M^^MMMMpn ■■ ■ ■ ■ mi ■ **' _*—»»™ » mi h» * . STORlCAt SURVEY \ ... .. \ ^ &k A^ '^cn*/ WOMAN AND TEMPERANCE: OR, THE WOBK AND WOKKEKS OP ITA«.i T ,n N S MR ) BY FRANCES E. WILLARD, PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL W. 0. T. U. "O WOMIN, (!R**T IS TOT FAITH ! BE IT UNTO THEE EVEN AS THOU wilt. — Words of Christ. PUBLISHED BY PARK PUBLISHING CO. HARTFORD, CONN. J. S. GOODMAN & CO., CHICAGO, ILLS.; W. E. BLISS, DES MOINES, IOWW; WALKER & DAIGNEAU BATTLE CHEEK, MICH. Copyrighted, 1883. By the Park Publishing Co., hartford, conn. In Loving and Loyal Recognition and Remembrance this book is dedicated to the memory op my generous benefactor, THE LATE JAMES JACKSON, OP Paterson, N. J., AND TO HIS DAUGHTER AND MY TRUE FRIEND, KATE A. JACKSON, TO WHOSE MUNIFICENCE I OWE EVERY ADVANTAGE OP THE YEARS I SPENT ABROAD. PREFACE. This book is a collection of " Field Notes," roughly jotted down by one whose rapid transit left no choice of style or method. It has been put together under diffi- culties, which, could they be known, would go far toward excusing its defects. The publisher's wish, to present some of the author's addresses and personal observations of the work, has antagonized her preference to devote these pages entirely to showing forth the deeds of her beloved coad- jutors. Under these difficult conditions, the attempt to compromise has met the moderate success herein exhib- ited. Our work has grown so greatly that its would-be veracious chronicler is well nigh bewildered by the embarras de richesse, for the choice names omitted so far exceed in number those referred to that there is no satisfaction in the final result. My table is crowded with collected notes of our work and workers, which must be reserved until some future day. But there is this conso- lation : the women to whom I have written for " some account of their life and works " have not, as a general rule, replied at all, and when they have done so the words " too busy toiling to tell what has been wrought " have recurred so frequently that the names " conspicuous for their absence " belong to those who will account them- selves most fortunate. But, with all its faults, this birds-eye view, giving some notion of about fifty leaders, among the two hundred and fifty worthy to be introduced, will have a certain value as a record of events, and will, let us hope, be useful as an exponent of the aims and . D PREFACE. methods of a temperance society, concerning which John B. Gough said, what we would not have dared to claim ourselves, that " it is doing more for the temperance cause to-day than all others combined." F. E. W. "Rest Cottage," Evanston, III., March 7, 1883. # % Some of the sketches that follow were written for the Independent, The Christian Union, Our Union, The Signal, etc., and have been transferred by editorial per- mission. 1. Portrait of the Author on Steel, 2. Mrs. E. J. Thompson, 3. Mrs. Geo. Carpenter, 4. Mother Stewart, 5. Mrs. Abby F. Leavitt, 6. Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridge, 7. Mrs. Margaret E. Parker, 8. Mrs. Margaret B. Lucas, . 9. Mrs. W. A. Ingham, 10. Mrs. J. F. Willing, . 11. Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller, 12. Mrs. Annie Wittenmyer, . 13. Mrs. Mary T. Burt, . 14. Mrs. S. M. I. Henry, 15. Mrs. Hannah Whitall Smith, 16. Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop, 17. Miss Lucia E. F. Kimball, . 18. Mrs. Mary H. Hunt, 19. Mrs. Lucy Webb Hayes, 20. Miss Esther Pugii, . 21. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, 22. Mrs. Mary A. Liyermore, . 23. Mrs. C. B. Buell, . Page. Frontispiece. 51 61 81 89 99 115 119 123 149 155 161 169 185 193 207 215 243 257 315 319 419 435 a> 8 ILLUSTRATIONS. 24. Mrs. Z. G. Wallace, . . , . 477 25. Mrs. Bent with her Cornet, , , . 513 26. Mrs. Sarah K. Bolton, . . 525 27. Mrs. Sallie F. Chapin, . 541 28. Mrs. Caroline E. Merrick, . 561 29. Miss Elizabeth "W. Greenwood, . . 581 30. Mrs. J. K. Barney, . . 585 81. Mrs. Elizabeth Comstock, . . 589 32. Mrs. Letitia Yodmans, . 599 33. The Future Legislator, . 605 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. FRANCES E. WILLARD. Ancestry and birth — Character of parents — Early life — Travel and life abroad — The "Human Question" — Elected President of Woman's College — The Teacher — Character and methods — In- troduction to the public — Impressions of a journalist — Char- acter and aims — Call to the temperance work — Earlier work — Gospel work — Journalism — Birth of " Home Protection" — The great petition — Elected to the presidency of the National W. C. T. U. — Work — Incidents — Southern tours — Character as a woman — As a leader of women — As a type. . . , .19 CHAPTER II. PRELIMINARY. The W. C. T. U. compared with other Societies — "Without a pattern and without a peer." 39 CHAPTER III. "W. C. T. U." Its object— Hygiene — The " Religion of the Body " — Dress, econo- my of time — Value of a trained intellect — The coming of Christ into five circles: Heart; Home; Denominationalism; Society; Government — Home protection — " The Old Ship Zion, Hal- lelujah!" — Motto: " Mary stood the cross beside. " . . .42 CHAPTER IV. "LET IT BE NOTED"; Or why the Author is not a Critic. 48 (9) 10 CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. THE FIRST CRUSADERS. Mrs. Judge Thompson of Hillsboro', Ohio — First Praying Band — First Saloon Prayer-meeting— Mrs. George Carpenter of Wash-* ington Court House — Story of the great victories — Scene at a National W. C. T. U. Convention — Presentation of the Crusade Bedquilt 50 CHAPTER VI. "MOTHER STEWART." Ancestry— A Teacher— A Good Samaritan in War Times— De- fends a Drunkard's Wife in Court— Enters a Saloon in Disguise —A Leader in Two Crusades— Visits England— Goes South- Critique of London Watchman 80 CHAPTER VII. MRS. ABBY FISHER LEAVITT. "Leader of the Forty -three "—The shoemaker and the little white shoes 88 CHAPTER VIII. MRS. MARY A. WOODBRIDGE. President of the Crusade State, and Recording Secretary of the National W. C. T. U.— A Nantucket Girl— Cousin of Maria Mitchell — Western education— Baptized into the Crusade — Speaks in fifty Presbyterian Churches— The author's glimpse of the Crusade— The Crusade in Calcutta— Margaret Parker — Mrs. Margaret Lucas . 101 CHAPTER IX. "THE SOBER SECOND THOUGHT OF THE CRUSADE." Chautauqua, Summer of 1874 — Poetic justice— Dr. Vincent — Mrs. Ingham's sketch— Mrs. E. H. Miller's circular. . . .121 CHAPTER X. THE WOMAN'S NATIONAL TEMPERANCE CONVENTION FOUNDED AT CLEVELAND, O. The First Woman's National Temperance Convention, Cleve- land, Ohio — Red-Letter days — Officers — Resolutions, etc. — Representative Women — A brave beginning 127 CONTENTS. 11 CHAPTER XL PARLIAMENTARY USAGE VERSUS "RED TAPE." Mrs. Plymouth Rock and Friend Rachel Halliday engage in a discussion 136 CHAPTER XII. OUR MANY-SIDED WORK. 143 CHAPTER XIII. MRS. JANE FOWLER WILLING. President of the First National Convention — An Earnest Life and Varied Work — Speaker — Organizer — Teacher — Author. . 147 CHAPTER XIV. MRS. EMILY HUNTINGTON MILLER. Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller — Secretary of Chautauqua pre- liminary meeting — Author, Editor,- Home-maker. . . . 154 CHAPTER XV. MRS. ANNIE WITTENMYER. First President of the W. C. T. U.— War Record— Church Work —Philanthropy 160 CHAPTER XVI. MRS. MARY T. BURT. Second Corresponding Secretary of National W. C. T. U. — An Episcopalian — Editor of "Our Union" — President of New York State W. C. T. U 168 CHAPTER XVII. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION WORK FOR THE INDIVIDUAL. Gospel Temperance, or the Light of Christ shining in the circle of one heart — "The Lord looseth the Prisoners" — A reformed man's speech — Woman's Christian Temperance Union work in 12 CONTENTS. the Church universal — Its wholly unsectarian character — "Let her not take a text " — Our Evangelists — Mrs. S. M. I. Henry — " The Name "—Mrs. Hannah Whitall Smith — " How to prepare Bible Readings" — Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop — Miss Jennie Smith — Mrs. T. B. Carse— Miss Lucia E. F. Kimball— The Indian Chief Petosky — The first temperance Camp-meeting — Alcohol at the Communion Table — How one woman helped — That fos- sil prayer-meeting — Woman's Christian Temperance Union Training School — " The Master is come and calleth for thee." 176 CHAPTER XVIII. W. C. T. IT. WORK FOR THE HOME. " Combination view " — Cburch — Saloon — School-house — Home — Mother and boy — Philosophy of our plan of work — Doctor, Editor, Minister, Teacher, must all stand by the Christian mother — Society the cup-bearer to Bacchus — The sovereign citi- zen—Education of the saloon — The arrest of thought — Mrs. Mary H. Hunt, National Superintendent of Scientific Depart- ment 235 CHAPTER XIX. THE W. C. T. U. IN SOCIETY. The Light of Christ in the circle of society — The hostess of the White House— Sketch of Mrs. L\icy Webb Hayes— Memorial portrait — Lincoln Hall meeting — "The Two Bridges" — Mrs. Foster's address — Presentation at Executive Mansion — President Garfield's reply — "Through the Eye to the Heart" — Lucy Hayes Tea Parties, Impressions of the Garfields — Society work of young women — Mrs. Francis J. Barnes of New York — Miss Anna Gordon — Y. W. C. T. U. of Michigan University — Wel- lesley College — Kitchen garden — Miss McClees — Sensible girls — "The W. C. T. U. will receive "—Nobler themes— "All for Temperance" — Miss Esther Pugh, Treasurer of National W. C. T. U 255 CHAPTER XX. THE W. C. T. U. IN THE GOVERNMENT. Mrs. Judith Ellen Foster — A Boston girl, a lawyer, an orator — Her work part and parcel of the W. C. T. U. — As wife, mother, and Christian — Philosophy of the W. C. T. U. in the Government — The Keithsburg election, or the "Women who CONTENTS. 13 dared " — The story of Roekford— Home protection in Arkansas —A practical application— Observations en route— The famous law— Extract from Fourth of July address — Local option — Plan for local campaign — How not to do it — How it has been done — Temperance tabernacles— History of Illinois' great petition- About petitions — Days of prayer — Copy of the petition— Home protection hymn— Mrs. Pellucid at the Capitol— A specimen Legislature — Valedictory thoughts — Temperance tonic — Yankee home protection catechism — A heart-sorrow in an unprotected home — The dragon's council hall — Home guards of Illinois — How one little woman saved the day in Kansas — Election day in Illinois — Incidents of the campaign — A Southern incident — Childhood's part in the victory 321 CHAPTER XXL MRS. MARY A. LIVERMORE, Our Chief Speaker, and President of the Massachusetts W. C. T. U. Seen from afar — Personal reminiscences — A racy sketch of her Melrose home — Sermon on Immortality — Incidents of early years — Religious character — Her coadjutors — Elizabeth Stuart Phelps' Letter to Massachusetts W. C. T. U 418 CHAPTER XXII. CAROLINE BROWN BUELL, Corresponding Secretary National W. C. T. TJ. The universal Brown family — A vigorous ancestry — An itinerant preacher's home — The War tragedy — Her brother's helper — Hears the Crusade tocsin — A noble life — That Saratoga Con- vention 437 CHAPTER XXIII. MY FIRST HOME PROTECTION ADDRESS. 450 CHAPTER XXIV. WOMEN'S BRIGHT WORDS. Priscilla Shrewdly and Charlotte Cheeryble — One woman's expe- rience — Our letter bag — From a Pennsylvania girl — From an Illinois working man — From a Michigan lady — From a Missouri 14 CONTENTS. lady — From Rockford, Ills. — From a reformed man in Phila- delphia — From a new York lady — The temperance house that Jack built — One day in a temperance woman's life — From a New England girl's letter — Concerning the word "Christian" — From Senator and Mrs. Blair 460 CHAPTER XXV. MRS. ZERELDA G. WALLACE, OF INDIANA. Our Temperance Deborah — Her place — A character — Incidents — The Newspaper — A Bible Student — Home life — Her Temper- ance Baptism — Figures in " Ben Hur " — A Christian. . .476 CHAPTER XXVI. "PERSONAL LIBERTY." "The Open Secret." 486 CHAPTER XXVII. THE MODOCS OF THE LAVA BEDS IN THE INDIAN TERRITORY. A Quaker conquest — Miss Willard among the Modocs. . . 504 CHAPTER XXVIIL MRS. L. M. N. STEVENS OF MAINE.— MRS. F. A. BENT, WITH HER GOLDEN CORNET. 511 CHAPTER XXIX. LIFE AND WORK OF JULIA COLMAN. Superintendent of the Literature Department of the National W. C. T. U. 516 CHAPTER XXX. OUR JOURNALISTS. Mrs. Sarah K. Bolton — Miss Margaret E. Winslow — "Crowned ' — Mrs. Mary Bannister Willard — "John Brant's wife, who was not a Crusader " — A sketch 524 CONTENTS. 15 CHAPTER XXXI. OUR SOUTHERN ALLIES. Mrs. Sallie F. Chapin of S. O— Sketch of her life— Address at Washington — Mrs. Georgia Hulse McLeod of Md. — Mrs. J. C. Johnson of Tenn.— Mrs. J. L. Lyons of Fla.— Mrs. W. C. Sib- ley of Ga. — Miss Fannie Griffin of Ala. — Other representative Southern ladies — Mrs. Judge Merrick of New Orleans — Address at Saratoga on my Southern trip — Texas and temperance. . 540 CHAPTER XXXII. GLIMPSES OF THE WOMEN AT WORK. Miss Elizabeth W. Greenwood — Miss F. Jennie Duty of Ohio, the Minister at Large — Mrs. J. K. Barney of Rhode Island, the Prisoner's Friend — Mrs. Henrietta Skelton, the German Lec- turer — Mrs. Elizabeth L. Comstock, the Quaker Philanthropist — One husband's birthday gift. . 580 CHAPTER XXX1IL THE CANADIAN LEADERS. Mrs. Letitia Youmans, the Lecturer — Mrs. D. B. Chisholm, Pre- sident of Ontario W. C. T. U. , etc 598 CHAPTER XXXIV. THE CHILDREN. Miss Lathbury's poem — Boy's Temperance speech — How to reach the children. . 604 CHAPTER XXXV. HOW TO ORGANIZE A W. C. T. U. How ought a Local W. C. T. U. to conduct a Public Meeting? . 612 APPENDIX. Constitution and Plan of Work for a local W. C. T. U— Plan of work of 1874— Plan of work for 1883 633 A CARD. We, the undersigned, representing as we do the fifty thou- sand women belonging to our National W. C. T. U. all over these United States, desire to make a statement of facts. When we found that the publishers of this book wished our National President, Miss Frances E. Willard, to be its author, we at once realized the delicate position in which she was placed as regarded her personal share in our work, and we determined to take that matter into our own hands. "We felt that the story of the work would be utterly incomplete without the story of one of the chief workers, and we also felt that it must be told fully and truly from our standpoint or not at all. We therefore secured the services of our gifted Mary A. Lathbury to prepare this sketch, and are ourselves reponsible for it in every particular, Miss Willard not having seen its contents until it was in print. The book is altogether hers, but this chapter is ours and ours alone. Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridge, I Mrs. Z. G. Wallace, Rec. Secretary National W. C. T. U. Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, Assistant Recording Secretary. Miss Esther Pugh, Treasurer. Mrs. Sallie F. Chapin, Superintendent Southern Work. President Indiana W. C. T. U. Mrs. Mary T. Burt, President New York W. C. T. U. Mrs. J. E. Poster, Superintendent of Legislative Dep't. Mrs. T. B. Carse, Pres. W. T. P. Association, Chicago. Mrs. Hannah Whitall Smith, Superintendent Evangelistic Dep't. (!') FRANCES E. WILLARD, OF ILLINOIS. BY MARY A. LATHBURY, Author of " Out of Darkness into Light," etc. Ancestry and birth — Character of parents — Early life — Travel and life abroad — The "Human Question" — Elected President of Wo- man's College — The Teacher — Character and methods — Introduction to the public — Impressions of a journalist — Character and aims — Call to the temperance work — Earlier work — Gospel work — Jour- nalism — Birth of "Home Protection" — The great petition — Elected to the presidency of the National W. C. T. U. — Work — Incidents — Southern tours — Character as a woman — As a leader of women — As a type. 66 " TE shall be like a tree," sang the Psalmist of the J L coming man, the highest type of the race. Why all men are not of New England elms, or California pines, may be accounted for, perhaps, but for the fact that there are so few " large " women in these days, who shall account ? The tree that lifts its fearless face to heaven, spreads its arms to the four quarters of the earth, and sends its roots to feed from a hundred secret springs, was never grown in a box, nor cut by conventional pruning- knives. This mental and moral "largeness" is as dis- tinctly the birthright of women as of men ; but the former have, as a class, been dwarfed in the training. Some have risen to exceptional moral height, with little lateral increase, while others have put forth root or branch in the one direction open to free growth. It is probable that Frances E. Willard came into her inheritance, in part, through fortunate parentage, for she (19) 20 FEANCES E. WILLARD. is sprung from that strong New England stock which, when transplanted into Western soil, often finds the best conditions of growth. Major Simon Willard, who traced his line of descent to the time of the Conquest, came to America early in the seventeenth century. The ancestor of Senator Hoar and Major Willard, with a few others, founded Concord, Mass., the literary centre of New England. One of the Willards was president of Harvard University, and his son vice-president. One was pastor of the old South Church, and another the architect of Bunker Hill Monu- ment. Miss W T illard's grandfather (who was a grandson of Major Simon aforesaid) was pastor of one church, at Dublin, near Keene, N. H., forty years, and was a chap- lain throughout the Revolutionary War. Mrs. Emma Willard, the distinguished educator of Troy, N. Y.. is of the family, which through its generations, has thrown its activities largely into education, politics, and the pulpit. The family motto is " G-audet patentia duris" (patience rejoices in hardships), and the family name, Willard, means " one who wills." Miss Willard's mother was of excellent New England parentage. Her maiden name was Mary Thompson Hill, and she is closely related to the Clements, being a cousin of Rev. Dr. Jonathan Clement, of blessed memory in the Congregational annals of New England. Both parents were natives of Caledonia County, Vermont, removing early to Western New York, where their third daughter, Frances Elizabeth, was born, in Churchville, near Roch- ester. When she was three years of age the family removed to Obcrlin, 0., where for five years both parents devoted themselves to study (although both had been teachers), and then removed to Wisconsin. As " brain and brawn " were wisely used in the development of his large farm near Janesville, J. F. Willard soon became a FRANCES E. WILLARD. 21 leader in movements tending toward the development of the State. His farm was known to be the field of suc- cessful experiments, receiving premiums at the annual fairs, and he was appointed president of the State agri- cultural and horticultural societies. He was also promi- nent in politics for years, and a member of the State Legislature. Mrs. Willard was a woman of grand ideas and aspi- rations, which were only to be wrought out indirectly through her children. As her daughter once said of her: " My mother held that nature's standard ought to be restored, and that the measure of each human being's endowment was the only reasonable measure of that human being's sphere. She had small patience with artificial diagrams placed before women by the dictum of society, in which the boundaries of their especial 'sphere' were marked out for them, and one of her favorite phrases was, ' Let a girl grow as a tree grows — according to its own sweet will.'" " She looked at the mysteries of human progress from the angle of vision made by the eye of both the man and the woman, and foresaw that the mingling of justice and mercy in the great decisions that affect society would give deliverance from political corruption and governmental one-sidedness." During the years between eight and eighteen the child Frances grew in the free air, with leagues of prairie around her, her only companions her brother and sister; her books few, including no novels; her teachers a wise and gifted mother, and a bright, talented governess — Miss Annie R. Burdick — to whom she was devotedly attached. Education — not described by text-books and departments — was her daily food and inspiration, and was brought to the children through a thousand avenues that only a mother, with the divine intuitive gift that l2 FEANCES E. WILLAED. Froebel had, could have opened. There were " sermons in stones, books in the running brooks." The world's work was reproduced in miniature in the little household, that the children might learn to take part in it. The) 7 had a board of public works, an art club, and a news- paper, edited by Frances, who also wrote a novel of four hundred pages which has never seen the light. Poems were written — a home-republic was formed, and the children trod their little world with the free step and the abandon that helped them to conquer it in after life. One took in life too largely for her early strength, and died at nineteen, and another fell in the midst of the work he began as a boy-journalist. The other, with a strength that is almost miraculous, lives to fulfill the unique destiny she always saw before her — undefined, yet certain, when she was still a child. At eighteen years of age, school-life, in the conventional sense, began. After a term at Milwaukee, in the college founded by Catherine Beecher, the family plan was changed, the farm sold, and Evanston, 111., chosen as the home ; for the parents still wisely held to the plan of combining home and school ; and as a college could not come to the home, the home must go to the college. The father became a banker, of the well-known firm of Preston, Willard & Kean, Chicago. In this beautiful suburban town the pretty cottage was built, which to mother and daughter are now sacred as the father's last gift. He died in 1868. Here the daughters graduated, and Mary, the one sister, lovely and beloved, was called into larger life — and from this point Frances Willard began to take up life with a new earnestness. The question that, as a little child, she had taken to her father — " I don't see Christ ; I don't feel Him ; tvhere is EeV — became the one question to be settled beyond doubt. And the fact that the beatific vision she longed FRANCES E. WILLARDi 23 to attain proved to be a revelation of " Christ in us " — the life of her own spirit — is the secret of her present relation to the moral issues upon which she has laid her hand. Some years of teaching followed in Evanston, Pittsburg, Pa., and Lima, N. Y. While teaching in the Female College at Pittsburg, Pa., she wrote " Nineteen Beautiful Years," a most interesting and touching memoir of the gifted Mary. It was published in 1864 by the Harpers, and is a little shrine holding much of the early life of both sisters. In 1868-70, as the guest of her friend, Miss Kate Jackson, she journeyed through Europe and the East. The rare opportunities of study in Paris, Berlin, and Rome were thoroughly improved, and nearly every Euro- pean capital was visited. In the " College de France " and " Petit Sorbonne " they attended the lectures of Laboulaye and Guizot the younger, Legouve", Chasles, Franck the historian, Chevalier the political economist, and a score of lesser lights. In one of a series of delightful letters, since published by her under the general title of "A School- mistress Abroad," we come upon this characteristic bit, after a ramble among the relics of French royalty : " It is good not to have been born earlier than the nine- teenth century ; and, for myself, I could have rested con- tent until the twenty-fifth, by which date I believe our hopeful dawn of Reason, Liberty, and Worship will have grown to noon-day. Oh ! native land — the world's hope, the Gospel's triumph, the Millenium's dawn ' are all with thee, are all with thee ! ' " The ladies traveled in Palestine, Egypt, Greece, and Asia Minor, looking into foreign mission stations on their way, sailing from Italy, and returning by the Danube. While absent Miss Willard wrote often for home papers — the New York Independent, Harper's Jfonthl?/, Tlie Chris- tian Union, and Chicago journals. She gathered much 24 FRANCES E. WILLARD. material for literary work, and the experience added breadth to her sight of character and countries. Witness- ing the condition of women in the East and in the greater part of Europe, she was led to a problem which has had large answer in her later life : " What can be done to make the world a wider place for women ? " The " human question," which she often affirms is much more to her than the " woman question," began to shape itself in her mind and weigh heavily upon her heart. Jean Francjois Millet, brooding over the burdened peas- antry, who were almost on the plane of the dumb clods of the fields in which they wrought, threw upon canvass the pathetic pictures which go far toward redeeming French art and awakening the French heart, It was the " human question " which possessed him. It was this question also, reaching out for solution to the circle near- est her — her own sex — that knit the brows and dropped a shadow into the clear eyes of our young traveler all the way from Paris to the Volga, and through the East. From that time she has been a lover of women. She saw that woman's condition has kept back civilization, as the stream does not rise higher than the spring that feeds it ; and she coveted for her countrywomen the " best gifts," to hold and to impart. In 1871 she was elected President of the Woman's College, at Evanston, (an institution with none but women among Trustees or Faculty,) and there developed her plan of " self-government " for the students, which was watched by many with extreme interest, and is now pursued with success by several educators. On the union of the College with the University, when it became impossible to carry out her plan of government, she resigned her position. One of her pupils during this time (now the wife of a college President) writes thus of Miss Willard in a private FRANCES E. WILLARD. 25 letter to a friend, after a graphic account of her rare work in the class-room : " In the most important part of her work as an educa- tor — the development of character — I can speak from the most intimate knowledge. In this I doubt if she ever had a superior, and but for Arnold of Rugby, I should have said an equal. Her power over the girls who came under her influence was most extraordinary. It is an amusing fact that some people regarded it with a mixture of wonder and fear, as something a little allied to witch- craft — an inexplicable spell not founded in reason. But she never used her personal power of winning friends for the mere purpose of gaining the friends. She never seemed to do anything from policy, nor to think whether she was " popular" or not. She was always planning for our happiness and welfare, and would go to any amount of trouble to gratify us. Then she was always reasonable. She never insisted that a thing must be simply because she had said so, but was perfectly willing to see and acknowledge it if she herself was in the wrong. Her ideals of life and character were very high, and she suc- ceeded in inspiring her girls with a great deal of her own enthusiasm. I never, at any other period of my life, lived under such a constant, keen sense of moral respon- sibility, nor with such a high ideal of what I could become, as during the years in which I so proudly called myself one of ' her girls.' " Says another, now near her in the work of life : " Were one to ask the salient features of her work as a teacher, the reply should be : the development of indi- vidual character along intellectual and moral lines ; the revelation to her pupils of their special powers and voca- tion as workers, her constantly recurring question being not only ' What are you going to be in the world ?' but ' What are you going to do ? ' so that, after six months under 2 26 FRANCES E. WILLARD. her tuition, each of her scholars had a definite idea of a life-work." From a concise report of Miss Willard's method of self-government already published, we quote : " Practically she opened school without rules, but when an error in conduct occurred she stated it (impersonally) in chapel, submitted a rule to cover the case, and put its adoption to vote among the young ladies ; and she never failed in the unanimous adoption of the rule offered, even the guilty condemning their own acts. Thus her rules became a growth that shadowed all defects, with " the consent of the governed," and were seldom violated. She did not even call them rules, but ' regulations of the code of courtesy,' the. point being that to obey them was merely the courtesy of each toward all. Pupils who kept the code through a half year entered a 'Eoll of Honor Society.' This was the intellectual gymnasium of the college, and was made measurably responsible for the behavior of its members, being allowed certain privileges, such as attendance upon evening lectures, etc., without special permit, but strictly upon their honor as to points of propriety ; and the young lady who preserved a blame- less record in this society during one year was advanced to the ' corps of the self-governed,' having no school moni- tor but the following pledge : " 'I promise, by God's help, so to act in respect to my conduct and habits that, if every member of this college acted in the same way, the greatest good to the greatest number would be secured.' " Miss Willard found this system to secure not only good order, but also respectful affection for teachers, and to develop in her pupils a womanly self-respect and dig- nity of character." About two thousand pupils have been under her instruc- tion in the different colleges in which she taught. FRANCES E. WILLARD. 27 • There was apparently more of accident than design in Miss Willard's introduction to the public as a speaker. While in Palestine she had visions of a new crusade which the Christian women of her country might enter upon, and the development of a new chivalry — the chiv- alry of justice — which gives to woman a fair chance to be all that God designed her to be. She spoke of it in a women's missionary meeting in Chicago, after her return. The next day a Methodist layman of wealth called upon her, and after urging upon her the development and use of God's gift to her — the ability to stand before assemblies " in His name " — he proposed to gather an audience for her in one of the large city churches, if she would address it. She laid the matter before her mother (blessed be the mothers who have open vision !), who said : " By all means, my child, accept ; enter every open door." She did accept, and spoke to a large audience that received her with the utmost cordiality. Several city papers reported her words, so that within two weeks she had received scores of requests to speak from all parts of the northwest. As it was soon after this that she entered upon her work in the Women's College at Evanston, she gave her- self few opportunities to speak in public gatherings ; but notwithstanding this she was ranked by many, among them an editor of the New York Independent, as holding the " first place among women who speak." From an article by James Clement Ambrose, whom we have already quoted, in Potter's American Monthly for May, 1882, we extract the following graceful tribute to Miss Willard : " As a public speaker, I think Miss Willard is without a peer among women. Willi much of the Edward Everett in her language, there is more of the Wendell Phillips in her manner of delivery. She is wholly at home, but not 28 FRANCES E. WILLARD. forward on the platform, with grace in bearing, ease and moderation in gesture, and in her tones there are tears when she wills. It is the voice books call ' magnetic ' — a spell is in it to please and carry away. It is musical and mellow, never thin, and on an exceptionally distinct articulation, winds away to remotest listeners as sound from the silvery bells of the Sabbath. Altogether she wears the emphasis of gentleness under profound convic- tion. She never impresses her hearers as a speaker on exhibition, yet she has not despised the use of aids, but early in her public work took counsel of a celebrated elocutionist, and she attributes much of her ease in speech to her mother as a model. In her seasons of larger leisure she has been a wide reader of the thought- ful authors. To Arnold of Rugby, Frederic W. Robertson, and John Stuart Mill, especially in his ' Subjection of Women,' she concedes the greatest influence over her mind. Among women, they whose writings have done most to mould her are Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Margaret Fuller, and Frances Power Cobbe." In October, 1874, a voice that had been thrilling her strangely wherever she heard a sound of it, came to her with a personal appeal. It was from the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and the invitation to work with them was gladly accepted. She saw, with the clear intuition which is peculiar to her, that the little " root out of dry ground" was His promise of that which was to cover the land with a banyan-like growth. Said she, later: " I was reared on a western prairie, and often have helped to kindle the great fires for which the West used to be famous. A match and a wisp of dry grass were all we needed, and behold the magnificent spectacle of a prairie on fire, sweeping across the landscape, swift as a thousand untrained steeds, and no more to be captured than a hurricane ! Just so it is with the Crusade FRANCES E.' WILLARD. 29 When God lets loose an idea upon this planet, we vainly set limits to its progress ; and I believe that Gospel Temperance shall yet transform that inmost circle, the human heart, and in its widening sweep the circle of home, and then society, and then, pushing its argument to the extreme conclusion, it shall permeate the widest circle of them all, and that is, government." So closely identified had she become with the woman- hood of our country, that the question came very dis- tinctly to her as a representative woman, " Who knoweth if thou be come into the kingdom for such a time as this?" The old feeling of being born to a work, a " destiny," had passed over from her own personality to the sex with which she is identified, as it is now passing over to the race, the "woman question" becoming the " human question " There is much to be written from this point which cannot be brought within the limits of this sketch. It would be an unnecessary re-writing of the history of the Woman's Temperance Movement. This seed of the king- dom, after its wonderful planting in Ohio during the winter and spring of 1873-4, was beginning to bear fruit through the Middle and Western States. In August of that year, at Chautauqua, the " birthplace of grand ideas," the Women's Christian Temperance Union was born. A convention was called for November of the same year, at Cleveland, Ohio, and the National W. C. T. U. was then organized, with Miss Willard as Corresponding Secretary. It was at this Convention that she offered the resolution which, springing from the inspirations and the aspirations of the hour, has proved to be, in its spirit, a glory and a defence : " Realizing that our cause is combated by mighty and relentless forces, we will go forward in the strength of Him who is the Prince of Peace, meeting argument with argument, misjudgment with patience, and all our 30 FRANCES E. WILLARD. difficulties and dangers with prayer." Her work grew with the growth of the Union, and that growth was largely due to the tireless pen and voice and brain of its Corresponding Secretary. While holding this office there occurred two episodes — apparent digressions — which did not, however, sever her connection with the Temperance work. In 1876-7, on invitation from Mr. Moody, she assisted him in the Gospel work in Boston for several months. Her hope in under- taking this enterprise was that the Temperance work might be united with the Gospel work, and brought with it to the front. The meetings for women, filling Berkeley and Park Street churches, and her words before the thou- sands gathered in the great Tabernacle, are memorable. Says one who lives " in the Spirit " as few women do, " I have never been so conscious of the presence of the Divine power, the unction of the Holy One, in the minis- try of the Word, as under the preaching of Miss Willard." In this connection we are tempted to quote from a pub- lished statement recently made by Miss Willard : " The deepest thought and desire of my life would have been met, if my dear old Mother Church had permitted me to be a minister. The wandering life of an evangelist or a reformer comes nearest to, but cannot till, the ideal which I early cherished, but did not expect ever publicly to confess. While I heartily sympathize with the progres- sive movement which will ere long make ecclesiastically true our Master's words, 'There is neither male nor female in Christ Jesus' ; while I steadfastly believe that there is no place too good for a woman to occupy, and nothing too sacred for her to do, I am not willing to go on record as a misanthropic complainer against the church which I prefer above my chief joy." The second episode was in 1878, when Miss Willard undertook a forlorn hope — the chief-editorship of the FRANCES E. WILLARD. 31 Chicago Post, a daily evening paper, from which position her only brother, Oliver A. Willard, had been suddenly stricken down. With the generous enthusiasm and faith in the right that is a part of her, she took up the work, assisted by her brother's widow, and bravely carried it to the result long foreseen by all who knew the financial incubus that had for years been wearing out its life. But her love was larger than her strength. Oliver Willard was an only son and brother, the pride of the family, of which no member, perhaps, was more gifted, genial, and beloved. He had the best advantages of education, and made a brilliant record as speaker, writer, and editor. His last year was the brightest of his life, for he turned to God for strength as never before, although he had known much of what Christ can do for human hearts. He conducted a Bible-class of one hund- red young men, and spoke in religious and temperance meetings with remarkable power. Few have made more convincing appeals to tempted men than he did. He died in the calmness of Christian faith, saying to his beloved wife, " All your prayers for me are answered." . The wife, Mrs. Mary Bannister Willard, is a rarely gifted woman, with special talent and experience in journalism. She was the dearest school friend of Miss Willard, and they are now side by side in the work of the W. C. T. U., she being the editor of the organ of the National Union, — Our Union- Signal, published at Chicago. Miss Willard is the originator of the Home Protection movement. It came to her like a revelation in the spring of the centennial year, on a Sabbath morning, in Colum- bus, the capital of the " Crusade State." As she then and there knelt before God, it was borne in upon her spirit that the ballot in woman's hand as a weapon of " home protection," ought to be " worked for and welcomed." She has been, from the first, some years in advance of 32 FRANCES E. WILLARD. the times ; but with the patience characteristic of faith and foresight, she has endeavored to " slow " her steps to the pace of the more cautious and hesitant among her co-la- borers, that the unity of the spirit might be kept in the bond of peace. She does not believe in the " total de- pravity of inanimate things," and has no fear of a vote or a ballot-box, if they can be used by men or women as a means of defence against the influx of evil. She does believe in the Word, which says ; " All things are yours." Believing that whatsoever dwarfs woman dwarfs man, she has looked with strong desire toward the day when women shall be able to speak and act for the help of humanity cf both sexes ; and from advocating, as she did in the beginning of the Home Protection movement, a limited suffrage for women — local option — that should help to control the sale of liquor in their own locality, she came in August, 1881, to earnestly urge upon a convention of temperance workers at Lake Bluff complete enfranchise- ment, and in that gathering of representative men and women from twelve States, all identified with the tem- perance reform, the following plank was almost unani- mously placed in the platform of the National Home Pro- tection party, then organized : "A political party whose platform is based on constitu- tional and statutory prohibition of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages in the State and the nation is a necessity : and in order to give those who suffer most from the drink curse a power to protect themselves, their homes, and their loved ones, the complete enfranchise- ment of women should be worked for and welcomed." At the national convention of the W. C. T. U. in Washington, two months later, this advanced position was not formally endorsed, but every State union was declared free to labor for suffrage if it chose. In the South Miss Willard has made no public allusion to this branch of FRANCES E. WILLARD. 33 temperance work, though frankly stating her opinions whenever questioned on the subject. Recognizing the right of each State to select such methods as are adapted to its sentiment, she has desired the ladies of the South to make their own free choice, and this mooted question has not come up at all. The growth of the idea is equally marvelous. It was first projected in the form of petition in Illinois in 1879, while Miss Willard was president of the State union. It promised nothing; it only petitioned; but there was so much of promise — more of prophecy — in the whole move- ment, that we already seem to see the cap-stone lifted to its place " with shoutings, crying ' Grace, grace unto it ! '" She and her indefatigable coadjutors wrought like bees all through Illinois, and the result was a petition over two hundred and fifteen yards long and containing 180.000 names (80,000 of them voters), one of the largest petitions ever sent to any legislative body. It was placed on the calendar of the House as the "Hinds bill" (named from the Senator who presented it). Most efficient among the thousands who aided in preparing the great petition was Miss Anna Gordon of Boston — Miss Willard' s private secretary — whose quiet and persistent labors have accom- plished so much to increase the efficiency of her chief in the last six years of their united toil. The bill was laid in apparent death, but the spirit of it was by no means " laid." It is seen in almost every State in the Union, and it bore a banner at the polls in Iowa in the spring of '82, where Miss Willard had spoken in thirty towns, and Mrs. J. Ellen Foster had wrought like Judith of old. Later it was publicly wedded to the Independent Prohibition Party. The cry " For God, and Home and Native Land," which Miss Willard sent out as wings to the young Home Protection idea, has since become the motto of the National 34 FKANCES E. WILLAED. W. C. T. U., and is fast being wrought into the fibre of a national party. In 1879 Miss Willard was elected to the presidency of the National Union, and since that time this body of workers has expressed in a marked degree in its delibera- tive councils, and in the work of State and local organi- zations, the spirit and wisdom of its leader. Says one of her fellow-workers : " In the temperance field, she is the same as in the educational ; constantly developing methods of work and individual workers, so that the Woman's Christian Temperance Union has brought out nearly forty distinct departments." As an organizer Miss Willard has no equal among our women. Her office is not only to plan work, but to be the life and inspiration of the workers. And in order to be this she not only freely uses her pen (she and her secretary wrote ten thousand letters, aside from literary work, during 1881), but is almost constantly on the wing, going at the call of the cause to plant or encourage new organizations ; to confer with workers in council ; to speak, at the request of leading thinkers and workers, of the moral questions of the day from a woman's point of view, and always and everywhere to give enough of herself to others to quicken the currents of life and touch new springs of activity into motion. At the close of the Hayes administration, when that representative of the best American womanhood, Lucy Webb Hayes, retired from the White House, the women of the country, led by Miss Willard, executed a plan for placing the portrait of Mrs. Hayes in the Presidential mansion. It was painted by Huntington, at one time Presi- dent of the Academy of Design, New York, and afterward engraved by Barrie,of Philadelphia. After its unveiling at a great meeting at Lincoln Hall, it was presented by Miss Willard to President Garfield in the White House, and PRANCES E. WILLARD. 35 now hangs in the Green Parlor in a carved frame executed by the ladies of the Cincinnati Academy of Design. Miss Willard's two trips through the south in 1880-81 and 1881-82 were important steps in the only true policy of " reconstruction." In the first she was accompanied through some of the States by Mrs. Georgia Hulse McLeod of Baltimore, a cultured southern lady, who assisted in the organization of societies. In Charleston she met Mrs. Sallie F. Chapin, a lady of large influence and ability, who has since become superintendent of the southern work. At this time she organized Women's Christian Temper- ance Unions in Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkan- sas, Tennessee, and Kentucky, and included in the trip the Indian Territory. The second trip included points in Arkansas, and thirty towns in Texas, Louisiana, Missis- sippi, and several other States. At the present writing — the close of 1882 — she begins a third southern and western tour, when, if successful in carrying out her plans, she will have presented the gospel of temperance to the important towns of each State and Territory of the Union, and the provinces of Canada. " It is a hard life," sighs somebody, reading this sketch in the sheltering home, surrounded by love and luxury. But here the words of the Lord Jesus sound strangely prophetic: "There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or chil- dren, or lands for my sake and the gospel's, but he shall receive an hundred fold now in this time — houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions, and in the world to come eternal life." To illustrate this comes the recollection of a late letter of invitation to visit Miss Willard in one of the rarest homes in this or any land, in which the following 36 FRANCES E. WILLARD. passage occurs : " You may feel as free as the air, for as long as Frank is here it is her house, and she is to order all its goings out and comings in." And this is one of the thousands of homes all over our country that are hers, and the people in them are her sisters, and brethren, and fathers, and mothers, in a sense that must grow more strong and blessed forever, because the relationship and the possession is founded in the heavens. One who knows her life thoroughly as a woman, and as a leader of women, says: " To no one more than to Miss Willard do those words of Christ belong, ' Whosoever of you will be the chiefest shall be servant of all, for even the Son of Mali came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.' They are ex- pressed in the spirit of her life and conduct as in that of no other woman I have ever known." And as we glance at the marginal reading of " servant of all" — "bond-servant'''' — we are reminded that the in- crease of service that has come to her in these last years, and her consciousness of it, has laid upon her still stronger bonds to serve, and the bondage is — love. There are many things from this point of view which those who arc nearest her in the work of life, and in the sight of the eternal verities, would be glad to have here expressed for them, for her friends feel always that the woman is larger than her work, and their love for her is far greater than their admiration for what she has done. But a sense of what she would prefer forbids more than this meagre outline of her life and work. It must, how- ever, be added that as an educator of women in the wider sense; as an emancipator from conventionalities, preju- dices, narrowness; and as a representative, on a spiritual plane, of the new age upon which we are entering, she take3 her place with the foremost women of our time. FRANCES E. WILLARD. 87 The annual meeting of the National Women's Christian Temperance Union for 1882, in Louisville, Ky, — held a few months before the writing of this sketch — not only illus- trated the results of the educating influence of a woman upon women, but was in a remarkable degree a proof of what may prevail in congress or conventicle if only the Spirit of Christ rule the heart of the ruler. A citizen thus comments upon it in the Evening Post: " I was a much interested witness to the proceedings of the Women's Christian Temperance Union on Wednes- day, and was vividly struck with some of the differences between it and male convocations of similar size and scope. The suavity and dignity of the presiding officer, Mis 5 Willard, the mild and even affectionately respectful manner of each sister to all the others, impressed me with the peculiar fitness of women to preside over and conduct the business of a large audience. There was no jarring and grating about parliamentary ethics; no discord, no calling to order, but business was done decently and in order, and impressed me as being as far ahead of any male assemblages which meet in our city as a prayer-meeting is ahead of a corn-husking." Says another who looked deeper : " God was there, and we all knew it." At the election of officers, when the tellers declared that, without one dissenting vote, Frances E. Willard was re-elected President of the National Union, by representa- tives from thirty States, a wave of joy broke over the whole assembly. The great audience rose to its feet with a single impulse, and by waving of handkerchiefs and the singing of a doxology, expressed the feeling of the hour. Loyalty to the woman, in or out of her work, is shared alike by men and women, for the former are never an- tagonized by her in speech or spirit, and the latter know that while she has great faith in men, she has greater 38 FRANCES E. WILLARD. faith in men and women, or, as she has expressed it, the "going forth hand in hand, of the two halves of humanity." A profound belief in the second incarnation of Christ in the body of humanity accounts for the fact that with her the race interest overshadows the love of self or of her sex. The "largeness" referred to at the opening of this paper belongs no more to her mental and moral nature than to the affectional, as all who know her " heart to heart" will testify. Nor will these testify alone. The young girl with gifts, and no money — the woman who has lost heart and hope — the young collegian struggling with his doubts — the poor fellow who is in the "last ditch" — even a stranger, perhaps — will, with scores of their class, speak with a glow of the power of her sym- pathy — the real interest which can never say to famish- ing souls or bodies, " Be ye warmed and filled," without adding money, time, or influence to place them in relation with a means of support and hope. Miss Willard is distinctively a woman of the future. She is not a prophetess, but a prophecy, and one of the types of the larger and diviner womanhood which our land shall yet produce, and which all lands shall call the " fittest." CHAPTER II. PRELIMINARY. The W. C. T. U. compared with other Societies — "Without a pattern and without a peer." I SHALL try to sketch, in the most practical manner, a subject of transcendent interest and importance. More than any other society ever formed, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union is the exponent of what is best in this latter-day civilization. Its scope is the broad- est, its aims the kindest, its history the most heroic. I yield to none in admiration of woman's splendid achieve- ments in church work and in the Foreign Missionary Society, which was my first love as a philanthropist, but in both instances the denominational character of that work interferes with its unity and breadth. The same is true of woman's educational undertakings, glorious as they are. Her many-sided charities, in homes for the orphaned and the indigent, hospitals for the sick and asylums for the old, are the admiration of all generous hearts, but these are local in their interest and result from the loving labors of isolated groups. The same is true of the women's prisons and industrial schools, which are now multiplying with such beneficent rapidity. Nor do I forget the sanitary work of women, which gleamed like a heavenly rainbow on the horrid front of war ; but noble men shared the labor as they did the honor on that memorable field. Neither am I unmindful of the Woman's Christian Association, strongly intrenched in most of our great cities, and doing valiant battle for the Prince of (39) 40 PRELIMINARY. Peace ; but it admits to its sacramental host only mem- bers of the churches known as " Evangelical." Far be it from me to seem indifferent to that electric intellectual movement from which have resulted the societies, literary and aesthetic, in which women have combined to study classic history, philosophy, and art; but these have no national unity ; or to forget the " Woman's Congress," with its annual meeting and wide outlook, but lack of local auxiliaries; or the '-Exchanges," where women, too poor or proud to bring their wares before the ] ublic, are helped to put money in their purse, but which lack cohesion; or the State and associated charities, where women do much of the work and men most of the super- intendence. But when all is said, the Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union, local, State, and national, in the order of its growth, with its unique and heavenly origin, its steady march, its multiplied auxiliaries, its blessed out-reaching to the generous South and the far frontier, its broad sympathies and its abundant entrance minis- tered to all good and true women who are willing to clasp hands in one common effort to protect their homes and loved ones from the ravages of drink, is an organiza- tion without a pattern save that seen in heavenly vision upon the mount of faith, and without a peer among the sisterhoods that have grouped themselves around the cross of Christ. In the fullness of time this mighty work has been given us. Preceding ages would not have understood the end in view and would have spurned the means, but the nine- teenth century, standing on the shoulders of its predeces- sors, has a wider outlook and a keener vision. It has studied science and discovered that the tumult of the whirlwind is less powerful than the silence of the dew. It has ransacked history and learned that the banner and the sword were never yet the symbols of man's grandest "FOR god and home and native land." 41 victories, and it begins at last to listen to the voice of that inspired philosophy, which through all ages has been gently saying : " The race is not always to the swift, neither the battle to the strong." Beyond the history of its origin but little can be writ- ten here concerning that spiritual prairie fire in the West, immortalized by fifty days of prayer, persuasion, and victory, and called " The Woman's Temperance Crusade." Its documentary history has been already furnished by Mrs. Wittemeyer ; its spirit lives in the organic form of the " W. C. T. U.," whose white ribboned host is in the field to-day fighting "for Crod and Home and Native Land." CHAPTER III. "W. C. T. U." Its objects — Hygiene — The "Religion of the Body" — Dress, econo- my of time — Value of a trained intellect — The coming of Christ into five circles: Heart; Home; Denominationalism ; Society; Gov- ernment — Home protection — "The Old Ship Zion, Hallelujah!" — Motto: "Mary stood the cross beside." THE W. C. T. U. stands as the exponent, not alone of that return to physical sanity which will follow the downfall of the drink habit, but of the reign of a religion of the body which for the -first time in history shall correlate with Christ's wholesome, practical, yet blessedly spiritual religion of the soul. " The kingdom of heaven is within you" — shall have a new meaning to the clear-eyed, steady-limbed Christians of the future, from whose brain and blood the taint of alcohol and nico- tine has been eliminated by ages of pure habits and noble heredity. " The body is the temple of the Holy Ghost," will not then seem so mystical a statement, nor one indi- cative of a temple so insalubrious as now. " He that de- stroyeth this temple, him shall God destroy," will be seen to involve no element of vengeance, but instead to be the declaration of such boundless love and pity for our race, as would not suffer its deterioration to reach the point of absolute failure and irremediable loss. The women of this land have never had before such training as is furnished by the topical studies of our society, in the laws by which childhood shall set out upon its endless journey with a priceless heritage of powers laid up in store by the tender, sacred foresight of those (42) DRESS. — ECONOMY OF TIME. 43 by whom the young immortal's being was invoked. The laws of health were never studied by so many mothers, or with such immediate results for good on their own lives and those of their children. The deformed waist and foot of the average fashionable American never seemed so hideous and wicked, nor the cumbrous dress of the period so unendurable as now, when from studying one " poison habit," our minds, by the inevitable laws of thought, reach out to wider researches and more varied deductions than we had dreamed at first. The econo- mies of co-operative house-keeping never looked so attrac- tive or so feasible as since the homemakers have learned something about the priceless worth of time and money for the purposes of a Christ-like benevolence. The value of a trained intellect never had such significance as since we have learned what an incalculable saving of words there is in a direct style, what value in the power of classification of fact, what boundless resources for illus- trating and enforcing truth come as the sequel of a well- stored memory and a cultivated imagination. The puer- ility of mere talk for the sake of talk, the un worthiness of " idle words," and vacuous, purposeless gossip, the waste of long and aimless letter-writing, never looked so egregious as to the workers who find every day too short for the glorious and gracious deeds which lie waiting for them on every hand. But to help forward the coming of Christ into all depart- ments of life, is, in its last analysis, the purpose and aim of the W. C. T. U. For we believe this correlation of New Testament religion with philanthropy, and of the church with civilization, is the perpetual miracle which furnishes the only sufficient antidote to current skepticism. Higher toward the zenith climbs the Sun of Righteousness, making circle after circle of human endeavor and achievement warm and radiant with the healing of its beams. First 44 OPEN SESAME. of all, in our gospel temperance work, this heavenly light penetrated the gloom of the individual, tempted heart (that smallest circle, in which all others are involved), illumined its darkness, melted its hardness, made it a sweet and sunny place — a temple filled with the Holy Ghost. Having thus come to the heart of the drinking man in the plenitude of his redeeming power, Christ entered the next wider circle, in which two human hearts unite to form a home, and here, by the revelation of her place in His kingdom, He lifted to an equal level with her hus- band the gentle companion who had supposed herself happy in being the favorite vassal of her liege lord. " There is neither male nor female in Christ Jesus ; " this was the " open sesame," a declaration utterly opposed to all custom and tradition, but so steadily the light has shone, and so kindly has it made the heart of man, that without strife of tongues, or edict of sovereigns, it is coming now to pass that in proportion as any home is really Christian, the husband and the wife are peers in dignity and power. There are no homes on earth where woman is " revered, beloved," and individualized in char- acter and work, so thoroughly as the fifty thousand in America where " her children arise up and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praiseth her" because of her part in the work of our W. C. T. U. Beyond this sweet and sacred circle where two hearts grow to be one, Avhere the mystery of birth and the hal- lowed face of child and mother work their perpetual charm, comes that outer court of home, that third great circle which we call society. Surely and steadily the light of Christ is coming there, through the loving tem- perance Pentecost, to replace the empty phrase of punctilio by earnest words of cheer and inspiration ; to banish the unhealthful tyranny of fashion by enthroning wholesome CIRCLE THAT INCLUDES ALL HEARTS. 45 taste and common sense; to drive out questionable amusements and introduce innocent and delightful pastimes; to exorcise the evil spirit of gossip and domes- ticate helpful and tolerant speech ; nay, more, to banish from the social board those false emblems of hospitality and good will, — intoxicating drinks. Sweep a wider circle still, and behold in that ecclesias- tical invention called " denominationalism," Christ com- ing by the union of His handmaids in work for Him ; coming to put away the form outward and visible that He may shed abroad the grace inward and spiritual ; to close the theological disquisition of the learned pundit, and open the Bible of the humble saint ; to draw away men's thoughts from theories of right living, and centre them upon right living itself ; to usher in the priesthood of the people, by pressing upon the conscience of each believer the individual commission, " Go, disciple all nations," and emphasizing the individual promise, " Lo, I am with thee always." But the modern temperance movement, born of Christ's gospel and cradled at His altars, is rapidly filling one more circle of influence, wide as the widest zone of earthly weal or woe, and that is government. " The gov- ernment shall be upon His shoulder." "Unto us a King is given." "He shall reign whose right it is." "He shall not fail, nor be discouraged until he hath set judg- ment in the earth." " For at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father." "Thy king- don come, thy will be done on earthy Christ shall reign— not visibly, but invisibly ; not in form, but in fact; not in substance, but in essence, and the day draws nigh ! Then surely the traffic in intoxicating liquors as a drink will no longer be protected by the statute book, the law- yer's plea, the affirmation of the witness, and decision of 46 BUT SOME DOUBTED. the judge. And since the government is, after all, a cir- cle that include all hearts, all homes, all churches, all societies, does it not seem as if intelligent loyalty to Christ the King would cause each heart that loves Him to feel in duty bound to use all the power it could gather to itself in helping choose the framers of these more righteous laws ? But let it be remembered that for every Christian man who has a voice in making and enforcing laws there are at least two Christian women who have no voice at all. Hence, under such circumstances as now exist, His militant army must ever be powerless to win those legislative battles which, more than any others, af- fect the happiness of aggregate humanity. But the light gleams already along the sunny hilltops of the nineteenth century of grace. Upon those who in largest numbers love Him who has filled their hearts with peace and their homes with blessing, slowly dawns the consciousness that they may — nay, better still, they ought to — ask for power to help forward the coming of their Lord in government — to throw the safeguard of their prohibition ballots around those who have left the shelter of their arms only to be entrapped by the saloons that bad men legalize and set along the streets. " But some doubted." This was in our earlier National Conventions. Almost none disputed the value of this added weapon in woman's hand, — indeed, all deemed it " sure to come." It was only the old, old question of expediency ; of "frightening away our sisters among the more conservative." But later on we asked these questions : Has the policy of silence caused a great rallying to our camp from the ranks of the conservative ? Do you know an instance in which it has augmented your working force ? Are not all the women upon whose help we can confidently count, favorable to the " Do everything Policy" as the only one MOTTO. 47 broad enough to meet our hydra-headed foe ? Have not the men of the liquor traffic said in platform, resolution, and secret circular, " The ballot in woman's hand will be the death-knell of our trade ? " And so to-day, while each State is free to adopt or disavow the ballot as a home protection weapon, and although the white-winged fleet of the W. C. T. U. in a score of States crowds all sail for constitutional prohibi- tion, to be followed up by " Home Protection," still though " the silver sails are all out in the West," every ship in the gleaming line is all the same a Gospel ship — an "old sh ip Zion — Hallelujah ! " MOTTO FOR THE W. C. T. U. "Jews were wrought to cruel madness, Christians fled in fear and sadness, Mary stood the cross beside. At its foot her foot she planted, By the dreadful scene undaunted, Till the gentle sufferer died. Poets oft have sung her story, Painters wreathed her brow with glory, Priests her name have deified. But no worship, song, or glory, Touches, like the simple story, Mary stood the cross beside. And, when under fierce oppression, Goodness suffers like transgression, Christ again is crucified. If but love be there, true-hearted, By no fear or terror parted, Mary stands tlie cross beside." CHAPTER IV. "LET IT BE NOTED"; Or why the Author is not a Critic. THE W. C. T. U. is a sort of mutual admiration society, or to put the matter more accurately, it is doing more than any other one influence to develop among women that esprit du corps, for lack of which they have been so sharply censured. Therefore, no apology is made for the good things hereinafter related, concerning those who have not yet attained obituary honors. " I thought before you died I'd just tell you how much I have always loved and honored you." This sentence, from a letter recently received, has in it matter for reflec- tion. It hints at one of the most unaccountable errors in our conduct of life's relationships. We speak our words of praise too late. We blow the trumpet of our approbation at the earnest worker's ear — but not until Death's ringer has closed it up forever. We utter at the graveside the tender words that might have kept sensitive souls with us in a new lease of life. We build monu- ments with money that, if bestowed upon the living toiler, would have re-enforced the wasted energies and re-awak- ened the declining courage. Dear friends, these things ought not so to be. I can speak freely to you who have been far more generous with me than I deserve. Let us as Temperance women be more thoughtful — all of us hereafter — lest we sing with sad regret some day, above the wearied and unconscious forms of beloved workers fallen : "Strange we never heed the music, Till the sweet-voiced bird is flown." (48) DEFECTS PRESENT THEMSELVES. 49 It is believed that the sketches now to follow will for- ever release their author from the clutches of that style of remorse ! For the rest, while not oblivious to faults in the leaders herein described, it has seemed best to observe the rule of Coleridge in matters of criticism ; " Never look for defects ; they will present themselves unbidden." As to treating of said defects, the author has been largely governed by the spirit of the motto found on a sun dial at Naples : " I count only the hours that are serene." CHAPTER V. THE FIRST CRUSADERS. Mrs. Judge Thompson of Hillsboro', Ohio— First Praying Band — First Saloon Prayer-meeting— Mrs. George Carpenter of Wash- ington Court House— Story of the great victories — Scene at a Na- tional W. C. T. U. Convention— Presentation of the Crusade Bed- quilt. DECEMBER TWENTY-THIRD, 1873, THE date is memorable. Some day its anniversaries will be ranked among our national festivals. True, in Fredonia, New York, the protest of women against the snares men legalize under the name of "saloons" and " sample rooms" had begun, under the leadership of Mrs. Judge Barker, eight days before. True, in Washington Court House, Ohio, on the 24th, noble Mrs. Carpenter led a heroic band to a far grander victory. But the first eddy of that Whirlwind of the Lord, which in a few weeks had swept over the great State of Ohio, and grown to the huge proportions of the Woman's Temperance Crusade, began in Hillsboro', Ohio, December 23, 1873. By com- mon consent of her sisters in the united churches of the village where almost her whole life had been spent, Mrs. Eliza J. Thompson was chosen to lead the first band on its first visit to a saloon. Never did character and cir- cumstance conspire to form a central figure better suited to the significant occasion. "The first Crusader," a gen- tle-mannered lady of sixty years, had been from her early days a member of Christ's church and always prominent in charitable work, thus endearing herself to the class whose antagonism her new departure would (50) I MRS. E. J. THOMPSON. MRS. E. J. THOMPSON. 53 naturally arouse. She is a wife, mother, and grand- mother, loving and beloved; with marks upon her face n\' the grief which renders sacred, which disarms criticism, and in this instance, has a significance too deep for tears. She is the only daughter of Governor Trimble, than whom Ohio never had a chief magistrate more true. Nearly forty years before, she had accompanied that noble father when he went as a delegate to the earliest national temperance convention, which was so small that its opening meeting was held in the dining-room of a Saratoga hotel of that period. Going with him to the door of this dignified assembly, where the white cravats of the clergy were a feature of prominence, the timid Ohio girl whispered, " 0, papa, I'm afraid to enter, those gentlemen may thing it an intrusion. I should be the only lady, don't you see ?" Upon this the Governor re- plied, "My daughter should never be afraid, even if she is alone in a good cause," and taking her by the arm, he drew her into the convention. What a prophecy was the first entrance of a woman — and this woman — upon a tem- perance convention made up of men ! Read its fulfillment in her now happy home, her lawyer husband's leadership of the home protection movement in Ohio, and in the procession of white-ribbon workers that belts the world to-day. Kneeling hand in hand with this dear friend and leader, in the room where first the " Crusade Psalm " was read and prayer of consecration offered, my heart was newly laid upon the altar of our blessed cause. Upon the thousands of faithful temperance women all over the land, let me lovingly urge some special annual commemoration of the twenty-third of December, as a day in which all our hearts shall be warmed with new love, stirred to fresh zeal, and lifted into clearer faith. It is worth while to preserve in her own language the 54 DIO lewis' lecture. account of that strange " call " which came to Mrs. Thompson in 1873. She wrote it out for a near friend in the following words : " On the evening of Dec. 22, 1873, Dio Lewis, a Boston physician and lyceum lecturer, delivered in Music Hall, Hillsboro, Ohio, a lecture on ' Our Girls.' " He had been engaged by the Lecture Association some months before to fill one place in the winter course of lectures ' merely for the entertainment of the people.' But finding that he could remain another evening and still reach his next appointment (Washington C. H.), he consented to give another lecture on the evening of the 23d. At the suggestion of Judge Albert Matthews, an old-line temperance man and Democrat, a free lecture on Temperance became the order of the evening. "T did not hear Dio Lewis lecture (although he was our guest), because of home cares that required my pres- ence, but my son, a youth of sixteen, was there, and he came to me upon his return home and in a most excited manner related the thrilling incidents of the evening — how Dr. Lewis told of his own mother and several of her good Christian friends uniting in prayer with and for the liquor sellers of his native town until they gave up their soul-destroying business, and then said, — ' Ladies, you might do the same thing in Hillsboro if you had the same faith,' — and, turning to the ministers and temperance men who were upon the platform, added, 'Suppose I ask the ladies of this audience to signify their opinions upon the subject?' They all bowed their consent, and fifty or more women stood up in token of approval. He then asked the gentlemen how r many of them would stand as ' backers,' should the ladies undertake the work, and sixty or sev- enty arose. ' And now, mother,' said my boy, ' they have got you into business, for you are on a committee to do some work at the Presbyterian Church in the morning at THE JUDGE LUKEWARM. 55 nine o'clock, and then the ladies want you to go out with them to the saloons.' k - My husband, who had returned from Adams County court that evening and was feeling very tired, seemed asleep as he rested upon the couch, while my son in an undertone had given me all the above facts ; but as the last sentence was uttered, he raised himself up upon his elbow and said, 'What torn-foolery is all that?' My son slipped out of the room quietly, and I betook myself to the task of consoling my husband with the promise that I should not be led into any foolish act by Dio Lewis or any association of human beings. But after he had relaxed into a milder mood, continuing to call the whole plan, as he understood it, ' tom-foolery,' I ventured to remind him that the men had been in the 'tom-foolery' business a long time, and suggested that it might be 'God's will' that the women should now take their part. (After this he fell asleep quietly, and I resumed my Bible reading.) Nothing further was said upon the subject that had created such interest the night before until after breakfast, when we gathered in the ' family room.' First, my son approached me and gently placing his hand upon my shoulder, in a very subdued tone said, ' Mother, are you not going over to the church, this morning?' As I hesitated, and doubtless showed in my countenance the burden upon my spirit, he emphatically said, ' But, my dear mother, you know you have to go.' Then my daughter, who was sitting on a stool by my side, leaning over in a most tender manner, and looking up in my face, said, ' Don"t you think you will go?' All this time my husband had been walking the floor, uttering not a word. He stopped, and placing his hand upon the family Bible that lay upon my work-table, he said emphatically, ' Chil- dren, you know where your mother goes to settle all vexed questions. Let us leave her alone,' withdrawing 56 146th psalm. as he spoke, and the clear children following him. I turned the key, and was in the act of kneeling before God and his ' holy word ' to see what would be sent me, when I heard a gentle tap at my door. Upon opening.it, I saw my dear daughter, with her little Bible open, and the tears coursing down her young cheeks, as she said, 'I opened to this, mother. It must be for you.' She imme- diately left the room, and I sat down to read the wonder- ful message of the great 'I Am' contained in the 146th Psalm. "No longer doubting, I at once repaired to the Presby- terian church, where quite a large assembly of earnest people had gathered. " I was at once unanimously chosen as the President (or leader) ; Mrs. Gen. McDowell, Vice-President ; and Mrs. D. K. Finner, Secretary of the strange work that was to follow. " Appeals were drawn up to druggists, saloon-keepers, and hotel proprietors. Then the Presbyterian minister (Dr. McSurely), who had up to this time occupied the chair, called upon the chairman-elect to come forward to the ' post of honor,' but your humble servant could not ; her limbs refused to bear her. So Dr. McSurely remarked, as he looked around upon the gentlemen : ' Brethren, I see that the ladies will do nothing while we remain ; let us adjourn, leaving this new work with God and the women.' " As the last man closed the door after him, strength before unknown came to me, and without any hesitation or consultation I walked forward to the minister's table, took the large Bible, and, opening it, explained the inci- dents of the morning; then read and briefly (as my tears would allow) commented upon its new meaning to me. I then called upon Mrs. McDowell to lead in prayer, and such a prayer! It seemed as though the angel had mrs. gen. Mcdowell's prayer. 57 brought down * live coals' from off the altar and touched her lips — she who had never before heard her own voice in prayer! '•As we rose from our knees (for there were none sitting on that morning), I asked Mrs. Cowden (our M. E. min- ister's wife) to start the good old hymn ' Give to the winds thy fears' to a familiar tune,* and turning to the dear women, I said:' As we all join in singing this hymn, let us form in line, two and two, the small women in front, leaving the tall ones to bring up the rear, and let us at once proceed to our sacred mission, trusting alone in the God of Jacob.' It was all done in less time than it takes to write it ; every heart was throbbing, and every woman's countenance betrayed her solemn realization of the fact that she was " going about her Father's business." As this band of " mysterious beings" first encountered the outside gaze, and as they passed from the door of the old church and reached the street beyond the large churchyard, they were singing these prophetic words : "Far, far above thy thought, His counsel shall appear, When fully He the work hath wrought That caused thy needless fear." On they inarched in solemn silence up Main street, first to Dr. Wm. Smith's drug store. After calling at all the drug stores, four in number, their pledge being signed by all save one, they encountered saloons and hotels with varied success, until by continuous, daily visitations, with persuasion, prayer, song, and Scripture readings, the drinking places of the town were reduced from thirteen to one drug store, one hotel, and two saloons, and they sold "very cautiously." Prayer meetings were held dur- ing the entire winter and spring every morning (except Sunday), and mass meetings in the evenings, at the M. *The tune was " St. Thomas." 58 FIRST SALOON PRAYER-MEETING. E. church one week and at the Presbyterian the next. This is, in brief, the story for which you have asked." - Mrs. Thompson also gives this record of THE FIRST SALOON PRAYER-MEETING. " After visiting the drug stores, on the 24th of Decem- ber, 1873, our 'band' slowly and timidly approached the 'first class saloon' of Robert Ward on High street, a resort made famous by deeds the memory of which nerved the heart and paled the cheek of some among the ' seventy ' as they entered the ' open door ' of the ' witty Englishman,' as his patrons were wont to call the popular Ward. Doubtless he had learned of our approach, as he not only propped the door open, but, with the most perfect suavity of manner, held it until the ladies all passed in ; then, closing it, walked to his accustomed stand behind ' the bar.' Seizing the strange opportunity, the leader * addressed him as follows : ' Well, Mr. Ward, this must seem to you a strange audience. I suppose, however, that you understand the object of our visit.' Robert by this time began to perspire freely, and remarked that he would ' like to have a talk with Dio Lewis.' Mrs. T. said : ' Dr. Lewis has nothing to do with the subject of our mission. As you look upon some of the faces before you and observe the furrows of sorrow, made deep by the unholy business that you ply, you will find that it is no wonder we are here. We have come, not to threaten — not even to upbraid — but in the name of our Heavenly Friend and Saviour, and in His spirit to forgive, and to commend you to His pardon, if you will but abandon a business that is so damaging to our hearts and homes ! ' "The embarrassment and hesitation of the saloon- keeper were at once improved upon. The 'leader' said, softly, as she looked around upon those earnest faces : *Mrs. Thompson. PRAYER IN A SALOON. 59 'Let us pray.' Instantly all, even the liquor seller him- self, were upon their knees! Mrs. Dr. McSurely (wife of the Presbyterian minister) was asked to lead in prayer by Mrs. Thompson as they bowed together, but she de- clined. The 'spirit of utterance' then came upon the latter, and perhaps for the first time, in a saloon, w the heavens were opened,' and, as a seal of God's approval upon the self-sacrificing work there inaugurated, the ' Spirit' came down and touched all hearts. As they arose from prayer dear Mrs. Daggett (now in Heaven) broke forth in her sweet, pathetic notes, all join- ing with her, " There is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins; And sinners plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains." The scene that followed was one fit for a painter or a poet, so beautifully was the spirit of our holy religion portrayed. Poor wives and mothers, who the day before would have crossed the street rather than walk by a place so identified with the woes and heart-aches of their " lost Eden," were now in tearful pathos pleading with this deluded " brother " to accept the world's Redeemer as his own. Surely " God is Love." * History of the Woman's Crusade at Washington Court House, Ohio. On the evening of December 24, 1873, the Lecture Association of Washington C. H. had in its course a lec- ture on " Our Girls," by Dio Lewis. During the evening he dwelt somewhat largely upon the havoc being made by tobacco and ardent spirits, and offered to suggest a * Wishing to have these important historic facts at first hand, I have obtained this sketch from Mr% Ustick, Secretary of the Praying Band at Washington C. H., Ohio. Mrs. George Carpenter, the central figure in this marvellous picture, is wife of the Presbyterian pastor there. 60 WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, OHIO new plan for fighting the liquor traffic, which, he asserted, if carefully adhered to, would close every saloon in the place in one week's time. The proposition was heartily accepted, and a meeting appointed for Christmas morning, at 10 o'clock, in the Presbyterian church. At the designated hour on Christ- mas morning a large congregation assembled in the Pres- byterian church, eager to see the plan of Dr. Lewis inau- gurated with all earnestness and prayer. "Awake! Awake ! Put on thy strength, Zion ! " was sung by the choir ; prayer by one of the pastors, and reading a Bible selection by Dr. Lewis, who at once proceeded to his work. He told the story of his mother's experience and efforts; his faith in woman's prayer, patience, and love, for the cure of intemperance, and his own unsuccessful attempts to organize the women in various cities for the past twenty-one years. For one hour argument, illustra- tion, appeal, and demonstration followed in rapid succes- sion, until at the conclusion of the address the entire audience were ready to heartily indorse the plan pre- sented, and there was organized one of the grandest re- formatory movements of the age — the movement now so well and fitly known as the Woman's Crusade. On motion of Dr. Lewis, three secretaries were elected, and instructed to report the names of all the women present, as a committee of visitation, whose duty it should be to go in a body to each of the saloons, and personally appeal to the proprietors of the same to stop the business at ©nee and seek other means of livelihood. This committee was to enlist for the war — that is, until the work was accomplished. Fifty-two women enrolled their names. On motion of Dr. Lewis, a secretary was appointed to take the names of a number of men, to be called a " Com- mittee of Responsibility," who should furnish pecuniary means needed in the prosecution of this work. Thirty- seven men gave their names as members of this committee. MRS. GFJ). CARPENTER. THE APPEAL. f>3 On motion of Dr. Lewis, the chair appointed Mrs. Geo. Carpenter, Mrs. A. C. Hirst, Mrs. A. E. Pine, and Mrs. B. Ogle, as a committee to draw up an appeal to our citizens engaged in the liquor business. Closing appeals of stirring power were made by Dr. Lewis and Rev. A. C. Hirst, and after a vote of thanks to Dr. Lewis for his work among us the meeting adjourned, to convene in the Methodist Church and hear the reports of the committees appointed. v Temperance was the all-absorbing theme on that day, around every Christian's board and upon all the street corners, rln the evening a prayer-meeting was held in the M. E. Church, at which time the Chairman of Com- mittee on Appeal, Mrs. Geo. Carpenter, reported the following : APPEAL. " Knowing, as you do, the fearful effects of intoxicat- ing drinks, we, the women of Washington, after earnest prayer and deliberation, have decided to appeal to you to desist from this ruinous traffic, that our husbands, broth- ers, and especially our sons, be no longer exposed to this terrible temptation,, and that Ave may no longer see them led into those paths which go down to sin, and bring both body and soul to destruction. We appeal to the better instincts of your own hearts, in the name of desolated homes, blasted hopes, ruined lives, widowed hearts, for the honor of our community, for our happiness ; for our good name, as a town ; in the name of the God who will judge you, as well as ourselves; for the sake of your own souls, which are to be saved or lost, we beg — we implore you, to cleanse yourselves from this heinous sin, and place yourselves in the ranks of those who are striving to ele- vate and ennoble themselves and their fellow-men; and to this we ask you to pledge yourselves." Which appeal was adopted, and has since been used 64 THE STRANGE PROCESSION. very generally — not only in Ohio, but in several other States. ^X On Friday morning, December 26, 1873, the meeting convened pursuant to adjournment, in the Methodist Episcopal Church .y The services were opened with sing- ing and prayer, and reading of the Scriptures. One hun- dred copies of the Appeal to Liquor Sellers were ordered to be printed and circulated throughout the community. Mrs. J. L. Vandeman and Mrs. Judge McLean were ap- pointed to lead the procession, Mrs. A. E. Pine to lead the singing, Mrs. M. V. Ustick as Secretary, and Mrs. Geo. Carpenter as Captain and Reader of the Appeal. And now came the most interesting moment of this meeting. More than forty of the best women in the community were to go forth on their errands of mercy .^ There was much trembling of hearts, much taking hold on God, much crying, and supplication in prayer. Such a scene was never witnessed in Washington C. H. Down the central aisle of the church inarched these women to their work, while the men remained, continu- ing in prayer to God, that He would be with these Avomen as they should go from place to place, with Christian song and prayer, to appeal, face to face, in their various places of business, to those men who were at work selling liquor — the tolling of the church bell keeping time to the solemn march of the women as they wended their way to the first drug store on the list. (The number of places within the city limits where intoxicating drinks were sold was fourteen — eleven saloons and three drug-stores.) Here, as in every place, they entered singing, every woman taking up the sacred strain as she crossed the threshold. This was followed by the reading of the appeal, and prayer ; then earnest pleading to desist from their soul-destroying traffic, and to sign the dealer's pledge. THE GOSPEL PLEA. 65 V The novel procession created the wildest excitement on the streets, and was the subject of conversation to the exclusion of all others. > The work of the ladies was thoroughly done. Not a den escaped. The procession entered by the front door, filling both the front and back rooms. Prayer, followed by Bible arguments, was the answer to the excuses of these men. Down into the cellar, everywhere, they went with the same eloquent plea : " We pray you to stop this ! " " We mean you no hurt ! " " We beg you to desist ! " In tears the mothers, wives, and sisters pleaded for their cause. /C Thus all the day they went from place to place, without stopping even for dinner or lunch till five o'clock, meeting with no marked success. But invariable courtesy was extended them ; not even their reiterated promise, " We will call again," seeming to offend. No woman who has ever entered one of these dens of ini- quity on such an errand, needs to be told of the heart- sickness that almost overcame them as they, for the first time, saw behind those painted windows or green blinds, and entered the little stifling "back-room," or found their way down winding steps into the damp, dark cellars, and realized that into such places many of those they loved best were slowly descending through the allurements of the brilliantly lighted drug-store, the fascinating billiard- table, or the enticing beer-gardens, with their syren attractions. A crowded house at night to hear the report of the day's work betrayed the rapidly increasing interest in this mission. V Saturday morning, December 27th, after an hour of prayer, an increased number of women went forth again, leaving a number of men in the church, who continued in prayer all day long. Every few moments the tolling bell cheered the hearts of the Crusaders by pealing forth the knowledge that another supplication had ascended 1 66 THE FINAL TRIUMPH. for their success ; meanwhile notes of progress being sent by the secretary to the church from every place visited. On this day the contest really began, and, at the first place, the doors were found locked. With hearts full of compassion, the women knelt in the snow upon the pave- ment, to plead for the Divine influence upon the heart of the liquor dealer, and there held their first street prayer- meeting. At night the weary, but zealous workers reported at mass-meeting the various rebuffs, and the success in hav- ing two druggists sign the pledge not to sell, except upon the written prescription of a physician. The Sabbath was devoted to union mass meetings, with direct reference to the work in hand ; and on Monday the number of ladies had increased to nearly one hundred. That day, December 27th, is one long to be remembered in Washington as the day upon which occurred the first surrender ever made by a liquor-dealer, of his stock of liquors of every kind and variety, to the women, in an- swer to their prayers and entreaties, said stock being by them poured into the street. Nearly a thousand men, women, and children witnessed the mingling of beer, ale, wine, and whisky as they filled the gutters and were drank up by the earth, while bells were ringing, men and boys shouting, and women singing and praying to God, who had given the victory. But, on the fourth day, the campaign reached its height ; the town being filled with visitors from all parts of the country and adjoining villages. There was another public surrender and another pouring into the street of a larger stock of liquors than on the previous day, and more intense excitement and enthusiasm. Mass meetings were held nightly with new victories reported constantly, until on Friday, January 2d, one week from the beginning of the work, at the public meet- ing held in the evening, the secretary's report announced ITS EFFECT ON NEIGHBORING TOWNS. (IT every liquor dealer unconditionally surrendered : some having shipped their liquors back to wholesale dealers, others poured them in the gutters, and the druggists all signed the druggist's pledge. Tims a campaign of prayer and song had, in eight days, closed eleven saloons, and pledged three drug-stores to sell only on prescription. At first men had wondered, scoffed, and laughed, then criticized, respected, and yielded Morning prayer and evening mass-meetings continued daily, and the personal pledge was circulated till over one thousand signatures were obtained. Physicians were called upon to sign a pledge not to prescribe ardent spirits when any other substitute could be found, and in no case without a personal examination of the patient. A property-holder's pledge was also circulated — pledg- ing men not to rent or lease property to be used as sa- loons, nor to allow any dealings of the liquor traffic to be carried on upon any premises belonging to them. This pledge was generally signed by holders of real estate. During this week came a plea for help from Hills- boro. In answer to that call, on Monday, January 12th, a committee consisting of Profs. Morehouse and Dean, and Mrs. Geo. Carpenter, Mrs. Judge McLean, Mrs. Judge Priddy, and Miss Anna Ustick, went to Hillsboro, spent the evening in attendance upon a mass-meeting there, and the next forenoon in prayer and conference with the workers, returning in time to attend the mass- meeting at home, bringing with them encouraging words. By this time the new method of fighting whisky be- gan to attract the attention of the press, and people in surrounding places ; and meetings were announced to be held in every village and school district in the county. Committees of ladies and gentlemen were sent out from "Washington C. H., to assist in these meetings. Commit- tees were also sent, by request, into all adjoining counties, 68 A MISSIONARY OF EVIL. the meetings being constantly kept up at home, and all the while gaining in interest. Early in the third week the dis- couraging intelligence came that a new man had taken out license to sell liquor in one of the deserted saloons, and that he was backed by a whisky house in Cincinnati to the amount of $5,000, to break down the movement. On Wed- nesday, the 14th, the whisky was unloaded at his room. About forty women were on the ground, and followed the liquor in, and remained, holding an uninterrupted prayer- meeting all day and until eleven o'clock at night. The next day — bitterly cold — was spent in the same place and manner, without fire or chairs ; two hours of that time the women being locked in, while the proprie- tor was off attending a trial. On the following day, the coldest of all the winter of 1874, the women were locked out, and stood on the street holding religious services all day long. Next morning a tabernacle was built in the street, just in front of the house, and was occupied for the double purpose of watching and prayer, through the day ; but before the night the sheriff closed the saloon, and the proprietor surrendered ; thus ended the third week. A short time after, on a dying bed, this four days' liquor dealer sent for some of these women, telling them that their songs and prayers had never ceased to ring in his ears, and urging them to pray again in his behalf ; so he passed away. About this time came word from Columbus that the Adair Liquor Law was in great danger of being repealed ; consequently the following communication was sent to every known temperance organization throughout the State : Washington C. H., Jan. 30, 1874. To the Secretary of Women's Temperance League at : Dear Sister :— By order of the entire board of our Temperance League, we send you an earnest request that you immediately appoint a reporter's graphic account. 69 a committee of not less than six of the most earnest and effective workers, who shall be ready at an hour's notice to respond to the call embodied in the following resolution: Besotted, That the secretary of this meeting be requested to corre- spond with the ladies in all places where the temperance movement is now, or may be progressing, asking the same to appoint a delegation to appear at Columbus, when called, if any action of the legislature, threatening the safety of the Adair Liquor Law, may be contemplated. " Please notify us of your decision in the matter, forwarding us one name to whom we may telegraph if necessary." [Signed by the Secretary.] Responses poured in from all Leagues addressed, the word " Ready." But the law remained undisturbed that winter. At this time the Cincinnati Commercial sent a reporter, Mr. J. H. Beadle, to investigate the rise of this movement, from whose graphic pen we quote the following, as a correct word-picture of. the occurrence: " I reached Washington C. H. at noon of January 20th, and seeking Mr. Beck's beer-garden found him in a state of terrible nervousness, as the ladies had spent the forenoon in front of this place. He evidently regarded me as a spy, but was much mollified when assured that I was only a journalist, and made a voluminous complaint in ' High Dutch' and low English : " 'I got no vitnesses. Dem vimens dey set ub a schob on me. But you don't bin a 'bitual drunkard, eh ? No, you don't look like him. Veil, coom in. Vot you vant, beer or vine ? I dells you, dem vimens is shust awful. Py shinks, dhey build a house right in der street, und stay mit a man all day, singin' und oder foolishness. But dhey don't get in here once agin, already.' " In obedience to his invitation, I had entered by the side door — the front was locked and barred — to find four customers indulging in liquor, beer, and pigs' feet. One announced himself as an ' original Granger,' a second as a ' retired sailor,' while the others were non-committal. 70 THE ADAIR LAW. They stated that two spies had just applied for admission — 'men who would come in and drink, then go away and swear they were habitual drunkards under the Adair law' — and that accounted for ]\lr. Beck's suspicions of me. "The Adair law I find everywhere to be the great horror of saloon-keepers. It allows any wife or child, or other relative directly interested, to prosecute for the sale of liquor to husband or father ; and almost any one may prosecute for the sale of liquor to a ' habitual drunkard.' " Whether such a law be just or constitutional, there is much dispute ; but it is evident that it gives great oppor- tunity for fraud and blackmailing. It is, however, just now the strong rock of defense of the Ohio temperance people ; and it may be that by its enforcement some saloon-keepers have been driven out of the business who would have withstood the prayers, of an archangel and all the tears that sorrowing pity ever shed. " Mr. Beck kept open house nearly all that night ; the sounds of revelry were plainly heard, and in the morn- ing several drunken men came into town, one of whom tumbled down in a livery stable and went to sleep on a manure pile, from which he was carried to the lock-up. Matters were evidently coming to a crisis, and I went out early; but the ladies reached there in force just before me. I met Mr. Beck hurrying into town to consult his lawyer, or, as he phrased it, 'to see mein gounsel vhen I no got some right to my own broberty.' " The main body of the ladies soon arrived, and took up a position with right center on the door-step, the wings extending each way beyond the corners of the house, and a rearward column along the walk to the gate. In ludi- crous contrast the routed revelers, who had been scared out of the saloon, stood in a little knot fifty feet away, still gnawing at the pigs' feet they had held on to in a lady's pb lter. 71 their hurried flight : while I took a convenient seat on the fence. The ladies then sang: 'O do not be discouraged, for Jesus is your friend, He will give you -race to conquer, and keep you to the end.' ••As the twenty or more clear, sweet voices mingled in the enlivening chorus, • I'm glad I'm in tins array,' etc., the effect was inspiring. 1 felt all the enthusiasm of the occasion: while the pigs'-feet party, if they did not feel guilty, certainly looked so. The singing was followed by a prayer from Mrs. Mills Gardner. She prayed for the blessing of God >>n the temperance caus-e generally, and in this place particularly; then for Mr. Beck, his family and his friends, his house and all that loved him, and elosed with an eloquent plea for guidance in the difficult and delicate task they had undertaken. In one respect the prayer was unsurpassed : it was eminently fitting to the place and occasion. As the concluding sentences were being uttered, Mr. Beck and his 'gounsel' arrived. The ladies paid no attention to either, but broke forth in loud strains : ' Must Jesus bear the cross alone? Xo, there's a cross for me,' when the lawyer borrowed some of my paper, whispering at the same time, ' I musl take down their names. Guess I shall have to prosecute some of them before we stop this thing.' " I should need the pen of an Irving and the pencil of a Darley to give any adequate idea of the scene. On one side a score of elegant ladies, singing with till the earnest- ness of impassioned natures ; a few yards away a knot of disturbed revelers, uncertain whether to stand or fly; half-way between, the nervous Beck, bobbing around like a case of fiddle-strings with a hundred pounds of lager- beer fat hung on them, and on the fence by the ladies a 72 a lawyer's plea. cold-blooded lawyer and an excited reporter, scribbling away as if their lives depended on it. The scene was painful from its very intensity. " The song ended, the presiding lady called upon Mrs. Wendel, and again arose the voice of prayer, so clear, so sweet, so full of pleading tenderness, that it seemed she would, by the strength of womanly love, compel the very heavens to open and send down in answer a spark of divine grace that would turn the saloon-keeper from his purpose. The sky, which had been overcast all the morn- ing, began to clear, the occasional drops of rain ceased to fall, and a gentle south wind made the air soft and balmy. It almost seemed that nature joined in the prayer. Again the ladies sang, 'Are there no foes for roe to face? ' with the camp-meeting chorus : ' O, how I love Jesus, Because he first loved me.' As the song concluded, the lawyer suddenly stepped for- ward and said : ' Now, ladies, I have a word to say before this performance goes further. Mr. Beck has employed me as his attorney. He can not speak good English, and I speak for him here. He is engaged in a legitimate busi- ness, and you are trespassers on his property and right. If this thing is carried any further you will be called to account in the court, and I can assure you that the court will sustain the man. He has talked with you all he desires to. He does not want to put you out forcibly, as that would be unmanly, and he cfoes not wish to act rudely ; but he tells you to go, and, as his attorney, I now warn you to desist from any further annoyance.' "Again the ladies sang, ' My soul, be on thy guard, Ten thousand foes arise,' A MASS MEETING. 73 when Miss Annie Ustick followed with a fervent prayer for the lawyer and his client ; but they had fled the scene, leaving the house locked up. After consultation the ladies decided to leave Mr. Beck's premises and take a position in the adjoining lot. They sent for the ' taber- nacle,' a rude frame building they had used in front of Slater's saloon. This they erected on an adjoining lot, put up immense lights to illuminate the entrance to the beer garden, and kept up a guard from early morn till midnight." For two weeks religious services were held in the Tabernacle day and night, and the women were con- stantly on duty, at the end of which time an injunction was granted Mr. Beck, and the Tabernacle was taken down. Suits were then in progress against the two beer sellers, under the Adair Law, and judgments were being obtained in various amounls, the ladies appearing in force in the court room during each trial, thus giving their moral support to their suffering sisters. On Friday, February 6th, another man opened a beer saloon in a new locality. The ladies immediately visited him by committees, and thus spent the day. Next day, however, they took up their stand in front of his door, continuing their services late into the evening, at which time their force was increased by the entire congregation at mass meeting, who chose to conclude their services in unison with the watchers before the saloon. Temperance was still the pulpit theme on the Sabbath, and on Monday morning, February 9th, all the business houses were closeu 1 from 8 to 9, to attend the business men's prayer meeting. Large delegations were present from adjoining villages at that early hour. At the meet- ing there came a messenger from this man stating that he would give up his business, which announcement was received with cheers. It was then decided that all wjio were 74 THE "LAST MAN" SURRENDERS. not enjoined from so doing should march out to Mr. Beck's beer garden, where the proprietor met them at the gate, and after a brief consultation with a committee appointed for that purpose, he publicly announced : " You comes so many I quits. I will never sell any more beer or whisky." Again the crowd gave vent to their feelings in cheers. Messengers were dispatched to the women who remained praying in the church, to join them. All the bells com- menced ringing, and the procession, numbering 200 strong, started out to Sullivan's beer house, now the only remaining saloon in the township. Marching up Court Street the number increased, and, amid the most profound silence, the men and women pursued their journey. About half-way there the man in question was met and interviewed. He asked two days to consider, which were granted. The procession then returned, the bells all the time ringing out their chimes upon the crisp morning air. Meetings, morning and evening, continued with unabated interest, and at each came to us the cry from other points : " Come and help us." On Wednesday morning, February 11th, at mass meet- ing in the Presbyterian Church, Mr. Sullivan came and publicly pledged himself to " quit, forever, the liquor business." A general rejoicing and thanksgiving followed this surrender of the " last man." Thus, through most of the winter of 1874, no alcoholic drinks were publicly sold as a beverage. As Dr. Dio Lewis had .signified his intention of again visiting our village on Tuesday, February 17th, that day was appointed as one of general rejoicing and thanksgiv- ing. Accordingly arrangements Avere made for a mass meeting to be held in Music Hall at 2 P. M. At 1.80 a thousand people were gathered at the depot awaiting the arrival of the train. Promptly at the hour, Dr. Lewis, accompanied by quite a corps of newspaper men, alighted GREETING TO DR. LEWIS — HIS REPLY. 75 from the car. and was greeted with music from the band and cheers from the vast concourse of people, who im- mediately proceeded to the hall, where the following brief words of welcome were addressed to him by Mrs. Geo. Carpenter : " Dr. Lewis: In the name of the women of Washing- ton, I welcome you. Eight weeks ago, when you first came among us, you found us a people of warm hearts, generous impulses, fully alive to the evils of intemperance, and needing only the magnetism of a master mind to rouse us to a determined resistance of its ravages. Yours was that mind. Dr. Lewis, your hand pointed out the way. You vitalized our latent activities, and roused us all, men and women together, and we have gone forth to the battle side by side, as God intended we should, our- selves perfect weakness, but God mighty in strength. He sent you here. He put the thought into your heart. He prepared our hearts to receive it. And now He has brought you among us again to gladden you with the fruition of hope long deferred — to see the seed sown years ago by your mother springing up, budding, and bearing- fruit. Dr. Lewis, I welcome you to the hearts and homes of Washington."' Dr. Lewis replied substantially as follows : Madame and Friends: I cannot make a speech on this occasion. I have always been on the frontier, always eno-a