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H. Jansen PRINTED SEPTEMBER NINETEEN TWENTY-FOUR CLEVELAND - OuIo Tue Britton Printinc Company CLevecanp, Onto, U.S. A. mY THE PUBLISHER THANKS MR. RICHARD PHILLIP MR. CHARLES WILLING AND MR. W. P. TROUT FOR PHOTOGRAPHS CONTRIBUTED * ALSO MR. Peas UCGCUES ORI HE CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF Rel Oh@ colo ba IN @EalIN OE YyPOGRAPHY: OF THE BOOK. J. H. JANSEN Manoir Querville near Orbec—Normandy Photograph by C. D. Arnold LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Le Manoir de Pont-Creon ; Frontispiece Title Page err Devencd by A. Di Nardo Manoir Querville, near Orbec—Normandy . . Page 5 Country House—Normandy . .< gu Gees Vuernes. -C Gate and Garden ate None) ee hires if Shee) Court of small Chateau—-Normandy ... . . I0 Small Chateau—-Normandy ........ II Farm. Buildino—Touraine, 2 © >) 2a ae ee I Small Chateaux—Normandy, [2 illustrations} . . 12°13 Calvaire de Saint-Tregonnec [Sketch} . . . . . 15 Manoir Querville, near Orbec—Normandy .. . 16 Farm House, Doudeville see ae LO Farm Building, Cormery— Neate ot es Farm Buildings—Le Neubourg. . . alo Farmhouses near Le Neubourg {3 Rlaceratons| eae lo Farmhouse near St. Romain—Normandy ... . 19 Sranc(eri. (rand) Andel ys uaa) Se an ene) Street in Bernay . . a ee ee Street scene in action ea eae eel oe So) Old House—Bernay . . So wed bo Ss eee Old House, (accor Nomen Re) Dae rane by oie) Houses in Louviers {2 illustrations} . . . 2). 20-21 Street scenes—Bernay [2 illustrations} . . . . . 21 Old Houses, Bernay . . Le MC hs ero Farm Building, Chateau de ive: es tee ee Farm des Turpes, near Neufchatel-en- Pha Normandy [9 illustrations} . . 2. . . . 23-30 Couviers:fOkcrch| seer 0 eee ey Did'Tlouses== Bernay tai acl ae are, eae ne Ain ptrcetrscene in Le Neuboure a sauce ee en ms House in Le Neubourg . . . 2 ee Small Chateau, St. Contest near Geen Normans 5 ee Manoir Etoupefour—Normandy . . . . . . . 44 Chateau Rogue, Eaignard, near Lisieux— Normandy [8 illustrations} . . Se 5 vets Chateau Conninais—Dinan [2 nian a 36 Manoir Blangy—Normandy . . . ... . . 39 Doorway in! Dinan tat eee ee ene Doorway in Bayeux . . Pee te ete oo ey Entrance to Fort, Caen— Normandy py eos Colombier and Church, Claville Normandy 3S Chateau Blois . . . ce Loe oes eee 0) Manoir Blangy- Nomen his 2 RE ee a ee 230) Gateway, near Rouen—Normandy ..... . 40 Gateway—Normandy ... . Pe Pe are Glee le Farm House near Chateau Givin Fane mat Thatched Farmhouse near Doudeville—Normandy 8) Chateau Flot, near Neufchatel—Normandy . . . 43 Church, Neufchatelen-Bray—Normandy . .. . 43 Manoir Heronchelles—Normandy ..... . 44 Manoir Couture, near Reignac—Normandy . . . 44 Farm House, Mesnil Mauger—Normandy. . . . 45 Chateau Victot—Normandy {2 illustrations} . . 46 Chateau Mans, near Lisieux—Normandy . . . . 46 Small Chateaux—Normandy {3 illustrations} . 46°47 Chateau Victot—Normandy . . ..... . 47 Half Timber House—Normandy . . .... . 47 Half Timber Cottage, near Lisieux—-Normandy Page 47 Chateau Doutrelaise—Calvados [Sketch} . . . . 49 Old Houses, Vitre—Brittany - > "20 Chateau, Environs, Avranches. . . Be efit Chateau Fougeres, East Entrance {3 Mlustracions). ot: Farm’ House, Fry—Normand ys se 2 Fort Basseville—Normandy. . ...... . §3 Farm Building, Chateau Chaumont . . . . . . §3 Old House, Vitre—Brittany . . Sec re, Saas Staircase, Farm at Mesnil Mauger near Mezidon [Sketch] \ ee 2 2 es a ene Old?House; Vitre—Brittany » 20-0 Old House,’Dinan ges ee eee ee Old; HousesTouraines) 0 eee Old House, Vitre—Brittany ........ 9579 Old House, Dinan. . Bes ts, Thatched Farm House near BolbecmeNorme ne: a AES Farm House, Acquigny . . : co a SC) Ancien Convent Saint- Wee Drene Me ace 6 Manoir Sugneues—Calvados > 5 295 = eso Farm House near Bernay_.. 59 Mare des Soles, Vee totee Normans 4 llustranenst oat 61 Chateau, St: Aignan— Normandy se ase Chateau near Tours—Normandy. . .... . 62 Colombier, Boos—Normandy . .... . . .. -63 Vitre {Sketch} . . a Os Farm Buildings, La Allaiiceonemnte FeO Farm House, La Vallouine—Normandy .. . . 66 Manoir Blangy—Normandy [2 illustrations} .. . 67 Farm Building, Archelles—Normandy [4 ba iaot 68- -69 Well at Veules—Normandy ... . 70 Old House, Gace [r6thicentury] ) ee eT Manoir Veules Normandy 9) 2) net nO Old| House—Ba yeux asm en ne Chateau—Pirou . . Sy cg Aes ee Chateau Roche—Cheille Ib Mlustraconet ee eet Chateau Gratol—-Manches ga ea) eT Farm) Building, Goderville7s see een Farm; Gailletot— bolbecuus aaa o. PRS as OTD Farm Building, Bee nemeNiomene eae TT Ge Saint-Lo-Chateau, Vaucelle [4 illustrations} . . . 74 Farm es Environs Lisieux—Normandy [4 illustrations} . . 5 MSs Colombier, Chateau Noonan eager) ec eeO Manoir la Quesnaye—Normandy .. . eo Chateau Normanville—Gournay [2 Hirer ryleemery Farm, du Temple near Gournay—Normandy . . . 78 Chateau Cleres—Normandy . . . uy re Abbey Ardennes, near Gaene=Normand ‘2 ee ao Market, St. Pierre sur Dives—Normandy . . . . 79 Chateau Calvados [Sketch} . . . . . . . . . 8 Country House Normandie See jo bp Chateau Emil Sansom, near Lisicueencrmend toy Half Timber House—Normandy . . . .. . . & Country House—Normandy ..... .. . 8 Farm Buildings—Normandy ....... . 8 Gateway, St, Romain mee) Gees een 83 Old House, Josselin—Brittany hes Page 84 Chateau Conninais—Dinan [9 illustrations] 85-86-87 House in Pontorson ier 87 Small Chateau, Environs—Dinan . 87 Chateau Rogue, near Louviers 87 Chateau St. Marie aux nei menerncdy 88 Cottages, Veules—Normandy . ; 89 House, Lisieux—Normandy 90 House, Bayeux 90 Church Yard and Haves ikeiare INGE 90 House, Vitre—Brittany . go House near Peete Normandy AT cope QI Thatched Cottage, near Rouen—Normandy 92 Farm Building, near Doudeville—Normandy 93 Thatched Cottage, Bourg-le-Dun . 94 Old House, Lisieux—Normandy [2 aueerauonsl 95 Chateau Houbloniere, near Lisieux—Normandy {5 illustrations} 96-97-98 Court Yard—Touraine . 98 Old Houses—Bayeux [2 leearioney: 98-99 House near Avranches 99 Chateau Beaumont [2 illustrations] 99 Nogent-le-Rotrou {Sketch} . ; eeTOr Old House—Chinon {2 slastrationst 5 Step) Manoir d’Ango, near Be acc {20 illustrations} 103-116 Manoir Vitanval, St. Prcreree meLIO Chateau Argeuil—Normandy {2 illustrations} . rly Chateau Sourdiere—Loir-et-Cher [Sketch] . it Old House, Caen—Normandy . : met 20 Half Timber House, Tee ae Normandy » fey Chateau Epreville, Martainville {6 illustrations} . , 122°123-124°125 Tower St. Leger aux Bois near Bane oomands log Old Houses, Avranches [2 illustrations} pais Street scene—Dinan Petes 126 Street scene—Bayeux 26 Old House—Touraine 126 Manoir Vains, near Avranches Lb ill mikes ie “127 Manor House—near Dinan {2 illustrations} 27 Small Chateau—Normandy rae . 128 Chateau Fumichon—Calvados [16th pte r2G Old House—Saint-Lo . 128 Street scene—Mantes | gbys: Chateau Fumichon—Calvados [2 Mustracions}. 26 Street scene—Acquigny PEI20 Farm House—Acquigny 120 Inn Yard, Beaumont-Le- Reorce Seach {2 illustrations] 1307131 Abbey, Ancien Prieure de lehont ie Gigs Dinan {6 illustrations} 132-133 Court Yard—Dinan 132 Church Acquigny 733 Old Houses, Sa emecrirenty Ip Wuetranons}e 134-135 Saint-Lo [Sketch] Sa 137 Chateau Vitre—Brittany at Chateau Cormery, near Tie: Whtenenehe . 139 Old Houses, Vitre—Brittany 170 Roche Cabin [indre et Loire} . 140 Chateau Bigotiere, Housseaux, Neves yet 40 Chateau Le Hellinvilliers Le Quosnaye—Pris Avranches Chateau du Val—Autheuil [2 Miceaioriey) Garden and Stables, Chateau Bizy—Vernon Garden, Chateau Bizy—Vernon Farm Buildings—Touraine . Street scene, Mantes Chateau Le Vieux—Le Nec nore Farm House, Touraine Chateau, Beaumont-Le- Reve mesorancy Chateau, Livet near Lisieux—Normandy Jumieges Castle Chateau Loches Farm of the Huguenots, Bene [2 Mustrarons Chateau near Bolbec—Normandy Old Entrance, near Lisieux—Normandy Chateau Cleres—Normandy Port d’Amont, Meung ' Old House, Jeeves Nptam its Stone Wall and Tower, Cle meNorardy Church Porch—Beauvreuil . Old House, Caen—Normandy Stairway, Francis First Abbeville Doorway, Chateau Gallville near aii ISAS an ais Page 140 . 140 LAT . 141 eid § eT Ay eit Ae metas . 142 - 143 . 144 . 145 . 145 STAG - 147 - 147 . 148 > 146 - 149 - 149 S1s0 . 150 151 151 CHURCHES Le Baux [Sketch] ares Church, St. Nicolas, Gace Nonna . 154 Saint Jean-de-la-Haize, near Avranches Iy4 Church near Avranches 155 Church at Clais—Normandy ; ets s Church at Ry, near Rouen—Normandy {3 illustrations] 156-157 Reading Desk in Church, Spang ie oe lyase 157 Church, Amfreville—Normandy . Se huts Church, Colmsnil—Normandy . 158 Church, Lanquetot—Normandy PLO Church, Etallville—Normandy . 159 Church, Notre Dame du Grace, Honfenree Normand 160 Old Priory Church, Josselin—Brittany . . 160 Parish Church, Cambes—Normandy ; TOT Chapel St. Hubert, Castle Pea bee==Notnandy) . 161 Dinan [Sketch] . ae BiLO% Church at Cormery, near Tec heeae Noriandss . 164 Abbey, Cormery near ee a trae: {2 illustrations} . 164-165 Church near St. Roce nesNecnant: ee LOS Churches near Lisieux—Normandy [2 illustrations} . 166 Churches near Bernay {3 illustrations} 166-167 Churches at Coutances . 167 Churches in Normandy . ae . 167 Churches near Lisieux—Normandy fe e189, Abbey d’Ardennes—Normandy {3 leeeracions| 168-169 Church at Thaon, near Caen—Normandy . . 170 Church, Potigny—Normandy . . 170 Church, St. Ours, Pee Nomeand hae oe ag Porch, Church at Auppegard—Normandy . i f Churches in Normandy [4 illustrations] . 172 Chapel in Normandy ae" . 173 Church in Normandy . 173 INTRODUCTION By PAUL PHILIPPE CRET \JHIS book is simply an excursion in the North- west of France,a ramble at the dictate of fancy, ; a] unhampered by the zealous services of guide- 4 books, and unspoiled by the timid difference of Fe tourist to only that which is catalogued,and officially worthy of notice. It gives the impression of leisurely wan- derings, pursued without haste or definite plan, and leading to those unanticipated discoveries—so full of charm to all who love the old towns—of intimate beauties still virgin, still naive, ignorant and innocent of the fame that the postal card confers. @ The sun on a white wall, cutting the shade of a branch, an iron impost over a doorway,a window with small greenish panes, before which glows the red of a geranium —everything 1s an excuse for stopping. The lane turns and seems to trail its houses, disjointing a little more their —— lintels and their framework. All the sur- y | aks RS rt faces seem to blend, one into another; gg... » Sse the pavements, the walls, the gates and the roofs are giving away under the : . . Country House — Normand weight of years, asthough melting in a —Phowsvapitty Rickard Pilly» single mass. @ Then,one is in the fields, where the farmhouses, isolated, have been sleeping for centuries, unchanging and knowing only the order of the seasons. What is it that so charms usin these encounters? whose names are lost forever finding in simple, unaffected ereater works that have been classics? Or is it solely the trace of time,unsparing to men, but giving to inanimate things anew value? Thewarpedsteps, the patina over the stones, the moss on the tiles—assuredly in these lie the secret of a gentle magic that had not come into Isitthe art of humble builders, ? Is it merely the pleasure of forms, a reminiscence of the eae, “a ee ee Gate and Garden Wall— Normandy Photograph by Richard Phillip being when the raw scaffold- ings were first pulled down. No doubt it is the blending of all these things that makes the sorcery of old houses; but in analyzing our pleasure, we cannot overlook the power which architecture itself possesses in the highest degree, of evoking the past with its dim ghosts, its obsolete costumes, its outworn Photograph by Richard Phillip customs— giving to us some- thing of the nameless gratif- cation that we seek in the thea- tres, where for a little while we may escape the limitation of our own worldand our own time. @ It is usually only the masterpieces of architecture that are found worthy of depiction and study. But, in con- sidering with the eyes of an architect these pictures of minor works, one is refreshed by the simplicity that a- chieves beauty through economy,and bears out the old principle of com- position: “all that is use- less is harmful.”’ @ The Small Chateau— Normandy styles which were in fa- Photograph by Richard Phillip vor successively from the middle ages to the nineteenth century are found here in their simplest expression, which at the same time loses none of the qualities that we admire in more ambitious works. The task, however, of ascribing precise dates to these un- pretentious structures is far less easy than in the case of those of more elaborate design. In its elementary form the abode of man varies little from century to century, and many of these workman's cottages have remained almost unchanged in aspect from the Gallic- Roman period to our own times.On the other hand, most of the build- ings of the provinces exhibit Farm Building —Touraine the purely local methods of con- Photograph by W. P. Trout struction, which can be easily discovered, and which give to this humble architecture the colorful character that one finds in countries where national or provincial costumes are still in evidence. (( Even if some of the works reproduced here should have no other merit than is given to them by their age, would we have the right to disdain them? How many of our buildings will be able to support the weight of centuries? Our Small Ch =A d . : : Photograph by Richard Philp roofs, instead of changing in time their straight lines for subtle curves can only rot or fall to pieces with the rusting of nails that give them nearly all their strength; our walls, too thin, cannot endureas the sturdy walls of Bayeux or of Vitre have endured under the slow - pressure of time. Of the thousands of country houses built. each year, how many will be standing at the end of two or three more centuries to show to distant generations how we lived today? The admirers of our “high degree of civili- zation’ reply to this that it is not important that a house should last; for even at the end of thirty years it has become so old-fashioned that nobody cares to live init. But this argu- ment, unanswerable perhaps, in the opinion of realtors, un- happily has no value from the esthetic point of view. ( If houses with walls constructed of paper, three planks and a thin coat of “mission style” plaster can survive long enough for the dealers in “artistic homes’ [every modern comfort] to sellthem at an honest profit—sometimes even long enough for the purchaser to resell them when he has made money enough to move to a still more restricted suburb,—it is no less true that they have never given to anyone the pleasure that the honest old walls of the past have given to us. But all that is an old quarrel, the two parties to which will never be in accord. ( This book touches many subjects; the cha- teaux of families grown powerful by fortune and by arms; manor-houses, homes of noble families also, but of that im- mense number of the petty nobility who lived far from the towns, and none too well on the incomes from their small estates—indeed, few farmers of our days would be content with the three or four rooms which constituted the dwell- ings of these rustic gentlefolk. The other buildings are barns and stables and haylofts, surrounded by walls to insure a relative security. Then there are the town houses, where, as a rule, the first floor was occupied bya store while the family inhabited the upper stories; and some churches, also, often transformed into be haylofts, when the convents aie ahney arenes of which they formed a part disappeared in the course of political upheavals. @ Such is the frame of life in the French provinces, today as in the distant past; and the author, who has assembled his material with the soul of an artist, photo- eraphing many of the subjects himself, makes a valuable con- tribution to a field too little explored—the architecture of the plain people of yesterday. — Paut Puitippe Cret Ome marae dei: : ~~ ee tennpernntetteves BR Dun ITTY MY omen IL Menger tm Tem 8 ta ese sree ae *s Bn - 3 =n, 2 ah ki, i i See ates pitas a ak a iss Sa ane Se CALVAIRE DE SAINT TREGONNEC 16 FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX Farm House, Doudeville—Normandy. Photographs by C. D. Arnold AND COUNTRY CHURCHES PIMs “qd ‘=C &q ydpsco1yg ApuewsONN—Aiawio7 ‘surpying wiej FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX 18 BINogGnaN I] Jeau—asnoyy wiej SInoqnaN Ia] Jeau—asnoyy wey AND COUNTRY CHURCHES 19 Grand Cerf—Grand Andelys Street Scene—Bernay Photograph by Richard Phillip FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX 20 d House—Bernay l O Normandy XK sieu cene in Li Street S House in Louviers Old House, Lisieux— Normandy 21 AND COUNTRY CHURCHES Aeulog—sasnoy] plo SIPEG SC SER aE BE ae Aeulog—2uacg 349213 FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX 22 Prom “Cd “CO 89 ydpsso1044 AND COUNTRY CHURCHES ppoury “q ‘=O 44 ydp430304qg ApuewsoN—Areig-uejayeyojnonNy Jesu ‘sadiny, sap wie Rah sash as Paes OF ie ee “ae FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX er Prouuy “d'o &q sydv43010Y 4 ApUueulION — Aeig-Ua-[a}eyojneNy eau ‘sadiny sap wey es en Sere Lp yale an aed 8 Ss sh aa is sa e Apueulon — Aeig-u2-[azeyojnany Ieau ‘sadiny sap wiey | a eye we ~ fae" ~ OA es Lk DAE AS BF CE ah ES ae TA OR ee ne be ashe ia se Ms on ea oa we meme ses a OD ah SA RID a FR IR PH Sromranee RAMBO NR Ps NP Me 7 Sh tee Aes 2S oe ow A e WE B e AND COUNTRY CHURCHES ut i aid HH Hs, «7° git Baritein uate wel lif 1 fh fi(it ti ant lh it Bb UHH i dRRHRHE Photograph by C. D. Arnold Farm des Turpes, near Neufchatel-en-Bray—Normandy. 26 FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX > RS ee ee Boas ie Farm des Turpes, near Neufchatel-en- Bray — Normandy Fhowgnaplts bye i) ar 14 AND COUNTRY CHURCHES Plreuey “qd ‘=D &q ydvsso104g Apueuwon — Aeig-uaJayeyojnany reau ‘sadiny sap wiej 28 FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX Photograph by C. D. Arnold Oe ee aN a ipists sane Sh a 4 Hy sts an y I ive nd NR Peta a Farm des Turpes—near Neufchatel-en Bray, Normandy. AND COUNTRY CHURCHES 2? Farm des Turpes, near Neufchatel-en-Bray — Normandy Photographs by C. D. Arnold Barn Yard, Neufchatel-en-Bray — Normandy pen, “ — : ; : : Cc en aan Te te —~ di Nardo s Lo rs ; ? eset eorh erie LOUVIERS FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX AN SINOGNaN I] Ur ysnopPy BINOGNIN J] UI BUa|dg 422199 ‘ee ORES See BE. AND COUNTRY CHURCHES Prouay “qd ‘O84 ydpssor0yq ‘APURCWIONT—uU2e7) J€9U 489}U0T) 3S ‘neayey7) [Tews a7 1S1e€UxX Chateau Rogue, Eaignard—near L FRENCH FARM HOUSES - SMALL CHATEAUX 1S1€UX Chateau Rogue, Eaignard —near L Photograph by C. D. Arnold Manoir Etoupefour — Normandy AND COUNTRY CHURCHES XNOISTT reau — preusieq ‘ansOoy NeI{eY( ) XNIsT] Jesu — pieusieg ‘ansoy neazeyD XNZISI] IeIU — prleusieq ‘ansoy neazeyy) 36 FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX Chateau Conninais — Dinan Chateau Conninais — Dinan ™ og AND COUNTRY CHURCHES Photograph by C. D. Arnold Manoir, Blangy — Normandy Tee inan D in, Doorway Doorway in Bayeux FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX og) Normandy Entrance to Fort, Caen— Photographs by C. D. Arnold . Normandy Colombier and Church, Claville— AND COUNTRY CHURCHES 39 Photographs by C. D. Arnold 7 andy. Manoir, Blangy — Norm Chateau Blois 40) FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX Gateway — Normandy Photographs by C. D. Arnold AND COUNTRY CHURCHES Photograph by C. D. Arnold Farm House, near Chateau Chaumont FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX Photograph by C. D. Arnold Thatched Farm House, near Doudeville—Normandy. AND COUNTRY CHURCHES a) Chateau Flot near Neufchatel— Normandy = Church, Neufchatel-en-Bray — Normandy. Breer bis Py Ge meld 44 FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX Manoir Heronchelles—Normandy Manoir Couture, near Reignac— Normandy Photographs by C. D. Arnold AND COUNTRY CHURCHES prousy “qd ‘CO &q ydvuso1yg 46 FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX Photographs by Richard Phillip ve i # 4 ‘ Chateau Victot — Normandy Small Chateau — Normandy Chateau Mans, near Lisieux — Normandy AND COUNTRY CHURCHES dupiyg pavyosry &q sydvssoi0yg APURWION] — xnaist] eau ‘a8e}307) JoquTy, J[eY ApuewJION' — asnoy] Jaquiry jyepy ApUeULION — 301A, NeazeyD ApueuION — neazeyy) I jews eatin AVIVA } a § 8 * * * S oe u i uy "th SA if M ey f, * % Vs “> ye ’ 2 4 Ware's o%, > _ A-di Nardo CHAE AWE DOU TREEAISE 50 FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX Photograph by C. D. Arnold Old Houses at Vitre— Brittany ol AND COUNTRY CHURCHES Chateau Fougeres, East Entrance Chateau—near Avranches S Chateau Fougere Chateau Fougeres 52 Ii Ny ns ay MARAE y Bi sen” | wy) i | Py * Ae Oe, FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX ¥™ . Photograph by C. D. Arnold Farm House, Fry —Normandy 0 AND COUNTRY CHURCHES Normandy ille — Bassev 3 Fort Sp ae \ * s by C. D. Arnold Photograph — Chateau Chaumont Farm Building FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX a Plreury ‘q ‘— 4q ydvis010yq Aurqwig—a21zA ‘asnoy pO sacs” eats ood - mI mil y i f ti GH ))4) WP Hi BY, Drawing by E. W. Godwin Staircase, Farm at Mesnil Mauger—near Mezidon hy : FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX Photograph by C. D. Arnold CO Mf Old House, Vitre—Brittany AND COUNTRY CHURCHES Fi oo r Teiviese-riustt) : SATiGNE-FALICE) : it Old House — Dinan Old House — Touraine Photograph by Charles Willing Old House, Vitre — Brittany Old House — Dinan FRENCH FARM HOUSES - SMALL CHATEAUX 58 ploury “qd ‘ : ae , ie ae ee 95, poy IR te coo Baa et 5 SU bin Sie S MAE ES I it es ee Abbey Ardennes, near Caen— Normandy Photographs by C. D. Arnold Market, St. Pierre sur Dives— Normandy SOGVATVO NVALVHO ES er Ts patible F MS SE aaa a PLR 2A ha GOO MPIC ad ae asta Fag SENET i iniAiese es Pe SF Eyin an ee pa ii Ay) bar 4 bie Oa % » ALSE MT RS 7 (pasa o fF BAL ye re ‘ b 7 7 2S 0 8 Saya oy oot ay N 8? FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX es Chateau Emil Sansom, near Lisieux — Normandy Country House— Normandy eq tt dit | Mk : lt Patni Ge a ae os . 4 4 > Country House— Normandy Farm Buildings — Normandy Photographs by Richard Phillip AND COUNTRY CHURCHES 83 a7 Gateway — St. Romain Photograph by C. D. Arnold FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX 84 Plouey “qq OD 4 ydvssor04g Aueqig — urassof ‘asnoy] piO 85 AND COUNTRY CHURCHES Chateau Conninais — Dinan Dinan Chateau Conninais — Chateau Conninais — Dinan Chateau Conninais — Dinan FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX 86 ee pt beeen! ueulq] — sTeuruuorT) Ne|}eYT) ueulq — steuTuUOZ) NeazeYyD) AND COUNTRY CHURCHES Small Chateau — Environs Dinan House in Pontorson Chateau Conninais — Dinan Chateau Rogue — near Louviers 88 FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX Photograph by C. D. Arnold Chateau St. Marie aux Anglais— Normandy j UUVTUMYGTLUAT TALL TUSTTRU LLC ‘3 x 89 AND COUNTRY CHURCHES peHyv -d'o kq ydvss0.0yg Apuew4onN{—sajna A, ‘saseq107) FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX 90 WAR TORR aba \ oeidcdk SR Cw EA serene Auejig — 211A, c asnoy] APUPULION] — XnaistT] “asnoyy pue prex yoinyy) AND COUNTRY CHURCHES 91 Photograph by C. D. Arnold House near Lisieux — Normandy FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX prousy -q ‘ TL =. = ie, Aiea pe ea Pa A ty NY aH ES IIS, ed ee peep MT } Wim, N= -Y¥ Tr aber bali! o) | ays a me Ps = yrruh | ‘ - | ee i eR?) 2S LL LL ED BEANE. WM 7 oe ee —_. ? a} _ J _ as hel 0 + (7- | = Reve yrs hs 4b, yong 4 mromrg Weg 7 gig wf sbmrndo ys YH wry ene es VONE ++ Dy AY PT ~ OSN¥Q NYALVYD meomhs YY FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX 110 Plousy “dq ‘— &q ydvss0104q FRET ES f 4 oe ripening eateries tmete S ApuewisoN —addaiq reou ae Bee is eens ‘OsUY,P IoURY uimpor “yy “qq Buumvig Apueulony —addaiq seau ‘osuy.p Moureyy ‘eiss0T [req9q ; ‘ Sree yy meyped ry oy vv NLD O"T OONNO LLONYCD FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX 112 pouy “qd'o &q ydvaso10y4g Apuewo N —eddaiq reeu r osu 6 ie qoury\[ ‘sAPEMIOOG AND COUNTRY CHURCHES 113 x Sate AAP Re aba ehe> TT a te > ad YY x es BSR ; COP Soe ath Photographs by Detail of Stone and Brick Work, Manoir d’Ango, near Dieppe — Normandy Co Agua X FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAU rent emcee SOE Peta om = | Re ' Photographs by C. D. Arnold Detail of Half Timber, Manoir d’Ango, near Dieppe — Normandy umpoy ‘Ay “q 4g Buimpigg yy vin K is) agit gla Atoka Ed HI HUOM AIACCOLL ‘OONW.Q ULONVCO bh Gx bl oe WW a Weebl & p-4 Afi! Ge I Ge lol toy = wv BS TANS ApuewsonN —aoddaiq seou ‘osuy.p Mouryy ‘Joquiry jepy jo preyq SAL py Hy yart SS = Dn it — id iil fi} i Via " i : y.— i i 5K fi fs i ht WHA z i | Wi Mf | / r | fdf | : = er ISt| Z = SS — = 12h | Ze r hj i t ii | : fa it —— H i SN ea ene WINS aa uy Sg == =) 6-§ Ig} §-S Fost lat -L Isigiiol = ¢-§ gh Os i ¢g Wo as lof = c-s = SS ES qa == a = SS EZ a wy WN 116 FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX ‘ i { | Manoir, Vitanval—St. Adresse i fe its See ENC AND COUNTRY CHURCHES 117 Eo) Sones ec ‘ 7 a ; PBR tReE Chateau Argeuil— Normandy Chateau Argeuil— Normandy Photographs by C. D. Arnold EDS OdUsr MO Gl =e hie ROG (QA HE ASIO) aed 1 Dee Is PN cian Yor hia my eet OPsEhy 1p dy HUG it = Raps = £38 SS Samnm 3 5 Saas | FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX 120 GEE Se ae poets SEVERN Et 703 CoE Rilestcs eT os 47 ol al Photograph by C. D. Arnold Old House, Caen— Normandy lal AND COUNTRY CHURCHES ee panera ear anime mccmenet ote Sere eee aa PONE RLS Photograph by C. D. Arnold Half-Timber House, Lisieux —Normandy | FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX es 4 i £: Chateau Epreville— Martainville Farm Building, Epreville— Martainville Photographs by C. D. Arnold AND COUNTRY CHURCHES 123 yous: ee pr & a 4 Ris oad wry paz neeunese AS A Wrvraras + 1 a % is Pe a i) = 7/1/1100) OA Manoir Vains—near Avranches Manoir Vains— near Avranches Manoir House — near Dinan Manoir House — near Dinan 128 FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX Small Chateau — Normandy Chateau Fumichon— Calvados. (16th century) Photograph by Richard Phillip Old House — Saint Lo Street Scene — Mantes 129 AND COUNTRY CHURCHES vg hao Siiy Xs se : # Ausinboy —asnoyy wie Ausinboy — 2uacg 33213 SOpeATe) — UOYSTUIN A Ne3zeYT) W = FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX SMe feat ‘ eh afabine aie Reel i Photograph by C. D. Arnold Inn Yard, Beaumont-le-Roger — Normandy AND COUNTRY CHURCHES ppoury “qo «q ydv30104q ApueuwloN — Jas0yy-2] JuOUINRag ‘pie xX Uuy 132 FRENCH FARM HOUSES * SMALL CHATEAUX Abbey, Ancien Prieure de Lehon, Le Gloitre, — Dinan. 8th Century Court Yard— Dinan Abbey, Ancien Prieure de Lehon, Le Gloitre, — Dinan. 8th Century AND COUNTRY CHURCHES Ainquay) WLI “URUIG] — 2INO[D aq] ‘UOYeT ep einalig uauy ‘Aeqqy Au8inboy — yonyo ee ee at SEW IAA DARED BAM canes a A rin ot ueUIG — 2I}O[) VJ ‘uOYIT] ep ainatig uepuy ‘Aeqqy —_ m3 aes » FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX Prov qo &q ydv4s0104q Aurqtig —2Ii A ‘sasnoyy plo AND COUNTRY CHURCHES pouay “dO 44 ydp430104q Aue} Wig — ali, ‘sesnoY PiO PS ne e ~ ‘y gusaene ~ Bencm OF AeePak > eae ee $ ae es) 5 re aid rere Cer eae + ees Pio Seg Rit ee PRR NS ees ESR isa ioe KS pe ge Ie een Kids Marcdo SAINT-LO . FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX 138 =t ‘ } Photograph by C. D. Arnold Chateau, Vitre— Brittany AND COUNTRY CHURCHES 139 Old Houses, Vitre— Brittany Photographs by C. D. Arnold 140 Chateau, Bigotiere Housseaux — Neuville Roche Cabin (Indre et Loire) FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX oe ier ee Seay ee / b | 4s ‘e Le Quesnaye — Pris Avranches 2 es Aun Chateau Hellinvilliers AND COUNTRY CHURCHES uoul3a A — AzZIg neazeYyD ‘UapIey uoUIa A — AzIg neazeyD ‘s2jqeIg pue UapIed FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX 142 ButiA\ Sajzvyr Kq ydvsso10yg Quirino [ —aesnoyy wie saqUuRy — 12219 MOLT, “qd “M “4 ydv430104q BINOGNEN I]—xnatA I] neazeyD sureino | —ssurlping wey Leis aoe [43 AND COUNTRY CHURCHES poury “qd'o Kq ydvs010yg i ApuewION —Jasoy-saTJuouNesg neazey_) taal plouy “qd ‘2 &q ydvudo0yg ApUueWION —xnaisr] Jesu Yaar] ap neayeyD oe “ a: Ma, 6.) fo Lm Nena mone cn aialiens, nena lal Fae pede tg MO DINAN < f maf Vg a ee PDs, ey _- vy FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX 164 Church at Cormery, near Loches— Normandy x re i o33 (f | Pome AF ent memee Photographs by C. D. Arnold Normandy Abbey, Cormery near Tours— 165 AND COUNTRY CHURCHES pPeuuy “do &q sydp43030Y4g Apurullony — ulewoy 4S Jeou Yyoinyr) ApuewsON —sinoy Jeau ArowsoD Aaqqy 166 Church near Lisieux — Normandy Church near Lisieux — Normandy FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX Church near Bernay Church near Bernay AND COUNTRY CHURCHES 167 on ce ba, OE ca Church in Coutances Church in Normandy Church near Lisieux — Normandy FRENCH FARM HOUSES - SMALL CHATEAUX 168 Plousy “qd 'O 84 ydvsdo20yq te apenas ApuewdoN —souuaply p Aeqqy Sone a i Some eer eee a ve, sme el 169 AND COUNTRY CHURCHES Photograph by C. D. Arnold Abbey d’Ardennes— Normandy ti i. Abbey d’Ardennes, Pavillion Entrance Gate, 13th Century FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX 170 Church at Thaon, near Caen— Normandy Photographs by C. D. Arnold Normandy Church, Potigny — AND COUNTRY CHURCHES ] ~! — Photographs by C. D. Arnold Porch, Church at Auppegard— Normandy FRENCH FARM HOUSES » SMALL CHATEAUX fen ™ ApuewJON Url yoinyy) ApuewJoN ur yoinys ApuewiJoN ut yoinyD ApueulIoN, ur Yomnye) 173 AND COUNTRY CHURCHES Chapel in Normandy ARCHITECTURAL BOOKS PUBLISHED BY J. H. JANSEN CAXTON BUILDING CLEVELAND - OHIO D’Espouy— Fragments d’ Architecture 3 portfolios. The work consists of 100 rendered drawings in each portfolio. Two portfolios on Antique Architecture and one portfolio on Italian Renaissance, size 13 x 18 inches ; , . $125.00 Oxp EncuisH Cotraces AND FArmM Houses—5 volumes. Separate volumes $12.00 each. 100 plates in each volume with detail drawings . $ 50.00 KENT AND SUSSEX——SHROPSHIRE, HEREFORDSHIRE AND CHESHIRE— THE COTSWOLD DISTRICT-— SURREY— EAST ANGLIA— NORFOLK, SUFFOLK AND ESSEX. Pucin— Specimens and Examples of English Gothic Architecture. A re- print in 2 portfolios of 337 plates. Size 8% x 121% inches ee) 20.00 LeTaArouitty— Le Vatican, reprint of 70 selected plates containing the practical detail for office use. Size 16 x 22 inches in portfolio $ 20.00 Esquie— Vignola, French edition translated by Wm. Robert Powell. 76 plates, bound size 9% x 12% inches , , $ 6.00 Brunck— Lessons on Form, 104 plates on free hand drawing. Large scale drawings of mostly architectural details and ornaments, bound size g x 12 inches : : , $ 3.00 Scumipt— Tyrolian Interiors, 60 plates from photographs. Each plate em- bossed and mounted, size 11 x 14 inches ' $ 16.50 Pucin— Ornamental Timber Gables, 16th century ete in England and France. 30 plates, g x 11 inches... ; $ 5.00 Brown— Modern eee Churches, 68 ee in Bae Dize alte 4 inches ’ ; $ 9.00 Brown— Modern English Country Houses, 55 plates in portfolio DiGaLiexetarinches: | , $ 7.50 Apvam BrotrHers— The work of Robert and James Adam. 106 mounted photographs, in 2 portfolios . : $ 50.00 Curtis— Architectural Composition. 280 pages with 270 illustrations, size 714 x 101% inches : $ 6.00 IN PREPARATION WaLtker, C. Howarp— Theory of Mouldings, illustrated with over 100 drawings by the author ; $ 3.50 Curtis, N. C.—Elements of Graphics. A new textbook for the archi tectural student ; ; $ 2.50 McGrew, C. B.—Italian Doorways. Photographs and measured drawings of the various styles of Italian doorways $ 15.00 Vignal, Pierre—Water Colors of Venice. Facsimile reproductions from water color renderings—15 plates sizeg x 13 inches. . . $ 5.00 Gi MM 3 0112 086082457 | UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA Ts Sas: ‘ anayt t irptiee tt ach acl pw Mae hate i : penny fee : : ctene yy z * mo bus ptine Ras 10 Bert tgngage ‘ s Sahat : re Some el ees : “ 847, ay ors 2 . Haas picertet ad . . den weaueesyeenitiearisy Pi marecck eek mere st or ‘5 . rete Sitcucteernartatecen Sn aah ty tap he “ leaesae! Phebe scat an oy-taby ca Serban Lb heh he, Saenger ene Stein nite Salome. Pein dis ay peru Woes " ree er iiet ie poser ietns wore tare meteor Uri areceear sweet etprunrenduteaghaeincs.surameoariocdeetue meee: : a See aaa cael b roach. rar ranirar ed 86 Nie cousyn aut inten vere opie ett ; : a eerore rants teeth ceeentene sericea reece Sybety byepayekensnte sites gi rire evaitounatan So8) Cod l