real es- tate in this city has a value so completely entrenched and so strongly fortified that it can never be effaced. CHAPTER XXXIII. EVANSTON ARCHITECTURE (By KDOAR O. 11I.AKI . Architei-t) Historic Progress Influence of the Arch- itect on the City's Growth The "Geor- gian" Style follows the Log and Grant Houses Churches and Private Resi- dences Advent of the Victorian Gothic Style University Hall and Union Park Congregational Church Architect G. P. Randall the Designer Asa Lyons Ei'an- ston's First Resident Architect Others U'ho follotced him Description of Some Notable Buildings and their Designers Public Library Enumeration of Princi- pal Private and Public Buildings. The credit for historical progress should be given not only to the soldiers, politi- cians, preachers and financiers, but the men who create our environment should be remembered for the permanent ob- jects of influence they leave behind them. Too often the architect, who designs the monument, is forgotten and the man who paid for it remembered. It is the first purpose of this article to serve as a reminder of some of the men who have influenced Evanston, not by giving their wealth but by giving their ideas ; by putting themselves into the buildings which they designed. It will also be attempted to give a list of the most interesting buildings, not for size or cost but for architecture. It is difficult, however, in a short sketch, to cover every work of architectural art in a city like Evanston, which has been served by at least fifty men as designers of its many buildings. Historical. In the later eighteenth and the early nineteenth century, a style of architecture, called the "Georgian." was in quite general use in this country. Books of designs in this style were pub- lished and used quite freely by builders in the scarcity of professional designers. It is evident that some of these old books found their way to Evanston in the early days ; for, after the log houses and "grout" houses, many of the old buildings show quite plainly the ear-marks of these publi- cations. Under this head come the Bull-head Tavern, still standing on east side of Ridge Avenue north of Xoyes Street : the old Kline house in same neighborhood ; the Hoag homestead, on the southwest corner of Hinman Avenue and Davis Street : the Grain house, now standing on University Place, just west of Sherman Avenue, and another old house on the east side of Ridge Avenue south of Simp- son Street. Most of these buildings were erected prior to 1860. Dempster Hall, built on the Campus in 1854. was probably the first important building erected. It was destroyed by fire thirty years ago, but pictures show it to have had no more 303 304 EVAXSTOX ARCHITECTURE style than the old Preparatory Building, which was erected in 1855. The first church built by the Metho- dists, in 1856, was a well proportioned ex- ample of the Georgian style; also the Northwestern Female College, which was erected in 1857 on grounds west side of Chicago Avenue, between Lake Street and Greenwood Street, and the old Ben- son Avenue School, with its queer belfry, built in 1860. One of the oldest residences at present standing was erected in 1862, by General Julius White, on the northwest corner of Davis Street and Chicago Avenue. It was moved in 1872 to its present location at 1028 Judson Avenue. Most of the work between 1860 and 1870 had very little interest. The original church buildings erected by the Baptists (in 1865), the Presbyterians (in 1866) and the Congregationalists (in 1868), were of no special style, and all disappeared twen- ty years ago to make way for modern buildings, the present Presbyterian church being the third erected on the same site. The so-called Victorian Gothic style was now making its appearance, and ex- amples may be seen in Heck Hall, built on the campus in i8r>7. and \Villard Hall, built in 1871. with their mansard roofs and other characteristic details. The present building of the First Methodist church was built in 1870, and is interest- ing because it lias so long been the princi- pal auditorium in the city. In 1873 was completed Evanston's first real work of architecture University Hall and it still has no superior among Evanston buildings. It was designed as an American adaptation of the English Collegiate Gothic by Architect G. P. Ran- dall, who was one of Chicago's leading architects at that time. He was a Ver- monter by birth, a self-educated man, an author of several books on architecture, and designed a large number of churches, schools and other public buildings. He died in 1885 and, for a number of years previous, lectured on scientific subjects. One of the best of his buildings in Chi- cago was the Union Park Congregational church. He claimed to be the first archi- tect using the dished floor and semi-cir- cular arrangement of seats in churches. Mr. Randall showed his originality and genius in selecting the style he did for University Hall, so totally different from the conventional buildings being built here at the same period. Its fitness is attested by the fact that Chicago University, after long consideration, has selected a very similar general style. Is it too much to claim that the constant proximity of this work of art has affected, not only the ar- chitecture, but the general life of Evans- ton since that time? Evanston's first resident architect was Asa Lyons, and he deserves credit for establishing himself in such a small town. It is also a credit to Evanston that it was willing to support an architect at that early day. Architect Lyons came in 1872 and designed a great number of the houses being put up by Warren and Keeney in the south end of town. Later he erected the second building of the Presbyterian church. He was "the" architect for ten years. A pretty good example of his style is the house at 1043 Hinnian Avenue. Among his last works in Evanston were the Simpson market on corner of Davis Street and Sherman Avenue, built in 1882 and famous at that time for its tile floor and fountain ; and the original township high school building erected in 1883. and since incorporated in the present edifice. Two good examples of the work done between 1870 anil 1880 are the C. J. Gil- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 305 bert house, on Asbury Avenue, near Em- erson Street, now owned by Mr. T. L. Pansier, and the Haskins house on the northeast corner of Hinman Avenue and Davis Street. At this time there were several places especially admired for their landscape architecture the Kirk home- stead, at the south end of Ridge Avenue, the Edwin Lee Brown place, at the foot of Hamilton Street, and the Old Soldier's Home grounds, at the foot of Main Street. The Kirk homestead is the only one re- maining in nearly its former beauty. The next architects to leave their im- press on Evanston architecture were Isaacson & Bourgeois, and when it is told that they designed the Congregational church in 1886, that is sufficient to keep them in long remembrance. During the ten years from 1880 to 1890, the firm of Edbrooke & Burnham put up quite a number of houses in Evanston. It was the period of the "Queen Anne" in architecture. Probably the residence i if Dr. M. C. Bragdon. 1/09 Chicago Ave- nue, is as typical of this period as any other. Now began building on a large scale by many architects of all degrees of ability. About the time that Architect Lyons sought other fields for his genius, Mr. S. A. Jennings began the practice of architec- ture here on a small scale, but Evanston \vas growing fast and. through the force of circumstances, he became the busy archi- tect from 1885 to 1895. During that time he designed several hundred buildings for all purposes and of all sizes and varying cost, but all in one style. A critic who has seen two or three of his houses can recognize his hand in all the others, and there is hardly a block in the entire city where he has not left his mark. There is no doubt he designed more Evanston buildings than anv other one man before or since. The substantial homes of J. \V. Low, 1560 Oak Avenue, and Timothy Dwight, 730 Hinman Avenue, are typical "Jennings" houses. Perhaps the most ex- pensive of his houses was the W. H. Jones house, 1232 Ridge Avenue, now owned by W. H. Redington. During the period of building activity between 1890 and 1895, a number of other architects especially identified themselves with Evanston another Jennings with in- itials J. T. W., Mr. J. T. Lane, Charles R. Ayars, P. C. Stewart and, last of all, the author of this article. The work of these later men will be mentioned in the descrip- tive portion of this article. Foregoing are all the architects who have been especially identified with Ev- anston architecture, although many whose principal practice was elsewhere have lived here and have, possibly, added more to the beauty of its buildings than the local men. Descriptive. The first appearance of Evanston is not prepossessing to the ar- chitectural critic. Davis Street is not es- pecially a poem in brick and stone. In fact, some of it is still wood. This, how- ever, is a general characteristic of Ameri- can cities and on overlooking this, a num- ber of good designs appear. Those most worthy of mention are the City Hall, a work of Holabird and Roche ; the Century Building in renaissance style, by C. R. Ayars; the Rood Building, by J. T. W. Jennings; and the new Simpson Building, X'o. 616, by John D. Atchison. On Grove Street, just west of the Police Station, the building of the Evanston Heating Company is worthy of notice as a reasonable expression of purpose in de- sign. It is the work of Myron Hunt. An- other important building in this vicinity is the V. M. C. A. Building by Holabird and Roche. 306 EVANSTON ARCHITECTURE At the east end of Davis Street one en- ters the residence district. On the south- west corner of Forest Avenue is a good house in French domestic Gothic style by Ournham & Root. At 1616 Forest Avenue, north of Davis Street, is the house of C. A. Ward, in Southern Colonial style, by G. L. Harvey. The house of F. S. Martin, corner of Forest Avenue and Church Street, is a good sample of the modern plastered building. The University buildings are, of course, the most studied by strangers. Nearest to the lake is the very conveniently ar- ranged Academy building by D. H. Burn- ham & Co. The only criticism ever made on it was by some wag, who pitied the poor little bear up on the top trying to hide behind a stone shield. At the end of Hinman Avenue is Science Hall, by Holabird & Roche, north of this Universi- ty Hall, which has already been men- tioned. The School of Oratory, in Vene- tian Gothic style, is the work of C. R. Ayars. Heck Hall is one of the older buildings mentioned in the historical sketch. Memorial Hall was designed by \V. \Y. Boyington, and is supposed to be Romanesque in style. This architect also designed the Observatory. One of the finest of the University buildings is Or- rington Lunt Library, in pure classic style, by W. A. Otis. On the west side of Sheridan Road, fac- ing the Campus, are a number of artistic houses. The comparatively small resi- dence at Xo. 1902 is considered by many one of the best proportioned houses in Evanston. North of this are several of the S. A. Jennings houses. No. 2016 is the home of Dr. C. J. Little, designed by W. A. Otis. No. 21 10 is Dr. Bonbright's house by C. R. Avars. No. 2114 is the residence of J. Scott Clark, designed by himself with the advice and assistance of D. H. Perkins, architect. This neighborhood is favored by men who are their own architects. On the south side of Noyes Street are two houses, designed by Vernon J. Hall for himself, and at 620 Hamlin Street is Professor Crew's own design. On the northwest cor- ner of Sheridan Road and Milburn Street is the house of E. F. Brown, by Handy & Cady. At 2645 Sheridan Road is the house of C. W. Deering. The light house is a very good specimen of the latest prin- ciples in construction of that class of buildings. North of the light-house is a pretty group of houses called Ingleside. One of the best of S. A. Jennings' smaller designs is next to Sheridan Road on the north side of the park. Beginning at the north end of Crrington Avenue are a number of good examples of modern plas- ter architecture, mostly belonging to pro- fessors in the University. Numbers 2340 2 1 lo, 2042. 2038. 2030, 2026, and 1925 are all of this material in varying styles. Three good apartment buildings, de- signed by Myron Hunt, come farther south: the P.oyleston. 614 Clark Street; the Cambridge, Clark and Orrington, and the Hereford, corner of Chicago Avenue and Church Street this last being an es- pecially good example of the English country style. The block on the west side of Orrington Avenue contains, besides the old Willard Hall, the School of Music, a modern brick design by W. A. Otis, and Chapin Hall, a Colonial design by C. R. Ayars. The new Public Library, a classic build- ing by C. A. Phillips, will stand on the the northeast corner of Orrington Avenue and Church Street. On the southeast corner of the same streets is the Fowler studio, an artistic design, both exterior LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS - HISTORY OF EVANSTON 307 and interior, the work of P. C. Stewart. One block west the new Post Office is being erected from designs by the govern- ment architect. On Ridge Avenue, near the north city limits, is the Evanston Hospital, an ex- cellent brick building in the style of the Georgian period by G. L. Harvey. A lit- tle farther south, after passing the old Kline house and the Bull- Head Tavern, comes the Academy of Visitation. Only the south wing has been built. The de- sign is drawn from Royal Hollaway Col- lege, at Egham, England. H. J. Schlacks is the architect. Over in the vicinity of Church Street and Wesley Avenue is a group of inter- esting houses designed by Myron Hunt Xos. 1613, 1617, and 1606 Wesley Ave- nue are among thei:i. The United Presbyterian church, in the same vicinity, is a good piece of brick ar- chitecture in Italian Romanesque style. Xo. 1456 Ridge Avenue, the residence of John I). Kirk, is a good example of mod- ern English country architecture. The finest private residence in Evans- tun is that of James A. Patten, on the southwest corner of Ridge Avenue and Lake Street. The house, stable, grounds, fences, decorations and furniture were all designed by George \Y. Maher. and it is a very good example of what is known as the "Art Xouveau." Across the street is St. Mark's Episco- pal church, in Norman style, by Holabird & Roche, who also designed the Country Club, a large Colonial building a little way east on Lake Street. The interior of St. Mark's is very rich and elaborate. St. Mary's Catholic church, on the cor- ner of Lake and Oak, was designed by S. A. Jennings. Next door east is St. Mary's Hall, probably the best public auditorium in Evanston at the present time. It is the work of Murphy & Camp. The residence of \\'. J. Fabian, No. 1509 Ridge Avenue, is an elaborate design in timber work, a very beautiful work. A description of interesting houses on Ridge Avenue would mean a list of nearly all and, in a sketch like this, only the most prominent can be mentioned. The Cath- erine White house, on the northeast cor- ner of Ridge Avenue and Dempster Street. is a good example of Myron Hunt's work. Cn the west side of Ridge Avenue, be- tween Crain and Greenleaf Streets, are three houses in New England Colonial style by W. C. Zimmerman, who also de- signed a group of very artistic shingled houses on Oak Avenue just east of the above. The residence at 1123 Ridge Avenue is one of Handy & Cady's designs. The W. H. Jones house. 1232. has been men- tioned before. A little west of Ridge Avenue, on corner of Asbury and Lee, is a very handsome lit- tle Colonial church designed by D. H. Perkins. St. Nicholas Catholic church, on Ridge Avenue, south of Main Street, is the work of Hermann Gaul. Over at the west end of Main Street is the Washington School, designed on gen- eral Renaissance lines by Patton and Mil- ler. It is most unique in arrangement of floor plan. On the corner of Main and Benson is the Central School, by Thomas & Rapp. The Episcopal chapel, corner of Main and Sherman, was built by J. T. Lane. On the northwest corner of Main Street and Chicago Avenue is the Sheridan build- ing in Italian Renaissance style by J. E. O. Pridmore a very successful piece of remodeling and adding to an old building. Across die street south are the Park 308 EVANSTON ARCHITECTURE Apartments, in English half-timbered style very successful in appearance in connec- tion with the park in front designed by the author of this article. A little north of Main Street on Chicago Avenue is the Hemenway Methodist church by J. T. Long. The house Mr. Long designed for himself on Sheridan Road just north of Main Street, is inter- esting, as it contains a mantel removed from the old Governor's house in Kas- kaskia. The Lincoln School, corner of Main Street and Judson, is a very good Roman- esque design by J. T. W. Jennings. The gateway to Calvary Cemetery, at the extreme south end of town, is a grace- ful Gothic design by J. J. Egan, the well known church architect. Villa Celeste, the home of P. L. McKin- nie, at 721 Sheridan Road is by P. C. Stewart. Ilinman Avenue is another street lined with fine residences. Beginning at the south end, Xo. 730 is the home of Timothy Dwight mentioned previously. The Co- lonial house, Xo. 740, is the home of L. L. Smith. The Second Presbyterian church is on the northeast corner of Main and Hinman. The houses at 918 and 1014 are interesting examples of remodeling old houses. The work was clone by architects, but more than usually following sugges- tions by the owner. Dr. A. \Y. Herbert. The Evanston Apartments and Enslee Apartments, on opposite corners of Lee Street, are by John D. Atchison. The house at 1043 was previously mentioned as Asa Lyons' work. Xo. 1211 is a neat Swiss villa by C. R. Avars. Numbers 1115. 1118, 1119, 1126, and 1209 are all worth repeating. The Ilinman Avenue school on the corner of Dempster Street is a perfect colonial design by D. H. Burn- ham & Co. On the southwest corner of Hinman and Lake is one of Irving K. Pond's artistic designs. Around the park at this corner are grouped the unique Congregational church ; the Presbyterian church, a Byzantine design by D. H. Burnham & Co. ; the Evanston Club by Holabird & Roche, and the graceful Baptist church built in Further north is the Methodist church, before mentioned. The houses at 1707 and on the corner of Clark Street were designed by W. A. Otis, the first in Eng- lish country style and the second in French Gothic. Forest Avenue has a number of notable houses. Xo. 1324 is by W. G. Barfield. Dr. Fuller's house, Xo. 1305, is an inter- esting shingled house, especially as it is said that D. H. Burnham, who stands at the head of his profession in this coun- try, not only originated the design but made most of the drawings with his own hands. Xo. 1314 is a design by Handy and Cady. Farther south at the corner of Greenleaf Street are the Wilson houses, a group in stone, designed by Beers, Clay & Dutton. At the east end of Greenleaf Street is the Boat Club. Sheridan Road and Judson Avenue are both worth seeing in this vicinity. At the foot of Hamilton Street the old Edwin Lee Brown place has been sub- divided, and built up with a number of beautiful homes, with the slightly discor- dant proximity of the Melwood Apart- ment building. One of the largest is a com- bination design by Wilson & Marble at 1225 Sheridan Road. Greenwood Boulevard is worth a tour. At the east end are the residences of Ar- thur Orr at 202 by Holabird & Roche, Dr. Sheppard's residence at 225 by F. Ed- wards Ficken of New York, and the home HISTORY OF EVANSTOX of W. H. Bartlett on the corner of Forest Avenue. On the northwest corner of Judson Ave- nue is a block of houses by Myron Hunt. At 1424 Judson, is one of W. A. Otis' de- signs. Dr. Webster's house, on the corner of Chicago Avenue, is one of the best designs in Evanston. The Unitarian Church, on Chicago Avenue, near by, is the work of a woman architect, Marion Mahoney. West of the railroad a little south is the High School, a Renaissance design by C. R. Avars. On the corner of Green- wood and Oak is the Emanuel church, one of the last designs of John W. Root in association with D. H. Burnham. His death occurred soon after it was started. Greenwood between Maple Avenue and the Ridge contains a number of well de- signed houses. Up in the woods, at what was formerly North Evanston, are a large number of moderate priced artistic homes, in partic- ular a group at corner of Lincoln Street, and Evanston Avenue, by P. C. Stewart. D. H. Perkins, architect for the Chicago Board of Education, has built himself a summer home at 2319 Lincoln Street. The interior decorations are by Lucy Fitch Perkins. The Methodist church, on the corner of Central Street and Prairie Avenue, is a neat piece of wood architecture, by C. H. Whittlesey. The new buildings now in progress on Davis Street will add greatly to Evanston's architectural beauty. The one on the north- west corner of Chicago Avenue is designed by George \V. Maher. The one being erect- ed on the site of old Lyons' Kj'll. at 621 and 623 Davis Street, is the work of H. W. J. Edbrooke. and the new State Bank Build- ing has for its designer C. A. Phillips. CHAPTER XXXIV. STREET NOMENCLATURE lit J. SKYMOI'R iTIiHKY. President Kvanston Historical Society) Origin of Street and Avenue Names in Ev- anston Village Platted in 1853 and \amcd for Dr. John Evans Postoffice Previously Known as Ridgei'ille, and Still Earlier as Gross Point Evanston Office Established in 1855 Street Names Derived from Prominent Methodists, Early Residents or Noted Statesmen History and Biogra[>h\ thus Incorpo- rated in Street Nomenclature System of Street and Avenue Numbering List of Principal Streets and Persons for If'hom Named. The village of Evanston was laid out and platted in the winter of 1853-4 under the superintendence of Rev. Philo Judson, who was at that time business agent of the Xorthwestern University. The name of Evanston was adopted at this time by the Trustees of the University in honor of Dr. John Evans, one of the incorporators of the University and a liberal contributor to its endowment. Before that time there was no village on the site of Evanston, but a postoffice was in existence known as Ridgeville. In an earlier time the post- office had been known as Gross Point. The latter was established December 28, 1846. This was changed to Ridgeville, April 26, 1850; and again changed to Ev- anston. August ?/, 1855. After laying out the village the form of government still re- mained vested in the Board of Township Trustees as it had been before. On the 2gth of December. 1863. the village was regularly incorporated. This form of gov- ernment continued until April 19. 1892, when Evanston was incorporated as a city. Owing to the preponderating influence on the new community of the Xorthwest- ern University, which had been estab- lished here under Methodist auspices, the names bestowed on the streets were large- ly those of distinguished Methodists. When, however, later additions were made to the village, the names were given by the new proprietors and the field of se- lection was much widened. Many of these names are in honor of old residents or of statesmen, or those known to the promoters of the new additions, or were selected arbitrarily because of their fitness to the natural surroundings, or even dic- tated by fancy. Thus, in the names of the streets of Ev- anston there is embalmed much of history and biography. In the main these names are of especial interest to Evanston peo- ple, being intimately associated with its character and development. There are a few such names as Main Street. Central Street, and the like, which are common to very many towns, and which convey lit- tle or no meaning. But in general the us- ual poverty of street nomenclature, so 312 STREET NOMENCLATURE painfully apparent in most towns of its size, is in conspicuous contrast with the body of names found here, which in so great a degree reflect the character and sympathies of the founders and builders of Evanston, and are so rich in historical associations. The plan of this chapter of street names is to give the name of the street followed by the name of the person after whom it was called, with a few brief particulars, or descriptions. Full particulars are avail- able in a great variety of records. The names of some streets have been omitted because it was not possible to learn the origin of them. Some again are sufficient- ly obvious and require no mention, as for example Washington Street, Madison Street, Chicago Avenue and the like. It will be observed that the spelling of a street name does not always follow that of the person for whom it was named. This is the case with Hamlin Street, as now spelled, though named after Bishop Hamline who used a final e in the last syl- lable of his name. So, also, with Forest Avenue, the usual spelling at the present time, though named after a man who spelled his name Forrest. A number of streets are called after the first names of the persons honored. For example, we have Orrington Avenue, Lee Street, Chancellor Street, Florence Avenue and the like, a reference to which will show that these are the Christian names of the per- sons for whom they were named. The streets of Evanston are called "Avenues," "Courts," "Streets" and "Places," according to the following rule: Avenues and Courts are such as run north and south ; Streets and Places such as run east and west. Exceptions to this rule oc- cur in two instances. The "Sheridan Road" is called "Road" to conform to the general usage of the cities and towns north and south of the City of Evanston. The "Indian Uoundary Line" is so called because it is a street coinciding with the "Line" established by treaty with the Indians, as de- cribed below. The house numbers on the Avenues and Courts begin at the southern limits of the city and run about 800 to the mile, an even hundred beginning at each street intersection; and those on the streets and places begin at the lake and run about 1200 to the mile, an even hun- dred beginning at each street intersection. Following will be found the names of the more noted and historic streets, ave- nues, etc., with a concise reference in each case to the person, locality or circum- stance from which the name is derived : Arnold Street : Named for Isaac N. Arnold, a prominent citizen of Chicago, born 1815, died 1884; was member of Congress 1861-65 ; and owned land in the vicinity of where this street is located. Asbury Avenue : For Francis Asbury, first Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America, 1745-1816. Avars Place: For James Ayars, a citizen of Evanston, once President of Board of Village Trustees. Bennett Avenue: For Mrs. C. C. Ben- nett, a sister of John Culver, now and for many years past a teacher in the Chi- cago Public Schools. Benson Avenue: For Francis H. Ben- son, a resident of Evanston in an early day. Boomer Place: For Norton W. Boom- er, for many years Principal of a public school in Chicago. Botsford Street: For J. K. Botsford of Chicago, who was one of the Trustees of the Northwestern University. Browne Avenue: For Charles E. Browne, one of the original proprietors of North Evanston. 3 IJ ST UK ICT NO.MFNCLA TCRK painlullv apparent in mo.-t town- "I its size, i- in C'Hi-picu< m- C"iura-t with the body ni name- found here, which in so great a degree reflect tlu 1 character ami sympathies MI tlir founders ami builders ol I'lvaiistiill, an 1 arc -" I'K'li in historical assi iciatii m-. Tlu- )>lan i if llii- cliai>U'r > >\ street iianu s is to gi\e the name . if tin- street fi 'Unwed by tlii- name of llie pcrs. in after wliuin it \va- called. \\ith a feu- brief particulars. or dc-criptii >u.-. I nil particulars are avail- able- in a great variety nf records. The name- nf snmr street- liave been omitted bccau-c it was tint possible to learn the origin of them. Some again are sufficietU- ly obvious anil rei|iiire no mention, as for example \\ ashington Street. Madi-on Street. ( hicago Avenue and the like. It will be observed that the spelling of a street name doe- imt al\\a\- fc>ll>\\ that of the per-oii fi ,r wlimn it was named. Tin- i- the case \\ith Hanilin Street, as now spelled, though named after Bishop Ilamline win i used a final e in the la-t -yl- lable i if bis name. So. also, with l-'nrest Avenne. the n-nal spelling at the pre-eiit time, ihmigli named after a man who spelled hi- name l-'orrest. A number of street- are called after the first names of the per-on- honored. For example, we have <>rringtnn Avenue. I.ee Street. I hancellor Street. Florence Avenue and the like, a reference to \\hich will show that these are the Christian name- of the per- sons for whom they were named. The -trccl- of KvaiiMmi are called "Avemn-." "Court-." "Streets" and "Place-." according to the following rule: Avenue- and Court- are -uch a- run north and south: Street 1 - and I 'laces such as run east and uc-t. Kxccption- to this rule oc- cur in two iu-tauce-. The "Sheridan Road i- called "l\oad to conform to the general ti-agc of the citie- and town- north and south of the City of Kvanstoii. The "Indian lionndarv I. me i- -o called because it i- a -treel coinciding with the "Line" e-tabli-hed bv treaty \\ith the Indian-, a- de- cribcd below. The hnii-c numbers on the Avenue* and Courts begin at the southern limits of the city and run about fvxi to the mile, an even hundred beginning at each street intersection : ami tho-e on the streets and places begin at the lake and run about i_'(>o to the mile, an even hun- dred beginning at each street intersection. Following will be -found the names of the more noted and historic >treets. ave- nue-, etc.. with a conci-c reference in each case to the person, localitv or circum- stance from which the name is derived: Arnold Street: Named for Isaac N. Arnold, a prominent citixen of Chicago, born iSi;. died 1X1X4: was member of ( OU^TC-S iXiii-d;; and o\\ ned land in the vicinitv of where thi- street i- located. Asbury Avenue: I -'or Francis A-burv. llr.-t r.i-lmp of the Methodi-t F.pisCopal Church in America. 1745-1X1(1. Ayars Place: For [anie- Avars, a citixen of Kvanstnii. once I 'resident of Board of Village Trustees. Bennett Avenue: For Mrs. I'. I'. l!en- nett. a si-ter nt John ( uher. now and for many years past a teacher in the Chi- cago Public Schools. Benson Avenue: I'or Francis II. Ken- -oii. a resident of Kvan>tiin in an early day. Boomer Place: I'or Norton \V. I 'H min- er, lor manv vears Principal of a public school in Chicago. Botsford Street: For |. K. llotsford of Chicago, \\lio ua- one of the Trustees of the Northue-tern I'niversity. Browne Avenue: l-'nr Charles P.. llniwnc. one of (he original proprietors of North F.van-ton. LIBRARY OF THE 8NIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 313 Chancellor Street: For Chancellor L. Jenks, Jr., a son of Chancellor L. Jenks, a citizen of Evanston. Chicago Avenue: This name was given when the northern limits of Chicago were at North Avenue, and a long stretch of open country lay between Evanston and Chicago. The road connecting the two places was an extension of Chicago Ave- nue in Evanston southward, which joined Xorth Clark Street at the Chicago city limits. The road was sandy and its con- dition so bad that a corporation was formed in 1859 to grade it, and it was then called the gravel road. On this road were two toll-gates, one at the intersec- tion of the Indian Boundary Line and the other at Graceland. Clark Street : For John Clark, a mem- ber of Rock River Conference, and the minister in charge of Clark Street church. Chicago, at the time that Mrs. Garrett made her gift to Garrett Biblical Institute. Clinton Place: Name adopted by city ordinance, February n, 1902. Colfax Street: For Schuyler Colfax, Vice-President of the United States, 1869-73. College Street: Original name of that portion of Davis Street west of Sher- man Avenue. Name was changed to Davis Street in 1871. Grain Street: For the Grain family, who were among the earliest settlers of Evanston. Darrow Avenue: Named by Morton Culver in laying out a subdivision after a man of that name who was prominent among colored Masons of Chicago. Davis Street: For Dr. Nathan S. Davis, one of the Trustees of the North- western University ; born in 1817 and died in 1904. Dempster Street : For Dr. John Demp- ster, born in 1794. died in 1863; Pro- fessor at Garrett Biblical Institute 18^4 to 1863. Dewey Avenue : For two sisters, Electa E. Dewey and Mary J. Dewey. Name given by Morton Culver in laying out a subdivision: the Misses Dewey were teachers in the Jones School, Chi- cago. Dodge Avenue: For Miss Kate Dodge, a teacher in the Jones School. Chicago. Emerson Street: For Benjamin Emer- son, a pioneer resident of Evanston. Ewing Avenue: For Adlai T. Ewing, who had control for several years of Swing's addition to Evanston. Florence Avenue: For Miss Florence Tiillis, a teacher in the Jones School, Chicago. Forest Avenue: For Thomas L. For- rest, born 1819, died 1904; was a bank- er of Chicago and owned some propertv in Evanston : for thirty years was cashier of the Hide and Leather Bank. Residents have preferred a spelling different from the name of Mr. Forrest. Foster Street: For Randolph S. Fos- ter, born 1820. died 1003: was the sec- ond President of the Northwestern Uni- versity, 1856-59. Gaffield Place: For Eli Gaffield. a pi- oneer resident of Evanston. Grant Street: Named in honor of Gen- eral U. S. Grant. Greenleaf Street: For Luther L. Green- leaf, born February 7. 1821. died Novem- ber 23. 1886; lived in Evanston from 1860 to 1875. Grey Avenue: For Charles F. Grey, a resident of Evanston since 1866. Hamilton Street : For James G. Ham- ilton, for many years a resident of Evanston ; was the secretary of the Board STREET NOMENCLATURE of Trustees of the Northwestern Uni- versity. Hamlin Street: For Leonidas L. Ham- line, born May 10, 1797; elected Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church 1844; died March 23, 1865. Hartzell Street: For Joseph C. Hart- zell, Methodist Bishop of Africa. While a student at the Garrett Biblical Insti- tute, was the hero of a rescue of four men from the wreck of the schooner "Storm" in May, 1864. Haven Street : For Erastus O. Haven ; born 1820, died in 1881 ; was Pres- ident of the Northwestern University 1869 to 1872; in 1880 was elected a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Hinman Avenue: For Clark T. Hin- man, first President of the Northwest- ern University, 1853-55 > was born in Kortright, X. Y., August 3, 1817; gradu- ated from Wesleyan University in 1840; died at Troy, N. Y., 1854. Indian Boundary Line:' This street follows the line of the boundary estab- lished by a treaty with Ottawas, Chippe- was and 1'ottavvatomies, August 24. i8if>. The line begins at the lake shore (in the language of the treaty) at "a point ten miles northward of the mouth of Chicago Creek." and runs southwest, crossing the Sheridan Road about one block from the starting point. A half block farther it crosses the southern city limits. It is known as Rogers Avenue after it crosses the limits into Chicago. Isabella Street: Named by Charles E. Ilrowne after one of his daughters. Jackson Avenue: For A. B. Jackson, long a resident of Rogers Park. Jenks Street : For Chancellor L. Jenks, born January 29. 1828: practiced law in Chicago 1851-67; died January ip, 1903. Judson Avenue: For Philo Judson. born in Otsego County, N. Y.. March i, 1807; was business agent of the North- western University, 1854-76; died March 23. 1876. Kedzie Street: For John H. Kedzie, born September 8, 1815; died at Evan- ston, April 9, 1903; was a resident of Evanston forty-two years. Keeney Street : For James F. Keeney, for some years a resident of Evanston. Kirk Street: For James S. Kirk, born in 1818; lived in Evanston from 1859 to the time of his death; died June 15, 1886. Lee Street: Named by L. C. Pitner for his son, Lee J. Pitner; name given in 1871 when "Union Addition" was laid out. Leon Street: Named for Louis Leon- hardt, a portion of his name being taken for the purpose. Library Street: That part of Hamlin Street extending from Orrington Avenue to Sherman Avenue, changed to this name because of its proximity to the Lunt Library, by city ordinance, June 21. 1004. Livingston Street: Named for Liv- ingston Jenks, a son of Chancellor L. Jenks. Lyons Street: For Joseph M. Lyons, a resident of Evanston since the 'fio's. McDaniel Avenue : For Alexander Mc- Daniel. born in iSifi; came to Evanston in 1836; Postmaster at \Yilmette 1870-89; died October, 1898. Mulford Street: For Edward H. Mul- ford. born 1792: commissioned paymaster (with rank of Major) of a New York regiment in 1825; came to Evanston in 1840; died March 4, 1878. Nate Street: Former name of Clinton Place: originally named for Rev. John Nate, a minister of the Methodist Church, long a resident of Evanston. Noyes Street: For Henry S. Noyes; Professor of Mathematics, Northwestern HISTORY OF EVANSTON University, 1855-60; acting President of same 1860-69; died May 24, 1872. Orrington Avenue: Named for Or- rington Lunt : born December 24, 1815; one of the founders of Northwestern Uni- versity ; died April 5. 1897. Payne Street: For Henry M. Payne, a resident of Chicago. Pitner Avenue: For Levi C. Pitner, long a resident of Evanston. Pratt Court: For the Pratt family, of whom two brothers, George and Paul, came to Evanston in 1837. Reba Place: Named for Miss Reba Poor, a daughter of John E. Poor. Reese Avenue: For Theodore Reese, surveyor, long a resident of Evanston. Ridge Avenue: There are two well defined ridges running north and south through Evanston, the west ridge be- ing the more prominent of the two. The general course of Ridge Avenue is along the summit of the West ridge. In an early clay this neighborood was often described as "the Ridge." This is the oldest street in Evanston and follows the route of the old Green Bay Road. This route was established as a military road by the United States Government in 1832. It was also the route of the Frink & Walker stage line established in 1836, and which continued in operation until the railroad was opened in 1855. Rinn Street: For Jacob Rinn, long a resident of Evanston. Sheridan Road: Named in honor of General Philip H. Sheridan. This great pleasure driveway along the shore of Lake Michigan was planned by Volney W. Foster in 1887, and he is therefore known as the "father of the Sheridan Road." An act of the State Legislature was passed March 27, 1889, authorizing "Pleasure driveways in incorporated towns," under which the Sheridan Road Association was organized. The Evan- ston City Council passed an ordinance. July 25, 1892, establishing and naming that portion of Sheridan Road which passes through Evanston. Alexander Clark was associated with Mr. Foster in this great enterprise. Mr. Foster died August 15, 1904. Mr. Clark died Septem- ber 26, 1903. The Sheridan Road is now complete from Lincoln Park in Chicago to \Yaukegan, and eventually will extend to Milwaukee. Gen. P. H. Sheridan was born March 6, 1831, and died August 5, 1888. Sherman Avenue: For Alson Smith Sherman, born April 21, 1811; came to Chicago in 1836; Mayor of Chicago, 1844: one of the incorporators of the North- western University. 1851 ; removed to Waukegan in 1856 ; and died there Sep- tember 22, 1903. Shuman Street: For Andrew Shu- man, for many yerrs editor of the "Chicago Evening Journal;" Lieutenant- Governor of Illinois 1877-81; born 1830: died 1890. Simpson Street: For Matthew Simp- son, born 1811, elected Bishop Meth- odist Episcopal Church 1852: President of Garrett Biblical Institute 1861-65 ; died June 18, 1884. Stanley Avenue: For B. F. Stanley: name given by C. L. Jenks. Stewart Avenue: For John \Y. Stew- art, one of the original owners of North Evanston. Stockham Place: For Mrs. Alice B. Stockham, long a resident of Evanston. Thayer Street: Named by John Cul- ver for his wife, whose maiden name was Thayer. Warren Street: For Henry A. \Yar- ren, formerly a resident of Evanston. STREET NOMENCLATURE Wesley Avenue: Named in honor of John \Yesley, the founder of Methodism. Wilder Street: For Aldin G. Wilder, a lumber dealer in Evanston in 1866, who also subdivided lands in the western part of the city. Willard Place: For Frances E. Will- ard. born September 28, 1839; President of Woman's College. Evanston, 1870; President of Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union, 1879; President of World's Christian Temperance Union, 1888; died February 17, 1898. A notable deficiency in the street no- menclature of Evanston is the absence of Indian names. No street perpetuates the name of tribe or chief, and but one the "Indian Boundary Line" has reference to a locality connected with the Indian occupation. The Pottawatomie Indians, who inhabited this region, possessed too ungainly and barbarous a name to make use of. and there were no leaders of dis- tinction among them who might be thus honored. This absence of picturesque Indian names is unfortunate, but is made good in the distinction and character of the names that have been chosen. The origin of street names is usually neglected until the occasion of them be- gins to grow dim in the vistas of the past. Then laborious research is necessarv to learn the origin and significance of these names which have become household words. The effort to trace accurately the names given to streets, even within a compass of fifty years, is fraught with difficulty, and, as it is seen in older com- munities, the time comes soon when it is often a matter of conjecture. The aspect of the streets of Evanston, as we see them today, is in strong con- trast with the face of the land as looked upon by the founders of the town. Then was spread before them woodland and fields where farmers and woodmen had, in twenty years of ceaseless toil, changed the face of the country from its primeval condition to one of diversified forest and farm lands. Dwellings and locations of streets began to appear in accordance with the plans of the founders. Extensive lines of shade trees were planted which today, after many years' growth, have de- veloped into stately avenues of lofty elms and maples. Parks beside roadways, well paved streets and walks, spacious and well cultivated lawns, the glimpses here and there of the blue waters of Lake Michigan, and the comfortable and often palatial homes of its residents, have com- bined to form a "city beautiful," and to earn for itself the well deserved title of a "citv of homes." CHAPTER XXXV THE FOUR-MILE LIMIT (By WILLIAM A. DYCHE) North-western University County, moved to strike out this section. Act Incorporatin Amended Prohibition District Estab- lished Sale of Spirituous Liquors With- in Four Miles of the University Prohib- ited Local Sentiment in Favor of the Law Violations and Anti-Saloon Litiga- tion Citizens' League Organized Su- preinc Court Decisions. On January 18, 1855, Senator Norman B. Jucld, of Cook Count}', offered in the State Senate an amendment to the charter of Northwestern University, entitled : "An Act to amend an act to incorporate Northwestern University," approved Jan- uary 28, 1851. The proposed amendment consisted of five sections, the second, as finally passed, being as follows : "Section 2. No spirituous, vinous, or fer- mented liquors shall be sold, under license or otherwise, within four miles of the loca- tion of said University, except for medicin- al, mechanical, and sacramental purposes, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offense, to be recovered before any Justice of the Peace of said County of Cook : Provided , that so much of this act as relates to the sale of intoxicating drinks within four miles, may be repealed by the General Assembly whenever they may think proper." Senator John M. Palmer, of Sangamon The vote was : yeas 6, nays 14. Senator Joseph Gillespie offered, as an amendment, that part of the second sec- tion which reserves for the General As- sembly the right of appeal. The other four sections of the amendment, like the charter, constitute a perpetual contract be- tween the State of Illinois and North- western University. The amendment of Senator Gillespie was agreed to and, on vote, the act was passed, 18 yeas to 2 nays. (Senate Jour- nal. 1855, pages 126-127.) The measure was reported to the House February 2. 1855. and read for the first time on February 7th : it was referred to the Com- mittee on Miscellaneous Affairs. On the <)th it was reported by the Committee and or- dered to third reading. It was passed Feb- ruary 1 3th. yeas 51. nays o. (House Jour- nal. 1855, pages 205. 295. 378 and 538.) This amendment was formally accepted by the Trustees of the University June 13, 1855. Local Sentiment. There has always been, on the part of citizens of Evanston. a strong sentiment in favor of the strict enforcement of the provisions of this act. It is safe to assert that, from its enact- ment to the present. Evanston has been freer from the illegal sale of liquor than al- most any other community located near THE FOUR-MILE LIMIT the borders of a great city like Chicago. Our local government has always had among its ordinances stringent measures based on this amendment, and usually has made earnest efforts to enforce them. Numerous violations, of course, frequent- ly occur, but there has never been a place within the limits of the corporation where these ordinances were openly violated. Outside of the city, but w.thin four miles, the violations have been more frequent, but at the present time there are very few open saloons within four miles of the University, except to the south, where the prohibition district extends far into the city of Chicago. Here saloons are numer- ous and flourishing, though they exist contrary to law. Litigation. Three cases in which fines have been levied for the illegal sale of liquor within the four-mile limit, have been appealed to the Supreme Court of the State, two of which involved the consti- tutionality of the amendment to the char- ter of the University, and the third raised the question of the competency of testi- mony of detectives pa d by the city. The first case was decided at the April term of the Court, 1862, being entitled, John O'Leary, Appellant, vs. The County of Cook, Appellee. The constitutionality of the amendment was questioned. The at- torneys for the appellant argued that it was in contravention of the 23d Section of Article III. of the Constitution, in that it embraces two separate and independent subjects the one of a private character, viz. : the amendment to the corporate powers of the University : the other of a public nature, viz. : the prohibition of the sale of liquor within a given locality under penalty two subjects not germane to one another and having no natural or neces- sary connection with each other, while only one subject is expressed in the title of the act. This was successfully refuted by Messrs. Hurd, Booth & Potter, attorneys for the appellee, and the constitutionality of the act was upheld in a decision rendered by Chief Justice Caton. The following quotation from the opinion from the Chief Justice is interesting: "The object of the charter was to create an institution for the education of young men, and it was competent for the Leg- islature to embrace within it everything which was designed to facilitate that ob- ject. Every provision which was intended to promote the well being of the institu- tion, or its students, was within the proper subject matter of that law. We cannot doubt that such was the single design of this law. Although this provision in ght incidentally tend to protect others resid- ing in the vicinity from the corrupting and demoralizing influences of the grog-shop, yet that was not the primary object of the law, but its sole purpose was to protect the students and faculty from such in- fluence." It is of interest to note that the appel- lant. John O'Leary. and his descendants have been involved in more or less liti- gation with Evanston for nearly half a century ; it is also worthy of notice that the illegal sale referred to in this case was made to Mortimer Russell, Russell being a name well known in the early an- nals of the village. The greatest item of interest in this case, aside from the favorable decision is, that the cause of law and order was ably advocated by Hon. Harvey B. Hurd, who, for more than half a century, had been one of Evanston's foremost citizens. Though more than forty years have come and gone since this decision, until his death in January, 1906. / f A (. ', , LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 319 Mr. Hurt! still remained to lend his vig- orous aid in seeing that the law was en- forced. From 1882 to 1893 the Citizens' League of Evanston was active in prosecuting violators of this law. Among those fre- quently prosecuted were Trausch Broth- ers, and other saloon-keepers on the West Ridge, just north of Rose Hill. With the hope of protecting themselves from fur- ther prosecutions, these saloon-keepers and their friends, on November 28, 1890, incorporated the village of West Ridge, out of territory heretofore not included within any city or village. Said village, by ordinance, regulated the sale of intoxi- cating liquors within its limits by licensing the sale thereof. Henry Trausch was granted a license ; shortly thereafter the Citizens' League obtained evidence that he made two separate and distinct sales of liquor. Action was brought against Trausch and a fine levied on him. He appealed the case and it finally reached the Supreme Court. Supreme Court Decision. Chief Justice Shope, in rendering the opinion of the Court, makes it clear that any license granted by any city, village or town for the sale of liquor within the four-mile dis- trict is null and void. The following is a quotation from his opinion : "While the power is given to license, regulate and prohibit the selling and giv- ing away of intoxicating liquors, such power is not to be so construed as to affect the provisions of the charter of Northwest- ern University, it being a literary insti- tution, the charter of which was granted before the General Incorporation Act." The chief contention of the attorney for the appellant was. that the amendment had been repealed by the general act, ap- proved May 4. 1887. This was overruled. It is made clear in this decision that anv license issued for the sale of liquor within the four-mile district, even though it be issued by a city, town or village within said district, is null and void. It is worthy of note in connection with this case that Hon. Harvey B. Hurd again appeared as attorney for the appellee, associating with him the law firm of Beach & Beach. During the past twenty-five years sev- eral different organizations have been formed to assist in the enforcement of this act. On August 24, 1882, the Citizens' League of the Township of Evanston was incorporated, with Frank P. Crandon and David R. Dyche, Millard R. Powers and H. W. Chester as charter members. Mr. Dyche served as its President till his death in August, 1893. He devoted much time, energy and no insignificant contri- butions from his own purse to forward the objects of the League. The next Presi- dent was Mr. Crandon. He, also, made large donations of time and money to this important work. Four-Mile League. In 1894 it seemed wise to form a new organization as a suc- cessor to the Citizens' League, and through the efforts of Henry Wade Rogers, who was then President of Northwestern L'ni- versity and greatly devoted to the cause of temperance, the Four-Mile League was or- ganized, with Charles B. Congdon, Henry Wade Rogers, Hugh R. Wilson, Charles H. Aldrich. William A. Dyche. William H. Bartlett, Frank P. Crandon, George M. Sargent and Charles J. Little, as charter members. The charter was dated Sep- tember ii. 1894. Mr. Crandon was its first President : he was succeeded by Mr. J. C. Shaffer. Mr. Shaffer conducted a vigorous warfare against illegal sale of liquor and met with marked success. Mr. Newell C. Knight was the third and last President of the League. His administra- tion was equally vigorous. 3 20 THE FOUR-MILE LIMIT In 1902 the Municipal Association was incorporated. This organization, though having wider aims than the Four-Mile League, which it succeeded, is especial- ly interested in the same good cause and is doing excellent work. Mr. Charles R. Webster has been President since its in- corporation. On January 3, 1893, William H. Lyman, a Chicago member of the House of Rep- resentatives, introduced House Bill 282, which sought to repeal a portion of the City and Village Act of 1872. This act, among other things, gives cities and vil- lages power to issue licenses for the sale of liquor under certain conditions. It pro- vides, however, "that nothing in the act shall be construed to affect the provisions of the charter of any literary institution heretofore granted." The introduction of this bill created much excitement and great indignation. Large delegations at once went to Springfield and exerted such influence that the bill never reached a sec- ond reading. Mayor's Report. The citizens of Evan- ston have been greatly annoyed by the existence of saloons outside of, but near to. the limits of the corporation. The fol- lowing c|uotation from the Mayor's report for the year 1895 gives an instance of this: "For some years the western portion of our city has been greatly annoyed by the existence of several saloons on the prairie west of us. Some of these saloons were resorts of the lowest character, and to their other evils gambling and prosti- tution were often added. For some years they were licensed illegally by the Cook County Commissioners : but this summer. in response to your request and the urgent effort of Commissioner Munn. these ille- gal licenses were not reissued. The Four- Mile League provided funds to carry on a vigorous warfare against them. Our Chief of Police, Wheeler Bartram, greatly aided the League with his advice and work, as did also our City Attorney. The result was that, after a brief but energetic fight, these saloons were practically closed. Some of them are still running, but very quietly. A renewed and continuous effort by the League, aided by our city author- ities, will undoubtedly close them. The only way to successfully fight this enemy is to make it too expensive for him to stay in business." During the latter part of 1896, and for some time thereafter, the city was greatly hindered in its attempts to prosecute vio- lators of its prohibitory law by adverse decisions of the courts located in Chicago. The following, from the Mayor's report for 1896, is to the point: "One W. H. Meyers was arrested in July, 1896, on several charges of violating our liquor ordinances. He was fined in sums from Sio to Sioo. From these judg- ments the said Meyers appealed to the Criminal Court, where the cases were dis- missed on the grounds that the evidence had been obtained by witnesses who were in the employ of the city for the purpose of bringing action against the said Mey- ers. The city took an appeal from this de- cision to the Appellate Court, where it again met defeat, the Appellate Court sus- taining the decision of the Criminal Court. "While it is comparatively easy for our policemen to discover the resorts where liquor is sold illegally, it is very difficult for them to obtain evidence of this, for the reason that they are well known, hence it is necessary to use detectives, but both the testimony of our policemen, as well as that of the detectives, was ren- dered ' useless by the decisions above re- ferred to, and the difficulty of successfully prosecuting the keepers of these resorts was greatly increased. The case just re- HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 321 ferred to was carried to the Supreme Court of the State, by the direction of the Council, and the judgments of the Crim- inal and Appellate Courts were reversed. The entire case was in charge of City At- torney George S. Baker, and to him be- longs unstinted praise for the obtaining from the Supreme Court of so far-reach- ing benefit, not to Evanston alone, but also to numerous other communities. The difficulty of prosecuting these cases and obtaining satisfactory results is far greater than most people imagine." Difficulties Owing to Nearness to Chi- cago. One who. for the first time, is called upon to assist in enforcing the ordinances of Evanston, based on the amendment to the charter of the University, has no idea of the difficulties of the task, and it too frequently happens that both officers of the city and of the voluntary associations above referred to not only receive too lit- tle support from the community, but are most unjustly criticised for failure to ob- tain their complete enforcement. Occa- sionally they have deserved severe con- demnation for their indifference, but, as a rule, they have been earnest and active, meeting with decided success. Though at times our citizens seem indifferent to appeals for aid as in this work, they are in reality greatlv interested and in emer- gencies respond most generously. The greatest danger in my mind to our law is the City of Chicago. The "four-mile limit" extends about two and one-half miles into the City of Chicago, and, in this prohibi- tion territory in Chicago, numerous sa- loons exist. I do not know if Chicago at present licenses these saloons. When I last investigated this in 1896, I found that Chicago did not issue them any license, but that the saloon-keepers at the end of each quarter paid the City Collector a sum equivalent to a quarter's license. \Yhether licensed or not, they exist illegally, and ought to be closed. If they are allowed by Chicago to nourish on Devon Avenue, some day she will permit them on the very north line of her corporate limits a stone's throw from Calvary Cemetery. Unless Evanston puts up a vigorous fight, this will happen. Of all the blessings Northwestern University has brought Evanston, this amendment is first. It gives us a unique place in the ranks of American cities, and helps to make it possible for us to maintain a local govern- ment of unusually high standard. Let us give every aid and encouragement to our officials and especially to those men who. from time to time, we ask to act as our leaders in the great work of enforcing the provisions of this amendment and the ordinances based thereon. CHAPTER XXXVI. HOMES AND HOME-MAKERS 1846-1870 (By ELIZABETH M. BOYNTON HAKBhRT. Ph. D.) Some of the Early Homes of Evanston Men and Women Who have Left Their Impress on the City's History What Evanstoi: Owes to Its Early Home Build- ers Historic Names on the City Map Abraham Lincoln and other Distinguished Visitors The Willard and Eggleston Families Notable Workers in the Field of Religion, Education, Literature and the Arts. "The language of a ruder age gave to the common law the maxim that every man's house is his castle: the progress of Truth will eventually make every home a shrine." "I think that the heroism, which, at this day, would make on us the impression of Epaminondas and Phocion, must be that of a domestic conqueror." Thus wrote our poet-philosopher Emer- son, concerning the value and importance of wise home-making, while our poet- scientist, Henry Drummond. has left for us the following statement : "So long as the first concern of a coun- try is for its homes, it matters little what it seeks second or third. "The one point, indeed, where all pro- phets meet, where all sciences, from bi- ology to ethics, are enthusiastically at one, is in their faith in the imperishable potentialities of this yet most simple in- stitution. In a far truer sense than Ra- phael produced his "Holy Family," na- ture has provided a Holy Family. Not for centuries, but for millenniums, the family has arrived. Time has not tarnished it ; no later art has improved upon it : no gen- ius discovered anything more lovely, nor religion anything more divine." Of one important branch of home-mak- ing, that great "Apostle of the Beautiful," John Ruskin, has written: "Cookery means the knowledge of Circe, Medea, and of Calypso and Helen, and of Rebekah and of all the Queens of Sl.eba. It. means the knowledge of all fruits and balms: of all that is sweet in fields and groves. It means the economy of your great grandmothers and the science of thoroughness. French art and Arabian hospitality." And, if Mr. Ruskin had lived on this side of the Atlantic, might he not have added, "American Adaptability?" Mr. Frank Grover. in a valuable historical sketch (printed elsewhere in this volume) refers to one of the first typical Evanston homes as follows : "The father. Antoine Ouilmette, was of French descent ; the mother, Archange, was of true American (Indian) parentage. In this family were four daughters: Eliza- beth. Archange. Josette and Sophia, and four sons: Joseph, Louis, Francis and Mitchell." 323 324 HOMES AXD HOME-MAKERS 1846-1870 Surely all lovers of symbolism or all philosophers, thinkers, who recognize the law that, in order to secure harmony, we must combine differences, will promptly recognize in the variety and balance of this pioneer home, prophecies of the re- sultant harmony and equilibrium which has caused so many discriminating tour- ists to repeat the trite question, "Is this Heavenston?" Thus, in its very infancy, the presiding Fates seem to have decreed that the honor of having founded our be- loved Evanston belonged equally to its sons and daughters, while our subsequent cosmopolitanism may be traced to that French father and American mother. For a number of years William and James Carney represented the entire po- lice force, and so firmly, kindly and hu- manely did they preserve law and order, that the village was exempt from depre- dations, and the very name "Carney" be- came a synonym for law and order : as instance, the incident of an Evanston child exclaiming at sight of a Chicago po- liceman, "There goes another good Carney." In preparing this fragmentary sketch, we have been interested in the typical char- acter of the early settlers who, by their tastes and pursuits, foreshadowed the aesthetic development of after years. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Burroughs were among the earliest agriculturists. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reed seem to have made Beauty and Service the patron saints of their home. We are told that Mr. Reed was the original path-finder or road- master of the village, and that a certain apple-tree planted by Mrs. Reed was, for forty years, because of the fragrance of its bloom and the rare flavor of its fruit, a joy to succeeding generations of children. These pioneer path-finders and home- makers doubtless would have been cheered and encouraged in many toilsome wanderings, could they have foreseen the tree-fringed avenues, streets and courts, whose names enshrine the memories of many subsequent path-makers, and hon- ored citizens; e. g., "Judson," "Hinman," "Irvington," "Benson," and "Kedzie" Ave- nues ; "Dempster." "Davis." "Xoyes." "Mul- ford," "Grain, " "McDaniels," and "Lyons " Streets ; "Avars Court" and "Willard Place," etc. "Joy," that notable but too frequently neglected "Fruit of the Spirit," hospital- ity, industry and faith (faith in God and faith in humanity) seem to have been characteristic of many of these pioneer homes. The altruistic cheerfulness, so notable in his philanthropic daughter. Mrs. Helen Judson Beveridge, as well as in other members of that merry house- hold, was early intersphered in the village life by the genial father, Rev. Philo Judson. We are told that Mr. Judson's optimism and constant cheerfulness "enabled him to make perpetual holiday of the hard work and privations incident to the life of a circuit-rider through the wilds of Illi- nois," while his wife, Mrs. Huddleston Judson, was in all respects a notable help- meet, bravely bearing the added responsi- bilities resultant from his numerous ab- sences. Truly, if "all the world loves a lover," the residents of small frontier villages, where life is often too strenuous to permit of much pleasure-seeking, must always delight in a wedding. We are confident that, if the villagers could have foreseen in the groom a future General and Governor, and in the bride a notable philanthropist, even greater interest, if possible, would have centered in the marriage, in 1848, of Miss Helen Judson and Mr. John L. Bev- eridge. Who can estimate the amount of good CHARLES JOSEPH LITTLE KS AX!) lloMK-MAKKRS 1*40-1*7. Surely all lovers of symbolism or all philosopher-, thinkers, who recognize the la\v that, in order to secure harmony. \v-.- must combine differences, will promptlv recognize in the varietv and balance of this pioneer home, prophecies of the re- sultant harmony and equilibrium which has caused so many discriminating tour- ists to repeat the trite question. "Is this Heavenston?" Thus, in its very infancy. the presiding Tales seem to have decreed that the honor of having founded our he- loved Kvanstoii belonged equally to its sons and daughters, while our subsequent cosmopolitanism may be traced to that French father and American mother. For a number of years William and lames Carney represented the entire po- lice force, and so firmly, kindly and hu- manely did they preserve law and order, that the village was exempt from depre- dations, and the very name "Carney" be- came a sviionym for law and order: as instance, the incident of an F.vanston child exclaiming at sight of a Chicago po- liceman. "There goes, another good Carney." In preparing tin- fragmentary sketch, we have been interested in the Mpical char- acter of the earh settlers who. by their tastes and pursuits, foreshadowed the .'esthetic development of after \ear>. .Mr. and Mr-. Alon/o I'.urroughs were among the earliest agriculturist-. Mr. and Mr.-. Samuel Reed seem to have made l.cauu and Service the patron saints of their home. We are told that Mr. Reed was the original path-tinder or road- ma-ur oi the village, and thai a certain apple-tree planted by Mrs. Reed \va-. for forty years, becau-e of the fragrance of it- hlooiu and the rare llavor of it- fruit, a jo\ to succeeding generation- of children. The-e pioneer path-finders and home- makers doubtless would have been cheered and encouraged in many toilsome wanderings, could they have foreseen the tree-fringed avenues, streets and courts, whose names enshrine the memories of many subsequent path-makers, and hon- ored citizen.*: e. g.. "Jud-on." " I Unman.' "Irvington." "I'.enson." and "Kedzie" Ave- nues : "Dempster." "I >avis." "Xoves." "Mul- ford." "Crain." "McDanieK" and "Lyons " Street-: "Avar- Court" and "Willard Place." etc. "Joy." that notable but too frequently neglected "Fruit of the Spirit." hospital- ity, industry and faith (faith in (lo aid in the temperance work, and to meet the various demands made upon the wife of a pastor of a large church. "For a term of years, Miss Emily Xoyes rendered most faithful service in her brother's home until the only daugh- ter of Rev. and Mrs. Noyes, now Mrs. Ellen Xoyes Orr, began to preside, as a little mother-queen, among her group of brothers." Of the beloved Professor Francis D. Hemenway, it is said that not even the "Hemenway Memorial Church" is his true monument, but the "Hymnal" of the Methodist Church. Dr. and Mrs. Hem- enway came to Evanston in 1857, and for almost a quarter of a century lived, loved and served among us. A most beloved instructor in the University, the record of his refined, helpful and harmonious life belongs there ; his wife has claimed, as her richest inheritance, the fact that "she had been the privileged home- maker for one of the purest, truest and best of men, who fully appreciated the meaning of that sacred word "Home." The historian in search of facts in re- gard to the substantial growth of Evans- ton between the years 1856 and 1860, is aided by the following paragraph from an interesting letter written by Mrs. Sara Bailey Mann, one of the pioneer daugh- ters. Mrs. Mann writes : "You ask when my parents moved to Evanston? They came here in 1859. The location of the Northwestern University was just then decided upon, and father moved here because of the educational advantages Evanston then promised." Some of these children for whom these loving parents. Mr. William S. and Mrs. Sarah Bailey, were thus planning, were soon called to the severe educational experi- ences of our Civil War, as three of their sons responded to the call of their coun- try, the daughters subsequently (as was so often the case) bravely bearing added responsibilities. In preparing this little sketch, the wri- ter is often tempted to pause, as before sa- cred shrines in recognition of the really heroic sacrifices and endeavor manifest in these homes. Words written by a friend concerning Mr. and Mrs. Bailey are so true of them and of many other par- ents, that we reproduce them here: "What a history two simple names suggest. What sunshine, shadow, strug- gle, heroic sacrifice, noble living and final victory." As no well regulated village is without 328 HOMES AND HOME-MAKERS 1846-1870 its universal "aunt" or "uncle," so, in 1863, there came to Evanston one who was soon familiarly known as Uncle Mark De Coudres. At ninety years of age, he with his own hands shingled his home in order to contribute $100 for Afri- can Missions. In a copy of The Indc.r, of 1864, we find the following record of the closing of one of the early homes that of Dr. and Mrs. James T. Jewell: "Mrs. Jewell, the devoted and beloved wife of Dr. James Jewell, died at her home on Green- wood Street last Tuesday." Those who can read between the lines will compre- hend the pathos of such a record as the following, which was so often true of the self-sacrificing mothers of those early days: "She received an education, during her girlhood, far above that which it was possible, at that time, for many to attain. From early life she entertained strong de- sires to enter upon a life of study and into literary work. After her marriage she saw no immediate way to carry out her desires and plans without neglecting her duties in her home. She considered the matter carefully and deliberately elected as her life work, the making of a home for her husband and children." While some students of motherhood and home-mak- ing sometimes conclude that, if the moth- er can serve the literary feast in addition to the more material ones, it is better for home and children, yet all who knew of the absolute devotion of Mrs. Jewell to her husband and home, will gratefully re- member her faithful administrations therein. Another notable home-maker who seems to have yielded herself as a loving sacrifice in her home, was the wife of Bishop Randolph Foster. Bishop and Mrs. Foster, with their group of eight most interesting children, lived in a home among the magnificent group of oak trees which formerly adorned the lot upon which the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson now stands. This spot seems to have ever been one noted for its generous hospitality. Mrs. Foster was, as Elder Boring once said, "a wholly selfless woman. She was a Miss Sarah Wiley, one of the best, tru- est, purest, most unselfish women that ever lived, devoted to her husband, lost and swallowed up in him ; she lived for him, planned for him, took care of him, and kept a home that was always open to his friends with the most generous hos- pitality." We build monuments the world is filled with them to the fathers who yield life for others on the world's great battle- fields ; let us enshrine the memories of the self-sacrificing mothers and fathers, who, amid the imperious cares of home or the overwhelming duties and responsibilities of business, yield their lives for their chil- dren. As those who have entered into their labors, let us endeavor to secure wiser household and business conditions by replacing intense competition with Christian co-operation. We have with hesitation referred to these facts in the hope that, with hundreds of similar ones that have come to each of us, they may incite us to throw the weight of whatever influence we may possess in favor of simpler manners, wiser laws, which will inevitably "Ring out the false, ring in the true." The more spiritual and intuitional the wife and mother, the more is she needed by husband and children, and the greater the loss to the highest good of all, if she yields to the wifely and motherly temptation to effect her own effacement and utter self-sacrifice for her loved ones. These same vears seem to have been HISTORY OF EVANSTON 329 auspicious ones for Evanston in many ways. In addition to the several names mentioned, we find recorded the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bradley and Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Farwell. In 1862 a young couple arrived in the village who were destined to make valua- ble additions to its life in many ways ; and most interesting is the story of the service rendered by Dr. Oliver and Mrs. E. E. Marcey. to science, literature, phi- lanthropy and religion. The pleasant homestead on the northeast corner of Chi- cago Avenue and Church Street has been, for forty years, a favorite rallying point for students and friends. Of Dr. Marcey 's valuable services as an educa- tor, mention will be made elsewhere, while, for adequate record of Mrs. Mar- cey's faithful ministrations as wife, moth- er, missionary-worker and philanthropist, a volume would be required. The par- ental pride centered in the beautiful and gifted daughter, Mrs. Anna Marcey Davis, whose memory is still sacredly cherished by many friends. -About this time we find our illustrious patriot, Mrs. Jane C. Hoge, not only wise- ly guiding and guarding and ministering to her own, but also including, in her true mother-heart, thousands of semi-mother- less boys, who, during those crucial years of war, watched for her coming, or for the result of her loving care, as for an angel. Reproducing a statement made some years since at the historic "Fore- mother's Day in Evanston," we repeat : Because our lake-bordered, tree-fringed village was once her home, we place lov- ingly on our scroll of honor, the name of Mrs. Jane C. Hoge, while just under- neath, we trace that of Mrs. Arza Brown, the first woman in the United States of America to receive the badge of the Christian Commission. Any thoughts of the philanthropic mother include memories of the beautiful and hospitable home on Chicago Avenue, where the interests of the whole world were studied, and so far as possible, aid- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Isaac R. Hitt. This home is one of the treasured land-marks of Evanston. Mrs Arza Brown, the pa- triotic mother of Mrs. Hitt. included in her . active interest "A Christian Commission of the United States of America ;" Mrs. Mary Brown Hitt, the daughter, included in her plans missionary service to the whole world. When we assert of Mr. Isaac R. Hitt, Mr. Andrew J. Brown and other of our prominent and influential men, that they supplemented and aided their wives in public philanthropic work, we record their true heroism and self-sacrifice, since it required true courage for a lov- ing husband to hear and read the oft-time bitter criticisms of those days, upon any work performed by woman outside of the home, even though such service was ren- dered for the Church or the State. During the years from 1864 to 1867, in- clusive, many strong links were forged in the chain of helpful influences which was to encircle Evanston for generations, since many of the children of these rapid- ly developing home-shrines are numbered amongst the most useful and honored cit- izens of the present time. Art, literature, science, health, education, philanthropy, religion, happiness, beauty and joy have been the rich fruitage yielded from the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Grey ; Dr. and Mrs. Oliver Marcy : Dr. and Mrs. Miner Raymond: Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Mann: Rev. and Mrs. Lucius H. Bugbee: Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bou- telle : Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Brown: Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Iglehart : Mr. and Mrs. Towner K. \Yebster: Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bradlev : Mr. and Mrs. Simeon 330 HOMES AND HOME-MAKERS 1846-1870 Farwell; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Tillinghast; Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Browne; Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Clmstead; Hon. and Mrs. Andrew Shuman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. \\innie. Among the earliest patrons of art were Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Grey, and the carefully selected canvases, which have adorned their beautiful and home-like family residence on Forest Avenue, have rendered this home center a most attrac- tive spot to all art-lovers, while in the church and in the beautiful courts of philanthropy, they have rendered constant, cheerful and most generous services. Music and religion were indig- enous to the spiritual atmosphere of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Igle- hart. The records of the Baptist Church are replete with the facts of Mrs. Igle- hart's abundant helpfulness. Abounding cheerfulness, and that true hospitality which includes every home- sick, lonely stranger, were conspicuously characteristic of the home of Mr. Charles E. and Mrs. Martha Evarts Browne. Xo literary, musical or artistic prophet, phil- anthropist or reformer was without honor in Evanston, during the years when Mr. and Mrs. Browne lived and served amongst us. At one time during the year 1869, sixty-nine authors, musicians and literateurs were numbered among the guests at this home. Another home where, for many years, one met with a rare hospitality and with most beautiful object lessons in high- thinking and simple living, was that of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Olmstead. In addi- tion to the wise and careful mothering of her four sons, Mrs. Olmstead was one of the most discriminating and apprecia- tive students of philosophy and literature amongst our Evanston women, while Mr. Olmstead was noted for his business in- tegrity. If ever a man caused his neighbors and friends to walk a flower-strewn path, it was Mr. H. C. Tillinghast. His sermons in flowers, silently exhaling from the pul- pit of more than one church, constantly reminded us that "Beauty is the smile of God." Mr. and Mrs. Tillinghast have been blessed in their home life, and in turn blessed the village and the church, while children and grandchildren refer to them as their richest inheritance. How many care lines have faded from the faces of anxious young mothers upon the appearance of Dr. O. H. Mann. He was successful and progressive in his medical practice, which included the then novel hints and suggestions in regard to the prevention of disease by hygienic nursing and cheerful surroundings. The home of Dr. and Mrs. Mann was the scene of generous hospitality both to friends and to ideas. In the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Bradley the Congregational Church was organized. From it many other religious and philanthropic influ- ences emanated, and ever the purest atmos- phere of culture, refinement and true re- ligion permeated this home of beau- tiful daughters and obedient sons. For many years, this home, together with those of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Boutelle and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kedzie, seemed to be the "so- cial annex" to the Congregational Church. During these years the University, the Methodist Church and the Social Circle of the village, gladly welcomed Dr. Miner Raymond and his gracious and estimable wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Henderson Ray- mond. To the historian of the Universi- ( - LlbHARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTOK 331 ty belongs the rich and interesting record of the good Doctor's many useful years. The memories of the early and faithful ministrations of the loving mother belong to us all, and are cherished as a rich le- gacy by her children and grandchildren, as are the more scholarly labors and Christian philanthropies of the noble fa- ther. About this time Mr. E. W. Larned came to build the second brick house in Evanston, to be the future home of Mr. and Mrs. I. P. DeCoudres. In the fol- lowing year Mr. and Mrs. Larned located permanently in Evanston. To all appreciating the value of the kindergarten and the importance of the early years of childhood, a most impor- tant and far-reaching event occurred, when, in the spring of 1866, Rev. and Mrs. Edward Eggleston commenced their home-making -in our village. Mr. Eggle- ston was among the first of our Ameri- can fathers to comprehend and appreciate the methods and aim of the great Froebel. Finding it impossible to obtain a good translation of Froebel's songs, he studied German for that purpose ; translated the songs, built a cottage for the kindergarten and taught the kindergartners, and, meanwhile, superintended the Methodist Episcopal Sunday School, while carrying on his literary work. Another inmate of this "Children's Home" was a gifted young sister, Miss Jane Eggleston, who subsequently be- came the wife of Rev. Charles Zimmer- man. Mrs. Zimmerman, although pos- sessed of unusual intellectual gifts (as all who have read her "Gray Heads on Young Shoulders" recognize), has been far more than a quarter of a century a most faithful mother and home-maker, as Rev. Mr. Zimmerman is one of our enthu- siastic reformers. In this same year, 1866, much interest centered in the arrival of many other most interesting families and in the erec- tion of some beautiful homes in our suburb, notably the residence of Mr. and Mrs. \V. X. Brainard, on Hinman Ave- nue. The homes of those days, although not equaling, in many respects, some of the more massive structures of modern times, possessed all the essentials of ideal homes, namely : large grounds, grassy parks shadowed by beautiful trees, flowers, books, music, happy children, and genuine altruism. In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brainard. for a quarter of a century, a most charming hospitality was dispensed. While fulfilling ever3 r duty incident to mother- hood and home, Mrs. Brainard found time for helpful service in the church and in so- cial circles, and also for extensive and discriminating reading along philosophic and spiritual lines, which has caused her opinions to be highly valued by all who love the good, the beautiful and the true. Mr. William X. Brainard served as a member of the State Board of Railroad and Warehouse Commissioners, and was a most public-spirited citizen. In this same historic year, still other names, destined to be loved and honored in Evanston. first became known in church, in journalistic and social life. Wo refer to those of Hon. and Mrs. Andrew Shuman. As editor of the "Evening Journal." of Chicago, and subsequently as Lieutenant-Governor of the State. Mr. Shuman reflected honor upon the home of his adoption, while his wife soon became an accepted authority in the most refined and intellectual circles. The family homestead, embowered in stately ever- greens and majestic elms and oaks, was a radiating center of many helpful influences. In 1867 came such helpful citizens as Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Webster. Col. and 332 HOMES AND HOME-MAKERS 1846-1870 Mrs. E. S. Weeden, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sewell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gilbert each and all referred to elsewhere. Many pleasant memories and much loving interest center in the home of Professor and Mrs. H. S. Xoyes. From 1860 to 1869 Professor Xoyes was the Act- ing President of the Northwestern Univer- sity, and was ably seconded in his manifold duties as parent, educator and citizen, by his gifted and accomplished wife. What the most ideal home of any college President has been to any village have been the homes of the Northwestern's Presidents to Evanston. In the list, which includes such honored names as Bishop and Mrs. Foster, Dr. and Mrs. Hinman, Professor and Mrs. Koyes, Bishop and Mrs. E. O. Haven, Bishop and Mrs. Charles Fowler, Dr. and Mrs. Oli- ver Marcy, Dr. and Mrs. Cummings, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers, and Dr. and Mrs. Edmund James, we recognize a succession of influences which have great- ly enriched and ennobled the life and civ- ilization of this great Xorthwest. Among the names of influential citi- zens which will appear and re-appear in the reports of clubs (Philosophical, Edu- cational and Social), business enterprises, church organizations and village interests, are those of, Mr. and Mrs. George Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Heman G. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Wightman, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Huntoon (1841), Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Dewey. Mr. and Mrs. Acldison de Coudres, Major and Mrs. Edward Russell (1855). Mr. and Mrs. John A. Childs, Prof, and Mrs. Julius F. Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. William Wycoff, "Deacon" and Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gunn, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lighthall, Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. John Lyman, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Weller, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Siller, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cone, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Haywood, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Comstock, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Comstock, , Mrs. Sarah Roland Childs, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wightman, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Kean, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hamline, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cosgrove, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. King, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pitner, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Burch, Mrs. Caroline Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Sewell, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Parkhurst, Mr. and Mrs. David R. Dyche, Lewis M. Angle. Those who would most deplore any loss of tenderness or refinement in wom- en, or any diminution in love of, or loyal- ty to, home or children, as a result of more inclusive and public interests, are referred to page 236 of " A Classic Town," and are requested to study the faces of four of Evanston's most illustrious moth- ers, housekeepers and home-makers: i. e., Mrs. Mary Thompson Willard, Mrs. Lucy Bannister, Mrs. Henriette S. Kidder and Mrs. Melinda Hamline. Before re- ferring to these noble mothers of illustri- ous children, we would be glad if Miss Frances Willard had given us, on the op- posite page of her volume the equally in- teresting faces of the fathers in these not- HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 333 able homes : Mr. J. G. Willard : Rev. Henry Bannister, D. D. ; Rev. Daniel Kidder, D. D., and Bishop Hamline for in each case, at a glance, one would have discovered that in these ideal homes there was always found the poet's dream of "Two heads in council." The face of Mrs. Mary Thompson \Yillard is the first of the notable group of home-makers to arrest our thought. The story of the life of the beloved and honored \Yillard family in our midst is so familiar that its re-telling here is unnecessary, and we content our- selves with reproducing a single scene. On January 3, 1885, one of the most notable gatherings ever held in the West convened at "Rest Cottage," in recogni- tion of the eightieth birthday of "Madame Willard." The father, Mr. J. G. Willard, the daughter "Mary" (whose "nineteen beautiful years" have been so beautifully photographed by her illustrious sister), and the brilliant son. Mr. Oliver Willard. had all passed to the Spirit Realm ; but the mother, calm, poised, genial and radi- ant with the pure joy resultant from re- warded self-sacrifice and great enthusi- asms, was still spared to us. Never did she seem more truly great than in the dig- nified simplicity with which she received the homage paid to her. as the noble mother of the great daughter. Writing of this event at the time, we said the very cards of invitation seem pregnant with suggestions, although they merely hint of the inclusive home-making of this great mother. They, however, re- mind those who have the entree to this veritable "Rest Cottage." of a pleasant fact, namely: that here, under one roof, divided by an open doorway, are the homes of Madame Willard and her daughter Frances, and of the beloved daughter-in-law, Mary Bannister Wil- lard, with her group of children. The words written for this occasion by Mrs. Mary A. Livermore are so obvious- ly true of many fathers and mothers in Evanston. that we presume to produce them here : "My Dear Mrs. Willard: "I have come to know you through your children. A mother is indeed hon- ored, whose children rise up and call her 'blessed.' I also call you blessed: not alone because of your children, but be- cause you have learned so well the les- sons and mastered so nobly the tasks as- signed us here in the first school of the soul. Yours truly, "Mary A. Livermore." Equally appropriate are the lines writ- ten for this occasion by the dearly loved adopted daughter of this home, Miss Anna Gordon : "We join tonight to honor one, Whose crown of eighty years Reflects a faith that's born of love, A hope that conquers fears. "A life enriched by blessed deeds, All through its blessed days; A soul that, e'en in darkest hours. Still sings its song of praise." Many parents, themselves deprived of early advantages, congratulating their children or grandchildren who enjoy the glorious opportunities of the "present." re-echo the words of this grateful moth- er: "Your opportunity is my pleasure; your duty is my delight." Isabel Somerset (Lady Henry) in the "Rest Islander," has preserved for us this picture: "In October. 1891. I stood for the first time on the platform of the railway sta- tion in the "Classic Town of Evanston." It was a sunny, autumn day. The rare 334 HOMES AXD HOME-MAKERS 1846-1870 tints of ruby and gold that gleam as sum- mer's funeral torches in the glad, new world, were flaming in brilliant beauty along the shady park-ways of that lovely spot on the shores of Lake Michigan. "A few minutes later, I was in 'Rest Cottage,' as it was then in its complete- ness, for since that day, the sun has set on that great life that was the center of the home circle. Mrs. Willard stood there then in the doorway to meet me, erect and queenly still, in spite of her eighty-six years. She greeted me with that gentle kindness that showed at once her innate, refined and quiet dignity, and, as we sat around the supper-table that night, amid the dainty brightness, yet simple surroundings of that charming home, and later gathered round the open hearth in Miss Willard's den, or walked next day in the yard with its trees and flowers, grape arbor and rustic dove-cote, I felt that, in all my wanderings up and down the world, I had never found a more harmonious home ; a spot in which seemed combined the breezy atmosphere of the great wide world, with the fragrant family life which remained unruffled in its holy calm." The second picture is that of Mrs. Me- linda Hamline. During a Sabbath after- noon in the 'sixties, strangers were some- times surprised to see numbers of people leaving the attractive lakeside home of one who was always known as "Mrs. (Bishop) Hamline." Curiosity was speedily assuaged, however, by the state- ment, that these were members of the "Bible Class" taught by this gentle, little blue-eyed woman, who combined with the tenderness of the violet the poise and strength of the eternal hills. We are told that "the first home that the stranger student was invited to enter in Evanston between the years of 1856 and 1870 was likely to be that of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Kidder." Miss Willard writes in her historical sketch, "That roomy man- sion among the trees, so long known as the 'Hitt Homestead,' was one of the first, if not the foremost, social center of old-time Evanston. Its way was undisputed ; its associations were delightful. True Chris- tian hospitality has rarely had a more ad- equate exponent ; for here were comfort, cordiality and culture without luxury, fashion or display. The timid girl, work- ing her passage through college, salutes the distinguished head of the University, and the youth who sawed wood or milked cows to earn his board, met the rich Chi- cago business man without feeling any gulf between them." We are glad to call attention to the fact that this recognition of the true dignity of industry was not confined to those ear- lier years. During the notable feast of oratory incident to the fiftieth birth-day of the Northwestern University, no senti- ment received greater applause than the following voiced by the youngest repre- sentative on the programme: "Evanston is not ashamed of her college stokers." Rev. George E. Strowbridge, another of Evanston's representative children, the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Conwell, writing of this home, after referring to the most generous hospitality of Dr. and Mrs. Kid- der. says: "It was of incalculable benefit to those whose opinions were then forming, that this 'home,' with its large library lined with well chosen books, its roomy parlors and its broad piazza on which we delighted to promenade when summer nights were fair and sweet, brought to our young hearts the conception of Christ and Christians as a social force." The fourth face upon this interesting page is that of Mrs. Lucy K. Bannister, another mother of notable children and HISTORY OF EVANSTON 335 grandchildren, philanthropists, litera- teurs, musicians, authors. In this home we find the father ever a most potent fac- tor, since, whenever Dr. Henry Bannister presided, there was a recognized "Mc- Gregor at the head of the table." Friends, pupils, citizens, attest to the good influ- ences constantly emanating from this home. Our Common Schools, "Free Li- brary," The "Philosophical Association" and the "Temperance Alliance," each found in Dr. Bannister a most helpful friend ; while he, in time, sought and found his inspiration and help in the beautiful and spiritual woman who, for half a century, was the light of his home. We have previously referred to the pleas- ant home of Rev. and Mrs. C. P. Bragdon (the latter a sister of Dr. Bannister), where were developing into helpful man- hood and womanhood another group of children, who were to render this name historic in the annals of Evanston. Having written and quoted the fore- going in regard to these notable home- makers, our attention is arrested by a page containing another group of names almost equally notable as mothers, liter- ateurs. poets and philanthropists. This is the page on which appear the portraits of Mrs. Mary P,. Willard, Mrs. I. R. Hitt, Mrs. E. E. Marcey and Mrs. Emily Hunt- ington Miller. As one thinks of that slight figure of Mrs. Miller, in those earli- er days, so beautifully administering her home ; then, of her contributions to the "Little Corporal." still later of accep- table lectures at Chautauqua, one wonders at her strength. Then, as we revert in thought to the herculean work and pe- tite stature of Frances Willard, of the work of Mary B. Willard. Mrs. Marcey and others, all small of stature, we are re- minded of one of Mrs. Mary Livermore's stories, which she prefaced with the state- ment, "Oh. the power of these little wom- en !" She stated that when she called a meeting of women in Chicago, to counsel with them in regard to the name of a journal she was thinking of publishing, some large woman who appeared to be physically able to overturn a State, would rise, and, in the softest, gentlest tones would say: "Madame Chairman, I move that the paper be called the 'Morning Light' or the 'Dawn of Day.' " Then, some little woman would arise and in clear, unmistakeable tones would say, "O do not vote for 'The Dawn of Day,' or 'Morning Light,' but for the 'Revolution' or the 'Agitator.' " Just at this point we would ask permis- sion to explain that, if in this record of home-making, the work of the fathers does not always receive equal emphasis with that of the mothers, it is because the fa- thers are to appear in other records. In almost every one of the homes men- tioned there were, from the beginning, imperious duties and interests requiring the joint action of both parents. It would be a labor of love to allow this chapter to enlarge into a volume, and to chronicle the name, not only of every pioneer, but the name and fame of all the beloved "la- ter arrivals." but that pleasure must be enjoyed by some future historian. The necessary limits of this fragmentary sketch prevent other than the briefest reference, especially to such names as will appear in specific records of churchly, edu- cational, industrial and philanthropic in- terests. However, in gleaning from the facts of road-making, house, church and school building, the manifold altruis- tic and philanthropic plans devised by these fathers and mothers (surrounded by their groups of little children) ; one is re- minded of the story of Bernini, the cele- brated Italian Master. Upon one occa- 336 HOMES AND HOME-MAKERS 1846-1870 sion, this versatile genius gave a public opera in Rome, for which, as Vasari tells us, "he built the theater, painted the scen- ery, invented the engines, composed the music and wrote the poem." \Ye greet the children and grandchil- dren of these pioneers in every honorable occupation to-day : in business, litera- ture, science, music, the drama, art, phil- osophy and religion, and as we greet them thus, we re-affirm the thought that nothing pays so well as wise, loving, true and faithful parenthood. Surely the notable and useful children and grandchildren who have emerged from these homes, were developed in an atmosphere of plain living and high thinking, since, in 1853, the taxable prop- erty of Evanston was assessed at six hun- dred dollars, and we find on the tax-list of that year, the names of George Hun- toon, Eli Gaffield, William Foster. Paul Pratt. Mrs. Pratt, O. A. Grain and Charles Grain. Mrs. Beveridge reports a church serv- ice in 1854, at which all but three of the women appeared in the old time sun-bon- nets, and the clerical dress of the pastor consisted of blue cotton "overalls." Judging from the helpful lives of the children of these simpler homes, we are convinced that the foundations of our beautiful Evanston were laid by those who had learned "the true secret of cul- ture." thus beautifully defined by the "Concord Sage:" "The secret of culture is to learn that a few great points steadily re-appear, alike in the poverty of the obscurest farm and in the miscellany of metropolitan life, and that these few are alone to be regarded, namely : the escape from all false ties ; courage to be what we are and to love what is simple and beautiful ; independ- ent and cheerful relations. These are the essentials ; these, and the wish to serve, to add somewhat to the well-being of man." A charming story could be written concerning the distinguished guests who have been welcomed to these homes. A list including such names as those of Abraham Lincoln, who was entertained by General and Mrs. Julius White; Lady Henry Somerset, of England ; Susan B. Anthony. A. Bronson Alcott. Presidents, Bishops, literateurs. Judges, poets, phil- osophers, scientists, statesmen and phil- anthropists, ad infinitititi. We also delight to record that our somewhat too puritanic Evanston of the "airly days," was at times capable of great enthusiasms, and we gladly repro- duce the picture of a most unusual scene preserved for us by Miss Willard, in con- nection with a charming biographical sketch of Bishop Simpson and his wife, and of their three years' residence here. She writes: "While he lived in Evanston, 1860 to 1863, the Bishop's official duties called him to California, and half the town formed in procession going with him to the train, an honor never before or since accorded to mortal, that I know of, by our staid and thoroughly equipoised Ev- austonians. When he returned, coming all the awful distance overland by stage, and in peril of the Indians a large part of the way, we all turned out again, and car- rying the Bragdon melodeon and led by the Ludlam voices, we young folks ser- enaded our revered chief with, 'Home again, home again, From a foreign shore !' " Difficult, as it doubtless is, for their de- scendants to realize the manifold self- sacrifices, the anxieties and discourage- ments of pioneer life, yet do not those who have lived to enjoy the luxuries of LlKKAflY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 337 "apartments," "steam-heat" or "Yaryan" ; of butlers' pantries," and modern "recep- tions." often revert to the good old-fash- ioned open fires, the old-fashioned fami- ly singing or the neighborhood singing school, and the blessed old-fashioned tea- parties, when there was leisure for high- thinking and opportunity to express one's thoughts ; when the patriotism of the home and the public spirit of the fathers and mothers were manifested in the children and over-flowed into the groves, at least once a year, on the Fourth of July? If, added to those conscious pleasures, some seer or prophet could have appeared and voiced some such words as the fol- lowing, would not the ever-recurring dai- ly duties have been performed with added joy? "Congratulations, good friends!" must have been the exclamations, as upon the "screens prophetic" were thrown, in rapid succession, scenes from the future lives of some of these growing, question- ing children. Suppose we could have foreseen Frances E. Willard presiding in England's capitol over a World's Temper- ance Convention : General and Mrs. Bev- eridge "receiving" at the executive man- sion at Springfield ; Hon. Lyman J. Gage serving as a member of the United States Cabinet at Washington ; Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller reading her poems, or serving as a Trustee of the Northwestern University ; Mary Bannister Willard as a beloved teacher in Germany's capital : Kathryn Kidder receiving plaudits incident to her success upon the histrionic stage : and Harry Boutell serving in State and Na- tional legislative halls. Imagine the joy of the aged parents of our notable architect, Mr. D. H. Burn- ham, could they have foreseen him, crowned with the knowledge of having aided in creating that diapason of archi- tecture, the Court of Honor, at the Co- lumbian Exposition ! Or, how the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Brown who. for almost half a century, have lived and served so faithfully in the home and the church would have been thrilled, could they have foreseen their beautiful and gifted daughter, Mrs. Jessie Brown Hil- ton, voicing, with womanly earnestness, her helpful thoughts and suggestions to listening mothers throughout the State! It could but have pleased Dr. and Mrs. X. S. Davis, could they have glimpsed the interesting scene in connection with the inauguration of Dr. James as President of "Northwestern University," when, in manly bearing and clearness of thought, their son should stand almost peerless among many of the leading educators of the world. Would that Elder and Mrs. Boring could have foreseen the varied activities of their children in church, philanthropy and in the home ; and that Mr. and Mrs. William G. White could have imaged to their loving, parental eyes the manifold and helpful influences their children were to set afloat in our schools and homes ; that Mrs. Way could have foreseen the ever-increasing usefulness of the College Cottage for which she did so much, or Mr. Charles Way, the fond father and co- operating home-maker, could have seen his daughter, Mrs. Catherine Way Mc- Mullen, presiding over the Illinois Con- gress of Mothers, ably assisted in even- good word and work by her husband, Mr. Roger McMullen. Could these things have been foreseen, every cloud of discon- tent would have melted before the sun- shine of gratitude. With the exodus to Evanston, which occurred as a result of the great fire of 1871, a new life dawned upon our hereto- fore almost idyllically peaceful village. New interests were developed, new meth- 338 HOMES AND HOME-MAKERS 1846-1870 ods introduced, new social circles formed and the village began to assume some of the desirable, as well as some of the undesirable, aspects of a city. To those who saw with regret the magnifi- cent oak trees dying, the optimists pointed out the more regular parks, fringed with rapidly growing elms and the glow- ing maples; to those who saw, with re- gret, the beautiful grounds surrounding the homes of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brown, Mr. Ptirington, General and Mrs. Ducat, ' being divided into small city lots, the same cheerful friends replied: "Ah! but think of the beautiful homes that are be- ing builded, and the charming people who are coming to reside in them." To those who would lament the loss of the "big woods," where the violets and hepaticas grew in such abundance, the reply would be made "Rejoice in the beautiful sward that forms such a perfect setting to hundreds of homes." The fame of Evanston, as a city of beautiful homes, became so wide-spread that fathers and mothers who desired to secure for their children educational advan- tages and the environment of a moral and temperate community, came in such num- bers that some future historian must devote volumes to the record of their manifold services. Recognizing, as we do, "the beautiful times we are in," and the value of the rich inheritance enjoyed by the children of the present generation, let us highly re- solve, here, in our truly beautiful, lake- "bordered, tree-fringed, flower-crowned Evanston, to build such a monument to these pioneer home-makers as has never yet been attempted, namely, a city in which there cannot be found a neglected or friend- less child. If, in those early days, there was money enough, wisdom enough, time enough, Christianity enough and love enough to build the libraries, the schools, the colleges, the railroads and the churches, there is now money enough, wisdom enough, time enough, Christianity enough and love enough to make life for every child within our borders full of blessedness, opportunity and joy. From the beginning of its history, Evanston has offered almost ideal condi- tions for true home-making. The great University has offered rare educational facilities for every lad and lassie. The wise legislation which has resulted in ren- dering the village peculiarly free from the temptations incident to the liquor traffic : its proximity to a great city, and the spiritual and educational influences which have predominated, have made it ''beautiful for situation" and greatly to be desired. While in every village and locality one finds a certain coterie of influential people and home makers, in Evanston this coterie has been so unusually large that the pres- ent historian is limited to the merest cat- alogue of names of those who, with their descendants, have made the name of our village known throughout the world. Those early days were enriched by the most helpful co-operation of friends and neighbors, f "in sickness and in health," in feasting and fasting, in poverty and in wealth. \Ve have referred to the cheerful services of Mr. John A. Pearsons as the first choir master; the future historian will record the years of cheerful service, subsequently given by Mr. O. H. Mer- win. Mr. Merwin and Mrs. Bannister Merwin were one of the young couples who arrived just in time to be entered upon the Pioneer Roll of Honor, together with our gifted Prof. Robert Ctimnock and his wife. Notwithstanding the manifold and im- perious home duties of these useful home- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 339 builders, the true .club spirit was manifested as early as 1864, when, in the spacious and hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Comstock, the "Eclectic Club" was organized. In a more truly inclusive spirit than the name indicates, every al- ternate week witnessed a hospitality which included a genuine flow of soul as well as a reasonable feast. This inter- esting story, however, belongs to the rec- ord of Club Life. While the village life was remarkably free from "cliques," or divisions, and while, upon all important occasions the entire community seemed to be of one household, yet about this time, owing to geographical reasons and the limita- tions of the home-parlor, the social and literary life seemed to be forming around two centers. One such center was the University and the rapidly enlarging Methodist Church; another seemed to have as a nucleus the Episcopal Church and the "Eclectic Club." Thus, while one group of friends en- thusiastically recall the good old times enjoyed in the pleasant homes of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Comstock, Hon. and Mrs. H. B. Hurd. Mr. and Mrs. William Page, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pitner, Mr. and Mrs. George Watson, Mr. and Mrs. George Purington, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cos- grove, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burqh, Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. King. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Parkhurst. Gen. and Mrs. Julius White and Mr. and Mrs. William Btenchard, another will claim that never were there such gatherings of charming people as those enjoyed in the homes of Dr. and Mrs. Judson, Rev. and Mrs. Bragdon, Dr. and Mrs. Ludlam, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hoag, Dr. and Mrs. Ban- nister, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac R. Hitt, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Brainard, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Slui- man. While some homes have surpassed others in richness of tapestries, draperies, marbles and pictures, yet in almost every one are to be found well selected libraries, flowers, good music, high thinking and al- truistic sen-ice. This limited record is submitted to the citizens and home-makers of our beautiful Evanston, with the hope that even the fragmentary glimpses herein revealed may cause many to rejoice in the vast amount of good, helpful and inspiring in- fluence that may emanate from a single home. With grateful memories for each and all of these pioneers may we conclude by uniting in a "Lang Syne" recognition and consecration. Then here's to Love, and Joy, and Truth And Beauty everywhere ; The cornerstones on which we build Our Temple rich and rare. For bairnies of all time, my dears, For bairnies of all time We'll keep a cup o' kindness here For bairnies of all time. These crystal walls of living light Reflect, from base to dome, How faithfully we're building here Love's Temple of the Home. For bairnies of all time, my dears, For bairnies of all time Then keep a cup o' kindness here For bairnies of all time. CHAPTER XXXVII. EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY Early Methodist Scn'ices in Grosse Point District First Methodist Episcopal Church Organized Some of the Pioneer Preachers Influence of the Coming of Garrett Biblical Institute and Xorthwest- ern University Xotable Mi>iisters of a Later Date Central M. E. Church List of Pastors Nontfegioit-Daisk and Swedish M. E. Churches Hcmenway, IVhcadon and Emmanuel Churches First Baptist Church Its Founders and List of Pastors History of Presbyterian- ism First and Second Presbyterian Churches Pastors and .-tu.riliary So- cieties St. Mark's Episcopal Church List of Pastors St. Matthew's Mis- sion 5V. Mary's Catholic Church, Schools and Related .Associations Con- gregational Church and Auxiliary Or- ganizations Bethlehem German Evan- gelical, Xonvegian-Danish and Swedish Lutheran Churches Evanston Chris- tian Church and Its History Church of Christ (Scientist). (The matter in the following chapter devoted to general church history, is arranged in chron- ological order as related to individual church organizations, but under independent heads.) METHODIST CHURCHES (Bj F. D. RAYMOND) First Methodist Episcopal Church. The earliest preaching of Methodist cir- cuit-riders in the territory called "Grosse Point," of which I have knowledge, was in the home of George W. Huntoon, on Ridge Avenue, near Main Street, during the period from 1838 to 1843. These services were occasional and were usually held on Tuesday evenings. In the sum- mer of 1846. Rev. Edward D. Wheadon and Rev. Solomon F. Denning were as- signed to an extensive circuit which in- cluded Grosse Point, and in turn they preached at the Grosse Point School House a log structure standing in the the burial ground at the corner of Ridge Avenue and Greenleaf Street. Other preachers from Fort Dearborn sometimes supplied the pulpit. In 1850 the town of Ridgeville was or- ganized and thereafter that log school house was in the town of Ridgeville. The land in the town of Ridgeville, purchased by the Northwestern University, was platted as "Evanston" in the winter of 1853-54. The school house was outside the plat. The spring of 1854 saw the arrival of several Methodist families, among them the fami- lies of John A. Pearsons. Rev. Philo Jud- son (the University agent), John L. Bev- eridge. James B. Colvin and A. Danks. Soon after his arrival Mr. Judson organized a Methodist class, the nucleus of a Meth- odist church, of which George W. Huntoon was appointed leader: and on July 13. 1854, the first quarterly conference for Ev^ 341 342 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY anston charge was held by Presiding Elder John Sinclair, "at the log school house in the town of Ridgeville." Some time prior to that date a Sunday school had been or- ganized at the school house, of which Abram Wigglesworth was Superintendent, and at that time Rev. John G. Johnson was preaching there by appointment of the Pre- siding Elder. Philo Judson and J. G. John- son, preachers, and George W. Huntoon. class leader, were the members of that first quarterly conference. The Sunday school was reported as having thirteen officers and teachers and eighty-four scholars. John L. Beveridge, A. Danks and J. B. Colvin were elected stewards and Abram Wigglesworth was elected Superintendent of the Sunday- school. Mr. Johnson was recommended to the Annual Conference for admission to the itinerary connection ; evidently he was a local preacher. He remained at Evanston only about six months after the organiza- tion of the church. Mr. Beveridge soon succeeded Mr. Wigglesworth as Superin- tendent of the Sunday school, but during the next year three schools seem to have been maintained by this church one in the village plat under Mr. Beveridge, one in the aforementioned log school house on the South Ridge, in the "Huntoon" district under Mr. Danks, and still another conduct- ed by Mr. Wigglesworth, in the other log school house on the North Ridge, or "Steb- bins" district. During subsequent years Sunday schools at Winnetka, Glencoe. Rockland (Lake Bluff), Deerfield, and Bowmanville were tributary to this church. January I, 1855, the first building of Garrett Biblical Institute later called Dempster Hall was completed, and the preaching services were transferred from the school house to the Institute Chapel, the Sunday school remaining in the old location. Professor P. W. Wright, of the Institute, was appointed preacher in charge. About May I, 1855, the preach- ing services and the Sunday school were transferred to the upper story of a build- ing erected and owned by Mr. Judson, at the corner of Davis Street and Orrington Avenue. In November of that year (1855), the University building was opened at the corner of Davis Street and Hinman Avenue, and all services were transferred from the Judson Building to the University Chapel. In September of the same year, Rev. John Sinclair, the former Presiding Elder, was appoint- ed preacher in charge. In the sum- mer of 1856, the first church build- ing was erected at a cost of $2,800, at the northeast corner of Church Street and Orrington Avenue and dedicated July 27th, by Rev. John Dempster, D. D., assisted by W. D. Godman and Rev. John Sin- clair. A. L. Cooper succeeded John Sin- clair as pastor in October, 1859. In the quarterly conference records of that year, the committee appointed to estimate the table expenses of the pastor reported that he should be allowed $400 for such pur- pose, which, with his disciplinary allow- ance of $200, made $600, the society fur- nishing him a house in addition. G. M. Huntoon was appointed a committee to collect unpaid subscriptions, and was in- structed to present 'those who, in his judgment, could but would not pay the same, to the preacher in charge by way of complaint for trial. In the autumn of 1858, Rev. Charles P. Bragdon was ap- pointed pastor, and after filling his full term of two years' service died in Ev- anston on January 8, 1861. The records of the Official Board dur- ing these pastorates furnish us some in- teresting glimpses of old fashioned Meth- odism. Cases of delinquency in attend- ance upon class-meeting were reported r. v- -: r. r. n 342 KVAXSTOX CHURCH HISTORY aii.~tr.ni charge was la-Id l>v Presiding Kkk-r John Sinclair, "at the Ing school house in the town of Ridfjeville." SmiK 1 liiia- prior trj that date a Sunday school had been or- ganized at the school hou-e. of which Ahrani \\igglesworth was Su|>frinU-nik-nt. and at that tiiiu- Rev. John ( i. Johnson was preaching there by ap|>ointment of the I 're- siding Elder. l*hilo Jtiilsun and J. (i. John- son, preachers, and < Icor^c \\ . ilunio.m. class U-ader. were the memher> of that first <|uarterly conference. The Sunday school was reported as having thirteen officers and teachers and eighty-four scholars. John I,. Bt'VeridgO. A. Danks and |. H. C'olvin were elected stewards and Ahrani \YigglesWorlh uas elected Superintendent of the Sunday school. Mr. Johnson was recommended to the Annual Conference for admission t-> the itinerary connection: cvidentlv he v\a> a local preacher, lie remainerl at KvaiMoii only ahotit six months alter the organiza- tion ol the church. Mr. I'.everidjjc SIM m succeeded Mr. \Yigglc.-worth a- Superin- tendent of the Sunday school, hut during llie next vear three schools seem to have heen maintaineil by this church one in the village plat uiirler Mi. lievcridgc. one in the aforementioned log school hnu>c on the South Kidgc. in the "lluutooii" district under Mr. I )anks. and still another conduct- ed hy Mr. \Vigglcsworth. in the other Ing -eh. ii il house on the North Ridge, or "Steh- bins" district. During snhsei|iient \ ears Sunday schools at \Vitmclka. < ileiicoe. Kocklan-1 I Lake I'.luff), Drerlield. anil l!ov\m:mville were Irihutary to this church. January I, 1855, the first huililing of (iarrett I>ihlical Institute later called Dempster Hall was completed, and the preaching services were transferred from the school house to the Institute Chapel, the Sunday school remaining in the old location. Professor 1'. \Y. \Vright, of the Institute, was appointed preacher in charue. About May i. isj?. the preach- ing services and the Sunday school were transferred to the upper story of a build- ing erected ami owned hy Mr. Judsoii. at the corner of Davis Street and Orrington Avenue. In November of that year 118551. the University building was Kpened at the corner of Davis Street and I tinman Avenue, and all services were transferred from the Jiulson Building to the University Chapel. In September of the same year. Rev. John Sinclair, the former Presiding Klder. was appoint- ed preacher in charge. In the sum- mer of 1X5(1. the first church huil 1- ing was erected at a cost of 82,800. at the northeast corner of Church Street ami < Irrington Avenue ami dedicated July jjtli. by Kt-v. John Dempster, D. D.. assisted by \\ . I). Godmau and Rev. John Sin- clair. A. L. Cooper succeeded John Sin- clair a> pastor in October. 1859. In the quarterly conference records of that year, the committee appointed to estimate tlu- table expenses of the pastor reported that he should be allowed 8400 for such pur- po-e. which, with his disciplinary allow- ance of Sjix). made S'xio. the society fur- ui>hing him a house in addition. < i. M. lluntoon was appointed a committee to collect unpaid subscriptions!, ami was in- structed to present -'those who. in his judgment, could but would not pay the same, to the preacher in charge bv way of complaint for trial. In the autumn of 1858. Rev. Charles P. Jiragdon was ap- pointed pa-tor, am! after filling his full term 'of two years' service died in Ev- anston on January 8. iSfn. The records of the Official Roard dur- ing these pastorates furnish us some in- teresting glimpses of old fashioned Meth- odism. Cases of delinquency in attend- ance upon class-meeting were reported LIBHAM 0! I HE UUIVtl.6llT OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 343 and discussed, and committees were ap- pointed to labor with the delinquents and report at the next meeting. Commit- tees were appointed to investigate, adjust if possible and report upon cases of disagree- ment between members of the church, also to investigate and report upon cases of ques- tionable financial dealings on the part of certain members, all of which reports were set out in full in the records. The committee appointed to investigate the affairs of Brother B., in connection with the failure of the banking firm of which he was a member, reported that there ap- peared no just cause of complaint against him. Brother and Sister S. were tried and expelled from the church for breach of rules in not attending class meeting. Dr. \V. was tried and sentenced to be ad- monished by the pastor for buying, through a third party, a judgment against himself, thereby depriving his creditor of part of his just due. Sister T. and Broth- er \V., two of the younger members of the church, were deemed disorderly in having engaged in dancing at a picnic "on or about" the 4th of July, and were called upon to acknowledge their fault and do so no more. Probation- ers were dropped in blocks, for neglecting class-meeting, some of (hem being rein- stated again and again. The Board resolved that they would sustain the preacher in charge in strictly enforcing the disciplinary requirement, that members should attend class, and instructed the secretary to read the reso- lutions in the public congregation on the following Sabbath. The class leaders of those days were : L. Clifford, J. W. Clough, A. C. Stewart, A. Vane, William Triggs, F. H. Benson, John Fussey, G. W. Reynolds, I Smith, P. Jud- son, S. Springer, and H. S. Noyes. In 1860 Rev. R. K. Bibbins was ap- pointed pastor and remained one year, being succeeded by Rev. J. R. Goodrich. In 1862, Rev. O. H. Tiffany. D. D., came to the pastorate, widely known as one of the finest orators that the Methodist Episcopal Church has known. During his pastorate the church building was en- larged, so that it assumed the form of a Greek cross. In the autumn of 1864, Rev. Miner Ray- mond, D. D., Professor of Systematic Theology in the Garrett Biblical Insti- tute, was appointed pastor. He served the church ably for three years and was succeeded by Rev. \V. C. Dandy, D. D., in October, 1867. Plans were discussed for a new church, and committees ap- pointed for that purpose. Much discus- sion and difference of opinion were en- countered in determining the location of the new edifice. It was not until Octo- ber, 1869, that they settled on. the corner of Hinman Avenue and Church Street, a site donated by the Northwestern Uni- versity, adjoining the lot on which the par- sonage had been built four years before. Dr. Dandy was made Presiding Elder in 1869, and Rev. James Baume was appointed pastor of the church. The corner-stone of the new edifice was laid with appropriate ceremonies, July 4. 1870. The lecture room was dedi- cated September 24, 1871, when a sub- scription of $20,597 was raised to cover the cost of the building in excess of pre- vious subscriptions up to that point. The value of these subscriptions was much af- fected by the Chicago fire, in October of that year, which postponed the day of liquidation. In October, 1872, Rev. M. C. Briggs, D. D., was transferred to Ev- anston from Cincinnati. During his pas- torate the church was finished and dedi- cated at a cost of $63.837.73, and a large organ provided at a cost of $4,500. 344 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY In December, 1875, Rev. J. B. Went- worth, D. D., was transferred from New York and stationed at the First Church, Evanston. He is described as an intellec- tual giant and a great theologian who often preached over the heads of his con- gregation. During his pastorate the la.- dies of the church, under the leadership of Airs. E. E. Marcey and Mrs. Jane Peek, began a systematic collection of funds, which resulted in reducing the debt fully $8,000. Rev. R. M. Hatfield, D. D., was ap- pointed pastor in 1877, and served the full time allowed by the laws of the church. In October, 1880, Rev. Amos W. Patten succeeded to the pastorate, re- maining three years. During his admin- istration, and largely by his efforts, the last of the building debt was provided for by subscription, on September 23, 1882, when at a banquet in the church parlors arranged by the trustees, $14,200 was subscribed for the payment of the funded debt. By subsequent solicitation this was increased to $18,000, and, on September f\ 1884, the final payment of the funded debt was made, and the mort- gage on the church property released. The period of the building of the new church and the payment of the building debt was one of great activity on the part of the trustees. Those who served as trus- tees and bore the grievous burdens of the office during those days were : Elected in 1868 -L. P. Hamline, W. H. Lunt, D. P. Kidder. E. Haskin, L. J. Gage. A. J. Brown. O. Muse, E. Russell; 1869 E. A. Gage. W. T Woodson, J. S. Kirk, J. L. Bev- eridge, O. Marcy: 1K70 E. O. Haven. S. A. Matteson; 1873 W. B. Phillips, I. R. Hitt, N. S. Davis. A. I!. Jackson; 1870 W. C. Wilson, H. V. Smith, M. C. Bragdon. J. D. Easter; 1H78 Chas. Munstin. Win. Ueering; 1HM T. H. Traver. E. S. Taylor. Trustees elected since 1SS4 have been: 18S6 O. E. Haven, G. M. Sargent. W. H. Jones, D. Bonbright, H. R. Wilson. C. B. Congdon; 1888 H. H. Gage; 1892 P. R. Shumway; 1900 W. H. Whitehead; 1901 W. G. Hoag, I. G. Hatcher; 1903 E. P. Clapp. Rev. Lewis Curts succeeded Dr. Pat- ten in October, 1883. One year later. South Evanston was put on a circuit sys- tem with the First Church, and Dr. Ridgaway and Dr. Terry were associat- ed with him in the pastorate. In October, 1885, Dr. Ridgaway was appointed acting pastor and. assisted by Dr. Bennett, served until the following March, when Rev. S. F. Jones, D. D., was appointed pastor, being succeeded in October, 1890, by Rev. W. S. Stiulley. D. D. Dr. Sttidley died at Evanston. February 27, 1893. During his pastorate the conference collections reached the highest point to which they have attained in the history of the Church. After the death of Dr. Studley and until the annual conference in October following. Dr. Chas. J. Little, President of Garrett Bib- lical Institute, was acting pastor. During that summer the parsonage was recon- structed at a cost of about $4,500, and fif- teen hundred dollars was spent in refur- nishing. In October, 1893, Rev. Frank M. Bristol, D. D., was appointed pastor, and remained nearly five years until the spring of 1898, when on his departure for Washington, D. C., Dr. Little again assumed the duties of acting pastor. Dur- ing that summer the church was redecor- ated and refurnished and the parsonage partly refurnished, at a cost of $6,000. In September, 1898. Rev. William Maca- fee, D. D., came to the pastorate and re- mained five years. In January, 1901, the organ built by the Austin Organ Com- pany at a cost of $12,500, was completed and in ( )ctober of that year the Annual Conference met a second time in Evanston, the first time being in Dr. Jones' pastorate. In closing his pastorate in October. 1903, Dr. Macafee reported to the Annual Confer- ence benevolent contributions amounting to HISTORY OF EVANSTON 345 over $19.000, which, with the expenses of the church, made a total of over $31,000 for the year. In October. 1903, Rev. Dr. T. P. Frost was appointed pastor, which pastorate continues at this writing to the great sat- isfaction of his people. The following is a complete list of the Sunday School Superintendents of the First Church since 1855 : Elected IKK I860 I860 1H61 1861 1862 Iry-i 1864 1855 1866 1866 1867 1872 1877 11*0 1892 1KM IBM law 1197 IK'.I 190U 1902 1904 The following is a complete list of per- sons who have served the First Church as Stewards the date given being that of first election : 1S7-.4 A. Danks, J. B. Colvin, J. L. Bever- idjje: 1S.J5 H. S. Noyes; 1S56 G. W. Rey- nolds. G. M. Huntoon; is.is J. \V. Ludlam, f. C. Hoag. Geo. K. Foster. Hiram Clark i Xorthtield circuit); is.vi \V. T. \Voodson, G. II. Bliss, \V. P. Jones. Jr.; I860 John Superintendent Assistant Supt. J. L. Bevpridpe F. H. Benson T. C. Hnag P. Juctoon 0. 11. Huntonn H. S. Noyes O. M. Huntoon B. T. Vincent O. H. Huntoon B. T. Vincent J. L. Beverlrtge F. D. Hemenway J. L. llfi ! Lice J. L. 1 :.>.-]:.!-- U. L. Stewart W. Taplin U. H. Huntoon W. Taplin W. A. Spencer W. Taplin A. C. Lynn E. S. Taylor O. E. Strowbridge H. B. Uurd t*. E. Strowbildge K. S. Taylor A. L. Sewell W. A. Spencer V. E. Clifford L. J. Gage P. B. Shumway K. S. Taylor P. B. Shumway K'lward Eggleaton L. U. Bugbe* Kdward EggleRton L. J. Gage Edward Egpleeton W. T. Shepherd W. T. Shepherd L. O. Gage W. T. Shepherd W. M. Wyrkoff W. T. Shepherd Mrs. Gllleeple .1. K. Miller W. T. Shepherd J. E. Miller W. M. Wyckoft J. E. Miller J. J. Crist H. F. Flak \Vai. Deerlng H. F. Flsk F. D Raymond F. P. Crandon F. D. Raymond F. P. Crandon T. H. Traver F. P. Crandon H. H. C. Miller C. B. Conirdon C. B. Atwell C. M. Stuart G. A. Coe C. M. Staart C. B. Coiigdon B D Caldwell R. H. Johnston W. E. O'Kane J. A. BurhfttiB L. O. WeMtrate '. M. Stuart T. F. lioh/aie I". S. Giant W. H. Dunham A. L. Lindaey W. H. Dunham Evans, William Gamble, E. Haskin; 1X62 J. A. Pearsons. J. F. Willard, A. C. Lang- worthy; 1863 H. B. Hurd. A. Vane. O. Mar- cy; 1867 A. J. Brown, L. J. Gage. W. H. l.unt v A. J. Hanchette. A. L. isewell; 1K6H L. P. Hamline; 1STO O. Huse; 1871 E. New- man; 1872 A. B. Jackson, I. R. Hitt. S. P. Lunt. \V. M. Wyckoff, H. A. Pearsons; !>;:! E. A. Clifford; 1S74 R. Baird; 1S75 Win. Deering. J. E. Miller; 1S7C J. J. Parkhifst, 1.. C. Pitner, J. H. Raymond; 1877 S. Fa.-well, H. S. Carhart. C. E. Wiswall; 1S78 F. D. Raymond. H. H. C. Miller; 18SO D. R. Dyche; 1881 O. E. Haven; 1883 F. P. Cran- don; 1884 W. H. Whitehead, N. W. Har.is, L. C. Tallmadge, E. S. Weeden ; 1SS5 R. B. McMnllen; lss(^M. H. Bass. F. A. Fletcher; 1S87 G. G. Calkins; 1888 G. A. Foster; 189(1 J. F. Ward: isui A. L. Butler. I. Bailey; 189.-1 \V. A. Dyche; 1894 R. R. McCabe, B. D. Caldwell; Is'.i:, T. M. Hubbard. W. M. Scott. J. R. Fitch; 1K9G J. C. Shaffer: 1899 B. F. Crawford; 1 C. N. Stevens. A. F. Townsend; 1901 W. J. Morphy; 1903 R. E. Barrett. H. 1!. Prentice. Central Street M. E. Church. At the quarterly conference of the First Metho- dist Episcopal Church, held August 9, 1870, a resolution was adopted approving of the setting off of North Evanston as a separate charge. Pursuant to this action Mr. and Mrs. D. \V. Warren and Mr. John Culver took their letters of member- ship from the First Church, and, with Rev. E. G. W. Hall, a local preacher, set about the organization of the second Methodist Episcopal society in Evanston. Others joined them, and the society was organized on the sixth day of September of that year. The first official members were : John Culver. A. C. Fulton, D. W. \Yarren, A. F. Kleise, John Picket and Joseph McCallum. John Culver was Sunday School Superintendent and class- leader. Soon after the organization steps were taken to secure a site for the erec- tion of a building in which to hold service. Mr. Culver donated a lot on West Rail- road Avenue near Lincoln Street. Rev. D. P. Kidder encouraged the enterprise l;y a very liberal contribution. Further pledges being secured of sufficient amount to warrant the commencement 346 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY of building operations, the rear part of the church building was finished and oc- cupied for some months. The completed edifice was dedicated August 1 1, 1872, the property being then valued at $2,500. The society worshiped in this building until 1891, when the property was sold for $1,100, and the lot at the corner of Central Street and Prairie Avenue was purchased for $1,600. Upon this lot a new building was erected at a cost of nearly $5,000, and dedicated December 13, 1891. The improvements added since have increased the value of the property to about $8,000. The following is a list of the pastors of this church: E. G. W. Hall Sept., 1870 Wm. Craven Mar., 1871 Samuel Paine Sept., 1873 J. J. Tobias Oct., 1875 Wm. Daws T. Van Scoy Oct., 1876 "R. J. Hobbs { to C. E. Lambert Nov., 1879 V. F. Brown A. H. Kistler Nov., 1879 W. F. Stewart Oct., 1880 C. H. Zimmerman Oct., 1882 J. H. Ailing Oct., 1883 J. E. Farmer Sept., 1884 E. H. Brumbaugh Oct., 1886 C. S. Dudley April, 1889 H. W. Waltz Mar., 1892 A. S. Haskins June, 1893 G. P. Sturges Oct., 1898 R. H. Pate Oct., 1900 E. G. Schultz Oct., 1902 Norwegian-Danish M. E. Church. Organized Christian work among the Scandinavians in Evanston began in the year 1870, when Karl Schou, a native of Denmark and a student in the University, gathered around him a group of friends for Bible study, meeting on Sunday after- noons in the Benson Avenue school house. From the membership of this Bible class a Methodist class was organ- ized, which formed the nucleus of a church. The number of class members increased, and preachers from Chicago visited them. At the Annual Conference held in Milwaukee, October 9, 1871, Bishop Simpson appointed Brother Schou pastor of this church. He was also the first appointed teacher of a class of young men preparing for the ministry, and lead- er of one of the two classes into which the church was divided, Oliver Hansen being leader of the other. The member- ship of the church at this time numbered thirty-three. In the year 1872 the frame building va- cated by the First M. E. Church was pur- chased and moved to the lot on the south side of Church Street between Orrington and Sherman Avenues, the lot being leased from the University. The build- ing was repaired, and a parsonage added ; the whole at a cost of $7,800, part of which remained as a debt. In February, 1873, Brother Schou left Evanston to take up the work assigned to him as Superin- tendent of the Mission in Denmark. Rev. C. Willerup, the former Superintendent of the Mission in Denmark, succeeded Brother Schou as pastor of this church until the next conference, when B. Johan- nessen was appointed pastor. In Octo- ber, 1874, the Swedish members of the society, desiring services in their own lan- guage, withdrew and organized a society of their own. In October, 1876, M. Nilsen was ap- pointed to supply this church ; but his work was of brief duration. Before the close of the conference year he withdrew from the work, and sometime aTterward connected himself with the Lutheran HISTORY OF EVANSTON 347 church, with whose doctrines he was more in accord. Otto Sanaker, a student, acted as pastor during the remainder of the conference year. At the next con- ference C. F. Eltzholtz was appointed to the Second church in Chicago and Evan- ston. In 1878, Chr. Treider was appoint- ed editor of Den CkrilteKgt TaJsinand and pastor of the church in Evanston. At this time the membership of the church numbered thirty-nine in full connection and three on probation. In October, 1879. Mr. Willerup was ap- pointed pastor and remained one year. From October, 1880, until September, 1884, A. Haagensen was pastor of the church, and also at the same time editor of the church paper before named. B. Smith was pastor in 1884 and 1885. In November, 1885, X. E. Simonsen, being transferred from the Norway Con- ference, took up the work as pastor in connection with his work as President of the Norwegian-Danish Theological Sem- inary; but the Annual Conference, rec- ognizing that his work as teacher de- manded his entire attention, appointed M. Rye, a student, as pastor in 1886. Bro. Rye did faithful work for about a year and a half, when failing health compelled him to retire. He died in Utah in 1888. E. M. Stangland, a student in Garrett Biblical Institute, took up the work dur- ing the conference year 1888-1889. His report to the annual conference showed fifty-seven persons in full connection and four on probation. G. Anderson received his appointment as pastor in September, 1889; the following February he was transferred to San Francisco, Cal. Chr. Arndt, a student in the Norwegian-Dan- ish Theological School, then became pas- tor for sixteen months, when he was suc- ceeded by H. P. Berg, assistant teacher in the theological school, who served two years. During Bro. Berg's pastorate the church lot on Clark Street was bought. A. Anderson, a student in the Norwegian- Danish Theological School, followed Bro. Berg, and was pastor two years. In 1895 Paul Haugan was appointed pastor. At this time the membership numbered eighty-eight in full connection and eleven on probation. Of seventeen pastors up to this time four were teach- ers in the theological school, two were editors of Den Christcligc TalsinanJ, and six were students in the educational institutions in Evanston. Such combina- tions of duties were necessary in view of the fact that there are not many Norwe- gians and Danes in Evanston, and the congregation has never been large. Dur- ing Bro. Haugan's pastorate the present church building on Clark Street was erected. He both made the plans for the building and superintended the erection. In 1897 Gustav Mathesen became pas- tor and served until 1901, when he was succeeded by Charles J. Johnson, the present pastor. Swedish M. E. Church. The society organized in the year 1872, of which Karl Schou, a Dane, was appointed the first pastor now the Norwegian-Danish M. E. Church was styled the Scandinavian Methodist Episcopal Church in Evanston. Although the Swedes were in the majori- ty, the new society was soon connected with the Norwegian-Danish work ; and the request of the Swedish members to have occasional meetings conducted in their language being denied them, they withdrew and formed a separate society. Meetings were first held in Ladd's Hall, where quite a revival followed. Later the society worshiped in Union Hall, where, on October 17, 1874, the church was for- mally organized, J. B. Anderson act- ing as chairman and Charles J. \Vigren 348 EYAXSTON CHURCH HISTORY as secretary of the meeting. The five Trustees elected were: Charles J. \\ig- ren, L. O. Lawson, A. B. Johnson, John A. Oberg, and Otto Johnson. The first quarterly conference was held the same evening, presided over by Rev. A. J. An- derson, of Chicago, and J. B. Anderson, a theological student, was appointed the first pastor. The following year O. J. Stead, also a theological student, was ap- pointed pastor. During his time the church building on the corner of Grove Street and Sherman Avenue was erected, and dedicated on the nth of June, 1876. The cost of the building was $5,000. Later a parsonage was built and the en- tire property of the church freed from debt. The following is the complete list of pastors: J. B. Anderson, 1874-75; O. J. Stead. 1875-76; Wm. Henchen, 1876-77: Fr. Ahgren. 1877-78; James T. Wigren, 1878-79; S. B. Newman, 1879-82; John Lundgren, 1882-83; Albert Ericson, 1883- 86: X. O. Westergreen. 1886-90: Alfred Anderson, 1890-91 ; Richard Cederberg, 1891-94; O. F. Lindstrum. 1894; Jas. T. Wigren, September, .1899; John \V. Swen- son, September, 1903. The present trustees are : Frida Han- son, Hanna Barck, Carl Anderson, Leon- ard Gustafson, J. A. Holmgren, Tina Carlson and Mary Nelson. J. A. Holm- gren is Superintendent of the Sunday school and Ernest Johnson is President of the Epworth League. Hemenway M. E. Church. The Meth- odist church in South Evanston had its inception in the spring of 1872. Lots for a site of a church building were secured at the northwest corner of Lincoln Ave- nue (now Main Street) and Benson Ave- nue. Regular services were held several months in a small school house on Ridge Avenue just south of Lincoln. The per- manent organization of the church was effected Thursday evening, July 17, 1873, and ground was broken for the first church building Tuesday, July 22nd. The corner-stone was laid Monday, August nth, the religious ceremonies having taken place the previous Sunday. The church was dedicated Sunday, November 9, 1873, only the basement being finished. About ten years later, on Wednesday, May 9, 1883, this building was complete- ly demolished by a cyclone. The society rallied at once, began rebuilding, wor- shiping in the meantime in Ducat's hall. The second church edifice was dedicated Sunday, November 1 1, 1883. This struc- ture was destroyed by fire early on the morning of Saturday, January 23, 1886. Worship was resumed in Ducat's hall. A new location on the east side of Chicago Avenue a little north of Lincoln (now Main Street) was decided upon, March 20, 1886. A lot one hundred and fifty feet front, and containing a house suitable for a parsonage, was purchased. Ground was broken for the new church edifice Satur- day, August 28, 1886. The corner-stone was laid October gth, the formal cere- monies occurring Sunday, October loth. About this time it was decided to call the church "Hemenway M. E. Church,'' in honor or Rev. Francis Dana Hemenway, D. D., Professor in Garrett Biblical Insti- tute, and a former pastor of the church. The new church edifice, a substantial building of red pressed brick with white stone foundations and trimmings, was dedicated Sunday, December 25, 1887, Rev. T. P. Marsh being the pastor. The program of dedication week, beginning on the previous Sunday, is interesting as showing the names of the men active in the Methodist churches about Chicago and Evanston at that time. On the first Sunday there was preaching in the morn- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 349 ing by Rev. R. M. Hatfield, D. D., and in the afternoon by Rev. Frank M. Bristol, with a platform meeting in the evening presided over by Charles B. Congdon, Esq., and addressed by Judge O. H. Hor- ton, J. B. Hobbs, F. P. Crandon, and H. S. Towle. There was preaching on sub- sequent evenings of the week by C. E. Mandeville, H. \V. Bolton. H. G. Jack- son, and S. F. Jones, with another plat- form meeting on Friday evening presided over by Rev. L. Curts and addressed by Rev. William Smith, pastor of the Pres- byterian church. Rev. D. S. Smith, rector of the Episcopal church and former pas- tors Burns and Zimmerman. On Sunday, "the great day of the feast," Doctor Ridg- away preached in the morning. Rev. B. I. Ives in the afternoon and Miss Frances E. Willard delivered an address in the evening. Others taking part in the exer- cises of the week were Drs. Stowe, Bor- ing, Edwards, Jutkins and Rev. C. M. Stuart. At the time of dedication the Trustees were: Thomas Purnell, Presi- dent: John W. Byam, Wesley L. Knox, W. H. Blake, M. D. Ewell, W. G. Miller, Edwin Benjamin. The stewards were Thomas Purnell, E. Benjamin, J. E. Hathaway, James H. Thomas, Thomas Blackler, J. Milhenning. F. W. Brown, James VVigginton. Charles O. Boring was Sunday School Superintendent. The following is the complete list of pastors who have served this church : A. G. Button Jan. Sept. 1873 W. H. Burns Sept. 1873 Oct. 1874 W. X. Ninde (supply) Oct. 1874 Oct. 1876 J. C. R. Layton (supply) Oct. 1876 Apr. 1877 C. H. Zimmerman (supply) June Sept. 1877 F. D. Hemenway (supply) Oct. 1878 Oct. 1881 S. H. Adams Oct. 1881 Oct. 1882 I. Lineliarger Oct. 1882 Oct. 1884 H. B. Ridgaway J L. Curts J (supply) Oct. 1884 Oct. 1885 M. S. Terry T. P. Marsh Oct. 1885 Oct. 1888 W. H. Holmes Oct. 1888 Oct. 1803 W. E. Wilkinson Oct. 1893 Oct. 1807 O. F. Mattison Oct. 1897 Oct. 1903 R. B. Kester Oct. 1903 Wheadon M. E. Church. In February, 1887. Rev. Edward D. Wheadon formed a class which, for a time, met in the homes of the members in the neighborhood of Wesley Avenue, and north of Emerson Street. Later a tent was pitched on Fos- ter Street, and preaching services held in it. In 1888 a hall was secured on (West) Foster Street : a church was organized by Rev. Dr. Luke Hitchcock, Presiding Elder of the Chicago District, and "Fa- ther" Wheadon was appointed the first pastor. The first Trustees were: E. D. Wheadon, Adam Tail, John Owens and John Culver. In 1889, Rev. E. G. Lewis was appointed pastor; and a lot 120 feet by 192 feet was secured on the corner of Ridge Avenue and Leon Street. It is recorded that the enterprise was kindly encouraged by Rev. S. F. Jones, pastor of the First Church, and by William Deering, Frank P. Crandon. John B. Kirk, and James H. Raymond. L'nder the pas- torate of Rev. F. G. lioylan. a chapel was built on the property costing $1,750, which was dedicated in February, 1890, Rev. H. D. Kimball. Dr. Hitchcock. Dr. Jones and Dr. Ridgaway taking part in the dedication. The chapel was built on the rear part of the lot facing north on Leon Street. In 1903 it was turned around to face Ridge Avenue, and much improved at a cost of about $3.500. Up to 1902 over 500 persons had united with the church by letter or on probation, the average resident membership being 100, the average congregation about 130, and the average membership of the Sunday school about 150. The following is a complete list of pas- tors, with dates of entrance upon their pastorates: E. D. Wheadon, April, 1888; E. G. Lewis. May, 1889; F. G. Boylan, October. 1889: J. B. Lucas. October. 1890; R. H. Wilkinson. October 1891: 350 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY John Lee. October, 1894; R. H. Wilkin- son, October, 1896; J. R. Smith, October, 1898; W. T. Euster, October 1900; W. C. Reuter, July 1901 ; M. L. Xorris, October, 1903. The present officials of the church are : Trustees William Campbell, R. H. Bald- win, J. W. Travis, F. Flood, A. B. Cros- by, C. J. Tisdel, W. A. Dyche ; Stewards Charles Beck, A. C. Pearson, Charles Rose, George Fellingham, G. F. Stark- weather, Joseph Justice, J. P. Sloan, Miss Cora Marsh, Mrs. F. M. Crosby, Mrs. H. L. Lincoln ; Sunday School Superintend- ent G. F. Starkweather; President Ep- worth League Stanley Ward ; President Junior Epworth League Miss Myrtle English. Emmanuel M. E. Church. March 10, 1889, a Sabbath School was organized in the High School building, west of the rail- road track. Charles O. Boring was Sup- erintendent, S. A. Kean, Assistant Super- intendent, and Charles G. Haskins was secretary and treasurer. This school was under the control of the First Church. At the quarterly conference of the First M. E. Church, held November 25, 1889, Rev. Dr. S. F. Jones being pastor, the following resolution was offered by C. O. Boring and unanimously adopted: "Whereas, it is the sense of this quarter- ly conference that the time has come to arrange for the purchase of a lot, looking toward the ultimate erection of a church on the west side of Evanston ; and, "Whereas, a committee was recently ap- 'pointed, at a meeting of gentlemen living on the west side, for the purpose : "Be It Resolved, that this quarterly con- ference appoint a committee to cooperate with said committee in the selection of a lot south of Davis Street, and that the lot so selected may then be purchased with the full consent of this quarterly conference." The chairman, Dr. Jones, appointed as such committee, C. O. Boring, William Deering, D. R. Dyche, C. B. Congdon and R. B. McMullen. At the quarterly conference, held Sep- tember 22, 1890, the committee reported that a lot had been purchased at the cor- ner of Greenwood Boulevard and Oak Avenue, and the report was accepted. A communication was received from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Emmanuel M. E. Church, stating the facts of the organization of that church, as follows: On the evening of June 9, 1890, a meeting was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Haskin, 203 Maple Avenue. There were present : Hon. Harvey B. Hurd, Dr. S. F. Jones (pastor of the First Church), Mr. Wil- liam H. Jones, Mr. Charles O. Boring, Mr. David B. Dewey, Mr. David R. Dyche, Mr. Frank P. Crandon, Mr. Hen- ry H. Gage and Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Haskin. Dr. Jones, the pastor, stated that he had nominated, and Presiding Elder Truesdell had approved, the following gentlemen for Trustees of the new church: H. B. Hurd, \V. H. Jones, D. B. Dewey, J. B. Kirk, J. J. Shutterly, H. H. Gage, F. P. Crandon, D. R. Dyche and C. G. Haskin. The meeting was organized by the elec- tion of H. B. Hurd, Chairman, and C. G. Haskin, Secretary ; the name of the church was declared to be Emmanuel Methodist Episcopal Church of Evans- ton the persons above named were elect- ed the first Board of Trustees; and the secretary was directed to file a certificate of organization in the Recorder's office of Cook County. At a regular meeting of ^x>^ LYAXSTOX C1ICRCI1 HISTORY John Lee. October. iSiq; R. II. Wilkin- son. October, iSijO: J. R. Smith. October. iSiiS: \\'. T. luistcr. October KIGO: W. C. Renter. July MAM : M. L. Xurris. October, "it'.v Tin.- present officials <<{ the church are: Trustee- \\ illiani Campbell. R. 1 1. I'.ald- xvin. J. W. Travis. !'. Flood. A. 1!. Cros- by. C. J. Tisdel. \\ . A. Dychc: Stewards Charles licck. A. C. IV-arson. Charles Ro-e. i ici >rgc Fcllingham. < i. !'. Stark- xveatlRr. Jo-c-ph Justice. J. I'. Sloan. Miss Cnra Marsh. Mrs. F. M. Crosby, Mrs. n. L. l.inci'ln: Sunday School Superintend- t-ni i 1. ! ; . Starkweather: 1'resiilent Ep- uortli League Stanley Ward: President Junior F.pu'irth League Mi-s Myrtle English. Emmanuel M. E. Church. March 10. iSSii. a Salidath School \va- organi/ed in the High School building, west of the rail- road track. Charle- ( ). 1 Soring was Snji- erinteiident. S. A. Keau. Ai-tant Super- iiiTeiidenl. and I harle- ' i. I la-kin- \\a- -ecretarx and trea-urcr. Thi- school xvas .iiider the control of the First Church. At the c|iiarterly conference of the First M. I'.. Church, held Xovcmln-r 25. 1889. i\ev. Mr. S. I". Jones IK-JIIL; pa-tor, the folloxvinjL; resolution was offered liy C. O. I'.orin^; and unanimou-1 v adopteil : "\\hereas. it i> tlu- scn-c of this i|iiarter- ly conference that the time has come to j.rran^'e for the purchase of a lot. looking toward tin 1 ultimate erection of a church on the ue-t -ide of F.vanston : and. "\\~l.erea-. a committee \\a- recently ap- | ointi-d. at a meeting of gentlemen lixing on the we-t -ide. for the piirpo-e: "I'e It ke-olved. that tin- ijuarterlx con- ference appoint a committee to cooperate \vith -aid committee in the -election of a lot -outh of !)a\is Street, and that the lot >o -elected mav then lie purchased with the full o attended to the main work, the ladies to the fur- nishing and the pastor to the bell, that the house was verv complete; the spire being finished, the entire tloi.>r carpeted and the seats cushioned. It was a beau- tiful day -- this Sabbath, the Jlst of Xo- vember. 1875. A large congregation a-- sembled. morning, afternoon and evening. Dr. Inverts preached in the morning. The afternoon service was a children's service. H. (.'. Tillinghast. the Mipcrintcndent, having charge. Other schools of the vil- lage were represented. Rev. Mr. Pack- ard, of the C'ongregationalist Church : Rev. Dr. Xoycs, of the Presbyterian, and Prof. llcmenua). of the Methodist, ga\e addresses. Col. [-'airman, the artist, made the closing speech. Dr. Xorthrop. PfVsiilvnt ol ihe Chicago P>apti>t Theo- logical Seminary, preached in the even- ing. The subscriptions this day amounted to Sl4. II. C. Tillinghast: "\Ve find that, in addition to the usual cares incident to the position as Treas- urer and Chairman of the P.uilding Com- mittee, rather than see the work stop, he has loaned his own individual credit, giv- ing hi- notes, endorsing subscription rotes to nrike them negotiable, advancing money when the funds of the church were low. and at the present time, the church is indebted to him over $1.41x1. \\ e owe I'rother Tillinghast a lasting debt of grat- itude and that some acknowledgment of these ser\ices be placed on record." Record is made July 4. 1876, that tin- new bell was consecrated to patriotic ser- vice by being rung thirty minutes at sun- rise, noon and sun-et. Ivy was also planted at the south of the spire. The church contributed to the new Moody movement in Chicago. Thursday. Xo- vcmber 7. a unanimous call was extended to 15. A. Greene, D. D., of Lynn, Massachusetts, at a salary of $3,000. The church had not heard him preach, neither had he known the church : but the call was given on the strength of reports gained from many sources as to his fit- ness for the place. J. \V. Thompson and J. S. Dickerson were selected to confer \\ith the man of their choice. Dr. Greene accepted and began work March 2, 1897. The last nine years have been prosperous anil harmonious. There have been 290 additions. The finances have been gener- ously cared for. In addition to pew rentals, and to provide beforehand against deficiency, it is a custom to secure pledges at some selected morning service. Annual expenses amount to about $7,000 ; be- nevolences, about $3.000. The church has adopted as its own the Delano Mission, corner of Maple Avenue and Foster Street. The following is a list of officers at the present time (1906): Pastor B. A. Greene, D. D. ; Deacons James E. Low, J. S. Dickerson. Peter Lemoi, L. K. Gillson, W. G. Sherer, A. M. X.immerman, A. E. \Y right, Rev. M. Bar- ker ; Trustees J. E. Scott, J. \Y. Low, H. G. Grey. Dr. D. J. Harris. J. H. Mac- ' Gregor. L. R. Wing, J. F. Piersen : Treas- urer E. R. Gilmore ; Clerk X. L. Stow: Uible School Officers L. A. Trowbridge, Superintendent : \\"m. Hanchett. Associate Superintendent : Fred Richards. Secretary ; J. Q. Adams. Treasurer: Women's Socie- tiesMrs H. W. Tate. President of Wo- man's Aid and Home Mission Department ; Mrs. W. P. F'arker, President of Foreign Mission Department : Mrs L K. Gillson, President of Home Missions; Young Peo- ple's Society (B. Y. P. U.) Mr. S. S. Crippcn. President : Harold Hanchett, Yice- 1 'resident: Miss Mabel Piersen, Secretary; Miss Helen Talbot, Treasurer. PRESBYTERIANISM IX EYAXSTON (By KKV. JOHN H. BOVD. D. D.) The City of Evanston is the offspring of a Methodist University, and very nat- urally, the first church organized was the noble First Methodist Church, who is the mother of us all. In the days of small population and primitive simplicity the religious life of the village was nurtured solely by her ; but as the community grew, the uniformity which marks the early stages of every infant society passed, and little groups of kindred faith and spirit drew off, one by one, to organize separate churches; the Baptists in 1858 and the Episcopalians in 1864. First Presbyterian Church. In July. i86/>, the Rev. James B. Duncan, of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, came to Evanston upon invitation, with a view to establishing a Presbyterian Church, but after a canvass of the field a union church alone was deemed possible of success. Accordingly, on the first of August a small company of Congregationalists and Pres- byterians united in forming an inde- pendent church. The ministry of Mr. Duncan continued over a period of about two years. The Northwestern University, continuing the generosity shown to all previously organized societies, presented this new church with a lot situated on the northwest corner of Hinman Avenue and Greenwood Boulevard, where the Green- wood Inn now stands. This lot was afterwards exchanged for one at the cor- ner of Lake "Avenue" and Chicago Ave- nue, and the church thereafter was known as the "Lake Avenue Church." Upon this HISTORY OF EVANSTON site was erected a simple wooden struc- ture, without lecture or Sunday School room, with about 250 sittings. At the end of two years, after a most harmonious and profitable association, each of the ele- ments constituting this society felt strong enough to separate and organize churches of their own order. The Presbyterians purchased the interest of the Congrega- tionalists, and remained on the original site. By appointment of the Presbytery of Chicago the Rev. Robert \V. Patterson, D. D.. and the Rev. James T. .Matthews organized "The First Presbyterian Church of Evanston, July 27, 1868," with thirty- eight members, all except three of whom had been members of the "Lake Avenue Church." Three of these original mem- bers live today: Mrs. Frances \Yinne, Mrs. Priscilla Poole. of Evanston, and John McLean of Chicago. At its organ- ization, Brainerd Kent. George E. Pur- ington. Lewis M. Angle and A. L. \Vinne were chosen and ordained ruling elders. But one member of this original session is living today Mr. George E. Purington of Chicago. In October following the Rev. George Clement Xoyes, of LaPorte, Ind., was called to the pastorate. He began his ministry November 22. 1868. The rapid growth of the congregation made it neces- sary to enlarge the building the year after his coming. One hundred sittings were added to the auditorium and a pleasant lecture room annexed. On May 2, 1875, the building, with its entire contents, was destroyed by fire. The loss was a most serious one for the little congregation. Many men of business had been financial- ly embarrassed by the great Chicago fire, and a long 1 period of depression in busi- ness ensued, but the spirit of the people was undaunted ,and their liberality and enterprise are manifest in the fact that, at the following Christmas season, ser- vices were held in the completed lecture room. The entire building was ready for dedication July 23. 1876. The cost of this edifice with furnishings was about twenty- two thousand dollars. The ministry of Dr. Xoyes was one of remarkable fruitfulness. evidenced in a net growth of the Church from a member- ship of thirty-eight to four hundred and sixty-four nine hundred and sixty-three persons having been received into the Church during his pastorate of twenty years. The benevolences for the last five years of his ministry amounted to more than twenty-three thousand dollars, but the power of his ministry cannot be meas- ured in concrete facts, however large and significant. Dr. Xoyes. through his mas- sive and sweetly spiritual personality, be- gat a spirit and created an atmosphere in which this congregation still lives. He possessed and represented the highest style of Presbyterian Christianity. Pro- foundly serious, earnest, broad and toler- ant, believing God too great and too good to be exhausted by human definitions, and the ways of love and grace too many and too mysterious to be traced and numbered by formulas and creeds, he tolerated, he welcomed, he embraced all who loyally and lovingly clung to the Divine Master. During his long pastorate of more than twenty-one years, he represented it would be more true to say that he em- bodied in his own personality the Pres- byterianism of Evanston. making it con- spicuous and noble before the eyes of the Church and the world. For man}' years he was an editorial writer and weekly correspondent of the AVii 1 York Ei-an- Xclist. The words of "Clement" were read throughout the land as messages of wisdom. In the great' controversy be- tween the Reverend David Swing and the 362 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY Reverend Frank L. Patten, Mr. Swing chose Dr. Xoyes as his counsel, and he was so appointed by the Presbytery of Chicago. He conducted the defense with distinguished ability. For a long term of years he was Chairman of the Committee of Home Missions of the Chicago Presby- tery, the aggressiveness and efficiency of that body being in a large measure due to his splendid leadership. The ministry of Dr. Noyes was closed by his death Jan- uary 14, 1889. Miss Frances E. Willard, who knew Evanston so long and intimate- ly, writes thus of the places which this noble Presbyterian had in the life and affection of the community: "I think," says she. "no other death, unless it be that of Dr. Otis Haven, in all the years I have been an Evanstonian, ever drew forth so many expressions of sorrow, or from quarters so various, including the wide gamut that separated our municipal coun- cil from the freshman class of our Uni- versity." The Church, thus so sadly vacated, re- mained pastorless until a worthy succes- sor to Dr. Noyes was found in the Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, then pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Peoria. The congregation invited Dr. Hillis to become pastor on February 6, 1890. He accepted and entered upon his labor April 6th. The work prospered under the younger prophet as it had under the elder. He had the joy of seeing the work and Kingdom of God ever enlarging under his hand, and the congregation was happy in watching the unfolding of that power and eloquence which have placed him in a position where he addresses, through tongue and pen. an audience which may well be the admira- tion of any man who desires to reach his fellows with the message of God as lie understands it. The years of Dr. Hillis' ministry were very fruitful. The membership of the Church grew from four hundred and six- ty-four to seven hundred and twelve. Be- nevolent gifts increased to unprecedented largeness, while every branch of the work showed thorough organization and won ever enlarging successes. The traditions of the Church were all preserved and the spirit of the great soul who had preceded him and had molded the congregation was that of his own soul. In the fourth year of this pastorate the Church went through its second fire bath. On a quiet Sabbath morning, February 24, 1894, the assembling congregation, in- stead of entering the Sanctuary to wor- ship, stood by and saw it consumed by the flames. They were not, however, difficult to comfort. The loss of the building was not a serious disaster. It was rather an unlooked-for solution of a difficult prob- lem. The growth of the audience had made is necessary to consider the question of either enlarging the old building or erecting a new one. The charred timbers and ashes of the old answered the ques- tion. The congregation moved with such characteristic energy that, on the /th day of the following October, the corner-stone of the present structure was laid with ap- propriate ceremonies, and, less than a year from that date, the building stood completed and furnished, being opened for worship September I, 1895, the pastor- elect preaching the sermon. This new building is a splendid, mas- sive structure, built of Lemont limestone, with interior finishings of red oak, the roof beams of Georgia pine. It cost, com- plete with decorations and furnishings, $63,500. the organ costing $6,600 addi- tional. The main auditorium, of 75x90 feet, with a gallery in the rear, has a seat- ing capacity of about fourteen hundred. It is lighted by two great memorial win T K\ AXSTOX CHURCH HISTORY Reverend l-'rank I,. I 'alien. .Mr. Swing chose l)r. Xoyes as lii- counsel, and he wa.s so appoint ci I \>\ the Presbytery of Chicago, lie conducted the defense with distinguished ability. \'r a long term of yiars he was Chairman of tlie Committee of llonie .Missions of the Chicago I'reshy- tery. the aggressiveness ami efficiency of that body being in a large measure due to liis splendid leadership. The miuistrv of I)r. Xoyes was. closed hy his death Jan- nary 14. iSSi). .Miss l-'ranccs ]'.. \Yillanl. who knew Kvanston - . long and intimate- ly, writes thus of the places which this nohle I 'resbvterian hail in the life and affection of the community: "I think," says she. "no other death, unless it he that of Dr. ( Mis Haven, in all the years 1 have !>. en an F.vanstonian, ever drew forth so many expressions of sorrow, or from quarters so various, including the wide gamut that separated our mtmicipal coun- cil from the freshman class of our Uni- versity." The Church, thti- so sadly vacated, re- trained pastorlcss until a worthy .-ueces- sor to \)r. N'oycs was found in the Kev. Xewell Dwight llilli-. then pastor of the I-~irst I'reshyterian Church of I'eoria. The congregation invited I )r. Ilillis to become pastor mi February d. iSijo. lie accepted and entered upon liis labor April Oth. The work prospered under the yonnjjer proplu-t a- it had under the elder. I le had the joy of seeing the \\ork and Kingdom of ( ioition where he addresses, through tongue and pen. an audience which may well be the admira- tion of anv man who desires to reach his fellows with the me avte of I iod a> he understands it. The vears of I )r. Ililli^' ministrv were very fruitful. The membership of the Church grew from four hundred and six- ty-four to seven hundred and twelve. Be- nevolent gifts increased to unprecedented largeness, while every branch of the work showed thorough urbanization and won ever enlarging successes. The traditions of the Church were all preserved and the spirit of the great soul who had preceded him and had molded the congregation was that of his i iwn soul. In the fourth year of this pastorate the Church went through its second tire bath. On a quiet Sabbath morning. February 24, lS')4. the assembling congregation, in- stead of entering the Sanctuary to wor- ship, stood hy and saw it consumed by the (lames. They were not. however, difficult to comfort. The loss of the building was not a serious disaster. It was rather an nnloiiked-for solution of a difficult prob- lem. The growth of the audience had made is necessary to consider the question of either enlarging the old building or erecting a new cine. The charred timbers ami ashes of the old answered the ques- tion. The congregation moved with such characteristic energy that, on the 7th day of the following ( ictober. the corner-stone of the pre-cnt structure was laid with ap- propriate ceremonies, and. less than a year from that date, the building stood completed and furnished, being opened for worship September I. l&t*,. the pastor- elect preaching the sermon. This new building is a splendid, mas- sive structure, built of I.emont limestone. with interior finishings of red oak. the roof beams of ( ieorgia pine. It cost, com- plete with decorations and furnishings. S'>.?. 51 10. the organ Costing S'i/oo addi- tional. The main auditorium, of 75x110 feet, with a gallery in the rear, has a seat- ing capacitv of about fourteen hundred. It is lighted by two great memorial win- I ',RY Or [HE MWVH",: ; ;J i y Or ILLIWW HISTORY OF EVAXSTOX dows that on the north commemorating the Rev. Robert \Y. Patterson, D. D., who was a noble father of Chicago Presbyter- ianism, from the beginning the friend of this Church, and afterwards coming with his family to be, for many years, a mem- ber of the congregation ; that on the south dedicated to the memory of the Rev. George Clement Xoyes, D. D. It is most fitting that the worship and the work and fellowship of the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church should exist between windows sacred to the memory of these two men : for. as the fair audi- torium is lighted by the rays of the sun which fall through the rich glasses, so the life of the congregation has been, and will in the future continue to be, illuminated by the rays of the Sun of Righteousness which shine through their holy characters. During the erection of this edifice Dr. Hillis retired from the pastorate, present- ing his resignation in December, 1894, having accepted an invitation to m'nister to the Central Church CIndependent) of Chicago. On the loth of July following, a call was extended to the Rev. John H. P.oyd, D. D., then pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church of Charlotte. X. C. The call was accepted and the new pas- torate opened on the 6th day of October. 1895. Dr. Boyd still remains in the field, and under his charge the prosperity which has always characterized the organization continues. The roll of church member- ship, after careful expurgation, showed at the beginning of his pastorate six hundred and fifty-nine names. This has been increased to eight hundred and sixty- three. During the seven years past $14,- 716 have been contributed to the cause of Home Missions, and $10,618 to Foreign Missions. Other Boards and benevolences have received $25,813. while in the pay- ment of debts and self-support the con- gregation has expended $109.602, making a grand total of $160,749, or almost $23.- ooo per year. During the past seven years 219 persons have been received on profession of faith, and 449 by letter making a total of 668 additions to the membership. A notable event in the recent life of the congregation was the payment of a large debt which existed after the new church was completed. This amounted to $21,- 500. After three years this amount was reduced by $4,000, leaving $17,500 in- debtedness. On Sunday morning, April 23. 1899. after a discourse by the pastor, the congregation with enthusiastic liberal- ity swept the whole debt away, in forty minutes time contributing more than suf- ficient to pay the whole. The Church, as now organized, is a splendid piece of religious machinery, em- bracing sixteen different organizations, which engage the active co-operation of more than six hundred workers. The present session consists of twelve elders : Homer C. Hunt, who has served for more than twenty-two years : Thomas Lord, with a record of twenty years of sen-ice; Andress B. Hull, nineteen years of ser- vice; Thomas H. Linsle\ r , Adam E. Dunn. Edward B. Quinlan, Otis R. Larsen. Frank S. Shaw. Cornelius D. B. Howel! Harry B. \Yheelock, Charles C. Cox and Frank Marimon. The Board of Trustees consists of nine members: Henry J. \Vallingford. Jerome A. Smith. Philip P. I.ee, Andrew Patter- son, Adam E. Dunn. Frank \V. Gerould, J. H. Xitchie. David B. Forgan. M. Coch- rane Armour. This roll of esteemed and earnest men fully represents that greater list of officers who have served the church during the thirty-two years of its ex- istence. The splendid personnel- of the governing body and their positions of EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY leadership is the explanation of the years of unarrested prosperity and continued peace which have marked this Church. The Sunday School, with a membership of five hundred, is under the leadership of Elder H. B. Wheelock, who, with his diligent officers and teachers, has brought the work to a high state of efficiency. The school is excellently graded. Miss Laura E. Cragin is in charge of the Kinder- garten, Mrs. George H. Ludlow, the Pri- mary, and T. K. Webster, the Inter- mediate. The Superintendent conducts the main department, and Mr. Fleming H. Revell and Mr. Xewell C. Knight are leaders of Bible classes. The other minor organizations, devotional and benevolent, operate along the whole front of religious opportunity and are accomplishing large results. The enlargement of Presbyterianism in Evanston is represented in two move- ments; one resulting in the organization of the Second Church in what was then the village of South Evanston, and the second and more recent one the building of a chapel whose future is full of prom- ise. For nine years a prayer-meeting and Sunday School were sustained in a store house at 1315 Emerson Street. This was known as the Emerson Street Chapel. In the winter of 1902 the Church felt justi- fied in placing this work upon a more sub- stantial footing. A lot was bought at the corner of Emerson Street and Dewey Ave- nue. A neat little Chapel, well equipped for a neighborhood church, seating about 250, was erected. It was first occupied May 4th and was dedicated, amid the re- joicings of Children's Day, on June 8, 1902. The Second Presbyterian Church grew out the interest of the Rev. Dr. Xoyes of the First Church, in the people of the village of South Evanston. Having moved with his family to the corner of Greenleaf Street and Judson Avenue, he began to hold cottage prayer-meetings in the neighborhood. These gatherings quickened the desire of the people in that locality to have a church of their own. The growth of the movement and career of the church is here given from the pen of Mr. George W. Hotchkiss, who was from the beginning active in advancing the cause and who remains, today, to en- joy the large measure of success which has come to the effort of the earnest men and women of that congregation: Second Presbyterian Church. The Second Presbyterian Church of Evanston, located on the northeast corner of Hin- man Avenue and Main Street, originated in February, 1884, from the gathering to- gether of a few citizens of the then Village of South Evanston (now comprising the Third and Fourth Wards of the City of Evanston), to consider the spiritual needs of the village, which, with about 1,500 in- habitants, had but one church organiza- tion, that of the Methodist Episcopal de- nomination. The preliminary and several successive conferences were attended by Messrs. Charles Randolph, Gen. Julius White, A. H. Gunn, J. M. Brown. T. Winter, S. E. Norton, A. L. Winne, J. B. Lamkin, E. A. Downs, Wm. M. R. Vose and George W. Hotchkiss, and a general call was promulgated addressed to "All persons who believe that the time has arrived when an earnest effort should be made to organize either a Presbyterian or Congregational Church in South Evan- ston, and those feeling any interest in the subject are requested to assemble in Ducat's Hall on the afternoon of Sunday, February 24, 1884. at four o'clock, to con- sider the question and to inaugurate such action as will lead to the accomplishment of such an organization." HISTORY OF EVANSTON 365 At this meeting eighty-five persons were assembled, and by a practically unanimous vote, it was decided to can- vass the village and thus ascertain if financial and religious support could be re- lied upon. This resulted in a report to a meeting, held March gth. that the move- ment could rely upon the approval and support of two hundred and three adults, while one hundred and two children and youth had been found who would gladly attend the Sabbath School, and the Com- mittee recommended that immediate steps be taken toward permanent organization and the securing of subscriptions for a building fund. At a meeting held April I3th subscriptions to the amount of over $6.000 were reported as having been pledged, and it was formally decided to go forward as rapidly as possible with the work of organization and the erection of a house of worship. At this meeting articles of association were adopted for the formation of a religious society and received the signatures of one hundred and twenty-five persons. On Saturday evening, April igth, a formal organization was effected by the adoption of by-laws, and a two-thirds majority of those present being in favor of a Presbyterian form of government, the new organization was designated as the Presbyterian Church of South Evanston, and, as such, was certi- fied by the Secretary, George \Y. Hotch- kiss, to the County Clerk of Cook County in accordance with the laws of the State ol" Illinois. At this meeting A. H. Gunn, John M. Brown and O. F. Gibbs were elected Trustees to serve one year, and Thaddeus Winter, Charles Randolph and II. C. McClary to serve for two years. The first meeting of the Board of Trustees was held April zy\, at which time it was voted to purchase a lot of 114 feet front- age on Hinman Avenue, northeast corner of Lincoln Avenue (afterwards named Main Street), for the price of $3.500. April 251)1 a building committee was appointed to act in conjunction with the Board of Trustees. June 7th Messrs. Holabird and Roach were selected as the architects, and their plans of a building to cost about $8.000 were approved. These plans were subsequently remodeled and the final structure, as it now stands, represents an outlay of about $20,000. The edifice has seating capacity for about four hundred and fifty persons. So much for the origin and completion of the temporalities of the Church which, upon the incorporation of the two villages of South Evanston and Evanston. became known as "The South Presbyterian Church of Evanston.'' In June, 1901, the corporate name was again changed to conform to existing conditions, and it is now known as "The Second Pres- byterian Church of Evanston." During the progress of events from the initiation of the movement looking to the formation of the Society and during the in- terim of building, neighborhood prayer- meetings were held, ladies' societies formed and every preparation made for the final organization as a religious body. By June. 1885. the church building had so far progressed that, on Sabbath Day. June 28th, a committee from the Presbytery of Chicago consisting of Rev. George C. Noyes ("pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Evanston) and Rev. R. W. Pat- terson. D. D.. met and examined the let- ters of forty-four members of other churches who had decided to join the new organization, and who. together with six persons who presented themeslves upon confession of their faith, were declared to form the thus constituted church. At this, the first religious sen-ice held in the church. Rev. R. \Y. Patterson. D. D.. ad- ministered the ordinance of baptism to KYAXSTON CHURCH HISTORY three adults, afti-r which he preached i sirmon from Luke ij: iS-Ji. Dr. Patter- son was assisted in this service liy Rev. Clatworthy. pastor of the 1'aptist Church of Kvanston. and the Rev. Lewis Curts. of the Methodist Kpiscopal Church of Kvan- ston. while the service of dedicating the building to the worship of Almighty (iod was conducted l>y Rev. Cicorge C. Xoycs, D. O.. the dedicatory prayer being offered by Rev. A. J. Scott, pastor of the Congre- gational Church of Kvanston. From this time regular church service was held in the lecture room, a Sabbath School organ- i/cd and a Wednesday evening prayer- meeting established. On July 1 5th. at the close of the prayer service, it was decided to elect but two elders at that time and Wil- liam If. Spencer and William M. R. Yose were elected to that office. During the remainder of that year the Rev. R. W. Patterson, although of advanced age and infirmity, assisted the young Church as pulpit supply, until November n. 1885. when a call was extended to Rev. William Smith, of Hudson. X. Y.. who. accepting, came at once to his new pastorate and continued to the great edification of the Church until his death. February 23. 1892. In June. i8<)2. the Rev. John X. Mills, of 1'eatrice. Xeb.. was called to the pastorate which he filled acceptably until May 8. 180?. when failing health compelled him to present his resignation, much to the regret of the membership, and his fare- well sermon was preached on the 26th of the same month. From that time until March. i8. Prof. M. Bross Thomas acted as pulpit supply with great accept- ability and. on March 4, 1896. a call was extended to Rev. A AV. Ringland. D. D., late of Toledo. Ohio, which, being ac- cepted. Dr. Ringland entered upon his pastorate April 5. lKc/>. lie continued a most successful and harmonious pastorate until February 25, 1898, when failing health compelled his resignation, taking effect April 1st of that year. Loath to accept the resignation of so faithful a pastor, a resolution prevailed granting to Dr. Ringland a year's vacation in the hope that, with restored health, his pastorate might continue; but. in February, 1899, he deemed it judicious to make his resig- nation absolute, and it was accepted. During the interregnum the pulpit was again supplied, to the great edification of the Church, by Prof. M. liross Thomas, of the Lake Forest University, until Feb- ruary 26, 1899. when a call was extended to Rev. John W. Francis, of Richland Center, Wis., who was installed as pastor on June 4, 1899, and still occupies that position, at this writing (April, 1902), the Church under his charge having greatly prospered. The present membership is 220. During all the years since the organiza- tion of the Church a Sabbath School, which now has a regular attendance of about 185, has been maintained. A so- ciety of Christian Endeavor has engaged the attention and interest of the young women of the Church, while various so- cieties in different branches of church work have done effective service. Of these, the Ladies' Home and Foreign Missionary Societies, the Ladies' Aid So- ciety and the Forward Circle of the younger ladies have been prominent in effective work. The weekly prayer-meet- ing has been well sustained from the be- ginning, and the Second Presbyterian Church of Evanston justly holds a posi- tion of prominence among the many churches of the city. HISTORY OF KVANSTOX EPISCOPAL CHURCHES my in v. AiiTinic w. i.rn I.K, n. i> . i.. 11. u.) In the year 1X^4 there were in Evanston only three or four families who really belonged tr, the Episcopal Church. There were, however, several leading citizens who love-1 the I 'raver Book, and were ready to aid in starting a parish church. There were also certain other public- spirited men who, from considerations of civic pride, desired to see an Anglican church in the village. Thus the way was opened for the founding of St. Mark's Church. In the spring of 18/14 the Rev. John Wilkinson, a priest, and chaplain to the Rt. Rev. Dr. \Vhitehonse. Bishop of Illi- nois, was permitted by the courtesy of the Methodists to give notice in the chapel of the L'niversity that a parish would be or- ganized according to the canons of the Diocese of Illinois, and that the organi- zation would take place on April 2Oth. At this meeting a canonical organization was effected under the title of St. Mark's Parish, and Mr. Charles Cumstock and Mr. D. J. Crocker were chosen church wardens. St. Mark's, therefore, started as a parish, and was never a mission. The first service was held on the third Sunday of May. 1864. in the building then known as the First Methodist church. After that the services were held in the chapel of the University, the Rev. Theo- dore I. Holcombe being priest in charge. There are many interesting reminiscences of his ministry here as a temporary supply for about a year, although it was indeed the day of small things. Early in the spring of 186; the Rev. Mr. Holcombe was transferred to the Diocese of Wisconsin, and for several weeks there seem to have been no public services of the Church. Meantime, however, the Trustees of the University kindly gave the parish a lot of land on the north side of Davis Street, between Ridge and Oak Avenues, sixty feet front by 150 feet deep, upon which a small wooden church was built. On September 1 5th of the year 1805 the church, being free of debt, was consecrated by Bishop Whitehou-e. the solemn function being attended by 'he clerical and lay members of the Diocesan Convention, 4fehich was in session that week in Chicago. At the same time the Rev. John W. Buckmaster, a priest of the Diocese of New York, was made rector of the parish. From that day to this there has been no interruption in the parochial work of this church. The eucharistic sac- rifice has been offered, and all the sacra- ments have been duly celebrated. wh:> divine worship and preaching of the go- pel have been maintained, with r.-.uch charity and good work for the bodies a< well as for the souls of men. When there has been a vacancy in the rector-hip, there have always been temporary supplies. The first class of candidates for con- firmation was presented by the rec;-'r. - T r. Buckmaster, on March 20. i8fS>. sisted of ten persons who were confirmed by the Rt. Rev. J. C. Talbot. D. D.. B - coadjutor of Indiana, acting for the Bishop of Illinois. That was a great event in Evanston. It was like the day when St. Peter and St. John came down from Jerusalem to Samaria, and laid their hands in apostolic benediction upon the first converts who had been baptized by St. Philip. This was the only class r~ e " sented by the first rector: ten confirr.-.a- tions in two years an average of five a year. This rectorship lasted from Sep: ntirmed ten. making four- teen who reeei\eil the -acrament of con- firmation during tin- rectorship an aver- age of seven a year. l-'roni January. iSii. until April. 1872. there wa- one short rectorship with sev- eral priests in charge as temporary sup- plies. \ot much work wa- done. There were no confirmation-. The rector-hip was that of Rev. A. J. Harrows, from November. iSixj. to September, 1870 less than a year. In April. |S7_>. the Rev. C. S. Abbott became rector, and remained until in 1X75. He was a kindly and faithful priest and pastor. lie presented three classes for confirmation, containing, respectively, one. t. - and twelve souls, making eighteen confirmation: an average of four and one-half a year. During this rector-hip, as early as in the year 1X7.5. plans for building a new church began to be formed. The scheme, however, was rejected by the vestry on what were probably wise and prudent consideration-. There had been what is familiarly known as a great "boom" in {".van-ton. After the Chicago fire, many Chicago people were left homeless and came out to this suburb to live. Among them \\ere main Church folk. Thus the parish received a great a ccc--i' in of numbers and strength. I'.ut the \estry knew that many of these would go back to Chicago, and that the boom wa- an artificial one and could not be depended on. Conse- quently they were imt willing to under- take either the building or enlargement of the church, lint, as often happens in such c;--e-. the women of the pari-h were roused to action, as appears from the fol- lowing extract from the minutes of the vestry of St. Mark's under date of July i i . i *7 ; : "A proposition of the women of the par- ish to enlarge the church-building at their own cost, by widening it about twelve feet on the east side and making -nine other minor improvement- incidental thereto, was laid before the vestry. After a diseu ion of the plan proposed, it wa- unanimously . 01- fHE MIJUL..JIIT Of ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVAXSTOX resolved" (note the unanimity with which it was resolved ) , "that the ladies of the par- ish be allowed to enlarge the church build- ing at their own expense, provided that the contract be so made as in no way to make the vestry liable or to incumber the church building for any part of the cost of the con- templated improvement." The good women were not abashed; the}- took hold and built what, in ecclesi- astical language, is known as the south aisle of the church. The example of the women produced an effect which was that, subsequently, the Men's Guild of the parish built and added to the old church the north aisle. I have thus very briefly sketched the first ten years of the parochial life of St. Mark's. God alone knows the unrecorded works ; the faith and charity that went on all through that decade ; the earnest, de- voted and faithful struggles of the laymen to maintain the church ; the faithful pas- toral work, and the preaching by the three rectors and the various temporary sup- lilies. These things are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Toward the close of the period of ten years, hard times came upon the parish and the town. Many of the refugees from the Chicago fire had moved back to their own rebuilded homes. There had been a great panic in the financial world, and men felt the pressure of straightened resources. The congregation fell off. It is recorded that the Sunday morning con- gregation that used to fill the church had now dwindled down to thirty-five or forty persons, hardly more than the present choir. The first ten years of parochial admin- istration of St. Mark's were years when the parish work was done on what may be called protestant lines. The general teaching and tone of the church, aside from the irresistible influence of the Prayer Book, were hardly above the aver- age Puritan level. One may see some- thing of this, for example, in the fact that, during those ten years there were but fifty confirmations an average of five a year. There was, comparatively speaking, little brightness in the service ; there seemed to be a fear of making the worship of God beautiful ; and the senseless cry of "no popery" was raised by some, over things that are a part of the Anglo-Catho- lic heritage. The building itself was un- churchly and unattractive. The altar was a wooden box only four feet long, with- out cross, vases, altar lights, altar vest- ings, or even a full set of altar linens. There was no credence or prothesis. In celebrating the Holy Eucharist, in- stead of the unleavened bread which our Lord used, common bread was employed. The mixed chalice was not used. Eucha- ristic vestments were unknown ; the cele- brant wore a long white surplice and black stole. The ablutions were not per- formed. There were no early commun- ions, and the Saints' days and many of the Church's holy feasts and fasts were not generally observed. With the coming in of the new rector, the Rev. J. Stewart Smith, which coincided with the advent of the new Bishop of the diocese, a new system was inaugu- rated ; and. from that time St. Mark's has known prosperity and progress un- dreamed of before. For thirty years, then, after the first ten. the parish has been administered on what may prop- erly be called Anglo-Catholic lines. In the History of Evanston by our late bril- liant fellow-townswoman. Miss \YiIlard, are these words, describing the rector- ship of the Rev. J. Stewart Smith: "This was the beginning of a new order of things, wherein was a striking contrast 3/0 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY to the old ; the change was a marked differ- ence in Catholic teaching and practice, and the work then earnestly begun has been faithfully increased and widened by Mr. Smith's successors. The trend of this movement has steadily been in harmony with the Catholic revival in the Anglican Church, and St. Mark's has been highly favored in the men who have filled her pul- pit since then." It is impossible to overestimate the work of the Rev. J. Stewart Smith, the fifth rector of St. Mark's. He was the curate of the Rev. William E. McLaren, D. D., rector of Trinity Church, Cleveland, when Dr. McLaren was made Bishop of this diocese. Mr. Smith was then in deacon's orders, but the Bishop, knowing the worth of his young curate, nominated him to the rectorship of St. Mark's. He was elected by tht vestry on the 3Oth day of January, 1876, with the understanding that he should become rec- tor as soon as he was advanced to priest's orders, for a deacon cannot be rector of a parish. He was advanced to the sacred order of the priesthood on the 3Oth day of January of that year, and on the I4th day of February known as St. Valen- tine's Day Mr. Smith became the rector of this church. He remained as rector for about four years; that is, until January, 1880. He found the parish very sadly run down. The services, as has been said, were protestant in tone and unattractive. That, however, was characteristic of the church services in general throughout this part of the land. But the clergy and a few of the parishes were beginning to feel the uplifting tide of Catholic reform which was then spreading over England and the East. Immediately upon the coming of J. Stewart Smith, an improvement was seen all along the line, and no one would wish to go back to the condition of things that prevailed before he accomplished his great work. But his work was not accom- plished without heroism, perseverance and indomitable courage. Almost every im- provement that he made in the character of the services was opposed or criticised by some section of the parish. But he was a man whom nothing could discour- age, whom nothing could daunt. The fact is, the whole subject of the Church's ritual on which so much has been said of late years, after all is simply this: Whether we shall have reverent behavior in the House of God and a decent adornment of the House of God, or whether we shall treat God and His House worse than we treat ourselves and our own domestic dwell- ings. A bare summary of the chief restora- tions and improvements introduced by Mr. Smith must suffice: He secured a good cabinet organ in place of the old melodeon. The church was repaired and decorated in as churchly a style as the limitations of the old building would per- mit. A large altar was placed in the Sanctuary, with cross and vases and proper vestings for the various seasons of the Christian year. A credence was procured. Proper vestments were worn. All Holy Days were duly observed. Re- quiem masses were celebrated. Services and instructions were greatly multiplied and the pastoral care of souls greatly in- creased. The opposition against him was such as is always met with when a sleepy and protestant parish is brought under the leadership of a truly Catholic priest. But his loving kindness, his tact, and his per- severance conquered ; and when finally he left, the parish found itself transformed, and has never been willing to sink back HISTORY OF EVANSTON into the condition in which it had pre- viously been. Father Smith is still living and active, the rector of St. Mary's, Kan- sas City. All subsequent rectors have simply built upon the foundations that he laid. If any honor is due to any rector of this parish, it is above all to the Rev. J. Stewart Smith. Aside from purely local and parochial work, Mr. Smith also launched forth into missionary work and Church-extension. He began the services of the Church in the neighboring villages of Winnetka, Wil- niette, Xorth Evanston and Rogers Park, where, today, four flourishing churches, which may be called daughters of St. Mark's, remain as monuments of Mr. Smith's zeal and devotion. The time had not yet come for starting a mission in South Evanston. That was done a few years later. Every year of his rectorship Mr. Smith presented good classes for confirmation, numbering, respectively, sixteen, eighteen, nine and seven per year an average of twelve a year instead of four, which had been the previous average. After his de- parture, there was a vacancy for about a year, during which time four persons were confirmed. The sixth rector of St. Mark's was the Rev. Dr. Frederick S. Jewell, 6th May, 1880, to August, 1885. Dr. Jewell had been a Presbyterian minister, but had been converted to the older Church, had been confirmed, ordained a deacon and then advanced to the priesthood. He was a Catholic Churchman and a strong and brilliant preacher. His work here for about five years was fruitful. One in- teresting feature of this rectorship was that, in the year 1882 there was organ- ized what was called the "Men's Guild." During the five years of its existence the guild raised nearly $4,000. It was the Men's Guild that paid for building the north aisle of the church ; for the enlarge- ment of the choir, and in large part for the purchase of the new pipe organ, which was considered a fine instrument for those days. One of the great objects of the guild was to promote fellowship in the parish, visit the newcomers, get acquaint- ed with strangers, and support the rector in every one of his works. The result was that everything in the parish was strengthened, directly or indirectly, by the Men's Guild. It was during this rec- torship that the mission in "South Evans- ton" (now the flourishing parish of St. Luke's, Evanston) was started, not with- out the help of Dr. Jewell and the Men's Guild of St. Mark's. Dr. Jewell was the first to complete the adornment of the altar by placing upon it altar lights. During his rectorship Dr. Jewell presented, classes for confirmation every year, numbering respectively, nine, four, fifteen, nine and ten candidates being an average of nine and one-half per year. Dr. Jewell, during the latter part of his rectorship, also introduced some choral services which are now so dear and up- lifting to the people of the parish and of the community. Yet, strange to say, this induced opposition which spread through- out the parish. After faithfully upholding the standard of the Cross here for more than five years, the good doctor resigned. The seventh rector of St. Mark's was the Rev. Richard Hayward, who held the rectorship from February, 1886, to May, 1888. He had previously been a chaplain in the United States Navy. He was a sound Churchman and a good preacher. Two notable events marked his brief rector- ship of less than three years. Tht first was the successful introduction of the vested choir, which took place on Whit- 372 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY sunday in 1887, and has been the greatest blessing to the public worship of the Church ever since. The faithful and be- loved choirmaster, Mr. Robert Holmes, has been the choirmaster nearly all the time since then. The second notable event in the rector- ship of Mr. Hayvvard was the revival of the scheme of building a new church and a rectory. Ten thousand dollars (or nearly that) were pledged, payable as soon as the church should be begun. During his rec- torship Mr. Hay ward presented three classes for confirmation, numbering re- spectively, four, thirteen and ten an av- erage of nine a year. When Mr. Hayward left in May, 1888, for about six months the parish was vacant, but was chiefly in charge of a faithful priest, the Rev. \Valter H. Moore, afterwards dean of Quincy. The eighth rector of St. Mark's was a young priest from the diocese of Maine, the Rev. Arthur W. Little. Mr. Little had been for seven years rector of St. Paul's, Portland He was a member of the Cathedral Chapter and of the Stand- ing Committee of the Diocese; hid repre- sented Miinc in the General Convention of 1886, and was well known as the author of a popular work entitled "Reasons for Being a Ch'.irchman." His rectorship be- gin on All Saint-;' Day. November I, 1888. He was formally instituted by the Bishop on the i8th of November, being the twenty-fifth Sun-lay after Trinity, and is still the rector of the parish. In 1895 he received a doctor's degree from Hobart College. He ha* been for many years Examining Chiolain to the Bishop, a member of the Board of Missions and of the Standing Committee of the Diocese, and Lecturer on Ecclesiastical History in the Western Theological Seminary. Still later he was a delegate to the General Con- vention in 1904. Mr. Little ?t once began to push for- ward the building of the new church. A desirable lot on the corner of Ridge Avenue and Grove Street was bought and paid for. A beautiful stone church of early English typo, designed by the dis- tinguished architects, Holabird & Roche, was built. The corner-stone was laid by the Bishop on the Sunday after Ascen- sion, May 18, 1900. The first services were held on Easter Day, March 29, 1901. On the following Wednesday, at a high celebration of the Holy Eucharist, at which most of the clergy r r tlie diocese were present, an office of Benediction was said by the Bishop, the Rt. Rev. William E. McLaren. D. I)., D. C. L., who also preached the sermon. At evensong the Rt. Rev. George F. Seymour, D. I)., LL. D., Bishop of Springfield, preached. On St. Mark's Day. April 25. 1895. tn <-* church, including the chapel of St. Mary, in the north choir aisle, being entirely free from debt, was solemnly consecrated by the Bishop in a splendid and memorable service. This was tin last public service at which the venerable Charles Comstock. for thirty years the Senior Warden and constant benefactor of the parish, was present. He died on the 5th of the fol- lowing September, in the eighty-second year of his age. In 1899 a commodious rectory or par- sonage was boug'-t on Ridge Avenue, near the church. A beautiful Rood Se- rene, of carved oak. separating the choir from the nave, was placed in the church in 1899. as a memo-i il to the late Franklin G. Bench. The church contains some beau- tiful windows of tl-e best English stained glass, made by Ward & Hughes of Lon- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 37.< don. The great east window over the high altar, representing The Institution of the Holy Eucharist, is considered the finest example of stained glass in the West. It is a memorial to the late Frank- lin G. Beach and Elizabeth, his wife. The windows in the north aisle depict scenes from the Old Testament, and those in the south aisle from the New. In the fall of 1891 a superb chime of nine bells was placed in the tower of the church, along with an automatic attach- ment for playing the beautiful "West- minster changes" at the quarter hours. The following Latin inscription was cast on the great bell : A. M. D. G. AEDI PAROCHIAEQUE SANCTI MARCI ME, OCTO CUM ALIIS CAM- PAXIS, GRATO CORDE DEDIT AMICUS MEXSE SEPTEMBRE, MDCCCCI. RDO. ARTURO W. LITTLE, L. H. D., PAROCHO. LAUDE SONO DOMINI; POPULUM YOCO AD OSTIA CAELI. (To the greater glory of God. To the church and parish of St. Mark's, a friend, out of a grateful heart, gave me, along with eight other bells, in the month of September, 1901, during the rectorship of the Rev. Arthur W. Little, L. H. D. I re- sound with the praise of the Lord: I sum- mon the people to the gates of heaven.) The parish during 1903 erected a large and beautiful Guild Hall or Parish House, adjoining the church, for the use of the Sunday School, and the various guilds and other charitable and social organizations of the parish. During the rectorship of Dr. Little the church has enjoyed a steady and healthy growth in numbers and influence and in all departments of worship and of work, especially in the cause of missions and charities. In the seventeen years of his rectorship Dr. Little has presented five hundred and ten candidates for con- firmation, being an average of thirty a year. In the previous twenty-three years, one hundred and sixty were confirmed making six hundred and seventy confirma- tions in the forty years of parish life. In the summer of 1904 a superb marble altar and reredos were presented to St. Mark's by the children of the late Senior Warden, Charles Comstock. as a memorial to him and his beloved wife, and to their daughter-in-law, Eleanora K. Comstock. In 1905 the interior of the choir and sanctuary was rebuilt of massive carved stone, the walls of the clear-story being cov- ered with gold. The effect is very fine. This was the gift of Mr. William C. Com- stock, and is a memorial to his beloved wife, Eleanora K. Comstock. The year 1905 also witnessed the organ- ization of the Men's Club of St. Mark's, a society for literary an;! social as well as for ecclesiastical purposes. It has had one prosperous year under the presidency of Mr. William 15. Bogert. The President for 1906-7 is Mr. William S. Powers. Any citi- zen of Evanston is eligible to membership in this club. St. Mark's is a strong and united parish. It numbers among its adherents some of the best citizens of Evanston, and has the respect and esteem of the community. A few items from the last Parochial Report May, 1906 must close this sketch : St. Mark's. Rector, Dr. Arthur W. Little. Church Wardens, Messrs. Henry S. Slaymaker and Edward H. Buehler. Members, about 1,500. Communicants, 775. Value of property, about $125.000. 374 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY St. Matthew's Mission. 1 The first serv- ice in connection with the starting of "St. Matthew's" Mission was held in the pub- lic school-house and was conducted by the Rev. J. Stewart Smith, Rector of "St. Mark's," Evanston, on Sunday, May 14, 1876. Services were maintained every third Sunday until 1878, when these were discontinued. The Sunday School was organized September 8, 1878, soon finding a home in the house of Mr. T. A. Turner. March 7, 1878, a Sunday evening service was begun in the same place. This con- tinued until January, 1880. After Mr. Smith's departure from St. Mark's, lay-readers conducted the service. In 1862, May 2ist, a lot was donated by Mr. Jenks, and by July I, 1883, the church building was ready for occupancy. It was in May of this year that the Mission was duly organized, being put in charge of the Rev. Dr. Jewell, rector of St. Mark's. The Rev. George B. Whitney was ap- pointed priest in charge June 24, 1883, having also in his care Christ Church, Winnetka. Mr. Whitney remained in charge until November I, 1885. Through the kindness of friends in St. Mark's and elsewhere, the indebtedness on the build- ing was cancelled, and the church conse- crated by the Rt. Rev. William E. Mc- Laren, D. D., Bishop of Chicago, October 30, 1884. The years following the departure of the Rev. Mr. Whitney were marked by various and ofttimes trying experiences, but the life was maintained by the faith- ful women of the Mission and the assist- ance of students from the Western Theological Seminary, the Rev. John C. Sage, now of St. John's, Dubuque, serving in this capacity for a year. He left in September, 1870, and on November 2, of the same year, the Rev. H. R. Neely took charge, remaining until May, 1897. In the fall of 1897 the Rev. H. C. Granger, at that time assistant at St. Peter's, Chi- cago, was given charge of "St. Mat- thew's ;" he is still the incumbent. Several fitting memorials have recently been placed in the church, such as a pair of three-branch candlesticks for the altar, in memory of the late Mr. C. O. Ferris, and a beautiful oak lecturn. W T hile credit is due to many kind friends for their undiminished interest in St. Matthew's during all these years es- pecially to the rectors of St. Mark's, Ev- anston it is not too much to say that among the names deserving of very par- ticular mention are those of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Turner, by whose unceasing and loving care the lamp, once lighted, was never suffered to go out. From the Parochial Report of St. Mat- thew's Mission, May, 1906: Priest in charge, the Rev. Henry C. Granger. Members. 200. Communicants, 70. Estimated value of property, $3,000. St. Luke's Parish. 2 St. Luke's Church was organized as a mission early in July, 1885, and the first service was held in Ducat's Hall. In August a store was rented on Chicago Avenue and fitted up for use of the mission. In June, 1886, the Rev. Marcus Lane, who had been priest in charge for this first year, resigned, and was succeeded, August I, by the Rev. Daniel F. Smith, who continued in charge until August i, 1904. In October, 1886, ground was broken for the erection of a church on the northeast corner of Lincoln Avenue (now Main Street) and Sherman Avenue. In May, 1887, this was so far completed as to be lThl Bketrh of St. Matthew's Mlmlon wan furnished by Rev. Henry C. Granger. >The Hketcli nf St. Luke'l, up to 1901. was furnltbed by the Rev. D. F. Smith, D. D. M HISTORY OF EVANSTON 375 available for the services, though still quite in the rough. Improvements have been made almost continually, and twice the church has been enlarged. It was solemnly consecrated November 10, 1889, being free from debt. On January I, 1891, the mission was re- organized as a parish, which, on May 26 of that year, was admitted into union with the Convention of the Diocese of Chicago, with the following officers: David L. Thorp. Josiah C. Lane. Wardens. In twenty-one years since the organiza- tion of St. Luke's the number of communi- cants has increased from twenty-seven to four hundred and sixty-two. The parish is now numbered among the stronger and more active in the diocese, is united and piosperous and abounds in good works. In 1904 the Rev. Daniel F. Smith, D. D., resigned, and was elected rector emeritus, carrying with him the love and esteem of the people to whom he had ministered so faithfully and so long. He was succeeded by the Rev. George Craig Stewart who be- came rector of St. Luke's, August I. 1904. Mr. Stewart is an able and energetic priest. Among the notable events in the history of Evanston during the last two years has been the great progress of St. Luke's. Strong preaching on Catholic lines, improvement in the ritual and cere- monial of public worship, large confirma- tion classes, the organization of the Men's Club of St. Luke's, and great parochial ac- tivity are signs of his progress. A large lot has been bought on the corner of Hinman Avenue and Lee Street, and plans had been adopted for a large and beautiful stone church, to cost, when completed. $125,000. The building will be begun in June, 1906, and the work will be pushed forward with the energy which characterizes the rector and the people of St. Luke's. From the Parochial Report of St. Luke's Parish, May, 1906: Rector Emeritus, the Rev. Daniel F. Smith, D. D. Rector, the Rev. Geo. Craig Stewart. Church Wardens, Messrs. C. H. Cowper and C. E. Dudley. Members, 1,000. Communicants, 462. CATHOLIC CHURCHES (By FR. H. P. SMYTH) Among the earliest settlers of Evanston were a few Catholic families. They wor- shipped either at St. Joseph's Church, Gross Point, or at St. Henry's, High Ridge, according to their convenience. However, in 1864 a concerted effort was made to establish a church in Evan- ston. Accordingly, on July 2oth of that year, the property upon which St. Mary's Church now stands, corner of Lake Street and Oak Avenue, was purchased ; the deed being made to "the Catholic Bishop of Chicago." The few families that then constituted the Catholic population of Evanston. found that the purchase of property nad exhausted their resources, leaving them little hope of erecting a church in the near future- Yet, so confident were those pioneers of the ultimate success of their enterprise, that, as it were, burning the bridges behind them, they had inserted in the deed a clause making the property revertable to the original owner, in the event of its being used for other than Catholic Church purposes. This limita- tion of title, though prudent at the time, afterwards gave trouble ; and has been removed at considerable expense within the last few years. The few people con- tinued as formerly to attend mass, either at Gross Point or Rose Hill. 3/6 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY In 1866 the foundation of a church was laid, but it was found impossible, through lack of funds, to construct the edifice ac- cording to plans. A smaller structure forty feet by twenty, which still stands on the rear of an adjoining lot, was erected. In this church the small congregation worshipped for three years. In 1869 the little building was moved south on the property, and work was begun on another structure according to the original plan. This second church was finished towards the close of the year. Still there was no resident pastor in Evanston. Father Heskemann, of Gross Point, had superintended the construction of the first church, and, for two years after its completion, came every alternate Sun- day to Evanston. Early in 1868, the priest in residence at Rose Hill, Father Heamers, succeeded Father Heskemann, in charge of the small congregation and church. He, too, how- ever came only on Sundays. He con- tinued to minister to St. Mary's, Evan- ston, as long as he remained at Rose Hill. In 1869 or 1870 he was succeeded in both charges, first by Father Marshall and later by Father Michels, who like their predecessor attended Evanston as a mis- sion from Rose Hill. During Father Heamer's pastorate a school was established, and two nuns of German birth taught and resided in Evan- ston for one year. Lay teachers were employed subsequently. In the fall of 1872, Rev. M. Donohue came from Waukegan to St. Mary's, Ev- anston, as its first resident pastor. When he came he found the church which con- tinued to be used for the succeeding twenty years, and also the parochial resi- dence, which is occupied today, awaiting him. In 1874 the Dominican Sisters of Sinsin- awa Mound, Wis., were invited to take charge of the school which was now estab- lished. They have continued to work un- interruptedly to the present. Father Donohue had, at some time in the 'seventies, been created Rural Dean by Bishop Foley, and, in 1887, was made permanent rector by Archbishop Feehan. The former title is honorary and, in the Chicago archdiocese, brings with it no re- sponsibility. The latter is more substan- tial and was conferred upon Father Don- ohue purely as a personal compliment ; the parish, as it then was, not being of sufficient importance to warrant the honor- In the same year, 1887, Catholics of German birth and blood, became suffi- ciently numerous to support a church; and Archbishop Feehan sent Rev. Otto Greenebaum to organize a new congre- gation. Father Greenebaum came in July, 1887, and. in November of the same year, a two-story building, intended as a school and temporary church, was opened. Father Donohue's declining health com- pelled him to ask for an assistant, and, in the fall of 1883, Rev. W. J. McNamee, who had recently come from Ireland, was sent to help him. Father McNamee, however, was soon transferred to a more important parish in Chicago, and his place was filled by a priest from the Servite Church, Chi- cago, who came occasionally as required. This condition obtained until 1888, when Rev. M. Foley, present pastor of St. Pat- rick's church, Dixon, came to Evanston as assistant to Father Donohue. In the sum- mer of 1889, he was succeeded by Rev. P. C. Conway, who remained four years. The new St. Mary's church was begun in 1891 and was opened to worship in May, 1892. On March 12, 1893, Father Donohue died. The formalities governing the sue- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 377 cession to an irremovable rectorship, de- layed for some weeks the appointment of a new rector Toward the end of April the present pastor, Rev. H. P. Smyth, was selected by the Archbishop, and on May 6, 1893, took possession of the par- ish. Father Conway, who had been acting pastor, was transferred to St. Mary's Church, Chicago. On November I, 1893, Rev. Thos. M. Burke came as an assistant, and an out-mission at Rogers Park was immediately opened- During the follow- ing summer the present St. Jerome's church was built and dedicated. The mis- sion continued to be attended from St. Mary's, Evanston, until it became im- portant enough to need the attention of a resident pastor. In July, 1897, Father Greenebaum died ; and in August of the same year the pres- ent pastor of St. Nicholas' Church, Rev. P. L. Biermann, came to Evanston. On February 3d, following, the structure which had for ten years served as church and school was burned to the ground. The fire occurred during school hours, but the children and teachers escaped in safety. St. Nicholas' congregation then again worshipped in St. Mary's Church for some months during the erection of the present church and school, which were opened in the spring of that year. A hand- some parochial residence was also built simultaneously. In the fall of 1897 a Community of Visitation Xuns, twenty-five in number came to Evanston to establish an Acad- emy for young ladies. They rented a large residence on the northeast corner of Davis Street and Wesley Avenue, where they resided for four years. In 1899 they purchased the tract of land known as the Freeman Place on Ridge Avenue, and in 1901 erected the south wing of an im- posing structure designed for them by Architect Schlaachs. They took possession of the building on the eve of Thanksgiv- ing Day, 1901. In the autumn of 1900, Fathers Smyth and Biermann, acting for the Franciscan Sisters, purchased the Kirk Mansion and grounds on Ridge Avenue in South Evan- ston, and on December 1st of the same year, the nuns took possession of it. The mansion was, in 1901, fitted up as a hos- pital and patients were received. In De- cember of the same year the Catholics of both parishes came together to estab- lish "The St. Francis' Hospital Auxiliary Association-" The growing needs of St. Mary's Church necessitated the purchase of a lot adjoining the church property in January, 1897. In June. 1900, Rev. Thomas Egan came to fill the place of the pastor who was setting out on an extended tour through Europe and the Orient. On the return of Father Burke, who is now trav- eling, as we write, it is the purpose to have three priests at St. Mary's. The Catholic Church of Evanston has not grown as rapidly as the church in Chicago and its other suburbs, yet there has been considerable growth. A census, taken in the interest of church work in the summer of 1900 gave the Catholic pop- ulation about 3.400. It would seem that was somewhat of an exaggeration. The question put by the canvassers bore upon preference rather than affiliation. It has been ascertained that some expressed a preference for St. Mary's who have no affiliation with it- But, today, as we write. February. 1902, we are safe in saying that the Catholics of Evanston number at least 3.400. These are of various nationalities. Those of Irish and German blood predom- inate. Besides these, there are English. French, Scandinavian, Italian, Greek and 378 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY Dutch. Nearly all European nationalities are represented. These attend two churches and support two schools, with six hundred pupils. There are five priests and four communities of nuns. The Dominicans, eleven in number, teach St. Mary's Parochial School ; six Sisters of St. Agnes have charge of St. Nicholas' School ; seven Franciscan nuns take care of the new Hospital, and, in the Visitation Convent and Academy, there is a community of about thirty nuns. Recent Changes. In bringing the story of Catholic work in Evanston down to date (May, 1906), we have a few important changes to note: Rev. Thomas M. Burke was intrusted by the Archbishop of Chicago with the formation of a new parish in Chi- cago, and Rev. P. J. Hennessy came to suc- ceed him at St. Mary's June, 1903. Rev. L. J. Maiwonn came to assist at St. Nicho- las' church in 1902. In the spring of 1904. ground was broken for the new St. Mary's School, which was ready for occupancy in the following September. Later the new parochial residence was commenced. On its completion in the spring of the present year (1906) the old presbytery, which had done service for thirty-five years, was removed. The splendid new (lothic church of St. Nicholas' Parish, begun over a year ago, is approaching completion as we write. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (By RKV. JEAN FKKDKKIC LOBA) The very first Congregational Church in Evanston was organized on December 8, 1859. A preliminary meeting had been held to consider the possibility of such a step on November 13, 1859, and another preparatory to organization the week fol- lowing; but the final step was taken on the first date above mentioned, when, by a council called for that purpose, meet- ing in the Chapel of the Northwestern University, the Church was organized, consisting of five members. Of this coun- cil the Rev. W. W. Patton, pastor of the First Church of Chicago, was Moderator, and E. W. Blatchford, Esq., was scribe. A. T. Sherman was clerk, and S. S. Whit- ney and Isaac D. Guyer were deacons of the Church. During the six months of the following year (1860), the membership was increased to eleven members, and it is interesting to note that of these only seven were originally Congregationalists, the others coming from different denom- inations. This first Congregational Church at- tained to no strength nor did it long con- tinue to exist. In the records of that Church, kept by Mr. Sherman, we find a note to the effect that, on June 15, 1860. at a meeting of the Church, it was re- solved: "That as so many of the mem- bers contemplated removing from the place, the services could not be sustained, and that the clerk be authorized to grant letters to any who might desire them." A final note informs us that letters were granted by the clerk to all except him- self, he keeping up the organization by paying the annual assessment to the Asso- ciation until the year 1865, at which time the organization was suspended, as he saw no hope of reviving the church. This is the pathetic little story of an early effort to organize a Congregational Church in the weak, scattered and un- settled conditions of the early days of Evanston. There was, however, a growing sense of the need of such a church, for in that same year, as we learn from the late L. H. Boutell, "One Sunday afternoon in the summer of 1865, as I was sitting in the HISTORY OF EVANSTON 379 library of Dr. Bannister, that large hearted man suggested the propriety and feasi- bility of forming a Congregational Church in Evanston. That suggestion bore fruit in the autumn of that year when, on the 6th of November, a few families met at the house of Francis Bradley and organ- ized a weekly prayer meeting, out of which grew the Lake Avenue Church, an independent organization composed of Congregationalists and Presbyterians." In 1868 this Lake Avenue Church or- ganized the First Presbyterian Church of Evanston from which, in 1869, the Con- gregationalist members withdrew with per- fect good feeling on both sides ; so that this Lake Avenue Church, it seems, did not long continue its existence, but, in turn, became the mother of at least two of the present churches of Evanston the First Congregational and the First Pres- byterian. A little later on Mr. Boutell narrates : "The twenty-two persons who. on the first day of August, 1866, gathered in the Baptist Church, which then stood on the corner of Church street and Hin- man Avenue, to form the Lake Avenue Church, little thought that, in so short a time, two strong churches would be the outcome of an enterprise so insignificant." It is a very singular fact that, so soon after the disbanding of the First Congre- gational Church under what seemed to be hopeless conditions, a new organization, covering practically the same ground and on the same basis, should spring up under such auspicious circumstances. The pa- thetic final note of the clerk of that first church affords us a loop-hole through which we may see the very uncertain ami changeable conditions of the population of Evanston at that time. When in August, 1869, the Congrega- tionalists withdrew from the Lake Avenue Church, they left the property in the hands of the majority who were Presby- terians. The winter of 1869-1870, or three months thereof, was spent chiefly in or- ganizing a Congregational group, the for- mal organization taking place upon the 8th of September. 1869, and recognition by Council on January 13, 1870. During these early and formative years, it is interesting to note the spirit of har- mony, fellowship and co-operation among the different denominational representa- tives in Evanston which has subsisted to the present time. The first suggestion of a Congregational Church seems to have originated with the earnest Methodist, Dr. Bannister. The first meetings of the Congregationalists were held in the Chapel of the Northwestern University, which then was the only building of that institution. These services were con- ducted by different pastors and teachers, prominent among whom were such men as Dr. Bannister, Dr. Hemenway, E. O. Haven, President of the University, and others. Mr. Luther D. Bradley, who, as a youth, was present at these early meet- ings of the Congregational Church, thus writes of them : "The prayer-meeting in our little front room I remember very well, but the one at the Baptist Church but dimly ; but there was one season of services which is very fresh in my mind that during which Dr. Hemenway preached for us. These services were held in the old chapel of Northwestern Univer- sity. The sole building of those days was the old frame structure, now standing on the campus north of the Preparatory or, as I believe they call it. the 'Old College' building. The structure was then standing on the northwest corner of Davis Street and Hinman Avenue, fronting south. The east room on the ground floor was the chapel, a plain old room EVAXSTON CHURCH HISTORY with fixed pews of pine, painted a drab color, with blackboards around the walls. Here the meetings were held on Sunday afternoons, and here, I think, Mr. Duncan, the first pastor of the church, began his work. I think some mention must be made of Mr. Duncan, both on account of his importance as the first settled min- ister of the church, and also because of his very picturesque personality. He was a Scotch-Canadian, a very agreeable preach- er and good man, but not exactly like any of his people and not precisely at home in the community. "I remember that some of the most telling sermons that were preached in the old chapel at this time were by Dr. S. C. Bartlett, later President of Dartmouth College, who filled the pulpit for a few Sundays, though this was before Mr. Duncan's arrival." 'However uncertain, interrupted and in- adequately recorded were these early steps toward organization, they all crys- tallized on the 1 3th of January, 1870, into the First Congregational Church of Evan- ston. Very few of the early members now survive. Hut the roll of the church of that time contained some noble names such as those of Francis Bradley, L. H. Boutell, Rev. D. Crosby Green (now and for many years a missionary in Japan), Heman Powers, J. M. Williams, Orvis French, besides many others who won for themselves enviable reputations as men and women of character, of more than usual intelligence, of capacity, energy and a wide-reaching influence. Immediately upon the organization of the First Church, it called, and on the I3th day of January, 1870, installed its first regular pastor, the Rev. Edward N. Pack- ard, D. D., now of Syracuse, X. Y. The University again granted the new church a lot on which to erect a suitable structure for worship. Mr. Dorr A. Kimball gives us- an interesting sketch of the method by which the lot on which the present church edifice stands, became Congregational prop- erty. He says: "At that time the lot on which this church edifice is located, was a little park originally given to the Village of Evanston by the Xorthwestern Univer- sity, to be used for Park purposes only. Immediately after the meeting held at Mr. Green's residence for the organization of a Congregational Society, our trustees had made a very satisfactory arrangement, which was this: On payment of the sum of $600 to the Village Trustees, they va- cated the park and, the title reverting to the University, they persuaded the Uni- versity Trustees to deed the property to the First Congregational Society without further compensation." Upon this lot, then the trustees having secured $6,000 as a building fund, "General Julius White moved that they proceed to build a church edifice costing not less than $10,000." From Mr. Kimball's sketch, it would ap- pear that they "succeeded in getting the lecture room completed in July, 1869 ,and the main auditorium was wholly com- pleted in the month of January, 1870." This ten thousand dollar church, how- ever, was to cost the little society not far from $25,000, leaving them with a debt of $7.000, with interest at nine anrl ten per cent. The maintenance of a church during these days of poverty and struggle was not all smooth sailing, for in 1871 came the Chicago fire which impoverished many of its members, and immediately thereafter one of the greatest financial panics that this nation has ever experi- enced swept over the country bringing financial ruin and distress upon many households. With self-sacrifice and stern resolution the society and the church RKV. MINER RAYMOND FA A. \STUN CHURCH HISTORY with fixed pews of pine, painted a drab color, with blackboard:! around the walls. Here tin.' meetings were held on Sunday afternoons, and here. I think. Mr. Duncan, the first pastor of tin- church, began his work. 1 think some mention must l>e made of Mr. Duncan, hoth on account of his importance as the first settled min- ister of the church, and also because of his very picturesque personality, lie was a Scotch-Canadian, a verv agreeable preach- er and good man. hut not exactly like any of his people and not precise! v at home in the community. "1 reniemlier that some of the most telling sermons that were preached in the old chapel at this time were by Dr. S. C. P.artlett. later President of Dartmouth College, who tilled the pulpit for a few Sundays, though this was before Mr. Duncan s arrival. ' However uncertain, interrupted and in- adequately recorded were these early steps toward organization, thev all crys- tallized on the i^th of Jannan. iSjo. into the l ; irst Congregational Church of Evan- ston. \ er\ few of the early members now survive. P.ut the roll of the church (if that time contained some noble names such as those of Francis I'.radley, L. II. Boutell, Rev. I). Croshv Crceii i now and for many years a missionary in Japan). Henian Power--. |. M. Williams, ( )rvis French, ln-sidcs many others who won for themselves enviable reputations as men ami women of character, of more than usual intelligence, of capacity, energy and a wide-reaching influence. Immediately upon the organization of the First Church, it called, and on the i.}th day of January. 1X70. installed its first regular pastor, the Rev. F.dward N". Pack- ard. I >. I'., now of Syracuse. X. N'. The I niversiu again granted the new church a !<>t on which to erect a suitable structure for worship. Mr. Dorr A. Kimball gives us an interesting sketch of the method by which the lot on which the present church edifice stands, became Congregational prop- erty. He says: "At that time the lot on which this church edifice is located, was a little park originally given to the Village of Evanston by the Northwestern Univer- sity, to be used for Park purposes only. Immediately after the meeting held at Mr. Green's residence for the Organization of ;i Congregational Society, our trustees had made a very satisfactory arrangement, which was this: ( )n payment of the sum of $fxxj to tlie Village Trustees, they va- cated the park and, the title reverting to the I niversitv. thev persuaded the Uni- versity Trustees to deed the proper! v to the First Congregational Society without further compensation." Upon this lot. then the trustees having secured $6.000 as a budding fund. "General Julius White moved that they proceed to build a church edifice costing not less than .Sio.ooo." From Mr. Kimball's sketch, it would ap- pear that thev 'Succeeded in getting the lecture room completed in July. 1809 .and the main auditorium was wholly com- pleted in the month of January, 1870." This ten thousand dollar church, how- ever, was to cost the little society not far from S^5,(xx), leaving them with a debt of $7 .. with interest at nine and ten per cent. The maintenance of a church during these days of poverty and struggle was not all smooth sailing, for in 1X71 came the Chicago tire which impoverished many of its members, and immediately thereafter one of the greatest financial panics that this nation has ever experi- enced swept over the country bringing financial ruin and distress upon many households. With self-sacrifice and stern resolution the societv and the church Ki:\ . MIM.k UAYMl INII LIBRARY Or iHE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON held on, although it required the wisest management to meet current expenses and keep up interest on the bonded debt. In March, 1879, Dr. Packard resigned to accept a call to a church in Boston. He was succeeded, September loth, of the same 3'ear, by Rev. A. J. Scott. In 188.3 the church edifice was enlarged, repaired and in part refurnished at a cost of $5.000. greatly increasing the seating capacity. On the night of November 23, 1884, after the first service in the renovated church, the entire edifice was destroyed by fire. The next morning, as the friends gathered about the smoking ruins, sums of money were at once pledged toward rebuilding. These sums, together with the insurance of $25,000. enabled the trustees to proceed at once to the erection of a new edifice. Before the fire was extinguished, invita- tions had been received from the trustees of the First Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist Churches to use their buildings on Sabbath afternoons and for social meetings as they might desire. Similar invitations were also received from the \Yoman 's Christian Temperance Union, to occupy Union Hall free of charge, and the Northwestern University again gener- ously offered Heck Hall on the same terms. The new structure was completed and dedicated upon the nth of April, 1886. and has continued in use ever since. From the very earliest days the church has been marked by a spirit of harmony and benevolence. When it numbered less than fifty members it erected and. fur- nished its own church building at a cost of about $25.000. Before the burden of this debt was fully removed, it enlarged and improved this building at a cost of $8,000. In 1884, it erected and furnished the present edifice at a cost of over $50,- ooo. During this time its current expenses increased from $3,000 to $10,000 a year. During the first twenty-five years its be- nevolences to Home and Foreign Missions aggregated $103.854, making an average of $4,154 a year. One of its first mem- bers has been himself a missionary to Japan for forty years. One of the most earnest and devoted Japanese Christians was baptized in this church and returned as a preacher to his own people in Japan. l;i 1886, on the resignation of Rev. A. J. Scott, the Rev. Nathan H. \\Tiittlesey, D. D.. was called to the pastorate, which continued harmonious and unbroken until May i, 1892. In October of the latter year, Rev. Jean Frederic Loba, D. D., was called and installed November 17, 1892. During more than thirty years the church has been characterized, first of all. by a spirit of harmony. No serious dis- sensions have ever existed among its members, and, whenever any misunder- standings have arisen, they have quickly been adjusted and smoothed away. It has stood for a perfectly simple evangelical faith, its present articles of faith being the ones which were adopted by the Lake Avenue Church in which Dr. Francis Bradley characteristically substituted the word "privilege" for "duty." It has ever shown interest in every form of philan- thropic benevolence. It was among the first supporters and benefactors of the city settlement movement. Its interest in education has been shown by its hearty sympathy and co-operation with -the Northwestern University. Its benevo- lences have been unstinted and generous. During the year 1901 these exceeded its home expenses by $1,500, and during the year 1905 they aggregated over $13.000. It has been foremost in its love of all that was tasteful and artistic in its form of worship, having been gen- erous in its expenditrre for the best 382 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY church music. A chapter might well be written upon the history of its devo- tion to sacred music. Many of its singers and organists were artists of the highest rank. For the first ten years of its ex- istence the expense for music was from $331 to $1,912 a year, making an annual average of about $1,295. From 1890 to 1895 the average was $2,390 a year, and the total cost of music from 1880 to 1895 was $24,759. The church has been interested in city missions and has been a liberal supporter of the Chicago City Missionary Society. For two years it supported an inde- pendent mission on Halsted Street. In 1894 it purchased a lot on the west side of Evanston on which it erected a sub- stantial and neat house of worship. For this, on one Sabbath, $4,800 were sub- scribed and a thousand dollars more se- cured for lot and structure. Here it co-operated with a small congregation in the support of a pastor, so that it may be truly said that the church, while inter- ested in foreign missions, has never neg- lected home culture and home benevo- lences. In 1903 it was thought best to dis- continue this work or place it in other hands, and the property was sold to the Christian Church by whicli a flourishing church organization is now conducted. The proceeds of this sale were donated to the Chicago City Missionary Society for its endowment fund. During i<;O5 and 1906 the Church has contributed about $2.500 per year through the Chicago City Missionary Society, for the support of I'ethesda Mission in Chicago, besides furnishing some eighteen or twenty teachers and officers in the various branches of this work. It has also an active interest in a promising mission at Rose Hill, in Chicago. Charity has begun at home, but it has not stopped there. The church has always maintained a most cordial relation with the sister churches in Evanston and, with them, has always been ready to co-operate in every religious, social and civic effort for the improvement of the higher life of our city. Its six hundred members are now thoroughly organized for work in and out of its own organization. Its Sabbath School of about 350 scholars has long been one of the most prosperous and thoroughly equipped in the city, being carefully graded into primary, intermediate and senior schools, each with a competent head of department. The benevolences of the Church are fostered and directed by the Home, For- eign and Young Ladies' Missionary So- cieties ; to which should also be added the missionary departments of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor and the Light-Bearers. Grateful for its history and successes, the Church goes forward full of faith and hope, assured that its Master, who has in- stituted and prospered it thus far, will lead it to yet larger successes. LUTHERAN CHURCHES (By REV. J. D. MATTHIUS) German Evangelical Lutheran Bethle- hem Church. It was in the year 1872, when a small number of Germans, liv- ing in Evanston and professing faith in the religion of Martin Luther, first assem- bled for regular Evangelical Lutheran ser- vices. They did not possess a house of worship, so they met in those little cabins down on Clark Street, near the locality of the present Electric Light plant. Several of the first Lutheran pioneers had settled in that neighborhood. A pastor they found in Rev. A. H. Reinke, of Chicago. He agreed to come to quiet little Evan- HISTORY OF EVAXSTON 383 ston on Sunday evenings and preach God's message to the attentive little group which was seated on up-turned wash-tubs, laundry-benches, and whatever could be used as stool or pew. The majority of this small congregation had emigrated from the "Old Country." Having become tired of the hardships which they had to endure under landlordism in Mecklenburg- Schwerin, they had come to America in the hope of enjoying the freedom of this country. But poor they were, indeed the most of them and the plain, simple mode of their living bore ample proof of it. Some of them experienced many sad and gloomy hours on their "arrival at this village in the woods," far away from their native home, without their church so dear to them, without a German school, with- out a pastor to teach and console them. Their delight was great when, at last, they had their own religious services in the dwellings of their fellow-people. Twenty-five years later the Rev. A. H. Reinke wrote as follows concerning the first Lutherans of Evanston : "When I first began to preach at Evanston and organized a congregation, there were, ac- cording to my knowledge, the following people among the members and hearers: H. Voigts, H. Witt, Joh. Witt, Joachim Witt. P. Claussen, Martin Becker, A. P. Handke, F. Lass, Joh. Yorbeck, F. Strokey and others." The names of the above are also found in the records of the church attached to a constitution which was adopted August 8, 1875, f r the "German Evangelical Lutheran Bethlehem Church of Evanston, Cook County, Illinois." We find that Rev- A. H. Reinke bap- tized children here, from June 16, 1872, until May 18, 1873. After that time a number of baptisms were performed by Rev. G. S. Lober, of Niles, Illinois. For some unknown reason it appears the little flock of Lutherans were without services for a while after June, 1873. Again, how- ever, Rev. Reinke, missionary as he was, turned his attention to his small mission post at Evanston, and, though over- burdened with work, took up the care of the Evanston Lutherans with a zeal and devoutness not often to be found. Rev. H. \\ under, of Chicago, too, found his way here and preached to the people occasion- ally. The year 1875 was an epoch in the annals of the Bethlehem Church. Glencoe. about seven miles north of Evanston. had had a Lutheran congregation since 1847, but had always been attended to by the Lutheran ministers of Chicago, especially by Rev. Prof. C. A. T. Selle, Rev. H. Wuncler and Rev. J. Grosse. In 1874 they rejoiced to have the young Rev. Ed. Dor- ing take up his residence at Glencoe as their ordained minister. In the following year, January, 1875, we find the first records of holy communion celebrated in Evanston by the Rev. Ed. Doring. He it was then who conducted the services of the congregation until 1881. when he accepted a call to a mission post at Port- land. Oregon. In the meanwhile the Luth- erans had come into possession of a little church property on Florence Avenue, near Lake Street, and built a small frame church on it. Later this little church was sold to the Swedish Lutherans and was moved to Lake Street near Sherman Ave- nue. Xow it is the church of the Danish- Norwegian Lutherans, and is to be found on Greenwood Boulevard, near Sherman Avenue, west of the Northwestern Rail- road- Until the departure of Rev. Doring the congregation had not taken very great strides to prosperity ; still it had among its members several young, enterprising 384 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY and good Lutherans, one of which was the late \Vm. F,. Suhr. They were not with- out a minister very long. In the fall of 1881 a young energetic pastor, Rev. A. Detzer, a graduate of Concordia Semi- nary, St. Louis, Mo., was installed in his calling as pastor of the German Lutheran Church (at Evanston), with his residence at Evanston. In future there were ser- vices every Sunday. The new pastor also took charge of the parish at Glencoe and preached there every two weeks. As soon as Rev. Detzer had become acquainted with his people, he had them found a parochial school. He undertook the task of teaching the children himself. The school was opened with twelve pupils in attendance. The schoolroom was in the attic of a small dwelling house in the "prairie." The venture, however difficult for pastor and people, who gladly paid their taxes for public schools, and besides upheld their private school, proved so suc- cessful that they soon saw themselves compelled to build a school-house of their own. They erected a house for this pur- pose at a cost of $1,450, where now the parsonage is to be seen at 1410 Green- wood Boulevard. In 1885 we find a school of fifty-three pupils learning the rudiments of the Ev- angelical Lutheran denomination, and all elementary branches necessary for a good secular education. The congregation understood how great a burden their pastor had taken upon his shoulders and relieved him of it by appointing Mr. H. Feuchter as provisory teacher, and by calling Mr. M. E. Bittner. in 1886. as their ordained school-teacher. Mr. Bittner still holds this position, having held it sixteen years. He now teaches the upper class only. As the number of pupils increased, so also did the number of members of the church. The congregation, therefore, soon found its first church too small, and without delay built a handsome new church edifice at the corner of Green- wood Boulevard and Wesley Avenue, which was dedicated November 21, 1886. It was a great day for the German Luth- erans. After a period of fourteen years since their first services, they now were in possession of their second church, which, though not as large as some of our present churches, was far larger than their firsc one and far more artistic and inviting. After having stood sixteen years, it still deserves to be mentioned as one of Evan- ston's notable buildings. \\'hen the year 1899 came, the class of pupils had outgrown the school. There was not room enough for a new scholar, so the enterprising congregation, number- ing about sixty male voting members by this time, did not hesitate to purchase a new building site at the corner of Lake Street and Ashland Avenue. Here they erected a two-story brick-veneered school- house containing two spacious class- rooms, with all modern improvements. The "Evanston Press," of March 8, 1890, devoted its entire second page to the de- scription of the dedication of this school. It said : "Our German patrons are to be congratulated on the enterprise and devo- tion to the cause of education which has prompted them to this progressive move." Soon after the new school had been pressed into service. Rev. Detzer received a call from St. Paul, Minn-, where he was wanted to build up an English Lutheran mission. Though he had been serving a German congregation in Evanston, he was an able English scholar and therefore regarded this tfall as one which his con- science urged him to accept. It was a painful parting when he left. Again the founder of the congregation. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 385 Rev. A. H. Reinke, of Chicago, then pastor of the largest German Lutheran congre- gation in America, was asked to take care of his forsaken flock in Evanston. He gladly did so. He preached and performed all other pastoral duties, attended their meetings and assisted them in every man- ner to get a new pastor. They extended calls to a number of ministers, but in vain. Several months passed by, and Evanston was still looking for a minister. In August, 1890, a call was sent to the undersigned, Rev. J- D. Matthius, of Chi- cago, son-in-law of Rev. A. H. Reinke. He accepted and was installed September 3, 1890. He was a native of Staten Island, New York, the son of a prosperous business man. When thirteen years old he entered Concorclia College, Fort Wayne, Ind.. took an academic course of six years, graduated there in 1885, and in 1888 from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. From that time until his charge in Evanston he was assistant of Rev. A. H. Reinke in Chicago. From 1890 up to the present day (Feb- ruary, 1902) the congregation has enjoyed constant prosperity. It still clings to the infallible divine inspiration of the Bible and to Faith in Christ Jesus as the only way to salvation. The congregation now consists of over 200 German Lutheran families and many single persons. It has 130 male voting members, 135 pupils in its school and, besides Mr. M. E. Bittner, has Mr. R. Mangelsdorf as teacher of the second class. In 1893 a handsome par- sonage was erected in the rear of the church. The congregation belongs to the "Evan- gelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and other states." Besides the German Lutheran, Evan- ston has also a Norwegian-Danish Luth- eran, a Swedish Lutheran, and, of late, also a small English Lutheran congrega- tion. The latter conducts its services in the church of the Danish-Norwegian Lutherans, and is attended to by Rev. J. K. Reed of Chicago, a member of the General Synod. Norwegian-Danish Lutheran Church. The following notes have been kindly compiled by the pastor, Rev. D. Larsen : The Evanston Norwegian-Danish Luth- eran Church was organized July 29, 1891, under the supervision of Rev. N. J. Elles- tad and Rev. J. N. Kildal of the Bethle- hem Norwegian Lutheran Church in Chi- cago, and, until the new congregation could secure a pastor. Rev. Kildal tem- porarily served it in connection with the Chicago church. Admission into the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America was applied for and granted in June. 1892. In March of the same year Rev. T. Aarrestad be- gan to serve the congregation as its or- dained pastor, and remained in that ca- pacity until October, 1893. John Hetland, the next pastor, served from February, 1894, till June, 1900. In January, 1894. the Young People's Society, "Nordlyset," was organized. The congregation had, as yet. owned no place of worship, but services were held in rented quarters. In 1899, how- ever, a lot was bought on Greenwood Boulevard between Sherman and Benson Avenues, and the chapel, owned first by the German and then by the Swedish Lutheran congregation, was bought and moved to the above-mentioned location. This chapel will serve as a temporary house of worship until the congregation becomes able to build a church. The present pastor, Ditman Larsen, was in- stalled July 21, 1901. 386 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY Swedish Evangelical Lutheran (Im- manuel ) Church. This congregation was organized in 1888, by Rev. S. A. Sandahl of Lake View, with thirty-four communi- cant members. The first installed pastor was Rev. J. Edgren, who served the con- gregation a number of years. The next pastor was Rev. C. Solmonson. During his ministry in Evanston the Swedes built their present handsome new church and parsonage at Sherman Avenue and Lake Street. Their present minister is Rev. G. K. Stark. Our information concerning the Swed- ish Lutherans is very scant. We should have gladly inserted a chapter from the pen of the present pas- tor, but our efforts to obtain such an arti- cle were in vain. Supplemental. Since the above chapter was written work among the Lutherans of Evanston has kept on. The English Lutherans now have a handsome little edifice of their own at Ben- son Avenue and Greenleaf Street. In Bethlehem German Lutheran congre- gation the parochial school has experienced some changes. Mr. R. E. Mangelsdorf, on account of failing health, was obliged to ac- cept a position as teacher of a parochial school at Black Jack, Mo. Likewise, Mr. M. E. Bittner. after having been at the head of the school for almost nineteen years, accepted a call to Kankakee, 111., in 1905. where he now is Principal of a pa- rochial school. The respective vacancies have been filled by Mr. F. Teenies, for many years teacher at Strassburg, 111., and by Mr. L. O. Schaefer, one of the graduates of the Addison Lutheran Teachers' Semin- ary in this State, in 1905. EVAXSTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Bj ULYSSES GKANT BUCK) The Evanston Christian Church has had humble beginnings, but gives prom- ise of becoming a strong power for good in this city of churches, and has found a place and a work that would indicate that no mistake has been made in bringing it into being. The Reformation Movement, which this organization represents, had its inception in Western Pennsylvania about one hun- dred years ago, and has been one of rapid growth on lines parallel to the lines of immigration, with the result that the northern and southern parts of our coun- try have few, if any, more prosperous churches. However, there have gone into all parts of the country, as happens with our shifting population, a few represent- ative active members, and these have been gathered together to form a working nu- cleus, and thus have grown up large con- gregations where once there was no work done. This is the history of the Evans- ton Church. The Christian Missionary Society of Chicago had its attention called to the possibilities of a work being started in Evanston in the year 1895. Accordingly on the 241)1 day of November, 1895, City Evangelist E. W. Darst, accompanied by W. B. Taylor, pastor of the North Side Christian Church ; E. S. Ames, of the Disciples' Divinity House of the Univer- sity of Chicago, met with the few disciples to be found in this community, among whom were Mr. and Mrs- E. E. Starkey, of Wilmette; Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Knox, of Rogers Park, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton O. Naramore, at 925 Main Street, to discuss the idea of at- tempting to organize a Christian Church at some point in Evanston. The urgent 386 EVAXSTOX CHURCH HISTORY Swedish Evangelical Lutheran (Im- manuel) Church. This congregation was organized in iSSS. l>y Rev. S. A. Satulahl of Lake View, with thirty-four communi- cant mcmhcrs. The first installed pastor was Kev. J. Ldgrcn, who served the con- gregation a number of vears. The next pastor was Kev. C. Solmonson. During his ministry in Lvanston the Swedes built their ])resei)t handsome new church and parsonage at Sherman Avenue and Lake Street. Their present minister is Kev. G. K. Stark. I Hir information concerning the Swed- ish Lutherans is very scant. \\'e should have gladly inserted a chapter from the pen of the present pas- tor, but our efforts to obtain such an arti- cle were in vain. Supplemental. Since the above chapter was written work among the Lutherans of Kvanston has kept on. The Knglish Lutherans now have a handsome little edifice of their own at I '.en- son Avenue ami ( ireenleaf Street. In liethlehem < icrman Lutheran congre- gation the parochial school ha- experienced some changes. Mr. K. K. Mangclsilorf, oil account "f lading health, was obliged to ac- cept a po-itioii a- teacher of a parochial school at I Hack Jack. Mo. Likewise. Mr. M. L. Mittncr. after bavin;,' been at the head ol the -chool for almo-t nineteen years, accepteil a call to Kankakee. III., in HJO^. where he now i- I'rincipal of a pa- rochial -chool. The rc-pcetivc vacancies have been tilled bv Mr. I'. Toenies. for many \i-ar- teacher at Strassburg. 111., and b\ Mr. L. i I. Schaefer. one of the graduates of the .\i|i|i-on Lutheran Teachers' Semin- ary in tliis State, in 11)05. LVAXSTOX CHRISTIAX Clll'RCII (I'.y ri.YSSKS GKANT HfCK) The Lvanston Christian Church has had humble beginnings, but gives prom- ise of becoming a strong power for good in this city of churches, and has found a place and a work that would indicate that no mi>takc has been made in bringing it into being. The Reformation Movement, which this organization represents, had its inception in Western Pennsylvania about one hun- dred years ago. and has been one of rapid growth on lines parallel to the lines of immigration, with the result that the northern and southern parts of our coun- try have few. if any. more prosperous churches. However, there have gone into all parts of the country, as happens with our shifting population, a few represent- ative active members, and these have been gathered together to form a working nu- cleus, and thus have grown up large con- gregations where once there was no work done. This is the history of the Kvans- ton Church. The Christian Missionary Society of Chicago had its attention called to the possibilities of a work being started in Kvanst'iii in the year iSi)=;. Accordingly on the J-jth day of November. 1X05. City Kvangelist K. W. Darst. accompanied by \\ . I'.. Taylor, pastor of the North Side Christian Church: K. S. Ames, of the Disciples' Divinity House of the I'niver- sity of Chicago, met with the few disciples to be found in this community, among whom were Mr. and Mr- L. K. Starkcy. of Wilmette: Dr. and Mrs. 1\. C. KIMX. of Rogers I 'ark. at the home of Mr. and Mr-. Milton ( ). Xaramore. at '125 Main Street, to discuss the idea r,f at- tempting to orgam/e a Christian Church at -ome point in Kvanston. The urgent us Or (HE SITY OF HUN0W HISTORY OF EVANSTON 387 need of a church organization was con- ceded, and it was unanimously decided to take steps to hold a meeting, and in the meantime to hold preliminary cottage meetings in order to enlist the co-opera- tion of all persons who might be found to be members of the Church. Meetings were held at the same place on each of the Lord's Days in Decem- ber, making six preliminary and prepara- tory meetings, during which the whole situation was thoroughly canvassed and all arrangements were made to hold a se- ries of meetings at Union Hall, 807 Davis Street, beginning on Sunday. January 5, 1896. At 3 o'clock on that day a large audience assembled at the above place, among whom were many representatives from the city churches, and, as an inau- gural service, Rev. W. F. Black, of the Central Church, Chicago, preached a learned and able discourse. On the evening following, Evangelist E. W. Darst, assisted by local members, began a series of meetings which lasted for the next eleven weeks, without in- terruption, every week day evening ex- cept Saturday and twice on Sunday. At the end of this series of meetings there were forty-two persons who had made confession and thirty-four who had been received by letter, making a total of sev- enty-six, who thus became the nucleus of the Evanston Christian Church. Upon the completion of this series of meetings the church proceeded to the or- ganization of all the departments com- mon to Evangelical churches, and soon it had an active Sunday School, a live Chris- tian Endeavor Society, a Ladies' Aid So- ciety and a Woman's Missionary Society. On the 1 7th day of May, 1896, the church called Edward Scribner Ames, of the Disciples' Divinity House, as its first pastor. He continued with the church for about one year, when he was followed by Rev. A. L. Chapman. On the 1st day of May, 1897, the church was moved from 807 Davis Street to Odd- Fellows' Hall, 6o4J^Davis Street, where it continued to meet until it was removed to the Y. M. C. A. Building. Mr. Chapman remained as pastor until the autumn of 1898. On the 3Oth of Oc- tober of that year E. W. Darst was called as pastor, and continued until September. 1899, when Wallace C. Payne, of New York, became his successor. Mr. Payne's work continued until March 24, 1901, when he was succeeded, after a short in- terval, by Dr. E. V. Zollars, President of Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio. Dr. Zollars is one of the ablest men in the Christian Church, and gave the church in Evanston a standing second to none. He was suc- ceeded on October 27. 1901. by Mr. W. D. Ward, a graduate of Hiram College un- der Dr. Zollars, and formerly of Mantua, Ohio. Under his guidance and preaching the church has prospered and grown, and his relations with the church have been so pleasant that he is liable to remain yet many years. In -1900 the church, under careful and wise financial management, began to ac- cumulate a building fund, and after about three years' saving, was able to purchase a lot at the corner of Oak and Church Streets, where it was proposed to build a church home, and which it still owns; but the unexpected, which often happens, came when the opportunity was presented of securing a commodious property at the corner of Lee Street and Asbury Ave- nue, known as the Plymouth Congrega- tional Church. This came near the end of 1903, and the generous offer of the First Congrega- tional Society of Evanston was soon ac- cepted, and, for the first time in its his- 388 EVANSTON CHURCH HISTORY tory, the Evanston Christian Church be- came an established fact in the commu- nity. In June, 1905, the church celebrated, in befitting manner, the clearing off of all indebtedness ; and with all its equipment and with the simple gospel plea which it presents, is bound to continue to prosper and grow, and lead men and women and children to a knowledge of better things and to lives of better deeds, until the time when it shall be known as one of the most potent influences for good in this splen- did city of splendid people. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST (SCI- ENTIST) (By HOLMKS Ih 'i.i i The First Church of Christ (Scientist), of Evanston, was organized under a char- ter granted by the State of Illinois, Jan- uary 23, 1895, with a membership of twenty-six. It is a branch church of the First Church of Christ (Scientist), Bos- ton, Mass., which was founded in 1879. Since that time six hundred and sixty- three churches and societies of this de- nomination have been organized in this country and foreign lands. The branch churches have the power to govern local affairs and elect their First and Second Readers, Boards of Trustees and Direct- ors, and other officers, annually. The Evanston church has had a steady growth and has received one hundred and fifty-two persons into membership. The meetings were first held in a private house, but that was soon found too small to accommodate the increasing congre- gation, and larger quarters have been sought from time to time, until now the church owns the handsome property on the southwest corner of Chicago Avenue and Grove Street. The present form of Sunday service ob- served in all of the churches of the de- nomination was inaugurated in 1895. The sermons consist of selections taken from the Bible and the Christian Science Text Book, "Science and Health," with Key to the Scriptures, by Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, the discoverer and leader of Christian Science. The lesson sermons of all the churches are arranged by a commit- tee appointed by the First Church of Christ (Scientist), of Boston, and are read by the First and Second Readers, reading from the Bible and from "Science and Health," respectively. Following the Sunday morning service the Sunday School assembles. Since its organization progress has been the key- note with these little workers, who arc bringing out in their daily lives beautiful proofs of the power of good in overcom- ing evil, as this religion teaches. On each Wednesday evening in this church, as well as all other churches of this denomination, a meeting is held for the purpose of giving testimonies of the benefits received physically, morally and spiritually from the study and practice of Christian Science. In accordance with a by-law of the First Church of Christ (Scientist), of Bos- ton, a reading room has been established and is open daily, affording an opportu- nity to those who are seeking knowledge on the subject of Christian Science to read and procure literature. The theology of Christian Science in- cludes healing the sick, as well as re- forming the sinner, by the prayer of faith with a spiritual understanding of the Scriptures, basing its authority upon the teachings and works of Christ Jesus and the Apostles, as recorded in the Bible. The following item from one of the .HISTORY OF EVANSTON 389 Chicago newspapers of a year ago the exact date is not known furnishes an in- teresting fact in connection with the his- tory of the First Church of Christ (Scien- tist), of Evanston : "When the temple building of the First Church of Christ (Scientist), of Evans- ton, was destroyed by fire two and a half vears ago, the one hundred persons who comprised the membership of the church erected a new building at a cost of $25,- ooo, and then set out to wipe out the debt within three years. Last evening, at the regular prayer service. Holmes Hoge, treasurer of the church and assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Chicago, announced that the last payment on the mortgage was made yesterday." CHAPTKR XXXVIII. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION (By ARTHUR B. DALE, General Secretary) Evanston young Men's Christian Associa- tion Organization Effected in 1885 First Board of Officers General His- tory Association Building Erected and Dedicated in 1898 Gymnasium and Katatorium Constructed List of For- mer and Present Officers. The Young Men's Christian Associa- tion of Evanston, as elsewhere, arose in response to a public need for the care of the young men of the community, and since its organization has steadily grown, both in size and efficiency, until now it occupies a place of unquestioned utility in the city and has become one of the most effective arms of the church for its work among young men. Differing from the usual social or athletic club in breadth of purpose, it has steadily aimed to reach the young man in his entirety and to ben- efit him morally, intellectually, physically and socially. It firmly stands for the symmetrical growth of all of these sides of his life, believing that only thus does a man approach the plan designed for him by his Maker. The local organization was called into being as the result of a meeting of pas- tors and lay members of the various churches of the city, held June 26, 1885, at which were present Rev. Messrs. Scott. Curts and Noyes for the pastors, and Messrs. H. G. Grey, D. S. McMullen, Martin, Miller, Adams, Gillson and Ben- jamin for the laity. This meeting had under discussion the question whether an organization for young men was needed, on which point they were unanimous ; and whether such organization should be the Young Men's Christian Association. On the latter point, some difference of opinion arising, the matter was referred to a committee of five, who afterward re- ported to a mass meeting in favor of the Association, which was finally launched on November 17, 1885, with the follow- ing Board of Managers : M. P. Aiken, Jos. M. Larimer. XV. E. Stockton, Capt. L. O. Lawson, J. H. Nitchie, W. H. Spen- ser, O. E. Haven, S. A. Kean, C. B. Cong- don, H. G. Grey, L. K. Gillson and P. O. Magnuson. This Board organized with the following officers : President M. P. Aiken; Vice-President J. M. Larimer; Recording Secretary J. H. Nitchie ; Treasurer Howard G. Grey. Under this Board of Directors the As- sociation was duly incorporated as "The Young Men's Christian Association of Evanston," on November 17, 1885, and has continued under these articles to the present time. Rooms were secured in the Rink Building, at Hie corner of Davis Street and Chicago Avenue, and on March 1 6, 1886, Mr. \V. S. Mather was engage 1 391 392 YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION as General Secretary, to take charge of the work. From this date the Association pursued the usual course of such organizations, meeting with difficulties and achieving successes from time to time, but persist- ently holding to its one purpose of reach- ing and benefitting the young men of the community. After a period in the Rink Building, the rooms were moved to the Block Building, on Sherman Avenue, south of Davis Street, where the work continued to prosper. Among the suc- cessful enterprises conducted by the As- sociation during this period were the re- ligious meetings addressed by Rev. C. H. Yatman, of Newark, N. J., in the fall of 1887. These meetings were held in conjunction with the city churches and resulted in 218 professed conversions, of which 115 were young men, and a gen- eral quickening of the religious life of the city. During the General Secretaryship of Mr. F. D. Fagg, agitation for a build- ing began, and the following resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors on June 3, 1892 : "Resolved. That it is the sense of this Board that the Association pro- ceed, at the earliest possible date, to secure a site and take the necessary steps to erect a building commensurate with the public need." Pursuant to this reso- lution, a committee of five was appointed to select a site and solicit funds for its purchase. This agitation finally resulted in the purchase of the present Associa- tion lots, in March, 1893, at a cost of $27,- ooo. Just when matters were growing bright for the accomplishment of the long-de- sired purpose of beginning work for a building, the Association met with a great loss in the death of Mr. J. M. Larimer, who was, at the time, its President. Mr. Larimer had been for a number of years a most active friend and supporter of the work, giving both of his time and money with unusual generosity, and to his ef- forts was largely due the progress that had been made up to that time. Shortly after the death of Mr. Lari- mer, Mr. John R. Lindgren was elected President, and Mr. William Boyd having just entered upon the duties of General Secretary, the work of canvassing for funds for the new building was taken up and pushed to a successful issue. A great stimulus was given the project by the State Convention of the Association, which was held in Evanston in 1895, anc ' gave the people of the city an enlarged view of the extent and importance of the work at large, of which the local organi- zation was a part. After much hard work and patient continuance in the solicitation of funds, the present building was finally completed, and on October 6, 1898, was dedicated to the interests of young men in Evanston in a public reception, at which a very large number of the citi- zens were present. With the completion of the front build- ing, the interest in the Association took on a renewed vigor, and work was imme- diately begun for the building of the gym- nasium, without which the work planned would have been most incomplete. This was carried on in a most systematic and successful manner, and on November 28, 1899, the Gymnasium Building was for- mally opened, complete in every detail with the exception of the Natatorium that had been contemplated in the orig- inal plan. For this latter feature the As- sociation waited until July I, 1903, when two of Evanston 's most liberal citizens contributed $5,000 each, for this purpose, and one of the finest swimming pools in 2 c. Yol'Xi. MFX'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION as ( icncral Secretary, to take charge of the work. From this date the Association pursued the usual course of such organizations, meeting with difficulties and achieving successes from time to time, but persist- entlv holding to its one purpose of reach- ing and hem-fitting the young men of the community. After a period in the Kink Building, the rooms were moved to the Block Building, on Sherman Avenue. south of Davis Street, where the work continued to prosper. Among the suc- cessful enterprises conducted by the As- sociation during this period were the re- ligious meetings addressed by Rev. C. II. Yainian. of Xewark. X. J.. in the fall of 18X7. These meetings were held in conjunction \\ith the city churches and resulted in JlS professed conversions, of which 115 were young men. and a gen- eral (|uickening of the religious life of the city. During the ( ieiu-ral Secretaryship of Mr. I'. I >. l-'agg. agitation for a build- ing began, and the following resolution \\a- adopted at a meeting of tin- Hoard of Directors on June .^. lS8. was dedicated to the interests of young men in Evanston in a public reception, at which a very large number of the citi- zens were present. \\ ith the completion of the front build- ing, the interest in the Association took on a renewed vigor, and work was imme- diately begun for the building of the gym- nasium, without which the work planned would have been most incomplete. This was carried on in a most systematic ami successful manner, and on November 28, l8(/). the (iymnasium Building was for- mally opened, complete in every detail with the exception of the Xatatorium that had been contemplated in the orig- inal plan. For this latter feature the As- sociation waited until Inly I. i'io.}. when two of Kvanston's most liberal citizens contributed $5.000 each, for this purpose, and one of the finest swimming pools in !Y . . Cr IL!.: HISTORY OF EVANSTON 393 the country, of tile and marble construc- tion, was installed as part of the physical eciuipment. The completion of the Gymnasium and Natatorium gave the Evanston Associa- tion not only one of the most complete equipments in the country, but also one most admirably adapted to the work to be performed. The greatest wisdom has been shown by those having the matter in hand in providing not only for the pres- ent membership, but also for the prob- able increase of future years. Since its completion, the International officers of the Association have frequently referred others to the Evanston building as a model to be followed, and calls for in- spection by visiting officers or architects are of common occurrence. Together with the completeness of its equipment, however, the Association has never lost sight of the real purpose of its organization, viz., the extension of the kingdom of Christ among the young men of the city. Aided by the active co-oper- ation of the churches, it has conducted its physical, educational and social work, as veil as its more specifically religious work, with this object in view, and by this policy has won a place for itself among the permanent factors going to make up the better citizenship and life of the city. Presidents and General Secretaries of the Association since its organization, with their terms of service, have been as follows: Presidents: M. P. Aiken, 1885-1886. C B. Congdon, 1886-1891. J. M. Larimer, 1891-1894. J. R. Lindgren, 1894-1903. John E. Wilder, 1903- General Secretaries : W. S. Mather, 1886. Jesse Lockwood, 1886-1887. W. A. Hill, 1887-1888. E. A. Barrett, 1888-1889. John M. Dick, 1889-1890. F. D. Fagg, 1890-1893. Win. Boyd, 1893-1901. A. B. Dale, 1901- The present Board of Directors is com- posed of the following gentlemen : John E. Wilder, President; Richard C. Hall, Vice-President ; Wm. Hudson Harper, Recording Secretary; Win. A. Dyche, Treasurer ; Frank H. Armstrong, Thos. L. Fansler, Livingstone P. Moore, John H. Hardin, John R. Lindgren, James F- Oates, Thos. I. Stacey, Wm. G. Sherer, Alfred L. Lindsey, Milton H. Wilson. The present executive force is as fol- lows : Arthur B. Dale, General Secre- tary ; J. Graham Stewart, Assistant Sec- retary ; Lewis O. Gillesby, Physical Di- rector. CHAPTER XXXIX. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION'S (B/ SUSANNA M. D. FRY. A. M., Ph. D.) ' t Temperance Alliance Eranston Woman's Christian Temperance Union Organized in 1875 Working Depart- ments Enforcement of Four-Mile Limit Late 1 Industrial School Chil- dren's Organization Lo\al Temper- ance Legion and Gospel Temperance Meetings Miss Frances E. Willard and Other \otcd Leaders Manual Training School The Eranston II'. C. T. U. Reilcy and South Eranston Un- ions young Woman's Organization. The forerunner of the Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union in Evanston was the Women's Temperance Alliance. This, was formed March 17, 1874, and was a part of the general awakening which fol- lowed the Woman's Crusade of the win- ter of 1873-74. The name, "Woman's Christian Temperance Union," was as yet practically unknown, and that the organi- zation took the name it did was probably due to the fact that Mr. L. L. Greenleaf had. several years earlier, formed an Al- liance which met at his own and other homes in Evanston. The chief object of the Women's Temperance Alliance was the prosecution of violators of the Uni- versity charter law, which forbade sa- loons within four miles of the college campus. As soon as the village of Evans- ton was incorporated a local ordinance had been passed in harmony with the Uni- versity charter. Other objects of the Al- liance were the circulation of the pledge and the visiting of places within the four- mile limit, where liquor was believed to be sold, or where gambling was carried on. Mrs. A. J. Brown was elected the first President, but declined to serve, and Mrs. Dr. O. Marcy was elected. Mrs. Prof. H. F. Fisk was the first Secretary. Among those who were particularly in- terested were Mrs. Dr. David Noyes, Mrs. Edward Russell, Mrs. A. P. Wightman. Mrs. Francis Bradley, Mrs. Arza Brown. Mrs. Charles E. Brown. Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller, Mrs. John E. Kedzie. Mrs. T. C. Hoag. Mrs. Helen E. Hesler, Mrs. J. F. Willard, Mrs. Mary B. Willard, Mrs. Rev. F. L. Chappell. Mrs. Caroline F. Corbin, Mrs. M. C. Van Benschoten. The records of the Alliance include the names of about seven hundred citizens of Evanston who signed the total abstinence pledge at that time. The men and women signers were about equal in number, and the last fifty-four names are noted as com- ing from the University and the College Cottage, and were handed in by Miss Jes- sie Brown, afterward Mrs. Hilton, who became National W. C. T. U. Superin- tendent of Mothers' Meetings. 395 396 WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UXIOXS THE EYAXSTON W. C. T. U. May i, 1875, the Alliance changed its name to the Evanston Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union, and September 18, 1878, became auxiliary to the State and Xational W. C. T. U. The following have served as Presidents of this Union from 1874 until 1906: Mrs. Dr. O. Marcy, Mrs. Mary Thompson Willard, Mrs. W. E. Clifford, Mrs. Francis Brad- ley, Mrs. A. J. Brown, Mrs. M. M. Con- well, Mrs. Mary Bannister Willard, Mrs. Jane Eggleston Zimmerman, Mrs. Mary H. Hull, Mrs. William Bradley, Mrs. Ger- trude M. Singleton, Mrs. Lucy Prescott Vane, Mrs. John B. Finch, Mrs. A. De- Coudres, Mrs. Robert M. Hatfiekl, "Mrs. Harriet Kidder, and Mrs. George R. Brown, who became President in 1899. For many years the W. C. T. U. and the Ladies' Union Prayer Meeting met as one body. The Evanston Union has, at different times, carried on the following lines of work : Law Enforcement, Gos- pel Temperance Meetings, Kindergarten Work, Night School, Industrial School, Reading Room, Band of Hope, Loyal Temperance Legion, Hospital and Res- cue Work, Distribution of Literature, Scientific Temperance Instruction, Work Among Colored People, Temperance Teaching in the Sunday School, Parlia- mentary Usage, Medal Contest, Work Among Railroad Employes, Mothers' Meeting, Pledge Signing, and other de- partments of the National W. C. T. U- work, some of which will be taken up somewhat in detail in this sketch. This Union is still doing good work under the leadership of Mrs. George R. Brown, President, and Mrs. G. W. Price, its faithful, long-time Recording Secretary. It has a paid-up membership of sixty. Law Enforcement. In the early days Mrs. Arza Brown, mother of Mrs. Mary H. B. Hitt, who was for many years President of the Northwestern Branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Socie- ty of the M. E. Church, used to take Mrs. Dr. Marcy with her in her buggy to Gross Point, a German settlement north of Evanston, where they visited saloons and did regular temperance missionary work among the people. The women prose- cuted those found selling liquor within the four-mile limit and generally gained their case, but too often an appeal was taken and the case was finally lost. The members of the Union did not hesitate to go into the court and testify. Mrs. Arza Brown, when nearly eighty years old, went fearlessly into the most forbidding places and searched most diligently into the statutes concerning liquor-selling, and, withal, was most fervent in prayer, not only in the Union, but among the offenders whom she visited. The following appeared in the "Evans- ton Index" while the Union was still called the Alliance: "The Women's Temperance Alliance of Evanston, appreciating the embarrass- ment systematically thrown in the way of all who attempt to prosecute the secret and open venders of intoxicants, at its last meeting created a committee of vig- ilance, consisting of many influential la- dies and gentlemen, whose duty it will be to attend the courts to prevent, as far as possible the intimidation of witnesses and to do whatever else may be necessary to insure a prompt and vigorous prosecu- tion of all violators of the University charter law, and the laws of this State and village, within reach of the influence of the Alliance." The same paper reported at another time a liquor case before Justice Hun- toon, which was attended by Mesdames HISTORY OF EVANSTON 397 Arza Brown, Charles E. Brown, A. J. Brown. Marcy, Bradley. Fisk, Willard. Boutell, Goebel, Woodson, Ninde, New- man, Moore, Stout, Butler, Curtis. Lane, Van Benschoten, Hoag, Pitner, Pitt, Clif- ford and Miss Jackson. In 1883 a Law and Order League was organized among the men of Evanston, at the suggestion of Rev. Dr. Bannister, of which Dr. D. R. Dyche was for many years President, but the Union never lost its interest in this phase of temperance work and no single feature has been of more general interest to the citizens of Evanston. The minutes of the Evanston Union show, from time to time, that the "saloon on wheels" was still rolling up and down the streets, and that the Union was called upon for greater activity in law enforcement. October 16, 1880, the Y. \Y. C. T. U., which had beeri organized the year be- fore, moved that the society communi- cate, through its Secretary, with the Trustees of the Northwestern University, respectfully calling their attention to the fact that, in direct opposition to published laws, beer was sold on the streets, and that there were seven saloons in opera- tion within less than' four miles of the University ; also that the society would furnish witnesses who would testify to the facts as above stated. The National \V. C. T. U. has a de- partment of Legislation and Law En- forcement, and even in Evanston, which has never had a legalized saloon, constant vigilance is needed on the part of officials and other citizens to minimize illicit sell- ing of intoxicating drinks. Hence the continued activity of the Unions in this direction. Industrial School. One of the earliest efforts among poor children was made by Mrs. Dr. O. Marcy. Those most needing instruction along the lines of temperance, industry, cleanliness, et cetera, were gath- ered together in a school, which some per- sisted in calling the ragged school, but which the leader always dignified with the title of "Industrial." The children were taught in a very simple and practical way. Texts were often selected which had something to say about "clean hands." To illustrate the Scripture. "Make a chain, for the land is full of bloody crimes and the city is full of violence," the chil- dren were taught to make a chain of their pledge cards. These had all been deco- rated with hand-painted flowers, and upon them were the names of those who signed the following pledge : "We all, whose names are on this pledge, promise not to drink anything that will intoxicate." The children were taught that "crimes" and "violence" were to be lessened by their sobriety and industry. The chain of pledge cards is still in existence. The school met in uncomfortable places until taken to Union Hall. They were trained to recite pieces and sing, together with sewing for the girls and some simple manual work for the boys. Mrs. Cornelia A. Churcher and others of the long-time residents of Evanston were greatly inter- ested in this school. The Star Band of Hope. February 23, 1875, Mrs. S. M. I. Henry, afterward a National \\". C. T. U. evangelist, organ- ized the Star Band of Hope among the children, which soon numbered seventy. Mrs. A. J. Brown was the presiding gen- ius, and Dr. Eben Clapp was her most faithful co-laborer. The meetings were held in Mrs. Brown's house at first, then in the old Evanston Hotel on Davis Street, and afterward in Union Hall. Dr. George C. Noyes, then pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, helped to corral the unrulv bovs, and assisted in manv wavs. 398 WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNIONS as did Mr. George Wire, Dr. William B. Phillips and others. Many of the boys were wild and, reckless, and a system of military drill was instituted among them by Captain Julian R. Fitch. Evanston ladies met and made caps and belts for the boys. A band of musicians was tiained among them, and they marched through the streets with their wooden guns, the band playing such military airs as were supposed to indicate that they were "soldiers fighting for good habits." Mrs. Marcy wrote some songs for them, notably, "I Heard a Little Bird One Morning Sing, Sip, Sip No Wine." Mrs. Edward Russell had charge of the Girls' Brigade, which was a part of the Band of Hope. The children of many prominent families belonged to the or- ganization, and the testimony is that never was better temperance work done among the children than during the five years' existence of the Band of Hope. The Loyal Temperance Legion. The National W. C. T. U. adopted the name, Loyal Temperance Legion, for its tem- perance society among the children in 1886, and these Legions succeeded the Bands of Hope. The same year Miss Anna A. Gordon, now Vice-President-at- large of the National W. C. T. U., and Edward Murphy formed a Legion in Evanston, which met in the First M. E. Church. It was formally adopted by the Evanston Union at a meeting on Decem- ber 6, 1886, with Miss Gordon as Super- intendent. The Legion numbered 200 members, with an average attendance of about loo. Mrs. Mary Owens Denyes, now President of the Straits Settlement' W. C. T. U./and residing at Singapore, was a member of the Legion, as were others whose names are now widely known. After the completion of Miss Gordon's first book of "Marching Songs" for the L. T. L., her legioners gave a demonstration in the church. The banners with mot- toes, the marching and singing and de- claiming, were new to the audience and were wonderfully impressive. Later, Mrs. Culla J. Vayhinger, then a student in the University and now President of the Indiana W. C. T. U., was Superin- tendent of the Legion. The children had courses of instruction which have come, through repeated revisions and improve- ments, to be exceedingly fine manuals of study, adapted to Junior, Senior and Nor- mal grades. Several L. T. L.'s have suc- ceeded each other, but Evanston has never been long without such an organi- zation. The L. T. L. is a branch of the National W. C. T. U., and in its entirety numbers about 200,000. Gospel Temperance Meetings. Sun- day afternoon, September, 1879, a Gos- pel temperance meeting was started under the leadership of Mrs. M. M. Con- well, in the waiting-room of the old North- western depot. These meetings contin- ued until 1895 or 1896. After leaving the depot they were held in a rented room on the corner of Davis and Maple Streets, and, later still, were regularly maintained in Union Hall. Mrs. Jane Eggleston Zimmerman was leader of these meetings for about eight years, beginning in 1881. Among the devoted workers were Mrs. R. H. Trumbull, Mrs. Mary Bannister Wil- lard, Mrs. T. C. Reiley, Mrs. R. Somers and scores of others. When Lady Henry Somerset, now President of the World's W. C. T. U , made her first visit to this country, 1891- 92, she and Miss Willard spoke at the Gospel temperance meeting on Sunday, March 13, 1892. The hall was packed and the interest intense. A farewell meet- ing for Lady Henry Somerset had been HISTORY OF EVANSTON 399 given in Central Music Hall, Chicago, the evening before, and both she and Miss Willard were extremely weary, but they did not find it in their hearts to refuse to speak on the occasion named. Miss Julia Ames, Miss Helen L. Hood, Miss Ruby I. Gilbert and Mary Allen West, editor of "The Union Signal," all closely identified with the National \V. C. T. U., and domiciled in the northern half of Rest Cottage, were frequently at these meetings. Mrs. Elizabeth Boynton Har- bert, Mrs. M. L. Welles, afterward Na- tional W. C. T. U. lecturer, and many others belonging to the Union, spoke at these meetings, as well as the pastors of the various churches. Temperance pa- pers from all over the world were re- ceived by Miss Willard at Rest Cottage, and these were carried over to Union Hall every Sunday and distributed. The following, which appeared in the "Evanston Index" at the time, shows the inspiring cause of the meetings: "Father Wheadon was roused from sleep one night by a young man living near him, who came to him saying: 'I have signed the pledge, but I must have God's help to keep it.' From the spirit aroused by the recital of this incident came the combination of effort on the part of Mrs. Convvell, Mrs. Clifford, Miss Willard and others, which resulted in the Gospel meetings." An incident will illustrate the charac- ter of the work : When Miss Willard was to speak. Union Hall, with all side rooms opened up, was always crowded. On one such occasion a man was observed to be eager- ly seeking admittance. To Mrs. T. C. Reiley, who sought to make room for him, he said he must see Miss Willard. He was informed that he could not see her then, as she was about to speak, but might do so at the close of the meeting. Observation of the man suggested the wisdom of an after meeting, and a note to Miss Willard prompted its announce- ment. When the man had an opportunity he asked if the Union took care of men's wives. He said he had gone to ethical culture lectures and many others, and no one could tell him how to reform, and now it was time to drop all such efforts. A word of prayer was proposed, and \vhen the meeting closed the man said that if God was what they represented Him to be, and would keep him from falling through the week, he would come again next Sunday. He was given a Bi- ble, a white ribbon was pinned on his coat, and he was sent to his Chicago home. Before going he said he had come to Evanston with the intention of killing himself, had walked past Rest Cottage six times without the courage to enter, and then went to the meeting with his revolver in his pocket. After reading the Bible many times, he said to his wife : "If this God will take me past the sa- loons, I'll take Him." Influence was brought to bear to secure employment for the man, he joined the church, and a: last accounts was still doing well. The attention of the Union, however, came to be turned more and more to pre- vention by work among children, as the experiences of this and thousands of other unions showed that a large percent- age of reformed men eventually went back to their cups. The Salvation Army came in with the same kind of Gospel work, and in time this particular field in Evanston was largely left to them. Kindergarten Work. In the winter of 1885 a kindergarten was started which continued until April, 1896, when the work was introduced into the Haven pub- lic school. Mrs. Marv Bannister Willard 4OO WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION'S was chiefly instrumental in raising the necessary funds at the beginning, through what was termed $15 scholar- ships, and in honor of her work the school was later named the Mary Ban- nister \\illard Kindergarten. Mrs. Hes- ter E. Walker had the school in charge and was most successful in winning both children and parents. The ladies of the First M. E. Church earned the first $200 for the kindergarten. The Y. W. C. T. U. and other young people lent a helping hand, chiefly through the sale of home- made candies, which was a source of con- siderable revenue to the Union for many years. Miss Mary McDowell, now at the head of the Northwestern University Settlement in Chicago, did much to aid the kindergarten work. Miss Kate Jack- son, Mrs. John A. Childs, Mrs. Dr. O. H. Mann, Mrs. R. M. Hatfield and Mrs. Henderson were also moving spirits. The need for the school did not exist after the work became a part of the public school system. During the more than eleven years of its existence it cost the Union, for hall rent, salary to the Superintendent, supplies, et cetera, about $1,000 per year, which was cheerfully contributed by the citizens. It is related that some of the little folks won their fathers from drink by the instructions which they had received in the kindergarten and carried to their homes. Manual Training School. This school was started about 1883 and suspended in January, 1887. Mrs. H. H. C. Miller was Secretary of the Union during a part of that period, and she was especially active in raising funds for the school and in carrying on the work. Other able women assisted her. Miss Lu Bushnell was a devoted teacher and Mr. William Lind- ley taught the boys carpentry. The meet- ings were held in Union Hall and the practical work was done in another build- ing. The especial aim was to gather in the neglected children, or those who for reasons had the greatest need, and to teach them temperance, industry and other virtues. Other Undertakings. The Evanston Union inaugurated many other lines of work beside those already named. At one time a night school was opened for youths who were obliged to work and could not attend the day schools. This numbered about eighty, and was sus- tained through the generosity of Mr. Wil Ham Deering, Rev. Henry Delano, Mr. Charles Congdon and others, until the Public School Board was induced to open a night school. A reading room was car- ried on from 1881 to 1886, and cottage prayer meetings were held frequently. At one time open air meetings were held on the University campus and on the corner of Ayars Court and Ridge Avenue. In 1886 the Good Times Club of girls, organized to illustrate that the best of good times consist in doing good to some- body else, became a part of the Union. Much attention was given to mothers' meetings. Mrs. Jessie Brown Hilton was, for a number of years, the inspiring and instructive leader. She served as Na- tional W. C. T. U. Superintendent of Mothers' Meetings several successive years, and gave many special lectures in Evanston by invitation of the Union. A sewing school for girls was maintained for some time. Social purity also had its place. Mrs. Isabel Wing Lake, for many years Na- tional Superintendent of Rescue Work , Mrs. Major Singleton, Mrs. R. H. Trum- bull and others went regularly to the Cook County Hospital, interested them- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 401 selves in the welfare of the girls in that institution, and in many cases did prac- tical rescue work. Thousands of pages of temperance lit- erature were distributed every year. Act- ive interest has always been taken in the teaching of scientific temperance truths from proper text-books in the public schools. As is well known, this plan originated with the W. C. T. U., and the Evanston Union did its part in securing the State law and the amendments which have been made from time to time, and in helping to make the law effective lo- cally. The Union was instrumental in organ- izing a union among the colored people of Evanston at one time, and it has regu- larly supervised a number of other depart- ments of the National W. C. T. U., such as Non-Alcoholic Medication, Anti-Nar- cotics, Flower Mission, whereby thou- sands of bouquets, with Scripture texts, have been given to the sick and unfor- tunate, but first, last and all the time, it has striven to promulgate the two basic principles of total abstinence and prohi- bition. The Union assisted the Delano Mission and has always been active in home charities, besides sending many boxes and barrels of clothing to needy Western territory. As indicative of the practical work of the Union, the following, taken at ran- dcyn from its minutes, may be noted : "December 23, 1878, the anniversary of the Temperance Crusade was observed in the M. E. Church, which was deco- rated for the occasion, the President, Mrs. M. M. Conwell, presiding. Miss Willard delivered, in her own peculiarly charming manner, her lecture on "Home Protec- tion," at the close of which 150 signa- tures to the petition to the Illinois Legis- lature were secured. (Some 600 in all were taken.) "January 10, 1879, temperance day in the week of prayer, was observed, Mrs. Converse presiding. Mrs. Arza Brown spoke with energy against the use of to- bacco. "March 19, 1879, the Union petitioned a certain railroad to remove intoxicating liquors from its dining-cars and a com- mittee reported having visited all of the churches of Evanston urging the use of unfermented wine at the sacrament. "May 7, 1881, Mary B. Willard, Presi- dent, a committee was appointed to pro- test to druggists against unnecessary Sab- bath trade, and to the town authorities against a gambling den known to exist." For several years lately the W. C. T. U. has had representation on the Board of Associated Charities of Evanston, Mrs. G M. Price having been the representa- tive so far. Many lecturers have been brought to Evanston by the Union to address public audiences or union meetings. Among these may be named John B. Gough, Joe Hess (the reformed pugilist), Francis Murphy, Col. George Bain, John B. Finch, and of our own, Mary T. Lathrap, Mary H. Hunt, Narcissa White Kinney, Caroline B. Buell, Esther Pugh, Helen M. Barker, Mary A. Woodbridge, Katharine Lent Stevenson, Mary Allen West and Mrs. Robinson, an evangelist, who held meetings for two months, sometimes five a day. Those heard most frequently were, of course, our own citizens : Mesdames Emily Huntington Miller, Elizabeth Boynton Harbert, S. M. I. Henry, Jessie Brown Hilton, Dr. Kate Bushnell and Frances E. Willard. The Sunday Gospel temperance meet- ings were addressed by people from 4O2 WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNIONS Japan, Persia, India, Mexico, and from many of our own States, besides many pastors and others citizens of Evanston. Frequent mass meetings and receptions were held during the early years. It is related that when Miss Willard made her first public address in Evans- ton, in the old M. E. Church which stood on the site now selected for the new Pub- lic Library on Church Street, she did not remove her bonnet. Before the meeting opened, a friend suggested that she take it off, saying the lines were not just suited to Miss Willard's face. "O no, dear," she replied : "I mustn't do it. Some of the sisters might not just like it," which is il- lustrative of her thoughtful care of the feelings of others. When Mr. Murphy was lecturing in Evanston, Miss Willard used to occupy fifteen or twenty minutes before he began. One night a $5 gold piece was put in the collection-box by a gentleman who, upon inquiry as to whether a mistake had been made, said that this piece had come to him in a very peculiar manner and was tc be used for his own personal pleasure; that he came to hear Mr. Murphy and heard Miss \Yillard, and knew the time had come to use the $5 gold piece. He said he regarded her perorations as worth many times the value of the coin. Not a few members of the Evanston Union have been prime movers in Nation- al W. C. T. U. matters, as, for instance, Mrs. Dr. O. Marcy was one of the commit- tee which founded the first National pa- per, called "Our Union." Plans for it were discussed in Evanston and investi- gations were made in Chicago as to the printing of the paper, which was finally published in Philadelphia, and if Miss Willard's work were to be taken account of, it would mean an enumeration of much of that which is of greatest value in the National W. C. T. U. Suffrage was a dangerous question in the early days. Mrs. Harbert relates that at a meeting of the Unioft she was nomi- nated as Secretary. She rose and said: "Ladies, I think I ought to tell you, before you go any further, that I hold in my hand an invitation to become the President of the State Suffrage Association"; where- upon the presiding officer quickly said, "Do sit right down, Mrs. Harbert, or you will turn this meeting into a suffrage dis- cussion." Mrs. Harbert sat down, con- tenting herself mostly thereafter, she says, by offering to furnish scalloped oysters and angel food on occasions, believing these would create no discussion. The anniversary meeting for Miss Wil- lard, on her fiftieth birthday, was the first public recognition of the department of equal suffrage, which the National had adopted years before. Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler Andrew, afterward round the world W. C. T. U. missionary, presented Miss Willard with a basket of beautiful flowers decorated with white and yellow ribbons, and explained that the white stood for temperance and the yellow for equal suffrage. The Unions, State and Local, had long since learned that they were free to accept or reject departments according to their likings and beliefs, which had allayed the fears of some who could not accept all of the departments proposed by the National W. C. T. U. The Reilcy Union. For many years there was but the one Union in Evanston. except those among the young women called the "Ys." In later years, it was thought a union west of the railroad tracks would appeal more particularly to residents in that locality, and January 21, 1896. the Reiley Union was organized. The Pres- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 403 idents have been Mrs. Caroline Franklin, Mrs. Ella DeCoudres and Mrs. T. C. Reiley, who had served many years as Treasurer of the Evanston Union, and who was President of the Fourth District for nine years, beginning in 1893. The Fourth District then included Chicago and Evanston, and in fact, all of the north shore. The work and the departments of the Reiley Union have been similar to those of the Evanston Union during the same years, and a number of its members were previously identified with the older union and had a share in what has been related of it. It may be noted, however, that the Reiley Union has sent quantities of literature to needy places and to other States ; has worked the department of Soldiers and Sailors, supplying the sol- diers with many comfortbags during the Spanish and Philippine wars. It has been an ardent supporter of the one time affili- ated interests of the National W. C. T. U., and it secured the organization of the present Y. W. C. T. U. It has many de- voted workers in its membership of thirty. The South Evanston Union. This Union was organized by Mrs. Reiley in 1894 and continued the work for seven years. Its presidents were Mrs. D. D. Thompson, Mrs. K. R. Whitman and Mrs. George Hoover. It numbered twenty-five or thirty members, distributed a large amount of literature, held most excellent mothers' meetings and had a fine Loyal Temperance Legion. The Ys of Evanston. The Young Wo- man's Christian Temperance Union is a branch of the W. C. T. U., and these Unions among the young people have come to be known as "the Ys." Tradition says that Evanston has had three differ- ent organizations of the Ys, but written records supply information of two only. The first of these was organized January 2. 1879, with a speedy enrollment of thirty-seven members. It was organized at Rest Cottage, the home of Miss Wil- lard, she and Miss Gordon both being present and assisting in the organization. Miss Belle Webb was elected President and Miss Justina A. Pingree, Recording Secretary. Miss Webb declined to serve and Miss Fannie Wiswall was elected. The Union took up temperance teaching in the Sabbath schools, securing subscriptions to "Our Union," the official organ of the National W. C. T. U., and supplying the papers with temperance items and reports of the work of the Y. The society was pledged to total abstinence and also to use its influence against the use of tobacco. Many signers of the Home Protection Petition and the total abstinence pledge were obtained. As has already been stated, this Union lent its aid to the efforts for law enforcement and to the other undertak- ings of the mother Union, the Evans- ton \V. C. T. U. It secured lectures by Prof. George E. Foster, Mrs. Harbert, Mrs. Hannah Whitall Smith, Miss Lucia Kimball, Miss Willard and others. Miss Martha Button was the President in 1880. A temperance school was conducted by the Ys, and they aided the Gospel tem- perance meetings and edited and read at their monthly meetings a little paper fitly called, "The Waterspout." Prof. Haven of the public schools, Dr. Garnsey and Miss Brace conducted experiments in the temperance school. The membership came up to forty and the meetings were moved from private houses to Room 4 of Union Hall, and later to a building on the corner of Davis and Maple Streets. In 1880, leaflets were distributed to the number of 10,000, and 132 total abstinence pledges were secured, exclusive of chil- dren. The temperance school was held every Saturday except for two summer 404 WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNIONS months. It numbered sixty. Julia Col- man's Juvenile Temperance Manual, pic- ture tracts and reward cards were used: The society subscribed for fifty copies of "Illustrated Temperance Tales" and Miss Willard donated fifty copies of "The Youth's Temperance Banner." A number of public entertainments were given. Miss Mary Ninde was the President for 1881, but on March 12, 1881, after two years and a quarter of separate activity, the Y voted to become a part of the Ev- anston W. C. T. U. The next Y, of which there are records, is the present Evanston Y. W. C. T. U. It was organized November 8, 1902, by Mrs. Minnie B. Horning, Corresponding Secretary of the Illinois W. C. T. U., and Miss Kathryn Sawyer, State Y Secretary. It began with eight active members, and numbers, at the present time, twenty-four young women and eighteen young men, the latter being honorary members. Its Presidents have been as follows: Miss Sibyl Horning, Miss Mildred Auten and Miss Erma Hoag. Their work has been mainly connected with the Flower Mis- sion, Press, Hospital and Literature. A necessary requirement for membership in all Ys, as well as \Vs, is the signing of the pledge against the use of intoxicating drinks, and this one has also declared against the use of tobacco, though this is not made a requirement of membership They have contributed to the \Yhite Rib- bon Missionary Fund, which, at present, helps to sustain Miss Kara Smart as a res- ident W. C. T. U. missionary in Japan, and to the Frances E. Willard Memorial Fund, which is used to enlarge and per- petuate the work at home, and also to the state work. Considerable attention has been given to parliamentary usage, that the meetings may be conducted properly. At this writing it is proposed to supply teachers from their membership for a new Junior Loyal Temperance Legion being organized among the children. At one time, in order to increase the in- terest in the meetings, a continued story was a part of the program, each chapter being written by a different member. This Union is made up of University and High School young people, and bids fair to be a worthy member of the trio of Unions now working in Evanston, viz. : the Evanston \V. C. T. U., the Reiley W. C. T. U. and the Y. \V. C. T. U. Brother Helpers. The ministers and other good men of Evanston have lent their aid during the more than thirty years of active service by the Unions. Chief among the early helpers may be men- tioned Dr. Martin C. Briggs, of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church : Rev. Edward N. Packard, of the Congregational Church; Rev. F. L.Chappell.of the Baptist Church, and Dr. (ieo. C. Xoyes. of the First Presby- terian Church : and. in later years. Dr. Rob- ert M. Hatfield. Dr. Frank Bristol, Dr. Frederick Clatworthy, and Dr. Henry De- bno, who often spoke for the W. C. T. U. and whose church was always open for its meetings. Dr. N. S. Davis was ready to help at the public meetings with valuable contributions from his professional knowl- edge. Among the other notable Brother Help- ers were Mr. William Deering, Dr. O. H. Mann. Dr. Eben Clapp, Mr. C. B. Cong- don, Major W. F. Singleton. Mr. F. P. Crandon, Mr. John B. Finch, Dr. Milton Terry, and other University professors, including Prof. H. F. Fisk and President Joseph Cummings. All the Unions have been greatly in- debted from time to time to the Brother Helpers who have aided in many ways. I . CHAPTBR XL. CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS (By MRS. LOUISE BBOCKWAY STANWOOD) Benevolent Society Organized Hospital benevolent society for the relief of the Projected New Society Takes the poor and suffering in Evanston took shape Projected Ne^v Society Takes the Kame "Associated Charities" Auxili- ary Organizations Mothers' Sewing School St. Vincent de Paul Society Needle Work Guild Mothers' Club Visiting Nurse Association King's Daughters Camp Good Will Its Service in Behalf of Poor Mothers and Children Receipts and Expenditures. The distribution of charity in Evanston, up to the year 1883, had been a matter of individual effort or of church discrimina- tion ; but the winter of 1883 opened very bitter and stormy and, on one particularly cold day, Mrs. William Blanchard was distressed at the thought of the suffering there must be amongst the poor of the town. Calling her coachman, she in- quired if he would think it inhuman to take his horses out and drive her about to look after cases of suffering. The chil- dren coming home from school reported that, in one family, a baby had been fro- zen to death the night before. When Mrs. Blanchard reached this home, she found the family in a desperate condition ; several children partially frozen and the whole family in need of every comfort clothes, food, and heat. After relieving their im- mediate necessities, she went home to think over the situation, and the idea of a poor and suffering in Evanston took shape in her mind. Mrs. Blanchard inserted a notice in the village paper, calling on all ladies who might be interested in the formation of such a society to meet at her house on a given day, to talk the matter over and to organize. Many ladies re- sponded to the call and the Benevolent Society of Evanston was duly organized. Benevolent Society Organized. It was decided to hold meetings for sewing at the different homes, to have a relief and investigating committee and a committee to solicit funds. The response to the re- quest for funds was hearty and generous, as Mrs. Blanchard herself says, only one person who was approached for money re- fusing to give. The names of the first workers in the Benevolent Society includ- ed those of Mrs. Edward Taylor, Mrs. George Watson, Mrs. L. C. Tallmadge, Mrs. N. A. Coble, Mrs. N. C. Gridley, Mrs. Tillinghast, Mrs. William Deering, Miss Josephine Patterson, Mrs. A. L. Butler, Mrs. Frank M. Elliot, Miss Alice Blanch- ard and Mrs. Blanchard, Miss Katherine Lord and Mrs. Frank Wilder. The sewing meetings were continued all the winter of 1883-84 and Mrs. Blanch- ard's house was used as the depot for the storing and distributing of clothing. Mrs. Blanchard also made such arrangements 405 406 CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS with the Cook County hospital that, on her request and recommendation, any case of sickness could be taken to the hospital to be taken care of. This Society, while it provided for the needs of many of the poor, did not prevent frequent cases of duplication in individual charity nor the special efforts of churches in relieving their own people. That was a develop- ment that was to come later. The first records of the Association show the list of officers elected in the winter of 1887-88, when Mrs. Edward Taylor was made President, Mrs. L. C. Tallmadge, Vice-President-at-large, with a Vice- President from each of the following churches : Congregational, Pres- byterian, Episcopal, Methodist and Baptist; Miss Josephine Patterson, Secretary ; and Mrs. J. E. Burke, Treasurer. A sewing school, to teach young girls be- longing to needy families to sew, had been organized in 1883-84 and in this year (1887) Mrs. Edward Belknap was appoint- ed the chairman of the sewing-school. Dur- ing this same winter which is memorable for organization the Kitchen Garden As- sociation was formed, for the purpose of giving some instruction in cleaning, set- ting tables, making beds and other house- work, that would make it easier for girls to secure positions where they could earn something to help themselves and their families. This Kitchen Garden was first taught by Miss Gardner of Chicago, who trained several of the younger Evanston ladies to be teachers and to continue the school. In the year 1887, Mrs. L. C. Tall- madge and Miss Kate Lord were appoint- ed to have charge of the Kitchen Garden. Mrs. Blanchard, Mrs. Watson, and Mrs. Balding formed the committee to raise funds. The amount of money received was in no sense insignificant, for from the first of November, 1887, to the first of No- vember, 1888, the Treasurer's books show receipts of over $800. Another form of benevolence had been maintained by the Flower Mission, an or- ganization of young women in the village whose chief duty it was to gather and send to Chicago, for distribution, both garden and greenhouse flowers. This so- ciety also had done some relief work, but in October, 1887, the Benevolent Society and the Flower Mission were consolidated, a constitution was adopted, and one more step was taken in the thorough organiza- tion of charity work in the village. The work done by this Society at this time consisted chiefly in clothing the poor, and it had also helped with actual money in the payment of rents, but as the village grew, the needy increased in numbers and. in the very last of 1887, it was decided that society could not afford to pay out money for rents, nor could it provide cof- fee, sugar, and butter, except in cases of illness. Throughout the records of the Be- nevolent Society the reports of the Sew- ing School and the Kitchen Garden fur- nish interesting reading; and the gener- osity of various merchants of Evanston and of the doctors in rendering profes- sional services free are many times grate- fully acknowledged. In October, 1888, it was decided to confine the work of relief strictly within the villages of North Ev- anston, Evanston and South Evanston. Tickets were also distributed amongst householders in these three villages, which were to be given to all applicants for relief, directing these latter to the proper author- ities. In October, 1889, the Society decided to hold an open business meeting at the be- ginning of each sewing meeting, and to ask for reports from each department con- nected with the work. This had a ten- dency to increase the attendance at the HISTORY OF EVANSTON 407 meetings and to further the interests of the Society. Up to this time the money had been solicited either by representa- tives from the churches or by a general finance committee; but in this year (1889) a solicitor was appointed for each side of the village these being Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Gridley for the east side and Mrs. George Judd for the west. The minutes of October 29, 1889. are interesting to read, because the problem of furnishing fuel to the poor was so well met by the offer of Mr. Hugh Wilson to give ten tons of coal, and the enumeration of garments (old and new) blankets, shoes, etc., indicates that the work afterwards performed by the Needle Work Guild was so well done at this time by the general Society. Another point noticed in these minutes is the sug- gestion of Miss Lord's growing out of her experience as the head of the Kitchen Garden, that steps should be taken to found a cooking school in Evanston. The teachers of the Kitchen Garden drilled their girls for a public entertainment which was given very successfully and the money received was afterwards ap- plied to that purpose. Hospital Projected. In the minutes of February 1 1, 1890, occur these words: "The hospital question was agitated, and it was decided to call a meeting on Tues- day, February 1 5th, at Mrs. Tallmadge's, of a committee of six ladies, one from each church, to discuss the propriety of estab- lishing a hospital in Evanston." The names of this committee were as follows : Baptist Church, Mrs. Charles F. Gfey; Presbyterian Church, Mrs. H. E. Daniels; Methodist Church, Mrs. Tallmadge and Mrs. A. L. Butler; Congregational Church, Mrs. Joseph Larimer; Episcopal Church, Mrs. H. W. Hinsdale ; and from the village at large, Mrs. William Blanch- ard. In this year, also, it was decided to organize an auxiliary society in North Evanston, and the names of Mrs. Corn- stock, Mrs. Carson and Mrs. Boomer are associated with the reports of work done by this society. The cooking school proposed by Miss Lord was established in the basement of the Congregational Church in the winter of 1889 and 1890. under the care of Miss Lord and Miss Mary Bradley. The young girls were very well instructed as cooks, waitresses and house maids. In 1890 other names appear amongst the list of officers, Mrs. P. S. Shumway being made President, Mrs. Hugh R. Wil- son Vice-President from the Methodist Church, Mrs. W. E. Stockton from the Presbyterian, Mrs. Fred Washburn from the Congregational, Mrs. Morse from the Baptist, Mrs. David Cooke from the Epis- copal, Mrs. Charles Haskins from the Im- manuel, Miss Lindgren from the Swedish Methodist, Mrs. Magill from the Catho- lic ; Secretary, Miss Maud Wycoff, and Treasurer, Mrs. Whitely : and Miss Boutell the chairman of the Flower Mission. On December I, 1890, the Treasurer reports the treasury empty and in debt, but a lit- tle later in the month she reports $72 in the treasury and Mrs. Stockton for the Presbyterian Church reports a collection of $105, so the response to the solicitors was always to be depended upon. Mrs. Wilder, the visitor, reported at this same meeting that she had provided nineteen families with Thanksgiving dinners. This, of course, was in addition to many such dinners provided by individuals and churches. By the last day of the year 1890 the Treasurer reported $527 on hand, a part of which was given by the Business Men's Association of the town and part by the collection taken at the union services on Thanksgiving day. About this time the Society begins to recognize the work CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS of the King's Daughters, who are reported as making garments for the Benevolent Society and acting as visitors to some poor families. Another reference to the need of an Ev- anston hospital is found in the minutes of April 6, 1891, when Mrs. Butler reports upon a plan of founding a small hospital. At the meeting of October 14, 1891, Mrs. Wild- er suggested that, as the amount in the treasury ($367) was unusually large, a part of it be appropriated for hospital pur- poses; and in accordance with this sug- gestion, $300 was set aside for that pur- pose. By this time the attempt to divide the sewing hitherto done at the afternoon meetings among the churches was tried, although the cutting was still done by the cutters appointed by the general society. The annual meeting for the year 1891 shows total receipts of $734 and disburse- ments $666. The Flower Mission report- ed that year having sent 70 crates of flow- ers to the Chicago hospitals. The Kitch- en Garden seems to have served its pur- pose and, for a time, it was thought wise to abandon it. The work for the Relief Committee had increased so much by 1891 that it was found necessary to hire a cab for its use, although the number of cases visited is not enumerated. At Christmas time of 1892, Mrs. But- ler reported that she had provided twelve families with Christmas baskets, and it is interesting to see that the names of the same families appear, year after year, amongst the poor and needy, although sickness and drunkenness in the head of the family seem to be the prevailing causes of this poverty. At the annual meeting of 1892, Mrs. Walworth was made President, with Vice-Presidents Mrs. P. B. Shumway, from the Methodist, Mrs. H. L. Boltwood from the Congregational, Mrs. W. B. Top- liff from the Presbyterian, Mrs. L. K. Gil- son from the Baptist, Mrs. H. W. Hins- dale from St. Marks, Mrs. Wm. Cowper from St. Lukes, Mrs. Herman Poppen- husen from the Presbyterian South, Mrs. J. O. Foster from the Methodist South, Mrs. F. M. Forrey from Wheadon, Mrs. M. J. Boomer from the Central, Mrs. H. W. Brough from the Unitarian and Mrs. Robert Magill from the Catholic Church. Buying Committee, Mrs. Wilder ; Visiting Committee, Mrs. A. D. Sanders. It was at this meeting that it was de- cided to change the name of the Society to the Associated Charities of Evanston, and an amendment was added to the con- stitution to this effect, the number of vice- presidents increased, as is to be seen by the foregoing list of officers, and all char- ities in the three parts of the city were represented on the board. The following quotation from the report of the Relief Committee of this year shows how the work of the Benevolent Society had in- creased from the time of the informal meeting in Mrs. Blanchard's parlors to October 3, 1892: "During the past year \ve have cared for one or more members of thirty-two differ- ent families. These have been furnished food, medicine, fuel, clothing, nurses, hos- pital services, and in a few cases, funeral expenses. We have had surgical cases, partial blindness, consumption, diphtheria, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, inflammatory rheumatism, erysipelas, deformities, con- finement cases. We have furnished work of all varieties for both sexes. We have provided all sorts of things, from a nurs- ing bottle to a load of hay, the last being given in order that the father of eight chil- dren one of whom, together with the mother, had been sick eight weeks with ty- phoid fever should not be obliged to sell his cow which provided the greater part of food for the sick and little ones. One of the greatest difficulties met with has been that of procuring nurses willing to go into HISTORY OF EVANSTON 409 the homes of these families. But the com- pletion of the hospital now near at hand, will, we trust, obviate the necessity. 1 ' This report of Mrs. Butler's pointed forward not only to the necessity for a hospital in Evanston, but to the need of a visiting nurse. This need was soon met as will be see further on in this chapter. The Flower Mission reported that fall a distribution of 49^ crates of flowers, three baskets of bouquets and $ l /2 crates mostly of hot-house roses, the gift of Mr. Weilancl. The Kitchen Garden reported a class of twenty-four, the Sewing School reported an attendance of ninety scholars and eleven teachers. The receipts for that year were over $800. Change of Name. The change from Benevolent Society to Associated Char- ities made it desirable, and even necessary, to seek a permanent place of meeting, and Mrs. VVhitely and Mrs. Tallmadge volun- teered to see the Mayor and ascertain if a small room in the new City Hall could be secured. The report of the next meeting shows that the Mayor readily acceded to the request. At this time the Society had been meeting in the different church par- lors instead of in the individual homes as at first. The room in the City Hall was not yet finished in November of 1892 and it continued to be necessary to meet in dif- ferent churches. At one of these meetings the minutes relate that a large clothes basket was heaped with new garments made during the day. By Dec. 19, 1892, the room in the City Hall was furnished and was made the depot for garments old and new, and it was announced in the city press that the room was open to all comers. The relief committee of this year volun- teered to distribute Christmas dinners to those needing them, which were promised by Sunday schools and private parties. It was reported at this meeting that Mr. Mc- Mahon had received $100 from an Evan- ston gentleman to invest in chickens and turkeys, and that they would be distribut- ed from one of the markets on Christmas eve. At the annual meeting of 1893, it was reported, among other benevolences, that an Evanston gentleman had offered to fur- nish new shoes to any one recommended by a committee from the Associated Char- ities. The annual report of this year (1893) speaks of the difficulty a stranger experiences in believing that there can be want and destitution in so beautiful a place as Evanston. The report says the poor are usually in that condition because of shiftless habits, lack of training as to the use of money, spending freely when not earning, not laying by for winter, but adds: "It is hard to refuse coal and food, even to the shiftless, when they are found suffering." Another large gift of coal from Mr. Wilson and help from the gro- cers in the matter of discount is grateful- ly acknowledged. It is reported that 265 new garments were made and given out from the City Hall in this year. The re- ports of the Society show a constant im- provement in organization, investigation and discrimination, and new names are constantly being added to the lists of of- ficers and visitors. This increased care in the distribution of charity was gradual- ly reducing the relief formerly given from door to door and the claim that the charity of the kindly disposed was abused by the unworthy poor was being surely under- mined. It was in 1893 that the ladies de- cided to interview the ministers of the town and seek to have the entire collec- tion of the union Thanksgiving service given to the Associated Charities. By this time the Society recognizes the gifts of the Needle Work Guild, an organization J.1O CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS whose work will be referred to later. The generosity of the merchants of Evanston is constantly noted, ami the distributing station was made available for the distri- bution of the donations from the grocery stores and bakeries as well as for clothing. Auxiliary Organization. In 1894, when Mrs. J. E. Scott was President of the As- sociated Charities, a Mothers' Sewing School was organized as an additional means of helping mothers to clothe their children. A careful record was kept in 1894 and 1895, not on ly of the officers, visitors and committees, but also of the pastors of all churches and the represen- tatives from each church on the Execu- tive Board of the Associated Charities. The boundaries of the wards are given and the visitors are named according to their wards. October I, 1894, Mrs. H. L. Boltwood was elected President ; Mrs. J. E. 'Scott, Vice-President ; Mrs. C. J. Whitely, Treasurer ; Mrs. L. G. Wescott, Secretary; Mrs. A. D. Sanders, Chairman of the Visiting Committee, and Mrs. J. E. Scott, Superintendent of the Sewing School. Out of the sewing class for moth- ers had come a sewing class for children, and Mrs. Strawbridge, a teacher of sew- ing, came out from the city on Saturday afternoons to teach them. A regular sys- tematic course of instruction was given, which secured the interest of the children and uniformity in the work. The chil- dren were required to come with clean hands, faces and aprons. The receipts for the year 1894 are reported at $1,630 and the work of visiting the poor was much more efficiently carried on because of the division of labor. No help was given until the homes had been visited and great pains taken to ascertain the exact state of the family. The work of the different wards is in- teresting as showing where the greatest needs were. In the First Ward 20 fam- ilies were helped; in the Second, 6; in the Third, n; in the Fourth, 24; in the Fifth, 45 ; in the Sixth, 32 ; in the Seventh, 67 ; and in North Evanston, 47. At the meeting of November 2ist, in order to have some uniformity in the dis- tribution of groceries, the following rule was adopted : "The following articles can be ordered by the visitor: beans, potatoes by the peck or half peck only, cheap cof- fee or tea in small quantities, sugar in small quantities, corn-meal or oat-meal, rice, salt, flour, laundry soap by the bar ; no meat, except in the case of sickness." In 1895 occurs the last mention of the Kitchen Garden, when it was decided to donate the material used in the instruction to the Northwestern University Settle- ment of Chicago. At the annual meeting it was reported that there had been re- ceived $831 and that $795 had been dis- bursed. The President reported over 1,500 garments, the value of which is not in- cluded in the money receipts. Of these, the new garments were contributed by the Needlework Guild. At this meeting Mrs. Brewer was elected President, Mrs. Bolt- wood, Vice-President, Mrs. Sanders, Sec- retary, and Mrs. Whitely, Treasurer, with representatives from each of the churches. In 1896 the German Catholic Church re- ported that it would care for all its poor and needy, and any Catholics applying to the Associated Charities were almost sure to be unworthy. This lessened the field for the society. At the annual meeting of 1896 Mrs. J. E. Scott was made President and Mrs. Cragin, Secretary, with Vice- Presidents representing the different churches as usual. The winter of 1896 opened early and the women began cast- ing about for means to employ the men and women who applied for aid that they might earn the relief that was granted LIBRARY OF [HE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 411 them. October 28th, at a meeting in the Congregational Church, Rev. Mr. South- gate was asked to be present and he spoke of the possibility of arranging such work for both men and women. A wood yard was proposed for the men where they could saw and split wood and a work room for women, where, under a superinten- dent, they could be instructed in repairing and making garments, receiving either clothing or provisions as compensation. After this talk a committee was appointed to see the city officials, and to ask them to help in establishing a wood yard. The report of this committee was given at the next meeting and was very favorable. The Mayor offered to furnish work and a su- perintendent to supervise it, the wood be- ing obtained by cutting off the piles of the old Davis Street pier. A great deal of cleaning was secured in the public schools during this winter for the women, an ar- rangement which worked well in both di- rections making the recipients of the city's charity feel that they had earned it;" and making the schools much more sani- tary and wholesome for children. Twen- ty-eight men were employed on the streets of Evanston. The new plan in- stituted this year, of requiring work from all the able-bodied who had been assisted, proved very successful, the records show- ing that only three persons refused to work, and that many had expressed their satisfaction at being allowed to do so. This year it is recorded that over 1,200 visits were made by the visitors of the Society. At the annual meeting of 1897, Mrs. William M. Green was made President ; Mrs. J. L. Whitlock, Vice-President ; Mrs. S. G. White, Secretary; and Mrs. Joseph Lyons, Treasurer. It was decided to give no assistance to the able-bodied this year without its equivalent of work, and two rooms in the City Hall were given to ladies for their use as a distributing center. From this time on the work of the As- sociated Charities runs in regular grooves, well organized, systematized, and admir- ably accomplished. The next year Mrs. Whitlock was made President and has served in that capacity up to the present writing. The records show the increasing use of the plan of no aid without services rendered, and the number of unworthy ap- plicants has been reduced to almost noth- ing. \yith the aid of the visiting nurse, the sick poor have been cared for; the homeless old people have been put into proper institutions or sent to their own people in more or less distant places; chil- dren have been clothed and fed and kept in school ; and any one who wishes to give to the relief work in the city can do so with every assurance that his contri- bution" will be wisely and carefuly ad- ministered' ' The work of the Associated Charities -Ha'S-sho^i an increasing co-op- eration with the other forces of the town that make for the comfort of the needy and for righteousness. The Supervisor, the Chief of Police, the Officer of the Hu- mane Society, the Probation Officer, the Associated Charities, the Hospital, the Visiting Nurse, and the Needle Work Guild, have so interwoven their advice, their special knowledge of needs and their means of relief, that the best results have been obtained. The work of soliciting funds is still done by the representatives of different churches on the Board, and the successful efforts of the officers of the Society to secure work supplement these actual money donations. At the annual meeting of the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Society ( 1903) , the Sec- retary reported that the work of the So- ciety began early on account of the prev- 412 CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS alence of smallpox in the city. Nearly all the afflicted families were those of labor- ers who were necessarily kept from their work and, in some cases, the fathers were the only nurses for wives and children. The Society furnished an abundance of clothing suitable for the sick, and when this was destroyed upon the recovery of the patients, furnished still other outfits. But this is the only epidemic which the Society has had to contend with. Seven- teen hundred and sixty garments, old and new, were distributed this year. The re- port closed with these words: "If suc- cess is measured by activity and consci- entious effort, this year deserves to be placed in line with those preceding it." St. Vincent De Paul Society. In 1887 the Evanston branch of the St. Vincent de Paul Society was organized and be- came auxiliary to the great Catholic So- ci.ety of the same name three or four years later. This society is composed of men in the Catholic Church who are devoted to the relief of distress, the care of the sick and the burying of the dead. It is unique in Evanston in being a society composed of men, aided, when necessary, by an auxiliary society of ladies. It is non- sectarian in its work, aiding any cases of distress, although later, after time for in- vestigation, if found to be non-Catholic, the case is turned over to the proper church or institution. It co-operates with the Visiting Nurse and the Associated Charities and the ladies of the auxiliary are members of the Needle Work Guild, their contribution to the Association being returned to them for distribution by this Society. It has raised in money about $4,700 in the last seventeen years, although one of its fun- damental principles is never to give money directly, preferring to furnish pro- visions and, if possible, to aid the recipi- ent in earning the assistance. In many cases the women so aided have been glad of the opportunity to pay for it by scrub- bing and cleaning in the parochial school and the church. This is a society which seldom makes public reports but prefers to do its work without the sound of trum- pets. The society has been served by the same officers since its founding: Mr. Daniel McCann, President; Mr. Cullen, Secretary. The Woman's Club. Although the Woman's Club was founded in 1889 for social and literary purposes, the organ- ization was very early interested in phil- anthropic work, since so many of its members were interested in particular charitable enterprises and sought the op- portunity to lay them before the Club and seek its support. In 1891 before the Club was divided into departments (as it was later), there was a meeting well re- membered by the old members, when Mrs. A. L. Butler spoke on behalf of the need of a hospital in this community. Her plea for the sick amongst the poor and helpless and the strangers in our midst was so touching, that it was im- mediately determined by the Club to en- deavor to raise money to help found a hospital. A committee was appointed with Mrs. Joseph Hubbart Chairman, and it was determined to give a kirmess, the plans for which were minute and, at the same time, elaborate and kept the ladies of the town busy the entire sum- mer preparing for it. A most successful kirmess was held, continuing for five afternoons and evenings and netting a sum of $3,500, which was handed over to the Hospital Board, which had already acquired a small property, for hospital purposes. Later Mrs. H. W. Rogers made a plea in behalf of the Kindergarten of the HISTORY OF EVANSTON Northwestern University Settlement, and $100 was appropriated from the club funds to apply on the rental of better rooms for the children. When, after eight years of service as President of the Club, Mrs. Harbert refused a renomination, it was decided by the Executive Board to recognize her long and faithful service to the Club by making some gift in her name which should be a source of comfort and blessing to humanity. A drinking fountain, properly inscribed, was erected on Grand Avenue, near the corner of Union Street, in a neighborhood where no such convenience existed and where thousands pass every day. While this token of appreciation was not erected in Evanston itself, it is none the less one of the expressions of brotherly love that Evanston feels for the great neighboring city. About this time the records show the formation of a separate department in the Woman's Club to be called the Phil- anthropic Department, the purpose of which was to give the members special opportunities for the study of philan- thropy and sociology and to enable them to work more directly in the interests of any charitable project that they chose. The very first record of this department showed an appropriation of $150 for the benefit of the Kindergarten of the North- western University Settlement, the Vaca- tion Schools, Probation Officer, and Vis- iting Nurse. These appropriations vary in amount, but invariably they result in an empty treasury which was refilled by entertainments, lecture courses, readings, and various such methods of raising money, besides individual pledges and dues of the members. Many noted speak- ers and workers in charitable and phil- anthropic fields appeared before the de- partment, and its members were thus educated in the idea of scientific, organ- ized charity, and were made acquainted with the needs of all kinds of endeavor. One of the most interesting of the pur- poses for which this department has worked is that of the Probation Officer maintained by funds raised in Evanston through the efforts of members of this department, from September I, 1900, to May I, 1903, under the chairmanship of Mrs. W. O. Dean. The records of Jan- uary 31, 1902, refer to a meeting held at the house of Mr. H. B. Hurd, where Mr. Kurd and Miss Clark, a probation officer in Chicago, related the history of the Juvenile Court Bill, told of the work of the court and of the probation officers. This bill was drawn by Mr. Hurd and went into operation July I, 1899. In three years previous to the opening of the Juvenile Court, there were 1,705 children (that is, boys) under sixteen years of age in the county jail, while in the three years following the opening of the court, there were but forty-eight. Fourteen hundred and seven of the cases of delin- quent children, out of 2,854 heard in the year 1902, were placed in charge of a pro- bation officer, and these are the very pivot of the success of the law. The formation of the law itself removes children from the police stations and from jail ; but it is the faithful, patient work of the pro- bation officer which makes this removal of real value to the child. These facts ap- pealed to the members of the department so strongly, that, after supporting an officer of the Children's Aid Society for a time, as a probation officer of this court, they finally took entire charge directly of one probation officer ( Miss Clark) and paid her salary until it was necessary for her to resign her work. Up to the present time, the minutes of the Philanthropic Department show a constant interest in 414 CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS this work, and it is noted in one place that during that year seven children from Evanston had been taken before the Ju- venile Court. This care of neglected children is not only a charitable work but one of real economy. The visiting nurse has been aided di- rectly and indirectly in the discharge of her labors. The management of her work lies in the hands of a committee chosen from this department, and month- ly statements of her work, with detailed information about the individual cases, are regularly given. Any special need which the nurse finds for medicine, clothes, or delicacies for the sick are al- ways met on appeal to this department. The Needle Work Guild. The Needle Work Guild of Evanston was organized in 1892 as a branch of the Needle Work Guild of America. Mrs. Charles Hamill, of Chicago, came to Evanston upon the invitation of Miss Nina Lunt, to meet the ladies of Evanston at the house of Mrs. Arthur Orr, and by her enthusiastic pre- sentation of the work of this society, persuaded the ladies present to organize. Miss Lunt was made Honorary President, Mrs. Frank Wilder President, and Mrs. C. F. Bradley Secretary, but no records were kept of the work of the first two years. The purpose of the Needle Work Guild is to collect and distribute new, plain, suitable garments to meet the great need of hospitals, homes, and other char- ities, and permits each branch to elect its own beneficiaries. At the annual meeting of the Guild in November, 1896, the following officers were elected: Hon- orary President, Miss Lunt; President, Mrs. J. E. Scott; Treasurer, Miss Sarah W. Gillett; Secretary, Miss Ethel Grey. Sectional Presidents to the number of twenty-one were appointed, as follows: Mrs. Connell, Mrs. Chapin, Mrs. Shum- way, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Whitely, Mrs. Fabian, Mrs. W. J. Littlejohn, Mrs. Gallop, Miss Hoge, Miss Harrows, Mrs. Hanford, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Isbester, Mrs. Magill, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. O'Connell, Mrs. Howard Gray, Mrs. J. C. Connor, and Mrs. J. E. Scott. The number of garments gathered at this meeting is not stated in the records. At the meeting of 1897 the officers of the last year were re-elected. The gar- ments were distributed as follows: To St. Vincent de Paul Society, 152; Evan- ston Hospital, 187; Girls' Industrial School, 150; special cases, 266; Asso- ciated Charities, 1,053 Total, 1,810. At the annual meeting in 1898, the garments were distributed as follows : To the visiting nurse, 398; Girls' Industrial School, 217; The Evanston Hospital, 141; Old Ladies' Home, 67; Associated Charities, 944 ; special cases, 43 ; St. Vin- cent cle Paul Society, 163 Total, 1,973. At the annual meeting in 1899 the gar- ments were distributed to the same bene- ficiaries as the year before, with the addi- tion of the King's Daughters' Fresh Air Home, which, by that time, had been established in Evanston. At this time there were 1,560 garments completed. At the annual meeting in 1900, the same list of beneficiaries were maintained, and a total of 1,574 garments were distributed. In 1901, with the same board of officers, 1.684 garments were distributed. At the election of officers in 1902, Miss Hemp- sted was elected Secretary and Mrs. C. T. Connell was made Honorary Presirent. This year the total number of garments collected was 1,256. At the annual meet- ing of 1903, Mrs. T. P. Stanwood was elected President, the other officers re- maining the same. The number of gar- ments collected this year was 1600. The total money receipts during these HISTORY OF EVANSTON years was $198, and it has been the annual custom, after deducting the dues for membership in the National Society for the Needle Work Guild, to contribute nearly the balance to the Visiting Nurse fund. Mother's Club of Noyes Street. In 1896 a group of mothers and teachers gathered in the rooms of the Noyes Street School House, to talk over the needs of the neighborhood. It was found that there were many children attending that school who were poorly clothed and whose mothers, from illness or poverty, were not able to provide as they would for their children. An informal sort of a neighbor- hood society grew up, which, at first, de- voted itself to supplying those needs of the people which were evident to the eyes of the teachers, and all mothers of the neighborhood were invited to join. The club met by permission of the School Board in the school building and made over and renovated all garments that were contributed. There developed a feeling of friendliness and neighborliness which carried the work of helpfulness into the homes, and at the occasional evening meetings which were held in the school house, entertainment in the form of music, readings, and lectures was freely given and enjoyed by the fathers, mothers, and young children of the neighborhood. Christmas trees were contributed and decorated, and from year to year it was so managed that the gifts on the tree were largely the manufacture of the children for each other and for their fathers and mothers. From the first the desire to help others has been a conspicuous characteristic of this neighborhood club, and for seven years it has been the custom of the women to invite from 300 to 350 women and children from the city, from the least favored quarters, to an all-day's picnic on the lake shore in Evanston. These mothers and children have been brought out, entertained, fed and returned to their homes in entire safety and at the expense of the treasury of the Mother's Club. A knitting machine owned by the Woman's Club of Evanston has been for several years in the home of one of the members of this Mothers' Club. On it she has knit the legs of nearly 500 pairs of stockings which have been footed by the mothers who knew how to knit, at the regular meetings of the club. In one year this Club has distributed 1,000 gar- ments, including these stockings. Visiting Nurse Association. In the year 1897 a mother, who had been recent- ly bereaved, felt that she would like to do something in the name of her daughter for other mothers who were trying to care for sick children. She called a few women who were experienced in the charity work of the city into consulta- tion, and asked their advice as to the need of a visiting nurse among the sick poor of Evanston. The women were unanimous in believing that there was much suffering and sickness which could be relieved by the visits that such a nurse could give, and upon their advice Mrs. McMullen offered a sum of money suffi- cient to keep a nurse at work for four months, as a memorial to her daughter. Miss Faltz. a trained nurse, was chosen to inaugurate the work and, going about the town from north to south and far out on the prairie, she found plenty of work to keep her busy. So impressed were the women who had been consulted in the matter with the success of the experiment, that they de- cided that this beautiful work must not be allowed to stop, and there was organized the Visiting Nurse Association of Evan- 416 CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS ston. Mrs. C. H. Chandler was made President and served in this position until her death in 1903. Mrs. P. C. Lutkin was made Secretary and Treasurer, and is still serving in that capacity. Mrs. C. F. Grey, Mrs. R. B. McMullen, Mrs. R. H. Wyman, Mrs. J. Ct Bundy, Mrs. T. P. Stanwood, Mrs. O. F. Carpenter, Mrs. T. K. Webster are among those who have served on this Association, but the de- voted, intelligent, increasing attention paid by Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. Lutkin have been the real backbone of these years of its work. It would be a beautiful thing if the Visiting Nurse could be endowed in memory of Mrs. Chandler. Only one nurse has been employed and she has been maintained by friendly gifts of money. She visits among the sick poor, carrying out the orders of the phy- sician, if one is employed, bathing and caring for mother and babe in maternity cases, dressing wounds, cuts, burns and bruises, making poultices for pneumonia, and giving instructions in cleanliness and sanitation. Where a case proves too severe for care at home, she recommends it to the hospital where the response has been most generous. Besides this care of the actual sick, the services of this nurse are invaluable in the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases. Many families, feeling unable to call a physician, will ask for the ser- vices of the Visiting Nurse, and she is often able to decide that a case, which seems simple to an ignorant father and mother, is really a danger to the com- munity. Several cases of scarlet fever, in different years, have been so discovered and isolated and the possibility or prob- ability of the spread of these diseases through the schools, where other chil- dren of the same family were in attend- ance, has been avoided. Besides rendering assistance as a trained nurse, the endeavor is made to treat each individual case as its peculiar necessities seem to demand, giving help in time of greatest need and saving the small wage-earner, so far as possible, from the worry of debt and discouragement consequent upon severe illness. It is just at this point that co-operation be- tween the Associated Charities and the Visiting Nurse Association has been most valuable. This sympathetic aid is looked upon as the larger part of the nurse's work. The nurse goes everywhere within the limits of Evanston free of charge, ex- cept where patients prefer to pay a small fee. At first the nurse was able to go about on her bicycle during the large part of the year, but it was found that this mode of conveyance exhausted her strength and unfitted her for much of the arduous labor that she is called upon to perform. The necessity for providing a carriage of some sort has increased the cost of maintaining this charity some- what. The Visiting Nurse Association is made up chiefly of members of the philanthropic department of the Wo- man's Club, and monthly reports of its work are given this department, but the department is not able to maintain the charity, and aids it only so far as its funds make it possible. Miss Faltz was the Visiting Nurse in Evanston from November I, 1898, to November I, 1902. In the year 1898 she made 2,105 calls, and the expense for the year was $661.62. In 1899 she made 1,710 calls at an expense of $915.23. In 1900 she made 2,035 calls and the expense was $1,293.90. On November I, 1901, Miss Brown took Miss Faltz's place and continued the work until December i, 1902. In 1901 there were 2,361 calls, cost- ing $1,274.80. December i, 1902, Miss P4. i m ,.-. LIKHAHY OF rue Of ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON Warren took up the work and, in that year, made 2,505 calls, and the expense was $1,341.85. In 1903 the Nurse made 2,554 calls and the expense was $1,312.50. In 1904 the Nurse made 2,608 calls and the expense was $1,350.75. In cases of protracted illness, which for any reason cannot be carried to the hos- pital, the Association sends a special nurse to take charge of the case. The money is solicited by means of a little circular, which is issued each year and sent by post to the people of Evanston. Kindly disposed friends have many times given special entertainments for the benefit of this fund, and some particularly fine dramatic entertainments have been given by the dramatic department of the Country Club. The little circular bears on its face the significant words : "I was sick and ye visited me." "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me." King's Daughters. The Evanston King's Daughters Society was founded by Mrs. Daniel B. Gardner in 1893, the first membership consisting of ten young women of Evanston who wished to de- vote some time to charity work. Mrs. Lucian Harding was the first President, and the first work undertaken was the support of a bed in the Burling Street Half Orphan Asylum, which is still main- tained by the King's Daughters. A few years later it was decided to open a fresh- air home in North Evanston for the poor working girls of Chicago, and this has continued to be the chief work of the Circle up to the present day. The King's Daughters own their home at 2339 Hartzell Street, North Evanston, for which they paid $3,000. This money was raised chiefly by the management of a golf club during several years, and also by donations from generous friends. About one hundred girls from Chicago are given a two weeks' outing every sum- mer, the home being open generally four- teen weeks at an annual expense of about $500. The money to carry on the sum- mer's work in the home is raised each winter by the King's Daughters in vari- ous ways. The receipts for the last year show a candy sale and musicale as sources of income, as well as the membership fees from active and associate members. The society is now incorporated and the active membership is limited to fifty. There is an associate membership of 123 well known citizens of Evanston, who pay one dollar annually for the support of the home. The annual report just published at this writing shows the elec- tion of the following board of officers: President, Miss Mary Manson; Vice- President, Mrs. George Peaks; Corres- ponding Secretary, Miss Alma McDon- ald; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Elmer M. Scott ] TrVasiirer, Miss Hoge; with Mrs. Fred P. Vose and Miss Daisy Pansier, Directors. The receipts for the year have been $757 and the disbursements $505, which leaves the society in a good finan- cial condition. Camp Good Will. A meeting was held in the rooms of the Young Men's Chris- tian Association on Monday evening, March 12, 1900, to listen to Mr. Charles F. Weller, Superintendent of the West Side District of the Bureau of Associated Charities of Chicago, who called attention to the great benefit of giving to the poor mothers and children, living in the un- sanitary and crowded parts of the city, some relief during the hot summer months. Mr. Weller explained the purpose and method of the Camp Good Will at Oak Park, which has been in successful opera- tion for three years. Three members of 4i8 CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS the executive committee of that Camp were present and gave interesting details. The meeting manifested hearty interest in the work, and it was thought that, if this humane enterprise were fully brought to the attention of the people of Evan- ston, it would be supported and carried through to complete success. According- ly it was voted to issue a call for another meeting, to be held at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association on Monday evening, March 26th, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Weller was present with stereopticon views of life in the congested wards of Chicago, and contrasting views of the Summer Camp at Oak Park. Mr. A. H. Standish, Secretary and Treasurer of the Camp, was present and furnished infor- mation. All the Churches, the Clubs and the Associated Charities of Evanston were invited to attend, with a view to definite action and organization, if, upon consulta- tion, the work was approved and under- taken. The call for this meeting was signed by the following: J. F. Loba, D. D., B. A. Greene, D. D., J. L. Whitlock, Julia M. E. Hintermeister, Committee; with W. L. Cobb, Chairman and C. B. Foote, Secretary. The different aspects of country and city life for the poor were brought vividly before an audience by Mr. Chas. F. Weller in 1900. After some informal discussion, on motion of A. W. Kimball, it was voted that "this meeting is cordial in its support of this movement, and enthusias- tically recommends it." It was voted to begin the organization of a summer camp by appointing a Gen- eral Council to consist of two from each of the churches there present, and further that each of the Evanston Churches be asked to send two representatives to a meeting to be held on Monday evening. April 2d, to complete this organization. Mr. A. W. Kimball and Mr. F. H. McCul- loch were appointed members of the Ex- ecutive Committee from the First Con- gregational Church ; Mr. D. D. Thomp- son and Mr. C. O. Boring from the Em- manuel M. E. Church ; Mr. C. K. Pittman and Mr. J. R. Guilliams from the Church of all Souls. The First Baptist Church was represented by two members who promised delegates to this committee for the next meeting, and communications were reported from the pastors of the First Presbyterian and South Presby- terian Churches, expressing sympathy with the work and a desire to help. Votes of thanks were given Mr. Weller and Mr. Standish, and also to Prof. Nichols of South Evanston, who furnished and oper- ated the stereopticon. Those who were interested in the pro- ject of establishing Camp Good Will in Evanston were glad to learn that its suc- cess was assured. At a meeting held Monday evening a permanent organiza- tion was effected, with A. W. Kimball as Chairman ; F. D. Raymond, Treasurer ; and C. B. Foote, Secretary. The follow- ing committees were also appointed : Grounds A. W. Kimball, F. P. Crandon, J. R. Guilliams; Plans J. R. Guilliams, Dr. B. A. Greene, Dr. J. F. Loba, Rev. J. W. Francis, Louis S. Rice ; Finance C. K. Pittman, J. L. Whitlock, F. D. Raymond, F. E. French, C. Poppenhusen. The following announcement was made: "The camp will be opened in July and will continue for several weeks. It is hoped that, in that time, as many as 500 tired mothers with their children will have enjoyed a week of fresh air and sun- shine, coming in sections of loo at a time. "The Bureau of Associated Charities of Chicago, through its friendly visitors, HISTORY OF EVANSTON 419 selects needy and deserving people, and experience has shown that their visit brings as much blessing as it gives. This was proved at Oak Park by the fact that the work was continued for three years and is still going on. It is an enterprise that will enlist the sympathy of the peo- ple of Evanston and all will have an op- portunity to co-operate." A meeting of the General Council was held at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, Tuesday evening, May 8th. with Mr. A. W. KimbalT in the chair. Nine members were present. Mr. C. Poppenhusen was appointed Secretary, pro tern., and minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. J. Guilliams, Chairman of Committee on Selection of Grounds, reported they had in view a tract of ground which seemed to his Committee very desirable for the use of the Camp. The property belongs to the Northwestern University, and the chairman thought it would probably be available. A meeting of the Trustees of the University was to be held May 2ist, at which time this matter was to be con- sidered. This selection was approved. The Finance Committee through Mr. C. K. Pittman, its chairman, advised hav- ing a union meeting of the churches on Sunday evening, May 27, if practicable, at the First Methodist Church, to be addressed by Franklin MacVeagh, Presi- dent of the Chicago Bureau of Charities, and Mr. Charles F. Weller, Superinten- dent of the West Division of the Chicago Association. The plan was approved and Mr. Kimball was appointed to arrange for a public meeting as outlined. The following plan of organization for the summer camp was presented by Mr. Guilliams: "We recommend the follow- ing additional committees, to have special executive duties, but under the instruc- tion of and reporting to the Executive Committee: Commissary Committee; Entertainment Committee ; Committee on Grounds and Tents (sanitary, etc.) ; these committees to be appointed from among the members of the General Coun- cil. "There shall be an auditor of accounts appointed by the General Council, and that auditor shall not be a member of the Council. "A resident superintendent, man or woman, satisfactory to the executive com-' mittee, shall be appointed, who shall have general supervision of all affairs of the camp, such as the cooking, laundry work, all needful sanitary rules and rules of behavior, etc., etc. And this super- intendent shall be paid and shall engage the other paid servants, such as the cook, laundry workers, and any others found necessary ; and the superintendent en- gaging these servants shall also discharge them, if need be, for any reason. But the superintendent shall report any such matters to the executive committee, if requested to do so. The superintendent also shall be under the authority of any committee having special executive func- tions, such as Committee on Tents and Grounds, Commissary Committee, etc. But these committees shall deal with the superintendent, and not with the serv- ants and employes direct. "The several churches shall each as- sume charge of the special needs of the camp, under the superintendent, or under any special committees that may be ap- pointed such needs as waiting on the table, pleasant social service and as- sociation and entertainment for the pleasure of the guests ; and this re- sponsibility shall be apportioned among the several churches according to their ability and willingness, so that one 420 CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS church may assume the special duty for one week, another for three days, and another for two claj's, etc. ; and the manner in which each church shall dis- charge this responsibility, by committees, or in whatever way. shall be left to the arrangement of the church itself. It shall be the duty and power of the General Council to apportion and appoint the serv- ice and time of duty for each church, and the special time for each church shall be .arranged and appointed in the beginning. "All donations of food must be sent to the Commissary Committee, and not to the guests direct. This is a point that shall be exclusively under the daily con- trol of the Superintendent acting under the Commissary Committee. "The Executive Committee shall de- termine what, if any, shall be the order of the day in the Camp, on Sunday, and what, if any, shall be the meetings held for religious purposes ; but no one of the guests shall be obliged, or even urged be- yond a kind invitation, to take part in any meeting or take part in any religious form, or assembly, or service. "The General Council to have supreme power, except as to any limitations pro- vided herein, and except that it must not take away or abridge the responsibility of any individual church once assumed and appointed, at the beginning or thereafter, without the consent of the church being first secured." Promoters of Camp Good Will, which was to be established on the lake shore north of Sheppard field this summer, were more than pleased with the result of the appeal for funds made at a union mass meeting of all local churches, held in the First Presbyterian Church. More than $1,400 was raised by subscriptions. This amount was made more conspicuous to the camp enthusiasts by the fact that the Oak Park outing camp, which has been so successful the last three years, started out with only $23 to back it. The church was well filled when Dr. J. F. Loba, of the First Congregational Church, introduced C. F. Weller, Super- intendent of the West Division office of the Chicago Bureau of Associated Chari- ties, who gave an interesting talk about the slum districts on the West Side of Chicago. Stereopticon views of the wretched dwellings called home, the foul- smelling play-grounds of the children about garbage boxes in the ill-kept streets and alleys, and also of the transformation which takes place when the children are given fresh air and freedom in the Camp Good Will at Oak Park, were thrown upon the screen. He told of the methods which the different churches employed in caring for their charges when they as- sumed control. Each church would have charge of the camp for a week. The women of the church would wait on the Chicago mothers and children and do all the necessary work. The Evanston camp planned to follow the same plan, and hoped to do much more with such a bank account and the ideal location of the lake front. Dr. William Macafee and Rev. J. H. Boyd made short addresses, saying that the opportunity of showing practical Christianity had been offered to Evan- ston people in their joining in and push- ing forward this new charitable move- ment. A blackboard, with a number of small squares, each representing a subscription ranging from $5 to $50, was placed upon the platform. Dr. Loba auctioned these squares off until $1,000 was raised. Then slips were passed through the congrega- tion and $400 more was promised. The committees and officers held meetings during the week and organized a plan of HISTORY OF EVAXSTON 421 .procedure. The camp was to open in July- Camp Good Will is Open. (July n, 1900.) "Evanston Camp Good Will opened this afternoon when the two char- tered cars of the Chicago Street Railway company unloaded the 100 women and children, selected from the poor districts by the Bureau of Associated Charities. Those who will take part in this week's outing at the Camp gathered from the different poor districts at Madison and Halsted Streets, and were taken directly to Evanston. "Camp Good Will is situated just north of the University grounds, and is on the lake shore, with the woods stretching to the north open for the children to romp in. One of the Evanston local Commit- teemen will have charge of the camp and will be assisted by members of the com- mittees from the Evanston churches, who are the founders of the camp. The camp will last for five weeks, and each week 100 more women and children will be taken out to take the place of those who have had their week. Tents have been provided for the use of the campers. Each tent is supplied with two double-decked beds, making each tent capable of hold- ing eight persons." Report. "Babies hold Sway. With the 1 20 guests who arrived yesterday af- ternoon at 5 o'clock at Camp Good Will, came sixteen children in arms. Baby car- riages and high chairs are now in great demand. There is no time in the day when the babies' presence is not made well known, and these very young camp- ers constitute the main attraction to the church women. Exclamations as (too- cute for anything), (how cunning!) and (the little dear) were heard on all sides. "That's a pretty good speech." This was the opinion of a ten-year-old camper advanced to Superintendent Riddle, when the latter had tried to impress some salient point of good conduct upon the little fellow. The culprit is inclined to be tough, it is said. "It was announced in the local churches Sunday, that more blankets were neces- sary for the comfort of the Camp Good Will visitors. The result of the appeal has not been so favorable as wished. The hospital loaned many coverings, but came after them today. This leaves the "Good Willers" subject to the cold breezes from the lake on stormy and chilly nights. "The First Methodist Church assumed control of the camp this week. The Con- gregationalists are ready to receive con- gratulations on their efficient and pains- taking management of the initial week's camp. Dr. William Macafee will lead the song service in the assembly tent tonight. The usual program of kindergarten and mothers' meeting in the morning, and the carriage riding and bathing in the lake in the afternoon, was carried out today. "Charles F. Weller, Superintendent of the West Side Division of the Chicago Bureau of Associated Charities, had a narrow escape from an infuriated mob of Italians yesterday. Mr. Weller selects the most deserving families to be given an outing in the summer camp and, in the course of his rounds, takes down the number of members in each family. In the Italian district he had chosen enough families to aggregate twenty-five per- sons according to their- own count, but when they made their appearance for transportation the surprised Superinten- dent counted forty expectant persons. He asked an explanation and soon found that the mothers had failed to name all their children for fear they would not be se- lected. Some of the families had to be sent home again, and the fathers became 422 CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS angry. They threatened all kinds of ven- geance, and it looked as though a mad rush would be made for Mr. Weller, but the lat- ter succeeded in quieting the foreigners and a possible riot was averted. Report of the Treasurer. Promotion: prospectus, expense of union meeting. $ 52.15 General Expense: stationery, printing, postage... 11. 85 Preparing Camp: sewerage, plumbing, tent floors 280.47 Hire of tents, cots and bedding 321.50 Equipment, utensils, towels, bathing suits 64.BS Transportation : car fares I-i-ftl Superintendence and Labor : wages of Superinten- dent, cook and help ; Superintendent's travel- ing expenses 148.73 Entertainments, stereopticon, etc 16.0O Incidental expenses, lighting supplies, etc 42.45 Provisions : tea, coffee, sugar, nutter, eggs, po- tatoes, soap, ice, bread, milk 300.95 Total expenses, paid from general fund $1,320.75 Subscriptions, paid $1,165.811 Subscriptions, unpaid 25.00 Discounts on bills 40.15 Plumbing returned 34.0O Lumber sold 50.00 Deficit 5.80 $1,320.75 F. D. RAYMOND. Treasurer. "Camp Good Will, which was such a feature for good in Evanston last summer, is to be continued. During July and August last year, five hundred and eighty- five mothers and children enjoyed a weeks' vacation a bright spot in many a weary life in Camp flood Will. "The eminent success of last year's work, the ease with which it was done, the liberality and interest of many cit- izens, and the unbounded joy of both guests and hosts make it a pleasure again to undertake this noble work. Much property has been left over which will materially reduce the cost of inaugura- tion, and, with the same generous sup- port and effort, it is certain that this year will be a far greater success than the first attempt." "Moved by a deep conviction that this work is building where needed, and that its report is not alone to be found in bene- fit to the present, but also to future gener- ations, those people who carried it for- ward last summer .ire to engage in it again this summer, and through the gen- erosity of the Trustees of the North- western University, the use of the grounds had last year is to be had again for the camp this year. "On next Sunday, June 16, at 7:45 o'clock in the evening, a general mass meeting will be held in the interest of this work in the First Presbyterian Church in Evanston. The Rev. Professor Gra- ham Taylor, of the Chicago Theological Seminary, and who is head resident of the Chicago Commons, will address the meet- ing." "An illustrated lecture will be given by Mr. James Minnick, Superintendent of the West Side Division of the Chicago Bureau of Associated Charities, during which views depicting the home life and the surroundings of the poor of Chicago will be shown. "It is hoped that all of Evanston 's cit- izens who did not join in the work of last year will do so this year, and through the undersigned, the organization having the matter in hand extends an invitation to all to attend the meeting." The appeal is signed by J. R. Guilliams, First Vice-President ; Charles B. Foote, Secretary: Joseph I-". Ward, Treasurer. The result of this appeal was so en- couraging that, on June i8th, an an- nouncement was sent to each church stating that the camp would open on Wednesday noon, July loth, and continue for five weeks. Permission to use the same beautiful grounds was granted by the Trustees of Xorthwestern University, and the Superintendent of the preceding years, Mr. J. R. Riddle, who had proved most wise and efficient, agreed to act again in the same capacity. The exper- ience of former years was repeated in giving rest and joy to groups of many women and children and the money col- lected through the churches was entirely CIIAK1TALJLF. ASS( >CIATK>NS angry. They threatened all kinds of ven- geance, and it looked as though a mad rush would he made for Mr. \Veller. but the lat- ter succeeded in quieting the foreigners and a possible riot was averted. Report of the Treasurer. I'romolioM : prospectus, expense of unimi ineelin.$ ."ij.l.j (ieneral Kxpense : stationery, printing, postage... ll..s."i l'reparini (.'amp: sewerage. plu.n!in, tent lloors L'S'1.47 I !:re of tents, cots ami he. Mill ^ :{L'l.."n Kquipinent. utensils, towels, lathun! suits IH.liS Transportation: ear fares 74.!t.~> Superintendence and l.a'ior: uaiies of Superinten- dent, cook and help; Superintendent'! navel- IllkJ expenses 14*.7."i Kntertainnieiits. stcrcopticon. elc Ifi.m Incidental expenses, lii^litm^ s-ipphr~. etc. 4J.4.~ I'rovisions : tea. cottre, suyat. Sutler, enns, po- tatoes, soap. iee. l>read. milk...., :tll!l.!.'i Total rxnenses. paid from neiu-ral fund $1..'!J Subscriptions, pai.l Sl.lll.YHM Subscriptions, unpaid l!.Ym Discounts on I. ill 4n.1.'. rhmil.ini; returned :tl.m l.uml.iT sold r.i>.'> IJeficil .Vsii $l.:iLii."."i i- i) KAYMoNn. Treasurer, "Camp (ioorl \\'ill, which was Mich a feature for good in F.vanston hist summer, is to he continued. During July and August last year, live hundred ami eighty- five mothers and children enjoyed a weeks' \acation--a bright spot in many a \\earv life- in Camp Good Will. "The eminent success o! last vear's work, the case with which it was done, the liberality and interest of many cit- izens, and the unbounded joy of both guests and IM-.IS make it a plea-tire again ID undertake this noble work. .Much property ha- been let! over which will materially reduce the cost of inaugura- tion, and, with the same generous sup- port and effort, it is certain that this year will be a far greater success than the lil'st attempt." "Moved bv a deep conviction that this work is building where needed, and that its report is not alone to be found in bene- fit to the present, hut also to future gener- ations, those people who carried it for- ward last summer are to engage in it again this .summer, ami through the gen- erosity of the Trustees of the North- western University, the use of the grounds had last year is to be had again for the camp this year. "On next Sunday, June 1 6, at 7:45 o'clock in the evening, a general mass meeting will be held in the interest of this work in the First Presbyterian Church in Kvanston. The Rev. Professor Gra- ham Tavlor, of the Chicago Theological Seminary, and who is head resident of the Chicago Commons, will address the meet- ing." "An illustrated lecture will be given by Mr. lames Miunick. 5u|i?rintcnlent of the West Side Division of ;hc Chicago I'nreau of Associated Charities, during which view?, depicting the home life and the .surroundings of the poor of Chicago will be shown. "It is hoped that ail of Kvan-lon's cit- i/ens who did not join in the work of last year will do so this year, and through the undersigned, the organi/ation having the matter in hand extends an invitation to all to attend the meeting." The appeal is signed by J. R. Guilliams. First \ice-l 'resident : Charles IJ. I'oote. Secretary: Joseph I-', \\ard. Treasurer. The result of this appeal was so en- couraging that, on June iSth. an an- nouncement was sent to each church stating that the cam]) would open on Wednesday noon. July loth, ami continue for live weeks. Permission to use the same beautiful grounds was granted by the Trustees of North western (/Diversity, and the Superintendent of the preceding years. Mr. I. l\. kiddle, who had proved most wise and efficient, agreed to act again in the same capacity. The exper- ience of former years was repeated in giving rest and joy to groups of many women an 1 children and the money col- lected through the churches was entirely LlWWW Of THE Of HISTORY OF EVANSTON 423 adequate for all purposes. The cost of maintenance was practically the same as that of the preceding year i. e., $1,320. The camp has now become a regular feat- ure of the summer life of Evanston, and those who participate in its service feel that those residents who are in the habit of spending their summers elsewhere lose a privilege and satisfaction that they can hardly estimate. The past three sum- mers have seen the work conducted in the same systematic and hearty way as at first, although since every church now contributes service, the period that each church serves is shorter than it was dur- ing the first year. In 1903, Mr. Crosby was the Superintendent, but in 1904. Mr. J. B. Riddle resumed the task for which he is so admirably fitted. In 1903, at the request of Miss Addams of Hull House, the camp was kept open one week longer and boys' clubs of Hull House and Northwestern University Set- tlement were entertained. This increased the cost of that year to $2,124. The same"' plan was carried out during the summer of 1904, and everyone interested in the work of the camp rejoiced in helping to extend its services for this additional week. It is easy to maintain discipline where the privilege of living in the camp is so highly esteemed, and the experience of a few unruly boys in being sent home has been sufficient to hold any temptation to waywardness in check. The Evan- stonians who have waited on their guests of Camp Good Will at table, entertained them in the evening, talked to the mothers in the informal Mothers' meetings, led the children in kindergarten games, songs and occupations, or given personal service in any way, have received far more of blessing than they have given. We cannot all go to Chicago to work in the neglected and forlorn places for the downtrodden and hopeless, but Camp Good Will brings them to us, and the cordial response that has been given to app'&fcls for money and service to main- Jij summer outing proves that Ev- k^in,e^ the opportunity. "Thou shall be servecfthyself by every sense of service that thou renderest." CHAPTER XLI. SOCIAL LIFE IN A UNIVERSITY TOWN (Bj EMILY HUJJTINOTON MILLER) Transitions of a Half Century Social Life as It Existed in Early Days The Build- ing up of a Great Christian Institution as Its Dominant Motive Reminiscences of Some of Its Early Factors Influence of Hospitality on Student Life and Charac- ter Some of Those Who Were Influen- tial in Establishing Evanston's Reputation as a Hospitable Center. It would be a difficult, if not an impossible thing, to present from individual impres- sions the spirit of social life in the Univer- sity to-day. Society is no longer a unit, but broken up into a multitude of groups ; and its aspect, as in any community, will differ with the point of view held by the observer, or the special development noted. But looking back to the early days of the University, one finds, among the witnesses who shared and helped to create its social life, a practical unanimity of sentiment. To some extent most of them agree in the opinion expressed by one of their number "I am reminded of the sentence with which the writer of an encyclopaedic article on 'Owls in Ireland' introduced his disqui- sition : 'There be no Owls in Ireland.' " Social life as an end certainly did not exist in those first strenuous days, when the University was Evanston, and the noble ambition which dominated every other pur- pose, and united all her citizens in a bond of brotherhood, was the hope of building up a great Christian institution that should be an opportunity, an invitation, and an incen- tive to a multitude of young men whom the older universities could never reach. Naturally, in the days of its small begin- nings, when faith and courage and energy were taxed to the utmost, many things seemed of more vital consequence than any special provision for the social instincts. But the greatest charm of that early fellow- ship was its purely instinctive character ; the shining out of a spirit of friendliness that took little thought for any formal ex- pression. Making reasonable allowance for the mellowing effect of distance, and for the happy illusion through which memory shows "the days that are no more," there is still sufficient testimony to the idyllic char- acter of that early life to justify the decla- ration of one who shared it: "No doubt there were hardships and dep- rivations and necessary crudities, but, as I look back upon it, it seems to me like Eden, in its peace, and simplicity, and good- fellowship; people of every denomination worshiping together in one church, and living like one family ; old and young meet- ing in friendly intercourse by hearth and fireside, and counselling together for that 425 426 SOCIAL LIFE IN A UNIVERSITY TOWN which most concerned us all, the welfare of the students and the prosperity of the Uni- versity." There seems no more effective way of presenting the salient features of a society that was only impressive because of its spirit, than by employing the old class-meet- ing methods of that day, and calling up individual testimonies. The University owes to its comparative youth the happy possibility of summoning a few such witnesses, even for its very earliest times, though year by year the call- ing of the roll brings fewer responses, and much that might have illuminated this rec- ord has passed beyond our reach. The writer is especially indebted for val- uable material to Mrs. Harriette S. Kidder, whose clear and comprehensive recollection of the time is fortunately supplemented by her diary, and who, to-day in her eighty- fourth year, is a beautiful example of spir- itual and mental vigor. "Of course I knew largely what was pass- ing in Evanston in its earliest days, and was deeply interested in all that concerned it. It seemed to me there never was a better opportunity offered to build up a model community. As the families that settled there came from different localities, and were strangers to each other, they were ready to respond to any movement that would bring them into closer social rela- tions. I was deeply impressed with the idea that, in this rural place, we need not take for our standard all the customs that were perhaps best suited to city life and a more mixed society. Since we were gen- erally intelligent Christian people, we might be really fraternal in our social rela- tions. So, for myself, I made it a rule to call upon every new family that came to Evanston, and to invite them, as opportu- nity offered, to a place at my table and a share in our social intercourse. "Many of us who were connected with the University went to Evanston because of our deep interest in the training of the young people who were to be drawn there by these schools, founded for their benefit, and we felt that, away from their own home influences, congregated in clubs or scattered through the village, they needed to be brought under the influence of our homes and such home-association as we could give them. As their number was for several years comparatively small, we could invite them in a social way, providing rational entertainment, and thus a strong bond of union between students and citizens was formed that was valuable to both parties. "The instructors of the young men who were to mingle among the people as minis- ters of the gospel, felt it specially important that they should share the social life of the community, as a necessary part of the train- ing for their work. So there were gather- ings in the homes of the professors, bring- ing together, in a social way, students, teachers, trustees and citizens. At these gatherings, after a substantial supper was served, there was singing, sometimes short talks, and always prayer before separating. In all the social gatherings of that day we met early, and generally left before eleven o'clock. I doubt if any community ever enjoyed a more delightful social life. The six or eight families of the professors often took dinner together in each other's homes, and, as each of us had frequent visitors whom we wished others to enjoy, they were introduced into our social circle in this neighborly way. This simple form of so- cial life was a striking feature of our com- munity for several years, and people out- side of our church, who had only known more formal society and more elaborate en- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 427 tertainments, seemed greatly to enjoy this friendly sort of home visiting." Dr. Daniel Bonbright, whose memories cover the whole existence of the University, adds some vivid touches to the picture of its early days. "In those first years, when the University counted in its catalogue scarcely fifty stu- dents, collective social life could hardly be said to have existed. There were, to be sure, two literary societies, and Greek let- ter fraternities in germ. These, in their way, must have been centers of association, but I doubt if they counted for much in the life of the student body as a bond or spur. "There were no athletic games ; public entertainments of any sort were rare and unimpressive. 1 recall the Cantata of Queen Esther. It was gotten up by the Sunday School as an event of pomp and circumstance. One can judge, from this example of the extraordinary, what must have been the average quality of the social satisfaction of the epoch. "The families of the faculty were thoughtful of the students, as were also a good number of families in the village. One may hear from the older graduates grateful reference to hospitalities and cheer which they enjoyed from those sources dur- ing their student life. But housed as the students were at hap-hazard, in a commu- nity itself scattered and struggling, there could have been among them but feeble col- lective consciousness, and sense of a mu- tual life. I suspect there was little escape from lonely isolation, save in the self-for- getfulness of hard work, a recourse more in honor in that primitive age than in these piping times of merry-go-round, cigarette and song. "As for social life in the faculty itself, including that of the Biblical Institute, there was nothing characteristic which would not be implied by its constituent elements. The families were nearly all from Xew England, and brought with them the quali- ties of their birthright. They were people of education, intelligence and Christian sobriety. As your letter reminds me. cards and social dances were not yet ; neither were Browning Clubs nor other idolatry. I remember only one coterie : I forgot what it called itself. (See Chapter XLII.. on "So- cial and Literary Clubs," in this volume.) It was composed of gentlemen from the fac- ulties of the University and Institute. They met, perhaps, once a fortnight, for the dis- cussion of questions in religious philosophy. But they took their separate convictions too seriously for controversy. In the in- terest of good-will and harmony it was found safest to disband. The immediate occasion of the disruption, I believe, was the introduction of some explosive specu- lation by Dr. Dempster on the subject of the 'Eternal A'oic.' "But the peaceful unity that prevailed, both in the schools and in the community around them, is illustrated by the tact that the entire Protestant population worshipped' together, Sunday after Sunday, in the same church. Methodists, Baptists. Episcopa- lians, and the rest, they all listened to the Gospel proclaimed from the same pulpit ; each, as in Apostolic times, hearing the word, as it were in his own tongue, wherein he had been born." Probably no individual is more closely associated with memories of the University days in the thought of a great majority of its graduates, than Dr. Oliver Marcy. One can scarcely recall the older or the newer Evanston, the shaded streets, the class- room, or the campus, without seeing his fine patrician face, and his dignified figure with its impressive bearing of genial cour- tesy. The Marcy home was generously 428 SOCIAL LIFE IN A UNIVERSITY TOWN opened for the hospitalities of the Univer- sity, and many of the early classes could testify to the readiness with which their attempts at class entertainment were helped out by placing its resources at their service. Mrs. Marcy has furnished some recol- lections, beginning with the time of their coming to Evanston in 1862, a date at which it must have required a vivid imagination to speak gravely of the existing school as a University. "When we came to Evanston things were in a very primitive condition, though about seven years before there had been a 'boom' in the settlement of the town. Dr. Kidder had built a commodious house, near what was then the center of- the town, and his family had occupied it five or six years. They were leaders in hospitality, and no one came to town who was not soon made the recipient of their cordiality. Garrett Bibli- cal Institute was well established, but though Dr. Dempster was its official head, there was no doubt Dr. Kidder's open doors were the magnet that drew the student body, as well as others who came to town, for Evanston itself is indebted in no small degree to the University for its early social life. "I think it had been the habit of Mrs. Kidder to entertain, and she continued the practice so that, sooner or later, every mem- ber of the schools then in operation had been included. Some of the young men who underwent this initiation into society were, of course, not exactly up to date in matters of etiquette, and while appreciating the courtesy, sometimes dreaded the ordeal ; but the hearty good-will with which they were received by old and young soon re- moved any sense of discomfort. "The 'Female College' was then in the hey-day of its popularity, under the man- agement of Professor Jones, who did his part to make it conspicuous in social hap- penings, making the most of his anniver- saries, and inviting the '400' with a very liberal inclusiveness. "Bishop Simpson lived here at that time, the greatest of our living preachers, a most genial and lovable man in his prime. Gov- ernor Evans was with us the first years, but soon left for Colorado. They were quite distinctive features of Evanston society in those early days. Mrs. Evans was a woman of superb presence, and the daughter, Jose- phine, a favorite among young people. Her wedding, which took place on the lawn be- tween the house and the lake, was a notable event of the time. "On the Ridge were Mr. Hurd, Mr. Kedzie and other families of position and character, who gave entertainments as they had probably been accustomed to do, and helped to maintain the cordial spirit of friendly interest and co-operation between the town and the University, although in that day no such distinction was ever thought of: we were all 'University people.' "Mrs. Bragdon, at that time struggling with the effort to 'college her boys,' did not forget that her calling and election had been the care of the churches as a minis- ter's wife, and interested herself in a sister- ly way in every social scheme or kindly project. "The history of our social life would be incomplete without reference to Professor Bonbright, who from thebeginning watched over these interests in a most tactful man- ner, and without whose presence in those days no social function would have seemed complete. He not only made himself agree- able, but, in some sense, responsible, that the University influence should be brought to bear even in its social affairs, and nothing overlooked that might contribute to tone and popularity. I remember the brotherly A3. _y 428 SOCIAL LIFE IX A UNIVERSITY TO\YX opened for the hospitalities of the Univer- sity, and inanv of the early classes could testify to the readiness with which their attempts at class entertainment were helped out by placing its resources at their service. Mrs. Marey has furnished some recol- lections, beginning with the time of their coming to Evanston in 1862, a date at which it must have required a vivid imagination to speak gravely of the existing school as a University. "When we came to Evanston things were in a very primitive condition, though about seven years before there had been a 'boom' in the settlement of the town. Dr. Kidder had built a commodious house, near what was then the center of the town, and his family had occupied it five or six years. They were leaders in hospitality, and no one came to town who was not soon made the recipient of their cordiality. Garrett Bibli- cal Institute was well established, but thiiugh Dr. Dempster was its official head, there was no doubt Dr. rudder's open doors were the magnet that drew the student body, as well as others who came to town, for Evanston itself is indebted in no small degree to the University for its early social life. "I think it had been the habit of -Mrs. Kidder to entertain, and she continued the practice so that, sooner or later, every mem- ber of the schools then in operation had been included. Some of the young men who underwent this initiation into society were, of course, not exactly up to date in matters of etiquette, and while appreciating the courtesy, sometimes dreaded the ordeal; but the hearty good-will with which they were received by old and young soon re- moved any sense of discomfort. "The 'Female College' was then in the hey-dav of its popularity, under the man- agement of Professor Jones, who did his part to make it conspicuous in social hap- penings, making the most of his anniver- saries, and inviting the '400' with a very liberal inclusiveness. "Bishop Simpson lived here at that time, the greatest of our living preachers, a most genial and lovable man in his prime. Gov- ernor Evans was with us the first years, but soon left for Colorado. They were quite distinctive features of Evanston society in those early days. Mrs. Evans was a woman of superb presence, and the daughter, Jose- phine, a favorite among young people. Her wedding, which took place on the lawn be- tween the house and the lake, was a notable event of the time. "On the Ridge were Mr. llurd, Mr. Kedzie and other families of position and character, who gave entertainments as they had probably been accustomed to do, and helped to maintain the cordial spirit of friendly interest and co-operation between the town and the University, although in that day no such distinction was ever thought of : we were all 'University people.' "Mrs. llragdon, at that time struggling with the effort to 'college her boys,' did not forget that her calling and election had been the care of the churches as a minis- ter's wife, and interested herself in a sister- ly way in every social scheme or kindly project. "The history of our social life would be incomplete without reference to Professor I ! nibrigh t. who frntn the beginning watched over these interests in a most tactful man- ner, and without whose presence in those days no social function would have seemed complete. He not only made himself agree- able, but, in some sense, responsible, that the University influence should be brought to bear even in its social affairs, and nothing overlooked that might contribute to tone and popularity. I remember the brotherly Of THE UMflMMft Of JUIWS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 429 way in which he used to discuss with me matters great and small, making the most valuable suggestions in his courteous def- erential manner that always carried convic- tion with it. "A score of worthy names arise in my memory of those whom the University might well delight to honor, because of their earl}' ministry to its social well-being, but they had their reward in 'having served their day and generation,' and most of them have 'fallen on sleep.' " Mr. Andrew J. Brown, the Secretary of the University's first Board of Trustees, and now the only surviving member of that board, brought his family at an early date to the little community and took an active interest in its development. Mrs. Brown adds to the history of the time some reminiscences : "I should like to begin with my first im- . pression of the village, that in 1866 formed the nucleus of the University, and was scarcely in thought separated from it. We' were sitting upon the piazza, at Dr. Ban- nister's, just at twilight, and the sweet sound of a hymn came to us. It was the hour of family prayer, and the melody was soon mingled with that from another home, until from the whole circle of firesides went up the voice of praise and prayer, the spir- it of social fellowship giving a new power to individual worship. These two charac- teristics, Christian devotion and Christian fellowship, were the strong and impressive features of University life at that day. "Though the number of students was comparatively small, we soon found that there were many lonely young men in town, and it was our practice, for many years, to invite to our tea-table on Sunday as many as chose to join us. There were many families where the students were most hos- pitably received, besides their own class gatherings and receptions, and our inge- nuity was sometimes taxed to the utmost to provide amusement for young people who might not indulge in card-playing or danc- ing. But, however strong may be the pro- test against church rules to-day, I do not think there ever was a happier time than when we were all held to their strict ob- servance. "We had at that time a most delightful society. Governor and Mrs. Evans had a beautiful home on the Lake Shore, always open to the young people. Dr. and Mrs. Bannister, Pro'fessor and Mrs. Godman, Professor Bonbright, Professor Blaney and his charming family, Colonel and Mrs. Eaton on the Ridge, the Pearsons with their unfailing interest in the students, Bishop Foster and his family so genial and gra- cious in their hospitality, Mr. and Mrs. Greenleaf. and Dr. and Mrs. Marcy it seerns invidious to mention names where the Spirit of hospitality was universal. We 'ftfere' onei'gffeit family whose highest aspira- tion was to build up this school, which was to rival Harvard in its literary standard, but set above all other learning, that knowl- edge of God which is the beginning of wis- dom." It would be interesting, as well as en- lightening, if one could set beside these tes- timonials from what might perhaps be con- sidered the governmental side of social life, the unbiased confessions of the party of the second part, now happily removed from the pressure of fear or favor, and learn exact- ly how things looked from the student point of view. It would, perhaps, be in- structive to know whether the young man of that day felt the deep necessity of rec- reation, and yearned, though in a half conscious, unenlightened way, for foot-ball SOCIAL LIFE IN A UNIVERSITY TOWN and track athletics.' One would like to discover what relief they themselves con- trived for the social instincts, and what were the delights of class-socials and kin- dred dissipations. Such things there must have been even in the days when the sim- plest entertainments gave pleasure, and the young people were not burdened with bills for flowers, music and carriage-hire at their social parties. One would like for the benefit of coming generations, to know how it was done, and how it was found practicable to maintain a rational balance between the pleasures of life and the serious duties of University work. But a mist seems to have gathered over the memories of those who might tes- tify, and nothing definite is available. One of them indeed declares : "In the days which I remember, it seems to me few persons had any respect for social functions as a part of any earnest life. I remember that President Foster had receptions, and 1'rofessor Noyes, Dr. Kid- der, and others had 'evenings' especially for married 'Bibs' and that all the town seemed to swing about the students. But, so far as I know, the students themselves did nothing but grind and haunt the Female College." Co-education, with its far-reaching com- plications, had not yet presented itself to trouble the placid counsels of trustees and faculty. Possibly some wise women already saw its Star in the East, but they dreamed only of a related college after the pattern that Radcliffe has since so successfully adopted. l>ut the feminine nearness, even inpurelyunsympatheticinstitutions, is too intimately related to Dr. Dempster's "Eter- nal Xoti.'" to be lightly ignored. The friendly homes that welcomed the students held daughters to whose pres- ence they owed their attractions and human- izing influence, quite as much as to the hospitable tea-table and the courtesies of more formal receptions. And the home so- ciety was amply supplemented by the Northwestern Female College, from whose incongruous title the Woman's College in- herited its designation of "Fern. Sem." The students were ready to avail them- selves of its friendly overtures for all estab- lished ceremonials, and, it may be surmised, found further opportunity in its halls and laurel groves, for which human nature was the only authority consulted. The University, from the very outset, took its students as a trust, and made it- self responsible for them in a measure far beyond the mere furnishing of opportunity for learning. In the days of its poverty nothing made this possible but the bond of sympathy and mutual interest between the University and the community outside of it. It is not easy to say how far the influ- ence of an individual or an institution may have been effective in the shaping of com- munity life, so many obscure and apparent- ly unrelated forces go to determine its char- acter. But looking back to those earliest days it seems reasonable to claim that Ev- anston owes much to the direction given its development when the University, laying its own foundations, laid those of the village also. Social fraternity, civic responsibility, *An interesting reminiscence of this i>eriod of the history of the t'niversity is that of Melville C. Spaulding, of the class of I80, who relates the origin of athletics in the college : "When we had about sixty students in the old building ('Old College') I solicited 10 cents each from the students on the co-operative plan ami with the $, 1!04.) HISTORY OF EVAXSTON 431 and that broad religious sympathy which is far nobler than toleration, were fruits of the spirit springing naturally from seed sown in that day of small things. The deep religious spirit that was so marked in its beginnings when one church sufficed for the whole community, found its natural outgrowth in later years, when the denominations had gathered each one into its own fold in practical Christian unity. Its spirit of brotherhood still survives in a disregard of social distinctions ; its teach- ing of civic responsibility long held citizens of all persuasions to alliance for the public good irrespective of party politics, and the unwritten law which made brain and cul- ture the stamp of its aristocracy rather than money and birth, has never been revoked. It was inevitable that, with the expansion of the little rural village into the suburban city, its residents should become absorbed in diverse interests, and the prosperity of the University cease to be the ever present motive and ambition. The growth of the University itself from feebleness to strength tended to this change of sentiment, since the personal interest one might feel for a small body of students and instructors, with whom individual acquaintance was pos- sible, could not exist when, in place of a little coterie of friends, one had to consid- er that vague impersonal thing an institu- tion. But while it would be impossible to re- store the simplicity and unity of early social life, it is most desirable for both town and University that the bond of sympathy between them should, in every way, be guarded and strengthened. And in closing this chapter it may not be out of place to say, that to accomplish this end and re-establish this active interest in promoting University interests with a gen- eration to which the earlier history is only an uncertain tradition, was the purpose for which the University Guild was organized, and which it seems, in some encouraging measure, to be attaining. (The foregoing chapter is copied by permission of the publishers from the "N'orthwestern Uni- versity, A History, 1855-190.)," edited by Arthur Herbert Wilde, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of History in The College of Liberal Arts, North- western University.) CHAPTER XLII. SOCIAL AND LITERARY CLUBS (By PROF. HOMEK H. K INiiSLI V A Reminiscence of Noah's Ark Social Instincts of Evanstonians Philosophi- cal Association Its Founders and Their Favorite Topics The "O. R. Circle" Blossoms Out as the "Legensia" Bry- ant Circle Pierian Club Woman's Clubs The Fortnightly Succeeds the "Woman's Reading Circle" Its Serv- ice in the Field of Charity and Philan- thropy The Coterie Twentieth Cen- tury and Present Day Clubs. It is said that the coat of arms of the Montmorency family contains the picture of a servant with a box under his arm run- ning after Noah's Ark, while a legend is- sues from his mouth expressing these words: "Make room for the archives of the Montmorency family !" Evanston is yet so young that the organization of all of her clubs is a matter of history. They are not like Melchizedec, "without father or mother, or table of descent." Fortu- nately in all of them we have official rec- ords of origin, purpose and, in many, of their final dissolution. This history can touch only the more pretentious clubs. An attempt to define the scope and to give the history of all the various church so- cieties, neighborhood circles, social and card clubs, would use up the limits of this paper largely in their simple enumeration. The social instincts of Evanstonians are much like those of any community. As soon as any neighborhood discovered that it contained a band of congenial spirits, it generally desired to form a club in order to give these instincts play and development. In the early days, when Evanston was smaller and when outside interests attracted less of the attention of business men and professional men ; when the people on the Ridge knew the people on Forest Avenue ; before the Evanston Club, the Boat Club, the Country Club, or any of the various whist clubs were or- ganized ; in the days when people took time to read and think and discuss, and not simply prophesy smooth things ; back in the early '6os, in the days when the names of Bannister, Willard, and Kidder were household words in Evanston, a club of young women was organized known as the Iota Omega Club. The symbolic letters were believed to signify Inde- pendent Order ; at least, the motto of the club "No others need apply" would seem to make it capable of that interpre- tation. This club was organized in 1860. and during its various vicissitudes and ramifications, it developed into, or was absorbed by, the Eclectic Society, the So- cial Club, and finally by the well known club of the present day, the Evanston Club. As this club is to have a separate chapter in this History, it is not necessary 434 SOCIAL AND LITERARY CLUBS to go more into detail in this account. Intellectual improvement and social en- joyment were the fundamental features of all of these clubs. Perhaps the most pretentious club in Evanston's early days was the Philosophical Association. This club had enough importance to be incor- porated, and received a charter from the Secretary of State, bearing date, Feb- ruary 28, 1867. Dr. Bannister was the father of the society, and a study of the list of subjects discussed shows that they were of no trifling nature, and were handled in no inferior manner. The rec- ords show that papers were discussed bearing such formidable titles as the fol- lowing : "The Relation of the Uncondi- tioned, the Absolute, and the Infinite to Human Faith and Knowledge" ; "Is a Science of History Possible?" "Science, Religion and Theology"; "The Nature and Province of Instinct"; "Religious Controversy between Deism and Chris- tianity." The foregoing are not specially selected subjects, but are taken at ran- dom from the records, and illustrate the fact that, in those early days, the men who discussed subjects did much original work, and did not rely upon the encyclo- paedia to inform them as to what some one else had said or done upon the sub- ject in hand. Economics, Sociology, Po- litical Economy, Electricity, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry and pure Mathe- matics came in for a fair share of the dis- cussion ; in fact, it is not impossible to find men today who think the society might be still living if it had not been for its sensitiveness about having the tariff discussed. If this is a matter of history, it serves to show that the tariff is not entirely an unmixed good ; for there ought to be a place in Evanston for a club which would discuss the more serious things of life. It is, however, hardly to be ex- pected that another club like this will ever exist in Evanston. The changes -an theo- logical thought and discussion in the last twenty-five years, perhaps a certain lack of seriousness in the present day life, the demands that are made on professional and business men, make it quite impos- sible to get together a set of men who- could give time and energy to such sub- jects as the old Philosophical Association used to consider. The society had are existence of sixteen years, and finally dis- banded after its meeting of February 13,. 1882. During its period of prosperity, the society kept up, for a time, a course of free public lectures, and the public were frequently invited to hear papers of the members when such papers promised to be of more than ordinary interest or merit. The successive Presidents of the society- were: Henry Bannister, Oliver Marcy, Francis Bradley, L. H. Boutell. F. D.. Hemenway, Andrew Shuman, D. H_ Wheeler, N. S. Davis, Miner Raymond,. N. C. Gridley, J. G. Forest, H. S. Carhart. C. W. Pearson^ H. F. Fisk. Legensia Club. Perhaps the next most important club in Evanston was "Legen- sia." The original name of this club was- the O. R. Circle. This was the abbrevi- ated way of writing "Our Reading Cir- cle." It had its origin January 30, 1880. On that date a few congenial friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B Cragin and formed a club whose object, as stated in its call, should be "the form- ing of a club for literary exercises, having in view both the profit and pleasure of its members." In a short time the name of the club was changed to "Legensia" a name which was compounded by Pro- fessor J. Scott Clark from the last three syllables of Collegensia and the syllable- leg from the Latin word lego, to read.. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 435 The development of this club was much like that of a child. It passed through its years of infancy, youth, maturity and de- cline. A study of its successive programs shows clearly the working out of those lines of work and thought which char- acterize childhood, youth and maturity. Its first noti6n was to meet and read something serious, then something light and humorous, and to have each program interspersed with some descriptions of people or places by members who might be qualified to speak along these lines. The club soon gave up this desultory work, and took up a line of work which had continuity and serious purpose in it. The Life and Works of Daniel Webster formed the theme of reading for the first year, and the* Life and Letters of Ticknor the second year. At the beginning of the third year, Legensia began to show precocity by writing its own composi- tions. The biographical spirit was still rampant and strongly impressed the so- ciety, and accordingly all of the essays were biographical. No system obtained in the selection of authors, and there was a frisky skipping from Holmes to John Adams. Then Legensia took a run down to the sixteenth century, to Martin Luther, and then back to the nineteenth century to Elizabeth Barrett Browning, with an alacrity of disconnectedness which would have been the envy of the promoters of the International Sunday School Lessons. The novelist, poet, statesman, historian, essayist, philosopher, and philanthropist were made, in succession, the subjects of Legensia's praise and criticism. During this year a famous debate arose as to the relative merits of Webster and Sumner as statesmen. The debate was as hot and as protracted as any in which those famous statesmen ever engaged in the halls of congress. Curiously enough, all of the women of the club sided with Sum- ner, while all of the men yielded their allegiance to Webster. Finally one mem- ber was won over to the side of the Webster camp, and the question was set- tled in this way, and never disturbed the dreams of the club thereafter. In 1883. Legensia thought it was old enough to forego writing essays upon persons whose lives had been carefully and thoughtfully written beforehand by competent histor- ians, and it took up the matter of writing about things. American History became the theme of this year's work. The fol- lowing year was spent in a study of the English poets from Chaucer to Words- worth. By 1886, the society thought it could wrestle with the deep problems of life, and so took up the discussion of the mysteries of the protective tariff, with the usual result, that after a year of discussion, everyone understood it perfectly, but no two persons had the same understanding about it. In 1887-88, the Victorian Reign, and the next year French History from Julius Caesar to that date, were con- sidered. In 1889, nothing in the old lines was quite satisfactory to the society. Several programs were suggested, but were all thrown out, and the club spent a year on the study of "Socialism." This proved to be one of the most interesting years in the history of the society. After 1890 the club had an existence of four years during which it discussed art, archi- tecture, Alaska, Australia, Africa, Aid- rich, Agassiz, and numerous problems of government, ethics, schools, and also the practical problems of life. In fact, the latter subject was frequently a matter of discussion in the club, and the manner in which it took hold of the subject was an ample testi- mony to the witticism of the bright Evanston woman who said she was jick 436 SOCIAL AND LITERARY CLUBS and tired of hearing about her soul, but wanted to know how to keep her kitchen drain clean. The last year of Legensia was devoted to a consideration of Bryce's American Commonwealth. Whether or not this proved too severe a task, or whether other attractions abbreviated the membership, the club never got be- yond December, 1894. This club never attempted the solution of the deep things of life, as did the old Philosophical As- sociation. It never had soarings after the infinite nor divings after the unfath- omable, nor did it ever attempt Brown- ing. The annual banquets of Legensia were meetings of great enjoyment. The first one was a complete surprise upon the gentlemen of the club, having been secretly prepared in advance by the la- dies. It consisted of a fine collation of chicken salad, celery, cheese - sticks, cream, candy, and numerous other at- tractive articles of diet, and when the business of this evening was over, the gentlemen were ushered into the pres- ence of the feast. As a literary feature of the evening, each man was asked to give his favorite author and a quotation from his works, and also to name his na- tive State. As this was entirely im- promptu, it led to some embarrassment, and men who had never quailed before the cannon's mouth were suddenly struck dumb at the audacity of the ladies, and their natural eloquence was abated. One of the most eloquent members of the club could only repeat the first verse of Genesis, while one of the most learned members of the faculty of Northwestern University could only describe his favor- ite state into which he shortly after- ward entered. Fourteen banquets in all were held, and it would be impossible to recount all of the bright things that were said and done on these occasions. One of the most unique was where each mem- ber was required to bring in an original poem, or at least alleged poetry; and these poems varied in length from four lines to one which took two rolls of wall paper to contain it. From the latter epi- sode Mr. Dorr A. Kimball earned the title of poet laureate of the club. It would be impossible to speak in detail of the personnel of the club. There were in all about three hundred members dur- ing its fourteen years of history, includ- ing every class of society except the crank ; all degrees of wealth, one Gov- ernor, three members of the Legislature, one Attorney-General of the State, busi- ness men, bankers, professional men, col- lege Presidents and Professors unnum- bered. One of the early members of the club made it a point, at every meeting, to have on hand the autograph or some for- mer personal belonging of the person under discussion, and succeeded in every case except in the case of Julius Caesar. When Martin Luther was under consid- eration this member is said to have had with him ink-stained samples of ingrain wall-paper, which he declared were taken from the room where Luther threw the ink bottle at the Devil. The higher crit- icism was not rampant in those days, but in spite of that fact, some members were so incredulous as to doubt the identity of this particular paper. The papers of Legensia were always of a dignified nature. The flippant never entered into its discussions, and even the discussion of the protective tariff never precipitated any lifelong animosities, and the club will ever remain in the memo- ries of older Evanstonians as a pleasant recollection of fourteen years of earnest, profitable, wholesome and most enjoy- able work, coupled with a spirit of hos- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 437 pitality, generosity and friendship, which have become a permanent part of many lives made sweeter by the privileges of this association. The following persons have acted as Presidents of Legensia: C. A. Flanders, F. P. Crandon (two terms), H. B. Cra- gin, W. S. Harbert, H. H. C. Miller, O. E. Haven, C. W. Pearson, Dorr A. Kim- ball, H. H. Kingsley, C. B. Atwell. L. K. Gillson, R. B. McMullen, J. Scott Clark and Fleming H. Revell. Bryant Circle. The Bryant Circle can claim the distinction of having had thus far the longest life of any literary society in Evanston, it now being in the twenty- first year of its existence. It was or- ganized in 1885 as a "Chautauqua Lit- erary and Scientific Circle." In the win- ter of 1883-84 several ladies of Evanston were pursuing independently the studies as laid down by the Chautauqua Asso- ciation. Realizing, however, the benefit that would come from united action, the regular meeting together of those inter- ested in the same line of study, both from the information each would impart to the other and from the stimulus that would be aroused by such union, they resolved to call a meeting of the ladies of the village interested in forming an after- noon circle for the following winter. Ac- cordingly, there appeared in the "Evans- ton Index" of September 19, 1885, a no- tice calling such a meeting, the result of which was seen in the coming together of ten ladies, meeting with Mrs. Carse- well at the Avenue House Cottage. The charter members of the society which was organized were Mrs. Carsewell, Mrs. H. H. Gage, Mrs. George Bancroft, Mrs. H. J. Edwards, Mrs. W. H. Crocker, Mrs. G. H. Thompson, Mrs. \V. H. Lewis, Mrs. Baskin and Mrs. Balding. New members were constantly added and in- terest continued unabated. The name "Bryant" may possibly be something of a misnomer to those not familiar with the beginnings of the society. When a name for the circle was under discussion at one of the early meetings the name Bryant seemed especially fitting, that day being the birthday of the poet, and also one of the memorial days in the Chautauqua calendar; hence it was chosen. As no study of that poet has ever been pursued by the circle, it has been thought by many, during late years, that it is misleading, and there has been an attempt made to change the name, but, possibly from the sentiment of long association, the vote of the circle decided to retain its original name. The Chautauqua outline of work was strictly followed for four years, at which time (1889) the course was completed. The Circle then departed somewhat from the prescribed line, and for three years fol- lowed the outline pertaining to History and Literature, leaving out the sciences. At the end of that time it discontinued the Chautauqua study and a program committee from the club has, each year, presented a program which met the ex- pressed desires of the Circle the prefer- ence being generally given to literary and art studies. During the winter following the World's Fair papers were prepared on the various exhibits, more especially pertaining to the arts, crafts and indus- tries, each paper being the result of per- sonal observations. Various countries have been studied, and altogether the Circle's work, during its long career, has touched upon many branches of culture intellectual, aesthetic, moral and re- ligious. The fact that every member has contributed her share of the written papers, and taken part in the discussions, has been a distinctive and pleasing fea- 438 SOCIAL AND LITERARY CLUBS ture of the society. The active member- ship of the Circle is limited to thirty. There is an associate list, limited to ten, containing the names of those who, hav- ing been active members, are for good reasons unable to be constant attend- ants at regular meetings ; these, how- ever, are expected to participate, as far as possible, in the programs of the Cir- cle. There is usually a number of names on the waiting list ready for election into the Circle whenever a vacancy occurs, thus showing the sustained interest and popularity of the society. These names must be presented by some member of the society. The election is by ballot, and a unanimous vote is required to gain admission. The Circle holds its meetings on alternate Monday afternoons at the homes of its mem- bers, and not the least delightful feature of the exercises is the social one the cup of tea and the friendly chat which fol- low the more formal program. During the last few years it has been the custom, each winter, to hold one evening meeting to which the husbands and friends of the members have been invited, and an ad- dress has been given by an invited speaker on some topic kindred to the line of study of the year. A number of clergymen of Evanston and University professors have favored the Circle ; also delightful musical numbers have been given by Evanston artists. The following persons have acted as Presidents of the Circle: Mrs. G. W. Candee, Mrs. W. H. VVhitehead, Mrs. A. F. Townsend, Mrs. L. D. Norton, Mrs. H. R. Wilson, Miss Mary Harris, Mrs. E. A. Dawson, Mrs. H. H. Kingsley, Mrs. Thomas Balmer, Mrs. W. A. Smith, Mrs. C. S. Raddin, Mrs. F. M. Bristol, Miss Alice Houston, Mrs. Howard Field, Mrs. P. L. McKinnie, Mrs. J. C. Turner. Pierian Circle. The Pierian Circle was organized February 27, 1891. It was the outgrowth of a porch reading circle, which had been enjoyed by a few ladies in the same neighborhood during the preceding summer. As they wished to continue the pleasant custom, and also to widen the scope of this little circle, they decided to make it a regular organi- zation, under as informal a rule as possi- ble. For this purpose, a meeting was called at the above date at the home of Mrs. P. L. McKinnie, 108 Davis Street. Twelve ladies were present, and after freely discussing the matter, a study club was formed, the object of which should be to stimulate, in an enjoyable way, the intellectual development of its members, and combine the advantage of literary and social culture. The name "Pierian" was chosen for the Circle with much hesitation as being rather ambitious for a circle of learners, the suggestion com- ing from Pope's Essay on Criticism : "Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring." This objection was counter- acted somewhat by the motto selected for the Circle: "Let Knowledge grow from more to more." The number of members was limited to thirty, to be elected by vote of the club after having been considered by a membership com- mittee, the meetings to be held twice a month at the homes of its members. The subject selected for the first season's study was American History, and cur- rent events were given at roll call. The President elected at the initial meeting was Mrs. C. E. Thayer, one of the orig- inal porch circle. While early in its history some philan- thropic work was done by the club, its main object has been of a literary nature. The regular afternoon meetings have been occasionally varied by evening meetings, with invited guests and lee- b 43* SOCIAL AXD LITFRARY CLCIiS tn re of the society. The active member- ship of the Circle is limited to tliirtv. There is an associate list. limited to ten, containing the names of those who,' hav- ing been active members, are for good reasons unable to be constant attend- ants at regular meetings: these, how- ever, are expected to participate, as far as possible, in the programs of the Cir- cle. There is usually a number of names on the waiting list ready for election into the C ircle whenever a vacancy occurs, thus showing the sustained interest and popularity of the society. These name-- must be presented by some member of the society. The election is by ballot, and a unanimous vote is required to gain admission. The Circle holds its meetings on alternate Monday afternoons at the homes of its mem- bers, and not the least delightful feature of the exercises is the social one the cup of tea and the friendly chat which fol- low the more formal program. During the last few years it has been the custom, each winter, to hold one evening meeting to which the husbands and friends of the members have been invited, and an ad- dress has been given bv an invited speaker on some topic kindred to the line of study of the vear. A number of clergymen of Kvanston and I'nivcrsity professors have favored the Circle; also delightful musical numbers have been given by Kvanston artists. The following persons have acted as President- of the Circle: Mrs. (',. W. Can. lee. Mrs. \\ . II. \\hiiehead. Mrs. A. F. Town-end. Mrs. I.. 1). Xorton. Mrs. II. R. \\il-on. Mi.-s Mary Harris. Mrs. I'.. A. Daw-.. n. Mrs. II. II. Kingsley, Mrs. Thomas lialmer. Mrs. \Y. A. Smith, Mrs. C. S. Raddin. Mrs. I'. M. P.ristol, Mi.-s Alice Houston. Mrs. Howard Field. Mr-. P. I.. McKinnie. Mrs. I. ( ". Turner. Pierian Circle. The Pierian Circle was organized February 2~. 1X91. It was the outgrowth of a porch reading circle, which had been enjoyed by a few ladies in the same neighborhood during the preceding summer. As they wished to continue the pleasant custom, and also to widen the scope of this little circle, they decided to make it a regular organi- zation, under as informal a rule as possi- ble. For this purpose, a meeting was called at the above date at the home of Mrs. P. I.. McKinnie, 108 Davis Street. Twelve ladies were present, and after freely discussing the matter, a study club was formed, the object of which should be to stimulate, in an enjoyable way, the intellectual development of its members, and combine the advantage of literary and social culture. The name "Pierian" was chosen for the Circle with much hesitation as being rather ambitious for a circle of learners, the suggestion com- ing from Pope's Kssay on Criticism : "Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring." This objection was counter- acted somewhat by the motto selected for the Circle: "Let Knowledge grow fiom more to more." The number of members was limited to thirty, to be elected by vote of the club after having been considered by a membership com- mittee, the meetings to be held twice a month at the homes of its members. The subject selected for the first season's study was American History, and cur- rent events were given at roll call. The President elected at the initial meeting was Mrs. C. F.. Thayer. one of the orig- inal porch circle. While early in its history some philan- thropic work was done by the club, its main object has been of a literary nature. The regular afternoon meetings havo been occasionally varied by evening meetings, with invited guests and lee- b LIBRARY OF THE UNIVfeRSUt OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 439 tures by those outside of its own mem- bership. The interest in the Pierian Club has been steadily increasing and warmly maintained. Its list of membership has always been full, with several on the waiting list. The subjects which have been studied during the years succeeding the first one already mentioned are as follows : Ruskin for three seasons ; Magazine Reviews; The Victorian Reign; London; France; The English Colonies ; The Industrial Arts. The office of President has been held by the following named persons : Mrs. P. R. Woodford, Mrs. R. P. Hollett, Miss Mary Harris, Mrs. J. A. Battle, Mrs. Nel- son De Golyer, Mrs. J. M. Bond. The Fortnightly. Preparatory to the ascension of the great White City on the shores of Lake Michigan, a thousand fantasies possessed the imaginations of the people, anticipating the marvelous phantasmagoria soon to be practically, realized. It is not surprising that the highly favored inhabitants of Evanston should have shared in the general enthu- siasm to the extent of seeing visions by night and dreaming dreams by day. Hence it so happened that the genesis of the "Fortnightly" was the product of a revelation communicated to a few friends with mutual sympathies and common aims, who entered into an infor- mal partnership for higher education, di- versified by friendly chat and the con- sequent attrition of many minds. On this purely unconventional basis, the Fortnightly Club commenced business nearly fourteen years ago. This chrysalis of inexperience was destined to mature beyond the stage of the ephemeral fledg- ling, and while building better than it knew, to earn an enviable reputation for stabi"ty and intelligence second to none of its kindred societies. The first women to extend a helping hand to this union were, in order, as follows : Mrs. Lucre- tia Morgan, Mrs. Henrietta Day, Mrs. Alexander Clark, Mrs. Sereno Norton, Mrs. Thomas L. Fansler and Mrs. George Graley. These few founders stand for charter members of an unincorporated club which has never formed any alli- ance with State or National Federations. It was originally christened as the "Woman's Reading Circle," and made its initial bow to the public with the assist- ance of a single official, Mrs. Alexander Clark acting as Director, and filling the position most acceptably and efficiently. With the lapse of years this infant indus- try grew in stature and in grace. Hav- ing an increased membership, it natur- ally drifted with the tide into broader thought expressed in more conventional channels, and became, like all well-regu- lated associations of the time, governed . by. parliamentary rules, selecting regu- lar presiding'" officers, and finally adopt- ing the more dignified title of the Fort- nightly Club of Evanston. As_ any trust- worthy narrative must include a definite list of topics for study, the various sub- jects are appended herewith: History of Spain ; Arts and Industries ; Countries of the World; Celebrated Historians; Par- liamentary Law and Socialism ; Miscel- laneous Program in 1896-7 History of Chicago; Cuba and the Philippine Is- lands ; Russia, Customs and Manners ; Holland and Her Dykes; Fiction and Philosophy. These topics were interspersed with current events of interest, discussions on higher education, the amenities of home and fireside, with the practical solution of vexed problems and the burning issues of the hour. The life of the Fortnightly has not, 440 SOCIAL AND LITERARY CLUBS however, been one of serious contempla- tion. It has frequently had brought to mind the old adage, that "All work and no play makes life dull every day" ; so, metaphorically speaking, the club has taken up the "fiddle and the bow," while resting from the exertions of the "shovel and the hoe." As comparisons are odi- ous, it may not be well to chronicle any of the gay larks indulged in by this clique of sober and serious matrons. Let it suffice that the Fortnightly has held dig- nified receptions, listened to lectures and addresses, played hilarious games galore ; has been feted and feasted at the hospita- ble homes of its members, and last, but not least, has disported gaily in honor of Saint Valentine, where, if not wined in this prohibition town, the club has cer- tainly dined to its heart's content. As this is a many-sided club, it has never turned a deaf ear to appeals for philan- thropic and charitable enterprises. Dur- ing the winter many a fire has been kept burning, and the wolf diverted from the doors of the sick and needy. Money has been contributed for the collection of books, a room furnished in a public insti- tution, and last year all moneys were turned into the general fund of the As- sociated Charities. At the commencement of the fourteenth year of the history of the Club, it has a full roster of thirty members. Good fel- lowship has always been its aim. On the solid rock of the sacredness of home and family ties, the Club stands as a unit. Births and deaths and burials have been fitly commemorated alike in kind words and loving deeds, and the fragrant min- istry of flowers the pink carnation be- ing the floral emblem of the Club. In the flight of time but one member has been gathered by the unrelenting scythe of death. Many changes have occurred in the roll call, but vacancies are speedily filled, while some of the original mem- bers and a little of the old leaven still remain intact. Thirty daughters under one roof-tree have inevitably held different opinions, yet uniformly agreeing to disagree in a spirit of tolerance, the general weal be- ing the paramount consideration. Col- lectively the Fortnightly Club is com- posed of wide-awake, intelligent, pro- gressive women living up to the spirit of the motto of the Club, "Whatever the subject, it deserves our pains." The Club has a very promising future, and it is enthusiastically hoped that it may attain to that spirit of high idealism expressed by one of its members : "That the coming years may bring to all its members a still larger charity and greater loving kindness, forming an indissoluble union of heart and hand, a loyal copart- nership that shall abide 'for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.' " The Coterie. In 1893 an invitation was sent to the ladies living on Michigan Avenue between Kedzie and Keeney Avenues, to come together for the after- noon, and bring their sewing and chil- dren, if necessary, while one lady would read to them from some recently pub- lished book. "The Prince of India," by General Lew Wallace, was chosen; and each week a few chapters of the book were read, after which a social hour was passed and light refreshments were served. The afternoon was much enjoyed, and the ladies decided to meet every week at their various homes. There were present at each meeting ladies of musi- cal talent who pledged themselves to furnish either piano or vocal music. Several books were read during 1893-4. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 441 October 5, 1894, it was decided to organ- ize a society with the understanding that the closing hour for conversation and social pleasure be not infringed upon. Accordingly, a constitution was pre- sented and unanimously adopted. Mrs. E. L. Waddell was elected President, and she has retained the office up to the present time, 1902. With no desire to be called a literary club, it was decided to call the Club "The Coterie." The so- cial requirements form a large part of the afternoon entertainment. As the members are, for the most part, too busy to prepare papers, the literary features of the afternoon have consisted largely in reading from books, magazines and va- rious other sources. The later history of The Coterie em- braces a study of foreign countries, and an annual program is followed every year, in which pleasure, entertainment and culture, as well as social enjoyment, are the leading characteristics. The lit- erary features of the afternoon have never been a burden to the Club, and once a year there is an annual dinner and a children's party, which are not the least pleasing features of this very delightful and enthusiastic club. The Coming Century Club. The Com- ing Century Club of Evanston was first suggested February 18, 1894. It origi- nated in a meeting of eight men: W. E. Wilkinson, H. L. Tolman, D. D. Thomp- son, F. W. Nichols, C. O. Scudder, W. H. Webster, E. O. Blake and A. E. A. Shinner. It was proposed to form a so- ciety of gentlemen to discuss the live topics of the day. A meeting was called by this gather- ing, and over a supper at the home of H. L. Tolman, the Club was organized. The name, "Coming Century Club," was suggested by Mr. J. J. Flinn, and the following is Mr. Scudder's record of the meeting: "Coming Century Club. On Monday evening, Feb- ruary 25th, Messrs. Adair, Blake, Flinn, Graham, Hibben. Knox, Milhening, Nichols, Rowe, Scudder, Thompson, Tolman, Webster, and Wilkinson, met at the home of Mr. Henry L. Tolman and organized the above named club for the free discussion of current questions, on the following basis: Negations. No Accounts nor Axes, nor Bores nor Business, nor Constitution, nor Dudes nor Dues, nor Formality, nor Late Sittings, nor Organizations, nor Profanity. No By-Laws No Club House No Debts, Dress Coats No Fines No Lone Speeches Officers No Off No Preaching "Messrs. Nichols, Scudder, Tolman, Thompson, and Wilkinson were made an Executive Committee with power to do all business, with Mr. Tolman as Chairman and Mr. Scudder as Secretary. "The Club meets on the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month; on the second Monday evening at eight o'clock sharp, at the house of some member ; on the fourth Monday at six-thirty P. M., for dinner, discussion afterward, at some place hereafter designated, the same to cost not to exceed seventy-five cents. "The Club adjourns at ten o'clock. The introductory speakers are allowed twenty minutes each, with five minutes additional to close. Other speakers are limited to five minutes. The next meeting will be held at the residence of Mr. Nichols, 932 Hinman Avenue, Monday evening, March 11. "Question : Should the United States adopt the bi- metallic standard? "Affirmative Mr. Adair. "Negative Mr. Tolman. "C. O. SCUDDER, Sec." The membership was at first limited to thirty-five, and meetings have always been held at the homes of members. The early popularity of the Club came from its unique constitution, all business be- ing transacted by the Executive Com- mittee without coming before the Club to distract from its social and literary character. Its continued vitality has also been due to the freedom given to all mem- bers to take part in the discussions, which have frequently been wise as well as witty. Meetings have been held twice each month during the winter months of each year ever since the organization. Ban- quets have been held two or three times each year, generally served by church la- dies. In 1897 the membership was doubled by the admission of ladies, and has sev- eral times been enlarged to accommodate the demand for admission of new mem- 442 SOCIAL AND LITERARY CLUBS bers. The present membership is one hundred and the homes are often taxed to accommodate the meetings. At the opening of the year 1898 it was thought best by the committee to adopt a constitution, which embodied mainly the past practices of the Club. The first printed annual programs were used in 1896 and have been printed each year since. Of late years there have been a few meetings each year, when outside talent has been called in to entertain the Club. Perfect harmony has prevailed in the meetings and the discussions have set- tled nearly all the questions of the day political, religious, literary and scientific. With the opening of the season of 1901-2 the name of the Club became "The Twentieth Century Club" and will probably remain so during the present century. Present Day Club. The Present Day Club, while one of the youngest clubs in Evanston, is thoroughly an up-to-date club. It was organized about 1899 by six women living in the vicinity of Sheri- dan Road and Lee Street, for the purpose . of discussing the best news of the day, and keeping in touch with the literary world. The Club, which is limited to fifteen members, meets every two weeks in the homes of its members. The an- nual fee is used for a book fund. The leading works of the present day are pur- chased, read and discussed, and distrib- uted, pro rata, to the members at the close of each club year. Among the works of fiction discussed during the first year were "Janice Meredith," "When Knight- hood Was in Flower" and "Richard Car- vel." In connection with the reading of the last-named book, which was valuable for its wholesomeness as well as for its historical worth, a scholarly lecture on the Revolutionary Period was given by one of its members. All the points of in- terest were traced on the map, and com- parisons were drawn with the characters and events depicted in the book. "Eben Holden" served as a pleasant dessert to the year's literary menu. Tolstoy's life, country and works were studied during the second year, his last work of fiction being considered a strong work for peo- ple of mature years who are studying the sociological questions of the day. The work of fiction which found greatest fa- vor among the members of the Club was "The Crisis," and it was especially no- ticeable that the literary criticisms of the Club were frequently at wide variance with those of the professional reviewers. The program for the present year in- cludes current events, lives of editors, magazine articles and late works of fic- tion. After reading such books as "La- zarre" and admiring Gilbert Parker's strong literary strokes in his "Right of Way," rest and refreshment are to be found in turning to Van Dyke's "Little Rivers," or reading his "To Be Glad of Life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work, and to play and to look up at the stars ; to be satisfied with your possessions, but not contented with your- self until you have made the best of them." CHAPTER XLIII. THE EVANSTON WOMAN'S CLUB 1 1 :y MBS. RICHARD II. WYMAN) Origin of Evanston Woman's Club Julia Ward Howe's Advice Organization and First Officers Club Programs Auxiliary Organizations Work of the Traveling Library Committee Field Day at Lake Genera Object of the Club Defined in Its Constitution Club Motto. All great and successful organiza- tions have their origin in consecration of thought and purpose. The seed-thought of the Evanston's Woman's Club flick- ered into existence deep in the heart of a woman whose desire was for the activ- ity of all women striving for the good of all women. The thought was cherished and confided to a few kindred spirits. Nourished by their sympathy, strength- ened by their zeal, it grew into an im- pulse to reach out for co-operation. Early in 1889 Mrs. Elizabeth Boynton Harbert invited to her home a little group of earnest women, to take counsel together as to how they might unite in promoting a Woman's Club. For inspi- ration they read with interest and profit Julia Ward Howe's address on the "Or- ganization of Women." That great and wise leader, desiring to help others, says : '"Deliberation in common, mutual in- struction, achievement for the whole, should be the spirit of associations ; work faithfully, fervently and in sincerity with the motto, 'The good of all, the aim of each.' Question: What are the most pressing needs of society? What can we, as a body corporate, do to meet and an- swer them? Learn to act in the light of experience. Work with the conviction that the possibilities of Women's Clubs are as broad as the land, as diverse as are the requirements of mankind." Pondering these sentiments and en- couraged by the enthusiasm of their hostess, who proved herself in every sense a leader, these women continued to meet informally until in March, 1889, when they associated themselves to- gether to form "The Woman's Club of Evanston." Mrs. Harbert was made President and Mrs. Thaddeus P. Stanwood Secretary. Early in 1890 the membership had grown to a dignity requiring a constitution and regular officers. This form of organi- zation continued until March, 1898, when the club was duly incorporated in accord- ance with the laws of the State of Illi- nois. Mrs. Harbert was the Mother of the Club in the deepest and broadest sense of the relation expressed by the word. It has been well said that what Alice Gary accomplished in Sorosis, Mrs. Harbert ac- complished and amplified in Evanston. 443 THE EVANSTON WOMAN'S CLUB To her personal inspiration and wise di- rection the Club owes its early activities and its healthful development. She was its President for eight years, when, at her own instance, the honor was trans- ferred to another. Mrs T. P. Stanwood was then elected to the office. Being a woman of exceptional ability, keen per- ception and rare graciousness, she was well qualified to guide the Club through a critical period and to thoroughly estab- lish its prosperity. At the end of two years she was suc- ceeded by Mrs. Richard H. Wyman, who, after two years' service, was fol- lowed by Mrs. H. H. Kingsley, a char- ter member and loyal worker. With charming tact and grace she conducted the affairs through a very successful year, when, positively declining re-elec- tion, she was succeeded, in April, 1902, by Mrs. C. A. Goodnow. These Presi- dents have always been splendidly sup- ported by fellow-officers and a Board of Managers showing ability and devoted zeal. Every department and branch of the club work have received the special attention of women who have devoted heart and hand to the attainment of high- est standards. The program of the earlier years, though not thoroughly systematized, was profitable and enjoyable. It consisted usually of a special topic with prepared essay, which was followed by two short speeches on the subject, supplemented by informal discussion. This method furthered one of the primary objects of the Club to train women to become easy speakers ; to help them to acquire the habit of thinking and speaking readily and connectedly on their feet before an au- dience. An indication of one of the early-time interests and activities, which has since grown to importance, is given in the fact that a large reception was tendered the teachers of Evanston at Mrs. Harbert's home, where an address was made by the late Colonel Parker on the Relation of the Home to the School. During the time from 1891 to 1894 the Club sustained a World's Fair Depart- ment, for the purpose of study and in- vestigation in the various lines of inter- est connected with the World's Colum- bian Exposition. This was under the leadership of Miss Mary Harris, and proved a marked success. A Household Economic Department was organized at about this time, at whose meetings, held twice each month, papers on Domestic Science, previously read at the World's Fair Congresses, were presented. This department merged into the Department of Philan- thropy, which has led the Club into the line of broader work and great achieve- ments. From this time the work of the Club developed into departments, serving as channels for each member to pursue in- vestigation and to derive pleasure, ac- cording to her taste and desire all unit- ing in one general club meeting each month ; all serving loyally any cause for the general good. The Art and Literature Department was formed in September, 1894, and the Child and Home Department in 1897. The Press Department was organized a lit- tle later. A French Study Class, under Professor Oudshorn, was formed in 1897; a class in German, under Miss White, in 1899, and a class in Civics, under Miss Childs, in 1902. Also a class in singing, under Professor Niedlinger, was carried on during the winter of 1902. The first, and one of the greatest ef- forts of the Club in outside work, was 444 Till-: EVAXSTOX WOMAN'S CLIT. To her personal inspiration and wise di- rection the Club owes its early activities and its healthful development. She was its I 'resident for eight year?,, when, at her ciwn instance, the honor was trans- ferred to another. Mrs T. I'. Stamvood was then elected to the office. lleing a woman of exceptional ability, keen per- ception and rare graciousness. she was well qualified to guide the Club through a critical period and to thoroughly estab- lish its prosperity. At the end of two years she was suc- ceeded by Mrs. Richard 11. Wyman, who, after two years' service, was fol- lowed by Mrs. II. II. Kingsley, a char- ter member aixl loyal worker. With charming tact and grace she conducted the affairs through a very successful year, when, positively declining re-elec- tion, she was succeeded, in April, 1902, by Mrs. C. A. (Joodnow. These Presi- dents have always been splendidly sup- ported by fellow-officers and a Hoard of Managers showing ability and devoted zeal. Every department and branch of the club work have received the special attention of women who have devoted heart and hand to the attainment of high- est >tandnrds. The program of the earlier years, though not thoroughly systematized, was profitable and enjoyable. It consisted usually of a special topic with prepared essay, which was followed by two short Speeches on the subject, supplemented by informal discussion. This method furthered one <,f the primarv objects of the Club to train women to become easy speakers: to help them to acquire the habit of thinking and speaking readily and connectedly on their feet before an au- dience. An indication of one of the early-time interests and activities, which has since grown to importance, is given in the fact that a large reception was tendered the teachers of Evanston at Mrs. Ilarbert's home, where an address was made by the late Colonel Parker on the Relation of the Home to the School. During the time from 1891 to 1894 the Club sustained a \Yorld's Fair Depart- ment, for the purpose of study and in- vestigation in the various lines of inter- est connected with the World's Colum- bian Exposition. This was under the leadership of Miss Mary Harris, and proved a marked success. A Household Economic Department was organized at about this time, at whose meetings, held twice each month, papers on Domestic Science, previously read at the World's Eair Congresses, were presented. This department merged into the Department of Philan- thropy, which has led the Club into the line of broader work and great achieve- ments. From this time the work of the Club developed into departments, serving as channels for each member to pursue in- vestigation and to derive pleasure, ac- cording to her taste and desire all unit- ing in one general club meeting each month; all serving loyally any cause for the general good. The Art and Literature Department was formed in September, 1894. and the Child and Home Department in 1897. The Press Department was organized a lit- tle later. A Erench Study Class, under 1'rofessor Ondshorn. was formed in 181)7: a class in (ierman. under Miss White, in 1899, and a class in Civics, under Miss Childs. in l')OJ. Also a class in singing, under Professor Xiedlinger. was carried on during the winter of 1902. The tirr-t. and one of the greatest ef- forts of the Club in outside work, was LIBRARY OF THE OP ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON 445 the impetus which it was the means of giving to the Evanston Emergency Hos- pital. At a meeting held in November, 1891, the words of Mrs. A. L. Butler stirred the members to form a Hospital Committee with Mrs. Joseph Hubbart as Chairman. It was resolved to give a festival and kirmess. The enterprise met with the cordial and generous support and efficient co-operation of citizens, both in and out of the Club, and was a brilliant success, netting $3,600 for the hospital fund. A course of lectures was given during the winter of 1895, by Professor Charles G. Moulton, which afforded means to as- sist the Convalescent Home at Lake Geneva and to support a teacher for a sewing school. As a mark of apprecia- tion of the hospitality of the Evanston Boat Club in offering the use of its rooms, a complimentary lecture by Pro- fessor Moulton, followed by a reception, was given. Among other good deeds, the Wom^ an's Club has extended substantial aid to the Northwestern University Settle- ment; it has placed a beautiful drinking fountain in the vicinity of the Chicago Commons ; it has contributed to the For- ward Movement and the Vacation Schools of Chicago; the local charities have received generous co-operation; a Day Nursery was established and sus- tained for a time, and several successful Mothers' Clubs have been conducted at the homes of members and at school houses. Sewing classes and housework classes for young girls were, during one season, conducted by members at their own homes. At Thanksgiving and Christmas- tide the overflowing spirit of giving and doing has been directed in proper chan- nels by a Club Committee, who thor- oughly canvassed the town and knew just where the bounty was most needed and would be best appreciated. The pur- pose was that there should not be a child within reach who should not know the blessings of the season. Over two hun- dred families have thus been reached, while over one thousand public school children have been carefully examined to ascertain and assist those suffering from defective sight or hearing. The teeth of the children have also received attention. A successful entertainment, in the form of a children's operetta, "The House That Jack Built," was given under the auspices of the Child and Home Depart- ment, which netted a substantial sum for the benefit of the Domestic Science De- partment of the Evanston Public Schools. As a memorial to a beautiful young daughter, one of the prominent mothers of the Club installed a Visiting Nurse to minister to those needing, but not ..able to pay for, such service. This noble work "has been sustained through the Philanthropic Department. The bright face, untiring devotion and ready skill of the Club's representative, Miss Galtz, in this beautiful charity, has been appreciatively welcomed by scores of suf- ferers. In response to an earnest talk from the President, much of personal service was undertaken and accomplished during Mrs. Stanwood's administration. It was interesting to note the varied character of the responses. Some offered the use of their carriages to those who might especially need them ; others, a view of their pictures; still others, their time to read, to tell stories, to mend, to make over clothing, to teach some common or unusual branch of home accomplish- ments. One of the tangible results of 446 THE EVANSTON WOMAN'S CLUB this movement was the purchase by the Club of a knitting-machine for the use of the different Mothers' Clubs, where the call for stockings was constant and im- perative. A letter, sent through Mrs. Grey, ap- pealed to Marshall Field & Company for a guarantee of garments manufactured under sanitary conditions. Thus was a beginning made towards one of the great objects aimed at later by the Consumers' League. One of the members skilled in bird lore gave a series of interesting talks upon her favorite subject. An- other member led a course in parliament- ary law, which was very profitable and enjoyable. A Legislative Committee has watched and reported bills and legisla- tive matters of importance and interest to the women, and the proper influence has been used to further them. A course of lectures and demonstrations in cook- ing and housekeeping, by Mrs. Hiller, was managed by the Child and Home Department. These were attended by over a hundred women, both mistresses and maids, who gave their enthusiastic approval. In May, 1900, the Club invited the Il- linois Congress of Mothers to meet un- der its auspices in Evanston. An ex- ceedingly interesting series of meetings was held, lasting over three days. These meetings were addressed by eminent men and women, and were attended by delegates from all parts of the State. The conference closed with a beautiful reception given by Dr. and Mrs. McKin- ney, at their palatial home on the lake shore. Baroness Schimmermann, the German philanthropist, gave an interest- ing talk during her stay in Chicago con- cerning herself and her work among sail- ors. Committees are maintained to pro- mote the work of the Juvenile Court and support a probation officer; also to assist the Vacation Schools and to guard and enforce the ordinances of the city of Evanston. The Traveling Library Committee sent out its first library in 1900. This was the first library in the world to be taken in charge by the Rural Delivery. Since that time ten libraries of fifty books each, packed in a complete case, have been sent on their way to cheer the bar- ren places where books are unattainable. Magazines and periodicals are constantly being sent in packages to various insti- tutions and hospitals, for both adults and children. For several seasons the privileges of the Club have been extended to all the teachers of Evanston, and during the past season the husbands of members and gentlemen "connected by marriage" have been invited to attend the meetings. Those who have been able to avail them- selves of the opportunity have expressed their approbation and enjoyment, as they have lingered to chat over the cup of tea or coffee which is always served at the close of the meetings. The Club is affiliated with the Illinois Federation of Woman's Clubs, the Illi- nois Congress of Mothers, the Illinois So- ciety for Child-Study, the Chicago Art Association and the Cook County League, and in the Club rooms is a tempting sup- ply of books and current magazines. A word as to the local habitation of this organization. It was born in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Boynton Har- bert. and there it was carefully watched through its young and tender years. As it grew the members realized that this charming home had its limitations in space, though never in hospitality. The mention of this hospitality brings to the minds of the early members the vivid HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 447 memory of the devotion of Arthur Har- bert, who so cordially assisted in provid- ing for the comfort and entertainment of his mother's friends. With the greatest reluctance to leaving the environment around which so many associations clus- tered, the Club gratefully accepted the generous offer of the Evanston Boat Club, in December, 1894, and for two seasons occupied its attractive assembly hall. The membership at this time was about two hundred. During the two following seasons the Club enjoyed the hospitality of the Coun- try Club, but in the autumn of 1898 the members entered upon the occupation of a suite of rooms of their own in the new Young Men's Christian Association Building. These rooms, furnished com- pletely and in excellent taste, have been the Club headquarters for five years. With the truest instinct of women and the best spirit of a club, the members look forward with longings and hope to the vague future, which may hold for them a home of their own. Surely, with entire possession and complete control of the premises, this ideal club would make an ideal home. The first and only "Field-Day" of the Club was celebrated at the charming home of Mr. and Mrs. Harbert, at Lake Geneva, in July, 1894. Fifty members made up the happy party, and they will ever cherish the memory of the occasion with keen pleasure and a consciousness of fresh inspiration. The programs of the twelve years of the Club's history contain many names illustrious in art, literature, education, music, philanthropy and science. The very best to be obtained in professional and practical lines has been brought be- fore the members, both in the depart- ments and in the general meetings. The membership numbers over three hundred and fifty, and includes many prominent women, among whom are the President of the Illinois Federation of Clubs, the President of the Illinois Con- gress of Mothers, the President of the Il- linois Suffrage Association, the Dean of Woman's Hall, the Musical Director of the Northwestern University, and Presi- dents of several smaller clubs. There are a lawyer, a doctor, a librarian, teach- ers, wives of judges, editors, professors, clergymen, and honor be to them scores of women who are devoted to that most exalted sphere of woman the Home. Twenty members have passed beyond the activities of this life to the higher life Beyond. Their memories are a bene- diction to those who knew them here. "There is no death To the living soul, nor loss, nor harm." In 1898 a Club pledge, color and pin were adopted. The pin is in form of a shield, with emblems of heart, distaff and torch, above a scroll bearing the words, "Unity, Charity, Liberty." The colors are green and gold. The Pledge voices unfailing loyalty and active de- votion to the Club and its interests. There is no better way to epitomize the cause of the existence and the course of the vitality of the Evanston Woman's Club than to quote, in closing, its own- words, taken from its Constitution : "The objects are mutual helpfulness in' all affairs of life, and united efforts to- ward the higher development of human- ity." Surely there could be no higher stand- ard than that expressed in its motto : "In essentials, unity ; "In .non-essentials, liberty : "In all things, charity." CHAPTER XLIV. THE EVANSTON CLUB Hy N. C. GRIDLEY) Promoters and Organisers of "The Green- wood Club" First Members and Offi- cers Xante Changed to "The Evans- ton Club" Club Building Erected First Reception Changes in By-Laws and Membership Value of Club Prop- erty List of Officers. On the 24th day of November, 1888, at the request of Marshall M. Kirkman, the following-named citizens of Evans- ton met in the Committee Room of the Hotel Richelieu, in the city of Chicago, for the purpose of organizing a Club in Evanston, namely: Curtis H. Remy, Daniel H. Burnham, Marshall M. Kirk- man, Nelson C. Gridley, Francis A. Hardy, James K. Armsby, Frederick W. Clarke, Milton W. Kirk, Edward P. Wil- son, David B. Dewey, John B. Kirk, Wil- liam E. Stockton, Josiah J. Parkhurst, George E. Gooch and Frank M. Elliot. Mr. Kirkman stated the object of the meeting, and, on his motion, Mr. C. H. Remy was elected Chairman ; and, on motion of Mr. D. B. Dewey, Mr. C. G. Phillips was elected Secretary. There- upon it was "Resolved, That measures be at once taken to incorporate the Club under the laws of the State of Illinois," and on the 26th of November, 1888, a certificate of incorporation of "The Greenwood Club" was duly issued by the Secretary of State of Illinois. Subsequently, at a meeting held in the Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, November 28, 1888, the following-named gentlemen were duly elected as the officers and Di- rectors of "The Greenwood Club:" President, Marshall M. Kirkman; First Vice-President, Daniel H. Burnham ; Sec- ond Vice-President, Milton W. Kirk; Treasurer, David B. Dewey; Directors Hugh R. Wilson, Charles W. Deering, Nelson C. Gridley, Curtis H. Remy, Wil- liam E. Stockton, James K. Armsby and Charles F. Dwight. Thereupon the officers and Directors adopted By-Laws and House Rules for the government of the Club, and elected Frank M. Elliot as Secretary. The By-Laws provided that "The ob- ject for which this Club is formed is the promotion of social, athletic and aesthetic culture; its immediate purpose the recre- ation and amusement of its members and their families; that the membership should be limited to one hundred mem- bers of the age of twenty-one years ; that the initiation fee shall be $300 and the annual dues $50; that junior members, between the ages of sixteen and twenty- one years, and the sons of or related to members, may be admitted to all the privileges of the Club except voting ; that 449 450 THE EVANSTON CLUB the ladies of every member's family, and the males between the age of sixteen and twenty-one years, shall be entitled to the privileges of the club; and that no liquors shall be allowed in the Club House or upon the premises, nor any gambling or betting the purposes of the Club being to afford its members and their families a place where they may go to seek the recreation and amusement that are commonly to be found at clubs." The following named gentlemen, resi- dents of Evanston, were duly elected members of the club, each of whom paid the initiation fee of $300, and to each of whom was subsequently issued a certifi- cate of membership: James K. Armsby William E. Stockton Daniel H. Burnham Frederick VV. Clarke Hugh R. Wilson Charles W. Deering Curtis H. Remy David B. Dewey George E. Gooch Charles F. Dwight Milton W. Kirk Edward P. Wilson Francis A. Hardy Morris R. Eddy Arthur Orr John B. Kirk William Holabird Nicholas G. Iglehart William D. Hitchcock Arthur S. Kirk Frederic T. Peabody Thomas A. Balding Nelson C. Gridley Henry M. Kidder Josiah J. Parkhurst Richard L. Dakin Augustus A. Buell Frank M. Elliot Aaron N. Young Hugh A. White James H. Deering William D. Porter Marshall M. Kirkman Charles G. Fuller William Blanchard Volney W. Foster Simeon Farwell Harry S. Farvvell Nelson De Golyer Charles P. Mitchell George A. Foster David S. Cook William B. Phillips Harold Smith George M. Sargent Martin M. Gridley Henry R. Pearsons Birney J. Moore William T. Rickards H. H. C. Miller Edward H. Webster Richard W. Lynch At the meeting of November 28, 1888. a committee, consisting of Messrs. Dew- ey, Burnham and M. W. Kirk, were ap- pointed to investigate as to the most de- sirable location for the Club, which com- mittee, on the ijth day of December, 1888, reported the selection of the "Lud- lam" lots (on which the Club House now stands) situated on the northwest corner of Chicago Avenue and Grove Street, 132 by 210 feet, and which could be purchased at $1 1,000; and thereupon the Executive Committee were authorized to make the purchase of said lots. The money for the purchase of said lots was obtained by the issue of the bonds of the club, of $500 each, secured by mortgage, all of which bonds were purchased by members of the club. There was situated upon said lots a frame dwelling house, which had been occupied by Mrs. Ludlam and family for many years, and which was removed by her as a condition of the purchase of said lots. At a meeting of the members of "The Greenwood Club," held at the Avenue House, Evanston, January 14, 1889, it was unanimously "Resolved, That the name of this cor- poration, 'The Greenwood Club.' be, and the same is hereby changed to 'The Ev- anston Club." And, thereupon due proceedings were taken for the change of same in compli- ance with the laws of the State of Illinois. On the isth of March, 1889, the Board of Directors adopted plans and specifica- tions for the building of a Club House, which had been prepared by Holabird & Roche, architects, under the supervision of a committee consisting of F. W. Clarke, D. H. Burnham and William Holabird, and thereupon a building committee, con- sisting of D. H. Burnham, D. B. Dewey and N. C. Gridley was duly appointed. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF EVANSTON and instructed to proceed with the erec- tion of a Club House. "The Evanston Club" Club House was practically completed, and a meeting of the Board of Directors was first held in the Club House on September 24, 1889. In consequence of the cost of the build- ing and its appurtenances exceeding the estimates therefor, it became necessary to raise funds for the furnishing of the Club House, whereupon twenty-three members of the Club voluntarily subscribed $100 each, for that purpose, which money was subsequently repaid by the Club. A committee consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dwight, Mr. and Mrs. William Jlolabird, and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Clarke, was appointed to select and pur- chase furniture and fixtures for the Club House. The opening party of the Club was given on the evening of Tuesday, Oc- tober i, 1889. The guests, consisting of members and their wives, sons and daugh- ters of members over the age of sixteen, and invited guests, in all about. 600, were received by a Reception Committee con- sisting of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Kirk- man, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Burnham, Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Elliot, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deering, Mr. and Mrs. James K. Armsby and Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dwight. On August 28, 1890, the By-Laws were so amended that "The membership of this Club shall be limited to one hundred and sixty (160), and shall consist of sixty (60) charter members, or those having paid $300 membership fee and holding certificates of membership, and one hun- dred (100) Associate Members without any ownership in the property of the Club." Subsequently, on November 2, 1891, the By-Laws were again amended so as to increase the membership to 200, to consist of sixty (60) charter and one hundred and forty (140) Associate Mem- bers. In July, 1896, the distinctions thereto- fore existing in the membership of the Club were abolished, and all members were granted equal rights in the govern- ment and property of the Club. This was accomplished by the charter members surrendering their certificates of member- ship and releasing all interest in the proper- ty of the Club, in consideration of new cer- tificates of membership providing that the dues of each holder of a certificate shall not exceed $25 per annum. During the fall and winter months in each year from the opening party in Oc- tober, 1889, to and including 1894-5 the Club took the lead in the social amuse- ments of Evanston in providing for its members, their wives and children, con- certs, vocal and instrumental ; musicales and theatricals by members ; sociables, with music, dancing and cards ; children's entertainments, card parties, dancing parties, lectures, readings, song and vio- lin recitals, and, in many of the entertain- ments, the Club hired artists of national and international reputation. In consequence of the organization of other social clubs in Evanston, as "The Country Club" and "The Boat Club," the general features of social entertainment by "the Evanston Club" were curtailed, and have been limited, since the fall and winter of 1895-6. to bowling, billiards and cards, with bi-monthly card parties or "Ladies' Nights," for the special enter- tainments of the wives and daughters of members of the Club. The property of "The Evanston Club," consisting of real estate and the Club House with its furnishings and fixtures, is of the value of about $50,000, with a 452 THE EVANSTON CLUB bonded indebtedness of only $12,000, and having a balance in the hands of the Treasurer, on January I, 1902, of about $ 1,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF THE EVANSTON CLUB FROM ITS INCEPTION Year President and Director Flret Vice-president and 1 in. Frances E. Willard was born of New England ancestry in Churchville, N. Y.. September 28, 1839, reared in Wisconsin and educated at the Northwestern Univer- sity, Evanston, which was the family home for well-nigh forty years. Here, beginning as a teacher in the public schools, Miss Willard, by what she liked to call "honest hard work," achieved the position of Dean of the Woman's Department of the Uni- versity, and Professor of Rhetoric in a fac- ulty otherwise composed of men, nearly all of whom had been graduated from Euro- pean universities. She studied abroad two years or more (from 1868 to 1870)-, French, German, Italian, history and the fine arts being the subjects to which her attention was devoted. It was her ambition to be a literary woman in connection with her work as a college professor. She was perhaps more celebrated for her method of school government than for any other one thing at this time. She organized what amounted to a senate and a house of representatives of the young women in the college, and practically placed their government in their own hands. This method worked so well for the good order of the institution and for the development of a high standard of honor among the young women students, that it has since been introduced into many colleges and public schools. In 1862 Miss Willard wrote her first book, "Nineteen Beautiful Years," which was published by the Harper Brothers, with an introduction by the poet Whittier, and since has been translated into several lan- guages. She also wrote "How to Win." a book for girls ; "Woman and Temperance," a history of the Woman's Christian Tem- perance Union; "A Classic Town," a his- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 479> tory of the beautiful university town of Evanston ; "A Young Woman Journalist," intended to inspire young women to take up a profession in which Miss Willard her- self had been engaged for many years. "Glimpses of Fifty Years," her autobiog- raphy, of which 50,000 copies have been sold, was written in 1889 by request of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union. "A Great Mother" is, perhaps, her best book, containing as it does the theory and practice of bringing up children accord- ing to her mother's plan ; and Madam Wil- lard was, in the estimation of everyone who knew her, a truly "Great Mother." Miss Willard's hand-book for the world's white ribbohers, entitled "Do Everything," is packed full of hints and helps for local workers. She also wrote "Woman in the Pulpit" and "How I Learned to Ride the P.icycle." In 1883 Miss Willard and Miss Anna Gordon made a temperance organization trip, visiting each of the States and Terri- tories of the United States, traveling 30.000 miles or more, from Puget Sound to the Gulf of Mexico. Such a trip had never before been made by man or woman in any cause, so far as we know. In the same year Miss Willard founded the World's Wom- an's Christian Temperance Union, of which she became President, and which has made the White Ribbon Society known in every English speaking country of the globe. In 1892 Miss Willard and Miss Gordon went to England by invitation of Lady Henry Somerset, their devoted friend, who then led the movement in Great Britain. There they helped to develop white ribbon methods and to edit the English white rib- bon paper. Editions of several of Miss Willard's books were brought out about this time, thus making her known to the reading public in the mother country. A great reception was tendered her in Exeter Hall, which was participated in by fifty philanthropic societies of London, with such speakers as Canon Wilberforce, Lady Henry Somerset, Mrs. Ormiston Chant. William T. Stead, Rev. Hugh Price Hughes, Rev. Mark Guy Pearce and sev- eral members of Parliament. They returned to America from this visit in the summer of 1894, Lady Henry Som- erset coming with them. In March. 1895, they again went to England. Miss Willard and Miss Gordon returned to the United States in time for the National W. C. T. U. Convention, held that year in Baltimore. In April, 1896, Miss Willard made her last voyage to England, accompanied by Miss Gordon, and it was in the autumn of this year that she and Lady Henry did their notable work for the Armenian refugees at Marseilles, her interest in their welfare never waning. She reached her native land in October, 1896, spent the following winter in Castile, N. Y., and the last summer of her life was spent in New England. In October, 1897, Miss Willard presided over the. World's W. C. T. U. Convention, held in Toronto, Canada. Her address as Pres- ident of that convention was pronounced to be one of the finest, most powerful and elo- quent that she had ever delivered. A few days later she presided over the National Convention at Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Willard originated the "Polyglot" Petition addressed to' all the Governments of the world, praying for the prohibition of the liquor traffic and the opium trade, which, with seven million names and attestations of great societies, was presented to the President of the United States in February. 1895, and in London before an audience of ten thousand people in June, 1895. In April, 1898, the .petition was presented to the Dominion of Canada at a great meeting in Ottawa, arranged by the Canadian W. C. T. U., when it was received on behalf 480 BIOGRAPHICAL of the Canadian Government by the Pre- mier, Sir Wilfred Laurier. Miss Willard's active interest on behalf of social purity, labor reform and woman suffrage was in consistent accord with her belief in the "do everything" policy of dealing with the great problem of the day. In 1894 the honorary degree of LL. D. was conferred upon Miss Willard by the Ohio Wesleyan University. How Miss Willard Came Into the Work of the W. C. T. U. Miss Willard has repeatedly said that, when the Crusade came, in 1873, she as well as her mother, became absorbingly inter- ested in it. Miss Willard resigned the pres- idency of the Woman's College and her pro- fessorship in the University in June, 1874. Attractive positions at the head of educa- tional institutions were offered her, but she felt more and more drawn to the women of the "Crusade." She was not in Chautauqua when the preliminary committee for organ- ized work was formed, but was at that time in Maine, consulting with Xeal Dow, and in Boston, consulting with Dr. Dio Lewis. Meantime she wrote to Bishop Simpson, who had been an honored friend of her family for years; also to Mrs. Mary A. Livermore. whom she and her mother greatly admired, and to other leaders, as well as to her own family, friends and rel- atives, not one of whom sent her a favor- able reply except Mrs. Livermore, who encouraged her. telling her by all means to follow her leadings. Miss Willard's res- olution to join the crusade movement was taken independently. One morning in August. 1874. there came to her a letter from Mrs. Louise S. Rounds, who had led the crusade movement in Chicago during the winter, asking her if she would come to Chicago and act as President of the local V. C. T. U. Thev were a weak band of middle-aged women without financial re- sources, and Mrs. Rounds wrote Miss Wil- lard that they could offer her no salary. On the same day that this letter reached her at Cambridge, Mass., Miss Willard received a definite offer from the principal of a ladies' school in Xew York City, near Cen- tral Park, offering her $2,500 a year if she would act as preceptress, teaching as little or as much as she pleased, but exercising a helpful influence over the young ladies and among the patrons. She was entirely with- out income, and had not laid up a penny, as those who knew her do not need to be told. Her mother was advancing in years, and Miss Willard was her only support. The crusade movement had passed away and there seemed to be a lull in the work. Yet so profound was the impression that God called her to the work of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, that she at once wrote to New York declining Dr. Van Xonnan's offer, and to Mrs. Rounds, accepting the position of President of the W. C. T. U. of Chicago, entering upon its duties a few weeks later. At the organizing convention of The National Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union, held in Cleveland. Ohio. November, 1874, Miss Willard was elected Corresponding Secretary of the organization, which position she held until she was elected President at the Indianapolis Convention in 1879. She was re-elected as President each year, holding that position at the time she passed away. Miss Willard was the founder of the World's Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union, which was organized in 1883. and was its first and only President during her lifetime. Lady Henry Somerset, who was Vice-President, succeeded Miss Willard in the 1 'residency and still holds that office, having been re-elected at the sixth biennial convention held at Geneva, Switzerland, in HISTORY OF EVANSTON 481 1902. This society is composed of National Unions organized in over fifty nations. The other officers are: Mrs. Lillian M. M. Stevens, Vice-President, who is also Pres- ident of the National W. C. T. U. of the United States; Miss Anna A. Gordon, one of the Secretaries and also Vice-President- at-large of the W. C. T. U. of the United States; Miss Agnes Slack of England the other Secretary ; and Mrs. Sanderson, of Canada, Treasurer. Many memorials have been erected in many places in honor of Miss Willard. The National Woman's Christian Temperance Union decided that its most fitting memorial would be to extend and perpetuate the work to which she gave her life. For this pur- pose, contributions to the Frances E. Wil- lard Memorial Organization Fund are made each year, and the society is constantly gaining in membership and influence. Miss Willard's home State of Illinois, through the action of its Legislature, has placed a statue of Miss Willard in the Hall of Fame in the United States Capitol Build- ing at Washington, D. C. Miss Willard is the first woman to be thus honored. On occasion of the acceptance of this statue by the United States Congress, on February 17, 1905, memorable addresses were made by Senators Cullom and Hopkins of Illi- nois, Beveridge of Indiana and Dolliver of Iowa. In the House, Representatives Foss, Graff and Rainey, of Illinois ; Littlefield, of Maine, and Brooks, of Colorado, also deliv- ered notable addresses. These addresses were fitting eulogies of the great good woman who had the heart and mind of Christ in her yearning love for humanity. At the hour of unveiling the statue, thousands of little people paid the tribute of childhood, as each one placed a flower at the foot of the statue. "Stand, radiant soul, Here in the center of our nation's heart, Forever of its best life thou'rt a part; Here thou shall draw thy land to what thou art. Stand, radiant soul." A commemorative meeting was held in the evening, at which forty-three States were represented by speeches, messages or telegrams. Miss Willard will live on and on in the hearts of multitudes of grateful men and women, who, with desires like her own, are working to redeem our country from the curse of impurity and intemper- ance. The following tribute to Miss Willard, as the type of "The American Woman," was delivered in the United States Senate by Senator Albert J. Beveridge, of Indiana, on the occasion of the .unveiling of the Wil- lard statue in Washington, above referred to: Mr. President: From the beginning woman has personified the world's ideals. When history began its record it found her already the chosen bride of Art. The things that minister to man- kind's good have, from the very first, by the general judgment, been made feminine the ships that bear us through storm to port; the seasons that bring variety, surcease of toil and life's re- newal; the earth itself, which, through all time and in all speech, has been the universal mother. The Graces were women, and the Muses, too. Always her influence has glorified the world, until her beatitude becomes divine in Mary, Mother of God. Mark how the noblest conceptions of the hu- man mind have always been presented in form of woman. Take Liberty; take Justice; take all the holy aspirations, all the sacred realities. Each glorious ideal has, to the common thought, been feminine. The sculptors of the olden time made every immortal idea a daughter of the gods. Even Wisdom was a woman in the early concept of the race, and the unknown genius of the youthful world wrought Triumph itself into wo- man's form in that masterpiece of all the ages The Winged Victory. Over the lives and destinies of men the ancients placed Clotho, Lachesis, and Atrophos, forever spinning, twisting, severing the strands of human fate. In literature of all time woman has been Mer- cy's messenger, handmaid of tenderness, creator and preserver of human happiness. Name Shake- speare Miranda and Imogen, Rosalind. Perdita and Cordelia appear; name Burns the prayer "To Mary in Heaven" gives to the general heart that touch of nature which makes the whole 482 BIOGRAPHICAL world kin; name the Book of Books Rachel and the women of the Bible, in beauty, walk before us, and, in the words of Ruth, we hear the ulti- mate formula of woman's eternal fidelity and faith. So we see that, through all time, woman has typified the true, the beautiful, and the good on earth. And now Illinois, near the very heart of the world's great Republic and at the dawn of the twentieth century, chooses woman herself as the ideal of that Commonwealth and of this period; for the character of Frances E. Willard is womanhood's apotheosis. And she was American. She was the child of our American prairies, daughter of an American home. And so she had strength and gentleness, simplicity and vision. Not from the complex lives that wealth and luxury force upon their unfortunate children ; not from the sharpening and hardening process of the city's social and business grind ; not from any of civilization's artificialities, come those whom God appoints to lead mankind toward the light. Moses dwelt alone on the summit of mystery and human solitude. The Master abode in the wilderness, and there the power descended on Him with which He put aside the tempter. In the forests the Father of our Country learned Liberty's lessons from Nature, Liberty's mother, and from the valleys and the heights, the fields and pouring streams, got understanding of the possibilities of this land, a knowledge of its uses, a perception of its people's destiny. We cannot imagine Abraham Lincoln coming to us from a palace. No ! We can understand him only as he really was man of the people and the soil, thinking with the people's mind the grand and simple truths, feeling with the people's heart an infinite compassion for and fellowship with all the race. So, Mr. President, all the saints and heroes of this world have come, fresh and strong from the source of things, by abuses unspoiled and un- weakened by false refinements. And so came Frances E. Willard, the American woman. The wide, free fields were the playgrounds of her childhood. The great primeval woods impressed her unfolding soul with their vast and vital calm- ness. Association with her neighbors was scant and difficult, and home meant to her all that the poets have sung of it, and more. It was a refuge and a shrine, a dwelling and a place of joy, a spot where peace and love and safety and all unselfishness reigned with a sovereignty un- challenged. And so this child of our forests and our plains, this daughter of that finest of civiliza- tion's advance guard the American pioneers early received into her very soul that conception of the home to which, as the apostle of universal womanhood, her whole life was dedicated. To make the homes of the millions pure, to render sweet and strong those human relations which constitute the family this was her mis- sion and her work. And there cannot be a wiser method of mankind's upliftment than this no better way to make a nation noble and en- during; for the hearthstone is the foundation whereon the state is built. The family is the social and natural unit. Spencer wrote learnedly of "the individual and the state;" but he wrote words merely. The individual is not the im- portant factor in nature or the nation. Nature destroys the individual. Nature cares only for the pair; knows in some form nothing but the family. And so, by the deep reasoning of nature itself, Frances Willard's work was justified. But hers was no philosopher's creed. She got her inspiration from a higher source than human thinking. In her life's work we see restored to earth that faith which, whenever man has let it work its miracle has wrought victory here and immortality hereafter. Such was the faith of Joan, the inspired maid of France; such that of Columbus, sailing westward through the dark ; such the exalted belief of those good missionaries who first invaded our American wilderness to light, with their own lives on civilization's altar, the sacred fire that never dies. The story of Frances Willard's faith in the conquest of evil by the good seems incredible to us who demand a map of all our future before we take a step. For Frances E. Willard knew no questioning. The Master's message was at once her guar- anty and her command. The Bible was to her, in very truth, divine. What immeasurable and increasing influence that one book has wielded over the minds of men and the destiny of the world! If it be the word of God, as we profoundly believe, surely it comes to human ears with all the dignity and peace and power that His word should command. If it be the word of man, then even the doubter must admit that the ancient Hebrews had miraculous skill to cast a spell across millenniums which, strengthening with the years, spreads wider today than ever and embraces the future as far as even the eye of imagination can behold. Not all invention, or all statesmanship, or all of litera- ture have so touched and bettered human life as this one book. And it was the Bible that gave Frances E. Willard her mission, her strength, her hope, her argument and her inspiration. Thus prepared and thus equipped she went out into the world and to her work. No method can measure what she did. The half million of women whom she brought into organized co-op- eration in the Women's Christian Temperance Union, is but a suggestion of the real results of her activities. Indeed, the highest benefits her life bestowed were as intangible as air and as full of life. She made purer the moral atmosphere of a continent almost of a world. She rendered the life of a nation cleaner, the mind of a people saner. Millions of homes today are happier for her; millions of wives and mothers bless her; and countless children have grown into strong, upright and beautiful maturity, who, but for the work of Frances E. Willard, might have been forever soiled and weakened. Mother of all mothers, sister of all wives, to every child the lover, Frances E. Willard sacri- ficed her own life to the happiness of her sisters. For after all, she knew that, with all her gifts and all the halo of her God-sent mission, never- theless the humblest mother was yet greater far than she. But it was needful that she should so HISTORY OF EVANSTON 483 consecrate her strength and length of years. For how shall the service of utter unselfishness be achieved save in the utter sacrifice of self? So Frances E. Willard gave up her life and all the rights and glories of it, that all of her sisters might lead fuller, richer, happier, sweeter lives themselves. So, Mr. President, by placing her statue in the hall of our national immortals, a great common- wealth today forever commemorates the services of this American woman to all humanity. And the representatives of the American people the greatest people in this world in Congress for- mally assembled, today are paying tribute to the little frontier American maid who heard and heeded the voices that came to her from the unseen world, and, obeying their counsels, be- came the first woman of her generation, the most beloved character of her time, and, under God, a benefactress of her race. WILLIAM DEERING. William Deering, merchant and manu- facturer, was born at Paris. Oxford County, Maine, April 24, 1826. His parents were James and Eliza (Moore) Deering. His ancestors emigrated from England in 1634, and, in all of the histories of New England from that time, the name of Deer- ing finds most honorable mention. Wil- liam Deering's boyhood was much the same as that of other boys reared by earnest Christian parents. His scholastic educa- tion consisted of the full and regular course of studies in vogue at that time in the com- mon and graded schools, and was finished in the high school at Redfield, Maine, in 1843. While yet in his early manhood he occupied the position of manager of a woolen mill in Maine, discharging every trust reposed in him to the eminent satisfac- tion of his employers. After the termina- tion of his labors there he engaged in vari- ous business enterprises, to which is largely due his marked genius for handling large manufacturing details. His greatest achieve- ment has been the building up of the works of William Deering & Company, for the manufacture of harvesters and agricultural machinery. The firm was founded in 1870, the name being changed in 1894 to the Deering Harvester Company, but is now the "National Harvester Company," in which Mr. Deering holds the controlling interest. The works are now located in Fullerton Avenue, along the line of the Chi- cago & Northwestern Railroad, with docks on the North Branch of the Chicago River. At the present time eighty-five acres are occupied by the plant, which is compactly arranged. The works comprise large wood- working shops, knife and section shops, machine and blacksmith shops, bolt and rivet works, a foundry, a large malleable iron plant, and an extensive twine plant. The works consume annually 45,00x3 tons of steel and a like quantity of pig iron, com- prising both Northern and Southern coke- iron. Some 72,000 tons of coal and coke are annually consumed. 4,817,750 gallons of oil and 31,000.000 feet of lumber. The force employed in the shops is usu- ally 7,000 hands, and many of the depart- ments work with regular night shifts, the establishment operating its own electric light plant, which gives it facilities for pro- ducing a larger number of machines of all kinds than any other harvester company in the world. It receives a part of its raw material from many foreign countries, in- cluding the Philippines, and distributes its products all over the globe. The sales de- partment embraces fifty-eight branch houses and general agencies, and the sales extend over Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South America. Mr. Deering, the founder of this immense plant, continues actively identified with its operations, ably assisted by his two sons. Charles and James. Mr. Deering has been twice married. His first wife was Miss Abby Barbour, of Maine, daughter of Charles and Joanna (Cobb) Barbour, to whom he was married October 31, 1849. Of this union there was one child, Charles, born in 1852, now Sec- 4 8 4 BIOGRAPHICAL retary of the Deering Harvester Company. The second marriage, on December 15, 1857, was to Miss Clara Hamilton, of Maine, daughter of Charles and Mary (Barbour) Hamilton. The issue was two children, James and Abby Marion, born in Maine the former in 1859, and the latter 1867. James Deering is the present Treas- urer of the Deering Harvester Company. William Deering removed with his family to Evanston, 111., in 1873, where he now resides in his beautiful home. He is lib- eral, public-spirited and benevolent, and his business career has been noteworthy from the absence of controversies with his em- ployes. He has been, for a number of years, one of the Trustees of the North- western University at Evanston. He is also a Director and stockholder in several finan- cial institutions. One of his latest acts of beneficence was the giving of Fisk Hall to the Northwestern University. CHARLES COMSTOCK. Charles Comstock (deceased), for over thirty years a prominent citizen of Evans- ton, 111., and during his business career, a leadjng member of the Chicago Board of Trade, was born in Camden, N. Y., May 7, 1814, and spent his early life in the cen- tral portion of his native State. In 1861 he came to Chicago as the Western Agent of the Onondaga Salt Company, of which he was a stockholder, and at once located at Evanston, which continued to be his res- idence for the remainder of his life, cover- ing a period of thirty-four years. Soon after coming to Chicago he became a mem- ber of the Chicago Board of Trade and, at the time of his death in September, 1895, was, with one single exception, the oldest in continuous membership connected with that organization. As a business man Mr. Comstock was noted through his life for his energy and aggressive character, occupied with rare business judgment and a public spirit that tended to promote the interest of the city and any enterprise with which he might be connected. Always possessed of ample means, he contributed liberally to the sup- port of religious and benevolent enter- prises, and was a leading factor in the founding of St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Evanston in 1865, of which he was a generous supporter and which he served as Senior Warden continuously for thirty-one years. For five years he acted as President of the Traders' Insurance Company, in which he retained a large interest, besides being interested in several leading banks of Chicago. On account of age and failing health he was practically retired from active business during the latter years of his life, but always maintained a deep interest in business affairs and in operations on the Board of Trade. The late Judge George F. Comstock, of the New York Court of Appeals, was his brother, and together they were largely interested in the Onondaga Salt Company, of which Mr. Charles Com- stock was the representative after coming West in 1861. Mr. Comstock was twice married, his first marriage being with Mary Griswold of the State of Massachusetts and a niece of Bishop Griswold, an early American Bishop of the Episcopal Church. One son by this marriage who is a namesake of Bishop Griswold is now living. Mr. Comstock 's second marriage was with Miss Julia J. Sprague of New York State, who survived him five years. Of this marriage five children are living two sons and three (laughters. The golden wedding anniver- sary of this marriage was celebrated in September, 1892, three years before Mr. Comstock 's death. That event occurred at HISTORY OF EVANSTON 485 his home at 1326 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, September 5, 1895, at the age of over eighty-one years, as the result of a linger- ing illness from which he had suffered for many years. Both the local and the Chi- cago press paid a generous tribute to his memory as an upright citizen and a public- spirited and enterprising business man. The following testimonial to his integrity of character by one who had been brought in close association with Mr. Comstock and knew him intimately Mr. George F. Stone, Secretary of the Chicago Board of Trade is worthy of reproduction here: "He al- ways enjoyed a reputation for being con- scientiously honest and punctilious in all his affairs, and commanded the respect of every one who knew him. He was an extremely upright man in business and charmingly affable and courteous in a social wav." HUGH ALEXANDER WHITE. Hugh Alexander White (deceased) was one of the solid men of Chicago, the scene of his business life, and of Evanston, the place of his residence for upwards of thirty years, and where he resided at the time of his death, after a short illness. March 25, 1894. He was a believer in work, and one of his most prominent characteristics, even from childhood, was his unremitting indus- try. It was not a hardship for him to work it was a pleasure. He did not be- lieve in royal roads to success in life, or in short cuts. There was, consequently, no time in his life when he was not successful to the measure of his undertakings. He was one of those who, if he thought he could go a mile, could go two. He did not lack ambition, but it was not for display not to shine for a time it was to go stead- ily on in the discharge of the duties belong- ing to the trusts reposed in him, reaping the rewards he knew were sure to follow. Such was his dislike to intruding himself upon public attention that he would never consent to being "written up," and so seldom talked of himself that the writer of this sketch, though intimate with him for nearly thirty- five years, knew little of his early life except what was gained from others ; and, what- ever his success in business, he seldom talked of them by way of self-gratulation. He was a public-spirited man, and took an active part in bringing about better condi- tions, the enactment of better laws and greater fidelity in their enforcement. By the thoroughness of his investigations into the subjects committed to him, and the practical nature of his suggestions for re- form, he rendered most valuable service. He was clear-headed, outspoken and sturdy, and left no one in doubt where he stood. Mr. White was born near Quincy, 111., in 1830. F>oth parents having died before he was nine months old. he was left to the care of his maternal grandparents. He was brought up on a farm in the neighborhood of Quincy by an uncle by marriage, Moses Gutherie, and was educated in the Illinois College at Jacksonville. From there he went to Quincy and entered the law office of Williams, Grimshaw & Lawrence as a student, where he remained until he came to Chicago in 1856 and opened the law office of Williams & White. His partner was Archibald Williams, the senior mem- ber of the firm with which he had studied, and who was about that time United States District Attorney, one of the great lawyers in Illinois. Mr. White continued in the active prac- tice of the law, trying cases in court until about 1874. when, in consequence of an affection of the throat and a large increase in his office business, he discontinued his court practice and confined himself to the more profitable and congenial business of 486 BIOGRAPHICAL managing the several large estates that had been entrusted to his care, examination of abstracts and other office business. Among the estates which he managed were the Allen C. Lewis estate, which grew in his hinds to its present magnificent propor- tions ; the Bigelow estate, the De Haven estate, and the Francis C. Sherman estate. To the management of these estates he brought that same conscientious, painstak- ing care, executive ability and strict integ- rity that marked his whole business life. He wanted no unfair advantage of others, and he did not allow others to take unfair advantage of him. The upright found it very agreeable to do business with him, but the quibbling and dishonest were sometimes made to regret that they had shown these undesirable traits to him. Mr. White was married to Catherine Mc- Intosh Sands, of New York, in 1860, who died a few years after her husband, a pub- lic benefactress, mourned by many friends, by those who had sustained to her the rela- tion of neighbor and by the general public of Evanston. They had no children. Soon after their marriage they moved to Evans- ton, and not long after that erected the beautiful home where they lived to the time of his death. Mr. White was a great lover of flowers, among which many of his early morning and evening hours were spent in their culture. His grounds, half a block on Ridge Avenue, one of the most beauti- ful streets in the town, have been the pride and delight of the people of Evanston. He was a connoisseur of pictures, and a great lover of books. His house was well filled with the best paintings of the masters, and his library was well stocked with rare and most valuable books. There were few men better posted upon almost every topic, or who could talk more entertainingly, than Mr. White. He cared little for general society, and did not aspire to office. His pleasure was in his home, which he pro- vided with every luxury, where, in com- pany of his devoted wife, whom he de- lighted to honor and to whom he left his fortune, he spent the hours of leisure among his flowers, his books and gems of art. During his active business life Mr. White was unostentatious in his private benevo- lence, often extending his charities to worthy persons and objects, on the princi- ple that "the left hand knoweth not what the right hand doeth." After his demise many instances came to light of persons whom he had befriended, saying, "What shall I do, now that my best friend is gone?" His widow, by her will, left a generous bequest to the Chicago Art Insti- tute, thus carrying out the purposes which Mr. White had entertained during his life. Through the same source his library of miscellaneous and law books has become the property of the University of Chicago. CHANCELLOR LIVINGSTON JENKS. Few names upon the roll of honor of Evanston's loyal and successful citizens are better known than that of Chancellor L. Jenks. During the greater part of his active life he was either a resident of, or largely interested in, Evanston. His energetic na- ture, guided as it was by sound business acumen and sterling honor, made him a most conspicuous and influential figure in the civic and industrial life of the city and of Chicago. He was born in the town of Warren, Bradford County, Pa., January 29, 1828, and was one of a large family of children born to Livingston and Sarah ( Buffington) Jenks. His father was a na- tive of Rhode Island, the cradle of the fam- ily in America, and came of a sturdy line of ancestors whose lives form part of the glo- rious history of New England patriotism. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 487 Three in the direct line of his ancestry all hearing the name of Joseph Jenks had much to do in molding the destinies of the Colonies. All were called upon to serve as members of the General Assembly, and one was four times elected Governor of Rhode Island. Livingston Jenks, the father of Chancellor L. Jenks, settled in La Salle County, 111., in 1836, where he combined the several vocations of farmer, merchant and lawyer, until his death in 1863 closed a life of usefulness and honor. Chancellor L. Jenks spent his boyhood in La Salle County, receiving his education at the country school house and at Granville Academy. From 1849 to l &5 ne taught school in Ottawa ; but his ambition had always been to engage in the legal profes- sion. In 1851 he came to Chicago and began the study of law under Calvin De- Wolf. Xine months later he was admit- ted to the bar. Success came at once. His tremendous activity of mind, his fer- tility of resource, his power of grasping in- stantly the important points of a case, his fearlessness and his great physical strength, aided by a reputation for "good luck," at- tracted a large clientage. He was an in- domitable worker and a firm believer in the policy of "keeping everlastingly at it." He was married to Pamella M. Hoising- ton, May 6. 1855, at the First Methodist Church in Chicago. She was the daughter of Jasper A. Hoisington, whom many resi- dents of Evanston and Chicago will recall with pleasure, and who lived to the ripe age of ninety-four years. Mrs. Jenks died in San Diego, Cal., April 5, 1890, while vis- iting her son Chancellor, then a resident of California. Mr. Jenks became early convinced of the great future of Chicago and vicinity and believed that careful investments in real estate would prove remunerative. From time to time, as his means allowed, he made purchases in different parts of Chi- cago and its suburbs. In 1868, in connec- tion with Charles E. Brown and others, he acquired a large tract of land in what is now the Sixth Ward of Evanston, and laid out the sub-division known as North Evanston. He was also one of the found- ers of Glencoe and, in addition to his hold- ings in Chicago, invested largely in Engle- wood, Hyde Park and elsewhere. Mr. Jenks' real estate interests having become so extensive as to demand his entire at- tention, he was compelled, with great re- luctance, to give up the practice of the law not long before the great Chicago fire. That catastrophe violently checked his career of prosperity. In the second great fire of 1874, he again suffered a heavy loss. But like thousands of his energetic fellow-citi- zens, he managed to rise above his misfor- tunes and, in a few years, realized that these great financial disasters had merely cleared the ground for the foundations of a more enduring and genuine success. During his long residence in Evanston Mr. Jenks served several terms as a mem- ber of the Board of Trustees and the School Board, and was a strong influence in the development of the municipality. In poli- tics he was always a stanch Republican, and, in ante-bellum days, he and his father were active champions of abolitionism, and maintained upon the farm in La Salle County a station of the so-called "Under- ground Railway," established to aid run- away slaves in escaping to Canada. An interesting incident in connection with Mr. Jenks' efforts in behalf of the negro has been often related. One day he saw a runaway slave girl struggling in the grasp of her master, Stephen F. Knuckles, and Jack Newsoni, a commissioner under the Fugitive Slave Law. Mr.Jenksprompt- ly rushed to the assistance of the negress BIOGRAPHICAL with the result that the entire party were soon rolling over each other in the gutter. Police officers arriving on the scene, they were all taken into custody. The slave alone was imprisoned ; the others being well known and responsible, were released on their own recognizance. Mr. Jenks im- mediately swore out a warrant charging the slave with disorderly conduct, Justice Calvin De Wolf issuing the writ at 10 o'clock at night. George Anderson, Deputy Sheriff (who with Justice De Wolf was in the "conspiracy") served the warrant at once, and took the girl from the police station with the apparent purpose of pro- ducing her before the magistrate. On the street he was surrounded by a howling mob of several hundred persons, and. when the crowd was dispersed, the prisoner was not to be found. The Federal Grand Jury, which was then in session, promptly indict- ed Mr. Jenks, Calvin De Wolf and George Anderson on the charge of violating the Fugitive Slave Law. The affair coming to the knowledge of President Buchanan, he made the somewhat natural mistake of supposing "Chancellor" Jenks to be a judge of one of the State courts on the chancery side. Indignant at this instance of open violation of a cherished United States stat- ute, he telegraphed the L'nited States Attor- ney at Chicago as follows: "Prosecute Chancellor Jenks to the full extent of the law. For a private citizen to be engaged in such nefarious practices as he is charged with is bad enough ; but a high officer of the court, who is concerned in them, should be severely dealt with. James Buchanan, President." Shortlyafter Abraham Lincoln was elected President, the War of the Re- bellion broke out, the political complexion of the Federal officers at Chicago changed, and the indictment was nolle prossed. Mr. Jenks was a member of the First P>aptist Church of Chicago for more than forty years. He closed his eventful, suc- cessful and honored life January 10, 1903, at San Francisco, Cal., while on a visit to his son, Livingston Jenks. The children born to Mr. Jenks and wife were eight in number, of whom but two survive their parents Chancellor L. Jenks, Jr., who re- sides at 1217 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, and who is a practicing attorney, and Liv- ingston Jenks, whose residence is in San Francisco, and who also is a member of the legal profession. JOHN HUME KEDZIE. John H. Kedzie (deceased), for over forty years a leading resident of Evanston, 111., was born in Stamford, Delaware Coun- ty, X. Y., September 8, 1815, and, after reaching the school age, until his seven- teenth year attended the district school in winter while working on his father's farm in the summer. At eighteen years of age he began teaching in a district school, but being ambitious to acquire a liberal educa- tion, he began a course of preparation for college at Oneida Institute, and later en- tered Oberlin College, Ohio, from which he graduated in 1841. Having studied law and been admitted to the bar in his na- tive State, in 1847 he removed to Chicago and there established himself in practice. At the time of the California gold excitement, in common with many others, he was seized with the desire to visit the El Dorado of the Pacific Coast, but was prevented by the accumulation of business on his hands. He was compelled to content himself with making financial advances to others. Of four or five whom he aided in this way, not one ever made any return to him as prom- ised. In 1850 Mr. Kedzie was married to Marv Elizabeth Austin;, who died four HISTORY OF EVANSTON 489 years later, leaving an infant daughter named for her mother, but who died dur- ing the following year. On June 17, 1857, he was married to a second Mary Eliza- beth, whose maiden name was Kent, and who still survives in Evanston. Of five children born to Mr. Kedzie's second mar- riage, two Margaret Frances and John Hume, Jr. are still living. The oldest daughter, Kate Isabel, who became Mrs. George Watson Smith, died over twenty years ago, and two daughters Laura Louise and Julia Hume died in child- hood. A steadfast Republican in his political views, in the fall of 1876 Mr. Kedzie was elected a member of the lower branch of the Thirtieth General Assembly from Cook County, and in the contest for United States Senator which followed, gave his earnest support to Gen. John A. Logan for that po- sition. It becomingapparent that Gen. Lo- gan could not be elected, Mr. Kedzie final- ly gave his support to Judge David Davis, who was elected as an "Independent." His prominence in connection with the business affairs of both Evanston and Chicago is in- dicated by the fact that public highways have been named in his honor in both cities that in the former being Kedzie Street and in the latter Kedzie Avenue. An office building at 120-122 Randolph Street also bore his name. The names of both the Kedzie and the Hume families, from both of whom, he was descended, are traced to Scottish origin, each 'being prominent about the time of Oliver Cromwell and earlier. In 1861 Mr. Kedzie took up his resi- dence in Evanston, and from that time bore a prominent part in the affairs of that place. He first purchased and occupied a house erected by Francis H. Benson, which was subsequently destroyed by fire. Another house built on the same site met a like fate on New Year's Day of 1880, and during the same year he erected the residence on the southwest corner of Ridge Avenue and Grove Street, which he occupied during the remainder of his life. Mr. Kedzie gave evidence of his original- ity and his fondness for philosophical inves- tigation in the preparation of a volume en- titled "Solar Heat, Gravitation and Sun Spots," which was published in 1886, and which has attracted the attention of many interested in the unsolved problems of na- ture. He took a prominent part in the es- tablishment of the Evanston Free Public Library, and from the date of its organiza- tion in 1873, for the first four years of its existence, serving as President of the Li- brary Board. He also served for many years as a member of the Board of Edu- cation, was one of the original members of the Philosophical Society organized in 1866, and took a prominent part in connec- tion with church affairs, being one of the organizers of the St. Mark's Episcopal Church in 1864, and in the latter part of his life a member of the First Congregational Church, which he served for many years on its Board of Trustees. Mr. Kedzie's death occurred April 9, 1903, in the eighty- eighth year of his age. JOSEPH CUM MINGS, D. D., LL. D. Rev. Joseph Cummings (deceased), one of the most eminent clergymen and edu- cators in the United States, and widely known as the honored President of North- western University from 1881 until 1890, was born at Falmouth, near Portland, Me.. March 3. 1817. His parental ancestors were of Scotch nativity. His father was a zealous and faithful minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, whose la- bors covered a large portion of the State of Maine and extended into the Canadas. 4QO BIOGRAPHICAL His worthy wife, the steadfast and de- voted helpmate in his pastoral labors, was a member of a family of local note in the field of Methodism, and especially active in the work of the church. Thus the sub- ject of this sketch was a Methodist by birth, domestic training and institutional instruction. In early youth Dr. Cummings enjoyed the advantages of the public schools in the vicinity of his home. He underwent his preparation for college in Maine \Ves- leyan Seminary at Kent's Hill, and after- wards entered Wesleyan University at Middletown, Conn., through which he worked his way by teaching school at in- tervals. From this institution he was graduated with the Class of 1840, and shortly afterwards became a Professor in, and subsequently Principal of, Amenia Seminary, at Amenia, Xew York. While engaged in teaching he pursued a course in theology, and in 1846 was ordained by the Methodist Episcopal Conference a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He rapidly gained prominence in his calling, being recognized as an impressive and convincing speaker, a pro- found logician and a forceable expounder of doctrinal points. In 1853, Dr. Cummings was called to the chair of Theology in the Methodist Biblical Institute at Concord, N. H., and thence went to Lima, N. Y., where he assumed the presidency of Genessee YVes- leyan College, of which he was the head from 1854 to 1857. In the latter year, the success he had achieved in this ca- pacity resulted in his election to the presi- dency of his alma mater, Wesleyan Uni- versity. Here was first revealed, in a remarkable degree, his possession of that superior constructive faculty, capacity for organization and high quality of leader- ship, which made him famous among the educators of the United States. For eighteen years he conducted the affairs of this institution, and these were years of marvelous growth and development in its history. The grand results which he achieved in this connection were fittingly recognized in a memorial address de- livered, shortly after the death of Dr. Cummings, by Rev. James Marcus King, D. D., of New York, in which he said : "It was the proud boast of a Roman Em- peror that he found the 'Eternal City' brick and left it marble. Of Dr. Cum- mings it may justly be said, that he found the college buildings at Middletown meager, inadequate and unattractive formerly the dingy quarters of an aban- doned military academy and he crowded that classic hill on High Street with mas- sive structures as noble and inspiring as can be found on this continent. In these eighteen years he reared a triple monu- ment in buildings of imperishable old red- sandstone, that will stand as imposing reminders of the splendidly successful ad- ministration of Joseph Cummings as long as the river they overlook shall flow to the sea." During the presidency of Dr. Cum- mings, the alumni of Wesleyan Univer- sity contributed about $30,000 towards a library fund for the institution, and Isaac Rich and Daniel Drew pledged $200,000 to the endowment fund. The old board- ing hall was remodeled an$l transformed into an observatory hall, being surmount- ed by a tower containing a telescope of extraordinary power. The memory of ''Wesleyan's" heroic dead, fallen in the War for the Union, was perpetuated by the erection of a memorial chapel. A model gymnasium was provided ; large additions were made to the scientific col- lections; the faculty was increased in lumbers, and the course of study extend- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 49 1 eel; the halls of the University, with their opportunities, were for the first time opened to women ; and finally the work of this administration was crowned by the erection, through the beneficence of Orange Judd, of a structure one of the most complete and elegant in the land as a temple of natural science. Mr. Judd also originated and prepared at great la- bor and expense, a work of incalculable value to his alma mater, in the shape of an alumni record, which is the only ap- proximately perfect catalogue of this kind known to American colleges. In 1875, Dr. Cummings resigned the office which he had held for nearly a score of years, his administration having spanned the pre-eminently constructive period in the history of the University. After his resignation Dr. Cummings continued for three years to occupy the chair of Mental and Moral Philosophy and Political Economy in the institution, and then resumed his ministerial labors, feeling that his career as an educator was at an end. It was not so to be, however, as the fame of his ability, not only as a builder of institutions of learning, but as a developer, of character and men, was widespread. His services were needed in an enlarged field of activity and a broader sphere of usefulness. In 1881 he was called from a successful ministry in New England to the presidency of Northwest- ern University. To this position he brought ripe experience, rare wisdom, ma- ture judgment, and that spirit of progres- siveness which had been one of the dis- tinguishing characteristics of his career. In addition to these, he brought to the scene of his last endeavor the prestige of a great name. Here he speedily won the confidence of the official board and of wealthy and kindly disposed friends of the University. Financial claims against it were met, new buildings were erected, its income was increased, and the period of its highest prosperity began. He gov- erned wisely, planned judiciously for the future, and directed the affairs of the in- stitution, which is now the pride of West- ern Methodism, almost to the end of his life. At his death it was truly said. "Methodism has lost its greatest College President." In terms of endearment, and almost of adulation, those who came un- der his care and guidance at the \Ves- leyan and Northwestern Universities., speak of this great educator stern anil exacting as he was at times as one who seemed to grapple his pupils to himself with hooks of steel. Possessed of rare moral and physical courage, a chevalier in defense of the right, and a knight-er- rant in boldly and vigorously assailing the wrong, "he seemed," says one of his students, later associated with him as an instructor at Wesleyan University, "to sum up and embody all that can vaguely be conceived of tenacity of will, fearless- ness, superb power of achievement in short of the heroic." Dr. Cummings had a hatred of feebleness and indolence of nature, vacillation, dallying with wrong and weak-kneed sentimentality. "He taught us," said another of his pupils, "that the first duty of a man is to be strong: yet this man, so stern at times so harsh had a heart as tender, a hand as soft, and a voice as gentle as a wo- man's, wherever there was pain to soothe or sorrow to console." Another, who was an elder and lifelong friend, said: "For the student, he had a personal and tender interest. He encouraged the despondent, assisted the sick, prayed with the peni- tent, and pleaded and labored with the erring. He imparted his spiritual life to thousands who have thereby been quickened into noble living. He lived 492 BIOGRAPHICAL on towards three-score years and ten, genial, optimistic, planning, until the last, greater things for our educational institu- tions. Withal, he was so modest and un- assuming, and did his work with so lit- tle of the spirit of display, that we have but faintly realized how great was the place he filled." Busy as was the life of Dr. Cummings in the fields of education and ministerial work, he still found time to give consid- erable attention to social, economic and governmental problems. He was a mem- ber, and at one time Vice-President, of the National Reform Association, and also a member of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science. His was a powerful influence in promot- ing the cause of temperance, and through- out his long career he missed no oppor- tunity to aid in the suppression of the liquor traffic. A great preacher, as well as a great educator, he stood high in the councils of the Methodist Church. He participated as a delegate in many of the General Conferences -of the Church, and, in 1864, was a member of the committee appointed by the Conference to formulate resolutions conveying to President Lin- coln an expression of the loyal sentiment and co-operation of the church. He pre- pared and presented to Mr. Lincoln the address which drew from the great Emancipator the following historic answer: "Gentlemen : In response to your ad- dress allow me to attest the accuracy of its historic statements, endorse the state- ments it expresses, and thank you in the nation's name for the sure promise it gives. Nobly sustained, as the Govern- ment has been, by all the churches, I would utter nothing which might, in the least, appear invidious against any. Yet without this it may fairly be said that the Methodist Episcopal Church, not less de- voted than the best, is, by its greater numbers, the most important of all. It is no fault in others that the Methodist Church sends more soldiers to the field, more nurses to the hospitals and more prayers to Heaven, than any. God bless the Methodist Church! Bless all the churches and blessed be God, who, in this, our greatest trial, giveth us the churches !" . During the war Dr. Cummings was among the most active supporters of the Union cause in New England, bringing all his powerful influence to bear to strength- en the armies, care for the sick and wounded, and provide for those depend- ent upon the soldiers in the field. In recognition of his distinguished serv- ices as educator and minister of the gos- pel, both Harvard and Wesleyan Univer- sities conferred upon Dr. Cummings the degree of D. D., and he received the de- gree of LL. D. from Northwestern Uni- versity. The domestic life of the subject of this sketch, like his professional and public career, was ideal in its character. In 1843 he was united in marriage with Deborah S. Haskell, a member of one of the most prominent and worthy families of Augus- ta, Maine, represented by ministers and lawyers of local distinction. Mrs. Cum- mings was a broad-minded, capable wo- man, and her assistance in furthering the plans and endeavors of her husband can- not be overestimated. She was endowed with fine social gifts, and her home was delightfully hospitable. She survived her husband and, after his decease, served as one of the Trustees of Northwestern Uni- versity. Her death occurred in 1901. Mrs. Bonbright, wife of Dr. David Bon- bright, Professor of the Latin language and Literature in Northwestern Univer- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 493 sity, is the only child left by this noble couple. Dr. Cummings departed this life on May 7, 1890. In that event a great career was ended and a great soul entered the communion of saints. His strong indi- viduality is indelibly impressed upon the city which was his last home, and upon the famous educational institution of which he was the head; and his memory lingers, like a benediction, with those who knew him as guide, philosopher and friend during the years when his labors were drawing to a close. His field of activity was wide and his fame national; but his name is indissolubly linked with Evans- ton, with Northwestern University, and with Western Methodism. GEORGE MYRICK SARGENT. George My rick Sargent, manufacturer, Chicago and Evanston, 111., was born in Sedgwick, Me., March 29, 1830, the son of Benjamin Choate and Susannah (Cole) Sargent, being the youngest of a family of eleven children, of whom six (Janu- ary, 1904), are still living. The family name has had more than thirty different forms of spelling at different periods and in different countries, beginning, as it is believed, in Normandy in the latter part of the twelfth century, with the name "Serniens," and after undergoing various transformations in the intervening cen- turies, has taken on its present form. The founder of the family in America was William Sargent, who was born in Northampton, England, in 1602, and came to Charleston, Mass., in 1638, from whom Mr. George M. Sargent is sixth in line of descent. Heads of various other branches of the family on the maternal side came to Plymouth Colony in the days of Pil- grim immigration, some of them coming on the "Mayflower" in 1620, and their de- scendants took part in most of the colo- nial wars, including King Philip's War, and later in the War of the Revolution, tne War of 1812 and the Mexican War. The children of Benjamin C. and Susan- nah Sargent were : Benjamin Cleaves, born June 12, 1808, died in infancy ; Wyer Groves, born June 24, 1810; John Oliver, born December 18, 1812; Sarah Jane, born February 2, 1815; William Haskell, born February 4, 1818; Lucius Bolles, born January 18, 1820; Thomas Cole, born November 6, 1821 ; Albion Keith Parris, born October 24, 1823; Mary Mer- rill, born June 4, 1826; Jasper Newton, born January 6, 1828 ; and George Myrick. The five last named, with William Has- kell, are still surviving. The subject of this sketch was reared on his father's farm, meanwhile attend- ing the common schools in his native State until eighteen years of age, when he entered into the employ of his brother. Wyer G., as clerk in his store at Sedg- wich (now Sargentville), Maine. Here he remained four or five years, during part of the time serving as the first Post- master of that place ; later removed to Boston, Mass., where for the next four years he was employed as clerk by J. N. Dennison & Co. Then returning to Sedg- wick, Maine, he entered into partnership with his brother under the firm name of W. G. Sargent & Brother, continuing four years. Retiring from this partnership, he next engaged in the ship-chandlery business in Boston with his brother-in- law, Joseph J. Durham, the firm taking the name of Durham & Sargent. In 1861 Mr. Sargent went to New York, where he formed a partnership in the same line of business with Robert H. Thayer (firm name Thayer & Sargent), remaining until 494 BIOGRAPHICAL about 1870. On account of the sturdy political position of the members of this firm during the Civil War period, their place of business became known as "The Black Republican Store." Coming west in 1870, Mr. Sargent pur- chased an interest in the malleable iron works at Moline, 111., with which he re- mained three years, the concern first be- ing known by the firm name of Hill, Heald & Sargent, but later being incor- porated as the Moline Malleable Iron Works. Having severed his connection with the iron works enterprise at Moline in 1873, he removed to Des Moines, Iowa, where for three years he was connected with the Des Moines Scale Company in the manufacture of farmers' scales. Then, in 1876, coming to the city of Chicago, he established there the first manufactory in the United States for the exclusive manufacture of the brake-shoe for rail- way cars, under the firm name of George M. Sargent & Co. In 1877 the concern was reorganized as a stock company, known as the Congdon Brake-Shoe Com- pany. The business grew rapidly and, in 1893. a new corporation was formed un- der the name of the Sargent Company, with a capital stock of $250,000. Mr. Sar- gent being its President. Later the stock was increased to $500,000, the plant be- ing located at Fifty-ninth and Wallace Streets, Chicago, and covering an area of about five acres. Furnaces for the manufacture of steel castings were erect- ed, the output consisting chiefly of brake- shoes and railroad couplers. The busi- ness grew so rapidly that it was found necessary to increase the facilities for the production of cast-iron brake-shoes, and a new plant was erected at Chicago Heights, covering an area of ten acres, the plant at Fifty-ninth Street being there- after devoted to the manufacture of coup- lers and knuckles almost exclusively for railroads. In 1901 the plant at Chicago Heights was sold to the American Brake- shoe & Foundry Company, and the steel plant at Fifty-ninth Street to the Ameri- can Steel Foundries, the former represent- ing a capital stock of $4,500,000. Mr. Sargent is still a director in the first named company, but not in active busi- ness. His son, William Durham Sargent, who promoted its organization, was its first President, remaining until January, 1904, when he resigned, and is now Sec- ond Vice-President of the American Steel Foundries (representing a capital of $40,000,000), in charge of the operating department. Mr. George M. Sargent is a director of the Railway Appliance Company of which his son, George H., is the Vice- President. Other business enterprises with which he has been connected include the "Live Poultry Transportation Com- pany," of which he was President for some years, and the Vessel -Owners' As- sociation, of which he was a director while in New York. It was through the efforts of a committee of the latter as- sociation, of which Mr. Sargent was a member, that the builders of the East River Bridge were induced to increase the elevation of that structure from 120 feet, as originally projected, to 135 feet. His prominence as a business man is indi- cated by the fact that, in 1901, he was elected Vice-President for Illinois of the National Association of Manufacturers of the United States, and, at the present time, is a member of the Committee on Commerce of the National Business League. Mr. Sargent was married at Winter- ford. Maine, September 15. 1858, to Helen Marie Durham, who was born in Free- dom, Maine. February 15, 1834, the HISTORY OF EVANSTON 495 daughter of William and Emily Durham, and they have had four children: Emily Helen, born October 3, 1860, died aged eleven months : William Durham, born in Lynn, Mass., June 16, 1863; George Ham- lin, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., October 5, 1865, and Annie Gushing, born in Marl- boro, N. H., November 27, 1870. William Durham Sargent married, February 14, 1899, May Alene Partridge, daughter of C. W. Partridge; Annie C. married, Sep- tember 19, 1895, Henry K. Gilbert of Chi- cago ; and George Hamlin married, Janu- ary 12, 1904, Elizabeth H. Pittman, of Detroi', Mich. In religious belief Mr. George M. Sar- gent is a Methodist and in politics a Re- publican. For two terms he served as a member of the Evanston Board of Trus- tees, and is a member of various fraternal and social organizations, including the Royal Arcanum and Blue Lodge A. F. & A. M., Evanston Chapter and Command- ery K. T., Evanston ; the Mystic Shrine, Medinah Temple ; Union League Club, Chi- cago ; Country Club and Evanston Club, Evanston ; besides the Evanston. Glen- view and St. Augustine Golf Clubs. For several years he was President of the Society of the Sons of Maine, Chicago, and is present Vice-President of the New England Society. After a long and con- spicuously successful business career, Mr. Sargent, with his faithful and devoted wife, is spending the evening of his days in their delightful home in Evanston, practically retired from active business, though still retaining his official connec- tion with the manufacturing enterprises in which he his been financially inter- ested and an important factor for more than a quarter of a century. ALEXANDER CLARK. The death, on September 26, 1903, of Alexander Clark, at Antioch, 111., where he was bringing to successful completion one of the many enterprises which his genius for large and useful undertakings had conceived, and which his indomitable energy and splendid organizing ability had made possible, removed a man who had given generously of his talents and time to the furtherance of Evanston's civic welfare. Almost from his settle- ment in Evanston to his latest hours on earth, he had taken a deep and active in- terest in everything that concerned the community. Although he never sought or accepted office, he commanded, by reason at once of his high personal character and his unselfish devotion to public interests, a measure of respect in the ranks of in- fluential citizenship, which made his opin- ion an important political factor, and which never failed to give weight to his voice, whenever he felt called upon to raise it, in support or condemnation of the policy of those entrusted with the conduct of municipal affairs. It was mainly through his instrumentality that the vil- lages which now constitute the City of Evanston were consolidated under one government, and it is a peculiar, yet a characteristic, coincident that only a few months subsequent to his death, his fel- low citizens ratified at the polls a meas- ure upon which he had been quietly work- ing for years, and one which rendered this consolidation more secure the prac- tical combination of the city and town- ship governments. While South Evanston was still a vil- lage and Mr. Clark was among the new- est of its residents, he was foremost in the movement for securing a water sup- ply, and when the artesian well, then in- 496 BIOGRAPHICAL stalled, proved inadequate to meet grow- ing needs, he assisted materially in creat- ing the means whereby the village was enabled, by the erection of waterworks, to draw its supply from Lake Michigan, and to establish in connection therewith an electric light plant. He was a strenu- ous advocate of good streets and side- walks, and it was largely through his ef- forts, and in consequence of his unceasing agitation for improvement in this direc- tion, that South Evanston became the best paved of the North Shore suburbs and was the first among them to introduce the cement sidewalk. He was the first to see the necessity for the creation of a local park system ; it was he who secured the strip of lake frontage between Main and Kedzie Streets. He was one of the found- ers of the movement for the creation of Sheridan Road, and was Secretary of the Sheridan Road Association from its or- ganization to his death. The advice of Mr. Clark was sought and followed in the establishment of the city government ; he gave wise counsel to its first officials, and prepared, or as- sisted in the preparation of, many of the ordinances under which the municipality is now operating. Although engrossed in an extensive law practice in Chicago, he was always ready to give liberally of his thought and time to the public affairs of the community in which he made his home and for which he always enter- tained and expressed the greatest affec- tion. To him is Evanston indebted for the conception and construction of elec- tric railway communication with Chi- cago, an enterprise in which he enlisted capital, and for which he secured the nec- essary frontage consents and right of way through its entire length. The ability which he displayed in this undertaking won for him a hearing later, when he pro- posed the construction of the Union Loop in Chicago a conception which was en- tirely his own, and which was carried into execution, so far as its legal phases were concerned, in accordance with plans which he had formulated long before capi- talists were asked to consider it as an in- vestment. In his lifetime, so unmindful was he of any form of personal praise, he was never heard to claim credit for what many knew him to be entitled to the origination of the scheme which has made possible the success of the present elevat- ed railway systems of Chicago. At the time of his death Mr. Clark was engaged in promoting the electric line be- tween Waukegan and Kenosha, since completed, one of his principal associates being Volney W. Foster, another distin- guished and beloved citizen of Evanston, who was one of his pall-bearers and who, only a few months later, was also borne to his last resting place. Alexander Clark came of Scotch-Irish stock ; his father, Alexander Clark, and his mother, Eliza McCullom, having been born in the North of Ireland, the former on June 7, 1819, the latter on July I, 1821. His parents emigrating to America, Alex- ander was born in Paterson, N. J., on June 15, 1851. The family came West when he was 12 years of age, settled on a farm in Knox County, 111., later moving to a larger place in Ford County. He was educated in Wabash College, Crawfords- ville, Ind., from which he was graduated in 1877. After reading law in the office of Judge Woods, Chicago, he was, in 1878, admitted to the bar. On March 10, 1881, he married Miss Emma Osgood of Oneida, Knox County, 111., and the same month the young couple settled in Evans- ton. Mrs. Clark and two children John Alexander arid Helen Osgood still sur- vive. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 497 Following the death of Mr. Clark, the City Council of Evanston adopted resolu- tions setting forth the great loss which the community had suffered in his demise, recounting the useful services which he had rendered the community, and naming the lake front park, which he had secured for the City, Clark Square, as a lasting testimonial to his honored memory. DR. JARED BASSETT. Dr. Jared Bassett (deceased) was born in East Montpelier, Vt.. January 26, 1814. the son of Joel and Ruby (Metcalf) Bas- . sett, and grandson of Jared Bassett, who (.migrated from Connecticut and became one of the early settlers of the "Green Mountain State." While the genealogy of the family is not now accessible, it is believed to have been of Huguenot origin, the first American ancestor of the nanu- having crossed the ocean in 1621, the year after the landing of the "Mayflower" at Plymouth Rock. Dr. Bassett's mother was a devout member of the Society of Friends, while the father, who was a farmer by occupation and held many of- fices of honor and trust in the community, shared the faith and mode of life of his wife. Although not strictly a Quaker in religious faith and practice, the son inher- ited many of the traits of his ancestors, including the strength of character, sim- plicity of manner and quiet self-control which were marked characteristics of the followers of that faith. After having spent his boyhood and youth on the farm engaged in farm work and in attendance at the district school, at the age of twenty-two years, having decided to adopt the medical profession, he entered the office of Dr. James Spanlding, of Montpelier, as a student in that line. In he attended medical lectures at Woodstock, Vt., later to'ok a course in the medical department of Dartmouth Col- lege, New Hampshire, and in 1839 received the degree of M. D. from the Medical Col- lege at Albany, N. Y. Then having set- tled at Plainfield, Washington County, Vt., he engaged in practice, but later re- moved to Northfield in the same State, where he remained seven years, winning the experience of the old-school practi- tioners of that period. On May 29, 1844. Dr. Bassett was mar- ried to Miss Harriet Sherman, a daughter of Col. Nathaniel and Deborah (Web- ster) Sherman, of Barre, Vt., and sister of the late Alson S. and Oren Sherman, who were prominent business men of Chicago at an early day. Two years later his at- tention havingbeen attracted to the advan- tages offered in the West to those enter- ing upon a business career, Dr. Bassett, accompanied by his wife, started for Chi- cago, making the journey by stage to Lake Champlain, across the lake to Whitehall by steamer, thence to Roches- ter by canal-boat, and from there to Buf- falo by a newly built section of what is now the New York Central Railroad. At Buffalo they took a lake steamer for Chi- cago, arriving at their destination on Sep- tember 10. 1846, after a lake journey of ten days. Chicago, a primitive city of some ten thousand inhabitants, was then just entering upon the development which, in the growth of the next sixty years, made it the second city in the United States with a population of two million souls. In Chicago Dr. Bassett found a tempo- rary boarding place on West Washington Street, and opened an office in the second story of a frame building on Lake Street, where he displayed a sign indicating his profession. A year later he bought a small BIOGRAPHICAL house and lot on Clark Street, near Mon- roe, then a pleasant neighborhood of frame cottages in the outskirts of the town, paying for the land about fifteen dollars per front foot. After a few years residence here he converted his home into business property and removed to the West Side, taking up his residence at the corner of West Adams and Morgan streets, where he purchased a small brick cottage (the first of its kind erected west of the river, with about an acre of ground. In 1857 he removed to Wauke- gan, where he resided until 1868, when he returned to Chicago, in the meantime giv- ing attention to his landed interests in Chicago, making daily trips between his suburban home and the city by the Chi- cago & Northwestern Railroad, the pi- oneer suburban line for the accommo- dation of dwellers along the North Shore. After his return to Chicago he erected a more commodious dwell- ing on the site of his West Side home. After practicing his profession in Chi- cago for about twelve years. Dr. Bas- sett turned his attention to the improve- ment of his real estate, keeping pace with the growth of the city. In common with the mass of property holders of the city of Chicago, he was a heavy loser by the great fire of 1871, the retrievement of which cost him many years of labor and anxiety. In politics he was a zealous Re- publican, before the days of the Civil War maintaining the anti-slavery views of his ancestors. He was one of the founders of the People's Church, which grew out of the exclusion of Dr. H. W. Thomas from the Methodist denomination. In 1894 he removed to Evanston, where he contin- ued to reside until his death. Mr. and Mrs. Bassett had one son, Robert J., a lawyer, who continued to reside with his parents during their latter years. Dr. Bassett died May 10, 1905, his wife having preceded him, dying August 14, 1900. HENRY BASCOM RIDGAWAY. Henry Bascom Ridgaway, D.D., LL. D. (deceased), for thirty years a most able and efficient minister and pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for ten years President of Garrett Biblical Insti- tute, Evanston, 111., was born in Talbot County, Md., September 7, 1830. His fa- ther, James Ridgaway, one of the most ex- tensive and prosperous farmers in Talbot County, was a man of strong mental and moral characteristics, a devout Christian, and a much valued official of the church. Mary (Jump) Ridgaway, mother of the subject of this sketch, was a daughter of Alumbey Jump, a veteran of the Revolu- tionary War, who served the State of Maryland in official positions, and was Representative in the Legislature from his county shortly after the successful ter- mination of the Revolution. Henry B. Ridgaway's parents moved to Baltimore when their son was quite young, and there he attended the public school. He subse- quently graduated from the high school, the principal of which left a lasting im- press upon the after life of his pupil. In 1847 ne entered Dickinson College, at Carlisle, Pa., and was graduated from that institution in June, 1849. While pursu- ing his course there he preached the gos- pel at frequent intervals, and after his graduation taught a common school for one year. In 1851 he joined the Baltimore Conference, was ordained a Deacon in 1853. and an Elder, in 1855, by Bishop Beverly Waugh. For four years he was engaged as an itinerant upon circuits in Maryland and Virginia, and in 1856 was HISTORY OF EVANSTON 499 assigned to the Harford Avenue Church in the City of Baltimore, which, with two other churches there, formed a city cir- cuit. He afterwards served High Street Church, Baltimore, then in its most flour- ishing condition, and after that, Grace Church, which had one of the finest edi- fices and largest congregations in Balti- more. In 1858 he was placed in charge of the Chestnut Street Methodist Church in Portland, Maine, which had just com- pleted an ornate and imposing place of worship. Its new pastor attained the cli- max of his pulpit and parochial effective- ness while ministering to this flock, by which he was held in the highest esteem and affection. The country was just pass- ing into the throes of the Civil War, and a Southern man in a Northern pastorate confronted a severe ordeal, from which he emerged without the slightest distrust of his patriotism. From Portland Dr. Ridgaway was called to St. Paul's Church, in New York City, then the most conspicuous church in the Methodist denomination. The Washington Square Church was his next pastorate, and the size of the parish made his three years of service there an intense strain upon his powers of endurance. Dur- ing 1867, however, he enjoyed a most pleasant ministerial experience at Sing Sing, on the Hudson River. From 1868 to 1870 he was again in charge of St. Paul's Church, New York City. Follow- ing this, he spent three serviceable years at St. James Church, in Harlem, and then, after a long tour abroad was pastor, for one year of St. James Church, Kingston, New York. His foreign journey was de- voted to visiting Egypt, crossing the des- ert, traveling through Palestine, and going to Constantinople and Greece. He had, on a former occasion, traveled through Great Britain and the Continent. Having been transferred to the Cincin- nati Conference, he was three years in charge of St. Paul's Church, Cincinnati, and three years at Walnut Hills, then a suburb of that city. In both parishes his labors were highly effective. In 1882 Dr. Ridgaway was elected Professor of His- torical Theology in Garrett Biblical Insti- tute, Evanston, 111., and in 1885, became President of this institute and Professor of Practical Theology. In 1892 he availed himself of an extended vacation to make a tour of the world, journeying through Europe; visiting the Riviera, Florence, and Rome, Italy; passing through the Suez Canal, stopping at Bombay and mak- ing extended journeys in India, spending a month in China, traveling through Ja- pan and returning by way of the Pacific Ocean and the Canadian Pacific Railroad. Dr. Ridgaway was one of the editors of the "Methodist" during the entire period of its publication, and was the author of several interesting and popular works. He was also a most entertaining lecturer on various topics. As a preacher he was earnest, forceful and convincing : as an ed- ucator, erudite, yet simple and lucid. The enforced limits of this sketch forbid a de- tailed mention of his manifold efforts of pen and tongue, or of the numerous honors bestowed upon him by different religious bodies. In 1868 he received the degree of D.D. from Dickinson College, and that of LL.D. in 1889. Dr. Ridgaway was married, February 22, 1855. to Rosamond U., daughter of Professor Caldwell. of Dickinson College. Mrs. Ridgaway still survives her hus- band, having shared all his experiences of joy and sorrow during forty years of wifely companionship. His widely la- mented death occurred March 30, 1895. 500 BIOGRAPHICAL ELLIOTT ANTHONY, LL. D. Among the names that are justly enti- tled to be enrolled among the makers of the great commonwealth of Illinois and of the City of Chicago, is that of Judge Elliott Anthony, whose more than forty years residence has left its impress upon the State and the Nation. Al- though born in Central New York, he early saw the great possibilities which the West afforded, and, as a consequence, left his home and native State within one month after being admitted to the bar at Oswego on May 7, 1851, and took up his abode, first at Sterling, the county seat of Whiteside County, 111., where an elder brother was at that time living. The next autumn he removed to Chicago, where he spent his life in connection with his pro- fession, officially or otherwise, though a resident during later years of the city 01 Evanston. He came at that fortunate pe- riod when everything was in the formative state, when there were not more than fifty lawyers all told. His rise was rapid, and in less than three years he was known as one of the most promising lawyers at the bar. Judge Anthony's forefathers were Quakers, who, early in the seventeenth century, came to the land to which Roger Williams was exiled, and with which the family history has been closely identified for generations. His father, Isaac An- thony, was born on the island of Rhode Island, eight miles from Newport. His grandmother on his father's side was a Chase, who was connected with the well known Chase family of which the late Chief Justice Chase was a member, and his mother a Phelps, belonging to the Phelps family of Vermont, who at an early period were residents of Connecti- cut and Massachusetts. The grandfather and his family were residents of Rhode Island when the Hessians held it during the Revolutionary War, and for some alleged infraction of martial law, the grandfather and a younger brother were taken prisoners and compelled to perform various menial duties, which greatly em- bittered them against the British. Mr. Anthony's father was an able historian, thoroughly familiar with the facts con- cerning all the Indian wars and the upris- ing of the colonies against their mother country, having obtained them from his own father and grandfather, and thus the son acquired familiar acquaintance with those stirring events in our history which has had a most lasting effect on all of the descendants of the family. Removing from New England about the same time, Mr. Anthony's grandfathers on both sides settled in Washington County, N. Y., and purchased lands in the town of Cambridge, some twenty miles from Albany. Here the father of Judge Anthony first met Parmelia Phelps, to whom he was married, and one daughter and three sons were born of this union, when the father removed to Spafford, the south- western town of Onondaga County, and commenced the life of a typical pioneer. There, on June 10. 1827, the son Elliott was born. This region was then an almost unbroken wilderness, and here his early years were spent in cutting down and clearing the forests and assisting in work on the farm. Three sisters were born while the family resided in this lo- cality, so that there were in all four brothers and four sisters who grew to manhood and womanhood. The children attended the country schools, and attained a considerable proficiency in the common branches, later each in turn taking a course at Cortland Academy, located at Homer. At the age of eighteen Elliott, who was the fourth son, left the farm to HISTORY OF EVANSTON take a preparatory course before entering college. Cortland Academy was at that time under the charge of Samuel B. Wool- worth, who subsequently became one of the regents of the State University at Albany. Here he remained two years studying Greek and Latin and some of the higher branches of mathematics, and in the fall of 1847 entered the sophomore class at Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., graduating there with high honors in 1850. Prof. Theodore W. Dwight, afterwards so distinguished, was at that time Professor of Law and Political Economy, and com- menced private lessons to a few students who chose to avail themselves of his serv- ices. A class having been formed for the year 1850-51, Mr. Anthony returned to Clinton for a year's course, and was ad- mitted to the bar at Oswego, May 7, 1851. It was during this period that he and a classmate by the name of Joseph D. Hub- bard had charge of the academy located in the village of Clinton, and he had as one of his pupils Grover Cleveland, afterwards President of the United States. Soon after his admission to the bar he came west and stopped for a short time at Sterling, Whiteside County, 111., where he com- menced the practice of law and where he tried his first case in a court of record. Returning east the following year he was on the I4th of July, 1852, married to Mary Dwight, the sister of his law preceptor, and a granddaughter of President Dwight, so well known in connection with Yale College. In the fall of the same year he came to Chicago, and from that time until elected to the bench in 1880, he pursued his profession with a zeal and success rarely equaled. During his first year's residence in Chicago, with the aid of his devoted wife, he compiled "A Digest of the Illinois Reports," which was soon after published and received with favor by the profession throughout the State. In 1858 he was elected City Attorney for Chicago, and distinguished his adminis- tration of that responsible office by the energy and ability with which he con- ducted the legal business of the city. Later he was for several years specially retained by the city to conduct many important cases in the local courts and in the Supreme Court of the State and the United States. While acting for the city he established several new and interesting law points, among which was that the col- lection of special assessments could not be enjoined by a court of chancery ; next, that the city of Chicago could not be gar- nisheed to collect the salary or wages of any of its officers or employes; and, lastly, that no execution could issue against the city to collect a judgment ; and at a later period, that the city could not tie up its legislative powers by making contracts with the gas companies for the supply of gas so as to interfere with its legislative prerogatives. In 1863 he was appointed the general attorney and solicitor of the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad, which during the next year was consolidated with the Chicago & Northwestern Rail- way. A contest arose over this consoli- dation, and he was shortly after retained by a number of bondholders and non-con- senting stockholders to test the validity of the consolidation, and in connection with the case prepared and printed a most remarkable argument upon the law of the case, which grew into a treatise which he entitled "The Law Pertain- ing to the Consolidation of Railroads." The late Samuel J. Tilden was directly interested in the questions involved, as well as many of the leading capitalists and railway magnates in New York, and the array of legal talent was formidable, the late Judge Beckwith leading on behalf of 502 BIOGRAPHICAL the consolidationists, and Judge Anthony leading on behalf of the minority bond- holders and minority stockholders. It was tried as a chancery case before Judge David Davis of the United States Su- preme Court, then on the circuit, who associated with him the late Samuel H. Treat, United States District Judge for the Southern District of Illinois, and the positions maintained by Mr. Anthony were upheld and affirmed in almost every par- ticular. Soon after the parties met and settled their differences to the satisfaction of all, as the consolidationists found that it would he disastrous to them if the liti- gation should be continued. At this time Mr. Anthony received numerous letters from some of the most prominent lawyers and Judges in this country, complimenting him upon his masterly exposition of the law. Among them were the late Josiah Otiincy and Sidney Bartlett of Boston, Mr. Justice Swayne of the United States Supreme Court, the late Thomas A. Ewing. of Ohio and many others. His brief, which was in the shape of a bound volume of several hundred pages, was in great demand in this country and in Europe, and was most kindly reviewed by several of the leading journals in Great Britain. It fell to the lot of Judge Anthony to serve as a member of two of the conven- tions called to frame constitutions for the State of Illinois the first held in 1862, which framed a constitution that was rejected by the people, and the second held in 1870, and which framed the pres- ent constitution. In both of these con- ventions Judge Anthony took a promi- nent part, and was regarded in many re- spects as a leading expert in that body upon constitutional questions and meth- ods of procedure. He was made Chair- man of the Executive Committee and reported the article as it now appears in the constitution relating to the Executive Department. He also served upon the Judiciary Committee, and the committee upon railroads, and many of the provi- sions in the judiciary articles, and most of those in regard to railroads, are the work of his hands. He was instrumental in pro- viding for the organization of Appellate Courts and for additional Judges of the Circuit and Superior Courts of Cook County, as the population should increase and public business might require. At an earlier period he took part in the for- mation of the Republican party in this State, and was a delegate to the first Re- publican convention ever held in Cook County, and was for years most active in everything relating to the welfare and suc- cess of that party. In 1880 when the third term question came up, he took a most conspicuous part in that movement, was elected Chairman of the Cook County con- vention, at which a portion of the dele- gates withdrew, was elected a delegate to the State Convention, and was then se- lected as a contesting delegate to the Na- tional Convention at Chicago: was, after one of the stormiest debates on record, admitted as a delegate and participated in the proceedings which resulted in the nomination of General Garfield for Presi- dent. In the fall of that year he was nomi- nated and elected to the office of Judge of the Superior Court of the city of Chicago, and six years later was re-elected to the same position. Among the marked traits in Judge Anthony's character were his indomitable industry, and his devotion to business which, coupled with executive ability, enabled him to try and dispose of cases with great promptness and celerity. Judge Anthony was a voluminous writer, and his contributions to various legal magazines and periodicals would, if col-' HISTORY OF EVANSTON 503 lected, fill volumes. He was also the author of several books of a historical character, among which may be enumer- ated "The Constitutional History of Il- linois," "The Story of the Empire State," and one of local interest upon "Sanitation and Navigation, " which has special refer- ence to the disposition of sewage of the city of Chicago and the construction of a ship canal to unite the waters of Lake Michigan with those of the Mississippi River. \Yhile acting as Corporation Coun- sel of the city of Chicago in 1876. he wrote an interesting work upon taxation and the rules which had been established regard- ing the levy and collection of taxes. This work involved great labor and research, and has proved a useful and timely contri- bution to the general subject, and is very frequently referred to. In 1887, while hold- ing the Criminal Court of Cook County, which includes the city of Chicago, he wrote a most interesting work on the "Law of Self-Defense, Trial by Jury in Criminal Cases and Xew Trials in Crim- inal Cases." which attracted a great deal of attention in this country, and is the first bold stand ever taken by any jurist of distinction against the wanton abuses which have arisen by invoking the doc- trines of self-defense. One of his latest and most valuable contributions is an extended chapter entitled "Reminiscences of the Bench and Bar of Chicago," pub- lished in a two volume edition of the "Bench and Bar of Illinois" under the edi- torship of the late ex-Gov. John M. Palmer. Other contributions from his pen include a sketch of all of the courts of England: a treatise upon the "Law of Arrests in Civil Cases." and a series of articles upon "Old Virginia." published in the "Western Magazine of History." By special invitation of the State Bar Associ- ation, he delivered a memorable address at their annual meeting in January, 1891, upon "The Constitutional History of Illinois," and another in the following year, entitled, "Remember the Pioneers." which is replete with the most interesting reminiscences. Judge Anthony was one of the incorpo- rators of the Chicago Law Institute, hav- ing drawn up its charter and. at his own expense, visited Springfield twice in one winter, while the Legislature was in session, to urge its passage, and for sev- eral terms served as its President. He was also one of the founders of the Chi- cago Public Library, and one of its first Board of Directors with which he was connected for a number of years. From his youth Judge Anthony was a omniverous reader, and had at the time of the Chicago Fire, one of the largest pri- vate libraries in the city. He made sev- eral trips to Europe, during the last of which he visited Denmark, Sweden, Rus- sia, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain and all the regions along the Mediterranean and Southern France. Many of his letters relating to these countries were published and read with great interest. In 1889 Judge Anthony was honored by his alma mater with the degree of Doctor of Laws. 1 lis death occurred at his home at Evans- ton. February 24. 1898. YOLXEY \V. FOSTER. Yolney YY. Foster (deceased) was born near Jefferson. \Yis.. February 27, 1848. He attended the public schools and the Academy in Portage City, Y\'is., to which place his father moved when Volney was an infant. When he was thirteen years of age his father moved back to Jefferson. Wis.. on a farm where Yolney attended the district school. Afterwards he at- 504 BIOGRAPHICAL tended Milton College at Milton, \\'is., one year. His mother, who was a gifted woman, helped him to acquire a fairly good classical education. At Jefferson he taught school several terms, holding the position of Principal of the Public Schools of that city. Afterwards he was engaged in business for himself as a partner in the firm of Platt, Gray & Foster, general mer- chants, at Manitowoc, Wis. He sold his interest in this firm and came to Chi- cago. There he was employed first by thf Northwestern Railway. Later he became agent for a Wisconsin Lumber Company and, still later, was employed as cashier and the representative of Schulenburg & Boeckler's interests in the lumber firm of James McDonnel & Co., Chicago. After- wards he was employed by Thompson & Barber, Wholesale Grocers on South Water Street, Chicago, as a traveling salesman. In 1874 Mr. Foster went to Chatham, Ontario, and there purchased a half inter- est in the lumber business of A. R. Schul- enburg. In the following year he pur- chased the entire business of the Georgian Bay Lumber Company. In 1879 he sold his lumber business at Chatham, and joined William D. Hitchcock in the pur- chase, sale and manufacture of lumber, shingles, railway ties, telegraph poles, etc., the business being carried on under the firm name of Hitchcock & Foster. In 1883, in connection with Mr. Hitchcock, Amos H. Perkins and W. H. Watson, he organized the Western Paving & Supply Company. In 1898 this company entered extensively into the asphalt-paving busi- ness, establishing offices in Indianapolis. Ind., Milwaukee, Wis., Evansville, Ind., and in Chicago. In 1892 the firm name of Hitchcock & Foster was dissolved, Mr. Hitchcock continuing the lumber business and Mr. Foster taking over the paving business. In 1898 he sold out his interest in the paving business, and, in 1901, at Mexico City, in association with Mr. Enrique C. Creel, now Governor of the State of Chihuahua, Mexico, he organ- ized the Almacenes Generales de Deposito de Mexico y Vera Cruz, S. A., which is a bonded warehouse organization, with warehouses at Mexico City and Vera Cruz. Of this company Mr. Foster was Vice-President. He was also President of the United States Repair & Guaranty Company, the United States Silica Com- pany, the Chicago, Waukegan & North Shore Railway and the Chicago, Keno- sha & Milwaukee Electric Railway Com- pany, and he was largely interested in the North Shore Gas Company of Waukegan, 111., in the North Coast Development Company, of San Francisco, Cal., and the Foster Contracting Company of Illinois. None of the companies or corporations in which he was interested ever failed in business. Mr. Foster was the possessor of one of the finest private libraries in Evanston, and was a diligent and discriminating reader, being especially fond of history and philosophy. There were few depart- ments of literature with which he was not well acquainted, and he had a remark- able memory and an unusual gift of lan- guage, so that he was able to appear to advantage in any company of cultivated gentlemen of which he was a member. In 1901 he was appointed by President McKinley a delegate to the Pan-Ameri- can Conference, held in Mexico City in the Winter of 1901-02. He there had charge of formulating projects on Inter- national Sanitation, the re-organization of the Bureau of American Republics, the Exchange of Diplomas, and he originated HISTORY OF EVANSTON 505 and presented to the Conference the proj- ect for the establishment of an Interna- tional Archaeological and Ethnological Association, with its headquarters at Washington. All of these projects were unanimously adopted by the Republics represented at the Conference. In 1903 he was appointed by the President one of the American Commissioners to the Con- vention held at Washington, December 21, 1903, for the organization of the Inter- national Archaeological and Ethnological Association. In 1904 he was appointed by the Peruvian Government as repre- sentative of Peru in this Association. In 1900 he was appointed and served as Assistant Treasurer in the National Re- publican campaign. In 1887 he organ- ized at his home, with the assistance of a few friends, the Sheridan Road Associa- tion, its purpose being to promote the con- struction of a free pleasure driveway on and near the Shore of Lake Michigan between Chicago and Milwaukee. Of this Association he was President up to the time of his death, and gave to it largely of his time and money. This Association secured State legislation for the estab- lishment of park districts and pleasure driveways, and also the passage of the bill authorizing the reclamation of sub- merged lands on Lake Michigan by mu- nicipalities for parks. In 1891 he organ- ized the Back-Lot Studies Society, and devoted to it premises near his home in Evanston and erected thereon a building for its use. These were known as the Back-Lot and the Shelter. The object of this was the instruction of boys selected by the Principal of the High School and the Principal of the Preparatory Depart- ment of the University. The attendance for several years averaged sixty-five. Weekly meetings were held in the Shelter and the boys were addressed by practical and successful business men on the dif- ferent kinds of human activity called busi- ness. In the summer of 1903 he main- tained on these premises a nature study class, in charge of an able director, where eighty-five young people were taught. In 1876 Mr. Foster was married at Brockport, N. Y., to Eva Adele Hill, the daughter of Ezra N. Hill, of that city. Of this marriage were born two children, Albert Yolney Foster, born in 1877, and Eva Cornelia Foster, born in 1879. Albert graduated from Harvard L T niversity and Eva at Smith College, Northampton. Eva married Mr. Walter Leisenring Righter, and now resides at Plainfield, N. J. Mrs. Foster died in 1887. Mr. Foster was a member of the Glen View Golf Club, a charter member of the Evanstton Club and a member of the Union League Club of Chicago, of which he was President in 1901. He organized the Evanston Ethical Club, which held its meetings at his home for several years and afterwards at his rooms at his hotel. He was also a charter member of the Evanston Country Club and an honorary member of the University Club of Evans- ton, a member of the Society of Colonial Wars, and of the Society of Mayflower Descendants. He was also a member of the International Peace Society, and author of the bill introduced in both Houses of Congress, in 1893, for the establishment of the National Arbitration Tribunal. This bill attracted very general attention and it is believed that, of he had lived, its essential features would have been incor- porated into a national law. He regarded this as the most important work of his life. Mr. Foster's death occurred August 15, 1904. 5 o6 BIOGRAPHICAL JOHN B. KIRK. John B. Kirk (deceased), former man- ufacturer, Chicago, with residence in Evanston, was born in Utica, X. Y., November 8, 1842, the second son of the late James S. Kirk, who was a native of Glasgow, Scotland, and was brought in his infancy by his father to Montreal, Canada. Here James S. Kirk grew to manhood, married Nancy Ann Dun- ning, of Ottawa, Canada, in 1839, and the same year located at Utica, N. Y., where he entered into mercantile business with his father. In 1859 the firm removed to Chicago where they founded the house of James S. Kirk & Company, which at the time of James S. Kirk's death, in 1886. was one of the most extensive man- ufacturers of soap, perfumery, etc., in this country. John B. received his early school training in the public schools of his native place, where he remained until seventeen years of age, in the meantime receiving a sound English education. At first he had a strong predilection for a profes- sional career, but yielding to the wishes of his father, entered upon a business career, finally succeeding the latter in a branch of manufacturing industry which has grown to large proportions. Under his father's eye he was initiated into the mysteries of chemistry connected with the manufacture of the various products turned out by the firm of James S. Kirk & Company, meanwhile being trained in bookkeeping and business methods. After serving a regular apprenticeship under such thorough tutorship, having demon- strated his qualifications while still a young man, he was admitted as a partner of the concern, sharing with his father the responsibility of its management. In this wav he was able to render his father most valuable assistance during the period of depression immediately following the great fire of 1871, in which the firm suf- fered a loss of nearly a quarter of a mil- lion dollars. In the work of reorganiza- tion he bore a prominent part, and the business was soon placed on a substantial basis. It is worthy of note here that the site of the plant now occupied by the Kirk Manufacturing Company, on Xorth Water Street, is that of the first home occupied by permanent white settlers in Chicago, known as the historic "Kinzie Mansion." Besides the manufacturing interests in which he held the position of President. Mr. Kirk had been connected with a num- ber of financial enterprises, including the late American Exchange National Bank I merged a few years ago in the Corn Exchange Bank), of which he was Pres- ident from 1890 to 1894. He was also deeply interested in the prosperity of the Northwestern University. . which he served for several years as Trustee, and in connection with which he founded the $100 prize for oratory, which was of deep interest to the students of the Senior Class. Mr. Kirk was married October 4. 1866. to Miss Susie MacVean, the daughter of Mr. D. McVean, of Chicago, and of this union four children were born: James M.. Frederick I., Josephine and Susie. For many years his home was in Evans- ton, where he enjoyed the confidence and respect of a large circle of friends. On November I, 1924. Mr. Kirk's notable career as a business man and public-spir- ited citizen was terminated by his sud- den death, in New York City, while on a business visit to that place. HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 507 SIMEON FARWELL. Simeon Farwell, merchant and head of one of the most widely known mercantile houses in the West, has been a resident of Evanston since 1876. He was born at Campbelltown, Steuben County, X. Y.. March 22, 1831, the son of Henry and Nancy (Jackson) Farwell, and a descend- ant in the seventh generation of Henry Farwell, who was one of the founders of the colony of Concord, Mass., incorpo- rated in 1635. Back of its advent in this country, the history of the Farwell fam- ily is traced to the thirteenth century, and to Richard Farwell of Yorkshire, who gained distinction in the reign of King Edward I. The American branch of the family has had many prominent repre- sentatives in various walks of life in New England, and in later years in many States of the Union. The father o* Simeon Farwell. who removed from Mass- achusetts to New York State, was a farmer by occupation in the last named State, and later became one of the pio- neer agriculturists in Ogle County. 111. He removed with his family to this State iu 183*. and the son, Simeon, passed the next few years of his life on the farm near Oregon, aiding as a boy to bring under cultivation the prairie lands which his lather had acquired. He was educated at Mt. Morris Seminary, Mt. Morris, 111., fitting himself for a commercial career. In July of iS49 he came to Chicago, and had his earliest experience in this city as Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court, of which the pioneer Chicagoan, L. D. Hoard, was then Clerk. After filling this position about two years, Mr. Farwell entered, as a clerk, the noted old-time banking house of George Smith, in its day the most famous financial institution in the West. A year later he resigned this position to become a clerk in the dry- goods house of Cooley, Wadsworth & Co., accepting a lower salary than he had been receiving in order that he might learn the business to which he had de- cided to devote his after life. When he entered the employ of this firm, he took charge of its books and accounts, bring- ing to the discharge of his duties untiring energy, a thorough knowledge of his busi- ness and strict integrity, which consti- tuted an excellent basis for success. He continued to act as bookkeeper of the firm until 1860, and in 1870 was admitted to a partnership. In the meantime, in 1860. the firm had become Cooley, Far- well & Co., Mr. Farwell's elder brother. John Y. Farwell. since widely known as a merchant, being the junior partner. John Y. Farwell had preceded the younger brother to Chicago, as had also another brother. Charles P>. Farwell, later mer- chant, banker and United States Senator. In 1865 the firm became John V. Farwell & Co.. a name which it has since retained, with slight change, although the co-part- nership was succeeded in 1890 by the J. Y. Farwell Company, incorporated. This pioneer dry-goods house, known now and for many years past throughout the United States, and which annually has a trade aggregating many millions of dol- lars, has graduated from its salesrooms some of the most famous merchants in the world: among them, Marshall Field, Levi Z. Leiter, H. N. Higinbotham, and others. The connection of Simeon Far- well with this house and its predecessors has covered a period of fifty-five years, and for twenty-five years he has taken a leading part in its conduct and manage- ment. He became Yice-President of the T. Y. Farwell Company at the time of its incorporation in 1890. and since 1900 has been its President. To the building up of 508 BIOGRAPHICAL this great commercial institution his activ- ities have been mainly given, although for some years he was a Director of the Metropolitan National Bank. The meas- ure of its success evidences the measure of his ability as a merchant, and the breadth and scope of his genius in the field of commerce. In the early years of his business career in Chicago his home was in this city, but as previously stated, he became a resident of Evanston in 1876. Since then he has been a leading citizen of this classic suburb of Chicago, and a leader in advancing the interests of the little city and its institutions. Mr. Farwell is a Methodist in religious belief, and a communicant of the First Methodist Church of Evanston. In 1857 he married, at Sardinia, Erie County, N. Y., Miss Ebenette M. Smith, daughter of Rev. Isaac B. Smith, a Methodist clergy- man of the Empire State. Their living children are Henry S. Farwell, now con- nected with the great mercantile house which his father helped to build up, and Mrs. Ruth (Farwell) Gridley, of Evans- ton. Their eldest daughter, Anna Pearl Farwell, died in 1893. WILLIAM HUGH JONES. William Hugh Jones, Evanston, 111., President of the Piano Manufacturing Company, one of the substantial indus- tries of the city of Chicago, was born in Wales in 1845, one f eight children six sons and two daughters of Hugh and Jennett Jones. His father, who was a farmer in comfortable circumstances, came to America in 1812, locating near Utica, N. Y., where his first wife died. He later returned to Wales, where he married his second wife, the mother of the subject of this sketch. In 1857 he again came with his family to America, first locating in Wisconsin, whence he removed in 1873 to Iowa, dying in How- ard County in that State in 1876, aged eighty-two years. His widow, who sur- vived her husband about four years, was a daughter of Richard Jones, an extensive farmer pf Wales, who reached the age of ninety-two years. William H. Jones remained in his native land until twelve years of age, when he came with his parents to Wisconsin, and there spent his youth in farm work with his father until he reached his majority. In 1866 he became agent for the Dodge Reapers and Champion Mowers at Berlin, Wis., remaining in this business until 1868, when he entered into the employ- ment of L. J. Bush & Co., of Milwaukee, as traveling salesman. Two years later (1870) he formed a connection with E. H. Gammon for the sale of the Marsh Harvester and Dodge Reapers. This con- cern afterwards became the firm of Gam- mon & Deering, which was dissolved in 1879 by the retirement of Mr. Gammon. Mr. Jones remained with Mr. Deering until 1880 and in 1881 organized at Piano. 111., The Piano Manufacturing Company, assuming the office of President, which position he has retained to the present time. In 1893 this concern erected a new factory, covering an area of twenty acres in West Pullman (now One Hundred an Twentieth Street, Chicago), which was furnished with improved machinery and facilities, which has resulted in a largely extended trade, both home and foreign. Mr. Jones' early experience as a farmer fitted him to judge the needs of the farm- ing class, while his later connection with practical manufacturing enterprises has enabled him to apply this knowledge in a way greatly to benefit the farmers and extend the trade. In 1877 he opened a HISTORY OF EVANSTON 500 wholesale implement house at Minneap- olis, which carried on a large business, and with which he continued to be con- nected until 1889. Mr. Jones was married in 1867 to Miss Elizabeth Owens, and three sons were born of this union Hugh \V., William O. and Garfield R. The parents are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which Mr. Jones holds the position of Trustee. In political views he is an ad- herent of the Republican party, but votes independently on local questions, and has never been a seeker for office in his own behalf. Since 1872 he has been a resident of Evanston, with the exception of a short time spent at Minneapolis and at Piano, 111., and is held in high estimation as a public-spirited and enterprising cit- izen. Mr. Jones is now a Vice-President and Director of the International Har- vester Company. CHARLES GATES DAWES. Charles (i. Dawes, President of Central Trust Company of Illinois, and former Comptroller of the Currency, was born at Marietta, Ohio. August 27. 1865, the son of Gen. Rufus R. Dawes, who served as Colonel of the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry (which constituted a part of the "Iron Brigade" under com- mand of Gen. Edward S. Bragg) during the Civil War. and at the close of the war was brevetted as Brigadier-General for gallant service. Mr. Dawes' mother, Mary (Gates) Dawes, was a member of one of the oldest families of Southern Ohio, her father being Beman Gates, a prominent business man and banker of his time, and his great-grandfather the cele- brated Manasseh Cutler, who was a prom- inent representative of the Ohio Land Company just after the close of the Rev- olutionary War, and is credited with hav- ing been the author of the anti-slavery clause of the Ordinance of 1787, protect- ing the territory northwest of the Ohio River from the admission of slavery. Charles G. Dawes was educated in the common schools and at Marietta College, graduating from the latter in 1884. Two years later he graduated from the Cincin- nati Law School, during his vacation working as a civil engineer on the Toledo & Ohio Central Railroad, of which he later became Chief Engineer. In 1887 he went to Lincoln, Neb., where for the next seven years he was engaged in the prac- tice of his profession. Having in the meantime made a special study of the question of railroad freight rates, he was retained by a number of Nebraska ship- pers in the prosecution of suits against railroad companies for violation of the Inter-State Commerce Law. in which he displayed marked ability. In 1894, having acquired an interest in a gas company, Mr. Dawes removed to Evanston, 111., which has since been his home except when in the Government service. While a resident of Nebraska he- had gained much prominence as a cham- pion of the principles of the Republican party, and, on coming to Illinois, at once became an important factor in the move- ment to secure the nomination of Wil- liam McKinley for President. Largely through his influence and active efforts the Republican State Convention at Springfield, in 1896. adopted resolutions instructing the delegates to the National Convention there appointed to cast their votes for McKinley. and Mr. Dawes was appointed a member of the Executive Committee of the Republican National Committee and bore an important part in the following campaign. In January. BIOGRAPHICAL 1898, he was appointed by President Mc- Kinley Comptroller of the Currency as successor to James H. Eckels, retaining this position until October, 1901, when he tendered his resignation with a view to becoming a candidate for the United States Senate. In May, 1902, having withdrawn from the candidacy for the Senate, he was, a few days later, elected President of the Central Trust Company of Illinois, with headquarters in Chicago, a position which he has retained contin- uously to the present time. Having made banking and finance a study for many years, he is regarded as an authority on these questions, and is the author of a volume on "The Banking System of the United States." Mr. Dawes was married on January 24, 1889, to Miss Caro Dana Blvmyer. of Cin- cinnati, Ohio. MERRITT C. BRAGDOX. M. D. Dr. Merritt C. Bragdon, one of the most prominent and successful physicians and surgeons of Cook County, 111., whose career as a skillful practitioner in Evans- ton, the city of his home, extended over a period of more than thirty years, was born in Auburn, N. Y., January 6. 1850, the son of Rev. Charles P. and Sarah (Cushman) Bragdon, natives of the State of Maine, born in the towns of Acton and East Poland, respectively. Rev. Charles P. Bragdon was reared to man- hood in his native State, and there, in early youth, made diligent use of the opportunities for mental training afforded by the public schools. At a liter period he became a pupil in Cazenovia Seminary, N. Y., where he pursued a course of study, which fitted him for his subsequent long and eminently useful career in the minis- try, covering a wide field of activity. He entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Maine, and was aft- erwards stationed at Auburn, X. Y., until he was called to the agency of the Meth- odist Book Depository at Springfield, Mass., where he remained until 1854. In that year he made his home in Illinois, becoming a member of the Rock River Conference. His first pastoral charge v.-as at \Vaukegan, where he remained for two years. His next appointment was at Aurora, from whence he was transferred to Evanston, where, in 1858, he became one of the early pastors of the First Meth- odist Church. He was greatly beloved by the pioneer residents of Evanston who founded and built up the "First Church," which is now one of the leading churches of the Xorthwest, conspicuous in Chris- tian work, abounding in material prosper- ity, and noted for the moral and intel- lectual culture of its members. On the termination of a useful pastorate of two years in this connection, the health of Mr. Bragdon having become seriously im- paired, he was compelled to relinquish his ministerial labors and withdraw from active labor. He departed this life in Evanston on January 8, 1861. His esti- mable wife survived her husband for more than forty years, during which period she continued to reside in Evanston. She passed away on January 29, 1902, at the age of eighty-three years. At the time when the Bragdon family established their home in Evanston, the subject of this sketch was eight years of age. He received his primary mental training in the local schools, and after pursuing a course of preparatory study, matriculated in Xorthwestern University, from which he was graduated in the class of 1870. Immediately after gradua- tion, he began reading medicine under the HISTORY OF EVANSTON preceptorship of Dr. Xathan Smith Davis, whose extended and distinguished career as a physician and educator placed him at the head of his profession, and whose fame as author and founder of the Amer- ican Medical Association spread through- out the scientific world. Dr. Bragdon at- tended his first course of lectures at the Chicago Medical College, and subse- quently became a student in the Hahne- mann Medical College at Philadelphia, from which he was graduated in the class of 1873. After receiving the degree of M. D. from this institution, he went abroad and continued his studies at Vienna, de- voting particular attention to obstetrics and surgery. On completing his post- graduate researches he returned to Evans- ton, and entered' into a professional part- nership with Dr. O. H. Maun, who then had a large practice, hut is now retired. This connection lasted three years, and since the end of that peirod. Dr. Bragdon has continued in practice alone. His growth in popular favor has been rapid and continuous, and he long ago became one of the leading practitioners of his section of the State. The devotion which he has manifested to professional duty has been of an intense and useful nature, and nothing has been permitted by him to interfere with the attention due to those who required his treatment or sought his friendly counsel. He was chosen to a professorship in the Hahne- niann Medical College of Chicago, but declined the honor, lest an acceptance should prove detrimental to his success as a practicing physician in Evanston the college being located at so great a distance from his field of labor. He is, however, a member of the American Institute of Homceopathy. and the Illinois State Homoeopathic Association. Dr. Bragdon has taken an active inter- est in public affairs, and has been a steadfast advocate and supporter of ali that is wholesome and desirable in con- nection with the material and educational interests of Evanston. He was one of the founders and an original stockholder of the State Bank of Evanston, and has for a number of years been a member of the directorate of that admirably managed financial institution. Of the welfare of the Northwestern University he has al- ways been a helpful promoter, and has contributed to its prosperity through indi- vidual effort, and as a member of its Board of Trustees. As a churchman he has used his best endeavors to advance the inter- ests of the First Methodist Church of Evanston, with the official board of which he is identified. On June 6, 1876, Dr. Bragdon was united in marriage with Elizabeth Wayne Byerly. a lady of many virtues and graces, and a daughter of David Byerly, who was a representative of one of the old Quaker families of Philadelphia. The children resulting from this union are as follows : Elizabeth, Wayne, Charles Ridgaway Sara Frances, and Merritt Caldwell, Jr. In politics, the subject of this sketch is an adherent of the Republican party, to which he lends an unselfish support. As boy and man. he has been a witness of the progress of Evanston and its institutions from an early period, and has borne his full share in their development. Through- out the community he is held in high esteem. LEVI CARROLL PITXER. Rev. Levi Carroll Pitner, retired, Evans- ton, was born in Wilson County, Tenn.. January 24, 1824, the son of Michael and Catherine (Rouble) Pitner. Michiel Pit- ner was fjorn in Rockingham County, Va., BIOGRAPHICAL the son of John Pitner, a native of the same State. John Pitner was a soldier in the Revolutionary \Yar for the entire period of seven years, and Michael Pitner was a soldier in the War of 1812, serving with General Jackson at New Orleans. At the age of eighteen, Michael Pitner removed to East Tennessee, near Knox- ville. and here his marriage took place. In the year 1799, this heroic couple crossed the Cumberland Mountains and went to Wilson County, West Tennessee, where they purchased a farm, which, for thirty-two years, continued to be their home. On this homestead twelve chil- dren were born seven sons and five daughters. eleven of whom grew to matu- rity. Four of these sons preceded the family to Illinois, and so glowing were the accounts sent back, that the remainder soon followed, arriving at the home of Montgomery Pitner, a relative, on the second day of September. 1837, and locat- ing soon afterward on a farm in North Prairie, nine miles northwest of Jackson- ville. Before a permanent home could be provided, the head of the family was stricken with disease, which proved fatal, and ended his life at the age of sixty-two. Levi Carroll Pitner. the subject of this sketch, was then sixteen. He was greatly distressed at the death of his parent, and. as a result of that father's example and death-bed solicitude, the son gave his heart to God and united with the M. E. Church. From the day of his conversion the conviction grew upon him that his life-work was to be preaching the Gospel. At length he was appointed class-leader: next he received a license to exhort, and later a license to preach from the Quar- terly Conference of the Jacksonville Cir- cuit. He was next recommended for ad- mission to the Illinois Conference, which he joined September 4, 1845. In those days the conferences maintained a strict course of study, which Mr. Pitner success- fully completed. His first work was on the Jerseyville Circuit as junior colleague of the Rev. James Leaton, and there had a happy and prosperous year. He later had charge at Quincy, Carlinville, Beards- town, Bloomington, Jacksonville and Decatur. One of the twenty-three years of Mr. Pitner's connection with the Illi- nois Conference was spent as agent to raise $40.000 with which to build the Quincy College, now known as Chaddock College. In 1866 he was appointed Con- ference agent for the purpose of raising $100.000 to aid the conference institutions of learning, including Garrett Biblical Institute. This large amount, by the aid of the ministry and the laymen, was raised during that year. Mr. Pitner served three years as Presiding Elder of the Dan- ville district, and was an active force in many large camp-meetings so popular (luring that period of church history. The arduous labors in which he had so long indulged were a severe strain on his phys- ical strength, and at the advice of his many friends he at length asked for loca- tion. Bishop Janes signing his release fiom service. On August 30, 1848, Mr. Pitner was married to Miss Arminda F. Cartwright, daughter of Rev. Peter Cartwright. D. D.. famous among the pioneer preachers of Western Methodism. Their only child is Lee J. Pitner of Evanston. After his retirement from the itinerary service, deciding to locate in Evanston. 111., Mr. Pitner was confronted with the serious problem of making a living. He finally went into the real estate business, and as his venture began just at the time when Chicago was having "a boom" and when buyers were plentiful, he made a success, clearing about $200.000 in three HISTORY OF EVANSTON 513 or four years. The panic of 1873, how- ever, swept away all but his home. In the early 'eighties the tide of fortune again turned in his favor. He was happy in making investments in Hammond, Ind.. and also in Seattle, Wash., and has since that date lived in the enjoyment of a com- fortable competency. In his political views, Mr. Pitner, after having voted twice for Lincoln, because of his temper- ance principles went over to the Prohibi- tion Party in 1884. In 1888 he was Chair- man of the State Central Committee for his party, and led the campaign for Fiske and Brooks. At that election the party cast a larger number of votes in Illinois than has been cast at any Presidential election since, with the exception of that of 1904. Notwithstanding the fact that he was Southern born he was an ardent Unionist during the Civil War, support- ing the cause with all the means and in- fluence at his command. It is equally note- worthy that he was a strong anti-slavery man before the war. voting for General John C. Fremont in 1856. When the war had settled the slavery question, his strong convictions on the subject of pro- hibiting the liquor traffic carried him in . 1884 into the Prohibition party, and he has been a consistent and forceful cham- pion of the principles of that party ever since. He is now a local elder in Emman- uel M. E. Church, Evanston. and a mem- ber of the official board. REV. MINER RAYMOND, D. D., LL. D. January 2nd, A. D. 1636. the town of Salem, Mass., granted a half acre of land at Winter Harbor, to Richard Raymond, "for fishing trade and to build upon." Richard was a mariner who later engaged in coastwise trade and died at Saybrook, Conn., in 1692, "ae. abt. 90." Richard's son, John, and John's son, Thomas, lived at Norvvalk, Conn., and Thomas' son, Com- fort, and Comfort's son. Comfort, Jr., lived at New Canaan, Conn. Here was born Nobles Benedict, a son of Comfort, Jr., September 29, 1788. Nobles Benedict, who was by trade a shoemaker, was mar- ried in 1808, in the City of New York, to Hannah Wood, a daughter of a Revolu- tionary soldier. Of their union Miner Raymond was born in New York City, August 29, 1811. Two years later the family removed to Rensselaerville, Albany County, where Miner helped in the home and the shop and attended the village school until he was twelve years old. By that time he had mastered all that the village school could teach him and he began to yearn for something larger and better. His father was not able to send him away to school, nor could he allow him to be idle : so, to use his own language, "he set me on 'a shoe-bench drawing the cords of affliction on the stool of repentance for six years, and I wanting to go to school all the time." In 1830, when he was nineteen years old, the way opened for him to go to the Wesleyan Academy at Wilbraham. Mass. He succeeded in paying his way, in part, by means of his skill as a shoemaker. Three years later he became a teacher in the Academy and continued for seven years in that relation, first in charge of the English department and later as in- structor in mathematics. His remarkable aptness as a teacher, as well as the power of his commanding personality, is wit- nessed by a lawyer of New York who was a student under him, and declared long afterwards that "Miner Raymond was the greatest mathematical teacher on God's earth." He evinced from the first that 5'4 BIOGRAPHICAL he was one of those born teachers who are gifted beyond ordinary men to make things clear. In 1840 the \Vesleyan Uni- versity honored him with the degree of Master of Arts and in 1854 with that of* Doctor of Divinity. Thirty years later the Northwestern University conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Laws. Meanwhile his ability as a preacher began to attract wide attention, and in 1841 he left the Academy and became a pastor in the New England Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, preaching successively in Worcester, Bos- ton and Westfield, Mass. Of him, as a preacher, the historian of \Yesleyan Acad emy writes, that "his first attempts at preaching evinced the careful thinker. But while the principles and main prop- osition were laid down carefully as well a's clearly, the preacher was sure to kindle as he advanced and to break into a tor- nado in the peroration. Though gifted with large capacity for astute and accu- rate thought, he was heard gladly by the people, because his logic usually came to white heat." After his coming to Evans- ton he was for three years the pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of this place, and the older inhabitants often speak of his great power as a preacher, and of the overwhelming effect some of his s.ermons had upon the large assembly. He was six times a member of the ( quad- rennial) General Conference of the Meth- odist Church, and was chairman of the Committee on Slavery in the General Conference at Indianapolis in 1848. But it was not as a pastor and preacher that he was destined to work out the great ministry of his life. In 1848, when he was thirty-seven years old, exigencies at the Academy at \Yilbrahani led the Trus- tees to turn to Miner Raymond as the man above all others to take charge of the institution. It was with great reluc- tance that he at last consented to leave the pastorate and become the Principal of Wilbraham. But he obeyed the call which seemed divine, and the sixteen years that followed were probably the most brilliant period of his entire career. The same historian of the \\esleyan Academy says that his election as Prin- cipal "marked a new era in the history of that honored institution. ( )f all the Prin- cipals, his term was at once the longest and most fruitful in important results. Under the touch of his genius and the con- trol of his unconquerable will, old things disappeared and almost everything about the institution became new. Difficulties, which to weaker men would have proven altogether insuperable, vanished in the presence of one so able to influence men and to command resources. To this wise master-builder the friends of the institu- tion owe an immense debt of gratitude." But if those sixteen years were the most brilliant in his career, the next period of over thirty years made him more conspic- uous in the eyes of both the Church and the world. In the summer of 1864 Dr. Raymond was called to succeed Dr. John Dempster, as Professor of Systematic Theology in Garrett Biblical Institute, and the rest of his life work was per- formed in connection with that institution. "When I came here." he once remarked, "and walked up and down along the lake- side, and considered the field and its op- portunities, I felt that I had come to my kingdom : and though it was unexpected and unsought, the place and the work came to me as that which, above all others in the gift of the Church, was the one for which I had been providentially pre- pared." Dr. Raymond died November 25, 1897. and at his funeral services his colleague. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 5'5 Dr. M. S. Terry, said : "For the last thirty years his life has been a part of the history of Evanston. His name is to the people of this community a household word ; his memorv as ointment poured forth ! How magnificently that whole record of a life of eighty-six years opens up to our thought ! Almost three genera- tions have come and gone since he was born, and his life was nearly co-extensive with the nineteenth century. He has built a character and work that cannot perish from _the annals of the Church of God. Dr. Raymond was the last survivor of a great faculty that older faculty of the Institute in its heroic days. Successor of Dempster, the founder of theological schools in the Methodist Episcopal Church, he was the fitting colleague of Ki:!der and Bannister and Hememvay. They passed on before him into God's higher school many semesters ago. Rut Dr. Raymond lived on to see almost an- other generation pass. A Dennett and a Ridgaway have come and gone, and seem already like the transfigured forms of a beautiful vision that vanished long ago. But this saintly man lived on and taught, and prayed, and smiled, and wept, and pronounced many a loving benediction on the younger folk." Of Doctor Raymond President Little wrote: "He was one of the last and one of the greatest of a marvelous group of Methodist preachers a group illustrious with the names of Olin. and Fisk. and Rascom : of Simpson, and McClintock, and Durbin. and. Stevens. And even in the class-room he could not cease to preach. For the truths that he expounded were to him the substance of eternal life. Other teachers might be more erudite and more subtle ; none could be more luminous or more reasonable: and few, indeed, could so challenge the student to admira- tion, or so encourage him to strenuous effort and to independent thought. Hence, the unbounded affection of the men that sat at his feet. Many of them have reached the highest station of influence and authority in the Church ; some of them are preaching the gospel in (Jistant lands: others are working quietly and faithfully at home. But to all of them the echoes of his deep, sonorous voice are an imperishable treasure, for the words he spoke to them were spirit and life." During the first years of Doctor Ray- mond's residence in Evanston he was not only professor in the Institute and pastor of the Methodist Church, but he was also President of the Milage Board of Educa- tion : and it was during his administration that the Hinman Avenue School was or- ganized and the first building erected for that school. When the University purchased the Snyder farm in 1867 the Trustees voted "that the street on the north line be called Dempster Street, and that the street near- est the lake shore be called Raymond Ave- nue." Raymond Avenue has been swal- lowed up in Sheridan Road, but the City Council recently voted that the public park between Chicago and Hinman Ave- nues, and between Grove and Lake Streets, be named Raymond Park : so that Dr. Raymond's name is still perpetuated on the city plat. Doctor Raymond married, at Webster. Mass.. August 20, 1837, Elizabeth Hen- derson, who died at Evanston, September 19, 1877. She was the mother of his chil- dren : Charles Wesley and Francis Asbury, who died in infancy; Mary, widow of Philip B. Shumway, who died at Evanston, December 22, 1903: William M.. who died in Chicago. February 5, 1896; Samuel B., now living in Chicago; BIOGRAPHICAL and James H. and Frederick D., who are living in Evanston. On July 28, 1879, Doctor Raymond married, as his second wife, at New Ha- ven, Conn., Mrs. Isabella (Hill) Binney, who died at Evanston February 6, 1897. FREDERICK D. RAYMOND. Frederick D. Raymond, who has been a resident of Evanston for more than forty years, was born in \\ ilbraham, Mass., September 16, 1852. His father, Rev. Miner Raymond, D. D., LL. D., was born in New York City, August 29, 1811 ; and his mother, Elizabeth (Henderson) Raymond, was a native of Ireland, born in Mt. Hall, County Tyrone, August 12, 1814. The former was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and an emi- nent teacher. (See sketch of Rev. Miner Raymond in this volume.) Frederick D. received his primary edu- cation in the public schools of his native State, and came to Evanston with his par- ents in August, 1864. and there, for one year, attended the "Grove School," with Miss Frances E. Willard as his pre- ceptress. He then became a pupil in the Preparatory Department of Northwestern University where he continued three years. Subsequently he finished the uni- versity course, requiring four more years of study, and graduated with the class of 1872. During his undergraduate period, he was a member of the Hinman Literary Society and the Sigma Chi fraternity, and later was elected a member of the hon- orary Phi Beta Kappa Society. On com- pleting his education, Mr. Raymond spent a year in connection with the adjustment of the affairs of a Chicago fire insurance company, which was rendered insolvent by the great fire of 1871. He then taught in the Preparatory Department of North- western University during the first year of the principalship of Rev. Dr. Fisk 1873 to 1874. Since 1874, Mr. Raymond has devoted his attention to the construction and oper- ation of railroads. The first three years of this period were spent at Streator, 111., engaged in construction work and in the freight department of the Chicago & Paducah and the Chicago, Pekin & South- western Railroads, now, respectively, the Chicago division of the Wabash System and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. He was subsequently engaged in the construction of the "Monon" line, from Chicago to Indianapolis, and served as general freight agent of the Chicago & Great Southern Railway (now the coal line), in Indiana, of the Chicago & East- ern Illinois Railroad. Since its organiza- tion in 1887, he has been a director, and Secretary and Treasurer of the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway Company ; and since 1899 has acted in the same capacities in connection with the Chicago, Lake Shore & Eastern Rail- way Company, both of which com- panies are controlled by the United States Steel Corporation. In the construction of all these roads, except that last men- tioned, Mr. Raymond was associated with his brother-in-law, the late Philip B. Shumway. On October 24, 1877, Mr. Raymond was united in marriage at Evanston, 111., with Carrie M. Wyckoff, of that city. Mrs. Raymond is a daughter of William M. and Mary A. Wyckoff residents, suc- cessively, of New York City, Bellefont- aine and Cincinnati, Ohio, Chicago and Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond are the parents of the following named chil- dren: Ruth, born October 6, 1878; Mary, born October 18, 1880; Philip W., born HISTORY OF EVANSTON 517 October 28, 1886; Margaret, born August 9, 1891 ; and Frederick D., Jr., born July 6. 1896. Politically, Mr. Raymond is a supporter of the Republican party. His religious connection is with the First Methodist Episcopal Church, of Evanston, of which he has been a member of the official board since 1878. In fraternal circles he is identified with the Royal Arcanum, and is a member of the University Club, of Evanston. He is now acting in the ca- pacity of Treasurer of the Municipal As- sociation of Evanston. CAPT. JOSHUA P. BOUTELLE. The first American ancestor of Captain Joshua P. Boutelle. of Evanston, 111., was James Boutelle, who came from England to America earl}' in the seventeenth cen- tury, the original family seat being in Massachusetts. From Massachusetts Captain Boutelle's branch of the family emigrated to Maine, and at Edgecomb and at other places in the latter State Dr. John Boutelle. the father of the subject of this sketch, practiced medicine for many years. Dr. Boutelle was a zealous anti-slavery champion and for many years was actively interested in colonization movements in the interest of ex-slaves and other negroes in the United States. Captain Boutelle's grandfather, William Boutelle, was a soldier of the Revolu- tionary War, and received for his services a land warrant from the Government, which he located on land in Maine. Captain Joshua P. Boutelle was born at Edgecomb, Maine. September 20, 1822, where he was reared on a small farm, receiving a common school education during his boyhood. Later he attend- ed an academv at Newcastle, Maine, where he gave special attention to navi- gation, and at seventeen years of age adopted the life of a sailor, making his first trip to Cuba on board the brig "Damas- cus," under the command of Captain Chase. In 1848 he became master of the ship "St. John," upon which he won for himself the title of the "yellow fever cap- tain," in consequence of having taken this vessel to Vera Cruz to remove a number of American soldiers to the States, after the close of the Mexican War. In the performance of this duty he took the place of the regular commander of the "St. John," who feared to expose himself to contracting the yellow fever. In 1849 Captain Boutelle sailed the ship "Arche- laus," which foundered off the coast of Wales, after which, in 1850. he took the ship "State of Maine" around Cape Horn to California, and thence sailed across the Pacific and Indian Oceans, making the circuit of the globe and finally reach- ing London by way of the Cape of Good Hope. In 1852 he assumed command of the "Arabia," which, for four years, sailed between New York, Mobile, New Orleans and Liverpool, after which a company, of which he was a member, built the "Niagara, " which in 1859 was engaged in trade between the United States and Liverpool. The last vessel on which he sailed was the "Saginaw," which, in company with others, he built in 1863, and which made its first voyage to Pan- ama the same year. During the Civil War this vessel narrowly escaped capture by the Confederate cruiser "Alabama." but was burned in 1866 off the Island of Madeira while bound from Cardiff, Wales, to Panama. This closed Captain Boutelle's sea-far- ing life, and in 1867 he engaged in coal- mining in Nova Scotia, having charge, as superintendent for one year, of mines eig BIOGRAPHICAL which he had opened there. He then came to Chicago, but in 18^9 returned to New York, where he embarked in the wholesale sewing machine trade for one year, when, in 1870, he came to Evanston. 111., which continued to be his home for the remainder of his life. Here he in- vested in real estate and engaged in build- ing and other improvements: in 1871 erected the Boutelle & Wesley Block, and later improved considerable residence property. From 1875 to 1881 he was en- gaged in the hardware trade in Evanston, since then being retired from business life. Captain Boutelle was married first to Frances A. Robbins, of Maine, who died in 1859, and in 1868, he married as his second wife Margaret A. Patten, of Brunswick, Maine, who died in 1872. His third marriage was with Miss Augusta A. Reed, of Chicago, in 1880. Mrs. Boutelle is a native of New York, but came to Sterling, Illinois, in girlhood, still later spent some years in the South and East, finally returning to the West. An intimate friend of Mrs. Boutelle for many years was the widow of the late Judge David Davis, of Bloomington, 111., now Mrs. Greene of North Carolina. Cap- tain Boutelle's only child is now Mrs. Ada (Boutelle) Briggs of Evanston. The Hon. Charles A. Boutelle, late Congress- man from Maine (now deceased), was a nephew of Captain Boutelle. Captain Boutelle was a member of the Odd Fellows' fraternity, in politics was a Republican, and served for eight years as Justice of the Peace and one year as Collector for the city of Evanston. He lived an active and strenuous life, and at the age of eighty-two years was in pos- session of his mental faculties, and re- tained a vivid memory of past adventures and events which made him a most charming companion. Death came to him at his home in Evanston, June 21, 1905. His daughter and her husband, Mr. John A. Briggs, accompanied the remains to Union, Maine, where they were in- terred in accordance with his wish, by the side of his first wife. WALLACE REYNOLDS COXDICT. Wallace Reynolds Conclict (deceased), a well known and highly respected resident of Evanston from May I, 1875, until August 30. 1899, was born in Newark, New Jersey, June I, 1824. His parents were Sidney and Charlotte (Reynolds) Condict. Sidney Condict was a prominent and prosperous dry-goods merchant in the East. In New York and New Jersey the Condicts are an old and influential family, and the Reynolds family is of Mayflower stock. The circum- stances of Wallace R. Condict 's parents en- abled them to give him an excellent high school education, and his business training was received in the dry-goods line under his father's supervision. When about twen- ty years of age the son came West, to Ra- cine, Wis., and was connected with an ele- vator concern until he was about twenty- five years old, when he went to Michigan City, Iml., and engaged in the dry-goods business on his own account. There he re- mained until near the termination of the Civil War, when he sold out and came to Chicago, but did not enter upon any active business enterprise on his own responsibili- ty after his arrival there. On May i, 1875, he established his residence in Evanston, where he lived during the remainder of his days. Politically, Mr. Condict supported the Republican party. He attended the Congregational Church, to the maintenance of which he was a regular contributor. Mr. Condict was married in Chicago, HISTORY OF EVANSTON 5'9 January 31, 1874, to Louise Albridge, a daughter of Isaac and Armina Albridge, of Plattsburgh, Xew York. The issue of their union was Wallace Reynolds and Jessie Haskell, both of whom are married and liv- ing in Evanston. The subject of this sketch was honorable, conservative and level-headed in his busi- ness transactions, and one whom all could trust. He was a home-loving, quiet man who devoted himself to his business and family, and cared nothing for club life or political honors. OLIVER M. CARSON. Oliver M. Carson (deceased) was born in Sweden, March 31, 1853, and in early childhood came to America with his parents who settled in Galesburg, 111. His educa- . tion was received in the public schools near his home and at Knox College, Galesburg. While pursuing his course in that institution he supported himself and secured his diplo- ma by his own unaided efforts. He then en- tered the well-known dry-goods house of Charles Gossage, where he remained until his health became so impaired as to necessi- tate a change, when he went to Minnesota and tried agricultural pursuits for a brief period. An improvement in his health en- abled him to return to mercantile pursuits, which first took him to Farmington, Minn., later becoming connected with the dry goods firm of Carhart & Co. of St. Paul, with which house he remained for a period of eleven years. Returning to Chicago, Mr. Carson, after a brief experience in trade, began operating in real estate, located in the main along the North Shore, and also in Oak Park. Always enthusiastic over the development of North Shore realty, his con- fidence was unbounded, and the improve- ments made under his management were many and of an important character. The subject of "riparian rights" was ever upper- most in his mind, and he acquired much property in this connection. In his business undertakings he was intensely active, such being the nature of the man, but of all en- terprises none was dearer to his heart than the improvements along fhe North Shore. He promoted a number of sub-divisions be- tween Chicago and the suburban cities to the north, as well as 48 acres of land in Oak Park. On October 18, 1882, Mr. Carson was united in marriage to Miss Clara, daughter of G. L. Wetterland, of Chicago, and of this union one daughter (Miss Mildred) was born. In his political affiliations Mr. Carson was a Republican. He was a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church. Until 1892 his residence was in Chicago, but at that time he removed to Evanston, 111., his home being at No. 222 Stockham Place, one of the most charming locations in the classic town. Active, genial, enterprising. Mr. Carson's interest in all pertaining to the improvement of North Shore property con- tinued to the close of his successful career. His decease occurred on September 1 1, 1902. Mrs. Carson, who survives her hus- band, resides at Hotel Monnett, Evanston. Mr. Carson was domestic in his habits, de- lighting in the society of his family and of his intimate friends. He was cordial, ap- proachable, and his home was a center where one met this most affable and engag- ing of men, whose death was lamented by many. WILLIAM J. CANFIELD. William J. Canfield (deceased), former- ly a leading merchant of Evanston, 111., was born in Salisbury, Conn., November 14, 1832. His parents were Lee and Ruth (Butler) Canfield. The Canfield family 5 20 BIOGRAPHICAL was originally of English extraction, and the subject of this sketch was a descendant of Thomas Canfield, one of the early colon- ists who settled at Milford, near New Hav- en, Conn., and was one of the original pro- prietors of the place. Lieut. Col. Buel, of Revolutionary fame, was one of the ances- tors of Mr. Canfield, as was also Governor Wells, one of the early Colonial Governors. Lee Canfield was an iron manufacturer by occupation, and worked the noted Salisbury mines from which iron was taken for ves- sels in the Revolutionary period. These mines were once operated by Ethan Allen, and were among the first worked in America. In his boyhood Mr. Canfield attended the public schools of Salisbury, and was after- ward a pupil in Amenia Academy, at Amenia, N. Y. He grew up at Salisbury, and was trained to the iron business. In early man- hood he was associated with his father in the manufacture of iron at Salisbury, which he continued until 1881, when he came with his family to Evanston. Here he estab- lished himself in the grocery business and was one of the principal merchants of the city until his death, which occurred Decem- ber 19. 1896. Mr. Canfield was married, March 3, 1856, to Frances C. Caul, who survives her hus- band. Her parents were William and Dor- cas (Crowell) Caul, of Salisbury, N. Y., and on the maternal side, she is a descend- ant of John Alden, of the Mayflower, and also of Richard Warren, who was one of the same company of Pilgrims. Her an- cestors were represented in the Revolution- ary army. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Canfield are: Mrs. Carrie (Canfield) Dean, and Mrs. Nellie (Canfield) Lee, both born in Salisbury. The former is the wife of Mar- vin A. Dean, of Evanston, and the latter married Rev. Frank T. Lee, of Maywood, 111. In politics Mr. Canfield was an adher- ent of the Republican party. ADAM FRIES TOWNSEND. Adam Fries Townsend (deceased), for twenty-one years special agent of the Northern Assurance Company of London, England, and a most highly esteemed citi- zen of Evanston, 111., was born in Phila- delphia, on May 9. 1834. Reared as a boy in that city and educated at Pennington Semi- nary in New Jersey and Dickinson College in Pennsylvania, the educational bent of his nature led to his choice of the teacher's profession, and he entered life's active serv- ice as Superintendent of Schools at Du- buque, Iowa, where he organized that city's system of graded schools. Later, he under- took and accomplished a similar work at Galena, 111. While success had crowned his work as an educator, and while his chosen profession proved fully congenial to his intelligent spirit, it soon appeared that the sedentary conditions of his vocation were detrimental to his physical well-being. He reluctantly changed the direction of his life energies from a professional sphere to the business arena, entering the employ of the Western Manufacturers' Mutual Fire In- surance Company. At this time he came to Evanston and soon after was appointed special agent of the Northern Assurance Company of London, serving the interests of this company with unflagging faithful- ness for the long period of twenty-one years and up to the very day of his death. While in East St. Louis, 111., in the faithful dis- charge of his business obligations, he fell and fractured the bone of his thigh, an in- jury which resulted in his death on Febru- ary 13, 1904, in Henrietta Hospital, East St. Louis. While in charge of the Galena schools, HISTORY OF EVANSTON 521 Mr. Townsend was married by Bishop Vin- cent, of the Methodist Church, to Miss Sarah P. Burr, daughter of Hudson Burr, well-known merchant of Dubuque, Iowa. The subject of this sketch united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Salem, New Jersey, at the early age of fourteen. Committed by holy vows to the fellowship of the church, he was ever devoted to her interests. For many years and in many places he was an office bearer in the church, attending with conscientious fidelity to whatever was committed to his hand. Of him it should be said that he was regular and punctual at the place of worship, devout in his ways, pure and blameless in Christ- ian life, uniform and steadfast in his relig- ious confession, and always ready to do his part in every good work a living epistle, a steady light, that grew not dim, but brightened with the years. HUMPHRYS H. C. MILLER. Humphrys H. C. Miller, lawyer, Evans- ton, 111., with office at 1415 Marquette Building, Chicago, was born in New York City, October 17, 1845, tne son f George and Isabella (Clark) Miller, the former born at Ballybay, County Monoghan, Ire- land, April 14, 1796, and the latter in New York City in 1820. After coming to Ameri- ca the father was engaged in the book pub- lishing business, also keeping a book store, until 1855, when he removed to the vicinity of Hanover, Jo Daviess County, 111., and engaged in farming, later removing to Car- roll County, 111., where he continued in the same business. Still later the father lived in Jackson County, Mo., and died at Green- wood in that State in 1876, the mother dy- ing there the same year. Until about nine years of age, the sub- ject of this sketch lived in New York City, but coming with his parents to Illinois in 1855, worked on his father's farm in Jo Daviess County, and then in Carroll County except while attending school. He taught school one winter in a small log school- house in Carroll County, at a place called Zion's Grove, receiving a salary of $25 per month. While in Carroll County he pre- pared for college in Mt. Carroll Seminary, and entering Union College, at Schenectady, N. Y., in the fall of 1864, remained there two years, when he was admitted to the Junior Class at the University of Michigan, graduating from that institution with the degree of A. B. in 1868. From 1868 to 1870 he was Principal of the high school at Channahon, Will County, 111., when he went to Morris, Grundy County, serving as School Superintendent there for five years, after which he occupied the same position at Pittsfield, 111., for one year. Always fond of reading, his mind naturally turned to- ward the law ; and, in 1875, he was admitted to the bar, during the following year com- ing to Chicago, where he entered into part- nership with Charles W. Needham, which was continued five years, when the partner- ship was terminated by Mr. Needham 's re- moval to Washington, D. C. While main- taining his office in Chicago, Mr. Miller has continuously made his residence in Evans- ton. The official positions held by Mr. Miller include those of Corporation Counsel for the Village of Evanston (1886-87), and Village President from 1888 to 1890, being elected to both of these positions without opposition and by unanimous vote. At the close of his term he was complimented by a public reception given in his honor by the citizens of Evanston. He has also been President of the Evanston Board of Edu- cation since 1880, and has held a like posi- tion in connection with the Civil Service Commission since 1895. From 1900 to BIOGRAPHICAL 1904 he served on the staff of Gov. Richard Yates, with the rank of Colonel. The pub- lic positions held by Mr. Miller indicate the est'-v.ation in which he is held as a lawyer and as a citizen. JOHX MARSHALL WILLIAMS. Mr. John M. Williams was born in the- village of Morrisville, Madison County, X. Y.. on the 6th day of December, 1821. His parents were Amariah and Olive (Read) Williams, both of whom were natives of Connecticut. There were four sons and two daughters in the family, of whom he was the third son. He was sent to the district school and, later, to an academy at Morris- ville. At eighteen years of age the course of his studies was interrupted by ill-health, which led to his taking a sea-voyage in the hope of improvement. Five months spent in cruising upon the banks of Newfound- land, with the active life and plain whole- some fare of a cod fisherman, so restored his strength that he resumed his course of education, going to The Oneida Conference Seminary at Cazenovia, X. Y. Here he pur- sued his studies for eighteen months, having in view preparation for college, to which his taste and ambition led him. At this time his eyesight having become impaired, he was obliged to leave school and abandon the idea of obtaining a liberal education, but desjred a wider and more active field than was offered by the life of a farmer among the secluded valleys of Madison County. An advertisement of Mr. S. Augustus Mitchell, a noted publisher of maps in Phila- delphia at that t : me, met his eye. and thinking it offered a favorable opportunity for commencing business and seeing some- thing of the country, he opened a corres- pondence which led to his undertaking the sale of maps. Witii one hundred dollars advanced by his father the only pecuniary aid which he ever received during the life- time of his parents he procured a supply of outline maps, suitable for use in school- rooms, and commenced a tour through the villages of Xevv York and Pennsylvania. His success was such that Mr. Mitchell, though he knew his customer only by cor- respondence, offered him an agency for the State of Ohio for the sale of a wall-map of the United States, which he had just pub- lished. With a supply of these maps he set out in the spring of 1843 f r Ohio, by way of the Erie Canal and by steamboat on Lake Erie, and commenced work in Cleveland. The maps sold readily, and after canvass- ing a large part of the Western Reserve he later took the agency for Xew Orleans, meeting there with fairly profitable success, and in early spring embarked on a sailing vessel for Xew York, visiting Cuba on the way. His sales so far had yielded him a net capital of $800 for the year. In the fol- lowing year he pursued his map business in Xew York and the South, but soon after had an earnest desire to go West. An older brother. Mr. Read A. Williams, had already located in Chicago, and was there engaged in the lumber business. At the solicitation of his brother, and impress- ed with the advantages which the young city offered for business, Mr. Williams came to Chicago in the spring of 1848. accompa- nied by his cousin, William W. Farwell. a lawyer, who afterwards was a Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County for many years. He soon formed a partnership with Mr. Walter Lull and opened a yard for the sale of lumber. Having occasion to visit Michigan for the purchase of lumber during the summer, he was there attacked by a severe and dangerous fever. While upon the sick-bed the tidings of the discovery of gold among the alluvial sands of California reached the East, and stimulated a wild HISTORY OF EVANSTON 523 emigration to that distant, and then almost inaccessible, region. Mr. Williams disposed of his lumber business and determined to join the ranks of the gold-hunters. At St. Joseph, Mo., the fitting-out place for over- land emigrants, he joined a party of them, in company with his cousin, Mr. Farwell. The story of the journey across the plains and over the mountains by the emigrants of 1849 nas often been told, and Mr. Will- iams' experience was not unlike that of oth- ers. He drove oxen, toiled along dusty trails, crossed deserts, starved and suffered thirst through the long stretches of sage- covered plains, guarded the camp by night, repulsing attacks from stealthy savage ma- rauders, climbed the ascent of the Rocky Mountains, and wandered among the preci- pices of the Sierra Nevadas. At the sink of the Humboldt River, having tired of the slow and toilsome progress of the ox-train, he procured a horse and pushed on with his cousin for the remainder of the journey, arriving at Sacramento on the first of Sep- tember, 1849. after a three months' jour- ney. He lost no time in seeking the placer grounds, which he entered upon at Good- year's Bar on the Yuba River. With a shovel and rude rocker he began working the gravel of the bar, and in twenty-two days had taken out $900. Supplies of food, at this place and time, cost $3.50 per pound. The work was hard and the society rough. With the winter floods approaching, he left the diggings and returned to Sacramento. Going down to San Francisco he invested his little capital in such goods as sperm can- dles, bacon, etc., and for two or three months carried on a lively little trade in the small towns along the river. He had ac- cumulated $1.000 by his labor and enter- prise, when, in January, 1850. in conse- quence of the news of his father's death, he started for his former home in New York, by way of the Isthmus of Panama. Among his fellow- voyagers were General John C. Fremont and his wife, the renowned Jessie (Benton) Fremont. After walking across the Isthmus, where he saw new and strange forms of tropical vegetation and a novel type of human life, he again embarked on the Atlantic, and reached Morrisville. his former home, in the early summer. On July 17, 1850, he was there married to Miss Elizabeth C. Smith, a daughter of Xathan and Roxana Smith, of Xelson. Madison County. X. Y. She accompanied her husband on his return to Chicago and. for forty-five years, shared his home at Chi- cago and at Evanston, to which they re- moved in 1868. Uniting with the First Congregational Church in its infancy in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Williams both bore a prominent part in the work of that de- nomination as charter members of the First Congregational Church of Evanston. In the latter part of the summer of 1850. Mr. Will- iams went to Elgin, which was then the temporary terminus of the Galena & Chica- go Union Railroad, and there opened a lum- ber yard. The next spring he formed a partnership, in Chicago, with Messrs Ryer- son & X'orris. of which firm Mr. Martin Ryerson was a member. The firm of Will- iams. Ryerson & Company opened a lumber \ard on the corner of Fulton Street and the River, adjoining that of Leonard & Williams, and carried on the business for five years. He continued in the lumber business until 1860. when he established a wholesale grocery business, but retired from that a few months later. In 1861. in connection with W. D. Houghteling, he engaged in the grain-buying and commis- sion trade, continuing it for several years. In 1869 he went into a wholesale hardware business, and was so engaged when the Chi- cago fire of 1871 swept it away and all the improvements upon his business lots. Being largely insured in English companies, his 524 BIOGRAPHICAL loss was not as great as that of many oth- ers, and he was one of the first to rebuild his business block on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Monroe Street, it being ready for occupancy early in the following spring. After being destroyed by fire again in 1898, a modern fire-proof building was erected in its place. Mr. Williams was a purchaser of lots in the west part of the city at the sales held by the Canal Trustees, and dealt in other realty with profitable results. He had con- fidence in Chicago and did not hesitate to stake his fortune on her growth and pros- perity. In business matters he seems to have been gifted with an accurate judg- ment. He was cautious and prduent, and invested freely when the times seemed pro- pitious. Fortune seems to have favored him, for, from the time he started out from his early home to engage in a humble trading venture up to the time of his death, his fortune had grown without any serious set-backs, until he was numbered among the many wealthy men of the city. He was one of the original stockholders of The First National Bank, of Chicago, and always continued his ownership in its stock. He was also one of the organizers of that wonderfully prosperous corporation, The Elgin Watch Company, in which he retained a large financial interest. His early knowledge of the lumber trade caused him, during the period of 1880 to 1885. to invest largely in pine timber-lands adjacent to the north shore of Lake Superior, Minn., on what is now termed the Mesaba Range of iron and pine lands. These lands embrace the famous Biwabik Iron Mine, one of the richest and most extensive iron mines on the range. While Mr. Williams' business career has been chiefly sketched thus far, it should not be overlooked that he was prominently iden- tified with the moral and religious move- ments of the period of his active life. His early home in New York was in the neigh- borhood of one of the early apostles of emancipation, the gifted Gerrit Smith, and he brought to the West such a lively sense of the abomination of slavery, that he class- ed himself with the then execrated, but now honored, abolitionists, and identified himself with all the agitations which preceded the war of the rebellion and the culmination in the adoption of the policy of emancipa- tion. He was ever afterward a steadfast friend of the colored man, and exemplified his friendship by his numerous benefactions for their education and the moral elevation of the race. He was also a liberal supporter of the religious and city mission work in Chi- cago, prosecuted by the Congregational churches. The Chicago Theological Semin- ary, long struggling with embarrassments, which repressed its growth, but now happily placed in an independent position, owes much to his liberal contributions, and the Chicago Commons also received much aid from him, and after his death his children manifested the same spirit by giving the family residence at the Commons as a me- morial to his honor, while the new Mater- nity Building of the Evanston Hospital is a memorial to their mother. Mr. and Mrs. Williams had a family of eight children, three boys and five girls. Lucian Marshall rnarried Lucile Seaton, and they reside in Chicago. Walter Smith married Elia Gilbert, daughter of Mr. C. J. Gilbert, of Evanston, but died in 1891. leaving two children John Marshall Will- iams and Margaret Williams. Another son, Xathan Wilbur, married Elizabeth Cook, and they reside in Evanston. Isabella mar- ried Charles L. Blaney, a son of Doctor J. V. Z. Blaney, formerly of Chicago, and they live at San Jose, Cal., and Anna married an- other son of Dr. Blaney, but both are de- ceased. Helen G. married Joseph J. Husser, HISTORY OF EVANSTON 525 and they reside in Chicago. Edith married Robert C. Kirkwood, and they reside in Mountain View, Cal. Jessie B. married Parke E. Simmons, and they reside on the old homestead, in Evanston, at the corner of Hinman Avenue and Clark Street. Mr. Williams was at one time President of the Village Board of Evanston, and iden- tified himself with various interests of the city. During the last four years of his life he made his home in Mountain View, Cal., where he died on March 9, 1901, leaving a widow, Mrs. Annie (Dearborn) Williams, and a son Alan. ALDIX J. GROVER. Aldin J. Grover (deceased), pioneer set- tler of Chicago and early resident of Evans- ton, was born at Holland, Erie County, N. Y., near Buffalo, August 24, 1822, the son of Chester J. and Susan (Davis) Gro- ver, both of whom were natives of Brad- ford, Vt. His parents moved to Western New York while that region was still a wilderness, and settled upon the famous "Holland Purchase." Here the father died when the subject of this sketch was about three years old. Thus left fatherless at an early age, the son was compelled to face the problem of life about the time when most children are entering school. Having learned the carpenter's trade by the time he was twenty-two years of age he had ac- cumulated sufficient means to enable him to come to the city of Chicago, which he did in September, 1844. There being no rail- road connection from Chicago with the East at that time, the journey was made from Buffalo by the steamer "Empire State" around the lakes. He soon found employment with the American Car Works, which later came into the hands of the Illi- nois Central Railroad Company. For many years thereafter he resided in Lyons Town- ship, Cook County, owning several farms in the vicinity of Riverside and La Grange. In 1866 he removed to Evanston for the purpose of securing better educational ad- vantages for his children. In Evanston he engaged in business as a contractor and builder, and was quite an extensive dealer in real estate, in the meantime building for himself and others many of the older dwell- ings and business blocks in that city. His residence in Evanston, 111., from 1866 to 1895 was at the corner of Grove Street and Sherman Avenue, on the present site of the "Grover Block," recently built by his ex- ecutors. In the early days Mr. Grover held sever- al Evanston township offices, and was a member of the Grand Jury that returned the indictments against the Chicago Anarchists after the Haymarket riot of 1886. Mr. Grover was married twice, first to Eliza D. Reed, of Erie County, N. Y-, and, as his second wife, to Mrs. Mary E. Skin- ner of Waukegan, who survives him. Six children two sons and four daughters were born of the first marriage, all still living, viz. : Frank R., Chester A., Etta (wife of Dr. Charles H. Thayer), Kath- erine S., Caroline G. (wife of Dr. Warren R. Smith of Lewis Institute), and Louise M. A stepson, Mortimer B. Skinner, also survives. Some ten years before his death Mr. Grover retired from business, and seven years later removed to Wilmette, where he spent the last three years of his life. His death occurred in his home at Wilmette on Sunday, April 6, 1902. Mr. Grover is remembered as a man of great physical and mental energy and in- dustry, his business activity extending until he was advanced in life. He left a name for sterling integrity and as a Christian gentleman of which his family may justly be proud, and which is recognized by a large circle of friends and fellow-citizens. 526 BIOGRAPHICAL FRANK REED GROVER. Frank Reed Grover, lawyer, Chicago, with residence in Evanston, 111., was born on a farm in Lyons Township, Cook County, 111., September 17, 1858, the son of Aldin J. and Eliza D. (Reed) Grover. In 1866 he came with his father's family to Evanston, and there received his education in the public schools, being a member of the second graduating class of the Evanston High School in 1877. Later he attended the L'nion College of Law of the Northwestern L'niversity for one year, and thereafter, until 1881, was engaged in business as a traveling salesman. During the year last named lie entered the law office of Ela & Parker, Chicago, where he continued his law studies and was admitted to the bar in 1883. L'pon the dissolution of this firm in 1885, he entered into partnership with one of its members and his former employer, John \Y. Ela. late President of the Chicago Civil Service Commission, under the firm name of Ela & Grover, and later under the name of Ela, Grover & Graves, which was continued until Mr. Ela's death in 1902. Since that date the business has been carried on by Mr. Grover and his surviving partners, without change of the firm name. The official positions held by Mr. Grover include that of member of the Board of Trustees of the former Village of Evanston, in which, although the youngest member ever elected to the Board, he held the chair- manship of many important committees. Having declined a re-election he was subse- quently appointed Village Attorney, and while occupying this position, carried through all the legal work incident to con- solidation of the village of Evanston and South Evanston, laying the foundation for the present city government for the consoli- dated corporation. He was then elected as the first City Attorney and Corporation Counsel, 'and bore a prominent part in or- ganization of the new city government in its various departments, which was accom- plished in 1892. For the service thus ren- dered he received high commendation from the City Council in resolutions adopted by that body on his retirement from office. Mr. Grover is a member of the Chicago Bar Association and has conducted a suc- cessful practice of his profession for the past twenty years. For several years he was Chairman of a Committee appointed by citizens of Evanston in connection with the proposed constitutional amendment pending in the Legislature, providing for a new charter for the City of Chicago. The duties of this committee were to protect the City of Evanston from any scheme look- ing to the annexation of Evanston to the city, and in this they were entirely success- ful, as shown in the character of the amend- ment as finally adopted. Mr. Grover is a charter member of the Evanston Historical Society, was elected its first Vice-Presi- dent and has served in that capacity ever since. During this period he has been an important factor in promoting the success of the Society, not only in the way of organ- ization and subsequent work in its behalf, but by his contributions on historical top- ics, especially with reference to matters con- nected with Indian history of this locality. An example of this is furnished in a chapter in this work relating to Indian history con- nected with the North Shore. (See Chapter II.. "Our Indian Predecessors.") Mr. Grover's father, Aldin J. Grover, was one of the pioneers of Cook County, who came to Chicago from Erie County, N. Y., in 1844. and his mother, Eliza D. (Reed) Grover, who came from the same locality, was a member of the same family as Charles H. Reed, a former State's Attor- ney of Cook County. (See sketch, Aldin J. Grover, in this volume.) HISTORY OF EVANSTOX s-/ Mr. Frank R. Grover was married in 1884 to Ella F. Smith, of Olmsted County, Minn., and one son has been born to them, namelv : Mortimer C. Grover. WILLIAM EICHBAUN STOCKTON. William Eiclibaun Stockton was born in Pittsburg, Pa.. December 18, 1840, the son of Robert Clark and Martha Celeste (Lit- tle) Stockton, the father born near Mead- ville, Pa., and the mother in Pittsburg. The father was a member of the firm of Johnston & Stockton afterward R. C. Stockton who were engaged in the print- ing, publishing, bookselling and paper man- ufacturing business in Pittsburg. Among the publications issued by Johnston & Stock- ton was the "Western Calculator." an arith- metic which was popular and used . for many years in Western schools. The au- thor was Joseph Stockton, A. M., the father of Robert C. Stockton, and grandfather of the subject of this sketch, who had studied theology with the noted John McMillan and, in 1801, became pastor of a church at Meadville, Pa., whence he removed to Pittsburg to become Principal of the Acade- my at that place, now the Western Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. In 1819 he gath- ered together a little group of worshippers in Allegheny City, and established the first church in that city. I le published a series of school books, which proved a valuable aid to popular education of that period. Be- sides his interest in education he was skilled in medicine, and his services as a missionary and pastor of local churches were given, largely without compensation or reward, throughout all that region from Allegheny City to the United States Arsenal, and from Sharpsburg to Pine Creek, the churches at the two points last named being built under his care. This was before the davs of rail- road transportation, and travel was solely by means of horses or on foot. His father, Robert, was one of the first elders of the Presbyterian Church at Washington. Pa., and his grandfather (Thomas Stockton) was an elder of the church of Dr. Craig- head, at Rocky Springs. Pa., when that patriot pastor left his pulpit to lead the male members of his church into the ranks of the Continental Army. William E. Stockton was first employed in the railroad business at Pittsburg, Pa., but is now engaged in the iron and steel trade with office at 536 Rookery Building. Chicago, and. with the exception of one year, has been a resident of Evanston since 1872. On April 25. 1861, he enlisted under the first call for troops issued by President Lincoln in defense of the Union, was mus- tered into Company I, Twelfth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and after serving the three-months' period of his en- listment, was discharged at Pittsburg, Pa., August 5th following. On the last day of the same month (August 31. 1861), he re- enlisted as a member of Company A, First Regiment Illinois Volunteer Artillery, but was discharged under surgeon's certificate, for disability, at Memphis, Tenn., February 15, 1863. A year later (February 15, 1864) he enlisted a third time as a member of Company A, Fourteenth Pennsylvania Cav- alry, was promoted to be Sergeant-Major of his regiment in the field September 20, 1864, and was discharged at Pittsburg. Pa., January 16, 1865, on account of a gun- shot wound received at Fisher's Hill. \"a. The civil offices held by Mr. Stockton in- clude those of Trustee of the Village of Evanston and Director of the Evanston Public Library. He is a pronounced Re- publican in political principles, but has not been a seeker for public office. His religious affiliations are as a member of the First Presbvterian Church of Evanston, in which 528 BIOGRAPHICAL he has held the position of Elder. He is a member of the John A. Logan Post, No. 540, Grand Army of the Republic, and of Evans Lodge A. F. & A. M., Evanston. Mr. Stockton was married at Shields, Pa., May 7, 1872, to Eliza Leet Cook, a great- granddaughter of Major Daniel Leet of Virginia and Pennsylvania, who was an officer of the Continental Army during the War of the Revolution and a personal friend of Gen. George Washington. Two children have been born of this union: Martha Cook Stockton and John Wilson Stockton. The latter is a resident of Evan- ston and is associated in business with his father in the city of Chicago. u CHARLES GRAIN. Charles Grain, who was one of the earli- est settlers on the site of the present city of Evanston, and whose family still reside at the old homestead, thereby linking the earliest history of the city with the present, was born in Stockton, Chautauqua County, N. Y., July 16, 1822. He came of an old New England family, which is now widely represented throughout the United States, the names Grain and Crane being traceable to the same origin, and their genealogy to the same parent place in New York State, and here Mr. Grain gained his early education in the schools of Stockton. In 1833, his father's family removed to Ohio and settled in the town of Leroy, where they lived during the next three years. From there they came west as far as Hamilton, now in Steuben County, Ind., where Charles Grain received his last schooling and was fitted, by thorough industrial train* ing for an active business life. He made his first visit to Illinois in 1840, coming to Chicago, which then had a population of about four thousand souls. The same year he traversed the North Shore region, which was later to become his home, and saw much of the then unbroken and totally unimproved land about Chicago. His cous- in, John Miller, had settled at what was then called Dutchman's Point, now Glenview, and Mr. Grain was in his employ during part of the following year. Then return- ing to Indiana in 1841, he remained there until after the death of his mother in 1842. In company with his brother, O. A. Grain, he then came again to Illinois, determined to make here his permanent home. The settlement, which a little later became known as Ridgeville, and still later devel- oped into the Town of Evanston, was then called Gross Point, and here the brothers cast their lot with the few pioneers then to be found in this region. In 1844, they set- tled on the farm by which they were after- ward so closely identified with Evanston, and which is now part and parcel of the city. From 1845 to 1850 the brothers were engaged in the cooperage business there and were pioneer craftsmen in that line. The gold discoveries in California, in 1849, stirred the spirit of adventure within them, however, and, early in 1850, they were members of a company that outfitted a wagon train for the long and, in those days, perilous trip across the plains and over the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Coast. There were thirty men in the com- pany, in all, which, besides Charles Grain, included three of his brothers and a cousin of the same name. On April 8, 1850, the company left what was known as the Buck- eye Inn, an old-time Evanston tavern, and reached Georgetown, Gal., in August fol- lowing, having been a little more than four months on the way. This was considered a very quick trip in those days, and by rea- son of the fact that this wagon train passed pretty near everything on the road, it was HISTORY OF EVANSTON called the "Lightning Express." After mining for something less than a year, with varying degrees of success, the com- pany returned to Illinois in 1851. bringing with them the recollection of many thrill- ing and interesting experiences. Safely they had crossed the arid plains of Kansas, the tortuous steeps and chasms of the Rocky Mountains, and the desert wastes beyond. They had traversed, unharmed, a region infested with wild animals and wilder men. They had seen herds of buffa- lo so vast that they seemed like moving plains ; and they came back, if not rich in purse, rich in knowledge and stories of ad- venture with which to regale their children and grandchildren, neighbors and friends, in later years. Upon their return, Mr. Grain and his brother, O. A. Grain, turned their attention to farming and gardening, and carried on a profitable business in this line for many years, and until the growth of the city created a demand for the sub- division of the lands and the building up thereon of city homes. Mr. Gharles Grain bought a 44-acre tract of land on which he originally settled in 1846, upon which he resided during the remainder of his life, dying at his home on this farm, June 2, 1891. In all respects he was a typical pioneer. Honest, upright, generous and kindly, he was much esteemed by the pio- neers who were his earliest neighbors and friends, and equally esteemed by the later generation who grew up around him. He was one of the pioneer members of the Ma- sonic Order in Evanston, and very soon after its organization he affiliated with the Evans Lodge, and died a member of this Lodge, which buried him with the honors due a steadfast and faithful brother. Mr. Grain was married, in 1846, to Miss Sarah Burroughs, who was born in Ashta- bula County, Ohio, and came with her sis- ter. Mrs. Captain Beckwith. and her broth- er, Alonzo Burroughs, to Gross Point in 1842. There was a bit of history kindred to romance connected with the coming thither of the pioneer Beckwith. He sailed a vessel on the lakes for fourteen years prior to 1841 without accident, but in the fall of that year his boat went ashore at what is known as Hubbards Hill. The captain was not aboard himself at the time of the wreck, but soon reached the disabled boat, and while making his way to Chicago by wagon, fell in love with the country along the lake shore and determined to settle here, where his wife, sister-in-law, and brother-in-law joined him the following spring. Mrs. Grain's father, David Burroughs, who was a soldier in the War of 1812, came from Ashtabula County, Ohio, to what is now Evanston, with the rest of his family in 1843. He rented, for a time, the farm which Charles Grain purchased two years later, and this place has now been Mrs. Grain's home continuously for more than sixty years. The old homestead is still a cherished possession of Mrs. Grain, and here, where she passed her later girlhood and young womanhood, she is growing old gracefully, a veritable encyclopedia of in- formation concerning the pioneers and pio- neer life of Evanston and its environments. From time to time she has contributed to the local press and to the Evanston Histori- cal Society much interesting data of this character. The history of her family, as well as that of her husband's family, is closely interwoven with the earliest history of Evanston, and representatives of both families bore an honorable part in laying the foundation of "the Classic City." Grain Avenue was so named in honor of the Grain family. Besides Mrs. Grain, the members of this pioneer family living in 1905 were Mrs. Malvina (Grain) Angle. Mrs. Alice (Grain) McDougal, Miss Lucy J. Grain of Evanston. William 530 BIOGRAPHICAL E. Grain, living in Wayne County. .111.; Charles E. Crain of Pittsburg, Pa. ; Mrs. Francis (Crain) Blake of non City, of Colo. ; George H. Crain, real estate oper- ator of Evanston, and Harvey E. Crain of Park Ridge, 111. ROBERT McLEAN CUMXOCK. Robert McLean Cumnock, A. M., L. H. D., Director of the School of Oratory, Northwestern University, at Evanston, 111., has been a resident of Evanston for thirty- eight years. Professor Cumnock is of Scotch nativity, having been born in the town of Ayr, Scotland, on May 31, 1844. At a very early period of his life he was brought to America by his father, who set- tled in Xew England, and the years of his boyhood were spent in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. His preparation for a col- legiate course was obtained at Wilbraham Academy, Wilbraham. Mass., and. in the fall of 1864, he entered Wesleyan University at Middletown, Conn., from which he was graduated with the class of 1868. Three years later his Alma Mater conferred upon him the degree of A. M., and in 1903, he re- ceived from Dickinson College the degree of L. H. D. Professor Cumnock was married, in 1877, to Annie E. Webster, of Evanston. The children resulting from this union are Wal- lace Webster Cumnock, who was born April 28, 1880, and Claude B. Cumnock, born July 31, 1884. Professor Cumnock has been connected with the Northwestern Uni- versity since 1868, and to his assiduous care, in the special department of instruction over which he presided, has been entrusted the mental molding of many pupils who have achieved useful and notable careers. JOSIAH SEYMOUR CURREY. The Currey family traces its ancestry to Richard Currey, who came from Scotland when a young man and settled in West- chester County, X. Y., about the year 1700. The county records and Bolton's History of that county mention the names of Richard Currey and his descendants frequently dur- ing the period from 1707 to the present time. Richard Currey had a son of the same name, born in 1709, who died in 1806. hav- ing attained the extreme age of ninety- seven years. His son Stephen, one of nine children, was born in 1742 and died in 1830. Stephen married Frances, a daugh- ter of Thomas Moore of Xew York City, and they reared a family of seven children. Stephen served in a Xew York regiment for a time during the Revolutionary War. The family lived near Peekskill, in Westchester County, almost from the beginning of the settlement of that region, and many of the descendants, now very numerous, are still living there. One of the sons of Stephen was Thomas, who was born in 1773 and died in 1862. He married Rebecca Ward and their children were nine in number. The youngest was James, the father of the subject of this sketch, who was born in 1814 and died in 1891. He married Eliza Fer- ris of Peekskill and had a family of six children. Josiah Seymour Currey, the eldest son of James and Eliza (Ferris) Currey, was born on a farm near Peekskill, N. Y., October 2. 1844. In his childhood he attended the schools of the neighborhood, and when thir- teen years of age, removed with his parents to Illinois, the family making its home at Channahon, in Will County, where his father carried on the farming business. In 1862 the family removed to Chicago, and in 1867 to Evanston. His father was engaged for some years in the lumber business at HISTORY OF EVANSTON Evanston, frequently receiving cargoes from lake vessels at the old Davis Street pier, now in ruins. In 1862, Seymour Currey, as he is usually known, enlisted in the Sixty-seventh Regi- ment Illinois Volunteer Infantry (a 3- nionths' regiment). After serving the period of his enlistment on guard duty at Chicago and Springfield, he was discharged October 6th, following. Later in the war he enlisted again in one of the "hundred- day" regiments the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Illinois. During and after the war Mr. Currey became engaged in various employments, one year as teacher in a country district school near Aurora, 111., for some years serving as an assistant in the oldtime drug-store of Bliss & Sharp at 144 Lake Street. Chicago, and later spending a year in attendance at the North- western University in Evanston. His first appearance in the place where he has since made his home was in the spring of 1867, and in the following fall he regularly en- tered the University as a member of the class of 1871. His course was not finished, but the next year other activities were en- tered upon, and since that time he has been engaged in various mercantile employments, most of the time as an accountant, in which capacity he attained considerable proficien- cy. In 1895 he became connected with the New England Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany of Boston, which has been continued to the present time. Mr. Currey was married November 24, 1875, to M' ss Mary Ella Corell, by Rev. E. N. Packard of the Congregational Church of Evanston. Miss Corell was born at Portland, Chautauqua County, X. Y., September n, 1852, the daughter of Joseph Corell of that place. The Corell family had lived in Chautauqua County since the days of the "Holland Purchase" early in the nineteenth centurv. Mr. and Mrs. Currev have had seven children, six of whom arc- living. The oldest, Helen Marguerite, was born May 27, 1877, graduated from Yassar College in 1901 ; the second, Harold Young, born June 10. 1879, graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1902; the third, Frances Moore, born March 21, 1882, married Ralph M. Ashby, November 2. 1905 ; the fourth. Rachel, born October 25. 1883, graduated from Wellesley College in 1905 ; the fifth. Fred- erick Seymour, born August 5. 1885. died December 21, 1888; the sixth. Richard Channing, born September 20, 1891 ; the seventh, Ruth Seymour, born July 28. 1896. All were born in Evanston. and the two last named are attending the schools in Evanston. Among the ancestors of, and those im- mediately related to. the Curreys are the names of many well known families and men who have attained eminence. Frances Moore, previously mentioned, was the daughter of Thomas Moore of New York and Elizabeth Channing. who was the daughter of William Channing. the agent of the British navy in New York. Frances was one of a family of eleven children, born in 1750 and died in 1824. A brother of Fran- ces, John Moore, was the agent of the Brit- ish government in New York from 1765 to 1783, and was naturally unfriendly to the American cause. He was denounced in a report made to the Provincial Congress in 1776. The sympathies of the family were divided, however, as another brother, Ste- phen Moore, was Colonel of an American regiment, and was owner of the land on which the buildings of the West Point Academy are now situated, which he sold to the American Government after the war for $10.000. Ann Moore, a sister of Fran- ces, became the wife of Jedediah Hiint- ington. a Major-General in the American army, and Frances herself was the wife of 532 BIOGRAPHICAL Stephen Currey, a private in the same army. Another brother of Frances was Richard Channinp ?.Toore, who was the Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Virginia from 1814 to 1841. and rector of the Monumental Church of Richmond. Going back a generation we find that John Moore, the father of Thomas Moore, held appointments from the British govern- ment in colonial times, was a member of "His Majesty's Council" in New York, and Colonel of a city regiment. He mar- ried Frances Lambert, a member of a Huguenot family, and they were the parents of eighteen children, one of whom, Thomas Moore, above mentioned, is in the line of ancestry we are here tracing. The line of descent is as follows: John Moore, 1687 to 1749; Thomas Moore. 1722 to 1784; Frances Moore, 1750 to 1824, who married Stephen Currey, previously mentioned. In Trinity churchyard. New ifork, within a few yards of the passing throng in Broad- way, may be seen the family vault of the Moore family. In this vault lie the remains of John Moore and Frances Lambert, his wife; Thomas Moore and Elizabeth Chan- ning, his wife: and a number of the chil- dren of both families. The Ward family were residents of Peekskill in colonial times, and at the time of the Revolutionary War, Benjamin Ward became Captain of a company of loyalists, or "Tories," and entered the British serv- ice. He was present at the storming of Ft. Montgomery in 1777, being one of the first to scale the walls. After the war he became reconciled to the new order of tilings and lived in Peekskill the remainder of his life. John Paulding, one of the cap- tors of Major Andre, married a sister of Benjamin Ward, and one of the children, Hiram Paulding, became a Rear- Admiral in the United States Navy about the time of the Civil War. Benjamin Ward's daugh- ter, Rebecca, was born in 1776 and died in 1864. She married Thomas Currey in 1796 and they had a large family of children, one of whom was James Currey, the father of the present subject. Of the Ferris family the first mention is made of Jeffrey Ferris, who came from England about 1635, and was a resident of Stamford, Conn., where he died in 1666. His son John was born about 1650 and died in 1715. The next in order of descent was Peter, who became a resident of Westchest- er, N. Y., where in 1721 his name is men- tioned in a deed in the county records. His son Jonathan was born in 1732 and died in 1798. Jonathan was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and member of a com- pany raised in Peekskill. It is a singular fact that Jonathan Ferris and Stephen Cur- rey, previously mentioned, were members of the same company, namely ; Capt. Eben- ezer Boyd's company of Col. Drake's regi- ment of New York troops ; and that their descendants a great-granddaughter of the former and a grandson of the latter should have become man and wife. And thus the present subject of this account, J. Seymour Currey, is able to trace his Revolutionary ancestry, on both the maternal and paternal sides to men who were fellow soldiers in the same company. Jonathan raised a fam- ily of fourteen children, the eldest of whom was Joseph, who was born in 1757 and died in 1841. He married Lyclia Seymour in 1786, and they had a family of ten chil- dren. The eldest was Josiah Seymour, for whom the subject of this account was named. He was born in 1788 and died in 1882. He was married to Elizabeth Royce of Peekskill in 1814 and they had nine chil- dren. He was for many years a custom house officer in New York, where the fami- ly lived a great part of their lives. One- of the daughters of the family was Eliza, who was born April 7, 1825, married James HISTORY OF EVANSTON 533 Currey, October 22, 1843, and she is still living in good health at the age of eighty- one. Thj eldest child of this union is the subject of this sketch. Of the uncles of Mr. Currey on his father's side one was Daniel Curry who spelled his name at variance with the usage of his ancestors. In 1827 he graduated from the Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., and entered the ministry of the Methodist Church. He received the de- gree of Doctor of Divinity, and in 1854 be- came President of Indiana Asbury Univer- sity (now De Pauw). In 1857 he became editor of the New York "Christian Advo- cate," and was the author of numerous works. A biographical account of him is given in the American Cyclopedia, and in the New York papers at the time of his death in 1887. Another uncle, a twin brother of James Currey, was John Currey, still living in California at the advanced age of ninety-two years. John Currey was graduated at Wesleyan University and af- terwards entered upon the practice of law in Peekskill. In 1849 he went to California and has resided there ever since. He was an occupant of the Palace Hotel, where he had lived some thirty years, at the time of its destruction by earthquake and fire, April 18, 1906, but escaped in safety, though suffering a severe property loss. In 1859 he was a candidate for Governor of the State of California, and though defeat- ed, he conducted one of the liveliest cam- paigns in the political history of the State. In 1864 he was elected Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State^ which office he held for eight years. In 1870 the degree of LL. D was conferred upon hun by Wil- liams College of Massachusetts. His de- cisions as Judge occupy a large space in the California reports, and are highly esteemed by lawyers. Edward Currey, a brother of Josiah Seymour, was at one time Secretary of State of the State of Arkansas, and was a prominent banker in the West at the time of his untimely death in 1904. Another brother, Arthur L. Currey, is a practicing lawyer of Chicago widely known in the community. As will be observed, the family of Mr. Currey has been closely identified with the history of the country at all periods since colonial times. In the Revolutionary War some of its members were found in the ranks and some among the officers on both sides. They are found in the legal and min- isterial professions, and some have risen to eminence. Large families and a remark- able average of longevity have been charac- teristics of the different branches above described. One of the family, who in 1883 was engaged in writing a family history (which, however, was not completed), esti- mated that there were (or had been) 600 descendants of Stephen Currey and Frances Moore. Since his residence in Evanston, Mr. Cur- rey has been honored by the citizens by be- ing elected a Director of the Evanston Pub- lic Library, for a succession of terms. In the spring election of 1886, when Evanston was under a village form of government, he was elected for a term of three years, and re-elected twice thereafter. The village having been succeeded by a city form of government in 1892. the office of Library Director became thereafter an appointive one, and Mr. Currey has received the appointment each time his term has expired up to the present time, mak- ing a continuous service in this line of over twenty years. He is now Vice- President of the Board, and Chairman of the Building Committee having in charge the new Public Library building now in course of construction. In 1898 he was the principal mover in the formation of the Evanston Historical Society of which the 534 BIOGRAPHICAL late Harvey B. Hurd was President up to the time of his death in January, 1906, when Mr. Currey was elected his successor and is now President of the Society. Mr. Currey is a member of the Caxton Club of Chicago, the American Historical Association, the Illinois State Historical Society, the Illi- nois State Library Association, Grand Army of the Republic, the Sons of the American Revolution and the Society of the Colonial Wars. CONRAD HERMAN POPPENHUSEN. Conrad H. Poppenhusen, lawyer, Evans- ton and Chicago, was born on Long Island, New York, July 21, 1871, and is the son of Herman C. Poppenhusen, a former man- ager of the Long Island Railroad, and his wife, Caroline C. Funke. The family name is one of social and financial prominence and will, for a great measure of time, be perpetuated in the educational history of Long Island, because of the beneficence of Conrad Poppenhusen, the paternal grand- father of the subject of this narrative, who was a man of affairs, being then the con- trolling owner of the Long Island Railroad. Commemorative of his fiftieth anniversary, he presented to the village of College Point, Long Island, a suitable plat of ground, along with an endowment of one hundred thousand dollars, in which deed is written the initial chapter of Poppenhusen Institute. The early education of Mr. Poppenhusen was obtained in private schools, and at the age of eleven years he was sent to Europe where he remained until his eighteenth year, attending the best schools during that en- tire period. Returning to America, he lo- cated in Evanston and entered the Evanston High School, from which he was graduated after six months' attendance. In the same year (1890) he matriculated in the Union College of Law, now the School of Law of the Northwestern University, and re- ceived his degree in 1892. In the year 1893 he was admitted to the Chicago bar and then began the practice of his profession. Several years afterward he entered the law partnership of Gregory, Poppenhusen & McNab, which firm occupies a position of high rank in the Cook County Bar. Following the precepts of his father and paternal grandfather, Conrad Herman Pop- penhusen takes a leading interest in educa- tional matters. From 1898 down to the date of this sketch he has been continuously a member of the Evanston High School Board of Education, serving with distinc- tion during the term 1902-03 as President of that body. In his political affiliations, he is identified with the Republican party, and has been honored, at the solicitation of his party, with office. In 1895 he was Sec- retary and Chief Examiner of the Evanston Civil Service Commission, and from 1895 to 1897 served as Alderman in the Evanston City Council. He is a member of the Re- publican Club of Evanston. The social status of Mr. Poppenhusen is exemplified by his membership in the fol- lowing social and other organizations : Evanston Club, Evanston Golf Club; Onwentsia Club, Lake Forest ; Union League, Chicago ; Chicago Athletic Club ; City Club, Chicago; Lawyers' Club, New York ; Chicago Bar Association ; Illi- nois Bar Association ; Municipal Asso- ciation, Evanston, and the Civic Fed- eration of Evanston, and is also a member of all Masonic bodies. He is a believer in the Presbyterian faith and a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Evanston. At Evanston, June 25, 1895, Mr. Poppen- husen was united in marriage to Miss Har- riet Mae Gunn, born May 9, 1872, the daughter of Alexander H. Gunn, Esq., a graduate of Yale College, class of 1854. and HISTORY OF EVANSTON 535 of Yale Law School. Her mother, Emily (Dyer) Gunn, is a daughter of Charles Dyer. M. D., of Burlington, Wis.. and a sis- ter of Judge Charles E. Dyer, of Milwau- kee. Wis. SIMOX VEDER KLINE. Simon Yeder Kline ( deeased ) . whose res- idence in Evanston dates from 1850, before the advent of railroads at this point, was formerly a substantial and prosperous mer- chant of the place. He was born in Fonda. N. Y., June 12, 1821. and his ancestors were of German extraction. He was reared in the village of Fonda, where he attended the common schools, and in his youth learned blacksmithinp. After living for a time in Syracuse, X. Y.. he came to Chi- cago, where he engaged in the manufacture of threshing machines and farming imple- ments under the firm name of Wemple. Kline & Company. In i8(/>, they disposed of the business, and Mr. Kline entered upon the manufacture of lumber at Glencoe. 111., and also had a contract for supplying the Northwestern Railroad with wood for en- gines at that point. After the disposal of these interests along in the 'seventies, he did not engage again in mercantile pursuits, but operated a farm which he owned north of Evanston until 1880. At that time he went into the grain business in Evanston, and also conducted a grocery store. This he continued until l8<;l. when he withdrew from active business and lived in retirement until his death, December 18. 1893. Mr. Kline served as Assessor of the Township of Evanston for several years ; he was also Township Collector for a num- ber of years, and subsequently served, as Village Trustee. The subject of this sketch was twice mar- ried. His first wife was Mary Foster, whom he wedded in 1851. She bore him one child, James D., born February 28, 1852, who married Anna Gedney ; he died in 1880. For his second wife Mr. Kline married Laura Xorthrup Ostrander, of \\'a- tervale, N. Y., November 16, 1853. The issue of this union was George Romyne, Mary Yirginia, Carrie Anna, Frank J., and Charles Gaffield. George Romyne was born November 15, 1854, and died October 20, 1901. Mary Yirginia, who is deceased, married Fred. R. Merrill, of Evanston. and they had four children, three of whom are living. Frank J. married Anna C. Franz, of Evanston. and they have four children. Charles Gaffield, born January 6. 1863. mar- ried Harriet E. Franz, and they have six children. In politics, the subject of this sketch was a Republican, and in religious belief, a Universalist. Socially he was a member of the I. O. O. F. His widow is still living. GEORGE ROMYNE KLINE. George R. Kline ( deceased ). formerly a prosperous merchant of Evanston. III., where he lived forty-five years, was born in Chicago, November 15, 1854. His father, Simon Veder Kline, one of the pioneer res- idents of the place, who was a merchant and farmer, was born in Fonda, N. Y., June 12. 1821, and his ancestors were of German origin. His mother, formerly Laura Northrup Ostrander, was born in Watervale, N. Y., and was married to Simon V. Kline, November 16, 1853. George R. Kline came with his parents to Evanston when he was two years old. and there attended the public school, which stood a little north of the lighthouse and was very primitive in those days. Dwellings were few and the wolves could be heard howling around the home at night. 536 BIOGRAPHICAL George was an apt pupil, and took pride in recalling the time when he won a picture of George Washington in the old school house, for being the best speller. He grew up in the midst of pioneers trained to farm- ing, and was accustomed to till the soil where fine houses and grounds now mark the landscape and excite the beholder's admiration. About the year 1882, when the city of Evanston began to build up more rapidly, Mr. Kline abandoned the farming and dairying business which he had carried on in company with his father, and in com- pany with the latter went into the flour and feed business, conducting also a grocery store. Shortly before the death of his fa- ther he sold his interest in the grocery, but continued in the flour and feed trade. In 1899, ne disposed of his store and purchased a large farm near Lake Forest, to which he gave a large share of his attention thereafter until his death, which occurred at his coun- try home October 20, 1901. He had led a very active life and died at a comparatively early age. Besides his farm he was owner of valuable real estate in Evanston. and had been for some time part owner and operator of an elevator at Rockwell. Iowa. The subject of this sketch was married in Chicago, in 1875, to Mary Jones, a daugh- ter of James VV. and Margaret (Snyder) Jones, who still survives him. Mrs. Kline's parents came to Evanston from Peekskill, N. Y., in 1857. They first settled at what is now Wilmette, when Mrs. Kline was four years of age. but two years afterwards established their home on the site of the present corner of Church Street and Chi- cago Avenue, in Evanston. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Kline are Rolland R., Mrs. Laura (Kline) Thomas, of Evanston, and Mrs. Jennie (Kline) Payne, also of Evan- ston. Here Mrs. Kline spent her girlhood, removing subsequently with her father's family to Chicago, where she was married. In political views, Mr. Kline supported the Republican party, and participated with lively interest in its campaign work. He served as Tax Collector in Evanston during the years 1898, 1899 and 1900. He was an estimable man, honest and upright in all his transactions and left a name free from re- proach. CHARLES GAFFIELD KLINE. Charles G. Kline, President of the Kline Bros. Coal and Grain Company and for- mer manager of the Evanston branch of the Peabody Coal Company, in which he is a stockholder, was born in Evanston, Illi- nois, January 6, 1863. His parents, Simon V. and Laura (Ostrander) Kline, were pioneer residents of Evanston. His father who was a merchant and farmer, was born in Fonda, X. Y.. June 12, 1821, his ances- tors being of German origin. He married Laura Ostrander, November 16, 1853. Charles G. Kline was reared in Evanston, and enjoyed the advantages of the public schools. In 1884 he became associated with his father and brother in the flour and feed business, to which he had been trained in his father's store. Until 1890 he was jun- ior partner of the firm of S. V. Kline & Sons. Then his brother, George R., took the feed business in which, in 1892, Charles G. became a partner with him. The same year they engaged in the coal trade, taking over the business of the Evanston Elevator and Coal Company. This connection con- 'tinued until 1899. when George R. Kline retired from the firm. Charles G. Kline conducted the business until December 31, 1904, when the concern was absorbed by the Peabody Coal Company, whose coal inter- ests in Evanston Mr. Kline superintends, having gained an extensive patronage. Mr. Kline has had this trade under his personal HISTORY OF EVANSTON 537 direction since 1892, and has developed it into large proportions. He has charge of all the interests of the Kline estate, acting also as administrator of the estate of his brother George, since the death of the latter in 1901. Mr. Kline was married in Evanston, in 1885, to Harriet E. Franz, a daughter of Jacob Franz, of Evanston. Mrs. Kline's parents were early settlers in Chicago, and in later years made their home in Evanston. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Kline are : Carrie M., Merritt C, Elida F, Helen. Walter E. and Harriet E. Politically, the subject of this sketch is a Repub- lican, and fraternally, he is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. TUNIS ISBESTER. Tunis Isbester (deceased) was born in Kimlerhook, N. Y., on May 10, 1849, anc ' was engaged in business in Rochester, N. Y., until about 1887. when he removed to Evanston, 111., which continued to be his residence until his death, which occurred January 15. 1902. During the latter years of his life and at the time of his decease, Mr. Isbester was the Western Manager of* the -Westinghouse Air-Brake Company, and was widely known in business circles throughout the United States. His par- ents were of Scotch descent, but resided in Kinderhook, N. Y., for many years, finally removing to Niagara Falls. Mrs. Isbester was born in Nashville, Tenn., in 1849, the daughter of John H. and Christene (Cul- len) Campion, and comes of Scotch ances- try. Her family removed from Nashville. Tenn., to New York City about 1854, a few years after, her birth, and she was married at Buffalo, N. Y., to Mr. Isbester December 29, 1873- I JOHN J. FOSTER. John J. Foster (deceased) was born in Syracuse, N. Y., April 16, 1832, the son of William and Mary Foster, the former born in Ireland and the latter in New York State, who came West with their family in the fall of 1839, making their home for six months in Chicago. In the spring of 1840 they removed to Gross Point, purchased a farm and remained there for six years. Sometime in 1846 they came to the newly- laid-otit town of Evanston, locating on what was known as the "Old Ridge Road." now Ridge Avenue and Grant Street. Mr. Fos- ter received his education in the public schools, and in his seventeenth year (1849) left home with his father for an overland trip to California. Of the experience per- taining to this journey much might be said. It was at length accomplished in safety, and the young man spent three fairly successful years in the West. Upon his returning to Illinois, Mr. Foster located at Evanston. where he was engaged at different times, in the coal and lumber trades. While dealing in coal, he built what was known as the "Foster Pier." where much merchandise of various sorts was handled during a long period. This pier, which, during the last quarter of a century, was so important a feature of the lake trade at Evanston, as well as the landing place of passengers from lake vessels, was a place of much historic interest. Here schooners and other vessels were accustomed to discharge their cargoes of coal and other fuel for consumption in the city of Evanston and surrounding coun- try, while numerous lake steamers used it as a landing place for parties of excursionists from Chicago and other points, who had come to visit and admire the college sub- urb. Through all its history was associated with it the name of Mr. Foster, its origina- tor and builder. 538 BIOGRAPHICAL On June 12, 1852, Mr. Foster was united in marriage to Miss Marietta, daughter of Oliver Jellerson, a native of Bangor, Maine, who came to Illinois in 1839, first settling in Chicago, but removing to Evanston in 1846, purchased land on what is now Ridge Av- enue and Leonard Street. The old home- stead where Mrs. Foster spent her girlhood days is yet standing. Mr. Jellerson accom- panied Mr. Foster and his son, John J., on their overland California trip in 1849, an( l there the former died. Mr. and Mrs. Fos- ter were the parents of six children, three of whom are living: Edward, John H., and Mrs. Olive M. Corlett, all residents of Evanston. In his political views Mr. Foster was a Republican, and he and his wife were mem- bers of the Baptist Church. Mr. Foster had all of the pioneer resident's pride in the town in which he had always felt so loyal and deep an interest, ami in the devel- opment of which he was so important a fac- tor. The growth and prosperity of Evan- ston meant much to one who. like him, had never for a moment doubted the supremacy of the college town. His death, which oc- curred February 12, 1898, was sudden, be- ing the direct result of an accident, in which he received an injury while unloading a coal vessel at Foster's Pier. His widow survives, residing at No. 2236 Ridge Av- enue, Evanston. ANDREW SCHWALL. Andrew Schwall (deceased), former cit- izen of Evanston, 111., was born near Ber- lin, Germany, October 11. 1846, the oldest son of Jacob and Katherine (Rieden) Schwall, both of whom were natives of the vicinity of their son's birthplace, where the father was a farmer by occupation. The parents came to America in 1847, when the son was one year old, and buying sixty acres of land at Gross Point, five miles northwest of Evanston, the father there resumed his vocation as a farmer. The opportunities then afforded for acquiring an education in that locality were extremely meager, and his mother having died when he was seven years old, the son Andrew assisted his father in supporting the family until he was fourteen years of age, wfien he came to Evanston, and there engaged in working wherever he could find employ- ment. In this he was so successful that he soon after purchased an express wagon, and still later a carriage, which he used for some time for the accommodation of passengers arriving or departing by the Chicago & Northwestern trains. On January I, 1873, he entered into partnership with Earl S. Powers in the livery business, the concern becoming the well-known firm of Powers & Schwall. Mr. Powers having died in August 1891. Mr. Schwall purchased his deceased partner's interest, thus becoming sole proprietor of the estab- lishment, which he conducted success- fully for the remainder of his life. On November 23, 1881, Mr. Schwall was married at No. 1505 Ashland Avenue, in Evanston, to Lydia J. Kinder, who was born May 31, 1856, near the village of'Des Plaines in the Town of Maine. Cook Coun- ty, the youngest daughter of Edwin and Mary Kinder, who came from Yorkshire, England, in 1842. Mrs. Schwall's mother died October 3, 1903, at the age of eighty- four years, while the father is still living about the same age. Mr. and Mrs. Schwall had three children : Myrtle Lavinia, born December 15. 1882; Martha Marion, born August H, 1885, and Rowland Rieden, born January 10. 1891. The older daughter, Myrtle, was married September 7, 1904, to John G. Sey fried, of Oak Park. 111. The HISTORY OF EVAXSTOX. 539 two other children still reside with their mother at 1423 Benson Avenue, Evanston. Mr. Schwall was admitted to the Ma- sonic fraternity as a member of the Evan- ston Lodge, May 9, 1870, in which he took the third degree, March 26, 1871, and on June 4, 1878, became a member of Apollo Commandery, Knights Templar. \Yhile not a member of any church, he was a lover of the highest order of personal integrity, adopting as his motto, "Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth." His political affiliations were with the Re- publican party. As the result of a stroke of paralysis which he had suffered on May 28, 1901. his decease occurred at his home in Evanston, December 19, 1901, and he was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery on the 23rd of that month. He was a kind and loving husband and father, and his taking away was deeply lamented by a large circle of appreciative friends, especially by the poor of his locality who had been indebted to him for many favors. JOSEPH McGEE LYOXS. Joseph McGee Lyons, retired banker, and a resident of Evanston, 111., for more than forty-two years, was born in Coleraine, Franklin County, Mass., August 6, 1835. and is a son of Lucius and Jane Ross (Mc- Gee) Lyons. His father, who was by oc- cupation a cabinet-maker, was born in 1803. The Lyons' family is of French extraction, and the ancestors of Joseph M. Lyons went to England with William of Normandy in the year 1000. In 1640 his more immediate ancestors came to America and settled at Roxbury, Mass. Mr. Lyons' grandfather, Jesse Lyons, was born in Roxbury, May 18, 17(^7, and moved to Coleraine while still a young man. The great-grandfather, was one of the famous Boston "Tea Partv." The house built by Jesse Lyons still stands, and is among the oldest houses in Cole- raine. Joseph McGee Lyons received his early mental training in the common schools, in Coleraine. and the academy at Shelburne Falls, Mass. When nineteen years of age, he went West and obtained employment in a bank in Cincinnati, Ohio. There he re- mained five years, serving the last as cashier af the bank. During that year his father died, and he returned home to settle up the estate. After remaining at home for two years, he came to Chicago in 1861 and es- tablished a banking and brokerage business, which he conducted for ten years. In 1864 he moved to Evanston, where he has since resided. After retiring from the banking business Mr. Lyons established a brick man- ufacturing plant in Evanston, which he operated until 1873, when he disposed of it. When Mr. Lyons came to Evanston in 1864 he purchased a tract of twenty acres of land just west of Ridge Avenue. In 1870, in connection with Gilbert & Wood- ford, who owned the twenty acres adjoining he platted, improved and sold this ground, which became known as the Lyons. Gilbert & Woodford Addition to Evanston. In 1865, Mr. Lyons bought twenty acres more lying west of his former purchase, which he used for the manufacture of brick. This he sold in 1873 to Merrill Ladd. who sub- sequently platted it as an addition to the City of Evanston. One of the streets of Evanston is named for Mr. Lyons, and a building erected by him bears his name "Lyons' Hall." Mr. Lyons was married at Groton. Mass., on Xovember 24, 1859, to Mary Helen Far- mer, and three children were the issue of this union, all of whom died in infancy. Po- litically, Mr. Lyons is a Republican. He cast his first vote for John C. Fremont, and has voted for every Republican candidate 540 BIOGRAPHICAL for the presidency since that day. During the four years from 1876 to 1880, he was engaged in the office of the County Treas- urer of Cook County. Prior to 1880 he served one year as Town Assessor, and with the exception of a year's interval, has filled this office continuously up to the pres- ent time. He was formerly a member of the Board of Village Trustees. Mr. Lyons is the "Nestor" of Evans Lodge No. 524, A. F. & A. M. In 1857 he joined Woodward Lodge, No. 149, I. O. O. F., in Cincinnati, and was affiliated with that order for some time after coming to Evanston, but relinquished his membership on account of the pressure of other duties. He is a member of St. Mark's Episcopal Church. HENRY LEONIDAS BOLTWOOD. Henry L. Boltwood (deceased educa- tor) was born at Amherst. Mass.. Janu- ary 17, 1831. the son of William and Electa (Stetson) Boltwood, both of whom were natives of Massachusetts, the former born at Amherst. July 3, 1802, and the latter at Abingdon, same State, April 7. 1808. His ancestors had been New Eng- land farmers for eight generations, which was the vocation of the father, and in which the son gave assistance during his boyhood and youth. Several of the fam- ily were killed during the Indian wars in New England, and Mr. Boltwood's great grandfather was an officer in the Provin- cial wars. His maternal grandfather moved from Abingdon, Mass., his moth- er's birthplace, in 1812. The father was a man of reserved temperament, well-in- formed and suffered from lameness most of his life. The mother died at Ottawa. Kan., a few years ago, aged nearly nine- ty-two years. Of their eleven children, of whom Henry L. was the third, nine grew to maturity and six were living in 1905, previous to the death of the subject of this sketch. Lucius Boltwood, an uncle of Henry L., was the first candidate for Governor of Massachusetts on the old Abolition ticket in 1840, and a brother, Captain Edmund Boltwood, of Ottawa, Kan., served as a soldier for four and a half years in the Civil War, and was a Captain of the Twentieth Kansas Vol- unteers in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War, while still an- other brother (now deceased) was an en- gineer in the Government service during the Civil War. Brought up on a farm in his early boy- hood, Mr. Boltwood had the opportunity of only three months' attendance each year at the district schools, but between the ages of nine and fifteen, residing with- in a mile of Amherst Academy and Col- lege, he was naturally inspired with a desire for a higher education, although the family means did not permit its grati- fication. Through the influence of the Principal of the Academy which he first attended, his father was induced to grant him his time, except such help as he could give on the farm during vacation, or out of school hours. He obtained his board, washing and fuel at home during this period, but no other compensation for his labor. He thus worked his way through the Academy for three years, and for four years in college, graduating from the lat- ter in 1853. This he was able to do with- out losing his rank in his class. A vora- cious reader and having access to the col- lege library through the favor of student friends, he took a high rank in college, though often compelled to be absent to earn money by teaching or otherwise to pay expenses. During this period he taught every winter, at first receiving HISTORY OF EVANSTON 541 only four dollars per week while board- ing 'round. His tastes were for the languages and literature, and he also be- came quite an expert in botany and chem- istry. After graduation in 1853. Mr. Bolt wood took charge of an academy at Limerick, Maine, but six months later accepted the principalship of a high school at Palmer, Mass., where he remained one year, when he assumed charge of the lilanchard Academy at Pembroke. X. H., remaining there two years. In 1857 he went to Der- ry, N. H.. and there had charge of the Pinkerton Academy for four and a half years, when he succeeded to the prin- cipalship of the high school at Law- rence. Mass., a little more than a year later accepting a business po- sition as photographic chemist in Xew York City. Starting out with the in- tention of entering the ministry, he had by this time become deeply interested in educational work, although in the meanwhile doing much missionary and pastoral work in feeble and destitute churches, but without having taken a course in theology. For one year ("1859) he also served as School Commissioner of Rockingham County. X. H. On April I. 1864, he entered into the service of the L'nitcd States Sanitary Commission in the Department of the (itilf, remaining until June. 1865, and being present at the capture of Fort Blake- ley near Mobile, which was the last bat- tle of the war. occurring on the day of Lee's surrender at Appomattox. During this period he served for a time as Chap- lain of the Sixty-seventh United States Colored Infantry, but was never formally mustered in. After returning from the army, Mr. Roltwood came to Illinois and was soon after appointed School Superintendent and Principal of the High School at Griggsville, Pike County, remaining there two years (1865-67). During the latter year he removed to Princeton, Bureau County, and there organized the first Township High School in the State, which proved a success, and in connec- tion with which he remained eleven years, when ( 1878) he went to Ottawa, La Salle County, and organized a similar school there. Five years later (1883) he came to Evanston. there organized his third Township High School, of which he con- tinued to be Principal for the remainder of his life a period of over twenty-two years. He has been widely recognized as the father of the township high school system, with which he was continuously connected for nearly forty years, and for a longer period than any other teacher in the State. In all, his experience as a teacher, belli East and West, covered a period of nearly fifty-three years. In- cidentally, during his teaching sen-ice, Prof. Boltwood did much outside work as a teacher and lecturer in Teachers' In- stitutes in New Hampshire. Massachu- setts, Iowa and Illinois. In 1876 he was appointed a member of the Illinois State P-oard of Education, serving eight years, an.l was elected President of the State Teachers' Association for the year 1891. He was never a candidate for political of- fice, though once proposed for the nomi- nation for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. While in college. Professor Boltwood was a member of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, and became a charter member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Ani- herst ; was also identified with most of the great religious organizations of the Congregational Church, of which he be- came a member in his college days, in his religious faith following in the footsteps 54-2 BIOGRAPHICAL of his parents. He was also connected with the Tariff Reform and Anti-Cigar- ette Leagues of Evanston, and various benevolent, literary and historical socie- ties. Educated as a Whig and a protec- tionist, he was active at an early day in his support of the principles of the Re- publican party. The opportunity of see- ing the condition of the factory operatives during his residence in Lawrence, Mass., led to a change in his views on the sub- ject of protection, and he became a strong advocate of tariff reform and an "inde- pendent" in politics, as well as an earnest opponent of all classes of monopolies. Beginning with his college days. Prof. Boltwood manifested a strong fondness for athletics, and was one of the best long-distance runners in college, often walking a distance of twenty miles or more. He kept up his practice in base- ball and football until forty-five years of age, and was fond of hunting, fishing and forest life. His favorite sciences were chemistry and botany, and he was also an enthusiastic student of the languages, be- sides his vernacular and the classics, hav- ing gained a fairly intimate acquaintance with German, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, besides some knowledge of Bohemian. He was also the author of an English Grammar, several readers, two spellers, a "Topical Outline of General History," besides many articles on educa- tional topics. He was deeply interested in labor issues and, in 1889, delivered an address on Tariff Reform which attracted much attention and was widely quoted. ( )n June 17, 1904, after completing fifty years of actual school work. Professor Boltwood was tendered a public recep- tion by the Evanston Township High School Board, which was attended by several hundred of his friends and former pupils. Near the close of the exercises he was presented by President George P. Merrick with a purse containing fifty ten- dollar gold pieces, and still later the alumni of the school presented him with a beautiful silver loving-cup. In the fifty- odd years of his school experience he had never lost a day on account of illness until within the last three or four years of his life. While connected with public school work, he received several invita- tions to accept positions in connection with colleges, but, being devoted to the work in which he was already engaged, invariably declined. Of some 6,000 pupils who came under his instruction, nearly one thousand have entered over forty different colleges, professional or technical schools, scattered over the world. These have included foreign mis- sionaries, regular officers. professors, doctors, lawyers, financiers, railroad of- ficials, eminent teachers and a host of prominent business men and refined and useful women. Professor Boltwood was married at Charlemont, Mass.. July 31, 1855, to Helen Eugenia Field, born in that city. June 18 1830, the daughter of Eugene and Abigail (Hawkes) Field, and grand- daughter of Joseph Field, who was a pas- tor of the Congregational Church at Char- lemont for many years, later becoming a Unitarian, and who lived to be ninety- four years of age. An uncle. Dr. Joseph Field, was with Fanning's command which were the victims of a brutal massa- cre at the hands of the Mexicans, at Go- liad. Texas, during the war for Texan in- dependence, but was spared by the victors to care for their wounded, finally escap- ing after a season of great peril and hard- ship. Professor and Mrs. Boltwood had one son, who was born at Pembroke, N. H.. April 28'. 1856. graduated from Am- herst College in 1881, and died of diph- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 543 theria at Peoria, 111., unmarried, Decem- ber 23, 1884. Professor Boltwood died at his home in the city of Evanston, Janu- ary 23, 1906, deeply lamented by a large circle of appreciative and admiring friends. His widow, Mrs. Helen E. Bolt- wood, still survives. WILLIAM LISTON BROWX. William Listen Brown, a longtime resi- dent of Chicago and Evanston, Cook County. 111., the record of whose career, as herein contained, speaks with no uncertain sound, was born in St. Joseph, Mich.. Aug- ust 23, 1842. He is a son of Hiram and Jane Reese (Liston) Brown, the former born in Locke, X. Y., June 15, 1804 : and the latter, born in Columbia. Pa.. June 15, 1810. and a member of a Quaker family who set- tled in Michigan in 1830. The paternal grandfather. Liberty Brown, recruited a company of troops in Western Xew York during the War of 1812, which he led to Fort Xiagara. Hiram Brown first em- barked in business in Rochester, X. Y.. whence, in 1834. he removed to Michigan, locating in St. Joseph. There he remained until 1848, when he removed to Chicago, and for several years operated a line of boats on the Illinois and Michigan Canal, returning to St. Joseph in 1861. He died August 17, 1883. his wife passing away July 7, 1854. Mr. Brown passed his early youth in Chicago in the manner customary for most boys in a large and growing village, such as Chicago was at that time. He was thor- oughly familiar with all the streets and points of interest, and was ever on the alert for new and notable features. An intent observer, his watchful eyes left no occur- rence unnoticed in the successive stage of development which the future metropolis of the West was undergoing. His education was mainly obtained in public and private schools in Chicago, and he completed his educational training in what was known as the Garden City Academy. After finishing the course of study there, he was employed as a clerk, and afterwards as bookkeeper, in a grain commission house, continuing in this position from 1857 until 1862. In July of the latter year. Mr. Brown enlisted as a pri- vate in the Chicago Mercantile Battery. Light Artillery, and actively praticipated in all of its field activities, serving with it in Tennessee, at the sieges of Yicksburg and Jackson. Miss., and later in the campaigns in Louisiana, Mississippi. Arkansas and Texas. During the entire period of his enlistment he was continually in active serv- ice. He was mustered out as Quarter- master's Sergeant in July. 1865. On re- turning home he became connected with the iron business in the capacity of a clerk, and, in 1870, was admitted to the enterprise as partner. In 1883 he reorganized the con- cern as Pickands, Brown & Co., which is its present designation. He also organized the Chicago Ship Building Company in 1890. He devotes his attention largely to the manufacture of pig-iron, iron ore mining, and ship-building, and has developed these industries in Chicago and the Xorthwest to extensive proportions. In addition to his duties as President and member of the Board of Directors of Pick- ands, Brown & Co., Mr. Brown sustains numerous other important commercial and financial relations, as follows: as member, and chairman of the Board of Directors of the American Ship Building Company. ; Director of the Bay City Ship Building Company ; President and Director of the Calumet Transit Company : President and Director of the Chicago Ship Building Com- pany : Director of the Dental Protective Supply Company of the L'nited States : Di- 544 BIOGRAPHICAL rector of the Detroit Ship Building Com- pany ; President and Director of the Fed- eral Furnace Company ; Vice-President and Director of the Federal Steamship Com- pany ; Director of the First National Bank of Chicago ; Director of the First Trust and Saving Bank of Chicago ; Director of the Interlake Company : Director of the Inter- national Steamship Company ; \ ice-Presi- dent and Director of the Manitou Steam- ship Company : Director of the Milwaukee Dry Dock Company : Director of the Na- tional Safe Deposit Company : Director of the Sea & Lake Insurance Company ; Presi- dent and Director of the South Chicago Furnace Company : Director of the Supe- rior Ship Building Company : and Director of the Zenith Furnace Company. Mr. Brown is also a member of the Board of Trustees of Northwestern University, and a member and Trustee of the Chicago (Thomas) Orchestral Association. On September 27. 1871. Mr. Brown was united in marriage with Catherine Seymour, of Smithville, N. Y.. a daughter of Dr. Stephen and Harriet (Weeks) Seymour, natives of New York and Vermont. Dr. Seymour was one of the founders of the Hahnemann Medical College, of Chicago, and was a physician of high standing dur- ing his life in that city. The attractive and hospitable residence of Mr. and Mrs. Brown is situated at No. 217 Dempster Street, Ev- anston. While the tastes and inclinations of Mr. Brown are strongly domestic, lie is fond of outdoor recreation, and takes pleasure in occasional travel, having visited almost ev- ery point of interest in his own country, and made several tours in foreign lands. Socially he is a member of the Chicago, Mid-Day, Commercial, (ilen View. Omvent- sia, and Evanston Country clubs ; the Ket- elii-Gammi, of Duluth, Minn. : the L'nion & Tavern Clubs of Cleveland, O. : the Casta- lia Fishing Club ; the Point Moullie* Shoot- ing Club ; and the Tolleston Club. In politics Mr. Brown has always been a pronounced and unswerving Republican, al- though never an aspirant for political pre- ferment. His religious connection is with the Chicago Society of the New Jerusalem ( Swedenborgian ) Church. Fraternally he is identified with the (irand Army of the Re- public, and with the Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons, in which he is a Blue-Lodge member, although not at present actively affiliated with any lodge. Mr. Brown is one of the most prominent characters in the industrial, commercial and financial circles of the West. ARTHUR W. LITTLE. D. D.. L. II. D. Arthur W. Little. D. D.. L. H. I).. Episcopal clergyman. Evanston. 111., was born in I'.rooklyn. N. Y.. ( )ctober (>. 1856, the son of William II. and Caro- line F. (Cobb) Little. The father was a native of Castine, Maine, born in 1806, and a merchant, manufacturer and bank- er by occupation, while the mother was born in Gouldsborough, Maine, in 1823. Both parents were people of education, refinement and personal piety. The son acquired his education in Dr. Pingry's school at Elizabeth. N. J. : Knox Col- lege, (ialesburg. 111., and the General Theological Seminary, New York. In 1881 he was ordained to the priesthood, and. during the same year, became rector of St. Paul's Church at Portland. Maine, where he remained until 1888, when he removed to Evanston, III., becoming rec- tor of St. Mark's Episcopal Church of that city, where he has remained ever since, at the present time being the long- est settled pastor connected with any church in Evanston. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 545 The most notable work accomplished by Dr. Little since coming to Evanston has been the erection of a beautiful church edifice and parish-house and the building up of a prosperous parish, which has been attended by good work for the souls and bodies of his parishioners and others who have come under his influ- ence. He has been a member of Standing Committees of the Dioceses of both Maine and Chicago, has represented both in the General Convention of the Episco- pal Church, and has been a lecturer on Ecclesiastical History in the Western Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church in Chicago. He has also been, for many years. Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Chicago Diocese. His fra- ternal relations are with the Phi Delta Theta Society, Sons of the Revolution, Masonic Fraternity, and the University Club of Chicago. In politics he is a Re- publican. In 1889 Dr. Little was married, in the city of New York, to Caroline Ferris, who was a native of Portland, Maine. In his religious and professional relations he is recognized as a hard-working par- ish-priest and eloquent preacher, a man of wide culture and scholarship and a successful writer. His principal publica- tions are : "Reasons for Being a Church- man," which has passed through several editions and is recognized as a standard authority for the Anglican Church ; "The Times and Teaching of John Wesley ;" "The Intellectual Life of the Priest;" "The Character of Washington;" "The Maintenance and the Propagation of the Church Idea ;" etc. Socially he is genial and witty, and much in demand as an after-dinner speaker. MILTON S. TERRY, A. M., D. D., LL. D. Milton Spenser Terry, A. M., D. D., LL. D., who has held a professorship in the Garrett Biblical Institute, at Evans- ton, 111., for more than twenty years, and is a widely known minister of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, was born in Coey- mans, Albany County, N. Y., on Febru- ary 22, 1840, the youngest son of John and Elizabeth (McLoen) Terry, of whom the former was born at Swansea, R. I., March 13, 1786, and the latter in New York City, on April 15, 1796. The oc- cupation of John Terry was that of a farmer, in which he met with reasonable success. In 1794, he moved from Swan- sea, R. I., to Coeymans, N. Y., together with his father, Philip Terry, and his grandfather, George Terry. The family is of English origin, and some of Dr. Terry's ancestors settled at an early period in the New England colonies. Milton S. Terry spent his early youth on the paternal farm, and, as a boy, was inclined to be studious and to make dili- gent use of his opportunities for mental instruction. He obtained the rudiments of an education in the public schools of his native place, and afterwards pursued a course of study at Charlotteville Semi- nary, in New York, and a theological course in the Divinity School of Yale Col- lege. After graduating from the latter institution, he entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, having pastoral charges at Hancock, N. Y., and at Hamden, Delhi. Peekskill, Poughkeepsie, Kingston and New York City, in succes- sion. From 1879 to 1883, he was the Presiding Elder of the New York District of the New York Conference, and since 1884 he has occupied the position of Professor in the Garrett Biblical Institute at Evanston. 546 BIOGRAPHICAL On May 15, 1864, Dr. Terry was united in marriage at Delhi, N. Y. ( with Frances Orline Atchinson, who was born at Ham- den, N. Y., on October I, 1841. Her ancestors were of New England origin, and made their home in Schoharie Coun- ty, N. Y., at an early day. Of this union there are two children, namely: Minnie Ruth, born in 1870, and Arthur Guy, born in 1878. Politically Dr. Terry has been a sup- porter of the Republican party since 1864, when he voted for Abraham Lincoln, whose election to the Presidency he ad- vocated in public speeches. Dr. Terry is a clear, forceful and convincing preacher, a highly efficient instructor, and a bibli- cal scholar of profound research. His at- tainments as a theologian are recognized throughout his denomination and in other evangelical fields, and he is the author of a number of widely read books. Among these are volumes entitled, "Biblical Her- mcneutics." "Biblical Apocalyptics," "Biblical Dogmatics," "The New Apolo- getic," "Moses and the Prophets," "The New and Living Way." "The Mediation of Jesus Christ." "The Prophecies of Dan- iel Expounded." "The Sibylline Ora- cles," "Commentary on Genesis and Exo- dus," "Commentary on Judges, Ruth, First and Second Samuel," "Commentary on Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther," and "Rambles in the Old World." Dr. Terry has been a most ob- servant traveler in foreign lands, and has made good use, in his ministerial and institutional work, of the experience thus gained. STEPHEN JOSEPH HERBEN. Rev. Stephen Joseph Herben, Litt. D., D. D., of Evanston, 111., editor of the "Epworth Herald," was born in London, England, May n, 1861. In boyhood he underwent his primary mental training in the public schools. After completing a course of study in the Preparatory School of Northwestern University, in 1885 he entered the College of Liberal Arts of that Institution, from which he was graduated in 1889, with the degree of A. B. He then became a student in the Garrett Biblical Institute, graduating therefrom in 1891, with the degree of B. D. During his preparatory course, he was a member of the Philomathia So- ciety, and in college, a member of the Hinnian Literary Society and the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, and was President of the Twentieth Century Club. He is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Frater- nity. He was a successful contestant for the Marcy Botany Prize, the Hinman Es- say Prize, and the Sheppard Political Economy Prize. He competed in the Kirk Oratorical Contest, and was on the edi- torial staff of the "Syllabus." The subject of this sketch joined the Rock River Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1889. From 1890 to 1895, he was assistant editor of "The Ep- worth Herald," and from 1895 until 1904, was associate editor of "The New York Christian Advocate." In May, 1904, at the General Conference in Los Angeles, Cal., he was elected editor of "The Ep- worth Herald." Dr. Herben was a dele- gate to the Third Methodist Ecumenical Conference at London, England, in 1901. He received the honorary degree of Litt. D. from Syracuse University in 1897, and that of D. D. from Garrett Biblical Insti- tute in 1904. On May 27, 1891, Dr. Herben was united in marriage at Park Ridge, 111., with Grace Ida Foster, and two children have been born to them, namely: George Foster, born March 17, 1893; and Stephen Joseph, born March 14, 1897. Mrs. Herben was born at Lanark, 111.. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 547 September 19, 1864. In girlhood, she re- ceived her primary education in the pub- lic schools, completed a course in the Northwestern University Preparatory School in 1885, and in 1889 was graduated from the University, with the degree of B. L., and received the degree of M. A. from Allegheny College in 1890. During the undergraduate period, she was a member of the Eugensia Society ; the Al- pha Phi Sorority ; the Ossoli Literary Society ; and the Twentieth Century Club. From 1889 until 1891, she held the position of Preceptress in Allegheny College. In October, 1895, she was ap- pointed Secretary of the Woman's For- eign Missionary Society in New York Conference, and in October, 1905, was elected Home Secretary of Northwestern Branch, \V. F. M. S. GEORGE PECK MERRICK. George P. Merrick, attorney-at-law. Chicago, with residence in Evanston, 111., was born at Manteno, Kankakee County, 111., October 4, 1862, the son of Dr. George Clinton and Mary Elizabeth (Peck) Merrick, the former born in Franklin, N. Y., December n, 1824, and the latter in Troy, same State. The fath- er graduated at Rush Medical College, Chicago, after coming to Illinois, and practiced his profession at Manteno for- ty-four years. Dr. George C. Merrick re- moved with his parents from their home in New York to Fremont, Ohio, when he was about nine years of age, and later to Palmyra, Wis., where he married Mary E. Peck who was the daughter of Joel M. and Amanda Peck, the latter being a daughter of Judge Purdy of Steuben County, N. Y. Joel M. Peck removed about 1840 to Wisconsin and settled at West Troy, Walworth County, later re- moving to Palmyra, where he spent the remainder of his life. The parents of Dr. George C. Merrick and paternal grandparents of the sub- ject of this sketch were Sylvester M. and Mercy (Loveland) Merrick, both of old Colonial families of Massachusetts. Thomas Merrick, the first of the name in America, came from Wales and settled in Springfield, Mass., in 1630. His de- scendants in direct line were: Joseph. James, Perez, Sylvester, George C. and George P. making the latter of the sev- enth generation in America. James Mer- rick, the grandson of Thomas, was a sol- dier and served as a Lieutenant in the Continental army. George P. Merrick received his ele- mentary education under private tutors, after which he entered Northwestern Uni- versity, graduating in the class of 1884. He then began the study of law in the office of Judge Elbridge Hanecy. and two years later (June, 1886) was ad- mitted to the bar. In 1889 he entered into partnership with his preceptor, but since the promotion of Judge Hanecy to the Circuit Court bench in 1893, nas P rac ~ ticed alone. Mr. Merrick was married at Gales- burg, 111., January 21, 1885, to Miss Grace Thompson, daughter of James S. and Nancy (Willitts) Thompson. Mrs. Merrick was born in New Boston, Mercer County, 111., and she and her husband are the parents of three children, namely: George Clinton, born January 18, 1886: Grace Willitts, born October I, 1896: and Thompson, born March 29. 1900. George C., who is a student in Yale Uni- versity, at the close of his freshman year (1906), was chosen a member of the edi- torial board of the "Yale Daily News" for the year 1906-07. Mr. George P. Mer- 548 BIOGRAPHICAL rick attends the Methodist Church of which his wife is a member, and for sev- eral years has been one of the Trustees of Northwestern University. The profession- al, fraternal and social organizations with which he is identified include : the Ameri- can, the Illinois State and the Chicago Bar Associations: the Chicago Law Institute; the University and Evanston Clubs ; the Glen View Golf Club ; the Law Club ; the Knights Templar and subordinate Ma- sonic orders. AXSOX MARK. Anson Mark, manufacturer, formerly of Chicago, but now a resident of Evanston. 111., was born at Annville Mills, Dauphin County. Pa., April 21. 1867, the son of Cyrus and Rebecca (Strohm) Mark. His parents were both natives of Lebanon Coun- ty, Pa., the father born August 8, 1836. and the mother March u, 1840, the former being engaged in mercantile business. The subject of this sketch came to Chicago in boyhood, and was there educated in the public schools, after which he was engaged in the dry-goods trade as an employe of James II. Walker & Company, wholesale dealers, remaining with this firm from Sep- tember 4, 1886. to July i, 1890. On the lat- ter date he became connected with the Mark Manufacturing Company, which had been established by his father and a brother in 1889, and with which he is still identified. At the time Mr. Mark entered into the business, the companv employed six men. It now maintains two manufact- uring plants, one at Evanston and another at Zanesville, Ohio, employing twelve to fourteen hundred men. It is engaged in the manufacture of drive-well points, ar- tesian and tubular well cylinders, pump fixtures, plumbers' and steamfitters' tools. wrought iron pipe and other products in this line. The general offices of the com- pany, formerly in the First National Bank Building, Chicago, are now located in the city of Evanston. Mr. Mark removed from Chicago to Evanston in May, 1902, which continues to be his home. On September 5, 1893, he was married at Van Buren, Ark., to Allie Willis Ribling, who was born in that place January 27, 1867, and they have two children: Geraldine Rebecca Mark, born in Chicago, September 28, 1896, and Anson Mark, Jr., born in Evans- ton, September 9, 1902. Mr. Mark's suc- cess as a business man is demonstrated by the phenomenal growth of the manufac- turing enterprise with which he has been connected during the past fifteen years of its existence. AAROX XELSON YOUNG. Aaron Xelson Young, a grain merchant of the Chicago Board of Trade of long standing, who has been a resident of Evanston, III., for the past thirty-five years, was born in Morrison, 111., in 1838, and married at Sterling, 111., to Anna M. Correll. He received a common school education at Morrison and early em- barked in the grain and lumber business. About the time of the great Chicago fire he moved to Chicago and became a part- ner in the firm of S. H. McCrea & Co.: later, in 1883, established the firm of Young & Nichols, in which he was active- ly interested until 1903, when he retired from business. He has always been deep- ly interested in the Evanston public schools, and served in the capacity of President of the Evanston Board of Edu- cation for many years, during a period when they required very able and care- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 549 fill financial management. He was Trus- tee of the Northwestern University for several years, and has been a Director in many business enterprises. HOMER HITCHCOCK KINGSLEY. Prof. Homer H. Kingsley, educator, Evanston. 111., was born at Kalamazoo, Mich., June 9, 1859, the son of Moses and Clarissa (Beckley) Kingsley. the father born in Boston, Mass., March 5, 1810. and the mother in Chautauqua County, X. Y., in 1818. The occupation of his father was that of a farmer and, after reaching the school age, the subject of this sketch attended the district school five miles west of Kalamazoo until twelve years of age, when he spent six years in the graded schools of Kalamazoo, going from his home each day a distance of five miles and graduating from the Kalamazoo High School in 1877. Then entering the Uni- versity of Michigan, he graduated there- from in 1881, when at once he began teaching as instructor in mathematics in the high school at East Saginaw, Mich. This relation continued three years, when Mr. Kingsley went to Alexandria, the county seat of Douglas County, Minn., where he had charge of the city schools for one year. He was then recalled to the University of Michigan as Instructor in Mathematics, in place of one of the pro- fessors who was disabled by reason of sickness. After remaining in connection with the University two years, in 1886 he accepted the superintendency of the schools at Evanston. 111., which he has retained continuously to the present time, a period of twenty years. From boyhood Professor Kingsley had a strong predilec- tion for teaching as a profession, and his success in that line, during an experience of twenty-five years, has demonstrated the accuracy of his judgment. Undoubt- edly one reason for that success is to be found in his enjoyment of his profession and the enthusiasm which he has thereby been able to impart to others. The es- timation in which his abilities in his chosen profession are held is indicated by the fact that, during the summer of 1898. by special invitation he delivered a course of lectures on "School Supervis- ion" at the University of Chicago. Professor Kingsley was married at Hopkinton, Mass., August 18, 1886. to Nellie Appleton Fitch, who was born at Peoria. 111.. October 4. 186.2. and three (laughters have been born of this union. namely: Margaret Appleton. born July 3, 1887: Katharine \Yinslow, born June 18. 1892. and Helen Dewey. born Decem- ber 3 1895. In politics, although in gen- eral accord with the principles of the Republican party on national issues, Mr. Kingsley is inclined to vote independent- ly and for "the best man" on questions of a local character. In this he seeks to secure the best interests of the people. Aside from his profession as a teacher, both Professor Kingsley and his wife have devoted some attention to literary work, as shown by the issue by the former in 1901 of a volume entitled "The New- Era Word Book." and by the publication in 1900, from the pen of the latter, of a "History of the Lewis and Clark Expedi- tion," and in i)O2 of the story of "Four American Explorers." XEWELL CLARK KNIGHT. Newell C. Knight, manager of the Bond Department of the Royal Trust Com- pany of Chicago, was born in St. Louis. Mo., April 25 1862. the son of Augustus 550 BIOGRAPHICAL and Fanny (French) Knight. He re- ceived his preparatory education in the Saint Louis public schools and the aca- demic department of Washington Uni- versity, and graduated from Yale Uni- versity in 1884. After graduation, intend- ing to engage in business as a shoe-manu- facturer, and in order first to learn it, he entered the factory of the Hamilton- Brown Shoe Company, working at the block and handling machines. Two years' experience of ten hours a day physical labor somewhat impaired his health: he therefore accepted a position as Secretary of an investment company at Wichita. Kan., but soon after retired to engage with his brother, Harry F., in the same line of business, under the name of The Knight Investment Company, dealing in mortgages and commercial paper. This business was discontinued in 1893, when Mr. Knight came to Chicago, and in connection with Reuben H. Donnelley, organized the firm of Knight. Donnelley & Cotripany. From a small beginning this firm became one of the very large stock, bond and grain houses in Chicago, being members of all the leading exchanges. Its failure in June. 1905, resulted in its dissolution, and Mr. Knight soon after became the Manager of the Bond Depart- ment of the Royal Trust Company. A Cleveland Democrat politically. Mr. Knight, during the campaigns of 1896 and 1900, was an active supporter of Mc- Kinley and of Roosevelt in 1904. In 1899 lie was elected President of the Evanston "Four-mile League" and later served as Chief of Police of the City of Evanston without pay. devoting his attention to the strict enforcement of all the city ordi- nances, especially the law prohibiting the establishment of saloons within four miles of Northwestern University. He kept the town clean. Mr. Knight was mar- ried in 1886 to Annie Louise, daughter of James L. Sloss of Saint Louis. Five chil- dren have been born to them : Augustus, Francis McMaster, Katharine, Newell Sloss and Nancy Louise. His office is with the Royal Trust Company, 169 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, and his resi- dence is at 1326 Asbury Avenue, Evanston. ALBERT R. JOXES. Albert R. Jones, oil operator, residing in Independence, Kan., and engaged in the production of crude oil. was born at Pekin, 111.. September 14, 1874. In boy- hood he attended public school, and was a pupil in the Virginia (111.) High School in 1891-92. In the latter year, he entered the Northwestern Academy, from which he was graduated in the fall of 1895. He then matriculated in Northwestern Uni- versity, graduating therefrom with the class of 1899, and receiving the degree of B. S. From 1899 to 1902, he applied himself to the study of law in the Law School of Illinois Wesleyan University, at Bloomington. 111., from which he gradu- ated with the degree of B. L. Mr. Jones is a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. He was a member of the "Dem" Society, the Rog- ers Debating Club, Young Men's Chris- tian Association, and was Captain of the University track team during the seasons of 1898 and 1899. On June 29, 1904, at Springfield, 111., Mr. Jones was united in marriage with Mabel Neer, of that citv. NELSON LLOYD STOW. Nelson Lloyd Stow, whose residence in Evanston, Cook County, 111., covers the period of a generation, during which HISTORY OF EVANSTON 55' he has maintained a record free from re- proach, was born in New Haven, Conn., January 8, 1833, a son of Henry and Lydia (Goodrich) Stow, both natives of Con- necticut, where the former was born in Milford, December 15, 1804, and the lat- ter in Berlin, September 9, 1805. The occupation of Henry Stow was that of a manufacturer of wheels and wheel ma- terial for vehicles, in New Haven, and he was the first manufacturer in the United States to make these by machinery. He was a devoted member of the Baptist Church in New Haven, in which he served as deacon for more than sixty years, and he died in that city at the age of ninety-one years. The Stow family is descended in a di- rect line from Lord Thomas Stow, oi England, and certain of the ancestors of the subject of this sketch came to this country previous to the Revolutionary War, and held superior rank in the Con- tinental Army during that conflict.' A fine monument in honor of one of them stands in the cemetery at Milford. Conn., erected by the State. Xelson Lloyd Stow received his. early mental instruction in the public and high schools of his native State. He finished his school studies at the age of sixteen years, and then spent five years in learn- ing the trade of carriage manufacturing. On September 17, 1854, when twenty- one years old, he located in Chicago and engaged in selling carriage materials. He was the first dealer in such goods in Chi- cago and in the West, none being manu- factured at that time west of New York. In this business Mr. Stow continued un- til 1880, when he was engaged as man- ager of the most extensive iron concern in the city, and acted in that capacity for twenty-five years. He became a resident of Evanston in 1873, anc ' ' las made his home there ever since. In 1863, Mr. Stow- was united in mar- riage, at Milford, Conn., with Sarah Ma- ria Merwin, who was born May 21. 1844. She is descended from Puritan stock, be- longing to one- of the oldest families of Connecticut, and a monument to one of her ancestors, in the cemetery at Milford. marks the oldest grave in that oldest of Connecticut cemeteries. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Stow resulted in six chil- dren, namely : Ada Merwin, born Sep- tember 17, 1864; Harry Jared. born De- cember 8. 1866; Helen Webster, born July 8, 1870: Charles Goodrich, born Oc- tober 2, 1871 : Nelson Lloyd, born De- cember 12. 1872 ; and Mary Goodrich, born October 5. 1875. Charles died in in- fancy and Nelson died at the age of twen- ty-two years. In politics Mr. Stow has long been an unswerving adherent of the Republican party, and a prominent and influential fac- tor in the local councils of that organi- zation. In 1887 he was elected a member of the Evanston Board of Education for District No. 76, and served in this capac- ity eleven years, acting for six years as President of the board. He was elected Alderman from the Fourth Ward in Evanston in 1895, ar| d twice re-elected, and filled the position of acting Mayor of Evanston one year. He drafted many of the statutes which conserve the welfare of the city, among them being the Curfew Law. The erection of street signs was ac- complished through the personal efforts of Mr. Stow, and under his personal su- pervision as President of the School Board, the Lincoln and Central schools were erected. By individual exertion he also raised over $600, with which to put up the fountain on the Central School 552 BIOGRAPHICAL grounds, which commemorates the hero- ism of teachers who saved the lives of their youthful pupils, on the occasion of the destruction by fire of the old school building. The name of Mr. Stow is cut in panels on both of the school buildings above mentioned. Since making his residence in Evans- ton, Mr. Stow has been identified almost continuously with the public affairs of the city. He was a member of the Cook County Federation, and served on the Drainage Canal Committee, acting with the late Judge Harvey B. Hurd, in tracing the route for the canal through West Evanston. He was also chairman of the Evanston Army and Navy League, or- ganized in 1898. While a member of the City Council, Mr. Stow drafted the stat- ute for the protection of animals and birds, the law to preserve street signs from damage, and that prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to minors, besides other statutory provisions. During the Civil War Mr. Stow was a member of the Sani- tary Commission. The subject of this sketch has long been a zealous adherent of the faith of the Baptist denomination. He united with the First Baptist Church of Evanston in 1873, being transferred from the Second Baptist Church of Chicago, and has main- tained his membership in the former ever since. In 1875 he was elected clerk of that church, and has held that office con- tinuously until the present time. He has conducted Sunday services at the Indus- trial School for Girls, in Evanston, since 1874, and served twelve years as a mem- ber of the Board of Directors of that In- stitution, acting as President of the board for three years. His influence has always been exerted in behalf of the best inter- ests of the community. LEOXIDAS P. HAMLIXE, M. D. Dr. Leonidas P. Hamline, who became a resident of Evanston at a comparatively early date, and whose family has since been closely identified with the social and religious life of the city, was born in Zanesville, Ohio, August 13, 1828, the son of Bishop Leonidas L. Hamline, a dis- tinguished member of the Episcopacy of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a pulpit orator of rare force and eloquence. In the youth of the son Bishop Hamline was actively engaged in ministerial work, and under the itinerary system then pre- vailing in the Methodist Church, the fam- ily changed its residence at frequent in- tervals. Thus it happened that the young- er Hamline was educated in the schools of Tarrytown, X T . Y. ; Yellow Springs, Ohio, and Greencastle, Ind., finally fin- ishing his academic studies at Lebanon, 111. He then began the study of medi- cine, and received his doctor's degree from Castleton Medical College, Castle- ton, Vt. For a time thereafter he prac- ticed medicine at Hydeville, Vt., and was physician and surgeon to the corporation operating large marble quarries at that place. He came west from Vermont and first established his home at Mt. Pleas- ant, Iowa, where he gained professional distinction and was in active practice dur- ing nine years following. While the Civil War was in progress he took an active part in caring for the sick and wounded L'nion soldiers, acting as sur- geon in the hospitals at Dubuque, Iowa. He retired from practice at the close of the war and removed to Evanston in 1865. He was among the pioneer men of means who established homes in Evanston, and one of the first to make building and other improvements which have since made the city noted for its beauty. His father, HISTORY OF EVANSTON 553 Bishop Mainline, had been an early and fortunate investor in Chicago real estate, and the care and management of these interests occupied a large share of Dr. Hamline's attention in later years. After the death of Bishop Hamline at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, in 1864, his widow re- moved to Evanston, and that city contin- ued to be her home until her death, which occurred in 1881. It was in the infancy of Northwestern University and in the village days of Evanston that Dr. Ham- line came to Evanston to live, and for more than thirty years thereafter he was an esteemed citizen of the place. He and Mrs. Hamline were members of the First Methodist Church established here, and at- tended services in the primitive church edifice in the days when the Methodists shared it with other denominations not able to have places of worship of their own. During the later years of his life, Dr. Hamline and Mrs. Hamline traveled extensively both in this country and abroad, and much of their time was spent away from Evanston. Dr. Hamline was married in 1850 to Miss Virginia Moore, daughter of John Moore of Peoria, 111., and died in Evanston in 1897. Mrs. Ham- line, who still survives, residing in Evans- ton, was born in Ripley, Ohio. The other surviving members of this pioneer family are: Leonidas N. Hamline. of Chicago, and Mrs. Virginia (Hamline) Creighton, of Evanston. Another son, John H. Hamline, a distinguished mem- ber of the Chicago Bar, died February 14. 1904- JOHN H. HAMLINE. John H. Hamline, lawyer (deceased), Evanston and Chicago, was born in Rot- terdam, near Schenectady, N. Y., March 23, 1856, the son of Dr. Leonidas P. Hamline, who was the son of a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1865 his father, Dr. L. P. Hamline, removed with his family to Evanston, 111., where the son spent his youth attending the public schools and Northwestern Uni- versity, and graduating from the latter with the degree of A. B. in 1875. After two years of study in the Columbia Law School, New York, he graduated from that institution in 1877, taking his ex- amination and was admitted to the bar September 14, 1877, and immediately en- tered upon the practice of his profession in the city of Chicago, which continued to be his professional headquarters dur- ing his business career. At this time his home was still in Evanston, where he served as Corporation Counsel from 1880 to 1884. While occupying this of- fice he framed a complete municipal code for Evanston. which was published in 1882. About 1885 he removed to 1621 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, where he continued to reside for the remainder of his life. In October, 1880, he entered into partner- ship with his life-long friend, Frank H. Scott, under the firm name of Hamline & Scott, which later, by the admission of Frank E. Lord, became Hamline, Scott & Lord, Redmond D. Stephens being ad- mitted to the firm in 1902. In 1887 he was elected a member of the Chicago City Council, serving one term, during which time he won a great deal of promi- nence by advocating for the first time in that body the principle of compensation for municipal franchises. Though never afterwards a candidate for political office, he continued to take an active part in public affairs, and his opinions were often sought after in connection with municipal issues. Besides being associated with many local clubs and fraternal societies. 554 BIOGRAPHICAL he was a member of the American Bar Association, the Chicago Bar Association (of which he was elected President in 1891), and the Illinois State Bar Associa- tion, serving as President of the latter for the year 1896-97. In 1895 he was chosen President of the Union League Club, and also served one term as Presi- dent of the Chicago Law Club. One of the most conspicuous services rendered by Mr. Hamline was as member of a board consisting of three members appointed by Mayor George B. Swift, in 1894, for the purpose of devising a merit system in connection with the Po- lice Department of the City of Chicago. In conjunction with his colleagues he gave a vigorous support to this measure, which resulted in the passage by the Leg- islature of the Civil Service Act of 1895. Later he was a zealous supporter of a similar measure for the whole State, and. although it failed at the time, the final enactment of the State Civil Service Law, approved May 11. 1905, authorizing the Governor to appoint a Civil Service Com- mission with power to prescribe rules for the examination and appointment of persons for service in connection with the State institutions, was undoubtedly the outcome of these early efforts. Mr. Hamline was married May 19. 1880, to Miss Josephine Mead, daughter of Henry Mead of Norwich, X. Y., and two children were born to them Jose- phine and John H., Jr. Mr. Hamline died at his home in the city of Chicago Febru- ary 14. 1904, and the event was deeply deplored by a large circle of personal friends and members of the bar, who had learned to admire his profound modesty, his high integrity and unselfish devotion to public interests, and his talents as a citizen and a lawyer. His former partner, Frank H. Scott. Esq.. in an "In Memo- riam" pamphlet, paid the following trib- ute to his memory: "Taking into account not merely disposition toward public af- fairs, nor ability nor energy, but all of these combined, it may safely be asserted that, in the past twenty years, Chicago has had no better citizen. For himself he claimed nothing, giving credit to others for the fruits of his own efforts. He was concerned only in effecting results, and not at all as to where credit should be be- stowed." CURTIS H. REMY. Curtis H. Remy, a well-known attor- ney-at-law, who has been a resident of Evanston, Cook County, 111., for many years, is a native of the State of Indiana, where he was born in the town of Hope, Bartholomew County, April 29, 1852. He is a son of Allison Clark and Sophia R. Remy. The father was a farmer by oc- cupation, and was successful in that sphere of industry. The subject of this sketch spent his early youth on the farm, utilizing the opportunities afforded by the district schools in the vicinity of his home. His education was acquired in part at Nazareth Hall, in Pennsylvania, and was completed at Transylvania Col- lege, Lexington, Ky. Mr. Remy was married in Boone Coun- ty, Ind., on October 28, 1875, and is the father of two sons and one daughter. In politics Mr. Remy is a supporter of the Republican party, and has served the pub- lic in several local offices, and often been suggested for others. Fraternally he is affiliated with the Masonic order, in which he has passed all the degrees, and he is also a member of several clubs. His religious belief is in accordance with the creed of the Methodist Church. He has made his home in Evanston since Novem- ber. 1876. HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 555 CLAUDIUS BUCHANAN SPENCER. Claudius B. Spencer, A. B., A. M., D. D., Litt. D., LL. D., Kansas City, Mo., was born at Fowlerville, Mich., October 20. 1856, prepared for college at How- ell. Mich., matriculated in Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., in 1877. and four years later (1881) graduated from the College of Liberal Arts with the de- gree of A. B. still later, in due course, receiving the degree of A. M. During his undergraduate career he was a mem- ber of Hinman Literary Society, his fra- ternity was the Phi Kappa Sigma. He is a Phi Beta Kappa. He was editor of "The Tripod" (the College paper), and succeeded I. ]".. Adams on the "Evans- ton Index." He edited the college "Mu- sical Register." Immediately after grad- uation he joined the Detroit Conference of the M. E. Church, and preached for two years on Lake Superior : four years in Detroit: three years in Owosso, Mich., and two years again in Detroit. In 1892, he was transferred to Christ Church. Denver. Colorado Conference. He was elected by the General Conference Com- mission editor of the "Rocky Mountain Christian Advocate." In 1895 he was as- signed to Asbury Church, Denver. In 1896 he was again elected editor of the "Rocky Mountain Christian Advocate," by the General Conference Commission; and resigned the pastorship to devote his attention to editorial work. In 1900 he was elected, by the General Conference, held that year in Chicago, editor of the "Central Christian Advocate." at Kansas City, Mo., and four years later was re- elected at Los Angeles, Cal.. to the same position, which he still retains. He was Secretary of the Conference of Young People's Societies, held in Cleveland. Ohio, in May. 1889. which organized the Epworth League. He is a member of the Board of Managers of the Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education Society. On October 20, 1886, Mr. Spencer was united in marriage with Miss Mary L. Mitchell, of Brockport, N. Y., and three children have been born to them, namely : Helen Mitchell, Marjorie Elizabeth, and Mildred Isabel. THOMAS C. HOAG. Thomas C. Hoag (deceased), former prominent citizen and banker, Evanston. 111., was born in Concord, N. H., Sep- tember 7. 1825. His father, who was a book-publisher in New Hampshire, came West with his family in the fall of 1840, and spent the following winter in Chi- cago, after which he removed to a farm near Plainfield, Will County. In 1845, Thomas C. Hoag came to Chicago and engaged in the wholesale and retail gro- cery business in partnership with Oliver L. Goss. under the firm name of Goss & I loag. This business was continued until the great Chicago fire of 1871, when their stock having been destroyed with the mass of Chicago business houses, Mr. Hoag removed to Evanston and there established himself in the grocery busi- ness in a building still occupied by his successors in the same line. There being no banking facilities in Evanston in those days, in 1874 Mr. Hoag established a private bank in the rear of his store, which was conducted under the name of T. C. I loag & Company. In 1894 it was re- moved to the building now occupied by the State Bank of Evanston, which was incorporated under that name in 1892. Mr. Hoag having, at that time, sold out his interest and retired from the banking 556 BIOGRAPHICAL business. In addition to his other busi- ness interests, Mr. Hoag was, for a time commencing in 1870, President of the Lumbermen's Fire Insurance Company of Chicago. Mr. Hoag was married May i, 1851, to Marie L. Bryant, who was born in Can- terbury, N. H., iu 1827. In 1857, while still engaged in business in Chicago, he became a resident of Evanston, purchas- ing the homestead at the southwest cor- ner of Davis Street and Hinman Avenue, then directly across the street from the original building of the Northwestern University, of which he was a Trustee for thirty years, and for over twenty years business manager. Of four chil- dren born to Mr. and Mrs. Hoag, three are still living, namely: Dr. Junius C. Hoag, of Chicago; William G. Hoag, Cashier of the State Bank of Evanston, and Dr. Ernest B. Hoag, of Pasadena, Cal. A daughter, Rebecca B. Hoag, was one of the first two women to become students in Northwestern University, which she did in 1870, pursuing a clas- sical course until her death in her junior year. On May I, 1901, Mr. and Mrs. Hoag celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding, the occasion being memorable on account of the presence of a large number of their early friends in Chicago and Evanston. Soon after retiring from the banking business in Evanston, Mr. Hoag removed to Pasadena, Cal., where he purchased a home, there spending the remaining vears of his life in practical retirement, though still maintaining his interest in public enterprises. While a resident of Pasadena he served as a member of the Board of Trustees of that city, and on the Board of Trustees of the Throop Poly- technic Institute founded by Mr. A. G. Throop, a former resident of Chicago. Mr. Hoag's demise occurred at his home in Pasadena, April 16, 1906, and his re- mains were brought to Chicago and in- terred in Rose Hill Cemetery, where impressive ceremonies were held in the chapel on the cemetery grounds on Sun- day afternoon, April 22. He is survived by his widow and three sons mentioned in the preceding sketch. WILLIAM GALE HOAG. William Gale Hoag, Cashier of the Ev- anston State Bank, was born in Evanston, 111., November 19, 1860, the son of Thom- as C. and Maria L. (Bryant) Hoag, who were natives of Xew Hampshire, the for- mer born at Concord in 1825. and the lat- ter at Canterbury in 1827. The Hoag family was of Xew England Quaker stock, and the father of William G. was prominent in Chicago and Evanston busi- ness circles for more than fifty years. (See sketch of Thomas C. Hoag in this vol- ume.) William G. Hoag received his edu- cation in the local schools and North- western University Academy, enjoying the rare advantages of books and friends from his youth in a university town. After leaving school Mr. Hoag at once entered upon a business career in connec- tion with his father in the private bank conducted by the latter now the State Bank of Evanston with which he has been continuously associated ever since, and of which he has been Cashier for twenty years. His whole life has been spent in the place of his birth without change of occupation or business rela- tions. The official positions held by Mr. Hoag have been wholly in connection with local benevolences, having served as Treasurer and Director, and member of HISTORY OF EVANSTON 557 the Executive Committee of the Evans- ton Hospital for many years. The literary, social and business organ- izations with which Mr. Hoag is associ- ated include : The University Club, The Evanston Club, Evanston Country Club, the Evanston Golf Club, and the Bankers' Club of Chicago. His religious associa- tions are with the First Methodist Epis- copal Church of Evanston, and politically he supports the policies of the Republi- can party. Indulging the quiet tastes of a bachelor, he feels a deep interest in the social life and happiness of those around him, and takes pleasure in contributing his share to the comfort and welfare of others. JEAN FREDERIC LOB A, A. M. D.D. Jean Frederic Loba, pastor of the First Congregational Church, Evanston, III., was born in Lausanne. Switzerland. Oc- tober 17, 1846, the son of Frederic and Julie (Sider) Loba. Both parents were natives of Switzerland, as their ancestors had been for an indefinite period the father born in Berne Canton, December 25, 1809, and the mother at Echallens. The father was a chemist and lived in Canton de Vaud ; came to the United States in 1853 and died in Illinois March 14, 1864. Mr. Loba was educated at Olivet College, Mich., at Basle in his native country, Yale College and Chicago Theo- logical Seminary. Hampered by limited means, his youth was spent in toil and wandering from place to place in search of employment, but being a lover of books, he was a voracious reader of everything that came into his hands, thus acquiring a literary bent of mind. After leaving college he spent two years (1873-75) as teacher of Greek in Knox College, Gales- burg. 111., later was a student at Basle University, Switzerland, 1875-76; a stu- dent in Yale Divinity School, 1876-77 ; pastor at Kankakee, 111., 1877-78, and at Kewanee, 111., 1878-82; Professor of Mod- ern Languages at Olivet College, Mich.. 1882-88: pastor at Kalamazoo, Mich., 1888- 91; in Paris, France, 1891-92, and from 1892 to 1906 in his present position as pastor of the Congregational Church at Evanston. He has been a member of the Congregational Church since June, 1866. On September 22, 1864, he enlisted as a soldier of the Civil War in Company I. Thirteenth Missouri Veteran Volunteer Cavalry, and after serving nearly two years, was mustered out May 17, 1866. He is a member of the Evanston Grand Army Post, and was Commander of the Post in Olivet. Mich. He is also a member of the Phi Alpha Pi Literary Fraternity. In politics he is a Republican, but on local questions is inclined to act independently, and on one occasion voted the Prohibiti- tion ticket. On September 4, 1877. Mr. Loba was united in marriage at Penacook, near Con- cord, N. H., to Lucene M. Bradley, born at Adams, N. Y.. January 10, 1851, and of this union five children have been born : Lucene S. (now Mrs. McConnell), born December 25, 1879; Julie B. (Mrs. Col- lins), born September 17, 1882; \Yinifred. born September 2, 1885, died April 25, 1905 ; Marguerite, born December 25. 1891, and Jean F., Jr., born September 10. 1894. The Bradley family, to which Mrs. Loba belongs, is of Revolutionary stock, and many still reside in Concord, N. H. Possessing no advantages until he had reached his nineteenth year, by a life of self-denial and sturdy effort, aided by a vivacious and enthusiastic temperament, Rev. Mr. Loba has developed a strong character which has placed him in the front rank of Evanston clergymen. A 558 BIOGRAPHICAL lover of nature, he is also a lover of men and of books, and enjoys life as pastor of his flock while contributing to the enjoy- ment of others and promoting their as- pirations to a higher life. In 1876 he re- ceived the degree of M. A. from his Alma Mater and in 1891 the degree of D. D. from the same institution. WILLIAM S. HARBERT. William Soesbe Harbert, lawyer, born September 17, 1842, at Terre Haute, Ind., is the son of Solomon and Amadine (Wat- son) Harbert the former a descendant of a Virginian family of English extrac- tion, and the latter a native of Bards- town, Ky. At an early age the subject of this sketch attended the public schools of Terre Haute, preparatory to a course in Franklin College, at Franklin, Ind. From that institution he went to Wabash Col- lege. Crawfordsville, Ind., and from there to the University of Michigan, where he remained till he completed his sophomore year. In 1862 he enlisted as a volunteer in the Union Army, and on his return from the field, matriculated in the Law Depart- ment of the University of Indiana at Bloomington, Ind., remaining there one year, when he entered the Law Depart- ment of the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, where he received his degree in 1867. The same year he located at Des Moines. Iowa; was admitted to the bar, remaining there seven years, within that time serving as Assistant United States District Attorney, and being also a mem- ber of the law firm of Harbert & Clark. Success attended his stay in Des Moines, but the desire to operate in a field afford- ing greater opportunities led to his re- moval to Chicago in 1874, where he resumed practice as the senior member of the firm of Harbert & Daly. This part- nership was succeeded by that of Har- bert, Curran & Harbert, the junior part- ner being the only son of the subject of this narrative. Upon the death of his son. Arthur Boynton Harbert, in 1900. the firm was dissolved, since which time Mr. Harbert has practiced alone. The year following the outbreak of the Civil War and while a student, then twenty years of age, William Soesbe Har- bert enlisted as a private in Company C Eighty-fifth Indiana Volunteers and was in active service until 1865. During the period of his military career, he served on the staff of Gen. John Colburn, Gen. Ben- jamin Harrison, and Major-General W. T. Ward. He was engaged in the cam- paigns against Atlanta and Savannah and was with General Sherman on his famous march to the sea. At the first battle of Franklin (Tenn.) he was taken prisoner and spent two months in Libby Prison. He was brevetted as Captain "for distin- guished meritorious services." Mr. Har- bert is prominent in philanthropic work and, for seven years, was President of the Board of Managers of the "Forward Movement," a social settlement organ- ization having beautiful assembly grounds, which Mr. Harbert spent much time in procuring for the organization. He holds membership in and is active in furthering the enterprises of a number of philanthropic organizations. In his religious and political affiliations, Mr. Harbert is independent. He believes in municipal control of public utilities, as- sisted in the establishment of the Juve- nile Court, the adoption of the indeterminate sentence law and advocates the placing of a limitation on the power to grant, by will, large sums to single individuals. Mr. Harbert, on October 18, 1870. was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Mor- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 559 rison Boynton, a woman of high literary attainments and social rank, a sketch of whom also appears herein. Three chil- dren, Arthur Boynton (deceased), Cor- inne Boynton, and Boynton Elizabeth, wife of Ashley D. Rowe, of Pasadena, Cal- ifornia, were born to them. Continuously since 1874 the Harberts have been resi- dents of Evanston, and their spacious home is not the least of its attractions. For twenty years they have dispensed a generous hospitality at their pleasant summer home at Lake Geneva, Wis. ELIZABETH BOYNTON HARBERT. Mrs. Elizabeth Boynton Harbert, author, lecturer, reformer and philanthropist, was born in Crawfordsville, Ind. She is the eldest child of William H. Boynton, of Nashua, N. H., and Abigail Sweetser Boynton, a native of Boston, Mass. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Morrison Boynton. Her journalistic signature was Lizzie M. Boynton. She was educated in the Female Seminary at Oxford, Ohio, and in the Terre Haute Female College, graduating from the latter with honors. Growing up in Crawfordsville, under the shadow of a college into which girls were not permitted to enter, she early learned the value of educational privileges and claimed them for her sister women. After vain attempts to slip the bolts of prejudice and precedent that barred out the daughters of the State from the halls of learning, she strove to rouse, with pen and voice, those whose stronger hands could open wide the doors. The faculty of Wabash College had allowed, as an especial privilege, four young women Emma Hough Fairchild, Mary Krout, Mary Cumberland Jennison and Eliza- beth Boynton Harbert to attend lectures on Physics by Prof. John L. Campbell, who was later the Secretary of the Phila- delphia Centennial Exposition. Although these lectures were substantially repeti- tions of those required in the college cur- riculum, the young men were excluded. Dr. White, the first President of Wabash College, shortly before his death, prom- ised Mrs. Harbert a diploma upon the completion of her course. Not long after the same four young women, in com- pany with nineteen others, petitioned the faculty for permission to enter the college and receive the benefit of its teachings. The letter written in reply to the petition of the young ladies was to the effect that the faculty expressed its extreme regret that the facilities of the preparatory de- partment were such that the department was inadequate for its needs, and hence the college would not be able to admit the young women. Each one of these young women had progressed far beyond the "preparatory" department. It is dif- ficult for Mrs. Harbert to speak of this letter without manifesting, in some man- ner, a slight touch of the profound impres- sion it produced, although, when meas- ured by its after effect upon her career, it should be considered of inestimable val- ue. The first ten dollars she received as the result of her own work, was from the "New York Independent" for an account of this attempt to obtain a college edu- cation. This group of twenty-three girls, under the leadership of the four, had purchased the town flag, the church organ and the first fire engine. In their indignation and disappointment, they determined to se- cure for their own use. and the town, a public library. With this object in view, they advertised the presentation of a com- edy, entitled "The Coming Woman," in which they burlesqued themselves and BIOGRAPHICAL their unsuccessful efforts. In a relent- less manner, the male students issued bur- lesque handbills and posters. In one day not less than five varieties were issued. The ladies were styled "the Twenty-three Sorry Sisses," in an attempt to pun upon the word "Sorosis," which latter organ- ization was attracting considerable atten- tion in the East. It is needless to say that the adverse criticism attracted an unusually large audience, and a consid- erable sum was netted with which was purchased the nucleus for a circulating library. At that time Miss Boynton was but twenty years old. Oberlin was then the only college which admitted men and women on an equality. At the suggestion of friends. Miss Boyn- ton prepared an address which she enti- tled, "Before Suffrage, What?" which was a plea for the education of women as an essential preparation for their enfran- chisement. This was delivered first in Crawfordsville, after a most flattering in- troduction by Gen. Lew Wallace. The following week the same address was given at La Fayette, and the next week at Cleveland before an immense audience. Following this was another success at Cincinnati in the opera house. Mrs. Mary A. Livermore, who was at this time a most helpful and encouraging friend of Miss Boynton, wrote to one of the Wom- an's journals, as follows : "The speech of the day and evening ("referring to a con- vention in Ohio), was made by Lizzie Boynton, although among the speakers were Susan B. Anthony, Mrs. Stanton and myself. She held the audience on the platform, as well as that in the hall, spell- bound for an hour." A journalistic sketch of Miss Boynton said, "by one stroke she had placed herself beside Fanny Fern and Gail Hamilton." During the Civil War Miss Boynton energetically devoted her time to the care of the soldiers and the duties of the hour. Her sympathies were keenly allied to the cause of the Union, although she was always too inclusive in her love of human- ity to indulge in any bitterness of feeling. Her first book, "The Golden Fleece," was published in 1867. In 1870 she was mar- ried to Capt. William S. Harbert. a brave soldier and successful lawyer. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Harbert lived in Des Moines, Iowa, and there Mrs. Har- bert published her second book, "Out of Her Sphere," and her first song, "Arling- ton Heights." While living in Des Moines, Mrs. Har- bert took an active part in the Woman's Suffrage Movement, being elected Presi- dent of the State Association. She suc- ceeded in inducing the Republicans of Iowa to put into their State platform a purely woman's plank, "winning the members of the committee appointed to prepare a platform for the State Con- vention, by her earnest and dignified pres- entation of the claims of women." Thus was earned the distinction of being the first woman to design a woman's plank and secure its adoption by a great politi- cal party of a state. In the winter of 1874, Mr. and Mrs. Harbert moved to Illinois, and from that time have made their home in Evanston. The family now consists of two daugh- ters. Corinne and Boynton. In 1900 their only son, Arthur Boynton Harbert, hero- ically surrendered his earthly life, mean- while bequeathing to parents, sisters and friends the memory of a beautiful, self- sacrificing, loving life, he being then in his twenty-eighth year. Mrs. Harbert was for two years the President of the Social Science Associa- tion of Illinois. She was Vice-President of the Woman's Suffrage Association of HISTORY OF EVANSTON Indiana, President of the Woman's Suf- frage Association of Iowa, ami for twelve years President of the Illinois \Vonian 's Suffrage Association. She was a member of the Board of Managers of the Girls' Industrial School of South Ev- a nston. and Vice-President of the Associa- tion for the advancement of women, known as the Woman's Congress. As editor for seven years of the "Woman' Kingdom," a regular weekly department of the Chicago Inter Ocean. she has exerted a widespread influence over many homes. As editor of the Xn\.' Era, in which she was free to utter her deepest convictions, she devoted a year's service. In 1891 the Ohio Wesleyan Col- lege conferred upon her the honorary de- gree of Doctor of Philosophy. During the year of the World's Colum- bian Exposition, and the World's Con- gress, auxiliary thereto, popularly known as the World's Parliament of Religions, Mrs. Harbert served on several commit- tees, among which was the Committee on Organization of the World's Congress of Representative Women, otherwise known as the "Department of Woman's Progress of the World's Congress Auxiliary of the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893." Of that committee, Mrs. May Wright Se- well, of Indianapolis. Ind., was Chairman ; Mrs. Rachel Foster A very, of Somerton. Pa.. Secretary, and Mrs. Sarah llacket Stevenson. M. D., Mrs. Julia Holmes Smith, M. D.. Mrs. Coonley Ward, Miss Frances E. Willard and Mrs. William Thayer Brown, members. These con- gresses resulted in a number of organi- zations of both national and international scope. Mrs. Harbert was alfo a member of the Committee of the Woman's Branch of the World's Congress Auxiliary on Gov- ernment Reform Congresses, and subse- quently became Associate Chairman of the Government Reform Congress of the World's Congresses. The list of charter members of the Il- linois Woman's Press Association con- tains the name of Mrs. Harbert. She was also a member of the Illinois Press As- sociation. She was President and Direc- tor of the National Household Economic Association, and Vice-President for Illinois of the National Woman Suffrage Association. The Woman's Club of Evanston was organized and presided over by Mrs. Har- bert. and after seven years' service as such during which time the meetings of the Club were held at the Harbert homestead she was elected Honorary President of the Club, which honor she declined. The immediate outcome of the World's Congresses was the formation of two or- ganizations, namely : The Religious Par- liament Extension, of which the late Hon. Charles C. Bonney was President and Dr. Paul Cams, Secretary : and The World's Unity League, of which Hon. Charles Carroll Bonney ( until the time of his de- cease) and Mrs. Harbert were Associate Chairmen. At present Mrs. Harbert is- the acting chairman, no one having yet been appointed to succeed Mr. Bonney. Mrs. Ella A. W. Hoswell and Miss Ida C. llcffron are its secretaries. From the official report of Mr. Bonney, made to the representative participants in tile "Congress Auxiliary." we quote the following: The Woman's Committee on Religious Par- liament Extension. Mrs. Elizabeth Boynton Harbert. Chairman, and Mrs. Frederick Hawk- ins. Secreta-y thereof, have determined to cir- culate for signatures, in all parts of the world, the pledge of the World's Religious Unity, with which the Religious Extension Movement was inaugurated. This pledge, of which Mrs. Harbert is the author, was the bond of union p-esented and signed at the first Extension meeting and is in the following words: 562 BIOGRAPHICAL BOND OF UNION. "Recognizing the interdependence and solidari- ty of humanity, we will welcome light from every source, earnestly desiring to grow in knowledge of Truth and the Spirit of Love and to manifest the same by helpful service." Mrs. Harbert is associated with many organizations which have for their object the recognition of the divinity of hu- manity, one of her favorite statements be- ing, "There are no common people, since we all belong to the divine familyhood of the Creator and the created." Notwithstanding all the work implied in filling so many important offices, Mrs. Harbert finds her greatest pleasure in her hospitable home and with her family. However, the basic principle of all her work has ever been found in the home, and the recognition of the fact that the civilization of tomorrow inheres in the children of today. Mrs. Harbert is versatile to a remark- able degree. She has won the unstinted af- fection of her townsmen and women, which has manifested itself in the gift of a fountain, works of art, etc., from these. In all her endeavors she has been nobly sustained by her husband, whose clear judgment and generous sympathies have made his aid invaluable. As a writer she is poetic, pointed, witty, vigorous, convincing. On two occasions she has addressed the Judiciary Committee of the Senate of the United States, making a plea for an amendment to the Federal Constitution prohibiting the dis- franchisement of United States citizens on account of sex. She also addressed the New York General Assembly at a joint session of the Assembly and Senate of that State, upon the same subject. With Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch, of Evanston, and Mrs. Helen M. Cougar, of La Fayette, Ind., Mrs. Harbert went to Springfield, 111., where they addressed the House and Senate in favor of the bill allowing the women of Illinois to vote upon school questions, and secured the passage of the bill. She has made addresses before the Leg- islative Assemblies of Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois. She was one of the two women appointed by the National Wom- an's Suffrage Committee, as delegates from the United States at large to the National Republican Convention that nominated R. B. Hayes, at which she made an address before the platform committee. Among the most important of Mrs. Harbert's essays and lectures are the fol- lowing: "Before Suffrage, What?" "Homes of Representative \Vomen" ; "The Domestic Problem"; "Men's Rights" ; "Conversation and Conversers" ; "The Ideal Home" ; "George Eliot" ; "Lucretia Mott": "Statesmanship of Wom- en" ; "Aims, Ideals and Methods of Wom- en's Clubs" ; "A Woman's Dream of Co- operation" ; "The Message of the Madon- na"; "Lyric Poets of Russia"; "An Hour with the Strong Minded." Her publica- tions are: "The Golden Fleece"; "Out of Her Sphere"; "Amore;" "The Illinois Chapter in the History of Woman Suf- frage." Songs: "Arlington Heights"; "What Have You Done with the Hours?" "The Xew America" (words) ; "The Promised Land" (words). Poems: "The Little Earth Angel" ; Lines to My Anony- mous Friend," and others. The narrative in the foregoing sketch, with but slight and immaterial changes, from the pen of Mrs. Harbert's only son, Arthur Boynton Harbert, who passed from this life in 1890. was found among his papers after his death. To Mrs. Harbert is due the full credit of the chapter in this volume under the title of "Homes and Home-Makers of Ev- anston." HISTORY OF EVANSTON 563 FRANK M. ELLIOT. Frank M. Elliot, who for nineteen years has resided at No. 225, Lake Street, Evan- ston, 111., and is engaged in the real estate and loan business in Chicago, was born at Corinna, Maine, March 27, 1853, the son of Jacob Smith and Sarah (Moore) Elliot, both natives of New England. Jacob Smith Elliot, who was a physician by pro- fession, continued to live in Maine until 1855, when the family moved to Minneap- olis, Minn. He preempted 80 acres of land on which he established his western home and which is now within the limits of that city. Dr. Elliot was one of the leading practitioners of medicine in his locality for twenty-five years. Subsequently, he went to California, where he died, aged eighty- three years. The subject of this sketch spent his boy- hood on the paternal farm, and received his early mental training in the public schools of Minneapolis. He afterwards pursued a course of study in Northwestern Univer- sity, at Evanston, from which he was grad- uated with the class of 1877. After his graduation he studied law, and then held a position in the Recorder's Office of Cook County, for two years. At the end of this period, he entered into the real estate and loan business in Chicago, in which he has since been successfully engaged. He at- tends to the management of estates and con- ducts a general business in real estate. He has been a director in the State Bank of Evanston, since the organization. On November 13, 1878,' Mr. Elliot was united in marriage, at Evanston, 111., with Anna Shuman, whose father. Andrew Shuman, was for many years, the editor of the "Chicago Evening Journal'' and who filled the position of Lieutenant Governor of Illinois. In politics Mr. Elliot has always been an earnest supporter of the Republican party. In 1887 he held the office of Village Trustee of Evanston. He has been an of- ficer of the Evanston Hospital Association since its organization in 1891, acting for fifteen years on the Executive Committee and has been the President for eleven years. In 1884-85 he was President of the Alumni Association of Northwestern University. Socially. Mr. Elliot belongs to the Sigma Chi Fraternity, in which he was Grand An- notator from 1884 to 1886; and to the Evanston Club, the Glen View Golf Club, and the University Club of Chicago. His religious connection is with the First Con- gregational Church of Evanston. He is regarded as a public-spirited and useful member of the communitv. BENJAMIN ALLEX GREENE. D. D. Rev. Benjamin A. Greene, an eminent minister of the Baptist church, resid- ing in Evanston. 111., was born in Harris- ville, R. I., November 6, 1845, the son of Alvin and Maria (Arnold) Greene, of whom the former was born in Killingly, Conn., in December, 1820, while the latter was a native of Rhode Island, where she was born in February. 1820. The occupa- tion of Alvin Greene was that of superinten- dent of a cotton mill. The genealogical line of the family is traceable back to John Greene, who lived in Warwick. R. I., in 1639. In early youth the subject of this sketch attended the common schools of his native place. After reaching the age of twelve- years, he worked half of the time in the cotton mills and spent the other half at school. He recalls the fact that he began to read the "New York Tribune" editorials of Horace Greeley, at the beginning of the Civil War. For two years he lived in Yar- mouth, Maine, but most of his later boy- 564 BIOGRAPHICAL hood was spent at White Rock, R. I. He spent 1866-68 in preparation for college, in the Connecticut Literary Institute, at Suf- field, and entering Brown University, grad- uated there in 1872, and from Newton The- ological Institution in 1875. In 1893 he received the degree of D. D. from the for- mer institution. From July, 1875, to April, 1882. Dr. Greene followed his ministerial calling in Massachusetts, during that period serving as pastor of the First Baptist Church at Westboro, and later as pastor of the \Yashington Street Baptist Church, at Lynn. Mass., from April. 1882, to March, 1897. Then coming West he assumed his present charge in Evanston. Dr. Greene has officiated as President of the Massachu- setts Conference of Baptist Ministers, and as lecturer on homiletics at Xewton Theo- logical Institution. Crozer Theological School. Rochester Theological Seminary, and Chicago University Divinity School. On June 25. 1875, Dr. Greene was united in marriage, at Providence. R. I., with Ella Fairhrotlier. who was born in Pawtucket, R. I., in 1849. Two children have been born of this union, namely: Ruth M. (Mrs. J. F. Pierson), born February 27, 1877; and Marian F.. born January 4, 1886. On May 12. 1891. the mother of this family having died. Dr. Greene was married again, his second wife being N'ancy W. Maine, who was born January 19. 1856. In his politi- cal views. Dr. Greene is a supporter of the principles of the Republican party. HEXRY B. HEMEXWAY. M. D. Dr. Henry Bixby Henienvvay. who is successfully engaged in the practice of medicine in Evanston. 111., was born in Montpelicr. \'t.. December 20, 1856, the son of Francis Dana and Sarah Louise (Bixby) Hcmcmvav. natives of Chelsea. Yt.. where the former was born November 10, 1830, and the latter, March 2, 1828. The pater- nal grandparents, Jonathan Wilder and Sally (Hibbard or Hebard) Hemenway, were born in Barre. Mass., and Brookfield, Vt., respectively. On the maternal side the grandparents were Ichabod Bixby, born at Belchertown, Mass., March 19, 1784, and Susanna (Lewis) Bixby, in Walpole, N. H.. August 31, 1789. The maiden name of the great-grandmother, on the paternal side, was Sarah Davidson. The great- grandparents on the maternal side were Ichabod and Lydia (Orcutt) Bixby. James and Grace (Paddock) Lewis the first men- tioned (Ichabod Bixby). born January 9. 1757. The great-great-grandfather of Mrs. Hemenway. Solomon Bixby. was born in 1732, and died January 27, 1813. His father, Xathan Bixby, was born in Xo- vember, 1694, the father of Xathan was Benjamin and his father was Joseph Bixby. who died in 1706. The father of Joseph Bixby was Xathaniel Bixby. who came from Boxford. Suffolk County, England and settled in Salem, Mass., in 1636. Dr. Hemenway 's father, Francis Dana Hemen- way. was a clergyman who. at the time of the doctor's birth was pastor of a church in Montpelier. Yt.. and Chaplain of the State Senate. He first located in Evanston in 1857. During periods in 1861 to 1862 and 1863 to 1865, he had a pastoral charge at Kalamazoo. Mich., and for a time in 1862-63. served as pastor of the First Meth- odist Episcopal Church in Chicago. On lo- cating in Evanston he was elected to a pro- fessorship in the Garrett Biblical Institute but from the fall of 1861 until the spring of 1866. availed himself of leave of absence from the institution. In 1876 he was a re- viser of the Methodist Episcopal Hymnal. Henry Bixby Hemenway received his mental training in the Preparatory School and College of Liberal Arts of N'orthwest- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 565 ern University, receiving his degree of A. B. in 1879, A- M-> m 1882. and that of M. D., from the medical department of the University in 1881. While taking his course in the College of Liberal Arts he taught a district school at Deerfield, 111., in 1878-79. In 1 88 1 he entered upon the practice of his profession in Kalamazoo, Mich., continued therein until 1890, when he moved to Evanston, where he has since practiced with successful results. He served in the capacity of Health Officer of Kalamazoo in 1884-85, was secretary of the Kalamazoo Board of the U. S. Examin- ing Surgeons, from January 1887 to Sep- tember 1890; was also Treasurer of the Michigan State Medical Society from 1886 to 1890 and was Secretary and Librarian of the Kalamazoo Academy of Medicine. He was a member of the Finance Com- mittee of the Ninth International Medical Congress : is now a member of the Ameri- can Medical Association, the American Academy of Medicine, the Chicago Medical Society, the Illinois State Medical Society, etc. Dr. Hemenway has been twice married, first in Evanston. on May 2, 1882, to Lilla Maggie Bradley, who was born at Cottage Hill. 111., August 25, 1856, and died March 29, 1883. She was descended from an old Xew England family. Benjamin Bradley, a London Apothecary, being the ancestor of the family. His son, Daniel, born in 1615, came to Massachusetts in 1635 and was killed by Indians August 13, 1689. The doctor's second wife was Victoria Steven- son Taylor, to whom lie was united in mar- riage at Kalamazoo, Mich., October 13, 1885. She was born in Kalamazoo, Febru- ary 16, 1861, a daughter of Andrew and Victoria (Bangs) Taylor, her father being a native of Kelso, Scotland. Her maternal grandparents were Samuel and Susan (Payne) Bangs, the birthplace of the latter being in Virginia. Samuel Bangs received a grant of eleven leagues of land from the Mexican Government, for services rendered previous to 1840. Dr. Hemenway became the father of three children, namely: Ruth L., born March 23, 1883 ; Hazel, who was born March 24, 1887, and died March 28, of the same year; and Margaret, born De- cember 14, 1888. In politics, the subject of this sketch is a supporter of the Republican party, but is averse to mingling national with local is- sues. His religious connection is with St. Mark's Episcopal Church. In fraternal circles, the doctor is identified with the A. F. & A. M., belonging to the R. A. M., and Knights Templar organizations. He is also affiliated with the Knights of Pythias, the U. O. F.; the I. O. O. F. ; and the Colum- bian Knights. ANDREW J. BROWN. Andrew J. Brown (deceased), one of the oldest and most favorably known citizens of Evanston, 111., and a lawyer of distinction, was a native of the State of New York, born at Cooperstown, in that State, in 1820. Mr. Brown received his early education in the common schools of his native place, and subsequently studied law with Robert Campbell, of Cooperstown. In the autumn of 1840. he removed to Illinois and settled in De Kalb County, where, on his twenty- first birthday, he was elected Probate Judge of that county. After remaining four years in De Kalb County, Judge Brown located in Chicago, where he rapidly built up a remunerative practice. In 1850, he entered into a law- partnership with the late Harvey B. Hurd, of Evanston. which was continued until 1854. Soon after entering into this part- nership he became interested in North Shore 5 66 BIOGRAPHICAL realty, and about the year 1863, became the owner of a tract of land containing 248 acres, which mainly constitutes the site of the present city of Evanston. In 1850 Mr. Brown, in conjunction with Grant Good- rich, Dr. John Evans, Orrington Lunt, and others, took part in a conference held in the city of Chicago, to consider the founding of "a university in the Northwest under the patronage of the Methodist Episcopal Church." Mr. Brown served as Secretary of this conference, was appointed a member of the committee to propose a form of char- ter which was adopted at a subsequent meeting, and still later, in an act passed by the Legislature in January, 1851, author- izing the establishment of such an institu- tion, was named as a member of the First Board of Trustees. As one of the incorpo- rators he assisted in the formal incorpora- tion of the new institution, meanwhile serv- ing as Secretary of the Board. Two years later (1853) he took a prominent part in the search for a permanent site for the Univer- sity, which, on or about the Fourth of July of that year, resulted in the selection of the present location, and the founding of the village of Evanston named in honor of Dr. John Evans, at that time President of the Hoard of Trustees and a potent factor in the founding of the institution. It is claimed that, as early as 1852, Mr. Brown had selected this as the proper site of the coming university, thus anticipating the views of his colleagues on the Board of Trustees, of which he was the only member then living in Evanston. After the estab- lishment of the University, Judge Brown, who had acquired considerable financial re- sources, was one of its most steadfast sup- porters, and became security for many of the loans negotiated to tide it over the emer- gencies in its early history. The land in that vicinity which he purchased early in the 'sixties in anticipation of the future devel- opment of his educational project, was dis- posed of by him in such a manner as to promote the best interests of the city of Evanston, and to him is largely attributable the reputation which Evanston now enjoys as a center of material elegance, intellectual culture, and sound moral sentiment. Mr. Brown was married to Abigail Mc- Tagg, who survives her husband, as do also their son and daughter, Robert P. Brown, and Mrs. W. A. S. Graham. His death, as the result of an attack of grip, occurred at his home in Evanston early in the year 1906. PETER CHRISTIAN LUTKIN. Peter Christian Lutkin, whose career in technical music during the twenty-five years which have passed since his first connection with Northwestern University, has given him a high reputation throughout the West as a master of that art, is a native of Wis- consin, born at Thompsonville, in the vicin- ity of Racine, that State, March 27, 1858. His father and mother, who were of Danish nativity, came to the United States in 1844. In 1859, they moved from the small village where their son Peter was born to Racine, and thence, in 1863, to Chicago, where they spent the remainder of their lives. Both died in 1872. Before the death of his parents, the sub- ject of this sketch had madfi diligent use of the opportunities for mental training af- forded by the Chicago public schools, and had been for one year a pupil in a select school in that city. On being left an or- phan when just entering upon his 'teens, further attendance at school became impos- sible. He had gained some experience, however, at an earlier age, as boy-alto in the choir of the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, in Chicago. He was the first boy to sustain that part in the church choirs of the HISTORY OF EVAKSTON 567 city, as he was also the first one of his age in this section of the country to render solos in oratorio music. He was then nine years old, and three years later, without previous tuition, he presided at the cathedral organ during the regular daily services. At the age of thirteen years, in conjunction with W. F. Whitehouse, a son of Bishop White- house, he played that instrument in the cathedral on occasions of Sunday worship. He was then appointed organist of the ca- thedral when fourteen years old, and acted in that capacity for nine years. During this period he had studied with Clarence Eddy, Regina Watson and Frederick Grant Glea- son in organ, piano, and the theory of music, respectively. On going to Europe in 1881, Mr. Lutkin became a pupil of August Haupt, Oscar Raif and Waldemar Bargiel, in Berlin, in the respective branches of organ, piano and composition. In 1882 he took a course in the Hochschule, in that city, and was one of the sixteen students (he being the only for- eigner) accepted for the study of theory and composition in the Royal Academy of Arts, Berlin. Later he went to Vienna, where he attended the piano classes of Theodor Leschetitzky ; and subsequently visited Paris, there becoming a pupil of Moszkows- ky, in piano and composition. Mr. Lutkin then returned home and received the ap- pointment of organist and choirmaster of St. Clement's Church, in Chicago. From 1890 to 1896, he acted in the capacity of organist of St. James' Episcopal Church, in the same city, which established the stand- ard for ecclesiastical music in this section of the country. Before entering upon his studies in Eu- rope, Professor Lutkin had been a teacher of piano in the Conservatory of Music in Evanston, and after his return to this coun- try, he was for a considerable period the principal theory teacher in the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago. In 1891, while temporarily retaining his con- nection with the latter institution, he was placed in charge of the Conservatory, to which he devoted a portion of his time, re- organizing the school and soon uplifting it from a state of deterioration to a condition of high efficiency and prosperity. In 1892 Professor Lutkin resigned his position in the American Conservatory, and was for- mally appointed Director of the Depart- ment of Music of Northwestern University and Professor of Music in the College of Liberal Arts. Five years later the progress of the Department warranted its reorganiza- tion as a separate School of the University, with Professor Lutkin as Dean of the new faculty. He was one of the organizers of the University Club, and received the degree of Mus. D. from Syracuse L'niversity in 1901. The Evanston Musical Club was organ- ized by Professor Lutkin during the 'nine- ties, and he has acted as its director since 1895. He was director as well of the Ra- venswood Musical Club from 1897 to 1905. and that society made signal progress under his leadership. These two organizations were awarded $4.500 in prizes, during com- petitions held at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis in 1904. Professor Lutkin is the composer of music to a con- siderable extent for use in the worship ol the Episcopal Church, to which denomina- tion he belongs, and some of his composi- tions are used in the services of the Estab- lished Church of England. Although an Episcopalian, he was chosen as one of the two musical editors engaged on the revision of the hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a fact which notably attests the rank generally conceded to him in the musi- cal profession. 568 BIOGRAPHICAL CHESTER P. WALCOTT. Chester .P. Walcott (deceased), for a number of years one of the most worthy, useful and highly esteemed citizens of Evanston, 111., was born in Providence, R. I., November 24, 1859, the son of Erastus L. and Harriet (Pratt) Walcott. Mr. Walcott was reared in his native place, where, in early youth, he made diligent use of the opportunities afforded by the public schools. In 1876, he located in Chicago, and sometime afterwards became connected with the business of dealing in plumbers' supplies. For many years, in partnership with Mr. Hurlbut, he carried on a large business under the firm style of Walcott, Hurlbut & Co., being identified with the trade in this line until the time of his death, which occurred April 25, 1899. He had es- tablished his residence in Evanston in the spring of 1891, and there passed away at his home, No. 1 1 14, Judson Avenue. Al- though a quiet, undemonstrative man, Mr. Walcott was energetic in the conduct of his affairs, in which he manifested superior business capability and won merited success. October 27, 1881, Mr. Walcott was unit- ed in marriage, at the Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago, with Martha C. Howe, a daughter of Samuel Howe, one of the pioneer grain merchants of that city. The children born of this union are: Chester H. Walcott, who graduated from Princeton University with the class of 1905 ; and Rus- sell S. Walcott, who is a high school student in Evanston. Mr. Walcott was reared an Episcopalian, but after his marriage united with the Presbyterian Church, to which de- nomination his wife belonged and with which she is still connected. On settling in Evanston he became a member of the First Presbyterian Church, and took a prominent part in promoting its welfare. He was a member of the Board of Trustees and of its building committee. He was also a member of the committee which extended the call to the Rev. Dr. Boyd to become pastor of the church, in which relation that gentleman still officiates. Socially, Mr. Walcott was identified with the Evanston Club. He had a wide ac- quaintance, and his genial nature, kindly de- portment and helpful disposition, attracted to him hosts of friends. By those who were brought into intimate contact with him in the daily walks of life, he was regarded with warm affection, and his unswerving probity and sterling traits of character commanded the sincere respect of all with whom he had business transactions. COL. NATHAN H. WALWORTH. Col. Nathan H. Walworth (deceased), formerly one of the most prominent, popu- lar and widely known citizens of Evanston, 111., was born in Western (now Rome), Oneida County, N. Y., February 14. 1832, the son of Elisha and Sarah (Halbert) Walworth, natives of New York State. Elisha Walworth was a farmer and manu- facturer by occupation. The Walworth family was one of the oldest and most noted in the Empire State, and among its most distinguished representatives was the emi- nent jurist. Chancellor Walworth. The boyhood of Nathan H. Walworth was passed on the paternal farm in the Mo- hawk Valley, and he received his primary training in-the public schools in the vicinity of his home. His education was completed at Rome Academy and in Cazenovia Semi- nary. He remained on the farm during his youth and, when about twenty-two years of age, after finishing his studies, he came west to Fulton County, III., where he oper- ated a large farm in 1855 and 1856. At a later period he went to Oneida. Knox Coun- HISTORY OF EVANSTON ty, where he engaged in mercantile pursuits. In Oneida he was prominent both as a mer- chant and as a citizen, serving as Supervisor of his town, and filling other positions of trust and responsibility. While in New York, Col. Wadsworth had some experience as Captain of Artillery, in the National Guard of that State, and in the early sum- mer of 1861, organized a company of infan- try for service in the Union Army. This company became a part of the Forty-second Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in which he was commissioned as Captain July 22, 1861. In December of that year he was promoted as Major, and in October, 1862, became Lieutenant Colonel. On February 15, 1863, he was promoted to the Colonelcy and was constantly in. command of his reg- iment from the time he became Major until May 15, 1864, when he resigned. At the battles of Chickamauga and Mission Ridge he commanded a brigade. His services in the field began under Fremont and Hunter in Missouri. In February, 1862, he was sent to reinforce Grant at Fort Donelson, and was then ordered down the Mississippi River to Island No. 10. There he con- cived the idea of surprising the Confeder- ate water battery, located above the bend of the river. His suggestion was carried out by Col Roberts in the famous exploit of April i, 1862, in which the guns of the bat- tery were spiked, and our gunboats ran the gauntlet at the island, cutting off the retreat of the Confederates and compelling them to surrender. The regiment was later engaged in the siege of Nashville, and became part of the Army of the Cumberland. Col. Wai- worth was a close personal friend of Gen. Sheridan, who relied much on his military judgment. After leaving the army, Col. Walworth returned to Oneida, 111., where he became a stock breeder in that vicinity, and operated a lumber yard in the town, which he con- ducted until 1868. In that year he located in Chicago with C. H. Conger, and was largely interested in the firm of Conger, Walworth & Co., lumber dealers. About the same time the firm purchased the busi- ness of Roberts. Calkins & Hull, and Col. Walworth having bought the Conger inter- est, the firm became Bushnell, Walworth & Reed in 1871. In 1875 the company engaged in the manufacture of lumber at Cedar Springs, Mich., and also estab- lished lumber yards, drying kilrs, etc., at that place, where it conducted business un- til 1880. The Chicago yard was sold in 1876. and Mr. Bushnell withdrew from the firm. Mr. Reed became President and the concern carried on a retail lumber business at a dozen or more points in Nebraska, having a trade in the aggregate of 30,- 000,000 feet of lumber per year. The firm abandoned the lumber business in 1889, but Col. Walworth and Mr. Reed contin- ued together in the real estate line until the death of the former, at his home in Evans- ton, October 2<). 1892. They were also the owners of large live-stock interests, opera- ting an extensive ranch at Holdredge, Neb. as the Holdredge Live Stock Company. Besides these interests, they owned mills at Muskegon. Mich., which the firm had bought in 1871 and continued to operate until 1885, when they moved to Minneapo- lis. In 1880 the firm sold a half-interest in the Cedar Springs plant, and moved the business to Montague. Mich., and in 1884, the Walworth & Reed Lumber Company was incorporated, with Col. Walworth as President. In 1855, at Delta. N. Y., Col. Walworth was united in marriage with Adelia E. Cornish, who was a native of New York and a daughter of Hosea Cornish of that town. Mrs. Walworth is the only surviv- ing member of the family, although she and her husband cared for and educated 570 BIOGRAPHICAL several children. Politically, Col. Wadworth was an earnest supporter of the principles of the Republican party. Socially, he was a prominent member of the Loyal Legion ; the Union League and Evanston Clubs ; and the George H. Thomas Post, G. A. R. His religious connection was with the Con- gregational Church. Throughout his ac- tive career, the strain of his varied and ex- tensive business responsibilities was inces- sant and severe, and he found it necessary, in 1888-89, to indulge in a vacation for the benefit of his health, spending the period in European travel. It was the nature of Col. Walworth to be kindly and helpful, and his friends loved him as few men are loved. He was ever charitable and took special interest in assisting young men. He was steadfast in friendship and devoted to his old comrades in arms. His home life was ideal, and his intercourse with his wide acquaintance was befitting the character of a brave soldier and chivalrous gentleman. RICHARD CONOVER LAKE. Richard C. Lake, retired, Evanston, 111., was born in Montour County, Pa., July 20, 1846, the son of James and Han- nah (Dey) Lake, natives of the State of Pennsylvania. Mr. Lake is most fortunate in his ancestry. On the paternal side, he is a descendant of John Lake, one of the Lady Deborah Moody party who consti- tuted the first English settlement on Long Island in 1643; trie line of descent being from John through Daniel, John, Richard, Benjamin and James to Richard C. On the maternal side, the Dey family are Holland Dutch, and were among the first emigrants to land in New Amsterdam, now New York City. Dey Street is named for this family. Thus it will be seen that through descent, both maternal and paternal, as well as by collateral lines, the subject of this sketch is related to many of the most prom- inent and distinguished families known to American history, among them being the Randolphs, Harrisons, Berkleys, etc. James Lake, the father of Richard C., was a well-known agriculturist, who at the time of his decease was an associate Judge in the County of Columbia, State of Penn- sylvania. Richard C. received a common school education, which has been supple- mented by study in later years. Until he was twelve years of age, his youth was spent upon a farm. He then went to Espy, Columbia County, Pa., where he was employed by a mercantile house until his seventeenth year, when, in company with some older brothers, he removed to Central City, Colo. There he went to work for a mercantile firm, later becoming a partner in the concern. In 1877 he dis- posed of his interest and embarked once more on the mercantile sea in Deadwood, S. D. A little later he engaged in the bank- ing business in that city, and in 1879 was elected President of the First National Bank. For twenty years thereafter he con- tinued in this business, becoming President of the First National Bank of Rapid City, S. D., in 1884, and later President of a bank in Hot Springs, S. D., and another at Chad- ron, Neb. On September 14, 1871, Mr. Lake was married to Mary, daughter of John R. Ran- dolph of Providence, R. I., whose father was a cousin of the celebrated John Ran- dolph of Roanoake. Mr. and Mrs. Lake were the parents of six children: Jessie, Amy (now Mrs. Walter G. Pietsch), Rich- ard Randolph, Margaret, George Ernest (now a midshipman in the U. S. Navy), and Gertrude. In 1893, the family removed to Evanston, 111., where Mrs. Lake died September 14, 1894. Shortly after coming HISTORY OF EVANSTON 571 to Illinois, Mr. Lake disposed of his bank- ing interests in the West, but was made Vice-President of the Union National Bank of Chicago, which relation he con- tinued to occupy for nearly two years, when, having been elected President of the Masonic Fraternity Temple Associa- tion, and being a large stockholder therein, he resigned the vice-presidency of the bank and took personal charge of the Ma- sonic Temple Building. For two years thereafter or until the building was placed on a dividend-paying basis he held this position. He then resigned, and since that time has devoted his attention exclu- sively to his private business affairs, most important among which may be mentioned the Range Cattle Industry in South Dakota and Texas, a business in which, for the past twenty years, he has been interested to a greater or less extent. On February 9, 1899, Mr. Lake was united to Helen M. Kitchell, daughter of Mrs. E. E. Willis, of Evanston, 111., but there is no living issue from this marriage. In his political affiliations, Mr. Lake is a Re- publican. He is a thirty-second degree Ma- son, and has filled nearly every position in the order. He is a member of the Union League Club of Chicago, the Glenview Golf Club, the Evanston Club, and the Country Club of Evanston. He is likewise a Direct- or of the Evanston Free Public Library, and a member of the School Board of that city. He and his family are members of the Episcopal Church. EDWARD W. LEARNED. Edward W. Learned, a prominent resi- dent of Evanston, 111., since 1865, was born in the town of Homer, Cortland County, N. Y., April 30, 1823. His parents were Edward W. and Polly (Briggs) Learned. Edward W. Learned, Sr., was a farmer by occupation and the son was reared in the neighborhood made famous in the story of David Harum. Here he enjoyed the educational advantages of the common schools of Homer and Solon, and after a course in the Cortland Academy at Homer, in his early manhood engaged in teaching. He came west in 1845, locating at Racine, Wis., on June 5, of that year. His elder brother had come to this section the year before, and he took a tramp beyond Rock River to visit some old New York friends. There he hired out to a farmer who lived near what was then Southport, but is now Kenosha. He worked there at $12.50 per month, taught school the following winter and, when the term was over, went to Port Washington, where he and his brother en- tered government land, receiving a deed therefor from President James K. Polk. Mr. Learned still owns this farm. Except for a period of six years spent in California, Mr. Learned remained in Wis- consin, engaged in building and farming, for twenty-one years. He went to Califor- nia in 1851, sailing from New York and rounding Cape Horn. The voyage from New York to San Francisco consumed 155 days, and during this period thirteen bur- ials at sea and ten cases of yellow-fever came under his observation. He was en- gaged in the building line in San Francis- co and Sacramento five years, was connect- ed with the Vigilantes, and made money rapidly. In 1857 he returned from Cali- fornia, via the Isthmus of Panama, and re- turned to Port Washington where he re- sumed building and continued in this line until 1866, when he came to Evanston. Here he was actively engaged in building operations until he retired from business. Prior to his removal to Evanston (in 1865) he built the second brick residence in Ev- anston. He put up several buildings for 572 BIOGRAPHICAL himself, and made judicious investments in real estate. He also conducted a grocery in Evanston for a time, and, by diligent ef- fort, secured a competency for old age. In 1857, Mr. Learned was married in Homer, X. Y., to Carrie M. Shuler, a daughter of Jacob Shuler, of that place. Their only child was Ella Elizabeth (Learned) Belts, who died in 1884, leaving an infant son, who died seven weeks later. Politically, Mr. Learned is a Republican. He served one term of four years as Jus- tice of the Peace, and was also a member of the city auditing board. His religious con- nection is with the First Methodist Church. JOHN R. VAN ARSDALE. John R. Van Arsdale (deceased), for eighteen years one of the most favorably known citizens of Evanston, 111., was born in Xew Brunswick, N. J., March TO, 1824, and was reared in his native place, where he received his early training in the public schools, and where he also gained his first business experience. In 1869 he moved west to Illinois, and locating in Chicago, was first engaged in the manufacture of wall paper, as a member of the firm of M. A. Howell & Company. From 1870 to 1872, he was a grain commission merchant and an operator on the Chicago Board of Trade. In 1873, he became connected with the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Com- pany of Chicago, of which, in 1876, he was appointed cashier. This position he filled until the time of his death, which occurred February 15, 1890. He passed away at his residence on Ridge Avenue, Evanston, where he had established his home in 1872. During the seventeen years of his connection with the above-mentioned com- pany, he was largely instrumental in ad- vancing its interests to a high degree of prosperity. In 1857, Mr. Van Arsdale was united in marriage with Mary E. Tannehill, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and their union resulted in the following named children : Robert T., a resident of New Brunswick, N. J. ; William T., who is engaged in business in Chicago, and maintains his residence in Evanston ; John R.. Jr., who is also a busi- ness man of Chicago and lives in Evans- ton ; Isabella (Mrs. Sutphen) of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mary, whose home is in Evans- ton. In his religious associations Mr. Van Arsdale was an attendant upon the services of the Presbyterian Church. He was a man of excellent traits of character, superi- or business capacity and scrupulous integ- rity, and enjoyed the sincere respect and unreserved confidence of all who made his acquaintance. LUCIUS A. TROWBRIDGE. Lucius A. Trowbridge, a well-known banker of Chicago, and prominent resident of Evanston, 111., was born in Danbury. Fairfield County, Conn., April 10, 1847, the son of Matthew Thomas and Agnes K. ( Sherman ) Trowbridge. who moved from Connecticut to Illinois in 1861, settling in Rockford. where the former passed the re- mainder of his life, dying in 1903. Both the Trowbridge and Sherman families are of old New England stock. Lucius A. re- ceived his early education in the public and high schools of Rockford. 111., and. after finishing his studies, was employed for two years as a clerk in the "County Book Store," in that city. In 1863, he became bookkeeper in the private bank of Spaf- ford & 1'enfield, and during the same year this bank became the Third National Bank HISTORY OF EVAXSTON 573 of Rockford. Mr. Trowbridge remained with it in various capacities fpr twenty- seven years. He was successively book- keeper, teller, assistant cashier and cashier, and for several years, was also a director, and one of the principal stockholders. In 1891, he resigned his position as cashier, in order to engage in private banking in Chicago, and, in 1893. founded the private banking house of Lucius A. Trowbridge. This was succeeded by the corporation of Trowbridge & Co., in 1895, with Mr. Trow- bridge as President and D. R. Xiver as Secretary. In 1900 the corporate name was changed to that of The Trowbridge & Xiv- er Co., and the house has been, and still is, largely engaged in the purchase and sale of high-grade municipal and corporation bonds. From the outset its main offices have been located in the First Xational Bank Building, in Chicago, while a branch office is maintained in Boston. In late years, the bonds owned and offered to the public by The Trowbridge & Xiver Company have aggregated millions of dollars annual- ly. Mr. Trowbridge is also largely inter- ested in the Twin City Telephone Company, of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Minn., on be- half of his firm. He is a man of keen per- ception and excellent business judgment. On June 9, 1881, Mr. Trowbridge was united in marriage with Carolyn Frances Cobb. a daughter of George Cobb, whose early home was at Sauquoit, X. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Trowbridge have three daughters, namely : Alice, Jessie and Carolyn. Relig- iously, Mr. Trowbridge has been for many years a prominent and active member of the Baptist Church. He is widely known throughout the State of Illinois as a Sun- day School worker and, in 1883. was Presi- dent of the Illinois State Sunday School Association. He is also active in the work of the Y. M. C. A., and was chairman of the Illinois State Executive Committee of that organization from 1891 to 1895. He is still a member of the advisory committee of the association. Mr. Trowbridge estab,- lished his home in Evanston in 1902. and is there held in high esteem. DORR AUGUSTIXE KIMBALL. Dorr A. Kimball ( deceased), who was for many years one of the most prominent and widely known business men of Chicago, was born in Dexter, Jefferson County, X. Y., June 4, 1849, the son of John B. and Louisa (Ryder) Kimball. His father was a shoe manufacturer and a Jus- tice of the Peace in Xew York State, and in political sentiment a zealous Free-Soiler, deeply interested in the abolition movement and the operations of the "Underground Railroad." and while living near Sackett's Harbor, frequently aided fugitive slaves to secure their freedom by escaping to Cana- da. Later he was a supporter of the Gov- ernment in the war for the preservation of the Union, assisting in the organization of troops for the suppression of the rebellion. On the maternal side, the Ryders were an old family of Xew York State, engaged in agriculture. The subject of this sketch received his education in the public schools, and when about fifteen years of age obtained a clerk- ship in a store at \Vatertown. X. Y.. where he remained a year when, in 1865. he came to Chicago and found employment as office boy with Fox & Howard, dredgers and con- tractors, continuing in this business until 1874. He then accepted a ]x>sition as cash- ier with Marshall Field & Co., which he soon exchanged for a position at the head of the general credit department of the same firm, retaining the latter position for the rest of his life, covering a period of nearly thirty years. His long connection 574 BIOGRAPHICAL with the most important department in this extensive concern indicates the estima- tion in which he was held as a business man. Gifted with a retentive memory which enabled him promptly to recall faces and events, his judgment and integrity were im- plicity trusted, and seldom, if ever, at fault. Soon after coming to Chicago, Mr. Kim- ball became a member of the New England Congregational Church, but after moving to Evanston in 1876, transferred his mem- bership to the First Congregational Church of that city, with which he remained identi- fied up to the date of his decease. Although not a member of any secret society, he was identified with several social organizations, including the Evanston Club, the Evanston Country Club, besides various literary or- ganizations, being Vice-President of the first named during the last year of his life. He was also one of the founders and most active supporters of the Home for Incura- bles, in connection with which he served as a Director from its establishment, was a member of* the Evanston High School Board, a Director of the Evanston Hospital and, for several terms, a Trustee of the First Congregational Church. He was es- pecially interested in the welfare and happi- ness of the children the boys and girls of his home city, and on his holidays was ac- customed to lead a bicycle club of little girls about the city and adjoining country, ending the trip with an entertainment at a soda-fountain or an ice-cream parlor. The affection in which he was held by the younger class was one of the highest trib- utes that could be paid to his character, ami affords his friends a pleasant memory of his many admirable qualities of mind and heart. In politics he was a Republican. Mr. Kimball was united in marriage in the city of Chicago, April 24, 1871, to Miss Susie Wood ford, daughter of Orin F. and Mary A. (Merrill) Woodford both branches of Mrs. Kimball's family being de- scended from old prominent New England families. To Mr. and Mrs. Kimball were born three sons and three daughters, of whom two sons Harlow M. and Dorr Edwin and one' daughter Ruth Merrill are now living. Of the other three chil- dren, two died in infancy, and the oldest born, Leonice Woodford, in 1900, at the age of twenty-six years. Mr. Kimball's death occurred suddenly on May 20, 1903, at the Sanitarium at Lake Geneva, Wis., whither he had gone for treatment for a nervous affection, and was deeply deplored by a large circle of friends both in Evanston and Chicago who had learned to appreciate his high business in- tegrity and his many admirable traits of character. His decease called forth many tributes to his memory. It may be said of him that his fidelity and his honesty were never questioned. He was one of the most faithful and trustworthy of citizens in every relation of life. His de- portment in all the relations of life was of the highest, and he was interested in every- thing that would tend to the betterment of the community spending freely of his means, his time and his labor for the up- building of his home city and the promo- tion of the public good. LEWIS CASS TALLMADGE. Lewis Cass Tallmadge, for many years one of the most prominent and favorably known citizens of Evanston, 111., was born in Springfield, Mass., January 23, 1842, son of Marcus M. and Abigail (Andrews) Tallmadge. Marcus M. Tallmadge was a man of independent fortune. In politics, he was a prominent Democrat and an intimate friend of Andrew Jackson. In religion he was a leading Episcopal churchman. Gen. HISTORY- OF EVANSTON 575 Benjamin Tallmadge, the grandfather, was a member of Washington's staff. Marcus A. Tallmadge moved with his family, at an early period, from Springfield, Mass., to East Granby, Conn., where he made his home for many years. He had a son and daughter, who were respectively named after Andrew and Rachael Jackson. The old family homestead was destroyed by fire in October, 1905, and with it were con- sumed njany Revolutionary and other his- torical relics and family treasures. Among these were miniature portraits, on ivory, of General and Rachael Jackson, presented to their namesakes. The Tallmadge family in New England was descended from James Tallmadge, who, with his son Robert, came from Hol- land to Boston in 1630. They moved to Connecticut in 1639, 'and were original grantees of lots in the town of New Haven. Many of the Tallmadge family participated in the Revolutionary War, and some of its representatives have, in later times, become distinguished in professional careers, among them, Rev. T. DeWitt Tallmadge, the noted pulpit orator. Lewis Cass Tallmadge received his early education in the public schools of New Haven, Conn., relinquishing his studies at the age of seventeen years in order to enlist in the Union Army, where he served in a Connecticut regiment. After the war was over, he went to Washington, D. C., where he obtained a position in the War Depart- ment, and at the same time studied law. At a later period, he engaged in the business of adjusting naval claims, which he fol- lowed to a considerable extent during a residence of twenty years in Washington and thereafter. He was also interested in real estate operations, the building of tele- phone lines and various other enterprises. In 1881, Mr. Tallmadge located in Chicago, soon afterwards removing to Evanston, where he resided until the time of his death, which occurred in Chicago, October 16, 1902. In 1874, the subject of this sketch was united in marriage, in the city of New York, with Mary Eliza Eddy, a daughter of Rev. Dr. Thomas M. Eddy, then Secre- tary of the Board of Missions of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, and widely known in that connection. Dr. Eddy had previously held the position of editor of the "Northwestern Christian Advo- cate," in Chicago, and from Chicago went to Baltimore, where he became pastor of the old Charles Street Church, and after- wards built the beautiful Mt. Vernon Place church, and served as its pastor. Still later, he was pastor of the Metropoli- tan Methodist Episcopal Church in Wash- ington, D. C., from which he went to New York, and died there while serv- ing as Secretary of the Board of Mis- sions of his denomination. He was one of the most eminent ministers of the Meth- odist Church, noted alike for eloquence in the pulpit and rare executive ability in the conduct of church affairs. Mr. and Mrs. Tallmadge became the parents of two chil- dren, namely : Thomas Eddy Tallmadge, of Chicago, and Abbie Louise Tallmadge. of Evanston. Politically Mr. Tallmadge was a support- er of the Republican party. He enjoyed a wide acquaintance with public men, and personally knew every President of the L T nited States, from Grant to McKinley, inclusive. In religion, he was reared an Episcopalian, but became a Methodist while in Washington, and was a communicant of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, of Evanston. Socially, he was a member of the Evanston and Country Clubs ; the John A. Logan Post, G. A. R. ; and the Sons of the American Revolution. 576 BIOGRAPHICAL GEORGE ALBERT COE, A. M., PH. D. George Albert Coe, John Evans Profes- sor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, Northwestern L'niversity. Evanston, 111., was born March 2(1, 1862, at Menclon. X. Y.. son of the late Rev. George \V. Coe. for about forty years a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Coe an- cestry is English. The first member of this family to emigrate to America came to Boston in the ship Francis in 1654. The ancestry on the side of the mother (Harriet Van Voorhis) was Dutch, the first Van Voorhis ancestor in this country, coming from Holland to the Hudson River region in the year 1670. Mr. Coe graduated with degree of A. B., from the University of Rochester, N. Y., in 1884. subsequently receiving the degree of A. M. from the same university. In 1887, after three years' study at Uoston L'niver- sity. he received from that institution the degree of S. T. B.. thereafter remaining at the L'niversity for another year of graduate study. On September 3, 1888, he was united in marriage to Sadie E. Know- land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knowland. of Alameda. Cal.. and during the next two years ( 1888-90) was a pro- fessor in the L'niversity of Southern Cali- fornia at Los Angeles. Then, having been appointed Jacob Sleeper Traveling Fellow of Boston L'niversity. he spent one year ( i 890-91 ) studying at the L'niversity of Berlin. In 1891 he received the degree of Ph. D. from Boston L'niversity, and the same year was appointed Acting Professor of Philosophy at Northwestern L'niversity, two years later being appointed the John Evans Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy in that institution, which he still retains. Professor Coe has published numerous articles in psychological and theological journals, and is a member of the American Psychological Association, the American Philosophical Association, and the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. He is the author of the following works: "The Spiritual Life" (N. Y., lyoo) ; "The Religion of a Mature Mind" (Chicago, 1902) ; "Education in Re- ligion and Morals" (Chicago, 1904). He has also delivered numerous popular lectures on educational topics. In 1900 he was Lec- turer on the Psychology of Religion at Bos- ton L'niversity School of Theology, and in 1902, and again in 1903. gave courses of lectures at the summer sessions of the Har- vard Divinity School on The Psychology of Religion and Religious Education, respect- ively. Professor Coe is a member of the First Methodist Church of Evanston. SADIE KNOWLAND COE. Sadie Knowland Coe, late Professor of Piano and History of Music, Northwestern L'niversity School of Music. Evanston, 111., was born in San Francisco, Cal. in 1864, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knowland. was educated in the public schools and the high school of Alameda, Cal., and studied piano with Ernst Hart- maim of San Francisco, and still later with Carl liaermann and J. W. Tufts, of Boston. On September 3. 1888. she was married to George Albert Coe, a Professor in the Uni- versity of Southern California at Los An- geles. During the academic year 1889-90, she was in charge of the piano department of the University of Southern California, and for the next three years studied music in Germany taking instruction in piano music with Hemrich Barth and Moritz Moskowski. Theory and Composition with Reinhold Succo. and Ensemble Playing with Waldemar Bargiel. Mrs. Coe came to Evanston in 1893 and HISTORY OF EVANSTON 577 started a class for private instruction of pupils in piano music, but was invited into the faculty of the University School of Mu- sic as Instructor of Piano, with which she was connected eleven years. Besides teach- ing piano, she developed a popular depart- ment of the History of Music, gave numer- ous recitals, and appeared often with the string quartette, repeatedly bringing out new compositions, or those heard here for the first time. In 1901 she was advanced in rank to Professor, which she resigned in 1905 in order to establish a private school. She was under appointment as Lecturer on Musical Aesthetics in the College of Liberal Arts at the time of her death, which resulted from cancer, at San Fran- cisco, Cal., August 24, 1905. Mrs. Coe was exceedingly active in pro- moting music as a means of popular cult- ure. For some four years she took the lead in the music work of the Evanston Wom- an's Club, conducting or organizing each year a course of educational programs and recitals. In the meantime she gave numer- ous lecture recitals in Evanston and else- where. Her leading topics were historical, such as Primitive Music. Music of the American Indians, and the several music- dramas of Richard Wagner. A few days before her death there ap- peared from the press of the Clayton F. Summy Company, her "Melodrama of Hi- awatha" for speaking voice and piano, the text being from Longfellow's poem, and the music being based upon genuine Indian themes. This composition has been given repeatedly in Evanston. and a number of times in other cities. It has proved itself possessed of great beauty and emotional power. Besides being a brilliant player and an able teacher and lecturer, Mrs. Coe was possessed of rare executive ability, intellect- uality and social power. Adhering to the same faith as her husband, Prof. George A. Coe, she was a member of the First Methodist Church of Evanston. ALANSOX SWEET. Alanson Sweet (deceased), pioneer mer- chant and legislator of the Middle West, and former well-known citizen of Evans- ton, 111., was born in Owasco. Cayuga County, N. Y., March 12. 1804, the son of Wilbur and Anna (Leach) Sweet. Wilbur Sweet was a skilled stoneworker by occu- pation, and was also engaged in agricul- tural pursuits. His son. Alanson. was reared on the paternal farm and trained to fanning, besides learning the stone-mason's trade. On the maternal side he was de- scended from Lawrence Leach, of English ancestry, who settled in Salem. Mass., eleven years after the landing of the Pil- grims, and was in the Colonial service un- der Governor Winthrop. Left a half - orphan by the death of his mother in his early childhood. Alanson Sweet was thrown upon his own resources at the age of fourteen years. He had had few advantages of early schooling, but be- ing naturally studious, as a result of self- training he became a man of broad general information. As a youth he had a varied experience, an incident of which was his service as driver of a canal boat on the Erie Canal. When but nineteen years of age he was a contractor for stone work, and in this connection, held Government contracts. In 1831 he journeyed to Chicago, and was at Fort Dearborn at the beginning of the Blackhawk War. He was First Lieutenant of a company of volunteers raised in Chica- go at that time, to aid in checking the rav- ages of the Indians, and in this connection rendered considerable active service. While in Fort Dearborn he saw. for the first time. Emily Shaw, who had just arrived in Chi- 578 BIOGRAPHICAL cago from New York State, and who, on account of the threatened danger, had tak- en refuge in the fort. It was a case of love at first sight, and, in 1833, they were united in wedlock at St. Joseph, Mich. Soon after his marriage, Mr. Sweet engaged in build- ing and other enterprises in Chicago, and was one of the earliest real estate owners there. He built the first two-story frame house in Chicago, and had the first inclosed grounds, comprising a quarter of an acre of land at the corner of Clark and Kinzie Streets. In 1835, believing that on account of its fine harbor and other advantages, Mil- waukee was destined to become the chief city of the lakes, he moved to that place, where he acquired large landed interests and became a leading man of affairs. For thirty-five years thereafter, he was one of the foremost citizens of Milwaukee, pos- sessed of ample means, conducting exten- sive enterprises and manifesting great ac- tivity in every field of effort. It was his design to build up a new city and commer- cial emporium. Mr. Sweet held many po- sitions of honor and trust in Milwaukee, and was one of the organizers of the Wis- consin Territorial and State Governments. He served as one of the five members of the first Territorial Legislature, and was chief- ly instrumental in locating the capital of Wisconsin, afterwards named Madison, at "Four Lakes." He improved part of the harbor of Milwaukee, and constructed a number of lighthouses on Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. Mr. Sweet was a close personal friend of Governor Doty, the first Governor of the State, and co-operated with him and other noted pioneers in laying the foundations of a great commonwealth. For many years he was the leading grain mer- chant of Milwaukee, owning large eleva- tors 'and handling vast quantities of grain annually. In the early days, Mr. Sweet was an ar- dent champion of water as against railroad transportation, and was among the pioneers who were unfriendly to railroad enterprises. He lived, however, long enough to realize how largely the latter have contributed to- ward the development of the country. Hav- ing met with reverses, Mr. Sweet went to Kansas in 1870, beginning the life of a farmer again at Arkansas City. After re- maining there about six years, he relin- quished active efforts and settled in Ev- anston, where he passed nearly all his later life, dying in Chicago in 1891. His last days were spent near the scenes of his earli- est labors in Illinois. On the spot which he had beheld in all its original barrenness, with hardly a hitman habitation outside of Fort Dearborn, he saw a city of more than a million people spring into existence al- most within a generation. The faithful, life-long companion of Mr. Sweet passed away in Evanston in 1892, and the only surviving members of this noted pioneer family are a son and a daughter George O. Sweet, of Chicago, and Mrs. Mary (Sweet) Taggart, of Ev- anston. OSCAR H. MANN. Oscar H. Mann, M. D., who has been one of the prime factors in the develop- ment of Evanston, 111., from a straggling, though pretty suburb of Chicago, to a handsome city and a seat of wealth and culture, was born in Providence, R. I., November 24, 1834. His parents, Timo- thy M. and Eliza (Tupper) Mann, were descended from families conspicuous for high mental and moral qualities. Dr. Mann's father was a cousin of Horace Mann, the famous educator and author, and Martin Tupper, the poet, was a mem- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 579 ber of the family from which the mother of the subject of this sketch was derived. When Mr. Mann was but a child, his father moved to Albany, New York, and for several years was engaged in the transportation business on the Hudson River and the Erie Canal. The son at this period attended Whitesboro College, Whitesboro, N. Y., and then pursued a course of study in the Medical College of the University of the City of New York, where he received his diploma. Similar degrees were also conferred upon him by Hahnemann Medical College in Chicago, and the Chicago Homoeopathic College. In 1860 Dr. Mann came West and com- menced practicing medicine at Shabbona Grove, 111. From 1863 until i86f> he prac- ticed in Ottawa, 111., and then settled in Evanston, where he soon attained a pro- fessional status which ranked him among the leading physicians of the State for more than thirty years. He has been President of the Illinois State Homoeo- pathic Association, and has filled other positions of honor and trust. Early in his career he became interested in pro- moting public enterprises and was an earnest advocate of honesty and economy in municipal government. He bought real estate and improved it substantially, erecting soine years ago what is still one of the principal business blocks in the city. He served as a member of the Vil- lage Board and was the last President of that body before the incorporation of Ev- anston as a city. He was one of the chief organizers of the waterworks system, and under his administration the City Hall was commenced and completed. The annexation of South Evanston to Evans- ton was, to a considerable extent, the re- sult of his active efforts, in conjunction with those of other public-spirited men whose sagacity and energy made the city what it now is. He became the first Mayor of the city, and was re-elected to that office, serving, fnall, three years, and organizing the city government in all its departments. To him was largely due the satisfactory settlement of the tax con- troversy between the city and the North- western University, the bringing to the city of the electric railroad, and the plan- ning and beautifying of Fountain Square. Shortly after his second term as Mayor expired, in 1895. Dr. Mann relinquished his medical practice, and moved to a large stock and grain ranch, which he owned near Pierre. South Dakota, where he re- mained eight years, returning to Evans- ton in 1903. Beyond the age of three- score and ten years, he is now living in retirement, enjoying well earned repose and the esteem of all his fellow citizens. FRANK HERBERT ANDERSON. Frank H. Anderson, a well known citi- zen of Evanston, 111., where he is now serving as City Treasurer, was born in Forest, Ontario, Canada, October u, 1866. He is a son of Andrew Sparahock and Helen (Jones) Anderson, both of whom were natives of the Province of Ontario ; the former born at Prescott. and the latter at Kingston. The occupation of Andrew S. Anderson was that of a builder and stockman. The subject of this sketch received his early mental training in the public schools in the vicinity of his birth- place, and remained at home until his schooling was completed. He then pur- sued a course of professional study in the Ontario Veterinary College, from which he was graduated in 1889, beginning the practice of veterinary surgery at Evans- ton in the following year. On November 29. 1893, M F - Anderson BIOGRAPHICAL was united in marriage, at Evanston, with Anna Margaret Hartray, who was born in that city, December 2, 1870. She was a daughter of James Hartray, who is one of the earlier settlers of Evanston. Of this marriage there were two children, namely : Raymond Francis, born Septem- ber ii, 1804, all( l Ruth Helen, born Jan- uary 18, 1898. The mother of these chil- dren died March 21, 1899. In politics Mr. Anderson is an earnest supporter of the Republican party, and is active and influential in its local councils. He was elected City Treasurer of Evans- ton in 1905, and is still the efficient incum- bent in that office. He has served in the capacity of Assistant State Veterinarian of Illinois, since 1900. In fraternal cir- cles, the subject of this personal record is identified with the A. F. & A. M. Religi- ously, he is an adherent of the Episcopal faith. He is an intelligent, energetic and popular man. and a public-spirited citizen. JAMES MILTON BARNES. James Milton Barnes, who is one of the most prominent and favorably known citi- zens f Evanston, 111., was born at Hope. Warren County, X. J., December 29, 1858, the son of Samuel and Sarah Ann (Moore) Barnes, who moved from the East, in 1860, to Rochester, Mich. The subject of this sketch received his early mental training in the public schools of Rochester, Mich., and there his childhood years were spent. He then became a pu- pil in the Pontiac (Mich.) High School, and after graduating from that institu- tion, pursued a two years' course of study in the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor. Before completing his education. Mr. Barnes applied himself to teaching, in which occupation he continued four years. In 1883 he entered the government serv- ice, securing a position in the Ap- praiser's office in Chicago, where he re- mained five years. After leaving the gov- ernment service, he went into the employ of Marshall Field & Co., in Chicago. While thus engaged he studied law and was admitted to the bar. Subsequently. he was made attorney for Marshall Field & Co., and at a later period became head of the credit and legal departments in that establishment, which position he now holds. On December 25, 1885, Mr. Barnes was united in marriage, at Rochester, Mich., with May Curtis, who was born near that place. October 13, 1860. Two children have been born of this union, namely : Myrtie Adella, born April 22, 1887; and Alice May, born February 10, 1889. In politics, Mr. Barnes is a supporter of the Republican party, and in religion he ad- heres to the faith of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. His business reputation is of the best, and he is regarded in Evans- ton as a high-minded and public-spirited citizen. SARAH H. BRAYTON, M. D. Dr. Sarah H. Brayton, a well known and highly respected practitioner of medi- cine in Evanston, 111., is a native of Car- lisle. County of Cumberland, England, where she received her elementary educa- tion in the grammar schools. Her par- ents came to the United States during her early girlhood and settled in the State of New York, where the daughter grew to maturity. As she approached woman- hood, she conceived the idea of becoming a physician, and intent upon the belief that the avenue of her usefulness in life lay in this direction, she diligently applied HISTORY OF EVANSTON herself to a course of medical study, which she continued four years. In 1875 she received the degree of M. D., and dur- ing the same year began the practice of her profession in the City of New York. In 1876 she was appointed Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Medical College for Women in that city, in which she soon attained a high reputa- tion. She was also signally successful in her practice, which rapidly increased. \York in that city, however, proving detri- mental to her health, she was obliged to relinquish it. \Yhile on a visit of recrea- tion to the West during a vacation period, some of her friends in Evanston urged her to resign her position in New York, which she consented to do, and after arranging her affairs in the East, settled in Evans- ton, and has ever since been profession- ally and socially popular in her adopted city, where her practice has continued to meet with exceptionally good results. Dr. llrayton has been prominent in many important and meritorious public enter- prises, especially in securing the erection of the hospital building in Evanston, which is now one of the most creditable features of the town. She is a member of the Illinois State Medical Society : the Chicago Medical Society ; the American Association for the Advancement of Science : the American Public Health As- sociation ; The Fortnightly of Chicago, and the London Lyceum Club. In 1891 she was appointed a delegate by the Aux- iliary Congress of the World's Colum- bian Exposition, to the Seventh Interna- tional Congress of Hygiene and Demogra- phy, held in London, England. In 1893 she was elected Chairman of the Wom- an's Committee of the International Con- gress of Public Health, which convened with the annual session of the American Public Health Association, in Chicago, during that year. In later years in ad- dition to her large practice, Dr. Brayton has devoted much time to the establish- ment of a convalescent home for women and children in Evanston. She is a mem- ber and Secretary of the Evanston Hos- pital Staff. CHARLES LYMAN WAY. Charles Lyman Way (deceased), a noted expert in iron and steel work, whose residence in Evanston. 111., began at the time of the great Chicago fire of 1871. in which he was one of the numer- ous sufferers, was born in Xew Haven. Conn,, November 7. 1818. the son of Wil- liam and Betsy Way. who were natives of New England. William Way, the father, was an iron-worker by occupation, and was the first man in that line of work to conceive and carry into effect the idea of manufacturing carriage hardware for the general trade, thereby obviating the neces- sity of making each part as needed. Since that time this branch of manufacture has grown into vast proportions. William Way was a man of rare skill as an artisan, and was possessed of remarkable energy and strong traits of character. In relig- ious belief he was a Methodist, and be- longed to the First Methodist Church of New Haven, Conn., for more than seventy years, being a class-leader for about sixty years of that period. The early mental training of the sub- ject of this sketch was obtained in the public schools of his native place, and after his schooling was over, he was em- ployed with his father in the iron wdrks. until he acquired an intimate knowledge of that art. From 1845 to 1855, he was BIOGRAPHICAL superintendent of Peter Cooper's rolling mills at Trenton, X. J., and in the latter year, moving to Michigan, acted in the same capacity in connection with E. B. Ward's rolling mills at Wyandotte in that State. In |8(>.V he located in Chi- cago, where he assumed the position of superintendent of the \orth Chicago Rolling Mills, on Clybourn Avenue. Sub- sequently for more than twenty years, he served in the capacity of steel expert for the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company. He was also connected with the Pennsylvania, and other railroad com- panies, as steel expert. (In September 21, 1851. at Trenton, N. J., Mr. Way was united in marriage with Margaret C. Raum. who was born in that city. July 23. 1829. One child was born of this union, namely, Kate Virginia, who was born April 27. 1858, and became the wife of Roger Barrett McMullen, on June 15. iSSi. In politics Mr. Way was a supporter of the Republican party. Religiously, he was reared, in the place of his birth, in accordance with the creed of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but after his marriage became connected with the Baptist denomination. Immediately after the fire of 1871, Mr. Way. abandoning the flaming ruins of Chicago, established his home in Evans- ton, on October y. 1871. and from the time of his removal until his death was re- garded as one of the worthiest and most useful- members of the community in which he had cast his lot under cir- cumstances so peculiar. He was a man of exceptional purity of character and scrupulous sense of justice. It was his habit never to pass an adverse opinion on others, and if nothing good was to be said, he said nothing. JOSEPH M. LORIMER. Joseph M. Lorimer (deceased), who was for about ten years a well known, excep- tionally useful and highly respected citizen of Evanston, 111., was born in Pittsburg, Pa., September 6, 1891, the son of William E. and Rachael (Me Masters) Lorimer, who were natives of Pennsylvania. When Jo- seph was five years of age, the family went to Nebraska, and after remaining there a short time, settled in Leavenworth, Kans., where William F. Lorimer was engaged in freighting to Denver. He afterwards moved to a farm in the vicinity of Leaven- worth, where his home was situated during the Civil war. The father of the family and four sons served in the Union army. When Joseph M. Lorimer was eighteen years of age he located in Chicago and. as messenger, entered the employ of Jones & Laughlin, the Pittsburg iron manufacturers, who had established a branch in Chicago some years previously. Mr. Lorimer was advanced from one grade to another, until some years before his death, when he became manager of the western department of the business. At the time of his death, which oc- curred August 24. 1804, he had been in the employ of Jones & Laughlin nearly twenty- five years, and had established a very high reputation as a business man. He had charge of most important interests in this connection, and was the inventor of the Lorimer column, used in structural iron work. Mr. Lorimer established his home in Ev- anston in 1884, and at once became a potent factor in promoting the best interests of the city. Seldom has any man, in a residence so comparatively brief in duration, im- pressed his individual worth upon the hearts of his fellow citizens as strongly as did Mr. Lorimer upon the people of Evanston. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 583 In 1876, Mr. Lorimer was united in mar- riage, at Waukegan, 111., with Fannie L. Sherman, a daughter of the Hon. Alanson S. and Aurora Sherman. Mrs. Lorimer's father was the fifth Mayor of Chicago, and, at a later period, was one of the founders of Northwestern University. Mr. and Mrs. Lorimer became the parents of the follow- ing named children: Helen (Mrs. Miller), of Pittsburg, Pa. ; Robert Sherman ; and Joseph McMasters Lorimer. On settling in Evanston, Mr. Lorimer took an active part in church and educa- tional work. He was a most active and use- ful member of the First Congregational Church, a liberal contributor to its needs, and earnest and zealous in all branches of its work. He was a member of the official board of the church, and his Sunday school efforts were highly effective. He was one of the organizers of the Evanston Y. M. C. A. and the prime mover in infusing life and energy into its operations. A leading spirit in starting the movement to erect its build- ing, he aided the construction with his own means, and made loans to others for the same purpose. For several years Mr. Lori- mer was a member of the Evanston School Board, and as chairman of the building committee, had charge of the erection of the Lorimer School, thus named in his honor after his decease. In politics. Mr. Lorimer was a strong Republican and took a spirited part in the campaigns of his party. He was a member of the Union League Club of Chicago and a director of the State Hank of Chicago. His death was deeply deplored as an irreparable loss to the community, and his memory is warmly cherished by all who closely knew him and felt the wholesome beneficence of his life. ALANSON FILER. Alanson Filer, a venerable and highly esteemed citizen of Evanston, 111., and one of the few survivors among the orig- inal settlers of the Middle West, was born in Herkimer County, N. Y., March 10, 1812, the son of Alanson and Patty (Dodge) Filer, the former born Septem- ber 12, 1774, and the latter October 25. 1784. The father was a farmer by occu- pation. In early youth the subject of this sketch attended the public schools of his native place for a limited period only, as, being the oldest son, his services were needed to assist his father in work on the farm. After having remained at home until he was fourteen years of age. he was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker, with whom he remained four years. His mother furnished his clothing during the period of this apprenticeship, and besides his board, he received from his employer, in return for four years' service, ten cents in wages or as a present. At the end of this connection he went to Utica, Oneida County, N. Y., to serve another appren- ticeship lasting until he reached his majority, when he journeyed westward to Chicago, reaching that village July 6, I833- On November 22. 1835. Mr. Filer moved from Chicago to Root River (now Racine), Wis., where he made his home until April, 1891, when he moved to Fvanston. 111., where he has since resided. When Mr. Filer located at Root River, Wis., that State formed a part of Mich- igan Territory, and he was one of the pioneers in that region. He is now prob- ably the oldest survivor of the original settlers of Southeastern Wisconsin. On November 16, 1834, Mr. Filer was united in marriage, at Chicago, with 584 BIOGRAPHICAL Maria Pilkington Green, who was born November 28, 1809. and died in 1889. Eight children born of this union were as follows : One daughter, born in October, 1835. and who died in infancy unnamed ; Mary A., born February 22, 1837; Agnes Julia, born August 9, 1840; Charles A., born March 15, 1842; Roxanna M., born March 29, 1846; Martha, born April 14, 1849 ; Samuel H. (date of birth unknown) ; and Kittie M., born September 26, 1853. The survivors of this family are Agnes Julia and Martha, whose home is at Man- istee, Mich. Charles A. was killed in the first battle of Bull Run, and "Charles Filer" Post, G. A. R., at Racine. \Yis., is named in his honor. On January 28, 1893, MV- Filer was married a second time, wedding Elizabeth Crews, who was born and reared at Fairfield. 111. In politics. Mr. Filer was originally a Whig, but became a Republican in 1856, maintaining his association with that party until 1884, when he joined the Pro- hibition party. He was a member of the lower house of the Wisconsin Legislature in 1855, and served as Sergeant-at-arms of the Senate of that State in 1857. Fra- ternally, he belonged to the order of Good Templars in the 'fifties, and held the office of Grand Worthy Chief Templar until the disruption of the order, about the time of the Civil War. Religiously, Mr. Filer is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with which he united in 1828. He was President of the Board of Trus- tees of the First M. E. Church in Racine, Wis., from the time its place of worship was built until his removal to Evanston. in 1891. He has lived an exceptionally long, upright and useful life, and is held in the highest esteem and veneration by all who know him. MYRON H. BASS. Myron H. Bass (deceased), formerly one of the most worthy and highly esteemed citizens of Evanston, 111., was born in Williamstown, Vt., December 24, 1836, the son of Joel and Catherine Wright Bass, natives of New England, where they were derived from Colonial ancestry, Myron H. Bass being a descend- ant in the seventh generation from Sam- uel Bass, who settled in Roxbury, Mass.. in 1630, and was for many years a deacon of the first church established there. Mr. Bass remained in his native place until he was 18 years of age, obtaining his early education in the public schools. His primary studies were supplemented by an academic course at Meriden, N. H. In 1855, Mr. Bass removed to Illinois, to which State two of his brothers had pre- ceded him Perkins Bass, who located in Chicago, and another brother, Walter B. Bass, who was engaged in farming in Will County. Mr. Bass owned and oper- ated a farm in Kankakee County until 1870, when he moved to Chicago and engaged in the real estate business, rep- resenting many large holdings. He con- tinued to be prominently identified with the business interests of Chicago, al- though he removed to Evanston in 1884, which was his home during the remainder of his life. In 1863. he was united in marriage, in Will County, 111., with Ann Elizabeth Kelly, a daughter of James Ward and Nancy J. Kelly. In 1834 James W. Kelly moved from Greenbrier County, Va.. to Illinois, and settled in Will County. At that period, the Indians were numerous in that section of Illinois, and Mrs. Bass, who was a native of that region, has vivid recollections of many thrilling experi- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 585 ences of pioneer life. The surviving members of the family born to Mr. and Mrs. Bass are: George A., of Philadel- phia, Pa. ; Perkins B., of Evanston ; Stella (Mrs. J. E. Tilt), of Chicago; and James K., of New York City. In religious belief, Mr. Bass was a Methodist, at an early period having be- come a member of the Grant Place Meth- odist Church, of Chicago. From the time when he became a resident of Evanston until his death, on June 3, 1890, he was a communicant of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of that city, in which he officiated as one of the stewards. He was possessed of most excellent traits of character, and was a genial, kindly man, the virtues of whose daily life gained for him the affectionate esteem and confi- dence of all who intimately knew him. WILLIAM MORSE GRISWOLD. Dr. \Yilliam M. Griswold. who is en- gaged in the practice of dentistry at No. 23, Glockengiesserwall, Hamburg, Ger- many, was born in St. Charles, Minn., September 26. 1871. His primary mental training was obtained in the public schools and after completing his prepar- atory studies in Hamline University, he took a professional course in Northwest- ern University Dental School, Chicago, 111., from which he was graduated, in 1897. with the degree of D. D. S. He received the class honor of an appoint- ment as demonstrator in this institution. Dr. Griswottl is a member of the Amer- ican Dental Society of Europe, and is serving on its Executive Committee for the term extending from 1903 to 1907. That body held its Easter session of 1904 in Hamburg, through an invitation ex- tended in 1903 by Dr. Griswold, at Mad- rid, where he was in attendance at the meeting of the International Medical Congress. The subject of this sketch is a member of the Xew York Institute of Stomatology, the Congris Dentaire Inter- nation de Paris, and was elected first hon- orary member of the W. D. Miller Dental Club of Berlin. SIDNEY BACHRACH MEYER. Sidney B. Meyer, attorney-at-law, re- siding at No. 1627 Grace Street, Chicago, 111., was born in Quincy, 111., April 13, 1879. His primary mental training was obtained in the public schools and he pur- sued a preparatory course of study in the Xorth Division High School, in Chicago. In September, 1898. he matriculated in Northwestern L'niversity Law School, from which he was graduated in June. 1901, with the degree of LL. B. In 1899, 1900 and 1901. he was pitcher in the Northwestern University baseball team. Mr. Meyer is a member of the Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity, and belongs to the Hampden, Washington and Lexington Clubs. In 1900. he was President of the First Voters' Club, in Chicago, and in 1902-1903, held a like position in the 24th Ward Republican Club in that city. His law offices are at Rooms 937-945 Amer- ican Trust Building, Clark and__Monroe Streets, Chicago. WILLIAM MONTELLE CARPENTER. William M. Carpenter, First Yice-Pres- ident Walworth and Neville Manufactur- ing Company, with residence at 2010 Sheridan Road, Evanston, was born in Wooster. Ohio, October 15, 1866, the son of Charles and Mary (Blanchard) Car- 586 BIOGRAPHICAL penter, both born in the State of New York, the former in 1833 and the latter in 1836. The first of the Carpenter fam- ily to come to America was William, an Englishman, who crossed the ocean on the ship "Bevis" in 1^38 and settled at Rehoboth, Mass. Genealogists have traced the name as far back as John Car- penter, who was Town Clerk of the City of London, died wealthy and founded a great school in that city at the corner of the Thames Embankment and John Car- penter Street, "The City of London Schools." Another ancestor on the pater- nal side was Lieutenant John Hollister. who came from England to Connecticut in 1642, and married a daughter of Hon. Richard Treat, Sr., who was one of those to whom the original Connecticut charter was issued. The first of the Blanchards was Samuel, who came early in the sev- enteenth century from England to Charles- ton, now a part of Boston, and whose descendants intermarried with many of the families of Billerica, Mass. The last of the Blanchards was Mr. Carpenter's grandfather, Capt. Walter Blanchard, who was killed at Ringgold Gap, during the Rebellion, while leading his regiment, the Thirteenth Illinois. The wife of one of the Blanchards was a Tolford, whose claim to descent from "the nobility" is at least stoutly maintained. The Daniels, another maternal family, was of North- of-Ireland-Scotch stock and settled in Vermont. Of the different branches of these ancestral families many took part in the Colonial Wars, the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812 and the War of the Rebellion. Mr. Carpenter's father's family re- moved from Southern New York to the central part of the State, and his mother's family to the same locality from Massa- chusetts. In the 'thirties of the last cen- tury his mother came to Du Page County, 111., and his father some years later, and there they were married during the Civil War, while the. father was at home on furlough. The father of William M. Car- penter was a school teacher and court reporter for many years, and a respected citizen of Downers Grove, where he served on various boards and as Post- master. He made a modest success in business, and lived a clean, honorable and useful life ; he was, at the same time, of strong character and kindly temperament. The mother died in 1893; in the language of Mr. Carpenter himself, she "was of all mothers the best : a strong, forceful, noble character." The subject of this sketch spent his boyhood and early youth in a village near Chicago, where he graduated from a high school, later taking a one year's classical course in college, and in the meantime acquiring the habit of reading, with taste for an active out-door life. lie then be- came an errand boy in a law office in Chicago at a very modest salary, utilizing his spare time in the study of shorthand. In August, 1883, he went to New York as a stenographer in the office of the West' ern Electric Company, a year later return- ing West to enter school for a year. He then entered the employment, of the Western L'nion Telegraph Company for a year, but returned to the Western Elec- tric Company, with which company he continued for upwards of twelve years, making steady progress. During 1906 he connected himself with the lumber company above referred to. For some years during the 'nineties he was a member of the Downers Grove Board of Education. Besides being a member of the Sons of Veterans, he be- longs to the following social organiza- tions and fraternities: Union League and Caxton Clubs, Chicago: Bibliophile Soci- ety, Boston ; Evanston Municipal Associ- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 587 ation and Evanston Club, Evanston His- torical Society, Sons of American Revolu- tion and Sons of Colonial Wars, Masonic Fraternity, Modern \\~oodtnen of Amer- ica, National Union, American Civic As- sociation, National Geographic Society and National Credit Men's Association. He has at times been President of The Electrical Trades Association of Chicago and of the National organization. Mr. Carpenter's business has made it necessary for him to make frequent and extensive trips over the country, and he has visited every large city from Boston to San Francisco and from New Orleans to Duluth ; has also, for several years, made annual trips to Europe, one to the Hawaiian Islands and one each to Cuba and the City of Mexico and beyond, be- sides frequent visits to Canada. He has thus been a visitor in practically every State of the Union, and in most of the large cities of the country has a more or less extensive acquaintance. Originally a Prohibitionist in his callow days, he later came to the conclusion that real regeneration never came through law. and is now willing to be classed as a "Mugwump" with pronounced Repub- lican proclivities. In July. 1888, Mr. Carpenter was mar- ried, at Downers Grove. 111., to Florrie M. Schofield, who was born in St. Louis, Mo., in 1867. and of this union two chil- dren were born, namely: Hubert Mon- telle. born June 12. lS8o,. and Mary P.lanchard, born December 19, 1890. On Inly 27. 1898, he was married in London, England, to Lucile Russell, of Hudson. Mich., and they have one son Russell born June 12. 1903. Fond of good books and fine bindings, Mr. Carpenter has gathered a library con- taining some choice books. For years he has had an especial liking for the writ- ings of Eugene Field, Rudyard Kipling and Thackeray, and of neither one does he ever tire. With a taste for art, he has collected some good pictures, and has studied potteries and picked up many samples in his travels. He has been espe- cially interested in American art pottery specimens, including Rockwood, Van Briggle, Grueby, etc. He also made many original photographs of scenery and of ancient and modern buildings and other structures met with during his travels : and has in his collection some rare specimens of old Mexican zerapes. Indian rugs and potteries, Hawaiian cal- abashes and the like. Mr. Carpenter re- gards the people of the Middle West as the "salt of the earth," and would rather live in Evanston than in any other city he has ever seen. WILBUR WALLACE McCLEARV. Dr. Wilbur Wallace McCleary, physi- cian and surgeon, whose office is located at No. 257 West Forty-seventh Street, Chicago, 111., was born in Rock Island. 111., in 1867. In boyhood, he availed him- self of the advantages afforded by the public schools of his native town, and in 1881 began a course of study in St. Mary's College. Kan., from which institution he was graduated in i88fi. In that year, he matriculated in the Medical Department of Northwestern University, graduating therefrom in 1889. The subject of this sketch is at pres- ent acting in the capacity of physician to the Provident Hospital, in Chicago. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the Illinois State Medical Society and the Chicago Medical Society. On June 30. 1895. Dr. McCleary was united in marriage with Fannie Cleage. of Chattanooga. Tenn., and one child, losephine, has been born of this union. 588 BIOGRAPHICAL JOHN H. HUNGATE. John H. Hungate, lawyer and banker of La Harpe, Hancock County, 111., was born in that county June 2, 1838. His early education was obtained in the pub- lic schools of his native place, and he aft- erwards pursued a preparatory course in Knox College and Burlington University. Subsequently he qualified himself for the legal profession by taking a course in the Law Department of Northwestern Uni- versity, from which he received the de- gree of LL. B. He then entered upon the practice of law in St. Louis, Mo., and was thus engaged for five years. From 1864 to 1868. he held the office of Circuit Court Clerk of McDonough County, 111., and is the author of the law requiring an index of court records. In 1876, Mr. Hungate was the candi- date of his party for Congress, but met with defeat. He assisted in organizing the Title and Trust Company of Peoria, 111., which was afterwards consolidated with the Dime Savings Bank of that city. In 1874, he organized the bank of Hun- gate, Ward & Company, of which he is now sole proprietor. He is President of the Board of Trustees of Gittings Sem- inary at La Harpe, 111., and President of the Board of La Harpe High School. On May 8, 1878, Mr. Hungate was united in marriage with Florence E. Mat- thews, of Monmouth, 111., and they have, four children: Ward, Edith, John and Harold. In fraternal circles, Mr. Hun- gate is identified with the A. F. & A. M. and the I. O. O. F. He is a man of broad information and has traveled extensively in the United States and in Europe. MASON B. LOOMIS. Judge Mason B. Loomis (deceased), formerly a prominent citizen of Evans- ton, 111., and a lawyer and jurist of dis- tinction, was born in Harrisville, Medina County, Ohio, April 14, 1837, the son of Milo and Lucy (Greenly) Loomis, who had moved to Ohio from New York. Milo Loomis was a merchant by occupa- tion. The first known ancestor of Judge Loomis was a Spanish gentleman, who came to this country at an early period and settled in Connecticut. Both of Judge Loomis' parents died when he was fifteen years old, and he grew to man- hood under the care of a guardian. After receiving his primary education in the public schools at Lodi, Ohio, he took a supplementary course in Oberlin College. He then spent several years in Illinois, returning to Ohio in 1859 and beginning the study of law there with Bliss & Mc- Sweeney. B.oth of his legal preceptors passed their professional examination at the Ohio Bar, and in later years, Mr. McSweeney, who was noted as a criminal lawyer, became widely known through- out that State as the "old man eloquent." Mr. Loomis was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1861, and thereupon moved to Kankakee, 111., where he remained nine years, meeting with signal success in his profession. In 1868, he was elected State's Attorney for the circuit compris- ing the counties of Livingston, Iroquois and Kankakee, for a term of four years. At the end of two years, he resigned this office and located in Chicago, where he became a member of the firm of Runyan, Avery, Loomis & Comstock. Four years later he withdrew from this firm, and formed a partnership with Judge Charles H. Wood, under the firm name of Wood HISTORY OF EVANSTON 589 & Loomis. This connection continued until 1877, when Mr. Loomis was elected County Judge of Cook County, for a term of four years. In this office he served, however, five years, an amendment to the State Constitution having, in the mean- time, extended the term one year. At the expiration of this period, he resumed the practice of law under the firm name of Needham & Loomis. At a later period this partnership was dissolved, and he became associated with his son under the firm name of M. B. and F. S. Loomis, which existed until the death of the father, when the son succeeded to the practice. Judge Loomis established his home in Evanston in 1892. and died there at his residence on Washington Street, October 2, 1902, after an attack of sick- ness lasting four days. In addition to the offices of Judge and State's Attorney, he served as a member of the City Coun- cil of Evanston, and in this position did much towards the advancement of the in- terests of the city. In 1859, at Harrisville. Ohio, Judge Loomis was united in marriage with Nel- lie Ainsworth, who was a schoolmate of her husband in their youth, and who still survives him, a resident of Evanston. In politics, Mr. Loomis was an earnest advo- cate of the principles of the Republican party, and participated in many cam- paigns. Religiously, he was a member of the Second Presbyterian Church of Evanston during his residence there, hav- ing previously been connected with the Third Presbyterian Church of Chicago. Socially, he was identified with the Illi- nois Club (of which he was an officer), the Irving Club, of Chicago, an old lit- erary organization, and the Twentieth Century Club, of Evanston. These soci- eties, as well as the Evanston City Coun- cil, adopted appropriate memorial resolu- tions on the occasion of his death. Judge Loomis was a rare wit and an incisive, forceful and convincing public speaker. He was an exceptionally able trial lawyer, and a jurist of eminent abil- ity, making an exemplary record on the bench. The "Chicago Evening Post" re- flected public opinion in regard to him by saying: "In citizenship he won high esteem. He was a thorough Chicagoan, zealous for Chicago's supremacy, and al- ways sought to enhance its repute, munic- ipally and commercially. Honest local government commanded his continuous interest. He was identified with many movements leading towards the city's up- building, and education, charity and church all found in him an ardent advo- cate." The Twentieth Century Club paid him this tribute: "He was not only pro- foundly versed in the law, but he was abreast of the best literature of the day. and conversant with the best authors of the past. His convictions were deep, and he had the courage to maintain them. His wit was of the character that pro- voked only mirth : it had no sting. He used this dangerous faculty so skillfully that he never inflicted a wound. Judge Loomis was a Christian gentleman. He was an active participant in the religious work of the church to which he belonged. He was genuine, upright, pure and noble, and the loss to this community of such a man is immeasurable." WALTER L. GALLUP. Walter L. Gallup (deceased), formerly a very energetic, prosperous and repu- table citizen of Evanston, 111., was born at Poquonock Bridge. Conn., April 2, 1852, the son of Franklin and Sarah (Bur- roughs) Gallup, both members of old New England families. Franklin Gallup was engaged in the fish-oil business. The 590 BIOGRAPHICAL early education of Walter L. Gallup was obtained in the schools of Norwich, Conn., where his childhood was passed. When he reached the age of fourteen years he entered the Bank of Norwich, in which he received his youthful business training, becoming an expert accountant. A severe attack of sickness, however, caused him to relinquish this position, and to join his father in the oil business on the coast of Maine. At a later period, he was connected with a mercantile firm in New York City. Early in the 'seven- ties Mr. Gallup located in Indianapolis, Intl., where he became a member of the saw-manufacturing firm of E. C. Atkins & Co., and was prominently identified with the manufacturing interests of Indi- anapolis until 1889, when he established himself in business in Chicago, where he was engaged in advertising enterprises until the time of his death, which occurred in Evanston, in 1894. After starting in Chicago five years previously, he had, through diligent application and superior capacity, built up an exceedingly prosper- ous business. In 1874 Mr. Gallup was united in mar- riage at Port Jervis, N. Y., with Ella H. Hunt, a daughter of Dr. Isaac S. and Sarah (Fleming) Hunt. Mrs. Gallup's father practiced medicine successfully for many years at Port Jervis, and there his death occurred. One child resulted from the union of Mr. and Mrs. Gallup, namely, Stella (Mrs. Pickerell), of Evans- ton. Mr. Gallup belonged to the First Bap- tist Church of Evanston, in which he was a member of the Board of Trustees, hav- ing charge of the choir, and sustaining other official responsibilities. In frater- nal circles, he was identified with the Royal Arcanum. He was a man of excel- lent traits of character and strict probity in his business relations, and was re- garded as one of the worthiest and most useful members of the community. JOHN H. VOJE. Dr. John H. Voje, who is engaged in the practice of medicine in Oconomowoc, Wis., and is also proprietor of Sanatorium Waldheim in that city, was born in Ger- many, on March 12, 1853. 1 l &74< ne entered the Chicago Medical College, now the Medical Department of Northwestern University, from which he was graduated in 1876, with the degree of M. D., and in 1884 received another degree from the University of Leipzig, Germany. Dr. Voje founded the Sanatorium Waldheim, in Oconomowoc, August i, 1888. He is a member of the American Medical Asso- ciation, the Wisconsin State Medical Society, and the Waukesha County Med- ical Society. On June 19, 1879, Dr. Yoje was married to Hannah Ulrich, who has borne him two children: Hertha, born July 24, 1880, and Henry, born December 14, 1885. CHARLES W. BARLOW, D. D. S. Charles William Barlow, dentist, Prov- idence, R. I., was born in St. John, N. B., Canada, May 13, 1863. His boyhood and youth were spent in the place of his nativ- ity, where his early mental training was obtained in the public schools. He pur- sued a course of dental surgery in North- western University Dental School, Chi- cago, 111., from which he graduated with the class of 1894, receiving the degree of D. D. S. He is a member of the North- western University Dental ScTiool Alumni HISTORY OF EVANSTON 59 1 Association. The marriage of Dr. Bar- low occurred August 4, 1896, at which time he was wedded to Florence A. Angell, of Providence, R. I. WINFIELD SCOTT HALL. Winfield S. Hall, Professor of Physiol- ogy in the Northwestern University Meil- ical School since 1895, and a resident of Berwyn, Cook County. 111., was born in Ratavia, 111., January 5, 1861. He began his preparatory studies under private tutors in Hastings, Neb., and entered the College of Liberal Arts of Northwestern University in 1881, continuing until the fall of 1883. From 1884 until the fall of 1886, he pursued a professional course in Northwestern University Medical School, and in 1886-87, continued his literary and scientific studies in the University. In 1887-88, he was a student in the Medical School, and he also took a course in med- icine in the University of Leipzig, Ger- many in 1893-94, and a course in philoso- phy in 1894-95. He received the degree of B. S. from Northwestern University in 1887, that of M. D. in 1888, and of M. S. in 1889, from the same source. The Uni- versity of Leipzig conferred upon him the degree of Dr. Med. in 1894, and those of A. M. and Ph. D. (Magna cum laudel in 1895. While in the College of Liberal Arts in Evanston, 111., Prof. Hall was a member of the Hinman Literary Society and the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity. He was awarded the Marcy Botany Prize in June, 1883, and received General Scholarship Honors in 1887. He belonged to the Honorary Fraternities Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and Alpha Omega Alpha. Dur- ing his medical course, Prof. Hall was Class President of the class of '88. He was a successful contestant for the Fowler $ioo-Prize in Optics, and the Ingalls $ioo-Prize in "Scholarship: Lit- erary, Scientific and Professional." In 1888-89 lle ne ld an interneship in Mercy Hospital, Chicago, after a competitive examination. From 1889 to 1893, Prof. Hall was Professor of Biology in Haver- ford College, Pennsylvania. From 1901 to the present time he has served in the capacity of Junior Dean of the Medical Faculty of Northwestern University Med- ical School. From 1902 to 1906, Prof. Hall was Pres- ident of the American Medical Associa- tion for the Study of Narcotics ; in 1903-04, Secretary of the Association of American Medical Colleges : in 1904-05. Chairman of the Section of Pathology and Physiology of the American Medical Association ; Primarius of the Alpha Omega Alpha, Honorary Fraternity, 1903 to date; and President of the American Academy of Medicine, 1905. He is now a Fellow of the American Academy of Science, a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a Fellow of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, a mem- ber of the American Medical Association, the American Physiological Society, the Chicago Medical Society, etc., etc. He is also the author of several important con- tributions to medical literature in the form of volumes familiar to the profes- sion. On October n. 1888. the subject of this sketch was united in marriage at Juniata, Neb., with Jeannette Winter, of Prince- ton, 111., and they became the parents of the following named children : Ethel, born October 22, 1893; Albert Winter, born January 8, 1895 ; Reymond Ludwig. born January 20. 1897; and Muriel, born August ii, 1902. 592 BIOGRAPHICAL ASAHEL O. BASSETT. Asahel O. Bassett (deceased), formerly one of the most substantial and prominent citizens of Evanston, 111., was born in Delhi, Delaware County, N. Y., January 2, 1837, the son of Hon. Cornelius Bas- sett, who was an extensive farmer, and owner of a fine country residence, and at one time a member of the New York Leg- islature. The Bassett family was of Eng- lish extraction, and settled at an early period in Martha's Vineyard. Asahel O. Bassett received his early training partly in the public schools of New York State and partly in Illinois. He grew up on his father's farm until he was about ten years of age, when his mother having died, he accompanied his uncle, Reuben Coffin, to Illinois, the fam- ily locating at Buffalo Grove. Ogle County. After remaining there two years, the family came to Chicago, and, on the trip, Mr. Bassett had a good opportunity of observing pioneer life in that section of the State from which the farmers were accustomed to haul their grain to Chi- cago by team. In 1849, Mr. Bassett went to New York City, where he remained five years, and was there trained to the grocery business. Thence he went to Tarrytown, N. Y., where he was first en- gaged in that line of trade on his own responsibility. At a later period he em- barked in the manufacturing business, but shortly after his marriage, took charge of the large estate of his wife's father, who was an extensive land-owner at Tarry- town. After living about ten years at Tarry- town, Mr. Bassett moved to Chicago, where he engaged in the plumbing and gas-fitting business. He suffered heavy loss by the fire of 1871. but at once re- sumed operations, and afterwards con- ducted a large business on the Methodist Church Block. Subsequently withdraw- ing from the plumbing trade, he embarked in the manufacture of picture mouldings and frames on a large scale, employing about 100 men, and shipping his product throughout the United States. In this connection he suffered further losses by fire, when he turned his attention to the lumber trade, in which he was- engaged until his retirement from active business, a few years before his death. Mr. Bassett was always a very active and energetic business man, and maintained a wide acquaintance. In 1859, Mr. Bassett was united in mar- riage, at Tarrytown, N. Y., with Nancy B. Decker. Her father, William J. Decker, was in early life a shipbuilder in New York City, but subsequently became an extensive landowner in Westchester County, N. Y. The Deckers were an old Knickerbocker family, and were also akin to the Bayles and Storm families, ances- tors of Mrs. Bassett on the maternal side. Mrs. Bassett was born in New York City, but spent her youth in the Tarrytown home, which is located amid historic sur- roundings. It is within four miles of White Plains, a famous battlefield of the Revolutionary War. At Tarrytown, the noted British spy, Major Andre, was cap- tured, a member of the family of Mrs. Bassett's mother having taken part in the capture. Within a mile of the Tarrytown home stood the headquarters occupied by Washington during a portion of the strug- gle for Independence. Of the Decker estate Mrs. Bassett is still part owner. In the vicinity are the summer homes of John D. Rockefeller, Edwin Gould, Helen Gould and other noted people. Mrs. Bas- sett's mother, who died at the old home in 1902, was born in the same vicinity on HISTORY OF EVANSTON 593 the Holland estate, afterwards the prop- erty of Cyrus W. Field. Mr. and Mrs. Bassett became the par- ents of the following named children: William D., of Loveland, Colo.; George, who is connected with the First National Bank of Chicago; Etta (Mrs. Dr. Free- man), of- Evanston ; Harriet, wife of Harry H. Mallory, of Evanston; and Emma, who married Yernon S. Watson, of Oak Park, 111. In 1882, Mr. Bassett established his home in Evanston, purchasing a residence at No. 1124 Asbury Avenue. His home, which then stood almost alone, is now in a compactly built portion of the city. It was there that he departed this life on February 4, 1902. In religious belief, Mr. Bassett was a Baptist, and for 18 years officiated as deacon of the First Baptist Church ot Evanston. In fraternal circles, he was identified with the Royal Arcanum. He was devotedly attached to the home cir- cle, and his domestic life was exceedingly pleasant. Although quiet and unassum- ing in demeanor, he was a man of genial, amiable nature and winsome disposition, and won many friends. In life he was cordially esteemed, and his death was deeply lamented. THOMAS H. WATSON. Thomas H. Watson (deceased), long and favorably known in connection with the wholesale grocery interests of Chicago for a period of thirty-five years and a promi- nent and highly esteemed citizen of Evans- ton, 111., was born in a Quaker settlement called "The Union," fourteen miles from Plattsburg, N. Y., April 7. 1843. He was a son of Judge Thomas B. and Harriet E. (Powers) Watson, natives of New York. Judge Watson was of English extraction and was reared in the Quaker faith. He was a lawyer of high reputation, and served on the judicial bench of New York for a number of years. Thomas H. Watson passed his early youth in Plattsburg. N. Y., where he made diligent use of the opportunities afforded by the public schools. When seventeen years of age he located in Chicago, where his uncle, Heman G. Powers, was then established in business, as Junior member of the firm of Durand & Powers. The head of the firm, Henry Durand, was a pio- neer merchant of Chicago, Mr. Watson entered the employ of this firm as a clerk, and continued in that capacity until 1862, when he entered the Union Army as a member of the famous Board of Trade Battery, of Chicago, in which he served until near the close of the war. On his dis- charge from the service he returned to Chicago, and resumed his connection with Durand & Powers, remaining with this firm and its successors until 1879. when he became associated with the extensive wholesale grocery house of Franklin Mac- Veagh & Company. At different times he traveled extensively in the interest of this firm, and became widely known as a sales- man. He was a close student of every- thing pertaining to the grocery trade, and gained a reputation throughout the West as one of the best informed men in the coun- try, in that line of business. Mr. Watson was especially prominent as a sugar expert, and for many years had en- tire charge of the sugar purchases of Franklin MacVeagh & Co., amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. He was also a leading member of the Na- tional Association of Wholesale Grocers, and served as the Committeeman of that organization charged with special attention 594 BIOGRAPHICAL to the sugar trade, until within ten months of his death. He was very active in busi- ness, bearing heavy responsibilities, and conduoi-ne large transactions. In 1862, at Kankakee, 111., Mr. Watson was united in marriage with Mary P. Hickox, a daughter of John R. Hickox, a well known member of the Bar of Illinois. Mrs. Watson was born at Dansville, Liv- ingston County, N. Y., and spent the years of her girlhood in Syracuse, that State. In 1860 she moved from New York to Illi- nois, the journey westward being deeply impressed upon her memory by the fact that it was made in company with the New York delegates to the Republican Na- tional Convention held in Chicago, which nominated Abraham Lincoln for the Presi- dency. Mr. and Mrs. Watson became the parents of four children, as follows : Emma (Mrs. Knight), of Chicago; Thomas W., of Decatur, 111.; Alice (Mrs. Jackson), and Ednah (Mrs. Russell), of Evanston. Mr. Watson established his home in Evanston in 1869, and during the early years of his residence there was a member of the Board of Trustees of South Evanston and also a member of the School Board. He was an attendant at the services of the Congregational Church. His death oc- curred at Evanston, July 28, 1904. He was regarded as one of the most worthy and useful members of the com- munity, and his estimable widow is held in the highest regard by a wide circle of friends. ISAAC R. HITT, JR. Isaac Reynolds Hitt, Jr., residing in Washington D. C., was born in Chicago, 111., September 7, 1864. Mr. Hitt's child- hood was spent in the city of his birth. In 1871 his parents moved to Evanston, 111., and there the subject of this sketch lived until 1898. Since February I, of that year, he has been a resident of Washington, D. C., where his home is at No. 1334 Columbia Road. The primary mental training of Mr. Hitt was received in the public schools of Evanston, 111., and he afterwards became a pupil in the Preparatory School of North- western University, graduating therefrom in 1883. He was graduated from North- western University with the class of 1888, receiving the degree of B. S., that of M. S., being conferred upon him by his alma mater in 1894, the year of his graduation from the Kent Law School, now Lake Forest University Law School. During his preparatory course, Mr. Hitt belonged to the Euphonia Literary Society, and was Captain of the Football Eleven. In the University he was President of the Hinman Literary Society, and Captain of the University Football Eleven. While in that institution, he was one of the reorgan- izers of the Illinois Alpha Chapter of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, later Province President, and in 1891-93 was in the Gen- eral Council of that fraternity. He partic- ipated in the "Hinman Essay Contest," acted in the capacity of business manager of "The Northwestern" (Magazine) ; served on the board of business managers of the "Syllabus ;" and was one of the four organizers of the "University Press." Since making his home in Washington, D. C., Mr. Hitt has been, since its organization and is still, a member of the Council of the Uni- versity Club, President of the Northwestern Alumni Club, and re-organizer of the Phi Delta Theta Alumni Club. From 1898 to 1902 Mr. Hitt held the position of Law Clerk in the Law Division of the Internal Revenue Bureau in the Treasury Department, and became Chief of HISTORY OF EVANSTON 595 the Miscellaneous Division of that Depart- ment in the latter year. He is President of the Illinois Republican Association of the District of Columbia, and is President of the Board of Trustees of the Calvary Meth- odist Episcopal Church of Washington, D. C. He compiled the Internal Revenue Laws in 1900, and the Legal Tax Laws and Decisions. He is a member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court, the Court of Claims, and Supreme Court and Court of Appeals of the District of Co- lumbia. On November 13, 1889, at Logansport, Ind., Mr. Hitt was united in marriage with Rosa May Birch (X. W. U. Ex. '87). Four children are the offspring of this union, namely : Ruth Emma, born October 8, 1890 ; Leila Birch, born July 29, 1892 ; William Birch, born July 17, 1895 - an d Isaac Rey- nolds, III., born June 7, 1901. CARL ELLSWORTH BLACK, A. M.. M. D. Dr. Carl E. Black, physician and surgeon who is engaged in the practice of his pro- fession in Jacksonville, 111., was born in Winchester, 111., July 4, 1862, the son of Green V. and Jane (Cohenour) Black, of whom the former is Dean of the Dental Department of Northwestern University. In boyhood the subject of this sketch re- ceived his primary mental training in the public schools of his native place, and grad- uated from the High School in 1881. He then entered Illinois College, from which he received the degree of B. S. in 1883. In 1887, he graduated from Northwestern University Medical School with the degree of M. D., afterwards pursuing post-grad- uate courses of medical study in New York City and Vienna. In 1903, the degree of A. M. was conferred upon him by Illinois College. He was awarded the prize for the best essay on the "Principle and Prac- tice of Operative Surgery," and the Stephen Smith prize, inscribed by Dr. N. S. Davis, for the best Inaugural Thesis submitted to the faculty of the Chicago Medical College of Northwestern Univer- sity, by the graduate class of 1887. Since his graduation, Dr. Black has been engaged in practice in Jacksonville, and for a number of years his attention has been devoted almost exclusively to surgery. Dr. Black is a member of the American Medi- cal Association ; The Illinois State Medical Society, of which he was Chairman of the Legislative Committee from 1900 to 1903 ; Counsellor for the Sixth District, President in 1903-4. and Chairman of the Council in 1906-7, of the Mississippi Valley Medical Society ; the Western Illinois Medical and Surgical Society, the Morgan County Medi- cal Society, and the Jacksonville Medical Club.' From 1896 to 1902, he was editor of the Morgan County "Medical Journal ;" and, in 1903-06, was Chairman of the Com- mittee managing the "Illinois Medical Journal," is also associate editor of the "Medical Fortnightly." He is a member of the Jacksonville Literary Union. Presi- dent of the Morgan County Historical So- ciety, a Trustee of Illinois College, a director of the Jacksonville Public Library and Vice-President and acting President of the Illinois State Library Association, 1905-06. On June 12, 1899. the subject of this sketch was united in marriage, at Jackson- ville. 111., with Bessie McLaughlin. and four children have been born of this union : Kirby Vaughn. Carl Ellsworth. Dorothy Lawrence, and Marjorie Vauderman. 596 BIOGRAPHICAL PROF. OSCAR OLDBERG. Prof. Oscar Oldberg, a prominent phar- macist of Chicago, was born in Alfta, Hel- singland, Sweden, January 22, 1846, the son of Andrew and Fredrika (Ohrstromer) Oldberg, both of whom were also natives of that country, the former born in 1804, and the latter, in 1808. Andrew Oldberg was a man of superior intellect and fine attainments. He was an author of note, and had a high reputation as an educator. In religious belief, he was an adherent of the Lutheran Church. He received his education in the University of Upsala, and for many years was the head of Prince Oscar's School, a connection which was terminated in 1845. In that year he was appointed rector of the Parish of Alfta. There, in 1866, he departed this life. His wife passed away in 1882. Oscar Oldberg was the seventh of nine children. In early youth he made diligent use of the opportunities for mental train- ing afforded by the public schools in the vicinity of his home, and afterwards pur- sued a course of study in the Gymnasium of Gefle, Sweden. His education was ob- tained to a considerable extent, however, through instruction received from private tutors. He was reared at Alfta on the Woxna River, where his childhood was passed among the mountains. During the period when he was approaching manhood he devoted considerable attention to music, having experienced throughout his juven- ile years a strong inclination for that art. In 1861 he secured a position in the drug store of Sir. F. VV. Helleday, at Falun, Sweden, and continued in the employ of that gentleman until 1865. At that period he became a licensed pharmacist, and dur- ing the same year left his native country and made his home in the United States, locating in New York, where he spent two years engaged in his chosen profession. In 1882 he moved to Chicago. Prof. Oldberg is a member of the Ameri- can Pharmaceutical Association ; the A. A. A. S. ; the A. Chemical Society ; the Ameri- can Metrological Society; the National Geographic Society ; and the Chemical Society, of Germany. On May 17, 1873, at Youngstown, Ohio, the subject of this sketch was united in marriage with Emma Paritt, who was born at Atwater, in that State, and underwent her early mental culture in the Ohio schools. Three children resulted from this union, namely: Arne, a composer of music, born July 12, 1874; Olga, born April 16, 1876; and Virgil, a mechanical engineer, born December 17, 1877. In political sentiment, Prof. Oldberg is an Independent Republican, and in relig- ious belief, accepts the faith of the New Jerusalem (Swedenborgian) Church. WILLIAM NEWELL BRAIXARD. Capt. William N. Brainard (deceased), for many years one of the most prominent citizens of Evanston, Cook County, 111., was born in De Ruyter, Madison County, N. Y., January 7, 1823. He came of an old New England family, the earliest known repre- sentative of which was Daniel Brainard, who was brought to America when eight years of age, sometime after the landing of the Pilgrims. He became one of the proprietors of Haddam, Conn., where he settled in 1662, having previously lived in the Colony at Hartford. The maiden name of Captain Brainard's mother was Sally Gage, who was born in Dutchess County, N. Y., and the Captain's grandmother, on the maternal side, when a child, witnessed HISTORY OF EVANSTON 597 the tragic massacre at Wyoming, Penn- sylvania, in which two of her brothers were killed. Another brother, who reached the age of one hundred years, was a soldier of the Revolutionary War. The father of Cap- tain Brainard was Jonathan Brainard, who moved from New York to Painesville, Ohio, in 1831, but returned to New York a year later, where he was engaged in farm- ing until his death. Captain Brainard spent his boyhood on his father's farm, obtaining his education in the public schools and at the De Ruyter Institute. He began teaching when eigh- teen years of age, read law for a time and afterwards went to Rome, N. Y., where he was engaged in the forwarding and ship- ping business for five years. In 1850 he sailed from New York on the Pacific mail- ship, Georgia, from which he landed at Chagres, on the way to California, in com- pany with nine others going to Gorgona on the Chagres River, by canoe, rowed by five naked natives, and thence to Panama, the baggage being carried on pack mules. From there he went by vessel to San Fran- cisco, which he reached in the following December. After mining for a time on the North Fork of the American River, he went into the express and produce business at Sacramento, in which he continued until > 1857. While living in Sacramento, he was elected city treasurer, and held that office during the formative period of the town. In 1853, Captain Brainard returned east as far as Illinois, and became interested with others in fitting out a wagon train, which convoyed a herd of cattle across the plains to California. Then continuing his journey eastward to Syracuse, N. Y., on May 4, 1853, ne wa $ married to Malinda B. Coley, at her home in Syracuse, when they sailed together for California, and Mrs. Brainard shared with her husband the thrilling experiences of pioneer life there until 1857. During his residence in Cali- fornia, Mr. Brainard served as Captain of a company of Vigilants, and thereby gained the title which clung to him through life. In 1857, Captain Brainard returned to his native State, and, after spending a year in Syracuse, moved to Chicago, where he became a member of the Board of Trade, engaging in the produce business, in which he continued until his death. In 1863, he made a trip to Pike's Peak. He served one term as President of the Chicago Board of Trade, and was acting President of that or- ganization in 1872. He also filled a num- ber of important official positions at differ- ent times. These included membership on the Board of Commissioners of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, by appointment of Gov. Beveridge, from 1873 to 1877. and as a member of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission, by appointment of Gov. Ham- ilton, from 1883 to 1885. From 1885 until 1893 he served on the Board of Trade com- mittee for the inspection of grain. In 1866, Captain Brainard established his home in Evanston, where he was a leading citizen during the remainder of his life. He served as a member of the Village Board and as Town Collector. In politics, he was a supporter of the Republican party, and fraternally, was a member of the I. O. O. F. and the California Pioneers' Asso- ciation. His death occurred May 19, 1894. Mrs. Brainard, who survives her husband, is a daughter of Col. George and Hulda (Norton) Coley, of Chenango County, N. Y., and her grandfather was a quartermas- ter during the Revolutionary War, under Washington. Besides Mrs. Brainard, the only member of this family living in 1905, was her daughter, Mrs. Frances Marian Belknap. A son, William Valejo Brainard, died in 1887, and a daughter, Hattie Belle, died in childhood. 59 BIOGRAPHICAL JOHN R. WOODBRIDGE. John R. Wooclbridge (deceased), well- known in business circles of Chicago and throughout the West as merchant and man- ufacturer, and for some years before his death a resident of Evanston, 111., was born at Fort Recovery, Ind., August 16, 1851, the son of Ebenezer and Eliza (Ripley) Woodbridge, and a descendant of Rev. John Woodbridge, who came from England and settled at Newberry, Mass., in 1683. Through its English ancestry, the lineage of the family is traced to King Henry I. of France. When he was four years of age, and when Illinois was still regarded as a part of the "Far West." Mr. Woodbridge's par- ents removed to Lee Center in this State, and the son passed the years of his boyhood at that place, receiving the mental train- ing in the public schools and at Lee Center Academy, which fitted him for a successful business career. Leaving home when he was seventeen years of age, he came to Chi- cago and obtained his first employment in the Methodist Book Concern then, as now, one of the great church publishing houses in the West and a powerful agency in ad- vancing church interests. In this institu- tion he was well trained morally, religious- ly and industrially, and developed early in- to a capable man of affairs. After serving the Book Concern for several years, win- ning the approbation and gaining the high regard of those with whom in this connec- tion he was brought into contact, severing his connection with the publishing concern, he engaged in business on his own account, becoming junior member of the firm of Eldredge & Woodbridge, pioneers in the manufacture of men's furnishing goods in the West. A few years after they began business Mr. Eldredge died, and thereafter Mr. Woodbridge conducted the enterprise which they had founded under the firm name of Woodbridge & Co., building up a commercial house of high character and constantly expanding trade. In later years he conducted in connection with his factory a large laundry, located on the "West Side" in Chicago, and also operated salesrooms at 100 Madison Street. In the trade with which he was identified he became widely known throughout the West, and no busi- ness house in the city had a higher standing among its patrons. Those who knew him as a man of affairs esteemed him alike for his sterling integrity, his correct business methods and his uniform courtesy and fair- ness in all of his dealings. He had broad capacity for the conduct of business, was intensely active and energetic, and, all in all, was a fine type of the self-made west- ern business man. In 1892 he came to Ev- anston to live and soon became a favorite in social and club circles by reason of his geniality, his kindliness and many lovably traits of character. A man of charming personality, he drew about him a large cir- cle of devoted friends, to whom his death, on the 2lst day of March. 1901, brought a deep sense of personal bereavement. He was a Methodist in religious belief and a leading member of the Emmanuel Church of Evanston, taking a deep interest in the up- building of the church and the advancement of its interests. When his business cares were laid aside, he found his favorite recre- ation from time to time in hunting and other out-door sports: was an active and leading spirit in the Evanston Gun Club and the Masonic Order, and also a member of the Evanston Club. Mr. Woodbridge was first married, in 1872, to Mary H. Grannis, daughter of Amos Grannis of Chicago. She died in 1884, leaving two daughters, Anna May HISTORY OF EVANSTON 599 and Mary Grannis Woodbridge. In 1887 he married Miss Georgia E. Tanner, daughter of Charles Tanner of Chicago, who survives her husband, residing at the family homestead on Asbury Avenue. Their children are Helen Louise and John R. Woodbridge, Jr. MARY BOYD LINDSAY. Mary B. Lindsay, Librarian Evans- ton Public Library, was born in Peoria, 111., the daughter of James Columbus and Sarah M. (Dinwiddie) Lindsay the for- mer born at McConnellsburg, Pa., June 20, 1829, and the latter at Gettysburg, Pa., November 3, 1834. The families of both parents became early settlers in Peoria, 111. but in 1903 removed to Evanston. Hugh Dinwiddie, the great-great-grand- father of Miss Lindsay on the maternal side, served as Captain in the York (Pa.) "Associators" during the Indian War, and was also a soldier of the Revolution, serv- ing first as Major, and later as Lieuten- ant-Colonel, and dying in the service. An- other ancestor on the same side, Henry Black, served in the American Revolution as Captain of a company of "Rangers." Miss Lindsay was educated in the Peoria High School and in the New York State Library School, at Albany, in that State, and later taught one year in the Peoria pub- lic schools and a year in the Pettingill Sem- inary of that city. She also was connected with the Peoria Public Library for a time until 1894, when she came to Evanston to. accept the position of Librarian of the Free Public Library of that city, which she lias continued to occupy to the present time. In July, 1905, she was chosen Secretary of the Evanston Public Library, which posi- tion she still retains. She was President of the State Library Association for the year 1905-06. Her religious affiliations are with the First Presbyterian Church of Evans- ton. Miss Lindsay's long identification with library work, and her continuous reten- tion of the position which she has occupied for the past twelve years, as well as the growth of the Evanston Library under her administration, attest the value of the ser- vice she has rendered in her chosen field of labor to the city of Evanston. EDGAR OVET BLAKE. Edgar Ovet Blake, whose reputation as a skillful architect has been thoroughly es- tablished during the successful pursuit of that profession in Evanston, 111., was born in Evanston, July 22, 1866. The place of his birth is near the property now known as Number 1632, Chicago Avenue, Evans- ton. Mr. Blake is a son of Wallace Hoyt and Lucena Mariette (Herrick) Blake, the former born in Williston, Yt., and the latter a native of Watertown. N. Y. For many years the occupation of Wallace Hoyt was that of a wholesale grocery sales- man, but he is at present living in retire- ment in Colorado. The mother of the sub- ject of this sketch passed away in 1885. In 1870, the family moved to South Evans- ton, and were among the earliest settlers in the vicinity where they located. Mr. Blake's ancestry on the paternal side is traceable in America to the year 1700, when this branch of the family settled in Wrentham, Mass., where from that period its successive generations have continued to own and occupy land. On the maternal side, Mr. Blake is descended in a direct line from Edward Winslow, who landed from the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock, in 1620. In early youth, Mr. Blake made diligent 6oo BIOGRAPHICAL use of the opportunities for mental training afforded by the South Evanston public school, and supplemented his elementary studies by attending the Evanston High School. In 1881, he entered the employ of John M. Van Osdel, of Chicago, who was then one of the most prominent and successful architects of the West. This period marked the inception of Chicago's modern archi- tecture, and in the year last mentioned, the Board of Trade Building and the John V. Farwell warehouse in that city, were erect- ed. On the plans for the latter building, Mr. Blake assisted as office boy. When he left Mr. Van Osdel's employ, Mr. Blake be- came a pupil in the Art Institute of Chica- go, where he remained until he went to Eu- rope, finishing his architectual studies in Paris. With the exception of the period thus spent abroad, Mr. Blake has spent his entire life in Evanston and its vicinity. On returning from Europe, he was employed in the architect's office of the World's Col- umbian Exposition in Chicago, and worked on the plans of the famous buildings includ- ed in that memorable enterprise. During the six months of its continuance he had abun- dant leisure to attend the "World's Fair Congresses" on religious and economic questions, and there began the course of in- vestigation which resulted in his present attitude in public affairs. Together with many others, he was affected by the finan- cial depression which followed the termi- nation of the great Exposition in 1893. In 1896, he applied himself to his chosen work in Evanston, and has since confined himself closely to the practice of architec- ture, making it a special point to attend personally (as a craftsman) to his work, as far as possible. He has furnished plans for a number of business buildings and several fine apart- ment buildings in Evanston, beside a few churches in the neigboring towns. His specialty, however, has been along the line of moderate-priced residences, of which he has designed about 200, mainly in Evanston. Of these, quite a number were built for members of the Northwestern University staff of professors. On November 13, 1890, Mr. Blake was united in marriage at Evanston with Annie Elizabeth Bradley, who was born in Not- tingham, England, April 15, 1866. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Blake, namely : Marion Lucena, born Octo- ber 18, 1891, and Eleanor Elizabeth, born June 1 6, 1896. In religious association the subject of this sketch is identified with the Methodist Epis- copal Church, and formerly was quite ac- tive in church work, and in the work of the Epworth League. During the past ten years, however, his attention has been al- most entirely devoted to his professional and domestic duties. Politically, Mr. Blake was formerly a Republican, casting his first vote for Benjamin Harrison in 1888. In 1896, he became a Socialist, as the ultimate result of his study of sociological and eco-- nomic problems, at the World's Fair Con- gress of 1893. Aside from his chosen occu- pation, he has always taken an interest in music, but never made a special study of that art. In 1890, during his absence in Europe, already mentioned, he visited the important points of interest in England. France and Italy. His professional repu- tation rests securely on the work that he has wrought, which amply attests his ability and skill as an architect. JOHN JAY SH UTTERLY. John Jay Shutterly (deceased), who es- tablished his home in Evanston in 1880, was one of its most active and progressive citi- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 601 zens. He was born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 14, 1826, and reared in the village of Carmichael, near Pittsburg, Pa. He re- ceived his education at Greene Academy and Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pa. From the latter institution (now Washing- ton and Jefferson College), he was gradu- ated in 1857. Mr. Shutterly began business in Pitts- burg as a wholesale grocer, and subsequent- ly engaged in real estate operations. For years he managed large realty interests for Dr. Hostetter, of "Hosteller Billers" fame. In 1877 he came lo Chicago, where he con- linued in the real eslale business on an ex- lensive scale for a long period. In 1881 he built fifty houses wesl of Deering, and later, thirty-six flat buildings on Ihe "South Side." He also did some building in Evanston. In 1901 he relired lo a small fruit farm in the vicinity of St. Joseph, Mich., where he died October 25, 1904. Mr. Shutterly was a member of Ihe Charleston Democralic Nalional Conven- lion of 1860. During the Civil War, he recruited and assisted in equipping a company for the Fourteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volun- teer Cavalry, of which he was commis- sioned as caplain. He participaled in many of the principal battles of the war, including that of Getlysburg, and was for many years afterwards a member of John A. Logan Post, G. A. R., of Evanston. He married Ella Gillis of Canonsburg, Pa., and they had two sons, Eugene E. ( and John J., Jr., and two daughters, Mary and Lillie H. Mr. Shutlerly was a consistent Christian and was very active in church work. He was one of Ihe founders of Emmanuel Methodist Episcopal Church of Evanston, in which he served on the building commillee, as a member of Ihe official board, leader of Ihe Bible class, etc. As a biblical scholar he acquired considerable repulalion, and was a famous Chaulauquan, having gradu- aled wilh Ihe highesi number of poinls ever credited to a graduate up to that period. Twenty seals were awarded to him, each representing a special course of study. He was a man of uncommon mental vigor and unliring energy. EUGENE E. SHUTTERLY. Eugene E. Shutterly, M. D., a well- known physician of Evanston, son of John Jay Shutterly, subject of the foregoing sketch, was born in Can- onsburg, Pennsylvania, January 2, 1861. He received his early mental training in the schools of Piltsburg and completed his education at Northweslern Acad- emy. In 1888, he was graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, be- gan practice of medicine in 1889, and has since gained an enviable standing in the profession. He has been a member of the staff of Evanston Hospiial since Ihe insli- lulion was founded, and has served as Heallh Commissioner of the city. Dr. Shutterly was married in 1888 to Nettie Rugg, of New Lenox, 111., who died in 1890. In 1897 he married Elizabeth Miller, of Louisville, as his second wife. He is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Evanston. JAMES HENRY RAYMOND. James H. Raymond, patent lawyer, whose office is located at No. 1515 Monadnock Building, Chicago, 111., and who resides at No. 2148 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, III., was born in Wilbraham, Mass., June 6, 1850. He is a son of Rev. Miner Ray- mond, D. D., LL. D., and Elizabeth (Hen- 602 BIOGRAPHICAL derson) Raymond. After finishing his primary studies in the public schools of his native place, Mr. Raymond became a pupil in Wesleyan Academy, at Wilbraham, Mass., and in September, 1864, entered Northwestern University at Evanston. He graduated from the College of Liberal Arts in 1871, and from the Law School of the University (then the Union College of Law) in 1875. In 1871 he received the de- gree of A. B., in 1873, that of A. M., and in 1875, that of LL. B. During his under- graduate period, he was a member of the Hinman Literary Society and the Phi Gam- ma Delta Fraternity, and won every prize contest which was open to him, with two exceptions. These were the contest for the Hinman Essay prize, from which he was debarred by sickness ; and the Blanchard (now Kirk) oratorical contest, on which occasion for certain reasons the prize was divided between Mr. Raymond and E. R. Schrader of the Class of '71, by a divided vote of the faculty. Mr. Raymond was admitted to the bar in 1875 and now devotes his attention, chiefly, to the specialties of patents, copy- rights, trade-marks and corporations. From April 15, 1874, to November 21, 1884, un- der the title of "Secretary and Treasurer," he served in the capacity of actuary of the Western Railroad Association, a bureau of 103 railroad companies, organized for the purpose of investigating and adjusting all claims for the infringement of patents in use by them, and defending all patent suits brought against members of the asso- ciation. Mr. Raymond was formerly a member of the firm of Raymond & Veeder, and subsequently, of that of Raymond & Omohundro ; the present firm style is Raymond & Barnett. Mr. Raymond is a member of the Ameri- can Bar Association, having been for one term President of its section on patents, trade-marks and copyrights ; of the Illinois State Bar Association ; the Chicago Bar Association; the Chicago Law Institute; and the Chicago Patent Law Association, of which he was the founder and second President. In non-professional relations, he is an associate member of the Ameri- can Society of Mechanical Engineers; a member of the Master Car Builders' As- sociation and of the Railway Master Me- chanics' Association. In civic connection, he is a member of the Municipal Association of Evanston, and socially, he belongs to the Union League Club of Chicago and to the Evanston Club. For twelve years he has been a Trustee of the Northwestern University, and a mem- ber of the Board's Executive Committee ; is also a director in many private corpora- tions. On October 13, 1874, Mr. Raymond was united in marriage, in Springfield, 111., with Mary S. Edwards, a daughter of Hon. Ben- jamin Stephenson Edwards and wife of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond have had four children born to them, namely : Ed- wards F., of Evanston; Elizabeth (Mrs. Frederick C. Woodward), of Evanston; Helena Van Wycke (Mrs. A. R. Carman), of Argyle, 111., and Miner, a student in Northwestern University College of Lib- eral Arts, of the Class of 1907. Politically, Mr. Raymond is a Sound- Money Democrat. In 1871-73, he was Secretary of the first Railroad and Ware- house Commission of Illinois. Religiously, he is a Methodist, and has been a member of the First Methodist Church of Evanston since 1865. In fraternal circles, he is identified with the A. F. & A. M., in which order he is a Knight Templar. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 603 NATHAN SMITH DAVIS, JR., M. D. Dr. Nathan Smith Davis, Jr., physician of Chicago, 111., was born in that city, Sep- tember 5, 1858, the son of Dr. Nathan S. and Anna M. (Parker) Davis, and a grandson of Dow Davis. His father was, for many years, one of the most conspicu- ous figures in the medical profession. Dr. Nathan Smith Davis, Jr., obtained his pri- mary education in the schools of Chicago, and then pursued a literary course in Northwestern University, from which he was graduated in 1880, with the degree of A. B., receiving that of A. M. from the same source three years later. While an undergraduate, he was a member of the Hinman Literary Society and the Sigma Chi and Phi Beta Kappa Fraternities. On leaving the university, he began the study of medicine with his father, in Chicago, and took three successive courses of medical lectures in Chicago Medical College, which now constitutes the Medical School of Northwestern University. From this in- stitution he was graduated in 1883. In that year he entered upon the practice of his profession in Chicago, where he has lived ever since. Dr. Davis took post-graduate courses in Heidelberg, Germany, and Vien- na, Austria, in 1885. In 1884, Dr. Davis became Associate Professor of Pathology in Northwestern University Medical College, and in 1886, was made Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine, and of Clinical Med- cine. At a later period he became Secre- tary, and subsequently Dean, of that insti- tution. In 1884 he was chosen physician to Mercy Hospital in Chicago. Dr. Davis was a member of the general busi- ness committee and more recently of the council and judicial council of the American Medical Association, having previously been Secretary of the Section of Practice and Chairman of the Section of Therapeutics in that body. He was a member of the Council of the Section of Pathology in the Ninth International Medical Congress, and of the Council of the Section of Practice in the Pan-American Medical Congress. In 1893, he was Chairman of the Section of Practice in the Illinois State Medical So- ciety. Besides the American Medical As- sociation and the Illinois State Medical Society, Dr. Davis is a member of the American Academy of Medicine, the Amer- ican Climatological Association, the Ameri- can Therapeutical Association, the Ameri- can Tuberculosis, the Chicago Pathological Society, the Chicago Neurological Society, the Chicago Medical Society, the Chicago Medico-Legal Society and the Illinois State Microscopical Society. Of non-pro- fessional official relations, the doctor is a Trustee of Northwestern University, and formerly a member of the General Board of Management of the Y. M. C. A. of Chi- cago. He is also a member of the Chi- cago Academy of Sciences and the Chicago Literary Club, Chicago Art Institute and Chicago Historical Society. The subject of this sketch is the author of several med- ical works of high repute, among which are volumes entitled, "Consumption: How to Prevent it and How to Live with it" ; "Dis- eases of the Lungs, Heart and Kidneys"; and "Diet in Health and Disease." On April 16, 1884, Dr. Davis was united in marriage, at Madison, Wis., with Jessie B. Hopkins, a daughter of the late Judge Hopkins, of that city. Four children have resulted from this union, three of whom are living, namely: Nathan Smith Davis III.; Ruth Davis, and William Deering Davis. BIOGRAPHICAL REV. HUGH P. SMYTH. Rev. Hugh P. Smyth, pastor St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Evanston, 111., was born a little over fifty years ago in County Cavan, Ireland, attended college at All Hallows, Dublin and was ordained to the priesthood in 1881. He then came to America and, soon after arriving in New York, came to Chicago, and became assist- ant pastor of the Church of the Nativity, at Union Avenue and Thirty-seventh Street, retaining this position nine years. His first charge was as pastor of St. Patrick's Church at Lemont, where he remained two years, when he was called to the rectorship of St. Mary's Church in Evanston, being appointed to this position by Archbishop Feehan, and taking charge of the parish on May 6, 1893, which position he has retained continuously to the present time. (See "Catholic Churches," Evanston, in chapter on churches in the historic portion of this volume. ) In the thirteen years of Father Smyth's connection with St. Mary's Church it has greatly increased in the number of its com- municants, the church property has been greatly improved, and he has acquired a wide popularity among all classes of citi- zens. The parochial school erected during this period at a cost of $70,000 is capable of accommodating a large body of pupils and the church membership has nearly doubled. Democratic and liberal in his tastes, Father Smyth is in much demand as a speaker on popular occasions, and has been frequently called upon to lecture be- fore the students of the Northwestern Uni- versity. He takes a deep interest in live questions and has proven himself a zealous champion of social, moral and business re- forms. In an address made before a credit men's association, a few months before the publication, of this volume, referring to questions occupying much popular atten- tion, he said: "I believe in pure food, pure water, clean streets, air free from grime and soot, and stand for the simple, sweet and peaceable life that brings out the best in man and woman." The twenty-fifth anniversary of Fr. Smyth's ordination was celebrated in St. Mary's Church, Evanston, with impressive religious services on Sunday, June 24, 1906, followed by a banquet in the parochial school hall, which was participated in by some forty visiting priests. Much interest was manifested in the event by many out- side of the popular priest's own denomina- tion, and he was made the recipient of nu- merous generous gifts, not only from his im- mediate parishioners but also from non- Catholic friends, amounting in all to $4,500. ELIZABETH EUNICE MARCY. Elizabeth Eunice Marcy, wife of the late Professor Oliver Marcy, LL. D., of North- western University, was born at East Hampton, Conn., December 22, 1821. She is of Mayflower stock on both sides of her family, tracing her lineage in direct descent from Elder William Brewster and Stephen Hopkins of Mayflower fame. Mrs. Mar- cy 's life, up to the time of her young wom- anhood, was spent in her home in East Hampton in the atmosphere of a thrifty New England family. Nathaniel Clark Smith, her father, was a man highly re- spected in the community. It may be said of him that he practically received every office in the gift of his fellow citizens. He was Justice of the Peace, Selectman, No- tary Public and represented his town in the Legislature for several sessions. His fam- ily is directly traceable to the famous East- HISTORY OF EVANSTOX 605 ham Colony, the first exodus from Plym- outh about 1644. Her mother. Charlotte (Strong) Smith, is said to have beejj a woman of remarkable efficiency, being a lineal descendant, in the seventh genera- tion, from Elder John Strong of England, who came to America in 1630. Elizabeth was given the usual opportu- nities for education in the public schools, afterwards in private schools and still later in the Wesleyan Academy of Wilbraham. Mass., all contributing to her training, af- ter which she had further development in the experience of teaching. She is of ar- tistic temperament and has done creditable work in this line, as an amateur beginning at a very early age to copy simple designs. All these avocations have filled a long and busy life of one whose simple vocation was a housekeeper. Professor Oliver Marcy married Elizabeth Eunice Smith July 2, 1847, at which time he was a teacher in the Wilbraham, Mass.. Academy. Professor Marcy was a member of a very old and dis- tinguished family, being descended from John Marcy, son of the High Sheriff of Limerick, Ireland, who was born about the year 1(162 and came to America in 1685. From him the direct line continues through successive generations down to Thomas, the father of Oliver. Oliver was born February 13. 1820, graduated at Middle- town, Conn., in 1846. and received the de- gree of LL. D. from the Chicago Univer- sity in 1873. In 1862 Professor and Mrs. Marcy came to Evanston, 111., he having accepted a professorship in Northwestern University, with which institution he was identified until his death on March 19, 1899. His service to the University and the science of Geology gave him distin- guished rank among American educators. To Mr. and Mrs. Marcy were born four children: Annie Smith, born November 30, 1851, married Dr. Frank Davis April 21, 1875, and died February 22, 1900; Edwin Grosvenor, born January 23, 1854, died July 22, 1855 ; Frederic Malcolm, born No- vember 2, 1856, died September 25, 1857 ; and Maude Elizabeth Olivia, born June 20, 1862, died February I, 1875. During a long and busy life, Mrs. Marcy has found time for public service of noble and enduring sort. Her passion for help- fulness found expression in her alliance with the Woman's Foreign and Woman's Home Missionary societies of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, in both of which she was a charter member. The early history of these movements is a curious record of opposition and discouragement from other official agencies, and everlasting credit is due to the noble and intrepid band of women who declined to be overawed or discouraged, and among these Mrs. Marcy, by pen and voice, was a recognized leader. As a sort of corollary to her work with the Woman's Home Missionary Society, Mrs. Marcy undertook to found what is known as the Elizabeth E. Marcy Home in one of the destitute sections of Chicago. The home is conducted as a sort of religious settlement and is now a center of acknowl- edged help and usefulness, a source of beauty and strength to those who receive its benefits. Mrs. Marcy was also one of the founders of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, to whose crusade she has ever been one of the most valuable auxiliaries. She is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, be- ing entitled to this order by the service of her paternal grandfather, Sparrow Smith, who joined the Continental Army in his seventeenth year. She is also eligible to membership in the Colonial Dames, having for her progenitor on her mother's side 6o6 BIOGRAPHICAL Josiah Cook, who rendered soldier service in King Philip's War in 1675. On her father's side she is a descendant of the Rev. John Norton, who in the French and Indian War was made Chaplain of a line of forts in Western Massachusetts. During the service he was carried to Canada, where he remained captive for a year. After- ward he settled in East Hampton, Conn., where he was pastor of the church during the remainder of his life of thirty years. She is also by lineal descent from the sign- ers of the original Compact of the Pilgrim Fathers, a member of the Society of the Women of the Mayflower of the State of Illinois. Mrs. Marcy's contributions to the press have been numerous. In prose they have been chiefly in the direction of her philan- thropic work, some of them being of such importance as to warrant their distribution by tens of thousands in pamphlet form. In verse Mrs. Marcy has been less prolific but not less successful. She excels as a writer of occasional hymns and songs. One of her hymns, originally contributed to the Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church, has been taken up by other hymnals and has been sung with great acceptance by congregations all over the world. In per- son, Mrs. Marcy is most approachable and companionable. The wide variety of her interests, her intellectual keenness, the breadth and geniality of her sympathies, the high quality of her culture and her deep spirituality invest her with exceptional charms. She has lived a long, diligent and useful life, and if, by reason of years, her range of activity is now restricted, she is none the less an inspiring and beloved fig- ure in a wide circle of friends upon whom the blessing and the balm of a pure spirit have passed. CHARLES C. BRAGDON. Charles C. Bragdon, A. M., a teacher by profession, who is Principal of the Lasell Seminary for Young Women, at Auburn- dale, Mass., was born in Auburn, N. Y., September 6, 1847. In boyhood he attend- ed public school, and in early manhood pursued courses of study in Northwestern Female College, and in the Preparatory Department of Northwestern University, where he graduated in 1865, and received the degree of A. M. in regular course in 1868. At a later period, the degree of LL. D. was conferred upon him by North- western University. From 1872 to 1874, Mr. Bragdon continued his studies in Ger- many. "He is a charter member of the Alpha Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, and dur- ing his collegiate course, belonged to the Adelphic Literary Society. From 1865 to 1867, Mr. Bragdon taught in the Williamsport Seminary, in Pennsyl- vania, and from 1868 to 1872, in the Wes- leyan Female College, at Cincinnati, Ohio. On June 30, 1869, he was united in mar- riage with Kate R. Ransom, of Williams- port. Pa., and they became the parents of two children, namely: Katherine Belle and John Ransom. FRANKLIN SEXTON CATLIX. Franklin S. Catlin, a worthy and prom- ising representative of the younger element of attorneys-at-law in Chicago, 111., was bom in that city September 16, 1876, the only son of Charles and Mary Edith (Woods) Catlin, both of whom were na- tives of Chicago. On the maternal side he is descended from Michael Humphrey, who settled in Connecticut in 1647. Mr. Charles Catlin is Cashier of the Money Order De- partment of the Chicago Post Office. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 607 The youthful mental training of Mr. Catlin was obtained in the "Lincoln" Pub- lic Grammar School, of Chicago, after which he became a pupil in the old Chicago Manual Training School, from which he was graduated in 1894. He then entered the Northwestern University Law School, graduating therefrom in 1896, and receiv- ing the degree of LL. B. In that year he was a contributor to the "Northwestern University Law Review." As he was too young for admission to the bar, being but nineteen years old, he took a post-graduate course in the Chicago College of Law (the law department of Lake Forest University), which also conferred upon him the degree of LL. B. In November, 1897, Mr. Catlin was admitted to the bar, and became con- nected with the law firm of Loesch Broth- ers & Howell, with whom he remained three years. Since 1900 he has continued in practice alone. In politics, Mr. Catlin is an earnest ad- herent of the Republican party, and takes an active part in the work of its local or- ganization, having acted as secretary of his precinct and clerk of election for six years. His religious connection is with Unity Church (long under the ministry of Rev. Robert Collyer), of which he is secretary. In fraternal circles he is identified with the A. F. & A. M., being a member of Orien- . tal Lodge No. 33, of Chicago, of which his father has been Secretary for the past twenty-seven years. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the North Side Club, a social organization. Mr. Cat- lin is somewhat of an expert in aquatic sports. In 1896 he won the Junior Single Shell championship, and was one of the winners of the Junior Pair-oared Shell championship, in the regatta of the Missis^ sippi Valley Amateur Rowing Association, at Black Lake, Michigan. He is secretary of the Catlin Boat Club, which was organ- ized in 1882, and a member of the American Canoe Association. GEORGE W. WHITEFIELD, M. D., D. D. S. George W. Whitefield, physician, D. D. S., was born near Boston, Mass., September 30, 1855. the son of Rev. John and Martha (Kemp) Whitefield^and a grand nephew of Rev. George Whitefield. the celebrated English evangelist of the eighteenth cen- tury. In boyhood, he was brought by his parents to Aurora, 111., where he was edu- cated in the public school and high school, his first employment after leaving school being as a bookkeeper. While still in his 'teens he opened an art store in Aurora, and, after reaching manhood, spent some time on the plains. In 1879 ne began study and laboratory work preparatory to open- ing a dental office during the following year, in the meantime, while engaged in practice, pursuing medical and dental col- lege courses, taking the D. D. S. degree at the Chicago Dental College in 1885, and that of M. D. from Rush Medical College in 1886. The official positions which he has he4d in connection with his profession include the chair of Dental Pathology in the American Dental College and that of Electrical Therapeutics in the Dental De- partment of the Northwestern University; also for some time was Aural Surgeon in connection with the Protestant Orphan Asylum, and Assistant Surgeon under the celebrated Dr. Gunn preceding the death of the latter in 1887. He is a member of the Chicago Dental Society, the Odontographic Society and the Electric Club, and served 6o8 BIOGRAPHICAL as delegate to the Ninth International Med- ical Congress ; is also the inventor of several valuable instruments now in general use in connection with electro-therapy. On January 31, 1895, Dr. Whitefiekl was married to Fannie Comstock, daughter of Charles Comstock, and they have one daughter, Julia Sprague. For five years he was a member of Company D, Third Regi- ment I. N. G., and served with his regiment in suppressing the riots at Braidwood, 111., in 1877. Owing to failing health he en- tered commercial life, serving for a time as Vice-President of a company whose bus- iness interests led to his making a trip to the tropics. In a short time, having re- gained his health, he returned home in 1903 and resumed the practice of his pro- fession, which he has followed continuous- ly since. He was Vice-President of the American Fruit and Transportation Com- pany and a Director of the Rio Bonito Company. His residence and office are at No. 1518 Hinman Avenue, Evanston. FRANK LYNN BORTON. Frank. Lynn Horton was born near Phil- adelphia, Pa., in 1863. of Quaker parentage. Mr. Borton has been in the service of the Pennsylvania Railroad System for twenty years and is Assistant to the Manager of the Star Union Line, the through freight department of the Pennsylvania Lines. He has been a resident of Evanston for eleven years, is a member of the Official Board of Emmanuel Methodist Church, and has al- ways taken an active interest in municipal affairs. Mr. Borton's home is at 740 For- est Avenue. DAVID R. DYCHE, M. D. Dr. David R. Dyche (deceased) was born near Red Lion, Warren County. Ohio, March u, 1827, the son of William Dyche, who was a farmer -by occupation. The son was brought up on a farm, mean- while receiving his education in the pub- lic schools, at Lebanon Academy and under private tutorship, after which he began the study of medicine with Dr. Joshua Stearns of Lebanon, still later tak- ing a course in the Medical College at Cincinnati, from which he graduated in 1854. He then began practice in the town of Monroe, Butler County, Ohio, where he remained nine years. In 1865. coming to Chicago, at the end of the year he engaged in the drug business, first at the corner of Randolph and Dearborn Streets. The fire of 1871 having destroyed his place of business, he soon afterward erected the Dyche building at the corner of Randolph and State Streets, in which he continued business until his death August 4. 1893. Up to 1874, Dr. Dyche's residence was in the city of Chicago. He then removed to Evanston, where he continued to reside (hiring the remainder of his life, taking an active part in the building up of that city. He was one of the active members of the Citizens' League, which did much to keep saloons from obtaining a foothold in the city in violation of the "Four-Mile Limit Law." He was an active factor in the founding of the Woman's Medical Col- lege, afterwards identified with the North- western University, and in the promotion of the medical department of the Univer- sity : and was also one of the founders of the School of Pharmacy connected with that institution. He became a member of the Methodist Church in early life, and took a deep interest in church affairs and HISTORY OF EVANSTON 609 in the upbuilding of the Northwestern University, with which he was closely identified as a member of the Board of Trustees soon after coming to Evanston, and continuously thereafter until his death. Dr. Dyche was married in Monroe, Ohio, in 1856, to Mary S. Boyd. a daugh- ter of Andrew Boyd of that place, ami they had two sons, both of whom sur- vive, namely : William A., former Mayor of the City of Evanston. and present Busi- ness Manager of the Northwestern Uni- versity, and Dr. George B. Dyche, who is a physician in the city of Chicago. Liberal, public-spirited and enterpris- ing. Dr. David R. Dyche was one of the most influential factors in promoting the benevolent, educational and moral inter- ests of the city with which he was so closelv identified for twenty years. JOHX CARXEY. John Carney (deceased), who spent his entire life of nearly fifty-four years in Evanston. 111., and served twenty-three years, in all. as head of its police force, died September 21. 1899, within three blocks of the spot where he was born January 7, 1846. His parents were John and Mary (Lindsay) Carney, natives of County Mayo, Ireland. His father, born in Castlebar, County Mayo, was reared to farming, and on coming to the United States in 1835, sought what was then the Far West, and settled on the prairie twelve miles north of the village of Chi- cago, and on the site of the present city of Evanston. The tract of land on which he located is now bounded on the north by Church Street, south by Greenleaf Street, east by Railroad Avenue, and west by the western limits of Evanston. Here he applied himself to farming, being one of the first of the pioneers to bring land under cultivation in this region. His old homestead is now No. 1314 Ridge Avenue, and he continued to reside there until the Northwestern University was established, and the ground on which it stood was purchased for the use of that institution. I le then moved to a place near the present Rose Hill Cemetery, where he was occu- pied in farming for two years. In the meantime. Evanston having been laid out, he established his home in the new village, where he became the owner of the block of ground on Asbury Avenue between Grove and Lake Streets. There he built the residence in which he lived during the remainder of his days, dying there April 3, 1874. at the age of ninety- seven years. His widow, who reached the age of ninety-two years, passed away August 12. 1896. Both of these worthy pioneers were typical early settlers, and throughout their long lives, enjoyed the high esteem of their contemporaries in early settlement, and that of the later gen- eration that grew up around them. John Carney, the subject of this sketch, was born at the early homestead on Ridge Avenue. He attended school in the prim- itive log school house in the village, then called Ridgeville. and was subsequently a pupil in the historic Catholic school in Chicago, known as St. Mary's of the Lake. He learned the butcher's trade as a boy and he and his brother William were, for some time during his early manhood, en- gaged in the meat business in Evanston. Afterwards, he worked at the painter's trade until 1872, when he became a mem- ber of the pioneer police force of the Vil- lage of Evanston. Among the Village Trustees of that period were Lyman J. 6io BIOGRAPHICAL Gage, Oliver Willard, J. J. Parkhurst and others who gained distinction in later life. Mr. Carney was the first Chief of Police of the incorporated City of Evanston, and became widely known for his ability as a police officer and detective. He had more than any other man to do with shap- ing the character of the force and making it what it is to-day. After 1895 he gave up all active pursuits and lived in pleasant retirement at his home on Asbury Ave- nue. Throughout his official life he was chiefly interested in preserving the best possible order in the community, and took a leading part in establishing the "four-mile limit," within which saloons are not allowed in Evanston. Mr. Carney was married in St. Mary's Church, Evanston, June 12, 1870, to Ida Maria Guinan, a native of Burr, Kings County, Ireland. Mrs. Carney came to the United States with her parents. John and Anna Guinan, when she was five years of age. Her family settled at Day- ton, Ohio, where she passed the early years of her life. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Carney is Mrs. John M. James, the infant daughter of whom, Irene, rep- resents the fourth generation of the fam- ily in Evanston, and the third generation born there. Like his father before him, Mr. Carney was a Catholic Churchman. His widow, who survives him, and her daughter ad- here to the same faith and are communi- cants of St. Mary's Church in Evanston. JOHN BRENTON CALLIGAN. John Brenton Calligan (deceased), for- merly a well-known citizen of Evanston, 111., was born in Machias, Maine, August 19, 1848, and there received his mental training in the high school. His parents, XYarren and Catherine (Hartley) Calli- gan, died when he was very young, and he was adopted into the family of Wil- liam Lorimer, of Machias, where he was reared. At an early age he entered the employ of the Pope Brothers, who oper- ated a large merchandising and lumber- ing concern in Machias, and for many years occupied a responsible position with this firm. About 1880, he'went to Boston and became connected with the mercantile house of R. H. White. There he remained until 1887. when he resigned this posi-, tion, and coming to Chicago, entered the wholesale hardware trade as a representa- tive of the Colby Wringer Company, with which he continued until 1896. Retiring from this busipess, he then purchased a fruit ranch near Boise City, Idaho, to which he devoted his attention mainly during the remainder of his life. In 1887 he established his home in Evanston. where he lived until his death, which occurred October 6, 1904. Mr. Calligan was twice married. His first wife, to whom he was wedded in 1873, was Frances Brown, a daughter of Capt. David Brown, of Machias, Maine, who was a prominent resident of that place. She died in June, 1882. Two chil- dren resulted from this union, of whom one died in 1882 and the other in 1883. In June. 1884, Mr. Calligan was united in marriage to Annie F. Harlow, a daugh- ter of Deacon Alden and Temperance (Bourne) Harlow, of Needham, Mass. On the paternal side, Mrs. Calligan, who survives her husband, is a lineal descend- ant of John Alden, the Puritan, and comes of a noted New England family. One of her ancestors in the paternal line was Col. Anthony Thomas, of Revolutionary fame. Another was Col. Briggs Alden, who was HISTORY OF EVANSTON Cn a close personal friend of Gen. Washing- ton. On the maternal side, Mrs. Calligan has an equally distinguished ancestry. One of her ancestors was John Bourne, who walked a distance of forty miles to Boston in order to enlist in the Revolution- ary Army. He was with Washington at Valley Forge, and the record of his mil- itary career constitutes a narrative of thrilling interest. He lived to be six months more than a hundred years old. Mrs. Calligan's grandfather, Eleazer Har- low, owned and lived on a farm adjoining that of Daniel Webster, at Marshfield, Mass. The two men were warm personal friends, and Mr. Harlow was one of the pall-bearers at the funeral of the great New England statesman. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Calli- gan is Mrs. Grace Brenton Williams, who is a Daughter of the Revolution, and pre- serves among her cherished possessions the cartridge box and bayonet of her ancestor, John Bourne, and other relics of the Revolution. Politically. Mr. Calligan was a Re- publican of pronounced views. Frater- nally, he was made a member of the Masonic Order in Norfold Lotlge, at Xeedham. Mass., in 1883. His religious associations were with the Second Pres- byterian Church of Evanston. ROBERT DODDS. Dr. Robert Dodcls, physician and sur- geon, who is located at No. 144 Oakwood Boulevard, Chicago, 111., was born at Kirkmaiden, Scotland, February 12, 1856. In boyhood he was a pupil in the gram- mar schools of Scotland, and subsequently pursued a course of study in Ayr Acad- emy, in that country. He graduated from the Medical Department of the North- western University in 1890. with the de- gree of M. D. Dr. Dodds is Attending Surgeon to the Chicago Baptist Hospital and the Charity Hospital. Gynecologist of the Post-Graduate School and Hospital, and Lecturer in the Methodist Training School for Home and Foreign Missions. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the Illinois State Medical Society, the Chicago Medical Society, the Chicago Medico-Legal Society, and the Chicago Gynecological Society. Dr. Dodds was united in marriage with Jessie B. Brown in April, 1890. and one child has been the offspring of this union, namely : Marv West Dodds. CASSIUS M. C. BUNTAIN. Cassius M. Clay Buntain. lawyer, of Kankakee, Kankakee County, 111., was born in Momence, in that county, October 15, 1876, the son of Thomas Jefferson and Anna (Vankirk) Buntain. His early youth was spent in his native town, where he obtained his primary mental training in the public school. On September 7, 1891, he entered the Momence High School, from which he graduated as class orator and valedictorian May 23. 1894. On September 12, 1894. he entered the Northwestern University Academy at Evanston, 111., from which he graduated June 8, 1896. On September 21, 1809. he became a student in the law school of Northwestern University, from which he graduated June 19, 1902, with the degree of LL. B. He had previously (June 15, 1899) received the degree of A. B. from Northwestern University, and that of A. M. was conferred upon him by the Col- lege of Liberal Arts in Evanston June 19. 1902. In 1894-95. ne was President of the Momence High School Alumni Asso- 612 BIOGRAPHICAL ciation, and Chairman of its Executive Committee in 1895-96. The prizes which were awarded Mr. Buntain in connection with his studies in Momence, 111., were as follows: a silver medal. October 15, 1890. at the Inter-State Hay Palace in that place, for the "best scholarship in arithmetic" : a $3 prize for the best map of the United States drawn from mem- ory : a $3 prize for the best solution for a problem in mathematics; a prize for the best note-book kept during the year; first prize (a silver medal) in the Demor- est declamation contest at Momence, 111.. April 3. 1891; first prize (a. gold medal) in the Dtmorest declamation contest at Watseka. 111., August 20, 1891 : first prize (a gold medal) in a declamation contest at Chicago Heights. 111.. January 6. 1894: and first prize (grand gold medal) in the Demorest declamation contest at Urbana, 111., September 7. 1894. In Northwestern University Academy, Evanston, 111., Mr. Buntain won second place in the Colum- bian Oratorical Contest, May 25, 1895. In the course of his academic and col- lege connections Mr. Buntain received, in 1895-96. a State scholarship for four years. During the same period, he was chosen Trig Cremation orator. In 1896- 97, he was a member of the Rogers Debat- ing Club and was nominated by the class committee as editor of the "Syllabus." In 1897-98. he was Chairman of the Pan- Hellenic Association : leader of the Junior Promenade, February 18. 1898: member of the Junior Play Committee and cast, elected a member of the Rogers De- bating Club team for 1898-99: and Dele- gate to the province convention of the "Phi Delta Theta" Fraternity at Lin- coln, Nebraska, May 19, 1898. He also represented the same fraternity at its semi-centennial convention at Columbus, Ohio, November 21-25, 1898- O n Sep- tember 29, 1904, at St. Louis, Mo., he was elected Vice-President of the General Council of the "Phi Delta Phi" Fraternity. He joined the "Phi Delta Theta" Frater- nity December 7. 1895, and became a member of the "Theta Xu Epsilon" Fra- ternity May 13. 1898. He was initiated into the "Deru" (Senior Fraternity) on May 27. 1898. On May 1 1, 190x3, he was initiated into the legal fraternity of "Phi Delta Phi." On May 24. 1901, he was elected President of the class of 1902, for the senior year (1901-02). During the summer of 1898, Mr. Buntain served as clerk in the Adjutant General's Office (War Department), \Vashington, D. C. On October 28th of the same year he was a member of the winning team in the first semi-final debate of the Inter Society Debating League. On January 13. 1899, he was a Cleveland declamation contest- ant and a Lyman J. Gage debate contest- ant April 14, 1899. On February 21. 1899, he was elected to membership in the Soci- ety of American Wars. On October 7-8. 1902. Mr. Buntain passed the State Bar Examination at Springfield, 111., and on October I7th. fol- lowing, was admitted to practice. From February 2, to May 6, 1903, he was clerk in the law firm of Dupee. Judah, Willard & Wolf, of Chicago, and from May 141)1 to October 291)1 of that year he acted as assistant attorney for Farson, Leach & Co. of that city. On April 4, 1904, he opened up a law office at 25 Arcade Build- ing, Kankakee. 111., where he has since been successfully engaged in practice. In fraternal circles, the subject of this sketch is identified with the Royal Arcanum. Grove City Council No. 832; also Kanka- kee (111.) Lodge No. 389 of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Kankakee (111.) HISTORY OF EVANSTON 613 Chapter No. 78 Royal Arch-Masons ; and Ivanhoe Commandery No. 33 Knights Templar, Kankakee, 111. PETER THOMAS BURNS, M. D. Dr. Peter Thomas Burns, physician, who is located at No. 531 South Leavitt Street, Chicago, 111., was born in Osman, \\'is., October 5, 1864. In early youth he attended the common and high schools of his native place, and in 1888 matriculated in the Medical Department of Northwest- ern University, from which he was grad- uated with the degree of M. D. in 1891. From the time of his graduation. Dr. Burns has been a teacher in the Depart- ment of Anatomy of the University Med- ical School, in which, since 1892. he has acted in the capacity of Assistant Pro- fessor of Anatomy. Dr. Burns is a mem- ber of the American Medical Association, the Illinois State Medical Society, and the Chicago Medical Society. The marriage of the subject of this sketch took place on June 21, 1892. when he was wedded to Marv Adelaide Davis of Meeme, \Vis. SOLOMON W. ZIPPERMAN. D. D. S. Dr. Solomon \Yilliam Zipperman, who is engaged in the practice of dentistry at No. 538 South Halsted Street, Chicago, 111., is a native of the Russian Empire, where he was born in Chotin, Bessarabia, June 15. 1875. His boyhood and youth were spent in the place of his birth, and his earlier mental training was obtained in the public schools of Chotin, Russia, and in the high school there, of which he is a graduate. Shortly after coming to the United States, Mr. Zipperman matriculated (in 1896) in the Northwestern University Dental School, from which he was grad- uated with the class of 1899, receiving the degree of D. D. S. He immediately en- tered upon the practice of his profession, in which he has met with successful re- sults, and has secured a remunerative patronage. Dr. Zipperman is a member of the Alumni Association of the Northwestern University Dental School, the Illinois State Dental Society, and the Chicago ( Klontographic Society : and is also fra- ternally affiliated with Apollo Lodge No. (142. A. F. & A. M., and Commercial Lodge No. 165. I. ( ). O. F. KOSCOE TOXYNLEY NICHOLS.M. D. Roscoe Townley Nichols, physician and surgeon, who is engaged in the practice of his profession at Liberal. Seward County. Kan., was born at Allerton, XX'ayne County, la., on February 20. 1881. In early youth he attended public school in his native place, and. from 1895 to '899. pursued a course of scientific study in the Kansas State Agricultural College, from which he was graduated in the year last named, with the degree of B. S. He then, in 1899-1901. studied medicine at St. Louis. Mo., in Barnes Medical College In September. 1901. he entered the North- western University Medical School, grad- uating therefrom with the degree of M. D. in June. 1902. In 1899 he was Pres- ident of the XX'ebster Literary Society of the Kansas State Agricultural College, and was on the editorial staff of the "Students' Herald." of that institution, in 1898-90. Dr. Nichols is a member of the South- west Counties Medical Society of Kan- sas, the Kansas State Medical Societv, 6i 4 BIOGRAPHICAL the American Medical Association, and the American Academy of Medicine. Fra- ternally, he is identified with the A. F. & A. M., having been made a Mason by Fargo Lodge No. 300 in May. 1903. On May 3. 1903, he was united in marriage with Osa Roscoe Clark, and two children have been born of this union: Harry Dale Nichols, born March 15, 1904, and Alice C. Nichols, born August 22, 1905. CHARLES L. RICHARDS. Charles L. Richards, lawyer, of Hebron, Neb., was born in Woodstock. 111.. March 21. 1856. and there, in boyhood, received his primary mental training in the public schools. At a later period he entered the University of Illinois, at Champaign, from which he was graduated with the class of 1878. He pursued his legal studies in the Union College of Law in Chicago, graduating therefrom in 1884 with the degree of LL. B. From 1886 to 18901 Mr. Richards held the office of Prosecut- ing Attorney of Thayer County, Neb., and in 1895 served in the capacity of member and Speaker of the Nebraska House of Representatives. In fraternal circles, the subject of this sketch is affiliated with the A. F. & A. M. Religiously, he adheres to the faith of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Richards is the father of four children, namely : Carl G., John Lowrie. Webb and Bessie. WILLIAM J. CAMDEN. William J. Camden. pharmacist, of Walhalla, North Dakota, was born in the Province of Quebec, Canada, on Decem- ber 19, 1872, received his early mental training in the public schools of St. Paul. Minn., and in September, 1890, matricu- lated in the Northwestern University School of Pharmacy in Chicago, III., graduating in 1893 with the degree of Graduate in Pharmacy. In 1897, he en- gaged in business at his present location. In 1902-03, he served in the capacity of Vice-President of the North Dakota Pharmaceutical Association, of which body he was elected President in 1904. In fraternal circles, the subject of this sketch is identified with the K. of P., the A. F. & A. M.. and the D. O. K. K. Mr. Cam- den was united in marriage with Mary Frances Horgan, of Walhalla, N. D., on February 7, 1906. CHARLES H. MAYO, M. D. Charles Horace Mayo, who is engaged in the practice of surgery at Rochester. Minn., was born in that city July 19, 1865. In youth he attended a private school, and was also a pupil in the public and high schools of his native place. In 1885 he matriculated in the Medical Depart- ment of Northwestern University, in Chicago. III., from which he was gradu- ated in 1888 with the degree of M. D. He received the honorary degree of A. M. in 1904. Dr. Mayo is a member of the firm of Mayo. Stinchfield & Graham of Rochester, Minn., and is surgeon in St. Mary's Hospital in that city. He is also a member of the Minnesota State Board of Health, and is connected with various medical and surgical societies as follows : The American Surgical Association ; the Southern Surgical Association ; the West- ern Surgical Association, of which he was elected President in 1904 ; the American Medical Association ; the Minnesota State Medical Society, of which he was President in 1905-06: the District Medical HISTORY OF EVANSTON 6i5 Society for the Southern Counties of the Mississippi Valley ; and the Olmsted County (Minn.) Medical Society. On April 5, 1893, Dr. Mayo was united in marriage with Edith Graham, who has borne him five children, namely : Dorothy, Charles, Edith, Joseph and Louise. RAYXOR ELMORE HOLMES. M. D. Dr. Raynor E. Holmes, physician and sur- geon, Canon City, Colo., was born at New Lenox, 111., November 2. 1871. In boyhood he attended the public school in his na- tive place, and his later youth was de- voted to special studies. In 1893 he en- tered the College of Liberal Arts of Northwestern University, at Evanston. 111., and completed his course in 1895. In 1896 he matriculated in the Northwest- ern University Medical School, graduat- ing therefrom in 1901, with the degree of M. D. Dr. Holmes acted in the capacity of interne in the Minnequa Hospital, in Pueblo, Colo., from June, 1901. to Octo- ber, 1902. From October. 1902. until the present writing he has occupied the po- sition of surgeon at Canon City and Brookside, Colo., for the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company. The subject of this sketch is a member of the Colorado State Medical Society: the Fremont County (Colo.) Medical So- ciety ; and the American Medical Asso- ciation. THOMAS BATES. Thomas Bates, a prominent attorney residing in Evanston, 111., was born in Griggsville, Pike County. 111.. March 4,1844. His parents, Thomas and Ann (Cleve- land) Bates, were natives of Windsor. Vt., where thev were born in 1815 and * * J_ 1818, respectively. In the earlier period of his life, Thomas Bates, Sr., was en- gaged in fanning, but later became a mer- chant and grain buyer. The son, Thom- as, received his early mental training in the common schools, and spent one year in Illinois College,-at Jacksonville. After leaving college he worked one year in his father's store, and then went west as as- sistant wagon-master in Sully & Sibley's expedition against the Sioux Indians. This occupied his time for about a year, when he returned home and in May, 1862, enlisted in Company B, Sixty-eighth Reg- iment Illinois Infantry, which was at- tached to the Army of the Potomac under Gen. McClellan. The regiment first en- listed as State Militia, but at the request of its members was mustered into the Federal service, and was engaged in guarding forts, etc., for a period of about four months, when it was mustered out at Springfield. Thomas Bates returned home when discharged, and taught school at Towanda and Oilman, 111., for about nine years. In 1876, he came to Chicago and entered the law office of Leonard Swett, having previously read law under Mr. Swett's direction. In the autumn of 1876 he was admitted to the bar and formed a partnership with his legal pre- ceptor, under the firm name of Swett & Bates. Subsequently Judge Van H. Hig- gins was admitted, and the firm name be- came Higgins, Swett & Bates. On Mr. Higgins' withdrawal Pliny N. Haskell was admitted, the style of the firm then becoming Swett, Bates & Haskell. This continued until 1884, when Mr. Bates re- tired from the partnership and practiced alone for three or four years, when Rich- ard W. Barger, of Des Moines, Iowa, was admitted as a partner. Later the firm became Bates & Harding, and is now Bates, Harding & Atkins. 6i6 BIOGRAPHICAL Mr. Bates has confined his practice chiefly to fire insurance cases, and is attor- ney for a large number of fire insurance companies doing business in the West. Among the famous suits which he has conducted may be mentioned those in Arkansas and in Kansas, known as the "Anti-Trust Suits," brought for the pur- pose of ousting all companies which were in combination and had fixed rates, etc. Mr. Bates was the attorney for the insur- ance companies and won the suits. He has defended the suits in both the above- mentioned States and in Missouri, and is attending to similar suits now pending in Illinois. Mr. Bates was married at Turner, Maine, in December, 1872, to Sarah B. Ricker. whose mother was a sister of Leonard Swett and they have two chil- dren living, namely : Rose Cleveland, born in 1878: and Alfred Ricker, born in 1882. Politically, Mr. Bates was a Democrat until the Bryan campaign, when he be- came, and still continues, a Republican. He was one of the Trustees of the Village of Evanston for two terms, before its in- corporation as a city. In 1899 he was elected Mayor of Evanston, serving one term : and was nominated for a second term but declined a re-election. Mr. Bates is a member of the Country Club, of Evanston, and of the Evanston Golf Club. He is an attendant of the Presby- terian Church. EDWARD HEMPSTEAD. Edward Hempstead (deceased), for twenty years a highly respected citizen of Evanston, is descended from a long line of Puritan ancestors who were among the first settlers of New London, Conn. His grandfather, Stephen Hempstead, born there in 1754, was a patriot and sol- dier in the American Revolution, who fought for his country from the first call for troops at Lexington until the close of the war. In 1811 he removed with his large family to St. Louis, Mo., where his son Edward Hempstead, a young and distin- guished lawyer, had already preceded him, and who was the first Delegate in Congress from the region west of the Mississippi River. His father, Charles S. Hempstead, also a lawyer of marked abil- ity, was intimately connected with the early development of St. Louis, and later of Galena, 111., where for many years he had a large law practice extending over what was then a wide western territory, including Chicago in its early days. Ed- ward Hempstead was born in St. Louis in 1820. His mother, Rachel Wilt, of old Pennsylvania Dutch lineage, died when he was a child, and his youth was passed with his father's relatives in that circle of early pioneers of St. Louis, where true Xew England hospitality, blended with the grace and polish of the French set- tlers, created such a charming society, among whose number were the most emi- nent people of those days. He was edu- cated at Belleville, 111., Seminary, and began his business career as a commission merchant in Galena. In 1854 he came to Chi- cago, and for nearly twenty years was en- gaged in business as a member of the firm of Hempstead & Horton, wholesale grocers. With many others he lost home and prop- erty in the great fire of 1871 and became, for a short time a refugee in Evanston. Soon after that disaster, retiring from bus- iness, he became a permanent resident in Evanston where he died in 1895. A true Republican in sentiment, he took the deepest interest in the political wel- fare of his country, numbering among his acquaintances Abraham Lincoln, Gen. U. S. Grant. Hon. E. B. Washburne, and many HISTORY OF EVANSTON 617 other public men of Illinois of his time. He was a liberal promoter and contribu- tor toward all the early enterprises of Chicago, one of the first members of its Board of Trade, the Historical Society and Art Institute, and always greatly in- terested in the growth and prosperity of that city. Mr. Hempstead was a man of the highest integrity, of excellent judg- ment and cultured taste, always loyal to his friends, of a most social and kindly disposition and highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was married in 1846 to Miss Mary Cbrwith, of Bridge- hampton. Long Island. Six of their eight children are living. Bank, and the local Building and Loan Association. CHARLES NEVILLE KIRK15RIDE. Charles N. Kirkbride. attorney-at-law. who resides in San Mateo, San Mateo County, Cal., was born in Pueblo, Colo., November 15, 1868. In early youth he at- tended the public schools and in 1884, en- tered the University of the Pacific, at San Jose, Cal., where he graduated in 1887, with the degree of Ph. B. He matricu- lated in Northwestern University Law School at Chicago, 111., in 1891, gradu- ating therefrom in 1893, with the degree of LL. B. In 1889-90, Mr. Kirkbride was the edi- tor of the "San Mateo (Cal.) Leader." and in 1890-91, of the "Times-G- -ette," at Redwood City, in the same St. . He was admitted to the California bar in Oc- tober, 1893, and was elected City Attorney of San Mateo, Cal., in 1895, and still holds that office. He is Secretary of the San Mateo Public Library, and has filled the position of Trustee of the San Mateo Union High School since 1902. He is also a Director of the San Mateo Athletic Club, and attorney for the San Mateo . GEORGE WILLIAM UIXON. George \V. Dixon, lawyer, Secretary and Treasurer of the Arthur Uixon Trans- fer Company of Chicago, 111., residing at No. 2706, Michigan Avenue, that city, is a native of Chicago. After finishing his primary studies in the public schools, and completing his preparatory course in the West Division High School in Chicago, he matriculated in Northwestern Univer- sity, from which he was graduated in 1889 with the degree of A. B. He then entered Northwestern University Law School, graduating therefrom in 1892, with the degree of LL. B. During his under grad- uate course, he was a contestant for the Kirk Oratorical Prize, and was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Delta Phi fraternities. From 1902 to 1906, Mr. Dixon repre- sented the First Senatorial District of Il- linois in the State Senate. He also served as a member of the staff of Governor Yates, with the rank of Colonel. In 1901- 02. he was President of the Chicago Meth- odist Social Union. He is a member of the Union League. Hamilton and Univer- sity Clubs of Chicago and of the Chicago Athletic Club, a thirty-second degree Mason, a Knight Templar and Mystic Shriner. On March 2, 1903, the subject of this sketch was united in marriage with Mar- ian E. Martin. They have one daughter, Marian. JUDSON WILKES HOOVER. Judson \Yilkes Hoover, who is engaged in the drug business at 251 Main Street. Galesburg, 111., was born in Avoca, Iowa, 6i8 BIOGRAPHICAL March 2, 1876. His primary mental train- ing was obtained in the public schools of his native town. After taking a prepara- tory course in the Iowa Wesleyan Univer- sity, at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, on Septem- ber I, 1898, he matriculated in the North- western University College of Pharmacy.' from which he was graduated with the degree of Ph. G., in June, 1899. Mr. Hoover is a member of the M. \Y. A. ; of the Northwestern University Alumni Association of Pharmacy, in which he holds the office of Secretary : a member of the Soangetaka Club, the Galesburg Cmmerciar Club and Fraternal Tribunes of Galesburg. 111. On April 15, 1894. he was united in marriage with Miss Kathryn Daugherty, of Ml. Pleasant. Iowa, and one child has been born to them, namely: Murlin Hoover, born June 30, 1895. JAMES A. GARLAND, M. D. James Asa Garland, physician and sur- geon of Buchanan, Mich., was born in Peoria, 111., January 15, 1871. In early youth he attended the Chicago public schools, and is a graduate of one of the high schools in that city. He entered Northwestern University in 1891, gradu- ating from the medical department of that institution in 1895. with the degree of M. D. From 1898 to 1901. inclusive. he served as Health Officer of -the city of Buchanan, Mich., and of the township. Dr. Garland is a member of the Ameri- can Medical Association, the Berrien County ( Mich.) Medical Society, and the Red Cross Society, Berrien County Hu- mane Society. In fraternal circles, he is identified with the A. F. & A. M. and the M. W. A. On November 27. 1901, Dr. Garland was united in marriage with Gertrude Friesleben, of Chicago. AMOS A. L. SMITH. Amos A. L. Smith, attorney at law, who is located at No. 2316, Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis., was born at Appleton, Wis., September 8, 1849. His primary mental training was obtained in the public schools of his native place and he pursued his preparatory course of study in Law- rence University, at Appleton. He then entered Northwestern University in the Sophomore year, and was graduated therefrom with the class of 1872. He was a member of the Adelphic Literary Socie- ty and the Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity. In the English Literature contest, his essay on "Darwinism" won the "Presi- dent's prize." He also won the one hundred dollar prize for oratory, by his oration on "Cavour." During the under- graduate period, he held the position of editor of the "Tripod." Mr. Smith has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Milwaukee Woman's College, a Director of the Wisconsin National Bank, and of the Wisconsin Trust and Security Company. Socially he is a member of the Milwaukee Club, the Bankers' Club, the Milwaukee Athletic Club, and the Blue Mound Country Club. Mr. Smith was wedded in 1874 to Frances L. Brown, who died in 1891. In 1893 he was united in marriage with Mary Niel Anderson. He became the father of four children, namely: Philip R.. Edwin L., Laura L., and Walton K. RICHARD R. JOHNSON, D.D.S. Richard Roy Johnson, D.D.S. , who was engaged in the practice of dentistry at Great Falls, Mont., was born in White- hall, Mich., September 25. 1874. In early youth he attended the public schools of his native town, and prepared for college HISTORY OF EVANSTON 619 in the High School at Lisbon, X. D.. whence he went to the University of Min- nesota Dental Department, in which he completed the first year of the course in 1897. During the same year he matricu- lated in Northwestern University Dental College, from which he was graduated with the class of 1899, receiving the de- gree of D.D.S. He is a member of the Delta Sigma Delta Fraternity. Shortly after his graduation, he opened an office at Lisbon, X. D., but sold his practice in June, 1903, and moved to his present lo- cation, where his efforts have been attend- ed with good results. He is at present lecturing on dentistry and hygiene at the Columbus and Deaconess Hospitals in that city. He is a member of the Montana State Dental Society. During 1902. and until his removal to Montana, in June. 1903, Dr. Johnson held the office of City Treasurer of Lisbon, X. D.. and in that city he was married on September 26, 1900, to Florence May Severance. Two children have resulted from their union, namely : Maude Lucille, born in Lisbon. X. D.. June 25, 1902: and Winnifred May, born in Great Falls, May 30, i4. Fraternally. Dr. Johnson is identified with the A. F. & A. M.. and is Past Master of the Lisbon Lodge of that order. He is also a member of the R. A. Chapter and Commandery of Knights Templar. C. PRUYX STRINGFIELD, M. D.. Dr. C. Pruyn Stringfield, physician and surgeon, whose office is located in the Western Union Telegraph Building, in Chicago, 111., was born in Washington. D. C., December 12. 1866. In youth he made diligent use of the facilities for in- struction afforded by the public schools of Topeka. Kan., and entered the Medical Department of Xorthwestern L'niversity in 1886, graduating therefrom in 1889. From that year until 1894, he assisted Prof. Ralph S. Isham in clinical surgery. He was President of the Chicago Medi- cal Examiners' Association in 1902 and 1903. In 1895. 1896 and 1897, he was connected with the Health Department of the City of Chicago. Dr. Stringfield was consulting physic.ian of the Chicago Baptist Hospital : attending surgeon to the Cook County Hospital ; is physician to the Actors' Fund of America : was Medical Director of the Marquette Life Insurance Company, and is now Medical Examiner for the Phoenix Mutual Life Com- pany of Hartford ; resident physician of the Grand Pacific Hotel, in Chicago; and ex-contract surgeon of the United States Marine Corp. He is a member of the American Medical Association : the Illi- nois State Medical Society : the Chicago Medical Society ; the American Associa- tion of Life Examining Surgeons; Chi- cago Medical Examiners' Association and the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. From 1901 to 1905. Dr. Stringfield served on the staff of Gov- ernor Yates. of Illinois, with the rank of Colonel. Fraternally, the subject of this sketch is a Mason, a life-member of the B. P. O. Elks, and is Past Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias. He belongs to the Chicago Athletic Club ; South Shore Country Club ; the Chicago Yacht Club : the Hamilton, the Forty and the Chicago Automobile Clubs. The marriage of Dr. Stringfield took place on August 14. 1889, when Miss Josephine Milgie. a most estimable and accomplished lady, became his wife. He is widely and favorably known in Chi- cago and the State, where he is held in high esteem, individually, professionally and as a citizen. 620 BIOGRAPHICAL ALEXANDER F. BANKS. Alexander F. Banks, a prominent rail- way official, whose residence is at No. 1908 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111., and who is widely and favorably known throughout the railway circles of Illinois, was born in Crawford County, Ind., on January 31, 1861. He is a son of Henry Bartlett and Julia C. (French) Banks, na- tives of Kentucky, his father born in Wash- ington County, that State, in 1809, and his mother, in Maysville, in 1822. Henry Bartlett Banks, who was a farmer by oc- cupation, moved with his family from Kentucky to Crawford County, Ind., in 1844. and there engaged in agricultural pursuits. His son, Alexander, attended the common schools of Indiana during the winter months, until he was thirteen years of age, and in the intervals between the school terms, assisted his father in the work on the farm. At that period he started out to work for himself. In 1877, when sixteen years old. Air. Banks entered upon his career in the rail- way service as a clerk at Evansville. Ind., and, in 1879, was appointed contracting freight agent of the St. Louis & South- western Railway. In 1880, he became con- nected with the Continental Fast Freight Line, and served in the capacity of Agent and General Agent of that company until 1888. In that year he entered the service of the Iowa Central Railway Company, at Peoria, III., as General Agent, afterwards serving successively as General Freight Agent, General Freight and Passenger Agent, and as Traffic Manager. In 1893 Mr. Banks left the services of the Iowa Central Railway Company, in order to be- come General Freight Agent of the Elgin. Joliet & Eastern Railway Company. He was appointed Traffic Manager of that company, and also of the Lake Shore & Eastern Railway Company, in 1894. In 1900 he was elected President of both of these corporations and still serves in that capacity. In November, 1883, Mr. Banks was united in marriage with Blanche Nichol- son, at Evansville, Ind., and of this union three children have been born, namely : Duke Nicholson, Blanche, and Charles Ackert. Mr. Banks has risen, step by step, from a lowly grade of railway serv- ice, through superior innate ability, to his present high and responsible position, and is regarded as one of the most thor- ough and capable railroad officials in this section of the country. AUGUST AHLBERG. August Ahlberg, Evanston, 111., was born in Sweden. August 5, 1845. tne son of Johan Gustave and Margaret Christina (Olson) Ahlberg, his ancestors on both sides having been natives of Sweden for generations. After receiving his educa- tion in his native country, he learned the cabinet-making trade and, in 1871, came to America, arriving in Chicago in July of that year. In 1878. he removed to Evanston, where he has followed the cabinet busi- ness continuously ever since. Mr. Ahl- berg was married in 1872 to Margaret C. ( Jslund, who is also a. native of Sweden, and they have three children : Theresa. Axel Renaldo and Gertrude. In religious faith he is a Baptist and a member of the Swedish Baptist Church, and in political opinions is a Republican, but is not identi- fied with any secret fraternal organiza- tions. His residence is at 2122 Harrison Street, Evanston. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 621 DR. STEPHEN V. BALDERSTON. Stephen Victor Balderston, a very fav- orably known and successful physician, of Evanston, 111., was born in Prince Edward Island, Canada, November 5, 1868, a son of Hon. John and Sarah (Weeks) Bald- erston, both natives of Prince Edward Is- land. His father was born October 31, 1831, and his mother, May 3, 1841. The occupation of the former was that of a fanner and miller and. in his civic career, he attained prominence and distinction as a statesman. Hon. John Balderston first came into public notice at the age of twenty-eight years, in connection with the movement, in Prince Edward Island, for the abolition of landlordism in that col- ony. \Yhen thirty-two years old, he was elected to the Legislative Council, in which he served twenty-four years, during ten years of this period acting as Presi- dent of that body. When Prince Edward Island became a Province of the Domin- ion of Canada, in 1870. the title of Hon- orable was bestowed upon Mr. Balderston, as a mark of favor, by Queen Victoria. The paternal grandfather of Dr. Bald- erston was a native of Cornwall, England, and a descendant of an old border family which lived in the land of the Douglases. Grandmother I'alderston's people were Protestant Irish, born in Wexford. One brother was condemned to be burned by Irish insurrectionists in a holocaust of some hundreds in a large barn, but was rescued at the last moment by a priest, who was a personal friend. The Weeks family were also Irish Protestants, and one member of it was a Captain of foot soldiers during the Irish Rebellion. Stephen Victor Balderston spent his childhood on his father's farm, and was a sprightly lad of a somewhat studious disposition. In early youth he utilized the advantages afforded by the common schools in the vicinity of his home, and then pursued a course of study in Prince of Wales College, at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. After leaving college, he applied himself to teaching school for a time. His professional edu- cation was subsequently obtained in the University of Pennsylvania Medical De- partment, at Philadelphia, from which he was graduated in 1895. In the same year he took the position of interne in the hos- pital of the National Soldiers' Home, in Virginia, where he was promoted to be First Assistant Surgeon in 1897. This position he resigned in December, 1899, to take up private practice in Evanston. During the period spent in the hospital at Hampton, Va., he served through an epi- demic of yellow fever. While there he became a citizen of the commonwealth of Virginia. On January 5, 1903, Dr. Balderston was united in marriage, in the National Sol- diers' Home, in Virginia, with Jessie Eliz- abeth Thompson, who was born August 17, 1873, ' n tne National Military Home at Dayton, Ohio. Her father was a vet- eran of the Civil War, having served in the Third Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry and lost an arm on the battle- field. He was a member of the staff at the National Military Home at Dayton, Ohio, and Governor of the National Sol- diers' Home in Virginia. Mrs. Balderston is a graduate of the Woman's College of Baltimore, Md., and a member of the Alpha Phi Sorority. Dr. Balderston is a member of the John Ashhurst, Jr., Surgical Society of the University of Pennsylvania, the Chicago Pediatric Society, the Chicago Medical Society, and the Illinois State Medical Society. In politics, he is inclined to favor the general policies of the Repub- lican party, but is not in accord with high- 622 BIOGRAPHICAL tariff legislation. He voted for McKinley and Roosevelt. In religion, the doctor adheres to the faith of the Methodist Church. Next to his love of good books and his partiality for microscopic investigation, the subject of this sketch is fond of out- door sports, especially golf. Most of all. in a practical sense, he likes to be regarded as a family doctor who tries to make peo- ple physically better and mentally hap- pier. He takes an earnest and intelligent interest in public affairs, and supports all measures tending to promote the welfare of the city of his adoption. HENRY W. HINSDALE. Henry W. Hinsdale, an old and widely known resident of Evanston, now living in honored retirement, was born in Benning- ton, Vt., August 19, 1825, being descended from an old New England family. His father, Hiram W. Hinsdale, was a farmer by occupation. The son attended the public schools of Bennington, and later, went to school at Grand Rapids, Mich., to which place his parents moved at an early date. Grand Rapids was then an Indian trading post. Henry stayed on the farm until he was seventeen years old, and then set out alone for Chicago, where he arrived with but two dollars in his pocket and having no acquaintance to advise him. He looked about for something to do, and finally se- cured employment with J. H. Dunham, then the leading wholesale grocer. His wages at first were two dollars per week. He was employed as a clerk in this store for ten years, his salary for the last five years of this period amounting to $2,500 per year. He was afterwards a partner in the concern for three years, and then bought Mr. Dunham's interest and became the head of the firm of Hinsdale & Babcock. Later he built a block at the corner of South Wa- ter and River Streets, which he occupied as head of the firm of Hinsdale, Sibley & Babcock. He carried on this business until the spring of 1867, when he temporarily retired. He was the most extensive whole- sale grocer of his day in Chicago. Just before the great fire of 1871, Mr. Hinsdale went to Grand Rapids, where he built a beautiful home, intending to live there. The fire destroyed property belong- ing to him, worth more than $500,000, and evidence of his high standing as a merchant is found in the fact that two of his New York correspondents telegraphed him au- thority to draw on them for $50,000 each. Mr. Hinsdale has known Chicago since it was a small city, and can remember hunt- ing deer where the Board of Trade Build- ing stands. His business career began in Chicago during the 'forties, and continued for a period of more than fifty years. His first residence was on Wabash Avenue, where he built the first house north of Twelfth Street. Later he had a house on Prairie Avenue. He removed to Evanston in the 'sixties, where he lived for three or four years before going to Grand Rapids. He continued to reside at the latter place until 1879, engaged in loaning money for Eastern capitalists and in rebuilding Chi- cago property. During the years 'of his experience as a pioneer merchant, he had formed a wide acquaintance with Western business men, who had great confidence in his sagacity and foresight. In 1879 Mr. Hinsdale moved from Grand Rapids to Evanston, and went into the brokerage business, in which he was en-?, gaged for fourteen years. At the end of this period he became manager of the Chamber of Commerce safetv vaults. This HISTORY OF EVANSTON 623 position he held until July, 1904, when he abandoned an active business life. While in the brokerage business he represented three of the leading sugar refineries of the United States. After the capture of New Orleans in the Civil War, he sent north the first cargo of sugar, loading three vessels. Mr. Hinsdale was one of the early mem- bers of the Chicago Board of Trade, and one of the first stockholders of the Elgin Watch company. The Merchants Loan & Trust Company was organized in the office of J. H. Dunham & Co., with which Mr. Hinsdale was connected. He was a pas- senger on the first train that ran west of Chicago on the Chicago & Galena Union Railroad. In 1866 he made an overland journey to California, returning by way of the Isthmus of Panama. The beautiful town of Hinsdale, on the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy Railway, was named after Mr. Hinsdale by its founders, who were his friends. The subject of this sketch was married in Chicago, at the home of Mrs. Hinsdale, on State Street, opposite Marshall Field's present store, wedding Eliza Chatfield, a daughter of Judge John Chatfield, of Ba- tavia, N. Y. The children born of this union are : Henry K. Hinsdale, now of New York ; Mrs. Charlotte Hinsdale Mosely, and Benjamin Hinsdale, of Evanston. Religiously Mr. Hinsdale is an Episco- palian, and served as Warden of Grace Epis- copal Church in Chicago, for many years. He is now a communicant of St. Mary's Episcopal Church of Evanston. THOMAS H. BEEBE. Thomas H. Beebe, a venerable and great- ly esteemed citizen of Evanston, 111., who is passing his declining years in well- earned repose, was born in St. Louis, Mo., March 31, 1819, the son of Elijah and Sarah (Hempstead) Beebe, natives of Con- necticut. The Beebe family came to Ameri- ca with Gov. Winthrop's colony. John Beebe started from Northamptonshire, England, with his wife and five sons, in 1650, but died on shipboard. The remain- der of the family settled at New London, Conn. From its head, all the Beebes are de- scended. At a convention of citizens of Columbia County, N. Y., held June 24, 1776, Martin Beebe was made a member of a committee which was instructed to draft resolutions declaring for Independ- ence. The Hempstead family is also of an- cient and honorable origin. Elijah Beebe journeyed from New Eng- land to St. Louis in 1813, making the trip to Pittsburg, Pa., overland. There he pur- chased a keel-boat and took a cargo of flour down the river. At Louisville, Ky., he took aboard John and Benjamin O'Fallon, men who afterwards became noted citizens 'of St. Louis. By trade Elijah Beebe was a saddler and harness maker, and established himself in that line in St. Louis. Subse- quently, he took a contract to supply beef to the Government forts. On one of his excursions in this connection, Indians robbed him of a whole herd of cattle, for which loss he was reimbursed by Congress through the efforts of Col. Thomas H. Benton. Thomas H. Beebe received his early edu- cation in the public schools of St. Louis and in the country schools of Belleville, 111., and afterwards went to work in the dry goods store of his uncle, William Hempstead, in St. Louis. He was later employed by Hempstead and Beebe. This firm was in the river trade, and was interested in steam- boats. Mr. Beebe afterwards became a clerk at different times on several of these 624 BIOGRAPHICAL boats, and followed the river for about four years. He then went to the Rocky Moun- tains with a wagon train, and on this trad- ing expedition had an interesting experi- ence among the Indians. In 1841 Mr. Beebe went to Galena, 111., where his uncle, William Hempstead, was in business, and was employed by him for two 'years, becoming his uncle's partner, at a later period, in smelting and dealing in lead. This connection lasted until 1853, when he came to Chicago and opened a branch house under the name of T. H. Beebe & Co., in the forwarding and com- mission line. Isaac L. Lyon and E. G. Merrick became members of the firm dur- ing its first year, and the business was trans- acted under the firm name of Beebe, Lyon & Co. Mr. Beebe bought his uncle's half- interest, and the firm purchased a half-in- terest in the lumber firm of Capt. Jesse H. Leavenworth, who owned mills and timber land at Peshtigo, Wis. The firm of Beebe, Lyon & Co. was dissolved in 1855, Mr. Beebe retaining his lumber interest with Capt. Leavenworth. William B. Ogden. the first Mayor of Chicago, became a partner of Beebe, in 1856, and the Peshtigo Lumber Company was formed that year. Mr. Beebe after- wards became President of this company, and filled that office until 1873, when he re- signed and disposed of his interest in the business. In 1873, Mr. Beebe went to California as general superintendent of a large lumber concern. After a short time he returned to Chicago, and was subsequently connect- ed with the First National Bank, of that city, and the Consolidated Paper Company. He was a sufferer from the great fire of 1871, after which he moved to Highland Park, where he lived six years and served as Mayor in 1874. He afterwards returned to Chicago, whence, in 1891, he moved to Evanston, where he has since resided. He was an early member of the Chicago Board of Trade, of which he was Vice-President for two years. Thomas H. Beebe was married in 1844 to Catherine Eddowes, a daughter of John and Lydia Eddowes, of Galena, 111. Mrs. Beebe was born in Newcastle County, Dela- ware. She died June 3, 1902, after fifty- eight years of wifely companionship. The children of this union who are living are as follows: Edward H., who lives in Cali- fornia ; William H., Dr. John E., Christ- opher K., of Chicago; Archibald A., and Catherine E. ; Mrs. Lydia (Beebe) Van Du- sen and Mrs. Mary K. Valentine, of Evans- ton. Politically, Mr. Beebe was a Whig in his early life, but later acted in co-operation with the Democratic Party until 1896, and since that time has been an Independent Re- publican. Religiously, he is classed as a Presbyterian. JOHN G. BYRNE, M. D. John G. Byrne, physician and surgeon, who is engaged in the practice of his pro- fession at Spokane, Wash., was born in Chicago, 111., January 22, 1871. He at- tended the Chicago public schools, and was a student in Dennison University, in 1887- 89, and in Lake Forest Academy in 1890. In 1891 he matriculated in Northwestern University Medical School, from which he was graduated in 1894 with the degree of M. D. From April, 1894, to May, 1895, he acted in the capacity of interne in Wes- ley Hospital, Chicago. He is a member of the Phi Rho Sigma Fraternity. On March 2, 1887, the subject of this sketch enlisted as a private in the Second Regiment, Illinois National Guard, and be- HISTORY OF EVANSTON came Corporal of Company E, May 17, 1890; Sergeant, December 15, 1890; First Sergeant and Hospital Steward in 1896; Assistant Surgeon, December 22, 1897 ; First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon Il- linois Volunteer Infantry, May 16, 1898, and resigned September 28, 1898. He was appointed Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, November 9, 1899, and served as such until March 20, 1903, spending one year in the Philippines, where he was wounded, June 26, 1900. He was Post Surgeon at Fort Wright from December (a, 1900 to March 20, 1903. Dr. Byrne is a member of the Snohomish County (Wash.) Medical Society, and a life member of Northwestern University Alumni Medical Association. Socially, he is a member of the Spokane Club, and the M. W. A., the Royal Highlanders, and Sur- geon to Spanish War Veterans. On October 14, 1897, Dr. Byrne was united in marriage with Annie S. Hewitt, who has held the position of Superintend- ent of Wesley Hospital in Chicago, and of the West Side Hospital, in the same city. Dr. and Mrs. Byrne have one child Kath- erine Anna, born November 7, 1903. JOHN J. FLINN. John J. Flinn became a resident of the village of South Evanston in the summer of 1880, when he purchased from General Julius White the house which he and his family have since occupied at 814 Michigan Avenue. The street was then called Con- gress Street, but later the name was changed to Wheeler Avenue. It became Michigan Avenue by adopting the name of the extension north of Main Street, which was then called Lincoln Avenue. With the exception of three years, Mr. Flinn has been continuously a resident of Evanston from the time of his first removal here. He has thus witnessed practically all the changes that have occurred here for the last twenty-five years, and has taken an ac- tive part in connection with some of the most important of them. Mr. Flinn was born in Clonmel, Ireland, December 5, 1851, his parents being James and Margaret (Cunningham) Flinn. Com- ing to America with his widowed mother in 1863, after receiving only an elementary education in his native country, he began life on this side as a cash boy in Boston. Thanks to the fact that the Boston Public Library was open to him. his education was uninterrupted. He read everything that he could lay his hands on, and kept this up when his family moved to Missouri. At eigh- teen years of age he began to contribute matter to the local newspapers, at twenty- one became a reporter in St. Joseph. Mo., and one year later secured a position under Joseph B. McCullagh (inventor of the "In- terview"), on the "St. Louis Globe," now the "Globe-Democrat.'' At twenty-two he was made night editor of that journal, later was entrusted with the Legislative corre- spondence, and in 1873 reported the proceed- ings of the Missouri State Constitutional Convention. His days in St. Louis were contemporaneous with those of Eugene Field, Stanley Huntly, Stanley Waterloo, William Lightfoot Visscher, and others who have won celebrity in literature. In 1875 Mr. Flinn became associated with Melville E. Stone in the editorship of the "Chicago Daily News," and was con- nected with that newspaper during the first seven years of its existence. In 1883 ne was appointed Consul to Chemnitz, Sax- ony. Returning he became associated with Frank Hatton, who was Postmaster-Gener- al under President Arthur, and Clinton A. Snowden, in the publication of the "Chi- cago Mail," and later was managing editor 626 BIOGRAPHICAL of the "Chicago Times." Since 1897 he has been an editorial writer on the "Chicago Inter Ocean." In addition to his newspaper work, Mr. Flinn has written numerous essays, lec- tures, poems, a novel, etc. In connection with John E. Wilkie, now chief of the Unit- ed States Secret Service, he compiled a "History of the Chicago Police." He is the compiler, also, of the "Standard Guide to Chicago," and was appointed compiler of all the authorized Guide Books of the World's Columbian Exposition. He is a charter member of the Chicago Press Club, and was elected to its Presidency in 1906. He is one of the founders of the Twentieth Century Club of Evanston, and has been its President. He is serving his third term as a member of the Evanston City Council. FRANK MYER FORREY. Frank Myer Forrey, credit man State Bank of Chicago, was born in Cambridge City, Ind., November i, 1859, the son of William Sharpless and Lydia (Myer) For^~ rey, the former a native of Milton, Ind., and the latter of Dublin, Ind. The father was engaged in the hotel business for many years, for ten years was in charge of the Hotel Phoenix at Shreveport, La. ; one year with the Commercial Hotel at Muscatine, Iowa; five years with the Occidental Hotel at Wichita, Kan., and five years with the Glen House at Harper, Kan. He died in April, 1904. Frank M. Forrey came to Chicago in 1864, acquired his education there and, in 1875, entered into the employment of the Central National Bank, remaining one year, when he became a clerk and later Exchange Gerk, in the Clearing House for two years. He was then offered the position of Assist- ant Cashier of the firm of A. T. Stewart ut Co., where three years later he assumed the entire responsibility as Cashier without an assistant. In 1881 he became connected with the wholesale dry goods firm of James H. Walker & Co., as Cashier, remaining until the failure of the firm in 1893, when he became an employe of the State Bank of Chicago, in which, at the present time, he holds the position of credit man. On November i, 1881, Mr. Forrey was married in the city of Chicago, to Alida Churcher, who was born in Chicago in 1862 and is a granddaughter of Rev. Edward D. Wheadon, who was a prominent Methodist preacher and one of the early settlers of Evanston. Mrs. Forrey 's mother was a teacher in the vicinity of Evans- ton a half century ago. Mr. and Mrs. Forrey have lived at the same location in Evanston, No. 2040 Sherman Avenue, since 1882, a period of nearly twenty-five years. They have two children : La Jeune C., born in Evanston, November i, 1885, and Rich- ard Lindgren, born in the same place, De- cember 5, 1891. The daughter, La Jeune, won the oratorical contest of Literary So- brieties as a student in Northwestern Uni- versity in 1904, being the first female student to gain that distinction in ten years. Mr. Forrey served as Alderman of his ward two years (1897-98), is a member of the Republican party and in religious faith and association a Methodist. He is fra- ternally associated with the Royal Arca- num, the Royal League, of which he has been an officer since 1883 ; the Order of Columbian Knights, and formerly a mem- ber of the Boat Club, but later of the Evan- ston Club. He is also identified with the Evanston Musical Club, which includes in its membership a large proportion of the musical talent of the University city. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 627 MITCHELL DAVIS FOLLAXSBEE. ROLLIX CURTIS WINSLOW, M. D. Mitchell Davis Follansbee. who is en- gaged in the practice of the law in Chicago, with offices in the Home Insurance Build- ing, and in New York, with offices in the Trinity Building, is the son of George A. Follansbee. and was born in Chicago Janu- ary 23, 1870. He obtained his education in the public schools, the South Division High School, Harvard School, and Harvard University, from which he was graduated in 1892. with the degree of A. B. He then entered the Northwestern University Law School, being graduated therefrom in 1894, with the degree of LL. B. He was on the first Board of the Northwestern Law Re- view, and a member of the Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity. He now holds the posi- tion of lecturer on Legal Ethics in the Northwestern University Law School and is Professor of Illinois Practice in that institution. He is a member of the Univer- sity, Midday, Onwentsia, Forty, Saddle & Cycle, and Harvard clubs of Chicago, and belongs to the Legal Club, Law Club, the Chicago Bar Association, the Illinois State Bar Association, the Harvard Club and the Lawyers' Club of New York, and the Har- vard Union of Cambridge, Mass. He is President of the District Council of the Lower North District of the Bureau of Charities, and is President of the North- western University Law Publishing Asso- ciation, publishers of the new Illinois Law Review. On April 14, 1903, Mr. Follansbee was married at Seabreeze, Fla., to Miss Julia Rogers McConnell. They have two chil- dren: Eleanor, born January 27, 1904, and Mitchell Davis Follansbee, Jr., born March 6, 1906. Their home is at 52 Bellevue Place, Chicago. Dr. Rollin Curtis Winslow, physician and surgeon, who is engaged in the prac- tice of his profession at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., was born at Laporte, Mich., August 1 1, 1873. He received his primary mental training in the public school, and afterward became a pupil in the Laporte (Mich.) High School. He then studied languages in a private school, for two years. His first course of medical study was pursued in the Saginaw Valley Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1899, with the degree of M. D. He matriculated in Northwestern University Medical School in the summer of 1901, and graduated there- from with the class of 1902. Previous to taking the university course, Dr. Winslow was engaged in the practice of medicine at West Branch, Mich., from June, 1899, to September, 1901. On grad- uating from the medical department of the university he entered upon practice in his present location. He is a member of the American Medi- cal Association ; the Michigan State Medi- cal Society; the Upper Peninsula (Mich.) Medical Society ; and the Chippewa County (Mich.) Medical Society, of which he was elected Secretary in 1905. On September 21, 1898, at Saginaw, Mich., Dr. Winslow was united in mar- riage with Edith May McAlpine. This union has resulted in one child, Madeline Eloise. born January 22, 1905. WILLIAM HUDSON DAMSEL. William H. Damsel, a well known and highly respected citizen of Evanston, 111., was born in Westchester, Chester County. Pa., February 7, 1844, the son of Uriah and Catherine (Phipps) Damsel, natives of 628 BIOGRAPHICAL Pennsylvania, the former born in Lancaster County and the latter in Chester County. The occupation of Uriah Damsel was that of a manufacturer. In early youth William H. Damsel obtained his education in the schools of his native town, and after his studies were completed, secured a position in the employ of the Central Ohio Rail- road Company. April 17, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the Third Regular Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for a service of three months, being mustered out August 19, 1861, at the expiration of his term of enlist- ment. On May I, 1864, he entered the service of the Adams Express Company, with which he has ever since been con- nected. On September 15. 1870, Mr. Damsel was united in marriage, at Columbus, Ohio, with Susan R. Nace. who was born at Morristown, in that State, March 7, 1845. Five children were born of this union, namely : William Wynkoop, born December 27, 1871 ; Edna Murray, born January 14, 1873: Jessamine Phipps. born April I, 1877; Ethel Birch, born June 20, 1879: and Percy, born June 10, 1882. In politics Mr. Damsel is a supporter of the Republican party, and fraternally is identified with the Royal Arcanum and the Knights of Honor. GEORGE OSMAN IDE. George Osman Ide (deceased), formerly a well known attorney of Evanston, 111., and a highly respected citizen, was born at Passumpsic, Vt., November 25, 1831. His father, Rev. George Barton Ide, a clergy- man of the Baptist Church, was born in Coventry. Vt., February 17, 1804, and his mother. Harriet (Walker) Ide, was born December 21, 1807. The ancestry of the Ide family dates back to an early period in New England history. John Ide, the great- grandfather of George O., born in 1742, and deceased in 1815, was a soldier in the Revolutionary army. Timothy Ide, another ancestor, whose life covered the period be- tween 1660 and 1735, was an early settler of Bristol County, Massachusetts. He took an active part in the wars against the In- dians, and was an ensign to the General Court of Massachusetts. Still another an- cestor, Nicholas Ide, came from England to Massachusetts in 1643. He was one of the original settlers of Bristol County, and one of the first landowners there. He was ac- tive in the early settlements ; was one of a committee appointed to settle disputes with King Philip, the Indian Chief, in 1689, and was the first of his name in America. Rev. George B. Ide, father of George O., was pastor of the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, Pa., from 1838 to 1852, and of the first Baptist Church of Springfield, Mass., from 1852 to 1872. He died in the city last named, April 16, 1872. George O. Ide attended the public schools of Philadelphia, to which place the family had moved, and completed his education at Hamilton College, N. Y., where he gradu- ated. He studied law under Rufus Choate, in Springfield, Mass., where he was ad- mitted to the bar. Soon afterwards he came to Illinois and, about 1855, settled in Princeton, where he began the practice of law. In this he continued successfully un- til 1871, when he came to Chicago and formed a partnership with George L. Pad- dock, formerly of Princeton, under the firm name of Paddock & Ide, during the same year taking up his residence in Evanston, where he lived during the remainder of his life. About three years before his death the firm of Paddock & Ide was dissolved, and Mr. Ide thereafter practiced alone. He was Village Attorney of Evanston from HISTORY OF EVANSTON 629 1874 to 1880, and attained a prominent po- sition at the Chicago bar. Mr. Ide was married at Princeton, 111.. January 29, 1862, to Helen M. Ide, a daughter of Cas^ander Ide, of that place. Mrs. Ide was born at Essex, Yt., and be- longed to the same general lineage as her husband. The children born of this union who are still living are : William K. Ide, of the First National Bank, Chicago ; Charles B. Ide, of the Corn Exchange Na- tional Bank, Chicago ; Arthur C. Ide, an attorney of Chicago ; and Mrs. Henry W. Dakin, of Detroit, Mich. The eldest of the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ide, died in Evans- ton, August 6, 1894. In politics, George O. Ide was a Demo- crat, and fraternally, was a member of the Masonic order, and in religious belief, a Baptist. His death occurred at his home in Evanston, February 7, 1885. The home at No. 1425 Maple Avenue, where the fam- ily have resided since 1881, is still occupied by his widow and three surviving sons. ORRIN T. MAXSON, M. D. Orrin T. Maxson, M. D. (deceased), formerly a prominent physician in Evans- ton, 111., was born in the State of Xew York in 1825, being descended from an old New England family. In his early child- hood he went to Wisconsin with his parents, who were among the earliest settlers in the northwestern part of that State. There he attended the public schools and received his early mental training. His professional education was obtained in Rush Medical College, Chicago. Dr. Maxson began the practice of medicine in Prescott, Wis., where he remained several years, when he removed to Chicago, and where he con- tinued in practice. He subsequently lived and practiced for a time in Waukegan, 111. In the early 'eighties he moved to Evans- ton, 111., where he devoted himself to his profession until his death, which occurred at Pasadena, Cal., in 1895. Dr. Maxson recruited Company A, Twelfth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry for service in the Civil War, and served as its Captain during the entire war. Dr. Maxson was married to Eunice Mc- Cray, of New York State. Those of their children who are living are: Dr. O. P. Max- son, of Waukegan ; and Amelia ( Maxson ) Knox, who resides in Evanston. In 1882 the daughter. Amelia, became the wife of Laverne L. Knox, of Waukegan, who was engaged in business in Chicago, and died in Evanston in 1889. Dr. Maxson was a physician of high standing in his profession and of superior accomplishments, and was a valued member of the leading medical societies. Politically he was an active Republican and took a good citizen's interest in public affairs. While living in Wisconsin he served as a member of the Legislature of that State. Fraternally, he was a Knight Templar, and in religious belief a Congregationalist. FRANK WHEELOCK GEROULD. Among the most prominent men in the social, political and religious circles of Evanston, 111., whose business interests are in Chicago, is the gentleman whose name heads this brief personal record. Mr. Ge- roukl was born in Smithfield. Pa., January 13. 1854. the son of Marcus 15. and Mary E. (Uingham) Gerould. of whom the for- mer was born in Smithfield. Pa.. October 28, 1818. and the latter, in Towanda County, in the same State. January 2. 1827. Mar- cus 1>. Gerould was a merchant by occupa- tion. In 1857 he moved from Pennsylvania to Rockford. 111., where, with the exception 630 BIOGRAPHICAL of a few years spent in Byron, 111., the family made their permanent home. In youth the subject of this sketch dili- gently utilized the opportunities afforded by the public schools of Rockford, and, af- ter completing his studies, secured employ- ment as clerk in a shoe store in that city. In 1878 he located in Chicago and entered the employ of A. G. Spaulding & Bros., extensive dealers in athletic goods, in which connection he has remained until the present time. Mr. Gerould now occupies the position of managing director of the western department of that widely known establishment. He maintains a high repu- tation for executive ability in the commer- cial circles of Chicago, and is very popular among the employes and patrons of the con- cern with which he has been so long identi- fied. On September I, 1881, Mr. Gerould was united in marriage, in the city of Chicago, with Mary S. Avery, who was born in Bel- videre. 111., on February 9, 1860. Three children have been born to them : Helen Louise, born January 9, 1890; Frank Avery, born August 15. 1893, and Walter Blakes- ley, born August 18, 1898. The mother of this family passed away in Evanston, March ii, 1901. Mr. Gerould is connected with the First Presbyterian Church, of Evanston, and is a member of its Board of Trustees. In politics he is a supporter ot the Republican party, and has represented his ward in Evanston, as Alderman, for the last eight years. Socially he is a member of the Evanston Club, of which he is President and director; a member of the Chicago Athletic Club, and of the Glen View Golf Club. He is one of the Directors of the State Bank of Evanston. In earlier life he belonged to the Illinois National Guard for six years. He is highly regarded through- out the community. WILLIAM BECKLEY PARKES. William B. Parkes (deceased), formerly a prominent citizen of Evanston, 111., and a man of lovable and great force of charac- ter, was born in Saugerties, N. Y., March 19, 1838. He was a son of Joseph and Mary (Dunn) Parkes, who came from Dudley, England, five or six years before his birth, and a brother of the noted sur- geon. Dr. Charles T. Parkes, of Chicago. Joseph Parkes was an iron master, with interests in Wheeling, W. Va., and St. Louis. Mo. He prepared his son, William, for a commercial career, the latter having graduated from a business college in Wheel- ing at the age of thirteen years. From that period he worked in his father's foundry and made himself independent, paying his own board and other expenses. In the panic of 1857, the failure of his father's works at St. Louis, with which he was connected, together with his marriage at the same time, made it necessary for him to seek other employment. He accordingly went from St. Louis to Southern Illinois, and worked on farms in- order to secure means to engage in business on his own account. In 1864, he bought a farm in Will County, 111., which he operated for three years, and then, coming to Chicago, secured employment in connection with the North Chicago Rolling Mill Company. In 1868. Capt. E. B. Ward, of Detroit, founded the Milwaukee Iron Works, and among other skilled workmen who were taken there from Chicago, was Mr. Parkes. He was soon promoted to the superinten- dency of a department in the plant, and subsequently, when the North Chicago Roll- ing Mill Company acquired possession of the works, he was made General Superin- tendent. This position he held for ten years or more, having an average of 2,000 men under his direction. He was especially HISTORY OF EVANSTON 631 happy in his method of dealing with his employes, and was successful in building up an industrious and prosperous communi- ty. In this connection he became widely known as a practical iron-master of ripe experience and broad general knowledge of all phases of the business. Besides his rolling mill connection, he was interested in iron mines and transportation companies to a considerable extent. At this period ill health compelled Mr. Parkes to retire from active business, and he severed his connection with the concern in 1890. Disposing of his Milwaukee in- terest^ he purchased a home in Evanston, where he lived in retirement until 1899. He died August 4, 1899, in Milwaukee, where he had gone to visit his daughter. Mr. Parkes was married at St. Louis, in 1857, to Mary Jane McNickle, a daughter of George and Jane (McCoy) McNickle, of that city. Mrs. Parkes, who is still liv- ing, was born in Pennsylvania and reared in Virginia. The children of this union are as follows : Ida Virginia Parkes. Mrs. Mary (Parkes) Llewellyn. Mrs. Jennie (Parkes) Grier. Mrs. Annie (Parkes) Phillips, and Dr. William Ross Parkes. all of Evanston, and Mrs. Sarah (Parkes) Treat, of Apple- ton, Wis. Mr. Parkes became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church when he was fourteen years of age, and when he re- moved to his farm in Will County, he helped to found a church at Monee. He was afterwards one of the founders of the Dixon Street M. E. Church in Chicago, and of Trinity M. E. Church in Milwaukee, where he served as Sunday-school Super- intendent for twenty years. After coming to Evanston he was one of the builders of Emmanuel M. E. Church. For several years he was a member of the Board of Trtvstees and of the official board of the last named church. "Though dead he yet speaketh," and "his works do follow him." JOSEPH WATERS WORK. Joseph W. Work, who is successfully engaged in the real estate business in Evan- ston, 111., was born in Dewitt, Carroll Coun- ty, Mo., September 18, 1871. His father, Andrew Jackson Work, was a native of Charlestown, Ind., where he was born Oc- tober 17, 1819, and his mother, Elizabeth (Waters) Work, was born in Lincoln County, Ky., October 15, 1835. Andrew Jackson Work was a farmer by occupation and his whole active life was devoted to agricultural pursuits. The early education of Joseph W. was obtained in the public schools and the high school at North Salem, Ind., and Bunker Hill. 111., and. after com- pleting his studies, he became a traveling salesman. This occupation he followed for nine years previous to making his home in Evanston, where lie located in 1894. In that year he established himself in the real estate business in partnership with his fa- ther-in-law, Lewis M. Perry, succeeding to the latter's interest in the firm, in 1897 and establishing at that time the firm known as The J. W. W r ork Agency. On December 27, 1893, Mr. Work was united in marriage at Evanston, with Flora Perry, who was born in Murdock, 111., De- cember 10, 1871. In politics, Mr. Work pursues an inde- pendent course, ignoring party lines. His religious connection is with the Evanston Christian Church, of which he is a charter member. Socially he is identified with the Evanston Club. SUSAN LEONHARDT. Mrs. Susan Leonhardt, one of the oldest living natives of Cook County, 111., was born at Grosse Point. September 18. 1840, and enjoys the distinction of being the first white child born within the present city of 632 BIOGRAPHICAL Evanston. She is a daughter of Paul and Caroline (Adams) Pratt, who were natives of Massachusetts ; her mother Caroline Adams, being a daughter of Rev. Ephraim Adams, who was a member of the same family which furnished two Presi- dents of the United States John Adams and John Quincy Adams. Her father was born in Weston, Middlesex County, Mass., September 1 1, 1807, and her mother, in Ox- ford, Worcester County, March 10, 1816. Paul Pratt was the owner of considerable landed property, for those times, and was engaged in agricultural pursuits. His father, also Paul Pratt, was one of the his- torical "Minute Men" of Massachusetts Colony, who sprang to arms from every village and farm in Middlesex County, when Paul Revere sounded the summons on his celebrated ride in 1775. Paul Pratt, Jr., the father of Mrs. Leonhardt, moved to Il- linois at an early period, locating on the site of the present city of Evanston. On his land in that locality, he hewed timber and rafted it to the mouth of the Chicago River, to be used in building the first Government pier at Chicago in 1839. He had two sons who took part in the Civil War, Charles E. and Willard I. The former served three years in the Eighth Regiment Illinois Vol- unteer Cavalry ; the latter was a member of Company C, Eighty-ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and was taken prison- er at Dallas, Ga., and incarcerated in An- dersonville prison, where he languished for seven months. He died at home in 1865. From their log cabin on Leon Avenue, the family moved in 1848, to a frame house, built that year, and which was one of the first frame dwellings constructed in Evan- ston. Mrs. Leonhardt spent her childhood years in the way customary for farmers' (laugh- ters in a new settlement. Her early mental training was obtained in the country school at Ridgeville, now a part of Evanston, and she grew to maturity on the paternal farm. On September 30, 1857, she was united in marriage at Evanston, with Louis Leon- hardt, and twelve children were born of this union : Charles E., born April 29, 1859 ; Arthur D., born November 3, 1861 ; Frank W., born November 29, 1863; Carrie E. (Mrs. Stiles) born February 4, 1865; Ella, who was born August 29, 1866, and died in 1867; George P., born March 7, 1868; Louis, born November 25, 1870, and died in 1880; Eva May, born January 21, 1873, and died in 1880; Paul, born February 10, 1875, and died in 1880; Fred. L., born July 30, 1877, and died in 1880; Richard J., born November 17, 1880; and Willard L, born January 7, 1882. Seven of this family still survive. In religious faith, Mrs. Leonhardt is a Baptist, and a zealous member of the Mis- sionary Society of the First Baptist Church of Evanston. She is an object of affec- tionate interest to her children, and of cor- dial esteem by a large circle of friends. LEWIS TABOR BRISTOL. Lewis Tabor Bristol, who is engaged in the practice of dentistry in Nogales, Ariz., was born in Cairo, 111., September I, 1872, the son of Walter L. and Louisa S. Bristol, natives of Illinois. In early boyhood, Dr. Bristol received his primary mental train- ing in the public schools of his native town, where he spent the remainder of his youth- ful years. He entered the Dental School of Northwestern University in 1894, graduat- ing therefrom in 1897, with the degree of D. D. S. He is a member of the Delta Sig- ma Delta Fraternity. Shortly after his graduation he entered upon the practice of his profession, in which he has continued HISTORY OF EVANSTON 633 successfully ever since. In politics, Dr. Bristol is an earnest supporter of the Repub- lican party. In 1905, he served as a Repre- sentative of Santa Cruz County in the Leg- islature of Arizona. On December 6, 1899, ^ r - Browne was married to Miss Daisy Gertrude Reeser, of Farmer City, 111., and they have one daughter, Theresa Gertrude Browne, born February 5, 1903. VERXELLE FREELAND BROWNE. WALTER LAURAXCE HERDIEX. Vernelle F. Browne, attorney-at-law, Farmer City, 111., was born at De Witt, De Witt County, 111., January 8, 1873. He acquired his primary education in the local high school and by home study, took a law course in the Northwestern Uni- versity Law School at Evanston, 111., with one semester in the Law Department of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in that State. While in the University he was much interested in athletics, and a member of the Masonic Club at the University of Michigan. He worked his way through the University, was admitted to the bar in October, 1899, and, starting in debt, since entering upon his profes- sion has been very successful, having accumulated, in less than seven years' practice, an estate valued at $15,000. The official positions held by Mr. Browne since locating at Farmer City, 111., include those of City Clerk for two years (May i, 1901, to May i, 1903); City Attorney since May i, 1903, in which he is now serving his second term, which will expire May i, 1907. He has been solicited at dif ferent times to become the candidate of the Republican party for County Judge, State's Attorney and Representative in the State Legislature, but believing that his best interests would be subserved by adhering to his profession, has declined. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias Modern Woodmen. Red Men. a Thirty- second Degree Mason, the Order of the Eastern Star, the Rathbon Sisters and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Walter Laurance Herdien, who is a successful representative of the younger element of rising lawyers who are becom- ing favorably known at the bar of Chi- cago, was born in Galva, 111. August 8, 1874. He is a son of Peter and Martha (Johnson) Herdien, natives of Sweden In early youth he made diligent use of the opportunities for an education afforded by the public schools of his native place, and in September, 1894. matriculated in the Lijjeral Arts Department of North- western University, from which he was graduated in June, 1898, with the degree of A. B. He entered Northwestern L'ni- versity Law School in September, 1898. graduating therefrom in June, 1900, with the degree of LL. B. During his collegi- ate course, he was a member of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity and the Deru Society. Shortly after graduating he was admitted to the bar, and at once entered upon the practice of his profession, in which he has since continued. In social circles, he is affiliated with the B. P. O. E. On October 25, 1903, Mr. Herdien was united in marriage with Mabel Geneva Sharp, of Kewanee, 111. Politically, he is a Republican. ELMER FORREST HERDIEN, M. D. Elmer Forrest Herdien. physician, Chi- cago. 111., was born in Galva, 111., May 22. 1876. the son of Peter and Martha (John- son) Herdien, both natives of Sweden 634 BIOGRAPHICAL and a brother of Walter L. Herdien, a lawyer of Chicago. Elmer F. spent most of his early life in Chicago, was a graduate from the Lake View High School and from the Northwestern University, later taking a course in the Medical Depart- ment of the University, from which he was graduated in 1901. After gradua- tion he served for a time as interne in hospital work, after which he was en- gaged in practice at Baker City, Oregon. On June 6, 1906, Dr. Herdien was mar- ried at Kewanee. 111., to Miss Xelle John- son, of that city, the event exciting much interest among society people, and being celebrated with much eclat in the pres- ence of a large circle of friends of the bride and groom. Dr. Herdien's address is at 1317 Foster Avenue (Edgewater), Chicago. HENRY BUTLER. Henry Butler, a well-known and highly- esteemed citizen of Evanston, Cook County, 111., where he has lived for nearly twenty-six years during a considerable portion of this period being extensively and successfully engaged in the livery and teaming business was born in Kenosha. Wis., April 7. 1860, the son of Cornelius and Barbara ( Blanknheim) Butler, of whom the former was born in Richmond Ya., in July, 1822. and the latter in Prtie, a small town in The Netherlands, on Feb- ruary 17, 1831. Cornelius Butler was a carpenter by occupation, and followed that trade in Kenosha. \\'is.. of which place he became a resident in 1840. Early in the Civil War he enlisted in the Thirty-ninth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, with which he served until the end of the conflict, when he returned to Kenosha. and resumed his customary work. Shortly afterward he moved to Evanston, where he spent the remainder of his life. The mother of the subject of this sketch came to the United States when she was about sixteen years of age. Her marriage to Mr. Butler took place at Kenosha on March 13, 1851, and their union resulted in eleven children. The early mental training of Henry Butler was obtained in the district schools in the vicinity of Kenosha, and in the public schools of that city. When not engaged in study, he applied himself to farm work. He was about seventeen years old when he came to Evanston, where he was employed for several years in various kinds of labor by prominent citizens of the place. In 1893 he started out on his own responsibility, establish- ing himself in the livery and teaming business, in which he has ever since been very successful. He now conducts two extensive livery barns, has about seventy teams in use, and employs forty men. besides an office force of four girls. He also operates large blacksmith and repair shops. His entire time is occupied in superintending this business, and his energy, diligence, close application and honorable methods have made the enter- prise a pronounced and signal success. With the exception of a tour of inspection which he made through the Western States, he has not been absent from home to any extent since coming to Evanston. On January 5. 1883, Mr. Butler was united in marriage, at Evanston. 111., with Mary Hager. who was born July 4, 1864. at Florence, Ala., where, in girlhood, she enjoyed the advantages of the public schools. Mrs. Butler is a daughter of William Hager, a native of Pennsylvania, and a soldier in the Civil War, near the close of which he lost his life. Her mother is also deceased. In religious faith Mr. Butler is a Bap- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 635 tist, being a consistent member of the Second Baptist Church, of Evanston. Politically he has always been a firm Republican, but never an aspirant for pub- lic office. To all charitable and benev- olent enterprises in Evanston, he has al- ways been a liberal contributor. He has led a life of exceptional personal purity, having never made use of tobacco or in- toxicants, nor indulged in profane lan- guage. His strict observance of correct rules of living have enabled him to endure the strain of long and strenuous exertion in building up his extensive business, with no impairment of mental or physical fac- ulties, and his upright and honorable deal- ings have gained for him, in an especial degree, the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. Mr. Butler is regarded as one of the most useful and exemplary members of the community. JOHN T. BARKER. John T. Barker, lawyer and Mayor of Evanston, was born in Derbyshire, Eng- land, October 27, 1860, the son of John and Mary (Shimwell) Barker. John Bar- ker, Sr., was a blacksmith by trade, and his death occurred in England. This bereavement necessitated his son's finding a position at the age of eleven in a rolling mill, in order to help support his mother. When the lad was thirteen years old, with his surviving parent he took passage for America, locating in the city of Chi- cago. The boy enjoyed less than two years' schooling before he went to work in earnest for the North Chicago Rolling Mills. A little later he secured a posi- tion with the Chicago Steel Works, where, for fifteen years, he found steady employ- ment; first as a common laborer, at fifty cents per day, spending his earnings at a night school, being gradually promoted through the positions of stenographer, bookkeeper, cashier, etc., until he received the sum of $1,500 per annum. Here he paused long enough to take a course of lessons at the Chicago Athenaeum. In 1890 he launched out in the real estate business, his evenings again being occu- pied with the study of law in the night schools of the great city. In 1893, his studiousness was rewarded by his admit- tance to the bar. On December 14, 1881, Mr. Barker was united in marriage to Anna Laura Blanch- ard, and of this union two children have been born : John Lawrence, born August 27, 1884, and Marion Ethel, born July 22, 1888. In 1897, Mr. Barker removed with his family to the city of Evanston 111., with the history of whose growth the present Mayor has been and is still inti- mately connected. In the year 1900, Mr. Barker was elected Alderman for the Third Ward, thus becoming an active member of the City Council. In 1901 he took an extended vacation, making a tour through England, Scotland, France and Belgium, and other European countries. Upon his return to Evanston in 1902, he was re-eleited Alderman, which position he resigned in the spring of 1903, when he was made Mayor of the city as suc- cessor of James A. Patten. During his official connection with the city, Mayor Barker has been greatly interested in much legislation of an important nature, such as the annexing of the North Shore territory to the Drainage District, the consolidation of the towns included in the present city of Evanston, the amend- ment of the Library Act, and other meas- ures pertaining to public improvement. In the year 1905, he was re-elected Mayor of the city whose interests he has served so disinterestedly and well. In his polit- 6 3 6 BIOGRAPHICAL ical affiliations, Mayor Barker is a Repub- lican. He was one of the originators of the organization of the first Park District of the city of Evanston, an improvement recognized by all. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., the National Union, and Royal League Fraternities, and also of the local Evanston Club, Hamilton and Golf Clubs. He belongs to the Episcopalian Church. GEORGE E. GOOCH. George E. Gooch, a well-known resident of Evanston, 111., who has been prom- inent in the business circles of Chicago for many years, was born in Norwich, Norfolk, England, September 24, 1847, tne son of George C. and Margaret (Brewer) Gooch. The son received his early edu- cation in the common schools of his native land, and came to Chicago in 1867. He became connected with the commission firm of Sherman, Hall & Pope, and soon afterwards engaged in the same line of business on South Water Street, under the firm name of Richards & Gooch. Sub- sequently, he identified himself with Charles Counselman & Co., and still re- mains in that connection. Since 1869 he has been a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. Mr. Gooch established his res- idence in Evanston in 1877, and is con- sidered one of its intelligent and sub- stantial citizens. Mr. Gooch was married in November, 1874, to Miss Rhoda England, a daughter of William England, and they have seven children, all of whom were born in Evans- ton, and all are still living. In his political views, Mr. Gooch is in- dependent, and his action is untrammeled by party ties. He has served as Alder- man of the Second Ward in the City Council. Socially, he belongs to the A. F. & A. M. Royal Arcanum, of which he is Regent; Royal League, of which he is Orator ; Modern Woodmen of America, and Sons of St. George. He is a charter member of the Evanston Club and the Evanston Boat Club. Mr. Gooch is a communicant in St. Mark's Episcopal Church, in which he officiates as vestry- man. JOHN W. GIBSON. John W. Gibson (deceased), formerly a well-known resident of Evanston, 111., was born in Batesville, Noble County, Ohio, October 20, 1853. His parents were William and Christine (Stattler) Gibson, the former being a merchant by occupa- tion. The early childhood of Mr. Gibson was passed in Batesville, and his educa- tion was received in the schools of New- ark, Ohio. He was trained to merchan- dising by his father, and on the death of the latter, succeeded to the business and conducted it for two or three years. About 1881 he came West and became identified with the nursery business, es- tablishing his home in Davenport, Iowa. In this connection he traveled extensively, his transactions covering the States of Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin. He con- tinued to reside at Davenport until 1890, when he moved to Evanston. where he remained until his death, which occurred September 13, 1904. Mr. Gibson was married at Monroe Center, 111., December 26, 1882, to Ella Tyler, a daughter of Mrs. H. C. Tyler, of that place. Mrs. Gibson, who survives her husband, was born there and grew up in Illinois. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson is Harry W. Gibson, who has succeeded to the conduct and manage- ment of his father's business interests. Mr. Gibson was an attendant upon the services at the Baptist Church. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 637 JOHN C. MURPHY. John C. Murphy (deceased), who served as Justice of the Peace in Evanston, 111., for nearly twenty-three years, was born in Evanston July 31, 1841, the first white child born in that place. His parents were Edward and Ann (Mack) Murphy, natives of Ireland, the father born at Ken- more, County Kerry, in 1805, and the mother at Castletown Bearhaven, County Cork. Edward Murphy was a teacher and mathematician by profession. Through the influence of the Marquis of Lansdowne, while still a young man, he was appointed to the position of Govern- ment teacher at London, Upper Canada, where he first located on his arrival in America. In the spring of 1837 he set- tled in Chicago, where he taught in the public schools, and was otherwise inter- ested in educational affairs. In 1839 he was appointed Deputy Sheriff, under Sheriff Isaac R. Gavenfirst, was elected Coroner of Cook County in 1840. and re- elected in 1842. He was the first Super- visor for Evanston, having been elected to that office in 1850, the year of the adop- tion of township organization, and served in this capacity until 1856. His death occurred January 25, 1875. Eugene Mack a brother of Mrs. Edward Murphy, served in the United States Navy for forty years, and was an officer on board the Frigate "Cumberland" when that vessel was sunk. Six of Edward Murphy's children sur- vived him two sons and four daughters, namely : John C., the subject of this sketch ; Edward, Mary A. (Mrs. Samp- son), Anna E., Louisa D., and Eliza- beth C. John C. Murphy received his early edu- cation in the public schools of Chicago, where he subsequently pursued a course of study in a business college. His father owned a farm in the vicinity of Evans- ton, and upon this John C. lived until 1875. From that year until 1881, he was in the employ of Cook County. He al- ways made his home in Evanston, and in his reminiscences of early times often re- calls the rush of gold seekers, with their prairie schooners to California in 1849-50. On July 19, 1877, Mr. Murphy was united in marriage, in Chicago, with Eliz- abeth M. Carroll, who was born at Ogdensburg, N. Y., August 4. 1857. Four children were born of this union, namely : Edward J., born April 30, 1879; J. Francis, born November 13, 1881 ; Joseph N., born January 7, 1891 and Nannie A., born August 23, 1886. In politics, Mr. Murphy was an un- swerving adherent of the Republican party. He was elected Justice of the Peace for Evanston Township in April, 1881, and held that office without inter- mission until the ti.-nt of his death. In fraternal circles, he was identified with the K. of P. and the Catholic Order of Foresters. He belonged to the Histor- ical Society of Evanston. In religion, he was a devout member of the Catholic Church, and as a citizen, was ever on the alert in his efforts to promote the best interests of the community. He was a member of the Evanston Historical Soci- ety. Mr. Murphy departed this life on Feb- ruary 21, 1904, and his death was deeply lamented by all who knew him. He was a man of invariable good nature and. as a public official, was easily accessible. On account of the numerous wedding ceremonies which he performed, he was sometimes called "Bishop" Murphy. The dwelling in which he was born is still standing, in a slightly altered condi- 'tion, on the northwest corner of Clark Street and Rogers Avenue. 638 BIOGRAPHICAL EDWARD J. MURPHY. Edward J. Murphy, Justice of the Peace, Evanston, III., is a native of Evans- ton, where he was born April 30, 1879, the son of John C. and Elizabeth M. (Car- roll) Murphy, the father born in Evans- ton, 111., July 31, 1841, and the mother in Ogdensburg, N. Y., August 4, 1857. John C. Murphy was the first white male child born in Evanston, and died in that city February 21, 1904. The grandparents, Edward and Ann (Mack) Murphy, were natives of Ireland (see sketch of John C. Murphy). Grandfather Edward Murphy was a teacher and mathematician, who came to Chicago from London, Canada, in the spring of 1837, and taught in the public schools. He was the owner of a farm situated where the City of Evanston now stands, and served as Deputy Sheriff and Coroner of Cook County, and as the first Supervisor of Evanston, to which office he was elected in 1850. The gentleman to whom this record re- fers received his rudimentary mental training in the public schools of Evans- ton, and subsequently graduated from the De La Salle Institute, in Chicago. He then pursued courses of study in Canisius College, at Buffalo, N. Y., and Northwest- ern University, Evanston, graduating from the Law School of the latter in 1903. In politics Edward J. Murphy is an ear- nest supporter of the Republican party. In 1904 he was elected to succeed his father as Justice of the Peace, and enjoys the distinction of being the youngest in- cumbent of that office ever elected in Cook County. Socially, he is identified with the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, the Alpha Chi Law Fraternity, the Modern Woodmen of America, and the Knights of Columbus. He is regarded as one of the most promising young men in the community, and seems fully assured of a bright and useful future. GEORGE HENRY MOORE. George Henry Moore, Manager Insur- ance Company, Chicago, with residence in Evanston, was born in North Hartland, Vermont, January 20, 1848, the son of Reuben and Ann Maria (Hunt) Moore, the former born in Salem, Mass., Novem- ber 18, 1808, and the latter in Concord Mass., December 6, 1812. The father's occupation was that of a railroad con- tractor and builder. On the maternal side Mr. Moore is the eighth in descent from Captain Thomas Brooks, seventh from Captain Timothy Wheeler and Captain John Prescott, and sixth from Ensign Humphrey Barrett, Captain James Min- ott, Captain Jonathan Prescott, Hon. Peter Bulkley, Simon Lynde and Francis Willoughby all of whom were soldiers of the Colonial and Revolutionary Wars, and direct descendants of the famous Hunt family, whose progenitors settled in New England in 1635. George Henry Moore commenced busi- ness for himself at Plattsburgh, New York, as clerk in a general merchandise store in 1864, in which he remained two years, when (in 1866) he engaged in the forwarding and shipping business and lumber trade at Detroit, Michigan. Twelve years later (1878) he entered into the fire insurance business, which he has followed continuously ever since. Hav- ing received an appointment as one of the managers of the Liverpool, London & Globe Insurance Company for the West, on January I, 1893, he moved to Evans- ton. He still retains this position with office in the Home Insurance Building at 205 La Salle Street, Chicago. He was elected President for 1896-7 of the Fire Insurance Association of the Northwest, which is the largest insurance organiza- tion in the world. December 16, 1870, Mr. Moore was married at Detroit, Mich., to Emma E. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 639 Smith, and they have had six children: Carlton Ward, Ella Florine, George Albert, Louise Hurd and Irene Hunt (twins), and William Warren. In his political sentiments Mr. Moore has always been a sturdy Republican, is an attendant upon religious services at the First Presbyterian Church of Evans- ton, and is identified with the following clubs and social organizations: Union League Club, Chicago; Sons of the Rev- olution, Colonial War Society, Evanston Club, Evanston, and Glen View Golf Club. CHARLES CLARENCE POOLE. Charles Clarence Poole, patent lawyer, Evanston, 111., was born at Benicia, Cal., November 27, 1856, the son of Charles Henry and Mary A. (Daniels) Poole. was educated in the public schools at Wash- ington, D. C, and fitted for practice in civil engineering by private instruction. During 1874-75 he served as Assistant Engineer in connection with surveys car- ried on by the Engineering Department of the United States Army. In 1882 he graduated from the Law Department of the Columbian University, Washington,, with the prize for an essay on Trade- marks. During the same year he came to Chicago and, in partnership with Taylor E. Brown, engaged in practice as a law- yer, confining his attention chiefly to patents, copyright and trade mark laws, which he still continues, with offices in the Marquette Building. He is also a member of the bar of the United States Supreme Court, the Chicago Bar Associa- tion, and the Patent Law Association! In 1884 Mr. Poole was married in the city of Chicago to Miss Anna Poole, daughter of the late Dr. William Fred- erick Poole, at that time Librarian of the Chicago Public Library, but later occupying a similar position in connection with the Newberry Library. Mr. and Mrs. Poole have four children: Frances, Charles H., Clarence F. and Dorothy, their residence being at 939 Forest Ave- nue, Evanston. Mr. Poole's fraternal as- sociations are with the Illinois Athletic and the Chicago Literary Clubs. CHARLES S. RADDIN. Charles S. Raddin, a prominent citizen of Evanston, 111., where he has resided for twenty-five years, was born in Lynn, Mass., January 29, 1864, the son of Charles E. and Harriet Augusta (Rhodes) Raddin, natives of New England. Charles E. Raddin, who carried on the business of shoe manufacturing in Lynn, Mass.. moved with his family from that city to Chicago in 1879, and thence to Evanston in 1881. The subject of this sketch ob- tained his early education in Chauncy Hall, Boston, Mass., and when the family located in Evanston, pursued a course of study in Northwestern University, from which he received the degrees of B. S. and M. S. During his undergraduate period he identified himself with the Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Mr. Raddin's business interests are in Chicago, where he acts in the capacity of manager of the American Bank Equipment Company. On June 28, 1892, Mr. Raddin was united in marriage, at Evanston, 111., with Belle Elmira Ailing, a native of that city, and the daughter of a well known Meth- odist clergyman. This union resulted in one child, Louise, born January 4, 1898. Politically Mr. Raddin is a supporter of the Republican party. Religiously he adheres to the faith of the Methodist Church. In fraternal circles he is affili- 640 BIOGRAPHICAL ated with the National Union. He is a member and Vice-President of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Acad- emy of Sciences, Secretary of the Natural History Survey of Chicago, and a mem- ber of the Board of Directors of the Evanston Historical Society. He is the author of publications entitled, "Flora of Evanston and Vicinity," and "Flora of Chicago and Vicinity," issued as bulletins of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. Aside from his business relations, he is a man of studious habits and wide informa- tion, and is a useful and highly esteemed member of the communitv. WALTER LEE BROWN. Walter Lee Brown (deceased), for- merly a chemist of high repute and for some time President of the Northwestern Gas Company, of Evanston, 111., was born in Melrose, Mass., August 24, 1853. He was a son of Edwin Lee and Mary (Bab- cock) Brown. His father was a man of high attainments whose reputation ex- tended beyond the limits of his State. The family came to Chicago about 1861. As a boy, Walter Brown attended the old Ogden School in Chicago. When seven- teen years of age he returned to the East and entered the Pennsylvania Military Academy, at Chester, Pa., which he at- tended for three years. He completed his academic studies at Northwestern Univer sity, giving special attention to chemistry while there. From that institution he re- ceived the degree of Bachelor of Science. After completinghis studies in Evanston, he entered the Columbia College School of Mines, from which he was also graduated at the end of a course of study in which he devoted much time to metallurgy. For two or three years thereafter he was a lecturer at Columbia College, and acted as assistant to Dr. Charles F. Chandler, then, as now, at the head of the scientific department of that institution. About 1879, Mr. Brown returned to Chicago, where he purchased the pioneer labora- tory, the oldest in the city established at an early date by the late Dr. James G. Blaney. He conducted this laboratory five years, and became widely known as achem- ist, assayer and metallurgist. In 1885 he dis- posed of the laboratory in order to organ- ize a "test department" for the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railway Company, which then set on foot a plan to test all materials used in its railroad construc- tion, equipment, etc. From 1885 to 1888, while conducting these experiments, he resided at Aurora, 111. Business interests then compelled him to remove to Evans- ton, where he succeeded his father as President of the Northwestern Gas Com- pany. With the duties imposed on him by this relation he was occupied for the next five years. He disposed of his interest in this company in 1893, and virtually retired from business, devoting his attention to his books and the arts and sciences dur- ing the remainder of his life, which ended April 6, 1904. He bestowed much time on the collection of rare books and lit- erary relics, and gathered together numer- ous first editions of American authors. Among his intimate associates in this occu- pation was James Fennimore Cooper, a grandson of the famous novelist. In the science of metallurgy he was eminent, and was the author of "A Manual of Assay- ing," which reached its eleventh edition, and has been adopted as a text-book by Harvard University and other higher in- stitutions of learning in America and abroad. He traveled extensively through- out the mining regions of the United HISTORY OF EVANSTON 641 States in connection with his work as met- allurgist and mineralogist. He was a charter member of the National Society of Chemists, and was long an official of that organization. From June, 1894, to August, 1901, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Evanston Free Public Library. Mr. Brown was married October 16, 1884, at Boone, Iowa, to Ida B. Cosgrove. a daughter of Thomas A. Cosgrove, of Evanston. Mr. Cosgrove was an early resident of Evanston, having moved there from Champaign, 111., in 1868 He was one pf the prime movers in securing the location of the Illinois State University at Urbana. The chil- dren of Mr. and Mrs. Brown are: Lathrop Lee, who pursued a course of study at the Manner School in Stamford. Conn.: Lois Virginia, and Delight. Mrs. Brown is still living in Evanston. The subject of this sketch was a man of undeviating rectitude of character. In religious views he was broadly liberal. EDWARD H. WEBSTER. Edward H. Webster, a prominent citizen of Evanston, Cook County, 111., was born at Wells River. Vt.. November 17. 1851. He is a son of Caleb Williams and Persis T. Webster. The father, Caleb William Webster, was a merchant by occupation. The subject of this brief personal rec- ord received his early mental training in the public schools of his native State, and graduated from Northwestern Uni- versity. Mr. Webster was united in mar- riage with Emily Roneyn Winne, and one child, Helen Christine, is the result of this union. GEORGE P. K. VOLZ. George P. K. Volz, of Arlington Heights, Cook County, 111., Manager of the firm of Peter & Volz,. manufacturers of sewing machines, opera chairs, and school desks, was born in Arlington Heights, April 7, 1878. From 1884 until 1891 he attended the public school in his native place, and from 1891 until 1895 was a pupil in the Jefferson High School in Chicago. In the last mentioned year he matriculated in Northwestern University, from which he was graduated in 1899, with the degree of A. B. He was a teacher in the Chicago public schools from 1899 until 1903, when he assumed the management of the Peter & Volz manufactory. Mr. Volz is a member of the Arlington Athletic and Social Club, of which he was secretary 1901-1906. In 1902 he was appointed assistant chief of the Arlington Heights Volunteer Fire Department, and was appointed Chief in 1905. In fraternal circles, he is affiliated with the M. W. A., and was clerk of the Arlington Camp of that order, 1900-1906. He is also identi- fied with the A. F. & A. M., being a member of Palatine Lodge No. 314. and of Lincoln Park Chapter. R. A. M., Xo. 177- On June 29, 1904. at Aurora, 111., the subject of this sketch was united in mar- riage with Miss Sallie Anderson, of Chi- cago, and they have one daughter, Donna Marie, born July 8 1905. EZRA MARCH BORING. D. D. The Boring family name was first known in America in Maryland. The pro- genitor of the American branch of this family was a sailor, who was separated 642 BIOGRAPHICAL from his family at Liverpool, England, when a lad. Together with companions, he was enticed upon a ship which sailed and carried them to sea. Because the boys were unable to pay their fare they were sold into servitude. Young Boring, on account of his vivacity, became a fa- vorite of the captain and was made cabin boy. From this position he rose to that of mate and finally to be captain of a privateer. While commanding this ves- sel, he lost a limb in an engagement in the Mediterranean Sea, and after this in- cident determined to retire from the sea service. He returned to England and, unable to find his family, sailed for America and settled in Baltimore, Mary- land. His business was that of a shoe- maker. He was one of the early converts to Methodism, and the Boring family, which spread over the South and West, has been generally prominently identified with that denomination. Some of the immediate ancestors of the family of a later period removed from Maryland to Kentucky, and early in the last century to Claremont, Ohio, where Ezra Marsh Boring was born near the vil- lage of Felicity, June 12, 1813. General U. S. Grant was also born in this village and was a boyhood friend. Temperance Bor- ing, the mother of Ezra Marsh Boring, was a strong character, an ardent Metho- dist, and her home was one of the best known of the fraternity in Southern Ohio. In 1832 Mr. Boring was soundly con- verted, and this change of heart turned his life into a new channel and he became an earnest student. Previous to this time he had learned the saddler's trade, and this fact, together with the assistance of his warm friend, William I. Fee, made it possible for him to attend the Methodist school in Augusta, Kentucky. He gradu- ated from this college in 1842, and, while the college .curriculum was limited, he became reasonably proficient in Latin, Greek and Hebrew, which languages he continued to study and use until his clos- ing years. At the close of his school life, Mr. Bor- ing married Rebecca Ann Barnes, and became Principal of Franklin Seminary in Washington County, Kentucky. This was a well known Southern Seminary of the M. E. Church, situated in the heart of the slave district. Ezra Marsh Boring re- ceived a liberal salary for his services for that day, and enjoyed great popularity among the planters, because of his great ability as an orator and his genial and happy nature. He was an ardent cham- pion of the"Divine Right of Slavery"until he was suddenly converted to Abolition- ism, which made it necessary for him to cross the Ohio River and separate him- self from his friends. From that day he was an ardent friend of the black man. and his home was one of the stations of the "underground railroad." In 1843, ne joined the Southern Ohio M. E. Confer- ence and was stationed at Gallipolis. This was an old French town with marked in- fidel tendencies among its citizens. Here Mr. Boring's fearlessness, joined with his tact, made him many warm friends, so that the meager salary, customary in that day, was generously supplemented by fees and presents. He afterwards preached at Marietta, Newark and Lancaster, Ohio, and was made a Presiding Elder, at which time he resided at Athens, the seat of the Ohio State University. He was then a very young man for so responsible a position. In 1857 he was transferred to the Rock River Conference in Illinois, be- ing stationed at Galena, where he re- HISTORY OF EVANSTON 643 mained for two years and made many warm friends. He also here renewed his acquaintance with U. S. Grant, his boy- hood friejid, which friendship continued through life. After a brief pastorate in Waukegan, he removed to Chicago and became Presiding Elder of the Chicago District, serving, in all, two terms in this position. He was pastor at Grant Place (now Wesley), Dixon Street and State Street, Chicago; also at Arlington Heights. Park Ridge, Crystal Lake, Woodstock and Wheaton, Illinois. For many years he was Secretary of the Home for the Friendless in Chicago, giving to this Institution the best service of his life, and, as the result of his labors, leaving it well endowed for the future. The closing years of this long life in public service was spent as Correspond- ing Secretary of The Superannuates' Re- lief Association of the Rock River Con- ference, and here he also succeeded to a remarkable extent. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him by the Theological Institute of Greensburg. Ind. Dr. Boring will be especially re- membered by many as the founder of the Desplaines Camp Meeting, established in 1860, which he conducted or attended for twenty-eight consecutive years. As a preacher, Elder Boring (as he was often called) spoke extemporaneously, and often with great power. He was an earnest but wise evangelist, an educator of great ability, and managed business affairs with remarkable sagacity. He was greatly beloved by many of all demoni- nations for his broad and tolerant spirit, and no man in Chicago was probably bet- ter known by those of every rank of life. He passed away November 21, 1892, hav-- ing survived his wife about two years. ERNEST HAMMOND EVERSZ. Ernest H. Eversz, senior member of the firm of Eversz & Company, bankers, located at Xo. 220 La Salle Street, Chi- cago, was born August 3. 1872. His primary education was obtained in the Milwaukee public school, where he gradu- ated in 1888. He subsequently pursued a course of study in Evanston Town- ship High School, Cook County, 111., graduating therefrom in 1891. In that year he matriculated in Northwestern University, from which institution he was graduated in 1895 w ' tn tne degree of A. B. While taking the university course, he was identified with the Beta Theta Pi and Theta Nu Epsilon fraternities, and from 1891 to 1894, was a member of the Northwestern University Glee and Banjo Clubs. In 1895 he took the Harris Prize in the 'political economy contest. From 1895 until 1901, Mr. Eversz was in the employ of N. W. Harris & Com- pany, bankers, in Chicago. From 1901 to 1904 he was manager of the Chicago office of Redmond, Kerr & Company, bankers, and since 1904 has been engaged in his present connection. Mr. Eversz is a member of the Union League and Washington Park Clubs, of Chicago ; the Chicago Yacht Club, and the Illinois Ath- letic Club. On November 5. 1902, Mr. Eversz was united in marriage with Ruth Swift, a daughter of the late Gustavus F. Swift. One child. P>arbara. has resulted from this union, born October 9, 1904. Mr. Eversz. resides at No. 3323 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. WILBUR J. ANDREWS. Wilbur J. Andrews, of Berwyn, Cook County. 111., engaged in the real estate business, was born in Rockford, 111., 644 BIOGRAPHICAL March 24, 1859. In boyhood he received his rudimentary education in the public schools of his native place, and otherwise pursued his preparatory studies until he entered Northwestern University, from which institution he received the degree of A. B. in 1887, and that of A. M., in 1890. While in the university, he was a member of the Hinman Literary Society and the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. The subject of this sketch was united in mar- riage with Ada C. Redfield, of Evanston, 111., in 1881 and they became the parents of three children, namely: Elliot Red- field. Jerome Edson and Kathryn Louise. CHARLES EDWARD PIPER. Charles Edward Piper, lawyer and real estate operator, Berwyn, 111., was born in Chicago, 111., June 12, 1858, the son of Otis and Margaret Piper the former born at Sackett's Harbor, X. Y., in October, 1830, and the latter at Prescott, Canada, in 1837. Mr. Piper's father was a merchant, and one branch of his family was descended from old Massachusetts stock extending back to New Salem, Mass., in 1632. Mr. Piper was educated in the Chicago public schools, the High School and North- western University, and after completing his literary course, served as Postmaster at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, while pur- suing the study of law in the Law Depart- ment of the Northwestern University. After his graduation from the Law School in 1887, he turned his attention to the real estate business and general practice of his profession. During 1894-95 he served as President of the Town Board of Cicero Township, and has also been a member of the School Board. Some years since he started the movement for the establishment of Sanatoria in different States for the bene- fit of tuberculous members of various fra- ternal organizations participating in the same, the first institution being located at Black Mountain, N. C. In political views, Mr. Piper was born and bred a Republican, and in religious be- lief is identified with the Methodist Episco- pal Church. He was one of the organizers of the Epworth League, serving as the first President for the Chicago District, and later as President of the State organization, and for eight years as Treasurer of the National organization. He has also been Supreme Secretary and General Manager of the Royal League, a member of the Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Delta Phi Fraternities, of the Royal Arcanum, Knights of Pythias, va- rious Masonic bodies, Ancient Order of United Workman, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Independent Order of For- esters, North American Union, and various other secret and benevolent orders. At Indianola, Iowa, on August 15, 1882, Mr. Piper was married to Carrie Gregory, who was a native of Nauvoo, 111., and whose great-grandfather was associated with Rob- ert Morris in the manufacture of gunpow- der for use of the American soldiers during the Revolutionary War period. Mr. and Mrs. Piper's children are: Carolyn E., born January 17. 1884, and now a member of the Senior Class in Northwestern University ; Lulu Lane, born May 29, 1887, a sophomore in Macalester College, St. Paul, Minn ; Rob ert G.. born December 7, 1889, a graduate of Clyde High School, now entered Fresh- man in Northwestern ; Margaret, born Feb- ruary 27, 1892, died September 16, 1894; and Charles E., Jr., born March 6. 1898. Mr. Piper's office as Supreme Scribe of the Royal League is located in Room 1601, Ma- sonic Temple Building, Chicago. HISTORY OF EVANSTON 645 CHARLES LYFORD LOGAN. Charles Lyford Logan, clergyman, who is a minister of the Methodist Episcopal - Church at Elizabeth, 111., was born in At- kinson, Maine, June 10, 1850. When he was four years old his parents removed to Illinois and two years later to Minne- sota. Here he received his primary edu- cation in the public schools and, after preparing for college at home, in the fall of 1873 entered the Freshman Class of Northwestern University, graduating therefrom in 1877. In that year he became Principal of Public Schools in Caledonia, Houston County, Minn., for one term. He joined the Wisconsin M. E. Conference in 1878. and in 1880, entered Garrett Biblical Institute, at Evanston, 111., from which he was graduated in 1882. He re- ceived the degree of A. B. in 1877; that of A. M., in 1880; and that of B. D., in 1882. During his college course, he was a member of the Adelphic Literary So- ciety and of the Owl Club. In the Junior year, he was one of those who took part in the "Junior Ex.," and was a contestant in debate between the Adelphic and a Chi- cago literary society. He was editor of the "Tripod." representing the Adelphic Literary Society, and was one of the ora- tors in the commencement exercises, at the time of his graduation. In 1883 he transferred to the Rock River Conference. From 1886 to 1889. and from 1892 to 1895, a period of seven years, inclusive, he was principal of Inyo Academy, at Bishop, Inyo County. Cal. On May 8, 1884, Mr. Logan was united in marriage with Grace Boehm Wood, and they have become the parents of the fol- lowing children, namely: Mary Lois, born in 1885: Grace Sarah, born in 1887; Laura Louise, born in 1889; Helen Irene, born in 1891 : Edith Evangeline, born in 1893 ; Frances Willard, born in 1896; Charles Lyford, Jr., born in 1898; and Ruth, born in 1904. In fraternal circles, the subject of this sketch is identified with the I. O. O. F. and the A. O. U. A. M. JEROME J. CERMAK. Jerome J. Cermak, attorney-at-law, Chi- cago, was born in the city where he now re- sides, September 30, 1880. In boyhood he made diligent use of the opportunities af- forded by the Chicago public schools, graduating from the Joseph Medill High School in June, 1898. In September, 1899, he matriculated in Northwestern Univer- sity Law School, from which he was graduated in June. 1902, with the degree of LL. B. From 1902 to 1906 he has been Secretary of the Law Alumni Association of that institution. He was a member of the University Baseball Club in the spring of 1901. and of the Law School baseball team in 1901 and 1902. He belongs to the Phi Alpha Delta Law fraternity, and socially, is identified with the Royal League and the "Ceska Beseda." He is also a member of the Y. M. C. A. GEORGE THOMAS FOX, D. D. S. Dr. George Thomas Fox, who is en- gaged in the practice of dentistry at No. 5101 South Halsted Street, Chicago, 111., was born in Chicago February 19. 1881, and received his rudimentary education in the Chicago public schools. He after- wards pursued a course of study in Wheaton College at Wheaton, 111., and. in the fall of 1900. entered Northwestern L'niversity Dental College, from which he was graduated in 1903, with the degree of 646 BIOGRAPHICAL D. D. S. In November, 1903, he com- menced the practice of dentistry at the location above mentioned, where he has since continued with good results. PHILIP E. ELTING. Philip E. Elting, attorney-at-la\v, Ma- comb, McDonough County, 111., was born in the vicinity of that city and spent his boyhood and early youth in his native place, where he enjoyed the advantages of the public schools. After completing his primary education, he pursued a course of study in the Law Department of North- western University at Evanston. 111., from which he was graduated with the Class of 1892, receiving the degree of LL. B. He was immediately admitted to the bar (June 14, 1892), and at once entered upon the practice of his profession at Macomb, in which he has since continued with suc- cessful results. Although he has not sought political preferment, he has been endorsed by his county as a candidate for Circuit Judge in the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Illinois. In fraternal circles, Mr. Elting is identi- fied with the A. F. & A. M., in which he is a Knight Templar: and is also affiliated with Military Tract Lodge. No. 145, Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, and with the Knights of Pythias. SIDNEY G. McCALLIN, D. D. S. Sidney Gilmore McCallin, who is en- gaged in the practice of dentistry at No. 830 West Sixty-Third Street, Chicago. 111., was born in Rochester, Minn., Sep- tember 7, 1878. In boyhood he made dili- gent use of the opportunities afforded by the public schools, and afterwards entered the Waukesha (Wis.) High School, from which he was graduated in 1896. On Oc- tober, 5, 1898, he matriculated in North- western University Dental School, gradu- ating therefrom in May, 1900, with the degree of D. D. S. During his dental course he was a member of the Psi Omega Fraternity, and was on the Dental School football team in 1898-1899. Dr. McCallin began the practice of his profession at No. 1124 West Sixty- third Street, Chicago, on July 7, 1901, and on June 7, 1904, moved to his present lo- cation. In 1904, he became a member of the Englewood Dental Society, of which he was elected President in 1905. He is also a member of the Englewood Men's Club and of the Jackson Park Yacht Club. LOUIS GRANT HOTCH. Louis Grant Hotch, dentist, who is lo- cated at No. 334 East Division Street, Chicago, 111., was born in Carthage, 111., March 15 1868. In early youth he at- tended the public schools of his native place, and afterwards graduated from the High School, subsequently taking a course in a Kansas City (Mo.) business college. In 1901, he graduated form Northwestern University Dental School. Dr. Hotch worked his way through school by indus- trious application to other pursuits, during his vacations and other periods of leisure. On June 30, 1900, he was united in marriage with Miss Tillie Nelson, and one child Marion Sophia, has been the result of this union. SAMUEL CRAIG PLUMMER. Samuel Craig Plummer, surgeon, who is located at No. 156 East Forty-second Place, Chicago, 111., was born in Rock Island, 111., April 22, 1865. In early youth HISTORY OF EVANSTON 647 he utilized the advantages of the public schools and, after finishing his primary studies, pursued a course in Augustana College, at Rock Island, from which he was graduated in June, 1883, with the degree of A. B. In the same year he ma- triculated in the Chicago Medical College, of Northwestern University, graduating therefrom March 23, 1886. with the de- gree of M. D. He is a member of the Phi Rho Sigma fraternity. In 1886-87, Dr. Plummer occupied the position of interne in the Cook County Hospital, Chicago. In 1891 he was appointed Assistant Demon- strator of Anatomy in the Northwestern University Medical School ; in 1892 be- came Lecturer on Anatomy ; in 1893, Pro- fessor of Anatomy, and in 1894, Demon- strator of Operative Surgery. Since 1899 he has been Professor of ( )perative Sur- gery in that institution, and from 1900 until the present time, has served in the capacity of Surgeon to Wesley Hospital, Chicago, and since 1902 has held the po- sition of Chief Surgeon of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway system. He has also been secretary of the North- western University Medical School since 1904. Dr. Plummer is a member of the Ameri- can Medical Association ; the American Association of Railway Surgeons ; the Illinois State Medical Society, the Chi- cago Medical Society, of which he was Secretary in 1900-1901 : the Chicago Sur- gical Society ; and the Chicago Pathologi- cal Society. Socially Dr. Plummer is a member of the Kenwood and Washing- ton Park Clubs of Chicago, and fraternally of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. He was united in marriage with Mary Louise Middleton. on March 18, 1902, and one child, Susan Middleton Plummer, has been born of this union. ALBERT D. PERSONS, D. D. S., M.D.S. Dr. Albert Dodge Persons, dentist, of Des Plaines, Cook County, 111., was born in Chicago, 111., July 20, 1879. His early mental training was obtained in the Chi- cago public schools and, in October, 1897, he entered the Northwestern College of Dental Surgery and matriculated in Northwestern University Dental School in October, 1898, graduating therefrom April 30, 1900. with the degree of D. D. S. He has also received the degree of M. D. S. Dr. Persons was a member of Northwestern L'niversity Dental School football team in 1898-1899. The subject of this sketch is Professor of Oral Surgery in the American Post- Graduate School : Professor of Oral Sur- gery in the National Medical University; was formerly Professor of Orthodon- tia in the Illinois Medical School Dental Department, and is now Assistant Professbr of Orthodontia in the Northwestern Uni- versity Dental School. Dr. Persons was united in marriage with Grace Bennett, of Des Plaines. 111., on August 16, 1904. WALTER B. HELM, M. D. Walter B. Helm, physician and sur- geon, of Rockford, 111., was born at But- lerville, Iowa, October 12, 1859, and his primary education was received in the public schools of his native place. Sub- sequently he became a pupil in the B'eaver Dam (Wis.) High School, finishing his studies there in 1876. He then matricu- lated in Northwestern University, and. after completing the literary course, in 1881 entered the Medical Department of that institution, from which he was gradu- ated with the degree of M. D., in 1884. 648 BIOGRAPHICAL He had previously received the degree of B. S. In 1884-85, he attended the clinics of Cook County Hospital, Chicago, and in 1895, took a course in the New York Post Graduate School of Medicine. Dur- ing his undergraduate period, he was a member of the Hinman Literary Society, and from 1879 to 1883, was connected with the United States Life-Saving Service. Dr. Helm acted as Attending Physician and Surgeon in connection with the Rock- ford City Hospital from 1886 to 1904, and. since the last named year, has occupied the position of Consulting Surgeon in that institution. He was local surgeon of the Illinois Central Railroad Company at Ra- cine, \Yis., in 1897. Dr. Helm is a mem- ber of the American Medical Association ; the Illinois State Medical Society; the Central Wisconsin Medical Society ; and the \\innebago (111.) Medical Society. Socially he is connected with the Rock- ford Country Club, and, in fraternal cir- cles, is identified with the B. P. (). E. Dr. Helm was married on October 26, 1887, to Mary C. Gibson, and two children are the offspring of this union, namely: Allan (I., born November 8, 1888, and Elizabeth, born January 27, 1902. GEORGE \V. NESBITT. George W. Nesbitt, physician and surgeon, of Sycamore, 111., was born in that town March 13, 1869. His early edu- cation was obtained in the public schools of his native place, and from 1887 to 1889, he was a student in the Illinois State Uni- versity at Urbana. In the fall of the lat- ter year he matriculated in the Chicago Medical College of Northwestern Uni- versity, from which he was graduated April 22, 1892, with the degree of M. D. Dr. Nesbitt is a member of the Ameri- can Medical Association; the Illinois State Medical Society; the DeKalb County (111.) Medical Society; and the Mississippi Valley Medical Society. He was united in marriage with Cora Whitte- more, of Sycamore, 111., on August 16, 1894. PAUL SYNNESTVEDT. Paul Synnestvedt, who is engaged in the practice of law, in Pittsburgh, Pa., where his office is located at No. 518 Frick Building, was born in Chicago, 111., April 14, 1870. In his youth he enjoyed the ad- vantages afforded by the public schools of Chicago, and, after finishing his literary studies, entered the Law School of North- western University at Chicago, from which he was graduated in 1897, with the degree of LL. B. The marriage of Mr. Synnestvedt took place in 1893, when he was wedded to Anna E. Lechner of Pittsburgh, Pa., their union resulting in eight children, namely: Arthur, Hubert, Elsa, George, Evan, Raymond, Kenneth and Virginia. WILLIAM LEON STEVENS, D. D. S. Dr. William Leon Stevens, who is en- gaged in the practice of dentistry at No. 1012 West Lake Street, Chicago, 111., and resides at Clyde, Cook County, 111., was born at Eaton Rapids, Mich., December ii, 1867. In early youth he utilized the opportunities afforded by the public schools, and on September 25, 1887, ma- triculated in the American College of Dental Surgery, from which he was grad- uated with the degree of D. D. S., March 25. 1880. In fraternal circles, Dr. Ste- vens is identified with the A. F. & A. M., HISTORY OF EVANSTON 649 having joined Lodge No. 610, August 14, 1893. On June 17, 1897, Dr. Stevens was uni- ted in marriage with Anna Maude Stevens, and they have become the parents of two children, namely : Morton Leon, born Oc- tober 27, 1898, and Ethel Grace, born May 17, 1891. OLE HANSEN TUTTLE. Ole Hansen Tuttle, dentist, Chicago, 111., was born at Eaton, Ohio, April 17, 1867. In early youth he utilized the opportuni- ties afforded by the public schools of his native town and graduated there in 1886. In 1891 he entered Northwestern Univer- sity Dental College, and was graduated therefrom in 1894, with the degree of D. D. S. He was class treasurer in that in- stitution during the last mentioned year, and special clinic in operative dentistry there in 1895-96. From 1893 to 1900, he served as secretary and treasurer of the Miami Club, Fraternally he is identified with the A. F. & A. M.. being a thirty- second degree Mason, and a member of the Mystic Shrine. On November 24, 1902, Dr. Tuttle was united in marriage with Grace M. Goss, a daughter of the inventor of the Goss Printing Press. One child, Genevieve Harriet, has been the offspring of their union. Dr. Tuttle is located at No. 1046 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. BENJAMIN WALDBERG. Benjamin Waldberg, who is engaged in the practice of dentistry at No. 66 North State Street, Chicago, 111., was born in Lemberg, Austria, December 25, 1851. In boyhood he received his primary mental training in the public schools of his native country, and graduated from the Classic Gymnasium in the city of his birth. He matriculated in Northwestern University Dental School for the term of 1897-8, and was graduated in 1901, with the degree of D. D. S. Dr. Waldberg was appointed Demonstrator in Prosthetic Technics, Oc- tober i, 1899, and in May, 1901, received the appointment of Demonstrator and Superintendent of Prosthetic Laborator- ies, a position which he still holds. He is a member of the Odontographic So- ciety ; the Psi Omega Dental Fraternity, and the A. F. & A. M. Dr. Waldberg was married in 1869, but has been a widower since 1886. He has two sons, Bernard and Joseph. AMOS R. SOLENBERGER, M. D. Amos Rufus Solenberger, physician, and a resident of Colorado Springs, Colo., was born in 1853, at Canton, Ohio. After finishing his primary studies in the public schools of his native State, his parents removed to Illinois, where he pursued preparatory courses in Rock River Sem- inary and Northwestern University Academy, and in 1879 matriculated in the College of Liberal Arts of Northwestern University, Evanston, graduating there- from in 1883, with the degree of Ph. B. In 1883 he entered the Northwestern Uni- versity Medical School, from which he was graduated in 1885, with the degree of M. D. During his undergraduate course, he was a member of the Euphronean and Adelphic societies, and of the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, and was contestant for the Adelphic and Hintnan prizes in oratory. He acted in the capacity of Field Marshal on Field Day in 1883. Dr. Solenberger took special courses in Medicine, Laryngology, Rhinology and 650 BIOGRAPHICAL Otology, in Berlin, Paris and London, and is the author of "Lectures on Hygiene of the Vocal Organs," and on the "Principles and Practice of Diseases of the Upper Respiratory Tract." From 1896 to 1899 he was Instructor in Laryngology and Rhinology in the Northwestern Univer- sity Medical School. He is a member of the American Medical Association ; the Chicago Academy of Medicine ; the Am- erican Laryngological, Otological and Rhinological Societies, and of the Colorado State Medical Association. He was united in marriage with Pris- cilla H. Stauffer, at Denver, Colo., on April 8, 1885. JOHN RAYMOND HOFFMAN, M. D. Dr. John Raymond Hoffman, who is engaged in the practice of medicine at No. 206 East Washington Street, Chicago, 111., and resides in Ottawa, 111., was born in the latter city, June 18, 1865. In boy- hood he attended public school in Ottawa, and graduated from the High School there in 1885. He matriculated in Chi- cago Medical College of Northwestern University in 1888, and was graduated therefrom in 1891 with the degree of M. D. Dr. Hoffman entered upon the gen- eral practice of his profession in Ottawa, during the year of his graduation from the University, and continued therein un- til 1895, when he devoted his attention mainly to affections of the eye, ear, nose and throat. In 1897, he began this special line of practice in Chicago, on the estab- lishment of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat College, of which he is secretary. In this institution, Dr. Hoffman has also filled the chair of Professor of Ophthal- mology since the year of its establish- ment. From 1896 to 1898, Dr. Hoffman was Assistant Surgeon of the Illinois National Guard, and from 1897 to 1903 was Assistant Surgeon of the Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, lie is a member of the Chicago Medical Society, the Chicago Ophthalmological and Otolo- gical Society, and the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Otology and Rhinol- ogy. On June 2, 1891, the subject of this sketch was united in marriage with Mary T. Hapeman, of Ottawa, 111., and their union has resulted in three children namely: Douglas T., Phoebe Ella, and Frances.