»"A^ • m » *' »-. . CMP BIRDS-EYE VIEW SOUTHEAST QUARTER ,-..- ui«; ikee public library Located on the corner of South Broad and lains main reading room, 61x85 feet; office ol Men's Reading and Smoking Room, Children s Simmons Streets. Erected in I'm-. Dimensions, 66x132 feet. Con- Superintendent of Schools, Board of Educafaoji '..Grand Army Room. Reading Room, and Book Room, capable of holding 112,500 volumes LOOKING EAST ON MAIN STREET FROM CENTRAL PARK. V. S. GOVERNMENT P.UILDING. Located on corner of South Cherry and Simmons Streets. Built in 1893-4 tost $115,000. Officers and employes, 48: besides 34 Railway Postal Clerks, who are paid from this office. Pay roll nearly $5,500 per month, annual receipts of the office nearly $55,000, not considering the money order business. KNOX COUNTY COURT HOUSE. 1QQ ,^ Cate /^ betwee ." South Cherry and South Cedar Streets, and between Tompkins and Soutli Streets. 1884-86. Cost originally about $150,000. Improvements since, about $35,000. Dimensions 108x116 feet. tire proof. Erected in Thoroughly o ft o U ft o TTTF COUNTY ind JAIL Located on South Cherry Street between South and Berrien 32 cells on first floor and 4 on second floor; ten residence rooms i Raths, ventillating system, and general sanitary equipment ample Streets. Erected in 1874. front. Heating plant and and modern. t'ost. $40. niio. fuel rooms in Contains basement. BANK OF CALCSBURt; BANK OF GALE'iEUBO BANK OF GALESBURG BUILDING Located on the corner of Main and Kellogg Streets. Building erected 1886. Hank established in 1889. Capital, $100,000. Surplus fund, $150,000; 3 per cent on Savings Deposits, payable semi annually. GALESBURG SANITARIUM. These buildings were erected by Dr. E. V. D. Morris in 1S98-9 for the purpose of establishing a great sanitarium, tie failed to realize sufficient income on them to be able to run them as he had planned, and converted them into apartment houses. >-'• :^£, A SECTION OF STANDI.-- II PARK Located in the central part of the city — lying directly west of the Knox County Court House. Famous for its large variety of choice and beautiful trees. VIEWS OF HIGHLAND LAKE. These beautiful pleasure resorts are located two miles east of the city, on the East Galesburg suburban car and fishing in the summer; skating and ice making in the winter. line. Boating VIEWS OF LAKE RICE THE LARGEST ARTIFICIAL LAKE IN ILLINOIS Located two miles east of the city. Furnishes the water for the C, B. & Q. railway and constitutes the club grounds for the Soangetaha Club. Fine fishing, golf links, tennis courts, etc. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CORNER Corner of Main and Cherry Streets, looking north on Cherry Street. Building erected in 1903. Bank organized in 1803. Capital, $150,000. Surplus. $150,000; 3 per cent interest on time deposits, payable semi-annually. -r ■ GALESBURG NATIONAL DANK I'.UILDING Located on the corner of Main and Prairie Streets. Erected in ISO.j. Bank organized 1884. Capital stock, $125,000. Surplus and undivided profits, $10"), 000; i! per cent interest paid on savings deposits, payable semiannually. THE HOLMES BUILDING Located on the corner of Main and Prairie Streets. Formerly Galesburg Opera House. Remodeled in 1S99; 80 commodious office rooms, City steam heat, first class elevator service; up-to-date in every way. First floor occupied by Continental Clothing Co. and Wilbur-La nphear Jewelry Co. THE FIRST GALESBURG— "OLD LOG CITY" Located three miles northwest of present city limits, at edge of Henderson grove. Founded in 1836. 1. Prof. N. H. Losey's residence. 2. Nehemiah West's residence. 3. Hugh Conger in main part, Loreutus Conger and John West in addition. 4. Riley Root and sister, Mrs. Clarissa Phelps, Eli Farnham, and Mrs. Lyman, in succession. 5. George Avery and his mother. 6. Deacon Goodell's residence. 7. John West and his father. S. Mr. Lewis' resi- dence. 9. Unidentified. 10. C. S. Colton's store. 11. C. S. Colton's residence. 12. School house. 13. Rev. G. W. Cah's residence. 14. John Kendall's residence. 15. Rev. John Water's residence. 16. H. H. May's residence. RESIDENCE OF HON. M. O. WILLIAMSON Located on North Broad Street, between Mary and Freemont Streets. THE HENRY R. SANDERSON HOUSE Stood formerly on the present site of the Public Library. Standing now on the corner of West Main and Academy Streets. I he home in which Abraham Lincoln was entertained in 185S. the occasion of his famous debate with Stephen A Douglas. RESIDENCE OF W. A. JORDAN Located on East Losev Street, between Chambers and Willard Streets. Built in 1904. RESIDENCE OF E. 1!. WADE Located on the corner of North Broad and Mary Streets. The first Galesburg residence to be built of No. 1. Puring ton repressed paving brick. FARM RESIDENCE OF FRED SilACORD Located adjacent to the city on the east Presenting a fine view from the East Galeshurg street car line, and from the A.. T. & S. F. Ry. "THE HIVE"— RESIDENCE <>F MRS. CYRUS M. AVERY Located on the corner of North Prairie and Losey Streets. Built in 1002, of medium stay Roman brick with Tiffany enameled pilasters and cornice. Raindrop trimmings and Red ford pillars. RESIDENCE OF HON. GEORGE SHUMWAY Located on West Street, between South and Berrien Streets. Built in 1900. ( olonial style. RESIDENCE OF HON. E. J. KING. Located on North Academy Street, between North and Losey Streets. Erected in 1S9S. Modified Colonial style. RESIDENCE OF W. E. TERRY. Located on East Losey at the head of Pearl Street. Erected in 1896. RESIDENCE OF HON. CLARK E. CARR Located on North Prairie Street, between Grove and Losey Streets. In this house President William McKinley and his wife were entertained on the 6th and 7th of October. 1899. In the party were also George I'-. Cortelyou, secretary to the President, Doctor Rixey, the family physician, and Miss Barber, a niece of Mrs. McKintey. The occasion of the President's being in Galesburg was to celebrate the forty -first anniversary of the Lincoln-Douglas debate. On the morning cf the 7th, he held a cabinet meeting in Colonel Carr's library, which was attended by John Hay, Secretary of State; Elihu Root, Secretary of War; John W. Grists, Attorney General; John D. Long, Secretary .if the Navy; E. A. Hitch cock, Secretary of the Interior; Charles Emory Smith. Postmaster General, and James Wilson. Secretary of Agriculture. Among other distinguished personages who have been entertained in this house may be mentioned Hun. William Jen- nings Bryan, Robert T. Lincoln, Chauncey M. Depew, Shelby M. Cullom, and W. C. Brown. RESIDENCE OF GEORGE A. LAWRENCE, ESQ. Located on the corner of North Prairie and Losey Streets. Built in 1891 of white Colona sandstone. RESIDENCE OF HON. GEORGE W. PRINCE Located on North Academy Street, between North and Losey Streets. Built in 1899. Colonial style predominating. CENTRAL PARK A beautiful spot in the business portion of the city. Street cars diverge here into all parts of the city. resting place in the hot days of summer. A favorite THE GALESBURG HOSPITAL Street, between Losey and Selden. sc... patients, voluntary contributions. Located on North Seminary Street, between Losey and Selden. Erected in 1893. Remodeled and enlarged L904. Value, £75, Capacity, 13 beds. Training school in connection with 18 nurses. Association incorporated in 1801. Institution supported by fees from patients, voluntary contributions, and a small endowment fund. THE "BIG STORE" OF GALESBURG The O. T. Johnson Company The largest and finest department store in Central Illinois, containing one and one-quarter acres of floor space de- voted to retailing. Has thirty-four departments and nearly three hundred employes. store of its size in the country. It is considered the most perfect W. A. JORDAN COMPANY, WHOLESALE GROCERIES AND FRUITS Located "ii Smith Seminary Street, between Simmons anrl Tompkins Streets. Building v-ixlSO feet, three il - s and basement. Established in 1894. Capital stock. $l7.">.noo. Traveling men cover a territory of 100 miles surrounding Galesburg, extending into I<>\\a and Missouri. GALESBURG GROCERY COMPANY, WHOLESALE GROCERS Located on the corner of South Seminary and Mulberry Streets. Incorporated, 1902. Capital stock. $40,000. Business confined to Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri. Employ seven traveling salesmen. ILLINOIS HOTEL Located on the corner of Main and Kellogg Streets. Erected as Brown's Hotel in 1872 Remodeled in 1903 rooms ample, cuisine perfect, and every modern appliance for safety. Rates, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per day! SampK Located same year. private bath. UNION HOTEL .11 the corner of the Square and North Broad Street. Erected Remodeled in 1890 and 1904. Running hot and cold water in Kates, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per day. in 1869. Burnec every room; mo in 1S71. Rebuilt the outside rooms, 25 with ARLINGTON HOTEL BLOCK Located on the corner of South Seminary and South Streets. Erected in 1895. pean, Rates 50c to $1.00 per day), and mercantile Occupied by t he Arlington Hotel (Euro- establishments. HOTEL ANNEX Located on the corner of North Prairie and Ferris Streets. Erected in 1898. Rates, $1.25 per day. Located on corner of Main and Prairie $60,000. Interest paid on time deposits, payable semi-annually. PEOPLE'S TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK (interior view) Streets. Established in 1900. Capital stock, $250,000. Undivided profits. Equipped with Mosler Safe Deposit Vaults. WEINBERG BROS.' BLOCK Cold storage and commission, wholesale fruits and produce. Established in 1891. $l,l)0(i.itoi) per annum. Combined business now reaches GAS PLANT OF THE GALESBURG RAILWAY AND LIGHT COMPANY Located on the corner of North Cedar and Ferris Streets. Company organized in 1861. Original buildings erected in lRfifi. Gas holder erected in 1895. Estimated value of plant. $300, THE PURINGTON PAVING BRICK COMPANY— YARDS NOS. 1 AND 2 Located three and one-half miles east of the Square, at the terminus of Main Street electric car line. Organized in 1890. Annual capacity, 75,000,000 paving brick and blocks: also manufacture Continental face brick. Men employed 686. THE PURIXC.TON PAVIXG BRICK COMPANY— YARD XO, 3 THE PURINGTON PAVING BRICK COMPANY— YARD NO. 4 GROSS BROS.' OVERALL FACTORY Located on northwest corner of South Chambers ami Mulberry Streets. Erected in L906. Established in 1901, capacity of ISO pairs per day. Capacity 1906, 4,800 pairs per day. with a PLANT OF G. D. COLTON & CO. Located on Smith Cherry Street, near C, B. & Q. tracks. Established in 1855. Capital stock, $50,000. Incor- porated 1882. Founders and' manufacturers of Iron and Brass Castings, Broom torn Machinery and Sulky Koad Alak- Planing Mill. Employs 55 men. PLANT OF CHICAGO WRITING MACHINE COMPANY Located at corner of Chambers and Knox Streets. Building erected in 1903, at which time the Company removed to Galesburg from Chicago. Capital stock, $200,000. Output, 5,000 typewriters, 10,000 adjustophones, annually, besides other appliances. Employ 100 men. PLANT OF WENZELMANN MANUFACTURING CO. Located southwest of the city. Buildings erected in 1904. Business removed to Galesburg from Streator in 1904. facture portable farm elevators, wagon dumps, and farm appliances. Mann- WENZELMANN CHEMICAL AVORKS Located southwest of the city. Erected in 1904. Manufacturers of chemicals. WESTERN TOOL WORKS ( Formerly Geo. W. Brown & Co. Corn Planter Factory.) Located on Smith Kellogg Street, between Simmons and Tompkins Streets. Capital stock, $200,000. Manufacturers of Gale Automobiles. Capacity 350 machines annually. Also manufacturers of useful tools and nickel-platers. Em- ploys 150 men. PLANT OF THE FROST MAUFACTURING COMPANY Located on Soutb Henderson Street, near main line of C.i B. & Q. Ry. Established 1851. This company manu- factures steam engines and boilers and dry pan clay crushers, which arc in use in all parts of the United Slates. Their trade also extends to Canada, .Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, South \meriea, China and Europe. They employ in all their branches over 100 nun, MOO of them being in Galesburg. Their annual capacity i< 500 engines ami 8,000 boilers. CITY WATER WORKS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT Located on West Main Street, near Santa Fe tracks. Present water plant established in 1890. Electric light plant estab- lished in 1900. Cost of entire plant estimated at $350,000. MAY BROS.' FACTORY Located on the corner of South Prairie and Berrien Streets. Manufacture Wind Mills, Tanks, and Pumps. Es- tablished in 1880. Mills have been shipped to nearly every state in the Union, also to Canada, Russia, and other for eign countries. STONE YARDS OF ALEXANDER KING & CO. Located between Seminary and Chambers Streets on Mulberry Street. Does a general stone contracting business. cutting up great blocks of stone and shaping them into different sizes and dimensions required for buildings, numbered and lettered all ready to set in the wall, and is the second largest industry in Galesburg. The work is mostly done by ma- chinery, but in addition to this they employ a large number of men. The traveling crane seen in the foreground is oper- ated by electricity and is capable of lifting thirty tons. The business of the company is furnishing stone for public build- ings located in the west, northwest and southwest. WALTON VAN HUFFEL MANUFACTURING CO. Located <>n Smith Chambers Street, between Mulberry and South Streets. Established 1904. Pounders, machinists, and dealers in structural material. Employ 25 people. Capital stock, $20,000. THE A. BOYER BROOM COMPANY'S FACTORY Located on South Prairie Street, between Berrien and South Streets. Established in 1807. Incorporated 1897. Capital stock, $25,000. Annual output, 15,000 dozens. Manufacture a complete line of brooms, brushes and mop sticks. THE COX BUILDING Lower Floor occupied by The Spartan Manufacturing Company. Corn Belt" Feed Mills. Established in 1899. A rapidly growing industry. Located on South Manufacturers of The Charnbers Street, between Mulberry and South Streets. PLANT OF GALESBURG CORNICE WORKS Located on East Ferris Street, between Cherry and Prairie Streets. Organized in 1900. Manufacturers^ of Archi- tectural Sheet Metal Goods and wholesalers of Tinner's Sheet Metal supplies, Furnaces and Furnace Trimmings. Roof- ing and Sheet Metal contractors. Located on North ally from $65,000 to $75,000. clow PLANT OF WILLIS MANUFACTURING COMPANY Academy Street, near A., T. & S. F. track-. Authorized capital stock, $60, I. Output annu- Employ from 15 to 25 men. All kinds of architectural sheet metal work. Metal Win Frames and Sash, Fire Proof Doors and Shutters, stamped work in zinc and copper for the cornice trad.-. PLANT OF GALESBURG COULTER-DISC COMPANY Located on west side of city. Manufacture rolling Coulters, Ci Brown & Co. line <>f implements. Capital stock. $100,000. Output, 1905, $115,000. Men ulter blades, Disc Harrow lilades. Disc Harrows complete, employed, from 40 to 65. and repairs for the Geo. \\ . THE COX BUILDING Second Floor occupied by lioss Manufacturing Co. Manufacturers of cotton flannel gloves and mittens. Estab- lished in Galesburg in 1901, and now operates 100 machines, "iving employment on an average to 100 people, mostly girls. Wages paid u> employes in 1 ■'< »<;. $::o,nno. Located on South C ambers Street, between Mulberry and South Streets. THE GAIETY THEATRE Located on the corner of South Chewy and Simmons Streets. The home of High Class Vaudeville, and one of the prettiest and safesl theatres in the stale. Performances at ~':J"i ami 8:15 p. m. daily, excepl Sundays. THE AUDITORIUM Located on the corner of North Broad and Ferris Streets. Erected in 1890. in the city. Seating capacity, 1,300. Only opera house to e "S > M 3 OS O a in p. «, s.> U o bo£ | J. •p 5 u B b O en d a o C, B. & Q. PASSENGER DEPOT Located on the corner of South Seminary and South Streets. Built in ls^: ; I. Value, $r,ti,oiiii. SANTA FE PASSENGER DEPOT Located on the corner of North Broad and Water Streets. Built in 18S9. Value, $40,000. GALESBURG UNION TELEPHONE CO. BUILDING Located on Simmons Street, between Prairie and Kellogg Streets. Erected in 190G. Value, $15,000 Company or- ganized in 1901. liegan operation of instruments in 1902. Capital stock (entirely local), $250,000. Telephones in op- eration, over ::,n00. FARMERS AXL) MECHANICS' BANK CORNER Corner of Main and Cherry Streets, looking north on Cherry Street. Building remodeled in 1903. Bank organized in 18G9, special charter from s'tate under old constitution. Capital, $200,000. Surplus and profits, $95,000; S per cent interest on savings deposits, payable semi-annually. OLD KNOX COUNTY COURT HOUSE Located in Knoxville. Erected in 1840 and used as the County Court House till 1873. In architecture, a copy of some of the ancient Greek temples. A building in which Judge Stephen A. Douglas held court in the early days. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Located on the corner of South Prairie and Tompkins Streets. Erected in 1895. Value, $30,000. Society organized in 1855. Present membership, 225. CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL CIRKi II Located on Central Park Square, corner of South Broad Street. L895 by union of First Church, which was organized in 1837, and hip, 900. Present members! Erected 1S!»S. Value. ST.I.oun. Society organized First Congregational church, organized in 1855. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Located on North West Street, near Ferris Street. Erected in L892. Value, $15,000. Society organized, 1S7:.\ Present membership, 400. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Located on the corner of North Prairie and Ferris Street-.. Erected in 1n'.k!. Value, (62,000. Society organized in 1870 by union of Second Presbyterian church, organized in 1851, and the Presbyterian church, organized in 1854. I 'resent membership, 530. u OS o u ooo Vr-I y ■*-■ &i - c u CO O C ^£ 11 ,o o U f. OS o »c * W« 2 ^ o Cl 00 C r- O 4) « C — - §§| re . h-Joo 5 l-H VI V .Son z 2 <= fll CO u 00 ."to U< r-t "0 C e~ B •a C N «'e S a ** be V ? o CI 3 -C- « — ' o en < o< C J; a tj c/3 "•§, <•— at r* C5 > |l| M o i- • — ™ z>^ o" 5 "Oh fi ii •- H-S S i CI S E s ci W 5 KNOX lOl'N'TV i'REK KINDKRCARTEN Located on the corner of South Cedar and Simmons Streets. Erected in L904. Value, $10,000. Institution estab- lished in L890. Purpose: to provide a temporary home for homeless and friendless children of Knox County, and to assist mothers in sickness or distress. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL. KNOXVILLE Established in 1869. in 1883. I >es1 voted to the e 1 in 1869. First building erected for Ewing Female University in 1860. Remodeled in 1873. Again royed bv fire in 188:;. Rebuilt immediately. Recreation annex built in 1901. An Episcopal school de- ducation of girls in language, literature, and art. Capacity. 100 students. The school has a waiting list. ST. ALBAN'S SCHOOL, KNOXV1LLE Founded in 1890 by Dr. C. W. Leffingwell. \ school for boys under supervision "i the Episcopal church. Phillips Hall, erected in 1898. KNOX COUNTY ALMS HOUSE. Located five miles southeast of Galesburg, near Knoxville. Established in 1856. Enlarged in 1S66. Area of land. acres. Buildings erected in 1866, 1870, 1890 and 1S99. Value of buildings, $125,000. 141 "ON Till". WAV TO KNOX" Looking north through Staudisfa Park toward Knox College "Old Main," the walk which i< made by hundreds of stu- dents every morning through the years. ALUMN] HALL, KNOX COLLEGE Located on the corner of South Cedar and South Streets. Erected in 1890-1, Corner-stone laid by President Harrison. Value, $75,000. Used for library, recitation rooms, and men's literary society halls. MAIN BUILDING. KNOX COLLEGE Located on Smith Street, between Cherry and Cedar. Erected in L857. Value, $50,000. Chemistry, Biology, and Geology Laboratories. Alsn business offices of the college. I >' \ ited to recitations, Located on Tompkins Street, 1885 and 1892. Value, $70,000. living rooms for ladies attending WHITING HALL occupying block between Cherry and Broad Streets. Erected in 1857* Remodeled in East wing occupied by Knox Conservatory of Music. Balance of building devoted to tbe college and conservatory, literary balls, etc. MAIN BUILDING, LOMBARD COLLEGE Located on Easl Knox Street, between Lombard and Locust Streets. Erected in 1>.">G. Cost, $40,000. Remodeled in 1890; cost, $15,000. THE GYMNASIUM, LOMBARD COLLEGE Located on Lombard campus. Built in 1897. Cost, $13,000. Equipped with up-to-date apparatus. Fitted with running track, auditorium and stage for recital work and entertainments. LADIES' HALL, LOMBARD COLLEGE Located on Lombard campus. Built in L895. Cost, $3">.ooo. Adequately equipped and furnished for a ladies' boarding hall. CORPUS CHRISTI LYCEUM Located on South Prairie Street, between Tompkins and South Streets. Erected in 1893-4. Value, $42,000. Private property of the Order of Charity in this country. A boy's a id men's Catholic school. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMIA Located on the corner of South Academy and Knox Streets. Erected in 187S- 7*i. Convent contiguous to Academia Erected in 1880-81. Value. $30,00n. A Catholic school for girls. COMMERCIAL BLOCK Located on the corner of Cherry and Simmons Streets. Top floor occupied l>y Brown's Business College. THE NEW HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING Situated on the corner of Broad and Tompkins Streets. Dimensions, 128x178 feetj containing -i l rooms, with a study hal - mi feet. Seating Capacity, single desks, 800. Built in 1905. Cost, approximate!) {125,000. En- rollment L906, 616. CENTRAL AND CHURCHILL SCHOOLS Located on South Broad, between Simmons and Tompkins. Central, a . $40,000. Churchill, a twelve room building. Erected in 186<>. Partially remodeled honor of Prof. George Churchill of Knox College. twelve-room building erected in 1903. Value, 'n 1896. Value, $03,000. Named m BATEMAN SCHOOL Located on West Losey Street, between Clark Street and M n le .wenue. A nine-room building, with auditorium. Re- modeled in 1899. Value, $25,000. Named in honor of Dr. Newton Bateman. President of Knox ( ollepe. LINCOLN SCHOOL Located on tin- corner of North and Pearl Streets. $30,000. Named A nine-room building with auditorium. in honor of Abraham Lincoln. Remodeled in 1001. Value, WESTON SCHOOL ,ocated on the corner of Mulberry Street and Allen's Avenue. A thirteen-room building, with auditorium. Remodeled it 1895. Value, $40,000. Warned in honor of Dr. Weston, President of Lombard College. HITCHCOCK SCHOOL Located on the corner of North Cherry and Selden Streets. A nine-room building. Remodeled in 1890. Named in honor of Henry Hitchcock, Supt. C, B. &- O. Ry. Value, $25,000. DOUGLAS S< llooL Located on the corner of South Seminary and Third Streets. A six-room building, with auditorium. Value, $20,000. Named in honoi of Stephen A. Douglas. Remodeled in L9I COOKE SCHOOL Located on the corner of S. Academy and Second Streets. A four-room building. Partially remodeled in 1897. Value, $15,000. Named in honor of Hon. Milo D. Cooke, Director for many years from the Fifth Ward.