T92-18! THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY K4\s \ndQ,A, cop. -^ lUIWIS una A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE NAMES OF PERSONS, PLACES AND SUBJECTS MENTIONED IN LITTELL'S LAWS OF KENTUCKY A GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL GUIDE PREPARED BY W. T. SMITH OF THE LEXINGTON, KY., BAR ;.v>y>v> * ^^t?gssss THE BRADFORD CLUB PRESS LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 1931 Copyright, 1931 BY W. T. SMITH 3^5. IT. PREFACE The present work was undertaken at the suggestion of Judge Samuel M. Wilson, the noted lawyer, historian and genealogist of Lexington, Kentucky. The plan of the work, as originally conceived, was to compile an index merely of the names of all persons, as they appear in the five volumes of Littell's Laws of Kentucky. However, as the work progressed, it developed that identical names from time to time appeared in the series of enactments collected by Littell, which the context showed often referred to entirely different persons. It seemed desirable, therefore, in order to avoid confusion, to show further, in the index, as concisely as possible, the connection in which mention of any name is made. As the volumes of Littell's Laws furnish a fair view and exposi- tion of the early development of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, it has, likewise, seemed desirable to include, in addition to the names of individuals, an index of schools, newspapers, and corporations formed for public purposes, such as those for the opening of streams to navigation, the building of roads, and the like, and of corpora- tions engaged in manufacturing enterprises. As showing the growth and trend of the tobacco industry, there is appended an index of all »^inspection sites established by law. Much more, not here specified, ^^will be found covered by the contents of the present index. With the hope that it will be of interest and value to historians ;as well as genealogists, and not without use to the members of the ^legal profession, this work is respectfully dedicated to my friend and counsellor, Judge Samuel M. Wilson. W. T. Smith. ^ 3 7/0053 INTRODUCTION As set forth in the preface by the author, Mr. W. T. Smith, of the Lexington Bar, this Index to "The Statute Law of Kentucky," as compiled and edited by the Honorable William Littell and pub- lished in five volumes, between the years 1809 and 1819, and com- monly called " Littell 's Laws," is the result of a suggestion offered by the undersigned several years ago. The suggestion, perhaps, owed its origin to the fact that a similar index of "Personal Names in Hening's Statutes at Large of Virginia and Shepherd's Continua- tion" was prepared and published in 1896 by Joseph J. Casey, Esq., and that work had been frequently consulted and found most useful by the present writer, " Littell 's Laws" bears much the same rela- tion to the early history of Kentucky that "Hening's Statutes" bears to the early history of Virginia. To the student of history and genealogy, no less than to the student of law, both of these works are indispensable. Approximately 5,000 proper names will be found listed in this compilation. Frequently it will occur that some name or the act from which it is taken furnishes little more than a bare clue to the identity, family or other social or business relationships, or the history of the individual mentioned, but it is by the aid of such frail clues that the genealogist or historical inquirer is often- times enabled to pursue his quest to a successful conclusion. Speak- ing from long personal experience, we feel safe in saying that " Lit- tell 's Laws" constitute a veritable storehouse of genealogical and historical lore, to be found nowhere else in any publication of which we have knowledge. But such lore must remain a sealed record without a key to unlock its treasures. Fortunately, at the expendi- ture of much time and labor and despite serious handicaps, Mr. Smith has carried out his voluntary undertaking to an eminently satisfactory and successful termination. The tedious and exacting task thus faithfully performed deserves and, we trust, will receive a generous reward in the prompt recognition of the merit of the work and its hearty reception by all persons interested in exploring and elucidating the fascinating history of Kentucky during the period of its infancy. We commend without reserve the entire volume here presented. Samuel M. Wilsox. Lexington, Kentucky, January 1, 1931. WILLIAM LITTELL William Littell, the compiler of "Littell's Laws of Kentucky," is believed to have been born in New Jersey, about the year 1780, and to have been a second-cousin of the founder of the Living Age. This relationship, however, has not been positively established. What seems to rest on a firmer foundation is the fact that he was a brother of Absalom Littell, of New Albany, Indiana, and it is probable that he came to Kentucky from Indiana about 1804. He was first educated for the ministry, but abandoned that calling, studied medicine and practiced for a short time in Mt. Sterling, Ky. He next turned his attention to the law, and, in consequence of his legal attainments, ex- hibited mainly in his painstaking work as a compiler and editor, the degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by Transylvania University in 1810. Collins, the historian, states that "he was a lawyer of no special reputation except as a land lawyer, a laborious workman, [and] a constant student." His erudition and industry, however, were undeniable. His contributions to the early political history of Kentucky Avere valuable, but his fame rests chiefly on his law com- pilations. Littell married, January 22, 1816, Martha (Irwin) McCracken, a sister of John M. C. Irwin, of Fayette County, and widow of Elijah McCracken. He was twice married but the name of his wife, by his first marriage, has not been ascertained. He died in Frankfort, Ky., September 26, 1824, survived by his widow and two sons, William, born of the first marriage, and Philander, born of the second. Both were minors and Littell's will named as their guardians two ministers, one of whom was the celebrated George T. Chapman of Lexington. He died in straitened circumstances, leaving practically all of his property to his son, William, with the result that the General As- sembly, in January, 1825, passed a special act for the relief of the younger son. Philander. This act recited that the testator's "prop- erty was not enough to pay his debts, unless sold by a person who has the interest of his estate at heart, who may thus pay his debts, and save something for his infant son." Littell was renowned for his eccentricities, and Collins states that he was for a "part of his life a man of bad morals." No sufficient evidence of this, however, has been di.scovered, and it is, perhaps, an overstatement. In 1805, he entered into a contract with the Commonwealth to col- lect and publish the Statute Laws of Kentucky, in three volumes, viii WILLIAM LITTELL afterwards extended to five. These appeared successively in 1809, '10. '11. '14, and '19. A list of his works, exclasive of writings con- tributod to the newspapers, is as follows: Epistles of WiUiam, Surnamed Liitell, 12mo., Frankfort, Ky., 1806; (satirical pieces in Biblical langiiajre and dialogue style). Narrative (of the Settlement of Kentucky), 12mo., Frankfort, 1806. Political Tnmsaetiojis in and Con<-erning Kentucky, 8vo.. Frank- fort, 1806. (This was republished, with an Introduction by Temple Bodley, in 1926, under the auspices of the Filson Club.) Principles of Law and Equity, Frankfort, 1808. The Statute Law of Kentucky, in 5 vols., Frankfort, 1809-1819. Fesioons of Fanry, Consisting of Compositions Amatory, Senti- mental and Humorous, in verse and prose, 12mo., Louisville, 1814. (The Epistles is sometimes found combined with the Festoons of Fancy.) A Digest of the Statute Law of Kentucky, 2 vols, (in a.ssociation with Jacob Swigert), Frankfort, 1822. (Annotated with cita- tions of decisions by the Court of Appeals.) Reports of Cases at Common Law and in Chancery, Decided by the Court of Appeals of the Commonwealth of Kentuckv, in 5 vols., Frankfort. Ky., Vol. I, 1823, Vol. II, 1823, Vol. Ill, 1823, Vol. IV, 1824, Vol. V, 1824. Cases Selected from the Decisions of the Court of Appeals of Ken- tucky, Not heretofore Reported, Frankfort, 1824. (Commonly called "Littell's Selected Cases.") KEY TO DATES OP ACTS ' VOL. J'AGE Acts of Virg:inia 3 537-588 Kentucky Acts : 1792 June Session 1 59-114 1792 November Session 1 115-172 1793 November Session 1 173-221 1794 November Session 1 222-274 1795 November Session 1 275-360 1796 November Session 1 361-604 1797 February Session 1 605-696 1797 November Session 1 697-698 1798 January Session 2 1-183 1798 November Session 2 184-263 1799 November Session 2 264-368 1800 November Session 2 369-427 1801 November Session 2 428-492 1802 November Session 3 1-100 1803 November Session 3 101-165 1804 November Session 3 166-246 1805 November Session 3 247-324 1806 November Session 3 325-436 1807 December Session 3 437-536 1808 December Session 4 1-83 1809 December Session 4 84-192 1810 December Session 4 193-283 1811 December Session 4 284-422 1812 December Session 5 1-67 1813 Decem])er Session 5 68-136 1814 December Session 5 137-298 1815 December Session 5 299-424 1816 December Session 5 425-586 IX INDEX TO LITTELL'S LAWS OF KENTUCKY VOL. PAGE Abell, Robert (see Able) (a) Deleg:ate from Wasliinfifton County to second Constitutional Convention (1799) 1 58 (b) Re-imbursed for supplies furnished frontier iruai'ds 1 355 Able, Robert (see Abell) Trustee of Washington Academy 2 242 Able, William Ins})ection site in Washington County 3 324 Academies and Seminaries .See Index of each under proper letter. Allen Greenup Montgomery Barren Greenville New Athens Bethel Hardin Newport Boone Harrison Newton Bourbon Ilarrodsburgh Nicholas Bracken Hartford Pendleton Breckenridge Henderson Rittenhouse Bullitt Henry Robertson Caledonia Jefferson Rockcastle Christian Kentucky Salem Danville Knox Shelby Daviess Lancaster Stanford Estill Lebanon Summerset Fleming Lewis Transylvania Franklin Lexington Union Franklinian Liberty Washington Gallatin Logan Winchester Glasgow Madison Woodford Grayson Manchester Adair, County of (a; Formed from Green Countv December 11, 1801 2 429 (b) Part of added to Wavne Countv (1803) 3 112 (c) Part of Cumberland County added to (1804).. 3 172 (d) Part of Cumberland Countv added to, reduced (1805) .' 3 251 1 ADAIR VOL. PAGE Adair, John (a) Delejratc from Mercer County to second Con- stituti(»nal ('(invention (1799) 1 58 M) ) Tnistt't' of Ilarrodsburgh Academy 2 240 Adams, Aaron Tnistc- of :Mt. Sterling 1 125 Adams, Elizabeth Authorized to sue William Adams for divorce.. 2 362 Adams, George Trust, r Town of :Milford (Madison Co.) 3 567 Adams, James (ai Trustee of Beallsborough (Nelson Co.) 3 564 (h) Trustee of Bairdstown 3 566 Adams, John (a) Named in boundary of election precinct in Christian County ' 4 225 (b) Voting place at house in Warren County 5 473 Adams, Simon Trustee Town of Port William 1 340 Adams, Spencer (a) Trustee of Shelby Academy 2 241 (b) Allowed credit on settlement as Sheriff of Floyd County 5 437 Adams, Thomas Penalty for performing marriage ceremony as Justice of the Peace without authority remitted 4 13 Adams, William (a) Elizabeth Adams authorized to sue him for di- vorce 2 362 (b) Trustee Shelby Library Comi)any 4 90 (c) Granted change of venue from Shelby to Mercer County on trial for larceny 5 74 Alderson, Isaac Trustee Lancast(>r Library Company 3 208 Alexander, Ebenezer Acts as Presiding Justice of Logan Count v con- finiUMl .* 2 361 Alexander, James Trustee of Uullitt Academy 3 478 Alexander, James R. TiMistee of Allen Seminary 5 433 Alexander, Robert (a) Trustee of Woodford Academy 2 243 (b) Promoter for Woodford County of Kentucky River Navigation Company 2 448 Alexander, Thomas Tried in lleiir\- Countv for murder 2 484 3 ALLCORN VOL. PAGE AUcorn, William Named in boundary of election precinct in Clay County 5 472 Allen, Benjamin (a) Inspection site in Campbell County 2 457 (b) Trustee Town of Salisberry in Campbell County 3 369 (c) \'oting place at house in Campbell County.... 3 413 Allen, Gary Trustee of Kentucky Academy 1 228 Allen, Chilton Trustee Winchester Library Company 4 195 Allen, County of (a) Formed from Warren and Barren Counties, April 1, 1815 5 157 (b) Part of added to Warren County (1816) 5 348 Allen, James (see Allin) (a) Trustee Town of Greensburg 1 273 (b) Trustee New Athens Seminary 3 302 (c) Trustee Salem Academy 3 580 Allen, John (see Allin) (a) Delegate from Bourbon County to Second Con- stitutional Convention (1799*) 1 57 (b) Claim of title to town-site of Paris settled 1 112 (c) Trustee Town of Paris 1 188 (d) One of Commission to open Stoners Fork to navigation 1 193 (e) Act settling claim to town-site of Paris repealed 1 356 (f ) Trustee of Bourbon Academy 2 237 (g) Trustee of Bourbon Academy 2 242 (h) Trustee Town of Greensburg 1 273 (i) Trustee of Shelby Academy 2 241 (j) Administrator of Elizabeth Snelling, deceased. . . 3 242 Allen, John (k) Judge Circuit Court, Second District 3 507 Allen, Joseph (a) Trustee Town of Washington in Mason County. . 1 199 fb) Trustee to hold Breckenridge Seminary lands. . . 5 401 Allen, Robert (a) Trustee Town of Greensburg 1 273 (b) One of Commission to open a road from Greens- burg to the Tennessee line 3 22 (c) Trustee New Athens Seminary 3 302 Allen Seminary Incorporated at Scottville, January 31, 1817, with James R. Alexander, Thomas Gatton, John Godley, Alfred Payne, Daniel M. Jones, David A. Porter, Jacob W. Walker, John ALLEN 4 VOL. I'AGE Walker. .Julin AVills and Samuel Garrison, 'rnistcfs 5 433 Allen, Thomas (a) Delefrate from .Mercer County to Second Con- stitutional Convention (1799) 1 58 (b) Deeds as Attorney in Fact for Trustees of IIarrodsburbell. as Trustees 3 566 Barger, Adam ('li;ir7 f»n Salt River at mouth of Jicec'li Fork in Xelson County on lands of Walter IJeall, with James Morrison. Francis Parepoint. Samuel Pottinger. Isaac Morrison, James Adams, Isaac Cox, Cuthbert Harrison, Georjje Harrison, Andrew Hinds, John Ken- nedy, William Keiidcll and Adkin Hill. Trustees 3 564 Bean, Thomas Xaimcl in boundary of election precinct in Hardin County 5 473 Beatty, Adam (a) Promoter for ToAvn of Washington of Kentucky Assurance Society 4 254 (b) One of the incorporators of the Washington Library Company 4 273 (c) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to improve road from Marsville to Town of Washington *. 4 279 Beatty, Cornelius Trustee Transylvania University 2 234 Beatty, Otho (a) Trustee Kentucky Seminary 2 389 (h) Inspection site at Frankfort 2 456 Beaty, Henry ]\Iill on Drowning Creek named in Madison-Estill boundary 3 473 Beaty, James One of Commission to build bridge over North Elkhorn in Scott County 4 88 Beckwith, John W. (a I Trust (•<' Kullitt Academy 3 478 (b) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to ojicn Salt River to navigation 4 249 Bedford, Benjamin (a; One <»f Commission to oj^on Stoners F(u*k of Licking to navigation 1 193 (b) Trustee Town of Boonesborougli (1787) 3 540 (c) One of Commission to erect a turnpike on road t'l-niii Flciiiing County to the Hig Sandy.... 4 154 Bedford, Town of Established in Henry County February 6, 1816, oTi lands of Henry Young. Jack Pryor. Charles Ea.stin, Charles Dor.sey, Jr., and Daniel Farley, Avith Ileni-y Davidge, Archelaus Ho.skins, Daniel 13 BEDINGER VOL. I'AUE Farley, Jack Pryor and William Gatewood as Trustees 5 350 Bedinger, George M. (a) (iivcii liiui' to complete! locks at mill-dam on Licking Kiver 2 313 (b) Given further time 2 455 (c) Mill on Main Licking referred to 3 257 fd) ]\Iill on ]Main Licking referred to 3 366 Beelor, Eleanor Autliorized to sue Nathaniel Beelor for divorce in Jefferson County 3 516 Beelor, Nathaniel Eleanor Deelor authorized to sue him for divorce in Jefferson County 3 516 Bell, Benjamin Trustee Town of Warwick in Mercer County... 3 564 Bell, David (a) Promoter for Danville of Kentucky Assurance Society ^ 4 254 fb) Trustee Danville Academy 5 480 Bell, John Delegate from Fayette County to Second Con- stitutional Convention (1799) 1 58 Bellis, Peter Tolls to be charged on bridge over Dix River fixed 5 70 Bembridge, Peter Trustee Lancaster Library Company 3 208 Benham, Daniel Trustee Lebanon Academy 4 193 Bennett, Caty See Thomas Bennett 5 478 Bennett, Rosa See Tliomas Bennett 5 478 Bennett, Thomas, deceased Title of State by escheat released to his heirs, Caty and Rosa Bennett 5 478 Berry, Benjamin Inspection site in Henderson County 2 278 Berry, James Trustee Lebanon Academy 5 323 Berry, Richard One of Commission to open a road from Spring- field toward Frankfort 3 203 Berry, Samuel, Jr. One of Commissioners for Woodford County to open road from Bucklev's Ferrv to Bardstown 3 463 BERRY 14 VOL. PAGE Berry, Washington (a) Trust (•»' 'J'dwii of Xcwjiort 1 281 ( 1> ) Trustc.' Newport Ai-adt-my '2 240 Berthoud, James (a) Tneorporritor of Oliio Canal Company 3 260 (h) Pi-ojiiotc!- for Louisville of Bank of Kentucky.. 3 391 Berthoud, Nicholas Inspection site at Shippiiifrsport in Jeffer.son County 3 514 Best, Josiah ( >ni' of Commission to open Xolinn Creek in Hardin County to naviuation 4 221 Bethel Academy (a) Ineorjiorated February 10. 1798 with Francis Paythress, John Knobler, Nathaniel Harris, John iMetcalf. Barnabas McIIenry, James Crutcher. James Herd and Richard ]Master- son. Trustees 2 174 (b) Granted 6000 Acres of land on Green River.. 2 107 Cc) Authorized to sell lands for benefit of public schools of Jessamine County 4 151 Bibb, George M. Copies of his Reports of the Court of Appeals to be furnished Judges and Clerks of Circuit Courts 5 413 Big Barren River (a) Declared naviprable to mouth of Bays Fork and Jacob Sidles, Alexander Graham, George G, Minor, Thomas Starrat and Benjamin Lawless appointed Commissioners to render it navigable 4 116 (b) Declared navigable to mouth of Long Creek in Barren County, and Alexander Davidson Jr., Samuel Parker and John Godly appointed Coiiiinissioners to render it navigable 4 198 Biggerstaff, Samuel Inspection site in Madison County 2 139 Biggs, Andrew Granted change of venue from Montgomery to H.irrison County on trial for murder 4 250 Bilbo, Archibald Trustee Town of Perryville 5 454 Bilbo, John Given time to file delinquent tax list as Deputy Sheriff of Henderson County '. 3 345 Bilderbacks, Wilham Voting place at house in Lewis County 5 184 It BIRDSONO VOL. PAGE Birdsong, William Trustee (";ikMlonia Academy 5 3 Birney, James (a) Trustee Town of Danville 4 39 (b) Trustee Danville Library . 2 376 (c) Promoter for Mercer County of Kentucky River Navifration Company 2 448 (d) Promoter for Danville of the Bank of Kentucky 3 390 (e) Promoter for Danville of the Ohio Canal Company 3 221 Black, Mary Authorized to sue Robert Black for divorce. ... 2 195 Black, Robert ]\Iary Black authorized to sue him for divorce 2 195 Blackburn, William B. Incoi-porator of Versailles Library Company.. 4 356 Blain, John One of Commissioners for Lincoln County to survey Lincoln-Casey County line . . . 5 105 Blair, James (a) Trustee Kentucky Seminary 2 389 (h) Trustee Kentucky Seminary 4 319 Blakely, Charles Price of head-ri 83 Blythe, James I ;i I Ti-iivir,' Kentucky Academy 1 228 I h I Ti-iistt'c Transylvania rnivorsity 2 23-4 Bodine, Catherine Aiithiiri/('(l sak' ot" land 5 437 Bodley, Thomas (a) Director of the ^'ineyard Society of Lexington 2 268 (b) His acts as Commissioner to replace Fayette County Burnt Records confirmed 3 154 (c) One of Commission to settle accounts of the Clerk of the Fayette Quarterly Court 3 157 (d) One of a Commi.ssion to raise by lottery a fund to erect a Grand Masonic Hall in Lexington. . 5 181 (e) Promoter for Lexington of the Maysville and Lexington Turni)ike Road Company 5 536 Bohannon, George Trustee Ilarrodsburg Academy 2 240 Boler, Sally W. State price of land remitted 5 481 Bond, John Trustee Bracken Academy 2 242 Bondurant, Joseph Trustee Shelby Library Company 4 90 Bonta, Abraham, deceased (a) Sale of his lands authorized 3 165 (b) Credit terms of sale extended 3 166 Bonta, Peter Tiustee Harrodsburg Academy 2 240 Booker, Paul J. Tiustee Washington Academy 5 15 Books — farm Xaiiied in Montgomery-Bath County line 4 215 Boone Academy Incorporated January 8, 1814 with Absolem Graves, Moses Scott, John Flournoy, Jacob Rouse, Jeremiah Kirtley. John Brown and Mr. Bosson, Trustees 5 76 Boone County Foriiied from Campbell County, June 1, 1799.. 4 535 Boone, Daniel (a) Trustee of Boonesborough 3 538 (b) Trustee Town of Washington (1786) 3 555 (c) Trustee of May.sville 3 565 Boone, Jacob Trustee of Mavsville 3 565 17 BOONE VOL. PACK Boone, Jesse Tnistco Greenui) Academy 4 128 Boone, Joseph Inspection site in Warren County 3 323 Boonesborough (a) Establislied October — , 177D with Kicliard Calla- way, Charles Minn Thruston, Levin Powell, Edmund Taylor, James Estre, Edward l>radley, John Kennedy, David Gist, Pember- ton l\ollinnsh. Jr.. as assignee thereof 3 408 Bowling Green, Town of (a) Commissioners to locate County Seat of Warren County to meet there 3 447 (b) Made County Seat of Warren County 4 9 Bowman, John Trustee Transylvania Seminary 3 572 Bowmar, Harman Trustee Woodford Academy 3 181 Boyd, Robert One of Commission to open a road from Knox Court-House to Pulaski 3 464 Boyle, John, Jr. (a) Trustee Lancaster Academy 2 242 (b) Trustee Lancaster Library Company 3 208 Bozerth, John (a) Named in boundary of Grayson County 4 130 (b) Voting place at house in Grayson County 4 130 Bracken Academy Incorjxirated December 22, 1798 with Philip Buckner, Nathaniel Patterson, Samuel Brooks, William Brook, John Blanchard, Francis Wells, Robert Davis, John Bond, John Fee, John Pattie, and Joseph Logan as Trustees. . 2 242 19 BRACKEN COUNTY VOL. PAQE Bracken County (a) Foiiiu'd June 1, 1797 from Mason and Campbell Counties 1 366 (b) Pendleton County, in part, carved from (1799) 2 197 Bradford, Daniel One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to erect a Grand Masonic Hall in Lexington 5 181 Bradford, John (a) Trustee Transylvania University 2 234 (b) Director Vineyard Society, of Lexington 2 268 (c) Trustee Lexington Library Association 2 375 (d) Acts as one of Commission to replace Faj^ette County Burnt Records confirmed 3 154 (e) Promoter for Lexington of the Ohio Canal Company 3 221 (f) Incorporator of Ohio Canal Company 3 260 (g) Promoter, for Lexington, of Madison Hemp Company 3 533 Bradford, William One of Commission to locate Countv Seat of Union County " 4 213 Bradfort's Mill Rolling Fork in Washington County to be opened to navigation to 3 346 Bradley, Edward Trustee of Boonesborough (1779) 3 538 Bradley, Samuel Justices of Henderson Countv to meet at his Tavern ' 2 227 Bradshaw, Benjamin Promoter for Jessamine County of Kentucky River Navigation Company 2 448 Bradshaw, Edward (a) Allowed pay for preparing exhibits for use in the William Rodgers impeachment 4 127 (b) Trustee Christian Academy 5 450 Bradshaw, James Promoter for Shelbyville of Bank of Kentucky 3 391 Bradshaw, John Over-payment of taxes refunded 4 206 Brand, James W., deceased Cojivcyjince of lands authorized 5 478 Brandenburgh, Solomon Inspcetion site in Hardin County 3 322 Brands, Johannes Heir of Robertus Samuel Brands, deceased.. 2 362 BRANDS 20 VOL. J'AGE Brands, Robertus Samuel, deceased (a) Purcliast' of land in Slielhy County when an alien, eonfirnied 1 603 (b) His title and that of Johannes Brands, as his heir to lands in Shelby County, vested in Isaac and Nieliolas Governeur 2 362 Branham, John Kaehel JJranham authorized to sue him in ^lont- gromery County for divorce 3 171 Branham, Rachel AutlKirizfd to sue John Branham in Mont- ^'(•mery County for divorce 3 171 Brashear, Dennis Trustee Town of Danville 4 39 Brashear, Thomas C. Tax Coimnissioner of Bullitt County 2 186 Brashear, Walter (a) Authorized to survey 400 acres of land in Jefferson County as assignee of Samuel Gill and John Strother 3 100 (b) Promoter for Bardstown of Bank of Kentucky 3 390 (c) Trustee Salem Academy 5 7 Brashears, Nacy Trustee Town of Shepherdsville 1 183 Brasher, Henry Trustee Town of Newport 1 281 Brashiers, Marsham Trustee of Louisville 3 540 Breckenridge, Alexander Trustee To^\•n of Campbell-Town (1785).... 3 554 Breckenridge County Foi-incd January 1, 1800 from Hardin County 2 271 Breckenridge, John Delegate from Fayette County to second Con- stitutional C(tnventic)n (1799) 1 58 Breckenridge, John, deceased (a) Ilis lieirs being mostly infants, the Fayette Cir- cuit Court was authorized to appoint a trustee to manage their property 4 395 (b) Act (a) amended 5 47 Breckenridge, Robert (a) Trustee of Campbell-Town (1785) 3 554 (b) One of Commissioners to sell, and adjust claims respecting lots in Louisville (1786) 3 545 (c) Trustee Jefferson Seminary 2 378 (d) Re-appointed Trustee JelTerson Seminary. ... 3 207 21 BRECKENRIDGE SEMINARY VOL. PAGE (e) Lands of Jefferson Seminarj' vested in hira and others as Trustees 3 490 (f) Tiicoi-poraloi' (if Louisville Hospital 5 574 Breckenridg^e Seminary Joseph Allen and John P. Oldham named Trustees to hold its lands 5 401 Breckenridge, William Lands descended to liim authorized sold 5 511 Breeding-, John His settlement on Green River named in boundary of election precinct in Adair County 3 173 Brehmer, Jacob, deceased (a) Lands in Nelson County authorized sold by Henry Floyd, Sr., Henry Floyd, Jr., John Floyd, Nathaniel Floyd and Austin Hubbard 3 217 (b) Act (a) amended and Austin Hubbard, Henry Floyd, Jr. and Clement Hamilton named com- missioners to sell lands 3 470 Brent, Colonel Empowered to appoint surveyors (1783) .... 1 442 Brent, Hugh (a) Trustee Bourbon Academy 2 237 (b) Trustee Bourbon Academy 2 242 (c) Promoter for Paris of Ohio Canal Company. ... 3 221 (d) Promoter for Paris of Maysville and Lexington Turnpike Road Company 5 536 Brent, Innes B. Deputy Sheriff of Fayette County 1 113 Brents, Samuel Trustee New Athens Seminary (Greensburg) . . 3 302 Bridges, John L. Trustee Danville Seminary 3 381 Brinckman, Martin Lot owners of Middletown to meet at his house to elect trustees 2 275 Brinker, Joseph (a) One of Commissioners to open road from New- castle to mouth of Licking 5 131 (b) Trustee Henry Academy 5 134 Briscoe, George H. Trustee Town of Perryville 5 454 Briscoe, Hezekiah (a) Crauls 100 acres of land for town-site of Versailles 1 63 (b) Adverse claims to lands at (a) adjusted 1 226 Briscoe, John Guai-dian of Hezekiah Briscoe 1 63 BRISCOE 22 VOL. Briscoe, Parmenas Tiustcc (if X'cr.saille.s 1 63 Bristoe, Benjamin, deceased Ilcii-s ^'ivi'ii time to pay for land 4 6 Bristoe, James, deceased (a) Heirs (riven time to pay for land 3 465 (b) Recited that Benjamin Bristoe 's heirs were in- tended at (a) 4 6 Broadis, Beverly (see Broadus, Broaddus, Broddas) Trustee ]\Ianeliestor Academy 4 18 Broaddus, Beverly (see Broadis, Broadus, Broddas) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to open Kentucky River to navigation 4 210 Broadus, Beverly (see Broadis, Broaddus, Broddas) Re-appointed on Commission to raise by lottery a fund to open Kentucky River to navigation 4 318 Broadnax, Henry P. .Iu(li:-e Circuit Court. Sixth District 3 507 Broadrick, David (see Broderick, Brodrick) Trustee of Newtown in ^Nlason County 1 285 Brock, Henry Certificate to John Holder for services in the Wabash Expedition, and assigned to him, was ordered renewed 3 100 Broddas, Beverly (see Broadis, Broaddus, Broadus) One of Commission to open South Fork of Kentucky River to navigation 4 94 Broderick, David (see Broadrick, Brodrick) Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 Brodrick, David Ti-ustce Town of Washington in Mason County 1 199 Brook, William Trustee Bracken Academy 2 242 Brooke, George (a) Trustee Woodford Academy 2 243 (b) Trustee AVoodford Academy 3 181 Brooks, Abijah Ti'ustce Montgomery Academy 2 241 Brooks, Joseph (a) Trustee Town of Shepherdsville 1 183 (b) Named as boundary of New-Town 1 23:^ (c) Title of State to lands claimed by him re- leased 4 133 Brooks, Samuel Trustee Bracken Academy 2 242 Brooks, Thomas Trustee of Maysville (1787) 3 56.") 23 BROWN VOL. Brown, Daniel (a) Trustee Newton Academy 2 241 (b) Trustee New Athens Seminary (Greensburg) . . 3 302 Brown, David Trustee Bullitt Academy 3 478 Brown, George Trustee of Georgetown 1 220 Brown, James, Sr. (a) Trustee Bourbon Academy 2 237 (b) Trustee Bourbon Academy 2 242 Brown, James Justices of Floyd County to meet at his house. . 2 283 Brown, James Promoter at Frankfort of Lexington and Louis- ville Turnpike Road Company 5 519 Brown, John (a) Authorized to build bridge over Kentucky River at Frankfort 3 311 (b) Same as (a) 4 350 (c) One of Commission to erect a State House. ... 5 123 (d) Trustee of Harrodsburg (1785) 3 552 (e) Trustee Kentucky Seminary (Franklin County) 4 319 (f) One of Commission to settle accounts at peni- tentiary 5 276 (g) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to improve the road from Maysville to the iTown of Washington 4 279 (h) Trustee Boone Academy 5 76 Brown, Patrick Trustee Hardin Academy 2 242 Brown, Samuel Director Vineyard Society of Lexington 2 268 Brown, William (a) Granted change of venue from Caldwell to Christian County on trial for perjury 4 358 (b) Incorporator of Cynthiana Manufacturing Com- pany 5 378 Brownfield, Richard Named in boundary of election precinct in Christian County 4 225 Browning, John One of Commission to open Mud River in Logan County to navigation 4 115 Bninner, Peter Delegate from Mercer County to second Con- stitutional Convention (1799) 1 58 BRUNTS 24 ▼Oli. PAGE Brunts, Solomon Authorized to locate land for use in Manufac- turing iron 2 488 Bryan, Daniel Incorporator of Fayette Paper Manufactur- ing Company 5 409 Bryan, John (a) Trustee Ilopkinsville Library Company 5 361 (b) Trustee Christian Academy 5 450 Bryant, John (a) Trustee Lancaster Academy 2 242 (b) Trustee Lancaster Library Company 3 208 Buchanan, James Voting place at house in Nicholas County. ... 2 385 Buck, Charles One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to (ipcii Kentucky Kiver to navigation 4 210 Buckannan, John Trustee of Scottville in Allen County 5 483 Buckhannon, Nathaniel Inspection site in Adair County 3 23 Buckley, Jeremiah (a) Inspection site in "Woodford Count}'- 3 332 (b) Commissioner for Franklin County to open road from Buckley's Ferrj'- to Bairdstown 3 463 (c) Authorized to build a floating bridge over Kentucky River at Buckley's Ferry 5 332 Buckner, John C. Trustee of Covington 5 283 Buckner, Philip (a) Delegate from Bracken County to second Con- stitutional Convention (1799) 1 57 (b) Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 (c) Trustee Bracken Academy 2 242 (d) Reimbursed for a boat impressed bv General Clarke in 1786 * 2 426 (e) Commissioner for Bracken County to open road frnin (Jcorgetown to Augusta 3 201 Buckner, Robert Given time to settle as surety for William ]\I()rro\v insolvent Sheritf of Bourbon County 3 163 Buckner, William (a) Trustee of Greensburg 1 273 (b) Trustee New Athens Academy at Greensburg. . 2 242 (c) Granted ])atent for head-right land surveyed in irreguhir shape 5 329 25 BUrORD VOL. PAGE Buford, Abraham (a) Trustee Kittenhouse Academy 2 240 (b) Assignor to Joseph Hart of claim for 3000 acres of land 4 70 Buford, Henry P. Trustee Rockcastle Academy 4 114 Buford, William (a) Lancaster established on his lands 2 172 (b) Trustee Lancaster Library Company 3 208 Bullitt Academy (a) Incorporated December 22, 1798 with Henry Crist, Benjamin Summers, Benjamin Pope. Daniel Donaldson, Samuel Crow, Richard Summers, Joseph Saunders. John Lewis, Thomas Speed, Armstead Morehead and Thomas Greenfield as Trustees 2 243 (b) New Board of Trustees appointed February 19, 1808, viz., Heniw Cri.st, Frederick W. S. Gray- son, John W. Beckwith, James Alexander, David Brown, William Summers, Samuel Crow, Benjamin Summers and Thomas Sanders * 3 478 Bullitt, Alexander S. (Scott) (a) One of Commission to sell, and adjust claims respecting lots in Louisville (1786) 3 545 (b) George Wilson allowed pay for forage furnished him as County Lieutenant of Jefferson Countv, Virginia in 1787 3 391 (c) Trustee of Louisville (1789) 3 547 (d) Speaker of Kentucky Senate (1798) 4 536 (e) Delegate from Jefferson County to, and Presi- dent of, Second Constitutional Convention (1799) 1 57 (f) One of Commission to locate penitentiary (1798) 2 15 (g) Trustee Jefferson Seminary (1798) 2 108 (h) Trustee Jefferson Academy (1804) . 3 207 (i) Lands of Jefferson Academy vested in him and others as Trustees (1807) 3 490 Bullitt County (a) Formed January 1, 1797 from Jefferson and Nelson Counties 1 364 (b) Part of Jefferson County added to 4 219 Bullitt, Cuthbert (a) Trustee Washington Library 4 354 (b) Promoter at Louisville of Lexington & Louis- ville Turnpike Road Company 5 519 BULLITT'S LICK 20 TOI<. fAOm Bullitt's Lick Shepherdsville established on road to 1 183 Bullitt, Thomas Incorporator of Louisville Hospital 5 574 Bullock's & Hill's Mill .Made head of navigation on Chaplin's Fork in Nelson County 3 316 Bullock, David (a) Trustee of Winchester 1 187 (b) Trustee Winchester Academy 2 217 (c) Promoter for Clarke County of Kentucky River Navigation Company 2 448 Bullock, Edmund (a) One of Commission to assess damages to prop- erty owners of Milford caused by removal of Madison County Seat therefrom 2 165 (b) Speaker Kentucky House of Kepresentatives (1798) ' 4 534 Bullock, Edward (a) Voting place at house in Perryville '. . 5 438 (b ) Co-fonnder of Town of Perryville 5 454 Bullock, Garland (a) Trustee ToAvn of Port-William in Gallatin County 2 337 (b) Trustee Gallatin Academy 5 13 Bullock, Josiah Trustee of Winchester 1 187 Bullock, Patterson Trustee Winchester Academy 2 217 Bullock, Thomas Promoter for Woodford County of Kentucky River Navigation Company 2 448 Bullock, Wingfield (a) Promoter for Shelbyville of Ohio Canal Com- pany 3 221 (b) Incorporator of Ohio Canal Company 3 260 (c) Promoter for Shelbyville of Bank of Kentucky 3 391 ■ (d) Trustee Washingtonian Library 4 354 i Bundy, George Mary Bundy authorized to sue him in Mont- gomery County for divorce 3 170 Bundy, Mary Authorized to sue George Bundy in Montgomery County for divorce 3 170 Burch, John Marriage to Polly McKinley by unauthorized Justice of the Peace was made legal 2 364 27 BURDETT VOL. PAGE Burdett, John (a) Trustee Rockcastle Academy 4 114 (b) Made manafrer for Rockcastle County of Turn- pike and Wilderness Road 4 264 Burk, James One of Commission to build bridge over Floyds Fork of Salt River in Bullitt County 5 22 Burke, Andrew, et als. Relief granted as to head-right lands 4 415 Burke, Mary Granted patent to 100 acres in Nelson County . . 4 332 Burks, Isham Trustee of Greensburg 1 341 Burks, Nicholas One of Commission to survey road from Greens- burg to Tennessee line 3 21 Burks, Samuel (a) Trustee of Greensburg 1 273 (b) Justices of Cumberland County to meet at his house 2 202 Burnet, Robert Voting place at his house in Washington County 4 330 Burnside, Robert One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to open Kentucky River to navigation 4 318 Burriss, Sarah Granted 100 acres of land in consideration of her husband's service at New Orleans 5 428 Burwell, Captain Nathaniel (a) Empowered to appoint surveyers (1783) 1 442 (b) Inspection site in Christian County 2 279 Bush, Matthias Trustee Harrodsburg Academy 2 240 Bush, Philip Trustee Harrodsburg Academy 2 240 Bush, Philip, Jr. Auditor directed to pay certificates for military services assigned to him by the holders 3 407 Bush, William (a) Trustee of Winchester 1 187 (b) Authorized to locate 1000 acres of mountain land on which he and Samuel Newell had dis- covered iron ore 3 163 (c) Authorized to locate iron ore lands 3 413 Butler County (a) Formed May 1, 1810 from Logan and Ohio Counties 4 110 BUTLER 28 VOL. PAGE (b) P;irt (if Lojjran County added to 5 70 Butler, Isaac Title to land on Greon River confirmed 1 604 Butler, Mann (a) Incorporator Wasliinp:ton Library Company. .. . 4 273 (b) Trustee Louisville Library Company 5 359 Butler, William (a; Xauu'd in Cumberland-Green County boundary 2 202 (b) Commissioner for Henry County to open a road from NeAvcastle to mouth of Licking 3 365 (e) AlloAved pav for military services in 1787 and 1793 . . .* ' 3 516 (d) Trustee Newcastle Library Company 4 35 Caits, Joshua (see Gates) Purchase of 7350 acres of land in Christian County from Greenup and Greenville Acad- emies confirmed 5 138 Calahan, Edward A'otiiifr ])lac'e at his house in Clay County 4 106 Caldwell, Charles (a) Trustee Hopkinsville Library Company 5 361 (b) Trustee Christian Academy 5 450 Caldwell County l-'Di-nicd 3Iay 1, 1810 from Livingston County. . . 4 22 Caldwell, David (a) Trustee of Springfield 1 176 (b) Trustee NcAvton Academy 2 241 (c) Adjustment made in price to be paid for Green River lands 2 423 (d) Named in Lincoln-Mercer County boundary.. 4 86 Caldwell, James Commissioner for Harrison County to open road from Georgetown to Augusta 3 201 Caldwell, John (a) Trustee Salem Academy. Nelson County (1788) 3 580 (b) Autliorized to erect mill-dam on Beech Fork in Nelson County 2 489 (c) Promoter at Bairdstown of Bank of Kentuckv 3 390 (d) Trustee of Bairdstown (1788) ". 3 566 (e) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to open Salt River to navigation 4 249 (f) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fuiul to pave th(> streets of Bairdstown 5 570 (g) Trustee Kentucky Academy 1 228 (h) Trustee Newton Academy in Logan, Warren or Christ iaji CouJitv 2 241 20 CALDWELL (i) Deceased and successor as Trustee of Newton Academy ajii)()iiited 3 277 Caldwell, Philips and Samuel (a) Authori/ed to locate lands ai'ound a salt lick.. 2 489 (b) Anibifirnity in Act (a) corrected 3 97 (e) Price to he i^aid for land at (a) reduced 4 381 Caldwell, Philips, deceased Fe<' allowed Siierill' of Ohio County in suit by ("ommonwealth asrainst his estate 3 305 Caldwell, Robert (a) Trustee Town of Milford in Madison County.. 1 226 (b) One of Commission to assess damap:es to prop- erty owners in Milford upon removal of county seat of Madison County therefrom... 2 166 (c) Trustee Madison Academy 2 241 (d) Promoter for Richmond of Bank of Kentucky 3 390 (e) Manager for Madison County of the Turnpike and "Wilderness Road 4 264 (?) Director of Turnpike and Wilderness Road. ... 4 265 Caldwell, Samuel (a) Trustee Logan Vineyard Society 3 139 (b) Trustee Logan Academy 3 206 (c) Trustee Newton Academy 3 409 Caldwell, Samuel and Philips See Phili])s Caldwell Caldwell, William (a) Surveyor of road from Springfield toward Frankfort 3 22 (b) Trustee Robertson Academy 5 125 ''c ) Named as vendor of lot in Paris 5 397 Caledonia Academy (Caldwell County) Incorporated December 22, 1812, with John M. Walker, William Mitchuson. Fidelio Sharp, Josiah Whitnell, William Birdsong, Richard Hays and Samuel Smith as Trustees 5 2 Calhoon, George Authorized to give bond as Sheriff of Henry County as Collector of the Revenue 4 151 Calhoon, John Trustee Washington Academy 5 15 Callaham, Isaac Granted change of venue from Clay to Knox County on trial for murder 5 425 Callaway, Richard (a) Trustee of Boonesborough (1779) 3 538 (b) Granted ferry franchise at Boonesborough (1779) 3 585 CAiliOWAY 30 VOL. PAGE Calloway, John (a) One of Commissioners for Henry County to survey Henry-Shelby County line 5 103 (b) Also member of second Commission for same purpose as (a) 5 330 Calmes, Marquis (a) Trustee of Versailles 1 63 (b) Trustee Woodford Academy 2 243 (e) Trustee Woodford Academy 3 181 (d) Lands of James Trimble, deceased, ordered sold to pay a debt due him 3 243 Cameron, Angus Connnissioners named to sell his lands 2 53 Cameron, Archibald Commissioner to sell lands of Angus Cameron 2 53 Cameron, John Commissioner to sell lands of Angus Cameron 2 53 Campbell, Andrew (a) Voting place at his house in Green County. ... 5 317 (b) Founder of Campbellsville in Green County... 5 430 Campbell, Archibald Tnisloe of Georgetown 3 570 Campbell County (a) Formed May 10, 1795, from Harrison, Scott, and Mason Counties 1 632 (b) Bracken County carved from 1 366 (c) Pendleton County, in part, carved from 2 197 (d) Boone County carved from 4 535 Campbell, David (a) Trustee Greenville Academy 4 113 (b) Trustee of Campbellsville 5 430 (c) Promoter, at Versailles, of Lexington and Louis- ville Turnpike Road Company 5 519 Campbell, Duncan One of Commission to open road from Lind- sey's Station in Scott County to the Ohio. . . 5 272 Campbell, George His jiddition included in Frankfort 1 641 Campbell, John (a) Lands named as boundary of Louisville (1780) 3 540 (b) Asserted title to town-site of Louisville (1783) 3 542 (c) Town-site of Louisville ordered surveved so as to exclude his lands (1783) '. 3 542 (d) Claim to town-site of Louisville adjusted (1784) 3 543 (e) To share in proceeds of sales of lots in Louis- ville (1786) 3 546 31 CAMPBELL VOL. PAGE (f) Title of State to 1000 acres of land adjoininf^ town-site of Louisville vested in him (1791) 3 548 (g) Campbell-Town, at Falls of the Ohio, estab- lished on his lands (1785) 3 554 (h) Inspection site on lands of at Falls of the Ohio 3 580 (i) Fcrrv authorized from his lands across the Ohio (1785) 3 586 (j) Speaker Pro Tem of Kentucky Senate (1798) 4 534 (k) Allowed pay for services on "Wabash Expe- dition 3 97 (1) Trustee Transylvania Seminary (1783) 3 572 (m) Suit against him by Breckenridge County Court authorized on account of covenant broken to survey Seminary lands 5 496 (n) Trustee Liberty Academy (Casey County) .... 4 114 Campbell, John, deceased Acts as Surveyor of Christian County confirmed 3 337 Campbell, Lawrence Trustee of Campbellsville 5 430 Campbell, Michael (a) Authorized to erect mill-dam on Beech Fork in Nelson County 2 489 (b) Trustee of Bairdstown (1788) 3 566 Campbell, Robert Granted 200 acres Green River land by way of pension 2 187 Campbell, William (a) Trustee Newton Academy 2 241 (b) Trustee Greenville Academy 4 113 (c) Inspection site on Cumberland River 2 456 (d) Trustee Lancaster Academy 2 242 Campbell, William F. Surety for John Campbell on" bond to survey Seminary lands for Breckenridge County... 5 496 Campbell-Town Established at Falls of the Ohio in 1785 on lands of John Campbell with Richard Taylor, Edmund Taylor, James Sullivan, Alexander Breckenridge and Robert Breckenridge as Trustees 3 554 Campbellsville (Green County) Established January 3, 1817, on lands of An- drew Campbell, with Pleasant Kirtley, Wil- liam Rutter, Joseph Robertson, David Camp- bell and Lawrence Campbell as Trustees. ... 5 430 Camper, James (Kemper) Trustee Kentucky Academy 1 228 CANIHAW .'^- VOI<. PAGE Canihaw, John, Sr. Tnisice Hardin Academy 2 242 Canine, Peter Allowed to withdraw survey of lands on Green Kivcr .' 3 158 Cannon, James Named in boundary of election precinct in Christian County 5 80 Canterberry, Nimrod A'oliriL'' jilat'c at house in Greenup County 4 330 Canton, Simon (see Kenton) (a) Maysville established on his lands (1787) 3 565 (b) Inspection site in Bourbon (Mason) County fl787) 3 582 Cantral, William Special term of Bath Circuit Court authorized to try Samuel Danley for murder of 5 25 Garland, Thomas Tnsi)eetion site in Shelby County 1 370 Oarmack, John, Sr. Named in boundary of election precinct in Livinfrston County 3 488 Carneal, Thomas Ins))('ction site in Boone County 2 383 Carneal, Thomas D. T'o-foundcr of Covinf^ton 5 283 Carneel, Thomas Ti'ustcc Xowport Academy 2 240 Carothers, John, et als. Authorized to patent small tracts of land in Moutjromery and Nelson Counties 4 134 Carpenter, George (a) Named in Lincoln-Casey County boundary. ... 3 326 (b) Named in Lincoln-Casey County boundary.... 5 105 Carr, Walter DclcL'-atc from F'ayette County to second Con- si it ntioual Convention (1799) 1 58 Carrell, Sandford, deceased Administrator authorized to sell lands 5 382 Carrington, Capt. Mayo lOinjxiwered to api)oint surveyors (1783) 1 442 Carson, William Trustee Ivoekcastle Academy 4 114 Carter, John ("liarued with murder of James Miller 4 148 Carter, John, deceased Commissioners authorized to sell lands 5 357 33 CARTER VOL. PAGE Carter, William Patent allowed for land in "Wayne County. ... 5 74 Carthage, Town of (Union County) Sales of lots by IJenjamiii Fry, James Houston, James Bowles, Uriah lUue, and William Quig- ley as Trustees contirmed 5 83 Cartwright, Justinian Montii-oiuery Aeademy authorized to sell enough of the lands donated it by the State to pay Cartwrip-ht for services in perpetuating testi- mony and establishing the donations to Mont- gomery Aeademy 4 243 Casey County (a) Formed May, 1807, from Lincoln County 3 325 (b) Part of returned to Lincoln County 3 474 (c) Commissioners appointed to survey Casey- Lincoln County line 5 105 Casey, Peter (a) Trustee Harrodsburg Academy 2 240 (b) Trustee of Harrodsburg (1785) 3 552 Casey, William (a) Delegate from Green County to second Con- stitutional Convention (1799) 1 58 (b) Trustee of Greensburg 1 273 (c) Named in boundary of Cumberland County. ... 2 202 (d) Trustee New Athens Academy 2 242 (e) Trustee Robertson Academy 5 125 Cassidy, Michael Trustee Fleming Academy 2 241 Cates, Joshua (see Caits) (a) Authorized to re-locate donation land pur- chased from Harrison Seminaiy 5 310 (b) Given time to locate lands at (a) 5 317 Cave, William (a) Trustee of Georgetown (1790) 3 570 (b) Justices of Boone County to meet at house. ... 4 535 Cavenaugh, William Trust ce Wijichester Academy 2 217 Cavens, Abraham Trustee Town of Preston in Shelbj'^ County. ... 1 347 Centreville, Town of Established December 17, 1806, and made county seat of Livingston County 3 354 Chaffin, Joseph, et als. Given time to make surveys under Virginia land claims 4 381 CHAMBERS 34 VOL. PACK Chambers, James One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to improve road from Maysville to Town of Washington 4 279 Chambers, John (a) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to imi)rove road from Maysville to Town of Washinourbon County on trial for sluiotin 79 Corporations (Business) (see under name of each corporation) I5ank of Kentucky Cynthiana Manufacturing Company Fayette Paper ^Manufacturing Company Frankfort Bridge Comjiany Xo. 1 Frankfort Bi-idge Company Xo. 2 Callatin-Oliio Steamboat Com]iany Green River Iron ;^L^nufactu^ing Company 41 CORWINE VOL. PAQB Hope Distillery Company Kentucky Insurance Company Kentucky ^Mutual Assurance Society Kentucky Eiver (Xavifration) Company Lexingrton and Louisville Turnpike Road Company Lexington ^Manufacturing Company Lexington White Lead Manufacturing Company Licking Iron Company Logan Vineyard Society Madison Hemp Company Maysville and Lexington Turnpike Road Com- pany Ohio Canal Company Paris Hydraulic Company Petersburg Steam Mill Company Vineyard Society, of Lexington AVinchester Steam Mill Company Corwine, Matthias Trustee Town of AVilmington 1 175 Corwine, Richard Trustee Town of Washington (1790) 3 556 Cosby, Fortunatus Trustee Jelferson Seminary 2 378 Cotton Inspection of provided for in order to encourage its cultivation 3 20 Couchman, Melchi Allowed pay for services on Wabash expedition 3 162 Couchman, Michael, deceased Commissioners named to sell lands descended to his heirs 5 42 Covington, Town of Established February 8, 1815, Founded by Rich- ard M. Gano, Thomas D. Carneal and John S. Gano on lands bought of Thomas Kennedy. Trustees. Lriel Sebree, Alfred Sandford, Joseph Kennedy, William Hubble, and John C. Buckner \ 5 283 Coving-ton, Elijah M. Authorized to locate 1000 acres of land in War- ren County for use in his iron-works 2 427 Covington, Thomas A. One (if ( "(iiumission to open Drake Creek in War- ren County, to navigation 4 361 Cowan, John (a) Trustee to hold Seminary lands (1780) 3 571 (b) Trustee Transylvania Seminary (1783) 3 572 COWEN 42 VOL. PAGl (c) Trustee of llarrodsburg (1785) 3 552 Cowen, Thomas luspeeliun site in Pulaski County 2 384 Cox, Finis Trustee Newton Academy 2 241 Cox, Gabriel Trustee of liairdstown (1788) 3 566 Cox, Isaac (a) Trustee of Beallsborough (1787) 3 564 (b) Trustee Transylvania Seminary (1783) 3 572 Cox, Samuel \'()linfr place at house in Knox County 4 205 Crab Orchard (a) lioad from to Cumberland Gap to be opened (1795) 1 275 (b) Road from to Powells Vallev mentioned (1794) ' 1 231 (c) Town incorporated February 6, 1816 on lands of John Daviss, with Daniel Owsley, Rane Mc- Kinney, John Daviss, Thomas Owsley, Archi- bald Shanks and Archibald S. Letclier as Trustees .' 5 351 Craddock, Robert (a J Xained as owner of lot in Danville 2 179 (b) Trustee Danville Library 2 376 (c) Promoter for Danville of Bank of Kentucky. . 3 390 Craig, Andrew (a) Road from his house on Wilderness Road to Lower Goose Creek Salt Works to be cleared and repaired 4 242 (b) Part of turnpike fees on Wilderness Road to be used in repairing road at (a) 5 201 (c) Made manapror for Knox County of AVilder- ness Road 4 264 Craig, Benjamin Co-fdunder of Town of Port AVilliam 1 232 Craig, Elijah (a) Autiiorized to oi)erate a ferrv at East Frank- fort .....* 2 231 (b) Tru.stee Rittenhou.se Academy 2 240 (c) Founder of Georgetown (1790) 3 570 (d) Promoter for Georjretown of Lexiiifrton and Louisville Turnjiike Road Com]>any 5 520 (e) Tni.stees of Geor■ of land authorized 5 459 Crawford, James (a) Trustee Kentueky Academy 1 228 (b) Trustee Transylvania T'niversity 2 234 (c) Promoter for Mt. Sterling of Ohio Canal Com- pany 3 221 (d) Trustee Montgomery Academy 3 438 (e) He and Solomon Tabor and William Stewart authorized to locate 1000 acres of land in Barren County to include a salt spring. ... 5 202 Crawford, Thomas Authorized to locate land in Mercer County. . . 5 135 Crawford, Thomas, Sr. Trustee of Perry ville 5 454 Crawford, Thomas J. Trustee of Perry ville 5 454 Crews, David (a) Trustee of Boonesborough (1779) 3 540 (b) Lands at mouth of Jacks Creek in Lincoln County named as terminus of a ferry over Kentucky River to Fayette County (1785). . 3 586 Crist, Henry (see Henry Christ) (a) Trustee liullitt Academy 2 243 (b) Re-appointed Trustee of Bullitt Academy.... 3 478 (c) Inspection site in Bullitt County 2 287 (d) Authorized to convey lands of Solomon Spears. deceased 2 487 Crist, Nicholas Appointment as tax collector of Bullitt County eo7ifii-ine(i ". 2 361 Crittenden, John (a) Trustee of Versailles 1 355 (b) Trustee Newport Academy 2 240 (c) Trustee Transylvjinia Seminary (1783) 3 572 Crockett, Anthony Trustee Kent ueky Academy 2 389 Crockett, Joseph (a) ( 'miiiiiissiouer to j-epaii' Wilderness Road and erect a turnpike thereon 1 6S8 (b) Trustee Transvlvania Universitv 2 234 (c) Trustee of Frankfort (1786) . ." 3 557 (d) Trustee of New Market (1786) 3 560 45 CROGHAN VOL. I'AGK Croghan, John IiuMirporator of Louisvillf Ilospitjil 5 574 Crog-han, William (a) ("oiuniissioner to locate Military lands at head of Green River '. 1 349 (b) Trustee Jefferson Seminary 2 108 (e) Allowed compensation for runninf? line from Green River to Cumberland Mountain 2 182 Crow, Joel Allowed pay for puardinrr families moving through Cumberland Gap in 1786 3 407 Crow, John First session of Trustees of Transylvania Sem- inary to be held at his Station in Lincoln County 3 574 Crow, Joshua (a) Trustee Hartford Academy 2 242 (b) Trustee Hartford Academy 3 277 (c) Promoter for Hartford of Bank of Kentucky. . 3 391 (d) Trustee of Hartford 3 443 (e) One of Commission to build bridge over Rough Creek at Hartford 4 88 Crow, Samuel (a) Trustee of Shepherdsville 1 183 (b) Trustee Bullitt Academy 2 243 fc) Ke-ai)pointed Trustee Bullitt Academy 3 478 Crutcher, Henry- Trustee Glasgow Academy 4 85 Crutcher, James (a) Trustee Bethel Academy 2 174 (b) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to open Salt River to navigation 4 249 Cumberland County (a) Formed July 1, 1799 from Green County 2 202 (b) Part of added to Barren County 2 265 (c) Wayne County, in part, carved from 2 392 (d) Part of added to Adair County 3 172 (e) Part added to Adair County decreased 3 251 Cumberland Gap Road opened from Crab Orchard to 1 275 Cummins, Moses Named in Ohio-Daviess County line 5 299 Cummins, Peter Allowed compensation for apprehending fugi- tives from justice 4 148 Cumpton, Levi Inspection site in Warren County 2 279 CUNNINGHAM 46 VOL. PAQB Cunning-ham, Francis Authdiizod to locate land in Mercer County.. 4 332 Cunningham, John Ti-nstec (Jrayson Seminary 5 325 Cunningham, William Ti-uslcf (Jiayson Seminary 5 325 Curd and Edwards InsjK'ction site at mill in Logan County 3 323 Curd, John (a) Inspection site in Mercer County 2 139 (b) Trustee Newton Academy 2 241 (c) Trustee Newton Academy 3 409 (d) Inspection site in Mercer County 3 559 (e) Town of New Market at mouth of Dick's River in Mercer County established (1786) on his lands and ferry established 3 560 Curd, Newton Inspection site in Jessamine County 3 337 Currens, James Inspection site in Livingston County 2 389 Cynthiana Established December 10, 1793 on lands of Rob- ert Harrison, with Benjamin Harrison, Mor- gan Vanmetre, Jeremiah Robinson, John Wall, Sr., and Henry Coleman as Trustees.. 1 178 Cynthiana Manufacturing Company Incorporated February 10. 1816 by AVilliam Moore, William Brown, Samuel Hall, Hart- well Boswell and Isaac Miller 5 377 Dabney, Colonel Eiii])ow('red to appoint surveyors (1783) 1 442 Dallam, Richard Promoter, for Russellville of the Kentucky As- surance Society 4 254 Dallam, William S. Incorpoi-jitor of Fayette Paper Manufacturing Company 5 409 Dallard, John, deceased Ilcirs given wari'ant for 100 acres of land.... 5 347 Dallum, William S. (a) Truslcc Logan Vineyard Society 3 139 (b) Trustee Logan Academy ' 3 206 (c) Removed from County and liis successor ap- pointed at (b) ' 3 277 Damril, Lazarus Named in ])onn(hn-y of election precinct in Flovd Count V " 3 255 47 DANIEL VOL. TAGK Daniel, Robert Co-founder of Danville 3 561 Daniel, Walker (a) Co-founder of Danville 3 561 (b) Claims of his heirs to townsite of Danville quieted 2 178 (c) Trustee Transylvania Seminary 3 572 (d) Correction made of errors in filin'j: plats, and certificates of survey of 23.692 acres of land in Favette Countv assigned to him bv Ber- nard Todd in 1782 * 4 133 Danley, Samuel Special term of Bath Circuit Court authorized to try him for murder of William Cantral. . 5 25 Danville (a) Established in 1787 on lands of Walker and Robert Daniel, with John Jouit, William McDowell, Harry Innes, Christopher Green- up, Samuel McDowell. Sr., Abraham Irvin, Sr., George Muter, and William Kennedy, Trustees 3 561 (b) Title to townsite quieted 2 178 (c) Plat of the town, as made by John Thomas, confirmed 2 178 (d) John Rocliester, James Birney, Joshua Barbee, Richard Davenport, Jeremiah demons, Jere- miah Fisher, Ephraim McDowell, Daniel Mcllvov and Dennis Brashear, named Trus- tees 1808 4 39 (e) Road from to Tellico, Tennessee, to be opened and William Whitley, Jonathan Forbes and Joseph Evans named commissioners to sur- vey the route therefor 3 204 (f) Robert Modrel, Tunstall Quarles and Jonathan Smith named commissioners to make con- tracts for building road at (e) 3 275 Danville Academy (a) Incorporated January 30, 1817 with Joshua Barbee, Jeremiah Fisher, George Bast, Rich- ard Davenport, Ephraim McDowell, David Bell, and Michael Hope, as Trustees 5 480 (b) Part of public square in Danville vested in Willis Green, John Rochester, Jeremiah demons and John L. Bridges as Trustees for its benefit 3 381 DANVILLE LIBRARY 48 VOL. PAGE Danville Library Incorporated Xovpmber 29, 1800 with Willis Green, William McDowell, Robert (.'raddock, James Speed, Sr., James Birney, Woodson Wren. Epliraim McDowell, Joshua Barbee. I*>ariial)as lluf Standford 1 240 (b) Trustee Stanford Academy 2 240 Davidson, James Trustee of Stanford 5 166 Davidson, John Ad jusiiiient made in settlement for Green River lands 2 423 Davidson, Michael ( a I Tl-llstee (if Sl;infoi-(l 5 166 (1)) Trustee Stanford Library Comjiany 5 455 Davidson, Samuel Reward allowed for apprehending Hugh Ross, who was charired with felonv 1 358 49 DAVIES VOL. I- AGE Davies, John Trustee Town of Port William 2 337 Daviess County (a) Ffiriueil June 1. LSI") from Ohio County and Benjamin Fields. John Daviess, David Glenn, Sr., John McFarlan, Edward llayden and John Leaman named commissioners to locate County «eat '. 5 159 (b) County seat located at Rossborough, later Owens- boro 5 501 (c) Daviess-Ohio County line defined 5 299 Daviess, John ( )iie of Commission to locate Daviess County Seat 5 160 Daviess, Joseph H. f aj Trustee Kentucky Seminary 2 389 (b) One of Commission to open a road from Paris or Mt. Sterlinor to the Big Sandy 3 4 Davis, Azariah, deceased Kxeeutors authorized to sell lands 5 565 Davis, Baxter (a) Inspection site in Pulaski County 3 2-43 (b) Named in boundary of election precinct in Ohio County \ 4 416 (c^l Named in Ohio-Daviess County line 5 160 Davis, Benjamin Eli/.alx'th Davis authorized to sue him for divorce 2 173 Davis, Charles (aj Trustee Newton Academy 2 241 (b) Given time to settle as Sheriff of Henderson County 2 423 (c) One of Commission to locate County Seat of Cnion County 4 213 Davis, David (see David Daviss) fa) Trustee Town of Washington 1 199 (b ) Trustee Town of Washington 2 393 Davis, Elizabeth S.-e Benjamin Davis 2 173 Davis, Hardin Trustee Glasgow Academy 4 85 Davis, John (see John Daviss) (a) Allowed pay for services on the Wabash Expe- dition . . .' 3 162 (b) Assignor of land to Deacon Payne 3 191 ^c) Trustee Lebanon Academy 5 323 Davis, Joseph Named in boundary of election precinct in Hop- kins Countv 4 328 DAVIS 50 VOL. FACE Davis, Richard (iivcii time to settle as Sheriff of Hopkins County 4 200 Davis, Robert Tnistee Bracken Academy 2 242 Davis, Solomon Alliiwcd pay for slave executed 3 94 Davis, Thomas Tnistif of Germantown 1 329 Davis, William (aj Inspection site in Garrard County 1 606 (b) Inspection site in Garrard County 2 196 fe) Tnistoe Stanford Academy '. 3 334 Davison, Alexander Delegrate from Warren County to second Consti- tutional Convention (1799) 1 58 Daviss, David Trustee Franklin Academy 3 255 Daviss, John Founder and Trustee of Crab Orchard 5 351 Dedman, Nathan Trustee Woodford Academy 3 181 Demaree, David Trustee Shelby Library Company 4 90 Dennis, John Justices of Muhlenberg Countv to meet at his house '. 2 205 Denny, James Trustee ToAvn of Jefferson 2 380 Denton, Robert Y(»tine Town of Lewisbourjxh in Vinson County 1 295 Dewees, Evan Price of laud credited iu name Dowers was given proper eutry 5 428 Dewees, William Price of land credited in name Dowers was given proper entry 5 428 Dibrill, Charles his|>."ctiou site ill AVnyue County 3 323 Dicken, Epliraim (see Dickins) Relieved of consequences of mistakes as proprietor of head-right claims 4 51 DICKENS VOL. TAGE Dickens, Thomas Named in boundary of election ])reeinet in Knox ("ounty ' 4 205 Dickins, Ephraim (see Dicken) Inspection site in L'unihei'land Count}^ 3 23 Dickison, Nancy Authorized to sue Thomas Dickison in Shelby County for divorce 3 464 Dickison, Thomas See Xaney Dickison Dilliard, James, deceased Balance of purchase price of 200 acres of land in Livinfrston County remitted 4 332 Dinwiddy, James One of Commission to assess damages to property owners in Milford upon removal of Madison County seat therefrom 2 166 Disher, Christopher Named in boundary of election precinct in Bracken County ." 3 487 Dismukes, Joseph (a) Lands on Indian Creek named in boundary of election precinct in Lincoln County 2 400 (b) Namtnl in liincoln-Casey County boundary 3 325 Dixon, John Named in boundary of election precinct in Warren County \ 5 16 Dobyns, Thomas (a J Acts as tax collector of Mason County confirmed 2 424 (b) Act (a) amended 2 488 Dodd, John C. Voting jilace at house in Caldwell County 4 203 Donald, Samuel Named in Bourbon-Nicholas County boundary. 5 452 Donaldson, Daniel Trustee Bullitt Academy 2 243 Donaldson, William Trustee to sell lands of John Elliott, deceased. . 4 9 Donophan, Joseph One of Commission to locate County seat of Greenup County 3 117 Dooley, Jacob Pay allowed for services as Lieutenant on fron- tier of Clarke County in 1795 3 516 Dooley, Moses Named in Cumberland-Barren County boundary 3 103 DOOM .'52 VOL. PAGE Doom, Jacob (a) Inspection at wareliouso in AVasliinjirton County 1 'A'^O (b) Inspection at warehouse in Washiufrton County 2 213 (c) Inspection at warehouse in Washington County 3 384 Doran, Thomas (a) ]\(»liiiiLr Fork to be made navigable to his mill. . 3 199 (b) Kolling Fork declared navi}zal)le to his mill.... 3 316 (c) Kolling Fork declared navigable above his mill 3 346 (d) Inspection site at mill in Washington County.. 3 323 Dorsey, Charles, Jr. Co-i'dundei- of Town of Bedford 5 350 Dougherty, Elizabeth lu'paid moin'y expended by her deceased husband (William Dougherty, former jailer of Jefferson County) for the apprehension of John Lee, a felon who had escaped jail. ... 5 385 Dougherty, Henry (aj Xaiiicd in Shelby-IIenry County boundary.... 2 200 (b) Named in Shel])y-Gallatin County boundary.... 2 203 Dougherty, Robert (a) Tax Commissioner of Clarke County 1 188 (b) An omitted credit due him was given on the Treasurer's books 5 46 Dougherty, Thomas One of Commission to locate County Seat of Bath County 4 215 Dougherty, William See Elizabeth Dougherty Dowdal, John Inspection site in Washington County 2 383 Dowdy, William A certificate for military services by him was l)aid to Pliili]! liush, Jr., assignee 3 408 Dowery, Samuel Ti-Msicc of Mi. Sterling 1 125 Downing, Job Named in Christian-]\Iuhlenl)ei-g Countv boun- dary ' 2 378 Downing, Joel (aj Named in Christian-.MuhlenbiTg County bound- ary 9 fb) T?ef(>rence to him at (a) recited to be error 2 Downing, John Stockholders of Madison Hemp Company to meet at his tavern in Lexim'ton 3 533 'j^ DOWNI NG VOL. I'AU K Downing, Rachael Authorized, as Administratrix, to sell lands of William Downinjr, deeeased 1 359 Downing, William, deceased See Kaeluiel Downing Dozier, Henrietta She had been surreptitiously divorced. The act authorized her to marry ajrain 5 6 Drake, Abraham One of Commission to locate County Seat of Greenuji County 3 117 Drake Creek in Warren County- Declared navigable and George Harris, George Hudspeth, Thomas A. Covington, William Skiles and Jesse Kirby named commissioners to clear it to navigation 4 361 Dudley, Jepthah (a) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to open Kentucky River to navigation 4 210 (b) Same as (a) — re-appointed 4 318 (c) One of Commission to erect a State-House 5 123 (d) One of Commission to clear Kentucky River at Frankfort to navigation 5 390 Dueling (a) Act to suppress (1799) 2 285 (b) Officers to take oath regarding (1811) 4 383 Duflfey, John Commissioner for Wayne County to mark Pu- laski-Wayne line 5 563 Dufour, John James Promoter of the Vineyard Society of Lexington 2 269 Dugan, Col. James (see James Duggan) Named in Logan-Warren boundary- 1 369 Duggan, Daniel Trustee of Newport 1 281 Duggan, Col. James Named in Logan-Warren boundary' 2 177 Duke, Alexander Named in boundary of election precinct in Lewis County 5 426 Duke, Basil (a) Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 (b) Trustee Franklin Academy 3 255 (c) Promoter for Town of Washington of the Bank of Kentucky 3 390 (d) Incorporator of Washington Library Company 4 273 DUNCAN 54 VOL. PAGE Duncan, James (a) Triislfe of Hopewell (Paris) (1789) 3 568 (b) Delegate from Jjourhon County to second Consti- tutional Convention (1799) 1 57 (c) One of Commission to open ]\Iud River, in Logan County, to navigation 4 115 Duncan, Samuel (a ) 'ri-iistcc Town of Kennedysville 1 342 (1)) X'otinir place at house in C-'aldwcll County 4 327 Duncan, Seth Compromise settlement "with him as surety of James Little, Sheriff of Bourbon County authorized 5 45 Dunlap, Alexander Trustee Woodford Academy 2 243 Dunn, James Allowed ])av for militarv services in 1787 and 17!):! ..." .' 3 516 Dunn, James, deceased Commissioners named to sell lots in Lexington. . 5 324 Dupey, William (see William Dupuy) Ti'ustee Creeiiup Academy 4 128 Dupuy, Joseph (a) Inspection site in Henry County 2 279 (b) Extra ])ay allowed as sheriff of Henry County 2 484 Dupuy, Joseph, deceased (a) Commissioners named to compromise conflicting claims as to his lands 5 389 (b) Lands of, authorized sold 5 511 Dupuy, Samuel Pi'oniotei- for Sliel])yville of Lexington and Louisville Turn])ike Road Company 5 519 Dupuy, William (see Dupey) Patents allowed on Virginia rights though barred by limitations 5 272 Durbin, Christopher TniMipike keeper on AVilderness Road 4 264 Durrett, Richard Ti'iistee I'^ranklin Academy 1 296 Duval, Samuel P. (see Duvall) Trustee llarrodsburg Academy 2 240 Duval, William P. (see Duvall) Pi-oinoter for l>anlstown of Kentucky Assurance Society " 4 254 Duvall. Samuel (see Duval) XaTued in bonndai'X' of election prtH'inct in Tj02:an County .' 5 140 ^^n DUVALL VOL. PAGE Duvall, William P. (see Duval) Trustee Salem Aeailemy 5 7 Dye, John Xained in boundary of election precinct in Har- din County 5 473 Dysert, James Trustee Rockcastle Academy 4 114 Dysert, John Trustee Rockcastle Academj^ 4 114 Eagler's Mill South Fork of Tricking- declared navigable to.. 4 222 Earley, Mathias V(.ting place nt house in Christian County.... 5 141 Eastin, Achilles, deceased Coniiiiissioners named to sell lands 4 412 Eastin, Augustine (a) Trustee Bourbon Academy 2 237 (])) Trustee Bourbon Academy 2 242 Eastin, Charles Co-founder Town of Bedford 5 350 Eastland, Thomas Trustee Woodford Academy 3 181 Edgman, Thomas K. Relieved of consequences of irregular proceedings relative to head-right lands 4 98 Edlin, George, deceased AVitnesses in his trial before the Legislature ordered paid 4 217 Edwards, Amos (a) Trustee Logan Vineyard Society 3 139 (b) Trustee Logan Academy 3 277 (c) Promoter for Russell ville of Kentucky Assurance Society 4 254 Edwards, Curds and Inspection site at mill in Logan County 3 323 Edwards, James Inspection site on lot in Alaysville 2 384 Edwards, John (a) Trustee Bourbon Academy 2 237 (b) Trustee Bourbon Academv 2 242 (c) Trustee of Hopewell (Paris) (1789) 3 568 (d) Trustee Transylvania Seminary (1783) 3 572 (e) Promoter for Louisville of Lexington and Louis- ville Turnpike Road Company 5 519 EDWARDS 56 VOL. I' AGE Edwards, Ninian {a) Trustee J-,oiiIloek and Robert Plnmmer, Trustees. . 5 13 Gallatin County Fi-i-incd .Alav. 1790 from Franklin and Slielbv Coiinties ■ 2 203 Gallatin-Ohio Steamboat Company Incori)orated Fel)rnary 1. 1816 by Robert King, John Pup:h, John Mclntire, Henry Davidge and AVilliam French 5 , 343 Gait, William C. Tnisice Louisville Library Company 5 360 Gano, Isaac E. (a) Trustee of Frankfort 1 247 (b) Trustee Kentucky Seminary 2 389 Gano, Rev. John, deceased Error in will corrected to permit sale of lands. . 3 305 Gano, John S. ( 'o-founder of Covington 5 283 Gano, Richard M. (a) One of Commissioners for Scott County to open road from Georgetown to Augusta 3 201 (b) Co-founder of Covington 5 283 (e) He having died the remaining proprietors and Trustees of Town of Covington were author- ized to act 5 408 (d) Commissioners authorized to sell lands 5 501 Gardner, John Allowed witness fees against Elijah Craig 3 161 Garner, Henry Justices of Pulaski County to meet at his house. . 2 392 Garnett, Richard (a) One of Commission to locate County Seat of Warren County 3 447 (h) Trustee Glasgow Academy 4 85 Garrard County (a) Foinicd June 1. 1797 from Lincoln. Madison and IMercer Counties 1 384 (b) Part of Madison County added to 2 270 (c) Part of Lincoln County added to 2 461 Garrard, Daniel (a) Trustee ^lanchester Academy 4 18 (b) One of Commission to open South Fork of Ken- tuckv River to navigation 4 94 GARRARD <^8 VOL. I'AGE Uj Trustee of Hopewell (Paris) (1789) 3 568 (b) Trustee Transylvania University 2 234 ((•I (iiiviTtior I 171'^ 4 534 Garrard, James, and Sons Goose Creek to be opened to navifration to their salt works, from South Fork of Kentucky IJiver 4 94 Garrard, William (a ) Trustee liourbon Academy 2 237 (b) Trustee Bourbon Academy 2 242 (c) 'Allowed pav for services as quartermaster of militia ..' 3 491 Garrard, William, Jr. Trustee Paris Library Company 3 455 Garris, Benjamin Inspect ion site in Muhlenberg County 2 456 Garrison, Samuel ( a I Trustee Allen Seminary 5 433 (b I Trustee of Scottville. ." 5 483 Garth, Elijah Trustee Lebanon Academy 5 323 Gatewood, John Authori/.ed to re-locate his settlement so as to iiiclurown and Bartlett Col- lins added to Board of Trustees (1793) 1 220 (c) Authority given to raise by subserijition a fund to erect a Linen Maiuifaetory 1 232 (d) William Henry and Kiehard ^l. Gano, of Scott County, Samuel McMillion, James Caldwell and James Coleman, of Harrison County, and William Woodward and Philip Buekner. of Bracken County, apjiointed commissioners to open a road to Augusta 3 201 69 GEORGETOWN LIBRARY VOL. PAGE Georgetown Library Incorporated November 29, 1800 by John Hawkins. John Thompson, John Hay, John Payne, Robert Sanders, Samuel Shepherd, Riehard Johnston, William Garrett Johnston, William Storey, Josiah Pitts and Joel Craig 2 376 Georgia Settlements (a) Named in Lojraii-Warren County boundary.... 1 369 (hi NaiiKMl in Lotran-Warren County boundary.... 2 177 Georgia, State of Tliis State to connect with road from 2 422 Germantown (a) Established TJecember 19, 1795 on lands of Philemon Thomas with David Chiles, AVhitfield Crairice of 113 acres of land remitted 5 556 Haden, William Trustee of Port William 1 340 Hahn, Christian Inspection site in Nelson County 3 452 Hale, John Authorized as administrator to convey lands of Joseph Ilale in Mercer County 1 354 Hale, Joseph, deceased See John Hale Hall, Aaron Trustee of Mt. Sterling 1 125 Hall, Caleb Error in certificate for headright land corrected 4 330 Hall, Cornelius One of Commission to locate County Seat of Lewis County 3 340 Hall, Horatio Trustee of Paris 1 188 Hall, James Named in Logan- Warren County boundary 1 369 Hall, John Trustee of Greensburg 1 273 Hall, M. W. Error in charge against him as collector of Bar- ren County corrected 3 174 Hall, Samuel Incorporator of Cynthiana Manufacturing Com- pany 5 Hall, Sylvester Road to liis ferry named in Allen County bound- ary 5 157 Hall, Thomas Trustee of Kennedysville 1 342 Hall, Wilham (a) Patent to him ordered recorded 5 116 (b) Co-founder of Perrj^ville 5 454 378 HAMFORD 76 VOL. I'AGE Hamford, Thomas .lustic.N of Pulaski County to meet at his house. . 2 190 Hamilton, Clement One of Coniniission to locate and convey lands of Jacob Hi-('liincr, deceased 3 470 Hamilton, Joseph 'riusicr Xcwton Academy 3 409 Hamilton, Walter Given time to file delin(|uent tax list as fomier Deputy Sheriff of Wasliinfrton County 5 414 Hamm, Joel, deceased S.ilc of laiKJs authorized 5 257 Hammond, Peter Xaiiic(l in Clay County boundary 3 338 Hammons, John Votinir i»lace at house in Floyd County 5 156 Hann, John (see Hanna) (a) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to open Kentucky River to navigation 4 210 (b) Same as at (a) ' 4 318 Hanna, John Same as (b) — John Hann Hanna, Stephen, deceased Sale (if lands autliorized 5 408 Hansberry, Peter One of Commission to open ]\Iud River in Logan County to navigation 4 115 Hanson, Samuel (a ) Trustee I'aris Jjibrary 3 455 (b) Trustee Winchester Library' Company 4 195 Harbert, John Donated 200 acres of land for support 3 162 Harbison, Samuel Named in houndary of an addition to Shclhyxille 5 256 Harbourg-, Joseph Named in Ijoundaiy of election jn-ecinct in Chris- tian County 4 225 HardgTove, James T)-usifc Somerset Academy 3 37 Hardin Academy Jneoi-porated December 22, 1798. with John Paul. Thomas Helm, John Vantreese. Penjamin Helm. John Canihaw, Sr.. Bladen Ashby, Robert Hodgins. Patrick Brown. Stei)hen Roling and Jacob Lame, Trustees 2 242 77 HARDIN VOL. PAGE Hardin, Benjamin (see Benjamin Harding) (a) Xanied in Lop-an-C'hristian County boundary... 1 366 (b) Named in Lo Tvoad Com]iany 5 519 Kincaid, James (see Kencaid) Relieved of c()iise(|uences of eri'ors as jiropri- etor of head-right claims 4 38 Kincaid, John Sale t(t liiiii ;iii(l Joseph Kincaid of ]iart of jiub- lic s(|uare in ^'eI•sailles confirmed 4 206 l^ KINCAID VOL. I'AiJK Kincaid. Joseph (a) ►Sale to him and Jolin Kincaid of part of pub- lic square in Versailles confirmed 4, 206 (h) Tncnrporator of Versailles Ijibrary Comj^any.. 4 356 Kincheloe, Lewis Inspection site in ^rulilcnberj;}: County 2 383 Kindell, William (see Kendall) InsiKM'tion site in Nelson County 2 384 King-, Abraham Gallatin-Ohio Steamboat Company to orpfanize at his house in Gallatin County 5 345 King-, Elizabeth Autliorized to sue Robert Kiufir for divorce. ... 2 187 King-, James Trustee Pendleton Academy 5 174 King, Robert (a) Elizabeth Kinp: authorized to sue him for di- vorce 2 187 (b) Incorporator and promoter of Gallatin-Ohio Steamboat Company 5 343 Kinkead. James (see Kencaid) House near Rockcastle River on "Wilderness Road 3 511 Kinney. James (see James Kenney) Trustee Bourbon Academy 2 237 Kirby, Samuel Trustee of Louisville 3 547 Kirk, Robert Inspection site in Livingston County 2 391 Kirkpatrick, James Given time to build on lot in Harrodsburj^. ... 5 7 Kirkpatrick, Moses Inspection site in Cumberland County 3 124 Kirtley, Jeremiah Trustee Boone Academy 5 76 Kirtley, Pleasant Trustee of Campbellsville 5 430 Kishner, David ^V)tim!■ place at house in Christian County. ... 4 225 Knapp, Joshua Commissioners to lease road from Fleminurnt Records confirmed 3 154 Lewis, William (a) Trustee Town of New Market (1786) 3 560 (b) Given time to settle as Sheriff of Jessamine County 3 94 Lewisbourgh (Mason County) Estahlislu'd December 17. 1795 on lands of George Lewis, with Thomas Young, Jesse Hoard, Alexander K, Marshall, William Trip- lett, William Derrett and Duval Pavne as Trustees ' 1 295 Lexington (a) Establislied May, 1782 on 640 acres nf unappro- ])riated land and 70 acres, part of a survey for John Floyd, with John Todd, Robert Patterson, William Mitchell, Andrew Steel, William Hen- derson, William McCownald and William Steel as Trustees 3 549 (b) Part of public square set apart for a house of divine worship (1789) 3 550 Lexington Library Association Incorporated November 29, 1800 by Thomas Hart Sr., James Morrison, John Bradford, James Trotter, John A. Seitz, Robert Patter- son, John McDowell. Robert Barr, William McBean, James MeCown, Caleb Wallace. Field- ing L. Turner, Samuel Postlethwait and Thomas Barr 2 375 Lexington and Louisville Turnpike Road Company lncori)orate(l February 4, 1817 by John W. Hunt, Charles Wilkins, Charles Humphreys and John Telford, of Lexington ; John Brown. James W. Hawkins, William Starling and Richard Taylor. Jr., of Frankfort ; Adam Steele, Isaac Watkins, William Logan and Samuel Dupuy, of Shelbyville ; Samuel Law- rence and Benjamin Head, at Middletown ; Cuthbert Bullitt, Richard Steele, John Ed- wards and Samuel Churchill at Louisville ; 109 LEXINGTON MFG. CO. VOL. PAQH John McKinney, Jr., John Mitchum, Archibald Kineaid and David Crawford, at Versailles; and Elijah Craig, JSamuel IShepard, Job •Stevenson and John 1. Johnson at George- town 5 519 Lexington Manufacturing Company Incorporated February 4, 1H15 by Charles Wil- kins, George Trotter, Jr., ISamuel Trotter, James Prentiss, John T. Mason, Jr., and James D. Wolf, to manufacture woolen and cotton goods 5 251 Lexington Medical Society Lottery for its benefit authorized 3 159 Lexington Seminary bUUU acres Green River lands vested in Adam Rankin, Peter January, Sr., David Logan, William Robinson, David McGee, Richard Steele and James Scott, as Trustees for its benefit 2 108 Lexington White Lead Manufacturing Company Incorporated February 3, 1815 by Samuel Trot- ter, George Trotter, Jr., AVilliam Leavy, Joseph H. Hawkins, Littleberry Haw^kins, and Fred- erick Ridgely; Richard Iliggins, John Tilford and George Trotter, Jr., being authorized to accept stock subscriptions 5 204 Liberty Academy (Casey County) Incorporated January 18, 1810 with Moses Rice, John Depau, Archibald Northcut, Job Sweney, William Scott, John Campbell and James Swegit, Trustees 4 114 Libraries — see Danville Mt. Sterling Frankfort Newcastle Georgtown Paris Henderson Shelby — see Washingtonian Hopkinsville Stanford Lancaster Versailles Lexington Washingtonian Louisville Winchester Licking Iron Company Incorporated February 4, 1817 5 552 Licking River (a) Declared navigable to Slate Creek 1 227 (b) South and Stoners Forks declared navigable, and Benjamin Harrison, John Wall and Isaac Riddle named commissioners to open South LINCOLN COUNTY 110 VOL. lAUK Fork, and Samuel Clay, Benjamin Bedford, John Allen and Laban iSiiipp to open Stoners Fork 1 192 (c) Milldams on Main Licking regulated 2 314 (d) ^lilldams on South Fork regulated 2 315 (e) Fisli dams on Main Licking prohibited 3 8 (f) Milldams on South and Stoners Forks regulated 3 32 (g) James Kenny, Henry Clay, Jr., Jacob Spears, and Joseph L. Stephens, of Bourbon County, and Thomas Holt, John Wall and John Smith, of Harrison County, named commissioners to clear South and Stoners Forks to navigation 3 193 (h) Milldams on Main Licking below mouth of Fleming Creek prohibited 5 585 Lincoln County (a) Formed November 1, 1780 from Kentucky County '. 1 626 (b) Mercer County carved from 1 627 (c) Madison County carved from 1 627 (d) Logan County carved from 1 630 (e) Green County, in part, carved from 1 631 (f) Garrard County, in part, carved from 1 384 (g) Pulaski County, in part, carved from 2 189 (h) Knox County carved from 2 298 (i) Part of added to Garrard County 2 461 (j) Casey County carved from 3 325 (k) Part of Casey County returned to 3 474 (1) Part of added to Mercer County 4 86 (m) Rockcastle County, in part, carved from 4 91 (n) George ]\rurrell and John Blain of Lincoln County and ]\Iajor John Woolford of Casey County named commissioners to survey Lin- coln-Casey County line 5 105 Lincoln, Mordecai Appointed surveyor of road from Springfield fowanl Frankfort 3 22 Lindsey, Thomas Trustee of Newport 1 281 Linsey, Caleb Error in patent corrected 5 367 Littell, James Granted change of venue from Pendleton to ("lai-kc Count \' on trial for murder 3 515 Littell, William (a) Compensation allowed for services as Judge Ad- vocate at trial of the Adjutant General 3 491 Ill LITTLE VOL. PAGE (c) Granted access to all enrolled bills in office of Secretary of State 5 75 Little, James (a) Trustee of Hopewell (Paris) 3 568 (b) Trustee of Falmouth 1 181 (c) His sureties as Sheriff of BourI)on County re- (luired to settle 5 45 Littlepage, Eppes Inspection site in ]\Iiddenberg County 3 24 Livingston County (a) Formed May, 1799 from Christian County 2 198 (b) Caldwell County carved from 4 22 Lockwood, Samuel Trustee Pendleton Academy 5 174 Lodge, Matthew, deceased Attested copy of certificate of survey allowed to be filed in lieu of original 4 171 Lofton, John G. Claimant of site of Centreville in Livingston County 3 354 Logan Academy (a) William Wallace, Ninian Edwards, Reazin Davidge, Walter Jones, Reubin Ewing, Moses Steele, AVilliam Reading, John Porter, James McMahan, Maxwell Sharp, Robert Ewing, Samuel Caldwell and William S. Dallum ap- pointed Trustees 3 206 (b) Amos Edwards, William W. Whitaker and Arm- stead Morehead appointed Trustees instead of Rezin Davidge, Moses Steele and William S. Dallum 3 277 (c) Merged into Newton Academy 3 409 Logan, Benjamin (a) Trustee Transylvania Seminary (1783) 3 571 (b) Stanford established on his lands (1786) 3 558 (c) Trustee of Stanford (1786) 3 559 (d) Delegate from Shelby County to second Con- stitutional convention (1799) 1 58 (e) Trustee Shelby Academy 2 241 Logan, General Benjamin (see Logan's Expedition) Pay allowed William Iladden and James Neville for services under him on his expedition against the ShaAvnees in 1786 3 344 Logan County (a) Formed September 1, 1792 from Lincoln County 1 630 (b) Christian' County carved from 1 365 (c) Warren County carved from 1 369 LOGAN 112 VOL. PAGE (dj Muhlenberg County, in part, carved from 2 205 (e) Butler County, in part, carved from 4 110 (f ) Part of added to Butler County 5 70 Logan, David (aj Trustee Lexington Seminary 2 108 (b) Trustee Stanford Library Company 5 455 Logan's Expedition against the Shawnees I'l'usioii gi-antt'd William Kout on account of services on, in 1786 2 485 Logan, Hugh Trustee Stanford Academy 2 240 Logan, James Trustee Shelby Academy 2 241 Logan, John (aj Trustee of Stanford (1786) 3 559 (b) Delegate from Franklin County to second Con- stitutional Convention (1799) 1 58 (c) Trustee of Frankfort 1 247 (d) One of Commission to erect a jail at Frankfort 1 263 (e) His addition included in Frankfort 1 641 (f ) Trustee Kentucky Seminary 2 389 (g) Trustee Wasliingtonian Library 4 354 (h) Justices of Knox County to meet at his house.. 2 298 Logan, John, deceased (a) Suit by State authorized to ascertain the amount due on a settlement of his accounts as State Treasurer 3 492 (b) Property to be sold under execution in suit by Commonwealth 4 59 (c) Late State Treasurer — the Attorney General was directed to institute suit against his heirs.... 5 47 Logan, Joseph Tnisicc Bracken Academy 2 242 Logan Vineyard Society Licorjiorated Decem])er 24. 1S03 by William S. Dallum. "William W. AVhitaker, Jami's AViison, Amos Edwards and Samuel Caldwell 3 139 Logan, William (a) Trustee of Harrodsburg (1785) 3 552 (b) Delegate from Lincoln County to second Con- stitutional Convention (1799) 1 58 (c) Promoter for Lincoln County of Kentucky River Navigation Company 2 448 (d) Trustee Stanford Academy 3 334 (e) Trustee Glasgow Academy 4 85 (f) Promoter at Shelbyville of Lexington and Louis- ville Turn]iike Tload Company 5 519 113 LONEY V(.PL. TAOE (g) Named in bouiulary of election precinct in Bracken County 'i 487 Loney, Amos Attested copy of survey allowed filed in lieu of ecrtifieate of survey 4 192 Long, Nimrod One of Commission to open ]\Iud River in Lojjan County to na vibration 4 338 Long-, Thomas .Vllowed pay for services as provost marshal.... 3 491 Long, William B. Incorporator of Versailles Library Company.... 4 356 Loofbourrow, Thomas V. Promoter of Frankfort Bridge Company 4 138 Louisville (a) Established Ma}' 1780 on lands belonging to John Connolly, with John Todd, Jr., Stephen Trigg, George Slaughter, John Floyd, William Pope, George Merriwether, Andrew Hynes and Marsham Brashiers, Trustees 3 540 (b) John Campbell asserted title to townsite (1783) 3 542 (c) Claims of John Campbell and John Connolly to townsite adju.sted 3 542 (d) Same as (c) 3 543 (e) Same as (e) 3 545 (f) Richard Clough Anderson, William Taylor, Robert Breckenridge, David Meriwether, John Clarke, Alexander Scott Bullitt and James Francis Moore named commissioners to collect from the Trustees the proceeds of sales of lots and to sell the remaining lots and to settle the claims of John ('ampbell and Joseph Simon on account of a mortgage to them of the townsite by John Connolly (1786) 3 545 (g) Buckner Thruston, James W^ilkinson, Michael Lacassagne, Alexander Scott Bullitt, Benjamin Sebastian, John Felty, Jacob Reager, James Patton, Samuel Kirby, Benjamin Erickson, and Benjamin Johnson appointed Trustees (1789) 3 547 (h) James Francis Moore, Abraham Ilite, Abner Martin, Donne Basil Prather, and David Standeford named commissioners for sale of lots as at (f ) engO) 3 547 (i) Campbell Town established (1785) 3 554 LOUISVILLE LIBRARY CO. 114 VOL. PAGE Louisville Hospital Incorporated February 5, 1817 by Robert Breckenricljjre, Levi Tyler, Thomas Bullitt, Thomas Prather, David Fetter, Richard Fer- ^'uson, Joiin Cro^dian, Peter B. Ormsby, James H. Overstreet, William S. Vernon, Paul Skidinnrc jind I)(>nnis Fitzhu^di 5 574 Louisville Library Company Incorporated February 8, 1816 by Mann Butler, William C. Gait, Brooke Hill. Ilezekiah Ilaw- ley and William Tompkins 5 359 Love, James Trustee of Hartford 3 443 Love, Joseph (a) Autlioi-izod to locate 2000 acres of land in Pulaski County for iron works 4 257 (b) Benjamin Fisher, assignee, given time to locate lands at (a) 5 463 Love, William (a) Trustee Xewton Academy 2 241 (b) Trustee Grayson Seminary 5 325 Lowry, William One of Commission to locate County Seat for Lewis County 3 340 Lusk, James Inspection site in Livinu'ston County 3 24 Lutheran High Dutch Congregation Sale of hinds for benefit of Franklinian School in j\Iercer County authorized 3 458 Lyle, John Ti-ustee Winchester Academy 2 217 Lynch, Charles Trustees named to sell lands for his benefit. ... 1 219 Lyne, Edmund (a) Trustee Town of Wasliintrton (1786) 3 555 (b) Trustee Town of Washington (1790) 3 556 (c) Lands named in boundary of Washington.... 3 556 Maberry, Inspecti(tn site in Christian County 3 124 Macbean, William (see McBean) I'romotcr of Madison Ilemp Company 3 532 Maccoun, David I*i-oino1('i' of ]\Iadison Ilemji Company 3 532 Maccoun, James (see McCown) (a) Promoter of JMadison Hemp Company 3 532 (b) One of Commission to build bridge over North Elkliorn in Scott Count v 4 88 115 .__ MACCOUJf VOL. TAGE Maccoun, Samuel (see McCoun) One of commission to raise by lottery a fund to (i]-)on Kontncky Kivor to naviu^ation 5 12 Macey, Alexander One of Ooni mission to oi)en Kentucky River at Pi-ankfort to navij2:ation 5 390 Machir, John (a) Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 (b) Promoter at Town of Washington, of Ohio Canal C()m])any 3 221 (c) Trustee Franklin Academy 3 255 (d) Promoter at Town of Washington of Bank of Kentucky 3 390 (e) Trustee of Charlestown (1787) 3 562 Madison Academy (a) Incorporated December 22, 1798 with Hicker- son Grubbs, Robert Caldwell, Green Clay, Christopher Irwin, Archibald Wood, James Speed, Matthew Huston, Joseph Kennedy, James Barnet, Robert Rhodes, John Millar and John Patrick, Trustees 2 241 (b) Robert Rodes, Archibald Woods, William Irvine, John Patrick and James Barnett ap- pointed Trustees 3 278 (c) John Patrick, ]\Ioses M. Price, Anthony W. Rollins, Archibald Woods and Curtis Fields ajipointed Trustees 5 133 Madison County (a) Formed August 1, 1785 from Lincoln County 1 627 (b) Garrard County, in part, carved from 1 384 (c) Part added to Garrard County 2 270 (d) Part added to Knox County ^ 3 182 (e) Clay County, in part, carved from 3 338 (f ) Part added" to Floyd County 3 339 (g) Estill County, in part, carved from 3 441 (h) Part of Estill County added to 3 473 (i) Rockcastle County, in part, carved from 4 91 r.i) Parts of Clay and Rockcastle Counties added to 4 406 Madison, Gabriel Trustee of New Market (1786) 3 560 Madison, Gabriel, deceased (a) Inspection site on lands in Ohio County 3 324 (b) Hartford ('stal)lished on liis lands ' 3 443 Madison, George (a) Trustee Town of Preston 1 347 (b) Trustee Kentucky Seminary 2 389 MADISON SPINNING CO. ll'> VOL. I'AGE (c) One of Commission to settle accounts at the penitentiary 5 296 (d) One of Commission to open Kentucky River at P'rankfort to navipration 5 390 Madison Hemp and Flax Spinning Company liicoi]i(M-;ilf(l l<\'lii-uaiy 24. 1S()n hy William Macbean, Henry Clay, Robert Frazier, James ^Maeeoun and David Maccoun 3 532 Madison, Rev. James Allowed to re-survev 10.000 acres on Bi^ Sandy '. 3 346 Madison, Rowland, deceased (a) Former Surveyor of "Warren Count}'. The pres- ent Surveyor was authorized to record plats and certificates made by him 2 287 (b) His securities authorized to collect the sur- veyors fees due him 2 360 Mag-ary, Hugh Trustee Town of Warwick (1787) 3 564 Magoffin, Beriah One of Commission to i-aise by lottery a fund to ojx'Ti Kentucky River to navifration 4 210 Mahan, James (Jranted i)atent to Green River land 5 18 Manchester Academy Incorporated January 31. 1809 with Winslow Parkei-, Robert Robb. Aaron Stratton. Wil- liam Walker, John Radford, James Barclay and Rowland Thomas. Trustees 4 17 Manifee, Richard See Menifee Manns Lick (Jefferson County) (a) Named in location of New Town 1 233 (b) Road from to mouth of Bijx Barren oj^'ued. ... 2 191 Mangham, John K. Authorized to patent land on wliicli he lived.. 4 248 Marble, Peter F. Ordci-cd to alter mill dam ou Main Liekinjr so as not to obsti'uct naviiration 5 374 Marrs, William Rc'jislry of a surve.v in his favor authorized.. 5 553 Marshall, Alexander Trustee I'^ratikiiu Academy 1 296 Marshall, Alexander K. Trustee of Lewisbouffrh 1 295 1 1 7 MARSHALL VOL. I'AOE Marshall, Robert (a) Trustee Kentucky Academy 1 228 (b) Trustee Transylvania University 2 234 Marshall, Thomas (a) Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 (b) Trustee Franklin Aeadeniy 3 255 (c) Trustee of Frankfort (1786) 3 557 (d) Trustee Transylvania Seminary (1788) 3 572 Marshall, Thomas, deceased Sjilc of lands aut liorizeil 5 4 Marshall, Thomas, Jr. Delegate from ^lason County to second Consti- tutional C()nventi(m (179!)') 1 58 Marstison, Richard (see Masterson) .lust ices of Gallatin County to meet at his house 2 204 Martin, Abner One of Commissioners to sell lots in Louisville (1790) 3 547 Martin. David, deceased Sale (if lands authorized 2 486 Martin, Edward Xaiiicd in Allen-Warren County boundary.... 5 348 Martin, Henry balance of State price of land remitted 5 482 Martin, James Given time to certifv delinquent list as Deputy Sheriff of Shelby County 3 345 Martin, John Trustee of Winchester 1 340 Martin, General Joseph Commissioner for \'ii"' place at house in Grayson County 4 242 (b) Voting place at house in Grayson County.... 5 36 Myers, Jacob, deceased Commissioners named to settle with creditors. . 3 98 Myers, Jacob and Company Authoi-ized to locate 2000 acres of land in Lin- coln County, from which to procure timber for iron-works 2 174 McAfee, John, deceased Sale of lands authorized 5 471 McAfee, Samuel Trustee Town of Warwick 3 564 McBean, William (see Macbean) (a) Trustee Lexington Library Association 2 375 (b) Inspection site in Madison County 3 451 McBee, Silas Released from consequences of irregular pro- ceedings with respect to head right lands.. 4 13 McBride, Daniel Trustee Henderson Academy 5 72 McBride, Lapsley, and McBride, William Granted 2800 acres of land in consideration of services of their father, who as Commis- sioner of Kentucky County had opened the road from Holstein to Crab Orchard and 129 McBRYERS VOL. I'AGE Avho had been killed at the battle of Blue Licks 4 330 McBryers, William Given credit on settlement as Sheriff of Frank- lin rounty 5 16i3 McCahan, John Named in boundary to an addition to Shelby- ville ' 5 256 McCalla, Andrew (a) Trustee Kentucky Academy 1 228 (b) Trustee Transylvania University 2 234 McCastlin, Andrew Authdi-izcd to locate lands in Wayne Countj^ containing salt Avater 4 374 McChord, James Error in settlement certificate corrected 5 367 McClain, Hector One of Commission to conduct a lottery 5 570 McClean, Alney Trustee Greenville Academy 4 113 McClean, Ephraim Trustee Lebanon Academy 4 193 McClean, Samuel One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to open Salt River to navigation 4 249 McCleland, Daniel Trustee Shelby Academy 2 241 McClelland, James Promoter at ^Millersburg of ]\Iaysville and Lexington Turnpike Road Company 5 536 McClintock, Daniel, deceased His Executor, Joseph IMcClintock, allowed to resign 3 94 McClintock, Joseph Allowed to resign as Executor of Daniel Mc- Clintock, deceased 3 94 Mc Clung, William Judge Cii-cuit Court First District 3 507 McClure, James Trustee of Newport 1 281 McCollister, Aeneas Trustee Xcwion Academy 2 241 McCollister, Hannah James McCollister authorized to sue her in Madison County for divorce 3 466 McCOLLISTER 1^0 VOL. PAGE McCoUister, James (a) See Ilannali MeCollister (h) Tmstco Town of Milford 1 226 McCombs, John Price of siiijill livict of land remitted 5 458 McConnell (see McCownald) McCormack, Xaiiicd in Cumberland-Barren County boundary 3 103 McCormack, James Ti'ustces of Paris authorized to convey him a lot 5 397 McCormick, Joseph Xjimcd in Lincoln-Casey County boundary.... 3 326 McCoun Ferry Tns))('('tion site in Mercer County 3 332 McCoun, James l)alance due on head rif?ht claim remitted.... 4 319 McCoun, Lawrence Price of land remitted 5 56 McCoun, Samuel (see Maccoun) (a) Inspection at his ferry in Mercer County 3 332 (b) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to open Kentucky River to navigation 4 318 McCowen, Robert Trustet> Town of Jefferson 2 380 McCown, James (see Maccoun) Ti-ustee Tjcxinuton Library Association 2 375 McCownald, William Trustee of Lexing'ton 3 549 McCullough, Joseph Trustee Town of AVashington 1 199 McCuUy, George, deceased Sale of land authorized 2 488 McDouglas, Alexander Named in boundary of election precinct in Har- din (>)unty 5 473 McDowell, Dr. Named in boundarv of public scpiare in Dan- ville ' 5 480 McDowell, Ephraim (a) Trustee Danville Library 2 376 (b) Trustee of Danville 4 39 (c) Trustee Danville Academy 5 480 McDowell, John (a) Delefjate from Fayette County to second Con- stitutional Convention (1799) 1 58 (b) Trustee Transylvania University 2 234 (c) Trustee Lexinp:ton Library Association 2 375 131 Mcdowell VOL. TAOE (d) Named in boundary of election precinct in Hardin County. . / 4 225 (e) One of Commission to build bridge over Flovds Fork of Salt River \.. 5 22 McDowell, Samuel (a) President Constitutional Convention (1792).. 1 38 (b) Trustee Transylvania University 2 234 (c) Judire Circuit Court Tenth District 3 507 McDowell, Samuel, Sr. (a) Trustee of Danville 3 562 (b) Trustee Transylvania Seminary 3 572 McDowell, William (a ) Trustee of Danville 3 562 (b) Trustee Danville Library 2 376 (c) Co-founder of Falmouth 1 181 (d) Reference made to (c) 5 583 McElhany, James Named Commissioner to sell lands of John Elliott, deceased 4 9 McElroy, Hugh Trustee of Springfield 1 176 McElroy, James Trustee of Lebanon 5 191 McFarland, Major Alexander Named in Pulaski County boundary 2 392 McFarlan, John One of Commission to locate County Seat for Daviess County 5 160 McFerren, John Trustee Glasgow Academy 4 85 McFerrin, John Allowed to Avithdraw over-payment in settle- ment as Sheriff of Barren County 5 463 McGary, Daniel Named Commissioner to sell lands of John Elliott, deceased 4 9 McGary, Hugh See ]\[agary McGary, Robert Justices of Hopkins County to meet at house. . 3 347 McGary, William R. One of Commission to locate County seat for Union County 4 213 McGaughey, Arthur VotiTig place at liouse in Hardin County 4 202 McGee, David Trustee Lexington Seminary 2 108 McGEHEE 132 Vol.. J'.KQE McGehee, Samuel Allowed $!.■). 00 for a beef taken by Capt. Kay on the Wabasli Expedition [ ' 2 484 McGill, John J'rice of head right land remitted 4 159 McGonegle, Leah Prie(> of 50 acres of land remitted 5 347 McGowan, Robert One of Commission to open road in Madison County 1 231 McGrady, Israel (a) Trustee Newton Academj^ 2 241 (b) Resiirned and successor appointed 3 277 (q) Given time to settle as Sheriff of Logan County 3 164 McHenry, Barnabas (a) Trustee Bethel Academy 2 174 (b) Trustee Washington Academy 2 242 (e) Trustee "Washington Academy 5 15 McIUany, James Trustee Montgomery Academy 2 241 Mcllvain, Hugh Trustee of Lexington Masonic Lodge 1 557 Mcllvoy, Daniel (a) Trustee of Danville 4 39 (b) Promoter at Danville of Kentucky Assurance , Society 4 254 Mclntire, Alexander (a) Named in boundary of election precinct in Montgomery County 4 173 (b) Named in Montgomery-Bath County boundary 4 215 Mclntire, John (a) One of Commission to open a road from Fleming County to the Big Sandy 3 167 (b) One of Commission to erect a turnpike on the road at (a) 4 154 (c) One of Commission to lease the road at (a) .... 4 236 (d) Incorporator of Gallatin-Ohio Steamboat Com- pany 5 343 McKee, Alexander (a) His lots in Ilarrodsburg ordered sold to pay a debt due John Campbell and Joseph Simon 3 546 (b) Lands escheated as a British sul)ject, and.... 3 571 (c) Vested in Trustees Transylvania Seminary. ... 3 572 McKee, Samuel Tfuste(> T;aneaster Library Company 3 208 McKenny, Robert Trustee of Winchester. 1 340 133 Mckenzie VOL. PAGE McKenzie, Robert (a) Lands escheated as a British subject, and. ... 3 571 (b) 'N'estod in Trustees Transylvania Seminary.... 3 572 McKinley, Doctor, deceased Fee due him for attending? a soldier, ordered paid to his widow, Ilanna 2 484 McKinley, Hanna See Doctor McKinley McKinley, James Xaincd in boundary of Town of Washington. ... 3 556 McKinley, Polly Marriage to John Burch by James Atwood, Justice of the Peace, without authority in the Justice, was legalized 2 364 McKinley, Samuel Trustee Newcastle Library Company 4 17 McKinney, Abraham Trustee Lebanon Academy 5 323 McKinney, John Given time to settle as Sheriff of Bourbon County 2 364 McKinney, John, Jr. (a) Incorporator of Versailles Library Company. . . 4 356 (b) Promoter at Versailles of Lexington and Louis- ville Turnpike Road Company 5 519 McKnight, Andrew Commissioner for Woodford County to open road from Buckley's Ferry to Bardstown. ... 3 463 McLardy, Alexander Allowed to withdraw a survey and patent.... 2 220 McLaughlin, James H. (a) Trustee Hopkinsville Library Company 5 361 (b) One of Commission to sell part of public square in Hopkinsville 5 511 McLean See McClean McMahan, James Trustee Logan Academy 3 206 McManus, Mary Autliorized to sell lots in Town of Washington for support of her children 3 161 McMillan, William One of Commission to locate County Seat for Balli County ' 4 215 McMilhon, Samuel Commissioner for Harrison County to open road from Georgetown to Augusta 3 201 McMULLIN 134 VOL. PAGE McMullin, Samuel Trustee Harrison Academy 2 241 McNair, John Lcxiniiion Library Association to meet at his lioiise 2 376 McNeal, John IiisptH'tion site at Jeffersonville on Big Barren 3 324 McNeeley, Michael Trustee Town of ]Milford 3 567 McNeflf, John T. Polly MeXeff authorized to sue him in Washing- ton Coiintv for divorce 3 174 McNeff, Polly See John T. McXeff McPhearson, Alexander Commissioner for Boone County to open road from Newcastle to mouth of Licking 3 365 McRoberts, George Trustee Stanford Academy 3 334 Nagle, Maurice, deceased (a) Sale of lands authorized 2 52 (b) New Commissioners named to sell lands 2 359 Nail, John One of Commission to open Beech Fork to navigation 2 312 Naylor, James Trustee Pendleton Academy 5 175 Neal, William (see Neale, Neill) Trustee Newcastle Library Company 4 35 Neale, William (see Neal, Neill) One of Commission to open road from New- castle to mouth of Licking 5 131 Neat, Rudolph Authorized to erect mill on Green Eiver .... 5 481 Neele, William, deceased Heirs uiven time to pav for land in Logan County ' 3 190 Neill, William (see Neal, Neale) (a) One of Commissioners for Henry County to survev Henry-Shelby County line 5 103 (b) Same as (a) 5 330 Nelson County Formed January 1, 17S5 from Jefferson County 1 627 Green County, in part, carved from 1 631 Hardin County carved from 1 631 Bullitt County carved from 1 364 Washington Countv carved from 1 628 135 NELSON VOL. PAOt Nelson, John inspection at his warehouse discontinued and he was allowed to remove the tobacco 5 196 Neville, James Allowed pav for services with Logan's Expedi- tion in 1786 3 344 New Athens Academy (Greensburg) (a) Established Decenibrr 22, 17!>8, with William Casey, Robert Ilaskins, Elias Barbee, Jona- than Conard, William Buckner, Jonathan Patterson, Nathan Montjromery, John W. Sample. James Young, Daniel Trabue, John Montgomery, and David Sims, Trustees 2 242 (b) Incorporated December 24, 1805, with Rev. David ,Rice, A. M. Wakefield, James Allen, Robert Allen, Samuel Brents. James H. Rice, William Barret, Daniel Brown, John Moore, Thomas K. Slaughter, and Daniel White, Trustees 3 302 New Castle Library Company Incorporated February 1, 1809, by William Butler, Rowland Thomas, Isham Henderson, John Stites, Jr., Robert Teter, Samuel Mc- Kinley, William Xeal, Thomas S. Wingate and Joel Jackson 4 35 Newell, James Register authorized to correct some irregulari- ties as to his settlement right 5 71 Newell, Samuel (a) Inspection site in Pulaski County 3 24 (b) lie and William Bush authorized to survey 1000 acres of mountain land on which they had discovered iron ore 3 163 New Market Established in 1786 on lands of John Curd in Mercer County at mouth of Dick's River with John Jouet, Gabriel Madison, James Hoard, Samuel Prior, Alexander Robertson. Robert Mosby, James Overton, Harry Innes, Joseph Crocket and William Lewis, Trustees 3 559 Newport (a) Established December 14, 1795 on lands of James Taylor in accordance with a plat made by John Roberts, Deputy Surveyor of Camp- bell County, with Thomas Kennedy, Wash- ington Berry, Henry Brasher, Thomas Lind- NEWPORT ACADEMY 136 sey, Nathan Kelly, James McClure and Daniel Du{?'. Wasiiinfrton Berry, Charles Morgan, John Grant. Thomas Kennedy, Thomas San- ford, Thomas Carneel, Richard Southgate, Daniel Mayo, John Crittenden, Robert Stubbs and James Taylor, Trustees 2 240 Newspapers See Appendix Newton Academy (a) Established December 22, 1798 to be located in either Logan, AVarren or Christian County, with Samuel Hopkins, Charles Davis, Wil- liam Campbell. Robert Ewing, John Curd, Israel McGrady, Amos Balsh. Young Ewing, David Caldwell, William Prince, William Love. Finis Cox, Burwell Jackson, Aeneas McCollister, Samuel Hardin, John Bailey, Daniel Brown, and John Caldwell, Trustees 2 241 (b) Located at Russellville and Ninian Edwards, Armstead Morehead, William Reading and Walter Jones appointed Trustees in the stead of John Caldwell, deceased, Amos Balch and John Bailey, removed, and Israel Mc- Gready, resigned 3 277 (c) Logan Seminary merged into it under name Newton Academy, with Walter E. Jones, Joseph Hamilton. Armstead Morehead, Urbin. Ewing, Samuel Wilson, Thomas V. Swearin- gen, John Curd, Samuel Caldwell, William Reading and William Johns, Trustees 3 409 Newton, William State price of head right land remitted 5 22 New Town (Jefferson County) (a) Established December 13, 1794 on lands of James Francis ]\Ioore, with Abner Field, Basil Prather, Isaac Hornbeck. Lewis Field and James Standiford, Trustees 1 233 (b) Title to townsite quieted 1 261 (c) See Jetfei-son. Town of Newtown (Mason County) Established in 1795 on lands of John Kenton in (then) Mason County with David Broad- 137 NICHOLAS COUNTY VOL. 1'A.OE rick, John Getridjre, William Raker, Joslma Baker, John Clarke, Ediiunul Collins and William Kenton, Trustees 1 285 (b) Eleetion of Trustees provided for, the Town bein«r described as in Nicholas County 4 8 Nicholas County (a) P^irnit'd .lune 1, 1800 from Bourbon and ^Mason 2 366 (b) Commissioners appointed to locate County Seat 5 329 (c) Part of added to Fleminip: Sandy 3 167 Ormsby, Peter B. (a) Promoter at Louisville of Ohio Canal Company 3 221 (b) Promoter at Louisville of Ohio Canal Company 3 260 (c) Promoter at Louisville of Bank of Kentucky.. 3 391 (d) Ineor]i(irator Louisville IIos])ital Company.... 5 574 Ormsby, Stephen .Tudue < ireuit Court Fifth District 3 507 Orr, Alexander D. (a) Trustee Town of Washinpton (1790) 3 556 (h) Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 Ousley, William Refunded cost of repairs to Wilderness Road 3 376 Outlaws, Road to froui Pulaski opened 3 95 Outlaws Salt Works Named in boundary of Clay County 3 338 Outton, Thomas Granted chanp-e of venue from Fayette to Clarke County on trial for perjury 4 358 Overstreet, James H. Incorporator Louisville Hospital Company. ... 5 574 Overton, James Trustee Town of New Market (1786) 3 560 Overton, Samuel Trustee AVashinpton Academy 2 242 Owens, Abraham (Colonel) (a) Delegate from Shelby County to second Con- stitutional Convention (1799) 1 58 (b) Trustee of Sludbyville 1 151 Owens, Col. Abraham, deceased (a) Part of his lands added to Shelbyville 5 255 (b) Part of his lands added to Shelbyville 5 571 (c) Owensboi'ouph named for Col. Al)raham Owens, who fell at Ti])pecanoe 5 508 Owen, Brackett, deceased Part of his lands vested in Trustees of Shelby- ville for benefit of his rei)resentatives 3 96 OWENS 140 V(lL. Owens, John lu'hecca Owens authorized to sue him in Lincoln County foi- divorce 1 694 Owen, John Cockey (see John C. Owing) Insix'ct ion site in Nelson County 3 583 Owens, Rebecca See Jolni Owens Owens, William Trustee Robertson Academy 5 125 Owensborough Name of Town of Rossboroujrh ehanpred to in lionor of Col. Abraham Owens, who fell at Tippecanoe 5 508 Owing, John C. (see John Cockey Owen) (a) Trustee of Bairdstown (1788) 3 566 (b) Inspection site in Nelson County 2 139 Owsley, Anthony Pay as Commissioner of the "Wilderness Road allowed 4 55 Owsley, Daniel Ti'ustee of Crab Orchard 5 351. Owsley, Thomas (a) Named in Lincoln-Garrard County ])oundarv. . 2 461 (b) Trustee of Crab Orchard '. ". . . 5 351 Owsley, William Trustee Stanford Academy 2 240 Owsley, William, Jr. Trustee Lancaster Library Company 3 208 Oxford, Sarah Autlioi'ized to sue William Oxford for divorce 2 173 Oxford, William See Sarah Oxford Parepoint, Francis Trustee of Beallsborough 3 564 Paris (a) Established in 1789 as "Hopewell" on lands of Lawrence Sprotsman, with Notley Conn, Charles Smith, Jr., John Edwards, James Garrard, Edward Waller, Thomas West, John Lanier, James Little and James Duncan, Trustees 3 567 (b) Title to town site quieted (1790) and name chansjfed to Paris 3 569 (c) Claim of John Allen to townsite settled 1 111 (d) Horatio Hall, John Allen, Thomas Jones, John Smith. William E. Webb, Samuel Harris and 141 PARIS HYDRAULIC CO. VOL. PAGE Isaac Orchards appointed Trustees 1 188 (e) Proceeds of sales of lots ordered paid to John Protzman 1 ^-^6 (f) Protzman 's plat ordered reproduced 1 646 Paris Hydraulic Company Ineorporat.'d February 10, 1816 5 393 Paris Library Company Incorporated February 11. 1808 ]>y William Garrard Jr.. Robert Trimble. William Kelly, Samuel Hanson and Benjamin Mills 3 455 Parish, William, deceased Sale of lands authorized 5 42 Parker, Alexander (a) Trustee of Lexin.irton 1 577 (b) Trustee Transylvania University 2 234 (c) Director Vineyard Society of Lexinjrton 2 268 (d) Promoter at Lexin in Lexington 5 252 Postlethwait, Samuel Ti-iistt'c Lexington Library Association 2 375 Pottinger, Samuel Trustee of Beallsborough 3 564 Powell, Levin Trustee of Boonesborough (1779) 3 538 Powell, William \'otiiig place at his house in Livingston County 4 327 Prather, Basil Ti-nstee of New Town 1 233 Prather, Donne Basil One of Commission to sell and adjust claims respecting lots in Louisville 3 547 Prather, Richard Delegate from Nelson County to second Consti- tutional Convention (1799) 1 58 Prather, Thomas (a) Promoter at Louisville of Ohio Canal Com- pany 3 221 (b) Promoter at Louisville of Ohio Canal Com- pany 3 260 (c) Promoter at Louisville of Bank of Kentucky 3 391 (d) Promoter at Louisville of Kentucky Assurance Society 4 254 (e) Tncoi-]>orat()r Louisville Hospital 5 574 Prentiss, James (a) Incorporator Lexington Manufacturing Com- pany 5 251 (b) Promoter at Lexington of Maysville and Lex- ington Turnpilce Road Company 5 536 Presbyterian Congregation of Lexington Autlioi'i/ed to sell church lot and buy another 3 251 Preston (Shelby County) Establislied December 21, 1795 on lands of John Smith and Francis Preston, with John Smith, George Madison, William Trigg and Abraham Cavens, Trustees 1 347 PRESTON 148 VOL. PAGE Preston, Francis (a) Co-foimdtT of Town of Preston 1 347 (b) Inspection site at Prestonville in Gallatin County 2 456 Prewitt, Isham Named in boundary of election precinct in Mercer County 5 438 Price, Abraham Authorized to sue Sally Ann Price in Pulaski or AVaynt' County foi- divorce 3 160 Price, James C, deceased (a) Sale of land authorized 5 105 (b) Sale of land authorized 5 356 Price, John DelejErate from Jessamine County to second Con- stitutional Convention (1799) 1 58 Price, Sally Ann See Abraham Price Price, Moses M. Trustee Madison Academy 5 133 Price, William Promoter for Jessamine County of Kentucky River Navigation Company 2 448 Price, Zachariah Allowed to return warrant for Green River land and take out another 3 96 Prichard, Elizabeth Price of land remitted 5 367 Prince, William Trustee Newton Academy 2 241 Pringle, Alexander Polly Pringle authorized to sue him in Henry County for divorce 3 490 Pringle, Polly See Alexander Pringle Prior, Samuel Trustee Town of New Market 3 560 Protzman, John (see Sprotzman) (a) Title to site of Hopewell (Paris) quieted 1 356 (b) Cross street in Paris, adjoining his lot, changed 1 648 (c) Title to site of Paris thially quieted 5 106 Protzman, Lawrence (see Sprotzman) (a) Founder of Hopewell (Paris) 1 356 (b) His plat of Paris ordered renewed 1 647 Pryor, Jack Co-founder and Trustee Town of Bedford 5 350 149 PUGH VOL. I'AOE Pugh, John Promoter Gallatin-Oliio Steamboat Company ... . 5 343 Pulaski County (a) Formed June 1, 1799 from Lincoln and Green Counties 2 189 (b) Wayne County, in part, carved from 2 392 (c) Rockcastle County, in part, carved from 4 91 (d) Part of Wayne County added to 5 562 (e) Part of added to Wayne County 5 362 Pulliam, Levy Assignor to Thomas Griffin of certificate for 400 acres of land 5 331 Purdie, Stephen Trustee Town of Lebanon 5 191 Purdie, William Founder of Town of Lebanon 5 191 Purtle, Michael (see Pustle) Justices of Livingston County to meet at his house 2 199 Pnrtle, Peter Allowed to withdraw survey on Green River. ... 3 158 Purviance, David (a) Trustee Bourbon Academy 2 237 (b) Trustee Bourbon Academy 2 242 Purviance, Henry (a) Promoter for Lexington of Bank of Kentucky. . . 3 390 (b) Promoter at Lexington of Kentucky Assurance Society 4 254 Pustle, Mr. Senior (see Michael Purtle) Justices of Livingston County to meet at his house 2 92 Putman, James (a) Voting place at house in Bracken County 3 487 (b) Act (a) repealed 4 241 Quakers fa ) ^Marriages of to be registered 2 66 (b) Exempted from military service 3 216 Quarles, Henry Inspection site in Lincoln County 3 332 Quarles, Tunstall (a) Trustee Woodford Academy 2 243 (b) Appointed Commissioner to build a section of the road from Danville to Tellico 3 275 (c) Pay as Commissioner at (b) allowed 3 364 Query's Mill Made head of navigation on Floyd's Fork of Salt River 3 475 QUIGLEY 150 VOL. I' AGE Quigley, William TnistiM' Town of Carthage in Union County... 5 83 Quinton, William State piiL'c of headright land remitted 5 328 Quirey, Charles Allowed credit on .settlement as Sheriff of Jef- ferson County 4 60 Radford, John Trustee Lewis Academj' 4 17 Railey, Charles Trustee "Woodford Academy 3 181 Rainey, Abraham, deceased Sale of lauds in Seott County authorized 5 471 Raley, Mary, and children Donated small tract of land in "Washington County 5 17 Ramsey, Jonathan One of Commission to locate County Seat for Union County 4 213 Randolph, John Insi)eetion site in ]\Iuhlenberg County 3 332 Randolph, Thomas Refunded price of headright land lost by prior claim 4 323 Rankin, Adam (a) Trustee Lexington Seminary 2 108 (b) Main Street, in Lexington, in front of his lot, to be paved..... 2 368 (c) Trustee Henderson Academy 5 72 (d) Trustee Henderson Library Company 5 460 Rankin, Robert (a) Trustee Town of Washington (1786) 3 555 (b) Trustee Town of "Washington (1790) 3 556 (c) Trustee Tom'u of Charlestown (1787) 3 562 (d) Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 Rankin, Thomas Authorized to sue non-resident heirs of James Ferguson for sale of lot in Cynthiana 5 498 Ratliff, James Voting place at house in Floyd County 3 255 Ray, Captain Samuel McGehee allowed pay for beef taken by Captain Ray on the Wabash Expedition in 1786 2 484 Ray, James One of Commission to locate County Seat of Bath County .* 4 215 151 RAY VOL. PAGE Ray, Joseph hispeetion site in "Washington Countj* 2 383 Ray, William Aiithorize.d. with John and IlenrA' James, to locate iron ore hinds in Pulaski County 3 536 Rayfield, Isaac Balanee of purchase price of land remitted 4 336 Reading, George (a; Given time to complete lock at mill dam on Licking: River 2 313 (b) Given further time to complete lock 2 424 (c) Given still further time to complete lock 3 302 Reading, William (a) Trustee Logan Academy 3 206 (b) Trustee Newton Academy 3 277 (c) Trustee Newton Academy 3 409 (d) Claimant of site of Centreville in Livingston County 3 354 Reager, Jacob Trustee of Louisville 3 547 Record, Spencer Trustee of Germantown 1 329 Reddick, William Given time to settle as Sheriff of Campbell County 5 308 Redding^ Elijah Frances Redding authorized to sue him in Jessa- mine County for divorce 3 464 Redding, Frances .See Elijah Redding Red River Iron Works Authorized to maintain height of dam 5 564 Reed, Archibald Namene of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to Iniild a Grand ]\Iasonic Hall in Lexington. ... 5 181 Richeson, James I\Iargaret Richeson authorized to sue him for divorce 1 359 Richeson, Margaret See James Richeson Ridgeley, Frederick (a ) Trustee Transylvania University 2 234 (b) Incorporator of Lexington "White Lead Manu- facturing Company 5 204 Riddle, Isaac One of Commission to open South Fork of Licking to navigation 1 193 Riddle, George Allowed credit on settlement as Sheriff of Fleming County 3 364 Riddle, Jeremiah Justices of T'nion County to meet at his house. . 4 213 Ried, John C. (see Reed, Reid) TiMislcc of Bairdstown 3 566 Rife, Abraham Insi)eetion site in Adair County 3 385 RIGGS 1-^4 VOL. PAGE Riggs, Andrew .^^aiIl Street in Lexiiifiton ordered i)aved in front of liis lot 2 368 Ringo, Cornelius Trustee of Mt. Sterling 1 125 Rinicks, Henry Justices of Barren County to meet at his house 2 223 Ritchie, James Claimant of site of Centreville in Livingston County 3 354 Ritchy's Landing Inspection site in Livingston County 2 457 Rittenhouse Academy (Scott County) Incorporated December 22, 1798 with Robert Johnson, Bartlett Collins, John Hawkins, John Hunter, Elijah Craig, Toliver Craig, William Henry, John Payne, Samuel Shepherd, William Warren and Abraham Buford, Trustees 2 240 Rively, William Given time to complete bridge in Montgomery County on road from Mt. Sterling to the Big Sandy 3 512 Roan, Captain Emjiowered to appoint surveyors (1783) 1 442 Robards, James S. H. Pav allowed as Janitor for Court of Appeals. ... 2 182 Robb, Hugh W. Trustee Union Academy 5 80 Robb, Robert Trustee Lewis Academy 4 17 Robbitt, William Named in boundary of election precinct in Christian County 5 80 Roberts, Benjamin (a) Trustee Shelbv Academy 2 242 (b) Trustee of Frankfort 3 557 Roberts, James Trustee of Frankfort 1 247 Roberts, John l)e|)uly Surveyor of Campbell County 1 280 Roberts, Major John Named in boundary of election precinct in Chi'istian County 4 225 Roberts and Jones lns|»eetion site on IMarrowbone Creek 3 514 Roberts, Joseph Voting place at house in Clay County 5 472 i;'n ROBERTS VOL. PAGE Roberts, Peter D. Dii-t'cidi- \'in(\var(l Society, of Lexington 2 2G8 Roberts, William, deceased Division of his lands in Fleming Connty between his devisees confirmed 5 187 Robertson Academy (Adair County) Jncorjiorated January .'H , 1S14 at Columbia Avith AVilliam Casey, Chrisiophrr Tompkins, "William Owens, AVilliam Caldwell, and Nathan Gaither, Trustees 5 125 Robertson, Alexander Trustee Town of New Market 3 560 Robertson, Jesse S. Named in boundary of election precinct in Liv- ingston County 5 462 Robertson, Joseph Trustee of Campbellsville 5 430 Robertson, Polly Balanee due on headright land remitted 5 385 Robertson, Thomas, deceased I'.alanee due on headright land remitted 5 385 Robins, Vincent Certificate for spy service by him ordered paid to Philip Bush, Jr., as assignee 3 408 Robinson, Jacob Sarah Robinson authorized to sue him in Living- ston County for divorce 3 516 Robinson, Jeremiah Trustee of Cynthiana 1 179 Robinson, John Inspection site in Cumberland County 3 24 Robinson, John, deceased Patent granted his heirs 4 412 Robinson, Sarah See .Jaeolj Robinson Robinson, William (a) Trustee Lexington Seminarv" 2 108 (b) Trustee ]\Iontgomery Academy 2 241 Robsammon, Jacob, deceased Title of John Fowler to lands in Campbell Count V, formerlv owned by Robsammon, per- fected' ' 4 253 Rochester, John (a) Trustee Danville Library 2 376 (b) Trustee Danville Seminary 3 381 (c) Trustee Town of Danville 4 39 ROCHESTER 156 VOL. (d) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to open Kentucky River to navigation 4 210 Rochester, Nathaniel Director Wilderness Road -4 265 Rockcastle Academy Incorporated January 18, 1810 with James Dysert, William Cason, William Smith, Abso- lem Rentfro, John Burdett, IIenr\' P. Buford and John Dysert, Trustees 4 114 Rockcastle County (a) Formed April 1, 1810 from Lincoln, Pulaski, Madison and Knox Counties 4 91 (b) Part of added to Madison County 4 406 Rodes, Robert (see Rhodes) (a) Commissioner to open road in Madison County. . 1 231 (b) Trustee Madison Academy 3 278 Rodgers, William (see William C. Rogers) Impeachment proceedings against him mentioned 4 127 Roe, William Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 Rogers, Captain Empowered to appoint surveyors (1783) 1 442 Rogers, John Trustee Town of Washington 1 199 Rogers, Nathaniel Delegate from Bourbon County to second Consti- tutional Convention (1799) 1 57 Rogers, Polly Authorized to sue Robert Rogers for divorce. ... 2 362 Rogers, Robert See Polly Rogers Rogers, William (a) Appointed to audit claim of Peter Stiger 2 355 (b) Costs of his suit against Peter Stidger allowed. . 2 486 (c) Warrant for costs ordered issued 3 193 (d) One of Commission to build bridge over Rough Creek at Hartford 4 88 Rogers, William C. (see William Rodgers) Witness fees allowed in impeachment proceedings against him 4 91 Roling, Stephen Trustee Hardin Academy 2 242 Rollings, Pemberton Trustee of Boonesborough 3 538 Rollins, Anthony W. Trustee Madison Academy 5 133 ]2l ROMAN VOL. PAGJE Roman, William Incorporator of Fayette Paper Manufacturing Company 5 409 Roper, William P. (a) Commissioner for Fleminjr County to survej' road from Paris to moutli of tlie Bijr Sandy 3 4G1 (b) One of Commission to erect turnpike on road at (a) 4 154 (c) One of Commission to lease road at (a) 4 236 Rose, Samuel Promoter at Hartford of Bank of Kentucky. ... 3 391 Ross, David Kossboronj^h. later Owensborough, located on his lands 5 501 Ross, Hugh Arrested for felony 1 358 Ross, James Co-respondent in divorce proceedings by Daniel Stihvell against Delilah Stilwell. 3 512 Rossborough, Town of Name changed to Owensborough in honor of Col. Abraham Owens who fell at Tippecanoe. . 5 508 Rossell, Jonathan Error in Green River survey corrected 3 509 Rountree, Mary (see Rowntree) Pay due her deceased husband allowed her 5 337 Rouse, Jacob Trustee Boone Academy 5 7fi Rout, William (a) Granted pension for services as Captain in Logan's Expedition against the Shawnees in 1786 2 485 (b) His plat of Flemingsburg confirmed 5 188 Rowan, John (a) Delegate from Nelson County to second Constitu- tional Convention (1799) 1 58 (b) Promoter at Frankfort of Ohio Canal Company 3 221 (e) Trustee Salem Academj' 5 7 Rowntree, Samuel Inspection site in Warren County 2 140 Ruby, Asa, deceased (a) Heirs given time to pay for land 3 161 (b) Same as (a) 3 179 Ruddle, Isaac Inspection site in Bourbon County (1787) 3 582 Rue, Richard Justices of Henry County to meet at his house 2 201 RUSSELL 158 VOL. I'AGE Russell, Edward A certificate for a small sum due him was ordered l)ai(l 3 170 Russell, Hendley Granted duplicate for lost warrant for pay as Jailer of Logan County 3 93 Russell, John C. Trustee Greenville Academy 4 113 Russell, Polly Aulliorized to sue "William Kussell for divorce.. 2 362 Russell, William See Polly Russell Rutter, William Trustee of Campbellsville 5 430 Ryan, James Mill on Beech Fork of Salt River excluded from operation of a navigation act 3 82 Salem Academy (Nelson County) (a) Incorporated in 1788 with John Caldwell, An- . drew Hynes, Isaac Morrison, Tarah Templin, Matthew Walton, John Steele, Philip Philips,. Walter Beall, George Harrison, James Baird, Joseph Barnet, James Morrison, James Allen, Cuthbert Harrison and William Taylor, Trus- tees 3 579 (b) Granted 6000 acres Green River land 2 107 (c) Walter Brashear, Burr Harrison, Thomas Speed, John Rowan and William P. Duvall appointed Trustees 5 7 Salisberry, Town of (Campbell County) Established December 22, 1806 on land of Squire Grant with Bartlett Graves, Zachariah Moore, John Winston, Frank Spelman, Nicholas Gherrv, William Stephens and Benjamin Allen, Trustees 3 369 Salsbury, Thomas Title to land in Muhlenberg County quieted.... 4 241 Salt Licks (a) Salt works to be fenced 2 188 (b) Act (a) repealed 2 379 Sample, John W. Trustee New Athens Academy 2 242 Sampson, William, deceased Each of his ten children granted 100 acres of land in consideration of his services under Gov. Shelby in the expedition to Canada 5 408 159 SAMS VOL. I'AOE Sams, James Named in boundary of election precinct in Gray- son County 5 35 Samuels, Robert Allowed i)ay for spy service in 1794 3 354 Sanders, John Trustee Town of "Wilmington 1 175 Sanders, Lewis (a) One of Commission to raise by lotter>^ a fund to open Kentucky River to navigation 4 210 (b) Same as (a) . . .' 4 318 (e) Same as (a) 5 12 (d) Title of State released as to escheated land he had purchased 4 325 (e) Promoter at Lexington of Maysville and Lex- ington Turnpike Road Company 5 536 Sanders, Nathaniel (see Saunders) (a) Commissioner to open road from Frankfort to Cincinnati 1 185 (b) Commission for Gallatin County to open road from Newcastle to mouth of Licking 3 365 (c) Voting place at house in Gallatin County 4 107 Sanders, Robert Trustee Georgetown Library 2 376 Sanders, Thomas Trustee Bullitt Academy 3 478 Sandford, Alfred Trustee of Covington 5 283 Sandford, Thomas (see Sanfort) Delegate from Camj)bell County to second Con- stitutional Convention (1799) 1 57 Sanduskies Cabin Named in Pulaski County boundary 2 392 Sanfort, Thomas (see Sandford) Trustee Newport Academy 2 240 Sappington, John Trustee of Boonesborough (1787) 3 540 Saunders, Joseph Trustee Bullitt Academy 2 243 Saunders, Nathaniel (see Sanders) Inspection site in Gallatin County 3 513 Sargent, Johnston p]iTors iu proceedings relative to headright claims were corrected 4 157 Sawyer, Benjamin Granted patent for 200 acres as assignee of Lewis Collins 5 70 SCOTT 160 VOL. PAGE Scott, Charles (a) Tiispcction sito in Fayette County (1787) 3 582 (1)) Insjx'etion site in Woodford County 2 140 Scott, Major General Charles Empowered to appoint surveyors (1783) 1 442 Scott County (a) Formed September 1, 1792 from Woodford 1 629 (b) Harrison County, in part, carved from 1 631 (c) Campbell County, in part, carved from 1 632 Scott, James Trustee Lexington Seminary 2 108 Scott, John M. Trustee Kentucky Seminary 2 389 Scott, John M., deceased Died in office as Sheriff of Franklin County. Time was given his representatives to settle his accounts 5 83 Scott, Moses Trustee Boone Academy 5 76 Scott, Thomas (a) His plat of Winchester confirmed 2 458 (b) Fee allowed for plat of Winchester 3 144 (c) Auditor directed to issue him a warrant 4 192 (d) One of Commission to extend Short Street in Winchester to Water Street 4 379 Scott, William (a) Promoter at Paris of Bank of Kentuelrv 3 390 (b) Trustees of Paris authorized to convey him a part of the public square 5 397 (c) Trustee Liberty Academy (Casey County) 4 114 Scottville (Allen County) Thomas Gatton, John Buckannan, Daniel M. Jones, Alfred Payne and Samuel Garrison appointed Trustees 5 483 Searcy, Charles, deceased Sale of lands authorized 5 316 Searcy, Edmund One of Commission to open road from Newcastle to mouth of Licking 5 131 Searcy, Samuel Sale of lands held jointly with heirs of Charles Searcy, deceased, was authorized 5 316 Sebastian, Benjamin Trustee of Louisville (1789) 3 547 Sebree, Uriel Trustee of Covington 5 283 IGl SEITZ VOL. PAGE Seitz, John A. (a) Director Vineyard Society, of Lexington 2 268 (b) Trustee Lexintrton Library Association 2 375 (c) Acts as Commissioner to replace Fayette County IJiinit Keeords confirmed 3 lo4 Shackett, Benjamin (a) Voting place at house in Hardin County 4. 226 (b) Act (a) repealed 5 181 Shackleford, Benjamin Trustee Ilopkinsville Library Company 5 361 Shackleford, Samuel Trustee Stanford Academy 3 334 Shanks, Archibald Trustee of Crab Orchard 5 351 Shanks, James His survey of Shepherdsville confirmed 4 212 Shannon, Samuel Trustee Kentucky Academy 1 228 Shannon, Samuel, deceased Commissioners named to settle disputes concern- in^r his lands 5 272 Shannon, William (a) Shelby ville located on his lands 1 151 (b) Trustee Town of Jefiferson 2 380 Sharp, Armstead Conducted to several Courts under guard to tes- tify for Commonwealth 1 274 Sharp, Benjamin Trustee Shelby Librarj' Company 4 89 Sharp, Fidelio Trustee Caledonia Academy 5 3 Sharp, Maxwell Trustee Logan Academy 3 206 Shaw, Aner State price of headright land remitted 5 22 Shelby Academy- Incorporated December 22, 1798 with Joseph Hornsby, Benjamin Logan, Bland W. Ballard, Benjamin Roberts, Thomas Given, Simon Adams, James Logan, John Allen, Joseph Winlock, John Pope, Nicholas Merewether, Daniel McCleland and Aquila Whitaker, Trustees 2 241 Shelby County (a) Formed September 1, 1792 from Jefferson County 1 629 (b) Franklin County, in part, carved from 1 632 (c) Henry County carved from 2 200 SHELBY 162 VOL. PAOF. (d) Gallatin County, in part, carved from 2 203 (e) Andrew Holmes, William Taylor, David Standi- ford and Lowry Jones, of Shel])y County, and William Neill, John Calloway, William ]\I. Rice and Edmund Bartlett, of Henry County, named commissioners to survey the Henry- Shelby County line '. ." . 5 103 (f ) Thomas Mitchell, David Standiford and Andrew Holmes, of Shelby County ; and James Bartlett, John Calloway and AVilliam Neil, of Henry County, named commissioners in lieu of those at (e) 5 330 Shelby, Isaac (a) Governor authorized to appoint his successor as Sheriff of Lincoln County 1 113 (b) One of Commission to locate penitentiary 2 15 (c) Promoter for Lincoln County of Kentucky River Navigation Company 2 448 (d) Trustee of Stanford '(1786) 3 559 (e) Trustee Transylvania Seminary (1783) 3 572 (f) Lands granted heirs of William Sampson for services under him in his expedition into Canada 5 408 Shelby Library Company Incor])orated January 4, 1810 with Thomas John- ston, Edward Talbot, Benjamin Sharp, William Adams, George Piersey, John Ketcham, Joseph Bondurant, James Ford and David Demaree, Trustees 4 89 Shelbyville (a) Established December 20, 1792 with David Stan- diford. Joseph Winlock, John Knight, Abra- ham Owens, and Thomas J. Gwinn, Trustees. . 1 151 (b) Trustees vested with title to part of lands of Brackett Owens, deceased 3 96 (c) Lands of Col. Abraham Owen and of Dr. James S. Moore, added to 5 255 (d) Lands of Col. Abraham Owen and of David Shipman added to 5 571 Shelton, Jeremiah Price of land remitted 3 164 Shepard, Samuel (see Shepherd) Promoter at Georgetown of Lexington and Louis- ville Turnpike Road Company 5 520 Shepherd, Adam (a) Sliei)liei'(lsville established on Ills lands 1 183 (b) lnsi)ec1i()n site in Bullitt County 2 279 163 SHEPHEBD VOL. PAGE (c) Unpatentod land was sold l)y him to "William Kest<>r. to whom title was roloast'd 5 299 Shepherd, Peter, deceased Tith' to sill- of 'I'owii of Ji'rt'erson quieted 5 353 Shepherd, Samuel (see Shepard) (a) Trustee Kittenhouse Aeademy 2 240 • (b) Trustee Georjretowu Lil)rary.' 2 376 Shepherdsville (a) EstaMishod December 11. 179:^ on lands of Adam Shejiherd with Xaey I>rashears, Samuel Crow, ]\ricliael Troutman, Frederick Pennybaker, Benjamin Stansberry, Joseph Brooks and John Essery, Trustees. . .' 1 183 (h) Survey of town by James Shanks confirmed. ... 4 212 Shields, Polly Autliori/.ed to locate small tract of land in Mercer ( Vinuty 5 135 Shipman, David, deceased Part of his lands added to Shelbyville 5 571 Shipp, Laban ( )n(' of Commission to open Stoner Fork of Lick- inp: to navigation 1 193 Shoan, Patrick State's ritrht to escheated settlement and pre- emption released 4 51 Short, Samuel His title as assignee of Robert Hooker to land in Hopkins County confirmed 4 105 Shotwell, John, Sr. Promoter at Mayslick of Maysville and Lexington Turnpike Road Company 5 536 Shuck, Cornelius Lands of "William Mitchell, deceased, to be conveyed to him 4 241 Sibert, Peter Authorized to erect mill on Beech Fork in Nelson County 5 563 Simms, Martin Authoi-ized to work a salt lick on public land. ... 2 485 Simon, Joseph (a) Mortgagee of Townsite of Louisville 3 542 (b) Claim under mortgage at (a) adjusted 3 543 (c) Payment of mortgage at (a) to be made out of proceeds of sales of lots in Louisville 3 546 Simpson, David, deceased Heirs given time to pay for land 5 369 SIMPSON 164 VOL. I'AGE Simpson, James Trustee Winchester Library Companj^ 4 195 Simpson, Thomas New surve}' and patent of headright claim granted 5 458 Simrall, James Trustee Washingtonian Library 4 854 Simrall, William F., deceased Sale of lands in Beargrass authorized 4 325 Sims, David Trustee New Athens Academy 2 242 Singleton, Matthew Balance of price of land remitted 4 195 Skidmore, Paul Incorporator of Louisville Hospital 5 574 Skiles, Jacob (see Skyles) One of Commission to open Big Barren Kiver to navigation 4 116 Skiles, William One of Commission to open Drake Creek in War- ren County to navigation 4 361 Skyles, Jacob (see Skiles) Payment of his costs in his prosecution before the Legislature, in which he was acquitted, or- dered paid 4 150 Slaughter, Gabriel (a) Trustee Ilarrodsburg Academy 2 240 (b) Promoter for Mercer County of Kentucky River Navigation Company 2 448 Slaughter, George (a) Trustee of Williamsville 1 118 (b) Trustee of Louisville (1780) 3 540 Slaughter, Thomas K. Trustee New Athens Seminary 3 302 Slavey, Richard (a) Authorized to locate 1000 acres in Wayne County to include a salt spring 4 257 (b) Given time at (a) 5 138 (c) Given further time at (a) 5 428 Sleet, Weedon Voting place at house in Boone County 3 488 Sloan, Patrick See Slioaii Sloe, Thomas (see Sloo) Trustee Town of Washington (1790) 3 556 165 SLOO VOL. PAOK Sloo, Thomas (see Sloe) (a) Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 (b) One of Commission to locate County Seat for Greenup County 3 117 Sloss, Joseph (a) Xained in boundary of election precinct in Logan County " 5 140 (b) Named in boundary of election precinct in War- ren County 5 473 Smart, John Inspection site in South Frankfort 3 439 Smiley, Esther Authori/.cd, with commissioners, to sell lands of her insane husband 5 458 Smiley, James (a) Promoter at Bairdstown of Ohio Canal Company 3 221 (b) One of Commission to raise by lotterj' a fund to open Salt River to navigation 4 249 (c) Promoter at Bairdstown of Kentucky Assurance Society 4 254 Smiley, Samuel One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to open Salt River to navigation 4 249 Smith, Charles Delegate from Bourbon County to second Consti- tutional Convention (1799) 1 57 Smith, Charles, Jr. (a) Trustee of Charlestown (1787) 3 562 (b) Trustee of Hopewell (Paris) (1789) 3 568 Smith, Christiana Autli(ii-i/,('(l to sue Terrence Smith for divorce.. 2 425 Smith, Clarke and Inspection at iron works on Red River in Clarke County 3 324 Smith, Enoch (a) Co-founder and Trustee of Mt. Sterling 1 125 (b) Trustee [Montgomery Academy 2 241 Smith's Ferry, on Cumberland River Named as station on road from Danville to Tellico 3 275 Smith, James, deceased S;ile oi" lands authorized 3 99 Smith, John (a) Trustee of Harrodsburg (1785) 3 552 (b) Trustee of Paris 1 188 (c) Co-founder and Trustee of Preston 1 347 (d) Inspection site at Prestonville, Gallatin County 2 456 SMITH 166 VOL. PAOE (e) Commissioner for Harrison County to open South and Stoner Forks of Lickinfr to navig:ation. ... 3 193 Smith, Jonathan (a) Commissioner to build a section of the road from Danville to Tellico to beorin at Smiths Ferry on Cumberland River 3 275 fb) Allowed pay for services at (a) 3 364 Smith's Mill (in Bourbon County) 'Made head of iiavip-ation on Stoner Fork 2 455 Smith, Polly Co-i-esjinndent Ilauskins vs. Hauskins 3 290 Smith, Samuel Trustee Caledonia Academy 5 3 Smith, Terrence Christiana Smith authorized to sue him for divorce 2 425 Smith, William (a) Trustee Rockcastle Academy 4 114 (b) Authorized to locate 1000 acres in Knox County 4 325 (c) Given further time at (b) 5 102 Smith, William Bailey Trustee Hartford Academy 2 242 Smith, William P., deceased Sale of lands authorized 3 164 Smock, Henry Trustee Washington Academy 2 242 Sneed, Achilles (a) Trustee Kentucky Seminary 4 319 (b) One of Commissioners for Franklin County to survey Franklin-Woodford County line 5 447 Snelling-, Elizabeth, deceased Appointment of Administrators in Woodford County confirmed 3 242 Somerset Academy Incorporated December 18, 1802 vrith William Fox, James Hardgrove, Robert Moderel and Jesse Richardson, Trustees 3 37 South, Benjamin (a) One of Commission to erect a turnpike on road from Fleming County to the Big Sandy 4 154 (b) Authorized to sell lands of his deceased brother, John South 5 356 South, John, deceased (a) Sale of lands authorized 5 15 (b) Sale of additional lands authorized 5 78 (c) Benjamin South authorized to make sales 5 356 1C7 SOUTHGATE VOL. PAOE Southgate, Richard Trusict' Newport Academy 2 240 Spalding, Benedict, Jr. Co-founder Town of Lebanon 5 191 Spaiin, Elizabeth Ciiven ten rears time to pav for Green River land . . . .' ." 2 426 Spears, Jacob L'oiiiinissioner for Bourbon County to open South and Stoner Forks of Licking to navigation, ... 3 193 Spears, Solomon, deceased Sale of lands authorized 2 487 Speed, James (a) Named as boundary of New Town 1 233 (b) Trustee Madison Academy 2 241 (c) Trustee Transylvania Seminary (1783) 3 572 Speed, James, Sr. Trustee Danville Library 2 376 Speed, James, Jr. Trustee Danville Libraiy 2 376 Speed, John Trustee Jefferson Seminary 2 378 Speed, Thomas (a) Trustee Bullitt Academy 2 243 (b) Promoter for Bairdstown of Ohio Canal Com- pany 3 221 (c) Trustee Salem Academy 5 7 Spelman, Frank (see Spillman) Trustee Town of Salisberry 3 369 Spiers, William Balance due on headright land remitted 5 384 Spillman, Frank (see Spelman) Allowed credit on settlement as Sheriff of Camp- bell County 5 437 Spilman, James Trustee of Kennedysville 1 342 Spires, James G. Allowed ])ay for services as adjutant of militia 3 491 Springfield (Washington County) (a) Established December 7, 1793 on lands of Mat- thew Walton with David Caldwell, Hugh McP]lroy, Benjamin Harding, Daniel Mock and Josiah Wilson, Trustees 1 176 (b) Additional land included therein 4 47 Sprotzman, John (see Protzman) Purchaser from Lawrence Sprotzman of his rights in Townsite of Paris 1 356 SPROTZMAN 168 VOL. Sprotzman, Lawrence (see Protzman) (a) Town of Hopewell (Paris) established on his lands (1789) 3 568 (b) Inspection site at Paris (1790) 3 584 (c) Inspection site at Paris 2 140 Sproul, Alexander Votinfr place at house in Cumberland County.. 3 487 Spurgin, Samuel Co-founder of Mt. Sterling 1 125 Stafford's Landing Inspection site in Clarke County 1 135 Standeford, David (Jne of Commission to sell, and adjust claims re- spectinjr lots in Louisville 3 547 Standiford, David (a) Trustee of Shelby\^lle 1 151 (b) One of Commissioners for Shelby County to sur- vey Shelby-Henrv County line 5 103 (c) Same as (b) ] 5 330 Standiford, George Trustee of Falmouth 1 181 Standiford, James Trustee of New Town 1 233 Stanford (a) Established in 1786 on lands of Benjamin Logan with Benjamin Logan. John Logan. William Montgomery, Henry Pauling, Isaac Shelby, Walker Baylor and Alexander Blane, Trus- tees ". 3 558 (b) James Davidson, Francis S. Reed, Thomas Helm, ]\Iichael Davidson and Benjamin Monroe, ap- pointed Trustees 5 166 Stanford Academy (a) Incorporated December 22, 1798 with Nathan Huston, Hugh Logan, Richard Gains, George Davidson. Samuel Finly, William Owsley, Samuel Moore, Jonathan Forbes anid John James, Trustees 2 240 (b) William Logan, Joseph Wilch, Thomas Mont- gomery, Richard Gaines, Samuel Shackleford, James T. Worthington, George McRoberts, William Davis and Francis S. Reed, appointed Trustees 3 334 Stanford Library Company Incorporated January- 21, 1817 by David Logan, William Forbis, Joseph Paxton, Thomas Helm and Michael Davidson 5 455 169 STANSBERRY VOL. I'AOK Stansberry, Benjamin Trustee of Shepherdsville 1 183 Stapp, Gholston Tiispcctioii site on Cumberland River 2 456 Starling, William Promoter at Frankfort of Lexin<;ton and Loiiis- ville Turnpike Road Company 5 519 Starrat, Thomas One of Commission to open Bie of Cam])bell Town 3 554 Sullivan, William, deceased Estate given a credit in settlement as Deputy Sheriff" of Jefferson Countv 4 ,60 173 SULLIVAN Sullivan, Wilson (ir;mtt'(l change of venue from Floyd to Clarke ("oiiiity on trijil for murder 5 353 Summers, Agnes Allowed compensation for horse taken from her husband. John Summers, on "Wabash Expedi- tion in ITSf) 3 94 Summers. Benjamin (aj Trustee IJullitt Academy 2 243 (b) Trustee Bullitt Academy 3 478 Summers, Caleb Xaiiit'd in boundary of election precinct in Boone County ' 3 488 Summers, John See xVtrnes Summers. Summers, Richard Trustee Bullitt Academy 2 243 Summers, William Trustee Bullitt Academy 2 243 Sumrall, John Promoter at Maysville of ]Maysville and Lexing- ton Turnpike Road Company 5 536 Sutton, David Authorized to erect grist mill at Todds Ferry on Kentucky River in Madison County 3 354 Swearingen, Thomas Trustee Newton Academy 3 409 Swegit, James Trustee Liberty Academy 4 114 Sweney, Job Trustee Liberty Academy 4 114 Swigate, James Justices of Casey County to meet at his house. . . 3 326 Sypes, George Voting place at house in Plardin County 5 473 Tabor, Pardon Xanicd in boundary of election precinct in Ohio County 4 416 Tabor, Solomon He and James Crawford and William Stewart authorized to locate 1000 acres in Barren County to include a salt spring 5 202 Tabue, Daniel See Trabue TADLOCK 174 VOL. PAGE Tadlock, Ann Jolm Tadlock authorized to sue her in Mercer County for divorce, she havino; deserted him and assigned as a reason that her former hus- band, James Harrod, "was living when she mar- ried Tadlock 3 196 Tadlock, John See Ann Tadlock Talbot, Daniel Promoter at ^Millershurfr of Maysville and Lex- injrton Turnpike Road Company 5 536 Talbot, Edmund (a) Error in patent corrected 4 212 (b) Error in certificate and patent of headright land in Henderson County corrected 5 304 Talbot, Edward Trustee Shelby Library Company 4 89 Talbott, Isham Trustee Kentucky Seminary 2 492 Tall, Jonathan Tax Commissioner of Wayne County 2 492 Tamplin, Terah (see Templin) Trustee Kentucky Academy 1 228 Tandy, Gabriel One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to erect a Grand Masonic Hall in Lexington 5 181 Tarent, Carter Trustee Gallatin Academy 5 13 Taul, Micah and Company Authorized to locate iron ore land 3 531 Taylor, Named in boundary of Louisville 3 540 Taylor, Benjamin One of (Commission to open Kentucky River at Frankfort to navigation 5 390 Taylor, Chapman Inspection site in Logan County 3 124 Taylor, Creed Commissioner for Virginia to locate boundary line '. 2 276 Taylor, Edmund, deceased (a) Sales of lands confirmed 1 170 (b) Guardian of infant heirs authorized to compro- mise disputes concerning lands in Campbell County 3 463 175 TAYLOR VOL. PAGE Taylor, Edmund (a) Promoter at Newport of Ohio Canal Company. . 3 221 (b) Trustee of Boone.sboron??h (1779) 3 538 (c) Trustee Transylvania Seminary (1783) 3 572 (d) Trustee Seminary lands (1780) 3 571 Taylor's Ferry (Cumberland River) Named in boundary of election precinct in Cum- berland County 4 328 Taylor, Francis (a) Trustee Franklin Academy 3 255 (b) Incorporator Wasliington Library Company (:\lason County) ." ". 4 273 (c) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to improve the road from Maysville to the Town of Washington ". 4 279 Taylor, George Sales by him of lands of Edmund Taylor, de- ceased, were confirmed 1 170 Taylor, Harrison (a) Trustee Hartford Academy 2 242 (b) Trustee Hartford Academy 3 278 Taylor, Hubbard Trustee Winchester Academy 2 217 Taylor, James (a) Newport established on his lands 1 280 (b) Trustee Newport Academy 2 240 (e) Inspection site in Newport 2 280 Taylor, Jonathan (a) Trustee Jefferson Academy 3 207 (b) Inspection site in Henderson County 3 324 (c) Inspection site in Hopkins County 3 450 (d) Trustee Union Academy 5 80 Taylor, Richard (a) Delegate from Jefferson County to second Con- stitutional Convention (1799) 1 58 (b) Inspection site in Shelby County 1 370 (e) Inspection site in Slielby County 2 278 (d) Given time to complete wall around penitentiary 2 365 (e) Claim for pointing penitentiary walls allowed.. 2 484 (f) Allowed compensation as Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives 3 174 (g) One of Commission to erect a State House 5 123 (h) One of Commission to settle accounts at the penitentiary 5 276 (i) Trustee of Campbell Town (1785) 3 554 TAYLOR 176 VuL. PAGE Taylor, Richard, Jr. Promoter at Frankfort of Lexington and Louis- vill.> Turnpike Road Company 5 519 Taylor, Robert Incorporator of Washington Librar\' Company CMason County) .' \ 4 273 Taylor, Samuel {ii) Delegate from Mercer County to second Consti- tutional Convention (1799)' 1 58 (b) Trustee Harrodsburg Academy 2 240 (c) One of Commission to have State House repaired 3 509 (d) Trustee of Harrodsburg (1785) 3 552 Taylor, Thompson Granted change of venue from Bullitt to Nelson County, on trial for murder 3 465 Taylor, William (a) Trustee Salem Academy (1788) 3 580 (b) Trustee Jefferson Seminary 2 108 (c) One of Commission to sell, and adjust claims re- specting, lots in Louisville (1786) 3 545 (d) One of Commissioners for Shelby County to sur- vey Shelby-Henry County line 5 103 Teag-ue, William Granted a change of venue 5 202 Tebbs, John (a) Named in boundary of Town of "Washington (1790) 3 556 (b) Claimant of part of townsite of Washington. ... 1 201 (c) Rights to town site of Washington recognized. . . 2 396 Tegarden, George Trustee of Lexington 1 577 Telfair, Isaac, deceased Sale of lands on Dicks River authorized 2 221 Temple, Lieutenant Colonel Ein])()were(l to appoint surveyors (1783) 1 442 Temple, Benjamin Trustee Woodford Academy 3 181 Templin, Tarah (see Tamplin) Trustee Salem Academy 3 580 Teter, Robert Trustee Newcastle Library Company 4 35 Thacker, Daniel Tavern named in boundary of election precinct in Campbell County 3 413 Theobald, James (a) Voting place at house in Pendleton County 3 414 (b) Voting place at house in Pendleton County 5 335 177 THOMAS VOL. PAGE Thomas, Edmund (a) Apjxiintcd to obtain original land title papers from Virtrinia 1 ^-^2 (b) Given further time at (a) 2 181 Thomas, Edmund, deceased Estate allowed $400.00 for services — see Ed- mund Thomas (a) 3 245 Thomas, Elizabeth Iviclianl ]\I. Thomas authorized to sue her in AVoodford County for divorce 3 446 Thomas, Isaac Trustee Gray.son Seminary 5 325 Thomas, Jack Ti'ustce Grayson Seminary 5 325 Thomas, John (a) Ilis plat of Danville confirmed 2 178 (b) Trustee Ilarrodsburjr Academy 2 240 Thomas, John P. Eri'or in settlement corrected 4 134 Thomas, Philemon (a) Delegate from ^Mason County to second Consti- tutional Convention (1799) 1 58 (b) Commissioners named to partition land held jointly -uith Lewis Craig and John and ]\Iary May. infant heirs of John May, deceased 1 113 (e) Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 (d) Founder of Germantown 1 329 (e) Title to site of Germantown granted 1 653 (f) In.spection site in Boone County 2 384 (g) One of Commission to locate County Seat of Greenup County 3 117 Thomas, Richard M. Authorized to sue Elizabeth Thomas in Wood- ford County for divorce 3 446 Thomas, Rowland (a) Commissioner to bring from Virginia title papers affecting lands in forks of Big Sandy 3 58 (b) Tni.stee Lewis Academy 4 17 fc) Trustee Newcastle Library Company 4 35 rd > Trustfc Tlcnry Academy 5 134 Thompson, George (a) Trustee ITarrodsburg Academy 2 240 (h^ Trustee of the seminary lands 3 571 Thompson, George, deceased Sale of lands authorized 5 510 THOMPSON 178 VOL. Thompson, James (a ) Trustee Kentucky Academy 1 228 (b) Appointed Commissioner to locate military lands on head of Green River 1 349 (c) Named in Lincoln-IMadison County boundary... 1 627 (d) Allowed compensation for runningf line from Green River to Cumberland ]Mountain, see (b) 2 182 (e) Trustee Lancaster Academy 2 242 (f) Votinpr place at house in Christian County 4 329 Thompson, John (a) Trustee Jefferson Seminary 2 108 (b) Trustee Georgetown Library 2 376 Thompson, Rodes Trustee of Georgetown (1790) 3 570 Thrasher, John, Sr. Truste(» of Wilmington 1 175 Thrasher, Stephen Trustee Pendleton Academy 5 174 Threlkeld, Daniel ^ Voting i)lace at house in Bracken County 4 242 Throckmorton, John Tnsjieetion site in Nicholas County 3 243 Throckmorton, Thomas Named in Nicholas-Harrison County boundary. 5 366 Thruston, B. Delegate from Fayette County to second Consti- tutional Convention (1799) 1 58 Thruston, Buckner (a) Trustee Transylvania University 2 234 (b) Commissioner to locate Kentucky-Virginia state boundary 2 276 (c) Trustee of* Louisville (1789) 3 547 Thruston, Charles Minn Trustee of Boonesborough (1779) 3 538 Thruston, John Trustee Jefferson Seminary 2 108 Thurman, Benjamin One of Commission to open road from Knox Court House to Pulaski ; his land also a land mark on said road 3 464 Thurman, John (a) Trustee of Kennedysville 1 342 (b) Turnpike keeper on Wilderness Road 2 162 (c) En-or in patent corrected 3 465 Thurman, Richard Trustee of Greensburg 1 273 170 THURSTON VOL. PAGE Thurston, Robert Tnistcc Henry Academy 5 134 Thweatt, Thomas Authorized to survey 1000 acres on Green River in consideration of service in the Revolu- tionarv' War 2 358 Tibbs, Diskin ' TnsjxTtion site on Green River 3 514 Tibbs, John S,v John Tebbs (c) 2 396 Tilford, James (iivcii time to settle as Sheritf of Mercer County 3 IGl Tilford, John (a; One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to erect a Grand ]\Iasonic Hall in Lexinj^ton . . . . 5 181 (b) Incorporator of Lexington White Lead Manu- facturing: Company 5 204 (c) Promoter at Lexinjrton of Lexington and Louis- ville Turnpike Road Company 5 519 Tilhart, Philip Trustee Town of Jefferson 2 380 Tilton, Richard Trustee Fleming Academy 2 241 Todd, Andrew (a) Trustee Bourbon Academy 2 237 (b) Trustee Bourbon Academy 2 242 Todd, Bernard Title of Walker Daniel to 23,692 acres in Fayette County, assigned to him by Todd in 1782, was perfected 4 133 Todd, David One of Commission to locate County Seat for Bath County 4 215 Todd, James Trustee ^Manchester Academy 4 18 Todd, John Trustee of Lexington (1782) 3 549 Trustee of Seminary Lands (1780) 3 571 Todd, John, Jr. Ti-ustee of Louisville (1780) 3 540 Todd, Levi (a) Trustee Seminary Lands (1780) 3 571' (b) Trustee Transylvania Seminary (1783) 3 572 (e) Truster Transylvania University 2 234 Todd, Robert, deceased (a) Sale of lands authorized 1 H'^ (b) Vacancy in Trustees at (a) filled 2 425 TODD 180 VOL. PAGE Todd, Robert Acts as Commissioner to replace Fayette Burnt Records confirmed 3 154 Todd, Samuel lieimbiirsed for flour and whiskey impressed for the Wabash Expedition 3 95 Todd, Thomas (a) Clerk first Constitutional Convention 1 38 (b) Trustee of Frankfort 1 247 (c) One of Commission to erect jail at Frankfort. . . 1 263 (d) Trustee Kentucky Seminary 2 389 (e) Promoter for Franklin County of Kentucky River Xavioration Company 2 448 Tompkins, Christopher Trustee Robertson Academy 5 125 Tompkins, William (a) Permitted to withdraw a survey and plat 2 213 (b) Incorporator Louisville Library Company (Name spelled Tomkins) 5 360 Toulmin, Harry (a) Commissioner to locate settlers on lands south of Green River 2 290 (h) Secretary to Governor Garrard (1798) 4 534 Tousey, Zerah Inspection site in Boone County 3 451 Towles, Lieutenant Colonel Empowered to appoint surveyors (1783) 1 442 Townsend, James Trustee Imion Academy 5 80 Townsend, Thomas Authorized to survev land in ^Madison on which he had settled. .\ 4 336 Trabue, Daniel (a) Tru.stee New Athens Academy 2 242 (b) Named in Adair-Green County line (as Tabue) . 2 430 (c) Refunded over-pavment in settlement as Sheriff of Adair County 4 394 Transylvania Presbytery To control Kentucky Academy 1 229 Transylvania Seminary (a) Created by Act of May, 1780, by which the escheated lands of Robert I\IcKenzie. Henry Collins, and Alexander IMcKie, British sub- jects, were vested in William Fleming:. William Christian, John Todd, Stephen Trifr?, Benja- min Loo^an, John Floyd, John ]\Iay, Levi Todd, John Cowan, George Meriwether, John Cobbs, 181 TRAVER'S MILL VOL. PAGE George Thompson, and Edmund Taylor, as Trustees for a seminary 3 571 (b) By Act of ^lay, 17813. Transylvania Seminary was incorporated and tlie lands at (a) Avere vested in its Trustees, who were William Flcin- ingr, William Christian, Benjamin Logan, John May, Levi Todd, John Cowan, Edmund Taylor, Thomas Marshall, Samuel ^McDowell, John Bowman, George Rogers Clark, John Campbell, Isaac Shelby, David Rice, John Ed- wards. Caleb Wallace. Walker Daniel, Isaac Cox. Robert Johnston, John Craig, John ]\Iosby, James Speed, Christopher Greenup, John Crittenden and Willis Green 3 572 (c) Kentucky Academy merged with it under name of Transylvania University and James Gar- rard. Samuel ]\IcDowell. Cornelius Beatty, Frederick Ridgeley. Robert Marshall. George Nicholas, James Crawford, Joseph Crockett, Bartlett Collins, Andrew McCalla, William Morton, Robert Steel. John McDowell, Alex- ander Parker, Caleb Wallace, James Trotter, Levi Todd, James Blythe. Thomas Lewis, John Bradford and Buckner Thruston appointed Trustees 2 234 Traver's Mill Named in boundary of election precinct in Logan County .' 5 140 Treacle, Stephen (a) Trustee Town of Washington 1 199 (h) Trustee Town of Washington 2 393 Trew, Thomas Authorized to erect a mill on Green River in Green County 3 356 Trigg, Haydon Appointed to survey road from Greensburg to the Tennessee line S 21 Trigg, Stephen fa ) Trustee Seminary lands (1780) 3 571 (b) Trustee of Louisville (17S0) 3 540 (c) One of Commission to raise by lottery a fund to open Kentucky River to navigation 4 318 (d) Trustee Town of Irvine 4 339 Trigg, William (a) Trustee Town of Preston 1 347 (b) Authorized to employ caretaker for State House 1 650 (c) Incorporator of Frankfort Bridge Company.... 2 304 TRIMBLE 182 VOL. PAGE (d) Incorporator of Frankfort Bridge Company No. 2 '. 4 138 (e) Trustee Kentucky Seminary 2 389 (f) One of Commission to open new channel for Kentucky Riyer at Fish Trap Island below Frankfort 3 121 (g) Promoter at Frankfort of Ohio Canal Company 3 221 (h) Promoter at Frankfort of Bank of Kentucky. .". 3 390 (i) Trustee Kentuckj^ Seminary 4 319 (j) One of Commission to settle accounts at the peni- tentiary 5 296 Trimble, James, deceased Authori>:ed sale of lands to pay debt due Marquis Calmes 3 243 Trimble, Robert Trustee Paris Library 3 455 Triplett, Francis Granted change of yenue from Montgomery to Bourbon on trial for shooting Daniel Connor, but died before he could be tried 4 163 Triplett, William Trustee ToAvn of Lewisbourgh 1 295 Trotter, George, Jr. (a) Incorporator of Lexington White Lead Manu- facturing Company 5 204 (b) Incorporator of Lexington Manufacturing Com- pany 5 251 Trotter, James (a) Trustee Transylyania University 2 234 (b) Trustee Lexington Library Association 2 375 (c) Promoter for Fayette County of Kentucky Riyer Navigation Company 2 448 (d) One of Commission to open a road from Paris or Mt. Sterling to the Big Sandy 3 4 (e) Acts as Commissioner to replace Fayette Burnt Records confirmed 3 154 Trotter, Samuel (a) Incorporator of Lexington White Lead Manu- facturing Company 5 204 (b) Incorporator of Lexington Manufacturing Com- pany 5 251 Troutman, Michael Trustee of Shepherdsyille 1 183 Trumbo, Inspection site in Montgomery County 3 123 TuUy, Christiana Given time to pay for Green River land 2 427 ]»^ TULLY VOL. PA'IE TuUy, Samuel One of Commission to build a bridpre over North Elkhorn in Scott County 4 88 Tuly, Lieut. Charles P. Comnianclor on a tour of duty 3 408 Tuly, William (ertitivate for military .services by him ordered paid to Philip Hush, a.ssignee 3 408 Tunstall, Thomas (a) Trustee Kentucky Academy 2 389 (b) Authorized to build a bridfje over Kentucky Kiver at Frankfort 3 306 Turner, Fielding L. Trustee Lexinprton Library Association 2 375 Turner, James Inspection site in Green County 3 332 Turner, Richard Allowed commissions for levying executions against William ^Morrow 3 97 Turpin, Edmund Allowed pay for guarding families moving through Cumberland Gap in 1786 3 407 Turpin, Thomas (a) Inspection site in Woodford County 1 370 (b) Inspection site in Woodford County 3 437 Twyman, Reuben Trustee Woodford Academy 3 181 Tyler, John Justices of Butler County to meet at his house 4 111 Tyler, Levi Incorporator of Louisville Hospital 5 574 Underwood, Captain A Chickasaw Indian — relief of 2 365 Union Academy Incorporated January 19, 1814 with Robert Gilchrist, Jonathan Taylor, James Gray, James Townsend, Hugh W. Robb, and Joseph Reives, Trustees 5 80 Union County Formed :\Iay 1, 1811 from Henderson County.. 4 213 Upton, John, deceased P\)rfeiture of title by his heirs for non-payment of taxes was waived 4 12 Vance, John Trustee of Falmouth 1 181 Vance, Joseph (an alien) Escheat of his lands waived 3 272 VANHOOK 184 VOL. I'AGE Vanhook, Archelaus (iivcn time to settle as Sheriff of Nicholas County 5 455 Vanmatree, Jacob Une of Commission to open Nolinn Creek in Hardin County to navigation 4 221 Vanmetre, Jacob Pay allowed for spy service 2 358 Vanmetre, Morgan Trustee of Cynthiana 1 179 Van Pelt, John Trustee Town of Port William 1 340 Van Pradelles, Cassandra Deye Granted privileges of a feme sole 3 191 Vantreese, Jolin Trustee Hardin Academy 2 242 Vanwinkle, Abraham, and Vanwinkle, John Named in boundary of election precinct in Wayne County 5 35 Vaughn, Ensign Allowed fee for escort of witness 1 274 Vawter, William (a) Trustee Woodford Academy 2 243 (b) Trustee Woodford Academy 3 181 Ver Bryke, Lawrence, deceased Sale of lands in Mercer County authorized 3 179 Vernon, William S. Incorporator of Louisville Hospital 5 574 Versailles (a) Established June 22, 1792 on lands of Hezekiah Briscoe, with John Watkins, Richard Young, Cave Johnson, IMarquis Calmes, Richard Fox, John Cooke, and Parmenas Briscoe, Trustees. 1 62 (b) John O'Bannon, John Crittenden, William Whit- tington and John Jimms, appointed trustees to fill vacancies 1 355 (c) Lottery authorized to drain pond 1 694 (d) John O'Bannon authorized to erect a grist mill on public spring 3 191 Versailles Library Company Incorporated January 31. 1812 by William B. Blackburn. John ]\IcKinney, Jr., Nathaniel Hart. William P>. Long and Joseph Kincaid.. 4 356 Vertner, Daniel (a) Trustee Town of Washington 2 393 (b) Promoter at Town of Washington of Bank of Kentuckv 3 390 185 VINEYA R D SOCIET Y VOL. I'AOE Vineyard Society, of Lexington JiK'orporatt'd XovciuIjit 21, 17!>!l by Simiucl Brown, flohn A. Seitz, Peter D. l\()l)erls, Andrew Holmes. William Leavy, Alexander Parker, Thomas Podley, John Bradford, Rob- ert Patterson, Walker Bavlor, Benjamin Stout and James lluorhes * 2 268 Virginia (a) Ap])ointnient of Commissioners to survey bound- ary line authorized 1 348 (b) Report of Commissioners, Archibald Stuart, General Jo.seph ]\Iartin and Creed Taylor, and John Coburn, Robert Johnson and Buckner Thruston, for Kentucky, adopted 2 276 Voorhies, Peter G. ( a I Allowed pay for sundry services 3 489 (b) One of Connnissioners for Franklin County to survey Franklin-Woodford County line 5 447 Voris, John Administratrix of William Downing authorized to convey land to him 1 359 Wadlington, Ferdinand (see Wardlington) Truster ( "hristian Academy 5 450 Wakefield, A. M. Trustee New Athens Seminary 3 302 Wakefield, Allen M. Jud^v Circuit Court Eifrhth District 3 507 Wakefield, Allen M., deceased Acts of administratrix confirmed 4 163 Walker, David (a) Inspection site at Edd^'^ville 2 213 (b) Trustee to locate settlers on lands south of Green River 2 290 Walker, George (a) Promoter for Jessamine County of Kentucky River Navigation Company 2 448 (b) Granted 124 acres Rockcastle County 5 131 Walker, Jacob W. Ti-usti'c Allen Seminary 5 433 Walker, James (a) Ap])oint('d manager of Wilderness Road 5 197 (b) Authorized to install ferry on Wilderness Road over Rockcastle River 5 313 Walker, James, deceased Setth'ment of his accounts as Manager of Wilder- ness Road ordered made 5 577 WALKER 186 VOL. I'AOK Walker, James, Sr. Justices of Adair County to meet at his house. . 2 430 Walker, John Trustee Allen Seminary 5 433 Walker, John M. Trustee Caledonia Academy 5 2 Walker, John W., deceased Sale of lands in Madison County authorized .... 4 282 Walker's Line Confirmed as Virginia-Carolina State boundary line (1791) '. 1 463 Walker, Robert Trustee of Mt. Sterling 1 125 Walker, Saunders Allowed compensation for clearing road to Cumberland Gap 2 164 Walker, William (a) Granted reward for capturing Thomas Hopper, w^ho had escaped from the penitentiary 3 414 (b) Trustee Lewis Academy 4 17 (c) Charged with murder of John Coffman 4 148 Walker, William, deceased Sale of land in Woodford County authorized. . . 2 178 Wall, John (a) Commissioner to open South Fork of Licking to navigation 1 193 (b) Trustee Harrison Academy 2 241 (c) Commissioner for Harrison County to open South and Stoner Forks of Licking to navi- gation 3 193 Wall, John, Sr. Trustee of Cynthiana 1 179 Wallace, Caleb (a) Trustee of Frankfort 3 557 (b) Trustee Transylvania Seminary 3 572 (c) Delegate from Woodford County to second Constitutional Convention (1799) 1 58 (d) Trustee Kentucky Academy 1 228 (e) One of Commission to locate penitentiary 2 15 (f) Trustee Transylvania University 2 234 (g) Trustee Woodford Academy 2 243 (h) Trustee Lexington Library Association 2 375 Wallace, Robert Named in boundary of election precinct in Wayne County 5 35 187 WALLACE VOL. PAOE Wallace, Thomas Promoter for Fayette County of Kentucky Kivcr Xavifratinn Company 2 448 Wallace, William (a) Trustee Lojran Academy 3 206 (b) Judqre Circuit Court Seventh District 3 507 Waller, Edward (a ) Trustee Town of Washin Koad Company 5 536 Ward, William (a) ('laimant of part of site of Town of Wash- injrton ] 201 (b) Claim at (a) reco^jnized 2 396 (c) Trustee Kentucky Academy 1 228 (d) Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 (e) Named in boundary of Town of Washinp:ton (1790) *. 3 556 Ward, William, deceased Sale of lands authorized 5 325 Wardlington, Ferdinand (see Wadlington) Votinp: place at house in Christian County 4 225 Waring-, Francis Commissioner for Greenup County to suryey road from Paris to mouth of the Big Sandy 3 461 Waring, Francis, Sr. Trustee Greenup Academy 4 128 Waring, Thomas Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 Warren County (a) Formed March 1, 1797 from Logan County 1 369 (b) Allen County, in part, carved from 5 157 (c) Part of Allen County added to 5 348 (d) Barren County, in part, carved from 2 222 Warren, James Trustee of Perryville 5 454 Warren, Thomas Trustee of Charlestowu 3 562 Warren, William Trustee Rittenhouse Academy 3 240 Warwick, Town of (Mercer County) Established in 1787 on lands of Walter Beall, with Hugh iMagary, Thomas Allen, Benjamin Bell, C'hristopher Greenu]), Samuel ^McAfee and Stephen Arnold. Trustees 3 563 Washburn, Philip Trustee Washington Academy 2 242 Washington, Town of (Mason County) (a) Established in 1790 in (then) Bourbon County, with Edmund Lyne, Henry Lee. jNIiles W. Conway, Arthur Fox, Robert Rankin, John Gutridge, William Lamb, Alexander D. (^rr, Thomas Sloe, and Richard Corwine, Trustees 3 555 189 WASHINGTON ACADEMY VOL. PAOK (b) John CJuti-i(l«r(', Tliomas Foreman, John John- son, Edward Harris, John Roprcrs, (u'or«;e Lewis, David Hrodrick. (Icor^'c Wood. Joscpli Allen, David Davis, Joseph McCulloujrli and Stephen Treacle appointed Trn.stees (17!):})... 1 199 (c) Edward Harris, Sr., John John.ston, Benjamin Bayles, David Davis, Daniel Vertner, William Heddleston. Samuel Baldwin, Stephen Treacle and Lewis Moore api)ointed Trustees (1800).. 2 393 Washing-ton Academy (Washington County) {ii) Iiicorpdratt'd Dcecmlx'r '2'2, 17!>S willi Felix Grundy, ]\Iatthew Walton, Benjamin Hardin. Thomas Kyle, Samuel Overton, John Helm, John Reed, Barnabas IMcHenry, John Lan- caster, Philip Washburn, Ilenn' Robert Able, Charles Ewin? and diaries Wi'clditf. Trustees 2 242 (b) Matthew Walton, John Reid. Barnabas IMc- Henry, Elias Davidson, John Calhoon, Stephen Cocke and Paul J. Booker appointed Trustees (1813) 5 15 Washington County Formed September 1. 1792 from Xelson County 1 628 Washington Library Company Incorporated, in Town of Washinjrton January 31, 1811 by Bazil Duke, Robert Taylor, Francis Tavlor, !Mann Butler, and Adam Beatty ....". 4 273 Washington, William Augustine Ei-i-or in i^atent corrected 3 514 Washingtonian Library Company (Shelbyville) Incorporated January 31, 1812 by John Willett, James Simrall, Winf?field Bullock, Masterson Ogden, Cuthbert Bullitt, John Lofran and James ^Toore 4 354 Waters, Richard Jones, deceased Sale of lands authorized 5 76 Watkins, Isaac Promoter at Shelbyville of Lexington and Louis- ville Turnpike Road Company 5 519 Watkins, John (a) Trustee of Versailles and Commissioner to sell lots therein 1 63 H) ) Trustee Woodford Academy 2 243 Watkins, Samuel Commissioner for Franklin Count.v to open road from Buckley's Ferry to Baird.stown 3 463 WATSON 190 VOL. Watson, Evan Authorized to locate 100 acres Estill County 5 5 Watson, Joel Inspection site in "Warren County 2 279 Watson, Shemi Ijalance due on headright land remitted 4 319 Watts, John Inspection site in Boone County 3 243 Waugh, Samuel M. Promoter at Carlisle of Maysville and Lexington Turnpike Road Company 5 536 Wayne County (a) Formed December 18, 1800 from Pulaski and Cumberland Counties 2 392 (b) Part of Adair County added to 3 112 (c) Part of added to Pulaski County 5 562 (d) Part of Pulaski County added to 5 562 Weagle, John Authorized to locate 200 acres in Madison County for tan-bark purposes 4 282 Weare, James (see Weir) Trustee Greenville Academy 4 113 Webb, George Promoter at Winchester of Ohio Canal Companv 3 222 Webb, William E. Trustee of Paris 1 188 Webber, Philip One of Commission to open road from Lindseys Station in Scott County to the Ohio 5 272 Weedon, Major General George Empowered to appoint surveyors (1783) 1 442 Weir, James (see Weare) Allowed pav as Deputv Sheriff of ^Muhlenberg County ." '. 2 486 Weisiger, Daniel (a) One of Commission to open road from Frankfort to Cincinnati 1 185 (b) Trustee of Frankfort 1 247 (c) Inspection site in Frankfort 2 196 (d) Incorporator of Frankfort Bridge Company. .. . 2 304 (e) Trustee Kentucky Seminarv 2 389 (f) Promoter at Frankfort of Bank of Kentucky 3 390 (g) One of Commission to repair State House 3 509 (h) Promoter at Frankfort of Kentucky Assurance Society ' 4 254 (i) Trustee Kentucky Seminary 4 319 IjM WELCH VOL. TAOE (j) One of Commission to erect a State House 5 123 (k) Authorized to convey lots in Frankfort 5 490 Welch, Joseph (see Welsh) 'rrustt'c StMiit'ord Ai-jidcniy 3 33-i Weller, John, Sr. Auiliorizfd to ereet a mill dam on lieech Fork in Nelson ( 'ount y 2 489 Wells, Francis Trustee Brueken Academy 2 242 Welsh, Joseph (see Welch) (a) Diivctor Wilderness Koad 4 265 (l)^ His addition ineluded in Stanford 5 171 Welsh, Thomas His addition included in Stanford 5 171 West Point Inspection site in Hardin County 2 456 Westport (Henry County) Plat of l)y William Hogshead confirmed 2 408 ^^est Thomas ' Trustee of Hopewell (Paris) (1789) 3 568 Wherns, Henrietta Authorized to sue Jacob AVherns in Bourbon County for divorce 1 695 Wherns, Jacob See Henrietta Wherns Whitaker, Aquilla Trustee Shelby Academy 2 241 Whitaker, William W. in I Trn-tee Lofran Vineyard Society 3 139 (h ) Trustee Logan Academy 3 277 White, Hugh One of Commissioners for Clay County to open road in Estill and Clay Counties 5 567 White, James (a) Inspection site in ]\Iadison County 2 457 (b) One of Cfunmissioners for FiStill County to open i-oad in Fstill and Clay Counties 5 567 White, John Allowed i)av for services in Logan's Campaign. . 5 74 White, William Error in settlement certificate, held as assignee of James ]\IcChord, corrected 5 367 Whitley, William Commissioner to open road from Danville to Tellico 3 204 Whitlington, Joshua Inspection site in Boone County 3 123 WHITNELL 192 VOL. PAGE Whitnell, Josiah Trustee Caledonia Academy 5 3 Whitney, Thomas ]\Iain Street in Lexin^on, in front of his lot, (ii'alance due on headrijrht land remitted 5 388 Williams, Charles \'(itin<^- plac(> at luuise in Franklin County 5 334 Williams, Hubbard Xamcd in Harrison-Nicholas County boundary.. 5 453 Williams, James Price of land remitted 5 369 Williams, Jesse Inspection site in Lojran County 3 514 Williams, John (a) Inspection site in Lopran County 3 451 (b) Price of 200 acres of land remitted 5 159 (c) Claimant of part of townsite of Ver.sailles 1 226 Williams, Samuel Pi-f)iuoter at Paris of P>ank of Kentucky 3 390 Williamsville Established December 6, 1792 at mouth of Salt River on lands of William Johnston, with Wil- liam Pope, Lewis Fields, Benjamin Johnston, Thomas M. Winn and Georfj:e Slanjrhter as Trustees 1 118 Williby, John Named in boundary of election precinct in Warren County 3 174 Willingham, .Marria<;e improi)erly solemnized, legalized 3 220 WILLS 1^4 VOL. PAGE Wills, John Trustee Allen Seminary 5 433 Wilmington (Scott County) p].stablished December 7. 1793 on lands of John Grant between mouths of the two Grassy Creeks with John Sanders, John Thrasher. Sr., ^Matthias Corwine, Joseph Floyd, John Hay, Squire Grant and William Henry, Trustees. . . 1 175 Wilmott, Richard Error in patent corrected 4 51 Wilmot, Robert Deleg:ate from Bourbon County to second Con- stitutional Convention (1799) 1 57 Wilson, George (a) Promoter at Louisville of Ohio Canal Company 3 221 (b) Allowed pay for forage furnished Alexander Scott Bullitt. Countv Lieutenant of Jefferson County, Virginia, in 1787 3 407 Wilson, James (a) Trustee Logan Vinevard Soeietv 3 139 (b) Promoter at Russellville of Bank of Kentucky. . 3 391 (c) Trustee Pendleton Academy 5 175 Wilson, James, deceased Lands named in Lincoln-Mercer County bound- arv 4 86 Wilson, Josiah Trustee of Springfield 1 176 Wilson, Josiah, deceased Sale of lot in Springfield bv Executors con- firmed ' 3 446 Wilson, Nathaniel Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 Wilson, Robert Error in patent corrected 3 465 Wilson, Samuel (a) Trustee Newton Academy 3 409 (b) One of Commission to locate County seat for Warren Countv 3 447 Wilson, Uel Trustee Henderson Library Company 5 460 Winchester (a) Established December 17. 1793 on lands of John Baker with Richard Hickman. David Bullock, Josiah Bullock, William Bush. Josiah Hart, John Elliott, Benjamin Combs, and John Strode, Trustees 1 187 • 195 WINCHESTER ACADEMY VOL. PAOK (b) John ilartin, Robert Hiprfrins, Robert McKenny, Richard Jones, John Landers, James Stepliens. and John Ireland appointed additional Trus- tees 1 :uo (c) Lands of Josiah Hart added to 1 307 (d) Thomas Scott ami John Ward named Commis- sioners to extend Short Street to Water Street 4 379 Winchester Academy Incorporated December 19, 1798 with Robert Clark. Sr., Hubbard Taylor, John Lyle, Robert Clark, Jr., Richard Hickman, William Cave- naufrh. Jacob Fishback, David Bullock, William Sudduth. Dillard Collins, John Ir- win. Patterson Bullock and Robert Elkins, Trustees 2 217 Winchester Library Company Incorporated December 27, 1810 by William X. Lane. James Simpson, James Clark, Chilton Allen, and Samuel Hanson 4 195 Winchester Steam Mill Company Incorporated February 3, 1817 5 514 Wing, Charles F. (a) Trustee Greenville Academy 4 113 (b) Penalty for failure to file settlement as Clerk of IMuhlenbero: County waived 5 337 Wingate, Thomas S. Trustee Xewca.stle Librarj' Company 4 35 Winlock, Joseph (aj Tru.stee of Shelbyville 1 151 fb) Trustee Shelby Academy 2 241 Winn, Thomas M. Trustee of Williamsville 1 118 Winslow, Hallet M. Incorporator of Fayette Paper Manufacturing Company 5 409 Winslow, William Trustee Gallatin Academy 5 13 Winston, John Trustee Town of Salisberry 3 369 Winters, Elisha (a) Special suit against him by Innes B. Brent in Fayette County authorized 1 113 (b) Act (a) repealed 1 , 172 Wolf, James D. Incorporator of Lexington Manufacturing Com- pany 5 251 WOLFSCALE 196 VOL. PAGE Wolfscale, George (a) Autliorized to locate land for use in manufacture of iron 2 488 (b) Named in boundary of election precinct in Wayne County 5 35 Wood, Abraham Charlotte Wood authorized to sue him in ]Mason County for divorce 3 161 Woods, Archibald (a) Trustee Town of Milford (1789) 3 567 (b) One of Commission to assess damages to property owners in Milford upon removal of County Seat of Madison County therefrom 2 166 (c) Trustee Madison Academy 2 241 (d) Trustee Madison Academy 3 278 (e) Trustee Madison Academy 5 133 (f ) Trustee of Boonesborough (1787) 3 540 Wood, Charlotte See Abraham Wood Wood, George Trustee Town of Washington 1 199 Wood, Brigadier General James Em])owered to appoint surveyors (1783) 1 442 Woods, Joseph Error in patent corrected 5 436 Woods, Michael Authorized to locate 50 acres of land on Roclv- castle River for a millsite 2 426 Wood, William (a) Deeds made as Trustee of Town of Washington confirmed 1 200 (b) Same as (a) 2 395 (c) Trustee Franklin Academy 1 296 (d) Named in boundary of Town of Washington (1790) 3 556 (e) Voting place at house in Gallatin County 5 183 Woodford Academy (a) Incorporated December 22, 1798 with Caleb Wallace, Robert Alexander, George Brooke, William Vawter, William Steele, John Wat- kins, Marquis Calmes, Richard Young, John Jouitte, Charles Wilkins, Tunstall Quarles, John O'Bannon, and Alexander Dunlap, Trustees 2 243 (b) John Jouitt, William Steele, IMarquis Calmes, Richard Young, George Brooke, William Vawter, Benjamin Temple, Harman Bowmar, 197 WOODFORD_0OUNTT VOL. I'AOE Reuben Twvman. Charles Railey, Nathan Dedman. Thomas Eastland and John O'Ban- non appointed Trustees (1804) 3 181 Woodford County (aj Formed May 1, 1788 from Fayette County 1 628 (b) Scott County carved from 1 629 (c) Franklin County, in part, carved from 1 632 (d) Peter G. Voorhies and Achilles Sneed. for Franklin, and \Villiam Steele and Richard Fox for Woodford County, appointed Commis- sioners to survey Franklin-Woodford Countv line ' \ 5 447 Woodward, William (a) Commissioner for Bracken County to open road from Georgetown to Augusta 3 201 (b) One of Commission to locate County Seat for Ticwis County 3 340 Woolford, Major John ("diiiniissioner for Casey County to survey Lincoln-Casey County line 5 105 Work, Samuel Tnistec Hartford Academy 3 278 Worthington, Edward, deceased EscJK'jiT (if liis lands "waived 4 51 Worthington, Elizabeth Esclicat of lands waived 4 51 Worthington, James T. Trustee Stanford Academy 3 334 Wren, Woodson Trustee Danville Librarj' 2 376 Wright, Alexander Trustee Lancaster Library Company 3 208 Wright, John Balance of State price of 100 acres of land in Warren County remitted 5 108 Wright, Joseph (a) Named in boundary of election precinct in Breekenridge County 4 328 (b) Named in Ohio-Daviess County boundary 5 160 (o) Named in r)hio-Daviess Countv boundan' 5 299 Wright, William Harrison County Court authorized to permit pates on a public road through his lands 5 481 Yancey, Joel Trusiee Glasgow Academy 4 85 Yantes, John Trustee Lancaster Library Company 3 208 YATES 198 VOL. VAQB Yates, Henry One of Commission to open road from Lindseys Station in Scott County to the Ohio 5 272 Yates, John Trustee Grayson Seminan' 5 325 Yates, Robert Trustee Grayson Seminary 5 325 Yenowine, Leonard Named in boundary' of election precinct in Jeffer- son County . . .' 5 308 Young, Henry (a) Promoter of Gallatin Ohio Steamboat Company 5 344 (b) Co-founder Town of Bedford 5 350 Young, James (a) Trustee of Greensburg 1 341 (b) Trustee New Athens Academy 2 242 (c) Voting place at house in Montgomery County. . 4 173 (d) Justices of Bath County to meet at his house. . 4 215 Young, John (a) Trustee Montgomery Academy 3 438 (b) Named in Lincoln-Mercer County boundary. . . 4 86 Young, Josiah, deceased Heirs sriven time to pay *for land 2 487 Young's Mill Named in boundary of election precinct in Green County . . .' 5 317 Young, Original (a) Named in boundary of election precinct in ]\Iontgomer\- County 4 173 (b) Named in Montgomery-Bath County boundary 4 215 Young, Richard (a) Trustee of Versailles and Commissioner to sell lots therein 1 63 (b) Trustee Woodford Academy 2 243 (c) Trustee AVoodford Academy 3 181 Young, Richard, deceased Sale of lands authorized 5 382 Young, Thomas Trustee of Lewisbourgh-Mason County 1 295 APPENDIX Newspapers. YEAR American Republic, Frankfort 1810 4 203 American Statesman, Lexington 1811 4 316 Argus of Western America 1807 3 465 Bardstown Repository, Bardstown 1811 4 316 Commentator, The, Frankfort 1816 5 453 Dove. Town of Washington 1808 4 53 Eagle, The. Maysville 1814 5 174 Examiner. Lancaster 1809 4 126 Farmers Friend, Russellville 1808 4 53 Farmers Library 1800 2 422 Gazette of Public Printer 1798 2 5 Georgetown Patriot, Georgetown 1816 5 355 Globe, Richmond 1809 4 84 Guardian of Freedom 1798 2 228 Guardian of Liberty, Cynthiana 1816 5 453 Hemisphere, Ilopkinsville 1815 5 362 Impartial Observer, Danville 1810 4 205 Impartial Observer, Harrodsburg 1815 5 266 Impartial Review, Bardstown 1806 3 343 Independent Gazette, Lexington 1803 3 161 Informant, Danville 1805 3 276-301 Kentuckian, Shelbyville 1814 5 137 Kentucky Advertiser, Winchester 1816 5 328 Kentucky Gazette, Lexington 1789 3 550-568 1790 3 569 1793 1 118 179-181 185-221 1794 1 258 1795 1 276-308 335-344 1796 1 513-525 555-574 575 1797 1 665-695 1798 2 16-80 100-155 199 APPENDIX 200 Kentucky Gazette, Lexin^on 1806 1807 1810 Kentucky Herald. Lexington 1795 1796 1797 Kentucky Herald. Bardstown 1811 (Not established) Kentucky Telegraphe 1798 Lamp 1807 Light House, Danville 1813 Louisville Correspondent 1812 Louisville Gazette 1807 Luminary, Richmond 1810 1814 Mirror. Russellville 1806 Mirror. Danville 1798 1804 National Pulse, Harrodsburg 1816 Palladium 1798 Patriot, Glasgow 1814 Political Theatre, Lancaster 1808 Reporter 1807 Republican Auxiliary, Washington 1806 Republican Register, Shelby ville 1804 Rights of Man \ 1798 Sovereign People, Russellville 1813 Telegraph, Georgetown 1811 Telescope, Bardstown 1814 Union, Washington 1814 Virginia Gazette 1789 Weekly Messenger, Washington 1803 Weekly Messenger, Russellville 1814 Western American. Bardstown 1803 Western Cit izen • 1807 Western Courier, Louisville 1811 Western Eagle, Hopkinsville 1813 Western Monitor, Lexington 1814 Western World, Frankfort 1806 Winchester Advertiser 1814 5 137 170-228 3 410 3 511 4 236 1 295-344 1 513-525 574-575 1 668 666-695 4 415 2 228 3 437 5 69 5 2 3 494 495-520 4 203 5 172-199 3 333 2 80-228 3 192 5 453 2 228 5 84 4 53 3 530 3 328 3 192 2 170 5 69 4 316 5 293 5 84 3 568 3 161 5 137 3 161 3 530 4 316 5 15 5 174 3 328 201 APPENDIX Inspections. 1783: Vol. 3, p. 580: llickiiunrs warehouse, in Lincoln Connty, at month of Hick- man Creek, on hinds of James Ilofran ; Campbell 's, in -letferson County, at Falls of the Ohio on lands of John Campbell ; Lees, in Fayette County, at Leestown on Kentucky River, on lands of Hancock Lee. 1786: Vol. 3, p. 559: Curd's, in Mercer County, at mouth of Dick's River, on lands of John Curd. 1787: Vol. 3, p. 582: liaii-dd "s L;mdini«^ IJarren. on lands of Benjamin Lees; Bryant '.s Lick, in Lincoln County, on Green Kiver; Hart's, in Clarke County, at mouth of Four Mile Creek, on lands of Nathaniel Hart, deceased ; May's, in Shelby County, opposite mouth of Ashes Creek, on lands of Gabriel ]\Iay ; Hendei-son's, in Henderson County at the Red Banks on the Ohio, on lands of Henderson and Company ; Berry's, in Henderson County, near mouth of Highland Creek, on lands of Benjamin Berry; Taylor's, in Slielby County, at Taylorsville on Salt River, on land of Rieluird Taylor; Westport, in Henry County, on the Ohio, on lands of Joseph Dupuy ; Swinney's, in Montgomery County, on Red River, on lands of Swinney and Collins; Chapman's, in Warren County, on Drake Creek, on lands of Thomas Chapman ; Burwell's, in Christian County, at mouth of Little River, on lands of Nathaniel Burwell; Shepherd's, in Bullitt County, at Shepherdsville, on lands of Adam Shepherd ; Walton's, in Bullitt County, near mouth of Long Lick Creek on Salt River, on lands of Matthew Walton ; Stewart's, in Warren County, on Big Barren River, on lands of James Stewart; Cumpton's, in Warren County, at mouth of Bays Fork on Big Barren, on lands of Levi Cumpton ; Fowler's, in Montgomery County near mouth of Flat Creek on Licking River, on lands of John Fowler; Jack's Creek, in Madison County, on lands of Green Clay between Elk Lick and Jack's Creek; Newport, at mouth of Licking, on lands of James Taylor; Landing Run, in Nelson County, on Beech Fork, on lands of Charles ]\Iorehead ; Lee's Creek, in Mason County, in Lee's Creek Bottom near the Ohio, on lands of Thomas Mills ; South Frankfort. APPENDIX ^ Flour and Hemp. 1799: Vol. 2, pp. 278-9: Bush's Warehouse in Clarke County. John Lewis' mill on Jessamine Creek; Bealsburg. in Hardin County, at warehouse of Walter Beal. Tobacco. 1799: Vol. 2, pp. 278-9: Stone's, in Madison County, at Stone's Ferry, on lands of Green Clay. Tobacco, Hemp, Flour and Cordage. 1799 : Vol. 2, pp. 278-9 : Watson's, in Warren County, at mouth of Big Beaverdam on Green River, on lands of Joel Watson. Tobacco, Hemp and Flour. 1799: Vol.2, p. 287: Cox's Creek, in Bullitt County, at mouth of Cox Creek, on land of Henry Crist. Tobacco, Hemp and Flour. 1800: Vol. 2, pp. 383-4: Huston's, in Breckenridge County, at mouth of Clover Creek, on lands of Joseph Huston ; Louisburg, in Muhlenberg County, in Town of Louisburg, on lands of Lewis Kineheloe ; Stonns', in Muhlenberg County, on Green River, on lands of Leonard Storm ; Warwick, in Madison County, near mouth of Four Mile Creek, on lands of Robert Clark, Sr. ; Dowdal's, in Washington County, on Chaplins Fork, on lands of John Dowdal ; Ferguson's, in Washington County, at Ferguson's ]\Iill on Beech Fork, on lands of Joshua Ferguson ; Rolling Fork, in Washington County, at mouth of Panther's Creek of Rolling Fork, on lands of Joseph Ray; ^ Big Bone, in Boone County, at Rock Landing near mouth of Big Bone Creek, on lands of Thomas Carneal; Woolper's, in Boone County, in Woolper's bottom on the Ohio, on lands of Philemon Thomas; Barnett's, in Hartford, Ohio County; Drennon's Creek, in Henry County at mouth of Drennon Creek, on lands of Hite and Hogg. Flour and Hemp. 1800: Vol. 2, p. 384: Louisville — location of to be fixed by County Court. ^__ 207 APPENDIX Tobacco. 1800: Vol. 2, p. 384: Linu'stone. in Maysvilli'. on a lot of James Edwards; Pocahuntas. in Nelson County, near Scott's Ferry on Beech Fork, on lands of William Kindall; Campbell and Stai)p, in Pulaski County, on Cumberland River, on lands of Thomas Cowen. Tobacco, Hemp and Flour. 1800: Vol. 2, p. 391: Currens', in Livingston County, at forks of Harrican, on lands of James Curren ; Kirkfield in Livintrston County, on Mill Branch of Harrican, on lands of Robert Kirk. Tobacco, Hemp and Flour. 1801: Vol. 2, pp. 456-7: Cole's, in Warren County on Big Barren River at mouth of Beaver Creek, on lands of John Cole ; Funkhouser's, in Logan County, on Green River, on lands of Christopher Funkhouser; Hays', in Harrison County at mouth of Grays Run on South Fork of Licking, on lands of James Hays; West Point, in Hardin County, at Town of West Point ; Prestonville, in Gallatin County, at Town of Prestonville, on lands of John Smith and Francis Preston; Campbell and Stapp, on Cumberland River, on lands of Wil- liam Campbell and Gholston Stapp ; Garris', in ^Muhlenberg County, on lands of Benjamin Garris; Hunsaker's, in Muhlenberg County, at mill of Jacob Hun- saker; Hardin's, in Washington County, at mouth of Pleasant Run, on lands of I\Iartin Hardin ; Sullenger's, in Henry County, on Kentucky River, on lands of Robert Sullenger; White's, in Madison County, at mouth of middle fork of Station Camp Creek, on lands of James White ; Coleman's, in Livingston County, at mouth of Clay Lick Creek on Cumberland River, on lands of Francis Coleman ; Miller's, in Livingston County, at Ritchy's Landing, on lands of David Miller; Flournoy's, in Campbell County on Licking River, on lands of Francis Floumoy; Allen's, in Campbell County, on Main Licking, on lands of Benjamin Allen. Flour. 1801: Vol. 2, p. 456: Frankfort, at warehouse of Otho Beatty. APPENDIX 208 Tobacco. 1801: Vol. 2, p. 456: Ellis', in Pendleton Count v. on ^Nlain Lickinor, on lands of Israel Ellis. Tobacco, Hemp and Flour. 1802: Vol. 3, pp. 22-3: Dickins", in Cumberland County, on lands of Ephraim Dickins; Buckhannon's, in Adair County, on Cumberland River, on lands of Nathaniel Buekhannon ; Gullion's, in Gallatin County, at mouth of Eagle Creek on Kentucky River, on lands of Jeremiah Gullion ; Jackson's, in Wayne County at mouth of Indian Creek, on lands of William Jackson ; Montgomery's, in Wayne County on Cumberland River, on lands of James and Thomas ]\Iontgomery ; Newmarket, in Pulaski County, on Cumberland River, on lands of Samuel Newell ; Lusk's, in Livingston County on the Ohio River, on lands of James Lu.sk; Pond River, in Muhlenberg County, on Pond River, on lands of Epps Littlepage ; Robinson's, in Cumberland County, near mouth of Willis Creek on Cumberland River, on lands of John Robinson; Embree's, in Cumberland County, one mile above McFarlands Creek on Cumberland River, on lands of Joshua Embree. Tobacco, Hemp and Flour. 1803: Vol. 3, p. 123-4: Trumbo's, in Montgomery County, on Licking River near mouth of Slate, on lands of Trumbo ; Clarke's, in Harrison County, near mouth of Beaver Creek on Licking River, on lands of Robert Clarke; Willoughby Creek, in Boone County, at mouth of Willoughby Creek on the Ohio, on lands of Joshua Whitlington ; West Point, in Hardin County, at mouth of Salt River; Taylor's, in Logan County, in forks of Wolf Lick and ]\Iuddy River, on lands of Chapman Taylor; Maberry's, in Christian County, near junction of Cumberland River and Little River, on lands of Maberrj^ ; Kilpatrick's, in Cumberland County, at mouth of Masheck's Creek, on lands of ]\Ioses and Kilpatrick. Beef and Pork. 1804: Vol. 3, p. 239: IMaysville, in IMason County; Augusta, in Bracken County ; - 209 APPENDIX Lower Blue Licks, in Nicholas County; Xcwjjort, in Caniphcll County; Port William, in (Jallatin County; Louisville, in Jefferson County ; Breckenridjre County, at mouth of Clover; Henderson, in Henderson County; Livinprston County, at inouth of Cumberland ; Frankfort, in Franklin County; Greensburjj. in Green County; Stewart's Creek Warehouse, on Beech Fork, in Nelson County; ]\Iouth of Hickman, in Jessamine County; Curd's warehouse at mouth of Dick's River, in Mercer County; Mouth of Sufjar Creek in Garrard County; Falmouth, in Pendleton County; ]\Iouth of Greasy Creek, in Adair County; ]\Iouth of Beaver Creek, in Harrison County; Doom's warehouse in Washington County, on lands of Robert Clarke ; Bush's Landing, in Clarke County; Mouth of Salt River, in Hardin County ; Beallsburg, at mouth of Beech Fork ; Mouth of Sinking, in Breckenridge County ; Jack's Creek warehouse, in Madison County; Boonsborough, in Madison County. Tobacco, Hemp and Flour. 1804: Vol.3, pp. 242-^: Greasy Creek, in Cumberland County, at mouth of Greasy Creek on Cumberland River; Jackson's, at Jackson's Ferry on Cumberland River, in Cumberland County ; Doran's, at Doran's Mill on Rolling Fork in Washington County ; Indian Creek, in Wayne County, at mouth of Indian Creek, on land of William Jackman; Watts, in Boone County, in Woolper's bottom ; Montgomery's, in Pulaski County, on Cumberland River, on lands of James Montgomery ; Thockmorton's. in Nicholas County, at mouth of Johnson, on lands of John Throckmorton ; Falmouth, in Pendleton County. Flour. 1804: Vol. 3, pp. 242-3: Davis, in Pulaski County, on Buck Creek, on lands of Baxter Davis. APPENDIX 210 Tobacco, Hemp, Flour, Beef and Pork. 1804: Vol.3, pp. 242^: Forsythe's, in Logan County, on Green River, on lands of William Forsythe. Tobacco, Hemp, Flour, Beef, Pork, Cotton and Cordage. 1804: Vol. 3, pp. 242-3: Gallatin's, in Warren County, at mouth of Ray's Branch on Barren River, on Gallatin's survey. Tobacco, Hemp, Flour, Beef and Pork. 1805: Vol.3, pp. 322-4: Hoagland's, in Gallatin County, in Hunter's bottom on the Ohio, on lands of Cornelius Hoagland; Falling Spring, in Hardin County, on the Ohio, on lands of ISolomon Brandenburgh ; Russell Creek, in Green County, on Russell Creek, at Hilliard and Moss' Mill; Howard's, in Clarke County, at mouth of Upper Howard Creek, on land of John Howard; Graves', in Campbell County on Main Licldng at mill of Bartlett Graves; Anderson's, in Mason County, on the Ohio at Stoke Ander- son's; Dibrill's, in Wayne County, on Cumberland River, on lands of Charles Dibrill; Hartford, in Ohio County, on lands of the late Gabriel Madison ; Beaver Creek, in Harrison County, at mouth of Beaver Creek on ]\Iain Licking, on lands of James Coleman ; Hart's in Pulaski County, on Cumberland River, on lands of Israel Hart ; Cedar Creek, in Nelson County, at mouth of Cedar Creek, on lands of William Able ; Red River, in Clarke County, on Red River, at Clark and Smith's iron works. Beef and Pork. 1805: Vol. 3, pp. 322-4: Dorin's, in Washington Countv, on Rolling Fork, at Dorin's Mill ; Warwick, Town of, in Mercer County; Goggins', in ]\Iadison County, at Goggins' warehouse on Silver Creek ; Lewisburg, in Muhlenberg County ; Georgetown, Scott County, on lands of Josiah Pitts ; Taylor's, in Henderson County, on Pond River, on lands of Jonathan Taylor. 211 APPENDIX Inspections licrctofoiv ostablishod in Lofran County, on Oreen Kiver. IMuddy Kivrr, and Kcd Kivor. are maile also inspec- tions of beef and povk. Beef. Pork. Hemp and Tobacco. 1805: Vol. 3, pp. 322-4: Greens])urf;, in Green County. Flour, Hemp and Tobacco. 1805: Vol. 3, pp. 322-4: I)i-()\vninarl)our. Tobacco, Hemp and Flour. 1807: Vol. 3, p. 514: Tibbs'. on Green River at nioutb of Robertson Creek on lands of Diskin Tibbs; AVilliains', in Lo