/ SPECIAL LISTS Number 11 LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS MADE BY THE OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION AT THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION SAN FRANCISCO, 1945 Compiled by Emma B. Haas, Anne Harris and Thomas W. Ray The National Ar General National Archives chives and Records Service Services Administration Washington; 1953 ^ . o u lUAO' jNWtRsn^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ILL HIST. SURVEY lUlNOtS KiSTORiCAl SURVEY LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS MADE BY THE OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION AT THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION SAN FRANCISCO, 1945 (Record Group 208) Compiled by Emma B. Haas, Anne Harris and Thomas W. Ray The National Arc General National Archives hives and Records Service Services Administration Washington: 19 53 National Archives Publication 54-7 FOREWORD US8I ^ no- if do ^ 3 To analyze and describe the permanently valuable records of the Federal Government preserved in the National Archives Building is one of the main tasks of the National Archives. Various kinds of finding aids are needed to facilitate the use of these materials. The special list describes in detail the contents of certain impor¬ tant record series. Its form and style are not fixed but vary according to the nature of the records to which it relates. Its distinguishing characteristic is that it goes beyond the general description contained in a record group registration statement and a preliminary inventory and describes records in terms of individual documents, dossiers, or file headings. In addition to lists and other finding aids that relate to partic¬ ular record groups, the National Archives publishes some that give an over-all picture of materials in the custody of the Archivist and some that cover records in the possession of other agencies, A comprehensive Guide to the Records in the National Archives (1948) and a brief guide. Your Government*s Records in the National Archives (revised 1950), have been issued. More than 40 Reference Information Papers , which analyze records in the National Archives on such subjects as transportation, small business, and India, have so far been published. Records of World War I have been described in the Handbook of Federal World War Agencies and Their Records, 1917-1921 . and those of World War II in the two-volume guide. Federal Records of World War II (1950-51), Many bodies of records of high research value have been edited by the National Archives and re¬ produced on microfilm as a form of publication. Positive prints of some 3,500 rolls of these microfilmed records, described in the List of File Microcopies of the National Archives (revised 1950), are now available for purchase. 111 1 ^. it ‘ * . a..,’^ :■> ./y’f Hi' ■ \ "i • a ■*‘1% , i ' pkv np^*--. . .!; .(’ . / ( ’<1- ■' ' ■ ' '" ’•» b • '*1, ‘ V** 7,. ■■ i’ -.•: 11 .<*■ \ >, I" fi ,V .,' ‘ 'C. ' '■ ^* ' . ■ ♦'Vf-HV'''^. ■ ^ V *» • ' 'i ^ * , ^ . , J' QB:mHcn ., ,1- if <1 ^.. 1 ' ■ ,V'/r ■?* • ■’i;; i.,. bt/ t .♦ ‘ - *»rfj lo r4^Ct9tt9tnoq>wfif-i A. _ . ^ _Ji. _ l t _L^-t' A.- _ ——gju ^ Yia t*ao Rttvltion* «i. oof^eeiAi^ ^ *’ e.biM 3clbrtit ewcNaV • "^0, ^ - !^- ' . - ' . ? . ' ol* Mii»« Via t ?^F .7, 6r^.io .^o A±’feb-ioc^^T *v“-' ! » •■.•■, • •I f • « ‘ '♦ ’ K^i ^ kV’' * » xj- . - *15 ^8lt»tw| oi‘>4’feXs*J abfn fro»v^^j>i3«ri{|fcA^ W. lfi(tt>i^}^ ^,QriJ , Amo** feftft 6(fJ ir.,ftjt m ’> ivvt ifldi^'jqaca. A 'lo. pi ^ V, iioMw AP - '_ ‘i 0^ (jF'^oW ^bi ijti i ^ftoh?’a^/*oq«njpft W ^^4>flft^? ixgiz /?» i«vx^1. ce SV? ;e.«i«ali5!f^ j£to T.n>f fc^TCoR Igy he * ^ >y^g^lbjagfl if" ♦ ed# /tl XT hX^^fTto bitfe . ^^‘Jr.VX^X Rbt003T xi) tntbod it^ . 7fc: -■•»r. T..V - . -r j . ♦ VW 1 rf' -^'t bfxft a^lffb'x-^ 4mf.<3ti •}.* •: wff.t ('V^ rfo^^AS^'t, ^ 5 ^ . 1 ^ ; €*!ii6k7l6 8 VoX*iq .avl.-iacH. lo.anot 4 5?A aO. .li©«wbo'yqj|* ,. VXi*^- ^i\ld autt nl: l)^ii*r.t .fJ^ncca&Ti eXd^Ixavii >#0:; . I » • n ji •* .✓ ;.T:> ■.)*, n: *. '*< -'■ • -‘'H. V • . f *>1. •■ ’. ' ^ ‘'^Ai.' * ’* ’ , '* ' ‘ '■ - “■ ' ' ' '*' ' 7 ,'- , ■ 7 .. ^ > ■ •v.^ ,W:K,,jp ' . '' 7 ''*'kt*'?''.-''* ^ . .• •;;->-vV ,:■ .•'•.• 7 ^^■'7 J ^'■I , -v . r-: ' -v-'^ -■ ;' ■ _. ‘ . 1 A .' "■■» k t ;^* -f' . , yr/-., ■• * 1‘ ' J I ' » * : 1> ^tm* A ♦ 7 1 V^: ;; t- . . •. 1>? ■'■■,,’# •. / ‘ ■ ’^y . -7» W .* . • 'ifc (,_ ' . 'iJhl :■ ■< . ■ • ,W ' ■ ‘^ ,. > ..fl '«’ '' >*^1 - I ,B. ’1 ■, I ■••y 'r /■i ■::js ■' ■■a •? .* •.-! » L', - I- Si .l t-', .J <^'i> CONTENTS Page Introduction . 1 List. 3 Delegations . 3 Argentina. 3 Australia. 3 Belgium. 4 Bolivia . 5 Brazil . 5 Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic . 6 Canada. 7 Chile. 7 China. 7 Colombia . 9 Costa Rica. 9 Cuba.10 Czechoslovakia.10 Denmark.10 Dominican Republic. 11 Ecuador.11 Egypt ..11 El Salvador.12 Ethiopia.12 France.13 Greece.14 Guatemala.14 Haiti. 14 Honduras. 15 India.15 Iran.16 Iraq.16 Lebanon.17 Liberia.17 Luxembourg. 17 Mexico.18 Netherlands and Netherlands East Indies . 18 Now Zealand.19 Nicaragua.19 Norway. 20 Panama. 20 Peru.20 Philippine Commonwealth . 21 Saudi Arabia.22 Syria. 23 Turkey.24 / V Page Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic . 24 Union of South Africa.24 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.26 United Kingdom. 27 United States of America . 29 Uruguay. 32 Venezuela. 32 Yugoslavia.33 The Big Four. 33 The Big Three. 33 Commission meetings and plenary sessions . 34 Consultants* meeting . 35 General scenes . 35 The Uills College commencement ceremonies . 36 News services .. 37 Rallies.37 Commission III, Seciirity Council. 37 South American delegates . 37 Spanish Committee of Liberation. 37 Telephone equipment and personnel . 37 United Nations Veterans League.38 The Secretariat prepares conference documents . 38 The University of California commencement ceremonies . 38 V-E Day ceremonies.38 Voice of America broadcasts.38 United States war veterans visit UNCIO meetings . 39 The women delegates.39 Worlonen at the Veteran's Memorial Building. 39 The World Trade Union Conference . 40 Vi INTRODUCTION The United Nations Conference on International Organization was con¬ vened at San Francisco on April 25, 1945, to formulate the Charter of the United Nations as a basis "for a general international organization for the maintenance of international peace and security**.^ The Conference met at the invitation of the United States, on behalf of itself and of the three other sponsoring nations—China, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the United Kingdom. Fifty nations were represented at the Conference. The four Presidents of the Conference, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. , of the United States, T. V. Soong of China, V. M. Molotov of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and Anthony Eden of the United Kingdom, presided in rotation at the plenary sessions. Much of the work of the Conference was done by four commissionsi Commission I, General Provisions; Commission II, General Assembly; Commission III, Security Council; and Commission IV, Ju¬ dicial Organization, There were technical committees under each commission. After the signing of the Charter of the United Nations on June 26, 1945, the Conference was adjourned. The photographic records described in this special list were made by the News and Features Bureau of the Overseas Operations Branch of the Of¬ fice of War Information, They are part of the records in Record Group 208, Records of the Office of War Information. The descriptions of the photo¬ graphs are based on the OWI captions that appear on the photographs. The photographs, referred to in the list as items, are arranged alphabetically by name of delegation (there are no photographs of the Paraguay Delegation as a group) and by other classifications, and thereunder chronologically, except for a few at the end of each group for which no date is given. Copies of photographs listed in this publication may be obtained from the National Archives and Records Service, Washington 25, D. C., at a cost of 75 cents for each print (glossy or matte finish) no larger than 8 x 10 inches in size. Estimates of the cost of prints of larger sizes will be furnished on request. Orders should bo accompanied by a check or postal money order payable to the Treasurer of the United States. 1 Invitation of the United States of America to the Conference. 1 . -Ji: w'.a., ec-*Tfc -.r . »o# ^ V.'. '^ •.-'-lo .v*Ch»t,v - J • V •.' • r. y ^ L^dJ^SU. bttS - t .-'■’Ai. A . .w >-»;wO I -'•..■• M. .JjJ n;:Iei:imodV . 1 . > ;et ■ , A-»i • r >^*^4 • ■ - UM Jill ^ .tnau 't»*!, A/Swr:-:- ife ihl^- (»: i- kA ,•".' . r.'>©-4t.r: c ; Digitized by the Internet Archive -i in 2019 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign ^ jftjb'K’i-.'.• V'> * ■: - https://archive.org/details/listofphotograph1119nati PHOTOGRAPHS MADE BY THE OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION AT THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION DELESGATIONS Argentina Miguel A, Carcano, Acting Chairman of the Argentine Delegation, and his daughter Stella arrive at Mills Field. Also shown are Oscar Ibarra Garcia, the Argentine Ambassador to the United States, and Gerald Drew, Protocol Officer. 4 items. May 11. The Argentine Delegation. 6 items. May 16. Part of the Argentine Delegation at a plenary session, 3 items. May 19, The Argentine Delegation attends a meeting of Commission IV. 2 items. May 19, The Argentine Delegation attends a special mass celebrated by Archbishop John J. Milty at St, Mary's Church. 7 items. May 25, Carcano greets President Harry S, Truman, 1 item. Jime 25. Carcano and Brig. Gen, Juan Carlos Bassi sign the Charter of the United Nations. 5 items. June 26. Carcano. 5 items, n.d. The Argentine Delegation arrives in San Francisco, 7 items, n.d, Carcano with Garcia, Manuel C. Gallagher of Peru, Sol Bloom of the United States, and Faris aJ.-Khouri of Syria, 4 items, n.d, Carcano greets President Truman as Francis Michael Forde' of Australia greets Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States. 1 item. n.d. The Argentine Delegation entertains delegates of other American nations at a luncheon. 7 items, n.d. Australia Francis Michael Forde, Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, addresses the second plenary session, 1 item. Apr* 27* Forde confers with Herbert Vere Bvatt, Minister for External Affairs, dur¬ ing the second plenary session, 1 item, Apr, 27, Forde and Evatt, 1 item. May 3. 3 Forde with a sailor of the United States Navy, 1 item. May 16, Evatt with Joaquin Aguirre and Carlos Salamanca of Bolivia attend a meet¬ ing of Commission IV, 1 item. May 19, Mrs, Jessie Street, Leading Member of Australian Women’s Organizations, speaks at the United Women’s Conference, 1 item. May 19, Evatt with Peter Fraser of New Zealand, 2 items. May 22, Evatt, S, Atyeo, Assistant to the Secretary of the Australian Delegation, Alger Hiss, Secretary General, and Peter Fraser of New Zealand attend a luncheon, 1 item. May 22, Evatt, J, C, Kielstra of the Netherlands, Alfonso Garefa Robles of Mexico, and Carlos Salamanca of Bolivia attend a reception given by the Greek Delegation, 2 items. May 24, Mrs, Alice Jackson and daughter Hazel, a WAAF Flight Officer on leave, representatives of the Australian Consolidated Press, 2 items. May 26, Evatt and A, A, Gromyko of the Soviet Union, 2 items. May 26, Evatt at a press conference, 5 items. May 28, Evatt and Faris al-Khouri of Syria, 1 item, Jxnae 8, Evatt addresses Commission II, Also shown are C, L, Simpson of Liberia, Ricardo J, Alfaro of Panama, Field Marshal Jan Christian Smuts of the Union of South Africa, Sir A, Ramaswami Mudaliar of India, Manuel Nor¬ iega Morales of Guatemala, and Huntington Gilchrist, Charles L, Watkins, and Max Gideonse of the Secretariat, 1 item, June 11, 4 Forde, Evatt, and Mamdouh Bey Riaz of Egypt attend a meeting of Commission I, 2 items, June 14, Evatt addresses a meeting of Commission I, 2 items, June 15, Evatt and Forde sign the Charter of the United Nations, 3 items, June 26, Evatt, Forde, and Comdr, Harold E, Stassen of the United States, 1 item, n,d. Belgium Paul-Henri Spaak, Chairman of the Belgian Delegation, signs the register at the Fairmont Hotel, Also shown is Baron Robert Silvercruys, Belgian Ambassador to the United States, 2 items, Apr, 23, Spaak arrives at the Opera House, 1 item, Apr, 27, 4 Spaak addresses the second plenary session. Also shown are Edward R, Stet- tinius, Jr,, of the United States, and Silveroruys, 2 items, Apr, 27, Spaak and Joseph Paul-Boncour of Prance, 1 item, Apr, 28, Spaak, 1 item. May 1, Spaak, Auguste De Schryver, Vice Chairman of the Belgian Delegation, Jan Goris, head of the Belgian press group, Gust de Nuynck, Cornelius Staes, Charles Leroux, Jean Grosfils, Valere D'Archambeau, Harry Torczner, Betsie Hollante, and Robert Spaulding attend a Belgian press conference, 2 items. May 3, Silvercruys, Albert Marteaux, Belgian Minister of Public Health, Fernand van Langenhove, Belgian Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paul H, Davis, and Miss Claude Kirschen stand on the steps of the Hoover Library, 1 item. May 17, Lt, Col, Henri Rolin of Belgium, President of Commission I, cells to order a meeting of the Commission, Also shown are Charles Habib Malik of Lebanon and Francisco A, Delgado of the Philippines, 2 items, June 14, Fernand Dehousse of Belgium, Chief of the Cabinet of the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, addresses a meeting of Commission I, 1 item, June 19, The Belgian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations, 2 items, June 26, Spaak, 1 item, n,d. Bolivia Victor Andrade, Acting Chairman of the Bolivian Delegation, and Lily Pons, 1 item, n,d, Andrade speaks at a press conference, 1 item, n,d, Andrade signs the Charter of the United Nations, 2 items, n,d, Brazil The Brazilian Delegation, 4 items. May 17, Pedro LeSo Velloso, Chadrman of the Brazilian Delegation, and Mrs, Cimon Diamantopoulos and John Sofianopoulos of Greece at a reception given by the Greek Delegation. 1 item. May 23, Dr, Bertha Lutz, President of the Confederated Association of Women of Brazil, and Mrs, Jessie Street of Australia, 1 item. May 25, 5 Dr« Lutz addresses a meeting of Commission II* 2 items. June 11. Dr. Lutz addresses a meeting of Commission I. 1 item. June 19. Dr, Lutz confers with Herbert Vere Eivatt of Australia during a meeting of Commission I. 1 item. June 20, Velloso oonfere with Nelson Rockefeller of the United States during a meet¬ ing of Commission I. 1 item, June 20. The Brazilian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations, 4 items, June 26, Adm, Sylvio de Noronha, Naval Attach^, Brazilian Embassy, Washington, Maj, Gen, A, P, Trompowsiy de Almeida, Chief of Staff, Brazilian Air Force, and Brig, Gen, J. C, Bassi of Argentina, 1 item. n,d. Velloso, 5 items, n.d, Velloso and Miguel A, Carcano of Argentina. 3 items, n.d, Velloso and Carlos Martins, Vice Chairman of the Brazilian Delegation, 1 item. n.d. Dr. Lutz, 1 item, n.d, Sylvester Mertensmeyer of the Military Police checks the credentials of Dr, Lutz and Miss Minerva Bernardino of the Dominican Republic, 1 item, n.d. The Earl of Halifax greets Velloso at the Brazilian reception, 1 item, n.d. The BraziliarT Delegation. 1 item, n.d. Cols, Carlos Brasil and Henrique Fleiuss of the Brazilian Air Force, and Lt. Constantin Berikuv of the Soviet Air Corps, 1 item, n.d, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic The Byelorussian Delegation shown as a group and individually, 10 items. May 17. Viacheslav I, Formashev, Byelorussian Assistant of the People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs, attends a meeting of Commission IV, 2 items. May 19* American Boy Cadets raise the Byelorussian banner, 2 items. May 24, Kuzma V, Kiselev, Chairman of the Byelorussian Delegation, addresses a meeting of Committee II, 2 items. May 30, 6 Hasan Saka of Turkey shown with interpreters at a meeting of Committee H. 3 items. May 30, Kiselev, Frol P, Shmigov^Secretary of the Byelorussian Delegation, and Vladimir N, Pertsev, Member of the Academy of Sciences of B,S,S,R, 1 item, June 14, Kiselev speaks at a meeting of Conmission I, 1 item, June 19, The Byelorussian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations, 2 items, June 26, Kiselev greets President Harry S, Truman, 1 item, n,d, Canada W, L, lyfeickenzie King, Chairman of the Canadian Delegation, arrives at the Opera House, 1 item, Apr, 27, Mackenzie King addresses second plenary session, 1 item, Apr, 27, Warwick F, Chipman, Canadian Ambassador to Chile, and Cimon Diamantopoulos of Greece, 1 item. May 24, Mackenzie King signs the Charter of the United Nations, 3 items, June 26, Mackenzie King, 1 item, n,d. Chile Joaquin Fernandez, Chairman of the Chilean Delegation, signs the Charter of the United Nations, 3 items. June 26. Ferndndez, Marcial Mora, Ambassador to the United States, J 036 Serrato of Uruguay, and Nelson Rockefeller of the United States. 1 item. n. d, Mora and Julian R, Ciceros of Honduras, 2 items, n,d, Miguel ^ocomal of Chile and Manuel C, Gallagher of Peru. 1 item, n.d, Ferndndez and T. V. Soong of China. 1 item, n.d. The Chilean Delegation gives a dinner party. Shown are Alberto ULeras Ca- margo and his wife of Colombia, Camilo Ponce Jnriquez of Ecuador, Sra, Guzman Cruchaga, wife of the Chilean Consul in San Francisco, and Fer- nrfndez, 3 items, n.d. China T, V, Soong, Chairman of the Chinese Delegation^ and wife arrive in San Francisco. 2 items. Apr. 22, 7* V, K, Wellington Koo, Chinese Ambassador to the United Kingdom, and Lt. Comdr. Paul Folsom of the United States Navy, 1 item, Apr, 24, Catholic Bishop Yu Pin of China arrives at Mills Field, 2 items, Apr, 24, Yang Yun-chu of China and Gen, Luis Alamillo Flores of Mexico, Technical Advisers, 1 item, Apr, 24, Soong addresses the first plenary session, 5 items, Apr, 26, Soong and Wellington Koo, 2 items, Apr, 26, Soong, 1 item, Apr, 27, The Chinese Delegation at a press conference, 3 items. May 2, Chun-mai Carson Chang, member of the People’s Political Council of China, attends eighth plenary session, 1 item. May 2, Wellington Koo speaks at a meeting. Also shown are Georges Bidault of France and Edward R, Stettinius, Jr,, of the United States, 1 item. May 8, Mrs, Albert C, Lim, Hu Lin, member of the People’s Political Council, and Hsiao Chien, a press representative of China, visit the Hoover Library, 1 item. May 17, Miss Wu Yi-fang, member of the People’s Political Council of China, Mrs, Roger Lapham, wife of the Mayor of San Francisco, and Mrs, Earl Warren, wife of the Governor of California, 1 item. May 18, Wang Hua-cheng, Dison Hsueh-feng Poe, technical counselors, and John C, H, Wu, Advisor, of the Chinese Delegation, attend a session of Coaanission IV, 2 items. May 19. Soong attends a press conference, 1 item. May 21, Soong and Edward R, Stettinius, Jr,, of the United States, 1 item. May 22, Wellington Koo, Faris al-Khouri of Syria, and Sir A, Ramaswami Mudaliar of India, 1 item. May 24, Miss Wu Yi-fang and her secretary. Miss Chin, 1 item. May 25, Soong and members of the press, 2 items. May 31, The Chinese Delegation entertains at a party. Shown are Madame and Dr, T, V, Soong, Miss Wu Yi-fang, Sir A, Ramaswami Mudaliar of India, Joseph Paul- Boncour of France, Faris al-Khouri of Syria, H, R, H. Amir Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia, Belco N, van Kieffens of the Netherlands, 8 Oscar Ibarra Garcia of Argentina, Bzequiel Padilla of Mexico, the Earl of Halifax of the United Kingdom, Stanoje Simic of Yugoslavia, Hugues Le Gallais of Luxembourg, Dmitry Z, Uanuilsky of the Ukrainian Soviet So¬ cialist Republic, Chi-Tsai Victor Hoo, China's Vice Minister for For¬ eign Affairs, Yuen-li Liang, Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in London, and Maj. Gen. P. T, Mow, Deputy Director, Chinese Commission on Aero¬ nautical Affairs, 14 items. May 31. Dr. Wu Yi-fang addresses a meeting of Commission II, Also shown are C, L, Simpson of Liberia, Ricardo J, Alfaro of Panama, Field Marshal Jaji Christian Smuts of the Union of South Africa, Sir A, Ramaswami Mudaliar of India, Manuel Noriega Morales of Guatemala, and Huntington Gilchrist, Charles Watkins, and Max Gideonse of the Secretariat, 1 item, June 11, Dr, Wu Yi-fang, 1 item, June 11, Wei Tao-ming, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, 1 item, June 13, Wellington Koo addresses a meeting of Commission III, Shown also are Wilhelm Munthe Morgenstierne of Norway, Julian R, Cdceres of Honduras, Celso R, Velazquez of Paraguay, and Alberto Lleras Camargo of Colombia, 2 items, June 14, Wellington Koo greets President Harry S. Truman, 1 item, June 25. The Chinese Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations, 4 items, June 26, Soong announces that he has been made Premier of China at a reception given by the Chinese Delegation, 11 items, n,d, C olombia Alberto Lleras Camargo, Chairman of the Colombian Delegation, 3 items, Apr, 30, Lleras addresses the fifth plenary session, 1 item, Apr, 30, Lleras signs the Charter of the United Nations, 3 items, June 26, Lleras and Guillermo Belt Ramfrez of Cuba, 1 item, n,d, Costa Rica Livingston D, Watrous of the Secretariat and Sra, Fabio Fournier Jimenez, wife of the Secretary General of Costa Rica, greet Luis Demetrio Tinoco Castro, former Minister of Foreign Affairs for Costa Rica, 2 items. May 10, 9 The Costa Rican Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items, June 26, Julio Acosta Garcia, Chairman of the Delegation. 1 item. n.d. Cuba Guillermo Belt Ramfrez, Chairman of the Delegation, addresses the final plenary session. Also shown are Alger Hiss, Secretary General, Lord Halifax of the United Kingdom, and Charles Watkins, Parliamentarian-. 1 item, June 25, Belt signs the Charter of the United Nations, 1 item, June 26, Belt broadcasts, 1 item, n.d, C zechoslovakia Jan Masaryk, Chairman of the Delegation, arrives at Mills Field, Also shown are Gerald Drew and C, Burke Elbrick. Protocol Officers, 4 items, Apr. 24, Masaryk and Vladimir S, Hurban, Vice Chairman of the Czechoslovakian Del¬ egation, attend the second plenary session, 1 item, Apr, 27, Masaryk addresses the third plenary session, 2 items, Apr, 28, Masaryk and Vladimir Dedijer of Yugoslavia, 1 item. May 1, Masaryk and Trygve Lie of Norway, 1 item. May 7, Masaryk speaks at a rally for San Francisco school children. Also shown is Brig. Gen, Carlos P, Romulo of the Philippine Conmonwealth, 3 items. May 18, Masaryk attends a meeting of Commission TV, 1 item. May 19, The Czechoslovakian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations, 2 items. June 26, Denmark Erick Husfeldt, Member of the Danish Freedom Council, and Hartvig Frisch, Member of the Danish Parliament, 5 items, June 4, Henrik de Kauffman, Chairman of the Danish Delegation, Husfeldt,and Frisch, 4 items, June 6. Military policemen raise the Danish flag, 2 items, June 7, The Danish Delegation, 1 item, June 8, 10 Arthiir H, Vandenberg of the United States welcomes the Danish Delegation, 2 items, June 11, The Danish Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations, 2 items, June 26, Dominican Republic The Dominican Republic Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations, 2 items, June 26, Ecuador Camilo Ponce Bnrfquez, Chairman of the Ecuadoran Delegation, addresses the fifth plenary session, 1 item, Apr, 30, Ponce signs the Charter of the United Nations, 2 items. June 26. Galo Plaza, Ambassador to the United States from Eciiador, and Miguel A, Carcano of Argentina, 1 item, n,d, Ponce, 1 item, n,d. Plaza, Nelson Rockefeller of the United States, Guillermo Belt Ramfrez of Cuba, and Alberto Lleras Camargo of Colombia, 1 item, n,d, Egypt Lt, Comdr, E, Atif, Technical Secretary of the Egyptian Delegation, 1 item, Apr, 20, H. E. Abdel Hamid Pasha Badawi, Chairman of the Egyptian Delegation. 2 items. Apr. 27. Badawi, 2 items, Apr, 28, Badawi and Mostafa Adle of Iran attend the third plenary session, 1 item, Apr, 28, Badawi addresses the third plenary session, 1 item, Apr, 28, Atif and Rear Admiral K, K, Rodionov of the Soviet Union, 1 item. May 16, Badawi addresses a meeting of Commission IV, 2 xtems, Lfety 19, Badawi and Sir William Malkin of the United Kingdom, 1 item. May 22, Badawi autographs papers for three Boy Scouts, 1 item. May 22, Badawi and Alger Hiss, Secretary General, 1 item, lia.j 23, 11 Badawi and H. R, H. Amir Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia, 1 item, June 2, Badawi holds picture of the limestone statue of Queen Nefertiti. 1 item. June 9, Mamdouh Bey Riaz, Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, ad¬ dresses a meeting of Commission I. 1 item, June 14, H. E. Mahmoud Pasha Hassan, Minister to the United States, addresses a meeting of Commission III. Also shown are Wilhelm Munthe Morgenstierne of Norway, Julidn R. Cdceres of Honduras, Celso R, Veldzquez of Paraguay, Alberto Lleras Camargo of Colombia, V, K. Wellington Koo of China, Badawi, Hadi, and Riaz. 3 items. June 14, Badawi greets President Harry S. Truman. 1 item. June 25. The Egyptian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 26. Badawi, Madame Badawi, and H. R. H. Amir Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia greet Julio Acosta Garcia of Costa Rica and Roberto Jimdnez of Panama. 2 items, n.d. El Salvador Hector David Castro, Chairman of the Salvadoran Delegation, addresses the fourth plenary session. 1 item. Apr. 28, The Salvadoran Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations, 2 items. June 26, Ethiopia Bitwodded Makonnen Endalkachau, Chairman of the Ethiopian Delegation,and Blatta Ephrem Tewelde Medhen, Ethiopian Minister to the United States, attend the fourth plenary session, 1 item. Apr. 28, Endalkachau addresses the sixth plenary session, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., United States Secretary of State, congratulates Endalkachau. 2 items. May 1. The Ethiopian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items, June 26. The Ethiopian Delegation entertains at a party. Shown are Madame Soong and Dr, T, V. Soong of China, Miguel A. Carcano of Argentina, and Endalkachau; Ezequiel Padilla of Mexico and H. R. H. Amir Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia; Manuel C. Gallagher of Peru and Gerard E. 12 Lescot of Haiti; and Caracciolo Parra-Pdrez of Venezuela, Miguel A. Carcano of Argentina, Ezequiel Padilla of Mexico, and Joaquin Ferndndez of Chile. 4 items, n.d. France Joseph Paul-Boncour, former Prime Minister of France, alone and with Georges Bidault, Chairman of the French Delegation, and Ezequiel Padilla of Mex¬ ico. 2 items. Apr, 23. Bidault arrives at the Opera House, 1 item. Apr. 27. Henry Bonnet, French Ambassador to the United States, attends third plenary session, 2 items. Apr, 28. Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States greets Bidault at the sixth plenary session. 1 item. May 1. Bidault addresses the sixth plenary session. 2 items. May 1. Bidault, Bonnet,and Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., and James C. Dunn of the United States. 1 item. May 3. Bidault autographs papers. 2 items. May 5. Bidault braodcasts. Also shown are V. K. Wellington Koo of China, Anthony Eden of the United Kingdom, and Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States. 3 items. May 8. Bonnet and C. K. Webster of the United Kingdom. 1 item. May 12. Raoul Aglion, Technical Advisor for France, and Fernand Dehousse of Belgium. 1 item. May 25. Members of the French Navy and of the staff of the French Delegation visit the Red Cross Blood Donor Center. 3 items. May 30. Paul-Boncour addresses a meeting of Commission III. Also shown are 7i/ilhelm Muntho Morgenstierne of Norway, Julidn R. Ciceres of Honduras, Celso R, Veldzquez of Paraguay and Camilo Ponce Enriquez of Ecuador. 3 items. June 13, Paul-Boncour addresses a meeting of Commission T. 1 item. June 19. Paul-Boncour and Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, at final plenary session. 1 item, June 26. The French Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 3 items. June 26. 13 Bidault and Paul-Boncour. 1 item, n,d. Bonnet and Bidault. 1 item. n.d. Greece John Sofianopoulos, Chairman of the Greek Delegation, Kyriakos Varvaressos, Governor of the Bank of Greece, and Constantine Goulimis, Legal Adviser of the Greek Delegation. 1 item. Apr. 27. Sofianopoulos. 1 item. Apr. 28. JohnPolitis, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Goiilirais, Sofianopoulos, and Cimon Diamantopoulos, Greek Ambassador to the United States. 1 item. Liay 12. Goulimis, Nicolas Gazis, and John Spiropoulos, Legal Advisers of the Greek Delegation, attend a meeting of Commission IV. 1 item. May 19. Thanassis Aghnides, Greek Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Sofianopoulos, and Politis. 1 item. May 22. The Greek Delegation entertains the delegates of the other nations. 9 items. May 23. The Greek Delegation attends an exhibition. 2 items. May 25. Aghnides and Sofianopoulos with Llewellyn E. Thompson of the United States. 1 item, June 8. The Greek Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 26. Guatemala The Guatemalan Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 1 item. June 26. Guillermo Toriello, Chairman of the Guatemalan Delegation. 2 items, n. d, Haiti Gerard E. Lescot, Chairman of the Haitian Delegation, confers with Sayyid Jamil Daoud El-Mussalmy of Saudi Arabia during a meeting of Commission I, 1 item. June 20. The Haitian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items, June 26. 14 Lescot speaks at a meeting. 1 item. n. d. Lescot, H. R, H. Amir Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz and Hafiz Wahba of Saudi Arabia, and Julio Acosta Garcia of Costa Rica. 1 item. n.d. Honduras Julidn R. Cdceres, Chairman of the Honduran Delegation, addresses a plenary session. 1 item. Apr, 28, The Honduran Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 25. C^ceres. 4 items, n.d. India Sir A. Ramaswami Liudaliar, Leader of the Indian Delegation, arrives at Hamilton Field. 1 item. Apr. 22. Mudaliar addresses the third plenary session. 2 items. Apr. 28. H. P, S. Ikienon, Agent General for India in Chungking, and Miss Florence Horsbrugh of the United Kingdom. 1 item. May 24. Mudaliar attends a press conference, 2 items. May 25, Mudaliar signs an autograph book of a Boy Scout. 1 item. May 29. Menon, Sir V. T, Krishnamachari, Representative of the Indian States, and Maj. Gen. W. J. Cawthorn, Advisor of the Indian Delegation. 2 items. May 30. Mudaliar, Cawthorn^and Peter Fraser of New Zealand. 2 items. June 2. Krishnamachari and John Sofianopoulos of Greece. 2 items. June 2. Mudaliar signs autograph books for two United States naval officers. 1 item. June 11. Mudaliar greets President Harry S. Truman. 1 item. June 25. The Indian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 26, Mudaliar arrives at the Opera House. 1 item. n.d. 15 Iran idostafa Adle, Chairman of the Iranian Delegation. 2 items. Apr. 28. Adle addresses the third plenary session. 1 item. Apr. 28. Adle and Herbert Vere Evatt of Australia. 1 item, itoy 17. Adle lunches with kaj. Gen. Ali Riazi, Military Aide to the Shah, and Col. Ali Moarefi, Adviser, of the Iranian Delegation. 2 items. May 22. The Iranian Delegation entertains four Iranian newspapermen. 2 items. May 24. Miss Marie Ederaadie of the Iranian press, A. B. Amini, Iranian publisher, Marcel Colin of the United States, and Adle. 2 items. May 23. Miss Marie Ederaadie. 2 items. May 24. The Iranian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 26. Adle with the members of the press. 1 item, n.d, Iraq Arshad Al-Omari, Chairman of the Iraqi Delegation, broadcasts. 1 item. Apr. 20. Judge H. I. Lloyd, Adviser to Ministry af Economics, Iraq. 1 item. Apr, 20 . Fadhil Al-Jamali, Director General of Foreign Affairs, Iraq. 1 item. Apr. 20. The Iraqi Delegation. 2 items. Apr. 20. Part of the Iraqi Delegation visits the Hoover Library. 1 item. May 17. Nasrat Al-Farsy, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Iraq. 1 item. May 19. Darwish Al-Haidari, Director of Experimental Station, Department of Agri¬ culture, Baghdad, Al-Farsy, and Joseph Salem and Wadih Naim of Lebanon attend a meeting of Commission III, 1 item. June 14, The Iraqi Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations, 2 items. June 26. The Iraqi Delegation. 1 item. n.d. 16 Lebanon Wadih Naim, Chairman of the Lebanese Delegation, Charles Habib Malik, the Lebanese Minister to the United States, and Leon Lazarian, a Cairo news¬ paperman. 1 item. Apr. 26. Malik addresses the third plenary session. 3 items. Apr. 28. Part of the Lebanese Delegation at the fourth plenary session. 1 item. Apr. 28. Naim and H. R. H. Amir Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia. 3 items. June 2. Ezeqiiiel Padilla of Mexico greets Naim. 1 item. June 11. Naim. 2 items. June 13. Naim and Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States greet President Harry S. Truman. 1 item. June 25. The Lebanese Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items, June 26. Liberia C. L. Simpson, Chairman of the Liberian Delegation, attends the fourth plenary session. Also shown is Col. Moses Grant, Frontier Force Com¬ manding Officer, Military Aide, Liberia. 1 item. Apr. 28, The Liberian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations, 2 items. June 26. Luxembourg Joseph Bech, Chairman of the Luxembourg Delegation, Hugues Le Gallais, Minister to the United States, and Alphonse Als, Chief of Cabinet, Luxembourg, attend the fourth plenary session, 1 item. Apr. 28. Bech, Le Gallais, and Herv6 Alphand of France, 1 item. May 1. Bech addresses the seventh plenary session, 3 items. May 2. Als, Cimon Diamantopoulos and Alexander Loverdos of Greece, and Roland Lebeau of Belgium. 1 item. May 24. Le Gallais, Arthur H. Vandenberg of the United States, and Carlos Martins of Brazil. 1 item. May 25. 17 Als and Sir A. Rasmaswami Mudaliar of India. 2 items, June 2. The Luxembourg Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 26. Mexico Ezequiel Padilla, Chairman of the Mexican Delegation, Francisco Castillo Najera, the Mexican Ambassador to the United States, and Nelson Rocke¬ feller of the United States. 3 items, Apr. 22. Padilla addresses a plenary session. 7 items. Apr, 30, Padilla. 4 items. Apr. 30. Padilla addresses a plenary session. 2 items. May 2. Padilla and his wife entertain the delegates of other nations. 4 items. June 11. Luis Quintanilla, Adviser, Mexico, addresses a meeting of Commission I. 2 items. June 19. Francisco Delgado of the Philippine Commonwealth, Lt, Col. Henri Rolin of Belgium, and Quintanilla. 1 item. June 20. Padilla addresses the final plenary session. Also shown are President Harry S. Truman and Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States. 1 item. June 26. Padilla signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 26. Padilla at a press conference. 3 items, n.d. Padilla speaks at a meeting. 2 items, n.d. Padilla and Manuel Tello of Mexico. 1 item, n.d The Padilla family. 6 items, n.d. The Mexician Delegation entertains at a party. 3 items, n.d. Netherlands and Netherlands East Indies Vice Adm. Conrad Helfrich, Netherlands, alone and with members of the press. 2 items. Apr. 20. Eelco N. van Kleffens, Chairman of the Netherland Delegation, with Harold E. Stassen of the United States. 1 item, Apr. 28. 18 Van Kleffens addresses the third plenary session. 1 item, Apr. 28, Van Kleffens and N, A, Robertson of Canada. 2 items. K/iay 22. Charles 0. van der Plas, Deputy Lieutenant Governor General of the Nether¬ lands East Indies, and Father L. J. C, Beaufort of the Netherland Dele¬ gation. 2 items. May 25. Jonkheer H. F. L. K. van Vredenburoh, Coiinselor, Netherlands Embassy, Washington, and Van der Plas, attend a meeting of Commission II. 1 item. May 30. The Netherland Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 1 item, June 26. New Zealand Peter Fraser, Chairman of the New Zealand Delegation, addresses a plenary session, 2 items. May 1. Fraser addresses a meeting. 1 item. May 2. Fraser talks to reporters, 2 items. May 18. Fraser and Sir Michael Myers, New Zealand Chief Justice, attend a meeting of Commission IV. 2 items. May 19, Fraser attends a meeting, 1 item. June 12. Fraser addresses a meeting of Commission I, 1 item. June 15, The New Zealand Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 26. Nicaragua Mariano Arguello Vargas, Chairman of the Nicaraguan Delegation, attends a meeting of Commission IV. 2 items. May 19. Vargas signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 26. Vargas addresses a plenary session. 1 item. n.d. Vargas reads his report at a meeting. 1 item. n.d. Vargas reads the newspaper. 1 item. n.d. Pfc. Albert Momutoff of the Military Police of San Francisco, checks cre¬ dentials of Lt. Francisco Aguirre Baca, Military Attach^ to the Nicara¬ guan Delegation, Col. Guillermo Rivas Cuadra, Commander of the Nicara¬ guan Air Force, Marcelo Jover, Secretary of the Nicaraguan Delegation, and Vargas. 1 item, n.d. 19 Norway Arne Ording, Political Adviser.to Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jacob S. Worra-Muller, Professor, University of Oslo, and UaJ. Gen. William Steffens, Military Attach^, Norwegian Embassy, Moscow. 3 items. Apr. 23. Trygve Lie, Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, and V. M, Molotov of the Soviet Union. 2 items. Apr. 30. Lie attends a plenary session. Also shown is Ording with Wilhelm Munthe Morgenstierne, Chairman of the Norwegian Delegation, 2 items. May 1. Lie addresses the eighth plenary session. 1 item. May 2. « Ording attends a meeting of Commission II. 1 item. May 30. Morgenstierne, Julidn R. Cdceres of Honduras, and Celso R. Veldzquez of Paraguay, attend a meeting of Commission III. 1 item. Jxme 12, The Norwegian Delegation. 1 item. June 14. Morgenstierne greets President Harry S. Truman. 1 item. June 25. The Norwegian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 26. Panama Roberto Jimenez, Chairman of the Panamanian Delegation, signs the Charter of the United Nations. 1 item. June 26. V. M, Molotov of the Soviet Union greets Jimenez. 1 item, n,d. Jimenez, Alberto Lleras Camargo of Colombia, and Guillermo Belt Ramirez of Cuba. 1 item. n.d. Peru Victor Andr4s Belaunde, Ambassador in the Diplomatic Service of Peru, ad¬ dresses a meeting. 5 items. Apr, 30. The Peruvian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations, 2 items. June 26. Belaunde speaks at a meeting, 3 items, n,d. V, M. Molotov of the Soviet Union greets Manuel C. Gallagher, Chairman of the Peruvian Delegation, 1 item, n,d. 20 Belaunde and Nelson Rockefeller of the United States. 1 item, n,d. Philippine Commonwealth Brig, Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, Chairman of the Philippine Delegation, arrives at the San Francisco airport, 2 items. Apr. 21. Romulo, Francisco Castillo Ndjera of Mexico, and Nelson Rockefeller of the United States, 2 items. Apr. 22. Romulo arrives at the Opera House. 1 item, Apr. 27. Romulo addresses the fourth plenary session. 5 items. Apr. 28. Romulo speaks on the telephone. 1 item. Lay 7. Romulo addresses the "On to Tokyo" rally. 2 items. Lay 8. Maximo M. Kalaw, Secretary of Public Instruction and Information, Philip¬ pine Commonwealth, makes a recording, 2 items. May 14. The Philippine Delegation. 6 items. May 16. Col. Alejandro Melchor, Military and Technical Adviser to the President of the Philippines, and Vicente G. Sinco, Professor of Law at the University of the Philippines, visit the Hoover Library. 1 item. May 17. Romulo signs his autograph for the San Francisco school children. 2 items. May 18. Romulo attends a meeting. 2 items. May 30. Romulo and Solomon V. Arnaldo, Advisor of the Philippine Delegation, attend a meeting of Commission II. 1 item. May 30. The Philippine Delegation entertains delegates of the other nations. 8 items, June 1. The Philippine Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 26. Romulo stands at attention at a military funeral, 1 item, n.d. Romulo and Rear Adm. Harold C. Train of the United States. 1 item. n.d. 21 Saudi Arabia C. Burke Elbrich, Protocol Officer, greets H, R, H. Amir Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz, Chairman of the Saudi Arabian Delegation, at Mills Field. 1 item, Apr. 23, The Saudi Arabian Delegation arrives at Mills Field. 9 items. Apr, 23. Prince Faisal and Shaikh Hafiz Wahba, Saudi Arabian Minister to the United Kingdom, arrive at the Opera House, 1 item, Apr, 26. An Egyptian newspaper correspondent interviews Shaikh Abdul Rahman Al-Bagsam, Second Assistant in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Saudi Arabia. 1 item. Apr. 27, Anthony Eden of the United Kingdom,Wahba, and Prince Faisal. 1 item. Apr. 28. Shaikh Ibrahim Suleiman, Principal Secretary of the Saudi Arabian Delegation, signs autograph albums. 1 item. May 2, Prince Faisal and Arshad Al-Omari of Iraq. 2 items. May 2. Shaikh Ali Alireza, Interpreter for the Saudi Arabian Delegation, talks to American veterans. 1 item. May 3. Prince Faisal, Wahba, Al-Omari of Iraq, and Abdalah Yafi and Joseph Salim of Syria attend a luncheon. 3 items. May 4. Shaikh Asad El-Faqih, Saudi Arabian Minister to Iraq. 1 item. May 7, El-Faqih and Prince Faisal attend a meeting of the Steering Committee. 3 items. May 9, Prince Faisal. 1 item. May 11. « The dinner reception given in honor of the Arabic-speaking delegates. 31 items. May 13. Prince Faisal confers with Faris al-Khouri of Syria at a meeting of Com¬ mission IV. 2 items. May 19. Al-Bassam autographs a Boy Scout’s conference program. 1 item. May 22. Sayyid Jamil Daoud El-Mussalmy, First Assistant in the Ministry of Foreign. Affairs for Saudi Arabia, and Lt, Earl Hunt and Sgt. Chauncey Hansen, American Military Policemen. 1 item. May 30. El-Faqih attends a meeting of Commission III. 1 item. June 12. 22 Prince Faisal addresses the final plenary session. Also shown are Presi¬ dent Harry S. Truman and Edward R. Stettiniuf , Jr,, of the United States. 1 item. June 26. Prince Faisal signs the Charter of the United Nations. 1 item. June 26. El-Mussalmy addresses Commission I. Also shown are Charles Habib Malik of Lebanon, Francisco A, Delgado of the Philippine Commonwealth, and Lt, Col. Henri Rolin of Belgium, 1 item. n.d. Saudi Arabian Delegation. 1 item. n.d. Prince Faisal, 1 item. n.d. Prince Faisal addresses a plenary session. 1 item. n.d. Prince Faisal, Wahba, Gdrard E. Lescot of Haiti, and Julio Aoosta Garcia of Costa Rica. 1 item. n.d. Nelson Rockefeller of the United States, Prince Faisal, and other members of the Saudi Arabian Delegation. 1 item, n.d, Syria M. Costi K. Zurayk of Syria signs the report of the United Nations Commit¬ tee of Jurists. Also shown is Green H. Hackworth of the United States. 1 item. Apr. 24. Faris al-Khouri, Chairman of the Syrian Delegation, addresses the eighth plenary session. Also shown is V. M. Molotov of the Soviet Union. 3 items. May 2. Al-Khouri and Rear Adm, K. K, Rodionov of the Soviet Union. 1 item. May 24, Al-Khouri attends a meeting of Commission II. 1 item. May 30. Abdalah Yafi of Syria, Wadih Naim of Lebanon, and Hasan Saka and Sureyya Anderiman of Turkey. 1 item. June 12. Farid Zeineddine, Adviser of the Syrian Delegation, addresses a meeting of Commission I. Also shown are Lt. Col, Henri Rolin of Belgium and Dmitry Z. Manuilsky of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. 1 item. June 14. The Syrian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 26. 23 Turkey Cendl Bilsel, Adviser for the Turkish Delegation, signs the report of the United Nations Committee of Jurists. 1 item. Apr. 24. Hasan Saka, Chairman of the Turkish Delegation, attends the third plenary session. Also shown is Feridun Cemal Erkin, First Assistant Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Turkey. 3 items. Apr. 28. Saka addresses a meeting. 1 item. May 1. Saka and Sureyya Anderiman, Secretary General of the Turkish Delegation, converse with a Military Policeman of the United States Army, 1 item. May 10. Saka, Miss Florence Horsbrugh of the United Kingdom, and Huseyin Ragip Baydur, Turkish Ambassador to the United States, 1 item. May 24. Baydur, Sinasi Devrin, and Nizamettin Erenel of Turkey at a reception. 1 item. May 26. The Turkish Delegation. 1 item. June 1. The Turkish Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations, 2 items, June 26. Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic Ivan S. Senin, Vice Chairman, and Alexander Palladin, of the Ukrainian Delegation. 1 item. May 11. The American Boy Cadets raise the Ukrainian flag. 4 items. May 24, Dmitry Z. Manuilsky, Chairman of the Ukrainian Delegation, speaks with newspapermen. 3 items. May 26, Manuilsky addresses a meeting of Commission I. 3 items. June 15. Palladin addresses a meeting of Commission I. 1 item, June 19. Manuilsky confers with Herbert Vere Evatt of Australia during a meeting of Commission I, 1 item. June 19. The Ukrainian Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 26. Union of South Africa Field Marshall Jan Christian Smuts, Chairman of the Delegation of the Union of South Africa, 3 items. Apr, 20. 24 Robert Jones, Acting Accredited Representative for the Union of South Africa at Ottawa, arrives in San Francisco by train. Walter R. Thom, railroad representative, greets Jones. 2 items. Apr. 20. Godfrey Fisher of the United Kingdom greets Smuts at Hamilton Field. 2 items. Apr. 20. Smuts reviews an honor guard of United States soldiers. Also shown are Lt, Comdr. R. L. St. Clair and Lt. Col. Robert Jones of the United States. 2 items. Apr. 20. Smuts arrives at the Opera House. 1 item. Apr. 26. Smuts and Douglas D. Forsyth, Secretary for External Affairs, Union of South Africa, attend the first plenary session. 1 item. Apr. 26. Smuts arrives at the Opera House. 1 item. Apr. 27. Smuts addresses the sixth plenary session. 5 items. Uay 1. Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, congratulates Smuts. 1 item. May 1. Smuts attends a press conference. 1 item. May 3. Faris al-Khouri of Syria and Smuts attend a meeting of the Steering Com¬ mittee. 2 items. May 9. Jones and Carleton Scragge of the Union of South Africa. 1 item. May 15. Smuts speaks at the dedication ceremonies at Muir Woods in honor of the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Also shown are Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, Pedro Leao Velloso of Brazil, and 0. E. Tomlinson, Regional Director of National Parks. 5 items. May 19. Smuts and his son, Maj. J. C. Smuts. 1 item. May 24. Smuts presides at a meeting of Commission II. Also shown are Octavio MSndez Pereira of Panama, Kuzma V. Kiselev of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Hasan Saka of Turkey, and Huntington Gilchrist and Charles L. Watkins of the Secretariat. 3 items, toy 30. Smuts and Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, greet President Harry S. Truman. 1 item. June 25. Smuts and Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, at the final plenary session. 1 item. June 25. 25 Smuts signs the Charter of the United Nations, 3 items. June 26. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Comdr. L. Zaporoschenko, Liaison Officer for the Soviet Union, greets Maj. Gregory Taran, Maj. Victor Kirin, and Lieutenants Birukov, Finoganov, and Kozin, Soviet Army Airmen, 4 items. Apr. 21. Zaporoschenko and Roar Adm. K, K. Rodionov of the Soviet Union. 1 item. Apr. 21. Members of the American press meet Natalie Sergeeva, reporter for Moscow's newspaper, Pravda, at the San Francisco airport. 1 item. Apr. 21. C-54 transport arrives at Hamilton Field with delegates of the Soviet Union. 1 item. Apr. 22. Maj. Gen. Grachov of the Soviet Union and Capt. 0, H. Teller of the United States Army. 1 item. Apr. 22. Lt. Col. Charles A, Jones, Deputy Base Commander of Hamilton Field, greets Maj. V. M. Tripitain of the Soviet Air Force, 1 item. Apr. 22, American officers, stationed at Hamilton Field, greet the Soviet Union pilots. 1 item, Apr. 22. Professor S. B. Krylov, Adviser of the Soviet Union, signs the report of the United Nations Committee of Jurists. Also shown is Green H. Hack- worth of the United States. 1 item. Apr. 24. Capt. Paul Milnar, pilot, Lt, D. N. Jones, copilot, Lt. L. S. Evans, navi¬ gator, Col. Cokonin and Peter Gusarov, radio operators, of the C-54 passenger plane which brought V. M, Molotov, Chairman of the Soviet Union Delegation, to San Francisco. 3 items, Apr. 24. Molotov leaves Hamilton Field. 1 item, Apr, 24. Molotov arrives at the Opera House, 2 items. Apr, 26. Molotov addresses the first plenary session. Also shown are Edward R, Stettinius, Jr., of the United Spates, and A, A. Gromyko, Ambassador to the United States from the Soviet Union. 6 items. Apr. 26. Molotov holds a press conference, 6 items. Apr. 26. Molotov presides at the fourth plenary session. Also shown are V. Pavlov, Interpreter for Molotov, and Brig. Gen, Carlos P. Romulo of the Philip¬ pine Commonwealth. 3 items, Apr, 27. 26 Uolotov addresses the fifth plenary session. Also shown is V. Pavlov, 6 items. Apr. 30. Uolotov presides at the eighth plenary session. 2 items. May 2. Aver ell Harriman of the United States, Molotov, Jlromyko,'and Pavlov visit the Kaiser Shipyard. Also shown are Henry Kaiser, owner of the ship¬ yard, and his general manager. Clay Bedford. 30 items. May 5. Gromyko talks to newspapermen, 1 item. May 22, Gromyko and Pedro Leao Velloso of Brazil converse at a party given by the Greek Delegation. Also shown at the party are Rear Adm. K. K, Rodionov with Col, D. Capel Dunn of the United Kingdom, 2 items. May 23. Georgy I. Baidakov of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Nikolas N. Petrovsky of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, and Mihal P. Tarasov and A. A, Arutiunian, Advisers of the Soviet Union Delegation. 1 item. May 30. Arutiunian addresses a meeting. 1 item. June 11, Gromyko greets President Harry S. Truman. Also shown are the Earl of Halifax of the United Kingdom and Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, 1 item. June 25, Gromyko addresses the final business session. 1 item, June 25. Gromyko signs the Charter of the United Nations. 1 item. June 25. Molotov, 6 items, n,d, Molotov shajces hands with a delegate from El Salvador. 1 item. n. d. Molotov and Brig. Gen. Carlos P. Romulo of the Philippine Republic. 1 item. n. d. United Kingdom Part of the Delegation from the United Kingdom arrive at Hamilton Field. 8 items. Apr. 20. Part of the Delegation from the United Kingdom arrive at Hamilton Field. 7 items. Apr. 22. Anthony Eden, Chairman of the United Kingdom, arrives at the Opera House, 1 item. Apr. 26. 27 Eden addresses the first plenary session. Shown also are the other three delegates of the United Kingdom. 7 items. Apr. 26. Eden and Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States. 1 item, Apr. 26. Eden arrives at the Opera House, 1 item. Apr. 27. Eden, the Earl of Halifax, British Ambassador to the United States, and V. U. Molotov and V. Pavlov of the Soviet Union. 2 items. Apr, 28. Eden addresses a meeting. 1 item. Apr. 30. The Earl of Halifax and Sir Alexander Cadogan, Permanent Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs for the United Kingdom. 2 items, ilay 1. Eden. 1 item. May 1. The United Kingdom Delegation at the sixth plenary session. 1 item. May 1. Lord Halifax and Clement Attlee, Lord President of the Council, United Kingdom. 1 item. May 1. Lord Halifax and Attlee attend the eighth plenary session. 1 item. May 2. Lord Halifax and Field Marshall Jan Christian Smuts of the Union of South Africa. 1 item. May 3. Eden speaks at the V-E Day ceremonies. Shown also are Georges Bidault of France and Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States. 2 items. May 8. Lord Halifax, Eden,and the Viscount Cranborne, Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, United Kingdom. 1 item. May 11. C. K. Webster, Adviser, United Kingdom. 1 item. May 11. R. T. Peel of the India Office, United Kingdom, and K. P. S. Menon of India. 1 item. May 23. Lord Halifax addresses the first meeting of Commission I. Also shown are Charles Habib Malik of Lebanon, Francisco A. Delgado of the Philippine Commonwealth, Henri Rolin of Belgium, and Malcolm W. Davis and Charles L. Watkins of the Secretariat. 2 items. June 14. Cranborne addresses the second meeting of Commission I. 1 item. Juno 15. Cranborne addresses the third meeting of Commission I. 1 item. Juno 19. 28 Lord Halifax speaks at the ceremonies honoring the work of the Secretariat. Also shown are V. K. Wellington Koo of China, A. A. Gromyko of the Soviet Union, and Edward R. Stettinins, Jr., of the United States. 1 item, June 23. Lord Halifax, Edward R, Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, and Presi¬ dent Harry S. Truman. 1 item. June 26. The British Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 2 items. June 26, Part of the British Delegation arrive in San Francisco. 1 item, n,d. The British Delegation entertain. Shown are Lord Halifax with Julian R. Cdceres of Honduras; A. A. Gromyko of the Soviet Union with Julian R, Cdceres; Roberto Jimenez of Panama and Jos^ Serrato of Uruguay with Lord Halifax; Jos4 Serrato with Miguel Angel Carcano of Argentina, 4 items, n.d. United States of America Michael McDermott of the Secretariat speaks at a press conference, 1 item. Apr. 20. Eugenio Silva Pena of Guatemala greets Nelson Rockefeller, United States Assistant Secretary of State. 1 item, Apr. 21. Comdr. and Mrs. Harold Stassen of the United States arrive in San Francisco, 3 items. Apr. 22. Sol Bloom and Charles A. Eaton of the United States House of Representatives, Vera Bloom, Mrs. Charles A, Eaton and son, Charles, Jr., and Mrs. Arthur Vandenberg. 3 items. Apr. 22. Arthur H. Vandenberg of the United States Senate, 1 item. Apr. 23. Roger Laphara, Mayor of San Francisco, greets Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., Chairman of the United States Delegation. Also shown is James Dunn, Assistant Secretary of State. 6 items. Apr. 24. Stettinius speaks at the opening session. Also shown are Alger Hiss, Secretary General, and Lapham. 3 items. Apr. 25, Tom Connally of the United States Senate talks with reporters. 1 item. Apr. 25, Stettinius addresses the first plenary session. 2 items. Apr. 26. 29 Stettinius addresses the second plenary session. 6 items, Apr. 27. Stettinius congratulates W, L. Mackenzie King of Canada, 1 item. Apr. 27. Stettinius holds a press conference. 9 items, Apr, 27. Stettinius; Stettinius with Connally; Stettinius and Connally with Stassen; and Stettinius with the Earl of Halifax of the United Kingdom. 5 items. Apr. 28. Stettinius addresses the fifth plenary session. Also shown is Rockefeller. 4 items. Apr, 30. Stettinius holds a press conference. 11 items. Apr. 30. Stettinius addresses a plenary session, 1 item. May 1. Connally. 2 items. May 1. Stettinius, Vandenberg,and Rockefeller. 1 item. May 1, Stassen confers with V, M. Molotov of the Soviet Union. 2 items. May 2, Stettinius and Trygve Lie of Norway. 1 item. May 2. Stettinius with Georges Bidault of Franco. 1 item. May 3, The United States, British,and Soviet Union Delegations hold a press conference. 1 item. May 4. Stettinius and Connally. 1 item. May 4. The members of the Steering Committee. 7 items. May 8. Francis Michael Fordo of Australia, Carlos P. Romulo of the PhiJdppine Commonwealth,and Dean Virginia C. Gildersleeve of the United States, 1 item. May 9, , Stettinius buys a war bond from Patricia Mulpeters. 5 items. May-10, Stassen addresses a press conference, 1 item. May 10. Stettinius unveils the plaque dedicated to the late President Franklin D, Roosevelt, Also shown is Field Marshall Jan Christian Smuts of the Union of South Africa. 4 items. May 19, Stettinius and T. V. Soong of China attend a press conference, 2 items. May 21. Vandenberg, Carlos Martins of Brazil, and Hugues Le Gallais of Luxembourg. 1 item. May 24, 30 Stassen and Leo Pasvolsky, Adviser, United States, 1 item. Way 26. Donald C. Blaisdell, Tecnnical Export of the United States Delegation, and Lt, Col. Huseyin Ataman and Hazim Atif Kuyucak of Turkey, 1 item. May 26, Stettinius broadcasts. 3 items. May 28. Dean Virginia C. Gildersleeve of the United States addresses a meeting of Commission II. Also shown are Dr. Wu Yi-fang of China and Dr. Bertha Lutz of Brazil. 3 items, June 11, Vandenberg and Henrik Kauffmann of Denmark. 1 item. June 11. Dean Gildersleeve and Edward R. Stettinius III, son of Edward R, Stettinius, Jr. 1 item. June 13, Vandenberg addresses a meeting of Commission III. Also shown are Wilhelm Munthe Morgenstierne of Norway, Julidn R. Cdceres of Honduras, Celso R. Veldzquez of Paraguay, Alberto Lleras Camargo of Colombia, and V. K, Wellington Koo of China. 3 items. June 13, Stassen addresses a meeting of Commission I. Also shown are Charles Habib Malik of Lebanon, Francisco A. Delgado of the Philippine Commonwealth, Henri Rolin of Belgium, and Malcolm W. Davis of the Secretariat. 2 items. June 14. Vandenberg and Rockefeller. 2 items. June 14. Stassen, Dean Gildersleeve,and the Earl of Halifax of the United Kingdom. 1 item. June 14, Stassen and Herbert Vere Evatt of Australia. 1 item. June 18, Eaton addresses a meeting of Commission I. 2 items, June 19. Stassen speaks to a group of United States Navy men, 1 item. June 20. Stettinius. 3 items. June 23, President Truman arrives at the airport for the closing ceremonies. Shown also are Stettinius, Bloom, Doan Gildersleeve, Gen, H. H, Arnold of the United States Army, Governor Warren of California, Mayor Roger Laphara of San Francisco, Joseph Paul-Boncour of France, "W. L. Mackenzie King of Canada, V. K. Wellington Koo of China, and Gdrard E, Lescot of Haiti. 13 items, June 25. The United States Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations, 16 items. June 26. 31 President Truman addi'esses the final plenary session, 10 items. June 26. The United States Delegation. 1 item. June 26. Stettinius. 1 item, n.d. Vandenberg and John Foster Dulles, Adviser of the United States Delegation. 1 item. n.d. James Farley of the United States and Miguel Angel Carcano of Argentina. 1 item. n.d. Eaton. 1 item, n.d. The Latin American Delegates give a dinner for Stettinius. 6 items, n.d. Stettinius and Anthony Eden of the United Kingdom, 1 item, n.d. Stettinius at a press conference, 2 items, n.d. Um^ay Hector Payss4 Reyes, Member of the Chamber of Representatives of Uruguay, with the San Francisco school children. 1 item. May 21. Paysse addresses a meeting of Commission I. 1 item. June 19. Josd Serrato, Chairman of the Uruguayan Delegation, signs the Charter of the United Nations. 3 items, June 26. Serrato speaks at a plenary session. 1 item. n.d. Serrato and V. M. Molotov of the Soviet Union. 1 item, n.d. Veneguela Caracciolo Parra-P6rez, Chairman of the Venezuelan Delegation, holds a press conference. 1 item. May 3. Parra-P^rez greets President Harry S, Truman. Also shown are Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, and Stanoje Simic of Yugoslavia. 1 item. Jime 25. The Venezuelan Delegation signs the Charter of the United Nations. 1 item. June 26. Parra-P6rez and Gustavo Herrera, Minister of Economic Development of Venezuela, 1 item. n.d. 32 Parra-P4rez addresses a meeting. 1 item, n.d. Iraqi and Venezuelan Delegates. 1 item, n,d. Yugoslavia Sreten Zujovid, Minister of Finance, and Lt. Col. Vladimir Dedijer, Deputy Delegate, of Yugoslavia, 1 item. May 1, Ivan Subasid, Chairman of the Yugoslav Delegation, addresses the eighth plenary session. 2 items. May 2. Dedijer reads the newspaper, 1 item. May 7. Dedijer attends a reception. 1 item. May 13. Subasid takes notes during a meeting. 4 items. May 17. Stojan Gavrilovic, Yugoslav Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and Dr. Ralph H. Lutz of the United States. 1 item. May 17. The Yugoslav Delegation. 1 item. May 24. Stanoje Sindc, Yugoslav Ambassador to the United States, signs the Charter of the United Nations. 1 item. June 26. THE BIG FOUR Edward R, Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, Anthony Eden of the United Kingdom, T, V, Soong of China, and V. M, Molotov of the Soviet Union, 3 items. May 4. V. K, Wellington Koo of China, A, A. Gromyko of the Soviet Union, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States,and Lord Halifax of the United Kingdom thank the members of the Secretariat for their work. Also shown is Alger Hiss, Secretary General. 4 items. June 23. Lord Halifax of Great Britain, V. K, Wellington Koo of China, and A. A. Gromyko of the Soviet Union present a silver box to Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States. 1 item, June 26, THE BIG THREE Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, Anthony Eden of the United Kingdom, and V, M. Molotov of the Soviet Union. 6 items. May 1. Stettinius, Eden,and Molotov. Also shown are V. Pavlov, Interpreter for Molotov, and Harold Stassen of the United States. 17 items. May 2. Stettinius, Eden, and Molotov, 1 item. n.d. 33 COMMISSION LEETINGS AND PLENARY SESSIONS The fifth plenary session, 2 items. Apr. 30. V. M. Molotov of the Soviet Union addresses a plenary session. 1 item. May 1. Delegates attend a meeting of Commission IV. 2 items. May 19. Dr, Bertha Lutz of Brazil addresses a meeting of Commission II, 1 item. June 11, Wilhelm Munthe Morgenstierne of Norway presides at a meeting of Commission III. 1 item. June 12 or 13. Delegates vote to accept the Charter at the ninth plenary session. Also shown are Lord Halifax of the United Kingdom, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, Wellington Koo of China, and A, A. Gromyko of the Soviet Union. 2 items. June 25. Commission I, Committee I, 4 items, n.d. Commission II, Committee II, 12 items, n.d. An open meeting of Commission II, 7 items, n.d. Field Marshall Smuts of South Africa and Octavio Mdndez Pereira of Panama, officers of Conmission Il^at plenary session. 2 items, n.d. Julidn R. Cdceres of Honduras, Trygve Lie of Norway, and Celso R. Velazquez of Paraguay, officers of Commission III. 3 items, n.d, Morgenstierne, Velazquez, and C^ceres at the next to the last plenary session, 1 item, n.d. Commission III, Committee III, Joseph Paul-Boncour of France addresses the meeting. 1 item, n.d. Commission III, Committee IV. Caracciolo Parra-P5rez of Venezuela, Arthur H. Vandenberg of the United States, and V. K. Wellington Koo of China address the meeting. 3 items, n.d. Manuel C. Gallagher of Peru addresses a meeting of Commission IV, 1 item, n.d. Commission IV, Committee II, 1 item, n.d. Miguel Angel Carcano of Argentina and Pedro LeSo Velloso of Brazil. 1 item, n.d. 34 Camilo Ponce Enriquez of Ecuador. 1 item, n.d. Joaquin Ferndndez of Chile, Julidn R, Cdceres of Honduras, and Ezequiel Padilla of Mexico. 1 item. n.d. CONSULTANTS* MEETING Archibald MacLeish, Assistant Secretary of State for the United States, introduces Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, to the guests at a consultants* meeting. Shown also are James Carey of the CIO; Earl Benjamin of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives and Allen 0, Albert of the International Rotary; S, T, Shotwell, Richard Pattee, and Tom Mahoney, United States State Department consultants; L. C. Taggert, National Patriotic Instructor for Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Louis E. Starr, Junior Vice Commander in Chief for Veterans of Foreign Wars; L, Tappan Gregory and R. Daniel Simons, members of the American Bar Associ¬ ation; and Richard R, Wood of the National Peace Conference and Walter Van Kink of the Federal Council of Churches. 13 items, n.d, (■lENE RAL S CENES The Military Police Headquarters. Shown also is Pfc, Monroe Amspacher. 1 item. Apr, 17. The Veteran’s Building and the Opera House, 4 items. Apr. 17. The San Francisco City Hall, 5 items. Apr. 17. Mills Airport, 1 item. Apr. 21. The delegates arrive at the Opera House. 1 item, Apr. 25. The opening plenary session. 7 items. Apr. 25, The Civic Center kitchen staff. 1 item, Apr. 26. The second plenary session. 2 items. Apr. 27. The delegates leave the Opera House. 5 items. Apr, 27. A convoy of cars carrying sightseeing delegates. 2 items. Apr, 30, The courtyard between the Veteran’s Building and the Opera House, showing also the City Hall, 1 item. May 4, The flags of the United Nations are raised in San Francisco's Civic Center. 2 items. May 15. 35 Ten thousand San Francisco school children attend a meeting, 3 items, liay 18, The Muir Woods ceremonies. 4 items. May 19, The launching of a vessel at Bethlehem Steel Co., San Francisco yards. 3 items. May 21. A view of San Francisco as seen from the City Hall. 1 item. June 13. A general view of a meeting in the Opera House, 1 item. June 14. Herberto Sein, an interpreter, speaks at a meeting of Commission I, 1 item, June 20. The delegates vote to accept the Charter. 1 item, June 25. Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, acknowledges a vote of thanks, 1 item, June 25. President Harry S. Truman addresses the final plenary session, 1 item. June 26. « Members of the press and spectators gather around the table on which the Ctiarter was signed. 2 items, June 26. The organizational chart prepared by the State Department of the United States. 1 item. n.d. The delegates at a meeting. 3 items, n.d. The Steering Committee, 5 items, n.d. The delegates leave the Opera House in cars supplied by the United States Army, 1 item, n.d, THE LIILI5 C0LI£Ol COMMENCEMENT CEREMONIES Dean Virginia Gildersleeve of the United States Delegation gives the com¬ mencement address at Mills College. 2 items. May 27. Miss Wu Yi-fang of China, Dr, Bertha Lutz of Brazil, and Dean Virginia Gildersleeve of the United States,with members of the faculty of Mi 11s College, 1 item. May 27. Doan Gildersleeve, Dr. Lutz, Miss Wu Yi-fang, Miss Florence Horsbrugh of the United Kingdom,and Mrs. Esther Brunauer of the United States, receive honorary LL.D. degrees from President Lynn T. White of Mills College. 4 items. May 27. 36 NEWS SERVICES Willard Vanderveer, newsreel cameraman,and Ts-zung Koo of China. 1 item, Apr* 28* Harrison Roberts, photographer. 1 item, n.d. OWI newsroom with members of the staff at work. 10 items, n.d. Radio photo equipment, 5 items, n.d. RALLIES "On to Tokyo" rally. 3 items. Uay 8, The rally held by the Slavic people of San Francisco, 3 items. May 13. COMMISSION III, SECURITY COUNCIL Julidn R. Cdceres of Honduras, Trygve Lie of Norway, and Celso R. Veldzquez of Paraguay. SOUTH AMERICAN DELEGATES South American Delegates arrive at Mills Field. Shown also is Nelson Rockefeller of the United States, 7 items, Apr, 21, Alberto Lleras Camargo of Colombia, Galo Plaza of Ecuador, and Nelson Rockefeller of the United States. 1 item. May 10. SPANISH COMMITTEE OF LIBERATION Alvaro de Alboronz of the Left Republican Party, Indalecio Prieto of the Spanish Socialist Labor Party, Samuel Guy Inman of the American Commit¬ tee for Free Spanish Republics, Felix Gordon Ordas of the Republican Union Party, and Antoni-Maria Sbert of the Republican Left Party of Catalonia. 5 items. May 29, Ordas and Sbert. 1 item. n.d. Prieto and De Alboronz. 1 item, n.d* TEIEPHONE EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL The telephone switchboard with operators at work. Also shown are Richard A, Anderson, H, D. Perkins, and Mrs. Isabelle Bowers, of the staff. 5 items, Apr, 17. 37 UNIIED NATIONS VETERANS lEAGUE Servicemen and war veterans of the United Nations meet to discuss the for¬ mation of a United Nations Veterans League. 3 items, iiay 28, KIE SECRETARIAT PREPARES CONFERENCE DOCUMENTS Draftsmen and women at work on conference documents. 5 items. May 14, The Stencil Room, Documents are stenciled, run off on duplicators, counted, and packaged, 8 items. May 14. Girls separate documents on tables set up in a corridor of the Veterans Building. 1 item. May 14, Secretaries of the Delegations call for the documents at a bank-like window, 2 items. May 14. The United States Army Signal Corps at work in the Traffic Control Room, 3 items. May 14. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COMMENCEMENT CEREMONIES Field Marshall Jan Christian Smuts of the Union of South Africa, Anthony Eden of the United Kingdom, Ezequiel Padilla of Mexico, and T, V. Soong of China address the audience in the Greek theatre at the University of California, 4 items. May 5. Smuts, Eden, Soong, Padilla, Georges Bidault of France, and Edward R, Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, receive honorary LL.D, degrees. Also shown are Robert Sproul, President of the University of California, and Earl Warren, Governor of California, 16 items. May 5. The students of the University attend the ceremonies, 11 items. May 5. / The photographers are shown taking pictures of Stettinius and Eden. 3 items. May 5. V-E DAY CEREMONIES V. K, Wellington Koo of China, Anthony Eden of the United Kingdom, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., of the United States, and Georges Bidault of France, 4 items. May 8. VOICE OF AMERICA BROADCASTS Joseph Bech of Luxembourg; Pierre Chauvet of Haiti; Caraociolo Parra-P6rez of Venezuela; H, R. H, Amir Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz and Shaikh Ali Alireza of Saudi Arabia; Geraldo de Paula Souza of Brazil with Antonio Freitas 38 of the Office of Inter-American Affairs; Mr. Hodges of the Mutual Broad¬ casting System; James Carey of the Congress of Industrial Organizations; Dr. Branko Kojec of Yugoslavia; Maj. Gen. Armando Figueira Trompowsky de Almeida 'and Adm. Sylvio de Noronha with Maj. Gen. Estevao Leitao de Carvalho, of Brazil; Charles Boyer of Hollywood, Calif.; Charles Habib Malik of Lebanon; Josef Hanc, Jan Masaryk, Jan Papdnek, Ernest Sturc, Vdclav Benes, and Ivan Kerno, of Czechoslovakia; and Karl Stefan of the United States House of Representatives. UNITED STATES WAR VETERANS VISIT UNCIO MEETINGS United States wounded veterans attend a plenary session. Also shown is Pfc. Jack Nash. 5 items. Apr. 30. United States wounded veterans attend a plenary session. 2 items. May 1. United States wounded veterans attend a plenary session. 3 items. May 4. Arthur Aloe, a wounded United States sailor, with Manuel C. Gallagher of Peru and Pedro Leao Velloso of Brazil. 1 item. n.d. THE WOMEN DEIEGATES firs. Godfrey Fisher, wife of the British Consul in San Francisco, Mrs. Harold E. Stassen, wife of Comdr. Harold E. Stassen of the United States Delegation, and Lady Halifax, wife of the British Ambassador to the United States, attend a tea party. 2 items. May 18. Miss VVu Yi-fang of the Chinese Delegation talks with Mrs. Earl Warren, wife of the Governor of California, 1 item. May 18, The United Women's Conference in San Francisco. Shown are Miss Florence Horsbrugh of the United Kingdom, Dean Virginia Gildersleeve of the United States, Mrs. Isabel Sdnchez de Urdaneta of Venezuela, Mrs. Aase Gi’uda Skard of Norway, Mrs. Amalia C, de Castillo Leddn of Mexico, Miss Wu Yi-fang of China, Miss Catharine Sibley, Chairman of the Women's Conference Executive Committee, and Mrs, Henry Francis Grady, former California Assistant Secretary of State, 6 items. May 19. Mrs. Skard, Mrs, de Castillo Leddn, and Miss Wu Yi-fang, 1 item. May 19, Mrs. Skard and Mrs. de Urdaneta, 1 item. May 19. Mrs. Skard confers with Miss Horsbrugh, 1 item. May 19. WORKMEN AT THE VETERAN'S MEMORIAL BUILDIIJG Workmen paint the grillwork on the Civic Center grounds. 1 item. Apr. 17. 39 Workmen paint the flag poles which are to be erected in the Civic Center grounds. 1 item. Apr, 17. Workirien construct a stage in the auditorium of the Veteran’s Memorial Building. 2 items. Apr. 22. An electrician at work in the Veteran's Memorial Building. 1 item. Apr. 22. THE WORLD TRACE UNION CONFERENCE The Administrative Committee of the World Trade Union Conference at a press conference. Shown are Vassily Kuzi Insnetsoff of the Soviet Union, Phillip Murray and Sidney Hillman of the United States, and Sir Walter Citrine of the United Kingdom. 1 item. May 5, Sir Walter Citrine and Sidney Hillman. 1 item. May 5. 40 GSA-WASH DC 5^-1081 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 025.171U581SE C003 SPECIAL LIST. WASH DC 11 1953 NATIONAL ARCHIVES SPECIAL LISTS 1, List of Climatological Records in the National Archives, Mar, 1942, Ixii, 160 p. Out of print. 2, Records of the Bureau of Insular Affairs Relating to the Philippine Islands, 1898-1935; a List of Selected Files, Compiled by Kenneth Munden, Oct, 1942, xii, 91 p, 3, Records of the Bureau of Insular Affairs Relating to the United States Military Government of Cuba, 1898-1902, and the United States Pro¬ visional Government of Cuba, 1906-1909; a List of Selected Files, Compiled by Kenneth Munden, Feb, 1943, xiii, 43 p. Out of print. 4, Records of the Bureau of Insular Affairs Relating to Puerto Rico, 1898-1934; a List of Selected Files. Compiled by Kenneth Munden and Milton Greenbaum. Mar. 1943. xi, 47 p. 5, List of Records of the Bureau of Insular Affairs Relating to the Do¬ minican Customs Receivership, 1905-1940. Compiled by Kenneth Munden. May 1943. xi, 29 p, 6, List of Documents Concerning the Negotiation of Ratified Indian Treaties, 1801-1869. Compiled by John H. Martin. 1949. 175 p. 7, List of Documents Relating to Special Agents of the Department of State, 1789-1906, Compiled by Natalia Summers, 1951, xi, 229 p, 8, Population Schedules, 1800-1870; Volume Index to Counties and Major Cities, 1951. 217 p, 9, List of Foreign Service Post Records in the National Archives, Compiled by Mark G, Eckhoff and Alexander P. Mavro, 1952, 42 p, 10, Lists of Wage Stabilization Cases Acted on by the Headquarters Office of the National War Labor Board, 1942-45: Part I, Cases Arranged by Issue Involved; Part II, Cases Arranged by Industry Involved, Compiled by Estelle Rebec,’Arthur Hecht , and Paul Flynn, 1953, 162 p, 11. List of Photographs Made by the Office of War Information at the United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco, 1945. 1953. 40 p.