fcUHOlS G601W-** SURVEV : UBRARY Ha ^iso n STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION COMPOSITION OF THE ASH OF ILLINOIS COALS O. W. Rees ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY John C. Frye, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 365 1964 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/compositionofash365rees COMPOSITION OF THE ASH OF ILLINOIS COALS ABSTRACT Analyses of the ashes of various Illinois coals , many of which have been available in the analytical files of the Illinois State Geological Survey, are presented in this report. Inasmuch as some of the ash analyses were made on prepared coals, some information is presented on the effects of prep- aration (sizing and washing) on ash composition. The rela- tion of ash composition to ash softening temperatures has been indicated in three ways . While all three show a general relation between composition and softening temperatures, none are adequate to permit estimating softening temperatures within desirable tolerances . It is suggested that the neces- sary oversimplification when dealing with a complex multi- component system such as coal ash prevents such predic- tions . INTRODUCTION Over a period of about 32 years, the Analytical Chemistry Section of the Illinois State Geological Survey has analyzed ashes from various Illinois coals . While some of these analyses have appeared as supporting data in certain publi- cations, and other reports dealing with various considerations of coal ash and min- eral matter have been published, the ash analyses have never been assembled into a single report. The purpose of this summary, therefore, is to make available in- formation on the composition of Illinois coal ashes . The data represent face channel samples, raw coal (commercially mined), and prepared coals, both sized and washed. Since preparation influences ash com- position, each analysis must be considered representative only of the specific sam- ple described. Information on the effect of preparation on ash composition and some discussion of the relation between ash composition and ash fusion are inclu- ded. The coal samples described in this report were obtained, for the most part by Survey personnel. The majority of sized and washed coals represented in table 1 2 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 365 were commercial plant products, but in certain instances, the preparation was done in the Survey laboratory. For example, the washing of samples A, B, and C has been described by Helfinstine and Boley (1946). All sized and gravity samples shown in tables 2 and 3 were prepared in the Survey laboratory and described by McCabe and Rees (1939). The gravity samples, for which ash analyses are shown in tables 2 and 3, were individual samples rather than cumulative gravity samples. ANALYTICAL METHODS Coal analyses (ash and sulfur) and ash fusion values were determined by the American Society for Testing Materials procedures. The three commonly determined values, i.e. the initial deformation (I.D.), softening (S), and fluid (F) temperatures, were obtained in a mildly reducing atmosphere. In all cases, the softening temper- ature shown is the spherical one. Ash samples were prepared from minus 60-mesh coal as follows. About 100 grams of coal were spread in a thin layer in fire clay dishes, which were about 5 inches in diameter, and ashed in an air atmosphere in a muffle furnace at 750-800 °C. The ashes then were ground to pass a 200-mesh sieve, placed in a small evaporating dish, and burned further in an oxygen atmosphere at 850 °C . Methods used for the ash analyses were, for the most part, wet chemical methods for silicate analysis as described by Hillebrand (1919), Hillebrand and Lundell (19 53), and H. S. Wash- ington (1930) . Si02, AI2O3, MgO, CaO, SO3, and loss on ignition were gravimetric determinations. TiOo was determined colorimetrically. In many instances, TiOo was not determined separately and is included in the AI2O3 value. Fe203 was de- termined volumetrically. In the earlier analyses (lower laboratory numbers), the iron in the ferrous state was titrated with standard potassium permanganate; in the later analyses, the iron in the ferric state was titrated with standard titanium tri- chloride. Sodium and potassium oxide values, where actually determined, were obtained in the earlier analyses by the classical J. Lawrence Smith method and in later analyses by flame photometer. Where sodium and potassium were not actually determined, an estimate of Na20+K20 was made by difference. For this purpose the SO3 value, not the loss on ignition value, was included in the sum subtracted from one hundred. RESULTS Table 1 is a tabulation of analyses and sample descriptions assembled from the analytical files of the Survey. The table is arranged by the counties from which the coal samples were collected. Where available, analyses of ashes from face samples are shown first, followed by analyses of various prepared products. Since the analyses for each county represent samples of coals of different size, gravity, etc., and since coal preparation influences the ash composition, it is not possible to arrive at reliable county averages. The data in tables 2 and 3 show the effect of coal preparation, both sizing and washing, on the composition of the ashes of the prepared products. Two coals, one from the No. 5 Coal in Sangamon County and the other from the No. 6 Coal in Williamson County, were obtained for this work. Both coals were li" x screen- ings. Each was screened into 5 sizes, and each size was separated into 6 fractions by gravity separation. Both the original samples and the five sized and 6 gravity COMPOSITION OF THE ASH OF ILLINOIS COALS 3 products were ashed. The ashes were analyzed. Ash and sulfur values for all coals and ash softening temperature data for all ashes were obtained. Table 2 presents the data for the Sangamon County series, and table 3 presents the data for the Wil- liamson County series. The influence of sizing on the four major components of the ash of the Sangamon County coal is shown graphically in figure 1A and of gravity separation in figure 1B-F. The same influences for the Williamson County coal are shown in figure 2A and figure 2B-F. ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS COAL ASHES The prime purpose of table 1 is to make information available on the compo- sition of the ashes of Illinois coals, which were prepared according to the procedure described earlier in this report. The principal parent material of the ash is the min- eral matter of the coal of which clayey or shaley material, pyrite or marcasite, and carbonates, principally calcite, are the main consistuents. All of these undergo changes during ashing. The clayey or shaley materials lose water of hydration; the pyrite and marcasite are converted to Fe 2 3 and sulfur oxides, parts of which are retained in the ash as sulfate; and the carbonates lose C0 2 . The clayey or shaley portion is composed of hydrous aluminum silicates, varying amounts of quartz, and possibly other minerals. The common aluminum silicates, or clay min- erals, contain two moles of Si02 to one mole of A1 2 3 . It is interesting to note that analyses of the ashes of coals from all counties, except one, show an excess of Si02 over the ratio of two to one. The exception is in Will County, where the ratio of Si0 2 to A1 2 3 is definitely less than two to one. As reported, the S0 3 values should not be taken as indicative of the occurrence of sulfates in the coals. Actually, the sulfate sulfur of coal is normally less than 0. 1 percent. In the ashing procedure, part of the coal sulfur is oxidized to S0 3 and retained in the ash as sul- fate. The amount that is retained depends upon the ashing procedure and the compo- sition of the ash. For these reasons, ash analyses sometimes are calculated to the SO3 free basis for better comparison. EFFECT OF COAL PREPARATION ON ASH COMPOSITION Since the analyses in table 1 represent mine, sized, and cleaned samples of coal, it is desirable to present some information of the effect of preparation, both sizing and gravity separation, on ash composition. By way of comparing the two l|" to coals used in this work, it will be seen from tables 2 and 3 that the No. 5 Coal is a higher ash, higher sulfur coal than is the No. 6 Coal. Analyses of the ashes from the two coals show higher percentages of Fe 2 3 and CaO and lower percentages of Si0 2 and A1 2 3 in the No. 5 Coal than in the No. 6 Coal. The percentage of S0 3 in the No. 5 Coal ash is higher than in the No. 6 Coal ash. The content of MgO is typically low and similar for both ashes. The alkalies (Na 2 0+K 2 - By difference) are the same for the two ashes. Effect of Sizing The effect of sizing on the ash composition of the two coals is shown in figures 1A and 2A. Concentrations of the four major ash constituents, Si0 2 , A1 2 3> Fe 2 3 , and CaO, are plotted on the vertical axis, and size is plotted on the hori- zontal axis. For reference, the concentrations of these constituents in the ash of ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 365 =^ /° 3/4 '0 3/8 3/etolOM | -48M HE c \ / ^a \ / CaO __ -*^ ~X . X x3/ B L30F I.35F L40F ,50F I70F | V FezOi^Q ^ CaO „___ K &L I.35F 1.4 3F I50F I.70F F Si0 2 V 1 Al 2 3 „ Ap VL_" CaO • f< , ~~:~~: Figure 1 - Effect on ash composition of No. 5 Coal, 1 1/4" x 0, by (A) sizing and by gravity separation, (B) 1 3/4" x 3/4" , (C) 3/4" x 3/8" , (D) 3/8" x 10 mesh, (E) 10 mesh x 48 mesh, and (F) minus 48 mesh. COMPOSITION OF THE ASH OF ILLINOIS COALS , B " Si0 2 — *~~~- ; '/" x CoO „_ _- -— "^, EAD 30F 135 I40F I.50F I70F 5 3Q \ /" ** L x CoO x ___— -^, S 3/ AD^OF ,35F ,.40F L50F ,70F |7 Figure 2 - Effect on ash composition of No. 6 Coal, 1 1/4" x 0, by (A) sizing and by gravity separation, (B) 1 3/4" x 3/4", (C) 3/4" x 3/8", (D) 3/8" x 10 mesh, (E) 10 mesh x 48 mesh, and (F) minus 48 mesh. 6 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 365 the head sample (li" x 0) are shown at the left of the graphs. Concentrations of MgO and Na 2 0+K 2 are not shown in the figures as they are both low in the ash. However, they are given in tables 2 and 3. For a clear picture of the effect of sizing on the No. 5 Coal, the reader is referred to figure 1A and table 2. Briefly, the percentages of Si02 and Fe 2 Oo are highest in the ashes of the larger sizes of coal and lowest in the smaller sizes. A1 2 3 is not greatly affected by size; but it is lowest in the 10 to 48M size. CaO is lowest in the larger sizes and highest in the smaller sizes. The effects of sizing on the composition of the ash of the No. 6 Coal are shown in figure 2A and table 3. In general, they are similar to those shown in fig- ure 1A for the No. 5 Coal. EFFECT OF GRAVITY SEPARATION In all the composition vs. gravity graphs, the percentages of the four major constituents are plotted on the vertical axis and the specific gravities on the hori- zontal axis. Percentages of these constituents in the sized or head sample are plotted at the left of the graph for comparison. Table 2 and figure IB through IF show the effects of gravity separation on the ash composition of the five sizes of No. 5 Coal. Briefly, Si0 2 and A1 2 3 are highest in the low gravity fractions and lowest in the heavy fractions, indicating concentration of the clayey or shaley part of the mineral matter in the light fractions. Fe 2 3 and CaO are lowest in the 1.30 float (1.30F) fractions and highest in the 1.70 sink (1.70S) fractions, indicating concentration of pyrite and calcite in the heavy fractions. The effects of gravity separation on the ash composition of the five sizes of No. 6 Coal are shown in table 3 and figure 2B through 2F. For the most part, the effects are similar to those on the No. 5 Coal. The chief exception is the lower Si0 2 and the somewhat higher Fe 2 3 in the 1.30F fractions of the two larg- est sizes of the No. 6 Coal. RELATION OF ASH COMPOSITION TO ASH SOFTENING TEMPERATURE Several investigators have attempted to relate the composition of coal ash to such things as clinkering, slagging of boilers, and viscosity of coal ash slags and to ash softening temperature. No attempt is made here to present a complete summary of published work on this subject. The establishment of a relation between ash composition and viscosity of coal ash slags has been more successful than the establishment of a relation between ash composition and softening temperature. However, some relation between composition and softening temperature has been demonstrated by certain investigators. Three of the approaches used have been tried on the data at hand. Relation of Acid to Base Ratio to Ash Softening Temperature The first approach to be considered here is the relation of the acid to base ratio to the softening temperature. The acid used in this approach is Si0 2 + Al 2 03 and the base Fe 2 3 + MgO+CaO+(Na 2 0+K 2 0) . This was tried by Nicholls and COMPOSITION OF THE ASH OF ILLINOIS COALS 7 Selvig (19 32), who found that ". . .in general, ashes having large amounts of alumina and silica as compared to the bases had high softening temperatures and that those having relatively low amounts of alumina and silica had low softening temperatures. " This approach was tried, using the data in tables 2 and 3. The results are shown in figure 3. There is a relation between ash composition and ash softening temperature, which is, in general, in accord with the findings of Nicholls and Selvig. However, the relation is not precise enough to permit making reliable estimates of ash softening temperatures. The data show a few exceptions even to a general rela- tion. Figure 3 shows four points that represent ashes of low acid to base ratios (less than 0.5) but which have ash softening temperatures much higher than might be expected. These ashes are designated in table 2 by laboratory numbers C-1224, C-1230, C-1197, and C-1513. All of these ashes are from 1.70S gravity samples of No. 5 Coal, and all are characterized by relatively low Si02 and AI2O3 values. In addition, the ashes of C-1224 and C-1230 are unusually high in Fe203; the ashes of C-1197 and C-1513 are unusually high in CaO. Another exception to even a gen- eral relation is shown in figure 3 where three points that represent No. 6 Coal ashes have acid to base ratios from 4.0 to 4.37 and have ash softening temperatures which are considerably higher than might be expected. These three ashes are designated in table 3 by laboratory numbers C- 1248, C-1259, andC-1242. They have high Si02 and AI2O3 and low Fe203 and CaO contents. Although these facts explain the relatively high acid to base ratios, there is no apparent explanation for these high ash softening temperatures. Other ashes with higher acid to base ratios have soft- ening temperatures that are lower and more closely fit the relation displayed in fig- ure 3. These anomalies emphasize the fact that the relation of ash composition to fusibility is complex. Relation of Silica Ratio to Ash Softening Temperature The second approach relates the silica ratio to ash softening temperature. This ratio is calculated by the following formula: Q .,. D ,. Si0 x 100 Silica Ratio 2 SiO + FeO + MgO + CaO Other investigators have used this silica ratio to relate ash composition to slagging tendencies and ash viscosity. For example, Hoy, Roberts, and Wilkins (1958) reported that slagging conditions could be established in an experimental cyclone combustor, provided that the silica ratio of the ashes of the bituminous coals used did not exceed 75. For this report, an attempt was made to relate silica ratios to ash soften- ing temperatures using the data in tables 2 and 3. The results in figure 4 show a general relation between the silica ratio and the softening temperature, i.e., as the the silica ratio increases the softening temperature increases. Again there are four points, representing ashes with low silica ratios and high softening temperatures, and three points, representing ashes with high silica ratios and high softening temperatures, that do not agree with the general relations. These exceptions are the same as those shown in figure 3. Therefore, the relation in figure 4 is simi- lar to that in figure 3 . ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 365 Figure 3 - The acid to base rat ash softening temperatures. <&}.'. o . O ° D x • ° □ ° o 01 X 1 G. S DATA - N . 6 COAL -4$ : L ONE S Tbu LER OATA Figure 5 - Melting point versus composi- tion of two component system, SiO - Al.O.. Figure 6 - Lowering by ash bases of melt- ing point of two component system, SiO„-Al„0 . COMPOSITION OF THE ASH OF ILLINOIS COALS 9 Relation of Composition to Softening Temperature Based on Lowering Effect of Bases on Assumed Two Component System, SiO - Al O A third approach was used by Jones and Buller (1936) to relate the composi- tion of anthracite ashes to their softening temperatures. The first step in this ap- proach is to assume a two component system, Si0 2 - AI2O3, for which melting point data are available (see fig. 5). For the purpose of this correlation, the ash soften- ing temperatures are assumed to be liquidus temperatures. The next step is to cal- culate the relative percentages of Si0 2 and A1 2 3 from the ash analyses. Using these values, it is possible to determine the melting point of this two component system from the curve in figure 5. The determined softening temperature of each ash is subtracted from the value obtained from the curve (fig. 5) and the difference is plotted against the sum of the bases in the ash, i.e., Fe 2 3 + MgO + CaO + (Na 2 0+ K 2 0). This plot is shown in figure 6. In preparing figure 6, data in tables 2 and 3 were supplemented by the analyses of anthracite ashes, reported by Jones and Buller, and some of the analyses of ash from United States coals, reported by Selvig and Gibson (1956). Values, calculated to the SO3 free basis, were compared with values, not calculated to the SO3 free basis, to see if the change would affect the relation. Comparison of the two showed no appreciable influence on the rela- tion. This may indicate that the SO3 in the ash has virtually no influence on soft- ening temperature. The following discussion is based on SO3 free values (fig. 6). It will be seen that, as the bases increase, their lowering effect on the melting point of the assumed two component system (Si0 2 -Al 2 03) also increases up to about 25 percent of the total bases. The average effect appears to be approxi- mately the same up to about 55 percent. Beyond this, the lowering effect decreases appreciably. There is considerable scatter of points so the relation shown is only a general one and is not precise enough to predict softening temperatures within desirable tolerances. Why bases, beyond 55 percent of the ash, exhibit a reverse trend in their lowering effect is unknown. It is possible that the Si0 2 - A1 2 3 system may no longer be the controlling one. GENERAL DISCUSSION OF ASH COMPOSITION - ASH SOFTENING TEMPERATURE RELATIONSHIP Three approaches that show a general relation between ash composition and ash softening temperature have been presented. However, none provides a reliable means of estimating softening temperatures. It is suggested here that this lack of demonstrated precise relation may be due to oversimplification-i.e. , the practice of lumping together in a group certain ash constituents as reported in an ash analysis (oxides), with the assumption that each of the constituents included in the group has the same influence on ash softening temperature. This assumption does not seem very logical because the constituents, which may be included in a group, have different fundamental characteristics. Furthermore, the usual analytical report shows various constituents as oxides. Undoubtedly, they are present in other chemical combinations. To complicate the situation even further, it is probable that interac- tions between ash constituents take place during heating and result in the formation of other compounds that have different characteristics and behaviors. Thus, to ar- rive at a more precise relation between ash composition and softening temperature, it would be necessary to identify, by X-ray diffraction or other means, the inorganic constituents both qualitatively and quantitatively. In a multicomponent system such as coal ash, it would be virtually impossible to achieve this. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 365 TABLE 1 - ANALYSES OF Coal No. Description Coal Analysis Moisture Free Lab Si0 2 A1 2 3 Ti0 2 No. Ash% 1 Sulfur?. CHRISTIAN C-10142 6 Face channel sample C-10143 6 Face channel sample C-10144 6 Face channel sample C-10291 6 Face channel sample C-10292 6 Face channel sample C-10293 6 Face channel sample C-10160 6 Core sample C-10161 6 Core sample C-10162 6 Core sample C-10163 6 Core sample C-10237 6 Core-total channel C-10254 6 Represents 91" of coal C-10294 6 1 1/4" x screenings C-10246 6 Minus 1 l/4"-unwashed C-1302 6 1.30 fl. of size 3/4" x 3/8" C-3257 6 14A: IV screenings C-3286 6 14B: first washing of 14A C-3304 6 14C: first washing of 14B C-5738 6 3/4" x 28 mesh washed stoker coal FRANKLIN C-92 6 Column sample C-10603 6 Face channel sample C-10604 6 Face channel sample C-10605 6 Face channel sample C-11621 6 Face channel sample C-11622 6 Face channel sample C-3470 6 1%" x 3/4" washed coal C-3778 5 2" x 3/8" C-4375 5 1%" x 28 mesh washed coal C-4380 5 C-4875 dedusted at 10 mesh C-4439 5 2" x Ik" (No. 2 nut) C-5618 5 Stoker coal C- 10 63 7 5 6" x 1" clean coal C-10638 S V x 48 mesh clean coal C-10639 S 48 mesh x clean coal C-10640 5 7/8 " x 10 mesh clean coal C-10641 5 1" x V clean coal FULTON C-91 5 Raw coal - 66" C-5638 > 3/4" x V stoker coal GRUNDY C-5576 J 1" x V stoker coal C-5712 J Stoker coal HENRY C-14 6 Face channel sample JACKSON UI-17062 Face sample 10.9 4.42 34.76 18.12 80 12.1 4.06 32.10 18.44 75 10.9 4.45 31.58 18.25 85 12.1 4.56 39.73 16.71 83 12.0 4.45 44.58 18.20 95 11.2 4.72 42.70 16.96 98 14.2 34.70 18.63 83 15.2 33.39 19.21 90 15.9 40.74 16.71 70 12.8 39.60 15.88 65 16.2 5.73 30.66 14.10 68 18.1 6.54 36.73 13.52 75 14.7 4.77 41.11 15.95 97 17.4 4.65 35.39 17.90 88 4.4 3.45 20.00 7.98 13.7 4.26 43.03 20.04 9.2 3.90 45.81 21.42 8.2 3.68 46.71 21.69 13.6 4.08 44.25 40.89 19.04 32.48 9.9 3.19 42.18 17.54 0.74 9.0 1.40 41.31 17.36 79 9.9 3.12 34.18 15.44 73 11.4 4.44 32.29 18.67 89 11.5 4.46 30.53 17.61 98 8.0 0.87 54.49 26,12 6.8 1.17 50.88 24.75 10.2 2.84 43.42 19.40 9.3 2.73 46.93 20.76 9.7 2.48 47.67 21.95 8.4 0.97 49.64 22.75 7.9 2.09 50.50 22.98 1.03 11.9 2.94 35.93 14.65 0.65 17.6 2.42 35.58 14.26 0.56 13.1 2.70 52.42 20.77 0.96 7.4 2.23 49.73 21.52 1.03 14.4 4.93 57.20 5.61 11.2 2.96 48.38 15.62 6.0 2.07 32.73 18.28 10.0 3.23 48.23 20.98 25.26 13.83 0.66 COMPOSITION OF THE ASH OF ILLINOIS COALS ILLINOIS COAL ASHES Ash Analys is (perc Hit) Ash Fusion °F Na20 + K 2 by Loss on Initial Fe 2 3 MgO CaO Na 2 K 2 Diff . S0 3 Ignition Deformation Softening Fluid 23.38 1.12 6.75 3.97 1.38 8.95 8.06 1684 1821 1878 22.68 2 91 7.63 3.50 1.54 9.67 8.50 1754 1862 1968 23.44 2 04 7.16 3.70 1.43 10.81 9.70 1713 1842 1898 21.86 97 7.70 2.89 1.40 8.19 2.12 1711 1856 1894 22.17 98 4.06 3.13 1.55 4.43 2.28 1696 1876 2018 27.33 1 00 2.92 3.18 1.55 3.30 2.25 1755 1876 2018 28.23 1 01 5.21 3.97 1.53 6.32 4.57 26.49 1 40 6.06 2.53 1.46 8.10 5.20 22.50 97 6.80 2.02 1.34 7.95 6.11 26.50 1 04 5.53 2.20 1.55 6.77 5.92 27.28 85 11.76 1.15 1.10 12.75 1.49 1669 1767 1859 32.70 87 6.40 1.27 1.23 6.63 1.23 1753 1835 1859 21.83 93 7.30 2.84 1.40 8.01 2.75 1755 1876 1930 19.60 1 51 8.15 2.90 1.80 11.17 7.98 1669 1859 2382 37.58 52 16.13 1.96 15.83 23.85 1 04 3.54 5.20 3.30 3.32 2016 2054 2359 20.03 1 11 2.86 6.38 2.39 1.38 2026 2094 2357 18.65 1 20 2.70 6.35 2.70 1.87 2048 2106 2339 19.01 54 5.19 6.57 5.40 2.13 2032 2109 2140 7.68 0.07 9.63 0.72 8.53 14.86 77 10.56 1.00 1.60 10.40 3.48 1897 2032 2126 11.23 81 12.39 1.27 1.33 13.18 6.86 1807 2014 2110 17.88 58 13.69 0.98 1.33 15.22 6.11 1816 2014 2110 27.74 70 8.63 1.10 1.50 8.75 1.52 1977 2054 2208 27.00 62 10.04 0.80 1.44 11.52 2.17 1972 2046 2204 7.77 1 11 3.71 4.35 2.45 1.57 10.78 1 06 4.20 4.27 4.06 3.05 17.63 89 7.95 2.29 8.42 0.08 2004 2053 2124 18.63 91 5.01 2.78 4.98 0.52 2016 2102 2183 16.68 40 4.46 3.91 4.93 3.24 2019 2092 2225 8.91 1 04 8.17 3.55 5.94 0.65 2182 2264 2311 13.11 83 4.20 1.18 2.10 3.47 1.66 2098 2170 2270 12.49 76 17.50 0.88 1.50 15.50 2.00 1961 2038 2050 10.63 90 17.59 1.18 1.55 17.28 4.21 2038 2082 2114 13.09 1 00 4.31 0.83 2.45 3.67 1.00 2098 2126 2196 13.95 89 4.88 1.15 1.62 4.09 1.41 2038 2126 2151 27.25 0.57 4.68 2.93 1.76 1.01 12.89 .73 10.19 1.45 10.74 2039 2105 2169 8.71 0.86 10.44 2.47 7.77 0.00 1.02 0.76 4.72 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 365 Coal | No. Des -ription Coal Analysis Moisture Free Lab Si0 2 A1 2 3 TiO, No. Asb.% | Sulfur% C-10288 6 Face sample 10.1 0.77 51.54 25.79 1.32 C-10289 6 Face sample 7.5 0.80 55.24 27.89 1.35 C-10290 6 Face sample 9.7 0.81 47.97 22.30 1.12 C-10463 6 Minus 48 mesh 17.5 0.97 42.98 21.05 0.58 C-10464 6 Over product from slurry vibrator 22.8 1.36 42.83 21.10 0.62 C-10465 6 Through product from slurry vibrator 30.2 1.28 48.01 21.51 0.64 KNOX C-15 1 Face channel sample 16.70 6.51 33.94 17.04 0.78 C-3463 1 16A: 1" x V screened 13.2 5.21 31.40 18.67 C-3507 1 16B: First washing of 16A 8.9 3.75 36.42 23.09 C-3520 1 16C: First washing of 16B 5.1 2.94 34.95 25.56 C-5663 6 1" x \" stoker coal 8.0 2.68 48.20 25.33 LASALLE C-21 2 Face channel sample 9.5 4.71 11.09 0.75 C-22 2 Face channel sample 15.6 4.55 5.24 0.54 C-2527 2 Stoker coal \" x 8 mesh 14.3 5.47 C-4652 2 IV screenings - washed 10.1 3.97 27.01 13.69 C-4709 2 2" x Ik." raw coal with minus 1" removed 9.8 4.61 26.72 13.41 MACOUPIN UI-17053 6 Mine sample 46.04 16.31 UI-17054 6 Mine sample 45.58 16.67 UI-17055 6 Mine sample 46.88 20.25 MADISON C-16 6 Face channel sample 17.4 5.12 46.20 21.01 0.96 C-3775 6 3" x 1%" raw coal 13.6 1.49 49.10 23.01 C-4512 6 IV screenings - washed 12.6 3.88 51.34 21.35 C-4578 6 2" x IV - washed 10.7 4.02 50.86 22.05 C-11093 6 Composite of two channel samples 9.1 2.26 42.78 21.83 PERRY C-922 6 Face channel sample 13.3 3.78 40.09 17.54 1.00 C-923 6 Face channel sample 12.6 4.13 40.60 16.73 0.84 C-924 6 Face channel sample 12.0 4.10 41.59 18.64 1.00 C-925 6 Face channel sample 10.6 4.20 39.70 17.74 0.86 RANDOLPH C-3204 6 13A: IV x 3/4" 17.6 4.08 48.90 19.93 C-3229 6 13B: First washing of 13A 12.6 3.20 51.53 20.94 C-3246 6 13C: First washing of 13B 10.1 2.99 51.78 21.46 SALINE C-10617 5 Channel sample 8.4 1.41 39.14 23.76 0.92 C-11203 Davis Composite of channel samples 8.6 3.44 41.34 20.81 C-18 Davis Face channel sample 9.7 3.77 36.91 20.81 0.98 C-3024 5 19A: V x 10 mesh 10.4 2.63 39.99 20.05 C-3048 5 10B: First washing of 10A 7.6 2.06 41.57 21.58 C-3072 5 IOC: First washing of 10B 6.3 1.84 44.16 23.49 C-3515 5 6" x 28 mesh - washed 6.4 1.01 48.76 29.23 C-5757 6 1" x 28 mesh stoker coal 10.1 2.98 48.14 24.12 y