UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SUBVET Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign PREFACE This biographical dictionary is a state-wide compilation. As such it would be but typical of many of its kind, had not marked compilative distinc' tiveness been brought to it by an augmentation, accomplished through integration of selected biographees, sufficient to provide an encompassment of areas contiguous to the designated state, or otherwise appropriate under contemporary and accepted concepts of American regionalism. Therefore, while it remains a state-wide compilation, the consultant will not find it entirely restricted to such drastic limitations as one locality's arbitrary boundary must inevitably impose. In short, to the user it takes on the added effectiveness of exceptional scope, while to its biographees it completely retains identification with the specific state. This distinctive betterment, which has been accomplished without placing any addi- tional charge upon subscribers, is responsive to the all but obvious reasons involving ref- erence usefulness, and as well to the gratifying interest evidenced in the compilation throughout the course of its preparation. This interest has in many instances reflected definite indications that enquiries reaching our community libraries and specialized ref- erence centers today consistently call for biographical data about a larger proportion of the outstanding men and women outstanding regionally, if not also nationally, in their localities than could be included in a work national in scope yet useable in size. This concern of consultants of biographical compilations with localized and regional coverage is, as a matter of fact, entirely logical. The national work necessarily limits itself to individuals happening to be of actual or probable reference interest throughout the country. There are, however, within a nation as extended geographically, and as developed in all the phases of modern life, as ours, actually the equivalents of at least five important "countries" — indeed, some capable authorities would consider six, seven, or even eight, the more accurate denominator for making such a subdivision. However, none would dispute that the areas encompassed herein lie in these great "lands 11 within a greater nation. It follows that within each of these great subdivisions there are men and women so outstanding in respect to the life and times of these countries-within-a-nation as to be subject to a degree of reference enquiry more marked than the corresponding nation-wide interest of but a few short decades ago, when appropriate allowance is made for the tre- mendous growth of America. "The Northwest", "The Pacific Coast", "The South and the Southwest", "The Central States", and "The East" are each today the equivalent of the entire country when the standard national biographical directory first appeared — not alone in point of biographical reference interest, but in many other respects as well. Thus there arises the clearly defined reference need for, and the useful reference field of, the logically delimited regional biographical work. The need for, and field of, the standard national reference work is not in the slightest measure lessened thereby. In rec- ognition of this obvious fact, some among those primarily of national interest, although resident in the areas covered by this work, have not been listed, as data regarding them are available in the standard national work to be found in all libraries and reference centers. It is worth also noting that the marked advantages inherent in the augmentation of scope mentioned above, have been obtained without reducing the facility with which the consultant can use the amplified compilation. This has been accomplished by means of a variation from what is still the arrangement usually applied to biographical dictionaries, and one selected as peculiarly fitted to the requirements of this compilation. It has become habitual to arrange biographical compilations alphabetically — in other words, to make them "self indexing". This is undoubtedly accounted for by the fact that the early compilations consisted of a very limited number of biographies, or were merely lists of names not accompanied by biographies. The "self indexing 11 arrangement, while convenient for such compilations, is actually cumbersome when applied to a grouping of any size and consisting of biographies. The biographies, even when laboriously condensed, are of sufficient length to result in so few names coming "under the eye" when a search is being made for a particular biographee's name — which is practically without exception the objective when such a compilation is put to use — that this quest consumes considerable unnecessary time. Page after page must often be turned before the desired name is located. Furthermore, the close alphabetization necessary in a self-indexing arrangement that is completely effective is exceedingly difficult to achieve in practice. Any name that is not exactly in sequence under the more or less arbitrary usages which the compilers elect to follow, is probably entirely "lost" to some consulting the compilation, for so few names are "under the eye" simultaneously that a name not found at once is not readily noticed elsewhere. Even a name correctly placed under the compilers 1 preferences in arrangment — for example, is "St." for "Saint", treated as "Sa" or "St."? — may be quite lost to the hurried consultant of the compilation. If, however, the biographees 1 names alone are separately arranged alphabetically — a^ a distinct index, in other words — a greatly increased number of names come "under the eye" simultaneously, and the quest for the desired name is markedly shortened, while the unfamiharly placed name will very probably be seen as a result of "being under the eye" at the critical moment. Then the particular page containing the desired biography can be turned to directly — since it will be specified directly opposite the name sought — without a number of pages having to be searched through until the correct one is finally found, "Dictionary style" repetitions — ■ in the top corners of pages — of the first and last names appearing on a page, may improve the "self-indexing" arrangement, but comparatively few consultants of biographical compilations utilize them, it has been found, and the fact that there are normally only a limited number of biographies on a page make them far less useful than in the case of a word dictionary. Therefore on both the above scores a separate alphabetical index of biographees 1 names facilitates. Additionally, it makes possible overcoming one of the principal compilative problems encountered under the "self-indexing" arrangement — the addendum required to care for biographies accumulating after the "self-indexing" compilation has been as' sembled. All the biographies to be compiled cannot be in hand at the moment the com' pilation is put into a "self-indexing" sequence — unless of course the compilation is to be non-current at publication — for many time-making production steps necessarily follow before the completed work can be distributed in book form. An addendum is therefore resorted to, and biographies coming to hand following the completion of the "self-indexing" arrangement of the compilation are relegated to it. But — and here is the difficulty — the addendum is usually entirely overlooked by those consulting the completed book. As a result biographees listed in the addendum are fre- quently to all intents and purposes practically not in the compilation at all — and to that important extent the compilation becomes ineffective. With all these factors in mind, this compilation carries a separate index of biographees' names alone, with the pages involved indicated in each instance. This procedure has made possible including in the basic compilation all biographies in hand up to the time of actually going to press, since under it there is no necessity to arrange the biographies in alphabetical sequence. An addendum was not required, furthermore — and as well the other important advantages mentioned above have been gained. It is the confident expectation of the edi- tors that this constructive change from what has been the habitual practice will be found most satisfactory in actual use, and as well that it will increase the serviceability of the compilation markedly. For the building of this new volume every proper source of available names has been drawn upon, and every reasonable effort has been made to procure the requisite data from persons deemed eligible for inclusion in keeping with the discriminating standard fixed for admission. Nevertheless, names which should have been included are missing; but in a\most every instance the omission is not due to inadvertence or lack of effort on the part of those responsible for the preparation of material for the book. As a rule, such omissions are the result of failure on the part of the persons invited to provide the necessary facts. However, the great majority of such invitations were promptly accepted, and other helpful cooperative courtesies were freely extended. For these grateful thanks are hereby extended. Notwithstanding the impediments and handicaps encountered during its production, many of them accentuated by war-brought difficulties which could not be escaped, this volume may lay just claim to providing a useful record of outstanding living men and women of an exceedingly important section of the country — a section whose economic, civic, social and other interests, if not identical, are nevertheless closely related. To make dependable a compilation such as this it is necessary that it should be im- partial, and inclusion in it unpurchasable. Space in this book has in no instance been pur- chased — with either a monetary remuneration or any other consideration of whatsoever nature — and every effort has been made to realize impartiality. For obvious reasons, the publishers here, in as prominent a manner as they have at their disposal, publicize that the title of this volume — used, as its typographical arrangement indicates, to specify sectional geographic range of content — is to be construed in its en- tirety, and no portion as, separately, connoting either national scope or the standard American biographical reference work. With a view to revisions, as time and necessity make them advisable, suggestions for improvement, changes in biographical data, notices of deaths, and change of address as they occur, are invited. THE EDITORS A copy of a Limited First Edition, restricted to forty-seven hundred copies, the type for which was distributed upon completion of the initial printing. FIFTEEN DOLLARS WHO'S WHO IN ILLINOIS A BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF LEADING MEN AND WOMEN OF THE COMMONWEALTH A COMPILATION OF STATE-WIDE SCOPE; AUGMENTED BY INTEGRATION OF SE- LECTED BIOGRAPHEES TO ENCOMPASS AREAS CONTIGUOUS OR OTHERWISE APPROPRIATE UNDER CONTEMPORARY REGIONALISM. VOLUME ONE CHICAGO LARKIN, ROOSEVELT & LARKIN, LTD. 1947 Copyright 1947 By BIOGRAPHICAL PRESS The title of this volume — used, as its typographical arrangement indicates, to specify a geographic range of con' tent — is to be construed in its en' tirety, and no portion as, separately, connoting either national scope or the standard American biographical reference work. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INDEX TO THE PAGINATION OF BIOGRAPHEES' SKETCHES This method of indexing the biographical data of each biographee appearing in the following compilation has been utilized because of the resultant facili- tation of reference use of the work, as detailed in the preceding preface. Inclu- sion in the compilation has solely and entirely resulted from the editors' application of selective standards intended to reflect distinction in meritorious attainment suffi- ciently distinguished to subject the biographee to more than localized reference interest. No other consideration of any nature whatsoever was determinative. This index repeats biographees' Algren, Axel B. 480 names as in the first lines of Alig, Cornelius O. 606 their sketches, the manuscripts Allen, Arthur Francis 325 for which were sent to them for Allen, Bonnell H. 768 personal checking during com- Allen, Earl Henry 644 pilation — thus marital status Allen, Florence Ellinwood 735 and/or titles are not listed un- Allen, Horace Edward 443 less so appearing. Allen, Jessie Petrie 407 Allen, John Denby 659 Allen, Lennox Lindsay 425 Allen, Leo Elwood 692 Aaron, Charles 662 Allen, Thomas Stinson 327 Abbell, Maxwell 796 Allen, Wyeth 285 Abbett, Merle J. 538 Allman, George Dudley 532 Abbott, Walter Dayton 586 Allstrom, Henry Willard 292 Abegg, Eugene 658 Allured, Prudence M. Walker 540 Abel, Charles 742 Allyn, Arthur Cecil 795 Abel, Donald Frederick 103 Allyn, Stanley Charles 349 Abells, Harry Delmont 56 Almond, James Edward 640 Abram, Ernest 122 Alongi, Michael 1090 Abrams, Allen 237 Alsager, C(hristen) Martin 285 Ackerburg, Harry Albert 733 Alsdorf, Anthony James 145 Ackerman, Johann S. 820 Altholz, Leo S. 226 Ackers, Deane E. 793 Alton, John Taylor 251 Ackert, James Edward 733 Alvarez, Walter Clement 718 Adamkiewicz, Joseph Julian 209 Amberg, Mary Agnes 654 Adams, Albyn Lincoln 640 Ames, Edward Carder 167 Adams, Arthur Frank 906 Ames, Marie Benson 256 Adams, Catherine Marie 1102 Amtman, Leo 1079 Adams, Charles F. 1156 Anagnost, Themis John 986 Adams, Edward R. 588 Andersen, H. Carl 810 Adams, John D. 52 Anderson, A. W. Mackenzie 1171 Adams, Ralph 557 Anderson, Alexander Pierce 827 Adams, Walter Anderson 807 Anderson, Benjamin H. 515 Adams, Walter Burt 600 Anderson, Bruce E. 1103 Addenbrooke, Ed. Francis 436 Anderson, George Harold 804 Adkins, Homer Martin 538 Anderson, Gustaf Bernhard 264 Adler, Fred. Henry Herbert 858 Anderson, Herbert Russell 209 Adler, Philip Abrams 927 Anderson, Jacob Nelson 181 Adsit, Harold Carlyle 179 Anderson, Lee 1103 Agee, John Hercules 324 Anderson, Leslie Lutz 1072 Agnew, Elizabeth Jane 47 Anderson, Norval Eugene 62 Agrelius, Frank Ulysses Grant 77 Anderson, Oscar J. 42 Agthe, Frederick Thomas 255 Anderson, Russell Howard 270 Ahem, John Joseph 496 Anderson, Sydney 282 Aicher, Louis Cornelius 1118 Anderson, Walter Thomas 201 Aiken, George Alfred 353 Anderson, Wendell W. 503 Airey, John 959 Anderson, William David 398 Aitken, William I. 732 Anderson, William Ernest 467 Alberding, Charles Howard 869 Andersson, E(rik) Einar 808 Albert, Allen Diehl 1157 Andresen, Marie O. 828 Albert, Will Monroe 592 Andrew, Lucius Archibald, Jr . 642 Albright, Charles Dorwart 420 Andrews, E. Belle Turrentine 504 Albright, Penrose S. 1073 Andrews, Fletcher R. 176 Alburn, Cary Rudolph 896 Andrews, Fred 1073 Alder, Eugene Charles 275 Angell, William Robert 301 Aldis, Graham 728 Anneke, Marie Seville Paulus 82 Alexander, Edward Franklin 167 Anspach, Charles Leroy 817 Alexander, John E 534 Anthony, Abel Cornelius 984 Alexander, Mary Dunham 541 Anthony, Charles Ross 541 Alto id. Thomas H. 325 Apple, Carl 62 Applegate, Gertrude Lanius 1103 Appleman, John Alan 468 Arado, Charles C. 426 Arber, Frederick Verne 799 Arbuckle, John William 116 Arends, Leslie Cornelius 700 Arens, Charles Anthony 1080 Arey, Gordon 674 Arlington, Rex 182 Armbruster, John Henry 1132 Armfield, Lucian Clay 916 Armitage, Elton Clyde 768 Armstrong, Paul G. 145 Armstrong, Winfred G. 701 Arnheim, Ralph L. 807 Arnold, Esther Friend 209 Arnold, Gladys Naomi 118 Arnold, Newell Hillis 763 Arnold, Walter Raleigh 95 Amos, Edward Martin 200 Aronin, Ben 651 Aronson, David 93 Aronsson, Maurice 926 Arp, A. Henry 593 Arrington, William Russell 877 Arthur, John Burwell 865 Arutunoff, Armais Sergeevich 563 Arvin, Mother Agnes 39 Aschenbrenner, Walter C. 1170 Ashbrook, Ernest Shepardson 509 Ashby, George Franklin* Ashcraft, Raymond Moore 684 Ashley, Clifford Alexander 573 Ashton, Edward (Ned) Lowell 544 Ashton, Frederic William 1051 Atkinson, Frederick C. 209 Atkinson, Harry Grant 763 Atlass, H. Leslie 1171 Atlee, Zed Jarvis 577 Atwater, Harry Arthur 94 Auburn, Norman Paul 125 Auchiah, James 39 Augur, Margaret Avery 1038 Augustine, Lee 836 Aumann, Francis Robert 1105 Austin, C(harles) Henry 600 Austin, Grace Jewett 840 Autrey, Myrtle Lee 980 Avery, Allen Steinwehr 927 Avery, Clarence Willard 828 Avery, Sewell Lee 787 Ayers, William Leslie 996 Baber, Erl Armitage 933 Bache, Joseph Lloyd 473 Bachman, Walter Eugene 131 Backus, August Charles 939 Bader, Clarence Wagner 1112 Bader, George Thomas 1099 Badgerow, Harve Gordon 278 Baer. David, Jr. 1132 Bahr, Carl W. Bahr, Frederick Charles Bailey, Atwell Franklin Bailhe, Gaston Frederick Baima, John S. Baird, J(ames) Arthur Baker, Clarence Mulford Baker, Earle Alonzo Baker, Ellis Crain Baker, Elmer Jerome Baker, Helen Cody Baker, John Merrill Baker, Joseph McLean Baker, Murray Morrison Balas, Clarice F. Balboa, Mabel Whitesell Baldes, Edward James Baldridge, Charles William Baldwin, Arthur Douglas Ball, John Rice Ball, Joseph Hurst Ballard, Byron L. Ballard, Edward McClure Ballard, Lloyd Wernor Ballenger, A.G. Ballenger, Howard Charles Ballinger, LeRoy Ballis, Samuel Robert Balsam, Alva Leonard Balthaser, Hermann K. Baltzly, Oliver Daniel Bangs, Janet Norris Bangs, Neil Kendrick Banister, Percival R. Banks, Robert Lenox Banning, Margaret Culkin Barancik, Maurice Albert Barber, Henry Hubbard* Barborka, Clifford Joseph Barboro, Alfred John Barbour, Florence Newell (Mrs. Clarence A. Barbour) Bard, A. T. Barding, Lewis Daniel Barker, F. Marion Barker, Frances Julia Barker, M. Herbert Barlow, Reuel Richard Barnard, Hayden E.E. Barnes, Cecil Barnes, Earl Elmer Barnes, Ernest Harrison Barnes, George Elton Barnes, George Spencer Barnes, Gladys Aspasia Barnes, Helen Florence Barnes, Herbert Trumbull Barnes, John Bryson Barnes, Ruth Anna Barnes, William H. Barolo, Frank Edmund Barr, George Andrew Barr, James Worrell Barr, Roy Rassmann Barrett, Carl Allen Barrett, George Francis Barrett, Wilbert H. Barriger, John Walker, III Barrows, Marjorie Bartell, Floyd Earl Bartels, Herman William Barth, Jacob Wesley Barth, Oris Bartholomew, Charles L. Bartlett, Edward Randolph Bartlett, Florence Dibell Bartlett, Frederic Clay Barton, Arthur Willis Barton, Thomas Harry Basile, William Basil Bass, Ray Spurgeon Bass, Sterling Hicks, Jr. Bast, Orval Dorman Batchelder, William Osgood 509 Batchelor, Harold Winthrop 204 533 Batchelor, Horace 999 493 Bateman, Alice C. 669 728 Bateman, J. Fremont 727 682 Bates, Alva Lillistone 208 670 Battey, Raymond Bennett 57 896 Bauder, Carl Burnett 416 130 Bauer, William 200 467 Baumann, Harry P. 684 677 Baumgarten, Walter 355 115 Baumgartner, William Jacot 478 659 Baxter, Albert Crum 203 117-1 Bayly, Milton Dawson 1181 869 Bays, Alfred William 477 176 Beach, Julius Eugene 261 543 Beach, Lyle L. 279 762 Beach, Paul Mell 200 317 Beach, Watson 86 177 Beake, Harold C. 90 1172 Beals, Frank Lee 326 976 Beaman, Roy F. 420 300 Beamsley, Foster Gilman 869 348 Bean, Donald Pritchett 943 262 Bear, Mata Virginia 968 886 Beard, Archibald H. 42 265 Beardslee, Louis Bridge 820 349 Beardsley, Charles Summer 493 205 Beardsley, Grenville 1045 335 Beardsley, Walter Raper 732 205 Beasley, Titus Walker 1037 365 Beatty, Sinclair Frank 1080 299 Bebie, Jules 355 1113 Beccherini, Francis 90 200 Bechtner, Paul 649 482 Becker, Benjamin V. 325 42 Becker, Edwin G. 36 658 Becker, Elery Ronald 990 Becker, H. Kirke 137 79 Becker, Harry Walter 1035 678 Becker, Rene Louis Becker, Samuel William* 730 1039 Beckman, Bernard C. 264 505 Beckman, Francis Joseph 691 200 Beckman, Theodore N. 361 927 Beckman, Vincent Henry 1038 1118 Beecher, George Allen 326 1156 Beem, Vilda Prescott 686 1158 Beers, Amy 299 1006 Behncke, Nile Jurgen 416 58 Behner, Frederick G. 547 853 Behr, Fred A. 308 728 Behrens, Harry Robert 204 660 Beidler, Herbert Bishop 669 678 Bell, James Marshall 732 451 Bell, Viola Maria 944 1090 Bell, Wesley Glenn 375 727 Bellas, Joseph Edward 1058 79 Bender, Riley Alvin 601 1113 Benham, John DeMent 701 548 Benham, Webster Lance 794 1099 Benjamin, Arthur E. 1118 941 Benn, Alonzo Newton 980 680 Benn, Harriett Condee 662 676 Benner, Harry 624 666 Bennett, Harry Herbert 537 365 Bennett, Henry Garland* 87 Bennett, James Paul, (Dr.) 813 326 Bennett, John William 113 813 Bennett, Robert C. 208 89 Benscoe, Edward Barton 90 350 Bensley, John Russell 1171 600 Benson, Ikel C. 147 910 Benson, John G. 150 888 Berdahl, Clarence Arthur 465 352 Berge, Olaf A. 61 840 Bergen, John Tallmadge 366 337 Berger, John Milton 944 1118 Berger, Samuel Sylvester 882 333 Berghoff, Robert S. 1076 806 Berglund, Emma Amanda 912 806 Bergquist, Stanard Gustaf 778 660 Bering, Augustus L. 291 807 Bering, Frank West 658 676 Bernard, Frank Basil 1035 Bernick, Francis J. 229 Bernstein, Aaron D. 208 Berry, Frederick Aymond 665 Berry, James Brewton 55 Berry, Lester 1172 Berry, Raymond Dingee 680 Berryman, Jerome Charles 1136 Berve, Ben L. 147 Besse, Robert Wells 658 Bethea, Dennis Anderson 480 Bettan, Israel 208 Bettman, Alfred 375 Beukema, John C. 203 Bevis, Howard Landis 705 Bezazian, Paul D. 665 Bicek, Frank H(enry) 869 Bickley, Beulah Vick (Mrs. W. H.) 1136 Biddle, Ward Gray 112 Bieber, Ralph Paul 355 Biederman, Dr. Edward A. 944 Bielecky, Stanley 456 Biemiller, Andrew J.* Bierer, A. G. C. 782 Bierer, A. G. C, Jr. 227 Biermann, Fred 266 Biester, Fred L. 203 Bigalli, Dino 212 Bihler, Walter Charles 494 Bills, Benjamin Franklin 997 Bingaman, Ira Wellington 944 Bingham, Albert Y(oung) 994 Binney, Ralph Loring 36 Bippus, Rupert Frederick 1050 Birch, Leland Watts 959 Bird, Philip Smead 349 Birge, Edward Bailey 325 Birk, William Jacob 101 Birkenstein, George 794 Birren, Murrell Henry James 767 Bishop, Arthur Giles 310 Bishop, Cecil William (Runt 753 Bishop, David Rand 322 Bishop, William Smallwood 813 Bisson, Louis Alfred 557 Bitter, Milton Edward 601 Bitting, William C, Jr. 1155 Bixby, Frank Hight 957 Black, Ernest Bateman 498 Black, Florence Fox* Black, Robert 624 Blackett, Hill 327 Blackman, Lee Rush 957 Blackney, William Wallace 701 Blackwood, Cecil Iburn 1128 Blain, Alexander William 1052 Blair, Anna Lou 355 Blair, George Archibald 625 Blair, Henry Allan 139 Blair, James Thomas 1131 Blair, James T., Jr. 1118 Blair, Joseph Cullen 625 Blair, Sam C. 912 Blaisdell, Leonard Tibbetts 1154 Blake, Donald P. 101 Blake, Emmet Reid 1156 Blakeman, Edward William 475 Blakeslee, Clyde W. 1157 Blanchard, Albert* Blanchard, Clarence J. 625 Blanchard, Julia Eleanor W. 301 Blanke, H. Bertram 625 Blatchford, Carter 472 Blayney, James Roy 1157 Blecker, Michael 238 Bleyer, Adrien 835 Blinn, Thomas W. 91 Bliss, Ralph Kenneth 324 Blix, Einar Thomas 584 Blizzard, Warren Lale 108 Blomquist, Edwin Oscar 1089 Bloom, Allan 439 Blossom, Philip Moss 409 Blower, James Girard Bloxsome, John Leland Blue, Robert Donald Blum, Henry S. Blum, Leon Leib Bly, John Marius Boal, Ayres Boardman, W. Wade Boatman, Thelma Elvira H. Bobb, Dwight St. John Bockstahler, Lester Irving Boder, Bartlett Bodfish, Morton Bodmer, Eugene, Jr. Boemer, Irving H. Boeschenstein, Charles* Boesel, Marion Waterman Bogert, W. Thornton Bohannon, James Alvin Bohn, W(illiam) Frederick Boland, Lee Boldyreff, Tatiana W. Bole, Benjamin Patterson, Jr Bolinger, George Noel Bollensen, George Steninger Bolmar, Charles Pierce Bolton, Frances Payne Bond, Ethel Bond, Fred Chester Bond, Lee Bond, Thomas Emerson Bondo, Henry W. Bondurant, Flint Bonisteel, Roscoe Osmond Boos, Everel Adam Booth, Harold Simmons Booth, John Nicholls Booth, Ralph Ira Boothby, Walter Meredith Booz, Edwin George Borchers, Gladys Louise Borden, Charles H. Borden, Gail Boroughf , Arthur Everett Borst, Harold Lamont Boss, William Bost, William Dale Bothman, Louis Bott, Earle Wayne Bott, Mabel Siegelin Boucher, Chauncey Samuel Boucher, Howard E. Boulger, Earl Patrick Bousfield, M. O. (Dr.) Bousfield, Maudelle Brown Boutell, Francis Lawrence Bowden, George Kenney Bowen, Charles Clark Bowen, Joseph Tilton, Jr. Bowen, Louise de Koven Bowers, Charles Albert Bowes, Arthur S. Bowlby, Henry Lee Boyd, Anna Tomlinson Boyd, George Eugene Boyd, James Ellsworth Boyd, John Orville Boyd, Mame Alexander Boyden, Edward Allen Boyer, Frederick G. L. Boyer, Mildred Stallings Boyle, Leo Martin Boyle, Magdelen* Boysen, Louis Koch Brace, William James Bracken, Ellis Freeman Bracy, Floyd P. Bracy, Hazel I. Bradbury, Clifford Clarence Bradley, Frederick Van Ness Bradley, H.C. Bradley, Henry D. Bradley, Omar Nelson 166 Bradley, Preston 957 Bradley, Ralph Robinson 699 Bradley, Richard Smith 139 Bradley, Thomas E. D. 1139 Bradner, Donald Byal 267 Bradshaw, Harry William 208 Bradshaw, Robert York 957 Bradshaw, William Leonard 262 Brady, Thomas Allan 1163 Bragg, Edward Milton 56 Bragno, Francesco 511 Brailsford, Walter R. 1164 Brand, George E. 558 Brand, Walter John 625 Brandhorst, Otto William Brandon, Rodney Howe 912 Brandt, John 927 Brase, Hagbard 491 Brashear, Minnie M. 1036 Braude, J(acob) M(orton) 581 Braun, John J. 124 Brauns, Friedrich Emil 35 Breckinridge, Frank Prevost 582 Breece, Charles Albert 287 Breech, Ernest Robert 854 Breen, Arthur James 746 Breer, Carl 115 Breeze, George Almond 1183 Breidenthal, Willard J. 286 Breig, Augustine Charles 594 Breitung, Charles Adelbert 342 Brenton, Woodward Harold 115 Brett, John Anderson 534 Brewster, Ray Quincy 200 Bricken, Carl Ernest 1030 Bricker, Mead L. 1077 Briggs, Elizabeth D. 672 Briggs, Elizabeth V. 456 Briggs, Eugene Stephen 203 Briggs, Frank P. 814 Brill, Emil E. 102 Brill, Josiah E. 760 Brings, Lawrence M. 574 Brinkmeier, Ina Hill 730 Brisbin, John Francis 1039 Britigan, William Henry 928 Britten, John R. 59 Broaddus, Lynn Spangler 234 Brockie, John Meikle 416 Brockman, William Everett 693 Broders, Albert Compton 459 Brodie, Renton Kirkwood 207 Brody, Clark Louis 547 Broer, William Frederick 820 Brokamp, Frank W. 59 Brokenburr, Robert Lee 327 Brondos, Stephen Edward 957 Brooke, William Ellsworth 1153 Brooker, Rosalie A.* 333 Brooks, C(harles) Wayland 958 Brooks, Fannie Maria 282 Brooks, Peter Anthony 1142 Brooks, Stratton Duluth 540 Broughton, Charles Elmer 447 Brouse, Don 176 Browder, Clifford Harrison 732 Brown, Andrew Wilson 546 Brown, Clarence Frank G. 139 Brown, Clarence J. 199 Brown, Dorothy Woodbridge 139 Brown, Edwara Eagle 1152 Brown, Frank Emerson Brown, Glenn Orrin 882 Brown, Hilton U.* 706 Brown, Howard Donald 960 Brown, J. E. 566 Brown, Jesse Richard 765 Brown, John A. 1047 Brown, John Elward 366 Brown, Kenneth Cotton 1073 Brown, Loren Elden 496 Brown, Marianna* 751 Brown, Merliss 103 Brown, Milton U. 212 595 Brown, Nathan Worth 459 48 Brown, Oliver Leonard Inman 523 960 Brown, Oliver W. 169 207 Brown, Raymond Dwight 360 601 Brown, Robert C, Jr. 112 820 Brown, Robert Kennard 934 816 Brown, Robert Sater 930 356 Brown, Roy Wilcox 559 847 Brown, Sue M. 121 838 Brown, Thomas Baldwin 207 419 Brown, Victor Lawrence 1045 278 Brown, Virginius Elholm 1137 706 Brown, William George 896 654 Brown, William Henry 1179 146 Browne, Burton 601 477 Browne, Edward Everts 959 636 Brownell, Herbert Simpson 138 161 Brownlow, Louis 318 832 Bruce, William George 115 895 Bruckner, Edith Alexander 293 292 Brugaletta, John 783 78 Brumley, Daniel Joseph 145 398 Brumley, Oscar Victor 527 537 Bruner, Henry Lane 931 52 Bruner, William Evans 166 973 Brunk, Gregory 1140 182 Brush, Edward Lewis 50 138 Brush, Louis Herbert 382 707 Brusky, John Thomas 1094 1034 Brust, Edmund George 584 138 Bryan, Frederick Ernest 515 39 Bryan, George Smith 269 93 Bubb, Henry A. 266 855 Buchen, Walther 317 477 Bucholtz, Alexander F. 1119 903 Buckley, Patrick Francis 491 308 Bucy, Paul C. 125 829 Budd, Ralph 710 717 Buder, Gustavus Adolphus 204 352 Buehler, Albert Carl 491 912 Buehler, Elizabeth 896 707 Buettner, Walter J. 532 1071 Buffett, Howard 710 961 Bullis, H. A. 784 1143 Bumby, Horace Abrum 797 1139 Bunge, Frederick Martin 590 996 Bunge, George Christian 584 707 Bunker, Charles Cyrus 189 1117 Bunyan, Estella Oakes 352 975 Burch, Alvan Vernon, Sr. 171 1033 Burch, Rousseau Angelus 343 752 Burchmore, John S. 343 961 Burchwood, Katharine A. T. 1045 420 Burford, Charlotte B. S. 931 726 Burgess, Harold Dempster 115 981 Burgess, Kenneth Farwell 324 975 Burget, Eugene O. 171 Burke, Edmund Webster 853 756 Burke, Richard Michael 199 396 Burke, Thomas A. 706 687 Burket, Walter Cleveland 768 353 Burks, Edward David 798 1178 Burks, Marion Edgar 674 199 Burlingame, Leroy J. 337 100 Burlison, W. L. 110 631 Burnell, Edward John 841 411 Burnett, Guy 492 692 Burnette.William A. 499 847 Burns, Cyril Agard 601 754 Burns, Dean Carl 1034 448 Burns, John Arthur 726 161 Burrell, Robin Charles 931 Burroughs, Asa Morris 685 279 Burrowes, A. (Lon.) Moore 477 510 Burrowes, Arthur Victor 511 581 Burrows, Milford Denton 145 Burt, Martha Ann 890 632 Burt, William Henry 1099 423 Burton, Harold Hitz 329 78 Burton, Samuel Chatwood 189 601 Busch, Frank Valentine 982 Bush, Benjamin Jay 413 199 Bush, Charles T. 295 Bushncll, Herbert M. 138 Bussing, Wilfred Charles 498 Butcher, Gertrude Wiser 480 Butler, Albert Edwin 138 Butler, Frank Osgood 278 Butler, Hugh Alfred 810 Butler, Joe Beaty 120 Butterworth, Kath. Deere 583 Button, William Russell 471 Buttram, Frank 137 Byfield, Herbert Anthony Byington, Josephine 317 Byron, Charles Loomis 59 Cady, George Johnson 675 Caffrey, John Martin 881 Cahill, Isaac Jasper 875 Cahill, James Christopher 536 Cain, Joseph Edward 535 Calder, Ralph Russel 751 Calderwood, Willis Greenleaf 1045 Caldwell, Howard Clay 602 Calhoon, Floyd Newton 750 Call, Lloyd Leonard 291 Callner, Milton Henry 798 Calvert, Maude Richman 512 Cameron, Don Franklin 352 Cameron, Viola Jennings 314 Camp, Annie Orphant 394 Camp, J fay) Beidler 102 Campbell, Arthur William 43 Campbell, Charles Sherman 272 Campbell, Colin Alfred 495 Campbell, Coyne Herbert 115 Campbell, Donald Francis 1176 Campbell, Gilbert Lewis 289 Campbell, Harvey J. 1000 Campbell, Paul Andrew 1096 Campbell, Robert K. 227 Campbell, Rowland 474 Campbell, Tom W. 50 Campbell, William J. 538 Candler, Clarence Leslie 295 Canine, Mrs. Edwin N. 853 Canmann, Lillian Porges 792 Cannady, Edward Wyatt, Jr. 569 Cannon, Clarence 720 Cannon, Ralph Hardin 207 Cantrell, John Howard 98 Cantwell, Robert E., Jr. 617 Cantwell, Robert Murray 719 Canxne, Edwin N. (Mrs.) Capehart, Homer Earl 441 Caples, Byron McBride 961 Capper, Arthur 983 Carey, Archibald 445 Carey, Archibald J., Jr. 1000 Carey, Eben James 323 Carey, James Patrick, Jr. 448 Cargill, Otto Arthur 137 Carhartt, John Ernest 382 Carleton, Hubert 133 Carlson, Anna Arvida 617 Carlson, Anton Julius 711 Carlson, Frank 698 Carlson, Victor E. 270 Carlton, Clarence Clay 494 Carlton, Frank A. 100 Carmichael, Geoffrey Loren 44 Carmichael, Hugh Thompson 798 Carmichael, John Hugh 117 Carnahan, A. S. J. 739 Carnahan, Charles Calvin 147 Carney, William Roy 656 Carpenter, Arthur Whiting 962 Carr, George Russell 509 Carr, Ralph Howard 442 Carruth, Arthur Jay, Jr. 538 Carson, William James 1044 Carstens, Henry Rohnert 844 Carter, Henry Holland 1088 Carter, Leyton E(lwin) 602 Carter, Milton Eli 652 Carter, Thomas Albert Carter, Thomas Chauncey Carter, Thomas M. Cartwright, Charles Merritt Carver, Harry Clyde Carver, Roy J. Casady, Thomas Case, Charles Center Case, James Thomas Case, Leland Davidson Cashman, Robert Cass, William Riley Cassidy, George Washington Cassler, James A. Castle, Spencer Warren Caswell, Irving A. Cation, Donald Caulfield, John Francis Cawood, Richard Lawrence Cayton, Horace Roscoe Cellarius, Herman F. Cerecedo, Javier Higinio Chaco-Dangley, N. C. Victor Chaddick, Harry Francis Chaffe, William Hamilton Chaffee, Edmund Walter Chamberlain, Glenn R. Chamberlin, Harry O. Chamberlin, Joseph Frederick 7S Chambers, Walter Harmon Champion, William Matthew Chance, Albert Bishop Chance, Francis Gano Chancellor, John M.* Chandeysson, Pierre Ismael Chandler, Charles Quarles Chandler, Stephen S. Chandler, Thomas Alberter Channon, Vesta Miller W. Chapin, Merle Everett Chapler, Elinor Chapler, Robert Frederick Chapman, Ethel Althea Chapman, James Blaine Chapp, Petronella H. Urasky (Mrs. John Peter Chapp) Char, Peter* Charnock, Leonard W. H. Chase, Ethel W. Bennett Chase, Guy Chase, Mary Louise Chase, Paul W. Chaveriat, Harry F. Cheadle, John Begg Chedsey, William Reuel Cheeks, Eugene Francis Cheff , Paul Theodore Chen, Chang-Lok Chen, Ko Kuei Cheney, Luke H. Chenik, Ferdinand Cherrington, Homer Virgil Chesham, Albert Endersby Chester, Alden Parker Chester, William Ernest Cheydleur, Frederic D. Childs, Geoffrey Stafford Childs, Leonard Chapin Chiles, Clarence William Chiperfield, Robert Bruce Chisholm, Reginald Hey wood Chittenden, Charles Edwin Chitwood, William H. Chowen, Roy J. Christensen, Bernhard Christenson, Carroll L. Christian, William Tilford Christlieb, Isaac Clark Christofferson, Halbert Carl Christopher, Frederick Chritton, George Alvah Chubb, Percival Church, Benjamin Butler 1153 Church, Ralph Edwin 279 313 Church, Ruth Rowlett 199 90 Churchill, Irving Lester 967 266 Cirese, Helen Mathilde 1076 962 Claar, Elmer Allen 116 557 Clabaugh, Hinton Graves 323 477 Clack, Robert W. 90 658 Clancy, James Franklin 59 830 Clancy, John D. 903 419 Clancy, Rockwell Franklin 678 137 Clapp, Paul S. 459 1064 Clapp, Philip Greeley 468 392 Clapsaddle, Reita Margaret 1149 116 Clark, Ainsworth Whitney 678 962 Clark, Albert Montgomery 152 658 Clark, Cecil Pratt '965 91 Clark, Charles Estill 1107 962 Clark, David Seeger 774 176 Clark, Dwight Freeman 264 975 Clark, Frank Rinker 322 931 Clark, George Lindenberg 102 602 Clark, Harold Johnson 1173 1076 Clark, Harold Terry 817 799 Clark, Ida Alberta 831 932 Clark, Iris Moore 273 1107 Clark, John S. 663 783 Clark, Kenneth Raymond 665 171 Clark, Lee Hinchman 419 i 799 Clark, Malcolm Stewart 499 665 Clark, Sheldon 819 800 Clark, Stanley William 1108 1119 Clark, Victor R. 199 1133 Clark, Wilber Dale 833 Clark, William Thaw 136 491 Clarke, David Roland 665 1179 Clarke, Edward E. 1176 536 Clarke, Marianne 1131 243 Clarkson, John Leeds 635 927 Clausen, Donald Neath 1081 652 Clausen, Elmer Laurence 102 794 Claycombe, Lloyd D. 774 977 Claypool, Blaine Wilson 207 870 Clayton, Benjamin Wilbur 929 325 Clayton, Gilbert Merton 897 Cleary, Mansfield Ralph 133 1176 Cleary, P(atrick) Roger 407 Cleaver, Joseph Benjamin 565 633 Clemens, Albert Harrison 42 315 Clendenin, Robert James 137 97 Clevenger, Arthur Wilbur 780 315 Clifton, John L. 525 1107 Clinton, Fred Severs 833 665 Clopton, Malvern Bryan 536 1033 Closz, Harold Francis 314 228 Cloud, Charles H. 485 731 Clymer, Cyril Ebert 221 1035 Cobb, Robert S. 758 327 Coburn, Richmond C. 791 969 Cochran, Almond D. 492 589 Codere, Charles Francis 133 544 Coffey, Frederic D. 118 125 Cogley, John Philip 1051 569 Cogswell, Harry J. 198 889 Cohen, George Bernard 678 491 Cohen, Theodore Anton 868 802 Colbach, Edward Michael 122 562 Colby, Eva 207 1177 Cole, A. Elliston 353 982 Cole, Addison Lewis 988 738 Cole, Frank 114 57 Cole, Harry Xeter 903 813 Cole, Redmond Selecman 474 1107 Cole, Walter Corydon 1032 978 Coleman, Everett Porter 1149 435 Coleman, George Howell 450 788 Coleman, Jewell Organ 1064 773 Coleman, William Coffin 45 199 Coller, Frederick Amasa 1099 381 Coller, Julius A., II 841 470 Collett, George Richard 525 250 Collin, Frederic C. 775 97 Collin, Harry E. 755 679 Collings, M. Raymond 401 Collins, Charles William 111 Collins, George William 886 Collins, Harry E. 787 Collins, Leicester Crowell 453 Collins, Mary Love 476 Collins, Mary Susan 853 Collyer, John Lyon 879 Colnik, Cyril 333 Colwell, Clyde C. 557 Combs, Charles Nathan 1027 Comfort, Mildred Houghton 857 Compton, Arthur H (oily) 748 Compton, Frank Elbert 292 Comstock, Elizabeth 791 Comstock, Elting Houghtaling 476 Condo, Gus S. 172 Conkey, Elizabeth A. 602 Conkey, Harry Dunrith 102 Conley, Dudley Steele 969 Conley, Henry H. 338 Conn, Alfred Jesse 1168 Connole, Martha L. 1051 Connor, Edward Hanson 975 Connors, Edward Joseph 1051 Connors, William J. 666 Conover, (George) Courtney 153 Conroy, Thomas Michael 871 Conwell, Hermon Henry 400 Cook, Edmond Maurel 679 Cook, Paul West 657 Cooke, Flora Juliette 1004 Coombs, Arthur Jethro 895 Coon, Owen L. 799 Cooney, James Grattan 621 Cooper, Benjamin H. 289 Cooper, Frederick Allen 57 Cooper, Margaret Frances 426 Cooper, Richard, Jr. 679 Cooper, William Tweed 1146 Copley, Ira Clifton 357 Coquillette, St. Elmo 964 Corbett, Henry Richmond 657 Corbly, Vivian Davis 206 Corbus, Budd Clarke 1145 Corcoran, Alfred Manning 349 Corey, Fred Brainard 382 Corkell, Paul 198 Corlett, William Thomas 1108 Corper, Franklin Joseph 129 Corrigan, Walter D., Sr. 705 Corscot, Catherine May 1108 Corson, Harold Hawley 1108 Cort, Abe 490 Corwin, Walling 458 Cory, Abram Edward 414 Cosson, George 428 Costigan, Sherwood Lawrence 630 Coston, James E. 1098 Cothran, John Cleveland 435 Cottingham, Kenneth^Chas. 1109 Cotton, Richard Thomas 973 Coulter, Charles Melvin 764 Coulter, John Stanley 238 Counseller, Virgil Sheetz 133 Counselman, Theodore Benton 78 Court, Frank Willard 408 Cousineau, Emile Joseph 1147 Couzens, Frank 512 Covington, Annette 1044 Cowen, Morton Herbert 603 Cowles, Alfred 102 Cowles, Gardner, Jr. 1050 Cowles, John 1019 Cowles, Robert Lewis 283 Cox, Arthur Malcolm 657 Cox, Clifford B. 435 Cox, Erma 168 Cox, James E. 493 Cox, William Thomas 514 Coyle, Charles Horace 617 Craft, William Arthur 288 Cragoe, E. J. 621 Craig, Edward Chilton 470 Craigmile, Esther Ann 752 Crain, Paul 660 Cram, Ralph Warren 342 Cramer, Dorris Elnora 408 Crane, Lloyd T. 203 Cranmer, Richard Raymond 1119 Cravens, Fadjo 738 Crawford, Alfred Cookman- 1148 Crawford, Fred Lewis 737 Crawford, James Louis 52 Crawford, Philo Laverne 617 Crawford, Wiley William 768 Crawford, William Elon 333 Crawford, Woodruff Lyndon 886 Crellin, Lillian N. 1119 Criminger, Frederick O. 837 Crist, Russell Arthur 830 Crites, Aure Brian 344 Critton, George Alva* Croft, William H. 556 Crosby, Stephen A. 603 Cross, George Lynn* Cross, Roy 426 Cross, Stephen Anthony 291 Crosser, Robert 735 Crossett, Edward Clark 129 Crotti, Andre 488 Crowe, Marie 182 Crowe, Robert Emmet 129 Crowell, Lucius Alfred 584 Crowley, Clyde Aubrey 757 Crowley, Leo T. 737 Crowley, Mary A. Roberts 1109 Crown, Henry 1149 Crownhart, Charles Henry 784 Crownhart, J. George 485 Crowson, Eugene Nesbitt 603 Cuchna, Rose 1151 Culbertson, James Gordon 617 Culver, Alvin Howard 575 Cummings, Edmund S., Jr. 1176 Cummings, Howard Hastings 956 Cummings, Walter J. 736 Cummins, Ralph 623 Cummins, Wesley Erett 212 Cuneo, John F. 60 Cunningham, Arthur Allan 956 Cunningham, Fern Frances 708 Cunningham, Harrison Ed. 570 Cuppia, Jerome Chester 412 Curran, Con. P., Jr. 509 Curtis, Carl Thomas 706 Curtis, Floyd Edward 227 Curtis, George Morris 254 Curtner, David Linder 353 Cusack, Lawrence A. 731 Cushing, Royal Barrows 577 Cushman, Moe Andrew 1159 Cushman, Paul Allerton 168 Cushman, Ralph Spaulding 1044 Cutlip, Ame Butts 1140 Cuttle, Harold Edwin 239 Cuttone, Vito B. 240 Czamanske, William Martin 132 Dabbs, LeRoy 151 Dahlby, Albert John 936 Dahlin, Eskil (Carl) 603 Dailey, Ulysses Grant 621 Daily, Alphabelle 1119 Daily, Francis Leo 327 Daines, Harvey C. 603 Dalaker, Hans H. 478 Dale, Edward Everett 125 Dale, Etta Dorothea 129 Daley, William Raymond 1024 Dallenbach, John Christian 257 Dallman, Vincent Y. 765 Dallstream, Andrew John 870 Dalmar, Alma M. Pedersen 581 Dalrymple, Lucile Stevenson 782 Dalstrom, Oscar Frederick 1150 Dalton, Sidna Poage 108 Damon, Robert Hosken 155 Dana, Lynn B., Sr. 219 Dancer, Ruth Scott 923 D'Anchise, Gennaro Gustavo 175 Danforth, George Lewis, Jr. 295 Danforth, William Clark 311 Dangel, Merlin William 586 Danhof, John James 1098 Daniels, Albert L. 458 Daniels, Farrington 483 Daniels, Francis Potter 412 Daniels, Harry Anthony 246 Daniels, Lee Earl 662 Dannenfeldt, Paul L. 347 Danton, Charles 800 Daoust, Edward C. 936 Darby, Golden Barzotra 592 Darby, Harry 821 Darfler, Walter Leroy 657 Darger, Harry Clyde 996 Darker, Grant Dooks 751 Darling, Ulysses Grant 435 Darlington, Henry Townsend 408 Darnell, Joseph Roy 603 Davidson, Harry Carter 473 Davidson, James Edward 897 Davidson, Ralph Howard 259 Davies, Edwin Gibbs 587 Davies, Ernest Coulter 604 Davies, Isaiah 1043 Davin, John Wysor 706 Davis, A. Porter 296 Davis, Benjamin Bernard 604 Davis, Charles Strout 537 Davis, Chester R. 509 Davis, Emerson 89 Davis, Flossie Fuller* Davis, Herbert Perry 974 Davis, John Calvin 113 Davis, John Eustace 50 Davis, John F. 1151 Davis, M. Edward 272 Davis, Mary Robenia 1131 Davis, Mildred Lou 549 Davis, Ralph Currier 1025 Davis, Thomas Jefferson 534 Davis, W. J. Nixon 179 Davison, James Edward 539 Davisson, Homer Gordon 1049 Dawes, Charles Gates 1153 Dawes, Henry May 274 Dawes, William Ruggles 206 Dawson, Dave 576 Dawson, Homer C. 847 Dawson, Horace 581 Dawson, John S. 340 Dawson, Mitchell 371 Dawson, William 462 Day, Clifford Louis 434 Day, James William 443 Day, John Lewis 38 Day, Leo Percy 604 Day, Louise Ebersole 923 Day, Luther 175 Day, Mary Bostwick 466 Day, Rufus Spalding 382 Deahl, Orlo R. 348 Deakins, Clarence Earl 870 Deam, Charles C. 441 Dean, Edwin Blanchard 476 Dean, Elizabeth Ingram Harrison Fetridge 49*5 Dean, Jerome H.* Deatherage, Charles Floyd 1000 De Cleene, Louis Antoine V. 796 de Cousser, Kurt H. 936 Deeb, Joseph Francis 512 Deem, Arden Garrell 604 Deere, Alfred* Deere, Emil Olof 319 Deffenbaugh, James W. 937 Deffenbaugh, Walter Irvin 91 DeFoe, Ona Kenneth 966 De Fosset, Theressa M. 898 Defrees, Donald 617 De Garls, Charles Francis 469 Degering, Edward Franklin DeGroat, Francis Deibel, Harry Lewis Deicke, Edwin Frederick Deinard, Amos Spencer De Kay, Henry George DeLacy, John H. DeLamatre, Harry Clayton De Lapp, Albert A. Dellers, Walter DeLong, James Edwin Delwiche, Edmund Joseph deMar Shimun, Sadook Yok Dement, Merritt Henry Dempsey, John P. Dempsey, Joseph E. Dempster, James Herbert Denham, Emma P. Denious, Jess C. Denison, Robert Fuller Denison, Sidney Alexander Denney, Charles Eugene Denniston, Brackett Badger Denson, Chester R. Dent, Louis Linton de Port, Theophile De Ramus, Joseph Sherrard De Sellem, Elaine Des Rochers, Chester Hall de Takats, Geza Deuble, George H. Deuel, Thorne Deutsch, Alcuin Henry Deutsch, Frederick M. Deutsch, Jack Burton Devin, Henry Curtis Devoe, Robert W. DeVore, Harry S. De Waters, Enos Anson DeWeese, Arville Ottis De Weese, L. Lorine Dewey, Roy Franklin Dewey, Suzette de M. Hall De Wolf, George Elwin De Young, Richard B. Dickens, Burt John Dickens-Lewis, W. F. Dickerson, Earl B. Dickerson, Grace Leslie Dickerson, Spencer C. Dickinson, Agnes Bryant Dickinson, Marjorie May Dickinson, William Dewoody Dickson, James G. Dickson, M. Ball (Jenson)* Dickson, Robert Baker Diebold, Marshall John Diefenbach, Josephine C. Dienner, John Astor Dietz, David (Henry) Dietz, Gould Dietz, Nicholas, Jr. Dille, Glen Scott Dilling, Albert Wallwick Dillinger, James Arthur Dillinger, James William Dillman, Grover Cleveland Dingell, John David Dinsmore, Frank Forbus Dinsmore, Ray Putnam Dirksen, Everett McKinley Diserens, Charles Murdoch Dittmar, Clifford William Dixon, Arthur Dixon, George Conard Dixon, Homer Laing Dixon, Wesley Moon Doane, Gilbert Harry Dobbins, Donald C. Do Bos, Andrew Dobson, Mason Henry Dobson, Roy Calvin Dodd, John Morris Dodge, Russell A. 441 Dold, Charles Norman 571 Dyer, Clifton G. 938 1131 Dollear, Albert Henry 605 Dyer, Nora Ellen 1041 347 Dombrowski, Edward F. 212 Dykes, John Lucian Grigsby 644 564 Domogalla, Bernard Paul 436 128 Donahey, Vic. 1031 Earl, George Arthur 478 787 Donahoe, Edward 929 Earl, Robert 271 202 Donaldson, Elvin F. 383 Earle, George Lewis 295 132 Donnel, Charles Apple 937 Easterberg, Carl J. 865 664 Donnell, Forrest C. 745 Eastman, Linda Anne 383 604 Donnell, Otto Dewey 442 Eastwood, George Anderson 699 1183 Donnelley, Robert B. 509 Eberle, Alphonse George 474 407 Donnelley, Thomas Elliott 702 Eckel, Edward Henry, Jr. 929 605 Donnelley, Thorne 1159 Ecker, Enrique Eduardo 606 1151 Donnelly, James L(eonard) 760 Eckert, Robert P., Jr. 103 901 Donnelly, Phil M. 688 Eckert, Walter Henry 938 837 Donnelly, Timothy Charles 559 Eckhart, Percy Bernard 414 1041 Donohue, Jerry II 276 Economos, James Peter 673 769 Donovan, Joseph Patrick 591 Eddy, Corbin Theodore 85 901 Doolen, Paul Dwight 878 Edlund, Eskill Walter 392 458 Dooley, Marion Culhane 1064 Edmunds, Palmer D. 436 587 Dorfman, Florence Ann 923 Edson, John T. 1147 278 Doroshaw, Jennis Milford 805 Edwards, Allan Ralph 1078 132 Dorris, William Robert 641 Edwards, Chester E. 272 640 Dorsey, John Morris 314 Edwards, Edward William 251 804 Dorsey, LeRoy Howard 819 Edwards, Elsie M. 830 1098 Dorsey, Thomas Andrew 605 Egdahl, Anfin 1002 863 Dorzweiler, Edwin James 445 Egloff, Gustav 832 937 Dotson, Charles William 573 Ehler, Annette Blackburn 1133 849 Doty, Hiram Smoots 923 Eich, Justina Margaretha 348 61 Doty, Margaret MacGregor 840 Eichelberger, James William 802 492 Doub, Howard Philip 294 Eichenauer, Charles Fred. 1174 437 Dougan, Vera Wardner 294 Eichenbusch, Joseph William 670 264 Dougherty, Clifford Lester 416 Eide, Randolph 1035 48 Dougherty, Ray E. 923 Eigsti, Orie Jacob 780 937 Dougherty, William B. 132 Eisendrath, Joseph Louis 401 173 Dow, Walter Orville 294 Eisenhower, Dwight David 746 478 Dow, Willard Henry 202 Eisenman, William Hunt 93 538 Dowell, Osgood Harrison 606 Eisenschiml, Otto 846 332 Down, Eldon Eugene 872 Eiserer, Adolph F. 662 175 Downey, Nettie Arvilla Geiger 938 Elder, Bowman 162 937 Downing, Paul Earl 1065 Elder, Lucius Walter 334 242 Downs, Walter Bishop 461 Elghammer, H. William 181 659 Dows, Chester Lawrence 206 Eliot, Thomas Dawes 1096 556 Doyle, Edward John 537 Eller, Lola Stuart 439 800 Drake, Eugene Tolman 51 Ellinwood, Marvin Edward 675 318 Drake, John Carlton 938 Elliott, Edison Charles 994 1162 Drake, Noah Fields 423 Elliott, Floyd Edward 173 329 Draper, Alfred Pearman 1041 Elliott, Owen N. 1004 901 Drefs, Arthur George 541 Elliott, William Anderson 181 420 Driver, Leeotis Lincoln 500 Ellis, Clyde Taylor 393 528 Drumm, Stella Madeleine 345 Ellis, Elmer 428 1065 Dubbs, Carbon P. 618 Ellis, Georgia Jones 749 1148 DuBourdieu, William James 443 Ellis, Jessie Croft 256 1180 Dudley, Mrs. Dessalee Ryan 938 Ellis, Leonard Richard 312 Duer, Guy Robert* Ellis, William Marshall 675 605 Dueweke, Jerome V. 408 Ellsworth, Elmer Williams 1041 640 Dufford, Mamie Ericson 438 Ellyson, J. Clinn 940 926 Dufford, Ray Theodore 438 Elsom, James Claude 108 399 Duffy, F. Ryan 325 Elson, William Boris 60 1030 Duffy, Herbert Smith 734 Elston, Charles Henry 689 110 Dulany, William Henry 1011 Elvehjem, Conrad Arnold 424 1130 Dumler, Martin George 173 Ely, Margaret E. 472 38 DuMont, Neva 755 Emerman, Louis Ely 644 522 Dunbar, David Owen 819 Emerson, Henry Truxtun 257 120 Dunbar, Louise Burnham 330 Emerson, Herbert William 402 118 Duncan, Hazel 801 Emerson, William Russell 532 201 Duncan, Joseph S. 1173 Emery, William Marshall 982 741 Duner, Clarence Swan 927 Enders, Gordon B. 781 349 Duner, Joseph Addison 1179 Enders, Howard Edwin 348 174 Dunham, Clayton A. 1151 Engel, Albert Joseph 689 739 Dunham, Robert James 1159 Engel, Rudolph Carl 386 714 Dunjee, Roscoe 801 Engelhart, Max Dissette 740 883 Dunkel, Otto 92 Ensign, Charles Francis 803 870 Dunlap, Roy Wilton 38 Eppensteiner, John J. 969 641 Dunlap, Walter Frederick 801 Epperson, Fay Etna 57 657 Dunn, Irene May 109 Epstein, Albert Falk 151 808 Dunn, Richard J. 860 Epstein, Albert K. 202 412 Dunning, John W. 87 Epstein, Alfred 492 290 Durand, Scott Sloan 1173 Erdmann, Arthur G. 533 605 Durst, Charles Elmer 206 Eresch, Josie 47 893 DuShane, Donald McLelland 960 Erf, Oscar 424 99 Dwyer, Margaret A. 478 Erich, John Bernhardt 781 537 Dwyer, Paul Sumner 218 Ericsson, Emily Alice 757 85 Dye, Fred 742 Eriksen, Edward Leerdrup 970 Erikson, Gustav Leonard 857 Erlanger, Joseph 693 Erman, Jacob Martin 444 Erminger, Lila Willingham (Mrs. H. B. Erminger, Jr.) 861 Ernst, Alwin Charles 1005 Ernst, Edwin Charles 152 Eskridge, James B., Jr. 1032 Essex, Hiram Eli 283 Estey, F(rank) Clifford 606 Ettelson, Leonard Bert 129 Eva, Sidney Davey 181 Evans, Edward Steptoe 310 Evans, Edward Steptoe, Jr. 872 Evans, Evan Alfred 692 Evans, Franklin B. 508 Evans, Jane* Evans, Joseph Meakin 811 Evans, Melvin James 771 Evans, William Thomas 1040 Evatt, Harriet Torrey 941 Evens, Alfred 162 Evensen, Walter 819 Everest, David Clark 1040 Everett, Emmit E. 926 Everett, Florence A.* Everhard, Edgar Phillip 926 Eversull, Harry Kelso 919 Ewald, Henry Theodore 907 Ewing, Charles Hull 276 Faast, B. F. 129 Fagerburg, Dewey Frank 145 Fair, Rex Elton 750 Fairbanks, Avard (Tennyson) 792 Fairclough, George Herbert 181 Fairfield, Almond C. 60 Fall, Clifford Pervines 1130 Faragher, Helen M. 440 Farbman, Aaron Abraham 413 Farmer, Alfred Gibson 729 Farrand, Roy Felton 104 Farrar, Benjamin David 606 Farrar, Holden Knapp 587 Farrar, John F. P. 645 Farrell, Edward J. 313 Farrell, John B. Stewart 660 Farrell, William W. 318 Farrow, William Macknight 785 Farwell, Oliver Atkins 929 Faulkner, Charles James 142 Favill, John 466 Fay, Olive Rusk 1043 Fay, William Edward 559 Fazen, Louis Edward, Sr. 220 Federighi, Henry 881 Feighan, Michael A. 689 Feild, W. Terry 254 Felgar, James Huston 329 Felix, Benjamin Bates 471 Fell, Harold Bertels 836 Felsenthal, Edward George 881 Fenerty, Agnes Lawson* Fenley, William Herschel 334 Fenton, Elsie M. 55 Fergus, Robert Collyer 941 Ferguson, Edward F. 941 Ferguson, Harold Kingsley 528 Ferguson, Harry Kenneth 606 Ferguson, Homer 734 Fernandes, Grace Clara 469 Ferrari, Charles G. 923 Ferrell, Wendell B.* Fesler, Bert 312 Fetridge, William Harrison 886 Feuer, Bertram 657 Feuerlicht, Morris Marcus 930 Fiedler, Edward Henry 656 Fiedler, George 755 Field, Albert Martin 366 Field, Howard A. 945 Field, Marshall, III 690 Field, Oliver Peter 121 Fife, Ray 86 Fihe, Albert J. Filinger, George Albert Finan, Mary Blake Finch, Frank Richard Findlay, Merlin Chamberlin Fink, Gail J. Finkbeiner, Carleton See Finley, Joseph W. Finneran, Martin H. Finnerud, Clark Wylie Firestone, Harvey Sam., Jr. Fischer, Carl Hahn Fischer, Clarence Fischer, Louis Engelmann Fisher, Charles Asbury Fisher, Charles Thomas, Jr. Fisher, Douglas Roy Fisher, Frederick Fisher, G. A.* Fisher, George Harold Fisher, Goldina Mabel Fisher, H. Noland Fisher, Ira I. Fisher, Stephen Elias Fiske, Kenneth Morton Fiterman, Harry Fithian, Charles D. Fitz, Ervin Moul Fitzgerald, Clifford Llewelyn Fitzgerald, Harold Alvin Fitzgerald, Roy G. Fitzhugh, Laura Davis Fitzpatrick, James Courtney Fitzpatrick, Leo Fitzsimmons, John Thomas Flad, Edward Flagler, Lyla D. Flandrau, Grace Hodgson Fleck, William Fleming, Harvey Brown Fleming, Milo Joseph Fleming, Theodora L. Fleming, Thomas James Fletcher, Alma Flint, Wesley Pillsbury Flood, Walter H. Floreen, Walter J. Florsheim, Irving S. Foley, Marie Agnes Folonie, Hendrik Foltz, Leroy Stewart Fonner, Susannah Canada Foote, James Harold Forbes, Walter M. Ford, Charles Ford, Ella White Ford, Frank Robert Ford, Henry Ford, Henry II Ford, H. Stanley Ford, Jesse Ray Ford, Joseph B. Ford, Kenneth Arthur Ford, Shirley Samuel Ford, Thomas C. Ford, Walter Burton Foreman, Carolyn Thomas Foreman, Edwin G., Jr. Forgan, James Berwick Forgrave, Leon Paul Forney, Claudius L. Fornof, John Renchin Fossenkemper, Marius Emig Foster, Charles Foster, Dean Edward Foster, Dorothy Juanita Foster, Louis Fernald Foster, Sparkman Deats Foster, Thomas Henry Foust, Harry Lewis Foutts, James C. Fowler, Edgar Crayton Fowler, Julian Sabin Fowler, Robert L.* 861 Fox, Harry S. 456 339 Fox, Jacob Logan 145 185 Foy, John Joseph 607 81 Frame, Floyd Hill 1031 924 Frame, Walter R. 782 952 Francis, Parker B(rowne) 1025 716 Frank, Bernhardt 607 1081 Frank, Milton Henry 907 952 Frankel, Joseph Julius 437 559 Franken, William A. 924 1006 Frasch, Miriam Rowena 311 88 Fraser, Harry Wilson 792 556 Fred, Edwin Broun 810 509 Fredericks, Marshall 411 249 Freedlander, A. L. 892 1025 Freeman, Benjamin W. 173 580 Freeman, Michael W. 789 1151 Freiberg, George William 361 Freiberg, Harry A. 953 1098 Freiberg, Joseph Albert 383 558 French, Esther Louise 588 249 French, Thomas Ewing 953 202 Frentz, Theodore Rudolph 953 952 Freuler, John Rudolph 685 587 Freund, Arthur J. 93 777 Freund, Edmund Joseph 953 769 Frey, Abraham B. 549 383 Frey, Charles Daniel 103 583 Frey, Frederick Ernest 964 793 Frey, Frederick H. Ward 36 233 Frick, Anders 1160 423 Friedman, William 729 770 Friel, Thomas F. 296 952 Frields, Eva Christine 1160 162 Friend, Albert* 1032 Friend, Robert Elias 281 743 Frierson, Charles D. 132 428 Friley, Charles Edwin 747 960 Frisbee, Fred E. 277 1151 Frisbee, Bertram* 868 Frisch, Leonard H. 61 675 Frisch, Sidney 550 97 Frith, Eugene Thomas 130 840 Fritsch, Ludwig Adolph 953 282 Fritsche, Carl B. 308 919 Fritz, Wilfred Edward 607 244 Frohman, Charles E. 384 1174 Frohman, Sidney 358 1059 Frommelt, Horace A. 126 1060 Fry, George Arthur 881 123 Fulbright, James William 741 744 Fullerton, Charles Alexander 965 959 Fullington, John Marshall 560 666 Fulton, C. Robert 780 952 Fulton, Edward Arthur 425 458 Fuqua, Blanche E. 162 365 Furlong, William Edward 770 693 Fussenegger, August Robert 754 703 86 Gade, Lou Wallace 643 618 Gage, Albert Henry 368 1174 Gage, Daniel Shaw 884 606 Gage, John Bailey 552 95 Gailey, Watson 60 551 Gale, John Milo 527 319 Gallagher, Michael 372 964 Gallaher, Ruth Augusta 647 574 Galloway, Charles Edwin 1019 687 Galloway, Jesse James 43 779 Galloway, W. Marshall 60 228 Gait, Charles E. 1146 607 Gamble, Bertin C. 1177 953 Gamble, David Edwin 1174 457 Gamble, Wm. Gadsden, Jr. 877 790 Gamble, William Wallace 263 790 Gammel, John Anthony S. 173 89 Gamrath, Harry Randolph 1130 496 Gangel, Marlin William* 362 Gann, David B. 293 55 Gannon, John M. 858 122 Ganter, Leo Sanford, Jr. 556 472 Garber, Joseph E. 1175 755 Garber, Milton Cline 491 Gard, Erold Ernest 427 Garden, Hugh Mackie G. 1175 Gardner, Addison Leman, Jr. 527 Gardner, Evelyn 279 Gardner, Robert Haarstick 1060 Gardner, Walter Peter 230 Garfield, Clement W. 508 Gariepy, Louis J. 293 Garland, Claude Mallory 531 Garman, Harry Otto 1033 Garretson, William Van Nest 274 Garrett, Ray 607 Garrett, Ruby Dwight 340 Garrett, Uarda Rosamond 1128 Garst, John Newton 281 Gartley, Russell 607 Garvin, Herbert Charles 270 Gassmann, Remi 804 Gasul, Benjamin M. 645 Gatenby, John William, Jr. 608 Gates, Ralph Fesler 691 Gauer, Joseph A. 608 Gauerke, Chester Gustave 312 Gault, Perrett Franklin 893 Gauntlett, Basil D. 968 Gavin, Francis James 722 Gavin, James H. 608 Gaw, George D. 608 Gay, Thomas Benjamin 974 Geeks, Mathilde C. 924 Gee, Clarence Stafford 891 Geer, Everett Kinne 320 Gehr, James Ledwith 736 Geib, Frank Julius 954 Geidel, Carl D. 131 Geiger, Arthur Henry 59 Geissendoerfer, John Theo. 1060 Gentry, Veit 110 George, Edwin Francis 556 George, Joseph Anton 62 Gerald, Herbert F. 1017 Gerber, Arthur Uranus 608 Gerhauser, William Henry 527 Germann, Albert F. O. 43 Gerrish, Harry Eldon 42 Gerry, Eloise 830 Gerstenberger, Henry John 710 Gertz, Elmer 790 Getchell, Robert Ward 966 Getz, George Fulmer, Jr. 579 Geupel, Carl Martin 86 Geuther, Otto Robert 1060 Geyer, Charles Oscar 347 Giachini, Peter D. 981 Gibbs, Carl C. 954 Giberson, Dudley F. 770 Gibson, George Harry 656 Gibson, Robert Banks 880 Gibson, Truman Kella 656 Gibson, Virginia Woltersdorf 1060 Giese, Henry 219 Gieseking, John Eldon 663 Gieser, Paul Kenneth 1043 Gifford, Sanford R. 292 Gifford, William Allen 1179 Gilbert, Albert Clark 218 Gilbert, Norris Tell 493 Gilby, Joseph Henry 545 Giles, Roscoe Conkling 996 Gilkey, Herbert James 1034 Gill, Murray Francis 339 Gillarde, Lorenzo Pat 291 Gillen, Mae O. 270 Gillentine, Flora Myers 985 Gillespie, Harvey Marshall 646 Gillespie, James Bennett 336 Gillette, Edward Scranton 650 Gillette, George Lewis 924 Gillfillan, Solon John 57 Gillin, John J., Jr. 186 Gillis, J. John 1136 Gillis, Joseph A. 954 Gilman, Albert Franklin, Jr. 958 Gilruth, Irwin Thoburn 664 Ginn, Curtiss 386 Gittinger, Roy 964 Glasier, Gilson Gardner 467 Glasner, Rudolph William 1061 Glasser, Otto 495 Glenn, Fred Lee 62 Glennon, Gertrude 41 Glessner, Arthur Brown 758 Goddard, Karl Blake 954 Godfrey, Alfred Laurance 1030 Godfrey, Joseph Charles, Jr. 96 Goetsch, Gustav Frederick 925 Goff, Thomas Theodore 1030 Goldberg, Max 818 Goldman, Robert Philip 497 Goldner, Jacob Henry 708 Goldrick, James Campbell 1150 Goldsmith, Samuel Abraham 609 Goldstein, Benjamin Frank'n 560 Goldstine, Mark Twain 864 Golschmann, Vladimir 344 Goltra, Mabel Hall 397 Gomon, Josephine 708 Gonser, Thomas Adams 1178 Good, Charles Winfred 1061 Good, Paul Francis 362 Goodell, Carrol John 894 Goodkind, Maurice Lewis, Jr. 96 Goodland, Walter Samuel 816 Goodman, Israel Ralph 152 Goodman, Ralph Lee 219 Goodrich, Frederic Samuel 294 Goodrich, Joseph Albert 131 Goodrich, Wallace Jefferson 958 Goodspeed, Charles Barnett 1179 Goodspeed, Mrs. Chas. B.* Goodspeed, Eliz. B. Fuller 609 Goossens, John 140 Gorby, John W. 1088 Gordon, Albert Isaac 41 Gordon, Bergin Philip 609 Gordon, Claud S. 97 Gordon, Jessie B. 474 Gordon, Thomas Sylvy 738 Gordon, William Henry 955 Goreham, Wilfred John 633 Gorman, Michael A. 403 Gorman, Wilbur Arthur 575 Gorski, Martin 771 Goss, Leonard Whittlesey 955 Gott, Philip Porter 58 Gottlober, Abraham Ber 243 Gould, Charles Newton 632 Gould, Harold Vogt 424 Gould, Howard Woodham 99 Gouldner, Bertha Stackman 301 Gouwens, Cornelius 130 Gow, Alexander Murdoch 523 Gower, Benjamin Gray 578 Graber, Myron Earle 122 Grabill, Harvey Allen 161 Grabo, Carl Henry 422 Graham, Bess* Graham, Christopher 359 Graham, Gerald James 526 Graham, Guy G. 490 Graham, Hugh C. 180 Graham, Richey Vivian 803 Graham, Robert 365 Graham, Stephen Alexander 446 Graham, Verne Ovid 328 Graham, Willard J. 104 Grajewski, Leo Edward 1182 Granata, Peter C. 59 Granovsky, Alexander A. 856 Grant, Eva 618 Grant, Robert Allen 752 Graves, Flossie Jane 656 Graves, Frederick Oliver 618 Graves, Ludwick 53 Gray, Bartlett Stephen 423 Gray, Earle 1178 Gray, George Herbert 180 Gray, George Morris 491 Gray, Horace Montgomery 771 Gray, Otto Earle 566 Green, Dwight Herbert 78 Green, Henry Irvin 260 Green, Howard Ruggles 117 Green, Lula M.* Greenacre, Alice 266 Greenberg, Charles 461 Greene, Charles Franklin 955 Greene, Earle Ira 480 Greene, Katharine B. 856 Greene, Laurenz 178 Greene, William Bertram 985 Greenebaum, Jacob Victor 955 Greenlee, William Brooks 556 Greenman, Jesse More 209 Greer, Agnes Fulton Philpot (Mrs. James J. Johnston) 553 Greer, Carlotta Cherryholmes 524 Greeson, Joe Calvin 609 Gregg, Clifford Cilley 180 Gregory, Clifford Verne 475 Gregory, Marion Francis 1167 Gregory, Ruth Wilhelmene 674 Gregory, Tappan 609 Greider, Clarence Edwin 955 Greis, Henry N. 356 Gremelspacher, Mrs. (Wm.) Jessie 739 Grey, Dorothy* Griem, Breta Luther 903 Gries, John Matthew 172 Griffenhagen, Edwin O. 140 Griffin, James Aloysius 432 Griffin, John J. 1154 Griffith, Marion 773 Griffith, Nellie 956 Griffiths, Henry H. 925 Grigsby, Bertram James 141 Grill, George Walter 722 Grimes, J. Frank 98 Grimm, George Louis 179 Griswold, Dwight Palmer 689 Griswold, Harold Thomas 261 Griswold, James Harlen 164 Groner, Powell Campbell 358 Groom, Lester W. 1042 Gross, Henry Rew 58 Gross, Mabel Koons 841 Grossman, Edward Benjamin 610 Grossman, Marc J. 1103 Grote, Caroline 273 Grove, John L. 274 Grubb, George A. 902 Gruen, Mathilde S.* Gruen, William Henry ' 534 Gruendel, George Harold 1058 Gruener, James Cole 501 Grumbine, E. Evalyn 767 Gueffroy, Edna Mae 1042 Guenzel, Louis 58 Guernsey, Guy 1059 Gulbankian, Vartak 710 Gullen, George E. 970 Gullum, Frank Barnhart 164 Gund, Fred M. 618 Gurley, Fred G. 701 Gurley, William F. E. 900 Gustafson, Olga Frideborg 1160 Gutgsell, Emil John 141 Guthrie, Ned 44 Guthrie, S. Ashley " 452 Guysi, Jeannette 973 Haag, Vernon William 785 Haake, Alfred P. 141 Haas, Cora Lavina 528 Habbegger, Frederick Louis 685 Hackett, Malcolm Edouarde 808 Hadden, Florence English 836 Hadley, Lawrence 354 Haffa, Titus 218 Hagar, Donald 1104 Hagen, Henry H. 766 Hagerty, James Edward 1011 Hagstrom, Joseph Gordon Hague, Frank L. Haight, George Ives Haiman, Miecislaus A. F. J. Haines, Edmund Thomas Hair, C(harles) Edwin Hale, William Browne Hale, William Jay Hall, Arthur Fletcher Hall, Arthur R. Hall, C. Mitchel Hall, Charles P. Hall, Dollie Radler Hall, Ford Poulton Hall, John Randolph Hall, Lloyd A. Hall, Marguerite Franklyn Hall, Oakel Fowler Hall, Wallace C. Hallagan, Arthur Delouest Halleck, Charles A. Halliday, Evelyn Gertrude Halmhuber, Paul G. Halos, Stephen Grover Halstead, Ward Campbell Ham, Lloyd Blinn Hamill, Herald Floyd Hamilton, Elisha Bentley Hamilton, Frank Errett Hamilton, Herbert Clifton Hamilton, Warner Floyd Hamlin, Howard Elroy Hammel, Seth A. Hammer, Marion R. Hammond, Basil Calvin Hammond, Hala Jean Hammond, Robert Stevens Hanan, Ernest B. Hancher, Virgil Melvin Hancock, Walter Scott Hand, George Washington Hanke, Milton Theodore Hanke, Oscar August Hanks, Ralf Hanley, Herbert Russell Hanley, Thomas F., Jr. Hanmer, Henry Williams Hannah, James Andrew Hannah, John Alfred Hannegan, Robert E. Hanning, Maurice F. Hansmann, Elwood Hansmann, William H. Hanson, Adolph Melanchton Hanz, Joseph E. Hardell, Waldo E. Hardenbergh, John Gerard Harder, Erwin Emil Hardesty, John F. Hardin, Hord Harding, Arthur McCracken Hares, Charles Joseph Harger, John Ross Hargrave, Homer Pearson Harkrider, Raymond Harlan, Marion Scribner Harmon, Benjamin Goddard Harmon, Carlyle Harmon, Henry Gadd Harms, John W. Harness, Forest Arthur Harper, Claude Harper, Fowler Vincent Harper, Robert Brinton Harrah, William Ferguson Harrell, Voss Harrington, Leon W. Harris, LaMar Waldron Harris, N. W(adsworth) Harris, Oren Harris, Rowland H. Harris, Samuel David Harris, Stanley* Harris, Walter David 634 Harrison, Eugene Myers 236 1135 Harrison, George McGregor 368 341 Harrison, Perry G. 258 610 Harrold, Gordon Coleson 411 88 Harsha, William Thomas 519 978 Harshaw, William Jacob 479 279 Hart, Alden Leonard 539 402 Hart, Irving Harlow 1167 377 Hart, Sara Liebenstein 876 675 Hart, William Lincoln 384 500 Hart, William Moseley 655 1104 Hartley, Miles C. 414 1125 Hartsell, Stanley Eugene 347 170 Hartsfield, Loy William, Jr. 739 677 Hartsing, Ralph N. 67 628 Hartzell, Lawrence Wesley 629 293 Harvey, Alwilda 583 1010 Harvey, Ellery Hale 408 766 Harvey, Harold Brown 1160 673 Harvey, Rodney Beecher 1002 702 Harvey, William S., Jr. 982 686 Haserot, Francis H. 583 179 Haskell, Henry Joseph 831 684 Haskell, Robert H. 296 58 Haskins, Raymond Glessner 97 697 Hasley, Clyde Knapp 313 218 Hasselbacher, Harold Hardy 583 782 Hastings, Harold Merwin 218 1104 Hastings, Minnetta A. 107 527 Hastings, Otis Lowell 841 665 Hater, Harry John 218 1104 Hathaway, Stewart S. 359 626 Hattery, Wilber 488 130 Hattstrom, Hilding Andrew 585 1125 Haugh, Edmund J. 1061 186 Haven, Seth Edson 951 334 Havenhill, L. D. 309 925 Haverfield, Ralph Frazier 560 700 Haverstick, Edward Everett 316 911 Havner, Horace Moore 1022 97 Hawkinson, Oscar 842 221 lawks, Joseph Knowlton P. 688 910 .lawley, John Blackstock, Jr 271 858 Haxmeier, G. L.* 772 Hay, Charles Martin 964 141 Hay, Logan 1105 1081 Hay, Regina Deem 455 671 Hayden, Jerome William 610 699 Hayes, Archer Ellis 218 812 Hayes, David John Arthur 429 1105 Haylett, Hart Howard 611 674 Haynes, Eli Stuart 359 628 Hays, Brooks 802 362 Hazen, Elisha Brewster 585 1105 Hazlehurst, Jack Harris 765 855 Hazlett, William Henry 188 610 H'Doubler, Francis Todd 185 1042 H'Doubler, Margaret Newell 925 (Claxton) 409 94 Head, Cecil Franklin 879 317 Head, Walter William 1040 1039 Headley, Leal Aubrey 1022 141 Healy, Daniel Milton 660 676 Heaps, Porter Warrington 570 1152 Heath, Lawrence Seymour 671 310 Hebbard, George Miller 879 752 Hebenstreit, Frank A. 130 1181 Hecht, Louis C. W. 510 57 Hedge, Harry Malcome 1059 1159 Hedges, Walter Vincent 555 735 Hedke, Richard C. 1105 230 Heermann, Emil 35 1005 Hefner, Robert Alexander 998 341 Heide, Bernard H. 560 911 Heil, Julius Peter 1023 974 Heindel, Roy Lyman, Jr. 298 1180 Heineck, Aime Paul 611 79 Heinemeyer, Floyd LaVerne 217 1175 Heinke, Llewellyn Hubert 806 718 Heino, Albert Frederic 1075 88 Heisey, Paul Harold 376 958 Heitsch, Robert Dawson 975 Hejda, Charles Joseph 555 610 Heldt, Thomas J. 402 Helgason, Ami 1038 Heller, Samuel 239 Hellmuth, Gustavus Theodore 262 Hellwig, Christian Alexander 335 Hellyer, Arthur Lawrence 585 Helm, Wilbur 1023 Helt, Daniel W. 67 Hemingway, Grace Hall 1175 Henderson, Byrd Everett 1175 Henderson, Edward Earle 245 Henderson, Euell Blaine 804 Henderson, Hervy Andrew 555 Hendricks, James Owen 773 Henes, Edwin, Jr. 113 Henke, Frederick Goodrich 367 Henkel, Milford Franklin 661 Henkle, Charles Zane 585 Henney, Charles Wm. Francis 124 Henning, Edwin C. 170 Henning, Maude Ella 815 Henrichs, Henry Frederick 646 Henry, David Dodds 691 Henry, Huntington B. 68 Henske, Andrew Clemens 256 Henszey, Roy O. 128 Henwood, Berryman 155 Hepburn, Henry 130 Hepburn, William Murray 1106 Hepler, Ruth M. 96 Herdic, John Franklin 644 Herman, Raymond E. 575 Hermann, Grover Martin 80 Herrick, George Vernon 629 Herriott, Irving 664 Herrmann, Joseph Mark 527 Herrmann, Louis George 424 Herrmann, Raymond Russell 228 Herron, James Hervey Hersch, Thomas Franklin Hershman, Joseph Bernard Herzog, Anna Edes Hess, Edward F. Hess, William Emil Heverly, Earl L. Hewitt, Earl Albon Heyl, Clarence Walter Heyworth, Lawrence Hibbard, Carlisle V. Hickenlooper, Bourke B. Hickey, Matthew J., Jr. Hickey, Philip J. Hickman, Thomas Sylvester Hickok, Charles Nelson Hickok, Ralph Kiddoo Hicks, Edw. Livingston, Jr. Hicks, Harold Newton Hicks, Joseph Winstead Hienton, Truman Edward Higgins, Charles Clare Higgins, John Joseph Higginson, Glenn D. Hildebrandt, Martha Hildebrandt, Theophil Henry Hildreth, Louis R. Hilger, William Peter Hill, Barre Hill, Carlton Hill, Caroline Miles Hill, Grant L. Hill, James Jerome* Hill, Julius Caesar Hill, Roger Hill, Walter Matthew Hill, William Herbert Hille, (Ernst) (Karkl) H. Hillenbrand, Harold Hills, Charles Wilford Hilton, David Clark Himmelberger, Harry I. Hinesley, Ruth E. Hinkle, Ross Oel Hinman, Harriett Leone Hinman, Lt. Col. Jack J., Jr. Hinn, George Jacob 464 131 773 217 775 981 153 153 64 217 1106 737 566 164 1018 1106 663 226 837 258 258 342 217 356 516 287 329 437 64 112 1134 505 573 1106 248 1167 1175 336 80 932 655 933 453 885 Hinshaw, Joseph Howard G18 Hinshaw, Marvin Victor, Jr. 933 Hinson, Marcus William 863 Hirschfeld, John Charles* Hirschler, Daniel A. 563 Hirshberg, Herbert Simon 35 Hirshfield, Albert Clifford 38 Hitchcock, Floyd Gillis 186 Hite, Robert David 753 Hoad, William Christian 404 Hoadley, Arthur George 577 Hoadley, Walter Evans, Jr. 107 Hoadley, William B. 211 Hoan, Daniel Webster 540 Hochwalt, Carroll A. 933 Hodges, Ella 933 Hodgman, Charles David 154 Hoeffel, Adelaide Doolittle 1044 Hoehler, Fred Kenneth 1052 Hofert, William F. 240 Hoff, Charlotte Mina 730 Hoffman, Clare E. 719 Hoffman, Ernst Herman 1059 Hoffman, George Edward 575 Hoffman, John William, Jr. 854 Hoffman, Louis George 72 Hoffman, Paul Gray 764 Hoffman, Sol A. 258 Hoffmann, Briggs A. 508 Hoffmann, George (Clarence) 619 Hoffmann, Ines Catron 619 Hoffmann, Phil 258 Hoflfstrom, Piercy J. 119 Hogan, Harding Roland 220 Hogan, Harry Gratton 934 Hogan, Henry Michael 740 Hogan, John Francis 248 Hogan, Leo La Brune 471 Hogan, William Jenkins 1150 Hoisington, Louis Benjamin 180 Hoke, George P. 864 Holbert, James Ranson 429 Holden, Eugene Davenport 341 Holden, Perry Greeley 224 Holiman, Lois Hope 611 Holland, Ray Kingsbury 934 Holland, Robert Allen 925 Hollender, Samuel Sylvan 759 Holley, Horace 278 Holloway, Harriet B.* Holloway, Wiley Ray 595 Holm, Benton August 829 Holman, Charles Thomas 430 Holmberg, Lawrence Oscar 662 Holmblad, Edward Charles 396 Holmes, Laura A. 201 Holmquest, Harold John 393 Hoist, Bertram P. 154 Holt, Harold Wright 611 Holt, Harry W. 1094 Holt, Maud S. 265 Holt, Wm. Arthur 286 Honeywell, Mark C. 1004 Honor, Leo L. 1062 Honora, Sister M. 335 Hoobler, Icie Macy 82 Hood, Edna Eliza 447 Hood, Elizabeth Alice 1053 Hooper, William F.* Hoover, Blaine 595 Hoover, Earl Reese 816 Hoover, Edwin Vincent 296 Hoover, Guy Israel 935 Hoover, Howard Earl 1061 Hoover, Lloyd Fred 595 Hope, Harry Leroy 133 Hopkins, Andrew Winkle 104 Hopkins, Edwin Mortimer 410 Hopkins, Elmer Woodson 410 Hopkins, Fred Mead 377 Hopkins, James R. 34 Hopkins, Mona Anne Willcox 482 Hopkins, Percy Earl 619 Hopkins, Robert Sherman 935 Hopley, Russell James 889 Hopps, Howard 38 Horace, James LaFayette 1061 Horan, Albert James 196 Hord, Stephen Young 580 Horine, Harriet M. 98 Horlick, Alexander James 196 Horn, Ernest 447 Horn, William C. 365 Horton, Bayard Taylor 787 Horton, Warren Campbell 634 Horwitz, Edward Stanton 419 Horwitz, Sandor 1012 Hosford, Hemphill Moffett 49 Hoskins, Eliza Farris 396 Hostetter, Gordon Leslie 244 Hosty, Thomas Edward 1053 Hott, Maxwell R. 612 Hottinger, William H., Jr. 612 Hough, Charles F. 240 Houghton, Marshall George 190 Housel, William Stuart 935 Houser,, Allan Capron 755 Hovde, Frederick Lawson 741 Hovey, Almon Guion 936 Hovgard, Christopher L. 196 Hovorka, Frank 186 Howard, Einar C. 64 Howard, Guy 634 Howard, Harvey James 153 Howard, Lee James 561 Howard, William J. 244 Howard, William Lapkoff 786 Howe, Beverly Winslow 936 Howe, Eleanor 186 Howe, James A. 1156 Howell, (George) Evan 745 Howes, Byron C. 65 Howland, Charles Roscoe 363 Howser, John William 628 Hoyler, Clement 1184 Hoyt, Loretto Rosemary 594 Hoyt, Vivian Church 595 Hubachek, Frank Brookes 467 Hubbard, John Clarence 257 Hudelson, Clyde Whittaker 627 Hudson, Thomas Bevin 1132 Hudson, William Andrew 483 Hueber, Stephen Paul 470 Huesing, Albert Diedrich 249 Huettmann, Fred 670 Huff, Robert E. 250 Huffer, Earl W. 34 Huffman, James Wylie 991 Huggett, William Wellington 627 Huggins, Estelle Huntington 712 Hughes, Adella Prentiss 179 Hughes, Harold DeMott 852 Hughes, Richard Chester 154 Hughes, Roy* Huhn, Natalie T. 705 Hulbert, Lucius Gaylord 974 Hull, Arthur Mattoon 670 Hull, Merlin 993 Hull, Thomas Gordon 468 Hulman, Anton, Jr. 578 Humphrey, Robert Ingersoll 133 Humphrey, Robert Richards 669 Humphreys, James Marion 404 Hunscher, Helen A. (Wilkinson) 463 Hunt, Graham Putnam 377 Hunt, Mabel Leigh 57 Hunt, Rollo Frederic 41 Hunter, Charles Frederick 95 Hunter, Croil 743 Hunter, Robert Lee 72 Huntington, Charles Clifford 848 Huntington, Homer I. 773 Hunziker, Otto Frederick 107 Hurd, Archer Willis 229 Hurd, Muriel Jeffries 797 Hurja, Arthur Oliver 1182 Hurley, Neil C. 364 Hurley, Stephen E(dward) 195 Hurtz, Leonard E. 634 Hurwitz, Abraham 1020 Hutcheson, William L. 45 Hutchins, Robert Maynard 743 Hutchinson, Albert Cass 410 Hutchinson, B. Edwin 372 Hutchinson, Octavus Nelson 1144 Hutchison, William Easton 328 Huttig, Charles Musser 508 Huxley, Henry Minor 447 Huxman, Walter A. 744 Hyde, Herbert K. 431 Icely, Lawrence Blaine 818 Ikeda, Kano 276 Imbs, Thomas Francis 824 Ingalls, David S. 377 Ingersoll, Roy C. 65 Inghram, Lillian Brown 755 Ingraham, Mark Hoyt 914 Insana, Silvio 72 Ironside, Henry Allan 317 Irvin, Melita* Irwin, Charles E. 543 Irwin, Royal Wentworth 442 Irwin, William Glanton 379 Isbell, Marion William 903 Isgrig, Frederick Arthur 1018 Isham, Robert Melyne 92 Isherwood, Paul Alonzo 322 Itkin, David Boris 187 Ivy, Andrew Conway 748 Izant, Robert James 877 Izsak, Ignacio 410 Jachimowski, Eugene Charles 669 Jack, Charles E. 628 Jackson, Arnold Stevens 740 Jackson, Elizabeth 635 Jackson, Fanny Rebecca 1145 Jackson, George L. 310 Jackson, John Luther 196 Jackson, Raymond Thomas 377 Jacobs, J. Louis 879 Jacobsen, Clarence Ethelbirt 1075 Jacobson, Richard Herman 612 Jacobsson, Sten W. J. 729 Jaeck, Emma Gertrude 824 Jaflfe, Lester A. 463 James, William M. 548 Jameson, Donald Cleve 550 Jameson, Hugh ■ 778 Jamieson, Clarence Eugene 939 Jamieson, William D. 217 Janata, Louis Joseph 668 Janson, Frederick W. 68 Jarrett, Delta I. 128 Jarrow, Harry Walter 1053 Jarvis, Lewis A. 510 Jasper, Thomas McLean 1053 Jeanmene, Leo F. 634 Jeffery, Joseph A. 89 Jeflfery, William O., Jr. 1053 Jeffries, Edward J. 753 Jenkins, Charles J. 1167 Jenkins, Frederick Edwards 282 Jenkins, Lewis Vallette 1100 Jenkins, Thomas Albert 1001 Jenkins, William J. 508 Jenkins, William Sylvanus 1121 Jenkisson, Alvan Willard 63 Jenner, Austin 239 Jennings, Harry Garfield 793 Jensen, Ben Franklin 811 Jensen, Kai 363 Jensen, Lloyd B. 1054 Jensen, Peter L. 818 Jepson, Florence Brawthen 1130 Jersild, Marvin A. 264 Jessup, Wilfred 1111 Jewell, K. Austin 805 Jewett, Charles Webster 498 Jochum, William A. 1111 Jocrns, Arnold 231 Johannes, Herman W(illiam) 1004 Johns, William Franklin 627 Johnsen, Harvey M. 811 Johnson, Anna Dolores* Johnson, Arthur Charles 165 Johnson, Elbe Herbert 425 Johnson, Frank Ludwig 462 Johnson, Herbert Fisk 247 Johnson, Hildah Alden 1062 Johnson, Jed Joseph 811 Johnson, Julius 1135 Johnson, Justus L. 662 Johnson, Miriam Pyle 48 Johnson, Noble J. 1027 Johnson, Paul Rodgers 364 Johnson, Preston King 588 Johnson, Ray Prescott 995 Johnson, Samuel Lawrence 994 Johnson, Sveinbjorn 73 Johnson, Thomas Arthur 862 Johnson, William H. 123 Johnston, Bernard F. 64 Johnston, David Ira 357 Johnston, Ella Bond 347 Johnston, Mary H. Stoddard 966 Johnston, William Baxter 338 Johnston, William Ealing 83 Joice, Clyde Morton 627 Jolly, Wesley Parvin 1111 Jones, Eli Sherman 842 Jones, Franklin Turner 497 Jones, George Maceo 600 Jones, Harold Clyde 979 Jones, Hilton Ira 1054 Jones, Ira Milton 109 Jones, James F. 979 Jones, Jay Allen 1081 Jones, Lynds 926 Jones, Melvin 334 Jones, Oscar Bernard 332 Jones, Paul F. 462 Jones, Robert Franklin 811 Jones, Stella V. 741 Jones, T. Embury 767 Jones, Thomas Clive, Jr. 775 Jones, Walter Clyde, Jr. 1062 Jones, William Adrian 64 Jones, William Don 775 Jones, Wilmer* Jonkman, Bartel John 993 Jordan, Elmer John 673 Jordon, Joseph Henry, Jr. 496 Joseph, Jesse M. 165 Josselyn, Livingston Eli III 1054 Josselyn, Lloyd Wadleigh 501 Joyce, John Michael 742 Juchhoff, Frederick 1145 Judson, Clay 713 Judy, Will 596 Junker, William Henry 378 Jurica, Hilary Stanislaus 1145 Kacin, Walburga L. 395 Kackley, Olive 1111 Kadyk, David James 573 Kahl, Elmer 965 Kahl, Marjorie Edith 45 Kaiser, Grace E. 1054 Kalbfleisch, Ernest L. 407 Kanaley, Byron Vincent 465 Kane, Robert Emmet 1135 Karcher, William Leonard 619 Karlson, Karl Johan 1135 Karlowicz, Jadwiga 577 Karstaedt, Clinton Frederick 112 Kasper, Walter Francis 496 Kauffman, Benjamin Frank. 154 Kaufman, Oscar A. 1112 Kaufmann, Aloys P. 810 Kaufmann, David 52 Kearns, John Edward, Jr. 555 Kearns, John W. 125 Keefe, Frank B(ateman) 994 Kecgan, Thomas C. 472 Keehn, Roy Dee 1161 Keeler, Edwin R. 821 Keeler, Leonarde 65 Keeler, Stephen Edwards 128 Keeley, John Lemuel 555 Keenan, Harry Anthony 1112 Keeney, Albert F. 140 Keenleyside, Marjorie Culver 596 Kegan, Esther Oswianza 1170 Keith, Marie Morrisey 914 Keith, Stanley 400 Keller, Kaufman Thuma 810 Keller, Paul E. 471 Kelley, Francis Beverly 825 Kelley, Spencer D. 297 Kelley, Will Ghost 554 Kellogg, Elizabeth Rockey 165 Kellum, L. B. 1054 Kelly, Edward Austin 771 Kelly, Edward Joseph 809 Kelly, Frank Brazzil 139 Kelly, Glenn Kuns 596 Kelly, Harry Francis .770 Kelly, Walter Frederic 1113 Kelly, Will Abbott 240 Kelsey, Elizabeth* Kelsey, Fenton 676 Kelsey, Ray Thomas 746 Kemp, John Edward 550 Kemper, James Scott 915 Kemper, John Willard 971 Kempf, Joseph George 37 Kendall, James Logan 1088 Kendall, John Lee . 196 Kendall, Orville Daniel 612 Kenderdine, Mary Bell (Mrs. G. A. Kenderdine) 849 Kendrie, Frank Estes 870 Kenevel, LeRoy J. 296 Kennedy, Myrna E. 612 Kennedy, Robert E. 862 Kenner, Sumner 195 Kenney, Frances Maureen 858 Kent, Margaret Louise 529 Kent, Robert Homer 1024 Kent, Sadie Trezevant 730 Kenyon, Marjorie B. 951 Kenyon, Reid Lodowick 722 Kepford, Upton Brooks 776 Keplinger, W. Ayers 123 Kern, Carl Wilhelm 53 Kerner, Otto 809 Kerr, Robert Samuel 694 Ketcham, Victor Alvin 364 Kettell, Walter Franklin 597 Key, William Shaffer 390 Kice, Murray Stancliffe, Jr. 315 Kidd, Elizabeth Ayres 66 Kiefer, George H. 195 Kienberger, Vincent Ferrer 1113 Kildare, Albert Alexander 713 Kildee, Henry Herbert 53 Kileen, Edward Frances 297 Kiley, Moses E. 977 Kimble, Ralph Archibald 597 Kimmel, Robert Ray 597 Kindig, James William 358 Kineon, George Goodhue 1114 King, Arthur Charles 244 King, Arthur Woodruff, Jr. 1052 King, Julia Ricketts 776 King, T. (Thomas Raymond) 372 Kingsbury, Edna 593 Kingsbury, Forrest Alva 88 Kinnare, Robert E. 646 Kinne, Harry Clark 643 Kinney, Edward Everett 90 Kinyon, Sidney William 119 Kirby, Robert Emmett 918 Kircher, Carl Edward 91 Kirkbride, Walter George 776 Kirklin, Byrl Raymond 272 Kirkpatrick, Glade R. 510 Kirwan, Michael Joseph 816 Kishlar, Lamar Morey 968 Kitchen, Annie Louise 165 Klaveness, Eivind 765 Kleckner, Clarence Wilbur 312 Klein, Arthur A. 667 Klein, Arthur Frederick 918 Klein, Bernard 874 Klein, Ernest Leopold 565 Kleinman, Fred 776 Kleinschmidt, Earl Edwin 918 Kleinschmidt, Edward Ernst 619 Kleinschmidt, Oliver Henry 586 Klenk, Charles L. 1141 Klingmann, Theophil 918 Kloeffier, Royce Gerald 47 Klopsteg, Paul Ernest 550 Knapp, Fred S. 640 Knecht, Karl Kae 225 Knepper, Russell M. 919 Kniazzeh, Alfredo 626 Knickerbocker, Hubert R. 524 Knight, Carl* Knight, George A. 52 Knight, Harry Hazelton 357 Knight, John Shively 719 Knight, Robert Palmer 484 Knight, William D. 70 Knowlson, James S. 717 Knudson, Bennett O. 41 Knudtzon, Kermit Frederick 1055 Knutson, Harold 740 Koch, Raymond Joseph 821 Koch, Vincent William 915 Koch, William August 641 Koenig, Michael Theodore 1065 Koenig, Paul F. 68 Koerper, Karl 1129 Kohler, Ruth De Young 648 Kohlmetz, Lilian M. 222 Koller, Charles William 312 Komaiko, Solomon Baruch 435 Konenkamp, Sylvester Joseph 68 Koontz, Frederick Bowers 492 Kornder, Louis Henry 846 Kraft, Frederick 612 Kraft, Jessie Lofgren 776 Kraft, Oscar H. 1161 Kraines, Samuel H. 1161 Kramer, Adolph F. 473 Kratsch, Charles 411 Krause, Anna Jirak 1055 Kraut, Hans B. 248 Krebs, William Samuel 153 Kreidler, Deo Clair 851 Kretzmann, Adalbert R. A. 237 Kretzmann, Paul Edward 344 Kriebel, Warren Walter, Jr. 663 Kroeger, Frederick Charles 498 Kroeger, Laura Clark 151 Krollmann, Gustav W. 924 Krug, Henry, Jr. 151 Kruger, Charles Francis 358 Kryl, Bohumir 190 Kryter, Charles Conrad 529 Kubec, August 821 Kuebler, Clark George 1055 Kuenzli, Irvin R. 983 Kuever, Rudolph Andrew 1024 Kuhle, Orlando Augustus 613 Kuhlman, Arthur Henry 919 Kuhn, Frederick Tobias 566 Kuhn, Hedwig Stieglitz 450 Kummer, Erwin George 1065 Kunkel, William Albert, Jr. 224 Kunze, William Frederick 1024 Kuring, Adolph 613 Kurland, Aaron 753 Kurtzon, Morris 670 Kusworm, Sidney G. 920 Lachenmeyer, Otto Hugo 221 La Coss, Louis 501 Lacy, Arthur Jay 1029 Lacy, Thomas Norman La Follette, Robt. Marion, Jr. Lagergren, Carl Gustaf La Grow, Asa Joseph Lainson, Harry Ackley, Jr. Lakela, Olga Lakey, Roland Treiber Lamb, Edmund Emmett Lambert, Byron James Lamkin, Uel W. Lampe, Matthew Willard Land, Frank Sherman Landau, George Landes, Ralph H. Landis, Gerald Wayne Landis, Harry DeWitt Lane, Josephine M. Lane, Leonora Carrington Lane, Wallace Rutherford Laney, Ben T. Lang, Gordon Lang, John Michael Lange, Eugene W. Langland, Harold Severin Langworthy, Herman Moore Langworthy, Mary Lewis Lanier, Powless William Laning, George Michie Lansing, Charles Bridgen Lapine, Milton Joseph Lapp, John A. Larimore, Joseph William Larkin, John Day Larkin, Robert E. Larrabee, Walter Scott Larsen, Mae Sybil Larsen, Margareth E. S. Larson, Earl Spencer Larson, Emanuel Edward Lasby, William Frederick Lash, Abraham Fae Lathrop, Amy L. (Stiers) Latta, John Stephen Laughton, Katherine Stiles Lauren, J. Alton Laurie, Alex Lausche, Frank John Lawrence, E. George Lawrence, Mrs. Harvey Lawrie, James Wright Lawson, Lowell Anthony Lawson, Martin E. Lawther, Anna Bell Lay, Frank Morrill Layden, Michael Joseph Leach, Donald Allen Leach, George Emerson Leach, George Thatcher Leaman, Amos Hershey Leanza, Victor S. LeBlanc, Florimond Ledyard, Caroline S. Lee, Chester Daniel Lee, Rose Hum Lee, Wallace Orison Leeman, Stephen Edgar Leeming, John LeFevre, William Mathias Leffler, Harold Gordon LeifTer, Murray Howard Leigh, Maurice Chaffee Leighninger, Jesse Harrison Leighton, Morris Morgan Leinbach, Earl G. Leithauser, D. J. Leland, Leland F. Leland, Rosco Genung Lemon, Willis Storrs Lemstra, Enid Frist Lentz, Eli Gilbert Leonard, Arthur George, Jr. Leonard, Clifford Milton Leonard, Doris Gaston M. Leonard, George Edward 512 Lermit, Geraldine 150 512 Lescher, Henry George G. 114 253 Lesemann, Ralph Frederick 842 915 Lesinski, John 1048 444 Leslie, Mrs. J. E.* 268 Leszynski, Joseph Stanley 91 404 Leuder, Arthur Charles 508 865 Leven, Aaron Samuel* 260 Leverone, Louis Edward 1152 119 Leverone, Nathaniel 248 712 Levin, Samuel 504 438 Levin, W. Biggie 626 1055 Levine, Moses Naphtalison 155 821 Levisohn, Arthur Aaron 1152 808 Leviton, Charles 114 116 Lewis, Mrs. Charles W.* 1056 Lewis, Earl Ramage 707 187 Lewis, Edwin Colby 1047 504 Lewis, Elizabeth H.* 817 Lewis, Fletcher 444 711 Lewis, Samuel J. 337 920 Lewis, W(illiam) F. Dickens 360 462 Ley, Mary Helen 730 972 L'Hommedieu, Arthur W. 446 1056 Lichtenberg, Chester 789 190 Lick, Karl William 1124 825 Ligman, Thaddeus S. 465 920 Ligon, Louis Lucian 464 378 Likeley, Fred A. 922 979 Lillie, Frank Rattray 1143 356 Lilly, Eli 347 1028 Lilly, Josiah Kirby 1004 588 Limbaugh, Rush Hudson 872 1100 Limpert, Frank Alvin 320 964 Linck, Lawrence J. 1168 195 Lincoln, Azariah Thomas 655 781 Lincoln, Bert Hartzell 552 815 Lind, Frederick Albertis 187 649 Lindeman, John Henry 598 263 Lindheimer, Benjamin F. 583 679 Lindley, Harlow 99 111 Lindley, Walter C. 466 486 Lindner, Charles Terry 804 840 Lindquist, Gustavus E. E. 194 1161 Lindsay, Edward E. 245 463 Lindsley, Herbert Kitchel 257 707 Linehan, John Francis 201 1025 Link, George Matthew 1056 1073 Linscheid, Adolph 37 289 Linville, Guy Pittman 1122 474 Lippincott,. Isaac 363 56 Lippman, Ida 951 388 Lisle, Howard C. 342 671 Littell, Frederick John 613 942 Little, Merritt Johnson 598 888 Livezey, Bennett Moorhead 598 41 Livingston, Frank Alexandei 709 515 Livingstone, Huberta M. 422 395 Livingstone, Seabourn Rome 945 101 Llewellyn, John Thomas 471 323 Loague, Walter C. 284 1100 Lobdell, Effie Leola 72 195 Lobdell, Henry Harrison 495 995 Lockhart, Albert Victor 599 238 Lodge, William Ralph 945 598 Loeb, Hamilton Moritz 194 920 Loeppert, Henry V. 395 91 Loewen, Solomon Leppke 546 777 Loewenberg, Max Lippy 1066 770 Lofgren, Oscar Austin 988 1025 Loftsgaarden, Beldin H. 274 921 Lof tus, Clarence James 812 893 Logan, Blanche Gray 852 921 Logan, Josephine Hancock 826 321 Logan, Marjorie S. 109 39 Logan, Richard Dougherty 239 140 Logan, Simon Rae 660 1028 Lohman, Marion Lee 51 825 Long, Albert Stoneman 599 874 Long, Dean 700 580 Long, Harry 886 1161 Long, Jennings Harold 1120 780 Long, LeRoy Downing 193 993 Longley, Clifford Boles 273 Longyear, Edmund Joseph 331 Longyear, Robert Davis 121 Loomis, Daniel Pittinger 861 Loomis, Frank D. 699 Loomis, Oliver Mullins 88 Loop, Leota Williams 106 Lorber, Herbert James 281 Lord, John Solon 70 Lorenzen, Anton Frederick 526 Loring, Arthur A. 328 Lorish, Fred McKibben 979 Loth, Herbert C. 1166 Lothers, John Edmond 1084 Loucks, Charles Olney 1056 Loud, Marian V. 589 Lounsbury, George Fenner 231 Lounsbury, William Cotton 268 Love, John Willis 378 Love, Malcolm Andrews* Lovelace, Walter Sharp 599 Lovett, James Albert Baker 760 Lowe, Arnold Hilmar 497 Lowe, Edmund Waring 187 Lowe, William Baird 1030 Lowell, Frances Erma 111 Lowenstein, Henry Polk 1004 Lowery, Percy C. 316 Lowman, Arthur Ames 968 Lowrie, John M. 143 Lucas, Scott Wike 756 Luckey, Bertha Musson 956 Ludlow, Alfred Irving 852 Ludlow, Louis Leon 728 Lueck, Roger Hawks 778 Lueder, Arthur Charles 577 Luedinghaus, Henry 150 Luellen, John Lasa 566 Lueth, Harold Charles 421 Lufkin, Fred Richards 71 Lufkin, Mabel Rogers 71 Lugg, Thomas Bransford 805 Luginbill, Philip, Sr. 597 Luhan, Joseph A. 80 Luidens, Joy M. 619 Luke, James Lindsay 664 Lundholm, Joseph S. 393 Lundquist, Paul Eugene 574 Lundy, Edward H. 194 Lundy, John Silas 448 Lunken, Edn. H. 432 Lunt, Gordon R. 265 Lurie, Arnold N. 890 Luse, D(aniel) Claude 597 Lussky, Herbert O. 1056 Lutgen, Grace Welsh 1057 Lutz, Hobart Fred 361 Lutz, Robert Arnold 842 Lux, Joseph Bernard 571 Luxon, Norval Neil 163 Lyles, Mortimer Lee 662 Lyman, Cecile V. R. 711 Lynch, William O. 36 Lyness, Anna Ramspacher 193 Lyon, Carl E. 62 Lyon, Eric Ross 297 Lyon, Leverett Samuel 397 Lyon, Marguerite Orrena 1066 Lyons, John Frederick 793 Lytle, Hal McLeod 514 Maag, William Frederick, Jr. 1019 Maass, J. Edward 1162 Mabbs, John Williams 64 Mabee, Alexander C. 225 MacCallum, Charles Lome 714 Macauley, Alvan 87 MacDonald, Ian Philip 66 MacDonald, James A. 378 Macelwane, James Bernard 61 MacFadden, Samuel Poole* MacFarland, Hays 472 MacGowan, Clara 778 MacKeever, John C. 885 Mackellar, John Douglas 135 MacKenzie, Luella Wood* Mackenzie, Wallace S. 739 Macklin, Justin Wilford 487 MacLean, William Carpenter 671 MacMahon, John 667 MacNeille, Clarence Theo. 668 MacWhorter, Gardner A. 1077 Madden, Ray John 727 Maddy, Joseph Edgar 297 Madeleva, Sister M. 43 Madigan, George P. 598 Madlener, Albert Fridolin 668 Maentz, Donald T. 541 Magee, Elmer E. 971 Magee, J(unius) Ralph 878 Maggart, Maynard E. 312 Magner, James Joseph 613 Magnuson, Paul Budd 904 Magoun, James Albert H. 187 Mahoney, Charles H. 921 Mahony, Joseph Kirby 154 Main, Charles O. 593 Majerus, Theodore 111 Major, J(ames) Earl 727 Maland, Oswald 1081 Malek, Leona A. 942 Malott, Clyde Arnett 354 Malott, Deane Waldo 734 Mammon, Constantine 614 Manchester, Earl Northup 108 Mangan, Maurice D. 661 Manion, Clarence E. 354 Manion, Leo Eugene 501 Manker, Lucille* Manley, Thomas F., Jr.* Mann, Arthur R. 452 Mann, Charles August 256 Mann, Clair Victor 235 Mann, Rowena Morse* Mann, William Alfred, Jr. 1084 March-Mount, Margaret 193 Marcley, Walter J. 142 Margeson, James P., Jr. 680 Mariette, Ernest Sidney 972 Marioni, John D. 165 Mark, Louis 379 Markham, William H. 155 Markson, David Edmund 902 Markus, Joseph E. 242 Marovitz, Abraham L. 918 Marquardt, John Walter 655 Marquette, Bleecker 369 Marselli, Carlo 1138 Marshall, Alfred Cookman 950 Marshall, Elton Lewis 357 Marshall, Henry Wright 357 Marshall, Thomas L. 76 Marshall, Verne 1138 Martin, Charles Irving 510 Martin, Edward Gillette 856 Martin, Edward H. S. 217 Martin, Ethyl Edna 54 Martin, Prank (Francis) Thomas Beckett 489 Martin, George A. 930 Martin, John H.* Martin, Joseph Thomas 1134 Martin, Paul Alexander 339 Martin, Robert Earl 239 Martin, Sue Pettey 753 Martin, Thomas Ellsworth 721 Martin, William* Marting, Henry A. 946 Marts, Ralph O. 187 Marty, Carl 291 Marvin, Henry Howard 971 Marx, Frederick Z. 915 Marzall, John Adams 231 Marzolo, Leo Aurelio 111 Mashburn, Cleophas Bowen 733 Mason, Edward Glenn 379 Mason, James Stephen 904 Mason, Michael Livingood 1074 Massena, Roy 123 Mateer, Florence 989 Matheny, Willard Reynolds 280 Mather, Gordon Macdonald 493 Mather, William John 240 Mather-Smith, Charles Fred. 838 Matheson, William Angus 543 Mathews, Harry B., Jr. 509 Mathis, Eugene 885 Matthews, Ben H. 621 Matthews, Francis Ernest 228 Matthews, Thomas A. 627 Mau, William Raymond 217 Mauck, Willfred Otto 397 Mauk, Ralph Herschel 997 May, Earl Wilfred 946 Mayer, Charles H. 150 Mayer, Frederick 193 Mayer, Gottfried O. 997 Mayer, Isaac Henry 1162 Mayers, Laurence Hampson 290 Mayher, Beulah Christian 786 Maynard, J. Earle 946 Maytag, Frederick Louis II 518 McAdams, Joseph Edward 493 McAllister, Thomas Francis 720 McAninch, Geo. Daniel E. 649 McArthur, Lewis Linn, Jr. 492 McArthur, Selim Walker 1057 McBain, Hughston Maynard 70 McBride, Walter C. 404 McBroom, David Edward 1121 McCabe, Louis C(ordell) 916 McCabe, William Hugh 1031 McCahey, James B. 673 McCain, Elsie Screeton 156 McCall, Thomas Montgomery 193 McCampbell, Charles W. 476 McCarrell, William Robert 118 McCarty, C(harles) Walter 413 McCarty, Julia Kerr 276 McCaughey, William John 430 McClellan, John Little 720 McClelland, Clarence Paul 516 McClelland, Silas Edward 519 McCloy, Charles Harold 858 McCluer, Franc Lewis 528 McCluer, Paul 1158 McClure, Mabel Byron 1133 McClure, Roy Donaldson 83 McCollough, Ethel Farquhar 380 McCollum, Earl 720 McConachie, John 1167 McConnell, John L. 242 McCord, Mose S. 1177 McCorkle, Graham K. 123 McCormick, Edward James 823 McCormick, Ferdinand C. 669 McCormick, John Ambrose 956 McCormick, R. Rutherford 712 McCormick, Ross Clinton 973 McCowen, Edward Oscar 388 McCrary, Jasper Herndon 86 McCraw, Harrison Beecher* McCrea, Archie E. 405 McCulloch, Charles Alexander 374 McCulloch, John Irvin Beggs 1141 McCullough, Lee Russell 646 McCune, George Shannon 934 McCune, Thornton Calvert 895 McCurdy, John Weldon 910 McDaniel, Wallace Harold 646 McDermott, John Joseph 313 McDermott, William Fee 911 McDonald, Eugene F., Jr. 711 McDonald, Sterling Bryan 648 McDonald, Thomas 1158 McDonald, Thomas Francis 1057 McDonnell, Everett Nicholas 562 McDonnell, Robert E. 150 McDonnell, William Henry 907 McDonough, Frank 76 McDonough, John J. 737 McDonough, Philip L. 764 McDougal, Robert 522 McDougal, Wheeler* McElhiney, Blanche 165 McElligott, Maurice Francis 874 McElroy, Charles F. 451 McFarland, Wilma K. 1046 McFarlane, Walter Daniel 82 McGah, William J. Ill McGaughey, Dean Smith 671 McGaughey, Guy E. 1066 McGee, James Patton 471 McGeorge, Alice Sutton 98 McGill, Ernest Charles 332 McGill, Nathan Kellogg 548 McGinnis, Frederick A. 188 McGlasson, Howard 529 McGlynn, Joseph Bernard 451 McGoorty, John P(atrick) 368 McGraw, Harrison Beecher 1112 McGraw, Max 389 McGreevy, Francis J. 126 McGregor, Elizabeth* McHale, Frank Martin 1029 Mcllraith, Evan J. 143 Mcllvaine, Hubert Allen 614 Mclnerney, James L. 950 Mcintosh, Daniel Cobb 503 McKay, George C. 1063 McKean, Harry James 614 McKenna, Daniel J. 699 McKenna, James Joseph 668 McKenney, Rosanna N. 863 McKenzie, Walter Ingles 797 McKey, Frank Michael 193 McKinney, William Alonzo 1134 McKinnis, George E., Sr. 413 McKown, Harry Charles 22g McLarty, Alfred Dewey 823 McLaughlin, Dean Benjamin 683 McLaughlin, Laura Hill 83 McLean, Cecil John 988 McLendon, Martha 963 McLennan, William Caddell 591 McLeod, Clarence J. 853 McLucas, Walter Scott 823 McMahan, Adah M. 1112 McMahan, Willis C. 921 McMahon, Cormick C. 921 McMartin, Charles 192 McMillen, Wayne 421 McMurray, Robert L. 529 McNally, Andrew 650 McNamara, Mark J. 241 McNaughton, Malcolm N. 1132 McNeely, Harry G. 860 McNeil, Howard Crichton 332 McNeill, Edwin Ruthven 92 McNicholas, John T. 736 McNulty, Joseph Davis 66 McNutt, Grace 88 McPhee, Marguerite Cameron 783 McPheeters, Chester A. 58 McPherren, Charles Elmo 373 McPherson, Donald Fraser 265 McQuate, Maude 1064 McQueen, Frederick Emil 49 McReynolds, Douglas 253 McReynolds, Ralph 773 McRoberts, Earl Samuel 143 McSweeney, John 812 McVey, William Estus 309 McWilliams, Henry Edgar 669 Mead, George Wilson 188 Mead, Sumner Adelbert 188 Meek, Charles Roscoe 716 Meekison, Vadae G. 460 Meers, Walter 853 Mees, Oscar Charles 460 Meier, Nellie Simmons 497 Meighen, John Felix D. 184 Meilicke, Carl A. 570 Meine, Franklin Julius 650 Meisner, James Frederick :U5 Meiter, Edward George 51 1 Mekler, Lev A. 794 Melaniphy, John Cyril 1144 Melhorn, Donald P. 946 Mellin, Winifred Holmes 806 Mellinger, Aubrey Hugo 576 Meloche.Villiers Willson 779 Melton, Monroe Joel 619 Melzer, Fred Herman 362 Menefee, Ferdinand Northrup 255 Menger, Clara 439 Menzimer, Lisle William* Mercer, Clifford David 267 Merchant, Iza White 117 Meredith, Edna Elliott 759 Meredith, Oscar Franklin 576 Merkle, Frank Peter 574 Merrell, Martha Brooks 269 Merriam, Charles Edward 1091 Merriam, Charles Wolcott 390 Merriam, Edmund Sawyer 379 Merriam, Harold Guy 263 Merrill, Barzille Winfred 749 Merrill, Frank Winthrop 928 Merrill, Karl G. 221 Merrill, Maurice Hitchcock 1021 Merrill, Philip Peirson 898 Merrill, William Wesley 1144 Merrills, Frederick Emerson 859 Merrion, Joseph E. 580 Mertens, Charles John 768 Mess, Gordon Benjamin 252 Messmore, Fred W(ilber) 1029 Metcalf, Clell Lee 373 Meyer, August C. 734 Meyer, Charles Zachary 594 Meyer, Erwin E. 247 Meyer, Henry Harold 212 Meyer, James 71 Meyer, Walter W. L. 192 Meyerding, Henry W(illiam) 127 Meyers, Alfred Moyer 1141 Meyers, Erwin A. 127 Meyne, Gerhardt Franz 24'7 Michael, John H. 242 Michelon, Leno Ceno 843 Michener, Earl Cory 687 Middlebush, Frederick A. 694 Middleton, Wallace Ray 194 Midelfart, Peter A. H. 1071 Mies, John S. 946 Mikesell, W. H. 1120 Miley, George Walter 947 Milivojevich, Dionisije 614 Millard, Eugene Samuel 723 Millard, Paul Adsworth 1007 Miller, Addie T. 482 Miller, Benjamin Frank 1088 Miller, Bina West 303 Miller, Dalton Giles 986 Miller, Edward Thomson 247 Miller, Edwin Cyrus 1019 Miller, Frank Theodore 571 Miller, Franklin Mason 1094 Miller, Fred Raney 865 Miller, Frederick A. 1092 Miller, George J. 437 Miller, Helen Janet 725 Miller, John Edward 530 Miller, Messenger 548 Miller, Sarah E. 376 Miller, Sayers John 427 Miller, Sidney S. 170 Miller, Thomas William 174 Miller, W. Leslie 1012 Miller, Wyllys Taylor T. 761 Milles, Carl Wilhelm E. 1012 Millett, George Van 351 Millette, John W. 376 Milliken, William M. 452 Millington, Ernest John O. 389 Millmann, Anna Marie 305 Millor, William J. 688 Mills, Charles Bright 947 Mills, Lawrence C. 988 Mills, Thomas Henry 530 Mills, Wilbur D(aigh) 751 Mills, William Thomas 99 Miltenberger, Alex 1132 Minahan, Victor Ivan 1070 Miner, Nellie Palmer 39 Minrow, Maude Elizabeth 311 Minton, Sherman 811 Mints, Thomas Martin 843 Miquelle, Georges 341 Misner, Paul James 576 Mitchell, A(lexander) B. 373 Mitchell, Clement Clinton 1066 Mitchell, Constance Mines 264 Mitchell, Dora Otis 305 Mitchell, Elizabeth Arabelle 947 Mitchell, Elmer Dayton 1019 Mitchell, Frank Adams 614 Mitchell, Leon Albert 635 Mitchell, Morris Bockee 305 Mitchell, Samuel Alfred 116 Mitchell, William* Mitten, George Russell 677 Mobley, Henry E. 470 Moffet, Hugh Robb 469 Mohn, Edith Wheeler 39 Mohns, Arthur William 624 Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo Gyorgy 814 Moinet, Edward Julien 367 Molloy, Patrick Joseph 642 Molthop, Duane Truman 911 Mongold, Wm. Christopher 339 Monnett, Francis Sylvester 503 Monnett, Osborn 406 Monroe, Walter D. 725 Monroney, A(lmer) S. Mike 801 Montgomery, Dewey Howard 621 Montgomery, Edmand B. 143 Montgomery, L. A. M. Reid 338 Moody, Katharine Twining 149 Moody, Lloyd Cowley 342 Mooney, Edward 703 Moore, Allen, II 167 Moore, Annette 990 Moore, Edward H. 734 Moore, Fred Holmsley 632 Moore, George Elkington 234 Moore, Harry E. 395 Moore, Hortense 1037 Moore, James N. 896 Moore, Josiah John 514 Moore, Louis Daniel 49 Moore, Maurice Malcolm 288 Moore, Paul McNary, Jr. 380 Moore, Raymond 615 Moore, Vivian Lyon 1001 Moore, Walter M. 460 Moore, William Belton 446 Moreland, James C. 246 Morey, Bertha Graves 156 Morgan, Barton 124 Morgan, Carrie E. 1183 Morgan, Charles Leonard 985 Morgan, William Thomas 360 Morison, George Abbot 824 Morland, John Wallace 542 Morrell, Jacque C(yrus)* Morrill, James Lewis 689 Morrill, Mabel* Morris, Clyde Calhoun 194 Morris, Constance Lily 372 Morris, Donald S. 171 Morris, John 949 Morrissey, Daniel Edward 661 Morrow, Frederick E. 73 Morrow, Thomas Henry 1092 Morss, Foster Gilbert 135 Mosby, William Eugene 66 Mosby, William Harry 998 Moscrip, William Smith 1017 Moseley, George Clark 887 Moseley, Joseph Edward 885 Moss, Joseph Lincoln 1067 Moss, Walter E. 65 Moulinier, Edward P. 174 Moulton, Elton James 66 Moulton, Margaret Van B. 241 Mount, Oliver Erskine 70 Mowry, Floyd Samuel 949 Mucklestone, Ada (Mrs. Melville Mucklestone) * Mudd, Joseph A., Jr. 216 Mueller, Frederick Wm., Jr. 1169 Mueller, Hazel Mercer DuCles 992 Mueller, Milton (Mink) 904 Mueller, Paul Helmuth 622 Mueller, Ulrich F. 442 Muerman, John Charles 192 Muhleman, George W. 898 Mulally, James H. 93 Muldoon, Edmond Norman 648 Mulholland, William J. 87 Mullen, Januarius Arthur 522 Muller, Emma Fleer 1144 Mullins, Thomas Clinton 986 Mulroy, Thomas Robert 636 Mumm, William M. 460 Mumma, Marjory E. 666 Munn, Lottie E. 174 Munsert, Helen W. 1076 Munson, Grace Esther 220 Munsterman, Alvin John 615 Murch, James DeForest 481 Murio, Jay 623 Murison, Chas. Edward 292 Murphy, C. F. 1132 Murphy, Flay Louis 62 Murphy, Francis Daniel 449 Murphy, Frank 690 Murphy, Joseph A. 310 Murphy, Ray V. 1162 Murphy, Robert Brady L. 1182 Murphy, William Patrick 997 Murphy, William Thomas 1058 Murrah, Alfred Paul 738 Murray, Alfred Nicholas 216 Murray, John Gregory 731 Murray, Warren Garfield 1163 Muscari, Pietro John Carmel 1062 Musgrave, Charles Robert 558 Musselman, John Rogers 56 Muyskens, John Henry 304 Myers, Edward Morrison 373 Myers, Hiram Earl* Myers, Jay Arthur 725 Myers, Lewis A. 506 Mylonas, George Emmanuel 880 Myren, Bernard J. 949 Nacey, Harry Manning 911 Nadeau, Oscar Eugene 222 Nagel, Charles, Jr. 1133 Nagge, Joseph William 406 Naghten, John A. 473 Nahser, Frank C. 912 Nakshian, Helen du Guerre 417 Narey, Esther B.* Narowetz, Louis Ludwig 222 Nash, Archie Lyman 263 Nash, Bert Allen 552 Nason, Harold E. 822 Nauert, Robert W. 834 Naujoks, Herbert Hugh 592 Nedzel, Alexander John 951 Needles, William Bray 192 Neel, Ellison Adger 1017 Neff, Grover Cleveland 156 NefT, Ward Andrew 310 Neill, Alma Jessie 724 Neiman, Benjamin Harold 684 Neiman, Irwin Samuel 988 Neiman, Simon (S.I.) 805 Nellis, Leo 843 Nelson, Arthur Emmanuel 277 Nelson, Byron* Nelson, C(arl) Ferdinand 373 Nelson, Daniel Hans 156 Nelson, Elsa M. Haase 806 Nelson, Gerald Farrington 615 Nelson, Harry Monroe 191 Nelson, John Leonard 622 Nelson, Lewis Francis 156 Nelson, Ole C. 980 Nelson, P. Mabel 48 Nelson, Stella Pike 951 Ness, Zenobia Ernestine 271 Nester, Henry George 171 Nethercut, Glenway Warren 1049 Netting, Conrad J. 308 Newcomb, Ralph Vernon 1125 Newcomer, Chauncey Lee 100 Newey, Paul S. 874 Newman, Cecil Earl 116 Newman, John Richard 331 Newnan, Henry Loring 521 Newton, Carl Elbridge 370 Nicholas, Elmer Henry 336 Nichols, James Calvin 281 Nicholson, Fredric Max 475 Nicholson, Hugh P. 615 Nicholson, John Charles 898 Nicholson, John R. 652 Nicholson, Kathleen Monica* Nickell, Vernon Lewis 372 Nickerson, Winfield Scott 142 Niehoff, Conrad E. 912 Nielsen, J. Rud 1071 Nisen, Charles Michael 838 Nissen, Bryn H. 344 Noland, Stephen Croan 369 Nold, Harry Ellsworth 945 Nollen.John Scholte 3'74 Nolte, Lola Evison 348 Nordberg, Bruno V. E. 275 Nordberg, William Sigurd 233 Norden, Elaine Cleveland 589 Nordland, Martin 184 Nordstrand, Norman Wm. 119 Norlie, Olaf Morgan 1063 Normann, Carl M. 73 Norrell, William F (rank) 371 Norris, Clifford Mortimer 588 Norris, Ferris Waldo 53 Norris, George William 374 Norris, Julia Anna 309 North, Gerald C. 63 North, William E. 814 Northam, Estelle McChesney (Mrs. M. Kent Northam) 859 Northcross, Daisy L. Hill 304 Northcutt, Robert Lee 912 Northrup, Lorry Robbins 640 Norton, Mother Mary A. 282 Norton, Samuel Wilber 932 Norton, William John 1003 Norton, William Wellington 304 Noyes, Frank E. Noyes, Helen Miller Noyes, Linwood Irving Noyes, Marshall Paul Nugent, Oscar B. Nungester, Walter James Nuquist, Maud Edgerton Nusbaum, Christian Nutt, Joseph Randolph Nyka, Leon C. Oakes, David Sidney Oates, James Franklin, Jr. Oberly, John Leidy Obermann, Charles F. Oberwortmann, Nugent R. Oboukhoff, Nicholas M. O'Brien, Cornelius O'Brien, Francis Thomas O'Brien, Frank Jerome O'Brien, Matthew John O'Brien, Patrick H. O'Brien, Thomas J. O'Brien, William Claire Ockerblad, Nelse Frederick O'Connor, Charles Andrew 672 O'Connor, John R. 242 O'Donnell, J(ohn) Hugh 697 O'Donnell, William Stephen 724 O'Ferrall, Kirk Bassett 489 Ogden, Jean* Ogden, Mahlon Dickerson 268 Ogren, John William 677 O'Hara, Joseph Patrick 698 Ohlrich, Fredrick 904 O'Keefe, James L. 1080 O'Konski, A. E. 431 Olander, Oscar G. 85 Oleson, Wrisley Bartlett 984 Olin, Franklin Walter 400 Olin, Spencer Truman 536 Olive, Frank C. 164 Olmsted, Everett Ward 1126 Olmsted, Orvil Ransom 678 Olpin, Albert Ray 289 Olson, Roy Howard 913 Olson, Willard Clifford 881 O'Malley, Comerford J. 698 O'Neel, Edwin V. 164 Opp, Carl Joseph 34 Oppenheimer, Harry Lederer 216 Orcutt, Dwight Chapman 134 O'Reilly, R. Patrick 833 O'Riley, James E. 71 Orlikoski, Walter John 191 Ormond, John Kelso 84 Ormsby, Oliver Samuel 433 Orr, Grover Lewis 989 Orr, Hiram Winnett 1063 Orr, Paul Frederick 505 Orr, Pence Billings 1071 Osborn, Merritt J. 641 Osborn, Stellanova 868 Osborn, Wesley Ware 655 Osborne, Hattie 211 Osterberg T Arnold Erwin 117 Ostrom, Susan McWhirter 440 Oswalt, Edna Rickey Lotz 461 Otis, Daniel Henry 285 Otis, Joseph Edward, Jr. 367 Ott, John Nash, Jr. 469 Outlaw, Ellis Simmons 211 Outzen, Andrew Newton 494 Overman, James Robert 34 Overmyer, Arthur Warren 1020 Overn, Oswald Benjamin 40 Owen, Ray Sprague 304 Owen, Warren David 932 Owens, Grover Thomas 369 Owens, James Whitfield 1092 Oxley, Howard W. 367 Oxnam, William Clarence 913 Oyler, Merton Dale 1034 288 Pace, Anderson 876 977 Paddock, Stuart R. 655 1008 Pair, Paul Milton 1163 1163 Paist, Benjamin Franklin 380 743 Palmer, Grace 865 84 Palmer, Hazel 426 191 Palmer, John William 149 100 Palmer, Margaret Longyear 932 174 Paper, Joseph 641 216 Park, Alexander 672 Parker, Ellanor Norrell 446 236 Parker, Elliott F(rancis) 876 224 Parker, Howard Stuart 913 337 Parker, Ross Isaac 216 126 Parker, Walter Huntington 1021 216 Parkhill, Homer Lewey 677 51 Parks, John Shields 319 45 Parks, Kenneth* 1169 Parks, Oliver Lafayette 283 261 Parks, William Benjamin 529 446 Parmenter, Clarence E. 1093 1100 Parry, John J (ay) 63 729 Parry, Mary Cousins 178 1049 Partlow, Harry Charles 674 390 Partridge, Lloyd Case 134 Paterson, Robert G. 1010 Paterson, William Tait 1093 Patrick, Catharine* Patrick, Fae W. 969 Patten, Andrew Jarvis 339 Patterson, Austin McDowell 427 Patterson, Clair Brandon 932 Patterson, Grove Hiram 1020 Patterson, James Clarence 930 Patterson, Lawrence Thomas 982 Patterson, Nell Coweta 1093 Patterson, William Allan 733 Paulette, Robert Justice 529 Paulick, Herman Rudolf 63 Pauling, George Richard 301 Payne, Loyal Frederick 46 Payne, Thomas William* Paz, Pedro 302 Pearce, Charles Sumner 63 Pearl, Allen Sexton 1149 Pearson, Arthur Godfrey 584 Pearson, Stella Rowena 328 Peat, Fern Bisel 34 Peck, David Franklin* Peck, Philip F. W. 629 Peck, Thomas Butler 698 Peck, William C. 630 Peet, Louise Jenison 395 Peet, Max Minor 489 Peete, Don Carlos 168 Pellowe, William C. S. 315 Pelnar, Laddie T. 984 Pendleton, Emmet 1184 Penick, Mark Albert 1037 Penquite, Maynard Ellsworth 267 Penrod, Estel Burdett* Perham, Deane Ellsworth 63 Perkins, Rollin Morris 545 Pernot, Dora Mielke 184 Perona, Paul D. 1058 Perrine, George Robert 913 Perrine, Irving 37 Perry, Emory C. 887 Perry, Ralph Woodford 475 Perry, Stuart Hoffman 321 Pershing, Benjamin Harrison 380 Person, Seymour Howe 724 Peska, Frank 1091 Pessin, Samuel Benjamin 417 Peter, Martin Luther 940 Peters, Bernard E. 231 Peters, Elmer Theodore 762 Peters, Guy M. 67 Peters, Harry Alfred 349 Peters, Mary Babcock 564 Petersen, Alma Schmidt 979 Petersen, Jurgen 871 Petersen, P. Whiteside Wilier 594 Peterson, Arnold Richard 184 Peterson, Arthur Perry 506 Peterson, Frank Raymond 488 Peterson, Gladys Hanson 594 Peterson, Mildred Othmer 901 Pettengill, Samuel Barrett 1021 Petterson, John P. 898 Pettibone, Holman Dean 390 Pettingell, Clarence De Alton 615 Pettit, Harvey P. 1183 Pettitt, Herbert Leroy 682 Petzold, William A. 940 Pfeiffenberger, James M. 1149 Phelps, Mason 1169 Philip, William Booth 659 Philipp, Cyrus L. 615 Philipson, David 518 Phillips, Charles Henry 788 Phillips, Cyrus Eastman 797 Phillips, Enos Leslie 569 Phillips, George Augustus 427 Phillips, Josephine Dirion 381 Phillips, Milton* Phillips, Waite 389 Piatkiewicz, K. 572 Pichler, J. Henry 406 Pickell, Mark Weisner 859 Pickering, Wilbur Lawrence 572 Pierce, Bessie Louise 215 Pierce, Dante Melville 391 Pierce, Hyman A. 446 Pierce, J (oseph) Norman 1169 Pierrot, George Francis 1140 Pierson, Arthur P. C. 420 Pieters, Charles Elijah 99 Pike, Sharley Kathleen 457 Pilling, Neville 872 Pillsbury, Charles Lucien 1126 Pillsbury, John Sargent 290 Pilot, Isadore 401 Pinkerton, Paul Price 431 Pinkerton, Ralph Roy 67 Piper, Monte Charles 269 Placak, Joseph Charles 899 Plain, Eleanor 466 Plamondon, Marie 654 Plantz, Alden Charles 156 Plimpton, Russell Arthur 489 Ploeser, Walter Christian 981 Plummer, Daniel Clarence 245 Plunkett, James Patrick 1127 Plunkett, William Joseph 109 Poindexter, Harry Kellar 654 Polack, William Gustave 724 Pole, Gordon R. 1073 Poley, Gerald Murdock 999 Polk, Wesley Williajn 766 Polkinghorne, Wilfrid Carlos 651 Pollard, Wayne Ethelbert 520 Polley, Frederick 385 Pollock, Milton DeWitt 744 Pond, Darwin Brayton 568 Pond, Gilbert Palmer 1026 Pool, Raymond John 430 Poorman, Alfred Peter 399 Pope, Herman George 670 Pope, Mardell Yates 553 Poppenhusen, Conrad H. 429 Poppens, Peter Heije 642 Porges, Otto 567 Porter, Edward Clark 652 Porter, Francis Marion 653 Porter, Joseph Franklin, Jr. 51 Posegate, Mabel 1022 Postle, Wendell Dean 391 Potter, Milton Chase 109 Potter, Paul Adams 67 Potterf, Rex Miles 354 Potts, John Beekman 985 Potts, Joshua R. H. 1046 Potzger, John Ernest 724 Pougialis, Constantine 568 Powell, Clifford 1093 Powell, E. Harrison 565 Powell, John Walker 1094 Powell, Lyle Stephenson 975 Powell, Velura E. 1127 Powers, Leon Walter 449 Powers, Robert Bruna 511 Prather, John Perry 851 Pratt, John Morgan 616 Preisler, Paul S. 1129 Prendergast, Joseph 787 Prentice, John Rockefeller 553 Prescott, John* Adams 659 Pressey, Sidney Leavitt 288 Preston, Francis Jordan 422 Preston, Frederick Augustus 909 Preus, Jacob Aall Ottesen 287 Price, Charles Melvin 690 Price, Charles Morgan 631 Price, Donald Douglas 531 Price, Griffith Baley 1048 Price, Paul E. 65 Price, William Ellsworth 1110 Priebe, Frank A. 142 Prince, Clara Catherine 723 Pringle, Ralph W. 73 Prior, John Clinton 990 Pritchard, Harry Turnbull 1022 Pritchard, Norman Hathaway 269 Propst, Duane Willard 1058 Prosser, Charles Allen 1094 Provine, Walter Murray 1095 Provis, Bradley Mark 545 Proxmire, Theodore Stanley 298 Pruitt, Otto Earl, Sr. 1110 Pruitt, Raymond S. 486 Pryor, John Carlisle 120 Puckett, Erastus Paul 47 Puckett, Henry Frank 67 Puffer, Noble Judson 71 Pugh, Achilles Henry 513 Pugh, John Jones 542 Pulitzer, Joseph 693 Pullen, Paul Pike 546 Pulliam, Eugene Collins 374 Pulver, Harry E. 293 Purcell, Robb J. 631 Purcell, William Henry 387 Purchas, R. Whittlesey T. 672 Purdy, James Edwin 428 Purdy.William Carey 1089 Purvin, Jennie Franklin 105 Pyle, Dan 440 Pyrtle, Ralph Nolan 243 Quail, Frank Adgate 381 Quarles, James Thomas 418 Quigley, Daniel Thomas 222 Quilici, George L. 1023 Quindry, Silvester Eugene 631 Quinn, G(overnor) Vernon 984 Quinn, James R. 184 Quisenberry, Thomas Edwin 632 Rabaut, Louis Charles 693 Raff, Pauline Meyers 285 Railsback, Howard Marion 850 Ralston, Anderson Wheeler 638 Ralston, Lucile Reynolds 519 Rambo, William W., Jr. 1134 Ramel, Herbert M. 639 Ramier, Mary Elizabeth H. 1110 Ramsay, John Davis 554 Ramsey, James Francis 623 Ramsey, John James 940 Ramsey, Walter Reeve 265 Ramseyer, Roy Arthur 286 Ranck, Samuel Haverstick 502 Rand, Charles Claflin 868 Randau, Clem J. 564 Randell, Murray Ellsworth 667 Randlett, Fred Morse 592 Rankin, John Owen 205 Ranney, George Alfred 1169 Ranney, Glen Allison 989 Rapp, Samuel W., Jr. 142 Rappaport, Earle Samuel 445 Raskin, Max 191 Rassieur, T. Edward 1138 Ratti, Gino Arturo 384 Rause, Richard F. 499 Rawleigh, William Thomas 904 Ray, E. Lansing 432 Ray, Kenneth Wilbert 989 Ray, Ruth 763 Raymond, Flora Andersen 762 Raymond, Mabel Kenworthy 298 Read, Horace Emerson 826 Read, John Threlkeld 864 Read, Lessie Stringfellow 902 Read, Merle A. 661 Reavis, William Claude 450 Records, Ralph LaFayette 425 Redding, George Hyde 67 Reddish, George Fults 633 Reece, Jane 940 Reed, Albert* Reed, Bessie Price 546 Reed, Charles Dana 503 Reed, Chauncey William 742 Reed, Clyde Martin 727 Reed, Gail 1150 Reed, Homer Blosser 94 Reed, Samuel Irving 1170 Rees, Forest Ray 482 Rees, James Warren 718 Rees, John Embree 452 Reese, Clarence 400 Reeve, Bryce Byrum 191 Reeve, Harold Leslie 860 Reeves, Courtney Harold 633 Regan, Ben 633 Regensteiner, Theodore 337 Regnet, Henry H. 321 Rehwinkel, Alfred M(artin) 748 Reiber, Albert H. 1177 Reich, Walter J. 671 Reichert, Victor Emanuel 79 Reid, Barney Ford, Jr. 183 Reid, Donald* Reid, Robert H. 1090 Reid, Thomas James 762 Reiff , George Ernst 340 Reilley, Marguerite Campbell 252 Reilly, Vincent Peter 1066 Reily, Solon Llewellyn 913 Reinhardt, Emma 905 Reinhardt, Marie Nelson 642 Reinhart, M. J. 518 Reinmann, Frank Leo 965 Reis, Otto Frank 473 Reisenhus, Peter P. 595 Reiter, Arthur P.* Remmel, Arthur K. 346 Renaud, George L. 929 Renfrew, Carolyn 769 Renner, Marion John 779 Reque, Earl George 902 Resa, Alexander John 726 Retter, Arthur Frederick Reveal, Ernest Ira 171 Reycraft, James Leonard 1100 Reymert, Dorothy Dix 246 Reymert, Martin Luther 229 Reynolds, John Hugh 251 Reynolds, Margaret 289 Reynolds, Thomas Aquinas 627 Reynolds, William* Rhamy, Bonnelle William 250 Rhenisch, Arthur Rudolph 418 Rhodes, Herbert Barrett 807- Rice, Ada 299 Rice, Allen Buckner 718 Rice, Arthur Henry 794 Rice, Edgar Clarence 1077 Rice, Frank Elmore 1069 Rice, Joseph J. 878 Rice, Maegeane 1134 Rice, Thurman Brooks 440 Rice, Zelotus Sylvester 157 Rice-Meyrowitz, J. Delony 105 Rich, Daniel Catton 516 Richards, Aute 237 Richards, Benjamin 335 Richards, Claude E. 1073 Richards, G. A. 518 Richards, Harold L. 594 Richardson, Charles Potter 1074 Richardson, Clement 803 Richardson, George Adams 1150 Richardson, Harold Edward 157 Richardson, Jeffers Foster 930 Richardson, Willoughby P. 854 Rickbeil, Raymond Earl 883 Ricketts, Paul F. 512 Riddick, Walter Garrett 750 Riddle, Frank Harwood 834 Riddle, Roderick E. 149 Rideout, John Gordon 351 Riefling, Geneve G. 1129 Rieser, Robert Mathew 737 Riess, Alfred D. 880 Riggs, Margaret Seasholes 210 Riggs, Raymond H. 306 Rikli, Arthur Richard 876 Riley, Jesse Dean 50 Riley, John H. Riley, Walter James Rinehart, Roy James Ring, Otto Frank Ringstad, Aagot Rinker, Edward William Riordan, Hugh Leo Riordan, John A. Ripley, Allen Bradford Ritchey, James Oscar Ritter, Deckard Ritter, Joseph Elmer Rittman, Walter Frank Roark, Leroy Edward Robbins, Charles Burton Roberg, O(scar) Theodore Roberts, Charles Hull Roberts, Una Lee Robertson, Fred Robillard, Amos Horace Robin, Sidney L. Robinson, Adah Matilda Robinson, Byron Lewis Robinson, Daniel Sommer Robinson, Florence Bell Robinson, George Wilford Robinson, George Wilse Robinson, James Hathaway Robinson, Luther Riley Robinson, Sanger Robison, Lee Jennings Rockwell, James Evan Rockwell, Louis Rockwood, Flozari Roddis, Hamilton Rodeheaver, Homer A. Roden, Albert Andrews Roderick, Solomon Phillip Rodkey, Frederick Stanley Rodkey, Robert Gordon Rodman, Benedict J., S. J. Rodman, Clarence James Roessler, Ernest C. Roeth, Albert Carl Rogers, Cleo Pauline Rogers, Don Clifford Rogers, Edward Sidney Rogers, Edwin William Rogers, George T. Rogers, John Rogers, John Edward Rogers, Lester Cushing Rogers, Lewis Chubb Rogers, Thomas Wesley Rohr, John Turner Rolfs, Robert H. Rolph, Thomas Willett Romig, Walter Ronken, Oscar Christian Ronheberg, Earl F. Ronning, Adolph Rony, Hugo R. Rooks, Irvin Rooney, Francis James Roos, Carles M. Root, Clarence J. Root, Jesse L. Ropa, Joseph Ropiequet, Wilfred Crouch Rorick, Isabel Scott Rose, Emily Florence Rose, George B. Rose, Milton Edward Rosenberg, Harry O. Rosenblate, Adolph J. Rosenblum, Philip Rosendahl, Carl Otto Rosenfeld, Joseph Ehrlich Rosenthal, George W. Rosenthal, Henry Samuel* Rosenthal, Lessing Rosinia, Michael L. Ross, David Edward Ross, George William 541 Ross, Herbert Ocsterle 441 Ross, Margaret G. Goodhart 899 Ross, Maurice O'Rear 113 Ross, Thompson 716 Rossetti, Louis 234 Rossiter, Will 1109 Rost, Carl Louis 638 Rothenburger, William F. 523 Rothrock, John Lincoln 487 Rothschild, Louis Samuel 230 Rothschild, Melville Nelson 810 Rowe, Edna B. 1144 Rowe, Lewis William 976 Rubloff, Arthur 1109 Rudin, John 593 Rufi, John 881 Rufinia, Sister 469 Rummler, Eugene A. 306 Rumold, Christian Ferdinand 3' 591 Rumsey, Louys A. 146 Running, Theodore Rudolph 1013 Rupp, Robert 157 Rusk, Henry Perly 346 Russell, Buford B. 893 Russell, David Wesley 406 Russell, Horace 94 Russell, John Albert 371 Russell, Leona Marie 320 Russell, Lillis L. 630 Russell, Thomas Charles 1137 Russmann, Felix 775 Russo, Nunzio 629 Rust, Lucile Osborn 715 Rutherford, Cyrus Wilson 564 Ruthven, Alexander G (rant) 399 Rutledge, Wiley Blount 543 Ryan, Bessie 1146 Ryan, Very Rev. Msgr. Carl J. 349 274 Ryan, Clement D. 306 Ryan, Dennis J. 444 Ryan, Edwin Groves 386 Ryan, James Hugh 76 Ryan, Joseph Dennis 905 Ryerson, Edwin W. 45 Rygel, John 481 Ryle, Walter Harrington 318 Rynda, Joseph 76 680 Sabath, Adolph Joachim 513 Sabbagh, Elias M. 269 Sabin, Ellen Clara 245 Sackett, Samuel Jefferson 1110 Sadler, Herbert Charles 913 Sadony, Joseph 387 Sadowski, George G(regory) 502 Saeks, Abraham Benjamin 387 Safford, Virginia Wetherby 398 Sahyun, Melville 95 Sailor, Lewis John 76 Salit, Peter Waldemar 1013 Salla, Salvatore 75 Salomon, Irving 629 Salter, Lawrence Cecil 656 Salzman, Abraham L. 189 Sammis, John Langley 1110 Sample, John Dwight 1129 Sampson, Henry Ellis 682 Samuel, Mother Mary 652 Samuel, Owen S. 486 Sanborn, John B. 468 Sande, Ole Robert 270 Sandelius, Walter Edward 146 Sanderlin, Joseph Herman 183 Sanders, Walter Frederick 653 Sanderson, Susanne Muro 1046 Sandzen, Sven Birger 370 Sanford, William Silas 1111 Sapp, Arthur Henry 1035 Sapp, Fred Arthur Sardeson, Edna Mitchell 515 Sargent, Albert Marden 145 Sargent, Alfred* 531 Sargent, Amor Hartley 586 Sargent, Chester Frederick 645 Sargent, Ralph 521 890 Satterthwait, Alfred 752 706 Sauer, Henry Charles 683 654 Saul, Leon Joseph 340 320 Saunders, Carl Maxon 340 896 Saunders, Hubbard Prather 215 767 Savage, D. A.* 822 Savage, Feme Fleming 286 (Mrs. Edward James) 704 1127 Savage, Guy H(ulon), Jr. 643 1146 Savage, Joseph Patrick 590 844 Savit, Julius 271 721 Sawin, Ottis James 198 906 Sawyer, Charles Francis 1015 75 Sawyer, Ralph Alanson 484 350 Sawyier, Robert Lee 1039 1013 Sayre, Paul 1023 242 Scanlan, Chester J. 292 i 376 Scarney, Herman David 741 622 Scarseth, George Dewey 546 331 Schad, Clara 198 175 Schaddelee, Richard 1182 1146 Schaeffer, Charlotte C. L. 337 914 Schafer, Stanley Nicholas 521 586 Schaffner, Robert C. 372 134 Schanfeld, Joseph H. 183 473 Scharlemann, Ernst Karl 222 1120 Scharlemann, Martin 235 96 Schein, Ernest 233 622 Schenk, Hans 1068 648 Schepman, Henry Frederick 243 1111 Schermerhorn, W. I. 545 198 Scherwat, Wm. Christopher 1178 149 Schieber, Clara Eve 211 812 Schilplin, Maude Colgrove 210 690 Schindel, John Randolph 387 1014 Schipfer, Lloyd Albert 620 . 349 Schirrman, Harry Arthur 939 401 Schlatter, David Myron 1027 259 Schlenz, Harry Edward 189 634 Schlossberg, Victor E. 170 696 Schlotthauer, Carl Frank 40 1086 Schmidt, Erwin Rudolph 190 714 Schnack, Andrew Christian 866 75 Schnacke, Francis Dean 388 457 Schnering, Otto Young 521 992 Schnoor, Elmer Wellpott 939 Schoeppel, Andrew F. 702 722 Scholl, William M. 519 44 Schollenberger, M.G. 833 157 Scholz, Roy Philip 453 577 Schorer, Edwin Henry 346 330 Schott, George M. 616 438 Schrader, Fred Leon 134 687 Schrage, Jennie Thayer 286 236 Schramm, Wilbur 49 40 Schrammel, Henry E. 46 241 Schreckengost, Viktor 1027 576 Schreiber, Frederic 307 338 Schreiber, Norman B. 645 616 Schriever, William 465 69 Schriver, Lester Osborne 568 867 Schroeder, Mary Gritzner 686 567 Schroeder, Walter 761 158 Schrup, Charles Joseph 1011 215 Schrup, Joseph Henry 49 268 Schubring, Edward John B. 250 306 Schuchat, W. Louis 346 1014 Schuck, Evermont Henry 451 695 Schuette, Sybil Clara 262 681 Schulte, Lillian Louise B. 444 119 Schulte, Walter B. . 561 1137 Schulte, William Henry 152 433 Schultz, Louis W. 461 307 Schultz, William Fredrick A. 530 343 Schulz, John Adolph 264 484 Schulz, William Frederick 939 503 Schulze, Paul, Jr. 69 684 Schumacher, Bowen E. 1069 1014 Schumann, Clara Helm 971 747 Schunk, Arthur John 120 Schunk, Russell Jacob 1012 1087 Schupp, Robert William 372 522 Schuyler, Daniel J., Jr. 1147 Schwab, John George Schwabe, George Blaine Schwander, Jacob John Schwartz, Charles K. Schwartz, John P. Schwartz, Samuel Schwartz, Ulysses S. Schwartz, Virgil Joseph Schwartz, William Samuel Schweitzer, Arthur Richard Schweitzer, Edmund Oscar Schwer, Wilbert George Schwerin, Charles L. Schye, Mildred Ruth Seism, Don Scofield, Charles Josiah Scolnik, Avern Boris Scott, Chester Curtis Scott, George Alexander H. Scott, George Clytus Scott, Kenneth Loyal Scott, Rose Moss Scott, V(irgil) Brown Scott, William Edouard Scripps, William Edmund Scrivner, Willard Calvin Scroggs, Schiller Scull, Ralph Horace Scully, Francis Joseph Scully, Richard Edward Seachrest, Effle Seaman, Wyllys A. Searcy, Anna Mickey Searles, John N. Searls, Edward Marlborough Seasholes, Charles Lyon Seashore, Carl Emil Seaton, John Lawrence Seaver, Jay John Seaverns, George Alfred, Jr. Seeber, Rex Robert Seeger, Stanley Joseph Seely, Charles S. Seese, Edward Rohn Segur, Asa Bertrand Seiler, Paul Waldo Sellman, Henry G. Sempliner, Abram William Sengstacke, John Herman H. Seniff, Russell Wade Senteff, Louis H. Senter, Herbert Almon Sepeshy, Zoltan L. Sered, Harry Seubert, Edward George Severns, Roger La Fayette Sexton, Sherman J. Seyfried, Lloyd Alvin Seymour, Gideon (Deming) Seymour, Otto C. Shad, Clara* Shadid, Michael Abraham Shadmyer, Emma J.* Shafer, Claude Shafer, Harvey Arsdale Shafer, P. Frederick Shafer, Paul W. Shanafield, Harold Arthur Shane, Norman A. Shannon, John Raymond Sharp, Elwood Armstrong Sharpe, Dores R. Shartel, Stratton Shastid, Thomas Hall Shaver, Charles William Shaw, Alfred Phillips Shaw, Eva Epstein Shaw, Walter Adam Shaw, Wilfred Byron Sheard, Charles Sheatsley, Jacob Shedd, Howard Orton Sheehan, Bess May Sheffield, Vernon Russell 1106 Shcil, Bernard J lames) 698 Sheinin, John Jacobi 571 Sheldrick, Merle Wagner 1158 Shelly, E. Adah 370 Shepard, George Milson 1107 Shepard, Harriett Elma 653 Shepherd, Arthur 855 Sheppard, John Russell 1036 Sheridan, Bernard Long 104 Sheridan, Lawrence Vinnedge 963 134 Sheridan, Leo J. 848 Sherman, Bessie Williams 522 Sherman, George W. 297 Sherman, Philip Stone 371 Sherman, William* 299 Sherry, William J. 799 Sherwood, Lyman Wetmore 653 Sherwood, Reginald Carter 630 Shick, Frederick Eshelman 291 Shields, Edmund C. 793 Shields, Frank Brown 1107 Shillinglaw, David Lee 1181 Shimer, Earl L. 572 Shinner, Ernest G. 390 Shipstead, Henrik 1015 Shircliffe, Arnold 843 Shoemaker, Harold Adam 582 Shoop, Charles Franklin 197 Shores, Earl M. 205 Short, Dewey 967 Short, Lloyd M. 84 Shove, Raymond Howard 77 Showalter, Clarence Ernest 189 Shryock, Burnett Henry 720 Shulman, Bernard 101 Shuman, Albert Clayton 370 Shumate, Ella Alice 1140 Shurson, Henry O. 499 Sidener, Herman Suker 1149 Sidler, Hobart McKinley 278 Siebel, August F. W. 1007 Siegel, G. Reginald 713 Siegers, Peter John 1048 Siems, Allan Gleason 1178 Sierocinski, John Aloysius 530 Silsby, Don Harry 978 Silver, Harold 197 Simenstad, Lien Otis 916 Simmons, Alfred* 635 Simmons, Elizabeth Margret 255 Simon, Arthur Charles 827 Simon, Lester 244 Simonds, William Adams 1037 Simons, Corinne Miller 1173 Simons, Charles Caspar 859 Simons, Edwin J. 802 Simpson, Laurens Luther 635 Sims, Frank Smith 40 Singletary, Charles Emory 428 Sites, Henry Wise Sittler, Edwin Conrad 158 Sivertsen, Ivar Skiles, Charles McClellan 376 Skinner, Georgia 866 Sladkey, Jerome J. 1179 Slane, Carl Powell 709 Slater, Russell C. 637 Slaughter, Gertrude E. Taylor 394 714 Slaughter, Roger Caldwell 271 Slavik, Henry George 1141 Slazinski, Walter Alojsius 1180 Sleneau, Katharyne Griffith 966 Slezak, Edward John 883 Slezak, John 972 Sloan, Charles H. 1083 Sloan, Harry 850 Slobe, Thelma* 976 Slocum, George Mertz 552 Slosson, Preston William 307 Sluss, John William 35 Smail, Edwin Joseph 215 Small, Benjamin F. 177 Smart, Jackson Wyman 1127 Smay, Joseph Edgar 730 Smeaton, William Gabb 453 245 Smellie, Donald Gavin 33 530 Smietanka, Julius F. 232 84 Smiley, Ernest H. 838 1122 Smillie, Alexander Baxter 638 345 Smith, Albert 639 517 Smith, A (If red) Paul 639 530 Smith, Allan Alexander 554 1123 Smith, Bryce Byram 1006 • 963 Smith, Carl* 877 Smith, Charles Adelbert 122 197 Smith, Charles Herbert 394 1175 Smith, Chester C. 761 35 Smith, Clifford Eben 135 Smith, Clyde 242 267 Smith, Cushing 403 215 Smith, Dwight Leod 844 444 Smith, Elizabeth Potter 47 386 Smith, Elsdon C(oles) 623 331 Smith, Ernest Clarence 703 723 Smith, Estelle Tomlinson* 1147 Smith, Ferris 1017 963 Smith, Francis Marion 45 648 Smith, Frank Leslie* 700 Smith, Fred Webster 121 640 Smith, Frederick C. 748 1125 Smith, George 1069 1123 Smith, George E. 981 967 Smith, Hal H. 1096 700 Smith, Harold A. 311 223 Smith, Harry Pratt 967 1025 Smith, Helen Stark 183 108 Smith, Henman B. 241 1082 Smith, Henry Lester 703 630 Smith, Hughes Blake 620 702 Smith, James Elmo 421 1142 Smith, James Harold 838 283 Smith, James MacKinnon 570 848 Smith, Jay Dickey 1096 679 Smith, Leathern Daley 521 988 Smith, Lemuel David 882 120 Smith, (Caleb) Lothrop 227 158 Smith, Louis Daniel 624 261 Smith, Margret Yelland 785 632 Smith, Mary Virginia Miller 891 481 Smith, Nile C. 616 84 Smith, Otto M. 229 158 Smith, Parke Gillespie 695 Smith, Paul 1031 541 Smith, Ray DeVere 69 551 Smith, Ray Williams 683 1069 Smith, Robert Leo 616 296 Smith, Roger Cletus 846 252 Smith, Roy Edward 1082 719 Smith, S. Maxwell 878 1122 Smith, Vincent A. 1128 648 Smith, Vivian Thomas 50 591 Smith, William C. 56 1069 Smith, William Ernest 221 232 Smith, William Jones 581 649 Smith, William M. P. 851 484 Smull, Cora Kemp 175 118 Snideman, Richard L. 796 1174 Snively, Samuel Frisby 849 415 Snodgrass, Thomas Jos. II 1184 535 Snook, Ward H. 183 638 Snow, Lucille Hammel 135 r 394 Snyder, Erwin Paul 395 722 Snyder, Franklyn Bliss 735 1069 Snyder, Fred B. 972 703 Snyder, Gerald Curlee 628 703 Snyder, Harold Vesey 564 687 Snyder, Henry Burgess 354 862 Snyder, John Wesley 721 638 Snyder, Marshall L. 865 214 Snyder, W(erner) Thadeus 204 Soans, Cyril Arthur 214 505 Soderlind, Nona Bymark 113 1183 Sohlberg, A. Theodore 343 149 Sohn, Frank 1096 1146 Sokol, John A. 1097 350 Solberg, Marshall 1015 1163 Solomon, Irving J. 1147 1137 Somervell, Howard 616 Somsen, Henry Northrop 1131 Sorber, Flora Adelaide 1097 So reng, Edgar Martin 1139 Sorensen, Charles E. 1097 Sorensen, Christian Abraham 486 Sorling, Carl Axel Sorrell, Lewis Carlyle Sossong, Andrew Charles Souers, Loren Edmunds Souers, Sidney W(illiam) Southard, Harry G. Southern, Allen Carriger Sowder, Charles Robert Sowers, Kathryn Thelma Sowers, Mary Alice Sowin, Edward William Spachner, Beatrice Teller Spachner, Jack Victor Spann, Hal Augustus Sparberg, George L. Sparks, Will M (orris) Sparks, William Ira Sparling, Edward J. Spatta, George Spatuzza, George John Spaulding, Forrest B. Spector, Hyman I. Speed, Kellogg Spence, T. H., Jr.* Spencer, Charles Carl Spencer, Frank Edwin Spencer, Herbert* Spencer, Richard Marshall Spencer, William Gear Spengler, Warren D. Spiegel, Modie Joseph, Jr. Spiesman, Manuel G. Spieth, Lawrence Caleb Spitz, George Spoerri, James Fuller Sprague, Albert Arnold Sprau, William Christ Spray, Charles Cranston Springer, Clement Francis Springer, George Perrcy Springer, Raymond Smiley Sprowl, James Allen Sprowls, George Milton Spuller, Lawrence William Stace, Arthur William Stacey, Dorothy Layman Stacey, Lynn Nelson Stacy, George Herbert Stair, Carlyle Baer Stakman, Elvin Charles 1069 81 554 231 1017 183 679 494 667 553 211 1087 919 651 240 720 563 109 335 943 246 148 144 1038 422 388 449 81 846 566 214 1148 84 322 636 361 740 585 827 916 1003 50 54 907 642 305 Stakman, Estelle Louise Jensen* Staley, William Converse Stallman, Evelyn Williams Stamm, Frederick Keller Stanisia, Sister Mary Stanley ; Claude Maxwell, Jr. Stansbury, Leslie Stansell, Robert Basil Staples, Thomas Starling Starkey, William Carleton Starr, Floyd Starr, Raynor Franklin Starret, Howard Andrew Staten, Hi Williamson Staud, Rudolf William Stauff er, Ezra Eugene Staunton, Henry Capen F. Stearns, Gustav Stecher, Joseph Day Stecher, Robert Morgan Steck, Alden Lawrence Steczynski, Myron Edward Steed, Mrs. James G. Steele, Otto Scott Steele, Westbrook Stefan, Karl* Steffen, Roy John Stegner, Clifford M. Stein, Hilda Anna 1079 1097 500 1082 871 859 1008 481 166 332 991 942 144 570 704 159 284 175 214 406 596 1071 166 838 1097 571 Stein, Sydney, Jr. Steinbach, Leslie Irving Steinbach, Orma Weber Steinberg, George Solomon Steinberg, Nathaniel Philip Steindel, Max Steiner, Loren Franklin Steiner, Oscar H. Steiner, Thomas Edward Stempel, Guido Hermann Stepan, Alfred C, Jr. Stephens, Thos. Calderwood Stephenson, Joseph Maxwell Sterba, Gertrude Kosmoski Stern, David Becker Stern, Sigmund Sternberg, Walter Albert Stevens, George Theodore Stevens, Harry L. Stevens, Walter Judson Stevens, William Chase Stevenson, Brenton Wallace Stevenson, Walter Davis Stevenson, Walter Norman Stewart, Donald Leonidas Stewart, Edward Lovelle Stewart, George Walter Stewart, Gladys Berger Stewart, Janet Crouse Stewart, Lillian Victoria Stewart, Paul Stewart, Shirley Stewart, William Scott Stewart, Zella White Stibgen, Geary Vance Stiegelmeier, Walter H. Stier, Herman Joseph Stiles, Aaron Kay Stillson, William Charles Stimson, Horace Pottie Stinchfield, Frederick H. Stinson, Karl Willson Stitskin, Leon Stitt, LeMoine D. Stocking, Charles Howard Stoddard, Albert Dow Stoehr, Oscar Stoetzel, Ralph Edward Stoffels, Oscar A. Stoker, Dee Antoine Stone, Ferris Dickerman Stone, Fred Denton Stone, Goldie T. Stone, Howard H. Stone, Kimbrough Stone, Wilfred Schafer Stoner, Herbert Hubbard Stops, Harry Day Stormont, Daniel Lytle Stose, Harold F. Stout, Frederick Eugene Stover, Urban C. Stowe, Marion Franklin Stowell, Maude Swits Straehley, Erwin O. Strain, Russell Leon Straith, Claire LeRoy Stratton, William Timothy Straub, Lorenz George Straus, Martin L., II Strauss, Alfred A. Straw, Darien Austin Strawn, Estil Young Streeter, Floyd Benjamin Streicher, Michael Henry Streichert, Eric John Streissguth, Thomas Otto Streyckmans, Felix Joseph Strickland, Charles Edwin Stritch, Samuel Alphonsus Strohl, Everett Lee Strom, George A. Stromberg, Austin William Strong, George Franklin 620 Strong, Leon Henri 779 182 Strosacker, Charles J. 1139 236 Strouse, Dorothy Irene 1101 182 Stroy, Herbert E. 197 81 Struckmann, George William 69 148 Struckmann, William Franz 1001 796 Stuart, Allison E. 1101 766 Stuart, Beulah McWane 681 561 Stuart, Helen Cheney K. 106 1018 Stuart, Luke 667 214 Studer, Adolph Gustav 483 474 Studt, Charles Wotring 124 236 Stuntz, Ross Maxwell 890 290 Sturrock, Walter 384 582 Suhr, Lewis Delmar 148 641 Sullivan, Charles Lee, Jr. 214 1130 Sullivan, John Berchmans 744 517 Sullivan, John Joseph 197 305 Summers, Cleon Aubrey 158 568 Summers, John Howell 33 46 Sumner, Florence G. 837 163 Sumner, Jessie 991 781 Sunday, Helen Amelia 1181 255 Sundheim, Anders M. 415 407 Sundheim, George Melchoir 249 167 Sundine, August 908 54 Sundness, Odin Alfred 836 1128 Surratt, Andrew John 599 45 Suter, Max 1102 831 Sutherland, David Lee 536 688 Sutton, Arle Herbert 1168 840 Sutton, Richard Lightburn 345 867 Suydam, Vernon Andrew 253 48 Svoboda, John F. 190 113 Swaim, John E. 75 1015 Swan, Mary Hannah 298 677 Swanson, David I. 136 275 Swanson, Hjalmar G. ' 599 549 Swanson, Roy Edwin 1121 983 Swanson, William Walfred 75 1010 Swarthout, Donald Malcolm 46 33 Swartzbaugh, Charles Edw. 839 388 Swats, Robert Lee 884 318 Swayne, Albert William 1156 223 Swenson, Birger 1080 1138 Sweres, Mary Agnes White 963 1101 Swezey, William W. 782 241 Swickard, Clinton Daniel 850 148 Swift, Charles Henry 734 238 Sykes, Aubrey Luse 1162 1181 Symes, James Miller 434 80 Symes, Russell William 299 259 Symonds, Ernest William 213 76 Symonds, Merrill Eugene 685 698 Symonds, Nathaniel Gardner 962 569 Symons, Arthur Henley 287 1153 1101 Taaffe, Florence Irene 1142 692 Taber, David Fairman 75 62 Taf t, Edgar Wendell 1013 565 Taf t, Hulbert 172 149 Taf t, Robert Alphonso 163 844 Taggart, Joseph H. 1128 575 Taggett, Vernon Newton 83 549 Tainter, Frank Joseph 178 567 Tait, Edgar Wendell* 299 Talbert, Thomas Jesse 61 587 Talbot, Fannie Sprague 402 1007 Talbot, Marion 391 839 Talbot, Nora Amaryllis 341 259 Talbot, Richard Colgate, Jr. 245 1082 Talbot, Sophia Davis 978 182 Talbott, Hudson 1128 307 Talle, Henry O(scar) 756 796 Talley, Dora Alexander 1130 521 Tallman, Percy L. 685 973 Tandy, Sara Ellen 1131 666 Tappan, Anna Helen 162 563 Tarbell, Harlan Eugene 620 723 Tarr, Adele Jordan Miller 620 332 Tarrant, Berrien 599 519 Tasher, Lucy Lucile 146 667 Tatgenhorst, Charles 432 1070 Taub, Samuel James 814 Taubeneck, George Francis 1015 Tauber, Elmore Bernard 1102 Taussig, Frederick J. 415 Tawney, Guy Alan 389 Tawney, Marietta Busey 839 Taylor, Alonzo Englebert 1013 Taylor, Aravilla Meek 256 Taylor, Britton Payne 1120 Taylor, Charles* Taylor, Edward Harrison 1008 Taylor, Estes P. 1016 Taylor, Genevieve 239 Taylor, George Frederick 784 Taylor, Howard Prescott 159 Taylor, Wilbur L. 421 Taylor, William David, Jr. 759 Teeter, Thomas Anderson H. 1009 Teetor, Paul 273 Teich, Frederick C. 880 Teller, Morris 136 Teninga, Cornelius 666 Tenkacs, John 385 Test, Frederick Cleveland 1087 Testwuide, Edith Held 548 Teuscher, George William 1068 Thacher, George I. 1120 Thacker, Florence K. 288 Theilen, Myrtelle Goodwin 840 Thieme, Theodore F. 1005 Thill, Frank Augustine 1070 Thoene, Christine Augusta 220 Tholen, Herman J. 243 Thorn, William Richard 707 Thomas, Augusta Eleanor 1102 Thomas, Avis Harriett 300 Thomas, Benjamin Piatt 888 Thomas, Charles Fillius 74 Thomas, Earle Hartley 316 Thomas, Elmer 692 Thomas, Henry Bascom 490 Thomas, John T. 197 Thomas, Martha Fleeta 758 Thomas, Maurice Miles 37 Thomas, Ralph* Thomas, Robert Gordon 523 Thomas, Seth 691 Thomasson, Arnold Lee 635 Thompson, Carl Dean 417 Thompson, Charles N. 884 Thompson, Clara Ann 172 Thompson, Cyril Clowes 1016 Thompson, David Orrin 1047 Thompson, Edward Archibald 403 Thompson, Edward Theodore 963 Thompson, Frank* Thompson, Harry Frank 873 Thompson, Hayward Stone 899 Thompson, James Arthur 69 Thompson, James Cotton 565 Thompson, J (ohan) Jorgen 300 Thompson, Dr. Joseph John 909 Thompson, Lee Bennett 713 Thompson, Paul Jennings 455 Thompson, Paul W. 308 Thompson, Richard Ryan 48 Thompson, Robert Elmo 533 Thompson, Thomas Barney 430 Thompson, Willard Owen 789 Thomsen, Arthur Christian 968 Thomson, Adam Gentles 593 Thomson, J (ohn) Cameron 209 Thomson, Mehran K., Sr. 897 Thomson, Metellus, Jr. 574 Thorek, Max 106 Thornton, Jesse Earl 300 Thornton, R. S. 159 Thorsness, Lionel George 1037 Throckmorton, Edgerton A. 887 Throckmorton, Jeannette 55 Thurber, Alice Hagerman 950 Thuringer, Joseph Mario 415 Thurston, Ernest B. 172 Thve, Edward John 697 Tiebout, Charles Ralph 166 Tiffany, (Lewis) Hanford 1049 Tilden, Merrill William 669 Timmons, Benjamin Finley 771 Tindall, Glenn Means 892 Tingley, Egbert Moore 213 Tinley, Mathew Adrian 591 Tirey, Ralph Noble 697 Tissue, Kathryn Anne 92 Titus, Harold H. 241 Tobin, Daniel J. 488 Todd, Charles Stewart 738 Todd, Jessie* Todd, John Odell 570 Todd, Joseph Clinton 168 Toler, Grace Cabot Blood 321 Tolonen, Emil O. 1102 Toman, Andrew John 922 Toman, John 70 Tomhave, William Henry 1172 Tomlinson, Charles Weldon 713 Toops, Herbert Anderson 1009 Topliff, Samuel 1157 Topping, James 273 Torbet, Albert William 637 Toulouse, Julian Harrison 551 Tourek, James Jacob 148 Towne, George Lewis 1047 Townsend, Joseph Winter 1067 Townsend, Willard Saxby 756 Toye, Earle William 151 Tracy, Frank W. 922 Trader, Georgia D. 1099 Trainor, Mae Minita Westcott 922 Trapp, Martin Edwin 499 Trattner, Harry Robert 177 Traut, Eugene Fagan 71 Trax, David Lewis 56 Traxler, Dean Lake 136 Treadwell, George Ludington 786 Tree, Russell Miller 331 Treloar, Alan Edward 1121 Tremain, Eloise Ruthven 1164 Treshansky, Dorothy Foster 1177 Tressell, Harry S. 412 Trimble, James W. 817 Trindl, Joseph H. 992 Trobaugh, Frank Elmer 621 Trost, John Francis 922 Trovillion, Hal Weeden 866 Trowbridge, Lydia Jones 135 Troxell, Edwin Eldie 574 Troy, Adrian 1183 Truitt, Bess 418 Truman, Bess Wallace (Mrs. Harry S. Truman) 691 Truman, Harry S. 695 Trump, Doren Eugene 860 Truog, Emil 455 Trusler, Harold Milton 1114 Trussell, John Carey 568 Tuchbreiter, Roy 567 Tucker, Frank C. 415 Tucker, Harold Herbert 266 Tucker, Mrs. H. H.* Tucker,William Pierce 839 Tuerk, Frederick R. 1016 Tufte, Engebret T. 519 Tulloss, Rees Edgar 738 Tunks, Walter Fuller 33 Tuohy, William Joseph 649 Tupper, Charles Benson 1067 Turley, Louis Alvin 147 Turnbull, George Clarence 1068 Turner, James 1070 Turner, Robert Graham 1114 Turner, Tracy Lay, Jr. 900 Turnock, Lawrence Charles 385 Twente, Asa DeWitt 845 Twyman, Elmer F. 74 Tyler, Albert Franklin 531 Uhrbrock, Richard Stephen 1048 Uihlein, Erwin Charles 147 Ullmann, Herbert Satterlee 1165 Ulrich, Ethel M. 124 Umberger, Robert Bruner 280 Umfleet, Kenneth Reynolds* Unthank, Alice Gertrude 225 Upton, Louis Cassius 520 Uretz, Daniel Albert 1001 Urey, Harold Clayton 688 Uriell, Francis Harold 244 Urse, Vladimir George 300 Utpatel, Frank Albert 105 Vail, Malcolm D. 331 Vale, Clair Fremont 507 Valentine, Elma Powell 1114 Vallancourt, Grace Shuster 302 Van Antwerp, Eugene I. 431 Van Auken, Claude L. 74 Van Camp, Owen Victor 867 Vance, Harold Sines 741 Vandenberg, Arthur Hendrick 742 Vanderpool, James Grote 987 Van der Vries, Bernice Taber 909 Vandeveer, Fred L. 950 Van Epps, Clarence 490 Van Natta, Vail Allen 845 Vannest, Charles Garrett 1170 Van Orman, F. Harold 225 VanTassel, Clyde DeWitt 281 Van Zile, Mary Pierce 405 Vawter, Mary Howey Murray 44 Veatch, Nathan Thomas 487 Veeder, Henry 445 Verbrugghen, Adrien 302 Verson, David C. 118 Victor, Joseph B. 416 Vien, Alex S., Jr. 1152 Viesselman, Percival William 483 Vincent, Jesse Gurney 1018 Vitullo, John Caesar 178 Vitzthum, Karl Martin 1115 Vlk, Jerome J. 549 Voevodsky, George 622 Vogel, Karl Eugen 827 Vogel, Valentine 355 Vogelgesang, Carl Edgar 1016 Voigt, Edwin Edgar 433 Voigt, John Frederick 1165 Voita, Eugene 950 Vollintine, James Louis 551 Vollmar, Joseph Edward 1122 von Gontard, Adalbert 647 Voorhies, Paul Warren 431 Vorys, John Martin 1047 Vose, Frederic Perry 480 Votava, Joseph Thomas 486 Wade, Franklin Alton 33 Wade, George Garretson 1173 Wade, Thomas G. 1115 Wadsworth, Charles 463 Waggener, Roy Alfred 283 Waggoner, Madeline Sadler 908 Wagner, Elmer C. L. 443 Wagner, Irvin James 632 Wagner, James A. 159 Wagner, Percy Evan 561 Waite, Roy E. 69 Wakeley, Arthur Weeks 1165 Walde, Arthur William 397 Waldron, Carl William 1010 Walker, Claude A. 908 Walker, Edson O. 74 Walker, Edward A. 563 Walker, Frederick Wiley 159 Walker, Harold Leroy 752 Walker, J. W.* Walker, Lewis M. 1050 Walker, Louise 900 Walker, Roger V. 405 Wall, Edward Everett 1123 Wallace, Silas Willard 1115 Wallace, Thomas Oliver 1115 Wallace, Warrack 45 Wallace, William A. Walle, Michael Paul Joseph Walrath, Florence Dahl Walsh, Edward Nicholas Walsh, John Klaerr Walsh, Mark A. Walter, Otto Fasoldt Walters, Orville S. Walters, Raymond Walther, John Theodore Wantz, Ray Wanzer, Sidney, III Ward, Clarence Ward, Harold B. Ward, John William George Ward, Merle Scott Ward, Philip Henry Ward, William Bullock Warner, Addison Wheelock Warner, Emory Dean Warner, Frank Warner, Milo Joseph Warner, Rawleigh Warren, Theodore Edward Warren, William Kelly Warrick, Louis Frederick Warrick, Walter Dempsey Wascher, Herman L. Washburne, Annette Clark Washburne, George Adrian Wasielewski, Thaddeus F. Waterman, Cameron Beach Waters, Rex Watkins, Charles Hamilton Watson, Charles H. Watson, Cornelius B. Watson, James Smith Watson, John H., Jr. Watson, Martin Wallace Watterson, Walter Hobart Watts, Amos H. Watts, Cecil EdwiD Waugh, William Francis Waynne, Joseph X. Weatherly, Everett Pine Weaver, Harmon Jacob Weaver, Henry Grady Webb, John L. Webb, Joseph Lewis Webb, Leslie Richard Webbe, Richard S. Webber, Charles Christopher Webber, Charles Maddra Weber, Otto George Weber, Mrs. Pearl L. Webster, Augusta Wecker, Walter A. Weckler, Herman L. Wee, Mary Elizabeth Nelson Weese, Harry Ernest Wehmeier, Hugo A. Weideman, Carl May Weidman, Evan Sylvester Weigel, John C. Weiger, Joseph A. Weil, Harry Yates Weiler, Vernon S. Weiller, Rene Weimer, Claud R. Weinberg, Joseph L. Weinstein, Marion Liebschutz 839 Weinstein, Morris L. Weir, Benjamin Weir, Paul Weisbrod, Benjamin Harry Weisbrod, Maxfleld Weisfeld, Israel Harold Weisman, Samuel A. Weiss, Charles R. Weiss, Emil Weissenborn, Leo Julius Welch, L. C. Welch, Ross Strickler Welch, Roy See 233 Welch, Thomas J. 144 Wildman, Clyde Everett 1002 1123 Weldele, Albert Roy 1163 Wilds, John Law 284 284 Weiler, Charles F(rederick) 319 Wileden, Arthur F. 824 392 Welles, Edward Kenneth 551 Wilensky, Michael 1082 434 Wells, Agnes Ermina 774 Wiles, Isaac Ray Little 626 1095 Wells, Herman B. 1001 Wiley, Alexander 708 160 Wells, Rolla •398 Wilhelmi, Paula 92 1124 Wells, Sidney D. 160 Wilke, Otto John 1070 809 Weltmer, Tracy Carleton 1067 Wilkerson, James H. 454 1115 Wemp, Ernest Edgar 302 Wilkie, Leighton A. 860 455 Wendelin, Andrew, Jr. 1081 Wilkins, Ernest Hatch 708 916 Wendell, Barrett 212 Wilkins, Estella Harmel 644 849 Wendt, Robert Henry 910 Wilkins, George Thomas 647 302 Wenger, Christian N. 1116 Wilkinson, Arthur Paul 948 287 Wenner, Henry Lee 639 Wilkinson, George Laurence 259 83 Wenner, William Ervin 170 Wilkinson, Michael Robert 160 448 Wentworth, Edward Norris 394 Willard, Arthur Cutts 726 908 Wentz, Louis Haines Willard, Julius Terrass 303 178 (Lew Wentz) 490 Willard, Theodore Arthur 385 54 Wentz, Peter Leland 991 Williams, Alfred Clenard 328 1116 Werner, Anthony Matthias 525 Williams, B. Y. 433 Werth, Sister Magna 246 (Mrs. Karl H.) 386 213 Wertheim, Edgar 94 Williams, Elmer Lynn 253 188 Wertheimer, Miriam Ehrlich 803 Williams, George Thomas 351 715 Werum, Florence Ralston 1117 Williams, Helen Evelyn 626 1116 Wesley, Charles Harris 517 Williams, J. Lester 681 997 West, Clarence Jay 330 Williams, Robert Lee 507 396 West, Clyde McKinley 647 Williams, Rowland L. 726 1083 West, Lawrence J. 910 Williams, Roy Hughes 1031 488 Westbrooks, Richard E. 234 Williams, Sara Lockwood 1036 976 Westenberger, Edward Joseph 258 Williams, Thomas Frederick 336 260 Westfall, Pearl Dutchess 442 Williams, Whiting 504 1116 Westland, Edward Walter 454 Williamson, Marshall Phifer 654 464 Weston, Max Anscomb 622 Williamson, Thomas 313 550 Wettling, L. Eugene 74 Williamson, William W, 943 1153 Wettstein, Thomas Forrester • 201 Willien, Leon John 906 1142 Weyer, Frank Elmer 85 Willis, Raymond Eugene 731 561 Weyerhaeuser, Frederick E. 488 Willis, Thomas Hite 211 1083 Wham, Benjamin 744 Willits, Scott Allison 1084 647 Wheat, James H. 1182 Willits, Ward Winfield 1067 651 Wheeler, Frank Eugene 917 Willius, Frederick Arthur 95 716 Wheeler, Homer Henderson 965 Willoughby, Harold Rideout 454 1050 Wheeler, Walter Hall 506 Wilm, Netta Vane 417 917 Whelan, Harry G. 1127 Wilson, Charles Erwin 741 351 Wherry, Kenneth S. 1046 Wilson, Charles McCormick 749 350 Whetstone, Lambert Frye 405 Wilson, Clara Owsley 312 421 Whitaker, F. Edythe Horney 947 Wilson, Edward Harlan 87 160 White, Ambrosia Chuse 146 Wilson, George Allison 705 908 White, Claire Terrill 453 Wilson, Ira J. 311 205 White, Cleveland J. 864 Wilson, James E. 520 1071 White, Edward Sidney 917 Wilson, Leonard Seltzer 1124 329 White, Hall Brewer 268 Wilson, Lillian May 161 644 White, John Culbertson 850 Wilson, Morris Karl 680 144 White, John Turner 48 Wilson, Murray Alderson 1085 1083 White, Kenneth Sidney 1142 Wilson, Russell Fletcher 948 593 White, Lee A. 745 Wilson, Samuel Bailey 507 74 White, Oliver Wilson 969 Wilson, Thomas Bayne 694 505 White, Paul Amos 1072 Wilson, Thomas Edward 696 110 White, Robert Culin 507 Wilson, Walter Lewis 352 68 White, Sanford Brownell 280 Wilson, Wesley 554 893 White, Thomas Justin 433 Wilson, William 630 501 Whitehill, Chester C. 682 Wimberly, Lowry Charles 506 974 Whiteside, Roy Allen 777 Wimbish, Christopher C. 914 524 Whiting, Albert Lemuel 400 Wimmer, Robert Norris 965 375 Whiting, Frank Brockway 562 Windsor, Henry Haven, Jr. 518 1116 Whiting, Lawrence Harley 449 Wing, Orion N. 224 698 Whitman, John Harris A. 471 Wingerd, Christian Russell 323 1116 Whitmore, Frank Hayden 383 Wingfield, Marshall 1089 512 Whitnell, William Walter 917 Winkler, Theo. 161 716 Whitney, Emerson Calhoun 757 Winslow, Robert Napier 906 5 839 Whitney, William Channing 892 Winter, Lumen Martin 948 74 Whittaker, Alfred Heacock 309 Winter, Thomas Daniel 692 909 Whitten, Jennie Alma 277 Winter, Wallace Charles 914 652 Whittier, Charles Comfort 432 Winterbotham, Joseph 905 1084 Whitty, Elmer Joseph 114 Winterkorn, Hans Friedrich 1139 302 Whyte, Malcolm K. 815 Winters, Carl S. 636 910 Wickens, Hugh D. 221 Wintgens, Henry G. 522 1177 Wicker, Ireene 1033 Wirick, Harriet Proctor 1126 44 Widdifield, James Gillespie 970 Wirt, Mildred Augustine 81 454 Wieland, John Adam 1009 Wirth, Elmer Hauser 479 448 Wilcox, Earl 73 Wirth, Louis 487 646 Wilcox, Edgar Boone 1127 Wishard, Wm. Niles, Jr. 398 639 Wild, Charles W. 533 Witmer, Samuel Wenger 850 717 Wilde, Carl John 835 Witsell, William Postell 280 Wittc, Dexter H. 338 Witzel, Earl Rodee 479 Witzemann, Edgar John 643 Woermann, Frederick C. 1126 Wolcott, Jesse Paine 722 Wolcott, Winifred 948 Woldenberg, Maximilian 277 Woldman, Albert Alexander 523 Wolf, Paul Jacob 638 Wolf, Sidney J. 681 Wolf, Walter Bertram 131 Wolfe, Edward 905 Wolff, Frederick Laurence 53 Wood, Erwin Elmer 791 Wood, N. Ruth 531 Wood, Pierpont Jonathan E. 479 Wood, Robert E. 725 Wood, Stella Louise 320 Wood, Wilbur Stuart 1165 Wood, Willard Leo 682 Woodard, Oliver Wendell 943 Woodrough, Joseph William 725 Woodruff, George 213 Woodruff, Jacob Lyon 917 Woodruff, Maxine 241 Woodruff, Robert Eastman 1003 Woodruff, Roy Orchard 781 Woods, Andrew Alfred 163 Woods, Andrew Henry 261 Woods, Charles Hiram 343 Woods, Lebbeus 262 Woods, Ralph Hueston 77 Woods, Weightstill 237 Woodson, William Thomas 905 Woodward, Arthur H. 479 Woofter, Margaret Louise E. 1133 Woollen, Herbert M. 169 Woolson, Harry Thurber 562 Wooster, Lyman Dwight 855 Wrangcll, Ludvig 1085 Wray, Edward 590 Wray, James Glendenning 1166 Wrenn, C. Gilbert 126 Wright, Alma Louise Kelly 393 Wright, Andrew Hamilton 318 Wright, Burrell 169 Wright, Charles, Jr. 400 Wright, Charles E. 285 Wright, Charles P. 563 Wright, Edward* Wright, Helen Elizabeth 100 Wright, John Homing* Wright, John Shepard 344 Wright, Joseph Alexander 210 Wright, Luella M. 857 Wright, Purd B. 1125 Wright, Richard Robert, Jr. 873 Wright, Sewall 487 Wright, Theron 905 Wright, Walter 992 Wright, Wendell William 754 Wright, William Ryer 747 Wright, Zoe 1184 Wulling, Frederick John 1085 Wunder, Clinton 995 Wurtzbaugh, Jewel 445 Wyatt, Edith Franklin 1166 Wylie, Clarence Ray, Sr. 1085 Wyrick, Herbert McNultie 463 Xelowski, Thaddeus Zigmund 77 Yater, Clyde Ralph 764 Yates, David Miller 128 Yeager, R. G. 540 Yeatter, Ralph Emerson 908 Yntema, Theodore Otte 525 Yochim, Maurice 76 Yocum, Cyrus McNeely 352 Yondorf, Milton Simon 311 Young, Benjamin E. 540 Young, Dorothy O. (Mrs. Jack J. Sophir) 1124 Young, Francis Charles 643 Young, Frank Herman 277 Young, Fred Matthew 827 Young, Howard Isaac 1086 Young, James Byron 351 Young, Thomas Fraser 750 Youngberg, Arthur Carl 1171 Younge, Jacob 1049 Zabel, Hartie Emil 948 Zabel, Max William 213 Zahorsky, John 462 Zander, Arnold S. 835 Zant, James Howard 37 Zapffe, Carl 40 Zara, Louis 729 Zavertnik, John Joseph 1166 Zavertnik, Richard Joseph 631 Zeigen, Frederick H. 949 Zeleny, Anthony 393 Zelezny, John G. 1068 Zetterberg, Arvid P. 788 Ziarko, Albert Allosious, Jr. 844 Ziegenhagen, Marie 290 Ziegler, Bernhard Carl 561 Ziegler, Newell Richard 1086 Zielonka, Samuel 177 Zieman, Stephen Aloysius 686 Ziemer, Gregor 984 Zimmerman, P. B. 1080 Zimmerman, Willard Paul 579 Zink, Harold 1086 Zoller, Harper Filer 1117 Zork, David 590 Zvetina, John Adam 894 CONTENTS Preface 1 Index to the Pagination of Biographees' Sketches 7 Table of Abbreviations 30 Biographies 3 5 TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS Observant users of this wor\, on referring to the table below in the course of utilizing biographies in the compilation, will doubtless hat noted with appreciation that the inner columns of pages either followed or preceded by a considerable portion of the book's buIJj. are unusuaJll convenient to consult. This is because exceptionally wide inner margins have been provided in order to reduce the inconvenient bending i the inner column on a page when overlaying a considerable portion of an opened boo\ the principal content of which is necessarili arranged in columns. In interpreting by means of this table the abbreviations appearing in biographee's sketches, it is necessary in some instances, because of simi- larities, to note carefully exact let- lter-sequence. For example, service in the army during the last war is designated by "A. U.S.", to indi- cate the legislative designation for that particular force, "The Army of the United States", while "N.A." records membership in the "National Army", which participated in the first World War under that official designation (the permanent ranks in the regular standing army being followed by "U.S. Army"). * Listings followed by this indicator are of biographees who failed to supply current data requested be- cause of editorial file inadequacies or errancies. A A AS., American Association for the Advancement of Science. A. and M., Agricultural and Mechan- ical. A.A.O.N.M.S.", Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. A.A.S.R., Ancient Accepted Scott : sh Rite (Masonic). A.B.C.F.M., American Board 01 Com- missioners for Foreign Missions (Congregational). A.B. (also B.A.), Bachelor of Arts. A..B.& C. R.R., Atlanta, .Birmingham 4 Coast R.R. A.C., Air Corps. acad., academy; academic. A.C.L. E.R., Atlantic Coa?t Line R.R. A.C.P., American College ol Physicians. ACS., American College ot Surgeons. a.d.c, aide-de-camp. adj., adjutant; adjunct. adj. gen., adjutant general. adm., admiral. admins tr., administrator. adminstrn., administration. adv., advocate; advisory. advt., advertising. A.E., Agricultural Engineer. A.E. and P., Ambassador Extraordi- nary and Plenipotentiary. A.E.F., American Expeditionary Forces. A.F.D., Doctor of Fine Arts. A.F. and A.M., Ancient Free and Ac- cepted Masons. A.F. of L., American Federation of Labor. agT., agriculture. agrl , agricultural. agt., agent. A.I. A. , American Institute of Architects. Ala., Alabama. A.L.A., American Library Association. Am., American, America. A.M. (also M.A.). Master of Arts. A.M. A., American Medical Association. A.M.E., African Methodist Episcopal. Am. Inst. E.E., American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Am. Soc. C.E., American Society of Civil Engineers. Am. Soc. M.E., American Society of Mechanical Engineers. A.N. A., Associate National Academi- cian. anat., anatomical. aim., annual. anthrop., anthropological. A.O.H., Ancient Order of Hibernians. apptd., appointed. apt., apartment. A.R.C.. Am. Red Cross. arenas ol., archaeological. axcheol., archeological. sxchtl., architectural. Ariz., Arizona. Ark., Arkansas. arty., artillery. A.S., Air Service. assn., association. asso., associate; associated. asst., assistant. astron., astronomical. astrophys., astrophysical. A..T.& S.F. Ry., Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. atty., attorney. Aug., August. A.U.S., Army of the United States. av., avenue. b., born. B.. Bachelor- B.A. (also A.B.), Bfcbelor ot Arts B Agr., Bachelor of Agriculture. Bapt., Baptist. B.Arch., Bachelor of Architecture. B.& A. R.R., Boston 4 Albany R. R. B.B.A., Bachelor of Business Admin- istration. batn. or bn., battalion. B.C., British Columbia. B.C.E., Bachelor of Civil Engineering. B.Chir., Bachelor of Surgery. B.C.L., Bachelor of Civil Law. B.C.S., Bachelor of Commercial Science. bd., board. B.D., Bachelor of Divinity.. B. Di. , Bachelor of Didactics. B.E., Bachelor of Educatibn. B.E.F., British Expeditionary Force B.F.A., Bachelor of Fine Arts. blbl., biblical. bibliog . bibliographical. biog., biographical. biol., biological. B.J., Bachelor of Journalism. B.L. (or Lltt.B), Bachelor of Letters. bldgr., building. B.L.S., Bachelor of Library Science. blvd., boulevard. B.& M. R.R., Boston 4 Maine R.R. bn., battalion. B.O., Bachelor of Oratory. B.& O. R.R. , Baltimore 4 Ohio, R.R. bot., botanical. B.P., Bachelor ot Painting. B.P.E., Bach. lor of Physical Education. B.P.O.E., Benevolent and Protective Order of E'tks. B.Pd. (or Pd.B.). Bachelor of Pedagogy. B.Py., Bachelor of Pedagogy. br., branch. brig., brigadier. brig. gen., brigadier general. Brit., British; Britannica. bro., brother. B.3. (also S.B. or Sc.B .), Bachelor of Science. B.S. inRy. M.E., Bachelor vt., government. ad., graduated; graduate. 1 t., Great. c . .T. Ry., Grand Trunk Ry. System. .W. Ry. of Can. . Great Western Ry. of Canada. rnecol., gynecological. dqrs., headquarters. .1., Hawaiian Islands. .M., Master of Humanics. .Ty. (or H.T.), Hawaiian Territory. at., historical. >moo., homeopathic. >moe., homoeopathic. >n., honorary; honorable; honorably. 0; of Reps., House of Representa- tives. >rt., horticultural. >sp., hospital. rdrog., hydrographic. ., Iowa. 3. R.R.. Illinois Central R.R. System. 3.N. R.R., International - Great Northern R.R. a., Idaho. '.., Illinois. Ul., illustrated. C, incorporated. d., Indiana, Independent. dal . industrial. Inf., infantry. ins., insurance. insp., inspector insp. gen., inspector general inst., institute. inntn., institution instr., instructor. inntrn., instruction. internat., international intro., introduction. I.D.O.F., Independent Order of Odd Fellows Jan.. January. J.B., Jurum Baccalaureus. J.C.R., Juris Canonici Bachelor. J.C.L., Juris Canonici Lector. J. D., Doctor of Jurisprudence. j.g., junior grade. jour., journal. jr., junior. J.S.D., Doctor of Juristic Science. jud., judicial. J.U.D., Juris Utriusque Doctor: Doc- tor of Both (Cancn and Civil) Laws. Kan., Kansas. K.C., Knight of Columbus. E.C.C.H., Knight Commander of Court of Honor. K.P., Knight of Pythias. K.C.S. Ry.. Kansas City Southern Ry. K.T., Knight Templar. Ky., Kentucky. La., Louisiana. lab., laboratory lang., language. laryngol., laryrigological. L.H. D. , Doctor of Letters of Humanity. L.I., Long Island. lieut., lieutenant. L.I. R.R., Long Island R.R. Co. lit., literary literature. Litt.B. (or R.L.), Bachelor of Letters. Litt. D., Doctor of Letters. LLC, Bachelor of Laws. LL.D., Doctor of Laws. LL.M. (or M.L.;, Master of Laws. L.& N. R.R., Louisville 4 Nashville R.R. L.O M. , Loyal Order of Moose. L.R.C.P., Licentiate Royal Coll. Phy- sicians. L.R.C.S., Licentiate Royal Coll. Sur- geons. It., lieutenant. It. col., lieutenant colonel. It. gen., lieutenant general. It. gov. # , lieutenant govt: nor. ltd., limited. Luth., Lutheran. L.V. R.R., Lehifjh Valley R.R. Co. m. married. M.A. (or A.M.), Master of Arts. mag., magazine. M.Agr., Master of Agriculture. maj., major. maj. gen., major general. Mass., Massachusetts. math., mathematical. M.B., Bachelor of Medicine. M.B.A., Master of Business Adminis- tration. M.C.S., Master of Commercial Science. mcht., merchant. M.C. R.R.. Michigan Central R.R. Md., Maryland. M. D., Doctor of Medicine. M. Dl. , Master of Didactics. M. Dip. , Master in Diplomacy. mdse.. merchandise. Me., Maine. M.E., Mechanical Engineer, Methodist Episcopal. mcch., mechanical. M.E. Ch.. Methodist Episcopal Church. mod., medical. Med. O.R.C . Medical Officers' Reserve Co»-rw, Med. R-C. Medical Reserve Corps. M E8-. Master of Electrical Engineer- ing. mem., member. mere, mercantile. met., metropolitan. detail., metallurgical. meteorol., meteorological Meth., Methodist. metrol., metrological. M.F., Master of Forestry. M.F.A., Master of Fine Arts (carries title of Dr.). mfg., manufacturing. rafr., manufacture; manufacturer. mfr3., manufacturers. mgr., manager. M.I., Military Intelligence. Mich., Michigan. micros., microscopical. mil., military. mineral., mineralogical. Minn., Minnesota. Miss., Mississippi. M.-K.-T. R.R., Missouri-Kansas- Texas R.R. Co. M.L. (or LL.M.), Master of Law3. M.Litt., Master of Literature. Mile., Mademoiselle (Miss). Mae,, Madame. M.M.E., Master of Mechanical En- gineering. mng. , managing. Mo., Missouri. Mont., Montana. M.P., Member of Parliament. M.P. R.R., Missouri Pacific R.R. M.Pd., Master of Pedagogy. M.P.E., Master of Physical Education. M.P.L., Master of Patent Law. M.R.E., Master of Religious Education. M.S. (or M.Sc), Master of Science. M.S.F., Master of Science of Forestry. M.S.T., Master of Sacred Theology. M.& St. L. R.R., Minneapolis 4 St. Louis R.R. Co. M., SLP.& S.S.M. Ry., Minneapolis, St. Paul 4 Sault Ste. Marie Ry. Mt., Mount. mus., museum, musical. Mus.B., Bachelor 0? Music. Mus.D. (or Mus. Doc), Doctor of Music. Mus. M., Master of Music. rhut., mutual. M. W.A. , Modern Woodmen of America. mycol., inycological. N., North. N.A., National Academician, North America; National Army. N.A.D., National Academy of Design. nat., national. nav., navigation. N.B., New Bruuswick. N.B.C., National Broadcasting Co. N.C., North Carolina. N. ( C.& St.L. Ry., Nashville. Chat- tanooga 4 St. Louis Ry. N. D., North Dakota N.E., Northeast: New England. N.E.A., National Educal'on Associa- tion. Keb., Nebraska. Nev., Nevada. M.O., National Guard. N.H., Nev; Hampshire, N.J., New Jersey. N.M., New Mexico. N.P. Ry., Northern Pacific Ry. . Nov., November. nr., near. N.R.A.j National Recovery Adminis- tration. N.S., Nova Scotia N.T., New Testament. numis., numismatic N.W., Northwest. N.& W. R7., Norfolk 4 Western Ky N.Y.. New York. N.Y.C. R.R., New York Central R.R. Co. N.Y., C&. St.L. R R , New York, Chicago 4 St. Louis R.R. Co. N.Y., N.H.& H. R.R.. New York. New Ha-. en 4 Hartford R.R. Co. N. Y..O.& W. Ry., New York, Ontario 4 Western Ry. O.,0hio. obs., observatory. obstet., obstetrical. Oct., October. O.E.S., Order of the Eastern Star. ofcl., official. Okla., Oklahoma. Ont., Ontario. O.P.A., Office of Price Administration. ophthal., ophthalmologics!. O.P.M., Office of Production Manage- ment. O.Q.M.O., Office cf Quartermaster General. O.R.C, Officers' Reserve Corps Ore., Oregon. orgn., organization. ornithol., ornithological. O.S.L. R.R., Oregon Short Line R.R. O.T., Old Testament. O.T.C., Officers' Training Camp. otol., otological. O.T.S., Officers' Training School. O.U.A.M., Order United American Mechanics. O.W.I. , Office of War Information. O.-W.R.R.&K. Co., Oregon-Washing- ton R.R. 4 Navigation Co. Pa., Pennsylvania. Pa. R.R., Pennsylvania R.R. path., pathological. Pd.B. (or B.Pd.), Bachelor of Pcda- gogy. Pd.D., Doctor of Pedagogy. Pd.M.. Master of Pedagogy. P.E., Protestant Episcopal. Pe.B., Bachelor of Pediatrics. P.E.N. , Poets, Playwrights, Editor?, Essayists and Novelists (Internal. Assn.). ponol., penological. pharm., pharmaceutical. Pharm. D. , Doctor of Pharmacy. Pharm. M.. Master of Pharmacy Ph.B., Bachelor of Philosophy. Ph.O, pharmaceutical Chemist. Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy. Ph.G., Graduate in Pharmacy. Phila., Philadelphia. philol , philological. philos., philosophical. photog., photographic. phys., phyaical. phya. and surg., physicians and surgeons. physiol., physiological. P.I., Philippine Islands. PL, Place. P.& L.E. RR, Pittsburgh 4 Uke Erie R.R. P.M. RR., Pcre Marquette R.R. <~V polit., political. poly., polytechnic. pomol., pomological. P.Q., Province of Quebec. P.R., Puerto Rico. prep., preparatory. pres., president. Prosbyn., Presbyterian presdl., presidential. prin., principal. proc, proceedings. prod., produced (for production of play). prodn., production. prof., professor. prog., progressive. propr., proprietor. pros atty , prosecuting attorney, pro torn , pro tempore (for the lime being). psychiat , psychiatrical; psychiatric. psychol., psychological, pub., public, publisher; publishing published. publ., publication. pvt., private Py.B., Bachelor of Pedagogy q.m., quartermaster. Q.M.C.. Quartermaster Corps. q.m. gen., quartermaster general. Q.M.O.R.C. Quartermaster Officers' Reserve Corps. quax., quarterly. Que.. Quebec (province). RAM, Royal Arch Mason. R.C-, Roman Catholic Reserve Corps. rd., road R.D., Rural Delivery. R.E., Reformed Episcopal. rec, recording. ref., reformed. R.P.D., Rural Free Delivery regt , regiment. regtl., regimental. Rep., Republican, representative. Res.. Reserve. ret., retired. rev., review; reverend; revised. R.F.C., Reconstruction Finance Corp. rhinol., rhinological. R.I., Rhode Island. R.N., Registered Nurse. rontgenol , rontgenological. R.O.S.C, Reserve Officers' Sanitary Corps. R.O.T.C., Reserve Officers' Training Corps. R.P., Reformed Presbyterian. r.r., railroad. R.T.C, Reserve Training Corps ry., railway a., son. S., South. S.A., South America. S.A.L. Ry., Seaboard Air Line Ry. san., sanitary. 3. A R.. Sons of the Am. Revolution. S.A.T.C. Students - Army Training Corps, savs., savings. S.B. (also B.S. or Sc.B.\ Baehelor of Science. S.C., South Carolina. Sc.D. (or D.Sc), Doctor of Science. S.C.D., Doctor of Commercial Science. sen., school. sci., science; scientific. S.C.V., Sons of Confederate Veterans. S.D., South Dakota. S.E., Southeast. sec. , secretary, sect., section. seismol., seismological. sem , seminary. Sept., September. < sergt., sergeant. S.I., Stated Island. S.J., Society of Jesus (Jesuit). S.J.D . , Doctor Juristic Science. S.M., Master of Science. soc, society, sociol , sociological. S.O.S., Service of Supply. S.P. Co., Southern Pacific Co. SpL, special, splty., specialty. sq., square. sr., senior. S.R., Sons of the Revolution S.S., Steamship. St., Saint, Street. sta., station, statis., statistical. S.T.B., Bachelor of Sacred Theology. S.T.D., Doctor of Sacred Theology. S.T.L. , Licentiate in Sacred Theology, Lector of Sacred Theology. St.L.-S.F. R.R., St. Uuis-San Francisco Ry. Co. supt., superintendent. surg., surgical. S.W., Southwest. tech., technical, technology technol , technological. temp. , temporary. Term., Tennessee. Ter. (orTy.), Territory. Tex., Texas. T.H. (or H.T.), Territory of Hawaii. Th.D., Doctor of Theology. Th.M., Master of Theology theol., theological topog., topographical. T.& P. Ry., Texas* Pacific Ry. Co. trans., transactions, transferred. transl., translation, translations. treas., treasurer. twp. , township. ty. (or ter.), territory. typog., typographical V., University. U.B., United Brethren in Christ. U.D.C., United Daughters of the Con- federacy. univ., university. U.P., United Presbyterian. U.P. R.R., Union Pacific R.R- urol., urological. U.S., United States. U.S.A., United States of America. U.S.M.C., United States Marine Corps. U.S.M.H.S., United States Ma.ine Hospital Service. U.S.N.A., United States National Army. U.S.N.G., United States National Guard. U.S.N.R.P., United States Naval Reserve Force. U.S.P.H.S., United States Pub! Health Service. U.S.S., United States Ship. USSR, Union of Soviet Sociali Republics. U.S. V., United States Volunteers. v., vice. Va., Virginia. vet., veteran, veterinary. vice-pres. (or V. p.), vice-president. vis., visiting. vol., volunteer, volume. vs., versus (against). Vt., Vermont. W., West. Wash., Washington (state). W.C.T.U., Women's Christian Tempei ance Union. W.I., West Indies. Wis., Wisconsin. W.& L.E. Ry., Wheeling & Lake Eri Ry. Co. W.P.B., War Production Board. W.P. R.R. Co., Western Pacific R.fl Co. W.Va., West Virginia. Wyo., Wyoming. Y.M C.A., Young Men's Christia, Assn. Y.M.H.A., Young Men's Hebrew Assn Y.M. and Y.W.H.A., Young Men' and Young Women's Hebrew Asso ciation. Y.& M.V. R.R., Yazoo & Mississipp Valley R.R. yrs., years. Y.W.C.A., Young Women's Christiai Association. tool., zoological. BIOGRAPHIES The consultant's attention is directed to the notation above the first entry in the index to the pagination of hiographees' sketches which ends opposite this page. The method for referring to a specific biographee's data which the index implements has been utilized, as mentioned in that notation and detailed in the preface to this wor\, because of certain resultant advantages to both the user and the compiler of a biographic dictionary. Its principal physical differentia* tion from the still prevalent practice of self'indexing such compilations is that a compact, separate index, instead of the bul\y compilation itself, facilitates reference to individual biographies. Accordingly, the index mentioned is to be turned to when referring to a specific biography in the following compilation. WADE, Franklin Alton, geologist and south polar explorer; b. Akron, O., 5 Feb. 1903; s. Mulford Wade and Mar- garet (Pope) W.; ed. Akron high sch.; Western Reserve Acad., B.S., Kenyon Coll., 1925, M.A., 1926; Ph.D. (Geol.), Johns Hopkins Univ., 1937; m. Jane Richards of Lakewood, O. Teacher, chemistry, Univ., Delaware, 1929-31; chief geologist, Byrd Antarctic Expdn. IL 1933-35; sr. sci. and comdr. snow cruiser, U.S. Antarctic Expdn., 1939-41; asst. prof, geology, Miami Univ., 1936; capt. Air Corps, Feb. 1943 — ; mem. Fellow Am. Geog. Soc, Am. Inst, of Mining and Metall, Engrs., Am. Min- eral. Soc., Assoc, for Study of Snow and Ice (British), Delta Tau Delta, Gamma Alpha, Sigma Gamma Epsilon (hon.). Author: several mag. arts, on Antarctic Expdns. Travel: South Polar Regions twice. Interest: dogs, photog. Protes- tant. Independent. Office: Dept. Geol- ogy, Miami Univ,. Oxford, O. Home: Oxford, O. TUNKS, Walter Fuller, clergyman; b. Adrian, Mich., 31 Oct. 1886; s. Charles Randolph Tunks, ry. supt., and Jane Petit (Fuller) T.; ed. Toledo high sch.; Ph.B., Kenyon Coll., 1910, D.D. (hon.), 1933; m. Helen Roberts of Brooklyn, N.Y., 5 June 1920; 1 dau., Mary Anne. Curate, St. Paul's Ch., Cleveland, 1915- 17; rector, St. Paul's Ch., Muskegan, Mich., 1917-30, St. Paul's Ch., Akron, O., 1930—; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Tau Delta. Club: Rotary. Author: Smoke in the Temple. Interests: collecting ruby glass and dime novels. Recreation: fish- ing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 354 East Market St., Akron, O. Home: 137 Casterton Av., Akron, O. SUMMERS, John Howell, lawyer; b. Ballipolis, O., 21 June 1886; s. Charles H. D. Summers, lawyer, and Jennie (Selfridge) S.; ed. Gallia Acad., 1903; A.B., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1907; L.L.B., Cincinnati Law Sch., 1910; m. Louise Sanns of Gallipolis, O., 6 Oct. 1915; chil- dren — James Sanns, Thomas Sowers. Admitted to law practice, O., 1910; first asst. co. prosecuting atty., 1915-20, in charge civil bus.; specialist, corpora- tion, tax, insurance, probate law, 1921- 44; dist. dir., Office of Price Adminstrn., Columbus, O., 1944 — ; mem., Am., Ohio State and Columbus Bar Assns., Kins- man Lodge F. & A.M., Scioto Consistory, Scottish Rite, Aladdin Temple, Shrine (officer), Beta Theta Pi; mem. Vestry St. Paul's Episcopal Church, since 1927; mem. Diocesan Standing Com., Com. on Canons, Strategy and Finance; tr., Diocesan Church Foundation. Clubs: University (dir.), Crichton, Players Episcopalian. Democrat. Address: 68 E. Gay St., Columbus, O. STINSON, Karl Willson, college pro- fessor; b. Hebron, O., 19 June 1893; s. George W. Stinson, farmer, and Mary (Swisher) S.; ed. Hebron (O.) high sch.; B.M.E., Ohio State Univ., 1916, M.E., 1924; m. Stella Cunningham of Newark, O., 12 Sept. 1917; 1 dau., Jean Ann. Prof, of Automotive Engring., O. State Univ., Columbus, O.; served in Air Serv- ice, as It., U.S. Army, during World War I; mem. S.A.E., A.S.M.E., I.A.E., Sigma Xi. Office: Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O. SMELLIE, Donald Gavin, engineer; b. Cleveland, O., 23 Aug. 1892; s. Harry Bowen Smellie, educator, and Anna Sabrina Carrington (Frost) S.; ed. B.Pd., Mich. State Normal Coll., 1913; Univ. Mich.; m. Margaret Fay Riggs of Ypsilanti, Mich., 1918; children — Robert Gavin, Donald Gene. Instr. for short 33 time; mech. engr., 1917 — , Hoover Co., 1923—; mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs., A.S.M.E., Cleveland Engring. Soc. Au- thor: several short arts, in tech. jours. Travel: Eng., Scot., Fr., Ger., Belg., Holl., Can., Cuba. Interests: painting (oils), languages. Recreations: garden- ing, travel, fishing. Protestant. Repub- lican. Office: The Hoover Co., North Canton, O. Home: 357 23d St., N.W., Canton, O. PEAT, Fern Bisel, artist; b. Erie, Pa., 6 Aug. 1893; d. Wilbur Bisel, electrical engr., and Grace (Cragin) B.; ed. Elyria high sch.; Ohio Wesleyan; m. Frank Edwin Peat of Chungking, China, 10 July 1917; children— Frank, Joan, Phyllis. Interior decorating studio, with husband, spl., decorating children's rooms; murals, children's hosps., or- phanages; wallpapers, textiles, book- plates; illustrator, children's books; art ed., Children's Playmate mag. Inter- ests: antique furniture, old glass, china, jewelry. Recreations: trips, N.Y., entertaining. Methodist. Republican! Studio and home: Beech Hollow Farm Bellville, O. OVERMAN, James Robert, professor of mathematics, college dean; b. Bed- ford, Ind., 15 Apr., 1888; s. James Robert Overman, farmer, co. auditor, and Carrie Evans (Scantlin) O.; ed. Bloomington, (Ind.) high sch.; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1909; A.M., Columbia Univ., 1914; Ph.D., Univ. Mich., 1930; m. Gretchen Fast of Napoleon, O., 29 Nov. 1917. Teacher of math., Freelandville, Ind., Kokomo, Ind., Shortridge high sch., Indianapolis, Ind., Horace Mann sch., N.Y.C.; prof, math., Bowling Green State Univ., 1914—, dean, Coll. of Liberal Arts, 1930—; fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. A.A.U.P., Am. Math. Soc, Math. Assn. of Am., Nat. Council Teachers of Math., Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Sigma. Author: Prin- ciples and Methods of Teaching Arith- metic, 1920; Arithmetic for Teachers, 1924; An Experimental Study of Certain Factors Affecting Transfer of Training in Arithmetic, 1931; Junior-Life Mathe- matics, Books, I, II, and III, 1938, 40; co- author: Child-Life Arithmetics, grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, 1936; Algebra, The Language of Mathematics, 1940. Meth- odist. Republican. Office: Bowling Green State Univ., Bowling Green, O. Home: 211 Clay St., Bowling Green, O. Summer res. : St. Ignace, Mich. HUFFER, Earl W., physician; b. Waynesfield, O., 6 Aug. 1892; s. Andrew Jackson Huffer, mcht., and Louisa M. (Carnes) H.; ed. Lima high sch.; B.S., O. State Univ., 1916, M.D., 1918; m. Helen Burnham of Milford Center, O., 19 Feb. 1921; children— Albert, Nicholas, John, William. Exec. Com. Staff Toledo Hosp.; Toledo Hosp. Service Assn., dir. Toledo chap. Am. Red Cross, Toledo Med. Service Assn.; pres. Acad, of Med. of Toledo and Lucas Co., 1941; 1st It., M.C., U.S.A., 1 yr. during World War I; mem. Acad, of Med. Toledo and Lucas Co., Ohio State Med. Assn., Detroit Br. Am. Urol. Assn., Am. Urol. Assn.; dilomate Am. Bd. of Urology. Inter- ests: fishing, old furniture. Recreations: badminton, fishing, skating. Independ- ent. Office: 225 Michigan St., Toledo, O. Home: 2824 Sagamore Rd., Toledo, O. OPP, Carl Joseph, chemist; b. Forest, O., 29 Aug. 1904; s. Joseph Opp, farmer, and Minnie (Heuberger) O. ; ed. Forest high sch.; A.B., Miami Univ. (Oxford), O., 1928; M.A., Univ. Cincinnati, 1930, Ph.D., 1932; fellowship in Biochemistry, Duke Univ., 1935; m. Flora Mae Jones of Oak Hill, W.Va., 18 Dec. 1937. Instr. chem., math., in Jr. Colleges, 1932-34; devoted 1 yr. to biochemistry; engaged in Indsl. Chem., relative to the develop- ment and use of synthetic resins, 1935 — ; instr., Spl. Analytical Chem. Methods, Evening Coll., Univ. Cincinnati, 1936—; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Chem. Soc, Eve- ning Coll. Chem. Soc, Cent. Y.M.C.A, Ohio State Guard Unit Club: Paint Pro- duction. Author: numerous arts, on chemistry. Recreations : swimming, golf, amateur wrestling. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: Ault & Wiborg Div., Interchemical Corp., Dana & Mont- gomery Avs., Cincinnati, O. Home: 5102 Laconia Av., Bond Hill, Cincinnati, O. HOPKINS, James R., artist, teacher; b. Irwin, O., 17 May 1877; s. Asa G. Hopkins, farmer, and Nettie (Miller) H. ; ed. Mechanicsburg high sch.; Art Acad. Cincinnati; Acad, de la Grande, Chaumiere, Paris; m. Edna Boies of Mich., 1904. Art stud., Paris; teacher, Art Acad., Cincinnati, 1914-19; in Paris, 1919-23; dir., Sch. of Fine and Applied Arts, O. State Univ., 1923—; exhibited in important art centers here and abroad and reed, the following honors: Walter Lippincott Prize, Pa. Acad. Fine Arts; Norman Waite Harris Prize, Art Inst. Chicago; Bronze Medal, Buenos Aires Internat. Expdn. ; Thomas Clarke Prize, Nat. Acad. Design; Gold Medal, Panama Pacific Expdn.; with F.A., Cen- tral O.T.S., Camp Taylor, Ky., during World War I; assoc. mem. Societe National des Beaux Arts, Paris, Nat. 34 Acad. Design. Clubs: Rotary, Faculty, University, Columbus. Travel: U.S., fgn. countries. Office: School of Fine and Applied Arts, Ohio State Univ., Colum- bus, O. Home: 367 West Eighth Av., Columbus, O. Summer res.: Mechanics- burg, O. HIRSHBERG, Herbert Simon, libra- rian, dean, professor; b. Boston, Mass., 7 July 1879; s. Simon Hirshberg, mcht., and Eva (Warschauer) H.; ed. Brook- line (Mass.) high sch.; A.B., Harvard Coll., 1900; B.L.S., N.Y. State Library Sch., 1905; m. Blanche Lowe of Mead- ville, Pa., 16 June 1910; children— Rob- ert L., Richard L., Herbert S., Jr., Walter A. Cataloger, Boston Pub. Li- brary, 1902-03; asst. N.Y. State Library, 1904-05; asst. Library of Congress, 1905- 06; asst. and br. librarian, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 1906-08; reference librarian, Cleveland Pub. Library, 1908- 14; librarian, Toledo Pub. Library, 1914- 22, O. State Library, 1922-27, Akron Pub. Library, 1927-29; dean, Sch. Library Sci., Western Res. Univ., 1929-43; dir. of Libraries, Western Res. Univ., 1929 — ; pres., Grandview Heights Pub. Library Bd., 1924-27; camp librarian, Great Lakes Naval Training Sta., June-Oct. 1918; fellow, A.L.I. ; life mem., A.L.A. (mem. council, 2d v.p., 1937-38), Bd. Edn., for Librarianship, O. Library Assn. (p. pres.), Assn. Am. Library Schs., (p. v.p.). Clubs: Rowfant (Cleve- land), Faculty. Author: various arts, in prof, jours.; Elements of the Library Plan; Subject Guide to Reference Books. Recreations: music, golf. Republican. Offiice: Western Reserve Univ., Cleve- land, O. Home: 3341 E. Monmouth Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. Summer res.: Camp Onanole, Merrill, N.Y. HEERMANN, Emil, musician; b. Frankfort, 5 Dec. 1885; s. Huga Heer- mann, musician, and Isabella (Garcia) H.; ed. Music Acad., Berlin; m. Dorothy Kirkpatrick of New Paris, 28 Jan. 1915; children— Hugo, Emil. Concert work, concert master, Cincinnati Symphony, 1910—. Recreation: fishing. Catholic. Republican. Home: 3632 Victoria Lane, Cincinnati, O. Summer res.: Omena, Mich. BOLE, Benjamin Patterson, Jr., re- search scientist, museum executive; b. Cleveland, O., 9 Sept. 1908; s. Benjamin Patterson Bole, executive, and Roberta (Holden) B.; ed. Hawken Sch.; Evans Sch., Tucson, Ariz.; Phillips Exeter Acad.; A.B., Harvard Coll., 1931; A.M., Western Reserve Univ., 1936; m. Nancy Adams of Boston, Mass., 22 Sept. 1934; children— Benjamin Patterson, in, Jon- athan Adams, Helen. Mem. staff, Mus. of Nat. Hist., Cleveland, O., 1931, mem. expdns., asst. in charge mammalogy, 1931—; mem. bd. mgrs., 1939—; chmn. Holden Arboretum Bd., 1939—, sec, 1937—; chief, Three-Corner-Round Pack outfit, 1940-41; asst. sec, asst. treas., Hollenden Hotel Co.; tr., Hawken Sch., Goodrich Social Settlement; former mem. Playground Bd., Neighborhood Rehabitation Com.; org. N.Y.A. outdoor ed. program, 1936; mem. City Forestry Bd., Am. Soc Mammalologists (life), Cleveland Mus. of Art (life), Audubon Soc, Am. Mus. of Nat. History (life), A.O.U., Ecol. Soc. of Am., Am. Geog. Soc, O. Acad, of Sci., Wild Life Soc. Clubs: Harvard, Cleveland, Racquet, Mayfield Country, Tavern. Author: papers on taxonomy, ecology of mam- mals, quadrat method of studying small mammal populations. Travel: Eur., U.S., Panama, Mex., Can., Cuba, Ice- land. Interests: music, astronomy, cos- mology, tropical fish, fgn. affairs. Rec- reations: tennis, swimming, hiking, mountaineering. Office: 2717 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. Home: 1712 Sheridan Rd., South Euclid, O. SHEATSLEY, Jacob, minister, editor; b. Paris, O., 20 June 1859; s. John Frederick Sheatsley, farmer, and Doro- thea (Auwerter) S.; ed. State Normal (Terre Haute, Ind.); Capital Univ.; Columbus, O.; A.M., Theol. Sem. (Co- lumbus, O.), D.D.; m. Mannie Conrad of Paris, O., 1887; children— Paul Weid- ner, Mildred Annette. Taught pub. sch., 2 yrs.; ordained minister, 1887; served in ministry at Canaan, Delaware, Co- lumbus, all of O.; ed. Lutheran Stand- ard, 1915-29; ed. in chief, Sunday Sch. Lit. of Am. Luth. Ch., 1929-40; mem. and sec, Bd. of Publication of Joint Synod of O., for many yrs. Author: Teachers Annual, 7 vols.; The Holy Service; To My Sunday School Teach- ers; Sermons on the Eisenach Gospels; Guide to the Study of the Bible; The Lord is Thy Healer; The Bible in Reli- gious Education; The Pope's Catechism; The Teacher Come from God. Travel: Eur. Lutheran. Independent. Address: 960 Bryden Rd., Columbus 5, O. SHERMAN, Philip Stone, adviser of men, educational personnel; b. Akron, O., 3 Mar. 1915; s. G. W. Sherman, Akron Indsl. Salvage Co., and Josephine (Crumrine) S.; ed. Akron West high sch.; A.B., Univ. of Akron, 1936; Univ. of Chicago; unmarried. Asst. to dean of students, Univ. of Akron, 1936-37; ad- 35 viser of men, instr. of econ., 1937 — v.p., O. State Jr. Chamber Commerce bd. of dir., Akron Jr. Chamber Com merce, pres. Akron Eagle Scout Coun cil; major, U.S.A.; mem. Phi Delta Theta, Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Sigma Alpha. Interests: Boy Scouts, Y.M.C.A., Jr. Chamber Commerce. Recreations: golf, handball. Conglist. Republican. Of- fice: Univ. of Akron, Akron, O. Home: 75 Edgerton Rd., Akron, O. FREY, Frederick Hamilton Ward, lawyer; b. Asheville, N.C., 6 June 1894; s. Frederick Hamilton Frey, mfr., and Jane (Ward) F.; ed. Bingham Sch., Asheville, N.C. ; O. Wesleyan Acad., Delaware, O. ; A.B., O. Wesleyan Univ., 1915; LL.B., Harvard Lav/ Sch., 1920; Cert., Univ. Paris (Fr.) Law Sch., 1919; Cert., Harvard Grad. Sch. Bus. Admn., 1921; m. Helen Gillette Simpson of Cleveland Heights, O., 28 May 1928; chil- dren — Frederick W., Janet A., Frances Jane. Practiced law, Cincinnati, O., 1922-23, Cleveland, O., 1924—; p. dir. Polyclinic Hosp., Cleveland, O.; asst. law dir., City of Cleveland, 1933; asst. pros, atty., Cuyahoga Co. O., 1933 — ; mem. Cuyahoga Co. Dem. Exec. Com.; 1st It., 55th Inf., 7th Div., A.E.F., 1917- 18, now Lieut. Col., Inf. Off. Res. Corps, U.S.A.; mem. United Dem. Vets. Al- liance, Inc. (co. comdf.), Res. Off. Assn., Am. Legion, Cleveland Bar Assn., U.S. Inf. Assn., Masons. Clubs: Odorene (Cleveland), Democratic. Author: arts, of law in legal periodicals. Travel: U.S., Can., Eur., Afr. Interests: army, gar- dening, reading, writing, collecting (stamps, cactus), fishing. Recreation: golf. Protestant. Democrat. Office: 1560 East 21st St., Cleveland, O. Home: South Euclid, O. BINNEY, Ralph Loring, metallurgist; b. Lima, O., 22 May 1887; s. George Loring Binney, oil producer, and Hen- rietta Welling (Disbrow) B.; ed. Toledo high sch.; B.E.E., Univ. Mich., 1912; Univ. Mich, advanced metallurgy, 1915; m. Eva Margaret Eklund of Norway, Mich., 16 July 1934; 1 dau., Nancy Loring. Apprentice, Consolidated Mfg. Co., 1912-14, metallurgist, 1914-19, Spen- cer Eng. Co., 1919-27; chief metallurgist, Bunting Brass & Bronze Co., v.p., Bin- ney Castings Co., 1927—, Great Lakes Air Conditioning Corp., 1936 — ; civilian metallurgist to Rus. govt, in U.S., later munitions plants, 1916-18; mem. A.F.A., A.I.M.E., A.S.T.M., A.A.A.S. Author: various tech. papers. Developed and patented nonferrous alloys and alloyed irons for glass industry, also heat and wear resisting alloys. Travel: U.S. In- terests: artistic, historical collections. Recreation: travel. Protestant. Repub- lican. Office: 2555 Dorr St., Toledo 7, O. Home: 2726 Talmadge Rd., Ottawa Hills, Toledo 6, O. Summer home: Cape May, N.J. BECKER, Edwin G., lawyer; b. Cin- cinnati, O., 18 Mar. 1893; s. Joseph Becker, mfr., and Anne (Wilmer) B.; ed. St. Mary's Prep. Sch., Dayton; A.B., Univ. Dayton, 1912, LL.D. (hon.), 1939; B.S., Xavier Univ., 1917; LL.B., McDon- ald Inst., 1920; m. Arnolda Helmig of Cincinnati, O., 19 July 1919; children — Arnolda, Edwin S., Flavian J. Dir., The Tri-State Savings & Loan Co.; v.p., Cin- cinnati Airport, Inc.; p. pres., Greater Cincinnati Savings & Loan Exchange, Queen Steel Treating Co.; judge, Ct. of Common Pleas, Hamilton Co., O., 1938- 39; tr., Univ. Dayton, Dayton, O.; mem. Bd. Ed., Cincinnati, Bd. Pub. Recrea- tions, Cincinnati; mem. Cincinnati, O. State and Am. Bar Assns., Am. Judica- ture Soc. Interest: music. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 1308 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Home: S.E., cor. Victory Pkwy. and Dana, Cincinnati, O. Sum- mer res. : Lake Ripley, Wis. LYNCH, William O., teacher; b. Delphi, Ind., 10 Sept. 1870; s. Isaac Newton Lynch, farmer, and Frances Jane Bernice (Connelly) L.; ed. Delphi high sch., Ind.; Ind. State Normal Sch.; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1903; A.M., Univ. Wis., 1908; Harvard Univ. (Austin Scholar, 1911-12); m. Bertha Thomas of Delphi, 27 June 1894; 1 dau., Mary Bernice (Lynch) Spurlock. Teacher, township schs., 1890-95, Carroll Co., Ind., Elkhart high sch., 1896-1901, 1903-07; teacher, hist., Ind. State Normal Sch. (now Ind. State Teachers Coll.), Terre Haute, 1908- 18, head of dept., Am. Hist, and Govt., 1913-18; prof., hist., Ball State Teachers Coll., 1918-20, Ind. Univ., 1920-41, emeri- tus, 1941 — ; visiting prof., Univ. of Ala., summers, 1925, 27, Univ. of Tenn., sum- mer, 1930; ed., Ind. Mag. of History, 1928-41; mem. bd. of ed., Miss. Valley Hist. Rev., 1924-28, Jour, of So. Hist., 1935-39; Lib. Guard, Terre Haute, Ind. (home company) during World War I; mem. Am. Hist. Assn. (life mem.), Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. (life mem., pres., 1938-39), Ind. Hist. Soc. (v.p., 1940), Va. Hist. Soc. Club: Exchange. Author: Fifty Years of Party Warfare, 1931; His- tory Indiana State Teachers College, 1945 (to be published) ; party history arts., historical rev., jour.; contbr. to Dictionary of Am. Biog., and Dictionary of Am. Hist. Travel: U.S. Recreations: walking, driving, gardening, reading, 36 checkers. Presbyterian. Democrat. Of- fice: Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. Home: 824 E. Cottage Grove Av., Bloomington, Ind. KEMPF, Joseph George, priest, col- lege teacher; b. Evansville, Ind., 27 Sept. 1893; s. Joseph Kempf, carpenter and Catherine (Daum) K.; ed. St. Mein- rad Minor Sem., 1907-12; St. Meinrad Major Sem., 1912-18; Catholic Univ., 1926; M.A., Fordham Univ., 1924, Ph.D., 1927. Parish work, 1918-23, 1927-30; prof, sociology, St. Mary of the Woods Coll., 1923-25, 1930—; dir. of adv. training of teachers religion, 1934 — , spl. lecturer on psychol. of spiritual life, Sisters of Providence, 1936-39; mem. Am. Acad, of Polit. and Soc. Sci., Nat. Cath. Conf. Family Life, Cath. Anthrop. Conf., Cath. Conf. on Industrial Problems, Am. Cath. Sociol. Soc. Author: The Questions of Youth, 1937, Helping Youth to Grow, 1941; New Things and Old, 1942. Inter- ests: applied psychology, training of teachers, guidance of youth. Catholic. Independent. Office and home: St. Mary-of-the-Woods College, St. Mary- of-the-Woods, Ind. ZANT, James Howard, college profes- sor; b. Breckenridge, Tex., 17 Sept. 1897; s. John S. Zant (dec), stock farmer, and Elizabeth (Loving) Z.; ed. Aspermont, Tex. high sch.; A.B., So. Meth. Univ., 1920; A.M., Columbia Univ., 1923, Ph.D., 1934; m. Ruth Skin- ner of Denison, Tex., 14 June 1923; chil- dren — Mary Elizabeth, Martha Nell. Teacher, math., high sch., jr. coll., Wichita Falls, Tex., 1922-23, Southeast- ern State Teachers Coll., Durant, Okla., 1923-30; prof, math., Okla. A. & M. Coll., 1930—; actg. head, Dept. Math., 1942—; pvt., Inf., 3 mos. during World War I; mem. math. Assn. of Am., A.A.U.P., Nat. Council Teachers of Math., S.P.E.E., Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Pi Mu Epsilon, Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Delta Kappa. Author: The Teaching Plan for the Unit of Work; Elementary Mathe- matical Concepts (with A. H. Dia- mond.). Travel: U.S. Recreations: gar- dening, golf. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: Okla. Agrl. and Mech. Coll., Stillwater, Okla. Home: 112 Admiral Rd., Stillwater, Okla. THOMAS, Maurice Miles, lawyer; b. Bala, Kan., 27 Mar 1882; s. Thomas Jefferson Thomas, teacher, farmer, and Mary Elizabeth (Ashman) T.; ed. Med- ford (Okla.) high sch.; grad., North- western Normal Sch., Alva, Okla., 1904; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1910; m. Grace E. Warhurst of Fairview, Okla., 8 June 1913. Supt. schs., Wakita, Okla., 1905-06; pvt. law practice, Fairview, Okla., 1910- 18, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1918—; cb. atty., Major Co., Okla., 2 terms; atty., State Banking Dept., Okla., served 4% yrs. under two Govs, and 3 bank commrs.; successfully contested six questions of the first impression before S. C. of Okla.; mem. Okla. Co. Bar Assn., Okla. State Bar Assn., A.B.A., Fedn. of Ins. Council. Author: Okla- homa Banking Laws Compiled and An- notated, 1921. Travel: U.S., Can. Inter- est: law (ins. and banking). Recrea- tions: golf, hunting. Divine Scientist. Democrat. Office: 1720 Petroleum Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 406 North- west 22d St., Oklahoma City, Okla. PERRIME, Irving, geologist, oil oper- ator; b. Wallkill, N.Y., 5 Aug. 1884; s. Alfred Perrine, mcht., and Agnes Es- tella (Van Kleeck) P.; ed. New Paltz (N.Y.) Normal sch.; A.B., Cornell Univ., 1907, A.M., 1911, Ph.D., 1912; m. Hilda Aurelia Sweet of Ithaca, N.Y., 25 Aug. 1910; 1 dau., Phyllis Sweet. Instr., prof, geol., Cornell Univ., 1907-12; prof, geol., Univ. Okla., 1912-15; chief geol., Marland Oil Co., 1913-15, Pierce Oil Corp., 1915-16; asst. state geol., La., 1908-09; field asst., U.S. Geol. Survey, 1908-09; spl. cons. Securities & Ex- change Commn., 1934-35; spl. cons. U.S. Engrs., 1941—; pres., Belle Isle Royalty Co., Unidos Royalty Co.; v.p., Kilpat- rick Bros. Lumber Co. ; mem. Am. Assn. Petroleum Geol. (v.p., 1919), Am. Inst. Mining Engrs., Okla. City Geol. Soc. (p. pres.), Okla. Prof. Engrs., Okla. Acad. Sci., Kan. Acad. Sci., N. Y. Acad. Sci., Sigma Xi, Phi Gamma Delta, Ma- sons, (York Rite, 32d deg.), Shrine. Au- thor: several pub. on oil, gas. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Cuba. Interests: gene- alogy, archeology. Unitarian. Repub- lican. Office: 1619-21 Petroleum Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 506 North West 14th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Summer home: Ithaca, N.Y. LINSCHEID, Adolph, college presi- dent; b. near Mannheim, Ger., 24 Dec. 1879; s. Phillip Linscheid, farmer, and Elizabeth (Ewy) L.; ed. pub. schs. Minn.; Breck Sch., Minn.; B.S., Fre- mont Coll., Neb.i 1912; A.M., Univ. Okla., 1920; Ph.D., Columbia Univ., 1928; m. Hazel Thompson of Prague, Okla., 1906; children— Stewart, Bill. En- gaged in edn. all through life, teacher sch., Minn., 4 yrs., supt. sch., Prague, Okla., and Bristow; prof, of Eng., South- eastern State Normal Sch., Durant, Okla.; pres. East Central State Coll., 1920 — ; mem. State Coordinating Bd., 37 1940-41; mem. State Textbook Com., 1925-31, chmn., 1931; pres. Okla. Edn. Assn., O.A., 1931-32; mem. O.E.A., Am. Assn. of Sch. Admins., Nat. Council of Edn., Masons. Clubs: Lions. Author: several bulls. Interests: history, lit. Christian. Democrat. Office: East Cen- tral State Coll., Ada, Okla. Home: 230 So. Francis Av., Ada, Okla. HOPPS, Howard, lawyer; b. Neo- desha, Kan., 18 Feb. 1887; s. John Hopps, merchant, and Laura (Garrett) H.; ed. LL.B., B., Epworth Univ., Okla- homa City; m. Freda Andreen of Okla- homa City, Okla., 11 Aug. 1917; children —Dorothy, Howard. Winner Theodore Roosevelt medal, Panama Canal, 1905- 07; U.S. Dept. Justice, 1909-10; pract law, 1910-45; capt. J.A.G.D.; asst. Co. Atty., Okla. Co.; v.p., dir., Banner Min- ing Co., Nev. Corp.; pvt., Inf., corpl., sergt., Inf., capt., J.A.G.D. Reserve, 5 battle stripes during World War I; mem. Okla. and Am. Bar Assns. Clubs: Men's Dinner, Sequoyah, Country. Travel: Eur. Interests: golf, hunting, fishing. Baptist. Republican. Office: Suite 417 Perrine Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 423 N.W. 21st St., Okla- homa City, Okla. HIKSHFIELD, Albert Clifford, physi- cian, surgeon; b. Sherman, Tex.; s. Louis Hirshfield, merchant, and Mary (Snell) H.; ed. Shortridge high sch., Indianapolis; B.S., Okla. Univ., 1914; M.D., Ind. Univ., 1908; children— Albert, Mary Helen. House physician, Meth. Episcopal Hosp., Indianapolis; pract., teacher, Okla. Univ., 1910-14; grad. work, N.Y.; med. officer, Okla. Nat. Guard, 1916; Med. Officers Training Camp, Ft. Riley, Kan., 1918, ex-capt. Med. Res. Corps; mem. Okla. Wildlife Council (p. pres.), Okla. Game Assn. (p. pres.), Okla. Wildlife Assn. (v. chmn.), Okla. State Div. Izaac Walton League (p. v.p.), Okla. Co., State, Am. Med. Assns., Southern Med. Assn., Cleveland Co. Med. Soc. (p. sec, pres.), Phi Beta Pi, Phi Delta Chi, Am. Legion, Shrine. Club: Rotary. Author: med. sci. arts., Jour, of Okla. State Med. Assn. Travel: Eur. Interests: music; Nat. Com. of Music Appreciation. Recrea- tions: field trials, bird dogs, quail shoot- ing, fishing. Methodist. Democrat. Of- fice: 407 Medical Arts Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 808 E. 50th St., Okla- homa City, Okla. DUNLAP, Roy Wilton, physician; b. Nortonville, Kan., 27 June 1878; s. Addi- son Dunlap, merchant, and Julia (Blair) D.; ed. City schs., Fort Worth, Tex.; M.D., Baylor Univ., Dallas, Tex., 1901; m. Mary Bacon Moore of Harrodsburg, Ky., 5 June 1907; 1 son, Roy W., Jr. Practicing doctor; 1st It., Med. Corps, 1 yr. during World War I; mem. A.M.A., Okla. State Med. Club: Co-Operative Internat. Travel: Eng., 1916-17. Interest: horticulture. Recreation: flower grow- ing. Democrat. Office: 807 Medical Arts Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Home: 1429 Loretta Av., Tulsa, Okla. Died, 28 Jan. 1944. DILLE, . Glen Scott, manager Land and Experimental Dept., Deep Rock Oil Co., Tulsa, Okla.; b. Shannon, 111., 13 July 1896; s. Charles I. Dille, farmer, and Delia M. (Barnes) D.; ed. Shannon (111.) high sch.; B.A., Coe Coll., Cedar Rapids, la., 1921; M.S., Univ. la., 1924, Ph.D., 1929; m. Leta M. Armstrong of Springville, la., 9 June 1923; children- Barbara, Glenn, Alan. Instr., geology, Coe Coll., 1921-24; asst. prof., 1924-27, student instr., Univ. la., 1927-29; geol., The Texas Co., Tulsa, Okla., 1929-36, cons, geol., 1936-44; pvt., battery E., 147th F.A., 32d Div. A.E.F., 1917-19; mem. Assn. Pet. Geols., Tulsa Geol. Soc, Sigma Xi, A.I.M.M.E., A.P.I., I.P.A.A., Mid-Cont. O. & G. Assn., Tulsa Stratigraphic Soc Author: Geology and Stratigraphy of the Mississippian of the Black Hills, S. D. ; Minnelusa Formation of the Black Hills, S.D.; Meteorites in Coe Coll. Museum; Anticlines of Iowa; Morrow Formation in Oklahoma; nu- merous reviews and short papers of geol. interest. Interests: writing poetry, collecting geol. pubis. Recreations: fish- ing, geol. investigations. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 808 Atlas Bldg., and 1014 Atlas Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Home: 2202 E. 23d St., Tulsa, Okla. DAY, John Lewis, physician; b. Web- ster City, la., 8 Sept. 1877; s. Simon Day, farmer, and Catherine Augusta (Parker) D.; ed. Mt. Vernon (la.) high sch.; B.Ph., Cornell Coll., la., 1902; M.D., Coll. Physicians & Surgeons, Memphis, Tenn., 1910; m. Maxie Hart- ley of Eldora, la., 9 July 1902; children —Lewis H., Mrs. Mary Quisenberry. Physical dir., Y.M.C.A., Ft. Dodge, la., 1902-06, Memphis, Tenn., 1906-10; physi- ciai., Okla., 1910—; med. supt., Western Okla. Hosp., 1934—; 1st It. Med. Corps, capt., maj., 15 mos. overseas, 3d div., during World War I, awarded Silver Star for services in Meuse Argonne, 1918, now col., Med. Res.; fellow, A.M.A.; mem. Southern Med. Assn., Am. Psychiatric Assn., Co. and State Med. Assns., Chamber Commerce. Club: Lions. Interests : Army Res. Corps, read- ing. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Demo- 38 crat. Office: Western Okla. Hosp. f Sup- ply, Okla. Home: Supply, Okla. BRETT, John Anderson, assistant U.S. attorney; b. Carthage, Tenn., 9 Nov. 1897; s. Rutherford Brett and Ger- trude (Whitaker) B.; ed. Cordell and Norman (Okla.) high schs.; A.B., Okla. Baptist Univ., 1922; L.L.B., Okla. Univ., 1928; m. Norma J. Dougherty of Mus- kogee, 10 Oct. 1928; children — John A., Jr., Thomas Rutherford. Winner of State Old Line Oratorical Contest, 1921, State Peace Contest, 1926, Avery and Josh Lee Prize, oratory, 1927; debated, both Oxford and Cambridge (Eng.) Univs.; debated, George Washington Univ., Am- herst Coll., Boston Univ., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, Ariz. Univ., Baylor Univ. and others; prominent in politics in Okla., 12 yrs.; prof, law, Oklahoma City Sch. of Law; law partner, J.D. Lydick; formerly Justice, State Supreme Ct.; asst. U.S. atty. (apptd.), Senators Lee and Thomas; sergt., Co. P., 111th Am- munition Train, 36th Div., A.E.F., dur- ing World War I; mem. Masons, K.P., Am. Legion. Club: Sequoyah Knife and Pork. Travel: N.E., Rockies, Mex. Fa- ther was mem. Supreme Ct. Commn., judge of Criminal Ct. of Appeals and justice of State Supreme Ct. Interests: public speaking, Sunday Sch. teaching, and community affairs. Recreation: outings with sons. Methodist. Democrat. Office: 706 Federal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 832 N.W. 41st, Okla- homa City, Okla. ARVIN, Mother Agnes, educator; b. Andover, Mo., 30 Aug. 1882; d. Henry Arvin, farmer, and Nancy (McCracken) A.; ed. St. Joseph Acad.; Catholic Coll., Guthrie; Cath. Univ., Washington, D.C.; Creighton, Omaha; Okla. Uinv., Nor- man; B.S., 1918, M.A., 1923. Pres., Cath. Coll. of Okla., Guthrie, Okla. Catholic. Democrat. Office and home: Catholic Coll. of Okla., Guthrie, Okla. AUCHIAH, James, instructor; b. nr. Lawton, Okla., 12 Dec. 1906; s. Mark Auchiah, farmer, and Lilly (Tah-get- saw) A.; ed. St. Patrick Sch.; Ft. Sill Indian Sch.; Univ. Okla. Sch. of Art; m. Happie Queton of Mt. View, 29 Dec. 1931. Artist, art exhibitor, Okla. City, St. Louis, N.Y., Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, 1930, Tulsa, 1938, Dallas, abroad, 1928; mural painter, Muskogee Fed. Bldg., 1934, Northeastern Teachers Coll., Adminstrn. Bldg., 1934, Ft. Siil Indian Sch., Gym Bldg., 1938, St. Pat- rick Chapel Bldg., 1931, Dept. of Interior Bldg., Washington, D.C., 1939; art instr., Riverside Indian Sch., Anadarko, Okla.. 1940-41. Interest: riding. Methodist. Democrat. Office: Riverside Indian School, Anadarko, Okla. Summer res.: Saddle Mountain, Okla. LELAND, Leland F„ editor, pub- lisher; b. Dollarville, Mich., 21 July 1899; s. Lawrence Leland, and Karen Marie (Kjeldsen) L.; ed. Burt (la.) high sch.; B.A., Univ. Minn., 1923; m. Wilma Helen Smith of Sioux City, 12 Aug. 1925; children — Nancy Ann, Paula West. Ed., Farm Boy Cavalier News as boy, nat. mag., St. Paul, Ski-U. Mah, univ. humor mag., 2 yrs., Minn. Alumni Weekly (only undergrad. ed.), country news- papers, summers during sch. yrs., Minn. Alumni Weekly, 7 yrs., Banta'3 Greek Exchange, typographical expert designer, Banta Pub. Co., Menasha, Wis., 1929-33; pres., treas., Leland Pub. Inc.; chmn., St. Louis Park Sch. Bd.; corpl., O.T.C., 3 mos., 1918; mem. St. Louis Park Charter Commn. and Plan- ning Commn., Tau Kappa Epsilon, Pi Delta Epsilon, Sigma Delta Chi, Iron Wedge. Club: Ampersand. Author: Fra- ternity Editors Handbook; ed., Teke of Tau Kappa Epsilon, 1924--, ed. and pub., The Fraternity Month, 1933—. In- terests: first editions, old dictionaries, U.S. stamps. Recreations: handicrafts, carpentry. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 2828 University Av., St. Paul, Minn. MINER, Nellie Palmer, lawyer; b. Harris, Minn., 11 Mar. 1899; d. William Palmer, meat dealer, and Sophie (Jar- chow) P.; ed. Rush City high sch.; Winona State Teachers Coll., 2 yrs.; LL.B., Minneapolis Coll. of Law, 1929; m. Andrew M. Miner of Minneapolis, 12 July 1930; children — Andrew Eugene, William Palmer, Richard Earl. School teacher, 3 yrs.; sec, law office, 9 yrs.; admitted to bar, 1930; with Patterson & Rorem, Minneapolis, 1 yr. ; partner, Miner & Miner, 1936 — ; mem. Athena Sorority (1st pres.), P.T.A. Clubs: Chi- cago Lake Women's, Minnehaha Chap. Izaak Walton League (sec). Great great granddau., John Wilkes of Re vol. War; granddau. two Civil War vets., both early settlers of Minn. Recreations: fish- ing, hunting, camping. Lutheran. Inde- pendent. Office: 806 E. Lake St., Minne- apolis, Minn. Home: 3435 Elliott Av., So., Minneapolis, Minn. MOHN, Edith Wheeler, lecturer; b. Aliens Grove, Wis., 12 Oct. 1872; d. Andrew W. Wheeler, lawyer, and Sarah Ann (Coon) M.; ed. Wadena (Minn.) high sch.; Carleton Coll.; m. Thomas Mohn of Kenyon, Minn., 5 July 1899; children— Mabel Joyce (Leuthold), Hor- ace Wheeler (dec), Lawrence Reid (dec). Teacher; del., many state Rep. convs., Nat. Rep. Conv. ; alternate, once; apptd. to Gt. Lakes St. Lawrence State Waterways Com., State Tax Com., State Crime Com., Crippled Children; Safety Com., Rep. State Cent. Com.; speaker, dir. Red Cross Unit during World War I; mem. Nat. League of Am. Pen Women, Gen. Fed. Womens Clubs, League of Women Voters, Minn. Fed. Womens Clubs (p. dist. and state pres. of Minn. Fed. of Womens Clubs). Clubs: Nat. Womens Rep., St. Paul Womens City. Author: many lectures on polit. subjs., home topics and club work. Travel: U.S., Can. Father, maj. in Civil War. Interests: lit., art, orgn. work. Recreations: bridge, reading, travel, Episcopalian. Republican. Home: 722 Fifth St., Red Wing, Minn. SEYMOUR, Gideon (Deming), editor; b. Arlington, S.D., 17 Aug. 1901; s. Arthur H. Seymour, educator, and Flora (Wilson) S.; ed. Aberdeen high sen.; Northern State Teachers Coll., Aber- deen, S.D.; Drake Univ., Des Moines, la.; Litt.D., Yankton (S.D.) Coll., 1941; m. Agnes Peterson of Harrold, S.D., 15 June 1926; 1 son, Peter. Newspaper work, reporter, The Des Moines Regis- ter, 1919; The Assoc. Press, 1923, 14 yrs., editor, fgn. corr., news ex., U.S., So. Am., Afr., Australia, Eur.; mng. dir., The Assoc. Press of Gr. Brit., 1937; editorial editor, dir., The Minne- apolis Star- Jour., 1940; v.p., exec, edi- tor, Minneapolis Star-Journal and Trib- une, 1944 — ; mem. Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Sci., Sigma Delta Chi, Theta Nu Epsilon. Clubs: Adventurers (N.Y.), Minneapolis, Minikahda, Skylight (Min- neapolis). Travel: So. Am., Afr., Aus- tralia, Eur. Conglist. Republican. Of- fice: Star Journal Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 306 E. Minnehaha Pkwy., Minneapolis, Minn. SAFFORD, Virginia Wetherby, colum- nist; b. Minneapolis, Minn.; d. John Wetherby, lawyer, and Annie (Rock- well) W.; m. Orren Safford of Minne- apolis, Minn., Apr. 1914. Editor, gen. mgr., Golfer and Sportsman mag., 1927- 35, owner, editor, 1935-38; columnist. Star Jour., 1939—. Author: Food of My Friends, 1944. Office: Minneapolis Star Journal, Minneapolis, Minn. Home: Bloomington, Minn. ZAPFFE, Carl, geologist and mining engineer; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 23 Apr. 1880; s. August Zapffe, sheet metal supt., and Babette (Weiss) Z.; ed. Mil- waukee grade schs. ; East Side high sen.; B.S., Engr. Coll., Univ. Wis., 1907, M.S., 1908; m. Ethel Moberg of Mt. Vernon, Wash., 1 Dec. 1909; children- Carl Andrew, Barbara Ann. Was in rail- road constrn. and mine surveying prior to 1906; geologist asst., 1908; geologist, N.P. Ry. Co., 1908-24; mgr. iron ore properties, N.P. Ry. Co., 1924; special- ized in iron and manganese ores; min- eral technology and research; authority on manganese ores and minerals, iron ore treatment processes and Cuyuna iron ore dist. with which has been asso- ciated without interruption since 1905, one yr. after discovery; pres. (17 yrs.) Water and Lt. Bd.; mem. Charter Commn., City of Brainerd, Minn.; county chmn., 3d, 4th, and 5th Liberty Loan Orgns., during World War I; Com- munity chmn. C.E.D. in World War II; A.I.M.E., Soc Econ. GeoL, fellow A.A.A.S., A.W.W. Assn., Am. Chem. Soc, Lake Superior Mining Inst., Alpha Chi Sigma (prof, chem.), Masonic Lodges, incl. Shrine (32d deg.), p. dist. gov. and committeeman of Rotary In- ternal Club: Brainerd Rotary. Author: many tech. pubis, on ores, minerals, processes and geology; U.S. Pat. for Removal of Manganese from Municipal Water Supplies. Travel: Eur., 1931, Mex., 1935, Canada. Interest: work with youths. Recreations: civic service to community. Protestant. Republican. Of- fice: P.O. Box 93, Northern Pacific Ry. Depot Bldg., Brainerd, Minn. Home: 325 Bluff Av., Brainerd, Minn. Summer res. : St. Colombo, Gull Lake, Crow Wing Co., Minn. SCHLOTTHAUER, Carl Frank, veteri- narian; b. Madison, Wis., 3 Dec. 1893; s. Frank George Schlotthauer, farmer, and Elizabeth (Schieke) S.; ed. Madi- son, Wis.; Univ. Wis.; St. Joseph Vet. Coll.; m. Emily Jensen of Oconomowoc, Wis., 7 June 1927; children— John, Charles. Mgr., hog cholera serum plant, Univ. Wis., 1914-17; vet., Pabst Corp., 1923-24; vet, med. res., Mayo Founda- tion, 1924—; sergt., during World War I; mem. Am. Vet. Med. Assn., Minn. State Vet. Soc, Am. Animal Hosp. Assn., Sigma Xi, A.F. and A.M. Author: nu- merous sci. (med. res.) papers. Travel: U.S., Can. Interest: gardening (flowers). Recreations: fishing, hunting. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: Mayo Founda- tion, Rochester, Minn. Home: 508 15th Av., S.W., Rochester, Minn. OVEKN, Oswald Benjamin, professor of science; b. Mankato, Minn., 26 Jan. 1891; s. Anton G. H. Overn, minister, and Severine Mathilde (Wieding) O.; 40 ed. Salt Lake City (Utah) high sch., 2 yrs.; Albert Lea (Minn.) high sch., 2 yrs.; B.A., Univ. Minn., 1912; M.S., State Univ. la., 1918; stud. Univ. Chi- cago, 1919-20; m. Maybelle H. Jenson of Fenton, la., 1920; children— Vivian Marie, William Matthew, Robert An- thony, Dorothy Isabelle, Esther Ma- thilde. Instr., Luther Coll., Decorah, la., 1912-15, prof, of physics, 1915-19; prof, sci., Concordia Coll., St. Paul, 1920 — ; mem. Am. Phys. Soc, A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi, Phi Delta Kappa. Author: scientific papers. Interests: music, art. Recrea- tion: music. Lutheran. Independent. Of- fice: Concordia Coll., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 1222 St. Anthony Av., St. Paul, Minn. LEACH, George Emerson; b. Cedar Rapids, la., 14 July 1876; s. William Benton Leach, atty., engr., and Mary (Hammond) L. ; ed. Central high sch., Minneapolis; Univ. Minn.; m. Anita Churcher of La Jolla, Calif., Jan. 1924; children — Joan, William. Supt., ins. agencies; mem. N.G.; mayor; chief, N.G. Bur., War Dept., Wash.; mayor, 6th term, Minneapolis; col., 151st F.A., 42d (Rainbow) Div., A.E.F.; Dist. Serv. Cross, Dist. Serv. Medal, Comdr., Crown of It., Belg. War Cross, Croix de Guerre (4 palms and star), Knight of St. Olaf (Norw.), numerous citations; maj. gen., Minn. N.G. (retired) ; mem. Masons, Am. Legion, Vets. Fgn. Wars, Disabled Am. Vets., Order of Purple Heart, Sigma Chi, Loyal Legion, N.G. Assn. Club: Army and Navy. Author: War Diary (experiences as col., 151st F.A.). Travel: world. Father, capt. and adj., 1st Minn., Civil War. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 605 8th Av., S., Min- neapolis, Minn. Home: 2101 W. Franklin Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Summer res. : Lake Shamineau, Minn. KNUDSQN, Bennett O., lawyer; b. Canton, Minn., 29 May 1890; s. Ole Knudson and Serena (Christiansen) K.; ed. Lanesboro (Minn.) high sch.; Beloit Coll., 1908-10; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1912, J.D., 1914; m. Harriett Irvin of Albert Lea, Minn., 14 Oct. 1915; 1 dau., Charlotte Jane. Admitted to practice of law, 1914; mem. firm Meighen, Knudson & Sturtz, 1922—; dir., Olson Mfg. Co., Albert Lea; Johnson Laundry Co., Al- bert Lea, Queen Stove Works, Albert Lea, Super Structures, Inc.; Minnesota Trust Co.; mem. Tenth Judicial Dist., Minn. State and Am. Bar Assns., Inter- nal Assn. Ins. Counsel, Sigma Chi, Phi Alpha Delta, Masons (K.T. 32d deg., Shriner), Grand Commander K.T., Minn., 1933. Clubs: Kiwanis (p. gov., Minn. Dakotas dist.), Kiwanis Internat. (p. pres.), Elks, Sons of Norw., A.L. Country, Rotary (hon.). Author: contbr. to Kiwanis mag. Recreations: golf, bridge. Episcopalian (vestryman). Re- publican. Office: First Nat. Bank Bldg., Albert Lea, Minn. Home: 518 Harriet Lane, Albert Lea, Minn. HUNT, Rollo Frederic, lawyer; b. Fairmont, Minn., 30 Dec. 1884; s. Ferdi- nand N. Hunt, physician, and Ida Lenore (Cadwell) H.; ed. Blue Earth high sch., Blue Earth, Minn.; A.B., Carleton Coll., 1905; LL.B., Harvard Law Sch., 1908; m. Clarice C. Coult of Fairmont, 2 May 1917; children— Cad- well, Tom, Clarice. Lawyer, Mankato, Minn., 1909-12, Devils Lake, N.D., 1912- 21, Duluth, Minn., 1921—; mem. firm, Hunt, Palmer and Hood; tr. Carleton Coll., 1930-36; elected Co. Atty., Ramsey Co., N.D., 1916, reelected 1918, served 4 yrs.; apptd. mem. Great Lakes (chmn.), St. Lawrence Tidewater Commn. of Minn.; mem. Minn. State Bar Assn. (pres., 1935-36). Club: Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country Club, (Du- luth). Conglist. Republican. Office: 800 Lonsdale Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Home: 120 N. 34th Av., E., Duluth, Minn. GORDON, Albert Isaac, rabbi; b. Cleveland, O., 11 May 1903; s. Hyman S. Gordon, mcht., and Martha (Rosen- zweig) G.; ed. Glenville high sch., Cleveland, O.; B.A., N.Y. Univ., 1927; Jewish Theol. Sem. Am., 1929; M.A., Univ. Minn., 1938; m. Dorothy Davis of Minneapolis, Minn., 28 Nov. 1929; chil- dren — Judith Rachel, David Eliot. Rabbi, Temple Israel, Wash. Heights, N.Y., 1928-29, Adath Jeshurun Syna- gogue, Minneapolis, 1930—; mem. Min- neapolis Fed. for Jewish Ser. (pres.), Minn. Nat. Youth Admin, (ad. council), Minneapolis Fed. Housing Project (ad- visory council), Hennepin Co. Tubercu- losis Assn. (dir.), Nat. Conf. Christians and Jews, Zionist Orgn. Am., B'nai B'rith. Author: An Experiment in Ap- plied Religion; Reconstructionist, 1937; Debate Manual. Travel: Pal., Eur., 1933. Jewish. Office: 34th St. and Dupont Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 3520 Humboldt Av., Minneapolis, Minn. GLENNON, Gertrude, librarian; b. Stillwater, Minn., 18 June 1888; d. John Stephen Glennon and Catherine (Harri- gan) G.; ed. Sitllwater (Minn.) high sch.; St. Cloud Teachers Coll.; Minn. Univ. Teacher, Red Wing State Sch., Stillwater, Farmington, Minn., Musko- gee, Okla., 1905-14; asst. librarian, 1916- 19, librarian, 1919; sec. treas., Minn. 41 Lib. Assn., 1929-37; mem. Minn. Lib. Assn. Club: Woman's Reading. Inter- ests: gardening, antique hunting, travel. Recreation: walking, outdoor life. Catholic. Republican. Home: 215 W. Laurel St., Stillwater, Minn. GERRISH, Harry Eldon, engineer, heating and air conditioning sales; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 9 Sept. 1882; s. Walter E. Gerrish, mcht., and Clara (Thomas) G.; ed. Central high sen.; M.E., Univ. Minn., 1905. Spl. apprentice C.M.&St.P. Ry., 1905-06; with Chas. L. Pillsbury, Cons. Engrs., Minneapolis, 1906-11; chief engr., Morgan-Gerrish Co., 1911—, pres., 1911—; lecturer, Inst, of Tech., Univ. Minn., 1925—; pres., Alumni Assn. Inst, of Tech., Univ. Minn., 1938—; dir., Minneapolis Y.M. C.A.; chmn., Boys W T ork Y, 1932—, Ro- tary Boys Work, 1937-43; chmn. Ward, Precinct, Minneapolis; Chief of Sect, of Trumpeters, Home Guard of Minn., 2 yrs., Nat. Guard (Minn.), 5 yrs., U.F.M. Sr. Capt., 4 yrs. during World War I; mem. Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma, Delta Upsilon, Soc. Heating & Ventilat- ing Engrs. Clubs: Univ. of Minn. Golf (pres. Sr. league, 1940), Republican (13th Ward), Shriner, Scottish and York Rites- Auto, Rotary of Minneapolis. In- terests: photog., boys work. Recrea- tions: hunting, fishing, golf. Episcopa- lian. Republican. Office: 307 Essex Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 4534 Fremont Av., So., Minneapolis, Minn. CLEMENS, Albert Harrison, attorney; b. Cuba City, Wis., 18 Sept. 1888; s. Wil- liam Clemens, carpenter, farmer, and Grace (Bowden) C; ed. Cuba City high sen.; Plattevellie Normal Sen.; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1912; Univ. Wis. Law Sen.; m. Myrtle M. Hunt of Madison, Wis., 1 Jan. 1913; 1 dau., Charlotte Edith. Instr., Oconto, Wis., 1912-13, Rochester, Minn., 1913-16; prin. Rochester Sr. high sen., 1916-19; atty. with Judge George W. Granger, 1919-27; atty., 1927—; dir. Olmsted Co. Power Co., Rochester Bldg. and Loan Assn.; mem. Olmsted Co. Bar Assn., Third Judicial Dist. Bar Assn., Minn., Minn. State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn. Universalist. Republican. Office: Rooms 10-11, Ramsey Bldg., Rochester, Minn. Home: 1201 Seventh St., S.W., Rochester, Minn. ANDERSON, Oscar J., lawyer; b. Howard Lake, Minn., 30 May 1894; s. Charles Anderson, section foreman, and Anna Engrid Anderson; ed. Howard Lake high sell.; LL.B., Minn. Coll. of Law, 1919; B.L., 1919; m. Anna M. Anderson of Dassell, Minn., 16 Apr. 1921; children— Oscar Donald, Dolores Ann. Grad. from high sen., 1913; worked way through law sen., (course inter- rupted for army service in World War I); pract. law at Howard Lake, 1919-21; Judge of Probate Court Wright Co., (1920-45, present term expires, 1949); v.p. Northland Canning Co.; exec. bd. mem. Minneapolis Area Council of Boy Scouts; tr. official bd. of M.E. Church, Buffalo, Minn.; mem. State Bar and 18th Judicial Bar Assns.; army service, Apr. 1918-Feb. 1919; mem. Minn. State A.A., State Bar Assn. Clubs: Minn. Valley Country, Golf and Social. Travel: to both coasts; also Fla., Mex. Interest: Boy Scouts. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Office and home: Buffalo, Minn. BEARD, Archibald H., physician; b. Pueblo, Colo., 13 May 1890; s. John H. Beard and Catherine E. (Morris) B.; ed. La Junta high sen., La Junta, Colo.; B.A., Univ. Kan., 1910; M.D., Harvard Med. Sen., 1914; m. Amelia Hartman of Danville, Pa., 8 Sept. 1927; children- Archibald H., Jr., Mary A. Instr. med., Univ. Minn., 1916, asst. clin. prof, med., 1920-41, assoc. clin. prof, med., 1941 — ; 1st It., base hosp. no. 26, 1917, capt., 1917-18, maj., 1918-19, during World War I; mem. Minn. Civic Council, Nu Sigma Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Xi, Hennepin County Med. Soc, Minn. State Med. Assn., A.M.A., A.C.P., Minne- apolis Acad, of Med., Minn. Soc. of Internal Med.; diplomate Am. Bd. In- ternal Med. Club: Minikahda. Interests: gardening, stamp collecting. Recrea- tion: gardening. Protestant. Republican. Office: 718 Medical Arts Bldg., 9th and Nicollet, Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 4420 Fremont Av., So., Minneapolis, Minn. BANNING, Margaret Culkin, author and lecturer; b. Buffalo, Minn., 18 Mar. 1891; d. William Edgar Culkin, lawyer, and Hannah (Young) C; ed. Duluth high sen., Minn.; A.B., Vassar Coll., 1912; cert., Chicago Sch. of Civics and Philanthropy, 1913; Fellow, Russell Sage Foundation (for res.), 1913; m. Archi- bald Tanner Banning of Duluth, 13 Oct. 1914; children— Mary Margaret, Archi- bald Tanner, Jr., William Culkin (dec), Margaret Brigid (dec.) ; m. (2d) Le Roy Salsich, Duluth, Minn., 15 Nov. 1944. Tr., Duluth Pub. Library; mem. Jr. League (Duluth Br., hon.), A. A. U.W., Authors' League of Am., League of Am. Penwomen, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Northland Country (Duluth), Tryon Country and Tryon Riding and Hunt (Tryon, N.C.), Cosmopolitan (N.Y. City), Duluth Woman's, Bus. and Prof. 42 Woman's. Author: many books, essays, arts.; contbr., most leading Am. mags.; radio commentator on spl. events, N.B.C. Home: 617 Irving PL, Duluth, Minn. CAMPBELL, Arthur William, re- search chemist; b. nr. Lexington, Ore., 24 Apr. 1899; s. W. T. Campbell, farmer, and Elizabeth (Young) C; ed. Heppner (Ore.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Ore., 1922; M.S., State Univ. la., 1925, Ph.D., 1927; m. Wanda L. Daggett of Portland, Ore., 1 Sept. 1924; children— Patrician Jean, Doris Jane. Teacher, Lakeview (Ore.) High Sch., 1922-23; grad. asst., State Univ. la., 1923-27; asst. prof., Univ. So. Dak., summer session, 1925; res. chem., The B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, O., 1927-32, Thermatomic Carbon Co., Terre Haute, Ind., 1932—; holder of several patents; pvt., U.S.A., 1918; Fellow A.I.C.; mem. A.C.S., Alpha Chi Sigma Gamma Alpha, Sigma Xi, F. & A.M. Au thor: several tech. papers. Travel: No Am. Interests: amateur radio, small bore rifle markmanship. Conglist. Re publican. Office: 1331 So. 1st St., Terre Haute, Ind. Home: 1504 So. Center St., Terre Haute, Ind. GALLOWAY, Jesse James, professor of geology and paleontology; b. Crom- well, Ind., 23 Aug. 1882; s. George Gallo- way, farmer, and Mary (Archer) G.; ed. Cromwell (Ind.) high sch., 1900; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1909, A.M., 1911, Ph.D., 1913; m. Clara Davis of Newport, Ind., 14 Sept. 1913; 1 dau., Priscilla. Instr. geology, Ind. Univ., 1913-16, prof, geol- ogy and paleontology, 1931 — ; curator of paleontology, instr. geology, asst. prof, and assoc. prof, of paleontology, Colum- bia Univ., 1916-31; mem. U.S. Geol. Sur- veys, Ind. Geol. Surveys and Dept. of Conservation; petroleum geologist for oil cos., Mex., Tex., Okla., Calif.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Geol. Soc. Am., Pale- ontological Soc. Am., Am. Assoc. Petro- leum Geol., Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Ind. Acad. Sci. Au- thor: A Manual of Foraminif era ; Ter- tiary Foraminifera of Porto Rico (with C.E. Heminway); papers on geol. and paleontological subjects. Recreations: chess, bridge. Protestant. Republican. Office: Ind. Univ., Bloomington, Ind. Home: 420 East Sixth St., Bloomington, Ind. MADELEVA, Sister M. (Mary Eva- line Wolff), educator; b. Cumberland, Wis., 24 May 1887; d. August Wolff, harness maker, and Lucy (Arntz) M.; ed. Cumberland high sch.; Univ. of Wis., 1905-06; B.A., St. Mary's Coll., Notre Dame, Ind., 1909; M.A., Univ. of Notre Dame, Ind., 1918; Ph.D., Univ. of Calif., 1925; Univ. of Oxford, Eng., 1933- 34; Litt.D. (hon.), Manhattan Coll., New York, N.Y., 1938, Mt. Mary Coll., Mil- waukee, Wis., 1940. Instr., Eng., St. Mary's Coll., 1913-16, head of Eng. Dept., 1916-19; prin. and head Depts. Eng. and French, Sacred Heart Acad., Ogden, Utah, 1919-22, Holy Rosary Acad., Woodland, Calif., 1922-26; head Eng. Dept. and dean, Coll. of St. Mary- of-the-Wasatch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1926-31, pres., 1931-33; head Eng. Dept. and pres., St. Mary's Coll., 1934—; lec- turer, U.S., Can., Oxford; mem. Assn. of Am. Colls., The Eng. Assn., The Modern Lang. Assn. of Am., Poetry Soc. of Am. and London, Catholic Poetry Soc. of Am., Nat. Cath. Ed. Assn., Mediaeval Acad, of Am., Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Author: Knights Errant and Other Poems, 1923; Chau- cer's Nuns and Other Essays, 1925; The Pearl (a study in spiritual dryness), 1925; Penelope and Other Poems, 1927; A Question of Lovers and Other Poems, 1935; Ballad of the Happy Christmas Wind, 1936; Gates and Other Poems, 1938; Christmas Eve and Other Poems, 1938; Selected Poems, 1939; Four Girls, 1941; Addressed to Youth, 1944. Travel: extensively in Am., Eur., Holy Land. Interests: old books, birds, wild flowers, mediaeval things. Recreations: hiking, mountain climbing, gardening. Catholic. Democrat. Office and home: St. Mary's Coll., Notre Dame, Holy Cross, Ind. GERMANN, Albert F(rederick) 0(t- tomar), chemist, teacher, nutritionist, consultant; b. Peru, Ind., 18 Feb. 1886; s. Gustave A. Germann, bldg. contrac- tor, and Mary F. (Miller) G.; ed. Peru high sch.; A.B.. Ind. Univ., 1909, A.M., 1910; A.M., Univ. Wis., 1910; ScD., Univ. Geneva, Switz., 1913; Univ. Ber- lin, 1912; m. Ida H. Meinke of Royal Oak, Mich., 1914; children — Luise Bar- bara, Edith Helene, Lucia May, Albert F.O., Jr. Teaching fellow in chemistry, Ind. Univ., 1909; asst. in chemistry, Univ. Wis., 1909-10; instr. chem., West- ern Reserve Univ., 1913-15, asst. prof., 1915-21, assoc. prof., 1921; asst. prof, chem., Stanford Univ. (Palo Alto, Calif.), 1921-25; dir. res., Lab. Products Co., Cleveland, O., 1925-26; prof, chem., head dept., Valparaiso Univ., Ind., 1926- 27, acting pres., acting dean, Coll. Pharm., 1927; dir. res. division, S.M.A. Corp., Cleveland, 1927-35, cons, chem., 1935—; pres., Nutritional Res. Assocs., 43 Inc., 1936 — ; initiated and directed res. which culminated in 1st development of commercial carotene, the vegetable source and internat. standard of vitamin A; Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. A.C.S., A. A. U.P., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Nat. Geog. Soc, Ind. Acad. Sci. Author: chem. and nutritional arts. Travel: Eur. Interests: family history, books. Recrea- tions: gardening, writing. Lutheran. Re- publican. Home: South Whitley, Ind. SABBAGH, Eiias M., associate pro- fessor; b. Zahle, Syr., 4 Feb. 1902; s. Morshed Sabbagh, mcht., and Saada (Naddad) S.; ed. French schs., Egypt; B.E.E., Ohio State Univ., 1926; M.S., Mich. State Coll., 1928; Ph.D., Purdue Univ., 1934; m. Waded Garey of Toledo, O., July 1931; children — Neva Sadie, Harold Abraham, Rosalie Ann, Lian David. With elec. cos., Egypt., 3 yrs. ; teacher, Mich. State Coll., Purdue Univ.; summer work with Willys-Over- land Co., Mich., Bell Telephone Co., Westinghouse H.V. Lab.; faculty ad- viser, Triangle fraternity H.K.N. ; mem. F. & A.M., A.I.E.E., S.P.E.E., Ind. Engrs. Council, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Etha Kappa Nu. Author: History of Phoenicia; A.C. Machinery; Losses in Transmission Towers; Unbalanced Transformer Connected; etc. Travel: Asia, Afr., Can. Interests: history. Rec- reation: gardening. Protestant. Office: Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. Home: 1800 Garden St., W. Lafayette, Ind. VAWTER, Mary Howey Murray, art- ist, writer; b. Baltimore, Md., 30 June 1871; d. Heron Campbell Murray, de- signer, arch., and Cordelia Carey (Wil- liams) M. ; ed. Western Female high sch.; Sarah N. Randolph, pvt. sch.; read Chautauqua (4 yrs.) Coll. Course, 1892; stu., Md. Inst., Charcoal Club, 1892-1900; Art Students' League, N.Y., 1902-03; m. John William Vawter of Greenfield, Ind., 19 Nov. 1902. Sec, Assoc. Charities, Greenfield, 1906-08; farmer, 1909-21; painted landscapes, portraits, 1921 — ; teacher, mission classes, ch., so. settlements, Baltimore. Clubs: Greenfield Women's, Ind. Art- ists', Brown Co. Poets. Author: many poems, arts. Travel: U.S., Can. Desc. Sir. George, Lady Temperance Yeard- ley, Capt. Adam Thorowgood, Custis family, of early Jamestown Colony, Va. Recreations: reading, cinema. Presby- terian. Democrat. Post Office: Nash- ville, Brown Co., Ind. Home: End of Hilltop Rd., Brown Co., Ind. GUTHRIE, Ned, college teacher; b. Shelby Co., 111., 8 Feb. 1899; s. A. H Guthrie, farmer, and Mattie (Inman) G. ; ed. Pana Twp. high sch., Pana, 111.; B.S., 111. Wesleyan, 1925; M.S., Univ. 111., 1926; m. Gladys Glick of Tower Hill, 111., 8 Sept. 1925; children- Frank Albert, Alice Ruth, Dorothy Lou- ise, Eleanor Edith. Teacher, Rural Sch., Shelby Co., 111., 1918-20; teacher math., sci., Cowden high sch., 1922-23; prof. chemistry, Hanover Coll., 1926 — ; mem. A.C.S., A.A.A.S., Ind. Acad. Sci., Ind. Chem. Soc, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Masons. Author: Question Book on 1st yr. College Chemistry; res. papers. In- terests: collecting and reading chil- dren's books. Recreation: games. Pres- byterian. Office: Hanover Coll., Han- over, Ind. Home: Hanover, Ind. CARMICHAEL, Geoffrey Loren, pro- fessor; b. Columbus, Ind., 1902; s. L. N. Carmichael, farmer and teacher, and Nancy Ellen (Brown) C; ed. Van Buren Township, Ind.; B.S. (with high distinc- tion), Ind. Univ., 1929, M.S., 1931; m. Lucy Mae Linville of Shelbyville, 1922; 1 dau., Mary Lou. Teacher in secondary schs., 1922-30; asst. prof, accounting, 1930-36; on leave as bus. analyst, Ford Motor Co., 1936-37; asst. prof, of acetg., Ind. Univ., 1937-40; assoc. prof, acctg., Ind. Univ., 1941 — ; mem. bd. dirs. Fed. Savings and Loan Assn., Beta Gamma Sigma, Alpha Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Kappa, Indiana Soc. of C.P.A., State Teachers Assn., Am. Accounting Assn. (v.p.), Am. Inst, of Accountants, Ma- sons, Scottish Rite, Shrine. Club: Ro- tary (p. pres., Bloomington) . Author: Accounting Principles and Practices, Modern Bus. Letetrs (in prep.). Travel: U.S. Interest: bus. analyst and tax con- sultant. Recreations: golf, bridge. Meth- odist. Independent. Office: Ind. Univ., Bloomington, Ind. Home: 500 Ballantine Rd., Bloomington, Ind. WEISS, Charles R., mechanical engi- neer; b. Germantown, Pa., 15 Sept. 1886; s. Charles H. Weiss, ins. exec, and Susan Dunlap (Hanna) W.; ed. Germantown Acad.; B.S. (M.E.), Univ. Pa.; m.. Sophie Heberton Bispham of Phila., Pa., 8 June 1918; children- Elizabeth Bispham, Sophia Heberton. Mech. engr., Link Belt Co.; mem., Troop A Assn., Beta Theta Pi. Clubs: Woodstock, Indianapolis Athletic, Uni- versity. Author: treatises on power transmission equipment. Travel: Cuba, H.I., Bermuda. Interests: golf, tennis, squash racquets. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office: care Link Belt Co., Indi- anapolis, Ind. Home: 4433 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. Summer home: Le- land, Mich. 44 WALLACE, Warrack, lawyer; b. Indi- anapolis, Ind., 21 Feb. 1894; s. Lew Wallace and Mary (Warrack) W. ; ed. Shortridge high sch.; B.S. in C.E., Pur- due Univ., 1914; LL.B., Harvard Law Sch., 1924; m. Kathryn Kendall of Pitts- burgh, Pa., 12 May 1919. Fgn. trade in the Orient, 1915-17, 1919-21; law prac- tice, Indianapolis, 1924—; 2d lieut., C.A.C., during World War I; Major, C.A.C., 1942—; mem. A.B.A.; Spl. Asst. to Atty. Gen. of U.S., 1941. Clubs: Indi- anapolis Lit., Indianapolis Dramatic, Woodstock. Protestant. Republican. Of- fice: 810 Fletcher Trust Bldg., Indian- apolis, Ind. Home: Brendonwood, Indi- anapolis, Ind. STEWART, Janet Crouse, restorer of antiques and objects d'art; b. Mans- field, O., 15 Aug. 1904; d. E. W. Crouse, bus. rep., and Betz (Orem) C. ; ed. So. Bend high sch.; Chicago Acad. Fine Arts; Nat. Park Sem., Washington, D.C.; Sch. Indsl. Arts, Phila., Pa.; studied sketching with Stanislaus Szu- kalski, Hollywood, Calif.; m. Frederick Patton Stewart of Toledo, O., 19 Dec. 1932. Pencil portrait artist; restoration of antiques, art objects, porcelains, paintings, etc. Grandfather capt. in Civil War, 4 yrs. Interest: glass collection. Recreations: swimming, golf. Christian Scientist. Republican. Office: (in winter) Miami Beach, Fla. Summer res.: 725 Park Av., So. Bend, Ind. SMITH, Francis Marion, minister; b. Oakland, Calif., 30 Aug. 1895; s. Cassius M. Smith, manufacturer, and Martha (Myers) S.; ed. Hollywood (Calif.) high sch.; Univ. So. Calif.; Boston Univ.; Harvard Univ.; A.B., Columbia Univ., 1917, A.M., 1920; D.D. (hon.), Univ. So. Calif., 1938; D.D. (hon.), Am. Internat. Coll., 1935; m. Daisyolah Wilson of Los Angeles, 5 June 1918; children — Wilson, Maria Jean. Minister of Meth. Chs. in Calif., Mass., New York, Ind., 1918—; pres., Evansville Coll., Ind., 1936-40; preacher, Hoy lake Presbyn. Ch., Liver- pool, Eng., summer, 1935, under aus- pices World Alliance for Internat. Friendship; It., U.S.N., 1917-19; mem. Phi Delta Kappa, Am. Assn. Adult Edn., A.A.A.S. Club: Rotary. Author: The Liberal College in Urban Life, Evans- ville Coll., 1938. Travel: Eur., Am. Methodist. Independent. Office: Central Av. Meth. Church, Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 4730 N. Capitol Av., Indianapolis, Ind. ROGERS, Cleo Pauline, librarian; b. Franklin, Ind., 31 July 1906; d. Charles Ernest Rogers, theatre manager, and Lulu Belle (Taylor) R.; ed. Columbus high sch.; A.B., Franklin Coll., Frank- lin, Ind., 1927. With Columbus (Ind.) Lib., July 1928—, libr., Mar. 1936—; mem. Delta Zeta, Phi Beta Psi. Inter- ests: books, reading, dogs (esp. cocker spaniels), knitting. Methodist. Repub- lican. Office : Columbus - Bartholomew Co. Library, Columbus, Ind. Home: 818 California St., Columbus, Ind. O'BRIEN, Cornelius, business execu- tive; b. Lawrenceburg, Ind., 12 Feb. 1883; s. W. H. O'Brien, banker, and Harriet (Hunter) O'B.; ed. Moores Hill Prep. Sch.; Purdue Univ.; m. Anna Cook of Lawrenceburg, Ind., 14 Apr. 1909; children — Anna Belle, Mary (Mrs. John Timberlake Gibson). Pres., A.D. Cook, Inc., Peoples Nat. Bank, Law- renceburg, Ind.; mem. Indiana State Commn. of Conservation, exec, com., Ind. Hist. Soc, bd. trustees, The Christ Hosp., Cincinnati, O., Masons (Scottish Rite). Office: Lawrenceburg, Ind. Home: 455 Ridge Av., Lawrenceburg, Ind. HUTCHESON, William L., general president; b. Saginaw Co., Mich., 7 Feb. 1874; s. Daniel O. Hutcheson, car- penter, and Elizabeth (Calbot) H. ; ed., grade sch.; m. Jessie T. Sharon. Gen. pres., United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of Am.; served on War Labor Bd. during World War I; apptd. by Pres. Wilson. Clubs: Columbia (Indi- anapolis), Highland Golf & Country (In- dianapolis), Glen Country (Lebanon, Ind.). Travel: Eur., So. Am. Protestant. Republican. Office: 222 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 3743 N. Merid- ian St., Indianapolis, Ind. KAHL, Marjorie Edith, educator; b. Bryant, Ind.; d. Elmer Kahl, minister and Mary (McClure) K.; ed. Sidney, Neb. high sch.; Midland Coll.; Ball State Teachers Coll., Carthage Coll., 1941, A.B.; m. Rev. Harvey S. Law- rence, D.D., 1941. Prepared and illus. reading text book for primary grades (unpublished). Club: reading. Author: volume of lyric poems, "The Singing Wind," 1945; poems in 21 anthologies, short stories, religious and ednl, arts. Great-grandparents in Am. before Revo- lution. Interests: art, puppets. Lutheran. Republican. Home: Columbia City, Ind. COLEMAN, William Coffin, manufac- turer; b. Chatham, N.Y., 21 May 1870; s. Robert Russell Coleman and Julia M. (Coffin) C; ed. Parsons high sch.; Kan. State Teachers Coll., 1892; Ottawa Univ., 1894-95; Kan. Univ. Law Sch., 1897-98; LL.D. (hon.), Ottawa Univ., 45 1928; m. Fanny Sheldon of Ottawa, Kan., 1 Jan. 1901; children— Sheldon, Clarence W. Founder, pres., Coleman Lamp and Stove Co., 1900—; mayor, Wichita, 1 yr., commr., 2 yrs.; pres., Northern Bapt. Conv., 1927-28; chmn. money raising drives, Wichita; mem. Gen. Council and Finance Com., No. Bapt. Conv., Wichita Lincoln Repub- lican. Clubs: Wichita Country, Rotary. Travel: v/estern hemisphere. Interest: inventions. Recreation: fishing-. Baptist. Republican. Office: Coleman Lamp and Stove Co., Wichita, Kan. Home: The Hilcrest, Wichita, Kan. PAYNE, Loyal Frederick, professor and head of poultry department; b. Tecumseh, Neb., 14 July 1889; s. Thomas Jefferson Payne and Ellen (Meyer) P.; ed. Shawnee (Okla.) high sch.; B.S., Okla. A. & M. Coll., 1912; M.S., Kan. State Coll., 1925; m. Mary I. Cobb, Wagoner, Okla., 3 June 1914; chil- dren—Ellen, Kenyon, Loyal C, Martha, William, Nell, Edith. Poultry investiga- tions, Okla. A. &M. Coll., 1912-14; instr., prof., actg. head poultry dept., Mass. State Coll., 1914-21; assoc. prof. Kan. State Coll., 1921-23; prof., head dept. poultry, 1923—; p. pres. Poult. Sci. Assn., Phi Kappa Phi, Kiwanis, fellow Poult. Sci., 1941, mem. World Poult. Sci. Assn., Sigma Xi, Chamber Com- merce, Kan. Poult. Industry Council. Author: numerous Agr. Expt. Sta. circu- lars, bulls., and tech. arts.; co-author International Poultry Guide for Flock Selection. Travel: British Isles, Eur., 1930. Interests: photog., family chronol- ogy. Recreations: reading, golf. Pres- byterian. Office: Poultry Dept., Kan. State Coll., Manhattan, Kan. Home: 1825 College Heights Rd., Manhattan, Kan. SCHRAMMEL, Henry E., professor of psychology and dir. Bureau of Educa- tional Measurements; b. Herndon, Kan., 1 Mar. 1883; s. Paul Schrammel, farmer, and Susanna (Herzog) S.; ed. No. Central Coll., 1912; M.A., Univ. No. Central Acad., Naperville, 111.; B.A., Colo., 1922; M.A., Columbia Univ., 1923; Ph.D., Ohio State Univ., 1925; m. Mary Thompson of Gallipolis, O., 1915. High sch. prin., Aurora, Minn., 1912-16, New Ulm, Min., 1917-20; supt. schs., Tellu- ride, Colo., 1920-22; prof., Mont. State Normal Coll., summers, 1923-24, Univ. Tex., summer, 1931; prof, psychology, Kan. State Teachers Coll., Emporia, 1924 — ; dir. Bur. of Ednl. Measurements, 1929—; dir. All-Kan. State Scholarship Contest sponsored annually by Kan. State Teachers Coll., also Nation-wide Every Pupil Tests (2 conducted an- nually); mem. N.E.A., Am. Ednl. Res. Assn., Nat. Soc. Teachers of Measure- ments, Nat. Soc. Study Ed., Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, Kan. Edn. Assn., Kan. Council Sch. Adminstrs., Kan. Acad. Sci., Masons. Clubs: Em- poria Current, Emporia Moot. Author: about 40 arts, in prof, mags.; about 30 summaries of res. studies of state and nation-wide testing programs; 50 stand- ard tests. Travel: U.S. Interest: scholar- ship contests, test standardization. Rec- reations: bridge, back yard flower gar- den. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Teachers Coll., Emporia, Kan. Home: 1606 West St., Emporia, Kan. SWARTHOUT, Donald Malcolm, dean of sch. of fine arts; b. Pawpaw, 111., 9 Aug. 1884; s. Teal Swarthout, banker, and Ella Gladys (Smith) S.; ed. Paw- paw high sch.; Royal Cons. Leipzig, Ger., Pruefung, 1911; pvt. study, Paris, Fr., 1910-11; Mus.D., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1932; Mus.D., Southwestern Coll., Kan., 1933; m. Emma Evelyn Bryant of Pawpaw, HI., 5 Aug. 1908; children —Evelyn (Mrs. J. P. Hayes), Ruth Elizabeth (Mrs. W. A. Rider). Assoc, dir. mus., Oxford Coll., Oxford, O., 1906- 10; assoc. dir. mus., 111. Coll. Mus., Jacksonville, 1911-14; assoc. dir. mus., Millikin Univ., Decatur, HI., 1914-23; dir., Decatur Choral Union; dean, Sch. Fine Arts, Univ. Kan., 1923 — ; Camp Song Leader, S.A.T.C, James Millikin Univ., 1917-18; mem. Chamber Com- merce, Mus. Teachers Assn. (pres., 1931, 32, sec, 1923-31, 1933-44), Kan. State Mus. Teachers Assn. (pres., 1928), Nat. Assn. Schs. Mus. (pres., 1944), Am. Guild Organists, Music Educators Nat. Conf. Clubs: Kiwanis, Country. Au- thor: assoc. ed., Univ. Course of Mus. Study. Travel: Eur., 5 yrs. Presby- terian. Republican. Office: Univ. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan. Home: Valley- view, Lawrence, Kan. STEVENS, William Chase, professor botany; b. Princeton, HI., 21 Feb. 1861; s. James Thomas Stevens, lawyer, and Elizabeth (Flint) S.; ed. Lawrence high sch.; B.S., Univ., Kan., 1885, M.S., 1893; M. Ada Eliza Pugh of Cottonwood Falls, Kan., 11 July 1888; children— Francis, Ralph, Philip, Richard, Rachel Stevens Van Valkenburg. Teacher, Sci. Emporia high sch., 1885-88; mem. Faculty Univ., Kan., 1889; travel and study abroad, 1927; research art3. in Am., English and German periodicals, pub. books; retired from active teaching, 1937; since retirement has been engaged in botani- cal survey of State; mem. Am. Assn. Sci .; fellow Bot. Soc. Am., Kan. Acad. 46 Sci.; Sigma Xi. Club: Old and New, Lawrence, Kan. Author: Introduction to Botany; Plant Anatomy; various re- search and popular arts. Parents and family came to Kan., 1867; father was for some yrs., ed. and pub., The Kansas Spirit, an early Kan. weekly newspaper. Interest: wild flowers of Kan. Recrea- tion: photographing wild flowers. Uni- tarian. Office: Snow Hall, Univ. Kan., Lawrence, Kan. Home: 1121 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kan. SMITH, Elizabeth Potter, librarian; b. Emporia, Kan.; d. David Potter and Nancy (Barns) P.; ed. Emporia (Kan.) high sch.; A.B., Coll. of Emporia, 1911; Lib. Cert., Kan. State Teachers Coll., 1931, M.S., 1938; grad. study, Univ. Kan., 1889; travel and study abroad, of Emporia, Kan., 1928. Libr., Anderson Memorial Lib., Coll. of Emporia, Em- poria, Kan.; mem. Kan. Lib. Assn. Clubs: Research, Saturday Afternoon. Presbyterian. Office: Anderson Memo- rial Library, Coll. of Emporia, Emporia, Kan. Home: 1018 Commercial St., Em- poria, Kan. KLQEFFLER, Royce Gerald, profes- sor of electrical engineering; b. Ar- mada, Mich., 18 June 1890; s. G. W. (Powell) K.; ed. Armada high sch.; B.S. (in E.E.), Univ. Mich., 1913; S.M. (in E.E.), M.I.T., 1930; m. Hazel M. Davis of Wolverine, 1915; children- Doris May, Gale Davis. Gen. Elec. Co., 2 yrs.; Detroit Edison Co., 3 mos.; Washington Water Power Co., 3 mos.; instr. elec. and mech. engring., Univ. Idaho, 1 yr. ; asst. prof, to head dept. elec. engring., Kan. State Coll., 25 yrs.; dir. Kan. Engring. Soc, 1939-41, chmn. Kansas City Sect. A.I.E.E., 1938-39; mem. Kan. Engring. Soc, Soc. Promo- tion of Engring. Edn., A.I.E.E., Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Sigma Tau, Eta Kappa Nu, Manhattan Chamber Com- merce. Club: Manhattan Country. Au- thor: Telephone Communication System, 1925; Principles of Electronics, 1942. Co- author: Direct-Current Machinery, 1934; Engineering Preview, 1945. Recreations: movie photog. Protestant. Independent. Office: Kan. State Coll., Manhattan, Kan. Home: Blue River Lodge, Man- hattan, Kan. ERESCH, Josie, cashier; b. Beloit, Kan., 13 Apr. 1894; d. Peter Eresch, executive, and Josephine (Haneben?) E.; ed. Beloit high sch.; Sch. of Art, St. Mary-of-the- Woods Coll.; pupil of Birger Sandzen, N.Y. Sch. of Fine and Applied Arts; Fed. Sch. Comml. Design; studied etching with Caroline Armington, Paris; block printing and free brush painting, Japan and China. Cashier, First Nat. Bank; treas., First Loan Co.; treas., Beloit City Schs., 1929—; mem. Am. Pen Women, Woodcut Soc, Prairie Printmakers, Ex Libris Kunst of Hol- land, Deutsche Verein of Gebrauchs Graphic of Berlin, Australian Bookplate Soc, Am. Rose Soc, Cath. Daus. of Am. Club: Kansas Authors. Author: Elegant Amusement; Come Up and See My Etchings. Travel: Eur., Orient. In- terests: art, print making. Recreations: sketching, golf, gardening. Catholic. Home: 502 N. Campbell, Beloit, Kan. AGNEW, Elizabeth Jane, dean of women; b. Princeton, Kan., 25 July 1871; d. William Moffitt Agnew, farmer, and Mary Jane (Gregg) A.; ed. rural sch.; B.S., Kan. State Coll., 1900; Co- lumbia Univ., N.Y., 1903-04. Teacher of home economics, Kan. State Coll.; held scholarship, Teacher Coll., N.Y., 1903- 04; teacher home economics, Wichita (Kan.) high sch., 1905-10; prof, home economics, Ft. Hays (Kan.) State Coll., 1910-18; dietitian, Base Hosp., Camp Travis, Tex., 1918-19; dean of women and dir. Coll. cafeteria, Ft. Hays, Kan. State Coll., 1919—; mem. Kan. State Teachers Assn., State and Nat. Deans Assn., Pi Gamma Mu, Delta Kappa Gamma, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Sigma Alpha, P.E.O., Am. Legion, Fed. Wom- en's Clubs, A.A.U.W., B.P.W., Chamber Commerce. Club: golf. Travel: Cuba, Can., U.S. (22 states). Interests: an- tiques, brass, glass, furniture. Recrea- tions: golf, cards, picnics. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Ft. Hays, State Teachers Coll., Hays, Kan. Home: 504 W. 6th St., Hays, Kan. PUCKETT, Erastus Paul, teacher; b. Summit, Ala., 11 Apr. 1882; s. Erastus Peru Puckett, realtor, and Susan (Henry) P.; ed. Birmingham high sch.; North Highlands Acad., Birmingham, Ala.; A.B., Howard Coll., 1903; A.M., Tulane Univ., 1907; Harvard Univ.; Co- lumbia Univ.; Univ. Mo.; LL.D. (hon.), Kentucky Wesleyan, 1930; LL.D., How- ard Coll., 1931; LL.D. (hon.), Cent. Coll., 1933; m. Anna Pryor of Fayette, Mo., 7 Sept. 1910; children— Anna Sue, Flor- ence Jean, Helen Gertrude. Prin., Scottsboro, Ala. Baptist Inst., 1903-05; teaching fellow and instr., Tulane Univ., 1906-08; prin., Acad, of Cent. Coll., 1908; 10, prof, of econs. and hist., 1910—, dean, 1913—, acting pres., 1924; lecturer on topics in ed. and econ. hist.; leader in affairs of the Mo. Coll. Union for more than twenty-five yrs.; mem. Am. 47 Scon. Assn., Econ. Hist. Assn., Mo. Hist. Soc, Mo. Acad, of Sci., Mo. State Teachers Assn., Soc. for Advancement of Ed., Fayette Chamber Commerce. Club: Rotary. Author: arts, on history, economics, and education. Travel: U.S. Interests: literature, music, art. Rec- reations: hunting-, fishing, rose garden, golf, tennis. Methodist. Democrat. Of- fice: Central Coll., Fayette, Mo. Home: Fayette, Mo. WHITE, John Turner, lawyer; b. Green Co., 22 Apr. 1854; s. William White and Margaret (Erg) W. ; ed. Drury Coll., 1878; m. Mary H. Jones, 11 Oct. 1883. Prin. high sch., 1879-80; admitted to bar, 1882; apptd. comr., Sup. Ct. Mo., 1916; elected judge, 1922- 32. Author: Cause of the Crime Wave. Recreations: fishing, golf. Democrat. Home: 909 S. Fremont, Springfield, Mo. THOMPSON, Richard Ryan, execu- tive; b. Fulton, Ky., 23 Jan. 1878; s. Samuel A. Thompson, editor, and Clem- entine (Ryan) T. ; ed. McFerrin sch., Martin, Tenn. ; Union Univ., Jackson, Tenn. ; M.A., Univ. Mich.; m. Anne E. Ellis of Maryville, Ten., 8 Aug. 1927; children — Ruth Ryan, Nancy Anne. Educator, lecturer, and business execu- tive, bank dir.; comr. State Highwy. ; State Senator; pres. Lake Lucerne Co., Ozarka Water Co., Ozarka; mem. Am. Arbitration Assn. Club: Rotary. Recrea- tions: golf, tennis, swimming, riding. Episcopalian. Democrat. Office: Lake Lucerne, Ark. Home: Eureka Springs, Ark. NELSON, P. Mabel, college professor; b. Brookston, Ind., 9 Nov. 1887; s. Rob- ert Jackson Nelson, retired rancher, and Rebecca Pheriba (Benjamin) N.; ed. Riverside (Calif.) high sch.; B..S, Univ. Calif., 1915, M.A., 1916; Ph.D., Yale Univ., 1923; Santa Barbara State Coll. Manual Arts and Home Econ. Teacher, Riverside Co. schs., 1907-09; home econ. teacher, Riverside City schs., 1912-14, Santa Barbara State Coll. Manual Arts and Home Econ., 1916-19; prof, of res. in foods and nutrition, la. State Coll., 1923-25, acting head of dept., 1925-26, head of dept., 1926—, dean, Div. of Home Economics, 1944; mem. Alpha Nu, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Omicron Nu, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Iota Sigma Pi, Sigma Delta Epsilon. Author: sci. arts. Travel: Eur., Alas., So. Am., Caribbean. Interests: garden, geneal- ogy, birds. Recreations: swimming, gar- dening. Protestant. Office: Div. Home Economics, la. State Coll., Ames, la. Home: 2334 Baker St., Ames, la. BRADLEY, Richard Smith, director of research, ceramist; b. Bement, Piatt Co., 111., 3 Feb. 1900; s. B. Q. Bradley (dec), ry. elk., and Jennie Louise (Smith) B.; ed. Bement (HI.) high sch.; B.Cer. E., Univ. 111., 1925; m. Ruth Evelyn Dillard of Mexico, Mo., 27 Feb. 1929; 1 dau., Joan Carol. A. P. Green Fire Brick Co., 11 June 1923—, cer. engr., 1925-29, dir. of research, 1929—; fellow, Am. Cer. Soc; mem. A.S.T.M. (Com. C-8), Inst, of Ceramic Engrs. (charter mem.), Mo. Soc. Prof. Engrs., Registered Prof, of Eng. in Mo., Kera- mos, Masons. Clubs: Mexico (Mo.) Ki- wanis, Mexico (Mo.) Country. Travel: Eur., Old Mex. Recreations: hunting, fishing, golfing. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office: A. P. Green Fire Brick Co., Mexico, Mo. Home: 4 Park Circle, Mexico, Mo. JOHNSON, Miriam Pyle, author; b. Iowa Falls, la., 6 July 1883; d. George Carter Pyle and Deborah (Vick) P.; ed. Iowa Falls (la.) high sch.; A.B., Penn Coll., Oskaloosa, la., 1904, A.M., 1905; grad. work, Bryn Mawr, 1904-05; m. Warren T. Johnson of Iowa Falls, la., 18 June 1908; children— Robert G., Mrs. Deborah Helen Schwartz, Margaret Elosie (dec). Prof., Latin, German, Ellsworth Coll., Iowa Falls, la., 1905-09; active leader, progressive movements for betterment of farmers, farm life, coop, libraries for rural dists. Club: Local Civic (pres.). Author: A Farm Woman Speaks Up. Interests: flowers, collecting miniature vases, writing on farm problems, coop, marketing. Rec- reation: picnics. Quaker. Democrat. Of- fice and home: Latimer, la. DEUTSCH, Frederick M., lawyer; b. Talmage, Neb., 4 Sept. 1898; s. Fred- erick Deutsch, stockman, and Mary Ellen (Moran) D.; ed. Hastings (Neb.) high sch.; Spalding Coll.; LL.B., Univ. Neb., 1921; m. Catherine M. Lawlor of Lincoln, Neb., 28 July 1938. U.S.N.R.F., during World War I; mem. Sigma Chi, Am. Legion, Chamber Commerce (p. pres.), Neb. State and Am. Bar Assns., Internat. Assn. of Ins. Counsel, K.C, B.P.O.E. (p. exalted ruler, dist. dep- uty), Dem. State Com. (p. v. chmn.). Catholic. Democrat. Office: 0119 So. 4th St., Norfolk, Neb. Home: 1101 Norfolk Av., Norfolk, Neb. STEWART, Zella White, physician; b. North Hampton, New Brunswick, Can., 9 Jan. 1878; d. Ralph Beardsley White and Martha (Cromwell) W.; ed. Alle- gheny Coll., Meadville, Pa.; Bradford (Pa.) high sch.; M.D., Cornell Univ. 48 Med. Coll., N.Y.C., 1904; m. George Walter Stewart of Kansas City, 7 July 1904; 1 son, Rodney Cromwell. Began gen. practice (women and children) to 1919; devoted entire time to allergy, 1919-38; conducted and owned Sanato- rium for Allergic Conditions; retired, 1938; mem. Johnson Co. and State Med. Assns., A.M.A., Assn. for Study of Al- lergy, A.A.A.W., Kappa Alpha Theta, League of Women Voters. Clubs: Uni- versity, Allergy. Author: several arts, on allergy. Travel: around the world. Recreation: travel. Methodist. Home: 1010 Woodlawn St., Iowa City, la. McQUEEN, Frederick Emi2, editor; b. New Orleans, La., 18 Sept. 1891; s. James McQueen and Elizabeth (Herzog) McQ. ; ed. pub. schs., (New Orleans, La.); Elmhurst Coll., Elmhurst, HI.; Eden Theol. Sem., Webster Groves, Mo.; A.M., Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1926; m. Bertha S. Becker of New Orleans, La., 2 Jan. 1923. Ordained minister, Evangelical Synod of No. Am., 1916; pastor, St. Paul's Evangelical Ch., New Orleans, La., 1917-20; worked with boys, Kingdom House, St. Louis, Mo., 1920; indsl. sec, St. Louis Y.M.C.A., 1920-26; assoc. exec, sec, Bd. Rel. Ed., Evangelical Synod of No. Am., 1927-29; ed. church school pub., 1929 — ; ed. The Builder (monthly), Youth (weekly); mem. Bd. of Chr. Ed., St. Louis Ch. Fed., Ed. Com., Internat. Council of Rel. Ed., St. Louis, Philos. Assn. Inter- est: gardening. Evangelical and Re- formed. Independent. Office: 1724 Chou- teau Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 602 Clark Av., Webster Groves, Mo. SCHRUP, Joseph Henry, physician, surgeon; b. Dubuque, la., 3 Feb. 1882; s. Joseph J. Schrup, mcht., and Philo- mena (Strueber) S.; ed. Dubuque high sch.; M.D., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1904. Interne, Mercy Hosp., Chi- cago, 1904-06; practicing med., Du- buque, la., 1906 — ; surgeon, but now specializing in res. for chronic diseases' practical cure; capt., M.C., U.S.A., 1918; fellow A.M.A.; life mem. la. State Med. Soc, Dubuque Co. Med. Soc. Author: many med. arts. Travel: U.S., No. Am., So. Am., Eur. Desc early settlers in la., 1846. Interest: original res. in clin. med. and surg.; lines of chronic dis- eases; at present, part-time Reserve Sr. Phys. in Cardiology, U.S.A. Recrea- tions: travel, sports, hunting, fishing. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 915 Main St., Dubuque, la. Home: 794 W. 5th St., Dubuque, la. HOSFORD, Hemphill Moffett, college dean, professor; b. Sterrett, Tex., 12 Sept. 1896; s. John William Hosford, farmer, and Hattie (Gordon) H.; ed. Waxahochie high sch., A.B., So. Meth. Univ., 1919; A.M., Univ. 111., 1923, Ph.D., 1926; m. Gladys Garstang of Alton, 111., 31 Jan. 1927; children — Mary Martha, Richard Gordon. Instr. math. So. Meth. Univ. (Tex.), 1919-22; asst. Univ. 111., 1922-25; fellow, 1925-26; assoc. prof, math. So. Meth. Univ., 1926-29; prof, math. Univ. Ark., 1929—; dean Coll. of Arts and Sciences, 1939 — ; mem. city council (Fayetteville, Ark., v.p., 1943), 1936-44; aviator U.S. Naval Service, 1918-19; mem. Am. Math. Soc, Math. Assn. Am., A.A.U.P. Club: Rotary. Methodist. Democrat. Office: Univ. Ark., Univ. Hall, Fayetteville, Ark. Home: 724 Maple, Fayetteville, Ark. MOORE, Louis Daniel, sales engi- neer; b. Maywood, 111., 12 June 1886; s. John Richard Moore, r.r. office man, and Fannie Belt (West) M.; ed. Kirk- wood high sch., 1904; Washington Univ. night sch.; m. Nina Megown of Monroe City, Mo., 21 Oct. 1912; children— John Robert, Richard Kerr. Stenographer, clerk until 1 Mar. 1910; office asst. to electrical engr. of Mo. Pacific R.R. Co., 1 Mar. 1910- Jan. 1916; elec engr., Mo. Pacific R.R. Co., Jan. 1916-31-Dec 1925; sales engr. for various equipment mgrs., as mfrs. agent, 1925 — . Grandson of capt. of Conf. Army. Presbyterian. Inde- pendent. Office: 4030 Chouteau Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 211 E. Jefferson Av., Kirkwood, Mo. SCHRAMM, Wilbur, director, school of journalism; b. Marietta, O., 5 Aug. 1907; s. A. A. Schramm, lawyer, and Louise M. (Lang) S. ; ed. Marietta high sch.; B.A., Marietta Coll., 1928; M.A., Harvard Univ., 1930, Ph.D., 1932; Litt. D., Marietta, 1945; m. Elizabeth Donaldson of Lead, S.D., 5 Aug. 1934; children — Mary Barbara, Richard Mi- chael. Reporter and desk editor, several newspapers including Boston Herald; correspondent, Associated Press; editor American Prefaces, mag., 1935-41; dir., Univ. la. Writers Workshop, 1938-41; ednl. dir., Office of Faets and Figures and Office of War Information, 1942-43; ednl. consultant, Navy Dept., 1942; same, War Dept., 1942 — ; cons, editor, U.S. Armed Forces Inst.; dir. Univ. la. Sch. of Journalism, Sept. 1943 — . Au- thor: The Science of English Verse; Francis Parkman; The Story Workshop; American Medley (stories) ; Literary Scholarship; contributor of stories and 49 arts., Saturday Evening Post, Atlantic Monthly, other mags. Office : Univ. of la., Iowa City, la. Home: 540 South Summit, Iowa City, la. RELEY, Jesse Dean, physician; b. Hamburg, Ark., 10 Nov. 1890; s. John R. Riley, farmer, and Martha (Cone) R.; ed. Little Rock high sch., Little Rock, Ark.; M.D., Tuland Med. Coll., New Orleans, La., 1916; m. Louise Stevenson of Vandervoort, 9 Aug. 1934; children — Helen Riley, Hazel, Martha. Gen. prac- tice, Montrose, Ark., 1917-21; asst. med. dir., So. Bapt. Sanatorium, 1921-23; med. dir., So. Bapt. Sanatorium, El Paso, Tex., 1923-30; supt. and med. dir., Ark. Tuberculosis Sanatorium, State Sanatorium, Ark., March 1930—; assoc. prof, in dept. of med., Univ. of Ark., Sch. of Med., Little Rock, Ark., 1940—; mem. Ark. Med. Soc, Sebastian Co. Med. Soc, A.M. A., Nat. Tuberculosis Assn., So. Med. Assn., So. Tuberculosis Conf.; fellow, Am. Coll. Phys. Author: Tuberculosis and What to Do About It (booklet). Baptist. Democrat. Office: Ark. Tuberculosis Sanatorium, State Sanatorium, Ark. Home: State Sana- torium, Ark. DAVIS, John Eustace, exceutive; b. Pickering, Mo., 2 Feb. 1883; s. N. H. Davis, capitalist, and Mary Ellen (Cravens) D.; ed. Maryville (Mo.) high sch.; A.B., William Jewell Coll., 1907; Univ. Mo.; Univ. Chicago; m. Sylvia Kimzey of Colorado Springs, 1913; chil- dren — John Kimzey, Elenor Alice. Bus. mgr., William Jewell Coll., head of physics dept.; valuation engr. during World War I; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Physical Soc, Physics Teachers Assn., Bus. Mgrs. Assn., A.A.A.S., Mo. State Chamber Commerce, Liberty Chamber Commerce, Phi Gamma Delta. Club: Rotary Internat. Interest: horticulture. Recreations: golf, fishing. Baptist. Democrat. Office: William Jewell Coll., Liberty, Mo. Home: 425 Miller Av., Liberty, Mo. STACEY, Dorothy Layman, artist (painter) ; b. Des Moines, la., 30 Sept. 1904; d. Albert W. Layman, lawyer, and Dora Ellen (Herrold) L.; ed. St. Jo- seph's Acad., Des Moines, Univ.; I.A.G. (hon.), Cumming Sch. of Art, 1929; m. Lynn Nelson Stacey of Des Moines, la., 19 July 1928; children— John Lynn, Mark Lynn. Exhibited at la. Art Salon, 2d and hon. mention, 1929, 1st, 2d, 1930, 1st and 2d awards, 1931, popular vote prize, The Spinning Wheel, 1935; Des Moines Women's Club, 3d award, 1930; Iowa rep., 1935, Isochromatic exhbn., Grand Central Galleries, N.Y.C.; also exhbtd. in 111., N.Y., Ida., Ore., Colo., Calif.; 1st asst. designer, Freeman Decorating Co., Des Moines; mem. la. Art Guild, Sanity in Art Soc. Clubs: Aurorian, la. Fed. of Women's, Des Moines Fed. of Women's, Des Moines Needlework Guild, Highland-Oak Park Fed. of Clubs. Author: newspaper column, Aunt Samanthy's Philosophy. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Interests: photog., book-collecting, music, detec- tive stories, poetry, gardening, carica- ture doll-making. Recreations: table tennis, canoeing, dancing, cards, theatre. Independent Republican. Office: Freeman Decorating Co., 405 Old Colony Bldg., Des Moines, la. Home: 705 Clin- ton Av., Des Moines, la. BRUSH, Edward Lewis, physician; b. Ashland, Neb.; s. Hobart Brush, drug- gist, and Mary E. (Johnson) B.; ed. Ashland high sch.; Univ. la. (2 yrs.); M.D., Univ. Neb. (3 yrs.), 1906; m. Bertha E. Stilson of Atkinson, Neb., 29 Dec. 1909; children— Edward Earl, John Hobart. Physician, Norfolk, Neb., 1906—; mem. p. pres., Phi Pho Sigma, pres., Madison Co., Elkhorn Valley Med. Soc, v.p., councillor, State Med. Soc, Chamber Commerce. Clubs: Rotary (pres., 1931), Country (pres., 1930). Travel: U.S. Interests: golf, fishing, hunting. Conglist. Democrat. Office: 409^ Norfolk Av., Norfolk, Neb. Home: 1501 Norfolk Av., Norfolk, Neb. SMITH, Vivian Thomas, college presi- dent; b. Litchfield, 111., 14 Aug. 1886; s. Albert J. Smith and Ella May (Enloe) S.; ed. Tower Hill (111.) high sch.; A.B., Greenville (111.) Coll., 1916; A.M., Univ. 111., 1929, Ph.D., 1933; m. Myrtle L. Cannon of Tower Hill, 27 Dec. 1911; children — Albert Arthur, Julia Mae. Pub. sch. teacher, sch. supt., prof, ed., Horon Coll., 1933-36; dean, Kan. Wes- leyan Univ., 1937-38; pres. Upper la. Univ., 1938 — ; sec treas., la. Coll. Pres. Assn.; mem. N.E.A. Author: numerous arts., opinions, reports, etc. on ed. Travel: U.S. Interests: early Am. glass, garden club. Recreation: golf. Method- ist. Office: Upper la. Univ., Fayette, la. Home: Fayette, la. CAMPBELL, Tom W., lawyer; b. Randolph Co., Ark., 7 Sept. 1874; s. John Stone Campbell, farmer, and Alcy (Hufstedler) C; ed. Vernon Acad., Ran- dolph Co., Ark.; Add-Ran Coll., Thorp Spring, Tex. (now Tex. Christian Univ.), 1892-94; m. Jenny Roberts of Ingram, Ark., 22 Sept. 1895; children— Mrs. Ar- lene Pope, Mrs. Reland Graham, Mrs. 50 Roberta Norbury. Co. examiner, Ran- dolph Co., Ark., 1896-1900; rep., Ran- dolph Co. in Ark. Legis., 1900-04, chief elk., 1905; adm. bar in Ark. Supreme Ct, 1905, U.S. Supreme Ct., 1930; spec, justice, Ark. Supreme Ct., 1925; chmn. Dem. State Central Com., Ark., 1924-26; p. pres., Home Owners Co., Graham & Broening Co. of Little Rock; p. sec- treas., Ark. Cotton Mills Co. Author: Two Fighters and Two Fines, 1941. Travel: throughout No. Am. Cont. Democrat. Office: Suite 710, Campbell Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Home: 2023 Gaines St., Little Rock, Ark. DRAKE, Eugene Tolman, bacteriolo- gist; b. Kirksville, Mo., 6 Nov. 1899; s. James T. Drake, doctor of osteopathy, and Nell (Tolman) D.; ed. Auburn (N.Y.) high sch.; B.S., Cornell Univ., 1921; M.S., Univ. Wis., 1923; m. Mar- garet Parsons of Butte, Mont., 14 Sept 1923; 1 son, Eugene T., Jr. Teacher, Univ. Wis., 1921-23; N.D. Agr. Coll., 1923-24; engaged in res., Cudahy Pack- ing Co., 1924—; pvt., U.S.A., 2 mos. during World War I; mem. Soc. Am. Bact., Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Legion. Author: sci. arts, in Jour. Bact., Infec- tious Diseases, Am. Chem. Soc, Food Industries. Interest: music. Office: Cudahy Packing Co., South Side Station, Omaha 7, Neb. Home: 6119 William St., Omaha 6, Neb. OBOUKHOFF, Nicholas M., professor, electrical engineer; b. Novocherkassk, Russia, 8 July 1873; s. Mikhail Obouk- hoff, judge and lawyer, and Alexandra (Krylova) O. ; ed. certificate of matu- rity, Classical Gymnasium, Russia; M.Sc, Imperial Univ. Kiev and Mos- cow, Russia, 1895; engr., technologist in mech., Imperial Inst. Tech., Kharkov, Russia, 1904; E.E., Ecole Superieure d'Electricite, Fr., 1909; Ph.D., cum laude, Calif. Inst. Tech., 1929; m. Nina Aguisheva of Troitzk, Russia, 1924. Travel, Tech., Cultural and Social Studies in Eur., Afr. (Egy.) and Asia (Palestine, Manchuria, Japan), 1907-14; res. and development engr., etc, several concerns in Petersbourg (now Leningrad), in Siberia, 1914-20; asst. prof, of Physics and E.E., Univ. Irkutsk and Inst. Tech., Tomsk, Russia, 1920-21; prof., Theo. Mech. Hydraulics and E.E., also dean, Electro Mech. Div., ed. pubis., head labs., Poly. Inst., Harbin, Manchuria, 1921-30; assoc. prof. E.E., Okla. A. & M. Coll., 1929-30, res. prof, elec engring., 1930 — , prof. math, physics, 1936—; res. in Logic of En- gring. reported before Internat. Con- gress for Unity of Sci., 1939, 1941, and local Philos. and Sociol. Socs., 1939-40; v.p. Sect. C. (Physical Science), Okla. Acad. Sci.; mem. com. on Res., A.I.E.E., mem. and later fellow, A.I. E.E., 1924, 1938—, A.A.A.S., Okla. Acad. Sci., mem. I.R.A. (sr.), 1923—, Am. Math. Soc, A.A.U.P., Southwestern Social Sci. Assn., Southwestern Philos. Conf. (assoc. mem.), Sigma Xi, 1928—, Eta Kappa Nu. Author: 38 pubis, in mags, in Fr., Russia, Manchuria, U.S., Ger., 1914 — ; inventions in the fields of elec. machinery in Fr., Russia, U.S., Can., Gt. Brit.; new method of design- ing medium and high frequency alter- nators, which found application in indus- try. Travel: Eur., Afr., Asia, 1907-14, China, Jap., 1921-27, U.S., 1929-41. Inter- ests: music and singing, studies of phi- losophy, logic and social scis. Office: Okla. A. and M. Coll., Stillwater, Okla. Home: 402 Jefferson St., Stillwater, Okla. PORTER, Joseph Franklin, Jr., vice president; b. Alton, 111., 1 Feb. 1900; s. Joseph F. Porter, and Jennie (Hender- son) P.; ed. Washington Grade sch., Davenport, la.; Davenport (la.) high sch.; Mo. Univ.; Leland Stanford Univ.; m. Julia Shellabarger of Salina, Kan., 8 Feb. 1928; children— Florence, Joseph F., III. Mgr. investment dept., Kansas City Power & Light Co., 1921-26; asst. v.p. N.E. Nat. Bank, Kansas City, Mo., 1926-28; mgr., J F. Porter & Sons In- vestment Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1929-30; Sour Dough Timber Co., Buffalo, Wyo., 1930-31; asst. to pres., Kansas City Power & Light Co., 1931-34, v.p., 16 May 1936—; mgr., la. City Light & Power Co., Iowa City, la., 1 June 1934-16 May 1936; dir., Shellabarger Mill & Elevator Co., Salina, Kan., Hotel President, Inc., Kansas City, Mo.; mem. Masons. Clubs: Rotary (Kansas City), Kansas City, Kansas City Country, Mission Hills Country, University (Kansas City). Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Kan- sas City Power & Light Co., 1330 Balti- more Av., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 1010 W. Meyer Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. LOHMAN, Marion Lee, teacher; b. Dayton, O., 27 Nov. 1903; s. Charles Frederick Lohman, farmer, and Emma L. (Anspaugh) L.; ed. Miamisburg (O.) high sch.; A.B., Miami Univ., Oxford, O., 1924; M.S., State Univ. la., 1926; Ph.D., Univ. Mich., 1931; m. Gertrude Fudge Weir of Eaton, 1925; children— Karshia L., Karl. Res. fellow, Univ. Mich., 1929-31; nat. res. council fellow, Harvard Univ., 1931-33; res. bur. of 51 plant industry, U.S. Dept. Agr. (Forest Path.), 1933-36; univ. teacher, botany, res. worker, Ind. Univ., 1936-41; univ. teacher, botany, Miami Univ., 1926-28, summer session, Univ. of Mich., 1929; assoc. conservationist, bur. of plant ind., summers 1939, 41; collaborator, U.S. D.A., bur. of plant industry, 1936-41; botanist and pathologist, war emer- gency crops and sugar sorghums, Agrl. Research Adminstrn., U.S.D.A., 1941 — ; mem. A.A.A.S., S.A.S.I., Bot. Soc. of Am., My col. Soc. of Am., Am. Phyto- path. Soc, Ind., Mich. Acad, of Sci. Club: Rotary Internat. Author: number of short tech. papers, mycol. and phyto- path. subjs. in sci. jours., 1926 — . Desc. Anspaugh family pioneers of consider- able civic influence, St. Paul, Ind. In- terests: library methods, children's lit- erature covering* plant biology and eco- nomic botany. Recreation: studying plant life in the field and forest. Protes- tant. Office: U.S. Sugar Plant Field Station, Meridian, Miss. Homes: 186 N. Michigan Av., Greensburg, Ind.; 3466 Grandview Av., Meridian, Miss. ADAMS, John D., secretary of Cham- ber of Commerce; b. Miami, Okla., 27 May 1897; s. Thomas B. Adams, farmer, and Leona (McDaniels) A.; ed. Miami (Okla.) high sch.; B.S. (En- gring.), Univ. Mo., 1920; m. Laura Wharton of Columbia, Mo., 1921; 1 dau., Jane. Sec, staff, Chamber Commerce, Sioux City, 1920-36, Des Moines, 1926-40, gen. sec, 1929 — ; pres., Nat. Assn. Com- mercial Org. Sees., 1941; mem. bd. of dirs. Federal Home Loan Bank, Des Moines; pvt., C.A.C., U.S.A. during World War I; mem. Am. Legion, Shrin- ers, Consistory. Club: Rotary. Interest: photog. Recreation: swimming. Protes- tant. Office: Hotel Savery, Des Moines, la. Home: 735 32d St., Des Moines, la. KAUFMANN, David, merchant; b. Muenstereifel, Ger., 8 Oct. 1875; s. Meier Kaufmann, butcher, and Mathilde (Levy) K.; ed. Gymnasium (Muens- tereifel, Ger.) ; m. Celia Cotby of Grand Island, 26 May 1924. Apprentice in dry goods bus., Elberfeld, Ger.; later sales- man, Berlin, Solingen, Freiburg, Frank- fort Main, Ger.; came to U.S., July 1903, and to Grand Island, Mar. 1904; began in variety store bus., Grand Is- land, July 1906; pres. Comml. Nat. Bank, Grand Island; partner, Kauf- mann & Wernert, Kearny, Neb.; chmn. Hall Co. chap. Am. Red Cross; mem. Liederkranz, Low German Soc. Club: Elk. Travel: Eur. Jewish. Republican. Office: 308-312 W. 3d St., Grand Island, Neb. Home: 1521 W. Koenig St., Grand Island, Neb. BREEN, Arthur James, dean of men, professor of education; b. Dwight, 111., 1 Sept. 1898; s. Edmund Breen and Mary A. (Kelagher) B.; ed. Parker high sch., Chicago, 111.; A.B., Catholic Univ., 1918, A.M., 1919; Chicago Univ., 1925-26; D.D. (hon.), Melchisedech Sem., Oakland, N.J., 1926. Instr. hist, Columbia Acad., 1923-24; instr. soc. sci., Columbia Coll., 1924-25, prof., headmas- ter dept. ed., 1926—, dean of men, 1930 — ; assoc. prof, ed., Mt. Carmel Jr. Coll., 1927 — ; visiting prof, ed., Clarke Coll., 1930-32, 1940—; prof, rel., Visita- tion Acad., 1926-29; mem. Cath. Ed. Assn., Am. Hist. Soc, N.E.A., Nat. Cath. Ed. Assn,., Nat. Geog. Soc, Am. Coll. Personell Assn, Antiquarian Soc, Knights Columbus, Hibernians. Club: Democratic Author: Ideals and Educa- tion; Teaching Skills; Methods in Sec- ondary Education; Catholic Philosophy of Education. Travel: U.S., Eur. Inter- ests: education, personal guidance, his- tory, art, museum activities. Recrea- tions: travel, golf, baseball. Catholic. Democrat. Office and home: Keane Hall, Loras Coll., Dubuque, la. CRAWFORD, James Louis, business executive; b. Macomb, 111., 8 Apr. 1893; s. Daniel Crawford, farmer, and Fran- ces E. (Bowie) C; ed. Western 111. State Teachers Coll. Acad.; B.S., Univ. HI., 1917; Univ. Pittsburgh; m. Mary L. Reardon of St. Louis, Mo., 15 June 1929. Research eng., Westinghouse Lamp Co., 1917, 19; fellow, Mellon Inst. Indsl. Res., 1919-32; research eng., Laclede-Christy Clay Products Co., 1923-32; v.p. and gen. mgr., Walsh Refractories Corp., 1932 — , dir., 1934 — ; dir. Mississippi Glass Co., 1944 — ; dir. Am. Refractories Inst.; 2d It., F.A., 1918; mem. Am. Ceramic Soc, Am. Inst. Ceramic Engrs., Mo. Soc. Prof. Engrs., A.S.T.M., Am. Legion. Clubs: Mo. Athletic, Glen Echo Country, Engrs. (St. Louis, Mo.), Rotary. Au- thor: numerous tech. arts. Travel: U.S. Interest: golf. Catholic. Office: Walsh Refractories Corporation, St. Louis, Mo. Home: 740 Brittany Lane, University City 5, Mo. KNIGHT, George A., banker; b. But- ler Co., Neb., 23 Apr. 1892; s. Luther P. Knight, farmer, and Jeanette Cameron (McVean) K.; ed. Geneva (Neb.) high sch.; A.B., Neb. Wesleyan Univ., 1914; Northwestern Univ., 1915; m. Helen E. Gruver of Lincoln, Neb., 17 Oct. 1916; children — Dorothy Jeanette, George W. Capt. Am. Air Force with Air Medal 52 and D.F.C. Pacific area., QB Univ. of Neb. Rosebowl Football Team), John E. Knight (S 1/c U.S.N.) , Charles E Knight (S 2/c U.S.N.) . Pres., dir. Citi zens State Bank, Lincoln, Neb.; mem Rep. State Central Com.; sec. bd. of trs Neb. Wesleyan Univ., Lincoln, Neb. elected trustee, Lan. Co. Sanitary Drain age Dist., 1944; mem. A.F.A.M., Lin coin Chamber Commerce. Club: Lions Travel: U.S Methodist. Office: 2650 No 48th St., Lincoln, Neb. Home: 5403 Walker Av., Lincoln, Neb. KILDEE, Henry Herbert, dean of agriculture; b. Osage, la., 1 Mar. 1884; s. Michael Kildee, farmer, and Lucy Ann (Stone) K.; ed. grad. Cedar Valley Sem., Osage, la.; B.S.A., la. State Coll., 1908, M.S., 1917; D.Agr. (hon.), N.Dak. Agr. Coll., 1940; m. Ruth E. Sweney of Osage, la., 16 Feb. 1910; children— Mrs. Regina Adams, Mrs. Kathleen Minard. Instr. animal husbandry, experimental- ist, la. State Coll., 1909-10, assoc. prof, in charge dairy prodn., 1910-15, prof, animal husbandry and chief of dairy husbandry, 1915-16, head dept. animal husbandry, chief sect., Expt. Sta., 1918- 35, v. dean, div. agr., 1923-33, dean, 1933 — ; chief, div. dairy husbandry, Univ. Minn., 1916-18; judge, all breeds, dairy cattle, hogs, draft horses, beef cattle, nat. shows; off. judge, represent- ing U.S. internat. judging contest, Eng., 1926; chmn. la. State Planning Bd., 1934-39; p. dir. Am. Assn. Planning Offs.; chmn. agr. sect., 1938-39, and mem. com. on instruction, Assn. Land- Grant Colls, and Univs. ; dir. and chmn., com. show yard classification, Nat. Dairy Assn.; mem. herd classification com., Am. Jersey Cattle Club; served as mem. Type and Judging Com., Am. Jersey Cattle Club, Am. Guernsey Cattle Club and Holstein-Friesian Assn.; dir. Am. Royal Live Stock Show, mem. Nat. Com. to study and make recommenda- tions on livestock marketing, A.A.A.S., Am. Dairy Sci. Assn., Am. Soc. Animal Prodn. (pres., 1934-35), Sigma Xi, Alpha Zeta, Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta (pres., 1944—), Delta Upsilon, Acacia. Clubs: Rotary, Saddle and Sir- loin (Chicago). Author: bulls, on feed- ing, breeding, management of livestock, and land use planning. Conglist. Repub- lican. Office: la. State Coll., Ames, la. Home : Ames, la. NORMS, Ferris Waldo, professor; b. Beemer, Neb., 4 Dec. 1894; s. L. L. Norris, teamster, farmer, and Nancy Jane (Farran) N.; ed. Beemer (Neb.) high sch.; West Point (Neb.) high sch.; B.Sc. E.E., Univ. Neb., 1916, M.Sc E.E., 1925, E.E., 1927; m. Olie C. Sun derland of Pittsfield, Mass., 28 Dec 1920. Engr., Gen. Electric Co., Schenec tady, N.Y., Pittsfield, Mass., 1917-20 mem. faculty, Elec. Engring. dept. Univ. Neb,. 1920—, prof. Elec. En gring., in charge communications courses; designer of mammoth football and basketball timing clock mechanism for Univ. Neb. Athletic dept., 1931; registered engineer of State of Neb.; mem. A.I.E.E. (chmn., Neb. sec, 1937- 38), I.R.E., S.P.E.E., Neb. Engring. Soc, Lincoln Engrs. Club (p. pres., 1939), Sigma Tau, Sigma Xi (sec, Neb. chap., 1941 — ). Co-author: Electrical En- gineering Laboratory Practice, Power and Telephone Lines. Methodist. Repub- lican. Office: Univ. of Neb., Lincoln, Neb. Home: 3303 Woods Av., Lincoln, Neb. KERN, Carl Wilhelm, composer, edi- tor, teacher; b. Germany, 4 June 1874; s. Kathrine (Scheuerman) K.; ed. pub- lic schs., Acad., Gymnasium, Royal Coll. Music, Mayenc, Ger.; Mus.D., HI. Wesleyan Univ. Teacher, Springfield, O., Dennison, O., Dallas, Tex.; colls, located St. Louis, Mo., (last 30 yrs.); edit. Shattinger Music Co.; teacher, organ, piano, compos.; mem. Masons, Shriner. Club: St. Louis. Author: more than 1,000 musical works; piano, organ, songs, anthems, 1 comic opera. Travel: Eur. Interest: stamp collecting. Recrea- tions: fishing, motor boating. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: 511 N. Taylor Av., St. Louis, Mo. Res.: 4519 Washing- ton Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. WOLFF, Frederick Laurence, lawyer; b. Creston, la., 31 Aug. 1880; s. Fred- erick Wm. Wolff, ins., and farming, and Rebecca Ann (Kelsey) W. ; ed. Creston high sch.; Univ. Kan.; LL.B., Univ. Neb., 1904; m. Myrtle Meyer, 24 June 1908. Practiced law continuously since 1904 except while Judge of the Neb. Supreme Court Comm. (2 terms, 1927- 31); pres. Lincoln Fed. Savings & Loan Assn., 1930 — ; mem. Am., State and Omaha (v.p., 1943 — ) Bar Assns., Sons of Union Vets.; Univ. Neb. Law Alumni Assn., (p. sec), B.P.O.E. Past Exalted Ruler's Assn., (p. pres.), S.A.R. (state pres.). Author: The Wolff Genealogy, 1729-1929. Conglist. Republican. Office: 618-622 Keeline Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Home: Mt. Vernon Apts., Omaha, Neb. GRAVES, Ludwick, lawyer; b. Butler, Mo., 8 July 1893; s. Waller W. Graves, judge, and Alice M. (Ludwick) G.; ed. Jefferson City, Mo., high sch., A.B., 53 William Jewell Coll., 1915; LL.B., Kan- sas City Sch. of Law, 1917; m. Elizabeth Ozelle Miller of Liberty, Mo., 25 Nov. 1914; children — Alice Mary (Mrs. Wil- liam J. Herwood), Elizabeth. Practice of law, 1919; claims atty., Kansas City Power & Light Co., 1919-24; mem., John- son, Lucas, Graves & Fane, 1926 — ; dir., Kansas City Power & Light Co.; v.p. f dir., Panhandle Power & Light Co.; mem., Bd. of Dirs., Sch. dist. of Kan- sas City, 1936-42, pres., 1938-42; mem., Kansas City Bar Assn., Lawyer's Assn. of Kansas City, Mo. State and Am. Bar Assns., S.A.R., Kappa Alpha, Phi Alpha Delta, Chamber Commerce of Kansas City; capt., maj., 4 Aug. 1917-16 Oct. 1919; div. staffs of 35th and 17th divs., overseas with 35th div. Clubs; Univer- sity, Kansas City. Family were pio- neers. Interest: collecting guns. Rec- reations: hunting, fishing, target shoot- ing. Protestant. Democrat. Office: 1902 Power & Light Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 630 W T est 61st St., Kansas City, Mo. MARTIN, Ethyl Edna, superintendent State Hist. Soc. of la.; b. Decatur, 111., 5 Jan. 1887; d. William Winchester Mar- tin (dec), mcht., and Lillian (Brown- ing) M.; ed. Winterset (la.) high sch., 1904; B.A., State Univ. la., 1912. Instr. rural, grade sch., 1904-07; stenographic work during coll., 1907-12; exec, elk., State Hist. Soc. of la., 1912-13; sec. Nat. Bd. Y.W.C.A. (N.Y.C.), 1913-14; sec. to treas., Equitable Life Assurance Soc. of U.S. (N.Y.C.), 1914-15; sec. to supt., asst. supt., supt., State Hist. Soc. of la., 1915-40; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Mortar Board, A.A.U.W., (state treas., 1938-40, state pres., 1940-42). Clubs: Altrusa of Iowa City, Iowa City League of Women Voters, University. Author: arts. Iowa Journal of History and Politics. Travel: U.S., Can., Eur. Interests: literature, drama. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 201 Schaeffer Hall, Iowa City, la. Home: 340 Ellis Av., Iowa City, la. STACEY, Lynn Nelson, artist (paint- er); b. Washington, D.C., 24 May 1903; s. Everett E. Stacey, exec, and Lou C. (Stone) S.; ed. West high sch., Des Moines; Univ. of la.; I.A.G. (hon.), Cumming Sch. of Art, 1928; Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y.C.; m. Dorothy Layman of Des Moines, la., 19 July 1928; chil- dren—John Lynn, Mark Lynn. Exhibit at Des Moines Women's Club, purchase prize and 2 bronze medals, 1928 and 1929-34; Iowa Art Salon, 2 gold medals, 4 bronze medals, 1927-27, 1928-30-31; exhbtd. in Nat. Acad., N.Y., Washing- ton, D.C., N.J., Mich., N.D., Minn., 111., la.; important works at Big Parade of 1934, Univ. la., 5:10 P.M. at la. State Coll., Fog on the Hudson, at Des Moines Women's Club; Rebentisch, Grand Rapids, Mich.; designer, exec, for Free- ham Decorating Co., Des Moines, la.; v.p. Freeman Contractors, Des Moines and Colorado Springs; mem. Am. Arts. Prof. League, la. Art Guild (pres.), Sanity in Art Soc. Club: Prairie. Travel: U.S. Interests: photog., music, short stories. Recreations: table-tennis, bad- minton, canoeing, swimming, cards, theatre, dancing. Independent. Repub- lican. Office: 405 Old Colony Bldg., Des Moines, la. Home: 705 Clinton Av., Des Moines, la. STEWART, George Walter, professor of physics; b. St. Louis, Mo., 22 Feb. 1876; s. Oliver Mills Stewart, clergy- man, and Eleanor (Bell) S.; ed. Cent, high sch., Kansas City; A.B., DePauw, 1928; Univ. Pittsburgh, 1931; m. Zella White of Bradford, Pa., 7 July 1904; 1 son, Rodney. Asst. in physics, Cornell Univ., 1899-1901, instr., 1901-03, asst. prof, in charge dept. of physics, 1901-03; prof, physics, Univ. N.D., 1904-09; prof. of physics and head of dept., State Univ. la., 1909—; dir., Iowa City Bldg. and Loan; engaged as physicist and engr. by the U.S.N, during World War I; mem. Nat. Acad, of Sciences, Am. Physical Soc. (pres., 1941), Am. Acous- tical Soc, Am. Opt. Soc, Am. Assoc. Phys., Teachers, A.A.A.S., Am. Acad, of Arts and Sci., la. Acad., of Sci., Soc. for Promotion of Engring., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, N.A.S. Author: Introductory Acoustics; Theoretical Acoustics (joint author with Lindsay D. Van Nostrand); contbs. in sci. jours, here and abroad. Travel: world. Recreations: golf, travel. Meth- odist. Republican. Office: Department of Physics, State Univ. of la., Iowa City, la. Home: 1010 Woodlawn, Iowa City, la. WARNER, Emory Dean, pathologist; b. North English, la., 5 July 1905; s. Jasper B. Warner, farmer, and Minnie (Roller) W.; ed. North English high sch.; B.S., State Univ. la., 1927, M.D., 1929; m. Irene M. Ketchum of Musca- tine, la., 18 June 1930; children— Car- men Marie, Carol Cornelia, Helen Irene. Asst. resident path., Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., 1929-30, asst. path. State Univ. la., 1930-31, instr., 1931-33, asst. prof., 1933-38, assoc. prof., 1938—; mem. A.M.A., Am. Assn. of Path, and Bact., Am. Soc. of Clin. Path., Am. Soc for Exptl. Path., Soc for Exptl. Biol. 54 and Med., Central Soc. for Clin. Res., A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi. Author: exptl. papers on pathology. Office: 133 Medical Laboratory Bldg., Iowa City, la. Home: 617 S. Dodge St., Iowa City, la. THROCKMORTON, Jeannette Dean, physician, librarian; b. Derby, la., 26 Jan. 1883; d. Thomas Morford Throck- morton, phys., and Mary Ann (Bentley) T. ; ed. Chariton high sch.; Ph.B., Simp- son Coll., 1904; A.M., la. Wesleyan Univ., 1909; M.D., Keokuk Med. Coll., Coll. of P. &S., 1907; M.D. (hon.), Drake Univ. Med. Dept., 1909; M.D., Univ. Neb. Med. Dept., 1910; M.D. (hon.), State Univ. la. Med. Dept., 1920, post-grad., Univ. Chicago, Columbia Univ.; m. Charles N. Dean, M.D. of Sumner, 111., 1 Mar. 1928. Gen. practice, Chariton, la., 12 yrs.; head of la. State Bd. of Health, 6 yrs.; head of la. State Med. Library, 1928 — ; given highest grade up to 1907 by State Bd. Med. Examrs., holding this place 10 yrs.; P. A.C.P.; mem. Royal Inst. Pub. Health (v.p., 1920, London), State Soc. la. Med. Women (pres., 1919, life mem., 1940), la. State Med. Soc. (life mem., 1940), Polk Co. Med. Soc. (life mem.), la. Library Assn. (life cert.), Epsilon Sigma, D.A.R., White Shrine, P.E.O., Eastern Star. Author: sev. essays pub. in med. jours. Travel: Eur. Interests: genealogy, quilts, flowers, collecting stamps and coins, cameos, china dolls, bookplates and Wedgwood pottery, non- med. books by med. men. Recreations: china painting, violin, reading. Method- ist. Republican. Presented to Queen Elizabeth of Belgium, 1919 and 1920. Office: la. State Medical Library, His- torical Bldg., Des Moines, la. Home: 4207 Urbandale Av., Des Moines, la. FENTON, Elsie M., executive secre- tary; b. Dubuque, la., 29 July 1899; d. Charles W. Katz, bus., and Wilhelmina (Trommer) K.; ed. Dubuque (la.) high sch., 1917; mgr. Violin (Dubuque, la.) Sch., 1916; B.A., State Univ. of la., 1921; m. Everett O. Fenton of Centerville, la., 2 July 1925; children— Marilyn, Ronald, Keith, Janice. Newspaper and adver- tising work; teacher and prin. la. high schs.; founded Alpha Iota at Am. Inst, of Bus., 1925 (grand pres.), mem. Theta Sigma Phi, Hon. Journalist Sorority, Beta Gamma Sigma, Hon. and Profes- sional Commerce Fraternity, Am. Assn. of Univ. Women, Nat. Comml. Teachers Fedn., Eastern Teachers Assn., South- ern Bus. Ed. Assn. Clubs: Bus. and Pro- fessional Women's, Daughters of the Nile, O.E.S., Am. Fed. of Soroptimist Clubs (p. dir. North Central Region), Soroptimist of Des Moines (p. pres.), Nat. Fed. of Press Women (sec. la. Press Women). Author: Quarterly Soror- ity, ed. Alpha Iota Notebook. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Interests: violin, photog., mem. symphony orchestra. Recreations: reading, walking. Conglist. Republican. Office: Grand Av. at Tenth, Des Moines, la. Home: 311 56th St., Des Moines, la. FOUST, Harry Lewis, veterinarian, teacher; b. O., 22 Mar. 1886; s. William Edgar Foust, farmer, and Lydia (Augs- burger) F.; ed. Village high sch., Cairo, O.; Valparaiso Univ., 1910-11; D.V.M., O. State Univ., 1914; Univ. Wis., 1917-18; Univ. Minn., 1926-28, 1934; m. Sadie May Kellas of Fargo, N.D., 1918; 1 dau., Shirley Marie. Vet. insp., U.S.B.A.I., 1914-16; asst. prof. vet. med., 1916-26; assoc. prof., N.Dak. Agr. Coll and Agr. Expt. Sta., 1927; prof., head, Dept. of Vet. Anat., la. State Coll., 1927—; mem., Am. Vet. Med. Assn., la. Vet. Med. Assn., A.A.A.S., Am. Assn. Anat., Biol. Phot. Assn., Am. Gen. Assn., Soc. Study Dev. and Growth, Am. Soc. for Prod., Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Gamma Sigma Delta. Clubs: University of Des Moines, Osborn. Author: Inherited Eye Defect in Guinea Pig; Surgical Anatomy of Teat of Cow; Nerve Supply of Bovine Stomach; Growth Studies on Thryoid of Dog. Lecture Outlines and Laboratory Guide for Veterinary Microscopic Anat- omy and Embryology, Atlas of Anatomy of Domestic Animals. Interests: free hand drawing, sculpture. Recreations: golf, fishing. Protestant. Office: Iowa State Coll., Ames, la. Home: 2110 Coun- try Club Blvd., Ames, la. BERRY, James Brewton, associate professor; b. Orangeburg, S.C., 9 Aug. i901; s. Joseph A. Berry, atty., and Frances (Pike) B.; ed. Orangeburg (S.C.) high sch.; A.B., Wofford Coll., 1922; B.D., Yale Univ., 1925; Ph.D., Univ. Edinburgh, 1930; m. Margaret Woods of Vicksburg, Miss., 11 Sept. 1926; children — Margaret, Deborah. In- str., O. State Univ., 1929-31; asst. prof, sociology, Univ. Mo., 1931-37, assoc. prof., 1937 — ; dir., Anthropol. Collection, Univ. Mo., 1933 — , Archaeol. Survey Mo., 1932 — ; sec, Mo. Archaeol. Soc, 1934 — ; mem. Am. Sociol. Soc, Am. Anthropol. Assn., Soc. for Am. Ar- chaeol., A.A.U.P., Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma Phi, Alpha Kappa Delta, Book and Bond (Yale), Pi Kappa Delta, Alpha Pi Zeta. Club: Univ. (Columbia, Mo.). Author: You and Your Supersti- 55 tions; about 30 mag. arts, on sociol., archaeol. topics. Travel: Eur., No. Am. Desc. Charles Pinckney, Miles Brewton, prominent in S.C., nat. history. Inter- ests: mus., lit., arch. Recreations: chess, bridge, gardening, fishmg. Epis- copalian. Democrat. Office: 210 Switzler Hall, Columbia, Mo. Home: Lathrop Rd., Columbia, Mo. LAWSON, Martin E., lawyer; b. Mer- cers burg, Pa., 15 May 1867; s. Simon F. Lawson and Sarah J. (Blair) L.; ed. Osborn (Mo.) high sell.; m. Kate Riley of Liberty, Mo., 10 Oct. 1894; children- James E. (dec), Nancy. Admitted to bar, Liberty, Mo., 1890; now mem. firm, Lawson and Hale; dir. and v.p. First Nat. Bank, Liberty, Mo.; pres., Clay Co., Mo. Abstract Co.; v.p. Judicial Council Meth. Ch. ; mem. Am., Mo. and Clay Co. Bar Assns. Clubs : Kansas City Athletic, Rotary (Liberty, Mo., p. pres.). Travel: H.I., Can., Brit. Isles, U.S. In- terests: ch. work, law. Recreations: golf, motoring. Methodist. Democrat. Home: 456 Arthur St., Liberty, Mo. ABELLS, Harry Delmont, superin- tendent of mil. acad. ; b. Hatfield, Mass., 18 Oct. 1872; s. N. T. Abells, farmer, and Ruth E. (Livermore) A.; ed. Mt. Hermon Sch. (Mass.); S.B., Univ. Chi- cago, 1897, grad. stud., 1897-98; m. Helena Sadd of Ellington, Conn., 1898; 1 dau., Ruth Abells Douglas. Gen. sec Englewood dept., Y.M.C.A. of Chicago, 1898; acad. asst. in introductory yr., Morgan Park Acad., Univ. Chicago, 1898-1901, assoc. in physics and chem., 1901-02, instr. phys., and chem., 1902—; pres., Morgan Park Pub. Sch. Bd., 1910- 12; mem. Chicago Adv. Sch. Plan Commn., 1921-23; prin., Morgan Park Mil. Acad., 1907-19, supt., 1919 — ; supt., Morgan Park Jr. Coll., 1933—; col. I.N.G.; mem. Alpha Delta Phi, A.C.S., Cent. Assn. Sci. and Math. Teachers (pres., 1918). Club: Executives (Chi- cago). Conglist. Republican. Office: 2153 W. 111th St., Chicago, HI. Home: 2164 W. 112th St., Chicago, HI. Summer res.: Niantic, Conn. TRAX, David Lewis, mechanical en- gineer; b. Oil City, Pa.; s. Harry B. Trax, oil producer, and Ida Belle (White) T.; ed. Oil City high sen.; Clarkson Coll.; B.S., Cornell Univ., 1916; m. Ellen Heatherly of La Grange, Mo., 18 June 1921. Supt. Erie Tool Works. 1916; oil bus., Midwest Refg. Co., Wyo., 1919-21; mech. engr., Gulf Oil Corp., Okla., 1922—; asst. dir. materials, Petroleum Admin, for War, Washington, O.O., 1943-45; served with the 111th Inf., 28th div. A.E.F., 18 mos., received purple heart; mem. A.I.M. and M.E., Am. Petroleum Inst., Okla. Soc. Prof. Engrs. Clubs: Engrs. of Tulsa, Phi Delta Theta, Masons (32d deg.). Author: various arts, pertaining to the oil indus- try. Travel: extensive in U.S. Interests: collecting antiques, woodcraft. Recrea- tions: golf, fishing, hunting. Protestant. Office: Box 661, Tulsa, Okla. Home: 4402 S. Birmingham Rd., Tulsa, Okla. SMITH, William C, civil engineer; b. Farmington, Ark., 25 Oct. 1900; s. Moses Elbert Smith, mcht., and Minnie Lee (Blackburn) S.; ed. Fayetteville high sch.; B.S. in C.E., Univ. Ark., 1922; m. Frances Christine Slaughter of Fayette- ville, Ark., June 1926; 1 dau., Ada Lee. Actively engaged in engring. since graduation from univ. Capt. 142d F.A. Ark. Nat. Guard, 2 Jan. 1941; It. col., European Theatre, awarded Bronze Star, the Distinguished Service Cross (Brit.), Croix de Guerre with Palm (Fr.). Interest: photog. Methodist. Of- fice: Fayetteville, Ark. Home: 514 Gun- ter St., Fayetteville, Ark. BOCKSTAHLER, Lester Irving, teach er, physicist; b. Santa Clause, Ind., 22 July 1895; s. Julius D. Bockstahler and Anna Lydia (Kokomoor) B.; ed. Dale (Ind.) high sch.; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1920, A.M., 1921; Univ. Chicago; Ph.D., Northwestern Univ., 1924; m. Inez Marie Pomeroy of Kimberly, Ida., 19 June 1928; 1 son, Alan James. Teacher, Ind pub. schs., 1913-16; teacher, physics, Northwestern Univ., 1921 — ; 2d It. air service during World War I; mem. Am. Phys. Soc, Am. Assn. Physics Teach- ers, Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Kappa. Club: University (Evanston). Travel: Eng., Eur., 1927. Interest: exptl. physics. Methodist. Republican. Office: North- western Univ., Dept. of Physics, Evans- ton, El. Home: 2440 Prospect Av., Ev- anston, HI. MUSSELMAN, John Rogers, mathe- matician; b. Gettysburg, Pa., 1 Dec. 1890; s. J. Elmer Musselman, banker, and Euphemia D. (Rogers) M. ; eu. grad. Gettysburg high sch., 1905, Gettys- burg Acad., 1906; A.B., Gettysburg Coll., 1910, A.M., 1913; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1916; m. Paula Wilson of Balti- more, Md., 23 May 1925; 1 son, Peter Rogers. Instr. math., Univ. 111., 1916-18; statistician, U.S. Food Adminstrn., Feb.- May 1918; instr. math., Washington Univ., 1919-20; assoc. in math., The Johns Hopkins Univ., 1920-25, assoc. prof., 1925-28; prof, math., Western Res. Univ., 1928—, chmn. of div., 1936—: 56 Univ. scholar, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1913-14, Univ. Fellow, 1914-16; assoc. ed., The Am. Math. Monthly, 1928-43; 1st It., statistics br., Gen. Staff, U.S.A., May 1918-Sept. 1919; mem. Phi Delta Theta, Gamma Alpha, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi. Author: various tech. arts, in Am. and fgn. jours. Travel: Eur. Republican. Office: Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, O. Home: 2768 Lan- cashire Rd., Cleveland 6, O. CHISHOLM, Reginald Heywood, den- tist; b. Portsmouth, Va., 24 Sept. 1897; s. Alfred L. Chisholm and Sarah E. (Anderson) C; ed. Va. Theol. Sem. and Coll.; D.D.S., Northwestern Univ. Den- tal Sch., 1923; m. Clara L. Chisholm of Chicago, 111., 6 Aug. 1936. Pvt. S.A.T.C. during World War I; mem. Lincoln Den- tal Soc, Alpha Phi Alpha. Baptist. Inde- pendent. Office: 3255 S. State St., Chi- cago, 111. HARMON, Henry Gadd, educator; b. St. Paul, Minn., 14 June 1901; s. Andrew D. Harmon, minister and educator, and Alice (Gadd) H.; ed. A.B., Cotner Coll., 1924; M.A., Transylvania Coll., 1925; Ph.D., Univ. Minn., 1935; m. Helen Sherman of Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 1925; children— Jeanette, Norma Jean, Henry Andrew. Prof, of hist., Sixth Provincial Normal Coll., Anhwei, China, 1922-23; prof, of edn., Culver-Stockton Coll., 1925- 34; pres., William Woods Coll., 1934-41; pres., Drake Univ., 1941 — . Office: Drake Univ., Des Moines, la. Home: 227 37th St., Des Moines, la. Summer res.: Cable, Wis. BATTEY, Raymond Bennett, general freight traffic manager; b. Chicago, HI., 9 Jan. 1885; s. Col. Frederick A. Battey and Marie Alma (Cooper) B.; ed. Engle- wood high sch.; Bus. Coll.; m. Lunette Taylor of Chicago, 111., 10 Oct. 1907; children — Frederick T., Marjorie E., Jane Louise. Stenographer, operating dept., Pa. Ry., Chicago, 1905-07; stenog- rapher, elk., passenger dept., Burling- ton Ry., Chicago, 1907-17; chief elk., office of the v.p. in charge of traffic, C.B.&Q. Ry., office mgr., Fed. Mgrs. Office, 1917-19, asst. gen. freight agt. in charge of coal traffic, 1919-21, coal traffic mgr., 1921-36, asst. freight traffic mgr., 1936-40, asst. gen. greight traffic mgr., 1940—. Clubs: Union League, Traffic, LaGrange Country. Paternal and mater- nal grandparents settled in Bureau Co., 111., with their families from R.I. and Conn., 1854. Protestant. Republican. Of- fice: 547 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 420 Blackstone Av., La Grange, 111. GELLFILLAN, Solon John, publisher; b. Brazil, Ind., 21 Oct. 1889; s. Dennis C. Gillfillan, real estate dealer, and Nancy A. (Miller) G.; ed. Brazil (Ind.) high sch.; Univ. Ind.; m. Ethel E. Eittch of Chicago, HI., 4 Aug. 1914; chil- dren — James H., Thomas L., Judith. Sch. teacher, during coll. yrs.; sales- man, F. E. Compton & Co., 1912, pres., 1939, dir.; mem. Delta Tau Delta, Ind. Soc. of Chicago, Chicago Athletic Assn. Club: Skokie Country. Protestant. Democrat. Office: 1000 No. Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. Home: 432 Washington Av., Glencoe, 111. Summer res.: Sayner, Wis. EPPERSON, Fay Etna, artist, whist- ler and teacher; b. Kansas City, Mo., 30 June 1894; d. Jud E. Epperson, ins., and Emma Viola (Cox) E.; ed. Welling- ton (Kan.) high sch.; stud, of voice, drama and whistling; m. Kenneth Whit- ney of Toronto, Can., 20 Oct. 1942. Toured as whistler, ch. interpreter in concert, child minister, U.S., Can. and Alas., large churches of Western U.S.; developed breath control placement and far technique for whistling; dir. many large whistling ensembles. Recreation: enjoying nature. Address: 231% So. Co- lumbus St., Glendale 4, Calif. COOPER, Frederick Allen, real estate broker; b. Kankakee, 111., 12 Oct. 1885; s. Henry Clay Cooper and Maria (Allen) C; ed. B. S., Dartmouth Coll., 1908; Northwestern Univ. Law Sch. With Union Carbide Co., 1909-12; real estate broker, 1912—; 2d lieut., A.S., 1 yr. during World War I; mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Delta Phi. Club: Evanston. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: 525 Grove St., Evanston, 111. Home: 824 Lake Av., Wil- mette, 111. Summer home: Elcho, Wis. HUNT, Mabel Leigh, author; b. Coatesville, Ind.; d. Tighlman Hunt, physician, and Amanda E. (Harvey) H.; ed., Plainfield high sch.; Shortridge high sch., Indianapolis, Ind.; DePauw Univ.; Western Res. Univ., graduating in course of Library Work with Children, 1923. Librarian, Rauh Memorial Li- brary, 1929-39; mem. Am. Library Assn., Alpha Phi. Club: Woman's Press. Author: Lucinda; Boy Who Had No Birthday; Little Girl with Seven Names, Susan, Beware; Peter Piper's Pickled Peppers; Benjie's Hat; Little Grey Gown; Michel's Island; Billy Button's Butter 'd Biscuit; John of Pudding Lano; Have You Seen Tom Thumb; Young Man-of-the-House ; Sibby Botherbox. Travel: U.S., abroad. Interests: liter- 57 ary, travel. Recreations: books, friends Methodist. Republican. Office and home: 2933 N. Meridian St., Indian- apolis, Ind. BARNES, Cecil, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 17 Apr. 1880; s. Cecil Barnes and Annie D. (Larrabee) B.; ed. St. Mark's Sen., Southboro, Mass.; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1903, A.M., 1904; LL.B., North- western Univ., 1908; m. Margaret H. Ayer of Chicago, 111., 21 May 1910; chil- dren—Cecil, Edward L., Benjamin A. Mem. law firm of Packard, Barnes, Schumacher & Cilmore, Chicago, 111., 1939 — ; tr., Chicago Hist. Soc; served with U.S. Food Admin., 1917-19; mem. Chicago Art Inst., Field Museum, A.A. A.S., Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Cliff Dwellers, University, Legal, Harvard (Chicago). Recreations: motoring, hik- ing, camping. Independent. Office: 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1153 No. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Mt. Desert, Me. GOTT, Philip Porter, trade assn. executive; b. La Grange, O.; 1889; s. Charles W. and Laura (Lincoln) G.; ed., A.B., Oberlin Coll., 1915; A.M., Columbia Univ., 1917; m. Ethel Hast- ings, 1919; children — Porter H., Laura Jane. Mgr., Builders Exchange and other trade assns., Akron, O., 1919-28; sec, Washington Trade Assn. Execu- tives; asst. mgr., mgr., Trade Assn. Dept. of Chamber Commerce of U.S., 1928-40; pres. Nat. Confectioners Ass~n., 1941—; mem. D.C. Bar, Am. Trade Assn. Executives, Am. Statis. Assn., Chicago Assn. of Commerce, Am. Mar- keting Assn., Am. Econ. Assn. Office: 224 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, HI. Home: 346 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka, HI. McPHEETERS, Chester A., minister; b. New Albany, Ind., 14 Feb. 1895; s. Emmett E. McPheeters, printer, and Harriet (Bradbury) McP. ; ed. A.B , As- bury Coll., 1918; S.T.B., Boston Univ., 1921; D.D. (hon.), Union Coll.; m. Mary E. Maxey of Wilmore, Ky., 25 May 1916. Pastor, E. Bridgewater, Mass., 1918-19, S. Braintree, Mass., 1920-21, Sheridan, Ind., 1922-26, Nappanee, Ind., 1926-30, Elkhart, Ind., 1930-34, N. Indianapolis, Ind., 1934-43, Metropolitan Meth., De- troit, 1943—; tr. Children's Village; del. to gen. conf., Atlantic City, 1932, Kan- sas City, 1940; mem. Theta Phi, Masons (32d deg.). Author: arts, in Ch. Cent., other mags. Office: Metropolitan Meth. Church, 8000 Woodward, Detroit 2, Mich. Home: 700 Seward, Detroit 2, Mich. HALSTEAD, Ward Campbell, associ- ate professor of experimental psychol- ogy; b. Sciotoville, O., 31 Dec. 1908; s. Ward Beecher Halstead, engr., and Fannie (Campbell) H.; ed. Sciotoville high sen.; MiCvrni Univ.; A.B., Ohio Univ., 1931; M.A., Ohio State Univ., 1932: Ph.D., Northwestern Univ., 1935; m. Ei.'zabeth Meade Lee of New Haven, Conn., 6 Dec. 1932. Nat. research fellow, Univ. Chicago, for investigation on brain function, 1935-36; instructor, dept. of med., Univ. Chicago, 1936-39, asst. prof., 1939 — ; assoc mem. Otho S. A. Sprague Mem. Just., 1939—; assoc. prof., 1943 — ; at present, devoting full time to spl. war researcn in aviation medicine and brain injuries; mem. Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Physiol. Soc, Am. Neurol. Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Kappa Delta Pi; Psi Chi, Beta Theta Pi. Club: Quadrangle. Author: mono- graph on function of the cerebellum; Medicine and the War, 1945; Psychology for the Returning Serviceman, 1945; various tech. papers on brain function in man and animals. Travel: Eur., No. and So. Am. Interests: music, painting. Recreations: tennis, hunting. Office: Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Home: GUENZEL, Louis, architect; b. Koes- lin, Ger., 28 Jan. 1860; s. Gottlieb Guen- zel, architect, builder, and Wilhelmine (Conradt) G.; ed. pub. sch. and gym- nasium, Koeslin; Real Gymnasium, Mu- nich; tech. schs., Hildburghausen and Berlin; Tech. Univ. Munich and Berlin, 1888-92; m. Allice Paepcke of Chicago, 111., 6 Mar. 1909; 1 son, Paul Walter. With Adler & Sullivan, architects, Chi- cago, 1892-93; practicing architect, Chi- cago, 1894 — ; mem. A.I. A., Art Inst, (life), Field Museum of Nat. Hist. (life). Clubs: University, Arts. Interests: pro- fessional, artistic, humanitarian. Recre- ations : walking. Evangelical-Lutheran. Republican. Office: 879 N. State St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 219 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. GROSS, Henry Rew, business execu- tive; b. Chicago, 111., 19 Apr. 1892; s. Alfred H. Gross and Anna (Rew) G.; ed. Thacher Sch.; Andover Sch.; Yale Univ., 1915; LL.B., Univ. Chicago Law Sch., 1916; m. Mary Lou Earp of Mem- phis, 3 June 1937; 1 son, Louis Edward. Engaged in practice of law, 1916-17; asst. cashier, Great Lakes Trust Co., 1919-22; pres. Unity Mfg. Co., 1922—; 1st lieut., F.A., 1917-19, in Fr., 1918. Clubs: Chicago Racquet, Saddle and Cycle, Onwentsia. Recreations: tennis, 58 golf. Office: 2909 Indiana Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1430 Lake Shore Dr., Chi- cago, 111. GRAN ATA, Peter C, state senator; b. Chicago, 111., 28 Oct. 1900; s. Frank Granata; ed. Medill high sch. ; Univ. 111.; m. Johanna Wallner of Chicago, 111. Supt., Comsumers Co.; chief c'k. to City Prosecutor; chief dep. coroner, Cook Co.; chmn. bd. dirs. ; v.p. Con- sumers Tire & Supply Co. Club: Gr. West Sportsman of Am. Catholic. Re- publican. Office: Springfield, 111. Home: 771 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. CLANCY, James Franklin, clergy- man; b. near Newburgh, On*;., Can.; s. Jacob Clancy, clergyman, and Jane Ann (Shorts) C; ed. high sch. (Newburgh, Ont.); Prep. Sch. Northwestern Univ.; B.P., Northwestern Univ.; B.D., Garrett Biblical Inst.; m. Elina Ann Holmes of Marseilles, 111., 19 May 1601; children- Donald Raymond, Rockwell Franklin, Mark Wendell, Myrtle Father. Warne Holmes. Pastor Meth. Churches (Chi- cago, Northern 111.), Union Av. Meth. Ch., Chicago, 1916-44; supt. G. F. Swift Memorial Parish House, chmn. Bd. Mgrs.; mem. Delta Upsilon. Travel: U.S., Can., Eur. Methodist. Republican. Office and home: 10522 So. Hoyne Av., Chicago, 111. Summer Loire. Edgewater Beach, Valparaiso, Ind. BYRON, Charles Loomis, patent law- yer; b. Peoria, 111., 26 Sept. 1S84; s. Noel R. Byron and Nellie L. (Mundy) B.; ed. South Div. high sch., Milwaukee, Wis.; B.S.E.E., Univ. Wis.. 1908; law course, Marquette Univ.; m. Ruby Hildebrand of Milwaukee, Wis., 7 July 1910; 1 dan., Ann (Byron) Richtmyre. In patent dept. of Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1908-12, Internat. Harvester Co., Chicago, 1912-17; admitted to bar in Tl!. in 1913; practiced patent law with firm Wilkinson & Huxley, 1917-20; partner in firm of Wilkinson, Huxley, Byron & Knight continuously, 1920—; mem. Am., III. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Am. Patent Law Assn., Patent Law Assn. of Chicago, Am. Judicature Soc. Clubs: University, Law (Chicago), Skokie Country, Mid-Day (Chicago). Interest: music. Recreation: golf. Protestant. Of- fice: 38 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1206 Asbury Av., Winnetka, 111. BOUTELL, Francis Lawrence, law- yer; b. Wapheton, N.D., 25 June 1890; s. John Boutell, and Mary Ellen (McCar- thy) B.; ed. Sank Center high sch., Minn.; A.B., Univ. Minn., 1913; J.D., Univ. Chicago, 1915; m. Sybil Struve Davis of Chicago, 5 Sept. 1923. Pract. law, Chicago, 5 Feb. 1916 — ; asst. Atty. Gen., State 111., 1919-20; alderman, 48th Ward, Chicago, 1925-26; county commr., Cook Co., 1926-30; Reg. S. Maj., J.A.G.O., 7 mos., during World War I. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Adventurers, Cliff Dwellers. Recreations: farming, riding, shooting. Republican. Office: 231 So. La Salle, Chicago, HI. Home: El- burn, 111. BOTHMAN, Louis, physician and sur- geon; b. St. Louis, Mo., 16 Nov. 1893; s. Benjamin Bothman, mcht., and Mary (Landau) B.; ed. Murphysboro Town- ship high sch., Jackson Co., 111.; B.S., Univ. Chicago, 1915; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1917; m. Anne Bothman of Chi- cago, 13 July 1935. Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., 1918-19; asst. in ophthal., Univ. 111., 1922, instr., 1923-24, assoc, 1924-26; asst. prof, ophthal., Univ. Chicago, 1927- 30, assoc. prof., 1930-37, prof., 1937-42; asst. ophthal., St. Luke's Hosp., 1927-29, assoc, Michael Reese Hosp., 1929-31, assoc, St. Luke's Hosp., 1931-41, Sr. attending, 1941—; Univ. Vienna, 1926-27; Surgery Shikarpur Sind., Ind., 1932; It., M.C., U.S.N.R. during World War I; mem. A.M.A., 111. State and Chicago Med. Socs., Chicago Ophthal. Soc, Chi- cago Path. Soc, Chicago Soc. Med. History, Inst. Med. Chicago, Acad. Ophthal., Assn. for Res. in Ophthal., Am. Bd. Ophthal., A.A.A.S., Frater Am. Coll. Surgeons, Sigma Xi, A.F. and A.M. (Murphysboro 498). Club: Stand- ard (Chicago). Author: Fundus Atlas; Stereoscopic Photography of the Fundus Oculi. Editor: Eye Section of The Year Book of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 1931—; Year Book Pub. Co., 1939. Travel: Eur., 1926-27, around the world, Oct. 1931-Apr. 1932. Office: 30 N. Michi- gan Ave., Chicago, 111. ASHBROOK, Ernest Shepardson, busi- ness executive; b. Granville, O., 12 Oct. 1879; s. Milan P. Ashbrook, and Lucy P. (Shepardson) A.; ed. Doane Acad.; A.B., Denison Univ., 1902; m. Betty M. Hughes of Chicago, 21 Nov. 1925. Sales- man, Baker- Vawter Co., 1902-10, No. Am. Life Ins. Co., S.W. Dept. mgr., 19*0- 17, Supt. of Agencies, 1917-19, v.p., 1919- 27, pres., 1927-43, pres., treas., 1944—, bd. dirs., 1917 — ; mom. Masons. Club: Chicago Athletic. Recreations: sports spectator, travel. Baptist. Republican. Office: 36 So. State St., Chicago, 111. Home: 3000 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, HI. GEIGER, Arthur Henry, physician, surgeon; b. Chicago, 111., 6 Jan. 1878. s, Henry Geiger, phys., and Err.ina (Von 59 Heismeier) G. ; ed. Chicago Manual Training Sch. ; Atheneum Acad.; M.D., Univ. 111., 1900; m. Margaret Semb of Chicago, 111., 1915. Med. practice, Chi- cago, 1901 — ; chmn., State HI. Med. Examining Com.; Chicago Med. Soc. F councillor; It., capt., M.C., during World War I; It. col., M.C.R., med. res.; mem. A.M. A., 111. State Med. Soc, Am. A.S., Am. Acad, of Ophthal. and Oto- lary. Club: Army and Navy. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: sketching, paint- ing. Recreations: golf, motoring. Epis- copalian. Office and home: 554 Fullerton Pkwy., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: La- guana Beach, Calif. Died, 15 May 1943. GALLOWAY, W. Marshall, business executive; b. Chicago, 111., 4 Feb. 1893; s. Wm. J. Galloway and Agues (Gillies) G. ; ed. Lyons Township high sch., La Grange, 111.; A.B., Northwestern Univ.. 1920; m. Alice Anderson of Evanston, 111., 17 June 1920; children — Gordon Marshall, Jean Alice, Bruce Anderson. Sec, A. E. Wright, Co., 1922; partner, Neely Co., 1926-44; dir., comptroller, Merchandise Mart Drug Store, Inc., 1930-42; Associate, Philip D. Stokes, In- vestments, 1944—; F.A., res. off. Tr. sch., Louisville, Ky., Camp Zachar;/ Taylor, during World War I; mem. Alpha Delta Phi. Interest: organ mus. Baptist. Republican. Office: 105 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 810 Ingle- side PL, Evanston, 111. GAILEY, Watson, physician, surgeon (ophthalmology) ; b. Ashland, 111., 7 Sept. 1882; s. Watson Gailey, physician, surgeon, and Elizabeth (Sinclair) G.; ed. Ashland high sch., 1900; M.D., Univ. 111. Coll. Med., 1904; m. Louise Huffaker of Jacksonville, 111., Oct. 1909; 1 dau., Janet Gailey Branch. Studied ophthal., Vienna, Berlin, London, Madrid, Barce- lona, India; chief surgeon, Gailey Eye Clinic; chief ophthalmologist, Mennon- ite Hosp. ; asst. surgeon, 111. Char table Eye & Ear Infirmary, Chicago; capt., M.C., U.S.A., 18 mos., 1917-18; mem A.M. A., Pan Am. Congress Ophthal., Am. Acad. Ophthal. Author: Ophthalmic literature only. Travel: Vienna, Berlin, 1912-13, Vienna, London, 1924-25, 6 moi. India in cataract surgery, 1931-32, Spain, 1932. Father in Civil War. Interest: oph- thalmology. Office: 1000 N. Main St., Bloomington, 111. Home: 8 Country Club Place, Bloomington, 111. FAIRFIELD, Almond C, educator, travel consultant; b. Angola, Ind., 1 Mar. 1893; s. Louis W. Fairfield, educa- tor, congressman, and Marie (Almond) F.: ed. Tri-State Coll., Angola, InA.; B.S., Tri-State Coll., 1917; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1921, M.A., 1924. Head, sci. dept., Okla. City High Sch., 1921-25; asst. prof, of physics, Univ. Philippines, 1925-27; physics dept., Muskegon Jr. Coll., 1927- 28; physics dept., Joliet High Sch. and Jr. Coll., 1928-45; owner and pub. of Travel Digest; ensign, U.S.N., transport and cruiser force, N. Atlantic, 1917-19; mem. Sigma Mu Sigma (p. nat. pres.), Tau Kappa Epsilon, Order of the Golden Key (founder and sovereign precptor), Masons (K.T., Shrine). Clubs: Lions (Joliet, p. pres.), LB., (HI. p. dist. sec). Author: Sigma Mu Sigma Ritual, Order of the Golden Key Ritual. Interests: travel, astron., singing. Recreation: bowling. Christian. Republican. Offices: Joliet High Sch. and Junior Coll., Joliet, 111.; and J. Stuart Rotchford Associates, 39 S. State St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1118 Oregon Av., Joliet, HI. ELSON, William Boris, executive; b. Volhynia, Russia, 15 May 1883; natural- ized, 1911; s. Samuel L. Elson, teacher, and Adele (Isenberg) E.; ed. Imperial Univ., Odessa, Rus.; m. Bessie Shulman of Chicago, 24 Nov. 1912; children— Wil- liam Boris, Jr., Adele Elson Kamp, Robert Emanuel. With Amoskeag Mill, Manchester, N. H., 1 yr.; millinery bus., John Weinberg & Co., 1908, dept. mgr., 1907; assoc. King-Brinsmeade Mercan- tile Co., St. Louis, 1911-21; gen. mgr., dir. Gage Hat Works, 1921-26; v.p., dir. Gage Bros. & Co., 1922-26; pres., treas. Pioneer Investment Corp., 1926-32; re- tired, 1935; reentered business, 1935; sales mgr., Utility Supply Co., gen. mgr., 1937, v.p., 1938; mem. Masons. Interests: reading, music. Recreation: golf. Free Thinker. Independent. Office: 305-21 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Home: Chicago Arms Hotel, 5125 Ken- wood Av., Chicago, HI. Summer res. : Porter Beach, Ind. CUNEO, John F., printer; b. Chicago, 111., 24 Dec. 1885; s. Frank Cuneo and Amelia (Gondolfo) C; ed. Chicago Latin Univ. Sch.; Yale Univ., 1907; m. Julia Reed Shepherd of Milwaukee. Wis., 24 June 1930; children — John F., Jr., Consuela J. Pres., John F. Cuneo Co., 1907, The Cuneo Press Inc., Cuneo Eastern Press of N.Y. and Philadelphia, 1919 — ; assoc. chief, Poster div., Infor- mation & Edn. Service Dept. of Labor, Washington, D.C. during World War I; mem. Labor Bd. Club: Catholic, The Cloud, Yale, Wykagl Country, Advertis- ing, Bankers, Chicago Athletic, South Shore Country, Chicago Golf, The Tav- ern. Catholic. Office: Canal & 22d St., 60 Chicago, 111. Home: Hawthorn Farms, Libertyville, 111. FRISCH, Leonard H„ editor, pub- lisher; b. Suwalki, Poland, 20 Apr. 1390; s. Joseph J. Prisch, educator, and Sarah (Herman) F. ; ed. North high sch.; A.B., Univ. Minn., 1912; Univ. Montpelier (Fr.), 1919; m. Bessie M. Millman of Chicago, 1928; children — Charles J., Daniel R. Pub. Am. Jewish World. 1915; mem. Minn. Editorial Assn., Minne- apolis Civic Council; pvt., Mar. 1918- July 1919, Fr., Sept. 1918- July 1919; dir., Minneapolis Fed. for Jewish Service, Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, Minne- apolis Dist. Zionist Orgn. of Am., Adath Jeshurum Synagogue; mem. B'nai Brith, Beth El Synagogue. Club: Gymal Doled. Travel: Eur., Egy., Pal., 1928- 29. Interests: journalism, literature. Jewish. Independent. Office: 711 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 4101 Linden Hills Blvd., Minneapolis, Minn. BERGE, Olaf A,, artist, designer; b. St. Paul, Minn., 16 Jan. 1898; s. Joseph J. Berge, evangelist, and Anna P. (Salt- vig) B. ; ed. Augsburg Acad., Minne- apolis, Minn., Minneapolis Sch. of Art; St. Paul Sch. of Art. Asst. cashier, N. W. Bell Tel. Co., 4 yrs.; artist, de- signer, Sly-Fox Film Co., 1926-30; free lance artist for E. A. DeForest, 1930-41; artist at Midwest Badge Co., Minne- apolis, 1941-44; artist at Red Owl Food Stores, Sept. 1944 — ; 2d award in paint- ing at Minn. State Fair, 1932, 2d av/ard group of drawings, 1938. Recreations: golf, swimming, skating, hiking. Lu- theran. Republican. Home: 2508 10th Av. So., Minneapolis 4, Minn. de TAKATS, Geza, surgeon; b. Buda- pest, Hungary, 9 Dec. 1892; s. Emile de Grosz, professor, and Margarete de T. ; ed. Royal Hungarian Teacher's Acad., Budapest, Hungary; M.D., Univ. Buda- pest, 1915, M.S., 1918; m. Carol Beeler of Hamilton, O., 23 Oct. 1924. House sur- geon, Univ. Budapest, 1915, asst. in sur- gery, 1916-18, assoc. surgery, 1918-21, asst. prof, surg., 1921-23; spl. fellow, Mayo clinic, Rochester, Minn., 1924; assoc. in surgery, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1926-27, asst. prof, surgery, 1927-35; asst. prof, surgery, Univ. 111. Med. Sch., 1935, assoc. prof, surgery, 1936 — ; senior attending surgeon, St. Luke's Hosp., Res. Ed. Hosp., Chicago; cons, in vascular surgery, Veterans Facility, Hines, 111.; F. A.C.S. ; mem. Chicago Surg. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Am. Diabetes Assn., Inst, of Med., Cen- tral Soc. for Clin. Res., Internal.. Anes- thesia Res. Soc. Clubs: University, Tav- ern. Author: arts, and chapters on med. subjects. Travel: Vienna, Munich, Ber- lin, Copenhagen. Interest: music. Recre- ation: tennis. Office: 122 So. Michigan Av., Chicago. 111. Home: 1106 Oak Av., Evanston, 111. MACELWANE, James Bernard, dean, Inst, of Geophysical Technology, direc- tor, dept. of geophysics, St. Louis Univ.; b. near Pt. Clinton, O., 28 Sept. 1883; s. Alexander Macelwane and Catherine Agnes (Carr) M.; ed. pub. sch., Plaster- bed dist.; St. John's high sch., Toledo, O.; B.A., St. Louis Univ., 1910, M.A., 1911, M.S., 1912; Ph.D., Univ. Calif., 1923. Instr. math., St. Johns Coll., Toledo, 1907-08; instr. physics, St. Louis Univ., 1912-13, asst. prof, physics, 1913- 15, 1918-19; asst. prof, geol., Univ. Calif., 1923-25; dir. Seismographic Stas., Univ. Calif., 1923-25; prof, geophysics, dir. dept., St. Louis Univ., 1925—, dean grad. sch., 1927-33; pres. Jesuit Seismological Assn.; dir., Cent. Sta., 1925—; tr., St. Louis Univ.; mem. A.A.A.S., A.I.M.E., Sigma Xi, Acad Sci. St. Louis, Mo. Acad. Sci., Am. Geog. Soc, Am. Geo- physical Union, Am. Plrysical Soc, Geol. Soc. Am., Optical Soc. Am., Seis- mological Soc. Am., East. Sec, Soc. Exploration Geophysicists, Nat. Acad. Sci. Author: Introduction to Theoretical Seismology, Part I, Geodynamics; In- ternal Constitution of the Earth (co- author) ; Physics of the Earth, Part VT, Seismology; arts., Physics Lab. Manual and Travel-time Tables. Catholic Of- fice: 3621 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 221 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. TALBERT, Thomas Jesse, horticul- turist; b. Exeter, Mo., 15 Mar. 1880; s. David Talbert, farmer, and Frances R. (Sallee) T.; ed. Cassville (Mo.) high sch.; Springfield (Mo.) Normal Sch. and Bus. Coll.; Univ. Mo., B.S. (in Agr.), 1913; Univ. Calif., 1919; Kansas State Coll., 1921; A.M., Univ. Mo., 1917; m. Mary A. Williams of Livermore, Calif., 1916; children— John David, Patricia Ann, Frances Jane. Asst. in entomol., deputy state nursery insp., Univ. Mo., 1913-14; exten. entomol., Kan. State Coll., 1914-15; exten. asst. prof, of hort., Univ. Mo., 1915-17; served as exec, sec, Mo. Div., U.S. Food Admin., actg. Food Adrninstr., 1917-19; supt., Farmers' Inst., and extension schs., Kan. State Coll., 1920-22; prof, hort., chmn., Dept. of Hort. and Forestry, Univ. Mo., 1922—; mem., Men of Sci., A.A.A.S., Am. Soc. for Hort. Sci., Mo. Acad, of Sci., Am. Pomol. Soc (pres., 1941-44), Mo. State 61 Hort. Soc, Mo. State Hist. Soc, A. A. U.P., Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Zeta. Clubs: Kiwanis, Columbia, Mo. (gov., Mo.-Kan.-Ark. Dist. of Kiwanis Clubs, 1930). Author: Profitable Answers to Problems in Fruit Growing; Fruit Crops (senior author), 1939; Hort. Enterprises (collab.), 1939. Travel: U.S., Can. Inter- ests: gardening, trees, shrubs. Recrea- tions: hunting, fishing. Baptist. Office: Coll. of Agr., Dept. of Horticulture, Univ. Mo., Columbia, Mo. Home: Sunset Hill, Mo. STOSE, Harold F., chemical engineer; b. Washington, D.C., 1 Apr. 1898; ed. M.I.T., S.B., 1921; S.M., 1922; m. Mary Louisa Boyd of S.C. Chem. engr., Owens- 111. Glass Co. Served, U.S.A., enlisted, 1917, discharged, 1918; fellow, A.A.A.S.; mem. A.C.S. Unitarian. Home: 2070 Campus Rd., Toledo 6, O. APPLE, Carl, physician, surgeon; b. Libau, Rus., 5 May 1895; s. David Apple and Sarah (Kuf) A.; ed. Crane Tech. high sch.; B.S., Univ. 111., 1921; M.D., 1923; m. Minnie Kaplan of Chicago, 8 Feb. 1925; children— Darlene, Earl How- ard. Assoc, in ophthal., Mt. Sinai Hosp., Chicago; attending phys., ophthal., Edgewater Hosp.; asst. prof, ophthal., Univ. 111.; corpl., 19th Inf., Co. B., 1 yr., during World War I; Fellow, Am. Med. Soc, Am. Acad. Ophthal. and Otolary., A.C.S. ; mem. Chicago Med. and Oph- thal. Socs., Phi Lambda Kappa. Jewish. Office: 55 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 5040 No. Ridgeway Av., Chi- cago, 111. ANDERSON, Norval Eugene, civil and sanitary engineer; b. Anna, 111., 14 Sept. 1897; s. Frank Vestal Anderson, engr., and Lulu Lenora (Barr) A.; ed. Centralia high sch.; Colo. Springs high sch.; Colo. Coll.; Univ. Chicago; B.S. (in C.E.), Univ. 111., 1920, C.E., 1934; m. Lilla Turner of Devonshire, Eng., 17 June 1918. Engr. asst., Rohr bough En- gring. Co., Omaha, Neb., summer, 1918- 19; jr. engr., asst. engr., sr. civ. engr., Sanitary Dist. of Chicago, 1920-35, Engr. of Treatment Plant Design, 1935 — ; cons, engr., sewage, 1926 — ; S.A.T.C, Univ. HI., during World War I; mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Am. Water Works Assn., Cent. States Sewage Works Assn., Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs., Sigma Tau. Author: tech. mag. arts. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Cuba. Interests: horses, music, reading, collecting guns and swords. Recreations: horseback riding, hunting. Protestant. Office: The Sanitary Dist. of Chicago, 910 S. Michigan Av., Chicago 5, 111. Home: 618 So. Catherine Av., La Grange, 111. GLENN, Fred Lee, physician, sur- geon; b. Janesville, Wis., 17 Apr. 1872; s. Albert M. Glenn, farmer, and Carrie Altha (Taylor) G.; ed. Milton Coll., Wis.; m. Georgia Richardson of Alpha, la., 14 Apr. 1897; children— Harold, Dorothy, Mildred, Albert; m. (2d) Otti- lie Bartels of Effingham, 111.; children- Edward, Daniel, Daisianna, Howard, Lowell. Med. staff, West Suburban Hosp., Oak Park, 111.; on examining bd. during World Wars I, II; mem. 111. Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Masons, K.T. Club: Kiwanis. Methodist. Republican. Office and home: 533 No. Pine Av., Chicago, HI. GEORGE, Joseph Anton, hospital ad- ministrator; b. New Orleans, La., 10 June 1889; s. Louis George and Fred- ericka (Zorn) G.; ed. Warren Easton high sch., New Orleans; A.B., Elm- hurst Coll., 1912; B.D., McCormick Theol. Sem., 1915; m. Dorothy Fleer of Chicago, 111., 10 Oct. 1916 (dec 19 Feb. 1944); children — Dorothea, Edith May. Pastor, Salem Evangelical Ch., Chicago, 1915-38; supt., Evangelical Hosp., Chi- cago, 1938 — ; pres., Am. Protestant Hosp. Assn., Oct. 1945; pres., commn. on Benevolences of Evang.-Reformed Ch., Bd. of Investments and Endow- ments of the Evang.-Reformed Ch. ; mem. Am. Coll. of Hosp. Adminstrs., Am. Hosp. Assn.; tr. 111. Hosp. Assn.; mem. Chicago Hosp. Council. Club: Ki- wanis. Author: arts, in Evangelical Messenger. Travel: U.S., Can. Interest: collecting wood carvings. Evangelical- Reformed. Office: 5421 S. Morgan St., Chicago 9, 111. Home: 6804 S. Union Av., Chicago 21, HI. LYON, Carl E., executive; b. Chicago, 111., 26 May 1884; s. Edward A. Lyon and Etta Frances (Ames) L.; ed. West Division high sch.; m. Mayme E. Lampe of Chicago, 111., 9 Nov. 1912; chil- dren—George E., Carl E., Jr., Robert Eugene, Edward Samuel. With Cribben & Sexton Co., 1900—, now dir.; dir. Avenue State Bank. Club: Oak Park Country. Christian. Republican. Office: 700 N. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 839 N. East Av., Oak Park, 111. MURPHY, Flay Louis, certified pub. accountant; b. Lebanon, Mo., 11 Mar. 1898; s. William Lauckland Murphy and Sophia (Berg) M.; ed. George Washing- ton Univ., Washington, D.C.; B.C.S., Southeastern Univ., Washington, D.C., 1920; m. Romalda Swindell of Swan- 62 quarter, N.C., 29 May 1928; children- Nancy Lou, Mary Patricia, Margaret Ann. Partner, Chesnutt, Murphy & Poole, C.P.A., Chicago, 111., 18 Apr. 1925 — ; seaman, U.S.N., 1918; mem. Am. Inst. Accountants, 111. Soc. C.P.A., Am. Legion. Protestant. Democrat. Office: 208 So. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 531 Laurel Av., Wilmette, 111. NORTH, Gerald C, food chemist; b. El Paso, 111., 16 June 1905; s. Chas. North, farmer, and Mellie (Hostettler) N.; ed. El Paso high sch. ; B.S., Univ. 111., 1927; M.S., Univ. Wis., 1929, Ph.D., 1931; m. Mary E. Morse of Madison, Wis., 10 June 1939. Dairy Dept., Univ. of Wis., 1930-33; res. assoc, Wis. Alumni Res. Foundation, 1933-36; dir. of res., Beatrice Creamery Co., 1936 — ; mem. A.C.S., Am. Dairy Sci. Assn., Inst, of Food Technologists. Author: sci. pubis, on dairy chemistry. Office: 1526 S. State St., Chicago, 111. Home: 730 Eeba Place, Evanston, 111. PARRY, John J (ay), professor of English; b. Rome, N.Y., 30 Sept. 1889; s. W. W. Parry, building contractor, and Augusta I. (Buek) P.; ed. Rome Free Acad.; Hotchkiss Sch.; B.A., Yale Univ., 1912, M.A., 1914, Ph.D., 1915; m Marion Jewett Austin of Bloomington 111., 22 June 1921; children— Anne Eliza beth, John J., Jr. Instr. Eng., Univ Calif. (Berkeley), 1915-16; mem. Eng Dept., Univ., 111., 1916—; editorial bd. Speculum, 1934-37; mem. Council Medi aeval Acad. Am., 1937-40; ed., Journal Eng. and Germanic Philology; 2d It. 330th F.A., personnel adjutant, Camp du Courneau, Fr., 15 Aug. 1917-4 May 1919; mem. Mediaeval Acad., Modern Lang. Assn., A.A.A.S., Linguistic Soc, Modern Humanities Res. Assn., Soc. Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature, Honourable Soc. Cymmrodorion. Clubs: University (Urbana), Exchange (Cham- paign). Editor: Poems and Amyntas of Thomas Randolph, 1917; Vita Merlini, 1925; Arthurian Bibliography, 1931, 1936; Burt y Brenhinedd, 1937; Andreas Capellanus, The Art of Courtly Love, 1941; various mag. arts. Travel: Gt. Britain, Fr., Eire. Office: 216 Gregory Hall, Univ. of 111., Urbana, 111. Home: 805 W. Iowa St., Urbana, 111. Summer res.: Christmas Cove, Me. PAULICK, Herman Rudolf, glass mfr.; b. Oshkosh, Wis., 18 Jan. 1896; s. Rudolf Paulick, carpenter, and Mary (Yanko) P.; ed. Oshkosh high sch.; m. Aurelia McCormick of Chicago, 25 July 1923; children— Patricia, Herman. Pres., Dearborn Glass Co.; in U.S. Navy 1 yr., during World War I. Catholic. , Office : 2414 W. 21st St., Chicago, 111. Home: 437 Woodlawn Av., Glencoe, 111. PEARCE, Charles Sumner, mfr.; b. Walworth, Wis., 16 Sept. 1877; s. George D. Pearce, farmer, and Emily J. (Baker) P.; ed. Sharon (Wis.) high sch.; B.L., Univ. Wis., 1900; Law, 1903; m. Vivian Coates of Corsicana, Tex., 2 June 1909; children — Mrs. Stuart Sher- man, Charles S. Pres., dir., Palmolive Co. and its successor, Colgate-Palm- olive-Peet Co., 1923-33, chmn., 1933-38; chmn., Internat. Cellucotton Products Co., 1934-38, pres., 1938—; mem. Parker Pen Co.; dir., Clark Equipment Co., Upper Av. Bank, Reynolds Spring Co.; Col. on Governor's Staff, Wis. Nat. Guard. Clubs: Chicago, University, Racquet, Tavern, Old Elm, Post, and Paddock. Protestant. Republican. Of- fipe: 919 No. Michigan Av., Chicago 11, 111. Home: 209 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago 11, 111. PERHAM, Deane Ellsworth, engi- neer; b. Niagara, Pa., 17 Nov. 1888; s. Warren Perham, farmer and bus. man, and Gertrude (Stone) P.; ed. Pleasant Mount high sch.; Pa. State Prep, sch.; B.S. (mech. engring.), Pa. State Coll., 1911; m. Mabelle Todd of Chicago, 111., 1916. Developed designs (for comml. use), of automatic refrigeration and controls, 1911-26; cons, engr., design of air-conditioning apparatus, 1927-29; gen. engr., refrigeration, air conditioning, 1940 — ; nat. dir. (5 yrs.), Am. Soc. of Refrigerating Engrs. (p. pres.), Chi- cago; charter mem., Inst, of Food Tech- nologists. Clubs: Union League, South Shore Country. Author: Certified Refrig- eration Standards and Engineering Data. Recreations: golf, bowling. Meth- odist. Republican. Office: 230 W. Supe- rior St., Chicago, 111. Home: 7321 South Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. JENKISSON, Alvan Willard, insur- ance; b. Prescott, Ont., Can.; s. John Jenkisson, lake captain and farmer, and Janet Fairbairn (Martin) J.; ed. Pres- cott Acad.; Prescott high sch.; Eggerts Bus. Sch., Ogdensburgh, N.Y.; Do- minion Coll., Kingston, Ont.; m. Mary Louise Zerr of Ft. Madison, la., 8 July 1908; children— John F., Peter F., Jr. Clerk, Chicago Office, Northern Assur- ance Co., 1892, continuing through vari- ous positions until 1908; spl. agt. for Chicago and Met. Dept., 1908-21, mgr., for same co., 1921, and for London and Scottish Assurance Corp., 1926—; natu- ralized citizen, 1904; mem. Chicago Bd. Underwriters (treas., 1928-29), Chicago 63 Assn. of Commerce; commr. Lake Bluff Park Dist. Clubs: Knollwood, 111. Ath- letic. Recreations: golf, hunting, fishing. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 2168 Insurance Exchange, Chicago, HI. Home: 500 Sunrise Av., Lake Bluff, 111. JOHNSTON, Bernard F„ lawyer; b. St. Louis, Mo., 20 Nov. 1877; s. Joseph E. Johnston, merchant, and Katherine (Weber) J.; ed. LL.B., Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law, 1907, LL.M., 1908; m. Mary V. McMullin of Chicago, 111., 14 Aug. 1911. Admitted to bar, 1907; pres., Or- leans-Huron, Inc.; sec, W. S. Darley and Co.; mem. 111. State Bar Assn. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 308 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 936 Belleforte Av., Oak Park, 111. JONES, William Adrian, manufac- turer; b. Chicago, 111., 5 Apr. 1900; s. Thomas Arthur Jones, mfr., and Clara Elizabeth (Jones) J.; ed. Crane Tech. high sch. ; m. Irene Anna Simpson of Chicago, 111., 3 Jan. 1922 (div.); chil- dren — William A., Anna Mae; m. (2d) Florence L. Talbot, 19 Feb. 1944. With H. B. Sackett Screen & Chute Co. (pres.) dir., W. A. Jones Foundry & Machine Co.; 18 mos. sgt., first class, Motor Transport Corp. during World War I; mem. Masons. Club: Oak Park. Recrea- tions: flying, power boating. Protestant. Republican. Office: 1685 Elston Av., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 427 N. Humphrey Av., Oak Park, 111. Summer res.: Pine Lake, LaPorte, Ind. HILL, Caroline Miles, teacher, writer, settlement worker; b. Pleasant Hill, O., 20 July 1866; d. Israel Miles, farmer, and Keturah (Pickering) M.; ed. Car- thage, Ind. high sch.; Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1887, A.M., 1890, Ph.D., 1892; m. William Hill of Chicago, 111., 24 Jan. 1895. Taught in Friends' Bloomingdale Acad., 1887-91 and 1910-12; teacher, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1892-93; teacher psychol., Wellesley Coll., 1893-95; Fed. Employment service desk, 1918-19 (placing women over 40) ; mem. 111. League of Women Voters (charter mem.). Club: Chicago Wom- an's. Travel: Eur. Author: World's Great Religious Poetry, 1923; Twentieth Century Love Poetry, 1929; Mary Mc- Dowell and Municipal Housekeeping, 1938; arts, in ednl. and other periodi- cals. Interests: engaged in writing another book. Quaker. Independent Re- publican. Home: 5802 Blackstone Av., Chicago, HI. HOWARD, Einar C, lawyer; b. Oslo, Norw., 24 Apr. 1879; s. Mathias Haugom Howard, and Anne (Larsen) H. ; ed. Hyde Park high sch.; LL.B. (hon.), LL.M. (hon.), 111. Coll. of Law; m. Sig- rid Petersen of Chicago, 111., 13 June 1903; children— Marshall S., Edgar A., Evelyn. Came to Chicago from Norway, evenings, while there, practiced law, 1907 — , and is still trying numerous cases in the various courts, including Supreme Ct.; mem. Chicago Art Inst, (life), HI. Bar Assn., Sons of Norway, I.O.O.F., Royal League. Clubs: The Ev- anston, Chicago Norwegian. Author: treatise on Real Property Law, for corr. studs, of Hamilton Coll., 3 vol. work, Instns. to Juries (co-author). Travel: U.S., Can., Cuba, Eur., Ger., Fr., Eng., Norw., Swed., Den. Interests: general. Recreations: bowling, billiards, for- merly gymnasium activities and tennis. Office: 77 West Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1033 Dempster St., Evanston, 111. MABBS, John Williams, executive; b. Chicago, 111., 11 Apr. 1859; s. John Mabbs, mech. and mining engr., and Jane P. (Williams) M.; ed. Houghton (Mich.) high sch.; Chicago Atheneum; m. Frances S. McDonell of Detroit, Mich., 16 Nov. 1887; 1 son, John Ken- neth. Engr., electrician, Chicago Bd. Trade, 1886-99, ch. engr., supt., 1899- 1912; ch. engr., Congress Hotel, 1912-14; pres., Mabbs Hydraulic Packing Co., 1914 — ; mem. Western Soc. Engrs., Nat. Assn. Power Engrs., Am. Waterworks Assn., Am. Mining Congress, Nat. Com. to Uphold Constitutional Govt. Inventor Mabbs Rawhide Packing, 1891; Mabbs Electric Motor Counterbalance Eleva tor, 1900. Interest: sci. Protestant. Re publican. Office: 431 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. Home: 5300 Kenmore Av. Chicago, HI. IIEYL, Clarence Walter, lawyer; b. Manito, 111., 14 May 1884; s. William E. Heyl, farmer, and Etura (Venard) H.; ed. Washington (111.) high sch.; Y.M. C.A. high sch.; LL.B., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1908; m. May me Randolph of Pargould, Ark., 25 Dec. 1909; children —Helen (Mrs. Royster), William Ran- dolph (dec). Practice of law, Peoria, HI., 1907 — ; trial lawyer, defended famous case of U.S. vs. McNear et al in Fed. Ct., Peoria, 111., 1942; mem. state bd. of Law Examiners, 1934—; mem., Peoria, Chicago, 111., Am. Bar Assns., Internat. Assn. of Ins. Council, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Creve Coeur, Country, Peoria, Union League, Chicago. Travel: Eur. Inter- ests: operating 2 farms, raising live 64 stock, hunting, fishing. Conglist. Repub- lican. Office: Central Nat. Bank Bldg., Peoria, 111. Home: 801 Moss Av., Peoria, HI. PRICE, Paul E., lawyer; b. Chicago, HI., 7 Oct. 1895; s. Leopold Price, mfr., and Nona (Rothchild) P.; ed. Hyde Park high sen., Chicago, 111.; LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1917; m. Kathryn Sherwood of Chicago, 15 Apr. 1933; chil- dren — Paul E., Jr., Judith Ann. Lec- turer emeritus, HI. Law, Northwestern Univ.; partner, William McKinley; vil- lage atty., Forest Park, 111., 1939-43; 111. Res. Mil., Four Min. Men. Capt. Liberty Loan Orgn., during World War I; sergt., 111. Nat. Guard; gov. appeal agt., Selec- tive Service Bd. ; mem. Chicago, HI. State and Am. Bar Assns., Order Coif, Art Inst. Chicago, B.P.O.E. No. 4, A.F. & A.M. Club : Lincolnshire Country. Au- thor: various monographs for 111. Law Review. Interest: motoring. Recreation: fishing. Republican. Office: 33 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 4430 Greenview Av., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Michillinda, Mich. MOSS, Walter E., lawyer; b. Guthrie Center, la., 16 Feb. 1880; s. John Moss, farmer, and Margaret (Campbell) M. ; ed. Guthrie Co. high sen.; B.Di., la. State Teachers Coll., 1902; studied la. State Univ., summer, 1907; spl. courses Univ. Chicago; LL.B., Chicago Law Sen., 1911; m. Daisy D. Hougham of Panora, la., 6 Oct. 1909; children— Milo R., Mrs. Ruth Moss-Palmer, Mrs. Mildred Moss-Renner, Walter Elbert. Taught la. pub. sens., 1901, pub. sch. prin., in la., 1902-07; stenographer, Chi- cago, while studying law, 1907-11; ad- mitted to bar, 111., 1911; engaged in gen. practice of law in Chicago, 1911 — ; asst. co. atty., Cook Co., 111., 1913-14; asst. pros, atty., Chicago, 1918; mem. firm, Moss & King, 1921-27; Moss & Ellman, 1927-30; alone, 1930-38; mem. firm, Moss & Inlander, 1938-41; Moss, Ellman & Inlander, 10 May 1941—; mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Com ml. Law League of Am., Phi Alpha Delta, Masons. Presbyterian. Office: 77 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 225 Wesley Av., Oak Park, 111. HOWES, Byron C, insurance execu- tive; b. St. Paul, Minn., 8 Mar. 1888; s. Seth K. Howes and Madge (Brewster) H. ; ed. Manual Training high sch., Den- ver, Colo.; Univ. Chicago, 1913; m. Edith G. Coonley of Chicago, 111., 6 Jan. 1915; children— Bryon C, Jr., Judith H. Clerk, Colo. Fuel & Iron Co., Denver, Colo., 1906-09; cashier, Chicago agency, Union Mutual Life Ins. Co., Portland, Me., 1910-14, mgr., Chicago agency, 1914-19; agt., Union Cent. Life Ins. Co., 1920-22; mgr. investment dept., Paul H. Davis & Co., Investment Securities, 1922-24; ins. broker, 1924-31; gen. agt., Chicago, Berkshire Life Ins. Co., Pitts- field, Mass., 1932 — ; pres. Chicago Assn. Life Underwriters, 1928-29; pres. Life Agency Managers of Chicago, 1944-45, chmn. Civil Service Commn., Highland Park, 111.; insp., Am. Protective League, during World War I; mem. Nat. Assn. Life Underwriters, Chicago Assn. Life Underwriters, Delta Upsilon. Clubs: Chi- cago Athletic Assn., Exmoor Country. Interest: amateur photog. Recreations: golf, motoring. Christian Scientist. Re- publican. Office: 1 N. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 221 Maple Av., High- land Park, HI. INGERSOLL, Roy C, manufacturer; b. Sandoval, HI., 24 Oct. 1884; s. Stephen A. Ingersoll, mfr., and Cordelia L. (Gay- lord) I.; ed. Sandoval high sch.; Browns Bus. Coll.; B.A. (hon.), Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111., 1908; m. Lulu M. Hinch- liff of Galesburg, 111., 20 Sept. 1911; chil- dren — Robert S., Jane Coffin, Barbara M., James H. Entered employ of Gales- burg Coulter Disc. Co., Galesburg; mgr. Norwalk Steel and Iron Co., Norwalk, O., 1910-11; v.p. and gen. mgr., Gales- burg Coulter Disc. Co., 1915; v.p., Ind. Rolling Mill Co., Newcastle, Ind., 1917- 29; pres., Ingersoll Steel and Disc. Co., Galesburg, 111., 1929—; dir., mem. exec, com. and v.p., Borg Warner Corp.; dir., mem. exec, com., Transportation Assn. Am.; dir., Poor & Co., Chicago; p. pres., bd. dirs., 111. Chamber Commerce; dir., v.p. U.S. Chamber Commerce; p. dir., Chicago Athletic Club; Mem. Phi Gamma Delta. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Chicago Club, Indiana Hill Golf, Win- netka, Crystal Downs Country, Frank- fort, Mich. Recreations: golf, horseback riding, gardening. Conglist. Republican. Office: 310 S. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 151 Meadow Lane, Winnetka, 111. Summer res.: Crystal Downs, Frankfort, Mich. KEELER, Leonarde; b. Berkeley, Calif., 30 Oct. 1903; s. Charles A. Keeler, author, and Louise (Bunnell) K.; ed. University high sch., Oakland, Calif.; Univ. Calif., Los Angeles, 1924; B.A., Stanford Univ., 1930; LL.D., Lawrence Coll., 1938; m. Katherine Applegate of Walla Walla, Wash., 16 Aug. 1930. Re- search asst. (dir., 1941), 111. dept. Crimi- nology, 1929-30; sci. crime detection lab., Northwestern Univ., 1930-38, dir., 65 1935-38; assoc. prof, of law in psychol- ogy, Northwestern Univ., 1930-39; pvt. practice, 1939; mem. 111. State Police Merit Council, A.A.A.S., Internat. Assn. Identification, Internat. Assn. Chiefs of Police, Chicago Acad. Criminology. Clubs: Tavern, Adventurers (Chicago). Author: arts, on polygraph (lie-detector) and crime detection. Travel: Australia, Caribbean. Interests: photog., camping, travel. Office: 134 S. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1507 N. Dearborn Pkwy., Chicago, 111. KIDD, Elizabeth Ayres, music edu- cator; A.B., A.M., Univ. Chicago; m. Albert E. Kidd; children— Geraldine, Harlan, David. Intensive training under Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler (pianist); gave piano programs; applied music study, Chicago, Paris; music research done at Univ. Chicago and London; dir. Music Integration New Trier Twp. High Sen., Winnetka, 111.; lecture recitals at liberal arts colls, and schs. of music; musicalogist with famous collection primitive and ancient musical instru- ments, demonstrated when on tour; mem. Mu Phi Epsilon (nat. pres., 1940- 42), Phi Beta Kappa. Contbd. arts, on musicology, music integration and fra- ternity work. Travel: extensive. Inter- est: collecting primitive and ancient instruments. Recreation: swimming. Of- fice: New Trier Twp. High Sen., Win- netka, 111. Home: Glen Oak Acres, Glen- view, 111. MacDONALD, Ian Philip, attorney; b. Canton, Mass., 13 Sept. 1897; s. Archie E. MacDonald, musician, and Elizabeth (Hoare) M.; ed. R.I. State Coll.; LL.B., DePaul Univ., 1930; J.D., John Marshall Law Sen., 1931; m. Lillian Evenstad of Darlington, Wis., 1928; 1 dau., Diane. Indsl. engr., development and control work, various plants, U.S. Rubber Co.; ins. work, claims atty., mgr. claims, Lumberman's Mutual Casualty Co.; pvt. practice, then entered partnership, Krohn & MacDonald, specialists, trial work, appellate, Supreme Ct. cases; mem. adv. draft bd. ; served air corps, training Mass. Inst. Tech., Boston, dur- ing World War I; mem. B.P.O.E., Am., 111. State, Chicago Bar Assns., Lambda Chi Alpha, Delta Theta Phi. Club: 111. Athletic. Recreations: badminton, golf. Office: 100 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 644 Melrose, Chicago, 111. McNULTY, Joseph Davis, contractor; b. Chicago, 111., 6 Sept. 1890; s. Thomas Joseph McNulty and Mary Josephine (Davis) M.; ed. B.A., Georgetown Coll., Washington, D.C., 1910, M.A., 1911; LL.B., Lincoln Law Sen., Chicago, 111., 1913; m. Kathrine Munroe of Muskegon, Mich., 7 Sept. 1915; children— Joseph Munroe, Kathrine McN. Bouscaren, Bar- bara McN. Bouscaren, Mary. Dir. McNulty Bros. Co. (v.p., treas.), Gar- land Bldg. Corp.; tr. Girls Latin Sen., Chicago, 111. Clubs: Racquet, Chicago Golf, Saddle and Cycle, Dunham Woods Riding, Detroit. Recreations: golf, hunt- ing. Catholic. Republican. Office: Mc- Nulty Bros. Co., 1028 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Home: Maple Park, HI. MOSBY, William Eugene, realtor, builder; b. Bardwell, Ky., 5 Feb. 1887; s. William L. Mosby, physician, and Mattie (Petrie) M.; ed. Prep. Sen.; B.C.E., Univ. Ky., 1910; m. Mary M. Haley of Watertown, N.Y.; 1 dau., Betty Lou. Draftsman, engr., Frisco R.R., 1910; insp. of materials, C.R.L&P. R.R., 1911-15; asst. engr. of testing, I.C. R.R., 1915-20; in own bus., 1920; pres., Wm. E. Mosby & Co., Inc. Realtors, 1920 — , Inland Constr. Co. Builders; chief dist. appraiser, H.O.L.C, 1934-35; contract mgr. and sales broker, 1936-41; mem. Nat. Assn. of Real Estate Bds., 111. Assn. Real Estate Bds., Chicago Real Estate Bd., Am. Inst, of Real Estate Appraisers, Soc. Res. Appraisers, Home Builders Inst, of Am., Chatham Cham- ber Commerce (p. pres.). Clubs: Chat- ham Lions (p. pres.), South Shore Coun- try. Author: various arts, on real estate. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Independ- ent. Office: 8032 Cottage Grove Av., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 8134 Langley Av., Chi- cago, HI. Summer res.: Bardwell, Ky. MOULTON, Elton James, professor of mathematics; b. Leroy, Mich., 4 Aug. 1887; s. Belah G. Moulton, farmer, and Mary C. (Smith) M. ; ed. Leroy (Mich.) high sen.; Albion Coll., 1903-05; B.S., Univ. Chicago, 1908; M.A., Univ. Wis., 1910; Harvard Univ., 1910-11; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1913; m. Edna Frances McCormack of Chicago, 111., 18 June 1911; children — James Edward, Helen Lois, Ralph Eugene, Harold Bruce. Instr. math., Wis., 1909-10; Harvard, 1910-11, Northwestern, 1912-13; asst. prof., Northwestern Univ., 1913-17, assoc. prof., 1917-21, prof., 1921—, chmn., 1935-42, asst. Dean of Coll., 1929- 31, Dean of Grad. Sen., 1931-33; dir. War Res. Group, Columbia Univ., 1943-44; mem. Am. Math. Soc., A.A.A.S., Math. Assn., Am. Astron. Soc. Club: Univer- sity (Evanston). Author: (with D. R. Curtiss) Trigonometry, Analytic Geome- try; numerous papers. Editor: Ameri- can Math. Monthly, 1937-41. Travel: Eur., U.S. Recreation: tennis. Method- ist. Republican. Office Northwestern Univ., Evanston, HI. Home: 1114 Colfax St., Evanston, 111. Summer res.: R.F.D. 3, Shelby, Mich. PETERS, Guy M., lawyer; b. Albion, Neb., 16 May 1880; s. John Peters, real estate, and Sarah (Widaman) P.; ed. Albion (Neb.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Neb., 1903; LL.B., Harvard Law Sch., 1906; m. Ethel Wharton of England, 16 July 1916. Practiced law in Chicago, mem. of firms of Burry, Johnstone & Peters, Burry, Johnstone, Peters & Dixon, now Peters & Dixon; mem. Am., HI. and Chicago Bar Assns. Clubs: Uni- versity, Chicago, The Mid-Day, Floss- moor Country, Central 111. Hunting. Rec- reations: hunting, golf. Protestant. Inde- pendent. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 179 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. PINKERTON, Ralph Roy, electrical engineer; b. Chicago, 111., 13 May 1893; s. M. W. Pinkerton, detective, and Ann Emma (Black) P.; ed. Univ. high sch.; B.S. (in E.E.), Purdue Univ., 1920, E.E., 1921; m. Margaret Nicol of Lafayette, Ind., 1921; children — Nancy May, Mar- garet Nicol. Elec. engr., Sanitary Dist., Chicago; It. Navy during World War I; mem. A.I.E.E., Am. Legion. Club: Chi- cago Athletic. Recreations: golf, bowl- ing, swimming. Protestant. Office: 700- 910 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 7945 Crandon Av., Chicago, 111. POTTER, Paul Adams, indsl. rel. con- sultant; b. Ames, la., 23 Apr. 1900; s. Ezra T. Potter, coll. instr. and Minnie (Adams) P.; ed. Ames, la. high sch.; B.S., in Agrl. Journalism, la. State Coll., 1922; m. Mabel Dobbe of Huxley, la., 15 July 1926; children— Paul, Jr., Hugh B. Asst. ed., Orange Judd Farmer, 1922- 25; pub. dir., Nat. Dairy Council, 1925- 29; agr. ed., Chicago Tribune, 1929-34; exec, sec, Assoc. Milk Dealers Inc., 1935-45; candidate, Inf. Cent. Officers Training Sch., Camp Grant, 111., 12 Dec. 1918, pvt. ; mem. Sigma Delta Chi (prof, journalism frat., life mem.), Alpha Zeta (hon. agrl.), Pi Kappa Alpha. Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Dairymen's Country, Boulder Junction, Wis. Repub- lican. Office: 1 No. La Salle St., Chicago 7, 111. Home: Sunset Lane, Bannockburn (P.O. Deerfield), 111. PUCKETT, Henry Frank, painter, etcher; b. Chicago, 111., 10 Aug. 1914; s. William H. Puckett, barber, and Alvina J. (Bicek) P.; ed. People's high sch.; Art Inst, of Chicago; pvt. art inst., Wel- lington J. Reynolds, Albert Kreible, Antonin Sterba, James Swann. Ex- hibited work nationally; represented in following insts., Flower high sch., Gary Sch., Governor's Mansion, Springfield, HI., Juvenile Ct., Chicago, 111., St. Pro- copius Coll., Lisle, 111.; mem. Art Inst. Alumni Assn., Ind. Soc. Print Makers, Hoosier Salon. Interest: hist. res. of races of mankind. Home: 3031 S. Homan Av., Chicago, 111. REDDING, George Hyde, business executive; b. Ridgway, Pa., 29 Jan. 1892; s. George Newcome Redding and Nancy Emaline (Morris) R. ; ed. Wil- liamsport (Pa.) high sch.; A.B., Wash- ington and Jefferson Coll., 1913, LL.D. (hon.), 1938; m. Gladys Louise Arling- ton of Chicago, 111., 5 Feb. 1919; children —George Hyde, Jr., John Arlington, Wil- liam Morris. Instr., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 1913-15; with Am. Book Co., N.Y., 1915-16; with Lehigh Portland Cement Co., 1916-18; with Massey Concrete Products Corp., 1919—; dir. and pres., Canadian Concrete Products Co., Ltd., Massey Concrete Products Co.; tr., pres., Village of Wilmette Sch. Bd., Washington and Jeffferson Coll. ; English, U.S.N. R.F., 1 yr. during World War I; mem. Wilmette Civic League (pres.), Am. Concrete Pipe Assn. (pres., chmn., concrete pipe code authority, 1933-34), Nat. Geog. Soc, Newcomen Soc, Ma- sons, Delta Tau Delta. Clubs: Union League (mem., pub. affairs com.), Eco- nomic (Chicago). Interests: lit., ed., mus., civic affairs. Conglist. Repub- lican. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1034 Ramona Rd., Wil- mette, 111. HARTSING, Ralph N., advertising executive; b. Waterville, O., 31 Aug. 1896; s. John J. Hartsing and Lucy (Lincoln) H.; ed. E. Toledo (O.) high sch.; Tri-State Bus. Univ., Toledo, O.; m. Marie Pfelder of Toledo, O., 30 Aug. 1919; children— Ralph N., Jr., Rodney K. With Ann Arbor R.R., Toledo, O., 1914-16; asst. to dir. traffic, Willys-Over- land, Toledo and Washington, D.C., 1916- 21; v.p., sec, treas., The Caples Co., advertising agency, Chicago, 111., 1921 — ; mem. Masons, Western Advertising Golfers Assn. Clubs: Chicago Federated Advertising (founder mem.), Union League, Chicago Traffic. Recreations: golf, squash racquets. Office: 225 E. Erie St., Chicago, 111. Home: 208 Ken- more Av., Elmhurst, 111. Summer home: 314 Green Lake, Lauderdale Lakes, Wis. HELT, Daniel W., railroad labor orgn. executive; b. Shamokin, Pa., 24 Sept., 67 1883; s. Jeremiah Helt, railroad train- man, and Amanda E. (Hoover) H.; m. Kate P. Gilham of Shamokin, Pa., 25 Nov. 1906; children — Franklin Rich- ard, William Howard, Arthur Gilman, Thomas Paul, Ada S., Emaline Louise. Mem. Pa. State Legislature, 1917, 19 ses- sions; mem. R.R. Adj. Bd.; U.S. Marine Corps, 1901-05 (2V 2 yrs. fgn. service). Author: The Signalman and His Work. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Protes- tant. Office: 220 S. State St., Chicago, 111. Home: 104 N. Parkway, Prospect Heights, 111. HENRY, Huntington B., banker; b. Chicago, 111.; s. Robert L. Henry, lum- ber and oil dealer, and Ada C. (Badger) H.; ed. Chicago Manual Training Sch., Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1906; m. Annie May Swift of Chicago, 5 Jan. 1911; chil- dren — Hortense, Annie May. Pres., Ames Emerick and Co., Chicago Oil Co., Henry Oil Co.; dir. U.S. Cold Stor- age Corp., Ames Emerick Co., Broad- street Investing Co.; ensign naval avia- tion, 1918-19; mem. Chi Psi. Clubs: Chicago, Racquet, Onwentsia (Shore Acres), Casino. Travel: U.S., Eur. Re- publican. Office: 105 So. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1500 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Lake Forest, 111. JANSON, Frederick W., lawyer, re- tired; b. Karlsruhe, Ger., 2 Oct. 1888; s. John Henry Janson, lawyer, and Bar- bara (Schaufelberger) J.; ed. Humboldt Gymnasium, Karlsruhe; LL.B., Hamil- ton, Coll. ; m. Gladys Shordike of Chi- cago, 111., 5 Feb. 1912; children— Fred- erick W., Jr., Virginia. Mem. Oriental Consistory, Chicago; Chicago Athletic Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Independent. Of- fice: 111 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Home: 9481 Bay Dr., Miami Beach, Fla. Summer home: 6101 Sheridan Rd., Chi- cago, 111. KOENIG, Paul F., lawyer; b. Ft. Branch, Ind., 18 Apr. 1889; s. Rev. Charles A. Koenig and Anna (Helge) K.; ed. A.B., DePauw Univ., 1912; LL.B., Loyola Univ. (Chicago), 1916. Sec, atty., dir. Evangelical Hosp. Assn. of Chicago; Republican Nat. Com.; It., 165th Inf., Rainbow Div., U.S.A. in Fr., during World War I; mem. 111. Rainbow Post, V.F.W. (comdr.), Sigma Nu, Ma- son, DePauw Univ. Alumni Assn. (p. pres.). Republican. Office: 111 W. Wasn- ington St., Chicago, 111. Home: Prospect Heights, 111. KONENKAMP, Sylvester Joseph, law- yer; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., 6 July 1878; s Charles Konenkamp (dec), and Adaline (O'Neill) K. (dec); ed. LL.B., DePaul Univ., 1917; m. Bertha De Wolfe of Assumption, 111., 6 July 1905. Internat. pres., Comml. Telegraphers Union, 1908- 19; atty., West Chicago Park Commnrs., 1927-30; practicing atty., 1919—; chmn., National Executive Committee Public Ownership League of Am.; 1st v.p. 111. Municipal Ownership League; pres. Taxpayers' Union of 111. Interest: public ownership of utilities, labor problems, taxation. Catholic. Republican. Office: Suite 1722, 77 W. Washington Blvd., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 3420 Foster Av., Chi- cago, 111. SPENCER, Charles Carl, lawyer; b. McLean Co., HI., 11 Apr. 1867; s. Mar- shall S. Spencer, farmer, and Sarah Ann (Simmons) S.; ed. Ann Arbor (Mich.) high sch.; B.L., Univ. Mich., 1892; m. Margaret R. Wilson of Alma, 111., 20 Oct. 1892 (d., 1918); children- Rose E., Lois E., Charles Dee, Richard Marshall. Admitted to bar by S.C., 111., 1892, U.S. Sup. Ct., 1928; practiced law, Chicago, 111., 1892—; mem. firm, Charles C. & Richard M. Spencer, 1934—, Leg. Adv. Bd., 1917-18, S.A.R. (111. Chap.), Chicago Hist. Soc, Am. Bar Assn., 111. Bar Assn., Chicago Bar Assn., Chicago Law Inst, (pres., 1924). Desc. Thomas Spencer who settled at Newton (now Cambridge) Mass., 1632, and a founder of Hartford, Conn., 1636; family has resided in HI. since 1820. Protestant. Democrat. Office: 155 N. Clark St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 245 Park Av., Glencoe, 111. WEESE, Harry Ernest, retired; b. Huntington, Ind., 5 Feb. 1876; s. Horace G. Weese (dec), and Harriet A. (Favor- ite) W. (dec); ed. high sch., Hunting- ton, Ind.; DePauw Univ., 1897; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1902; LL.B., Chi- cago Kent Coll. Law, 1908; m. Marjorie Mohr of Chicago, 15 Oct. 1914; children —Harry M. (It. U.S.N.R.), Marjorie Jane, John R. (capt. U.S.A., Para- troop Inf.), Suzanne L„ Benjamin H. U.S. Ry. Mail Service, 1895-99; assoc, N. W. Harris & Co., 1903, successor, The Harris Trust & Savings Bank, auditor, cashier, treas., retired; dir. Am. Ore Reclamation Co.; former treas. Village of Kenilworth, Kenilworth Park dist.; village elk. and mem. sch. bd.; mem. Chicago Bus. Men's Orchestra, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Phi, Indiana Soc. of Chicago. Clubs: University. In- terests: golf, fishing, hunting. Recrea tion: music. Mem. Barrington Methodis Ch. Republican. Home: Hawthorne Rd 68 (Route 63), Barrington, 111. Summer res.: Glen Lake, Cedar, Mich. THOMPSON, James Arthur, licensed architect, engineer; b. Rushville, 111., 18 Jan. 1883; s. Wm. J. Thompson, farmer, and Margaret Jeanette (Arthur) T.; ed. Fey Sen.; B.S.A., Univ. 111., 1905; grad. student, 1914-15; m. Anna Riehl of Alton, 15 Sept. 1908 (dec, 1929); children- Ralph James, Willard Davenport, Elea- nor June (Mrs. Giles Dodds), Erwin Arthur, Alice Mathilde (wife of T. Sergt. John W. Johnson); m. (2d) Emma Bruun Reed, 30 Aug. 1937. Worked way throuch acad. and univ. in 5 yrs.; 111. State Soil Survey, 1905-06; teacher, Hampton Inst. (Hampton, Va.), 1906-07; indsl. missionary, Korea, 1907-14 (fin- ished 46 projects 6 mos. ahead of sched- ule, sole responsibility); in archtl. and engring. practice, U.S.A., 1914 — ; org. Gladacres Inc., mfrd. and shipped spl. service tools for motors and aeros., all over world; built high sens., ens., water- works, etc. ; owner of Circle of Centuries Calendar Co.; city engr., Rushville, HI.; helped in P.O. Dept. during World War I; confidential work World War II; mem. Soc. Auto. Engrs., Univ. 111. Alumni Assn. (life), A.P. and A.M. Club: Schuyler Community. Author: Erosion of Soils; The Datefinder; Six and One-half Years Construction Work in Korea. Travel: around world, 1914. Desc, James D. Thompson, early settler in Schuyler Co., 111. Interests: calendars, photog., world events. Meth- odist. Independent. OflSce: Rushville, 111. Home: 128 E. Clinton St., Rushville, 111. STRUCKMANN, George William, at- torney; b. Chicago, 111., 2 Aug. 1894; s. William F. Struckmann, attorney, and Alvena C. (Heidemann) S.; ed. J. Ster- ling Morton high sen., Clyde, HI.; Cor- nell Univ., 1911-12; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1920; m. Gertrude K. Schoneberger of Chicago, 111., 21 Aug. 1936; mem. Fel- senthal, Struckmann & Berger, 1920-28; Altheimer, Mayer, Woods & Smith, 1928- 36; Tanner & Struckmann, 1936-42; now practicing alone; mem. 111. State and Am. Bar Assns. ; signal corps, 1917, com. 2d It. engr., discharged, 1918. Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Detroit Club (Detroit), Sangamo (Springfield, 111.), Skokie Country (Glencoe). Interests: Civil War hist., bibliog. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Conglist. Republican. OflSce: 208 So. La Salle St., Chicago, HI. Home: 519 Willow Rd., Winnetka, 111. SALOMON, Irving, manufacturer (re- tired); b. Chicago, 111., 23 Aug. 1897; s. Abraham Douglas Salomon, fed. tax authority, and Ella (Polachek) S.; ed. Wendell Philips high sen.; Northwestern Univ. ; m. Cecile Leibowitz of St. Joseph, Mo., 25 Sept. 1937; 1 dau., Abbe. Started at age of 17 yrs., Royal Metal Mfg. Co., as office boy, asst. salesmanager, ex- port mgr., gen. mgr., pres., 1926-42, at present chmn. bd.; affiliated Royal Metal Mfg. Co. ; United Charities of Chi- cago and other charity bds.; pvt. U.S. Marines during World War I; It. col. Hdqrs. Army Service Forces, War Dept. during World War II. Club: Standard. Author: a number of arts, on bus. subjs. Travel: Eur., So. Am. Grandfather settled in Chicago about 1840. Interests: Sponsors, finances and directs Pact Farm Boys Camp. Jewish. Republican. Office: 175 No. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Chicago res.: Standard Club, Chi- cago, HI. Main res.: 2000 Lake Shore Dr., Michigan City, Ind. SCHULZE, Paul, Jr., executive; b. Chicago, 111., 1 Mar. 1895; s. Paul Schulze and Ida (Johl) S.; ed. Shattuck Sen., Faribault, Minn.; Ph.B., Yale Univ., 1916; m. Grace Mary Cook of Chicago, HI., 30 June 1923 (div.); chil- dren— Idamae, Paul n, Walter H.; m. (2d) Rheba G. Thompson, Paragould, Ark., 17 July 1943. Gen. sales mgr., Schulze Baking Co., Chicago, HI., 1921- 23; v.p. and treas., Paul Schulze Biscuit Co., Chicago, 1923-35, pres., 1935-40; pres., Schulze and Burch Biscuit Co., Chicago, 1940 — ; dir., Farmer Seed and Nursery Co., Faribault, Minn., So- Tastee Foods, Inc., 111.; 1st It, 13th U.S. Cav., Mex. Border, 1917-19; mem. V.F.W., Am. Legion, Phi Gamma Delta, Union League (Chicago), Municipal Art League (Chicago). Clubs: Econ. (Chi- cago), Skokie Country, Yale (N.Y.C.), Cent. Mfg. Dist. (Chicago). Author: The Peace Messenger. Travel: Eur. Recrea- tion: golf. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: Schulze and Burch Biscuit Co., 1133 W. 35th St., Chicago, HI. Home: 3200 Sheridan Rd., Chicago 13, HI. SMITH, Ray DeVere, executive; b. Piano, HI., 22 Oct. 1879; s. F. J. Smith, r.r. man, and Inez L. (Smith) S.; ed. grade sen.; home study; m. Blanche E. Hinckley of Aurora, 111., 24 Sept. 1903; 1 son, Clifford H. Associated with Indsl. Training Inst., 1919 — , owner 1925—, chmn. of bd. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn., Bob O'Link Golf, Evanston Golf. Interests: collecting Civil War books, library containing over 3,000 volumes. Recreation: golf. Republican. Ofiice: 2154 Lawrence Av., Chicago, HI. Home: WAITE, Roy E., publisher; b. Cedar Rapids, la., 22 Jan. 1879; s. Henry Clay 69 Waite, music mcht., and Cornelia (Shu- gart) W.; ed. Prep. Coe Coll., la.; Drake Univ., la.; m. Grace Taylor of New York, N.Y., 1901. Entered employ of Trade Jour., at age of 20; pres., Waite Pub. Co.; ed., publ., Piano Trade Mag., 1913—; vet., Sp.-Am. War; mem. A.R.C. (life), Art Inst, of Chicago (life), Field Museum Nat. Hist., Am, Museum Nat. Hist. (N.Y.), Chicago Piano and Organ Assn. (pres., 1940-41), Nat. Assn. Music Mchts., Music War Council of Am. Club: 111. Athletic. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: 20 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, HI. Home: 5807 Dorchester Av., Chicago, HI. LORD, John Solon, lawyer; b. Buena Vista Co., la., 8 June 1881; s. Augustus Warner Lord, farmer, and Mary (Crowell) L.; ed. North Dixon (111.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1904; Harvard Law Sch., 1904-06; m. Marion Green of Chicago, 111., 6 Oct. 1915; children— Jane Crowell, John Mason. Practiced law with Richberg, Ickes, Davies & Lord. 1915-24, Lord, Wire & Cobb, 1924-30, Lord, Bissell & Kadyk; atty. in fact for Lloyds', London; mem. Gen. Alumni Assn., Univ. Wis. (pres., 1916-18, Wis. Alumni Research Foundation, Am., 111. State, Chicago Bar Assns., Chicago Law Inst., Wis. Soc. of Chicago (pres.). Clubs: University, Attic, Hinsdale Golf, Chicago Golf, Law. Interests: art, place- ment of coll. grads. Recreations: golf, fishing. Protestant. Republican. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: Hinsdale, 111. McBAIN, Hughston Maynard, presi- dent, director of Marshall Field & Co.; b. Grand Rapids, Mich., 9 Feb. 1902; s. W. Fred McBain, and Kathleen (Hughston) McB. ; ed. Grand Rapids Cent, high sch., 1919; Phillips Exeter Acad., 1920; Univ. Mich., 1920-22; m. Margaret Keith of Kenilworth, 17 Sept. 1927; children — James Hughston, Mar- garet, Grace. Bill adjuster, Marshall Field & Co., 1922-23, sec. to pres., 1924- 26, gen. mgr., Mdse. Mart, 1932, asst. to pres., asst. treas., 1933-34, gen. mgr. wholesale and mfg. div., 1935-36, v.p., 1936, 1st v.p., 1938—, mem. bd. dirs., 1938, charge of mfg. div., 1938-39, gen. mgr. Chicago and Suburban stores, 1940- 42; pres., 1943; dir. First Nat. Bank of Chicago, 1941; campaign chmn., U.S.O. in Chicago; mem. Field Mus. of Nat. Hist, (life), Delta Chi, Sigma Delta Chi. Clubs: Chicago, Commercial, Economic, Tavern, Mid-Day, Saddle and Cycle, Merchants and Manufacturers (Chi- cago), Indian Hill (Winnetka). Recrea- tions: tennis, squash, golf. Conglist. Re- publican. Office: Marshall Field & Co., 222 N. Bank Dr., Chicago, HI. Home: 1029 Green Bay Rd., Winnetka, 111. Sum- mer res.: Scotch Point, Boulder Junc- tion, Wis. MOUNT, Oliver Erskine, vice presi- dent, secretary, treasurer; b. Peters- burg, Tenn., 22 Aug. 1892; s. Thomas C. Mount, dentist, and Mary Alice (Coles) M.; ed. pub. schs., Tenn.; Northwestern Univ.; m. Hildegarde Marie Heidel of California, Mo., 1923; children — Marie Christine, Audrey Eloise. Dir., First Nat. Bank, East Chicago, Ind., Union Nat. Bank, East Chicago, Ind.; v.p., sec, treas. Am. Steel Foundries. Clubs: Belle Meade Country (Nashville, Tenn.), Park Ridge Country (Chicago, 111.), Cloud Club (New York). Travel: Eur., Cent. Am., U.S. Desc. early pioneers. Recreation: golf. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: Am. Steel Foundries, 410 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, HI. Home: 610 Wisner Av., Park Ridge, 111. KNIGHT, William D., lawyer; b. Rockford, 111., 13 Nov. 1886; s. Brad- ford A. Knight, lawyer, and Kate F. (Oakes) K.; ed. Rockford high sch.; A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1908; LL.B., Har- vard Law Sch., 1911; M.A., Dartmouth Coll., 1930; m. Lela M. Clark of Madi- son, S.D., 1 Dec. 1923; children— Wil- liam D., Mary Katharine. Elected city atty., 1917, resigned; resumed position, 1919-23; state's atty., Winnebago Co., 1924-32; pres. HI. State's Attys. Assn., 1928-29; enlisted as pvt., 331st F.A., 1917; discharged as 1st It., F.A. and Batty. Comdr., 1919; mem. HI. State (pres., 1939) and Winnebago Co. Bar Assns., (pres., 1938), Am. Bar Assn., Internat. Assn. of Ins. Counsel, Am. Legion (comdr. Walter R. Craig Post, 1921-22, v. comdr., 111. Dept., 1922-23); Dartmouth Alumni Council, Dartmouth Athletic Council, Adv. Corns. Univ. 111. and 111. Legislative Reference Bur., Western Conf. Football Off. (1912—). Clubs: University of Rockford, Rock- ford Country (pres., 1943), Kiwanis. Mem. Phi Gamma Delta. Masons (32d deg.), Shriner. Recreations: football offi- ciating, golf. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice: Forest City Nat. Bank Bldg., Rock- ford, 111. Home: 2015 Clinton St., Rock- ford, 111. TOMAN, John; b. 12 May 1876; m. Bertha Sefcik of Chicago, 111., 29 Sept. 1899; children — Irene Witous, Dr. An- drew J., Lucille Jana. With Chicago Pub. Library, 1889-1912; alderman, 34th Ward, 1912-23; Bd. of Local Improve- 70 merits, 1923-25; alderman, 23d Ward, 1925-34; sheriff, 1934-38, co. treas., 1938- 42; mem. Bd. of Tax Appeals, 1942, Wabansia Lodge, Shrine, Columbia Commandery, Royal Order of Jestors, Royal League, Lafayette Council, La- fayette Greater Chicago Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, Lawndale Aerie, Eagles, B.P.O.E., The Grotto, K.P., Chicago Assn. of Commerce, Chicago Hist. Soc, Smithsonian Inst., Chicago Amusement Publicists Assn., Masons, Crawford Bus. Men's League, Big Bros. Assn., Lyra Singing Soc, Sparta Soccor Assn., V.F.W. Clubs: The Camels, Bo- hemia, Dobrovsky. Office: County Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 4056 W. 21st Place, Chicago, 111. Summer res.: New Buffalo, Mich. TRAUT, Eugene Fagan, physician; b. Fond du Lac, Wis., 23 May 1894; s. William Jacob Traut and Julia (Fagan) T.; ed. Fond du Lac high sch.; B.S., Univ. Chicago, 1917; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1919; European study, London, Paris, Vienna, 1924-26. Asst. prof., Clin. Med., Rush Med. Coll., Univ. Chicago; attending phys., Cook Co., West Sub- urban Hosps.; asst. attending phys., Presbyn. Hosp.; U.S.N., 1914-18; mem. Am. and Chicago Med. Assns., Chicago Soc. of Internal Med., Am. Soc. for Con- trol of Rheumatism, Chicago Path. Soc, Chicago Soc. Med. History, Am. Coll. of Physicians, Am. Bd. of Internal Med. Author: Skin Tests with Bacterial Prod- ucts in Arthritic and Nonarthritic Indi- viduals; Dissociation of Streptococci in Arthritis; Undulant Fever Treated with Sulfanilamide; Management of Intrac- table Urticaria. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 404 Clinton Av., Oak Park, 111. Summer Res.; Lake Geneva, Wis. O'RDLEY, James E., pres. Chicago Sugar Co.; b. Chicago, 111., 17 Dec. 1889; s. Richard O'Riley and Mary J. (Rowan) O'R.; grad. St. Patrick's Com- mercial Acad., 1906; DePaul Univ., 1915- 16; m. Margaret M. Hosty of Chicago, HI., 10 Oct. 1925; children— James E., Jr., Elizabeth M. Pres. Chicago Sugar Co., 1922 — ; dir. Chicago Electric Co., 111. Warehouse Co.; corpl. F.A., U.S. Army, 1917-18; mem. Chicago Athletic Assn. of Butterfield. Clubs: Country, Big Foot Country. Catholic. Office: 340 W. Harrison St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1135 Forest Av., River Forest, 111. LUFKIN, Mabel Rogers, club woman; b. Waltham, Mass.; d. Charles W. Rogers and Harriet Elizabeth (Britton) R.; ed. Allen's prep, sch., W. Newton, Mass.; Wellesley Coll.; m. Fred R. Luf- kin of Watertown, Mass., 5 Sept. 1914. Pres., Watertown Women's Club; sev- eral positions in Mass. State Fed. of Women's Clubs: chmn. membership com., Mass. Planning & Zoning Ccrnmn. ; state chmn., dept. Press and Publicity, 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs; v. chmn. and chmn., dept. Press and Publicity, Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; dir. publicity, Nat. Fed. Press Women, Inc.; advisor, Gen. Fed. Press Publicity com., 1944-47; ed. 111. Clubwoman; mem. Watertown, Mass., Planning Bd., 1914- 17, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, 111. Fed. Women's Clubs, D.A.R., O.E.S. Clubs: Elgin Woman's, Watertown Woman's, Past Presidents of Mass., Elgin Musi- cians. Protestant. Republican. Office and home: 252 Douglas Av., Elgin, 111. LUFKIN, Fred Richards, advertising engineer; b. Falmouth, Me., 6 Sept. 1887; s. Charles L. Lufkin and Jennie (Merrill) L. ; ed. Deering high sch., Portland, Me.; B.S. in E.E., M.I.T., 1910; m. Mabel Rogers Tabor of Water- town, Mass., 5 Sept. 1914. Instr., M.I.T., 1910-11; mem. staff, Walter B. Snow, Boston, Mass., 1912-17; asst. advt. mgr., Cutler Hammer, Inc., Milwaukee, Wis., 1919-21; Milwaukee rep., George J. Kirkgasser & Co., Chicago, 111., 1921-23; designing engr., Chicago Ry. Signal & Supply Co., 1923-27; chief draftsman, United Reproducers Corp., St. Charles, 111., 1927-30; mgr., Fred R. Lufkin & Co., Elgin, 111., 1930 — ; mem. Masons. Club: Technology. Protestant. Republican. Of- fice and home: 252 Douglas Av., Elgin, 111. PUFFER, Noble Judson, Cook county supt. of schs.; b. Cameron, 111., 5 May 1901; s. T. W. Puffer, ex-min., and F. Joy (Hubbell) P.; ed. Lafayette Twp. high sch., 111., 1918; B.S., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1923; M.A., Northwestern Univ., 1932; m. Lillian Olson of Oak Park, 111., 2 Feb. 1924; children— John, Rich- ard. Asst. co. supt. schs., Cook Co., 111., 1926-34, supt., 1935—; dir., 111. Farmers Inst.; p.p., Dept. Co. Supt. N.E.A.; p. pres. HI. Assn. Co. Supts.; mem. 111. Ed. Assn., exec, council Boy Scouts, Phi Kappa Delta. Club: Lions. Interests: gardening, motion picture photog. Rec- reations: fishing, golf. Methodist. Demo- crat. Office: 160 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: Barrington, 111. MEYER, James, priest; b. Will Co., 111., 15 Nov. 1883; s. Michael Meyer, farmer, and Frances Clare (Stephen) M.; ed. St. Joseph's Coll., Teutopolis, 111., 1897-1903; A.B.; Franciscan Sem., 71 St. Louis, Mo. Entered Franciscan order (O.F.M.), 19 Mar. 1903; ordained priest, 1910; prof., St. Joseph's Coll., Teu- topolis, 111., 1911-13; pastoral work, St. Bernard, Neb., 1913-15; institutional work, Sioux City, 1916; pastoral work, Petoskey, Mich., 1917, St. Peter's, Chi- cago, 1918-20; sec, Assn. of Franciscan Fathers of the State of 111.; sec. and ed., Franciscan Herald Press; mem. Order of Friars Minor. Author: Social Ideals of St. Francis, 1938; Crime and Religion, 1936; Pusillum, 1931; pamphlets on Franciscan matters. Editor: Franciscan Herald, 1922-38, Third Order Forum, 1921-40, Franciscan Herald and Forum, 1940 — . Interests: writings, lectures on Franciscan subjects. Catholic. Independ- ent. Office and home: 5045 S. Laflin St., Chicago, 111. LOBDELL, Effie Leola, physician and surgeon; b. Washington Island, Wis., 1 Jan. 1867; d. Joseph Judson Lobdell, lake capt. and pilot, pioneer of Great Lakes, and Elizabeth (Napier) L. ; ed. Green Bay high sen.; Taylor Univ.; Univ. Ind., 1891; other sci. spl. courses in Continental Europe, So. Am., Norw., Den., Swed. Usual career of ambitious doctor with wonderful opportunities; owner and mgr., Commercial Grove (pecan culture), Albany, Ga.; first woman on attending staff, Cook Co. Hosp., 1900-04, Hosp. for Women and Children; on attending staff, Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium ; chief woman phys., 111. State Hosp. for Insane, Kankakee, 111.; supt. Harvey Med. Coll., Playfair Sch. of Midwifery (specialty Gynecology and Obstetrics), obstetrician, pediatrician and gynecolo- gist, Cook Co. Hosp., attending surg., Municipal Tuberculosis San.; surg., Mary Thompson Hosp. for Women and Children; mem. Adv. Com. under Franklin Martin; mem. Vol. Med. Serv- ice Corps (authorized by Pres. Wilson, Nov. 1918); mem. Navy League (U.S. Govt, controlled org. similar to Red Cross), 1917—; Am. Nat. Red Cross, 111. State, Chicago and Cook Co. Med. Assns., Nu Sigma Phi, Pi Gamma Mu, Med. and Dental Arts (life mem.), fellow A.C.S. Clubs: Alliance of Bus. and Professional (charter mem.), Medi- cal Womens (pres., 1912), Womens Re- publican, Cordon. Author: papers, pam- phlets, etc. Travel: Continental Europe (Norw., Swed., Den.), So. Am. Father in early history of Mich, and Wis. Inter- ests: gen. literary, horticulture, horse- back riding, travel. Protestant. Repub- lican. Office: 25 E. Jackson Blvd., Chi- cago 4, HI. Home: Maryland Hotel, Chi- cago 11, HI. HOFFMAN, Louis George, oculist; b. Davenport, la., 21 Mar. 1887; s. Samuel Hoffman, broker, and Clara (Beyer) H. ; ed. Atlantic high sch.; Univ. la.; M.D., Northwestern Med. Sch., 1910; m. Cora Bryan of Chicago, 111., 15 Sept. 1914; children— Louis G., Jr., Robert E. Eye surgeon, 111. Eye & Ear Infirmary, Mercy Hosp.; actg. chmn. Dept. Oph- thal., Loyola Univ. Sch. Med., Chicago, 111.; mem. Selective Service Bd.; mem. Am. Acad, of Ophthalmology and Oto- laryngology, Am. Med. Assn., Chicago Ophthal. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Chi- cago Athletic Assn. Interest: philately. Office: 30 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 165 Franklin Rd., Glencoe, 111. HUNTER, Robert Lee, lawyer; b. Boone, la., 4 Sept. 1898; s. John Lincoln Hunter and Mae Josie (Chapman) H.; ed. Mapleton, la. high sch.; B.A., Univ. la., 1922; J.D., Univ. Chicago, 1927; m. Elizabeth Bond Corey of Vizagapatom, Corey, Robert Lee. Elizabeth Bond, India, 22 Feb. 1936; children— John Margaret Mae. Teacher, Cherokee, la., pub. sch., 1922-24; mem. firm Gregory, Gilicoth & Hunter; chmn. 111. State Merit Council; pvt., U.S. Inf., during World War I; pres. 111. Civ. Serv. Commn. ; mem. Am., 111. State and Chi- cago Bar Assns., Y.M.C.A. of Chicago (mem. bd. mgrs., state bd.), A.F. and A.M., Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Alpha Delta, Men's Post, Am. Legion. Clubs: Chicago Farmers, Hyde Park Bapt. Ch., Law. Interests: farming, dairying. Rec- reations: farming, sports. Republican. Office: 105 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 4837 Kenwood Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: East Troy, Wis. INSANA, Silvio, composer, conductor, music teacher; b. Piacenza, It., 14 Jan. 1907; s. Pietro Insana, musician, and Giuseppina (Bolchi) I.; ed. Royal Con- servatory G. Verdi, Milan, It.; m. Lil- lian Padorr of Chicago, 111., 29 Aug. 1931. Mus.D., Royal Conservatory in Milan, 1929; v. dir., teacher piano, theory, Lyceo Frescobaldi in Milan, 1927-33; conducted Modern Ballet, Tor- ino, It,, 1933; with Chicago City Opera Co., 1935 — ; founder Chicago Concert and Opera Guild, 1938; winner Erba prize, Milan, 1929 (with symphonic poem I Funerali D'Ettorre) ; Nat. contest of Friends of Mus., Palermo, 1931 (with song Leggendo Una Lettera) ; Bonetti contest (with opera in one act, Tragic Night, Milan, 1932); asst. condr. Chi- 72 cago City Opera; gen. and mus. dir., Chicago Concert and Opera Guild; holds opera class, Chicago Musical Coll., Sept. 1944—. Author: opera, symphonic poems, songs, trio, quartet, piano music. Catholic. Office: 410 S. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, HI. Home: 808 Lawrence Av., Chicago, 111. JOHNSON, Sveinbjorn, lawyer; b. Ice- land, 19 July 1883; s. Jon Johnson, and Gudbjorg (Jonsdottir) J.; ed. A.B., Univ. N.D., 1906, A.M., 1907, LL.B., 1908; LL.D. (hon.), Univ. Iceland, 1930; LL.D. (hon.), Univ. N.D., 1937; m. Esther Slette of Manchester, Minn., 16 Sept. 1917; children— Barbara, D., Paul Sveinbjorn. Organizer and dir. Leg. Ref- erence Bur., N.D., 1908-11; practice of law, Cavalier, N.D., 1910-13; with O'Con- nor & Johnson, Grand Forks, 1913-21, Mclntyre, Burtness & Johnson, 1921; teacher of polit. sci. and law, Univ. N.D., 1913-31; atty. gen., N.D., 1921-22; justice, Supreme Ct., N.D., 1922-26; Univ. Counsel and prof, of law, Univ. 111., 1926-44; state dir., Office of Govt. Reports, 1935-42; dir. Johnson & Short, 1945—, First Nat. Bank, Champaign; mem. Am., Chicago, N.D. and 111. State Bar Assns., Heimskringla, Phi Beta Kappa, Order of Coif, Scabbard and Blade. Club: Kiwanis. Author: Pioneers of Freedom, 1930; Richards. Cases on Corporations, 3d rev., 1940; numerous pamphlets and law review arts. Travel: Eur., Iceland. Interests: translation of ancient Icelandic lawbook, Gragas, with annotations to the Old Norwegian, Dan- ish and Swedish law codes, and Com- mon Law of Eng. Lutheran. Democrat. Office: 111 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: Knickerbocker Hotel, Chi- cago, 111.; 1007 W. Church St., Cham- paign, 111. PRINGLE, Ralph W., professor; b. Norwood, N.Y., 5 Oct. 1865; s. Ralph Pringle, farmer, and Nancy (Blain) P.; ed. Madred, N.Y. high sch. ; St. Law- rence Univ.; B.S., M.S., Harvard Univ., 1892, B.A. ; m. Lilliam Smith of St. Regis Falls, N.Y., 20 Mar. 1891; children- Helen Smith, Kenneth Ralph. Prin., St. Regis Falls Acad., N.Y.; supt. schs., Oregon City, Ore.; prin., Brodhead, Wis. high sch., Appleton, Wis., Lyons Twp. high sch., La Grange, 111., Univ. high sch., 111. State Normal Univ., 1913, prof, of ed., dir. summer sch., 20 yrs.; prof, ed., Univ. Pa., summer, 1925, Boston Univ., summer, 1930; mem. 111. Acad. Sci., A.A.A.S., Alpha Tau Omega, Pi Gamma Mu, Kappa Phi Kappa, Mark Twain Soc, Masons. Clubs: Coll. Alumni, Longfellow. Author: Adoles- cence and High School Problems, 1922; Methods with Adolescents, 1927; Psy- chology of High School Discipline, 1931; Psychology of the Junior High School, 1937. Interests: garden, swimming. Re- publican. Office: 111. State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. Home: 410 W. Mul- berry, Normal, 111. MORROW, Frederick E., civil engi- neer; b. Howard Co., Ind.; s. Jackson Morrow, agriculture, and Mary E. (Hen- derson) M.; ed. Kokomo (Ind.) high sch.; B.S., Purdue Univ., 1904, C.E., 1908; m. Ethel M. Godman of La- Fayette, Ind., 1908; 1 dau., Mary Jane. Engring. dept., C.&N.W. Ry. Co., 1904- 07, engring. dept., Bd. Supervising; Engrs. Chicago Traction, 1907-10; en- gring. dept., Chicago and Western Ind. Railroad and The Belt Ry. Co. of Chi- cago, 1910 — , chief engr. ; mem. Am. Soc. Civil Engineers, Western Soc. Engrs. (pres., 1928), Am. Ry. Engring. Assn. (pres., 1938), Engring. Div. Am. Assn. R.R. (chmn., 1938), Alpha Tau Omega, Tau Beta Pi, Masons. Recrea- tion: golf. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 47 W. Polk St., Chicago, 111. Home: 137 N. Ridgeland Av., Oak Park, 111. NORMANN, Carl M., mechanical en- gineer; b. Norway, 12 Sept. 1892; natu- ralized, 1917; s. Hans Normann, bldg. contractor, and Emma (Olsen) N.; ed. Norw. schs.; Chicago Tech., 1921; m. Edna Andersen of Chicago, 111., 7 Oct. 1925; 1 son, Ronald M. Electrician, 1916; draftsman, designer, gen. engr., 59th F.A., 1917-18; corpl., musician, during World War I; mem. Western Soc. of Engrs. Club: Gary Country. Travel: U.S., Eur., Can. Recreations: golf, swimming, gen. outdoors. Lutheran. Re- publican. Office: 556 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1708 S. Crescent Av., Park Ridge, 111. Summer res.: Fox River Grove, HI. WILCOX, Earl, physician; b. Hebron, Ind., 14 Jan. 1886; s. Albert F. Wilcox, dredging contractor, and Harriett (Grimes) W.; ed. Hebron high sch.; M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1908; m. Mabelle Steffenberg of Chi- cago, 21 June 1916; 1 son, Robert Earl. Gen. practice of med.; treas., Jackson Park Hosp.; 1st It. Med. Corps, Ft. Riley, Kan., 1918; mem. Masons. Club: Lincolnshire Country. Travel: U.S. In- terests: music, dogs, children. Recrea- tions: musical shows, radio, etc. Protes- tant. Democrat. Office: 757 W. 79th St., Chicago, 111. Home: 7040 Cregier Av., Chicago, 111. 73 WETTLING, L. Eugene, statistician; b. Omaha, Neb., 27 July 1893; s. Louis E. Wettling, statistician, and Laura (Gregory) W.; ed. St. John's Mil. Acad., Delafield, Wis.; Univ. Neb.; Pace and Pace, N.Y.C. ; m. Frances E. Van Camp of N.Y.C, 16 Apr. 1916; children— Louis E., Ill, Richard E. Priest, Protestant Episcopal Ch.; served sev. churches, 1917-28; pub. acctg., 1928-34; statistical bur., Western Lines, spl. rep., 1934; mem. Welcome Lodge No. 916 A.F. and A.M., Oriental Consistory A.A.S.R. — Medinah Temple Aaonms. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 416 Chicago Union Station, Chicago, HI. Home: 731 Reba PL, Evanston, 111. WEINSTEIN, Morris L., surgeon; b. Chicago, 111., 1 Mar. 1893; s. Philip D. Weinstein, furrier, and Fannie (John- son) W.; ed. Hyde Park high sen.; Chicago Coll. Med. and Surgery, Loyola, 1913; post grad. work Vienna, Paris, Berlin, Munich, Stockholm, London; m. Marion Liebschutz of Chicago, 1 Jan. 1920; children — M. Lawrence, Muriel Ruth. Surgical practice, 1913 — ; interne- ship, St. Mary's Nazareth and Oak Park Hosps.; mem. staff, Chicago Mem. Hosp. ; dir. Prothero Radium Mem.; surgeon, U.S.P.H.S., 1917-18, volunteer Med. Service Corps, U.S.A.; fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. A.M. A., 111. and Chicago Med. Socs., Radiological Soc. N. Am. Club: Standard. Author: several med. arts. pub. in 111. Med. Jour., Annals of Surgery, Am. Jour, of Sur- gery, Surgery Gyneacology and Obstet- rics, Jour, of Lab. and Clinical Med., Jour, of Anasthesia and Analgesia. Travel: entire U.S., Eur., Orient. Inter- ests: art, photog. Recreation: travel. Jewish. Republican. Office: 185 N. Wabash Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 5715 Kenwood Av., Chicago, 111. WECKER, Walter A., corporation executive; b. Peru, 111., 29 June 1895; s. August C. Wecker and Josephine (Leyes) W.; ed. LaSalle-Peru Township high sen.; m. Minnie Inez Ramey of LaSalle, HI., 24 Aug. 1920; 1 son, Walter A., Jr. Started with Marquette Cement Mfg. Co., 14 Jan. 1914, as minor elk., traveling collector and credit mgr., 1917; time out for mil. service; credit mgr., Marquette Cement Mfg. Co., Chi- cago, 1919-21, sec, 1921-23, sec, treas., 1923-32, sec, treas., v.p., 1932-33, pres., treas., 1933 — ; dir., Marquette Cement Mfg. Co., Portland Cement Assn.; served as corpl., Personnel Dept., U.S.A.; later, candidate officer, F.A., Central Officers Tr. Sen., Camp Taylor, Ky. Clubs: Chicago, Mid-Day, Exmoor Country, Bob O'Link Golf. Interest: horticulture. Evangelical Lutheran. Of- fice: 140 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: Bannockburn, 111. WALKER, Edson O., executive; b. Amherst, Colo., 20 Apr. 1890; s. Ozro M. Walker, farmer, and Katherine (Lamp- ert) W.; ed. Cedar Bluffs high sen., Neb.; B.Sc, Univ. Neb., 1913; m. Ida J. Padour of Crete, Neb., 3 Aug. 1916; 1 dau., Katherine C. With C.B.&Q. R.R., 1913, Paxton Veirling Iron Works, 1914- 17; v.p., dir. Ceco Steel Products Co., 1917—. Clubs: Rotary, 111. Athletic, La Grange Country. Recreations: golf, fish- ing, horseback riding, bowling. Conglist. Office: 1926 S. 52d Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 200 Blackstone Av., La Grange, 111. Van AUKEN, Claude L., executive, editor; b. Delaware Co., O., 6 June 1886; s. Charles L. Van Auken, ry. constr., foreman, and Mary Esther (Mead) V.; ed. Clinton high sch., Clin- ton, la.; B.S. (C.E.), Univ. Wis., 1910; m. Annette M. Brown of Rockford, 111., 27 Dec 1910; children— William, Mary; m. (2d) Edith E. Bonyun of Montreal, Can., 17 July 1937. Ry. constr., Mainte- nance and Engring., 1910-18; bus. paper ed., 1918-33, pres. and ed., Mass. Trans- portation, 1933—; dir. Kenfield-Davis Pub. Co.; mayor, City of Elmhurst, 111., 1933-45; alderman, 1919-27; mem. Am. Transit Assn., Cent. Transit Assn., Southern Transit Equip. Assn. Club: Elmhurst Elks. Author: tech. and semi- tech, mag. arts. Travel: U.S., Can. In- terest: music. Recreations: motoring, golf. Protestant. Republican. Office: 608 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: 154 Columbia Av., Elmhurst, HI. TWYMAN, Elmer F., executive; b. Kansas City, Mo., 29 Dec 1893; s. Elmer F. Twyman, banker, and Margaret A. (Taylor) T.; ed. Boston Latin Sch.; m. Marie E. White of Elgin, 21 June 1922; children— Elmer, Joan. Mgr., Garford Motor Truck Co., 1916-22; gen. sales mgr., Commercial Truck Co., Phila- delphia, 1922-35, gen. mgr., Automatic Transportation Co. & Walker Vehicle Co., 1935—; dir. Industrial Truck Statis. Assn.; mem. Masons. Club: South Shore Athletic. Interests: golf, farming. Methodist. Republican. Office: 101 W. 87th St., Chicago, 111. Home: 9847 So. Hamilton Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Galien, Mich. THOMAS, Charles Fillius, fire insur- ance business; b. Oxford, Ind., 22 Aug. 74 1872; s. John M. Thomas, mcht., farmer, and Elizabeth (Fillius) T.; ed. high sch.; m. Mabel V. Cafferty of Topeka, Kan., 5 June 1900; 1 dau., Mary Eliza- beth (dec). In fire ins. bus., Chicago, HI., mem. Union League of Chicago. Methodist. Republican. Office: 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, HI. Home: 3260 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. TABER, David Fairman, lawyer; b. Valparaiso, Ind., 29 Dec. 1891; s. David Fairman Taber, insurance, and Cather- ine (Memler) T.; ed. Boys high sch., Brooklyn, N.Y.; Tome Sch., Port De- posit, Md.; LL.B., Cornell Univ., 1915; m. Ann Mary Ambrose of Nevada, la., 28 Dec. 1929; children — Mary Ann, David F., Jr., Ruth Waldo. Assoc, firm, Isham, Lincoln & Beal, 1916-30, partner, 1930—; 1st It., Royal Air Force, 1917-19; mem. Am. and 111. State Bar Assns. Clubs: The Chicago, Racquet, Chicago Golf. Recreations: golf, fishing. Protestant. Republican. Office: 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Home: Hawthorne Lane, Wheaton, HI. SWANSON, William Walfred, profes- sor; b. Swed., 19 July 1892; s. Axel Swanson, farmer, and Mary K. (Han- son) S.; ed. Southern Minn. Normal Coll.; B.A., Univ. Colo., 1919; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1923, M.S., 1924, M.D., 1925; m. Mary L. Finley of Sparta, 111., 16 June 1933; children— Margaret Grace, Robert William. Teacher, biol. chem., Univ. Minn., 1920-24, fellow in pediat- rics, 1926, assoc. prof., 1930; fellow, Nat. Res. Council, Johns Hopkins Univ. Med. Sch., 1930; assoc. prof, pediatrics, Univ. Chicago, 1931-39; asst. prof, pedi- atrics, Northwestern Univ., 1941 — ; mem. M.R.C., Chicago Pediatric Soc, Eastern Pediatric Res. Soc, Am. Pedi- atric Soc, Am. Soc. Biol. Chem., N.Y. Acad. Sci. Author: 30 sci. papers. Travel: U.S. Interest: athletics. Recrea- tions: tennis, fishing, golf. Baptist. Inde- pendent. Office: 2376 E. 71st St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1524 E. 59th St., Chi- cago, 111. SWAIM, John E., business man; b. Whichita, Kan., 3 June 1885; s. Thomas J. Swaim, merchant, and Rachael (Miller) S.; ed. Univ. Prep. Sch., Ton- kawa, Okla., B.S., Okla. Bapt. Coll., Blackwell, 1908; m. Blanche Munger of Beaver, Okla., 1910; children— Charles Eugene, Thomas J., Mary Elizabeth Winter, John E., Jr. Assoc, edn. work, city supt., co. supt., employee, Okla. A. & M. Coll., Mfg. Animal Biol. Reme- dies; pres. Fidelty Labs., Inc., Chicago; chmn., control Agency; pres. Animal Health Inst.; supt. pub. instr. Beaver Co., Okla., 1911-12; mem. Agr. Council, Chicago Assn. Commerce. Clubs: Hazel- den Country, Brook Ind. Saddle & Sir- loin. Author: circulars and booklets on agrl. and livestock subjs. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: hunting. Recreations: golf, movies. Protestant. Republican. Office: 4122 S. Union Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1120 E. 64th St., Chicago, 111. RYGEL, John, fire insurance broker; b. Independence, Mo., 25 June 1888; s. Leon Rygel, mcht., and Ann (Norris) R.; ed. Hyde Park high sch.; m. Alma Corbin Norris of Columbus, O., 1923; children — Nance, John, Richard. Started as office boy with North British & Merc. 1906 — ; sec, Hanover Fire Ins. Co. Clubs: Sunset Ridge Country, Union League. Wife's mother is cousin of Pres. William McKinley. Lutheran. Repub- lican. Office: 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 811 Foxdale, Winnetka, 111. RUDIN, John, book publisher; b. Cleveland, O., 14 Aug. 1876; s. Frederick Rudin, farmer, and Cecile (Gotsehet) R.; ed. Oberlin Acad.; Townsend high sch.; Oberlin Coll.; Baldwin- Wallace ; LL.B., Univ. Mich.; m. Ada Barr of Clyde, 13 Aug. 1903; children— John Frederick, Cecilia M., Helen B. Teacher, Ohio Country and prin. at Col- lins; practiced law, 1906-10, Elyria, O.; counsel and dept. mgr. of King Richard- son Pub. Co.; pres. John Rudin and Co., Inc., book publishers, retail and whole- sale, 1923 — ; dir., and treas., Better Govt. Assn.; mem. Anti-Saloon League of 111., Ohio Bar Assn., Art Inst. Clubs: Republican, Masons. Travel: Europe, Protestant. Republican. Office: 1018 So. Wabash Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 9315 So. Manchester Av., Beverly Hills, Chicago, m. RONY, Hugo R., physician and sur- geon; b. Papa, Hung., 9 Apr. 1888; s. Jacob Rohonyi and Ernestine (Schoss- berger) R.; ed. M.D., Royal Hungarian Univ. Scis., Budapest, Hung., 1911; m. Pauline Suranyi of Budapest, 1915; 1 dau., Vera C. Asst. prof, exptl. path., Royal Hungarian Univ. Sci., 1912-15, asst. prof, internal med., 1915-19, pres. Union of Hung. Med. Univ. Teachers, 1919; assoc. in med., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., Chicago, 111., 1926-37; mem. Am. Med. Soc, Chicago Soc. In- ternal Med., Cent. Soc. Clin. Res., Assn. for the Study of Internal Secretions, Am. Diabetes Assn., Soc of the Sigma Xi. Fellow Am. Coll. of Physicians. Au- thor: Obesity and Leanness, 1940; many 75 sci. arts, in med. jours. Interests: polit. sci., social sci. Recreation: tennis. Democrat. Office: 6 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 630 W. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. RONNEBERG, Earl F., architect and engineer: b. Chicago, 111., 15 May 1905; s. Nathal T. Ronneberg, structural engr., and Hedvig M.A, (Jensen) R. ; ed. Oak Park and River Forest Twp. high sch.; B.S., Univ. 111., 1929; John Marshall Law Sch.; m. Bertha J. Cohn of Chicago, 111., 1929; children — Jenny Lind, Earl F., Jr., Ronnie N. Mem. 111. Soc. of Architects, Am. Assn. of Engrs. (dir.). Recreations: golf, stamp collecting. Lutheran. Office: 3906 North Harlem Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 7240 Pratt Av., Chicago, 111. ROGERS, Edwin William, financier; b. Pullman, 111., 15 Aug. 188S; s. Edwin Rogers and Phoebe Annie (Carter) R.; ed. pub. schs.; m. Ada Merle McLennan of Detroit, Mich., 1909; 1 dau., Helen Ann. With John Burnham & Co., 1909; mem. firm, dir., mgr. trading dept., asst. mgr. N.Y. office, 1909—; org., Rogers & Tracy, Inc., Chicago, 111., 1924 — , assoc; asst. sec, dir., Port Arthur (Can.) Ship Bldg. Co., 1st It. Am. Protective League, charge group of operatives doing counter espionage work for U.S., chmn. distribution com., 2d Liberty Loan, 7th Fed. Res. Dist., la., Ind., 111., Mich., Wis., charge dis- tribution of posters, bills, booklets, other printed matter, treas., War Savings Com., 111., Treas. Dept., Washington, D.C., capt., Mil. Intelligence, U.S.A. Res. Corps, sec. Mil. Intelligence Assn., 6th Corps Area, mem. exec, com., Cook Co., 111., Reserve Officers Assn., U.S. during World War I; mem. Masons (32d deg.), Shrine. Recreation: painting. Protestant. Republican. Office: 120 So. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: Chi- cago, 111. ROESSLER, Ernest C, hotel operator and manager; b. Chicago, 111., 22 Oct. 1898; s. Carl C. Roessler, hotel operator, and Friederike (Roessler) R.; ed. Chi- cago Latin Sch.; A.B., Princeton Univ., 1922; m. Madeline Gildersleeve of Chi- cago, 111., 15 May 1926; children —Bar- bara Ann, Susan Venable. Mng. dir., Hotel Atlantic, Chicago, 111.; v.p., dir., International Hotel Co., Chicago; pres., dir., Kaskaskia Hotel Co., La Salle. 111., dir., Jefferson Hotel Co., St. Louis, Mo.; treas., dir., Atlantic Garage Co., Chi- cago, HI.; chmn. exec, com., Greater Chicago Hotel Assn. ; served in Princeton naval unit during World War I; Clubs: Princeton of Chicago, Michigan Shores. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Hotel Atlantic, 316 S. Clark St., Chicago 4, 111. Home: 474 Ash St., Winnetka, 111. STONE, Howard H„ executive; b. Manchester, Eng., 14 Apr. 1898; s. Ben- jamin Stone and Rose (Abelson) S.; ed. Crane high sch.; HI. Univ.; m. Jean- nette Latshaw of Montreal, Can., 1925; children— Lloyd, Patricia. Worked in oil fields, Okla., 1919-21; in chem. bus., 1921-22; sec, Standard Stamping & Per- forating Co., 1923-29, pres., 1929—; in U.S.N, training for off. while in sch., during World War I; mem. Chicago Chamber Commerce, HI. Mfg. Assn. Travel: U.S. Interests: gardening, lit. Recreations: golf, fishing. Hebrew. Democrat. Office: 3131 W. 49th Blvd., Chicago. 111. Home: 1060 Albion, Chi- cago, 111. MARSHALL, Thomas L., lawyer; b. Charleston, 24 Oct. 1890; s. John H. Marshall, judge of fifth judicial circuit, and Minta (Linder) M. ; ed. Eastern 111. State Teachers Coll.; B.A., Yale Coll., 1910; LL.B., Harvard Law Sch., 1913; m. Elizabeth W. Carpenter of Chicago, 28 Apr. 1924; children— Ensign John H., Thomas C. Mem. law firms, Zane, Morse & Marshall, 1920-23, Fisher, Boyden, Bell, Boyd & Marshall, 1923-36, Bell, Boyd & Marshall, 1936—; maj. 343d Inf., 86th Div., U.S.A., during World War I. Clubs: University, Chi- cago, Attic, Law, Legal, Common- wealth. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chi- cago, HI. Home: 1304 Astor St., Chicago, 111. McDONOUGH, Frank, publisher; b. Chicago, 111., 11 Dec. 1888; s. Michael J. McDonough, plumber, and Margaret E. (Duffy) M.; ed. De La Salle Inst.; LL.B., Hamilton Coll. Law, 1914; m. Stella E. Cronin of Chicago, 9 June 1917; children — Frank, James, John, Robert. Stenographer, bookkeeper, law- yer reporter, newspaper bus. mgr., pres. Live Stock Press; pres. and dir., The Live Stock Press, Affiliated Agen- cies; sec, treas., and dir., Amity Fed. Saving & Loan Assn.; recommended to Officers' Res., 1918, served 7 mos.; mem., Nat. Union, Knights of Columbus. Recreations: bowling, golf. Catholic. In- dependent. Office: 813-815 Exchange Av., U.S. Yards, Chicago, 111. Home: 7520 Phillips Av., Chicago, 111. YOCHIM, Maurice, teacher of art; b. Kherson, Russia, 17 Apr. 1903; s. Aaron Yochim, tailor and Sarah (Resnick) Y. ; ed. Jos. Medill high sch., 1926; Art Inst., Chicago, 1931, B.A., 1941; Chicago 76 Teachers Coll.; Wright Jr. Coll.; Y.M. C.A. Coll.; Northwestern Univ.; Univ. Chicago; m. Louise Dunn of Chicago, 19 June 1932; 1 son, Jerome. Migrated to U.S., 1913; exhibited at Art Inst., Chi- cago, 1935, 36, 42, Century Gallery, 1934- 38, Covenant Club, 1938, Women's Aid, 1939, Chicago No- Jury Soc, 1933-41, Marshall Field Galleries, 1935, Sherman Hotel, 1942, Galleries at St. Louis, la., 1936, Omaha, Neb., 1936, Palestine, 1935, Denver, Colo., 1936, Standard Club, 1937- 38, Milwaukee Art Inst., 1944; mem. Art Inst. Assn.; Chicago No-Jury Soc. Artists, Western Arts Assn., P.T.A., Chi- cago Teachers Union, Am. Jewish Arts Club, Around the Palette (pres.). Travel: Rus., Eng., Can., various parts of U.S. Interests: arts, crafts, stage de- sign, fashion illustration, cartooning, sculpturing, lithography, silk screen, etching, block printing. Recreations: oil painting, water colors, wood carving. Jewish. Democrat. Office: Waller High School (Branch), 225 W. Evergreen St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1353 Greenleaf Av., Chicago, 111. XELOWSKI, Thaddeus Zigmund, phy- sician, surgeon; b. La Salle, 111., 11 Jan. 1877; s. Henry Xelowski, phys., and Henrietta (Tyssowski) X. ; ed. North Div. high sch. ; Ph.G., Chicago Coll. Pharm., 1896; M.D., Univ. 111. Med. Dept., 1903; m. Lina Bliss of Chicago, 111., 18 June 1907; children— Mary Louise, Dr. T. Z., Jr. Pharmacist and owner of drugstore until 1903; interne, St. Mary's of Naza- reth Hosp., sr. surg., mem. exec. com. and chmn. of com. records; practicing surg. specializing in women's diseases; prof, of gynecol., St. Mary's of Naza- reth Hosp. Training Sch. for nurses; mem. Chicago Med. Soc, Chicago Path Soc, 111. State Med. Soc, A.M.A., Polish Med. Soc, A.R.C., 111. State for A.A.A.S. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, 111. Athletic, Ridgemoor Country, Lake Shore Ath- letic Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: lie, golf. Recreations: golf, motoring. Catho- lic Republican. Office: 1200 No. Ash- land Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 3930 Pine Grove Av., Chicago, 111. WOODS, Ralph Hueston, ophthalmolo- gist; b. Quincy, Mich., 1876; s. Richard M. Woods, physician and surgeon, and Mary L. (Hueston) W.; ed. Ada, O.; Deg. Pharmacy, Northern Univ.; M.D., Univ. 111. Med. Sch., 1913; 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Inf., 1914; m. Laura C. Wanger of South Bend, Ind., 1904; chil- dren—Susan Jane Woods Halle, Polly Ann. Theatre musician and pharmacist at South Bend; registered in 111., N.D. and Mich.; located in La Salle, HI., 1915; indsl. eye surgery as a specialty; wrote and arranged 25 band marches and other numbers the outstanding of which are 111. March, Spirit of St. Louis; participated as lecturer in Woods- Gillespie Course in Optics and Physio- logical Optics given in some of the larger cities including the Univ. Vt., 1941; served as Venereal Inspec during World War I; mem. Am. Coll. Surgeons, Am. Acad. Ophthal., A.A.A.S. Club: Rotary. Author: Cardinals of Refrac- tion; Cardinals of Ophthalmology; composer of 25 musical compositions. Travel: U.S. Interests: investigations and experimentation in natural philoso- phy. Episcopalian. Office: 153 Marquette St., La Salle, 111. Home: 537 Fifth St., La Salle, 111. Summer home: The Cardi- nals, Quincy, Mich. AGRELIUS, Frank Ulysses Grant, associate in biology; b. Spring Green, Wis., 30 July 1869; s. Charles Agrelius, harness maker, and Helen Margaret (Hebbe) A.; ed. Reading (Kan.) high sch.; Kan. State Normal Sch. (now Kan. State Teachers Coll.), 1898; A.B., Univ. Kan., 1907, A.M., 1908; Univ. N.M., sum- mers, 1931, 32; Univ. Colo., summer, 1930; m. Elizabeth Tangeman of New- ton, Kan., 5 Sept. 1899; children— Clair Tangeman, Paul Kenneth. Teacher, rural sch., 1890-91, grade sch., 1892-97; prin., grade sch., 1898-1902; asst. prin., high sch., 1902-03; prin., high sch., IPOS- OS; asst. instr., Botany, M.U., 1908; instr. Univ. Kan., 1908-11; instr., Kan. State Teachers Coll., 1911, assoc. in biology, 1915—, fellow in botany, Univ. Kan., 1907; city elk., Reading, Kan., 1892; mem. A.A.A.S., Kan. Acad. Sci. (p. pres., 1917), Nat. Assn. Biology Teachers, Am. Assn. Plant Taxonomists, A.A.U.P., Kan. State Teachers Assn., Sigma Xi, Kappa Delta Pi, A.F. and A.M. (Blue Lodge). Clubs: Kiwanis, Science, Men's of First Congl. Ch. (pres.). Author: numerous sci. papers. Travel: U.S. Son Charles Agrelius, cavalryman in Kan. during Civil War. Interests: plant taxonomy, collecting plants. Recreations: collecting, home garden. Conglist. Republican. Office: 109 Norton Sci. Hall, Kan. State Teach- ers Coll., Emporia, Kan. Home: 1501 Rural St., Emporia, Kan. SEARCY, Anna Mickey, editorial writer; b. Washington, Pa.; d. James M. Mickey and Theda L. (Langworthy) S.; ed. Leavenworth (Kan.) high sch.; Washburn Coll.; A.B., Univ. Kan., 1903; m. James Arthur Searcy of Wellsville, 77 Kan., 21 Sept. 1904; children— Gertrude Sylvia Flickinger, Florence Mary. Re- porter, father's paper, Osage City Free Press; teacher Eng., hist., Chase Co. High Sen., Cottonwood Falls, Kan., 1 yr.; assoc. editor, Leavenworth Times, Leavenworth, Kan., over 10 yrs.; mem. U.S.O Council; hostess, R.O.T.C. and C.M.T. Camps, Ft. Leavenworth, 15 yrs.; mem. Y.W.C.A.; relief hostess, Community Center, 19 mos.; mem. Kan. Planning Bd.; mem. Environs Council, and chmn. Council of Defense, during World War I; mem. P.E.O. (p. pres., Kan.). Club: Philomathean Literary, Press Women and Ed. Assoc. Presby- terian. Republican. Office: Leavenworth Times, Leavenworth, Kan. Home: 722 S. 5th St., Leavenworth, Kan. COUNSELMAN, Theodore Benton, mining engr.; b. New York, N.Y., 10 Dec. 1889; s. Thomas Hart Benton Coun- selman, stockbroker, and Jessie D'Ella (Peebles) C; ed. Horace Mann Sen., N.Y.; Min.E., Columbia Univ., 1910; m. Eleanor Gardner of New York, N.Y., 10 June 1914; children— Theodore, Gard- ner, Revere, Eleanor. Mining, cons, engr., Ariz. Copper Co., Cananea Cons. Copper Co., Inspiration Copper Co., Mesabi Iron Co.; mgr., contract en- gring. div., The Dorr Co., Engrs. (spe- cializing in mfg. machinery for mining, chem., indsl. operations and in research and plant design), 1928 — ; sergt., Minn. Home Guard, 2 yrs. during World War I.; mem. A.I.M.E., Lake Superior Mining Inst., Masons, Scottish Rite, Shrine. Clubs: Mining (New York), Nacoms. Author: tech. arts. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: model boat build- ing, writing. Recreations: bowling, sail- ing, golf, fishing. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Offices: 570 Lexington Av., New York, N.Y.; 221 N. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 160 S. Middle Neck Rd., Great Neck, N.Y. Summer homes: Tower, Minn.; Quogue, Long Island, N.Y. BRECKINRIDGE, Frank Prevost, lawyer and investment counsellor; b. Burlington, la., 5 May 1898; s. Wil- liam Lewis, civil engineer, and Irene (Waples) B.; ed. pub. sen.; Univ. high sen., Chicago, 111.; Ph.B., Univ. Chi- cago; M.A., Columbia Univ., N.Y.; Har- vard Law Sen.; m. Elizabeth Llewellyn, 15 Apr. 1944. Adm. 111. Bar, 1923; West & Eckhart, law firm, Chicago, 1923-27; Farwell & Breckinridge, investment counselor (first firm in 111.), 1928-31, Breckinridge & Co., 1931—; 2d It., U.S. F.A. Res., 1918-29; mem. Royal Econ. Soc, Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Statis. Assn., Chi Psi Frat. Clubs: Tavern, Attic, Caxton, Chicago; Harvard, N.Y. Author: arts, in 111. Law Review, Chi- cago Commerce, other periodicals and daily newspapers. Travel: Eur., 1923, 1936. Great uncle, Robert J. Breckin- ridge, chmn. Convention that nominated A. Lincoln at Chicago, 1864. Interest: boating. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: 134 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 5735 Blackstone Av., Chicago, 111. BROWN, Kenneth Cotton, engineer; b. Chicago, 111., 15 July 1895; s. Charles A. Brown, patent atty., and Caroline (Cotton) B.; ed. Culver Mil. Acad.; Cornell Univ.; B.S., Univ. HI., engring., 1922; m. Dorothy Riley of Evanston, 111., 1 Dec. 1917; children— Dolly (Mrs. Murphy), Malcolm Cotton, II, Barbara (Mrs. Blake), Kenneth Gordon Riley. Engring., res., Stanley Motor Carriage Co., Newton, Mass., 1922-26; asst. trust off., Chicago Title & Trust Co., 1926-33; engring. development, own bus., 1933- 39; sales engring., RCA Mfg. Co., Inc., 1939-40; served on extended active duty status, Off. Chief of Ordnance, War Dept., Washington, D.C., under commn. as maj. Ordn. Res., 1940-43; presently serving on extended active duty over- seas as It. col. Ordn. Res.; mem. Alpha Delta Phi, Pi Tau Sigma, Lambda Alpha. Clubs: University (Chicago) Chicago Yacht, Great Lakes Cruising Cornell (N.Y.). Travel: U.S., Eur. S.W. Pacific. Recreations: sailing horsemanship. Episcopalian. Repub lican. Office: Hq. & Hq. Det., 246th Ord Bn., APO-75, care P.M., San Francisco Calif. Home: 730 Prospect Blvd., Pasa dena 3, Calif. GREEN, Dwight Herbert, Governor of Illinois; b. Ligonier, Ind., 9 Jan. 1897; s. Harry Green and Minnie (Ger- ber) G.; ed. elem. and high sens., Ligonier, Ind.; Wabash Coll., 1915-17; Stanford Univ., 1919; Ph.B., Univ. Chi- cago, 1920, J.D., 1922; LL.D. (hon.) MacMurray Coll., 1941; LL.D., (hon.) Blackburn Coll., 1941; m. Mabel Vic- toria Kingston of Washington, D.C., 29 June 1926; children — Nancy Kingston, Gloria Kingston. Admitted to 111. bar, 1922; in practice, Chicago, 1922-26; spl. atty., Bur. Internal Revenue, Washing- ton, D.C. and Chicago, 111., 1926-27; spl. asst. to Dist. Atty. (U.S.) in income tax cases; U.S. Dist. Atty. for Northern HI., 1932-35; rep. candidate for Mayor of Chi- cago, 1939; nom. for Gov. in Rep. pri- mary, 1940, elected, inaugurated Gov., 78 1941, re-elected 1944; 2d It., air service, U.S.A., 1917-19; army pilot, flying instr., Mather Field, Sacramento, Calif., 1918- 19; mem. Am., 111. State, Federal, and Chicago Bar Assns.; Univ. Chicago Law Sch. Alumni Assn. (former pres.), Am. Legion, 40 & 8, A.F. and A.M. (33d deg., Shrine), Kappa Sigma, Phi Alpha Delta. Clubs: Union League, Chicago Athletic, Saddle and Cycle, Mid-Day, Economic, Legal (Chicago), Knollwood Country. Episcopalian. Office: State House, Springfield, HI. Home: Executive Man- sion, Springfield, 111. BARBORKA, Clifford Joseph, diag- nostician; b. Clinton, la., 19 July 1894; s. Joseph V. Barborka, jeweler, and Emma Marie (Scholley) B.; ed. B.S., Univ. Chicago, 1918; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1920; M.S. (in Med.), Univ. Minn., 1923; D.Sc, Simpson Coll., 1932; m. Bessie M. Long of Mt. Ayr, la., 28 July 1919; children— Clifford J., Jr., William V. Cons, phys., Mayo Clinic, 1921-32; asso. prof, in med., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1932—; mem. staff, Passa- vant Mem. Hosp. and Wesley Mem. Hosp.; cons, gastroenterologist and gas- troscopist for Edward Hines Mem. Hosp.; dir., nutritional res. in Abbott Med. Res. Foundation of N.W. Univ. Med. Sch.; engaged in res. in nutrition, gastroenterology, diabetes, obesity; assoc. ed., Jour. Lab. & Clin. Med., Am. Jour. Digestives Diseases and Nutrition; editorial bd. of Gastroenterology; fellow A.C.P.; mem. A.M.A., 111. State Med. Soc, Chicago Soc. Internal Med., Am. Bd. Internal Med., Specialty Board Gas- troenterology, Inst. Med. (Chicago), Am. Gastroscopic, Am. Gastroenterol. Assn., Cent. Soc. Clin. Res., Beta Theta Pi, Nu Sigma Nu, Kappa Theta Psi, Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha. Author: Treatment by Diet, 1934, 2d edit., 1935, 3d edit., 1937, 4th edit., 1939; many prof, arts, on insulin treatment, migraine, obesity, diet, etc. Recreations: athletics, music. Office: 700 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 229 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. BARNES, John Bryson, colonel, U.S. Army (ret.) ; b. Pnsboro, W.Va., 18 Sept. 1876; s. Henry Barnes, farmer, and Adeline (Hupp) B.; ed. O. and W.Va., Army Sch., 1906; Army Staff Coll., 1907; Staff Sch., Langres, Fr., 1918; Army War Coll., 1919; m. Caroline R. Bitting of Wash., Aug. 1904; 1 son, John Bryson, Jr. Sch. teacher, W.Va., 1892-94; pvt., Army, 1895, passed through all grades to col., ret., 1922; insp., instr., N.G., Vt., 1911-12, Gen. Staff, A.E.F., Fr., 1917-19, War Dept., Gen. Staff, 1921-22; with Isthmian Canal Commn., Panama, 1908- 09; prof., Mil. Sci., tactics, Kemper Mil. Sch., Boonville, Mo., 1922-34; served Am.-Sp. War, Philippine Insurrection, Cuban Occupation, Mexican Border, World War I; maj., It. col., entire war; asst. chief of staff, Corps and Div.; served on Gen. Pershing's Staff, Fr., during World War I; reed, decorations, distinguished Service Medal (U.S.), Off., E. toille Noir (Fr.), Croix de Guerre with Palm (Fr.), two white stars (cita- tions), Liberty ribbon, distinguished Service Medal, State of W.Va.; mem. bd. dirs., Mo. Soc. Crippled Children; pres. Local Taxpayers League; chmn. Red Cross, local; dir. Local Health Assn., Nat. Bridge Assn.; mem. Masons, Shrine, S.A.R. Clubs: Army and Navy, Rotary. Author: Letters of Plattsburg Patriot Elements of Military Sketching; short stories, prof, papers. Travel: Jap., China, Philippines, Cuba, Mex.,- Eur., Cent. Am., W.I., So. Am., Can. Inter- ests: hist, res., lit., civic affairs, crippled children, pub. health. Recrea- tions: travel, bridge, amateur writing, fishing. Methodist. Republican. Home: 309 Center Av., Boonville, 111. Summer res.: Gull Lake, Brainerd, Minn. HARRIS, LaMar Waldron, dentist; b. Morgan, Utah, 13 Aug. 1900; s. Joseph D. Harris, merchant farmer, and Mary (Waldron) H.; ed. Boxelder high sch., Brigham, Utah; Utah State Agr. Coll.; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. Dental Surg., 1929; m. Marguerite Burnhope of Tremonton, Utah, 25 May 1923 (div.); children- Joyce, Myrna Mae; m. (2d) Florence Moench, 20 Sept. 1943. Gen. practice dentistry, Chicago; mem. Chicago Den- tal Soc, chmn. bd. of Censors, 1933-37; research in plastics for dental use, 1936—; mem. Am. Acad. Plastics Re- search in Dentistry (sec, 1941-44, pres., 1944-45; S.A.T.C., 1918; U.S.N.R. Dental Corps, 1943 — ; mem. Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Psi Omega Frat.; Am. Dental Assn., 111. Dental Soc, Chicago Dental Soc. Author: various arts, on Plastics for dental restorations in State and Nat. Dental Jours. Travel: as lecturer and teacher to dental groups in U.S., Can. Interest: public speaking. Recreations: tennis, swimming. Mem. Ch. of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. Republican. Office: 25 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1100 N. Dearborn, Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Manistee, Mich. REICHERT, Victor Emanuel, rabbi; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 17 Mar. 1897; s. Isidor Reichert, rabbi, and Miriam (Pakas) R.; ed. Townsend-Harris Hall; B.A., City Coll. N.Y., 1919; B.Litt., Co- 79 lumbia Pulitzer Sch. of Jour., 1921; B.H., Hebrew Union Coll., 1923; D.D. (earned academic deg.), Hebrew Union Coll., 1932; ordained as rabbi, 1926, Hebrew Union Coll.; m. Louise F. Feibel of Cincinnati, O., 22 Dec. 1928. Ed. Octagonian Sigma Alpha Mu Frat., 1919-21; mem. of staff of Columbia Var- sity; asst. English Dept., Univ. of Cin- cinnati, 1921-24; lectr. in Bible and Jour- nalism, Univ. Cincinnati, 1938 — ; rabbi of Rockdale Av. Temple (founded 1824), since ordination, 1926, asst. rabbi, 1926- 28, assoc. rabbi, 1928-39, rabbi, 1939 — ; p. mem. exec. bd. of Union of Am. Hebrew Congs.; p. mem. Commn. on Jewish Education; mem. Adult Edn. Council in Cincinnati, speakers com., 4th, 5th War Loan; bd., Ohio Humane Soc, Jewish Community Council, Inter- Religious Com. of Cincinnati Com- munity Chest, ex. com. Cincinnati War Chest; historian, H.U.C. Alumni Assn.; Spiritual Morale Hamilton County; Cen- tral Conf. Am. Rabbis; Wider Fellow- ship Soc. of Friends; Am. Assn. Teach- ers of Journalism; pvt., U.S.A., May 1918- Jan. 1919; broadcaster, Ch. of Air, Message of Israel and church forum, station, WLW; mem. Sigma Delta Chi, Hon. and Prof. Journalism Frat., Tau Kappa Alpha, Hon. Forensic Frat.; King's Crown-Columbia Univ. Columbia Alumni Assn., Alumni Assn. Hebrew Union Coll.; p. chaplain, Sigma Alpha Mu Frat. Clubs: Chaplain Cincinnati Variety, Hyde Park Tennis, B'nai B'rith. Author: Highways through Juda- ism Soncino Press, London, 1936; contbr. to Young Israel, B'nai B'rith, Am. Is- raelite. Travel: Eng., Fr. Interests: poetry (p. mem. Ohio Valley Poetry Soc), Medieval Hebrew Poetry. Recrea- tions: tennis, swimming. Jewish. Non- partisan. Office: Rockdale Av. Temple, Rockdale and Harvey Avs., Cincinnati 29, O. Home: 752 Red Bud Av., Cincin- nati 29, O. HIMMELBERGER, Harry I., manu- facturer; b. Buffington, Mo., 23 Sept. 1889; s. John H. Himmelberger, mfr., and Mary A. (Kesling) H.; ed. South- east Mo. State Teachers Coll. Training Sch.; Univ. Mo.; m. Dorothy R. Boutin of Rome, N.Y., 12 Jan. 1914; children- John Ernest, Dorothy Margaret. Pres., Himmelberger-Harrison Lumber Co., Himmelberger-Harrison Mfg. Co., State Bank of Morehouse; dir. and mem. exec, com., Assoc. Industries of Mo., Mo. Assn. for the Adminstrn. of Justice, Southeast Mo. Hosp., Little River Drain- age Dist.; dist. chmn. Com. for Eco- nomic Dev. ; mem. State Adv. Com., Am. Mutual of Boston, Bequests Com., Univ. Mo., exec, com., Southeast Area Council of Boy Scouts Nat. Council, Exec. Com. Region 8, Nat. Councellor (p. pres.), Cape Girardeau Chamber Commerce, State Council of Defense (apptd. by Gov.), Phi Delta Theta, Ma- sons. Clubs: Cape Girardeau Rotary (p. pres.), Automobile (Mo., dir.). Epis- copalian. Republican. Office: Himmel- berger-Harrison Bldg., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Home: 603 N. Henderson St., Cape Girardeau, Mo. HERMANN, Grover Martin, president American-Marietta Co.; b. 21 July 1890. Callicoon, N.Y.; s. Martin Hermann, and Mary Elizabeth ( Wizemann) H. ; ed. pub. schs. of Callicoon; m. Hazel Myrtle Hessinger, 30 Jan. 1914; children— Grover M., Jr. (Capt. A.U.S., killed in action, 26 Jan. 1945, Germany), Robert, Shirley. Founded Am. Asphalt Paint Co., 1913, pres., dir.; corporate name was changed to Am. -Marietta Co., June 1940, continued as pres. and dir.; chmn. of Board and dir., Ferbert-Schorndorfer Co., Cleveland, Sewall Paint & Varnish Co., Kansas City, Dallas; mem. Nat. Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Assn., Chi- cago Equestrian Assn. Clubs: Tavern, Town (Chicago). Office: 43 E. Ohio St., Chicago, 111. Home: Chicago, HI. LUHAN, Joseph A., physician, neuro- psychiatrist ; b. Chicago, 111., 7 Feb. 1901; s. Jos. Luhan, factory exec, and Bessie (Mansfeld) L.; m. Wilha Stedem, 5 June 1944; ed. Harrison Tech., Chi- cago, 111.; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1927, M.D., 1928, M.S., 1931, Ph.D., 1934. Gen. practitioner, med., 1930; special- ized training, res., neurol., Northwest- ern Univ., 1930-34; asst. dir. of Psychiat- ric Inst, of Municipal Ct., Chicago, 1935- 40; attending neurol., 1938 — , neuro- pathol., 1940—, Cook Co. Hosp.; attend, neuropsychiat. Mercy Hosp., 1941 — , cons, neuropsychiat. Loretto Hosp., 1941 — ; faculty, clin. asst. to asst. prof., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1928-41; assoc. clin. prof, neurol. and psychiat., Loyola Univ. Med. Sch., 1941 — ; mem. A.M.A., Am. Psychiatric Assn., Am. Assn. of Neuropathologists, Central Neu- ropsychiatry Assn., A.A.A.S., Inst, of Med. of Chicago, Chicago Neurol. Soc, HI. Psychiatric Soc, Alpha Omega Alpha; certified by Am. Bd. of Psychi- atry and Neurology, 1938. Author: sci. and clin. studies. Travel: U.S. Office: 59 E. Madison St., Chicago 3, 111. Home: 1139 S. Taylor Av., Oak Park, 111. STONE, Fred Denton, minister; b. Rock Falls, 111., 18 Jan. 1875; s. Daniel 80 D. Stone, business man, and Nancy (Bean) S.; ed. Northern 111. Normal Sch. ; student Garrett Biblical Inst., 1896-97; D.D., Garrett Biblical Inst., 1929; LL.D., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1944; m. Dora M. Ashby of Mt. Carroll, 111., 19 Oct. 1898; 1 son, Fred Denton, Jr. Rock River Conf. Meth. Episcopal Ch., 1897; pastor, Dixon, Elgin, Irving Park. Chicago, 111.; publ. agt. M.E. Church, Meth. Book Concern, 1936-40; Methodist Publ. House, 1940—; mem. Gen. Conf., 1924, 28, 32, 36, 39, 40, 44; pres. Bd. Tr. Chicago Training Sch.; mem. Theta Phi. Methodist. Republican. Office: 740 Rush St., Chicago, 111. Home: 729 Emerson St., Evanston, 111. Summer res.: Ep- worth Heights, Ludington, Mich. STEINBERG, Nathaniel Philip, artist; b. Jerusalem, Pal., 15 Feb. 1895; s. Saul Steinberg, realtor, and Sarah (Saphir) S.; ed. Wicker Park Grammar Sch.; Art Inst., Chicago, 111.; m. Isabel Schuham of Chicago, 111., 15 Oct. 1939. Illustrator, Herald- Am., Chicago, 111., at present; etchings and paintings have been ex- hibited in many museums and galleries of U.S., London, Eng., Paris, Fr., 1937- 38; reed, award of merit for etching Construction, Chicago Soc. of Etchers, 1935; awarded about 150 ribbons, 75 medals, and some silver cups; chmn., of athletics, Sears & Cent. Y.M.C.A.; mem. Chicago Soc. of Etchers, Southern Soc. of Etchers, Palette & Chisel Acad, of Fine Arts. Interests: athletics. Office: Editorial Art Dept., 326 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. Home: 556 Roscoe St., Chi- cago 13, 111. SORRELL, Lewis Carlyle, professor of transportation; b. Washington, D.C., 26 July 1889; s. L. N. B. Sorrell, clerk, and Anna E. (Dealing) S.; ed. West Carthage high sch. (West Carthage, N.Y.); A.B., Colgate Coll., 1911; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1928; m. Harriett E. Owen of Hamilton, N.Y., 1914; children — Richard Hamilton, Helen Jeanette; m. (2d) Mrs. Rose L. Baker of Chicago, 1930. Instr. pub. speaking, economics, Yankton Coll., Yankton, S.D., 1911-15; grad. work, Univ. Chicago, 1915-18; instr., asst. prof., assoc. prof., prof. (1930), of transportation, Sch. of Bus. Univ. of Chicago, 1918—; asst. to the pres., Ry. Bus. Assn., Chicago, 111., 1932- 42; chief Transportation Sect., Off. of Civilian Defense, W.P.B., 1942-43; dir. res. Air Transport Assn., 1943 — ; sec, Transportation Conf., 1933-35; engaged in consultative and res. work for various groups; Univ. Chicago; mem. Masons. Club: Traffic (Chicago). Author: Trans- portation, Production and Marketing; Government Ownership and Operation of Railroads for the United States; num. arts., monographs on transportation. Travel: No. Am., Eur. Interests: music, lyric poetry. Recreations: bowling, golf, motoring. Protestant. Republican. Of- fice: Faculty Exchange, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111. Home: 9431 Pleasant Av., Chicago, 111. SPIESMAN, Manuel G., physician; b. Chicago, 111., 30 Oct. 1898; s. Gabriel Spiesman, and Louise (Wainstock) S.; ed. Crane Tech. high sch.; Valpariso Univ.; Northwestern Univ.; Lewis Inst.; Hahemann Med. Sch., 1924; M.D., Chi- cago Med. Sch., 1924, B.S., 1925; m. Ridi K. Oppenheim of Vienna, Austria, 3 Apr. 1941; children— Anthony Gabriel, Renee Jean, James. Practiced medicine, Chi- cago, 111., specialist in proctology, gas- troenterology, 1926-45; assoc. prof., proctology, Chicago Med. Sch., 1934-45; proctologist to Mt. Sinai and Edgewater Hosps. ; cons, proctologist Grant and Henrotin Hosps., U.S.N. , during World War I; mem. A.M.A., 111. Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Nat. Gastron. Assn., Soc. Internat. de Gastro-enterologie, Masons. Travel: China, Jap., P.I., Alas., Mex. Recreation: sailing. Jewish. Office: 30 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, HI. Home: 1205 W. Sherwin Av., Chicago, 111. WIRT, Mildred Augustine, writer; b. Ladora, la., 10 July 1905; d. J. L. Augus- tine, surgeon, and Lillian (Mattison) A.; ed. Ladora high sch.; B.A., Univ. la., 1925, M.A., 1927; m. Asa Alvin Wirt; 1 dau., Margaret. Author, 102 volumes, juvenile fiction; published short stories; employed, Toledo Times; many pen names, Dorothy West, Frank Bell, Caro- lyn Keene; mem. Authors' League; Theta Sigma Phi. Author: Twin Ring Mystery; Timbered Treasure; Wooden Shoe Mystery; Flash Evans; Darkroom Mystery; Through the Moon Gate Door; Penny Parker Mystery Stories. Travel: Eng., Fr., Holl., Bel., It., Mex., Cuba. Interest: antiques. Recreations: swim- ming, golf, ice skating. Home: 2704 Middlesex Dr., Toledo, O. FINCH, Frank Richard, professor; b. Auburn, N.Y., 3 Aug. 1883; s. Frank A. Finch, stock breeder, and Sarah Jane (Bown) F.; ed. Auburn Acad, high sch.; Ph.B., Yale Univ., Sheffield Sci. Sch., 1904; m. Eve Lorein Miller of Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 1910; children- Marion R., Richard G., L. Saxon, L. Terry. Machinist, Oswego Machine Co., 1904-05; draftsman, Mcintosh Seymour, 1905-07; instr., assoc. prof., mechanism, 81 engr. draw., Engr. Col., Univ. Mich., 1907 — ; inspection engr., Ann Arbor, 1915; appraisal engr., Detroit Unit Ry., 1916; resident engr., Mich. State Home, Lapeer, Mich., 1925; instr., capt., S.A.T.C., R.O.T.C., Camp Sheridan, 1918; mem. A.S.M.E., S.P.E.E., A.A.- U.P., Sigma Xi, Masons, Blue Lodge. Wrong Drafting Room Practice, 1930; Specifications for Elementary Drafting; Notes and Problems on Blue Print Read- ing. Recreations: swimming, handi- craft. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Room 435 W. Engineering Bldg., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1819 S. University Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. HOOBLER, Icie Macy, research direc- tor; b. Gallatin, Mo., 23 July 1892; d. Perry Macy and Ollie (Critten) M.; ed. A.B., Central Coll. for Women, 1914; attended Randolph-Macon, 1914-15; B.S., Univ. Chicago, 1916; M.A., Univ. Colo., 1918; Ph.D., Yale Univ., 1920; m. B. Raymond Hoobler, M.D., of Detroit, 11 June 1938. Asst., Dept. Chem., Univ. Colo., 1916-17; asst. Dept. Physiol. Chem. and Dennison Res. Labs., Univ. Colo. Med. Sch., 1917-18; Pi Beta Phi Felow, Yale Univ., 1918-19, Susan Rhoda Cutler Fellow, 1919-20; asst. bio- chemist, Western Pa. Hosp., 1920-21; instr., Dept. Household Sci., Univ. Calif., 1921-23; in charge, Nutrition Res., Merrill-Palmer Sch., 1923-30; dir., Res. Lab., Children's Fund of Mich., 1930—; Norlin achievement medal, awarded 11 June 1938, by Exec. Com., Assoc. Alumni, Univ. Colo, (second woman and seventh person to receive this medal) ; Borden Award and $1,000 honorarium, awarded 20 June 1939, to mem. of Am. Home Economics Assn. for outstanding work in milk; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, chmn., Div. Biol. Chemistry, 1930-31 (first woman ever to be made a chmn. of a Division), also chmn. Detroit Sect, (first woman ever to be made a chmn. of a local section), chmn., Ladies Com., 100th Convention, Sept. 1940; mem. Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists, Am. Home Eco- nomics Assn., Am. Inst. Nutrition, (sec. 1934-38, pres., 1944-45), Am. Inst. Chem- ists; fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Sch. Health Assn., Children's Hosp. of Mich, (mem. staff, cons, for nutrition), Detroit Engring. Soc, Detroit Pediatric Soc. (hon. mem.), Detroit Physiol. Soc. (pres., 1943-44), Iota Sigma Pi (hon. chem. soc. for women, first pres., Tungsten Chap., 1918, nat. treas., 1918- 24, nat. sec, 1939-42), Kappa Delta Pi (hon. ednl. soc), Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters (chmn., Sect, of Sanitary and Med. Sciences, 1939-40), Sigma Xi, Soc. for Pediatric Res., Soc for Res. in Child Development (sec, nutrition div., 1934-35), Food and Nutrition Bd., Nat. Res. Council, Pi Beta Phi, Beta Sigma Omicron. Author: (assoc editor) Jour- nal of Nutrition, 1939-44. Office: 60 Frederick St., Detroit, Mich. Home: 805 Three Mile Dr., Grosse Pointe, Mich. Summer home: Mullett Lake, Mich. McFARLANE, Walter Daniel, civil enginer, surveyor; b. Detroit, Mich., 2 June 1893; s. Daniel McFarlane, mas- ter of Lake Vesels, and Margaret (Buchanan) M.; ed. McMillan high sch.; B.Sc, Mich. State Coll., 1916; m. Alice Friedrich of Detroit, Mich., 10 Aug. 1923; children— Donald, Janet, Ted. Field engr., draftsman, Detroit Terminal R.R., 1916-18; safety inspector, Mich. Mutual Liability Co., 1919; civil engr., Chalmers Motor Car Co., 1919; chief of party, asst. engr., field engr. grade separation, asst. civil engr., asso. civil engr., Detroit City Engrs. office; chmn., Engrs. Registration Comm., Mich. Sect. A.S.C.E., 1938-39-40-41-42-43; 2d It., F.A., U.S.A.; asosc. M. A.S.C.E.; mem. Sigma Chi, Mich. Eng. Soc, Eng. Soc. of Detroit, Mich. Sewage Works Assn., Palestine Lodge No. 357 F.&A.M., Palestine Chap. No. 159 R.A.M., Charles A. Learned Post No. 1 Am. Legion. Club: Servicemen's Republican. Inter- est: engr. res. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: City Hall, Detroit, Mich. Home: 14365 Marlowe Av., Detroit, Mich. ANNEKE, Marie Seville Paulus, dir. and founder of the Saginaw Valley Town Hall Series; b. Detroit, Mich., 8 May 1895; d. Charles A. Paulus, owner of hardware bus., and Seville Dillon (de Manigold) P.; ed. Central high sch.. A.B., Univ. Mich., 1918, Guilde Inter- nationale, Paris, Fr., French Sch., Mid- dlebury, Vt.; m. Emil Anneke of Bay City, 1928. Teacher's certificate in violin from old Mich. Conservatory of Music, Detroit; also studied violin, Rome, It.; teacher, French, Northern and Central high schs., Detroit; conducted parties of girls abroad in summers; started Town Hall series, 1934 (civic, non-profit, ednl. cultural project (next yr. 11th yr.; all local work, volunteer); mem. Alpha Phi, A.A.U.W. Clubs: Musicale, Art, Garden. Travel: U.S., Eur., Afr. Uncle, Francis Petrus Paulus (dec.) was a well-known artist; mother, desc. of long line of Irish nobility, dating back to 1185. Interests: mus., the arts, esp. painting and etching; hobbies; interior decorat- ing, planning programs. Recreations: 82 travel, music, theatre. Catholic. Repub- lican. Office and home: 1412 Center Av., Bay City, Mich. McLAUGHLES', Laura Hill, former teacher; b. Philadelphia, Pa., 3 Sept. 1893; d. James Hill, farmer, and Sarah (Howell) H.; ed. Philadelphia high sch. for girls; A.B., Northwestern Univ., 1917, M.A., 1922; Ph.D., Univ. Mich., 1929; m. Dean McLaughlin of Ann Arbor, 27 Dec. 1927; children— Eliza- beth, Alberta, Dean, Sarah, Margaret. Teacher, high sens., 1917-20; asst., instr., astronomy, Northwestern Univ., 1920-24, Vassar Coll., 1924-27; fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Astronomical Soc, Sigma Xi. Author: arts, astronomical jours. Methodist. Republican. Home: 504 Walnut St., Ann Arbor, Mich. McCLURE, Roy Donaldson, surgeon; b. Bellebrook, O., 17 Jan. 1882; s. James A. McClure, M.D., and Ina (Donaldson) M.; ed. North high sch., Columbus, O., 1900; A.B., Ohio State Univ., 1904, D.Sc. (hon.), 1936; M.D., Johns Hopkins Med., 1908; Univ., Prague, Bohemia, 1906; m. Helen Troxell of Baltimore, Md., 4 Mar. 1916; children— Mary, Donald, Douglas. Asst. to Dr. Alexis Carrel, Rockefeller Inst., 1907-08; house surg., N.Y. Hosp., 1909-11; res. surg., Johns Hopkins Hosp.; instr. surgery, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1912-16; bd. tr., Henry Ford Hosp.; chmn., Mich. Med. Adv. Bd No. 3, 1916, and World War II; major Med. Crops, A.E.F., comdg. officer Evacuation Hosp. No. 33; chmn. Mich Med. Adv. Bd. No. 3, 1941; mem. Am Surg. Assn., A.M. A., Central Surg. Assn (pres.), Detroit Acad, of Surgery (pres. 1929-30), Detroit Acad. Medicine (pres. elect), Southern Surg., Am. Coll. of Sur geons, Societe Internat. Chirurgie, Con sultant, Com. on Prosthetic Devices and Sub-corn, on Infected Wounds and Burns, Nat. Research Council; Delta Upsilon, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Kappa (pres., greater Detroit, 1939), Sigma Xi, Am. Bd. of Surgery (founder mem.). Clubs: Detroit, Country, Detroit Boat. Author: papers on surgical subjects. Travel: Eur., Mex., Galapagos Islands, San Bias Islands. Interest: prehistoric Indians. Recreations: golf, travel. Pres- byterian. Republican. Office: Surgeon- in-Chief, Henry Ford Hosp., Detroit 2, Mich. Home: 1490 Iroquois Av., Detroit 14, Mich. JOHNSTON, William Ealing, physi- cian, surgeon; b. Penetang, Ont, Can., 7 Aug. 1895; s. Rev. Wm. Russell Johns- ton and Bertha McKenzie (Urquhart) J.; ed. Parkdale Collegiate, Toronto, Can.; ed. M.D., Univ. Toronto, 1920; m. Alice Odile Morand of Windsor, Ont., 1 Aug. 1942. Surgeon, 3 yrs.; postgrad, work, surgery, Brit. Isles; mem. staff, Henry Ford Hosp., 6 yrs.; pvt. practice; apptd. surgeon-in-chief, Woman's Hosp., Detroit; surgeon, sub-It., Brit. Navy during World War I; fellow R.C.S., A.C.S.; mem. Founders Am. Group Bd. of Surgery, A.M. A., Mich. State and Wayne Co. Med. Socs., Detroit Acad. Surgery. Clubs: D.A.C., Oakland Hills Country. Author: several surg. papers. Interests: photog., travel. Recreation: golf, hunting. Presbyterian. Office: 1071 Fisher Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: Lee Plaza Apts., 2240 W. Grand Blvd., De- troit, Mich. WARD, Merle Scott, college presi- dent; b. Union City, Ind., 22 Jan. 1892; s. Albert H. Ward, teacher, and Ella (Scott) W.; ed. Union City high sch.; B.S., Marion Normal Coll. (Ind.), 1910; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1917; A.M., Columbia Univ., 1926, Ph.D., 1934; m. Edna B. Ritter of Valley City, N.D., 30 Aug. 1921. Taught grades, high sch., Eaton, Ind., 1910-11; prin., Grade bldg., Union City (Ind.), 1911-15; ed., bus. mgr., Union City Eagle, 1915-16; high sch. teacher, Union City, O., 1917; head, hist, dept., Houghton, Mich., 1919-20; prin. sr. high sch., dir. teacher training, Valley City, N.D., 1920-32; pres., Ferris Inst., Big Rapids, Mich., 1936—; 20 yrs. on lecture platform; pvt., U.S.A., June 1917, sergt, It., A.E.F., disch. 30 July 1919; mem. A.A.A.S., A.A.P.S.S., Acad. Polit. Sci., Nat. Geog. Soc, Am. Geog. Soc, Am. Museum of Nat. Hist., Mich. Acad. Arts and Sci., Am. Council on Adult Edn., N.E.A., Mich. E.A., Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, Masons, Elks. Clubs: Rotary (p. pres.), Am. Legion (p. commander), Kiwanis (p. pres.). Author: Philosophies Current in the Deanship of the Liberal Arts College (Doctor's dissertation); many lects., mag. arts. Travel: U.S., Can., Eur. In- terests: reading biogs., hists., polit. sci. pubis., ed. and sci. treatises. Recrea- tions: hiking, motoring, fishing, tennis, golf. Methodist Episcopal. Republican. Office: Ferris Inst., Big Rapids, Mich. Home: Apt. 1, Nisbett Block, Big Rapids, Mich. TAGGETT, Vernon Newton, civil engineer; b. Caro, Mich., 1 Feb. 1887; s. Isaac N. Taggett, farmer, and stock raiser, and Lovedy Voorhees (Tuttle) T.; ed. Caro high sch.; B.S. (in C.E.), Mich. State Coll., 1910; m. Esther May Karnopp of Chicago, 111., 1913; children 83 —Genevieve Esther (Mrs. Paul Raker), Paul Newton. Engr. insp., B.&O. R.R., 1910-11; instrumentman, C.M.&St. Paul R.R., 1912; corps, engrs., U.S. Army, surveyor, 1912-13; co. supt. highways, Whiteside Co., 111., 1914-20; engr. Man., Emmet Co. Rd. Commn., Petoskey, Mich., 1920; city engr., Niles, Mich., 1921 — ; mem. Mich. Engring. Soc, Am. Public Works Assoc, Am. Soc. C.E., Berrien Co. S.S. Assn. (dir.), K.T. Club: Rotary. Author: reports and arts, on roadways, etc. Interests: cabinet work, fishing, photog. Presbyterian. Office: City Engineer, Niles, Mich. Home: 502 N. Thirteenth St., Niles, Mich. Summer home: Barron Lake, Niles, Mich. SPRAU, William Christ, mechanical engineer; b. Sandusky, O., 7 June 1881; s. John Sprau, railroad employee, and Elizabeth (Scheid) S.; ed. pub. sen., Sandusky, O.; B.S.M.E., Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind., 1906, M.E., 1913; m. Bertha Lydia Miller of Sandusky, O., 17 Apr., 1907; children— Ursula Eliza- beth, William John, Betty, Charles Her- bert. Draftsman, Shaw Elec. Crane Co., Muskegon, Mich.; instrument man, C.,R.I.&P. R.R., Topeka, Kan.; ed. Ry. Engr. & Maintenance of Way Monthly Mag., Chicago, 111.; engr., harbor and subway commn., Chicago; Arnold Co., Chicago; engr., treas., Barnes Wire Fence Co., Detroit; mem. A.S.M.E., Am. Welding Soc, F.&A.M. Club: Ki- wanis (p. pres.). Methodist. Office: Treasurer, Barnes Wire Fence Co., 10351 Northlawn Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 2685 Oakman Blvd., Detroit, Mich. SILVER, Harold, social worker; b. U.S.S.R., 18 May 1900; s. Anchel Silver, farmer, and Rebecca (Raginsky) S.; ed. Sioux City (la.) high sch.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1922; M.S.S., Grad. Sch. Jew. Soc. Work, 1934; m. Fannie Krav- chik of Chicago, 111., 31 Dec. 1923; chil- dren — Reuben, Rena. In Jewish social work and allied fields, 1922 — ; mem. Nat. Conf. Social Work, Am. Assn. Social Workers, Nat. Conf. Jewish Social Welfare (v.p., 1940-41, treas., 1941-44), Mich. Welfare League. Jewish. Office: 5737 2d Av., Detroit 2, Mich. Home: 3307 Fullerton, Detroit 6, Mich. SHELLY, E. Adah, librarian; b. Mecosta, Mich., 20 Dec. 1887; d. Albert E. Shelly, newspaper man, and Flora E. (Heald) S.; ed. Ionia, Mich, high sch.; Drexel Inst. Library Sch.; Univ. Chicago. Country sch. teaching, 1906-09; libr., Carnegie Library, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., 1909-18; libr., Carnegie Library, Whiting, Ind., 1918-21; Pontiac City Library, 1924—; p. v.p., Mich. Li- brary Assn.; mem. D.A.R., Beta Sigma Phi, Ednl. Dir. Chapter, Mich. Library Assn., Am. Library Assn. Clubs: Zonta, Round Table. Presbyterian. Non-parti- san. Office: Pontiac City Library, Pon- tiac, Mich. Home: 152 Washington, Pon- tiac, Mich. SEAMAN, Wyllys A., mining engineer; b. Marquette, Mich., 2 Oct. 1886; s. A. E. Seaman, geologist, explorer, and Mary A. (Brotherton) S.; ed. Houghton high sch.; B.S.E.M., Mich., Coll. Mines, 1907; m. Vera L. Williams of Hancock, Sept. 1913; children— Wyllys R., John T., Dorothy Jeanne, Arthur F. Mining engr., prospector, instr., mineralogy, 1907-24; asst. assoc. prof., 1924-40; cons, geologist, various mining cos., 1917-40, Mich. Geol. Survey, 1927- 35; assoc. prof., mineralogy, geology, Mich. Coll. of Mining and Tech., 1926—; geol. cons., Quincy Mining Co., 1936-42; dir., Explorations, Cohodas & Paoli Co., 1939-42; gen. mgr. Arcadian Mines, Inc., 1942-43, v.p., 1943 — ; spl. photographer, during World War I; mem. A.A.A.S. Club: Onigaming Yacht. Author: Min- eral Classification. Interest: Pre- Cam- brian geology. Recreation: fishing. Of- fice: Mich. Coll. of Mining and Tech., Houghton, Mich. Home: 1015 E. Fifth Av., Houghton, Mich. ORMOND, John Kelso, surgeon; b. Princeton, N.J., 25 Mar. 1886; s. Alex- ander T. Ormond, prof., and Mary (Huston) O.; ed. Kiskiminnetas, A.B., Princeton Univ., 1906; M.D., Johns Hop- kins Med. Sch., 1914; m. Charlotte H. Simmons of Brooklyn, N.Y., 3 Oct. 1916; children — Mary Huston, John K., Jr., Robert Simmons. Teacher, Pensacola Classical Sch., 1906-08; pvt. tutor, 1908- 09; M.D., Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., 1914; house off., Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1914-15, Bay View Hosp., Baltimore, 1915-16, Henry Ford Hosp., 1916-18, 1919- 41; surgeon in charge, Div. of Urol., Henry Ford Hosp. capt., M.C., U.S.A., 1918-19, during World War I; mem. A.M.A., Am. Urol. Assn., A.C.S., Am. Assn. of Genito-Urinary Surgs., Central Surg. Assn. Author: 25 short papers on prof, topics. Recreations: golf, fishing, reading. Presbyterian. Independent. Of- fice: Henry Ford Hosp., Detroit, Mich. Home: 1169 N. Woodward, Birmingham, Mich. Summer home: Batchawanna Bay, Ont. NUNGESTER, Walter James, college professor; b. Lima, O., 22 Feb. 1901; s William Nungester, salesman, and Mar gery (Woodworth) N.; ed. Lima (O.) 84 high sch.; B.S., Univ. Mich., 1923, M.S., 1924, Sc.D., 1928; M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1934; m. Lucile Roush of Lima, O., Sept. 1924; children — Margery P., Nancy. Instr., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 19zo-31, asst. prof., 1931-35, assoc. prof., 1935—; res., bact. variation, metabolism, exptl. pneumonia, serum therapy, non-specific defense mech., skin disinfection, 1935—; mem. Am. Assn. Pathol, and Bact., Soc. for Exptl. Biol, and Med., Soc. of Am. Bact., Mich. Br. Am. Bact., Sigma Xi. Clubs: Re- search, Ann Arbor, Chaos (Chicago, 111.). Office: Dept. of Bacteriology, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 2109 Tuomy Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. OLANDER, Oscar G., commissioner, Mich. State Police; b. Cadillac, Mich., 16 Feb. 1899; s. Andrew Gustav Olander, ry. contractor, and Christina (Olsen) O. ; ed. Cadillac (Mich.) high sch.; Ferris Inst., Big Rapids, Mich.; m. Anne Eliza- beth Condon of Lake Linden; 1 son, Oscar John. Enlisted as trooper, Mich. State Police, 1919, sergt., 1921, It., 1921, capt., Deputy Commr., 1926; apptd. Commr. by Gov. Groesbeck, 1926; re- apptd. under Govs. Green, Fitzgerald, Wagoner, Kelly; regional dir., State & Provincial Sect., Internat. Assn. of Chiefs of Police; commr., Bd. of Aero- nautics, Mich.; chmn. State Safety Commn.; commr. State Juvenile Guid- ance Comm.; mem. Mich. Council of Defense, Mich. Assn. Chief of Police (sec. treas.). Recreations: football, baseball, etc. Protestant. Office: Mich. State Police, East Lansing, Mich. Home: 145 University Dr., East Lan- sing, Mich. DODGE, Russell Alger, professor; b. Whitmore Lake, Mich., 7 Nov. 1893; s. Henry Phelps Dodge, country mcht., and Almira (Pray) D.; ed. Ann Arbor high sch.; B.S. (in C.E.O.), Univ. Mich., 1916, M.S. (in C.E.), 1918; m. Louisa M. Tozer of Montrose, Mich., 13 Apr. 1918; children— Jean Louise, Russell Al- ger, Jr. U.S. Reclamation Service, Rio Grande Project, 1919-20; asst. engr., Consumers Power Co., Jackson, Mich., 1920-21, appraisal of Consumers Proper- ties, 1921; teacher, engring. mechs. dept., Univ. Mich., 1921—; prof, and cons., Ann Arbor Bd. of Water Commrs.; pvt. 2d It. during World War I; mem. Sigma Xi, Iota Alpha, A.S.C.E., Mich. Engring. Soc, S.P.E.E., Tau Kappa Epsilon. Club: University. Au- thor: Fluid Mechanics (with M. J. Thompson). Travel: Ger., Switz., Czechoslovakia, Aus., Den., Swed. Meth- odist. Office: Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1233 Bladwin Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. WEYER, Frank Elmer, college dean; b. Ainsworth, Neb., 14 Jan. 1890; s. John Weyer, farmer, and Elizabeth (Sweitzer) W. ; ed. Long Pine high sch.; Doane Coll. Acad.; A.B., Hastings Coll., 1911; A.M., Univ. Neb., 1916, Ph.D., 1941; Columbia Univ., 1916-17, summer sessions, 1917, 32; Stanford Univ., sum- mer, 1924; m. Mabelle Carey of Hebron, Neb., 3 June 1916; children — Mary Elizabeth (wife of Maj. R. E. Nutt), Dorothy Claire, Phyllis Lucile. Prin., Newport, Neb., 1911-13; supt. of schs., Atkinson, Neb., 1913-16; prof, of ed. and psychology, Kendall Coll. (now Univ. of Tulsa), Tulsa, Okla., 1917-18; dean and prof. Edn., Hastings Coll., 1918 — ; mem. bd. of Mary Lanning Sch. of Nursing, Ingleside Psychiatric Sch. of Nursing, Adams Co. Selective Service Draft Bd.; mem. Neb. State Edn. Assn. (pres. dist. 4, 1943-44), N.E.A. (v.p., 1943-44). Clubs: Nebraska Schoolmas- ters, Kiwanis, Acacia. Author: Status of the Rural Teacher in Nebraska, 1919; Presbyterian Colleges & Academies in Nebraska, 1940. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office: Hastings Coll., Hastings, Neb. Home: 503 E. Sixth St., Hastings, Neb. EDDY, Corbin Theodore, professor of metallurgical engineering; b. Lake Lin- den, Mich., 17 Apr. 1904; s. Samuel Eddy, lumberman, and Georgie (Du- quette) E.; ed. Lake Linden high sch.; Mich. Coll. Mining and Tech.; B.S., Univ. Calif., 1926, E.M., 1926, M.S., 1928, Ph.D., 1933; m. Helen M. Perrault of Lake Linden, Mich., 10 June 1940; chil- dren — C. T. John, Anthony Thomas. Instr. in metall., Mich. Coll. Mining and Tech., 1927-30, asst. prof, metall., 1930- 32, assoc. prof., 1932-40, prof., head dept., 1940 — ; dir. res., metall. engring., 1936—; awarded McNair Medal for Metall. Res., 1930; Alfred Noble Award for outstanding work in engring.; mem., A.I.M.E., A.S.M., Am. Foundrymans Assn., A.A.A.S., Inst, of Metals, London, S.P.E.E., Tau Beta Pi, Alpha Sigma Nu. Author: numerous tech. pubis.; Fundamental Principles in Physical Metallurgy; Constitution Diagram in Physical Metallurgy. Travel: Eur., Can., U.S. Interests: mus., sailing. Catholic. Republican. Office: Mich. Coll. of Mining and Technology, Houghton, Mich. Home: 1009 College Av., Hough- ton, Mich. 85 FIFE, Ray, professor; b. Van Wert, O., 1 Dec. 1883; s. James Fife, farmer, and Melissa (Hoaglin) F.; ed. prep, sens.; B.S., O. Northern Univ., 1909; B.S., O. State Univ., 1917; Cornell Univ., summer terms, 1921, 22, 24; Ph.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., 1929; m. Flossie Hall of Convoy, O., 31 Oct. 1917. Supt., rural schs., Van Wert Co., O., 1910-15; asst. state leader, 4-H Clubs, O., 1917-19; asst. prof. agr. edn., O. State Univ., 1919-21, prof. agr. edn., 1938 — ; state supervisor of agr. edn., O., 1921-36; pres., N.M. State Coll., 1936- 38; instr., Univ. Mo., 1931, Colo. State Coll., 1933, Univ. Nev., 1927, summer sessions; mem. Am. Vocational Assn. (v.p., 1930-32, pres., 1932-34), Alpha Zeta, Phi Delta Kappa, Iota Lambda Sigma, Gamma Sigma Delta, N.E.A., O. Edn. Assn., Masons. Author: arts, on vocational edn. Travel: Can., Mex., U.S. Interests: history, polit. sci. Rec- reations: golf, bowling. Methodist. Of- fice: Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O. Home: 1944 Chatfield Rd., Columbus, O. McCRARY, Jasper Herndon, Texas wholesale gasoline distributor; b. Alva, Okla., 21 Apr. 1907; s. Ira B. McCrary, carpenter, and Beulah (Herndon) M.; ed. Dewey high sch.; A.B., Okla. Bapt. Univ., 1928; m. Vera L. Randels of Jef- ferson, Okla., 12 Aug. 1933; children- Mary Lou, Martha Sue, Vesta Lee. Asst. head bookkeeper Territory Illuminating Oil Co., 1929-37; lumber bus., Feb. 1937- 42; sponsored two F.H.A. projects, built some 40 F.H.A. houses, 1938-41; entered wholesale gasoline bus., 1 Apr. 1944; defense constr. asst. to gen. supt. on airport constr., 1942-44; mem. Kappa Delta Pi, League Young Democrats, Okla. Bapt. Young People Convention (pres., 1929-36), Jr. Chamber Commerce (p. pres.), Chamber Commerce (v.p., 1941). Club: Kiwanis (pres., 1941). Bap- tist. Democrat. Office: 323 E. 8th St., Dewey, Okla. Home: 204 E. 4th St., Dewey, Okla. GEUPEL, Carl Martin, contractor, engineer; b. Evansville, Ind., 11 Oct. 1891; s. Louis A. Geupel, mcht., and Elsa (Wack) G.; ed. Cent, high sch., Evansville, Ind.; B.S. C.E., Purdue Univ., 1913; m. Marguerite G. Klauss of Evansville, 20 Oct. 1914; children- Joy Geupel DeMars, Marjorie Ann, John Carl. Structural engr., 1913-16; engr., contractor, Thompson & Binger, Inc., N.Y., 1916-27; mng. partner, Carl M. Geupel Constr. Co., 1927 — ; p. pres. Building Contractors Assoc, Indian- apolis; p. pres. Ind. Chap. Associated Gen. Contractors of Am., 1943-44; Ma- sonic Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite and Shrine. Clubs: Scientech, Rotary, Co- lumbia, Meridian Hills Country, Wood- stock Country. Christian Scientist. Re- publican. Office: 1109 Hume Mansur Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: R.R. 14, Williams Creek Estates, Indian- apolis, Ind. FORD, H. Stanley, vice president, gen. manager; b. Fairmount, Md„ 23 Feb. 1893; s. John H. Ford, Jr., oyster planter and packer, and Melissa C. (Ford) F.; ed. Fairmount high sch., Fairmount, Md.; B.Sc. in civil engr., Univ. Md., 1914; U.S.N.A., Res. Offs. Engr. Training Course, 1918; m. Ber- nice Lewis of Ithaca, Mich., 6 May 1922; children— Jane Ellen, H. Stanley, Jr. Engr. and sales work, R. H. Beau- mont Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 15 yrs., served as dist. mgr., N.Y. and Detroit offs., also as Eastern sales mgr., Phila- delphia; asst. to pres. and sales mgr., Bigelow Liptak Corp., Detroit, Mich., 7 yrs.; gen. mgr. and dir., Bigelow Lip- tak Corp., 8 yrs.; v.p. Bigelow Liptak Corp., 2 yrs. (total service with B.L. Corp. 15 yrs.); pres. and dir., Bigelow Liptak of Can., Ltd.; ensign, U.S.N., 19 mos. during World War I; mem. A.S. M.E., Engr. Soc. Detroit, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Mason (32d deg.), Scottish Rite, A.A.O.N.M.S. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Interests: philately, fishing, hunt- ing, symphony. Recreations: reading, bowling, fishing, hunting. Protestant. Independent. Office: 2842 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Home: 840 Riven- oak Rd., Birmingham, Mich. BEACH, Watson, physician, surgeon; b. Port Huron, Mich., 6 Apr. 1897; s. Wilbur J. Beach, lawyer, and Emily Josephine (Langell) B.; ed. Bad Axe high sch.; Hillsdale Coll. (2 yrs.); A.B., Wayne Univ., 1924, M.D.; M.S., Univ. Minn., 1928; m. Ruth Hendricks of Roch- ester, Minn., 17 Aug. 1929; children — Philip W., Juliana L. Prof. surg. anat- omy, Wayne Univ. Med. Sch., lecturer to post-grad, sch., surg. anatomy; surg. asst., Base Hosp. No. 36, France, 18 mos.; mem. A.M.A., Mich, and Wayne Co. Med. Socs., Detroit Acad, of Sur- gery, resident and ex-resident, Mayo Clinic, Am. Legion, F.A.C.S., Nu Sigma Nu, Alpha Tau Omega. Clubs: Corin- thian Lodge, F. & A.M. Author: Atony of the Ureter in the Production of Hydronephrosis. Grandson of Watson Beach, Civil War capt., Circuit judge, 24th Circuit, 37 yrs. Interest: gardening. Recreations: golf. Episcopalian. Repub- 86 lican. Office: 742 Maccabees Bldg., De- troit, Mich. Home: 281 Kenwood Court, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. BARRETT, Wilbert H., retired manu- facturer; b. Cumberland County, N.J., 26 Feb. 1858; s. Reuben Barrett and Lucinda (Tomlinson) B.; ed. Union Acad., So. Jersey Inst., Bridgeton, N.J.; m. Elizabeth Benner of Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., mgr., Acme Preserve Co. (until retirement); dir. Comml. Savings Bank, Adrian, Mich.; p. pres., Mich. Sos., S.A.R., p. pres., Nat. Soc, S.A.R. Interest: hist, and geneol. res. Baptist. Republican. Office: Nat. Bank Bldg., Adrian, Mich. Home: 225 Toledo St., Adrian, Mich. MACAULEY, Alvan, manufacturer; b. Wheeling, W.Va., 17 Jan. 1872; s. James A. Macauley, official in U.S. Pension Office, Washington, D.C., and Rebecca Jane (Mills) M.; ed. primary and high schs., Washington, D.C.; Lehigh and George Washington Univs.; LL.B., Co- lumbian Law Sch., 1892; LL.D. (hon.), George Washington Univ.; LL.D. (hon.), Univ. Mich., Doctor of Arts in Bus. Adminstrn. (hon.) from Wayne Univ., 1937; m. Estelle Littlepage, Washington, D.C., 20 Nov. 1895; children— Alvan Macauley, Jr., Mary, Edward. Prac- ticed law, specializing in patent law, in Washington, D.C.; became attorney for the Nat. Cash Register Co., and re- moved to Dayton, O., 1895; became asst. mgr., of the Am. Arithometer Co., of St. Louis (original Burroughs Adding Mach. Co.), 1901; was promoted same yr. to gen. mgr.; 3 yrs. later removed with the Burroughs Co., from St. Louis, Mo., to Detroit, Mich.; became gen. mgr. of the Packard Motor Car Co., 1910; 3 yrs. later (1913) apptd. v.p., pres., 1916, retained offce of gen. mgr., until 1934; resigned as pres. (after serv- ing in that capacity for 23 yrs.), 1939, became chmn. of the Bd. of the Co.; pres., dir. Automobile Mfrs., Assn. and Automotive Council for War Prodn.; dir. Nat. Bank of Detroit; as pres. of Pack- ard, had to do with the development of Liberty airplane motors adopted as the official airplane motor of the U.S. Govt. Clubs: Country, Detroit, Detroit Golf, Bloomfield Hills, Yondotega, Grosse Pointe Yacht. Republican. Office: Pack- ard Motor Car Co., 1580 Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Home: 735 Lake Shore Rd., Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. DUNNING, John W., clergyman, col- lege president; b. Corunna, Mich., 11 Oct. 1883; s. Homer B. Dunning, clergy- man, and Mary Elizabeth (Burchard) D.; ed. Alma Acad.; Alma Coll.; Princeton Univ.; Presbyterian Sem., Chicago; D.D. (hon.), Alma Coll.; m. Amma E. Mahoney of St. Charles, 21 Nov. 1906; children — Catherine, Mrs. Walter Johnson. Pastorates, Presbyn. Ch., Tecumseh, Mich., 1907-10; Presbyn. Ch., Portsmouth, O., 1910-15; First Pres- byn. Ch., Kalamazoo, Mich., 1915-38; pres. Alma Coll., 1938 — ; state chmn. Red Cross, 1917-18; dir. Mich. Children's Aid, Moderator Synod of Mich., 1933-34; mem. Masons (32d deg.). Club: Rotary. Author: The Eternal Riddle, 1911, The Fight for Character, 1937. Father a Pio- neer Home Missionary in Northern Mich. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Alma Coll., Alma, Mich. Home: Presi- dent's House, Alma Coll., Alma, Mich. Summer res.: Gull Lake, Augusta, Mich. WILSON, Edward Harlan, orthopaedic surgeon; b. Columbus, O., 31 May 1891; s. Edward James Wilson, phys., and Sarah Ida (Tudor) W.; ed. Central high sch., Columbus, O.; B.S., Dartmouth Coll., 1915; M.D., Harvard Med. Sch., 1920; m. Dorothy Hewitt of Winchester, Mass., 7 Oct. 1923; children— Edward Harlan, Jr., Dorothy, Priscilla. East surg. service, Mass. Gen. Hosp., 1920- 22, orthopaedic service, 1923, Boston Children's Hosp., 1924; practice of ortho- paedic surgery, Columbus, O., 1924 — ; dir., Midland Mutual Life Ins. Co.; prof, orthopaedic surgery, Ohio State Univ., head of dept., chmn., Am. Coll. Sur- geons Fracture Com., So. Eastern O.; in Med. Res. Corps, and Harvard Med. Sch. during World War I; fellow Coll. of Surgeons; mem. Am. Acad. Ortho- paedic Surgeons, Clin. Orthopaedic Soc, Am. Bd. of Orthopaedic Surgery (diplo- mate), Am. Orthopaedic Assoc, A. M.S., Scottish Rite, Masons, Shrine. Clubs: Rocky Fork, Columbus. Author: mono- graphs of osteomyelitis and fractures. Interest: oil paintings. Conglist. Office: 395 E. Broad St., Columbus, O. Home: 181 Stanberry Av., Columbus, O. MULHOLLAND, William J., physi- cian, surgeon; b. Chicago, 111., 13 June 1887; s. Edward J. Mulholland (dec), and Elizabeth (Grenuan) M.; ed. Hyde Park high sch.; Chicago, 111.; Univ. 111.; m. Helen Schulte of Hammond, 1922; children — Mary Jane, Betty. 1st It., Med. R. S., 9 mos., 1918; mem. A.M.A., 111. Med. Soc, Local Med. Soc; fellow Am. Coll. of Surgeons. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 7449 Cottage Grove Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 6750 Oglesby, Chicago, 111. 87 McNUTT, Grace, lecturer; b. Wil- liamsburg, O., 10 Mar. 1893; d. Charles H. McNutt, mcht., and Julia Ellen (Ort) M.; ed. B.A., O. Wesleyan Univ., 1915. Prin. high sen.; ex. Girl Res. Dept., Y.W.C.A., Dayton, gen. sec, Elkhart, Ind.; at present, Book Reviewer for Book Guilds; dir., Elkhart League of Women Voters; pres., Elkhart Council, Church Women; v.p., Ind. State Coun- cil; mem. A.A.U.W., Phi Beta Kappa. Club: Knife and Fork. Author: poems. Travel: U.S., Can., Eur. Interests: read- ing, writing. Recreations: gardening, mus. Methodist. Republican. Home: 122 Pottawattomi Dr., Elkhart, Ind. LOOMIS, Oliver Mullins, lawyer; b. Valparaiso, Ind., 25 Apr. 1899; s. Elbert Leslie Loomis, and Nell (Mullens) L.; ed. LL.B., Valparaiso Univ. of Mich.; m. Gwendolynne Edwards of Oklahoma City, 3 Aug. 1927; 1 dau., Sally Ann. Practiced law, Valparaiso, 1922; sec. to U.S. Sen., Arthur R. Robinson, 1925-28; U.S. Dist. Atty., 1928-33; sr. mem. law firm, Loomis and Hartzer; mem. Insur- ance bar (nat.). Clubs: University, South Bend Country, Columbia. Inter* ests: fishing, golf, reading, gardening. Republican. Office: 417 Odd Fellows Bldg., South Bend, Ind. Home: 1324 North St., Joseph St., South Bend, Ind. KINGSBURY, Forrest Alva, associate professor of psychology, secretary, dept. of psychology; b. Oelwein, la., 8 Aug. 1883; s. W. B. Kingsbury, merchant, and Flora J. (Bush) K.; ed. Osage, la. high sch.; Ph.B., Central Coll., .909; M.A., Yale Univ., 1911; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1920; m. Cornelia Hasselman of Pella, la., 22 Dec. 1911. Prin., Ohur- dan, la. Schs., 1909-10; prof. philo3. and edn., Grand Island Coll., 1911-15, Ottawa Univ., 1915-18; asst. prof, psychol., Univ. Chicago, 1921-24, assoc, 1924 — , dean in Coll. of Arts, Lit., Sci., 1924-27, sec. 1939—, acting chmn., 1945—, dept. psychol.; cons, psychologist, Continental and Comml. Nat. Bank, Continental 111. Bank and Trust Co., Chicago, 1920-27, 1931-33; ed. sec, Army Y.M.C.A., Camp Funston, 1918-19; mem. Sigma Xi, Phi Delta Kappa, A.A.A.S., Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Assn. Applied Psychol., Mid- western Psychol. Assn., 111. Soc. Cons. Psychols. Club: Quadrangle. Author: A Group Intelligence Scale for Primary Grades; Psychological Tests in Business (with A. W. Kornhauser) ; arts, on bus. and theoretical psychol. Travel: U.S., Can. Interest: genealogy. Office: Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Home: 5805 Dorchester Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Beacon, Mich. FISCHER, Carl Hahn, professor; b. Newark, N.J., 22 Aug. 1903; s. Carl H. H. Fischer and Minnie T. (Hahn) F.; ed. B.S., Washington Univ., 1923; M.S., Univ. Ia„ 1930, Ph.D., 1932; m. Kathleen Kirkpatrick of St. Louis, Mo., 25 Sept. 1925; children— Patrick Carl, Michael John. Engr., Am. Steel Foundries, 1923- 26; instr., math., Beloit Coll., 1926-29; grad. asst., Univ. la., 1929-32; instr., math., Univ. Minn., 1932-33; actuarial research, Northwestern Nat. Life, 1933- 34; instr., math., Wayne Univ., 1934-37, asst. prof., 1937-41; asst. prof., math., Univ. Mich., 1941 — ; cons, actuary, Mich. Life, 1944—; mem. Am. Statis. Assn., Inst. Math. Statis., Math. Assn. of Am., Am. Math. Soc, Frat. Act. Assn., Sigma Xi, Masons, Acacia Frat. Author: Mathematics of Life Insurance, sev. research arts. Conglist. Independ- ent. Office: Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1122 Granger Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. HAINES, Edmund Thomas, composer, conductor, music educator; b. Ottumwa, la., Dec 15, 1914; s. Verlan J. Haines and Edna May (Waters) H.; student Univ. Kan., 1933-34; B.M., Conservatory Music of Kansas City, 1936; M.M., East- man Sch. Music, Univ. Rochester, 1938, Ph.D., 1941; m. Joyce Williams, 17 Aug. 1939. Teacher of piano and theory, Con- servatory Kansas City, 1936-37; teaching fellow and grad. student, Eastman Sch., 1938-41; apptd. to faculty of Univ. Mich., 1941; composer of orchestral works, per- formed by orchestras in N.Y. City, Rochester, Cleveland, etc.; radio per- formances by NBC Symphony and other orchestras; chamber music groups on broadcasting chains; received Pulitzer Prize in Musical Composition for Sym- phony No. 1, 1941; mem. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. Composer; musical ednl. ma- terial; Pastoral (for flute and strings) and Poem (for viola and chamber orchestra), 1941; Symphony No. 1, Sym- phony in Miniature, Three Dances for Orchestra, also songs, piano pieces, chamber music. Address: School of Music, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. HARRIS, Rowland H., surgeon; b. Eliot, York Co., Me., 6 May 1878; s. Frank C. Harris, clerk, U.S. Treasury Dept., Washington, D.C., and Emma M. (Neall) H.; ed. So. Lancaster Acad., So. Lancaster, Mass.; A.B., Albion Coll., 1914; M.D., Am. Med. Miss. Coll., 1901; L.R.C.P., S.E., L.F.P., and S.G., Edin- 88 burgh, 1904, F.R.C.S., 1909; m. Eliza- beth Kerr, 18 June 1903; children—none living. Attended pub. schs, Washington, D.C. After college, connected with Battle Creek Sanitarium, until 1919, first asst. and assoc. surgeon, 1910-19, conducted Maple St. Hosp., Battle Creek, Mich., 10 yrs. in pvt. pract. there until May 15, 1930; in pvt. pract., Los Angeles, Calif., May 1930- Aug. 1936; chief surgeon, Battle Creek San., Aug. 1936-Dec. 1, 1939; pvt. pract., Battle Creek, Dec. 1, 1939—; mem. A.M. A., Mich. State Med. Soc, Calhoun Co. Med. Soc; P. A.C.S., 1915—, Western Surg. Assn., 1920 — , Royal Soc. Med., London, Eng.; mem. Founders Group, Am. Bd. Surgery, which was created, 1937. Au- thor: Carcinomatous Ovarian Teratoma with Premature Puberty and Precocious Somatic Development, 1917, 1925; Pseu- do-Elephantiasis (Familial Generalized Edema) with report of 6 Cases in 4 generations of one family, 1923; Wolffian Cysts in Men and Women arising in Relation to Testis and Ovary, 1925; Re- port of Major Surgical Operations With- out Blood Transfusions in Patients with Severe Secondary Anaemia, 1927; Fibro- myoma of the Uterus in Relation to Pregnancy with Report of Cases, 1929; Empyema of the Gallbladder and Chole- cystectomy, 1929; The Coffey-Humber Extract of Suprarenal Cortex Substance, 1931. Republican. Office: 39 N. Washing- ton Av., Battle Creek, Mich. BAKTELL, Floyd Earl, professor of chemistry; b. Concord, Mich., 16 June 1883; s. William Bartell and Margaret (Allman) B.; ed. A.B., Albion Coll., 1905; A.M., Univ. Mich., 1906, Ph.D., 1910; m. Larence Bunting Sims of New- port News, 30 Aug. 1921; children— Mar- garet Wright, Lawrence Sims. Instr. chemistry, Simpson Coll., Indianola, la., 1905-07, Univ. Mich., 1910-16; asst. prof, chemistry, 1916-18, assoc. prof., 1918-24, prof. 1924 — ; served as capt. Nitrate Div., Ordn. Dept., U.S.A., 1917-18, cons, to War Dept., 1928-42; fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. A.C.S., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Delta Tau Delta. Author: Colloid and Surface Chemistry; numerous sci. arts. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Con- glist. Republican. Office: Chem. Lab., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1919 Scottwood, Ann Arbor, Mich. JEFFERY, Joseph A., vice pres. Champion Spark Plug Co., gen. mgr. Ceramic Division; b. San Francisco, Calif., 27 June 1873; s. Alfred Jeffery and Emily (Clark) J.; D.D.S., Univ. Calif., 1895, B.S., 1898. Instr. of chem. and metall., Univ. Calif., 1895-98; surg. dentistry practice, San Francisco, 1895- 1902; pres., gen. mgr. South Yuba Mining and Development Co., Nevada County, Calif., 1902-06; pres. Reliance Automobile Co., San Francisco, 1906; pres. Jeffery-Dewitt Co., Newark, N.J., 1907-10 (moved to Detroit, Mich., 1910); Jeffery-Dewitt Co. combined with Cham- pion Spark Plug Co., known as Cham- pion Poreclain Co., 1921, and became pres.; name changed to Champion Spark Plug Co., 1933, v.p. and gen. mgr. Ceramic div., 1933—; pres. Champion Sillimanite, Inc., Calif, and Nev. ; mem. Detroit Engring. Soc, Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs., Am. Inst. Mech. Engrs., Am. Ceramic Soc, Electrochem. Soc. Protes- tant. Club: Detroit Athletic. Author: arts, on mining and ceramics in trade jours. Office: 8525 Butler Av., Detroit 11, Mich. Home: care Detroit Athletic Club, Detroit, Mich. FOSTER, Louis Fernald, physician; b. Phillipsburg, N.J., 10 Oct. 1891; s. I. L. Foster, wholesale grocer, and Alice (Clifton) F.; ed. Phillipsburg high sch., Phillipsburg, N.J.; Ph.B., Lafayette Coll., 1913; M.D., Univ. Pa., 1918; m. Kathryn M. Keller of Harrisburg, Pa., 11 June 1921; children — Phyllis Marcia (Mrs. John R. Murray), L. Fernald, Jr. Resident phys., Presbyn. Hosp., 1918-19; chief, resident phys., Children's Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa., 1919-20; interne, Chil- dren's Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa., 1917- 18; diplomate, Am. Bd. Pediatrics; pvt. pediatric practice, Bay City, Mich., 1920 — ; dir. Dept. Pediatrics, Mercy Hosp., Bay City, Mich., Gen. Hosp., Bay City, Mich.; sec-treas., Bay Co., Mich. Med. Soc; sec, Mich. State Med. Soc; mem. Med. Res. Corps, Presbyn. Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. during World War I; mem. Am. Acad. Pediatrics, A.M.A., Kappa Sigma, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Masons. Club: Rotary, (p. pres.). Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: Thome Bldg., 919 Washington Av., Bay City, Mich. Home: 1801 McKinley Av., Bay City, Mich. Summer home: Point Lookout, Au Gres, Mich. DAVIS, Emerson, business executive; b. Bay City, 23 May 1878; s. John Davis and Ida (Hitchcock) D.; ed. Cent, high sch., Detroit, Mich.; B.A., Univ. Mich., 1901; m. Marion Biegler of Chicago, 10 Feb. 1906; children— John Emerson, Philip Cameron, Elizabeth Davis Wedda, Virginia Davis Melcher. Treas. Detroit Chem. Works, 1901-39; pres., De- troit Chem. Works, 1940 — ; mem., Delta Upsilon, Bd. of Commerce, Detroit Citi- 89 zens League. Clubs: Economic of De- troit, Detroit Cribbage. Conglist. Repub- lican. Office: 125 So. Junction Av., De- troit, Mich. Home: 844 Whittier Rd., Grosse Pointe, Mich. CLACK, Robert W., professor of mathematics and oriental studies; b. Clear Lake, la., 9 June 1886; s. William R. Clack, dentist, and Sarah Adda (Wood) C; ed. Clear Lake and Mason City high sens.; A.B., Grinnell Coll., 1907, M.A., 1908; Univ. Chicago; No. China Union Lang. Sch., Peking; Peking Union Theol. Sem.; Univ. Mich.; m. Edith G. Clack, of Tientsin, China, 21 Mar. 1911; children — Gordon, Constance, Douglas, Llywelyn, Roderick, Wynne. Prof., Chihli Provincial Coll., Paotingfu, China, 1910-13; gen. sec, Paotingfu Y.M.C.A., 1913-24; prof, math., Alma Coll., 1924—; taught Chinese, Univ. Mich., summers, 1938-40; registrar, Alma Coll., 1928-43; coordinator of Naval V-12 Program, 1943 — ; mem. bd. dirs., Mich. Intercollegiate Athletic Assn., 1926 — ; pres., Chinese Am. Ath- letic Union, 1919-21; mem. bd., Far Eastern Athletic Assn., Internat. Olym- pics Games Comm., 1919-21, Am. Math. Assn., Am. Assn. Collegiate Registrars, Poetry Soc. of Mich., Alma Musicale; Mich. Academy; Am. Council Inst, of Pacific Affairs. Clubs: Pine River Coun- try, Michigan. Author: Political Geog- raphy for Chinese Students, 1911; From Bamboo Glade and Lotus Pool, 1934. Travel: China, Jap., P.I. Interests: poetry, music. Recreation: golf. Con- glist. Independent. Office: Alma Coll., Alma, Mich. Home: 209 W. Downie St., Alma, Mich. CARTER, Thomas M., professor; b. Washington Co., Ky., 29 Feb. 1888; s. Ambrose B. Carter, farmer, and Susan M. (Burns) C; ed. Asbury Coll. Acad.; A.B., HI. Wesleyan, 1914; B.D., Garrett Sch. of Theol., 1917; M.A., Northwestern Univ., 1921; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1923; m. Frances H. Berry of Hector, Minn., 1922; children— Virginia, Geraldine, Sue. Head dept. of ed., psychol., Albion Coll., 1923-41; summer sch. prof., Mich. State Normal Coll., Cent. State Teachers, Western State Teachers, S.D. State Coll., Univ. Louisville, Northwestern Univ., Univ. Pa.; Univ. Neb.; 1st It. chaplain, 1 yr. during World War I, It. col., World War II; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Psychological Assn., Am. Assn. for Ap- plied Psychology, N.E.A., Phi Delta Kappa. Author: arts, in Journal of Edu- cational Psychology; Journal of Higher Education; School and Society; Inter- national Journal of Ethics; Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Social Psychology, Sch. Administration and Supervision, and others. Methodist. Of- fice: Albion Coll., Albion, Mich. Home: 410 Elizabeth St., Albion, Mich. BENSCOE, Edward Barton, lawyer; b. Dorchester, Wis., 3 Mar. 1883; s. Mathias Benscoe, miner; ed. Bessemer (Mich.) high sch.; Literary Sch., 1906- 07; LL.B., Univ. Mich. Law Sch., 1906; m. Golda M. Highley of Converse, Ind., 12 Aug. 1909. Began practice of law, Ironwood, Mich., 1906; estab. law prac- tice, Ann Arbor, 1907; elected Circuit Court Commr., Washtenaw County, Mich., 1909-13; candidate, pros, atty., 1912; estab. law practice, Stillwater, Okla., 1914-16, Detroit, Mich., 1916—; apptd. judge, Common Pleas Ct., De- troit, Mich., 1929-31; mem. K.P. (Myrtle Damon Lodge, No. 3). Club: Repub- lican (Detroit, v.p. 12 yrs.). Recrea- tions: fishing, motoring, Sunday Sch. teaching, lectures. Methodist. Repub- lican. Office: 1442 Free Press Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 5257 Linsdale Av., Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: Converse, Ind. BECCHERINI, Francis, catholic priest (retired); b. Florence, It., 1 Jan. 1864; s. Benedict Beccherini, lawyer, and Antoinette (Cerrarei) B.; ed. Sem.; Collegio delle Queree; Collegio Badia Fiesolere; Chevalier of It. Crown; Chevalier of San Manrigio e Lagzaro. Founder, It. Ch., Erie, Pa., Syracuse, N.Y., New Haven, Conn., Detroit, Mich.; pastor, San Francisco Ch., De- troit, Mich.; dean of all Italian priests in Am.; mem. K.C. Travel: Eur., U.S., Cuba, Cent. Am. Recreations: smoking, reading. Catholic. Democrat. Home: 1141 No. York Blvd., Dearborn, Mich. BEAKE, Harold C, attorney; b. South Haven, Mich., 31 Aug. 1895; s. George W. Beake and Catherine Anne (Cam- eron) B.; ed. South Haven (Mich.) high sch.; Kalamazoo Coll.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1917; LL.B., Georgetown Univ. 1923; m. Ida May Jenkins of Washing- ton, D.C., 28 Nov. 1931. Mem. law firm, Cook, Smith, Jacobs and Beake. Office: 4250 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. Home: 381 W. Maplehurst Av., Ferndale 20, Mich. KINNEY, Edward Everett, associate professor electric engineering; b. Butte, Mont., 22 Mar. 1893; s. Edward Porter Kinney, electrician, and Minnie S. (Graham) K.; ed. Lansing Cent, high sch.; B.S., Mich. State Coll., 1915; M.S., Cal. Tech., 1930; m. Ethel S. Arbaugh 00 of Lansing, Mich., 22 June 1916; chil- dren — Richard A., Eleanor R. Owner and mgr., Lansing Battery Shop, 1915- 19; teacher, elec. engring., Mich. State Coll., 1919-44, now supt. bldgs. and utili- ties; with Spooner & Merrill, Mich. Pub. Utilities, Commonwealth & Southern during summers; mem. A.I.E.E., S.P. E.E., A.A.U.P., Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi. Club: Lansing Engrs. (pres., dir.). Pres- byterian. Republican. Office: Michigan State Coll., East Lansing, Mich. Home: 233 Marshall Av., Lansing, Mich. Sum- mer res.: Duck Lake, Calhoun Co., Mich. KIRCHER. Carl Edward, pastor; D. Scranton, Pa., s. Charles E. Kircher, pastor, and Catherine Adaline (Shep- herd) K.; ed. Marysville (Mo.) high sch.; M.A., Princeton Univ.; Princeton Theol. Sem.; D.D. (hon.), Park Coll., 1939; m. Mary Elizabeth Foster of Ind. Pastor, First Presbyn. Ch., Redlands, Calif. Club: Redlands Kiwanis. Travel: U.S. Interest: traveling. Recreations: volley ball, hand ball. Presbyterian. Of- fice: Cason St., Redlands, Calif. Home: 4 San Gorconio Dr., Redlands, Calif. LESZYNSKI, Joseph Stanley, sur- geon; b. Harbor Beach, Mich., 14 June 1892; s. Jos. J. Leszynski, merchant, and Margaret (Carroll) L.; ed. Harbor Beach (Mich.) high sch.; B.S., Univ. Mich., 1915, M.D., 1917; Fellow (hon.) of Am. Coll. Surgeons; m. Teresa Hesse of Detroit, Mich., Aug. 1917; 1 dau., Mrs. Wm. Walker, Jr. City planning Commn., 1934-37; State Bd. of Registra- tion in Medicine, 1938; asst. surgeon, U.S.N., R.F., during World War I; mem. A.M. A., Mich. State and Wayne , Co., Med. Socs., Am. Coll. of Surgeons, De- troit Acad, of Surgery. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Bloomfield Open Hunt. Office: 518 Professional Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 1991 W. Boston Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Summer home: Batchowanna Bay, Ontario, Can. LeFEVRE, William Mathias, physi- cian; b. Muskegon, Mich., 5 Dec. 1896; s. George L. LeFevre, surgeon, and Alice (Ducey) L.; ed. Muskegon (Mich.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1919, M.D., 1923; 1 son, William. Chief, Dept. Med., Mercy Hosp., 1932-42; A.S., during World War, disch. as 2d It. Res.; cer- tified by Am. Bd. of Internal Med.; Fellow A.C.P.; pres., Muskegon Co. Med. Soc, 1945; mem. A.M.A., Am. Heart Assn. Clubs: Muskegon Country, Century, SKO of Muskegon. Author: monographs on med. Recreation: golf. Catholic. Republican. Office: 603 Hack- ley Bank Bldg., Muskegon, Mich. Home: Occidental Hotel, Muskegon, Mich. CATION, Donald, plant pathologist; b. Peoria, 111., 24 Nov. 1896; s. John Cation, salesman, and Janet Rae (Waugh) C; ed. M.T.H.S., Peoria, 111.; la. State Coll., B.S., 1925, M.S., 1929; m. Lura Leonard of Fairbank, la., 2 June 1930; children — Lura, Janet. Farming, 1914- 15, 1925-26; electrician, 1919-20; la. State Coll., 1921-25, 1927-28; teacher botany, Colo. Agr. Coll., 1929-30; research asst. Mich. State Coll., 1931-42; res. assoc, 1942—; E 2 C (R) U.S.N.R.F., 2 yrs., during World War I; mem. Am. Phy to- pathological Soc, Sigma Xi, Sigma Chi (Gamma Psi, 1942), Alpha Zeta, Phi Mu Alpha, Gamma Sigma Delta, Mich. State Hort. Soc. Author: miscellaneous arts, and bulls, on fruit diseases. Travel: U.S., Eng., Scot. Interests: music, photog., hunting, springer span- iels, pomology, peach and cherry virus diseases. Recreations: hunting, fishing, camping, travelling. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Office: Botany Dept., Mich. State Coll., East Lansing, Mich. Home: 214 Orchard St., East Lansing, Mich. BLINN, Thomas W., assistant engi- neer; b. Syracuse, N.Y., 3 Dec/ 1887; s. Edward Carol Blinn, mech. engr., and Addie Hyde (Field) B.; ed. Syracuse high sch.; C.E., Cornell Univ., 1912; m. Grace Clay (dec.) of Cobden, 111., 18 June 1918; 1 son, Thomas Clay; m. (2d) Ada B. Collins of Detroit, Mich., Jan. 1944; 1 stepson — Benjamin George Col- lins. Pub. Works Engr., Univ. Detroit 1922; asst. engr., Detroit Toledo and Ironton R.R. Co., Dearborn; capt., engrs., 1st Officers Reserve Camp, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., during World War I; mem. Engring. Soc. of Detroit, State Hist. Soc. of Mich., Detroit Hist. Soc, var. Stamp Socs. Club: Algonquin. Office: Detroit Toledo and Ironton R.R. Co., Dearborn. Home: 13288 Lauder Av., Detroit 27, Mich. DEFFENBAUGH, Walter Irvin, law- yer; b. Kansas City, Kan., 6 May 1888; s. Adam Watson Deffenbaugh, farmer, and Frances May (Howard) D. ; ed. Adrian (Mo.) high sch.; Warrenburg (Mo.) State Normal Sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1911; LL.B., Harvard Law Sch., 1915; m. Greta Schellhorn of Davenport, la., 1 July 1918; children — Dorothea, Margaret E. Practicing atty., 1915—; enlisted in Ensign Sch. at Municipal Pier, Chicago, May 1918, disch. from service Nov. 1918; mem. Chicago, HI. State and Am. Bar Assns., Law Inst, of Chicago, 111. Soc, S.A.R. Club: Union 91 League of Chicago. Interest: Am. his- tory. Protestant. Republican. Office: 120 So. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2464 N. Deere Park Dr., Highland Park, 111. TISSUE, Kathryn Anne, assistant pro- fessor, home economics, Univ. Kan.; b. Hazelton, W.Va., 30 July 1893; d. Calvin Tissue, and Julia (Frye) T.; ed. Terra Alta high sch., Terra Alta, W.Va., Shep- ardson Prep. Coll. for Women, Gran- ville, O.; A.B., Marshall Coll., Hunting- ton, W.Va., 1923; M.S., Univ., Chicago, 1926; Univ. Minn., 1926-27. Teacher, high sch., 1922-23; prin., ibid, 1916-20; teacher, home economics, State Teach- ers Coll., West Liberty, W.Va., Okla. Baptist Univ., Miss. State Coll., Kent Teachers Coll., Univ., Kansas, 1930-32; nutrition and dietetics; pres. Kansas Dietetic Assn., 1937-39; ed. Kan. Home Econs. Assn. Newsletter, 1936-38; mem. A.A.U.P., A.A.A.S., A.C.S., Am. Home Econs. Assn., Am. Dietetic Assn., A.A.U.W.; Iota Sigma Pi, Pi Gamma Mu. Author: Proteolytic Enzymes of Malt Preps, with C. H. Bailey, Cereal Chem. 8, 217, 1930, Diet and Resistance to Tuberculosis, Jour. Am. Dietetic Assn. 16, 313, 1940. Travel: Mex., Can., Eur. Interests: biol. sciences, music, travel. Recreation: music, motoring in the country. Baptist. Office: Univ. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan. Home: Lawrence, Kan. WILHELMI, Paula, teacher; b. St. Louis, Mo., 4 Apr. 1888; d. Otto J. Wil- helmi, archit, and Emilie (Stifel) W.; ed. Central high sch.; Harris Teachers Coll.; A.B., Washington Univ.; grad. work, Washington Univ., Chicago Univ., Ann Arbor; studied abroad, 1906-07; Brit. Isles, 1926, Fr., Switz., 1939; m. Frank Wilson Moody, 1944. Teacher; poet, publ. 1929, 30, 37, 38, 40; peace worker; mem. of W.I.L., A.A.U.W., League of Women Voters, United Na- tions Assoc, Women's Symphony Com., Mo. State Teachers Assn., Washington Univ. Alumni, Progressive Ed. Assn., N.E.A., Modern Lang. Assn. Am. Club: College. Travel: Eur., Alas., Cuba, Can., Nat. Parks. Granddau., Capt. Christopher Stifel, Civil War, great niece, Col. Charles Stifel, Civil War. Interests: writing poetry, studying nature, working on peace movements. Recreations: swimming, skating, moun- tain climbing. Ethical Culture. Inde- pendent. Home: 7506 Milan Av., Univer- sity City 14, Mo. McNEILL, Edwin Ruthven, ex-chief Justice of Supreme Ct. of Okla., attor- ney; b. Onawa, la., 5 Jan. 1880; s. Ed- win Ruthven McNeill, farmer, and Louisa Irene (Younkin) McN.; ed. Onawa high sch.; A.B., Univ. Minn., 1905; LL.B., Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law, 1910; m. Louise Campbell Clark of St. Paul, Minn., 3 Sept. 1913. Practiced law, Chicago, 1910-14, Okla., 1914-23; dist. judge, Tulsa and Pawnee Counties, Okla., 1923-31; justice, Supreme Ct., 1931-37, chief justice, 1935-37, as chief justice surpassed previous records of Supreme Ct. of Okla. and any highest ct. in U.S. for disposition of cases on docket; chmn. local bd., Pawnee Co. Okla., during World War I, now chmn. local bd. under Selective Service Sys- tem; mem. Okla. State and Am. Bar Assns. Recreations: reading, gardening. Christian. Democrat. Office and home: Pawnee, Okla. ISHAM, Robert Melyne, chemist; b. Madras, India, 22 Jan. 1889; s. Geo. W. Isham, Methodist minister, and Mary (Johnson) I.; ed. Lincoln (Neb.) high sch.; Neb. Wesleyan Prep. Dept.; B.A., Neb. Wesleyan Univ., 1909; M.A., Univ. Neb., 1910; Univ. Toronto, 1910-11; Ph.D., Columbia Univ., 1913; m. Hettie M. Murchison of Greeley, Colo., 4 Apr. 1917. Instr. in chem., Columbia Univ., 1912-14, Colo. Agr. Coll., 1915; dir. of research, Pittsburgh Testing Lab., 1916- 17; chief research chem., Air Reduction Co., 1917; chief research chem., Empire Gas and Fuel Co. and assoc. cos., 1917- 20; cons, chem., 1920 — ; owner and dir. of Okmulgee Chem. and Clin. Lab.; mem. Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Xi, Am. Chem. Soc. Holder of numerous patents. Episcopalian. Office: 214 Commerce Bldg., Okmulgee, Okla. Home: 1904 E. 9th St., Okmulgee, Okla. DUNKEL, Otto, associate professor of mathematics; b. Richmond, Va., 25 May 1869; s. F. W. Dunkel, pattern maker, and Elizabeth (Schick) D. ; ed. Rich- mond high sch.; M.E., Univ. Va., 1896, B.A., M.A., 1898; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1899, Ph.D., 1902; Goettingen, 1904-05; Paris, 1905-06; Pisa, It., 1909-10; un- married. Bookkeeper before entering Univ. Va., Portsmouth and Franklin, Va.; asst., Leander McCormick Ob- servatory, 1896-97; instr., Wesleyan Univ., Conn., 1902-04; instr., Univ. Minn., 1906-07, Univ. Mo., 1907-09, 1910- 16; asst. prof., assoc. prof., Washington Univ., 1916-39; assoc. ed., The Am. Mathematical Monthly, 1918—; retired on Carnegie pension, 1939; mem. A. A. A.S., Am. Math. Soc, Math. Assn. of 92 Am., Pi Mu Epsilon. Author: translation from French of vol. 2 of Goursat's Mathematical Analysis, various math, arts, in Washington Univ. Studies Bull., Am. Math. Soc, Annals of Math., Am. Math. Monthly. Travel: abroad, 1904-06, 1909-10. Interest: mathematics. Recrea- tion: reading. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 5747 Waterman Av., St. Louis, Mo. Summer home: Va. MULALLY, James H., general attor- ney; b. Danvers, Mass., 6 June 1883; s. James J. Mulally, gardener, and Mary T. (Maroney) M.; ed. Danvers high sen.; A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1905; LL.B., Univ. Minn., 1908; m. Helen Batson of St. Paul, Minn., 29 Oct. 1910; children- Judith B., Charles B., Edward D., Joan I., Judd S. Instr., Coll. of St. Thomas, 1905-08; in gen. law pract., 1908-20; with Law Dept., Gt. Northern Ry., 1920—; gen. atty.; mem. faculty, St. Paul Coll. of Law; mem. Delta Chi, Kappa Sigma. Club: St. Paul Athletic. Travel: Eur. Interests: hort., gardening. Recrea- tions: walking, golf. Catholic. Repub- lican. Office: 1120 St. Northern Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 1364 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn. Summer home: Straw- berry Hill, Bald Eagle Lake, Minn. FREUND, Arthur J., lawyer; b. St. Louis, Mo., 17 Apr. 1891; s. Fred S. Freund and Fannie (Wurzel) F.; ed. pub. sens., St. Louis; A.B., Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1914, LL.B., 1916; m. Margaret Drey of St. Louis, 1925; chil- dren — Emily Frances, Edith Drey. Practice of law, St. Louis, 1916—; recipi- ent of St. Louis Award, 1937, for extraor- dinary pub. service; hon. col. on staff of Gov. Sam A. Baker of Mo.; p. v.p., St. Louis Bar Assn.; p. pres., Y.M.H.A., Y.W.H.A., St. Louis, 1935—; chmn. criminal law com., Bar Assn. of St. Louis; mem. Council Criminal Law, Am. Bar Assn.; p. mem. bd. of Police Commrs., St. Louis B. of Election Commrs., mem. bd. of dirs., Washington Unit Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., St. Louis USO Council, Fed. of Jewish Charities, St. Louis, exec. com. Nat. Jewish Welfare Bd., N.Y. Clubs: Mo. Athletic, West- wood Country. Author: original Fed. Kidnapping Act, Missouri Highwy Pa- trol Act; proposed Fed. Election Act, many Fed. and Mo. acts. Jewish. Re- publican. Office: 506 Olive St., St. Louis 1, Mo. Home: 6235 Washington Blvd., St. Louis 5, Mo. EISENMAN, William Hunt, secretary; b. Jamestown, 7 July 1886; s. Maurice Eisenman, banker, and Margaret Hunt (Dempsey) E.; ed. Ph.B., Kenyon Coll., Bambier, 1903; Leland Stanford Univ., 1903-06; A.M., Morningside Coll., Sioux City, la., 1907; Ohio State Univ., 1910-11; m. Mildred Randle of Danville, 111., 18 Aug. 1917; 1 son, William Hunt, Jr. Prin., high sen., Olathe, Kan., 1907-10; head chem. dept., Racine Coll., 1911-14; supt. pub. sens., Elmhurst, 111., 1914-17; nat. sec, Am. Soc. Steel Treating (now Am. Soc. Metals), 1917—; p. sec, Metal Treating Inst.; p. pres., Assn. and Ex- position Management, Inc.; mng. dir., Exposition Am. Inventions, Nat. Metal Congress, Nat. Metal Expn., St. Louis on Parade, Philadelphia on Parade, Kansas City (Mo.) Jubilesta; p. dir., Am. Ceramic Expn., Am. Soc. Inven- tors, Soc. Collectors; mem. adv. com., Chicago World's Fair, 1933; capt., 111. N.G., 1916-18; mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs., Am. Soc. Testing Materials, Am. Foundrymen's Assn., Nat. Assn. Exhibit Mgrs. (pres.), Cleveland En- gring. Soc, Nat. Res. Council (engr. mem., sec. metals group), Masons. Clubs: University, Rotary, Cleveland, Chemists (N.Y.). Author: Chemistry for Girls, 1910. Interest: raising Hereford cattle. Episcopalian. Republican. Office. 7301 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. Home: 3158 Falmouth Rd., Shaker Hts., O. Summer res.: Sunnimoor Farm, Nov- elty, O. BREWSTER, Ray Quincy. professor of chemistry; b. near Guthrie, Okla., 27 Nov. 1892; s. Nathan A. Brewster, real- tor, and Agnes A. (Jones) B. ; ed. Sedan (Kan.) high sen.; A.B., Ottawa Univ., 1914; A.M., Univ. Kan., 1915; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1919; m. Fay Stewart of Ottawa, Kan., 29 Jan. 1919; children- Doris Jean, Nita Agnes, Ina May. Asst. prof., Univ. Kan., 1919-23, assoc prof., 1923-28, prof., 1928—, chmn. of chem. dept., 1940 — ; (civilian) chemist in pub. health service, 1 yr. during World War; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, A.A.A.S., Kan. Acad, of Sci. Author: numerous arts, in chem. jours. Baptist. Republican. Of- fice: Univ. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan. Home: 1720 Miss. St., Lawrence, Kan. Home: 1720 Mississippi St., Lawrence, Kan. ARONSON, David, rabbi; b. Witebsk, Russia, 1 Aug. 1894; s. Salamn Jekutiel Aronson, mcht., and Etta (Kudritzin) A.; ed. De Witt Clinton high sen., N.Y.C.; B.A., N.Y. Univ., 1916; M.A., Columbia, 1917; Rabbi, Jewish Theol. Sem. of Am., 1919; m. Bertha Friedman of Minneapolis, Minn., 1 May 1927; chil- dren—Raphael, Hillel. Rabbi, Salt Lakr 93 City, Utah, 1920-21, Duluth, Minn., 1922- 23, Beth El Synagogue, Minneapolis, 1924 — ; mem. commn. on Jewish Law, Rabbinical Assembly of Am.; Camp Rabbi, with J.W.B., Camp Upton, L.I., May 1918- June 1919; mem. Rabbinical Assembly, Zionist Org. of Am., B'nai B'rith, Governor's Interracial Commn., Nat. Conf. of Christians and Jews, United Synagogue, Univ. Minn. Reli- gious Workers Council, Community Fund, Speakers Bur., Minn. Hillel Coun- cil, Minn. Anti-Def. Council, Talmud Torah, Jewish Family Welfare, Chil- dren's Home, Art Inst., del., Am. Jew. Conf. Club: Gymmal Doled. Author: Woman's Position in Israel, The Jewish Forum, Aug. and Oct., 1922; The Jewish Way of Life; arts, in Rabbinical Assem- bly Proceedings. Assoc, ed. : Am. Jew- ish World Minneapolis. Travel: Eng., Fr., Holland, It., Aus., Ger., Poland, Rus., Swed., Finland, Algiers, Egy., Palestine, Port. Interests: fishing, chess, reading biog., and travel books. Jewish. Conservation. Office: 1349 Penn. Av., No. Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 1217 Thomas Av., No. Minneapolis, Minn. ROBINSON, George Wilse, physician, neuro-psychiatrist ; b. St. Clair, 1 Aug. 1871; s. George W. Robinson, stockman, and Cornelia (Beckwith) R. ; ed., Apple- ton City Acad.; Mo. State Univ.; M.D., Beamont Med. Coll., St. Louis, Mo., 1896; m. Olive Bradley of Bates Co., 1898; children — Comdr. George Wilse, Jr., M.C. U.S.N.R., Capt. Paul Eward, M.A., M.R.C. Practiced medicine, Bates Co., and Joplin Mo., 1897-1903; prof, physiology, Univ. Med. Coll., 1904-13, supt., State Hosp., Nevada, Mo., 1907- 09; supt., Kansas Gen. Hosp., 1909-10; conducted pvt. hosp. for treatment of nervous and mental diseases, Kansas City, 1910 — ; med. dir., Neurological Hosp. and Robinson Clinic; served as maj., It. col., Med. Officers Res. Corps; with Base Hosp. No. 28, Limoges, Fr. ; mem. Kansas City Acad, of Med. (pres., 1921), Jackson Co. Med. Soc, (pres., 1918), Mo. State Med. Assn., (pres., 1923 — ), Am. Psychiatric Assn., A.M. A., Miss. Valley Med. Soc. Clubs: Rotary, Chamber Commerce. Author: many papers on subj. of nervous and mental in Eng., Fr., Ger., Switz. Interests: bowling, golf. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Presbyterian. Democrat. Ad- dress: 2625 Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. REED, Homer Blosser, college pro- fessor; b. Youngstown, O., 16 Aug. 1886; 3. Elias W. Reed, farmer, and Mary D. (Blosser) R. ; ed. North Lima high sch. ; Goshen Coll. Acad.; Goshen Coll.; A.B., A.M., Ind. Univ., 1909; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1912; Columbia Univ., 1913-14; m. Anna Dale Cole of Huntington, Ind., 1 Jan. 1912; m. (2d) Elma Carey of Council Bluffs, la., 5 Nov. 1922; children —Mary Elizabeth, Kathryn Jean, Esther Margaret, Anne Cole, James Carey, Homer, Jr. Instr. of psychology, Univ. 111., 1913-14; asst. prof., Univ. Ida., 1915- 21; Univ. Pittsburgh, 1924-28; assoc. prof. Colo. Coll. Edn., 1921-24; prof. Western State Coll., Colo., 1928-29; Ft. Hays Kan. State Coll., 1929—; mem. Am. Psychological Assn.; Am. Ednl. Research Assn.; Kan. Acad. Sci. Au- thor: Psychology of Elementary School Subjects; Psychology and Teaching of Secondary School Subjects. Interest: psychology of learning. Presbyterian. Office: Ft. Hays Kan. State Coll., Hays, Kan. Home: 315 W. 6th St., Hays, Kan. HARDIN, Hord, banker; b. Bards- town, Ky., 10 Apr. 1888; s. David C. Hardin and Hannah (Hord) H.; ed. pub. sens.; Sch. of Commerce and Fin.; St. Louis Univ.; m. Edith Wilson of St. Louis, Mo., 18 June 1910; children — Hord Wilson, William Graham. Dir., Scullin Steel Co., Laclede Gas Light Co., Can. Dry Bottling Co., Emerson Elec. Mfg. Co., Miss. Valley Trust Co. Clubs: Mo. Athletic, Bellerive Country, Noon- day. Author: Banking Law of Missouri, Annotated. Recreations: golf, fishing. Presbyterian. Office: Miss. Valley Trust Co., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 4931 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. WERTHEIM, Edgar, professor; b. La Salle, 111., 22 Feb. 1886; s. Henry Wer- theim and Emma (Eliel) W.; ed. Northwestern Univ., 1918; M.S., Univ. Kan., 1919; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1921; m. Katherine Hale of Chicago, 111., 25 Aug. 1924; children— Barbara, Marian. In bus., 1902-12; school, 1912-21; teach- ing, 1921—; mem. Prof. Chem. and Sci. Socs. Author: textbooks, res. papers on organic chem. Interests: mus., lit. Bap- tist. Democrat. Office: Univ. of Ark., Fayetteville, Ark. Home: 103 N. Duncan St., Fayetteville, Ark. ATWATER, Harry Arthur, mechanical engineer; b. Chicago, 111., 3 Sept. 1889; s. Arthur J. Atwater, wholesale coal dealer, and May Helen (Purdy) A.; ed. Morgan Park Mil. Acad., and Lewis Inst., Chicago; M.E., Cornell, 1912; m. Laura Marie Gurr of Chicago, 111., 9 May 1917; children— Jane Patricia, Wil- liam Gurr. Mech. engr., Ashley & Kauf- man (cons, engrs.), Chicago and N.Y., 1912-14, Union Stock Yards & Transit 94 Co., Chicago, 1914-17; fuel engr., Cent. Coal & Coke Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1917-18; asst. supt. of prodn., K.C. Power & Light Co., Kansas City, 1918-19; chief engr., Lientz Oil Furnace Co., 1919-22, Combustion Equipment Co., 1922 — ; partner, Combustion Equipment Co., Kansas City; mem. Am. Soc. M.E., Am. War Dads, Am. Gas Assn., Am. Soc. Htg. and Vent. Eng., Nat. Geog. Soc, Masonic Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite, Shrine. Clubs: Rotary, Engineers (Kan- sas City). Author: arts, on combustion pub. in several journals in var. cities; papers presented before Okla. Utilities Assn., Kan. Engring. Soc, and Cana- dian Gas Assn.; patentee of various patents covering oil and gas burners, locomotive oil firing, air heaters, re- finery still firing, and flue gas recircula- tion systems. Direct desc. of David At- water who came to U.S. from Eng., in 1637. Interest: music. Recreations: ten- nis, table tennis. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: 1820 Cherry St., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 641 VV. 67th St., Kansas City, Mo. RONKEN, Oscar Christian, lawyer; b. Fillmore Co., Minn., 31 May 1879; s. Nils O. Ronken, farmer, and Marthe Oline (Embretsaether) R.; ed. Red Wing Sem., Red Wing, Minn.; LL.B., Univ. Minn. Coll. Law, 1907; m. Lela M. Larson of Northfield, Minn., 1 Nov. 1917; children— Elsie Marie, Harriet Oline. Gen. pract. law, 1907 — ; mem. bd. tr. St. Olaf Coll., Northfield, Minn.; co. atty. Olmsted Co., Minn., 1919-23; U.S. Commr., 1931-35; chmn. local Four Minute Men; mem. Minn. State Bar Assn. (bd. govs., 1935-43), Minn. Hist. Soc. Author: Ante-Nuptial Contracts: Their Origin and Nature, Yale Law Review, 1914; Presumpions upon Sales of Land in Probate Court, Minn. Law Review, 1924. Interests: history and lit. of Upper Miss. Valley. Lutheran. Re- publican. Office: 2-3 Ramsey Block, Rochester, Minn. Home: 511 Fifteenth Av., S.W., Rochester, Minn. WILLIUS, Fredrick Arthur, physician, cardiologist; b. St. Paul, Minn., 24 Nov. 1888; s. Gustav Willius, Sr., banker, and Emma (Klausmeyer) W.; ed. St. Paul Central high sen.; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1912, M.D., 1914, M.S. (in Med.), 1920; m. Stella Mae Popple of Stewartville, 26 Sept. 1917; children— Jane Eleanor (Mrs. R. M. Landry), Mary Elizabeth, Dorothy Corinne. Asst. in med. and electrocardio., Mayo Clinic, 1915-22, chief of sect, of cardiol., 1922—; assoc. prof, of med.; mem. A.M.A., Am. Heart Assn., A.C.P., Minn. State Med. Assn., So. Minn. Med. Assn., Minn. Heart Soc, Central Soc. Clin. Research, Olmsted Co. Med. Soc, Med. Lib. Assn., Phi Rho Sigma, Sigma Xi. Club: Cent. Inter- urban Clin. Author: 300 arts.; clin. elec- trocardiography, clin. electrocardio- grams, cardiac classics, cardiac clinics. Father, Minn, pioneer of St. Paul, 1852. Interests: writing, sketching. Recrea- tion: gardening. Conglist. Republican. Office: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Home: 815 8th St., S.W., Rochester, Minn. ARNOLD, Walter Raleigh, lawyer; b. Calif., 22 Sept. 1890; s. Rudolph Arnold, restaureteur, and Anna (Wilk) A.; ed. LL.B., Hamilton Coll. of Law, 1915; m. Clara Hartsuiker of Mich., 16 June 1916; children— Capt. Harmon W., U.S.A., Lt. Gertrude Anne, U.S.N. Sailor on sailing ship, later U.S. Navy, 7 yrs.; law stu- dent, elk. and lawyer, Municipal Corp. counsel; former Senator, State of Ind. ; spl. asst. atty. gen., Ind., 1941; dir., Oliver Hotel, Inc., South Bend, Ind.; mem. St. Joseph County Bar Assn. (p. pres.), Ind. State Bar Assn., A.A.P.S.S. Author: various arts, in law jours. In- terest: politics. Recreation: travel. Non- Sectarian. Democrat. Office: Nat. Bank Bldg., South Bend, Ind. Home: Rose- land, South Bend, Ind. HUNTER, Charles Frederick, district manager; b. Broadalbin, N.Y., 17 Mar. 1881; s. David Moore Hunter, Presbyn. clergyman, and Susan Romeyn (Hunter) H.; ed. Hudson (N.Y.) high sen.; Wil- liams Coll., 1901; Mass. Inst. Tech., 1904; m. Clara Amanda Dana of Platts- burg, N.Y., 24 Mar. 1902; children- Mrs. J. A. Gellrich, Mrs. W. J. Fried- land, Charles F., Jr., Susan R. Engaged in gen. mech. and elec engring.; major, Ordnance Dept., U.S.A., 1917-19, in Of- ficers Reserve Corps, U.S.A., 1920-40, lt. col., 1940; mem. A.S.M.E., Army Ord- nance Assn., Am. Legion, 40 & 8, Scot- tish Rite, Masons, Elks, Eagles. Club: Rotary, Elkhart City. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: 300 S. Main St., Elk- hart, Ind. Home: 510 Vistula St., Elk- hart, Ind. FORD, Shirley Samuel, banker; b. Sunriver, Mont., 9 Mar. 1887; s. Robert Simpson Ford, banker, and Sue B. (McClanahan) F.; ed. St. Paul's Sen., Concord, N.H.; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1909; m. Elizabeth F. Wallace of Helena, Mont., 25 Aug. 1915; 1 dau., Shirley Gertrude (Mrs. Robert Faegre). Bookkeeper, Gt. Falls Nat. Bank, Mont., 1909, v.p., 1913; v.p. U.S. Nat. Bank, 95 1930, Ndrthwest Bancorporation, 1934; pres. Northwestern Nat. Bank and Tr. Co., 1939 — ; tr. Equitable Life Ins. Co. of la., Minneapolis Foundation; dir. Fed. Res. Bank of Minneapolis, General Mills, Inc., Minn. & Ontario Paper Co. Clubs: Minneapolis, Woodhill, Mini- kahda. Episcopalian. Office: Northwest- ern Nat. Bank and Tr. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: Wayzata, Minn. GOODKIND, Maurice Lewis, Jr., ad- vertising agent; b. Chicago, 111., 17 Mar. 1905; s. Maurice L. Goodkind, physi- cian, and Rose (Snydacker) G.; ed. grad. (cum laude), Phillips Exeter Acad., 1922; B.A. (cum laude), Wil- liams Coll., 1926; m. Ruth Agee of Law- rence Kan., 26 Dec. 1932; children- Anne Agee, John Kenneth. Merchandis- ing research and work as reporter in editorial dept., Chicago Herald & Examiner, 1926-28; dir. publicity, mgr. radio service, Lord & Thomas, Chicago, 1928-37; v.p., Burnet-Kuhn Advt. Co., 1937-38; pres. Goodkind & Morgan, 1938- 40; partner, Goodkind, Joice & Morgan, 1940—; mem. Masons, Delta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Wing Feather (hunting), Middle Forks (tennis). Au- thor: trade paper arts, on radio and publicity. Recreations: hunting, fishing, squash racquets. Office: 919 N. Michi- gan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 12 Country Lane, Northfield, 111. GODFREY, Joseph Charles, Jr., ad- vertising manager; b. Chicago, 111., 26 Nov. 1900; s. Joseph Charles Godfrey, merchandise mgr. and buyer, and Clara (Schuler) G.; ed. Oak Park and River Forest Twp. high sch., 1919; A.B., Univ. 111., 1923; m. Sally A. Kavanaugh of Chicago, HI.; children— Billy, Joseph, III. Newspaper corr., 1919-23; sports ed., The Daily Illini, 1923; outdoor ed., Chi- cago Daily Jour., 1924-29; outdoor ed., Chicago Daily Times, 1934-41, The Chi- cago Sun, 1942-44; ed., pub., Sports Afield Mag., 1926-29; advt. sales promo- tion mgr., Coll. Humor Mag., 1929-30, Crowell, Crane, Williams Advt. Agency, 1930-31; western advt. rep., Holiday Mag., The Sportsman, 1931-32; western mgr., The Fawcett Pubis., 1932-37; west- ern advt. mgr., Scholastic Mag., Scho- lastic Coach Mag., The Elks Mag., 1937- 40; mem. adv. staff, Collier's Weekly, 1940 — ; mem. Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Delta Chi, Skull & Crescent, B.P.O.E., Izaak Walton League, Western Advt. Golf Assn., Cleveland Advt. Golf Assn. Clubs: The Sportsman's of Am., Adven- turers' (Chicago), 111., Lincoln Park Traps, Lincoln Park Casting, Pacific Sailfish, Agate, Cleveland Advt. Author: The Book of Fresh Water Fishes; The Book of Salt Water Fishes; Fish of the World Stamp Album; Big Game Fish Map (7 colors) ; Map of 114 Dogs (7 colors); Game Birds Map of North America (7 colors) ; Fresh Water Game Fish Map (7 colors) ; American Fishing Map of 1941. Interest: photog. Recrea- tions: fishing, hunting, golf. Office: 333 No. Michigan Av., Chicago 111. Home: 2305 Commonwealth Av., Chicago, 111. HEPLER, Ruth M., librarian; b. Wel- lington, Kan., 22 Jan. 1908; d. Jessie Claude McMath and Mabel (Loring) M.; ed. Wellington Jr. and Sr. high sch.; Kan. State Teachers Coll.; m. Thomas Eugene Merryman (d.) of Wellington, 26 July 1925; children— Thomas Eugene, Jr., Raleigh Jack; m. George E. Hep- ler, 11 May 1941. Librarian, Wellington Jr. and Sr. high sch., 1932-40; lib. Wel- lington Pub. Library, 1940 — ; sec, Kan. Library Assn., 1944. Father's family, Highland Clan Matheson of Scotland, dating back to 1099. Interest: library work. Christian. Republican. Home: 323 E. 9th, Wellington, Kan. RUSSELL, Lillis L. (Ann Russell), writer; b. S. York Co., Neb., 5 Dec. 1885; d. Hammond Ellis, pomologist, farmer, Neb. pioneer, and Rachel Ann (Evans) E.; ed. Neb. schs.; m. Frank Russell of York, Neb., 20 Sept. 1905; children— Lester Edward, Rachel Eve- lyn. Began writing for publication in 1929; writer of articles, poems and stories; first poem, The Wind, pub. by the Home Mag., Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 1929, and awarded 2d prize in poetry contest; poems pub. in mags, and anthologies; now assembled in book form for publication; Lamp to Our Feet, Biblical pageant, won first state and second nat. prizes, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1938; mem., dir. Nat. Poetry Day (World's Fair, 1940, mem. exec, com.), mem. Rel. Ed. Com.; dir. Church Bd., Daughters of Union Vets., Neb., Writers Guild, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, Neb. rep. Writers' War Bd.; hon. mem. Internat. Mark Twain Soc, Eu- gene Field Soc. Clubs: Women's (p. pres., p. parliamentarian), Methodist Women's Soc. (p. pres.). Author: Whit- tier's Original Barefoot Boy, 1934; A Pioneer Mother (Neb. History Mag.), 1939; arts., poems and stories in Coun- try Life Mag., Gateway Mag., West- minster Mag., Colliers, Detroit News; poem, Song of the Builders (Int. rec, 1940); historical novel (in prep.). Travel: U.S. Desc. John Evans of Balti- more, Md., in whose home was held 96 first meeting in Am. to estab. Method- ism under Robt. Strawbridge, emissary of John Wesley, 1764. Interests: com- munity activities, trees. Recreations: spectator sports. Methodist. Non-parti- san. Home: York, Neb. CHASE, Guy, lawyer; b. Winnebago Co., Wis., 11 Dec. 1879; s. James T. Chase, farmer, and Ella (Gunning) C; ed. Oshkosh (Wis.) high sch.; St. Paul Coll. of Law, 1905-07; m. Helen Bayard of St. Paul, Minn., 25 June 1912; chil- dren—Guy Bayard, Lorraine. Atty., with John A. Pearson, 1909-11, Davis, Kellogg and Severance (under varying names), 1911—, now with Morgan, Chase, Head- ley & Hoshour; bus. and personal con- fidant of Frank B. Kellogg, 1911 until his death; govt, appeal agt., 1917-18; mem. Masons, Red Cross of Constan- tine. Clubs: Town and Country, St. Paul Athletic. Recreations: golf, sailing, skat- ing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: E 1512 First Nat. Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 1750 Goodrich Av., St. Paul, Minn. Summer home: Balsam Lake, Wis. CHUBB, Percival, retired Ethical Cul- ture Leader; b. Devonport, Eng., 17 June 1860; s. James Purnell Chubb, draper, and Adelaide (Bell) C; ed. Sta- tioners' Sch., London, Eng.; m. Louise Walston of Decatur, 111., 22 Sept., 1891; m. (2d) Anna Hartshorne Sheldon of St. Louis, Mo., 25 July 1910; children— Bronwen, Robert Walston, Mavis. Clk., Australian merchants' office, London; Eng. Civ. Serv., Local Govt. Bd., White- hall, 10 yrs.; came to U.S.; lecturer, writer, teacher, Brooklyn Manual Train- ing High Sch., Ethical Culture Sch., N.Y., N.Y. Univ.; assoc. leader, N.Y. Soc. for Ethical Culture; leader, St. Louis Ethical Soc, 1911-32; retired as emeritus; lecturer and writer; apptd. as regional speaker by Washington Bur. during World War I; mem. Drama League of Am. (p. pres.), Am. Ethical Union (p. pres.), N.E.A., Teachers of Eng. Assn., Musicians' Guild, Artists' Guild, Social Planning Coun. Clubs: University, St. Louis. Author: Selected Essays of Emerson and of Montaigne; Sunday School Texts of Great Writers; The Teaching of English; Festivals & Plays; On the Religious Frontier. Travel: Eng., Ger., Fr., It., Greece. Recreations: theatre, concerts, walking, rowing. Ethical. Independent. Office: Sheldon Memorial, 3648 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 108 S. Rock Hill Rd., Webster Groves, Mo. Summer res.: Center Lovell, Me. FLEMING, Thomas James, realtor; b. Chicago, 111., 8 June 1899; s. Cornelius Fleming and Catherine (Murphy) F.; attended Chicago pub. schs., Northwest- ern Univ.; m. Theodora Lynch of Chi- cago, 111.; children— Thomas J., Jr., Wil- liam C. Mng. partner, Ross, Browne & Fleming, Real Estate; with present firm 1919 — , partner 1927 — ; sec, treas., dir. 919 Corporation; treas. 900 Michigan Av. No. Corp.; mem., Chicago Real Estate Bd. (pres., 1941-42; 2d v.p., chmn. Renting and Management Div., 1931, 1934; 1st v.p., 1935, 1940; dir., 1936, 1937, 1938), 111. Assn. Real Estate Bds., Nat. Assn. Real Estate Bds. Clubs: Chi- cago Athletic, Lake Shore (Chicago), Economic (Chicago). Office: 919 No. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 70 Cedar St., Chicago, 111. GORDON, Claud S., executive; b. Russiaville, Ind., 4 Nov. 1886; s. Charles H. Gordon, farmer, and Alfa Retta (Kil- gore) G.; ed. Russiaville High Sch.; E.E., Purdue Univ., 1909; m. Laura I. Kell of Battle Creek, Mich.; 1 dau., Irene C. Pres., treas., Claud S. Gordon Co., Chicago, Pyrometer Service & Sup- ply Corp., Cleveland, O.; served as $1 a yr. man in Bur. of Standards during World War I; mem. Am. Soc. Metals. Clubs: Republican, Ridgemore Golf, Park Ridge University, Rotary (Chi- cago). Recreation: golf. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: 3000 So. Wallace St., Chicago, 111. Home: 600 So. Chester, Park Ridge, HI. HASKINS, Raymond Glessner, ma- chinery manufacturer; b. Chicago, 111., 13 Apr. 1889; s. Robert C. Haskins and Mary H. (Puffer) H.; ed. Culver Mil. Acad.; Univ. Mich.; m. Gladys Gundu- son of Oak Park, 111., 10 Jan. 1914; chil- dren—George R., Ruth Haskins Jacobs. V.p., Bd. Oak Park Library; mem. Chi Psi, Chicago Assn. Commerce. Clubs: Oak Park Country, Machinery. Recrea- tions: golf, hunting. Baptist. Repub- lican. Office: 615 So. California Av., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 521 So. Elmwood Av., Oak Park, 111. HAND, George Washington, railway executive; b. Allen Co., Ind., 11 Dec 1882; s. William Erixon Hand, farmer, and Arminda May (Essex) H. ; ed. Ft. Wayne (Ind.) high sch.; Purdue Univ.; LL.B., John Marshall Law Sch., 1916; m. Ella May Tessen of Chicago, 111., 29 Aug. 1905; children — Marjorie Alice (Mrs. C. L. Peterson), Luella May (Mrs. Joseph Behm), Robert David, George Washington, Jr., James Ed- ward. Did location, constr., mainte- 97 nance, and valuation work in Engring. Dept., Chicago & North Western Ry., 1903-18, corporate engr., 1918-20, asst. to pres., operation and management, 1920—; v.p., Superior Coal Co., Inter- state Transit Lines Inc.; mem. A.S.C.E., W.S.E., A.R.E.A., A.A.A.S., A.A.P.S.S., Nat. Geog. Soc, Ind. Soc, Masons, K.P. Clubs: Rotary, Chicago Engrs., Purdue Club (Chicago). Author: papers and arts, on ry. engring. and valuation. Grandson, David Orlando Essex, who served in Union Army and was killed in battle of Lookout Mt. Recreations: hunting, golf, motoring, mt. climbing. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: 400 Madison St., Chicago, 111. Home: 412 Courland Av., Park Ridge, 111. CANTRELL, John Howard, attorney; b. Dardanelle, Ark., 17 July, 1898; s. John Marion Cantrell, minister, and Martha Ann (Bearden) C. ; ed. Durant, Poteau, Stigler, Sapulpa (Okla.) High Schs.; A.B., Univ. Okla., 1921; LL.B., 1924; m. Lucille J. Farish of Purcell, Okla., 6 June 1925; 1 son, John Edward. Practiced law, Tulsa, Okla., 1924-33; gen. atty., Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., (Oklahoma City), 1933-45; mem. law firms, Biddison, Campbell, Biddison & Cantrell (Tulsa), 1927-33, Spielman, Cantrell & McCloud (Oklahoma City), 1933-38, Cantrell, Savage & McCloud (Ok- lahoma City), 1938-40, Cantrell, Carey & McCloud (Oklahoma City), 1942-45; served U.S.M.C, machine gun bn., 5th brigade, 12 mos., A.E.F., non-commd. officer, 10 mos.; mem. Sigma Alpha Ep- silon, Phi Delta Phi, Order of the Coif, Okla. State Bar Assn. (pres., 1940-41), Okla. Co. Bar Assn. (pres., 1940), Am. Bar Assn. (mem. House of Dels., 1939- 45). Clubs: Oklahoma City Golf and Coun- try, Oklahoma City Men's Dinner. Trav- el: U.S., So. Am., Eur. Interests: profes- sional, current literature. Recreations: golf, travel, reading. Methodist. Inde- pendent Democrat. Office: 900 Telephone Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 620 Northwest 40th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. HORINE, Harriet M., public libra- rian; b. Springfield, Mo.; d. Samuel Harrison Horine and Mary Elizabeth (Conlon) H. ; ed. Loretto Acad. Apptd., libr. by Library Bd., 1910; mem. Mo. Library Assn., Community Teachers Assn. Interests: books, music, cook books, as a hobby. Catholic. Democrat. Office: Springfield Pub. Library, Spring- field, Mo. Home: 810 S. Pickwick Av., Springfield, Mo. McGEORGE, Alice Sutton, teacher, artist, author, reporter; b. Rosedale, Kan., 23 Aug. 1869; d. Robert Sutton, sign writer, and Amanda Malvina (Dill) S.; ed. Council Grove high sch., Kan., 1888; B.A., Phillips Univ., Enid, Okla., 1927; Litt. D. (hon.); m. Thomas L. McGeorge of Enid, Okla., 5 Feb. 1888; children— Thomas Robert, Bernice (Mrs. E. L. Hart). Homekeeper; store- keeper; post office mistress; teacher, art, Eng., journalism; grade sch. teacher, Enid, Okla., Terlton, Yankton Training Sch., S.D., Chilocco (Govt. In- dian sch.) Okla., Clarksford, Ida. high sch.; inspector of elections, registrar; winner first prize State Writers Contest, one act play, and formal essay, 1941; mem. Grand Cross of Colors, Penwomen of Am., A.A.U.W., Kan. Authors, Okla. Writers, O.E.S., White Shrine, Enid Writers (pres.), Trainmens Aux. (leg. bd., Okla.), Garfield Co. Dem. Womens Club (reporter). Clubs: Beaux Arts (sponser), Past Presidents, Ladies Aux. to Brotherhood of R.R. Trainmen, Gar- field Co. (pres.). Author: Autumn Leaves (book of poems), Kamaiwea, The Coeur d'Alene (novel of pioneer life in gold rush days, Ida.), poems put in Davis Anthology of Newspaper Verse, annually since 1929. Travel: W r est U.S. Settled in Okla. yr. after the opening. Interests: collecting stamps, dishes, flowers, making scrap books of clip- pings, notes, pictures. Recreations: reading, radio, walking. Church of Christ. Democrat. Address: 702 W. Ran- dolph, Enid, Okla. GRIMES, J. Frank, business execu- tive; b. Chicago, 111., 17 Dec. 1881; s. Joseph Lawrence Grimes and Mary Ann (Mapes) G.; ed. Chicago schs.; m. Bar- bara Adam, 28 Jan. 1903; children — John Franklin, Donald Robert, Douglas Adam, Helen Margaret. Sales mgr., Baker Vawter Co.; partner, Wm. W. Thompson & Co.; C.P.A.; organized In- dependent Grocers' Alliance, Independ- ent Druggists Alliance; operator of farm at Dundee, 111.; pres. and dir., I.G.A. of N.Y. and of San Francisco, Seattle and Can.; pres. and dir., Marketing Special- ists, Inc., Food Products Co., Market Specialty Co., Chicago Offset Printing Co.; dir., Progressive Wholesale Gro- cery Co., First Fed. Savings & Loan Assn., Nat. Voluntary Groups Inst.; mem. Nat. Food and Grocery Conf. Com., Independent Food Distbrs. Coun- cil, The Chicago Farmers, Art Inst, of Chicago (life mem.). Clubs: Union League, 111. Athletic (Chicago), West- moreland Country (Wilmette). Interest: art. Recreation : golf. Christian Scien- tist. Republican. Office: 309 W. Jackson 98 Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 2747 East- wood Av., Evanston, HI. GOULD, Howard Woodham, professor of physical sciences; b. Bone Gap, 111., 21 June 1896; s. Rolla A. Gould, farmer, and Emily A. (Woodham) G.; ed. Bone Gap high sch.; McKendree Acad., Leba- non, 111.; B.S., McKendree Coll., 1918; M.S., Univ. 111., 1922; Ph.D., State Univ. la., 1929; Univ. Chicago; Univ. Mich.; m. Alice L. Everett of Waverly, 14 June 1922; children— Alice Emily, Constance Gabrielle. Instr. Eng., McKendree Coll., 1920-22; asst. in chem. dept., Univ. 111., 1923-25; asst. and assoc. prof, chem., James Milliken Univ., 1925-27; res. engr., Mueller Co., Decatur, 111., 1926- 27; prof, physical sciences, head of dept. phys. sci., Northern 111. State Teachers Coll., 1927—; U.S. Marine Corps, 1918- 19; 1st Prov. Brig., 2d Regt., Haiti; good conduct medal; fellow A.I.C., Am. Inst. Physicists; mem. A.A.A.S., A. A. U.P., N.E.A., T.E.A., 111. State Acad. Sci. Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Zeta. Au- thor: Textbook of Physical Science, 1933, 1935, 1937. Travel: U.S., Can. Inter- ests: music, chess, athletic sports, ch. programs. Recreations: tennis, hand- ball, horseshoes. Methodist. Office: Northern 111. State Teachers Coll., De Kalb, 111. Home: 137 Normal Rd., De Kalb, 111. LINDLEY, Harlow, secretary, editor, librarian, Ohio State Archaeol. and Hist. Soc. ; b. Sylvania, Ind., 31 May 1875; s. Mahlon Lindley, teacher and farmer, and Martha (Newlin) L.; ed. Friends Bloomingdale Acad., Bloomingdale, Ind.; B.L., Earlham Coll., 1898, A.M., 1899; fellow in hsitory, Univ. Chicago; Litt. D. (hon.), Hanover Coll., 1923; m. Olive S. Rogers of Amo, Ind., 24 June 1908. children— Roger M., Eleanor S. Prof, history, libr., various instns., 1898—; del. to World's Conf. of Friends Ch., London, 1920, Philadelphia, 1937; teacher, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ. Calif., Ind. State Univ., Ohio State Univ.; mem. Ohio Revol. Memorial Commn.; charter mem., Richmond (Ind.) City Planning Commn.; sec, Ind. Hist. Commn., 1915- 23, dir., 1923-24; mem. Am. Hist. Assn., Am. Library Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Mus., Tri-State Mus. Assn., Ohio State Assn., Soc. Am. Archivists, Assn. Am. Arch, and Hist. Soc, Council of Am. Assn. for State and Local History, Pi Gamma Mu (hon. frat.). Club: Faculty of Ohio State Univ. Author: The Govern- ment of Indiana; Indiana as Seen by Early Travellers; The Indiana Centen- nial; The Quakers in the Old Northwest; History of a Century of Medicine in Ohio; Capt. Cushing in the War of 1812; and others; contbr. periodicals and mags. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can., Eng., Scot., Wales, Fr. Interest: book and autograph collecting, particularly mate- rial on old Northv/est, Quakers and slavery. Recreation: travel. Quaker Friend. Independent. Office: Ohio State Museum, Columbus, O. Home: 183 E. Pacemont Rd., Columbus, O. PIETERS, Charles Elijah, teacher of mathematics; b. British Guiana, So. Am., 2 Sept. 1884; s. Joseph Pieters and Betsy Ann (Gillis) P.; ed. Hopetown Anglican Sch.; British Guiana schs., So. Am.; B.A., Lincoln Univ., Pa., 1915; M.A., Ohio State Univ., 1926; post grad. work in Agr., Tuskegee Normal and Indsl. Inst., Tuskegee, Ala., 1915-17; stu- dent, Law Sch. LaSalle Univ., Chicago, 1918; summer session, Univ. Chicago, 1920; Ohio State Univ., 1941; Lucretia Nichols of Atlanta, 27 June 1923. Teacher math, and agr., Southern Univ., Baton Rouge, La.; teacher math., Jr. High Sch., 1922—; mem. N.E.A., Nat. Council Teachers of Math., Masons, Omega Psi Phi. Author: Comparing Junior High School Mathematics Textbooks. Inter est: cello music Recreations: tennis walking. Episcopalian. Republican. Of fice: Champion Junior High Sch., Co lumbus, O. Home: 1155 Hildreth Av. Columbus, O. MILLS, William Thomas, attorney at law; b. Van Buren Co., Ark., 19 Dec. 1877; s. James Curtis Mills, farmer, and Arminta (Compton) M.; ed. Clinton Acad.; LL.B., Cumberland Univ., 1903; m. Bess F. McBride of Marshall, Ark., 7 Dec 1904; children— William T., Jr., Maurice J., Elizabeth, Janice, Hugh Louis. Engaged in gen. practice of law, 1904 — ; mayor, Marshall, 1904-08; mem. Masons, Kappa Sigma. Interests: books, farming, livestock growing. Christian. Republican. Office: Mills Bldg., Mar- shall, Ark. Home: Marshall, Ark. DOBSON, Roy Calvin, clergyman; b. Limestone, Tenn., 10 Oct. 1875; s. A. S. N. Dobson, M.D., and Nannie J. (McGaughey) D.; ed. Washington Acad.; A.B., Washington Coll., 1897, D.D. (hon.); M.A., Princeton, 1900; m. Fanita Duncan of St. Louis, Mo., 10 Oct. 1905; children— Duncan Calvin, Dorothy Dobson Brooks. Pastor, First Presbyn. Ch., Bloomington, 111., Highland Park, 111.; exec, sec, Presbytery of St. Louis; pastor, First Presbyn. Ch., of St. Louis; Camp Gens sec, Y.M.C.A., U.S. and 99 Fr., rel. work dh\, during World War I. Clubs: Princeton (St. Louis), Tenn. (St. Louis), Bellrive Country. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: First Presbyn. Ch. of St. Louis, 7200 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 84 Arundel PL, St. Louis, Mo. Summer home: Harbor Point, Mich. NEWCOMER, Chauncey Lee, lawyer; b. Bryan, 17 Oct. 1871; s. Nathaniel H. Newcomer and Barbara (Brown) N.; ed. pub. sens., Bryan, O.; A.B., Hills- dale Coll., 1898; m. Claire Sands of Hillsdale, 10 Oct. 1905; children— Mrs. Elisabeth Fenton, Lee N., Arthur S. Ad- mitted to bar, 1901; pres., Common Pleas Judges' Assn., 1925-26; mem. Am., Ohio State Bar Assns.; sec, Bryan Bus. Men's Assn.; pres. bd. tr., Bryan Pub. Library; mem. exec, com., bd. of tr., Hillsdale Coll.; mem. bd. elections, 1902- 04; pros, atty., 1908-10; common pleas judge, 1921-29; org., chmn., Red Cross; chmn. War Savings Stamp Com., sec, Liberty Loan Campaign; mem. Delta Tau Delta, Masons (comdr.), Repub- lican Co. Central Com. (chmn., 1902-08), Republican State exec com., 1916-17. Author: Drainage Laws in Force in State of Ohio; also arts, in jour, of Am. Bar Assn., Ohio Weekly Law Bull, and Ohio Bar. Travel: U.S., Can. Desc Ger- man grandparents both sides of family, commonly known as Pa. Dutch. Inter- ests: promoting good roads and through highways with numbers on them; took lead in promotion U.S. Highway 127, and U.S. Highway 6 West from Pa. Republican. Office: 121 W. Butler St., Bryan, O. Home: 327 W. Butler St., Bryan, O. Summer res.: Newcomer- Parker Cottage, Clear Lake, Ray, Ind. CARLTON, Frank A., investment banker; b. Sweden, 20 Oct. 1889; s. Andrew G. Carlton, lumber, and Anna (Person) C; ed. Proctor (Vt.) high sen.; B.A., Yale Coll., 1911; Sch. Commerce and Finance, N.Y. Univ.; m. Alfreda E. Johnson of Brooklyn, N.Y., 21 Apr. 1916; children— Charles Franklin, Howard Al- fred. Teacher, 2 yrs.; in investment bus., N.Y., 1912-21, Chicago, 1921—; or- ganizer, F. A. Carlton & Co., 1926; mem. Masons (32d deg.), Shrine. Clubs: Book and Bond (Yale), Chicago Ath- letic, Attic, Knollwood Golf, Chicago Bond, Chicago Bond Traders. Travel: extensive. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 134 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 3750 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Lawsonia, Green Lake, Wis. BROWDER, Clifford Harrison, attor- ney- at-law; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 6 Oct. 1888; s. Wilbur Fisk Browder, atty.-at- law, and Ella (Jones) B. ; ed. Shortridge high sch., grad. Indianapolis, 1907; A.B., Butler Univ., Indianapolis, 1912; J.D., Univ. Chicago Law Sch., 1916; m. Mable M. Felt of Chicago, 12 Aug. 1924; chil- dren—David Felt, Clifford H., Jr. At- tended sch. until June 1916; practice law, 1916 — , except during World War I; atty., Chicago, West Pullman & South- ern R.R. Co., 1919—, sec, 1921—, dir., 1931—; atty., 111. Northern Ry., 1919—, sec, 1921—, dir., 1931—; atty., Internat. Harvester Co., 1919—; enlisted U.S.N. R.F., Jan. 1918, commd. ensign, Sept. 1918, hon. disch., May 1918; mem. Tau Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Rho, 111. State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Assn. Practitioners before I.C.C., U.S. Mari- time Commn. Bar. Club: Traffic (Chi- cago). Interest: most outdoor sports. Recreations: shooting, fishing, hunting. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 180 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 2315 Bryant Av., Evanston, 111. NUSBAUM, Christian, college profes- sor; b. Columbus Grove, O., 1 Oct. 1882; s. John Nusbaum, farmer, and Mary (Basinger) N.; ed. Columbus Grove high sch.; O. State Univ., 1904-08, B.A., 1910, M.A.; Ph.D., Harvard Univ., 1915; m. Marion Trout of Lancaster, O., 7 Sept. 1917; children— Ruth, David, Wil- liam, James. Asst. in physics, O. State Univ., 1908-11; fellow in physics, Har- vard Univ., 1911-13, asst., 1913-15, instr., 1915-18; assoc. physicist, Nat. Bur. Standards, development of airplane in- struments, 1918-20; research assoc, M.I.T., 1920-22; asst. prof, physics, Case Sch. Applied Sci., 1922-29, assoc prof., 1929—; fellow, Am. Physical Soc, A. A. A.S., O. Acad. Sci., Cleveland Eng v Soc, Am. Soc. Metals. Author: series of sci. papers and abstracts on magnetic prop- erties and X-rays. Methodist. Office: Case Sch. Applied Sci., Cleveland, O. Home: 1580 Rydalmount Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. WRIGHT, Helen Elizabeth, artist, de- signer, decorator; b. Pottsville Pa., 20 May 1910; d. Reginald A. Wright, mech. engr., and Annetta C. (Fowler) W.; ed. Akron West high sch.; Cleveland Sch. of Art on scholarships. Stylist, designer, B. F. Goodrich Co.; exhibit oils, water colors, etchings, nationally; designs, decorates, residence bldgs., lectr. rub- ber, synthetics, B. F. Goodrich Co. (de- signed first wearing apparel from Loro- seal and Ameripol, bathing cap to simu- 100 late hair). Author: numerous rubber design patents. Travel: U.S., Can. Desc. founders of Tallmadge, O., and Milford, Conn. Interests: rug making, cooking, music, gardening. Recreations: golf, travel, swimming, bridge. Republican. Office: 1247 S. High St., Akron, O. Home: 1576 Bryden Dr., Akron, O. LEANZA, Victor S., lawyer; b. Italy, 10 Aug. 1900; s. Fortune Leanza and Concetta (Cali) L.; ed. East Tech. high sch.; Ohio State Univ., 1919-23; Western Res. Univ. Law Sch., 1923-26; m. Caro- line Williams of Cleveland, O., 21 June 1930; children— Norma Elisa, Victor Fortune, Raymond Frank. Sr. partner, Leanza, Bernard & Hodus, 1939; dir., sec, The Fairway Loan Co., Unit Plan Assn., Inc., Cleveland Republic Tool & Gage Corp.; dir., v.p., The Marbott Weld Co.; cadet of Ohio State, during World War I; mem. Alpha Phi Delta (nat. pres.), Ration Bd. 18-16, I.O.O.F. (co. pres.), Modern Woodmen of Am., Citizens' League of Cleveland, Cleve- land Bar Assn. Clubs: Ideal Italo- Ameri- can (sec), 30th Ward Democratic In- terests: philosophy, human behavior. Recreations: golf, gardening. Democrat. Office: 1012 Citizens Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 14206 S. Woodland Rd M Shaker Heights, O. SEASHOLES, Charles Lyon, clergy- man; b. Dallas, Tex., 23 Dec. 1896; s. Charles Louis Seasholes, clergyman, and Grace G. (Lyon) S.; ed. grad., Cent, high sch., Philadelphia, Pa., 1914; B.A., Univ. Pa., 1918; B.D., Newton Theol. Inst., 1923; D.D. (hon.), Brown Univ., 1936; Colby Coll., 1941; L.H.D., Denison Univ., 1944; m. Elizabeth Fan* Bradbury, 18 June 1924; children— Mary Lyon, Anne Bradbury, Bradbury. Teacher, high sch., Philadelphia, 1918- 20; ordained to Bapt. ministry, 1923; pastor, First Baptist Ch., Watertown, Mass., 1923-30; mem. homiletics semi- nar staff, Newton Theol. Inst., 1927-30; pastor, First Bapt. Ch., Dayton, O., 1931 — ; chmn. Commn. on Christian Social Action of Northern Bapt. Conv., 1934-36; chmn. Dayton Community Chest, 1935; mem. bd., Am. Bapt. Fgn. Mission Soc, 1931—; rep. of Northern Baptists on Fed. Council of Chs., and alternate on exec com.; mem. Commn. on Higher Ed., Northern Bapt. Conv.; chmn. program com., Northern Bapt. Conv., 1941; mem. Bur. of Community Service and exec. com. of Council of Social Agencies, Dayton; tr., Denison Univ., Dayton Y.M.C.A., Miami Valley Hosp.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma Rho, Masons. Clubs: Discussion, Town and Gown (Antioch Coll.), Dayton Country. Author: For Times Out of Joint, 1934. Travel: Eur., 1925, 1937, Mex., 1939. Interests: drama, music, mountain climbing. Recreations: tennis, golf. Baptist. Independent. Office: First Bapt. Church, Monument at Ludlow, Dayton, O. Home: 65 Wisteria Dr., Day- ton, O. Summer home: Silver Lake, N.H. BIRK, William Jacob, insurance; b. Chicago, 111., 29 May 1894; s. Edward J. Birk, brewer, and Amanda (Markus) B.; ed. Chicago Latin Sch.; Merserberg Prep.; m. Lillian Nelson of Chicago, 111., 18 Apr. 1923; children— William Jacob, Jr., Edward Nelson. Started with Birk Bros. Brewing Co., with Sullivan Milk Co., Birk Milk Products; assoc. with Fred S. James & Co., ins.; dir. Birk Bros. Brewing Co., Chicago; sergt., motor transport, 85th div., 2 yrs. during World War I. Clubs : Crystal Lake Coun- try, Lake Shore. Recreations: golf, bowling, hunting, fishing. German Lu- theran. Democrat. Office: 1 No. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: Lake Shore Club, Chicago, 111. Summer home: Crys- tal Lake, 111. BLAKE, Donald P., lawyer and execu- tive; b. Chicago, 111., 19 Jan. 1904; s. Charles G. Blake, bus. exec, and Mil- dred (Ellwood) B.; ed. Morgan Park Mil. Acad.; Univ. HI.; Knox Coll.; Chi- cago Univ.; LL.B., Cornell Univ., 1927; m. Lois Klingaman of Chicago; children —Donald P., II, Charles Henry. Prac- ticed law with Wetten, Pegler & Dale and Milmine & Blake, 1927-30; mgr., Chas. G. Blake Co. (monuments and mausoleums), 1929-42, pres., 1942—; active in tax and occupational disease corns, and legislation with 111. Mfg. Assn., 1933; nat. chmn. and principal author of Code of Fair Competition for Retail Monument Industry in NRA, 1932- 33; active in oppositions to state NRA before state leg., 1933; v. chmn. Unem- ployment Com. of Small Business Conf. in Washington, 1938; mem. Nat. Adv. Council for Small Business, S.A.R. (life mem.), Morgan Park Mil. Acad. Alumni Assn., 111. Mfrs. Assn., Phi Delta Theta, Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Phi, Kappa Alpha Pi, Masons, Knights Templar. Clubs: Executives (Chicago, dir., 1938-42), Univ. HI., Cornell Univ., Phi Alpha Delta Alumni of Chicago. Author: Code of Fair Competition for Retail Monu- ment Industry under NRA; various arts, in trade papers. Travel: U.S., Can. Great grandson Reuben Ellwood, one of 101 earliest Congressmen from Sycamore, DeKalb dist., 111.; father was Rep. can- didate for Sanitary Dist. Tr., 1916, Cook County Clk., 1918. Interests and recrea- tions: art, bowling, golf, ping pong, fish- ing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 1000 E. 67th St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2860 E. 76th St., Chicago, 111. BORDEN, Charles H., lawyer; b. Fayetteville, Ark., 21 Dec. 1896; s. Thomas Wiley Borden, farmer, and Mollie (Parker) B.; ed. Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1917, J.D., 1919; m. Mary Fran- ces Douglas of Chicago, 111., 21 Sept. 1918. With Zane, Morse & McKinney, Chicago, 111., 1919; mem. firm, McKin- ney & Borden, 1920-21; pvt. pract. of law, Chicago, 111., 1921-23; mem. firm, Eisendrath, Solomon & Borden, 1923-32, Solomon & Borden, 1932-39; pvt. pract. of law, Chicago, 1939—; chief petty off., U.S.N. , during World War I; mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Delta Chi, Am. Legion, 40 & 8. Clubs: Quad- rangle, Jonathan (Calif.). Office: 100 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Home: 5825 N. Kenmore Av., Chicago, HI. CAMP, J(ay) Beidler, propr. J. Beid- ler Camp & Co.; b. Chicago, 111., 23 Aug. 1891; s. Arthur Bates Camp and Emma (Beidler) C. ; grad. Phillips Exe- ter Acad., 1911; A.B., Harvard, 1915; M.B.A., Harvard Bus. Sch., 1917; m. Ruth Thomas Orton, 29 Dec. 1920; chil- dren — Caroline Thomas, Nicholas, Ar- thur Bates. Began with George Beidler & Co., real estate; propr. J. Beidler Camp & Co., real estate and property management, Chicago, 1921 — ; co-trus- tee of Francis Beidler Charitable Trust. Office: 166 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, HI. Home: 4826 Greenwood Av., Chi- cago, 111. CLARK, George Lindenberg, profes- sor of chemistry; b. Anderson, Ind., 6 Sept. 1892; s. Ralph B. Clark, pres. Merchants Fire Ins. Co. Ind., and Olive (Burnett) C. ; ed. Anderson (Ind.) high sch.; A.B., DePauw Univ., 1914, D.Sc. (hon.), 1937; M.S., Univ. Chicago, 1914, Ph.D., 1918; m. Mary Johnson of Indian- apolis, Ind., 19 June 1919; children- Mary Ann, Ralph, George, Jean, Caro- lyn. Assoc, prof, chem., Vanderbilt Univ., 1919-21; nat. res. fellow, Harvard Univ., 1921-24; asst. prof, applied chem. res., M.I.T., 1924-27; prof, chem., Univ. 111., 1927—; dir., Merchants Fire Ins. Co. Ind.; It., C.W.S., 1918; mem. A.C.S., Am. Physical Soc, A.A.A.S., Radiolog. Soc, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi. Au- thor: Applied X-Rays (3d edit., 1940); 300 sci. papers. Travel: Eur. Interests: music, string quartette. Methodist. Of- fice: Univ. of 111., Urbana, 111. Home: Urbana, 111. CLAUSEN, Elmer Laurence, civil engineer, surveyor; b. Chicago, HI., 16 July 1889; s. Gustav Laurence Clausen, cons, engr., and Eleonora (Brun) C; ed. St. John's Mil. Acad., Delafield, Wis.; Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago; m. Mary C. Heavey of Chicago, 111., 1 June 1929; 1 dau., Mary Catherine. On sani- tary sewer projects of 111., Ind., Mich., surveying of skyscraper bldgs.; worked on all major street widening projects in Chicago area; in Q.M.C., U.S.A., during World War I; Army Air Corps (A.A.F.), World War II; mem. Western Soc. Engrs., 111. Soc. Engrs., Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs., Nat. Soc. Prof. Engrs., Am. Assn. Engrs. Travel: Eur., U.S. (exten- sive). Interest: hunting. Protestant. Re- publican. Office and home: 5643 N. Key- stone Av., Chicago, HI. CONKEY, Harry Dunrith, manufac- turer; b. Mendota, 111., 31 Mar. 1877; s. O. D. F. Conkey, farm operator, and Elizabeth (Eakin) C; ed. Mendota high sch.; Northwestern Univ., 2 yrs.; m. Elizabeth Wilson of Mendota, HI., 15 Apr. 1899; 1 son, Robert W. Alwavs con- ductor of own bus. operations with ex- ception of iy 2 yrs. during which period employed by LaSalle Co. Carbon Coal Co.; controls concrete aggregate plants, brick plants (Conco Meier Co.), Mfr. Plant (Conco Engring. Works), parent Co. — H. D. Conkey & Co., and two sub- sidiary sales cos., also active head of these bus. enterprises; mem. Masons, Elks. Club: Union League (Chicago). Travel: many trips to Eur., and Ameri- cas. Interest: operating farms. Presby- terian. Republican. Office: 111 W. Wash- ington St., Chicago 111. Home: Edge- water Beach Hotel. Chicago, 111. Sum- mer home: Deer Park (Utica), HI. COWLES, Alfred, economist; b. Chi- cago, 111., 15 Sept. 1891; s. Alfred Cowles, financier, and Elizabeth (Che- ney) C; ed. Taft Sch.; A.B., Yale Univ., 1913; m. Elizabeth Strong of N.Y., 10 May 1924 (div.); children — Richard Liv- ingston, Ann. Journalist, Spokesman- Review, 1913-15; pres., Cowles & Co., Colorado Springs, Colo., 1915-38; econo- mist, 1933—; pres., Cowles Commn. for Res. in Econ., Colorado Springs, Colo., 1933-39, Cowles Commn. for Res. in Econ., Univ. Chicago, 1939—; dir. Trib- une Co. and subsidiaries, Chicago; tr., Colo. Foundation for Res. in Tubercu- losis, Colo. Coll.; F., sec, treas., Econo- metric Soc; tr., Colo. Springs Fine Arts 102 Center; adv. com. Chicago Civic Fedn.; F. A.A.A.S.; mem. Delta Kappa Epsi- lon, Skull & Bones. Clubs: Casino, Chi- cago, Tavern, Old Elm, Onwentsia, Shore Acres, Quadrangle, El Paso, Cheyenne Mountain Country, Broad- moor Golf. Author: Common Stock In- dexes, 1928; contbr. to jours. Office: Room 2215, 435 N. Michigan Av., Chi- cago 11, 111. Home: 1130 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago 11, 111. ABEL, Donald Fredrick, laboratory technician; b. Chicago, 111., 3 Oct. 1898; s. Theodore C. F. Abel, phys., and Florence (McLaggan) A.; ed. Austin high sch.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1924, post grad. work in sci., 2 yrs.; m. Sigried Jensen of Chicago, 111., 1921; children— Donald Arthur, Robert Bruce. Active in City, State and Nat. Jr. Assns. Commerce until 1937; engaged in lab. tests and sci. research, Abel Labs., 1921 — , treas.; pvt. 1st calss, Air Serv- ice, Tank Corps, U.S.A., during World War I; mem. 111. State Jr. Chamber Commerce (founder, 1st pres.), Chicago Jr. Assn. Commerce (pres.), U.S. Jr. Chamber Commerce (exec, v.p.), 111. Com., Assn. of Commerce, Am. Legion (comdr. Riverside Post No. 488). Inter- est: sci. research. Presbyterian. Office: 7 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. Home: Riverside, 111. Summer res.: Williams Bay, Wis. BRADLEY, Preston, clergyman, au- thor, air-editorialist; b. Linden, Mich., 18 Aug. 1888; s. Robert McFarlan Brad- lev, blacksmith, and Anna Elizabeth (Warren) B.; ed. Linden (Mich.) high sch.; Alma Coll., 1905-06; law study, Flint, Mich., 1906-09; Univ. Mich., 1909- 10; D.C.L. (hon.), Hamilton Coll. Law, Chicago; LL.D. (hon.), Lake Forest Coll., 1938; D.D. (hon.), Meadville Theol. Sch., 1939; m. Grace Wilkins Thayer of Chicago, 111., 25 Nov. 1915. Student pastor, Grand Blanc, Mich., 1907-09; pastor, Ch. of Providence, Pres- byn., Chicago, 1911-12; withdrew from Presbyterian Ch., 1912; independent preacher; founder, People's Ch., Chi- cago, 1912; held services at Wilson Av. Theatre, 1913-19, Pantheon Theatre, Sheridan Rd., 1919-26, built own ch. bldg., 1926; united with Unitarian Conf., 1922, full fellowship, 1923; continued as pastor, People's Ch., 1923—; radio broadcaster, rel. services, 18 yrs., nightly radio editorials, 1936—; mem. bd. dirs., Chicago Pub. Lib., 1925—, bds. of 111. State Teachers and Normal Schs.; dir., Citizenship Foundation, Inc.; mem. Art Inst. Chicago (life mem.), Izaak Walton League of Am. (nat. pres., 3 terms, pres. emeritus), Drama League of Am., Phi Phi Alpha, Pi Gamma Mu. Clubs: Chicago Press, City, Adventurers (Chicago), Nat. Arts (New York), Au- thors (London), Kiwanis (hon. mem.). Author: Courage for Today; Mastering Fear; Power from Right Thinking; Life and You; New Wealth for You; A Volume of Meditations. Editor: The Liberalist. Travel: Eur. (22 trips), Hud- son Bay, Cent. Am. Recreations: fish- ing, boating, conservation. Liberal Uni- tarian. Office: 941 Lawrence Av., Chi- cago, 111. ECKERT, Robert P., Jr., lawyer; b. Freeport, 111., 1 June 1903; s. Robert P. Eckert, lawyer, and Elizabeth (Ryan) E.; ed. Freeport high sch.; A.B., Har- vard, 1925; LL.B., Harvard Law Sch., 1928; m. Olga M. Forthingham of Bos- ton, Mass., 15 Aug. 1928; children — Robert P., Ill, Olga E., Richard Froth- ingham. Practiced law, 1928—; U.S. Commr., Northern Dist. 111., 1934-41; apptd. judge, 111. Court of Claims, by Gov. Dwight H. Green, 1941; dir. State Bank of Freeport; v.p. Freeport Cham- ber Commerce; tr. Freeport Pub. Li- brary; 1st v.p., Young Republicans of 111.; mem. Am. and 111. State Bar Assns., Am. Bibliographical Soc. Clubs: Freeport Country, Harvard (Chicago). Author: Edward Thomas, a Biography and a Bibliography; These Things the Poets Said. Interest: book collecting. Catholic. Republican. Office: 115 W. Stephenson St., Freeport, HI. Home: Windover, Highland Dr., Freeport, 111. FREY, Charles Daniel, advertising agent; b. Denver, Colo., 9 Oct. 1886; s. Daniel Frey and Agusta Eleanore (Stone) F.; ed. pub. schs., Denver; m. Mary Ross Burch of Chicago, 17 Oct. 1908; children— Charles Daniel, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Gail Borden), Barbara Ross. Assoc, with edit, dept, Chicago Examiner, 1905-06, Chicago Evening Post, 1906-09; pres., Charles Daniel Frey Co., advertising agency, Chicago, 1910—; tr., Chicago Latin Sch. for Boys, 1928-33, Girls Latin Sch. of Chicago, 1929-34; mem. exec. bd. and v.p., Am. Assn. Advertising Agencies, 1934; bd. dirs., Chicago Times, Inc.; capt., Mil. Intelligence, div. of gen. headquarters staff, U.S.A., Washington, D.C., during World War I, nat. dir., Am. Protective League, auxiliary dept. of justice, organized Chicago div.; awarded Me- daille de la Reconnaissance by French Govt.; mem. Chicago Assn. Commerce (trade extension com., 1916-17; advt. 103 council, 1921-22; ways and means com., 1928), Municipal Voters League (exec, com., 1920-22; chmn. finance com., 1920- 26), Chicago Crime Commn. Com. on Punishment, Parole and Instns., Field Mus., Chicago Hist. Soc, Art Inst. Chi- cago, Masons. Clubs: Chicago, Racquet, Tavern, Saddle and Cycle, Old Elm, Commonwealth, Economic, Forty, Cax- ton (Chicago); Metropolitan, Cloud, Players (New York) ; Bohemian (San Francisco). Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 333 No. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1435 State Parkway, Chicago, 111. FARRAND, Roy Felton, acad. presi- dent; b. Onalasa, Wis., 9 May 1875; s. Ira Smith Farrand, lumber dealer, and Elizabeth Maud (Fahey) F.; ed. St. John's Mil. Acad.; Litt. B., Univ. Wis., 1900; LL.D., Kenyon Coll., 1934; m. Elizabeth Ross Smythe of Delafield, 15 Aug. 1901; 1 dau., Dorothy Elizabeth Ross. With St. John's Mil. Acad, except while at the University and during World War I, 1894—, apptd. Commdt. of Cadets and Drill Instr., 1894 — , served in that capacity until 1923, when made pres. of St. John's; dir. St. John's Acad., Delafield; chmn. Local Selective Serv- ice Bd. ; lecturer on defense, prepared- ness, ed., 1931 — ; resigned commn. as major, W.N.G. at outbreak of World War I to enter O.T.C., Ft. Sheridan, 111., graduating as major, Inf., served in France with French Army, 12 mos., hon. discharge, 1919; col. O.R.C. and comdr., 403d Inf. Res., 1921-39, retired, 1939, brig. gen. Wis. Nat. Guard, deco- rated while serving with the French Army with Order of the Black Star; Knight, First Class Order of the White Rose, Finland; mem. Reserve Officers Assn., Mil. Order Fgn. Wars, Am. Legion (Dept. Comdr., 1930-31, Assn. Mil. Colls, and Sch. of U.S. (pres., 1930-32), Masons, Wis. Roadside Devel- opment Council (pres.), Military Order World Wars. Author: address on Nat. Defense. Travel: U.S. (to talk on Nat. Defense), Eur. Desc. pioneer family; forbears participated in all wars in which country was engaged at various times. Interests: music, dramatics, roadside beautification. Recreation: fly fishing. Episcopalian. Independent. Of- fice: St. John's Mil. Acad., Delafield, Wis. Home: Delafield, Wis. Summer home: Cable, Wis. SCHWEITZER, Arthur Richard, sta- tiscal, engring. and mathematical re- search; b. Chicago, 111., 15 Sept. 1877; s. Edmund F. Schweitzer and Pauline C. (Kirchhof) S.; ed. Brown Sch.; Chi- cago Manual Training Sch.; Chicago Acad.; Ph.B. (hon. mention, honors in math., grad. scholarship), Univ. Chi- cago, 1900, fellow, 1901, M.S., 1905, Ph.D. (magna cum laude), 1916. Reed, spl. mention for math, discovery, Pog- gendorff's Bibliographical Diet., Leip- zig, 1926; discovered right-left orienta- tion as source of geom. order with appH- cation to Grassmann's analysis and new foundations of geom., also place of Hamilton's quaternions in Grassmann's analysis; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Western Soc. Engrs. (Chicago), Am. Math. Soc, Math. Assn. of Am., Circolo Matematico di Palermo (Italy), Art Inst. Chicago; F. A.A.A.S., Washington, D.C. Club: Quadrangle, Chicago. Author: research arts, in Am. and Eur. math, and philos. jours. Travel: Eur. Desc. pioneer settlers of Chicago. Interest: neighborhood improvement. Recreation: Address: 452 Oakdale Av., Chicago, 111. HOPKINS, Andrew Winkle, editor; b. Leeds, Columbia Co., Wis., 19 July 1880; s. Richard Hopkins and Harriet (Saw- yer) H.; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1903; studied la. State Coll. Agr. and Mechanic Arts; m. Bess C. Brewer, 12 Nov. 1912; chil- dren—Robert B., Helen. Edn. dir. Night Sch. for Men, Racine, Wis., 1903-05; live stock editor Wis. Agriculturist, 1905-08; editor Wis. Farmer, 1908-13; editor Coll. of Agr. and Agrl. Expt. Sta., Univ. Wis., 1913 — ; mem. Live Stock Breeders' Assn. (sec, 1913-20, dir., 1920-25), Delta Pi Delta, Sigma Delta Chi, Alpha Zeta, Phi Kappa Phi. Conglist. Masons (32d deg.). Club: Kiwanis (pres.). Address: Agricultural Hall, Univ. of Wis., Madi- son, Wis. Home: Shorewood Hills, Madi- son, Wis. GRAHAM, Willard J., educator, ac- countant; b. College Corner, O., 16 Oct. 1897; s. John W. Graham, grocer, and Sina (Paxton) G.; ed. Fot. Morgan (Colo.) high sch.; Sterling (Kan.) Coll.; Univ. Chicago, 1924, Ph.D., 1934; m. Margaret A. Brennen of Pittsburgh, Pa., 18 Apr. 1925; 1 dau., Nellimae McAfee. Prof. bus. adminstrn., Monmouth (111.) Coll., 1924-26; instr. accounting, Univ. Chicago, 1927-30, asst. prof., 1930-36, assoc. prof, accounting and finance, 1936-42; prof, accounting and dir. of bus. studies in University Coll., 1942—; pub. accounting practice, 1929-42; cons. pub. utility valuation, 1936-37; dir., treas., Richard D. Irwin Inc., Chicago, 111.; mem. Alpha Kappa Psi, Am. Inst. Accountants, Am. Accounting Assn. Clubs: Economic of Chicago, Quad- 104 rangle, University of Chicago. Author: Public Utility Valuation; Accounting in Law Practice (with Wilber G. Katz) ; Economics of Business; Cost Account- ing; Office Equipment. Recreations: swimming, golf. United Presbyterian. Republican. Office: School of Business, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Home: 6817 Bennett Av., Chicago, HI. UTPATEL, Frank Albert, artist (wood engraver); b. Waukegan, 111., 4 Mar. 1905; s. Albert E. Utpatel and Margaret (Millen) U.; ed. South Div. high sch., Milwaukee, Wis.; Milwaukee Art Inst.; Chicago Art Inst.; m. Marion Calkins of Mazomanie, 12 Apr. 1933; 1 dau., Sandra Marion, 1 stepson, Philip. Illustrated Shadow Over Innsmouth, 1935; designed and engraved 13 full page woodcuts for Sonnets, 1939, 12 woodcuts for Atmos- phere of Houses, 1940, 23 woodcuts for August Derleth's Village Year, 1941, 23 woodcuts for Alan Devoe's Lives Around Us, 1942, illustrated the official Wiscon- sin Guide, 1942, 2 woodcuts for Derleth's and You Thoreau, 1944, 20 woodcuts for Derleth's Village Day (to be pub. in 1946), beginning Dec. 1942 contributed a woodcut every month for the Ameri- can Mercury as illustration for Alan Devoe's monthly essay; contributed work to Outdoors Mag., Trend, A Quar- terly of The Seven Arts; mag. Tomor- row, the Humanist; work exhibited at Associated Am. Artist's Galleries, N.Y., 1939, Internat. Exhbn. of Printmakers, Cleveland Museum of Art, 1935; Inter- nat. Exhbn. of Lithography and Wood Engraving, Chicago Art Inst., 1940; one man shows at Layton Art Gallery, 1940; Meuers' Art Gallery, 1940; Civic League Clubhouse, Portage, Wis., 1941; wood engraving Winter Sports judged out- standing print at Fourth Annual Print- maker's Exhbn. held at Milwaukee Art Inst., 1939; awarded first prize in graphic art at Wis. Artists Exhbn. held at Wis. State Fair in 1940, 1941; first at Seventh Wis. Salon of Art held at Memo- rial Union, 1940; first purchase prize at Fifth Annual Printmakers Exhbn., Mil- waukee Art Inst., 1940; hon. mention at Fifth Wis. Salon of Art, Memorial Union, 1938; Sixth Wis. Salon, 1939; first prize Madison Art Exhbn., 1941, 1942; 115th Exhbn. of The National Academy, 1941; 13th Annual Exhbn. of the Northwest Printmakers, Seattle, Wash., 1941, 1942; 31st Annual Exhbn. of the Conn. Acad, of Fine Arts, 1941; Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, 1941 Exhbn. entitled Between Two Wars, 1914-41, Whitney Museum of Am. Art, 1942; Exhbn. of Contemporary Am. Art, Whitney Museum of Am. Art, 1943; Exhbn. of Current Am. Prints, dept. of Fine Arts, Carnegie Inst., Pitts- burgh, Pa., 1944; Nat. Exhbn. of Prints held at The Library of Congress, 1944; the Laguna Beach Art Exhbn., Laguna Beach, Calif., 1944; represented in pvt. collections of Frank Lloyd Wright, John Steuart Curry, August Derleth, Carl Zigrosser, Thomas W. Nason, Charlotte Partridge, Neele E. Stearns, Louis H. Wilson; mem. Artists Professional League, Southern Printmaker's Soc, Wis. Printmakers. Protestant. Non-par- tisan. Address: Mazomanie, Wis. PURVIN, Jennie Franklin, business woman and civic worker; b. Chicago, 111., 23 Aug. 1873; d. Henry B. Franklin, tobacco mcht., and Hannah (Mayer) F. ; ed. Chicago schs.; Univ. Chicago; m. Moses L. Purvin of Chicago, 19 Oct. 1899; children— Janet Fredericka (Mrs. Mange), Nata Jule (Mrs. Felstiner). Known as mother of bathing beaches because of work in promoting bathing beaches for Chicago; instrumental in promoting gen. pub. recreation, 1910 — ; asst. in formation, Chicago Recreation Commn. ; org. one of earliest scholar- ship assns. to assist children through high sch. and give guidance in ed.; orgn., Oakland Pub. Sch. P.T.A., Schol- arship Assn. for Jewish Children, Jew- ish Welfare Bd. Chicago, during World War I, Club Woman's Bur.; dir. Club Woman's Bur., Camp Advisory Bur., Art Galleries at Mandel Brothers, Chi- cago; tr., Chicago Pub. Lib.; dir. Wom- en's Clubs Div. of Chicago, for War Savings during World War I; mem. 111. State Advisory Com. for War Stamps and Bonds, during World War II; mem. A.L.A., Civic Mus. Assn., Chicago Wom- an's Aid, Council Jewish Women. Clubs: 111. Library, Chicago Library, Woman's City. Author: arts, on travel abroad, civics and edn. Travel: Eur., near East, Mex., Am. Grandfather came to Chi- cago, 1846; great grandfather came in 1850, completing the immigration of maternal family in Chicago. Interests: gathering books written and personally autographed by friends. Recreations: reading, walking, traveling. Jewish. Democrat. Office: 5 N. State St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 5242 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, 111. RICE-MEYROWITZ, Jenny Delony, painter; b. Washington, Ark., 13 May 1866; d. Alchyny Turner Delony, lawyer, farmer, and Elizabeth Lawson (Pear- son) R.; ed. pvt. tutors; pub. schs.; Wesleyan Female Inst., Staunton, Va.; Cincinnati Art Acad.; Beaux Arts for 105 Young Women, Paris; Julian Acad. Anatomy, Ecole de Medicine, 1888-90; gold medal in art and music, Va.; selected as one of America's leading women painters, to attend internat. Council Women, Berlin, Ger., 1924; m. N. J. Rice, 10 Dec. 1901 (dec, 1903); m. (2d) Paul A. Meyrowitz of N.Y., 10 Nov. 1910. Exhibited paintings at New Or- leans Expn., 1884; commd. by Ark. Leg. to paint life size portrait Jefferson Davis, State Capitol, 1891; painted por- trait of Rt. Rev. Bishop Pierce (for Trinity Cath. Ch.), govs., Donaghey, McRae, Logan H. Roots, Major J. T. W. Tillar (for Ark. State Capitol), Mrs. Samuel Preston Davis (for Hist. Com.), Mrs. Jefferson Davis (for Confederate Museum, Richmond, Va.), George G. Williams (N.Y. Clearing House), Hetty Green and many celebrities, N.Y., to Calif., Tex. to Can.; exhibited in leading Art Socs. of Boston, New York and Philadelphia expns.; art instr., Va. Inst., Roanoke, Va., 1893-94, Norfolk Coll., Va., 1894-96, Univ. Ark., 1897, 1898, 1899; portrait painter, N.Y., 1900-36; painted portrait of celebrities for pub. bldgs.; mem. N.Y. War Camp Comm. Service during World War I; awarded Citation by War and Navy Depts., Commns, on Training Activities, 15 July 1919; mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, Metropoli- tan Museum of Art (N.Y.), Nat. Arts, Nat. Assn. Women Painters & Sculptors, English Speaking Union, D.A.R., U.D.C., N.Y. and Am. Artists Prof. League. Club: Fine Arts (Ark., hon. life mem.), N.Y., Patria (N.Y.). Author: art arts. Travel: Eur., Am., W. Indies, Cuba, Can., Alaska. Desc. Henry De- lony, mem. house of Burgesses, Meck- lenburg Co., Va., 1765-68. Interests: art, music, travel. Recreations: reading, writing, radio. Episcopalian. Office and home: 800 Cumberland St., Little Rock, Ark. LOOP, Leota Williams, artist; b. Fountain City, Ind., 26 Oct. 1893; d. Levi Williams, mcht., and Orpha (Bee- son) L.; ed. Elwood high sch.; Val- paraiso Univ.; m. Glenn R. Loop of Kokomo, 30 Apr. 1914; 1 son, Maxwell. Painter with water color at 7; began exhibiting at Co., State Fairs at 10; turned to oil painting at 14; member P.E..O, Altrusa Tri Kappa. Clubs: In- diana Artists, Hoosier Salon, Brown Co. Art Colony. Interest: nature study. Studio and home: Nashville, Ind. STUART, Helen Cheney Kimberly; b. Neenah, Wis., 3 Dec. 1868; d. John A. Kimberly, pioneer, banker and founder of Kimberly-Clark Co., and Helen (Cheney) K.; ed. pub. sch. of Neenah; Smeads Sch. for Girls (Toledo, O.); Wells Coll.; stud., Art Inst., Chicago; m. Herbert W. Z. Stuart of Logansport, Ind., 25 Dec. 1889; 1 son, Kimberly. Serving on Lib. Bd.; working for Bundles for Britain 5 yrs., served on pub. sch. bd., city plan, com., Rep. Precinct Com., councilman, City Coun- cil; mem. D.A.R. (state regent, Organ- izing Regent of Neenah Chap.); organ- izer and chmn. for state in Nat. De- fense; pres. 6th Congressional Dist. Fed. Women's Clubs; State Pres. League of Women Voters; head, A.R.C., Neenah during World War I; mem. Indian Coun- cil Fire (Indian name given by Winne- bago Tribe when chmn. for Neenah at 300th anniversary of the white man coming to Wis., 1634; mem. U.S.D.A.R., Colonial Dames, N.S. & War Mothers, N.S. Founders and Patriots' Assn., Daughters 1812; pres. 6th Congressional Dist. Rep. Women; mem. House Com., Sch. of Domestic Arts and Science, Chi- cago; rep. Am. Legion Aux., at Internat. meeting of F.I.D.A.C.; at Bucharest, Roumania, decorated by Roumanian Gov. for securing scholarships for Rou- manian students in U.S.A. Clubs: River- view Country, North Shore Golf, Wom- en's Athletic (Chicago), Contemporary (Chicago), Athenaeum (Milwaukee), Lake Placid, Neenah Woman's, Tues- day (pres., 3 times), Neenah Y.W.C.A., Camp Fire, Bus. and Prof. Women's. Grandfather started flour mills that later turned into paper mills; John A. Kimberly started Kimberly & Clark, Inc. Interests: Sunday School, politics, freeing the American Indian, cause and cure of war. Recreations: yachting, tennis, riding. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Home: 406 E. Wisconsin Av., Neenah, Wis. THOREK, Max, surgeon; b. Hungary, Mar. 10, 1880; ed. Budapest; M.D., Univ. Chicago, Rush Med. Coll., 1904; LL.D. (hon.), D.Sc. (hon.); m. Fannie Unger of Vienna, Aus., 16 Apr. 1905; 1 son, Philip (M.D.). Surgeon; prof, of Surgery, Cook Co. Grad. Sch. of Medi- cine; attending surg., Cook Co. Hosp.; cons, surg., Mun. T.B. San.; sec. Gen. Int. Coll. Surg.; Ed. -in-Chief, Journal of Int. Coll. Surg.; cons, ed., Arquivas de Cirurgia Clinica il Experimental Sao Paulo, Brazil; life mem., Pi Gamma Mu and Rush Alumni; mem. Knight of Legion of Honor of France, Com. of the Order of St. Alexander, Bulgaria, Knight of the Crown of Italy, Order of the Aztec Eagle, Mexico, Gold Medal, 106 Rep. of Venezuela, Distinguished Citi- zens Medal U.S. Vets. Fgn. Wars; corr. mem., Surg. Soc. of Paris, Fr„ Surg. Soc. of Madrid, Sp., Sociedade das Sci- ences Medicas, Lisbon, Port., Societe Francaise de Chirurgie Reparatrice; assoc. corr. mem., Royal Acad, of Med., Torino, It.; corr. fellow, Nat. Acad, of Med., Colombia, S.A.; corr. Academi- cian, Surg. Acad, of Mex.; hon. mem., Terre Haute Acad, of Med., Egyptian Med. Assn., Cairo, Egy.; pres., Am. Physicians' Art Assn.; collaborator, The Terapia, Milano, It.; hon. fellow, Royal Surg. Soc, Sofia, Bulgaria, Surg. Acad, of Peru, S.A.; Fellow, A.M. A.; mem. Internat. Hosp. Assn., Internat. Soc. of Gastroenterology, Internat. Anesthetic Res. Soc, Chicago Alumni Club, De Paul Univ. Art League, Am. Eugenics Soc, Am. Soc. French Legion of Honor. Author: Modern Surgical Technic, 3 vols.; Surgical Errors and Safeguards, 4 editions; Plastic Surgery of the Breast and Anterior Abdominal Wall; many other monographs and contbns. to surg. literature; Creative Camera Art. Rec- reations: music, autograph collecting, photog. Address: 850 W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago 13, 111. HOADLEY, Walter Evans, Jr., econo- mist; b. San Francisco, Calif., 16 Aug. 1916; s. Walter Evans Hoadley and Marie H. (Preece) H.; ed. A.B., Univ. Calif., 1938, M.A., 1940, Ph.D. (admitted to candidacy); m. Violet Virginia Aim, 20 May 1939; 1 son, Richard Aim. Col- laborator in Land Resettlement Survey, U.S. Bur. of Agrl. Economics, 1938-39; social sci. analyst, Calif. State Gover- nor's Reemployment Com., 1939; re- search economist, Calif. State Planning Bd., Indsl. Survey of The San Francisco Bay Area, 1941, Bur. of Bus. and Econ. Research, Univ. Calif., Berkeley, 1941- 42; part-time teaching fellow, econs., Univ. Calif., 1938-41, indsl. management supervisor, Univ. Calif.; instr. in en- gring., sci. and management, War Training Office, 1941-42; indsl. econo- mist, charge of indsl. sect., research and statistics dept., Fed. Res. Bank of Chicago, 1942; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Statis. Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Alpha, Pi Delta Epsilon; vale- dictorian of Univ. of Calif., class 1938. Methodist. Author: Reemployment: Re- port of the Governor's Commission on Reemployment, 1939 (with associates), An Economic and Industrial Survey of the San Francisco Bay Area (with R. D. Calkins), 1941; contbr. : Business Condi- tions and other econ. jours. Office: Fed. Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago, HI. Home: 1592 Oak Av., Evanston, 111. HUNZIKER, Otto Frederick, dairy scientist; b. Zurich, Switzerland, 25 Dec. 1873; s. Carl Otto Hunziker and Louise (Pupikofer) H.; grad. agr. sch., Zurich, 1892, Bryant & Stratton Bus. Coll., Providence, R.I., 1896; B.S.A., Cornell Univ., 1900, M.S.A., 1901; D.Sc, Purdue Univ., 1932; m. Florence Belle Burne, 1905; children— Thelma Belle, Florence Louise, Karl Otto (dec.) Walter Burne, Isabelle Mary, Otto Frederick. Came to U.S., 1893, naturalized citizen, 1904; instr. in bacteriology, Cornell Univ., 1901-02; milk expert, Scranton Con- densed Milk Co., 1902-05; prof, dairying and chief of dairy dept., Purdue Univ., and Ind. Expt. Sta., 1905-16; mgr. of manufactures and dir. research labs., Blue Valley Creamery Co. (23 factories), 1916-39; dir. La Grange Fed. Savings & Loan Assn., 1933 — ; del. U.S. Dept. Agr. to Internat. Dairy Congress, Stockholm, 1911; London, 1928, Copenhagen, 1931, Berlin, 1937; chmn. program com., In- dustry and Economics, World's Dairy Congress, Washington, 1923; mem. La Grange Bd. of Health (pres., 1926-27); life mem. Am. Dairy Sci. Assn. (pres., 1911-13), Nat. Dairy Assn., Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, Alpha Zeta; winner Cor- nell-Ohio State Univ. essay contest, 1899; awarded Distinguished Service gold medal, Swiss Dairy Fedn., Berne, Switzerland, 1928; invited to Australia and New Zealand, 1927, for investiga- tions and recommendations as to dairy industry; apptd. dairy technologist by U.S. Dept. Agr. for dairy survey in Latin-Am. countries, 1942; awarded diploma for scientific pubs., by Internat. Exposition, Milan, 1924. Republican. Protestant. Clubs: Collegiate, Cornell, Dairymen's Country. Author: Con- densed Milk and Milk Powder, 1914, 18, 20, 26, 35; The Butter Industry, 1920, 27, 40. Home and office: 103 Seventh Av., La Grange, 111. HASTINGS, Minnetta A., pres. Nat. Congress Parents and Teachers; b. Ade- laide, S. Australia; d. Thomas W. Has- tings and Anne C. (Yates) Littlewood; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1922, M.A., 1927; m. William A. Hastings, 4 June 1904; chil- dren— W. Harold, Donald W. (maj. Med. Corps, U.S. Air Force). After raising sons to sch. age returned to univ.; work on volunteer basis connected with child welfare and ednl. projects in Wis. and with Children's Bur., Office of Edn. and other nat. agencies; pres. Nat. Con- gress Parents and Teachers, 1943-46, of Wis. Congress, 1933-37; pres. Madison 107 Woman's Club, 1929-31; mem. Wis. joint com. on edn., Presbyterian Students Center Foundation, Univ. Wis. (sec. bd. dirs.), N.E.A., Alumni Assn. Univ. Wis., P.E.O., Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Cordon (Chicago); Woman's (Madison). Contbr. to ednl. jours, and pubs. Nat. Congress Parents and Teachers. Presbyterian. Address: 600 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 2241 Hollister Av., Madison, Wis. MANCHESTER, Earl Northup, libra- rian; b. Factoryville, Pa., 12 July 1881; s. Walter Nelson Manchester, photogra- pher, and Louise A. (Northup) M.; ed. Keystone Acad., Factoryville; B.A., Brown Univ., 1902; m. Alice Amelia Wood of Portland, Me., 14 Jan. 1914; 1 son, John Wood. Second asst. librn., Brown Univ., 1903-05, reference libr., 1905-11; head, readers dept, Univ. Chi- cago Libs., 1911-21; dir. libs., Univ. Kan., 1921-28; univ. libr., Ohio State Un- iv., 1928; served as camp libr., Camp Cody, N.M., Jan. -Apr. 1918, Camp Grant, Rockford, 111., Sept.-Dec. 1918, port rep., base sect. 2, Bordeaux, Fr., Jan.-Oct. 1919; mem. A.L.A., Ohio Lib. Assn. Clubs: Torch, Faculty (O. State Univ.). Author: contbns. to lib. jours. Interests: music, drama (amateur), fine printing. Recreation: fishing. Episcopalian. Inde- pendent. Office: The Ohio Univ. Library, Columbus, O. Home: 1622 North West Blvd., Columbus, O. SHOW ALTER, Clarence Ernest, Pres- bvterian clergyman; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 28 Sept. 1900; s. Henry J. Show- alter, electrician, and Augusta (Miller) S.; ed. B.A., Carroll Coll., 1921; B.D., Theol. Sem., 1924; Th.D., Milton Univ., 1943; m. Elizabeth R. Stroh of Wheaton, 1 Jan. 1924; children — Elizabeth Anne, Carol Harriet, Florence Louise. Pastor, Cornell, Wis., 1924-26. Superior, Wis., 1926-32, Chicago Heights, 1932—; dir. Harold C. Jones Community Center; pres., Chicago Heights Health Council; pres. Alumni Assn. McCormick Theol. Sem., 1944; mem. Gamma Phi Delta, Delta Sigma Mu. Clubs: Chicago Heights Art, Stylites, Ho-a-Ro. Travel: Palestine, Egy., Eur. Interests: art, violin. Recreations: trout fishing, golf. Presbyterian. Office: 1636 School St., Chicago Heights, 111. Home: 208 Country Club Rd., Chicago Heights, 111. BLIZZARD, Warren Lale, dean of sch. of agriculture; b. McPherson, Kan., 8 Apr. 1888; s. John Wilson Blizzard and Zaidee L. (Leonard) B.; ed. McPherson (Kan.) high sch.; B.S. (in Agr.), Kan. State Coll., Manhattan, Kan., 1910; m. Alta Handlin of Manhattan, Kan., 15 Mar. 1915. Engaged in livestock farm- ing; asst. animal husbandman, Kan. State Coll.; livestock field man for Capper pubis.; asst. prof, animal hus- bandry extension, la. State Coll.; head of animal husbandry, dean of sch. agr., Okla. A. and M. Coll.; official judge at most of outstanding livestock shows in this country, also judged in Hawaii; dir., Agr. Expt. Sta., Okla. A. and M. Coll.; mem. Alpha Zeta, Phi Kappa Phi, Am. Soc. Animal Production, Ma- sons (Scottish Rite), Shrine. Clubs: Saddle and Sirloin, Rotary. Author: contbr. Am. Soc. of Animal Production. Travel: Hawaii, Gt. Brit., Fr., Belg., Holland, Ger. Interest: livestock judg- ing. Presbyterian. Office : Okla. A. & M. Coll., Stillwater, Okla. Home: 126 S. Duck St., Stillwater, Okla. DALTON, Sidna Poage, attorney-at- law; b. Walker, Mo., 16 Nov. 1892; s. F. A. Dalton, retail coal dealer, and Ida Jane (Poage) D.; ed. Nevada (Mo.) high sch.; A.B., Westminster Coll., Ful- ton, Mo., 1913; B.S. (in Ed.), Mo. Univ. A.M., 1914, L.LB., 1918; m. Edna Rusk of Columbia, Mo., 3 Aug. 1918; children —Ruth Rusk, Jane, James P., William A. Teacher, high sch., 1914; asst., en- forcement div., U.S. Food Commn. for Mo., 1918; pros, atty., Cape Girardeau Co., 1926-28, 1930-34; commr., Supreme Ct. of Mo., 1939—; mem. Mo., Am. and Cape Girardeau Co. Bar Assns., Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Delta Kappa, Acacia. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Methodist. Democrat. Office: Supreme Court Bldg., Jefferson City, Mo. Home: Cape Girar- deau, Mo. ELSOM, James Claude, emeritus pro- fessor of physical therapy and educa- tion; b. Nelson Co., Va., 16 May 1866; s. R. W. Elsom, mcht., and Anna Louise (Shepard) E.; ed. pvt. schs., Norwood Coll., Va.; M.D., Med. Coll. Va., 1886; m. Ruth Reams of Richmond, Va., 7 Oct. 1891; children— Bernardo, Eliza- beth, Kendall. Pvt. practice, dir. phys. ed., Galveston, Tex., Atlanta, Ga., and Minneapolis, Minn.; prof. phys. ed., Univ. Wis., 1894-1936; prof. phys. ther- apy, 1920-36; dir. phys. therapy, Gen. Hosp. No. 3, Rahway, N.J., 1919; pres., Am. Congress Phys. Therapy, 1925; capt. U.S.A., iy 2 yrs.; major, Med. Res. Corps, 1920—; mem. Dane Co. Med. Soc, Wis. State Med. Soc, A.M.A., Am. Congress Phys. Therapy. Clubs: Univer- sity, Madison, Nat. Council B.S.A. Au- thor: community recreation, social games. Interests: photog., nature study. 108 Baptist. Republican. Office: Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis. Home: 1614 Jeffer- son St., Madison, Wis. PLUNKETT, William Joseph, clergy- man; b. Chicago, 111., 19 Nov. 1890; s. William J. Plunkett, police capt., and Catherine (Murphy) P.; ed. Cathedral Coll. (now Quigley rep. Sem.); St. Paul (Minn.) Sem., 1910-16. Ordained Catholic priest, 1916; asst. pastor, St. James Ch., Chicago, 111., 1916-23; prof., Quigley Prep. Sem., Chicago, 111., 1923- 32; pastor, Immaculate Conception Ch., Elmhurst, 111., 1932—; rector, Immacu- late Conception High Sch., 1935—; mem. Nat. Catholic Total Abstinence Soc. (state chap.), K.C. (4th deg.); mem. off. party with Cardinal Mundelein, Beatification Mother Cabrini, Rome, 1938. Club: Elmhurst Country. Recrea- tion: golf. Office and home: 269 S. York St., Elmhurst, 111. JONES, Ira Milton, patent lawyer; b. Washington, D.C,. 22 June 1896; s. Thomas H. Jones (dec), and Jane (Cissel) J.; ed. Tech. high sch., Wash- ington, D. C. ; Marquette Univ.; m. Dolores Murphy of Peoria, 111., 7 Aug. 1943; children— Elizabeth Latham, Ira Milton, Jr., John, Jean. Practice of law (own bus.), 23 yrs.; served as 2d It. flier, overseas; mem. Am. Patent Law Assn., A.B.A., Milwaukee Patent Law Assn., Chicago Patent Law Assn. Clubs: University of Milwaukee, University of Washington, Milwaukee Athletic, Wis- consin, Town, Fox Point. Travel: U.S. extensively. Interest: etchings. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: 110 E. Wiscon- sin Av., Milwaukee 2, Wis. Home: West Wind Farm, Range Line Rd., Thiens- ville, Wis. Winter home: 404 Magnolia St., New Smyrna Beach, Fla. DUNN, Irene May, senior supervisor; b. Racine, 26 Oct. 1886; d. John L. Dunn and Carrie (Nelson) D.; ed. Racine high sch.; Ph.B., Chicago Univ., 1925, M.A., 1927, grad. work, 1928-32. Teacher, Colo. State Teachers Coll., summer, 1938; edu- cator, lecturer, rehabilitation worker, vocational guidance dir. ; now sr. super- visor of records and finance, Rehabili- tation Div., State Bd. of Adult & Voca- tional Edn.; mem. Wis. Edn. Assn., Wis. Assn. for Disabled, Nat. Reha- bilitation Assn., Nat. Soc. Crippled Chil- dren, Am. Vocational Assn., Wis. Assn. Vocational & Adult Edn., United Com- mercial Travelers Auxiliary (Wis. juris- diction, p. grand pres.), Pi Lambda Theta. Author: Correlation between I.Q. and Success in School; various mag. arts. Travel: U.S. Interests: crossword puzzles, baseball. Episcopalian. Office: Rm. 320, State Office Bldg., Madison, Wis. Home: 29 E. Wilson St., Madison, Wis. LOGAN, Marjorie S., professor, direc- tor, art dept.; b. Meadville, Pa.; d. Thomas D. Logan, clergyman, and Caroline B. (Mahoney) L. ; ed. Spring- field (111.) high sch.; Ph.B., Univ. Chi- cago, 1921; Harvard Univ., Carnegie Fellowship; Wellesley Coll.; Ch. Sch. of Art. Instr., art, Univ. Tex., 1918-21; Mil- waukee-Downer Coll., 1921 — ; rrem, Coll. Art Assn., Am. Fed. Arts, Western Arts Assn., N.E.A., Wis. Teachers' Assn., A.A.U.W. Clubs: The Cordon, Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago, The Walrus Milwaukee. Author: Fine Arts in Rela tion to Academic Study, 1925; Design it The Fine Arts. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office and home: Milwaukee- Downer Coll., Milwaukee, Wis. Summer res.: 430 S. Second St., Springfield, HI. POTTER, Milton Chase, superintend- ent of schools (elected supt. emeritus, 1943); b. Allegan Co., Mich., 5 Nov. 1873; s. Josiah Potter, farmer, and Lucia (Anderson) P.; ed. Mich, rural schs.; B.A., Albion Coll., 1895; M.Ph., Univ. Chicago, 1905; Litt. D., Univ. Den- ver, 1915; m. Camilla Barber of Su- perior, Wis., 27 Dec. 1905; children- John Milton, Josiah Warren. Teacher and prin., Oak Park, 111., 1897-98; high sch. prin., Superior, Wis., 1898-1903; supt. of schs., Idaho Springs, Colo., 1903- 05; Pueblo, Colo., 1908-12; St. Paul, Minn., 1912-14; Milwaukee, Wis., Mar. 1914-July 1943; mem. Colo. State Teach- ers Assn. (pres., 1911-12), N.E.A. (dir., 1914-15), D-pt. of Superintendence, (pres., 1932-33), Wis. Teachers Assn. (pres., 1916-17), Civic Award, Marquette Univ., 1929, Am. Interprofessional Inst, (pres., 1930-31), Am. Assn. Sch. Ad- minstrs. (pres., 1932-34), Am. Vocational Assn., Elks, Moose, S.A.R., Old Settlers. Clubs: Gen. Ed. Dept., Internat. Rotary (pres., 1914-16), Nat. Assn. of Profes- sional Men's (pres., 1926-27). Co-author: Oral and Written English Books, 1917; Log Book and Chart for English Stu- dents, 1943. Travel: Eur. Interest: liter- ary. Recreation: chess. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 1111 N. Tenth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 2725 N. Pros- pect Av., Milwaukee, Wis. SPARLING, Edward J., college presi- dent, Roosevelt Coll. of Chicago; b. Panoche, Calif., 22 Nov. 1896; s. Edward J. Sparling, gen. contractor, and Ger- trude (Smith) S.; ed. San Benito Co. (Calif.) high sch.; A.B., Stanford Univ., 109 1921; A.M., Columbia Univ., 1925, Ph.D., 1933; m. Marion Bailey Sparling of New- ton Center, Mass., 19 Mar. 1927; 1 dau., Mary Ann. Asst. gen. sec. Y.M.C.A., Stanford Univ., 1921-24; teacher, Palo Alto Union High Sen., 1925-28; physical dir., Internat. House, N.Y., 1928-30; asst. dir. of personnel, Long Island Univ., 1930-32; ednl. dir. Christodora House, N.Y., 1933-34; dean of men and prof, of psychology, Hiram (O.) Coll., 1934-36; pres. and mem. bd. dirs. Central Y.M. C.A. Coll., Chicago, 1936-45; pres. and mem. bd. dirs. Roosevelt Coll. of Chi- cago, May 1945—; instr., flight comdr. and asst. officer in charge of flying, Carruthers Field, Ft. Worth, Tex., Air Service, U.S. Army, 1918-19; commd. 2d It.; pres. Pan-Am. Good Neighbor Forum, sec.-treas., Fed. of 111. Colleges; mem. bd. of dirs., Chicago Area Proj- ects, exec. com. Ind. Voters of 111., N.E.A., Am. Council on Education, Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, Alpha Delta Phi. Democrat. Conglist. Clubs: University (Chicago), City (Chicago). Author: Do College Students Choose Vo- cations Wisely, 1933. Travel: Can., Eur., U.S. Interests: gardening, music, inven- tion. Recreations: woodchopping, swim- ming, flying. Office: 231 S. Wells St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1387 Edgewood Lane, Winnetka, 111. DIETZ, Gould, business executive; b. Anamosa, la., 24 May 1868; s. Gould Price Dietz and Leonora Antonette (Cooke) D.; ed. high sen.; m. Alice A. Kountze of Omaha, Neb., 20 Dec. 1930. Assoc, with brother, C. N. Dietz, whole- sale and retail lumber bus., 1883 — ; also developed bituminous coal fields of Sheridan Co., Wyo.; del. Rep. Nat. Conv. (7 times); dir. Omaha Nat. Bank; tr., Home for Aged, Child Savings Inst, (pres.), Masonic Boys Home, City Mis- sion, Foundation Com. for Neb. Univ.; organized the Red Cross Chap, for Omaha (pres.), Base Hosp. No. 49 and ambulance No. 135, civilian aid to Sec. of War Seven Cor. Area for 18 yrs.; mem. Neb. Human Soc. (pres.), Elk's (life), Bd. of Incorporate Am. Red Cross, Washington, D.C. Clubs: Omaha, Omaha Country. Travel: 5 times around world. Methodist. Republican. Address: Hotel Fontenelle, Omaha, Neb. WEE, Mary Elizabeth Nelson, musi- cal director, editor; b. Morehead, Minn., 3 Apr. 1878; d. O. T. Nelson, minister, and Anne (Semling) N.; ed Vermillion (S.D.) high sen.; bus. sch. ; Monon Block Music Conservatory, Chicago, 111.; m. Mons Wee of Red Wing, Minn., 23 Feb. 1900; children— Ruth, Morris, Mar- garet, Luther. Organized Mission Dove, the pioneer W.M.F. of Norwegian Lu- theran Ch., 1901, The Student Wives Assn., Red Wing, 1911, St. Paul, 1918, several chorus groups and socs.; ed. of women's dept., church organ, Bud- hareren, 1911-18, Lutheraneren, many yrs.; mus. dir., Wartburg Cong., Has- tings Chorus; ed., treas., Orient Mission paper; treas., Kurdistan Missionary; off., W.M.F. , 1901—; pres., Twin City Circuit; life mem. Fairview Hosp. Aux.; pres., Student Wives Assn. Alumni (pres.). Clubs: Progressive Literary of Twin Cities (pres.), Authors (p. treas.). Author: stories, arts., verse. Travel: U.S. Desc. early pioneers in Minn. In- terests: music, books, writing. Recrea- tions: painting, gardening. Lutheran. Republican. Office and home: No. 2 Seminary Campus, Como Av. and Luther Place, St. Paul, Minn. Summer home: Hearts Ease, Welch, Minn. BURLISON, W. L„ head of dept. of agronomy; b. Harrison, Ark., 3 Sept. 1882; s. William W. Burlison, bldg. con- tractor, and Amanda (Pettit) B.; ed. Okla. Univ. Acad.; B.A., Univ. 111., 1905, M.S., 1908, Ph.D., 1915; Dr. Agr. (hon.), Okla A. & M. Coll., 1927; m. Flossy Belle Lewis of Bartlesville, Okla., 1909; chil- dren—Mildred (dec), Lewis Eugene, Ruth-Helen, Margaret Allene, David George. Asst. agronomist, 1906-08, asst. prof., Okla. A. & M. Coll., 1908-10; assoc. ed., Orange-Judd Weeklies, 1910-12; assoc. in crop prodn., Univ. 111., 1912-15, assoc. prof, crop prodn., 1915-18, prof., 1918, head dept. agronomy, 1920—; mem. 111. War Bd., during World War I; mem. Am. Soc. Agronomy, Alpha Zeta, Sigma Xi, Acacia, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Kappa Phi, many sci. socs. Club: Kiwanis. Author: Book Crop Produc- tion; bulls, of Okla. and 111. Agr. Expt. Sta. Travel: Can., U.S. Interest: home shop. Recreation: hiking. Methodist. In- dependent. Office: 212 Old Agricultural Bldg., Urbana, 111. Home: 502 Michigan Av., Urbana, HI. GENTRY, Veit, printing executive; b. Booneville, Mo., 4 May 1889; s. Veit Charles Gentry, mcht., and Belle (Tem- pleton) G.; ed. Kemper Mil. Sch.; Univ. Mo.; B.S., Univ. Chicago, J.D.; m. Mar- garet Zimmerman of Richmond, Ind., 3 Mar. 1917; children— Richard Neil, Veit, Jr., Douglas Tempi eton. Pres. Gentry Printing Co.; mem. Sigma Chi. Clubs: Exmoor Country, Union League, Lake Shore Athletic. Methodist. Office: 111 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 110 Home: Hotel Windermere East, 1642 E. 56th St., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Washington Island, Wis. LOWELL, Frances Erraa, clinical psychologist; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 12 Oct. 1886; d. Franklin P. Lowell, whole- sale merchant, and Martha Frances (Hughes) L.; ed. E. Minneapolis high sch.; A.B., Univ. Minn., 1915, A.M., 1917, Ph.D., 1919; unmarried. Teacher, pub. schs., Minn., 1904-09, 1915-16; res. asst., State Sch. for Feeble Minded, 1917-18; instr. psychol., Univ. Minn., 1918-20; pub. sch. psychol., Rochester, N.Y., 1920-21; head of dept. Psychol., Indianapolis Normal Sch., 1921-22; assoc. prof, psychol., DePauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind., 1922-25; clinical psy- chologist, Bd. of Ed., Cleveland, O., 1925—; mem. Am. Psychol. Assn., fellow A.A.A.S., fellow Am. Assn. Applied Psychol., Pi Gamma Mu. Author: sci. arts, on res. published in Jour, of App. Psychol., Am. Jour. of Psychol., Psychol. Review. Interest: writing poetry for children. Recreations: gar- dening, golf. Protestant. Republican. Of- fice: Room 203, Cleveland Bd. of Edu- cation, Cleveland, O. Home: 9732 Logan Ct, Cleveland, O. COLLINS, Charles William, journalist, author; b. Madison, Ind., 19 Nov. 1880; s. Smith Collins, Off. mgr., and Mary Luella (Wood) C; ed. Hyde Pk. high sch., Chicago; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1903. Reporter, Chicago Record-Herald, 1903-07; drama critic, Chicago Inter Ocean, 1907-10, 1912-14, Chicago Evening Post, 1914-25; drama critic, edit, writer, The Chicagoan, 1925-29; drama critic, Chicago Tribune, 1930-38; ed., Line O'Type or Two column, Chicago Trib- une, 1938—. Clubs: The Tavern, The Cliff Dwellers. Author: Great Love Stories of the Theater; The Sins of St. Anthony; The Dark Island (co-author); One Girl in a Million (co-author); numerous arts., short stories. Repub- lican. Office: Chicago Tribune, 435 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 716 Brummel St., Evanston, 111. MAJERUS, Theodore, caterer; b. Luxembourg, 4 Mar. 1888; s. Leonard Majerus, salesman, and Marguerite (Schmitz) M.; unmarried. Engaged in restaurant bus., Paris, 8 yrs., London, 2 yrs., New York, 2 yrs., Chicago, 1917 — . Travel: Eur. (every yr. except during war). Recreations: farming, golf, hunting. Catholic. Office and home: 22 E. Ontario St., Chicago, 111. Country home: Landwehr Rd., North Brook, 111. MARZOLO, Leo Aurelio, restorer of paintings, artist; b. Martinez, Calif., 22 Feb. 1887; s. Romano Marzolo and Eugenia (Lambruschini) M.; ed. pub. schs.; Hopkins Inst., San Francisco; m. Blanche Fuller of Toulon, 111., 1931; chil- dren—John Fuller, Leo A., II. Began in picture-frame store in San Francisco; attended night sch.; settled in Chicago as artist, 1912—; official restorer for Art Inst. Chicago; life mem. Art Inst. Chicago, Chicago Hist. Soc, Field Museum, Assn. of Painters and Sculp- tors, Palette and Chisel Acad., Chicago Galleries Assn. Desc. Blanche Fuller, direct line of Mayflower origin. Interest: the arts. Recreations: garden, painting. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 1012 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: Warrenville, 111. McGAH, William J., lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 19 Jan. 1892; s. Patrick H. McGah and Bridget (Lyons) M.; ed. St. Ignatius high sch.; St. Ignatius Coll.; LL.B., Loyola Univ., 1913; m. Catherine Conlin of Chicago, 13 Apr. 1918; chil- dren—Joseph, William, Edward. Ad- mitted to 111. bar, 1913; examiner, Chi- cago Civil Service Commn.; teacher, bus. law and accounting, Chicago pub. jr. high schs.; atty., Chicago City Coun- sel Com. on Streets and Alleys, Chicago Park Employes Annuity & Pension Fund; pres. and dir., Central Process Corp.; dir., Erwood Sound Equipment Co.; master in chancery of superior ct. Cook Co., 1933—; pvt., Battalion Sergt. Major, 2d It., Inf., U.S. Army during World War I; mem. Am. Legion, K. of C, Elks. Clubs: Butterfield Countrv, Irish Fellowship. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 77 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1125 N. Linden Av., Oak Park, HI. Summer home: New Buffalo, Mich. LATHROP, Amy Lorene (Stiers), writer, housekeeper; b. la., 20 May 1878; d. Solomon Myers, music dealer and Ellen (Littlefield) M.; ed. Ft. Dodge, la. schs.; A.B., Coe Coll. (Cedar Rapids, la.), 1899; m. W. C. Lathrop, M.D., of Marion, la., 21 June 1899; chil- dren— Lt. William Myers, D.D.S., Army, Elizabeth Amy, Rosemary, Lt. John Henry, Navy; m. (2d) Bruce Stiers of Lincoln, Neb., 5 Oct. 1939. Ret. claim adj., R. I. Limes; has operated apt. houses, Kan. and Calif., operated farm in Thomas Co., 15 yrs.; mem. O.E.S., A.A.U.W. (pres. N.W. branch, Kan., 5 yrs.), Kan. Womens Press Assn., Nat. Fed. Press Women. Clubs: Kan. Fed. Womens Clubs (pres. 6th dist., 2 yrs. Ill v.p., 2 yrs.). Author: History of Norton County; many poems and a contbr. to Kan. mag. ; writes short stories for local papers. Travel: U.S. Desc. pioneer settlers in Kan. and Mo. Interests: hist., travel. Recreations: gardening, writing prose and poetry. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Home: 602 N. 1st Av., Norton, Kan. Summer res.: Evergreen, Colo. HILL, Grant L., life insurance execu- tive; b. Des Moines, la., 25 Dec. 1896; s. John R. Hill, retired, and Roxie (Bee- son) H.; ed. high sens., West Des Moines, Joliet, 111.; Univ. 111.; m. Mar- celle Thieren of Antwerp, Belgium, 12 Aug. 1920; 1 son, Grant Beeson. Mgr. Sales & Export, Ingersoll Watch Co., Ltd., London, Eng., 1920-23; life ins. selling and management, New York, N.Y., 1924-33; elected dir., of Agencies, Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1933, chartered Life Underwriter; dir. Am. Coll. Life Underwriters; served with U.S. Marine Corps, A.E.F., 1st It., 2d div., 1917-19; mem. Am. Coll. Life Un- derwriters. Clubs: University, Milwau- kee, Am. Legion. Protestant. Office: The Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., Mil- waukee, Wis. Home: 3947 North Lake Dr., Milwaukee, Wis. Summer res.: The Berkshires, N.Y. BEDDLE, Ward Gray, comptroller, and secretary of bd. of trustees of Ind. Univ.; b. Madison City, 23 Mar. 1891; s. Charles W. Biddle, farmer, stockman, and Nellie M. (Gray) B.; ed. Pendleton high sen.; Winona Coll., 1 term; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1916; m. Donna Ruth Roberts of Oxford, Ind., 3 June 1917; children— Betty Ruth, Nancy Ward. Teacher, Adams Twp. pub. sens., 1909- 11, Middleton pub. schs., 1911-12; prin. Pendleton grade schs., 1912-14; asst. sec, treas., Pendleton Trust Co., 1916- 19; asst. cashier, Anderson Banking Co., 1919-21; cashier, dir., Middletown State Bank, 1921-23; mgr., Ind. Univ. Book- store, 1923-36; dir., Ind. Union Bldg., 1932-36; comptroller, Ind. Univ., 1936—, sec. bd. tr., 1937 — ; dir., Bloomington Chamber Commerce Bd., 1940-41; mem. bd. dir., Ind. Univ. Foundation, 1937 — ; rep., Monroe Co., Ind. Legis., 1931-33, state senator, 1933-37; mem. Sigma Nu (nat. v. regent, 1939-41), Nat. Assn. Coll. Unions (life), Nat. Assn. Coll. Stores (life mem., pres., 1930-32), Beta Gamma Sigma (bus. hon.), Masons (33d deg.), Royal and Select Masons (grand master of Ind., 1939), Hon. Order of Ky. Cols., Ind. Soc. Pioneers, Indianapolis Press Club, Alpha Phi Omega (hon. mem.), Nat. Soc. Scabbard and Blade (hon. mem.), Daubers and Management of Ind. Univ. (hon.), Columbia (Indian- apolis), Kiwanis (pres., Bloomington, 1931). Father, mem. Ind. legislature, 1911-15; great grandfather came to Ind., 1828. Interests: drama, art, music. Pres- byterian. Office: Indiana Univ., Bloom- ington, Ind. Home: 601 S. Park Av., Bloomington, Ind. KARSTAEDT, Clinton Frederick, newspaper pub.; b. Elkhart, Ind., 6 Sept. 1888; s. Lewis Karstaedt and Maud Janette (Swain) K.; student Beloit (Wis.) high sen., 1902-06; extension courses, Univ. Wis., 1916; m. Nellie Louise Martin, 15 June 1910; 1 son, Martin Frederick. With Warner Instru- ment Co., Beloit, 1906-07; bookkeeper Fairbanks Morse & Co., Beloit, 1907; with Daily News Pub. Co., 1907—, dir., sec.-treas., 1915 — , co-publisher, Mar. 1940 — ; v.p. Monroe Times Pub. Co.; dir. Y.M.C.A. ; chmn. Beloit Chap. Am. Red Cross; mem. Inland Daily Pres3 Assn. (chmn. bd.), Wis. Daily News- paper League (sec.-treas.), Rotary In- ternat. (p. chmn. mag. com.), Sigma Delta Chi; wrote appendix for News- paper Management (by F. Thayer), 1926, for revised edit., 1938; listed as collaborator Bastian-Case third edition Jan. 1943 (McMillan), Editing the Day's News. Republican. Baptist (trustee). Mason (33d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Ro- tary Internat. (ex-gov. 144th Dist), Be- loit Rotary, Beloit Country, Forrest Hills Golf (Rockford, 111.). Office: 413-15-17 Pleasant St., Beloit, Wis. Home: 820 Milwaukee Rd., Beloit, Wis. BROWN, Robert C, Jr., patent law- yer; b. Evanston, 111., 7 Sept. 1906; s. R. Clarence Brown, realtor, and Ella (Pierce) B. ; ed. Evanston Twp. high sch. ; B.S., Engring. Sen., Northwestern Univ., 1926, J.D., Law Sch., 1928, M.S., Grad. Sch., 1929; m. Alice Haas of Evanston, 111., 15 June 1931; children — Lawrence Haas, Warren Pierce, Ronald Owen. Practice patent law with Harvey L. Hansen, 1928-29; assoc. firm Gillson, Mann & Cox, 1929-38; partner firm Mann, Brown & Cox, 1938-44; partner Mann and Brown, 1944 — ; p. dir., David- son Mfg. Corp.; chmn. Assoc. Defense Com., Chicago Tech. Soc, 1940-44; v.p. Physics Club Chicago, 1941-42; mem. Chicago Patent Law Assn., Chicago Bar Assn., Delta Tau Delta, Phi Alpha Delta, Am. Bar Assn. Clubs: Union League (Chicago), University (Evans- ton), Exmoor (Highland Park). Travel: Mediterranean countries, U.S. (exten- sive). Recreations: tennis, golf, curling. 112 Protestant. Republican. Office: 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 261 Lakewood PL, Highland Park, 111. HENES, Edwin, Jr., physician, execu- tive; b. New York, N.Y., 28 Jan. 1885; s. Edwin Henes and Caroline L. (Schif- fer) H.; ed. pvt., pub. schs. in New York, N.Y.; Coll. City of N.Y.; A.B., Columbia Coll., 1907; M.D., Coll. Physi- cians and Surgeons, 1910; Univ. Frei- burg; Univ. Berlin, Ger.; m. Irma L. Manegold of Milwaukee, 5 Aug. 1912; children— Virginia (Mrs. Arthur Young, Jr.), Edwin, III. Devoted many yrs. to med. practice and edn., med. orgn. sci. res.; dir. and v. p., Fox Head Waukesha Corp., pres., Milwaukee Acad, of Medi- cine; capt., M.C., U.S. Army, chief Med. Service, Gen. Hosp. No. 12, during World War I; at present major, M.C. U.S.A. Reserve; mem. Co. State Am. Med. Assns., Inter-state Post Grad. Med. Assn. No. Am. (formerly exec, dir.), A.M.P.O., Fellow, Am. Coll. of Physicians, Acad, of Medicine (Mil- waukee). Clubs: University, Minocqua Country. Author: many arts, on original researches. Travel: Eur., U.S., Desc. grandfather active in Revolutionary Mi- gration from Germany, 1848. Interests: civic affairs, trusteeships, music, ever- green trees. Recreation: North Woods, fishing, golf. English Lutheran. Inde- pendent. Office: 759 No. Milwaukee St., Milwaukee 2, Wis. Home: Cudahy Tower, 925 E. Wells St., Milwaukee, Wis. Summer res.: Lake Minocqua, Minocqua, Wis. STIBGEN, Geary Vance, lawyer; b. Ridge Farm, 111., 4 Dec. 1888; s. Andrew Ellsworth Stibgen, miller, and Etta (Bean) S.; ed. Henry (111.) high sch., 1906; LL.B., 111. Coll. Law, De Paul Univ., 1909; m. Frances Hauber of Chi- cago, 111., 12 June 1912; children— Nor- man Arthur (dec), Betty Jean, Robert Roy. With trust dept, Central Trust Co. of 111., Chicago, 1921-25, trust officer, 1923-25; real estate bus., 1926-27; trust officer, Central Mfg. Dist. Bank, 1927-32: gen. law practice, 1932—; sec, tr., Bel- mont Community Hosp. Assn.; mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns. Interests: collecting bells, sports, duck hunting. Republican. Office: Room 1524, 160 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 3620 N. Harding Av., Chicago, 111. SODERLIND, Nona Bymark, sculp- tor; b. St. Paul, Minn., 16 July 1900; d. John P. S. Bymark, elec. engr., and Alice Elizabeth M. (Magnuson) S.; ed. East high sch., Minneapolis, Minn.; Minneapolis Inst, of Arts; Cranbrook Acad, of Fine Arts, Detroit, Mich.; m. Dr. R. T. Soderlind of Minneapolis, Minn., 17 Sept. 1922; children— Daniel, Bror, Phillip. Reed. Minn. Arts Union award, 3d prize, Minn. State Fair, 1928, Premium Award, 1931, 3d Prize, Minne- apolis Inst, of Arts, 1928, 1st prize, 1930, 2d prize, 1931; works: Relief of Gov. Olsen for Farmer Labor Party, Portrait of Victor Nelson, Minneapolis Mus. Critic, Am. Inst. Swedish Arts, Lit. & Sci., Minneapolis, Minn.; mem. Minn. Arts Assn. Interest: vocal studies. Lu- theran. Office and home: 141 E. 51st St., Minneapolis, Minn. Summer res.: Ma- rine on St. Croix, Minn. DAVIS, John Calvin, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist; b. Omaha, Neb., 9 Nov. 1890; s. Dr. John C. Davis and Alice (Overton) D.; ed. Omaha high sch.; Univ. Neb., 1 yr.; Harvard Univ., 2 yrs.; A.B., Univ. Neb., 1914, M.D., 1917; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, 1927; m. Elizabeth K. Norton of Elkhorn, Wis., 9 Apr. 1921; 1 son, John Calvin, III. Post-grad, study, N.Y., 1920, Vienna Clinics, 1930; served as 1st It., M.R.C., 1917-19, capt., 1919; fellow A.C.S., 1927; mem. A.M.A. Clubs: Lions, Athletic, Happy Hollow. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Eur. Interests: min- eral rocks, stamps. Recreations: golf, fishing, hiking. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: 425 Aquila Court, Omaha, Neb. Home: 119 So. 53d St., Omaha, Neb. RING, Otto Frank, lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 22 Dec. 1884; s. Frank J. Ring, tailor, and Frances (Tauchen) R., M.D., ed. Joseph Medill high sch.; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. Law, 1906, LL.M., 1908; m. Rose Sykora of Chicago, 111., 30 June 1909; children— Rosella, Adelaide L. Partner in Smejkal-Klenha & Ring, 1906-12, Jones Bryant, Kerner, Ring & Posvic, 1912-15; pvt. practice, 1915-25; partner, Ring, Uhlir & Cuchna, 1925 — ; dir., Kaspar Am. State Bank, Chicago; legal advisor, assoc. Div. No. 24, Selective Service System; mem. Am. and 111. Bar Assns., Chicago Law Inst., Bohemian Charitable Assn. Clubs: Yacht, Bohemian Lawyers, Medinah Temple, O.F. Interests: motor boating, golf. Protestant. Republican. Office: 125 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1420 W. 18th St., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Ingleside, 111. BENNETT, John William, lawyer; b. Marion, Ind., 17 Sept. 1897; s. C. M. Bennett, contractor, and Rozella (Moore) B.; ed. Topeka (Kan.) high sch.; Washburn Law Sch., 1918-19; 113 LL.B., John Marshall Law Sen.; m. Lina Muller of Newport, R.I., 28 Sept. 1918; children— John M., Marlene. In U.S.N., 1918-19; Wholesale Drug Co., Chicago, 3 yrs. ; income tax service, Halsey Stuart Co.; admitted to 111. bar, 1922; engaged in practice with Edward M. Colbach, continuing under firm name of Bennett & Colbach, 1927—; mem. Shrine, K.T., Chicago, 111. and Am. Bar Assns. Clubs: Kiwanis, Builders, North Shore Sportsman (dir.). Co-author: Mu- nicipal Court Rules. Desc. Isaac Black- ford, first chief justice, Ind. Supreme Ct. Interest: bowling. Republican. Of- fice: 228 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 3832 N. Freemont St., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Pistaqua Bay, 111. COLE, Frank, clergyman; b. Whar- ton, O., 28 Oct. 1867; s. David D. Cole, business executive, and Mary Catherine (Bell) C; ed. Beebe (Ark.) high sch.; Stone's Bus. Coll.; Law student, Little Rock, Ark.; Little Rock Univ., 1890-94; Neb. Wesleyan Univ. (University Place, Neb.), 1895-1897, Ph.B., 1897; D.D., Cor- nell Coll. (Mt. Vernon), 1908; m. Mary J. Caradine of Beebe, Ark., 10 Feb. 1897; children— Russell D., Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Cole Hinkle. Taught sch., 1894; admitted on trial, Ark. Conf. Meth. Ch., 1895; ordained deacon, 1898, elder, 1900; pastor, Mammoth Springs, Ark., 1895, Emerald, Neb., 1895-96, Browns- combe Memorial Ch., Ft. Smith, Ark., 1897-99; transferred to Upper la. Conf., 1899; pastor, Northwood, 1899-1902, Wav- erly, 1902-06, First Ch., Waterloo, 1906- 11, St. John's Meth. Ch., Davenport, 1911-21; supt., Cedar Rapids Dist. of Meth. Ch., 1921-27; v.p., Cornell Coll., 1927-40, pres. bd. trs., 1926-4C, tr., 1912—, financial sec, 1927-39, mem. exec, com., bd. trs., 1916—, chmn. of exec, com., 1927-45, now financial advisor; pres. bd. trs., Upper la. Annual Conf., 1929-40; mem. Gen. Confs. Meth. Ch., 1912- 1916, 1928, Bd. Fgn. Missions, Meth. Ch., 1928-36, Bd. dirs. of St. Luke's Hosp., Cedar Rapids, la., 1923 — ; mem. bd. dirs., Mt. Vernon Bank & Trust Co., Mt. Vernon, la., 1931—; Chautauqua lec- turer, summer, 1918; Y.M.C.A. sec, A.E.F., Fr., 1917-18; mem. Phi Kappa Phi, Mason (32d deg.), Scottish Rite, A.F. & A.M. (grand chaplain, Grand Lodge of la., 1917). Methodist. Repub- lican. Office: Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la. Home: 906 Summit Av., Mt. Vernon, la. Summer res.: Coledale Farm, Route 2, Grand Rapids, Minn. LESCHER, Henry George G., physi- cian, surgeon; b. Chicago, 111., 16 Apr. 1894; s. Charles Lescher, machinist, and Anna L.; ed. St. Philomena Sch.; St. Ignatius high sch.; B. Pharm., Cent. States Sch. of Pharm., 1912, Ph.G., 1913, Phar. M., 1916; M.D., Loyola Univ. Sch. Med., 1917; interneship certificate, St. Anne's Hosp., 1918; m. Loretto Kretz of Galion, O., 30 May 1917; children- Henry Wm., Robert, Mary Rose, George, William, Charles, Alfred, John, Dorothy, Elizabeth, Loretto. Sr. surgeon, staff of St. Anne's Hosp.; served as 1st It., Med. Corps, U.S.A., during World War I; mem. A.M.A., 111. State Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, C.O.F., W.C.U., C.G.A. Recreations: farming (Lake Villa, HI.), dairying, boating, swim- ming. Catholic. Office: 4158 Armitage Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 2435 N. Sayre Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Fox St., McHenry, 111. LEVITON, Charles, lawyer; b. New York, N.Y., 26 Jan. 1889; s. Adolph H. Leviton, physician, and Betty (Soble) L.; ed. Medill high sch.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1909; J.D. (cum laude), Univ. Chicago Law Sch., 1911; m. Juliet Raphael of Chicago. Practiced law, Chi- cago, 1911—; mem. Chicago Bar Assn. (chmn., Com. Unauthorized Practice, 1934-35; bd. mgrs., 1935-37, gen. coun- sel), 111. State Bar Assn. (chmn. Sect. Unauthorized Practice, 1936), Am. Bar Assn. (mem., assoc, Adv. Com. Un- authorized Practice, 1935), Chicago Law Inst., Art Inst. Chicago, Acad. Polit. Sci., Am. Acad. Political and Social Sci. Clubs: Chicago Literary, City (Chicago). Author: various arts, in legal pubis. Jewish. Office: 29 S. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 162 E. Ohio St., Chi- cago, 111. Summer res.: New Buffalo, Mich. WHITTY, Elmer Joseph, lawyer; b. Chicago, HI., 22 Mar. 1886; s. Valentine Owen Whitty, bus. man, and Caroline A. (Whitney) W.; ed. St. James paro- chial sch., and high sch.; Notre Dame Univ.; LL.B., Loyola Univ., 1913; m. Marguerite E. Byrnes of Chicago, HI., 22 June 1921. Admitted to 111. Bar, 1913; assoc with law firm, Freeman, Mason & Igoe, 4 yrs.; asst. U.S. Atty. under Chas. F. Clyne, 6 yrs.; Fire Atty., City of Chicago (Mayor Dever, Francis X. Busch, Corp. Counsel); sec, So. Park Commrs.; 1st asst. atty., Sanitary Dist., Chicago; partner, Whitty & McGah; mem. Am., 111. and Chicago Bar Assns., K.C., Nat. Geog. Soc Club: South Shore Country. Recreations: swimming, bowl- ing, golfing. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 114 77 W. Washington St., Chicago, HI. Home: 6529 Kenwood Av., Chicago, 111. BOND, Ethel, associate professor; b. Champaign, Co., 111.; d. David Bond and Elizabeth (Edwards) B.; ed. Cham- paign high sen.; A.B., Univ. 111., 1907, B.L.S., 1908. Asst. cataloger, Northwest- ern Univ., 1908-09; head cataloger, O. Wesleyan Univ., 1909-12; part-time asst., catalog dept., Univ. 111. Library, 1912- 16; assoc. prof. Library Sen., 1912—; instr. Columbia Univ. Sch. Library Service, summer, 1929; mem. A.L.A., 111. Library Assn., Bibliog. Soc. Am., Assn. Coll. and Reference Libraries, A.A.U.P., A.A.U.W. Club: Champaign Bus. and Prof. Women's. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Univ. of HI., Ur- bana, 111. Home: 1108 S. Lincoln Av., Urbana, 111. BONDURANT, Flint, surgeon; b. Charleston, Mo., 23 Sept. 1885; s. A. A. Bondurant, physician, and Mary Jane (Baker) B.; ed. Cairo high sch.; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1907, M.D., 1909; m. Blanche Thistlewood of Cairo, 111., 14 Feb. 1914. State bacteriologist, 111., 1909; res. surgeon, Cook Co. Hosp., 1909- 11; «urg. pract., Cairo, HI., 1912—; fellow Internat. Coll. of Surgeons, F. A.C.S.; 1st It. Evacuation Hosp. Group, Med. Corps, U.S.A., during World War I; mem. Cairo Assn. of Commerce (pres., 1923), Masons, Knights Templar, Shrine. Club: Kiwanis (pres., 1922) Travel: So. Am., Mex., Can., Alaska. Baptist. Democrat. Office: 800 Commer- cial Av., Cairo, HI. Home: 2907 Park PL, W., Cairo, HI. CAMPBELL, Coyne Herbert, psychi- atrist; b. Davidson, Okla., 4 Mar. 1904- s. David Crockett Campbell, farmer stockman, and Elizabeth (Thorp) C • ed. Univ. Okla., 1920-24; A.B., Univ'. Chicago, 1924, M.D., 1928; m. Seiler Feger of Enid, Okla., 1929; children- Gloria, Ruth Ann, Carolyn, Barbara hue; m. (2d) Margaret Drake of Enid Okla., 1943; asst. supt., Okla. State *£?" r. , yr ;l P° st -^ ad - neuropsychi- atry, Columbia Univ., 18 mos.; pvt pract Oklahoma City, 1933-36, Inst' Psychoanalysis, Chicago, HI., 1936-37 : established Coyne Campbell Clinic and Sanatarium for Nervous & Mental Dis- eases, Oklahome City, Okla., 1939- dir Inst, for Neuropsychiatry, Oklahoma City, Coyne Campbell Sanitarium; assoc, neuropsychiatry, Univ. Okla Sch. Med.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Am. Psychiatric Assn., Am. Psychoanalytic Assn., fellow Am. Coll. 115 Phys. Club: Okla. Young Men's Dinner. Author: numerous sci. arts, on psychi- atry, neurology. Interests: photog., sociological philosophy. Recreations : fishing, walking. Office: 131 N.E. 4th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 1300 N.W. 20th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. BURGESS, Harold Dempster, lawyer; b. Dundee, 111., 10 July 1895; s. John W. Burgess and Sadie E. (Dempster) B.; ed. Beatrice pub. sens., Neb.; Univ. Colo.; Univ. Neb.; Univ. Chicago; m. Clara W. Worden of Beatrice, Neb., 31 Dec. 1919. Mem. 111. State, Chicago, Am. Bar Assns., Chicago Law Inst. Cubs: Law, Legal (Chicago), Mid-Day, Edgewood Valley Country. Recreation: golf. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 134 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 644 So. County Line Rd., Hinsdale, 111. BRUCE, William George, editor, pub- lisher; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 17 Mar. 1856; s. Augustus F. Bruce, carpenter, and Appollonia (Becker) B.; ed. LL.B. (hon.), Mt. Mary Coll., 1939; m. Monica Moehring of Milwaukee, Wis., 4 May 1881; children— William C, Frank M., Monica. Factory worker, 1870-81, elk., 1882; reporter, 1884, ed., pub., 1891; pres., Milwaukee Harbor Commn., Mil- waukee Auditorium, Am. State Bank, Wis. Deep Waterways Commn., Dioce- san Holy Name Soc. (pres. emeritus); v. chmn., Nat. Seaway Council. Author: History of Milwaukee; Commercial Or- ganizations; The Commercial Secre- tary; I Was Born in America (auto- biography); pamphlets on taxation, social ins., etc. Recreation: amateur photog. Catholic. Democrat. Office: Montgomery Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis Home: 1137 S. Third St., Milwaukee,' Wis. Summer res.: Lake Beulah, Wal- worth Co., Wis. BAKER, Helen Cody, writer; b. Chi- cago, HI., 24 Dec. 1889; d. Arthur B. Cody, lawyer, and Grace (Goodrich) C ■ ed. Hyde Park (HI.) high sch.; Univ'. Chicago; m. John Cuyler Baker of Chi- cago, 111., 17 June 1910; children— Albert G. (adopted), John C, Jr. (dec), Philo- mela. Sold first story to Chicago Daily News, 1905; free lance writer, mags and newspapers, 1905-21; publicity sec " Sf, C r dI of Social Agencies, 1921-45; lecturer, George Williams Coll., Northwestern Univ.; columnist, Chicago Daily News-; mem. Nat. Social Work Publicity Council (bd. mem., 4 yrs., chmn., l yr .), Nat. Conf. of Social Work (exec. com. mem.. 1939-41), Am. Assn. of Social Workers. Club: Esoteric (Univ. of Chicago). Author: How to Interpret Social Work (collab. M.S.R.); many mag. and newspaper arts. Travel: Eng., Fr. Desc. Philip Le Codie, Beverly, Mass., 1698, Roger Sherman, signer of Declaration of Independence, early pio- neers to 111., 1830-40; great granddau. Dr. Parker Sedgwick, granddau., Judge H. H. Cody. Interest: needlework, gar- dening. Episcopalian. Democrat. Home: 5348 Dorchester Av., Chicago, 111. CASSLER, James A., attorney at law; b. Rice Co., 5 Nov. 1881; s. L. D. Cass- ler, merchant, and Lucinda (Henney) C. ; ed. Mountridge high sell.; LL.B., Kan. Univ., 1910; m. Alexia D. McBoyle of Abilene, Kan., 1926. Engaged in pract. law, McPherson, 1&10— ; mem. law firm, Cassler & Lackie; dir. Mc- Pherson Citizen State Bank, Pioneer Savings & Loan Assn., McPherson; state senator, 78th dist. of Kan., 1943 — ; in First Officers Training Camp, Ft. Riley, 2V 2 mos., during World War I; mem. Elks, Mason (grand master of Kan., 1934). Clubs: Rotary, Country. Travel: Can., Mex., U.S. Recreation: travel. Methodist Episcopal. Repub- lican. Office: McPherson, Kan. Home: 700 S. Maple, McPherson, Kan. CLAAR, Elmer Allen, realtor; b. Al- toona, Pa., 15 Oct. 1891; s. Jacob V. Claar, realtor, and Nora (Westerfield) C. ; ed. Moline high sch.; A.B., Univ. 111., 1915; Harvard, 1916; LL.B., North- western Univ., 1920; m. Evelyn J. Smith of Wauwatosa, 111., 25 Dec. 1920; chil- dren—Nancy Joanne, Elmer Allen. Practiced law in Chicago, 1920-22; mgr., Lake View Real Estate Exchange, 1922- 24, Baird and Warner's Coop., apart- ment dept, 1924-26; pres., Elmer A. Claar and Co., real estate, 1926 — ; dir., sec. and treas., 1400 Lake Shore Drive Corp.; agt. and mgr., 1400 Lake Shore Drive Bldg.; organizer and teacher of first class in real estate at Northwestern Univ.; specialized in cooperative apts.; in charge of constrn. of more than 500 apts. on Lake Shore Drive; chmn. of the Daylily Com. of the Am. Amaryllis Soc; mem. Masons, Odd Fellows. Au- thor: Cooperative Apartment Homes as an Investment. Interests: conchology, flowers, colored photog. Baptist. Office: 1400 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Home: 1301 Chestnut St., Wilmette, 111. LANDIS, Harry DeWitt, dist. judge; b. Sterling, 111., 17 July 1878; s. Elam Hershey Landis, mcht. farmer, and Alice Narcissa (Eshleman) L. ; ed. grade schs., Mildord; Lincoln high sch.; B.Sc, Univ. Neb., 1899, LL.B., 1901. J.D., 1919; m. Alice Mabel Cattle of Seward, 27 June 1907; children— Harry DeWitt, Walter Elam, John Cattle, Frank Eshleman, Alice Mabel, George Edward. Engaged in practice of law, now district judge; tr. Hastings Coll.; regent, Univ. Neb.; dir. Univ. Founda- tion; pres. Neb. Council Crime Preven- tion; It. col., Judge Advocate Gen., Res.; mem. Am., Neb. State and Sev/ard Co. Bar Assns., Masons, Odd Fellows, Elks, Sons of Hermann, Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Phi, Pi Gamma Mu, Sojourners. Club: University. Presby- terian. Independent. Office: Court House, Seward, Neb. Home: 34 Lincoln St., Seward, Neb. MITCHELL, Samuel Alfred, lawyer; b. Washington Co., Ark., 27 May 1883; s. John Campbell Mitchell, teacher, and Mary (West) M. ; ed. pub. schs.; univ. prep, sch; A.B., Univ. Ark.; LL.B., Univ. Mich.; m. Ruth Young of St. Louis, Mo., 14 June 1910; children- Samuel West, Thomas Crane, Nancy Mitchell Neill. Pract. law, St. Louis Mo., 1906—; mem. firm Thompson Mitchell, Thompson & Young; dir. Mer cantile-Commerce Bank and Trust Co. Mercantile Commerce Nat. Bank, Ful ton Iron Works Co., Texas & Pacific R.R. Co., Elder Mfg. Co., Rhodes-Bur ford House Furnishing Co.; mem. Am. Mo., and St. Louis Bar Assns., Kappa Sigma, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Noon day, Bogey Golf, Univ. Racquet. Rec reation: Golf. Presbyterian. Democrat Office: 705 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo Home: 6 Windermere PI., St. Louis, Mo Summer res. : Fern Hollow Farm Spring Lake, Mich. NEWMAN, Cecil Earl, editor and pub- lisher; b. Kansas City, Mo., 25 July 1903; s. H. O. Newman and Cora Lee (Saunders) N. ; ed. Lincoln high sch.; m. De Velma Hall of Des Moines, 11 June 1937; 1 son, H. Oscar. Ed., Twin City Herald, 1927-34; pub. Timely Digest Mag., 1931-32; ed., pub., Minne- apolis Spokesman, St. Paul Recorder, 1934—; tr. St. Peter A.M.E. Ch.; mem. Minneapolis Urban League, Minneapolis Bus. and Prof. Assn., Minneapolis Br. N.A.A.C.P., Minn. Planned Parenthood League, Phyllis Wheatley House, Minn. Editorial Assn., exec. bd. N. N. Pub. Assn. Clubs: Rawjess, Lawns and Gar- den, Sterling. Methodist. Independent. Office: 314 Third Av., So., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 2900 Portland Av., Minne- apolis, Minn. ARBUCKLE, John William, lawyer; b. Fayette Co., la., 19 Aug. 1864; s. James M. Arbuckle, farmer, and 116 Martha (Montgomery) A.; ed. Manches- ter Acad.; Epworth Sem.; B.Ph., Cor- nell Coll., 1886, M. Ph., 1889; LL.B. (magna cum laude), Boston Univ. Law Sch., 1890; m. Myra M. Craig of Allison, la., 21 Oct. 1891; children— Craig M., Myron C. Teacher, 1885-90; admitted to bar in 1890; pract. law, in all Courts of la. and adjoining States, with offices at Parkensburg, la., 1890-98, Waterloo, la., 1898—; assoc. with firm Courtright and Ar buckle many yrs., Arbuckle and Ar- buckle, 1921 — ; many of former director- ships are now terminated; co. atty., Butler Co., 4 yrs.; mem. Sch. Bd., Waterloo, la., 15 yrs., pres. 10 yrs.; mem. Meth. Gen. Conf., 1924-28; mem. Black Hawk Co. and la. State Bar Assns., Phi Beta Kappa, Masons. Clubs: Optimists, Fortnightly. Author: Yester- day and Tomorrow; In the Midst of the Years. Travel: U.S. Interests: reading (extensive), gardening. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: 609-610 First National Bldg., Waterloo, la. Home: 519 E. Park Av., Waterloo, la. GREEN, Howard Ruggles, consulting engineer; b. Amboy, 111., 19 Aug. 1890; s. Wm. A. Green and Elizabeth (Cooley) G.; ed. Williston (Mass.) Acad.; Univ. 111., 1912; m. Stella Wolfe of Cedar Rapids, la., 1914; children— Wm. H., Nancy, Polly. Various engring. positions to 1913; pvt. engring. bus., 1913 — ; sr. partner, Howard R. Green Co.; dir., la. Elec. Lt. & Power Co., Guaranty Bank & Trust Co., Roosevelt Hotel Co.; mem. la. State Bd. of Engring. Examiners; mem. A.S.C.E., la. Engring. Soc. (p. v.p.), Am. Water Works Assn., Chamber Commerce (p. pres., Cedar Rapids), la. Wastes Disposal Assn., A.F. & A.M., Elks, S.A.R., Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Club: Cedar Rapids Country. Author: various arts, on constr. and financing of municipal improvements. Recreations: reading, amateur writing. Conglist. Re- publican. Office: Bever Bldg., Cedar Rapids, la. Home: Cedar Rapids, la. OSTERBERG, Arnold Erwin, bio- chemist; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 9 Feb. 1894; s. Emanuel Osterberg, retired mcht, and Marie (Olsen) O.; ed. Seattle (Wash.) high sch.; B.S. (Ch.E.). Univ. Wash., 1916; M.S., Univ. Minn., 1921, Ph.D., 1925; m. Anne Curtis of Seattle, Wash., 11 May 1918; children— Annette Lucille, Arnold Curtis, Donna Marie. Teacher chemistry, physics, biology, Roslyn high sch., 1916-17; first asst., Mayo Clinic, 1917; assoc. in sect, of biochemistry, Mayo Foundation, Univ. Minn., 1924-40, head sect, of clin. bio- chemistry, 1930 — ; assoc. prof, biochem- istry, 1924-44, prof., 1944—; lt. Signal Corps, U.S.A., 7 mos. during World War I; fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists, Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Legion, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Xi. Clubs: University, Country. Author: approxi- mately 140 papers in various sci. pubis. Interests: golf, bowling, crypanalysis. Protestant. Republican. Office address: Abbott Laboratories, N. Chicago, 111. CARMXCHAEL, John Hugh, lawyer; b. Cairo, 111., 2 Feb. 1868; s. Isaac Hugh Carmichael, gen. contractor, and Mi- nerva (Beck) C; ed. Ft. Smith Dist. high sch.; Paris (Ark.) Acad.; LL.B., Univ. Ark., 1894; m. Amelia Parker of Paris, Ark., 10 Jan. 1893; children— Mrs. Lentes C. Moore, Camille C. Herndon (dec), John Hugh, Jr.; m. (2d) L. M. Beauchamp, 20 May 1933. Teacher, pub. schs., 1886-93; licensed to practice law, 1893; dean, Law Dept., Univ. Ark., 1898- 1915, dean, Ark. Law Sch., 1915 — ; pract. law, Little Rock, 1893—; dir. and p. pres., Lakeside Country Club; elected spl. chancellor, circuit judge and apptd. supreme court judge; mem. Little Rock Bar Assn., Ark. Bar Assn. (pres., 1918- 19), Am. Bar Assn. Club: Lakeside Country. Author: Where Lies the Power to Enforce a Contract (pub. in Am. Law Review); Pioneer Incident. Travel: U.S., Eur., N. Zealand, So. Sea Islands, Australia. Recreation: fishing. Method- ist. Democrat. Office: 1012 Pyramid Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Home: Route 4, Little Rock, Ark. MERCHANT, Iza White, educator; b. Durango, Colo., 28 May 1903; d. Forest White, r.r. exec, and Mary Catherine (Malloy) W.; ed. San Diego (Calif.) high sch.; Durango (Colo.) high sch.; Univ. Calif.; B.S., Colo. State Coll., Ft. Collins, Colo., 1924; M.S., la. State Coll., 1928; m. Ival A. Merchant of Paonia, Colo., 25 Dec. 1925; children— Nancy Marie, Mary Alice, James Arthur. Instr., Ft. Lewis Jr. Coll., Hesperus, Colo., 1925; instr. Eng., la. State Coll., 1927-28, com. on Eng., 1929, dir. of social life, in personnel, 1930-35; pres. city P.T.A. Council; first v.o. Fifth Dist. P.T.A.; chmn. exec bd. City Camp Fire Girls; mem. Am. Assn. Deans of Women (Nat. Press Com., 1932-33), Ad- ministrative Women (v.p., la. chap., 1933-34), A.A.U.W. (press chmn., 1931- 33), Kappa Delta, P.E.O., Mortar Board, Pi Kappa Delta. Club: Business and Professional Women's (pres., 1925). Author: arts, for ednl. jours. Recrea- tions: swimming, walking, golf. Episco- 117 palian. Republican. Office and home: 2332 Donald Av., Ames, la. SKILES, Charles McCIellan, lawyer; b. Ft. Madison, la., 7 July 1867; s. Alexander F. Skiles, farmer, and Mar- garet (Morrison) S.; ed. B.L., Univ. Neb., 1892; LL.B., 1895; m. Anna W. Swarr of Manheim, Pa., 29 June 1904; children — John A., Ruth (Mrs. Dahms). Judge, Butler Co., Neb., 3 terms; state senator, Butler and Seward Cos., 1911, Dem. nominee for Cong., 1912; gen. coun., State Guarantee Com. (handling assets of failed banks); asst. atty. gen., Banking Dept., 1928-31; gen. law pract., 1931—; now U.S. Commr. for Neb., Lin- coln Div.; chmn., 4 Minute Men during World War I; mem. Bar Assns. Club: Knife and Fork (p. pres.). Author: newspaper and mag. arts, on Bank Re- ceiverships and Politics, etc. Travel: U.S. Recreation: golf. Conglist. Demo- crat. Office: 1218-19 Sharp Bldg., Lin- coln, Neb. Home: 1550 S. 21st, Lincoln, Neb. ARNOLD, Gladys Naomi, teacher of English, writer; b. Verdon, Neb., 3 Aug. 1896; d. Vincent Arnold, farmer, and Dora (Kinney) A.; ed. Verdon (Neb.) high sen.; Crete Acad.; A.B., Doane Coll., 1919; grad. work, Univ. Neb., Univ. Colo. Instr., Eng., Geneva (Neb.) high sen., Norfolk (Neb.) high sen., contemporary Am. Lit., Clinton high sen., 1923—; writer, poems, pub. in mags., newspapers, and anthologies, many reprints and radio broadcasts, short stories, essays; mem., Am. Lit. Assn., Modern Bards, Poetry Soc. la., Ars Poetica Neb., Verse Writers' Guild, O., Internat. Mark Twain Soc. (hon.), N.E.A., la. State and Clinton Teachers' Assns. Author: Thread of Dreams (bro- chure of poetry); Sing the Melody (vol. of poetry). Travel: U.S. Interests: music, literature. Recreations: walking, motoring. Conglist. Republican. Office and home: Hotel Lafayette, Clinton, la. Summer home: Verdon, Neb. DILLINGER, James William, pastor, Ira, Iowa Christian Church on leave; s. James A. Dillinger, minister, and Mary C. (Armstrong) D.; ed. grad. stu- dent, Disciples Divinity House ;" Chicago Univ.; A.B., Drake Uinv., 1943. Assoc, pastor, First Christian Ch., Colorado Springs, Colo., summer, 1945; pres., Uni. Group, Uni. Church of Christ, Des Moines, 1942; mem. exec, com., Youth Planning Council Disciples of Christ, 1942-43. Travel: U.S. Interests: art, in- ternat. relations. Independent. Repub- lican. Office: Disciples Divinity House, 1156 E. 57th St., Chicago 37, HI. Home: 1219 34th, Des Moines, la. COFFEY, Frederic D., public ac- countant; b. Wewoka, Okla., 10 Nov. 1898; s. Emmett L. Coffey, teacher, and Appalona (Mitchell) C; ed. Central Y.M.C.A. high sen., Chicago; Prep Dept., Western Univ., Quindaro, Kan.; B.C.S., Sch. of Commerce, Central Y.M.C.A., 1923; Ph.B., Sch. of Bus., Univ. Chicago, 1926; m. Lydia P. Gas- kill of Chicago, 111., 1924. Bus. mgr., Wabash Dept. Y.M.C.A., Chicago, 1920- 26; asst. to pres., Binga State Bank, Chicago, 1926-27; bus. mgr. and comp- troller, Provident Hosp., Chicago, 1928- 43; pvt. pract., pub. accountant and management cons.; served as 2d It. Inf., Jan. -Dec, 1918; mem. Nat. Assn. of Cost Accountants, 111. Assn. of Pub. Ac- countants, Kappa Alpha Psi. Club: The Druids. Interests: making movies, read- ing. Recreations: bowling, fishing, auto- ing. Methodist. Republican. Office: 5120 S. Parkway, Chicago, 111. Home: 5047 St. Lawrence Av., Chicago, 111. VERSON, David C, business execu- tive; b. Rus., 24 May 1894; s. Morris Verson and Devora (Kaugman) V.; m. Pauline Duxler of Chicago, HI., 15 Nov. 1925; children— Melvin David, Donald, Sidney, Debra, Judith. Pres., Verson Allstell Press Co.; mem. Art Inst, of Chicago (life mem.), Field Mus. (Chi- cago, life mem.), Masons, Shrine, Engrs. Soc. Pittsburgh (Pa.), Soc. Engrs. Cleveland. Club: Standard. Residence: 8345 S. Vernon Av., Chicago, 111. McCARRELL, William Robert, pas- tor; b. Chicago, 8 Feb. 1886; s. Samuel James McCarrell, pub., importer, and Sarah (Wright) McC; ed. Harlem grade sch. (now Forest Park); Athenaeum Bus. Coll.; Moody Bible Inst., Chicago; m. Minnie Mense of Forest Park, 111., 13 Oct. 1914; children— Myrtle, William, Jr., Gordon, James, Paul, Ruth, Grace, David, Daniel. Pastor, Cicero Bible Ch., Cicero, 32 yrs.; Bible teacher; evangel- ist; radio preacher; dir., mem., various mission councils; tr., mem. exec, com., Wheaton Coll., Wheaton; v.p., Chicago Hebrew Mission; tr., Bryan Univ., Day- ton, Tenn.; dir., Gt. Com. Prayer League, Chicago; dir., Faith Theol. Sem., Wilmington, Del.; v.p., Independ- ent Fundamental Chs. Am.; mem. Fac- ulty, Moody Bible Inst., Chicago. Au- thor: Christ's Seven Letters to His Church; weekly helps on Internat. Study School Lessons for Union Gospel Press, Cleveland, O.; mag. ed. work. Travel: 118 Can., Alas., U.S. Independent Funda- mentalist. Republican. Office: 2230 S. 52d Av., Cicero, 111. Home: 810 S. Gun- derson Av., Oak Park, 111. Summer home: Cedar Lake Bible Conf. Grounds, Cedar Lake, Ind. NORDSTRAND, Norman William, dean of men, St. Olaf Coll., Northfieid, Minn.; b. San Francisco, Calif., 15 Nov. 1909; s. Nels Nordstrand, manufacturer, and Christofa (Magerholm) N.; ed. Cogswell Polytech. high sch., San Fran- cisco; Menlo Jr. Coll., Calif.; A.B., St. Olaf Coll., 1933; Stanford Univ., Univ. Calif.; Chicago Univ.; m. Lillian Aalia of San Francisco, Calif., 30 Sept. 1933. Coach, high sch., 1933-37; dean of men, freshman coach, Concordia Coll., 1937- 38, Varsity Line Coach, 1938-40, 1940-41; dean of men, asst. prof. Eng., St. Olaf, 1942—; mem. Blue Key. Clubs: Letter- man, St. Olaf, Concordia. Travel: U.S. Interest: reading. Recreations: sports, golf, tennis, swimming. Lutheran. Ad- dress: St. Olaf Coll., Northfieid, Minn. SANDELIUS, Walter Edward, profes- sor political science; b. Centerville, S.D., 25 Aug. 1897; s. Alfred E. San- delius, farmer, dairyman, and Joseph- ine H. (Jacobson) S.; ed. Moscow high sch., Ida.; B.A., Univ. Ida., 1919; B. Litt. Oxon, Oxford Univ., Eng., 1922; Ph.D., Brookings Inst., Washington, D.C., 1927; m. Viola Irene Oberg of Moscow, Ida., 31 Aug. 1924; children— Irene W., Frank E.. Carol A. Rhodes Scholar, Oxford, 1920-23; instr. Univ. Kan., 1923-24; asst. prof., 1924-28; cons, fellow, Brookings Inst., 1926-27; assoc. prof., Univ. Kan., 1928-35. prof., 1935 — , head, dept. of polit. sci., 1937—; served 3 mos. in O.T.C., Tex. during World War I; mem. Am. Assn. of Polit. Sci., Am. Soc. of Pub. Adm., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Phi Beta Kaopa, Pi Sigma Alpha. Club: Kiwanis. Author: arts, in prof, jours. Travel: Eur. Interest: music. Recreation: tennis. Protestant. Office: Univ. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan. Home: 2325 Mass. St., Lawrence, Kan. HOFFSTROM, Piercy J., newspaper columnist; b. Mounds, Okla., 11 Jan. 1896; s. Frank Hoffstrom, engr., and Emma Jane (Marshall) H.; ed. Lincoln high sch. (Seattle, Wash.); Univ. Wash. (Seattle, Wash.), 1915-16; m. Susie Vir- ginia of Seattle, Wash., 11 Jan. 1917; 1 dau., Virginia. Engaged in stud. elec. engring. ; mem. engring. dept., Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., 1920-23; free-lance artist, columnist, cartoonist, St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul, Minn., 1923—; has radio pro- gram of humorous presentation of the news, over the North Central Broad- casting System (North and South Dak., Wis., Upper Mich, and Minn.); engaged in giving humorous illustrated lectures, midwest U.S.; served in U.S.A., Mexi- can border duty, 1916; mem. Elks (St. Paul), Sigma Delta Chi, Delta Phi Lambda (hon. mem.). Author: Hawf & Hawf (newspaper column). Interests: painting, making caricature masks, linoleum cuts. Recreation: golf. Inde- pendent. Office: St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul, Minn. Home: 485 Otis Av., St. Paul 4, Minn. KINYON, Sidney William, investment banker; b. Owatonna, Minn., 18 Mar. 1889; s. George Riley Kinyon, banker, and Alice Louise (Holt) K.; ed. Pills- bury Acad., Owatonna, Minn.; Carleton Coll., Northfieid; A.B., Harvard Coll., 1909; Univ. Minn. Law Sch., 1910-11; m. Florence Riddell of Northfieid, 20 June 1911; children — Sidney Jean, Barbara, Nancy Ann. V.p., First Nat. Bank of Owatonna, 1911-29; pres., 1929-34; pres., Kinyon Investment Co., 1933—; organ- ized 1st State Banks of Medford and Meriden, v.p., dir., several yrs.; p. dir., Farmers Nat. Bank of Waseca; dir., Kinyon Investment Co.; Owatonna Sch. Bd., 4 yrs.; co. chmn., six War Bond Campaigns during World Wars I and II. Clubs: Harvard (Minn.), Rotary, Owa- tonna Country, Minn. Valley Country. Travel: Eur., W.I., So. Am. Grandson, Wm. Riley Kinyon, pioneer of Owatonna (1858), speaker, Minn. House of Rep., 1875-76. Interests: music, tennis, golf, fishing, hunting. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office and home: 344 E. Vine St., Owatonna, Minn. LAMKIN, Uel W., college president ; b. California, Mo., 18 Jan. 1877; s. E. P. Lamkin, teacher, and Susan (Williams) L. ; ed. Clinton Acad. (Jr. coll.), Mo. Univ., LL.D. (hon.), Westminster Coll., 1918; LL.D. (hon.), Park Coll., 1939; m. Mary Cabell Dickinson of Clinton, 9 June 1909; children— Billy (dec.), Dick (dec). Teacher, Washington Sch., Clin- ton, 1897; prin., Clinton high sch., 1901- 06; high sch., insp., State Dept. Edn., 1907-09; co. supt. schs., Henry Co., 1909- 15; in bus. 1915-16; state sunt, schs., Mo., 1916-18; dir., Fed. Bd. Vocational Ed., 1919-21; pres., N.W. Mo. State Teachers Coll., 1921 — ; admitted to bar, 1907; dir., Citizens State Bank of Mary- ville; mem. Elks, Masons, Mo. State Teachers Assn. (pres., 1912), N.E.A. (pres., 1929). Club: Maryville Country. Travel: Eur., Jap., China, So. Am., Lat. Am. Presbyterian. Democrat. Of- fice and home: Maryville, Mo. 119 SIEGEL, G. Reginald, medical doc- tor; b. Wichita, Kan., 28 Dec. 1901; s. George H. Siegel (dec), phys., surg., and Ursula C. (Cameron) S.; ed. Cathe- drel high and jr. Coll.; M.D., K.C.C. of M. & S., 1924, fellowship in endocrinol- ogy; m. Beatrice O'Shaughnessey of Baring, Mo., 1923; 1 dau., Helen Patri- cia. Interne, Coffman Hosp.; pract. of med. with father, George H. Siegel, 3 yrs.; engaged in pract. of med., Clarks- ville; city health officer, Clarksville; coroner, Johnson Co.; sec. Clin, staff, Clarksville Municipal Hosp.; 1st sgt., Med. Detachment, U.S.A., 18 mos. dur- ing World War I; mem. Ark. Med. Soc. (mem. pub. relations com.), Johnson Co. Med. Soc. (sec), Clarksville Doc- tors Assn. (sec), Southern Med. Soc, A.M.A., K.C. Club: Lions Internat. (counsellor, p. dist. gov.). Author: En- docrine Therapy in the Climacteric; The Female Castrate; Replacement Ther- apy of Gonadotropics. Travel: Can., Cuba, U.S. Interests: music, literature. Recreations: tennis, golf, travel. Catho- lic Democrat. Office: White Bldg., Clarksville, Ark. Home: Poplar St., Clarksville, Ark. DILLINGER, .James Arthur, minister, secretary, editor; b. Halltown, Mo., 26 July 1884; s. Wm. R. Dillinger, farmer, and Ellon Ora (Park) D.; ed. Drake Univ. Acad.; B.S., Drake Univ., 1915; D.D., Drake Univ., 1943; m. Mary CI el- land Armstrong of Maryville, Mo., 14 Sept. 1909; 1 son, James William. Pas- tor, First Christian Ch., Salina, Kan., 1917-21, Wyatt Park Christian Ch., St. Joseph, Mo., 1921-26; ex. sec Disciples of Christ in la., 1926—; ed. Christian News, 1926—; tr. Drake Univ.; dir. Soc. for Friendless; treas., Home and State Missions Planning Council; mem. exec com. Unified Promotion, exec, bd., la. Council of Churches, Nat. Assn. State Secretaries Assn. Travel: U.S. Interest: printing. Disciples of Christ. Independ- ent Republican. Office: 200 A. Ins. Ex. Bldg., Des Moines, la. Home: 1219 34 St., Des Moines, la. SCHUNK, Arthur John, insurance executive; b. Goodhue Co., Red Wing, Minn., 25 Oct. 1876; s. Jacob D. Schunk, farmer, and Sarah (Saunders) S.; Red Wing high sch.; Fort Worth Univ., 1897; m. Sarah Constance Bruen (dec.) of Steuartville, Minn., 18 Nov. 1911; chil- dren — Russell, Dorothy. Practiced law, Red Wing; city atty., Mazefer, Minn., 1897-1902; lecturer, Improved Order of Redmen, 1902-07; insurance executive, 1907-29; Minneapolis Postmaster, 1929- 33; insurance executive, 1933 — ; mem. Masons (Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite and Shrine), Hennepin Co. Republican Com. (12 yrs.), Republican State Central Com. (14 yrs.). Clubs: Lincoln, Minneapolis Athletic, Insurance, Blue Goose. Travel: Eur., No. Am. Interests: politics, litera- ture, rare books. Recreation: fishing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 505 New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis 2, Minn. BUTLER, Joe Beaty, professor of civil engineering; b. Omega, Okla., 11 May 1895; s. Geo. H. Butler, farmer, mcht., and Bessie May (Gordon) B.; ed. prep, dept., Okla. State Coll.; B.S. (in C.E.), Okla. State Coll., 1915, B.S. (in Ed.), 1924; C.E., Mo. Sch. Mines, 1922, M.S. (in C.E.), 1924; m. Jessie Ethel Eyler of Stillwater, Okla., 23 Nov. 1919; 1 dau., Betty Jo. Did R.R. and Highway Surveying, R.R. valuation, U.S. Engrs., Lt., 1915-20; instr. to prof, and dept. head, dept. civil engring., Mo. Sch. Mines, 1920-40, prof., dept. head, 1931—; v.p., Ed. Div., and dir. Planning Div., Am. Road Builders Assn.; surveyor of Phelps Co., Mo., 1921-25; 2d, 1st It., Engrs. during World War I; mem. A.S.C.E., Soc for Promo- tion of Engring. Ed., Mo. Soc. Prof. Engrs. Club: Engrs. (St. Louis, Jeffer- son City, Kansas City). Author: tech. bulls and papers on hydraulics and co. highway planning. Interests: Mo. hist., archaeol., co. rd. mapping. Recreations: motoring, sci. and lit. reading. Method- ist. Office: Missouri Sch. of Mines, Rolla, Mo. Home: 305 W. 9th St., Rolla, Mo. PRYOR, John Carlisle, lawyer; b. Abington, Va., 3 Oct. 1883; s. John Clark Pryor, and Melissa L. (Hen- dricks) P.; ed. Council Bluffs (la.) high sch.; Ph.B., Simpson Coll., 1907; J.D., Univ. Chicago, 1910; m. Elizabeth E. Smith of Indianola, la., 10 June 1912; children— Elizabeth Lucile, John Wil- liam. Began practice of law in la., and Neb., 1910—; mem. firm, Tinley, Mitchell, Pryor & Ross, Council Bluffs, 1911-2; atty., la. Dist. C.B.&Q. R.R. Co., 1922-38; mem. firm, Clark, Pryor, Hale & Plock, Burlington, la., 1938—; asst. gen. counsel, Farm Cr. Admin., Omaha, Neb.; legal advisor, U.S. Em- bassy, Economics Warfare Div., Lon- don, 1943; mem. Des Moines Co., la. State (pres., 1936-37), Am. Bar Assn., Am. Judicature Soc. (dir.), la. Judicial Council, la. Uniform Law Commn., Nat. Conf. Uniform Law Comrs. (pres.), Elks, Masons (High Twelve). Clubs: 120 Rotary, Des Moines, Omaha. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Eng., Scot., Fr., Belg. Interests: gardening, books. Conglist. Democrat. Office and home: Burlington, la. FIELD, Oliver Peter, professor of government; b. Fergus Falls, Minn., 21 Oct. 1897; s. Peter Ole Field, merchant, and Tonetta Thorbia (Iverson) F.; ed. Frazee (Minn.) high sch.; B.A., St. Olaf Coll., 1919; M.A., Univ. Minn., 1921; LL.B., Ind. Univ., 1927; S.J.D., Yale Univ, 1928; m. Elsie Maurine Kimmell of Moulton, la., 30 Dec. 1928; children- Janet, David Oliver. Teacher, high sch., Jamestown, N.D., 1919-20; instr. govt., Moorehead State Teachers Coll., sum- mers, 1922, 1924; instr. history and govt., N.D. Agr. Coll., 1922-23; instr. and asst. prof, polit. sci., Ind. Univ., 1924-27; Sterling Fellow, Yale Law Sch., 1927-28; assoc. prof, and prof, polit. sci., Univ. Minn., 1928-38; lecturer in govt., Harvard Univ., 1935-36; prof, govt., Ind. Univ., 1939—; mem. Am. Polit. Sci. Assn. (exec, council, 1937-40). Author: Cases on Constitutional Law, 1930, 1936; The Effect of an Unconstitutional Stat- ute, 1935; Civil Service Law, 1939; State Government (with F. G. Bates), 1928-39; Unconstitutional Legislation in Ten Se- lected States, 1943. Recreations: boat- ing, walking. Lutheran. Republican. Of- fice: Univ. of Ind., Bloomington, Ind. Home: 1326 Maxwell Lane, Blooming- ton, Ind. SMITH, Fred Webster, minister; b. Martin Co., Ind., 23 Mar. 1894; s. McClure Smith, jeweler, and Mary (Barker) S.; ed. B.S., The Lewis Inst., Chicago; B.S., Northern Bapt. Theol. Sem., 1930; m. Rose Irene Ballard of St. Louis, Mo., 31 Aug. 1940. Minister, 1st Bapt. Ch., Cornell, 111., 1927-32, 1st Bapt. Ch„ Ottumwa, la., 1932-37, The Com- munity Ch., Ottumwa, la., 1937-40; Acme Brass Foundry Co., Acme Dist. Co., Ottumwa, la.; mem. Ottumwa Dist. Ministerial Assn., The Ottumwa Mfrs. Assn. (pres., 1943-44). Club: Kiwanis. Interests: farm, breding and raising of five gaited harness show horses. Rec- reaions: riding and driving horses. Protestant. Republican. Office and home: East Main St. Rd., Ottumwa, la. LONGYEAR, Robert Davis, mining geologist; b. Petoskey, Mich., 11 July 1892; s. Edmund J. Longyear, mining engr., and Nevada (Patten) L.; ed. Pillsbury Acad., Adirondacks, Florida Sch.; A.B., Williams Coll., 1914; M.A., Univ. Wis., 1915; postgrad., Stanford Univ.; m. Barbara E. Lyon of Minne- apolis, 3 Dec. 1918; children— Roanne Elizabeth, Martha Patten (Mrs. Geo. Randall Stevenson). Asst. geologist in charge of exploration of Falconbridge ore body in Sudbury Nickel Dist., Ont., diversified experience in mine examina- tion work and mineral exploration in many parts of U.S., Can. and Alaska; pres. E. J. Longyear Co., Mining Engrs., mfrs. of diamond core drills, diamond drilling contractors, shaft sink- ing contractors (contracts having been carried on in So. Am., China, Australia, Northern Rhodesia, Norway, Cuba, No. Am.); mem. bd. Elliot Park Neighbor- hood House; served during World War I as civilian instr. in aviation mechanics; coast arty. C.A.O.R.T.C., 2d It.; mem. A.I.M.&M.E., Soc. Eeon. Geol., Beta Theta Pi. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minne- apolis Engrs., Mining (N.Y.C.), Wil- liams (N.Y.C.). Author: arts, on mining engring. Travel: U.S., Alaska, Eng., Fr., Can., Cent. Am. Father was pioneer in development of Mesabi Iron Range. Episcopalian. Independent Republican. Office: 1701 Foshay Tower, Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 1904 Humboldt Av. So., Minneapolis, Minn. Summer res.: near Duluth, Minn. BROWN, Sue M., clubwoman; b. Staunton, Va., 1877; d. Jacob Wilson and Maria (Harris) W.; ed. high sch., Oskaloosa, la.; m. Atty. S. Joe Brown of Des Moines, 31 Dec. 1902. Active in women's clubs, civic, fraternal and reli- gious orgns., in Repulican politics as mem. Polk Co. Rep. Central Com., and several times as State Dir. of Women in the Negro div. of Rep. State and nat. campaigns; was one of the two negro women on Dr. Glenn Frank's Nat. Rep. Com. on Program, 1938-40; Rep. Com. Woman, precinct 39 Polk Co.; co-chmn. Negro Div., Rep. State Central Com.; served as It. in Polk Co. Div., Council of Nat. Defense, pres., Col. Chas. Young Auxiliary of Am. Red Cross; mem. Admin. Bd., Nat. Assn. of Colored Women; sec. tr. bd., Frederick Doug- lass Mem. & Hist. Assn.; pres., Central Assn. of Colored Women; steward, Paul A.M.E. Ch., Des Moines, la.; supt. Young People of Northwestern Conf. of A.M.E. Ch.; chmn. trs. la. Assn. of Colored Women. Author: American Social Ethics, 1911; History of O.E.S. Among Colored People, 1925; History of Central Association of Colored Women, 1940. Travel: U.S., Can. (as Internat. Matron O.E.S.) , 1923-26; Eng., Fr., Ger., Austria, It. (as del. to Internat. Council 121 of Women of the World), 1930. Husband first Negro to receive post grad. degree and only Negro Phi Beta Kappa of la. Univ. Interests: civic, social, religious, and fraternal. Recreation: club work. African Methodist Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: 207 6th Av., Des Moines, la. Home: 1058 5th Av., Des Moines, la. SMITH, Charles Adelbert, ceramic engineer; b. Corning, O., 23 Oct. 1901; s. Charles Ellsworth Smith, r.r., and Sarah Augusta (Pryor) S.; ed. pub. schs., Columbus, O.; B. Cer. E., Ohio State Univ., 1923; m. Waldine Barnes of Mexico, Mo., 16 Apr. 1931; 1 son, Charles Conard. Experience in all phases of refractories business, includ- ing research, manufacture, engring., de- sign, and technical sales, 20 yrs. ; at present chief engr., plant mgr., dir. research, Mexico Refractories Co., Mex- ico, Mo.; mem. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Am. Ceramic Soc, Am. Inst. Ceramic Engring., Blue Council Chap., Consis- tory, and Shrine of Masonic Lodges. Clubs: Rotary, Mexico Country. Presby- terian. Independent. Office: P.O. Box 267, Mexico, Mo. Home: 326 Woodlawn, Mexico, Mo. ABRAM, Ernest, attorney and coun- selor-at-law; b. Cleveland, O., 4 Sept. 1899; s. Henry Abram, mcht, banker, and Hermine (Stern) A.; ed. South high sch.; Adelbert Coll.; Western Reserve Univ.; A.B., Ohio State Univ., 1921; LL.B., Ohio State Univ. Law Sch., 1923; unmarried. Solicitor, Newburgh Heights, 1928-29; assoc. in practice of law with brother, Phil L. Abram, 1923— ; active in Republican politics; dir., sec, West Park Realty Co.; assoc advisor, Draft Bd., 1941; served in Ordinance Div. during World War I; Jr. Administrative Asst., Logistics and Publications, Air Service Command, Amy Air Forces, World War n; mem. Masons (Grotto! 32d deg., Scottish Rite, Shrine). Clubs: Garfield Heights Republican, Ripon. Recreations: tennis, golf, horseback riding. Jewish. Republican. Office: 1204 Standard Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 12905 Maplerow Av., Cleveland, O. . GRABER, Myron Earle, college pro- fessor; b. Mt. Eaton, O., 25 July 1880; s. Philip P. Graber and Celesta (Fraze) G.; ed. Mt. Eaton high sch.; Heidel- berg Acad., Tiffin, O.; A.B., Heidelberg Coll., 1901, A.M., 1904, D.Sc (hon.), 1937; Univ. Chicago; Univ. Mich.; Ph.D., Univ. la., 1924; m. Martha Bucher of Tiffin, O., 25 July 1907. Instr. math., physics, Heidelberg Coll., 1903- 05; prof, physics, 1905-19; prof, physics, Morningside Coll., 1919 — ; dean of men, Morningside Coll., 1924 — ; bd. dirs., City Y.M.C.A., Sioux City Acad, of Sci.; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Physical Soc, Am. Math Soc, Am. Meteorological Soc, Math. Assn. Am., la. Acad, of Sci., Nat. 111. Soc, Am. Inter-Prof. Inst., A.A.U.P., Y.M.C.A. Club: Rotary Author: arts, in Physical Review, Am. Math. Monthly, Inter-Professional Quarterly. Desc. on Mother's side from the John Adams family. Interest: aviation. Recreation: athletics. Evangelical Reformed Ch. Office: Morningside Coll., Sioux City, la. Home: 3815 Garretson Av., Sioux City, la. COLBACH, Edward Michael, lawyer; b. Chicago, HI., 15 Nov. 1901; s. Michael Colbach and Anna (Wolf) C; ed. St. Alphonsus Grammar and Comml. Sch., Chicago, 1918; Metropolitan Bus. Coll., 1918; Y.M.C.A. high sch.; Y.M.C.A. Coll. of Liberal Arts and Scis.; LL.B., The John Marshall Law sch., 1927; m. Julia Miletitz of Chicago, 111., 16 Oct. 1937; 1 son, Edward Michael, Jr. Performed exec work while studying law; ad- mitted and qualified as attorney and counselor of the Supreme Ct. of U.S.; admitted to HI. Bar, 1927; engaged in practice with John W. Bennett, continu- ing under firm name of Bennett & Col- bach, 1927—; retired officer, Nat. Guard of U.S. and HI.; awarded Long and Honorable Service Medal, State of HI.; mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Comml. Law League of Am., Catholic Order of Foresters, Knights of Columbus. Recreations: law. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 228 N. La Salle St., Chicago, HI. Home: 5801 N. Washtenew Av., Chicago, HI. FOUTTS, James C, librarian; b. E. Liverpool, 2 June 1907; s. John W. Foutts, potter and Rose M. (Abels) F.; ed. Central high sch., Akron; Prep. Sch., Maryville Coll., Tenn.; A.B., Univ. Akron, 1931; B.S. (in library sci.), Sch. Library Sci., Western Reserve Univ., 1934; m. Dorothy R. Grove of Mead- ville, Pa., 28 Apr. 1937. Head of circula- tion, O. State Library, 1934-38; state supervisor library service, WPA in O., 1938-40; asst. to librarian, Youngstown Pub. Lib., 1940-44; acting librarian, 1945—; mem. Am. and Ohio Lib. Assns., Phi Kappa Tau, Alpha Phi Gamma. Author: Editor of American Library Laws, 2d edit.; contbns. to library periodicals. Protestant. Office: Youngs- town Public Library, Youngstown, O. Home: 291 Park Av., Youngstown, O. 122 MASSENA, Roy, attorney; b. Mar- shall Co., Ind., 30 Aug. 1881; s. Adam H. Massena, blacksmith, and Elizaboth (Windbigler) M.; ed. Warsaw (Ind.) high sch.; A.B., Wabash Coll., Craw- fordsville, Ind., 1902; J.D., Univ. Chi- cago, 1917; m. Mabel Hoover of Pierce- ton, Ind., 15 May 1907; 1 son, Fred. Teacher, high sch., Mt. Ayr, la., Cres- ton, la., Blue Island, 111.; atty.-at-law, 1917—; tr., Wabash Coll.; city atty., Blue Island, 1918-35; atty., Ed. of Re- view, Cook Co., 1918-32; master in chan- cery, Circuit Ct., Cook Co., 1936—; mem. Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta Phi, Phi cago, Midlothian Country, Tippecanoe Lake Country. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can., Caribbean. Recreation: golf. Baptist. Republican. Office: 111 W. Monroe, Chi- cago, 111. Home: 12813 Maple Av., Blue Island, 111. KEPLINGER, W. Ayers, lawyer; b. Carlinville, 111., 28 Nov. 1889; s. Martin Luther Keplinger, lawyer, and Mary Elizabeth (Ayers) K.; ed. Blackburn Acad., Carlinville, 111.; A.B., Blackburn Coll., 1910; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. Law, 1918; m. Grace Von Dray of Chi- cago, 111., 8 Apr. 1931; 1 dau., Dorothy Ayers. In practice of law, Chicago, 111., 1918 — , mem. firm, Kirkland, Fleming, Green, Martin & Ellis; ensign, U.S.N. A.R.F., during World War I; mem. Am., 111., and Chicago Bar Assns. Club: Mid- Day. Travel: Eng., continent by cattle boat and bicycle. Desc. pioneer 111. farmers. Methodist. Republican. Office: 33 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Homo: 7145 Euclid Av., Chicago, 111. JOHNSON, William H., superintendent of schools; b. Chicago, 111., 20 Sept. 1895; s. John Johnson and Maria (Niel- sen) J.; ed. Tuley high sch., Chicago, 111.; student, Beloit (Wis.) Coll., 1913-15; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1917, M A., 1918; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1923; Litt. D., John Brown Univ., 1938; LL.D., Chicago Teachers Coll., 1939; m. Lillian Mattocks of Chicago, 111. (dec); m. (2d) Ellen Ronan of Lewiston, Minn.; 1 dau., Patricia Joyce. Teacher, high sch., Palatine, 111., 1917; head dept. of chemistry, Rockford (111.) Coll., *1919; dean, Jr. Coll., Ft. Scott, Kan., 1919- 21; instr., Lane Tech. High Sch., Chi- cago, 111., 1921-23; prof, ed., Chicago Normal Coll., 1924-25; prin., pub. schs., Chicago, 111., 1925-35; asst. supt. of schs., Chicago, 111., 1935-36, supt. of schs., 1936—; prof, and lecturer on edn., Loyola Univ., Chicago, 111., 1924-36; supervisor edn., Chicago Hist. Soc, 1929—; mem. Chem. Warfare Service, U.S.A., Washington, D.C., 1918; N.E.A. (life), Am. Assn. Sch. Adminstrs. (life), Am. Vocational Assn. (life), 111. Indsl. Edn. Assn. (pres., 1939-40, 1941-42), 111. Vocational Assn. (pres., 1941-42), Phi Delta Kappa, Epsilon Pi Tau. Decorated comdr. Order of Phoenix, conferred by Greek govt, in recognition of services to edn., 1939. Author: Fundamentals in Visual Instruction, 1927; Chicago (a text- book for grade pupils), 1933; Chicago- land, 1935; The Road to Happytown, 1935; Adventures in Happytown, 1935; Guidance in Reading Series (grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), 1938, 1941. Co-author: text- books in indsl. arts, home mechanics, and high sch. English books; contbr. to professional mags. Recreations: home movies, swimming, golf. Presbyterian. Office: 228 No. La Salle St., Chicago, HI. Home: 1228 Farwell Av., Chicago, 111. McCORKLE, Graham K., business executive; b. Ky., 5 Jan. 1887; s. W. P. McCorkle, prof., and Mary (King) McC; ed. B.M.E., Univ. Ky., 1908; m. Frances McFarland of Lexington, Ky., 1911; children— Jean, Betty. With Cum- berland Tel. & Tel. Co., 1902-04, 111. Bell Tel. Co., 1908-24, Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., 1924-28, Chesapeake & Potomac Tel. Co., 1928-30; v.p. and dir., HI. Bell Tel. Co., 1930—; dir., Indsl. Nat Bank, Chi- cago Crime Commn.; mem. bd. mgrs., Y.M.C.A. Clubs: Chicago, Chicago Ath- letic, Commercial, Commonwealth, Mid- Day, Economic, Evanston, Westmore- land Country. Office: 212 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1501 Hinman Av., Evanston, HI. FOLTZ, Leroy Stewart, professor of electrical engineering; b. Chandlerville, 111., 27 Nov. 1884; s. Horace Newton Foltz and Effie (Stewart) F.; ed. Taylor- ville Twp. high sch.; B.S., Univ. 111., 1911; M.S., Univ. Calif., 1917; m. Emily Proctor of Loveland, Colo., 1 July 1915; children— Elva Lea, Ermald Newton, Eldon Leroy, Fay Ola. Draftsman, Elec. Wheel Co., Quincy, HI.; draftsman, Maytag Mfg. Co., Newton, la.; operat- ing engr., HI. Traction System, Spring- field; cons, engr., Excelsior Stove Co., Quincy, 111.; instr., asst. prof., assoc. prof, and prof. elec. engring., Colo. State Coll., Fort Collins; assoc. prof., prof., head of dept. elec. engring., Mich. State Coll.; registered elec. engr., E. Lansing, 1920—; mem. A.I.E.E., Soc. Promotion Engring. Edn., A.A.U.P. Au- thor: several tech. arts, and 2 patents. Travel: U.S. Protestant. Office: Rm. 114, Olds Hall, Mich. State Coll., E. 123 Lansing, Mich. Home: 801 Sunset Lane, E. Lansing, Mich. ULRICH, Ethel M., furrier, poet; b. Winnieconne, Wis., 22 June 1903: d. Julius E. Ulrich, shoemaker, and Jessie Alice (Stowe) U.; ed. Oshkosh high sch., 1922; unmarried. Mem. D.A.R., O.E.S. Author: Scribblings (a book of poems on display at N.Y. Fair, 1940); many short stories, playettes and poems pub. in mags, and anthologies. Travel: U.S., Can. Maternal grandmother settled in Wis., 1846; grandfathers fcught in Civil War. Interests: snapshots, wirting, read- ing. Recreations: hiking, swimming. Presbyterian. Home: 1013 West Lawn Av., Racine, Wis. HENNEY, Charles William Francis, physician, surgeon; b. Dunlap, la., 2 Feb. 1884; s. George E. Henney, farmer, and Sarah Jane (Hanigan) H. ; ed. Dun- lap (la.) pub. sch.; Fremont (Neb.) Normal Sch.; M.D., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., Chicago, 1910; F. A.C.S., 1927; m. Margaret Elizabeth Tierney of Portage, Wis., 28 Oct. 1915; children- John Joseph, Thomas Edward. Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 111., 1910-12; chief staff, St. Saviors Hosp., 1920-44; post grad. work in Eur., 1927; elected to F.A.C.S., 1927; mem., 73d Congress of U.S., 1932-34; mem. A.M. A., Internat. Post-Grad. Med. Assembly, Wis. State and Columbia Co. Med. Socs., Indsl. Surgs. of Am., K.C., Elks, Moose. Au- thor: New Electric Lighted Mouth Cag; Embolectomy. Travel: Alaska, Eur. Desc. Christopher Henney who, with four sons, fought in the same company throughout Rev. War. Interest: amateur motion pictures. Recreations: boating, swimming, fishing. Catholic. Democrat. Office: Raulf Bldg., Portage, Wis. Home: 805 Prospect Av., Portage, Wis. Summer res.: Patrick's Lake, Grand Marsh, Wis. STUDT, Charles Wotring, petroleum geologist; b. St. Louis, Mo., 23 Nov. 1892: s. Jacob Studt, Jr., farmer and Jane Elizabeth (Wotring) S.; ed. Smith Acad., St. Louis, Mo.; A.B., Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1916; M.S., 1921; m. Elsie Jane Cook of Warsaw, Ltd., 13 Oct. 1918; 1 dau., Marianne. Petroleum geologist, Mo. Bur. Geology and Mines, 1919-20, Producers and Refiners Corp., 1920-24; chief geologist, Southwestern Gas Co. and successors, 1924: — ; v.p., operating mgr., Sagamore Oil and Gas Co., 1933 — ; also, mgr. Exploration and Production in 111., The National Refining Co., 1939-43 and Cooperative Refinery Assn., 1944 — ; dir. Sagamore Oil and Gas Co., Dela.; mem. Am. Assn. Petro- leum Geologists, Kan. Acad, of Sci., Kan. Geol. Soc, Soc. of Econ. Paleon- tologists and Mineralogists, Sigma Xi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Chi Sigma. Travel: continental No. Am. Interests: photog., amateur movies, wood-working. Recreation: golf, bowling. Presbyterian. Republican. Address: 1212 No. Second St., Independence, Kan. MORGAN, Barton, director of teacher education, la. State Coll.; b. Jameson, Mo., 19 Feb. 1889; s. Daniel Emerson Morgan, farmer, and Nancy Adeline (Stowe) M. ; ed. Jameson high sch.; B.S., N.E. Mo. St. Teachers Coll., 1919; M.S., la. State Coll., 1922; Ph.D., Univ. la., 1934; m. Helen Jane Green of Ames, la.; children— Margaret Catherine (Mrs. Warren B. Sargent), Richard Barton, Harold John, Paul Emerson. Teacher, rural schs., 2 yrs.; prin. of high sch., 2 yrs., supt. of schs., 9 yrs.; instr. Dept. of Vocational Edn., la. State Coll., 1923- 36; head of dept. and dir. of Teacher Edn., la. St. Coll., 1936—; mem. N.E.A., A.A.S.A., Am. Edn. Research Assn., I.S.TA, A.V.A., I.V.A., Nat. Soc. for Study of Edn., Nat. Soc. of Teachers of Edn.; mem. of the staff of the presi- dent's advisory com. on edn., 1937, Phi Delta Kappa, Gamma Sigma Delta, pres. la. State Teachers' Assn., 1937-38, St. chmn. of Commn. on Rural Edn. and the War, 1942—; pres. dept. of Rural Edn. and the War, 1942-44; Co-author: Nature and Purpose of Education; His- tory of the Iowa Extension Service; The Land-Grant Colleges; Intermediate Step in the Recognization of Rural Elemen- tary Education. Conglist. Office: Iowa State Coll., Ames, la. Home: 818 Eighth St., Ames, la. BOLDYREFF, Tatiana W., writer, translator; b. St. Petersburg, Rus., 18 Nov. 1901; d. William N. Boldyreff, physiologist, and Anna E. (Kamaneff) B.; ed. Russian Gymnasia; M.A., Battle Creek (Mich.) Coll., 1927; A.B., Western Reserve Univ., 1923. Translator, lab. helper, B.C. Sanitarium, 1925-40; stenog- rapher, 1925-40; teacher, Battle Creek Coll., Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1927-29; substitute teacher, pub. schs., Battle Creek, 1937 — ; stenographer, 1925 — ; at present employed as med. stenographer in the Clin. Office of VAF, Ft. Custer, Mich.; mem. Am. Literary Assn., Allianca Franciase (Battle Creek). Club: Federated Russian Ortho- dox Ch. Clubs of Am. Author: By Word of Mouth, 1931; Russian Born, 1935; Mica Fields (prose poems), 1941; Out of 124 the Blue, 1942 (verse) ; book in prepara- tion; contribs. to poetry mags. Travel: Russia, Far East, Japan. Interests: art, peasant embroideries. Recreations : skating, hiking, music, sewing, fancy work. Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic. Republican. Office: VAF, Fort Custer, Mich. Home: 124 Manchester St., Battle Creek, Mich. BUCY, Paul C, neurologist, neuro- surgeon; b. Hubbard, la., 13 Nov. 1904; s. Isaac Bucy, realtor, and Lillian (Clancy) B.; ed. Hubbard high sch.; B.S., State Univ. la., 1925, M.S., 1927, M.D., 1927; m. Evelyn Richards of Iowa Falls, la., 12 June 1927; children— P. Craig, James G. Interne, Henry Ford Hosp., Detroit, 1927-28; mem. div. Neu- rology and Neurosurgery, Univ. Chi- cago, 1928-41, assoc. prof, neurosurgery, 1938-41; assoc. prof, neurol. and neuro- surgery, Univ. 111., 1941-42, prof., 1942—; visited neurol. clinics in London, Am- sterdam, Berlin, Breslau, Vienna, Zu- rich, Paris, 1930-31; res. assoc, dept. physiol., Yale Univ., 1933; sec, chmn., sect, on nervous and mental diseases, A.M. A., 1936-40; dir., sec-treas. Am. Bd. Neurol. Surgery; mem. A.M. A., Am. Neurol. Assn., Soc Neurol. Sur- geons, Harvey Cushing Soc, Am. Coll. Surgeons, Am. Physiol. Soc, 111. Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Chicago Neurol. Soc, Chicago Pathol. Soc, Inst. Medicine Chicago, Phi Chi, Delta Sigma Rho, Alpha Omega Alpha, Sigma Xi. Club: Chicago Literary. Author: arts., books, med. subjs. Travel: U.S., Eur. Recreations: home, family, travel. Inde- pendent. Office: 25 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 5401 Greenwood Av., Chicago, 111. KEARNS, John W., lawyer; b. Sche- nectady, N.Y., 21 Apr. 1904; s. J. E. Kearns, elec engr., and M.E. (Wallace) K.; ed. Evanston (111.) high sch.; B.S. (in engring.), Univ. Mich., 1924; J.D., Northwestern Univ., 1927; m. Frances Forch of Ida., 1928; children— John W., Jr., Robert Lawrence, William Stanley. Mem. firm Burry, Johnstone, Peters & Dixon, Chicago, 1929-39; counsel, First Nat. Bank of Chicago, 1939—; dir. Cent. Coal and Coke Corp., Kansas City, Mo. Clubs: Chicago, University (Chicago), Mid-Day (Chicago), Indian Hill, Chicago Golf, The Law, The Legal. Author: arts, in legal periodicals. Office: 38 S. Dear- born St., Chicago, 111. Home: 220 Chest- nut St., Winnetka, 111. CHERRINGTON, Homer Virgil, pro- fessor of economics; b. Sandfork, O., 21 Jan. 1891; s. Lozier L. Cherrington, clergyman, and Susan (Drummond) C; ed. Letart (O.) high sch.; A.B., O. Univ., 1914; A.M., Univ. Mich., 1921; Ph.D., Harvard Univ., 194C; m. Maria Grover of Athens, O., 1 Sept. 1926. Prof, economics, Cornell Coll., 1922-25, O. Univ., 1925-29, Univ. la., 1929—; 2d. It., U.S.A., 1918; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Gamma Sigma, Delta Sigma Pi, Order of Artus. Method- ist. Author: The Investor and the Securi- ties Act (American Council on Public Affaris, 1942). Office: State Univ. of la., Iowa City, la. Home: Iowa City, la. DALE, Edward Everett, college teacher; b. Keller, Tex., 8 Feb. 1879; s. John F. Dale, minister, farmer, and Mattie Counts (Colley) D.; ed. Cent. State Normal, Edmond, Okla.; A.B., Univ. Okla., 1911; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1914. Ph.D., 1922; m. Rosalie Gilkey of Norman, Okla., 1919; 1 son, Edward Everett. Farmer, cowboy, ranchman, pub. sch. teacher; coll. teacher, 1914 — ; res. agt., U.S. Dept. Agr., 1925; taught summer sessions, Univs. Tex., Mo., Neb., O. State, Coll. William and Mary, Michigan, Duke; gave many lectures on various subjects connected with Am. History, especially west and frontier life; mem. Brookings Inst., Indian Sur- vey Staff, 1926-27; former tr., Curry Sch. of Expression; tr., Frank Phillips Collection; sole tr., Mary E. Laing Scholarship Fund; dir., Okla. Hist. Soc; took exam, for 1st and 2d off., training camp and for commn. from civil life, rejected, passed for 3d off. and inducted into service, but stopped by Armistice; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. (p. pres.), Agr. Hist. Soc. (p. pres.), Okla. Folk Lore Soc. (p. pres.), Okla. Hist. Soc, So. Hist. Soc, Neb. Hist. Soc Clubs: Boston Authors, Twentieth Cen- tury (Boston), Men's Dinner (Oklahoma City). Author: Territorial Acquisitions of the United States; Tales of the Tepee; A History of Oklahoma; The Prairie Schooner and Other Poems; The Range Cattle Industry; Letters of Lafayette; Readings in Oklahoma History; Frontier Trails; A Rider of the Cherokee Strip; Cherokee Cavaliers; Cow Country; mag. arts. Travel: Mex., Can., U.S. Interests: poetry, Indian art and literature, ranch and pioneer life. Recreations: camping, fishing, travel. Democrat. Office: Univ. of Okla., Norman, Okla. Home: 329 W. Main St., Norman, Okla. AUBURN, Norman Paul, university professor and administrative officer; b. Cincinnati, O., 22 May 1905; s. Joseph Auburn, archtl. draftsman, and Huldah 125 (Grossmann) A.; ed. Norwood (O.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Cincinnati, 1927; Cin- cinnati Law Sch.; m. Kathleen Mont- gomery of Cincinnati, O., 1930; children — Ames, Richard. Asst. mgr., Assoc. General Contractors of Am., Cincinnati Chap., 1928-29, mgr., 1929-30; dir. pub. relations, Allied Constr. Industries, 1930- 33; alumni sec, Univ. Cincinnati, 1933- 36, asst. dir. evening coll., 1936-40, asst. prof., 1936-38, assoc. prof., 1938-41, prof., 1941 — , dean, 1941-43; v.p. and dean of University Administration, 1943 — ; mem. Omicron Delta Kappa, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Alpha Delta. Club: Cincin- natus Soc. Editor: The Cincinnati Con- structor, 1928-33, Cincinnati Alumnus, 1929-36. Interests: editorial work, crea- tive writing, book collecting. Recrea- tions: tennis, handball, sailing. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: Univ. of Cin- cinnati, Cincinnati, O. Home: 2822 Strat- ford Av., Cincinnati, O. FROMMELT, Horace A., professional engineer; b. Dubuque, la., 6 Oct. 1891; s. Ludwig Frommelt and Mary (Nesler) F.; ed. Dubuque high sch.; B.S., la. State Coll., 1912; A.M., Campion Coll., 1914; Ph.D., St. Louis Univ., 1917; m. Katherine L. Foley of Milwaukee, Wis., 23 Nov. 1923. Developed first community trade program, Milwaukee, Wis., 1920- 23; cons, engr., personnel training, 1926- 29; head mech. engring. dept., Mar- quette Univ., Milwaukee, 1929-38; ed.- in-chief, Union and Echo, Buffalo, N. Y., 1938-39; dir. indsl. research, Kearney Trecker Corp., 1940-44; gen. mgr. Mill- ing Div., Kennametal Inc., Latrobe, Pa.; mem. Milwaukee Engrs. Soc, Eu- gene Field Soc. Author: Church Prop- erty and Its Management; arts, in tech. jours.; translator of 6 German vols.; contributing ed. to weekly publications. Interest: Latin and Greek. Catholic. Of- fice: 744 N. 4th St., Room 439, Milwau- kee, Wis. Home: 1983 N. Summitt Av., Milwaukee, Wis. McGREEVY, Francis J., lawyer; b. Franklin Co., la., Jan. 1880; s. James McGreevy and Rose Ann (O'Niel) M.; ed. St. Joseph's Parochial Sch.; Sioux City high sch.; Ann Arbor high sch.; Univ. of Mich., Arts Dept., summer sch.; LL.B., Univ. Mich. Law, 1903; m. Teresa M. Scallon of Ackley, la., 19 Nov. 1907; children— Edith R. Hime, Lucile Ryken, Ruth M. Manning, Hubert A., Mary Schweizer, Gerald, Wilfrid, Robert, Rita, Clare, Elizabeth. Law practice, 1903 — ; orator; radio political talker; del. and chmn., Rep. convs.; del., Rotary convs.; mem. Hardin Co. Bur. of Mil. Affaris, chmn. 3 Liberty Loans, Ackley, 4 minute men, mem. war serv. coun., during World War I. Club: Rotary (org. and 1st pres., Ack- ley). Interest: writing letters to dailies on polit. topics. Recreation: skating. Catholic. Republican. Address: Ackley, Iowa. WRENN, C. Gilbert, professor of edu- cational psychology; b. New Paris, O., 2 Apr. 1902; ed. Tarpon Springs (Fla.) high sch.; Athens Sch., Athens, Tenn.; A.B., Williamette Univ., 1926; A.M., Stanford Univ., summer sch., Univ. Kathleen La Raut of Salem, Ore., 1926; 1 son, Robert. Newspaper reporter, chemist's asst., advance agt., young people's worker before grad. from Coll.; teacher in high sch., Ore. Normal Sch., Stanford Univ., summer sch., Univ. Ore., Purdue Univ., Univ. Chicago, Univ. of Minn., Colo. State Coll. of Edn., Univ. Colo.; at present on leave as prof., ednl. psychology, Univ. Minn, and serving as It. comdr., U.S.N.R.; mem. staff, Am. Youth Commn., 1939—, Teacher Edn. Commn. of Am. Council of Edn., 1940-42; former asst. dir. Gen. Coll., Univ. Minn.; mem. editorial bd., Occupations, The Vocational Guidance Magazine; mem. Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Ednl. Research Assn., Am. Coll. Personnel Assn. (former v.p.), Nat. Vo- cational Guidance Assn. (professional mem. and former v.p.), Phi Delta Kappa, Psi Chi; fellow, Am. Assn. Ap- plied Psychologists. Author and co- author: Practical Study Aids, How to Read Rapidly, University Training and Vocational Outlets, Student Personnel Problems, Time on Their Hands, Study- ing Effectively, Teaching Aids for Home Room Teachers. Travel: U.S., Can., Hawaiian, Marshall, Mariana, Western Caroline, and Volcano Islands. Inter- ests: gardening, minerals, gems. Rec- reation: fishing. Protestant. Independ- ent. Office: Univ. of Minn., Mineapolis, Minn. Home: 83 Barton Av., S.E., Min- neapolis, Minn. ORERMANN, Charles Frederick, phy- sician, neuropsychiatrist ; b. Mediapolis, la., 27 Jan. 1902; s. Charles F. Ober- mann, farmer, and Amelia (Fritzke) O.; ed. Mediapolis (la.) high sch.; la. State Teachers Coll.; B.A., Univ. la., 1926, M.D., 1930, M.S., 1933; m. Margaret Helt of Burlington, la., 1 Sept. 1932. Supt. of schs., Des Moines Co., la., 1921-23; lab. asst., dept. biology, Univ. la., 1924-25; student asst., dept. neurol. and pathol., Univ. la. Med. Sch., 1929- 30; interne, Univ. Hosps., Neurol, and 126 neuropathol., Iowa City, 1930-31; asst., dept. neurol., 1931-33; asst. phys., Clarinda State Hosp., Clarinda, la., 1933- 34, asst. supt. Woodward State Hosp., Woodward, la., 1935; asst. phys., Chero- kee State Hosp., supt., 1936—; pres., Cherokee Co. Med. Soc, la. Bd. Eu- genics; 1st It., Med. Res., neuropsychi- atrist, Med. Adv. Bd., Selective Service; F. A.M.A.; mem. Cherokee Co. and la. State Med. Assns., Am. Psychiat. Assn. (mem.), A.A.A.S., la. and Am. Hosp. Assns., Cherokee Chamber Commerce, Masons. Clubs: Rotary, Country. Au- thor: Sleep— Natural and Disordered, Hematoporphyra— A Report on Five Cases; report on treatment of insane in Cherokee State Hosp. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Interests: philately, saddle outdoor sports. Methodist. Office: Chero- kee State Hosp., Cherokee, la. Home: Cherokee, la. MEYERDING, Henry W(illiam), or- thopedic surgeon; b. St. Paul, Minn., 5 Sept. 1884; s. Henry J. Meyerding (dec), pub. official, City of St. Paul, and Adelgunda (Rosenkranz) M. (dec); ed. Mechanics Arts (St. Paul) high sch.; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1907, M.D., 1909, M.S. in orthopedic surgery, 1918; in. Lura Abbie Stinchfield of Rochester, Minn., 12 Feb. 1912; children— Edward Henry, Augustus Stinchfield (dec), Ann Louise (dec). Interne, St. Peter's State Hosp., St. Peter, 1 yr., City & Co. Hosp., St. Paul, 1 yr., post grad. course, St. Mary's Hosp., Mar. 1910-Mar. 1911; or- thopedic surg., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, 1910 — , St. Mary's Hosp., Colonial Hosp., Rochester, 1915—; prof, orthopedic sur- gery, Mayo Foundation, Grad. Sch. Med., Univ. Minn.; lecturer in ortho- pedic surgery, St. Mary's Training Sen. for Nurses, Kahler Sch. Nursing, Roch- ester, 1924—; co. surg., Chicago Great Western Surgeon; dist. surg., Chicago North Western Ry. Co.; received award for Bone Tumor Exhibit (permanent), Wellcome Museum Med. Sci., London, Eng., July 1928, 1st award for Scientific Exhibit on Spondylolisthesis, Radiologi- cal Soc. of No. Am. Conv., 1931, 3d award for Scientific Exhibit on Vo!k- mann's Ischemic Contracture, Am. Con- gress Physical Therapy, 1935, gold medal for Scientific Exhibit on Frac- tures, A.M.A. Conv., 1937, certificate of merit for Scientific Exhibit on Spondy- lolisthesis as an Etiologic Factor in Backache, A.M.A. Conv., 1938, gold medal for Scientific Exhibit on Back- ache: Its Causes and Treatment by Physical Therapy, Am. Congress of Physical Therapy, 1939; pvt. Bat. A., 1st F.A., Minn. Nat. Guard, 21 Mar. 1904, corpl., 4 May 1905, sgt., 28 June 1905, capt. Med. Corps, 27 July 1912, resigned, 11 June 1913, It. Med. Re3. Corps, 7 Aug. 1915, maj., 6 Dec 1922, It. col., 23 June 1934, col., Aug. 1940; mem. A.M.A., Am. Orthopaedic Assn., Am. Acad. Orthopaedic Surgs., A. A. A.S., Am. Editors' & Authors' Assn., Internat. Orthopaedic Soc. (co-founder, charter mem.), Societe Francaise D'Or- thopedie, Sociedad Argentina de Cirugia Ortopedica (corr. fgn. mem.), Minn.- Dakota Orthopedic Club, Western Surg. Assn., Clinical Orthopaedic Soc, Assn. Mil. Surgs., Am. Bd. Orthopaedic Surg (diplomate, co-organizer), Minn. State and So. Minn. Med. Assns., Alumni Assn. Mayo Foundation for Med. Edn. , Olmsted-Houston-Fillmore-Dodge Co. Med. Soc, Minn. Acad. Sci. & Re- search, Am. Assn. Univ. Profs. (Minn, chap.), N.Y. Acad. Sci., Alpha Kappa Kappa, Sigma Xi, A.F. & A.M. (Roches- ter lodge no. 1, York & Scottish Rite), B.P.O.E., Osman Temple (Shrine), Rochester Chamber Commerce, Acacia, fellow Am. Coll. Surgs. (1917). Clubs: University (Rochester), Rochester Coun- try, St. Paul Athletic. Author: 105 arts, on surgery. Travel: Eur., Mex., Can., U.S. Desc. of pioneers in Minn. Interest: music. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Conglist. Independent. Office: Mayo Clinic, 102-110 Second Av., S.W., Roches- ter, Minn. Home: 525 9th Av., S.W., Rochester, Minn. MEYERS, Erwin A., attorney-at-law ; b. Verona, Wis., 5 Nov. 1888; s. Herbert Oscar Meyers, lumber mcht., and Addie Harriet (Donkle) M.; ed. Ft. Atkinson high sch.; Evansville high sch.; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1911, LL.B., 1914; m. Mar- jorie Jackson of Ludington, Mich., 23 Sept. 1918; children — Warren J., Robert B., Philip G. Atty-at-law, Chicago 1915 — , specialist in insurance law of all branches, gen. counsel for various life, fire and casualty ins. corps, in several states and territories; Wis. State Tax Com., 1911-12, U.S. Treasury Bur. War Risk Ins., 1917-18; Deputy Atty. Gen., 111., 1926-27; served as capt. U.S. Army, during World War I, 1917-18; mem. Am., 111., Wis. and Chicago Bar Assns., Art Inst., Field Museum, Wis. Soc. of Chi- cago, Phi Delta Phi, Acacia. Clubs: Tavern, Univ. Wis., Insurance Lawyers. Author : Legal Code of Wis. State Budget Plan; Insurance Codes of Kentucky and Hawaii and various other insurance and corporation laws in many states. Desc German, English, Scotch and Irish an- cestors. Interests: art, literature, hist., 127 football, travel. Baptist. Republican. Of- fice: 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 744 Ash St., Winnetka, 111. DEINARD, Amos Spencer, attorney at law; b. Terre Haute, Ind., 10 Mar. 1898; s. Samuel N. Deinard, rabbi and univ. lecturer, and Rosa D.; ed. West high sch., Minneapolis, Minn.; B.A., Univ. Minn., 1920, LL.B., 1921; S.J.D., Harvard Univ., 1922; m. Hortense H. Honig of Syracuse, N.Y., 15 Mar. 1933: children— Amos S., Miriam J. Mem. law firm, Leonard, Street & Deinard; pres. West Cent. Sts. Regional Conf. of the Council of Jewish Federations and Wel- fare Funds, 1940, pres. Minneapolis Fed- eration for Jewish Service, 1935-40, in- clusive; v.p. Minn. Soc. for the Preven- tion of Blindness, 1943—; mem. bd. of dirs., Am. Jewish Joint Distbn. Com., Nat. Refugee Service, Minn. Soc. for the Prevention of Blindness, Minne- apolis Fedn. for Jewish Service, Jewish Family Service Assn. of Minneapolis, Phi Beta Kappa Associates of Minne- apolis, Minn. Statis. Assn., Minn. Hist. Soc, Am. Bar Assn., Minn. Bar Assn., Fgn. Policy Assn., The Council for Democracy, B'nai B'rith. Clubs: Gymal Doled, Harvard of Minn. Author: Elec- tion of Remedies (co-author). Travel: Eur., Caribbean. Jewish. Office: 1036 Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 1933 Humboldt Av., S., Minne- apolis, Minn. KEELEK, Stephen Edwards, D.D., S.T.D., bishop; b. New Canaan, Conn., 16 Apr. 1887; s. Stephen Edwards Keeler and Annie Demarest (Husted) K.; ed. Hoosac Prep, sch., Hoosick, N.Y.; B.A., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn., 1910; B.D., Gen. Theol. Sem., 1913; D.D. (hon.), Kenyon Coll., 1928; S.T.D. (hon.), Gen. Theol. Sem., 1932; m. Eunice Daskam Stevens of Norwalk, Conn., 2 June 1915; s. Stephen Edwards, Jr. Sr. Curate, St. Paul's, Cleveland, O., 1913-15; rector, St. Stephen's, Pittsfield, Mass., 1915-23, St. Paul's, Akron, O., 1923-28, St. Chrysostom's, Chicago, 1928- 31; bishop coadjutor, Minn., 1931—; be- came diocesan 1 Jan. 1944; pres., Prov- ince of the N.W. of Epis. Ch., Minn. Council of Religious Ed.; trustee, Sea- bury-Western Theol. Sem., Shattuck Sch., St. Mary's Hall, St. James Sch., Breck Sch., St. Barnabas Hosp., Carle- ton Coll.; mem. Nat. Council of Episco- pal Ch., 1940-46. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minnesota, (St. Paul). Author: Canaan Parish, a hist, of St. Mark's Ch., New Canaan, Conn. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: 1111 Nicollet Av., Minne- apolis, Minn. Home: 930 Mt. Curve Av., Minneapolis, Minn. JARRETT, Delta I., lawyer; b. Alder- son, W.Va., 26 Feb. 1874; s. Andrew Jarrett, farmer, and Alice (Argabrite) J.; ed. Danvers high sch.; Lincoln Univ.; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. Law, 1897; m. Maud Vinton of Richmond, 6 Sept. 1900; children— Mrs. Evelyn Jar- rett Deming, Gladys, Mrs. Enid Jarrett Heideman, Vinton. Dir., gen. counsel, Alliance Life Ins. Co., Central Cold Stor- age Co.; mem. bd. trs., and treas. Meadville Theol. Sch., Lombard Coll.; mem. S.A.R. Recreation: gardening. Unitarian. Democrat. Office: 33 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 5841 W. Ohio St., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Walloon Lake, Mich. HENSZEY, Roy O., industrial engi- neer; b. Phila., Pa., 20 May 1887; s. Alexander J. D. Henszey, mcht., and Theresa (Ebert) H.; ed. B.S., Rutgers Univ., 1911, C.E., 1914, M.E., 1924; m. Gladys Roberts of Oconomowoc, Wis., 26 Oct. 1915; children— Elizabeth Rob- erts (Mrs. James Owers), Richard Rob- erts. Student, Baldwin Locomotive Wks., 1905-07; surveyor, Fla. East Coast Ry., 1911; structural designer, H. C. Eisen- bise Co., 1912-13; chief engr. Carnation Co., 1914 — ; designed and built, fac- tories, warehouses, grain elevators, of- fice bldgs., sewage disposal wks., power plants throughout U.S., factories in Ger., Holland, Fr., Eng., Can.; U.S. patents on can testing machines, meters, flow indicators, boiler water control, heat exchangers, ultra violet irradiation, carburetors, evaporators ; pres. Henszey Co., Watertown, Wis.; v.p. Otto Biefeld Co (Watertown); mem. Am. Soc. M.E., Milwaukee Soc. Engrs., Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Sigma. Clubs: La Belle Golf, Oconomowoc Lake. Author: Water Boiler Water Im- purities (booklet). Travel: Eur. Desc. Quakers. Interests: reading, drawing, architecture. Recreations: golf, sailing, fishing, walking. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Home: 115 Woodland Lane, Oconomowoc, Wis. YATES, David Miller, business execu- tive, retired; b. Norwich, Ont., Can., 15 Sept. 1864; s. George Fox Yates, farmer, and Lydia (Willits) Y.; ed. Norwich pub. schs.; m. Mary E. Bradford of Ottawa, 111., 8 Aug. 1895; children— Katheryne Lydia, David Bradford (dec). Merchandiser, Marshall Field & Co., 1887-1935, gen. mgr., 1st v.p. at time of retirement, 1935; dir., Central Life Ins. Co. of 111., Oak Park Trust and 128 Savings Bank, Oak Park, 111.; mem. Chicago Athletic Assn. Club: Oak Park Country. Interests: travel and great out- doors. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Republican. Home: 526 Augusta St., Oak Park, 111. FAAST, B. F., realtor (property man- agement); b. Eau Claire, 15 Jan. 1884; s. Albert J. Faast, boot and shoe mfr., and Francis (Unser) F.; ed. Eau Claire high sch.; Univ. Wis.; m. Ida Kleiner of Eau Claire, 18 Dec. 1918; 1 dau., Margaret. Former pres. and mem. bd. regents, Univ. Wis., 18 yrs.; former v.p., dir., Federal Land Bank, St. Paul, 11 yrs.; pres., Northwestern Land & Mort- gage Co., Eau Claire, Ojibwa Sales Co.; mem. Masons (32d deg.). Office: 22% S. Barstow St., Eau Claire, Wis. Home: 1525 State St., Eau Claire, Wis. Summer res.: Ojibwa, Wis. ETTELSON, Leonard Bert, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 6 Mar. 1905; s. Benjamin J. Ettelson and Julia (Sanditz) E.; ed. Chicago high sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1924, J.D., 1927; m. Luela Bone of Nash- ville, 6 Aug. 1934. Asst. corp. counsel, City of Chicago, 1927-31; founded firm, Samuel A. and Leonard B. Ettelson, 1931. Office: 120 So. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. Homes: 1570 Waukegan Rd., Lake Forest, 111.; Melody Farms, Char- lottesville, Va. DALE, Etta Dorothea, school princi- pal; b. Stockton, Mo., 5 Apr. 1872; d. John Dale and Syrenah Anne (Pyle) D.; ed. Osage Mission, Kan.; A.B., Central Teachers Coll., Edmond, Okla., 1923; A.M., Univ. Okla., 1940. Instr., city schs., El Reno, 1892—, prin., Cent. Sch., 1896—, holds record for longest continu- ance service in Okla. sch. system; dis- tinguished service medals presented by Pres. Calvin Coolidge, Okla. Edn. Assn., for teacher who had done the most for children in Okla.; Etta Dale Jr. High Sch. bldg. (built 1937) named for her, portrait of her by Pierre Tartoue hung in bldg.; local chmn., Elementary Prin- cipals in El Reno, Okla.; chmn., Wom- en's Div., N.R.A., during World War I; mem. Nat. Edn. Assn., Okla. Edn. Assn. (life), Delta Kappa Gamma (v.p.), Okla. Hall of Fame, Eastern Star, Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Okla. Hist. Soc, Okla. Congress Parents and Teachers (life). Clubs: Bus. and Prof. Women's (p. pres.), Canadian County Pioneer (pres., 1941-42). Author: The First Quar- ter Century in the El Reno Schools. Travel: Eur., Mex., Can., U.S. Desc. John Dale, who was del. to Congress from No Man's Land, 1886, an Eighty- niner in Okla. Interests: reading, teach- ing. Recreation: traveling. Scientist. Democrat. Office: 600 S. Rock Island Av., El Reno, Okla. Home: 505 S. Rock Island Av. f El Reno, Okla. Died, 2 Nov. 1944. CROSSETT, Edward Clark, lumber- man; b. Davenport, la., 7 Aug. 1882; s. Edward Savage Crossett, lumberman, and Harmony E. (Clark) C. ; ed. Daven- port high sch.; B.A., Amherst Coll.; m. Elisabeth Rankin of Chicago, 111., 2 Jan. 1909; children— Mrs. Elisabeth Mothers- head, Mrs. Ruth French, Carolyn C. Engaged in lumber business, 1905-45, Crossett, Watzek, Gates industries, So. and Western plants, Chicago exec, office, 1925 — ; pres., Fordyce Lumber Co., Crossett Lumber Co., Crossett Tim- ber & Development Co.; v.p. Jackson Lumber Co.; dir. Chap, prodn., Am. Red Cross, Washington, D.C., 1917-18, Bur. Development, Jan.-June 1919; mem. S.A.R., Phi Beta Kappa (assoc). Clubs: University, Chicago, Racquet (Chicago), N.Y. Yacht, San Gabriel (San Gabriel, Calif.), Wianno (Wianno, Mass.). Travel: world. Interests: col- lecting etchings, in photog., radio. Rec- reations: sailing, golf. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: 80 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Wianno, Cape Cod, Mass. CROWE, Robert Emmet, jurist; b. Peoria, 111., 22 Jan. 1879; ed. West Div. high sch., Chicago; LL.B., Yale Univ., 1901; m. Candida Cuneo of Chicago, 111.; children— Candida P. Crowe Cagney, Robert Cuneo, Francis T., Thomas F., Lawrence Cuneo. Asst. State's Atty., Cook Co., 1908-13; asst. corp. counsel, Chicago, 1915-16; judge of Circuit Ct., 1916-20; chief justice, Circuit Ct., 1917; chief justice, Criminal Ct., 1919; state's atty., Cook Co., 1920-28; now judge, Su- perior Court, elected, 1942. Home: Edge- water Beach Hotel, Chicago, 111. Sum- mer res.: Crowe's Nest, Phelps, Wis. CORPER, Franklin Joseph, physician, pediatrician; b. Chicago, 111., 27 Mar. 1892; s. Carl Corper, realtor, and Phyllis (Knell) C; ed. Lake View high sch.; Univ. Chicago, 1913, B.S.; North- western Univ., M.D., 1917; m. Gladys Wynne of Chicago, 111., 10 Nov. 1917; children — Gladys, Carol Frances, Cyn- thia Ruth. Interne, St. Luke's Hosp., Children's Memorial Hosp.; practicing medicine, Chicago; attending phys., Wesley Memorial Hosp., Evanston Hosp.; assoc. in pediatrics, Northwest- ern Univ. Med. Sch.; capt., M.C., U.S.A.. 361st Inf., 91st div., 1917-19, over- 129 seas, 5 maj. engagements, Fr., Belg., 1918-19; mem. A.M.A., 111. State Med. Soc, Chicago Pediatric Soc, Am. Acad. Pediatrics, Chicago Inst. Medicine, Am. Pediatric Bd., Phi Kappa Psi, Alpha Omega Alpha. Club: Glen View Golf. Author: medical arts. Travel: U.S., Eur. Interest: photog. Recreation: golf. Epis- copalian. Independent. Office: 4753 Broadway, Chicago, 111. Home: 1221 Forest Av., Evanston, 111. HEBENSTREIT, Frank A., lawyer; b. Shullsburg, Wis., 12 Apr. 1891; s. Andrew Hebenstreit and Catharine (McCarten) H.; ed. Shullsburg (Wis.) high sch.; Univ. Wis.; LL.B., Creighton Univ., 1915; m. Irene O'Neil of Omaha, Neb., 1917; children — John A., Frank A., James C, Joseph O. City atty., Falls City, Neb., 6 yrs.; Nebraska Bar Assn., Richardson Co. Bar Assn. (pres.), Delta Theta Phi, Elks (exalted ruler), City Council, B.S.A. (ex.), Cham- ber Commerce (pres.), B.P.O.E., K.C. Club: Rotary (p. pres.). Recreation: golf. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 201 Slocum Bldg., Falls City, Neb. Home: 813 East 17th, Falls City, Neb. HAMMER, Marion R., lawyer; b. Jasper Co., la., 27 Aug. 1878; s. Marion R. Hammer, phys., and Mary E. (Dooley) H.; ed. Newton, la. pub. schs.; Newton, la. Normal Coll., LL.B., Drake Univ., 1907; Hazel Dell Acad.; winner of Gold Medal Triangular Debate award, Philomeathan Soc, Drake Univ.; m. Orpha Sparks of Lynnville, la., 22 Nov. 1909. Co. atty., Jasper Co., la., 3 terms; mem. la. State Legislature, 1 term; chmn. Democratic Co. 12 yrs.; chmn. Exemption Bd., U.S. Selective Service, 1917-18; mem. Elks, K.P., Kiwanis. Travel: U.S.A., Cuba, Mex., Can. Inter- est: travel: Presbyterian. Democrat. Of- fice: 204 Maytag Bldg., Newton, la. Home: 330 N. Eighth Av., E. Newton, la. GOUWENS, Cornelius, associate pro- fessor of mathematics; b. South Hol- land, HI., 22 May 1889; s. John P. Gouwens, farmer, and Cornelia (Paarl- berg) G.; ed. Thornton Twp. high sch., Harvey, 111.; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1910; M.A., Univ. 111., 1911; Ph.D., Uinv. Chicago, 1924; m. Edna Patzig of Iowa City, la., 24 June 1945. Teacher, Bennett Acad., Clarkson, Miss., 1911-12; instr., Univ. la., 1912-16, Univ. Kansas, 1919- 20; asst. prof., math., la. State Coll., 1920-26, assoc. prof., ibid, 1926—; served in civilian service, Ordn. Dept., 1918-19, during World War I; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Math. Soc, Math. Assn. Am., la. Acad, of Sci., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, Pi Mu Epsilon. Pres- byterian. Office: Iowa State Coll., Ames, la. Home: 305 Beech Av., Ames, la. HEPBURN, Henry, pastor; b. Hop- kins, Mo.; s. Col. James L. Hepburn, farmer, and Maria Jane (Robinson) H.; ed. Park Acad.; A.B., Park Coll., A.M.; B.D., McCormick Theol. Sem., D.D.; m. Isabelle Speer of Limestone, Pa., 6 May 1902 (dec, 1 Mar. 1937) ; 1 son, Malcolm J. Pastor, First Presbyn. Ch., Monett, Mo., 1902-05, First Presbyn. Ch., Aurora, 111., 1905-08, Buerea Mem. Presbyn. Ch., Chicago, 1908—; v.p. Bethany Girls' Home; served as unofficial chaplain at Camp Grant during World War I. Inde- pendent. Office: 4301 Sheridan Rd., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 735 Junior Terrace, Chicago, 111. BAKER, Earle Alonzo, minister; b. Edmund, Wis., 22 Mar. 1884; s. William Henry Baker, farmer, and Mary Ann (Richards) B.; ed. Britt (la.) high sch., 1903; A.B., Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la., 1908; B.D., Drew Theol. Sem., Madi- son, N.J., 1911; D.D. (hon.), Cornell Coll.; m. Grace Eloise Terrill of Mason City, la., 20 Sept. 1910; children— Ruth Marie, Richard Terrill, Beth Eloise, Marjorie Grace. Fellowship, United Free Ch. Coll., Scotland, 1912-13; entered Upper la. Annual Conf., 1910; minister, Coggon, la., 1911, Waterloo (Linden), 1913-17, Greene, la., 1917-22, Marion, la., 1922-27; dist. supt., Davenport Dist., Meth. Ch., 1927-33; minister First Meth. Ch., Cedar Falls, 1933-42; dist. supt., Waterloo Dist., Meth. Ch., 1942—; bd. of tr., Cornell Coll. (exec, com.); bd. of dirs. St. Lukes Meth. Hosp., Cedar Rapids, Wesley Foundation of la.; dir. Cedar Falls Bible Conf.; chmn. Bd. of Ministerial Training Upper la. Conf.; mem. Commn. of World Peace, No. Cen. Jurisdiction of Meth. Ch., Phi Beta Kappa, Masons. Club: Lions. Travel: Scot., Eng., Fr., U.S. Recreations: read- ing, golf. Methodist. Republican. Office: First Methodist Church, Cedar Falls, la. Home: 804 Washington St., Cedar Falls, la. Summer res. : Clear Lake, la. FRITH, Eugene Thomas, executive: b. Dubuque, la., 11 Nov. 1886; s. Eugene Elson Firth and Mary E. (Collins) F.; ed. pub. high sch.; Bayless Bus. Coll.; m. Anna C. Schilling of Dubuque, la., 9 June 1926; children— Elaine Theresa, Eugene Thomas, Jr., Robert Elson, Thomas James, Paul Joseph. Pres. E. E. Firth Co. (3d generation in origi- nal bus. started by grandfather, 1859); 130 Dubuque Auto Club; exec. bd. mem. Boy Scouts of Am.; mem. Citizens Hist. Assn., B.P.O.E., Dubuque Shooting Soc. Club: 330. Desc, Iowa pioneers. Recrea- tions: bowling, hunting, baseball. Catho- lic. Republican. Office: 18th and Syca- more Sts., Dubuque, la. Home: 827 Gar- field Av., Dubuque, la. GEIDEL, Carl D., bacteriologist, chemist, executive; b. Brandon, Wis., 21 Oct. 1888; s. Charles A. Geidel, cabinet maker, and Marie Ann (Pleuss) G.; ed. Brandon high sch.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1911, M.S., 1913; res. work, Univ. Minn.; m. Doris Ann Dawson of Apple- ton, Minn., 6 Oct. 1920; children— Rich- ard T., Robert Carl. Asst. bacteriologist, State lab. of hygiene, Univ. Wis., 1911- 13; bacteriological chem., Dept. Agr., Wis., 1913-17; chem., U.S. Dept. Agr., 1917-19; state bacteriologist, Minn., 1919- 25; chief chem., Minn. Val. Canneries, 1925-30; buyer canned foods, Twin City Wholesale Grocers, St. Paul, 1930-34; pres. and gen. mgr., Geidel Canneries, Inc., 1934—; mem. Am. Bacteriol. Soc, A.C.S., Phi Beta Phi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Masons. Club: Kiwanis. Interests: music, athletics. Recreations: golf, ten- nis, sailing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Adell, Wis. Home: Sheboygan, Wis. GOODRICH, Joseph Albert, physician and surgeon; b. Neponset, 111., 28 Mar. 1872; s. Allen Baker Goodrich, farmer, and Elizabeth (Maycock) G.; ed. Hazel Dell Acad., Newton, la.; B.S., Highland Park Coll., 1892, Ph.G., 1903; Drake Univ., 1901-02; M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1905; m. Eva Blanche Angier of Dell Rapids, S. D., 22 Aug. 1894; m. (2nd) Cludie Evans-Smith of Ft. Worth, Tex., 7 Oct. 1924; children— Bertha Lenora (Mrs. Holbrook), Cecil Angier (dec). Prin., Des Moines schs., 1892-93, 1899-1900, Pomeroy, la., 1893-95, Flan- dreau, S.D., 1896-99; interne, Chicago Lying In Hosp., 1905-06; instr., Drake Univ. Med. Sch., 1907-13; med. pract., obstetrics and gynecol., Des Moines, 1906—; mem. Polk Co. Med. Soc, la. State Med. Soc, A.M. A., Masons, 32d deg. Scottish Rite, K.T., S.A.R (tr. Nat. Soc). Interest: genealogy. Methodist. Republican. Office: 918 Equitable Bldg., Des Moines, la. Home: Commodore Hotel, Des Moines, la. HERSCH, Thomas Franklin, physi- cian, surgeon; b. Jesup, 2 Jan. 1888; s. Nevin Blank Hersch, farmer, and Minnie Mae (Eshelman) H.; ed. Jesup high sch.; B.S., Lenox Coll. (Hopkinton), 1910; M.D., Univ. Coll. Med., Univ. la. (Iowa City), 1914; m. Ivadell Stoddard of Jesup, 26 Nov. 1913; children— Capt. Donald Franklin, Edith (Mrs. Carl Myers). Engaged in pract. med., Cedar Rapids, 1914 — ; pres. staff, Mercy Hosp., 1934-36, now mem.; coroner, Linn Co., Jan. 1943—; mem. staff, St. Lukes Hosp.; mem. Alpha Omega Alpha (1940), Linn Co. Med. Soc. (pres., 1934- 35, sec, 1931-36, Ed., Bulletin, 1931-40, chmn. program com., 1931-40), Miss. Valley Med. Soc. (charter mem.), Ia.- 111. Dist. Med. Soc, la. State Med. Soc. (chmn. interprofi. relationship com., 1937-38, mem. com. med. edn. and hosps., 1937-38, mem. Speakers Bur., 1938—), fellow A.M.A. Club: Executive. Author: Modern Postpartum Care and Treatment, 1936 (monograph). Interest: specimen plants and flowers. Ch. of the Brethren. Republican. Office: 120 3d Av., S.W., Cedar Rapids, la. Home: 2127 Greenwood Dr., S.E., Cedar Rapids, la. WOLF, Walter Bertram, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 15 Sept. 1887; s. Albert Henry Wolf, civil engr., and Julia (Loewenthal) W.; ed. South Side Acad., Chicago; A.B., Yale, 1907; LL.B., North- western Univ., 1910; m. Marguerite Pettit Watson of Philadelphia, Pa., 25 June 1929. Dir. Adams Oil and Gas Co.; served during World War I from 2d It. Artillery (field) to It. col. Inf., 42d Div. A.E.F., received Croix de Guerre with Palms, and Purple Heart; recom- mended for D.S.M. and D.S.C.; mem. Am., Chicago and 111. Bar Assns.; Am. Acad, of Polit. Sci. Clubs: Racquet, The Attic, Mid-Day, Casino and Tavern, Yale (New York). Author: Brief History of the Rainbow Division; The American Army in the Field in France in Harper's History of the World War. Ancestors on both sides active in professional hist, of Chicago, for about 90 yrs. Interests: art, literature. Republican. Office: 105 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 209 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Summer home: 900 Sunset Rd., Winnetka, 111. BACHMAN, Walter Eugene, college dean and professor; b. Farmersville, Pa., 30 May 1890; s. M.E. Bachman, physician, and Clara (Weidman) B.; ed. Elkhart (Ind.) high sch.; Leander Clark Acad., Toledo, la.; S.B., Drake Univ., Des Moines, la., 1914; grad. work Chi- cago Univ.; M.R.E., Boston Univ., 1920, D.R.E., 1923; D.D., Philomath Coll. Ore., 1920; m. Grace Lucile Williams of Des Moines, la. Head of dept. of Bible and rel. edn., Fargo Coll., N.D,. 1915-21; 131 prof, of rel. edn., The Bibl. Sem. in N.Y.C., 1923-32; dean of sem., 1926-32; prof, of rel. edn. Grad. Coll. of Religion, Butler Univ., Indianapolis, Ind., 1932-36, head of dept. of religion, Coll. of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Butler Univ., 1933- 36; dean and prof, of philosophy and rel. edn., York Coll., York, Neb., 1936—; sec. Neb. Assn. of Ch. Colleges; mem. of Internat. Council of Religious Edn., Res. Advisory Sect, of Internat. Coun- cil; Rel. Edn. Assn., N.E.A., Am. Assn. of Sch. Adminstrs., Western Div. of Am. Philosophical Assn., Phi Gamma Mu. Alpha Psi Omega. Clubs: Neb. State Schoolmasters, York Country. Prepar- ing a book on the philosophy of rel. edn. Interests: dramatics, music. Rec- reations: tennis, golf. Protestant. Office: York College, York, Neb. Home: 668 East 8th St., York, Neb. FRIERSON, Charles D., lawyer; b. Cleburne, 9 Dec. 1877; s. James Gordon Frierson and Emma (Davis) F..; ed Jonesboro State Normal Sch., Jones boro; LL.B., Univ. Ark., 1900; m. Char lotte Gallaway of Fayetteville, 30 Apr 1901; children — Major Charles D., Jr. Margaret F. (wife of Lt. (j.g.) Cherry) City atty., Jonesboro, 1907-11; chancel lor, 12th Circuit, 1911-17; engaged in gen. pract. of law, 1900-11, 1917—; active in Boy Scout work, 1912—; chmn. Bar Rules Com., Supreme Court of Ark., 1940 — ; pres. Mercantile Bank, Jones- boro; chmn. Local Draft Bd., 1917, waived exemption and served as pvt., Inf., 5th Co., 4th Battalion, I.C.O.T.S., Camp Pike, Ark. during World War I; mem. Kappa Alpha, Mason, A.L., Am. Bar. Assn., Ark. Bar Assn., Jonesboro Bar Assn. Clubs: Five Lakes Outing, Dem. County Central Com. (chmn., 1925). Father, James Gordon Frierson, was a Confederate Vet., mem. of Consti- tutional Conv. of 1874, also state senator and circuit judge. Interests: big game hunting, Boy Scout work. Recreation: hunting. Democrat. Office: Frierson Bldg., Jonesboro, Ark. Home: 1112 So. Main, Jonesboro, Ark. DOUGHERTY, William B., physician and surgeon; b. Miss., 24 Feb. 1879; s. William R. Dougherty, mercht., and Eliza J. (Anderson) D.; ed. B.A., Univ. Miss., 1903; M.D., Univ. 111., 1906; m. Elizabeth H. Scruggs of Livingston, Ala., 27 Apr. 1911; children— Elizabeth H. Ashton, Dorothy J. Wilson, William S. Interne, Cook Co. Hosp.; taught minor surgery, Univ. Miss. Med. Sch. at Vicksburg, Miss., 1909; gen. practice in Chicago and supervising Health Officer of Dept. of Health; mem. A.M. A., HI. and Chicago Med. Socs., Delta Psi, Nu Sigma Nu, A.F. & A.M., K.P., Alpha Omega Alpha. Baptist. Office: 1707 Ros- coe St., Chicago, 111. Home: 3542 N. Claremont Av., Chicago, 111. DENNISTON, Brackett Badger, bro- ker; b. Chicago, 111., 14 June 1885; s. George R. Denniston, broker, Chicago Bd. of Trade, and Annie (Badger) D.; ed. Austin high sch.; Lewis Inst.; m. Adele L. Badger of Chicago, 111., 3 Aug. 1910; children— George R., Brackett Badger, Jr., William Badger. Entered grain bus., 1903; with Gillett & Dennis- ton, later S. B. Chapin & Co.; partner of firm, B. B. Denniston & Co., 1923—. Office: 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 115 Scottswood Rd., River- side, 111. Summer res. : Silver Lake, Wis. DeLAMATRE, Harry Clayton, lawyer; b. Omaha, Neb., 8 Aug. 1888; s. Clayton Wm. DeLamatre, lawyer, and Martha Ann (Sargeant) DeL.; ed. Omaha high sch., A.B., LL.B., Univ. Neb., 1915; Cornell Coll., 1907-11; m. Gladys E. Tallmadge of Omaha, Neb., 17 Dec. 1921; children — Joan, Margery May. In football, Cornell Coll., 1908; N man, football, Univ. Neb., 1913-14; prof. Eng., Univ. Omaha, 1915-17; dir. Neb. Good- will Industries; pres. bd. trs., Stuntz Hall Assn., Home for Bus. Women; 2d lt. Aviation, Balloon Observer, Free Balloon Pilot, U.S.A., 1917-19; mem. Omaha and Neb. State Bar Assns. Club: Chamber Commerce. Travel: U.S. Rec- reations: golf, farming. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: 820 City Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Home: 2585 Kansas Av., Omaha, Neb. CZAMANSKE, William Martin, minis- ter; b. Granville, Wis., 26 Aug. 1873; s. Adam Czamanske, farmer, and Louise (Lueck) C; ed. Concordia Coll., Mil- waukee, Wis., 1889-94; Concordia Sem., St. Louis, Mo., 1894-98; m. Hulda Kopeschke of Willow Creek, Minn., 21 May 1899; children — Paul, Ruth, Lois. Ordained minister, Trinity Luth. Ch., Madelia, Minn., 30 July 1898; pastor, St. Mark's Luth. Ch., West Henrietta, N.Y., 1902-04; St. Mark's Luth. Ch., Rochester, N. Y., 1904-10, St. Mark's Luth. Ch., Sheboygan, Wis., 1910—; served as camp pastor, Macon and At- lanta, Ga., during World War I. Author: 'Twill Still Be Christmas There, 1913; Hoist the Banner of the Gospel, quartet, 1915; Tidings of Great Joy, 1925; The First Christmas Service, 1929; Back to Bethlehem, 1933; When Luther with the Gospel Came, 1934; The Virgin's Son, 132 1935; contbr. to religious periodicals, anthologies; recipient of 1st prize from The Sheboygan Press for poem, Wis- consin, 1926. Interest: writing poetry. Recreations: baseball, bowling, horse- shoes. Lutheran. Republican. Office: St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Sheboygan, Wis. Home: 528 Ontario Av., Sheboygan, Wis. COUNSELLER, Virgil Sheetz, sur- geon; b. Elida, O., 2 Nov. 1892; ed. Elida and Lima, O., pub. schs. ; Otter- bein Univ., 1913-14; O. State Univ., 1914- 17; B.S., Univ. Chicago, 1918; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1920; M.S. (surgery), Univ. Minn. Mayo Foundation, 1927; m. Gladys Britten of Lansing, Mich., 11 Oct. 1922; children— Virginia, Cynthia, David, Pamela. Interne, Evanston and St. Luke's Hosps., 1919-20; surgeon, Ev- anston, 111., 1920-24; asst., dept. surgery, Univ. 111., 1920-23; jr. attending surgeon, Evanston Hosp., 1921-25; Fellow in Sur- gery, Mayo Foundation, 1924-27; sur- geon, Dayton, O., 1928; head of sect, of gen. surgery, Mayo Clinic, 1928 — ; assoc. prof., surgery, Univ. Minn., 1935—; prof, surgery, 1945: R.O.T.C., It. comdr. U.S.N.R., during World War I; mem. Am. Surgeons Assn., A.C.S., A.M.A., Minn. State Med. Soc, Minn. Surg. Soc, Min. Obstet. and Gynecol. Soc, Alumni Soc. of Mayo Foundation, Central Assn., Obstet. and Gynecol., Am. Urol. Assn., Western Surg. Assn., Am. Soc. Obstet. and Gynecol, and Ab- dominal Surgeons, Am. Bd. of Surgery. Clubs: Rochester Country, University. Author: 151 contbns. to med. lit. Inter- ests: philately, sports. Recreations: golf, fishing, hunting. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Office: 102-10 Second Av., S.W., Rochester, Minn. Home: 706 S.W. Fourth, Rochester, Minn. CODERE, Charles Francis, insur- ance; b. Montreal, Can., 10 Feb. 1886; s. Charles A. Coder e and Annie (Wain- wright) C: m. Mabelle H. Prosser of St. Paul, Minn., 14 Oct. 1916; children- Helen F., Mildred M. Assoc, local agency, Montreal, 1901, Edmonton, Alta., 1906; spl. agt., St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Western Can., 1908, head office staff, St. Paul, Minn., 1920, asst. to pres., v.p., 1925, pres., 1938—; tr. Minn. Mutual Life Ins. Co.; pres., bd. of trs., Summit Sch. for Girls, St. Paul. Clubs: Minn., Somerset Country, St. Paul Athletic. Recreations: golf, photog. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: 111 W. Fifth St., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 194 Amherst St., St. Paul, Minn. Summer res.: Sunfish Lake, Minn. CLEARY, Mansfield Ralph, broker; b. Hastings, Neb., 14 Oct. 1887; s. John J. Cleary, mfr., broker, and Lillian (McAl- ister) C; ed. Oak Park high sch.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1910; m. Char- lotte Coalter Spencer of St. Louis, Mo., 29 Oct. 1924; children— Mansfield Ralph, Jr., John McAlister, Charlotte Coalter. Mem. brokerage firm, Cleary & Co., 1922-45; gov., Chicago Stock Exchange; tr. Highland Park Hosp.; 1st It., 20th Div., World War I, 1917-19; mem. Alpha Delta Phi. Clubs: Exmoor Country, Jupiter Island, University of Chicago. Travel: around the world. Recreation: golf. Catholic. Republican. Office: 120 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 428 N. Sheridan Rd., Highland Park, 111. Win- ter home: Hobe Sound, Fla. CARLETON, Hubert, clergyman; b. Markham, Ont., Can.; s. Chas. Sweep Carleton, merchant, and Maria (Burk) C. ; ed. Hamilton Collegiate Inst. (Can.); B.A., Trinity Coll., Toronto Univ., 1893, M.A., 1894; B.A., Brasenose Coll., Ox- ford, Eng., 1898, M.A., 1900; D.C.L. (hon.), Kings Coll.; m. Helen Willard Davidson of Newton, Mass., 1913; 1 dau., Phyllis. Social settlement work, London, Eng., 1898-1900; gen. sec, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Eng. and U.S., 1899-1916; ed., St. Andrew's Cross, 1902-16; or- dained priest, P.E. Ch., 1916; asst., Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, O., 1916- 19; active in orgns. for welfare of boys and young men. Episcopalian. Home: 1245 Maple Av., Wilmette, 111. HUMPHREY, Robert Ingersoll, den- tist; b. Troy, Mo., 22 Dec 1890; s. Wil- liam R. Humphrey, farmer, stockman, and Josephine (Young) H.; ed. Bu- chanan high sch.; Gem City Bus. Coll.; D.D.S., Univ. HI., 1916; m. Kessie Lee Scott of Chicago, 111., 1916. Organized, dental clinic, Internat. Harvester Co., chief dentist, 13 yrs.; pres.-elect., Chi- cago Dent. Soc; mem. Am. Dent. Assn., State Dent. Soc; rendered spl. service during entire World War I; mem. Chi- cago Athletic Assn., A.A.P., S.F.S., Ma- sons (32d deg.). Clubs: Hunting, South Shore Country. Recreations: bowling, hunting, fishing, golf. Office: 185 N. Wabash Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 403 S. Harvey Av., Oak Park, 111. HOPE, Harry Leroy, superintendent of equipment engineering; b. Bain- bridge, O., 7 Feb. 1882; s. Henry Wil- liam, mcht., and Lucinda (Hulitt) H.; ed. Hillsboro high sch.; M.E. (in E.E.), O. State Univ.; m. Myra Day of St. Louis, Mo., 25 June 1913; children — Mary Adalene, William Day. Student 133 engr., Western Electric Co., Chicago, 1905; equipment engr., Mo., and Kan. Telephone Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1910; bldg. and equipment engr., Southwest- ern Bell Telephone Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1912; asst. supt., Western Electric Co., Chicago, 1923; supt. equipment engring., Western Electric Co., Chicago, 1927 — . Presbyterian. Office: Western Electric Co., Hawthorne Station, Chicago, HI. Home: 203 Eighth Av., La Grange, 111. PARTRIDGE, Lloyd Case, treasurer, president; b. Chicago, 111., 16 Feb. 1892; s. Charles Sumner Partridge (dec), mfr., and Abigail L. (Osgood) P.; ed. Armour Acad. ; Univ. Chicago high sch. ; m. Evelyn A. Crutch er of Nashville, 16 June 1923. Assoc, with Partridge & An- derson Co., mfrs., 1912 — , pres., treas., 1916—; enlisted Ordnance, F.A., U.S.A., 27 July 1917, disch. 30 Nov. 1918; had served enlistment in 1st 111. Cavalry, HI. Nat. Guard; mem. Masons, Field Mus. Natural Hist, (life mem.), Chicago Art Inst, (life mem.). Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Chicago Tavern. Travel: Eur. Recreations: fishing, golf. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 712-732 S. Federal St., Chicago, 111. Home: 210 E. Pearson St., Chicago, 111. ORCUTT, Dwight Chapman, physi- cian and surgeon; b. Areola, HI., 25 Oct. 1872; s. Samuel Henry Orcutt and Cordelia Jayne (Chapman) O.; ed. Ar- eola (HI.) high sch.; M.D., Univ. 111.; m. Grace Leach of Chicago, 111., 3 Dec. 1907; children — Frances, Dwight C, Jr. Prep, work, London, Eng., Berlin and Vienna; house surg., Royal London Ophthal. Hosp., 1902; practice, Chicago, 1901 — , splty., diseases of eye and ear; teacher, med. colls, and post-grad, schs.; chief surg., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirm., St. Luke's Hosp.; served as aero, examiner during World War I; mem. A.M.A., Am. Acad. Ophthal., 111. State Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Ophthal. and Laryngol. Socs., Chi- cago Athletic Assn. Club: Skokie Coun- try. Author: arts, on eye diseases. Rec- reations: golf, bowling. Methodist. Re- publican. Offices: 55 E. Washington St., Chicago, HI.; 333 Park Av., Glencoe, HI. Home: Orrington, Hotel, Evanston, HI. RUSSELL, Horace, lawyer; b. Puck- ett, Miss., 7 Nov. 1889; s. Virgil Russell, physician, and Eleanor (Everitt) R.; ed. Rock Bluff high sch.; A.B., Miss. Coll., Clinton, Miss., 1912; LL.B., Cum- berland Univ., Lebanon, Tenn., 1916; D.C.L., Univ. of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., 1938; m. Julia Myers of Pela- hatchie, Miss., 21 June 1916; children- Horace, Jr. (dec, 1944), Philip Everitt, Elsie Jean. Mem. of Watkins, Russell and Asbill, 1918-23, Jones, Fuller, Rus- sell and Clapp (Atlanta, Ga.), 1923-32; gen. counsel Fed. Home Loan Bank Bd., Home Owners' Loan Corp. and Fed. Savings and Loan Ins. Corp., Washing- ton, D.C., 1932-38; pvt. pract., Chicago, 1938 — ; dir. Home Owners Mutual Ins. Co. and Kankakee Fed. Savings and Loan Assn.; gen. counsel U.S. Savings and Loan League and First Fed. Sav- ings and Loan Assn. of Chicago; mem. Gen. Council, City of Atlanta, 1923-27; pres. Family Welfare Soc; pres. At- lanta Chamber Commerce, 1930-31; pres., Southeastern Fair Assn., 1932; Am., 111., Chicago, Atlanta, Georgia, Federal (pres., 1937) Bar Assns. Clubs: Skokie, Rotary of Chicago, Cosmos (Washington, D.C.). Author: arts, re- lated to thrift and home financing and mortgage banking law. Methodist. Democrat. Office: Suite 2017 Field Bldg., 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. Home: 372 Jackson Av., Glencoe, HI. SCHRADER, Fred Leon, railway exec; b. Creston, Union County, la., 25 Jan. 1891; s. Frederick August Schrader and Margaret Adeline (Sayler) S.; ed. grade sch., Ottumwa, la., 1897-1904; Ottumwa (la.) high sch., 1905-08; m. Cora Adele Barrow, 23 July 1913. Fuel Clk., timekeeper, mech. dept., Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.R., Ottumwa, la., 1908-12; chief timekeeper, all depts., Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis R.R., Springfield, 111., 1912-17, spl. rep. to gen. mgr., 1917-18, chief clk. to gen. mgr., 1918; chief clk., Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis R.R. — Chicago & Alton R.R., Springfield, 111., 1918-20; asst. to gen. mgr., Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis R.R., Springfield, 111., 1920-26; asst. to sr. v.p., Chicago & 111. Midland Ry. Co., Spring- field, 111., 1926-40, v.p., 1940—; dir. Springfield Memorial Hosp. Clubs: Ki« wanis, Hlini Country, Sangamo, Western Railway. Conglist. Republican. Office: Chicago & 111. Midland Railway Co., 821 Illinois Bldg., Springfield, 111. Home: 1045 Williams Blvd., Springfield, HI. SCHWEITZER, Edmund Oscar, elec- trical engineer; b. Chicago, 111., 10 Oct. 1875; s. Edmund F. Schweitzer and Pauline C. (Kirchhof) S.; ed. Brown Sch., Chicago, 1890; Chicago Manual Training Sch., 1893; B.S. (in E.E.), Pur- due Univ., 1898; m. Lillian Merz of Chi- cago, 111., 12 Oct. 1909; children— Ed- mund Oscar, Jr., Emily Louise, Evelyn Josephine. Retired as chief testing 134 engr., Commonwealth Edison Co., 1936, after 27 yrs.; dir. Schweitzer & Conrad Inc., Chicago; p. v.p., Bd. Edn., North- brook, 111.; spl. service, 1917-18, during World War I; Fellow Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs.; mem. Western Soc. Engrs.; assoc. mem. Illuminating Engring. Soc; p. mem. Nat. Research Council of U.S. Clubs: Lake Shore, Electric. Au- thor: papers pub. in A.I.E.E. Proceed- ings. Travel: Eur. Grandparents, pio- neer settlers in Chicago, 1840. Interests: music, gardening, billiards. Lutheran. Republican. Address: 1241 Waukegan Rd. f Northbrook, 111. SMITH, Clifford Eben, oculist, aurist; b. Wheeler Co., Neb., 30 May 1884; s. Elias Smith, II, lumberman, and Bertha Christina (Van Sittert) S.; ed. Villisca (la.) high sch.; B.S., Bellevue Coll., Univ. Omaha, 1906; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1910; m. Rita S. Paul of Chicago, HI., 27 Aug. 1913; 1 son, Lt. Robb Van Sittert (Med. Corp.). Oculist, aurist, De Kalb, 1 June 1911—; chief staff, Glidden Hosp., De Kalb, 4 yrs., St. Mary's Hosp., De Kalb, 1 yr.; pres., dir., De Kalb Theater Co.; oculist, aurist, De Kalb Co. Exemption Bd. during World War I; mem. 111. State Med Assn., A.M.A., De Kalb Co. Med. Soc. (sec, 12 yrs., pres., 3 yrs.), Masons, Elks, K.P., De Kalb Bldg. & Loan Assn. (v.p., dir.), Am. Bd. Ophthalmic Examinations, Am. Bd. Otolaryn.; Fellow Am. Coll. Surgs., In- ternal Coll. Surgs. Clubs: Kiwanis (De Kalb, p. pres.), Kishwaukee Country (DeKalb). Great grandfather, Dr. Na- thaniel Chamberlain, came to Princeton, HI., with Hampshire Colony, 1831; grandfather, Van Sittert, helped found Pella, la., 1847. Recreations: golf, con- tract bridge. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 323 E. Lincoln Hwy., De Kalb, HI. Home: 314 Augusta Av., De Kalb, 111. SNOW, Lucille Hammel, physician, surgeon; b. Circleville, O., 20 July 1897; d. George E. Hammel, ins. agt., and Myrtle Jane (Cummins) H.; ed. North high sch., Columbus, O.; O. State Univ.; Columbia Univ.; M.D., Univ. 111. Med. Sch., 1928; m. Adolph J. Snow of Aus- tria, 12 Aug. 1916; children — Frances E., Julia Jane. Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago; specialist in obstet. ad gyne- col.; diplomate, Am. Bd. Obstetrics and Gynecol.; fellow Am. Coll. of Surgeons; mem. faculty, Loyola Univ. Med. Sch., 1930—; staff mem., Mercy Hosp., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago; fellow A.M. A.; mem. Am. Med. Women's Assn., A.A.A.S., D.A.R., Nu Sigma Phi, A.A. U.W. Clubs: Wilmette Women's, Univer- sity Circle, Zonta Internat. Travel: U.S., Can., Eng., Eur. Recreations: skiing, motoring, travel. Presbyterian. Demo- crat. Office: 636 Church St., Evanston, 111. Home: 1320 Ashland Av., Wilmette, HI. MACKELLAR, John Douglas, phvsi- cian, surgeon; b. Ulyria, la., 13 Oct. 1883; s. Peter MacKeilar, horticulturist, and Samantha (Moore) M.; ed. Upper la. Univ. Prep. Sch.; Upper la. Univ.; M.D., Univ. 111., 1907; m. Clara Butler of Can., 12 June, 1906; children — Jane (dec), Grace Burton. Musician, farmer boy, med. student; res. Presbyn. Hosp., Chicago; pract., Manhatton (Nev.) Mining Camp; pvt. pract., Chicago, 1917; on staff Woodlawn Hosp.; assoc staff, 111. Cent. Hosp.; examiner of re- cruits during World War I. Ancestors, Inverness Scotland; desc. Iowa pioneers (grandfather was partner of Cvrus McCormick in blacksmithing, Elgin, 111.). Interests: antiques, home furnish- ings, history. Recreations: table tennis, agriculture, horticulture, home remodel- ing, theatre. Protestant. Office: 1377 E. 63d St., Chicago, 111. Home: 6923 Chappel Av., Chicago, HI. Summer home: R. 1, Box 547, Stevensville, Mich. MORSS, Foster Gilbert, consulting civil engineer; b. Charles Town, W.Va., 12 Apr. 1881; s. Foster B. Morss. civil engr., and Lucy Madison (Packette) M.; ed. Saugerties (N.Y.) high sch.; Union Coll.. Schenectady, N.Y.. 1902: m. Clara M. Wells of Schuvler, 9 Feb. 1921; 1 son. Burton Gilbert. On engring. works in U.S., Trinidad, B.W.I., Can. and Venezuela; served as cant., 32d Engrs., U.S.A. in Fr., 3 Sent. 1917-3 Oct. 1919; mem. Am. Soc. of Civil Engrs., Soc of Am. Mil. Engrs., Mil. Order of the World War, Am. Legion. Author: short arts, on travel and geog. subis. Travel: Can., Fr., B.W.I. , Venezuela. Wife's family were early settlers in Dodge and Colfax Counties, locating at mouth of Shell Cr., Colfax Co. before r.r. was built. Episcopalian. Democrat. Office and home: Schuyler, Neb. TROWBRIDGE, Lydia Jones, writer; b. Evanston, HI., 28 Aug. 1859; d. Wil- liam P. Jones, Coll. pres., journalist, and Mary Elizabeth (Hayes) J.; ed. Northwestern Univ. Prep. Sch.; A.B., Northwestern Univ., 1882, A.M., 1887; m. Edward G. Trowbridge of Chicago, HI., 25 Apr. 1898. Teacher, Neb., 4 yrs., Lake View high sch., Chicago, 31 yrs.; mem. bd. mgrs., Sch. Am. Research, Santa Fe, N.M.; mem. com. nat. de- 135 fense during World War I; mem. Fed. Women High Sch. Teachers (p. pres.), Kappa Kappa Gamma, Women's Trade Union League, W.C.T.U., Pub. Owner- ship League, Phi Beta Kappa, Urban League, Woman's Soc, Evanston and Winnetka Hist. Socs. Clubs: English of Greater Chicago (p. pres.), Winnetka Woman's, Drama. Author: Betty of the Consulate; My Navaho Book; Frances Willard of Evanston. Travel: China, Eur., U.S. Father, William P. Jones, founder and pres., Northwestern Female Coll., Evanston; U.S. Consul to China; ed. : Chicago Evening Jour., Chicago Inter-Ocean. Interests: reading, re- views, scrapbooks. Recreation: travel. Unitarian. Independent. Home: 1111 Oak St., Winnetka, 111. TRAXLER, Dean Lake, lawyer; b. Leavenworth, Kan., 6 Nov. 1893; s. B. F. Traxler, grain commn., and Mary Josephine (Van Petten) T. ; ed. Evans- ton (111.) Acad.; A.B., Northwestern Univ., 1915, LL.B., 1917; m. Elizabeth Warder Michelet of Wilmette, 111., 7 July 1934; children — Dean Van Petten, Jules Michelet. Assoc, with Adams, Fol- lansbee, Hawley & Shorey, 1917, Buell & Ogden, 1919-20; mem. firm, Ogden & Traxler, 1920-24, Church, Ogden & Trax- ler, 1924-25, Church, Traxler & Kennedy, 1926-33, Church & Traxler, 1933—; 2d It., F.A., U.S.A., overseas service, Fr M 14 mos., 1917-19; capt. F.A., Officers Res. Corps; mem. 111. State, Chicago, and Am. Bar Assns., Chicago Law Inst., Am. Judicature Soc, Am. Legion (p. comdr. Evanston Post No. 42, p. chmn. 111. Americanism Commn.), Mil. Order World War, La Societe des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux, Soc. Mayflower Descendants State 111. (deputy gov.), S.A.R. (p. pres. 111. Soc), Alpha Delta Phi, Deru, Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma Rho, Delta Theta Phi, Order Coif, "N" Men's Assn. Clubs: North Central Kiwanis (p. pres.), University (Chicago), University (Evanston), Five Lakes (Wis.). Desc. Elder William Brewster of the Mayflower, Claas Fred- erickse Van Petten, who came from Holland to Schenectady, N.Y., 1664, Lt. Jesse Young, Nicholas Van Petten and others who fought in Revol. War. Inter- est: calendar reform. Recreations: ten- nis, horseback riding. Methodist. Repub- lican. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2112 Lincoln St., Evanston, 111. TELLER, Morris, rabbi; b. Galicia, Austrian Poland, 2 Aug. 1890; s. Sholom Samuel Teller and Annie G. (Steiner) T.; ed. Phila. Central high sch.; B.A., Univ. Pa., 1912; Univ. Chicago Div. Sch., 1926-28; Jewish Theol. Sem. of Am., N.Y. Rabbi (cum laude), 1916; m. Nellie Ruby of Marietta, O., 18 Oct. 1918; 1 son, Sholom Sheldon. Rabbi, Tulsa, Okla., 1916-26, Cong. Beth. Jacob B'nai Bezalel, Chicago, 1926-33, South Side Hebrew Cong., 1933 — ; pres., Chi- cago Rabbinical Assn., 1941-42; hon. worker, Jewish Welfare Bd. during World War I; mem. exec, council of Rabbinical Assn. of Am., Am. Jewish Cong., B'nai B'rith, Zionist Orgn., Phi Beta Delta (hon. mem.). Club: Cove- nant (hon. mem.). Author: Date of Book of Joel, arts, in Anglo-Jewish press. Office: 7359 Chappel Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 7311 Oglesby Av., Chicago, 111. SWANSON, David I., lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 14 Sept. 1884; s. Swan John Swanscn, carpenter, and Betty Joseph- ine (Jonson) S.; ed. LL.B., John Mar- shall Law Sch., passed bar, 1913; m. Margaret U. Swanson of Chicago, 111., 23 June 1923; step-children— Stanley, Wilbur. Asst. in sales dept., Swift & Co., while studying law; rep. in State Legis- lature, 1923, 10 terms; 6 times chmn. Judiciary Com., speaker pro tern, sec, 111. Judicial Advisory Council; served as Legal Adviser to Speaker 64th Gen. Assembly; served at Camp Meigs, 1918; mem. 111. State Bar Assn., Masons, Odd Fellows, Vikings, Delta Theta Phi. Clubs: Nordic Law, Rep. Party. Travel: many parts of U.S. Ancestors from Sweden. Interests: extensive reader of biography, hist., economics, nat., state and local govt, adminstrn. Recreation: fishing, golf. Trustee, Thoburn Meth. Ch. Republican. Office: 77 W. Washing- ton St. and 5933 So. Halsted St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 7842 S. Marshfield Av., Chicago, 111. Summer vacations: North Woods, Wis., Minn., Mich. CLARK, William Thaw, physician; b. Beloit, Wis., 15 May 1882; s. H. R. Clark, phys., and Sadie B. (Johns) C; ed. B.S., Beloit Coll., 1903; M.D., Hahne- mann Med. Coll., Chicago, 111., 1907; m. Zella Coe of Ft. Atkinson, 31 Dec 1908; 1 son, Robert Coe. On staff of Watertown Hosp., 1912-17, Mercy Hosp., 1919 — ; preceptor in charge, Univ. Wis. Med. Sch., 1927—; instr., nervous and mental diseases, Sch. of Nursing, Mercy Hosp., Janesville, 1920 — , chmn. exec bd., Staff of Mercy Hosp., 1927—; Frac- ture Com., Rock Co. Med. Advisory Com.; apptd. Med. Advisor for Wis. Med. Relief Adminstrn.; student officer, M.O.T.C. Ft. Riley Kan., 1917, instr., 136 adj. and exec, officer M.O.T.C, 1918, major, M.C.; diplomate Am. Bd. of Radiology, 1937; mem. Rock Co. Med. Soc, Wis. State Med. Soc. (councilor 3d dist.), A.M.A., Radiol. Soc. of N.A., Am. Coll. of Radiology, A.F.&A., Ma- sons. Club: Janesville Country. Author: Foci of Infection about the Teeth, 1916, 111. Med. Jour., Med. program of the Wis. Emergency Relief Adminstrn., Wis. Med. Jour., July, 1936. Interest: raising cacti and roses. Recreation: golf. Con- glist. Republican. Office: 317 Hayes Block, Janesville, Wis. Home: 441 South East St., Janesville, Wis. CLENDENIN, Robert James, lawyer; b. Monmouth, 111., 12 Oct. 1904; s. James W. Clendenin, lawyer, and Louvisa (Stevenson) C; Ed. A.B., Leland Stan- ford Univ., 1926; J.D., Univ. Mich., 1930. Assoc, in practice of law with firm, Cooke, Sullivan & Ricks, 1930-33; Clen- denin and Clendenin (now Clendenin and Burkhard), 1933—; dir. Roy G. Miller, Inc.; dir. Gen. Counsel Mon- mouth Trust and Savings Bank; dir., gen. counsel, The Trust Co. of Chicago; gen. counsel, 111. Bankers Life Assur- ance Co. ; sec. to Hon. Loren E. Murphy, Judge of Appellate Ct., 111., 1933-35; asst. U.S. Dist. Atty., Southern Dist., 111., 1935-39; referee in bankruptcy, and master in chancery, U.S. Dist. Ct., Southern Dist. 111., 1939 — ; assoc. ed., Mich. Law Review; It. U.S.N.R., Nov. 1943; mem. Am. Bar Assn., 111. State Bar Assn., Peoria Co. Bar Assn., War- ren Co. Bar Assn., Alpha Sigma Phi, Tau Kappa Alpha, Soc. Barristers, Univ. Mich. Law Sch. Club: University (Chicago), Creve Coeur Club (Peoria), Peoria Country. Presbyterian. Demo- crat. Offices: 100 S. Main St., Mon- mouth, 111.; 1032 Alliance Life Bldg., Peoria, 111. Home: 200 Biltmore Av., Peoria, 111. BECKER, H. Kirke, business execu- tive; b. Forrest City, Ark., 20 May 1890; s. Alexander Becker, cotton mcht., and Fanchon (Lewis) B. ; ed. Cascadilla Acad.; M.E., Cornell Univ., 1911; m. Rosalind Elizabeth Gans of Little Rock, Ark., June 1916; children— Jane G., Rosalind A., H. Kirke, Jr., Betty. Sales mgr., Forrest City, Ark., 1911-12; mgr., Becker & Lewis, 1912-16; mgr. elec. dept., Hercules Engring. Corp., N.Y.C., 1919-21; pres., gen. mgr., Peters Ma- chinery Co., Chicago, 111., 1921 — ; dir., Nat. Bank, Eastern Ark., Peters Ma- chinery Co.; Lenygon & Morant, Inc., N.Y. City; 22 mos., C.W.S., maj., during World War I; mem., Nat. Packaging Machinery Inst., A.S.M.E., HI. Mfrs. Assn., Chicago Assn. Com., Sigma Chi (chmn. exec. com.). Clubs: Rotary (Chi- cago, ex-v.p.), Merchants and Manu- facturers (Chicago), Cornell University (Chicago, N.Y.), University. Office: 4700 Ravenswood Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 368 Elder Lane, Winnetka, 111. CASHMAN, Robert, business man- ager; b. Sioux Falls, S.D., 12 Jan. 1886; s. Leonard W. Cashman, and Nettie I. (Brown) C. ; ed. pub. schs., Sioux Falls, S.D. Bus. mgr., World's and Internat. Sunday Sch. Assns., 1908-18; sales mgr., Interstate Ed. Soc, 1919-22; bus. mgr. and asst. treas. and sec, Chicago Theol. Sem., 1923 — ; pres., Chicago Congl. Club, 1930; moderator Chicago Assn. Congl. Churches, 1940. Clubs: Union League, Quadrangle. Author: The Busi- ness Administration of a Church; nu- merous mag. arts, on church manage- ment. Travel: Eur., Asia, No. Am. Con- glist. Republican. Office: 5757 Univer- sity Av., Chicago 37, 111. Home: 6800 Oglesby Av., Chicago 49, 111. CARGILL, Otto Arthur, lawyer; b. Viola, Ark., 26 Feb. 1885; s. J. E. Car- gill, phys., and Anna (Mize) C. ; ed. Salem (Ark.) high sch.; Mt. Home Coll., Ark.; m. Delia Arnold of Cushing, 2 May 1905; children— Otha Cargill West- cott, Oklahoma Cargill Hood, Otto A., Jr., Keet. Street car conductor, police officer, Oklahoma City; co. atty., Okla- homa Co., 1919-20; mayor, Oklahoma City, 1923-27; pres. Cargill Oil & Gas Co.; sr. mem. Cargill, Eagleton & Car- gill; mem. Chamber Commerce, U.S. Bd. Trade, Am., State and Co. Bar Assns. Club: Oklahoma. Author: Spare Moments and Fratricide. Travel: around world. Interests: diversified ranching and farming, pure bred cattle and horses. Recreation: horseback riding. Baptist. Democrat. Office: 406 Hales Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 3301 N. W. 21st St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Summer res.: Deer Creek Manor, Edmond Rd., Okla. BUTTRAM, Frank, investor; b. Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory, 2 Apr. 1886; s. Abe Buttram, farmer, and Almira (Starritt) B.; ed. Central State Teachers Coll.; B.A., Univ. Okla., 1910, M.A., 1912; LL.D. (hon.), Phillips Univ., 1941; m. Merle E. Newby of Norman, Okla., 18 Feb. 1914; children— Myron, Merle, Dorsey, Donald, Harold. Chem. and geol., Okla. Geol. Survey, 1911-14; organizer, chief geol., gen. mgr., For- tuna Oil Co., 1914-20; organizer, owner, Buttram Petroleum Corp., 1920—, oil 137 properties, Mid-Continent, Calif., HI., La., Citrus Ranch in Rio Grande Valley, Avacado Ranch, Calif.; Cattle Ranch, Okla.; dir. First Nat. Bank and Trust Co.; chmn. bd., Fed. Reserve Bank, Okla. Div., 1926; chmn. State Recovery Bd. for Okla. under N.R.A.; pres., Inde- pendent Petroleum Assn. of Am., 1939- 43; mem. Petroleum Industry War Coun- cil, 1941-43, Sigma Chi. Author: various reports on tech. subjects. Travel: world- wide. Interests: collecting fine art treas- ures, old masters. Disciple of Christ. Democrat. Office: 2909 First Nat. Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 7316 Nichols Rd., Oklahoma City, Okla. Sum- mer home: Grand Lake, Colo. BUTLER, Albert Edwin, retired stock- broker; b. Cameron, Mo., 14 Feb. 1879; s. Frank Henry Butler, lumber dealer, and Mary (Frewen) B.; ed. Evanston Twp. high sch.; Armour Inst. Tech.; Northwestern Univ., 1903; m. Agnes Howard of Evanston, 111., Aug. 1905 (dec, 1914); 1 son, Howard; m. (2d) Phoebe Lawrence, 4 Feb. 1922. With Wm. Grace Co., building contractors, 1901-03, supervising constr., bldgs. in Chicago, and C.P. Ry., Ignace, Brandon, Moosejaw, Swift Current, Medicine Hat, Canada; co-orgr., firm, Burnham Butler & Co.; stock brokers, Chicago, 1903-08; org. firm, A. E. Butler & Co., brokers, 1909, Butler Small & Co., indsl. financ- ing, 1916, retired, 1917; mem. Chicago Stock Exch., 1905-19; served in 1st Cav., HI. Vols., Sp.-Am. War, 1898, 1st Cav. HI. N.G., 1898, 2d It., 1899, 1st It., 1900, appt. capt., ordnance officer and insp., rifle pract., 1906; mem., 111. State Rifle Team, Nat. Matches, Seagirt, N.J., 1905- 06, Camp Perry, O., 1907, officers re- tired list, 1910; mem. Phi Kaopa Psi. Desc. Thomas Butler, settler Berwick, Me., 1632. Recreations: golf, fishing, hunting, bridge. Methodist. Renublican. Address: 2210 Birchwood Ave., Wilmette, 111. Summer res.: Everett Resort, Eagle River, Wis. BUSHNELL, Herbert M., president, U.S. Nat. Bank of Omaha; b. Lincoln, Neb., 1 July 1893; s. H. M. Bushnell and Elsie (Campbell) B.; ed. Lincoln high sch.; LL.B., Univ. Neb., 1915; m. Bar- bara Harney of Chicago, 111., 11 Feb. 1931. Dir. Chicago Burlington & Quincy R.R. Co., U.S. Nat. Bank, Nat. Security Ins. Co. Protestant. Republican. Office: U.S. Nat. Bank, Omaha, Neb. Home: 111 South 49th Av., Omaha, Neb. BliOWNELL, Herbert Simpson, busi- ness executive; b. Birdsall, N.Y., 31 Oct. 1893; s. Jasper M. Brownell, pro- duce buyer, and Grace (Colton) B.; ed. Wayland high sch.; m. Ruth A. Ritchie of Chicago, 19 Oct. 1921; children- Patricia Ruth, Thomas Ritchie. Clk., traffic dept., 111. Steel Co., 1913-16, sales dept. affiliated co., Universal Portland Cement Co., 1916-21, Ritchie Bond Mort- gage Co., 1921-36; co-org., Ritchie Realty & Management Co., 1936 — ; 1st sergt. 332d M.G. Bn., Blackhawk Div. 86th, 1918-19; mem., A.F. & A.M., A.A.O. N.M.S. Clubs: Anderson Lake Hunting, Ridgemoor Country. Interest: pictures. Recreations: golf, hunting. Methodist. Republican. Office: 134 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 5958 N. Winthrop Av., Chicago, 111. BRENTON, Woodward Harold, bank- er; b. Dallas Center, la., 27 Feb. 1899; s. Charles R. Brenton and Carrie Alicesta (Woodward) B.; ed. B.A., la. State Coll., 1920; m. Etta Spurgeon of Adel, la., 1921; children— Mary Eliza- beth, William Henry, Carolyn Ruth, Jane, Charles Robert, Junius Clyde, Juliette. With Bank of Dallas Center, la., 1920; v.p., la. Nat. Bank, Des Moines, la., 1929; exec, v.p., Iowa-Des Moines Nat. Bank & Trust Co., pres., 1931; v.p., Northwest Bancorporation, 1933-35, v.p., treas., 1935-41; dir., Iowa- Des Moines Nat. Bank & Tr. Co.; pres., dir., Brenton Bros., Inc., Dallas Center, la., Wood Brothers Thresher Co., Des Moines, la., First Nat. Bank of Perry, la., Brenton State Bank, Dallas Center, la., Dallas County State Bank, Adel, la., Central Savings Bank and Trust Co., Emmetsburg, la., Jefferson State Bank, Jefferson, la., Poweshiek County Nat. Bank, Grinnell, la., Warren County Bank and Trust Co., Indianola, la.; in U.S.N.R.F., Great Lakes Training Camp, 1918-19; mem. Masons, K.T., Shriners, Delta Tau Delta (v.p., dir.). Clubs: Des Moines, Wakonda, Des Moines, la. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 415 Equitable Bldg., Des Moines 9, la. Home: 10 W. 35th St., Des Moines, la. BREEDENTHAL, Willard J., banker; b. Chetopa, Kan., 1 Dec. 1884; s. John W. Breidenthal, banker, and Julia (Slaughter) B.; ed. Wyandotte high sch.; m. Mary Gray of Kansas City, Kan., 1907; children— Ruth B., John W., Geo. Gray. Successively cashier to pres., Riverview State Bank, Kansas City, Kan., 1905; dir. Riverview State Bank, Security Nat. Bank, Victory State Bank, Turner State Bank, Pyramid Life Ins. Co., Wyandotte Co. Gas. Co., All- vine Dairy Co., DeCoursey Cream Co., 138 Wichita, Alma Investment Co., General Securities Co.; del. to Dem. Nat. Conv., N.Y., 1924, Philadelphia, 1936; tr. Kan- sas City Art Inst., Univ. Kansas City; mem. Greater Kansas City Flood Plan- ning Com., Wyandotte Co. Planning Bd., City Planning Commn.; served in 1st Red Cross Drive and as dir. of Liberty Loan Drive in 2d Kan. Dist., during World War I; mem. Scottish Rite Ma- sons, A. & A.M., Am. Bankers Assn. (mem. exec, council). Clubs: Kansas City. Travel: Eur. Interest: philately. Office: 700 Central Av., Kansas City, Kan. Home: 414 North 17th St., Kansas City, Kan. BOYER, Mildred Stallings, lawyer; b. Las Crusas, N. Mex., 23 Apr. 1906; d. James Barksdall Stallings, ranchman, and Hattie Jane (Holland) S.; ed. high sen.; Oklahoma City Univ., 1925; B.O., LL.B., Cumberland Univ., Lebabon, Tenn., 1929; m. Howard M. Boyer of Oklahoma City, 4 Sept. 1925. Admitted to the bar, 1929; opened law office with husband in Oklahoma City, practiced there, 1929—; mem. Nat. Assn. Women Lawyers, Am. Bar Assn., Okla. Bar Assn., Iota Tau Tau, Theta Kappa, Eastern Star, White Shrine, Okla. Co. Bar Assn. (sec). Clubs: Aviation, Pilots, McDowell, Ruth Bryan Owen, Hospitality, Oklahoma, Women Lawyers of Okla. (pres., 1940). Travel: U.S. (throughout), Mex. Family came from Jackson Parish, La., and settled in and near Bowie, Tex.; about 1890 some of them moved to Jefferson Co., Okla., and estb. the Stallings Bros. Ranch which is still there. Methodist. Demo- crat. Office: 401 Perrine Bldg., Okla- homa City, Okla. Home: 2541 N.W. 14th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. BOYDEN, Edward Allen, professor of anatomy; b. Bridgewater, Mass., 20 Mar. 1886; s. Arthur Clarke Boyden, pres. State Teacher's Coll., Bridge- water, Mass., and Katherine C. (Allen) B.; ed. Bridgewater high sen.; Bridge- water Normal sen.; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1909; A.M., 1911; Ph.D., 1916; m. Margaret Hilsinger, 1913; children — Mary S. (M.D.), Ensign Arthur C, II (U.S.N.R.). Studied at Anat. Inst, Fei- burg-in-Baden, 1911-12; asst. prof., Har- vard Med. sen., 1919-26; prof. Anat. Univ. 111., 1928; head dept., Univ. Ala., 1929-31; prof. Anat. Univ. Minn., 1931; chmn. dept., 1940—; mng. ed. of The Anatomical Record, a monthly re- search jour.; Am. Acad. Arts & Scis., Boston, Mass.; mem. Prof. Med. Socs. (Anatomists, Physiologists, Experimen- tal Biologists, etc.). Clubs: Campus of Minneapolis; Informal of St. Paul. Au- thor of A Lab. Atlas of the Pig Embryo; The Kosher Code of the Orthodox Jew; and numerous med. arts, in professional jours. Travel: Europe (3 times). Inter- ests: the hist, of med., music. Unitarian. Office: Univ. of Minn., Minneapolis, Minn. BLUM, Henry S., lawyer; b. Hungary, 1884; ed. LL.B., De Paul Univ., 1905; m. Dorothy Herman of Chicago; children — Roslyn L., Bobette. Practises law; coun- sel in spl. matters in various trades and bus. assn. Club: Standard, Ravisloe Country. Author: legal arts. Office: 110 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. Home: Shoreland Hotel, Chicago, HI. BLAIR, Henry Allan, lawyer; b. N.Y. City, 22 June 1886; s. Gilbert E. Blair, writer, and Lucille (Sanders) B.; ed. Boys high sen., N.Y.; Hamilton Coll. Law; LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1915; m. May I. Spratt of Greenville, 111., 18 Aug. 1912; children— Henry Allan, Jr., Warren Emerson. Atty., Yellow Cab Co. of Chicago, 1915-17, Am. Auto Ins. Co., 1919-21; pres., Motorists Corp.; v. p. and gen. counsel, Motorists Assn. of HI., 1923-34; sr. mem., firm, Blair, Chiara & Blair; gen. coun., 111. Auto Club, 1934—; served as student, Ft. Sheridan training camp, July-Nov. 1917, 2d It. and 1st It., Inf., 88th Div., capt., A.E.F., 1918, hon. disch., 1919; mem. Am. Legion, Mil. Order World Wars, Am., 111. and Chi- cago Bar Assns., Masons. Clubs: Lake Shore Athletic, Army and Navy. Travel: Hawaii, Jap., China, Borneo, Singapore, Java. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 211 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. Home: Lake Shore Athletic Club, Chicago, 111 Summer res.: Gladstone, Mich. KELLY, Frank Brazzil, physician; b. Joliet, HI., 24 Aug. 1893; s. John T. Kelly and Marion (Cumming) K. ; ed. cago, 1918; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1920; m. Adelaide Marie Smith of Joliet, HI., 1920; children— Frank B., Jr., Richard S., Mary Adelaide. Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., 1920-21; practice internal med., 1922—; clin. prof, med., Univ. 111. Coll. of Med., 1943; assoc. attending pys., Presbyn. Hosp., 1940—; attending phys., Cook Co. Hosp., 1928—; mem. Chicago, 111. State Med. Socs., A.M.A., Fellow Am. Coll. Physicians, Chicago Soc. In- ternal Med., Cent. Soc. Clin. Res. Clubs: University, South Shore Country. Catho- lic. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 6742 Constance Av., Chicago, 111. 139 LELAND, Rosco Genung, director, Bur. of Med. Economics; b. Mendon, Mich., 17 June 1885; s. Geo. Washington Leland and Lydia Mahalah (Heimbach) L.; ed. Mendon (Mich.) high sch. ; Kalamazoo Coll.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1907; M.D., Univ. Mich., 1909; m. Clara Etta-Doane Carson of Owosso, Mich., 23 June 1909; children— Elizabeth Car- son Leland Ashton, Jean Kathryn Le- land Spinnler, Robert Genung. Asst., dept. of obstet. and gynecol., Univ. Mich., 1909-10; pvt. practice of med., 1910-17; health off., Kalamazoo, Mich., 1916-17; chief Div. of Hygiene, O. State Health Dept., 1921-26; exec, sec, Toledo Pub. Health Assn., 1926-27; asst. dir. Bur. of Health & Pub. Instr., A.M.A., 1927-31; dir., Bur. of Med. Econs., 1931—; Comdng. off., San. Squad No. 8, 32d Div., Dec. 1917-Sept. 1918; Comdng. Off., Camp Hosp., 50 Tonnerre. Fr., Oct. 1918- Apr. 1919; Surg., R.O.T.C., Camp Custer, Mich., May-Oct. 1919; mem. O. State Med. Assn., A.M. A., Am. Pub. Health Assn., Royal Econ. Soc, Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Statis. Assn., N.E.A., Phi Chi, Masons. Author: Costs of a Medical Education; Income from Medi- cal Practice; Collecting Medical Fees; Distribution of Physicians in the U.S.; Medical Care of Migratory Workers. Co- author (with A. M. Simons) : Medical Relations Under Workmen's Compen- sation; An Introduction to Medical Eco- nomics; Economics and the Ethics of Medicine; Care of the Indigent Sick; Rural Medical Service; co-author: Uni- versity and College Student Health Services (with J. D. Laux); Group Hos- pitalization; Organized Payments for Medical Care. Interests: philately, photog. Recreation: work with samll tools, designing and making small use- ful arts, of personal or home use and value. Conglist. Republican. Office: Am. Med. Assn., 535 N. Dearborn St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 7440 N. Seeley Av., Chicago, 111. GOOS3ENS, John, artistic painter, typographer; b. Norway, Mich., 27 Aug. 1887; s. I. D. Goossens, chemist, and Joanna (Thieleman) G.; ed. Art Inst, Chicago; Royal Acad. Fine Arts, Ant- werp, Belg.; m. Catherine Treve of St. Charles, 111., 22 Sept. 1915; children— Jeanette, Albert, Audrey, Marion, John Charles. Learned hand type-setting; advt. agency, gen. typography layout, painting, illustration; copy fitter, large daily newspaper, Chicago; art work, Am. Red Cross and Liberty Loan posters, during World War I; mem. local art socs. Author: short stories, poems, one song. Travel: Eng., Fr., Ger., Holl., Belg. Interests: philately, camping, theatre, exploring. Recrea- tions: fishing, travel. Catholic. Non- partisan. Office: Tribune Tower, Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1624 W. North Shore Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Happy Landing, near Sioux Narrows Bridge, below Kenora, Ont., Can. KEENEY, Albert F„ realtor; b. Des Moines, la., 1 Oct. 1872; s. John M. Keeney and Ellen (Prickett) K.; ed. Southern 111. State Normal Sch., Carbon- dale; m. Harriett E. Sayre, 29 July 1903; children— Harriett Ellen, Virginia. Engaged in real estate business at Chi- cago, 1895—; alderman from 27th Ward, 1899-1903; mem. 45th 111. Gen. Assemblv, Spl. Park Commn., Chicago, 1907-08; was apptd. mem. Bd. of Local Improve- ments, 25 May 1908, pres. of bd., Aug. 1909; mem. Chicago Real Estate Bd., 111. Real Estate Bd., Nat. Assn. Real Estate Bds., S.A.R., Art Inst., Chicago (life), Field Museum of Natural History (life), Chicago Hist. Soc. (life). Repub- lican. Conglist. Masons (Shriner, Me- dinah Temple), Moose. Office: 5612 North Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 5849 Race Av., Chicago, 111. GRIFFENHAGEN, Edwin O., man- agement engineer; b. Chicago, 111., 14 Jan. 1886; s. O. F. Griff enhagen, whole- sale merchant, and Anna M. (Klein- nans) G. ; ed. Lake View high school; B.S., 111. Inst. Tech., B.S., 1906, C.E., 1909; m. Christine A. Gloeckler of Chi- cago, 111., 7 Jan. 1909; children— Ruth C. (Mrs. Newton Du Puy), Elinor J. (Mrs. David B. Truman). Engring. work, Alaska; in charge of tech. work, Civil Service Commn. of Chicago; in charge of management engring. dept., Arthur Young & Co., 1911, continued as Griff en- hagen & Associates; consultant to numerous bus. enterprises and to over 300 cities, states, counties, pub. bodies, incl. U.S. and Can. Govts.; vol. orgn. work on draft procedure and war indus- tries during World War I; from Sept. 1942-July 1945 consultant with large group associates to various branches War Dept. on orgn., procedure, and personnel; mem. Inst, of Management (p. pres.), Assn. of Cons. Management Engrs. (charter, v.p.), A.S.C.E., West- ern Soc. Engrs., Soc. Adv. of Mgmt., Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Polit. Sci. Assn., Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Sci., Nat. Econ. League, Nat. Tax Assn., Nat. Municipal League, Govt. Research Assn., Am. Soc. Pub. Adminstrn., Civil Service Assembly, Chicago Civil Service 140 Assn. (p. pres.), Nat. Civil Service Re- form League, Chicago Assn. Commerce, Art Inst, of Chicago, Tau Beta Pi. Clubs: University, Engrs. (N.Y.), Cos- mos (Washington), Delavan Country. Author: reports on orgn., management, finance; arts, in tech. mags.; papers for spl. socs. Four grandparents were in Chicago before Civil War. Protestant. Independent. Office: 333 No. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 30 E. Cedar St., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Dela- van, Wis. GRIGSBY, Bertram James, financier, manufacturer; b. Cuba, Fulton Co., 111., 15 Jan. 1884; s. George N. Grigsby, realtor, and Flora Annette (Snively) G. ; ed. Peoria (111.) high sch.; Univ. 111., 1904-06; m. Elsie Ida Whiting of London, Eng., 14 June 1911; children- Raymond James, Peggy Ethel. Mng. dir., The Benjamin Elec, Ltd., 1908-16; v.p., Anderson Elec. & Equipment Co., 1916-21; pres., Grigsby- Grunow Co., 1921-29, chmn. bd., pres., 1930-33, inves- tor, 1934 — ; mem. Masons. Clubs: Chi- cago Athletic, Park Ridge Country, Barrington Hills Country. Family came to 111. about 1830. Recreation: golf. Prot- estant. Republican. Office: 120 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: Elsbert Farm, Barrington, 111. GUTGSELL, Emil John, business executive; b. Chicago, 111., 1 Feb. 1889; s. Marie (Shaeffer) G.; ed. St. George's Sch.; Orr's Bus. Coll.; m. Elizabeth Marie Klober of Chicago, 111., 28 Sept. 1910; children — Edward William, John Robert. Organizer, officer, dir., Zulu Mfg. Co., Chicago, L. P. Larson, Jr. Co., Chicago and Newport, R.I., 1911-17; dir. of sales, E. J. Brach & Sons, Chi- cago, 1917-26, v.p., mem. exec, com., 1926—; Ky. Col., 1935. Clubs: Hinsdale Golf, Hinsdale. Travel: Eur., Syria, Palestine, Egy., Cent. Am., Pan., Mex. Recreations: traveling, hunting, fishing, sailing, football, baseball, golf. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: 4656 W. Kinzie St., Chicago, 111. Home: 823 Columbian Av., Oak Park, 111. HAAKE, Alfred P., economist and lec- turer; mayor of Park Ridge, 111.; b. Chicago, 111., 5 Feb. 1885; s. Peter Haake, grocer, and Matilda (Paul) H.; ed. Lake View high sch., Chicago, 2 yrs.; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1914, M.A., 1916. Ph.D., 1922; m. Helen Avalee Rice of Milan, Mo., 15 Sept. 1918; children- Alicia, Alfred P., Jr., Charles Rice, David Gilman, William Dean. Teacher economics, Univ. Wis., 1915-22; head economcs dept., Rutgers Coll., 1922-23; head research, MacManus, Inc., De- troit, 1923-25; asst. to pres., Simmons Co., New York, 1925-28; mng. dir. Nat. Assn. Furniture Mfrs., Chicago, 1928- 42; mng. dir. Nat. Wholesale Furniture Assn., 1930-42; auth. Model N.R.A. code, 1933; dir. State organ. Liberty League, 1934-34; cons, to Resettlement Admn. under Rexford Tugwell, 1937-39; co- founder, tr. Am. Economic Foundation, 1939—; speaker on Wake Up Am. radio program, 1939—; hon. dir. (life), Nat. Assn. Furniture Mfrs., 1942—; dir. St. Paul's House (home for aged); Nat. Indsl. Council; teacher of Co. Adminis- tration, Q.M.C., Ordn. Ser., during World War I; mem. Am. Economics Assn., A.A.S.P.S., Am. Trade Assn. Execs., Gideons. Clubs: Rotary (Chi- cago), City (v.p.), Execs, of Chicago (pres., 1942-43), University (Park Ridge, 111.), Kiwanis of Park Ridge, 111. Author: Industrial Government (with John R. Commons); Economics for Foremen; Can We Win the War Without Losing the Peace; Gullible Uncle Sam; Fish or Fowl; numerous other arts. Travel: U.S. Desc. early Chicago settlers. Inter- ests: Mobilization of Spriitual Ideals, eugenic breeding experiments, adult education, writing verse. Recreations: fishing, camping. Protestant. Repub- lican. Office: First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 426 N. Prospect Av., Park Ridge, 111. HANLEY, Thomas F., Jr., executive; b. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 1888; s. Thomas F. Hanley, contractor in con- strn. bus., and Mary E. (Conners) H.; ed. Univ. high sch., Chicago, 111.; Univ. 111.; m. Aimee J. Conkling of Spring- field, 111., Jan. 1930. Engaged in heating, power piping and plumbing constrn. bus.; served as bus. exec, in charge of Sect, of Gauges & Standards, U.S. Sig- nal Corps, during World War I; Clubs: South Shore Country, Chicago Athletic (both of Chicago). Office: 1503 S. Michi- gan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1640 E. 50th St., Chicago, 111. H AUGER, John Ross, physician; b. Osceola, Neb., 22 Dec. 1876; s. Samuel Preston Harger, mcht., and Mary E. (Strauss) H.; ed. St. Edward (Neb.) high sch.; Univ. Neb.; B.S., Univ. Chi- cago, 1904; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1906; m. Blanche C. Clapp of Elmwood (dec), Neb., 1903; children— Marin G. Stewart, James Henry. Interneship, Cook Co. Hosp., 1906-08; instr., asst. prof., sur- gery, Univ. 111., 1908-26; attending sur- geon, Cook Co. Hosp., 1926—, 111. Ma- 141 sonic Hosp., 1921—; mem. bd. dirs., Garfield Park Hosp., 1932-39, attending surgeon, 1916—; mem. Chicago Med. Soc. (pres., 1931-32), A.M.A., F. A.C.S., Chicago Surg. Soc, 111. State Med. Soc, A.K.K. Med. Soc, A.O.A. Clubs: Execu- tives (Chicago), Oak Park. Author: Women in Industry; The Cancer Prob- lem; numerous arts, on various sci. subjs. Travel: U.S. Interest: gardening. Recreations: golf, automobile touring. Methodist. Republican. Office: 4458 Madison St., Chicago, 111. Home: 544 N. Kenilworth Av., Oak Park, 111. FAULKNER, Charles James, lawyer; b. Martinsburg, W.Va., 23 Aug. 1877; s. Charles James Faulkner and Sallie (Winn) F.; entered Washington and Lee Univ., 1893; LL.B., 1898, LL.D., 1941; m. Elizabeth Durkee of Yarmouth, 12 Oct. 1907. Admitted to bar in Va. and W.Va., 1898; settled in Chicago, 1899; with Peck, Miller & Starr, 1899-1903; gen. pract., 1903-05; atty. for Armour and Co., 1905; asst. gen. counsel, 1914- 17; gen. counsel, 1917; elected dir., 1928; dir., Winslow Bros. & Smith Co., Boston; mem. Sons, of Confed. Vets., S.A.R., So. Soc. of Chicago, Am., 111. State, and Chicago Bar Assns.; Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Chicago, Chevy Chase, Chevy Chase, Md., Opequon Golf, Martinsburg, W.Va., Seniors Golf Assn. Interest: farming. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Office: 316 S. La Salle St., Chicago 4, 111. Home: 1301 N. State St., Chicago 10, 111. Ancestral home: Martinsburg, W.Va. PRIEBE, Frank A., pres., dir. Priebe & Sons, Inc.; b. Minonk, 111., 5 Jan. 1899; s. William Frederick Priebe and Mathilda (Simater) P.; ed. Oak Park high sen.; B.S., Univ. Chicago, 1920; m. Ruth Bournique Rice, 5 June, 1926; children— Helen, Barbara, Frank, Jr. Salesman Priebe & Sons, Inc., 1920-23; dir., treas., 1923-42; pres., 1943; v.p., dir. F.M. Stamper Co., Moberly, Mo., 1923—; dir. Liberty Nat. Bank, Chicago, Fulton Market Cold Storage, Chicago, Merchants Refrig. Co., N.Y.C., Great Bend (Kans.) Poultry Co.; gov. and v.p. Merc. Exchange, Chicago; p. pres., dir. Nat. Egg Products Assn.; p. pres., chmn. bd. Inst. Am. Poultry Industries, Chicago (dir.); mem. Agr. Com. U.S. Chamber Commerce; served with U.S. Navy 1918-19; mem. Delta Kappa Epsi- lon. Editor: Weekly Letter to Poultry Raisers. Clubs: University (Chicago), Onwentsia, Winter (Lake Forest), Cole- man Lake (Wis.), Old Elm (Lake For- est). Office: 110 N. Franklin St., Chi- cago, HI. Home: 855 E. Westminster Rd., Lake Forest, 111. RAPP, Samuel W., Jr., executive, sales mgr.; b. Morton, 111., 6 July, 1888; s. Andrew Rapp, pottery mfr., and Katherine (Welk) R.; ed. B.A., Gem City Bus. Coll., Quincy, 111., 1911-12; m. Martha E. Frintz of Cessna Park, 111., 5 Oct. 1916; children— Gilbert, Rus- sell, Elton, Geraldine. Accountant, Do- mestic Facuum Cleaner Co., Peoria, 111., 1912-13; vacuum cleaner distributor, Mo. and 111., 1914-15; salesman, 1915; teller, Commercial Merchants Nat. Bank, Peoria, 111., 1917-18; became of- fice mgr., dir., exec, Eagle Mfg. Co.; exec sales mgr., Morton Pottery Co., dir., sec-treas. and sales mgr., 1928 — ; treas., Village of Morton, 1924. Travel: Eastern half of U.S. Interest: reading, mags. Recreation: boating. Christian. Republican. Office: The Morton Pottery Co., Morton, 111. Home: 214 N. 3d Av., Morton, 111. NICKERSON, Winfield Scott, patholo- gist; b. Cotuit, Mass., 2 Nov. 1864; s. Samuel Nickerson, sea capt., merchant, and Ursalind A. (Page) N.; ed. State Normal sen., Bridgewater, Mass.; B.S., Harvard Univ., 1890; Sc.D., 1894; M.D., Univ. Minn., 1905. Prof, biology, Univ. Colo., 1905-06; instr. Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111., 1907-08; instr. and asst. prof., Univ. Minn., 1897-1911; health officer and city physician, N.D. and Minn., 1911-27, 1927-44; pathologist, St. Lucas Hosp., Faribault, Minn.; elected coroner, Rice Co., Minn. 1938-44; Mass., 1944; capt., 2 yrs., during World War I. Office: St. Lucas Hospital Labo- ratory, Faribault, Minn. MARCLEY, Walter J., physician; b. Minn., 21 Sept. 1867; s. John Marcley and Annie Louise (Connolly) M.; ed. B.Litt., Univ. N.D., 1891; M.D., Boston Univ., 1895; M.D., Dartmouth Med. Sen., 1902; m. Jessie McMillan, 1905; 1 son, David McMillan. Supt. Mass. State Sanatorium (Rutland), 1897-1906; supt. Minn. State San., 1907-10; chief, tuber- culosis service, Minneapolis Gen. Hosp., 1912-22; med. dir. Glen Lake San., Minn., 1916-17; attending specialist in Tuberculosis, U.S. Vet. Bureau, 1920- 26; med. dir. Thomas Hosp. for Tuber- culosis 1923-26; chief, tuberculosis serv- ice U.S. Vet. Hosp. (Minn.), 1927-37; dir. Outpatient Dept., Nopeming San. (Minn.), 1938-40; cons, in tuberculosis, Minn. Dept. of Health, 1941 — ; contract surgeon, U.S. Army, 1917; physician, Rockefeller Tuberculosis Commission in France, 1918; chief physician, A.R.C. 142 Commission to Switzerland, 1919; a founder of the Nat. Tuberculosis Assn.; mem. Mass. Med. Soc, Minn. Med. Soc., Am. Med. Assoc. (F), Am. Coll. Chest Physicians, Am. Trudeau Soc, Minn. Trudeau Med. Soc. (p. pres.), Minn. Pub. Health Assoc, (p. pres.), Minn. Sanitary Conference (p. pres.), Minn. (p. pres.), Mississippi Valley Conf. on Tuberculosis (p. pres.), Am. Pub. Health Assoc, Phi Beta Kappa. Travel: Fr., It., Switz. Conglist. Liberal. Home: 5110 Wentworth Av., Minneapolis 9, Minn. LORENZEN, Anton Fredrick, news- paper representative; b. Denmark, 7 May 1876; s. Christian Lorenzen, car- penter, and Mary (Nicholisan) L. Pres. Lorenzen and Thompson, Inc., Chicago, New York, St. Louis, Kansas City, De- troit, San Francisco, Los Angeles, At- lanta, Cincinnati; v. chmn. 111. World's Fair Commission; mem. 111. Develop- ment, Council and Finance; enlisted 111. Nat. Guard, 1891, U.S. Army, 1898- 99; served Sp.-Am. War, Cuba, Secret Service in World War I; started Army service as pvt. with following pro- motions: cpl., sgt., sgt. major, 1st It., capt., major, It. col., col., brig, gen.; mem. A.F. & A.M., Knight Templar in Medinah Temple, Chicago Crime Com- mission, Internat'l Chancelor, Notre Dame in Canada, Special Agents Assn. (life). Clubs: Iroquois (v. pres.), Navy League U.S. (v. pres.) Chicago Council, Army and Navy, 100,000 Mile, Tavern, 1000 (charter mem.), Illinois Athletic, Chicago Danish. Episcopalian. Recrea- tions: golf, baseball, football, practi- cally all outdoor sports. Office: 333 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, HI. Residence: Blackstone Hotel. Chicago, 111. LOWRIE, John M., lawyer; b. Elk- hart, Ind., 7 June 1887; s. James G. Lowrie and Caroline S. (Gale) L.; ed. A.B., Knox Coll., 1908; M.A., Univ. 111., 1909; LL.B., Columbia Univ. Law Sen., 1912; m. Rebecca Lawrence, 19 Dec 1916. Admitted to law practice, 111., 1931; assoc. with Cravath & Henderson, N.Y., 1913-16; mem. firm, Powell, Lowrie & Ruch, N.Y., 1916-30, Trowbridge, Lowrie, O'Donnell & Johnston, Chicago, 1930-34; mem. Assn. of Bar of City of N.Y., Chicago, N.Y. State, 111. State, and Am. Bar Assns., Acad. Polit. Sci., Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Sci., Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Pi. Clubs: Cen- tury, The Players, Lawyers, Republican (N.Y.C.), University, The Tavern (Chi- cago). Soangetaha, Galesburg. Office: 64 S. Prairie St., Galesburg, HI. Home: 590 N. Prairie St., Galesburg, 111. McILRAITH, Evan J., General Man- ager Chicago Surface Lines; b. Marl- boro, Ont., Can., 28 Sept. 1886; s. Alex- ander F. Mcllraith, accountant, and Sarah (Charland) McL; ed. Lanark, Ont.; M.E., Univ. N.D., 1907; grad. stud., Cornell Univ., 1907-10; m. Beth Bemis of Inkster, N.D., 1912; children —Janet, Beth, Evan J., Donald N. Instr., Cornell Univ., 1907-10; constr. engr., several yrs.; supt. way and struc- tures, Puget Sound Light & Power Co., supt. way and structures, supt. rolling stock and shops, operating mgr. ele- vated-subway lines Philadelphia Rapid Transit; staff engr., Chicago Surface Lines; mem. Bd. Supervising Engrs. Chicago Traction. Clubs: Union League Economic Glen View Golf. Recrea tions: photog., golf. Conglist. Repub lican. Office: 231 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 111. Home: 1501 Hinman Av. Evanston 111. McROBERTS, Earl Samuel, physi cian, surgeon; b. Ind., 25 May 1895; s John R. McRoberts and Minnie (Lap cheska) McR. ; ed. Emerick high sch. Indianapolis; B.A., Butler Coll., 1917 M.D., Ind. Univ. Sch. Med., 1923; m Margaret C. Lahn of Ind., 9 Oct. 19 children — Richard Curtis, Elizabeth Marjorie. Practice limited to eyes, ear nose, throat; 2nd. It. Signal Corps, 1918 19; mem. Am. Med. Assn., Am. Acad Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology Chicago Ophthalmological Soc, Chicago Assn. of Business and Professional Men Club: Athletic (111.). Office: 55 E. Wash ington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2202 Cen tral Park Av., Evanston, 111. MONTGOMERY, Edmand B., physi cian; b. St. Louis, Mo., 11 May 1858 s. Robert Montgomery, druggist, and Elizabeth (Wishart) M.; ed. Quincy High Sch.; M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1878; m. (2nd) Edith Bunus of Quincy, 111., 10 Aug. 1917; children— Mrs. Amelia Carter, Elizabeth, Eleanor, Hosmer. Practiced medicine, surgery, Quincy, 111., 1878—; phys., Blessang Hosp., 1885- 90; surg., 111. Soldiers & Sailors Home, 1893-97; mem. Internat. Med. Congress, Lisbon, 1906; mem. San. Council, 111. Bd. Health, 1882; dir. Quincy Pub. Li- brary Soc, 1925; mem. Draft Bd., med. examiner for drafted men, 1917; F.A. C.S., 1915; mem. A.M. A., Am. Assn. Obstet. and Gynecol., Mississippi Valley, 111. State and Adams Co. Med. Socs., Surgeons League, Masons (Scottish Rite 32d deg.). Clubs: Executives. Author: 143 med. papers. Travel: U.S., Eur. In- terest: collecting books. Recreations: reading, cross-word puzzles, gardening, travel. Unitarian. Independent. Office: 134 N. 8th St., Quincy, 111. Home: 1461 Vermont St., Quincy, 111. SCHULTE, Walter B., executive; b. Freeport, 111., 24 Oct. 1888; s. Otto L. Schulte, merchant, and Emma (Bier- sach) S. ; ed. Freeport high sch. ; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1910, Chem.E., 1911; m. Helen Denne of Peterboro, Ont., 10 Nov. 1937. Chem. engring. and dry battery work with C. F. Burgess, Madison, Wis., 1911-37; founder of Micro Switch Corp., mfrs. precision electric devices, 1937; dir., C.F. Burgess Labs., Micro Switch Corp.; served as civilian electric engr., A.E.F. Battery Plant, France during World War I; mem. Electro-Chem. Soc. Clubs: Rotary, Union League (Chicago), Chemists (N.Y.), Madison, Freeport Country. Author: numerous technical papers; many patents (battery and elec. developments). Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: 1 E. Spring St., Freeport, 111. Home: 1551 W. Logan St., Freeport, 111. STATEN, Hi Williamson, professor; b. Pikeville, Ky., 29 Oct. 1895; s. F.M. Staten, farmer, lumberman, and Maggie (Caines) S.; ed. Chandler (Okla.) high sch.; B.S., Okla. A.&M. Coll., 1924, M.S., 1930; m. Anna E. Wertman of Chandler, Okla., 17 May 1916; children— Gladys May, Raymond Dale, Earl Dean, Hi, Jr. Teacher, rural sch., 1913-19; voca- tional agr., sch. supt., 1924-25; commer- cial plant breeder, 1925-26; co. agr. agt., 1927-28; commercial plant breeder and cotton technologist, 1928-29; U.S. Dept. Agr. Soil Conservation Service, 1935-37; prof, agron., res. worker, Okla. A.&M. Coll., 1930-35, 1937—; mem., Am. Soc. Agron., Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Zeta, Phi Sigma, Alpha Gamma Rho. Travel: Can., Mex., U.S. Interest: agronomic teaching and research and vocational guidance of young coll. men. Recrea- tion: fishing. Methodist. Democrat. Of- fice: 329 Whitehurst Hall, Stillwater, Okla. Home: 724 McElroy St., Still- water, Okla. SPEED, Kellogg, surgeon, professor of surgery; b. Cleveland, O.; 17 Jan. 1879; s. Henry Bryant Speed, pub., and Anna (Robb) S.; ed. Englewood high sch.; Morgan Park Acad. Univ. Chi- cago; B.S., Univ. Chicago, 1901, M.D. 1904; m. Margaret Rudd of Chicago, 111., 14 Mar. 1918; children— Patricia Rudd, Helen Marjorie, Ann. Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., 1904-05; practiced medi- cine, Chicago, 1905 — ; prof, surgery, Rush Med. Coll.; attending surgeon, Presbyn. Hosp., Highland Park Hosp.; tr. Rush Med. Coll.; dir., Mt. Green- wood Cemetery; hon. It. col., Royal Army M.C., B.E.F., Fr., 1916; maj., It. col., M.C., U.S.A., 1917-19; F.A.C.S.; mern. Am. Surg. Assn., Am. Orthopedic Assn., Soc. Internat. de Chirurgie, West- ern Surg. Assn. (pres., 1927-28), Chi- cago Surg. Soc. (pres., 1925) Cent. Surg. Assn., Am. Assn. Surg. Trauma (1st pres., 1939). Clubs: University, Exmoor Country, Tavern, Chicago. Author: Fractures and Dislocations, textbooks (4 editions); surgical arts. Travel: Orient, Australia, Eur. Interests: literary, photog. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 530 S. Sheridan Rd., Highland Park, 111. WEBER, Otto George, president Litho Co.; b. Chicago, 111., 9 June 1879; s. John Weber, cabinetmaker, and Sophia (Horn) W.; ed. English high sch. and Manual Training; m. Alma Raithel of Chicago, 111., Oct. 1916. Learned trade at Wm. Zench Litho. Co., 4 yrs.; Sher- wood Litho. Co.; Corqueville Litho.; supt., Merchants Litho.; organized Weber Litho. Co., 1901, incorporated, 1904; treas., Employing Lithographic Western Group; mem. Masons (Garden City Lodge 32d deg.), Shriners Medinah Temple. Clubs: Lake Shore, Germania (Chicago). Travel: Eur., 1922, Hawaii 1924, 1941. Interest: music. Recreations: fishing, sailing. Protestant. Republican. Office: 3305 Harrison St., Chicago, 111. Home: 526 Aldine Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Michigan. WELCH, Thomas J., lawyer; b. Mo- line, 111, 11 Sept. 1884; s. Thomas Welch and Sarah (Gibson) W.; ed. Moline high sch.; LL.B., Notre Dame Univ., 1905; LL.M., Yale Univ., 1906; m. Mable E. Bunton of Kewane, 111., 30 June 1914; children — Robert Gibson, John Mar- shall, Richard Sheridan, Philip Bunton. Adm. 111. bar, 1907, Supreme Ct. of U.S., 1930; assoc. with firm, Kenworthy & Kenworthy, Rock Island, 111., 1907-09; firm mem., Anderson, Andrews & Welch, 1909-11; dir. Emerit E. Baker, Inc., Elks Crippled Children's Comran. of 111., 1930-45; p. pres. Fifth Supreme Jud. Dist. Bar Assn. of 111.; city atty., Kewanee, 111., 1909-19; mem. State Bar Assn. of 111. (bd. of govs.), Am. Bar Assn., B.P.O.E. (exalted ruler, 1924-25, dep. grand exalted ruler, W. Cent. Dist. of 111., 1932-33), K. C. Clubs: Rotary, Midland Country, Yale (Chicago). In- 144 terests: hist, of U.S. Constitution, life and works of Alexander Hamilton. Rec- reation: golf. Catholic. Republican. Of- fice: W. Kinley Bldg., Kewanee, 111. Home: 606 McKinley Av., Kewanee, 111. ALSDORF, Anthony James, exporter, importer and manufacturer; b. Soura- baya, Java; s. Aloysius William and Charlotte Alsdorf; ed. Sch. of Com- merce, Amsterdam; m. Camille; 1 son, James William. Chmn. of bd., The A. J. Alsdorf Corp., Condor Motors, Inc.; partner Cory Glass Coffee Brewer Co., Fresh'nd Aire Co.; dir. of Vital Foods Corp. Travel: Eur., Far East, Brit., India, Afr., So. & Central Am. Catholic. Republican. Office: 221 N. LaSalle St., Chicago 1, 111. Home: 650 Lincoln Av., Winnetka, 111. ARMSTRONG, Paul G., state director, Selective Service System; b. Leadville, Colo., 26 Oct. 1890; s. Rev. Arthur Edson Armstrong and Luvia Adelma (Russell) A.; ed. West Denver high sch.; m. 4 Dec. 1916; children— Don Wellingnotn, Blanche Astrid Larson of Chicago, 111., Patricia Lorraine. Assoc. Parker Thomas & Tucker Paper Co., Chicago, 5 Sept. 1919 — ; all offices in Am. Legion thru state commander, Nat. Exec. Com- mitteeman, 111. candidate, Nat. Commdr., Boston, 1940, Milwaukee, 1941; v. p., Parker Thomas & Tucker Paper Co., Chicago; state dir., Selective Service System; U.S. Army, 18 mos., 13 mos. overseas, during World War I; mem. A.F. & A.M., Consistory, Shrine, B.P.O.E., The Am. Legion, Sons Am. Revol. Protestant. Republican. Office: 100 Armory Bldg., Springfield, 111. Home: 2021 So. 4th St., Springfield, 111. BURROWS, Milford Denton, manage- ment engr. ; b. Wolsen, S.D., Sept. 1, 1887; s. John Joseph Burrows, mcht., and Mary (Denton) B.; ed. Huron (S.D.) Coll.; m. Frida Gertrude Heuser of Chi- cago, HI., 1912; 1 son, Milford Denton, Jr. Consultant in bus. management to industries and financial institutions; mem. Am. Management Assn., Soc. for Advancement of Management. A.F. and A.M., A.A.S.R. (32d deg.); A.A.O.N. M.S. Protestant. Independent. Office: 134 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111 Home: 419 Lenox St., Oak Park, 111. FOX, Jacob Logan, lawyer; b. Spring- field, 7 Nov. 1889; s. Moses Fox and Belle (Kuklin) F.; ed. Northwest Div. high sch., Chicago; Ph.B., Univ. Chi- cago, 1911, J.D. (cum laude), 1913; m. Sarah Schutz of Chicago, 1919; children — Jacob Logan, Jr., Theodore Simon, Robert Samuel. Admitted to 111. Bar, 1913; in practice at Chicago, 1913; assoc. with Charles LeRoy Brown, 1913-15; mem. firm Brown, Fox and Blumberg, 1920— ; served with First 111. Cavalry, 1914-17, on Mexican Border Service; mem. Chicago, 111., and Am. Bar Assn., Am. Acad. Polit. Sci., Am. Geog. Soc, Chicago Hist. Soc, 111. Hist. Soc, Lin- coln Memorial Assn. Clubs: Standard of Chicago, Idlewild Country. Interest: collecting various Lincoln penod items. Recreation: golf. Jewish. Republican. Office: 231 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 6846 S. Cregier Av., Chicago, 111. ROSINIA, Michael L., lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 17 Mar. 1888; s. Anthony Rosinia, real estate business, and Rose- mond (Corvino) R. ; ed. Y.M.C.A.; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. Law, 1910; Ph.D., Nat. Coll., Toronto, Can. (hon.); m. Lina Barone of Chicago, 111., 8 Mar. 1914. Admitted to bar, Oct. 1910; asst. state atty., Sept. 1914- June 1920; asst. city prosector, July 1920-Mar. 1923; asst. corp. counsel, Dec 1923-Mar. 1929; atty. for state treas., Jan. 1930- Apr. 1931; city prosecutor, Apr. 1931 — . Travel: U.S. Interest: farming. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 610 City Hall, Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1015 S. Racine Av., Chicago, 111. FAGERBURG, Dewey Frank, lawyer; b. Champaign Co., 111., 25 July 1898; s. Edward H. Fagerburg, realtor, and Charlotte (Anderson) F.; ed. Paxton high sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1920, LL.B., 1922; m. Dorothy White of Evans- ton, 111., 22 Dec. 1922; children— Char- lotte, Dewey Frank, Jr., Karin. Prac- ticed law in Chicago 1922 — ; mem. firm, Snyder, Chadwell & Fagerburg, Chi- cago; served in U.S.N, during World War I; mem. 111. State, Chicago, and Am. Bar Assns., Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Law, Legal, Univ., Hinsdale Golf, Swed- ish, Economic, Executives (all of Chi- cago), Midday. Recreations: golf, small game hunting. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office: 135 So. LaSalle St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 4 E. 5th St., Hinsdale, 111. BRUMLEY, Daniel Joseph, civil engi- neer (retired) ; b. Near Leipsic, O., 19 Mar. 1865; s. Joseph Brumley, farmer, and Phillipina (Leffler) B.; ed. Leipsic high sch.; Ohio Normal Sch., Ada, O.; C.E., Ohio State Univ., 1895, D.E. (hon.), 1933; m. Susanna P. Lytle of Deshler, O., 1 Sept. 1908; 1 son, David Joseph. Major, U.S. Army Engrs.; asst. engr., Columbus & Hocking Coal, Iron 145 & R.R. Co., 5 mos., Nat. Rys. Mex., 2 mos., Louisville & Nashville R.R., 8V 2 yrs., I.C.R.R., 30% yrs.; chief engr., Chi cago Terminal Improvements; dir., p pres., Flossmoor State Bank; p. pres. Village of Flossmoor, Flossmoor Sch Dist. 161, Rich Park Dist.; Justice of Peace, 1917—; N.G. (O.), 3 yrs.; p mem. Chicago Assn. Commerce, A.I E.E.; mem. Am. Ry. Engring. Assn (p. pres.), Am. Soc. C.E., Western Soc Engrs. (p. pres.). Club: Chicago Engrs Author : Preparation and Care of a Vege table Garden. Interests: books, garden ing, farming, photog. Methodist. Repub lican. Home: 911 Bruce Av., Flossmoor m. BRANDON, Rodney Howe, former di- rector of Public Welfare, State of Il- linois; b. Monroe County, Ind., 21 Sept. 1881; s. Gailbraith Lynn Brandon, farmer, and Narcissa Lee (Smith) B.; ed. elementary and high schs., Bloom- ington, Ind.; Univ. Ind., Bloomington. ; m. Harriette Lane of Anderson, Ind., 6 Dec. 1909; children— Adele (dec), Jean Brandon Burton, Nancy Brandon Allen. Assoc, in orgn. Loyal Order of Moose; supervised constr. Mooseheart, 1913; est. Moosehaven (Fla.), 1922; an organizer Progressive Party in Ind. 1912; moved to 111., 1913; del. to 111 Constl. Conv., 1919 (chmn. Com. on Edn and ed. of Conv. proceedings); spl. in vestigator for U. S. Govt, of Child Wei fare conditions in Eur., 1926; dir. Pub Welfare, State of 111., 1929-33; mem. bd Welfare Commrs., 111.; reappointed dir Pub. Welfare by Gov. Dwight Green 1941 resigned, 1945; mem. Masons, K.P. Kiwanis, (p. It. gov.). Office: Spring- field, 111. Home: Batavia, 111. ROSE, Milton Edward, physician; b. Dubuque, la., 10 May 1891; s. Henry O. Rose, retail merchant, and Marie L. (Pfersch) R.; ed. Dubuque high sch.; B.S., Wis. Univ., Madison, 1913; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1916; m. Dorothy J. Shade of Decatur, HI., 21 July 1917; children — Mary Louise, Jo Ann, William Pendleton. Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., Chi- cago, 1916-18; asst. to Dr. R.E. Farr, Minneapolis, 1918-20; pract. of internal med., Decatur, 111., 1920 — ; p. mem. Bd. of Dirs., Decatur & Macon Co. Hosp., Decatur Community Chest (pres., 1929- 30), Decatur Assn. Commerce, Bd. of Ed.; fellow A.M.A., A.C.P.; mem. Ma- con Co. Med. Soc, 111. State Med. Soc. Clubs: The Decatur, The Country. Au- thor: papers on med. subjs. Travel: northern Wis. Interest: philately. Rec- reation: fishing. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: 134 W. Prairie Av., De- catur, 111. Home: 610 S. Monroe St., Decatur, 111. ROBIN, Sidney L., lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 8 Dec. 1904; s. Adolph Robin, bus. exec, and Ray (Jameson) R.; ed. Chicago pub. high sch.; A.B., Univ. 111., 1925; J.D., Univ. Mich., 1927; m. Shirley Wittels of Alton, 111., and St. Louis, 14 Apr. 1940; children— Judith Ann, Fay Ellen. Mem. Rosenthal Eldridge, King and Robin, formerly Rosenthal, Hamill & Wormser, 1927 — ; mem. Am. Bar Assn., 111. Bar Assn., Chicago Bar Assn., Chicago Law Inst.; counsel for The Jewish Charities of Chicago and dir. other charitable organizations; mem., Phi Beta Kappa, Order of Coif, Sigma Alpha Mu. Clubs: Law (Chicago), Chi- cago Literary. Travel: U.S,. Eur., Mex., Hawaii, Can. Recreations: reading, golf, gardening, sailing. Independent. Office: 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Home: 70 Crescent Dr., Glencoe, 111. WHITE, Ambrosia Chuse, artist, teacher; b. Belleville, 111., 3 Dec 1894; d. Peter Chuse, mcht, and Bertha (Romeis) C; ed. Notre Dame Acad., Belleville, 111.; Eastern State Normal Sch., Charleston, 111.; St. Louis Sch. Fine Arts; grad. Wis. Univ., 1945; m. John C. White of Madison, Wis., 16 Feb. 1935. Teacher, pub. schs., 20; spL teacher in art, pub. schs., Belleville, 111., 7 yrs.; exhibited pictures in St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Madi- son; writer of children's short stories, 1944; mem. Madison Art Guild. Clubs: Business and Professional. Travel: Mex., Can., U.S. Interests: painting, writing. Recreations: bridge, sports. Catholic. Democrat. Home: 1221 W Day- ton St., Madison, Wis. TASHER, Lucy Lucile, professor; b. S. Bend, Ind., 11 June 1904; d. Charles A. Tasher, realtor, and Lucy J. (Fame- man) T.; ed. S. Bend high sch.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1924, J.D., 1926, A.M., 1932, Ph.D., 1934; Univ. So. Calif. Prac- ticed law, 1926-31; admitted to bar of Ind., 1926, Calif., 1931; asst. prof, social sci., 111. State Normal Univ., 1935-41, assoc prof., 1941—; mem. State Bar Calif., A.A.U.P., N.E.A., 111. Edn. Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Beta Pi, Pi Gamma Mu, Delta Kappa Gamma, Am. Hist. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., A.A.U.W. Travel: Mex., U.S., Can., Alas. Recreations: motoring, writing. Baptist. Office: Illinois State Normal University, Normal, 111. Home: 202 W. Ash St., Normal, 111. Summer res.: 3010 S. Michigan St., S. Bend, Ind. 146 CARNAHAN, Charles Calvin, lawyer; b. Cochran's Mills, Armstrong Co., Pa., 3 Apr. 1868; s. William H. Carnahan, mcht., and Maria L. (McKee) C; ed. summer sch. for Teachers, Cochran's Mills, Pa.; Hillsdale (Mich.) Coll.; LL.B., Lake Forest Univ., Chicago, 111., 1893; m. Katharine A. Hawkes of Chi- cago, 12 June 1894; 1 dau., Madeleine C. Simmons (dec). Admitted to prac- tice, 1892; gen. law practice, Chicago, HI., 1892 — ; mem. firm, Carnahan & Slusser, to 1934, Carnahan, Slusser and Mitchell, 1934 — ; founder, mem., Cen- tury of Progress, Chicago World's Fair, chmn. legal com., mem. bd. trs., 1933- 34; dir., Congoleum-Nairn, Inc., NY.; Rep. nominee for Congress, 5th Dist., 111., 1900; judge, Superior Ct, 1930; corp. counsel, Village of Wilmette, HI., 1915-17; gen. atty. for Cook Co., 111. bd. assessors, 1921-30; mem. Chicago, HI. State, Am. Bar Assns., Chicago Law Inst., Phi Delta Theta, Nat. Union, Ma- sons, (32d deg.) Shrine. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Union League, Westmoreland Country, Men's Wilmette, 111. Author: legal briefs. Travel: Can., Mex., U.S. Interests : hunting, deep sea fishing, coll. athletics. Recreations: golf, bowling. Republican. Office: Suite 1217, 110 South Dearborn St., Chicago 3, 111. Home: 700 Central Av., Wilmette, 111. BENSON, Ikel C, lawyer, patent atty., engineer; b. Buhl, Minn., 3 Apr. 1900; s. Alfred Benson, fireman, and Carolina (Olson) B.; ed. Buhl high sch.; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1925, M.S., 1927, E.E., 1931; LL.B. Minn. Coll., 1935; m. Inez H. Thompson of Minneapolis, Minn., 19 Aug. 1937; children— Doris Irene, Janice Carolyn. Teaching Fellow, E.E. Dept., Univ. Minn., 1925-27; E.E., Electric Mach. Mfg. Co., 1926-32; bituminous insp., Minn. Dept. of Highways, 1932- 35; patent atty. & E.E., Electric Mach. Mfg. Co., 1935—; partner, McDonald & Benson Paspartouting Co.; mem. Sigma Xi, Triangle, Minn. Bar Assn., Minn. Patent Law Assn. Club: Minneapolis Engineers. Author: Analysis of the causes of Noise and Vibration in Syn- chronous Machines; the operational and economic characteristics of a Navel means for starting A-c. Motors with low current inrush, co-author: Studies on ihe Elastic Properties of Human Isolated Aorta. Travel: Eur., 1938. Interest: photog. Recreations: tennis, hunting. Protestant. Office: 1331 N.E. Tyler St., Minneapolis 13, Minn. Home: 1434 Hythe St., St. Paul 8, Minn. BEKVE, Ben L., business executive; b. Rochelle, 111., 19 Dec. 1888; s. Louis Berve, electrician, and Malinda (Buer) B.; ed. Rochelle (111.) Twp. high sch.; Notre Dame Univ.; m. Ethel Melvin, Bushnel, 111., Dec. 1941; 1 son, Charles U. U.S. Marshall, Northern Dist. of 111., Western Div., 1927-34; pres., Berve Ins. Agency, Inc., Rochelle, 111., 1934-Aug. 1941; state cent. com. man, 13th Dist., 1938—; Rep. State chmn., 1940—; fiscal supervisor, Dept. Pub. Welfare, Ro- chelle, 111., 1941—; 2nd It., Inf., 1918; mem. Masons, Am. Legion, Moose, Elks. Club: Sojourners. Interests: golf, bowling, swimming. Protestant. Repub- lican. Offices: 507 Lincoln Av., Rochelle, 111.; Room 1510, 231 S. LaSalle St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 7145 Cyril Av., Chi- cago, HI. UfflLEIN, Erwin Charles, executive; b. Milwaukee, Wis., s. August Uihlein and Emily (Werdehoff) U.; ed. East Division high sch., Milwaukee; Wahl- Henius Inst., Chicago; Alfred Joergen- son's Labs., Copenhagen, Den.; two years Letters and Sciences; LL.B., Col- lege of Law, Cornell Univ. Pres., Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co.; mem. fin. and exec, corns., dir., First Wis. Nat. Bk., First Wis. Tr. Co., Wis. Bankshares Corp.; served as It. (j. g.) U.S.N.R. World War I; now It. comdr., U.S.N.R.; mem. Army Ordnance Assn., Wis. Bankers Assn., Master Brewers Assn. of U.S., U.S. Naval Inst., Chi Psi, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Elks, Milwaukee, Mil- waukee Country, Milwaukee Athletic, Wisconsin, Town, University, Mil- waukee Yacht. Office: 235 W. Galena St., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: Grafton, Wis. TURLEY, Louis Alvin, pathologist; b. Bever, Ut., 6 Feb. 1879; s. Omner Jay Turley, gold miner and farmer, and Louise Ann (Woodhouse) T.; ed. Boise (Ida.) high sch.; B.S., Univ. Ida., 1903; M.A., Harvard, 1906; Ph.D., 1916; m. Anna Gertrude King of Normal, 111., 16 Apr. 1905. Asst. entomogist, U.S. Expt. Sta., Univ. Ida., 1901-03; head, dept. biology, S.W. State Coll., 1907-08; prof, pathol. and histol., Med. Sch., Univ. Okla., 1908-20, prof, path., 1920- -; acting asst. dean, 1909-20, asst. dean, 1920-28, 1935-39; state bacterid., 1908-12; mem., A.M.A., A.S.C.P., Okla. State Med. Assn., Cleveland Co. Med. Soc, Okla. Acad, of Med. Club: Dornick Hills Country. Author: History of the Philoso- phy of Medicine, and 30 sci. papers: discoverer, new specie of fly, egg-de- pository of tree pest; estab., law of 147 reinforcement and inhibition of succeed- ing stimuli, compensatory hyperplasia of nephron inchronic nephritis, orig. of certain cancer, efficiency of electrolytic treatment of sewage effluent role of lymphocytes in T. B., Pneumonia and Thyrotoricosis, leucytic index. Travel: U.S. Interests: hist., lit., philos., music, mech., constr. Recreation: golf. Univer salist. Office: 801 N.E. 13th St., Okla- homa City, Okla. Home: 763 Asp Av., Norman, Okla. SUHR, Lewis Delmar, consulting en- gineer; b. Chicago, 111., 22 Nov. 1893; s. Charles Suhr, asphalt technician, and Anna (Guhl) S.; ed. Lane Tech. high sch.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1917; m. Mil- dred Kerber of Chicago, 111., 30 Jan. 1926; 1 son, James Kerber. Cons. engr. with Suhr & Berryman, later Suhr, Berryman, Peterson & Suhr, Inc., ex- cept when supervising engr. for 111. State Plan Commission on loan, 1934- 37; 1st It., San. Corps, U.S.A., 24 mos. active service during World War I. Travel: No. Am., Eur., Oceania. In- terests: travel, stamps, biographies. Presbyterian. Independent. Office: 130 N. Wells St., Chicago, 111. Home: 911 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, 111. STOFFELS, Oscar A., attorney; b. Westphalia, Ger., 21 July 1881; s. Wil- liam Stoffels, court elk., and Bertha (Fahner) S.; ed. Chicago high sch.; Wartburg Coll.; LL.B., John Marshall Law Sch.; m. Emma M. Walters of Chicago, 111., 7 May 1904; children— Her- bert R., Edgar O. Organized firm of Oscar A. Stoffels Co., Inc., ins. under- writers; admitted to 111. bar, 1911; specialized in corp. organization, real estate law and probate practice; per- fected the consolidation of the Am. Lu- theran Ch. ; specialized also in ins. and ch. law; mem. Am. and 111. Bar Assns., Lutheran Brotherhood of Am. (p. pres.), 39th Nat. German Am. Song Festival (pres.). Clubs: German of Chicago (p. pres.), Germania (Chicago). Author: various articles and pamphlets on Am. hist., also "Appreciation of Song." Travel: Fr., Eng., Ger. Interests: music, literature. Recreation: photog. Lutheran. Republican. Office: 111 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2628 Windsor Av., Chicago 25 (Ravenswood), 111. TOUREK, James Jacob, president; b. Chicago, 111., 1 May 1889; s. John Tourek, cabinet maker, and Mary (Bilek) T. ; ed. grammar sch.; mechani- cal eng., Internat. Correspondence Sch. (Scranton, N.J.); m. Sadie Sabina Frainey of Chicago, 111., 21 Mar. 1909; children — Claude William, Marie Sadie, Evelyn Sabina. Automatic screw ma- chine operator and setter, 1905 — ; fore- man, automatic screw machine dept., Stewart Warner Co., Chicago, demon- strator automatic screw machines, Chi- cago Automatic Machine Co., Chicago; organizer, J.J. Tourek Mfg. Co., 15 Mar. 1920; now pres., treas.; supt. Nat. Tool Works, St. Louis, Mo., engaged in mfg. war munitions during World War I; mem. 111. Mfrs. Assn., Soc. Heat Treaters, Chicago and 111. Chambers Commerce. Clubs: 111. Athletic, Lake Shore Athletic, Riverside Golf. Recrea- tion: golf. Republican. Office: 4701 W. 16th St., Cicero, 111. Home: 642 N. Edge- wood Av., Lagrange Park, 111. STEINDEL, Max, violincellist and conductor; b. Ger., 3 Dec. 1891; s. Albin Steindel and Emma (Ulrich) S.; Traveled Eur., 7 to 17 yrs. of age; solo cellist Seattle, Sym., 1908-11, St. Louis Sym., 1912—; concert cellist, 1914-17; first cellist, Chicago Century of Pro- gress, summer, 1933; org., own concert orch., 1921, org. quartet, trio; radio artist; guest conductor, St. Louis and Toronto Sym. Orchs.; conductor, St. Louis Little Sym., summers, 1934 — ; teacher, 'cello, 1915 — ; mem. Masons, Elks, Shrine. Travel: U.S., Eur. Rec- reation: golf. Lutheran. Office: St. Louis Symphony Society, St. Louis, Mo. Home: 3810 Westminster PI., St. Louis, Mo. Summer res. : Hollywood, Calif. SPECTOR, Hyman I., physician; b. Ukrania, 15 July 1894; s. Morris Spector, mcht., and Jennie (Gerber) S.; ed. Jo- seph Medill high sch., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., Chicago; B.S., Univ. 111., 1920, M.D., 1921; m. Charlotte Koplovitz of St. Louis, Mo., 22 Jan. 1927; children- Judith Miriam, Eugene William, Rich- ard Michael. Interne, City Hosp., 1 yr.; res., chief res., Robert Koch Hosp., 1 yr., supt., 3 yrs.; tuberculosis controller, City of St. Louis, 4 yrs.; chief of med. staff and asst. health commr., St. Louis, 1934-43, chief, Chest Clinic, Desloge Hosp. of St. Louis Univ., 1932—; assoc. prof, in Internal Medicine, St. Louis Univ., 1944—; with S.A.T.C., during World War I; Fellow A.C.P., Am. Coll. Chest Phys.; mem. A.M. A., Nat. Tuber- culosis Assn., Am. Pub. Health Assn. Author: 30 medical arts. Travel: Eng, Fr., Ger., It., Portugal. Interests: music, plays. Recreation: reading. Jewish. Office: 622 University Club Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 910 Buena Vista, St. Louis, Mo. 148 RIDDLE, Roderick E., civil engineer; b. St. Joseph, Mo., 29 July 1886; s. Edwin M. Riddle and Edna Sylvania (Brown) R. ; ed. Independence (Mo.) high sch.; B.S. (in C.E.), Mo. State Univ., 1908; m. N. Myrtle Albertson of Independence, Mo., 1 June 1910; chil- dren—Roderick E., Marion Albertson, Lynn Benton, Earl Waldo. With Talla- hachia Drainage Dist. of Miss., 1908- 09, Kansas City Structural Steel Co., 1909-14, St. Joseph Structural Steel Co., 1914—; dir., Bldg. Industry, Mo. Method- ist Hosp.; mem. Tau Beta Pi, Izaack Walton League. Clubs: Commerce, En- gineers, Professional Enginers. Rec- reation: fishing. Methodist. Office: Riddle Engineering Co., St. Joseph, Mo. Home: 1406 Dewey Av., St. Joseph, Mo. Summe res.: Sugar Lake, Rushville, Mo. PALMER, John William, attorney-at- law; b. Macks Creek, Mo.; s. James M. Palmer, farmer, and Temperance (Hix) P.; ed. Lebanon (Mo.) high sch.; Univ. Med. Coll., Kansas City, Mo.; LL.B., Lincoln- Jefferson Univ., Ham- mond, Ind.; m. Nancy Jane Hutton of Osceola, Mo., Feb. 1891; children— Mrs. Burleigh Jeffries, Mrs. George E. Crews, Hazel, John W., Jr. Sch. teacher; mercantile business man; practicing physician, 13 yrs.; practicing lawyer, 1897; mem. firm of Palmer and Palmer, Sedalia, Mo., at present; mem. Mo. Leg., 2 terms; prosecuting atty. of Cam- den Co., 3 terms; mem. 71st Congress from old 7th Dist. of Mo. ; mem. Sedalia Bar Assn., Mo. Bar Assn., Masons, Odd Fellows. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Haita, Panama, So. Am. Baptist. Re- publican. Office: 323-325 Ilgenfritz Bldg., Sedalia, Mo. Home: 901 South Vermont St., Sedalia, Mo. MOODY, Katharine Twining, refer- ence librarian; b. St. Louis, Mo., 16 Jan. 1867; d. Charles Dummer Moody, patent lawyer, grad. of Dartmouth, 1859, and Catharine Anna (Twining) M. ; ed. St. Louis pub. schs.; pvt. schs. New Haven, Conn.; schs. of Fine Arts at Yale Univ.; Washington Univ., St. Louis. Connected with St. Louis Public Library, 1895—; mem. Am. Library Assn., English Speaking Union, N.E. Soc, Soc. Mayflower Desc, Mo. Hist. Soc, Nat. Soc. Colonial Dames of Am., Mo. Libr. Assn., D.A.R. Author: books and mag. arts, on lib. work and geneal. matters. Travel: U.S., Can., Brit. Isles. Gd. of Rev. Wm. Twining, grad. of Yale, and prof, at Wabash Coll. who came to St. Louis during Civil War. Interests: collecting and editing ma- terial about hist, of Webster Groves, Mo., indexing writings of Mark Twain and geneal. work. Conglist. Independ- ent Republican. Home: 275 N. Union Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. STOVER, Urban C, lawyer; b. La- doga, Ind., 16 Jan. 1867; s. Daniel C. Stover, lawyer, and Mahala T. (Harney) S.; ed. Ladoga high sch.; A.B., Wabash Coll., 1890; m. Helen B. Watson of Craw- fordsville, Ind., 1889; children— Harney W., Susanna (Root). Lawyer, Ind., 1893- 1925, gen. atty., Central Ind. R.R., 1895- 1924; prin. atty., Valuation Bur., Inter- state Commerce Commn., 1925-34; deputy atty. gen. State of Ind., 1934-45; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Practitioners be- fore I.C.C. Travel: Eur. Grandparents were pioneers in Ind., 1832. Protestant. Democrat. Office: State House, Indian- apolis, Ind. Home: Ladoga, Ind. Sum- mer home: Walnut Ridge Square, La- doga, Ind. SLUSS, John William, surgeon; b. Cloverdale, Ind., 27 Aug. 1867; s. David E. Sluss, farmer, and Delilah Ann (Sandy) S.; ed. Cloverdale (Ind.) high sch.; B.S., DePauw Univ., 1890, A.M., 1892; M.D., Ind. Univ., 1894; post gradu- ate, Harvard Univ., Univ. of Paris; m. Cora M. Hart of Cloverdale, Ind., 14 Oct. 1896; children — David Hart, Mrs. Vance C. Hall. Practiced med. and surg., Indianapolis, 1894 — ; prof, anato- my, Indiana State Univ. Sch. Med., 1900-07, assoc. prof, surg., 1907-30; zone surg., U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co.; supt., Indianapolis City Hosp., 1912-15; maj., M.C., U.S.A., 1917-19; chief of surg. service, Camp Grant, Camp Cody; It. col. Pres.; F.A.C.S.; mem. A.M.A. A.& A.S.R., Shrine, B.P.O.E., K.P., Delta Upsilon, Phi Rho Sigma. Author: Emergency Surgery, 1932 (5th ed.). Travel: Eur., 1906-29. Recreations: hunt- ing, fishing. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice: 808 Chamber of Commerce, Indian- apolis, Ind. Home: 3657 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. RUTHERFORD, Cyrus Wilson, phy- sician ophthalmologist; b. Newman, HI., 24 May 1875; s. Thomas Rutherford, farmer, and Sarah R. (Zimmerman) R.; ed. Newman (111.) high sch.; Univ. HI.; M.D., Med. Coll. Ind., 1899; M.D. (cum laude), Univ. Ind., 1922; m. Grace Douglass of Newman, 111., 1900; chil- dren—Virgil Thomas (dec), Austin Douglass. General practice, Newman, 111., 1900-21; limited to eye, Indianapo- lis, Ind., 1921-28 and 1935—; prof. Oph- thalmol., Indiana Univ.; assoc. prof. 149 ophthalmol., State Univ. Iowa, 1928-35; 1st It., M.C., during World War I, lt.- col., Med. Res. retired; mem. A.M.A., Am. Acad. Ophthalmol, and Otolaryn- gol., Am. Ophthalmol. Soc, Ind. Acad. Ophthalmol, and Otolaryngol., Indian- apolis Soc. of Ophthalmol, and Otolaryn- gol. Author: The Eye; many papers on ophthalmic subjs. Interest: wild flowers. Protestant. Republican. Office: 23 E. Ohio St., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 4601 N. Penna. St., Indianapolis, Ind. BENSON, John G., minister, gen- eral secretary, Methodist Hospital; b. Wayne Co., 1 Feb. 1881; s. Ephrian B. Benson, farmer, and Amy Jane (Baker) B.; ed. Eaton (O.) high sch.; Acad. De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind., A.B., A.M., De Pauw Univ., 1906, D.D. (hon.); D.D. (hon.), O. Northern Univ., Ada, O.; m. Henrietta Jordan of Greencastle, 29 Aug. 1906; children— Richard B., Mary Elizabeth. Pastor Methodist Chs., Brazil and Terre Haute, Ind., Detroit, Mich., New York, N.Y.; supt. White Cross Hosp., Columbus, O. Methodist Hosp., Indianapolis, Ind., 1931 — ; War Emergency Council of Methodist Ch., caring for camp activities in Am., dur- ing World War I; mem. Masons (Scott- ish Rite), Methodist Assns. of Philan- thropies (nat. pres.), Phi Gamma Delta, Theta Phi. Clubs: Columbia, Contem- porary, Executives. Travel: Eur., Egy., Eng. Interests: writing and lecturing, commencements, clubs, and assemblies (holds record in Ind. for number high sch. commencements). Recreation: an- tiques, flowers. Methodist. Republican. Office: 902 Underwriters Bldg., 445 N. Penn St., Indianapolis 4, Ind. Home: 3663 N. Del. St., Indianapolis 5, Ind. McDONNELL, Robert E., consulting engineer; b. Mont., 16 Nov. 1872; s. John McDonnell, farmer, and Harriett C. (Stuff) M.; ed. Bozeman (Mont.) high sch.; A.B., Stanford Univ., 1897; m. Georgia T. Howlett of Kansas City, Mo., 6 Apr. 1904; 1 son, Robert H. City engr., Palo Alto, 1895-97; asst. engr., So. Pac. Rwy., Sacramento, Calif., 1897; est. Burns & McDonnell Engring. Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1898—; pres., S.W. Water Wks. Assn., 1922; mem. Am. Soc. Engrs., Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers (life mem.), Am. Waterworks Assn. Clubs: Engineers (Kansas City, pres., 1928), Kansas City. Author: Results of Municipal Lighting Systems, (8th Edi- tion Reminiscences of 40 yrs. of Engi- neering). Interests: fishing, colored movies. Catholic. Office: 107 West Lin- wood Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 200 West 53rd Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. Summer home: Gla-na-pa Lodge, Lake McDonald, Glacier National Park, Mont. MAYER, Charles H., lawyer; b. Stur- geon, Mo., 8 Feb. 1876; s. Daniel Mayer, farmer, merchant, and Ann Eliza (Welch) M.; ed. Wentworth Mil. Acad.; LL.B., Cornell Univ., 1898; m. Josephine Thrailkill of St. Louis, Mo., 11 Dec. 1906. Engaged in pract. law, St. Joseph; city atty., St. Joseph, 1902-04; state sen., 1907-12; circuit judge, 1912-17; dir., gen. counsel, Kansas City Gas Co., St. Jo- seph Rwy., Light, Heat & Power Co., Wyandotte Co. Gas Co., Kansas City, Kan.; mem. Mo. and Am. Bar Assns. Clubs: St. Joseph Country, Kansas City. Democrat. Office: Corby Bldg., St. Jo- seph, Mo. Home: 2605 Indian Trail Dr., St. Joseph, Mo. LUEDINGHAUS, Henry, manufac- turer; b. St. Louis, Mo., 7 Nov. 1860; s. Henry Luedinghaus, mfr., and Hannah (Arensmann) L.; ed. pub. grade sch.; m. Cornelia Reller of St. Louis, Mo., 1 June 1887; children— Mrs. W.G.J. Buenger, Mrs. Clarence J. Buckman, Mrs. J. Curtis Lyter, Herbert H. In- terests in early days in Okla., oil fields, Glen Pool Field, zinc mining, Okla.; pres., St. Louis Malleable Casting Co., Beck & Corbitt Co.; dir. St. Louis Car Co., St. Louis Screw & Bolt Co., Bremen Bk. & Tr. Co.; pres., Faith Ev. Lu- theran Ch. Club: Glen Echo Country. Travel: Eur., U.S. Recreations: golf, fishing. Lutheran. Republican. Office: 7701 North Conduit Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 32 Gast PL, St. Louis, Mo. Died, 18 May 1942. LERMIT, Geraldine, occupational therapist, registered, b. London, Eng., 1 Sept. 1885; d. Gerald Henry Lermit and Beatrice Helena L.; ed. Hyde Park high sch., Chicago; A.B., Wellesley Coll., 1906; Ph.M., Univ. Chicago, 1907. U.S. Army, Am. Red Cross, U.S. Pub. Health Serv., U.S. Vets. Serv., 1922—; dir. Mo. Assn. for Occup. Therapy; asst. prof, and lecturer in occup. therapy, Wash. Univ. Sch. of Med.; served as reconstr. aide, head aide, chief aide, 1918-22 (rank, 2nd It.), hon. disch.; mem. Am. Occup. Ther. Assn. (mem. bd. mgrs., 12 yrs.), Am. Assn. Soc. Workers, Am. Assn. Med. Soc. Workers, Nat. Ed. Assn., Am. Etchers Assn. (assoc), League of Women Voters. Am. Youth Hostelry, Univ. of Chicago Alumni Assn. A.A.W. Club: Cordon. Au- thor: contribs. to prof. mags. Travel: U.S., Eur., Can. Interests: civic and social welfare, literature, music, read- 150 ing, gardening. Recreations: music, dramatics, travel, country life. Episco- palian. Social-Democrat. Office: 4567 Scott Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 4943 Buckingham Ct., St. Louis, Mo. Sum- mer res. : Better 'Ole, Lakeside, Berrien Co., Mich. KRUG, Henry, Jr., banker; b. St. Jo- seph, Mo., 9 July 1861; s. Henry Krug, pork packer, and Louise (Hax) K.; ed. pvt. grade and high sch., St. Joseph; m. Selma Hegner of St. Joseph, Mo., 18 May 1892; 2 children. Connected with Henry Krug & Co., packers, 1876-1904, when plant was sold to live stock in- terests; v.p., chmn. of bd., Am. Nat. Bank, 1918—; dir. St. Joseph Pub. Li- brary, 1910—, pres., 1920—; pres., St. Joseph Music Festival Assn., 1920-28; mem. exec, bd., B.S.A.; co-chmn. Nat. Conf. of Christians & Jews, 1933-38; dir., mem. bd. tr., Y.M.C.A.; dir. North- west Mo. Assn. for the Blind; mem. adv. council, State Hist. Soc. of Mo.; p. dir. Salvation Army; deacon First Presbn. Ch., elected elder, 1934 — . Clubs: Commerce, St. Joseph Country. Donated 100 acres land to City of St. Joseph for park known as Krug Park, which father, mother, uncle founded with gift of 60 acres. Interest: civic affairs. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: Seventh and Felix Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. Home: Pine Ridge, Krug Park PI., Mo. KROEGER, Laura Clark, educational counselor; b. Franklin Co., 23 Mar. 1872; d. Burrow Clark, merchant, and Adaline (Whitley) C; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis; Mo. State Univ.; m. Ernest Richard Kroeger of St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 1891; children — Louise, Richard, Eleanor (Mrs. John C. Talbot), Beatrice. Dir., Kroeger Sch. Music (founded by Ernest R. Kroeger (dec), 1904); mem. Bd. Edn., St. Louis pub. schs., 6 yrs., Bd. Freeholders (apptd. by mayor) 1 yr.; ednl. counselor, Soldan high sch., St. Louis; dir. Southwestern Div., Jr. Red Cross, St. Louis, 3 yrs., during World War I. Clubs: Womans Smoke Abate- ment Organization (pres., 4 yrs.), Wednesday (pres., 2 yrs., hon. mem., 1934 — ), Citizens Smoke Abatement League (v.p., 2 yrs.), League of Women Voters. Travel: Eur. Great grandfather, Thomas Whitley, received Spanish grant of land in St. Louis Co., was early settler, brother of Col. William Whitley, Indian fighter, Ky.; husband, Ernest Richard Kroeger, elected Officer of the French Academy, 1904, had Ernest R. Kroeger Memorial Hall dedicated to him because of his service to music in St. Louis. Unitarian. Republican. Home: Dorsett & Adie Rds., Creve Coeur, St. Louis Co., Mo. Summer res.: Harbor Beach, Mich. DABBS, LeRoy, physician; b. De Kalb, Miss., 6 Dec. 1888; s. Jack Dabbs, minister, and Caroline (Hudson) D.; ed. Kosciusko high sch.; Cent. Miss. Coll.; M.D., Meharry Med. Coll. Mem. Nat. Med. Assn., Med. Forum, Meharry Med. Coll. Post Grad. (pres.), Masons (32d deg.), Shriners. Travel: U.S. Interest: reading. Recreations: riding, general sports. Baptist. Republican. Office: 1003 Glasgow Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 1422 N. Taylor St., St. Louis, Mo. Summer res. : Idlewild, Mich. EPSTEIN, Albert Falk, clothing manufacturer; b. St. Louis, Mo., 27 Aug. 1879; s. Ignatz Epstein, mfr., and Anna (Falk) E.; ed. Madison Sch.; South- eastern Business Coll.; Koehlers Sch. of Designers; m. Eleanor Allina of St. Louis, Mo., 1913; children — Leslie Falk (Rhodes Scholar, Ph.D.), Lee Falk (car- toonist, Mandrake the Magician, The Phantom, writer and producer). Pres., sec, chmn. of bd., Knickerbocker Cloth- ing Co.; designer of Knickerbocker pants for boys, 1919; credit mgr., dir., Alpha Mfg. Co., St. Louis; mem. Draft Bd. during World War I, reed, high award at Dist. Bd. Liberty Bond Sale; award as org. of new auto club of Mo.; mem. Masons (32d deg.), Moolah Tem- ple, Shrine, Mo. Adv. Club Assn., United Commercial Travelers (p. councilor), Odd Fellows (p. pres.), Chamber Com- merce, Business Circle of St. Louis (pres.). Clubs: Automobile (Mo., mem. bd. of govs.), Westwood Golf, Adver- tising. Travel: Eur. (28 countries), U.S. Father was first clothing mfr. to estb. bus. in St. Louis, org. first Jewish Cong, in St. Louis. Interests: golf, handball, Boy Scouts, baseball, football, toast- master at functions. Recreations: swim- ming, fishing, travel. Jewish. Repub- lican. Office: 1308-10 Washington Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 4605 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. TOYE, Earle William, sanitation and heating engineer; b. Winona, Minn., 6 Sept. 1890; s. Micheal Toye, plumbing and heating, and Ellen (Ritchie) T.; ed. Winona high sch.; Univ. Wis. Coll. Eng., class of 1912; m. Hannah Jean- nett Johnson of Winona, Minn., 1920; 1 so, Capt. Robert William, U.S.A.C. Worked in eng. dept., C. & N.W. Rwy.; clerk in engr., War Dept., Upper Miss. River Impr.; mgr., Toye Supply Co., 151 1920-33; pres., E.W. Toye Supply Co., 1933—; enlisted U.S. Engrs., 1917, over- seas, A.E.F., July 1917, in 1st Corps Sen., Oct. 1917, 1st Candidate Sen., Langres, France, Nov. 1917-Mar. 1918, 13th Engrs., 1st It. engrs., 1918, asst. chief eng. officer, 23rd Grand Div., Trans. Corps, A.E.F., discharged, 17 May 1919, at Camp Grant, 111.; mem. Minn. Master Plumbers Assn. (dir.), Am. Legion (p. post commdr.), 40 & 8 Soc. (p. mem. exec, com.; p. state finance officer), A.S.M.E., Delta Tau Delta, B.P.O.E., Nat. Assn. Master Plumbers, 13th Engrs. Vets. Assn. Clubs: Winona Athletic, Winona Elks. Travel: Eur., U.S. Father, Micheal Toye, was co. commr., mayor, Winona; grandfather was early pioneer in over- land transportation. Interests: litera- ture, sports. Recreations: camping, mo- toring. Episcopalian. Democrat. Office: 170 Center St., Winona, Minn. Home: 953 W. Mark St., Winona, Minn. Sum- mer res.: Wacouta Beach, Wacouta, Minn. ERNST, Edwin Charles, radiologist; b. St. Louis, Mo., 26 June 1885; s. Charles Ernst and Catherine (Koch) E.; ed. Moravian Coll., Bethlehem, Pa.; St. Louis Univ., 1906-09; Wash. Univ., 1912; m. Mildred Vogt of St. Louis, Mo., 2 Aug. 1916; children— Edwin Charles, Jr., Roland, Richard. Interne, St. Louis Hosp., 1 yr. ; resident phys., St. Louis Mullanphy Hosp., 1913-15; radiologist, St. Lukes Hosp., 1915-27; dir., x-ray dept., Barnard Free Skin & Cancer Hosp., DePaul Hosp., St. Louis, 1920, 1930 — ; cons, radiol., U.S. Marine, 1925 — ; served with Med. Unit, Rouen, Fr., 1917-19; maj. U.S. Med. Res. Corps; mem. Am. Bd. Radiology, A.M. A., Coll. of Phys., Roentgen Ray Soc, Radiol. Soc. No. Am. (pres., 1927), Radium Soc. (pres., 1928), Chicago Roentgen Ray Soc, St. Louis Roentgen. Soc, So. Med. Assn. (chmn., radiol. sect.). Clubs: Uni- versity, Mo. Athletic. Travel: Internat. Cong., London, 1925, Stockholm, 1928, Paris, 1931, Chicago, 1937, appt. Ham- burg, 1940. Recreations: hunting, hand- ball, tennis, photog. Protestant. Office: 3720 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 2 Schulz Rd., Kirkwood, Mo. Summer res. : Glencoe, Mo. SCHULTE, William Henry, professor of classical languages; b. New Vienna, la., 6 Oct. 1889; s. B.W. Schulte, or- ganist, teacher, and Mary (Forken- brock) S.; ed. St. Joseph Sch., Du- buque; Loras Coll., Univ. Fribourg, Switzerland; M.A., State Univ. Iowa, 1923, Ph.D., 1931. Ordained as Cath. priest, 1913; apptd. instr. in latin, Loras Coll., Dubuque, 1913, prof, in classical langs., 1920, head of dept. of class langs., 1923 — ; visiting lecturer, State Univ. la., summer, 1935; mem. State Com. on Status of Latin study; dean of examiners of jr. clergy; synodal ex- aminer; judge in Archdiocesan Matri- monial Court; exec, sec, ed. of Arch- diocesan Music Commn.; sec-treas. Loras Inst, of Liturg. Music; mem. K.C. (local chaplain), Classical Assn. of the Middle West and South, Am. Philol. Assn. Author: Index Verborum Valeria- nus in Iowa Studies in Classical Philol- ogy, 1935; Approved List of Church Music, 1938. Interest: music Catholic (chaplain Mt. Carmel, Dubuque). Ad- dress: Dubuque, la. GOODMAN, Israel Ralph, lawyer; b. St. Louis, Mo., 21 Nov. 1902; s. Jacob E. Goodman and Zelda (Novak) G.; ed. Soldan high sch., St. Louis, Mo.; Univ. Chicago; Northwestern Univ.; LL.B., Wash. Univ., 1924. Mem. law firm, Ma- son, Altman, Goodman & Flynn, 1924- 32; pvt. pract., 1932—; mem. Mo. State Bar Assn., St. Louis Bar & Greater St. Louis Bar Assns., Pi Lambda Phi, B'nai B'rith, Masons, Shriners, O.E.S. (p. Worthy Patron), Zionist Orgn. of St. Louis (pres.), St. Louis Zionist Emer- gency Council (chmn.), Am. Jewish Conference (chmn. Delegation St. Louis & Southern 111.), Am. Jewish Congress (hon. vice chmn. St. Louis Chap.), Zion- ist Orgn. of Am. (Nat. Administrative Comm.), Assoc Hebrew Schs. of St. Louis (Bd. of Governors), St. Louis Vaad Hoeir (v. pres.). Club: Herzlia Study (recording sec). Travel: Am. Nat. Parks, Alaska, Can., Cuba, Ber- muda, Mex. Interests: literature, politi- cal science, social justice. Recreations: drama, movies, opera, dancing, moun- tain hiking, shore bathing. Jewish. Of- fice: International Office Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 5394 Pershing Av., St. Louis, Mo. CLARK, Albert Montgomery, attor- ney, judge; b. Lawson, Mo., 4 Mar. 1879; s. Robert John Clark and Sallie Ann (Moore) C; ed. Lav/son high sch.; LL.B., Vanderbilt, 1900; m. Bessie Zim- merman of Lawson, 28 Jan. 1906; chil- dren—Mrs. D.E. Harrison, Mrs. Powell B. McHaney, Mrs. Bernard Galbreath. Pros, atty., 1913-17; rep. in leg., 1917- 20; mem. const, conv., 1922-23; state senator, 1931-39; judge, Supreme Ct., 1939 — ; dir. Richmond Mo. Sav. & Loan Assn. Clubs: Rotary, Jefferson City 152 Country. Methodist. Democrat. Office: Supreme Court, Jefferson City, Mo. Home: Jefferson City, Mo. Summer home : Richmond, Mo. CONOVER, (George) Courtney, re- search chemist; b. Titusville, Pa., 16 Feb. 1881; s. George Bonham Conover, farmer, and Buena Vista (Fuller) C; ed. Valparaiso Coll., Ind.; B.S., Univ. Pa., 1908; m. May Payne-Sears of N.Y. C, 24 Sept. 1911. Bur. Chem., U.S. Dept. Agr., 1908-19; The Selden Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa., 1919-23; Nat. Aniline Chem. Co., Buffalo, N.Y., 1923-25; Monsanto Chem. Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1925—; 1st It., C.W.S., U.S. Army, Aug. 1918-Jan. 1919; mem. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Am. Chem. Soc; fellow A.A.A.S. Au- thor: arts and patents on chemical pro- cesses. Protestant. Republican. Office: Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 6265 Itaska St., St. Louis, Mo. HOWARD, Harvey James, ophthal- mologist; b. Churchville, N.Y., 30 Jan., 1880; s. Charles William Howard and Mary Jessie (Williamson) H.; ed. Churchville high sch. ; A.B., Univ. Mich. 1904; M.D., Univ. Pa., 1908; M.A., Har- vard Univ., 1917; Oph. D., Univ. Colo., 1918; m. Maude Irene Strobel of Phila- delphia, Pa., 25 June 1910; children — Margaret, James Howell, Martha Wil- liamson. Served as prof, of ophthal. in Univ. Med. Sch., Canton, China, 1910- 16, Peking Union Med. Coll., 1918-27, Wash. Univ. Sch. of Med., 1927-33; med. dir., Mo. Commn. for the Blind, 1931 — ; capt. in Med. Air Service, Med. Re- search Lab., Hazelhurst Field, N.Y., 1918-19; certificate of capacity for col., Med. R.C., 1941; acted for U.S. govt. as cons, in aviation to Chinese govt., 1919-27; devised depth perception ap- paratus for testing aviators for U.S. Army, Navy and Dept. of Commerce; mem. Am. Ophthal. Soc, Am. Acad, of Ophthal. Otolaryn., Assn. for Research in Ophthal., Am. Med. Assn., So. Med. Assn., Am. Coll. of Surg., St. Louis Writer's Guild, St. Louis Authors Soc. Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Omega Alpha., Nu Sigma Nu, Acacia, Kiwanis. Club: Mo. Athletic. Author: Ten Weeks with Chinese Bandits; about 100 arts, relating to ophthalmology. Travel: Asia, Eur., Afr., P.I., Hawaii. Interests: liter- ary pursuits, hunting, exploration. Epis- copalian. Office: Park Plaza Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. Home: 4525 Lindell, St. Louis, Mo. KREBS, William Samuel, professor; b. Albert Lea, Minn., 28 Nov. 1889; s. W.S. Krebs, auditor, and Adelaide Adele (Simms) K.; ed. Oak Park and River Forest Township high schs., HI.; A.B., Univ. 111., 1913; A.M., Univ. Wis., 1914; Yale Univ., 1916; m. Margaret Bowen of Chicago, 111., 24 Aug. 1916; 1 son, William S., Jr. Asst. prof, of economics and business, Univ. Maine, 1916-17; asst. prof. Univ. Mich., 1917-18; assoc. prof, of acct., Washington Univ., 1918- 19; prof, of acct. Washington Univ., 1919 — ; visiting prof., summers, Univ. Mich., 1918, Univ. Minn., 1919, Univ. Chicago, 1921, 1928, Univ. Calif., 1922; dir. Teachers Nat. Loan Organization, cons. acct. admin. City of St. Louis; mem. editorial staff The Accountants Hand Book; accountant Marshall Field & Co., Chicago, Chicago Elev. R.R., The McCormich Estate, The Guaranty Trust Co., N.Y.; mem. Am. Account- ing Assn. (v.p., 1924-25-26, pres. 1927), Am. Assn. of Univ. Professors, Beta Gamma Sigma, Alpha Kappi Psi, Pi Gamma Mu, artists. Author: Outlines of Accounting, Vol. 1, N.Y., Henry Holt, 1923, Vol. 2, 1927; laboratory manual of accounting, 1924, type of utility rate base under Depreciation Accounting, 1945; numerous arts, in scientific journals. Interest: philately. Recreations: nature study, hiking. Office: Washington Univ., St. Louis 5, Mo. Home: 7334 Forsythe Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Summer res: No. 8 Chautauqua Park, Boulder, Colo. HEVERLY, Earl L., consulting engi- neer, industrial executive; b. Utahville, Pa., 12 Feb. 1899; s. Isaac Colburn, and Margaret Jane (O'Shell) H. ; ed. pvt. sch.; m. Bertha G. Gecan of Chi- cago, 111., 17 Jan. 1923; children — Earl L., Jr., Clifford Colburn. Marine Air Corps, 1919-21; also in automobile, aero- nautic electrical, and hardware indus- tries; pres. Norton Pacific Sales Co.; v.p. Huron Orleans Bldg. Corp.; gen. mgr. Norton Door Closer Co.; dir. of other indus. organizations; mem. A.F. and A.M., R.A.M., A.S.M.E., F.R.C, S.A.M., A.M.O.R.C., Army Ord. Assn., Farm Bureau. Clubs: 111. Athletic, Northern Athletic, Five Lakes (Wis.), Central States Hardware, Chamber Commerce. Travel: So. and Cent. Am., U.S., Indies. Interests: psychology, phi- losophy, psycholog. phenomena. Recrea- tions: golf, fishing, swimming, farming, stock breeding. Office: 2900 N. Western Av. Chicago, 111. Homes: Spooner, Wis.; Wheeling, 111. HEWITT, Earl Albon, professor veter- inary physiology; b. Bronson, Mich., 29 Sept. 1891; s. Henry Harrison Hewitt, 153 clergyman, and Anna (Danser) H.; ed. Kenyon high sen., Kenyon, Minn.; stud. Denison Univ., A.B., Des Moines Coll., 1914; B.S., Iowa State Coll., 1915, D.V.M., 1918; M.S., Univ. Minn., 1929, Ph.D., 1931; m. Etna Baker (dec.) of Ames, la., 22 Dec. 1917; (2nd) Edith Gloss, Larrabee, la., 18 June 1941; 1 dau., Yvonne Margaret. F. anat. and histology. Iowa State Coll., 1915-18, instr., 1918-19; instr. vet. medicine, Univ. Minn., 1919-23, asst. prof., 1923- 29; assoc. prof, vet physiol., Iowa States Coll., 1929-43, prof., 1943—; mem. Am. Vet. Med. Assn., Iowa State Vet. Med. Assn., A.A.A.S., Am. Physiol. Soc, Iowa Acad. Sci., Soc. Expt. Biol. Med. Nat. Soc, Sons Am. Revol., Iowa Soc. Sons Am. Revol. (pres., 1940-41), Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Phi Zeta. Recreation: travel. Clubs: Kiwanis Int., Osborn Re- search (chmn., 1944-45). Methodist. Of- fice: Iowa State College, Ames, la. Home: 400 Pearson Av., Ames, la. HODGMAN, Charles David, teacher; b. Hollis, N.H., 22 Sept. 1881; s. Edward Lee Hodgman, farmer, and Almeda Towne (McKean) H.; ed. Milford (N.H.) high sen.; B.S., Dartmouth Coll., 1905; M.S., Case Sch. Applied Sci., 1920; m. Clara B. Mayhew of Lynn, Mass., 14 Sept. 1909; children— Edward May- hew, Margaret Elizabeth. Grad. asst. in physics, Dartmouth Coll., 1905-06; instr. physics, Case Sch. Applied Sci., 1906-19, asst. prof., 1919-21, assoc. prof., 1921—; mem. Optical Soc. Am., O. Acad. Sci., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, fellow A.A.A.S., Am. Physical Soc. Editor: Hankbook of Chemistry and Physics; Mathematical Tables; Chemical Tables. Author: various scientific papers. In- terest: color photog. Conglist. Office: Case Sch. Aplied Sci., Cleveland, O. Home: 2119 Marlindale Rd., Cleveland Hts., O. Summer res.: Baboosic Lake, N.H. HOLST, Bertram P., publisher and farm manager; b. Moultrie, O., 22 Feb. 1889; s. Bernhart P. Hoist, publisher, and Ella S. (Roose) H.; ed. Boone high sch.; B.S., Drake Univ., 1913; M.A., Univ. Chicago, 1914; m. Lillian E. Blancke of Newton, la., 22 June 1924; children — Byron P., Elaine J., Phyllis M. Teacher, athletic dir., Traer high sch., la., 1915; gen. mgr. and ed., Hoist Pub. Co., 1916—; owner and mgr., farms in la., Minn., N.D., S.D., Mo. and Okla.; v.p. Boone State Bk. and Trust Co.; chmn. Boone Park Bd.; dir. Boone Chamber Commerce; p. mem. Boone Civ. Serv. Commn.; p. mem. Boone City Coun., 6 yrs.; mem. Elks. Clubs: Lions (p. pres.; p. dep. dist. gov., la.), Boone Garden (p. pres., 3 yrs.). Author: Pro- gressive Loose Leaf Revision Service. Travel: U.S., Can., Cuba, Mex. Interest: gardening. Recreation: travel. Office: 810 Arden St., Boone, la. Home: 328 Greene St., Boone, la. HUGHES, Richard Chester, professor of zoology; b. Chattanooga, Tenn., 21 July 1900; s. W.R. Hughes, carpenter, and Roas Daphne (Bacon) H.; ed. Tecumseh (Okla.) high sch.; B.A., Univ. Okla., 1922; Univ. Kan.; M.S., Univ. Mich., 1927, Ph.D., 1928; Univ. Neb. Prof. Zoology, Phillips Univ., Enid, Okla., 1922-23; instr. Kan. Univ., 1923- 24; head dept. biology, Trinity Univ., Waxahachie, Tex., 1928-30; asst. prof, zoology, Okla. A. & M. Coll., 1930-34, assoc. prof, zoology, 1934-41; prof, zo- ology, 1941—; served as pvt., S.A.T.C, World War I; Fellow Okla. Acad. Sci.; mem. Am. Soc. Parasitologists, Am. Mi- croscopical Soc, Phi Sigma, Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Kappa. Author: research papers in helminthology. Presbyterian. Office: Oklahoma Agricultural and Me- chanical College, Stillwater. Home: 511 W. Fifth Av., Stillwater, Okla. KAUFFMAN, Benjamin Franklin, bank president; b. Des Moines, la., 8 Dec. 1875; s. Benjamin Franklin Kauff- man, lawyer, and Anna (LeBosquet) K.; ed. pub. sens., Des Moines; West (Des Moines) high sch.; la. Wesleyan Coll. (Mt. Pleasant); Amherst Coll. (Am- herst, Mass.), 1896; m. Mell Howell of Des Moines, la., 10 Oct. 1900; children — John Howell, Ray Franklin, Mrs. E. T. Meredith, Jr. Engaged in real estate and insurance business, 1896-1917; or- ganizer, pres., dir., Bankers Trust Co., Des Moines, 1917—; dir. Equitable Life Insurance Co. la., Northwestern Bell Tel. Co., Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Rwy. Co., F.W. Fitch Co.; tr. la. Methodist Hosp., Des Moines, Edmundson Memorial Foundation, Drake Univ.; mem. State Banking Bd., 1934—; mem. la. Nat. Guard, 1896-1900; mem. Des Moines Fine Arts Assn. (dir.), Am. Red Cross (treas. Polk Co. chap., 1917—). Clubs: Wakonda Coun- try, Des Moines, Univ. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Republican. Office: Bankers Trust Co., Des Moines, la. Home: 3425 Grand Av., Des Moines, la. Winter res.: Eustis, Fla. MAHONY, Joseph Kirby, lawyer; b. Eldorado, Ark., 5 Oct. 1884; s. Edmund Mahony, merchant, and Mary Rosena (Klopfer) M.; ed. Clary Training Sch.; Webb Brothers, Bellbuckle, Tenn.; A.B., Univ. of Ark., 1907; m. Roberta Arm- 154 strong of Elorado, Ark., 27 Nov. 1912; children— Emon Armstrong, Patty Joe Montgomery. Law practice, Ark. and Fed. Courts, 1908 — ; bus. connections in land, timber and oil, 1915—; mem. firm, Mahony & Yocum; dir. First Nat. Bk. of Eldorado; pros, atty., 13th Jud. Dist., 1917-20; tr. Univ. Ark., 1913-23; chmn., State Hosp. Bd., 1933-36, 1937-40, Co. Nat. Coun. of Defense; agt. Exam. Bd.; mem. State Exemption Bd. ; mem. Sigma Nu, Dem. State Central Com., State, Co., and Am. Bar Assns. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Recreation: hunting. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: 406 Armstrong Bldg., Eldorado, Ark. Home: 303 Peach St., Eldorado, Ark. HENWOOD, Berryman, attorney-at- law; b. Hannibal, Mo., 23 Apr. 1881; s. George W. Henwood and Jennie (Dun- ham) H.; ed. Hannibal high sch.; LL.B. (cum laude), Mo. Univ., 1904; m. Adele Tucker of Hannibal, Mo. 17 Oct. 1907 (dec); children— Ethelyn (dec), Vir- ginia, Marion, Berryman, Jr. Gen. pract. law, Hannibal, 1904-27; city attor- ney, Hannibal, 1909-13; mem. Supreme Ct., Mo., 1927-33; mem. State Eleemosy- nary Bd., 1935-37; gen. law pract. Jef- ferson City, St. Louis, 1933—; trustee, St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co., 1936—; mem. Rep. State Com., 1912-16; del. Rep. Nat. Conv., 1916; mem. Phi Delta Phi. Travel: U.S., Can. Interest: read- ing, fishing, hunting. Methodist. Repub- lican. Office: 612 Cotton Belt Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 1116 Moreau Dr., Jef- ferson City, Mo. DAMON, Robert Hosken, industrial- ist; b. Mt. Vernon, 6 Sept. 1902; s. William Henry Damon, dentist, and Erie Jane (Palmer) D.; ed. Spokane primary and high schs.; Univ. Wis.; B.A., Univ. Wis. Law Sch., 1924, LL.B., 1926; m. Margarite Cunningham of Spo- kane, 11 June 1923; children — Norma Lou, Melody, Robert John. Admitted to Wis. Bar, 1926, HI. Bar, 1927; practiced law, Chicago, 1926-39; mem. law firm, Damon, Walk & Murray; pres., John- son Fare Box, Chicago & N.Y., 1934 — ; dir., gen. mgr., 1932; pres., Bowser, Inc., Fort Wayne, Ind., 1935—; chmn. bd., S.F. Bowser Co., Ltd., Toronto; pres., The Fostoria (O.) Screw Co., In- dustrial Associates, Inc.; chmn. Bd., Eagle Lock Co., Ferryville, Conn.; mem. Phi Alpha Delta, Chicago Bar Assn. Club: Chicago Athletic. Office: 33 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2130 Lincoln Park, W., Chicago, 111. LEVINE, Moses Naphtalison, patholo- gist; b. Ludza, Latvia, 23 June 1886; s. Naphtali Jacob Levine, business man, and Sterne Bryne (Kissin) L.; ed. Co. jr. high sch., Ludza, Latvia; DeHirsch Agr. Sch., Woodbine, N.J.; Mich. State Coll.; B.S.A., Univ. Minn., 1915, M.Sc, 1916, Ph.D., 1924; m. Ruth Evelyn Berg of Eau Claire, Wis., 12 July 1919; chil- dren—Ens. Raphael Berg, USNR, Bar- bara Clarasterne Reinhart. Asst. in plant path., Univ. Minn., 1915-17; asst. plant pathol., Kan. State Coll., 1917; field asst., U.S. Dept. Agr., 1917-18, asst. pathol., 1919-24, assoc pathol., 1924-28, pathol., 1929 — ; pres. Group Health Mut., Inc., and Group Health Assn., St. Paul; Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Acad. Polit. and Soc Sci., Am. Assn. Sc Work, Am. Gen. Assn., Am. Fr. Heb. Univ., Am. Hum. Assn., Am. Phy- topath. Soc, Am. Polit. Sci. Assn., Am. Soc. Pub. Admin., Minn. Acad. Sci., Minn. Myc Soc, Minn. Unit. Nat. Com., N.Y. Acad. Sc, Soc Linn, de Lyon, Wash. Acad. Sci. Clubs: Biol., Univ. Minn., Torrey Bot. of N.Y., U.S.D.A. of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Author: State and Fed. res. bulls., tech. reports; contbr., dom. and for. sci. jours. Travel: No. Am., Eur., No. Afr., Palestine. In- terests: social welfare, civic progress, internat. goodwill. Recreations: travel, reaamg, hiking. Office: University Farm Campus, St. Paul, Minn. Home: 2362 Valentine Av., St. Paul, Minn. MARKHAM, William H., lawyer; b. Independence, Wis., 13 Dec. 1888; s. Ar- thur A. Markham, farmer, and Rose C. (Bishop) M.; ed. Independence high sch., 1907; Lawrence Univ., 1908-08; LL.B., Univ. Minn., 1911; m. May A. 1915; children— Spencer A., U.S.N.R., Spencer of St. Charles, Minn., 28 June Rosemary, Patricia. Special municipal judge, St. Charles, Minn., 1912-13; city atty., Horicon, Wis., 1914-26; mayor, Horicon, Wis., 1926—; state senator, 1926-30; court commr., 1929—; admitted to U.S. Supreme Court, 1930; with F.A., Cent. O.T.C., 1918; mem. Am. Legion (post comdr., dist. comdr.), I.O.O.F. (Grand Warden of Grand Lodge), Odd Fellows, Eagles, Nat. Geographic Soc. Clubs: Dodge Co. Skat (pres.), Nat. Re- publican (pres., Wis.). Author: Legis- lation to Restore Horicon Marsh; No Tax Increases While I Am Mayor. Travel: U.S. Grand nephew of James Warren, who wrote 1st hist, of Dodge Co.; gt. gt. grandson William Markham, Archbishop of York; nephew of Admiral Sir A.H. Markham. Interest: politics. Recreation: running close to winners. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 312% 155 East Lake St., Horicon, Wis. Home: 306 Palmatory St., Horicon, Wis. Sum- mer res.: Independence, Wis. McCAIN, Elsie Screeton, club woman; b. Hazen, Ark., 20 Apr. 1888; d. St. Elmo Screeton, county sheriff, farmer, and Susan (Harrison) S.; ed. Hazen high sch. ; Univ. Ark.; m. Wm. Henry McCain of Hazen, Ark., 4 May 1908. Sec. McCain Automobile Co.; dir. Ark. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; p. pres. Ark. Fed. Women's Clubs; mem. N.B.C. Ad- visory Panel of Listeners, Com. Citizen's Responsibility to Vote (state chmn.), Ark. Tuberculosis Assn. Exec. Com., State Better Homes Com., State Bauxite Commn. Authors and Composers Soc, The Eastern Star, Ark. Div. United Daughters Confederacy (p. pres. re- cording sec-gen.). Clubs: The Garden, The Hypsion. Interests: cooking, gar- dening, entertaining underprivileged children, golf, picture shows, combat- ing un-American activities. Presby- terian. Democrat. Address: 518 Main St., Cotton Plant, Ark. MOREY, Bertha Graves, artist; b. Ottumwa, la., 22 July 1881; d. Daniel Fowler Morey, Sr., and Emma (Graves) M.; ed. Ottumwa high sch.; Art Inst, of Chicago; Church Sch. of Normal & Applied Art; Fine Art Acad., Chicago; pupil, Frederick Fursman of Saugatuck Summer Sch. of Art & Grant Woods of Stone City Colony. Teacher of art, Mt. St. Mary's Acad., St. Charles, 111., Ottumwa Heights. Acad.; contbr. to ednl. art mags.; sec, treas., mgr., Morey Clay Products Co. Desc. Thomas Graves who arrived from Eng., 1645; g.d. Dorus Graves, Jr., pioneer, traveler from Mass. to la. by wagon, 1851, who installed early woolen mills along the Des Moines River; John Morey, settler in 1635; Capt. Daniel Morey, Revol. soldier. Landscape painter, designer, weaver, jeweler. Rec- reations: collecting furniture, antique utensils, pictorial photographer. Home: 327 West 4th St., Ottumwa, la. NEFF, Grover Cleveland, public utility executive; b. Milford, Ind., 12 Aug. 1886; s. James Neff, farmer, minis- ter, and Mary (Miller) N. ; ed. Milford (Ind.) high sch.; B.S. (in C.E.), Purdue Univ., 1907, C.E., 1911; m. May Prehn of Portage, 31 Dec. 1910; children- Mary L., William J. Engr., Am. Bridge Co., Southern Wis. Power Co., Sandusky Portland Cement Co.; engaged in the utility bus., 1908; pres., dir., Wis. Power & Light Co., 1933; mem. A.I.E.E., A.S. A.E., E.E.I., Wis. Utilities Assn. Clubs: Rotary, Madison, University, Maple Bluff Country. Author: several art. on rural electrification. Travel: Eur. In- terests: hunting, fishing, golf. Presby- terian. Office: 122 W. Washington Av., Madison, Wis. Home: 2135 Chamberlain Av., Madison, Wis. NELSON, Daniel Hans, bacteriologist; b. Mink Creek, Ida., 25 Feb. 1894; s. Peter Nelson, farmer, and Margaret (Hausner) N.; ed. B.Y. high sch., Logan, Ut.; B.S., Utah State Coll., 1922, M.A., 1924; Ph.D., Iowa State Coll., 1928; m. Ivy Fredrickson of Weston, Ida., 17 Feb. 1920; children— Pierce D., Boyd L., Darwin F. Taught grade, high sch. and coll.; Nat. Res. Fellow Univ. Wis., 1928-30; bacteriologist, dir. lab. and prod, control, Oscar Mayer & Co., 1930; U.S.N. , 15 mos. during World War I; mem. A.A.A.S., Soc. Am. Bacteriolo- gists, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma. Author: sci. papers on some phases of chem. and bacteriol. Interest: reading. Independent. Office: Oscar Mayer & Co., Madison, Wis. Home: 157 Division St., Madison, Wis. NELSON, Lewis Francis, business ex- ecutive; b. Freeport, 111., 22 Nov. 1880; s. John H. Nelson, engineer, and Almina (McGovern) N.; ed. Kaukauna (Wis.) high sch.; m. Clara Phillips of Kaukauna, Wis., 12 July 1917; children —Margaret, Jane, David, Louise, Hugh, Sarah. R.R. telegrapher, 1898-1911; bank teller, 1911-17; pres. Badger Tissue Mills, 1917—, Farmers & Mchts. Bank, Kaukauna, Wis.; alderman, Kaukauna, 1911-12; mayor, 1937-40, 1942-45; mem. Outagaine Co. Rural Normal Sch. Bd., 1912 — , (p. pres.); mem., dir. Wis. Friends of Our Native Landscape, 1940—, Wis. Hist. Soc, Wis. Archaeologi- cal Soc, Outagamie Co. (pres.)., Pio- neer and Hist. Socs. Clubs: Kaukauna Advancement, Co. Dem. Org., Kau- kauna Garden (pres). Interests: his- tory of Wis., archaeology, nature, government, conservation. Recreations : trips to scenic spots, Indian lore. Catho- lic. Democrat. Office: care of Badger Tissue Mills, Kaukauna, Wis. Home: Metoxen Av., Kaukauna, Wis. Summer home: North Shore Lake, Winnebago, Wis. PLANTZ, Alden Charles, lawyer; b. Dodge Co., 4 Feb. 1882; s. Franklin C. Plantz, carpenter, and Harriet Eliza- beth (Pettigrew) P.; ed. Hay Springs and Fremont high schs.; m. Helen Watt of Scotia, 1 Jan. 1908 (dec); m. (2nd) Gretchen H. Jones, of Fremont, Neb., 24 June 1942; 1 dau., Gretchen Helen. 156 Clerk, post office, Hay Springs, 1899- 1900; asst. cashier, Northwestern State Bank, Hay Springs, 1900-03; abstract dept., Maverick Loan & Trust Co., Rush- ville, 1903-10; admitted to bar, Neb., 16 Nov. 1910; in pract. law, Rushville, 1910-; co. atty., Sheridan Co., 1913-19; pres., dir., Rushville Lumber & Coal Co., Gen. Contracting Co., Rushville; mem. Bd. Insanity; mem. Advisory Com. for Registrants under Selective Service; served as j.p., mem. Town Bd., pres. Sch. Bd.; was govt, appeal agent, sec. Council Defense, advisory bd., 1st pres. Sheridan Co. Red Cross during World War I; mem. Am. and Neb. State Bar Assns., 16th Judicial Dist. Bar Assn., A.F.&A.M. (No. 169, Rushville), O.B.S., Scottish Rite, Sheri- dan Co. Hist. Soc, Rushville Chamber Commerce. Travel: U.S. Desc, on ma- ternal side, of John Alden and Priscilla Mullins; father, Franklin C. Plantz, was soldier in Army of Potomac, Civil War, 1861-65. Interest: farming (operates 2000 acre farms). Recreations: bridge, golf. Methodist. Republican (chmn. Sheridan Co. Central Com., 1922-32). Office and home: Rushville, Neb. RICE, Zelotus Sylvester, lawyer; b. Wilton, Wis., 7 Aug. 1881; s. J.P. Rice, abstractor, and Mary (OLeary) R. ; ed. Sparta (Wis.) high sch.; Univ. Minn.; Univ. Wis.; m. Vena Hemstock of Sparta, Wis., 25 Oct. 1913; children- Mary Ellen, John David, Patricia Ann, Zelotes S., James W., Elizabeth J. City atty., City of Sparta, 16 yrs. Club: Ki- wanis International. Catholic. Demo- crat. Office: 108 W. Oak St., Sparta, Wis. Home: 402 W. Main St., Sparta, Wis. RICHARDSON, Harold Edward, phy- sician; b. Stevens Point, Wis., 17 Feb. 1895; s. Herbert Nelson Richardson, photographer, and Johanna Angela (Linneman) R.; ed. East high sch.; Minneapolis; B.S., Univ. Minnesota, 1917, M.B., 1919, M.D., 1920; m. Clarissa M. Clay, M.D., of Minneapolis, 26 June 1919 (dec); rn. (2nd) Margaret Horsch Kiesner of Minneapolis, 17 Apr. 1937; children — Anne Marie, Mary Kiesner, Harold Edward, Jr., John Henry Linne- man. Served gen. internship of 18 mos. at Minneapolis Gen. Hosp., 5^ years; practice as3oc. with Dr. Chas. Lymen Greene, liy 2 yrs.; head of med. dept. St. Paul Clinic, St. Paul; pvt. practice, 1937—; mem. managing staff St. Jo- seph's hosp. (electrocardiographer), St. Joseph's Hosp., visiting staff Miller Hosp., medical consultant Gillette Hosp. for crippled children, teaching staff at Ancker Hosp. clinical instr. Univ. of Minn. Med. school; deputy coroner, Hennepin County, State of Minn., 1918- 20; served in medical service during World War I; mem. A.M.A., F.A.C.P. Am. Heart Soc, Cent. Soc. for clinical research, Minn. State Med. Soc, Ramey Co. Med. Soc, Minn. Soc. of Internal Med., Minn. Pathological Soc, Alpha Omega Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu, Zeta Psi, Grey Friars, Med. Forum of St. Paul K. of C. (40); certified by Am. Bd. of Internal Medicine. Clubs: Univ. of St. Paul, St. Paul Athletics. Author: medical arts, on heart diseases and electrocardiography. Travel: U.S., Can. Maternal g. parents, pioneered in Stearns County Minn, about 1850; mother was first white child born in Stearns County; g. father, John Henry Linne- mann, mem. of State Legislature. In- terest: figure skating. Recreations: golf, fishing, horseback riding, bridge. Catho- lic Republican. Office: 1154 Lowry Medical Arts Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 761 Goodrich Av., St. Paul, Minn. ROBINSON, Byron Lewis, professor of anatomy, dean of School of Medicine; b. Oconomowoc, Wis., 30 Mar. 1892; s. George E. Robinson, lawyer, and Lydia M. (Bender) R.; ed. Oconomowoc (Wis.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1914, AM., 1917; M.B., Univ. Minn., 1920, M.D., 1924; m. Mildred E. Johnson of Madi- son, Wis., 10 Sept. 1918; children— Don- ald E., David M. Asst. in anatomy at Univ. Wis., Marquette and Minn.; prof, hygiene, Univ. Miss., 1920-22, anatomy, 1916-17, and 1922-23; asst. prof., Univ. Iowa, 1924-25; prof, anatomy, Univ. Ark., 1925, head of combined dept., 1927-41; dean 1941— in S.A.T.C. at Univ. Minn. Sch. of Med. during World War I; mem. Pulaski Co. Med. Soc, Ark. Med. Soc; Fellow A.M. A., Am. Assn. of Anatomists. Author: arts, in com- parative anatomy, neuroanatomy and endocrinology. Recreations: golf, travel. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: Univer- sity of Arkansas School of Medicine, Little Rock, Ark. Home: 4200 Fairview Rd., Little Rock, Ark. SABIN, Ellen Clara, retired teacher and executive in education; b. Sun Prairie, Wis., 29 Nov. 1850; d. Samuel Henry Sabin, farmer, and Adelia Maria (Bordine) S.; ed. Univ. Wis.; M.A., Univ. Wis., 1895, LL.D., Grinnell Coll., 1915; D.Litt., Beloit Coll., 1912. Teacher, dist. sch., graded sch., Sun Prairie; prin., graded sch., Madison, Wis.; teacher, pvt. sch., Eugene, Ore., grades, Portland, Ore.; prin., graded sch., high 157 sen., Portland Ore.; supt. schs., Port- land, Ore., 1888-91; pres., Downer Coll., 1891-95, Milwaukee-Downer Coll., 1895- 1921; mem. A.A.U.W., Milwaukee Coll. Endowment Assn., League Women Voters, N.E.A. (life). Club: Woman's of Wisconsin. Travel: U.S.A., Eur., Can. Conglist. Republican. Address: 3865 Nakoma Rd., Madison 5, Wis. SAMMIS, John Langley, chemist (re- tired) ; b. Winona, Minn., 1 Jan. 1873; s. John Bangs Sammis, banker, and Malvina Augusta (Newman) S.; ed. Washington High Sch., Jacksonville, 111.; B.S., Univ. 111., 1897, M.S., 1899; Ph.D., Univ. Wis., 1906; m. Flora E. Curtis of Champaign, 111., 30 June 1898; children— Marguerite, Elizabeth, Jo- sephine, John Curtis. Teacher chern., Univ. 111., 1897-1905, dairy mfg. methods, Univ. Wis., 1906-40; made dietary studies, 1897, studies in organic chem., 1899, in physical chem., 1906, in dairy mfg. methods down to 1940; originated (with A.T. Bruhn) the mfg. of Cheddar Cheese from pasteurized milk (Bull. 165, Bur. of Animal Industry, U.S. Dept. Agr., and Res. Bull. 27, Wis. Agr. Expt. Sta.), 1912; mem. A.C.S., A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, A.F. and A.M. Author: Cheesemaking, 6th ed. 1918, 7th ed., 1924, 8th 1930, 9th, 1937, 10th, 1942; Bull. Wis. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bull. 122 and 165, Bur. of Animal Industry, U.S.D.A. Recreation: music. Protestant. Republican. Home: 4225 Wanetah Trail, Madison, Wis. SHADID, Michael Abraham, physi- cian, surgeon; b. Beriut, Syria, 1 Jan. 1881; s. Abraham Shadid and Kushfa (Shadid) S.; ed. Am. Univ., Beriut, Syria, 1894-98; John Tarleton Coll., Stephenville, Tex., 1902; M.D., Wash. Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1907; grad. study, Polyclinic Hosp., N.Y., Am. Hosp., Chi- cago, 111., Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., Univ. Vienna, 1927; m. Edna Shadid, 1908; children— Ruth (Mrs. Ferris N. Shadid), Bess (Mrs. O.R. Campbell), Ethel (Mrs. Homer Phelps), Alexander, Fred V., Helen (Mrs. Jerome Quigley). Org., founded, First Cooperative Hosp., U.S., med. dir., Chief of staff; mem. A.M. A. (p. mem.), Sigma Delta Chi (reed, award from Univ. Okla., 1937). Author: Principles of Cooperative Medicine; A Doctor for the People; Diet in Health & Disease; The Self Physician. Travel: Mex., Can., U.S., Eur. Presbyterian. Democrat. Of- fice: Community Hospital, Elk City, Okla. Home: 904 W. Broadway, Elk City, Okla. SIEGERS, Peter John, district court judge; b. Kalamazoo, Mich., 13 Jan. 1898; s. Peter Siegers, clergyman, and Catherine (Steketee) S.; ed. Jefferson high sch., Lafayette, Ind.; Hope Coll., Holland, Mich., 1919; B.A., Tri-State Coll., Angola Ind., 1920; J.D., State Univ. la., 1930; m. Mary A. Fulton of Montezuma, la., 2 June 1926. Instr., math., physics, Northwestern Classical Acad., Orange City, la., 1920-23, prin., high sch., 1923-24; supt. schs., Sioux Center, la., 1924-28; co. atty., Jasper Co., la., 1932-36; judge, 6th Judicial dist., la., 1936—; mem. la. State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Order of the Coif. Interests: fishing, chess. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: Courthouse, Newton, la. Home: 713 E. 5th St., N., Newton, la. SIMENSTAD, Lien Otis, physician, surgeon; b. Northwood, N. Dak., 26 Sept. 1900; s. Martin O. Simenstad, pharmacist, and Laura (Lien) S.; ed. Devils Lake (N. Dak.) high sch.; B.A., Univ. N. Dak.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1924; m. Agnes Berget of Warren, Minn., 24 Sept. 1924; children— John and Paul (twins). Med. and surg. practice, Osceola, Wis., 1924—; local surg., Soo Line R.R.; del. to State Med. Soc; chief of staff, Ladd Mem. Hosp., Osceola, Wis.; mem. State Com. of Chest Diseases; dir., Bank of Osceola; Polk Co. Med. Soc. (pres., 2 terms and orig. pres.). Reserve Officers Assn. of U.S. Wis. State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Assn., Am. Assn. of R.R. Surgeons, Am. Assn. Indsl. Phys. and Surgs., Cent. States Assn. Indsl. Phys. and Surgs.; Fellow A.C.S. Author: Spindle Cell Sar- coma of Hand. Acute Abdominal Sur- gery. Methodist. Office: 141 N. Cascade St., Osceola, Wis. Home: 311 Ham- mond St. Osceola, Wis. SUMMERS, Cleon Aubrey, lawyer; b. Hiseville, Ky., 9 Dec. 1881; s. Andrew Murray Summers, farmer, stockman, and Eliza (Patterson) S.; ed. pub. schs., Ky.; Liberty Coll., Glasgow, Ky.; A.B., W. Ky. State Teachers Coll., 1906; LL.B., Cumberland Univ., Lebanon, Tenn., 1907; m. Josephine Beck of Ark- adelphia, Ark., 16 Dec. 1914 (dec, 1926); m. (2nd) Fern Hardy of Muskogee, Okla., 28 Oct. 1931; 1 son, Edward Hardy. Admitted to Ky. Bar, 1907; co. atty., Barren Co., Ky., 1910-13; admitted to Okla. Bar, 1914; co. atty., Wagoner Co., 1916-19; asst. U.S. atty., Muskogee, Okla., 1919-21; practiced law, Muskogee, 1921—; U..S atty., Eastern Dist., Okla., 1935 — ; dist. chmn. Dem. Cent. Com.. 158 2nd Congressional Dist., Okla., 1926-28- 32; chmn., State Election Bd., Okla., 1930—; mem. Masons (Shriner), Elks, Pi Kappa Alpha. Interests: hunting, fishing. Baptist. Democrat. Office: Fed- eral Bldg., Muskogee, Okla. Home: 2910 W. Okmulgee St., Muskogee, Okla. STAUNTON, Henry Capen Francis, professor of English; b. Skaneateles, N.Y., 10 Dec. 1877; s. John A. Staunton, Episcopal minister, and Florence Isabel (Capen) S.; ed. St. Paul's Sch., Con- cord, N.H.; B.A., Columbia Univ., 1899, M.S., 1902, studied for Ph.D., 1902-05; m. Florence Eliza Jameson of New York, N.Y., 9 Jan. 1909; children— John Jameson, Mrs. Elizabeth Florence Ken- nedy, Helen Mary, Henry Armitage, Mary- Virginia, Margaret. Assoc, with Trinity High Sch., 1905, actg. prin., 1909- 10; ed., Alpha Chi Rho, 1906-14, nat. pres., 1914-16; tutored, 1916-25; asst. prof. English, Univ. Notre Dame, 1926- 29, assoc. prof., 1929-35, prof., 1935—; mem. M.L.A., C.E.A., K.C., Ind. Coll. English Assn. (pres., 1938-39), Catholic Forum (pres., 1940-41). Clubs: Arts and Letters Faculty (pres., 1931-32). Catho- lic. Author: Ritual of Alpha Chi Rho; numerous mag. arts. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: music, Am. lit., travel. Rec- reations: hiking, swimming, boating. Catholic. Democrat. Office: University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. Home: 533 E. Angella Blvd., S. Bend, Ind. Summer home: St. Michael's Cot- tage, R.D., 2 Ovid., N.Y. TAYLOR, Howard Prescott, physi- cian; b. Chautauqua, N.Y., 15 May 1905; s. Charles C. Taylor, printer, and Letitia E. (Trace) T.; ed. Massanutten Acad., Woodstock, Va.; B.S., Allegheny Coll., Meadville, Pa., 1926; M.D., West- ern Reserve Univ. Sch. Med., 1930; m. Nadine M. Stanley of Lakewood, O.; children — Jean Elizabeth, Marian Letitia, Lynn Stanley, Willard C. Stan- ley, Jr. Pract. med., specializing in pract. of obstetrics and gynecology; mem. staff University Hosps., St. Lukes Hosp., Booth Memorial Hosp.; It. col., M.C., AUS; mem. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Rho Sigma, Pi Delta Epsilon, Alpha Chi Sigma, Am. Bd. Obstetrics and Gynecology (diplomate), Acad. Med., Am. Med. Assn. (Fellow). Am. Coll. Surgs. Club: Canterbury Golf. Protes- tant. Independent. Home: 16610 Seneca Av., Lakewood, O. THORNTON, R.S., attorney at law; b. La Bolt, S.D., 21 July 1892; s. M.H. Thornton, farmer, and Elizabeth (Peter- son) T.; ed. Appleton high sch.; LL.B., Drake Univ. Coll., Law Des Moines, la., 1913; m. Josephine Geris of Carlos, 25 Sept. 1920; children— Ralph Seth, Jr., Joe G., Elizabeth Anne. Engaged in pract. law, Alexandria, 1914—; active trial pract. in all cts.; apptd. U.S. Con- cilliation Commr. under original Fraz- ier-Lembke Act, 1935; co. atty., Douglas Co., 1926-31; city atty., Alexandria, 1919- 26, 1931; mem. bd. dirs., Minn. State Fair, 1938 — ; active in co. and state fair work; served in Air Corps, com- pleted Pilot Course as flying cadet, Cornell Univ., at end of World War I, special duty, Washington, D.C., Chief of staff ASSC; commanded 1st unit of Minn. Nat. Guard moved into streets of Minneapolis when martial law was de- clared in truck drivers strike, organized Co. L. 206th Inf., Alexandria, served, 1920-39, retired with rank of major; mem. Co., State and Am. Bar Assns., Am. Legion (organized Douglas Co. post, p. comdr. and adjt., Alexandria post, now dist. comdr., 7th Dist. O.E.S., p. grand patron of Minn., Grand Chap. Club: Kiwanis (charter mem., p. pres.). Travel: U.S. Desc. of Mathew Thorn- ton, last signer of Declaration of In- dependence; paternal ancestors settled in Am. before Am. Revol. Interests: collecting coins, old relics. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Conglist. Independent. Office: Farmers Nat. Bank Bldg., Alex- andria, Minn. Home: 902 Douglas St., Alexandria, Minn. WAGNER, James A., priest, radio manager; b. Cleveland, Wis., 17 Sept. 1901; s. John Wagner, farmer, and Katherine (Stein) W. ; ed. St. Lawrence Coll.; Saloatorian Coll., St. Norbert; B.A., Wis. summer session, St. Norbert, 1923. Amateur radio and commercial radio operator, 1926; entered Norbertine Order, 1921; ordained priest, 1928; man- aged radio station WHBY, 1926—, station WTAQ, 1936—; sec, treas., WH- BY, Inc.; pres. Norbertine Fathers. Green Bay, Wis. ; pastor, St. Willebrards Ch.; dir. Red Cross; v. pres. Wis. Radio Network; mem. Kiwanis, K.C., Nat. Assn. of Broadcasting. Club: Green Bay Yacht. Travel: U.S., Can. Recreations: yachting, hunting, fishing, aviation. Catholic. Office: Bellin Bldg., Green Bay, Wis. Home: 209 S. Adams St., Green Bay, Wis. \VALKER, Frederick Wiley, life in- surance executive; b. N.Y.C., 27 Aug. 1874; s. Robert Scott Walker, capitalist, and Frances Helena (Amerman) W. ; ed. Polytech. Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; M.E., Stevens Inst, of Tech., Hoboken, 159 N.J., 1895; m. Marion Henry Castner of Clarksville, Tenn., 20 Sept. 1910; chil- dren — Marion Castner, Frederick Wiley, Jr., William Comstock, Nancy Amer- man, Barbara Beaumont. Draftsman, asst. mgr., steam engr., Brooklyn Edi- son Co., 1895-99; field engr., Westing- house, Church, Kerr & Co., middle west, 1899-03; v.p. and chief engr., Comstock, Haigh, Walker Co., Detroit, 1903-22; v.p., gen. mgr., chief engr., chg. of constr. and operation, Milwaukee North- ern Ry., 1906-22; cons, engr., Chicago, 1922-26; v.p. in chg., bond investments, Northwestern Mut. Life Ins. Co., Mil- waukee, 1926 — ; pres., bd. of trs., Lake Sch. for Girls, 1934-35; served as lands- man, N.Y. Nav. Res., 1898; chmn., Lib. Loan Com., Ozaukee Co., Wis. during World War I; mem. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., A.I.E.E. Clubs: Milwaukee, Mil- waukee Country, University. Travel: insp. of hydro-elec. plants, high tension transmission lines, elec. and steam rys., Gt. Brit, Fr., Ger., Belg., Aus., It., Switz., 1905. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 720 E. Wisconsin Av., Mil- waukee, Wis. Home: 2623 N. Terrace Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Summer res.: Cheerio Cottage, Epworth Heights, Ludington, Mich. WALTER, Otto Fasoldt, lawyer; b. Aurora, 111., 19 Apr. 1890; s. William J. Walter, traveling salesman, and Anna (Fasoldt) W.; ed. Columbus high sch.; A.B., Univ. Neb., 1911; LL.B., 1913; m. Gertrude Bloom of Columbus, 16 Oct. 1919; 1 dau., Virginia Jane. In pract. law, Columbus, 1913—; co. atty., Platte Co., 1915-27; assoc. in law partnership with A.M. Post, 1919-22; del. Dem. Nat. Conv., N.Y., 1924, Houston, 1928; formed law partnership with R.D. Flory and Marvin G. Schmid under firm name, Walter, Flory & Schmid, 1937; mem. bd. dirs., Central Nat. Bk., Columbus; cadet flyer, Naval Aviation, during World War — ; mem. Platte Co. and Neb. State Bar Assns., B.P. O.E., K.C. Club: Lions. Interests: mus., horses, camera. Recreation: travel. Catholic. Democrat. Office: Scott Bldg., Colum- bus, Neb. Home: 101 Pershing Rd., Co- lumbus, Neb. WEBB, John L., grand master, Ma- sonic Grand Lodge, Miss.; b. Tuskagee, Ala., 17 Sept. 1877; s. Rev. B.L. Webb and Henrietta (Lockwood) W.; ed. Tus- kagee Inst.; Dr. of Laws (hon.), Wil- berforce, 1932, Ark. Baptist Coll., 1928; Dr. Bus. Admin, (hon.), Wiley Coll., 1928; m. Carrie Elease Branson of Mari- anna, Ark., 14 Feb. 1905; 1 dau., Elease Webb Markoe. Employed, carpenter div., Tuskagee sch., 1900-03; contractor, bldr., constr. work, 1903-12; custodian, Woodmen of Union, 1912-32; grand master, M.W. Stringer Grand Lodge, 1932—; dir. Universal Life Ins. Co.; mem. at large, Nat. Boy Scouts of Am.; mem., exec, com., Fed. Coun. of Chs. of Christ in Am.; pres. of National lay- men, Bapt. Conv. of Am., Inc.; p. dir. Bankers Fire Ins. Co.; served as vol. in Sp.-Am. War, 9 mos. ; mem. I.B.P.O.E. (p. chmn., grievance com. and shrine comnm.), A.A.S.R. (grand minister of state, United Supreme Coun.), A.A.E.O. of N. of Mystic Shrine (p. imperial po- tentate), state exec, com., Rep. party of Ark., Cong. exec. com. of 5th dist., Bap. Worlds Alliance. Author: 3 books. Travel: U.S., Can., Cuba, Eur. (14 coun- tries). Interests: Reform Sch., T.B. San. (instrumental in establishment, one of 1st mems., Bd. of Control). Recreations: travel, croquet. Baptist (deacon; supt., Sunday Sch.; chmn., Tr. Bd., Bd. of Finance). Republican. Office: P.O. Box 556, Hot Springs, Ark. Home: 703 Pleasant St., Hot Springs, Ark. WELLS, Sidney D., chemical engi- neer; b. Boston, Ma,ss., 29 Mar. 1885; s. Obadiah F. Wells, recorder, M.I.T., and Helen M. (Deeds) W.; ed. Phillips Exe- ter Acad.; B.S., M.I.T., 1907; m. Hope B. Shank of Lombard, 111., 3 June 1916; children — Sidney D., Hope D., Helen Elizabeth, Martha B., Mary B., Elea- nor Jean, Benjamin E. Mem. tech. staff of 2 sugar mfrs., several paper mfrs., Forest Products Lab. and Inst, of Paper Chem., and consulting chem. engr. several yrs.; res. assoc, Institute Paper Chem.; engaged in application of wood pulp to munitions and nat. defense dur- ing World War I; mem. A.I.C.E., Tech. Assn. of Pulp and Paper Industry, A.C. S., A.A.A.S., Soc. of Am. Foresters, Wis. Acad. L.A.&S., Sigma Xi, F. & A. M. Author: (with John D. Rue) The Suita- bility of American Woods for Paper Pulp; The Effect of the Adhesive Used in the Fabrication of Corrugated Fiber- board on the Strength and Servicea- bility of Corrugated Fiber Boxes; arts, in tech. and sci. publications. Episco- palian. Independent. Office: Institute of Paper Chemistry, Appleton, Wis. Home: Combined Locks, Wis. WILKINSON, Michael Robert, physi- cian, surgeon; b. West Lubec, Me., 29 Sept. 1864; s. Daniel Wilkinson, custom shoemaker, and Anne (McCurdy) W.; ed. Teachers Coll., Whitewater, Wis.; M.D., Northwestern Univ. Med., Chi- 160 cago, 111., 1893; m. Mary J. Lingemann of Whitewater, 3 July 1894; children— J. Francis, Helen, John D., Lt. Comdr. Donald C. (USNR, active duty in Pa- cific), Mary J., Clarence R. (T Sgt. C-2 sec 45th Div.), Philip M. Pract. med. Oconomowoc, Wis., 1893, opened med. clinic with three eldest sons, 1929 — , youngest son will join later; major, M. C, 39 mos. in S. Pacific 135th Med. Reg. Wis. Nat. Gd., Camp Shelby, Miss, (active duty); dir. v.p., First Nat. Bank (Oconomowoc Nat. Bank, ret.), dir. pres. Sch. Bd., pres. Chamber Com- merce (38 yrs. ago) ; capt. Med. Corps during World War I; Waukesha Co. Med. Soc. (form, pres.), mem. State Med. Soc, Co. Med. Soc. Waukesha Co. Child Welfare Com. (rep.), Knights of Columbus, Am. Legion. Travel: Me., Fla., Calif. Interest: horses. Recrea- tions: golf, baseball. Catholic. Demo- crat. Office: 114 E. Wisconsin Av., Oconomowoc, Wis. Home: 324 E. Pleas- ant St., Oconomowoc, Wis. WILSON, Lillian May, b. Pleasant Plains, la.; d. Nelson T. Wilson, and Mary Ann (Payen) W.; ed. Leon (la.) high sch.; St. John's Acad., la.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1917, A.M., 1918; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1924. Life mem. Archaeol. Inst, of Am., Field Mus. of Natural Hist., Art Inst, of Chicago, Phi Beta Kappa, D.A.R., Colonial Dames of Am. Author: The Roman Toga, Ancient Textiles from Egypt in the University of Michigan Collection; The Clothing of the Ancient Romans. Travel: Eur., Al- geria, Egypt, Palestine, Syria. Recrea- tions: reading, gardening. Episcopa- lian. Republican. Address: Delafield, Wis. WINKLER, Theo, supervisor of music (ret.); b. Wiesbaden, Ger., 25 June 1870; s. Christian W M Fresco painter, and Charlotte (Haebel) W.; ed. schs. Ger., Milwaukee, Wis.; Nat. Teachers Sem., 1888; D. Mus., Mission House Coll. Teacher music, pub. schs., 50 yrs.; com- poser, choir and orchestra; dir. pres., Wis. Music Teachers Assn., 4 terms; mem. Music Ed. Assn.; mem. examin- ing draft bd. during World War I; mem. Concordia Singing Soc. (dir, 52 yrs.), Masons. Club: Rotary (gov.). Author: choruses, instrumental music, songs, ar- rangements. Travel: U.S. Interests: reading, gardening, photog. Recreation: traveling. Home: 1230 N. 6th St., She- boygan, Wis. BRASHEAR, Minnie M., teacher; b. Brashear, Mo.; d. Richard Matson Brashear, farmer, and Margaret Jane (Montgomery) B.; ed. Laboratory Schs., Northeast Mo. State Teachers Coll.; Radcliffe Coll.; A.B., Univ. Mo., 1908, A.M., 1922; Ph.D., Univ. N.C., 1930. Mem. com. in charge of Mo. Ednl. Ex- hibit, La. Purchase Exposition, 1904; teacher, Northeast Mo. State Teachers Coll., 1904-14; asst. prof., Univ. Ida., 1914-19; instr. Eng., Univ. Mo., 1920-34, asst. prof. Eng., 1934-45; sec. Local Bd. Control, Hendrix Hall, Columbia; mem. Y.W.C.A. (sec. bd. advisors, 1922-26), Modern Lang. Assn., League Women Voters, Delta Tau Kappa, Pi Lambda Theta. Clubs: Faculty Women's, State Federation Women's Clubs (chmn. lit., 1910-12). Author: Mark Twain, Son of Mo., 1934; Book Review; Missouri Liter- ature (accepted, unpublished). Travel: Eng., Fr., It., Austria, Ger., Holland, Belgium. Father, Richard Matson Brashear, founded town of Brashear in Adair Co.; paternal grandfather entered lannd, northeast Mo., about 1830. Inter- est: collecting books. Recreation: travel. Democrat. Res.: 1318 E. Nor- mal Av., Kirksville, Mo. BROWN, Glenn Orrin, manager of dis- tribution; b. Newton, Kan., 26 Feb. 1887; s. Samuel Arnold Brown and Addie (Crater) B.; ed. Newton (Kan.) pub. schs., high sch.; Ottawa Univ.; B.S. (in E.E.), Univ. Kan., 1912; 1st Army Corps Sch., Gondrecourt, Fr., 1918; m. Flora Dring of Ottawa, Kan., 8 Mar. 1913; children— Helen Renne, Glenn Orrin, II. Lab. foreman, Kansas City Elec. Light Co., 1912-17; engr. in substation dept, Kansas City Power & Light Co., 1919; supt. engring. operation and mainten- ance, 1919-43; manager and distribution 1943—; 1st It., Signal Corps, Mo. N.G., May 1917, batt. adjt., 117th Field Signal Batt., with 42d Div., 79th Div. 1st Army Corps and 1st Army, A.E.F., capt., Signal Corps., U.S.A., 1917-19; mem., A.I.E.E., Mo. Soc. Prof. Engrs.; Kappa Eta Kappa (hon. mem., Gamma Chap.), Chamber Commerce, Am. Legion, La Societe des 40 et 8. Club: Kansas City. Interests: etchings, farming. Recrea- tion: fishing. Baptist. Office: 1330 Balti- more Av., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 5521 Tracy Av., Kansas City, Mo. GRABILL, Harvey Allen, lawyer; b. O., 8 Jan. 1890; s. J.M. Grabill, farmer, mcht, and Hattie (Geiser) G.; ed. In- diana Law School; m. Ora L. Miller of O., 15 Jan. 1916. Co. Atty., Marion Co., 1931; mem. Am. and Local Bar Assns. Elks, Masons. Protestant. Republican. Office: 900 Fletcher Trust Bldg., Indian- 161 apolis, Ind. Home: 320 Hampton Dr., Indianapolis, Ind. FUQUA, Blanche E., director of in- struction; b. Vermilion, 111.; d. James E. Fuqua, farmer, and Laura J. (Duck) P.; ed. A.B., Indiana State Teachers' Coll., 1926; Chicago Univ.; A.M., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., 1934. Teacher, Grant Co., Ind.; supervisor of teacher training, Marion, Ind.; teacher, primary grades, Oakland, Calif.; Ind. State Teachers Coll.; supervisor, city sens., Terre Haute, Ind., 1920-36, dir. instruction, 1936—; mem. Assn. Child- hood Ed. (life), Nat. Ed. Assn. (life), A.A.U.W., D.A.R. Club: Altrusa. Co-au- thor: Life Use Speller; English Activity Workbooks for grades 3-4-5-6. Travel: Eur., So. Am. Interest: antiques. Methodist. Republican. Office: 667 Wal- nut St., Terre Haute, Ind. Home: 654 Oak St., Terre Haute, Ind. FITZSIMMONS, John Thomas, elec- trical engineer; b. nr. E. Palestine, O., 3 Mar. 1887; s. Paul Fisher Fitzsimmons, farmer, and Semira Belle (Huston) F., ed. Columbiana (O.) high sen.; B.S. (in E.E.), Case Sch. Applied Sci., Cleve- land, O., 1911; m. Edna May Johnson of Massillon, O., 23 Sept. 1917; 1 son, John Robert. Service rep., asst. and actg. res. engr., Dayton Engring. Labs. Co., 1912-20; engr., elec. div., Gen Mo- tors Res. Corp., 1920-24; elec. engr., Dayton Engring. Labs. Co., 1924-26; engr., ignition dept., Delco Remy Di- vision of Gen. Motors Corp., 1926 — ; mem. bd. of works (apptd.), Edgewood Village, Anderson, Ind.; mem. Soc. Au- tomotive Engrs. Author: arts, in Soc. Automobile Engrs. pubis., Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Interests: sci. subjs., pol., modern fiction. Recrea- tions: gardening, photog. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: Delco-Remy Division, Anderson, Ind. Hqme: R.R.8. Anderson, Ind. EVENS, Alfred, professor of law; b. Greencastle, Ind., 28 Jan. 1881; s. John Wooster Evens, farmer, and Margaret (Callahan) E.; ed. Greencastle (Ind.) high sch.; Ph.B., De Pauw Univ., 1902; LL.B., Ind. Law Sch., 1907; m. Kath- leen Lindley of Moresville, Ind., 2 Oct. 1912. Supt. sens., Monrovia, Ind., 1902- 04; law clerk to Leander J. Monks, judge, Supreme Court of Ind.; asst. to gen. counsel for Ind. of Frankfort Gen. Ins. Co., 1910-14; gen. practice of law, Wood & Evens, Lafayette, 1914-20; gen. atty., Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Ry. Co., 1920-28; prof, law, Ind. Univ., 1928—; dir. City Nat. Bank of Lafayette, 1916-20; Rep. nominee, Judge Appellate Court of Ind., 1934 and 1936; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Ind. State Bar Assn., Mon- roe Co. Bar Assn., Ind. Hist. Soc, Ma- sons, Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Phi, Order of Coif. Clubs: Columbia, Kiwanis. Edi- tor: Ind. Law Journal, 1935-40. Interest: farming. Methodist. Republican. Office: Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. Home: 727 S. Jordan Ave., Bloomington, Ind. ELDER, Bowman, ex-treas. Am. Le- gion; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 4 Mar. 1888; s. William Line Elder and Laura (Bow- man) E.; ed. Chestnut Hill (Pa.) Acad., 1907; B.S., Univ. Pa., 1911; m. Madeline Fortune, 30 Sept. 1914; children— Anne, William Line. Real estate bus., Wm. L. Elder & Bowman Elder, 1912-40; mgr. and promotor, Chamber of Commerce Office Bldg.; sec.-treas., Chamber of Commerce Corp.; pres. and dir., South- ern Indiana R.R., Inc.; del. Dem. Nat. Conv., St. Louis, 1916; del. at large, Dem. Nat. Conv., Chicago, 1932; del., Dem. Nat. Conv., Chicago, 1940; treas., Dem. State Com., Ind., 1924-26; mem. bd. dirs., Am. Red Cross; tr., Crown Hill Cemetery Assn., First Presbn. Ch.; treas., dir., Indianapolis Athletic Club; active in nat. affairs, Am. Legion, 1922 — , nat. chmn. distinguished guests com., 1922, mem. nat. exec, com., 1923- 27, nat. chmn. France Conv. Com. in charge 2d A.E.F., nat. treas. Am. Le- gion, 1928-33, treas. Legion Pub. Corp. 1928-35; It. Coast Arty. Res. Corps, 27 Nov. 1917, capt., 5 Apr. 1918, served in Fr., 30 July 1918-22 Feb. 1919; capt. Res., 1 May 1919; It. col., 5 July 1923, col., 16 July 1926, mem. 5th Corps Ad- visory Bd.; mem. Univ. Pa. Alumni Assn., Sons Am. Revol., Res. Offices Assn., Military Order For. Wars, Forty and Eight, Friars Sr. Soc. Univ. Pa., Off. Order Polonia Restituta (Poland); Order of Legion of Honor (Fr.), Zeta Psi, Masons, Elks. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington, D.C.), Indiana Democratic, Dramatic, Indianapolis Athletic, Woodstock Country, Hoosier Motor, Contemporary, University. Com- piler: History of 71st Arty. (C.A.C.) in the Great War, 1919. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Indianapolis 4, In- diana. Home : R.R. 1, New Augusta, Ind. TAPPAN, Anna Helen, professor of mathematics; b. Mt. Pleasant, la., 22 Oct., 1888; d. David Stanton Tappan, clergyman, and Anna (Grand-Girard) T.; ed. Everts high sch., Circleville, O.; A.B., Western Coll., 1909; A.M., Cor- 162 nell Univ., 1912, Ph.D., 1914. Instr. math., Western Coll., 1909-11; instr. math., la. State Coll., 1914-17, asst. prof., 1917-21, assoc. prof., 1921-25; prof., math., Western Coll., 1925—, dean of women, 1927-41, academic dean, 1941- 44; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Math Soc, Math. Assn. of Am., A.A.U.W., N.E.A., A.A.U.P, Nat. Assn. Deans of Women, Sigma Xi, Pi Mu Epsilon, Sigma Delta Epsilon. Travel: Great Brit., Eur., U.S. Great granddaughter, Benjamin Tap- pan, U.S. Senator from Ohio, 1839-45; great niece, Edwin M. Stanton, Sec. of War under Lincoln. Interests: reading, dramatics. Recreation: travel. Presby- terian. Republican. Office and home: Western College, Oxford, O. Summer res.: Reinway 16, Pasadena, Calif. STEVENSON, Brenton Wallace, edu- cational director; b. Chicago, HI., 23 Jan. 1900; s. Robert Stevenson, sales- man, and Margaret (Winings) S.; ed. Lake View high sch., Chicago, 111.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1922, A.M., 1925; m. Adalyn Blanche Gahm of Rolfe, la., 14 Feb. 1925; 1 dau., Barbara Kay. Asst. prof., Denison Univ., 1925-27; research asst., Univ. Chicago, 1927-30; asst. prof., Univ. Toledo, 1930-42; assoc. prof., 1942—; ed., Bull, of Univ. Toledo, 1934—, dir., Opportunity Sch., 1935-41, dir., Evening Sessions, 1937—, dir. of pub- licity, 1938-44; presiding officer, 1st Great Lakes Regional Conf. on Adult Edn., Toledo, 1937; v.p., O. Assn. for Adult Edn.; chmn. Adult Edn. Section, Ohio Coll. Assn., 1940-41; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa, Sigma Rho Tau, Univ. Evening College Assn., Am. Assn. for Adult Edn., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Nat. Council of Teachers of Eng., P.&A.M. (Center Star No. 11). Co-author (with J.R. Spicer and E.C. Ames) : English in Business and En- gineering, 1936; University Term Papers, 1935. Interest: Chaucer. Recrea- tions: contract bridge, chess. Independ- ent. Office : University of Toledo, Toledo, O. Home: 3027 W. Bancroft St., To- ledo, O. TAFT, Robert Alphonso, lawyer, United States senator; b. Cincinnati, O., 8 Sept. 1889; s. William H. Taft and Helen (Herron) T.; ed. 19th district and Walnut Hills high sch., Cincinnati, O.; public schools, Manila, P.I.; Taft School, Watertown, Conn.; A.B., Yale, 1910; LL.B., Harvard, 1913; A.M., Yale, 1936; m. Martha W. Bowers of Wash- ington, D.C., 17 Oct. 1914; children— Wm. H., Robert, Jr., Lloyd B., Horace D. Asst. counsel, U.S. Food Adminis- tration, 1917-18; counsel Am. Relief Ad- ministration, 1918-19; mem. Ohio House of Reps., 1921-26; Speaker, 1926; mem. Ohio Senate, 1931-32; mem. U.S. Senate, 1939—; assoc. with firm, Taft, Stettinius & Hollister; dir. Central Trust Co., Covington & Cincinnati Bridge Co. Re- publican. Offices: 603 Dixie Terminal, Cincinnati, O., Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. Home: Sta. M„ R.R. No. 1, Cincinnati, O. Summer res.: Pointe-au-pic, Quebec, Can. WOODS, Andrew Alfred, civil engi- neer; b. New Orleans, La., 2 Mar. 1876; s. Andrew Alfred Woods, insurance, and Jeannie (Railey) W.; ed. pub. and pvt. schs., New Orleans; B.E., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, 1895; m. Mrs. Jeannette Maynard (nee Craig) of Miss., 11 Sept. 1920; children — Carolyn Maynard (Mrs. H.W. Snell), Harriet Craig, James Brison. Rodman, N.O.&W.R.R.; drafts- man, asst. engr., N.O.&N.E.RR., A.& V.Ry., V.S&PRy.; resident engr. A& V.Ry., V.S.& P.Ry.; resident engr., supt., N.O.& N.E.RR.; chief engr. main- tenance of way and structures, So.Ry. Sys., Western Lines; mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Am.Ry. Eng. Assn., Eng. Soc. of Cincinnati, Louisiana Eng. Soc, Phi Delta Theta, Theta Nu Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi. Clubs: Boston of New Orleans, Louisiana of New Orleans, Queen City of Cincinnati, Univ. of Cincinnati, Cin- cinnati Country. Presbyterian. Inde- pendent. Office: 307 E. 4th St., Cincin- nati, O. Home: 2492 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, O. LUXON, Norval Neil, educator, jour- nalist; b. New London, O., 16 May 1899; s. Jesse E. Luxon and Edna (Walker) L.; ed. New London (O.) high sch.; B.S. in journalism, Ohio State Univ., 1923, M.A., 1931; Ph.D., Univ. Calif., 1940; m. Ermina Cornelia Munn of Chagrin Falls, O., 22 Sept. 1928; 1 son, Norval Neil, Jr. Asst. city ed., Columbus Citizen, 1923-25; city ed., Canton Daily News, 1925; ed. Oteen (N.C.) Skylight, 1926-27; asst. news ed. El Paso (Tex.) Herald, 1927-28; instr. Sch. Journalism, Ohio State Univ., 1928-32; asst. prof., 1932-39; assoc. prof., 1939-42; prof., 1942—; visiting prof., Univ. Calif., Los Angeles, summer sessions, 1940, 1941, 1942; co-ordinator, Army Specialized Training Program, Ohio State Univ., 1943-44; dir., Twilight School, Ohio State Univ., 1 April 1944 — ; winner Sigma Delta Chi res. award for most meritori- ous res. in Am. journalism, awarded for hist, of Niles' Weekly Register (un- pub. Ph.D. dissertation), 1939; served 1*3 as electrician, 3rd class, radio operator, U.S.N.R.F., active duty 20 Nov. 1917-23 Jan. 1919; mem. A.A.U.P., Am. Assn. Teachers of Journalism (sec.-treas., 1941 — ), Am. Legion, Sigma Nu, Sigma Delta Chi, Pi Delta Epsilon, Phi Alpha Theta, Kappa Tau Alpha. Author: The Reporter and the News, 1935; co-author (with 10 others); An Outline Survey of Journalism, 1937. Conglist. Independent. Office: Administration Bldg., Ohio State University, Columbus 10, O. Home: 82 W. Dominion Blvd., Columbus 2, O. OLIVE, Frank C, attorney; b. Le- banon, Ind., June 1876; s. David H. Olive, teacher, and Carrie (Lawrence) O.; ed. Lebanon and Indianapolis high schs.; A.B., Butler Univ., 1897; LL.B., Indiana Law Sch., 1899; m. Gertrude J. Lloyd of Indianapolis, 29 June 1927. En- gaged in gen. pract. of law, specializing in Federal tax law, bankruptcy law, corporate reorganizations; mem., Adv. Com. of Nat. Bankruptcy Conf., Am., Ind. and Indianapolis Bar Assns., chmn. Ind. Bar Assn. Sect, on Property and Taxation; mem. council of sect, on Cor- poration, Banking; mem., Ind. Gen. As- sembly, 1907, Loyal Legion. Author: Col- lusive Receiverships as Acts of Bank- ruptcy. Recreations: golf, bridge. Re- publican. Office: 515 Chamber of Com- merce Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. O'NEEL, Edwin V., newspaper editor and publisher; b. Dupont, Ind., 4 June 1902; s. Wm. Morton O'Neel, mcht., and Hattie (Davis) O.; ed. Dupont high sch.; DePauw Univ., 1924; m. Anna C. Gard- ner of Indianapolis, Ind., 29 June 1929; children— Barbara Anne, William Ed- win, Robert Vinton. Ed. staff, Indian- apolis Times, Indianapolis Star, 1924- 31; pub., Hagerstown, Ind., 1931 — ; sec. Hoosier State Press Assn.; p. pres. Ind. Weekly Press Assn.; pres. Ind. Rep. Editorial Assn., 1940 Tenth Rep. Chmn.; mem. Nat. Editorial Assn., Sigma Delta Chi (Nat. pres.); Delta Upsilon, K.T.; Ind. Rep. State Central. Clubs: Colum- bia, Hartley Hills Country (Hagers- town). Interests: lit., landscaping, news- paper prof, activities, local civic move- ments. Recreation: horseback riding. Methodist. Republican. Office: The Hagerstown Exponent, Hagerstown, Ind. Home: Hagerstown, Ind. GKISWOLD, James Harlen, lawyer; b. Hartsgrove, O., 27 Jan. 1873; s. Henry Franklin, farmer, and Susannah (Laird) G.; ed. New Lyme Inst.; A.B., Oberlin Coll., 1898; LL.B., Western Re- serve Univ. Law Sch., 1901; m. Hope Erwin of Bourbon, Ind., 30 Sept. 1902; children— Erwin N., James W., Jane E. Holmes, Hope G. Carfman. Admitted to practice in Ohio, June, 1901; U.S. Dist. Ct. of Ohio, 1905, U.S. Circuit Ct. of Appeals, 6th Circuit, 1931, U.S. Supreme Ct., 16 Mar. 1931—; dir., Fenway Hotel, The Simmons Mfg. Co., The Henkel- Clauss Co., The 5012 Euclid Co.; mem. of Council of City of E. Cleveland, 1905- 06; mem. Am. Cleveland and Ohio State Bar Assns., Cleveland Citizens' League. Clubs: Western Reserve Rep., Canter- bury, Cleveland City, Tippecanoe. In- terest: touring. Recreation: golf. Pres- byterian. Republican. Office: 1805 N.B. C. Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 2957 Eaton Rd., Shaker Heights, O. GULLUM, Frank Barnhart, professor of chemistry; b. Hamden, O., 18 May 1885; s. George Barnhart Gullum, lo- comotive engr., and Mary Elizabeth (Essman) G. ; ed. Hamden high sch. ; B.S., Ohio Univ., 1907; M.S., Ohio State Univ., 1923; m. Eva Louise Mitchell of Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., 1912; children- Robert Barnhart, Elizabeth Mitchell (Mrs. C.G. Kinnison). Chemist, Rock Island Ry., 1908-09; instr. chem. and coach, Chillicothe High Sch., 1909-10, Columbus East High Sch., 1910-18; asst. prof. chem. and coach, Ohio Univ., 1918- 20, assoc. prof, chem., 1924 — ; elected pres., Athens City Bd. of Edn., Athens City-County Bd. of Health; mem. Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Xi. Club: Tuesday. Interests: edn., arts, practical chemistry. Recrea- tions: athletics, auto trips. Presby- terian. Republican. Office: Ohio Uni- versity, Athens, O. Home: 128 Lancaster St., Athens, O. HICKOK, Charles Nelson, executive and sales; b. Harrisburg, Pa., 1 Aug. 1879; s. William Orville Hickok, mfr., and Louisa Harrison (Anderson) H.; ed. Harrisburg Acad., 1890-94; St. Paul's Sch., Concord, N.H., 1894-97; Ph.B., Yale Univ., 1900; unmarried. Affiliated with Latrobe Steel & Coupler Co., 1900- 03; Dayton Malleable Iron Co., 1903-05; iron ore mining and sales, The M.A. Hanna Co., 1905 — ; v.p., dir., Hanna Iron Ore Co., and various iron mining cos.; treas., Lake Superior Iron Ore Assn.; elected councilman, Bratenahl Village; served as treas., Am. Red Cross during World War I; mem. Am. Iron & Steel Inst., Am. Inst. Mining & Met. Engrs., Eastern States Blast Ice & Coke Oven Assn., Soc. Colonial Wars. Clubs: Tavern, Union, Kirkland Country (Cleveland), Duquesne, (Pittsburgh), Yale (New York). Author: Hickok Gene- 164 alogy, 1938. Interest: genealogy. Pres- byterian. Republican. Office: 1300 Leader Bldg., Cleveland 14, O. Home: 12505 Coit Rd., Bratenahl, Cleveland, O. JOHNSON, Arthur Charles, editor and associate publisher; b. Ira, O., 10 Oct. 1874; s. Johan Karl Johansson and Helen Frances (Cranz) J.; ed. Wads- worth high sch.; Ohio Univ.; B.S., M.S., Univ. Akron, 1900; m. Grace Reah of Athens, O., 31 Dec. 1902; children— Derrol Reah, Arthur Charles, Jr. With Akron Beacon Journal, Washington Post; ed.-in-chief, assoc. pub., tr., dir., Columbus Evening & Sunday Dispatch, 1902—; chmn. Hayes Foundation, Fre- mont, O.; tr. (life) Ohio Univ.; served as sergt. maj. of infantry, Santiago campaign, Sp.-Am. War; pres., O. State Archaeol. & Hist. Soc. Clubs: Rocky Fork Hunt, Nat. Press, Dispatch Coun- try. Author: editorial and historical monographs. Travel: Eur. (rural mo- toring). Interests: archaeology, ornithol- ogy, horticulture, conservation. Method- ist. Republican. Office: The Columbus Dispatch, Columbus, O. Home: 227 Pres- ton Rd., Columbus, O. JOSEPH, Jesse M., advertising agent; b. Baltimore, Md., 24 Nov. 1884; s. Philip Joseph, mcht., and Julia (Cob- lens) J.; ed. Baltimore City Coll., 1903; 1 dau., Dorothy Helen. Advertising agt., Cincinnati, O., 1909 — ; chmn. publicity, Cincinnati philanthropic drives; mem. Adv. League O. (p. pres.), Agencies Council of Cincinnati (pres.), Sales Exec. Council Cincinnati (p. pres.), Plum St. Temple (p. pres.), Syria Tem- ple Shriners, Masons (32d deg.) Scottish Rite (Blue Lodge 133), I.O. B.B., Mar- keters Assn. Clubs: Advertisers (p. pres.), Cincinnati, Press, Kiwanis, Cin- cinnati Gym Boat. Author: Heritage. In- terest: photog. Jewish. Republican. Of- fice: 1801-7 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, O. Home: 22 Burton Woods Lane, Avon- dale, Cincinnati, O. KELLOGG, Elizabeth Rockey, retired librarian; b. Cincinnati, O., 10 Apr. 1870; d. Charles H. Kellogg, banker, and Mary Guernsey (Clark) K.; ed. Bar- tholonew Eng. and Classical Sch.; Wellesley Coll. (2 yrs.). Engaged in ch., philanthropic and ednl., lit. work, 1892- 1909; libt. Art Mus., Cincinnati, 1909-29; promoter various art projects, 1929 — ; mem., Cincinnati Crafters Co. Clubs: College, Queen City. Author: Memories of Joseph Henry Gest; Joseph Darteville and The Western Museum; verses for Thirteen Good Animals; 4 arts, on Chas. P. Taft Collection for Ladies Home Journal. Travel: Eur., Iceland, U.S., Can., crossed Atlantic in 90 ft. schooner without auxiliary motor, 5 times. Gr. niece, Miner K. Kellogg, famous painter. Interests: art, lit. Recreations: art, nature, swimming (formerly), boat- ing, tennis. Episcopalian. Home: 22 Verona Apts., W.H., Cincinnati, 60, O. KITCHEN, Annie Louise, painter, pot- ter; b. Springtown, Pa., 31 Oct. 1871; d. Francis A. Kitchen, phys., and Anna Margaret (Eckel) K. ; ed. Toledo Cen- tral high sch.; Columbia Univ.; N.Y. Sch. Ceramics at Alfred Univ.; Toledo Museum Sch. Design; Chicago Art Inst. First woman potter in Toledo; first per- son to have potter's kiln studio in To- ledo; represented in nat. exhibits, Syra- cuse; has had 2 one-man shows in To- ledo Mus. Art, reed, many prizes; studied ceramics in Dresden, Ger. ; painted in Mex., Tex., Ariz., Me., Fla.; mem. D.A.R. (Ursula Wolcott Chap., To- ledo), O. Water Color Soc, Am. Ceramic Soc. Clubs: Toledo Women Artists, Toledo Arts & Crafts. Travel: Eur., Mex., Ger., U.S. Father, Francis A. Kitchen, was surg. during Civil War. Interests: painting, pottery, art. Pres- byterian. Republican. Studio and home: 339 Boston PL, Toledo, O. Summer home: Cranwood, Minong, Wis. MARIONI, John D., physician; b. Lon- don, Eng., 8 Jan. 1900; s. Peter Marioni, ice-cream maker, and Mary (Podesta) M. ; ed. Lyceum of Parma, It.; North high sch., Syracuse; Walnut Hill high sch. Cincinnati; Univ. Cincinnati (Lib. Arts), 1928, B.S. B.M., Coll. of Med., 1930, M.D., 1931; m. Jennie Geiss of Syracuse, N.Y., 1931; children— Donald, Thomas, Paul Joseph. Med. practice, Cincinnati, 1931 — ; staff, Good Samari- tan Hosp., Bethesda Hosp., St. Mary's Hosp. ; mem. A.M. A., Ohio State Med. Assn., Acad, of Cincinnati, Cath. For- esters. Author: med. articles. Travel: Eur. Interest: languages. Recreations: chess, cards, drawings. Catholic. Re- publican. Office: 700 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati, O. Home: 1357 Delta Av., Cincinnati, O. McKLHINEY, Blanche, teacher; b. Rokeby Lock, O., 28 Jan. 1881; d. Silas McElhiney, farmer, and Sarah (Huff- man) McE.; ed. McConnelsville-Malta Normal Sch.; Ohio Northern; Ohio Univ.; Ohio State Univ. Mem. N.E.A., Extension Dept., Nat. Acad, of Music, (N.Y.), The Verse Writers' Guild of Ohio, Poets' Round Table (Columbus, O.), League of Women Shoppers. Au- thor: poems in yearbooks and antholo- 165 gies, incl. Just for Today, Easter Prayer, The Land of Sky. Interest: music, art, poetry, biography, nature. Recreations: walking, rowing. Conglist. Democrat. Office: Heyl Av. School, Co- lumbus, O. Home: 954 Studer Av., Co- lumbus, O. BRUNER, William Evans, physician; b. Columbia, Pa., 8 Jan. 1866; s. Abram Bruner, lumber mcht., and Sarah Jane (Breneman) B. ; ed. Columbia high sch. ; A.B., Conn. Wesleyan Univ., 1888, A.M., 1891, ScD. (hon.); M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1891; m. Lydia S. Clark of Columbia, Pa., 18 Feb. 1897; 1 son, Clark Evans. Asst. diseases of eye, Western Res. Univ., 1895-97, asst. ophthal., 1897-1900, demonstrator ophthal., 1900-07, instr., 1907-10, lecturer, 1910-12, clin. prof., 1912-15, prof., 1915-36, prof, emeritus, 1936—; major, Med. Dept., U.S. Army, Aug.-Nov. 1918; Fellow A.C.S.; tr. Cleve- land Soc. for Blind; mem. Cleveland Med. Lib. Assn. (treas., pres., tr.), Am. Ophthal. Soc, Am. Acad, of Ophthal- Otolaryngol., Am. Med. Assn., Cleve- land Acad. Med. (pres.). Clubs: Union, Rowfant, Mayfield Country, Pasteur, Cleveland Ophthal, Adwondach League. Author: arts, in med. jours. Interests: photog., books. Recreation: fishing. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 1214 Guardian Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 13515 Shaker Blvd., Cleveland, O. BLOWER, James Girard, surgeon; b. Eng., 21 Mar. 1878; s. John Blower, and Emma (Bentley) B.; ed. Glouster (O.) high sch., M.D., Coll. Phys. and Surgs., 1905; m. Blanche Morgan of Glouster, O., 29 Nov. 1905; children- Lois B., Edmund R., James N. Prac ticed med., Glouster, O., 1905-13. Akron O., 1913—; mem. Ohio State Med. Bd. 1922-36, Akron Health Bd., 1919-41, bd dirs., Permanent Savings and Loan Bank; coroner, Athens Co., O., 1909-10 chief of surg. staff, People's Hosp., 1941 46; capt., Med. Corp., 1917-18; mem A.M. A., Summit Co. Med. Soc, Assn U.S. Mil Surgs., Masons, Shrine, A.R.C (life). Club: Portage Country. Method ist. Republican. Office: 1610 Central Tower Bldg., Akron, O. Home: 308 Rose Blvd., Akron, O. TIEBOUT, Charles Ralph, structural steel engineer; b. Kalamazoo, Mich., 4 May 1882; s. Charles A. Tiebout, eng., mfr., bus. man, and Margaret (Wag- nails) T.; ed. prep, dept., Olivet Coll.; A.B., Olivet Coll., sci. honors, 1905; B.C.E., engring. dept., Univ. Mich., 1910; m. Anne H. Campbell of Ypsilanti, Mich., 1906; children— Mrs. Margeret Rentfrow, Charles, Jr., Mrs. Mary Blair. Coll. asst., high sch. teacher of physics, 3 yrs.; engaged in application to routine matters of drafting and en- gring. and supervising men and work incident to steel fabricating bus., 35 yrs.; assoc. with Mt. Vernon Bridge Co., now with Internat. Steel Co., Evans- ville, Ind.; active sponsor, off. teacher of the learn-work-together apprentice system of developing high sch. boys into tech. men and potential executives; checker, squad boss, room engr., chief draftsman, chief engineer; mem. Phi Alpha Pi, Y.M.C.A., A.S.C.E. (assoc. mem.). Author: Elementary Engineer- ing Problems for Apprentices; Design- ing Details and Drafting Highway Bridges and Steel Buildings. Desc Jan Tiebout, New Amsterdam, 1656; nephew Adam Wagnalls co-publisher, Lit. Digest and Std. Diet. Interest: amateur as- tronomy. Recreation: swimming. Pres- byterian. Republican. Office: Inter- national Steel Co., Evansville, Ind. Home: 779 Washington Av., Evansville, Ind. STARKEY, William Carleton, electri- cal engineer, inventor; b. Zionsville, Ind., 6 May 1881; s. William Dynes Starkey, M.D., and Margaret Joanna (Moore) S. ; ed. Zionsville high sch. ; B.S. (E.E.), Purdue Univ., 1903, E.E., 1914; m. Anna Miller of Wilkinsburg, Pa., 12 Apr. 1906; m. (2nd) Lonelle Hunter of Greenwich, O., 14 June 1925; children — Carleton M., Sarah Margaret, Francis Dynes, Mary Virginia, Martha Joanna. Engring. apprentice and de- signing engr., Westinghouse Mfg. Co., 1904-06; research engr., Ohio Brass Co., chief engr. and mem. bd. dirs., 1906-22; v.p. and gen. mgr., Stevenson Gear Co., Indianapolis, Ind., 1922; pioneer inven- tor of free-wheeling and indsl. clutches of spring type, 1922— ; pres., Lgs Spring Clutches, Inc.; cons, engr., patent mat- ters; mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs., K.T., Scottish Rite, Shrine, Soc Ind. Pioneers, Ind. Citizens Hist. Assn., Army Ordnance Assn. Club: Rotary G. G.s. David McCurdy, reputed to be first man to drive a wagon into Marion Co. Interests: rose culture, gardening, gene- alogical research. Recreations: golf, swimming. Christian Scientist. Demo- crat. Office: 1413 Naomi St., Indianapo- lis, Ind. Home: R.R. 14, Box 632, In- dianapolis, Ind. STEELE, Otto Scott, minister; b. nr. Old Washington, O., 5 July 1896; s. John Henry Steele, farmer, and Emma Rose (Williams) S.; ed. Old Washington high 166 sen., 1912; Cambridge high sch., 1913; A.B. (magna cum laude), Mt. Union Coll., 1917; S.T.B., Boston Univ. School of Theology, 1920; D.D., Mt. Union Coll., 1937; m. Rachel Josephine Merrill of Salisbury, Mass., 1 June 1921; children —Otto Scott, Esther Warren. Ordained, deacon, Methodist Episcopal Church, 1919, elder, 1920; pastor, Methodist Churches, Winona, O., 1914-17, Salis- bury, Mass., 1917-18, Greenland, N.H., 1918-20,. New Concord, O., (Muskingumx Coll.), 1920-23, Granville, O., (Denison Univ.), 1923-26, Delaware, O., Asbury Church (Ohio Wesleyan Univ.), 1926-29, Mansfield, O., Central Church, 1929-33, First Methodist Church, West Lafayette, Ind.; dir. of Wesley Foundation at Pur- due Univ., 1933-45; minister, Endion Community Methodist Church, Duluth, Minn., 1 June 1945—; dean, Epworth League Institutes, Bethesda and Lan- caster, O., 1922-28, Bible Conference, Battle Ground, Ind., 1934-37; chmn. bd. of ministerial training, social security commission, and conference entertain- ment fund, Northwest Ind. Conference of the Methodist Church; mem., Phi Kappa Tau. Author: The Place of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts, 1920. Travel: U.S. Interest: study of politics. Methodist. Independent. Office: 1830 E. First St., Duluth 5, Minn. Home: 1824 E. First St., Duluth 5, Minn. ALEXANDER, Edward Franklin, lawyer; b. Cincinnati, O., 15 Nov. 1877; s. John Alexander, brewer, and Cath- eine (Deprez) A.; ed. Woodward high sch., Cincinnati; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1899, A.M., 1900; LL.B., Univ. of Cin- cinnati, 1906; m. Edith Dorothea Min- ning of Cincinnati, O., 8 Apr. 1910. Teacher at Carrollton (HI.) High Sch. 1899-1900; inst. in Latin, Univ. of Cin- cinnati, 1901-03; active practice of law, 1906—; active in municipal govt.; asst. solicitor (first asst.) City of Cincinnati, 1926—; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; I.O.O.F.; Am., Ohio State and Cincinnati Bar Assns. Clubs: Literary, University, Civic (all Cincinnati). Author: arts, on govt, reform. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Recreations: automobile trips. Uni- tarian. Democrat. Office: 214 City Hall, Cincinnati, O. Home: 5734 Lantana Av., Cincinnati, O. AMES, Edward Carder, educator, business executive; b. Riverside, 111., 6 June 1906; s. Albert F. Ames, school superintendent, and Daisy (Carder) A.; ed. Riverside-Brookfield high sch.; Ph.B., (cum laude), Univ. of Chicago, 1926; grad. scholar of Harvard Club of Chicago, 1926-27; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1928; m. Mary Helen Cornwall of Salem, O., 12 Oct. 1929; children— Daniel Greg- ory, Geoffrey Cornwall, Stephanie. Instr. hist., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1927- 29; ednl. dir., Epworth M.E. Ch., To- ledo, 1929-31; ed. staff, Toledo Times, 1930-34; on staff, Am. Com., Geneva, Switz., 1934; asst. prof. Eng., publicity dir., Univ. of Toledo, 1934-38; exec, sec, Hosp. Service Assn., Toledo, 1938-40; news commentator, station WSPD, 1937- 40; asst. to pres., Owens-Corning Fiber- glas Corp., Toledo, 1940-44, public re- lations manager, 1944 — ; tr., Riverside Hosp.; pub. rep., Toledo Sub-regional Labor Bd., 1934-36; mem. OPA Price Panel, 1944—; mem. Toledo Bd. of Edn., 1945 — ; awarded Toledo Jr. Chamber of Commerce Key for civic activity, 1939; mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Club: Torch. Co-author: University Term Papers; English in Business and Engineering; arts, for prof, and bus. pubis. Recrea- tion: gardening. Protestant. Office: Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Toledo, O. Home: 2904 Goddard Rd., Toledo, O. MOORE, Allen, n, president Chilll- cothe Business Coll.; b. Stanberry, 19 Feb. 1886; s. Allen Moore, I, (dec.) and Emma Julian (Dryden) M.; ed. high sch. dept., Chillicothe Normal Sch.; Chillicothe Normal Sch.; B.S., Val- paraiso Univ., 1906; m. Helen Margaret Huey of Oxford, La., 18 July 1919; chil- dren — Mary Ann, Martha Amma, Allen, III. Became pres. Chillicothe Normal Sch. (later Chillicothe Business Coll.) upon death of father, Allen Moore, I, Jan. 1907; mem. bd. edn., Chillicothe pub. schs.; dir. Chillicothe State Bank, Chillicothe Chamber Commerce; co. chmn., last Y.M.C.A. drive during World War I; mem. Central Commercial Teachers Assn., Southwest Pvt. Com- mercial Schs. Mgrs. Assn., Nat. Com- mercial Teachers Federation. Club: Ro- tary (now dist. gov., 134th dist.). Travel: Mex., Eur., Cuba. Maternal grandparents were 1st couple married in Linn Co., Mo.; the Dryden home- place, deeded by Pres. John Tyler, has continued in Dryden family over 100 yrs. Methodist. Democrat. Office: 1200- 1400 Monroe St., Chillicothe, Mo. Home: Glenmore 665 Elmdale Rd., Chillicothe, Mo. STEWART, Edward Lovelle, physi- cian; b. 29 Mar. 1876, Platte Co., Mo.; s. Thos. J. Stewart and Georgie E. (Tincher) S.; m. Katherine Ahling, (Sr. Imelda), 25 Sept. 1904; children- Thomas Duncan, Edward Ahling, Wil- 167 liam Frederick; ed. Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kan., Kansas City Medical Coll. (now Med. Dept., Univ. Kan.), 1903; prof. Bact. & Hist. Univ. Medical Coll., (K.C.), 1910, and of K.C.-Western Den- tal Coll., 1904-41; consulting Pathologist K.C. Gen. Hosp. and Pathologist Fair- mount and Willows Maternity Hosps., 1920-41; chief Lata. Ser., U.S. Gen. Hosp. No. 41, Fox Hills, Staten Island, N.Y. during World War I; now col. Med. Res.; mem. Jackson County Med. Soc. (p. sec), Mo. State Med. Assn., A.M.A. & Mil. Surg. East Gate Masonic Lodge No. 630 and East Gate Chapter No. 136 (p. High Priest) K.C. Mo., Order High Priesthood of Mo. & Quill Club of K.C, Mo., Ivanhoe Park Cong. Church, K.C. Author: Poems of a Doctor, 1940. Foun- der Weekly Bulletin of Jackson County Med. Soc, Mo. 1907, now in 35th yr. Office: 1115 Grand Av., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 2520 Jackson Av., Kansas City, Mo. Died, 24 Jan. 1945. PEETE, Don Carlos, physician; b. Kansas City, Kan., 5 Feb. 1900; s. Sam- uel English Peete, contractor, and Mary Etta (Cooper) P.; ed. Wyandotte high sch., 1918; Kan. City Jr. Coll., 1920; B.S., Univ. of Kansas, 1923, M.D., 1925; m. Alice Virginia Palmer of Kansas City, Oct. 3, 1924; children— Alice Vir- ginia, Sammie-Lou, Don Carlos, Jr. In- terne, Univ. of Kansas Hospitals (then Bell Memorial) asst. in med. dispen- sary, 1926-28; instr. in med., Kan. Univ., 1928-31, assoc. in med., 1931-36, asst. prof, of med., 1936-45; assoc. prof., 1945; attending physician Univ. of Kansas Hosp.; acting dir. of Clinic, 1942; cardi- ologist, Richard Cabot Clinic; head of the dept. of cardiology, Mercy Hosp.; served 1 yr. in radio service, U.S.N. , during World War I; Harvard Radio Sch.; fellow A.M.A. ; assoc. A.C.P.; mem. Kansas City Acad, of Med., K.C. S.W. Clinical Soc, Am. Heart Assoc, Health Conservation Assn., Phi Beta Pi, Alpha Omega Alpha, 1945. Author: nu- merous arts, on med. matters in med. journals and on radio programs. In- terest: clinical research. Recreation: sports. Episcopalian. Independent. Of- fice: Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., Home: 3717 Belleview, Kansas City, Mo. COX, Erma, librarian; b. Martins- ville, Ind., 1 Nov. 1899; d. Nathaniel Maxwell Cox, handwood turner, and Martha Alice (Rusk) C; ed. high sch.; summer sch. for Librarians, Indian- apolis, 1922. Began career as asst. libr., 1 Oct. 1919; libr., 1 Oct. 1922—; mem. Am. and Ind. Library Assns. Clubs: Literary, Martinsville Dept., Martins- ville Woman's, Coterie. Interests: litera- ture, cooking. Recreations: stage plays, symphonies, walking. Baptist. Independ- ent. Office: Martinsville Public Library, 110 S. Jefferson St., Martinsville, Ind. Home: Washington Apts., apt. 3, 195 E. Washington St., Martinsville, Ind. CUSHMAN, Paul Allerton, engineer; b. Haverhill, Mass., 1889; s. Charles Horace Cushman and Ada (Colby) C; ed. Mechanic Arts high sch., Boston, Mass., 1907; S.B., M.I.T., 1911, S.M., 1927; Sc.D., Univ. Mich., 1932; m. Mary Ottile Davis of Benton Harbor, Mich., 1932. Instr., Trinity Coll., 1911-13; rate engr. dept. and comml. engr. dept., Am. Tel. & Tel. and Pacific Cos., N.Y. and Calif., 1913-16; instr. summer ses- sions, Univ. Calif., 1913, Univ. Me., 1918; instr. steam and elec power plant prac- tice, Wentworth Inst., 1916-18; asst. prof, of mech. engring., Pa. State Coll., 1918- 19; asst. prof. mech. engring., Brooklyn Poly. Inst., 1919-24; prof, and head of mech. engring. dept., Univ. Ark., 1924- 25; designer, Gen. Elec Co., 1927; with Gen. Elec. Co. summers; assoc. prof, mech. engring., Univ. Neb., 1927-28; prof, and head of mech. engring., Van- derbilt Univ., 1928-32; grad. study and research, Univ. Mich., 1931-32; prof, mech. engring., Univ. Mich., 1932-33; prof, and head mech. engring., Val- paraiso Univ., 1933-39; metallurgist and testing engr., McGill Mfg. Co., Val- paraiso, Ind., 1939—; trained sailors and soldiers during World War I; fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Soc. for Metals, Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Soc for Pro- motion Engring. Edn., Assn. of Descs. of Issac Allerton of the Mayflower, Masons (32d deg.), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Wauhob Golf, Val- paraiso Foremen's. Author: Electricity in Material Handling and articles in Materials Handling Cyclopedia; A Re- capitulation of Thermodynamics; Stress Determination by Membrane Analogy; Laws of Mechanical Comparison Ap- plied to Transformer Design; Tabulated Recapitulations as a Means of Ed. in S.P.E.E. Journal; The Principles of Automotive Engring. Republican. Of- fice: McGill Manufacturing Co., Val- paraiso, Ind. Home: 803 Brown Av., Valparaiso, Ind. TODD, Joseph Clinton, dean; b. Boone Co., Mo., 28 Mar. 1879; s. William Chenault Todd, lawyer, and Margaret Walton (Hall) T.; ed. Hallsville country sch.; pub. schs. (Sturgeon, Centralia 168 and Marshall, Mo.); A.B., Mo. Valley Coll., Marshall, Mo., 1897-1901; A.M., Columbia Univ., N.Y., 1906-08; Union Theol. Sem., N.Y., 1905-08; D.D., Mo. Valley Coll., 1918; LL.D., Culver Stock- ton Coll., 1922; m. Emily Josephine Robertson of Marshall, Mo., 2 June 1903; children— Joseph Robertson, Wil- liam Dean, Mary Ellen. Teacher mathe- matics, Marshall High Sch. (Mo.), 1901-04; pastor, Christian Ch., Boonville, Mo., 1902-04; Christian Ch., Monroe City, Mo., 1904-05; supply pastor, 56th St. Christian Ch., New York City, 1905-06; pastor Presbyn. Ch., Brentwood, L.I., 1906-08, First Christian Ch., Blooming- ton, Ind., 1908-12; dean Ind. Sch. of Religion, Bloomington, Ind., 1910—; lec- turer on Church Hist., Butler Univ. Coll. of Religion, 1933-37; Univ. sec. Bd. of Ed. of Disciples of Christ; mem. Univ. Comm. Council of Church Bds. of Ed., 1919-34; pres. Ind. Convention of Ch. of Christ, 1911; chmn., Hist. Com. of Ind. Convention of Ch. of Christ, 1935-39; del. to World Conf. on Church, Community and State, Oxford, Eng., and attended World Conf. on Faith and Order, Edin- burg, Scot.; mem. Good Will Mission to Mexico City, inter-ch. World movement; sec. for Ind. ch. related coll., 1926; dir. bd. of higher ed. of Disciples of Christ; dir. No. Am. Bd. for Study of Religion in Higher Edn.; exec. sec. Ind. council on religion in higher ed.; mem. Ind. Hist. Soc. and Ind. Assn. of Teachers of Religion; Kappa Delta Rho, Masons. Clubs: Indianapolis Athletic, Columbia (Indianapolis, Ind.). Author: prescribed biblical and religious courses (16 pgs., 1935), The Universal Christian Life, Con- stancy, reg. contbr. of articles to Ind. Christian, occasional contbr. to Chris- tian Evangelist, St. Louis, Christian Standard, Cincinnati. Recreations: swiminmg, automobile riding, moun- taineering, farming. Disciples of Christ. Republican. Address: 618 E. Third St., Bloomington, Ind. Summer res.: Rural Route 4, Greencastle, Ind. WOOLLEN, Herbert M„ business ex- ecutive; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 1 Dec. 18975; s. Milton A. Woollen, capitalist, and Ida (Baird) W. ; ed. Manual Train- ing high sch., Indianapolis; Purdue; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1901; M.D., Ind. Univ., 1904; m. Irma Wocher of Indianapolis, Ind., 7 Jan. 1907. Practice med., Indian- apolis, 10 yrs.; pres., Am. Cent. Life Ins. Co., 1911-37; pres., Am. United Life Ins. Co., 1937-40; pres., Am. Life Conv.; dir., Life Agency Officers Assn.; mem. Life Ins. Assn. of Am.; Phi Delta Theta, Phi Rho Sigma; dir. Ind. State Sym- phony Soc, Indianapolis Dramatic, Con- temporary, Woodstock, Traders Point Hunt (pres.), Columbia, Indianapolis Athletic. Office: Meridian St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Home: Golden Hill, Indian- apolis, Ind. WRIGHT, Burrell, lawyer; b. Free- port, 111., 9 June 1893; s. William O. Wright, banker, mcht., and Mary E. (Humphrey) W.; ed. Freeport (HI.) high sch.; Dartmouth Coll.; Univ. 111.; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1916; m. Rebecca Swain of Shelbyville, 2 June 1917; m. (2d) Sabra Small Aiman of Elwood, 13 Nov. 1923; children — Mary Catherine, Pierre B. Aiman, Eliece Aiman. Entered pract., July 1916; admitted to White, Wright & Boleman, 1920, engaged in corp., busi- ness and ins. pract., 1920 — ; asst. treas., Ind. Republican orgn., 1928, treas., 1932- 37; asst. treas., Republican Nat. Com., 1934-36; Ind. Representative Robert A. Taft for President, 1940; active in civic, business and political affairs in Ind., 1925 — ; dir. numerous business and in- dustrial corps.; entered Air Service, U.S.A., Dec. 1917, 2d It., 1 yr., Mil. Intelligence Officer, Mitchell Field, L.I., N.Y., 6 mos., discharged, Jan. 1919; mem. Am., Indianapolis and Ind. State Bar Assns., Internat. Assn. Ins. Coun- sel, Phi Delta Phi, Psi Upsilon, Masons (Shrine, Scottish Rite), The Newcomen Soc, Indiana Soc. of Chicago. Clubs: Columbia, Woodstock, Indianapolis Country, Dramatic, Indianapolis Press. Interests: contemporary paintings, gar- dening. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: Merchants Bank Bldg., Indian- apolis, Ind. Home: 4919 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. BROWN, Oliver W., professor; b. Ver- milion Grove, 111., 1873; s. Thomas C. Brown, minister, and Matilda J. Cana- day; ed. Kokomo (Ind.) high sch., Earl- ham Coll., Ind. Univ., Mo. Sch. of Mines, B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1895, A.M., 1896; Sc.D. (hon.), Huntington Coll., Ind., 1941; m. Alice J. Saveland of Mil- waukee, Wis., 1908; children — Edward T. S., Oliver W., Jr., Alice E. Teacher chem., Ind. Univ., 1899 — ; instr. chem. engring., Univ. Wis., v.p., gen. mgr., Brown-Smith Battery Co., chief storage battery engr., The Prest-O-Lite Co., Inc., 1915-17; mem. Electrochem. Soc, Alpha Chi Sigma, Sigma Xi. Author: many arts, on electrochem., catalysis, electro- organic chem., storage batteries. So- ciety of Friends. Republican. Office: Ind. Univ., Bloomington, Ind. Home: 526 N. Washington St., Bloomington, Ind. Summer home: Plainfield, Ind. 169 SCHLOSSBERG, Victor E., elec. engr.; b. N.Y. City, 28 May 1905; s. John B. Schlossberg (dec.) and Eva (Gruhn) S.; ed. Wiley high sch., Terre Haute; B.S. in Elec. Engring., Rose Poly. Inst., 1926, E.E., 1933; m. Leba C. Kerber of Terre Haute, Ind., 1926; chil- dren — Eva Adel, Victor E., Jr. Assoc, with Inland Steel Co., 1926—, test engr., 1927, asst. supt. elec. dept., 1930; asst. supt. elec. and power depts., 1931 — ; served with U.S. Strategic Bombing Sur- vey assimilated rank, col. ETO, 1945; mem. Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs., Assn. Iron and Steel Engrs., Elec. Mainte- nance Engrs., East Chicago Chamber Commerce, B'nai B'rith. Travel: U.S. Jewish (mem. Temple Beth-El, Ham- mond). Office: Inland Steel Co., East Chicago, Ind. Home: 4136 Parrish Av., East Chicago, Ind. WENNER, William Ervin, educator, lecturer; b. Salem, Pa., 27 Aug. 1872; s. G. J. H. Wenner, farmer, and Martha (Finley) W.; ed. Westminster Prep. Sch.; Clarion State Normal Sch.; A.B., Westminster (Pa.) Coll., 1897, Ped. D. (hon.), 1936, Coll. of Wooster; m. Mar- gie L. Rugh of Salem, Pa., 8 Jan. 1902; children — Thomas B., Leland C. Teacher, pub. schs.; head Eng. dept., Slippery Rock State Coll., Pa., 1905-07; asst. prin., Wooster Prep. Sch., 1907-09; supt., Ashtabula Harbor schs., 1909 — ; lecturer and teacher, Kent State Teach- ers Coll., summers, 1926-28; Redpath Chautauqua lecturer, summers, 1915-24; lecturer to civic, coml., fraternal and ednl. groups; pres., Y.M.C.A., 1939-45, local Chamber Commerce, 2 terms, dir., 20 yrs.; mem. Ohio Ho. of Reps., 1918-22, Senate, 1922-23; mem. N.E.A., N.E.O.T.A., O.E.A, Y.M.C.A., (Nat. Council, 1924-28), Masons (32d deg.). Club: Nat. Exchange. Author: Outlines of American and English Literature. Travel: U.S., Eur. Interests: Boy Scout work, lit., edn. Recreation: golf. Con- glist. Republican. Office: 221 Lake Av., Ashtabula, O. Home: 335 Lake Av., Ash- tabula, O. HALL, Ford Poulton, professor; b. St. Paul, Minn., 21 Nov. 1898; s. Edward C. Hall and Jennie (Howard) H.; ed. Cent, high sch., St. Paul, Minn.; A.B., Carle- ton Coll., 1921; B.A., Oxford Univ., 1924, B.C.L., 1925, M.A., 1930; LL.M., Minn., 1927; m. Frances Nimerfro of Mankato, 1929. Instr., Univ. Minn., 1925-27; assoc. prof., Ind. Univ., 1927-36, prof., head of dept., 1936-40, dean of facilities, 1943-44; served Monroe Co. Bd. Pub. Welfare, 1935-40; spl. rep., U.S. Employment Service, 1934-38; mem. Ind. Merit Sys- tem Council, 1940-41; act. dir., Ind. Bur. of Personnel, 1941; tech. advisor to Ind. Merit System Assn., 1940-45; corpl. World War I, Oct. 1918-Dec. 1918; mem. Am. Polit. Sci. Assn., A.A.U.P., Phi Beta Kappa; Rhodes Scholar, 1922-25. Author: Government and Business McGraw-Hill Co., 1934-40; Concept of a Business Affected with a Public Interest, Puncipia Press, 1940. Travel: Eur., Near East. Democrat. Office: Dept. Govt., Ind. Univ., Bloomington, Ind. Home: 804 Woodlawn, Bloomington, Ind. HENNING, Edwin C, lawyer; b. Can- nelton, Ind., 20 Jan. 1875; s. William Henning, lawyer, and Sarah Elizabeth (Cleveland) H.; ed. Cannelton (Ind.) high sch.; Univ. Mich.; m. Maud Sulzer of Cannelton, Ind., 20 Nov. 1921. Asst. prosecuting atty., 1897; judge Superior Ct, Vandeburgh Co., 1928-30; tr. Evans- ville Waterworks Dept., 1935-43; mem. Ind. State and Am. Bar Assns. (p. com. mem.), Evansville Bar Assn. (p. pres.), Am. Waterworks Assn., Sigma Chi, Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Elks (exalted ruler, Evansville branch, 5 yrs.). Clubs: Mich- igan Union (Ann Arbor, Mich.), Colum- bia (Indianapolis), Optimist (Evans- ville). Travel: Can., Mex., U.S. Direct desc. of Moses Cleveland, founder of city of Cleveland, O. Interest: literature. Recreation: walking. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Office: 303-305 Citizens Bank Bldg., Evansville, Ind. Home: 636 E. Gum St., Evansville, Ind. MILLER, Sidney S., lawyer; b. Indi- anapolis, Ind., 27 Sept. 1893; s. Samuel D. Miller, lawyer, and Helen (Karcher) M.; ed. Shortridge high sch., Indian- apolis; Manlius Sch., Manlius, N.Y.; Hamilton Coll.; LL.B., Ind. Law Sch., 1916; m. Maybelle Sattley of Detroit. Mich., 17 May 1919 (div.); children- Samuel D., II, Constance, Sidney S., Jr.; m. (2d) Thelma Horton of Indian- apolis, Ind., 3 Aug. 1940. Practice of law, 1916 — ; dir., v.p. and gen. counsel, Vernon Gen. Ins. Co.; chief dep. prose- cutor, Marion Co., Ind., 1921-22; judge. Sup. Court Marion Co., Ind., 1922-27; pres., Bd. Pub. Welfare, Marion Co., Ind., 1937-40; corp. counsel, Indian- apolis, 1943-45; mem. Bd. Corporators, Crown Hill Cemetery; capt., maj. 150th F.A. 42 (Rainbow) Div. during World War I; mem. Am. Legion, Vets, of Fgn. Wars, Mil. Order of Loyal Legion, Sons Am. Revol., Masons, Rainbow Div. Vets., Am., Indianapolis and Ind. State Bar Assns., Chi Psi, Delta Theta Phi. Club: Service. Recreations: golf, fish- 170 ing. Presbyterian. Republican. Office : 1356 Consolidated Bldg., 115 N. Pennsyl- vania St., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: Columbia Club, Indianapolis, Ind. MORRIS, Donald S„ executive; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 27 Sept. 1878; s. Thomas O'N. Morris, civil engr., and Estelle J. (Goodale) M.; ed. LL.B., Ind. Law Sen., 1899; m. Lucie MacDaniel of Indianapolis, Ind., 16 June 1906; chil- dren—Josephine M. McKee, Morris; m. (2d) Mary A. Humes of Indianapolis, Ind., 30 June 1934. Practiced law Indian- apolis, 1899-1915; assoc. with Fletcher Trust Co., 1915-45, v.p., counsel; mem. Indianapolis and Ind. Bar Assns., F. & A.M. Oriental Lodge. Clubs: Woodstock, Columbia, Loyal Legion. Grandfather commanded first battle of Civil War. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office: Fletcher Trust Bldg., In- dianapolis, Ind. Home: Indianapolis, Ind. NESTER, Henry George, university professor and head of department of physiology and health, dean of men; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 20 Aug. 1903; ed. Shortridge high sch.; A.B., Butler Univ., 1925; A.M., Ind. Univ., 1928, Ph.D., 1930; aviation physiologist, Sch. of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Tex., 1942, Marine. Biol. Lab., Woods Hole, Mass. Grad. asst. in zool., embryol., heredity and limnol., Ind. Univ., 1925-28, Water- man Res. Grant, 1928, grad. fellowship, 1928-29; full time asst. in Vertebrate Zool., Univ. HI., 1929; instr., zool., Butler Univ., 1929-30, asst. prof., 1930- 38, assoc. prof., 1938-40, prof, and head dept. of physiol. and health, 1940—, chmn., Men's Council (Dean of Men), 1938_; 1st It., aviation physiologist, Air Corps, U.S. Army, 1942-43, promoted capt., 1944; fellow, Ind. Acad. Sci. (chmn. Zoology Sect., 1938); fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Am. Soc. of Zools., A.A.U.P., Ind. Student Health Assn. (p. pres.), Masons (Ancient Landmarks Lodge, Scottish Rite), Lambda Chi Alpha. Author: Some Cytoplasmic Structures in the Male Re- productive Cells of a Pseudoscorpion (Chelanops corticis), Jour, of Morph. & Physiol., vol. 53, No. 1, 5 Mar. 1932; Abstracts for Biol. Abstracts, 1927-37; The Golgi Material in the Parathyroid Gland Cells of Vitamin D. Deficient Albino Rats; Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 48: 201, 1939. Christian. Office: Butler Univ., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 2832 N. Capitol Av., Indianapolis, Ind. REVEAL, Ernest Ira, minister, super- intendent of Evansville Rescue Mission; b. Charleston, W.Va., 15 Apr. 1880; 8. Francis Reveal, brick mfr., and Vic- toria (Brown) R.; ed. by practical ex- perience; D.D. (hon.), Bob Jones Coll., Cleveland, Tenn., 3 June 1941; m. Edna W. Wiltrout of Silver Lake, Ind., 17 Aug. 1910; children — Virginia Reveal Day, Ernest, Jr. Licensed to preach, 1908; ordained minister, 1919; supt., Evans- ville Rescue Mission, 1917 — ; awarded bronze tablet, placed in Temple of Fine Arts, for outstanding citizen of 1931; nationally known for annual Bible Conf. with speakers from all parts of the United States and abroad. Interest: prayer building programs. Recreation: all outdoor life. Presbyterian. Non-par- tisan. Office: 216 Locust St., Evansville, Ind. Home: 2132 Lincoln Av., Evans- ville, Ind. Summer home: Camp Reveal, Ind. BURCH, Alvan Vernon, Sr., execu- tive; b. Crawford Co., 111., 27 May 1888; s. Jasper Newton Burch, farmer, and Sarah Katherine B.; ed. secondary schs.; m. Violet H. Hadley of Moores- ville, Ind., 1907; children— Harold H., Gerald J. and Alvan V., Jr. Farmer; pres., owner, Blount Plow Works, Inc.; the only male ever elected to life mem- bership by War Mothers of Am. ; served on Ind. Highway Commn., Comptroller City of Evansville, 1943, 44; elected auditor of state, State of Ind., 1944, now serving in this capacity; mem. Masons (York Rite), Shrine. Clubs: Republican, Columbia, Indianapolis, Ind. Interests: fishing, hunting. Methodist. Republican. Office: Blount Plow Works, Inc., Main and Illinois Sts., Evansville, Ind. Home: 900 Ravenswood Dr., Evansville, Ind. BURGET, Eugene O., insurance ex- ecutive; b. Clinton, Co., Ind., 5 Jan. 1869; s. Wm. M. Burget, farmer, and Permelia (Matt) B.; ed. Ind. State Nor- mal Sch., 1890; m. Carrie B. Boyle of Frankfort, Ind., 28 June 1899. Teacher, Clinton Co., 7 yrs.; prin. schs., Circle- ville and Hillisburg, Ind.; dep. co. audi- tor, 1894-1902; auditor, Clinton Co., 1902- 06; asst. cashier, Clinton Co. Bank, 1907; sec, gen. mgr., Peoples Life Ins. Co., 1907, pres., 1926; dir. Frankfort Cham- ber Commerce, Country Club, Citizens Bldg. and Loan Assn., Farmers Bank; mem. Ind. Hist. Soc, B.P.O.E., Masons, Shrine, Scottish Rite, K.T., K. of P., Red Men. Recreations: golf, fishing, horse racng. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice: Peoples Life Bldg., Frankfort, Ind. Home: 502 S. Main St., Frankfort, Ind. CHAMBERLIN, Harry O., lawyer; b. Washington, D.C., 6 Jan. 1872; s. Edw. 171 H. Chamberlin, commn. mcht., and Sarah T. (Richardson) C; ed. Washing- ton (D.C.) high sch.; LL.B., Nat. Univ. Law, 1895, LL.M., 1896; m. Louise M. Craig of Oxford, Mich., 3 Sept. 1895; 1 dau., Eunice Craig. Clk., Post Office, Washington, D.C, 1891-1902; admitted to practice law, Indianapolis, 2 Mar. 1902; partner, Roemler & Chamberlin, 1905-20, renewed partnership, Roemler, Chamberlin & Rust, 1933-41; judge Marion Circuit Ct., Indianapolis, 1920, 1926; State Senator, Ind. Gen. Assembly, 1940-44; Ind. Compliance Commn. U.S. War Prod. Bd., 1944-45; capt., Chem. Warfare (gas) Service, Camp Hum- phries, Va., Camp Kendrick, N..J, 1918; mem. A.F. & A.M., Ind. State and Indi- anapolis Bar Assns., S.A.R., Am. Legion. Clubs: Service (Indianapolis), Sojourners. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 1110 Fletcher Trust Bldg., Indi- anapolis, Ind. Home: 3907 N. Pennsyl- vania St., Indianapolis, Ind. CONDO, Gus S., lawyer; b. Lafayette, Ind., 1 July 1874; s. Samuel S. Condo, clergyman, and Sarah A. (Pottorf) C; m. Nelle Kiley of Marion, Ind., 30 June 1902. Practiced law, Marion, Ind., 1896 — , in all state and fed. courts; mem. U.S. Supreme Ct. Bar, 1911—; dir., Marion Nat. Bank, Marion Nat. Corp., Consolidated Finance Co., Indianapolis, Ind.; mem. Ind. Legislature, 1905-08; mem. Am., Ind. and Grant Co. Bar Assns., B.P.O.E., Izaak Walton League. Clubs: Kiwanis, Columbia, Indianapolis Mecca, Marion. Recreation: fishing. Catholic. Republican. Office: Marion Nat. Bank Bldg., Marion, Ind. Home: 110 Wabash Av., Marion, Ind. THURSTON, Ernest B., electrical and mechanical engineer; b. Orion, Mich., 26 June 1887; s. Jesse J. Thurston, farmer, and Emma J. (Porritt) T.; ed. Orion high sch.; E.E., M.E., Ohio Northern Univ., 1910; m. Elta G. Roth- rock of Ada, O., Aug. 1908; children — Glen E., Beulah E., Pauline E., Lulu Marie. Electrical engr., General Elec- tric Co., Pittsfield, Mass., 1910-12; prof, electric and mech. engr., Aad, O., 1912- 15; development and sales engr., Haughton Elevator, Co., 1915; fellow A.I.E.E.; mem. Masons. Author: 40 patents. Travel: U.S. Recreation: hik- ing. Methodist. Republican. Office: care Haughton Elevator Co., Toledo, O. Home: 2058 Glenwood Av., Toledo, O. Summer home: Lost Lake Woods Club, Lincoln, Mich. THOMPSON, Clara Ann, writer, pub- lic reader; b. Rossmoyne, O. ; d. John Henry Thompson, farmer, and Clara Jane (Gray) T.; ed. pub. schs., Ross- moyne; pvt. tutors. Teacher, pub. schs., 1 yr.; wrote poetry, gave pub. readings of it for chs., clubs, etc.; mem. Y.W. C.A., Nat. Assn. for Advancement of Colored People. Author: Songs from the Wayside, 1908; A Garland of Poems, 1926. Travel: U.S. Interests: art, litera- ture, needlework, wood carving. Epis- copalian. Republican. Home address: Box 217, Rossmoyne, O. TAFT, Hulbert, journalist; b. Cincin- nati, O., 20 Sept. 1877; s. Peter R. Taft, lawyer, and Matilda (Hulbert) T.; ed. Clifton Pub. high sch.; Franklin Sch.; B.A., Yale Univ., 1900; LL.D. (hon.), Xavier Univ.; m. Nellie Leaman of Cin- cinnati, O., Apr. 1904; children— Hul- bert, Jr., Katherine (Mrs. James Bene- dict), Margo (Mrs. John Tytus), David G.; m. (2d) Virginia Kittredge of Cin- cinnati, O., July 1928. Reporter, Cin- cinnati, Times-Star, 1901-02, assoc. ed., 1902-07, ed., 1907—; pres., Times Star Co., 1930 — . Clubs: Commercial, Queen City, Camargo, University. Office: Cin- cinnati Times-Star, Cincinnati, O. Home: Indian Hill Rd., Cincinnati, O. Summer res.: Biddeford Pool, Me. GRIES, John Matthew, economist; b. nr. Urbana, 111., 22 June 1877; s. Alex- ander Gries and Mary (Scarborough) G.; ed. A.B., Miami Univ., 1905, A.M., 1906; LL.D., 1923; Univ. of Wis. and Columbia Univ.; m. Ethel M. Goff of Madeira, O., Dec. 1909; children— John Paul, Robert Goff, George A. Financial sec, Univ. Settlement, N.Y., 1907-08; spl. agt., Bur. of Corporations, Washing- ton, D.C, 1908-14; mem. faculty, Grad. Sch. of Bus. Adminstrn., Harvard Univ., 1914-21; dir., Harvard Bur. of Business Research, 1918; examiner, U.S. Fed. Trade Commn., 1917; expert, U.S. Ship- ping Bd., 1918; chief, Div. of Bldg. and Housing, U.S. Bur. of Standards, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1921-28; chief, Div. Pub. Constr. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1928-30; chmn. Am. delegation to Con- gress of Internat. Fedn. of Building and Public Works, London, Eng., 1930; exec, sec, President's Conf. on Home Bldg. and Home Ownership, 1930-32; mem. Fed. Home Loan Bank Bd., 1932-33; mem. Am. Planning and Civic Assn. (dir.), Ohio Soc of N.Y., Delta Upsilon, Acacia, Phi Beta Kappa, Masons, O.E.S., Ohio Soc. of New York. Co- author: How to Own Your Home, 1923; Seasonal Operations in Constr. Indus- tries. Joint editor: (with Dr. James Ford) 11 vols, on housing. Travel: Eng., 172 Scotland, Fr., Belg., The Netherlands, Ger., U.S. Interests: city planning, and local hist. Conglist. Republican. Office: Conover, O. Home: Rosewood, O. Winter home: Kissimmee, Fla. GAMMEL, John Anthony Stephan, physician, professor; b. Veitshoechheim, Bavaria, 24 July 1894; s. Stephan Gam- mel, r.r. official, and Anna (Fischer) G.; ed. Volkschule, 1904; Humanis- tisches Neues Gymnasium, 1913; M.D., Faculty Med., Julius Maxmilians Univ., Wuerzburg, Bavaria, 1922; m. Elfriede Van Boemmel of Wuerzburg, Bavaria, 27 Sept. 1923; children — Ensign Leonard John (U.S.N.R.), Louis Fidelis, Verena Elfriede. Mem. faculty Western Reserve Univ. Med. Sch., 1924—; on staff of Univ. Hosps. and Outpatient Dept., Lakeside Hosp., 1924 — ; pres., Press & Plate Co., Cleveland; entered German Army as cadet, 1913, fought in World War I, resigned as 1st It., 1919, reed. Iron Cross, Knight of the Frederic Order ( Wuerttemberg) , Frederic August Cross, German War Mem. Cross, Austrian, Bulgarian, Hungarian War Mem. Med- als, plaque for injury reed, at a para- chute jump; mem. Am. Dermatol. Assn., A.M. A., Ohio State Med. Soc, Cleveland Acad. Med., Cleveland Med. Library Assn., Cleveland Dermatol. Soc. (pres., 1938-39), Mycological Soc. Am. (charter mem.), Schlaraffia Silvana (presiding off., 1932-45), K.C., German Sports League (Cleveland, hon. pres.). Author: monograph on Madura foot; 24 arts, in Am., French, Ger. sci. jours.; collaborator of Mycopathologia (Den Haag). Interests: collection of early copper etchings and books of Francony, old Ger. stamps. Catholic. Office: 521 Osborn Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 2778 Derbyshire Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. FREEMAN, Benjamin W., executive engineer, inventor; b. Cincinnati, O., 25 Feb. 1890; s. Louis G. Freeman, manu- facturer, and Elizabeth (Brodfur) F.; ed. grammar sch.; B.S., Dayton Univ., 1908; M.E., Univ. Cincinnati, 1913; m. Renie Mangham of San Antonio, Tex., 14 June 1919; children — Renie M., Mar- jorie A., Benj. W., Jr. Prodn. mgr., Hudson Heel Co., St. Louis, 1913-17; with Louis G. Freeman Co., Cincinnati, 1919 — , pres., 1930—; pres., Greenbrier Corp., 1938 — ; dir. Greenbrier Corp., L. G. Freeman Co.; served as 1st It., Ordnance, Apr. 1917-Dec. 1918; mem. A.S.M.E. Clubs: Engrs. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Country, University, Queen City, Cincinnati. Inventor: machines used in shoe mfg. Interest: gardening. Recreations, golf, travel. Office: 1819 Freeman Av., Cincinnati, O. Home: 2613 Handasyde, Cincinnati, O. Summer res. : Birchwood, Mich. DEVIN, Henry Curtis, attorney; b. Mt. Vernon, O., 27 Mar. 1868; s. Joseph C. Devin, atty., and Ella (Curtis) D.; ed. Mt. Vernon high sch.; Marsh's Acad.; Ph.B., Kenyon Coll., Gambier, O., 1888, A.M., 1893; m. Fanny Emma Marsh at Wawasee, Ind., 10 July 1895; children — Fletcher M., Elizabeth Brain. Dir. and chmn. bd. dirs., First Knox Nat. Bank; pres. and mem. bd. trs., Mt. Vernon (O.) Pub. Lib.; mem. bd. trs., Knox Co. Children's Home; elected judge, Common Pleas Ct., 1938; mem. Selective Service local Draft Bd. (sec), Knox Co., O. during World War I.; mem. bd. dirs., Mt. Vernon Tel. Corp.; mem. Knox Co. and O. State Bar Assns., Alpha Delta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Mt. Vernon Country, University (Columbus, O.). Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: First-Knox Nat. Bank Bldg., Mt. Vernon, O. Home: 101 N. Main St., Mt. Vernon, O. ELLIOTT, Floyd Edward, musician; b. Laurelville, O., 18 Dec. 1902; s. H. C. Elliott, minister, and Margaret (Tou- mine) E.; ed. West high sch., Columbus, O.; Otterbein Coll.; Mus.D., Capital Univ., 1944; Cincinnati Conservatory, Chicago Musical Coll.; Arts Coll.; grad. student O. State Univ., 1944. Affiliated with violin dept., Capital Univ., 1926—; asst. prof, violin, 1941; direct string ensembles, serves as concert meister and assoc. conductor; professional in music in fields of teaching, radio, solo (violin), opera string quartet and en- semble; supervisor music, Hamilton Twp. High Sch.; Junior Band and Or- chestra Chmn. of the State of Ohio; mem. Cent. Ohio Teachers Assn., Ohio Ed. Assn. Club: National Fedn. of Music. Interest: producing musical plays. Recreations: tennis, golf, fishing, bridge. Lutheran. Republican. Office: Capital University, Columbus, O. Home: 675 Sheridan Av., Columbus, O. DUMLER, Martin George, manufac- turer; b. Cincinnati, O., 22 Dec. 1868; s. Martin Dumler, grocer, and Magda- lena (Diem) D.; ed. St. Joseph's Sch., Cincinnati, O.; Mus. Doc. (hon.), Coll. Music, 1934; LL.D. (hon.), St. Xavier Univ., 1927; m. Pearl Estelle Droste of Cincinnati, O., 23 Jan. 1907; 1 son — Martin Henry. Pres., Chatfield & Woods Sack Co.; v.p., Coll. Music of Cincin- nati; mem. Bruckner Soc. Am. (pres.), Internat. Bruckner Soc. Vienna (hon.), 173 Soc St. Gregory Am. (exec, com.), Cin- cinnati Chamber Music Soc, Phi Mu Alpha Sifonia. Clubs: Kentucky Colonel, Stumps Boat, Cincinnati, Hyde Park Golf & Country, McDowell, Musi- cians, Cincinnati Art, Salmagundi (N.Y.), Orpheus. Composer: many sacred music compositions, also secular, many large works for symphonic or- chestra; music, Opus No. 40 "Stabat Mater" premiere, Cincinnati May Festi- val, 1935; works played extensively throughout Eur. and Can. Interests: books, art. Recreations: golf, fishing, gardening. Catholic. Office: The Chat- field & Woods Sack Co., Arbor PL, Hyde Park, Cincinnati, O. Home: 1607 Dexter Av., Cincinnati 6, O. DINSMORE, Ray Putnam, vice presi- dent; b. Tewksbury, Mass., 24 Apr. 1893; s. Hiram P. Dinsmore, accountant, and Susan (Toye) D.; ed. Lowell (Mass.) high sen.; B.S. (in Ch.E.), M.I.T., 1914; Dr. Engr., Case Sch. of Applied Science, 1940; m. Violet Cowie of Toronto, 24 Sept. 1919; children— Ruth H., Ray P. Entire business career with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., 1914—, exptl. dept., Akron, O., 1914-16, asst. chem., Goodyear, Can., 1916-19, chief chem., Calif., 1919-21, chief com- pounder, Akron, 1921-23, chief chem., 1923-32, asst. to factory mgr., 1932-39, development mgr., 1939-43, v. pres., 1943 — ; chmn. Akron sect. A.C.S., 1925- 26; chmn. Akron sect. Am. Inst. Chem. Engr., 1938 — ; chmn. Rubber div., A.C.S., 1925-26; asst. dep. rubber dir., Washington, D.C., 1942-43; mem. Prof. Engrs., Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., fellow, A.A.A.S., Inst, of Chem., Inst, of Rubber Ind. (British). Clubs: Portage Country (Akron), Chem. (New York), University (Akron). Au- thor: papers and patents on rubber technic Co-author: Alexander's Colloid Chemistry of Rubber; A.C.S. Mono- graphs on Rubber Technology; Hauser's Handbuch der Gesamten Kautschuk Technologic Travel: Eur., U.S., Can. Interests: economics, philosophy, sci., ethics. Recreations: hunting, fishing, building, reading. Conglist. Republican. Office: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, O. Home: 795 Merriman Rd., Akron, O. Summer home: Hardy Rd., Northampton, O. MILLER, Thomas William, executive; b. Manchester, O., 12 Feb. 1875; s. Free- man S. Miller, carriage builder, and Rebecca (Fisher) M.; ed. Summit and Stark Co. high sens.; m. Helen Adelaide Myers of Ashland, O., 31 Mar. 1909; 5- children — Thomas William, Jr., Mary Miller Johnson, Parker Everard. With The Faultless Rubber Co., 1900 — , pres., 1907, chmn. of bd., 1925, retired, 1941; dir., The First Nat. Bank, Faultless Rubber Co., F. E. Myers & Bro. Co. (all of Ashland), Nat. City Bank of Cleveland, Rubber Mfrs. Assn., N.Y.; mem. Masons, K.T., Shrine, Cleveland Fla. Chamber Commerce. Clubs: Union (Cleveland), Mid-Day (Cleveland), Ash- land Country, Yacht (St. Petersburg, Fla.). Lutheran. Republican. Home: 934 Center St., Ashland, O. Winter res.: 1446 Park St., The Jungle, St. Peters burg, Fla. MOULINBER, Edward P., lawyer; b. Cincinnati, O., 30 Apr. 1868; s. Charles P. Moulinier and Helen G. (Price) M.; ed. St. Xavier high sch.; A.B., Xavier Univ., 1887; LL.B., Cincinnati Law Sch., Univ. Cincinnati, 1890; LL.D. (hon.), Xavier Univ., 1919; m. Margaret Elea- nor Black of Cincinnati, O., 20 Jan. 1920; 1 son, John Rodman. Asst. U.S. atty., 1898-1915; pres., Cincinnati Bar Assn., 1938-39; gen. pvt. law practice, 1890 — ; mem. Council Boy Scouts Am. (Cincinnati area), Am. Bar Assn., O. Bar Assn. Clubs: University, Cincinnati Country. Grandfather, Dr. Wm. Price, came to Cincinnati in 1826, one of the first homeopathic phys. in city. Inter- ests: hist, of art, study of prints. Catho- lic Republican. Office: 1514 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Home: 3647 Kendall Av., Hyde Park, Cincinnati, O. Summer home: Biddeford Pool, Me. MUNN, Lottie E., teacher; b. North Eaton, O., 15 June 1897; d. Edgar L. Munn, farmer, and Ella M. (Fauver) M.; ed. high sch., Elyria, O.; A.B., Baldwin- Wallace Coll., 1917; M.S., Univ. 111., 1922, Ph.D., 1924. Instr. chem., Baldwin- Wallace Coll., 1917-20; asst. in chem., Univ. 111., 1920-23; prof, chem., Lake Erie Coll., 1924—; mem. A.C.S. , A.A.A.S., O. Acad, of Sci., Sigma Xi, Iota Sigma Pi, A.A.U.W., Grange. Au- thor: The Value of Some Tellurium Com- pounds as Disinfectants. Travel: Eur., Can., Mex. Gt. grandfather, Obadiah Munn., one of the first settlers of Lake- wood, O.; desc. Benjamin Munn, a first settler of Springfield, Mass. Interest: gardening. Recreations: reading, bicy- cling, walking. Protestant. Republican. Office: Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, O. Home: 205 Mentor Av., Painesville, O. Summer res.: Grafton, O. NUTT, Joseph Randolph, investments; b. Uniontown, Pa., 9 Mar. 1869; s. Adam C. Nutt, lawyer, banker, and Charlotte Frances (Wells) N.; ed. pub. sens.; m. 174 Leora Carter Hay of Somerset, Pa., 1891; 1 son, Robert H.; m. (2d) Eliza- beth Hasbrouck of Cleveland, O., 1907; children — Joseph R., Jr., Frances, David C. In jewelry bus., Akron, O., 1893-98; Central Savings Bank, Akron, 1898-1901; sec, treas., Savings & Trust Co., Cleveland, O., 1901, then through various consolidations of banks in Cleve- land; pres., chmn. bd., The Union Trust Co., retired, 1932; treas. Rep. Nat. Com., 1928-33; dir., New York, Chicago & St. Louis R.R. Co., The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.; mem. Chamber Commerce (Cleveland). Club: Union. Recreation: fishing. Christian Scientist. Republican. Office: 2512 Terminal Tower, Cleveland, O. Home: 2285 Coventry Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. RUPP, Robert, artist; b. Cleveland, O., 6 Dec. 1895; s. George L. Rupp, exptl. worker, and Matilda (Barth) R.; ed. Cent, high sch., Cleveland, O.; Cleveland Sch. of Art, Cincinnati Art Acad., Univ. Cincinnati; m. Gladys DeVorak of Cleveland, 21 Aug. 1917; 1 dau., Arlie. With Corday & Gross Co. (art dept.), Cleveland, O., 1910; opened studio in Akron, servicing accts. of Goodrich & Goodyear, 1917; opened studios in Chicago, N.Y.; dir., Proctor & Collier of Cincinnati; est. Rupp Studio, handling adv. art, design, fine art, 1933; pres., Rupp Studios & Assocs., 1933—; mem. Masons (32d deg.), Shriner, Nat. Indsl. Advertisers Assn. Clubs: Cincinnati Art, Cincinnati Adver- tisers' Exchange, Cincinnati Arts. Father, first Rupp to settle in Cleveland. Interests: amateur photog., movies. Recreations: outdoor sketching. Protes- tant. Independent. Office: American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Home: 6271 Cor- telyou St. (Pleasant Ridge), Cincinnati, O. Summer home: R.R. 2, Loveland, O. SMULL, Cora Kemp; b. Ada, O., 29 Dec. 1879; d. David G. Kemp, druggist, and Laura Jane (Ashbrook) K.; ed. Ada (O.) high sch.; O. Northern Univ., 1899; studied piano, Cleveland, 1901-03; m. Thomas J. Smull, 4 Oct. 1906; chil- dren—Miriam May, Thos., Leland K. Teacher piano, 8 yrs.; mem. Phi Chi Sorority, D.A.R., Colonial Dames. Clubs: Research, Woman's Republican. Ohio Northern University Woman's. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Interests: gar- dening, music, photog. Recreations: motoring, walking. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Home: 301 South Main St., Ada, O. STECHER, Joseph Day, lawyer; b. Upper Sandusky, O., 22 Feb. 1904; s. George J. Stecher, lawyer, and Hattie E. (Day) S.; ed. Upper Sandusky high sch.; B.A., O. Wesleyan Univ., 1925; J.D., O. State Univ., 1928; m. Alice L. Heesen of Toledo, O., 23 Jan. 1937; chil- dren — Joseph Day, Jr., Sally Ann. Law practice, Toledo, O., 1928 — ; mem. firm Yager, Bebout & Stecher; tr. Child & Family Agency; mem. Am. Bar Assn. (asst. sec, 1937 — ), Jr. Bar Section (chmn., 1936-37, v. chmn., 1935-36, exec council, 1934-38), O. State Bar Assn., (exec, com., 1940 — ), Toledo Bar Assn. (pres., 1941-42, v.p., 1939-41, exec com., 1936), Alpha Sigma Phi, Delta Theta Phi, Delta Sigma Rho, Order of the Coif. Recreation: golf. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: 603 Toledo Trust Bldg., Toledo, O. Home: 3212 Kenwood Blvd., Toledo, O. DeWEESE, Arville Ottis, physician, teacher; b. Harrison Co., Ind., 25 Aug. 1888; s. M.D. DeWeese, businessman, and Emma (Stevens) DeW.; ed. O. Valley Coll.; Ind. State Teachers Coll.; Ind. State Univ.; M.D., Univ. Louisville, 1924; m. Vergie Jenkins of Corydon, 1911; children — Byrne, Marion Spencer, Harriette, James. Teacher, elem. sch.; prin., supt., high sch., Harrison Co., Ind.; instr., assoc. prof., head of dept. physiol. and Pharmacol., Univ. Louis- ville Med. Sch.; dir., Student Health Service, Kent State Univ.; mem. Am. Assn. Sch. Phys. (p. pres.), Am. Sch. Health Assn. (pres., exec sec), A.M.A., Am. Student Health Assn., Am. Physical & Health Assn. Clubs: Kiwanis, Twin Lakes Country. Author: arts, in prof, and ednl. jours. Methodist. Democrat. Office: Kent State Univ., Kent, O. Home: 515 E. Main St., Kent, O. DAY, Luther, lawyer; b. Canton, O., 9 May 1879; s. William R. Day, and Mary Elizabeth (Schaefer) D.; ed. Can- ton high sch.; Williston Sem.; Witten- berg Coll.; Univ. Mich. Law Sch.; m. Ida McKinley Barber of Canton, O., 24 June 1903; children — Mrs. George H. Rudolph, Mrs. Clemens E. Gunn. Admt. to bar, 1904; law pract., Canton, 1904-10, Cleveland, 1910 — ; mem. Am., Ohio State, and Cleveland Bar Assns. Clubs: Union, Nisi Prius, Cleveland, Wawash- kamo Golf, Mackinac Island, Mich. Lu- theran. Republican. Office: 1759 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 2222 Demington Dr., Cleveland Heights, O. Summer res.: Mackinac Island, Mich. D'ANCHISE, Gennaro Gustavo, cler- gyman; b. Italy, 4 Apr. 1883; s. Paolo D'Anchise, civil service, and Carlotta 175 (Mastrange) D'A.; ed. schs. of It.; I.M.A.; grad. work, Columbia Univ., 1916; Western Reserve Univ., 1931, Ph.D., 1933, fellow in Grad. Sen., 1934; m. Gemma Bianchi Bologna of It., 29 Oct. 1906. Minister, Ch. of Holy Trinity, 153d St. and Morris Av., N.Y.C., 1907- 14, Palermo, Genoa and Rome, It., 1920- 29, St. John's Beckwith Mem. Ch., Cleveland, 1929 — ; chaplain, Immigrant Sta., Ellis Island, N.Y. Harbor, 1914-17; dir. Bur. Immigration, Am. Waldensian Aid Soc, N.Y.C., 1917-20. Episcopalian. Republican. Office and home: 2062 Mur- ray Hill Rd., Cleveland, O. CAWOOD, Richard Lawrence, manu- facturer, banker; b. Belpre, O., 12 Feb. 1882; s. Alexander Cawood, planter, and Frances (Henderson) C. ; ed. East Liver- pool (O.) high sch.; m. Mary Virginia Stone of Empire, O., 12 July 1922; chil- dren — Mary Frances, Sarah L. Appren- tice machinist, Patterson Foundry & Machine Co., foreman, supt., chf. eng., gen. mgr., v.p., 1900-20, pres., 1920—; organized and became pres., Richard L. Cawood Co., chem. mfrs., 1904 — , Kenilworth Tile Co., Newell, W.Va., 1907—, Am. Paper Products Co., East Liverpool, O., 1914—, Nat. Products Co., E. Liverpool, 1917 — , Patterson Steel Products, E. Liverpool, O., 1929—, Pat- terson Refractories Co., E. Liverpool, O., 1930 — ; v.p., Community Bank, 1925 — ; consolidated Potters Nat. Bank and Dollar Savings Bank, forming Pot- ters Bank & Trust Co., became pres., 1930—; mem. bd. Sinking Fund trs., E. Liverpool; in charge gun carriage and lumber production, during World War I; mem. A.S.M.E., Am. Ceramic Soc, Pittsburgh Athletic Assn. (Pittsburgh), B.P.O.E. (E. Liverpool). Clubs: East Liverpool Country, Buckeye, Duquesne (Pittsburgh, Pa.), Long-vue, Pittsburgh, Duquesne Hunting and Fishing (Britt, Ont.). Author: chemical arts. Travel: No. Am., So. Am., Gt. Brit., Eur., Afr. Grandson Capt. Edward Henderson, mem. of co. settling Marietta, O. Inter- ests: architecture, art. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: 1250 St. George St., East Liverpool, O. Home: Thompson Park Blvd., East Liverpool, O. BOYD, James Ellsworth, emeritus professor of mechanics, author; b. Mus- kingum Co., O., 6 Nov. 1863; s. Joseph Boyd, farmer and notary, and Susan L. (Riley) B.; ed. Prep. Dept., O. Wes- leyan Univ.; B.S., O. State Univ., 1891; M.S., Cornell Univ., 1896; m. Emma Clark Wells of Muskingum Co., O., 15 June 1893 (dec, Oct. 1942); children— Orton Wells, Dorothy May. Asst. in physics, O. State Univ., 1891-95; grad. scholarship, Cornell Univ., 1895-96; asst. prof, physics, O. State Univ., 1896-1901, assoc prof. math, in charge of me- chanics, 1901-06, prof, mechanics, 1906- 36, chmn., 1906-34, emeritus prof, me- chanics, 1936—; winner Lamme Medal of Ohio State Univ., 1938; civilian asst. in Bur. Standards, summer, 1917, tem- porary substitute, Academic Bd. Avia- tion Sch.; O. State Univ.; Fellow A. A. A.S.; mem. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Soc. for Promotion of Engring. Ed., A.A.U.P.; Tau Beta Pi (hon. mem.), Sigma Xi, Alpha Tau Omega. Clubs: Faculty, Columbus Engring. (hon. mem.). Author: Strength of Materials, 1911, 2d ed., 1917, 3d ed., 1924, 4th ed., 1935; Mechanics, 1921, 2d ed., 1930; several tech. papers. Interest: lab. ex- periments. Republican. Office: Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O. Home: 188 E. Frambes Av., Columbus, O. ANDREWS, Fletcher R., professor of law (on leave); b. New York, N.Y., 22 Jan. 1894; s. Addison F. Andrews, mus. bur. propr., and Ella (Reed) A.; ed. Hackley Sch., Tarry town, N.Y.; A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1916; LL.B., Western Reserve Univ., 1925; J.S.D., Yale Univ., 1941; m. Marguerite Jeavons of Cleve- land, O., 8 Aug. 1917; children— Jeanne, Fletcher Reed, Jr. In advertising dept., Crowell Pub. Co., 1916-17; with J. H. R. Products Co., chemicals, Willoughby, 1919-22 ; in practice of law with Copeland & Quintrell, Cleveland, 1925-27; teacher of law, Western Reserve Univ. Law Sch., 1927—; gen. chmn., Cleveland Community Fund; active in other civic and prof, orgns.; regimental sergt. maj., Hdqrs. 37th Div., A.E.F., 1917-19; major, Judge Advocate General's Dept., U.S. Army, 1942-43, It. col., 1943—; mem. Am., O. State and Cleveland Bar Assns. Clubs: Union, Country, Nisi Prius (all of Cleveland), Army and Navy (Wash- ington, D.C.). Author: arts, in law jours. Unitarian. Republican. Office: Western Reserve Univ. Law School, 2145 Adel- bert Rd., Cleveland, O. Home: 2542 Stratford Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. BALAS, Clarice F., concert pianist, teacher, composer, conductor; b. Cleve- land, O.; d. Joseph Balas, violinist and conductor, and Fanny (Hacha) B., actress; ed. Lincoln high sch., debut, at 13, with Great Western Band; soloist, Cleveland Municipal Orchestra; stud., Berlin and Vienna, 4 yrs., with Lhevinne and Leschetizky, composition with Frau Dr. Muller, Vienna; soloist, St. Louis Symphony under Zach, Cleveland Sym- phony under Sokoloff; teacher, numer- 176 ous prize-winning students, many hold- ing important positions in music world; orchestral conductor, Cleveland Con- certo Club, 8 yrs. Clubs : Cleveland Fort- nightly, Lecture Recital, Women Music- Teachers. Composer: songs and piano pieces. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: painting, ceramics. Studio and home: 3057 West 14th St., Cleveland, O. Sum- mer home: 7987 Ridge Rd., Parma, O. BALDWIN, Arthur Douglas, lawyer; b. Hawaii, 8 Apr. 1876; s. Henry P. Baldwin, sugar planter, and Emily Whitney (Alexander) B.; ed. Oakland (Calif.) high sch., 1893; Hotchkiss Sch., Litchfield, Conn., 1894; B.A., Yale Coll., 1898; LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1901; LL.D. (hon.), Western Reserve Univ., 1939; m. Reba Williams of Cleveland, O., 17 June 1902; children— Henry P., Louise B. King, Fred C, A. Alexander, Sarah B. Hanger, Lewis W. Pract. law, Cleve- land, O., 1901 — ; mem. law firm, Gar- field, McGregor & Baldwin, 1916; p. pres., Babies' & Children's Hosp.; pres. Univ. Hosps., Cleveland until 1935; first pres., Cleveland Hosp. Council, several yrs.; tr. Ch. Covenant, Western Reserve Univ.; Community Fund Council; pres. Cleveland Hosp. Service Assn.; dir. The Sherwin-Williams Co., The North Elec. Mfg. Co.; mem. firm, Garfield, Baldwin, Jamison, Hope & Ulrich, Cleveland, commn. to revise O. laws relating to children, 1912; reed. Chamber Com- merce Medal for pub. service, 1940; 1st It, F.A., Dec. 1917, capt., Apr. 1919, served with 164th F.A. brigade, 89th div., Fr., disch., June 1919; mem. Cleve- land Legal Aid Soc. (first sec. serving several yrs., pres., 1954), Welfare Fed. Cleveland (pres., 1926-30). Clubs: Union, Tavern, City, Kirtland Country, Chagrin Valley Hunt. Author: Life of Henry P. Baldwin (privately printed). Recrea- tion: horseback riding. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 1401 Midland Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 9534 Lake Shore Blvd., Cleveland, O. Summer res.: Men- tor, O. SHEEHAN, Bess May, club leader; b. Jackson Co., Mich., 16 Apr. 1882; d. William M. Vrooman, merchant, and Eliza (McMichael) V.; ed. Dowagiac (Mich.) high sch.; B.A., Univ. Mich., 1904, M.A., 1905; m. Frank J. Sheehan of Gary, Ind., 9 Jan. 1912. Instr. hist., high sch., Big Rapids, Mich., 1905-07, Gary, Ind., 1908-12; sec, Ind. Library & Hist. Bd., 1925-30, 1932-33, pres., 1931 (apptd. by Gov. of Ind.); mem. Ind. Library & Hist. Bldg. Commn., 1929-34 (apptd. by Gov. of Ind.); Gary chmn. Red Cross Roll Call, 1918, v. chmn. Victory Loan Drive, 1918, pres. Gary Soldiers' Comfort League, 1917-18; mem. bd., Gary Campbell Friendship House; called "Dunes Lady" for successful establishment of Ind. Dunes State Park, securing legislative appropriation of $1,000,000 for 3-mile frontage on Lake Mich., 1923 (credit given her by Chicago Geog. Soc, Nat. Conf. State Parks, Ind. State Dept. Conservation); mem. Gary Y.W.C.A. (tr.), Nat. Dunes Park Assn. (sec, 1917—), Nat. Conf. State Parks (treas., 1924), D. A. R. (Pottawatomie chap.), Chicago Geog. Soc (hon. mem.), Gary B. & P.W. (hon. mem.), Delta Theta Tau (patron, Gary branch), Ind. Fed. Clubs (hon. mem., chmn. Dunes Park Comm., 1917-23, corr. sec, 1921-23, pres., 1925-27, parliamentarian, 1931-37, hon. mem. 10th dist. branch), Gen. Fed. Women's (dir., 1928-30, chmn. natural scenery comm., 1925-27, library service com., 1931-33), Gary Dunes Fed. Club (pres., 1933), Lake Co. Fedn. Club (parliamentarian, 1936 — ), Gary Jr. Fedn. Women's Clubs (sponsor). Clubs: Hammond Women's (hon. mem.), Gary Coll. (pres., 1916-18). Author: Gary in the World War (2 vols.); The Northern Boundary Line of Ind. (Ind. Hist. Soc. Pubis., Vol. 8, No. 6); History of Ind. Fedn. of Clubs (Ind. Club Woman, Hist. Ed., 1927). Recreations: hiking, motor- ing, travel. Republican. Home: 7530 Oak Av., Gary, Ind. ZIELONKA, Samuel, surgeon; b. Cin- cinnati, O., 21 Jan. 1887; s. David Zie- lonka and Bertha (Hecht) Z.; ed. M.D., Univ. Cincinnati, 1911; Univ. Berlin, Germany, 1913; King's Coll., Univ. Lon- don; Univ. Chicago, Practice of med., Hosp., 1911-12; interne and house sur- geon; post-grad, study, England, Ger- many, Austria, Hungary, 1913-14, 1919; clinician and attending surgeon, Cin- cinnati Hosp., to about 1930; sr. sur- geon, Jewish Hosp., Cincinnati; served as capt. Med. Corps., U.S.A., 1917-19, Base Hosp. 115, Vichy, France; Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; hon. mem. The Fellowship of Medicine (London) ; assoc of Mil. Surgeons of U.S.A.; mem. Ohio State & Am. Med. Assns., Cincinnati Acad. Medicine, Research Soc, Masons, B.P.O.E. Author: numerous arts, on gen. surgery and neuro-surgery. Travel: Eur., No. Am. Interests: outdoor life, farming. Recreations: exptl. farming, fishing. Jewish. Address: 19 W. 7th St., Cincinnati, O. TRATTNER, Harry Robert, surgeon and urologist; b. Denver, Colo , 4 Nov. 177 1895; s. Louis Trattner and Rosa (Levy) T.; ed. East Denver high sch.; B.A., Univ. Colo., 1916; M.D., Western Re- serve Univ., 1919, M.A., 1923. Faculty, Western Univ., 1921—; sr. Clinical instr., 1933—; staff, Cleveland City Hosp., 1921 — ; urologist (in charge), 1930; S.A.T.C, during World War I; mem. A.M. A., A.C.S., Soc. Expt. Biology and Medicine, Am. Urol. Assn., Am. Bd. Urology, Sigma Xi, Masons. Author: many sci. med. arts. Inventor: hydro- phoragraph, instrument used to record functioning of the human ureter and spinal fluid recording; partition catheter by which X-ray of prostate gland is accomplished; surgical stirrups. Jewish. Independent. Office: 1422 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. Home: 10017 Lake Av., Cleveland, O. VITULLO, John Caesar, board of elec- tions; b. Youngstown, O., 22 Dec. 1902; s. Anthony Vitullo, grocery and liquor bus., and Sandrina (Tesone) V.; ed. Rayen high sch.; Duquesne Univ. high sch., Duquesne Univ., 1919-21; Y.M.C.A. Coll., 1923-25; m. Geneva Waggaman of Ellwood, Ind., 4 Jan. 1921; children- John Caesar, Jr., Uritta May, Geneva, Anthony Jack, Georgiann. In real estate bus.', until 1934; apptd. dep. elk. Bd. of Election, 1934, elk., 1936, mem. of Bd., 1940, reappointed, 1944; v.p. Youngstown Macaroni Co.; mem. K.C. Club: Mahon- ing Co. Dem. Catholic. Democrat. Of- fice: 210 Realty Bldg., Youngstown, O. Home: 935 Himrod Av., Youngstown, O. PARRY, Mary Cousins; b. Kansas City, Mo., 5 Feb. 1875; d. George Cousins, mcht., and Elizabeth Ann (Allen) C; m. Hugh David Parry of St. Louis, Mo., 29 June 1933; Fellow Inst. Am. Genealogy of Chicago; mem. Spirit of St. Louis Assn. (founder, 1st chmn., hon. chmn.), Order of Three Crusades, 1096-1192, Inc., Soc. of St. Louis Authors (sec. treas., 1933-37), St. Louis Tercen- tenary Shakespeare Soc. (dir.), Daugh- ters of the Am. Colonists, D.A.R., Pres- byn. Missionary Soc, Mo. Hist. Soc, State Hist. Soc of Mo., Y.W.C.A., W.C.T.U., League of Women Voters, Pro Am. Author: Some Early Settlers, 1921. Travel: U.S., Eur. Interest: genealogy. Presbyterian. Republican. Home: 5611 Bartmer Av., St. Louis, Mo. GREENE, Laurenz, horticulturist; b. Lincoln, Kan., 13 May 1883; s. Ogden N. Greene, farmer, and Mary (George) G. ; ed. Lincoln (Kan.) high sch.; Kan. Chr. Coll., Lincoln, Kan.; B.S., Kan. State Agr. Coll., 1906; M.S.A., la. State Coll., 1909; Ph.D., Univ. Calif., 1932; m. Ger- trude Mereness of Sac City, la., 27 Dec. 1911. Asst. hort., Fort Hays Br. Sta. # 1906, N.M. A. & M. Coll., 1906-07, la. State Coll., 1907-09; experimentalist, la. Agr. Expt. Sta., 1909-17, head, Hort. Dept., chief hort., Purdue Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta., 1917—; dir. Purdue State Bank, Ind. Hort. Soc; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., Am. Soc Plant Physiology, Ind. Acad. Sci., Ind. Hist. Soc, Acacia, Alpha Zeta. Travel: U.S. Presbyterian. Office: Purdue Univ., La- fayette, Ind. Home: 1009 Ravinia Rd., West Lafayette, Ind. WARNER, Addison Wheelock, busi- ness executive; b. Geneva, HI., 5 June 1899; s. Henry Dimock Warner and Harrietta King (Young) W.; ed. Geneva high sch.; Dartmouth Coll., 1917; B.S., Stanford Univ., 1922; m. Helen Chris- topher of Benton Harbor, 25 Dec 1924; children — Addison Wheelock, Ann Wheelock. Mgr., investor's aid dept., Chicago Jour. Commerce, 1923-26, statis- tics dept., Stevenson, Perry & Stacey, 1926-27; sales mgr., Robert Stevenson & Co., Chicago, 1927-28; gen. mgr., Kissell Kinnicutt & Co., Chicago, 1929- 30; sr. partner, Addison Warner & Co., investment securities, Chicago, 1930-38, pres., 1938 — ; tr., Chicago Area Project, 1934 — ; tr. Union League Boys' Club, 1933—, pres., 1938-40; tr., chmn., finance com., tr., S. Side Boys' Club, 1938—; flying cadet, U.S.A., 1918-19, 2d It., A.S.S.R.C., during World War I; mem. Chicago Stanford Alumni Assn. (pres., 1938—), S.A.R., Soc. Mayflower Descs., Chi Psi. Clubs: Economic, Union League, Bondmen's (Chicago), Wausau- kee (Wausaukee, Wis.), Hinsdale Golf (Hinsdale). Recreations: hunting, fish- ing, handball. Office: 39 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 305 E. 1st St., Hins- dale, 111. Summer home: Wausaukee, Wis. TAINTER, Frank Joseph, physician and surgeon; b. Gasconade Co., Mo., 18 June 1873; s. G. W. Tainter, dentist, and Mary A. (Weinert) T.; ed. Linn (Mo.) high sch.; M.D., Hosp. Coll. of Med., 1895; m. Louise E. Rixey of Joesburg, Mo., 12 Oct. 1903; children— James, Frances, Tom, Mary Tainter Hughes, Louise Virginia Tainter Chartrand, Dan. Assoc, prof, of surg., St. Louis Univ. Med. Sch.; chief surg., St. Anthony's Hosp., St. Louis, Mo.; prof, oral and plastic surg., St. Louis Univ. Dental Coll.; major, M.C., A.E.F. during World War I, in U.S. Med. Corps, 3 yrs. doing plastic surgery, one yr. of which was in 178 King George Hosp., London, Eng. Au- thor: medical papers on surgical sub- jects. Son of colonel on staff of Gov. Hadley of Mo. Interest: hunting. Rec- reation: golf. Catholic. Independent. Of- fice: Humboldt Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 505 Clark St., Charles, Mo. Sum- mer home: Sturgeon Bay, Wis. DAVIS, W. J. Nixon, physician and surgeon; b. Ferogopore, India, 15 May 1870; s. Surgeon-Gen., James Davis, Surgeon-Gen. (British), and Clara Eliza- beth (Nixon) D.; ed. Royal Sch., Armagh, Ireland; Trinity Coll., Dublin, Ireland; Univ. of Edingurgh, Scotland; Royal Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1896; m. Violet Mary Timewell of Chicago, HI., 31 Jan. 1900; children— Lt. Comdr. W. J. Nixon, Jr., U.S.N.R., George McBride Nixon, Mrs. Howard Clark, Jr., med. staff, Jackson Park Hosp. Rugby football, (International) played for Ireland, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1894; amateur heavy- weight champion (boxing) of Scotland, 1894; major, HI. Res. Militia (Med. Corps), 2 yrs. during World War I; mem. Chicago Med. Soc, A.M. A. Inter- ests: all sport. Recreation: fishing. Epis- copalian. Democrat. Office: 2636 E. 75th St., Chicago, 111. Home: 7706 Saginaw Av., Chicago, HI. HUGHES, Adella Prentiss, musician; b. Cleveland, O., 29 Nov. 1869; d. Loren Prentiss, lawyer, and Ellen Rebecca (Rouse) P.; ed. Miss Fisher's Sch. for Girls, Cleveland; A.B., Vassar Coll., 1890; m. Felix Hughes of Cleveland, O., 5 Oct. 1904 (div.). Co-founder of Cleve- land Orchestra, mgr., 1918-33; Musical Arts Assn., operating Cleveland Orches- tra; v.p. and sec, 1933-45; hon. v.p., 1941 — ; piano accompanist; concert manager, 1898 — ; one of founders of Cleveland Music Sch. Settlement; Wom- en's City Club of Cleveland; mem. Vas- sar Alumnae Assn., Order of General Haller's Swords (Republic of Poland), 1920; Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Woman's City (Cleveland), Fortnightly Musical (hon. mem.), O. Fedn. of Music (hon.), Daus. of O. (N.Y., hon.). Travel: Eur., U.S. Maternal grandfather organizer for Am. S. S. Union in Western Reserve Territory, 1830; granddau. of organizer of hospital aid for wounded soldiers in Civil War, service taken over by Sol- diers' Aid. Soc. of Northern Ohio. In- terest: music. Baptist. Republican. Home: 2400 Kenilworth Rd., Cleveland Heights 6, O. ADSIT, Harold Carlyle, lawyer; b. Hoopeston, 111.; 13 Jan. 1898; s. Joseph Sherman Adsit, phys. and surg., and Anna (Scott) A.; ed. Hoopeston high sch.; DePauw Univ.; Lewis Inst.; LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1924; m. Esther Louise Gillfillan of Milford, 111., 26 June 1926; 1 son, Andrew Scott. Part- ner, Lederer, Livingston, Kahn & Adsit; dir. Universal Sanitary Mfg. Co., Courts Bldg. Corp., Lloyd A. Fry Roofing Co., Volney Felt Mills, Inc., Trumbull As- phalt Co.; served in Naval aviation for 4 mos., during World War I; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Chicago Bar Assn., Beta Theta Pi, Phi Alpha Delta, Masons, Shrine. Club: Michigan Shores Country. Methodist. Republican. Office: 160 N. La Salle St., Chicago, HI. Home: 522 Kenilworth Av., Kenilworth, HI. HALMHUBER, Paul G., doctor of dental surgery; b. Detroit, Mich., 4 June 1891; s. Adolph Halmhuber, clergyman, and Fredericka (Kaechele) H.; ed. Gar- denville (N.Y.) high sch.; Cent, high sch., Buffalo, N.Y.; D.D.S., Univ. HI., 1919; m. Ethel F. King of Detroit, Mich., 9 Dec. 1919; children— Lois Marie, Roy Paul. Gen. practice dental surg., 1919 — ; del. mem., Uniting Meth. Conf., First Gen. Conf. Meth. Ch., No. Cent. Juris- dictional Meth. Conf.; tr., Adrian Coll.; tr. Bronson Hosp., Kalamazoo; served in Med. Res. Corps during World War I; mem. Am. Dental Assn., Mich. State Dental Soc, Detroit Dist. Dental Soc, Univ. HI. Dental Alumni, Nat. Meth. Bd. of Ed., Nat. Inter-bd. Com. Meth. Lay- Activities Bd. of Ed., Detroit Meth. Council Bd. of Ed. (pres.), Detroit and Mich. Conf. Bd. Ed. (finance chmn.), Detroit Council of Chs. Pub. Affairs Com., Masons (p. master, Detroit Con- sistory, King Cyrus Chap.). Clubs: Northwestern Dental, Detroit Yacht, West Detroit Exchange (p. pres., sec). Interests: home, amateur motion pic- tures (35m Kodachromes), wood-craft, mus. Recreations: fishing, golf, base- ball. Methodist. Republican. Office: Rooms 1-3, Robert Oakman Bldg., 10800 Grand River, Detroit, Mich. Home: 12715 Monte Vista, Detroit, Mich. GRIMM, George Louis, life insurance executive; b. Sharpsburg, la., 1 Mar. 1902; s. George W. Grimm and Sarah (Elliott) G.; ed. Sharpsburg la. high sch. and Clarinda la. high sch.; B.Sc, State Univ. la., 1924 (grad. with high distinction) ; post-grad., Northwestern Univ.; m. Annette N. Thompson of Clarinda, la., 1 Oct. 1927; children — Richard S., John E., Philip J. Statis- tician, 1927-35, agency supervisor, 1935- 37, prodn. mgr., Chicago Agency of the Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1937- 179 40; prodn. mgr. Chicago New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Boston, 1941-43; supervisor of Field Training Home Office, 1944, agency asst., Chicago, 1944 — ; lecturer in finance, 1936-37; instr. in life ins., and prin. of risk and ins., evening sch., Central Y.M.C.A. Coll., 1937-40; lecturer in ins. and dir. of Chartered Life Underwriters (C.L.U.) courses Northwestern Univ. evening sch., 1941 — ; former mem. bd. dirs. and v.p. Chicago Assn. of Life Underwriters; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Gamma Sigma, Order of Artus, Delta Upsilon, Delta Sigma Pi, Am. Coll. of Chartered Life Underwriters. Club: Chicago Alumni (pres., 1932-35, state Univ. of la.). Author: Selling the Pension Trust Plan. Gt. grandfather, Jacob Grimm, fought with Am. forces at Battle of New Orleans (War of 1812), migrated from Highland Co., Ohio, and settled in Knox Co., 111., 1831. Protestant. Republican. Office: 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, HI. Home: 1539 Elmwood Av., Wilmette, HI. HOISINGTON, Louis Benjamin, prof, of psychology; b. Caldwell, Kan., 8 July 1883; s. William A. J. Hoisington, farmer, and Mary Alice (Mclntire) H.; ed. Northwestern State Teachers Coll., Alva, Okla., 1899-1900; Oregon State Teachers Coll., Monmouth, Ore., 1902- 04 (diploma of grad.); A.B., Univ. of Oregon, 1914; Ohio State Univ., 1917; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 1921; m. Maude M. Morgan of John Day, Ore., 19 Feb. 1904; children — Pauline Bartle, Samuel Morgan, Louis Jackson. Taught school, 3 yrs.; raised hops, 1 yr.; asst. in psychol. dept. at Ohio State Univ. % yr. ; asst. in psychol. dept. at Cornell Univ., IV2 yrs.; asst. prof, of psychol., 6% yrs.; instr. in edn., 2 yrs.; prof, of psychol., Univ. of Okla., 17 yrs.; trained testers for army service, during World War I; mem. Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Assn. Advancement of Sci., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Pi Gamma Mu, Psi Chi, Phi Sigma. Clubs: all local. Au- thor: Psychology, An Elementary Text. Travel: U.S. Interests: flowers, collect- ing match box labels. Recreations: golf. Liberal Democrat. Office: Univ. of Okla- homa, Norman, Okla. Home: 625 Tulsa St., Norman, Okla. GREGG, Clifford Cilley, museum director and army officer; b. Cincinnati, O., 9 July 1895; s. Ellis Bailey Gregg, lawyer, and Ann Elizabeth (Bedinger) G.; ed. Hughes high sch.; B.S., Univ. Cincinnati; Northwestern Univ.; m. Helen Slaten Nelson of Chicago, HI., 17 Aug. 1939; children (by former mar- riage) — Frank Van Natta, John Bed- inger, Clifford C, Jr. Businessman, Cin- cinnati, Boston; employee Marshall Field & Co., 1923; asst. dir., Field Museum (now Chicago Natural History Museum), 1926-37, dir., 1937—; It., 1917- 18; major Infantry, Reserve Corps; ac- tive service, U.S. Army, 1 Sept. 1940- 1 Sept. 1945, as major, A.G.D., It. col. and col., Gen. Staff Corps at Camp Hood, Tex. and Hdqrs. A.G.F., Wash- ington, D.C.; Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Assn. Museum, Am. Polar Soc. (exec, bd.), Chicago Council of Boy Scouts, Chicago Y.M.C.A. (bd. mgrs.), 111. Soc. S.A.R. (bd. mgrs.), Res. Off. Assn., Am. Assn. Adult Edn., N.Y. Acad. Sci., Am. Legion, Military Order of the World War, A.F. & A.M., Beta Theta Pi (v.p. nat. orgn., 1937-40). Clubs: University, Tavern, Rotary, (Chi- cago), Cosmos, (Washington). Author: articles. Travel: U.S., Canadian North- west. Interests : philately. Boy Scout work. Presbyterian. Office: Chicago Natural History Museum, Roosevelt Rd. and Field Dr., Chicago 5, HI. Home: 105 E. Delaware PL, Chicago, HI. GRAY, George Herbert, executive; b. Rome City, Ind., 27 Feb. 1868; s. George Henry Gray and Louisa M. (Caswell) G.; ed. Cent. City, Neb.; Neb. Cent. Coll.; m. Mary Hettie Rogers Tindall of Cent. City, Neb., 1 June 1892; 1 dau., Nellie Naomi (Mrs. Otis Martin). Con- ducted grocery bus., 15 yrs.; head of banking insts., Merrick and Platte Cos., 30 yrs.; pres., 1st Investment & Securi- ties Co., Columbus; pres. bd. trs., Neb. Annual Conf.; tr., Neb. Wesleyan Univ., Meth. Hosp., Omaha; chmn. all Liberty Loan drives, Merrick Co.; mem. Ma- sons (32d deg., Shrine, Omaha, Neb.), State Hist. Soc, A.R.C. (life mem.), Y.M.C.A., Chamber Commerce (tr.), B.S.A. (adv. com.). Travel: U.S. In- terests: ch., edn., young people's activi- ties, welfare. Recreations: baseball, hunting. Methodist. Republican. Office: Columbus, Neb. Home: 2908 15th St., Columbus, Neb. GRAHAM, Hugh C, physician; b. Fayetteville, N.C., 9 Jan. 1896; s. Charles Hugh, farmer, and Catherine (McFadyen) G.; ed. Donaldson Mil. Sch.; A.B., Univ. Tulsa, 1921; B.S., Chi- cago Univ., 1923, M.D., 1926; m. Helen Waggoner of Tulsa, Okla., 7 Aug. 1928; children— Margaret Anne, Hugh, Jr. Some time assoc. prof., physiology (part time), Univ. Tulsa, 1927-37; Tulsa Bd. Edn., 1933-39 (pres., 1938-39); pvt., It. Inf., U.S.A., during World War I; mem. 180 Pi Kappa Phi, Phi Beta Pi, Pi Gamma Mil, Phi Gamma Kappa, Am. Acad. Pediatrics, A.M. A., Okla. State Med. Assn., Chamber Commerce; diplomate, Nat. Bd. Med. Examiners, Am. Bd. Pediatrics. Club: Rotary. Author: medi- cal arts., rheumatism, heart, thymus gland and birth injuries. Travel: U.S. Interests: skating, swimming, old med. literary books. Recreations: reading, driving. Episcopalian. Democrat. Of- fice: 1307 S. Main St., Tulsa 5, Okla. Home: 1236 E. 27th PI., Tulsa 5, Okla. EVA, Sidney Davey, clergyman, dis- trict superintendent; b. Carnhell Green, Cornwall, Eng., 4 Mar. 1879; s. Thomas Davey Eva, grocer, and Elizabeth (Stephens) E.; ed. English schs. and Univ.; D.D. (hon.), Albion Coll.; m. Ethel Mary Luxton of Launceston, Eng., 26 Nov. 1906 (dec. 1937) ; m. (2d) Beulah E. Woodward of Syracuse, N.Y. Began career in business; asst. pastor, London, Eng.; came to U.S., 1903; served several pastorates in Detroit Conf . ; supt. Saginaw Dist., 1933-37, area sec, 1937- 40; supt. Detroit Dist., 1940—; sec. De- troit Conf., 1924-28; mem. Gen. Conf., 1928-36, jour, sec, 1928; mem. Uniting Conf., 1940; founder and ed., The Art of Living Successfully, monthly mag.; co- organizer and p. pres., Meth. Children's Home Soc; mem. Lincoln Soc Club: Knights of Round Table (v.p.). Author: numerous mag. arts, in rel. jours, on rel. subjs. and travel. Travel: Eur., Eng., Ger., It., Switz., Fr., Belg. Inter- ests: amateur motion pictures, travel, antiques, books and pictures on Method- ism and Am. hist. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Independent Republican. Of- fice: 1205 Kales Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: The Florentine, 757 Covington Dr., Detroit, Mich. ANDERSON, Jacob Nelson, teacher; b. Swerborg, Denmark, 27 Jan. 1867; s. Niels Anderson, farmer, and Karen (An- derson) A.; ed. Milton Coll. Acad.; B.S., Milton Coll., 1892, M.S. (hon.); D.B., Univ. Chicago, 1901; m. Emma Thomp- son of Mauston, Wis., 21 Dec. 1896; chil- dren — Stanley B., Elizabeth K., Benja- min N. Pioneer missionary of the Sev- enth-day Adventist Ch. in China, 1902- 10; teacher religions, missions, New Testament Greek in Washington Mis- sionary Coll., Takoma Park, D.C., 1910- 15; in Union Coll., Lincoln, Neb., teach- ing same subjects, 1915-24; teacher in Wash. Missionary Coll., 1924-28; teacher, world religions and missions, New Tes- tament Greek, Union Coll., Lincoln, 1934-42; teacher emeritus, 1942 — , emeri- tus prof.; mem. Nat. Soc Biblical Literature and Exegesis. Club: Quest. Author: book in preparation. Travel: Syria, Egy., Palestine, Turkey, Gr., It., Fr., Switz., Ger., Denmark, Eng., China, U.S. Interest: writing. Seventh- day Adventist. Republican (Independ- ent). Office: Union Coll., Box 103, Lin- coln, Neb. Home: 4612 Stockwell St., Lincoln, Neb. FAIRCLOUGH, George Herbert, or- ganist, professor of music; b. Hamilton, Ont., Can., 30 Jan. 1869; s. James Fair- clough and Elizabeth (Erving) F.; ed. Collegiate Inst, high sch., Hamilton; Univ. Toronto; Toronto Conservatory of Music; Konigliche Hochschule fur Musik, Berlin, 1893-95; Master of Music, Macalester Coll., St. Paul, 1916; m. Helen Maude Freeman of Grand Rapids, Mich., 22 Sept. 1897; children- Gordon, George, Helen, Edith, James. Organist, prof, of music, Univ. Minn., 1917-37, ret. 1937, now emeritus; head piano and organ dept., Macalester Coll. Conservatory of Music, 1901-17; organ- ist, choirmaster, St. John's Episc Ch., St. Paul, 1901-43; dean of Minn, chap., Am. Guild of Organists; Fellow Am. Guild of Organists, Masons (32d deg.); retired, 1943. Club: St. Paul Athletic. Author: numerous musical composi- tions. Episcopalian. Home: 325 Maple St., San Francisco, Calif. ELGHAMMER, H. William, physi- cian, surgeon; b. Stockholm, Sweden, 13 Mar. 1894; s. William Thure Elg- hammer and Emma Sophia (Johnson) E.; ed. King's Island high sch.; Royal Sci. Coll., 1912; M.D., Loyola Univ. Med. Sch., 1920; m. Stena A. Peterson of Chi- cago, 111., 16 Feb. 1921; children— Wm. Robert, Richard M. Pvt. practice, 1921—; studies pediatrics, London, Swe- den, 1922, 1931-36; prof, pediatrics, chmn. div. pediatrics, Loyola Univ. Med. Sch.; attending pediatrician to Mercy, 111. Central, and Chicago Memo- rial Hosps.; phys., La Rabida Jackson Park Sanitarium; dir., Klingberg's Chil- dren's Home; pvt., U.S.A., 4 mos. dur- ing World War I; Fellow A.C.P., A.M. A., Am. Acad. Pediatrics. Clubs: South Shore Country. Author: numerous med. arts. Interests: music, photog. Recrea- tion: golf. Protestant. Office: 2376 E. 71st Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 7644 Cran- don Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Towerhill, Sawyer, Mich. ELLIOTT, William Anderson, minis- ter; b. Elliottstown, HI., 7 Apr. 1870; s. Augustus Ludlow Elliott, farmer and Asenath (Knowles) E.; ed. Ottawa high 181 sch.; Ottawa Univ., D.D. (hon.); Divin- ity Sch. of Chicago; Louisville Theol. Sem.; m. Ida Estella Bacon of Ottawa, 24 Jan. 1899; children — Lona E. Morlan, Anol B. Ordained 1894, Kansas City, Kan.; 10 yrs. pastor of Bapt. Ch., New- ton, Kan.; 1 yr. dist. sec. Am. Bapt. Home Missionary Soc; pastor, Ottawa 1st Ch., 1907—; mem. bd. Kan. Bapt. Conv., Kansas City Bapt. Sem., Am. Bapt. Publ. Soc. (Philadelphia); pres. Kan. Bapt. Conv.; 1st v.p. Northern Bapt. Conv.; pres. Northern Bapt. Conv., 1941-42; exec. com. Kan. Council of Religious Edn.; bd. Sunset Home and Hosp., Chamber Commerce. Club: Ro- tary. Author: D.D.'s for Ministers; Per- petuating the Pastoral Relation. Travel: America (throughout). Interest: writing. Independent. Office: First Baptist Ch., Ottawa, Kan. Home: 410 South Hickory St., Ottawa, Kan. BREEZE, George Almond, consultant automotive engineer; b. Ware, Eng., 19 July 1873; s. George B. C. Breeze, estate mgr., and Sarah Elizabeth (Al- mond) B.; ed. Edward VI grammar sch., Eng.; Tech. Sch., Newark, N.J.; m. Elsie May Morgan of Newark, N.J., 1904; children — George Elwood, Richard Bennett, William Carl. Worked in law- yer's office, 1 yr.; chemist and druggist, Eng., 7 yrs. ; chemist, Whitehead & Hoag Adv. Novelties, Newark, N.J., 5 yrs., developed crystaloid process; en- gaged in motorcycle and carburetor mfg., specialized in carburetion and fuel feed systems, 1904 — ; res. engr. with G.M.C., Borg Warner, Holley Carbure- tor, etc.; during World War I, disch. from plant protection work for Am. Protective League, It.; mem. Soc. Auto- motive Engrs., Cranbrook Inst. Sci., Mich. Mineralog. Soc. Author: some tech. arts, in trade papers. Travel: U.S., Eng., Can. Interests: photog. for 50 yrs., collecting minerals. Recreations: swim- ming, hiking, baseball, cricket. Church of England, Episcopalian. Republican. Home: Route 4, Pontiac, Mich. CROWE, Marie, educator, historian; b. Chicago, 111.; d. Michael J Crowe and Margaret (McGuire) C.; ed. Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago; post grad. work, Univ. of Chicago and Loyola Univ.; did original research in Europe and Latin America. Teacher of civics and history, Chicago high sens., 1924—. Club: Lake Shore Athletic. Author: Studies in American History (vol. 1, used as sup- plementary text in sens.); Who Made the Constitution (co-author with Barratt O'Hara); numerous contbns. to mags. on North and Latin Am. hist, subjects. Recreations: swimming, horseback rid- ing. Catholic. Democrat. Home: 850 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, HI. ARLINGTON, Rex, violinist, conduc- tor, teacher; b. Malvern, Ark., 8 Feb. 1892; ed. Malvern high sch.; Sherwood Sch. Music; pvt. study, Chicago, N.Y. Teacher, Sherwood Sch. Music, 3 yrs.; head of violin dept., symphony orch., string ensemble, Manchester Coll., 1926- 36; founder, Huntington Symphony Orch., 1922; conductor, string ensemble, WOWO, Ft. Wayne and C.B.S. network, 7 yrs.; concert violinist, with string ensemble, Ind. and Tri-State area; teacher, studios in Huntington, Hart- ford City, Union City, N. Manchester, Ind. Composer; Our Secretary— March and other music for violin, orch. and ensemble. Recreation: reading. Ad- dress: 527 Etna Av., Huntington, Ind. STRAWN, Estil Young, physician; b. Columbia, 25 May 1887; s. Arthur Strawn, breeder of horses, and Mary (Graves) S.; ed. Douglass, Columbia; Lincoln Univ. (Jefferson City); M.D., Howard Univ. (Washington, D.C.), 1913; m. Ruth Endicott of St. Joseph, Mo., 6 Feb. 1915; 9 children. Engaged in prac- tice of med.; teacher; served on all 4 battle fronts, during World War I, wounded, received Order of Purple Heart; now ma;}., Med. Res.; mem. local, State and Nat. Med. Assns., Am. Legion. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interest: study. Recreations: boating, swimming. Methodist. Independent. Office: 1908 Messanie St., St. Joseph, Mo. Home: 2220 Sylvanie St., St. Joseph, Mo. STEINBERG, George Solomon, retail grocer; b. Memel, Prussia, 10 Apr. 1871; s. Louis Steinberg, rabbi, and Liebe (Balkand) S.; ed. Rabbincal Coll., London, Eng., 1889; m. Sarah Fishman of Manchester, Eng., 1893; children- Max M., Rose, Sam J., Sophia, Jack, Lillian. Capt. M.P. Colonial Army (British) Boer War Cape Colony, So. Africa, 1899-1902; grocer, Council Bluffs, 33 yrs.; dir. United Food Stores Inc.; alderman, Council Bluffs, 1927-29, alder- man at large, 1929-37; mem. B'nai B'rith, Masons, Blue Lodge, Star Chap- ter and Council, Scottish Rite, Shrine, State Hist. Assn. Travel: Eur., Afr. Interests: plants, folk lore. Jewish. Democrat. Address: 1428 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. STEINBACH, Leslie Irving, manufac- turer; b. Louisville, Ky., 11 Dec. 1908; s. John C. Steinbach and Lucy J. (En- trican) S.; student Univ. of Louisville, 182 1925-28; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1929, A.M., 1930, Ph.D., 1935; m. Orma F. Weber, 4 Sept. 1937. Lecturer, Univ. of Louis- ville and Ind. Univ.; head of science dept. and dean of men, Central Normal Coll., Danville, Ind., 1930-33; res. dir., Chicago Apparatus Co., 1933-38; chief engr., HI. Tool Works, 1938-40; plant mgr., The Sparks-Withington Co., Jack- son, Mich., 1941 — , including manage- ment Automotive Div., Litchfield Mfg. Co., Waterloo, la.; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Physical Soc, Ind. Acad. Sci. (former pres., 1935), Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Theta Nu Epsi- lon, Scottish Rite (32d deg.). Club: Co- lumbia of Indianapolis. Author: The Siren as a Sound-Signalling Device; Goodwill in Transportation Methods; Physical Testing Controls; Aeronautical Testing. Home: 2052 Wildwood Lane, Jackson, Mich. Office: Michigan and Horton Sts., Jackson, Mich. SOUTHARD, Harry G„ physician; b. Raymond, O., 1 Jan. 1878; s. John Q. Southard, physician, and Lucinda W. (Green) S.; ed. Marysville high sch., 1900; Ohio State Univ., 1900-02; Starling Med. Coll., 1906; m. Olive Penorwood of Columbus, O., 1917; children— Rose- mary, Martha. Interne. St. Francis Hosp., Columbus, 1906-07; pvt. practice, 1907-24; mem. Gov.'s cabinet, dir. of health, 4 yrs.; health commr., Union Co., 1924-30; dir. of health, 1931-35; health commr., State of Ohio, 1936-40; health com., Union Co., Hocking- Vinton City of Logan, Health Com., 1941; capt., Pub. Health Service, 1918; mem. local and state med. socs., Masons (32d deg.); p. mem. Am. Med. and U.S. Pub. Health Assns. Club: Kiwanis. Author: speeches and bulls, on pub. health. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: Court House, Logan, O. Home: 127 W. 6th St., Marysville, O. SNOOK, Ward H., professional engi- neer and attorney; b. Anterserp, O., 20 June 1887; s. Wilson H. Snook, atty., and Nancy Jane (Graves) S.; ed. Pauld- Pa.; B.S., 1909, M.E., 1919, M.E., C.E., and E.E., Ohio Bd. Examiners; LL.B., L.E.U., 1927; 1 son, John McClure. Ad- mitted to Ohio Bar, 1927; cons. engr. and atty., specializing in gas, light, and power design and constr., both in the utility and in the indsl. field; mem. A.I.E.E., Ohio and Nat. Socs. Prof. Engrs., Ohio State Bar Assn. Desc. pio- neer families of Paulding Co., O. Inter- ests: business and problems that arise from it. Office: 337 Iswald Rd., Colum- bus, O. Home: 337 Iswald Rd., Colum- bus, O. SMITH, Helen Stark, clubwoman; b. Saginaw, Mich., 28 Feb. 1888; d. Gilbert M. Stark, lawyer, and Helen (Little) S.; ed. Mrs. Dows Sch., Briar Cliff, N.Y.; m. Howard Freeman Smith; children — Helen Elise (Mrs. F. David Lapham), Mary Gene (Mrs. Arthur H. Buhl, Jr.), Howard Freeman, Jr. Chmn. A.R.C., 1917. Clubs: Garden of Mich, (pres., 1942-44), Colonial Dames of Am., Neigh- borhood (pres.). Desc. early settler, Gov. Webster of Conn. Interests: old china, Eng. furniture. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Home: 338 Provencal Rd., Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. Sum- mer home: Cottage Grove, Roscommon, Mich. SCHANFELD, Joseph H., real estate and insurance; b. Port Neamte, Rou mania, 10 Apr. 1876; s. Moses Schan feld, mcht., and Brana (Joseph) S.; ed South high sch. (Minneapolis), 1897 Curtis Bus. Coll. (Minneapolis), 1897 m. Pauline Bush of Minneapolis, Minn. 25 Dec. 1900; children — Evelyn, Gladys Marcella, Vera, Jane. Engaged in ins and real estate bus., 1897 — ; mem. Nat Assn. Real Estate Bds., Nat. Assn. Ins Underwriters. Clubs: Minneapolis Ath letic, Gymal Doled (Minneapolis). Jew ish. Democrat. Office: 712 Nat. Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 4132 Lyndale Av., S. Minneapolis, Minn. ROSENBERG, Harry O., lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 4 June 1891; s. Solomon Rosenberg, mcht., and Bertha (Ofshi) R.; ed. Lake high sch., Chicago, 111.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1913, J.D., 1915; m. Helena Flexner Baldauf of Hender- son, Ky., 24 June 1926; children— Harry Baldauf, Gertrude Flexner. Admitted to HI. Bar, 1915; mem. firm Harry O. Rosenberg & Magnus B. Rosenberg, 1919-30; mem. firm Felsenthal, Struck- mann, Miller & Rosenberg, 1930-32; pvt. practice, 1932—; mem. bd. dirs., Univ. Chicago Settlement, Chicago Sinai Con- gregation; asst. atty. for Sanitary Dist. of Chicago, 1924-28; asst. corp. counsel, City of Chicago, 1928-30; apptd. U.S. Govt. Appeal Agt., Selective Service Bd., 1940; served as pvt., sergt., lieut., Ordnance Corps, during World War I; mem. HI., Chicago and Am. Bar Assns., Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma Rho, Am. Legion, Vets. Fgn. Wars, Masons (32d deg.). Interest: music. Jewish. Office: 77 W. Washington St., Chicago, HI. Home: 2231 E. 67th St., Chicago, HI. Summer res.: Michiana Shores, New Buffalo, Mich. REID, Barney Ford, Jr., clergyman; b. Garrad Co., Ky.; s. Barney Ford 183 Reid, Sr., farmer, and Mariah (Hendon) R.; ed. Richmond, Ky. high sen.; A.B., B.D., D.D., Simmons Univ.; A.M. Univ. Cincinnati; m. Claudia C. Ballew of Richmond, Ky., 20 Feb. 1919. Tailor; ins. collector; pastor; teacher, Simmons Univ.; organizer, Cooperative Ch. Conv., Louisville, Ky.; pres., ch. orgns., Cincinnati, O.; pastor, Zion Bapt. Ch., Cincinnati, 1928—; pres., Cincinnati Theol. Sem.; state v.p., Nat. Bapt. Conv., Inc., Nat. Sunday Sch. and B.T.U. Cong.; dir. relig. ed., state of Ohio; dean, summer sch., Ohio Bapt. Gen. Assn.; del., Bapt. World's Alliance, 3 times; del., World Student Movement; served as corp., sergt., prin. Consoli- dated Army Sch., during World War I; mem. Phi Beta Sigma. Author: relig. arts. Travel: Eur., Afr., Palestine. In- terests: lit., photog. Recreation: tennis. Independent. Address: 432 West 9th St., Cincinnati 3, O. Summer res. : Loveland, Ohio. QUINN, James R., lawyer; b. Chi- cago, HI., 27 Dec. 1890; s. Jas. M. Quinn, bus. salesman, and Mary Eliza- beth (Lynch) Q. ; ed. St. Ignatuis Acad.; B.A., St. Ignatius Coll., 1909; LL.B., Loyola Univ., 1912; m. Helen Langlois of Naugatuck, Conn., 10 May 1919; chil- dren—Mrs. Ruth Mary Bremer, James Leo. Admitted to HI. bar, 1912, pvt. practice, asst. states atty., Cook Co., HI., 1913-17; prof, law, Loyola Univ., 1913-17; alderman 50th Ward, Apr. 1931- 21 June 1945; mem. Chicago Transit Bd. (apptd. by Mayor Edward J. Kelly), 21 June 1945; chmn. com. on local trans- portation; in Air Service, 1918; mem. Chicago Bar Assn., HI. Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Democratic Cook Co. Cent. Com. Clubs: Edgewater Golf, Long Beach Country. Interest: literature. Rec- reations: golf, all forms of exercise. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago, HI. Summer home: Long Beach, Ind. PETERSON, Arnold Richard, civil and mining engineer, farmer; b. Han- cock, Mich., 12 Apr. 1896; s. Tobias Peterson, miner, farmer, lumberman, and Anna Margarette (Savela) P.; ed. B.S., E.M., Mich. State Coll., Mich. Coll. Mines and Tech., 1925; m. Esther Eleanor Heltenen of Redridge, Mich., 24 Apr. 1924; children — Tobias Richard, Sundra Joan, Geraldine Margarette. Logging contractor, 1915-18; draftsman, designer, highway and bridge engr., 1925-28; constr. project engr., State Highway Dept., 1928-31, locating engr., chief of surveys, Upper Peninsula Mich., 1931-37, asst. engr. road and bridge location and supervision surveys, 1937—; registered prof. civ. engr.; served A.E.F., overseas, Fr., Eng., 1918- 19; mem. Mich. Eng. Soc., Am. Legion, D.A.V., F.A.M. Travel: Eng., Fr., Swit., It. Parents pioneered Otter Lake farm- ing dist., Houghton Co. Interests: for- estry, conservation, farming. Recrea- tions: fishing, hunting, reading (life stories), poetry. Protestant. Office: Upper Peninsula Highway Dept. Hdqrs., Escanaba, Lansing, Mich. Home: Red- ridge, Mich. PERNOT, Dora Mielke, teacher; b. Dane Co., Wis., 14 Feb. 1894; d. John Mielke, farmer, and Winnie (Smith) M.; ed. Belleville (Wis.) high sch.; Monroe Normal Sch., Wis. State Teachers Coll., Whitewater, Wis.; Summer Sch. Eau Claire State Teacher's Coll., 1941, 1944- 45; m. Fred Pernot of Basco, Wis., 28 Jan. 1914; children— Edward, Harold, Dorothy. Active in rural welfare, youth orgns., citizenship work; ed., better govt., peace movement; leader, 4-H Club of Eau Claire Co.; teacher, rural sch.; mem. Wis. Ed. Assn., Eugene Field Soc, Am. Literary Assn., Inc. Author: poems, songs; work in about 30 anthologies. Desc. of Wis. pioneers from Ger. Interests: poetry, lit., Bible, na- ture, flowers, rural youth. Recreations: reading, mus. Home: Augusta, Wis. NORDLAND, Martin, surgeon; b. Austin, Minn., 9 Mar. 1889; s. Hans Nordland, bldg. contractor, and Pauline (Johnson) N. ; ed. East Minneapolis high sch.; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1911, M.D., 1913; post grad., Univ. Berne, Switz., 1 yr.; m. Mildred Hench of Minneapolis, Minn., 24 Nov. 1914; children— Mary Jane, Martin Albert. Interne, Minne- apolis Gen. Hosp.; pvt. practice of sur- gery, and teacher of surgery, Univ. Minn., clin. asst. prof., dept. of surgery; F. A.C.S.; mem. A.M.A., Minn. State Med. Soc, Western, Minneapolis Surg. Socs., Am. Assn. for Study of Goiter, A.A.S., Am. Bd. of Surgery, Sigma Xi. Clubs: Minikahda and Minneapolis. Au- thor: contbr. numerous arts, to med. jours.; assoc. ed. Lancet, Minneapolis. Travel: Eur., Cuba, Alaska, Mex. Inter- est: collecting old coins. Recreations: golf, bowling. Baptist. Republican. Of- fice: 1737 Medical Arts Bldg., Minne- apolis, Minn. Home: 2124 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis, Minn. Summer home: Beaver Bay, Minn. MEIGHEN, John Felix Dryden, law- yer; b. Spring Valley, Minn., 25 Sept. 1877; s. Joseph Peter Meighen and Mary 184 Elizabeth (Smith) M.; ed. B.Litt., Upper la. Univ., 1895, M. Litt., 1899; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1900; LL.D. (hon.), Ham- line Univ., 1935; LL.D. (hon.), Upper la. Univ., 1945; m. Katherine Trusdell of Albert Lea, 27 Dec. 1917. Firm mem., Morgan & Meighen, Albert Lea, 1901-13, Meighen & Knudson, 1913-20, Meighen, Knudson & Sturtz, 1923—; judge, 10th Jud. Dist., Minn., 1920-23; neutral arbi- trator, G.N. Ry. vs. clerical and sta. forces, 1928; mem. Minn. Crime Commn., 1927; chmn., Minn. Advisory Bd., Fed. Emergency Admin. Pub. Works, 1933-34, Minn. State Planning Bd., 1934-37; spl. asst. U.S. Atty. Gen. as Hearing Officer conscientious obj., 1942 — ; v.p. of trs., Hamline Univ.; v.p., First Nat. Bank of Albert Lea; mem. Masons, Shrine, Elks, K.P., Am., Minn., State and 10th Jud. Dist. Bar Assns., Chamber Commerce (pres., 1931-32). Clubs: Rotary, Albert Lea Country. Au- thor: Today in the Holy Land, 1913. Travel: It., Switz., Jap., Alas., Santo Domingo, Nor., China, Fr., Ger., Eng., Palestine, Mex., Spain. Recreations: travel, amateur movies. Methodist. Democrat (del. to Dem. Nat. Conv., 1912, 1932, 1936). Office: First Nat. Bank Bldg., Albert Lea, Minn. Home: Shore- land Heights, Albert Lea, Minn. FINAN, Mary Blake, social worker; b. Chicago, 111., 24 Aug. 1876; d. Patrick J. Blake, master plumber, and Ellen F. (Meinhard) F.; ed. Mt. St. Joseph Acad.; A.B., Clarke Coll., 1919; B.S., Loyola Univ., 1921; LL.D. (hon.); m. Marin E. Finan of Chicago, HI., 27 June 1900 (dec). Since leaving high sch. has maintained an active interest in ednl. work and social service both profes- sionally and in the Day Nursery, Settle- ment and Hosp. after death of husband; entered professional social service field, 1914; through the college and alumnae fed. has supported ed.; worked in vari- ous clubs through the same depts.; ex. sec. Cath. Soc. Center; Youth chmn. Int. Fed. Cath. Alumnae; in a national poll was voted one of the ten women who had done the greatest amount of good in ed. and social service in Am., during the past 100 yrs.; prob. officer, Cook Co., 111.; worked through Red Cross and received spl. medal for work, maintained St. Leo Center during World War I; p. pres. I.F.C.A., pres. Nat. Fed. Alumni, Sisters of Charity, v.p. Cath. Total Abstinence Union of Am., chmn. of Ed. Dept. Cath. Woman League, pres. St. Bernard's Hosp. Auxiliary. Author: Edited Bulletin International Fed. of Cath. Alumnae. Travel: U.S., Mex., Eur. Parents in 111., 1850— suffered from the great fire; lived on the near west side and in business on State and Randolph. Interests: social work among the poor and sick, painting, travel, china. Recreations: driving, music, reading. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 2600 So. California Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 6931 So. Yale Av., Chicago, 111. H'DOUBLER, Francis Todd, surgeon; b. Beloit, Kan., 22 Apr. 1887; s. Charles Wright H'Doubler, inventor, and Sarah Emerson (Todd) H'D.; ed. Warren Acad., Warren, 111.; Beloit Coll.; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1907, M.A., 1908, Ph.D., 1910; Chicago Univ.; Univ. Philippines; M.D., Harvard Univ., 1915; m. Alice Louise Bemis of Chicago, 111., 5 Aug. 1922; chil- dren — Alice Margaret, Francis Todd, Jr., Louise Emerson, Peter Bemis, Charles Edward. Asst. prof, math., Miami Univ., Oxford, O., 1910-11; in- terne, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Bos- ton, Mass., 1915, Augustana Hosp., Chi- cago, 111., 1917, Insel Spital, Berne, Switz., 1920; surg. res., Augustana Hosp., Chicago, HI., 1921; spl. res., Lakeside Hosp., Cleveland, O., 1921; jr. attending surg., Augustana Hosp., 1922- 23; mem. faculty, Univ. 111. Med. Sch., 1922-23; mem. Ochsner Clinic, Chicago, 1922-23; pvt. practice Springfield, Mo., 1923 — ; mem. staff, St. John's Hosp. and Springfield Bapt. Hosp.; surg. chief, Burge Hosp.; formerly consultant, Mo. State Tuberculosis Hosp., Mt. Vernon, Mo.; teacher bacteriology, South West Teachers Coll., Springfied, Mo.; dir. Springfield (Mo.) Chamber Commerce, Travelers' Aid, Community Chest; pres. Welfare Bd., Greene Co., Mo., 1935-37; entered as 1st It., disch. capt., World War I, 1917-19, overseas with Base Hosp. No. 11, June 1918- Aug. 1919; F. A.A.S.; mem. Greene Co. Med. Soc, (pres., 1940), Mo. State Med. Soc. (v.p., 1944, 45), A.M.A., A.C.S., Am. Bd. Surg., Southern Med. Soc, Am. Soc. for Study of Goitre, Assn. for Study of Internal Secretions, Mo. State Arch. Soc, Mo. State Hort. Soc, Am. Math. Soc, Math. Assn. Am., Mo. Acad. Sci. (v.p., exec, com., 1934-35, chmn. med. sect, and council), Sigma Nu, Phi Rho Sigma, Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Kappa, Gamma Alpha, Alpha Omega Alpha, Masons, Shrine. Clubs: Hickory Hills Country, University, Republican. Author: papers on thyroid gland and on spleen in med. jours. Travel: around world, 1912-13, war fellowship, Brit. Isles, 1919, Moslcy traveling fellowship from Harvard, Switz., Denmark, and Sweden, 1920. In- 185 terests: mathematics, farming. Recrea- tion: gardening. Protestant. Republican. Office: Med. Arts Bldg., Springfield, Mo. Home: Route 7, Haseltine Rd., Spring- field, Mo. HOVORKA, Frank, professor of chem- istry and director of the university chemistry laboratories; b. Cernikovice, Czechoslovakia, 5 Aug. 1897; s. Frank Hovorka, farmer, and Anna (Pavlova) H.; bus. sch. in Solnice, Bohemia; high sch. dept., la. State Teachers Coll.; B.A., la. State Teachers Coll., 1922; M.S., Univ. HI., 1923, Ph.D., 1925; m. Sophie Paul Nickel of Connersville, Ind., 12 June 1926. Tr., Masaryk Foundation, Nat. Adv. Bd. of the Slav. Comm. for Democracy; mem. Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Pi Mu Epsilon, Epsi- lon Chi, Am. Chem. Soc, A.A.A.S. (Fellow), Electrochem. Soc, Soc. of Chem. Ind. (Great Britain), Chem. Soc. of London (Fellow), Am. Electroplaters Soc, Am. Assn. of Univ. Professors, Alpha Chi Sigma. Clubs: University, Professional. Author: numerous pubis, general physical chemistry. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: hist, of chem., music. Recreation: gardening. Presby- terian. Republican. Office: Western Re- serve Univ., Cleveland, O. Home: 2593 Exeter Rd., Cleveland Heights 18, O. HITCHCOCK, Floyd Gillis, business executive; b. Lawrenceville, N.Y., 18 Feb. 1887; s. William Gillis Hitchcock, teacher, and Alice (LeVanway) H.; ed. high sch., Tupper Lake, N.Y.; B.S., St. Lawrence Univ., Canton, N.Y., 1908; m. Velma K. Stevens of Lynn, Mass (dec), Apr. 1 912; children— Virginia Schell, Gail, Alison. Associated with S. S. Kresge Co., 1909—; tr., St. Lawrence Univ.; mem. bd. dirs., Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra, Pro Musica, Chamber Commerce; mem. Phi Sigma Kappa, Masons. Clubs: Detroit Golf, Athletic (Detroit, Mich.). Home: 294 E. Boston Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Summer home: Housatonic, Mass. HAMMOND, Hala Jean, author, writer, poet, playwright; b. Kosciusko, Miss.; d. James Theodore Hammond, mcht., farmer, and Charlotte Emily (Lewis) H.; ed. mostly in Miss, schs.; divorced; 1 dau., Marguerite Hammond McAdams. Child verses first pub. in N. Y. paper; owner and ed., weekly newspaper, files of which were sent to Paris Exhbn. for feminist files early in the century; in govt, service, 18 yrs., retired on account of phys. collapse; affiliated with every movement in be- half of women, suffrage and kindred movements; 1st woman del. sent to the Nat. Editorial Assn.; won numerous prizes and honors in nat. poetry con- tests, accorded recognition in London and Paris; now working on classical drama; mem. Nat. League Am. Pen Women, Nat. Order Bookfellows, Poetry Soc. Gt. Brit., Am. Assn. Poetry, Rebel Poets (Nat. and Internat.), Mus. Arts Soc, Bur. for Aiding Blind Artists, N.Y., Okla., and S.D. State Poetry Socs. and local orgns., D.A.R., U.D.C. Author: Sun-Dial, poetry: I Pray You, Lapidary, sonnets; Thie Glorious Discontent, poetry; Seven- Years Old (with Fr. translations); Historic Fort Gibson, poetic drama; Star in the Cup; contbr. to more than 100 collections, poetry, prose, fiction, history. Ancestors fought in Revol. War. Interests: books, music, antiques. Democrat. Address: 1404 Ells- worth Av., Muskogee, Okla. GILLIN, John J., Jr., president and general manager; b. Omaha, Neb., 1 Mar. 1905; s. John J. Gillin and Julia R. (Kelly) G.; ed. St. John's Sch., Omaha, 1919; Creighton Prep. Sch., Omaha, 1923; A.B., Creighton Coll., 1927, LL.B., 1931; m. Marjorie Paulsen of Omaha, Neb., 7 Aug. 1930; children- Joan M., John J., IH. Manager, Nat. Radio Adv. Inc., Chicago, 2 yrs.; rep.. Kozak, Inc., Batavia, N.Y., in 7 mid- western states; announcer to gen. mgr., Radio Station WOW, Omaha, Neb.; dir., NAB, 1934-45; chmn. conventions and visitors com., Omaha Chamber Com- merce; 2d It., Inf., 1926, 1st 15., 1929, capt., Inf. Res., 1932; mem. Neb. Bar Assn., Elks, Alpha Sigma Nu, Delta Sigma Rho, Alpha Chi Kappa, Delta Kappa Delta, Delta Theta Phi. Clubs: Rotary, Omaha Country, Knights of Co- lumbus, Variety, Omaha Field, Omaha Athletic. Interests: radio law, golf. Catholic. Democrat. Office: Radio Sta- tion WOW, Insurance Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Home: 517 S. 38th Av., Omaha, Neb. HOWE, Eleanor, editor; b. Denver, Colo., 1891; d. Jabez Crosby Howe and Alice (Dixon) H.; ed. Thornton Twp. high sch.; B.S., Univ. 111., 1922; M.S., Columbia Univ. Teachers Coll., 1928. Home demonstration agt., Leavenworth Co., Kan.; asst. State Club Leader, Kan- sas; instr. foods, mgr. sch. cafeteria, Detroit Pub. Sch. System, Detroit, Mich.; dir. Home Economics Dept., McCormick & Co., Baltimore, Md.; radio artist, N.B.C. and Columbia Homemakers' Exchange Programs; v.p., Harvey & Howe, Inc., Chicago, 111., and N.Y.C.; editor-in-chief What's New 186 in Home Economics; mem. Omicron Nil, Nat. Hon. Home Econ. Sorority, Am. Home Econ. Assn., Home Econ. Women in Bus., Am. Dietetic Assn. Clubs: Women's Adv. (Chicago), Chi- cago Council on Fgn. Relations, English Speaking Union. Authro: Household Hints. Interest: people. Recreation: golf. Christian Scientist. Republican. Office: 919 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, HI. Home: 900 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, m. ITKIN, David Boris, actor, university professor; b. Dwinsk, Russia, 29 July 1895; s. Boris Itkin, business man; ed. Dwinsk Gymnasium and Moscoe Univ.; Philharmonica of Moscow; M.D.A., Art Inst, of Chicago; m. Lia Israelevna of Rega, 21 Nov. 1915; children— Bella, Iza. Actor, Moscow Art Theatre, Habima, 1915-27; assoc. dir., Goodman Theatre, Chicago, 1927—; head of drama dept., De Paul Univ., 1930—; visiting prof., Univ. Mich., summer, 1940; adv. coun- sel, Am. Ednl. Theatre Assn., 1938—; served as pvt. in Russian army during World War I. Travel: Eur., U.S. Recrea- tions: fishing, traveling, reading. Jew- ish. Office: 64 E. Lake St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1712 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. LANE, Leonora Carrington, professor of education; b. Baltimore, Md.; d. George A. Carrington, seaman, and Es- telle (Johnson) C; ed. Baltimore high sch.; Coppin Normal Sen.; B.S., Wilber- force Univ., 1924; M.A., Columbia Univ., 1930; Ohio State Univ.; Univ. Minn.; m. Isaac Sappe Lane of Screven, Ga., 23 Dec. 1920. Demonstration teacher, Cop- pin Teachers Coll., Baltimore, Wilber- force Univ. Elementary Sch.; now prof, edn., Wilberforce Univ., and psycholo- gist in reading and speech clinic, Wil- berforce Univ. Elementary Sch.; assoc. mem. Am. Psychol. Assn.; mem. A.A. A.S., Soc. for Res. in Child Develop- ment, Soc. for Psychol. Study of Social Issues, Ohio Psychol. Assn., Alpha Kappa Alpha (nat. sec), Sigma Pi, Sen Mer Rekh. Club: Cosmopolitan (Univ. Minn. Chap.). Travel: U.S. Interests: trees, maintenance of bird feeding sta- tions, pub. speaking, music. Recrea- tions: hiking, driving. Episcopalian. Of- fice: Wilberforce Univ., Wilberforce, O. Home: Wilberforce, O. LIND, Frederick Albertis, lawyer; b. Green Top, Mo., 22 July 1887; s. Augus- tus M. Lind and Caroline (Roberts) L.; ed. high sens., Queen City and Kirks- ville, Mo.; Univ. Mo.; Univ. Chicago; LL.B., Valparaiso; m. Minifredi East- man of Kingsville, O., 1 July 1909; chil- dren — Frederick Augustus, Albert East- man, Helen. Admitted HI. Supreme Ct., 1916, U.S. Supreme Ct., 1930; sec. Com- mercial Law League Am., 1922-26, pres., 1929-30, 1937-38; mem. Eastman, White, Hawxhurst & Lind, 1926-30, Vose & Lind, 1930-37; capt., Inf., 1917, major, Inf., 1918, capt., Inf., U.S. regular army, 1919, during World War I; It. col., Inf., O.R.C., 1928; volunteered, commissioned maj., C.M.P., Aug. 1942, promoted It. col., C.M.P., Apr. 1943, detailed I.G.D., Jan. 1945, World War II; cited for valor and awarded Soldier's Medal, Aug. 1943; mem. Alpha Tau Omega, Masons, Elks, Am., HI. State and Chi- cago Bar Assns., Chicago Law Inst. Recreations: sports, esp. football, and baseball. Christian. Office: 100 N. La Salle St., Chicago, HI. Home: 1336 Wash- ington Av., Wilmette, HI. LOWE, Edmund Waring, chemist; b. Dover, Minn., 28 July 1905; s. John Lowe, clergyman, and Mary (Chermak) L.; ed. Milaca (Minn.) high sch.; B.S., Hamline Univ., 1926; M.S., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1929, Ph.D., 1930; m. Elsie Tray- nor of Chicago, HI., 17 Nov. 1932; 1 son, Henry Allan. Engaged in chemo-med. research, Univ. of Chicago, 1930-34; or- ganized Edwal Labs., 1934, pres., 1934 — ; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Sigma Xi. Author: What You Want to Know about Developers; numerous arts, on photog., chemicals. Interests: pistol shooting, photog. Recreation: mountain climbing. Office: 732 Federal St., Chi- cago, HI- Home: McHenry, HI. MARTS, Ralph O., plant anatomist; b. Ottawa, Kan., 6 Mar. 1900; s. James Robert Marts, farmer, and Effle Blanche (Clyde) M.; ed. Ottawa (Kan.) high sch.; B.S., Ottawa Univ., 1924; M.S., State Univ. la., 1927; unmarried. Asst. in botany, State Univ. la., 1924-29; asst. physiological plant anatomist and assoc. physiological plant anatomist, Forest Products Lab., U.S. Forest Serv- ice, 1929—; on military leave, A.A.F. (overseas duty), 1942—; mem. A.A.A.S., la. Acad. Sci., Sigma Xi, Soc. Am. Foresters, Am. Forestry Assn., Nat. Geog. Soc, Gamma Alpha, Pi Kappa Alpha. Club: Maple Bluff Camera. In- terests: wood structure and growth con- ditions, taxonomy, photomicrography, color photog. Office: Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis. MAGOUN, James Albert Hughes, sur- geon; b. Medford, Mass., 27 Sept. 1888; a. James Albert Hughes Magoun and Cornelia (Bickley) M.; ed. Blair Acad.; B.A., Princeton Univ., 1912; M.D., Univ. 187 Pa., 1916; M.S., Univ. Minn., 1922; m. Lois Cole, 10 June 1927; children — Ann V., James Albert Hughes, III. Interne, Pa. and Lankenau Hosps., Philadelphia, 1917-19, assoc. on service with Dr. J. B. Deaver; phys., Mayo Clinic, 1919-22; practiced surgery, Toledo, 1922 — ; dir., surgery, Flower Hosp., dir. urology, Lucas Co. Hosp.; urologist, Toledo and St. Vincent's Hosps.; It. (jr. grade), Med. Res., U.S. Navy, assigned to Lan- kenau Hosp., 1918-19; charter mem. Sigma Xi, Mayo Foundation; mem. A.C.S., Am. Urol. Assn., North Central Br. Urol. Soc, Detroit Urol. Soc, A.M. A., Lucas Co. Med. Soc, Soc. of Mayo Clinic (assoc. mem. of residents and ex-residents). Clubs: Rotary, Toledo Camera, Inverness, Toledo. Au- thor: numerous surgical and urological arts. Travel: No. Am. Desc. Joshua Magoun who designed and built many early clipper ships at Charlestown, Mass. Interests: water colors, drawings, etching, books (rare edits.), Napoleonia. Recreations: fishing, hunting, sailing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 2001 Collingwood, Toledo, O. Home: 3440 Chestnut Hill Rd., Ottawa Hills, Toledo, O. Summer res.: Green Island, Lake Erie, O. McGINNIS, Frederick Alphonso, pro- fessor of education; b. West Mansfield, 13 Feb. 1885; s. Henry C. McGinnis and Emily E. McG.; ed. West Mansfield high sch.; Ph.B. (in Ed.), Univ. Chi- cago, 1922; M.A., Ohio State Univ., 1927; Ed.D., Univ. Cincinnati, 1940; m. Charlie Aretta Perkins of Wilberforce, O., 11 Nov. 1911. Prof. Eng., Wilberforce Univ., 1922-27, dean, Coll. Lib. Arts, 1928-39, prof, ed., Coll. of Ed., 1940—; dir., Supreme Liberty Life Ins. Co., Chi- cago; mem. Sigma Pi Phi, Alpha Phi Alpha, Masons (32d deg.). Author: A History and An Interpretation of Wilber- force University, 1856-1940. Recreation: tennis. African Methodist. Republican. Address: Wilberforce Univ., Wilber- force, O. MEAD, George Wilson, paper manu- facturer, banker; b. Chicago, HI., 22 Feb. 1871; s. Darius R. Mead, lumber mcht., and Abigail Crane (Spare) M. ; ed. Beloit Coll., 1888-89; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1894; m. Ruth Emily Witter (dec.) of Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., 18 Oct. 1899; children— Stanton Witter, Walter Lang- worthy, Emily Phelps (Mrs. Henry Per- rine Baldwin). Merchant, Rockford, 111., 1894-1902; paper bus., developing water powers and paper mills, Wisconsin Rapids, 1902; completed 1st entirely electrically motorized paper mill, 1904; developed process for making machine- coated paper directly on high speed paper machines, 1933-38; pres. Consol. Water Power & Paper Co., Ahdawagam Paper Products Co., Wis. Valley Im- provement Co.; mayor, Wis. Rapids, 6 yrs.; chmn. bd., 111. Nat. Bank & Trust Co.; regent, Univ. Wis., 12 yrs.; tr. Beloit Coll., Chicago Theol. Sem.; mem. Theta Delta Chi, Masons. Clubs: Chi- cago, Union League (Chicago, 111.), In- dian Creek Country, Bath, Surf, Com. of One Hundred (Miami Beach, Fla.). Con- glist. Republican. Office: Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. MEAD, Sumner Adelbert, business executive; b. Somerville, Mass., 30 Oct. 1892; s. Adelbert F. Mead, commission mcht., and Theodosia (Wright) M.; ed. Somerville (Mass.) high sch.; Litt.B., Princeton Univ., 1914; m. Ruth Appel- doorn of Chicago, HI., 7 June 1923; chil- dren — Sumner, Peter, John. Served in U.S.N.R.F., 3 yrs. Clubs: University (Chicago), Barrington Hills County, Edgartown Yacht. Office: 68 Fargo St., Boston, Mass. Home: Barrington, HI. Summer res.: Martha's Vineyard, Ed- gartown, Mass. WARREN, Theodore Edward, attor- ney; b. Ashtabula, O., 15 Oct. 1897; s. George B. Warren, ret. hotel operator, and Bertha (Terry) W.; ed. Ashtabula (O.) high sch.; LL.B., Cornell Univ., 1921; m. Ada Edsell of Cedarhurst, N.Y., 17 Apr. 1926; children— Barbara Jane, Edsell Terry. Lawyer, Ashtabula; mem. and pres. Ashtabula City Plar? ning Commn., Ashtabula City Bd. Ed. (pres.); pvt., Co. 28, Camp Lee, Va., during World War I; mem. Co. Bar Assn. (pres.), O. State and Am. Bar Assns. (sect, of ins. law), Internat. Assn. Ins. Counsel, Commercial Law League, Am. and Ohio Title Assns., Fedn. of Ins. Counsel, Am. Legion. Club: Rotary. Interest: singing. Recrea- tions: golf, gardening. Conglist. Repub- lican. Office: 4438 Main Av., Ashtabula, O. Home: 1738 E. 46th St., Ashtabula, O. HAZLETT, William Henry, surgeon; b. Springfield, 111., 16 Jan. 1889; s. M. T. Hazlett and Sadie (L.) H.; ed. Sheffield (111.) high sch.; M.D., Univ. 111. Coll. of Med., 1913; m. Catherine Patrick of Chicago, 111., 9 Feb. 1941. Interne, St. Luke's Hosp.; chief res. phys., City Hosp., Louisville, Ky., 1915-16; instr., Louisville Med. Coll., 1915-16; chief res. phys., St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago, 1916- 19; assoc. surgeon, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1920-32; attending surgeon, 188 St. Luke's Hosp. ; assoc. attending sur- geon, Cook Co. Hosp.; assoc. prof., Sur- gery, Coll. of Med., Univ. 111.; F.A.C.S., A.M.A. ; mem. Chicago Med. Soc, Inst. Med. of Chicago, Chicago Surg. Soc, HI. Med. Soc. Clubs: University, Camp- fire, Chicago Literary. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1428 N. State Pkwy., Chicago, HI, SEARLES, John N., profesor; b. Mazeppa, Minn., 27 Dec. 1896; s. George W. Searles, law enforcement, and Laura (Majerus) S.; ed. Mazeppa high sch.; E.M., Univ. Minn., 1923, M.S., 1930; m. Elsie Philley of Mazeppa, Minn., 1922. Prof., Sch. of Mines & Metallurgy, Univ. of Minn.; specialized in treatment of low grade iron ores and manganese ores, 1928 — ; metallurgist, Continental Machines, Inc., 1942 — . Author: arts, on mineral dressing research, splty. Minn, iron ores. Travel: Western U.S. Grand- son, first vol. in Civil War; helped sub- due Sioux outbreak at Mankato, 1865. Interests: early Am. furniture, photog., amateur photography. Recreation: auto- ing. Protestant. Republican. Office: care Continental Machines, Inc., 1301 Wash- ington Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 6111 Knox Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Summer res.: Mazeppa, Minn. SCHLENZ, Harry Edward, executive and sales manager; b. Denver, Colo., 1 Nov. 1905; s. Edward Schlenz, and Viola G. (Harder) S.; ed. Lane Tech. Sch., Chicago; B.S., Univ. HI., 1927, M.S., 1929, C.E., 1933; m. Norma B. Addison of Covington, La., 4 Aug. 1942; 1 dau., Susan Joanne. Res. grad. asst., Univ. 111., 1927-29, instr. san. and civil engring., 1929-30; with Pacific Flush- Tank Co., Chicago, 1930—, v.p., sales mgr., dir., 1935; mem. A.S.C.E., Am. Pub. Works Assn., 111. Soc. Engrs., Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Scabbard and Blade, Alpha Kappa Lambda, Chi Epsi- lon, Sigma Tau. Clubs: Engineers (N.Y.), Army and Navy of Chicago. Author: bulls, on engring.; numerous tech. arts. Presbyterian. Office: 4241 Ravenswood Av., Chicago 13, 111. Home: 1092 Bluff Rd., Glencoe, 111. BUNKER, Charles Cyrus, executive; b. West Chicago, 111., 4 Sept. 1880; s. Lewis C. Bunker, ry. exec, and May D. (Wheeler) B.; ed. West Chicago pub. schs.; m. Fay Bailey of Chicago, 111., 17 Dec. 1907; children— Charles C, Jr., Allen B. Stenographer, salesman, Mar- shall Field & Co., fgn. buyer, dept. mgr., divisional mdse. mgr., asst. gen. mdse. mgr., asst. gen. mgr., gen. mdse. mgr., v.p., 1935; pres. Frederick & Nel- son, Seattle, Wash., a division of Mar- shall Field & Co., 1944. Clubs: Chicago Golf, Ranier, Wash. Athletic, Seattle Golf. Protestant. Republican. Office: Fifth and Pine Sts., Seattle, Wash. Home: The Highlands, Seattle, Wash. BURTON, Samuel Chatwood, profes- sor of fine arts and arch.; b. Man- chester, Eng., 18 Feb. 1881; s. Thomas Burton, mgr. of mills, and Hannah (Chatwood) B.; ed. Royal grammar sch. (Clitheroe); Acad. Julien (Paris); Royal Coll. Art, S.K., A.M., London; studied art, It., Fr., London, Eng.; m. Magdalene Chambliss of St. Paul, 23 July 1925; children— Courtney, Roger. Art teacher, Blackburn grammar sch., Blackburn Tech. Coll., Univ. HI., Univ. Minn., St. Paul Art Sch., Minneapolis Inst. Art; silver and bronze medalist for painting, etching, 3d prize painting, 1917, 2d prize, 1918, bronze medal for etching, 1920, 2d prize; won 1st prizes sculpture, 1924, 1926; exhbn. Architec- tural League, N.Y.; sergt., Canadian Engrs. Corps, 6 mos., during World War I; mem. Art Masters Soc. (Eng.), Chi- cago Etchers Soc, Artists League (New York, N.Y.). Clubs: 5.55 (Minneapolis), Print Makers (Los Angeles, Calif.), Beachcombers (Provincetown). Author: Spain Poised (an etcher's record). Travel: Spain, It., Belgium, Fr., Afr. Interests: painting, sculpture, etching, writing, lecturing, lithography. Recrea- tion: golf. Office: Univ. Minn., Minne- apolis, Minn. Home: 1114 8th S. S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. ROOS, Carles M., engineer, man- ager; b. Williamsport, Pa., 10 Mar. 1883; s. Ernest Roos, carriage-wagon builder, and Hannah (Hyde) R.; ed. Williamsport high sch.; Williamsport Coll., 1902; m. Fay B. Dieffebach of Williamsport, 18 May 1910 (dec, 1915); m. (2d) Virtus B. Brown of Cairo, 111., 15 Dec. 1921; children— Lois Fay, Charles Wm. Designer, constructor, operator, water works, Indus, plants, gasoline and carbon black plant; made engring. appraisal of utility and indsl. property; designed and constructed dwellings; mgr., East St. Louis and Interurban Water Co.; mem. Nat. Soc. Prof. Engrs., Soc Am. Mil. Engrs., HI. Soc. Engrs., Am. Water Works Assn., Assembly Am. Engring. Council, 111. Chamber Commerce, Boy Scouts Coun- cil. Clubs: Rotary (p. pres.), St. Clair Country, East St. Louis City, East St. Louis Imperial. Author: papers in prof, pubis., arts, in original edit, of Water 180 Works Manual. Travel: U.S., Can. In- terests: paleontology, geology, mineral specimens. Recreation: geol. field work, skeet shooting, sci. Methodist. Repub- lican. Office: 513 E. Missouri Av., East St. Louis, HI. Home: 18 Granvue Dr., Belleville, 111. SCHMIDT, Erwin Rudolph, professor of surgery; b. Alma, Wis., 19 Dec. 1890; s. George Schmidt and Lina (Ochs- ner) S.; ed. Arcadia high sch., 1909; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1913; M.D., Washing- ton Univ. Med. Sch., 1916; m. Mary Adelaide Newlove of Des Moines, Ia„ 7 May 1919; cildren— Erwin Rudolph, Jr., Mary Allison, Margot Ochsner, Courtland Mercer. Interne, Barnes Hosp., 1916-17, Augustana Hosp., 1917, 1919, chief asst.,' 1920-21; exchange asst., Maria Hosp., Stockholm, Sweden, 1921- 22, Stadtische Krankenhaus, Frankfurt- am-Main, Ger., 1922-23; asst. attending surg., St. Vincent's Hosp., Billings, Mont., 1923-25; jr. attending surg., Au- gustana Hosp., 1922-25; prof, surg., Univ. Wis. Med. Sch., and chief surg., State of Wis. Gen. Hosp., 1926 — ; served as 1st It., M.R.C., 1917-18, capt., M.C., U.S.A., 1918-19, comdg. officer, Base Hosp. No. 11, Jan.-May 1919; Fellow and governor A.C.S.; licensed by Am. Bd. Surg., mem. Ger. Surg. Congress, Wis. State Med. Soc, Dane Co. Med. Soc, A.M.A., Am. Assn. for Traumatic Surg., Am. Surg. Assn., A.A.A.S., A. A. U.P., Wis. Acad. Sci., Wis. State Hist. Soc, Swiss-Am. Hist. Soc, Chi Phi, Nu Sigma Nu, Sigma Sigma, Alpha Omega Alpha, Sigma Xi, Terre Haute Acad, of Med. (hon. mem.). Author: editorials and tech. arts, on med. and surg. subjs. for med. jours, and pubis. Travel: U.S., Eur. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 1300 University Av., Madison, Wis. Home: 1937 Arlington PL, Madison, Wis. Sum- mer res.: Llewelyn Beach, St. Joseph's Island, Ontario, Can. SVOBODA, John F., oral surgeon; b. Chicago, HI., 8 May 1906; s. John C. Svoboda and Mary (Kovanda) S.; ed. Morton high sch.; Y.M.C.A. Prep.; Chi- cago Coll. Dental Surg.; D.D.S., Loyola Univ., 1929; B.S., 1934; M.D.S., Loyola Univ., 1942; m. Helen Engelbreit, Kirk- wood, Mo., 8 May 1941; children — John William, Jean Marie. Resident oral surg., Cook Co. Hosp., 1930; asst. prof, oral surgery, Chicago Coll. Dental Surg.; faculty mem., 111. State Dental Study Club; mem. HI. Dental Soc, Chi- cago Dental Soc, Am. Dental Assn., Am. Soc. of Oral Surgeons, Delta Sigma Delta, Odontographic Soc Interests: photog., cinematography. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 4013 Milwaukee Av., Chicago, HI. Home: 6730 Olympia Av., Chicago 31, HI. HOUGHTON, Marshall George, elec- trical engineer; b. Boyne City, Mich., 2 Dec 1904; s. George A. Houghton, realtor, and Margaret (Blanshan) H.; ed. Boyne City pub. schs.; B.S.E.E., Mich. State Coll., 1926; E.E. (hon.), Mich. State Coll., 1931; m. Doris T. Posthumus of East Lansing, Mich., 25 June 1932; 1 dau., Beverly Doris. Stu- dent engr., Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., Mansfield, O., 1926, 1927; elec- tric design engr., Allied Engrs., Inc., Jackson, Mich., 1927-30; head electrical dept., Detroit Inst. Tech., 1930-37; elec- trical engr., Albert Kahn, Assoc. Archi- tects & Engrs., Detroit, 1937—; mem. Am. Inst, of E.E., Assoc. Hlum. Eng. Soc; registered profl. engineer, N.Y., Mich. Interests: photog. of all kinds, movies, still, miniature. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: 345 New Center Bldg., Detroit 2, Mich. Home: 18298 Indiana Av., Detroit 21, Mich. KRYL, Bohumir, symphony orchestra director; b. Bohemia, 2 May 1875; s. Jan Kryl, sculptor, and Josef a (Kry- lova) K.; ed. Horice (Czechoslovakia) high sch.; m. Mary Jerabek of Vienna; children — Marie, Josephine. Executed bust of Ben Hur, Prince of India, for Gen. Lew Wallace of Crawfordsville, Ind.; cornet soloist with Sousa and his band, 3 seasons; organized own band with which traveled in Am., Can., Mex., Cuba, 30 yrs.; traveled with own sym- phony orchestra, 7 yrs.; mem. Mason. Composer: cornet solos. Recreations: collections of old masters. Adress: 3300 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, HI. LANGWORTHY, Mary Lewis, club woman, housewife; b. Alfred, N.Y., 31 Mar. 1872; d. A. H. Lewis, clergyman, author, and Augusta Melissa (Johnson) L.; ed. Plainfield Young Ladies Sem., N.J.; Alfred Univ., 2 yrs.; teachers cert., Delsarte Sch. of Expression, N.Y., 1895; m. Benjamin F. Langworthy of Chicago, 111., 25 Oct. 1897; children- Frances (Mrs. D. B. Murray), Mari- gold Lockhart (Mrs. Dwight Taylor). Teacher, Eng. and drama, 2 yrs.; tr. Village of Winnetka, 1922-26; served as 4 min. speaker, chmn. Jolly Tar Club for sailors at Gt. Lakes Naval Tr. Sta., during World War I; mem. Nat. League Women Voters, D.A.R., Nat. Cong. Par- ents and Teachers, Nat. Assn. Social Hygiene, Am. Soc. Mental Hygiene, 111. 190 Soc. for Mental Hygiene, bd. mem., Cook Co. Training Sch. of Nursing. Clubs: Woman's Athletic, Woman's City, Women's Nat. Rep. (N.Y.), Winnetka Woman's, River Forest Woman's. Au- thor: 6 pageants, editorials. Travel: Eur., Hawaii, U.S. Interests: music, old glass, pub. speaking, gardening. Rec- reations: driving, travel. Conglist. Re- publican. Address: 832 Bryant Av., Win- netka, HI. REEVE, Bryce Byrum, physician and surgeon; b. Edwardsport, Ind., 29 Mar. 1895; s. Samuel Morris Reeve, mcht., and Lealie Samanthy (Hulen) R.; ed. Edwardsport high sch.; B.S., Ind. Univ., 1919, M.D., 1921; m. Clara Evelyn Tharp of Whiting, Ind., 30 Dec. 1924; children —Esther Ruth, Bryce Byrum, Jr., Ros- coe Edward. Interne, Passavant Memo- rial Hosp., 1921-22; mem. of staff Phil- lips Sanitarium, Malvern, Ark., 1922-23; chief surgeon, First Aid Hosp., Standard Oil Co., Ind., 1923-34; med. dir. Stand- ard Oil Co., 1934—; pres. sch. bd., Floss- moor, HI. (elective), Commn. of Health, Flossmoor, HI.; served in hosp., appren- tice Naval Med. Res. Corps 4 yrs. during World War I; mem. A.M. A., HI. State and Chicago Med. Socs., The Am. Assn. of Ind. Physicians and Surgeons, fellow Am. Assn. of Ind. Phys. and Surg., Phi Chi, Masons. Clubs: Chicago Heights Country, Olympia Fields Coun- try, Flossmoor Men's. Interests: gar- dening, numismatics. Recreations: golf, North Division high sch.; State Teach- fishing, hunting. Christian Church. Re- publican. Office: 910 S. Micigan Av., Chicago, HI. Home: Hutchison Rd., Flossmoor, HI. RASKIN, Max, lawyer; b. Vitebsk, White Russia, 8 Nov. 1902; s. Samuel Raskin and Dora (Albright) R.; ed. North Division high sch.; State Teach- ers Coll., Milwaukee; LL.B., Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, 1926; m. Elaine Rosenblith of Milwaukee, Wis., 17 June 1928; , children— Nancy Gail, Bonnie Fern. Came to U.S. 1912; practiced law, 1926—; elected city atty., Milwaukee, 1932; Socialist candidate, running on same ticket as Daniel W. Hoan, nation- ally known mayor; under his super- vision the Baby Bond System of paying current expenses was developed and Milwaukee was kept free from financial difficulty, resulting in debt free city; city atty., 1932-36; Wis. State and Mil- waukee Co. Bar Assns., Juridical Soc, Milwaukee Housing Council, Wis. Liberal League, Knights of Pythias, Club: Milwaukee Turners. Recreation: golf. Jewish. Office: 606 W. Wisconsin Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 3311 N. Sherman Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis. ORLIKOSKI, Walter John, coal mer- chant; b. Chicago, HI., 20 June 1886; s. Louis Orlikoski, stationary engr., and Constance (Muzolf) O.; ed. N.W. Chi- cago high sch.; St. Stanislaus Coll.; m. Helen Sullivan of Pekin, HI., 11 Nov. 1929. Traffic mgr.; real estate; coal wholesale and retail, spl. agt., U.S. Int. Rev. Dept.; chief elk.; recorder of deeds, Cook Co., HI.; dir. Avondale Bldg. & Loan Assn.; served with rail- way engr. in World War I; alderman, 1931-44. Recreations: sports, golf, read- ing late books. Catholic. Democrat. Of- fice: 3158 N. Pulaski Rd., Chicago, HI. Home: 2600 N. Kimball Av., Chicago, hl NUQUIST, Maud Edgerton, . club woman; b. Stromsburg, 10 Sept. 1882; d. Joseph Walter Edgerton, attorney, and Sarah Jane (Selby) E.; ed. Grand Island high sch.; grad., 1900; m. Andrew F. Nuquist of Osceola, Neb., 28 Sept. 1904; children— Andrew Edgerton, Irma Nuquist Laase, Joseph Edgerton, Rob- ert Edgerton. Candidate for Gov. of State, 1934; mem. Child Welfare Bur., (dir., 1935-37, bd. control, 1937-43), State Conf. Social Work (bd. dirs.), 4th Dist. Women's Clubs (pres., 1926-27), Neb. Fed. Women's Clubs (v.p., 1927-29, pres., 1929-31, gen. fedn. dir., 1931-33), Native Sons and Daus., (pres., 1934-35), Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs (chmn., div. Child Welfare), D.A.R., P.E.O. Club: Osceola Women's. Father, Joseph Walter Edger- ton, 1st atty. in Stromsburg, prosecutor in 1st murder trial in Polk Co., one of early leaders in Populist movement; husband, Andrew F. Nuquist, mem. 1st high sch. graduating class in Polk Co., Stromsburg, 1887, also pres. First Nat. Bank, Osceola. Interests: civic affairs, politics, needlepoint, reading, antiques, motoring. Methodist. Democrat. Office: State House, Lincoln. Neb. Home: Os- ceola, Neb. Summer res. : Lake Ericson, Neb. NELSON, Harry Monroe, obstetrician, gynecologist; b. Kane, Pa., 29 Mar. 1895; s. Samuel Nelson, oil, gas driller, and Anna (Michelson) N.; ed. Kane (Pa.) high sch.; B.S., Univ. Mich., 1918, M.D., 1920; m. Elizabeth J. Jones of Greenfield, O., 1927; children— Harry Monroe, Jr., Robert Henshaw. Instr., surgery, Univ. Mich., 1922; assoc, ob- stetrics and gynecology, Henry Ford Hosp., 1922-30; chief, gynecologist and sr. attending obstetrician, Woman's 191 Hosp., 1933—, chief of tumor clinic 1936 — ; asst. prof., obstetrics, gynecol ogy, Wayne Univ., 1936 — ; surg. dir. Thomas Mem. Hosp., 1939—; v.p., De troit Inst. Cancer Research, 1942— Fellow A.C.S.; mem. Detroit Acad. Sur gery, Cent. States Assn. Obstetricians Gynecologists, A.M. A., Wayne Co. Med Soc, Mich. Soc. Obstetricians, Gyne cologists (pres., 1939-40), Am. Soc. Con trol of Cancer, Tri Co. Division (exec chmn., 1938 — ). Author: numerous arts in current med. jours. Interests: farm ing, breeding of sadle horses. Protes tant. Republican. Office: 1067 Fisher Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 20811 W. Ten Mile Rd., Detroit, Mich. NEEDLES, William Bray, optome- trist; b. Sedalia, Mo., 17 May 1879; s. Simgesmer Needles, mcht., and Elma Florence (Bray) N.; ed. Brookfield high sen., Mo.; O.D., Southwestern Optom. Coll., 1900; M.D., McCormick Med. Coll., 1905; m. Elva Crosby of Kansas City, Mo., June 1905; children— Eliza- beth Needles Whitsell, John W., Richard A. Founder, Needles Inst, of Optometry, Kansas City, Mo., 1910, consolidated with No. HI. Coll., pres., 1924—; lec- turer, state and nat. prof, bodies, social groups; pres., chmn. bd. of dirs., No. HI. Coll.; dir. Drexel Nat. Bank, Chi- cago; served as cpl., home guard, dur- ing World War I; mem. Am. Optom. Assn. (hon. life), Am. Acad, of Optom. Author: texts and courses in optom. Travel: Eur., Air., Am. Interests: music, travel. Recreation: golf. Method- ist. Republican. Office: 4170 Drexel Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 4832 Ellis Av., Chicago, HI. Summer res.: Lake Shore, Douglas, Mich. MUERMAN, John Charles, professor of rural and visual education, A. & M. College; b. Deerfield, O., 24 Mar. 1865; s. Henry William Muerman, merchant, and Jennie (Schaeffer) M.; ed. pub. sens., O., Mt. Union and Hiram Coll.; A.B., Wash. State Coll. (Pullman, Wash.), 1910; M.A., George Washington Univ. (Washington, D.C.), 1916, Ph.D., 1922; m. Ethel Ashby of Moscow, Ida., 1898 (dec); m. (2d) Pearl W. Wilcox, 12 Aug. 1942. Mem. Kappa Delta Pi, A.A.A.S., Masons (p. grand master, Ida., 1899), Elks, I.O.O.F., N.E.A., O.E.A., Phi Delta Kappa. Club: Demo- cratic. Author: bulletins and arts, for the press, etc. Travel: Borneo, Philip- pines, Java, Bali, Hawaii, Porto Rico, Mex., Can., China, Japan. Interests: stamps, coins, photog. Recreations: hunting, fishing, travel. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: A. & M. Coll., Still- water, Okla. Home: Stillwater, Okla. MEYER, Walter W. L., lawyer, asso- ciate judge; b. Chicago, 23 June 1892; s. John J. Meyer, mcht., and Maria (Gareiss) M.; ed. Armour Sci. Acad., 1909; lit. work at Univ. 111.; LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1915; LL.D. (hon.), Lincoln Memorial Univ., Harrogate, Tenn., 1938; 1 son, John J. Apptd. Asst. State Atty. under Maclay Hoyne for 4 yrs. ; practiced law with Otto C. Rent- ner, 25 yrs.; Master of Chancery, Cir- cuit Ct., 4 consecutive terms, 1923-30; assessor, Cook Co., 1930 — ; prof, law, Loyola Univ.; prof, law, faculty of Northwestern Univ., 10 yrs.; (exec, com. German group, Chicago World's Fair Centennial Commn.; capt., Mil. Intelligence Res., during World War I; mem. Am. and HI. Bar Assns., L.O.O.M. (p. v. dictator of Greater Chicago Lodge No. 3), Elks, Boy Scouts (p. deputy commr.), Alumni Assns. of HI. and Northwestern Univs., Delta Theta PI, Phi Alpha. Clubs: Kiwanis (founder), Forest Park Kiwanis (pres., hon. mem.), Moose Country (chmn. House Com.), German, Germania, Chicago Tower, Chicago Motor (hon. mem.), Pis- tagua Heights Country (p. v.p.), Steu- ben of Chicago (p. v.p.). Author: paper on Lincoln and the Civil War. Travel: world, So. Am., Islands. Interests: phi- lately, music, painting. Recreations: fishing, hunting, swimming, football, golf. Lutheran. Democrat. Office: 69 W. Washington St., Chicago, HI. Home: Oak Park, HI. McMARTIN, Charles, physician, sur- geon; b. Dunlap, la., 11 May 1880; s. A. I. McMartin, farmer, and Harriet A. (Smith) McM.; ed. Dunlap (la.) high sen.; Grinnell (la.) acad.; Ph.B., Grin- nell Coll., 1902; M.D., Univ. Chicago, Rush Med. Coll., 1906; m. Mary E. O 'Kelly of Omaha, Neb., 5 Aug. 1909; 1 dau., Harriet Margaret. Practiced med., Neb., 1907-10; prof, urology, der- matol., Creighton Med. Coll., 1910—, mem. administrative bd., 1931 — , head dept. surgery, Creighton Med. Coll., St. Joseph's Hosp., 1936—; F. A.C.S.; mem. Omaha-Douglas Co. Med. Soc. (p. pres.), Omaha Mid- West Clin. Soc. (pres., 1939-40), Neb. State Med. Assn. (pres., 1945-46), A.M. A., Am. Urol. Assn. (pres., 1938, South Central Br.), Masons, Shrine. Clubs: Rotary, Omaha Athletic. Author: numerous prof. arts. Travel: U.S., Eur. Interests: med. history, travel. Conglist. Republican. Office: 611 City Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Home: 1714 Douglas St., Omaha. Neb. 192 McKEY, Frank Michael, trustee; b. Janesville, Wis., 4 July 1880; s. Edward B. McKey and Zoe (Gross) McK.; ed. Princeton- Yale Sen., Chicago, 111.; A.B., Univ. Chicago, 1903; m. Elizabeth T. Hull of St. Louis, 25 Feb. 1905; children —Frank M., Jr., Henry Hull. Trustee, liquidator, trust officer for courts and large industries, 1904—; dir. 30 holding corps.; sec. Draft Bd. No. 124, Chicago, HI.; mem. Delta Tau Delta. Interest: growing flowers. Recreations: fishing, hunting, golf. Episcopalian. Independ- ent. Office: Rm. 1615, First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, HI. Home: Graemere Hotel, Washington Blvd. at Homan Av., Chicago, HI. Summer res.: White Lake, Montague, Mich. McCALL, Thomas Montgomery, su- perintendent, professor; b. McCallsberg, la., 25 Dec. 1887; s. John Newton McCall, farmer, and Olive (Quick) McC; ed. high sch., Ames, la., 1905; B.S., la. State Coll., 1910, M.S., 1930; m. Blanche Fleetwood of Ames, la., 12 June 1912; children — Donald Thomas, Robert Lowell, Barbara Alice. Asst. and instr., depts. of entomology and horticul- ture, la. State Coll., Ames, la., 1910-11; horticulturist, asst. prof., N.W. Sch. & Sta., Univ. Minn., Crookston, 1911-37, actg. supt., 1933-34, supt., prof., 1937—; pres. Red River Valley Winter Shows; mem. Expt. Sta. Reserve for increased food prodn. during World War I; mem. Red River Valley Livestock Assn. (pres.), Red River Develop. Assn. (pres.), Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., Minn. Acad. Sci., Minn. Hort. Soc. (life mem.), Alpha Zeta (hon., agr.), Delta Sigma Rho (hon. forensics). Clubs: Rotary (p. pres.), Junta. Author: bulletins; Root Crops for Red River Valley; Potatoes in Red River Valley; Trees & Fruits for Red River Valley; co-author: Crops & Soils Handbook; editor: Northwest School News. Travel: Can., U.S. Great uncle laid out townsite of McCallsberg, la.; uncle was Civil War vet. Interests: farming, open forum discussion groups. Recreations: fishing, travel. Church of Christ (elder, chmn. bd.). Repub- lican. Office and home: N.W. Sch. & Sta., Univ. Minn., Crookston, Minn. MAYER, Frederick, lawyer; b. Ger- many, 16 Aug. 1890; s. Loesermann Mayer, merchant, and Caroline (Hirsch) M.; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll., 1912; m. Lelia Samish of Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 1921; children — Richard J., Janet L. Came to U.S., 1904; employed in various capacities in Greenbaum Sons Bank and Trust Co., 1906-12; practice of law, 1912 — ; dir. of Continental Grain Co.; mem. law firm Poppenhusen, Johnston, Thompson and Raymond, Chicago; served in U.S. Army, 1918-19; sergt., mem. of A.E.F., Siberia; mem. Am. and Chicago Bar Assns. Club: Standard of Chicago. Travel: U.S., Cent. Am., Eur., Far East. Recreations: golf, travel. Jewish. Republican. Office: 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1059 Hyde Park Blvd, Chicago, HI. MARCH-MOUNT, Margaret, writer, lecturer; b. Illinois; d. John March Whisnant, cattle rancher, and Elizabeth Jane (Mount) W.; ed. George Washing- ton Univ.; Univ. Wis. Extension sum- mer sch.; Curry Sch. Expression; un- married. Building up human and rec- reational phases of conservation in U.S. Forest Service; corr., Christian Science Monitor; mem. Soc. Am. Foresters, Am. Forestry Assn. Clubs: Nat. Fed. of Press Women, Bus. and Prof. Women, Woman's City, Scribblers' of A.A.U.W. Author: mag. arts, and booklets. Travel: Eur., Cent. Am., Can., Baha- mas, Mex. Recreations: reading, travel. Christian Scientist. Office and home: College Women's Club, 1330 No. Pros- pect, Milwaukee, Wis. LONG, LeRoy Downing, surgeon; b. Caddo, Okla., 15 Mar. 1897; s. LeRoy Long, surgeon, and Martha (Downing) L.; ed. McAlester (Okla.) high sch.; M.D., Harvard Med. Sch., 1921; Okla. Univ.; m. Mary Louise Clymer of Okla- homa City, Okla., 15 Sept. 1927; children —LeRoy, III, Margaret Ann. Interne New York and Brooklyn; post grad. Europe; teacher in surgery, Univ. Okla. Sch. Med., 1924 — ; surgeon LeRoy Long Clinic, 1924 — ; assoc. prof, surgery; attending surgeon, Univ. and St. An- thony Hosps., Oklahoma City, 1924—; R.O.T.C. at Harvard Med. Sch., during World War I; mem. Okla. Co., State, Am. Med. Assns., Am. Coll. Surg., Am. Assn. Study Goiter, Am. Bd. of Surgery, Oklahoma City Acad. Med., Southern Soc. Clin. Surg., Western Surg. Assn. Clubs: Oklahoma City Golf and Coun- try, Oklahoma, Beacon. Author: numer- ous arts, for current med. pub. Travel: Eng. and continent (1923-36). Son of LeRoy Long, pioneer surgeon, dean and prof. surg. Univ. of Okla. Sch. of Med. recognized leader of medical prof, state of Okla. Methodist. Democrat. Office: 117 N. Broadway, Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 837 N.W. 40th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. LYNESS, Anna Ramspacher, F.R.C., writer of poetry and prose; b. Tacony, 193 Philadelphia, Pa., 26 Oct. 1877; d. Claude Ramspacher and Johanna (Wei- gand) R. ; ed. St. Alphonsus Sen., Phila- delphia; bus. course and elocution at Temple Univ.; m. Albert Lyness of Little Grant, Wis., 28 Nov. 1918. Teacher St. Mary's in the Pines, Chatawa, Miss.; mgr., owner of Lyness Apartments, Du- buque, la.; pvt. investigator, compiler; charter mem. Cymric Order of Cove- nant; hon. mem. Eugene Field Soc; honored by Pope Puis XII on 4 different occasions with Papal Apostolic Blessing, for Catholic Action in the Near East Welfare Assn. Author: 5 plays, The Ken- tuckey Derby, The Agitator, The Lady of the Nile, Goosey Island, Which is the Greater Man; in preparation: Voices of the Wind, Builders of a Nation, Tipy Toe & Hamilcar, Golden Gates Ajar, Little Lives of Great Saints. Recreation: horse and boat races, paper, fox and steeple chases. Catholic. Democrat. Ad- dress: P.O. Box 354, Bloomington, Wis. MIDDLETON, Wallace Ray, lawyer; b. Genesee Co., Mich., 11 Jan. 1884; s. Moses Middleton, civil engr., and Susie (Cole) M.; ed. Flint high sen.; LL.B., Detroit Coll. Law; B.S., Detroit Inst. Tech.; m. Maribel Smith of Bay City, 28 June 1911 (dec. 19 Nov. 1941). Mem. law firm, Bodman, Longley, Bogle, Mid- dleton & Armstrong; dir., Abstract & Title Guarantee Co.; mem. Am. Bar Assn. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Athletic. Conglist. Republican. Office: 1400 Buhl Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 1019 Bed- ford Rd., Grosse Pointe, Mich. Summer res.: Otisville, Mich. MORRIS, Clyde Calhoun, minister; b. Dillon, Miss., 29 Oct. 1885; s. Benjamin W. Morris, mcht., and Ophelia Jane (Simmons) M.; ed. high sen., Kent- wood, La.; A.B., Union Univ. (Jackson, Tenn.), 1915, D.D. (hon.), 1925; Southern Bapt. Theol. Sem. (Louisville, Ky.); m. Stella Katherine Anderson of Paducah, Ky., 1915; children— Mrs. D. L. High and Mrs. B. T. Hoover (twins), Ander- son Brown. Pastor, First Bapt. Ch., 1919 — ; builder, owner, operator, radio station KADA, Ada; mem. bd. dirs., Okla. Bapt. Gen. Conv., pres., 1933-35; received Carnegie Hero Fund Medal and $1,000 for saving Jesse L. Fettis from drowning, 1912; served as Y.M. C.A. chaplain, U.S., Fr., 1917-18, with U.S. 3d div., Fr.; mem. Alpha Tau Omega, Masons (K.T., Shrine, 32d deg.). Travel: Eng., Fr., It., Mex., Can., Cuba. Interest: collecting walking canes from many countries. Recreation: fishing. Baptist. Democrat. Office: First Baptist Church, Ada, Okla. Home: 912 S. Broad- way, Ada, Okla. LUNDY, Edward H., lawyer; b. Union, 3 July 1871; s. Enoch W. Lundy and Huldah L. (Morlan) L.; ed. Albion Sem.; m. Lula M. Rew, 14 Aug. 1895; children — Lyman R., Lee L. ; m. (2d) Mae Ballantyne of Eldora, la., 30 June 1936. Country lawyer; mem. firms Al- brook & Lundy, 1894-1908, Lundy & Wood, 1908-09, Lundy, Wood & Basker- ville, 1909-12, Lundy, Peisen & Soper, 1913-24; pvt. practice, 1924-38; Lundy, Butler & Lundy, Hardin Co., 1938—; mem. State and Am. Bar Assns. Office: Lundy Bldg., Eldora, la. Home: Eldora, Iowa. LOEB, Hamilton Moritz, insurance agent, broker; b. Chicago, 111., 16 Sept. 1900; s. Jacob M. Loeb, ins., and Rose (Stein) L.; ed. Harvard high sen., Chi- cago, 111.; Univ. 111.; Univ. Wis.; U.S. Mil. Acad. (West Point); m. Ruth A. Ehrich of N.Y.C., 3 June 1922; children — Jacob M., II, Alice, Hamilton M., Jr. Clk., Crum & Foster; with Eliel & Loeb Co., N.Y.C., 1919-21, Eliel & Loeb Co., Chicago, 1921, v.p., 1922 — ; pres., 1941; cadet, U.S.M.A., West Point, N.Y.; pres. Jewish Soc. Service Bur., 1938-40 (Chi- cago); dir. Jewish Charities of Chicago, 1944. Clubs: N.Y. Drug & Chem., Stand- ard, Ravisloe Country, Lake Shore Country. Travel: U.S., Can. Interest: music. Recreations: golf, bridge, fish- ing. Jewish. Independent. Office: 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 4812 Kimbark Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Cable, Wis. LINDQUIST, Gustavus Elmer Eman- uel, missionary; b. Lindsborg, Kan., 26 Aug. 1886; s. Andrew Lindquist, painter and decorator, and Emily (Carlson) L.; ed. Bethany Acad.; Lindsborg high sen.; A.B., Bethany Coll., 1908, D.D., 1941; B.D., Oberlin Grad. Sch. of Theol., 1912 Boston Univ., Grad. Sch., 1926; m. Ethel Geer of Rockford, HI., 22 Mar. 1915; children— Clara, Helen Gustavus. Teacher, Marquette high sch., Kan., 1908-09; missionary, Am. Indians, 1910- 12; gen. sec, Y.M.C.A., Haskell Inst., 1912-15; acting prin. Am. Ind. Inst., Wichita, 1915-17; sec. Indian work, In- ternal Com., Y.M.C.A., 1918-22; dir. Am. Indian Survey, 1919-20, Indian Sur- vey Inst, of Social and Rel. Research, 1920-22; dir. rel., ed. Haskell Inst., Lawrence, 1922-27; missionary-at-large, Soc. for Propagating Gospel among No. Am. Indians, 1927 — ; pres., corr. sec, Nat. Fellowship of Indian Workers; adv. officer, Nat. Ind. Assn.; apptd. mem. 194 U.S. Bd. of Ind. Commrs. by Pres. Hoover, 1930; served in Y.M.C.A. war work with Indian soldiers and sailors, 1917-19; mem. Joint Indian Com., Home Missions Coun. of No. Am. (field rep.), Adv. Coun. of 100 on Indian Affairs. Club: Kiwanis. Author: Indians of New York State (with A. C. Parker), The Red Man in U.S., Bland Nordamerikas Indianer (Swedish), The Jesus Road and Red Man, Handbook for Missionary Workers among N.A. Indians, What About Peyer, 1941. The Indian in Ameri- can Life, 1944. Desc. of pioneers in McPherson Co. (Lindsborg settlement). Interests: painting, gardening. Recrea- tions: travel, fishing. Conglist. Repub- lican. Address: 7 Winona St., Lawrence, Kan. LEE, Chester Daniel, associate pro- fessor of veterinary research, la. State Coll.; b. Salt Lick, Ky., 3 Sept. 1903; s. William O. Lee, merchant, and Aletha (Daniels) L.; ed. Sioux City high sen., 1 yr.; grad., Merrill high sen.; Morning- side Coll.; D.V.M., la. State Coll., 1927, M.S., 1932; m. Betty Rhoads of Boone, 27 June 1931; children— William Charles, Ann Elizabeth, Margaret Aletha. House surg. veterinary surgery, la. State Coll., 1927, instr. veterinary pathology, 1928, in charge state diagnostic lab., 1929, asst. prof, veterinary res., working in poultry diseases, 1933, assoc. prof., veterinary res., 1940—; mem. adv. bd., Govt. Regional Poultry Res. Lab., Lan- sing Mich.; pvt., sergt., Machine Gun Co., Inf. during World War I; served as 1st It., capt., in la. N.G., capt., major vet. Res. Corps, U.S.A., 1925—; It. col. la. State Guard; mem. Assn. Mil. Sur- geons, Assn. Pathologists, la. Poultry Sanitation Com., Poultry Sci. Assn., la. A.S., la. and Am. Veterinary Med. Assns., Res. Workers Assn., U.S. Live Stock Sanitary Assn., Tech. Adv. Com. War Admin., Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Zeta, Sigma Xi, Am. Legion (p. post comdr., Merrill, Ames, p. 6th Dist. comdr.), 40 and 8 Soc. Club: Osborn. Author: medical articles. Recreations: fishing, golf. Protestant. Republican. Of- fice: la. State Coll., Ames, la. Home: 2030 Cessna Av., Ames, la. LARSEN, Mae Sybil, artist; b. Chi- cago, HI.; d. Hans H. Larsen and Anna (Wennberg) L.; studied Art Inst, of Chi- cago (grad.); student of John Sloan, Randall Davey, Boris Anisfeld, Karl Buehr. Exhibited Art Inst, of Chicago, Soc. Independent Artists, N.Y., Whitney Studio, N.Y., Santa Fe. New Mexico, and Detroit museums; works in pvt. collections; rep. in Art of Today, Chi- cago, 1933; chmn. Swedish- Am. Art Assn.; mem. The Cordon, Renaissance Soc. of Univ. of Chicago. Studio and home: 4437 N. Francisco Av., Cicago, HI. HURLEY, Stephen E(dward), lawyer; b. Tenney, Minn., 31 Dec. 1892; s. Ed- ward J. Hurley and Susan (Hopkins) H.; ed. St. Thomas Coll., St. Paul, Minn., 1909-11; Catholic Univ. of Am., 1911-15; A.B., Georgetown Univ. Law Sen., 1913, A.M., 1914, LL.B., 1914. Ad- mitted to bar, 111., 1915; in practice, Quincy, 111., 1915-16; associated with Defrees, Buckingham & Eaton, 1916-23; mem. of Defrees, Buckingham, Jones & Hoffman or predecessor firms, 1923-40, firm Hurley & Simmons, 1940 — ; dir. The Oliver Corporation; served as offi- cer, U.S. Army, 1917-19; co-ordinator Selective Service Advisory Bds., Cook Co., HI., 1940—; mem. Chicago Bar Assn. (pres., 1944-45), Am. Bar Assn. (mem. house delegates, 1944-45), 111. State Bar Assn., Am. Judicature Soc, Mediaeval Acad, of Am., Mills College Council, Am. Classical League, Chicago Council on Fgn. Relations, The Acad, of Polit. Sci., Order of the Coif (h.). Clubs: Legal (pres., 1941-42), Law (sec.-treas., 1940-42), Chicago Literary (v.p., 1938- 39), University, Caxton, Attic (dir.), Cliff Dwellers. Hobby: book collecting. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, HI. Home: 222 E. Chestnut St., Chicago, HI. KIEFER, George H., executive; b. Cohocton, N.Y., 18 Dec. 1886; s. Charles Kiefer, miller, and Magdalene (Weg- mann) K.; ed. Cohocton high sch.; Bus. Coll.; m. Lucy Amberg of Chicago, 111., 9 Oct. 1917; 1 son, George, Jr. Pres. treas. and dir., United States Brewing Co.. United States Ice Co., Available Truck Co., Eddy Paper Co. Clubs: Edgewater Golf, Lake Geneva Country. Recreations: golf, sailing. Catholic. Of- fice: 2519 Elston Av., Chicago, HI. Home: 1420 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, HI. Summer res.: Lake Geneva, Wis. KENNER, Sumner, lawyer; b. Hunt- ington, Ind., 15 Oct. 1881; s. Major J. B. Kenner, lawyer, and Katherine (Mor- gan) K.; ed. Huntington high sch.; LL.B., Ind. Univ.; Ind. Law Sch.; m. Anne Glenn of Huntington, Ind., 9 July 1912; 1 dau., Laura C. Gordon. Began practice of law, Huntington, 1904, with legal dept., Erie R.R., 5 yrs.; asst. atty. gen., State of Ind., 2 yrs.; judge of 56th Judicial Circuit, 14 yrs.; now in gen. practice law in Huntington; dir. 195 Orton Crane and Sovel Co., Hunting- ton; city atty., Huntington, 4 yrs.; Hunt- ington Co. atty., 1 yr.; mem. Ind. Judi- cial Council, 4 yrs.; mem. Fifth Dist. Appeal Bd., U.S. Selective Service, mem. Huntington Co. Advisory Bd., dur- ing World War I; mem. Phi Gamma Delta, B.P.O.E. Clubs: Kiwanis Inter- nal, Columbia, Indianapolis, Cosmopoli- tan, Huntington Garden. Author: vari- ous legal articles for Ind. and Am. law jours., contbg. editor cent, law jour., St. Louis, Mo. Recreation: gardening. Universalist. Republican. Office: Citi- zens Bank Bldg., Huntington, Ind. Home: 1047 Guilford St., Huntington, Ind. Summer home: Lake Wawasee, Ind. KENDALL, John Lee, professor of chemistry; b. Stithtown, Ky., 29 Apr. 1869; s. John Kendall, farmer, and Jane K.; ed. Northern Ind. Normal Sen.; B.S., Purdue Univ., 1894, Ph.G., 1895, M.D., 1908; m. Carrie D. Craig of Craigsville, Va., 1916; children — Annabel Lee, Jon Edward Lynn. Dean, Omaha Coll. Pharmacy, 1900-04; practiced med., 1908-13; blood chem., Cook Co. Hosp., 1920-38; prof, chem., Chicago Dental Coll., 1913-42; retired. Author: Outline of Organic Chemistry; Outline of Physiological Chemistry; Outline of Materia Medica. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Home: 231 S. Court St., Crown Point, Ind. JACKSON, John Luther, lawyer; b. Stockwell, Ind., 30 Oct. 1866; s. Henry G. Jackson, clergyman, and Alice (Clarke) J.; ed. Ph.B., De Pauw Univ., 1889, A.M., 1892; LL.B., Lake Forest Univ., 1893; Chicago Coll. Law; m. Laura Elizabeth Bond of Chicago, HI., 24 June 1891; children— Laura Avis, John Spencer, Amy Clarke, Mabel Bond, Alice Edith. Admitted to HI. bar, 1892, to bar Supreme Ct., 1895; mem. law firm Bond, Adams, Pickard & Jack- son, 1892-1912, Adams & Jackson, 1912- 24, alone, 1924-27, Brown, Jackson, Boet- tcher & Dienner, now sr. mem., Chi- cago, 1927 — ; p. pres., Patent Law Assn. of Chicago; p. pres., De Pauw Alumni Assn., Chicago; pres., Bd. of Ed., River Forest, 111., 1901-15; mem. and pres., River Forest Library Bd., 1901-05; assoc. mem. Leg. Advisory Bd. during World War I; mem. Am., Chicago and HI. State Bar Assns., Patent Law Assn. of Chicago, F.A.M., K.T., (32d deg., Oreintal Consistory), Delta Kappa Epsi- lon, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Union League, Law (Chicago), South Shore Country. Travel: So. Am., Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Gt. Brit., Eur., Can., U.S. Recreation: golf. Republican. Office: 1550 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, HI. Summer home: Hillcrest Farm, Cen- terville, Mich. HOVGARD, Christopher L., minister; b. Slesvig, Den., 20 Apr. 1873; s. Thomas J. Hovgard and Anna (Christenson) H.; ed. Acad. Northwestern Univ.; B.D., Northwestern Univ., Denver; Illiff Sch. Theol.; D.D., Baker Univ., 1928; m. Gyda Holm of Copenhagen, Denmark; children— Mrs. Ruth Shirk, Paul E., John O., Carl T., Mrs. Frances Flan- ders, Mrs. Helen Kutschinski, Jean. Pastor, Parsons, Kan., 7 yrs., Burling- ton, Kan., 6 yrs., Abilene, 7 yrs., Em- poria, Kan., 9 yrs.; represented Kan. Conf. in 4 Gen. Confs., chmn., Kansas City Area at Gen. Conf. at Atlantic City, 1932; supt. Methodist Home for the Aged, 1936 — ; treas. Kan. Conf. Funds, Inc. Club: Optimist. Travel: Eur., Afr., near East. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice: 1135 College Av., Topeka, Kan. Home: 1147 Boswell Av., Topeka, Kan. HORLICK, Alexander James, presi- dent, Horlick's Malted Milk Corp.; b. Racine, Wis., 3 Oct. 1873; s. William Horlick, mfr., and Arabella (R.) H.; ed. Racine (Wis.) pub. sens.; Racine Coll.; m. Bertha D. Hueffner of Racine, Wis., 16 Feb. 1898; children— Helen Horlick Bond, Jeannette Horlick Bowles. With Horlick's Malted Milk Corp., 1893—; pres., dir. Horlick's Malted Milk Corp.; treas. Batten Realty Co., owners of Hor- lick-Racine Airport; dir. Racine Journal Times, H. W. St. John & Co., for- warders, New York, N.Y. ; Mayor of Racine, 1907-09, 1909-11; regent, Univ. of Wis., 1910-25; tr. St. Luke's Hosp. and Alice Horlick Mem. Hosp., Racine; served as mem. of Bd. of Appeals, Eastern Dist., Wis., during World War I; mem. (life) Am. Pharm. Assn., Span- ish War Vets (hon.), Mfrs. Assn. of Racine, Sons of St. George, Masons, (32d deg.), Wis. Mfrs. Assn., Nat. Assn. of Mfrs., Chicago Athletic Assn. Clubs: Somerset, Elks, Racine Country, Ra- cine Yacht, Milwaukee, Chicago, Union League (N.Y.), Downtown Athletic (N.Y.). Father was originator of Malted Milk. Interests: motoring, boating. Rec- reation: traveling. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office and home: Racine, Wis. HORAN, Albert James, insurance broker; b. Chicago, HI., 12 Dec. 1893; s. Jermiah J. Horan, and Mary (Nash) H.; ed. St. Philips high sch.; Lewis Inst., Chicago, HI.; m. Rose McDermott of Chicago, HI. Dir., Merchants Nat. 196 Bank; alderman, Chicago, HI. (3 terms); bailiff, Municipal Ct., Chicago, 111. (3 terms); aviator, U.S.A., 2 yrs., during World War I; mem. Am. Legion, V.F.W., 40 & 8, K.C., Hibernians. Club: Butter field Country. Recreations: golf, fishing. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 134 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 3547 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Lake Tomahawk, Wis. THOMAS, John T., minister; b. Bris- tol, Tenn., 14 Feb. 1878; s. John T. Thomas and Hannah Celestia (Stanley) T.; ed. Bristol (Tenn.) high sch.; Sweet- water Mil. Acad.; King Coll., Bristol, Tenn., 1897; B.S., McCormick Sem., Chi- cago, 111., 1897-1901; D.D. (hon.), HI. Coll.; Westminster Coll.; m. Ethel Lee Scott of Knoxville, Tenn., 10 Oct. 1901; children — Scott, Stanley, Robert Lee. Minister, Canon City, Colo., 1902-09, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1909-14, Louisville, Ky., 1914-18, First Ch., Springfield, 111., 1918-40, pastor emeritus, 1940 — ; modera- tor, Synod of Colo.; Vet. Sp.-Am. War; sec. Western Sect. Federal Council of Churches. Club: Springfield Optimist (ex. pres., life mem.). Author: Thomas Lincoln — Father of Abraham; many short stories. Travel: world. Recrea- tion: fishing. Presbyterian. Republican. Home: 1323 N. Central, Knoxville, Tenn. SULLIVAN, John Joseph, judge; b. Chicago, 111., 20 Dec. 1880; s. James P. Sullivan and Anne (Doheny) S.; ed. South Division high sch.; Chicago Nor- mal Sch.; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1905; m. Katherine Britain of Chi- cago, HI., 25 June 1913; children— John J., Jr., Mrs. Robert E. Haskins. Master in Chancery, 1911-12; judge of Municipal Court of Chicago, 1912-16; judge of Su- perior Court of Cook Co., 1916-33; judge of Appellate Court, 1933 — ; mem. Am., HI. State and Chicago Bar Assns. Clubs: Iroquois, Long Beach Country. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 30 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, HI. Home: 1000 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago, HI. STROY, Herbert E., surgeon; b. Mur- dock, Neb., 29 Mar. 1898; s. J. C. Stroy, farmer, and Augusta (Deusing) S.; ed. Teachers Coll. high sch., Lincoln, Neb.; A.B., Univ. Neb., 1920, B.S., 1921, M.D., 1923; m. Marvel Trojan of Chicago, 111., 27 Mar. 1923; children— Donald Trojan, Donna Lou. Interne, Univ. Hosp., Omaha, 1923-24; post-grad, study, Chi- cago, 1925, 1937; med. and surg. pract., Osceola, la., 1925 — ; staff surg., Osceola Hosp.; sec, State Bd. of Health; Co. Coroner; City Health Officer; pres., Bd. of Ed.; local examr., selective serv. act; served as 2d It., Inf.-pers. adj., 1918-19; mem. Boy Scout Coun., A.M.A., A.C.S., Intcrnat. Coll. of Surg., Am. Pub. Health Assn., la. State Med. Soc., Delta Upsilon, Phi Rho Sigma, Alpha Omega Alpha, A.F. & A.M. Club: Coun- try. Author: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Travel: U.S. Recreation: read- ing. Lutheran. Republican. Office: 107 S. Main St., Osceola, la. Home: 115 W. Grant St., Osceola, la. SHERMAN, Bessie Williams, pianist, organist, teacher; b. Chicago, HI.; d. Charles Day Sherman and Mary (Ar- thur) S.; ed. studied piano under Ger- trude H. Murdaugh, N. Ledochowski, Mary Wood Chase; studied theory under Peter Lutkin, Julius Klauser; studied organ under Harrison Wild. Mem. colle- giate faculty, bd. dirs., Mary Wood Chase Sch. of Musical Arts, Chicago, 1911-27, collegiate faculty, advisory bd., Columbia Sch. of Music, Chicago, 1927- 34; dir. The Bessie Williams Sherman Piano Studios, Chicago, 1934—; organist, choir dir., St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Riverside, HI.; lecturer on musical sub- jects. Author: A Primary Course in Ear- training; composer of music for chil- dren. Clubs: Musicians of Women, The Cordon, Soc. of Am. Musicians. Repub- lican. Episcopalian. Studio: Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 84 Gage Rd., Riverside, HI. SEMPLINER, Abram William, law- yer; b. Bay City, Mich., 15 Oct. 1881; s. William Sempliner, merchant; ed. Bay City high sch.; LL.B., Univ. Mich. Law Dept., 1902; m. Ida M. Tipling of De- troit, Mich., 26 June 1907; children — William M., Arthur W. Engaged in prac- tice of law; mem. Am., Detroit and Mich. Bar Assns., Masons. Republican. Office: 2003 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 2485 Burns Av., Detroit, Mich. SCULLY, Francis Joseph, physician; b. Bottineau, N.D., 28 June 1891; s. John J. Scully and Ann J. (Gardner) S.; ed. B.A., Univ. of Wis., 1912; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1915; m. Bea E. Wolfe, 1919. Resident physician, Cook Co. Hosp., Chi- cago, 1915-16, Psychopathic Hosp., Chi- cago, 1917; practicing physician, spl. in internal medicine and arthritis, Hot Springs, Ark., 1920 — ; attending physi- cian, St. Joseph's Hosp. and Ozark Sani- torium, Hot Springs; served as 1st It., M.C. with Base Hosp. No. 14, France, 1918-19; mem. Am. Med. Assn., South- ern Med. Assn., Ark. Med. Soc, Am. Coll. of Physicians, Mason (32d deg., Shriner, K.T.), diplomate, Nat. Bd. and 197 Am. Bd. of Internal Medicine, mem. Chi Phi, Phi Rho Sigma. Club: Rotary. Author: Role of Radio Activity of Natu- ral Spring Waters as a Therapeutic Agent; The Nervous Child; Diagnosis and Treatment of Occlusive Vascular Disorders; Building Your Child's Char- acter; Ferns of Hot Springs, Arkansas. Interests: botany, photog. Recreation: travel. Conglist. Office: 904 Medical Arts Bldg., Hot Springs, Ark. Home: 16 Conway Blvd., Hot Springs, Ark. SCHAD, Clara, educator; b. Concep- tion, 16 Jan. 1889; d. Christian Schad, farmer, and Cecelia (Ruff) S.; ed. pub. high sen., Plainview, 1909; diplomas in voice and dramatic art, Conservatory of St. Cecilia (Winona), 1913; B.A., Coll. St. Teresa (Winona), 1917; summer sen., Columbia Univ., 1926; Sorbonne and Alliance Francaise (Paris), 1927; Univ. Colo., 1931; Univ. Wis., 1929, 1933, 1937, 1939; Nat. Univ. of Mex. (Mexico City), 1936. Instr. music, Latin and French, Blooming Prairie, 1917-19, proctor, 1919- 21; instr. fgn. languages, Alexandria, 1921-22; instr. music and fgn. languages, Kellogg, 1923; instr. fgn. languages, English and dramatics, Buhl, 1923—; mem. A.A.U.W., M.E.A., Classical League. Club: Nat. Travel. Travel: Eur., Fr., Ger., Mediterranean, Russia. Interest: music, travel. Catholic. Office: Buhl, Minn. Summer res.: Plainview, Minn. ■* i : 4g |g|j SAWIN, Ottis James, seedsman; b. Coles County, HI., 23 Apr. 1879; s. Isaac Wilson Sawin, farmer, and Sarah Mil- dred (Durbin) S.; ed. Mattoon (111.) high sen.; m. Delphia Collyer of Crab Orchard, Ky., 22 Jan. 1903; 1 dau., Marian (Mrs. F. B. Hoehl). Accountant, Hope Hardware Co., Hope, Ind., 1901- 06, Blanton Milling Co., Indianapolis, Ind., 1906-11, Potts Wolesale Drug Co., Wichita, Kan., 1911-12, B. L. James Merc. Co., Denver, Colo., 1912-14, Black Hawk Fruit Co., Waterloo, la., 1914-15, Miller Cahoon Co., Idaho Falls, Ida., 1915-18, Rogers Bros. Seed Co., Chicago, 1918 — , now also v.p., treasurer and dir. Interest: amateur photog. Recreations: horseback riding, golf. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: 308 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 230 E. Pearson St., Chicago, 111. Summer ome: Idaho Falls, Ida. RUST, Lucile Osborn, professor of home economic education; b. Rock Port, Mo., 15 Feb. 1890; d. James M. Osborn and Lina (Palmer) O.; ed. Labette Co. high sen.; B.S., Kan. State Teachers Coll., 1921; M.S., Kan. State Coll., 1925; la. State Coll.; Univ. Chicago; m. Mil- bern James Rust of Altamont, Kan., 1907; children— Lt. Col. John H., Mrs Louise Rust Driggs, Mrs. Elizabeth Rust Lyness. Teacher, Kan. high sens., Kan. State Teachers Coll.; prof, home econ. edn., in charge teacher edn. in home econ., Kan. State Coll., Manhattan, Kan., 1924—; mem. D.A.R., A.A.U.W., Am. Home Econ. Assn., Kan. Home Econ. Assn., Kan. Congress Parent Teachers, Kan. Council Women, Zeta Tau Alpha, Delta Sigma Epsilon, Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Omicron Nu. Clubs: Kansas Authors, Qull. Co-author: Home and Family Living; Foods; Our Share in the Home: Our Foods; Our Clothing; Our Home and Family. Travel: U.S., Brit. Isles. Recreations: reading, thea- tre, hiking. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice: Kan. State Coll., Manhattan, Kan. Home: 1611 Laramie St., Manhattan, Kan. ti£fi} CORKELL, Paul, lawyer; b. Chicago, 22 Mar.; s. Thomas W. Corkell, marine and school engr., and Veronica (McDer- mott) C; ed. Hyde Park high sen.; Lewis Inst. Jr. Coll.; Northwestern Univ. Sch. Commerce, Chicago; grad., Chicago Kent Coll. Law, 1912; m. Eliza- beth Rose Albert of Chicago, 111., 1917; children — Elizabeth R., Alice Muriel. Formerly asst. Probate Judge, Cook Co., 111.; mem. Phi Delta Phi, Chicago Athletic Assn. Travel: U.S., Can. Catho- lic. Republican. Office: 805 E. 47th St., Chicago, 111. Home: 7125 Euclid Av., Chicago, HI. Summer home: Lake Side, Mich. COGSWELL, Harry J„ president of Chicago-Latrobe Twist Drill Works; b. Washington, D.C., 11 Oct. 1898; s. Theo- dore Cogswell and Margaret (Spellman) C; ed. Business high sch., Washington, D.C.; LL.B., Georgetown Univ., Wash- ington, D.C., 1917; m. Ruth Yancy of Champaign, HI., 14 June 1927 (dec); 1 son, Thomas Jerome; m. (2d) Ruth Allanson of Chicago, 111., 4 Dec. 1941. Asst. to Sec. War, Washington, D.C., 1916-17; v.p. Valley Forge Steel & Tool Co., Chicago, 1919-29; pres., Latrobe Tool Mfg. Co., Latrobe, Pa., 1930-33, Chicago Latrobe Twist Drill Works, Chi- cago, 111.; Army Officers Training Sch., Washington, D.C., during Word War I. Clubs: Union League (Chicago), No. Shore Country (Glenview). Recreation: golf. Catholic. Office: 411 W. Ontario St., Chicago, HI. Home: 2440 Lake View Av., Chicago, HI. 198 CHRISTLIEB, Isaac Clark, consulting engineer; b. Newville, Pa., 26 Feb. 1865; s. Charles G. Christlieb, teacher, and Mary Jane (Lindsay) C; ed. Green Spring, Pa.; Oberlin, O.; m. Addie Brabec of Hutchinson, 3 Oct. 1894; 1 son, Frank Brabec. Asst. engr. Minn. Eastern R.R.; G.N R.R., 1888; deputy co. surveyor, Hennipin Co., 1889; G.N. R.R., 1890-92; co. surveyor, McLeod Co., Minn., 1902-06; engr. McLeod Co., 1908- 14; dist. high way engr., 1914-34; cons, engr., 1934-44; reg. Pharmacist, prac- ticed in Hutchinson, 1891-1922; held of- fice of alderman (3 times), dist. state highway engr.; mem. Am. Road Build- ers Asn., Minn. Engrs. & Surveyors Assn. until retirement, 1944. Father taught the first school at Long-Lake, Minn., 1857, homesteaded land in McLeod Co., 1857. Democrat. Office: Hutchinson, Minn. Home: 115 Jefferson St., Hutchinson, Minn. CLARK, Victor R., executive; b. Chi- cago, 111., 13 Oct. 1885; s. Charles Fred- erick Clark ad Martha Elizabeth (Har- ding) C; ed. McKinley high sch., Chi- cago; Lewis Inst., Chicago; m. Vera Ulrey of Chicago, HI., 17 Jan. 1913. Owner of Victor R. Clark Belting Co., mfrs. and distbrs. of belting and belting specialities which are covered by patents of Victor R. Clark. Office: 605 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 1544 W. Pratt Blvd., Chicago, 111. CHURCH, Ruth Rowlett, writer; b. Murray, Ky., 10 Feb. 1886; d. Thomas Vi Valdi Rowlett, tobacco expert, and Hattie D. (Scarborough) R.; ed. The Murray Inst.; m. Dr. R. M. Church of Columbia, Tenn., 19 June 1907; children —Robert M., Jr., Jack, Sidney D., Vir- ginia Dorris. Poems pub. in 21 antholo- gies, 1935 — ; poem in largest book in the world and hon. mention one of 10 best poems from Okla., N.Y. World's Fair; mem. Nat. Poetry Center, Eastern Star, Univ. Dames; hon. mem. Eugene Field Soc; awarded hon. membership of The Intemat. Mark Twain Soc; certificate of merit Nat. Poetry Center. Travel: U.S. Interests: cinemic story writing, short stories, wild life, nature, gardening. Recreation: touring. Methodist. Demo- crat. Address: Stilwell, Okla. BURKE, Richard Michael, physician; b. Langdon, N.D., 9 July 1903; s. R. T. Burke and Mary Maude (O'Brien) B.; ed. St. Johns Univ.; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1926, B.M., 1928, M.D., 1930. Med. staff, Glen Lake San., Oak Terrace, Minn., 1929-30, 1933; med. dir., State Vet. Hosp., Sulphur, Okla., 1935-39; supt. Western Okla. T.B. San., 1939-42; dir. of Tuber- culosis Control, Okla. State Health Dept., 1942—; Am. Coll. of Phys., Am. Coll. of Chest Phys.; Am. Trudeau Soc; Am. Assn. Hist, of Med. Author: A His- torical Chronology of Tuberculosis; medical papers, chiefly on TB. Office: 1211 Med. Arts Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Res.: 2012 N. Indiana, Oklahoma City, Okla. BROWN, Merliss, secretary; b. Minsk, Rus., 5 Oct. 1885; s. Jerachmial Merliss and Malka (Ganelin) B.; ed. Trade Sch., Minsk, Rus., 1904. Came to U.S., 1906; with Buick Motor Co., Flint, 1908, tool dept., Chevrolet Motor Co., 1932 — ; mem. bd. mgrs., Hurley Hosp., 1920 — , Merliss Brown auditorium named in honor of services as pres., 1927-28, sec bd., 1929 — ; mem. Community Fund Bd., 1924 — ; mem. Flint and Genesee Co. div. of Pres. Herbert C. Hoover's Relief & Unemployment Commn., 1931; 2d ward Republican, chmn., 1924-30; mem. Genesee Co. Republican exec com., 1936; v. chmn., Chevrolet Works Coun- cil, 1935-36; mem. Y.M.C.A. (dir., 1923- 40), Flint Community Assn. (elected dir., 1936), Flint Vehicle Factories Mutual Benefit Assn. (mem. bd., 1916- 23), Indsl. Fellowship League (dir., 1917- 23), Indsl. Mutual Assn. (mem. bd., 1923—, pres., 1931), Chamber Com- merce, F. & A.M. Office and home: Flint Tavern Hotel, Flint, Mich. BROUSE, Don, engineer; b. Kendall- ville, Ind., 19 Aug. 1895; s. U. C. Brouse, pub. off., and Jenny Lind (Tyler) B.; ed. Kendallville high sch.; B.S., Purdue Univ., 1921, Ch.E., 1927; M.S., Univ. Wis., 1925, Ph.D., 1931. Instr. math., Baker Univ., 1922-23; chem. engr., U.S. Forest Prod. Lab. (res. work), 1923—; first O.T.C., 1917, 2d It., Inf., 1917-19; major, A.C., 1942-43; It. col. A.C., 1944—; mem. Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, A.C.S., A.A.A.S., Reserve Off. Assn., Am. Legion, Sigma Phi Epsilon. Club: University. Author: many tech. papers. Interest: military work with the organized reserves. Rec- reations: golf, tennis, skating, skiing. Methodist. Office: Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. Home: University Club, Madison, Wis. BOYER, Frederick G. L., mechanical engineer; b. Dayton, O., 27 Mar. 1888; s. I. Donald Boyer, mech. engr., and Edith E. (Longstreth) B.; ed. Steele high sch., Dayton, O.; B.A., O. State Univ., 1912, B.S., 1912, M.E., 1929; m. Ruth C. Davis of Mercer Co., O., 1923; children— Wil- liam D., Donald C. Res., design com- 199 puting, weighing, packaging, machin- ery, 8 yrs.; pvt. practice, designing, cons, engr., weighing computing ma- chines, 8 yrs.; res., patent practice, The Champion Paper and Fibre Co., Hamilton, O., 1929—; with Relief Ad- minstrn. and Child Feeding, Soc. of Friends, Relief Mission, 1920-21; mem. Am. Acad, of Polit. and Social Sci., Dayton Patent Law Assn., A.S.M.E., Engring. Soc. of Cincinnati, Society of Friends. Office: The Champion Paper and Fibre Co., Hamilton, O. Home: 85 Orchard Dr., Hamilton, O. BOOS, Everal Adam; b. Joliet, 111., 12 Mar. 1894; s. Martin Boos and Bar- bara (Oetter) B. (dec); ed. Evanston high sch. ; grad. as teacher of music Joliet Conservatory of Music, 1910; Northwestern Univ. Music; m. Alma Winter, 16 Aug. 1931. Entire time de- voted to developing and training men- tally and physically handicapped; mem. Am. Assn. of Mental Deficiency. Evan- gelical Lutheran. Author: The Sandbox Course of Study (both music and aca- demic subjects). Office and home: Plan- oaks, 128 East St., North Piano, 111. BEACH, Paul Mell, lawyer; b. Bril- lion, Wis., 17 Apr. 1889; s. Mell Beach, lumberman, and Clelia Ann (Werner) B.; ed. Kaukauna (Wis.) high sch.; Univ. Chicago; LL.B., Univ. Wis., 1914; m. Nell R. Bundy of Eau Claire, Wis., 18 May 1917; children — Katherine May, Mary Bundy. Practiced law in Wis., 1914 — ; pres. Badger Lumber Co., Kan- sas City, Pedee Invest. Co., Drummond Invest. Co., Rust Invest. Co., Yell Lum- ber Co., F. H. Drummond Co.; enlisted Second Officers' Camp, Ft. Sheridan, disch. because of injury during World War I; mem. Masons (32d deg.). Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Eau Claire Country (Eau Claire, Wis.). Family settled in Wis. about time State was admitted to Union and were pioneers in lumber bus. in N.E. Wis. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 401-08 S.A.F. Bldg., Eau Claire, Wis. Home: 235 Park Av., Eau Claire, Wis. BAUER, William, artist; b. St. Louis, Mo., 13 June 1888; s. Fredrick Bauer, contractor, and Elizabeth (Weightman) B.; ed. Washington Univ.; m. Marie H. Graubner of St. Louis, Mo., 4 June 1910; children — Charles Weightman, William Earl, Ruth Marie. Received numerous awards for paintings; represented in Kansas City Art Inst., Mo. State Capitol, St. Louis pub. libraries, many pvt. col- lections, U.S.; owner, William Bauer Studios; mem. St. Louis Art League (treas.), St. Louis Artists Guild, Artists for Victory, Am. Fedn. of Arts. Grand- son of Capt. William H. Weightman who served in Civil War. Christian. Studio and home: 758 Chamberlain PI., Web- ster Groves, Mo. BARDING, Lewis Daniel, physician and surgeon; b. Pana, 111., 14 Dec. 1889; s. John A. Barding, farmer, and Anna (Lockwood) B.; ed. Pana (111.) high sch.; M.D., Univ. of HI., 1911; m. Lillian Braastad of Ishpeming, Mich., 27 Dec. 1916; children— Gretel Anne, Suzanne, Harriet Hope, Lewis Daniel, Jr. Interne and house physician at Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 2 yrs.; began practice med. in Moline and East Moline, 1913 — , specializing in surgery; mem. and p. pres. of staff of Public and Lutheran Hosps. and St. Anthony Hosp.; mem. Am., 111. State, 111. and la. Dist. Med. Assns., also Rock Island Co. Med. Assn.; fellow Am. Coll. of Surgs. Clubs: Rotary, Elks, Masons, Short Hills Coun- try, Tri City Town and Country, Daven- port Outing, After Dinner (Moline), Treadway Rod and Gun (Beardstown). Travel: Eur. (studied in clinics). Rec- reations: duck hunting, golf. Protestant. Republican. Offices: 1519 7th St., East Moline, 111.; 1630 5th Av., Moline, HI. Home: 825 20th Av., East Moline, HI. BANISTER, Percival R., consulting engineer; b. Sibley, la., 19 Aug. 1892; s. Fred J. Banister and Mattie A. (Reiger) B.; ed. Webster Grade sch., St. Paul, Minn.; Central high sch.; St. Paul Acad.; Univ. Minn.; Univ. Calif.; m. Berdie Yattendahl of St. Paul, Minn., 1939; 1 son, Arthur Wm. Railroad con- struction work N.P. Ry., G.N. Ry., 1910- 17; office engr., N.P. Ry., 1918-22; constr. engr. Ramsey Co., St. Paul, 1923-28; pvt. cons, engr., 1928—; sergt. Co. M., 22d Engrs. and Officers Training Sch., Ft. Harrison, Ind.; state chmn. Jr. Baseball, 1925; mem. Am. Soc. Engrs., Am. Assn. Engrs., Am. Legion (state chmn.). Clubs: Automobile, Ath- letic. Travel: Eur., So. Am., Cent. Am. Recreations: tennis, golf, fishing. Epis- copalian. Office: 490 N. Snelling Av., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 1835 Ford Park- way, St. Paul, Minn. Summer res. : Deer Lake, Wis. ARNOS, Edward Martin, financier; b. Defiance Co., O., 27 Mar. 1885; s. John Frederick Arnos, farmer, and Dora (AU- shouse) A.; ed. Acad.; Tri State Coll., Angola, Ind.; B.S., Lima Coll., 1907; M.A., Clark Univ., 1908; Univ. Chicago; m. Cora Irene Hoffman of Bryan, O., 8 Aug. 1907; children — Cornelia Dora 200 Rittenhouse, Rolland Ellsworth, Rich- ard Donald. Prin., high sen., Ionia, Mich., 1908-09; assoc. porf. econ., Olivet Coll., Olivet, Mich., 1909-15, treas., 1910-12, asst. to pres., 1913-14; agency mgr., Equitable Life Assurance Soc, 1915-19; pres., Securities Inc., 1920—; pres., dir., Securities, Inc., The Merchants Fin. Co., Ins. Agency, Inc., Goodwill Industries Toledo; dir., chmn., The Restoration Fin. Corp.; dir., O. Assn. of Personal Finance Cos.; breeder, Holstein Friesian cattle; tr., Defiance Coll.; mem. Am. Fin. Conf., O. Assn. of Personal Finance Cos., Hol- stein Friesian Assn., Benevolent & Pro- tective Order of Elks. Club: Rotary. Father, John Frederick Arnos, born in Ger., came to this country, 1848; mother, Dora Allshouse, born in this country of Dutch Irish parents, her father was Henry Allshouse whose fa- ther came to this country from Holland late in 18th century, her mother was Alecta Hammel of Irish descent whose family came to this country from Ire- land about 1750. Interests: natural sci., photog., pol. Protestant. Republican. Of- fice: 312 Summit St., Toledo, O. Home: 2274 Glenwood Av., Toledo, O. ANDERSON, Walter Thomas, sur- geon; b. Washington, Pa., 16 Nov. 1891; s. A. T. Anderson and Katherine E. (Wilson) A.; ed. Washington high sch.; Washington and Jefferson Acad.; A.B., Washington and Jefferson Coll., 1913; M.D., Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., 1917; m. Emily Caby of St. Paul, Minn., July 31, 1923; children— Emily K., Mary Lou. Interne, Johns Hopkins Hosp.; res. surgeon, Church Home and Infirmary, Baltimore, Md.; practice of medicine and surgery, St. Paul, Minn., Detroit, Mich.; mem. various hosp. staffs; dir. in several companies; 1st It., Med. Corp., U.S.A.; served 18 mos. at Med. Offs. Training Camp, Camp Greenleaf, Ga., U.S. Gen. Hosp. No. 2, Fort McHenry, Md.; mem. Wayne County Med. Soc, A.M.A.; F. A.C.S. Interests: photog., hunting, fishing. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 923 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 823 Pingree Av., Detroit, Mich. LINEHAN, John Francis, lawyer; b. Pittstown, Rensselear Co., N.Y., 14 May 1888; s. John J. Linehan, farmer, and Mary Ellen L.; ed. North Troy (N.Y.) high sch.; Troy Acad.; Albany (N.Y.) Bus. Sch.; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1916; m. Marguerite S. Mathews of Detroit, Mich., June 1917; 1 son, William Mathews. With J.G. White Co., Manila, P.I., 1906-09; Percival Farquhar, Manaos, Braz., So. Am., 1909-12; atty. Detroit, 1919-44; 2nd It., Ordnance Dept., U.S.A., Curtis Bay, Md., 1917-19; mem. Madeira Mamore Assn. of Brazil, Kappa Sigma. Clubs: Detroit Yacht, Ingleside. Recreation: photog. Episcopalian. Democrat. Office: 2716 David Stott Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 1453 W. Boston Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Summer home: Oaksmere, Argentine, Mich. HOLMES, Laura A., attorney-at-law ; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 3 Jan. 1898; d. Harry L. Holmes, grocer, and Maude Alice (Plummer) H.; ed. Cent, high sch., Minneapolis; LL.B., Minneapolis Coll. Law, 1932, LL.M., 1934. Employed by Title Ins. Co. of Minn., 1917-37; pvt. law practice, Minneapolis, Minn., 1937 — ; awarded cert, of merit in geneal., The Inst. Am. Geneal., 1939; mem. Am., Minn, and Hennepin Co. Bar Assns., D.A.R. (Minneapolis chap.). Minn. Hist. Soc, Order of Eastern Star (Minneapolis chap. No. 9), Aethena So- rority. Clubs: Chicago-Lake Women's, Temple Baptist Women's. Travel: Pan., Alaska, U.S., Can., Mex. Interest: geneal. res. Recreation: hiking. Chris- tian Scientist. Republican. Office: 806 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 51 North 15th St., Minneapolis, Minn. WETTSTEIN, Thomas Forrester, ex- ecutive, chemist; b. Chicago, 111., 25 Aug. 1892, s. John R. Wettstein and Annie Elizabeth (Fine) W.; ed. Water- man Sch., Mt. Vernon, N.Y., 1909; Ph.B., Sheffield Scientific Sch., Yale Univ., 1912; m. Edith Jane Bardo of New Haven, Conn., 24 June 1915 (dec. 10 Jan. 1943); children— Thomas F., Jr., John Bardo, Edith Jane. m. (2nd) Ada Louise Raymow, 28 Dec. 1943. Chem., Hoyt Metal Co., Perth Amboy, N.J., 1912-16; supt., United Lead Co., Keokuk, la., 1916-29; v.p. and gen. mgr., Mid- west Carbide Corp., 1929 — ; dir., Iowa Mfr. Assn.; mem. Keokuk Community Chest, So. Lee County War Chest (pres.), A.I.C.E., A.C.S., A.I.M. & M.E., Phi Gamma Delta. Clubs: Rotary, Keokuk, Keokuk Country. Travel: Europe. In- terest: book collecting. Recreation: golf. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Box 585 Keokuk, la. Home: 518 N. 4th St., Keokuk, la. DDLLMAN, Grover Cleveland, college president; b. Bangor, Mich., 18 July 1889; s. Henry Dillman and Ada (Jag- gers) D.; ed. Bangor high sch.; B.S. (in C.E.), Mich. State Coll., 1913, M.S. (hon.), 1927; D.Eng. (hon.), Mich. Coll. of Mining & Tech., 1936; m. Anna R. Broadwell of Bangor, Me., 1914; chil- dren—Dorothy, Helen Anne. Held vari- 201 ous positions, Mich. State Highway Dept., 1913-16; dist. engr., Upper Pen- insula, 1916-20, maintenance engr., 1920- 21, dep. commnr. and chief engr., 1922- 28; State Highway Commnr., 1 Jan. 1929-30 June 1933; mem. State Ad- minstrn. Bd., 1 Jan. 1929-30 June 1933; mem. Mich. Bd. of Aeronautics and Stream Control Commn., 1929-33; mem. State Unemployment Commn., 1930-33; dir. of Pub. Service, City of Grand Rapids, July 1933-35; dir. of State Wel- fare Dept., 1 Jan. 1935-1 Aug. 1935; pres., Mich. Coll. of Mining & Tech., 1935—; dir. of budget, Mich., 15 Apr.-l Sept. 1939; mem. Am. Assn. State High- way Offs., A.S.C.E., A.I.M.E., Lake Su- perior Mining Inst., Soc. Promotion of Engring. Ed., The Engring. Soc. of De- troit, Mich. Engring. Soc. (p. pres.), Tau Beta Pi, Blue Key, Masons. Clubs: Rotary, Onigaming Yacht (Houghton), Miscowaubik (Calumet). Author: arti- cles in engring. pubis. Methodist. Of- fice: Houghton, Mich. Home: 1612 Houghton Av., Houghton, Mich. FISHER, Ira I., produce merchant; b. Chicago, 111., 12 Oct. 1894; s. Max M. Fisher, produce merchant, and Etta (Wolff) F.; ed. pub. sens.; bus. sen.; m. Ida Greenabaum of Chicago, 111., 26 Mar. 1916; children — Leroy, Robert Jay, Ruth Gloria. Produce mcht. and distributor, South Water Market, Chi- cago, 1909; pres. Ira I. Fisher, Inc., R. & G. Produce, Inc.; with Militia during World War I. Clubs: Standard, Bryn Mawr Country, North Shore Bow- ling, Covenant. Recreations: golf, bridge, bowling. Jewish. Liberal. Office: 26 So. Water Market, Chicago, 111. Home: 210 Hazel Av., Glencoe, HI. EPSTEIN, Albert K., chemical engi- neer; b. Lodz, Poland, June 1890; s. Akiba Epstein, merchant, and Pauline (Nagdeman) E.; ed. Lodz high sen.; Lewis Inst., Chicago; B.S., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1912; m. Ethel Echt of Chicago, 111., 1913; children — Solomon and Vivian. Was chemist in various private and government labs., 1912-19; mem. of firm of Epstein & Harris, subsequently Ep- stein, Reynolds & Harris, Consulting Chemists and Engrs., in chem. and in- dustrial problems 1919 — ; v.p., The Emulsol Corp., 1926-37, pres., 1937—; patentee and co-patentee with associ- ates, of a large number of U.S. and foreign patents covering products and processes in the synthetic organic chemical, food and other industries; pres. Kress Products 1942 — ; Fellow Am. Pub. Health Inst., Am. Inst, of Chemists, and A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Soc. of Cereal Chem- ists, Inst, of Food Technology, Am. Assn. of Scientific Workers, Am. Oil Chemists Soc, etc. Clubs: Chemist's (N.Y.), Covenant (Chicago). Travel: all countries in Eur., Palestine. Interests: mem. and dir. of various civic, philan- thropic and educational institutions, lo- cal and national. Recreation: reading. Jewish. Office: 59 E. Madison St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 6736 S. Jeffrey Av., Chicago, 111. DOW, Willard Henry, executive; b. Midland, 4 Jan. 1897; s. Herbert Henry Dow and Grace Anna (Ball) D.; ed. Midland high sen.; B.S. (in Chem. En- gring.), Univ. Mich., 1919, D.E. (hon.), 1941; D.Sc (hon.), Mich. Coll. Mining and Technology, Houghton, Mich., 1939 D.E., 111. Inst, of Tech., 1944; m. Martha L. Pratt of Midland, 3 Sept. 1921; chil- dren—Helen Adeline, Herbert Henry, II. Chem. engr., Dow Chemical Co., 1919, dir., 1922 — , asst. gen. mgr., 1926-30, pres., gen. mgr., 1930 — ; pres., Ethyl- Dow Chemical Co., Midland Ammonia Co.; vet. of World War I; mem. A.C.S., A.I.C.E., The Newcomen Soc, Theta Delta Chi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Masons (33d deg.), Shrine. Clubs: Torch, Chemists Rockfeller Center (N. Y.C.), Detroit, Midland Country. Pres- byterian. Office: Midland, Mich. Home: 923 W. Park Dr., Midland, Mich. DeLACY, John H., clergyman; b. Lambeth, Ont., Can., 28 May 1874; s. Stephen DeLacy, carpenter, and Almira (Banghart) DeL.; ed. pub. sens., Can.; Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 1898; Garrett Biblical Inst., 1903; D.D. (hon.), Oskaloosa Coll., la., 1922; m. Alice Jean Loud of Houghton, Mich., 5 June 1902; (dec); children — Hannan John, Charles Dickey, Edward Montgomery, Alice Jean; m. (2nd) Lucie Wiggins of St. Thomas, Ont., Can., 16 Sept. 1913. Came to U.S., 1898, naturalized citizen, 1903; ordained minister, M.E. Ch., Flint, Mich., 1903; pastor successively, Rud- yard, Bar age, Ontonagon, Trimountain (Mich.), Calumet Hts., S. Deering, Lock St., Ada St., Thoburn, Chicago; trans- ferred from Detroit Conf. to Rock River Conf., 1910; pastor, Thoburn M.E. Ch., Chicago, 1910— (holds record for con- tinuous service in 1 Methodist pastorate in 111., built 2 ch. bldgs.); chaplain, 111. State Legislature, 1925, Wesley Me- morial Hosp., Chicago, 1936—; dir. Hal- sted St. Institutional Ch., Chicago; mem. A.F. & A.M. (chaplain, W. Engle- wood Lodge 1074, 1920-25), R.A.M. (John M. Pearson Chap. No. 231), K.T. (Engle- wood Commandery No. 59), Shrine 202 (Medinah Temple), I.O.O.P. (noble grand, Normal Lodge No. 509, 1915), O.E.S. (W. Englewood Chap. No. 894), Normal Rebekah Lodge No. 735, Vets. Odd Fellows Assn. of 111. (life mem.), Better Govt. Assn. (Chicago, dir.), Chi- cago Methodist Preachers Assn., Chi- cago Ch. Federation, Englewood Minis- terial Assn. (p. pres.), Chicago City Missionary Soc. (tr.). Clubs: Thoburn Men's, Chicago Motor, Nat. League Masonic Clubs (chaplain, 1939). Method- ist. Republican. Office: Thoburn Methodist Church, 64th and S. Paulina Sts., Chicago, 111. Home: 6400 S. Hermit- age Av., Chicago, 111. CRANE, Lloyd T., counsellor-at-law ; b. Saginaw, Mich., 5 Oct. 1886; s. Wil- liam E. Crane, atty., and Ada B. (Trem- per) C.; ed. Arthur Hill Sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1908, LL.B., 1909; m. Flora Gage of Saginaw, Mich., 31 Oct. 1914; 1 dau., Virginia Crane (Mrs. J.G. An- derson). Sr. partner in firm of Crane and Crane; assoc. in firm William E. Crane, B.O. Kessel, H.E. Naegley, Hazen R. Armstrong, I. Frank Harlow; Dir., Bayport State Bk.; v. pres. Sugar Beet Products Co.; atty. for General Motors Corp., Mich. Sugar; sec, Nat. Bank and Trust Co. and 49 insurance cos.; with Univ. Mich. Law Dept.; ex- ed. Mich. Law Review; selective service Govt. Appeal Agent; mem. Am. and State of Mich. Bar Assns., Saginaw Bar Assn. (pres.), Masons (32d deg.). Clubs: Saginaw, Saginaw Country. Travel: Eur., So. Am. Desc. settlers in Mich., 1835. Recreations: travel, hunting. Con- gregationalism Republican. Office: 308- 309 Second National Bank Bldg., Sagi- naw, Mich. Home: The Grove, 1545 So. Washington Av., Saginaw, Mich. BOOZ, Edwin George, management engineer; b. Reading, Pa., 2 Sept. 1887; s. Thomas H. Booz and Sarah (Spencer) B.; ed. Evanston Acad., 1908; A.B., Northwestern Univ., 1912, M.A., 1914; m. Helen M. Hootman of Eureka, 111., 9 Aug. 1918; children— Donald Robert, Marion Elizabeth. Founded Edwin G. Booz Surveys, 1914, to conduct bus. sur- veys reporting findings and suggestions to managements of varied nat. cos., corps, and instns. having bus. problems of orgn., personnel, capital, expenses or methods of sales, production or finance; studying and surveying exec. offs. of each major arm of the Services, 1940- 41; 1917, enlisted as pvt. in 333rd F.A., completed 18 mos. service as maj., In- spector General's Dept., assigned to Sec. of War's Spl. Staff on Bus. Orgn.; mem. Alpha Delta Phi, Masons (32d deg.). Clubs: Union League, Attic, Chi- cago, Economic (Chicago); University (N.Y.); Metropolitan (Washington); Glen View. Recreations: swimming, golf. Presbyterian. Office: Booz, Allen & Hamilton, 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 37, 111. Home: 2623 Lincoln St., Evans- ton, 111. Summer home: Holland, Mich. BIESTER, Fred L., school principal; b. Belvidere, 111. 6 Sept. 1886; s. Louis Biester, carpenter and farmer, and Caroline (Meyer) B.; ed. Northwestern Acad.; A.B., North Central Coll., 1914; M.A., Chicago Univ., 1938; m. Mary Lintner of Joliet, 31 Aug. 1916; 1 son, John. Teacher, high sch., Naperville, 111., 3 yrs., East Aurora, 111., 1 yr.; prin., Glenbard Township high sch., 1918—; tr., North Central Coll.; chmn. bd. dirs., Glen Ellyn Y.M.C.A.; mem. bd. dirs., treas., 111. High Sch. Assn.; tr. 111. Teachers' Retirement Fund; mem. Nat. Ed. Assn., 111. Ed. Assn. (p. pres., 1937), Nat. Sch. Adminis- tration, Masons, Phi Delta Kappa, Izaak Walton League. Club: Judd. President Glen Ellyn Rotary Club; Sec. Tr. West Suburban Conference; Member Ration Board. Travel: U.S., Can. Conglist. Re- publican. Office: 670 Crescent Boule- vard, Glen Ellyn, 111. Home: 539 Haw- thorn St., Glen Ellyn, 111. BEUKEMA, John C, executive; b. Muskegon, Mich., 11 Aug. 1888; s. Charles J. Beukema and Wyke (Ban- ninga) B.; ed. Muskegon high sch.; Calvin Coll., Grand Rapids, Mich.; m. Jantina Klomp of Muskegon, Mich.; children — Charles Robert, John Lewis. Newspaper reporter, ed., bus. mgr., Muskegon News, 1906-17; sec, mgr., Manistee Board Commerce, Mich., 1917- 22; sec, mgr., Muskegon Chamber Com- merce, 1922—; dir., Naph-Sol Refining Co., Muskegon Fed. Savings and Loan Assn.; tr., Great Lakes Harbors Assn., W. Mich. Tourist and Resort Assn.; chmn., Nat. Seaway Council (exec, com.), Muskegon County Draft Board No. 1.; sec, Mich. Great Lakes Tide- water Commn.; mem., Michigan Civil Service Commn. Elks. Clubs: Rotary, Century, Muskegon Country. Author: (pen-name Beechame), The Argus Pheasant, 1916; The Yellow Spider, 1917. Conglist. Republican. Office: Occidental Hotel Bldg., Muskegon, Mich. Home: Interlaken, North Muskegon, Mich. Summer res.: Winnetaska, Muskegon, Mich. BAXTER, Albert Crum, physician; b. Literberry, 111., 9 Oct. 1880; s. Hiram B. Baxter, farmer, and Lydia Ellen Baxter; ed. Whipple Acad., Jackson- 203 ville, 111.; 111. Coll.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1904, M.D., 1907; m. Ethel J. Mitchell of Champion, Mich., 15 Apr. 1908; chil- dren— Lt. Comdr. Richard M., U.S.C. G.R., Elizabeth, Alberte Jean. Practiced med., Springfield, 1908-30; asst. dir. Pub. Health, acting dir., 1930-39, dir., 1939-40: mem. A.M.A., Am. Pub. Health Assn., Masons (33d deg.). Author: Wash- ington, the Man Who Could Laugh and Cry, numerous short arts. Father and his 6 bros. in Civil War from Ind. Inter- est: movie maker. Protestant. Republi- can. Office: 1516 Holmes Av., Spring- field, 111. Summer residence: Champion, Mich. BUDER, Gustavus Adolphus, lawver, b. Cairo, 111., 7 Jan. 1871; s. Wm. Buder and Susette (Rassieur) B.; ed. Central high sen., St. Louis, Mo.; LL.B., Wash. Univ., 1892, LL.B., (hon.), 15 June 1942; m. Lydia D. Feuerbacher of St. Louis, Mo., 6 June, 1899 (dec); 1 son, Gus- tavus Adolphus, Jr. Pvt. law practice, St. Louis, 1892 — ; sr. mem., Buder & Buder; pres., Arc Realty Co., Arcadia Realty Co., Arcadia Refining Co., Ar- cadia Beeline Co., Arcadia Reserve Co. of Miss., Arcadia Royalty Co. of Tyler, Tex., Lydiade Invest. Trust, Pontiac Re- alty Co., St. Louis Park & Playground Assn.; v.p., Municipal Theatre Assn.; life mem. bd. of dirs., Municipal Theatre; mem. St. Louis Pub. Library Bd. ; dir., Scruggs- Vandervoort-Barney, Inc., St. Louis, Burroughs Adding Mach. Co., Detroit, Packard Motor Car Co. of Mo., Selden-Breck Constr. Co.; pvt. Batt. A., 1st Mo. Vol. Art., Sp.-Am. War, participated in Puerto-Rico Expdn.; decoration by King Albert Roc Des Beiges, En-Tomignoze De Recon- naissance Nationale, 1914-18; mem. Hamilton Fish Camp, Am., Mo., St. Louis and 111. Bar Assns., Mo. Press Assn., Chamber Commerce, Elks. Clubs: Detroit, Advertising, Century Boat, St. Louis Automobile, Rotary, Bankers of N.Y.; Unitarian. Republican. Office: Buder Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 3137 Longfellow Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. BATCHELOR, Harold Winthrop, bac- teriologist; b. Victoria, Kan., 30 June 1897; s. Herbert William Batchelor, rail- road clerk, and Margaret (Kerr) B.; ed. Manhattan (Kan.) high sen.; B.S., Kan. State Coll., 1922; grad. study, la. State Coll.; Ph.D., Univ. Wis., 1938; m. Flor- ence Belle Roberts of Shawano, Wis., 12 Apr. 1924; 1 dau., Helen. Asst. bac- teriologist, Univ. Ida., 1922-24, Univ. Wis., 1924-26; asst. in agronomy, O. Agr. Expt. Sta., 1926-27; assoc. in agronomy, O. Agr. Expt. Sta., 1927—; asst. prof, in agronomy, O. State Univ., 1927—; res. in biochemical activities of forest and alkali soils, nitrogen fixing bac- teria, physical factors affecting enumer- ation of bacteria, physical chemistry of silica jellies; sergt., hdqrs. Clinical Lab., Base Hosp., Ft. Riley, Kan.; cant. SNC, AUS, 26 Feb. 1943, major, CUC, AUS, 3 May 1945 — ; mem. Internat. Soc. Soil Sci., Soc. Am. Bacteriologists, Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Am. Soc. Agronomy, Third Internat. Soil Sci. Congress (del., Oxford, Eng., 1935), Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma. Clubs: Garden (Wooster), Lions Internat. Author: Ohio Inoculant Law; numerous tech. arts. Travel: Eng., Eur. Interests: foreign languages, photog. Recreation: flower gardening. Protes- tant. Office: Ohio Agriculture Experi- ment Station, Wooster and Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O. Home: 705 Beall Av., Wooster, O. BEHRENS, Harry Robert, violonist, theorist; b. Davenport, la., 25 July 1895; s. H. A. Behrens, businessman, and Fredericka (Wendt) B. ; ed. Davenport, (la.) high sen.; Augustana Coll.; B. Mus., Chicago Musical Coll.; M. Mus., Am. Conservatory; pupil, Leon Same- tini, Herbert Butler, Leopold Auer, vio- lin; Andersen, Borowski, theory. Dir., Heidelberg Coll. Conservatory, Tiffin, O., 1935—; teacher, A.E.F. Univ., Beaune, Fr., 1918-19; with Inf. and Med. Corps, 90th Div., A.E.F., during World War I; mem. Masonic order, M.T.N. A., O.M.E.A., Am. Legion. Interest: litera- ture. Recreation: golf. Protestant. Re- publican. Office and home: Tiffin, O. SNYDER, W(erner) Thadeus, voca- tional agronomy instructor; b. Rock- port, 9 Aug. 1893; s. Thomas E. Snyder, lawyer, banker, and Mary A. (Bunner) S.; ed. Rockport high sen.; Purdue Univ., 1911-15, B.S.A., M.S.A., 1928; Minn. Univ., 1915; Washington Univ. (St. Louis), 1925; Univ. 111., 1927; Univ. Me., 1931; Purdue, 1939, Miam. Univ., 1945; m. Helen E. Dudley of Veazie, Me., 30 Sept. 1935; 1 son, Gaylen Dudley. Instr., Gaylord (Minn.) high sen., 1915-16, Merryville (La.) High Sen., 1916-17, Wea Twp. High Sen., Lafayette, 1917-18; farming, 1918-21; prin., Grand view High Sen., 1921-22; prin. Scottville (111.) High Sen., 1922-23; asst. prin., Madison (111.) High Sen., 1923-27; asst. prof, agronomy, Univ. Me., 1928-36; vocational agricul- ture instr., French Lick High Sen., 1936- 38, Boonville High Sen., 1938-40, Scotts- burg High Sen., 1940—, Mt. Auburn High School, Ind. Flatrock High School, 1941- 43, Brookville High School, 1943-44; 204 Fountain City High School, Ind., 1944-45; research work in wheat, plant pathol- ogy; mem. Am. Soc. Agronomy, Am. Soc. Soil Sci.. Am. Soc. Genetics, Sigma Xi, Odd Fellows; Fellow A. A. A. S. Author: Suggestions in Potato Judging. Travel: Can., U.S. Father was vet. Civil War. Interests: woodcrafts, gardening, literature. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice and home: Fountain City, Ind. WEBB, Leslie Richard, physician; b. Mr. Moriah, Mo., 9 Sept. 1883; s. Charles Thomas Webb, farmer, and Evelyn Mary (Sellers) W.; ed. M.D., Drake Univ., 1909; m. Clare Darr of Bethany, Mo., 30 Sept. 1911; children— Catherine, Leslie Richard. Practice of internal med., Mt. Moriah, Mo., Bethany, Mo., Springfield, Mo., phys., Harrison Co. Sel. Ser. draft bd. during World War I; mem. Am. Bd., Int. Med., S.M.A., Nat. Gastroenterological Assn., A.M. A., A.C.P. Club: University. Travel: U.S. Interests: skeets, photog. Recreation: travel. Christian Church. Republican. Office: 700 Medical Arts Bldg., Spring- field, Mo. Home: 918 Meadowmere, Springfield, Mo. RANKIN, John Owen, agricultural economist and sociologist; b. Tarkio, Mo., 17 Apr. 1884; ed. A.B., Tarkio Coll., 1904; B.S.A., la. State Coll., 1908; A.M., George Washington Univ., 1912; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 1932. Asst. agronomist, U.S. Dept. Agr., spl. agt. Census Bureau; teacher, Agr. Economics, la. State Coll.; prof., Univ. Minn., 1912-14; asst. prof. Univ. Wis., 1914-15; agr. ed., Univ. Mo. Coll. of Agr., 1915-16; teacher, research worker, la. State Coll. 1916-18; teacher, research worker in rural social sci., mem. faculties of Univ. Neb. Colls, of Agr., Bus. Administration & Grad. Studies, 1918-31; owner, operator, J.O. Rankin Farms, 1931 — ; pres., Pemiscot County, Mo. Farm Bureau, 3 yrs., Pem- iscot County, Mo. Soils & Crops Assn., 1 yr.; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Mo. Farm Bureau Assn., Mo. Church & S.S. Coun- cil, Mo. Com. on Coordination of Char- acter Building Agencies, Rel. Soc. of Friends, Prohibition party, Delta Upsi- lon, Delta Sigma Rho, Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Zeta. Clubs: Caruthersville Rotary, Hayti Lions, Memphis Shrine. Author: numerous experiment sta. and government bulls, and popular and technical arts. Home: Hayti, Mo. SCULLY, Richard Edward, minister; b. Cincinnati, O., 8 Feb. 1886; s. Ed- ward L. Scully and Hattie (Moerk) S.; ed. A.B., DePauw Univ., 1910; S.T.B., Boston Univ. Sch. of Theol., 1914; Ph.D., Univ., Cincinnati, 1925; D.D., DePauw, 1935; m. Inez Gardiner of Idaville, Ind., 1911; 1 son, Robert Gardiner. Ordained Elder, M.E. Ch., 1915; instr. Greek, Cul- ver Mil. Acad., 1911; founded Cincinnati Goodwill Industries, 1918, exec, sec, 1918-38; dist. supt., Methodist Chs., To- ledo Dist., 1938-44; dean, Miami Valley Epworth League Institute, 1922-38; pas- tor, Goodwill Ch., 1916-38, Trinity Methodist Ch., Cincinnati, 1936-38, First Methodist Ch., Sidney, 1944—; instr. so- cial sci., Cincinnati Training Sch., 1924- 36; treas., bd. trs., O. Conf. Methodist Ch., 1932-44; tr., Flower Hosp. (Toledo), Goodwill Industries (Toledo), Lakeside Assn., O. Wesleyan Univ., Wesley Foun- dation Bowling Street State Univ.; Univ. pres. Lakeside Foundation; pres., To- ledo Council of Chs.; mem. Sigma Chi, Phi Beta Kappa. Club: Rotary. Travel: Cent. Eur. Office: First Methodist Church, Sidney, O. BALTHASER, Hermann K., school president; b. Amanda, O., 7 Feb. 1894; s. Clarence Balthaser, teacher, and Grace (Valentine) B.; ed. Greenville (O.) high sch.; Commerical-Normal Coll., Greenville, O. life certificate, Commercial, Ohio high schools, 1927; m. Helen Elizabeth Wolf of Lancaster, O. 27 Dec. 1915; children— Robert D., David V. Dir., pres., Lancaster Bus. Coll., 1914—; practiced accounting, O., 1915—; auditor-sec, Fairfield Co. Milk Control Com.; tax expert; admitted to practice as agt. on income tax appeals before Treasury Dept., Washington, D.C., 1936; chief dep. auditor, Fairfield Co., 1939-40; treas., mem. bd., St. Peter's Lutheran Ch.; agt., Personnel Div., 1918-19; mem. Y.M.C.A. (p. treas., Fairfield Co.), Soft Ball League (p. org., pres., Fairfield Co.), Am. Legion (fin- ance off., Fairfield Post No. 11), Lan- caster Concert Assn. (pres., 1928-43), Lancaster and Fairfield Co. Community Fed. (pres.), Ohio Bus. Schs. Assn. (p. pres.), ex. sec. Fairfield Co. War Chest, Nat. Business Teachers Assn., Am. Le- gion, Masons. Clubs: Rotary (Gov. dist. No. 159, internat. Soc. O., 1941-42, elected Denver conf., June 1941), Fair- field Co. Dem. Lutheran. Democrat. Of- fice: 124 So. Broadway, Lancaster, O. Home: 100 E. Fair Av., Lancaster, O. BALLIS, Samuel Robert, broker; b. Chicago, 111., 11 Nov. 1901; s. Rubin Ballis, mfr., and Anna (Silverstein) B.; ed. Crane (111.) high sch.; m. Evelyn Benjamin of Chicago, 111., 31 Aug. 1919; children— Dayton H., Mayta F., Rubin P. Engaged in ins. brokerage work, Chicago, 111.; mem. Halsted-Roosevelt Business Men's Assn. (pres.); elected 205 to Rep. Nat. Convention, 1932, 1936, 1940; mem. Masons. Clubs: Young Repub- lican, Covenant, Chicago Merchant's (founder, 1st pres., 2 terms). Recrea- tion: horseback riding, swimming, base ball. Jewish. Republican. Office: 166 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: Bel- mont Hotel, Chicago, 111. DURST, Charles Elmer, horticulturist; b. Knox City, Mo., 3 May 1884; s. H. Durst, farmer, and Carrie (Layman) D.; ed. Acad., Univ. 111.; B.S., Univ. 111., 1909, M.S. (in hort.), 1912, Ph.D. (in genetics), 1924; m. Bertie Good of Ur- bana, 111., 1912; children— Charles Wil- liam, Ruth Josephine, Robert Eugene, Marilyn Ann. Dept. hort., Univ. 111., 1909-18; county agr. agt., Union & Cook Co.; dir. fruit and vegetable marketing, HI. Agr. Assn.; ed., Am. Fruit Grower; horticulturist and hybrid seed corn grower; pres., dir. 111. State Vegetable Growers Assn.; v.p., North Central States Vegetable and Potato Council; county agr. agt., chmn. Food Production com., Union County, 111., during World War I; mem. 111. State Hort. Soc, 111. State Vegetable Growers Assn., Vege- table Growers Assn. Am., Sigma Xi; first to develop and describe practicable commercial method for control of plant lice. Author: 111. Agr. Expt., Sta. bulls., circulars, arts, in farm papers and mags. Travel: Can., Mex., U.S. Interest: photog. Methodist. Office and home: R. F.D. 4, Champaign, HI. DOWS, Chester Lawrence, b. Salem, Mass., 12 June 1887; s. Justin Newell Dows, druggist, and Annie Maria (Ham- blett) D. ; ed. Lowell (Mass.) high sen., 1906; S.B., M.I.T., 1912; m. Lelia Frances Spofford of Salem, Mass., 7 Oct. 1914; children— Lawrence Richard, Dorothy May. Engring. div., Gen. Elec. Co., Nela Park, 1912—; head, Elec. and Photometric Measurements Eng. Div., 1920 — ; design and production, Gen. Elec. Foot Candle Meter, Gen. Elec. Light Meter; spl. lectures, Case Sch. of Applied Sci.; treas., First Baptist Ch., Greater Cleveland, 1916-43; Fellow A.I. E.E.; mem. I.E.S., Windermere Lodge No. 627, F. & A.M.; registered Profes- sional Engineer, State of Ohio. Club: M.I.T. (Cleveland). Author: papers and arts, in tech. pubis. Interests: church activities, home gardening, personal ac- count systems. Baptist. Republican. Of- fice: Engineering Division, General Electric Co., Nela Park, Cleveland, O. Home: 1855 Charles Rd., East Cleve- land, O. Summer home: Lake Rd., Madison-on-the lake, Madison, O. DAWES, William Ruggles, executive; b. Ripon, Wis., 5 Oct. 1862; s. Hector Dawes, farmer, and Jane (Ruggles) D.; ed. Ripon (Wis.) high school; B.A. Ripon (Wis.) College, 1884; m. Margaret Booker of Whitewater, Wis., 20 Aug. 1885; children— Neil B. Dawes, Mrs. Eleanor D. Walter, Mrs. Marian D. Walker. Bookkeeper, Spink Co. Bk., Redfield, S.D., 1884-89; sec, Redfield (S.D.) Coll., 1887-89; sec, Dawes Busi- ness Block Co., Lincoln, Neb., 1890-98, sec, Lincoln Coal Co. 1891-96; cashier, Chicago Post Office, 1898-1902; Central Trust Co. of 111., cashier, 1902-11; v.p., cashier, 1911-19; v.p. 1919-31; v.p., dir. Central Republic Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi- cago, 111., 1931-32; pres., dir., North Side State Savings Bank, Chicaog, 111., 1909- 18; v.p., dir., Mechanics & Traders State Bk., Chicago, 111., 1912-22; dir. Market Traders State Bk., Chicago, 111., 1923-24; pres., dir., Central-Illinois Se- curities Corp., Chicago, 111., 1932-35, chmn. bd., dir., 1935-39, pres., dir., 1939—; dir., O'Gara Coal Co., 1918-22, Addressograph Co. (successor Addresso- graph-Multigraph Corp.), Cleveland, O. 1930—, Miss. Valley Assn., 1928— (pres., 1928-31); mem. Mayor's Adv. Com. on Pub. Expenditures, Chicago, 111., 1932- 34; chmn. of com. to examine affairs of Highway Dept. of Board of Com- missioners of Cook Co., 1929; pres., Chi- cago Regional Port Commn. 1930—; tr. Ripon (Wis.) Coll., 1908—; chmn. bd. of Trs. 1937 — ; pres., Chicago Assn. of Commerce, 1924-28; dir. Chamber Com- merce of United States, 1930-36; mem. Wis. Soc of Chicago, (pres., 1925). Clubs: University, Commercial. Congre- gationalism Republican. Office: Central- Illinois Securities Corp., 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 190 E. Pearson St., Chicago, 111. CORBLY, Vivian Davis, national ad- jutant, disabled American Veterans; b. Bozeman, Mont., 30 Sept. 1895; s. Ran- dolph C. Corbly, auditor, and Laura (Davis) C; ed. Gallatin Co. high sch., Bozeman, Mont.; Mont. St. Coll., 1916, 1919; B.S., Mont. Univ., 1920-25; m. Juanita W. Green of Bozeman, Mont., 26 Sept. 1920; children— Melvin M., Vi- vian Juanita. dir., Disabled Am. Vets, of W.W.; nat. adj., ed., D.A.V. semi monthly, 1925—; corp., 74th co. 6th U.S. Marines, 2nd div., wounded, Soissons, 1918, wounded, gassed, Champagne, 1918, Purple Heart with Oakleaf; mem. Am. Legion, Forty & Eight, V.F.W., Eagles, Moose, Sigma Delta Chi, Army & Navy Union. Clubs: Cincinnati, Duck- worth Democrat. Rotary. Buckeye. 206 Travel: U.S. Interest: Cincinnati Com- munity Chest. Recreation: sports. Democrat. Office: 1423 E. McMillan Av M Cincinnati, O. Home: 3636 Congreve Av., Cincinnati, O. Summer home : Boze- man, Mont. COLBY, Eva, head home economics dept.; b. Denmark, Me., 4 Dec. 1874; d. Simeon Walker Colby, farmer, and Eliza Ellen (Hartford) C; ed. Bridgton high sen., Bridgton, Me.; Grad. Sch. of Domestic Sci., Boston, Mass.; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1921; M.A., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., 1929; grad. work, 2 yrs. Teacher, country sch., Denmark, Me., 1894-97; Mayville, Wis. high sch., 1900-04; Muskegon High Sch., 1904-05; Freeport High Sch., 1906-07; home econ. dept., Western 111. Teachers Coll., 1907- 20, 1921—, head; mem. State Teachers Assn., State Home Econ. Assn., 111. Vo- cational Assn., Am. Home Econ. Assn., A.A.U.W., Pi Lambda Theta (charter), Delta Kappa Gamma (pres. Theta Chap., 1938-41). Club: Business and Pro- fessional Woman's. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Office: Western Illinois Teachers College, Macomb, HI. Home: Macomb, 111. CLAYPOOL, Blaine Wilson, physi- cian; b. Morris, 111., 13 Aug. 1891; s. Laurence Wilson Claypool, and Nellie Mae (Burroughs) C; ed. Lewis Inst.; Murray F. Tuley high sch.; Univ. Chi- cago; M.D., Univ. 111., 1916; m. Ruth Eloise Henninger of Chicago, 111., 27 Oct. 1923; children— Blaine Wilson, Jr., Barbara Ruth, Lawrence Charles, Rob- ert Gordon, David Ronald. Interne, Wesley Memorial Hosp., Chicago, 111., 1916-18; asst. examiner, Chicago Bd. Edn., 1920-21; asst. instr., A.R.C., 1922- 23; resident phys., Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago, 111., 1923-38; med. examiner for over 40 life ins. companies, 1937 — ; med. referee, Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co.; 1st It., M.C., U.S. Army Hosp., 1918-19; mem. Delta Sigma, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Rho Sigma, Masons, K.T. Travel: U.S. Desc. of Laurence, Jacob Claypool, part founder of Morris, 111. Interests: fishing, flowers, farming. Recreation: gardening. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 1 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 612 N. Kenilworth Av., Oak Park, 111. CANNON, Ralph Hardin, writer; b. Pittsfield, 111., 26 Oct. 1897; s. William Hardin Cannon, clergyman, and Clara Belle (Roberts) C; ed. Decatur (111.) sens.; James Millikin Univ., 1915-17; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1920; m. Lillian Eichelberger of Chicago, HI., 11 Aug. 1923. Writer, Chicago Evening Jour., 1920-29, Chicago Daily News, 1929-38; dir. of promotion, Am. Olympic Assn., 1938-39; sports editor, Esquire Mag., 1941—; Univ. Chicago S.A.T.C., 1918; mem. Tau Kappa Epsilon. Author: Grid Star, 1933; Out of Bounds, 1937; Lee on the Levee, 1940; contributor to Es- quire, Coronet, College Humor, Oppor- tunity and other mags. Disciples of Christ Ch. Democrat. Home: 5849 N. Kostner Av., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Many Trees, R.F.D.I., Yorkville, 111. BROWN, Thomas Baldwin, lawyer; b. Western Springs, 111., 28 Jan. 1882; s. Fred H. Brown, ins. exec, fruit grower, and Jennie (Dale) B.; ed. Chicago Man- ual Training Sch.; LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1904; m. Elizabeth Kaufman of Marshfield, Ore., 1 July 1911; children — Claribel Elizabeth, Thomas Baldwin, III. Admitted 111. Bar, 1904; gen. prac- tice, trial work, probate, real estate, advisory work ; assistance to local Legal Advisory Bd., during World War I; mem. Masons. Desc. Thomas Baldwin Brown, who, as head of Police Bd. and Fire Commrs. of Chicago, assumed dir- ect charge of fighting Chicago fire in Oct. 1871. Non-sectarian Christian. Re- publican. Office: 100 No. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 4334 Ellis Av., Chi- cago, 111. BRADNER, Donald Byal, consultant on research and development; b. Marion, Ind., 26 Nov. 1891; s. John J. Bradner, mfr., and Ida H. (Byal) B.; ed. Univ. Nev.; m. Agnes Claire Mead of Susanville, Calif., 1 Mar. 1913; chil- dren—Donald Mead, James Hugh. Dir. res., Tonopah Extension Mining Co., 1915; mill supt., White Caps Mining Co., 1916-17, Tonopah Extension Mining Co., 1917-18; chem. engr., U.S. Bur. of Mines, 1918; chief chem., U.S. Chem. Warfare Service, 1919-24; chem. engr., E.I. du- Pont de Nemours & Co., 1924-26; dir. res., development, The Champion Paper and Fibre Co., 1926-44; cons, to the Champion Paper and Fibre Co., 1944 — ; mem. A.I.C.E., A.C.S., A.A.A.S., Tech. Assn. of the Pulp and Paper Industry, Industrial Res. Inst. Author: 50 U.S. patents. Protestant. Republican. Office: The Champion Paper and Fibre Co., Hamilton, O. Home: Blue Acres, R.R. 2. Mt. Healthy, O. BOULGER, Earl Patrick, dentist; b. Toledo, Ont., 28 Dec. 1895; s. Michael Joseph Boulger and Margaret Ellen (McGuire) B.; ed. Brockville Collegiate Inst.; Athens Normal Sch., 1912; A.B., 207 Loyola Univ. Sch. Dentistry, 1934; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. Dental Surgery (Loyola Univ.), 1919; L.D.S., Saskatche- wan Coll. Dental Surgeons, 1919. Instr., clinical therapeutics, Loyola Univ. Sch. Dentistry, Chicago Coll. Dental Surgery, 1922-33, asst. prof., radiology, 1925—; mem. Chicago Dental Soc. (pres., West Side Branch, 1926-27), Alumni Assn. Chi- cago Coll. Dental Surgery (sec, 1929- 34, pres., 1934-35), HI. State Dental Soc. (exec, council, 1931-33, treas., 1937-38, pres., 1939-40), Am. Dental Assn. (del. from 111., 1932, 1934, 1935, 1937, 1940-43), St. Appolonia Guild of Chicago (pres., 1932-33), assoc. editor The Appolonian (quarterly Journal of Guild of St. Ap- polonia), Delta Sigma Delta (Dep. Su- preme Grand Master, 1937—), Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Odontographic Soc. Chi- cago, Internat. Assn. for Dental Res., Fed. Dentaire Internationale. Club: Ki- wanis. Author: arts, in Jour, of Am. Dental Assn., Jour, of Dental Research and Appolonian. Recreation: fishing. Catholic. Office: 27 S. Pulaski Rd., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 3238 N. Springfield Av., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Villa Urbana, Delta, Ontario, Can. BOAL, Ayres, senior partner Ayres Boal & Ayres Boal, Jr., real estate management and investments; b. Chi- cago, 111., 26 Mar. 1879; s. Chas. T. Boal, real estate, and Henrietta (Ayres) B.; ed. Harvard Sch., Chicago; B.S., Harvard Univ., 1900; m. Lesley Stew- art Johnson of Chicago, 111., 1 Jan. 1906; children — Ayres, Jr., Stewart, Thomas, Henrietta (Mrs. Philip W. Moore, Jr.). Chmn. Bd. of Mgrs., Old Peoples Home, Chicago; It. (j.g.) (T), U.S.N., destroyer service and comdr. of Mine-Sweeper, 19 June 1917-Mar. 1929; mem. Chicago Assn. of Commerce, Chicago Real Estate Bd. Clubs: Commercial (Chi- cago), University, Saddle & Cycle. Travel: extensive. Interests: building and mechanical. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago 3, HI. Home: 701 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka, HI. Summer home: Charlevoix, Mich. BETTAN, Israel, professor of homi- letics; b. Lithuania, 16 Jan. 1889; s. Moses Bettan, bus. man, and Anna Itta (Fishman) B.; ed. Univ. of State of N.Y.; B.A., Univ. Cincinnati, 1910; D.D., Hebrew Union Coll., 1915, rabbi, 1912; m. Ida Goldstein of Cincinnati, O., 7 Apr. 1927; 1 dau., Anita Esther. Rabbi of congregation, Bnai Israel, Charles- ton, W. Va., 1912-22; prof, homiletics, Hebrew Union Coll., 1922 — ; pres. Charleston Fed. Charities, 1916-18; mem. Child Welfare Commn., W. Va., 1920-22; chmn. City Survey Commn., Charleston, W. Va., 1915-17; 1st It., chap., A.E.F., 1 yr. during World War I; mem. Am. Legion, Cent. Conference Am. Rabbis, B'nai B'rith. Club: Cin- cinnati. Author: Studies in Jewish Preaching; Post-Biblical Judaism; several arts., sermons. Jewish. Office: Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, O. Home: 617 Forest Av., Cincinnati, O. BERNSTEIN, Aaron D., business man; b. Chicago, 111., 28 Dec. 1886; s. Abraham Bernstein (dec), and Rachel (Schneider) B. (dec); m. Lillian Wins- berg of Chicago, 111., 6 June 1916; chil- dren — Rae Alice, David Abraham, Bar- bara Rose. Sec, gen. mgr., Amber Furniture Co., 1912-30, dir., 1930-41, comptroller, 1941—. Travel: No. Am. In- terest: photog. Jewish. Office: 6141 Hal- sted St., Chicago, 111. Home: 6821 S. Clyde Av., Chicago, HI. BENNETT, Robert C, manufacturer; b. Chicago, 111., 28 Apr. 1899; s. Inslee A. Bennett, mfr., and Laverne (Case) B.; ed. Lake Forest Acad.; Univ. of Wis.; m. Elizabeth Klotz of Winnetka, HI., 1921; children— Robert C, Jr., Betty Jane. Salesman, Deluce Inktab Co., 1921, mgr., 1922; mgr., LA. Bennett of Chicago, St. Louis, 1925, v.p., 1927, pres., 1932; tr., Lake Forest Acad.; It., am- bulance service during World War I; mem. V.F.W., Am. Legion, Psi Upsilon, Skull and Crescent. Clubs: Exmore Country, University, Union League. In- terests: farming, tr., Lake Forest Acad. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Presby- terian. Republican. Office: 753 W. Jack- son Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 2700 Prarie Av., Highland Park, 111. Sum- mer res.: Conover, Wis. BATES, Alva Lillistone, lawyer; b. Barbados, Brit. W.I., 29 Sept. 1888; s. William Wentworth Bates, newspaper ed., and Alice Maude (King) B.; ed. LL.B., Howard Univ. Sch. of Law., 1914; m. Georgia Bryant of Mobile, Ala., 27 Dec. 1911. Admitted to HI. Bar, 1915; practice of law, Chicago, 111., 1915—; asst. State's Atty., 1921; Cook Co. Bar Assn. (pres.), 1931-32; appointed by comptroller of the currency of U.S. as attorney for receiver of Douglas National Bank of Chicago and served as such attorney, 1932-36; Rep. nominee, San. Dist. Tr., 111., 1936; Rep. nominee, Muncipal Ct. judge, 1940; mem. law firm, Bates & Connor, Chicago, 111., 1935—; asst. Atty. Gen., State 111., 1941-45; mem. Cook Co., Bar Assn., Nat. Bar Assn., (treas., 1932-33). Phi Beta Sigma. Club: Pobla. Recreations: golf, 208 bridge. Conglist. Republican. Office: 155 N. Clark St., Chicago, HI. Home: 4621 Calumet Av., Chicago, 111. ATKINSON, Frederick C, chemical engineer; b. Newton, Ala., 13 Jan. 1881; s. Cornelius V. Atkinson, lumber mfr., and Mary (Eason) A.; ed. Marianna Dist. (Newton) High Sch.; B.Sc, Ala- bama Poly. Inst., 1902, M.Sc, 1903; m. Eloise Bollinger of Columbia, S.C., 19 June 1906; children — Carolan, Freder- ick, Jr., Robert P., Bruce B. Asst. state chem., S.C., 1903-05; dist. chem., South- ern Cotton Oil Co., Savannah, Co., 1905- 08; chief chem. and chem. engr., Ameri- can Hominy Co., Indianapolis, 1908-23; consulting chem. engr., Indianapolis, 1923—; Frederick C. Atkinson, Inc., In- diana; mem. and off. capacities of vari- ous chemical and sci. socs. of U.S. and Europe; assigned to essential industries for duration of World War I; mem. A.C. S., A.S.T.H., A.S.M.E., F. & A.M., R.A. M., R. & S.M., V.T., A.A.S.R. Clubs: Scientech, Catalytic, Sevorin Round Table. Interests: ornamental ever- greens, especially coniforae. Recrea- tions: golf, bowling. Methodist. In- dependent. Office: 213 E. South St., In- dianapolis, Ind. Home: 2534 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. ARNOLD, Esther Friend, voice teacher, dramatic soprano; b. Washing- ton Court House, O.; ed. Boulder (Colo.) high sch.; studied voice, piano, organ and violin under pvt. tutors in New York, Chicago and Denver, m. Dr. Cuyler H. Arnold of Waukegan, 111., 16 Mar. 1931. With Lyceum Theater, Chautauqua in U.S.A. (WGN-N.B.C), Radio Concert, as teacher of voice; dir. The Friend Singers; church soloist, church organist and choir dir.; mem. D.A.R., Am. Legion Auxiliary. Travel: Mex., U.S. (extensive). Interests: opera, symphonies, home recordings. Recrea- tions: bowling, tennis. Protestant. Studio and home: 456 Glendenning PI. Waukegan, 111. Summer homes: The Ozarks, Mountain View, Mo.; Estes Park, Colo. ANDERSON, Herbert Russell,, con- tracting business executive; b. Chicago, HI., 4 Mar. 1900; s. Robert R. Anderson, contractor, and Florence (Machris) A.; ed. Chicago pub. schs.; grad. Crane Jr. Coll., 1919; m. Faye Pellett; 1 son, Her- bert Russell, Jr. Partner, Robert R. Anderson Co., mem., Illinois Road Builders' Assn. (p. pres.), Am. Road Builders Assn. (p. pres. highway con- tractors div.). Presbyterian. Office: 228 N. LaSalle St., Chicago 1, 111. Home: Algonquin Rd., Palatine, HI. ADAMKIEWICZ, Joseph Julian, phy- sician and surgeon; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 10 Mar. 1897; s. Frank Adamkiewicz, cobbler, and Victoria (Osenkowski) A.; South Div. high sch.; B.S., Milwaukee State Teachers Coll.; M.D., Marquette Univ. Sch. Med., 1920; m. Sylvia Mar- lewski of Milwaukee, Wis., 29 Sept. 1925; children — Gloria Ann, Donna Mary, Jo- seph, Jr., Marcia Sue. Asst. prof., Regional Surg., Marquette Sch. Med.; mem. Milwaukee Co. Med. Soc, State Med. Soc, A.M.A., F.A.C.S., Milwaukee Soc. Clinical Surg. Clubs: K.C., Mil- waukee City South Shore Yacht. Travel: U.S. Interest: yachting. Catholic. Office: 1403 W. Lincoln Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 3062 S. Superior St., Milwaukee, Wis. THOMSON, J(ohn) Cameron, banker; b. Emerson, Manitoba, 20 Sept. 1890; s. James Thomson, life insurance, and Sarah (Ritchie) T.; m. Lola West of Minneapolis, Minn., 17 Sept. 1919; chil- dren — Jean Eleanor, John Berthier. Started in Minn. Nat. Bank, 1905; joined Northwestern Nat. Bank, 1907, became auditor, asst. cashier, 1918, elected v.p., 1926; v.p., gen. mgr., Northwest Ban- corp., 1929-33, pres., 1933—, dir.; tr., Abbott Hosp., Westminster Presbyterian Ch.; dir. Northwestern Nat. Bank & Trust Co., Minneapolis; chmn. Minn. War Service Fund (affiliated with Nat. War Fund); mem. Masons, Economic Policy Com. (chmn.) U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: Minneapolis, Mini- kahda (Minneapolis), Kitchi Gamma (Duluth), Minn. (St. Paul), Bankers (New York, N.Y.). Presbyterian. Re- publican. Office: Northwest Bancorp., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 4309 Fremont Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. GREENMAN, Jesse More, professor of botany; b. North East, Pa., 27 Dec. 1867; s. James Greenman, farmer, lum- berman, and Clarissa (More) G.; ed. North East Acad.; B.S., Univ. of Pa., 1893; M.S., Harvard Univ., 1899; Ph.D., Univ. of Berlin, 1901; m. Anne Louise Turner of Philadelphia, Pa., 20 Sept. 1902; children— Jesse More, Jr., Milton Turner. Asst. in botany, Univ. of Pa., 1890-92, instr., 1893-94; asst., Gray Her- barium, Harvard, 1894-99, asst. and instr., 1902-05; asst. curator of botany, Field Mus., Chicago, 1905-13; asst. prof, of botany, Univ. of Chicago, 1908-13, assoc. prof., 1913-16, prof., 1917 — ; charge of grad. work on botany, Wash. Univ., 1927 — ; curator, herbarium, Mo. 209 Bot. Gardens, 1913—; Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma, 111. Acad, of Sci., St. Louis Acad. Sci., Am. Soc. Naturalists, Bot. Soc. of Am., Am. Soc. of Plant Taxonomists, N.Y. Acad, of Sci., Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. (corres. mem.). Clubs: St. Louis Harvard, St. Louis Pa., Univ., Faculty. Author: arts, on flora of No., Cent, and So. Am. Travel: Mex., Cent. Am., Eur., Belg., Holland, Den., Ger., Fr., Aus., It., Eng., Scot. Interests: hist., lit. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. Home: 4129 Magnolia Av., St. Louis, Mo. SCHBLPLIN, Maude Colgrove, feature writer, pioneer clubwoman; b. Char- lotte, Mich., 29 Mar. 1871; d. Charles H. Colgrove, real estate salesman, and Catherine R. (Van Zile) C; ed. Central high sch., Minneapolis; B.Lit, Univ. Minn., 1893; m. Fred Schilplin of St. Cloud, Minn., 14 June 1899; 1 son, Fred- erick Colgrove. High sch. instr., St. Cloud, 1895-99; sec, Reading Room Soc, 1903-05, v.p., 1909-12, pres. 1912-14, his- torian, 1925-35, life historian, 1935—; fea- ture writer, ed., St. Cloud Daily Times; sec, treas. Times Pub. Co., St. Cloud; served with local Red Cross during World War I; mem. Nat. League of Am. Pen Women (state pres., 1930-32, state v.p. on nat. bd., 1932-34, historian, 1934-42, state bd.) State Soc. of D.A.R. (organizing regent St. Cloud chap., state sec, 1923-25, Hist. 1930-36), League of Minn. Poets (organizing charter mem., 1934, historian, 1934-42), ed. daily column of Worthwhile Verse in St. Cloud Daily Times, 1920 — , (the first daily poetry column in Minn.), St. Cloud Coll. Club (organizing charter mem., 1922), first historian for St. Cloud Bus. & Prof. Women's Club, Twentieth Century Club of St. Cloud, Minn. Hist. Soc (life mem.). Clubs: Sorosis, 20th Century, Minneapolis Woman's Reading Room Soc, Minn. Fed. of Womens' Clubs, Cen- tral Minn. Inst, (elected state historian, 1941). Author: compiler and ed. first Anthology of Minnesota Verse, 1934, 2nd Anthology, 1938. Travel: Can., U.S. Desc. of Colonial and Revol. families, who moved to Minn, in 1881. Interests: newspaper work, attending county, dist., state, and Inland Daily Press Assns., Chicago, women's clubs, poetry, cook- ing. Recreations: movies, radio history. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: Times Publishing Co., St. Cloud, Minn. Home: 395 Fifth Av., So., St. Cloud, Minn. Summer home: Avon, Minn. WRIGHT, Joseph Alexander, univ. prof.; b. Mechanicstown, O., 12 Feb. 1877; s. Rev. John A. Wright, minister, and Martha Ellen (Wiley) W. ; ed. Roots- town, (O.) high sch.; Northeastern Ohio Normal Coll., Canfield, O.; A.B., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, O., 1900; A. M. (hon.), New York Univ., N.Y. City, 1919; m. Mary Minnetta Swank of Zanesville, O., 16 Nov. 1904 (dec. 30 Dec. 1944); children— John Fox (dec), Martha Ellen (Mrs. Monroe Shakes- peare). Cub pilot on Ohio River steam- boats at 14; teacher in country sch. at 16; r.r. fireman during summer vaca- tions from coll.; reporter on Indianapo- lis newspapers; asst. editor, Indianapo- lis News, 1902-13; mem. staff, N.Y. Globe and Chicago Daily News, 1913- 14; asst. prof, of journalism, Indiana Univ., 1914-17; head of journalism dept., Univ. of S.D., 1919-27; prof, of journal- ism, Indiana Univ., 1927 — ; commd. capt., U.S. Army, 15 Aug. 1917; instr. officers sch., Ft. McKinley, Me., 1918, art. engr., Coast Defenses of Portland, Me., 1918; inventor of improvement in triangulation system of battery firing; mem. Nat. Edtl. Assn., Am. Assn. Teachers of Journalism, Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Sigma Delta Chi, Bloom- ington Chamber Commerce, Hoosier State Press Assn. Masons (Scottish Rite). Club: Bloomington Stamp. Contbr. to newspaper pubis, and mags. Recreations: fishing, travel. Christian. Democrat. Office: Ind. Univ., Blooming- ton, Ind. Home: 717 E. University St., Bloomington, Ind. BIGGS, Margaret Seasholes, musi- cian; b. Lansing, Mich., 7 Dec. 1898; d. Charles Louis Seasholes, clergyman, lecturer, and Grace Gertrude (Lyon) S.; ed. Philadelphia (Pa.) high sch. for girls; Ph.B., Denison Univ., 1920, grad. work in edn., 1923; music, Capital Univ., 1936; m. Otis Riggs of Newark, O., 6 June 1924; children — Donald, Walter, Lois. Head, Music Dept., Los Colegios Internacionales, El Cristo, Cuba, 1920- 22; music supervisor, Licking Co. schs., 1925 — ; dir. music, First Presbyterian Ch., 1936 — ; contralto, Stainbrook Sextet, 1924-25, touring U.S. for Loar Independ- ent Chautauqua; mem. Girl Scouts, N. E.A. (life mem.), Delta Omicron (life mem., p. nat. pres.), D.A.R., Eastern Star, A.A.U.W., Kappa Alpha Theta, Music Educators Nat. Conf. Clubs: Granville Women's Music (program chmn.), Licking Co. Braille. Travel: U.S., W. Indies, Can. Mother, Grace Gertrude Lyon Seasholes, was first woman to complete coll. course at Deni- son Univ., graduating in 1889, before it was co-ednl. Interest: hand made bas- 210 kets. Recreation: swimming. Episcopa- lian. Republican. Home: Eagle Farm, Hebron Rd., Newark, O. SCHIEBER, Clara Eve, teacher and lecturer; b. Bucyrus, O.; d. John Schie- ber, merchant, and Elizabeth Jane (Uhl) S. (dec); ed. Bucyrus High Sen.; Wittenberg Coll.; B.S. Ohio Univ., 1916; M.A., Clark Univ., 1918, Ph.D., 1920. Prof, history, Kingfisher (Okla.) Coll., 1920-21; prof., Oxford (O.) Coll., 1921- 28; prof., Ohio Northern Univ., 1928- 33; teacher, Bucyrus (O.) High Sen., 1934—; asst. in preparing report on Samoan Islands used at Peace Conf., Paris, 1919; mem. Am. Historical Assn., Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Nat. Geog. Soc, Ohio Edn. Assn., Nat. Edn. Assn., Pi Gamma Mu, Am. Acad. Political and Social Science; Internat. Order of King's Daughters & Sons. Author: Am. Sentiment Toward Germany, 1870-1914; contbr. to Ed. Mag.; translated books of hist, from orig. Ger., Chicago Univ. Press. Travel: U.S., Can., Eur. Lu- theran (U.L.C.A.). Office: High School, Bucyrus, O. Home: 406 E. Rensselaer St., Bucyrus, O. WILLIS, Thomas Hite, realtor; b. Rock Hall, Jefferson Co., W. Va., 14 Nov. 1872; s. Nathaniel Hite Willis and Jane Charlotte (Washington) W.; ed. local pvt. sens.; Lake Forest Univ.; Chicago Coll. of Law; m. Josephine Bangs of Louisville, Ky., 10 Oct. 1903; children — Adelia Bangs (Mrs. Paul Wil- son), Jane Washington (Mrs. Duncan McConnell), Nathaniel Hite, Josephine Bangs (Mrs. Edward Wright Eaton). With Bank of Charlestown, W. Va., 1890- 95; with Henry H. Walker, real estate, Chicago, 111., 1895-1901; admitted to Chi- cago Bar Assn., 1900; partner of Henry H. Walker, 1901-17; owner of own real estate agency, 1917 — ; tr. and pres. of Hinsdale Sanitary dist., 8 yrs. Clubs: Union League, Hinsdale Golf. Interests and recreations: riding, golf. Episcopa- lian. Democrat. Office: 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: Hinsdale, HI. Summer home: Belvedere, Charles- town, Jefferson Co., W. Va. SOWIN, Edward William, lawyer; b. Chicago, 23 June 1895; s. Stanley Sowin (dec.) and Valentina (Rzechtalski) S.; ed. St. Phillips High Sen.; Chicago-Kent Coll. Law; LL.B., De Paul Univ., 1921. Assoc, with Chicago Title & Trust Co., 12 yrs.; now engaged in pvt. practice of law; atty. for several corps.; served in U.S.A., Verdun, Fr. during World War I, received Verdun medal from Re- public of Fr.; mem. Chicago and 111. State Bar Assns., K.C. (4th deg.). Trav- el: Eur., U.S. Grandparents were pio- neers in HI. Recreations: fishing, golf. Catholic. Republican. Office: 1 N. La- Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2757 N. Pine Grove Av., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Camp Lake, Wis. OUTLAW, Ellis Simmons, attorney at law; b. Oktibbeha Co., Miss., 15 Nov. 1883; s. Rev. Johnson Hansford Outlaw and Jennie (Gandy) O.; ed. West Point Acad.; Chicago Bus. Coll.; B.A., Oska- loosa Coll.; LL.B., Chicago Law Sen.; m. Hazel Selvey of Parkin, Ark., 3 Aug. 1932. With S. Pearson & Son, of London, Eng., Mexico City, 15 yrs.; interested in gold mining, cattle raising, State of Guanajuato, Republic of Mexico; mem. Nat. Bar Assn., Lawyers Assn. of Mo., Mound City Bar Assn. of St. Louis, St. Louis Law Lib. Assn., Masons, N.A.A. C.P. Clubs: Mississippi (chmn. bd. of dirs.). Travel: Mex., So. Am. Interests: hist., biog. Recreations: walking, auto- ing. Baptist (deacon and clerk). Re- publican. Address: 3140 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. OSBORNE, Hattie, librarian; b. Gar- nett, Kan., 12 Jan. 1872; d. John Or- vando Osborne, and Sarah Jane (Mar- shall) O.; ed. Garnett high sen.; B.S. Baker Univ.; State Teachers Coll., Emporia, 1929; spl. study of rare bibles, N.Y. Pub. Library of Congress, 1925; Chicago Univ. Grad. Sch. of Lib. Sci., summer 1938. Organized libs, in Inde- pendence, Parsons, Arkansas City, Lyons, Hutchinson High Sch.; librarian, Iola Pub. Lib., 1911-13, Baker Univ., 1913-40, Quayle Lib., Baker Univ., 1940—; served as camp librarian, Ft. Leavenworth, during World War I, 1918- 19; spl. work in prison libs.; mem. Kan. Lib. Assn., Delta Delta Delta. Club: Tuesday, Reading. Author: Quayle Col- lection of Bibles (brochure). Interests: rare books, especially bibles (curator of Quayle collection). Methodist. Ad- dress: Baldwin, Kan. HOADLEY, William B., business ex- ecutive; b. Stinesville, Ind., 29 Mar. 1899; s. John William Hoadley and Dovie W. (Figg) H.; ed. Bloomington, (Ind.) high sch.; LL.B., Ind. Univ., 1922; m. Lucille Hughes of Bloomington, Ind., 1923; 1 son, William H. Entered busi- ness, pres. Perry Stone Co., Walker Bros. Stone Co., Sare-Hoadley St. Co., Hoadley Bros., Inc., Valhalla Park Cemetery; dir. J.M. Hoadley, Inc., People's State Bank, Ellettsville, Ind.; elected state senator, 1928-32; candidate for mayor of Bloomington, 1938; served 211 as corpl., 307 Motorcycle Co., 370 Serv- ice Park Co., attached 28 Div., Mar., 1918- Feb. 1919; mem. Am. Legion (comdr., 1938-39, obtaining state conv., 1939), Gamma Eta Gamma, Beta Phi Sigma, Delta Tau Delta, Masons, K.T., Shrine, Grotto, Scottish Rite, B.P.O.E. (life mem.). Club: Rotary. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Methodist. Republican. Office: Bloomington, Ind. Home: 513 N. Park Av., Bloomington, Ind. Summer res.: Odin, Mich., winter res.: Holly- wood, Fla. DOMBROWSKI, Edward F., physi- cian, surgeon; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 27 June 1889; s. Frank Dombrowski and Balbina (Koszewski) D. ; ed. Lane Tech. high sen.; St. Stanislaus Coll.; M.D., Loyola Univ. Sch. Med., 1914; m. Rose Luczak of Chicago, 20 Nov. 1920 (dec). Assoc, prof, gynecology, Loyola Univ., 1916-29; instr. wound bacteriology and surgery, Med. Research Lab., Dijon, France; dir., Wicker Pk. Med. Center, 111. Mental Hygiene; mng. officer, Chi- cago State Hosp.; p. mem. Chicago Bd. Health; served as 1st lieut., M.C., B. E.F., Ypres-Lys sector, Verdun and St Mihiel during World War I; mem. A. M.A., 111. Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Am. Hosp. Assn., 111. Psychiat. Soc, Chicago Soc. for Personality Study, Po- lish Med. Soc, Chicago Soc. P.N. A. Clubs: Elmhurst Country, Polish Arts, Polish Am. Dem. Author: State Insti- tutions as Educational Centers: arts, in med. jours. Travel: entire U.S., Eng., Fr., It., Ger. Interests: photog., micro- photog. Recreations: bowling, golf, fish- ing. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 1530 N. Damen Av., Chicago 22, 111. Home: 2031 W. Pierce Av., Chicago, 111. CUMMINS, Wesley Erett, lawyer; b. Reevesville, 111., 4 Oct. 1888; s. J. S. Cum- mins, clergyman, and Nancy (Rice) C; ed. Murphysboro Township high sch.; A.B., McKendree Coll., Lebanon, HI., 1910; LL.B., Coll. Law, Univ. HI., 1915; m. Louise Cady of North Adams, Mass., 10 Mar. 1920; 1 son, Robert E. Prin., high sch., 2 yrs.; practiced law, Cairo, 1915-17, partnership, William S. Dewey- Dewey & Cummins, Cairo, 1919 — ; sergt., Q.M.C., overseas duty during World War I; mem. Cairo Assn. of Com- merce (pres.), Alexander Co. Bar Assn. (pres.), Am. Legion (p. Post Comdr.), Cairo Bd. Edn. (p. pres.), Alexander Co. Selective Service Bd., 111. State & Am. Bar Assns., Order of the Coif, Phi Delta Phi. Club: Egyptian Country. Methodist. Republican. Office: Halliday Estate Bldg., Cairo, 111. Home: 425-28th St., Cairo, 111. BROWN, Milton U., newspaperman; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 20 Feb. 1859; s. Philip A. Brown, lumber mcht., and Julia (Troster) B.; ed. A.B., Butler Univ., 1880, A.M., 1882, LL.D.; m. Jennie Hannah of Paris, 111., 1883; chil- dren—Mark H., Archibald, Paul V., Jes- sica Mannon, Louise Atherton, Mary Stewart, Jean Wagner, Julia Konold. Coll. teacher, 1 yr.; reporter, city ed., mng. ed., dir., sec treas., Indianapo- lis News, 1881—; pres. bd. dirs., Butler Univ.; pres., Arthur Jordan Foundation, Christian Foundation; dir., Christian bd. Pub., St. Louis; mem. Staff of Honor, Ind.; served, pres., 6th Div. Se- lective Service Bd., during World War I. Clubs: Columbia, Indianapolis Liter- ary, Portfolio. Author: Three Brothers in Artillery. Travel: Rus. Disciples. Re- publican. Office: The Indianapolis News, Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 5087 E. S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. BIGALLI, Dino, opera con dr., vocal teacher; b. Italy, 13 June 1888; s. An- giolo Bigalli and Elvira (Cartei) B.; ed. Royal Conservatory of Music, Flor- ence; organ ad wagisterium, composi- tion ad magisterium. Conductor with Chicago Opera Co., 20 yrs. Office: 410 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. WENDELL, Barrett, investment bank- ing; b. 19 Apr., 1881; s. Barrett Wendell, prof., Harvard Univ., and Edith (Green- ough) W.; ed. Noble & Greenough Sch., Boston, Mass.; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1902; m. Barbara Higginson of Boston, Mass., 18 June 1910; children— Barbara Wendell Kerr, Barrett, Jr., Francis Lee Higginson. Entered employ of Lee Hig- ginson & Co., Boston, Mass., 1905, be- came partner, 1918; moved to Chicago, 111., 1919; entered employ of Lee Higgin- son Corp., 15 June 1932; v. pres., dir. Household Finance Corp. Clubs: Chi- cago, Attic. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 231 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1120 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Hamilton, Mass. MEYER, Henry Harold, executive; b. Hodgeman Co., Kan., 30 Aug. 1888; s. Edwin Carlos Meyer, executive, and Ida May (Chapman) M.; ed. Westfield high sch., N.Y.; Bryant & Stratton Sch., Buf- falo, N.Y. ; m. Hallie Rouse of North East., Pa., 25 Nov. 1914. Bookkeeper, cost accountant, traveling salesman, of- fice mgr., various Buffalo and N.Y. firms, 1908-14; mgr., Welch Grape Juice Co., Ltd., St. Catherine, Ontario, 1914- 15, exec, duties, main office, Westfield, N.Y., 1915-18; examining auditor, Fed. Trade Commn., Washington, D.C., 1918- 212 19; office mgr., asst. gen. mgr., Har- vard Products Co., Brocton, N.Y., 1919- 22; gen. mgr., treas. dir., Keystone Co- operative Grape Assn., North East, Pa., 1922-26; pres., sec, treas., dir., gen. mgr., The H.H. Meyer Packing Co., 1926—; dir., Geo. H. Thomas, Inc., Nor- wood, O., Commodore Realty Co., Cin- cinnati, Estherville Packing Co., la.; treas. and dir., Am. Meat Inst., Chi- cago, 111.; mem. City Council, North East, 1925-26; mem. Shrine, Elks, Y.M. C.A. Clubs: Maketwah Country, Cincin- nati. Interest: biographies. Recreations: golf, boating. Methodist. Office: 2115 Linn St., Cincinnati, O. Home: 358 Shiloh St., Cincinnati, O. Summer res.: Point Chautauqua, N.Y. ZABEL, Max William, patent and trade mark lawyer; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 26 Nov. 1876; s. Paul Zabel, mcht., and Augusta (Seeger) Z.; ed. pub. and high schs., Milwaukee, Wis.; B.S. (in E.E.), Univ. Wis., 1898; law at Northwestern Univ., 1902; m. Isabel Cora Lee of Chi- cago, 111., 26 Sept. 1907 (dec); m. (2nd) Hazel Jones Carlson, 25 Mar. 1942. Engr., Madison G. & Elec Co., 1899- 1900; patent solicitor, Chas. A. Brown, Chicago, 111., 1901-03; sales engr., sales mgr., Am. Elec. Telephone Co., Chi- cago, 1903-08; admitted to 111. bar, 1909; practice of patent, trademark and copy- right law, Chicago, 1909—; mem. firm, Zabel and Gritzbaugh; spl. lecturer, John Marshall Law Sch.; mem. A.I. E.E., Chicago, 111., Am. Bar Assns., Am. Patent Law Assn., The Patent Law Assn. of Chicago, Field Mus. of Nat. History, Wis. Union, Chicago Assn. of Commerce, 111. Hist. Soc. Clubs: North Shore Golf, Union League, Illinois Ath- letic. Author: The Patent Royalty Con- tract. Recreations: golf, swimming. Lu- theran. Office: 2030 Bankers Bldg., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1247 Chestnut Av., Wil- mette, HI. WOODRUFF, George, banker; b. Joliet, 111., 25 May 1881; s. Frederick W. Woodruff, banker, and Nellie (Davis) W.; ed. Joliet high sch.; Univ., Mich.; LL.B., Yale Univ., 1903; m. Lou- ise Lentz of Joliet, 111., 21 Oct. 1915. Pres., HI. Bankers Assn., 1915, 111. St. Chamber Commerce, 1919; treas., Chi- cago Assn. Commerce, 1925; mem. nat. laymans com., Presbn. Ch., U.S., 1926; pres., Chicago Bankers Club, 1928; asst. western mgr., Republican Nat. Com., 1928; treas., Century Progress Exposi- tion, 1933—; pres., Chicago Grand Opera Co., 1934. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office: 179 Lake Shore Dr., Chi- cago, 111. WARNER, Rawleigh, executive; b. Chicago, HI. 14 May 1891; s. Samuel Rohrer Warner, and Mary Belle (Raw- leigh) W.; ed. Lawrenceville Sch.; LL.B., Princeton Univ., 1913; m. Doro- thy M. Haskins of Chicago, HI., 14 Oct. 1914; children — Mary, Dorothy M., Raw- leigh, Jr., Suzanne. With Cent. Trust Co., 111., 1913; mem. Earle & Warner, 1914-17; treas., Cent. Sugar Co., 1915- 17; v.p., treas. Dawes Bros., Inc., 1919- 39; v.p., treas., dir. Pure Oil Co.. 1926—; dir. Poor & Co., City Nat. Bank & Trust Co., Chicago, Cent. 111. Securities Co., The Chicago Daily News; 1st It., Q.M.C. during World War I; mem. Geol. Soc, Princeton. Clubs: Chicago, Old Elm, Commercial, Nassau (Princeton), Princeton (Chicago), Lake Geneva Country. Recreation: golf. Protestant. Office: 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. Home: 1200 Hamptondale Rd., Win- netka, 111. Summer res.: R.F.D. No. 2, Walworth, Wis. TINGLEY, Egbert Moore, engineer; b. Marion, Ind., 17 Dec. 1869; s. Mar- shall Franklin Tingley, ed., and Mary Jane (Moore) T.; ed. Marion, (Ind.) high sch.; Purdue Univ., 1892; m. Mar- garet Cuthell Pebbles of Oak Park, HI., 11 June 1908; children— Warren, Egbert Moore, Jr. Designer of important motor windings; mem. A.I.E.E., Western Soc. Engrs. Clubs: Physics (Chicago), Col- legiate (Chicago), Oak Park Camera. Author: Elementary Universes, Base Eight Arithmetic and Money, Calculate by Eights, Not by Tens. Travel: U.S., Can. Interest: Base Eight Arith., and Elementary Universes. Recreations : photog., auto touring. Republican. Home: 221 N. Cuyler, Oak Park, HI. SYMONDS, Ernest William, minister; b. Eng., 1 Jan. 1858; s. Matthew Symonds, farmer, and Elizabeth (Jen- man) S.; ed. la. Univ., 1878; m. Mary Martha Wilson of Massena, la., 20 Nov. 1888 (dec, 20 Oct. 1934); 1 dau., Mar- guerite Elizabeth (dec); m. (2nd) Nellie M. Rands of Woodman, Wis., 6 Feb., 1936. Teacher, Cass Co., la., 1871- 78; prin., Massena Schs., 1878-85; min- ister, Presbyterian Ch., St. Joseph, Mo., 1894-1903, Immanuel Ch., Chicago, HI., 1903-19, Millard Av. Ch., 1919-33, pastor emeritus, 1933 — ; mem. Millard Av. Im- provement Assn. (sec, treas.), Boy Scouts Am. (scout master, mem. exec. com., oldest scout master in Chicago). Travel: U.S. Interests: boy scout train- ing, mus. training in youth. Recrea- tions: auto touring, camping. Presby- terian. Republican. Office and home: 213 1904 S. Millard Av., Chicago, HI. Sum- mer home: Winona Lake, Ind. STEPAN, Alfred C, Jr., executive; b. N.Y., N.Y., 17 Apr. 1909; s. Alfred Stephan and Charlotte (Corbett) S.; ed. Francis W. Parker Sch., Chicago, 111.; A.B., Univ. of Notre Dame, 1931; North- western Law Sch.; m. Mary Louise Quinn of Chicago, 111., 10 Feb. 1934; children— Marilee, Alfred, III, Quinn, Stratford, Charlotte, Paul. Org., exec, Stephan Chemical Co., 1932—. Club: Crystal Lake Country, Lake Shore, Serra, Chicago Drug & Chemical. Rec- reation: golf. Catholic. Office: 1353 N. Branch St., Chicago, 111. Home: E. Hill- side Rd., Crystal Lake, 111. SULLIVAN, Charles Lee, Jr., business executive; b. Dayton, O., 29 Nov. 1886; s. C.L. Sullivan, curator, and Anna (Waite) S.; ed. Steele high sch., Dayton, O.; Univ. Chicago, 1911; m. Fay Hop- kins of Dayton, O., 1912; children— Doro- thy Lee, Anne Hopkins. Assoc, Thresher Varnish Co., 1916, sales mgr., 1926, pres., at present; dir., The Thresher Varnish Co., The Gem City Bldg. & Loan Assn., Community Chest (p. mgr. Community Chest Fund); tr., Dayton Y.M.C.A.; mem., Motor Transport Div., Washington, D.C., during World War I; mem., S.A.R., Am. Soc Testing Ma- terial, Nat. Paint & Varnish Assn., Nat. Mfg. Assn., Railway Bus. Assn., Ohio Mfg. Assn., Ohio Chamber Commerce, Phi Gamma Delta. Clubs: Moraine Country, Dayton Country, Engineers' (Dayton), Union League (Chicago), Nat. Republican (N.Y.), Ohio Soc Travel: Eng., Puerto Rico, Cuba. Methodist. Republican. Office: 1100 E. Monument Av., Dayton, O. Home: 914 E. Schantz Av., Dayton, O. STECHER, Robert Morgan, physi- cian; b. Cleveland, O., 1 Dec. 1896; s. Frederick W. Stecher and Lue (Morgan) S.; ed. Lakewood (O.) high sch., 1915; B.S., Dartmouth Coll., 1919; M.D., Har- vard Med. Sch., 1923; m. Florence Mc- Carthy of Mass., 7 Apr. 1926; children — Mary Louise, Robert M., Jr., Sally Jane. With The Sch. of Med., Western Reserve Univ., 1928—, asst. clinical prof, of med., 1940—; visiting phys., Med. Div., Cleveland City Hosp., 1928—, chmn. prof, staff, 1937-44; with Desert Sanatorium of South Ariz., Tucson, Ariz., 1931-32, St. Luke's Hosp., visiting phys., phys. to Out Patient Dept., Ar- thritic Clinic, 1939 — ; cons, in internal medicine, Lakewood Hosp., 1940; pvt., 1st class, aviation cadet, U.S. Signal Corps, 1918; Fellow A.M. A., A.C.P.; mem. O. State Med. Assn., Acad. Med. of Cleveland Central Soc for Clinical Res., Am. Congress of Phys. Therapy, Am. Public Health Assoc, Am. Rheu- matism Assn. (mem. exec, com., 1940 (2nd v. pres., 1940-42); Cleveland Med. Lib. Assn. (tr., 1940—), Cleveland Health Museum, (tr., 1940), Brittingham Mem. Lib. (p., 1937—), Cleveland Y.M. C.A. (mem. bd. trustees, 1940) Fenn College (mem. bd. trustees, 1941 — ); Army Medical Library (hon. cons.), Sigma Xi. Author: many arts, on ar- thritis, artificial fever therapy, heart disease, etc. Episcopalian. Office: 3395 Scranton Rd., Cleveland, O Home: 12962 Lake Av., Lakewood, O. SPOERRI, James Fuller, attorney; b. Chicago, 111., 5 Aug. 1899; s. George Christopher Julius Spoerri and Mattie Maud (Fuller) S.; ed. Univ. Chicago; A.B., George Washington Univ., 1922, J.D., DePaul Univ., 1924; m. Imogene Elizabeth Field Holmes, 26 Dec. 1922; children— Imogene Elizabeth Holmes, Nancy Field, Martha Hamilton. Ad- mitted to Illinois Bar 1925, D.C. Bar, partner, Bobb Spoerri Bourland & Har- ris; mem. Chicago Bar Assn. (chmn. corp. law. com., 1941-43), 111. State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., S.A.R., S.C.W., Founders and Patriots (councilor gen., p. gov.). Author: Robert Fuller Gene- alogy; one of authors of Illinois Business Corporation Act, Annotated. Office: 231 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2706 Payne St., Evanston, HI. SOANS, Cyril Arthur, patent lawyer; b. nr. Nottingham, Eng., 31 May 1884; s. John Isaac Soans and Martha Anne (Campion) S.; ed. grad. M. & E.E., Univ. Coll., Nottingham, 1902; stud. N.Y. Law Sch., 1912-13; LL.B., John Marshall Law Sch., Chicago, 1915; m. Mary Agnes Finn of Dansville, N.Y., 14 June 1913 ; c h i 1 d r e n— Jacqueline, Tracy. Came to U.S., 1904, naturalized 1911; min. engr., Brit. Columbia and Nev., 1903-05; telephone engring. and mfg. electrical supplies, Chicago, 1906-10; res. electrical starting and lighting of automobiles, N.Y.C., 1911-12; practiced patent law, Soans, Pond & Anderson Chicago, 1913 — ; mem. Am. and Chi cago Bar Assns., Assn. Bar City of N.Y., Chicago Patent Law Assn., Am Patent Law Assn., A.I.E.E., A.A.E. K.T., Shrine. Clubs: Union League, Oak Park Country. Recreations: golf, gar- dening. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111 Home: 703 Thatcher Av., River Forest 111. SLOAN, Harry, advisory engineer; b Guilderland, N.Y., 2 Oct. 1869; s. Geo 214 B. Sloan, hotel bus. man, and Jennie (Weaver) S.; ed. Albany Acad.; M.E., Cornell Univ., 1894; m. Charlotte Jensen of Brooklyn, N.Y., 1904; children— Wil- liam W., Janet Hannah; m. (2nd) Grace E. Kiel, 1924. With Brooklyn Rapid Transit, 1894-1900; cons, engr., N.Y., 1900-14; advisory engr., The Vilter Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, 1914—; mem., Am. Soc. Refrigerating Engrs. (p. pres.), Milwau- kee Engring. Soc. (p. pres.), Cornell Univ. Soc. Milwaukee, Masons, (32d deg. mystic shrine). Author: Many papers in trade and tech. jours. Travel: U.S., Eur. Interests: gardening, flowers, golf. Presbyterian Elder. Republican. Office: 2217 S. First St., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: R.D. 5, Box 270, Hawthorn Dr. Waukesha, Wis. SHERWOOD, Lyman Wetmore, law- yer; b. Austin, Minn., 27 July 1895; s. Lyman A. Sherwood, bus. man, and Lida M. (Wetmore) S.; ed. Robert A. Waller high sch., Chicago, HI.; LL.B., Northwestern Univ. Liberal Arts and Law Sch., 1918; m. Edith A. Dunlevy, 1922; 1 son, Donald; m. (2nd) Claire Mitchell; children — Nancy, Roger. En- gaged, pvt. practice of law continuously except for 4 yrs.; one of attys., Nat. Boulevard Bank of Chicago, Chicago, Fed. Home Loan Bank, Chicago, The Mangavox Co., Inc., Soc. of Am. Florists and Ornamental Horticulturists; asst. U.S. Atty., Northern Dist. of 111., 1927- 31; pilot U.S. Army Air Service during World War I; mem. Chicago Bar Assn., HI. Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Quiet Birdmen, (32d deg.) Mason, Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Union League, Kenilworth, Army and Navy. Episcopa- lian. Republican. Office: 77 W. Wash- ington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 72 Abbottsford Rd., Winnetka, 111. SHEDD, Howard Orton, president, The Shedd Co.; b. Chicago, 111., 8 Jan. 1887; s. William Joshua Shedd, v.p., Knickerbocker Ice Co. of Chicago, and Alice Maud (Tillinghast) S.; ed. Wen- dell Phillips high sch.; Metropolitan Bus. Coll.; m. Adelaide Margaret Dana- hey of Pittsburg, Pa., 3 Feb. 1915. Sec, Matagalpa Coffee Co., W. J. Shedd Ice Cream Co., 1907-17; pres., Shedd Ward Ice Cream Co., 1907-17; pres., Shedd Ward Ice Cream Co., 1917-39; purchaser of interest, Ward and changed name of Co. to The Shedd Co., mfgrs., ice cream, distributors, fresh frosted foods, Chi- cago, suburbs, 1940 — ; pres., Quick Frozen Foods Distributors Assn. of Chi- cago, 1940—; p. sec, Chicago Ice Cream Mfgrs. Assn., 1918-27; mem. Masons, Eastern Star. Clubs: Calumet Commer- cial, Chicago Motor, Dairymens Coun- try. Travel: U.S., Cent. Am., Panama. Interests: golf, swimming, fishing, yachting. Baptist. Republican. Office: 301-321 East 117th St., Chicago, 111. Home: 10953 South Park Av., Chicago, 111. SAUNDERS, Hubbard Prather, sur- geon; b. Hickman, Ky., 21 Jan. 1894; s. James Henry Saunders, educator, and Emma (Reeves) S.; ed. Hickman high sch.; A.B., Univ. of Mo., 1917; M.D., Univ. of HI., 1919; m. Aileen Rooney of Manchester, Eng., 21 Oct. 1921. Mem. surgical staff Ravenswood Hosp. ; Fel- low A.C.S.; Chicago Med. Soc. (pres., No. Shore Br., 1925, sec, 1939, pres., 1942; pvt. duration of World War I, 1917- 19; now serving as comdr., U.S.N.R., Pacific area; mem. Phi Beta Pi, Alpha Omega Alpha. Club: North Shore Coun- try. Author: Reduction of Mortality in Appendicitis ; Congenital Umbilical Hernia; Tumor Clinic in the Private Hospital. Travel: U.S. Recreations: golf, hunting. Presbyterian. Office: 4753 Broadway, Chicago, HI. Home: 1337 Fargo Av., Chicago, 111. SAMPLE, John Dwight, opera singer, teacher; b. Corydon, Ind., 10 June 1887; s. John Sample and Maria (Craft) S.; ed. high and normal schs.; m. Louise M. Overholt of Chicago, HI., 31 Dec. 1936. Studied 9 yrs. in It., Ger.; sang at La Scala, Milan under Toscanini, 1923-24; with Philadelphia Grand Opera Co., 3 yrs., Cincinnati Opera Co., 7 yrs.; guest performances, Chicago Opera. Travel: Eur. Recreations: all athletics. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 8559 So. Hermitage, Chicago, HI. PIERCE, Bessie Louise, professor; b. Caro, Mich., 20 Apr. 1888; d. Clifton J. Pierce, businessman, and Minnie Cor- nelia (Pierson) P.; ed. Waverly, la. high sch.; A.B., St. Univ. la., 1910, Ph.D., 1923; A.M., Univ. Chicago, 1918. Mem. dept. hist, Univ. la., 1916-29; assoc. prof. Am. Hist., Univ. Chicago, 1929, prof., 1942; p. sec treas., pres. Nat. Coun. Soc Studies, 1926; mem. coun. exec. com. of coun., Am. Hist. Assn., 1936-40, mem. com. on policy, 1939; mem. advisory com., Franklin D. Roosevelt Libl, AAUW com. on Fellow- ship Endowment, 1945 — ; honorary award by Nat. Coun. Soc. Scrs. ; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Lambda Theta. Au- thor: A History of Chicago; As Others See Chicago; Citizens Organizations and The Civic Training of Youth; Public Opinion and the Teaching of History in 215 the United States. Protestant. Office: The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Home: 5616 Blackstone Av., Chicago, HI. PARKER, Ross Isaac, district man- ager Apparatus Dept., Electric Co.; b. Kansas City, Kan., 29 Aug. 1890; s. Henry Allen Parker, mcht., and Eliza- beth (Jaques) P.; ed. Manual Training high sch., B.S. (E.E.), Univ. Kansas, 1912; m. Lois Harger of Abilene, Kan., 2 June 1915; children— Elizabeth, Ross Isaac, Jr., Lois. Assoc, General Electric Co., 1912—; dist. mgr., cent. Sta. dept., 1923, asst. dist. mgr., 1941, dist. mgr. Apparatus Dept., 1945; mem. A.I.E.E., Beta Theta Pi, Tau Beta Pi, Theta Tau. Clubs: University (Chicago), Chicago, Chicago Engineers, Hinsdale Golf, Mo- hawk (Schenectady). Republican. Of- fice: care of General Electric Co., 840 S. Canal St., Chicago, 111. Home: Hins- dale, HI. OPPENHEIMER, Harry Lederer, cer- tified public accountant; b. Paris, Ark., 28 Dec. 1891; s. Isaac Oppenheimer, mcht., and Emma (Lederer) O.; ed. Cent, high sch.; B.C.S., St. Louis Univ., 1917; m. Adele Anthony of Chicago, HI., 12 Oct. 1933; children— Harry L., Jr., Patricia Ann. Partner, S.D. Leidesdorf & Co., C.P.A., Chicago, 111.; mem. Am. Inst, of Accountants, 111. Soc. C.P.A.'s. Clubs: Standard, Northmoor Country, Lake Shore Country. Office: 38 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: 840 S. Green Bay Rd., Highland Park, HI. OBERWORTMANN, Nugent Robert, chief national bank examiner; b. Ber- ger, Mo., 26 Aug. 1896; s. John H. and Katharine C. (Mittendorf) O.; ed. Chetopa (Kan.) high sch.; Labette (Kans.) Teachers Inst.; Pittsburg (Kan.) Normal Coll.; m. Anne C. Han- sen of Kansas City, Mo., 29 Oct. 1932. Taught sch., 1916-17; with Farmers & Merchants State Bank, Chetopa, Kan., 1917-22 (except during World War I); mem. receivership div., Kan. State Banking Dept., 1922, dep. bank commr., 1923, chief examiner, 1st spl. asst. bank commr., 1923-27; examiner, Federal Re- serve Bank, Kansas City, asst. cashier, 1929-33; asst. federal reserve agt., Kan- sas City, 1933-35; chief, field personnel, Federal Deposit Ins. Corp., Washington, D.C. ; chief nat. bank examiner, 7th Fed. Reserve Dist., Chicago, 1934 — ; noncom. off., World War I, Aug. 1918- Apr. 1919; mem. Masons, K.T., Shriners. Recrea- tions: golf, hunting, fishing, cards. Pres- byterian, Democrat. Office: 164 W. Jack- son Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 1519 Hin- mad Av., Evanston, 111. NYKA, Leon C, attorney-at-law; b. Chicago, 111., 28 Dec. 1890; s. Anton F. Nyka and Mary (Junker) N.; ed. DePaul Acad.; LL.B., HI. Coll. of Law, 1915; m. Elizabeth Stargacki of Chicago, HI., 7 Mar. 1915. Asst. commr., 111. Com- merce; Govt. Appeal Agent Bd. No. 57; senior Atty., U.S. Alien Property-cus- todian; mem. Chicago Round Table, K.C., P.N.A., P.R.C.U., I.O.F., Am. Bar Assn., 111. Bar Assn., Chicago Bar Assn., Polish Lawyers Assn., Chicago Soc, Democratic Regular 38th Ward Orgn., Y.M.C.A. Club: Irving. Recreations: golf, fishing. Catholic. Democrat. Office: Suite 2035, 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 4857 Cullam Av., Chicago, 111. MURRAY, Alfred Nicholas, physician, surgeon; b. Bloomington, 111., 28 Jan. 1873; s. Alfred W. Murray, teacher, and Harriet (McDonald) M.; ed. HI. Wes- leyan Univ., 1896; Rush Med. Coll., 1901; m. Edna Schmidt of Chicago, HI., 30 Sept. 1909; children— Donald, Gordon. Page, House of Representatives, Wash- ington, D.C, 1889-93; organist, Chicago Chs., 1898-1900; sec, Phys. Club, 1904; pres., Chicago Ophthalmological Soc, 1922, Kiwanis Club, North Shore, 1937; lecturer on foreign travels, 1936; cons, ophthalmologist, U.S. Marine Hosp. No. 5, U.S. Pub. Service; sr. staff of Au- gustana Hosp. and Ravenswood Hosp.; med. adv. bd. during World War I; Fellow A.C.S.; mem. A.M. A., 111. Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Chicago Oph- thalmological Soc, A.F. & A.M. Club: Chicago Athletic. Author: Minor Oph- thalmic and Aural Technique; Colla- borator Wood's American Encyclopedia of Ophthalmology. Travel: Eur. In- terests: moving pictures, lecturing. Rec- reations: golf, bowling. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: 4753 Broadway, Chi- cago, 111. Home: 6117 Kenmore Av., Chicago, 111. MUDD, Joseph A., Jr., insurance broker; b. Springfield, Ky., 12 May 1888; s. Joseph A. Mudd (dec), and Pamela (Brown) M. (dec); ed. St. Mary's Coll., Charlotte, N.C.; m. Helen Neyer of Chi- cago, 111., 7 Feb. 1923; children— Anita Helen, Charles A. Junior accountant, 1907-10; gen. ins. broker, 1910 — ; dir., Ins. Brokers Assn., 111.; ground aviation and ordnance, 1917-19, Chicago Univ. and Camp Hancock, Ga. ; Clubs: Chi- cago Athletic Assn., Beverly Country, South Shore Country, Chicago of Fla. Interest: farming. Recreation: golf. Catholic. Office: 231 S. LaSalle, Chi- 216 cago, 111. Home: 7000 So. Shore Dr., Chicago, HI. MATJ, William Raymond, western sales manager; b. Bidwell, la., 9 June 1893; s. David Mau (dec), and Addie (Oswald) M.; ed. Crane high sch. (Chi- cago) ; Lewis Inst. (Chicago) ; m. Verna O. Meisel of Chicago, 111., 16 June 1916; 1 dau., Marilynn Jean. Began as asst. to supt., Rich Tool Co., Div. Am. Car & Fdry. Co., Chicago, 1910, became gen. supt., 1916; sales rep., Vanadium Alloys Steel Co., June 1919, dist. mgr., Sept. 1919 — ; mgr. Western Sales, Jan. 1944; mem. Am. Soc. Metals. Clubs: Lake Shore, Medinah Country, Swedish (Chi- cago). Travel: U. S. Recreations: hunt- ing, fishing, golf. Protestant. Repub- lican. Office: 1440 W. Randolph St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 6218 N. Talman Av., Chicago, HI. MARTIN, Edward H. S., lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 22 Apr. 1877; s. Amos W. Martin (dec), lawyer, and Eliza J. (Storms) M. (dec); ed. W. Div. high sch. (Chicago); Ph.B., Univ. Mich., 1897; LL.B., Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1899; m. Grace A. Borland of Chi- cago, 111., 12 Sept. 1900; 1 son, Edward Howard. Engaged in gen. civil pract. ; practiced in Superior Court of U.S. and many federal and state cts., inc. Ark., Calif., D.C., Fla., 111., Ind., la., Ky., Mich., Minn., Mo., Pa., Tenn., Wis.; procured unanimous decision of Superior Court of U.S. holding the Economy Act of 1933 (affecting war risk ins.) un- constitutional, the 1st New Deal enact- ment to be held unconstitutional; lec- turer on contracts, Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1922-24; dir., mem. exec, com., chmn. com. on loans and invest- ments, Washingtonian Home, Chicago; permanent mem., Legal Adv. Bd. dur- ing World War I; mem. Am., HI. State, Chicago and West Suburban Bar Assns., Chicago Law Inst. Travel: U.S., Can. Interest: philately. Recreation: motor- ing. Conglist. Republican. Office: 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 3, HI. Home: 158 N. Scoville Av., Oak Park, HI. JAMIESON, William D., teacher, banker, businessman; b. Greenock, Scotland, 25 Feb. 1879; s. James Jamie- son, coal business, and Mary Jane (Mc- Elderry) J.; ed. Chicago Manual Train- ing Sch., Chicago, HI.; A.B., Univ. of Notre Dame, 1905; LL.B., St. Paul Coll. of Law, 1915; post grad. work, Univ. of Chicago; m. Ella Seeling of San Antonio, Tex., 20 June 1911; children— Mar- guerite, Edward, Ella, Ann, William, Mary Jane, Robert, Alan, Walter. Prof., St. Edward's Univ., Tex., 1906; prof. Eng. and pub. speaking, St. Thomas Coll., St. Paul, Minn., 1907; practice of law, St. Paul 1915; investment banker, St. Paul, 1919; Minn. Inst. Textiles, con- vent dry goods, Chicago, 111.; pres. and gen. mgr., Jamieson, Inc., Chicago, 111.; mem. leg. advisory bd. and mem. of Four Minute speakers group, St. Paul, Minn, during World War I; mem. K.C. (state dep.). Club: So. Shore Country. Recreation: swimming. Catholic. Inde- pendent. Office: 62 E. Lake St., Chicago, HI. Home: 2555 E. 72nd PI., Chicago, 111. HILDEBRANDT, Martha, teacher; b. Elmore, O., 20 June 1893; d. Rev. Henry Hildebrandt, and Martha (Locher) H.; ed. Dundee (HI.) high sch.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1912, M.S. (in Math.), 1926. Teacher in pub. high schs., 1912 — ; speaker and lect. for Math, orgns., mem. Nat. Council of Teachers of Mathematics (pres., 1936-38), Mathe- matical Assn. Am., Cent. Assn. of Sci. and Math. Teachers, I.E. A. Author: various arts, in Mathematics Teacher. Presbyterian. Office: Proviso Township High School, Maywood, 111. Home: 808 So. 2nd Av., Maywood, 111. HEYWORTH, Lawrence, executive (retired); b. Chicago, HI., 11 June 1869; s. J. O. Heyworth, capitalist, and Julia (Dimon) H.; ed. Harvard Prep.; Ph.B., Yale Univ.; m. Marguerite Kallscheur of Chicago, HI., 1914; children— Otto Young Heyworth, Mrs. Fred S. Koch, Lt. Lawrence, Jr., U.S.N. Clubs: Chi- cago Athletic, (p. pres.), South Shore, Calumet (p. pres.). Office: Chicago Athletic Club, Chicago, 111. Home: 2666 E. 73rd St., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Duck Lake, Watersmeet, Mich. HERZOG, Anna Edes, Christian Science lecturer; b. River Falls, Wis.; d. John W. and Helen M. (Smith) Brad- shaw; C.S.B., Christian Science Bd. of Edn., 1928; m. John Seward Herzog, 20 Jan., 1904; Christian Science prac titioner, 1916, teacher, 1928, lecturer 1942 — . Contbr. to Christian Science peri odicals. Address: 921 Spahr Bldg., Co lumbus, O. HEINEMEYER, Floyd La Verne, ob- stetrician and gynecologist; b. Osceola, Neb., 19 Jan. 1898; s. Albert Henry (dec.) and Blanche (Beebe) H.; ed. Osceola high sch.; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1919, M.D., 1923; m. Louise Vorce of Ludington, Mich., 10 Nov. 1924; 1 son, Rodney Vorce. Obstet., gynecol., Evans- ton Hosp., Chicago Lying-in Hosp., 1925—; on med. staff, Rockford Hosp.; courtesy staff, St. Anthony's, Swedish 217 Am. Hosp. ; cons, staff, Winnebago Co. Hosp., Dixon State Hosp., N.Y.; nav. aviation, N.R., inactive duty, 1919; mem. Winnebago Co. Med. Soc, A.M.A., Cent. Assn. Obstet. and Gynecol., Am. Bd. Obstet. and Gynecol. Clubs: Univ. (Rockford), Rockford Country Midday. Interest: photog. Recreation: golf. Protestant. Republican. Office: 321 W. State, Rockford, 111. Home: 2217 Harlem Blvd., Rockford, 111. HAYES, Archer Ellis, pres. Hately Bros. Co.; b. Chicago, 111., 1 Jan. 1882; s. William Henry Hayes and Helen Maud (Ellis) H.; student Woolfolk & Walrath Law Sch., 1901-03; m. Ethel Elizabeth Dodge, 6 Oct., 1906; children —Mrs. Clayton H. Lawson, Archer Ellis, II. V.p. Hately Bros. Co., pork packing and lard refining, Chicago, 111., 1918-34, pres., treas. and dir., 1934—; mem. Chi- cago Bd. Trade, Masons. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Union League (Chi- cago). Office: Hately Bros. Co., 1738 Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 382 Forest Av., Glen Ellyn, HI. HATER, Harry John, gen. mgr. Alu- minum Industries, Inc.; b. Cincinnati, O., 3 Mar., 1891; s. Henry Hater and Mary (Wiechard) H.; student St. Joseph Coll., St. Xavier Coll. (both of Cincin- nati); m. Viola M. Eckerle, 3 June 1920; children— John H., Robert E., Harry J. Pres. Collier Shoe Co., 1914- 20; treas. and gen. mgr. Kant Skore Piston Co., 1920-27; treas., gen. mgr. and dir. Aluminum Inds., Inc., 1927 — ; pres. Consol. Metals, Inc., 1935 — ; mem. Am. Foundrymen's Assn., Cincinnati Chamber Commerce. Clubs: Queen City, Western Hills Country, Variety (Cincinnati), The Recess (Detroit). Of- fice: 2438 Beekman St., Cincinnati, O Home: 4682 Glenway Av., Cincinnati, O. HASTINGS, Harold Merwin, club sec- retary, manager; b. Elizabeth, N.J., 22 Oct. 1888; s. Edwin Hamilton Hastings, hardware mfr., and Mary (Cooley) H. ; ed. Homer Acad.; A.B., Cornell Univ., 1910; m. Gertrude E. Kane of Detroit, Mich., 26 June 1916; 1 son, Tracy Kane. Asst. to works mgr., Solvay Process Co., 1910-14; dist. sales mgr., Hudson Motor Car Co., 1915-18; asst. adv. mgr., Hud- son Motor Car Co., 1919; adv. agency media dir., 1920-25; sec. -mgr., Adcraft Club, Detroit, 1926—; dir. Michigan Con- crete Co.; civilian engr. in Artillery Ammunition Section, Inspection Div., U.S. Ord. Dept., during World War I; mem. Detroit Historical Soc. (tr.), S. A.R., N.A.A. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Boat, Intercollegiate Alumni, Fine Arts Soc. (bd. mgrs.), Players. Editor: The Adcrafter. Travel: Eur., Caribbean, Can. Interest: amateur motion pictures. Protestant. Republican. Office: 2237 Book Tower, Detroit, Mich. Home: 3460 Iroquois Av., Detroit 14, Mich. HAMILL, Herald Floyd, civil engi- neer, land surveyor; b. Otisville, Mich., 5 Nov. 1900; s. Frank W. Hamill, r.r. station agent, and Christina (Davidson) H.; ed. Plymouth high sch.; B.S. (in Civ. Engring), Univ. of Mich., 1921; m. Mildred L. Tyler of Plymouth, Mich., Sept. 1919; 1 dau., Jean Louise. Engr., Mich. State Hwy. Dept., 1919-20, Wash- tenaw Co. Rd. Commn., 1920-22; cons. engr., H.H. Atwell, Ann Arbor, 1922-26; cons. engr. pvt. practice, Plymouth, Mich., 1926—; dir., Plymouth Federal Sav. & Loan Assn.; dir., sec. treas., First Depositous Corp., N. Plymouth; Municipal judge, Plymouth, Mich., 1 July 1933-1 Mar. 1934; mem. Mich. En- gring. Soc, Detroit Engring. Soc. Club: Plymouth Rotary. Office: 203 Conner Bldg., Plymouth, Mich. Home: 47007 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Plymouth, Mich. HAFFA, Titus, pres., gen. mgr. Haber Screw Machine Products Co.; b. Chi- cago, 111., 18 June, 1893; s. Titus Haffa and Lena (Heer) H.; student Lewis Inst., 1912; m. Ethel Rita Seeland, 30 Sept. 1938; mem. Chicago City Council, 1928, (Cook County) Republican Com., State of Illinois, 1920. Home: 1242 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Address: 864 W. North Av., Chicago, HI. GILBERT, Albert Clark, manufac- turer; b. Neenah, Wis., 20 Nov. 1887; s. William Markley Gilbert and Priscilla Arabelle (Hartsock) G. ; ed. Mohegan Lake, N.Y. ; m. Frances Mabel Kim- berly of Neenah, Wis., 25 May 1916; children— Frances Kimberly (dec), Priscilla, Katherine, Gloria, Alice Mark- ley, Nicholas T. Served as treas. and dir., Gilbert Paper Co., 1907-18, v.p., 1918-26, pres. 1926—; v.p., dir., Nat. Mfg. Bank, Neenah, Wis., 1930 — ; tr. t Law- rence Coll., Appleton, Wis., Ripon Coll., Ripon, Wis.; pres., Writing Paper Assn.; mem. Phi Delta Theta, Masons. Clubs: North Shore Golf (Neenah, Wis.), Riverview Country (Appleton, Wis.) Tavern (Chicago). Presbyterian. Office: Gilbert Paper Co., Menasha, Wis. Home: 620 E. Wisconsin Av., Neenah, Wis. DWYER, Paul Sumner, professor; b. Chester, Pa., 8 Dec. 1901; s. E.B. Dwyer, minister, and Anna Belle (Tracy) D.; ed. Linesville high sch., Linesville, Pa.; A.B., Allegheny Coll., 218 1921; A.M., Pa. State Coll., 1923; Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 1936; m. Florence Brown of McBain, 27 June 1932; chil- dren — John M., David J. Teacher of mathematics, Pa. State Coll., 1921-26, Antioch Coll., 1926-36, Univ. of Michigan, 1936—; present title assoc. prof, mathe- matics and res., assoc. in educational investigations; fellow, A.A.A.S., Inst, of Math. State (sec.-treas., 1944 — ); mem. Math. Assn. of Am., (sec. of Mich, sect., 1928 — ); Am. Math. Soc, Am. States Assn., Psychometric Soc, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Pi Sigma, Alpha Chi Rho. Au- thor: arts, in statis., mathematical, ed- ucational and psychological journs. Travel: Eur. Baptist. Independent. Of- fice: 116 Rackham Bldg., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 2509 James St., Ann Arbor, Mich. GOODMAN, Ralph Lee, business ex- ecutive; b. Poland, 4 July 1898; s. Louis Goodman, carpenter, and Sara Reev (Kruspadeon) G.; ed. pub. sens., Chi- cago, 111.; m. Beatrice R. Lentin of Chicago, 111., 9 Dec. 1928; 1 dau., Nancy Lee. Sales rep., Herring Hall Marvin Safe Co., Chicago, 111., 1916-17; asst., circulation dept., Chicago Daily News, 1917-18; real estate broker, Chicago, 111., 1919-25; mgr., bond dept., Myer Kyser Bk., Miami, Fla., 1926-27; U.S. super- visor, Census, 5th Dist., 111., 1930, Un- employment, 1st Dist., 111., 1931; pres., Adv. Distributors Am., 1933-40, chmn. bd., 1940-45; v.p., gen. mgr., Big 4 Adv. Carriers, Chicago, HI., 1927—; resident mgr., Fact- Finders Assn., Inc., 1941-45; chmn., Chicago Census Advisory Commn., 1940; treas., Citizens Sens., Com.; chmn. exec, com., Jr. Achieve- ment of Chicago; mem. advisory bd., Chicago Urban League; v.p., pres. Chi- cago Boys' Brother Republic; mem. Chicago Crime Commn., 1940-45; mem. Chicago City Planning Advisory Bd., 1941-45; mem. exec, bd., Honest Ballot Com., 1941-42, v.p., 1939-42; chmn. Bus. statistics Com.; Chicago Assn. of Com- merce, mem. Vocational Advisory Bd., No. Park Jr. Coll., 1940. Clubs: Chicago Rotary (v.p., chmn., civic com.), Chi- cago Sales Executives, Federation Ad- vertising, City. Republican. Office: 20 E. 8th St., Chicago, HI. Home: 528 Bel- mont Av., Chicago, HI. GIESE, Henry, professor of agricul- tural engineering; b. Danville, la., 23 Dec. 1890; s. George Frederic Giese, physician, and Ella Elvira (Catlin) G.; ed. Danville Pub. Sens., Howe's Acad., Mt. Pleasant; B.S. (in Arch. Engring.), Iowa State Coll., 1919, M.S., (in Agr. Engring.), 1927; arch. eng. (prof, de- gree), 1930; m. Dollie Frances Kelly of Danville, la., 7 June 1913; children — Barbara Ruth, William Henry, Mary Joan. Teacher, Howe's Acad., 1911-12, Ames Public Sens., 1912-16, Engring. Extension, I.S.C., 1916-19; training of- ficer, U.S. Veterans' Bur., 1919-22; instr. engring, math., I.S.C. 1922, with Agr. Engring. Dept., 1923-30, prof., 1930—; on leave as sr. engr., U.S. Bur. Agr. Engring. to direct farm structures re- search survey, 1929-30; served as pvt., U.S.A. during World War I; Fellow Am. Soc. Agr. Engrs. (v.p. mem.); la. En- gring. Soc, Am. Assn. of Univ. Profs., la. Acad. Sci., Nat. Fire Protection Assn., S.P.E.E., S.A.R., Mayflower Soc, A.F. & A.M., A. A. Scottish Rite, Shrine, Pi Kappa Phi, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Mu Alpha. Club: Ames Golf & Country. Author: approx. 70 pubis, of la. St. Coll. bulletins, articles in tech. jours. Travel: U.S. Paternal g.f., John Giese, settled in Des Moines Co., 1843; maternal g.f., Samuel Catlin, a Fortyniner, settled there, 1853. In- terests: music, woodworking. Recrea- tion: golf. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: Iowa State College, Ames, la. Home: 3407 Oakland St., Ames, la. DANA, Lynn B., Sr., musician; b. Middleport, N.Y., 15 Oct. 1875; s. Wm. H. Dana, musician, and Emma (Tuttle) D.; ed. Warren pub. sens.; M.B., Dana's Mus. Inst, and Coll. of Mus., 1897, M.M., 1908, Fellow, 1912, D.M., 1915; m. Retta C. Nimocks of Great Bend, Kan., 26 June 1901; 1 son, Lynn B., Jr. Concert pianist, accompanist, band, orchestra, opera and choral dir., 1897 — ; composer, lecturer, critic, organist, teacher, Mus. Dept., Chautauqua Inst., Chautauqua, N.Y., 1901-17; life dir., Mt. Lebannon (Pa.) High Sch. band, 1939, Faculty Union Co. Band and Orchestra Sch., Rozelle, N.J., 1920; local rep., Royal Acad. Music, London, Eng., 1922; pres., Dana's Music Inst., Warren, O., 1916 — ; dir., Masonic Chorus, 13 yrs.; mem. O. Music Teachers* Assn., (chmn., Certifi- cation Com.); Am. Mus. Festival Assn., local bd. of Edn. (pres., 2 yrs.), Ma- sons, (32d deg.), Tau Delta Beta (founder). Club: Torch. Author: many musical works, vocal and instrumental; in The Challenge, off. pageant of Ohio, mus. in his opera Ruth. Grand nephew of Charles A. Dana, founder of N.Y. Sun and Asst. Sec. of War, under Abra- ham Lincoln; father estb. first band and orchestra sch. in Am., 1868; 4 genera- tions connected with present sch. In- 219 terests: mus., civic, books, philatel. Recreations: travel, baseball. Method- ist. Republican. Office: Dana's Musical Institute and College of Music, Youngs- town, O. Home: 1676 Mahoning Av., N.W., Warren, Ohio. Died, 21 Sept. 1941. HOGAN, Harding Roland, minister; b. Chicago, m.j s. W.J. Herbert Hogan, minister, and Amelia (Harding) H.; ed. Jefferson high sen., Chicago, HI.; Berea Coll., Ky.; Univ. Chicago; D.D. (hon.), Ripon Coll., Wis., 1931; m. Grace M. Andrus of Ashland, Wis., 23 Jan. 1900; children — Grace A., It. col. Adellon H., Muriel M., Audrey R., Beverley E. Or- dained Congl. minister, 1900; pastor, Steuben, Wis., 1900-01, Farview, 1902- 04, Spring Green, 1904-08, Amery, 1908- 10, Sparta, 1910-18, Racine, 1918-44, East Troy, Wis., 1944—; served as Y.M.C.A. dir. of religious work, Wright Aviation Field, Dayton, O., during World War I; p. mem. bd., Wis. Congl. Conf. 1910-16, (moderator, 1910), v.pres., Christian En- deavor Acad., 1912-22, Union Theol. Coll. (Chicago), Assoc. Charities of Racine (Wis.), Home Bd. of Congl. & Christian Churches; del. Nat. Council Congl. Chs., several times; elected Justice of the Peace in Grant Co., Wis.; p. pres., Ra- cine Ministers' Assn. Clubs: Milwaukee Congregational, Racine Rotary (p. pres.). Author: many pub. sermons, poems and pamphlets. Travel: U.S., Eur. Desc. Capt. Wilhelm Van der Haagen, who estb. a home in Eng. in 1688, and Albert Harding of Wiltshire, Eng., who settled in Chicago, HI., 1844. Interests: gardening, shooting, poetry. Conglist. Independent Republican. Of- fice and home: 215 W. Union St., East Troy, Wis. Summer res. : LaPointe, Ash- land Co., Wis. MUNSON, Grace Esther, director of bureau of child study; b. Orleans, Neb., 17 Oct. 1883; d. Peter H. Munson, mcht., and Jennie (Stromberg) M.; ed. Or- leans (Neb.) high sen.; Peru (Neb.) State Normal Sen.; B.A., Univ. Neb., 1911, Ph.D., 1916; M.A., Wellesley Coll., 1912. Teacher, rural schs. ; teacher sci. and math., high schs.; prin., high sen., Geneva, Neb. ; instr. ed. and child study. Univ. Neb.; clinical psychologist, Chi- cago; prin., Kilmer Expt. Sen.; instr., Chicago Teachers Coll.; dir., Bur. Child Study, 1935—; mem. A.P.A., A.A.A.S., N.E.A., Am. Assn. Sch. Admrs., Am. Assn. Applied Psychol., Nat. Voc. Guid- ance Assn., Am. Assn. for Study Mental Deficiency, 111., Applied Psych., HI. Soc. Mental Hygiene, Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Kappa Gamma. Clubs: Chicago Psycho- logical, Cordon. Author: mag. arts, on ed. and psychological service to schs. Travel: U.S. Scandinavian grandparents and parents were Neb. pioneers in 1870. Interests: music, art, landscape archi- tecture. Recreations: gardening, motor- ing. Protestant. Office: Board of Edu- cation, 228 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: R. 2, Box, 213, Mundelein, 111. THOENE, Christine Augusta, super- visor of teacher training; b. Dubuque, la.; d. Diedrich, Thoene and Sophie (Beake) T.; ed. Dubuque (la.) high sch., B.A., la. State Teachers Coll., 1911; student, Univ. of Chicago; M.A., Teachers Coll., Columbia, 1925; student, Univ. of 111. Teacher in pub. schs., Dubu- que, la.; critic-in-training, la. State Teachers Coll.; critic supervisor, State Teachers Coll., Oshkosh, Wis., Whitewat- er, Wis., Dekalb, 111., HI. State Normal Univ.; bd. mem. Y.W.C.A. Coll.; mem. Nat. Congress of Parents and Teachers, N.E.A.. Progressive Edn. Assn., 111. Assn. Elementary Supervisors, Nat. As- sn. Supervisors of Student Teachers, Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Kappa Delta Epsi- lon. Clubs: Faculty Women's, Junto. Co- author: Studies in Geography of North America. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: reading, poetry. Recreation: drama. Presbyterian, Republican. Office: Hli- nois State Normal Univ., Normal, HI. Home: 208 W. Ash St., Normal, HI. FAZEN, Louis Edward, Sr., surgeon; b. Racine, Wis., 11 Mar. 1876; s. John Fazen, farmer, and Anna (Tolfson) F.; ed. Racine pub. schs.; Pattersons Prep. Coll.; M.D., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1900; m. Capitola May Ledwick of Racine, Wis., 12 June 1900; children — Gladys Larson, Constance McKivett, Dr. Louis E., Jr., Ruth Munch, Grace Hueffner. Specialist in surg. ; chief of staff, St. Mary's Hosp. Racine, 1923-42; mem. exec. com. since organization at St. Mary's Hosp. of Racine, lecturer, Nurses Training Sch., 1910-27; on St. Luke's Hosp. staff since organization; p. pres. Racine Co. Med. Soc. and Tri Co. Med. Soc. Councilor Dist.; mem. Med. Adv. Bd., State of Wis.; surg. mem. Racine Co. Med. Adv. Bd., during World War I; mem. Med. Adv. Bd., World War II; Fellow, A.C.S., A.M. A., Am. Assn. Indsl. Phy. and Surgs. ; mem. State and Co. Med. Socs., Am. Ry. Sur- geons Assn., Ind. Physicians and Sur- geons Assn., Fract. Corns, for A.C. (State of Wis.), Elks. Club: Racine Country. Author: Cardiospasm, 1937. Travel: U.S., Cent. Am., Can., Mex. Recreations: golf, hunting, fishing. Methodist. Republican. Office: 729 Main 220 St., Racine, Wis. Home: 729 Main St., Racine, Wis. WICKENS, Hugh D., lawyer; b. No. Vernon, Ind., 30 Aug. 1870; s. Patrick Wickens, farmer, and Hannah (Devine) W.; ed. No. Vernon (Ind.) high sch.; B.L., Indiana Law Sch., 1895; m. Adele T. Gallaghher of Greensburg, 1 Oct., 1902; children— Paul N., Justin L., Hu- bert L., Richard D., Mary Adele (Mrs. Marion Frogge), Albert E. Gen. law practice, 1895-1910, 1916—; co. atty., 1900-03; mem. Library Bd., 1904-10; judge, Circuit Ct., 1910-16. Sons, Paul N., Lt. Col., U.S.A., Mil. Missions, So. Am., Justin L., Comdr., U.S.N. , Hubert E., lawyer, former pros, atty., state senator, Richard D., SKV 2/c, U.S.N., Albert E., T4, U.S.A. Med. Corp. Catho- lic. Democrat. Office: News Bldg., Greensburg, Ind. Home: 426 N. East St., Greensburg, Ind. MERRILL, Karl G., teacher; b. Grant, Mich., 9 Nov. 1890; s. Winfield S. Mer- rill, civil engr., and Orinda (Scott) M.; ed. Ferris Inst., Coll. Prep.; B.S., Mich. State Normal Coll.; M.A., Mich. State Coll., 1938; Dr. Jur. (hon.), Ferris, Inst., 1944; m. Jennie Belden of Mer- rill, Mich.; children— Kathleen, Lt. Don- ald (dec, Philippines, 1943). Stenogra- pher to a congressman 60th session; Woods Commerial Sch., Washington, D.C.; high sch., Lake Linden, Mich., 2 yrs.; Albany Coll.; dean of commerce, Ferris Inst.; dir. Big Rapids Gas Co.; pres. bd., Phelps Free Library; chmn. Selective Service Bd. No. 1, Menacosta Co.; mem. Mich Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters, Nat. Assn. Cost Accountants, P.E.R. of B.P.O.E. No. 974, Austin Blair Republican, Rotary (p. pres.). In- terests: watching natural gas develop., Mich., writer master's thesis, Natural Gas in Mecosta Co. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Office: vice president, Ferris Institute, Big Rapids, Mich. Home: 322 S. Warren Av., Big Rapids, Mich. CLYMER, Cyril Ebert, surgeon; b. New Burnside, 111., 8 June, 1886; s. David Edward Clymer, harvester mgr., and Ida (Von Sheerer) C; ed. EIReno (Okla.) high sch.; B.A., St. Louis Univ., M.D., 1910; m. Lou French Hatchett of EIReno, Okla., 1915; children— John H., David Edward. Prof. Surg., head dept. surg. ; now lt. col. M.C.R. and comdr. Evacuation Hosp. 21 formed from staff of Med. Dept. of Univ. of Okla.; Fel- low, A.C.S., International Coll. Surg., A.M. A. Club: Twin Hills Country. Travel: Eur. Protestant. Democrat. Of- fice: 812 Medical Arts Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 832 N.W. 40th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. HANKE, Milton Theodore, research consultant; b. Chicago, 111., 23 Apr. 1893; s. Theodore J. Hanke, wood carver, and Fredaricka (Wilken) H.; ed. John Mar- shall high sch., Chicago, HI., B.S. Univ., Chicago, 1914. Ph.D., 1917; m. Catherine M. Graf of Chicago, HI., 29 Mar. 1925; children — Robert M., Mrs. Michael Con- ners. Engaged in biochem. and med. research, Chicago, 111., 1917 — ; prof, physiol. chemistry, N.D. Agr. Coll., 1916-17; assoc. prof, physiol. chemistry, Otho S.A. Sprague Memorial Inst, for Med. Research, Univ. Chicago, 1917-33, research cons, in biochemistry and nu- trition, 1933 — ; mem. bd. dirs. Soy Bean Patents Co., Soy Bean Products Co. (Chicago); mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists, Soc. for Research in Child Development, Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Quadrangle, University. Author: Nutrition and Health; Diet and Dental Health; Nu- trition et Dentition; many arts, on bio- chemistry. Recreations: fishing, auto- mobile travel. Office and home: 7550 S. Green St., Chicago, HI. LACHENMEYER, Otto Hugo, news- paper publisher; b. Dover, O., 26 Sept. 1893; s. Hugo Lachenmeyer, wholesale grocer, and Mary (Schaeffer) L.; ed. high sch., Dover, O.; B.A., O. State Univ., 1915; m. Hattie Mae McAtee of Clinton, Okla., 15 Apr. 1925. Oil develop- ment dept., San Antonio, Tex., 1919-23; pub. Pawhuska Jr. Capital, 1924-25, Cushing Daily Citizen, 1925-40; co- founder, Times-Democrat, Wewoka, Okla., 1926-31; owner and pub., Tex. City Sun, Texas City, Tex., 1935—; founder, part owner, Houma Daily Courier, Houma, La., 1936 — ; advisory bd., Okla. Development Council; dir., Chamber Commerce, Cushing, Okla., Okla. Press Assn., 1928-29, 1944-45; dem. country chmn., Payne Co., 1940-41; 2nd It., F.A., U.S.A., 18 mos., during World War I; mem. A.L., Co. Selective Service Bd., 1940-41. Club: Rotary. Interests: golf, deer hunting. Presbyterian. Demo- crat. Office: Cushing Daily Citizen, Cushing, Okla. Home: 1044 E. Moses St., Cushing, Okla. SMITH, William Ernest, professor of history; b. Licking, Mo., 30 Apr. 1892; s. William Henry Smith, farmer, and Laura (Ray) S.; ed. State Teachers Coll. at Warrensburg and Springfield, Mo.; Univ. Colo.; Ph.D., Univ. Wis.; 1926; m. Ophia D. Smith of Walnut Grove, Mo., 17 July 1916; children — Jo- 221 seph William, Laura Josephine (dec). Teacher, prin., supt. schs., Mo., 12 yrs.; grad. work, Univ. Wis., 1923-26, asst. prof, hist., Miami Univ., 1926; lecturer, Univ. Wis. during summers of 1926, 1928, also State Teachers Coll., Springfield, Mo., 1924-25; lecturer on comtemporary econ., social and polit. problems in U.S., Univ. Cincinnati, evening coll., 1930; chmn. dept. of hist., Miami Univ.; made t many speeches and addresses each year; dir., Farmers State Bank, Oxford, O.; mem. Am. Hist. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Mo. Hist. Soc, Ohio Archaeological and Hist. Soc, Oxford Hist. Soc, William Holmes McGuffey Assn. Clubs : Miami Men's, Young Men's Faculty. Author: Francis Preston Blair Family in Politics (2 vols.); mag. arti- cles. Editor and co-author: The Ameri- can Civil War; Col. A.W. Gilbert, Citi- zen, Soldier, of Cincinnati (with Ophia D. Smith); Colonial Labor; Contri- butions of the Puritans; Colonial In- ventions. Editor: The Oxford Historical Series of which the first volume is His- toric Houses of Old Oxford by Ophia D. Smith. Travel: U.S. Interest: Am. hist. Recreations: golf, collecting letters, manuscripts. Presbyterian. Pro- gressive Republican. Office: Miami Uni- versity, Oxford, O. Home: 110 S. College Av., Oxford, O. NAROWETZ, Louis Ludwig, venti- lating contractor; b. Chicago, HI., 27, Jan. 1892; s. Louis S. Narowetz and Mary (Kristan) N.; ed. Crane Tech. high sen.; student Lewis Inst., 1908-09; m. Lillian Strobl of Chicago, 111., 27 Jan. 1915; children — June, Fern, Shir- ley. Apprenticed to father's bus. and Union 73, Local Sheet Metal Workers; made journeyman, in charge of constr. of ventilation, Chicago & North Western R.R. Sta., Chicago; pres., dir. and 31 per cent owner, Narowetz Heating and Ventilating Co., Chicago; connected with Bldgs. Power & Light Co. (Chi- cago), Drying Systems, Inc.; chmn. joint arbitration bd. Sheet Metal, In- dustry, Chicago; mem. Am. Soc. Heat- ing and Ventilating Engrs. Christian Scientist. Clubs: Illinois Athletic, Michi- gan Shores. Author: engring. arts, for trade mags. Office: 1722 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 945 Michigan Av., Wilmette, HI. NADEAU, Oscar Eugene, surgeon; b. Marinette, Wis., 23 Oct. 1888; ed. Mari- nette high sen.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1911; M.D., Univ. Chicago, 1913; m. Natalie Ashmenckas, M.D., 3 July 1940. Assoc, prof, surg., Univ. HI.; attending sur- geon, Augustana Hosp.; attending specialist in surgery, U.S. Marine Hosp.; at present, chief surg. serv. Fletcher Gen. Hosp., Cambridge, O.; 1st It., S.A.T.C., U.S.A., 1917-18; It. col. M.C. A.U.S., Sept. 1942—; mem. A.M.A., Am. Bd. Surgery, A.C.S., Inst. Medicine of Chicago, Chicago Surg. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc. Club: Columbia Yacht (com- modore, 1941). Author: arts, in med. literature. Recreation: yachting. Repub- lican. Office: 2051 Sedgwick St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 747 Hutchinson St., Chi- cago, HI. * QUIGLEY, Daniel Thomas, physician, surgeon; b. Baraboo, Wis., 27 June 1876; s Thomas Bartlett Quigley, farmer, and Bessie (Durnin) Q.; ed. Lennox high sen.; Lake Forest, HI.; Chicago Univ.; Rush Med. Coll.; post grad. study in Vienna, Berlin, Paris, London, Rome; m. Helen Seyferth of N. Platte, 15 June 1904; 1 son, Thomas Bartlett. Instr. sur- gery, Univ. Neb.; health commr., N. Platte, 1909-13; chief of staff, Lutheran Hosp., engaged in Red Cross Service during World War I; mem. local, state and co. med. socs., chmn. section on surgery Mid West Clinical Soc, F.A. M.A., A.C.S., Am. Coll. Radiology. Au- thor: Conquest of Cancer, 1929; Notes of Vitamins and Diets, 1933; The Na- tional Malnutrition, 1943; many arts, in med. jours. Travel: Eur. Interests: radium, nutrition, surgery. Office: 721 Medical Arts, Omaha, Neb. Home: 3801 Jones St., Omaha, Neb. KOHLMETZ, Lilian M., lawyer; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 17 Feb. 1892; d. Wil- liam Kohlmetz and Wilhelmina (Pagels) K.; ed. South Div. high sen.; Marquette Univ. Law Sch. Stenographer, law of- fice; admitted to law practice, 1922; mem. Am., State and Co. Bar Assns., Nat. Assn. of Women Lawyers, Milwau- kee, Co. Women Lawyers Assn., Mil- waukee Co. Rep. Com., Women's Court & Civic Conf. (patron), Waubeesee Lake Conservation & Advancement Assn., Navy Fathers (hon. mem.), Sons of Am. (hon. mem.). Club: 24th Ward Repub- lican. Recreations: swimming, dancing, needlework. Evangelical. Republican. Office: 2920 W. Forest Home Av., Mil- waukee 7, Wis. Home: 1934A S. Layton Blvd., Milwaukee 4, Wis. Summer res.: Waubeesee Lake, R. 1, Box 180, Water- ford, Wis. SCHARLEMANN, Ernst Karl, minis- ter; b. Kiel, Ger., 4 Aug. 1887; natural- ized, Nashville, 111., 11 Oct. 1915; s. Gott- lieb Scharlemann, Rechnungsrat, Im- perial German Navy, and Franziska (Tessmann) S.; ed. Gymnasium Kiel, 222 Ger. f Kaiser Wilhem's Acad., Wilhelms- haven; pvt. tutor (Latin & Greek) Ger.; Concordia Seminary (St. Louis, Mo.), 1907-09; summer school teacher, Modena, Wis. 1908; post-grad., Oska- loosa, la., Ph.D., 1912; m. Johanna Harre of Nashville, 111., 1 Dec. 1909; children— Martin, Esther, Alfred, Ferdin- and, Edith, Erna, Edna, Herbert, Rob- ert, Evy, Evelyn, Floyd. Ordained Lu- theran minister, June 1909; pastor, St. Peter's Church, Nashville, 111., June 1909-Feb. 1919, Trinity Ch., Campbell Hill, 111., Mar. 1919- Jan. 1921, Trinity Ch., Friedheim, Mo., Jan. 1921-July 1925, Lincoln Ch., near Lake City, Minn., Aug. 1925, Justice, Wabasha Co., 1935, investigator of ch. conditions in post- war Eur., Eng., Ger., Fr., Switzerland, Austria, Apr.-Sept. 1923; mem. Washing- ton Co., HI. Exemption Board, 1917-18, Universal Esperanto Assn., Geneva, Switzerland, 1927-32; co. chmn. Farmer Labor Assn., Wabasha Co., Minn., 1934- 39; 1st Congressional Dist. chmn. during governorship of Elmer Benson; mem. Platform Com., Farmer Labor State Conv., Duluth, Minn., 1938; Lutheran Acad, for Scholarship (Alpha Lambdi Phi), 1942, Hist. Soc. (hon. mem.) Lake City, Minn., 1944. Author: Twilight of Logic, 1912; Gesicht vom Abend und Morgen, 1915; En la lasta Tempo, 1925; The Lincoln Song, 1932; History of Lin- coln Church, 1933; Essays on church work and doctrine. Ed.: Lincoln Items (weekly), 1928. Travel: Ger., Can., Eng., Switz., Austria, Fr., U.S. Interest: the- ology, economics, philosophy. Lutheran. Independent. Home: Lincoln Parsonage, R. 4, Lake City, Minn. STOCKING, Charles Howard, profes- sor of pharmacy; b. Stockbridge, Mich., 27 Aug. 1882; s. Hiram Stocking, farmer, and Mary Ann (Morgan) S.; ed. Stock- bridge High Sen.; Albion Coll., 1903-04; Ph.C, Univ. Mich. Coll. Pharm., 1907, B.S., 1909, M.S., Grad. Sen., 1925; m. Grace A. Cook of Benton Harbor, Mich., 4 Aug. 1909; children— Charles H., Jr., Prescott Norwood. Prof, pharm., Kansas City Coll. Pharm., 1909-11, dean, 1910-11; research chem., Upjohn Co., Kalama- zoo, 1911-12; prof, pharm., dean coll. Pharm., Univ. Okla., 1912-17; research chem., Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, 1917-18; edit, writer, Pharmaceutical Era, N.Y. City, 1918-19; consulting chem., 1919-20; mem. faculty, Coll. Pharm., Univ. Mich., 1920—; tr., Pres- cott Mem. Scholarship Fund, Mich. State Pharm. Assn., 1925 — ; mem. Fel- low A.A.A.S.; Am. Pharm. Assn., Phi Delta Chi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Rho Chi, Masonic Lodge, Am. Conf. Pharm. Fac- ulties (v.p., 1922-25), Am. Assn. Colls. Pharm. (pres., 1932-33). Author: Emulsi- fication of Oils— Effect of Viscosity, 1917; The Revised Curricula of the Univ. of Mich. Coll. of Pharmacy, 1923; Busi- ness Administration Courses in College of Pharmacy, 1924; Isolation of Alka- loids Aided Medicine, 1924; Wool Fats, Ancient and Modern, with Processes of Recovery and Purification, 1926; Oil from the Liver of the Cod, 1926; Forti- fying the Prescription Counter, 1927; Michigans Pharmaceutical Achieve- ment, 1933; Address of the President of the Am. Assn. of Colleges of Phar- macy, 1933; Dental Group Stamps Ap- proval on Accepted Products, 1934; Ac- cepted Dental Remedies, 1934; Stevens' Arithmetic of Pharmacy (revised with J.L. Powers) 1936; Fundamentals of Pharmacy, Theoretical and Practical (with W.H. Blome), 1939; Arithmetic of Pharmacy (with E.L. Cataline), 1942. Travel: U.S. Lineal desc. George Stock- ing, squire of Stockingham, Eng., who came to America with Thomas Hooker, founders of Hartford, Conn., 1636; pa- ternal grandfather pioneered from N.Y. to Washtenaw Co., Mich., 1828. In- terests: fishing, travel. Methodist. Of- fice: 250 Chemistry and Pharmacy Bldg., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1928 Ridge Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. Summer res. : Pointe aux Pins, Bois Blanc Island, Mich. SHORT, Lloyd M., university profes- sor; b. Knoxville, 111., 3 Feb. 1897; s. James F. Short, shipping clerk, and Ada C. (Palmquist) S.; ed. Galesburg (111.) high sen.; A.B., Knox Coll., 1919; A.M., Univ. 111., 1920, Ph.D., 1922; m. Bessie A. Thayer of Urbana, 111., 6 Sept. 1924; children — Marjorie Lucile, Eliza- beth Ann. Instr., pol. sci., Univ. Akron, 1922-23; asst. prof., pol. sci. and pub. law, Univ. Mo., 1923-27, assoc. prof., 1927-29, prof, and asst. dean, Grad. Sen., 1929-35; prof., pol. sci. and dir., Pub. Admin. Training Center, Univ. Minn., 1935—; staff, Inst, for Govt. Research, The Brookings Inst., summers, 1921-23, 1927; v. chmn. City Planning and Zon- ing Commn., Columbia, Mo.; chmn., spl. exam, com., State Civ. Service Dept., Minn.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma Rho, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Soc. Pub. Admin., Internat. City Mgrs. Assn., Civ. Service Assn., Nat. Mun. League, A. A. U.P. Club: Campus. Author: Develop- ment of National Administration Organi- zation in Minnesota, 1923; co-author. (C.W. Tiller) Minn. Com. Adm. & Fin., 223 1943; contribs. to prof, jours, in pol. sci. and pub. admin. Baptist. Office: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 65 Clarence Av., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. HOLDEN, Perry Greeley, agrl. edu- cator; b. Dodge County, Minn., 13 Oct. 1865; s. Denison Franklin and Helen Mar (Wilson) H.; B.S., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1889, M.S., 1895; B.Pd., Mich. State Nor- mal Sch., 1894 (M.Pd., 1912); m. Carrie Burnett, 25 Nov., 1892; children— Eu- gene D., Mrs. Helen Holden Besemer, Ellsworth Burnett. Fellow and instr. agr., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1889-93; prof, science, Benzonia Coll., Mich., 1895; county supt. schs., Benzie County, Mich., 1896-97; asst. prof, of soil physics, then prof, agronomy. Univ. of HI., 1898- 1900; agriculturist for 111. Sugar Refin- ing Co., 1900-01; organized Funk Bros. Seed Co. for scientific breeding of corn, 1901; prof, agronomy and vice-dean of Iowa State Coll., 1902-06; conducted first railway train for carrying agr. instrn. to farmers, 1904; at head of all agr. extension work of la. State Coll., 1 July, 1906-1 Jan., 1912; dir. agr. extension dept. for Internat. Harvester Co. for worldwide extension of agr. instrn., 1912- 32; chmn. agr. bd. Resources Corp. Engr. Chicago Gardens Assn. during World War I.; progressive-Republican candidate for nomination for gov. of la., 1912; awarded medal for distin- guished service to agr. and agr. edn., Panama-Pacific Edpn., 1914; also mem. Jury of Awards of same expn.; diploma for distinguished service to agr., Univ. of Wis. Author: monographs on potato, corn, and sugar beet culture, many ar- ticles in agr. press. Originator of ro- tation plan for vitalizing the teaching of agr. in rural schools., Conglist. Re- publican. Home: Belleville, Mich. KUNKEL, William Albert, Jr., pub. Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette; b. Bluff- ton, Ind., 20 Feb. 1895; s. William Al- bert Kunkel and Minnie Aubrey (Mor- gan) K.; student Culver Summer Naval Sch., 1909-10, 1911-12, Indiana Univ., 1912-16, Harvard Law Sch., 1916-17; m. Lois Steen Nicholson, 2 June, 1917; children — Mary Ann Kunkel Haynie, William Albert, III. Admitted to Ind. bar, 1919; oil producer, consultant on financing and organization of oil prop- erties, 1919-30; receiver Bank of Poneto (Ind.), 1923-30, Montpelier (Ind.) State Bank, 1929-33, Citizens Trust Co., Fort Wayne, 1932-33; pres. Marion and Bluff- ton Traction Co., 1923-24; sec. Bliss Hotel Co., Bluff ton, 1921—; purchased and became pub. of Fort Wayne Journal- Gazette, 1934; pres. and treas. 15 Oct., 1935—; dir. Bliss Hotel Co.; sec.-treas. Kunkel & Co.; dir. Fairview (Ind.) Cemetery Assn.; served as ensign, U.S. Navy, 1917-18; del. Dem. Nat. Conv., Philadelphia, 1936; tr. Indiana Univ. and Bluffton City Schs.; sec. Anthony Wayne Memorial Commn.; dir. Hoosier Salon (ann. art exhibit); mem. Indian- apolis Press Club, Am. Legion, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Delta Chi. Democrat. Methodist. Mason (32d deg., K.T.), K.P., Elk. Clubs: Indianapolis Athletic; Fort Wayne Country; Bluffton Country; Quest (Fort Wayne). Home: 305 Oak St., Bluffton, Ind. Office: 701-13 Clinton St., Fort Wayne, Ind. OATES, James Franklin, Jr., lawyer; b. Evanston, HI., 11 Nov. 1899; s. James F. Oates, life ins., and Henrietta M.' (Jennings) O.; ed. Evanston Acad., 1913- 16; Phillips Exeter Acad., Exeter, N.H., 1917; A.B., Princeton Univ., 1921; J.D., Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1924; m. Rosalind Wright of Chicago, 111., 19 June 1925; children — Rosalind, James F., III. Assoc, law firm Cutting, Moore & Sid- ley, Chicago, and its successor, Sidley, Austin, Burgess & Harper, 1924—, part- ner, 1931—; tr., George Wliams Co., Chicago, HI., and Lake Geneva, Wis.; mem. bd. mgrs., pres., Y.M.C.A., Chi- cago; tr., Sunday Evening Club, Lake Forest Acad.; It., Inf., U.S.A., 1918-19; chief Purchase Policy, Ordnance Dept., U.S. Army, 1942-44; mem. Chicago, HI. State and Am. Bar Assns. Clubs: Attic, Chicago, Legal, Law, Commercial Com- monwealth (Chicago), Onwentsia. Princeton (New York), University Cot- tage (Princeton, N.J.). Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 11 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 881 Church Rd., Lake Forest, HI. WING, Orion N., educator; b. Capron, 111., 28 Apr. 1891; s. Hans Wing and Emma (Nelson) W.; ed. Northern HI. State Teachers' Coll., 1912; A.B., Univ. HI., 1916; Northwestern Univ.; m. Elo- ise Rosenburger of Rochelle, HI. (dec, 1944); 1 dau., Lucille; m. (2nd) Mrs. Fischer Perkins, 1945. Prin. pub. sch., Poplar Grove, HI., 1912; supt. schs., Windsor, Barry and Rochelle, HI., 1915- 22; dean of high schs., Cent. Y.M.C.A. Coll., 1922—; dir. div. of sec. practice, Cent. Y.M.C.A. Coll., 1940—, organized curriculum in sec. practice; v. pres., Pvt. Schs. Assn. of Central States (or- ganized Chicago Pvt. Sch. Athletic League); mem. Keep Chicago Safe Com.; organized accredited high sch. courses in connection with Century of Progress; capt. Inf., Officers Res., 224 1918—; organized approved group of war activities for 111. sens., 1917; mem. Nat. Assn. Secondary Sch. Prins., Acacia, Shriners, Masons (32d deg.), Sojourners. Clubs: Army and Navy, Quadrangle, Chicagoland Headmasters, Chicago Farmers. Interests: collecting hist, source material, dairy farming. Office: 19 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 6917 Paxton Av., Chicago, 111. UNTHANK, Alice Gertrude, teacher, painter, etcher; b. near Economy, Ind.; d. George J. Unthank, realtor, and Viola Ada (Shutts) U.; ed., Richmond (Ind.) high sch.; Earlham Coll.; A.B., Univ. Neb., 1904; M.A., Univ. Chicago, 1934; Univ. Paris; N.Y. Univ., Paris Branch; Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.; pupil of J.E. Bundy, Martha Walter, C.C. Rosencranz, Knute Heldner, Pedro de Lemos, David Erickson, Glenn Mitchell, Paul van Ryzin; pupil Othon Frieze and Eric Scott, Paris, Fr.. Awards: second prize still life, Arrowhead Exhibition, Duluth, Minn., 1928, hon. mention pastel landscape, West Duluth, Minn., 1929; Fishing Boats, Honfleur (oil) Carroll Coll., Waukesna, Wis.; instr., Art Dept., State Teachers Coll., Superior, Wis.; mem. Com. Teachers Coll. Group, Dept. of Art Edn. of Nat. Edn. Assn.; mem. State Com. for Nat. Ark Week; Publicity Com. Western Arts Assn.; mem. A.A. U.W., A.F.A., Am. Artists Prof. League, Am. Lib. Color Slides, Hoosier Salon, Coll. Art Assn., Western Arts Assn., Wis. E.A., Lake Superior E.A., N.E.A., (Dept. Art Ed.), Superior Art Center, O.E.S., Douglas Co. Hist. Soc. Author: arts, in School Arts, Dryad Quarterly, Design Mag. Travel: U.S., Eur. Inter- ests: painting, etching, marionettes, pottery, ceramics. Recreations: travel, reading. Protestant. Office: Superior State Teachers College, Superior, Wis. Home: Androy Hotel, Superior, Wis. KNECHT, Karl Kae, cartoonist, Sun- day columnist; b. Iroquois, S.D., 4 Dec. 1883; s. Harry A. Knecht, mcht., and Bridget Marie (Fahey) K.; ed. Free- port, (HI.) high sch.; Art Inst., Chicago, 111., 1903-06; m. Jannie Moore of Evans- ville, Ind., 22 Aug. 1918. Clerk, I.C.R.R., Freeport and Chicago; reporter, Free- port Bulletin, 1900; first cartoon printed in Freeport Standard, 1904; cartoonist, Evansville (Ind.) Courier 1906—; car- toonist Sunday Courier and Prees; dean Ind. cartoonists; dir. and asst. treas., Evansville Courier, Inc.; Dem. candi- date for state legis., 1928; mem. Evans- ville Bd., City Park and Airport Commn., 1935-38; organizer, Circus Fans of Am., 1925; founder, White Tops, Cir- cus Fans of Am., publication ed. of same, 1927-34; mem. Am. Soc. Mamolo- gists, Nat. Zool. Soc, Ind. Soc. Chicago, Evansville Soc. Fine Arts and Mus., Evansville Zool. Soc. Club: Nat. Travel. Author: Surprise Puzzle Drawing Book; Paree-Cooteen-The Mexican Volcano ; How to Put On Your Own Backyard Circus; contbr. to Billboard, Saw Dust Ring (London), A Book of Indiana (Evansville sect.). Travel: U.S., Can. : Mex. Interests: theater, circus, show coll. data on elephants, elephant rep licas, started city zoo in 1928; lent car toon aid to local and state affairs. Rec reations : travel, motoring, flower gar dening. Independent Democrat. Office Indiana Courier, Evansville, Ind Home: 31 Adams Av., Evansville 19 Ind. Van ORMAN, F. Harold, hotel opera- tor; b. Flint, Mich., 26 Sept. 1884; s. Fred Van Orman, hotel operator, and Demaris (Paddock) V.; ed. Phillips Exeter Acad., N.H. ; Stone Sch., Boston, Mass.; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1908; m. Susie Beeler of Evansville, Ind., 1913; m. (2nd) Harriett Hodgini of Chicago, 111., 1935; children— F. Harold, Jr., Jereme Beeler, William Henry, Richard Albert. Assoc, with father, 1908; pres., Van Orman Hotels, including Van Or- man Hotel Operating Co. (Hotel Mc- Curdy, Evansville Ind.), Fred and Harry W. Van Orman Operating Co. (Hotel Orlando, Decatur, 111.), Rockford- Van Orman Hotel Co. (Hotel Nelson, Rockford, 111.), Van Orman Terre Haute Corp., (Terre Haute House, Terre Haute, Ind.); dir. Royal Order of Jesters; mem. Ind. State Senate, 1920; It. gov. Ind., 1924-28; mem. Am. Hotel Assn. (v.p.), Nat. Hotel Men's Assn. (pres., 1922-24), Evansville Chamber Commerce (dir., 8 yrs.), Masons (32d deg.), K.T., Shrine (p. potentate), Elks (p. exalted ruler). Clubs: Columbia (In- dianapolis), Evansville Auto (dir.), Crescent, Rotary (p. pres.), Evansville Country. Epsicopalian. Republican. Of- fice and home: Hotel McCurdy, Evans- ville, Ind. MABEE, Alexander C, lawyer; b. Cowden, 111., 19 Jan. 1884; s. Samuel E. Mabee, railroad conductor, and Mary Nancy (Williams) M. ; ed. Austin Coll., Effingham, 111.; Cent. Normal Coll., Danville, Ind.; LL.B., Chicago Law Sch., 1911; m. Bessie Archibald of No- ble, 111., 24 Nov. 1910; children— Robert A., Capt. Daniel C. (Army Air Corps). Teacher, pub. schs., 111., 1902-08; prin., high sch., Greenup, 111., 1904-05; supt. schs., Noble, 111., 1906-08; admitted 111. 225 Bar, 1911; engaged in gen. practice of law, 1911-21, patent practice, 1921 — , mem. firm, Charles W. Hills; p. pres. sch. bd., Villa Park; p. pres. bd. edn., York Community High Sch., Elmhurst, 111.; mem. advisory bd. of DuPage Co., 111., during World War I; mem. Patent Law Assn. of Chicago, Am. Bar Assn., A.F. & A.M., O.E.S. M.W.A., Phi Alpha Delta, Sons Am. Re vol. Clubs: Union League, Lions. Travel: U.S. Desc. of- ficers of Revol. and Civil Wars. In- terest: schools. Recreations: golf, fish- ing. Christian Scientist. Republican. Of- fice: 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 411 S. Ardmore Av., Villa Park, ni. McKOWN, Harry Charles, educator, author, editor, speaker; b. Peoria, HI., 11 Jan. 1892; s. Charles W. McKown, bee-keeper, and Rebecca Catherine (Traxler) McK.; ed. Haw Creek Town- ship high sch. Gilson, 111.; B.S., Knox Coll., 1913; M.A., Univ. 111., 1917; Co- lumbia Univ., 1922, Ph.D., 1923; Univ. Chicago; Univ. Iowa; m. Ruth Irene Hord of Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., 19 Aug. 1926; 1 dau., Catherine Elizabeth. Sec, Hyde Park Y.M.C.A., Chicago, 1913-15, Galesburg, 111., 1915-16; teacher, Ottumwa (la.) High Sch., 1917-18, 1919- 21; prof, secondary ed., Univ. Pitts- burgh, 1923-33; author, lecturer; ednl. advisor, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1933 — ; pres. School Service Co., Topeka, Kan.; It. U.S. Air Service, 18 mos. during World War I; mem., Shrine, K.P., Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, Kappa Phi Kappa, Kappa Delta Psi. Author: pubis, on edn. subjs.; ed., School Ac- tivities mag. Interests: old cemeteries, aviation, ladies' handkerchiefs. Recrea- tions: baseball, shooting, driving, fly- ing. Methodist. Republican. Home: Gil- son, Knox Co., HI. ALTHOLZ, Leo S., merchant; b. N.Y.C., 15 Nov. 1893; s. Bernard Al- tholz, mcht., and Fannie (Inlander) A.; ed. Boys high sch., Commercial high sch., Brooklyn, N.Y.; LL.B., N.Y. Univ. Law Sch., 1914; m. Adelaide Inlander of Chicago, 111., 10 Oct. 1915; children —Herbert Carl, Charlotte Irene. Em- ployed, Inlander-Steindler Paper Co., Chicago, 1915-20, Exec. v. pres.; sec, 1920 — ; dir. v. pres. Wm. A. Iden Cord- age & Twine Co.; Dir., mem. Exec. Com. Tested Papers of Am. Inc., Chicago; mem. exec. v. pres., Packaging Corp. of Am.; Chicago Aero Commn.; B'nai B'rith, Zionist Org. of Am. Chicago Com. Nat. Jewish Hosp., Denver. Club: Idle- wild Country. Author: contbr. various trade papers, periodicals. Interests: golf, gardening, public speaking. Rec- reation: reading. Jewish. Office: 11 N. Green St., Chicago, 111. Home: 6755 Crandon Av., Chicago, 111. HICKS, Joseph Winstead, public re- lations and industrial relations counsel; b. Oliver Springs, Tenn., 18 July 1899; s. Joseph Peeler Hicks and Nannye Rucker (Funk) H.; grad. Topeka (Kan.) high sch., 1918; student Univ. of South- ern Calif., 1918; Univ. of Wash., 1919-21; B.A., Univ. of Okla., 1923; m. Lois Jean- ette Marshall of Okla. City, Okla., 6 June 1923; children — Beverly Jo, Nancy Lois. Reporter Topeka Daily Capitol, 1915-18; reporter Seattle (Wash.) Post- Intelligencer; corr. San Francisco (Calif.) Chronicle, 1919-21; state editor, Okla. News, Oklahoma City, 1921-23; corr. United Press, 1921-23; state editor Long Beach (Calif.) Telegram, 1923-24, Internat. News Service, 1923-24; make- up editor, later city editor, Oklahoma City Times, 1924-25; publicity, advertis- ing and public relations executive Pub. Utility Engring. & Service Corp. (for- merly Byllesby Engring. & Manage- ment Corp.); H.M. Byllesby & Com- pany; Standard Gas & Electric Co., Chicago, 1925-41; lecturer, Medill Sch. of Journalism, Northwestern Univ., 1927-33; engaged in private practice as public relations and industrial relations consultant 1941 — ; pres. The Jos. W. Hicks Organization, Pub. Relations— In- dustrial Relations Consultants; served as pub. relations consultant to numerous corporations and trade assns. in such industries as public utility, confection- ery, baking, malting, aviation, com- munications, street railway, radio, transportation, banking, investment banking, beverages, oleomargarine, po- tato chips, packing, packaging, wash- ing machines, printing machinery, scientific, medical, life insurance; served with Field Arty., U.S. Army, 1918; mem. bd. dirs. Indian Hill Im- provement Assn. of Winnetka; p. pres. Boys' Brotherhood Republic (Chicago); mem. Pub. Relations Clinic of Chicago; mem. Chicago Assn. of Commerce (Il- linois Com.); Nat. Assn. of Pub. Re- lations Counsel, Inc., Am. Council on Pub. Relations, Better Business Bureau (Chicago), Univ. of Okla. Alumni Assn. (pres.), Soc for the Advancement of Management, Advtg. Fedn. of Am. Pub. Utilities Advtg. Assn., Am. Legion (p. comdr.), Nat. Aeronautic Assn., Sigma Chi, Sigma Delta Chi, Kappa Kappa Psi, Masons. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn., Longmeadow Hunt (Win- netka, 111.), Executives, Tavern, Fed- 226 erated Advertising, Publicity (Chicago), Kenilworth (Kenilworth, HI.), Oakmont Game (McHenry, 111.), Yacht (Ephraim, Wis.). Author: Some Techniques of Pub- lic Relations; Improving the Stature and Dignity of an Industry; also many arts, and lectues on pub. relations; in- dustrial relations, etc. Co- Author: Path- ways to Print. Composer: Cheer Okla- homa (Univ. of Okla. song). Episcopa- lian. Home: 545 Essex Av., Kenilworth, 111. Office: 333 No. Michigan Av., Chi- cago, 111. CAMPBELL, Robert K., physician and surgeon; b. Springfield, 111., 1 Aug. 1880; s. John R. Campbell, cigar busi- ness, and Margaret (Hopkins) C; ed. M.D., Coll. Phys. and Surgeons, St. Louis, Mo., 1908; m. Louise M. Schmitz of Mascoutah, 111., June 1908; children —John Robert, Howard Stein, George Emerson, Betty Louise. House phys., Jefferson Hosp., St. Louis, Mo., 1908; gen. practice, city phys., Springfield, 111., 1909-11; country practice, Wag- goner, 111., 1920-28; med. dir., St. John's Sanitarium, 1928—; specialist in tuber- culosis; has done considerable work in orthopedic surgery and radiology; p. pres. Sangamon County Med. Soc, 111. Radiological Soc, 111. Chap, of Am. Coll. Chest Phys.; p. mem. Sch. Bd., Mel- rose, Ore., Bd. Ed. and Town Bd., Wag- goner, 111.; mem. Am. Coll. Chest Phys. (bd. govs.); Masons, Elks. Club: Ro- tary. Presbyterian. Office: St. John's Sanitarium, Springfield, 111. Home: 1420 S. 4th St., Springfield, HI. CURTIS, Floyd Edward, artist; b. Cleveland, O., 20 Oct., 1894; s. John Henry Curtis and Edith Myrtle (Stam- fcaugh) Curtis; ed. Pickering Coll.; m. Erminie Marjory Grieves of Meaford, Ontario, Can., Aug. 1921; children- Mary Elizabeth Curtis, (A.B., d. West- ern Reserve Univ., 1945), Joan Odette Curtis (undergraduate student Bowling Green Univ.). State dir., Am. Artists Professional League; Cleveland Ad- visory Com. Visual Aids and Artistic Services; Works of Fine Art exhibited Nat. and Internat. exhbns. and in lead- ing museums. Nat. Acad, of Design. Los Angeles Museum of Pine Art, Cin- cinnati Museum, Cleveland Museum, Toronto Art Gallery, and others, repre- sented in private collections. Served in 37th Div., 135 F.A., World War I; mem. AAPL, Ohio Water Color Soc, Soc. of Painter-Etchers, So. Printmakers Soc, Cleveland Museum of Art; dist. dir., Ohio Art Program, 1941-42. Co-author: Over the Sea. Travel: Eng., Fr., Ger., It., Switz. Grandfather Jacob A. Stam- baugh, lecturer and writer, served in Civil War, 1861-65. Interests: music, art, drama. Recreations: yachting, golf. Home: 10911 Lake Av., Cleveland, O. Summer res.: Penetanguishene, Can. SMITH, (Caleb) Lothrop, chemistry teacher; b. Winterset, la., 14 Aug. 1906; s. William F. Smith, farm machinery salesman, and Maud Lothrop (Whedon) S.; ed. Winterset high sch.; B.A., Grin- neU Coll., 1928; M.S., State Univ. la., 1929, Ph.D., 1931; m. Geraldine Merry- man of Ft. Dodge, 30 Aug. 1937; 1 son, Carver Howe. Grad. asst. chemistry, State Univ. la., 1928, instr. chemistry, 1931, asst. prof., 1945; chemist, Metal- lurgical lab., Univ. of Chicago, 1944; senior chemist, Clinton Engineer Works, 1945; mem. Am. Chem. Soc (sec, 1933, chmn. la. sect., 1934), la. Acad. Sci. (sect, chmn., 1939), Sigma Xi, A.A.U.P, Phi Lambda, Upsilon, Alpha Chi Sigma. Author: articles in technical jours. Travel: U.S. Great grandfather, Caleb Bailey Lothrop, established early la. stage coach line. Interests: choral sing- ing, amateur radio communication. Recreations: tennis, competitive rifle and pistol shooting. Presbyterian. Of- fice: Chemistry Dept., State Univ. la., Iowa City, la. Home: 1011 N. Summit St., Iowa City, la. BIERER, A. G. C, Jr., lawyer; b. Guthrie, Okla., 1 Dec. 1899; s. A.G.C. Bierer and Nancy M. (Stamper) B.; ed. Guthrie high sch.; Univ. Wis., 1920; A.B., Univ. Okla., 1921; LL.B., Harvard Law Sch., 1925; m. Vinita McDonald of El Reno, Okla., 29 June 1927; children —A.G.C, III, Alva McDonald. Admitted to Okla. bar, 1925, in selective general civil practice of law at Guthrie, 1925 — ; mem. bar of U.S. Dist., Circuit and Supreme Ct. ; mem. firm Bierer and Bierer, Guthrie; dir. and atty., Guthrie Bldg. and Loan Assn.; mem. bd. trs., Cimarron Valley Wesley Hosp.; atty., First Nat. Bk.; mem. exec, com., Nat. Conference Bar Examiners (p. chmn.) 1927-39; chmn. Citizens League, civic and political orgn., which conducted successful defense against Fire Bell pro- gram of iniative measures in 1931; pres., State League of Young Demo- crats, 1930; nat. councillor, Guthrie Chamber Commerce; enlisted Central Machine Gun O.T.S., Camp Hancock, Ga., served Oct. -Dec, 1918; major, Judge Advocate Generals' Dept., 3 May 1943 — ; fellow Am. Geog. Soc; mem. Am., Okla., and Guthrie Bar Assns. ; former mem. house delegates and gen. council, Am. Bar Assn.; mem. Masons (32d deg.), Shrine, Am. Legion (former 227 mem. endowment fund com., Dept. of Okla.), Kappa Sigma. Clubs: Okla. (Okla. City), Harvard (Okla.), Guthrie Country. Author: various bar journal articles. Episcopalian. Democrat. Of- fice: Bierer Bldg., Guthrie, Okla. Home: 800 E. Cleveland Av., Guthrie, Okla. FORNEY, Claudius L., physician, sur- geon, ophthalmologist; b. Columbus, O., 12 Sept. 1897; s. George Smith Forney, mcht. and Elizabeth (Ball) P.; ed. Co- lumbus North high sch.; B.A., O. State Univ., 1923, M.D., Coll. Med., 1925; m. Netha Henderson of Salt Lake City, Ut, 1937. Prof, musician, during sch. yrs.; specialist, diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat; chmn. dept. ophthal., Provi- dent Hosp., Chicago, affiliated with Univ. Chicago; chmn., dept. ear, nose and throat; sr. attending surg., Provi- dent Hosp., Chicago; mem. attending staff, 111. Eye and Ear Infirmary; phys., Cook Co. Bur. Pub. Welfare; capt, HI. N.G. Med. Corps, 1936-40; F.A.M.A.; diplomate, Am. Bd. Ophthal.; mem. Assn. Mil. Surgeons of U.S., Nat. Med. Assn., Chicago Med. Soc, Cook Co. Phys. Assn., 111. State Med. Soc. Rec- reations: golf, amateur movie making, music. Protestant. Office: 4619 So. Park- way, Chicago, 111. Home: 4646 So. Michi- gan Av., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Route 3, Marlin Rd., Colorado Springs, Colo. MATTHEWS, Francis Ernest, attor- ney; b. Liverpool, Eng. 11 Sept. 1878; s. William Thorwell Matthews and Frances Emily (Cubbon) M.; ed. pub. schs., Eng. and Chicago; LL.B., Law Dept., Lake Forest Univ., LL.M., 1898; m. Viola Goetz of Chicago, 111., 2 Apr. 1904; children — Harold Thorwell, Made- leine Lorraine. Came to U.S. in 1892; adm. to bar, 1899; assoc. with law firm of Moran, Kraus and Mayer, 1895 and its successors, 1927; mem. Mayer, Meyer, Austrian & Piatt, 1907-26; gen. counsel, Utilities Power and Light Corp., 1926-37; now mem. law firm Mat- thews, Harmon and Springer, gen. prac- tice, specializing in pub. utility work; spent considerable time in London in acquisition and development of electric utilities; v.p., dir., Motiograph, Inc.; mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Ear Assns., Assn. of the Bar of City of N.Y., Chicago Law Inst., Brit. Empire Soc. (pres.), Art Inst., Field Columbian Mu- seum, Masons. Club: Union League (Chicago). Author: 111. Circuit Court Re- ports. Travel: Eng., Fr., Ger., Belg., Switz., Holland. Interest: literature. Rec- reations: horseback riding, golf. Repub- lican. Office: 327 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, HI. Home: Ambassador West Hotel, Chi- cago, 111. CHEDSEY, William Reuel, mining en gineer, educator; b. Boulder, Colo., 11 Feb. 1887; s. Nathan L. Chedsey, mer chant, and Florence (Earhart) C; ed Manual Tr. Sch., Denver, Colo.; E.M. Colo. Sch. Mines, Golden, Colo., 1908 D. Engring., 1938; grad. courses in elec and mech. engring., Univ. Ida., 1908 10; m. Cora Bell Sapp of Golden, Colo. 14 July 1915; children— William J (dec), George L., Frank E., Charles B. Instr., surveying, Colo. Sch. Mines 1906-08; assoc. prof, mining engring. Univ. Ida, also cons, engr., 1908-11 engr. in charge, Cent. Am. Development Syndicate, Ltd., 1911-12, Alaska Explor ation Co., Ltd., 1912-13; assoc. prof, min- ing, Colo. Sch. Mines, 1913-16; prof, min ing, Sch. Mineral Industries, Pa. State Coll., 1916-37; dir., Mo. Sch. Mines and Metall. and Mo. State Expt. Sta., 1937- 41; cons, mining engr.; cons, engr., Am. Metals Merger, Inc.; makes mine ex- aminations in many states; civilian cons., U. S. Navy, Washington, D. C, 1942-43; mem. Am. Inst. Mining and Metall. Engrs. (ch. Ednl. div., 1940-41), Mining and Metall. Soc. Am., Coal Min- ing Inst. Am. (pres., 1937), 111. Mining Inst., Am. Mining Congress, Mo. Soc. Prof. Engrs., Kappa Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Triangle (hon.), Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Phi Omega (hon.), Sigma Gam- ma Epsilon. Author: many tech. and ednl. arts. Earhart br., maternal grand- father's family was important in hist, of western Mo. Recreation: hunting. Episcopalian. Office: 427 Cleveland Av., Columbus O. Home: 361 Cliffside Dr., Columbus 2, O. HERRMANN, Raymond Russell, man- ager rate and sales research depart- ment; b. 13 Sept. 1889; s. Leopold Herr- mann, business man, and Louisa (Buck) H. ; ed. Henderson high sch.; Univ. Minn., 1913; m. Frances Siemering of Le Sueur, Minn., 26 June 1917; children — Marjorie, Phyllis. Asst. engr. Munici- pal Testing Lab., St. Paul; salesman, Consumers Power Co.; research engr., Western Electric Co., N.Y. City; asst. prof, of math, and mechanics, Univ. Minn.; mgr. rate and sales research, Northern States Power Co.; dir. Inter- state Light and Power Co; (p. pres., bd. tr.) St. Anthony Park Cong. Church; mem. Am. Inst, of Electrical Engrs., Minn. Assn. of Prof. Engrs., Univ. Lodge, 316, A.F. & A.M., Theta Xi, Acacia, Tau Beta Pi (hon. engrs.) A. A. A.S., Minn. Statistical Assn. Clubs: 228 Minn. Prof. Men's; Minneapolis Auto, Minneapolis Engrs. Author: arts, in trade jours., Elements of Utility Rate Determination (co-author). Grand- parents were early settlers in Minn.; grandfather Buck was Capt. in Union Army in Civil War, later mem. of state leg. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Prot- estant. Republican. Office: Northern States Power Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 1357 Raymond Av., St. Paul, Minn. REYMERT, Martin Luther, psycholo- gist; b. Holmestrand, Nor., 10 Nov. 1883; s. Jens Reymert, ship capt., and Inga (Mathiesen) R. ; ed. A.B., Aars & Voss Gymnasium, Oslo, Nor., 1903; Royal Off. Sch., Oslo, 1904; State Nor- mal Sen., Holmestrand, 1905; M.A., Univ. Oslo, 1906; Ph.D., Clark Univ. (Worcester, Mass.), 1917; m. Dorothy Dix Markley of Springfield, O., 3 Aug. 1931; children — Randi Dix, Karen Jen- ine, Martin L., Jr. F. Am. Scandinavian Foundation, Clark Univ., 1917; res. guest, Univ. la., 1918-20; asst. prof., Royal Univ. of Norway, State Agr. Coll., Norway, 1920-25; estab. psychological lab., Wittenberg Coll., head dept. psy- chology, 1925-30; estab. Mooseheart (111.) Lab. for Child Res., 1930, dir., 1930 — ; pub. lecturer in child care and training problems; active in Norwegian- Am. circles, Pub. on civilian and mil. morale; pres., advisory bd., HI. Div. for Delinquency Prevention (apptd. by Gov.) ; 1st It., Norwegian Infantry, on neutrality guard, during World War I; mem. Soc. of Cons. Psychologists (pres.), 111. Big Brothers and Sisters Assn. (pres.), Am. Psychol. Assn., A.A. A.S., Am. Assn. Applied Psychologists, Midwestern Psychol. Assn., Psi Chi, Nat. Assn. Nursery Ed., 111. Cons. Psy- chol., Chicago Soc. Personality Study, Psychometric Soc, Chicago Psychol., Nat. Ed. Assn., Phi Kappa Alpha. Clubs: Rotary International, Moose, Chicago Norske Klub. Author: Opdra- gelse og Vernekraft, 1921; Feelings and Emotions, 1928; contbr. to sci. periodi- cals. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: his- tory, lit., philosophy, social betterment, cons, for children's radio programs and children's books. Recreations: garden- ing, motoring, drama, concerts. Con- glist. Office: Laboratory for Child Re- search, Mooseheart, 111. Home: Moose- heart, 111. SMITH, Otto M., professor of chem- istry and of chemial engineering; b. Yates Center, Kan., 12 May 1884; s. Mitchell Clay Smith, lawyer, and Elnor May (Bixler) S.; ed. Springfield (Mo.) high sch.; B.S., Drury Coll., 1907; Univ. Pa., 1908-10; M.S., Univ. 111., 1918, Ph.D., 1919; m. Mary Carr of Ames, la., 1 June 1913; children— Elnor Mary, Canclace Catherine, Otto Joe, Mitchell, Cedric Martin, Steven Emmet. Chem. engr., Expt. Sta., la. State Coll., 1910- 13; chem., supt. filtration, Am. Water Works and Elec. Co., N.Y., Little Rock Ark., E. St. Louis, Mo., 1913-16; chem., Proctor & Gamble Co., O., 1919-21; chem., supt., Roseville Chem. Co., Inc., 1922-23; asst. prof., la. State Coll., 1923; prof, chem., chem. engring., head depts., Okla. A.&M. Coll., 1923—; mem. A.I.C.E., Am. Water Works Assn., A.C. S., Prof. Engrs. (Okla.), S.P.E.E., Okla. Acad. Sci., A.A.A.S., Okla. Water Works Conf., Southwest Water Works Assn., Masons, O.E.S., Kappa Alpha, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Tau. Author: Semi micro Qualitative Analysis; Quan- titative Chemical Methods for Engi- neers, Analysis of the Waters of Okla- homa. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: na- ture study, boy scouts, home beautifi- cation. Recreations: gardening, travel- ing. Protestant. Democrat. Office: Okla- homa A.&M. College, Stillwater, Okla. Home: 301 N. Husband St., Stillwater, Okla. BERNICK, Francis J., beverage com- pany executive; b. St. Cloud, Minn., 26 June 1899; s. Chas. A. Bernick, soda water bus., and Elizabeth (Kraemer) B.; ed. Cathedral high sch.; Coll. of Thomas, St. Paul, 1918; m. Elisabeth Langendorf of Alexandria, 21 Apr. 1921, children — Richard, Ray Roy and Rita- Joy (twins). Pres., Chas. A. Bernick, Inc., bottlers of soda water, and Dr. Pepper Co., beer distributor; p. pres. Minnesota State Bottlers Assn.; p. pres. Chamber Commerce, chmn. War Fi- nance Com., 1st It. Minn. Group CAP.; enlisted for 3 mos. during World War I; mem. Elks, Eagles, Jr. Chamber Commerce (p. pres.), K. of C. Clubs: Baldheaded of U.S. (pres.), U.C.T., Li- ons (p. pres.), Rotary, St. Cloud Coun- try (pres.). G.f. was second man to settle in St. Cloud; father managed ranch for Theodore Roosevelt at Medora, N.D. Interests: stamps, saddle horses, maps. Recreations: sports, ski- ing, sailing, motor boating. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 814 - 2nd St., N., St. Cloud, Minn. Home: 217 14th Av., S., St. Cloud, Minn. Summer home: Wha- ta-hon-ee, Miss. HURD, Archer Willis, dean; b. La- crosse, Wis., 7 Jan. 1883; s. Willis War- 229 ren Hurd, minister, and Elza (Milam) H.; ed. Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wis.; Univ. N.D.; Hamline Univ.; Univ. Minn.; Univ. Chicago; Ph.B., 1906; M.S., 1924; Ph.D., 1928; m. Edith L. MacMichael of Minneapolis, Minn., 1912; children — Everett Archer, Winston Wil- lis. Grade, high sch. teacher, 1903-26; coll. instr., sec, Univ. Com. Teaching of Sci., Univ. Minn., asst. dir. bur. of ed. res., 1926-29; res. assoc, Columbia Univ., 1929-34; assoc. prof, ed., North- ern Mont. Coll., 1935-36; prof, edn., dean of coll., Hamline Univ., 1937 — ; visiting instr. summer sessions, Univ. Chicago, 1924-25, W.Va. Univ., 1936-37, Univ. Mo., 1935 and 38, Univ. 111., 1939; v.p., pres., Nat. Assn. for Res. in Sci. Teaching; mem. Am. Assn. Sch. Administrators, Nat. Assn. Coll. Teachers of Ed., Kappa Phi Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa, N.E.A., M.E.A., Nat. Soc. Study Ed., Am. Ed. Res. Assn., Nat. Assn. Res. in Sci. Teaching, Nat. Assn. Sup. and Dir. of Instr., Assn. Coll. Deans. Author: Edu- cational Psychology, 1941; Technique of Instruction, 1941; Problems of Science Teaching on the College Level, 1930; Cooperative Experimentation, 1933; con- tbr. to many ed. periodicals, 75 arts, on res. Travel: U.S. Interests: music, or- gan, orchestra, composing, writing. Recreations: music, piano, organ, sing- ing, lake dweller, outdoor sports. Methodist. Office: Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Va. Home: R. 12, 116 Bremmer Blvd., Richmond 22, Va. Summer home : Lake Wapogasset, Deronda, Wis. GARDNER, Walter Peter, neuropsy- chiatrist and hospital administrator; b. St. Paul, Minn., 7 Aug., 1904; s. Walter T. Gardner, contractor, and Anne (Mc- Tigue) G.; ed. St. Thomas Mil. Acad.; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1925, M.B., 1926, M.D., 1927; m. Elizabeth Deuhs of Long Prairie, Minn., 17 Jan. 1931; children — E lizabeth, Walter Peter, Patrick Thomas. Pvt. practice in neuropsychia- try, St. Paul, 1927-34; psychiatrist, Ram- sey Co. Juvenile Court, St. Paul, 1933- 35; cons, neurologist, Shriners Hosp. for Crippled Children, 1928-35; asst. supt., Fergus Palls State Hosp., Fergus Fall, Minn., 1935-38; supt., Anoka State Hosp., 1938-43; pvt. practice in neuropsychia- try, St. Paul, 1943 — ; clinical assistant professor nervous and mental diseases, Sch. of Med., Univ. Minn.; 1st v.p., Minn. Hosp. Assn., 1940-41, pres.-elect, 1941-42, pres., 1942-43; fellow, A.M.A., A.C.P., Am. Psychiat. Assn.; mem. Minn. Soc. Neurology & Psychiatry, Minn. State Conf. Social Work, Minn. Mental Hygiene Soc, Central Neuropsy- chiat. Assn., Am. Hosp. Assn., Am Coll. of Hosp. Administrators. Clubs: Curling (St. Paul), Kiwanis. Author: arts, in med. periodicals. G.s. of Patrick S. Gardner, 1st Lieut., 1st Regt., Minn. Mounted Rangers, 1862-63 and Capt., Co. M, 2nd Rdg. Cavalry of Minn., 1863-65. Interests: etchings, wood-cuts. Recrea- tions: curling. Office: 1068 Lowry Medi- cal Arts Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 2240 Sargent Av., St. Paul, Minn. RITTER, Deckard, librarian, assist- ant professor of English; b. Liverpool, Pa., 5 Aug. 1894; s. Wilson Webster Ritter, safety engr., and Rebecca North (Deckard) R. ; ed. Harrisburg Central high sch.; A.B., N.Y. Univ., 1925, A.M., 1927, Ed.D., 1935; B.S. (in L.S.), West- ern Reserve, 1945. m. Frankie Wood of New Orleans, La., 1922 (dec); children — Robert, Dorothy; m. (2nd) Jeanne Langhetee of New Orleans, La., 1930. Asst. prof. Eng., O. Wesleyan Univ., 1935— libr., 1940; enlisted, U.S.N., 1 yr., 1918; mem. A.A.U.P., Nat. Council Teachers Eng., A.L.A., O.L.A., F. & A.M., Phi Delta Kappa, S.R. Author: verse, articles. Travel: Mex., Fr., Gt. Brit. Ancestors lived in Susquehanna Valley, north of Harrisburg, Pa., before Revol. War. Interests: poetry, painting, theater. Recreations: tennis, baseball, golf. Methodist. Office: Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, O. Home: 171 N. Washington St., Delaware, O. HARPER, Claude, head teacher and investigator of animal husbandry; b. Ligonier, Ind., 29 Sept. 1891; s. Willis Leslie Harper, farmer, and Cisire (Davault) H.; ed. Ligonier, Ind.; B.S., Purdue Univ., 1914; M.S., Univ. 111., 1918; m. Mary Frances Vernon of Goshen, 30 June 1915; children — Claude, Jr., Robert Vernon, Willis James. Born and reared on a livestock farm in Elk- hart Co., Ind.; assoc. with the sheep and wool industry as teacher and investiga- tor for past 31 yrs.; has judged sheep at important livestock shows in U.S. and Can. for past 20 yrs.; sec, Ind. Sheep Breeders' Assn., 20 yrs., Ind. Livestock Breeders' Assn., 10 yrs.; mem. Alpha Gamma Rho, Epsilon Sigma Phi, F. and A.M., Scottish Rite, Am. Soc. Animal Production, Am. Men of Sci., Am. Assn. Advancement of Sci., Am. Shropshire Registry Assn. Au- thor: investigational work relating to sheep production at Purdue Univ. Travel: U.S., Can. Gt. g.f. settled in eastern Ind. in 1828. Recreations: bridge, fishing. Methodist. Office: Pur- 230 due University, Lafayette, Ind. Home: 523 Hayes St., W. Lafayette, Ind. MARZALL, John Adams, patent law- yer; b. Chicago, 111., 8 Mar. 1896; s. George A. Marzall, merchant, and Anne J. (Adams) M.; ed. Chicago; New York, N.Y., St. Louis Univ., St. Louis, Mo.; LL.B. St. Louis Univ., St. Louis; LL.M., 1936, De Paul Univ.; M.P.L., John Mar- shall Law Sch., Chicago; m. Catherine Dwyer of New York, N.Y. Civil and mech. engr., 1916-25; admitted to bar, 1925; engaged in practice of patent law, 1925 — ; mem. law firm Spencer, Mar- zall, Johnston & Cook, Chicago; ensign, U.S.N., World I, It. (j.g.), U.S.N.R.; mem. Delta Theta Phi, Delta Sigma Phi. Clubs: University (Chicago), Glen- view, Knollwood Country (Lake Forest), Adventures (Chicago), Lincoln Park Gun. Travel: Eur., W. Indies, Hawaii. Recreation: golf, shooting, horseback riding, fishing, boating, hunting. Chris- tian. Office: Suite 2805, Field Bldg., 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1120 N. Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, HI. JOERNS, Arnold, business executive; b. Duluth, Minn., 4 Nov. 1889; s. William Geoffrey Joerns, lawyer, and Marie Ur- sula (LaNicca) J.; children— Jack Chase (Fit. Lt. R.A.F., 1941-45), Joan, Consuelo; m. (2nd) Mary Dimey, 1943. Newspaperman, St. Paul and Chicago, 1910-14; pres., Arnold Joerns Co., (ad- vertising agency) 1914-29; v.p. gen mgr. Resources Corp. Internat. (timber); pres. J.E. Henry & Sons Co., N.H., Mex. Land Securities Co., Mo., Cia. Explota- dova de San Manuel Yanexos, Mexico, Maderas Mexicanas. S.A., Mexico; treas. Greysolon Co., 111.; capt., Air Service, U.S.A., A.E.F., 1917-18 reed. Verdun Medal during World War I; F. Am. Geog. Soc; mem. Am. Legion (1st comdr., mem. exec, com., Cook Co. Council), Medinah Temple, A.F. & A.M., Chicago Assn. of Commerce. Clubs: Union League, Sphinx. Author: Wake Up, North America, 1939; What About Mexico and National Defense, 1940. Travel: Mex., Ire., Eng., Fr. In- terests: preserving free enterprise in U.S. and better relations with Latin America. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Protestant. Republican. Offices: 333 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111.; Gante 15, Mexico City, Mex., 69 W. Delaware Chi- cago, 111.; Madera 30, Mexico City, Mex. LOUNSBURY, George Fenner, news- paper man; b. Mound City, 111., 22 Aug. 1872; s. George Edgar Lounsbury and Helen (Aldrich) L.; ed. East Denver high sch.; m. Alice May Williams, 20 Nov. 1895 (dec); 1 son, Charles Edwin; m. (2nd) Ethel Wyatt, 18 June 1902 (dec); m. (3rd) Margaret Seyler, 27 Sept. 1932 (dec). Reporter, 1891; mng. ed., Milwaukee Daily News, 1913-14; dramatic ed., Evening Wis., 1906-08; ed. Milwaukee Sentinel, 1921-29, chief edi- torial writer, 1929 — ; pres., dir. Equi- table Savings & Loan Assn., Air Service Com., Milwaukee Assn. of Commerce; headed press bur. of War Fin. Service Com., 1917-19; mem. Masons (33d deg.), K.T., Shrine (Grand Master, 1939-40), Am. Interprofessional Inst, (pres., Mil- waukee Chap., 1942), Izaak Walton League (pres.), 1928. Christian. Repub- lican. Office: 123 W. Michigan St., Mil- waukee, Wis. Home: La Salle Hotel, Milwaukee, Wis. SOUERS, Loren Edmunds, attorney; b. Mineral City, 4 Dec. 1882; s. Enos S. Souers, atty., and Celestia M. (Black) S.; ed. New Philadelphia high sch.; Adelbert Coll. and Sch. Law, Western Reserve Univ., LL.B., 1905; m. Ilka R. Gaskell of Canton, O., 1 Feb. 1910; chil- dren — Loren Eaton, Millard Ball. Ad- mitted to bar, O., 27 June 1905, Supreme Ct. U.S., 1929; mem. firm, Rice and Souers, 1905-25, Black, McCuskey, Ruff and Souers, 1925-41, Black, McCuskey, Souers and Arbaugh, 1941 — ; Edn., Can- ton, 1 Jan. 1930 — ; civil service commr., Canton, 1914-18; mem. Ohio State Bd. Bar Examiners, 1936-41, chmn., 1940-41; v.p., gen. counsel, dir., Continental Steel Corp.; dir., Diebold Safe and Lock Co., Superior Sheet Steel Co., Moock Elec Supply Co., Baugh & Sons Co. of O.; mem. Canton Lib. Bd.; chmn. State Citizens Com. on Crisis in Sch. Financ- ing, 1938; mem. S.A.R. (pres. gen., 1940-41); Stark Co., O. State and Am. Bar Assns., Am. Judicature Soc, Ma- sons (32d deg.), Shrine, I.O.O.F. (grand master, O., 1922-23), Boy Scouts (p. pres., McKinley Area Council, p. chmn. Canton Dist. Council), Delta Sigma Rho, Phi Delta Phi (hon. mem.). Clubs: Ki- wanis, Canton, Town (Kokomo, Ind.). Interests: Boy Scouts, pub. edn. Baptist. Republican. Office: 1200 Harter Bank Bldg., Canton, O. Home: 221 18th St., N.W., Canton, O. PETERS, Bernard E., teacher, artist; b. St. Louis, Mo., 8 Aug. 1893; s. Charles E. Peters, railroad exec, and Annabelle (Shepard) P.; ed. St. Louis Univ. high sch.; B.S., St. Louis Univ., 1930; A.S., Washington Univ., 1924; Harvard Univ., Grad. Sch. Fine Arts, 1940; Harris Teachers Coll., 1930-34; M.A. (hon.), Fine Arts Painting, Mo. Univ., 1943; 231 pupil of Frederick J. Mulhaupt, Eng., Fr., U.S.; m. Ord Hazel Rush of Indian- apolis, Ind., Apr. 1917. Founded Artist Colony at St. Genevieve; painter of por- traits of the early commandants at St. Genevieve under French and Spanish regimes for heris of historic Valle Family; represented by paintings in Maplewood high sch., several other high schs. in Mo.; architect; won 1st prize, Mo. State Fair, 1933, Assn. Womens Club Exhibition, 1929, 1932; has held numerous pvt. exhibitions; lecturer on artists and art to clubs and civic groups; teacher pub. schs., St. Louis; mem. N.E.A., Am. Vocational Assn., Mo. Vo- cational Arts Assn., Mo. State Teachers Assn., A.F. & A.M., Two-by-Four Artists Soc, No. Shore Arts Assn. (Gloucester, Mass.), St. Louis Artists Guild. Club: St. Louis Industrial Arts. Author: Pleas- ant Valley (illustrated travel vol.) ; Sans Espoir (vol. of essays, privately pub- lished); biblio. sketches. Travel: Eur., No. Am. Grandfather, Dr. W. Shepard, was dean of Mo. Med. Coll., St. Louis; Elihu H. Shepard, prof, languages, St. Louis College, author of The Early His- tory of St. Louis and Mo.; great grand- father, Gov. Durban was early gov. of Ind.; great grandfather, Dr. Engle, son of Judge P. H. Engle, was noted for cholera preventive during epidemic in Mo., 1849. Interests: painting, writing. Independent. Office: 4352 Louisiana Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 3901 S. Compton Av., St. Louis, Mo. Summer res.: St. Marys, Mo. SMIETANKA, Julius F., lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 31 May 1872; s. Frank Smietanka (dec.) and Joanna (Kadow) S. (dec); ed. West Div. high sch.; pre- paratory colleges; LL.B., Kent Coll. of Law, 1894; m. Mary Barzynski of Chi- cago, 111., 18 Feb. 1901; children— Vir- ginia Prebis, Joseph G., Dorothy Hell- muth, Allan J., Francis. Mem. Chicago Bd. Ed., 1909-14; Dem. nominee, Su- perior Bench, 1908; organized many banking and business corps.; leader in promotion of Woodrow Wilson for presi- dent, 1912; Collector of Internal Revenue at Chicago, 1914-20; chmn. Fin. Com., v.p. and later pres., Chicago Bd. of Ed., 1923-27; Dem. nominee, Judge of Superior Court, 1923; mem. Legal Com., World's Fair, Century of Progress, 1934; dir., Chicago Grand Opera Co., 1935; pres., Polish Welfare Assn., 1922-35; dir., v.p., Garner's Primary campaign in 111., 1940; pres., Union Investment Co.; tr. Am. Dem. Com.; treas. and dir., Catholic Charities of the Arch- diocese of Chicago; mem. Chicago, 111. State and Am. Bar Assns., K.C., Polish Nat. Alliance. Travel: Eur. Recreation: horticulture. Catholic. Democrat. Office: Smietanka, Nowak & Garrigan, 7 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: 7345 Oglesby Av., Chicago, HI. Summer home: Stevensville, Mich. SITES, Henry Wise (b. Thomas Poul- son Bagwell), financial engineer; b. Onancock, Accomack Co., Va., 19 Mar. 1873; s. George Hamilton Bagwell, civil engr., and Rose Dix (Twyford) B.; ed. pub. schs.; pvt. tutors; Margaret (Onan- cock) Acad.; m. Sarah Agnes Norton of Philadelphia, Pa., 1899; children— Sarah Agnes (Mrs. George R. Culver), James Florence Twyford (Mrs. John P. Flan- nery), Edmund Norman, Thomas Spen cer. City ed., Norfolk (Va.) Virginian 1891; reporter, N.Y. Evening Sun, N.Y. 1892; merchandising promotion, 1893-99 co-publisher, Jour. Commerce, Phila delphia, Pa., 1900-02; sales promotion financial services, mfr. rubber stamp devices for banks, 1902-08; ed., origina tor cumulative financial service dept. Weekly Bond Buyer, N.Y.C., 1908-10 co-organizer, Financial Service Co. N.Y.C., 1910; travelling publicity and sales mgr., Poor's Manuals, N.Y.C. 1911-18; originator, publisher, Invest ment Bankers and Brokers Am., 1918 24; mng. dir., fin. service dept., Lloyd Thomas Co., appraisal engrs., Chicago 1923-24; organizer, mng. dir., Henry W Sites & Assocs., fin. engrs., 1924-30; com piler, hist, of Eastern Shore of Va. genealogy of Bagwell and other Eastern Shore Va. families, 1931 — ; pub. speaker 1931 — ; nat. organizer, dir. publicity Am. Green Cross, 1929-32 (mem. Nat Adv. Bd., chmn. HI. Div., Chicago div. 1929-34) ; chmn. North and Northwest Side Units, People's Political Alliance (merged with Commonwealth Political Fedn. of Cook Co.), 1931; asst., 111. Fin. Div., Nat. Dem. Com., 1932, 1936, 1940; mem. Va. Hist. Soc, Com. to Defend Am., Fight for Freedom (Chicago), All Chicago on America's Crisis, Federal Union (Nat.). Club: Democratic (48th Ward). Author: Investment Bankers and Brokers of America; Security Dealers of America; Soviet Russia Should Not Be Recognized by U.S. (pub. docu- ment); Hoover or Roosevelt, Outline History of Republican and Democratic parties (privately circulated). Father, George Hamilton Bagwell, as Va. Commr., was chief factor in settling 300 yr. Va. Peninsula-Md. Boundary dis- pute; original Am. ancestor, Henry Bag- well, came from Eng. to Va., 1608, was mem. Va. House Burgesses, 1629-32, first 232 Co. (Accomack) Clerk of Ct, 1632-40; Isaiah, Thomas and John Bagwell were Revol. soldiers; Hely Bagwell was in defense of Baltimore, War of 1812; Gen. Edmund R. Bagwell, uncle, was Commr. Va. State Militia, Va. Commr., chmn. com. for Philadelphia Centen- nial; family intermarried with Yeardley (Gov. Sir George), Va., 1619, Custis (Col. John, father of adopted children of George Washington), Robert E. Lee (Custis), Revol. Gen. John Cropper. In- terests: philosphical, sociological, pub- lic affairs, historical, genealogical research, studies, writing. Recrea- tion: walking. Episcopalian. Democrat. Home: 924 Buena Av., Chicago, HI. FITZGERALD, Roy G., lawyer; b. Watertown, N.Y., 25 Aug. 1875; s. M. G. Fitzgerald, industrialist, and Cornelia Maria (Avery) F.; ed. Watertown (N.Y.) high sen.; E. Dayton (O.) high sen.; m. Catherine Louise Wetecamp of Dayton, O., 5 Sept. 1900; children— Ruth (Mrs. Thomas L. Hume, III), Dorothy (Mrs. Bradford S. Skinner), Roy G. (Capt., 5th U.S. Inf.). Admitted to Ohio Bar, 1896; Fed. and U.S. Supreme Cts.; U.S. del., Interparliamentary Union, Fr., 1927, Berlin, 1928, Geneva, 1929, London, 1930, in interest of Codification of Inter- nal Law; mem. U.S. Congress, 1921-31; dir., Mchts., Nat. Bank & Trust Co., Fidelity Bldg. Assn., Dayton Pub. Li- brary and Mus. (pres.), Dayton Law Library; mem. U.S. Commn. celebrat- ing 150th Anniversary of surrender of Brit. Army at Yorktown, N.Y., 1931; capt. 329th Inf., A.E.F., during World War I, now It. col., Inf., U.S.A. Res.; pres., Hist. Soc. (Dayton, O.). Author: Codification System U.S. and D.C. Law. Travel: Eur., Asia, Afr. Interests: col- lecting historical letters, documents, currency, stamps. Recreations: tennis, bridge. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: 9th floor, U.B. Bldg., Dayton, O. Home: 117 Forest Av., Dayton, O. WALLACE, William A., state senator; b. Port Deposit, Md., 6 June 1867; s Charles Solomon Wallace and Elizabeth (Anderson) W. ; ed. Oxford (Pa.) pub. sen.; A.B., Lincoln Univ. Pa., 1887; m. Jennie Lee of Memphis, Tenn., 1891 (dec); children — Pearl L., Bertha May; m. (2d) Luella Harper of Chicago, 1899; 1 dau., Cora B. Clk., Chicago Post Off., 1893-1906; in bakery bus., wholesale and retail, 1902-25; comparer of titles, Co. Recorder's off.; warrant elk., Co. Treas. Off.; dept. elk., Municipal Ct.; elected 1st Dem. Senator, Third Senatorial Dist., 1938-42; campaigned as pub. speaker, for Al Smith for U.S. President, Frank- lin D. Roosevelt for Pres., 3 times; has spoken on various civic and rel. pro- grams; mem. Nat. Assn. for Advance- ment of Colored People, Chicago Urban League, Universal Negro Improvement Assn., Am. Order of Foresters, Lincoln Univ. (Pa.) Alumni (pres.), Second Ward Regular Dem. Org. (pres.). Club: Men's. Author: pamphlets on Negro his- tory. Travel: U.S., Jamaica, B.W.I., Can. Recreation: outdoor sports. Meth- odist. Democrat. Office and home: 3638 Indiana Av., Chicago, 111. SCHEIN, Ernest, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 4 Aug. 1899; s. Louis Schein, violin- ist, and Frances (Langer) S.; ed. Carl Schurz high sen., Chicago; Univ. Chi- cago, 1915; A.B., Harvard Coll., 1919, LL.B., Harvard Law Sen., 1922; m. Elizabeth Cain of Okla., 30 Dec. 1930; children— Robert, Linda, Paula, Ann. Practiced law, Chicago and Washington, D.C, 1922—; mem. 111. and D.C. Bars; mem. firm Schein & Beckwith until 1938, now successor to that firm; teacher, legal subjs.; authority on admiralty, administrative and communications law; engaged in politics and good govt, movements; Rep. candidate for Con- gress from 7th 111. Dist., 1930; dir. Lake Gas Corp., Tablet & Ticket Co., Dinet & Delfosse, Inc., etc.; mem. 111. Commn. Celebration of 150th Anniversary of Opening of Northwest Territory and other committees; in U.S.N, during World War I, officer in cavalry reserve to 1940; mem. Chicago and Am. Bar Assns., Law Inst, of Chicago; Dist. of Columbia Bar Assn., A.F. & A.M., R.A.M., Carl Schurz High Sch. Alumni Soc. (ex-pres.). Clubs: Lake Shore Ath- letic, Press, Cliff Dwellers, Harvard Club of N.Y. Author: arts, on legal and pol. subjs. Travel: U.S. Interests: ama- teur farming, book and picture collect- ing. Recreations: travel. Republican. Office: 7 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2676 Orrington Av., Evanston, 111. NORDBERG, William Sigurd, man- ager; b. Chicago, 111., 28 Dec. 1887; s. John P. Nordberg (dec), and Hannah (Swedberg) N.; ed. Evanston (111.) high sch.; Armour Inst. Tech.; m. Harriot Kluge of Chicago, 111., 10 July 1910; children— Mrs. John Crook (wife of Lt. John Crook), William S., Jr., Marcia. Worked in bank until 1909; entered adv. bus., 1909; v.p., William H. Rankin Co.; founder, mgr., Chicago Suburban Qual- ity Group, 1 Oct. 1931—; It., Am. Pro- tective League (Secret Service Orgn.), during World War I; mem. Indian Hill Improvement Assn. (sec, p. pres.), Ma- sons (32d deg.), Shrine, A.F. & A.M. (p. 233 master, Winnetka Lodge No. 1078). Clubs: Illinois Athletic, Fort Dearborn, High Twelve (dir., founder, p. pres., HI. High Twelve Club No. 1), North Shore Sunday Evening (dir., sec, treas.), New Trier Republican (sec, treas.). Great uncle, Bengt Nordenberg, was one of the great artists of Eur. and painted many murals in King's Palace, Stock- holm. Recreations: golf, dogs. Protes- tant. Office: 1016 Willoughby Tower, Chi- cago, 111. Home: 489 Sunset Rd., Win- netka, 111. Winter home: Valparaiso, Fla. RINKER, Edward William, photo- graphic illustrator; b. Coshocton, O., 15 June 1909; s. Oscar Frederick Rinker, lithograph artist, and Amanda Amelia (Benthrop) R. ; ed. Nicholas Senn high sch., Chicago; Northwestern Univ., psy- chol.; m. Melba Eleanor Miller of Free- port, 111., 1 Sept. 1939; 1 dau., Jan Carla. Lithograph artist, 1928-32; splty. photog., 1933 — ; adv. illustrations, fashion and ednl. photographs, Documentary Motion Picture, 1933 — ; instr., Motion Picture Inst, of Design, Chicago, 1942-44; mem. Soc of Photographic Illustrators, Art Center, Chicago, Photographers Assn. of Am., Lightning Class Assn. (yachts- man). Club: Chicago Corinthian Yacht. Author: arts, and illustrations for nat. photog. pub. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Grandparents, Phillip K. and Katherine Rinker lost their home in Chicago Fire, lived in St. Paul, Minn, for yr. and then returned to Chicago. Interests: visual ed. through still and motion picture, or- ganic design. Recreations: yachting, riding, dog training. Office: 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. Home: 2111 Hudson Av., Chicago, 111. WESTBROOKS, Richard E., attorney at-law; b. Waco, Tex., 16 Oct. 1886; s. Charles Patterson Westbrooks, minister, and Laura Ann (Moore) W. ed. LL.B., John Marshall Law Sch., 1911. Admitted to 111. Bar, U.S. Dist. Ct., U.S. Circuit Ct. Appeals, 1912, Ind. Bar, 1913 (to practice, Circuit Ct. Scott Co.), U.S. Supreme Ct., 1916; engaged in gen. practice of law, 1912 — ; asst. state atty., habeas corpus dept., Cook Co., Dec. 1922- July 1923; mem. law firm, Ellis & Westbrooks, 1912 — , sr. mem., 1918 — ; tr. Edward T. Lee, Foundation of the John Marshall Law Sch., Chicago; inherit- ance appraiser, Cook Co., legal advisor, Exemption Bd. No. 4, Selective Service, 1917-18; govt, appeal agt., Selective Service, local bd. No. 81, Chicago, 1940 — ; consul, Chicago, for Republic Liberia, Afr., 1922 — ; mem. Cook Co. Bar Assn. (organizer, 1913, v.p., 1913-21, pres., 1921-22), Masons, K.T., Shrine (32d deg.), Nat. Bar Assn. (regional dir.), 111. State Bar Assn. Club: Texas. Interest: writing briefs. Methodist. Inde- pendent. Office: 3000 S. State St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 3634 Indiana Av., Chi- cago, HI. BOTT, Earle Wayne, artist, lithogra- pher, farmer; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 1 Jan. 1894; s. Henry Bott, constr. engr., and Amelia Elizabeth (Sprankel) B.; ed. Art Acad., Cincinnati; Winona Tech. Inst.; John Herron Art Sch.; summer sch., Art Inst., Chicago; m. Mabel Maree Siegelin of Brazil, Ind., 12 Sept. 1925; 1 son, Oren Earle. Painter of landscape, still life, portraits; art lithog- rapher, engaged in poster, stipple, color plate and designs; advertising com- mercial artist and photographer, en- gaged in mag. and newspaper illustra- tions in pen, oil and color; posters, catalogs, etc., in all mediums; oil paint- ings, water colors, lithographs exhibited at Hoosier Salon, Marshall Field Gal- leries (Chicago, 111.), Ind. Artists Ex- hibitions, John Herron Art Inst., Ind. State Fair (won 1st and 2d prizes for oil painting), other art exhbns.; art ed., illustrator, The Castel, published by 309th Engrs., Co. D., 84th Div., A.E.F., served with camouflage, map and litho- graphic dept., U.S. and Fr., 18 Apr. 1918-18 July 1919, musician, 309th Engrs. band, 3 mos.; mem. Alumni Assn. of Art Sch. of John Herron Art Inst. (Indi- anapolis, p. sec). Club: Ind. Artists (p. treas.). Travel: Scot., Eng., Fr., Spain. Interests: collecting and lecturing on antique lithograph prints, collecting early Am. iron and other antiques. Rec- reations: hunting, reading, photog. Prot- estant. Independent. Office and home: Artist Acres, R.R. 5, Box 124, Brazil, Ind. MOORE, George Elkington, surgeon, radiologist; b. Kewaunee, Wis., 26 Apr. 1890; S. Ransom A. Moore, prof, agronomy, Univ. Wis., and Mary J. (Rogers) M. ; ed. Cent, high sch., Madi- son, Wis.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1914; M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1918; m. (dec); children — George, Donald; m. (2d) Jes- sie P. Horlock of Chicago, HI., 17 Apr. 1936; children — Frederick, William. Surg, interne, Kings Co. Hosp., Brook- lyn, N.Y., 1918-19; practiced, Antigo, Wis., 1919, practice limited to surgery and radiology, 1920 — ; mem. staff, Lang- lade Co. Mem. Hosp., Antigo, Wis.; p. mem., Antigo Bd. Edn.; Jr. Lt., Naval Res. Force, 1917, disch., 1922; mem. Langlade Co. and Wis. Med. Socs., A.M.A., Elks. Club: Rotary. Author: A 234 Simplified Type of Roentgen Pelvimeter with Mathematical Calculations (co- author), 1932; Fractures of the Tuber Calcanei Involving the Medial and Lateral Processes, 1933; Roentgen Meas- urements in Pregnancy, 1933; Head Im- mobilization for Skull Radiography, 1934. Conglist. Republican. Office: First Nat. Bank Bldg., Antigo, Wis. Home: 1105 Clermont St., Antigo, Wis. Summer home: Pelican Lake, Wis. MANN, Clair Victor, civil engineer, educator, psychologist in field of meas- uring aptitudes; b. Frankfort, Kan., 3 June 1884; s. Charles Edward Mann, mechanic, farmer, and Margaret Myra (Shedden) M.; ed. country grade sch., Frankfort, Kan., 1890-98; State Prep. Sch. (then part of Univ. Colo., now Boulder high sch.), 1905; course in civil eng., Internat. Correspondence Sch., 1899-1911; B.S. in C.E., Univ. Colo., 1914, C.E., 1921; Univ. Mo. Sch. Mines, 1921-23; Ph.D., Univ. la., 1929 (major in eng. edn., only deg. of its kind ever given in U.S.); m. Bonita A. Hunt of Boulder, Colo., 29 Aug. 1906; children — Frances Nita Claire (Mrs. Alton D. Benson), Margaret Elizabeth (Mrs. Wil- liam R. Burgoyne), Robert Livingston, Paul Stanley, John Philip. Rodman, draftsman, computer, chainman, trans- itman, Chase & Hall, civil and mining engrs., Boulder, Colo., 1903-06; mining engr., George Marsh, Georgetown, Colo., 1907; U.S. mineral surveyor and mining engr., W. D. Arnett & Co., Reno, Nev., 1907-08; asst. supt., water works and sewers, asst. city engr., extension of waterworks, engr. in charge of constr., Albion and Silver Lake dams, Design, Boulder, Colo., 1908-10, 1912-14; pvt. eng. pract., Farmers Land & Water Co., Wellington, Colo., 1910-12, 1914-18; head, Dept. Sci. & Math., Poplar Bluff, Mo. High Sch., 1914-15; instr. math., State Prep. Sch., Boulder, Colo., 1915; instr. surveying, hydr., mechanics, Univ. Colo., 1916-18, instr., Coll. Eng., 1916-18; mgr., engr., Apishapa Consol. Irrigation Co., Fowler, Colo., repre- sented Colo, state engr. in design and constr. of Apishapa dam, 1918-20; asst. prof., Mo. Sch. Mines, Rolla, 1920-22, assoc. prof., 1922-23, prof, engring. drawing, head of dept., 1923 — , mem. faculty com. on discipline, Sept. 1923-28, com. on work of freshman and sopho- more students, 1926 — ; com. on ednl. policy, 1929 — , com. on policy, 1920 — , chmn. com. engring. edn., 1924-28; res. engr. constn. Mine Exp. Sta. Bldg., 1922-23; supt. W.P.A. edn. aptitude test- ing project, 1938; expert topog. drafts- man on large hydro-elec. develop., Em- pire Dist. Elec. Co., Joplin, Mo., 1924; mem. and sec. of com. which drew up Boulder City mgr. charter, 1917; mem. City Mgr. Council, Boulder, 1918; instr. eng. troop detachments, Univ. Colo., May- Aug. 1918; mem. A.S.C.E., S.P. E.E. (council, 1925-28, v.p. Mo. branch, 1935-36, mem. com. on comp. exams and tests, 1931 — , exec, com., chmn. Div. Engring. Drawing, 1930—), Mo. Acad. Sci. (chmn. coll. sects., mem. psy- chology, eng. and hist, sects.), Mo. Soc. Prof. Engrs., Mo. State Teachers Assn. (div. of superintendence), Phelps Co. Hist. Soc. (exec, sec), Mo. Coll. Per- sonnel Assn. (sec), Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Delta Kappa, Theta Tau, Masons (3d deg.), fellow A.A.A.S. Clubs: Rolla Community Music, Rolla Chamber Com- merce. Author: Objective Type Tests in Engineering Education, 1930; Design and Constr. of Albion Dam; Design and Constr. of Apishapa Dam; Rates for Colo. Charter Cities; monographs of nu- merous arts, in tech. pubis.; Official Journal of Boulder City Charter Con- vention; History of Mo. School of Mines (unpublished), ed. J. Eng. Edn. Res., 1933—, and J. Eng. Draw., 1936-39. Travel: Can., U.S. Interests: local hist, soc, hist, of Mo., indsl. and eng. edn., choral singing, study of the ways in which animals have suggested eng. and constr. methods to mankind. Recrea- tions: fishing, writing, motoring. Meth- odist. Independent. Office: Mo. Sch. Mines, Rolla, Mo. Home: 210 E. 8th St., Rolla, Mo. Summer res.: Rolla, Mo. SCHARLEMANN, Martin, pastor; b. Nashville, 111., 28 Dec. 1910; s. Ernst Scharlemann, pastor, and Johanna (Harre) S.; ed. Concordia Acad., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1924-25; Concordia Acad., St. Paul, 1925-28; Concordia Jr. Coll., St. Paul, 1928-30; B.D., Concordia Sem., 1934; M.A., Washington Univ., 1936, Ph.D., 1938; m. Dorothy Hoyer of St. Louis, Mo., 18 June 1938. Asst. to sec of Lutheran Ch., Mo. Synod, 1934-35; fellow in Greek, Washington Univ., 1936-38; pastor, Lutheran Ch., Osseo, Minn., 1939, Athens, Wis., 1939-41; mem. Offi- cers Res. Corps, Wausau (Wis.) Unit, during World War II; apptd. Army Chaplain (Reserve), 1941, on active duty, Chanute Field, HI., 1941-43, over- seas duty, Mediterranean Theater, 1943 — ; mem. Lutheran Liturgical Res. Soc. Am., Phi Beta Kappa, Eta Sigma Phi. Author: Plato and the Poets, The Influence of the Social Changes in Athens on the Development of Greek 235 Tragedy. Travel: Eng., Fr., Swite., Ger. Interests: music, writing, public speak- ing. Lutheran. Non-Partisan. Office and home: 1 Seminary Terrace, N. f St. Louis 5, Mo. STEPHENSON, Joseph Maxwell, in- surance executive; b. Rochester, 22 June 1892; s. Rome C. Stephenson, law- yer, banker, and Ella (Maywell) S.; ed. Staunton Mil. Acad., Va.; Notre Dame Univ.; Ind. Univ.; m. Marjorie Sweet of Burlingame, Calif., 5 Apr. 1927; children — Jo Ann, Thomas L. Cashier, Internat. Trust and Savings Bank, Gary, 1913-17; business mgr., South Bend News-Times, 1917-22, publisher, 1922-38, ed., 1933-38; treas., Conservative Life Ins. Co., 1918 — , pres., 1925 — , dir. ; mem. Delta Tau Delta, Ind. Soc. of Chicago. Travel: swimming, sailing, fishing. Independent. Office: Conservative Life Insurance Co., South Bend, Ind. Home: 1329 E. Wash- ington Av., South Bend, Ind. STEINBACH, Orma Weber, club woman; b. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., 13 Oct. 1908; d. William E. F. Weber, florist, and Minnie Lawson (Lamb) W. ; ed. Sault high sch. ; B.Mus., Univ. Mich., 1930, M. Mus., 1935; Ind. Univ.; Arthur Jordan Conservatory: m. Leslie Irving Steinbach of Louisville, Ky., 4 Sept. 1937; children— Jon F., Raya M. (twins). Dean of women and head of music dept., Cent. Normal Coll., Dan- ville, 1930-37; voice teacher, Danville, 1937-39; mem. Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Omicron (nat. musical advisor, 1931-37, nat. sec, 1937-39), Sigma Phi Kappa Delta, Alpha Theta Epsilon, Kappa Kappa Kappa, O.E.S. Clubs: Jackson Morning Musicale, Browning, A.A.U.W., Up-to-Date, Tuesday Bridge. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: music, reading. Recreations: golf, bridge, theatre. Pres- bvterian. Republican. Address: 2052 Wildwood Lane, Jackson, Mich. Summer home: Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. SAEKS, Abraham Benjamin, execu- tive; b. Cambridge, Minn., 25 Apr. 1901; s. M. E. Saeks, exec, and Eda (Bud- nick) S.: ed. Wadena (Minn.) high sch.; m. Josephine Segal of Minneapolis, Minn., 11 July 1922; children — Harlan Rodney, Edward Hugh, Keith Allen. Newsboy, bell boy, grocery elk., hide and fur buyer, travelling salesman in clothing bus., dealer in coal and bldg. materials; pres., Jewish Community Council Local District; chmn. U.S.O.; dir. United Jewish Council; troop com., Boy Scouts; mem. B'nai B'rith. Club: Lions. Interests: boy scouts, bowling, baseball, fishing. Jewish. Office: Edge- mont Coal & Cement Co., 1611 German- town St., Dayton, O. Home: 1552 N. Euclid Av., Dayton, O. OAKES, David Sidney, editor; b. Ken- dallville, Ind., 5 Sept. 1891; s. David Samuel Oakes, clergyman, and Mary Clarissa (Scott) O.; ed. Ft. Wayne (Ind.) high sch.; Purdue Univ.; m. Edith Marter Beaudry of Chicago, 111., 12 Oct. 1920; children — David Sidney, Jr., John Beaudry, Carolyn. Clerk, store dept., Wabash Ry., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1912, mech. dept., Peru, Ind., 1913; asst. purchasing agt., Chicago Junction Ry., Chicago, 1914-17, Central Mfg. Dist., Chi- cago, 1919; mgr., R. M. Neustadt & Sons, Decatur, 111., 1920-28; sales mgr., Set-O-Type Sales Co., St. Louis, 1928; editorial staff, Decatur Herald, 1929; asst. to pres., Terminal Nat. Bank of Chicago, 1929-32, advertising mgr., Cen- tral Mfg. Dist., Mav 1932—, ed., Central Mfg. Dist. Mag., May 1932—; enlisted 108th Engrs., 14 July 1917, 2d R.O.T.C., Ft. Sheridan, commissioned 1st It., Field Artillery, stud, at Saumur Artillery Sch., Vincennes Tractor Sch., Battery A. 51st Artillery C.A.C., Toul sector, Heavy Artillery Sch., Angers, Battery A 57th Artillery C.A.C., participated in Saint Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne offensives; mem. Am. Legion, Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon. Clubs: Central Mfg. Dist., Traffic (Chicago), Chicago Literary. Author: Barrage : The War Diary of an Ordinary Guy. Interest: literature. Recreation: golf. Office: 1305 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 4808 Dorchester Av., Chicago 15, HI. HARRISON Eugene Myers, minister; b. Florence, S.C., 26 June 1900; s. Theo- dore H. Harrison, minister, and Kissie H. (Hicks) H.; ed. Tabor City (N.C.) high sch.; B.A., Furman Univ., 1920; M.A., Duke Univ., 1932; B.D., Crozer Sem., Chester, Pa., 1933, Th.M., 1936; Th.B., Louisville Sem., 1933, Ph.D., 1936; Univ. Chicago, 1934-35; m. Lucile Hen- ning, 22 June 1941; 1 dau., Mina Marie. Ordained to Bapt. ministry, 1921; pastor, Versailles, Ind., 1921-23, Madison, Ind., 1923-25; missionary, Rangoon, Burma, 1925-31; pastor, Woodlawn Bapt. Ch., Chicago, 1936—; pres. S. C. Student Vol. Movement, 1919-20, Ky. Student Vol. Movement, 1922-23; mem. bd. of dirs. and com. on Evangelism, Chicago Bapt. Assn., Civic Relations, Chicago Ch. Fed.; mem. bd. trs., Northern Bapt. Sem., Chicago; served as head bugler, S.A.T.C., Greenville, S.C., 1918. Author: The Palace of Heroes (in Burmese), 1927; Ode to the Magnolia Gardens (poems), 1937; Heroes of Faith on Pio- 236 neer Trails, 1945. Travel: Eur., Pal., India, around world. Interest: taking colored moving pictures of scenic spots. Recreation: tennis. Baptist. Independ- ent. Office: 6207 University Av., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1142 E. 64th St., Chi- cago, 111. RICHARDS, Aute, professor of zool- ogy; b. Tekamah, Neb., 31 Oct. 1885; s. John Fletcher Richards and Silvia Jane (McNabb) R.; ed. Peabody (Kan.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Kan., 1908; A.M., Univ. Wis., 1909; Ph.D., Princeton Univ., 1911; D.Sc. (hon.), Marietta Coll., 1939; m. Mildred Hoge of Baltimore, Md., 19 Dec. 1917; children— James Hoge, Ernest John. Teacher, rural schs., Marion Co.', Kan., 1903-04, Sumner Co. high sch., Wellington, Kan., 1907-08; grad. asst., Univ. Wis., 1908-09; instr., adj. prof., zool., Univ. Tex., 1911-16; prof, zool., Wabash Coll., 1916-20; prof, zool., 1920—; head dept., Univ. Okla., 1920-42; teacher, summer schs., Univ. Washington, Western State Coll., Rocky Mt. Biological Lab.; dir., Okla. Biol. Survey, Sch. Applied Biol., Univ. Okla. Mus. Zool.; mem. bd. tr., Rocky Moun- tain Biol. Lab. (p. pres.); F. A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Soc. Zool., Am. Soc. Natu- ralists, Am. Micros. Soc, Ind. Acad., Okla. Acad, (sec, 1923-27, pres., 1929- 30), A.A.U.P. (mem. nat. council, 1933- 36), Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma, Alpha Epsi- lon Delta, Beta Beta Beta. Club: Lions. Author: Outline of Comparative Em- bryology; Practical Comparative Em- bryology; many sci. arts. Travel: Eur. Interest: music. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: Univ. of Okla., Norman, Okla. Home: 434 Chautauqua Av., Nor- man, Okla. ABRAMS, Allen, chemical engineer; b. Butler, Pa., 27 Jan. 1889; s. Edward Everett Abrams (in petroleum bus.) and Mary Genevieve (Allen) A.; ed. Butler (Pa.) high sch.; A.B., Washington and Jefferson Coll., 1910, M.S., 1915, D.Sc, 1937; B.S., M.I.T., 1915; m. Juanita Spyker of Lima, O., 15 Nov. 1919; chil- dren — Mary Catherine, Jean Chilton. Chem., Bemis Bro. Bag Co., Indian- apolis, 1916-17, 1919-20; res. assoc, M.I.T., 1920-21; dir. res., Cornell Wood Products Co., Cornell Wis., 1921-26; v.p. in charge res. and development, Marathon Corp., 1926 — ; inventor and patentee of instruments, processes and products in pulp and paper field; v.p. Marathon Paper Mills Co.; 2d It., 1st It., C.W.S., capt. engr., O.R.C., major, C.W.S., O.R.C., during World War I; mem. Tech. Assn. of Pulp and Paper Industry (p. pres.), A.A.A.S., A.C.S., A.S.T.M., N.Y. Acad. Sci., F.A.M., Chamber Commerce (p. pres.), Boy Scouts of Am. (p. pres. Marathon Dist.). Clubs: Wausau City, Wausau Country, Rotary (p. pres.). Author: nu- merous scientific arts. Hobbies: trout fishing, bird hunting. Universalist. Re- publican. Office: Marathon Corp., Roths- child, Wis. Home: 815 Tenth St., Wausau, Wis. WOODS, Weightstill, lawyer; b. Ver- sailles, Mo., 10 June 1885; s. Peter George Woods, banker, M.D., farmer, and Susan Harriet (Parkes) W.; ed. Versailles and Columbia (Mo.) high schs.; McGill Univ.; 111. State Univ.; A.B., Mo. Univ., 1911, J.D., Chicago Univ., 1913; m. Mary Holderness of San Diego, Calif., 24 Dec. 1914; children — Peter (m. Janet DeGelleke), Leona Harriet (Mrs. John Marshall), Mary June (Houston Symphony Orch.), Cicely Vance (Mrs. Victor M. Blanco), Weigh- still William (U.S. Marine Corps). Prac- ticed law, Chicago, 1913—; former vil- lage atty. ; reorganization tr. ; treas. Religious Ed. Assn.; mem. Am., 111., Chicago and DuPage Co. Bar Assns., Phi Beta Kappa, Acacia, Phi Delta Phi, Masonic Knight Templar. Club: Quad- rangle. Author: Woods Family History; law jour. arts. Travel: U.S., Can. In- terests: billiards, poetry, hiking. Protes- tant. Independent. Office: 77 W. Wash- ington St., Chicago 2, 111. Home: DuPage Co., 111. KRETZMANN, Adalbert Raphael Alex- ander, clergyman; b. Stamford, Conn., 15 Apr. 1903; s. Dr. Karl Kretzmann, clergyman, and Thekla (Hueschen) K.; ed. St. Stephen's and St. Matthew's Evan. Luth. Schs., N.Y. City, until 1917; Concordia Coll., Bronxville, N.Y., 1923; B.C., Concordia Sem., St. Louis, 1927; m. Josephine Marie Heidelberg of St. Louis, Mo., 1 Oct. 1927; children — Nor- man John Karl, Joan Anita. Asst. pas- tor, Jersey City, N.J., 1924; prof. Ger- man, Concordia Coll., Ft. Wavne, Ind., 1925-26; vacancy pastor, Philadelphia, 1926; supply pastor, St. Louis, 1926-27; ordained to ministry of Evangelical Lutheran Ch., 1927; asst. pastor, St. Luke's, Chicago, 1927-30, chief pastor, 1930—; pres. No. 111. Dist. of Walther League, 1930-32; lecturer on church art and liturgy, Concordia Teachers Coll., River Forest, 111., and St. John's Coll., Winfield, Kan.; youth work, Concordia Sem., St. Louis, Concordia Teachers Coll., Seward, Neb.; Dr. Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minn.; art ed., The Cresset; radio speaker, Chicago Lu- theran Hour; pastoral advisor, Internat. 237 Walther League, 1929—; sec, Lutheran Hosp. Assn., 1929-31; Chicago Lutheran Pastoral Conf., 1929-33; mem. bd. dirs., Luther Inst.; chmn. Chicago Luther Pastors Inst.; mem. Am. Fed. Art, Chi- cago Art Inst., Concordia Hist. Inst., The Am. Inst. Graphic Arts. Author: (prayers) My Redeemer Liveth, Wings of God; Concordia Pulpit, The Leaden Army Conquers the World, Christmas; Service Prayer Book, Motherhood Prayers, Symbols, A Practical Hand- book. Interests: collection of art works, hymn books. Evangelical Lutheran. Of- fice: 1500 Belmont Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1501 W. Melrose St., Chicago 13, m. COULTER, John Stanley, physician; b. Philadelphia, Pa., 27 Sept. 1885; s. Levi Coulter and Clara (Kinnier) C; ed. Central high sen.; M.D., Univ. Pa. Med. Sen., 1909; D.T.M., Univ. Philip- pines, 1916; m. Margaret Noyes of Chi- cago, 1929; 1 son, John Alfred. Interne, Germantown Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa., 1909-10; prof, and chmn. of physical med., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sen.; mem. staff, St. Luke's, Passavant, Alexian Bros, and 111. Central Hosps., Chicago; mem. Med. Council, Vets. Admin.; chmn. Subcom., Physical Ther- apy Nat. Research Council, Council on Physical Med., A.M.A.; 1st It., capt., maj., It. col., U.S.A., Med. Corps, 1910- 20, service S.G. office, Washington, D.C., Savenay Hosp. Center, Fr.; specialist in physical therapy, Chicago, 1920 — ; mem. Chicago Med. Assn., 111. Med. Assn., A.M.A., Chicago Acad. Med., A.C.S. Club: Rotary. Author: history of Physical Therapy, Vol. Ill; Principles & Practice of Physical Therapy; Physical Therapy Sections in Reimann's Treat- ment in Gen. Med., Medical Cyclopedia and Handbook of Physical Therapy; sec- tion on Electrotherapy in Barr's Modern Medical Therapy in General Practice; 53 articles in med. jours. Recreation: farming. Presbyterian. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: R. 1, Westville, Ind. LEE, Wallace Orison, vice pres. Indi- anapolis Power & Light Co.; b. Edge- field, S.C., 8 Nov. 1889; s. Orison Perry and Rosa Ada (Whittle) L.; student Butler Univ.; m. Faye Elizabeth Springer, 14 June 1911; children — Vir- ginia Luana, Mary Louise, Wallace Ori- son, Nancy Yvonne. Salesman Indian- apolis (Ind.) Power & Light Co., 1909, later personnel dept., now v.p. in charge of personnel and pub. relations; pres. Hoosier Engring. Co., Inc., Columbus, O.; served as 1st It. 2d Inf., U.S. Army; awarded Order of the Crown; dir. Am. Red Cross, Day Nursery, Flanner House, C. C. Fairbanks Memorial Assn.; trustee Central State Hosp.; mem. Ath- letic bd. Butler Univ.; mem. Nat. Assn. of Power Engrs., Electric League, Edi- son Inst., Ind. Electric Assn., Ind. Hist. Soc, Ind. Personnel Assn. (dir.), Al- pha Phi Omega, Blue Key. Mem. Chris- tian Ch. (mem. official bd. Northwood ch.). Mason. Clubs: Athletic, Columbia, Woodstock, Ulen Country, Hoosier Motor, Riviera, Gyro (Indianapolis). Republican. Office: 17 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. STOKER, Dee Antoine, re-insurance underwriter; b. Clinton, Mo., 2 Mar. 1874; s. William M. Stoker and Rosalie Marie (Matrat) S.; ed. graduated high sen., Clinton, 1890; Lamkins Acad; Clin- ton Bus. Coll.; Univ. Mo.; la. Wesleyan Univ., 1900; m. Addie Belle Grimes of Clinton, 4 Aug. 1898; children— Lucile Mae (Mrs. Frank W. Banka), Emory Dee, Le Roy E., Ruth Elizabeth (wife of Dr. Frederick W. Schacht, urologist), Paul Arthur. Paid way through coll. by teaching, selling life ins. and training men to sell subscription books; Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co., Chicago, 1901-03; independent life ins. salesman, 1903-08; organized States Accident Ins. Co., Chi- cago, 1908 — , sold to Am. Bankers Ins. Co., 1913, then organized accident dept. and operated it on profit-sharing basis for 3 yrs.; organized accident re-insur- ance dept., Federal Life Ins. Co., 1916; organized accident re-insurance dept. on profit-sharing basis, Employers In- demnity Corp., Kansas City, Mo., 1917- 20, re-insurance, excess and catastrophe covers, 1916 — ; mem. Masons. Recrea- tions: travel, shuffle board. Methodist. Republican. Offices: 520 Florida Power Bldg., St. Petersburg, Fla.; 110 S. Dear- born St., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: 521 Grove St., Evanston, HI. Winter res.: St. Petersburg, Fla. BLECKER, Michael, bus. executive; b. Nakavo, Jugo-Slavia, 12 Oct. 1889; s. Michael Blecker, farmer, and Margaret (Zahner) B.; m. Ida Camille Witt of Freiburg, Ger., 18 Nov. 1906; children — Michael J., Joseph. Professional hair- dresser in Europe and America; later organized own company which today operates chain of shops in U.S. Clubs: Lake Shore Athletic, Bob O'Link. Rec- reations: hunting, fishing, golf. Catholic. Office: 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 90 Indian Hill Rd., Winnetka, 111. 238 JENNER, Austin, vice-pres. First Nat. Bank of Chicago; b. Fond du Lac, Wis., 13 Mar. 1891; s. A. George E. Jenner and Marie A. (Bouvet) J.; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1912, LL.B., 1914; m. Helen Baker, 6 Jan. 1923; children— Edward B., David B. With The First Nat. Bank of Chicago, 1920 — , v.p., 1941 — ; dir. Baker Fentress & Co., Chicago, Consol. Naval Stores Co., Jacksonville, Fla., Plymouth (N.C.) Box & Panel Co., Shat- tuck-Denn Mining Corp., Bisbee, Ariz., Lyon Lumber Co., Chicago, Naval Stores Investment Co., Chicago, Med- ford Corp., Chicago, Saginaw & Manis- tee Lumber Co., Chicago; mem. Chi Psi. Episcopalian. Republican. Clubs: University, Mid-Day, Attic, Chicago, In- dian Hill (Winnetka), Surf (Miami Beach). Home: 1005 Hill Rd., Winnetka, 111. Office: 33 S. Clark St., Chicago, 111. TAYLOR, Genevieve, attorney, ref- eree, chief probation officer; b. Kenton, O.; d. Alexander R. Taylor, civil engl- Ohio State Univ.; LL.B., Franklin Univ. neer, and Eva May (Biggs) T.; ed. Findlay (O.) high sch.; B.S. (in Edn.), Ohio State Univ.; LL.B., Franklin Univ. Teacher pub. schs., practicing atty.; referee, chief probation officer, Juvenile Br., Franklin Co. Domestic Relations Court; mem. bd., Junior Scholarship, Cent. Community House; mem. Nat. League of Am. Pen Women, Women Lawyers of Columbus, Delta Kappa Gamma, Order of Curia, Columbus Bar Assn., League of Women Voters. Clubs: Symphony, Quota. Travel: Eur., Near East, Mex., Guatemala, W.I. Interests: music, art, travel, public speaking, writing. Recreation: mus. Methodist. Of- fice: Domestic Relations Court, Colum- bus, O. Home: 52 Preston Rd., Colum- bus, O. LOGAN, Richard Dougherty, attorney- at-law; b. Waverly, O., 2 Dec. 1884; s. James W. Logan, mcht., and Kate (Dougherty) L.; ed. Waverly (O.) high sch.; A.B., O. State Univ., 1907, LL.B., 1909; m. Florence Durflinger of London, O., 5 June 1912; 1 son, Richard Dough- erty, Jr. Engaged in gen. practice of law, Toledo, O., 1909—; mem. Toledo Bar Assn. (p. pres.), O. State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Psi. Clubs: Coun- try (Toledo), Toledo, Middle Bass, Her- mits. Recreation: golf. Episcopalian. Address: Toledo Trust Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. Home: 4215 River Rd., Toledo, O. MARTIN, Robert Earl, professor of physics; b. Monroe Co., 18 Aug. 1894; s. Leora Martin, farmer, and Louisa E. (Brough) M. ; ed. Stinesville high sch.; grad., Gosport high sch.; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1917, Ph.D., 1925; M.S., Lehigh Univ., 1921; Chicago Univ.; Univ. Mich.; m. Eva Ann Koontz of Bloomington, 1918; 1 dau., Mrs. Edith Louisa Martin Shimler. Teacher, pub. elementary schs., 5 yrs.; instr., asst. prof, physics, Lehigh Univ., 12 yrs.; prof, physics, Hanover Coll., 12 yrs., supt. bldgs. and grounds, 10 yrs.; engaged in govt, and industrial res. and engring. work during summers; teacher of engring. to stu- dents, Lehigh Univ., during World War I; mem. Am. Physical Soc, A.A.A.S., Ind. Acad. Sci., Sigma Xi, Delta Epsi- lon, Masons, Lambda Chi Alpha. Au- thor: two lab. manuals of physics, several res. papers on physical subjects. Travel: U.S., Can. Martinsville was named for ancestors. Interests: basket- ball, bridge. Recreation: motoring. Presbyterian. Republican. Office and home: Hanover, Ind. CUTTLE, Harold Edwin, importer; b. Chicago, 111., 4 Mar. 1897; s. Frank Stewart Cuttle, printer, and Catherine (Anderson) C; ed. Englewood high sch.; Northwestern Univ.; m. Ethel Anne Salisbury of Chicago, 111., 27 Dec. 1919; children — Harold Edwin, Jr., Don- ald Stewart (dec). Clerk, McCoy & Co., investment bankers, Univ. Chicago Press; mgr. ins. dept., J. C. Whitney Co., tea importers, cost accountants; v.p., mgr., Crow & Cuttle Inc.; dir. Cent. Bapt. Children's Home; sergt., C.W.S. during World War I; mem. Friends of China, Field Mus., Art Inst. Chicago (life). Clubs: Motive, So. Shore Country. Travel: China, Eur., So. Am. Interests: porcelains, glass. Baptist. Re- publican. Office: 6-100 Merchandise Mart, Chicago, 111. Home: 7948 Paxton Av., Chicago, HI. HELLER, Samuel, judge municipal court; b. Kolo, Poland, 1 Apr. 1887; s. Charles Heller, teacher, and Sophia Rose (Moskewitz) H.; ed. Joseph Medill high sch.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1913, A.M., 1931; LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1914; m. Adeline Neiman of Chicago, 14 Feb. 1912; children— Theodore R., Sonya B. High Sch. teacher, specializing in math., history, 1914-18; began crusade against vote thievery in Chicago's fam- ous Heller recount of 1933, wherein he was reseated on the bench after a year's contest that aroused Chicago's civic con- sciousness; leader in Progressive (Bull Moose) Party; nominee for county judgeship and headed Rep. ticket in Chicago, 1934; judge, 1926—; mem. Chi- cago Bar Assn. Author: The Sabbatical 239 Year Legislation. Interests: reading, historical works. Recreations: swim- ming, chess. Jewish. Independent Re- publican. Office: City Hall, Chicago, 111. Home: 515 Melrose St., Chicago, 111. HOFERT, William F., vice president; b. Chicago, 111., 20 Dec. 1885; s. John Hofert, wholesaler, and Caroline (Gas- ser) H.; m. Marcella Austwick, 20 Aug. 1905; 1 son, Everett William. Book- keeper, cash accountant, sales mgr., v.p., Gen. sales mgr.; v.p., Borin Art Products Corp., Chicago, 111.; Standard Art Industries, Chicago (sole owner); reserve militia during World War I; mem. Masons. Author: Blue Book of Advertising Products— a trade directory. Interests: philately, outdoors. Recrea- tion: fishing. Protestant. Republican. Of- fice: 327 So. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 800 S. Ridgeland Av., Oak Park, m. CUTTONE, Vito B., lawyer; b. Italy, 27 Dec. 1888; s. Leonard, land owner, and Jenny (Bianco) C; ed. high sch., 5 yrs.; coll. (Italy), 3 yrs.; J.D., Royal Univ. of Palermo, It., 1912; m. Bessie Hanson, 27 Dec. 1924. Came to U.S., 1914; admitted to practice law, 111., 1915; asst. state's atty., 1920; assoc. with Chi- cago Law Inst.; sr. mem. Cuttone and Cuttone; served as It., inf., Italian Army, 1911; It., inf., U.S. Army, 1918; mem. Am. Legion, Order of Sons of Italy in HI. (chief exec, officer). Repub- lican. Catholic. Clubs: 44th Ward Re- publican. Home: 421 Melrose St., Chi- cago, HI. Office: 140 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. MATHER, William John, bursar; b. Springdale, la., 14 Dec. 1895; s. Charles Evans Mather, lawyer, and Mary (Knudson) M.; ed. Springdale high sch.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1917; m. Mabel Etnyre of Oregon, 111., 17 Sept. 1921; children — Charles Etnyre, Marjory Evans. Employment mgr., Univ. Chi- cago, 1916, asst. cashier, 1920-26, cash- ier, 1926-30; asst. sec. Bd. Trs., 1928—, bursar and asst. sec. Bd. of Tr., 1931 — ; pvt., sgt. 1st class, 2d It. Inf., 1918; capt., major 1st Inf. Nat. Home Defense, 1940; on leave from Univ. of Chicago to active duty with Army, 1941; major of Ordnance and Exec. Officer Chicago Ordnance Dist., 1941, It. col. and exec. Officer Tank Automotive Center, De- troit, 1942; grad. Command and General Staff Sch. at Ft. Leavenworth, 1943; commanding officer 1st O.T. Regt. from 1 May 1943—, col., 1944; mem. Central Assn. Univ. and Coll. Bus. Officers (pres., 1941), Delta Upsilon. Club: Quad- rangle. Recreation: tennis, handball. Baptist (mem. Hyde Park Baptist Ch.). Office: Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, HI. Home: 1220 E. 57th St., Chicago, 111. HOUGH, Charles F., lawyer; b. Pana, 111., 3 June 1893; s. Charles F. Hough, phys., and Minnie (Robrts) H.; ed. Champaign (111.) high sch.; LL.B., Univ. 111., 1916; m. Nancy Browning of Benton, 111., 28 Apr. 1923; children- Nancy E., John W., Charles F., HI (dec). Dir., Gen. Alloys Co., Boston, Mass., Am. Hosp. Supply Corp., Tobey Furniture Co., Chicago; 1st It., Inf., P.M.G.C., with A.E.F., Army of Occu- pation, 1917-19; mem. Chicago (p. mem. bd. mgrs.), 111. State, Am. Bar Assns., Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Union League, Lake Shore. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Office: 231 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 237 E. Delaware PL, Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Green Lake, Wis. KELLY, Will Abbott, lawyer; b. Mus- catine, la., 12 Nov. 1895; s. Harry Eu- gene Kelly, lawyer, and Edna (McEl- ravy) K.; ed. E. Denver (Colo.) high sch.; B.L., State Univ. Colo., 1918; m. Elizabeth La Paugh of Denver, Colo., 2 Apr. 1917; children— Eugene, Elizabeth; m. (2d) Helen Perry of Chicago, 111., 6 Oct. 1930; m. (2d) Ruth E. Lindberg, 30 June 1942; 1 dau., Kristin. Practiced law, assoc. with firm of Dana, Blount & Silverstein, 1918, with Wm. W. Gurley of Chicago, 1918-23, mem. firm Olds & Tourje, 1923-24, firm Kelly, Pratt & Zeiss, 1924-36, now firm Coulter & Kelly; mem. Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Chi- cago Camera (v.p., 1935-37, pres., 1937- 39). Interest: photog. Recreation: fish- ing. Methodist. Republican. Office: 111 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2502 Bennett Av., Evanston, HI. SPARBERG, George L., broker; b. Des Moines, la., 9 Jan. 1893; s. Harris Sparberg and Sarah Lena (Preiser) S.; ed. East high sch., Des Moines, la.; Nat. Coll. Agr.; m. Mabel Michaelis of Chicago, 111., 9 Sept. 1919. Credit man, Swartchild & Co., Chicago, 3 yrs.; audi- tor, Peabody Coal Co., Chicago, 3 yrs.; purchasing agt., Central Iron & Metal Co., 5 yrs.; pres., Michigan Mill Supply Co., Chicago, 17 yrs.; dir., Cullet Corp. of Am. and Michigan Mill Supply Co.; served as It., F.A., 9 mos. during World War I; mem. B'nai B'rith (No. Shore Lodge), Masons, K.P., Am. Legion. Club: Covenant. Interests: social service work, child welfare. Recreations: ten- nis, baseball. Jewish. Democrat. Office: 240 505 W. 47th PL, Chicago, 111. Home: 5000 No. Marine Dr., Chicago, 111. Sum- mer home: Michigan City, Ind. SMITH, Henman B., lawyer; b. Will Co., 8 July 1876; s. Austin Julius Smith, lawyer, and Lucy (Vining) S.; ed. Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111.; Har- vard Univ.; m. Margaret Livermore of Chickasha, Okla., 18 Aug. 1906; children —Margaret, Jane, Henman B. (dec). Sr. mem. of firm Smith & Hynds, Morris, 111.; Conciliation Commr., by appt. of the U.S. Dist. Ct. of Chicago; chmn. Red Cross, v. chmn. all Liberty Loan Drives, World War I; mem. Ma- sons, Shrine, Chamber Commerce. Club: Morris Country. Travel: all except 3 states in U.S., Eng., France, Ire. Rec- reation: duck hunting. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: 224 Liberty St., Morris, 111. Home: 309 W. North St., Morris, 111. McNAMARA, Mark J., lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 5 May 1872; s. William J. McN. ; ed. public schs., Chicago; Pio Noni Coll. St. Francis, Milwaukee; LL.B., Chicago Coll. Law, Lake Forest Univ.; m. Clara Grucke of Chicago, HI., 26 Nov. 1919. Lawyer; asst. city prose- cutor under Mayor Dever, 1923; chief asst. city prosecutor under Mayors Cer- mak and Kelly, 1931 — ; asst. corp. coun- sel as chief asst. of Ordinance Enforce- ment Div., City of Chicago; mem. Regu- lar Democratic Orgn. (sec, 20 yrs.) ; legal advisor, Bd. of Selective Service, during last World War I. Travel: Me. to shores of Pacific. Interest: travel. Rec- reations: bowling, golf. Democrat. Of- fice: 610 City Hall, Chicago, 111. Home: 3132 N. Harding Av., Chicago, 111. Sum- mer home: Bailey's Harbor, Wis. SAHYUN, Melville, biological chem- ist; b. Beirut, Syria, 2 June 1895; s. Dr. Faris Sahyun, physician, and Neffaieh (Rayes) S.; ed. Am. Univ. Beirut, 1912- 16, A.B.; Stanford Univ., Calif., 1928-30, A.M., Ph.D.; m. Geraldine V. Valde of Santa Barbara, Calif., 6 May 1935; 1 son, Melville Richard Valde. Research worker on insulin, first to render crystal- line insulin available for treatment of diabetes in U.S., developed ferrous glu- conate for anemia and potassium glu- conate for hay fever and allergy; dir. biochem. research, Frederick Stearns and Co.; mem. Sigma Xi, A.A.A.S., Am. Chemical Soc, Soc Biol. Chemists, Soc Exptl. Biol, and Med. Author: about 40 sci. pubis, on carbohydrates, glycogen, insulin, amino acids, etc. Interests: music, drawing. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: 6533 East Jefferson Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 8925 E. Jefferson Av., Detroit, Mich. WOODRUFF, Maxine, lawyer; b. Wayne City, 111., 20 July 1908; d. W. B. Myers, funeral dir., and Etta (Easley) M. ; ed. Mt. Vernon Twp. high sch. ; A.B., Univ. 111., 1930, LL.B., 1932; m. James L. Woodruff of Champaign, HI., 1928. Asst. atty. gen., State of 111.; mem. Alpha Gamma Delta. Club: Busi- ness and Professional Women's. Bap- tist. Republican. Office: 1005 Main St., Mt. Vernon, 111. Home: 423 Johnson Av., Mt. Vernon, HI. TITUS, Harold H., professor; b. St. Martin's, N.B., 23 Feb. 1896; s. E. A. Titus, mcht., and S. Jenny (Hopper) T.; ed. St. Martin's high sch.; Acadia Col- legiate Acad.; A.B., Acadia Univ., 1920; B.D., Colgate-Rochester Div. Sch., 1923, Th.M., 1924; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1926; m. Pauline Parry of Wolfville, N.S., Can., 6 Apr. 1926; children — Margaret Jen, Louise Claire. Student in Eur. on traveling fellowship, 1926; prof, history, William Jewell Coll., 1926-28; prof, philos., sociology, Denison Univ., 1928- 30, prof, philos., 1930 — ; exchange teacher, Pasadena Junior Coll., 1939-40; mem. Am. Philos. Assn., A.A.U.P. ; served with Canadian Army, hon.-lt. in Mil. Y.M.C.A. overseas, during World War I. Author: Ethics for Today, 1936; What is a Mature Morality, 1943. Travel: Eur. Recreation: tennis. Baptist. Inde- pendent. Office: Denison Univ., Gran- ville, O. Home: 403 W. Broadway, Gran- ville, O. MOULTON, Margaret Van Bergen, librarian; b. Beaver Dam, Wis.; d. Frederick Morton Van Bergen and Anna (Evans) Van B.; ed. Minneapolis pub. schs.; Library Course, Univ. Minn., 1904, B.A., 1905; m. Frank Warwick Moulton of Portsmouth, O., 30 Sept. 1922. Teacher, pub. schs., Bruce, Wis., 1906-07; cataloger and reviser, Univ. Minn. Library, 1914-22; cataloger, Ports- mouth Pub. Lib., July-Dec, 1925, libra- rian, 1 Jan. 1926 — ; holder of life teach- er's cert.; mem. Delta Gamma, Omega Psi, Sigma Alpha Delta, Theta Epsilon, O. Library Assn., Scioto Co. Com. Ohio- ana Library. Clubs: Portsmouth Read- ing, Republican Women's. Travel: Pa- cific Coast, Brit. Columbia, autumn 1927. Interests: books, promotion of li- brary work. Recreation: motoring, reading. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: Portsmouth Public Library, Ports- mouth, O. Home: 1908 Hutchins Av., Portsmouth, O. STOETZEL, Ralph Edward, archi- tect; b. Chicago, 111., 20 Apr. 1892; s. 241 Edward F. Stoetzel, wood engraver, and Wilhelmine (Goetz) S.; ed. Evanston Acad.; Columbia Univ.; m. Rose E. Spencer of Chicago, 111., 16 Sept. 1915; children — Ralph, Rose, Margaret (Mrs. Richard W. Landon). Park commr., Glencoe; mem. Am. Inst. Architects, Phi Gamma Delta. Travel: Eur. Glen- coe Union Ch. Republican. Office: 75 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago 1, 111. Home: 245 Park Av., Glencoe, HI. DEWEY, Roy Franklin, sales man- ager; b. Sheboygan, Wis., 31 Oct. 1892; s. Frank James Dewey, cabinetmaker, and Elizabeth (Schucht) D.; ed. Sheboy- gan (Wis.) high sch.; m. Anne Pilger of Manitowoc, Wis., 15 Sept. 1917; 1 son, Forrest Pilger. Advertising mgr., Koh- ler Co., Kohler, Wis., 1915-17; gen. mgr., Economy Book Shops, Chicago, 1917-22; assoc. leader, Chicago Ethical Soc, 1922-28; spl. assignment as ch. edit, writer, Chicago Evening Post, 1927; lec- turer before Women's clubs and other organizations; mem. staff, U.S. Cham- ber Commerce, 1928-40; now mgr., Membership Dept., Chicago Assn. Com- merce. Clubs: Cliff Dwellers, Ft. Dear- born Camera (pres., 1934-37). Author: book reviews; essays. Travel: Ger., Fr., Eng., Scot., Belgium. Interests: Litera- ture, music, photog. Office: 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 4428 Mai- den St., Chicago, HI. McCONNELL, John L., consulting en- gineer; b. Ft. Smith, Ark., 15 Jan. 1881; s. John W. McConnell, physician, and Sara (McNabb) McC; ed. B.C.E., Univ. Ark., 1902; m. Anne Duncan of Fayette- ville, Ark., 13 Sept. 1905; children— Dr. Duncan, William McC. Engaged in de- sign and constr., of bridges, 1902-04, power stations and interurban rys., 1904- 08; supervision of bldgs., 1908-17; West- ern mgr., Am. Internat. Shipbuilding Corp., 1917-19; cons, engr., specializing 1919 — ; Western mgr., Am. Internat. in indsl. plants, spl. purpose bldgs., Shipbuilding Corp., during World War I; in charge of engring. and constrn., A Century of Progress, Chicago, 1931- 36. Clubs: Adventurers (p. pres.). Engi- neers (p. pres.). Travel: U.S. Interest: history. Recreations: bowling, golf. Presbyterian. Office: 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 594 Hickory Rd., Glen Ellyn, HI. MICHAEL, John H., electrical engi- neer; b. Pyrgos, Samos, Greece, 7 Aug. 1892; s. Demetrios H. Michael, farmer, and Sophula Michael; ed. Milwaukee Sch. Engring.; B.S. (honors), Univ. Wis., 1924; m. Kyriaki Vouvouna of Greece, 11 July 1928. Served as pvt., Co. D., 148th Inf., during World War I; mem. A.I.E.E., Milwaukee Engrs. Soc, Eta Kappa Nu, Army Ordnance Assn., Am. Legion. Travel: Gr., Egy., It, Fr., Eng. Greek Orthodox. Independent Democrat. Office: Allis Chalmers Co., West Allis Works, Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 836 So. 76th St., West Allis, Wis. RUMMLER, Eugene A., patent attor- ney; b. Kalamazoo, Mich., 20 Apr. 1872; s. Joseph J. Rummler, tailor, and Jenny R. (Sittig) R.; ed. Central high sch., Detroit, Mich.; B.S. (in M.E.), Univ. Mich., 1898; m. Clara Wenborne of Buf- falo, N.Y., 23 June 1903; children- Charles Wenborne, Rosalia (Mrs. Sage I. Redfern), Emma (Mrs. John S. At- wood). Helped install Council-Manager form of Government in Winnetka; pres., Winnetka, 1915-17; chmn., Winnetka Plan Commn., 1923—; served as pvt. in res. militia, 1917-18; mem. Winnetka Hist. Soc, Western Soc. Engrs. (1904- 34), Soc. Indsl. Engrs. (1918-34), Chi- cago Assn. Commerce. Clubs: City of Chicago, Chicago Engrs. Conglist. Re- publican. Office: 7 S. Dearborn St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1015 Starr Rd., Win- netka, 111. SMITH, Clyde, lawyer; b. Paw Paw, 111., 30 May 1864; s. Robert Smith, farmer, and Harriet M. (Baisley) S.; ed. Chicago Coll. ; E. Paw Paw Clasiscal Sem. & Teachers Inst.; B.A., Univ. Mich., 1886; m. Mary Wilson Morgan, 6 June 1938. Life spent in law practice; mem. Psi Upsilon, B.P.O.E. Republican. Office: Dixon Nat. Bank Bldg., Dixon, 111. Home: 1024 Third St., Dixon, 111. O'CONNOR, John R., real estate; b. Chicago, 111., 18 July 1890; s. Timothy A. O'Connor, real estate, and Margaret (Costello) O'C; m. Ethel C. Constable of Chicago, 111., 29 Sept. 1915; children — John C, Mary Irene, Timothy A., Ethel C, Nancy R., Grace P. Asst. buyer, John Sexton Co., 5 yrs.; sales- man, W. S. Quinby Co., 2 yrs.; in bank- ing and real estate, State Bank of Clear- ing, 5 yrs.; propr., John R. O'Connor Co., real estate ad building; dist. dir., Fed. Housing Adminstrn., 1935, state dir. Fed. Housing Adminstrn., 111., 1936- 40. Catholic. Office: 2145 E. 79th St., Chicago, 111. Home: 9950 Longwood Dr., Chicago, 111. MARKUS, Joseph E., publisher; b. Chicago, 111., 4 Oct. 1884; s. Rev. I. E. Markus, clergyman, and Hannah B. (Hansson) M. ; ed. Macalaster Acad., St. Paul, Minn.; LL.B., De Paul Univ., 1908; m. Norine G. Coburn of Indian- 242 apolis, Ind., 1921; 1 dau., Jeanne Elaine (Mrs. Robert L. Haag). Adm. 111. Bar, 1908; practiced law, 1908-10; pres. and dir., Markus-Campbell Co. publishers; pres. and dir. Sterling Printing Corp.; mem. 111. and Am. Bar Assns., Phi Alpha Delta, Am. Philatelic Soc. Clubs: Swedish of Chicago, 111. Athletic, South Shore Country. Interest: philately. Rec- reations: walking, motoring. Presby- terian. Republican. Office: 1315 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 7000 South Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Winter res.: Coral Gables, Fla. PYRTLE, Ralph Nolan, teacher; b. Okla.; s. Daniel Pyrtle, farmer, and Sophia (Fulbright) P.; ed. Lincoln high sch., Guthrie, Okla.; B.Sc, Syracuse Univ.; Chicago Univ.; M.Sc, O. State Univ. ; m. Mary Rene Page of Langston, Okla.; children— Ralph Nolan, Jr., Gwendolyn. Prin., Chickasha (Okla.) High Sch., Boley (Okla.) High Sch.; dean, Western (Mo.) Coll.; dir. sci., State Agr. and Normal Univ., Okla.; prof, biol., Wilberforce Univ.; Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. N.A.B.T., Ohi oAcad. Sci. Author: Laboratory Manual for General Zoology; Conditions Affecting the Rate of Locomotion in Porcellio Laevis; Spiders of the Oak-Hickory For- est. Interest: collecting spiders of Greene Co. Office: Wilberforce Univ., Wilberforce, O. Home: Box 51, Wilber- force, O. GOTTLOBER, Abraham Ber, psy- chologist, speech pathologist; b. Cleve- land; s. Alexander Gottlober, artist, and Helen Rabinovitz of N.Y., Apr., 1940. sch.; B.A., Western Reserve Univ., 1933, M.A., 1935; Ph.D., Univ. la., 1937; m. Helen Rabinovitz of N.Y., Apr. Ir40. Visiting man, Cleveland City Hosp. ; dir., Cleveland Speech Correction Clinic and Youngstown Speech Correction Clinic; mem. Sigma Xi, Cleveland Acad. Med., Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Speech Correction Assn. Author: The Inherit- ance of Brain Potential Patterns; Do Brain Waves Have Individuality; How Consistent are an Individual's Brain Potentials from Day to Day; The Rela- tionship Between Brain Potentials and Personality. Travel: So. Am., W.I., Can., Newfoundland. Recreations: Y.M. C.A., Temple Men's Club. Jewish. Of- fices: 3608 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O.; 207 Dollar Bank Bldg., Youngstown, O. Home: 2590 Charney Rd., University Hts., O. Summer res.: Littleton, N.H. CHANDLER, Thomas Alberter, law- yer, oil producer; b. Indian Territory, 26 July 1871; s. Burges G. Chandler and Annie E. (Gunter) C. ; ed. Worcester Acad., Vinita Indian Territory, 1888; Drury Coll., Springfield, Mo.; m. Marie L. Wainwright of Fayetteville, Ark., 23 Oct. 1894; children — Norma, Collis P. Apptd. Revenue Collector, Cherokee Na- tion, 1891, Townsite Commr. for Chero- kee Nation, 1895; dep. elk., U.S. Court for Northern Dist. Indian Territory, 1900; Bd. of Affairs for State of Okla., 1909; del. to Rep. Nat. Conv., 1908; elected to 65th and 67th Congresses, rep. the 1st dist. of Okla.; mem. of Con- gress during World War I, but was in Italy and France, 1918 (returning home last of Sept. 1918). Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Eur. Member Cherokee Tribe of Indians. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Republican. Office: Vinita, Okla. SCHEPMAN, Henry Frederick, attor- ney; b. Lockwood, Mo., 26 Sept. 1898; s. Wm. Schepman and Fredericke (Heuke) S.; ed. Tecumseh high sch.; attended Univ. Chicago, Univ. Neb.; A.B., LL.B., 1924; m. Sherlie Whitaker of Falls City, Neb., 6 Dec. 1928; 1 son, John Henry. Sec, Congressman John H. Morehead; mem. firm, Mullen and Schepman; state rep., Johnson Co., Neb., 1925-26; state senator, 1929-32; pvt., Inf., 1918; mem. Falls City Cham- ber Commerce (p. sec), Am. Legion (p. adj., Falls City), Lutheran Laymens League, Neb. and Am. Bar Assns. Club: Rotary. Recreations: baseball, fishing. Lutheran. Democrat. Office: First Nat. Bank Bldg., Falls City, Neb. Home: 2302 Chase St., Falls City, Neb. THOLEN, Herman J., proprietor re- tail jewelry store, registered optome- trist; b. Victoria, 2 Oct. 1890; s. Henry Tholen, watchmaker, jeweler, and Cath- erine (Conrad) T. ; ed. Kansas City Horological Sch., optical dept.; m. Ger- trude Kuhn of Victoria, 23 Apr. 1917; children — Marie, Dolores, Herman J., Jr., Alfred Henry. Former commr., mayor, of Hays; former chmn. Ellis Co. bd. of commrs.; mem. Anti Prohibition Soc. in Kan. (co-orgainzer, 1932, pres., 1932 till it ceased to operate in 1935, after passage of 2 per cent beer bill), Kan. Retail Jewelers Assn., Kan. Op- tometric Assn., K. of C. (dist. dep., 1939-40, chmn. state Council Cath. Activity Com., 1938-41, treas. Stafe Coun- cil, 1945 — ), Hays Music Festival Assn. (pres., 1923-41), Cath. Evidence Guild (pres., 1936-41), Nat. Cath. Evidence Guild Conf. (dir., 1940-41). Author: Per- secuted Mexico; arts. (rel. econ.) in Cath. and Secular Press. Travel: U.S. Recreation: reading. Catholic. Repub- 243 lican. Office: 804 Main St., Hays, Kan. Home: 201 W. 16th St., Hays, Kan. SEPESHY, Zoltan L., painter, teach- er; b. Kassa, Hungary, 24 Feb. 1898; naturalized, 1928; s. John Szepessy, asst. sec. of finance, Czecho-Slovakia, and Anna (Prisztas) S.; ed. Acad, of Fine Arts and Art Instructors Budapest; m. Dorothy Lord Bair of Detroit, Mich., 1933; children — Celia Ann, Michael L. Resident artist, 1933; dir., dept. of paint- ing, Cranbrook Acad, of Art; rep. in 13 museums, private coll., and by murals in various pub. bldgs., Midtown Gal- leries, New York, N.Y. ; lecturer on painting; mem. Mich. Acad, of Sci., Arts and Letters. Club: Scarab (De- troit). Travel: Eur., U.S., Can., Mex. Catholic. Office and studio: Cranbrook Acad, of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Home: 3 Academy Rd., Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Summer res. : Crystal Lake, Cry- stalia (Frankfort), Mich. URIELL, Francis Harold, lawyer; b. Elkader, la., 28 Mar. 1899; s. Francis J. Uriell, banker, and Mary (Ryan) U. ; ed. Elkader (la.) high sen.; St. Thomas Coll.; B.A., State Univ. la., 1920, LL.B., 1922; m. Georgia Niemeyer of Elkader, la., 27 Nov. 1924; 1 son, Francis George. Assoc, with Butler, Lamb, Foster & Pope, lawyers specializing in securities, corporate and corporate reorgn. mat- ters, 1922-33; spl. asst. to Gen. Counsel's Com., Washington, D.C., 1933-37; part- ner, Pope & Ballard law firm, Chicago, 1937—; mem. S.A.T.C., State Univ. la., World War I; mem. Am. Bar Assn., 111. State Bar Assn., Chicago Bar Assn. Clubs: The Law, Union League (Chi- cago). Catholic. Democrat. Office: 120 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2655 As bury Av., Evanston, 111. FLOREEN, Walter J., vice-president and director; b. Chicago, 111., 1 July 1887; s. Peter Floreen, clothier, and Selma (Perrson) F.; ed. Journal of Accts., Detroit, Mich.; m. Helen Dore, 1912 (dec); 1 son, Edward Dore; m. (2d) Helen Hanson of Oak Park, 111., Oct. 1936. Accounting, transportation, ins., Marshall Field & Co.; accounting, Public Service Co.; stenograoher, Cun- ard Line, passenger reservations; John Prindville & Son, Lake transportation; Prindiville, Croxon & Co., marine ins.; Rollins Burdeck Hunter Co., ins., all of Chicago; mem. A.F. & A.M. (32d deg.), K.T., Shrine. Clubs: Oak Park Country, Swedish (Chicago), Chicago Athletic Assn. Travel: U.S., So. Am., Eur. (ex- tensive). Interests: gardening, marine activities. Recreation: golf. Protestant. Republican. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 300 N. Grove Av., Oak Park, 111. HOWARD, William J., contracting engineer; b. Chicago, 111., 9 Apr. 1887; s. James Richard Howard, civil engr., and Mary Elizabeth (Grant) H.; ed. Watertown Coll., Watertown, Wis.; C.E., Colo. Sch. of Mines, 1910; m. Wini- fred Reeve of Detroit, Mich., 29 Dec. 1914; children— Kathryn (Mrs. John Stein), Winifred. Pres., dir., William J. Howard, Inc.; dir. Rys. Constr. Co., Associated Shipbuilders, Quincy Memo- rial Bridge Co.; civilian, U.S. R.R. Ad- minstrn., $1 yr. man, during World War I; mem. A.S.C.E., Nat. Geog. Soc, Soc. Bridge Builders. Clubs: Union League, Engrs. (both of Chicago). Author: How to Read Blue Prints; Notes on Steel Erection; Sand Jacks. Travel: Mex., U.S. Family lived in Chicago, 3 genera- tions. Interests: horse racing, aviation, detective stories. Office: 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. Home: R.F.D. 1, Wadsworth, Lake Co., 111. HOSTETTER, Gordon Leslie, em- ployer- employe relations; b. Hunting- ton, W.Va., 10 Feb. 1892; s. William A. Hostetter, clergyman, and Grace (Ful- ler) H.; ed. common and high sens., Ky.; m. Marguerite Adams of Daven- port, la., 5 Nov. 1913; 1 son, Gordon W. Employment mgr., Root & Van Der Voort Eng. Co., E. Moline, 111., 1912-17; sec, organizer, Peoria Mfrs. & Mer- chants Assn., Peoria, HI., 1917-18; labor Corp., L.I. City, N.Y., 1918-20; indsl. relations, George W. Goethals Co., man- agement engrs., New York Citv, N.Y., 1920-22; mng. dir., Employers Assn. Chi- cago, Chicago, 1922 — ; mem. Masons, Nat. Indsl. Council. Club: Flossmoor Country. Co-author (with Thomas Quinn Beesley) : It's a Racket. Travel: Eur., U.S. Writer of factual and philosophical arts, on indsl. relations. Recreations: golf, motoring. Protestant. Independent. Office: 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. Home: Flossmoor, 111. KING, Arthur Charles, consulting en- gineer; b. Ithaca, N.Y., 1 Jan. 1880; s. William G. King and Kate (Sincebough) K. ; ed. Chicago (111.) pub. sens.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1901, E.E., 1913, M.E., 1914. With Gen. Elec Co., 1901-08; cons, engr., Chicago, 1908-12; deputy commr. gas and electricity, Chicago, 1912-16; cons. mech. and elec engr., Chicago, 1916—; major, in chg. elec. and power engring., Constr. Division, U.S. Army, 1918-19; Fellow A.I.E.E.; mem. A.S. M.E., Am. Soc. Heating and Ventilating 244 Engrs., Western Soc. Engrs. Clubs: Chi- cago Yacht, University. Travel: U.S., Can. Recreations: yachting, photog. Protestant. Republican. Office: 35 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2108 N. Orleans St., Chicago, HI. SHEININ, John Jacobi, medical sch. dean and anatomy professor; b. Bob- ruysk, Rus., 21 Mar. 1900; s. Jacob Sheinin and Chernia (Rosenhaus) S.; ed. B.S., Univ. Ala., 1928; M.S., North- western Univ., 1929, Ph.D., 1932, M.B., 1932; m. Ruth Aron of Chicago, 111., 3 Sept. 1932; 1 son, James Charles. Instr. anat., Univ. Ala. Sch. Med., 1925-27; fellow in anat., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1927-32; prof., chmn. dept. of anat., Chicago Med. Sch., 1932 — , dean, 1935—; dir. Y.M.C.A. (Chicago); mem. Am. Assn. Anatomists, A.A.U.P., Soc. Exptl. Biol, and Med., A.A.A.S.. 111. Acad. Sci., Chicago Med. Soc, Sigma Xi, Phi Delta Epsilon, Kappa Nu (p. pres., Pi chap.). Author: numerous sci. pamphlets. Interests: painting, sculptur- ing. Recreation: golf. Office: 710 S. Wol- cott Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 221 S. Central Park Av., Chicago, 111. TALBOT, Richard Colgate, Jr., minis- ter; b. Cedar Rapids, Neb., 19 Sept. 1896; s. Rev. Richard Colgate Talbot, minister, and Eva May (Shurtz) T.; ed. Topeka high sch.; Parsons (Kan.) high sch.; St. John's Mil. Sch., Salina, Kan.; Joplin (Mo.) high sch.; A.B., Racine (Wis.) Coll., 1917; B.D., Nashotah (Wis.) Theol. Sem., 1922; m. Bertha Ellen Shaver of Shell Lake, Wis., 8 Feb. 1923; children — Richard Colgate, III. Charles Ethelbert. Ordained priest, 1920; mis- sionary, Northern Wis., 2 yrs.; rector, Ch. of Messiah, Gonzales, Tex., St. Mark's, South Milwaukee, Wis., St. Luke's, Dixon, 111., Ch. of St. Elisabeth, Glencoe, 111., 1931 — ; mem. Dept. of Christian Education of Diocese of Chi- cago. Club: Skokie Country. Interest: collecting stamps. Recreation: fishing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 556 Vernon Av., Glencoe, 111. Home: 380 Hawthoren Av., Glencoe, 111. Summer res.: Shell Lake, Wis. ROGERS, Lester Cushing, business executive; b. Elgin, 111., 26 Sept. 1893; s. Walter A. Rogers and Julia M. (Cush- ing) R.; ed. Oak Park, 111., B.S. (C.E.), Univ. Wis., 1915; m. Lucile Pritchard of Aurora, 111., 17 Apr. 1917; children- Nancy, Lucile, Barbara Ellen, Lester Cushing, Jr. Engr., Bates & Rogers Constl. Co., 1915-17, supt., dist. mgr., v.p., dir., 1919-37, Bates & Rogers Constr. Corp., pres., dir., 1937 — ; tr., George Williams Coll., Chicago; It. F.A., U.S.A., 1917-18; mem., Western Soc. Engrs., A.S.C.E., Am. Concrete Inst., Assoc. Gen. Contractors of Am. (adv. bd.). Clubs: Union League, Economic, Indian Hill. Conglist. Office: 111 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: Winnetka, HI. LINDSAY, Edward E., editor; b. De- catur, 111., 4 Apr. 1899; s. Charles E. Lindsay and Carlotta (Adams) L.; ed., Oklahoma City high sch.; James Milli- kin Univ., 1919-22; m. Ellen Voorhies of Decatur, 111., 11 Oct. 1927; children- Ellen Duncan, Ann Shelby. With De- catur Herald, 1923—, 1927-31; Sunday ed., Herald & Review, 1931-34, ed., 1934—; ed., E. St. Louis Journal & Eve- ning Courier, Champaign-Urbana, 111.; dir. Decatur Newspapers, Inc., E. Shore Newspapers, Inc., Commodore Broad- casting, Inc.; in Engr. Corps, U.S.A., F.A.O.T.C., 1918; mem. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Delta Chi. Clubs: De- catur, University, National Press- In- terest: Decatur Art Inst. (pres.). Office: Decatur Herald & Review, Decatur, 111. Home: 229 S. Glencoe, Decatur, 111. PLUMMER, Daniel Clarence, busi- ness executive; b. Chicago, 111., 7 Oct. 1896; s. Daniel Clarence Plummer, mcht, and Jessie (Turnbull) P.; ed. Hyde Park high sch.; Univ. Chicago; m. Ida May Hayden of Chicago, 111., 19 May 1921; children— Martha (dec), Daniel Clarence, III, Robert Hayden, Nancy Carroll. Pub. accountant, asst. gen. mgr., treas., Earnshaw Knitting Co., 1919-22; merchandise controller, Montgomery Ward & Co., 1922-26; pres., treas., The H.P.W. Stores (3 outlying dept. stores), 1926-29; mdse. mgr., Fred Harvey, 1929-35; management engr., Sanderson & Porter, D.C. Plummer & Co., 1935-44; dir. Globe American Corp. (pres., 1944), Young Radiator Co., Franklin-McAllister Corp. (pres., 1944); It., flying instr., U.S. Air Service, 14 mos., World War I; mem. Psi Upsilon. Recreations: riding, golf, fishing, hunt- ing. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1331 Wade St., Highland Park, 111. Sum- mer res.: Alden, Mich. HENDERSON, Edward Earle, life in- surance; b. Brazil, Ind., 2 Sept. 1885; s. Calvin Holton and Martha Adeline (Nichols) H.; ed. Brazil (Ind.) high sch.; Pomona, Calif. Coll.; m. Anna Elizabeth Nesbit of Williamstown, Ky., 24 Sept. 1912; children— Martha Ann, Zella H. Kimball, Jane Earle, Edde. Night baggage master, Pa. R.R. Co., 245 Brazil, Ind., 1901-02, E. St. Louis, 1902- 05; city ticket agt., Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R.R., Bakersfield, Calif.; mgr., Pillsbury Flour Mills of Minne- apolis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Chi- cago, 10 yrs.; v.p. Subsidiary of Acme- Evans Co., Indianapolis, Ind., 2 yrs., Pacific Mutual, 1924—; gen. agt., Los Angeles, Calif. Columbian Nat. Life Ins. Co., Boston; asst. supt. agenceis, Pacific Mutual, gen. agt., Chicago, 1 Jan. 1934—; mem. Masons. Clubs: Rotary, Union League (Chicago), Skokie Coun- try, (Glencoe). Desc. of George Wash- ington. Recreations: golf, travel. Meth- odist. Republican. Office: 175 W. Jack- son Blvd., Chicago, HI. Home: 1355 Ash- land Av., Wilmette, 111. REYMERT, Dorothy Dix; b. Spring- field, O., 1 Mar. 1907; d. Kenton Harvey Markley and Ethel (McCartney) M.; ed. Springfield high sen.; A.B., Wittenberg Coll., 1928; m. Martin Luther Reymert, Ph.D. (dir., Mooseheart Lab. for Child Res.), of Mooseheart, HI., 3 Aug. 1931; children— Randi Dix, Karen Jenine, Martin Luther, Jr. Dir. phys. ed., Jr. High Sen., Springfield, O.; health ed. sec, Y.W.C.A., Baltimore, Md.; mem. bd. dirs., Aurora Y.W.C.A., pres. bd., 1939-40; mem. Intergroup Council, pres., 1938-41; mem. Nat. Com. of Social Re- sponsibility, Tau Kappa Alpha Forensic, Chi Omega, Psi Chi, A.A.U.W., Women of the Moose. Author: verses, children's stories, water pageants, adaptations of folk dances and puppet plays. Interests: literature, music, res. in child develop- ment, health ed., homemaking, enter- taining, travel, theatre (makes puppets and has puppet theatre), Red Cross life saving examiner, first aid instr. Con- glist. Home: Mooseheart, HI. WERTH, Sister Magna, professor of physics and chemistry; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 30 July 1885; d. Fred Werth, car- penter and Anna Catherine (Mohren) W.; ed. St. Benedict's Acad.; M.A., Catholic Univ. of Am., 1915; Ph.D., Univ. of Minn., 1931. Teacher of 5th-8th grades, 1903-08; high sch. teacher, St. Cloud, 1908-14, St. Benedict's, 1915-29; coll. teacher, St. Benedict's, 1915 — ; mem. A.C.S., Am. Physical Soc, Assn. of Am. Physics Teachers. Interests: photog., seismology. Catholic. Office and home: Coll. of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, Minn. SPAULDING, Forrest B., librarian; b. Nashua, N.H., 4 May 1892; s. Hollon C. Spaulding, elec. engr., and Lucille (Brisbin) S.; ed. Phillips Exeter Acad.; Williston Sem., Easthampton, Mass.; Library Sch. of N.Y. Pub. Library; Litt.D., Parsons Coll., 1939; m. Gene- vieve A. Pierson of St. Louis, Mo., 28 Aug. 1916; children— John Pierson, Jean (Mrs. Henry P. Wilder). With Free Pub. Library, Newark, N.J., New York Pub. Library; librarian, Des Moines Pub. Library, 1917-19, 1927—; ed. column The Librarian, Boston Transcript, 1920; corr., Assoc. Press, Peru and Bolivia, 1921, dir. de Bibliotecas y Museos Esco- lares, Peru, 1921; sec.-ed., Gaylord Bros., Inc., Syracuse, N.Y., 1922-27; org. A.L.A. Library, Camp Dodge, la., 1917; Fellow A.L.I. ; mem. la. Library Assn. (pres., 1937), Am. Library Assn. (council, 1928-32, exec, bd., 1936-40, chmn. Fed. Relations Com., 1939). Epis- copalian. Republican. Office: City Li- brary, Des Moines, la. Home: 3100 Ter- race Dr., Des Moines, la. MORELAND, James C, builder, real- tor; b. Christian Co., Ky., 24 Oct. 1886; s. James Franklin Moreland and Mary Lucy (Butler) M.; ed. country sch.; night sch., Hopkinsville, Ky.; night sch., Y.M.C.A., Chicago; m. Izora Mary McCabe of Mich., 14 May 1910; children —Jeanne Marie Pisors, William J., Eleanor Clare Kaufman. Ed., Earling- ton (Ky.) Bee (newspaper), 1906-07; bldg. homes, Chicago, 1913-44; organ- izer, Moreland McCabe Real Estate Impt. Corp., 1922, reorgarized as James C. Moreland & Co., 1929; Rep. candidate Congress, 7th dist., HI., 1930, 1940; alder- man, 41st Ward, 1931-33, 1933-35; Rep. com., 1932-44; del., Rep. Nat. Conv., 1932; p. pres., Northwest Real Estate Bd. Travel: extensive. Interests: golf, fishing, hunting. Methodist. Republican. Office: 5717 Milwaukee Av., Chicago, HI. Home: 5909 N. Mason Av., Chicago, HI. DANIELS, Harry Anthony, physician; b. Staples, Minn., 7 Mar. 1896; s. Edgar Anthony Daniels, mcht, and Helen Grant (Mayhew) D.; ed. Two Harbors (Minn.) high sch.; B.Sc, Univ. Minn., 1918, M.B., 1920, M.D., 1921; m. Muriel Louise Egly of Minneapolis, Minn., 28 Mar. 1931. Interne and resident, N.Y. Metrop. and N.Y. Lying-in Hosps., 1920- 31; internal med. and diagnosis prac, 27; fellowship internal med. and diag- nostic Roentgenology, Mayo Foundation and Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., li?27- 31; iternal med. and diagnosis prac, Oklahoma City, 1932—; mem. attending staff, St. Anthony Hosp., Oklahoma City; asst. prof., clinical med., Univ. Okla. Sch. Med.; Fellow Am. Coll. Phys.; mem. A.M. A., Southern Med. Assn., Okla. County and Oklahoma City Clini- cal Soc, Okla. Internists Assn,, Phi 246 Kappa Sigma, Nu Sigma Nu. Protestant. Republican. Office: 610 Northwest Ninth St., Von Wedel Clinic, Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 1215^ Northwest 19th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. MILLER, Edward Thomson, retired business executive; b. Dunkirk, O., 4 Nov. 1870; s. Rev, John C. Miller, Meth. minister, and Irene M. (Brown) M.; ed. Huntsville, O. high sch.; B.S., O. Wes- leyan Univ., 1895; m. Bess Watson of Deleware, O., 3 June 1903; 1 son, Major Edward T. Miller. Newspaper ed., printer, pub., trade assn. sec, pres. gen. mgr., printing and publishing es- tablishments; gen. sec, United Ty- pothetae of Am., 1918-29; sec Nat. Pickle Packers Assn.; p. pres., gen. mgr., R. J. Kittredge Co., Chicago; chmn. Graphic Arts. Conf. Bd. ; nat. treas., Soc. Indsl. Engrs.; Q.M., Gen. O., 1903-11, chief Q.M. Div., 1913, 1st It., U.S. Vol. Signal Corps, aide-de-camp to maj. gen., J. Warren Keifer, 1st Div., 7th Army Corps, during Sp.-Am. War; mem. Nat. Rifle Assn. (life mem., dir.), Phi Delta Theta, United Spanish War Vets., Nav. and Mil. Order of the Sp. War (p. comdr.), Boy Scouts Am. (area pres.). Clubs: Union League, Hamilton of Chicago, Buckeye of Columbus (O.). Author: various arts. pub. in Printing Trade Jours, on management, costing, accounting, production and trade assn. activities. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: water color sketching, gardening, fish- ing, motoring, radio. Protestant. Re- publican. Home: 233 North East Av., Oak Park, 111. MEYNE, Gerhardt Franz, builder; b. Chicago, 111., 30 Dec, 1880; s. Wilhelm Meyne, mason contractor, and Wilhel- mine (Hirrichs) M.; ed. Luth. Paro- chial Columbia Trade Sch.; m. Eliza- beth Starrett, of Oil City, Pa., 1911; m. (2d) Hilda Beatrice Brown of Chicago, 111., 31 Jan. 1928. Engaged in constr. bus., 1912—; constr. of indsl. plants and comml. bldgs.; leader in open shop movement in bldg. industries in Chi- cago; cooperating with Citizens Com. to enforce Landis Award, Sept. 1921-36; U.S. Govt. rep. in Bldg. and Public Works Congress in Paris, 1925, London, 1930; Rep. of Bldg. contraction in draft- ing of Uniform Mechanics Lien Law, 1924-32; pres., Gerhardt F. Meyne Co.; dir., Lake Shore Trust & Savings Bank, Republic Realty Mortgage Corp.; v.p., Chicago Assn. of Commerce; mem. Nat. Assn. Bldg. Trades Employers. Builders Assn. of Chicago, 111. Builders League, Bldg. Constrn. Employers' Assn. of Chi- cago, Assoc. Builders of Chicago. Clubs : Union League, Architects, Chicago Yacht, Rotary of Chicago, Evanston Golf, Lake Shore Athletic Chicago Crime Commn., Adult Ed. Council. Author: arts, in tech., indsl., and econ. interest. Travel: Eur., Am., Can. Interests: boy's clubs, music, literature. Recreations: golf, riding skating. Lutheran. Repub- lican. Office: 7 S. Deaborn St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1448 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, HI. MEYER, Erwin E., chemical engi- neer; b. Hanover, Ger., 1 Oct. 1873; s. Theodore Meyer, mcht., and Anna A. (Schmidt) M. ; ed. Hanover (Germany) high sch.; Ph.D., Tech. Engring. Coll., Hanover; Univ. of Erlangen, and of Berlin, Ger.; m. Mary J. Confrey of Port Huron, Mich., 15 Mar. 1913; chil- dren — Erwin E., Ernst W., Frederick C, Herbert J., Ralph Edward. Began as chief chem., St. Helen's Cable Co., Warrington, Eng., 1901-05; chief cons, chem., U.S. Rubber Co., 1906-27; owner of Meyer Chem. Engring. Co., and Organ-oxide Products Co., (both of De- troit, Mich.), 1931 — ; pres. Oroxo Grind- ing Wheel Co., 1931-39; cons, engr., chem., Roxoloy Co., Royal Oak, Mich., 1940 — ; cons. chem. engr., Rubber Div., Swedish Crucible Steel Co., 1940 — ; cons, chem. engr., Skoal Mineral Water Co., Detroit, Mich., 1940 — ; pioneer in intro- ducing plantation rubber, also use of accelerators in rubber industry, in U.S., 1906-07; served during World War I as rubber expert, esp. gas masks; mem. A.C.S. Club: Detroit Athletic Author: many papers on rubber products. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: raising of Holstein cattle, Spotted Poland China swine, oil paintings, etchings. Recrea- tions: gardening, hunting, fishing, horse- back riding. Lutheran. Republican. Of- fice: 8561 Butter St., Detroit, Mich. Home: 1099 Van Dyke St., Detroit, Mich. JOHNSON, Herbert Fisk, pres. S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc.; b. Racine, Wis., 15 Nov. 1899; s. Herbert F. Johnson and Helen (Converse) J.; ed. A.B., Cornell, 1922. Pres. S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc., Racine, 1928 — ; pres. S. C. Johnson & Son, Ltd., Brantford, Ont., Can.; dir. S. C. Johnson & Son, Ltd. (Eng.), S. C. Johnson & Son, Ltd. (Australia), Am. Bank & Trust Co. (Racine) ; p. pres. Racine Assn. of Commerce; dir. Wis. State Chmaber Commerce, Racine Com- munity Chest; dir. U.S. Chmaber Com- merce; mem. Mfrs. Assn. Clubs: Ameri- can (London), Racine Country, Union 247 League, University (Chicago), Lake Geneva Country. Office: 1525 Howe St., Racine, Wis. Home: Wingspread, Ra- cine, Wis. LEVERONE, Nathaniel, business ex- ecutive; b. Wakefield, Mass., 26 June 1884; s. Robert Leverone and Rose (Fosser) L.; ed. Keene (N.H.) high sen.; B.S., Dartmouth Coll., 1906; m. Martha Ericsson of Chicago, 111., 25 June 1925; 1 dau., Meredith. Salesman, 1906-12; Western mgr., Bates Machine Co., 1912-13; sales mgr., Hill Pump Valve Co., 1913-15, sec, gen. mgr., 1915- 20; pres., Nathaniel Leverone Co., 1920- 29; pres., Automatic Canteen Co. Am., 1929-39, chmn. bd., 1939—; partner Can- teen Co.; v.p., Canteen Food Service, Inc.; dir., La Salle Nat. Bank, Finance Publishing, Inc., Chicago Fed. Savings and Loan Assn.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa (founding mem. Phi Beta Kappa Asso- ciates), Phi Gamma Delta, Masons (K.T., Shrine), Nat. Automatic Mer- chandising Assn. (pres.), Nat. Com. for Christian Leadership (pres.); Goodwill Industries (pres.). Clubs: Union League, University, Merchants and Manufac- turers, Rotary. Interests: crime preven- tion, coll. and frat. affaris, problems of youth and underprivileged children, civic projects. Recreations: mountain climbing, outdoor sports. Presbyterian. Independent. Office: 1430 Merchandise Mart, Chicago, 111. Home: 1120 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Pistakee Lake, McHenry, 111. HILLE, (Ernst) (Karkl) Hermann, re- search and manufacturing chemist; b. Ger., 7 June 1871; naturalized, 1908; s. Hermann Hille and Charlotte (Beck- man) H. ; ed. Schoenberg; Ph.G., Univ. Wuerzburg, 1896; Ph.D., Univ. Heidel- berg, 1900; m. Christian Aaronson of Sweden, 16 June 1906; 1 dau., Mona Wandanita. Research worker on serum albumin at Physiologische Institut under Prof. Fick; worked at Physikalische Institut under Prof. Roentgen during the time when he discovered the X-Rays, 1894-95; military chem., bac- teriologist, in army at Wuerzburg, 1 yr. ; originated Argyrol and Ovoferrin, 2 medicinal products, in U.S., 1902; estb. Hille Labs., Chicago, 111., 1908, and now pres.; mem. A.A.A.S. (life mem.), A.C.S., German Med. Soc, Med. Round Table of Chicago, Southwest Mo. Med. Soc. (hon. mem.). Author: many scien- tific arts. Travel: Eur., No. and Cent. Am. Interests: color photog., nature. Office: 1791 Howard St., Chicago, 111. Home: Inlook, Wilmot Rd., Bannock- burn, Deerfield, 111. KRAUT, Hans B., pres. and gen. mgr. Giddings & Lewis Machine Tool Co.; b. Germany, Apr. 1881; s. Jacob and Mona (Weisshaupt) K.; student Inst, of Tech., Munich, Germany; m. Anna Brubach, 1907; children— Ralph J., Mona, Ruth. Pres. and gen. mgr. Giddings & Lewis Machine Tool Co., Fond du Lac, Wis., 1924—; dir., Wis. Mfrs'. Assn., Wis. Power & Light Co.; past v. pres. and dir. Assn. of Commerce, Fond du Lac. Home: 15 S. Park Av., Fond du Lac, Wis. Office: Giddings & Lewis Machine Tool Co., Fond du Lac, Wis. HOGAN, John Francis, founder The Gateway Movement; b. Detroit, Mich., 27 Sept. 1869; s. James Patrick and Mary (Dwyer) H. ; student pub. and parochial schs. of Detroit; m. Anne Burns, 15 Jan. 1906; 1 dau., Mary Minor (Mrs. Edward Clare McDonald). Began as Free Press carrier; worked in all depts. of newspapers and magazines in many cities; pub. Catholic Ch. mags., Chicago, 1892-93; anti-socialist lecturer and writer; labor relations authority and counsel; historian Nat. Rep. League, 1897-98; estb., 1903, The Gate- way Mag., Detroit, Mich., publisher, 1903-30; founded, 1903, and since mgr. The Gateway Movement, patriotic serv- ice, Detroit; sec. and treas. Ampure, Inc.; co-organizer Top Screw & Nut Corp. and Detroit Nut Corp.; sole licen- see of Mendoza machine guns in U.S., Mexico and Allied countries. Catholic. Address: 1561 Calvert Av., Detroit 6, Mich. HUG AN, William Jenkins, chmn. bd. Nat. Terminals Corp.; b. Chillicothe, O., 18 Aug. 1872; s. John D. Hugan and Mary (Merkle) H. ; m. Mayme Lingen- felter, 1 Jan. 1901; children — Mary Thornton, Frances Blish. Clk. to gen. supt., N.Y. P.&O. and C.&E. Rys. Cleveland, O., 1889-91; teller Fourth Nat. Bank, Columbus, O., 1892; started truck- ing, moving and storage busines, Indi- anapolis, 1892-1910; entered cold storage business, Indianapolis, 1910; organized Nat. Terminals Corp. of Del. in 1929, and expanded co. to include plants in Indianapolis, Cleveland, Chicago and East Chicago, with operating plants at Buffalo and Milwaukee; pres. Indiana Terminal & Refrigerating Co., Indian- apolis. Clubs: Rotary, Columbia, Wood- stock. Home: Columbia Club, Indian- apolis, Ind. Office: 240 S. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. 248 HUESING, Albert Diedrich, mfr. car- bonated beverages and artificial ice; b. Rock Island, 111., 31 May 1888; s. Albert Diedrich Huesing and Charlotte F. (Tre- mann) H.; ed. high sen.; m. Etta L. Repine. Worked with father (in bus. established, 1899) until his death, 1930; now owner of A. D. Huesing Bottling Works, Rock Island, also Davenport, la., Rock Island Artificial Ice & Coal Co.; v.p., dir. Gen. Bottlers, Inc., Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Chicago, Peerless Bottlers, Inc., Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. (v.p., dir.), Kansas City, Mo., Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Des Moines, la. Mem. Masons, Elk, Eagle, Moose. Protestant. Republican. Home: 1823 22d St., Rock Island, 111. Office: 100-108 14th St., Rock Island, 111. FISHER, Charles Asbury, director, extension service, Univ. of Mich.; b. Huntington, Ind., 3 July 1885; s. Isaac Emory Fisher and Elizabeth Jane (Heiney) F.; ed. De Pauw University, 1910; M.A., Columbia, 1918; Ph.D., Univ. of Mich., 1930; m. Anna Moore, 25 Dec. 1910 (dec); children— Charles Eugene, Joseph Vincent, Paul Moore; m. (2d) Elsa Wilhelmina Apfel, 20 Dec. 1919; children— William Edward (dec), John Apfel. Country sch. teacher, 1905- 06; high sch. teacher, Lafayette, Ind., 1910-11; principal Huntington, Ind., 1911- 12; Warsaw High Sch., 1912-14; Benton Harbor High Sch., 1914-19; Kalamazoo High Sch., 1919-26; asst. dir. Extension Service Univ. of Mich., 1926-37; dir., 1937—, instr. Sociology, 1927-2S; mem. State Com. on Juvenile Delinquency, 1943, Nat. Jurisdictional Conf. of Meth. Ch., 1944; v.p. Mich. Congress of Par- ents and Teachers, 1938-40; mem. Nat. Univ. Extension Assn. (v.p., 1942-43, pres., 1944-45); chmn., Com. on War Effort and Information, 1943-44; mem. N.E.A., Am. Sociol. Soc, Nat. Univ. Extension Assn., Am. Assn. for Adult Education, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Delta Kappa, Sigma Delta Chi, Masons. Methodist. Clubs: Economic (Detroit), Kiwanis (Ann Arbor). Home: 2409 Vine- wood Blvd., Ann Arbor, Mich. Office: 107 Haven Hall, Ann Arbor, Mich. FISHER, H. Noland, physician and ophthalmologist; b. Claremont, 111., 3 Nov. 1899; s. John Henry Fisher, farmer, and Ellen (Noland) F.; ed. Olney Twp. high sch.; Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo.; M.D., Washing- ton Univ. Med. Sch., St. Louis, Mo., 1927. Practice of medicine, Olney, 111., 1927—; asst. surgeon, U.S.P.H.S., San Francisco, Calif., Buffalo, N.Y., Nor- folk, Va., St. Louis, Mo., 1927-29; in- terne, asst. resident, resident on eye service, Barnes Hosp. and Allied Hosps., St. Louis, Mo., 1930-32; assoc. with Dr. Meyer Wiener, Dr. B. Y. Alvis, St. Louis, Mo., 1932-38; ophthalmologist, Olney Sanitarium Clinic, Olney Sani- tarium Hosp., 1938 — ; pvt., Students Army Training Corps, Univ. 111. during World War I; mem. Richland Co. (sec), Miss. Valley, 111. State and Southern 111. Med. Socs., Am. Acad, of Ophthal- mology & Otolaryngology, A.M. A., St. Louis Ophthalmic Soc. Clubs: Richland County Country, Lawrence Co. Country, Laurence Co. Rod and Gun. Travel: U.S., Can. Recreations: horseback rid- ing, golf, hunting, fishing. Protestant. Republican. Office: 106 N. Silver St., Olney, 111. Home: 426 E. North Av., Olney, 111. SUNDHE1M, George Melchoir, law- yer; b. Chicago, 111., 26 Jan. 1894; s. Joseph Sundheim, warehouseman, and Margaret (Mathias) S.; ed. Lewis Inst., Chicago; LL.B., Columbia; Fordham, Chicago Kent, Northwestern Univ., Law Sens., 1916; m. Bertha Korup of Chi- cago, 111., 24 Sept. 1919; children — Doro- thy Gene, Marguerite and George, Jr. Worked with Chicago Title and Trust Co., 5 yrs.; atty. for Nat. Biscuit Co., N.Y.C. until 1922; with Abberley and Bryde, N.Y.C; with Tenney, Harding, Sherman and Rogers, Chicago; own practice 1929 — ; gen. counsel and dir. of State Bank of Clearing, George B. Lim- bert & Co., Internat. Machine Co., Streeter- Amet Co., Crooks Terminal Warehouses Inc.; sec, Clearing Ma- chine Corp.; asst. sec. and counsel, Clearing Industrial, Inc.; gen. counsel Danly Machine Specialties, Inc., Great Lakes Spring Corp., Hershey Mfg. Co., Asbestos and Magnesia Materials Co., Comfort Products Corp., Anderson En- gineering Co., Brewer Sewing Supplies, Jiggers, Inc., Sch. Dist. No. 110, Sny- der Aircraft Corp., Streeter Amet Co., United Plastics, Inc., Grand Specialties Co., Sasgen Derrick Co., and Capital Insulation Co.; Chicago Counsel for Ar- kell Safety Bag Co., Agar Container Division of Internat. Paper Co., and Austin Nichols Co.; chmn. Zoning Ap- peal Bd. (La Grange) ; U.S. Navy Avia- tion, 1918; mem. Delta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, Chicago, 111. and New York Bar Assns., La Grange Post of Am. Legion (p. adjutant). Clubs: La Grange Co. (p. pres.), Union League. Recrea- tions: golf, horseback, handball, bowl- ing. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, HI. 249 Home : 346 So. Grange, 111. Kensington Av., La HUFF, Robert E., dental surgeon; b. Trowbridge, Mich., 3 Sept. 1882; s. George Oliver Huff and Jenny R. (Close) H.; ed. Fennville (Mich.) high sch. ; D.D.S., Northwestern Univ., 1905; m. Laura B. Long 12 Mar. 1903; 1 son, Eugene Victor; m. (2d) Nilda Elaine Fontaine, 8 Mar. 1923; 1 son, Robert E. Engaged in the practice of dentistry at Chicago, 1905 — ; mem. Preparedness League of Am. Dentists, Am. Dental Assn., HI. State and Chicago Dental Socs., Masons (Shriner). Clubs: Adven- turers' (pres., 1939; mem. bd. dirs.), Michigan, Northwestern Univ., Lawson Y.M.C.A., Mich. Rod and Gun, Sports- man's of Chicago (hon. life mem.). Travel: extensively in U.S., Can., So. Am. Republican, Interests: fly fishing, hunting, skeet, golf, archery, research in dental metallurgy. Home: 1039 Holly- wood Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 30 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. CHRITTON, George Alvah, attorney- at-law; b. nr. Attica, Fountain Co., Ind., 4 June 1870; s. John W. Chritton, farmer, and Sarah Ann (Brown) C; ed. dist. schs., Fountain Co., Ind., and Sedg- wick Co., Kan.; Kan. State Normal Sch.; LL.B., Kent Coll. of Law, Chi- cago, 1896; LL.B., Lake Forest Univ. Law Dept., 1897; m. Laura Fair of Chi- cago, 111., 24 Feb. 1897; children— Ernest F., George Alvah, Jr. Teacher, 1889; stenographer and clerk, 1891; adm. Bar of HI., 1896, U.S. Supreme Court, 1908; engaged in practice of law, mem. of firm, Chritton, Wiles, Schroeder, Mer- riam & Hofgren, splty. patent and trade- mark litigation; counsel for corps.; mem. of faculty, John Marshall Law Sch.; dir., Columbian Bank Note Co.; pres., Chicago Foundlings' Home, Bap- tist Old People's Home; mem. bd. trs., Divinity Sch. of Univ. of Chicago; elected pres., Oak Park Bd. of Edn., 11 yrs.; served as officer Reserve Militia; mem. Draft Bd. of Oak Park, active in Liberty Loan Campaigns, dur- ing World War I; mem. S.A.R., Chicago Law Inst., Patent Law Assn. (pres., 1930), Chicago (chmn. Legal Edn. Com., 6 yrs.), 111. State (bd. mgrs., 7 yrs.) and Am. Bar Assns. Clubs: Union League of Chicago, Oak Park Country. Author: many briefs in courts of record. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Interest: golf. Ancestors settled in this country before Am. Revol. Baptist. Republican. Office: 2800 Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 940 Bonnie Brae, River Forest, HI. SCHUBRING, Edward John Bern- hard, lawyer; b. Troy, Wis., 17 Nov. 1878; s. C. Herman Schubring, farmer, and Marie (Krueger) S.; ed. Sauk City (Wis.) high sch.; B.L., Univ. Wis., 1901, LL.B., 1903; m. Selma Langenhan of Ableman, Wis., 16 June 1904. With Burr W. Jones, law office, Madison, 1903; mem. firm, Jones & Schubring, 1904-20; pvt. law practice, Madison, 1920-24; partner, Schubring, Ryan & Petersen, 1925-36, Schubring, Ryan, Peterson & Sutherland, 1936—; atty., Miami Con- servancy Dist. of Dayton, 1914-17; dir. and gen. counsel, So. Wis. Power Co., 1906-24 Wis. River Power Co., 1907-24; gen. counsel, Wis. Power & Light Co., 1919—, dir., 1933—; dir. and atty., Assoc. Tel. Utilities Co., 1926-32, Mich. Assoc. Tel. Co., 1926-32, 1934—; dir. and atty., Commonwealth Tel. Co. of Wis., 1927—, 111. Commercial Tel. Co., 1928—, Lexing- ton (Ky.) Tel. Co., 1930—; dir. and gen. counsel, Ray-O-Vac Co., 1925—; dist. atty. for Wis., Cent. HI. R.R., 1904—; mem. Madison Gen. Hosp. Assn. (pres., 1918—), Am. and Wis. State Bar Assns., A.A.A.S., Am. Mus. Natural Hist., Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, Wis. State Hist. Soc, Masons. Clubs: Univ., Technical, Prof. Men's, Maple Bluff Country, Lake Placid (N.Y.). Asst. to author: Jones on Evidence. Travel: around world. Recreations: reading, golf, travel. Conglist. Republican. Of- fice: 122 W. Washington Av., Madison, Wis. Home: 410 N. Pinckney St., Madi- son, Wis. RHAMY, Bonnelle William, physician; b. Findlay, O., 11 Feb. 1874; s. John H. Rhamy, carriage mfr., and Dorcas (Shippy) R.; ed. Convoy (O.) high sch.; M.D., Ft. Wayne Coll. Med., 1898; m. Mary A. Orvis of Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1902; m. (2d) Elma L. Miller of Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1939; children— Mary Louise (Mrs. Wayne Loring Thieme), William (dec). Asst. to Dr. G. W. McCaskey, Fort Wayne, 1898-1905; opened Ft. Wayne Med. Lab., 1905; prof, physiol., Ft. Wayne Coll. Med., 1902-04; asst. prof, physiol., Ind. Univ. Coll. Med., 1904-08; pathologist, Lutheran and Meth. Hosps., Ft. Wayne, Defiance (O.) Hosp., Wa- bash (Ind.) Hosp.; mem. staff, Lu- theran, Meth., Ft. Wayne; mgr., treas., dir. Ft. Wayne Med. Lab.; sec. Bd. Health, 1905; capt., M.R.C., U.S.A., lab. service, Feb.-Oct. 1918, with A.E.F., Oct. 1918-24 Mar. 1919, in Fr. and Ger. till 19 Apr. 1919; Fellow Am. Soc. Clin. 250 Path., A.A.A.S., Am. Inst. Genealogy, Founders of Mannakin; mem. A.M.A., Am. Heart Soc, Smithsonian Instn., Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Va. Hist. Soc. N.E. Hist. & Geneal. Soc, Ind. State Med. Soc. (syphilis com.), Ind. Path. Assn., Med. Adv. Bd., Selective Service, Ind., Ft. Wayne Med. Soc, Ft. Wayne Acad. Sci., Biog. Photographic Assn., Chamber Commerce. Clubs: Ft. Wayne Country, Ft. Wayne Movie. Author: Remy Family History. Co-author: Orvis Genealogy ; Complement Preservation by Sodium Acetate; Rhamy Triple Stain. Travel: Fr., Ger., U.S. (exten- sive). Interests: amateur motion pic- tures, golf, rock gardens, science. Eng- lish Lutheran. Democrat. Office: 516 Wayne Pharmacal Bldg., 347 W. Berry St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Home: 3714 Fair- field Av., Ft. Wayne, Ind. ALTON, John Taylor, minister; b. Ghadenhutten, O.; s. John Alton, car- penter and farmer, and Malinda (Par- rish) A.; ed. Scio Acad.; A.B., Mount Union Coll., 1912; S.T.B., Boston Univ., 1915; D.D. (hon.), Mt. Union Coll., 1925; m. Roberta Schwartz of Cleveland, O., 7 Aug. 1907; children— Rev. Ralph T., Mrs. Ruth Alton Miller. Teacher, dist. sch.; employed, R.R. shops; sky pilot of lumber jacks, Northern N.H.; pastor, Grace Ch., Akron, Windermere Ch., Cleveland, Broad St. Ch., Columbus, Westwood Ch., Cincinnati; dist. supt., Norwalk Dist. Meth. Ch., 1924-27, Spring- field Dist., 1935-40, Columbus Dist., 1944—; tr., Ohio Conf. of Meth. Ch., Bethesda Hosp., Cincinnati White Cross Hosp., Columbus, Children's Home, Worthington, O. and Goodwill Indus- tries, Bd. of Missions & Ch. Extension; mem. N.H. State Leg., 1917; served as Y sec, Kelly Field, Tex., during World War I; mem. Theta Phi, Masons (32d deg.), Scottish Rite, K.T. Author: arts, in relig. mags. Travel: Eur., Eng., Ger., Ft., Holland, Switz. Protestant. Office: 79 E. State St., Columbus 15, O. Home 224 Northmoor PL, Columbus 2, O. Sum- mer res. : Lakeside, O. REYNOLDS, John Hugh, college president; b. Enola, Faulkner Co., 3 Jan. 1869; s. Jesse M. Reynolds, farmer, doctor, and Eliza Jane (Grimes) R.; ed. Pleasant Valley Country Sch., Faulkner Co.; A.B., Hendrix Coll., 1893; M.A., Univ. Chicago, 1897; LL.D. (hon.), Univ. Ark.; LL.D., Southern Meth. Univ.; m. Margaret H. Harwood of Brookfield, Mo., 27 June 1895; children —Mrs. Ruth Driver, Mrs. Margaret Hower, Mrs. Elizabeth Davidson, George M. Prin., high sch., Rover, Yell Co., 3 yrs.; co. examiner, Yell Co., 2 yrs.; prof, hist., polit. sci., Hendrix Coll., 5 yrs., Univ. Ark., 1902-13; actg. pres., Univ. Ark., 1912-13; pres., Hen- drix Coll., 1913-45; studied polit. sci., Oxford Univ., Eng., 1911-12; dir. Meth. Christian Edn. Movement, Nashville, Tenn., 1920-21; mem. Ark. Constitutional Conv., 1918; Ark. Hist. Com., 1905—, Ark. State Chamber Commerce (exec, com.), Meth. Unification Commn., Commn. Coll. Policy of Bd. Edn., Commn. of the Arts of Assn. of Am. Colls., So. Univ. Conf. (exec, com.), Ark. Hist. Assn. (organizer, sec, 1903 — ). Club: Rotary. Author: pubis, of Ark. Hist. Assn., 4 vols.; Makers of Ark. History; Civil Government of Ark. Co-author (with Dr. D. Y. Thomas): The History of the University of Arkan- sas. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interest: pro- moting pub. sch. edn., higher edn. Rec- reation: hiking. Methodist. Democrat. Office and home: Hendrix Coll., Con- way, Ark. Summer res.: Petit Jean Mountain, Morrilton, Ark. EDWARDS, Edward William, banker, manufacturer; b. Cincinnati, O., 1 May 1874; s. Walter Raleigh Edwards, mfr., and Ellen (Bryan) E.; ed. Woodward high sch.; Nelson's Bus. Coll.; m. Elea- nore Zimmerman of Dover, 14 Nov. 1901; children— Mrs. Helen Elizabeth Davidson, Mrs. Eleanore Wood. With Scott & Co., 1891-98, Reeves Iron Co., Dover, 1898-1901; founder, Edwards Mfg. Co., mfrs. iron and steel, 1901, chmn. bd.; purchased Scott & Co., 1906, Kin- near Mfg. Co., 1919 (now chmn. bd.); dir., Cincinnati Gas & Elec Co., Cin- cinnati St. Ry. Co., Philip Carey Mfg. Co., Fox Paper Co., Cincinnati Realty Co., Loring Andrews Co.; chmn. Bd., Edwards Mfg. Co.; dir. Fifth Third Union Trust Co. (Cincinnati); chmn. Am. Thermos Bottle Co.; mem. adv. com., Loan Agency Reconstruction Fi- nance Corp.; pres., Cincinnati Rapid Transit Commn., 1914-Dec 1928; trus- tee Christ Hosp., Berea College (Berea), Cincinnati Inst. Fine Arts, Cincinnati Art Museum; mem. Officers Examining Bd., 1917-18, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France, Cincinnati Music Hall Assn. (tr.), Republican Nat. Conv. (del., 1924, del. at large, 1932), Ohio Chamber Commerce (v.p., Southwestern Dist.). Clubs: Queen City (Cincinnati, pres., 1913-14), Cincinnati Country, Camargo, Everglades, Commercial (pres., 1921- 22), Bald Peak Country, Cloud. Travel: Eur., around world, U.S. Interest: col- lecting pictures. Recreation: golf. Ch. of 251 Disciples. Republican. Office: 5th and Butler Sts., Cincinnati, O. Home: 2567 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, O. Sum- mer res.: Moosilaukee, Warren, N.H. SIMONS, Corinne Miller, librarian; b. Cincinnati, O., 20 July 1903; d. Conrad W. Miller and Cornelia Margaret (Barrs) M.; ed. Hughes high sch.; Cin- cinnati Conservatory of Music; B.A., Univ. Cincinnati, 1936; received Fellow- ship from the Inst, of Am. Genealogy, 1940; m. Montgomery Simons of Cin- cinnati, O., 10 Sept. 1924. Teacher of piano music; head genealogy div. Pub. Library of Cincinnati, 1931-38; asst. libr., Lloyd Library and Museum, 1938—; radio and club speaker on gene- alogy, heraldry, nomenclature, local history and research materials; first person in U.S. to broadcast radio pro- gram of genealogy and heraldry which was under the auspices of the D.A.R. ; has numerous manuscripts and charts on early Ohio families, has done spl. research on identification of coats-of- arms; mem. local executive com. Am. Library Assn. for the 1940 Conv. in Cin- cinnati; mem. Am. Libr. Assn., Ohio Lib. Assn., Spl. Lib. Assn., Nat. Mem- bership Com., S.L.A., 1944; Inst. Am. Genealogy; Alumnae Assn. Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, Am. Assn. Univ. Women; founder and organizer of Pro- fessional Group, A.A.U.W., Sept. 1943, chmn., 1943-45. Author: mag. and news- paper arts, on genealogy and local his- tory; Genealogical Interest in Cincinnati in American Genealogist, Oct. 1934; Lloyd Library and Museum, a brief history of its resources and its founders in College and Research Libraries, Dec. 1940; Lloyd Library and Museum, a history of its resources in Special Li- braries, Dec. 1943; World's Largest Col- lection of Eclectic Publications, in Nat. Eclectic Medical Assn. Quarterlv, Mar. 1945. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: botany, Americana, literature, music, swimming, theatre. Disciples of Christ. Office: 309 W. Court St., Cincinnati 2, O. Home: 570 Howell Av., Clifton, Cin- cinnati 20, O. REILLEY, Marguerite Campbell, attorney, women's prison superintend- ent; b. Cleveland, O., 12 Oct. 1892; d. William J. Kelley and Catherine (Camp- bell) K. ; ed. West high sch., Cleveland, O.; part time and extension courses, Western Reserve Univ.; Ohio State Univ.; Cleveland Law Sch. (formerly law dept. of Bladwin-Wallace Coll.), 4 yrs.; LL.B.; m. Frank W. Reilley of Cleveland, 18 Sept. 1913; children— Jean Campbell, Frank W. Started as country sch. teacher, later Cleveland pub. sch., incorrigible and moron boys, social worker, playgrounds and pub. recrea- tion; volunteer worker Hull House under Jane Addams; real estate broker, 1 yr.; admitted to Ohio bar after receiving deg. from Cleveland Law Sch., 1928; asst. in co. prosecutor's office, 1928-32; asst. pros, atty., municipal ct., criminal branch, 1932-34; practiced law 8 yrs.; apptd. supt. The Ohio Reformatory for Women at Marysville, 1 Dec. 1935, one of largest women's prisons in country; practiced law with Bartholomew, Leeper & Griswold, Cleveland, O.; apptd. head pub. recreation and play- grounds by Newton D. Baker, Cleve- land; ran Red Cross unit of about 200 women during World War I; mem. Ohio State, Cleveland and Cuyahoga Co. Bar Assns., Nat. Prison Assn., League of Women Voters (charter mem.), Feder- ated Democratic Women of Ohio, gov- erning bd. of Democratic Women's Fed- eration of Ohio (hon. mem.). Club: Columbus Zonta. Travel: U.S., Can. Paternal grandfather, James Kelley, grad. of Trinity Coll., Dublin, came to Cleveland about 1840, became "The Vil- lage Blacksmith", having a shop where the Terminal Tower now stands. Inter- ests: antiques, books, paintings, art. Recreations: baseball, driving, reading. Catholic. Democrat. Address: Rt. 5, Box 2, Ohio Reformatory for Women, Marys- ville, O. MESS, Gordon Benjamin, landscape painter; b. Cincinnati, O., 28 Sept. 1900; s. Joseph John Mess, photo engraver, and Anna Margaret (Gleis) M. ; ed. Shortridge high sch., John Herron Art Inst.; Fontainebleau (Fr.) Sch. of Fine Arts; m. Betty Jane Munson of Manis- tee, Mich.; children — Gordon Bernard, II, Joseph John. Studied in Fr., Switz., and It.; worked with Randolph Coats, Indianapolis, Emile Gruppe in Glouces- ter, Mass., Anthony Theime of Rock- port, Mass., Wayman Adams of Eliza- bethtown, N.Y.; painted in 44 of 48 states, in Can., Mex., and Havana, Cuba; traveled extensively; exhbtd. throughout U.S. and in Paris, Fr. and in Ecole de Beaux Arts, Fontainebleau, Fr. ; won many 1st awards in landscape painting; represented in Richmond Art Galleries, Valparaiso & Indianapolis schs. and in a number of important pvt. collections nationwide; sec. and gen. mgr., treas., Circle Engraving Co., Inc.; mem. Masons (Mystic Tie Lodge), Scottish Rite, Shrine, Royal Order of Jesters, Chamber Commerce, Hoosier 252 Salon Patrons Assn. & Gallery. Clubs: Ind. Artists (p. pres.), Optimist (p. pres. and life mem.), Junto (as founded by Benjamin Franklin, p. pres.), Cara- van (p. pres.), Columbia, Riviera, Athe- naeum, Fontainebleau Alumnus Assn. (dept. of fine arts). Travel: Can., Cuba, Mex., Fr., Switz., It., most of U.S. Inter- ests: landscape painting, portraits. Rec- reation: fishing. Independent. Office: 151 E. Maryland St., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 5525 Allisonville Rd., Indianapo- lis, Ind. McREYNOLDS, Douglas, executive ; b. Chicago, 111., 14 July 1889; s. George S. McReynolds, ins. broker, and Hattibel (Cook) McR.; ed. Chicago Latin Sch.; New Trier Twp. high sch.; m. Nina Joslyn of Chicago, HI.; children — George, Marion. Dir., Farrell Mfg. Co., Joliet, 111.; pres., The AMCO Corp.; mem. Chicago Athletic Assn., Upper Montclair Chamber Commerce. Clubs: Evanston Golf, Downtown Athletic (N.Y.). Grandson, Matthew W. McRey- nolds, mayor of Peoria about 1864. Rec- reation: golf. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: 1220 Randolph St., Chi- cago, HI. Home: 6142 No. Kenmore Av., Chicago, 111. LAGERGREN, Carl Gustaf, theolo- gian; b. Ostersund, Sweden, 21 June 1846; s. (adopted) Per Lagergren, in- spector, and Maria (Berg) L. ; ed. Sundsvalls Elementar Laroverk; Oster- sund Hogre Allmanna Laroverk; A.B., Coll. of Ostersund, 1869; Univ. of Up- sala, 1871-73; D.B., Bapt. Union. Theol. Sem., Chicago, 1890; D.D., Western Univ. of Pa., 1907; m. Selma Christina Westerlund of Strengnas, Sweden, 21 June 1873; children — Maria E., (dec), Gustaf P., Siegrid E. (Mrs. Waif red Benson), Selma G., Anna C. Instr. in Latin, Swed. lang. and lit., natural sci., Acad, of Sundsvall, 1869; rektor, pvt. sch., Sundsvall, 1870-71; pastor, Upsala Bapt. Ch., 1871-83; pastor, Sundsvall Bapt. Ch., 1883-89; dean, Swedish Bapt. Theol. Sem., Univ. of Chicago, 1892- 1912; pres. Swedish Bapt. Theol., Mor- gan Park, 111., 1912-14; dean, Swedish Bapt. Theol. Sem., Bethel Inst., St. Paul, Minn., 1914-23; dean emeritus, Swedish Bapt. Theol. Sem., 1923—. Charter mem. Svenska Kulturforbundet i Amerika; Swedish Bapt. Hist. Soc; Swedish Am. Hist. Soc. (pres., 1906-08); Twin City Swedish Bapt. Ministerial Assn.; deco- rated Knight Order of the North Star by King of Sweden, Gustaf V, 28 Aug. 1930. Author: Strodde Tanker, 1872; Om Sma Barns Dop, 1874; Om Forsoningen, 1876; Moses Och Hans Skrifter, 1884; Studier Och Betraktelser, 1886-88; Nytt Och Gammalt, 1894; Den Kristna Forsam- linger, 1908; De Yttersta Tingen, 1912; Apostalrnes Garningar, 1914; Pa Upp Eller (Nedgaende), 1915; Tessaloniker Och Galaterbreven, 1917; Efter Sjuttio Ar, 1922; Bibelns Grundlaror, 1922; Fran Strids Och Arbetsfaltet, 1927. Editor of Evangelisten, 1873-83, Predikaren, 1878- 81; Svardet och Murselfven, 1883-89; contbr. to religious periodicals and newspapers. Travel: France, Germany, England, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Can- ada, U.S. Baptist. Republican. Address: 1500 Breda St., St. Paul, Minn. Died, 27 Oct. 1941. SUYDAM, Vernon Andrew, professor of physics; b. Waupaca, Wis., 21 Mar. 1872; s. George Mead Suydam, farmer, and Elizabeth E. (Miner) S.; ed. Wau- paca high sch.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1896; Ph.D., Princeton Univ., 1912; m. Floy Davis of Ripon, Wis., 31 Dec. 1913; 1 dau., Eleanor Elizabeth. Instr., Ripon (Wis.) high sch., 1896-1900; supt., Ripon pub. schs., 1900-04; instr., Univ. Wis., 1904-07, Ind. Univ., 1907-09; fellow, Princeton, 1909-10, instr., 1910-13; prof, physics and head of dept., Univ. N.M., 1913-14, Medico Chirug. Coll., 1914-16; Univ. N.H., 1916-18, Grinnell Coll., 1918- 23, Beloit Coll., 1923-43; Assoc, prof, physics, State Univ. of Iowa, 1943—; mem. Soc. Franklin Inst., N.Y. Acad. Sci., A.A.A.S., Acacia Frat, Sigma Xi, Eugene Field Soc. Author: Fundamentals of Electricity and Electromagnetism ; arts, to Phys. Rev. Jour, of Franklin Inst. Travel: U.S., Can. Parents were pi- oneers in Wis. Recreation: golf. Cong- list. Independent. Office: Physics Dept., The State Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, la. Home: 1224 Porter Av., Beloit, Wis. WILLIAMS, Elmer Lynn, clergyman, editor, lecturer; b. farm in Pa., 29 Jan. 1874; s. George Williams and Rachel Jane (Sedgwick) W.; ed. pub. schs.; Spring Mills Acad., Pa.; Dickinson Coll. Prep. Sch. and Coll., Carlisle, Pa., 1904; B.A., Sem. Garrett, Evanston, 111., 1905, D.D., A.M. (hon.); m. Kathryn Kerr, Omaha, Neb., 14 Mar. 1906; children- Laura Lynn (Mrs. Roy P. Tucker), Mon- roe, Channing (dec). Minister Meth. Ch., Richmond, 111., 1 yr. ; held 3 pas- torates in Chicago; with Bd. of Tem- perance of Meth. Ch., 2V 2 yrs., Washing- ton, D.C.; lectured to Coll. students, 3 yrs., covering pub. and pvt. colls, from Kan. to N.J.; Chautauqua lecturer in all parts of Am., 12 yrs.; engaged in civic work in Chicago, many yrs.; known as "The Fighting Parson" for 3 253 decades; started Good Will Industries in Chicago; organizer of Better Govern- ment Assn. of Chicago; home dynamited twice by enemies of good govt.; sued repeatedly for exposing corruption; in- dicted on charge of "Criminal Libel" for exposing State's Attorney's rackets, tried 5 days, acquitted 5 minutes. Au- thor: That Man Bundesen; Mysteries of Life Insurance Unveiled; The Fixit Boys; They Got Their Man; Curious Career of Tom Courtney Unveiled. Ed. Lightnin', The World's Humblest News- paper, 16 yrs. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Interests: classical and current lit., practical civics, journalism. Methodist. Independent Republican. Home: 1022 21st St., Santa Monica, Calif. FEILD, W. Terry, civil, mech., indsl. engineer; b. Little Rock Ark., 17 Feb. 1880; s. Talbot Feild, farmer, and Annie (Terry) F.; ed. pub. schs., Little Rock, Ark.; Keys Bus. Coll., Little Rock, Ark.; B.M.E., Univ. Ark., 1906; Mech. Engr., 1919; m. Nellie Trimble of Lonoke, Ark., 29 Mar. 1915; children— Terry T., Elea- nor Jane. With Solomon-Norcross Co. Engrs., Atlanta, Ga., 1906-08; with The Arnold Co., Chicago, 111., 1908; instr. Univ. Ark., 1908-09; with Lewis and Kitchen, Kansas City Mo. Heating and Ventilation, 1909-10; W. K. Palmer Co. Engrs., resident engr.; power plants, sewers, and water works, W. K. Palmer Co. Engrs., 1911-12, Feild and Sturgeon, Engineers, Kansas City, Mo., 1912-14; valuation of pub. utilities, Chas. L. Pills- bury, Edw. P. Burch, Detroit, Mich., 1914-15; power plant and mech. designs, five beet sugar factories, Larrowe Con- strn. Co., Detroit, Mich., 1916-17; constr. engr., 155 M.M. shell plants, American Car and Foundry Co., Depew, New York and St. Louis, Mo., 1917-19; Fordyce and Feild, Engrs., Little Rock, Ark., 1919-21; Consulting and Constrn. Engr., 1921-35; office engr. and supt. of constr., Dist. 3, W.P.A., Little Rock, Ark., 1935- 39; resident engr., P.W.A., Univ. Ark. bldgs., Fayetteville, Ark., Ark. T. B. Sanatorium, Booneville, Ark., 1939-40; cons, engr., Little Rock, Ark., 1940-41; in charge of steam distbn. in shell load- ing plant (Milan, Tenn.); H. K. Fergu- son, Cleveland, O., 1941, engr. shell plants constrn., 111. Ordnance Plant, Carbondale, 111. and Oak Ordnance Plant, Uliopolis, 111., Chas. W. Cole & Son, 1941-42, engr. designer with Kop- pers Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., Synthetic Rubber Plant near Pittsburgh, Pa., 1942- 43; with Houdaille-Hershey Co., Gar- field Div., Decatur, HI., U.S. Army con- tract, restricted, 1943; mem. Sigma Nu, Masons (32d deg.); Ark. Soc. Profl. Engrs., 111. Engring. Soc. Clubs: Ark. Engrs., Little Rock Engrs. Episco- palian. Addresses: 1522 State St., Little Rock, Ark.; P.O. Box 523, Little Rock, Ark.; P.O. Box 412, Decatur, HI. CURTIS, George Morris, surgeon; b. Big Rapids, Mich., 2 Apr. 1890; s. Anson Bartie Curtis, clergyman, and Mary (Christie) C; ed. Greenville (Mich.) high sch., 1906; B.A., M.A., Univ. Mich., 1910, Ph.D., 1914; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1920; m. Lucile Atcherson of Columbus, O., 16 Jan. 1928; children- Charlotte Murray, Mary Darling. Asst. in biol., Univ. Mich., 1908-11; asst. in microscopic anatomy, 1911-13; succes- sively asst. prof., prof, and chmn. dept. of anatomy, Vanderbilt Univ., 1913-20; interne, U.S.P.H.S. Hosp. No. 30, Chi- cago, 1920; res. staff at Presbyn. Hosp., Chicago, 1920-22; fellow in surgery of Nat. Res. Council, 1922-24, working at Univ. of Chicago with Prof. R. R. Bens- ley and at Univ. of Berne with Prof. F. de Quervain; assoc. prof, and later prof, of surgery, Univ. Chicago, 1925-32; now prof, of surg. and chmn. dept. res. surg., Ohio State Univ.; attending surg., University Hosp.; chief surg., Franklin Co. San.; cons, surg., Children's Hosp.; made highest record in hist, of 111. State Bd. Exam, for Med. Licensure, 1920; cited by Am. Medicine for pro- gress in research (iodine), 1934; cited by Jour, of Am. Med. Assn. for progress in research (iodine), 1939; v.p. Ohio Acad. Sci.; sec, Central Surg. Assn.; served in M.E.R.C. during World War I, later assigned as a med. student to Rush Med. Coll.; Fellow (hon.), Detroit Acad, of Surg., St. Paul Surg. Assn., Mid West Clin. Soc, Tenn. Anatomical Bd., 1915-20, Diplomate of Am. Bd. Sur- gery, Fellow A.C.S. (Boston), 1928, Am. Surg. Assn., Western Surg. Assn., South- ern Surg. Assn., Central Surg. Assn., Am. Physiol. Soc, Am. Assn. Anato- mists, Am. Assn. for Expt. Path., Am. Soc for Clin. Investigation, Soc. Expt. Biol, and Med.; Cent. Soc for Clin. Res.; Am. Assn. Thoracic Surg., Am. Assn. Surg. Trauma, Chicago Surg. Soc, Am. Assn. Hist. Med.; Tenn. Orni- thological Soc, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha, Phi Sigma, Alpha Kappa Kappa. Clubs: Mich. Union (Ann Arbor), Chaos (Chicago), Coffee House (Nashville, Tenn.), Kit Kat (Columbus), Kirtland of Cleveland (hon.). Author: about 225 monographs and chaps, in textbooks dealing mainly with med. sci. and particularly with the relation of iodine to the thyroid gland 254 and goiter. Travel: resided in Switz., 1924-27, Gt. Brit., 1926, Scand., 1926, 1937. Recreations: fishing 1 , golf. Protes- tant. Independent. Office: Kinsman Hall, The Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O. Home: 311 N. Drexel Av., Columbus 9, Ohio. AGTHE, Frederick Thomas, engi- neer; b. Hokendauqua, Pa., 27 Jan. 1886; s. John Frederick Oscar Agthe, pharm. chemist., and Kate (Thomas) A.; ed. Philadelphia and Catasauqua (Pa.) pub. sens.; high sen.; Bethlehem (Pa.) Prep. Sen.; Engr. of Mines, Le- high Univ., 1909; unmarried. Supt. Mine & Concentrating Mill, Caroline Barytes Co., Stackhouse, N.C., 1909-11; mine engr., Harold Mine, Oliver Iron Mining Co., 1911-12; mine and quarry supt., Atlas Portland Cement Co., Hannibal, Mo., 1912-20; chief egr., Hardinge Co., 1920-22; with Worthington Pump & Ma- chinery Corp., 1922-24; engr., cement plant design and developments, 1924-42, and process engineer 1942 — , with Allis- Chalmers Mfg. Co.; served on corns, of Am. Inst, of Mining & Metall. Engrs. and Engrs. Soc. of Milwaukee; regis- tered prof. engr. Wis., & Pa.; with the late Dr. Benj. L. Miller, prof, of geol., Lehigh Univ., during geol. surveys and investigations of ore deposits of Eastern Pa.; mem. spl. mission sponsored by U.S. Navy to the United Kingdom in 1944; mem. A.I.M.E., Nat. Soc. Prof. Engrs., Engrs. Soc. of Milwaukee, A.A.A.S., Wis. Soc. of Prof. Engrs., S.P.E.E., Tau Beta Pi, Masons. Clubs: City, University of Milwaukee. Author: tech. arts, in engring. pubis. Travel: Eng., Belgium, Ger., Fr., Can., U.S. Interests: music, political economy, geology. Recreation: motoring, amateur geol. expdns. Protestant. Republican. Office: Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Milwau- kee, Wis. Home: 1028 E. Juneau Av., Milwaukee, Wis. SENTEFF, Louis H., physician; b. Cincinnati, O., 24 Apr. 1879; s. Peter Senteff, retail mcht., and Theresa (Hel- bing) S.; ed. pre-med. course, Univ. Cincinnati; M.D., Univ. Ala., 1904; m. Theresa M. Glass of Richmond, Va., 3 June 1904; 1 dau., Ruth. Interne, City and U.S. Marine Hosps.; Mobile, Ala.; practice of medicine, Montevallo and Birmingham, Ala.; Chicago Clinics, 1919-21; sr. physician, Nat. Sanatorium, Johnson City, Tenn., 1921-26; (p.) cons, chest specialist, U.S. Vets. Hosp., Chillicothe, O., 1927-43; p. med. supt., Mt. Logan Sanatorium, Chillicothe, O., 1926-43; med. examiner The Industrial Commn. of Ohio (pres.), Columbus, 1944; fellow, Am. Coll. Chest Physi- cians; mem. Ross Co. Med. Soc. (pres.), O. State Med. Assn., A.M. A., Nat. Tu- berculosis Assn., Am. Trudeau Soc; served as 1st It., Med. Corps, during World War I; mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, Elks, Am. Legion. Clubs: Lions (p. pres.), Chillicothe Archery. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Interests: football, baseball, basketball. Recreation: arch- ery. Office: 41 Duttenhoffer Bldg., Cin- cinnati, O. Home: 1704 Stony brook Dr., Cincinnati 16, O. STEVENSON, Walter Norman, me- chanical engineer; b. Derby, Eng., 7 July 1881; s. Richard Walter Stevenson, chemist, and Annie Mary (Birks) S.; ed. Whitworth, 1887-98; engring., Univ. Coll. Nottingham (Eng.), 1898-1900; M.E., George Fletcher & Co., 1900-03; m. Eleanor Cobb of Chicago, 111., 8 Aug. 1914; children— Walter Norman, Jr., Joseph Allen. Designer marine en- gines and boilers, Poison Iron Works, Toronto, Can., 1903-09; 2d engr., C.P.R. S.S. Hosmer, 1909-10; designer can making machinery, E. W. Bliss Co., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1910-12; in charge of press design, Am. Can Co., Maywood, 111., 1912-17; sec, chief engr., Littell Machine Co., 1919-22; partner, S. & S. Machine Works, Chicago, 1922 — ; served as 1st It. Chemical Warfare, 2d Bat- talion, U.S.A., during World War I; mem. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Canadian Legion, Am. Legion (40 and 8), Am. Soc. Mil. Engrs., Elks, Masons. Travel: Eng., Fr., Can., Belg. Interests: oils and water painting, photog., micro- scope. Recreations: golf, swimming, bowling. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: 4541 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. Home: 921 Monroe St., Evanston, 111. MENEFEE, Ferdinand Northrup, pro- fessor; b. Columbus, Kan., 7 Jan. 1886; s. Harry Menefee, mcht., and Alice (Hodgen) M.; ed. South Omaha Neb., high sen.; B.S. (C.E.), Univ. Neb., 1908, C.E., 1932; C.E., Cornell Univ., 1910; D.Eng., Lawrence Inst, of Tech., 1937; m. Lucile Cull of Oakland, Neb., 1909; children — Charles, Ruth. Ry., Irrigation Engr., 1905-13; instr. civil engring., Cor- nell Univ., 1910; instr. descriptive geom- etry, Univ. Mich., 1911-12; asst. prof, mechanics, 1913-16, power plant work, 1916-17, prof. engring. mechanics, 1919 — , dir. Univ. Mich. Fresh Air Camp; consultant materials, expert patents, 1919 — ; dir. Peerless Cement Corp.; pres., Ann Arbor Bd. Pub. Works, 1935-40; capt., Ordnance Dept., 255 1917-18, major, Ordnance Dept., 1918-19; mem. com. on diversions, waterways div., A.S.C.E., A.S.T.M., (chmn.), com. 711 Am. Concrete Inst., Mich. Engr. Soc. (pres., 1930), Engr. Soc. Detroit. Club: Rotary. Author: St. Lawrence Seaway; Structural Members and Con- nections (revision). Travel: Can., Eur. Protestant. Republican. Office: 104 W. Engineering Bldg., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 6 Geddes Heights, Ann Arbor, Mich. ELLIS, Jessie Croft, librarian; b. Salem, Ky.; ed. A.B., Univ. Mich., A.B. (in Libr. Sci.), M.A.; m. Cecil Byrne Ellis; 1 son, Cecil Byrne, Jr. Asst. librarian, Bus. Adminstrn. Lib., Univ. Mich.; mem., Am. Lib. Assn., Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Mich. Lib. Assn. Clubs: Faculty Womens (Mich. Univ.), Am. Assn. Univ. Women Social Prob- lems. Author: Nature Index; General Index to Illustrations; Travel Through Pictures; Nature and Its Applications; Mary Ann of Old Kentucky. Lecturer: Our Neighbors Around the World (illus. with miniature models); Vacation Days in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales (with motion pictures) ; Hawaii — Para- dise of the Pacific (with colored motion film). Methodist. Office: Business Ad- minstrn. Library, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1222 Washtenaw Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. AMES, Marie Benson, public rela- tions representative; b. Mass.; d. Rob- ert Parker Marr Ames, phys., and Mary (Benson) A.; ed. Springfield (Mass.) high sch.; Univ. Geneva, Switz. Field rep., Am. Woman Suffrage Assn., 1915- 19, Nat. League of Women Voters, 1920- 23; leg. sec, Mo. Women's Leg. Com., 1921-27; spl. rep., Nat. Fed. Bus. & Prof. Women's Clubs, 1935-36; with Dis- aster Res., A.R.C., 1931—; v.p., Nat. Consumers Tax Commn., 1939-41; dir. women's activities, Mo. Pub. Expendi- ture Survey, 1941; held various offs. with Mo. League of Women Voters, St. Louis League of Women Voters, Mini- mum Wage Commn. of Mo. (apptd. by Gov.), 1921-23; attended sessions of League of Nations, Geneva, Switz., 1925; org. caravan into Sahara Desert, 1925; name included on bronze tablet, State Capitol Jefferson City, for service to women of Mo., secured passage of constl. amendment enabling women to hold off. in state, also other legis- lation; mem. League of Women Voters. Club: Tuesday Literary. Author: Twelve Lessons in Citizenship; newspaper and mag. arts.; tax information for trade pubis. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Eur., No. Afr. Interest: aviation. Recreations: theatre, travel. Home: 4525 McPherson Av., St. Louis, Mo. Summer res.: Shel- burne, Vt. TAYLOR, Aravilla Meek, college teacher of biology; b. Andes, N.Y.; d. James Taylor, farmer, and Jane (Black) T.; ed. Andes (N.Y.) high sch.; B.L., Allegheny Coll.; B.S. in Edn., Chi- cago Univ., 1915, M.S., 1916, Ph.D., 1919. Teacher, science, high schs., N.Y., la.; teacher, biology, Frances Schimer Sch., Milwaukee-Downer, Wis., Ore. State Agr. Coll., Newcomb Coll.; head, biol- ogy dept., Lake Erie Coll., 1924 — . Au- thor: sci. arts, in various publications. Travel: U.S. Interests: study of nature, natural reforestation in the Catskills. Office: Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, O. Home: 348 Mentor Av., Painesville, O. Summer home: Andes, N.Y. MANN, Charles August, chemical engineer, prof, of chem. engring., chief of dept.; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 5 June 1886; s. Peter Mann and Fredericka (Jahn) M.; ed. Milwaukee high sch.; B.S. (Ch.E.), Univ. Wis., 1909, M.S. (Ch.E.), 1911, Ph.D., 1915; m. E. Lillian Shorthill, Marshalltown, 1907. Instr. chem., Univ. of Wis., 1911-16; asst. phar. chem., 1909-11; assoc. and full prof., head of dept. chem. engring., la. State Coll., 1916-19; asst. prof., acting head, full prof., chief for div. of chem. engring., Univ. of Minn., 1919—; dir. Minneapolis Engring. Club; prof. Book stores, Univ. of Minn.; pres. p. First Unitarian Soc; served in non-mil. serv- ice in chem. inds. during World War I; mem. Am. Inst, of Chem. Engrs., Am. Chem. Soc, A.A.A.S., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Electrochem. Soc, Am. Inst, of Chem.; Inst, of Food Tech.; Soc. of Chem. Ind. (London), S.P.E.E., Acad, of Sci., Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Alpha Chi Sigma, Scabbard and Blade, Masonic orders. Clubs: Minneapolis Engring., Kiwanis, Midland Golf, Campus Faculty, Campus Dining, Crochets and Quavers Music Author: sci. papers. Travel: U.S. Inter- ests: music, reading. Recreations: golf, bridge, gardening, music (cello). Uni- tarian. Office: Univ. of Minn., Minne- apolis, Minn. Home: 35 Barton Av., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. HENSKE, Andrew Clemens, physi- cian; b. St. Louis, Mo., 15 Dec 1883: s. Andrew A. Henske, phys., and Teresa (Klaren) H.; ed. St. Louis Univ. high sch.; A.B., St. Louis Univ., 1901; M.D., Med. Dept., Washington Univ., 1906; m. 256 Mary Jane Sinclair of Litchfield, 111., 23 June 1923; 1 dau., Mary Jane. Assoc, med. dir., Mt. St. Rose Sanitarium for Tuberculosis, 1928-41, med. dir., 1941—; cons. phys. on staffs of St. Louis City Sanatorium, 1923—, and St. Louis Coun- try Hosp. for Tuberculosis, 1938 — , assoc. phys., St. Louis Univ. Group Hosps., 1925—; sr. instr., St. Louis Univ. Med. Dept., 1928-44; asst. prof, clinical med., 1940; med. dir., Mutual Savings Life Ins. Co., of St. Louis; med. dir., Municipal Tuberculosis Clinic, St. Louis, 1910-13; capt., mem. Volunteer Med. Service Corps, Council of Nat. Defense, 1919; mem. St. Louis Med. Soc, A.M.A., Mo. State Med. Assn., Am. Coll. of Chest Phys., Trudeau Club of St. Louis, Nat. Tuberculosis Assn.; licentate of Am. Bd. of Internal Med. Author: nu- merous med. papers on pulmonary tu- berculosis. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. In- terests: lit., bridge. Recreations: fish- ing, swimming. Catholic. Independent. Office: 607 North Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 7380 Kingsbury Blvd., Uni- versity City, Mo. LINDSLEY, Herbert Kitchel, bank executive; b. Delaware Co., Ind., 21 June 1874; s. Aaron K. Lindsley and Elizabeth S. (Buckles) L.; ed. Sterling (Kan.) high sch.; m. Jessie M. Piper of Clinton, Mo., 16 June 1909; children- Robert K., Herbert P. Dir. First Nat. Bank, Wichita, Chandler Nat. Bank, Lyons; pres. Farmers & Bankers Life Ins. Co., Wichita; pres. Am. Warehouse Co.; p. mem. State Ho. of Reps., Kan.; State Senator, Kan.; mem. Masons, Shrine, Elks, I.O.O.F. Clubs: Wichita, Wichita Country. Travel: Alas., Hawaii, Mex., W. I. Recreation: fishing. Repub- lican. Office: 200 E. First St., Wichita, Kan. Home: 120 S. Pershing, Wichita, Kan. HUBBARD, John Clarence, surgeon; b. Westfield, Ind., 22 May 1884; s. John Russell Hubbard, educator, and Mi- nerva (Pearson) H.; ed. Union High Acad. (Westfield, Ind.); Stillwater high sch.; Penn Coll. (Oskaloosa, la.), 1903- 05; M.D., Dr. P. H. Eclectic Med. Univ. (Kansas City, Mo.), 1918; M.S. (Med. hon.), Midwest Med. Coll., 1937; m. Mae Ecton of St. Joseph, Mo., 15 Apr. 1907; children— Ralph W., John Russell, Wil- liam Ecton. Prof, actor, 1906-12; with U.S. Govt., Panama Canal, 1918-21; established Hubbard Hosp., 1926—; mem. State Bd. Med. Examiners, 1926- 30; maj. Med. Res., U.S.A.; mem. Nat. Eclectic Med. Assn. (p. pres.; ed., The Quarterly & Hosp. Courier, mem. exec. bd.), Assn. Mil. Surgs., of U.S., Am. Congress of Physical Therapy, Nat. Geog. Soc, S.A.R., Elks, Odd Fellows, Mason (33d deg., 1921—, Shrine, p. mas- ter, Blue Lodge). Clubs: Army & Navy, and Okla. Author: numerous med. arts, published in med. mags. Ancestors were active in all U.S. wars. Interests: drama, music, character-bldg. agencies. Recreation: fraternal work, especially Masonry. Methodist. Republican. Office: 1501 N.E. 11th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 1500 E. Park, Oklahoma City, Okla. EMERSON, Henry Truxtun, secre- tary; b. Cincinnati, O., 17 Dec. 1879; s. Henry Emerson, insurance executive, and Eleanor Corry (Caldwell) E.; ed. Cincinnati high sch.; Univ. Cincinnati; m. Edith Thornton of Cincinnati, O., 18 May 1907; 1 son, Henry Truxtun, Jr. Entire career with Procter & Gamble Co., sec, Procter and Gamble Co. and Procter & Gamble Defense Corp.; mem. Cincinnati Inst, of Fine Arts, Hist, and Philos. Soc, Sigma Chi Fraternity. Clubs: Univ., Cincinnati Country, Queen City, Camargo Country, Commonwealth, Cincinnati Tennis. Travel: Cent. Am., U.S., Eur. Great great grandson, Com- modore Thomas Truxtun and Nehemiah Emerson, Capt. of Revol. Army; grand- son, Wm. B. Caldwell, chief justice of Supreme Court of Ohio under The New Constitution of 1851. Interest: outdoor sports. Recreation: travel. Episcopa- lian. Republican. Office: Gwynne Bldg., 6th & Main Sts., Cincinnati, O. Home: 10 Elmhurst PL, Clcinnati, O. DALLENBACH, John Christian, physi- cian, surgeon; b. Champaign, 111., 22 Dec. 1881; s. John J. Dallenbach, mcht., and Anna C. (Mittendorf) D.; ed. Cham- paign high sch.; A.B., Univ. HI., 1906; M.D., Univ. Pa., 1906; m. Reba Bun- Bryan of Philadelphia, 17 Nov. 1907; children — Eleta, Jay, Carolyn. Interne, Meth. Hosp., Philadelphia, 1906-07; practiced medicine, Seattle, Wash., 1908- II, Champaign, 111., 1912 — ; mem. staff, Burnham City Hosp., Champaign Co. Hosp.; pres. Sch. Bd., 1934-43; 1st It., capt., major, surgeon, 332 F.A., 1917- 19; col., Med. Res., commanding 346th Med. Regt., at present; mem. Cham- paign Co. Med. Soc, HI. Med. Soc, Assn. Mil. Surgeons, B.P.O.E. (p. pres., III. Elks Assn.), Res. Officers Assn. of U.S.A. (p. pres., 111. Dept., p. nat. sur- geon), p. pres. 6th Corps Area (R.O.A.); Am. Legion, 40 and 8, Mil. Order World War, Masons, Phi Sigma Kappa, Alpha Kappa Kappa; Fellow A.M. A. Club: 257 Rotary. Interest: taking moving pic- tures. Recreation: fishing. Protestant. Republican. Office: 113 N. Neil St., Champaign, 111. Residence: 1018 W. Church St., Champaign, 111. HOFFMAN, Sol A., lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 14 Jan. 1905; s. I. Hoffman and Bessie (Goldstein) H.; ed. Crane and Marshall high sens.; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1924; m. Doris Levy of Chicago, 111., 15 June 1933; children — David I., Sue Judith. Practiced law, 1924—; mem. law firm, Welch and Hoff- man; major U.S. Army, 15 Oct. 1942 — ; mem. Chicago, 111. and Am. Bar Assns., Law Inst, of Chicago. Clubs: Standard, Covenant. Travel: Eur., Cent. Am. Jewish. Office: First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 3800 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. WESTENBERGER, Edward Joseph, R.C. clergyman; b. Sherwood, Wis., 7 Aug. 1898; s. Peter Westenberger, mfr., and Margaret (Hanert) W.; ed. St. Law- rence high sen.; St. Lawrence Coll.; Marquette Univ.; M.A., Catholic Univ.; Columbia Univ., 1925; Ph.D., Catholic Univ., 1928. Curate, St. John's Ch., Green Bay, Wis., 1923-24; dir. ed., Cath. Diocese, Green Bay Wis., 1928—; St. Norbert Coll., dir. Summer Sen., 1934 — , Saturday classes, 1936—; lecturer, Green Bay Vocational Sen., 1936—; mem. Nat. Cath. Ed. Assn., Cath. Psy- chol., Wis. Acad. Arts. Author: The In- fluence of Physical Defects Upon Intel- ligence and Achievement, Discipline; mag. arts. Catholic. Office: 131 S. Madi- son St., Green Bay, Wis. Home: Rt. 6, Green Bay, Wis. HARRISON, Perry G., mining engi- neer; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 6 Mar. 1885; s. Hugh Harrison, mcht. and Teresa Virginia (Scott) H.; ed. Shattuck Sch. (Faribault); E.M., Mich. Coll. Mines, 1909; post grad., Columbia Univ. ; m. Alice L. Smith of Minneapolis, Minn., 11 June, 1917; 1 son, Hugh How- ard. Mining engr., Meriden Iron Co., Nat. Mines Co., 1911-14; supt. Nat. Mines Co., 1914-17; cons, engr., geol. with H. V. Winchell, 1917-20; gen. supt. Campania Minera del Mirasol, Mex., 1921; gen. mgr., Portland Gold Min. Co., 1922; mine supt., Smuggler Union, 1923; gen. mgr., Cusi Min. Co., 1924-27, North Range Iron Co., 1927-32, Evergreen Mines Co., 1927-44, now pres. and dir.; v.p. Hanna Coal & Ore Corp.; v.p., dir., Canadian Furance Co.; mem. Am. Iron & Steel Inst., Lake Superior Inst, and Am. Mining Congress, Tau Beta Pi, A.I.M.M.E. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi (Du- luth), Minneapolis. Author: various technical papers on sintering. Inter- est: mining. Offices: care Evergreen Mines Co., Crosby, Minn.: M.A. Hanna Co., Cleveland, O. Home: Crosby, Minn. HOFFMANN, Phil, editor; b. Oska- loosa, la., 16 Aug. 1868; s. Phillipp Hoffman, glazier, and Eleanor (Addy) H. ; ed. Oskaloosa high sch. ; Penn Coll. ; m. Anna M. Glaze of Oskaloosa, la., 20 Sept. 1905; 1 dau., Eleanor Hoffman Smith. Pres., Oskaloosa Herald (in serv- ice of same paper, 1885 — ) ; v.p., Oska- loosa Home Loan & Savings Assn.; dir., Home Oil Co. ; served in la. Nat. Guard, 5 yrs.; mem. Inland Daily Press Assn., la. Press Assn. Club: Oskaloosa Rotary. Author: Roustabouts Histories; Oska- loosa; Poems. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 121 N. Market St., Oskaloosa, la. Home: 807 High Av., E., Oskaloosa, la. HIGGINS, Charles Clare, surgeon; b. Huron, S.D., 3 Mar. 1897; s. John Fran- cis Higgins, retired, and Elizabeth (Burke) H.; ed. Huron high sch.; Univ. S.D., 1914-16; Univ. N.D., 1919; M.D., Wash. Univ., 1919-23; postgrad, studies in Eur. Clinics, 1928. Surgeon 1923 — ; Air Service, 1916-19; F. A.C.S.; mem., Clinical Soc. of Genito-Urinary Surgs. (sec), Am. Assn. of Genito-Urinary Surgs. (sec), A.M. A., Am. Urol. Soc, Am. Bd. of Urology, North Central Br. A.U.A. (p. pres., mem. exec, com.), O. State Med. Soc, Cleveland Acad. Med.. Cleveland Urol. Soc. (p. pres.), Cleve- land Med. Lib. Assn., Societe Inter- nationale d'Urologie, Societa Italiana di Urologia, Beta Theta Pi, Nu Sigma Nu, Alpha Omega Alpha. Club: Country (Chagrin Falls, O.). Author: History of the American Association of Genito- Urinary Surgeons, 1929; numerous med. arts, to Am. and Foreign med. jours. Interests: golf, riding. Catholic. Demo- crat. Office: Cleveland Clinic, 2020 E. 93d St., Cleveland, O. Home: Wade Park Manor, Cleveland, O. HIGGINS, John Joseph, dean and registrar; b. Racine, Wis., 14 June 1905; s. William J. Higgins, dealer, hardware, and Margaret (Seidel) H.; ed. Racine high sch.; Marquette Univ.; entered Jesuit Order, 1924; Xavier Univ.; A.B., St. Louis Univ., 1931, A.M., 1933, S.T.L., 1938. Ordained to the Catholic priest- hood, 1937; asst. prin., Campion H.S., Prairie du Chien, Wis., 1926-28; regis- trar and assoc. prof, of Latin, Rock- hurst Coll., 1933-34; registrar, St. Mary's Coll., St. Mary's Kan., 1934-38; dean 258 and registrar, Rockhurst Coll., 1939—; dir. Rockhurst Alumni Assn., 1939-42; coordinator of Civilian Pilot Training program of the C.A.A., 1939-43; dir. of academic program of the 73d Coll. Training detachment of the Army Air Forces, 1943-44; pres., Mo. Assn. of Col- legiate Registrars, 1944-45; mem. Nat. Cath. Ed. Assn.; Jesuit Ed. Assn.; Nat. Assn. of Coll. Registrars. Contbr.: School and Society; Jesuit Educational Quarterly; Review for Religious. Inter- ests: psychology, writing, management. Recreations: walking, reading. Catholic. Office: Rockhurst Coll., Kansas City 4, Mo. Home: 5225 Troost Av., Kansas City 4, Mo. RYAN, Dennis J., judge; b. Cincin- nati, O.; s. Dennis J. Ryan, and Honora E. (Finn) R.; ed. LL.B., Univ." of Cin- cinnati, St. Xavier Coll.; m. Mary A. Galvin of Cincinnati, O. Dean, Coll. of law Xavier Univ.; chief asst. city solici- tor; judge, Court of Common Pleas. 1925 — ; mem. Cincinnati Bar Assn., Ohio State Bar Assn., Phi Kappa, Medieval- ists. Club: Western Hills Country. Catho- lic. Republican. Office: Court House, Cincinnati, O. Home: Harrison Av. & Homestead PL, Cincinnati, O. DAVIDSON, Ralph Howard, research associate Ohio State Univ. Research Foundation; b. Vandalia, O., 19 Jan. 1908; s. Howard C. Davidson, farmer, and Grace May (Eidemiller) D.; ed. Butler twp. grade and high schs., Van- dalia, O.; B.Sc, O. State Univ., 1930, M.Sc, 1931, Ph.D., 1935; m. Clara Jane Killworth of Columbus, O., 17 June 1936; children — Joseph K., Ann Elizabeth. Asst. in entomology, O. State Univ., 1930-35, instr., 1935-36, asst. prof., 1936- 43, res. assoc, 1943 — ; field asst. U.S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Entomology, 1930, field agt., 1931-36, asst. Ohio extension en- tomologist, 1939, 1942-44; mem. Gamma Alpha Grad. Sci. Frat. (p. nat. pres., p. nat. v.p.; p. nat. sec.) P. Acad. Sci., Am. Assn. Econ. Entomologists, Entom. Soc. Am., Sigma Xi, Gamma Sigma Delta, A.A.A.S., Delta Theta Sigma. Au- thor: sci. papers on leafhopper taxon- omy, insect control, insect repellents, morphology, collecting and rearing. In- terests: photog., insect collecting. Rec- reation: handball, rifle-shooting. Meth- odist. Office: Dept. Zoology & Entomol- ogy Ohio State Univ., Columbus 10, O. Home: 61 Blenheim Rd., Columbus 2, Ohio. STONE, Goldie T., business woman; b. Luthuania, 20 Jan. 1874; d. Alfred I. Tutin and Sarah C. (Haskel) T.; ed. pvt. schs., Europe; m. Julius Stone of Chicago, 28 Feb. 1892; children— Alfred I., Beatrice Stone Baiter. A founder, officer, Jewish People's Inst., Home for the Aged, Home for Mothers and Their Children, Home for Working Girls; worker for community welfare and adult edn. ; mem. Council Jewish Women, Drama League, Orthodox Jewish Home for Aged, Women's Auxiliary of Jewish Peoples Inst. Clubs: Josephine (dir.), Mother (dir.), Women's, Women's City. Author: My Caravan of Years. Office: 1325 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 5401 Cornell Av., Chicago, 111. STRAUSS, Alfred A., physician and surgeon; b. Hardheim, Ger., 5 Mar. 1883; s. Adolph Strauss, broker in grains, and Rose (Dilsheimer) S.; ed. Colville high sch.; Ph.C, Univ. Wash., B.S.; M.D., Univ. Chicago, Rush Medi- cal; post-grad, at Vienna, Heidelberg; m. Hilda Grunsfeld of Albuquerque, N. Mex., 27 Mar. 1917; children— Mar- gery Joan. Sr. attending surg., Michael Reese Hosp. ; sr. attending surg. at Mt. Sinai Hosp.; mem. A.M.A., Am. Coll. Surgs., Chicago Med. Soc, 111. State Med. Soc. Internat. Coll. of Surgs. Clubs: Standard, Northmoor Country, Lake Shore Country. Author: a large number of orig. arts, on gastric sur- gery, colon surgery, surgery of the bile ducts, cancer of the rectum and some exptl. arts, on the prodn. and trans- plantation and immunity to cancer in animals. Travel: Am., Eur. Interests: football, coll. athletics, hist. Recrea- tions: football, golf. Jewish. Republi- can. Office: 104 S. Michigan Av., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1540 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, HI. WILKINSON, George Laurence, law- yer; b. Washington, D.C., 9 Sept. 1868; s. A. George Wilkinson (dec), principal examiner, U.S. Pat. Office, and Lou Burnam (Wilson) W.; ed. Central high sch., Washington, D.C.; B.S., Colum- bian Univ. (now George Washington Univ.), 1888, LL.B., 1891, LL.M., 1892; m. Adele Enloe of Jackson, Term., 30 Oct. 1895; children — Mrs. Frances Wil- kinson Rosso, Lawrence, Enloe, Lucian. Examiner, law elk., U.S. Patent Office, 1889-1901; engaged in pract. law, spe- cializing in patent, trade mark, copy- right and unfair competition in trade, Chicago, 111., 1901 — ; mem. firm, Wilkin- son, Huxley, Byron & Knight; mem. Am. and Chicago Bar Assns., Am. and Chicago Patent Law Assns., Legal Aid Bd., Evanston, 111., 1917-18, Chicago and Evanston Hist. Socs. Clubs: University 259 (Chicago), Cosmos (Washington, D.C), Glen View (Chicago). Author: arts, on technical and eng. subjs. Travel: Eur., Asia, Afr. Interest: legal subjs., par- ticularly those relating to patents and trade works. Recreation: golf. Baptist. Republican. Office: 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. Home: 1027 Greenwood Blvd., Evanston, HI. GREEN, Henry Irvin, lawyer; b. Dan- ville, Ind., 5 Sept. 1875; s. Francis M. Green and Kansas Ann (Clark) G.; ed. high sch., bus. coll.; law offices and as official court reporter; m. Eva Cleven- ger, 13 Mar. 1898, 1 son, Francis Cleven- ger. Admitted to 111. bar, 1897, and to U.S. Supreme Ct., 1915; general practice in State and Fed. Courts, 1900—; sr. mem. Henry I. Green Law Offices, Ur- bana and Champaign, Green & Hoag- land, Alton, 111.; corp. counsel City of Urbana many yrs.; gen. solicitor 111. Traction Co., HI. Power & Light Corp.; v.p. and gen. solicitor 111. Terminal R.R. System; mem. HI. Constl. Conv., 1920- 22; associated with U.S. Senator W. B. McKinley; chief investments HI. farm lands; mem. Am. and 111. State Bar Assns., Phi Delta Phi, Acacia. Repub- lican. Methodist. Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Flossmoor, Rotary. Home: Urbana, HI. WATERMAN, Cameron Beach, attor- ney, manufacturer, retired; b. Detroit, Mich., 20 Dec. 1878; s. Cameron Daven- port Waterman, capitalist, and Eliza- beth Hall (Beach) W. ; ed. Sch. for Boys and Central high sch., Detroit; B.A., Yale Univ., 1901, LL.B., 1904; m. Lois F. Miller of Pittsburgh, Pa., 18 Oct. 1904; children— Mary Elizabeth Farwell, Cameron Beach, III, Reuben Miller. Practiced patent law, June 1904-07; in- vented 1st outboard motor and formed Waterman Marine Motor Co., to mfr. it, 1907; pres. and gen. mgr., 1907- Jan. 1917; with Draft Bd., 1917; Civilian Aero Mech. Engr., Engine Design Sec. of Air- plane Engring. Div., U.S. Signal Corps; sec.-treas. Detroit Boring Bar Co.; pres. Davenport Home for Female Orphan Children, Bath, N.Y.; p. pres. Bd. Pub. Works Grosse Pointe, Civilian Aero. Mech. Engr. Signal Corps., Sept.-Dec. 1917, comdg. capt. Engine Design Sect., Signal Corps, 20 Dec. 1917; designer of standard machine shop truck for Signal Corps and redesigned for Am. mfr., French Caquot Balloon Windlass; chief of Transportation Div., Air Service, A.E.F.; promoted major Air Service, A.E.F., overseas service, July 1918- Mar. 1919; mem. Am. Legion, Military Order of World War. Clubs: Yondotega, Detroit, Detroit Country, University (De- troit) Huron Mt. Author: technical arts, on marine engines and installations; also outdoor life arts, along same lines. Travel: Eur., No. Afr., Egy., So. Am., W.I., Cent. Am. since 1925. Grandson Joshua Whitney Waterman, one of early fire commrs. in Detroit; great grand- father (with Joshua Whitney) founded Binghamton, N.Y.; grandfather founded Davenport Home for Female Orphan Children, Bath, N.Y., 1863. Recreations: fishing, boating. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office: 688 E. Fort St., Detroit, Mich. Home: 330 Lincoln Rd., Grosse Pointe, Mich. Summer res.: Huron Mt. Club, Marquette Co., Mich. LAMBERT, Byron James, professor, head of dept. of civil engineering; b. Argyle, Wis., 25 Apr. 1874; s. Furniss Lambert, farmer, and Mary Wasley (Reynolds) L.; ed. Sch. of Argyle, Wis., and Alden, la.; B.Di., State Teachers Coll., Cedar Falls, la., 1896, M.Di., 1897; Ph.B., State Univ. la., 1900, B.S. (in civ. engring.), 1901, C.E., 1906; m. Helen Leavitt Davison of Waterloo, la., 8 Nov. 1902; children— Jas. Leavitt, Rob- ert Davison, Mary Louise (Forward), Dr. Richard Hooker (Major U.S.A. Med. Corps, Pacific Area), Dr. Edward Rey- nolds (Major U.S.A. Med. Corps, Pa- cific Area). City engr., Waterloo and Cedar Falls, la., 1899-1901; asst. and ch. engr., W.C.F.&N. Interurban R.R. during constrn., 1901-02; instr. civ. en- gring., State Univ. la., 1902, asst. prof., prof., and head dept.; acting dean, En- gring. Coll., 1935-36; gen. contractor during summers, 1902-30; cons, engr., municipal projects, hydraulic plants, steel and concrete bridges, sch. bldgs., stadia, etc.; holds several patents on steel grand stands; maj., CO., 3d Bn., 23d Engrs., 9 mos. in Fr., service from Nov. 1917- Jan. 1919, now It. col. Engrs., O.R.C; mem. A.S.C.E., Soc. Promo- tion Engring. Ed., Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs., la. Engr. Soc, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, Chi Epsilon, Sigma Tau, Masons. Clubs: Triangle, Hiking, Golf, Republican. Con- tract bridge, Rotary. Author: Elemen- tary Structures in Concrete and Steel; High Masonry Dams; Airport Engineer- ing. Travel: U.S. (extensive), Mex., Can., Eur. Father started from Galena, 111., with five other young men, and went by oxteam via Oregon Trail to Calif., being 6 mos. on trip, 1851, yr. of great floods in la., Ex-Gov. Drake of la. was one of party; father and mother with family of 6 children moved from Wis. to la. in 1889, all 6 grad. from la. 260 State Teachers Coll. (4 in class of 1897), all 6 grad. from la. State Univ. Interest: collecting daisy and button galssware. Recreations: golf, bridge, travel, gar- dens. Methodist. Republican. Office: 222 Engineering Bldg., Iowa City, la. Home: 4 Melrose Circle, Iowa City, la. WOODS, Andrew Henry, physician; b. Hartwood, Va., 25 Aug. 1872; s. Francis Marion Woods, clergyman, and Julia Miller (Junkin) W.; ed. Pantops Acad., Charlottsville, Va.; A.B., Washington & Lee Univ., 1893; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1899; m. Fanny Soutter Sinclair of Philadelphia, Pa., 29 Apr. 1902; chil- dren—Thomas Sinclair, Francis Marion, Janet McCleary, Margaret Soutter, Rob- ert Pirrie. Med. ed. and hosp. work, Canton, China; pvt. pract., Philadel- phia, Pa., 1907-12; head of dept., neurol., Rockefeller Union Med. Coll., Peking, China, 1920-28; head of dept., psychiatry and dir., la. State Psychopathic Hosp., Univ. of la., 1929-41 (retired) ; mem. bd. of dirs., la. City 1st Capital Bank; pres., Sinclair Realty Co., Cedar Rapids; tech. advisor, State Planning Bd. of la., 1938- 39; served as maj. in U.S. Med. Corps in France and neurologist to Army nerve-wound operative unit, N.Y.C., 1918-19; fellow Philadelphia Coll. of Phys., 1908-35, A.M. A.; mem. Am. Neurol. Assn. (v.p., 1933-34), Am. Psychiat. Assn. la. City Chamber Com- merce. Club: Rotary. Author: neurol. and psychiat. contribs. to sci. jours. Travel: Asia, Egypt, Eur., U.S. Con- glist. Independent. Office: First Capital Bank Bldg., Iowa City, la. Home: 1100 N. Dubuque St., Iowa City, la. O'BRIEN, Frank Jerome, executive; m. Pauline McGuire of St. Catherines, Ont., 1906; children— Mrs. W. R. Webs- ter, Jr., Mrs. John H. Kopmeier, Charles, Frank Jerome, Jr. V.p., Globe Steel Tubes Co. Cchmn.), Milwaukee, Wis.; mem. Am. Iron and Steel Inst., Army Ordnance Assn. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn., University, Milwaukee Country. Office: 3839 W. Bumham St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Home: 3477 N. Lake Dr., Mil- waukee, Wis. BEACH, Julius Eugene, lawyer; b. Geneva, N.Y., 3 Dec. 1895; s. Spencer Ambrose Beach, horticulturist, and Norma (Hainer) B.; ed. Ames (la.) high sen.; B.S., la. State Coll., 1917; LL.B., Harvard Law Sen., 1922; m. Mary Bu- chanan of Evanston, HI., 23 Oct. 1928; children — Spencer Buchanan, Ellen, John Hadley, Kate Hadley. Practiced law in Chicago, 1922—; with Mayer, Mayer, Austrian & Piatt, 1922-27; inde- pendent prac, 1927—; partner, Beach, Fathchild & Scofield; 2 yrs. in Navy, ensign, U.S.S. North Dakota, retired to inactive service, 1919, ensign, U.S.N. R.F.; mem. Sigma Nu, Am., 111. State & Chicago Bar Assns., Law Inst, of Chi- cago, Law of Chicago, Legal of Chicago. Club: Evanston Golf. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, HI. Home: 512 Lake St., Evanston, 111. GRISWOLD, Harold Thomas, v. presi- dent; b. Chicago, 111., 2 Mar. 1878; s. Edward Payson Griswold and Marj Catherine Browning G.; ed. South Div. high sen.; B.A., Univ. Mich., 1899; m. Ruth Hayes Redington of Evanston, HI., 17 Oct. 1908. First job with Butler Bros.; in 1900 bought 5000 acres of timber, Ark., built a saw mill, continued as lum- ber mfr., selling 1909; assoc, Railway Exchange Bank; People's Trust & Sav. Bank, asst. cashier, 1911, cashier, 1914, v.p., 1921; v.p., Sanford Ink Co., 1923—, pres., 1943; mem. Chicago Athletic Assn. Clubs: Chicago, Glen View. Rec- reations: golf, billiards. Republican. Of« fice: W. Congress and S. Peoria Sts., Chicago, HI. Home: 1232 Ridge Av., Evanston, HI. SIEMS, Allan Gleason; b. St. Paul, Minn., 29 July 1888; s. Peter Siems and Josephine S.; ed. Baldwin Sem., St. Paul; Harstrons Prep. Sen., Norwalk, Conn.; Yale Coll. of Law. Constr. work, No. Pacific Ry., Mandan, N.D., 1910-11; rep., Siems & Co., Chehalis, Wash.; in- corporator and officer, Siems-Carey Co., Siems-Carey, Ltd., Can., 1911-14; bldr., aviation fields for Govt., 1917; v.p., Bayles Shipyard, Inc., L.I., N.Y., 1918- 19; org., incorp., chmn., bd. of dirs., Siems-Stembel Co., 1919-25; co-owner, fish hatchery, Big Rock Creek Trout Club, St. Croix Falls, Wis., 1922—; gen contr. bus., 1926 — ; co-owner, TrussbuilV. Inc., 1927—; dir. Pensacola Bridge Asso- ciates, Pensacola Beach Corp., Pensa- cola Bridge Corp., Siems Bros., Inc., Siems Bros.-Helmers, Inc., Siems-Hel- mers, Inc., Siems-Spokane Co., Midway Agency, Inc.; tr., 1st v.p. St. Paul Inst.; bd. of govs. Miller Hosp.; mem. Izaak Walton League, Minn. Acad, of Sci. Clubs: Golden Retriever of Am. (dir.), Surf, Bath, Indian Creek Country (Miami Beach), Minn., Somerset Coun- try, University (St. Paul), St. Croix Country (Wis.), Kat Cay (B.W.I.). In- terests: pure bred cattle, horse, hunting dogs, reforestation. Address: 2575 Como Av., W., St. Paul, Minn. Died, 2 May 1943. 261 BOATMAN, Thelma Elvira Helsper, attorney-at-law; b. El wood, Ind., 17 Dec. 1904; d. Charles Phillip Helsper and Minnie Ethelyn (Uetz) B.; ed. grad., Kewanee, 111., high sch.; A.B., Wash- burn Coll., Topeka, Kan., 1928, LL.B., 1930; m. Ernest N. Boatman of Norton, Kan., 20 June 1930. Entered the practice of law in Sept. 1930; elected as one of Kansas two first women county attor- neys, Nov. 1932; retired from office, Jan. 1935, to resume general practice of the law with Boatman and Boatman, Attorney- At-Law, county atty., of Norton Co., Kan., 1933-35; mem. Phi Delta Delta, Women Lawyers Assn., North- west Kansas Bar Assn., pres. Women's Christian Temperance Union of Norton. Clubs: Business and Professional Womens (Norton, pres.). Travel: do- mestic by car, more than 10,000 miles each year in various states 70 places of interest. Interests: travel, auction, sales, hobby collection and study of various potter's marks of china and dinner ware. Baptist. Republican. Of- fice and home: 112*4 S. Kansas Av., Norton, Kan. WOODS, Lebbeus, pastor, lawyer; b. Surprise, Neb., 2 Feb. 1881; s. Lebbeus B. Woods, farmer, and Mary (Morrison) W.; ed. Ulysses (Neb.) high sch.; B.S., Midland Coll., 1904; Western Theol. Sem.; Ph.M., Univ. Chicago; m. Lydia Little Smith of LaMoille, 111., 3 July 1911; children — Mary Morrison, Olsen Wendell. Reporter, Wenatchee Daily World, 1909-10; prin. high sch., Buda, HI., 1910-11, LaMoille, 111., 1911-13, Dixon, HI., 1913-14; pastor, St. James, Dixon, 111., 1914-17, Evangelical Lu- theran, Forreston, HI., 1917-19, Christ Evangelical Lutheran, Sharon, Wis., 1919 — ; ordained by Evangelical Lu- theran Ch. of Northern 111., 1915; ad- mitted to bar by 111. Supreme Court, 1916, by Wis. Supreme Court, 1929; mem. HI. Synod of United Lutheran Chs. in Am., 1919—; p. mem. Evangeli- cal Lutheran Synod of No. HI.; mem. Walworth Co. & Wis. State Bar Assns., 1934—; justice of the peace, Sharon, Wis., 1924—; mem. Masons, O.E.S. Club: Sharon Commercial. Author: Our Folks and Our Faith. Travel: U.S., Can. Desc. Robert Morrison, soldier in Revol. War. Interest: collecting antiques. Rec- reation: restoring old furniture. Evan- gelical Lutheran. Independent. Office: and home: 251 N. Martin St., Sharon, Wis. BALLARD, Lloyd Wernor, sociologist; b. Magnolia, Wis., 22 Aug. 1887; s. George Albert Ballard, farmer, and Au- gusta M. (Rosa) B.; ed. Manchestei (la.) high sch.; Ft. Collins (Colo.) high sch.; Beloit Coll.; M.A., Harvard Univ., 1913; B.A., Univ. Chicago, 1912; m. Eleanor C. Brannon of Beloit, Wis., 14 June 1923; 1 son, Lloyd Brannon (dec). Prof, econ., sociol., Beloit Coll., 1913—, head dept., 1921—; dir., Hoffman S. Lumber Co., Columbia, S.C.; mem. State Bd. Public Welfare, 1939-41; pres. Wis. Welfare Council, 1943 — ; asst. dir. Div. Child Welfare; Labor investigator. Emergency Fleet Corp., U.S. Shipping Bd., 1917-18; mem. Mid-West Sociol. Soc. (sec, 1936-41), Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Masons. Club: Faculty and Alumni (Beloit Coll.). Author: So- cial Institutions. Travel: U.S., Can. In- terests: music, painting. Recreations: motoring, boating. Conglist. Republican. Office: Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. Home: 917 Park Av., Beloit Wis. Sum- mer home: R.R. No. 2, Ontonagon, Mich. SCHUETTE, Sybil Clara, librarian; b Green Bay, Wis.; d. F. Frederick Schuette, salesman, and Helene (Giese- ler) S.; ed. East high sch., Green Bay; Library Sch. of Univ. Wis., 1915. Asst., Kellogg Public Library, 1915-18, first asst., 1918-24; dir. librarian, Gary, Ind. 1925-26; spl. work, Kellogg Pub. Lib., 1926-27, first asst., 1927-31, chief libra- rian, 1931—; mem. Am. Lib. Assn., Wis. Lib. Assn. (sec, 1940—, v.p., 1941, pres., 1942), Fox River Lib. Assn. (pres., 1930), Wis. Lib. Sch. Alumni Assn., Brown Co. Hist. Soc, Antiquarians, League of Women Voters. Club: Round Table Art. Compiler: Maple Sugar, bib- liography. Travel: Eur., Can., U.S. G.d. Joachim Henry Schuette, a botanist, who discovered a new species of wild rose which was named for him. In- terests: art, reading, collecting snuff boxes. Recreations: reading, bridge, horseback riding. Protestant. Repub- lican. Office: Kellogg Public Library, Green Bay, Wis. Home: 220 S. Van Buren St., Green Bay, Wis. HELLMUTH, Gustavus Theodore, lawyer; b. London, Can., 31 May 1884; s. Gustavus Stewart Hellmuth and Agnes (Cooke) H.; ed. Ocean Springs (Miss.) high sch.; LL.B., John Marshall Law Sch., 1910; m. Hulda Lundblad of Chi- cago, 111., 19 Oct. 1911; children— Ste- phen, John, Patricia. With Western Cold Storage Co., Chicago, 1902-04; with W.H. Colvin & Co., stock brokers, 1903-04; sec, Evanston Fireproof Warehouse Co., 1905-07; claim agt. under Receiver of Chicago & Milwaukee Electric R.R. Co., 262 1911-14; trial atty., Milwaukee, 1915-17; gen. claims atty., Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R.R. Co., Chicago Rapid Transit Co., Chicago Aurora & Elgin R.R., 1923—; gen. claims atty., Chicago South Shore & South Bend R.R., Metro- politan Motor Coach Co., Shore Line Motor Coach Co. & subsidiaries, 1925- 32; dir. Nat. Safety Council; tr. and 1st v.p., Civic Mus. Assn. of Chicago; sec. Wilmette (HI.) Plan Commn. & Bd. of Appeals, 1929-31; p. pres., Claims Assn. of Am. Transit Assn.; p. chmn. transit sect., National Safety Council; mem. Am., HI. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Chicago Law Inst., Wilmette Civic League. Club: North Shore Sunday Evening (v.pres.). Author: various arts. on accident prevention. Recreations: golf, tennis, hunting, fishing. Episcopa- lian. Republican. Office: 79 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Home: 240 Forest St., Winnetka, 111. GAMBLE, William Wallace, lumber- man; b. Oshkosh, Wis., 23 Feb. 1879; s. William Gamble, engr., and Adelaide J. (Marden) G.; ed. Wausau Grammar Sch.; high sch., 2 yrs.; m. May C. Bis- sell of Wausau, Wis., 10 Oct. 1900; chil- dren—William, Jr., Betty (Weller), Nancy Jane (Bliedung). Lumber inspec- tor, clerk, Wholesale Lumber Co., 1896- 98; organized Wausau Lumber Co., sec, mgr., 1898 — ; organizer, pres., dir., Yawkey Bissell Lumber Co., 1916 — ; ac- tive in lumber operations, Wis., the South, the West, and Canada, 1896 — ; sec, dir., Bissell Lumber Co.; dir., R. Connor Co.; treas., dir., Northern Hem- lock & Hardwood Mfrs. Assn. Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Wausau, Plum Lake Golf (Sayner). Recreations: hunt- ing, fishing, travel. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Office: White Lake and Wausau, Wis. Home: 825 Franklin St., Wausau, Wis. Summer res.: Plum Lake, Sayner, Wis. NASH, Archie Lyman, lawyer; b. Manitowoc, Wis., 12 Feb. 1875; s. Lyman J. Nash, lawyer, and Emma A. (Guy- les) N.; ed. Shattuck Sch., Faribault, Minn.; Univ. Wis.; m. Mary F. Prit- chard of Manitowoc, Wis., 1 Jan. 1906; children— Eleanor Grace Nash Ambler, John Pritchard. Admitted to bar, 1899; mem. father's law firm, estb., 1873; adm. to pract. before Supreme Ct. Wis., U.S. Supreme Ct., several Circuit Cts. of Appeal, Fed. Dist. Cts., U.S. Treas. Dept., Bd. Tax Apeals; splty., admir- alty law; dir., Manitowoc Ship Bldg. Co., Maritime Securities Co., Marine Transit Co., Chicago Roosevelt Steam- ship Co., Rockport Steamship Co., Rahr Malting Co.; served in army, 2 yrs. during World War I, maj. of F.A. with service in Fr.; mem. Am. and Wis. State Bar Assns. Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Lakeside Country (Mani- towoc), North Shore Golf (Appleton, Wis.). Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Eur., Egy., W.I., Hawaii, Jap. Recreations: golf, motoring. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: Manitowoc Savings Bank Bldg., Manitowoc, Wis. Home: 819 N. 14th St., Manitowoc, Wis. MERRIAM, Harold Guy, professor of English; b. Westminster, Mass., 6 Sept. 1883; s. Joel H. Merriam, store owner, and Anna P. (Mansfield) M.; ed. East Denver high sch., Denver, Colo.; B.A., Univ. Wyo., 1905; Rhodes Scholar, Ox- ford Univ., Eng., B.A., 1907, M.A., 1912; Harvard Univ., 1910; Columbia Univ., 1926-27, Ph.D., 1939; m. Doris W. Foote of San Diego, Calif. Aug. 1915; children —Alison Woodward, Alan Parkhurst. In- str. Eng., Whitman Co., 111., Walla Walla, Wash., 1908-10, Beloit Coll., Wis., 1911- 13; asst. Prof. Eng., Reed Coll., Port- land, Ore., 1913-18; prof, eng., chmn., Eng. dept., Mont. State Univ., 1919—, chmn., div. humanities, 1933 — ; prof. Eng., Univ. Ore., 1939-40; ed., Frontier (later Frontier and Midland), 1920-39, Northwest Verse, 1930, Northwest Books ; lecturer, lit. subjs., writing; dir., Fed. Writer's Project, W.P.A., Mont., 1935- 36; Y.M.C.A., Foyers du Soldat, teacher, Eng. artl. sch., Fontainebleau, Fr., 1918; arranged with Brit. Univs. to ac- cept Am. soldiers for 3 mos. of study, London, 1919; mem. A.A.U.P., Modern Language Asn., Phi Beta Kapa. Club: Authors (Misoula). Author: Edward Moxon, Publisher of Poets, 1939. Travel: Eur., Eng., Northern U.S., Can. In- terests: art, lit., archit., helping young writers of promise. ffiOce: Montana State University, Missoula, Mont. Home: 314 Connell Av., Missoula, Mont. LASBY, William Frederick, dentist, teacher; b. Minn., 25 Oct. 1876; s. Wal- ter Lasby, farmer, and Lavinia C. (Freeman) L.; ed. Carleton Acad.; B.S., Carleton Coll., 1900; D.D.S., Univ. Minn., 1903; m. Genevieve Adams (dec); m. (2nd) R. Mae Griffith of Minn., 1922 (dec); 1 dau., Mrs. R. N. Jeffrey. Dentist, Fairmont, Minn., 1903- 08; dent, teacher, Sch. of Dentistry, 1908—, dean, 1927-45; v.pres. dean- emeritus, Univ. Nat. Bank; It. col., U. S.A. Dent. Res.; Fellow A.C. Dentists; mem. Am. Dent. Assn., Minn. State Dent. Assn., Minneapolis Dist. Dent. Soc, Internat. Assn. for Dent. Res., A.A.A.S., Am. Dent. Eds. Assn., Minn. 263 Acad. Sci., Masons, (32d deg.), Shrine, Eastern Star, Am. Assn. Dent. Schs. (p. pres.), Phi Beta Kappa, Omicron Kappa Upsilon (p. pres.). Club: Ki- wanis. Author: arts, on dentistry and dent. ed. Recreations: golf, travel. Con- gest. Republican. Home: 425 Walnut St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. ANDERSON, Gustaf Bernhard, law- yer; b. Sweden, 19 Apr. 1867; s. Svante Anderson, carpenter, and Johanna Ma- ria A.; ed. A.B., Harvard Univ., 1891, A.M., 1892; m. Alma Anderson of Bos- ton, Mass., 16 Mar. 1893, Study, Univ. of Upsala, Sweden, 1 yr.; law study, Chicago; adm. to bar, 1896; law prac- tice, 1896—; Swedish Vice-Consul, 1914—. Clubs: Chicago, Univ., Tavern. Travel: visited countries of Eur. every other yr. for 17 yrs. Recreations: walk- ing, reading. Protestant. Republican. Office: 69 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 32 Belden Av., Chicago, III. CLARK, Dwight Freeman, surgeon; b. Yellow Springs, O., 29 Mar. 1878; s. Orrin B. Clark, prof. English, and Mary (Morris) C; ed. Hyde Park high sch. (Chicago); Univ. Mich., 1897-99; Univ. Chicago (Rush Med. College), 1903; m. Anna Kuttler of Dubuque, la., 1903; chil- dren— Dwight Freeman, Jr., Mrs. Vir- ginia Clark Countryman, Barbara. En- gaged in practice of surgery, Evans- ton; assoc. in surgery, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch.; mem. Am. Asn. Ry. Surgs., HI. State Hist. Soc. (tr.), Evans- ton Hist. Soc. (pres.), A.M.A., Chicago Med. Soc, Am. Bd. Surgery (desig- nate), Chicago Orthopedic Soc; F.A. C.S. Clubs: Univ., Glen View, Evans- ton. Author: various surgical articles. Travel: U. S. Recreations: golf, fishing. Episcopalian (sr. warden, St. Mark's Episcopal Ch., Evanston). Republican. Office: 636 Church St., Evanston, 111. Home: 140 Hinman Av., Evanston, 111. BECKMAN, Bernard C., b. Naper- ville, HI.; s. Philip Beckman and Eliza- beth (Pfeiffer) B.; ed. Naperville high sch.; North Central Coll., 1896; m. May Ballou of Naperville, 111., 1901; children —Mrs. Bernice Wilson, Mrs. Eleanor Martin, Mrs. Sylvia Wright. Dir. and pres., Watson Land Co., Taos, N. Mex., Beckman Wholesale Rfg. Co., Chicago; dir., Interstate Rfg. & Sup. Co., Cicero, HI.; alderman and sch. dir., several terms, Naperville, 111. Clubs: HI. Ath- letic, Chicago, Naperville Country. In- terests: travel, making moving pictures. Recreation: golf. Republican. Office: Beckman Wholesale Rofing Co., 5130 W. 16th St., Chicago, HI. Home: Naper- ville, HI. Summer res: Wauconda, HI. SCHULZ, John Adolph, research as- sistant professor of chemistry and nu- trition; b. Elmwood, HI., 15 Oct. 1894; s. John Schulz, merchant, and Johanna (Oberer) S.; ed. Elmwood, HI. high sch.; B.S., Univ. 111., 1917; M.S., la. State Coll., 1927; m. Helen Lamb of Brandon, la., Aug. 1925; children— John Theodore, Jacqueline Ann. Res. chem- ist, la. Agr. Expt. Sta., 1921-30, res. asst. prof., chemistry and nutrition, 1931; mem. A.C.S., A.A.A.S., la. A.S., Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, K.C. Author: technical articles. Interest: music. Recreation: flower- growing. Catholic. Republican. Office: 306 Chemical Bldg., Iowa State College, Ames, la. Home: 606 Lynn Av., Ames, la. DEUTSCH, Alcuin Henry, priest and college president; b. Wallern, Aus., 13 Feb. 1877; s. Joseph Deutsch, laborer, and Anna (Schneider) D.; ed. St. John's Univ. high sch.; B.A., St. John's Univ., 1896, Ph.D., St. Anselmo, Rome, It., 1903. Roman Catholic priest, 1902; pres. f St. John's Univ., 1922—. Office: St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn. Home : Collegeville, Minn. MITCHELL, Constance Mines, libra- rian; b. Radford, Va.; d. James Ernest Mitchell and Gertrude (Gabhert) M. ; ed. Bloomington (HI.) high sch.; A.B., HI. Wesleyan Univ.; M.A., George Pea- body Coll.; B.S. (in lib. sci.), Univ. HI. Teacher Eng. and Latin, Seybrook (HI.) high sch., Chicago Heights (111.) high sch., Little Rock (Ark.) high sch.; teacher Eng., Ark. Teachers Coll.; head librarian, Teachers Coll., Conway, Ark., 1940 — ; pres., Ark. Library Assn.; sec, Ark. Ed. Assn., 3 times; pres., Faulkner Co. Library Bd., 1938-40; mem. Delta Kappa Gamma (co-founder, Ark. br.), A.A.U.W., P.E.O. Club: Dem. Woman's. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interest: negro poetry. Recreations: swimming, bridge. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: Arkansas Teachers College, Conway, Ark. Home: 703 Donaghy, Conway, Ark. JERSILD, Marvin A., attorney-at-law; b. Gowen, Mich., 19 July 1897; s. Rev. Thomas N. Jersild and Anne (Bille) J.; ed. Elk Horn (la.) Coll.; Dana Coll.; Univ. Chicago Law Sch. Engaged in gen. practice of law; asst. gen. counsel, N.Y. Central System; dir., Chicago Towel Co.; Co. B, 303rd Battalion Tank Corps, A.E.F., 1918; mem. Am., HI. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Art Inst. 264 Chicago, Museum Modern Art (N.Y.). Clubs: Union League, Chicago, Saddle and Cycle (Chicago). Office: 536 La Salle Station, Chicago, 111. Home: 1343 N. State St., Chicago, HI. McPHERSON, Donald Fraser, law- yer; b. Buffalo, N.Y., 26 Aug. 1884; s. Donald Fraser McPherson, surgeon, and Mary Adelaide (Gowans) McP.; ed. La Villa Auckenthaler, Ouchy, Lausanne, Switz.; A.B., Princeton, 1906, M.A., 1909; Harvard Law Sch., 1907-08; LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1909; m. Frances Ogden West of Chicago, 111., 15 Jan. 1914; children— Frances, Donald F., Jr., Sally Anne. Practiced law, Chicago, HI., 1909—; dir., Signal Mt. Portland Cement Co., Chicago Dock & Canal Co.; tr. f Village of Winnetka, 111.; capt., adjt. gen., National Army under Gen. Charles G. Dawes, World War I; mem. Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Chicago Law, Chicago Legal, Chicago Caxton, Old Elm, Way- farers, Pittsfield Country, Adventures, Alford Brook. Author: A Family Jour- ney. Travel: Eur., Afr., around the world. Interests: books, art, horses. Recreations: golf, riding, fishing. Pres- byterian. Republican. Office: 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: Pine Lane, Winnetka, 111. Summer res.: Court Hill, Pittsfield, Mass. Died, 17 Mar. 1944. LUNT, Gordon R., civil engineer; b. New Sharon, la., 22 Nov. 1897; s. John- son R. Lunt, stockman, and Kittie (Bro- gan) L.; ed. Cent. Coll. Acad., Pella, la.; B.S. (in C.E.), State Univ., la., 1921, C.E., 1927. High sch. instr., 1921- 22; with Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co., 1922, mgr. Bridge Dept., 1928 and mgr. Wind Tunnel Dept.; engaged in promotion, development and constr. of pipeline suspension bridges for major natural gas and oil cos.; supervision of sales, const, of highway bridges and wind tunnels ; mem. Consistory, Shriners. Club: Wakonda Country. Au- thor: arts, on pipe line suspension bridges, pneumatic foundations and wind tunnels. Interests: art, farming. Recreation: golf. Republican. Office: Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co., Des Moines, la. Home: 1510 Germania Dr., Des Moines, la. HOLT, Maud S., artist; b. Carbandale, 111., d. James W. Spiller, merchant, and Sarah (Patrick) S.; ed. pub. schs.. Tamaroa, 111. Glendale (O.) Coll.; Ox- ford (O.); Lincoln, (111.) Univ.; N.E. Conservatory (Boston) ; m. V/infield Scott Holt of Knox City, Mo., 22 Dec. 1888. Stud, art Paris Schs., exhibited pictures Paris Salon, Chicago, St. Louis World's Fair, So. States Art League, Savannah, Ga., Houston, Tex., State Fairs (3 states), pictures in permanent galleries Little Rock, Ark., Accola, 111., Nashville, Tenn., Maryville, Tenn., Alamo, San Antonio, Tex.; supported several French orphans, rec. medal for Red Cross work World War I; mem. D.A.R. Clubs: Fine Arts, Literary. Au- thor : Studio-Talk, A Travelogue Through the Years. Interests: painting, writing, travel. Presbyterian. Office and home: 512 E. 9th St., Little Rock, Ark. RAMSEY, Walter Reeve, physician; o. Guelph, Ont., 8 Nov. 1872; s. James Ramsey and Mary (Scott) R.; ed. Col- legiate Inst.; Univ. of Md., 2 yrs.; M.D., Univ. of Minn., 1896; Univ. of Vienna 1902; m. Ruth A. Lusk of St. Paul, Minn., 19 Apr. 1902; 1 son, Reeve. In- terne, Ancker Hosp., St. Paul; post grad. work, Univ. of Berlin, 1907-08, 1912; assoc. prof., pediatrics, Univ. of Minn.; med. dir., Childrens Hosp., St. Paul (sec. bd. of trs.); served as maj., A.R.C., overseas, 1918-19; gold medals Fr. Government and City of Rouen, pub. health work; mem. Am. Med. Soc, Am. Pediatric Soc, Am. Acad. Ped., North- western Ped. Soc. Clubs: Minn. Univ., (p. mem.), Town & Country. Author: Infancy and Childhood, Care and Feed- ing of Infants and Children. Travel: Eur., U.S. (del., 1st Internat. Cong., Child Welfare, Brussels, 1921, Geneva, 1923). Interests: art, reforestration. Rec- reation: travel, writing. Presbyterian. Independent. Home: 214 So. Grotto, St. Paul, Minn. Summer res.: Marine on St. Croix, Minn. BALLENGER, Howard Charles, phy- sician; b. Economy, Ind., 17 Aug. 1886; s. Jacob O. Ballenger, mcht., and Jenny (Osborn) B.; ed. Economy (Ind.) high sch.; Earlham Coll.; Sch. Med., Mich. Univ.; M.D., Univ. Ind. Sch. Med.; m. Bessie Taylor of Economy, Ind., 15 Aug. 1912; children— Barbara T., Dr. John J., H. Charles, Jr. Assoc, prof, of otol., Northwestern Univ. Sch. Med.; p. cons, in otol., U.S. Pub. Health Service; p. tr., Village of Winnetka; Fellow Am. Laryngol. Assn., Am. Otol. Soc, Am. Laryngol., Rhinolog. and Otol. Soc, Am. Acad. Ophthal. and Otol.; mem. A.C.S. Author: Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Ear (5th, 6th, 7th and 8th eds. collab., W. L. Ballenger), 192">, 1930, 1938. Author: Manual of Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat, 1938, 1940. Desc W.L. Ballenger, prof., head dept., Ear, Nose and Throat, Med. Sch. Univ. 111. 265 Office: 723 Elm St., Winnetka, HI. Home: 1340 Asbury Av., Winnetka, HI. GREEN ACRE, Alice, lawyer; b. Washington Heights, Chicago, 111., 25 Oct. 1837; d. Isaiah T. Greenacre and Emma L. (Russell) G.; ed. Chicago high sch.; A.B., Univ. Chicago, 1908, J.D., 1911; 1 dau., Cordelia Ann (by adoption). General practice of law in (own office) Chicago, 1911—. Interest: law practice. Protestant. Republican. Office: 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: Palos Park, HI. TUCKER, Harold Herbert, chemist; b. Galesburg, 111., 2 Nov. 1902; s. Sidney G. Tucker, R.R. mail clerk (retired), and Susana (Radley) T.; ed. Bradley Acad. Pforia, 111.; A.B., Bradley Coll., 1924; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1930; m. Dorothy Hardt of Chicago, HI., 1931; children— Gale Ellen, Marcia Janet. High sch. teacher and athletic coach, 1924-27; student of chemistry, Univ. Chi- cago, 1927-30; chem. at J. Laskin & Sons Corp., 1930-32, chief chemist and dyer, 1932—; mem. A.I.C., A.C.S., Am. Assn. of Textile Chemists & Colorists, Chemists Circle of Milwaukee, Sigma Xi, Kappa Sigma. Clubs: Mayfair, 23. Interests: vocal music, bookbinding, athletics. Recreations: tennis, golf, bad- m i n t o n. Presbyterian. Republican. Home: 1094 E. Circle Dr., Milwaukee, Wis. CARTWRIGHT, Charles Merritt, edi- tor; b. Waynesville, O., 12 Nov. 1869; s. S. L. Cartwright, farmer, and Emma (Merritt) C; ed. Waynesville high sch.; Nat. Normal Univ., Lebanon, O.; A.B., Princeton Univ., 1894; m. Kathryn Ab- bott of Oak Park, HI., 24 Aug. 1903; c h i 1 d r e n— Levering, Helen Louise (dec). Reporter, Chicago Inter-Ocean, 1894, ins. ed., (later); ins. ed., Chicago Tribune; ed., Nat. Underwriter, 1899—; pres., Evanston Pub. Library Bd.; sec, Evanston Community Recreation Assn., mem. Ohio Soc of Chicago. Club: Union League. Protestant. Republican. Office: 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, HI. Home: 2215 Lincoln St., W. Evanston, 111. BUBB, Henry A., president, Capitol Federal Savings & Loan Assn.; b. Wil- liamsport, Pa., 26 Mar. 1907; s. Harry A. Bubb and Marjorie (Wheeler) B.; ed. Topeka (Kans.) high sch., Kansas Univ.; m. Elizabeth Black of Topeka, Kans., 26 June 1929; children— Barbara Elizabeth. Started at Capitol Federal Savings & Loan Assn., 1927, asst. sec, 1931-38, sec, 1938, dir., 1938; became interested in politics and has held the following offices for Young Repub- licans: chmn. Shawnee Co., Kans., 1930- 33, state sec, Kans., 1933-35, nat. com- mitteeman, Kans., 1935-37; regional dir., National Federation, 1934-38, nat. vice chmn., 1935-37; nat. chmn., 1937-38; mem. National Exec. Com. as p. chmn., 1938-40; v.p., sec. Capitol Federal Sav- ings & Loan Assn., 1940; mem. Repub- lican Program Com., 1938-40, Bd. Ind. Clubs of Am., 1941, Nat., State, and Local Exec. Corns., Willkie Clubs, Inc., 1940, Willkie's Nat. Advisory Com.; pres. Capitol Federal Savings & Loan Assn., 1941—; dir., Columbian Title and Trust Co., 1941 — , Topeka Ch. of Commerce, 1939-41, 1943-45; pres. Topeka Ch. of Commerce, 1939-40; dir., State Chamber Commerce, 1939-42, v.pres., 1939-40; pres., Building & Loan League of Topeka, 1938-39; dir. (tr.) Home Owners Mutual Ins. Co. of Chicago, 1941—; tr., American Savings and Loan Institute, 1942-44; v. chmn., Topeka Planning Bd., 1942 — ; dir., Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka, 1943 — ; sec, treas., Exec. Com. of Shawnee County War Memorial Foundation, Inc., 1944 — ; chmn., Shawnee County Russian War Relief, Inc., 1944—; chmn., Third War Loan (Shawnee County), mem. Exec. Com. War Finance, Shawnee County, Exec Corns, of Fourth, Fifth, and Seventh War Loan Drives; state chmn., U.S. Savings and Loan League's Government Bond Campaigns, 1942-45; dir. Mer- chants Nat. Bank of Topeka, 1945 — ; chmn., Housing & Planning Com., To- peka Chamber Commerce, 1945 — . Clubs: Rotary, Topeka Country (dir. and pres.), SAR, Topeka Press Club, Sigma Chi (pres. Topeka Alumni Chap., 1934-40). Episcopalian (mem. Grace Ca- thedral, a vestryman). Republican. Of- fice: 534 Kansas Av., Topeka, Kan. Home: 3609 Avalon Lane, Topeka, Kan. Summer home: Estes Park, Colo. BIERMANN, Fred, U.S. Marshal; b. Rochester, Minn., 20 Mar. 1884; s. E.E. Biermann, dep. state auditor, and Mar- tha (Christopher) B.; ed. Decorah high sch.; Valder Bus. Coll., Univ. Minn.; B.A., Columbia Univ., 1905; Harvard Law Sch.; m. Adel Rygg of Decorah, la., 25 Jan. 1930. Homesteaded N.D., 1906-07; edited and owned Decorah Jour., 1908-31; postmaster, Decorah, 1913-23; mem. congress, 1932, 1934, 1936; dem. co. chmn., Winneshiek Co.; mem. Dem. State Cent. Com.; del. Dem. Nat. Convs., 1928, 1940; del. of U.S. Congress to Interparliamentary Union Conf., Paris, 1937; park commr., Decorah, 1922—; U.S. Marshal, 1940—; in O.T.C., 266 *rt. Snelling, Minn., with A.E.F. during World War I; mem. V.F.W., B.P.O.B., A.P. & A.M., Am. Legion. Club: Oneota Golf & Country. Travel: Eur., Can., Mex. Democrat. Office: Dubuque, la. Home: Decorah, la. MERCER, Clifford David, physician; b. Hillsdale Co., Mich., 17 Dec. 1884; s. David G. Mercer, farmer, and Fran- ces (Campbell) M.; ed. Addison, Mich, high sen.; Univ. Mich.; M.D., North- western Univ., 1908; m. Harriet Mabel Wood of Chicago, 111., 3 Aug. 1907; chil- dren—Mrs. Laura Pommerening, Mar- garet. Resident phys., Uniontown Hosp., Uniontown, Pa., 1908-09; gen. pract. med., Addison, Mich., 1910-15; gen. med. and pediatrics, W. Union, 1915-40; mem. bd. edn., 1912-15; commr. insanity. Fay- ette Co., 1928-40; internist, Med. Adv. Bd., Selective Service Act, 1940; mem. Fayette Co. Draft Bd., 1917-18, It. M.C., U.S.A., Camp Greenleaf, Ga., 28 Sept. 1918-1 Jan. 1919, capt, M.R.C., 1920-30; mem. Fayette Co., la. State and Am. Med. Assns., Am. Coll. Phys. (life mem.), la. Pub. Health Assn., Am. Le- gion, A.F. & A.M., Shrine, Consistory, K.T. Club: W. Union Citizens. Author: numerous arts, in med. jours. Interest: farming. Methodist. Republican. Office: First National Bank Bldg., W. Union, la.. Home: 317 S. Vine St., W. Union, la. BLY, John Marius, registrar; b. Ullensvang, Norway, 11 Nov. 1885; s. Haldor M. Bly, farmer, and Ingeleiv (Sexe) B.; ed St. Olaf Acad., North- field, Minn., B.A., St. Olaf Coll., 1912; Univ. Minn.; M.A., Columbia Univ., 1924; Harvard Univ., summer, 1931; m. Minnie Saboe of Belgrade, 26 June 1918; children — Marjorie, Chauncey, Theo- dore, Haldor. Brought by parents to Murray Co., Minn., 1888; worked on farm; teacher, pub. sen., 1 yr. ; studied at United Ch. Sem. and Univ. Minn., 1912-15; coll. Chinese Studies, Peking, China, 1915-16; supt., Chinese secondary and elementary sens., Sinyang, Honan, China, until 1927; teacher, psychology, St. Olaf, 1927-39, registrar, 1934—; teacher, Valley City, N.D. Teachers Coll., summer, 1930, mem. Am. Assn. Coll. Registrars, Am. Psychol. Assn., Phi Delta Kappa, Foregin Policy Assn. Club: Lutheran Brotherhood. Author: miscellaneous articles and reports. Travel: China, Korea, Jap., Can., Eng., Nor., Rus., Ger., It., Fr. Interests: chess, study of Chinese written lan- guage. Recreations: golf, fishing, camp- ing. Lutheran. Independent. Office: St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn. Home: 211 N. Lincoln St., Northfield, Minn. PENQUITE, Maynard Ellsworth, law- yer; b. Greencastle, Ind., 20 Jan. 1872; s. William H. Penquite, farmer, ins. agent and Sarah J. (Hopping) P.; ed. Highland Park Coll., Des Moines; Dixon 111. Coll.; LL.B., Drake Univ., Des Moines, 1899; m. Lola E. Warrell of Collins, 14 Aug. 1898; children— Leon M., Gladys M., Virgil E., Morris O., Helen E. Practice law, spl. in probate law; mayor, Colfax, 1909-13; city atty. Colfax, 1915-17, 1920-25, 1929-33; mem. Jasper Co., Iowa State and Am. Bar Assns., I.O.O.F., A.F.A.M. Recreations: hunt- ing, fishing. Golden Rule. Republican. Office: First Nat. Bank Bldg., Colfax, Iowa. Home: 415 E. Washington St., Colfax, Iowa. Summer res.: Penquite & Penquite Lakes, Iowa. BREEN, Arthur James, dean of men, professor of education; b. Dwight, 111., 1 Sept. 1898; s. Edmund Breen and Mary A (Kelagher) B.; ed. Parker high sen., Chicago, 111.; A.B., Catholic Univ., 1918, A.M., 1919; Chicago Univ., 1925- 26; D.D. (hon.) Meichisedech Seminary, Oakland, N.J., 1926. Instr. hist., Co- lumbia Acad., 1923-24; instr. * soc. sci., Columbia Coll., 1924-25, prof., head- master dept. ed., 1926 — , dean of men, 1930 — ; assoc. prof, ed., Mt. Carmel Jr. Coll.. 1927—; visit, prof, ed., Clarke Coll., 1930-32; prof, rel., Visitation Acad. 1926-29; mem. Cath. Ed. Assn. Am. Hist. Soc, Nat. Ed. Assn., Nat, Cath. Ed. Assn., Nat. Geog. Soc, Am Coll. Personell Assn., Antiquarian Soc K.C., Hibernians. Club: Democratic Author: Ideals and Education: Teach ing Skills; Methods in Secondary Edu cation; Catholic Philosophy of Educa tion. Travel: U.S., Eur. Interests: edu cation, personal guidance, history, art museum activities. Recreations: travel golf, baseball. Catholic. Democrat. Of fice and home: Keane Hall, Loras Col lege, Dubuque, la. SHERRY, William J., oil producer, executive; b. Salamanca, N.Y., 13 Aug. 1899; s. William Sherry, railroad, and Bridget (Dunn) S.; ed. Salamanca high sen.; Univ. Notre Dame; B.S., M.I.T., 1921; m. Margaret Harrington of Tulsa, Okla., 2 Oct. 1928; children— Patricia, Margaret, Mary, William, Anne, Jane. Geol., Shaffer Oil & Ref. co., 1921-23; oil producer, 1923—; pres., dir., Sherry Petroleum Co.; sec. (hon.). M.I.T.; pvt., Inf., 3 mos. during World War I; mem. Am. Legion, Am. Petroleum Inst., Am. Assn. Pet. Geol. Clubs: Tulsa, Southern 267 Hill, Tulsa Ozark. Recreations: golf, fishing, Catholic. Republican. Office: 804 Kennedy Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Home: 1530 E. 27th St., Tulsa, Okla. Summer home: Eucha, Okla. WHITE, Hall Brewer, agricultural en- gineer; b. Winnebago, Minn., 6 June 1879; s. John A. White, farmer and Cordelia A. (Brewer) W.; ed. Winnebago high sen.; Sch. of Agr.; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1908; M.S., Univ. Wis., 1928; m. Elizabeth M. Chase of Farmington, str., Univ. Minn., 1908, asst. prof., 1918, head of sect., farm structures, 1918; mem. A.A.U.P., Am. Soc. Agr. Engrs., Soc. for Promotion of Engring. Ed., Minn. Assn. of Architects. Club: Min- neapolis Engineers. Author: Mechanical Training; Farm Building Plans; tech. arts. Office: University Farm, St. Paul, Minn. Home: 1426 Raymond Av., St. Paul, Minn. LAKELA, Olga, teacher; b. Kestila, Finland, 11 Mar. 1890; d. Joseph Kor- honen Lakela, farmer, and Martha Charlotte (Kaikkonen) L.; ed. Normal Sch., Duluth; Valparaiso Univ., 1911; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1921, M.S., 1924, Ph.D., 1932. Teacher, rural sens., St. Louis Co., Minn., 1914-17, Fairmount (Minn.) high sch., 1921-25, State Teach- ers Coll., Minot, N. D., 1925-30; her- barium asst., Univ. Minn., 1930-35; prof, bot., Duluth State Teachers Coll., 1935—; Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Sigma Xi, Am. Bot. Soc, Am. Ecol. Soc Soc. Plant Taxonomists, Minn. Ornithol. Union, Minn. Acad. Sci., Minn. Ed. Assn, A.A. U.P. Author: prof, monographs. Travel: Eur., Ger., Swed., Finland. Interest: bird study. Recreations: collecting plants, study of Minn, plant life. Lu- theran. Republican. Office: State Teach- ers College, Duluth, Minn. Home: 1732 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. SAMPSON, Henry Ellis, lawyer; b. Audubon Co., la., 6 Mar. 1879; s. Cyrus Henry Sampson and Martha (Ellis) S.; ed. A.B., Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la., 1902; la. State Univ.; Ph.B., Univ. Chi- cago, 1904, J.D., 1905; m. Mary Luella Stubbs of New Providence, la., 18 Oct. 1905. Practiced law, Des Moines, la., 1905—; sr. mem. firm, Sampson & Dil- lon, 1905-40; specialist in corp. and ins. law, malpractice litigation; asst. atty. gen., la., 1910-17; Rep. candidate for atty. gen., 1916; spl. counsel, la. In- dustrial Commr., 1914-16, state corp. dept., 1912-17, ins. dept. of la., 1911-15, state highway commr., 1914-16; one of com. of three that redrafted la. Work- men's compensation law, 1917, success- fully argued the constitutionality of law before Supreme Ct. of U.S., 1916; one of advisory counsel for la. unemployment compensation commn., 1936 — ; gen. counsel, la. Mfrs. Assn., Des Moines, la., 1917—; mem. com. of 25 citizens who drafted and secured the adoption of Des Moines plan of city govt., 1907; spl. counsel, la. Osteopathic Assn.; la. rep., Prenctice-Hall, Inc., N.Y., N.Y.; atty., Lloyds of London, Eng.; apptd. atty. to help draft la. unemployment compensation act, 1936; spl. counsel for casualty ins. cos., specializing in med. jurisprudence and malpractice defense litigation, 1925 — ; prof, malpractice and med. jurisprudence, Still Osteopathic Coll., 1936-40; successfully defended ct. cases, brought for alleged infringement of certain patents on reenforced con- crete constr., in which all such patents were declared void, resulted In vast savings to la. taxpayers; mem. State Advisory Council of la.; tr., mem. of ex. faculty and fin. corns., Simpson Coll.; mem. la. State, Polk Co. Bar Assns., Delta Chi, Masons (32d deg.), K.T., Shrine. Clubs: University, Atlas, Cornell, University Chicago. Author: One Year under the Des Moines plan, 1908; Workman's Compensation Laws, 1914, 1915; Highway Laws of Iowa, 1915; Obligations of the Osteopathic Profession, 1927; Social Security- Who Pays for It, 1936; many other monographs. In- terests: mus., art, educational matters. Methodist. Republican. Office: Suite 601 Register & Tribune Bldg., De3 Moines, la. Died, 5 Jan. 1945. LOUNSBURY, William Cotton, direc- tor of safety; b. Brooklyn, NY., 13 Feb. 1880: s. Paul Lounsbury, bus. man, and Elizabeth (Anderson) L. ; ed. Brigh- ton high sch. (Boston, Mass.); S.B., M.I.T., 1904; m. Genevieve Eaton of Superior, Wis., 30 June 1908; children- Elizabeth, Virginia, William C, Frank- lin B., Alfred E. Past dir., gen. mgr. pub. utility; p. park commr., Superior, Wis.; now dir. Safety; dir. of personnel; mem: Pub. Welfare Assn. (p. pres.), fellow Am. Assn. Sci., Am. Pub. Health Assn. (p. fellow). Clubs: Rotary (p. pres.), Duluth Engr., local tech. (sec). Author: utility papers; addresses; poems. Conglist. Republican. Office: 30 W. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. Home: 1424 Vermilion Rd., Duluth, Minn. Sum- mer res.: Lake Minnesuing, Douglas City, Wis. OGDEN, Mahlon Dickerson, surgeon; b. Little Rock, Ark., 5 Dec. 1881; s. Charles Cullen Ogden, accountant, and 268 Alta Mirah fDeason) O.; ed. Little Rock high sch., M.D., Univ. Ark. 1904; m. Sue Worthen of Little Rock, Ark., 14 Nov. 1907; children— Mollie W., and Alta M., Mahlon D., Jr., John D. Chief sur- geon City Hosp. Little Rock, Ark., 1906- 15, chief surgical staff St. Vincent's In- firmary, 1919-23, prof. path. Univ. Ark., 1907-10, Prof. Gynecology 1910-15, sec. Trinity Hosp. Little Rock, Ark., 1923—; coronor's phys. Little Rock, Ark., 1906- 12, p. pres. Little Rock Pub. Sch. Bd.; major M.C. 1917-19, chief surgeon Evac- uation Hosp. No. 4 (Fr. f Ger.); mem. Group Health Fed. Am. (pres.). Au- thor: various med. arts. Travel: U.S., Eur. Interest: development of med. pre- payment plans in U.S. Recreation: hunt- ing. Methodist. Democrat. Office: Trinity Hospital, 2000 Main St., Little Rock, Ark. Home: 3620 Hillroad, LitUe Rock, Ark. PIPER, Monte Charles, physician, in- ternist; b. Garden City, Minn., 6 Dec. 1882; s. Clarence Hernando Piper, stock raiser, linseed and wheat miller, and Lenora Jane (Gates) P.; ed. Red Wing high sch.; M.D., Univ. of Minn., 1910; m. Ella Florence Larkin of Mankato, 1912; 1 dau., Patricia Jane. Cons. Mayo Clinic, med. gynecol.; 1st. It, M.C, Camp Custer, S'g'n. of 40th. Mach. Gun Batt. Divisional; mem., state, co., dist., med. papers. Travel: U..S Interested: med. history of early physicians, flower garden. Recreations: hunting, fishing, motoring. Congllot. Republican. Office: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Home: 433 9th. Av., S.W., Rochester, Minn. BRYAN, George Smith, professor of botany; b. Charleston, S.C., 2 May 1879; s. Isaac Marion Bryan, lawyer, and Rosa Mills (Stoney) B.; ed. pvt. sch.; A.B., Furman Univ., 1900; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1914 (summa cum laude); m. Katharine N. Perry of Reedsburg, Wis., 18 July 1929; 1 dau., Helen P. Instr. botany, Univ. Wis., 1914-17, 1919-20, asst. prof., 1920-25, assoc. prof., 1925-27, prof., 1927—, chmn., served as capt. and maj., Inf., A.E.F., 14 mos.; fellow Am. Assn. for Adv. of Sci.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, Phi Sigma, Botanical Soc. of Am., Wis. Acad, of Sci., Soc. of Col. Wars. Clubs: Univ., Black Hawk Country. Author: research papers on plant morphology, Laboratory Manual of Botany; co-author: Text Book of Botany. Travel: (cryptoganic botan- ist, expdn. Field Museum of Nat. Hist., Chicago, to Peru, 1923), East Afr. (expdn. to Tanganyika, 1927). Gt. gt. g.s. of Geo. Bryan, justice 1st Supreme Ct. Pa., and one of founders of Univ. Pa. Recreations: hunting, fishing, travel. Episcopalian. Independent. Of- fice: Biology Bldg., Univ. of Wis., Madi- son, Wis. Home: 2122 Chadbourne Av., Madison, Wis. PRITCHARD, Norman Hathaway, lawyer; b. Franklin, Ind., 4 July 1884; s. William T. Pritchard, lawyer, and Emma (DePue) P.; ed. Franklin (Ind.) high sch.; A.B., Franklin Coll., 1904; J.D., Univ. Chicago, 1909; m. Marie Louise Martens, 9 June 1928; children — Thoma3 Lowe, Gail DePue. Mem. firm, Montgomery, Hart, Pritchard & Herriott; dir. Franklin Coll., The Wander Co.; in 1st Officers' Training Camp, Ft. Sheridan, 1917, 1st It., 333rd F.A., 1917-19; mem. Sigma Alpha Epsi- Ion (gen. counsel), Phi Delta Phi, Ma- sons. Clubs: Univ. (Chicago), Indian Hill, Camp Fire, Law (Chicago), Legal (Chicago). Recreations: fishing, hunt- ing. Protestant. Republican. Office: 120 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 136 Chestnut St., Winnetka, 111. ROGERS, John Edward, physi- cian and surgeon; b. Scales Mound, HI., 3 Oct. 1884; s. Richard Rogers, physician, and Louisa J. (Kerslake) R.; ed. Scales Mound, 111.; Epworth Semi- nary, la.; A.B., Lenox Coll., 1907; A.M., Northwestern Univ., 1911; Ph.D., Lenox Coll., 1917; D.O., Des Moines Still Coll., 1924; LL.D., Philadelphia Coll. of Oste- opathy, 1938; m. Marjorie E. Stanley of Clintonville, 18 Oct. 1930; children- Richard Campbell, Jean Elizabeth. Be- gan practice in Oshkosh, 1924 — ; sec. of Nat. Bd. of Examiners for Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons; p. pres. Fox River Valley Soc. (local) ; p. pres. Wis- consin Osteopathic Assn.; Am. pres. Osteopathic Assn., 1936-37. Interests: all things pertaining to profession and photog., boys, scotties. Travel: U.S., Can. Recreation: photog. Conglist. Re- publican. Office: 16 Mt. Vernon St., Osh- kosh, Wis. Home: 616 Jackson Dr., Osh- kosh, Wis. MERRELL, Martha Brooks,, libra- rian; b. Superior, Wis.; d. Benajah D. Merrell, druggist, and Martha H. (Reed) M.; ed. Nelson Dewey high sch.; Superior State Teachers' Coll.; A.B., Radcliffe Coll., 1922; Univ. Wis. Lib. Sch., 1327. Reference librarian, Oshkosh (Wis.) Pub. Library, 1927-29; head of adult dept, Racine (Wis.) Pub. Library, 1929-31; librarian, Superior Pub. Lib., 1932-40; chief librarian, Ra- cine Pub. Library, 1940 — ; mem. A. A. U.W., League of Women Voters, Racine 269 Assn. of Commerce. Clubs: Woman's, Bus. & Prof. Women's. Travel: Eur., No. Afr., So. Am., U.S. Desc. Henry Merrell, fur trader at Ft. Winnebago, Portage, Wis. Interests: photog., gar- dening. Episcopalian. Office: Public Li- brary, Racine, Wis. Home: 1438 Main St., Racine, Wis. GILLEN, Mae O., business director; b. Chicago, 111., 9 Sept. 1886; d. John O'Laughlin, pioneer, min. aggregates and mfr.; ed. St. Mary's Coll.; B.L., Notre Dame, Ind.; m. Edward E. Gillen of Milwaukee, Wis., 29 Dec. 1915. Tr. estate John O'Laughlin; mgr., pres., treas., Wauesha Lime & Stone Co.; mem. Holy Cross Alumnae Assn. Club: Woman's (Wis.). Office: Waukesha, Wis. Home: Milwaukee, Wis. Summer res.: Chenequa, Wis. GARVIN, Herbert Charles, vice presi- dent, Bay State Milling Co., mfrs. wheat and rye flour; b. Fond du Lac, Wis., 23 Apr. 1862; s. Benjamin Garvin and Adaline (Kimball) G.; ed. high sen., 1 yr.; m. Louise Dana of New Bedford, Mass., 30 Jan. 1895. Began with C. & N.W. Rwy., 1877, Oshkosh, Wis., New Ulm, Minn., Winona, Minn., Tracy, Minn., Huron, Dak., apptd. gen. agt., Traffic Dept., C. & N.W. Lines in Minn., S.D., N.D., 1889, resigned, Mar. 1899; incorporator, and exec, officer, Bay State Milling Co., Winona, Mar. 1899; chmn. Liberty Loan campaigns, Winona Co., during World War I; mem. Masons (Winona). Clubs: Arlington and Rotary (Winona), Minneapolis. C. & N.W. Rwy. June 1891 in compliment, named sta. in Lyon Co., Minnesota "Garvin." Inter- ests: 4H and other agr. activities, state and co. parks and hwys. Episcopalian. Independent. Home: 301 Windom Sq., Winona, Minn. Died, 15 Dec. 1942. ANDERSON, Russell Howard, histor- ian, curator of agriculture, textiles and forestry; b. Jasper Co., 111., 19 Mar. 1896; s. B. B. Anderson, farmer, and Minnie Ida (Ebbert) A.; ed. Eastern HI. State Teachers Coll.; B.S., Univ. 111., 1923; A.M., 1925; Ph.D., 1929; m. Cecil Long of Mattoon, 111., 16 Aug. 1923; children — Barbara Jean, James Russell. Taught in pub. schs., 1916-24; State Teachers Coll., Peru, Neb., 1927-28, hist, dept., Univ. HI., 1925-29; spl. lecturer, Colo. State Teachers Coll., Greeley, 1934; curator of agr., forestry, and tex- tiles, Mus. Sci. and Ind., Chicago, June 1929-45; supervisor of the library and historical research; Signal Corps in World War I; mem. Agr. Hist. Soc. (pres., 1938-39), Am. Hist. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Soc. Am. Archivists, A.A.A.S., Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi. Author: articles on agr. and tech. hist. Travel: U.S. (extensive). Interests: history, libraries, agriculture. Recrea- tions: travel, photog. Protestant. Repub- lican. Office: Museum of Science and Industry Jackson Park, Chicago, HI Home: 2151 Maple Rd., Homewood, 111 ROSE, George B., lawyer; b. Bates- ville, 10 July 1860; s. U. M. Rose, law- yer, and Margaret T. (Gibbs) R.; ed. St. John's Coll., Little Rock; LL.D., Ark. State Univ. and Little Rock Coll.; m. Marion Kimball of Little Rock, Ark., 2 May 1881 (dec); children— Clarence Edward, Miriam (dec). Practiced law, 1879—; mem. of following partnerships: U.M. and G.B. Rose, Rose, Hemingway and Rose, Rose, Hemingway, Cantrell .\nd Loughborough, Rose, Lough- borough, Dobyn and House; mem. Am., Ark. State (p. pres.), and Little Rock (p. pres.) Bar Assns. Conf. on Uniform State Laws (last 20 yrs.). Clubs: Coun- try (Little Rock), Spring Lake. Author: Renaissance Masters; The World's Leading Painters; and many arts, in legal and literary pubis. Travel: crossed the Atlantic 28 times and made 15 other sea voyages; visited all U.S. except Vermont; visited Alaska, Can., Mex., Hawaii. Father and mother came to Ark. in 1853, father was State Chancellor from 1865-89, was generally regarded as leader of Ark. Bar, his statue is in Statuary Hall in the Capitol, Wash. In- terests: poetry and the drama in 5 langs., and in art whose end is beauty, also music. Democrat. Office: P.O. Box 1190, 314 W. Markham, Little Rock, Ark. Home: 516 W. 16th St., Little Rock, Ark. Died, 1942. CARLSON, Victor E., appraisal eng.; b. Chicago, HI., 20 Mar. 1898; s. Victor Carlson (dec), engineers, and Margaret (Olson) C; ed. Nicholas Senn High Sen.; Central Y.M.C.A. Coll.; m. Ebba Louise Johnsson of Chicago, 2, Sept. 1922; children— Lois Ann, Victor C. Em- ployed by Coats & Burchard Co., pub. appraisers and engrs., 1917, and Schmidt Constr. Co.; chief bldg. ap- praiser, Cook Co. Assessors Office; v.p. Central Appraisal Co.; dir. Harry S. Cutmore & Associates; maintained own office as Victor E. Carlson, appraisal engr., 1935 — ; elected village pres., Deerfield, 111., 15 Apr. 1941, for 4 yr. term; pvt., U.S. Marine Corps, during World War I; mem. Nat. Assn. Assess- ing Officers, Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, Am. Legion. Clubs: Nordic Hills Country (p. pres.), Chicago 270 Towers, Executive (Chicago). Recrea- tions: fishing, golf, hunting. Baptist. Re- publican. Office: 155 N. Clark St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1558 Stratford Rd., Deerfield, 111. Died, 8 Apr. 1945. NESS, Zenobia Ernestine, art educa- tor; b. Eaton, O.; d. George Brum- baugh, real estate broker, and Lorinda (McKinstry) B.; ed. Eaton high sch.; Univ. Chicago; Art Inst, of Chicago; Art Students League of N.Y.; N.Y. Sch. of Fine and Applied Art; m. Henry Ness of Ames, la., 2 Jan. 1915. Former head, home economics and art, dean of women, Ark. State Coll.; mem. applied art staff, la. State Coll.; supt. la. Art Salon, la. State Fair; former dir., Homemakers' Half-Hour over WOI; mem. fine and applied art com., Fed. Art Projects, W.P.A.; p. art chmn., la. Fed. of Women's Clubs; p. chmn. art div., Gen. Fed. Womens Clubs; mem. Delta Delta Delta, Delta Phi Delta, O. E.S., la. Home Economics Assn., Am. Home Economics Assn., Am. Fed. of Arts. Clubs: Ames Womans (p. chmn. art dept., p. v.p.), Faculty Womens (p. pres.). Author: Hand Book of Art for Club Study; arts, for club mag.; co- author: Iowa Artists of the First Hun- dred Years. Interests: la. artists, col- lecting Am. pressed glass. Recreations: motoring, reading, painting. Conglist. Democrat. Office: Home Economics Hall, Iowa State College, Ames, la. Home: 821 Kellogg Av., Ames, la. Died, June 1943. SAVFT, Julius, lawyer, social worker; b. Poland, 15 Oct. 1888; s. Joseph Savit- ski, lumber dealer, and Malke (She- mansky) S.; received gen. and legal edn.; m. Selma Spira of Chicago, 111., 27 July 1915; children— Doris, Joseph. Moved from Poland to England, 1903, to Can., 1904, to U.S., 1909; printer, newspaper contributor; admitted to 111. bar, 1915; in active practice of law, Chi- cago, 1915-30; supt. Orthodox Jewish Home for Aged, 1930 — ; representative of Jewish Joint Distribution Com. for distbn. of Am. relief funds in near east Balkans and Poland, 1920; pres. Nat. Alliance of Agencies for Care of Aged; chmn. reading com. British War Relief, Chicago; sec. Chicago Jewish Joint Re- lief Com. during World War I. Author: Manna Via Science. Travel: Asia, Eur., W. Indies, U.S. Jewish. Independent. Of- fice and home: 1648 S. Albany Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res: Pullman, Lower Scott Lake, Mich. Died, 7 May 1943. SHANNON, John Raymond, teacher; b. Clay City, Ind., 12 Aug. 1895; s. Louis Tecumseh Shannon, day laborer, and Sarah Margaret (Sparks) S.; ed. Gar- field High Sch., Terre Haute, Ind.; A.B., Ind. State Teachers Coll., 1917; A.M., Ind. Univ., 1922, Ph.D., 1927; m. Esther Allen of Terre Haute, Ind., 31 Dec. 1916; children — David Allen, John Blair, Dan Caxton. Worked in factories and stores, carried newspapers until through coll.; teacher, administrator, pub. schs., 1916- 26; teacher, Ind. State Teachers Coll., 1927 — ; dir. res., 1940 — ; nominee for U.S. Congress, 5th Ind. Dist., 1924; served U.S. Army, Jan. 1943 — ; mem. Nat. Soc. Coll. Teachers of Edn., Nat. Edn. Assn., Kappa Delta Pi, A.A.U.P., Ind. State Teachers Assn., Masons. Au- thor: numerous mag. arts. Travel: U.S. Unitarian. Office: Indiana State Teach- ers College, Terre Haute, Ind. Home: 451 N. Eighth St., Terre Haute, Ind. EARL, Robert, surgeon; b. Lansing, la., 27 Aug. 1872; s. Peter O. Earl, and Hanna (Earl) E.; ed. Minneapolis Acad.; M.D., Univ. of Minn., 1896; m. Clara Swanstrom of St. Paul, Minn., 1 June 1900; children— May E. Slocum, Dr. John Robert. Org. Earl Clinic; org. Mounds Pk. Hosp., 1906, later North- western Baptist Hosp. Assn. (chmn. bd. dirs.), same assn. built Midway Hosp.. 1926; asst. estb. Gillette State Hosp. for Crippled Children (St. Paul); org. St. Paul State Bank, Payne Av. State Bank, Mounds Park; State Banlc bd. Park Commissioners; State Bd. of Health (1911) ; fellow, Am. Coll. Surgeons Diplo- mate Am. Bd. of Surgery; mem. Ramsey Co. Med. Soc, Minn. State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Assn., Minn. Acad. Med., Western Surgical Assn., St. Paul Surgical Soc, Phi Beta Pi. Club: St. Paul Athletic. Author of numerous surgical papers. Travel: Eur., Am. (ex- tensively). Interests: literature, travel. Baptist. Republican. Office: 1210 Lowry Med. Bldg., St. Paul 2, Minn. Home: 1645 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn. HAWLEY, John Blackstock, Jr., corp. official; b. Ft. Worth, Tex., 11 July 1899; s. John Blackstock Hawley and Sue Anna (Terrell) H.; ed. Tex. Christian Univ.; Colo. Coll.; Univ. of Tex.; C.E., Cornell Univ., 1920; m. Helen Winston Thurston, 1925; children— Terrell Thurs- ton, John Blackstock, m; m. (2nd) Anne McGill, 30 May 1937; children- Leslie Clark Stafford (stepson), McGill Joseph, Michael Augustine. Gen. mgr. Anaconda Gravel Co., Ft. Worth, 1921- 22; cons. engr. John B. Hawley, Ft. 271 Worth, as chief designer on work cover- ing water supply and sanitary engring., 1922-23; inventor mech. devices, special- izing in perfection of oil well pumping devices; formed Hawley Inventions, Inc. and became gen. mgr. and v.p., now pres. and gen. mgr.; became cons, engr. and v.p. Northern Pump Co., 1928, now pres. and gen. mgr.; became pres. and gen. mgr. Northern Ordnance In- corporated, 1 July 1942; became pres. and gen. mgr. Minneapolis, Anoka and Cuyuna Range Railroad, 1 Oct. 1943; mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Min- neapolis (Minneapolis), Woodhill Country (Lake Minnetonka), University (St. Paul). Inventor of numerous articles. Home: Bushaway, Wayzata, Minn. Of- fice: Northern Pump Co., 920 18th Av., N.E., Minneapolis, Minn. KIRKLIN, Byrl Raymond, physician; b. Gaston, Ind., 22 Sept. 1888; s. John W. Kirklin, farmer, and Sarah L. (Mc- Creery) K.; ed. Gaston and Muncie (Ind.) high sens.; B.S., Ind. Univ.; M.D., Ind. Univ. Med. Sen., 1914; m. Gladys M. Webster of Elgin, HI., 3 June 1915; children — John W., Mary W. Began work in radiology with Dr. R.D. Car- man, Mayo Clinic, and A.W. George, Boston; radiologist, Muncie (Ind.) Home Hosp., 1924-25; pres. Rochester Rotary Club, 1932-33; pres. Rochester Country Club, 1935-37; exec, sec, The Am. Bd. of Radiology, 1934—; hon. mem. Chicago Roentgen Soc, Royal Soc. of Med. (Eng.), Die Deutsch Rontgen-Geaellschaft, Ger., Nat. Acad, of Med., Republic of Colombia, S.A. and Soc. of Gastroenterologists of Paris; 1st It. M.C. during World War I, now Col., M.C.U.S.A. and chief consultant in Radiology, Office of Surgeon General, U.S.A., Washington, D.C.; Fellow, Am. Coll. of Radiology (pres., 1942-43), A. C.P.; mem. Olmsted Co. and Minn. Med. Assns., A.M. A., Am. Roentgen Ray Soc. (pres., 1937-38), Radiological Soc. of No. Am., Am. Assn. of Gastro-enterol- ogists, Central Soc. of Clinical Res., Sigma Xi. Clubs: Rotary, University, Country Army and Navy (Washington, D.C.). Author: 184 sci. pubis.; now writ- ing a book on choloecystography and gastro-intestinal diseases. Travel: Eur. Interests: fishing, hunting, golf. Protes- tant. Office: 102-110 Second Av., S.W., Rochester, Minn. Home: 1104 7th St., S.W., Rochester, Minn. DAVIS, M. Edward, professor of ob- stetrics and gynecology, University of Chicago Medical School; b. Wyo., 27 Oct. 1899; s. Max Davis and Dora (Flax- man) D.; ed. Univ. Colo.; Univ. Chi- cago; M.D., Rush Med. College, 1922; m. Jeannette Sanger, 12 July 1927; chil- dren—Barbara Adele, M. Edward, Jr. Resident obstetrician, Chicago Lying-in Hosp., 1925-27, post. grad. study, Ber lin and Vienna, 1927-28; adjunct obste- trician, Chicago Lying-in Hosp., 1928-29; instr. obstetrics, Northwestern Univ., 1929-30; asst. prof, obstetrics and gyne- cology, Univ. of Chicago, 1930-34; assoc. prof. 1934-42; obstetrician and gynecolo gist, Chicago Lying-in Hosp.; attending gynecologist, Albert Merritt Billings Memorial Hosp.; mem. adv. com. on Maternal and Child Health Services, adv. com. on Maternal Welfare of the Children's Bureau of the U.S. Dept. of Labor; mem. A.M. A., Am. Coll. Sur- geons, Am. Bd. Obstetrics and Gyne- cology, Cent. Assn. Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Cent. Soc. for Clinical Research, Soc. for Experimental Bi- ology and Medicine, Am. Soc. for Study of Sterility, Assn. for Study of Internal Secretions, other local and state socs. Sigma Xi. Clubs: Chaos, Quadrangle. Author: DeLee's Obstetrics for Nurses, and many sci. articles. Office: Chicago Lying-in Hospital, 5841 Maryland Av., Chicago 37, 111. Home: 5760 Blackstone Av., Chicago 37, HI. CAMPBELL, Charles Sherman, bank- er; b. Kalamazoo Co., Mich., 24 Nov. 1863; s. High Campbell, brick mason, farmer, and Mary (Gilmore) C. ; ed. Schoolcraft High Sch. ; m. Caroline Tay- lor of Kalamazoo, Mich., 4 Apr. 1905; 1 dau., Mary Elizabeth. Sch. teacher, f yrs.; with Nesbitt and Miller Bk., 1889-90, Mich. Nat. Bk., 1890, consoli- dated with 1st Nat. Bk., 1905; dir., First Nat. Bd. & Trust Co., Kalamazoo Vegf. table Parchment Co., Kalamazoo Paper Co., Kalasign Co. of Am., Fidelity Bldg & Loan Assn.; co. chmn. sale of bonds during World War I. Clubs: Kiwanis, Park, Kalamazoo Country. Recreations: golf, reading. Presbyterian. Independ- ent. Office : First National Bank & Trust, Kalamazoo, Mich. Home: 1520 White's Rd., Kalamazoo, Mich. EDWARDS, Chester E., president and general manager, manufacturer; b. Shawnee, O., 20 May 1887; s. David W. Edwards, mining engr., and Mar- garet L. (Davis) E.; ed. Hebron high sch.; C.E., Ohio Northern Univ., 1910; La Salle Extension Univ. Law, 1916; m. Elsie M. Dunn of Kansas City, Mo., 15 June 1920; children — Elsie Patricia, Chester Charles. Field engr., 1910, hy- drographer, 1911, const, engr., 1912-16, constr. and maintenance engr., 1916-19 272 all for U.S. Dept. of Interior on dams, canals and power plants, 1919-20; chief engr., Columbia Irrigation District, 1921—; sec. and gen. mgr., Edwards Fyfe and Co., 1924—; sec, gen. mgr., Lamar Pipe and Tile Co., 1924-33, prea. and gen. mgr., 1933-45; cons, engr., Continental Wood Pipe Co., Seattle, Wash., 1922; lecturer for Washington mfrs. Assn., 1923; dir., Am. Concrete Pipe Assn., 1925-38, pres. 1933-36; pres., Am. Concrete Pipe Inst.; pres., Am. Concrete Pipe Code Authority; mem. U.S. Chamber Commerce, Mich. Mfrs. Assn., Wash. Mfrs. Assn., Grand Rapids Chamber Commerce, Nat. Affairs Com. of Grand Rapids Assn., Am. Soc. for Testing Materials. Clubs: Grand Rapids Rotary and Engr. Author: various tech. articles published in Engring. News Record and Trade paper. Travel: Can., U.S. Mex. many continental trips. In- terest: writing. Recreation: gardening. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Box A, Roosevelt Station, Grand Rapids, Mich. Home: 551 Plymouth Blvd., S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. GROTE, Caroline, professor; b. Perry, Pike Co., HI., 16 Mar. 1863; d. F.C. Grote, and Charlotte (Koeller) G.; ed. B.L., Carthage Coll., 1913; Chicago Univ., 1916-22; M.A., Columbia Univ., 1927, Ph.D., 1932. Teacher in schools in Perry and Washington, 9 yrs.; supt., prin., Augusta, 111., 6 yrs.; prin., Pitts- field (HI.) High Sch. 2 yrs.; co. supt of schools, Pike County, 111., 8 yrs.; prof., dean of women, W.I.S.T.C., 1906- 35; mem. N.E.A., I.E.A., League of Women Voters, A.A.U.W., Nat. and State Assns. Eastern Star, White Shrine, Delta Kappa Gamma, Pi Lambda Theta, Missionary Soc. Ladies Aid. Club: Child Welfare. Author: A Summer in Hawaiian Islands; ed., articles in school papers. Travel: U.S., Alas. Eur., H.I. Interests: paintings, books, social welfare work. Recreations: travel, or- ganization meetings. Protestant. Demo- crat. Home: 123 S. Campbell St., Ma- comb, HI. Died, 1 Oct. 1941. LONGLEY, Clifford Boles, attorney; b. Chicago, HI., 25 Nov. 1888; s. William Hey Longley and Isabelle Maud (Smoot) L.; ed. Lewis Inst., Chicago, 1904-07; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1913; m. Harriet Lawrence of Cleveland, 0., 16 Sept. 1916; children — James Lawrence, Mary Prances. Admitted to Michigan bar, 1913; began practice at Detroit with firm Choate, Robertson & Lehman, 1913- 17; with legal dept., Ford Motor Co., 1919-21; became general counsel for Ford Motor Co., 1921; mem. firm of Bodman, Longley, Bogle, Middleton & Farley; dir. Manufacturers Nat. Bank of Detroit; Union Guardian Trust Co., Detroit; general counsel, Manufactur- ers Nat. Bank of Detroit, and Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad. Clubs: De- troit, Detroit Athletic, Country (Detroit), Yondotega. Recreations: golf, hunting, fishing. Republican. Office: 1400 Buhl Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 24 Beverly Rd., Gross e Pointe Farms, Mich. TOPPING, James, artist; b. Cleator Moor, Eng., 25 Feb. 1879; s. James Topping, engr., and Ann (Bewley) T.; ed. Moor Row Boys' Sch., Eng.; m. Emily Allen of Cripple Creek, Colo., 16 Oct. 1904; 1 dau., Elizabeth Bewley. Rec. awards, Chicago Municipal Art League Prize, 1923, Robert Rice Jen- kins Prize, Art Inst. Chicago, 1924, Pal- ette and Chisel Club Gold Medal, 1924, Martin Cahn Prize, Art Inst. Chicago, 1926, Perkins Prize, Chicago Galleries Assn., 1926, Bontoux Prize, Palette and Chisel Club, 1927, Bus. Men's Art Club Prize, 1929, Bronze Medal, Oak Park Art League, 1930, Culver Acad. Prize, Hoosier Salon, 1938, The Frank F. Hum- mel Memorial Prize, Hoosier Salon, 1940; mem. Assn. Chicago Painters & Sculptors, Oak Park League, Brown Co. Art Assn., Palette and Chisel Acad. Fine Arts, (first v.p.), 111. Acad. Fine Arts. Methodist. Democrat. Office and home: 541 Forest Av., Oak Park, HI. TEETOR, Paul, journalist; b. Ever- est, Kan., 5 Oct., 1901; s. Charles Frank- lin Teetor and Elizabeth Frances (Turner) T.; ed. A.B., Ottawa Univ., 1924; student Northwestern Univ. Grad. Sch. Bus. Admnstrn., 1925-26; m. Alta Mae Pearson, Aug. 21, 1929. Mem. edi- torial staff, N.Y. Herald (Paris edit. N.Y. Herald Tribune) 1926-27; mng. edi- tor, Northwestern Univ. Alumni News, 1927-32; organizer and conductor, Euro- pean tours, 1927-31; asst. editor, The Rotarian (mag.), 1932-38, mng. editor, 1938-39, bus.-adv. mgr., The Rotarian and Re vista Rotaria (mags.), 1940 — ; mem. Acacia, Sigma Delta Chi, Nat. Federation of Sales Executives, Am. Marketing Assn., Advertising Fed. of Am. Republican. Methodist. Club: Ro- tary (Chicago). Office: The Rotarian, 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago 1, 111. Home: 2245 Wesley Av., Evanston, HI. CLARK, Iris Moore, b. Cleveland Co., Ak.; d. Ira E. Moore, planter, and Betty (May) C; ed. B.M., Union Univ., 1908; B.L., Ouachita Coll., 1905; m. Wil- liam Edward Clark of Strong, Ark., 8 273 June 1912; 1 son, William Moore. Head, mus. dept., Laneview Coll., Trenton, Tenn., 1908-09; teacher, piano, Edin- burg, Ark., 1909-11; teacher, Eng. and Lat., Strong High Sen., Strong, Ark., 1911-12; piano, 1912-20; active in civic, social, musical life, El Dorado, Ark., 1924-35; Little Rock, 1935-38; mem. Nat. League Am. Pen Women (Ark. Branch), D.A.R., United Daughters of Confeder- acy (p. pres.), So. Ark. Mus. Festival Assn. (p. pres.), El Dorado Musical Coterie, A.A.U.W. Club: St. Petersburg (Fla.) Garden. Ed., Ark. Mus. Mag., 1927-31. Interests: mus., lit., art. Rec- reations: golf, bridge. Baptist. Demo- crat. Home: El Dorado Ark. Winter res.: St. Petersburg, Fla. GROVE, John L., surgeon; b. Newton Kans., 13 Oct. 1880; s. William E. Grove mcht., and Maria (Diehl) G.; ed. New ton high sen.; Univ. Kan., 1900-02; M.D. Univ. 111., 1906; m. Lilian Axtell of New ton, Kan., 27 June 1906; children— John A., William E. Chief surg., Axtell Chris- tian Hosp., Newton; capt. M.C. during World War I; mem. S.A.R. (Kan. Cp.,) Kan. State Med. Soc, A.M. A., Masons (Shrine, Consistory), Am. Bd. Surgery (founders group), Alpha Omega Alpha (hon., 1906), fellow Am. Coll. Surgs. Club: Rotary. Author: various med. pa- pers. Travel: Eur., Mex., Alaska. Parents came to Kan., 1878. Presby- terian. Republican. Office: 209 E. Broadway, Newton, Kan. Home: 225 E. Broadway, Newton, Kan. Summer res.: Green Mountain Falls, Colo. RODKEY, Frederick Stanley, profes- sor of history; b. Irving, Kan., 31 Jan. 1896; s. Clayton Rodkey, farmer, and Louisa (Eberhart) R.; ed. Irving (Kan.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Kan., 1917, A.M., 1918; Ph.D., Univ. 111., 1921; m. Mildred Temple Ryan of Liberal, Kan., 3 Nov. 1918; children— Mrs. Alice R. McKinney, Frederick S., Jr. Asst. and assoc. prof, history, Miami Univ., Oxford, O., 1921- 29; F. Social Sci. Res. Council for study abroad, 1927-28; assoc. prof, history, Univ. 111., 1929-39, prof, history, 1939—; awarded Adams Prize of Am. Hist. Assn., 1925, Alexander Prize of Royal Hist. Soc. of Gt. Brit., 1939; pvt., U.S.A., 1918, capt., 1943-44; F. Royal Hist. Soc. of Gt. Brit.; mem. Am. Hist. Assn., Sigma Phi Epsilon. Club: National Ex- change. Author: The Turco-Egyptian Question in the Relations of Great Britain, France and Russia, 1832-41. Travel: Eur., Near East. Interest: inter- collegiate athletics. Recreation: garden- ing. Methodist. Democrat. Office: 331 Lincoln Hall, University of Illinois, Ur- bana, HI. Home: 201 S. Busey St., Ur- bana, 111. LOFTSGAARDEN, Beldin H., lawyer; b. Spring Grove, Minn., 23 Oct. 1893; s. Ole Loftsgaarden Helgeson, farmer, and Randi (Tangen) H. ; ed. high sch.; teacher's diploma, Univ. So. Minn.; Master of Account, 1915; B.L., St. Paul Coll. of Law, 1924; m. Jeannette Lud- wick of Minneiska, Minn., 29 June 1922; children — Anita June, A.A.C. Beldin Jerome (U.S. Naval Acad., Diane Ma- rie; m. (2nd) Lillian B. Atchison of St. Paul, Minn. Farmer, teacher, lec- turer, salesman, realtor, lawyer; state rep., 1928-30; elected state senator, 1930, and re-elected 2 times for 4 yr. terms, third term expires, Jan. 1943; chmn. State Senate Judiciary Com.; reed. Con- gressional award as rifleman and medal as expert rifleman; enlisted in U.S.N., 3rd class seaman, discharged as petty off., gunner 's-mate during World War I; mem. Minn. State Bar Assns., Am. Judicature Soc, Masons (32d deg.), L. O.O.M., I.O.O.F., Shrine, Am. Legion, La Societe des 40 hommes et 8 Chevaux, Sons of Norw. Nat. Sunshine Soc. (adv. bd.). Club: St. Paul Athletic. Recrea- tions: fishing, hunting, golf, bowling, sailing. Methodist. Independent. Office: 1105 Commerce Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 1434 Grand Av., St. Paul, Minn. GARRETSON, William Van Nest, pro- fessor; b. Somerville, N.J.; s. Rynier Van Nest Garretson, agriculturist, and Deborah (Dow) G.; ed. Somerville (N.J.) high sch.; B.S., Rutgers Univ., 1902; M.S., Yale Univ., 1904; Ph.D., Univ. of Mich., 1916; m. Gladys Marie Wood of Rumson, N.J., 6 Aug. 1924. Teacher, Univ. of Mich., Rutgers Univ., Quachita Coll.; prof, of math., Okla. A. & M. Coll.; mem. Am. Math. Assn., Nat. Math. Mag., A.A.U.P., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi. Clubs: local social. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: motoring, visiting historic places. Recreation: travel. Presby- terian. Democrat. Office: Oklahoma A. & M. College, Stillwater, Okl. Home: 222 Melrose Dr., Stillwater, Okla. Sum- mer res.: Old Forge, Herkimer County, N.Y. DAWES, Henry May, business execu- tive; b. Marietta, O., 22 Apr. 1877; s. Gen. Rufus R. Dawes, lumber business, and Mary Beman (Gates) D.; ed. Mari- etta (O.) Acad.; B.A., Marietta Coll., 1896, LL.D. (hon.); m. Helen M. Curtis of Marietta, O., 5 Apr. 1905; children- Harry Curtis, Mary Gates (Mrs. George 274 Henry Schulz). Past pres., Southwestern Gas & Electric Co.; v.p. Dawes Brothers; pres., The Pure Oil Co., 1924—; dir., City Nat. Bank and Tr. Co., Chicago; mem. Federal Reserve Bd.; dir., Am. Petroleum Inst. (p. v.p.); apptd. Comptroller of the Currency by Pres. Harding, 1923, resigned 1924. Clubs: Glen View Golf, Golf, 111., Coun- try of Evanston, (Evanston) Chicago, University, Economic (all of Chicago), Madison (Madison, Wis.), Old Elm, Ft. Sheridan, (111.), Mill Road Farm (Lake Forest). Author: Size and Safety in Banking, The Branch Banking Problem, two arts, appearing in Sat. Eve. Post. Interest: photog. Recreation: golf. Pres- byterian. Republican. Office: 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. Home: 101 Greenleaf St., Evanston, HI. NORDBERG, Bruno Victor Edward, mechanical engineer; b. Milwaukee Wis., 26 Mar. 1884; s. Bruno Victor Nordberg, mechanical engineer, and Helena (Hinze) N.; ed. South Div. high sen., Milwaukee; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1907; m. Aina Desiree Conradi of Helsinfors, Finland, 5 June 1909; children— Barbara Desiree, Bruno Victor. Draftsman, Nordberg Mfg. Co., 1907; asst. in test of hoisting installations of Anaconda Copper Mining Co. and development of pneumatic hoisting system, 1908-09; erect, engr. Nordberg Mfg. Co., 1910- 11; test engr. on development of first Uniflow engine in U.S., 1911-13; mgr. oil engine dept., Nordberg Mfg. Co., 1914-19; sales mgr., 1920-22; exec, engr., 1923—; invented and developed solid in- jection Diesel engine, 1920-24, blast air regulator for Diesel engine, 1929, pneu- matic Diesel marine drive, 1931, hoist improvements, 1932, Diesel engine, en- gine governor, 1932, marine power plant improvement, 1933, gas burning Diesel Cycle for Diesel engines, 1934, variable capacity compressor, 1938; mem. Nord- berg Mfg. Co.; v. chmn., Sewerage Commr., Milwaukee; v. chmn., Wiscon- sin Registration Board of Architects and Professional Engineers; mem. and p. pres. Engineers Soc. of Milwaukee; Re- gent Milwaukee School of Engineering; mem. S.A.E., S.N.A.&.M.E., A.S.M.E., V.D.I. , North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Am. Inter- prof. Inst., S.A.M.E., Adv. Bd. of Mar- quette Univ., Adv. Bd. Milwaukee Astro- nomical Soc, Adv. Bd. United Inventors and Scientists of Am., Main Com. on Power Test Codes, A.S.M.E., Individual Com. on Power Test Code for Internal Combustion Engines, A.S.M.E., Indivi- dual Com. on Reciprocating Steam En- gines, A.S.M.E., Research Com. on Wire Rope, A.S.M.E., Com. on Engineering Am. Bureau of Shipping N.A.P.E. (hon.); chmn. Regional Delegates Group VI, A.S.M.E.; delegate to Nat. Meeting A.S.M.E. of Regional Dele- gates. Clubs: Milwaukee Yacht, South Shore Yacht. Author: Some Outstanding Mine-hoisting Equipment; Marine Die- sel Engines with Reduction Gear Sets; Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines; various papers before E.S.M. and Am. Inter- prof. Inst.; radio talks on Diesel En- gines. Travel: U.S., Eur., Cent. Am. Interests: naval architecture, mechani- cal design. Recreations: cruising, sail- ing. Protestant. Republican. Office: Nordberg Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 2940 S. Logan Av., Milwaukee, Wis. ALDER, Eugene Charles, head- master; b. Lawrence, Kan., 21 June 1876; s. John W. Alder, Indian Service, and Eunice (Pease) M.; ed. Lawrence high sen.; A.B., Univ. of Kan., A.M., 1897; A.M., Harvard Coll., 1898; Univ. of Berlin, 1902-04; m. Helen Cilley of Exeter, N.H., 3 July 1906; children- Bradbury Cilley, John Winthrop, La- vinia Morris. Teacher of modern langs., Orchard Lake (Mich.) Military Acad- emy, 1899-1900; Trinity Hall, Washing- ton, Pa., 1900-02; teacher, Phillips Exeter Acad., 1904-06; William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1906- 09; prin., Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1909-26; headmaster, Blake Coun- try Day Sen., 1926 — ; served in Army Educational Corps.; supt., Le Mans Area, Fr., Feb.- June, 1919; mem. Head- masters Assn., Country Day Sch. Head- masters Assn., Beta Theta Pi, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Minneapolis, Sky Light, Six O'Clock, University. Travel: Eur. Interest : stamp-collecting. Recreations : fishing. Conglist. Republican. Address: 428 Groveland Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Summer res.: Patridge Lake, Littleton, N.H. STILES, Aaron Kay, investment banker; b. Chicago, 19 June 1900; s. William A. Stiles (advertising agency), and Mary H. (Brower) S.; ed. Lane Tech., Chicago; m. Rose Dutton of Syca- more, 111., 12 Feb. 1927; children— Wil- liam Dutton, Peter Wellings, Mary Kay. Investment banker, A.K. Stiles & Co., 1928-38; A.K. Stiles Assocs., public re- lations; mayor, Sycamore, 1933-35; state chmn. Republican party, 1938-40; served, U.S.N, during World War I, maj. military intelligence, reserve, U. S.A., now It. col.; mem. Am. Legion (p. comd.), Sons Am. Revol., Nat. So- 275 journers, Masons, Elks, Moose, Reserve Officers Assn., Chamber Commerce, Mil. Order World War, Forty & Eight (p. state comdr.). Clubs: Past Comdrs., Sphinx (Chicago), Union League (Chi- cago). Protestant. Republican. Office: The Arsenal, Rock Island, 111. Home: Sycamore, 111. Winter res.: 221 Fifth Av., S.E., Delray Beach, Fla. McCARTY, Julia Kerr, librarian; b. Bellevue, Neb.; d. David Ramsey Kerr, coll. pres., minister, and Martha Sharon (Hill) K.; ed. Synodical Sem. (Fulton, Mo.); Western Coll. (Oxford, O.); Wil- son Coll. (Chambersburg, Pa.); A.B., Coll. Emporia, 1912; N.Y. State Library Sen., 1915-16; m. William C. McCarty, Emporia, Kan., 1919. Hist, teacher, Beechwood sen.; asst., catalogue dept., Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Den- ver Pub. Library; librarian, Omaha Tech. high sen.; cataloguer, organizer Internat. Relations Library, Univ. So. Calif.; librarian, Topeka Pub. Library (1934-45); mem. Kan. Library Assn. (sec, v.p., pres.), A.A.U.W., League Women Voters (state sec). Interest: genealogy. Presbyterian. Office: Public Library, Topeka, Kan. Died, 14 May 1945. EWING, Charles Hull, realtor; b. Randolph, N.Y., 11 July 1868; s. Robert Finley Ewing and Aurelia (Culver) E.; ed. A.B.. Yale Univ., 1893; Northwestern Univ. Law Sen., 1893-94; m. Mary Sleight Everts, 8 Oct. 1908; children— Katherine E. Hocking, Helen Culver E. Breasted. Mgr., Moorhead (Miss.) Stave Co., 1895-96; mgr., Helen Culver Fund of Univ. of Chicago, 1896-1909; in gen. real estate and investment bus., 1903-34 (retired); sec, treas., Southern Gypsu n Co., 1906-26; dir., The Beaver Products Co. of Va. Inc., 1927-33, First Nat. Bk. of Lake Forest, 1912-39, First Nat. Bk., Bradenton, Fla., 1923-32, First Tr. Co., Bradenton, Fla., 1925-34, First Fed. Sav- ings & Loan Assn., Sarasota, Fla., 1938 — , Fla. Finance Co., Sarasota, Fla., 1940—; tr., Hull House Assn., Chicago; mem. Art Inst, (life), Field Mus. of Nat. Hist, (life), Geog. Soc of Chicago (life, pres., 1924-26, 1928-29, founder endow- ment fund), Imperial and Royal Geog. Soc. of Persia (hon.), Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: University, City, Press (life), Cliff Dwellers (Chicago), Onwentsia (Lake Forest), Sarasota Yacht (Sarasota). Travel: around the world. Aunt Helen Culver estb. Helen Culver Fund, Univ. Chicago, which built and endowed the Hull Biological Labs, and gave property and endowments to assist Jane Adams in establishing Hull House Social Settlement. Recreations: tennis, golf, horseback riding, boating. Republican. Office: 77 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: Siesta Key, Sarasota, Fla. Summer home: Lake Forest, 111. IKED A, Kano, physician, pathologist; b. Tokyo, Japan, 1 Nov. 1886; s. Kaeru Ikeda, banker, and Kama I.; ed. Battle Creek Coll., Battle Creek, Mich.; M.D., Univ. 111. Coll. of Med., 1914; m. Mae Charlotte Cate of Appleton, Wis., 1912; children— Alden, Ethel Mae. Interne, Asbury Hosp., Minneapolis, asst. attend- ing phys., 1917-19, dir. labs., Minneapo- lis Gen. Hosp., 1919-26; assoc prof. 1932—; dir. of labs., The Charles T. Miller Hosp. (St. Paul), Children's Hosp., Gillette State Hosp., West Side Gen. Hosp.; prof, of med. tech., Maca- lester Coll., St. Paul, 1934—; pathologist to sev. other hosps. throughout the state; Fellow, A.C.P., A.M.A.; mem. Am. Soc. of Clin. Paths, (exec, com., 1934-37, Mem. of Bd. of Registrv. 1928—), Am. Assn. Pathologists and Bacterialo- gists, Radiological Soc, Minn. State Med. Assn., Am. Assn. Cancer Res.; Diplomate, Am. Board of Pathology. Au- thor: many articles dealing with pathol- ogy, clin. pathology, and med. tech., in nat. med. periodicals. Interest: photog. Baptist. Office: 125 W. College Av., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 2177 Stanford Av., St. Paul, Minn. DONOHUE, Jerry, II, consulting en- gineer; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 20 Jan. 1885; s. Jerry Donohue, railroad builder, and Abby Ann (Clark) D.; ed. Shebov- gan high sen.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1907, C.E. (hon.), 1934; m. Leila Marion Bishop of Sheboygan, Wis., 10 Oct. 1911; children — Abigail Evaleen, Kathleen Bishop, Jerry, HI. Div. engr., Tenn. Coal Iron R.R. Co., 1907-10; cons. engr. and surveyor, Sheboygan, Wis., 1910-21; professional engr. with Jerry Donahue Engring. Co., 1921-29; chmn. Wis. High- way Commn., 1929-31; registered engr. with Jerry Donohue Engring. Co., 1931 — , pres. Jerry Donohue Engring. Co.; dir., Security Nat. Bk.; elected County Surveyor of Sheboygan County each year, 1911-41; mem. Local Home Guard Co. during World War I; mem. Engring. Soc. Wis. (pres., 1922), Am. Concrete Inst., Am. Water Works Assn., Am. Road Builders Assn., Am. Public Works Assn., Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Nat. Rivers & Harbors Congress, Cen- tral States Sewage Works Assn., She- boygan Assn. of Commerce, all Masonic 276 Bodies. Clubs: Sheboygan Rotary (pres., 1925), Sheboygan Country (pres., 1926). Author: engring. papers on sew- age treatment. Desc. Clark family of New England who settled in town of Greenbush, Wis., 1848; fathers family came to town of Meeme, Manitowoc Co., from Ireland in 1847; father was In charge of construction of The M.L.S. and W. R.R. from Milwaukee to Ash- land. Interests: stamp collecting, sports. Recreations: fishing, hunting, swim- ming. Episcopalian (mem. Grace Epis- copal Ch.). Republican. Office: 608 N. 8th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Home: 502 On- tario Av., Sheboygan, Wis. Summer res.: Elkhart Lake, Wis. Died, 13 Apr. 1943. WOLDENBERG, Maximilian, chemi- cal engineer; b. Wloclawek, Poland, 23 Aug. 1887; s. Jacob H. Woldenberg, mfr., and Anna (Lasky) W.; ed. Chi- cago English high and Manual Training sen., 1902; Sc.B., Illinois Inst. Tech., 1906; Sc.M. (hon.), Loyola Univ., Chi- cago, 1910; Ch.E., Armour Tech., 1928; Ph.D., Univ., Zurich (Switz.), 1928; m. Rose Cohn of Chicago, 111., 30 Dec. 1915; childrren— Harry C, Martin R., Jay M. Sec. treas., Woldenberg & Schaar, Chicago, 1909-15; pres., A. Daigger & Co., Chicago, 111., 1915—, Mutual Paper Box Corp., Chicago, Woldenberg & Fisher, Chicago, Hedges & Divine Zinc (Jo., Chicago; It. col., C.W.S.-Res., U.S. Army; mem. A.C.S., Chemists, Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity (hon.). Clubs: Collegiate, Northmoor Country, Army & Navy. Author: Sch- wefel Saure Ester der Ricinol Sauere und Ihrer Derivate. Travel: Eur., Asia, Afr. Interest: art inst., Chicago. Recrea- tions: golf, winter sports. Jewish. Of- fice: 159 W. Kinzie St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1168 Asbury Av., Hubbard Woods, 111. WHITTEN, Jennie Alma, teacher; b. LaPrairie Center, 111., 3 Jan. 1894; d. Charles W. Whitten, educator, and Hen- rietta (Leigh) W.; ed. DeKalb Town- ship; Northern 111. State Teachers Coll.; A.B., Univ. 111., 1917, A.M., 1918; Univ. Grenoble, Fr.; Ph.D., Univ. Wis., 1934. Teacher, Ger. and math., John Swaney Cons. Sen., McNabb, 111.; 6th grade, Highland Park, 111.; Fr. and Sp., Cham- paign High Sen., J. Sterling Morton High Sen., Cicero; Fr., N.C. Coll. for Women, Greensboro, N.C, foreign langs., 111. State Normal Univ., Normal, 111., head of dept. foreign langs., joined faculty 111. State Normal Univ., 1919—; off. campus 6 yrs. since that time for study, travel abroad, and teaching In N.C, 2 yrs.; pres., Bloomington Br. A.A.U.W. (1924-26); mem. N.E.A., I.E. A., M.L.A., A.A.T.G., A.A.T.S., A.A. U.P. Travel: abroad year of 1922-23, summer, 1928; U.S., Can., Mex Uni- tarian. Independent. Office: Illinois State Normal University, Normal, 111. Home: 703 S. University St., Normal 111. YOUNG, Frank Herman, artist, au- thor; b. Nebraska City, Neb., 11 Dec. 1888; s. H. R. Young, mcht., and Mar- garetha (Herr) Y.; ed. Neb. City, Chi- cago Art Inst.; m. Elvie Leslie Elliott of Washington, D.C., 7 June 1916; chil- dren — Frank Hamilton, Barbara. Adver- tising artist, N.Y., Chicago, Seattle; newspaper artist, Colorado Springs, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C.; founder, dir., Am. Acad. Art, Chicago (pres.); Soc. of Illustrators, New York. Club: Union League (Chicago). Author: Ad- vertising Layout: Modern Advertising Art; Technique of Advertising Layout. Travel: Eur., Asia, Afr. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Independent. Office: 25 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: Union League Club, Chicago, 111. Sum- mer res.: Albuquerque, N.M. FRISBEE, Fred E., farm manager; b. Wis., 17 Jan. 1872; s. Frank Frisbee, and Elmira (McLaughlin) F.; ed. Shel- don, la., high sen.; 1889; m. Mary But- ton of Sheldon, la., 18 Jan. 1899; chil- dren — Marlowe M., Margaretta, Re- becca. Banker, 1890-1927; pres. Sheldon Chamber Commerce, 1917-20; O'Brien Co. Iowa chmn. for all Liberty Loans during World War I; mem. Sheldon Sch. Bd., (12 yrs.). Masons, (33d reg.) May- flower Soc. Conglist. Republican. Office: and home: Sheldon, la. NELSON, Arthur Emmanuel, lawyer; b. Browns Valley, Minn., 10 May 1892; s. Nels O. Nelson, grain buyer, and Emily Augusta (Barr) N.; ed. Browns Valley high sch.; Macalester Coll.; St. Paul Coll. of Law; m. Alice Blanche Carlson of St. Paul, Minn., 2 Dec. 1915; children— Arthur W., Albert B., James L., Roy H., Alice Ann. Practicing law- yer, St. Paul, 1915-20; corp. counsel, City of St. Paul, 1920-22; mayor, St. Paul, 1922-26; in pvt. law practice, 1926—; U.S. Senator (short term), 1941; pvt., Coast Arty., World War I. Clubs: Town and Country (St. Paul), Athletic (St. Paul), Union League (Chicago), Chicago Athletic. Recreations: golf, hunting. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fices: 1615 Pioneer Bldg., St. Paul, Minn.; 900 First National Bank Bldg., 277 Chicago, HI. Home: 151 Montrose PI., St. Paul, Minn. BADGEROW, Harve Gordon, corp. of- ficial; b. Sioux City, la., 19 Nov. 1882; s. Gordon R. Badgerow, and Adella (Rogers) B.; ed. grade, high sens., Sioux City, la.; Law Dept., State Univ. la.; m. Alice Knott of Sioux City, la., 22 Apr. 1908; children— Louise (Mrs. Scott J. Dow, Jr.), Susan (Mrs. Winston L. May, Jr.). Pres., Badgerow Proper- ties, Inc.; v.p., W.A. Alexander & Co.; chmn., bd. William H. Banks Ware- houses, Inc., Bouton-Foster Co.; mem. Sons Revol., Am. Legion. Clubs: Uni- versity, Attic, Indian Hill, Common- wealth, Camp Fire (Chicago). Uni- tarian. Republican. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, HI. Home: 576 Arbor Vitae Rd., Winnetka, 111. HOLLEY, Horace, editor; b. Torring- ton, Conn., 7 Apr. 1887; s. Edward Hotchkiss Holley, (in commerce) and Nellie (Wheeler) H.; ed. Torrington (Conn.) high sen.; Lawrenceville Sen.; Williams Coll.; m. Bertha Herbert of Paris, 29 Oct. 1909; m. (2nd.) Doris Pascal of New York, N.Y., 18 Sept. 1919; children — Hertha (dec), Marcia. Writer of books and articles, Europe, 1909-14; adv. copy writer, New York, N.Y., 1918- 25; mng. ed., World Unity, 1927-35; co- ed., World Order, 1935—; author, lec- turer; sec. Nat. Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of U.S. and Canada, 1924- 30, 1932—; sec, Baha'i Temple Trs., 1928-30, 1932—; mem. Phi Delta Theta (Mass. Alpha), Gargoyle. Author: The Inner Garden, The Stricken King; Divi- nations and Creation (verse) ; Bahaism, The Modern Social Religion; Baha'i, The Spirit of the Age; The Social Prin- ciple; Read- Aloud Plays. Baha'i. Non- partisan. Office and home: 536 Sheri- dan Rd., Wilmette, HI. Summer res.: Green Acre, Eliot, Me. BUTLER, Frank Osgood, paper mer- chant, capitalist; b. Chicago, 111., 22 Apr. 1861; s. Julius Wales Butler, paper mcht., and Julia Ann (Osgood) B.; ed. Cent, high sen., Chicago; m. Fannie Maud Bremaker of Louisville, Ky., 10 June 1886; children— Paul, Julius Wales. With Butler Co., pres., 1912, chmn. bd. dirs.; pres. Butler Bros. Development Co., Standard Paper Co., Milwaukee, Wis., Seven Eleven Ranch, S.D.; mem. Soc Colonial Wars, Union Interalliee (Paris, Fr.), Com. of One Hundred (Palm Beach, Fla.), Am. Hereford Assn., Old Guard Soc. (Palm Beach). Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Ever- glades, Seminole, Oak Brook Polo, Hins- dale Country, Hot Springs Country, Ki- wanis (Hot Springs, S.D.). Author: The Story of Paper. Desc. immigrants of 630, in paper mfg. since 1680; cen- tennial of family-owned Butler Co., estab. in Chicago, 1844. Interests: travel, ranching, aboriculture. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: 223 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Home: Hot Springs, S.D. Winter res.: Palm Beach, Fla. SEEBER, Rex Robert, professor of mechanical engineering; b. Ida Grove, la., 28 Jan. 1879; s. Frank D. Seeber, phys., and Emma S. (Landon) S.; ed. Waterloo, Wis.; B.S., E.M., Mich. Coll. Mining and Tech., 1899," Metall. Engr., 1926; grad. work, Univ. Wis., 1928; m. Estelle Hanchette of Hancock, 11 June 1932; children— Constance H., Rex Rob- ert. Surveyor, Copper Range R.R., 1899- 1900; mining engr., chemist, Am. Min- ing Co., 1900-01; mining engr., Cham- pion Copper Co., 1901-05; supt., mgr., Winona Copper Co., 1905-18; mgr., P.Q. Lumber Co., 1918-19; v.p., Gen. Com- bustion Co., 1919-21; instr., head dept., Mich. Coll. Mining and Tech., 1921—; supervisor, Elm River Mich. Twp.; mem. A.S.H.V.E., S.P.E.E., Am. Soc Yacht, Portage Lake Golf, Miscowabik. Author: Tests of an Hgner Hoist; Cor- rosion Tests: Electric Resistance Method of Corrosion Testing. Travel: Iceland, Nor., Swed., Russia, Ger., Po- land, Eng. Interests: flowers, birds. Recreations: sailing, fishing, golf. Epis- copalian. Republican. Office: Houghton, Mich. Home: Hancock, Mich. Summer home: Chassell, Mich. BRAND, George E., lawyer; b. Houghton, Mich., 11 June 1888; s. George Brand and Isabella (Monville) B.; ed. LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1912; m. Elsie Bertie Jones of Negaunee, 25 June 1914; children— George E., Jr., Marjorie A., Barbara E. Pres. Detroit Bar Assn., 1934-35, State Bar of Mich., 1937-38; mem. Am. Bar Assn. (Com. on Un- authorized Practice of Law, 1936-37, Spl. Com. on Law Lists, 1939-40, Com. on Prof. Ethics and Grievances, 1940—, House of Dels., 1935-40); assoc. ed., Mich. Law Review, 1911-12; mem. Mich. Bd. of Law Examiners, 1933-38. Club: Detroit Athletic. Author: Unauthorized Practice Decision. Catholic. Republican. Office: 3709-23 Barium Tower, Detroit, Mich. Home: 19460 Shrewsbury Rd., De- troit, Mich. Summer res.: The Bar-G- Mar, Star Route No. 1, Grayling, Mich. DENNEY, Charles Eugene, railroad executive; b. Washington, D.C., 18 Oct. 1879; s. William H. Denney and Sarah 278 E. (Talbert) D.; ed. Lancaster high sen., Pa. State Coll.; m. Irene S. Sickels of Cleveland, O.; children— Clark, Charles E., Jr. With Union Switch and Signal Co., 1899-1905; asst. signal engr. and signal engr. L.S. and M.S. Ry., 1905-13; spl. engr. to v.p. N.Y.C. Lines West of Buffalo, 1913-13; with Union Switch and Signal Co., 1914-16; with N.Y. Chicago and St. Louis R.R., 1916- 27; v.p. Erie R.R., 1927-29, pres., 1929- 39; pres. N.P.Ry. Co., 1939—; pres. and dir., Northern Pacific Ry. Co.; dir. C.B. and Q. R.R.; dir., First Nat. Bank of St. Paul, Minn.; in charge of Trans- portation, Construction Div. U.S. Army during World War I; mem. Phi Kappa Sigma, Am. Railway Engr. Assn. Clubs : Minnesota & Somerset Country, St. Paul, Minn., Minneapolis. Recreation: golf. Protestant. Republican. Office: 176 E. Fifth St., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 295 Summit Av., St. Paul, Min. HALE, William Browne, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 7 Dec. 1875; s. William Ellery Hale and Mary (Scranton) H.; ed. B.A., Yale Univ., 1898; LL.B., North- western Univ. Law Sen., 1901; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1902; m. Eunice Follans- bee of Chicago, 111., 23 June 1912; chil- dren—George Ellery, Mary Scranton (Mrs. Howard F. Gillette, Jr.), Eunice, John Ellery. Admitted to 111. bar, 1901; pvt. gen. practice law, 1901 — ; mem. firm, Wilson & Mcllvaine, 1919—; lec- turer on corp. law, Northwestern Law Sen., 1919-20; mem. 111. State Bd. Law Examiners, 1921-23; mem. council, Am. Law Inst., 1923—; Foreign Relations of N.Y., Chicago; adj. gen.'s off., mem. com. on classification of personnel in army, U.S.A., during World War I; mem. Am., HI. State and Chicago Bar Assns. Clubs: Chicago, University, In- dian Hill (Winnetka), University (N.Y.). Author: Private Corporations in Illinois, 1916. Republican. Office: 120 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Home: 900 Mt. Pleas- ant St., Winnetka, HI. Died, 18 Jan. 1944. BROWN, Howard Donald, attorney; b. Navarre, O., 2 Apr. 1890; s. Ira Earle Brown, mfr., and Lillie May (Walker) B.; ed. Mt. Union Acad.; Ph.B., Mt. Union Coll., 1912; LL.B., Univ. Mich. Law Sen., 1916; m. Eva Jane Jacob of Kalamazoo, Mich., 13 Jan. 1918; 1 son, Howard Donald, Jr. Admitted to Bar. 1917; in leg. dept., Fed. Land Bank, St. Paul, Minn., 1919- 20; gen. atty., Auto Club of Mich., gen. counsel and asst. gen. mgr., Detroit Auto. Inter-Ins. Exchange, 1920 — ; 1st It., 134th Mach. Gun Bn., 37th Div., A.E.F., 1917-19; mem. Am. Bar Assn. (chmn. auto ins. law ' com., 1933-36, chmn. ins. sect., 1937-38), Mich. State Bar Assn, t>etroit Bar Assn., Internat. Assn. of Ins. Counsel, Detroit Com- mandery, K.T. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Lawyers, University (Mich.). Co-au- thor: Michigan Automobile Law. Inter- est: photog. Recreation: golf. Protes- tant. Office: 600 United Artists Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 2418 Calvert Av., Detroit, Mich. CHURCH, Ralph Edwin, lawyer; b. Catlin, 111., 5 May 1883; s. Henry George Church, farmer, and Lola Mae (Doug- las) C; ed. Danville (111.) high sen.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1907; A.M., North- western Univ., 1909, LL.B., 1909; m. Marguerite Stitt of N.Y., 21 Dec. 1918; children— Ralph Edwin, Jr., William Stitt, Marjory Williams. Admitted to bar, 1909; practice of law, Chicago, HI., 1909—; sr. mem., Church & Traxler; tr., Nat. Coll. of Ed.; state rep., 6th Dist. HI., 1917-32; mem. 74th to 76th congresses, 1935-41, 10th HI. Dist; del., Inter-Parliamentary Union Conf., Nor- way, 1939; volunteered for mil. service, Ft. Sheridan Mil. Training Camp, 1915; exec, com., Cent. Dept. Citizens' Mil. Training Camps Assn., 1916; It. comdr., U.S.N. Res., 1938-41; mem. Am. Soc. In- ternat. Law, Am., HI. State and Chi- cago Bar Assns., Chicago Hist. Soc, Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Chi, Evanston and Waukegan Chambers Commerce, Masons (32d deg.), Shrine, Kiwanis. Clubs: Union League, Executives, Navy, Sheridan Shore Yacht. Methodist. Office: 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, HI. Home: 300 Church St., Evanston, 111. GARDNER, Evelyn, dean of women; b. Redhill Surrey, Eng., 16 Dec. 1897; d. John Gardner and Agnes A. (Baker) G.; ed. Chicago Latin sch.; B.A., Beloit Coll., 1918; M.A., Radcliffe Coll., 1921; Columbia Univ., 1930, 1932-33. Instr. Eng., Carleton Coll., 1919-20, Pomona Coll., 1921-22, 1923-24; dean of Women, Coll. of Emporia, 1925-33, Grinnell Coll.. 1933 — ; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, State and Nat. Assn. of Deans of Women, A.A.U.W., League of Women Voters. Conglist. Office: Grinnell College, Grin- nell, la. Home: 1405 Park St., Grinnell, la. BEACH, Lyle L., lawyer; b. Zearing, la., 1 Feb. 1902; s. Frank E. Beach and Edith (Jones) B.; ed. Zearing high sch.; Drake Univ., Des Moines, la.; LL.B. Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1922; m. Caryl Hansing of Norfolk, Neb., 23 279 Nov. 1924; 1 son, Norman Frances. Pvt. practice of law, Beresford, S.D., 1923- 25; tax leg. real estate depts., Standard Oil Co., Ind., 1925-33; tax atty., mgr., Tax Dept., Crane Co., Chicago, 1933-38; asst. gen. counsel, Continental Casualty Co., Continental Assurance Co., Chi- cago, 1938—; mem. advisory com., Civic Fed. and Bur. of Pub. Efficiency; tax com. of City Club, Chicago; Taxation Com. of 111. Bar Assn.; mem., Am. Bar Assn., HI. Bar Assn., Chicago Accident and Health Assn. Clubs: City, Diversey Yacht, Chicago Tax, Great Lakes Coun- try. Recreations: boating, golf. Episco- palian. Republican. Office: 910 S. Michi- gan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: Wilmette, 111. Died, 4 Dec. 1944. MATHENY, Willard Reynolds, manu- facturer; b. Springfield, 10 Apr. 1890; s. James Harvey Matheny, lawyer, and Fanny (French) M.; ed. Springfield high sen.; Univ. 111., 1909-12; LL.B., John Marshall Law Sch., 1920; m. Betty Anne Harnly of Chicago, HI., 19 Nov. 1923; children — James Harnly, David Harnly, Ann Elizabeth. Elec. engr., 1912-19, 1919-20; in practice of law, 1921- 40; mgr., Harnly Weatherstrip Co., 1940—; It. engr., 1917, capt., Signal ^orps, A.E.F., 1918-19, major, It. col. col. Off. Res. Corps, 1923-42; col. U.S. Army, 1942-43; mem. Masons, Chi Psi, Soc. Mayflower Desc, S.A.R., Am. Le- gion, V.F.W., Reserve Officers Assn. Club: Union League. Son, g.s. and gt. g.s. of lawyers who practiced in HI. Office: 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 5310 Ferdinand St., Chicago, 111. UMBERGER, Robert Bruner, execu- tive; b. Newark, Del., 12 June 1886; s. James Buchanan Umberger, minis- ter, and Ella G. (Bruner) U.; ed. Blair Acad.; B.A., Yale Univ., 1908; m. Cherrie Royal, 15 Jan. 1910; 1 dau., Betty Umberger Ruthven. Mgr., sav- ings dept., la. Nat. Bk., 1910-16; sec, mgr., Des Moines Morris Plan Co., 1916- 17; sec, credit mgr., Chicago Morris Plan Bk., 1917-20, v.p., cashier, 1920- 29; v.p., cashier, dir. Personal Loan & Savings Bk., Chicago, 111. (now In- dustrial Nat. Bk. of Chicago), 1929-38, exec, v.p., cashier, 1938-39, exec v.p., 1939—; dir. Chicago Better Bus. Bur., First Federal Savings and Loan Assn.; mem. Consumer Credit Council, Am. Bankers Assn. Delta Kappa Epsilon, Masons. Clubs: University, Rotary, Skokie Country, Sunset Ridge Country (p. pres., treas., dir.), Yale. Presby- terian. Democrat. Office: 81 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Home: 5349 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. Died, 13 May 1945. WHITE, Sanford Brownell, secretary, International Harvester Co.; b. Fall River, Mass., 4 May 1888; s. Charles Franklin Hamilton White and Elizabeth (Brigham) W.; ed. B.M.C. Durfee high school, Fall River, Mass.; Phillips Exeter Acad.; Litt. B., Princeton Univ., 1912. Second It. Aviation Service, 14 mos., during World War I. Conglist. Republican. Office: 180 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, HI. Home: 223 E. Dela- ware PL, Chicago, HI. WITSELL, William Postell, clergy- man; b. Walterboro, S.C., 6 Dec 1874; s. Charles Witsell, physician and Emme- line Eliza (Fishburne) W.; ed. Walter- boro (S.C.) high sch.; B.S., Military Coll. of S.C, 1894; Litt.B., Hobart Coll., 1896; B.D., Gen. Theol. Sem., N.Y,. 1899; D.D., Univ. of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., 1925; m. Addie May Cherry of Winchester, Tenn., 27 Dec. 1899; chil- dren— Addie Cherry, William Postell, Benjamin Fishburne, Cornelia Battle (Mrs. Fred W. Terry), Cutler Cherry, Charles, Maude Estelle (Mrs. Allen N. Jones, Jr.). Minister, Greenwood and Willington, S.C, 1899-1900; ordained priesthood, Episcopal Ch. 1900; built ch, and rectory, doubled membership of congregation as rector Ch. of the Good Shepherd, Columbia, S.C, 1900-09, St. Paul's Ch., Meridian, Miss., 1909-11 (doubled membership, paid mortgage and added to property of church); St. Paul's Ch., Waco, Texas, (built a young peoples' social and recreational center, purchased new rectory, estb. social settlement in ind. center), 1911-27, Christ Ch., Little Rock, Ark., 1927—; built 3 story parish house and erected stone ch. both of which are paid for in full; del. to Gen. Triennial Conv., Episcopal Ch. seven times: 1913, 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1940, 1943; Pan- Anglican Congress (world-wide) London, Eng., 1908; mem. Nat. Council, 1922-32; mem. Nat. Com. on Ministry; vice chmn., bd. tr., Diocese of Ark., 1927—; chmn. Chaplain Ex- amining Bd.; mem. Constitution and Canons Com.; mem. Standing Comm. Dio. of Ark.; v. chmn., Am. Red Cross, Waco, 1916-18; chmn. Little Rock, Ark., 1928-30. Author: Our Church— One through the Ages, 1923; The Bible and Evolution, 1925; Some Important Facts in English Church History, 1934; contbr. of arts, to ch. papers. Episcopalian. Democrat. Office: Christ Church Parish House, Little Rock, Ark. Home: 220 E. 7th St., Little Rock, Ark. 280 LORBER, Herbert James, president director, Rollins Burdick Hunter Co. b. Chicago, 111., 26 Aug. 1892; s. Bernard Lorber and Amelia (Schwind) L.; stu dent Northwestern Univ., course com pleted 1928; m. Hazel Adeline Emrath 6 Sept. 1916; 1 dau., Lucille. Bank mes senger and gen. elk., 111. Trust Co. Chicago, 1910-13; asst. mgr., etc., Ins Clearing House, 1914-17; office mgr Moore Case Lyman & Hubbard; gen mgr. and sec. all branches Rollins Bur- dick Hunter Co., Chicago, 1917-26, now pres. and dir.; dir. George F. Nixon & Co., 1926-31; dir. Park Lane Hotel, Kensington Steel, Chicago Opera Com- pany, Finance Publishing Corp., Chi- cago Commission on Nat. Defense, Lei- sure Foundation, Town & Country Equestrian Assn., Adviser Morgan Park Military Academy; mem. exec. com. Nat. Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Chinese Emergency Relief Soc, Greek War Relief Assn., Sponsoring Com. of the Armed Forces Officers Club, The Navy League, Republican, Masons. Clubs: Union League, North Shore Golf (p. pres., dir.); Oak Brook Polo & Hunt, Hundred, Minneapolis, Arlington Park Jockey (dir.). Home: 954 Golfview Rd., Glenview, 111. Office: 231 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, HI. FRIEND, Robert Elias, manufac- turer; b. Merton, Waukesha Co., 1 Sept. 1886; s. Jacob Elias Friend, atty., in- dustrialist, and Alice (Levy) F.; ed. Milwaukee Acad.; Milwaukee Normal Sch., Lawrenceville Academy; M.E., Cornell Univ., 1909; m. Neita Oviatt of Oshkosh, 17 Jan. 1914; children— Carl O., John M., Edward S., Sally Ann, Margaret Roberta. Purchasing agent, Nordberg Mfg. Co., 1909-14, sec, 1920- 24, pres., 1924 — , dir.; with Second Ward Securities Co., investments, 1914-17; dir., Marine Nat. Exchange Bank, Milwau- kee Acad. Med.; pres. Diesel Engine Mfgrs. Assn.; mem. exec, com., Ma- chinery & Allied Products Inst.; tr., Village of Chenequa, village forester, chmn. Fire & Police Commn. ; maj., Ordnance Dept., U.S.A., 1917-19; mem. Soc. Naval Architects & Marine Engrs., Am. Soc. Naval Engrs. Clubs: Engrs., Univ., Cornell, Milwaukee Yacht, Ro- tary, (all of Milwaukee), Uptown, Bank- & Navy, (Washington, D.C.), Chenequa Country, Pine Lake Yacht, Economic (Chicago, 111.), Oconomowoc Lake. In- terest: art. Recreation: sailing. Office: 3073 S. Chase Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: Village of Chenequa P.O., Hart- land, Wis. VanTASSEL, Clyde DeWitt, high school teacher; b. McClure, Henry Co., 24 Mar. 1898; s. Fred VanTassel, ret. farmer, and Lottie (Hockman) V.; ed. West Hope high sch., Henry Co.; B.S., Bowling Green State Univ., 1929; M.A., Ohio State Univ., 1933; m. Anna Dee Rozelle of Deshler, 1924; children— Hal Leon, Rozella Ann. Reared on farm; taught rural schs.; prin., jr. high sch., Napoleon; prin., elem. schs., Mansfield; teacher of econ. geog. and hd. com. dept., Woodward High Sch. of Toledo, 1929 — ; v. pres., Ohio Edn. Assn., for- merly pres., classroom dept. of same; mem. Leg. Commn. of Edn. Council for 6 yrs. (p. chmn.) ; served as pvt., U.S.A., during World War I; adj. Burt G. Taylor Post Am. Legion (Napoleon); mem. Tenure Com. N.E.A., Phi Kappa Delta, chmn. Leg. Com. Toledo Teach- ers Assn. (pres.). Club: Debating (hon- ors). Author: Thesis, A Method of Teaching Economic Geo. in Terms of the Democratic Ideal. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Desc. from family from Hol- land to N.Y., 1614; Ohio branch as mis- sionary to Indians in Maumee Valley. Interests: better schs., trailer travels, visual edn. Recreations: golf, bowling. Presbyterian (elder). Republican. Of- fice: Woodward High School, Toledo, O. Home: R.R. No. 3, Box 198, Toledo, O. NICHOLS, James Calvin, lumberman; b. Farnhamville, la., 23 Sept. 1884; s. George Arthur and Maria B. (Kibbee) N.; m. Lucille Mary Sullivan, 28 Sept. 1918; children — Donald Eugene, Lucille Jessie, Barbara Jean. Manufacturer and wholesaler of veneer, Chicago, 1913; mem. Mason3 (32d deg.), Shrine, Elks, Eagles. Club: Adventurers. Home: Cody, Wyo. Office: Tribune Tower, Chicago, 111. GARST, John Newton, minister; b. Jefferson City, Tenn.; s. Elias Pefley, farmer, carpenter, and Mary Jane (Hale) G.; ed. Carson-Newman Coll.; A.B., A.M., B.D., D.D., Newton Theol. Instn.; m. Blanche Beasley; children —Hazel Ruth, Helen Elizabeth, Ralph Eugene, Jeanne Pauline. Pastor, Los Angeles and Oakland, Calif., 1913-22, First Baptist Ch., Spokane, Wash., 1923- 32, Des Moines la., 1933 — ; pres., Bapt- ist Ministers Conf., San Francisco, tr., Berkeley Baptist Div. Sch., regent, Red- lands Univ., dir., Y.M.C.A., Boy Scouts, pres., Bd. of Mgrs. Wash. Bapt. Conv., Spokane Ministerial Assn., Am. Bapt. Home Missn. Soc, v. chmn., Ia.-Neb. prom. bd. ; mem. Nat. Bd. Missn. Coopn. of Northern Bapt. Conv., Nat. Bapt. Ministers Council, bd. of mgrs. 281 and exec. com. of la. Bapt. Conv. Au- thor: The Foundation of the Church, Wanted- A Man., The Christ We Crown, Methods of Evangelism, Hebrew Build- ers in Palestine, The History of Chris- tian Education, Christianity in Moslem Lands, His Everlasting Kingdom. Travel: U.S., Can., Alaska, Mex., Eur., Arabia, Egy., Palestine. Interest: photog. Popular after-dinner and com- mencement speaker. Office: 1st Baptist Church, 8th and High Sts., Des Moines, la. Home: 915 35th St., Des Moines, la. FLINT, Wesley Pillsbury, entomolo- gist; b. South Hampton, N.H., 4 May 1883; s. Moses C. Flint, farmer, and Emily W. (Pillsbury) F.; ed. Amesbury (Mass.) high sch. ; Univ. N.H.; m. Flor- ence B. Wraight of St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 1912. Field entomologist, 111., 1908; chief entomologist, Nat. Hist. Survey Div., 1919; chief entomologist, HI. Agr. Expt. Station, 111. Nat. Hist. Survey Div. and 111. Agr. Expt. Station, Urbana, HI., 1934 — ; mem. 111. Nat. Guard during World War I; mem. Sigma Xi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Am. Assn. of Econ. En- tomologists (pres., 1932), Entomological Soc. Am., Audubon Soc, Nat. Shade Tree Conference, A.A.A.S. Author: Des- tructive and Useful Insects and Fun- damentals of Insect Life, Insects, Man's Chief Competitors (co-authored with C. L. Metcalf), approx. 350 arts., papers, bulls., circulars. Interests and recrea- tions: conservation of nat. resources, hunting, fishing, out door sports in gen. Unitarian. Office: Nat. Resources Bldg., University of Illinois, Urbana, HI. Home: 1006 S. Orchard St., Urbana, HI. Died, 3 June 1943. ANDERSON, Sydney, executive; b. Zumbrota, Minn., 17 Sent. 1881; s. C.B. Anderson, and Anna K. (Strand) A.; ed. Zumbrota high sch.; Univ. Minn., 1903; m. Florence B. Douglas, 16 June 1901; children— Sydney, Jr., Derrice, Alan. Practice law, Minneapolis, Minn., Kansas City, Mo., and Lanesboro, Minn.; elected to Congress from 1st Minn. Dist., 1910, served 7 terms; dur- ing congressional service was mem. of the com. on Agr., Ways and Means, Appropriations and chmn. on sub. com. on Appropriations for the Dept. Agr., chmn. of the Joint Commn. on Agr. Inquiry of the U.S. Congress of 1921-22; pres. Wheat Council, 1922; v.p. Nat. Transportation Inst., 1923; voluntarily retired from political life to become pres. of the Millers Nat. Fed., 1925-29; v.p., Gen. Mills, Inc., 1929, v.p. and sec. 1933; mem. bd. dir., Minn. Civic and Commerce Assn., Transportation Assn. of Am., Inc., Chicago, and Mil- lers' Nat. Fed., Chicago, served in Co. D., 14th Reg. Minn. Vol. Inf. during Sp.-Am. War. Clubs: Minneapolis, Nat. Press. (Wash.). Office: 200 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 2521 Pillsbury Av., Minneapolis, Minn. NORTON, Mother Mary Aquinas, re ligious superior; b. Mapleton, Minn., 5 July 1885; d. John R. Norton, lumber merchant, and Mary Catherine (Hogan) N.; ed. Mapleton high sch.; A.B., Coll. St. Teresa, 1914; M.A., Univ. Minn., 1918; Columbia Univ.; Ph.D., The Cath. Univ. Am., 1930. Accountant, J.R. Nor- ton Lumber Co., 1903-10; entered Sisters of the Third Order Regular of St. Fran- cis of the Congregation of our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, Minn., 1915; pro- fessed 1916; dir. St. John high sch. for Girls, Rochester, Minn., 1917-18; head history dept., Coll. of St. Teresa, Wi- nona, Minn., 1918-33; General Superior of Sisters of Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, Minn., 1933—; mem. bd. trs., Acad, of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester Minn., 1930 — , pres., 1933 — ; general superior of a religious congregation engaged in work in Minn., Ky., Ohio, HI., S. Dak., Neb., Colo.; owning and operating St. Mary's Hosp., Rochester, Minn., and Coll. of St. Teresa, Winona, Minn.; mem. Minn. Hist. Soc. Author: Catholic Missionary Activities in the Northwest, 1818-64 (1930); monographs: Jesuits Missions of the Northwest, 1640-1740; Missionary Ac- tivities in the Northwest under the French Regime, 1640-1740; Catholic Mis- sions and Missionaries among the In- dians of Dakota. Catholic. Home: Con- vent of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, Minn. BOWES, Arthur S., business execu- tive; b. N.Y. City, 7 Dec. 1901; s. Julius Bowes and Lula (Stutz) B. (both dec); ed. B.S., Purdue Univ., 1923; m. Jane Mattison of Chicago, HI., 3 Sept. 1926; children— Sally, Arthur S., Jr. V.p., R. T. Gray Adv. Agency; dir. Walgreen Co. (drug chain); v.p., dir., Universal Paper Products Co.; Lily Tulip Cup Corp., N.Y., 1945; mem. Pi Kappa Al- pha, Sigma Delta Chi, Chicago Athletic Assn. Clubs: Beverly Country, South Shore Country. Republican. Office: 823 S. Wabash Av., Chicago, HI. Home: 1000 E. 48th St., Chicago, 111. JENKINS, Frederick Edwards, edu- cator; b. Butler, HI., 20 Jan. 1866; s. 282 Charles W. Jenkins, farmer, and Ca- milla (Burnap) J.; ed. 111. State Norm. Sen., 1886; m. Ella Mae Gregoire of Lyons, Neb., 25 July 1888; 1 dau., Jessie Winifred (Mrs. Victor E. Pinkham). Prin., Cedar Rapids (Neb.) pub. sen., 1886-88; supt., Albion (Neb.) pub. sen., 1888-93; adm. Neb. and Kan. bars; law pract., Kansas City, Kan., 1893-94; prin., prep, dept., Shattuck Sen., 1894-1901; headmaster, St. James Sen., 1901—, pres., 1920 — ; tr. Minn. Masonic home, 1922 — , pres. 1931-42; pres. Faribault Chamber Commerce, 1931; retired after 55 yrs. sch. work, 1942; mem. Masons (Grand Master, Minn., 1921), Eastern Star (Grand Patron, 1927-28), Red Cross of Constantine, K.C.C.H., Hist. Soc; In- terest: masonry. Recreations: fishing, boating-. Episcopalian. Democrat. Of- fice: St. James School, Fairbault, Minn. Home: Northfield, Minn. ESSEX, Hiram Eli, physiologist; b. Glasford, HI., 28 Jan. 1893; s. Hiram Essex, minister, and Sarah Catherine (Watters) E.; ed. London Mills high sch., (111.); B.S., Knox Coll., 1919; M. S., Univ. 111., 1924, Ph.D., 1927; m. Ma- rion G. Murphy of Woodstock, HI., 11 Sept. 1926; children — Sarah Catherine, Dorothy Jean, Marion Elizabeth. Prin. Community high sch., Ellisville, 111., 1921-23; grad. stu., Univ. of HI., 1923- 27, instr. in zool., 1927-28; instr. expt. biol., Mayo Foundation, 1928-32, asst. prof., physio., 1932-36, assoc. prof., 1936- 45, prof., 1945—; during World War I in 2nd officers training camp, 1917, 2nd It. inf., Camp Custer, Mich., 1917-19; fellow in Am. Assn. for Adv. of Sci.; mem. Am. Physiol Soc, Am. Micro. Soc, Soc. for Esp. Biol, and Med., Am. Soc Parisitol., Am. Zool. Soc, Minn. Acad, of Sci., Coun., Am. Assn. of Univ. Profs., Tau Kappa Epsilon, Phi Eta, Sigma Xi. Author: papers in physio, and biol. jours. Travel: Eng., Holland, Belg., Ger., Den., Sweden, Fin., Rus., Fr., U.S. Interest: painting. Recrea- tions: fishing, farming. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: Mayo Clinic and Foun- dation, Rochester, Minn. Home: 711 7th St., S.W., Rochester, Minn. SHURSON, Henry O., church treas- urer; b. Kendall Co., HI., 18 July 1871; s. John Shurson, farmer, and Cjyri (Ol- son) S.; ed. United Ch. Acad, and coll.; C.T., United Ch. Sem., 1903; DD. Augus- tana Coll., Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; LL.D. St. Olaf Coll., Northfield, Minn.; m. Emma Manerie Issacson of Mabel, Minn., 10 Aug. 1916; children— Florence Shurson Lee, Ann Shurson Swehla, Har- old E., T. Arthur. Pastor, Henning, Minn., 1903-07; teacher, financial sec, Concordia Coll., 1907-11, pres., 1909-11; pres., Spokane Coll., 1911-13; pastor, Hoople, N.D., 1913-15; rector, financial sec, Fairview and Thomas Hosps., 1915- 16; mem. Bd. Home Missions, 1913-17 exec. sec. Home Mission Bd., 1916-17; financial sec, Nor. Lutheran Ch. of Am., 1917-30—, treas., 1924^—, sec. bd. trs., 1924 — ; mem. bd. trs., Fairview Hosp. Travel: U.S., Can. Lutheran. Re- publican. Office: 425 4th St., S., Min- neapolis, Minn. Home: 3748 Portland Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. WAGGENER, Roy Alfred, zoologist; b. Ewing, Mo., 3 Feb. 1892; s. George Waggener Jr., farmer, and Susan Alice (Zuspann) W.; ed. LaGrange Acad.; A. B., LaGrange Coll., 1916; B.A., Brown Univ., 1917; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 1927; m. Nelle Elizabeth Thompson of La- Belle, 1919; supt., pub. and sec. sens.; instr., Brown Univ., 1922-26, prof., 1927- 28; instr., L.I. Biol. Station, 3 summers; investigator; chmn., dept. of zoology, Carleton Coll.; served as 2nd It., 18 mos. during World War I; mem. Sigma Xi, A.A.A.S. (fellow), L.I. Biol. Assn., Am. Soc Zool., Minn. Acad, of Sci., Masons. Club: Lions. Author: lab. guides in zool. and arts. Interest: re- search in endocrinology. Recreations: golf, fishing. Baptist. Office: Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Home: 310 E. Fifth St., Northfield, Minn. PARKS, Oliver Lafayette, college, air- line and aircraft sales and service presi- dent; b. Minonk, 111., 10 June 1899; s. Alvah Harrison Parks, farmer, and Sarah A. (Melchart) P.; ed. Minonk high sch.; Shurtleff Coll., 1919-20; Wash. Univ.; m. Margaret Struif of Alton, 111., 4 July 1922; 1 son, Oliver Lafayette. Engaged in retail Chevrolet sales, St. Louis, 1923-27; estb. nat. record 4th in U.S. in retail sales, 1926-27; founded Parks Air College Aug. 1927; pres. Parks Air College, Parks Air Transport, and Parks Aircraft Sales & Service, all located in East St. Louis, HI.; served in Marine Corps, in W.I., Fr., 1917-19; mem. Aeronautical Chamber Com- merce, Laymen's Retreat League, Air Bd., St. Louis Chamber Commerce, Quiet Birdmen (org. of air pilots); dir. The Air Power League, Manchester Bank of St. Louis. Clubs: Rotary, Mo. Athletic, Catholic (St. Louis). Interest: working with young men. Catholic Democrat. Office: Parks Airport, East St. Louis, 111. Home: 7 McKnight Lane, Clayton, Mo. COWLES, Robert Lewis, physician, surgeon; b. Green Bay, Wis., 9 Jan. 283 1891; s. Frank S. Cowles, farmer, and Ella M. (Emory) C; ed. Northwestern Acad., Naperville, 111.; Chicago Univ., 1 yr.; M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1913, reed. Alumni Merit Award, 1941; m. Emily C. H. Murphy of Green Bay, Wis., 19 Feb. 1917; children— Frank M„ Emily Ann, Robert L. Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 111., 21 mos.; pvt. practice, Green Bay, specializing in ob- stetrics and pediatrics, 1915—; attended N.Y. Post Grad. Med. Sch., 2 mos., 1924; attended Univ. of Vienna, 3 mos., 1926; dir., Morley-Murphy Hardware Co.; pres. and dir., Green Bay Y.M. C.A., Salvation Army Advisory Bd.; Exec. Com. St. Mary's Hosp.; 1st It., M.C.C.O. Ambulance Co. 240, 10th Div., Camp Funston, Kan., 1 yr. during World War I; mem. A.M. A., Am. Soc. on Ma- ternal Welfare, Brown Co. Med. Soc, Masons, B.P.O.E. Clubs: Rotary, Yacht (Green Bay), Oneida Golf and Riding. Author: numerous medical treaties. Travel: Eur., 1926 and 1937, Bermuda, 1933, Nassau, 1935. Interests: dairy and fruit raising, Horse Shoe Bay Farms, Egg Harbor, Wis. Recreation: fishing. Protestant. Republican. Office: 306 Cherry St., Green Bay, Wis. Home: Braebourne, Green Bay, Wis. Summer res.: Horse Shoe Bay Farms, Egg Har- bor, Wis. WILDS, John Law, insurance execu- tive; b. Darlington, S.C., 31 Aug. 1883; s. Robert Ervin Wilds, planter, and Elizabeth (Evans) W.; ed. Darlington (S.C.) grade and high schs.; B.S., Univ. S.C., 1904; S.B., M.I.T., 1911; m. Mary Woodruff of Darlington, S.C, 28 Aug. 1914; children— Nancy Law Wilds Davidson, Charlotte Woodruff (Mrs. Gordon E. Dale). Fire protection engr., N.E. Factory Mutual Cos., Boston, Mass., 1911-14; cons, engr., Protection Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Chicago, 111., 1914- 18, v.p., dir., gen. mgr., 1918-35, pres., 1935—, treas., 1938—; dir. Protection Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Mutual Boiler Ins. Co., Union Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Firemen's Mutual Ins. Co., Nat. Fire Protection Assn.; tr., Village of Kenil- worth, 1932-38; mem. Am. Protective League, Fire Protective Div., War Dept., during World War I; mem. Theta Delta Chi, Omicron Delta Kappa. Clubs: Union League, Sunset Ridge Country, Darlington Country, Damon Gun. Inter- est: oil painting. Recreations: golf, bowling, shooting, hunting. Presby- terian. Office: 231 S. LaSalle St., No. 1315, Chicago, 111. Home: 244 Oxford Rd., Kenilworth, 111. STEARNS, Gustav, minister; b. New Richland, Minn. 23 Mar. 1874; s. Halvor K. Stearns, mcht., and Bergit (Sevats) S.; ed. A.B., St. Olaf Coll., Northfield, Minn., 1896; Luther Theol. Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., 1899, M. Theol., 1929; D.D., Augustana Coll., Sioux Falls, S. D., 1931; m. Reidun Moe of Milwaukee, Wis., 22 June 1920. Pastor, Evang. Luth. Ch. of the Ascension, Milwaukee, Wis., 1899-1934; chaplain U.S. Govt., Nat. Sol- diers Home, Wood, Wis., 1934 — ; nat. pres., Chaplains Assn. U.S.A., 1931; nat. chaplain, Military Order Purple Heart, 1940-41; captain chaplain, during World War I; wounded at Badricourt, France, 12 July 1918, received Victory medal with 3 battle clasps, decorated with Pur- ple Heart medal, Silver Star medal; 4 July 1939 honored for 25 yrs. service on Milwaukee 4th July Commn., first mem. to serve 25 yrs. Author: From Army Camps and Battlefields (copies in Congressional Lib.). Assembled na- tional flags procured in 91 different countries (largest Nat. flag collection in U.S.) for exclusive use in and to remain the property of U.S. govt.-owned Soldiers Home Chapel, Wood, Wis.; flags are on display Sun. before Armi- stice Day and Sun. before Memorial Day. Lutheran. Address: Wood, Milwau- kee County, Wis. LOAGUE, Walter C, executive; b. Baltimore, Md., 27 Jan. 1894; s. Mi- chael J. Loague and Mary J. (Whitten) L.; ed. Baltimore City Coll.; B.A., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1917; B.D., Garret Bibli- cal Inst., 1920; M.A., Northwestern Univ., 1941; m. Mary L. Duvall of Balti- more, Md., 1920; children— Miriam, Isa- bel, Walter, Edwin. Executive Director, Goodwill Industries of Chicago, 1921—. Recreation: fishing. Methodist. Repub- lican. Address: 2425 S. Wallace St., Chicago, HI. Summer res.: Bass Lake, Pentwater, Mich. WALRATH, Florence Dahl, humani- tarian; b. Chicago, 18 Oct. 1877; d. H. Lawrence Dahl and Betsy Louisa (An- derson) D.; ed. North Div. high sch., Chicago, 111., 1892-96; m. William Brad- ley Walrath of Evanston, 111. 29 June 1897; children— Hester (Mrs. H.H. Hunt- er), Helen (Mrs. John B. Sanborn), Wil- liam Bradley, Jr., Gretchen (Mrs. Ar- thur Oehl). Founder and managing dir. the Cradle Society, Evanston, organized in 1923 for receiving and preparing homeless babies for adoption into per- manent homes, engaged in work for several years prior to 1923; over 3800 babies adopted in homes in U.S. and In for. countries as result of work and 284 care of Cradle Society; assisted in de- velopment of improved technique for care of babies where considerable num- ber are cared for in one place, resulting in an unusually low death rate. Episco- palian. Office: The Cradle Society, 2049 Ridge Av., Evanston, 111. Home: 1918 Orrington Av., Evanston, HI. WRIGHT, Charles E., coal merchant; b. Chicago, HI., 21 Dec. 1885; s. Alfred Ledden Wright and Louise (Bohlens) W.; ed. John Marshall high sen.; m. Mildred Nordstrom of Chicago, 111.; 1 son, James Souster. Various positions with Consumers Co., 1908-20; sales mgr. Republic Coal Coke Co., 1920; started D.C. Shoemaker Coal Co., 1920, sec. to 1926, pres. 1926—; mem. Chicago Ath- letic Assn. Recreations: fishing, golf. Republican. Office: 332 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 6327 Kenmore Av., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Charlevoix, Mich. ALLEN, Wyeth, management consult- ant; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 28 July 1893; s. Stanton Allen, physician, and Maria (McLaren) A.; ed. Hood River (Ore.) high sen.; M.E., Univ. Mich.; m. Lillian Carnegie of Detroit, Mich., 20 Apr. 1918; children— Stanton, Richard Crafts, Jean C. Foreman, Pfeifer & Smith, 1915-16; works mgr., Allen-Bradley Co., electri- cal control apparatus, 1916-19; asst. supt., Briggs-Stratton Corp., 1920-21; res. engr., Wm. Baum & Co., 1922-25; prof, consulting engr., 1925 — ; v.p. Globe-Union, Inc.; treas., North Av. Family Laundry; dir., v.p., Advance Mfg. Co., Lister-Blackstone, Inc.; dir., Callaway Fuel Co.; Better Farms Dairy Products Co.; inventor; achieved suc- cessful handling of labor relations, de- velopment of labor and cost control methods, desgin of numerous mechani- cal devices; dir., Milwaukee Commun- ity Fund; pres., Boy Scout Council; mem. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Soc. In- dustrial Engrs., Soc. Advancement Man- agement. Clubs: Town, Milwaukee Ath- letic, Univ., Fox Point, Rotary, N.Y. Fraternity, Nee-pee-nauk. Travel: U.S. Interest: civic affairs. Recreations: gar- dening, hunting. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office: 161 W. Wisconsin Av., Mil- waukee, Wis. Home: 2977 N. Summit Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Summer res.: Granville, Wis. RAFF, Pauline Meyers, civic worker; b. Rochester, N.Y., 6 Apr. 1886; d. Mor- ris M. Meyers, clothing mfr., and Rose (Steefel) M.; ed. Miss Hakes' Sen., Rochester, N.Y.; A.B., Vassar Coll., 1908; Univ. Lausanne, Switz., 1913; Sor- bonne, Fr., 1914; m. Arthur Raff of Chicago, HI., 1919; children— Morton S., Paula. Exceptional ed. and mus. ad- vantages, extensive travel; became in- terested in helping underprivileged; vol. social service work; home, children and community of utmost importance since marriage; supervisor, Home Service Red Cross during World War I; mem. Art Inst., Chicago Hist. Soc, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., subscriber, Symphony con- certs. Clubs: Highland Park. Music (corr. sec, rec sec). Woman's (p. v.pres.), Ravinia Woman's (p. pres.), Lake County Fed. Woman's (p. pres.), High Sch. P.T.A. (chmn. Music Com.), Jewish Jrs. (p. nat. pres.), Jr. Aux. Coun. Jewish Women (Chicago, p. pres.). Travel: U.S., Eur., Egy., W.I., Can. Interests: reading, writing, music, carpentry, upholstery, house painting, ed., study langs. Recreations: attending concerts, lectures, piano playing, ping pong, bowling, bicyling, swimming, bridge. Jewish. Home: 245 Cedar Av., Highland Park, 111. ALSAGER, C(hristen) Martin, retired law teacher; b. near Lee, 111., 8 Apr. 1871; s. Christen C. Alsager, farmer, and Cecilia (Eden) A.; ed. prep, dept., No. 111. Coll.; A.B., Lombard Coll., 1899; LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1908, A.M., 1909, J.D., 1920; m. Gertrude Edith Reid of Cherry Valley, 111., 1901; 1 dau., Catherine Cecilia (Mrs. John Wild). Adm. HI. Bar, 1908; with Packard and Niece, 1910-11, S.W. Norton, Chicago, 1911-30; teacher, Chicago high sens., Crane Jr. Coll., 1913-33; lecturer, Jenner Coll. of Law, 1910-20; lecturer on Mu- nicipal Corporations, Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1920-24; prof., De Paul Univ. Law Sch., 1922-37; at present, in occasional pvt. practice; mem. 111. State Bar Assn., Soc. for Advancement of Scand. Study, Norwegian- Am. Hist. Assn., Pi Gamma Mu., Sigma Delta Kappa. Author: Lectures on Constitu- tional Law; Glossary of Business Terms; Dictionary of Business Terms; Syllabus of Contracts and Agency; con- tbr. of comments on cases to 111. Law Rev., articles to papers. Co-author: A Syllabus of a course of Study in Com- mercial Law (with Baker and Smitter), part of Source Book on Commercial Law (with Whigam), Co-revisor: The Essentials of Commercial Law (with Whigam). Recreation: walking. Lu- theran. Republican. Address: 3404 W. Medill Av., Chicago, HI. OTIS, Daniel Henry, director; b. To- peka, Kan., 30 Mar. 1872; s. John G. 285 Otis, dairyman, and Bina A. (Numan) O.; ed. Prep. Dept., Washburn Coll., Topeka; B.S., Kansas State Coll., Man- hattan, Kan., 1892, M.S., 1897; m. Mary E. Lyman of Manhattan, Kan., 17 Aug. 1899; children— Edward N., Grant L., M.D., Charles K., Stanley J. Asst. in agr., Kans. State Coll., 1892-98, prof. dairy and animal husbandry, 1898-03; mgr. Deming Ranch, Oswego, Kan., 1903-05; assoc. prof, animal nutrition, Univ. Wis., Coll. of Agr., 1905-09, prof, farm mgt., 1909-19, asst. dean, 1912-19; dir. Banker-Farmer Exchange, Wis. Bankers' Assn., 1919-23, Agr. Commn., 1923-Nov., 1941; mem. Army Edn. Corps in Pr., 1919; mem. Nat. Grange, Am. Soc. Animal Nutrition (p. sec), Am. Farm Econ. Assn. (p. pres.), Masons (32d deg.). Club: Rotary (Madison). Au- thor: Making Farm Investments Safe, Farm Accounts Simplified; var. bulls, and pamphlets. Co-author (Mrs. Otis) : Household Accounts Simplified. Travel: U.S., Mex., Eng., Scot., Fr., Ger. Rec- reation: golf. Baptist. Address: 1822 Chadbourne Av., Madison, Wis. Died, 20 Nov. 1941. SCHRAGE, Jennie Thayer, librarian; b. Sheboygan, Wis., 28 Oct. 1885; d. William Schrage, mfr., and Annie Eliza- beth (Thayer) S.; ed. Sheboygan high sen.; Univ. Toronto; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1906; cert., Wis. Lib. Sch., 1918. Teacher, high sch, 1906-07; with Ameri- can Parlor Frame Co., 1907-15; lib., Wis. Rapids, 1918-19; with Northern Furniture Co., 1919-21; Travel Lib. Dept., Wis. Free Lib. Commn., 1924- 26, chief of dept., 1930—; mem. Am. Lib. Assn., Wis. Lib. Assn., O.E.S. (ma- tron, Sheboygan Chap., 1915-16), Inter- nat. Order of King's Daus. & Sons (pres., Wis. br., 1923-25), A.A.U.W. (chmn., Wis. unit fellowship crusade, 1929-33), League Women Voters, Wis. Fed. Women's Clubs (2nd v.p., 1938-41), Chi Omega. Clubs: Madison Altrusa, Madison Civics, Sheboygan Woman's. Travel: Eur., Cent. Am., Alaska, Can. Interests: reading and travel. Congre- gationalism Republican. Office: Travel- ing Library Dept., State Office Bldg., Madison 2, Wis. Home: 2541 Chamber- lin Av., Madison 5, Wis. HOLT, Wm. Arthur, lumberman; b. Lake Forest, HI., 16 Mar. 1865; s. D.R. Holt, lumberman, and Ellen (Hubbard) H.; ed. Lake Forest Acad.; Greylock Inst., (South William stown ) , Mass.; m. Lucy Rumsey of Lake Forest, 111., 25 July 1895; children — Jeannette R., Al- fred H., Eleanor, Donald R. Began work for Holt & Balcom, Chicago, HI., 1882, later in Oconto, Wis., took chg. of Holt Lumber Co., Oconto, Wis., 1888; pres., Holt Lumber Co., and Holt Hardwood Co., 1922—; tr. Moody Bible Inst., Chi- cago, 111.; mem. Nat. Lumber Mfg. Assn. (hon.), Northern Hemlock & Hard- wood Mfg. Assn. 9th Dist. Appeal Bd., Selective Service; mayor of Oconto, 4 yrs.; chmn. War Savings Drive during World War I. Clubs: Kiwanis, (Oconto) Golf, (Oconto), Union League (Chicago) Presbyterian (Elder for 52 yrs.). Re publican. Office: 106 Superior Av. Oconto, Wis. Home: 523 Main St., Ocon to, Wis. Summer home: Lakewood, Wis ROTHROCK, John Lincoln, physician b. Mifflintown, Pa., 12 July 1863; s. Joseph Rothrock, farmer, and Eliza (Seiber) R.; ed. Airy View Acad., Port Royal, Pa., Missionary Inst., Selins- grove, Pa.; A.B., Gettysburg Coll.; 1885, D.Sc, 1934; M.D., Univ. Pa., 1888. Pract. med., St. Paul, 1890-1932, special- ist, obstetrics, gynecology; teacher, Univ. Minn., 1895-1915, assoc. prof, ob- stetrics and gynecology, 1915-30; prof, emeritus, 1936—; asst. Health Commnr., St. Paul, 1897-98; mem. A.M. A., Ramsey Co. Med. Soc, A.C.S., Minn. Acad. Med., Central Assn. Obstetricians & Gynecologists. Club: Minnesota. Author: Ten Years of Obstetrics & Gynecology in Private Practice, 1933. Interests: mu- sic, history. Recreations: hunting, fish- ing. Lutheran. Republican. Home: 140 W. Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn. Died. BOND, Lee, lawyer; b. Leavenworth, Kan., 21 Mar. 1873; s. William Henry Bond and Josephine (Fisher) B.; ed. Leavenworth high sch.; Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo.; m. Veva Atchi- son of Leavenworth, Kan., 27 Sept. 1899. Practised law, Leavenworth; pros, atty., Leavenworth Co., 1905-13, U.S. Commr., 1907-30; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Kan. Bar Assn., Leavenworth Co. Bar Assn. Clubs: Ft. Leavenworth Officers, University (Kan. City, Mo.), Leaven- worth Country. Travel: Eur., Mediter- ranean countries. Republican. Office: Times Bldg., Leavenworth, Kan. Home! 520 S. Broadway, Leavenworth, Kan. RAMSEYER, Roy Arthur, lawyer; b. Danvers, 111., 16 Mar. 1889; s. M.L. Ramseyer, farmer, and Mary Louisa (Risser) R.; ed. 111. State Normal Univ., 1912; A.B., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1915, LL.B., 1916; m. Ruth F. Bodell of Bloomington, 111., 19 Feb. 1922; 1 dau., Dorothy Ann. Teacher, public sens., 1908-09, 1912-13, Bloomington Law Sch., 1924-27; practiced law in Bloomington, 286 191&— ; mem. law firm, Pratt, Heffer- nan & Ramseyer, 1919; p. pres. Bd. of Ed., Bloomington, 111.; U.S. Army, May 1918-Jan. 1919; mem. 111. State Com. and National Council Y.M.C.A.; mem. Am., State and McLean Co. Bar Assns., Pi Kappa Delta, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Am. Legion, Masons. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Office: 407-411 Livingston Bldg., Bloomington, 111. Home: 1214 E. Grove St., Bloomington, 111. BOLLENSEN, George Steninger, for- eign manager; b. Naperville, 111., 8 Aug. 1875; s. Louis Christopher Bollensen (cartage contractor) and Elizabeth Anne (Steninger) B.; ed. Bryant & Stratton Bus. Coll.; m. Florence Elea- nor Risley of Chicago, 111., 5 Sept. 1905; children— George J., Robert Hinde, Lou- is Charles, Richard Francis. Dir., Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co., Comptometer Co., Moline Terrace Bldg. Corp.; mem. For. Trade Com. of Chicago, Assn. Com- merce, 111. Mfrs. Assn.; mem. Nat. For. Trade Council. Clubs: Export Managers of Chicago, Union League. Travel: many times of all Eur. countries except Balkans. Maternal g.f. came by covered wagon from Lehigh County, Pa., to 111., 1845, his ancestors fought in Am. Revol. Methodist. Republican. Office: 1735 North Paulina St., Chicago, 111. Home: R.F.D. 2, Woodstock, 111. PREUS, Jacob Aall Ottesen, attorney- at-law, vice president; b. Morrisonville, Wis., 28 Aug. 1883; s. Christian Keyser Preus, coll. president, and Louise Au- gusta (Hjort) P.; ed. A.B., Luther Coll., Decorah, la., 1903; LL.B., Univ. Minn., 1906; LL.D., Augustana Coll., St. Peter, Minn., June 1921; m. Idella Louise Haugen of Decorah, la., 26 Nov., 1909; children — Jacob A. O., Jr., Robert David. Messenger, U.S. Senate; clerk, Public Lands Com. and to Sen. Knute Nelson of Minn.; exec, elk., Gov. A.O. Eberhart; twice ins. commissioner Minn.; twice auditor, Minn.; twice Gov.; v. pres., W.A. Alexander and Co.; chmn. bd., Lutheran Brotherhood, Minn.; attorney-at-law. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn., Chicago, Attic (Chicago). Minneapolis (Minneapolis) . Lutheran. Republican. Office: 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1400 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Gun- flint Lake, Ont., Can., via Grand Marais, Minn. SYMONS, Arthur Henley, executive; b. Spiceland, Ind., 1872; s. John Sy- mons, farmer, and Ellen (Henley) S.; ed. Spiceland Acad.; Univ. Kan.; m. Mary Etta Bills, 1904; children— John Griffith, Helen, Sara Leigh, pres., Sy- mons Clamp & Mfg. Co.; mem. Sigma Chi. Clubs : Oak Park, River Forest Ten- nis. Quaker. Republican. Office: 4249 Diversey Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 743 Park Av., River Forest, 111. WARD, John William George, minis- ter; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; s. John George Ward, newspaper production, and Anne (Wilde) W.; ed. Liverpool Sch. of Techn., Sci. and Art; Nottingham Cong. Coll., honor student, 1912; D.D., Cong. Coll. of Can.; Litt.D., Olivet Coll., Michi- gan; m. Alice Elsie Baskerville, of Liverpool, Eng.; children — Eileen Bas- kerville, Kenneth Beecher. Several yrs. of bus.; then trained for Cong, minis- try, ordained 1912; Emmanuel Ch., Bootle, Lanes., 1911-17; New Court, Tol- llngton Park, London, 1917-24; Emman- uel Ch., Montreal, Can., 1924-28; First Cong. Ch., Detroit, Mich., 1928-32; First Presb. Ch., Oak Park, 111., 1932—; 3 consecutive visits as special preacher, 3 yrs. Internat. Council Interchange from London to U.S.; special service with Y.M.C.A. in France, then hosp. orderly work with Brit. Red Cross, gen- eral service medal in World War I. Club: Rotary (Oak Park). Staff writer, Church Management, various maga- zines under name of W. Hay Hardy. Author (books): Problems that Perplex: Parables for Little People; Messages from Master Minds; The Master and the Twelve; Treasure Trove for Little People; Cameos from Calvary; Chats with the Children; Portraits of the Prophets; Tragedy and Triumph oi Easter; Sermons for Special Days; His Last Week; The Glorious Galilean; The Refiner's Fire; The Beauty of the Beati- tudes; Steering by the Stars; The Rab- bit and the Clock; The God we Need; The Song of the Shepherd; More Para- bles for Little People; Plays and Christ- mas pageants, written and produced: Prejudice ; Samson and Delilah ; Crowded Out; A Syrian Romance; At Bethlehem's Inn. Travel: Eur., Can., U.S. Interests: dramatic reader and lec- turer (prize medal in elocution). Rec- reations: motion picture photog., ama- teur radio. Office: First Presbyterian Church, Oak Park, 111. Home: 1048 N. Euclid Av., Oak Park, 111. Summer home: Edgewater Terr., Lake Geneva, Wis. HILGER, William Peter, manufac- turer; b. Roscoe, Minn.; s. F.W. Hilger (dec), and Elizabeth (Terres) H. ; ed. St. John's Univ. (Collegeville) ; Carnegie Tech. (Pittsburgh, Pa.); m. Elizabeth G. Heid of St. Cloud, Minn., 7 Feb 287 1931; children — Marie, Robert. Bank clerk, 1918-21; ins., loans, real etsate, 1921-27; founded The Hilger Co., 1927—; mem. Chamber Commerce, K.C. Clubs: Rotary (pres.), St. Cloud Pilot's. Ma- ternal grandparents among the orig. Stearns Co. settlers, 1860. Interest: aviation. Recreations: golf, fishing. Catholic. Office: The Hilger Industrial Bldg., 33rd & Cooper Sts., St. Cloud, Minn. Home: 37 Highbanks St., St. Cloud, Minn. CRAFT, William Arthur, director Re- gional Swine Breeding Laboratory; b. Jonesboro, Ark., 9 Sept. 1894; s. John M. Craft, farmer, and Ella (Gambill) C. ; ed. State Agr. Sch. (Jonesboro, Ark.); B.S., la. State Coll., 1922, M.S., 1923; Ph.D., Univ. Wis., 1932; m. Mabel Lahart of Ames, la., 6 Oct. 1923. En- gaged in teaching and research, Okla. A.M. Coll., 1923-35; in charge swine in- vestigations, Bur. Animal Industry, Washington, D.C., 1936-37; dir. U.S. Re- gional Swine Breeding Lab., 1937 — ; Q. M. sgt., Q.M.C., Remount Service, U. S.A., July 1918-30 Apr. 1919; mem. A.A. A.S., Am. Soc. Geneticists, Am. Soc. Animal Production, la. Acad. Sci., Sig- ma Xi, Alpha Zeta. Club: Lions. Au- thor: bulletins and journal articles on inbreeding swine, breeding and feeding practices in livestock, sex ratios in hy- brid mammals, hereditary defects in livestock. Travel: Can., British Isles. Interest: photog. Recreations: fishing, golf. Episcopalian. Office: Agr. Hall, Ames, la. Home: 208 Gray Av., Ames, la. PRESSEY, Sidney Leavitt, teacher; b. New York, N.Y., 28 Dec. 1888; s. Edwin Sidney Pressey, clergyman, and Orie Bell (Little) P.; ed. East high sch., Minneapolis, Minn, A.B., Williams Coll., 1912; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1915, Ph.D., 1917; m. Alice Donnelly of Co- lumbus, O. Interne and asst. psycholo- gist, Boston Psychopathic Hosp., 1916- 17; res. assoc, Ind. Univ., 1917-21; asst. prof., O. State Univ., 1921-26, prof., 1926—; P.A.A.A.S.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Am. Psychological Assn., Am. Assn. of Applied Psychology, Midwestern Psychological Assn. (pres., 1943), Am. Edn. Res. Assn., Phi Delta Kappa. Author: 6 books and over 100 arts, on ed., abnormal and gen. psy- chology in profl. jours. Recreations: golf, photog. Office: Arps Hall, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O. Home: 215 N. Delta Dr., Columbus, O. THACKER, Florence K., lawyer; b. LaGrange, 10 Dec. 1393; d. Chauncey M. Kauffman, farmer, and Emma S. (Steirnagle) K.; ed. LaGrange high sch.; Tri-State Coll.; Wis. Univ.; Pur- due Univ.; LL.B., Benjamin Harrison Law Sch., 1931; J.D., Ind. Law Sch., 1938; m. Jefferson D. Thacker of San Benito, 9 Dec. 1916. Teacher home eco- nomics and hist., LaGrange Co., 10 yrs. ; engaged in pract. law, 1931 — ; lecturer before women's clubs; asst. dir., Teach- ers Licensing of State Ind. (apptd.); mem. Am. Bar Assn., Nat. Assn. Women Lawyers (treas., 1932-40, pres. 1940-41), Ind. Assn. Women Lawyers, Indianapo- lis Bar Assn. Clubs: Lawyers (Indiana- polis), Women's Rotary (Indianapolis), Indianapolis Fed. Community Civic (sec, 1934-41), Pilot Internat. (dir.), In- dianapolis Republican. Travel: Can., Mex., U.S. Desc. pioneer settlers, La- Grange Co., about 1830. Interests: as- tronomy, astrology. Recreation: hiking in hills. Protestant. Republican. Office: 818 Fletcher Trust Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 171 W. 44th St., Indiana- polis, Ind. Summer res.: Alpine Lodge, Nashville, Brown Co., Ind. NO YES, Frank E„ publisher; b. Ap- pleton, Wis., 21 Apr. 1856; s. Luther B. Noyes, editor, and Frances Sophia Isabella (Woodward) N.; ed. A.B., Law- rence Coll. and Univ. Wis., 1878; m. Aletha Belle Carter of Ceres, Calif., 10 Sept. 1890; children — Eugene Carter, Linwood Irving, Fama Isabella Keith. Learned to set type and worked at printing pres3, 1868-78; dir. Liberty Loan Corp., Chicago, Farmers and Mer- chants Bank, Marinette, Wis. News Pub- lishing Co., Marshfield, Wis, Globe Pub- lishing Co., Ironwood, Mich., Eagle Printing Co., Marinette, Wis.; mem. Am. Geographical Soc, N.Y.; S.A.R.; Masons, (oldest permanent mem., 1898, 33d deg.). Club: Kiwanis. Travel: Eur. Grandfather Isaac Noyes was physician and druggist in the 1840 's, father was district atty. at Appleton, Wis., 1855. Interest: monuments (erected a number of geographical and hist.). Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 1809-11-13 Dunlap Av., Marinette, Wis. Home: 644 Marin- ette Av., Marinette, Wis. », MOORE, Maurice Malcolm, lawyer; b. Grand Rapids, 20 Sept. 1884; s. Mal- colm Maurice Moore, lawyer, and Mar- garet (Ballard) M.; ed. Central high sch. (Washington, D.C.); LL.B., George Washington Univ. (Eng. & Law), 1913; M.P.L., Georgetown Univ., 1913; m. Ol- ive Brown of Salem, Mass., 23 Dec. 1919; children — Lt. Maurice Malcolm (j.g.) USNR, Mary Margaret. Admitted to bar, D.C., 1912, U.S. Supreme Ct.. 288 1915, Minn., 1923; sec. Internat. Diplo- matic Conf. Protection Industrial Prop- erty, 1910, Justice Charles E. Hughes of U.S. Supreme Ct., 1912-14; assoc. with Heard, Smith & Tennant in pract. patent law, Boston, Mass., 1914-17; mem. firm, Paul, Paul, & Moore, Minneapolis, spe- cializing in law pract. of patents, trade- marks, copyrights and unfair compe- tition, 1920—; ensign, It., U.S.N. Flying Corps, U.S. Naval Acad., Moutchic-La- caneaux, Dunkerque, Fr., Zeebrugge Mole, Belgium, 1917-19; mem. Am. Bar Assn. (mem. resolutions com., 1937, v. p., 1928-29), Minn. State and Hennepin Co. Bar Assns., Am. Patent Law Assn., Minn. Patent Law Assn. (pres., 1942- 43), Internat. Assn. Protection Indus- trial Property (Am. Group), Am. Le- gion (Minn.), Navy League of U.S. (pres. Minneapolis Council) Mayflower Soc. (D.C., Minn.), S.A.R. (D.C.), Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Min- neapolis, Minikahda. Travel: Eng., Fr., Belgium, Can., W. Indies, Cent. & So. Am. Interest: gen. sciences. Recrea- tion: golf. Congregationalist. Republi- can. Office: 710 Midland Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 234 Ridge- wood Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. REYNOLDS, Margaret, librarian; b. Manistee, Mich., 26 Nov. 1883; d. Fred- eric Chapman Reynolds and Alice (My- rick) R.; ed. East Side high sch., Mil- waukee, Wis.; Milwaukee-Downer Coll.; Univ. Wis. Library Sch. Librarian, Sch. for Deaf, Jacksonville, 111.; chief, peri- odical div., Univ. and Hist. Librarian, Madison, Wis.; libr., lecturer, Milwau- kee-Downer Coll.; orgn., libr., First Wis. Nat. Bank Library, 1918—; lec- turer on books before ch., club & P.T.A. groups, and various branches Am. Assn. Univ. Women; lecturer in course on bus. libraries Riverside (Calif.) Library Service Sch.; life mem. Am. Library Assn., Special Libraries Assn., Am. Assn. Univ. Women, D.A.R., Milwaukee- Downer Alumni Assn. Club: Woman's of Wis. Author: copyrighted corr. course on the Business Library; monthly dept., Books and Booklets for the Busy Banker, in Mid-W e s t e r n Banker. Travel: U.S., Caribbean countries. In- terest: first edits, in Am. poetry. Rec- reations: walking, golfing. Conglist. Re- publican. Office: 735 N. Water St., Mil- waukee, Wis. Home: 2751 N. Shepard Av,, Milwaukee, Wis. COOPER, Benjamin H., retired; s. Benjamin H. Cooper and Clara A. (Pur- year) C; b. New Orleans, La., 23 Sept. 1880; ed. Dayton, (Ky.) high sch.; Ohio Mechanics Inst.; Employee War Dept., 1899-1938; registered prof. engr. State of Pa.; mem. Nat. Soc. of Frof. Engrs.; Pa. Soc. of Prof. Engrs.; Engrs. of Pa.; Army Ordinance Assn.; Sons of Union Vets., Civil War; Soc. of Am. Mil. Engrs.; Free mason. Recreation: rifle markmanship (life mem. Nat. Rifle Assn. of Am.). Presbyterian. Republi- can. Home: box 149, Newport, Ky. CAMPBELL, Gilbert Lewis, librarian; b. Evanston, HI., 19 Apr. 1914; s. Gil- bert L. Campbell, writer, and Maude (Voris) C. ; ed. schs., Evanston (HI.) Twp.; B.S., Purdue Univ., 1937; B.S. (in Library Sci.), Univ. 111., 1938; stud- ied towards M.S. in Geology, Univ. Ariz., 1938; m. Lollie S. Watrous of Lake Worth, Fla., 23 Dec. 1940; 1 dau., Mar- garet Ann. Cataloger, Mo. Sch. Mines Library, apptd. actg. libr., Sept. 1939. libr., Sept. 1940 — ; mem. Am. Library Assn., Special Libraries Assn., Am. Inst. Mining & Met. Engrs., Am. Petroleum Inst., Pi Kappa Phi. Author: several articles on photographic technique in various photographic jours. Travel: Cuba, Mex., W. Indies, U.S. Interests: application of photographic methods to library work and edn. in gen., and in ceramics, travel, photo. Recreations: hiking, swimming. Methodist. Republi- can. Office: Mo. Sch. Mines, Rolla, Mo. Home: Rolla, Mo. OLPIN, Albert Ray, research direc- tor; b. Pleasant Grove, Ut., 1 June 1898; s. Albert Henry Olpin, planing mill operator, and Alvira (Smith) O.; ed. Pleasant Grove high sch.; A.B., Brigham Young Univ., 1923; Ph.D., Co- lumbia Univ., 1930; m. Elva Chipman of American Fork, Ut., 1922; children — Helen, Barbara, Virginia Howard. Mem. tech. staff, Bell Tel. Labs., 1925-33; res. dir. Kendall Mills, 1933-38; exec, dir., Ohio State Univ. Research Foundation, 1939—; assoc. ed. Journal of Applied Physics, 1937-38, Review of Sci. Instru- ments, 1941-42; O. Farm Chemurgic Comran.; Fellow American Physical Soc; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, O. Farm Chemurgic Council, Sigma Xi, Tau Kappa Alpha. Clubs: O.S.U. Golf, Fac- ulty, Torch, Cosmos. Author: Numerous technical pubis, in physical field; co- author: Physics In Industry, Return of Opportunity. Travel: Japan, China, Korea. Interest: reading. Recreations: golf, volley ball. Latter Day Saints. Re- publican. Office: Ohio State Univ., Co- lumbus, O. Home: 2045 Wickford Rd., Columbus 8, O. LAWRIE, James Wright, chemist; b. Paisley, Scotland, 27 Apr. 1881; s. John 289 Lawrie, mcht., and Ellen (Browning) L.; ed. Englewood high sch., Chicago, HI.; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1904, Ph.D., 1906; m. Florence Gibb of Chicago, 111., 9 May 1908; children — Malcolm, James Jr., Donald. Former partner, Miner- Lawrie Labs., 1908; chief chem., Inter- nal Harvester Co., 1908-10; chief chem., The Pullman Co., 1910-12; gen. mgr., Ger.-Am. Chem. Co., 1912-14; dir. res., W.F. Jobbins, Inc., 1914-19; dir. Organic Div. duPont Co., 1919-27; gen. consultant duPont, 1927-29; owner Lawrie Labs., 1929-30; dir. res., A.O. Smith Corp., 1930- 33, Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., 1933—; appointed maj. in chem. warfare during World War I. Author: Glycerol and the Glycols; Glycerol (Aliens Organic Analysis) ; Unit Chemical Engineering Processes (Olsen); Glycerol (Internat. Encyclopedia). Recreations: golf, sail- ing. Christian. Republican. Office: Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., 235 W. Galena St., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 1228 E. Juneau Av., Milwaukee, Wis. PILLSBURY, John Sargent, business executive; b. Minneapolis, 6 Dec. 1878; s. Charles A. Pillsbury, flour miller, and Mary Ann (Stinson) P.; ed. Cent, high sch., Minneapolis; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1900; m. J. Eleanor Lawler of Minneapolis, Minn., 5 Dec. 1911; chil- dren — John S., Jr., Edmund P., Ella Sturgis (Mrs. Thomas M. Crosby), Charles A., Jane L., George S. Chmn. of bd., Pillsbury Flour Mills Co.; dir. Wis. Cent. R.R., Northwestern Nat. Bank, Northwest Bancorporation, Mun- singwear, Inc., Wayne Knitting Co., The Vassar Co., Atlantic Elevator Co., Min- neapolis Council of Soc. Agencies, Orches- tral Assn. of Minneapolis; tr. Pillsbury Settlement House; mem., Minn. N.G., Batt. adj., with rank of 1st. Lieut., until 1904. Clubs: Minneapolis, Woodhill, Min- neapolis Athletic, Chicago (Chicago), River, The Links (N.Y.), Gulf Stream, Seminole, Bath and Tennis, Everglades (Palm Beach). Recreation: golf. Con- glist. Republican. Office: 301 Metropo- litan Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: Crystal Bay, Minn. MAYERS, Laurence Hampson, physi- cian; b. Millersburg, O., 7 July 1887; s. Samuel Edginton Mayers, mcht., and Lola (Magee) M.; ed. private tutoring; A.B., Bethany Coll., W.Va., 1909; A.M., Univ. 111., 1910, M.D., 1915; m. Elsa Lambert, Aug. 1941. Assoc, in med., Univ. of 111., 1915-18, Northwestern Univ., 1919-23, asst. prof, med., 1923—; jr. attending phys., med. service, St. Luke's Hosp., 1920—; 1st It, major, U. S.A., 1917-19, foreign service, 1918-19; mem. A.M.A., Am. Bd. Internal Med., Soc. Internal Med., Inst. Med., 111. State Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Nu Sig- ma Nu, Beta Theta Pi; F.A.C.P. Clubs: University, Bob O' Link, Tavern, Chi- cago Athletics, Chicago golf. Author: What We are and Why; articles in med. jours. Christian. Office: 55 E. Washing- ton St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2573 N. Deere Park Dr., Highland Park, HI. DOBBINS, Donald C, lawyer; b. Dewey, HI., 20 Mar. 1878; s. Foster Dobbins, farmer, and Margaret (Beard) D.; ed. Dixon Coll.; Univ. HI., 1896; George Washington Univ., 1906; m. Nel- lie Irene Vernam of Washington, Pa., 25 Dec. 1901 (dec, 1919); 1 son, Donald V.; m. (2nd) Mrs. Grace Maxwell of Champaign, HI., 7 May 1920. Teacher, 1896-99; corr. 1900-06; Post Office Inspec- tor, 1906-09; atty. 1909—; sr. mem. Dob- bins, Dobbins & Thomas, lawyers; mem. Congress 1933-37; del., Dem. Nat. Conv., 1936; presidential elector, 1940; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., HI. Hist. Soc, Phi Delta Phi (hon.), Order of the Coif (hon.), Champaign Chamber Commerce, Champaign Co., 111. State and Am. Bar Assns. Clubs: Rotary (dir.), Champaign County Country (dir.). Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: 30 Main St., Champaign, HI. Home: 110 N. Prospect Av., Champaign, HI. Died, 14 Feb. 1943. ZIEGENHAGEN, Marie, county treas- urer; b. New London, Wis., 5 Feb. 1883; d. August Ziegenhagen and Helene (Schroeder) Z.; ed. New London (Wis.) high sch.; Appleton (Wis.) Business Coll. Began as bookkeeper, later mgr., Willy & Co. Flour Mill.; elected co. treas.; mem. League of Women Voters, Am. Legion Aux., Valparaiso Guild. Clubs: Appleton Woman's, Appleton Girls, Republican. Lutheran. Republican. Office: Ct. House, Appleton, Wis. Home: 103 N. Durkee St., Appleton, Wis. Died, 21 Oct. 1941. STERBA, Gertrude Kosmoski, libra- rian; b. Owatonna, Minn., 10 June 19; d. Anton Kosmoski, engineer, and Ger- trude (Wiza) K.; ed. Owatonna Minn, high sch. (grad.); Univ. of Wis. Library Sch. (grad.), 1924; m. Paul Ernest Sterba of Ponca City, Okla., 26 June 1928; 1 son, Paul, Jr. Asst. libr., public lib., Owatonna, Minn.; head cataloger and ref., pub. lib., Eau Claire, Wis.; libr., Carnegie Lib., Dowagiac, Mich.; libr., Ponca City Lib., Ponca City, Okla., 11 Mar. 1927—; served on Okla. Lib. Planning Bd., 1933—; mem. Am. 290 Lib. Assn., Okla. Lib. Assn. (pres.), 1933-34, Southwestern Lib. Assn. (2nd v.p.), 1936-38, B.P.W. Club: Commerce. Interests: reading, entertaining. Recrea- tions: dancing, bridge. Catholic. Demo- crat. Office: Ponca City Library, Ponca City, Okla. Home: 739 N. 4th, Ponca City, Okla. BERING, Augustus L., hotel man- ager; b. Lynchburg, O.; s. John A. Bering, mcht., and Sylvia (West) B.; ed. Lynchburg (O.) high sch.; m. Helen Burke of Chicago, 111. Asst. gen. mgr. sec. and treas., Hotel Sherman, Chi- cago; mem. Chicago Hotel Men's Assn., Masons (32d deg., K.T., Shrine), K.P., Mil. Order Loyal Legion, S.A.R., Chi- cago Historical Soc, Rotary. Interests: art, lit. Recreation: golf. Office and home: Hotel Sherman, Chicago, 111. GILLARDE, Lorenzo Pat, fruit and vegetable dealer; b. Litchfield, 111., 23 Oct. 1886; s. John Gillarde, wholesale jobbing business, and Antoinette (Da- qula) G.; ed. Litchfield grammer sch.; m. Anna Sodear of St. Louis, Mo., 10 Jan. 1909; children — Antoinette, Louise, John, Lawrence. Assoc, with father, wholesale jobbing business, Springfield, 111., 1905-10, Chicago, 1921; pres. L. Gil- larde Co., 1924 — , Snow Ice Co.; mem. United Commercial Travelers Assn. Clubs: Town, Ridgemoor Country. Rec- reation: golf. Catholic. Office: 79 S. Water Market, Chicago, HI. CROSS, Stephen Anthony, lawyer; b. Neoga, HI., 14 Mar. 1881; s. James H. Cross and Charity Adaline (Dodds) C. ; ed. B.S., Valparaiso Univ., 1905; LL.B., Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law, 1910; m. Edna M. Smith of Forrest, HI., 27 Apr. 1915; children— James A., Roger B. Taught sch. and attended coll. (coun- try sch.) 1899-1907 (sci. dept., Bloom Twp. high sch., Chicago Heights), then entered law sch.; practiced law, Kansas City, Mo., 1911; returned to Chicago as mem. firm, Bell & Cross, 1911-18; assoc. with Jeffery Campbell & Clark, 1918-26; mem. firm Ogren & Cross, 1926-34; with brother formed firm Cross & Cross, 1934, still mem. with son, Roger B. Cross; mem. Am., 111. and Chicago Bar Assns., Chicago Law Inst. Clubs: Legal, Co- operative, Executives. Recreations: golf, motoring, travel. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 5050 N. St. Louis Av., Chicago, 111. Summer home: Pent- water, Mich. MARTY, Carl, retired cheesedealer; b. Switzerland, 3 Apr. 1873; s. Jacob J. Marty, cheesemaker, and Katherina (Burkhalter) M. ; ed. Herisau, Switz., high sch.; m. Verena Isely of Monroe, Wis., 16 Dec. 1897; children— Carl, Wal- ter, Catherine, Robert. Engaged in cheesemaking trade, 1887-92; ed. Green Co. Herold, Monroe, Wis., 1896-1901; bookkeeper, Cheese Firms, 1901-10; sr. mem., Carl Marty & Co., now Lake- . shire-Marty Co.; mem. State Bd. Agr. Markets, 1938; mem. Chicago Art Inst (life), Switz- Am. Hist. Soc. (life), Green Co. Hist. Soc. Clubs: Turner Hall, Mon- roe, Country, Co. Progressive. Author: numerous poems in Swiss, Ger., Eng. Travel: Eur. Ancestors active in fur- thering the Swiss cheese industry, Mon- roe, Green Co., Swiss Cheese Capital of U.S. Interests: painting, poetry, col- lecting antiques. Recreations: golf, hik- ing in the northwoods. Progressive. Home: 2290-16 St., Monroe, Wis. Sum- mer res.: Three Lakes, Wis. SCOTT, George Clytus, director of re- search; b. Arrowsmith, 111., 6 Dec. 1900; s. Henry M. Scott, farmer, and Mary (Slingloff) S.; ed. Arrowsmith high sch.; B.S., HI. Wesleyan Univ., 1923; M.S., Iowa State Coll., 1925; m. Dorothy- Craven of Ames, la., 26 Dec. 1925; 1 son, George C, Jr. Prof., chemistry & physics, Parsons Junior Coll., 1925-26; research chemist, Am. Can Co., 1926- 29; dir. research, Minnesota Valley Can- ning Co., 1929—; pres., Minn. Canners Assn.; dir., Central Wisconsin Canner- ies; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Inst. Food Technologists, Am. Assn. for Adv. Science, Am. Inst. Chemists (fellow), Phi Gamma Delta, Masons. Clubs: Min- neapolis Athletic. Author: papers on canning technology. Travel: U.S., Can. Interest: science. Recreations: fishing, hunting, golf, bowling. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: 1200 Commerce St., Le Sueur, Minn. Home: 328 So. Main St., Le Sueur, Minn. CALL, Lloyd Leonard, electrical en- gineer; b. Waterloo, Wis., 16 Feb. 1894; s. Adelbert Call, inventor, farmer, and Bertha (Kenning) C; ed. high sch., Beaver Dam, Wis., 1914; B.S. (in E.E.), Univ. Wis., 1918, M.S. (in math, and phys.), 1920; m. Vera J. Skinner of Tomah, Wis., 29 Dec. 1921; children- Betty Jane, Lotita Ann. Elec. engr., Gen. Electric Co., 1920; research engr., Detroit Edison Co., 1920-22; develop- ment engr., Western Electric Co., 1922- 25; chief engr., Gen. Electric X-Ray Corp., Chicago, 111., 1925—; dir. Du- Page Co., Tuperculosis Assn.; honor- able discharge U.S.A. (because of de- fective vision), 1916, war research, 1917- 291 18; mem. A.I.E.E. Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Acacia. Club: Glen Oak Country. Author: several short techni- cal articles. Travel: Can., Mex., U.S. (38 states). Recreations: fishing, hunt- ing, swimming. Conglist. Republican. Office: 2012 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 242 Taylor Av., Glen Ellyn 111. GIFFORD, Sanford R., ophthalmolo- gist; b. Omaha, Neb., 8 Jan. 1892; s. Harold Gifford and Mary (Millard) G.: ed. Omaha high sch.; A.B., Cornell Univ., 1913; M.D., Univ. Neb., 1918, M.A., 1924; m. Alice Carter of Omaha, Neb., 11 July 1917; children— Sanford Gifford, Carter Gifford. Prof, ophthal- mology, Northwestern Univ. Med. Coll.; served during World War I as 1st lieut. U.S. Med. Corps, 1917-18; mem. Am. Ophthalmol. Soc, Am. Acad, ophthal- m o 1 o g. and Oto-Rhino-Larynology. Clubs: Cliff Dwellers, University, Tav- ern. Author: A Handbook of Ophthalmic Therapeutics; Textbook of Ophthalmol- ogy. Independent. Office: 720 N. Mighi- gan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1430 Lake Dr., Chicago, 111. Died, 25 Feb. 1944. SCANLAN, Chester J., mechanical en- gineer; b. Bloomington, HI., 6 Feb. 1897; s. William S. and Mary M. (Hensler) S.; B.S., Univ. 111., 1919, M.E. (hon.), 1935; m. Nelle T. Curley, 21 Aug. 1921; children — Donald Joseph, William Fran- cis, Teresa Eileen, Robert James. Sales engr., Four Wheel Drive Auto Truck Co., Clintonville, Wis., 1919; engr., Leon- ard F. W. Stuebe & Co., Danville, 111., 1919-20; chief engr., Moline (111.) Heat Co., 1920-22; engr., Am. Foundry & Fur- nace Co., Bloomington, 111., 1922-23; spl. testing work, P.H. MaGirl Foundry & Furnace Co., Bloomington, 1924; chief engr., Williams Oil-O- Matic Heating Corp., Bloomington, 1924-27; designing work for various concerns, 1928-29; chief engr., Trane Co., LaCrosse, Wis., 1929- 32; mfrs. rep. and cons, engr., operating under own name, Bloomington, 1932 — ; served as seaman U.S.N. R.F., 1917-25; mem. Am. Legion, Sigma Tau, Pi Tau Sigma; p. mem., Soc. Heating and Ven- tilating Engrs., Soc. Refrigerating Engrs. Republican. Catholic. Clubs: Au- thor various tech. papers; pub. res. work on effect of radiant heat on the coefficients of heat transmission of bldg. materials, 1931; first to propose sci. method of rating extended surface when cooling moist air; patented unit ventilator damper control; co-patentor effective temperature control of ventila- tion. Address: 1406 E. Olive St., Bloom- ington, 111. RRAUNS, Friedrich Emil, research chemist; b. Eisenach, Ger., 13 July 1890; s. Adolf Eduard Brauns, physi- cian, surgeon, and Helene (Fuchs) B.; ed. Realgymnasium, Eisenach; Goet- tingen Univ.; Munich Univ.; Ph.D., Ber- lin Univ., 1915; m. Dorothy A. Gill of Ottawa, Can., 1936. Asst. to Prof. Emil Fischer, Berlin, Ger., 1919; instr. or- ganic chem., Univ. Berlin, 1920; res. chem., Rutgersworke Akfiengesellschaft, Erkner, 1920-21, Koholyt A.G., Konigs- berg and Berlin, 1922-26, Zellstoff-Fabrik Waldhof, 1926-30; asst. to Prof. K. Freu- denberg, Munich and Freiburg, 1921-22; fellow and asst., Canadian Pulp and Paper Assn., Dept. Cellulose & Indus- trial Chem., McGill Univ., Montreal, 1930-35; res. assoc. and instr. organic chem., Inst. Paper Chemistry, Apple- ton, Wis., 1935—; It. German air force, 4 yrs. during World War I; reed. Iron Cross, 1st and 2nd class, Knight's Cross of white falcon, 1st and 2nd class; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Sigma Xi, Tech. Assn. Pulp & Paper Industry. Interest: stamp collecting. Protestant. Office: Inst. Paper Chemistry, Appleton, Wis. Home: 306 S. River St., Appleton, Wis. ALLSTROM, Henry Willard, vice president, actuary; b. Red Bank, N.J., 4 Sept. 1880; s. Harold K. AHstrom, musician, and Mary (Beyer) S.; m. Edith H. Kleine of New York, N.Y., 22 Jan. 1907; children— Mar jorie K., H. Willard, Jr. Began actuarial work with Manhattan and N.Y. Life Ins. Co., New York, N.Y.; became interested in or- ganization of Occidental Life Ins. Co. of Los Angeles, Calif., 1906, dir., sec, ac- tuary; became actuary, Northwestern Life Ins. Co., Minneapolis, 1911; be- came sec, actuary, Minn. Mutual Life Ins. Co., St. Paul, 1918, now v.p., tr., actuary; mem. Actuarial Soc. of Am., Minn., St. Paul Athletic. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 156 E. 6th St., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 922 Fairmount Av., St. Paul, Minn. MURISON, Charles Edward, lawyer; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 10 Jan. 1865; s. Alexander Murison, grain exporter, and Mary (Sheret) M.; ed. Chicago South Division high sch.; m. Annie M. Gris- wold of Chicago, 111., 29 May 1888; chil- dren—Dorothy Murison Brown, Joseph- ine Murison Lloyd dir. The 111. Humane Soc; mem. Chicago Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn. Recreation: gardening. Pres- byterian. Republican. Office: 9 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 65 Onwentsia Av., Highland Park, 111. COMPTQN, Frank Elbert, publisher; b. Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., 7 Aug. 1874; 292 s. Harry Henry Compton and Frances (Shepard) C; ed. Wis. Rapids high sen., Wis. Univ. class of 1898; m. Emma Blaeser of Newark, N.J., 10 Oct. 1905 (dec, 1914); children—Frank Freder- ick, Edna McAdoo; m. (2nd) Annie Howe Cothran of New York City, 21 July 1917 (dec, 1936); 1 dau., Josephine Wilson; m. (3rd) Gloria Vaughan Wain- wright of Papeete, Tahiti, 15 Aug. 1938; children— Jo deBrath, Eve. Joined firm headed by Chandler B. Beach, 1894, bought out firm, changed name to F.E. Compton & Co., 1907 (chmn. bd.); dir., Chicago Daily Times; mem. Subscrip- tion Book Publishers' Assn. (pres., 1921- 22), Theta Delta Chi (pres., 1911-13), Univ. of Wis. Soc of Chicago. Clubs: Skokie Country (pres., 1919-20), Univer- sity. Publisher: Compton 's Pictured En- cyclopedia, Compton's Picture Library and Source Materials. Travel: world. Interest: travel. Recreations: fishing, golf. Independent. Office: 1000 N. Dear- born St., Chicago, 111. Home: 775 Grove St., Glencoe, HI. GANN, David B., lawyer; b. Bellevue, O.; ed. Western Res. Acad., Univ. Mich.; m. Georgie E. Kerr of Buffalo, N.Y., 30 Nov. 1922; 1 dau., Mrs. Eleanor Gann Prosser. Assoc with A.M. Castle & Co., Mercantile Nat. Bank, Chicago; mem. Chicago and 111. State (sr. coun- sel) Bar Assns. Clubs: Chicago Ath- letic, Glenview Country, Attic, Chicago. Protestant. Republican. Office: 135 So. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 179 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Died, 24 July 1945. PULVER, Harry E., professor of civil and structural engineering; b. Viroqua, Wis., 20 Nov. 1884; s. Joseph Pulver, furniture dealer, and Ellen (Derby) P.; ed. Viroqua (Wis.) high sen.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1910, C.E., 1911; m. Mattie Edith Hall of Viroqua, Wis., 6 Aug. 1917; 1 son, William Hall. Research asst, Univ. Wis.; instr. civil engring., Rens- selaer Poly. Inst.; instr., Coll. of En- gring., Univ. Wis.; prof, civil engring., Inst. Tech., Shanghai, China; prof, civil and structural engring., Univ. of Wis.; mem. Soc. for Promotion of En- gring. Edn., Am. Concrete Inst. Wis. Engring. Soc. Club: Kiwanis. Co-au- thor: Concrete Practice, Reinforced Concrete Construction; assoc. ed. : Hool & Kinne's Structural Engineers Hand- book Series; author: Materials of Con- struction, Construction Estimates and Costs. Interest: writing engring. texts. Recreation: golf. Conglist. Republican. Office: Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Home: 718 Huron Hill, Madison, Wis. HALL, Marguerite Franldyn, associ- ate professor; b. Toledo, O.; d. Frank P. Hall, and Margaret F. (Bottimer) H.; ed. Old Central high sen., Toledo, O.; A.B., Oberlin Coll., 1914; Univ. To- ledo; Leland Stanford; A.M., Univ. Teacher, pub. sens., 1914-29; res. asst., Univ. Mich., 1930-36, instr., 1936-37, asst. prof., 1937-45; assoc. prof., 1945—; co- worker in various res. projects; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Lambda Theta, Delta Omega, A.A.U.P., A.A.A.S., Am. Pub. Health Assn., A.A. U.W. Clubs: Faculty Women's, Women's Research, Physanden. Author: Public Health Statistics; Medical Relief in Michigan (co-author with N. Sinai) ; Medical Relief Administration (with N. Sinai and R.E. Holmes). Travel: U.S. Desc. Adams family, former presidents of U.S. Interest: music. Recreation: travel. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: University of Michigan, Ann Ar- bor, Mich. Home: 25 Ridgeway, Ann Arbor, Mich. BRUCKNER, Edith Alexander, presi- dent; b. Macon, Ga., 18 June 1886; d. Alexander, artist and lawyer, and Elizabeth (Hatfield) A.; ed. Dayton (O.) pub. sens.; Northwestern Univ.; Univ. Chicago; m. William T. Bruckner of Chicago, HI., 25 May 1910; children- Herbert Alexander, Charlotte Bruckner Sweeney. Teacher, dept. English, high sen., Hastings, Mich.; mem. Du Page Co. United Charities (pres., 1928-39), Am. Red Cross. Clubs: Chicago College, Chicago Woman's, Woman's (Hinsdale, p. pres.), Du Page Co. Fed. Womens 1938—), Sarasota Woman's, HI. Garden, Abraham Lincoln Republican (v. pres.). Travel: Eur., Hawaiian Islands, U.S. Grandfather came from Scotland, 1850, settled, Macon, Ga. Active in recon- struction of South; maternal g.f. came from Belfast Ire., 1838, was active in Ohio politics for many years, graduate, Trinity college. Interests: politics, art, music, edn., civics, philanthropy, ani- mals. Recreation: horseback riding. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 30 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 307 S. Lincoln St., Hinsdale, 111. Summer res.: Mackniac Island, Mich. GARIEPY, Louis Joseph, surgeon; b. Bay City, Mich., 30 Nov., 1890; s. Louis J. Gariepy and Fannie (Mosse) G.; ed. Harbor Springs high sen.; pharmacy, Ferris Institute, Big Rapids, Mich., 1910; B.S., Univ. Mich., 1920, M.D. 1922; m. Lillian J. Weber of Kalamazoo, 293 Mich., 2 Aug., 1915; children— Louis B., Paul T., Dorothy Ann. Interne, Provi- dence Hosp., 1922; resident gynecolo- gist, Receiving Hosp., 1923-24, resident surgeon, 1925; chief of surgical staff, Mount Carmel Mercy Hosp.; attending surgeon Redford Receiving Hosp.; cons, surgeon, Wyandotte Hosp.; surgeon, chief, The Detroit Medical, Surgical and Dental Group; mem. Wayne Co. Med. Soc, Am. Med. Assn., Detroit Acad, of Surgery; Fellow of the Am. Coll. of Surgeons, Fellow of the International Coll. of Surgeons; sec. of the U.S. Chap, of Internat. College of Surgeons; tr. of the Detroit Country Day School. Clubs: Wequetonsing Golf, Detroit Yacht, De- troit Athletic, Detroit Golf. Author: several arts, on surgical subjects. Travel: Eur., So. Am., Alaska, Can., U.S. Interests: travel, baseball, hockey. Religion: Catholic. Republican. Office: 16401 Grand River Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 14590 Abington Rd., Detroit, Mich. Summer home: 725 Bay St., Wequetonsing, Mich. GOODRICH, Frederic Samuel, college chaplain; b. Waterbury, Conn., 9 Sept. 1865; s. Augustus I. Goodrich, supt. clock factory, and Helen I. (Corbett) G.; ed. Waterbury high sch.; B.A., Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn., 1890; A.M., Univ. Mich., 1898; D.D. (hon.), Defiance Coll., 1909; Litt.D., (hon.), Albion Coll., 1935; m. Mary Harrison of Waterbury, Conn. 1893; chil- dren — Frederic Harrison, Helen Ruth. Stud., Univ. Berlin and Am. Archaeolo- gical Inst., Athens, Gr., 1890-91; teacher of Greek, Weslevan Univ., 1891-92; prof. Greek, Albion Coll., 1892, acting pres., 1924, coll. chaplain, 1935—; stud., Am. Sch. Oriental Res., Jerusalem. 1930; candidate for gov. Mich, on Prohibition ticket, 1900; gen. sec, Mich. S.S. Assn., 1910-21; mem. bd. trs., Bronson Hosp., Kalamazoo, Mich., 1930 — ; mem. Psi Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa, Mystical Seven, Zeta Phi, F.A.M., I.O.O.F. Clubs: Boosters and Knockers, Albion. Author: monograph, The Great Teacher. Travel: Mex., Eur. Methodist. Repub- lican. Home: 302 College Court, Albion, Mich. / DOUB, Howard Philip, physician; b. Hagerstown, Md., 30 Sept. 1890; s. Louis Philip Doub, mcht., miller, and Ella (Newcomer) D.; ed. Hagerstown High Sch.; A.B., Western Md. Coll., 1913; M.D., Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., 1917; m. Helen B. Ringrose of Baltimore, Md., 1919; 1 son, Gerald Philip. Assoc, Dr. R.H. Stevens, Detroit, 1918-23; assoc. roentgenologist, Grace Hosp., 1918-23, Detroit Receiving Hosp., 1921-23; dir., dept. radiology, Henry Ford Hosp., De- troit, Mich., 1923—; cons, to draft bd. during World War I; F.A.M.A., F. Am. Coll. of Radiology; mem. Wayne Co. Med. Soc, Mich. State Med. Soc, Am. Roentgen Ray Soc, Am. Radium Soc, Radiological Soc of No. Am. (p. pres.), Am. Bd. of Radiology, Detroit X Ray and Radium Soc, Mich. Assn. of Roent- genologists. Clubs: Detroit Golf. Author: many sci. arts, on med. radiology; ed., Radiology. Travel: U.S., Can. Recrea- tions: golf, hunting, fishing, photog. Christian. Republican. Office: Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Mich. Home: 18234 Wildemere Av., Detroit, Mich. DOUGAN, Vera Wardner, educator; b. Chicago, 111., 7 July 1898; d. Morton Smith Wardner, physician, and Evelyn Gillette (Anderson) W.; ed. Carl Schurz high sch., Chicago; Kendall College Phys. Ed., Chicago, graduated 1916; B. A., MacMurray College for Women, 1921; Am. Conservatory of Music & Mme. Hazlitt, Fine Arts Bldg.; m. Ron- ald A. Dougan of Beloit, Wis., 1924; children — Joan, Patricia, Jacqueline, Craig. Social work, Assn. House, Hull House, Chicago, 1915-17; teacher of French, Phys. Ed., Winchester (HI.) High Sch., 1921-23; teacher of music, recreational dir. C h a t e a u-Thierry, France, 1923-24; dir. Dougan School of Dance, 1931-37; mem. P.E.O., Theta Sig- ma. Clubs: Altrusa; Gen. Fed. of Wom- en's Clubs, Wis. Chm. Fine Arts, 1942- 44; dir. 1st. Dist.; Nat. Fed. of Music Clubs; pres. Wis. Fed. Music Clubs, 1944-45; 1st. v. pres. Wis. Recreation Council, 1944-45; p. pres. Beloit Fed., Treble Clef, Parliamentary Law; mem. Art League, Little Theatre. Author: Mir- rors, (poetry) pageants. Travel: U.S., Can., Eur. Interests: music, fine arts, child and civic welfare. Recreations: fishing, swimming. Methodist. Repub- lican. Home: Colley Rd., Beloit, Wis DOW, Walter Orville, engineer and manager; b. Alba, Mich., 13 Apr., 1895; s. Wm. H. Dow, lumberman, and Es- telle (Wiltise) D.; ed. Boyne City high sch.; Alma Coll.; B.S., Mich. State Coll., 1918; m. Josephine Crakes of Boyne Falls, Mich., 15 June 1921; children — Walter Orville, Jr., Betty Jo, Mary Lou, Nancy Ann. U.S. Army Engineers, 1918- 19; chief of party, project and resident engr., Mich. State Highway Dept., 1919- 25; pres., Stacks & Dow Engring. Co., practicing and cons, engrs., 1925-33; engr. and mgr., Grand Traverse Co. Road Commn., 1933-35; engr. and mgr., 294 Emmet Co. Road Commn., 1935 — ; dep- uty sheriff; mem. Petoskey School Commn., Soldiers & Sailors Relief Commn., 29 Dist. Engrs. Assn. (pres.), Am. Legion (p. post comdr.), County Road Assn. of Michigan (pres.), City Planning Com., Mich. Engring. Soc, Am. Road Builders Assn., North Mich. Road Commrs. & Engrs., Masons, S.A. M.E., Tau Beta Pi. Clubs: Lions (pres.). Won award for best managed county in U.S. in population class. Author: nu- merous arts, on highway engring. In- terests: outdoor sports, photog. Recrea- tions: reading, sailing. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: Charlevoix Av., Petos- key, Mich. Home: 724 Grove St., Petos- key, Mich. EARLE, George Lewis, business ex- ecutive; b. Chicopee Falls, Mass., 12 Sept. 1883; s. Horatio Sawyer Earle, mfr., and Anna (Keyes) E.; ed. Cent, high sch., Detroit, Mich.; Detroit Univ. Sen.; Mich. State Coll.; Univ. Mich.; m. Irene Caroline Lieberman of Detroit, Mich., 13 Apr., 1907; children— John Robert, Harriett Earle Minsel, George L., Jr., Horatio Sawyer, Elizabeth Jane. Pres., North Wayne Tool Co., Oakland, Me., Earle Equipment Co., Detroit, Mich., Genesee Gravel Co., Davison, Mich.; served as capt., Mich. State Troops during World War I; mem. Kap- pa Sigma, Engineering Soc. of Detroit, Masons. Clubs: Univ. Mich., Olympic Skating, Detroit Exchange (p. pres.). Father, first State Highway Commr. of Mich., recognized as first man to build a concrete highway; Earle Memorial Highway and 3 monuments dedicated to his achievement. Interest: collecting antique glass pitchers. Recreations: figure skating, golf. Christian Scientist.. Republican. Office: 6331-6351 Tireman Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 689 Virginia Park, Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: Sans Souci, Harsens Is., St. Clair Flats, Mich. BUSH, Charles T., executive; b. De- troit, Mich., 2 June 1875; s. Wm. R.T. Bush, hardware mcht., and Annie H. (Witherspoon) B.; ed. Detroit Ch. Acad.; m. Harriet Virginia Stansell of Detroit, Mich., 12 July 1899; children —Helen Harriet (Mrs. V.L. Edwards), Charlotte Virginia (Mrs. John N. Fail- ing, Jr.), A. Stansell T. With Chas. A. Strelinger Co., 1893, v.p. and gen. mgr., 1908, pres., 1937—; dir., v.p., Indus. Morris Plan Bank, Detroit, Indus. Nat. Bank, Detroit, 23 yrs.; pres. Allinger- Bush Realty Co.; p. pres., dir. Auto Club of Mich., 25 yrs.; served on Wel- fare Commn., Detroit and Wayne Cos., 5 yrs.; served as dollar a yr. man, with Signal Corps and Aviation Div. during World War I; mem. Masons, De- troit Bd. of Commerce (v.p.). Clubs: Detroit, Country (Detroit), Detroit Ath- letic, Detroit Boat, Grosse Pointe Yacht, The Old. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 149 E. Larned St., Detroit, Mich. Home: 1007 Three Mile Dr., Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. Summer res.: 9603 So. Channel Dr., Sainte Claire Flats, Mich. CANDLER, Clarence Leslie, physi- cian, x-ray specialist; b. Detroit, Mich., 31 Jan. 1890; s. James DeForest Cand- ler, roofer, and Marie Lavinia (Wheat- on) C; ed. Detroit Univ. Sch.; M.D., Wayne Univ. Coll., 1912; 1 dau., (by former marriage), Anita Jane; m. (2nd) Edythe Frances Coutson of Detroit, Mich., 14 Aug. 1926; Interne, N. Y.; studies, Vienna, Berne, Paris, London; practiced med., 1912 — ; owns, operates largest roofing co. in Mich.; phys., De- troit Police Dept., 1925—; founder, V.F. W. Nat. Home Inc. for widows, orphans Eaton Rapids, Mich.; sec./treas, J.D. Candler Roofing Co. estab., 1879; pres., Detroit Bd. Health, 1939-41; capt., ?T.C., Fr., 1917-19; mem. V.F.W. (dept. comdr., 1923-25), Masons, Am. Legion, A.M.A., Phi Rho Sigma, Detroit Bd. Commerce, East Side Med. Soc. (ores. 1945-46), Wayne Co. Med. Soc, Mich. State Med. Soc. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Boat, Lions, Optimist, Builders' and Traders' Exchange (pres., 1941). G.s. W.W. Wheaton, former mayor of Detroit. Interests: movies, fishing, traveling in trailers. Protestant. Repub- lican. Office: 2006 Eaton Tower, De- troit, Mich. Home: 5027 Harvard Rd., Detroit, Mich. DANFORTH, George Lewis, Jr., steel plant engineer; b. Louisville, Ky., 8 Nov. 1879; s. George L. Danforth, in- surance, and Florence (Standiford) D.; ed. Louisville high sch.; m. Jessie Nor- ris of Birmingham, July 1903. Record clerk, Birmingham Rolling Mill Co., 1898; open hearth furnaceman and fore- man, Tenn. Coal & Iron Co., 1899-1903; supt. of steel production, 111. Steel Co., 1903-35, gen. supt. of south works, 1929- 35; pres., Open Hearth Combustion Co., 1935—; inventor and developer of many patented improvements to steel-making furnaces; organizer, dir. and pres., The Open Hearth Combustion Co.; employed in exec, position in 111. Steel Co., making munitions, during World War I; mem. S.A.R., Am. Iron & Steel Inst., Assn. of Iron & Steel Engrs., and several 295 others. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, South Shore Country, Flossmoor Country. Travel: No. Am., Eur. Interest: steel plant improvements. Recreation: golf. Episcopalian. Independent. Office: 310 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Home: 7100 S. Shore Dr., Chicago, HI. DAVIS, A. Porter, physician, surgeon; b. Palestine, Tex., 13 Nov. 1890; s. Wm. W. Davis, physician, surgeon, and Louise (Craven) D.; ed. Lincoln high sch., Palestine, Tex.; Kan. Univ.; M.D., Meharry Med. Coll., 1909-13; m. Hazel White of Kansas City, Kan., 1926; chil- dren — Amita, Jacqueline, A. Portia. Med. pract., Kansas City, 1913 — ; staff, Wheatley Provident Hosp., General Hosp.; No. 21 K.E. Mo.; pres., Aescula- pian Med. Soc; state v.p. Nat. Med. Soc, pres., Nat. Airmens Assn; bd. of dirs. Wyandotte Chamber Commerce; asst. health dir., 1926-32; pres. Kansas state conf. NAACP; served as 1st It., Med. Res. Corps, U.S.A., 1917-22; mem. Masons, Odd Fellows, Citizens Advisory Coun. (pres.). Club: Trouveur. Travel: U.S., Can. Inerest: aviation (v/inner Dwight H. Green Trophy, 1939, most dist. contrib. to aviation, lie. pilot, 1928 — ). Recreations: ping pong, pool. Baptist. Republican. Office: 422 Min- nesota Av., Kansas City, Kan. Home: 852 Wasington Blvd., Kansas City, Kan. HOOVER, Edwin Vincent, clergy- man; b. Chicago, 111., 10 May 1902; s. Joseph Daniel Hoover, engr., and Ellen (Lahive) H. ; ed. Parochial Sch.; Ca- thedral Coll.; Quigley Prep. Sem.; S. T.B., North Am. Coll., Rome, Italy, 1926; Mus.D., DePaul Univ. Sch. of Mu- sic. Dir. archdiocesan music, Chicago, HI., 1931 — ; dir. camp, St. George, Eagle River, Wis., 1928 — ; mem. Kiwanis, K. C. Author: compositions for masses, mo- tetts; dir. of music in film, The Eternal Gift. Travel: Eur. Interests: music, fish- ing, horseback riding. Catholic. Office and home: 604 N. Raynor Av., Joliet, 111. HASKELL, Robert H., medical super- intendent; b. Portland, Me., 1 June 1885; s. Thomas L. Haskell and Elizabeth E. (Mullen) H.; ed. Portland (Me.) high sch.; A.B., Columbia Coll., 1907; M.D., Univ. Mich. Med. Sch., 1910; m. Mary M. Cooper of Fowlerville, Mich., 16 Sept. 1912; children— Mary Elizabeth, Mar- garet Louise, Robert H., Jr. Instr. in anatomy, Syracuse Univ. Med. Sch., 1910-12; asst. med. dir., State Psycho- pathic Hosp., Ann Arbor, Mich.; instr. in mental diseases, Univ. Mich. Med. Sch., 1912-15; med. supt., Ionia (Mich.) State Hosp., 1915-26; med. supt. (first since opening of sch.), Wayne Co. Train- ing Sch., 1926—; mem. A.M.A., Am. Assn. on Mental Deficiency, Am. Psy- chiat. Assn., Nat. Com. for Mental Hy- giene, Mich. Soc. for Mental Hygiene, Internat. Council for Exceptional Chil- dren, Cent. Neuropsychiatric Assn. Clubs: The Economic (Detroit), Rotary (Plymouth, Mich.). Author: various arts, in field of psychiat., particularly mental deficiency, with emphasis on gen. field of mental hygiene. Recrea- tions: yachting, billiards. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Wayne Country Training School, Northville, Mich. Home: 2005 Sheldon Rd., Northville. Mich. FRIEL, Thomas F., Monsignor, pas- tor; b. Westport Co., Mayo, Ire., 14 May 1887; s. Thomas Friel, and Anne (Heraty) F.; ed. Hancock pub. sch.; St. Ignatius Coll. Chicago; Ph.D., North Am. Coll., Rome, It., 1909. Founder, pastor, St. Christina Cli., 1926; pastor, St. Mary's Ch., Riverside, 1929, St. Bride's Ch., Chicago, 1933 — ; named Do- mestic Prelate of Papal Household, 17 Nov. 1938. Club: South Shore Country. Catholic, (church) : 78th St. and Coles Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 7811 Coles Av., Chicago 49, HI. KENEVEL, LeRoy J., executive; b. Chicago, 111., 23 Dec. 1892; s. J. Walter Kenevel, civil engr., and Bessie K.; ed. Wendel Phillips Art Inst.; unmarried. Thirty-eight yrs. with Fredk T. Bartlett & Co. (v. pres.), Chicago (Real Estate oprs.) : mem. Shrine, Medinah Temple, Masons (32d deg.). Clubs: Chicago Ath- letic, South Shore Country, North Shore Country, Executive. Recreations: golf, handball, yachting. Protestant. Repub- lican. Office: 33 W. Washington St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: Hotel Windermere East, Chicago, 111. SIMONDS, William Adams, author; b. Central City, Neb., 19 Sept. 1887; s. Henry A. Simonds and Elizabeth (Good- nough) S.; ed. Oshkosh high sch.; Univ. Wash.; M.A. (hon.), Wayne Univ.; m. - Margery Muncaster (dec); children — William, Jr., Austin, Chandler, Bruce; m. (2nd), Teresa Callahan of Seattle, 18 Aug., 1920; children — Vance Charles, Patricia (adopted), Elizabeth June (adopted), Ford (adopted). Ed., Univ. Daily, all news depts., Seattle Times, Ford News; managing ed., Northwest Motor; custodian, Greenfield Village; tech. advisor, M.G.M. Studios, films Young Tom Edison and Edison the 296 Man: chmn. Civil Service Commn., Dearborn; mem. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Delta Chi. Club: Torch (Detroit). Author: Edison, His Life, His Work, His Genius; A Boy with Edison; From the Ground Up; Henry Ford and Green- field Village; Henry Ford, Motor Genius. Interests: literature, antiques. Methodist. Republican. Office: care of Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich. Home: Dearborn, Mich. SCH YE, Mildred Ruth, b. Chicago, 111., 15 Dec. 1902; d. Charles Schye and Laura (Nelson) S.; ed. Central high sch.; Univ. Extension Art Course. With First Nat. Bank, St. Paul, studied art, St. Paul Sch. Art evenings; exhibited Minneapolis Inst., (1934-40, 1943-44) Minn. State Fair, 1935-37, 1938-39-42, Portland Museum, 1936-38, Montparnase Club, 1938-40, Nat. Art Week, 1940; mem. Am. Artists Professional League, Minneapolis Institute. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: religion, music, art, lit- erature, banking. Lutheran. Office: First National Bank, St. Paul. Home: 1524 Portland Av., St. Paul, Minn. KBLEEN, Edward Frances, lawyer; b. Berlin, Ws., 12 Jan. 1868; s. Michael Kileen, farmer, and Hannah (Navin) K. ; ed. grad. Berlin high sch., 1890; LL.D., Univ. of Wis. lav/ sch., 1894; m. Anna Guinn of Berlin, 28 Nov. 1898; children — Roy, Earl, Ruth, Mary. Dist. atty., Waushara Co., Wis., 1894-1911; State Senate, 1911-14; city atty., Wauto- ma, Wis., many yrs.; atty., mayor, Wautoma, 6 yrs.; clerk Sch. Bd., 8 yrs.; atty. Union State Bank, Wautoma, Redgranite State Bk., Wild Rose State Bank, People's Bank of Coloma, Farm- ers' Exchange Bank, Neshkoro; chmn. Liberty Loan and Counsel of Defense for Waushara Co. during World War I; mem. Wis. Conservation Commn., 4 yrs.; dir. Wautoma State Bank until merger with Union State Bank, 1932; v.p. Wautoma Mercantile Co.; mem. K.C. Club: Lions. Author: Wisconsin's Income Tax Law. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Interest: farming (owns and oper- ates one of 660 acres). Catholic. Re- publican. Office and home: Wautoma, Wis. Died, 13 Apr. 1944. LYON, Eric Ross, associate professor of physics; b. Greencastle, Ind., 8 May 1893; s. Oliver L. Lyon, college prof., and Etna (Place) L. ; ed. Newman (111.) high sch.; A.B., Phillips Unv., Enid, Okla., 1911, M.S., 1923; Texas Christian Univ.; Rice Inst.; Univ. Colo. Radio operator, U.S. Navy; insp. in factory; taught physics, Kan. State Coll., 1921 — ; U.S. Navy, 1914-15, reserve, 1916-22, ac- tive service, 1917-19; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Phys. Soc, Am. Assn. Phys. Teach- ers, Kan. Acad. Sci., Soc. of Dynamics, Am. Legion, Sigma Xi. Clubs: coopera- tive. Author: tech. papers and popular arts. Travel: U.S., Can. Had part in securing establishment of radio station, KSAC, Kan. State Coll. Interests: theo- retical physics, philosophy. Recreation: travel. Christian. Republican. Office: Willard 203, Dept. of Physics, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kan. Home: 1824 Humboldt, Manhattan, Kan. Sum- mer res. : Steelville, Mo. MADDY, Joseph Edgar, music edu- cator; b. Wellington, Kan., 14 Oct. 1891; s. William Henry Maddy, banker, and Mary Elizabeth (Harrington) M.; ed. Sumner Co. high sch., Wellington, Kan.; Bethany Coll., Lindsborg, Kan.; Wichita Coll. Music; pvt. study; Mus. D., Cin- cinnati Conservatory Music, 1930; m. Fay Pettit of New Orleans, La., 25 Apr. 1938; children — Marion, Jeanne, Rich- ard (all by former marriage). Mem. Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra (viola and clarinet), 1909-14; dir., Wichita Falls (Tex.) Coll. Music, 1915-17; super- visor instrumental music, pub. schs., Rochester, N.Y., 1918-20; supervisor mu- sic, pub. schs., Richmond, Ind., 1920- 24, Ann Arbor, 1924-28; head, pub. sch. music dept., Univ. Sch. Music, 1924-28; prof, music, Univ. Mich., 1928-37, prof, radio music, instr. Univ. of Mich., 1937 — ; founder and pres., National Mu- sic Camp, 1928 ; organized 1st nat. high sch. orchestra; chmn. com. that developed state and nat. sch. band and orchestra contests, 1925-33; asst. state dir. music, 1928-33; developed first high sch. symphony orchestra in Am., Rich- mond, Ind., 1922; mem. bd. control, Nat. Bur. for Advancement of Music, 1927 — ; mem. Music Educators Nat. Conf. (pres., 1936-38), N.E.A., Music Teachers Nat. Assn., Phi Mu Alpha (Sinfonia). Club: Faculty (Univ. Mich.). Author: numerous textbooks for instru- mental music teaching; band and or- chestra collections ; transcriptions ; radio music courses. Travel: U.S. In- terests: music, art, radio. Recreation: fishing. Protestant. Republican. Office: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 3122 Geddes Av., Ann Ar- bor, Mich. Summer res.: Interlochen, Mich. KELLEY, Spencer D., lawyer; b. Ber- rien Springs, Mich., 30 Aug. 1886; s. John Kelley, prof., and Arminta (Spen- cer) K.; ed. Mt. Pleasant (Mich.) high sch.; Central State Teachers Coll., Mt. 297 Pleasant, Mich., 1904; A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1909, LL.B. 1914; m. Lydia Lou Bretl of Algoma, Wis., 9 Aug. 1911; children— Jean Ellen Maner, C. Bruce, Prin. high schs., Houghton, Mich., 1909- 11; Butte, Mont., 1911-13; gen. practice law, Lansing, Mich., 1914—; mem. Ing- ham Co. Bar, State Bar Mich., Am. Bar Assn.; mem. Bd. of Ed., Lansing, Mich. (7 yrs., pres., 4 yrs.); pres. Lan- sing Chamber of Commerce, 1941; mem, Kiwanis, Masons. Conglist. Republican. Office: 1007 Bauch Bldg., Lansing, Midi. Home: 417 Carey St., Lansing, Mich. HEINDEL, Roy Lyman, Jr., patent attorney; b. Blanchardville, Wis., 25 Oct. 1907; s. Roy Lyman Heindel, sch. teacher, and Lucy Laura (Doscher) H.; ed. B.Sc, Tulane Univ., 1927, M.Sc, 1929; m. Elizabeth Gage of Fall River, Mass., 5 Feb. 1931; children— John Gage, Margaret, Caroline. Chemist, Dow Chemical Co., 1929-32, 1935-36; en- gaged in sales development 1932-34, in patent dept., 1936 — ; mem. Midland Co. Rep. Com. (chmn. 1940-43), Masons (W. M. 1942), Lions (sec, 1943-45), Elks. Interest: politics. Recreations: fishing, bird hunting. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. Home: 1415 St. Andrews Dr., Mid- land, Mich. SWAN, Mary Hannah, clinical patho- logist; b. Tecumseh, Mich., 8 Aug. 1881; d. Joseph Benjamin Swan, hardware mcht., and Hannah Atkinson (Sutton) S.; ed. Moses Brown Sch., Providence, R.I.; A.B., Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1905; Woman's Med. Coll. Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., 1910-12; M.D., Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., 1915. Dir. lab., HI. Central Hosp., Feb. 1916-21; dir. serologic dept., Nat. Pathological Lab., Chicago, Feb. 1921- Mar. 1938, asst. pathologist, 1932-38, par- asitologist, 1933-38, bacteriologist, 1936- 38; asst. pathologist and in charge of parasitology, bacteriology, serology, Scientific Pathological Lab., Mar. 1938 — ; mem. A.M. A., Chicago, and 111. State Med. Socs., Am. Soc. Clinical Pathologists, Soc. 111. Bacteriologists, Chicago Path. Soc, HI. Soc Patholo- gists, John Hopkins Med. Assn., Am. Med. Editors & Authors Assn., D.A.R., Zeta Phi, Chicago Mt. Holyoke Alumnae Assn. Club: Chicago Coll. Author: Three Phases of Wassermann Technic, 1927 (Am. Jour. Lab. & Clin. Med., Am. Jour. Syph.); Some Serologic Aspects of the Treated Case of Syphilis, (Am. Jour. Syphilis), 1928; Some Facts about Sy- philis (Hygeia), 1930, Significant Lab. Tests for the Gen. Practitioner, (Jour. la. State Med. Soc), Report of a Case of Severe and Neglected Syphilis, 1932; The Strategic Position in the Treatment of Syphilis, (Jour. la. State Med. Soc), 1933. Desc. on paternal side of Richard Warren and Francis Cook, Mayflower passengers; on maternal side, of Capt. John Underhill and 2nd wife, Elizabeth Feke, grandniece of Gov. Winthrop of Mass. Interests: genealogy, doorways, bridges. Society of Friends. Republican. Office: 6 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: Kenwood Hotel, 4700 Ken- wood Av., Chicago, HI. PROXMIRE, Theodore Stanley, phy- sician, surgeon; b. Lancaster, O., 28 Dec. 1881; s. Theodore S. Proxmire, lumber dealer, and Elizabeth (Swadley) P.; ed. Lancaster high sch.; A.B., O. State Univ., 1900; M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1904; post-grad., Vienna, 1923; m. Adele Flanagan of St. Louis, Mo., 1912; children— Edward Wil- liam, Adele Proxmire Baker. Dir., Allandale Sch. for Boys; p. pres., Lake Co. Med. Soc, Nat. Sojourners; v.p., Lake Co. T.B. Assn.; pres., bd. dirs., County T.B. Sanitorium; chief of staff, Alice Home Hosp; served as It. col. M.C., U.S.A., comdt. of Gen. Hosp. No. 28, during World War I; F.A.C.S.; mem. County, State, & Am. Med. Assns., Phi Alpha Gamma, Theta Nu Epsilon, Elks, Shriners, K.P., Masons (32d deg.). Clubs: Onwentsia, (Lake Forest, HI.), Casino (Chicago). Travel: Eur. Recrea- tions: golf, fishing. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Office and home: 570 Deer- path Av., Lake Forest, HI. Summer res.: Desbarats, Ont., Can. RAYMOND, Mabel Kenworthy, home- maker; b. Hubbard, la., 2 Mar. 1883; d. Owen Kenworthy (dec), and Melissa L. (Jessup) K. (dec); ed. William Penn Prep. Coll., Oskaloosa, la.; Grand Rapids Kindergarten Training Sch., grad., 1901; m. Federal Judge Fred Morton Raymond of Grand Rapids, Mich., 30 Dec 1902; children— Elizabeth R. Kraber, Russell Kenworthy. Engaged in church, welfare and club work; mem. Mich. Congress Parents & Teachers (state pres., 1925-27), Nat. Congress Par- ents & Teachers Bd. (chmn. com., 1927- 45), Camp Fire, and Community Health Bds., Art Assn., attended meeting of World Fed. Edn., Geneva, Swit., 1929. Clubs: Grand Rapids Woman's (pres., 1911-12), Women's City, Collectors. Travel: Eur., Bermuda, Mex., Can., U.S. Interests: peace movements, world wide spread of parent-teacher movement, collecting early Am. goblets. Recreations: theatre, travel. Birthright mem. Quaker Church (now Conglist.). 298 Republican. Home: 641 Prospect Av., S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Summer res.: Tip Top Cottage, Grand Haven, Mich. RICE, Ada, professor; b. Brecken- ridge, Mo., 21 Dec. 1869; d. C.H. Rice and Mary Eleanor (Boucher) R.; ed. Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kan.; B.S., Kan. State Coll., M.S., 1912; Univ. Chicago; London Univ. Kings Coll. Prof., dept. Eng., Kan. State Coll., 1899—; lecturer on travel and literary topics; broadcast on College of the Air program, Sta. K.S. A.C.; tr. Wesley Foundation; mem. D.A. R., A.A.U.W., A.A.U.P., Sp.-Am. War Veterans (mem. auxiliary of local camp), Phi Kappa Phi, Manhattan Chamber Commerce. Clubs: American College Quill (high chancellor, 1939-41), Social. Author: Literature and Charac- ter, 1917. Travel: Europe, Orient, U.S. Interests: collecting etchings, garden- ing. Recreation: travel. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kan. Home: 917 Osage St., Manhattan, Kan. STRAITH, Claire LeRoy, surgeon; b. Harrow, Ont., Can., 30 Aug. 1891; s. Dr. Samuel Straith, exodontist, ret., and Sarah (Green) S.; ed. Central high sen., Detroit, Mich.; B.S., Univ. Mich., M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1917; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. Dentistry; .m. Virginia Mott of Chicago, HI., 25 June 1919; children— Virginia, Dr. Richard, Jean, William. F.A.C.S.; mem. Am. Bd. Plas- tic Surg, (founders group), Am. Assn. Oral and Plastic Surgs., Wayne Co. Med. Soc, A.M.A., Am. Dent. Assn., Soc. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgs. (v. p.). Clubs: Detroit Golf, Economic. Au- thor: numerous arts, on plastic and re- constructive surgery. Travel Fur., Cent, and So. Am., T.H. Interest: t-avel. Rec- reations: golf, fishing. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: 1713 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 19305 Ber- keley Rd., Detroit, Mich. Summer home: Forrest Glen Beach, East Tawas, Mich. SYMES, Russell William, director and tax advisor, Detroit Edison Co.; b. Chat- ham, Ont., Can., 28 Mar. 1880; s. George Symes, clerk, and Matilda (Harris) S.; ed. Central high sen., Detroit; m. Mary I. Lehmann of Detroit, Mich., Aug. 1906; children — Harris Russell, Douglas Leh- mann. Dir., v.p., Essex Co. Light & Power Co., Ltd.; v.p., Peninsular Elec. Light Co., St. Clair Edison Co., Wash- tenaw Light & Power Co.; commr., Pleasant Ridge, 1920-21. Clubs: Detroit, Oakland Hills Country (dir., 1924-25), Economic (Detroit), Pleasant Ridge Country, Bankers of Am., Oakland Citi- zens League, Inc. Travel: Eur. Inter- ests: stamp collecting, gardening. Epis- copalian. Independent. Office: 2000 2nd Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 15 Elm Park, Pleasant Ridge, Mich. SCOFIELD, Charles Josiah, lawyer; b. Carthage, HI., 25 Dec. 1853; s. Charles Rollin Scofield, lawyer, and Elizabeth (Crawford) S.; ed. Carthage High Sen.; A.B., Culver-Stockton Coll., 1871, A.M., 1874, LL.D. (hon.); LL.D. (hon.), Eu- reka Coll.; Litt.D. (hon.), Carthage Coll.; m. Rose Spitler of Carthage, 111., 12 Sept. 1876. Adm. 111. Bar, 1875; law practice, 1875-85; circuit judge, 1885-97; judge of appellate ct, 4th dist., 1893-97; law practice, 1897—; mem. firm, Sco- field & Bell; mem. I.O.O.F., K.P. Au- thor: A Subtle Adversary and Altar Stairs. Editor: Hist, of Nancock Co., HI. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: lit., music. Recreation: gratis pulpit work, lectures, addresses for Disciples. Dis- ciples of Christ. Democrat. Address: Carthage, 111. BANGS, Janet Norris, housewife, writer; b. La Moille, 111.; d. William Clarkson Norris, farmer, and Margaret (Hoge) N.; ed. Princeton (111.) high sen.; A.B., Wellesley Coll., 1907; m. Edward Hugh Bangs of Indianapolis, Ind., 1910. Worker on charity bds. for children's aid, conservation; writer of verse in newspaper mags, and antholo- gies; mem. League of Women Voters, Bookfellows, Chicago Ethical Soc. Clubs: Chicago Wellesley, Women's, Reading. Travel: Eur. Quaker descent. Interests: home writing, dramatics, farming, hist, trivia. Recreations: on- certs, lecturer, theatre. Home: 168 Ad- dison Road, Riverside, 111. BEERS, Amy, nurse, hospital superin- tendent; b. Flatbrookville, N.J., 15 Apr. 1885; d. Dr. Frank Beers and Rosa (Hice) B.; ed. Bushkill (Pa.) high sen.; City Hosp. Sch. Nursing, N.Y. City, 1908. Supervising nurse, City Hosp., N. Y.; asst. supt. Hackley Hosp., Muske- gon, Mich., 1910; supt. Jefferson Co. Hosp., Fairfield, la., 1912 and 1916-23; 1st asst. prin., City Hosp. Sch. Nursing, 1915; supt. Hackley Hosp., Muskegon, Mich., 1924; pres., Mich. Hosp. Assn., 1940; Bd. Muskegon Crippled Children Soc; dir. Muskegon Chap. Am. Red. Cross; v. pres., Am. Coll. of Hosp. Ad- mrs., 1943; chief nurse, Hosp. Unit R, Jan. 1918-May 1919; reed. Medaile Hon- eur, Fr. govt.; mem. Am. Nurses' Assn., Am. Hosp. Assn.; Fellow Am. Coll. 299 Hosp. Admrs., Alumnae Assn. City Hosp. Sch. Nursing, Mich, Hosp. Assn. Club: Muskegon Woman's. Author: prof, arts, for hosp. pubis, and newspapers. Travel: Guatemala. Interests: cooking, collecting horses, planning ideal hospi- tal, swimming, tennis. Conglist. Repub- lican. Address: Hackley Hospital, Mus- kegon, Mich. BALLARD, Byron L., lawyer; b. Ft. Worth, Tex., 21 Feb. 1890; s. Walter E. Ballard, physician, and Jennie (Peden) B.; ed. Dallas (Tex.) high sch., 1909; LL.B., Washington & Lee Univ., 1912; m. Lucile Juzek of Elgin, 111., 16 Feb. 1916 (dec); children— Joan S., Thomas B. Mem. law firm, Shields, Ballard, Jennings & Taber, Lansing, Mich.; dir., v.p., Michigan Nat. Bank; mem. Bd. Law Examiners Mich., 1937-49; treas. Democratic State Central Com., 1935-38; mem. Am. and Mich. State Bar Assns., Sigma Phi Epsilon, Masons, K.T., K. of P. (chancellor com., 1919), B.P.O.E. Clubs: Lansing Rotary (pres., 1933), Country (Lansing), City, Press, Law- yers (Ann Arbor). Travel: Eng., Belg., Holland, Ger., Aust., Hungary, It., Switz., Fr., Mex., Guatemala. Interests: dogs, horses. Recreations: trout fishing, horseback riding. Episcopalian. Demo- crat. Office: 1400 Olds Tower Bldg., Lansing 8, Mich. Home: 1441 Cambridge Rd., Lansing 10, Mich. THOMAS, Avis Harriett, musician; b. Schoolcraft, Mich.; d. Alvan S. Thomas, farmer, and Mary S. (Townsend) T.; ed., Schoolcraft high sch.; Kalamazoo Coll., Mich.; Mus. B., Oberlin Conserva- tory of Music; M. Mus., Eastman School of Music, 1937. Teacher of organ, piano, theory, Southern Sem., Buena Vista, Va., Monticello Sem., Godfrey, 111.; teacher of organ and theory, Olivet Coll., dir. of music dept. 1930—; mem. Pi Kappa Lambda, Am. Guild of Or- ganists, Nat. Music Teachers Assn. Travel: U.S., Eng., Scot., Eur. Inter- est: First French Horn, Olivet Coll. Sym. Orch. Presbyterian. Office: Olivet College, Olivet, Mich. Home: 203 East St., Olivet, Mich. Summer res.: 314 Creston Av., Kalamazoo 34, Mich. THOMPSON, J(ohan) Jorgen, college teacher, assistant to the president; b. Green Bay, Wis., 9 June 1881; s. Lorents M. Thompson, farmer, and Johannah (Klausdatter) T.; ed. Scandinavia Acad. (Scandinavia, Wis.); St. Olaf Coll., 1909 M.A., 1912; Univ. Oslo (Norway), 1911- 12; m. Stella Grace Sogn of Canton, So. Dak., 26 Aug. 1918; 1 son, Jorgen Sogn. Clerk in dry goods store, 4 yrs., clothing store, 3 yrs.; teacher, St. Olaf Acad., 1909-17, prin., 1914-17; pres., Spo- kane Coll., Spokane, Wash., 1917-20; teacher, St. Olaf Coll., 1920—, dean of men, 1923-42, acting pres., 1942-43, asst. to pres., 1943 — ; European mgr., St. Olaf Lutheran Choir, 1913, 1930; leader, Bur. of Univ. Travel group, in Scandina- vian Countries, 1936; decorated by King Haakon, VII of Norway, Knight of Order of St. Olaf, 1936; Medal of St. Olaf, 1940; mem. Nat. Assn. Deans & Ad- visers of Men (pres., 1940-41), Nat. Edu- cational Assn.; Minn. Ednl. Assn., Assn., Am. Scandinavian Foundation, Det Norske Selskab av America (pres.V Assn. Teachers of Norwegian (pres.), Common Council for Am. Unity, Nor- wegian-Am. Historical Assn. (sec), Folk Arts Foundation, Inc. (dir.), Lu- theran Brotherhood. Club: Rotary. Travel: Eur. Interest: music. Lutheran. Republican. Office: St. Olaf Coll., North- field, Minn. Home: 1312 St. Olaf Av., Northfield, Minn. THORNTON, Jesse Earl, professor of English; b. Sherwood, Mich., 2 June 1886; s. Francis Marion Thornton, farmer, and Huldah (Good) T.; ed. Sherwood high sch., 1903; Coldwater high sch., 1904; A.B., Albion Coll., 1908; A.M., Univ. Mich., 1920; m. Nellie Fran- ces Thomas of Soldier, Kan., 15 June 1910; children— Frances Christine, Jo- seph Earl, Iona Jane. Teacher sci., Bemidji (Minn.) High Sch., 1908-09; head, English dept. Ida. Southern State Normal, Albion, Ida., 1909-11; asst. prof. English, State Coll. of Wash., Pullman, Wash., 1911-14; instr. Dept. English, Coll. Eng., Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, 1914-20, asst. prof., 1920-30, assoc. prof., 1930-40, prof., 1940—; cons, fellow, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1938-39; mem. A.A.A.S., S.P.E.E. Com- piler: Science and Social Change (es- says). Office: E. Hall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1547 Granger Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. URSE, Vladimir George, Neuropsy- chiatrist; b. Chicago, 111., 18 Jan. 1906; s. Matthew M. Urse, merchant, and Marie (Marek) U.; ed. Carter H. Harri- son high sch., Chicago; Univ. Chicago, 1923-25, Northwestern Univ., B.S., M. D., 1930; m. Ruth Bressler of Oak Park, 111., 23 Sept. 1933; children— Jean Val and Linda Ruth. Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., 1930-31; resident psychiatrist and asst. psychiatrist, Cook Co. Psycho- pathic Hosp., Chicago, 1932-41; med. dir., supt., Cook Co. Psychopathic Hosp., 1941; assoc. clinical prof., and 300 v. chmn. Dept. of Nervous & Mental Diseases, Loyola Univ. Med. Sen., Chi- cago, 111.; sr. attending neurologist, Alexian Brothers Hosp., Chicago, 111.; assoc. attending neuropsych., St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago, 111.; Diplomate of the American Bd. of Psych, and Neurol.; Fellow, Am. Psych. Assn., Am. Med. Assn., The Institute of Med. of Chicago; mem., Chicago Med. Soc, 111. State Med. Soc, Chicago Neurol. Soc, 111. Psych. Soc, Alpha Omega Alpha (North- western Univ., 1928), Phi Chi. Am. Psy- chopathol. Assn., and Central Neuro- psych. Assn.; commissioned major, Medical Corps, Army of the United States, 4 Aug. 1944. Interests: Investi- gation of etiological factors in mental diseases, lecturing on mental diseases. Recreations: golf, hockey. Office: 8 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1423 Park Av., River Forest, 111. GOULDNER, Bertha Stackman, civic worker; b. Wichita, Kan., 3 Aug. 1888; d. Fredric Stackman, tailor, and Marie Louise (Hahn) S.; ed. Mt. Carmel Acad.; Conservatory of Music (Stras- burg, Ger.); m. Rene M. Gouldner of Fr., 4 Sept. 1912; 1 son, Rene Roger. Mem. Bd. Regents, Municipal Univ. of Wichita, 1926-40; pres. bd., Salvation Army; asst. social dir., Canteen No. 2, New York, N.Y., during World War I; mem. United Service Organization for Nat. Defense (state sec), British War Relief (pres.), Kan. Children's Home & Service League, Jr. League, Family Welfare Assn. of Am. (mem. agency). Club: Business and Professional. Stack- man properties now site of Wichita post- office, art mus., water works bldg. In- terest: preservation of Indian music. Recreations: outdoor sports. Presbyter- ian. Republican. Home: 1845 Wellington PL, Wichita, Kan. ANGELL, William Robert, manufac- turer; b. Jesup, la., 10 Feb. 1877; s. William Henry Angell and Catherine (Byers) A.; ed. Muskegon high sch.; LL.B., Kent Coll. of Law Chicago, 111., 1898; m. Francie B. Savage of Chicago, 111., 12 Sept. 1899; children — William Robert, Chester Munson. Admitted to 111. bar, 1899; chief clerk, Quigg & Bent- ley (later Bentley & Burling), attys., Chicago, 1898-1903; mem. Angell & Byers, 1903-04, Angell & Paddock, 1904- 05, alone, 1905-17; sec, Continental Mo- tors Corp., Detroit, 1916-21, v.p., 1918-30, pres., 1930-39; pres., dir., Continental Aircraft Engine Co., 1930-34; pres., Mid- land Corp., 1929-37, Continental Aero- nautic Corp., 1939—; dir. Lakey Foundry & Machine Co., 1920-39; mem. Order of Founders & Patriots of Am,, Fathers' Assn. of Culver Mil. Acad., fellow Am. Geographical Soc. Clubs: Detroit Ath- letic, Detroit Golf, Sportmen's (Detroit), Century, (Muskegon), Wild Wing (Chi- cago). Interest: collecting archaelogical specimens of Tairona Indians of So. Am. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Pres- byterian. Republican. Offices: care of Detroit Leland Hotel, Detroit, Mich. Home: Detroit Leland Hotel, Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: N. Manitou Island, Mich. BLANCHARD, Julia Eleanor Warden, librarian; b. Wheaton, HI., 7 Aug. 1878; d. Charles Albert Blanchard, coll. pres., and Margaret E. (Milligan) B.; ed. Wheaton Coll. Prep. Sch.; A.B., Whea- ton Coll., Wheaton, 111., 1899, A.M., 1904; Monticello Sem., 1902^03; B.S. (in Lib. Sci.), Univ. 111., 1929, A.M., 1938. Instr., Ballard Normal Sch., Macon, Ga., 1899- 1900, Orange Park Normal Sch., Orange Park, Fla., 1900-02, Warren Acad., War- ren, 111., 1903-05, Winneconne (Wis.) high sch., 1906-07, Plainfield (Wis.) high sch., 1907-08; asst. librarian, Wheaton Coll., 111., 1908-15, librarian, 1915—; prof., library sci., Wheaton Coll., 1940; mem. Am. Library Assn., 111. Library Assn., W.C.T.U., Beta Sigma Phi, Delta Xi. Clubs: Women's Dept., Monticello Coll. of Chicago. Travel: Eur. (Ver- gilian Pilgrimage & Aeneid Cruise). G. d., 1st pres., Wheaton Coll., d. 2nd pres.; 2 terms, 1860-1925. Interest: gar- dening. Recreations: reading, travel. Conglist. Republican. Office: Wheaton College, Wheaton, 111. Home: 623 How- ard St., Wheaton, HI. PAULING, George Richard, mainte- nance superintendent emeritus; b. Con- cordia, Lafayette Co., Mo., 22 Mar. 1876; s. William Fredrick Pauling, farmer, engr., and Delia Bertha (Ninas) P.; ed. pub. schs.; Finlay Eng. Coll.; Kan. State Coll. ; m. Mary Belle Scott of Lex- ington, Mo., 24 June 1902; children- Dorothy Elizabeth, Helen Irene, Mary Virginia, George Ralph. Engr., Kan. City Ry. Co., 1900-03, 1905-11, chief engr., 1911-13; constr. engr., Gen. Elec Co., Kan. City, Mo., 1903-04; engr. power plant, Kan. State Agr. Coll., 1913-15, engr. and supt. bldg. grounds, 1915-18, supt. maintenance in charge of bldgs. and repairs, heat and power, custodian depts., Kan. State Coll. Agr. & Applied Sci., 1918 — ; mem. Assn. Supts. of Bldgs. & Grounds of Univs. & Colls., State Assn. Power Engrs. (p. pres.), Masons (Shrine, p. comdr., Oriental Command- ery No. 48, p. high priest, Manhattan 301 chap. No. 14, Royal Arch). Clubs: Stagg Hill Golf (p. pres.), Co-Op Internat. (p. pres.), Manhattan. Travel: U.S. Inter- est: pottery. Recreations: golf, pool, bowling, fishing. Christian (mem. First Christian Ch.). Office : Kan. State Coll. Agr. & Applied Sci., Manhattan, Kan. Home: 1200 Thurston St., Manhattan, Kan. PAZ, Pedro, conductor, violinist, vio- lin teacher; b. Quito, Ecuador, So. Am., 15 Aug. 1893; s. Pedro Pablo Paz, broker, and Rose (Recalde) P.; ed. Colegio Mejia, Ecuador; Royal Con- servatory of Brussels, Belgium; Mus. D. (hon.), Olivet Coll.; unmarried. Prof, of violin and chamber music, Nat. Con- servatory of Quito; conductor of orches- tra, Audiciones Musicales, Quito; head of violin dept., Olivet Coll., 1921—; con- ductor, Olivet Coll. Symphony Orches- tra, Lansing Symphony Orchestra, 1939—; made appearances with Olivet Coll. Symphony Orchestra in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lansing, etc. and over a nationwide radio hook-up annually, 1932 — ; honorary attache, Legation of Ecuador in Brussels, 1912-14. Travel: Belg., Eng., Fr., Switz., Holl., U.S. Of- fice: Olivet Coll., Olivet, Mich. Home: Blair Hall, Olivet, Mich. VALLANCOURT, Grace Shuster, poet, musician; b. Covington, Ind., 6 June, 1882; d. John William Shuster, mining engineer, mine owner, and Martha Ellen (Murphy) S.; ed. Fountain County (Ind.) sens., Miss Green's Sen.; m. John Joseph Vallancourt of Attica, Ind., 15 Apr., 1906: children— John Joseph II, Ellen Marilyn (Mrs. M.R. Lorusso.). Dir. Nat. Poetry Center, Radio City; appt. notary public and post office clerk, Fountain County, Ind. Club: Parent Teachers (p. pres.). Author: This Day and Age, Hippety-Hop (poem collec- tion); polit. satires, juvenile stories, scenarios, lyrics, ballads; Composer of church and orchestral music, popular songs. Desc. of early settlers of Ver- million Co., 111. and Covington, Ind. In- terest: photog., oil and water color painting, gardening. Recreations : travel, sports. Protestant. Address: 307 N. Fair St., Champaign, 111. WARD, Harold B„ teacher, professor of geology and geography; b. Mt. Pleas- ant, Mich., 10 Oct. 1889; s. Arthur N. Ward, realtor, and Florence Nightingale (Taylor) W.; ed. Mt. Pleasant high sen.; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago; m. Elizabeth Erb of Chicago, 111., 30 Aug. 1927; children — Elizabeth Florence, Harold Nathaniel. Prin., high sch.; instr., Univ. of Chi- cago; prof., geol. and geog., Northwest- ern Univ.; fellow, A.A.A.S., Royal Geog. Soc; Am. Geog. Soc; served 18 mos. in engrs. during World War I; mem. Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, Masons. Club: Univ. of Evanston. Author: An Introduction to the Study of Weather and Climate. Travel: Eur., W.I., No. Am. Recreations: ice skating, hiking. Methodist. Republican. Office: North- western University, Evanston, 111. Home: 1124 Noyes St., Evanston, HI. WEISBROD, Maxfield, lawyer; b. Philadelphia, Pa., 23 Sept. 1894; s. Al- bert Weisbrod, mcht., and Anna (Sch- ware) W.; ed. pub. sch., Amsterdam, N.Y.; Emerson Inst., Washington, D.C.; LL.B., George Washington Univ., Law Sch., Washington, D.C., 1923; m. Rose Anna Pusheck of Chicago, 111., 16 May 1931; children — Charles Albert, Anita Elizabeth. Asst. to mgr. patent dept. Gen- eral Electric Co., Washington, D.C., 1915- 23; admitted to practice before U.S. Pat- ent Office; courts of 111.; and cts. of D.C.; actively engaged in trial work and ap- pellate procedure, 1930—; contbr. to le- gal periodicals; served in army during World War I, as asst. to Depot Engr., Intermediate Engr. Depot No. 1, and as asst. to depot Engr., Base Sect. No. 2, A.E.F., Interest: literature. Jewish. Re- publican. Office: 160 N. LaSalle St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 753 Bittersweet PI., Chicago, 111. WEMP, Ernest Edgar, mechanical engineer; b. Ont., Can., 5 Nov. 1881; s. Wm. M. Wemp, M.D., and Margaret A. (Brown) W.; ed. Oxford (Mich.) high sch.; M.E., Mich. State Coll., 1903; m Alvira M. Bellaire of Oxford, Mich., 16 May 1906; m. (2nd) Lila A. Farrel of Chicago, 111., 27 Sept. 1934; children- Leah Kathleen Wemp Smith, Eleanor May. Draughtsman, Welch Motor Car Co., Pontiac, Mich., 1908; asst. chief engr., Gen. Motors Truck Co., Pontiac; chief engr., Denby Motor Truck Co., Detroit, 1913; design com., Standardized Mil. Truck Program, Quartermasters Dept., D.C., 1916, exec, com., Class A. Trucks; chief engr., Graham Bros., Evansville, 1918; with Long Mfr. Div., Detroit, 1920 — ; mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs., E n g r i n g. Soc. of Detroit (founder mem.). Clubs: Detroit Ath- letic, Detroit Golf. Recreations: golf, travel. Protestant. Republican. Office: 12501 Duquindre, Detroit, Mich. Home: 17200 Pontchartrain Dr., Detroit, Mich. VERBRUGGHEN, Adrien, neurosur- geon; b. Llandudno, Wales, 12 Aug. 1899; s. Henri Adrien Verbrugghen, dir. 302 Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, and Alice Beatrice (Beaumont) V.; ed. Glas- gow Acad. (Scotland); Ardrossan Acad. (Scotland); M.B., Ch.M., Univ. Sydney (Australia), 1922; M.S., Univ. Minn., 1931; m. Jean Ross Campbell of Guyra, New So. Wales, Australia, 8 Oct. 1924; children — Philippa Marcelle, Jacqueline Gabrielle, Michele Elise, Adrienne Ross, Yvonne Alys. Gen. practitioner, Guyra, New So. Wales, Australia, 1923- 27; fellow in surgery, Mayo Clinic, 1927- 32; neuro-surg., Presbyterian Hosp., Chicago, HI., 1932—, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, Mar. 1936 — ; attending surg. (neuro-surgery) , Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1932 — ; assoc. clin. prof, sur- gery (neuro), Rush Med. Coll., Univ. Chicago; mem. Inst. Med. (Chicago), Chicago Neurological Soc, A.M. A., Cen- tral Neuro-Psychiatric Soc, Chicago Surgical Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Assn. Residents & Ex-R esidents of Mayo Clinic, fellow Am. Coll. Surgs., Am. Bd. of Neurological Surgery. Clubs: Univ. (Chicago), Chicago Yacht, Cliff Dwell- ers, Coxton. Interest: music. Recrea- tion: sailing. Office: 122 S. Michigan A v., Chicago, 111. Home: 1040 Lake Shore Dr., Evanston, HI. WBLLARD, Julius Terrass, college historian; b. near Wabaunsee, Kan., 9 Apr. 1862; s. Julius Frederick Willard, farmer, and Mary Elizabeth (Terrass) W.; ed. Dist. No. 2, Wabaunsee Co.; B.S., Kan. State Coll. Agr. and Applied Sci., 1883, M.S., 1886, Doctor Science, 1908 (hon); Johns Hopkins Univ., 1887- 88; m. Lydia Peirce Gardiner of Esk- ridge, 6 Aug. 1884; 1 son, Charles Julius. Asst. chem., Kan. State Coll. Agr. and Applied Sci., 1 Sept. 1883-31 Aug. 1887, Agr. Expt. Sta., 1 July 1888-30 June 1897, asst. prof, chem., 1 Sept.1891-30 June 1896, assoc prof, chem., 1 July 1896-30 June 1897, prof, applied chem., 1 July 1897-30 June 1901, prof, chem., 1 July 1901-30 June 1918, chem., Agr. Expt. Sta., 1 July 1897-30 June 1918, chmn., Expt. Sta. Council, 13 July 1899- 18- Jan. 1900, dir., 18 Jan. 1900-31 Aug. 1906, v. dir., 19 June 1907-30 June 1918, consulting chem., 1 July 1918-30 June 1935, in charge chem., Engr. Expt. Sta., 24 Mar. 1910-30 June 1918, dean sci., 14 Apr. 1909-29 Jan. 1912, dean, div. gen. sci., 29 Jan. 1912-30 June 1930, actg. pres., 9 May 1914-16 Sept. 1914, 1 Jan. 1918-28 Feb. 1918, v.p., 1 Mar. 1918-31 Dec 935, coll. historian, 1 Jan. 1936 — ; dir. Golden Belt Lumber Co., 1921, chemist, Kan. State Bd. Agr., 1898-1942; food analyst, Kan. State Bd. Health, 1906-18; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Kan. Acad. Sci., Nat. Edn. Assn., Kan. State Teachers Assn., Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Acacia Frat. Ma- sons (32d deg.), Manhattan Chamber Commerce, fellow A.A.A.S. Club: Man- hattan Rotary. Author: History of Kan- sas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science; numerous expt. sta. bulletins, sci. and ednl. pubis. Travel: Eur., Can., Mex. Father, Julius F. Wil- lard, was member of New Haven, Conn, colony (Beecher Bible & Rifle Co.] which settled at Wabaunsee, 1856. In- terest: early Kan. hist., especially hist. Kan. State Coll. Recreations: garden- ing, amateur photog. Unitarian. Repub- lican. Office: Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kan. Home: 1207 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. Summer res.: Green Mountain Falls, Colo. MILLER, Bina West, founder and president; b. Columbus, St. Clair Co., Mich.; d. Alfred J. West and Elizabeth (Conant) W.; ed. high sen., Teachers' Institute; M.A. (hon.), Univ. Mich, 1924 (for "courage in pioneering a woman's institution to unparalleled success"); m. George W. Miller (a prominent cor- poration lawyer) of Chicago, 111., Mar. 1929. Became interested in fraternal work in 1891 and organized in 1892 the great fraternal benefit society of women known as the Woman's Benefit Assn., the largest actuarially solvent society of its kind in the world managed ex- clusively by women; financier, parlia- mentarian and pub. speaker; rep. the Nat. Council of Women of U.S. at In- ternal Council of Women, Geneva, Switz., 1908; first woman pres., Nat. Frat. Congress of Am. (a fed. of 100 prominent frat. societies of continent, with total membership of over seven million men and women), 1925; was one of 11 members of first Woman's Exec Com., Republican Nat. Com. ap- pointed in 1919; first v. chmn. Mich. Republican State Central Com., 1919-23; mem. Rep. Nat. Com. for Mich., 1923- 32, Exec. Com., 1934-32; mem. Com. Arrangements, Rep., Nat. Conv., Kan- sas City, June 1928; appointed by pres. Hoover a mem. of his Planning Com. on Child Health and Protection, July 30, 1929; mem. Com. on Program of 100 appointed by Rep. Nat. Com., Jan. 1938; has personally supervised the ac- cumulation and part disbursement of over one hundred and thirty millions of dollars to date in safe, municipal bonds representing savings of provident women for protection of homes of this country; as chief exec, of a large or- 303 ganization, passing on appeals, legal questions. Litigation involving claims, has developed a judicial mind which makes it possible for her to give ex- perienced and impartial judgment on many subjects; started her work minus a working capital or prestige, and has "arrived" by her sincerity, persever- ance and singleness of purpose; mem. D.A.R., Eastern Star, Woman's Relief Corps. Clubs: Port Huron Music, Con- gressional Country (Washington, D.C., life mem.). Travel: has visited every state in Union, Hawaii, Alaska, every Province of Can., Spain, Switz., Holl., Belg., Austria, Czechoslovakia, Egy., Holy Land, Turkey, Gr., It., Fr., Ger., British Isles, and Orient on many dif- ferent occasions and has been in con- tact with social and economic problems through extensive reading and travel for 54 yrs. Editor: The W.B.A. Review, official magazine of Woman's Benefit Assn., 1895—. Dir. desc. Roger Conant, first Gov. of Mass. Conglist. Office : 1338 Military St., Port Huron, Mich. OWEN, Ray Sprague, professor of surveying; b. Brohead, Wis., 29 Oct. 1878; s. Frank Wilson Owen, postmaster and mcht., and Flora May (Sprague) O.; ed. Brohead high sen.; Beloit Coll. Acad.; Janesville high sch.; B.S. (in C.E.), Univ. Wis. Coll. Engring., 1904; m. Theo Pickford of Madison, Wis., 1 Aug. 1906; children— Mrs. Sally Mar- shall, Mrs. Merle Hamel, Mrs. Betsy Steele. Worked at farming, stock bus., telephone and newspaper work, survey- ing; instr., Univ. Wis., 1905 — ; dir. and sec, Land Companies, pres. Frost Land Corp.; elected alderman, Madison; tr., Village of Monona; served as capt. and maj., Engring. Corps, 2 yrs., "World War I, reed. Order of Purple Heart and French Academic Palms; col., Wis. N. G., retired; mem. Nat. Sojourners, Ma- sons (32d deg.), Engring. Soc. Wis. (sec.-treas., 1928-38), Chi Epsilon (nat. sec.-treas.), Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs., Mil. Order Foreign Wars, R.O.A., Am. Le- gion, Wis. Alumni Assn., Wis. Arch. Soc, Wis. Hist. Soc, Red Cross (Dane Co. Chap.), Sigma Nu, Acacia. Clubs: University (dir., v.p.,), Kiwanis (dir., pres.), Madison Tech., Low Twelve. Au- thor: arts, in engring. jours. Travel: trailer trips in U.S. and Can. Interest: moving pictures, horses and grandchil- dren. Republican. Office: University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Home: 4540 Winnequah Rd., Frost Woods, Madison, Wis. NORTON, William Wellington, execu- tive, music organizer, conductor; b. El- mira, N.Y., 16 Feb. 1881; s. Dr. A.W. Norton, educator, and Mattie E. (Samp- son) N.; ed. State Normals, Peru, Neb., Warrensburg, Mo.; Univ. Neb., 1898-99; Sioux Falls Coll., 1899-03; A.B., Univ. Minn., 1909, M.A., 1910; Mus.D. (hon.). Sioux Falls Coll., 1936; m. Jennie Belle Lewis of Devils Lake, N.D., 8 Sept. 1915; children— Wm. W., Jr., David L., Ruth Susan, Clinton E. Pub. mus. ac- tivity, in quartet, at age of 4; violin study at 7; paid choir dir. at 13; head of Sch. of Mus. at 18; conductor, Thomas Orch. in Festival, at 22; head of mus., Univ. N.D., 8 yrs.; conductor, symphony, choral union, grand opera, male choruses, Flint, Mich., 24 yrs.; 1st. v.p. Nat. Mus. Educators' Conf., 1926; pres. No. Cen. Mus. Ed. Conf., 1933, Mich. Mus. Eds. Assn., 1934-35; served as mus. organizer, war camp community serv., St. Paul-Minneapolis, New York City during World War I; mem. Phi Mu Alpha, Phi Delta Kappa, Acacia, Phi Kappa Psi, Nat. Mus. Teachers (com.). Clubs: Rotary, Hon. Exchange. Travel: U.S. (as bass soloist and violinist). Recreations: carpentry, sports. Baptist. Republican. Office: Flint Community Music Association, Flint, Mich. Home: 909 E. 9th St., Flint, Mich. Summer res.: Interlochen, Mich. MUYSKENS, John Henry, professor of phonetics; b. Orange City, la., 3 Sept. 1887; s. Henry Muyskens, bus., and Tietje (Cupido) M.; ed. Northwestern Classical Acad.; Calvin Coll.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1913, M.S., 1920, D.Sc, 1925; m. Maria Groen of Zeeland, Mich., 1913; children — Florence Douwina, Thieda Mary. Supt. schs., Saugatuck, Mich., 1913-14; instr. French and Ger- man, Calvin Coll., 1914-17; prof, pho- netics, Kennedy Sch. of Missions, Hart- ford Theol. Sem. Foundation, 1919-20; instr., French, Univ. Mich., 1920-22, instr., physiology, Med. Sch., Univ. Mich., 1922-24, asst. prof. French and phonetics, 1924-29, assoc prof., pho- netics, 1929—; mem. War Work Council, 1917-19, F.D.S., overseas, Medaille French Govt.; mem. M.L.A.A., A. A. A.S., Genetics Soc, Elks, O.F. Author: Handbook of Biolonguistics. Recreations : • deep-sea fishing, trolling. Protestant. Democrat. Office: University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 230 Wild- wood Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. NORTHCROSS, Daisy L. Hill, physi- cian; b. Montgomery, Ala., 9 Dec 1881; d. William Hill, farmer, and Mary Fran- ces (Fair) H.; ed. pvt. and high schs.; State Teachers Coll., 1900; Temple Coll., 1904; M.D., Loyola Univ., 1913; m. 304 David C. Northcross of Tuscumbia, Ala., 1909; children— Gloria, David, Wilson Hill. Teacher, Ala. State Teachers Coll., 1904-09; supt., Mercy Hosp.; mem. Nat., Wayne Co. and Mich. State Med. Assns., Sigma Gamma Rho. Club: New Era Study. Author: The Nun (unpub.). In- terest: art. Conglist. Office: 668 Winder St., Detroit, Mich. Home: 50 King Av., Detroit, Mich. MXLLMANN, Anna Marie, principal; b. Milwaukee, Wis., d. Charles Mill- mann and Emma (Tutkin) M.; ed. S. Div. high sen.; Mil. State Normal Sch.; LL.B., Marquette Univ., 1923, Ph.B., 1927; additional study at Marquette Univ. M.E., Marquette Univ., 1941; Co- lumbia Univ. Teachers Coll. Principal of Luther Burbank School; dir. of social center, Luther Burbank Sch., treas., Marquette Univ. Alumni Assn.; mem. Milwaukee Bar Assn., State Bar Assn., Administrative Women's Assn., Milwau- kee Principals Assn., Wis. Elem. Princi- pals Assn., Am. Assn. of Sch. Admr., Nat. Edn. Assn., Nat. Congress of Par- ents & Teachers, Nat. Dept. of Elemen- tary Sch. Principals, Marquette Univ. Alumnae Assn. (life). Clubs: Milwaukee City, Business and Professional Wom- en's. Interest: swimming, movie cam- era, stamp collecting. Catholic. Office: 6035 W. Adler St., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 5223 W. Wisconsin Av., Milwau- kee, Wis. MITCHELL, Dora Otis, social worker; b. Hopkins, Mo., 2 July 1886; d. Newton Otis, farmer, and Eunice (Collins) O.; ed. Zenia Rural Sch., Hopkins and Maryville high sens.; A.B., Univ. Mo., 1908, A.M., 1914; Scarritt Bible and Training Sch.; Ed. M., Harvard Univ. 1922; Sch. Social Work, Tulane Univ. 1936; m. Mason E. Mitchell of Conway, Ark., 2 Jan. 1916; children — Edward Otis, Mary Milster, Rachel Dunham. Missionary (China), 1910-15; prin., Soo- chow Industrial Sch. (China), 1913-15; engaged in church and social work, co. visitor for E.R.A., 1931-33, case work supervisor, P.E.R.A. 1933-37, field super- visor (State Welfare), 1937-43; dir. Sta- tistics and Research, 1945; engaged in local Red Cross work during World War I; mem. Am. Assn. Social Workers, A. A.U.W. (p. pres. local chap.), W.C.T.U.. D.A.R. (p. regent local chap.). Magna Charter Dames, Dames of 1812, Colonial Dames 17th Century; Am. Pioneers Assn, Woman's Missionary Soc, Par- ent Teachers Assn., Phi Beta Kappa (Mo. Univ.). Author: History of Nature Study. Travel: China, Japan, W.I., Cu- ba, U.S. Interests: children, gardens, flowers, Chinese art. Recreations: read- ing, study. Methodist. Democrat. Office: State Welfare Dept., Little Rock, Ark, Home: Seven Oaks, Conway, Ark. Sum* mer home: Lone Oak Farm, Hopkins, Mo. MITCHELL, Morris Bockee, lawyer; b. Louisville, Ky., 21 Aug. 1890; s. M. M. Mitchell, leaf tobacco broker, and Elizabeth (Dwinnell) M.; ed. Louisville pub. sens.; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1912; LL.B., Harvard Law Sh., 1915; m. May Adams Lincoln of Louisville, Ky., 10 July 1926; children — Morris B., Jr., Lin« coin A. Dir., Burma-Vita Co.; v.p. Min- neapolis Family Welfare Assn.; mem. Minn. Judicial Council, Sigma Chi, Minn. State Bar Assn. (p. pres.), Hen- nepin Co. Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn. (mem. bd. of governors, 1941-44). Clubs: Minneapolis, 5:55. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: 1133 First National-Soo Line Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 1772 Colfax Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. STEVENS, Harry L., heating and air conditioning engineer; b. Arlington, Kan., 15 Jan. 1898; s. M.M. Stevens and Norma (Leonard) S.; ed. Hutchin- son high sch.; Kan. Univ.; m. Etta Po- land of Junction City, Kan.; children — Polly Adair, James E. Pres., M.M. Ste- vens Co.; dir., Salt City Oil Co., Am. Finance Co.; pres., Hutchinson Cham- ber of Commerce; serg., S.A.T.C, dur- ing World War I; mem. Am. Soc. Heat- ing and Ventilating Engrs., Nat. Assn. Master Plumbers. Clubs : Rotary, Prairie Dunes. Author: trade paper arts.; inventor: Stevens Sensible Air Conditioner. Interest: aviation. Recrea- tion: golf. Protestant. Office: 108 W. Sherman St., Hutchinson, Kan. Home: 320 W. 20th St., Hutchinson, Kan. STAXMAN, Elvin Charles, plant pa- thologist; b. Algoma, Wis., 17 May 1885; s. Frederick Stakman and Emelie (Eberhardt) S.; ed. Humboldt high sch., St. Paul; Stevens Sem., Glencoe; Cleve- land high sch., St. Paul; B.A., Univ. Minn., 1906, M.A., 1910, Ph.D., 1913; Dr. Nat. Sci., Univ. of Halle, 1938; m. Louise Jensen of Minneapolis, Minn., 6 Sept. 1917. Teacher, pub. sch., Minn., 1906-09; instr. plant path., Univ. Minn., 1909, asst. prof., 1913, assoc. prof., 1916, prof., 1918 — , head sect, plant path., 1913-40, chief of div. plant path, and bot., 1940 — ; connected with U.S. Dept. of Agr. in various capacities, 1914 — , now agent, Bur. Entomol. and Plant Quarantine; extensive investigations of cereal rusts and smuts; del. Pan Pacific 305 Sci. Congress, 1923; del. 6th Internat. Bot. Congress; E. Chr. Hansen gold medal and prize, 1928; guest prof., Univ. of Halle, Ger., 1930-31; sci. adviser to Firestone Plantations Co., Liberia, 1930- 31; head of rubber survey party in So. Am., U.S. Dept. of Agr., 1940; ed. in chief, Phytopathology, 1925-29; mem. div. of Biol, and Agr., Nat. Res. Council, 1931-34, mem. exec, com., 1932-34, 36-38, alternate advisory rep., Elector Group V, 1940-43; chmn. com. on Genetics of Pathogenic Organisms, 1937—; chmn. com. on Aerobiology, 1938—; chmn. War Com. Am. Plant Pathols., 1942-44; mem. Am. Plant Pathols. War Emergency Bd., 1918, Am. Phytopath. Soc. (pres., 1922), Research Bd. for Nat. Security, Nat. Acad, of Sciences, 1945; Am. Ge- netics Assn., Am. Soc. Agronomy, Bot. Soc. Am., Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Am. Philos. Soc, Soc. Am. Naturalists, A.A.U.P., Nat. Acad. Sci., Torrey Bot. Club: Wash. Acad. Sci., Minn. Mycol. Soc, Minn. Acad. Sci., Minn. Hist. Soc, Akad Naturf Halle, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Gamma Alpha. Clubs: Skylight. Minneapolis, Informal, St. Paul, Cos- mos, Washington. Author: more than 150 bulls, and sci. arts. Travel: all states of U.S. numerous times, Alaska, Australia, Can., Mex., 2 trips around world, Liberia, Malaya, E.I., So. Am. Protestant. Independent. Office: Di- vision of Plant Pathology and Botany, University of Minnesota, University Farm, St. Paul, Minn. Home: 1411 Hythe St., St. Paul. RIGGS, Raymond H., business execu- tive; b Connersville, Ind., 18 Oct. 1903; s. Benjamin Turner Riggs and Sadie (Stinger) R.; ed. Flint (Mich.) high sen.; B.S., in E.E., Mich. State Coll., 1926; m. Hilda M. Hameline of Flint, Mich., 16 May 1925; children— David Emerson, Richard Turner, Robert Jo- seph. In electrical construction bus., 1927; mgr., Mich. State Coll. Union, 1928-37; gen. mgr., owner, Mich. Hy- brid Seed Co. (producer of Wolverine Hybrids), 1937—; and Ray Glaze Co., 1940 — ; pres., dir. Mich. Certified Hy- brid Seed Corn Producers; State Res- taurant Code Authority, N.R.A., 1933; O.R.C., Coast Artillery, 1926-36; mem. Eclectic Soc, Masons, Mich. Crop Im- provement Assn. Nat. Assn. Coll. and Univ. Unions (pres., 1936), Young Men of Am. (1926-37). Recreations: hunting, golf, swimming. Protestant. Republican. Office: Michigan Hybrid Seed Co., East Lansing, Perry, Mich. Home: 974 Rose- wood Av., East Lansing, Mich. ROBERTSON, Fred, lawyer; b. near Craigville, Orange Co., N.Y., 2 July 1871; s. John M. Robertson, farmer, and Nancy (Haley) R.; self-ed.; m. Luella J. Hotchkiss (dec.) of Atwood, 15 May 1900; 1 dau., Agnes (Mrs. E.S. Gosney); m. (2nd) Nelle Numbers James of Paola, Kan., 18 June 1938. Engaged in active pract. law, Mar. 1897—; city atty., chmn. Bd. Edn., co. atty., state senator, Atwood; U.S. Dist. Atty. for State of Kan., 1 July 1913-1 July 1921 (apptd. by Woodrow Wilson), successfully prosecuted mems. of I.W. W. who were charged with conspiring to defeat efforts of govt, in World War I, and secured conviction of 27 men in one verdict; mem. State Bd. Law Ex- aminers for Kan., June 1924 — ; mem. law firm, Robertson, Boddington & Em- erson, Kan. City; officer dir. on counsel of various corps.; hon. mem., P.A.D. Travel : Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Fiji, South Seas, No. Am. and elsewhere. Sister, Nancy Robertson, was said to be 1st woman apptd. as deputy U.S. Marshal in U.S. Episcopalian, (le- gal advisor for Diocese of Kan., 10 yrs.). Democrat. Office : 1109-1116 Huron Bldg., Kansas City, Kan. Home: 2219 Washington Blvd., Kansas City, Kan. SAMUEL, Mother Mary, (Coughlin, Ellen Theresa), Mother General of Sis- ters of the Third Order of St. Dominic of Sinsinawa, Wis.; b. Faribault, Minn., 7 Apr. 1868; d. Daniel Coughlin, farmer, and Ellen (O'Mahoney) C. ; ed. Bethle- hem Acad., Faribault, Minn.; St. Clara Coll.; Univ. Chicago; LL.D. (hon.), Loy- ola Univ., Chicago. Teacher in parochial grade sens., 1887-1901; bursar gen. of Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary, Sinsinawa, teacher in St. Clara Coll., and Acad., 1901-04; prioress, St. Clara Convent, 1904-10; Mother Gen. of Con-* gregation of the Most Holy Rosary, 1910—; pres. bd. trs., St. Clara Coll. Travel: Europe. Catholic. Independent. Address: Saint Clara Convent, Sinsin- awa, Wis. RODKEY, Robert Gordon, university professor; b. Mahaffey, Pa., 18 July 1885; s. Robert Lipton Rodkey, tanner, and Margaret Emily (Olp) R.; ed. nor- mal sen.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1914; A.M., 1915; Ph.D., 1928; unmarried. Dir. State Savings Bank, Ann Arbor; mem. Eco- nomists, Nat. Com. on Monetary Policy; capt. U.S.A., gen. staff during World War I; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Statistical Assn., Acacia Fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi, Beta, Gamma Sigma, Masons (32d deg.). Clubs: Univ. (Ann Arbor, Bankers (Detroit). Author: The 306 Banking Process, 1928; Preferred Stocks as Long-Term Investments, 1932; Legal Reserves in Am. Banking, 1934; State Bank Failures in Michigan, 1935, Sound Policies for Bank Management, 1944. Travel: So. Am., Eur., Afr., Asia, Aus- tralia, So. Sea Is. Recreations: tennis, squash, bridge, chess. Office: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1025 Spring St., Ann Arbor. SANDERSON, Susanne Muro, physi- cian; b. Canada; naturalized; d. Dr. Neil Munro and Mary (Casswell) M.; ed. Moulton Coll.; Women's Branch of McMaster Univ., Can.; Northwestern Univ. Med. Dept.; M.D., Univ. Mich., 1908; m. Philip Gray Sanderson of De- troit, Mich (dec). Specialist in obste- trics and gynecology; mem. staff, Wom- en's Hosp., Detroit, Mich., Am. Med. Women's Assn., A.M. A., Wayne Co. Med. Soc, Mich. State Med. Soc, Am. Bd. Obstetrics and Gynecology, Y.W. C.A., A.E.I. Med. Sorority. Club: Wom- en's City (Detroit). Protestant. Office: 510 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. Home: 15 E. Kirby, Detroit, Mich. SCHREIBER, Frederic, neurological surgeon; b. Saline, Mich., 3 Jan. 1897; s. Rev. F. Robert Schreiber, minister, and Matilda (Neumann) S.; ed. Union High Sch., Grand Rapids, Mich.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1918; M.D., Harvard Med. Sch., 1923; m. Olive Mayo of Detroit, 8 Apr. 1931 (dec, 1932); 1 son, Mayo; m. (2nd) Helen Russel McMillan of Grosse Pointe, 3 Jan. 1934; children — Ann Mc- Millan, Robert Frederic, Doris. Interne, Harper Hosp., Detroit, 1923-25; asst. sur- geon, U.S. Lines, 1925; asst. to Dr. Max Ballin, Detroit, 1925-28; asst. res. sur- geon, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Bos- ton, 1928-29; attending neurological sur- geon, Harper Hosp., Children's Hosp. Mich., Detroit Receiving Hosp., 1930 — ; prof, neurological surg., Detroit Coll. Medicine and Surg., Wayne Univ. Coll. Medicine, 1933 — ; consulting neurologi- cal surgeon, Woman's Hosp., Highland Park Gen. Hosp., Evangelical Deacon- ess Hosp., U.S. Marine Hosp., Herman Kiefer Hosp., Eloise Hosp., Wyandotte Gen. Hosp., Detroit Orthopaedic and North End Clinics; ensign, U.S.N.R.F., 1918; mem. Boylston Med. Soc, Harvey Cushing Soc, Am. Bd. Surg., Am. Bd. Neurological Surg., Central Surg. Assn., Mich. Soc Neurology and Psychiatry, Detroit Acad. Medicine, Acad. Surg. De- troit; Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons. Clubs: Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Country (De- troit), Detroit. Interest: cane collecting. Protestant. Republican. Office: 10 Peter- boro St., Detroit, Mich. Home: 841 Three Mile Dr., Grosse Pointe, Mich. SHEARD, Charles, biophysicist and physiological opticist; b. Dolgeville, N. Y., 27 May 1883; s. Charles Sheard, minister, and Frances Emily (Scatch- ard) S.; ed. Canton high sch., N.Y., 1899; A.B., St. Lawrence Univ., 1903; M.A., Dartmouth Coll., 1907; Ph.D., Princeton Univ., 1912; Dr. Sci. (hon.), St. Lawrence Univ., 1930; m. Blanche Amaral of Hanover, N.H., 31 Dec. 1907; c h i 1 d r e n — Dorothy (Mrs. Allen) Charles, Jr. Inst, and asst. prof., Ohio State Univ., 1907-13, prof, of physics, dir. of applied optics, 1914-19; head div. of ocular interests, gen. chg. of prof, and sci. work, Am. Optical Co., 1919-24; dir. div. of physics and biophys. re- search, The Mayo Clinic, prof, of bio- phys., Mayo Foundation, Univ. of Minn., 1924 — , directing mem. Mayo Aero-Medi- cal 1941 — ; fellow Am. Assn. Adv. of Sci.; life mem. Am. Optometric Soc; mem. Ophthalmic Inst, of Gt. Brit., Optical Soc. of Am., Am. Physiol. Soc, Soc. of Experimental Biol, and Med., Am. Soc Plant Physiol., Am. Soc, Clin. Pathol., Cong, of Phys. Therapy, Re- search Soc in Ophthalmol. Author: Dynamic Ocular Tests, 1917; Physiologi- cal Optics, 1919; Dynamic Skiametry, 1920; Ophthalmic Glasses, 1921; Ocular Accommodation, 1921; Practical Ocular Tests, 1924; Life Giving Light, 1933; abt. 250 research papers on optics, bi- ology and physiology. Travel: fourth Thomas Young oration, London, Eng., 1921. Interest: sci. socs., first edits, of classics, collections of American, Ro- man and Chinese coins. Office: The Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minn. Home: Institute Hills, Rochester, Minn. STREETER, Floyd Benjamin, libra- rian; b. near Hesston, Kan., 5 Dec, 1888; s. Frank Elwin Streeter and Lulu (Prouty) S.; ed. Newton (Kan.) high sch.; Univ. Kan.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1911, B.S., A.M., 1912, Litt.D.; m. Ethel Edgcumbe of Lansing, Mich., 1920; 1 dau., Eunice Miriam. Librarian and archivist, Mich. Hist. Com., 1916-26, Ft. Hays (Kan.) State Coll., 1926—; ed., Kan. Lib. News, 1926-30, The Aerend, a Kan. Quarterly, 1935—; ed., Ft. Hays State Coll. Studies, 1939—; mem. Kan. Lib. Assn., Pi Gamma Mu. Club: Am. Coll. Quill. Author: Politics Parties in Michigan, 1918; Michigan Bibliography, 1918; (2 vol.), 1921, Editor: Journal in America, 1937-38, by Joshua Toulman Smith, 1925; Prairie Trails and Cow Towns, 1936; The Kaw, The Heart of 307 a Nation, 1941; 25 art. and periodicals. Parents were pioneers in Harvey Co.; mother's family was among earliest settlers, her father on first bd. of Co. Commrs. Interest: collecting stories and songs of the prairie. Recreations: gar- dening, fishing. Presbyterian. Office: Fort, Hays Kansas State Coll., Hays, Kan. Home: 405 W. 4th St., Hays, Kan. Summer home: Bay Lake R.F.D. Deer- wood, Minn. THOMPSON, Paul W., mechanical en- gineer; b. Oxford, N.Y., 7 Dec. 1837; s. Charles E. Thompson, dentist, and Flor- ence E. (Wheeler) T.; ed. Oxford Acad.; M.E., Cornell Univ., 1910; m. Ruth Gilliat Crafts of Detroit, Mich., 19 May 1930; 1 son — Robert Wheeler. Instr. of engring., Cornell Univ., 1910- 13; summers with Mcintosh Seymour Corp., Auburn, N.Y.; with The Detroit Edison Co., 1913 — , v. pres., 1943; served two yrs. during World War I as 1st It., capt., maj., ordnance dept. insp. ; inspn. mgr., Cleveland ordnance dist.; after Armistice, army mem. Cleveland dist. claims bd. ; mem. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Am. Inst. Elect Engrs. Sigma Xi, Am. Legion, Army Ordnance Assn. Detroit Bd. of Commerce, Engring. Soc. of Detroit, Detroit Mus. of Art, Founders Soc. Clubs: Cornell of Mich., Detroit Athletic, Engrs., N.Y. Detroit Yacht, Economic of Detroit. Author: papers for annual meetings of Am. Soc. of Mech. Engrs., articles in tech. engring. publ. Travel: Eng., Scot., Holland, Belg., Fr., Ger., Switz., Eur., Cuba, Bermuda, Co- lombia, So. Am., Jamaica, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Cent. Am. Rec- reation: sail yachting. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 2000 Second Av., De- troit, Mich. Home: 1119 Devonshire Rd., Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. FRFTSCHE, Carl B., chemical manu- facturer; b. Nashville, Term., 5 Oct. 1885; s. Charles G. Fritsche, clergyman, and Mathilda (Berges) F.; ed. Fogg high sch., Nashville, Tenn. ; LL.B., Ind. Law Sch., 1917; m. Beverley C. Cald- well of Richmond, Va., 9 Feb. 1928; children — Margaret, Craig, David. En- gaged in various fields of engring. (civil, mining, mech., aeronautical chem.), 1906 — ; v.p. Reichhold Chem., Inc., Detroit, 1939—; mem. Army Ordn. Res. Adv. Com., 1940—; pres., Metal- clad Airship Corp., Detroit, 1931—; nat. field organizer, Emergency Employ- ment Service in 7 states, 1917-19; mem. S.A.E., A.S.M.E., N.A.A., A.S.T.M., Nat. Farm Chemurgic Council, Inst. Aeronautical Sciences, Royal Aeronauti- cal Soc. (London, Eng.). Interests: gar- dening, economics. Protestant. Repub- lican. Office: 601 Woodward Heights Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Home: 138 High- lands, Tuscaloosa, Ala. BRIGGS, Elizabeth V., librarian; b. Romeo? Mich.; d. John R. Briggs, farm- er, and Ann Eliza (Potter) B.; ed. Romeo high sch.; Univ. of Mich.; Co- lumbia Univ.; Ph.B., Marygrove Coll., 1934; grad. N.Y. Pub. Library Sch. Asst. head circulating dept., head periodical dept., Detroit Pub. Library, 1910-13; ref- erence catalog Div., N.Y. Pub. Library, 1914-16; libr. Royal Oak Pub. Library, 1917-43; retired, June 1943, organized and developed Oak Pub. Library, in- stalling modern methods; mem. Am. Library Assn., Mich. Library Assn., Royal Oak Hist. Soc. Clubs: Metropoli- tan Library, Business and Professional Woman's. Author: prof. arts, in various mags. Travel: Eur., Belg., Poland. Uncle Daniel Briggs Deputy Sec. of State, Mich., Supt. Pub. Instr., 2 terms; g.f. Robert R. Briggs early settler in Macomb Co. Recreation: travel. Epis- copalian. Independent. Office: Public Library, Royal Oak, Mich. Home: 719 Hendrie Blvd., Royal Oak, Mich. Sum- mer home: Wa-bi-kon Oscoda, Mich. BEHR, Fred A., lawyer; b. Detroit, Mich., 9 Apr. 1888; s. Otto C. Behr, mcht., and Minnie (Lindeman) B.; ed. Detroit Cent, high sch.; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1910; m. Camilla McLean of De- troit, Mich., 17 June 1917; children — Robert McLean, Camilla Jane. Began practice law with Orla B. Taylor; be- came partner firm Taylor, Delbridge & Behr, which dissolved, 1914; with Behr & Coolidge, 1917-32; now pvt. practice, with emphasis on corporate financing, real est. development and est. work; dir. H.W. Rickel & Co.; pres. & dir. Frederick Kahl Iron Foundry; mem. Am., Mich., and Detroit Bar Assns.; Village of Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich, (pres., 1928-31); served as 2nd It., U. S.A., Air Service, 1917-18. Club: Detroit Athletic. Protestant. Republican. Office: 600 Griswold St., Detroit 26, Mich. Home: 57 Colonial Rd., Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. NETTING, Conrad J., manufacturer; b. Southern Germany, 5 Nov. 1868; s. J. Conrad Netting, shoemaker, and Catherine (Beckle) N.; m. Clara E. Beckbissinger of Detroit, Mich., 18 Feb. 1891; children— Conrad J., Jr., Lenore Netting Stock, Clarence E., Ralph B. Worked on farm near Pontiac, Mich, until 18 yrs. of age; learned chandelier bus. in Detroit; became interested, firm 308 of Barton & McBean, which later be- came Barton & Netting Co. then C.J. Netting Co.; sold this firm, 1923; formed, The Netting Land Co., 1924-32; pres., Preserve Surface Co., Inc., 1933—; tr., Florence Crittenton Hosp., Detroit Baptist Missionary Soc; tr. emeritus Bethel Bapt. Ch. ; mem. State Legis., 1924-32; mem. Bd. of Commerce. Clubs: Rotary, Detroit Athletic, Big Creek. Travel: U.S., So. Am., abroad several times. Recreation: golf. Baptist. Republican. Office: 6315 E. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit, Mich. Home: 1526 Pennsylvania Av., Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: Gray- ling, Mich. NORRIS, Julia Anna, physician and director of physical education; b. Bos- ton, Mass., 29 Nov. 1874; d. Edward L. Norris, Merchant, and Sarah Elizabeth (Hoyt) N.; ed. Gloucester (Mass.) high sch. ; Boston Normal Sch. of Gymnas- tics; M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1900. Teacher and super, of physical ed., assoc. sch. phys. and med. adviser until 1912; dir. of Dept. of Phys. Ed. for Women, Univ. of Minn., 1912 — ; mem. Am. Assn. for Health, Phys. Ed. and Recreation, Nat. Assn. of Dirs. of Phy- sical Edn. for College Women, A.A. U.P., fellow of Acad, of Phys. Ed., Pi Lambda Theta. Author: contbr. in jour, of Health and Physical Education. Travel: Europe, U.S., So. Am., Can. Interests: birds, wild flowers. Recrea- tions: wilderness vacations. Unitarian. Office: University of Minnesota, Min- neapolis, Minn. Home: 1429 E. River Rd., Minneapolis, Minn. WHITTAKER, Alfred Heacock, sur- geon; b. Portsmounth, O., 30 Sept. 1894; s. Alfred Marvin Whittaker, wholesale druggist, and Annie M. (Heacock) W.; ed. Huntington (W. Va.) high sch.; Ohio State Univ.; M.D., Univ. of Mich.; 1918; m. Margaret E. Evans of Jackson, O., 9 July 1927; children— Alfred Evans, Hil- ary Evans, Joyce Evans, Jeanne Evans, James Evans. House surgeon, Rosevelt Hosp., N.Y.; res. surg., Bellevue Hosp., N.Y.; surg., Harper Hosp., Deaconess Hosp., Children's Hosp., Receiving Hosp., Detroit, Mich.; p. bd. dirs., De- troit Bd. of Commerce; surg. cons. De- troit Corps.; dir., Citizens Housing & Planning Coun.; served as capt., Med. Dept., U.S.A., 1918; mem. Am. Legion, Masons, F.A.C.S., P. Detroit Acad of Surg., F.A.M.A., Mich. State Med. Soc, Detroit Philos. Soc, The Players, Har- monie Soc. Clubs: Detroit Univ., De- troit Boat, Grosse Pointe Hunt, Bay- view Yacht, Faculty of O. State Univ. Author: contribs. to med. jours. Travel: Eur., Can., U.S.. Mex. Interest: collect- ing 1st eds. on traumatic surg. & occup. diseases. Recreation: riding. Episcopa- lian. Republican. Office: 1427 E. Jef- ferson Av., Detroit 7, Mich. Home: 1700 E. Jefferson Av. Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. McVEY, William Estus, school ad- ministrator; b Lee's Creek, O., 13 Dec. 1885; s. E. L. McVey, farmer, and Jane (McKay) M.; ed. B.S., Oho Univ.; A. M., Ph.D. Univ. Chicago; m. (2nd) Katharine Johnson of Galesburg, HI., 20 June 1928; children — Emerson King, Jeanette, Katharine Jane. Division supt. of Philippine Is., 1908-14; dir. of ex- tension, Ohio Univ., 1916-19; supt., Thornton Twp. High Sch. and Junior Coll., 1919 — ; lecturer, summer sch., Univ. Pa., 1928, Emory Univ., 1929; pres., Alumni Assn. of Sch. of Edn., Univ. Chicago, 1919-21; pres., HI. State Principals Assn., 1924-27; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Delta Kappa, Tau Kappa Alpha. Clubs: Ro- tary, Harvey Assn. of Commerce. Au- thor: Minimum Essentials in Manners and Right Conduct for High School Stu- dents; You and Study; Find Yourself; My Conduct and My Country; Standards of Accreditation for Secondary Schools. Travel: Japan, China, Philippine Is- lands, Egy., It., Ger., Belg., Fr., Eng. Recreations : interests of general nature. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: High School Bldg., Harvey, 111. Home: 15430 Ashland Av., Harvey, HI. HAVENHILL, L.D., professor; b. Ken- dall County, 111., 5 Apr. 1870; s. Asher D. Havenhill, agriculturist, and Ermina (Crum) H.; ed. Jannings Sem.; West Aurora (HI.) high sch.; Ph.C, Univ. Mich., 1893, Pharm. M. 1894; B.S., Univ. Kan. f 1903; M.S (hon.) Univ. Mich., 1940; m. Myra Buck of State Center, la., 8 June 1897; children— Marshall A., Robert S. Chemist, Honolulu, H.I., 1894- 95; drug clerk, chemist, Chicago & Aurora Smelting & Refining Co., 1895- 99; asst. prof, pharmacy, Univ. Kan., 1899-1906, assoc. prof., 1906-07; Fed. Drug Inspection Chemist, N.Y., 1907-08; prof, pharmacy, Univ. Kan., 1908-24, act- ing dean, 1924-25, dean, prof, pharmacy & materia medica, 1925-40; prof, phar- macy, 1940-45; chief of drug lab., Kan. State Bd. of Health, 1909-25, dir., 1925- 40; p. pres., Kansas City sect., Am. Chem. Soc, Kan. Acad, of Sci.; p. 1st and 3d v.p., Am. Pharm. Assn.; mem. (hon.) Kan. Pharm. Assn. Auxiliary mem com. Nat. Formulary, VI ed.; mem. com. on unofficial formulas, Pharm. Recipe Book of the A.Ph.A., 10th & 11th revision com. of the Pharma- 809 copoeia of U.S., Sigma Xi, Phi Delta Chi. Author: Pharmacy for Freshmen; Essentials of Pharmacy (Sayre & Havenhill) ; Pharmacy Arithmetic ; State Board of Pharmacy Questions. In- terest: pharm. history. Recreations: home work shop. Conglist. Republican. Office: University of Kansas, School of Pharmacy, Lawrence, Kan. Home: 1539 Vermont St., Lawrence, Kan. NEFF, Ward Andrew, newspaper pub- lisher; b. Kansas City, Mo., 11 Feb. 1891; s. Jay Holcomb Neff, newspaper publisher, and Ellen (Ward) N.; ed. Baker Univ.; B.J., Univ. Mo., 1913; m. Lylian Bingham of Virginia, HI., 29 Apr. 1925. Reporter, Daily Drovers Tele- gram, Kansas City, 1913; news and tele- graph ed., 1914-15; gen. mgr., Corn Belt Farm Dailies, comprising Chicago Daily Drovers Journal, Kansas City Daily Drovers Telegram, Omaha Daily Jour- nal-Stockman, St. Louis Daily Livestock Reporter; pres., Drovers Journal Pub- lishing Co., D.J. Press., Radio Station WAAF; dir. Employers' Reinsurance Corp., Central Surety & Ins. Corp., Cen- tral Surety Fire Corp., Kansas City, Mo.; pvt., 164th Depot Brigade, 2d class seaman, U.S.N. , 1918; mem. Am. Soc. Newspaper Eds., Sigma Delta Chi (nat. pres., 1923), Phi Gamma Delta, Am. Legion, A.F. & A.M. Scottish Rite, Shrine, B.P.O.E. Clubs: So. Shore Coun- try, Saddle & Sirloin. Travel: U.S., Eur., Holy Land, Egy., Mex. Methodist. Independent. Republican. Office: 836 Exchange Av., Union Stock Yds., Chi- cago 9, 111. Home: 6740 Oglesby Av., Chicago 49, HI. EVANS, Edward Steptoe, executive; b. Thaxtons, Va., 24 May 1879; s. Thomas Davis Evans, publisher, and Mary Elizabeth (Murrell) E.; ed. Lynchburg high sen.; Columbian Univ.; m. Virginia E. McCormick of Nottaway, Va., Apr. 1905; children— Edward Step- toe, Jr., Robert Beverley. Assistant, Li- brary of Congress, 1900-04; asst. state libr., Va. State Library, 1904-07; realtor, broker, 1909-15; pres., dir., Evans Prod- ucts Co., 1915—; dir. chmn. Detroit Air- port Com.; capt. Q.M.C., during World War I, It. col., Spl. Reserve Air Corps.; Fellow Am. Geog. Soc; mem. Masons, Soc. Automotive Engineers, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Shrine. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Boat, Recess, Ex- plorers (N.Y.), Adventurers (Chicago), Commonwealth (Richmond, Va.), De- troit. Author: History of Seals of Vir- ginia; Encyclopedic-Guide to Rich- mond, Va.; Calendar Virginia Tran- scripts in London Record Office; Con- tributor to numerous magazines on air freight transport and gliding. Travel: record holder in race around world, 1926. Interests: art, literature. Recrea- tions: boating, horseback riding, fish- ing, philately. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: 15310 Fullerton Av., De- troit, Mich. Home: 1005 Three Mile Dr., Grosse Pointe, Mich. MURPHY, Joseph A., judge; b. Mt. Pleasant, Mich.; s. George B. Murphy and Margaret (McNulty) M.; ed. high sen.; Central Michigan Normal; LL.B., Univ. Detroit; m. Isabel Callahan, 1932; children — Patricia, Joseph A., Jr., Mi- caela. Elected Judge of Probate, Wayne Co., Mich., 1932, 1936, 1940; mem. Delta Theta Phi. K.C., Am. Bar Assn. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Lochmoor, Lions. Of- fice: 301 Wayne County Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 1227 Yorkshire Rd., Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. BISHOP, Arthur Giles, banker; b. Flint, Mich., 12 Apr. 1851; s. Russell Bishop and Mary (Thomson) B.; ed. Flint high sen.; D. Arts, Univ. Mich., 1873; m. Carrie Elizabeth Spencer of Flint, Mich.. 24 Sept. 1879; children- Russell Spencer, Katherine Bishop Min- er. Dir. General Motors Corp., 1915—; local treas. in World War I. Club: De- troit. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Genesee County Bank, Flint, Mich. Home: 606 E. Kearsley St., Flint, Mich. Died, 22 Jan. 1944. JACKSON, George L., retired profes- sor of education; b. Springville, N.Y., 28 May 1875; s. William Jackson, farm- er, and Emma (Knowlton) J.; ed. Grif- fith Inst.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1906; A.M., Columbia Univ., 1908, Ph.D., 1909; m. Bessie F. Hazelton of Bradford, Pa., 1902. Instr. edn. and asst. prof., Univ. Mich., 1910-17, assoc. prof. hist, of edn., 1917-24, prof., 1924-36, ret. July 1936. F.A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Hist. Assn., Soc. Coll. Teach-- a Edn. Mich. Club: School- master's. Author: School Support in Co- lonial Massachusetts; The Extension of the Privilege of Education; State Con- trol of Education in Michigan; Develop- ment of Secondary Education; Outline of the History of Education. Independ- ent. Home: 2126 Dorset Rd., Ann Ar- bor, Mich. HARLAN, Marion Scribner, lawyer; b. Fayette, O., 22 Mar. 1895; s. Charles M. Harlan and Lenawee D. (Haff) H.; ed. Hudson (Mich.) high sen.; LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1918; m. Elizabeth Taft of Monroe, 24 June 1925; children— Mary 810 i^enawee, Marion Scribner, n, Cynthia. Mem. firm, Beaumont, Smith & Harris; pres., Grosse He Bd. of Ed., 1934—; served as 2nd It., C.A.R.C., A.E.F., 1918-19. Club: The Players. Grosse He Golf & Country, Military Order of Loyal Legion. Office: Union Guardian Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 22241 Miami Dr., Grosse He, Mich. Summer res.: Flag Point Club, Higgins Lake, Mich. MINROW, Maude Elizabeth, teacher; b. Clinton, HI., d. Dennis Minrow and Mary Frances (Mitchell) M.; ed. Ele- mentary Schools, Springfield, O., high sch., New Carlisle, O.; A.B., Kansas State Teachers Coll., 1910; Chicago Univ.; A.M., Columbia Univ., N.Y., 1919; unmarried. Teacher, elementary schs., Iola, Kan., Kansas City, Kan., Kansas City, Mo.; high sch. teacher, Iola, Kan.; instr., Kansas State Teach- ers Coll.; prin., Roosevelt high sch.; dean of women, Kansas State Teachers Coll.; treas., mem. bd. dir., Memorial Corp., Kansas State Normal Sch.; served as Red Cross worker during World War I; mem. N.E.A., State Edn. Assn., Nat. Assn. of Deans of Women, State Assn. of Deans of Women, Kan. Council of Women, D.A.R. Club: Kan. Dinner. Travel: U.S., Eur., Egy., Pales- tine, Turkey, Algiers, Crete, Smyrnia- Rhodes. First cousin to Gen. Fredrick Funston. Interest: travel, books. Con- glist. Office: Kansas State Teachers Coll., Emporia, Kan. Home: 1114 Neosho, Emporia, Kan. DANFORTH, William Clark, gyne- cologist, obstetrician; b. Chicago, HI., 30 July 1878; s. Isaac Newton Danforth, physician, and Elizabeth (Skelton) D.; ed. W. Div. high sch., Chicago; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1900, M.D., 1903; m. Gertrude Mac Lean of Brooklyn, N. Y., June 1909; 1 son, David Newton. Prof, obstetrics and gynecology, North- western Univ. Med. Sch.; gynecologist and obstetrician in chief, Evanston Hosp.; engaged in pvt. practice; mem. Draft Bd. No. 2 Cook Co.; mem. Am. Gynecological Soc, Chicago Gynecologi- cal Soc, Inst. Med. Chicago, Am. Med. Assn. Clubs: Univ. (Chicago), Univ. (Evanston), Glen View Golf. Author: contributions to literature of gynecology and obstetrics, chaps, to two text-books, about 60 papers on gynecology and ob- stetrics. Interests: reading, travel. Epis- copalian. Republication. Office: 636 Church St., Evanston, 111. Home: 1625 Hinman Av., Evanston, 111. FRASCH, Miriam Rowena, artist; b. Ohio; ed. Columbus Art Sch.; B.S., St. Lawrence Univ.; M.A., Ohio State Univ. ; exhibits at Columbus Art League, Biennial Exhibition of The Cor- coran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Annual Exhibition of The Pa. Acad, of Philadelphia; mem. Columbus Art League, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Home: care of Windsor Arms Apts., 1485 W. Third Av., Columbus, O. SMITH, Harold A., lawyer; b. Albany, 111., 27 Aug. 1898; s. Alfred B. Smith, farmer, and Louise (Rosenkrans) S.; ed. Morrison (HI.) high sch.; LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1921; m. Ruth Gil- bert of Pleasant Lake, Ind., 16 June 1926; 1 dau., Elisabeth Ann. Affilated with Winston Strawn and Shaw, 1922 — , partner, 1936—; O.T.C. at Camp Grant, HI. at close of World War I; mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Lambda Chi Alpha, Delta Theta Phi. Clubs: Mid-Day, Westmoreland Coun- try, Law, Union League. Recreations: golf, travel. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice: 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. Home: 2415 Lincoln St., Evanston, HI. WILSON, Ira J., lawyer; b. Ripon, Wis., 8 Nov. 1881; s. Fred J. Wilson, farmer, and Ella A. (Gardner) W.; ed. Ripon high sch.; Univ., Wis.; LL.B., George Washington Univ., 1908, M.P.L., 1909; m. Anne H. Holbrook of Boston, Mass., 7 Apr. 1910; 1 dau., Mrs. Jane Scott. With Tel. & Tel., 1904; U.S. Patent Examiner, 1905-09; with Linthicum, Belt & Fuller, 1909-14, Pond & Wilson, 1914- 24, Wilson, Dowell, McCanna & Lorch, 1929-37; individual practice, 1937 — ; v.p., Wilson Engring. Co.; sec, Lipman Pat- ents Co.; mem. Masons, Phi Delta Phi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Am. and HI. Bar Assns., Am. and Chicago Patent Law Assns. Clubs: University of Chicago, North Shore Country. Recreation: golf. Conglist. Republican. Office: 1 La Salle St., Chicago, HI. Home: 624 Elder Lane, Winnetka, HI. YONDORF, Milton Simon, real estate executive; b. Chicago, HI., 18 Nov. 1883; s. Simon Yondorf, mortgage bus., and Minnie (Horner) Y.; ed. So. Side Acad.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1903; m. M. Hor- tense Grossman of Chicago, 111., 1918; children — Milton S., John D. P. v.p., Chicago Real Estate Bd., Chicago Mort- gage Bankers; tr., Michel Reese Hosp.; mem. Archaeol. Soc. Clubs: Standard, Lake Shore Country, Glencoe. Author: book of poems. Interest: archaelogy. Recreation: golf. Jewish. Office: 105 W. Madison St., Chicago, HI. Home: 3720 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, HI. 311 MAGGART, Maynard E., advertising executive; b. Cromwell, Ind., 23 May 1878; s. Allen D. Maggart and Mary Jane (Pollock) M.; ed. Cromwell High Sen.; Wesleyan Univ., Salina, Kan., 1895- 98; m. Cornelia Beresford Calder of Cedar Rapids, la., 6 June 1902 (dec); children — Alcinda Mary, Edith Keeling, m. (2nd) Grace Ann Dinsmoor, 30 Mar. 1942. With Chicago Tribune; pub., Cedar Rapids Rep. Times; adv. mgr., Selz Schwab & Co.; war correspondent; Maggart Adv. Agency; tr., treas., HI. Coll. of Chiropody and Foot Surgery; served as operative in secret service during World War I; mem. Masons, Shrine. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Chi- cago Yacht, Germania. Recreation: golf. Lutheran. Republican. Office: 333 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1083 Elm St., Winnetka, 111. FESLER, Bert, judge; b. Franklin, Ind., 22 July 1866; s. John R. Fesler and Harriet (Fish) F.; ed. Franklin high sch.; Indiana Univ., 1889; m. Vinnie L. King of Topeka, Kan., 1894; children — Ruth, Rachel, John K., James W. Judge, Distric Court, 1913—; city atty., Duluth, 1904-08, 1910-12; mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Democrat. Office: Court House, Duluth, Minn. Home: Spalding Hotel, Duluth, Minn. GAUERKE, Chester Gustave, chem- ist; b. Portage, Wis., 11 June 1898; s. Marks Gauerke, clergyman, and Ida (Raasch) G.; ed. South Div. high sch., Milwaukee, Wis.; A.B., Lawrence Coll., 1923; M.S., Univ. HI., 1924, Ph.D., 1927; m. Gladys Rabehl of Milwaukee, Wis., 10 June 1929; 1 dau., Enid Loraine. Teacher, chemistry (part-time), Univ. 111., 1924-27; research chem., du Pont Co., Wilmington, Del., 1927-35; dir. resin research, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 1935—; pvt., U.S.A., World War I, 3 mos.; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Nat. Geog. Soc, Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Up- silon. Protestant. Independent. Office: Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 2903 W. 57th St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Summer res.: Eagle Springs Lake, Eagle, Wis. WILSON, Clara Owsley, professor, chairman of department of elementary education; d. Owsley Wilson, lawyer, and Florence (Sherman) W.; ed. Univ. Chicago; received scholarship to Colum- bia Univ., A.M., 1927; Ph.D., Univ. Neb., 1931. Mem. faculty, Columbia Univ., 5 yrs., Univ. Calif., Berkeley, 5 summers; mem. Pi Lambda Theta, Del- ta Kappa Gamma, Alpha Chi Omega, Mortar Bd. Author: several children's books; co-author: A Child's Story of Nebraska, 1936. Travel: Eur. Office: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Home: Apt. 201, 645 S. 17th St., Lincoln, Neb. KLECKNER, Clarence Wilbur, secre- tary, Illinois State Grange; b. 29 Oct. 1904; s. Charles A. Kleckner, farmer, and Mary C. (Pepper) K.; ed. Rock- ford high sch.; m. Margaret A. Reid, 22 Oct. 1932; children— Mary Alice, Jean Elizabeth. Worked on father's farm near Rockford, 111., 1922-32; sec. HI. State Grange, 1933 — ; insurance and adjusting business, 1935 — ; mem. Elks; Club: Ki- wanis. Lutheran (mem. Trinity Luther- an Ch.). Republican. Travel: Central U.S. Interests: reading, sports. Recrea- tions: golf, bowling, soft ball. Office: Forest City Bank Bldg., Rockford, 111. Home: 2014 Yonge St., Rockford, HI. KOLLER, Charles William, minister; b. Waco, Tex., 11 Mar. 1896; s. John U. Koller, master baker, and Mary (Hoist) K.; ed. A.B., Baylor Univ., 1923 Th.M., Southwestern Bapt. Theol. Sem. 1926, Th.D., 1935; Drew Sem., Madison N.J., 1931-32, D.D., Eastern Bapt. Theol Sem., 1944; m. Selma Steinhaus of Dal las, Tex., 9 Sept. 1924; children— Caro lyn Marie, Evelyn Jean. Student pastor ates at Wellborn, Riesel, Hallsburg Morgan, Tex., 1921-27; pastor, Clinton Hill Bapt. Ch., Newark, N.Y., 1927-38 pres., Northern Bapt. Theol. Sem., Chi cago, 111., 1938; dir., N.J. Bapt. Conv. 1936-37, Chicago Bapt. Assn., 1938— mem. gen. council, Northern Bapt Conv., 1941 — ; U.S. Army, air service 1918-19; mem. Chicago Bible Soc Au thor: many arts, in rel. publications Baptist. Office: 3040 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 3026 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, HI. ELLIS, Leonard Richard, physician; b. Tuscaloosa Co., Ala., 2 June 1874; s. Evander Clay Ellis, phys., and Mary Lavinia (Taylor) E.; ed. Hot Springs high sch.; B.S., Bethel Coll., Russeli- ville, Ky., 1894; M.D., Vanderbilt Univ., 1899; m. Edna A. Coburn of Gt. Falls, Mont., 15 June 1904; children— Mary La- vinia, Edna R. (dec, 1934), Leonard, Jr. Surgeon, La Mina Reformatory, Coa- huila, Mex.; asst. surgeon, Mo. Pacific R.R. ; surgeon, Rock Island R.R. ; apptd. mem. Fed. Registration and Ex- am. Bd., 1908, pres., 1914—; alderman, Hot Springs, several yrs., city phys., 3 yrs., pres., Bd. Health, 20 yrs.; col., Reg. of Inf., during World War I (saw no service); mem. Garland Co. Med. Soc. (p. pres.), Ark. State Med. Soc, 312 A.M. A., Southwest Med. Assn., So. Med. Assn., Masons, Elks (p. grand loyal knight, p. exalted ruler, Hot Springs Lodge), Ark. State Elks Assn. (p. pres.), Sigma Alpha Epsilon (1893—). Author: papers on blood pressure and other subjs. Travel: U.S. Interest: reading. Recreations: hunting, shooting, skeet, traps, travel. Democrat. Office: Medi- cal Arts Bldg., Hot Springs, Ark. Home: Malvern Rd., Hot Springs, Ark. Died, 10 May 1944. WILLIAMSON, Thomas, lawyer; b. Staunton, 19 May 1867; s. Thomas Wil- liamson, farmer, and Elizabeth (Creigh- ton) W. ; ed. Valparaiso Normal Sch.; Northern Ind. Normal Sch., 1887; St. Louis Law Sch., 1890-91; m. Martha L. Binney of Madison Co., 111., 14 Oct. 1891; children — Mrs. Bessie Eleanor Hughes, Mrs. Jessie Christine Graff, Thomas Binney, Capt. Robert Warnock, U.S.N. Engaged in pract. law, Mt. Olive, HI., 1891-99, Edwardsville, 1899—; mem. firm, Warnock, Williamson & Burroughs; originated legal system for road constrn., 111.; master in chancery, 1919-22; asst. atty. gen., 111., 1919-21; U.S. atty., Southern Dist. 111., 1 July 1922-1 Aug. 1926 (apptd. by Pres. Hard- ing); asst. dir., Dept. Purchases & Con- str., 1930-33; pres. Bd. Edn., Edwards- ville, 111., 16 yrs.; referee in bankruptcy, Southern Dist. 111.; chmn. Council De- fense during World War I; mem. Wood- man, K.P. (grand chancellor), Masons (33d deg.). Clubs: Edwardsville Rotary (pres.), Rotary Internat. (delegate to conv., Belgium; dist. gov., 1930-31). Au- thor: This Nation Shall Not Perish; A Little Journey Beyond the Sea; Madison County Hard Road System; Origin of the Flag. Travel: Eur. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Bank of Edwards- ville Bldg., Edwardsville, 111. Home: 800 St. Louis St., Edwardsville, 111. FARRELL, Edward J., attorney; b. Creston, la., 9 Aug. 1887; s. Michael H. Parr ell (railroad operations) and Kath- erine (Kinney) F.; ed. Crestion (la.) high sch.; LL.B., Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1912; LL.D., Loyola Univ., 1941. Dir., Am. Maize-Products Co.; mem. Administrative Council, Loyola Univ.; capt. 369th Infantry, World War I, U.S. Army citation for gallantry, Croix de Guerre; mem. Chicago Law Inst., American, 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., American Legion, Phi Alpha Delta, K.C. Clubs: Union League (Chi- cago), LaGrange Country, (LaGrange, 111.). Recreations: hunting, golf. Catho- lic. Office: 231 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 506 N. Spring Av., LaGrange, 111. McDERMOTT, John Joseph, eye, ear, nose, throat specialist; b. Hubbardston, 31 May 1887; s. James W. McDermott, merchant, and Rose Ann (Fitzpatrick) McD.; ed. Ionia high sch., Ferris Inst. M.D., Univ. Vienna, 1922, Univ. Mich., 1914; m. Margaret L. Feiner of Ann Arbor; children — Russell, Marian, Rita, Bernard, (killed in Italy, 10 Oct., 1944, 5th Army 361st Infantry), Robert, Vin- cent. Chmn. Library Bd.; served as capt. M.R.C., during World War I; mem. A.C.S., Am. Acad. Ophthal. and Otolary., Am. Inst. Homeopathy. Am. Med. Soc, Southwestern Mich. Triologi- cal Soc, Berrien Cass Co. Med. Soc, Kiwanis Internat. (mem., 20 yrs., p. pres. and dir., 10 yrs.), K.C. (p. Grand Knight). Interest: amateur movies. Rec- reation: golf. Catholic. Democrat. Of- fice: 505 Pleasant St., St. Joseph, Mich. Home: 519 Main St., St. Joseph, Mich. CARTER, Thomas Chauncey, teach- er; b. Bethany, Mo., 15 Sept. 1879; s. A.B. Carter, farmer, and Rebecca (Bates) C; ed. Jefferson (Okla.) high sch.; Univ. Chicago; State Coll.; M.A., 1920; Ph.D., Univ. Wis., 1930; m. Birdie Kinsall of Greensburg, Kan.; children —Mildred Pauline, Robert Paul. Taught in elementary schs. of Okla., 1901; supt. of high schs. in Okla. and Kan., 5 years; hd. biology, Northwestern State Coll., 1914 — , dir. summer sessions, dean of Faculty, 1935-36; dean of admn., 1942 — ; at training camp, Ft. Sheridan, HI. during World War I; curator Mus. of Nat. Hist, of Northwestern State Coll., in which are representatives of animal and plant forms, both living and fossil; mem. Sigma Xi, (Wis. Chap.), Phi Sig- ma, Kappa Delta Pi (pres., 1940), Okla. Acad. Sci. (first v.p. for sev. terms, elec fellow, 1933). Clubs: Alva Rotary, Alva Commercial. Author: Birds of Oklahoma; Protozoa of Colorado; scien- tific papers. Travel: Okla. biological expedition to Alaska, 1908. Interests: wood carving, photog., collecting hist, clocks. Recreations: tennis, nature walks. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: Northwestern State College, Alva, Okla. Home: 729 Locust St., Alva, Okla. HASLEY, Clyde Knapp, physician; b. Maybee, Mich., 8 Sept. 1892; s. Dan Hasley, mcht., and Emma (Knapp) H. ; ed. Monroe (Mich.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1915, M.D., 1918; m. Helen E. Rysdorp of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., 1 July 1931; children — Jane J., Rhys R. Instr. dermatology, Univ. Mich., 1918- 20, Crowell Clinic, Charlotte, N.C., 1920- 318 22; instr. roentgenology and dir. radio- therapy, Univ. Mich., 1922-24; assoc. roentgenol. and radiotherapist, Chil- dren's Hosp. of Mich., 1924-39; radium therapist, Harper Hosp., 1924-28; attend- ing roentgenol. and dermatol., Grace Hosp., 1928 — ; assoc. dermatol., Eloise Hosp., 1936—; fellow Am. Coll. Radi- ology, Am. Roentgenol. Ray Soc, Am. Radium Soc, Radiological Soc. No. Am., Am. Acad. Dermatology and Syphilology, A.M. A., Mich. State Med. Soc, Mich. Assn. of Roentgenol, (pres., 1937), Detroit X-ray and Radium Soc (pres., 1934), Detroit Dermatol. Soc, (pres., 1935), A.A.A.S. Club: Detroit Ath- letic. Author: numerous articles in med. jours.; p. assoc. ed., Detroit Med. News. Travel: Eur. Interests: water sports, photog. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 1429 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 2490 Longfellow Av., De- troit, Mich. DORSET, John Morris, physician, psychiatrist; b. Clinton, la., 19 Nov. 1900; s. Edward William Dorsey and Ann Elizabeth (Looney) D.; ed. Clinton (la.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. la., 1925, M.D., 1925, M.S., 1927; Univ. Vienna; post grad. in neurology and psychiatry, European neurologic and psychiatric centers, 1935-37; m. Mary L. Carson of Towa City, la., 26 Oct. 1926; children- John Morris, Edward Carson. Interne, Univ. la. Hosp., 1925-26, res. psychia- trist, Univ. la. Psychopathic Hosp., in- str. psychiatry, 1926-28; asst. dir., instr. psychiatry, Mich. State Psychopathic Hosp., 1928-35; assoc. prof., Univ. Mich. Med. Sch., 1933-38, lecturer in post grad. med., 1938 — ; cons, psychiatrist, Wayne Co. Juvenile Ct., 1928-35, 1937—; dir., The Children's Center, 1945; fellow The Rockefeller Foundation, 1935-37; dir. Univ. Mental Hygiene Clinic, Wayne Univ., 1940-43, Univ. Purdue Survey of Gary Sens., Gary, Ind.; mem. staff, Harper Hosp. Highland Park Bd. Ed. (pres., 1944); engaged in pvt. practice: med. officer, Reserve Corps, 1925-40; mem. Mich. State Speech Rehabilitation Assn. (chmn., 1935), A.M.A., Am. Psy- chiatric Assn., Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Psychopathol. Assn., Mich. Soc. for Neu- rology & Psychiatry, (pres., 1943), Sig- ma Xi, Alpha Kappa Delta, A.A.A.S., Assn. Mil. Surgs., Am. Psychoanalytic Assn., Nu Sigma Nu, Sigma Chi. Club: Ann Arbor Golf & Outing. Author: The Foundations of Human Nature, 1935; chap, in book Modern Marriage, 1940; contributions to jours. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interest: literature. Recreations: tennis, badminton, golf, handball. Re- publican. Office: 1242 Maccabees Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 65 Mass Av., Highland Park, Mich. CAMERON, Viola Jennings. Mrs. M. D.); b. South Bend, Ind.; 29 July; d. Rev. Jesse W. Jennings (D.D. L.L.D.), minster, and Lydia Ann (Sousley) J.; ed. Norfolk high sch.; M.Litt., Neb. Wesleyan Univ., 1912; m. Melville D. Cameron (dec.) of Schuyler, Neb., 8 Sept. 1898. Worker in women's club and ^ed. work, also state, and local work in Meth. Ch.; state Fed. chmn. Civil Service Reform Com.; rec sec, corr. sec, Neb. Fed., 1913-20; acting cor. sec, Des Moines (G.F.W.C.) Biennial Meet- ing; chmn. Gen. Fed. Transportation Com., 1924-28; chmn. Transportation, Neb. Fed., 1924-41; apptd. by Gov. Aid- rich as first woman to serve on Neb. Bd. Trs. Blind and Deaf Sch., 1912-14; Omaha, district Corr., sec. W.H.M.S., 3 yrs., pres. 5 yrs., Cor. f.v.p., 10 yrs., pres. Woman's Soc. Chr. Service 1st Meth. Ch., Omaha, 1940-41; Y.W.C.A. Bd., 5 yrs.; Omaha City Mission Bd. (corr. sec); Council of Social Agencies (p. exec, mem.); first chmn. Omaha House to House Canvas, 3rd Liberty Loan, with 1000 women working on com.; Neb. Chap. P.E.O. (rec. sec. corr. sec, 2d v.p., first v.p. and pres. State Chap. 1927); p.pres. B.K. Omaha Wil- lard, Soc. Neb. Wesleyan 45 yrs.; ap- pointed by the Gen. Conf. of the Meth- odist Episc. Ch. in 1928 on the World Peace Com., reappointed 1932; mem- Nat. Assn. of Parliamentarians Omaha Womans, Nat. Womans Republican (N. Y.C.), Republican Nat. Committee Wom- an for Neb. (elected 1928-26); County Woman's, Omaha Douglas. Desc. Neb. pioneer family coming west 1881, settled with family in Boone Co. Interests: mu- sic, painting with water colors, needle- work, reading. Methodist. Republican. Address: 216 N. 32nd Av., Omaha, Neb. Summer home: Camerola Cottage, Okoboji, la. CLOSZ, Harold Francis, surgeon; b. St. Ansgar, la., 3 Feb. 1891; s. Charles Closz, mfr.. and Ida M. (Biernatzki C.J ed. Central Acad., Pella, la.; B.Sc, Central Coll., 1913; M.D., Univ. Mich., 1917, post grad. course in surgery, 1919- 21; m. Elizabeth Cox of Pella, la., 10 July 1917; children— Elizabeth Irene, Charles Murray, Harold Francis, Wil- liam Henry. Practiced surgery, 4 mos., Detroit, now practicing in Muskegon; p. chief surgical dept., Hackley Hosp., chief of staff Hackley Hosp., 1945; cons, surg., Mercy Hosp., Muskegon; attend- 314 ing surg., Shelby Community Hosp.; 1st It. Med. Res. Corps, Oct. 1917-Dec. 1918; mem. Muskegon County Med. Soc. (p. pres.), Mich State Med. Soc, Muskegon Area Council B.S.A. (pres.). P. A.M. A, F.A.C.S. Clubs: Century, Musk Country, Kiwanis (p. pres.), Torch (p. pres.). Interests: photog., hunting, shooting, fishing. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Baptist. Independent. Office: 283 W. Western Av., Muskegon, Mich. Home: 1727 Jefferson St., Muskegon, Mich. KICE, Murray Stancliffe, Jr., execu- tive; b. Louisville, Ky., 21 July 1893; s. Murray Stancliffe Kice, realtor, and Lucy Marion (Miller) K.; ed. DuPont Manual Training high sch., Louisville, Ky.; Purdue Univ., B.S.M.E., 1915; m Miriam Deming of Franklin, Ind., 22 Feb. 1922; 1 son, John Deming. With American Blower Corp, chief engr., 1937; asst. chief engr., 1927; v. pre3. M.S. Kice Devol. Co., 1925-27; American Blower Corp., mgr. Cincinnati and In- dianapolis offices, 1919-25; sales engr., 1916-17; supt. erection 1915; L. & N. Ry., locomotive shops, sp. apprentice, 1914; served as 2nd It., 357 U.S.F.A., during World War I; Overseas Goldd Stripe; mem. Mich. Chap. Nat. Soc. S.A.R.; Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs.; Am. Welding Soc, Engr. Soc Detroit (charter); Soc. of Desc. of Founders of Hartford (Conn.), Welles Family Assn., Soc. In- diana Pioneers, Conn. Hist. Soc; Cran- brook Inst. Science; Phi Delta Theta. Clubs: Oakland Hills Country; Eco- nomic (Detroit). Author: trade arts, and soc. papers U.S., England and Russia; U.S. and Can. Letters Patents; co-au- thor: Kent's Mechanical Engr. Hand- book. Interests: color photog., geneal- ogy. Recreations: gardening, golf. Epis- copalian (Christ Church Cranbrookves- try). Office: 8111 Tireman Av., Dear- born, Mich., Home: 1266 Glengarry Rd., Birmingham, Mich. CHASE, Mary Louise, univ. prof.; b. Brattleboro, Vt; d. Henry Rufus Chase, teacher, and Elvira Harriet (Wheeler) C; ed. Northampton (Mass.) high sch.; A.B., Smith Coll.; A.M., Columbia Univ.; Cornell Univ. Teacher, Hill Sch,, Shelby ville, Ky., Ingleside, New Mil- ford, Conn.; asst. prof, home econ. and asst. state leader, home econs. exten., Univ. of HI.; served as research worker, with Food Conservation Commn. during World War I; mem. 111. Home Econ. Assn. (pres., 1943-45), Am. Home Econ. Assn., Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Epsilon Sigma Phi, D.A.R., N.E. Women. Re- publican. Conglist. Clubs: Univ. of 111. Womans, Smith Coll. of Central Illinois. Home: 810 Indiana Av., Urbana, HI. Office: University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. CHASE, Ethel Winifred Bennett, as- sociate professor of botany, adviser to women, Wayne University; b. La Porte, Ind., 19 Dec. 1877; d. Henry Augustus Chase, broker, lumberman, and Helen (McCormick) C; ed. La Porte (Ind.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1903, A.M., 1915; Stetson Univ.; Minn. Seaside Sta- tion; Colo. Mountain Lab.; Chicago and Woods Hole. With botanical exploring expedition, So. Sea Islands, 1909-10; assoc. prof, botany, Liberal Arts Coll., Wayne Univ., Detroit; registered aliens in Detroit, knitted, ran war garden dur- ing World War I; mem. Bot. Soc Am., Am. Forestry Assn., Nat. Geog. Soc, Am. Museum Natural Hist., Detroit Teachers Assn., N.E. A., Mich. Teachers Assn., Delta Delta Delta, Delta Kappa Gamma; Fellow A. A. A. S. Clubs: Schoolmasters, Detroit Teachers, De- troit Federation Women's Clubs, N. Eng. Women's, Women's City. Author: various articles in mags., newspapers, scientific jours. Travel: Can., So. Sea Islands, U.S. Ancestors have fought in every Am. war since Am. Revol. Mother, Helen McCormick Chase, desc. of founder of Tara, Cormack, King of Ireland. Interests: botany, antique furni- ture, Americana, color photog. Recrea- tions: travel, reading, landscape gar- dening, lectures, music, motoring. Epis- copalian. Republican (independent). Of- fice: Liberal Arts College. Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. Home: 4404 Common- wealth Av., Detroit, Mich. PELLOWE, William C. S., minister and author, First Methodist Church, Port Huron, Mich.; b. Bristol, Eng., 9 Dec. 1890; s. Charles Henry Pellowe and Amy Jane (Smithson) P.; ed. A.B., Albion Coll., 1917; B.D., Garrett Biblical Inst., 1920; M.A., Univ. Chicago, 1921; Th.D., Am. Theol. Seminary, Delaware, 1939; D.D., Albion College, 1943; m. Lila Irene Cook of Detroit, Mich., 10 Mar. 1931; children — Edward C, Myra L., Susan I. Entered ministry of Meth. Ch., 1910; pastor, Peck, Mich., 1910-12, Preston Ch., Detroit, Mich., 1921-26, E. Grand Blvd. Ch., Detroit, 1926-30, First Ch., Royal Oak, Mich., 1930-33, Jeffer- son Av. Ch., Saginaw, Mich., 1933-37; dist. superintendent, Detroit Conf. Methodist Church, 1937-43; served as cpl. 339th Inf., at Camp Custer, Mich. Chaplain at Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Ky., during World War I; mem. Delta Sigma Rho, Delta Sigma Phi, F and A.M. Clubs: Nat. Exchange. 315 Del. General Conf. Meth. Ch. 1944. Au- thor: Sermons that Produced Method ism, 1926; Michigan Methodist Poets 1927; Mirrors of Michigan — an Anthol ogy, 1932; John Wesley, Master in Re ligion, 1933; The Royal Road to Mexico 1937; The Skylines of Paradise (novel) 1941; Lamps of Liberty, 1943; Mark Twain Pilgrim from Hannibal, 1945 relig. arts, in mags.; lectures on Mark Twain, Shrines of Holy Land, the P: sion Play, Travel Lure of Mexico Travel: Holy Land, Egy., Near East Gt. Brit., Fr., Mex. Related to James Smithson, whose bequest founded the Smithsonian Instn., Washington, D.C. Interest: stamp colleting. Recreations: golf, fishing, deer hunting. Methodist. Independent. Address: Conference of Methodist Church, Detroit, Mich. LOWERY, Percy C, dentist; b. Har- bor Beach, Mich., 26 Mar. 1885; s. Rob- ert Lowery and Mary (Falls) L.; ed. Harbor Beach high sch.; D.D.S., Sch. Dentistry, Univ. Mich., 1910; M.S. (hon.), Univ. Mich., 1940; m. Myrtle A. King of Detroit, Mich., 29 June 1912; 1 dau., Marie Elizabeth (Mrs. Fred H. Rollins, Jr.). Purser on Great Lakes Passenger Steamers, two yrs.; ry. mail service, 1 yr.; prof, prosthetic dentistry, Univ. Michigan, 1921-30; mem. Alumni Adv. Council, Univ. Mich., Univ. Mich. Dental Sch.; mem. Mich. Gov. Com. of Gorgas Mem. Inst.; mem. 32nd War Bd., Detroit, 1917-18; sr. Dental Surg. in Res., U.S. Pub. Health Service, apptd. 15 Jan. 1936; mem. Am. Dental Assn. (chmn. res. commn., 6 yrs., v.p., 1938-39), Mich State Dental Soc. (pres., 1928), Detroit Dist. Dental Soc, Am. Coll. Dentistry (fellow, prosthetic com.), A.A.A.S., Am. Acad. Restorative Dentis- try (hon. mem.), Nat. Soc. Denture Prosthetists (treas., 1928, chmn. arts and esthetics com., 1918-23, hon. mem., 1938—), Internat. College Dentistry (fel- low, regent, pres., 1938), Internat. Assn. Dental Res. (chmn. Detroit sect.), Omi- cron Kappa Upsilon, Delta Sigma Delta, Detroit Auxiliary, Univ. Mich. Union (life mem.), Y.M.C.A. (charter mem.), Internat. Assn. Torch Clubs, Mich. Pio- neer and Hist. Soc, Masons (32d deg., Scottish Rite), Shrine, Detroit Mus. Arts Founders Soc, Nat. Res. Council (med. div.), Soc. for Res. in Child Develop- ment. Clubs: Detroit Dental Clinic (treas., 3 yrs., dir. Full Denture sect., 6 yrs., v.p., 3 yrs.), Eastern Dental (hon. pres.), Northwestern Dental (hon. mem.), Univ. Mich. (Detroit), Detroit Yacht, Players. Author: numerous pubis, on dentistry. Methodist. Repub- lican. Office: The Lowery Bldg., De- troit, Mich. Home: 5003 Seneca Av., De- troit, Mich. Summer home: Harbor Beach, Mich. THOMAS, Earle Hartley, oral sur- geon; b. Burlington, Ont., Can., 6 Feb. 1891; naturalized, 1918; s. William J. Thomas, archit., and Elizabeth (Burns) T. ; ed. Saskatoon Collegiate Inst.; D. D.S., Chicago Coll. Dental Surgery, 1913; M.D., Chicago Coll. Med. & Surg., 1916; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. Law, 1916; m. Agnes S. Chase of Saskatoon, Can., 1917; m. (2nd) E. Pearl Stinson of Winnipeg, Can., 1923; 1 dau., Barbara Elspeth; m. (3rd) J. Gertrude Lanphier of Chicago, HI., 1938. Former prof, ethics, econ., jurisprudence and asst. prof, oral surg., Chicago Coll. Dental Surgery; former prof, oral surgery, Gen. Med. Coll. (Hahneman); former supervisor, Truman W. Brophy Oral Surgery; former prof, oral surgery, Masonic Hosp.; former dir. Dental Dept., Montgomery, Ward & Co.; served in 5th Pioneer Inf., 57th Pioneer Inf. and Camp Wadsworth Base Hosp. dur- ing World War I; fellow Am. Coll. Den- tists; mem. Am. Soc. Oral Surgeons (p. pres.), Chicago Soc. Oral Surgeons p. pres.), Alumni Assn., Chicago Coll. Dental Surgery (p. pres.), Odontological Soc Chicago, Chicago Dental Soc (p. pres. North Shore br. p. chmn. Oral surgery sect, and p. chmn. Oral Sur- gery, Radiology and anathesia sects.), HI. State Dental Soc, Am. Dental Assn. (p. chmn. oral surgery sec), Chicago Med. Soc, 111. State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Assn. ; Delta Sigma Delta, Omicron Kappa Upsilon (hon.). Club: Trowel. Author: numerous lectures, clinics and papers on diseases and surgery of the mouth, jaws and face, mouth health in industry and on econ. and jurispru- dence. Methodist. Republican. Office: 55 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1635 Hinman Av., Evanston, 111. HAVERSTICK, Edward Everett, den- tistry; b. DeSoto, Mo., 6 Dec. 1873; s. Wm. Jennings Haverstick, and Eliza- beth (Vinyard) H.; ed. State Norm. Sch., Cape Girardeau, Mo.; Univ. Acad., Columbia, Mo.; Univ. of Mo.; D.M.D., Washington Univ. Sch. of Den- tistry, 1901; m. Laura Krenning, of St. Louis, Mo., 23 Oct. 1905; children— Ed- ward Everett, Wm. Krenning. V. Pres. White Hall Sewer Pipe and Stoneware Co., appt. to adv. com. for Bd. of Ap- peals No. 4, 1941; and to assist the State Advisor on Occupational Defer- ments; during World War I served on med. and dent. adv. bd.; Fellow A.C.D. 316 1938; mem. St. Louis Dent. Soc, Mo. State Dent. Assn., Am. Dent. Assoc, St. Louis Soc. Dent. Sci., Delta Sigma Del- ta, Frat. Dent. Soc. of St. Louis (pres., 1904), St. Louis Dent. Soc. (pres., 1924), St. Louis Dent. Soc. Lib. (co-founder, 1924, libr., 1925-41). Co-author: The His- tory of Dentistry in Missouri, 1938. Fore- fathers settled in Jefferson County in 1812. Interest: study and collection of dental hist. lit. Recreation: quail hunt- ing:, golf. Office: 346 N. Boyle Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 7346 Westmoreland Dr., St. Louis, Mo. BUCHEN, Walther, president of ad- vertising agency: b. Theresa, Wis., 22 Dec. 1886; s. William Buchen, farmer, and Auguste (Walther) B.; ed. May- ville (Wis.) high sch., 1902; Univ. Wis.; M.A., Univ. 111., 1913; m. Margaret Head of Madison, Wis., 25 Oct. 1915; children— Mrs. Elizabeth Buchen Wins- ton, Mrs. Esther Buchen Pese, Walther H. Teacher country sch., 1 yr.; with Soo Line, 4 yrs., So. Pacific Ry., Z x k yrs.; asst. instr., Univ. 111., 1911-15; copywriter, J. Walter Thompson Co., Erwin Wasey Co., Chicago, 1915-19; v.p., Gardner Advertising Co., St. Louis, 1919- 20; plan and production dir., J. Walter Thompson Co., Chicago, 1920-22; pres., The Buchen Co., Chicago, adv. agency specializing in advertising for durable goods and capital services, 1923 — ; dir. Universal Motor Co., Chicago Fresh Air Hosp.; tr. Ripon Coll. Clubs: Chicago, Tavern, Indian Hill, Adventurers. Rec- reations: hunting, fishing. Conglist Of- fice: 400 W. Madison St., Chicago, HI. Home: 605 Arbor Vitae Rd., Winnetka, HI. BYINGTON, Josephine poet and translator; b. Wonewoc, Wis.; d. Edgar Truman Byington, farmer, and Hannah (Doering) B.; ed. Wonewoc high sch.; River Falls Normal Sch. (State Teach- ers Coll.), 1894; Univ. Wis.; correspon- dence work in poetry, Columbia Univ. Teacher, rural schs., Juneau Co., Wis., 5 yrs., Wonewoc, 1 yr., Ashland, 2 yrs., Milwaukee, 21 yrs.; Milwaukee Teacher Emeritus, mem. Am. Literary Assn., Inc., D.A.R., W.C.T.U., Eugene Field Soc. (hon.). Clubs: Business and Profes- sional Women's, Woman's Literary, Mid- west Fed. Chaparrol Poets. Author: poems pub. in newspapers, mags., an- thologies; feature arts.; nom de plume, Emma, Rebecca Porter; translator; 3 folk lore tales of Middle Ages from Ger- man. Father was initiator of govt, funda- mentals in southern part of Juneau Co., Wis. Interest: poetry of the Bible. Christian Scientist. Republican. Ad- dress: 1016 Garfield St., Madison 5, Wis. BALDRIDGE, Charles William, civil engineer; b. Woodford Co., 111.; s. James Wilson Baldridge, farmer, and Martha Jane (Johnston) B.; ed. Bald- win (Kan.) high sch.; prep, dept.. Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kan.; Baker Univ., 2 yrs.; electrical and civil engring., Univ. Kan., 3 yrs.; m. Caroline Louise Egan of Keokuk, la., 6 Sept. 1899; children — Beatrice (Mrs. R.L. Cramer), Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. J.J. Connors), Elsie Louise (dec). Entered engring. work in ry. service, Kan. City, Watkins & Gulf Ry. (now Mo. Pac Ry.), 1896; in engring. dept., A.T. & S.F. Ry., 1897- 98, and 1912—, C.B. & Q. R.R., 1899, K.C.F.S. & M. (now Frisco), 1900-01, C. & N.W. Ry., 1902-06; in constr. dept. Saratoga Encampment (now U.P.), 1907; in maintenance dept., C. & N.W. Ry., 1908-10, C.R.I. & P. Ry., 1911; mem. Am. Ry. Engring. Assn. (p. chmn. roadway com., various sub- corns.), Univ. Kan. Alumni Assn., Road- masters & Maintenance of Way Assn. Am. (2nd v.p., 1929, 1st v.p., 1930-34, pres., 1934-35), A.A.R. Joint Com. Brine Drippings. Club: Santa Fe (Chicago). Author: numerous com. reports; con- tributions to technical jours.; co-author: com. reports. Travel: U.S. Grand- parents settled in McLean Co., about 1800. Interests: music, handicraft. Rec- reation: golf. Conglist. Republican. Of- fice: Rm. 1240, Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 7413 Clyde Av., Chicago, HI. HARDING, Arthur McCracken, uni- versity president; b. Pine Bluff, Ark., 3 Sept. 1884; s. Charles Taylor Harding, mcht., and Florence Mae (Brewster) H.; ed. Univ. high sch.; B.A., Univ. Ark., 1904; M.A., Univ. Chicago, 1913, Ph.D., 1916; m. Edna Earl Nance of Rogers, Ark., 9 Aug. 1905; children — Arthur Leonidas, Mary Frances. Prof., math., Univ. Ark., 1905-19, dean Univ. Extension 1919-41, pres., 1941 — ; lecturer on programs at schs., chautauquas in many states; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Omicron Delta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Sigma Nu. Club: Rotary. Author: a num. of math, textbooks; book on popular as- tronomy. Episcopalian. Democrat. Of- fice: Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. Home: 403 Washington Av., Fayette- ville, Ark. IRONSIDE, Henry Allan, minister; b. Toronto, Can., 14 Oct. 1876; s. John W. Ironside, bank teller, and Sophia (Stafford) I.; ed. grade schs., Toronto 317 and Los Angeles; Litt.D. (hon.), Whea- ton Coll., Wheaton, HI., 1930; m. Helen G. Schofield of Oakland, Calif., 5 Jan. 1898; children — Edmund Henry, John Schofield, Lillian Mabel. Salvation Army Officer at 15; became Evangelist at 21; pastor, D.L. Moody Memorial Church, 1930—; annual lecturer on Eng- lish Bible, mem. Board of Regents, Dallas Theol. Sem., 1926—; pres., West- ern Book and Tract Co., Oakland, Calif., 1910—. Author: 40 volumes on Bible Exposition and related subjs. Travel: Egy., Syr., Pal., Fr., It., Gt. Brit., Can. Protestant. Republican. Office: 1609 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Res.: Plaza Hotel, Chicago, 111. STITT, LeMoine D„ executive; b. Wa- bash, Ind., 12 Feb. 1884; s. A. N. Stitt, baker and candy manufacturer, and Florence (Thompson) S.; ed. Wabash high sen.; Armour Inst.; m. Martha E. Hesse of Calif., 9 Sept. 1924; children— LeMoine D., Jr., Frederick H. In real estate bus., 4 yrs.; with Great Am. Ins. Co., Chicago, New York, 12 yrs., Marsh & McLennan, Chicago, 1922-28; sec, v.p., pres. Starkweather & Shepley Inc., Chicago, 1928—. Clubs: Union League, Midlothian Country. Recrea- tion: golf. Episcopalian. Office: 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 2256 W. 110 Place, Chicago, 111. DICKENS, Burt John, retired; b. Chi- cago, 111., 10 Mar. 1878; s. Phillip C. Dickens and Mary Louise (Mueller) D.; ed. Armour Institute; m. Ella Ward of Chicago, 111., 5 Apr. 1906; children — Burt John, Jr., Eloise (Mrs. Wilde). With Franklin MacVeagh & Co., Chi- cago, 1895-25, dept. mgr., 1898-19, v.p., 1919-25; v.p., mgr., Chicago Branch Aus- tin-Nichols & Co., 1925-27; sec, Nat. Tea Co., HI., 1927-37, v.p., 1937—; v.p., India Tea Co., Chicago, Nat. Food Stores Co., Mich., Nat. Tea Co. Food Stores, la., National Tea Co., Milwaukee, Wis., retired, 1 May 1943. Club: Lake Shore (pres., dir.). Presbyterian. Republican Address: 1000 Crosby St., Chicago, 111. FARRELL, William W., bank presi- dent; b. Chicago, 111., 27 Jan. 1886; s. Wm. Farrell and Mary (Sollitt) F.; m. Helen Soderberg of Chicago, HI., 16 Apr. 1932. Dir. Lake Erie and Eastern R.R. Co., pres., Mercantile Nat. Bank of Chicago; mem. exec. com. and dir., U.S. Cold Storage Corp; mem. Chicago Ath- letic Assn. Clubs : The Chicago, Oak Park Country. The Bankers Club of Chicago. Interests: golf, photog. Office: 541 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, HI. Home: 5912 W. Adams Blvd., Chicago, 111. BROWNLOW, Louis, journalist, public administrator; b. Buffalo, Mo., 29 Aug. 1879; s. Robert Sims Brownlow, school- teacher, and Ruth Adelia (Amis) B.; ed. at home; LL.D. (hon.), American Univ., Wash., 1938; m. Elizabeth Sims of Linden, Tenn., 22 Dec 1909. Reporter, Nashville Banner, 1900-02, Louisville Courier- Journal, 1902; city ed., Louis- ville Times, 1903; Wash, corr., Nash- ville Banner, 1904; ed., Paducah (Ky.) News-Democrat, 1905; spl. writer, for. corr., Haskin Syndicate, 1906-15; Commr., D.C., 1915-20 (pres. bd., 1917- 20); chmn. Pub. Utilities Commn., D.C., 1917-20; mem. D.C. Zoning Commn., 1919-20; city mgr., Petersburg, Va., 1920- 23, Knoxville, Tenn., 1924-26; mem. staff, U.S. Daily, 1927; consultant City Housing Corp., N.Y., 1928-30; dir., Pub. Administration Clearing House, Chi- cago, 1931 — ; pres., Internat. City Mgrs. Assn., 1923; chmn., Pub. Administration Com. of Social Sci. Res. Council, 1933- 39, President's Com. on Administrative Management, 1936-37, Nat. Inst. Pub. Affairs, Wash.; v.p., Am. Polit. Sci. Assn., 1937; Fellow Am. Pub. Health Assn.; decorated Knight of Polonia Res- tituta (Poland), Officer of Ordre de la Couronne (Belgium), Orden Heraldica de Cristobal Colon (Dominican Repub- lic). Clubs: Cosmos (Washington, D.C), Quadrangle (Chicago), City, Century (N.Y.). Author: arts, on municipal af- fairs. Travel: So. Am., Eur., Japan. Office: 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, 111. Home: 5805 Dorchester Av., Chicago, HI. WRIGHT, Andrew Hamilton, agrono- mist; b. Makato, Kan., 22 Oct. 1887; s. Thomas Newton Wright, farmer, and Martha Jane (Young) W.; ed. Okla. Prep. Sen.; B.S., Kan. State, 1908; M.S., Univ. Wis., 1915; m. Gladys Baker of Rewey, Wis., 21 Aug. 1920; children- Mrs. Nancy (Wright) Andrew, Thomas Granville. Teacher, Lyons (Kan.) High Sen., 1 yr.; asst. agronomist, Okla. Expt. Sta., 1909-14; instr. agronomy, Univ. Wis., asst. prof., assoc. prof., prof, agronomy, 1915—; agt., U.S. Dept. Agr. hemp development work, 1916-44; res. in hybrid corn, Wis., seed corn drying, seed testing methods, seed corn grading equip., dust treating equip.; mem. Am. Soc Agronomy, A.A.A.S. Author: 20 bulls, on agronomy subjs. Office: Agron- omy Bldg., Madison, Wis. Home: 222 Forest St., Madison, Wis. ROGERS, Edward Sidney, lawyer; b. Castine, Me., 15 Apr. 1875; s. James Harrman Rogers, Capt., and Susan Hay- den (Fisher) R.; ed. Mich. Mil. Acad.; 318 LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1895; LL.M., (hon.), Mich., LL.D. (hon.) 1930; Phar.D. (hon.), Univ. So. Calif., 1938; m. Eva Thompson of Chicago, HI., 23 Sept. 1901; children — James H., Edward A. Spl., law of trade marks and unfair com- petition, 1895 — . Offices: 122 Michigan Av., Chicago, HI., 41 E. 42nd St., New York, N.Y. Home: 375 Chestnut St., Winnetka, HI. Summer res.: Castine, Me. PARKS, John Shields, business ex- ecutive, retired; b. Hackettstown, N.J., 16 Jan. 1870; s. Irving W. Parks and Ann E. (Shields) P.; ed. Whipple Acad., Jacksonville, HI.; LL.D., Univ. of Ark.; m. Grace Carter Whittlesey of Chicago, HI., 16 Dec. 1888; children — Meryl Ann (German), Ann Elizabeth (Van Doren). Pres., Times Record Co., Radiant Glass Co., Good Canning Co., Southern Chemi- cal Co.; Garrison Furniture Co.; re- ceiver, Ft. Smith and Western R.r.; dir., First National Bank; tr., Univ. Ark., Highway Commr., Ark.; mem. Sigma Delta Chi. Clubs: Rotary, Noon Civics. Episcopalian. Democrat. Office: First National Bank Bldg., H. Smith, Ark. Home: 221 N. 16th St., Ft. Smith, Ark. WELLER, Charles F(rederick), presi- dent, World Fellowship, Inc.; b. Chi- cago, HI., 19 Aug. 1870; s. Fayette Mon- trose Weller, phys., and Philena Maria (Huntoon) W.; ed. Old S. Div. high sen., Chicago; B.S., Univ. Mich., 1894; m. Eugenia Winston of Chicago, 111., 18 Sept. 1901; children— Winston Fayette (dec), Philena H. (Mrs. J. Ferguson Montgomery), Charles Frederick Jr. (dec). Newsboy, Chicago, 1880; stock- yard laborer; social service leader, 1896 — ; began Chicago's vacant lot vege- table gardens and summer outings for poor folk, and Englewood and W. Side dists. of Chicago's Bur. Charities; started Neighborhood House, Colored Social Settlement, Camp Good Will, pub. playgrounds, Anti-Tuber colosis Cam- paign, President's Homes Commn., Washington, D.C.; founder, exec, sec, pres., League of Neighbors, 1920-28, united it with Union of East and West, and devised Fellowship of Faiths, Ches- ter, Pa., Elizabeth, N.J., New York, Boston, Mass., London, Eng., Chicago; founder, World Fellowship of Faiths, 1929, led in its successful realization, Chicago, New York, N.Y., 1933-34, and its 2nd and 3rd internat. assemblies, London, Eng., 1936-37, chief exec, 1922 — ; founder, exec, sec, pres., World Fellowship, Inc., 1937—; gen. sec, As- sociated Charities (family welfare socs.), Chicago, 1896-1901, Washington, D.C., 1901-07, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1901-tf'' dir. War Camp Community Service, 111. and neighboring states, during World War I; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Play- ground & Recreation Assn. of Am. (fi- nance sec, 1912-22). Author: Neglected Neighbors in the National Capital (with introduction by President Theodore Roosevelt), 1909; ed., World Fellowship, 1936; A New Spiritual Dynamic, 1940. Travel: Eur. Father, Fayette Montrose Weller, was 1st phys., Evanston, about 1856 ; maternal grandfather, Squire George M. Huntoon, was distinguished pioneer, Evanston, Chicago. Interests: writing, world govt. Recreation: walk- ing. Conglist. Democrat (Independent). Office: Room 901, 155 N. Clark St., Chi- cago, 111. Summer home: World Fellow- ship Center, Conway, N.H. DEERE, Emil Olof, Biologist and administrator; b. Moline, 111., 8 Aug. 1877; s. Charles A. Deere, contractor, and Carrie G. (Svenson) D.; ed. Olsburg high sen.; Kan. State Prep. Dept., Beth- any Acad.; A.B., A.M., Bethany Coll.; Wash. Univ., St. Louis; Univ. Colo.; Univ. Kan.; S.M., Univ. Chicago; m. Lydia E Sohlberg of McPherson, 1916. In bus. with father; teacher 1903; scien- tist andd geologist; dean, Bethany Coll., 1918, v.p., 1918-22, curator Coll. Mu- seum, 1912; dir. Oil Co.; on city council; pres. com. Hospital Board; pres. Kan. Acad. Sci., 1940-41; Kan. Coll. Athletic Assn.; Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Genetic Assn, Ecological Soc, Sigma Xi. Club: Rotary. Author: short arts. on ecology, geology. Travel: U.S., Mex. Son of natives from Sweden. Interests: ecology, geology, archeology, Ed. Adm. Lutheran. Democrat. Office: Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kan. Home: 344 N. First St. Lindsborg, Kan. FORD, Walter Burton, retired pro- fessor of mathematics; b. Oneonta, N. Y., 18 May 1874; s. Sylvester Ford and Emogene (Burton) F.; ed. Oneonta Nor- mal Sen.; Amherst Coll.; Ph.D., Har- vard Univ., 1906; m. Edith W. Banker of Ovid, N.Y., 20 Oct. 1900; children- Sylvester, Clinton B. Instr. math., Al- bany Acad., 1900-01, Mich. Univ., 1901- 03, Williams Coll., 1904-05; prof., Mich. Univ., 1905-40; ret., 1940; assoc. ed., Am. Math. Monthly, 1920-22, ed.-in chief, 1922-27; pres. Math. Assn. Am., 1927-29; mem. Am. Math. Soc, Math. Assn. Am., S.A.R. Author: various math, texts and res. arts. Travel: Eur. Desc. Jacob Ford, Col., Am. Revol. Home: 904 Forest Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. Summer res.: Hayts Corners, N.Y. 319 ROBINSON, Luther Riley, clergy- man; b. Princeton, Ky., 6 July, 1874; s. James Riley Robinson, and Roxina (Lil- lie) R.; ed. Ky. sens.; Acad, at Lafay- ette, Ky.; D.D., Lombard Coll., Gales- burg, HI., 1927; D.S.T., DeLandas Univ., Los Angeles, Calif., 1941; m. Emma Gover of Ky., 1897; children— Ray, Mrs. J.E. State, Mrs. J.W. Gibb, Mrs. John P. Keizer. Methodist preacher at age of 19 yrs., an evangelist, 1893-1907; pastor, Universalist Ch., Chattanooga, Tenn., 1908-17, St. Paul, Minn., 1917-24, Racine, Wis., 1924-30, and Monroe, 1930-41; Mid- West Supt. of Universalist denomination with off. in Chicago 1921-24; served Uni- versalist denom. in Wis., 16 yrs., sec. of the convention, supt., 16 yrs., acting pastor Los Angeles, Calif., Sept., Oct., Nov. 1941 — ; mem. Masons (32d deg.), Shrine, B.P.O.E. (chaplain). Travel: U.S. (extensive), Can., Mex. Interests: gardening, etc. Recreations: camping, fishing, wild woods. Universalist. Demo- crat. Office: 521 S. Broadway, Santa Ajia, Calif. Winter home: 521 S. Broad- way, Santa Ana, Calif. ROSSETTI, Louis, architect; b. Paris, Fr., 6 May 1895; s. Noel Rossetti, artist, and Adele (Voetter) R.; ed. Ober-Real- schule, Dresden, Ger.; Univ. Berlin, Ger., 1916; Dr. Engring., Univ. Rome, It., 1926; m. Anita Castellucci of De- troit, Mich., 5 May 1926; children — Dorothea, Carl, Gino, Angela. Asst. prof., Rome, It., 1921-23; scholarship to U.S., 1924; arch. Ford Motor Co., 1924- 26, Giffels & Vallet Inc. & L. Rossetti, 1928—; capt. It. Army, 1915-18; mem. Am. Inst. Arch., Mich. Soc. Arch., Am. Inst. Inventors, outstanding work, Main and Military Hangar Bldgs., Wayne Co., Mich.; Aircraft Bldg., Ford Motor Co., Rouge Plant, Dearborn, Mich. Travel: Eur. Interest: sketchings. Recreations: tennis, gardening. Catholic. Republican. Office: 1000 Marquette Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 1145 Balfour Rd., Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. LIMPERT, Frank Alvin, dentist; b. Ann Arbor, Mich., 6 Oct. 1889; s. Louis Theodore Limpert, watchmaker and jeweler, and Lulu (Hangsterfer) L.; ed. Hillsborough high sch., Tampa, Fla.; Ann Harbor (Mich.) high sch., 1909; D.D.S., Univ. Mich., 1912; m. Mary Ed- na Stambaugh of Columbus, O., 17 June 1926; children— Donald, Frank Albert, Frederick Louis, Marjorie Lucille, Wm. Erich. Dental pract., Detroit, Mich., 1912—. Author: (booklet) Old Letters, Papers, Documents and Photographs Relating to the Limpert Family. Travel: Fr., Ger., Eng. Desc. settlers in Mich. Terr., 1834. Interests: oil painting, old books and papers, current hist., philat- ely. Recreations: hunting (deer), fish- ing (trout). Episcopalian. Democrat. Of- fice: 7805 Oakland Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 740 Gardenis Rd., Royal Oak Township, Mich. Summer res.: Rifle River, Ogemaw Co., West Branch, Mich. Winter res.: Tampa, Fla. GEER, Everett Kinne, physician; b. St. Paul, Minn., 14 Jan. 1893; s. Ethel- bert F. Geer, phys., surg., and Helen (Hazen) G.; ed. Central high sch. (St. Paul); B.S., Univ. Minn., 1915, M.D., 1917; post grad., Trudeau Sch. Tuber- culosis (Saranac Lake, N.Y.), June- July 1921; m. Olive Barnett Lewis of St. Paul, Minn., 15 May 1918; children- Patricia (Mrs. John W. Donahower), Everett Kinne, Jr., Thomas Brownell. Engaged in practice of me., specializing in diseases of chest; pres. H. Long- street Taylor Foundation; chief, tuber- culosis div., Ancker Ho3p. ; med. dir., Children's Preventorium, Ramsey Co.; asst. prof, med., Univ. Minn.; It. Med. Corps, U.S.N., 27 mos., during World War I; mem. Am. Heart Assn Am. Sanatorium Assn., Am. Trudeau Soc, Council Am. Fund. Soc, 1941-43, Central Soc. for Clinical Research, Internat. Un- ion against Tuberculosis, Minn. Acad Med., Minn. Soc. Internal Med., Minn. Pathological Soc, Minn. State Med. As- sn., Minn. Trudeau Soc, Nat. Tuberculo- sis Assn., Ramsey Co. Med. Soc, Minn. Pub. Health Assn. (mem. exec, com.), Phi Gamma Delta, Nu Sigma Nu, fellow A.M.A., Am. Coll. Phys. Clubs: St. Paul Athletic, Midland Hills Country. Author: many med. papers. Travel: Fr., Eng., Belg., No., Cent., and So. Am. Recrea- tions: hunting, fishing, golf. Unitarian. Independent Republican. Office: 1154 Lowry Medical Arts Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 1050 Lombard Av., St. Paul, Minn. WOOD, Stella Louise, principal, Kin- dergarten Primary Training School; b. Chicago, HI., 2 Sept. 1865; d. Abraham Wilder Wood and Abbie Fales (Walker) W.; ed. Oak Park, 111. high sch.; Chi- cago Froebel Assn.; Univ. Mich.; Univ. Minn. Kindergarten teacher, Chicago, 1886-90; supervisor, training teacher, Muskegon, Mich., 1891-93, Dubuque, la., 1895; supt., Minneapolis Kindergarten Assn. Normal Sch. (later named, Miss Wood's Kindergarten-Primary Training Schol, Inc.), 1896-1905, prin., 1905—; lecturer on ednl. subjects for parent- teacher's assn. groups and state assns.; mem. Assn. Childhood Edn. (formerly Internat. Kindergarten Assn.: p, sec, 320 treas., v.p.; pres.), N.E.A. (pres., Kin- dergarten sect.), Minn. Edn. Assn. (pres., kindergarten-primary sect.), Teacher's League (Minneapolis kinder- garten-primary sect.), Delta Gamma, Delta Kappa Gamma, Altrusa. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: books, nature study, corresponding with friends. Rec- reations: motoring, reading, traveling. Conglist. Republican. Office: 2017 Bry- ant Av., S. Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 900 Fourth Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Summer home: Kenosha, Wis. LEITHAUSEB, D.J., surgeon; b. De- france Co., O., 11 Nov. 1887; s. Peter Leithauser, farmer, and Theresa (Blaiser) L.; ed. Defrance Coll., Miami Univ., M.D., Ohio State Univ.; m. Irene Paulson of Detroit, Mich., 1924; children —Gail, Daniel, Thomas. Abdominal sur- geon; dir. Leithauser Clinic; F.A.C.S.; mem. A.M.A., Mich. State Med. Soc, Wayne Co. Med. Soc. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Gross Pointe Yacht, Loch- moor Golf Author: (articles) Lugol's Solution for Acute Secondary Parolitis, 1935-40; Technique for Care of Oilier Thiersal Skin Grafts, 1933; Early Rising and Ambulatory Activity after Opera- tion — Means of Preventing Complica- tions, 1941; Monograph on Early Am- bulation after Operation, 1943. Travel: through most of the European coun- tries, 1937. Interests: golf, bowling, bridge. Catholic. Office: 14727 E. Jeffer- son Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 847 Whittier Rd., Grosse Point, Mich. PERRY, Stuart Hoffman, editor, pub- lisher; b. Pontiac, Mich., 13 Oct. 1874; s. Aaron Perry, lawyer, and Sallie (Hoffman) P.; ed. Pontiac (Mich.) pub. schs.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1894, LL.B., 1896; A.M. (hon.), Univ. Mich., 1919; LL.D., Adrian Coll., 1920; m. Maude E. Caldwell of Fremont, O., 14 Oct. 1895; children— Elizabeth (Mrs. C.K. Wesley), Lydia (dec). Pvt. practice of law, Pontiac and Detroit, 1896-1900; ed. Pontiac Daily Press, 1901-02; publisher, St. Johns (Mich.) News, 1902-07, Adrian Daily Telegram, 1907 — ; v.p., Monroe (Mich.) Evening News, 1927—; dir., The A.P., 1923— (2nd v.p., 1938—); mem. Adv. Com., Columbia Univ. Sch. of Journalism, 1926 — ; Mich. Judicial Council 1929 — , Mich. Civil Service Commn. 1931-32; Fellow Am. Geog. Soc, A.A.A.S., Cranbrook Inst, of Sci.; mem. Am. Judicature Soc, Am. Soc of Newspaper Eds., Acad, of Pol. Sci., A.A.P.S.S.; assoc. mineralogist U.S. Nat. Mus. Clubs: Toledo (O.), Lotos (N.Y.), Nat. Press (Washington, D.C.). Author: The Metallography of Meteoric Iron; numerous arts, on journalism, law, foreign rels., sci. Interest: col- lection and study of meteorites. Epis- copalian. Republican. Office: Adrian, Mich. Home: 225 Front, Adrian, Mich. TOLER, Grace Cabot Blood, editor, co-publisher; b. Grayville, 111., 11 July 1874; d. Sylvester Henry Blood, bus. man, mayor, and Prudence Jane (Hicks) B.; ed. Grayville high sch.; Southern 111. Coll.; 111. Woman's Coll. (now McMurray) ; m. William L. Toler of Goreville, 111. (dec), 26 June 1902; 1 dau., Helen Cabot (Mrs. Ira G. Ross). Ed., co-publisher, Mounds Independent, 1924 — , newspaper purchased with aim of community betterment; co-worker with husband, William L. Toler, for civic and social improvement, Mounds, 1909 — ; mem. Profession Journalism, 1929 — ; pres. bd. trs., Mounds Pub. Li- brary, 1935 — ; chmn. Women's Liberty Loan Com., and Women's Com. Council Nat. Defense, Pulaski Co., 1918-19; mem. D.A.R. (charter mem. Egyptian Chap., Cairo, State chmn., 1935-37, 1939- 41), Daus. Colonial Wars, Daus. Foun- ders and Patriots Am., 111. State Hist. Soc Clubs: Mt. Vernon Round Table (pres., 1903-04), Grayville Shakespeare (v.p., 1905-06), Mounds Woman's (first pres., 1917-20), 111. Fed. Women's (v.p. 25th Dist., 1925-27, mem. dist. bd., 14 yrs.). Author: Family History Blood- Cabot-Hicks-Gould and Allied Branches, 1470-1933; English Ancestry (Addenda to Blood-Hicks, etc), 1150-1939; Editor's Diary of the 1937 Flood; mag. articles. Grandfather, Marvin Powers Blood, and grandmother, Martha Cabot Blood, set- tled in Bennington, Edwards Co., 18b7, naming place for Bennington, Vt. In- terests: history, genealogy, writing, re- search, interviewing old settlers. Rec- reations: reading, landscape gardening. Methodist. Independent. Office: First St., Mounds, 111. Home: Blanche Av. and Second St., Mounds, 111. REGNET, Henry H., S.J., librarian; b. Swormville, N.Y., 13 June 1888; s. John Regnet, farmer, and Mary Ann (Siedhoff) R.; ed. Canisius high sch., Buffalo, 1901-05; St. Ignatius Coll., Cleveland, 1908; A.B., St. Louis Univ., 1911, A.M., 1925. Instr., classics and Eng., St. Ignatius high sch., Chicago, 1912-17, St. Louis Univ. high sch., 1921- 22, 23-24; libr., St. Louis Univ., 1923-39, St. Mary's Coll., Kan., 1939-43, Rock- hurst Coll., Kansas City, Mo., 1943; mem. Cath. Libr. Assn. (exec, coun., 1939-45), Am. Lib. Assn. Interest: in- terracial problems. Address: Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Mo. 321 BISHOP, David Band, lawyer; b. Con- cord, N.H., 11 June 1904; s. Edwin W. Bishop, minister, and Rachel (Rand) B.; ed. Lansing high sen.; A.B., Uni- Mich., 1926; LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1929; m. Myra Lu Deacon of Lansing, Mich., 28 Dec. 1929; children— David R., Jr., William W., Mary R. Assoc, with Mica. Atty. Gen.'s dept., 1929-31; with Shields, Ballard, Jennings & Taber, 1931—, mem. of firm, 1938 — ; pres., Nat. Capital Corp.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Am. Bar Assn., State Bar, Mich. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interest: amateur dramatics. Recreations: sailing, skiing. Conglist. Republican. Office: 1400 Olds Tower, Lansing, Mich. Home: 500 Everett Dr., Lansing, Mich. Summer res.: Eagle Crest, Holland, Mich. WOOLSON, Harry Thurber, executive engineer; b. Passaic, N.J., 1876; s. George C, nurseryman, and Sarah Mar- tin (Thurber) W. ; ed. private sch. in Passaic; M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 1897; m. Bessie Vanlderstine of Pas- saic, N.J., 1903; children— L. Irving, George Thurber, Herbert C. With Nat. Meter Co. of Brooklyn, N.Y., 1897, Gas Engine & Power Co., Charles L. Sea- bury & Co.; Consolidated, N.Y.C. as draftsman, 1899-1906; chief engr., 1906- 15; chief engr. in truck div., Packard Motor Car Co., 1915-16, Studebaker Corp. in Detroit, 1916-20; in engring. dept. of Willys Corp. at Elizabeth, N.J., also with Zeder-Skelton Breer Engring. Corp., Newark, N.J for 3 yrs.; mem. engring. group who designed the first Chrysler Car, been with them ever since as chief engr. and exec, engr., Chrysler Corp.; pres. Chrysler Institute of En- gring.; p. pres. Soc. of Automotive Engrs., 1937 (life mem.); mem. A.S. M.E., Engring. Soc. of Detroit. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Golf, Ingleside, Franklin Inst, of Philadelphia Institution of Automobile Engineers of London, England. Interests: golf, amateur photog. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 12800 Oakland Av., Chrysler Corp., Highland Park, Mich. Home: 1780 Strathcona Dr., Detroit, Mich. CLARK, Frank Rinker, geologist; b. Grantsville, Utah, 14 Mar. 1881; s. Joshua Reuben Clark, school teacher and farmer, and Mary Louise (Woolley) C; ed. Grantsville (Utah) high sch.; B.S., Univ. Utah, 1910; m. Theresa L. Burton of Salt Lake City, Utah, 7 June 1910 (dec); children— Frank R., Jr., Virginia (Mrs. Day), Rosalia Louise; m. (2nd) Natalia Carter Broach, 28 Nov. 1936. Geol., S. Pearson & Son, Ltd., Mex., 1910-11; U.S. geol. survey, 1911- 19; chief geol. patrol, explor., W. Va., 1919-23; Mid-Kans. Oil & Gas Co. (The Ohio Oil Co.), 1923-34; dir., chief geol., Marathron Oil Co., 1934-36; v.p., O. Oil Co., 1936—; dir., O.-Mex. Oil Corp.; fellow Geol. Soc. Am.; mem. Am. Assn. Petrol. Geol. (sec, treas., 1931, pres., 1933), Tulsa Geol. Soc (pres., 1930), A.A.A.S. Clubs: Tulsa, Tulsa Country. Author: economic geology reports, scientific papers. Travel: U.S., Mex. Recreation: golf. Latter Day Saint. Re- publican. Office : Thompson Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Home: 1524 S. Owasso St., Tulsa, Okla. ISHERWOOD, Paul Alonzo, physician and surgeon; b. West Chicago, HI., 13 Sept. 1887; s. Thomas G. Isherwood, phys., and Lizbeth (Jones) I.; ed. West Chicago Community High Sch.; M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1911; m. Hazel C. Clements of Holland, Mich., 10 July 1918 (dec); 1 son, Paul Bruce. Organizer and pres., West Chicago Bldg. & Loan Assn., 1924—; tr., Elmhurst Hosp., Elm- hurst; mem. staff, Elmhurst Hosp., Community Hosp., (Geneva), Del-Nor Hosp., (St. Charles); coroner, DuPage Co., now serving 5th successive term; chmn. Rep. Central Com., 2nd term; served in M.C. during World War I, apptd. capt., Reserves, after war; mem. 111. State Med. Soc, DuPage Co. Med. Soc, Am. Med. Assn., Coroners Assn. HI. (sec-treas.), Phi Alpha Sigma, Ma- sons (Blue Lodge, Commandry, Shrine), B.P.O.E., Am. Legion. Clubs: Medinah Country, Lions (pres., 1924-25). Interest: politics. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Conglist. Republican. Office: 119 Main St., West Chicago, HI. Home: 311 Fair- view Av., West Chicago, 111. SPRAY, Charles Cranston, lawyer; b. Cameron, Mo., 1 Oct. 1897; s. Charle3 Foster Spray, clergyman, and Gertrude S. (Jenkins) S.; ed. White Water (Wis.) high sch., 2 yrs., Racine high sch. 2 yrs.; A.B., Northwestern Univ., 1920, J.D., 1923; m. Catharine W. McCulloch of Evanston, 111., 24 June 1927; children — Catharine Agnes, Charles Cranston, Jr. Admitted to 111. Bar, 1923; practiced law, Chicago, 1923 — ; mem. firm Scott, MacLeish & Falk; mem. Evanston Zon- ing Commn., Zoning Bd. of Appeals, Evanston, and 111. Bd. of Examiners in Accountancy, 1939-42; served as 2nd It. U.S.A. during World War I, mem. Res. Off. Corps., 341st Inf., 1918-29; mem. Am., 111. State, and Chicago Bar Assns., Chicago Law Inst., Order of Coif, Delta Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi, N.W. Univ. Law Sch. Alumni Assn. (pres., 1939-41), M.U. Alum. Assn. 322 (pres., 1943-44), N.U. Bd. of Trustees, 1944—. Clubs: Law and Legal (pres., 1940-41). Univ. (Chicago), Economic (Chicago), Mid-Day, Country (Evans- ton). Methodist. Republican. Office: 134 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 720 Milburn St., Evanston, 111. WFNGERD, Christian Russell, attor- ney-at-law; b. Stark Co., O., 25 Dec. 1898; s. George W. Wingerd, farmer, and Celesta (Shoemaker) W.; ed. Hart- ville (O.) high sch.; A.B., O. Northern Univ., 1919; A.M., Ohio State Univ., 1920, LLB., 1924; Kent State Univ., 1919; Mich. Univ., 1922; Yale Univ. 1921; Wisconisn Univ. 1923; m. Birdine Allison of Canton, O., 30 Aug. 1940. Teacher, Hartville High Sch., 1923-24; practice of gen. law, 1924—; regional atty., U.S. Employees Compensation Commn., Con- ciliation Commr., U.S. Dist. Ct.; pvt., U.S. Inf., 60 days during World War I; mem. Stark Co. and O. State Bar Assns., Gamma Eta Gamma, F.A.M., Scottish Rite, Tadmore Shrine. Clubs: Canton Shrine. Optimist. Protestant. Repub- lican. Office: 1006 First National Bank Bldg., Canton, O. Home: R.D., O. 6, North Canton, O. LeBLANC, Florimond, physician, sur- geon; b. St. Pie de Bagot, Pa., May 5, 1884; s. Joseph LeBlanc and Aurelie (Lussier) LeB.; ed. B.L., Laval Univ., 1907; M.D., Loyola Univ., 1912; m. Ger- trude Carbaugh, Elgin, 111.,; children —Elvira, Olive Myrl, Rene, Victor Pierre. Interne, St. Ann Hosp., Chicago, 111., St. Margaret's Hosp., Hammond, Ind.; practice of medicine, Chicago, 111., 1920—; mem. A.M. A., Chicago Med. Soc, Am. Coll. of Phys. (assoc), Chi- cago Med. Round Table, McDonagh Clinical Research Soc, Masons. (K.T., Shriner). Desc. of Rene LeBlanc in Longfellow's poem, Evangeline. Inter- est: music. Recreation: experimental farming. Universalist. Office: 1150 N. State St., Chicago, 111. Home: Elgin, 111. Summer res.: Crystal Lake, 111. CLABAUGH, Hinton Graves, com- mander USNR (ret) industrial engineer; b. Talladega, Ala.; s. John Henry Cla- baugh and Martha Hinton (Graves) Cla- baugh; m. Mary Louise Farson, 16 Aug. 1909 (dec. 1937); children— Louise Far- son, Hinton Graves, George Francis; m. (2nd), Mary Elizabeth Law, 22 Mar. 1939 (div.). Confidential investigator United States Senate Committee, 1909; entered United States Government serv- ice as special agent Department of Jus- tice, May 1910, asst. supt. at Chicago, 1911, 12, in charge in Cincinnati, 1913; asst. supt. N.Y. City, 1914, div. supt at Chicago, Sept. 1914-Dec. 1918; asst, to pres. Peabody Coal Co. and pvt. prac tice as industrial engr., Dec. 1918-22; represented U.S. Govt, and Chicago and HI. bar assns. in special cases; identified with Commonwealth Edison Co., Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois, Peo pies Gas Light & Coke Co. and othei utilities, 1922—. Lieut. United States Naval Reserve, 1917-21, It. commander, 1926-39, comdr. since July 1939; chmn. 111. Pardon and Parole Bds., 1926-29 mem. Ry. Spl. Agts. Assn., Am. Gas Assn., Am. Electric Ry. Assn., Am. Le- gion, Mil. Order World War, Reserve Officers Assn. of U.S., Sojourners, Ma- sons. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Electric, Army and Navy. Office: 79 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Home: Winnetka, HI. CAREY, Eben James, physician, edu- cator; b. Chicago, 111., 31 July 1889; s. Frank White Carey and Mary Anne (Curran) C. ; pre-med. studies, Univ. of Calif., 1909-11; 1st and 2d yrs. in medi- cine, 1911-13; B.S., Creighton Univ., Omaha, Neb., 1916, M.S., 1918, D.Sc, 1920; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 1925; m. Helene Lichnovsky, 3 Sept. 1919; 1 dau., Mary Anne. Instr. and asst. prof, anatomy, Creighton Univ., 1914-20; prof, and dir. dept. of anatomy, Marquette Univ. Sch. of Medicine, Mil- waukee, 1920-26, also dean med. stu- dents, 1921-26, acting dean, 1926, dean and prof, of anatomy, Aug., 1933; med, dir. Marquette Free Dispensary, 1924; chief of staff Marquette Univ. Hosp., 1926. Commd. 1st It. R.O.T.C; now It. col. State Staff, Wis. Nat. Guard. Chmn. Scientific Exhbn., Inter-State Postgrad. Med. Assembly, Milwaukee, 1931; in charge med. sect., dept. exhibits, Chi- cago World's Fair, 1933-34; dir. med. science exhibits, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, since 1934. Mem. advisory com. med. exhibits, Tex. Cen- tennial, Dallas, 1935-36, Golden Gate In- ternat. Expn., 1939; mem. scientific com. A.M.A., 1935-41; Selective Service, Medical examiner, Local Bd. No. 33 and Food Rationing Board, Wauwatosa, 1940-45; chmn. program com. Council on Scientific Work. Med. Soc. of Wis. Silver medal for Exhibit illustrating original investigation on intrinsic wave mechanics of the nervous and muscular systems, Conventon of A.M. A., Atlantic City, June, 1937. Hon. fellowship Am. Coll. of Dentistry, 1939. Fellow A.A.A.S., A.M.A.; mem. Wis. State and Mil- waukee County med. socs., Milwaukee Acad. Medicine (pres. 1939-40), Chicago 323 Inst. Medicine, Alpha Omega Alpha, Pi Kappa Epsilon, Phi Chi (chmn. exec, trustees, editor Quarterly since 1932). Democrat. Catholic. Fourth degree, K.C. Author: Studies in Anatomy, 1924; also many tech. articles. Silver medal for scientific exhibit on exptl. bone origin and pathology, at A.M. A. Conv., Min- neapolis, Minn., 1928; citation of merit for scientific exhibit of continued exptl. studies on bone origin at A.M. A. Conv., Portland, Ore., July, 1929; citation of merit. A.M. A. Conv., Detroit, 1930, Philadelphia, 1931; gold medal for stu- dies on origin of muscle and bone, Radiol. Soc. of N.A., 1933; gold medal for exhibit on motor nerve endings, A.M.A. meeting, Atlantic City, June 1942. Clubs: Rotary, University (Mil- waukee); Rotary (Chicago). Office: 561 N. 15th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 6119 W. Wisconsin Av., Wauwatosa, Wis. BURGESS, Kenneth Farwell, lawyer; b. Oshkosh, Wis., 16 Oct. 1887; s. Fred- erick Burgess and Anna A. (Heckman) B.; A.B., Univ. of Wis., 1910; LL.B., 1912; m. Louise Frances Todd, Oct. 10, 1914 (died, 11 Oct. 1920) ; children— Mary Louise (Mrs. James Edward Day), Ken- neth Farwell, Jr.; m. (2nd Hazel Geral- dine David, 28 Sept. 1922; 1 dau., Joan. Instructor, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1911-12; practiced law at Lancaster, Wis., 1912- 15; circuit court commr., 1913-15; atty. C.B.&Q. R.R. Co., Chicago, 111., 1915-17, gen. atty., 1917-24 (except for war period), gen. solicitor, 1924-31; regional commerce counsel U.S. Railroad Ad- minstrn., 1918-20; gen. counsel 111. Bell Telephone Co. since 1931; partner Cut- ting, Moore & Sidley (now Sidley, Aus- tin, Burgess & Harper), 1931; dir. State Bank and Trust Co. of Evanston, 111. Pres. bd. trustees Northwestern Univ. Mem. Am. Bar Assn. (chmn. pub. utili- ties sect. 1930), Illinois Bar Assn., Chi- cago Bar Assn., Chicago Law Inst., Am. Econ. Assn., Acad. Polit. Science, So- ciety Mayflower Desc. (Mass. Chapter), Phi Beta Kappa (hon.), Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi, Order of Coif. Repub- lican. Methodist. Clubs: Chicago, Uni- versity, Wisconsin Club of Chicago, Commonwealth (president 1932-33), Commercial, Law, Legal, Glen View, Old Elm. Author: Burgess Commercial Law (with J. A. Lyons), 1915; Rail- roads — Rates, Service, Management (with Homer B. Vanderblue), 1923. Con- tbr. Harvard Law Rev., Columbia Law Rev., Mich. Law Rev., Harvard Busi- ness Rev., etc. Office: 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 153 Sheridan Rd., Hubbard Woods, 111. BLISS, Ralph Kenneth, agr. educator; b. Diagonal, la., Oct. 30, 1880; s. Hor- ace Bliss and Mary Ellen (Day) D.; B.S. in Agr., la. State Coll., 1905; m. Ethel Eveleth McKinley (B.S., la. State Coll., 1905), 14 Sept. 1912; children- Robert McKinley, William Ralph, Rich- ard Kenneth. Farm mgr., 1906; in charge animal husbandry extension, 1906-11, actg. supt. agrl. extension, 1912, la. State Coll.; prof, animal husbandry, Univ. of Neb., 1912-14; dir. agrl. ex- tension, la. State Coll. since 1914. Chmn. extension sect. Am. Assn. Agrl. Coll. and Expt. Stas., 1917. Sec. War Emer- gency Food Com. of la., 1917; state dir. of Boys' Working Reserve, 1917-18; chmn. State Seed Stocks Com., 1917; chmn. com. on extension organization and policy of Land Grant College Assn., 1933 and 1936; mem. la. State Corn-Hog Adjustment Com., 1933-35; chmn. State Advisory Com., Soil Conservation Serv- ice since 1937; chmn. State Land Use and Program Development Com, 1939- 42; mem. State Farm Security Advisory Com. since 1939; mem. State Soil Con- servation Dist. Law Committee; mem. State U.S. Dept. Agr. War Board, 1941—, received distinguished service to Ameri- can Agricultural award, 1943; mem. Delta Sigma Rho, Phi Kappa Phi. Re- publican. Conglist. Author: various bulls, and articles on agrl. subjects. Home: Ames, la. AGEE, John Hercules, telephone exec; b. Sangamon County, 111., 27 July 1883; s. Edwin Hercules Agee and Annie (Wilson) A.; student Springfield (111.) Business Coll., 1902, George Washington Univ., 1908; LL.B., Univ. of Neb., 1910; m. Bertha Howard, 21 June 1911; chil- dren — Howard Hercules, Richard Wal- lace. Began as telephone contractor, 1904; admitted to Neb. bar, 1910; prac- ticed in Lincoln as mem. firm of Agee, Murphy & Sawyer, 1910-12; moved to Superior, Neb., 1912, city atty., 1916-21; atty. and dir. Southern Neb. Power Co., 1920-23; sec. and gen. counsel United Power & Light Co. and associated com- panies, Abilene, Kans., 1923-26; dir. and gen. mgr. Lincoln Telephone & Tele- graph Co., 1926-29, now v.p. and gen. mgr.; v.p. and dir. Continental Tele- phone Co. of St. Paul and Lincoln, 1927- 29; dir. Peninsular Telephone Co. (Tam- pa, Fla.), Securities Accept. Corp. (Omaha), F.H. Woods & Co. (Chicago), U.S. Independent Telephone Assn., Chi- cago (pres., 1937-38; mem. exec, com.); mem. of Telephone Industry Advisory Committee, Communications Branch, War Production Board; dir. Lincoln 324 Chamber of Commerce (pres. 1931); nat. Councillor U.S. Chamber of Com- merce; pres. Lincoln Community Chest, 1929-30; pres. Alumni Assn. Univ. of Neb., 1934-35; trustee Univ. of Neb. Foundation (pres., 1940-42); Distin- guished Service award, Univ. of Neb. and Alumni Assn., 1941. Mem. Chi Phi. Republican. Baptist. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Rotary, Beaux Art, -Saturday Nite, Fifty-Fifty, Garden, Country. Office: 1342 M St., Lincoln, Neb. Home: 2945 Van Dorn St., Lincoln, Neb. CHAPMAN, James Blaine, church exec; b. Yale, 111., Aug., 1884; s. Thomas Smith Chapman and Ruth Cath- erine (Roberts) C; B.D., Peniel Coll., 1915, D.D., 1918; D.D., Pasadena Coll., 1927; m. Maud Frederick, Feb. 1903 (dec); children— Lois Catherine, James Blaine (dec), Grace Bess, Frederick Harold, George Brilhart (dec), Paul Benton, Gertrude Edwina; m. (2nd) Louise Robinson, June 1942. Ordained to ministry, 1903; evangelist and pastor, 1900-11; president Peniel (Texas) Col- lege, 1912-18; editor Herald of Holiness, 1920-28; general supt. Church of the Nazarene, 1928 — ; has traveled in South Amer., Africa, China, India, Japan, Pal- estin, Egypt, Italy, Great Britain in in- terest of the church. Author: Some Es- timates of Life; History of the Church of the Nazarene; Thirty Thousand Miles of Missionary Travel; What it Means to be a Christian; Christ and the Bible; Your Life, Make the Most of it; Singing in the Shadows; Christian Men in a Modern World; Bud Robinson, a Brother Beloved. Address: 2923 Troost Av., Kan- sas City, Mo. Home: Indian Lake, Vicksburg, Mich. DUFFY, F. Ryan, U. S. District Judge; b. Fond du Lac, Wis., 23 June 1888; s. F. F. Duffy, lawyer, and Hattie (Ryan) D.; ed. Fond du Lac high sch.; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1910, LL.B., 1912; m. Louise Haydon of Springfield, Ky., 26 Jan. 1918; children — Ann, Ryan, Hay- don, James. Atty.-at-law, Fond du Lac, Wis., 1912-33; state comdr., Am. Legion, 1922-23, nat. v. comdr., 1923-24; U. S. Senator, 1933-39; U.S. Dist. Judge, 1939—; 14 mos. in A.E.F., 25 mos., dis- charged with rank of major, during World War I; mem. Elks, K.C., Am. Legion. Recreations: duck hunting, golf. Catholic Democrat. Office: 382 Federal Bldg., Milwauke, Wis. Home: 3107 No. Hackett Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Summer res.: Winnebago Park, Fond du Lac, Wis. i! ALFORD, Thomas H.; b. Delight, Ark., 29 Oct. 1894; A.B., Arkansas State Teachers College, 1926; A.M., Peabody College, Nashville, Term., 1929. Supt. of Schools, North Little Rock, 1933-38; State Commissioner of Education, Ark., 1938-41; asst. mgr., Protection and Safety Dir., Arkansas Ordnance Plant, Jacksonville, Ark., 1942-44; at present, Director of Planning, Arkansas Re- sources and Development Commn. Ad- dress: Arkansas Resources and De- velopment Commission, 104 State Capi- tol Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. BECKER, Benjamin V., lawyer; b. Warsaw, Ind., 20 June 1871; s. Leopold Becker and Caroline (Vogel) B.; ed. pub. schs., Warsaw and Fort Wayne, Ind.; m. Elizabeth Loeb, 20 June 1900; 1 son, John Leonard. Moved to Chicago from Fort Wayne in 1887 and began to read law in the office of Jacob New- man; admitted to 111. bar, 1892, Supreme Court of U.S., 1900; now mem. Levinson, Becker & Peebles (Chicago) ; dir. Booth Fisheries Corp., Fansteel Metallurgical Corporation (North Chicago, 111.), Hydro Blast Corporation (Chicago), Union Switch & Signal Co. (Swissvale, Pa.), Tantalum Defense Corp., North Chi- cago, 111.; Vascoloy-Ramet Corp., West- inghouse Air Brake Co. (Wilmerding, Pa.), Webster Electric Co. (Racine, Wis.), etc. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Assn. of Bar of City of New York, Chicago Hist. Soc, Chi- cago Acad, of Sciences, Am. Inst, of Mining and Metall. Engrs. Republican. Clubs: Tavern, Standard Club, Lake Shore Country (Chicago); Luncheon of Wall Street (New York). Office: 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: Drake Towers, Chicago, HI. ALLEN, Arthur Francis, editor; b. Warren, 111., 15 Dec. 1867; s. Herbert W. Allen and Cordelia (Aurand) A.; stu- dent Univ. of Neb., 1881-82; Litt.D. (hon.), Morningside Coll., 1940; m. Ber- nice Andrews, 4 Oct. 1899 (div. 1919); children — Francis Aurand, Edwin For- rest. Learned printer's trade; proof- reader, reporter and city editor, 1892- 95, mng. editor, 1897-1922, editor, 1922—, Sioux City (la.) Journal. Served as pvt., corpl. and sergt. 7th U.S. Inf., 1891-92, 16th Inf., 1895-97; mem. la. Nat. Guard, 1892-95, advancing to captain. Repub- lican. Episcopalian. Masons (32d deg., K.T., Shriner). Club: National Press. Address: Soux City Journal, Sioux City, la. Home: 704 Ninth St., Sioux City, la. BIRGE, Edward Bailey, musician; b. Northampton, Mass., 12 June 1868; s. 325 Edward Birge and Cornelia M. (Day) B.; A.B., Brown Univ., 1891; Mus.B., Yale, 1904; m. Mary Thompson, 20 June 1901. Supervisor music, state normal sens., New Haven and New Britain, Conn., 1896-1901; served as dir. pub. sch. music, Indianapolis, Ind., 1901-21; supt. Am. Inst. Normal Methods, Evans- ton, HI., 1911-21; prof, of music, In- diana Univ., 1921-38, now emeritus prof, music; organist and choir dir. Chmn. Nat. Research Council of Music Edn., 1929. Mem. Music Supervisors' Nat. Conf. (ex-pres.), Music Teachers' Nat. Assn., Ind. Music Teachers' Assn. (pres., 1923), Am. Guild Organists, N. E.A., Delta Upsilon. Conglist. Mason. Organized Peoples Chorus, Indianapolis, 1912, and dir. same until 1921. Clubs: Graduate (New Haven, Conn.); Colum- bia (Indianapolis). Editor: Silver Song Series No. 7, 1895; Part Songs and Choruses for High Schools, 1908; Sup- plementary Songs, 1912; asst. editor, Progressive Music Series; editor school music dept. Musician, 1924. Composer of Concert Overture, choruses, etc. Au- thor: History of Public School Music in the United States, 1927. Assoc, editor Music Hour Series; asso. editor, New Music Horizons series; chmn. emeritus; chmn. editorial board Music Educators' Journal. Home: 828 E. 3d St., Blooming- ton, Ind. BARRIGER, John Walker, in, b. Dallas, Tex., 3 Dec. 1899; s. John Walker Barriger, Jr., and Edith (Beck) B.; B.S., Mass. Institute of Tech., 1921; m. Elizabeth Chambers Thatcher, 25 Sept. 1926; children— John Walker, IV, Elizabeth Thatcher, Ann Biddle, Stan- ley Huntington. With Pa. R.R. principal- ly in maintenance of way and transpor- tation depts., 1917-27; with Kuhn, Loeb & Co., New York, 1927-29, Calvin Bul- lock & Co., New York, 1930-33; asso. with F.H. Prince of Boston in prepa- ration of Prince Plan of Railroad Con- solidation, 1933; chief, railroad div., R. F.C., Washington, D.C., 1933-41; reor- ganization mgr. Chicago & Eastern 111. R.R. Co., 1940, dir. and mem. exec, com., 1941-42; asso. dir., Div. of Rail- way Transport., Office of Defense Trans- portation, Washington, D.C., and Feder- al mgr., Toledo, Peoria & Western R.R., 1942; consultant of conf. com. represent- ing railroads in 1941 and 1943 wage cases, also of Am. R.R. of Puerto Rico, 1942; v.p. Union Stockyard & Transit Co. of Chicago, 1943 — ; mem. exec. com. Security Owners' Assn., 1930-33; mem. bd. dirs. Alton R.R. Transportation Assn. of America, 1943 — ; served as pvt., U.S. Army, 1918; mem. A.S.M.E. Ameri- can Ry. Engr. Assn.; Newcomen Soc. (England), S.R. Clubs: Chicago Saddle and Sirloin, Chicago, Racquet (St. Louis), Duquesne (Pittsburgh), Metro- politan (New York). Presbyterian. Re- publican. Contbr. articles on railroads to jours. Home: 255 Sheridan Rd., Glen- coe, 111. Office: 600 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, HI. BEECHER, George Allen, bishop; b. Monmouth, 111., 3 Feb. 1868; s. Benjamin J. Beecher and Mercy Ann (Boland) B.; student Univ. of Neb., 1886-89; Phila. Div. Sch., 1889-92, D.D., 1912; m. Flor- ence I. George, 22 June 1893; children — Pauline Helen (dec), Mrs. Ruth Brian, George S. (dec), Mary (dec), Mrs. Elizabeth McNeil, Sanford Dent. Deacon, 1892, priest, 1893, P.E. Ch.; missionary, Sidney, Neb., 1892-95; rec- tor North Platte, Neb., 1895-1903; Kear- ney, 1903-04; dean Trinity Cathedral, Omaha, 1904-10; consecrated bishop of Western Neb., Nov. 30, 1910; trustee Bishop Clarkson Memorial Hosp. (Oma- ha), 1906-45, Brownell Hall (Omaha), 1906-45; pres. Pine Ridge Hist. Assn., 1938-45; chaplain 5th Regt., Neb. N.G., 1906-16, served on Mexican border, 19i6; Charter mem. Am. Inst. Criminal Law and Criminology; mem. Am. Prison Assn., Internat. Prison Assn., Neb. Hu- mane Soc. (v.p.), Child Labor Com.; mem. State br. Com. for Treatment of Cancer. Grand Chaplain of Grand Lodge, A.F. and A.M. of Neb., 1903-05, 1907, 1909-13; 1928-43 (33d deg.) ; life mem. Elks. Awarded Kiwanis medal of honor for 1935. Home: 919 N. St. Joseph Av., Hastings, Neb. BEALS, Frank Lee, retired army of- ficer, educator, author; b. Morganton, Tenn., 2 Sept. 1881; s. Francis Beals (M.D.) and Sadie Louisiana (Dawson) B.; ed. Reidville (S.C.) high sch., George Washington Univ., Univ. of Chi- cago; B.S., De Paul Univ., 1930, A.M., 1932; m. Alice Alexandra Barnes, 17 Apr. 1909; children— Elena Louise (dec.) and Bettina Byrd; m. Ida Catherine Dushek, 1 May 1941. Enlisted in the U.S. Army, 1898; commd. 2d It., October 9, 1903; retired for disability in line of duty, May 1, 1908; 1st It., retired Oct. 30, 1916; capt., retired, Jan. 24, 1918; maj. Jan. 6, 1922; served in Philippines, 1899-1900, 1905-06; San Francisco earth- quake and fire; mil. attache, Brazil, 1909-10; comdt. Northwestern Mil. and Naval Academy, 1911-17; prof. mil. science and tactics; supervisor phys. edn., high schs. of Chicago, 1917-32; est. Camp Roosevelt (summer training 326 camp for boys), 1919; pres. Racine (Wis.) Mil. Acad., 1930-33; asst. supt. of schools, Chicago, since July 24, 1935; wounded at Battle of Big Bend, P.I., 1899. Awarded Purple Heart (U.S.), 1932; mem. 111. Teachers' Assn., N.E.A., Am. Assn. of Sch. Adminstrs., Internat. Soc. for Exceptional Children, 111. Assn. for Crippled, Chicago Heart Assn., Chi- cago Tuberculosis Institute, Chicago Spl. Teachers' Club. Clubs: University, Union League, Boswell. Author: Topo- graphical Primer, 1914; Squad Leaders' Note Book, 1917; Beal (e,l,s) the Ancient Name, 1929; Look Away Dixieland, 1937; Kit Carson, David Crockett, 1941; Chief Black Hawk, Buffalo Bill, 1943. Regular contbr. to periodicals. Home: 1734 N. Wells St., Chicago, HI. CHEN, Chang-Lok, Chinese consul gen., Chicago; b. Singapore, 4 Nov. 1886; s. Lim-Fook Chen and Chen Si; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1914, J.D., 1916; married. Served as consul gen. for China at Singapore, San Francisco, Calcutta, Ottawa; consul gen., Chicago, 1927 — ; counselor of Embassy, Washing- ton, D.C., 1938. Office: Chinese Consu- late General, 201 N. Wells St., Chicago, 111. BLACKETT, Hill, Hill Blackett & Company; b. Juneau, Alaska, 13 Mar. 1892; s. Charles S. Blackett and Alice Rachel (Hill) B.; ed. Univ. of Chicago, 1911-15; m. Gladys Waterman, 26 June 1917; children— Priscilla Alden, Hill. Be- gan as copy writer with Lord & Thomas (advertising), Chicago, 1915; v.p. Black- ett-Sample-Hummert, Inc. (advt. agen- cy), 1923 — . Republican nat. committee- man from 111., 1939; mem. Kappa Sig- ma. Clubs: Chicago, Racquet, Casino, Attic, Sanganois, Indian Hill. Office: 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 614 Pine Lane, Winnetka, 111. ALLEN, Thomas Stinson, lawyer; b. Paynes Point, Ogle County, HI., 30 Apr. 1865; s. Benjamin Frankin Allen and Harriet Maria (Ely) A.; A.B., Univ. of Neb., 1889 (class orator), LL.B., 1891: m. Mary Elizabeth Bryan (sister of Wil Ham Jennings Bryan), 28 June 1892 Admitted to Neb. bar, 1891; mem. Tal bot, Bryan & Allen, Lincoln, 1892-96 Talbot & Allen, 1896-1915, now Allen Requartte & Wood; chmn. Dem. State Central Com., Neb., 1904-09, and 1921 32; U.S. dist. atty. for Neb. by appoint ment of President Wilson, Aug. 1, 1915 July 1, 1921; del. at large from Neb to Dem. Nat. Conv., 1924, 1932 and 1940 dir., Beatrice Creamery Co.; dir., treas and gen. atty. Woodman Accident Co. pres. Comml. Mutual Surety Co.; mem. Masons. Baptist. Office: Woodmen Ac- cident Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. Home: 1260 S. 20th, Lincoln, Neb. DAILY, Francis Leo, lawyer; b. Man- ito, HI., 31 Mar. 1891; s. Joseph E. Daily, bus. man, and Drusilla R. (Robi- son) D.; ed. Chillicothe (HI.) high sch.; A.B., Yale, 1913; LL.B. (cum laude), Harvard Law Sch., 1916; m. Bessie Jean Fisher of Chillicothe, 111., 19 May 1918; children — Alan Fisher, Robert Fisher. Practiced law, Chicago, 1916 — ; mem. successively, Meagher, Whitney, Ricks & Sullivan, Cooke, Sullivan & Ricks, Orr, Sullivan & Ricks, Daily, Dines, White & Fiedler, specializing in cor- porate work, particularly pub. utilities; It. army Art., C.A.C., during World War I; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma Rho, Beta Theta Pi. Clubs: Chi- cago, Chicago Athletic, University (Chi- cago). Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: piano, mathematics. Recreations: driv- ing, travel. Conglist. Republican. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, HI. Re- sidence: 221 Greenleaf Av., Wilmette, HI. BOWDEN, George Kenney, attorney; b. LaCrosse, Wis., 23 Apr. 1897; s. John Bowden and Clara (Wilder) B.; ed. Spring Valley (Minn.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. of Minn., 1917; J.D., Univ. Chi- cago, 1921; m. Irma Provinski of Wis., 10 Sept. 1921; 1 son, John. Admitted HI. bar, 1921; practiced law in Chicago, 111. and Washington, D.C., 1921 — , except when in government service; assoc. Hopkins Starr & Hopkins 1921-24, 1926, 29; practiced with partners and associ- ates, 1929 — ; present firm, Bowden, Tay- lor & Norville; spl. atty. in office of Sol. of Int. Revenue, Washington, D.C., 1924- 25; chief counsel, Com. on Pub. Lands & Surveys of U.S. Senate in pub. land investigations, 1925-26; asst. to Coordi- nator of Information and Dir. of Stra- tegic Services, 1942-44; cons, to Dir. of Foreign Economic Administration and adviser to U.S. Delegate to Council of UNRRA at Montreal, 1944; served in World War I, grad. 1st O.T.C., Ft. Snell- ing, Minn., commissioned 1st It., U.S. Army, 1917; served as Inf. Office on in- telligence work; resigned 1919. Mem. Adv. Com. to Sec. of Treasury, 1944—. D.C.L. Lawrence College, 1944. Am., HI., and Chicago Bar Assns., Order of the Coif, Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma Rho, Phi Alpha Delta. Clubs: Univ. Clubs of Chicago, New York and Wash- ington, D.C., Chicago Literary, Bob O'Link Golf, The Attic, The Law. Demo- crat. Offices: 105 W. Adams St., Chi- 327 cago, 111.; American Security Bldg., Washington, D.C. Home: 95 Ravinia Ct, Highland Park, HI. PEARSON, Stella Rowena, educator; b. Fayetteville, Ark.; d. William Bar- rington Pearson and Frances Caroline (Young) P.; ed. Univ. Ark., 1921; Univ. Colo.; No. Ariz. Normal Sch.; research fellow, The Training Sch., Vineland, N. J. Teacher, Muskogee, Okla., 1913-17; instr., Okla. Normal Sch., summer, 1915; primary supervisor, Leadville, Colo., 1917-19; organizer, supervisor, Sch. for Backward and Defective Chil- dren in Pub. Sens., Franklin, Pa., 1919- 21; jr. leader, Coit-Alber Chautauquas, O., Ind., W. Va., summer, 1920; instr., Cartwright Lab., Internat. Grenfell Assn., 1921; teacher, The Training Sch., Vineland, N.J., summer 1922; ed. dir., psychol. State Training Sch. Conn, pres., the Pearson Sch., Inc.; mem. A. A.U.W., Okla. Ed. Assn., N.E.A., Pro- gressive Ed Assn., Delta Kaopa Gam- ma, Am. Assn. on Mental Deficiency, Okla. Fed. Women's Clubs, Okla. Soc. for Crippled Children. Author: arts, on care and training of mentally deficient. Travel: U.S., Can., Newfoundland, Lab- rador. Interests: early Am. Furnishings, glass. Recreations: outdoor life, read- ing. Methodist. Democrat. Address: 2311 Arline, Muskogee, Okla. LORING, Arthur A., lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 27 Oct. 1891; s. Sol Levisohn, lawyer, and Emma (Lucas) L. ; ed. LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll.; B.S., Chi- cago Med. Sch., 1924, M.D., 1926; m. Helen Goldner of N.Y.C., 29 Nov. 1931; 1 dau., Nancy. Mem. law firm of Levi- sohn & Loring; licensed to practice med., HI., 1927; intern John B. Murphy Hosp., 1926-27; prof. Med. Jurisprudence, Chi- cago Med. Sch., 1923-45; served U.S. Army, during World War I; mem. Am., HI. State, and Chicago Bar Assns., Am., HI. State and Chicago Med. Socs. Re- publican. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, HI. Home: 1426 N. State Pkwy., Chicago 10, 111. HUTCHISON, William Easton, law- yer; b. Oxford, Pa., 14 July 1860; s. William G. Hutchison, farmer, and Ann Eliza (Campbell) H.; ed. A.B., LaFay- ette Coll., Easton, Pa., 1883, A.M., 1886; LL.D. (hon.), Coll. of Emporia, Kan., 1927; m. Reba Anderson of Mumford, N.Y., 6 Aug. 1895; foster children — Ralph C, James E., Mrs. Marian Clem- ents. Study of law in office of Judge W.S. Kirkpatrick, Easton, Pa.; admitted to bar, Northampton Co. Pa., Oct. 1886; practice of law, Anthony, Grant Co., Finney Co., Kan., 1887—; dir. Kan. Ma- sonic Home, Wichita, Kan., Coll. of Em- poria, Emporia, Kan.; p. pres., Kan. State Bar Assn., Garden City Building & Loan Assn., Garden City Rotary Club; Garden City Chamber Commerce, coun- ty atty., Grant Co. Kan., 1888-91; mem., Kan. State Board of Law Examiners, (sec, 1911-27); parole atty., 1925; judge, 32nd Judicial Dist. of Kan., 1892-1907; assoc. Justice, Supreme Court of Kan., 1927-39; Grand Master, Grand Lodge Masons of Kan., 1912; Grand High Priest, Grand Chap. Royal Arch Ma- sons of Kan., 1924; Grand Commander, Grand Commandery, Kan., 1928; pre- siding officer, local lodges, Odd Fellows, K. of P., A.O.U.W.; mem. (life), Am. Bar Assn., Kan. Bar Assn. South West Kan. Bar Assn. (pres., 1945), Elks. Clubs: Kansas Day, Topeka Hi 12 (life mem.). Travel: U.S., Eur. Presby- terian. Republican. Office and home: Garden City, Kan. WILLIAMS, Alfred Clenard, minister; b. Monticello, Fla., 28 May 1887; s. H. A. Williams, builder, and Chaney (McClenard) W.; ed. Fla. Memorial Coll.; A.B., B.D., Moorehouse Coll., 1912, D.D. 1935 (hon.); Univs. So. Calif, and Pa.; A.M., Univ Mich., 1932; m Louise N Maxwell of Atlanta, Ga., 18 June 1912; 1 son, Theodore A. Pastor, Fla., Los Angeles, Calif., Birmingham, Ala., Philadelphia, Pa., Detroit, Michi- gan; mem. bd. dirs., Nat. Baptist Conv., Inc.; fuel administrator, chief dir. of canteen, four-minute man raising $1,000,000 in thrift stamps and bonds, Birmingham, Ala., special intelligence service man for U.S.A. during World War I; mem. Nat. Assn. Advancement of Colored People. Club: Booker T. Washington Trade (Detroit). Author: Black Men & White Gods (unpublished). Moderator of Metropolitan Baptist As- sociation, Inc. 1941-45; founder of George Washington Carver Colony & Camp, Oct. 1942 (p. pres.); camp organized for boys and for general social guidance; Camp includes four hundred acres of land and a beautiful lake with unlimited possibilities for making community cre- ative. Interests: athletics, philosophy. Recreation: reading. Baptist. Republic- an (mem. State Central Com., Detroit). Office: 1343 E. Ferry Av., Detroit 11, Mich. Home: 556 Arden Park Blvd., De- troit 2, Mich. GRAHAM, Verne Ovid, school admin- istrator; b. Marysville, O., 6 Jan. 1892; s. Stephen Graham and Amelia (Wit- craft) G., ed. B.S., Ohio Northern Univ.; 328 Ph.D., Chicago, 1931; m. Dorothy Bow- die, 29 May 1917; children— June, Ros- alie, Sally. Prin. New Holland (O.) High Sch. ; instr. biology, high sch., Great Falls, Mont., 1917-18; instr. botany, Lake View (Chicago) High Sch., 1918-26; prin. elementary schs., Chicago, 1926-40 pres. Chicago Normal Coll., 1936-38 prin. Norwood Park Sch. 1938; scientific gov. Chicago Acad. Science, 1936-38 sec, 1939-40; vice pres., 1940—; pres 111. Acad. Sciences, 1940-41; made scien tific expdns. to study ecological fea tures, summers, 1932-40; chmn. HI. Con servation Council, 1930-37. Author: For est Families (with Sherman); Mush rooms of the Chicago Region; Mush rooms of the Great Lakes Region, 1944 Home: 4028 Grace St., Chicago, 111. Of fice: 5900 N. Nina Av., Chicago, HI HILL, Barre, singer and teacher; b Reading, Mich., 19 Feb. 1905; s. Leon L. Hill, ins., and Maude (Barre) H. ed. Reading high sch., Mich.; Hillsdale Coll.; A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1926; Univ Sch. of Music, Ann Arbor, 1926; artists diploma Doctor of Music (Hon.), 1942 study France, England, 5 yrs. Leading baritone, Chicago Civic Opera, 5 sea- sons; former mem. Montreal Civic Opera; Am. Opera; St. Louis Municiple Opera; Cincinnati Zoo Opera; Philadel- phia Grand Opera; soloist, leading sym- phonies, including Chicago, Detroit, Phi- ladelphia, St. Louis, Cleveland, Dallas; singing lead, Zeigfield Follies, 1934-35; major broadcasts, N.B.C., Columbia, U. S.; B.B.C., London; head voice dept. Univ. of Okla.; mem. summer faculty Am. Conservatory, Chicago; manage- ment, Annie Friedberg, New York, N. Y.; served U.S. Army, 3 yrs., major, 1945, entertainment dir. for allied troops, Paris, Fr.; Delta Tau Delta; Sinfonia (Phi Mu Alpha); Delta Omi- cron (Nat. patron), Masons. Clubs: Lions, International^ Rotary (hon.). Travel: Eur., concerts U.S. Interest: breeding and showing cocker spaniels U.S., Canada. Recreations: sail boating, travel. Republican. Office: Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Home: Tim- berdell, Norman, Okla. Summer home: Pointe Aux Pins, Straits of Mackinac, Mich. DICKERSON, Earl Burrus, lawyer; b. Canton, Miss., 22 June 1891; s. Ed- ward Dickerson, upholsterer, and Emma (Garrett) D. ; ed. Evanston Acad., 1909; Northwestern Univ., 1 yr.; A.B., Univ. 111., 1914; J.D., Univ. Chi- cago Law Sch., 1920; m. Kathryn Ken- nedy of Chicago, 111., 15 June 1930; 1 dau., Diane Kathryn. Teacher, Tuske- gee Inst., 1913-14; prin., high sch., Vin- cennes, Ind., 1914-15; law practice, Chi- cago, 1920 — ; asst. corp. counsel, City of Chicago, 1923-27; asst. atty. gen., State of 111., 1933-39; v.p. and gen. coun- sel, Supreme Liberty Life Ins. Co., Chi- cago; alderman, second ward, Chicago, 1939-43; served as 2nd It., U.S. Army, 1917-19, 1 yr. in A.E.F., Argonne, Mar- bache, Metz sectors; mem. Nat. Law- yers Guild (exec, com.; 2nd v.p. Chi- cago chap.), N.A.A.C.P. (nat. bd.), Chi- cago Urban League (pres.; bd. of dirs.). Travel: Eur., Brit. Isles. Interests: so- cial legislation, civil rights Recreation: walking. Episcopalian. Democrat. Of- fice: 3501 So. Parkway, Chicago, HI. Home: 3842 So. Parkway, Chicago, 111. FELGAR, James Huston, dean emeri- tus and professor of engineering; b. Stuart, la., 27 July 1874; s. David Felgar and Margaret H.; ed. Newton (Kan.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Kansas, 1901; B.S. (in M.E.), Armour Inst. Tech., now Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, HI., 1905, M.E., 1911, D.Eng., 1929; m. Etta Judd of Chicago, 111., 1906. Instr., Okla. A. & M. Coll., 1906; instr., prof, of mech. engring., dean., Coll. of En- gring., 1906-37, dean emeritus, prof, en- gring., 1937 — ; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Tau, A.S.M.E., Soc. Promotion Engring. Ed., Okla. Soc. Pro- fessional Engrs., Nat. Soc. Prof. Engrs. Club: Norman Lions. Presbyterian. Home: 743 DeBarr Av., Norman, Okla. WEBBER, Charles Christopher, presi- dent; b. Rock Island. HI., 25 Jan. 1859; s. Christopher C. Webber, and Ellen S. (Deere) W.; ed. Lake Forest Acad. (HI.); m. Margaret McMillan of Min- neapolis, Minn., 30 June 1926. Started with Deere & Co., Moline, HI., 1876-81; pres. and dir., Deere & Webber Co., Minneapolis; dir. 1st Nat. Bank & Tr. Co.; Minneapolis Farmers & Mechanics Bank, Minneapolis Upper Miss. Water- way Assn.; mem. Hist. Soc. of Minn. Clubs: Minneapolis, LaFayette, Wood- hill Country. Interest: collecting books written about Gt. Plains and the Rockies. Presbyterian. Office: 800 Wash- ington Av., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 411 Clifton Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Summer res. : Crystal Bay., Minn. Died, 21 Feb. 1944. BURTON, Harold Hitz, Assoc. Justice Supreme Court of U.S.; b. Jamaica Plain, Mass., 22 June 1888; s. Alfred E. Burton, educator, and Gertrude (Hitz) B.; ed. Newton (Mass.) high sch.; A.B., Bow- doin Coll., Me., 1909; LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1912; LL.D. (hon.), Bowdoin, 329 1937; LL.D., Oberlin; Ohio Wesleyan; Kenyon; Boston Univ.; Wooster, Heidel- berg (O.); L.H.D. Me. Univ.; m. Selma Florence Smith of Newton, Mass., 15 June 1912; children — Barbara (Mrs. H. Charles Weidner, Jr.) William Smith, Deborah, Robert Smith. Law pract. with Gage, Wilbur & Wachner, Cleveland, O., 1912-14; asst. atty., Utah Power & Light Co. and Light & Traction Co., Salt Lake City, 1914-16; atty., Ida. Power Co., and Boise Valley Traction Co., Boise, Ida., 1916-17; assoc. with Day, Day & Wilkin, later Day & Day, Cleve- land, O., 1919-25; instr. law of pvt. corps., Western Res. Univ. Law Sch., 1923-25; mem. firm, Cull, Burton & Laughlin, 1925-29; Andrews, Hadden & Burton, 1932-35; bd. of ed., E. Cleve- land, O m 1928-29; Ohio House of Rep. 1929; dir. of law, City of Cleveland, 1929-32; actg. mayor, Cleveland, Nov. 1931-Feb. 1932; chmn. Cuyahoga Co. Charter Commn., 1935; mayor, Cleve- land, 1935-40; U.S. Senate, 1941—; dur- ing World War I served as 1st It. and capt., 361st Inf. in Fr., Belg., citation and Order of Purple Heart (U.S.), Croix de Guerre (Belg.), maj. U.S. Inf. Res.; mem. Ohio, Cleveland, and Am. Bar Assns., Am. Legion, Vets. For. Wars, Army and Navy Union, Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Masons (33d deg.), Moose, Eagles, Grange, Ahepa. Clubs: Rotary, Kiwanis, Exchange. Edi- tor: 600 Days Service: A History of the 361st Infantry. Unitarian. Republican. Office: Supreme Court, Washington, D.C. Home: Cleveland Hotel, Cleve- land, O. WEST, Clarence Jay, editor; b. Brigh- ton, Mich., 14 June 1886; s. William West, blacksmith, and Rebecca (Brown) W.; ed. Birmingham (Mich.) high sch.; B.Pd., State Normal Coll., Ypsilanti, 1908, M.Ed., 1937; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1909, Ph.D., 1912; m. Eva B. McClellan of Birmingham, Mich., 28 Dec. 1910; children— Mrs. Eva Jeanne Doubleday, Clarence John. Res. chem., Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., N.Y.C., 1912-18; dir. information Serv., Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., 1919-21; assoc. ed., Internat. Critical Tables, 1921-30; dir., Res. Information Serv., Nat. Res. Coun- cil, Washington, D.C, 1925-36; ed., The Inst, of Paper Chem., 1936 — ; capt., C. W.S., 1918-19; It. col., C.W.S., O.R.C. until 1934; mem A.C.S., Tech. Assn. Pulp and Paper Indust., A.A.A.S. Gold Medal, Tappi, 1937. Club: Riverview Country. Author: Bibliography of Paper- making, 1900-35 (2 vol.); annual vol., 1936 — ; Bibliography of Bibliographies in Chem. and Chem. Technology, 3 vols.; ed., Annual Survey of Am. Chem- istry, 10 vols., 1926-35; about 500 com- pilations. Interest: masonry. Recrea- tion: gardening. Republican. Office: The Institute of Paper Chemistry, Appleton, Wis. Home: 202 River Dr., Appleton. Wis. DUNBAR, Louise Burnham, asst. pro- fessor of history; b. White River Junc- tion, Vt.; d. Joseph Henry Dunbar, edu- cator, and Belle (Hanchett) D.; ed. Hartford (Vt.) high sch.; A.B., Mt. Hol- yoke Coll., 1916; A.M., Univ. HI., 1917, Ph.D., 1920. Scholar, fellow in hist., Univ. HI., 1916-20; instr. hist., Cham- paign (HI.) High Sch., 1918-19; instr. econ., Univ. 111., 1920-21, instr. hist., 1921-25; dir. studies, Kemper Hall, 1925- 26; instr. summer session, Berea, Ky., 1924; lecturer in hist., Univ. HI., 1926- 27, asst. prof, hist., 1927—; lecturer and radio speaker on hist, and pub. affairs; mem. Alpha Lambda Delta (hon.), A. A. U.W., Am. Hist. Assn., Champaign Co. League of Women Voters, 111. Soc. Sci. Council, Mississippi Valley Hist. Assn., Mortar Bd. (hon.), Nat. Cathedral Assn., Phi Mu, Univ. HI. Alumni Assn. Clubs: Mt. Holyoke College of Cham- paign-Urbana, Univ. 111. Women's. Au- thor: Study of Monarchical Tendencies in the U.S., 1922; arts, and book re- views. Travel: U.S., Eur., Can. Inter- ests: music, 18th century biographies. Recreations: gardening, motoring. Epis- copalian. Independent. Office: 317 Lin- coln Hall, Urbana, HI. Home: 908 W. Oregon St., Urbana, HI. SADLER, Herbert Charles, professor of engineering (emeritus); b. London, Eng., 27 Aug. 1872; s. Frederick Charles Sadler and Christina de Wilde (Cater) S.; ed. Dulwich Coll., London; B.Sc. Univ. Glasgow, 1927; m. Margaret Wen ley of Ann Arbor, Mich., 25 Apr. 1919 children — Robert C, Christine W., Mar garet DeW. (Mrs. George Henry Gard ner, Jr.), Winifred A. Engaged in prac tical shipbuilding on Clyde, 1890-96 asst. prof, naval arch., Glasgow Univ. 1896-1900; jr. prof, naval arch, and mar ine engring., Univ. Mich., 1900-04, prof. 1904-28, dean, coll. engring., 1928-37 Alexander Ziwet, prof. Engring., 1937-39 dean emeritus, 1939 — ; engaged in ap praisal and consultant work; naval arch., engr. to U.S. Shipping Bd., Em- ergency Fleet Corp., and in charge of construction of all merchant vessels during World War I; mem. Inst. Naval Archs. (London), Inst. Engrs. and Ship- builders (Scot.), Am. Soc. Naval Archs. and Marine Engrs. (v.p.), S.A.E., Soc. 330 Promotion Engring. Ed., Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi. Clubs: Engineers, University, Barton Hills. Author: many papers on sci. and the art of ship- building. Office and home: 1510 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. VAIL, Malcolm D., life isurance; b. Highland Park, 111., 4 Oct. 1888; s. Henry S. Vail, life ins., and Jennie C. (McC.) V.; ed. Lake Forest Acad.; B.A., Cornell Univ.; m. Margaret Nye of Cleveland, 4 Apr. 1916; children— Malcolm D., Jr., Katherine V. Sturgis, Henry S., II. Dur- ing World War I served as ensign in U.S.N. ; mem. World War Vets. Clubs: Univ. of Chicago, Swan Lake Duck, Chi- cago Yacht. Recreations: sailing, hunt- ing, travel. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 110 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. Home: 190 Lakewood PL, Highland Park, HI. Summer res.: Ephraim, Wis. RUNNING, Theodore Rudolph, profes- sor emeritus; b. Colfax, Wis., 14 Dec. 1866; s. Ole Aslaksen Running and Bin- git (Sletvit) R.; ed. high sch., Viroqua, Wis.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1892, M.S., 1896, Ph.D., 1899; m. Clara Bertine Anderson of Houston, Minn., 21 Sept. 1898. Fellow in mant., Univ. Wis., 1895-97, instr. math., 1897-1900; prof, math., chem., physics, St. OJaf Coll., 1893-95, 1900-03; instr. math., Univ. Mich., 1903-07, asst. prof., 1907-13, assoc. prof., 1913-20, jr. prof., 1913-15, prof., 1920-37, actg. asst. dean, coll. engring. and arch., 1924-25; Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Math Soc, Math. Assn. Am., Soc. Promotion En- gring. Ed., A.A.U.P., Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters, Sigma Xi, Am. Geog. Soc. Clubs: Mathematical, Philosophi- cal. Author: Empirical Formulas, 1917; Graphical Mathematics, 1927; Graphical Calculus, 1937; First Year College Math- ematics (with L.C. Plant), 1939; Chapter on Mathematics in Chemical Engineer- ing Handbook (with John Perry), 1934. Presbyterian. Republican. Office and home: 1019 Michigan Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. Summer res.: Woodland Park, Haugen, Wis. NEWMAN, John Richard, attorney; b. Vandalia, 111., 13 Sept. 1890; s. Delma A. Newman, farmer, and Sina C. (Tinker) N. ; ed. Howe (Ind.) high sch.; A.B., Albion Coll., 1917; Univ. Mich.; LL.B., Detroit Coll. of Law, 1919; m. Margaret Austin of Detroit, Mich., 3 Sept. 1917; children — John Richard, Jr., Kenneth Austin, William Alan. Pvt. law pract., 1919-21; trial lawyer, McClear and Stein, 1922; firm, McClear, New- man, Penniman and Toy, 1921-25, Aus- tin and Newman, 1925-39, Toy and New- man, 1939—; asst. pros, atty., 1921; mem. Detroit and State Bar Assns. of Mich., Sigma Nu, Delta Theta Phi, Del- ta Sigma Rho, Masons (32d deg.). Rec- reations: golf, gardening. Protestant. Republican. Address: 3765 Pasadena Av., Detroit, Mich. SHIELDS, Edmund C, attorney; b. Howell, 30 Dec. 1871; s. Dennis Shields, lawyer, and Lydia (Lonergan) S.; ed. Howell high sch.; B.L., Univ. Mich., 1894, LL.B., 1896; m. Mary Foley of Milwaukee, Minn., 28 Dec. 1901. Assoc, with W.S. Butterfield Theatres, Inc., Mo- tor Wheel Corp., Grand Trunk Western R.R. Co., Mich. Surety Co., Central Trust Co.; regent, Univ. Mich.; 2nd It., co. M., 35th regiment, Sp.-Am. War; mem. Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Country, City, Automobile, Univ., Chemung Hills. Travel: Eur., Japan, China, Philip- pines, U.S. Father, Dennis Shields, was oldest of six brothers, all of whom were lawyers. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 1400 Olds Tower, Lansing, Mich. Home: Ho- tel Olds, Lansing, Mich. Summer res.: Whitmore Lake, Mich. TREE, Russell Miller, manufacturer; b. N.Y.C., 2 Dec. 1895; s. Edward O. Tree, clergyman, and Martha Lavinia (Keller) T.; ed. Freeport (N.Y.) high sch.; Wesleyan Univ., Columbia Univ., Brooklyn Poly. Inst.; m. Marguerite B. Hardaway of Wallace, Neb., 2 Feb. 1921 (dec); children— Russell Miller, Mary Elizabeth, Philip Amadon; m. (2nd) Marjorie B. Amadon of Port Huron, Mich., 5 July 1940. Ch. chem., Kenosha Br., Am. Brass Co., Kenosha, Wis., 1919- 21, tech. advisor, 1921-29, plant supt., 1929-36; works mgr., Mueller Brass Co., Port Huron, Mich., 1939—, v.p. dir.; mem. B.P.O.E. Protestant. Republican. Office: Mueller Brass Co., Port Huron, Mich. Home: 3870 Gratiot Av., Port Huron, Mich. LONGYEAR, Edmund Joseph, retired mining engineer; b. Grass Lake, Mich., 6 Nov. 1864; s. Isaac Longyear, bldg. contractor, and Roanna (Davis) L.; ed. Grass Lake high sch.; Univ. Mich., 3 yrs.; E.M., Mich. Coll. Mines, 1888; m. Nevada Patten of Boonville, Ind., 16 Apr. 1890; children— Clyde Stanley, Rob- ert Davis, Philip Owen (dec), Mar- garet, Richard Patten, Edmund Joseph, Jr. Played important part in develop- ment of Mesabi Iron Range by intro- ducing first diamond drill, 1890; now engaged in compiling Genealogy of the Longyear Family; mem. S.A.R., Soc. Mayflower Descendants, The Pilgrim John Howland Soc, N.Y. Genealogical 331 and Biographical Soc, New England Historic Genealogical .Soc. Author: The Metz Family Genealogy, 1932. Interest: genealogy. . Baptist. Republican. Office : 1701 Foshay Tower, Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 10531 Garwood PL, W. Los An- geles, Calif. STARR, Floyd, executive; b. De- catur; s. Marshall Horace Starr, con- tractor, builder, and Mary (Root) S.; ed. Marshall high sen.; B.A., Albion Coll., 1910; children— David, Margaret (Mrs. J. Robert Willson). Founder, Starr Commonwealth for Boys, Albion, now pres. ; dir., Mich. Federation of Humane Socs.; tr. Adrian Coll., Adrian; mem. Nat. Adv. Bd. Am. Res. Inst., Delta Tau Delta, F. & A.M. (32d deg.), O.E.S. Club: Albion Exchange (char- ter mem.). Author: numerous mag. arts. Travel: Can., Eur., Mex., U.S. Inter- ests: art, collecting statuettes of horses. Protestant. Republican. Office and home: Starr Commonwealth for Boys, Albion, Mich. DeWATERS, Enos Anson, retired; b. Kalamazoo, Mich., 22 July 1874; s. Ir- win H. DeWaters, farmer, and Mary J. (Sheldon) D.; ed. Kalamazoo high sen.; B.S., Kalamazoo Coll., 1899; B.S., Univ. Chicago, 1901; B.S., Univ. Mich., 1903; D.S., Kalamazoo Coll., 1941; m. Sarah P. Allis of Adrian, June 1905. Teacher, 1899-1903; draftsman, Cadillac Automobile Co., 1904; asst. engr., Buick Motor Co., 1905-10, chief engr., 1910-31; tr., Flint Inst., of arts, mem. hon. com.- Mortimer E. Cooley Foundation, Univ. of Mich., Flint Y.M.C.A. (v.p.), chmn. bd. trs., Kalamazoo Coll.; mem. S.A.E. Clubs: Flint Golf, Flint City. Interest: farming. Recreations: golf, fishing, hunting. Republican. Home: 1102 South Drive, Flint, Mich. JONES, Oscar Bernard, engineer; b. Fairfax, Va., 5 June 1894; s. James Rufus Jones, farmer, and Susan Jane (Oglesby) J.; ed. Fern Hall Acad.; Fairfax high sen.; B.S. (in E.E.), Tri State Coll. of Engring., 1919; m. Lulu Hanna Hickman of Columbus, 1 Oct. 1919; children — Susan Jane, George Bernard. Draftsman, tool designer, ma- chine designer in automotive industry, later tool room foreman, Franklin Tool Die and Machine Co., Columbus, 1919; chief tool designer, Sparks-Withington Co., Jackson, Mich., 1921; in charge of tool design, Studebaker Corp., Detroit plants, 1921-26; ed., Jour, of Am. Soc. of Tool Engrs., 2 yrs.; pres., Detroit Coll. of Applied Science, 1926 — , also teacher of calculus, psychology and phi- losophy; founder, historian, Am. Soc. Tool Engrs.; served during World War I by giving special Trade Tests at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio (private) ; mem. Nat. Rifle Assn., Detroit Sports- men's Congress. Author: Applied Indus- trial Mathematics; Applied Mechanics; Tool Engineering; Drafting. Travel: U. S. Interests: outdoor life, dogs and guns. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Independ- ent. Office: 8203 Woodward Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 27095 W. 9 Mile Rd., Mich. McGBLL, Ernest Charles, physician; b. Superior, Wis., 12 Feb. 1890; s. Charles J. McGill, postal service, and Ellen (Kenny) McG.; ed. Blaine high sen., Superior, Wis.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1915; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1917; m. Rose C. Emerson of Evanston, HI., 25 June 1917; children — Charles, Edwin, Nancy, Suzanne, Leon, Richard, Ellen, Ernest, John. Chmn. Obstetrical Dept., St. Francis Hosp., Evanston; asst. in obstetrics and gynecology, Med. Sen., Univ. HI.; served during World War I as lieut. (j.g.), U.S. N.R.F., 11 mos.; mem. Am. Med. Assn., HI. Med. Soc, Chicago Med Soc, Am. Coll. Surgeons (fellow). Author: The Expectant Mother. Catholic Renub^>an. Office-. 636 Church St., Evanston, I1L STROHL, Everett Lee, surgeon; b. Oblong, HI., 22 June 1906; s. Bertie Lee Strohl, physician and Lessa (Wilson) S.; ed. high sch., Oblong Township, Paris high sch.; A.B., Univ. HI., 1927, B.S., 1928, M.D., 1931; M.S., Univ. Minn.. 1936; m. Lavinia Morgan Howells of Chicago. 111.. 20 Apr. 1940 (dec); 1 son, Lee Howells. Res. surg., St. Luke's Hosp., 1932-33; fellow in surg., Ma yo Foundation of Univ. Minn., Rochester, 1933-36; pvt. practice of surgery, Chi- cago, 1936—; asst. attending surg., St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago, asst. surg., Univ. HI. Coll. Med.; overseas duty, U.S. Army, World War II; Mem. Am. Bd. Surg., A.C.S., A.M.A., HI. Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Chicago Surg. Soc, Central Surg. Assn. Clubs: Uni- versity (Chicago), Chicago Literary, Flossmoor Country. Author: many arts, on surg. problems. Desc. settlers in Crawford Co., HI., 1847. Methodist. Re- publican. Address: 1000 Sheridan Rd., Wilmette, 111. McNEIL, Howard Crichton, business executive, company president; b. El- gin, HI., 22 Mar. 1878; s. John McNeil, wholesale grocer, and Janet (Crichton) McN.; ed. Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass.; S.B., Harvard, 1901; m. Mary Elizabeth Cleveland of HI., 22 Sept. 1903; 332 children— Elizabeth Crichton (Mrs. J.F. Perrigo), Eleanor Belle (Mrs. William K. Child). In employ, McNeil & Higgins Co., Chicago, wholesale grocers, Sept. 1901-31 Dec. 1906; with 111. Iron & Bolt Co., 2 Jan. 1907—, treas., 1907-19, v. pres., mgr., pres., 1930—. Clubs: Elgin Country (Elgin), Lake Geneva Country (Lake Geneva, Wis.), University (Chi- cago). Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Illinois Iron & Bolt Co., Carpentersville, HI. Home: 7 Villa Ct., Elgin, 111. Sum- mer res.: Lake Geneva, Wis. BARTON, Thomas Harry, president Lion Oil Company; b. Marlin, Tex., 20 Sept. 1881; s. Thomas Killebrew Barton and Mary (Johnson) B.; ed. A. & M. College of Texas, 2 yrs.; LL.D., Univ. of Ark. 1941; m. Madeline Mary Lari- mer; children— Clark N., T. Killebrew. Pres. El Dorado Natural Gas Co., 1924- 24, Natural Gas & Fuel Corp., El Dor- ado, 1924-28, Lion Oil Company, El Dor- ado, 1929 — ; pres. and dir. Lion Chem. Corp., The Sonbar Corp., The Barton Corp.; Publisher The Arkansas Farmer, 1935-45; pres. and chmn. bd. Ark. Radio and Equipment Co. (KARK) Little Rock; pres. & dir. Radio Enterprises, Inc. (KELD) El Dorado, dir. Ark. Natu- ral Gas Co., 1928-35, Real Properties, Inc., Exchange Bank & Trust Co., El Dorado; dir. Am. Petroleum Institute, Independent Petroleum Assn. of Am., mem. Petroleum Industry War Council, councillor S. W. Dist. U.S. Chamber of Commerce, chmn. exec. com. Ark. Eco- nomic Council-State Chamber Com- merce; mem. bd. trustees Midwest Re- search Inst.; pres. bd. trustees Arkan- sas A. & M. Coll.; mem. bd. trustees George Peabody Coll. for Teachers; p. pres. Ark. Soc. for Crippled Children, inc., mem. Regional Exec. Com. Boy Scouts of America; gen. chmn. Birth- day Ball for President, 1934-35; Dem. Nat. Committeeman for Ark., 1940; mem. bd. dir. Ark. Hist. Soc; p. mem. Ark. Centennial Com.; founder and pres. Ark. Livestock Assn.; mem. regional adv. com. for Region 9, War Manpower Commn.; dir. Cotton Bowl Athletic Assn., Assn. Former Students A. & M. Coll. of Texas; served as capt. during World War I; col. Cavalry Tex. Nat. Guard; 15 yrs. as col., Cavalry Re- serve; received El Dorado Chamber Commerce award for distinguished service to community 1937, Ark. Jr. Chamber Commerce trophy for distin- guished service to state 1942; mem. Am. Legion, (distinguished guest com.) 40 & 8, Phi Lambda Chi (Gamma Chap.), Beta Gamma Sigma (hon., Univ. of Ark.). Clubs: Ark. of Tex. A. & M. Coll. (pres.), Dallas Petroleum, 25-Year of Petroleum Industry, Bankers (N. Y.), Little Rock; National Press, El Dorado Golf & Country. Office: Exchange Bldg. El Dorado, Ark. Home: Country Club Colony, El Dorado, Ark. CRAWFORD, William Elon, executive engineer; b. Big Rapids, Mich., 21 Aug. 1889; s. David C. Crawford, clergyman, and Cora A. (Kingsley) C. ; ed. Big Rapids (Mich.) high sch.; B.S. (in E. E.), Univ. Mich., 1914; m. Bertha M. Satterley of Charlotte, Mich., 24 Sept. 1913; c h i 1 d r e n— Robert, Theodore, David. Undergrad. prin. of high sch., Champion, Mich., 1911-13; early train- ing, carpenter by trade, 1914-17; teacher physics and math., Bay City (Mich.) West high sch.; engr., Automobile Con- cern, 1917-20; various engring. and exec, capacities, 1920—; mem. A.I.E.E. Weld- ing Com. (p. chmn.), Milwaukee Sect. A.I.E.E. (p. chmn.), mem numerous corns, Am. Welding Soc. (sustaining mem.), Milwaukee Engring. Soc. (p« pres.); Fellow Am. Inst. Elec. Engring, Author: numerous patents in the art of welding. Travel: widely in U.S. Inter- ests: gyroscopes, color photog. Recrea- tion: outdoors. Methodist. Republican Office: A.O. Smith Corp., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 1736 N. 72nd St., Wauwa- tosa, Wis. Summer res.: Hill's Lake, Wautoma, Wis. COLNIK, Cyril, metal craftsman, de- signer; b. Triebein, Austria, 20 Sept 1871; naturalized; s. Dominik Colnik, economist, and Ane (Fanede) C; ed. Brade Continuation Sch., Vienna; Art Industrial, Munich, Ger.; Master De- gree, Student of Master Franz Roth, 1889; highest awards, Chicago Wcrldt Fair, 1893; m. Marie C. Merz of Mil- waukee, Wis., 1905; 1 dau., Gretchen Student in art and craft work, Eur. Countries; master craftsman, pres., The Ornamental Iron Shop; mem. Milwau- kee Art Inst, and Wis. Designer Crafts- men, Craftsmenship of the Wis. Chap, of the Am. Inst, of Arch. (hon. mem), Steuben Soc. Travel: U.S., Eur. Inter- ests: creation in design, collecting an- tiques, art goods. Recreations: study, travel. Republican. Office and heme' 531 N. 8th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Sum- mer res.: Wolf River, Wis. BOWEN, Louise de Koven, social worker; b. Chicago, 26 Feb. 1859; s. John de Koven, banker, and Helen (Hadduck) B.; ed. Dearborn Sem.; M A., Knox Coll., 1922; D.H.L., Tufts Coll., 1926; Citizen Fellow, Inst. Med., Chi- 333 cago; m. Joseph Tilton Bowen of Provi- dence, R.I., 1 June 1886; children- John de Koven, Joseph Tilton, Helen Hadduck (Mrs. William McCormlck Blair), Louise de Koven (Mrs. Louise de Koven Phelps). V.p., United Chari- ties of Chicago; pres., Juvenile Pro- tective Assn., 35 yrs.; treas., Hull-House Assn., 49 yrs., pres., 8 yrs.; apptd. by Pres. Harding to represent U.S. in Pan- Am. Congress; apptd. by Dept. Justice, Woman Food Admr., HI.; apptd. by Gov. Lowden on State Council of De- fense; chmn. Woman's Com., Council Nat. Defense, 111. Div.; pres., Chicago Equal Suffrage Assn., 5 yrs., Women's World's Fair, 4 yrs. Clubs: Woman's City (pres., 10 yrs.), Woman's Roose- velt Rep. (pres., 3 yrs.), Friday, Fort- nightly, Chicago Woman's. Author: Safe- guards for City Youth at Work and at Play, 1914; Growing up with a City, 1927; speeches, addresses and letters of Louise de Koven Bowen, 1938; "Bay- meath," 1945; also various brochures and reports on social subjs. Travel: No. Am., abroad. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Home: 1430 Astor St., Chicago, m. JONES, Melvin, secretary general; b. Ft. Thomas, Ariz., 13 Jan. 1880; s. Capt. John Calvin Jones, U.S. Army, and Lydia M. (Gibler) J.; ed. Quincy histi sch. ; Union Bus. Coll., law course, Chaddock Coll., Quincy, 111.; m. Rose Amanda Freeman of Moline, 111., 1909. With Johnson & Higgins, N.Y. ins. brokers, Chicago, 1902-04; founded Mel- vin Jones Ins. Agency, 1904; dissolved, 1926; founder of Internat. Assn. of Lions Clubs in Chicago, 1917, sec. gen., 1917 — , dir., Lions Assn. from 50 clubs in 1919 to 5000 in 1945; mem. A.F. & A.M. Club: Internat. Assn. of Lions. Awarded Cross of the Order of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, by Laredo Bru, Pres. of the Republic of Cuba, 1939. Author: numer- ous arts, and booklets on Lionism and service clubs; ed. The Lion. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Cuba. Interests: read- ing, horiculture. Recreations: golf, chicken farming. Methodist. Republican. Office: 332 So. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: Flossmoor, 111. FENLEY, William Herschel, engi- neer; b. Greenwood, Ind., 7 May 1876; s. Alfred Columbus Fenley, bldg. con- tractor, and Martha (Smith) F.; ed. grammar and high sens.; correspond- ence sch. and course, Mechanics Arts; m. Helene Falgren Johnson (dec, 1931) of St. Paul, Minn., 1911; m. (2nd) Mrs. Rosabel Morris Schwartz of Chicago, 4 Nov. 1933; children— William H., Jr. (dec, 1934), Robert Hope. Brakeman, yard master, C.C.C. & St. L. Rwy., Sept. 1895-Oct. 1898, Nat. Switch & Sig. Co. until Dec. 1898; towerman, repair- man, C.C.C. & St. L. Rwy., until 1 June 1900; fitter, foreman, sig. dept., C.G.W. June 1900-04, elec and sig. insp., until Mar. 1905, supervisor, office engr., Mar. 1905-Feb. 1908, signal engr., Feb. 1908- Oct. 1910; sales engr., Union Switch & Sig. Co., Chicago, Oct. 1910- Aug. 1911: signal engr., Panama R.R., 1911-Sept. 1913, examined train crews, put stand- ard code of operation in service, 1912, apptd. supt. elec div., Sept. 1913, built trans-Isthmian duct line and special work in fortifications, mem. joint com. covering high tension transmission and distribution, proposed electrification of R.R. ; began as sales engr., Kerte In- sulated Wire & Cable Co., June 1915, now West, mgr.; mem. Nat. Rwy. Ap- pliances Assn. (pres., 1930-31, sec- treas., chmn. Panama Canal Soc, 1925- 29), Rwy. Elec. Mfg. Assn. (pres., 1926- 27), Assn. Am. Railroads (mem. sig., tel., Tel. and elec. sects.), West. Soc. Engrs. (dir. elec. sect.), A.I.E.E., Soc Auto Engrs., Am. Rwy. Elec. Engrs., Ind. Soc. of Chicago, Masons (Shrine 32d deg.). Clubs: Chicago Rwy., HI. Ath- letic, Riverside Mens. Author: articles on signaling, Confessions of a Main- tainer, Sudden Ravings, etc., in R.R. pubis. Son, Robert Hope Fenlsy, now ii U.S.N. , Naval Base, Pensacola. Office: 709 Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 277 Nuttall Rd., Riverside, HI. Died, 22 Nov. 1942. ELDER, Lucius Walter, professor of philosophy; b. Valparaiso, Ind., 20 Oct. 1882; s. W.W. Elder and Hannah Louisa (Wilkins) E.; ed. Manual Training Sch., Indianapolis, Ind.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1905, A.M., 1909; Ph.D., Univ. Pa., 1913; m. Mrs. Harriett Clark Ruth of Los Angeles, Calif., 17 July 1936; children- Richard A., Charles J. Prof. Eng., Knox Coll., 1917 — , librarian, prof, of comp. lit., 1923-40, prof, philosophy, 1941—; served at Hdqts. Co., R.O.T.C., Ft. Sheridan, 1917; mem. Am. Philos. Assn. Author: Methods of Study, 1940; various arts, on philosophy. Travel: Europe, U.S. Interests: medieval manuscript il- lumination, bibliography. Recreations : hunting, skating. Protestant. Repub- lican. Office: Knox College, Galesburg, 111. Home: 1547 No. Cherry St., Gales- burg, 111. HAMMOND, Robert Stevens, execu- tive; b. Chicago, HI., 17 Feb. 1889; s. Charles Lyman Hammond, realtor, and Mary Electa (Stevens) H.; ed. Hyde 334 Park high sen., Chicago; B.M.E., Univ. Mich., 1911; m. Helen Johnston of Chi- cago, 111., 28 Apr. 1917; children— James Wright, Mary Stevens, Jean Sterling, Peter DeForest (dec). With Am. Steel Foundries, Granite City, 111., Chicago, m., 1911-17; Pittsburgh dis. mgr., Whit- ing Corp., 1919-21; Chicago dist. mgr., 1921-29; sales mgr., Harvey, HI., 1930- 36, v.p., 1932—; pres. Winnetka Pub. Sens., 1936-42; with A.R.C., 1917-18; mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Uni- versity, Baha'i. Office: 343 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. Home: 1217 Asbury Av., Winnetka, 111. Summer res.: Glen Lake, Mich., and Harvard, 111. SPATTA, George, executive; b. New York, 2 Feb. 1893; s. George Spatta and Philippine (Hartfelder) S.; ed. N.Y. high sch.; Engring. Sch.; m. Henriette M. Weseman of Yonkers, N.Y. Tool de- signer, mfg. engr., plant supt., Gen. Elec. Co., 1915-27; development engr., chief engr., v.p., gen. mgr., Clark Equipment Co., 1927—, dir., 1935—; mem., S.A.E. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Orchard Hills Country. Recreations: reading, travel. Office: Clark Equip- ment Co., Buchanan, Mich. Home: 308 W. Front St., Buchanan, Mich. HONORA, Sister M., college presi- dent; b. Kan. City, Mo.; ed. Central high sch., Kan. City, Mo.; B.A., Mary- grove Coll. Monroe, Mich., 1922; M.A., Univ. Notre Dame, 1925; Ph.D., Ford- ham Univ., 1928. Teacher, St. Thomas High Sch., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1916-24; principal, 1924-26; prof, of Eng., Mary- grove Coll., Detroit, Mich., 1928-31, dean, 1930-37, pres., 1937—. Catholic. Of- fice and home: Marygrove Coll., De- troit, Mich. RICHARDS, Benjamin, engineer; b. Canton, Mass., 26 Sept. 1877; s. James Francis Richards, factory supt., and Harriet Newhall (Pettee) R.; ed. Can- ton (Mass.) high sch.; pvt. engring. stu- dies; m. Margaret Ivison Ross of Can- ton, Mass., 16 Dec. 1903; children— Ross, Truman, Winthrop, Cynthia, Margaret, Virginia, Benjamin, Jr. Fire protection engineer, asst. mgr., Underwriters Bur. of N.E., 1912; chief engr., Western Fac- tory Ins. Assn., 1918; mgr., Under- writers Service Assn., 1923; council mem., Underwriters' Labs.; chmn. Mfg. Hazards Council of N.F.P.A.; mem. Nat. Fire Protection Assn., Masons. Club: Executives. Author: various arts, on fire protection. Family settled in Dedham, Mass., 1634. Interest: mus. Recreations: outdoor life. Baptist. In- dependent. Office: 222 W. Adams St., Chicago, HI. Home: 638 Abbotsford Rd., Kenilworth, 111. Summer home: Stur- geon Bay, Wis. BALSAM, Alva Leonard, retired; b. Manistee, Mich., 14 June 1888; s. Fred W. Balsam, lumberman, and Annie (Moldt) B.; ed. Manistee high sch.; Univ. Mich.; A.B., Univ. Chicago, 1913; m. Nannette LeStrange of Toronto, 25 July 1925. Was accountant by profes- sion; engaged in real estate bus., 1928- 41; mem. Detroit Stock Exchange, 1932- 36; enlisted in U.S.N, as 2nd class sea- man for training in Ensign Sch., Pel- ham Bay, N.Y., 24 June 1918 (armistice signed before receiving commn.). Clubs: Intercollegiate Alumni (Detroit), Lake Shore (Chicago, 111.). Interest: travel. Recreation: felling and sawing trees into usable wood at Rolling Acres. Conglist. Republican. Home: 1475 Chi- cago Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: Rolling Acres, Arcadia, Mich. MEISNER, James Frederick, civil en- gineer; b. Sabetha, Kan., 18 Dec. 1900; s. John Meisner, farmer, and Ida (Ban- hi) M.; ed. Sabetha high sch.; B.S. in C.E., Univ. Kan., 1927, I.C.S., Concrete Engring. diploma, 1938; m. Dorothy Lee Robinson of W. Frankfort;, 111., 2 Nov. 1929; children— Janice Dureen, James Robert. Constr. engr., Douglas Co., Kan., 1927-28; design engr., 111. State Highway Dept., 1928-29; asst. co. engr,, Douglass Co. Kans., 1929-31; co. engr., Marion Co., Kans., 1931-39; pvt. en- gring., 1939; co. engr., Marion Co., Kans., 1940—; pvt., Co.D 27th Bat. K.S. G., 1918; mem. Kan. Engring. Soc, Co. Engrs. Assn., Registered Prof. Engrs., Am. Rd. Bldrs. Assn., A.F.&A.M. Clubs: Kiwanis, Triangle. Interests: wood- work, gardening. Recreation: fishing. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Court House, Marion, Kan. Home: 129 N. Lin- coln, Marion, Kan. HELLWIG, Christian Alexander, pa- thologist; b. Meissen, Saxony, 23 Aug. 1889; s. Hermann Hellwig, industrialist, and Marta (Schleg) H.; ed. Meissen, Sax.; A.B., Muenchen, 1909, M.D., 1916; studied Leipzig and Berlin, Ger.; m. Maria Comte of Halle, 13 Feb. 1921; children— Ingeborg, Barbara. At Path. Inst. Med. Sch., Freiburg, 1918-20; Frankfurt-am-Main, 1920-24; dir. Path. Dept., St. Francis Hosp., Wichita, Kan., 1924 — ; mem. A.M. A., Am. Assn. Pathol. Bacteriologists, Am. Assn. Clinical Pa- thologists, Am. Assn. Internal Secre- tions, Am. Assn. Cancer Research, Biol. Photo. Assn. Author: med. articles. Travel: Paris, Berlin, Dresden. Inter- 335 ests: photog., cello. Recreation: swim- ming. Lutheran. Republican. Office: St. Francis Hospital, Wichita, Kan. Home: 5651 Van View PI., Wichita, Kan. NICHOLAS, Elmer Henry, social worker; b. Miller, Mo., 7 Jan. 1891; s. Henry Sheridan Nicholas, farmer, and Samantha (Johnson) N. ; ed. Marion- ville (Mo.) Acad.; A.B., Baker Univ., Baldwin City, Kan., 1925; A.M., North- western Univ., 1929; B.D., Garrett Bibl. Inst., 1928; wards — Edward, Edna Beth. Minister, teacher, newspaper and mag. publisher; ed. Palms: A Magazine of Poetry; social worker, mental hygiene consultant; string corr. for Assoc. Press; dir., sec, AFSA Credit Union; chmn., Workmen's Benefit Fund; sec, Co-operative Book Guild; Agent Michi- gan Vocational Rehabilitation pro- grams; mem. Mich. Poetry Soc, Bards of Grand Rapids, Masons, I.O.O.F., A.F. State County & Municipal Employees, Grant Chamber Commerce. Author: The Junior Quarterly. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: philately, hist, docu- ments, paintings, creative arts and crafts, writing poetry. Recreations: na- ture study, weaving. Liberal Catholic Independent. Office: Bureau of Social Aid, White Cloud, Mich. Home: Grant, Mich. HELTON, David Clark, surgeon; b. nr. Dorchester, 22 Apr. 1877; s. John B. W. Hilton, saw maker, and Mary E. (Redgate) H.; ed. W. Div. high sch. (Chicago); A.B., Univ. Neb., 1900, A. M., 1901; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., Univ. Chicago, 1903; post grad. student, Vi- enna, Paris; m. Sarah Luella O'Toole of Lincoln, Neb., 23 Aug. 1900; children —Blossom Virginia (Mrs. Harold Stan- ley Gish), Ruth Acacia (Mrs. Woodward Burgert), Dr. Hiram David. In pract. surgery, Lincoln, 1903 — ; head, sci. depts., Cotner Univ., 1904-05; demon- strator of anatomy, Univ. Neb., 1903- 05; attending surgeon, St. Elizabeth's Hosp., 1905 — ; chief surgeon or attend- ing surgeon, Bryan Mem. Hosp., 1926 — ; cons, in surgery, Vet's Hosp., 1930—; U.S. del., 5th Internat. Congress Mil. Med., Warsaw, Poland, 1927, 6th Inter- nat. Congress, London, Eng., 1929; awarded Cross of Army Med. Sch., Po- land, 1927; capt. M.C., U.S.A., during World War I; It. col. M.C., Neb. N.G., 1923-25, col. commdg. 110th Med Regt., May 1925-Sept. 1940, div. surgeon, 35th Div., 1927-1940; brig. gen. of the line, Neb. N.G. (inactve), Sept. 1940—; mem. A.M.A., Neb. A.S., Masons (33d deg.), A.A.S.R., K.T., Red Cross of Con- stantine, Sigma Xi, S.A.R., Audubon Soc, Wilson Ornithological Union, Neb. Genealogical Soc, Lincoln Chamber Commerce, Acacia, State and local med. socs., Interprofessional Men's Inst., F.A.C.S., A.A.A.S. Club: Univer- sity. Author: numerous papers on sur- gery, embryology, ornithology, free- masonry and the Anglican church. Travel: Eur. Desc. of pioneers of Saline Co. Interests: arboriculture, ornithology. Recreations: mt. climbing, volley ball, gardening. Anglican. Republican. Of- fice: 305 Richards Block, Lincoln, Neb. Home: 2500 Woodscrest Blvd., Lincoln, Neb. GILLESPIE, James Bennett, physi- cian and pediatrician; b. Traer, la., 2 Oct. 1905; s. James C. Gillespie, editor, and Bertha Ella (Bennett) G.; ed. Le Mars high sch.; B.S., Univ. la., M.D.. 1923-29; M.S., Univ. Minn., 1930-33; m. Ruth Brown of Norwich, N.Y. (dec); m. (2nd) Emily Johnson Reeve of Pax- ton, 111., 27 Feb. 1939; children— James Randall, Emily Jennie. Interne, Robert Packer Hosp., Sayre, Pa., 1929-30; Fel- low, Mdyo Foundation, Rochester, Minn., 1930-33; chief of pediatric sect., Carle Clinic, Urbana, 111., 1933 — ; major M.C., World War II; mem. Phi Kappa Sigma, Nu Sigma Nu, Sigma Xi, Chi- cago Pediatric Soc, Am. Acad. Pedia- trics, Am. Med. Assn. Clubs: Rotary, Urbana, Urbana Golf and Country. Au- thor: numerous arts, in prof. med. jours, devoted to children's diseases. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 602 W. University, Urbana, HI. Home: Urbana, m. WILLIAMS, Thomas Frederick, minis- ter; b. Gentryville, Ind., 5 Nov. 1876; s. Jacob F. Williams, farmer, and Arlevia Elizabeth (Bunton) W.; ed. De- pauw Acad.; Butler Coll.; A.B., De- Pauw Univ., 1907; S.T.B., Boston Univ. Sch. Theol., 1912; D.D., DePauw, 1925; m. Edith Johnson of Indianapolis, Ind., 3 Aug. 1910; 1 son, Thomas E. Be- came member of Richland M.E. Ch., 1892, licensed to preach, 1895; pub. sch. teacher, 4 yrs.; minister, Francisco, Ind. (W. Wash St.), Indianapolis (High St.), Somersworth, N.H., Plainfield and Valparaiso, Ind., Trinity M.E. Ch., La- fayette, Ind., 1919—; dean, Battle Ground Epworth League Inst., 9 yrs.; mem. 3 Gen. Confs., M.E. Ch., No. Cent. Judisdictional Conf., 1940-44; pres. bd. dirs. Anti-Saloon League; pres. N.W. Ind. Conf.; Preachers Aid Soc Inc.; Delta Upsilon, Theta Phi. Clubs: Ro- tary (p. pres.). Interests: historical re- 336 search, collecting old books. Recrea- tions: golf, fishing, motoring. Protes- tant. Office: Trinity Methodist Church, No. & Sixth St., Lafayette, Ind. Home: 404 N. Sixth St., Lafayette, Ind. REGENSTEINER, Theodore, execu- tive; b. Munich, Ger., 17 May 1868; s. Albert Regensteiner and Fannie (Hey- man) R.; ed. Idustrial high sen., Mu- nich; m. Anna Decker of Chicago, HI., 1892; 1 dau., Mrs. Irving Winter. Ar- rived in U.S., 1884; clerk, salesman, farmer, mech. draftsman, illustrator; org. Columbia Engraving Co., 1890; org. Am. 3-color Co., 1894, Am. Colortype Co., 1902, 1st v.p., resigned 1906; org. Regensteiner Color-type Co., 1907 chmn. Bd. Regensteiner Corp.; pres. Arrco Playing Card Co.; The Denver Sana- torium; mem. Chicago Graphic Arts Fed. (pres., 8 yrs.). Club: Standard. Author: Relativity of Printing; My First Seventy-Five Years; holder of patents relating to colortype printing. Jewish. Office: 310 S. Racine Av., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 181 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, HI. OBERLY, John Leidy, mechanical en- gineer; b. Bridgeport, Conn.; s. John Leidy Oberly, publisher, and Theresa Adelaide (Moll) O.; ed. Peekskill Mil. Acad.; Georgia Tech.; Columbia Univ.; B.S., M.E., Univ. Conn., 1926. Sec, engr., Oberly Salesbook Co., N.Y., Paris; asst. mfg. engr., Gen. Electric Co.; cert, of qualification, Nat. Council of Engr. Exams.; registered prof, engr., Conn.; ventilation engr. in charge, City of Chicago; capt., engr., O.R.C., World War I; mem. A.S.M.E., A.F.&A.M., S. A.R., Am. Legion, Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs., Phi Mu Delta, Alpha Tau Phi, Theta Alpha Phi. Travel: Eur., No. Afr., Jap., China, Hawaii. Recreations: equitation, fencing, aviation. Conglist. Office: 119 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 165 Schiller St., Chicago, 111. BARTLETT, Frederic Clay, artist; b. Chicago, 111., 1 June 1873; s. Adolphus Clay Bartlett, mcht., and Mary H. (Pit- kin) B.; ed. Harvard Sen., St. Paul Sen., Concord, N.H., Royal Acad. Art, Munich, Ger., 1898, and studied art in Paris under Collin, Aman-Jean, Whist- ler; M.A. (hon.), Colby Coll., 1938; m. Dora Tripp, Oct. 1898 (dec); 1 son, Frederic Clay, Jr.; m. (2nd) Helen Lou- ise Birch, Jan. 1919 (dec); m. (3rd) Evelyn Fortune of Indianapolis, Ind., 1930. Artist in mural decorations, has done work in Univ. Chicago, Second Presbn. Ch., University Club, Chicago; mural decorations Council Chamber Chicago City Hall, New 4th Presbn. Ch., etc.; awarded silver medal, St. Louis Expdn., 1904, San Francisco Expdn., 1915; hon. mention, Carneige Inst., Pitts- burgh; rep. in permanent collections Art Inst, Chicago, Carnegie Inst., Pitts- burgh, Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D.C.; dir. Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., Chicago; apptd. mem. 111. State Art Commn.; served 2nd in command, Chicago, of Central States Naval Intelli- gence, during World War I; mem. Nat. Inst. Arts and Letters. Clubs: Century, Nat. Arts, Coffee House (N.Y.), Chi- cago, University, Cliff Dwellers, Casino, Tennis and Racquet (Chicago). Inter- est: tropical farming. Republican. Of- fice: 211 E. North Water St., Chicago, HI. Home: 181 E. Lake Shore Dr., Chi- cago, 111. Summer res.: White Hall, Beverly, Mass. BURLEVGAME, Leroy J., attorney; b. Portage, Wis., 5 June 1896; s. Everett H. Burlingame, education and civil service, and Flora (Black) B.; ed. Madison high sen.; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1918, LL.B., 1924; B.A., Oxford Univ., 1922. B.C.L., 1923, M.A., 1940; m Mary J. Burchard of Ft. Atkinson, 26 Apr. 1927; children— Leroy J., Jr., John H. Attorney and mem. firm of Quarles, Spence & Quarles; dir., A.F. Gallun & Sons Corp., The Massey-Harris Co., Mo- dine Mfg. Co.; 2nd It., F.A., 14th Div., during World War I; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Milwaukee Bar Assn., Am. Ju- dicature Soc Clubs: University (Mil- waukee), The Milwaukee. Office: 828 N. Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 4368 N. Wildwood Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Sum- mer res.: Big Muskellunge Lake, Vilas County, Wis. SCHAEFFER, Charlotte Christina Liebbe, pres. Missionary Society; b. Muscatine, la., 5 Apr. 1897; d. C. H. Liebbe and Johanna Elizabeth (Freyer- muth) L. ; ed. Muscatine, high sen.; B.S., Carthage Coll., 1923; m. Henry Schaeffer of Maywood, 111., 14 June 1924; children — Henry Paul, Charlotte Eliza- beth, Charles Luther. Head asst. in bi- ology, Carthage Coll., 1921-23; program chmn. Lutheran Women's League, Chi- cago and vicinity, 1937-39; pres. Luther- an Women's Missionary Soc, Chicago Conf. 111. Synod., 1940 — ; mem. Sigma Delta Pi, Nat. Tri Beta. Interests: tint- ing pictures, writing poetry. Recrea- tions: music, gardening. Lutheran. Re- publican. Address: 1606 S. 11th Av., Maywood, 111. LEWIS, Samuel J., orthodontist; b Kalamazoo, Mich., 2 June 1887; ed. KaJ 337 amazoo high sen.; Kalamazoo College; D.D.S., Wayne Univ., 1907; Angle Sch. of Orthodontia, 1911; m. Marion E. Hecht of Buffalo, N.Y., 30 June 1920; children— Carol, Elizabeth Brock. Prof. Orthodontia, Sch. Dentistry, Univ. De- troit; dir. Orthodontic Res., Children's Fund of Mich., and Merrill-Palmer School; field chmn., Dental Sect., Soc. Research in Child Development; 1st It. Dental Corps., A.E.F., Italy for 22 nonths, Grappa and Garibaldi medals; nem. Am. Dental Assn., Am. Soc. of Orthodontists, Pacific Coast Soc. of Or- thodontists, Edward H. Angle Soc. of Or- thodontists, Dental Forum (hon.) De- troit Dental Soc. Club: Great Lakes. Author: many scientific papers on re- search on growth and development of teeth and jaws. Interest: music. Rec- reations: fly fishing. Independent. Of- fice: 308 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 825 Whitmore Dr., De- troit, Mich. JOHNSTON, William Baxter, manu- facturer; b. Cincinnati, O., 6 Feb. 1879; s. William T. Johnston and Marybelle (Baxter) J.; ed. high sch.; LL.B., Mc- Donald Inst. Law, Cincinnati, 1901; Ohio Mech. Inst. (Elec. and Mech.) ; m. Ade- laide Rawson of Cincinnati, O., 26 Feb. 1906; 1 dau., Frances Delphine Andrews. Practiced law, 3 yrs.; mechanical, 3 yrs.; handled press and advertising of Queen Crescent route R.R., 6 yrs.; v.p. Am. Fdg. Co., of W. Chicago; v.p. of Ideal Furance Co., v.p. and treas. elected pres. 1937—; p. pres. of Am. Soc. of Heating & Vent. Engrs. in Mich. Club: Advertisers Club of Cincinnati (p. pres.). Office: 2995 East Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Home: 19450 Gloucester Dr., Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: Glen Lake, Maple City, Mich. Died, 29 Dec. 1942. CONLEY, Henry H., physician, sur- geon; b. Cazenovia, Wis., 16 Oct. 1892; s. John F. Conley, mcht., and Mary (McCarthy) C; ed. Reedsburg high sch.; Sc.B., Univ. Wis., 1922; M.D., Univ. Chicago, Rush Med. Sch., 1924; m. Alice S. Hoit of Chicago, HI., 15 Feb. 1924; children— Helen, Mary Alice, Imogene, Patricia, Judith, Elizabeth, Charles. Pres., Senior Staff of St. Fran- cis Hosp., Evanston, 111.; in U.S.N., rank of C.E.R. (O.), 2 yrs. during World War I; Fellow A.M. A.; mem. 111. Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Alpha Sigma Phi, Phi Rho Sigma, Am Legion, La Societe 40 and 8. Clubs: Kiwanis, Uni- versity, Lake Shore Athletic Interests: hobby-Circus History, a mem. of Circus Fans Assn., Circus Hist. Soc, Circus M.B. & Owners Assn. Catholic. Repub- lican. Office: 3 So. Prospect Av., Park Ridge, 111. Home: 306 Cuttriss PL, Park Ridge, HI. WITTE, Dexter H„ surgeon; b. Wau- kesha, Wis., 22 Oct.; s. Robert Stewart Witte, and Addie M. (Dexter) W.; ed. Waukesha high sch.; Univ. Wis.; B.S., M.D., Marquette Univ. Sch. Med., 1916; m. Margaret B. Habhegger of Water- town, Wis., 7 July 1917; children— Janet, Barbara, Dexter. Former assoc. prof., clinical surg., Marquette Med. Sch.; p. pres. Milwaukee Co. Med. Soc; mem. surgical staff, St. Mary's Hosp.; 1st It. Med. Corps, 1918-19; mem. Med. Soc. Milwaukee Co., Wis. State Med. Soc, A.M.A., F.A.C.S. Club: Milwaukee Ath- letic. Recreations: lake, watersports. Protestant. Republican. Office: 3405 W. Lisbon Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 5674 N. Shore Dr., Whitefish Bay, Wis. Summer res.: Big Cedar Lake, Wis. MONTGOMERY, Laura Alexandra Morgan Reid, author; b. Chicago, 111., 31 July 1875; d. Dr. Kenneth Reid, phys. and surgeon, and Emma Jane (Russell) R.; ed. Hochelaga Convent, (Montreal, Can.); Sacred Heart Convent (N.Y.C.); Gardner Sch. for Girls, (N.Y.C.); Col- legiate Sch. for Girls (Englewood, N.J.); State Teachers' Coll. (Ellendale, N.D.); Columbia Sch. of Mus. (Chi- cago); m. Robert John Montgomery of Bailieboro, Can., 11 Nov. 1891; 1 dau., Lilliace Lorene (Mrs. Daniel Palmer Mitchell). Won first prize ($100), short story, Detroit News-Tribune Contest, 1916; free-lance writer, sold 1440 stories, arts, and serials to various Am. and Canadian periodicals, incl. Chicago Daily News, King Feature Service, N.Y. News, Street & Smith, She Magazine and American Hebrew MacFadden Pubis., Young's Mag., 47 rel. periodi- cals, 1916 — ; mem. 111. Woman's Press Assn., Nat. Fedn. Press Women. Au- thor: 1440 short stories, arts, and serials. Travel: Eng., Scot., Can., U.S. Inter- est: gardening. Recreation: motoring. Episcopalian. Republican. Home : Piano, HI. SALIT, Peter Waldemar, chemist; b. Latvia, 31 May 1883; s. John Salit, farm- er, and Eva (Grotte) S. ; ed. Ger.-Am. Acad., Rochester, N.Y., 1912; Bapt. Theol. Sem., Rochester, 1915; A.B., Val- paraiso Univ., Ind., 1918; M.S., la. State Univ., 1927, Ph.D., 1929. Pastor, Ger.- Latvian Ch., Brazil, 1907-09; res. chem- ist, Bausch and Lomb Optical Co., Roch- ester, N.Y., 1919-20; prin., high sch., Geddes and Turton, S.D., 1921-23; grad. 338 asst., la. State Univ., 1926-29; res. fel- low, Univ. Coll., London, Eng., 1929-30; res. assoc. in ophthalmology, State Univ. la., 1930-43; knows Latvian, Eng., Ger., Rus., Portuguese, Gr., Latin lan- guages; mem. Sigma Xi, la. A.S., New York A.S. ; former mem., A.A.A.S., A. C.S., Phi Lambda Upsilon. Author: ar- ticles on the biochemistry of the eye. Travel: Brazil, Arg., Portugal, Eng., Fr., Rus., Poland, Fin., Den., Swed., Latvia, Lithuania, Belg., Ger. Recrea- tions: travel, psychical research. Ad- dress; Dept. of Ophthalmology, Union Hospitals, Iowa City, Iowa. MARTIN, Paul Alexander, publisher; b. Atchison, Kan., 18 May 1886; s. John A. Martin, editor, and Ida (Challiss) M.; ed. Ottawa (Kan.) high sch.; Otta- wa Univ.; 1 adopted son, Robert C. Reporter, Ottawa Herald, 1909; mem. staff, Battle Creek Enquirer and News, 1911-28; pub., The State Journal, Lans- ing, Mich., 1928—; sec, treas., dir., Federated Pubis., Inc.; v.p., Edw. W. Sparrow Hosp. Assn.; chmn. bd., Am. Legion Hosp., Battle Creek, Mich., com. Mich. T.B. Sanatorium; served as It., 314th Engrs., 89th Div. A.E.F., St. Mihiel, Argonne, Army of Occupation during World War I; mem. Am. Legion (p. Mich. dept. comdr.), Chamber Com- merce (p. pres.), Masons (32d deg.), Am. Newspaper Pub. Assn. Clubs: Ro- tary. Helped organize Am. Legion, as chairman of com. that wrote first by- laws. Travel: Eur., U.S., Canada. Father served as gov. of Kansas, 1885- 89. Interests: flowers, dogs. Recrea- tions: woodworking, photog. Baptist. Republican. Office: 200 N. Grand St., Lansing, Mich. Home: 301 S. Jenison St., Lansing, Mich. FILINGER, George Albert, associate professor in pomology; b. Cuba, Kan., 23 Apr. 1897; s. John Filinger, farmer, and Mary (Skochdopole) F.; ed. Cuba high sch.; B.S., Kan. State Coll., 1924; M.S., Kan. State Coll., 1925; Ph.D., Ohio State Univ., 1931; m. Esther A. Novotny of Clarkson, Neb., 1929. Asst. Entomolo- gist, Ohio Agr. Expt. Station, 1926-31; asst. prof, of pomology, State Coll. Kan., 1931-37; assoc. prof, of pomology, Kan. State Coll., 1937—; mem. Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi; Gamma Sigma Delta; Alpha Zeta; Am. Soc. for Hort. Sci.; Kan. Acad, of Sci.; Am. Assn. of Eco- nomic Entomologists. Author: several horticultural bulls. Travel: Europe. Father and mother both from pioneer families of Republic Co. Kan. Interests: collecting antique guns, and history of Kan. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Dept. of Horticulture, Kansas State Coll., Manhattan, Kan. Home: 209 N. Dela- ware Av., Manhattan, Kan. GILL, Murray Francis, president, di- rector, Kan. Gas & Electric Co.; b. Paris, Tex., 4 Oct. 1888; s. William F. Gill, abstracter, and Miriam (Fort) G.; ed. Paris, Tex. high sch.; E.E., Univ. Tex., 1910; m. Mildred Wellington of Ft Worth, Tex., 17 Nov. 1921; children- James W., Barbara Jane. In test dept., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N.Y., 1910- 12; with Tex. Power & Light Co., Dallas, Tex., 1912-17, Tex. Elec. Service Co., Eastland, Tex., 1919-28, Pa. Power & Light Co., Allentown, Pa., 1928-37, Kan. Gas & Elec. Co., Wichita, 1937—; 2nd It. C.A., during World War I; mem. A.I.E.E. Clubs: Wichita, Crestview Country, Kansas City, Wichita Country. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 215 N. Market St., Wichita, Kan. Home: 2 St. James PL, Wichita, Kan. MONGOLD, William Christopher, teacher, dean; b. Beloit, Kan., 14 July 1885; s. William Henry Mongold, minis- ter, farmer, merchant, and Mary Fran- ces (Troy) M.; ed. high sch., Hennes- sey, Okla.; A.B., Kingfisher Coll., Okla., 1908; A.M., Univ. Chicago, 1911; A.B., Okla., 1929; LL.D. (hon.), Upper la. Univ., 1929; m. Lucie Mae Cravener of Chicago, El., 14 Aug. 1912; children —Harry Ernest, Kenneth Earl. Teacher, rural schs., Okla., 1903-04, 1908-10, high sch., McAlester, Okla., 1912, E.W. Grove high sch., Henry Co., Tenn., 1914-15; supt. schs., Winnebago, HI., 1912-14, Fairview, Okla., 1915-16; prof, edn., head dept. edn. and psychol., dir., sum- mer sch., Upper la. Univ., 1916—, dean, 1928—, acting pres., 1936-38; instr., S.A. T.C., Upper la. Univ., during World War I; mem. Pi Kappa Delta, Sigma Tau Delta, N.E.A., I.O.F. Author: The Boycott as a Means of Social Control. Travel: U.S. Maternal g.f. was pioneer in la., 1842. Interests: music, radio con- str. Recreations: driving, movies, read- ing. Methodist (mem. official bd.). Re- publican. Office and home: Fayette, la. PATTEN, Andrew Jarvis, chemist; b. Cherryfield, Me., 1 July 1874; s. Francis W. Patten and Martha (Campbell) P.; ed. Cherryfield Acad.; B.S., Univ. Me., 1897; Univ. Heidelberg, 1902-03; m. Helena Dyer of Lansing, Mich., 1 May 1911. Asst. chem., Me. Expt. Sta., 1897- 1900; asst. chem., N.Y. Agr. Expt. Sta., 1900-05; chief chem., Mich. Agr. Expt. Sta., 1905-27, dir. res., Huron Milling Co., Inc., 1927—; mem. A.C.S., A.A.A.S. 339 Author: numerous bulls, and sci. papers. Recreation: golf. Universalist. Republican. Office: care of Huron Mill- ing Co., Harbor Beach, Mich. Home: Harbor Beach, Mich. DAWSON, John S., chief justice; b. Grantown, Scot., 10 June 1869; natural- ized, 1890; s. James J. Dawson, r.r. man, and Annie (Shaw) D.; ed. Robert Gordon's Coll., Aberdeen, Scot.; Saline (Kan.) Normal Univ.; LL.B., Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kan., 1906, LL.D., 1926; m. Mary E. Kline of Goshen, Kan., 1 Jan. 1896; children— Circea Ellen, Hu- bert Alonzo. Gov. homesteader, country sch. teacher, prin. city sens.; lawyer, Hill City, Kan., 1898-1915; pres., Topeka (Kan.) Citizens Council; asst. atty. gen., pvt. sec. to Kan. Gov., atty. for state bd. of road commrs., elected atty. gen., Kan., 1911-15; justice, Kan. Supreme Ct., 1915-38, chief justice, 1938-45; mem. Nat. Assn. Atty. Gens, (pres., 1914), Kan. State Hist. Soc. (pres., 1932), Am. Bar Assn., Kan. State Bar Assn. (pres., 1937), A.F. & A.M., A. & A.S.R. Clubs: Jayhawkers, Saturday Night. Author: 1857 opinions, 1915-45. Travel: Gt. Brit., Can., U.S., Mex. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office: Topeka, Kan. Home: 1192 Fillmore St., Topeka, Kan. SAUL., Leon Joseph, physician; b. N.Y. City, 26 Apr. 1901; s. Marcus Saul, mcht., and Florence (Brackman) S.; ed. De Witt Clinton high sch., Columbia Univ., 1921, M.S., 1923; M.D., Harvard Med. Sch., 1928; m. Rose Schulz of St. Louis, 16 Dec. 1934; 1 dau., Susan. Staff mem. Inst, for Psychoanalysis; assoc, Cook County Psychopathic Hosp.; mem. Am. Psychiatric Assn., Am. Psychoa- nalytic Assn., Am. Physiol. Soc, A.M. A. Club: Harvard (Chicago). Author of various sci. arts., chiefly on relation- ships between emotional tensions and organic symptoms. Interests: music, photog. Recreations: golf, tennis. Of- fice: 32 E. Ohio St., Chicago, 111. Home: 5725 S. Kenwood Av., Chicago, 111. SAUNDERS, Carl Maxon, newspaper editor; b. Grand Rapids, 26 Oct. 1890; s. Fred Saunders, mgr. Bell Tel. Co., and Fanny (Sommer) S.; ed. Grand Rapids high sch.; m. Grace Strong of Detroit, Mich., 5 July 1914; children- Dorothy Sommer, Mrs. Robert (Leila) Tuttle. Reporter, sports writer, mng. ed., editorial writer, Grand Rapids, Kal- amazoo, Detroit; assoc. ed. and ed., Grand Rapids Herald, 1928-34; ed., Jackson Citizen Patriot, 1934 — ; mem. Am. Soc. of Newspaper Eds. Clubs: Nat. Press, Univ. Mich. Press, Rotary (p. pres.), Tippycanoe, Town. Author: numerous articles and pamphlets on conservation under nom de plume Max Sandy. Interests: conservation, politics. Recreation: hunting, fishing. Conglist. Independent. Office: Jackson Citizen Pa- triot, 214 S. Jackson St., Jackson, Mich. Home: 312 S. Thompson St., Jackson, Mich. GARRETT, Ruby Dwight, lawyer; b. Alamance Co., N.C., 22 July 1882; s. Rev. John Newton Garrett, minister, and Mary Ellen (Phillips) G.; ed. Yad- kin Coll.; LL.B., Kansas City Sch. of Law (now Univ. of K.C.); m. Alma Marie Ahlfeldt of Dighton, Kan.. 8 Feb. 1910; children— Ruby Dwight, Jr., Ra- chel Ellen, Bonnie Jane. Gen. counsel, Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, 1931-39; gen. counsel, Nat. Aeronautical Assn., 1935-39; elected asst. prosecuting atty., Jackson Co., Mo., 1910-12; council- man-at-Large, Kansas City, 1930-40; served as chief signal officer, Rainbow, 42nd Div., It. col.; decorated, Croix de Guerre with Palm (French), and Purple Heart (Am.) during World War I; mem. A.L., V.F.W., D.A.V., Spanish War Vets., U.S. Signal Assn., Kansas City Social Hygiene Soc. (p. pres.), mem. adv. bd., B.S.A., Salvation Army, p. v.p., dir. Kansas City Chamber Com- merce. Clubs: Kansas City Athletic (pres., 1927-29). Travel: in 1931, good will trip by plane to all state capitals, and p. 'in. cities in U.S., Canada. Inter- ests: golf, books on painting. Christian. Democrat. Office: 822 Scarrett Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 73 Janssen PL, Kan. REIFF, George Ernst, electrical en- gineer; b. Williamsport, Ind., 16 May 1884; s. John F. Reiff, contractor, and Rosetta (Fry) R.; ed. Williamsport (Ind.) high sch.; B.S., Purdue Univ., 1907, M.S. (in E.E.), 1915; m. Alice E. Marsh of Milwaukee, Wis., 22 Nov. 1910; children — Virginia Reiff Harrison, Mar- jorie Reiff Fenstermacher. Designer of power equipment for telephone opera- tion, Western Electric Co., Chicago, 1907-08; designer of direct current eauip- ment, Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Milwau- kee, Wis., 1908-10, in charge of direct current design motors and generators, Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Norwood Works, 1910—; pres. bd. dirs., Standard Bldg. and Loan Co., Cincinnati, O.; served in machine gun co., Cincinnati Home Guard and engaged in production of war materials during World War I; mem. York and Scottish Rite Masonic Bodies (p. off.), R.A.M. of Ohio (p. 340 grand off., Grand Chap.) (received hon. 33d deg., 29 Sept. 1943) Ohio Com. for Rural Electrification. Clubs: Hamilton County Republican, Cincinnati Automo- bile, Big Ten University. Author: several tech. papers. Travel: U.S., Can. Interest: collecting U.S. coins. Recrea- tion: Masonic work. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Office: Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Norwood, O. Home: 3345 Arrow Av., Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati, O. TALBOT, Nora Amaryllis, educator; b. Stella, Neb., 30 Aug.; d. John P. Talbot, farmer, and Alice (Summers) T.; ed. Stillwater high sch. ; A. and M. Prep. Sch., Stillwater; B.S., Okla. A. & M., Coll., 1910; A.M., Teachers Coll., Columbia, 1921; Advanced Work, Har- vard Univ., 1929-30; unmarried. Music teacher, pub. schs., 2 yrs.; supervisor, teacher home economics, pub. schs.. Nowata and Muskogee, 1910-15; prof. Household Arts, Okla. A. and M. Coll., 1915-23; dean, 1923—; estab. first coll. course in home economics for men, also pre-sch. in Sch. of Home Economics, 1924, extension training course, 1930, Dept. of Home Life, 1939; mem. A. A. U.P., A.A.U.W., N.E.A., O.E.A., N.H. E.A., O.H.E.A. Nat. Land Grant Assn., Am. Voc. Assn. Am. Acad. Polit. & social Sci. Nat. Council -of Par. Edn., Okla. Voc. Assn., Phi Kappa Phi, Omi- cron Num, Chi Delta Phi, Delta Kappa Gamma, Grange, Chamber Commerce, League of Young Democrats, League of Women Voters, Women's Archives of N.Y., Chi Omega. Co-author: Home- making for Boys and Girls, Practical Problems in Home Life for Boys and Girls, The Home Economic Teacher and the Individual Development of the Stu- dent. Travel: U.S., Fr., Bel., Hoi., Eng. Family were pioneers in Okla., 1892; charter mems. and helped build first Ch. of Christ Scientist, Stillwater, 1895. Interests: music, homemaking, art, re- ligion. Recreations: travel, visiting rela- tives, students, friends, games. Chris- tian Science. Democrat. Office: Dean, Div. of Home Economics, Oklahoma Agr. and Mech. Coll., Stillwater, Okla. Home: 403 Knoblock, Stillwater, Okla. HAIGHT, George Ives, lawyer; b. Christiana Township, Wis., 26 Mar. 1878; s. Stephen Haight, farmer, and Ettie (Ives) H.; ed. Cambridge and Ft. At- kinson (Wis.) high schs.; B.L., Univ. Wis., 1899, M.A. (hon.), 1928; LL.B., Northwestern Law Sch., 1902, LL.D. (hon.), 1940; m. Edith N. Adock of Chi- cago, 111., 6 June 1906; children— Val- erie Elizabeth (Mrs. Edward A. Haight), Daniel. Practiced law, 1902—; tr., Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific R.R. Co.; pres., Wis. Alumni Res. Assn.; mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns.; Chicago Patent Law Assn.; Chicago Law Inst.; New York Bar Assn. Clubs: Chicago, Union League, Glen View Golf, Lake Shore Athletic, University of Washington and Evanston, Press, The Arts Club, Chi- cago Yacht, The Law, Executive. Au- thor: America and Americans. Inter- ests: fishing, painting, etching, sailing, reading Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: 209 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, HI. Home: 1000 Lake Shore Blvd., Evans- ton, HI. Summer home: Bass River, Cape Cod, Mass. HOLDEN, Eugene Davenport, secre- tary, university extension agronomist; b. Oviet, Mich., 25 Oct. 1893; s. P.G. Holden, educator, and Carrie (Burnett) H.; ed. Ames (la.) high sch.; la. State Coll.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1915, M.S., 1921; m. Alice Meidell of Madison, Wis., 16 July 1923; children— Helen Louise, Doro- thy Alice, Carrie Anne. Estab. agr. dept., Pub. Schs., Merrill, Wis., 1915-16; sec, Wis. Agr. Expt. Assn., 1917—; sec, Seed Council of No. Am., Seed & Weed Council of Wis.; in training 14 mos., U.S.N., Gt. Lakes Naval Training Sta., Harvard Radio Sch., Naval Air Sta., Pensacola, Fla., during World War I; mem. Phi Sigma, Nat. Biol. Soc, Epsi- lon Sigma Phi, Nat. Agr. Extension Soc, Nat. Geog. Soc, Wis. Ed. Assn., Phi Sigma Kappa. Author: several univ. pubs. Office: Agronomy Bldg., Univer- sity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. MIQUELLE, Georges, musician; b. Lille, France; ed. grad. from Lille and Paris with highest honors; (1st prizes.) Officier d'Academy, France; Engaged by Boston Symphony, 1919; appeared as soloist throughout U.S., mostly New England, the Middlewest, and Canada; toured U.S., Canada with Dame Nellie Melba; acclaimed in a N.Y. Town hall recital; cello soloist with Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra; hon. mem. Wayne Co. Med. Soc. Club: Detroit Bohemians. Au- thor: Difficult Passages for the Cello; Solo Passages for the Cello. Office: De- troit Symphony Orchestra, Detroit, Mich. Home: 5330 John R. St., Detroit, Mich. HARPER, Robert Brinton, chemical engineer, gas utility executive; b. Evansville, Ind., 28 Feb. 1882; s. John Erasmus Harper, doctor, and Mary Eu- genie (Walker) H. ; ed. South Side Acad., 1896-1900; Univ Chicago, 1900- 01; B.S., Armour Inst. Tech., 1905, Ch. E., 1909; m. Mary Hathrill Parry of 341 Chicago, 111., 16 Sept. 1911. Asst. chem., The People's Gas Light & Coke Co., Chicago, HI., 1905, chief chem., chem. engr., 1917, chief testing engr., 1924, v.p., 1930 — ; chem. and investigational work for Union Carbide Co., 1905-17; dir. Chicago By-Products Corp., Five Thousand East End Av. Bldg. Corp., White Cliff Mining Co., The Geographic Soc. of Chicago; tr. and sec, Inst. Gas Tech.; tr. and treas. Armour Res. Foun- dation; tr. HI. Inst. Tech., Western Soc. of Engrs.; mem. tech. com. on Gas By- products and Pub. Utilities, 1918, ap- pointed by Gov. Lowden to advise on fuel and other utility problems during World War I; reed. Beal Gold Medal of Am. Gas Assn., 1931, Walton Clark Gold Medal of The Franklin Inst., Phila- delphia, 1938, Testimonial Award of Am. Irjt. Chem. Chicago, 1944; mem. A.I. Cn.E., Am. Inst. Chem., A.C.S., A.A. A.S., A.S.T.M., Am. Soc. for Metals, U.S. Chamber Commerce, Chicago Assn. of Commerce, Western Soc. of Engrs., The Ind. Soc. of Chicago. Clubs 111. Athletic, Men's (Hyde Park). Au thor: technical addresses, talks, arti cles. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Eng. Scot., Fr., Ger., It, Switz., Belg., Holl Interests: oil and water color paintings illustrations, mining. Recreations: golf motoring, mountain hiking. Episcopa lian. Republican. Office: 122 S. Michi gan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 5000 East End Av., Chicago, 111. CRAM, Ralph Warren, editor, pub- lisher, retired; b. Zanesville, O., 19 June 1869; s. Charles Warren Cram, M.D., and Clarissa (Deming) C. Printers devil, Davenport, la., Democrat, 1883, ret., as ed., pub., 1940; took up flying, 1919; orgnr., charter signer, Nat. Aero. Assn.; soloed at age 62; chmn. bd., Morris Plan Co.; dir. Miss. Valley Waterway Assn.; pres., Davenport Ar- tillery Holding Co.; tr. Scott Co. pub. hosp.; mem. Chamber Comm., Nat. Aero. Assn. Clubs: National Press, Dav- enport Contemporary. Author: History of Scott County War Activities, numer- ous mag. arts, on aviation. Travel: all national air tours. Interest: flying. Pres- byterian. Democrat. Office: The Demo- crat Co., Davenport, la. Home: 2226 Adams St., Davenport, la. MOODY, Lloyd Cowley, attorney; b. Moline, 20 July 1896; s. Peter Allison Moody, contractor, and Mary Dorothy (Cowley) M.; ed. Univ. high sen., Champaign; LL.B., Univ. 111., 1927; m. Pearl Stone of Moline, 20 Apr. 1920; children— Gerald Wayne, Lloyd C, Jr., Verna Elaine, Donald Warren. Left home at age of 11 yrs.; employed on constr. work, as harvest hand, in lum- ber camps until 16 yrs. old; roamed high seas on tramp steamers until 20 yrs.; entered Univ. HI., 1922, complet- ing grammar sch. by exam., 4 yrs. high sch. and 5 yrs. coll. work in 5 academic yrs.; practiced law, Chicago, 1927-29; apptd. asst. U.S. Atty., 1929-35; practic- ing atty., own office, 1935—; corpl., U. S.A., 1917-19; mem. Phi Delta Phi, HI. State Bar Assn., B.P.O.E., A.F.&A.M. (Lincoln Park chap.), Scottish Rite (32d deg.), Shrine. Travel: worldwide. An- cestors settled in HI. yrs. before Civil War. Interests: farming, reading. Prot- estant. Republican. Office: 105 S. La Salle St., Chicago, HI. Home: 1029 North Laramie Av., Chicago, HI. Summer home: Portage Lake, Mich. HIGGINSON, Glenn D., professor of psychology; b. Keensburg, HI., 30 Oct. 1898; s. A.A. Higginson, farmer, and Alice (Kimbrell) H.; ed. Paola (Kan.) schs.; HI. State Normal Sch.; B.S., Univ. HI., 1922, M.S., 1923, Ph.D., 1926; asst. in psych., Univ. HI., then in turn instr., asst. prof., now prof, psych.; served in U.S.N. , 1918-19; mem. Am. Psych. Assn., A.A.A.S., Mid-Western Psych. Assn., Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, Sigma Xi, Masons, Elks, Odd Fellows. Author: Fields of Psychology; Introduction to Psychology; Manual of Experimental Psychology. Recreations: hunting, fishing, golf. Liberal. Office: University of Hlinois, Urbana, HI. Horns: Champaign, HI. LISLE, Howard C, manager; b. Lin- den, la., 20 Aug. 1886; s. John E. Lisle and Rebecca Jane (Corner) L.; ed. San Jose (Calif.) high sch.; Stanford Univ., Calif.; m. Grace E. Moore of San Jose, Calif.; 1 dau., Elizabeth Jane. Vice- pres., dir., Ford Machinery Corp., San Jose, Calif.; dir., Am. State Savings Bk., Lansing, Mich.; gen. mgr., Bean Mfg. Co., Lansing, Mich. Clubs: Coun- try (Lansing), City. Interest: golf. Con- glist. Office: John Bean Mfg. Co., Lan- sing, Mich. Home: 1329 Cambridge Rd., Lansing, Mich. BONDO, Henry W., pastor; b. Council Bluffs, la., 30 Aug. 1872; s. Laurits C. Bondo, farmer, and Karen (Henriksen) B.; ed. Acad. Elk Horn, la.; Trinity Sem. Coll., Blair, Neb.; m. Lilly H. Henriksen of Hampton, Neb., 24 June 1903; children— Mrs. L. Pederson, Edna H., Ervin F. Pres. of Minn. Dist., 1911- 17; served charges in Marcus, la., Sleepy Eye, Minn., Luck, Wis., Harlan, 342 la.; 22 yrs. at Albert Lea, Minn.; first ed., Ansgar Lutheran; mem. Cent. Re- gional Bd. of Am. Conf.; dir. Dana Coll., Trinity Sem., 1917-30; pres., Lu- ther League from orgn. until 1918; pres. Bd. Charities in synod, 1930—; Mines- terial Assn., 1928-38. Travel: Eur. Desc. The Bondo families come from a long line of ministers in the state of Den- mark. Recreations: walking, reading, history, biography. Lutheran. Demo- crat. Office and home: U.D.E.L. Synod, 905 Frank Av., Albert Lea, Minn. Died, Nov. 1943. BURCHMORE, John S., lawyer; b. Evanston, 111., 20 Oct. 1884; s. John Henry Burchmore, phys., and Nellie (Stewart) B.; ed. Evanston Twp. high sch.; John Marshall Law Sch.; LL.B., Georgetown Univ., 1907; m. Frances Norris of Evanston, 111., 2 July 1910; children— Robert N., Barbara (Mrs. George T. Bishop), Ruth (Mrs. Eugene Kelly), John S., Jr. Served, Interstate Commerce Commn., 1906-12; practice transp. and gen. law, Chicago, 1913 — ; mem. firm, Borders, Walter & Burch- more, 1913-20, Walter Burchmore & Bel- nap, 1920 — ; dir., mem. exec, com., First Nat. Bk., Evanston, 111.; pres., Washingtonian Home of Chicago; chmn. bd., Blatchford Calf Meal Co., Wauke- gan, 111.; mem. A.F.&A.M., Am., HI. State, Chicago Bar Assns., Am. Judica- ture Soc. Clubs: Union League, Traffic, Westmoreland Country, Univ. Author: arts, in legal and prof, jours. Methodist. Office: 2106 Field Bldg., Chicago, HI. Home: 2407 Harrison St., Evanston, HI. Summer res.: Clearwater Lake, Wis. BURCH, Rousseau Angelus, lawyer (ret.); b. Williamsport, Ind., 4 Aug. 1862; s. Isaac A. Burch, farmer, fin. agt., and Mary M. (Schoonover) B.; ed. Salina high sch.; Northern Ind. Nor- mal Univ., Valparaiso, Ind.; LL.B., Mich. Univ., 1885; LL.D. (hon.) Mich. Univ., 1924; Litt.D., (hon.) Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kan.; m. Clara Louise Teague of Salina, Kan., 25 Sept. 1887; children— Winifred Teague (dec), An- gelus Teague. Apptd. justice Supreme Ct., Kan., 1902-35; chief justice, 1935-37; dean, law dept., Washburn Coll., To- peka, Kan., 1937-38; mem. Am. and Kan. State Bar Assns., Council of Am. Law Inst., A.F.&A.M., B.P.O.E. Author: law mags. arts. Interest: literary. Rec- reation: angling. Unitarian. Republican. Office and home: 1208 Tyler St., To- peka, Kan. Died, 1943. SOHLBERG, A. Theodore, realtor, In- surance executive; b. Oakland, Neb., 4 July 1879; s. Adolph Sohlberg, miner, and Johanna (Johnson) S.; ed. North Park Coll., Chicago, HI.; Northwestern Univ.; m. Hanna M. Hedlund of Mich., Sept. 1908; children — Dorothea (Mrs. Carlson), Helen M. Ed., Oakland (Neb.) Independent, 1907-12; teacher, supt. schs., 1912-26; ed., Gladstone Reporter, 1928; real estate, ins., N.F.L.A., sec- treas., 1928 — ; del. at large, Mich, to Sw. Tercentenary Celebration, 1938. Clubs: Rotary (pres., 1939-40), Swedish, (pres., 1934-35), City. Author: Bits of Homemade Verse; assoc. ed., contbr., Swedish Element in America; A Lay- man Looks across the Years in series; many articles. Interest: poetry. Mem. Mission Convent Ch. Democrat. Office: 813 Delta Av., Gladstone, Mich. Home: 1107 Wisconsin Av., Gladstone, Mich. SANDZEN, Sven Birger, professor of art history and art school director; b Blidsberg, Sweden, 5 Feb. 1871; s. Jo- han Peter Sandzen, minister, and Clara Elisabet (Sylven) S.; ed. Skara high sch.; Coll. of Skara, 1890; Univ. of Lund; hon. degrees, Litt.D., D.F.A., Juris D., Knight of Royal Order of North Star (Sweden); m. Augusta Alfrida Le- sell of McPherson, Kan., 1900; 1 dau., Margaret Elizabeth B. Dir., Art Sch., Bethany Coll., Lindsborg, Kan., 1894 — ; pres. Smoky Hill Art Club, Prairie Water Color Painters; mem. Prairie Print Makers. Club: N.Y. Water Color. Author: With Brush and Pencil, articles on art. Represented in Libr. of Cong., N.Y. Pub. Libr., Brooklvn Mus., Yale Art Mus., Art Inst., Chicago, art mu- seums of Santa Fe, Los Angeles, Kansas City, Stockholm, Gothenburg, London, Paris. Travel: Scan., Ger., Aus., It., Sp., Mex. Interests: collections of paint- ing, prints, oriental paintings and bronzes, porcelain, glass, pottery. Rec- reations: music, travel, sketching. Lu- theran. Address: Lindsborg, Kan. WOODS, Charles Hiram, lawyer; b. Chillicothe, O., 24 June 1876; s. Joseph J. Woods and Laura (Yeo) W.; ed. Chillicothe (O.) high sch.; LL.B., O. State Univ., 1900; m. Edith Scott of Hiawatha, Kan., 8 Aug. 1906; children —Carolyn (Mrs. John Shiner), Charles. Pract. law, Guthrie, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1900-18; mem. Okla. Law Dept., Santa Fe Rwy., 1903-18, asst. to gen. counsel, Chicago, 1918, gen. atty., 1920, gen. solicitor, 1933 — ; served in Sp.-Am. War; mem. Am., HI. and Chicago Bar Assns., Okla. Bar Assn. (sec, 1901-07), Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Men's (Hyde Park, p. pres.), Univ., 343 Quadrangle, Olympia Fields Country, So. Shore Country. Travel: U.S., Eur., Cent. Am. Recreations: golf, bridge, swimming. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 1211 Rwy. Exch. Bldg., Chicago, HI. Home: 5712 Kenwood Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Olympia Fields, HI. WRIGHT, John Shepard, advertising consultant (semi-retired); b. Clermont, 17 Oct. 1870; s. John Ellis Wright, Meth. minister, and Elma (Shepard) W. ; ed. Ind. pub. schs.; B.S., Purdue Univ., 1892, LL.D. (hon.), 1940; m. Lectania New- comb of Indianapolis, Ind., 21 May 1901; 1 son — John Newcomb (dec). Field asst., N. Dak. Botanical Survey, 1891; botanist, pharmacognocist, Eli Lilly and Co., 1892- 1904; dir. advertising, 1904-37, mem. bd. dirs., 1927; med. advertising consultant, 1937; lecturer, Med. Coll. Ind., 1896-1904; apptd. mem. Ind. Tuberculosis Commn., 1929-31; F.A.A.A.S. (1899); mem. Ind. Acad. Sci. (sec, 1895-1904, pres., 1904-05, tr. Foundation Fund, 1937) ; tr. Long Ju- nior College for Women, Ind. Com. Am. Newcomen Soc, Am. Pharm. Assn., Ind. State and Maion Co. Tuberculosis As- jns., Ind. Family Welfare Soc, (mem. bd. of dir.), mem. budget com. Indiana- polis Community Fund, Ind. Hist. Soc, Soc. Ind. Pioneers, Indianapolis Cham- ber Commerce, Masons. Clubs: Colum- bia, Indianapolis Athletic Meridian Hills Country, Century and Indianapolis Lit- erary. Author: Guide to the Official Or- ganic Drugs; Pharmacology of Fluid Ex- tracts in Common Use; various short tech. articles and papers chiefly in bio- logical field. Travel: Eur., U.S. Mater- nal and paternal ancestors were pio- neers in Ind. over a century ago. In- terests: forestry, economics. Recrea- tions: farming, forestry, motoring. Meth- odist. Republican. Office: Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 4411 Wash- ington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. NISSEN, Bryn H., chemist; b. Cath- lamet, Wash., 25 Apr. 1896; s. Lauritz H. Nissen, minister, and Christina (Ver- dick) N. ; ed. Superior (Wis.) high sch. ; B.S., Wis. Univ., 1922, M.S., 1923; m. Margaret Wolcott of Evanston, 111., 21 June 1929; children — Courtney Wolcott, Barbara Ann. Chief chemist, Blue Valley Creamery Co., 1923-31; chief chemist, Brewery Div., Anheuser-Busch, Inc., 1931- ; pres. Am. Soc of Brew, chemists; mem. Phi Lambda Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi. Author : arts, in jours, of chemistry, dairy sci., industrial en- gring. chemistry. Conglist. Office: An- heuser-Busch, Inc., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 5875 Walsh St., St. Louis, Mo. GOLSCHMANN, Vladimir, conductor of St. Louis Symphony Orchestra; b. Paris, Fr., 16 Dec. 1893; s. Leon Gol- schmann, writer, math., and Marie (Ras- umny) G.; ed. Chevalier de la Legion d* Honneur; m. Odette Le Cointe of Paris, Fr., 19 June 1930. Founder Golschmann Concerts, Paris, 1919; conducted major Symphony Orchestras, Fr., Eng., Belg., Sp., Port., Norw.; Am. debut, 1924 as guest conductor N. Y. Symphony Orches- tra, conductor of St. Louis Symphony Orchestra 1931 — ; guest conductor N. Y. Philharmonic, Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detroit, Minneapolis, Montre- al, San Francisco, Rochester Orchestras; Stadium Concerts, N. Y., Robin Hood Dell Phila., Ravinia Park, Hollywood Bowl. Office: Municipal Auditorium, St. Louis, Mo. KRETZMANN, Paul Edward, clergy- man, educator; b. Dearborn Co., Ind., 24 Aug. 1883; s. Carl H. E. Kretzmann, clergyman, and Elizabeth (Polack) K.; ed. Cleveland Lutheran Latin Sch.; Con- cordia Jr. Coll. (Ft. Wayne, Ind.); M.A., Univ. Minn., 1913, Ph.D., 1915; B.D., Chicago Sem., 1920, D.D., 1922; Ed.D., Research Univ., 1937; Wash. Univ.; Lu- theran Sem. (Maywood, HI.); m. Louise Schroeder of Beverly, Kan., 29 Aug. 1907; children — Dorothea (Mrs. G. Fichter), Eleanora (Mrs. V. C. Frank), Theodore, Caroline (Mrs. O. Hertlein), Hilda. Teacher, pub. schs., Rio Grande Co., Colo., Lincoln Co., Kan.; pastor, Lin- coln Co., Kan., Emmaus Ch., Denver, Colo.; prof. sci. and math., Concordia Coll., St. Paul, Minn.; Ed., Popular Commentary of Bible; prof, theol., Con- cordia Sem., St. Louis, 1923 — ; mem. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Mo. Acad. Sci., Archeol. Inst, of Am. (v.p., St. Louis Council Chap.), many prof. socs. Auth- or: numerous books and pamphlets pub- lished 1916—. Travel : U.S. Interests : mu- sic, poetry, ornithology. Recreations: mountain climbing, hiking. Lutheran. In- dependent. Office: Concordia Sem., St. Louis, Mo. Home: Cuba, Mo. CRITES, Aure Brian, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, plastic surgeon; b. Enterprise, Kan., 19 May 1893; s. Thom- as D. Crites, minister and educator, and Cynthia Belle (Carpenter) C; ed. Camp- bell Coll. Acad., Holton; Leander Clark Coll.; A.B., Coe Coll., 1916; D.O., Cen- tral Coll. of Osteopathy, 1919; M.D., Kan- sas City Univ. of Physicians and Sur- geons, 1920; m. Gail Alexander of Leon, la., 11 July 1936. Practice in Kansas City, 1920 — , except for periods of grad. study at N.Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary, 344 1925-26, London, Eng., 1928, Univ. of Vi- enna, 1931; prof, of opthalmol., Kansas City Coll. of Osteopathy and Surgery, 1933; pres. of Lakeside Hosp. staff, 1938- 40; mem. Exec. Com. of Jackson Co. Osteopathic Soc; for 5 yrs. twice yearly grad. courses of instruction in Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Plastic Surgery with own methods and techniques as well as internat. standards; lectures at dist. and state osteopathic meetings; mem. Mo. and Am. Osteopathic Assns., Osteopathic Soc. of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngo- logy (P- pres.); fellow Internat. Soc. of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology ; mem. Phi Sigma Gamma (p. pres.); Masons, Scottish Rite, Shrine. Club: Hillcrest Golf and Country. Author of numerous arts, in med. periodicals. Travel: Eng., Continental Eur., Mexico City and environs. Interests : colored mo- vie photog. Recreation: golf. Protestant (United Brethern). Independent. Office: 512 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 5225 Neosho Lane, Kansas City, Kan. DRUMM, Stella Madeleine, librarian; b. St. Louis, Mo.; d. Noah Drumm (dec), lumberman, and Katherine (Rus- sell) D.; ed. private schs.; Loretto Acad.; Univ. of Mo.; m. Clinton Atkin- son. Librarian, Mo. Hist. Soc, retired 1944; mem. D.A.C., D.A.R., Soc. of Mid- land Authors. Author: articles pub. in hist, magazines, Journal of a Fur Trad- ing Expedition on the Upper Missouri, 1812-1813; Down the Santa Pe Trail and Into Mexico, The Diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin; ed. Mo. Hist. Socs. magazine, Glimpses of the Past. Catholic. Demo- crat. Address: 2600 Lafayette Av., St. Louis, Mo. SUTTON, Richard Ligfttburn, dermato- logist; b. Rockport, Mo., 9 July 1878; s. John Grant Sutton, clergyman, and Virginia (Robertson) S.; ed. Univ. of Mo., 1898-99, LL.D., 1922; M.D., Univ. Med. Coll., Kansas Citv, Mo., 1901; M.D., Med. Dept., Geo. Washington Univ., 1903- 04; U.S. Naval Med. Sch., 1904; grad. study, Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., and in London, Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna and Paris; ScD. (hon.), Washburn Coll., 1925; m. Lena Igel of Leavenworth, Kan., 3 Jan. 1906; children— Richard L., Jr., Mrs. Emma S. Moore. Spl. rep., dept. of natural hist., Univ. of Mo., African ex- pdn., 1923-24, and expdns. for same dept. to Indo-China and India, 1925-26, heads Afr. -Asiatic expdn., 1929-30, spl. rep., dept. of Natural hist., Arctic expdn., No. of Spitsbergen, 1932, expdns. to investi- gate habits of marlin swordfish, N. Z., and Australia, 1935-40, with East Arctic Patrol, N. W. Terr., to Ellesmere Isl., Somerset Isl., and Baffinland, 1939; asst. surg., U.S. (ret.), prof, (emer.) of Der- matology, Univ. of Kansas; Fellow (life), Royal Geog. Soc, Royal Soc. (Edin- burgh, 1925); mem. A.M.A. (chmn. der- matol. sect., 1913-14) Jackson Co. Med. Soc. (pres., 1913-14), Med. Lib. (pres., 1917-18), Am. Dermatol. Assn., Chicago Dermatol. Soc, French Geog. Soc, Brit- ish Dermatol. Soc, Masons, Alpha Kap- pa Kappa. Clubs: Explorers (N.Y.), Arc- tic (N.Y.), City (pres., 1918-19), Aransas Pass Light Tackle, Tampico Tarpon, San Pedro Marlin (all of U.S.), Bay of Islands Swordfish, Mako Shark (Russell, N.Z.), Tauranga Angler's (Bay of Plenty, N.Z.) Bermagui Big Game Angler's (Au- stralia), New So. Wales Rod Fishers' Soc. (hon., N.S.W., Australia). Author: African Holiday, 1924; Tiger Trails in Southern Asia, 1926; The Long Trek, Around the World with Camera and Ri- fle, 1930; collected poems, 1944; Diseases of the Skin (collab. R.L.S., Jr.) 10th ed., 1939; An Introduction to Dermatology (collab. R.L.S., Jr.) 4th ed., 1941; An Arctic Safari, 1932; Silver King of Aran sas Pass, and other stories, 1937; sect (re-written with R.L.S., Jr.), The My coses in Tice's System (1919), 1940 many sci. arts, in U.S. and fgn. period! cals. Interest: fishing, shooting. Chris tian. Office: 1308 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 5400 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Mo. Winter home: McAl- len, Tex. SHEPARD, Harriett Elma, teacher, clubwoman; b. Fort Hunter, N.Y., 16 Jan. 1853; d. Stephen Rensselaer Olin and Nancy (Clark) O.; ed. A.B., Vassar Coll., 1874; m. Edward Martin Shepard, 28 June 1881; children — Isabel V., Ed- ward Martin, Jr. Teacher science, Mil- waukee Coll., 1875-78, dean of women, Drury Coll., Springfield, Mo., 1878-81; or- ganized Ozark Branch, Am. Assn. Univ. Women, 1908; mem. bd. mgrs., Spring- field Public Library, 1911-38; served as v. chmn. Woman's Com., Mo. Div. Coun- cil Nat. Defense for Missouri and chmn. in Nursing Service Com., 1917-18; mem. Mary E. Wilson Home Bd. ; mem. Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Vassar Coll. Alum- nae Assn., P.E.O. Sisterhood. Clubs: Gen. Federation of Women's (rec bronze and gold medals, pioneer medals for Mo.), Mo. Fed. Women's (v.p., 1907-09, pres., 1909-13), University (men's) (hon. life mem.). Co-founder of Springfield Sat- urday, 1879. Author: contbrs. to ednl. and literary jours. Travel: U.S., Hawai- ian Islands. Interests: engravings, etch- 345 ings, modern language study. Recrea- tion: gardening. Conglist. Democrat. Home: 1403 Benton Av., Springfield, Mo. SCHUCHAT, W. Louis, physician; b. Austria, 2 Apr. 1875; s. Moritz Henry Schuchat, merchant, and Helene (Wie- der) S.; ed. grammar sch., Polytechnic. Foster Acad.; Central high sch.; M.D. (summa cum laude), Washington Univ. Sch. of Medicine, 1896; unmarried. In medical practice, 1896—; staff physician, Lutheran Hosp., Bethesda Gen. Hosp., Deaconess Hosp.; mem. St. Louis Med. Soc, Mo. State Med. Assn., Am. Med. Assn., City Hosp. Alumni Assn., Alumni Assn. of Wash., Southern Medical Assn., Univ. Med. Sch. Jewish. Home: 3866 Flora Place, St. Louis, Mo. SCHORER, Edwin Henry, pediatrician, public health administrator; b. Ply- mouth, Wis., 13 Dec. 1881; s. Robert R. Schorer, furniture mfr., and Bertha (Wallachlaeger) S.; ed. Plymouth, Wis. high sch.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1902; M.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1906; Dr. P.H., Harvard Univ., 1912; m. Annette E. Otto of New York, N.Y., 14 Jan. 1920. Asst., Rockefeller Inst, activities on bacillary dysenteries ; pathologist, bacteriologist, clin. asst., The Thomas Wilson Sanatar- ium for Children, Md., 7 summers; asst., Rockefeller Inst, for Med. Res., 1906; assoc. prof, parasitology and hygiene, Univ. Mo., 1907; asst., Boston Floating Hosp., summers, 1907-08; asst. prof, pathology and bacteriology, Univ. Kan., 1909-10; fellow, dept. preventive medi- cine and hygiene, Harvard Med. Sch., 1910-12; practiced pediatrics, Kansas City, 1913—; dir. health, Kansas City, 1935-40; on staff, St. Luke's, St. Joseph's, Menorah and Gen. Hosps.; lieut., capt., maj., M.C., Army Med. Sch., then chief labs., Base Hosp., Ft. Riley, 1917; or- dered to Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, N.J., chief lab. at Base Hosp., Camp Marritt, then dir. Lab., Div., Prof E., off. in charge dept. lab., 1918, It. col., Army Med. Sch., Washington, D.C., 1919, honorable discharge, 1919; fellow A.M. A., Am. Acad. Pediatrics, Am. Pub. Health Assn.; mem. Am. Bacteriologists and Pathologists, Am. Bacteriologists, Mo. State Med. Assn., Acad. Medicine, Jackson Co. Med. Soc, Royal Inst. Pub. Health and Hygiene (London, Eng.). Clubs: University, Kansas City, Harvard (Kansas City). Author: Vaccine and Se- rum Therapy; medical articles. Travel: Eur., S. Am. Recreations: travel, writ- ing, handicrafts. Episcopalian. Demo- crat. Office: 300 West 47th St., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 1410 W. 56th St., Kansas City, Mo. ROBINSON, Daniel Sommer, Univer- sity President; b. No. Salem, Ind., 19 Oct. 1888; s. William Robinson and Lu- cretia (Cassity) R.; ed. North Salem high sch.; B.A., Butler Coll., 1910, M.A., 1911; B.D., Yale Grad. Sch. and Divinity Sch., 1912; Ph.D., Harvard Univ., 1917; Litt.D. (hon.), Marietta (O.) Coll., 1937; m. Oma Glasburn of Bargersville, Ind., 6 June 1912; children — Daniel Sommer (dec), Joan, (Mrs. Charles R. Clark) Sydney Caroline. Pastor, Chr. Ch., Bil- lings, Mont., 1913-14, Congl. Ch., New- port, N.H., 1917-18; instr., philos., Univ. of Wis., 1919-20, asst. prof., 1920-22; prof., philos., Miami Univ., 1922-29; head, Dept., philos., Ind. Univ., 1929-39; pres., Butler Univ., Indianapolis, Ind., 1939 — ; mem. Lib. Bd. and Bd. Edn. of State of Ind.; It. j.g., Chaplain's Corps, U.S.N., Feb. 1918-Oct. 1919; mem. Am. Philos. Assn., Hist, of Sci. Soc, Alpha Chi Rho, Masons. Club: Columbia. Author: Prin- ciples of Reasoning, 1924; 2nd ed. 1931 God of the Liberal Christian, 1926; Il- lustrations of the Methods of Reasoning, 1927; Anthology of Recent Philosophy (Compiler and editor); Anthology of Modern Philosophy, 1931 (compiler and editor); Introduction to Living Philos- ophy, 1932; Political Ethics, 1935. Trans- lator: Christian Belief in God. (by Geo. Wobbermin), 1918; The Nature of Re- ligion (by Geo. Wobbermin, with Theo- phil Menzil), 1933. Disciples of Christ. Republican. Home: 520 Hampton Dr., Indianapolis, Ind. REMMEL, Arthur K., editor; b. Win- chester, Ind., 17 June 1886; s. Samuel T. Remmel, mcht., and Mary (Kizer) R. ; ed. Winchester Ind. high sch.; Flet- cher Coll., Oskaloosa, la.; Voris Bus. Coll.; Litt.D. (hon.); m. Nelle B. Jor- dan of Anderson, Ind., 5 Nov. 1911; 1 dau.— Emalyn F. With Winchester Her- ald, Peoria Journal, several yrs.; city ed., Ft. Wayne Sentinel, Ft. Wavne News Sentinel; mng. ed., Ft. Wayne News Sen- tinel, 1923; dir., News Pub. Co., Brother- hood Mut. Life Ins. Co., Three Rivers Coal Co., Rhoads-Morgan Paint Co., Chamber Commerce, Goodwill Indus- tries, Rescue Mission, Wayne St. Meth. Ch., Community Center; served on sev- eral bds., during World War I; mem. Am. Soc. Newspaper Eds. Clubs: Nation- al Press, Quest, Indianapolis Press. Au- thor: What's Wrong with our Education- al System; Have We Outgrown the Con- stitution; other pamphlets. Methodist. Republican. Office: News-Sentinel, Fort 346 Wayne, Ind. Home: 344 W. Woodland Av., Fort Wayne, Ind. LILLY, Eli, manufacturing pharma- cist; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 1 Apr. 1885; s. Josiah K. Lilly, manufacturing phar- macist, and Lilly Marie (Ridgely) L.; ed. Shortridge high sen., Indianapolis; Ph.C, Philadelphia Coll. of Pharmacy and Science, 1907, Ph.M., 1935; LL.D. (hon.), Wabash Coll.; Litt. D. (hon.), Butler .Univ.; D.C.L. (hon.), Univ. of the South; D.Sc. Transylvania Univ.; LL.D., Univ. of Kentucky; m. Ruth Alli- son of Indianapolis, Ind.; 1 dau., Mrs. A. M. Roberts. Pres., Eli Lilly and Co.; mem. A.C.S., Am. Pharmaceutical As- sn., Am. Anthropol. Soc, Pres. Ind. Hist. Soc. ; hon. mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs : Columbia, Indianapolis Athletic, Univ. Author: Prehistoric Antiquities of India- na. Episcopalian. Office: Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 5807 Sun- set Lane, Indianapolis, Ind. Summer home: Wawasee, Ind. DANNENFELDT, Paul L., clergyman; b. Bennett, Neb., 7 Mar. 1887; s. Henry Dannenfeldt, clergyman, and Lenchen Dorn) D.; ed. Concordia Coll., Ft Wayne; D.D. (hon.), Concordia Theol Sem., St. Louis, Mo., 1944; m. Emilie Koehler of Ft. Wayne, Ind., 18 Oct. 1911 children — Dorothy, Karl, Gertrude, Mar garet, Paul. Missionary, Wyo. and Neb. 1910-16; pastor, St. Paul's Evang. Luth eran Ch., Jonesville, Ind., 1916-21, Em maus Evang. Luth. Ch., Cincinnati, 1921 27, Zion Evang. Luth. Ch., Ft. Wayne 1927; chmn. Army and Navy Commn. Evang. Luth. Synod of Mo., O. and other states, to serve chaplains, soldiers and sailors; sec, bd. of trs., Concordia Coll.; pres., Cent. Dist. Bd. of Ed., 1928-33; v.p. of Cent. Dist., 1933-39. Author: con- tributions to ch. periodicals; ed., Cent. Dist. Messenger, 1927-33. Interests: ch. arch., hist, and liturgies. Recreations: golf, fishing. Office: Zion Evangelical Lutheran Ch., Ft. Wayne Ind. Home: 2313 Hanna St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. JOHNSTON, Ella Bond, art association director; b. Webster, Ind., 19 Nov. 1860; d. Simon H. Bond, merchant, and Susan G. (Harris) B.; ed. Richmond high sch.; Earlham Coll.; m. M. F. Johnston, M.D., of Richmond, Ind., 14 Nov. 1889; 1 son — Donald B. Volunteer dir., The Art Assn. of Richmond, Ind., 40 yrs.; estb. art gallery in pub. high sch.; selected and mgr., painting exhibits by Eastern painters for Mid-West cities 20 yrs.; org. exhibit by Ind. painters for Ind. cities, 1911; lecturer on art subjs.; sr. docent, Pan-Pacific Internat. Expn., Sai Francisco, 1915; estb. Art Dept., Earl- ham Coll., art instr., 1928-32; mem. gen. Fedn. of Women's Clubs (art chmn., 1912-16), Am. Fed. Arts, Am. Artists Prof. League, Fedn. of Art Clubs Ind., Art Assn. Richmond, Ind. Clubs: The Nat. Arts (N.Y.C.), Woman's, Bus. and Prof. Women's. Author: The Art Move- ment, Richmond, Ind.; various arts, for mags, on art subjs. Desc. Benj. Har- ris who came to Ind., 1897. Travel: Eur., U.S., Mex. Recreation: travel. Republi- can. Address: 103 N. 10th St., Rich- mond, Ind. HARTSELL, Stanley Eugene, assist- ant professor of bacteriology; b. Benton Harbor, Mich., 20 Apr. 1905; s. Wm. I. Hartsell, gen. laborer, and Precia Bell (King) H. : ed. Benton Harbor high sch. ; B.S., Mich. State Coll., 7927; M.S., Yale Univ., 1929; Ph.D., Yale Univ., 1933; m. Katherine Arford of Benton Harbor, Mich., 17 Aug. 1929; 1 son — James King. Instr. bacteriology, Battle Creek Coll., 1929-31; Storrs Expt. Sta., 1934-36; instr. bacteriology, Purdue, 1936-38, asst. prof. 1938 — ; mem. Sigma Xi, Soc. Am. Bac- teriologists. A.A.U.P. Author: arts in jour, on anaerobes, streptococci, immu- nology. Recreations: fishing, golf. Pres- byterian. Independent Democrat. Ad- dress: Dept. of Biology, Purdue Univer- sity, W. Lafayette, Ind. Home: 447 Vine St., W. Lafayette, Ind. GEYER, Charles Oscar, chemist; b. Logansport, 25 June 1883; s. John Ed- ward Geyer, accountant, and Alberteine (Kasemann) G.; ed. Logansport high sch.; B.S., Purdue Univ., 1908; m. Min- nie Eva Mendenhall of E. Chicago, Ind., 1909. Assoc, with Inland Steel Co. as chemist, 1908, apptd. chief chemist, 1936; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Sec for Metals, Am. Soc Testing Materials, A. I.M.E. Interests: reading, golf. Liberal. Republican. Office: Inland Steel Co., E. Chicago, Ind. Home: 7214 Knickerbocker Pkwy., Hammond, Ind. DEIBEL, Harry Lewis, attorney; b. Bakersville, O., 25 Sept. 1881; s. Jacob Henry Deibel, farmer, and Mary (Wentz) D.; ed. Doane Acad., Granville, O. ; A.B., Denison Univ., Granville, O., 1911; LL.B., Western Reserve Univ., 1914; m. Marian Brubaker of Cleveland, O., 31 July 1916; children— Frances Mary, Beatrice Grace. Practice of law; mem. Cleveland Bar Assn., Curyahoja Bar Assn., O. State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn. Author: Deibel's Probate Law; Ohio Annotations to Restatement of Law of Trusts. Recreations: gardening, walk- 347 ing. Congregationalist. Democrat. Of- fice: Standard Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 10900 Lake Av., Cleveland, O. NOLTE, Lola Evison, librarian; b. Mt. Vernon, Ind., 3 Nov. 1881; d. Frederick W. Nolte, land owner, and Mary A. B. (Evison) N.; ed. Mt. Vernon high sch. ; Art Inst., Chicago, HI.; Library Sum- mer Sch., Indianapolis. Entered Library 1 May 1920; mem. Am. and Ind. Library Assns., Kappa Kappa Kappa (Gamma Psi chap.). Maternal grandparents came to Am. from England, and settled near Mt. Vernon, Ind., 1815. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Office: Alexandrian Free Pub. Library, Mt. Vernon, Ind. Home: 821 Mulberry St., Mt. Vernon, Ind. DEAHL, Orlo R., lawyer; b. Goshen, HI., 30 Sept. 1891; s. Anthony Deahl, lawyer, and Hattie (Rogers) D.; ed. Goshen high sch.; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1916; m. Jessie K. Griswold of Goshen, Ind., 8 Mar. 1917; 1 dau. — Marlene Deahl. Practice of law, South Bend, Ind., 1916-26; elected to Bench, 1926, declined re-election to become mem. firm. See- birt, Oare & Omacht, now Seebirt, Oare & Deahl, 1926 — ; instr. coll. law, Notre Dame Univ., nights, 1928-33; v.p., Assn. of Commerce; Judge, St. Joseph Superi- or Ct., Ind., Jan. 1927 - Jan. 1931; pres., So. Bend Sch. Bd., 1934; Dem. Dist. chmn. (3rd Ind. Dist.), 1936; mem., F. A.M., Phi Gamma Delta, Ind. Soc. Chi- cago, Assn. Commerce, St. Joseph, Ind. & Am. Bar Assns. Club: Ind. (So. Bend). Travel: U.S., W.I., Panama. Interest: photog. recreation: fishing. Protestant. Democrat. Office: 650 Associates Bldg., South Bend, Ind. Home: 1849 No. Col- lege St., South Bend, Ind. EICH, Justina Margaretha, dean of women; b. Tyrrell, O., 10 Jan. 1888; d. Simon J. Eich, contractor, and Regina S. (Cook) E.; ed. Rayen Sch., Youngs- town, O.; Lake Erie Coll., 1906-09; B.A., Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1910; M.A., Middle- bury Coll., Vt., 1928; Oxford (Eng.) Univ., summer, 1928. Teacher Ger. and Latin, Sherman, N.Y., 1910-12; teacher Eng., Rayen Sch., Youngstown, O., 1912- 27; dean of women, Capital Univ., Co- lumbus, O., 1927—; pres., Ohio Div. Am. Assn. Univ. Women, 1941-43; mem. adv. bd., Foreign Policy Assn., Columbus, O., Franklin Co. Camp Fire Organization; pres., Ohio Assn. Dean of Women; sec- treas., Ohio College Presidents and Deans; mem. Nat. Assn. of Deans of Women (serving on various corns.), Franklin Co. Central Com. Peace Ac- tion. Clubs: Zonta Internat., Woman's Service. Travel: Eng., Ire., Eur., Rus- sia, Fin., Greece, Asia Minor, Afr., Yu- catan, Mex., Labrador, Newfoundland, Alaska, U.S. Interests: lectures, modern poetry, birds, trees, flowers, gardening, out-of-doors. Recreations: travel, hiking. Lutheran. Independent. Office: Capital University, Columbus, O. Home: Trout- man Hall, Capital University, Columbus, O. ENDERS, Howard Edwin, zoologist, school dean; b. Enders, Dauphin Co., Pa., 18 June 1877; s. Charles W. Enders, mfr., and Phoebe (Buffington) E.; ed. Elizabethville (Pa.) high sch.; B.S., Le- banon Valley Coll., 1897, M.S., 1900; Univ. Mich., 1898; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1906; B.S., Harvard Univ. (sum- mer) ; m. Susie S. Moyer of Hershey, Pa., 16 Oct. 1901; children — Katherine Eleanora, Charles Moyer, Sue Elizabeth. Sci. teacher, Hulst high sch., Iron Mt., Mich., 1898-1900; prof. biol. sci., Lebanon Valley Coll., 1900-03; grad. student, Johns Hopkins, 1903-06; instr., asst. prof., assoc. prof., prof, zoology, head dept. biol., dean Sch. Sci., Purdue Univ., 1906 — ; teacher zoology, Ind. Univ., 5 summers, Johns Hopkins Univ., 5 sum- mers, jungle lab., Univ. Pittsburgh, 1 summer; research with U.S. Fisheries, Beaufort, N.C., Kartabo, Brit. Guiana, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, 1 sum- mer each; Fellow A.A.A.S., Ind. Acad. Sci.; mem. Am. Soc. Zoologists, Am. Entom. Soc, Audubon Soc, Am. Soc. Parasitologists, Phi Beta Bappa, Sigma Xi (p. pres., Purdue chap.). Clubs: Ro- tary, Town and Gown. Author: Labora- tory Guide in General Biology; zoologic- al arts. Travel: U.S., Brit. Guiana, Co- lombia, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, Mex., W. I. Interest: photog. United Brethren. Republican. Office: Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Home: 249 Littleton St., West Lafayette, Ind. BALLARD, Edward McClure, lawyer; b. Lexington, Mo., 6 Feb. 1872; s. Pat- rick Ballard, carpenter, and Cynthia Ann (McClure) B.; ed. pub. and high schs., Delphi, Ind.; B.S., Wabash Coll., 1891; LL.B., Cincinnati Law Sch., 1893; m. Le- nora M. McCracken of Cincinnati, O., 5 Feb. 1910; 1 dau. — Mary Lenora (Mrs. D. P. Schorr). Practice of law; tr. Cin- cinnati Southern Ry. ; asst. prosecuting atty., Hamilton Co., 1896-97; City soli- citor of Cincinnati, 1908-11; mem. S.A. R., various bar assns., Masons, B.P.O.E. Clubs: Republican. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office: 715 Gwynne Bldg., Cincin- nati, O. Home: 3615 Kendall Av., Cin- cinnati, O. 348 CORCORAN, Alfred Manning, bank executive; b. Cleveland, O., 1 Sept. 1881; s. Hugh H. Corcoran and Mary T. (Man- ning) C; m. Edna Akins of Cleveland, O., 18 June 1907; children— Marian (Mrs. C. W. Stage, Jr.), Jean (Mrs. E. Colin Baldwin), Ralph A. V.p., dir., Cent. Nat. Bk., Cleveland; dir., Medusa Portland Cement Co., Elec. Controller and Mfg. Co.; tr., mem. finance com., St. Luke's Hosp. ; tr., mem. exec, com., treas., Western Reserve Acad.; mem. Cleveland Chamber Commerce. Clubs: Union, Sha- ker Heights, Country. Office: 308 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. Home: 2884 Edgehill Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. BIRD, Philip Smead, clergyman; b. Newtonville, Mass., 9 Nov. 1886; s. Jo- seph Edward Bird and Gertrude Hub- bard (Smead) B.; ed. Montclair high sen., N.J.; Pomona Coll. Prep. Sen., Claremont, Calif.; A.B., Pomona Coll., 1909; M. Litt., Univ. of Calif., 1910; Un- ion Theol. Sem., 1913; D.D. (hon.), Ham- ilton Coll., 1924, Western Reserve Univ., 1928; LL.D. (hon.), Coll. of the Ozarks, 1933; m. Margaret H. Kincaid of Utica, N.Y., 11 July 1922; 1 dau.— Margaret Elizabeth. Student asst., Madison Av. Presbyn. Ch., N.Y., 1911-13; asst. pastor, Claremont, Calif., 1913-14, assoc. pastor, 1914-15; lecturer in Biblical lit., Pomona Coll., 1913-15; pastor, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., 1915-20; instr., Bibl. lit., The Masters Sen., 1917-20; pastor, 1st Presbyn. Ch., Utica, N.Y., 1920-28, Ch. of the Covenant, Cleveland, O., 1928—; hon. tr. Schauffler Coll. of Relig. and Social Work; tr. Cleveland Y.M.C.A., The Masters Sen., Western Reserve Univ., Phillis Wheatley Assn. (Cleveland), Coll. of the Ozarks, Neighborhood Assn. (Cleveland); chmn. Cleveland Peace Com.; served as dir., relig. work and camp speaker, Nat. War Work Coun., Y.M.C.A., 1917-19; mem. N.E. Soc. of Cleveland and the Western Reserve, Soc. of Mayflower Descs., Theta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Un- ion, Alathian, Rotary. Presbyterian. Of- fice: Church of the Covenant, 11205 Eu- clid Av., Cleveland, O. Home: 1689 E. 115th St., Cleveland, O. ALLYN, Stanley Charles, corporation official; b. Madison, Wis., 20 July 1891; s. Charles Herbert Allyn, mfr., and Anna Louise (Cook) A.; ed. A.B., Univ. Wis., 1913; m. Helen Probasco Compton of Dayton, O., 29 Sept. 1917; children- Charles S., Jr., Mary Louise, Compton. Accountant, Nat. Cash Register Co., Day- ton, 1913, asst. comptroller, comptroller, treas., exec, v.p., v.p., gen. mgr., pres., dir.; dir., Winters Nat. Bk. & Trust Co., Dayton; mem. Psi Upsilon (Rho chap.). Clubs: Dayton Country, Miami Valley Hunt & Polo, Buz Fuz, Moraine Country, Racquet & Tennis (New York). Protest- ant. Office: National Cash Register Co., Dayton, O. Home: 2185 Ridgeway Rd., Dayton, O. DINSMORE, Frank Forbus, lawyer; b. Cincinnati, O., 22 Dec. 1869; s. Henry Dinsmore, mcht., and Rebecca Jane (Watkins) D.; ed. Portsmouth (O.) high sen.; L.LB., Univ. Cincinnati Law Sen., 1891; m. Mary E. Campbell (dec.) of Ironton, O., 24 June 1896; children— Jo- seph C, Jane D. Comey (dec), Camp- bell. Practiced law, 1891; chmn. bd. of dirs., Univ. Cincinnati; dir. Procter and Gamble Co.; tr., Cincinnati Inst. Fine Arts; asst. corp. counsel, Cincinnati, 18- 94-97; asst. co. solicitor, Hamilton Co., 1897-1900; mem. Masons. Clubs: Com- mercial of Cincinnati, Queen City, Cin- cinnati Country. Presbyterian. Republi- can. Office: 1218-25 Union Central Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Home: 2777 Baker Place, E. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O. RYAN, Very Rev. Msgr. Carl J.; b. Dayton, O., 6 Aug. 1893; s. Charles J. Ryan and Katherine (Kammer) R. ; ed. St. Mary Coll. (now Univ. of Dayton); A.B., 1916; M.A., Catholic Univ. of Am., 1924; Ph.D., 1927; Litt.D. (hon.), Du- quesne Univ., 1937, Prof., St. Gregory Sem., Cincinnati, 1926-28, Elder high sch. 1928-29, St. Gregory Sem., 1929-32; supt, Parochial Sch., Archdiocese of Cincin- nati, 1932 — ; dean, Teachers Coll., Athe- naeum of Ohio, 1932—. Catholic. Office: 28 Calhoun St., Cincinnati 19, O. Home: 2161 Grandin Rd., Cincinnati, 8, O. PETERS, Harry Alfred, educator; b. Mauch Chunk, Pa., 4 Aug. 1879; s. Harry Alfred Peters, and Abigail (Horn) P.; ed. Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass.; A. B., Yale Univ., 1902, M.A. (hon.), 1933; L.H.D., Kenyon, 1933; m. Ruth Miller of Ashland, O., 16 Oct. 1929; 1 son— Rich- ard. Mem. Headmasters' Assn., Country Day Schools, Headmasters' Assn. Clubs: University, Country, Rotary. Travel: U. S., Alas., Can., Eur. Interest: music. Recreations: golf, gardening. Presbyter- ian. Republican. Office: University School, Shaker Heights, O. Home: 2683 Claythorne Rd., Shaker Heights, O. BALLINGER, LeRoy, dealer in invest- ment securities; b. Cynthiana, Ky., 19 Mar. 1890; s. Orah Lee Ballinger and Helen (Zoller) B.; ed. Norwood High Sch.; m. Marie Irwin of Columbus, O., 15 Jan. 1916; children — Natalie, Jean. In securities bus., Cincinnati, O., 1911 — , prin., 1921; chmn. Selective Service Bd., No. 4, Hamilton Co., O.; mem. Conser- 349 vation Commn. of Ohio. Clubs: Cincin- nati Country, Cuviar Press, City Far- mers, Out Door Writers, Hamilton Coun- ty Republican. Recreations: farming, hunting, fishing. Episcopalian. Republi- can. Office: 1307 Union Trust Bldg., Cin- cinnati, O. Home: 2930 Fairfield Av., Cincinnati, O. Summer res.: Chilo, O. BARTELS, Herman William, pastor; b. St. Louis, Mo., 16 Mar. 1877; s. Her- man J. Bartels, pastor, and Frederika (Hahn) B.; ed. Walther Coll., St. Louis, Mo.; Concordia Coll., Milwaukee, Wis.; Concordia Theol. Sem., St. Louis, Mo.; m. Wilhemina M. Battefeld of St. Louis, Mo., 30 Apr. 1902; children — Eunice A., Cuppage, Mildred Bernice Althans, Lois Demetria Moore, Hortense Georgine Fis- cher, Herman John, James Loh. Ord., Poplar Bluff, Mo., 1900; pastor, Trinity Ch., Altheim, Mo., 1901-07, First. Luth. Ch., Ft. Smith, Ark., 1907-20, Grace Luth Ch., Cleveland. O., 1920—; pres. of English District; served as camp pas- tor, San Diego, Calif., during World War I; mem. The Liturgical Soc. of St. James. Author: over 100 contribs. to homiletical and theol. lit. of Luth. Ch. Interest: chess. Recreation: horseback riding. Lutheran. Office: 13001 Cedar Rd., Cleveland Heights 18, O. Home: 2182 Middlefield Rd., Cleveland Heights 6, O. SMALL, Benjamin F., lawyer; b. Grant Co., Ind., 27 Apr. 1883; s. Elkana Small and Wealthy A. (Smith) S.; ed. Swayzee (Ind.) high sen.; A.B., Ind. State Teachers Coll., 1914; LL.B., Ind. Univ., 1916; m. Rose E. McFall of Dana, Ind., 9 June 1909; 1 son — Benjamin F. Teacher, high schs., 5 yrs.; school supt., 5 yrs.; practicing lawyer, 1916 — ; gener- al pract. in all state and federal courts; atty. for several corps, (packing, min- ing, commercial, etc.); rep. several large estates and trusts and numerous individual clients; tr., defunct fin. instn.; Rep. election commnr., Vigo Co., Ind.; mem. Ind. State Bar Assn. (p. mem. several corns.), Terre Haute Bar Assn. (p. pres.), Vigo Civic Assn., Elks. Club: University (Terre Haute, p. pres.). Trav- el: U.S. Desc. Smalls who came to Am., 1664, settled in N.E. states, Va. and who held many important positions in the history of both sections; distant rela- tive, sheriff, Knox Co. Ind., when the co. included all of Ind., 111., Mich., Wis., eastern half of Ohio; some of the Smalls have been in politics and held various offs. Interests: operation of 280 acres farm land. Recreation: farming. Repub- lican. Office: 203-4 Sycamore Bldg., Ter- re Haute, Ind. Home: 112 Adams St Terre Haute, Ind. WEAVER, Harmon Jacob, realtor, en* gineer; b. La Grange Co., Ind., 13 Mar. 1892; s. William Henry Weaver, carpen- ter, and Flora Terressa (Van Dorston) W. ; ed. Shipshewana high sch. ; Tri State Coll.; B.S. (C.E.), Purdue Univ., 1914; m. Lillian Beatrice Rapp of Elkhart, Ind., 25 Nov. 1915; children— Robert Har- mon, Betty Marie, Richard Jacob, John William, Jo Ann. Assoc, Co. Surveyor, 1914; asst. city engr., Elkhart, Ind., 1914- 17, city engr., 1917-26; engr., Elkhart Real Estate & Housing Corp., 1926-37, mgr. -receiver, 1937 — ; city engr., Nap- panee, Ind., 1940—; dir., Elkhart Real Estate & Housing Corp.; pres., Elkhart Bd. Park Trustees; mem. B.S. A., Ma- sons. Club: Elkhart Conservation (dir.). Interest: sons' athletics. Recreations: baseball, outside surveying. Member E- vangelical Church. Republican. Office: 115 W. Lexington Av., Elkhart, Ind. Home: 403 W. High St., Elkhart, Ind. RUFI, John, educator; b. Neosho County, Kan., 22 Jan. 1892; s. Jacob Rufi and Anna (Schmoker) R.; ed. B.S., Kan. State Teachers Coll., Emporia, 1918; A.M., Teachers Coll., Columbia, 1921, Ph.D., 1927; m. Greta W. Forte, 1 July 1922; 1 dau., Joan Elizabeth. Teacher rural and village schs., Kan., 1910-13, Jr. High Sch., Emporia, 1919, New York Vocational Sch., 1919-21; prin. high sch. and asst. supt. Ironwood, Mich., 1921-24; assoc, Columbia, 1924- 25; prof, edn., Mich. State Coll., East Lansing, 1925-28; prof, of edn., Univ. Mo., 1928—; lecturer summers, Colum- bia, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1935, Colo. State Teachers Coll., 1936, Northwestern Univ., 1937, Univ. of Minn., 1944-45; served with U. S. Army, Mexican Border, 1916; U.S. N.R.F., 1918-19; mem. N.E.A. (dept. Sec- ondary School Prins.), North Central As- sn. of Colleges and Secondary Schs. (v. p.; mem. com. on secondary schools), Mo. State Teachers Assn. (pres., 1943), American Legion, Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Kappa Delta Pi, Masons. Clubs: Rotary (pres., 1945), University (Columbia). Author: The Small High School, 1926; The Teacher and the School (with W. W. Carpenter), 1930; The Teacher and Secondary School Ad- ministration (with same), 1931; Study Guide to High School Administration for Teachers (with same), 1935; A Manual of Supplementary Materials in High School Administration, 1940; The Super- vision of High School Instruction, 1940; The Junior High School (with Charles W. 350 Martin), 1945; contbr. to ednl. jours. Home: Columbia, Mo. MILLETT, George Van, painter and restorer of valuable oil paintings; b. Kansas City, Mo., 5 Apr. 1864; s. Henry Shirley Millett, publisher, editor, and El- izabeth M. (Ferguson) M.; ed. Cincin- nati Art Museum; Julian Acad. (Paris); silver medal, Royal Acad. Fine Arts (Munich, Bavaria); m. Mary M. Mc- Kee of Kansas City, Mo., 19 July 1899; children— Elizabeth M., Col. George Van Jr., Mary Catherine, John M. Painter of Mo. subjs., portraits; represented in Cur- tis & Cameron's Copley Prints, Boston, Mass., and painting "Motherly Medita- tion" used for their advertisement in all mags.; mem. Art Commn., Kansas City, many yrs.; mem. Masons (32 deg., Scottish-Rite, South Gate No. 547), Blue Lodge, Ararat Shrine, Kansas City, Mo. Club: Paint (now Art) (founder, pres.). Travel: Ger., Fr., Eng., Holland. Inter- est: painting Mo. subjs. and portraits. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Methodist. Democrat. Studio: 520 Studio Bldg., Kan- sas City, Mo. Home: 421 W. 61st Ter- race, Kansas City, Mo. Summer res.: Baldwin's Lake near Pleasant Hill, Mo. WEATHERLY, Everett Pine, general contractor, civil engineer; b. Shannon- dale, Mo., 12 Mar. 1877; s. William J. Weatherly, farmer, and Mary Elizabeth (Pine) W.; ed. Salisbury Academy, Mo.; A.B., Mo. Univ., 1897, B.S. (C.E.), 1899; m. Rose Drescher of Hannibal, Mo., 23 Sept. 1903; children— Edward Howell, Everett Pine, Jr. Civil engr., C.B. and Q.R.R., rodman, inspector, instrument man, resident engr., constr. engr., 1899- 1911; div. engr., K.C. Terminal R.R., 1911-14; v.p. List and Weatherly Constr. Co., 1915-31, pres., 1931 — ; dir. Associated Gen. Contractors of Mo. ; mem. Am. Ry. Engineer Assn., Am. Soc. C.E., Am. Road Building Assn. Recreations: ten- nis, contract bridge. Christian. Indepen- dent. Office: 302 Railway Exchange Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 5911 Wal- nut St., Kansas City, Mo. Died, 22 Feb. 1944. RIDEOUT, John Gordon, industrial de- signer; b. St. Paul, Minn., 15 May 1898; s. John Bryon Rideout, dentist, and Anne Grant (Hill) R.; ed. St. Paul Acad.; Univ. Wash.; m. Alice Chalifoux of Bir- mingham, Ala., 1937. Head of Rideout and Payer; one of 1st men in U.S. to form a business organization entirely de- voted to art of industrial design; rep- resented in permanent collection of To- ledo Museum of Art and various pvt. homes; work has been exhibited in Met- ropolitan and Museum of Modern Art, New York, N.Y., Cleveland Museum of Art, and various traveling exhibitions; in Officers Material Sch., U.S.N.R., World War I; Fellow of the Soc. of In- dustrial Designers (N.Y.); mem. Nat. Alliance of Art in Industry, O. Water- color Soc, Soc. Typographic Arts (Chi- cago, 111., co-founder, 1927, v.p., mem. original bd. govs.). Club: Mid-Day (Cleveland). Author: various arts, on design. Travel: Eng., Can., U.S., Eur. Interests: painting, photog., musis. Rec- reation: travel. Episcopalian. Republi- can. Office: Chagrin Falls, O. Home: Crestwood Farms, Moreland Hills, O. Summer res.: Lake Lure, N. C. WILLIAMS, George Thomas, physi- cian; b. Montgomery Co., Ind., 8 June 1865; s. Henry Williams, carpenter and builder, and Nancy J. (Gott) W.; ed. common schs., Ind.; M.D., Med. Coll. Ind., 1887; post grad., Univ. N.Y., 1914; m. Mary E. Todd of Montgomery Co., Ind., 17 Oct. 1888. Engaged in practice of internal med., Russellville, Ind., Apr. 1887, Browns Valley, Aug. 1887-Sept. 1903, Frankfort, 1904, Crawfordsville, 18 Apr. 1904—; mem. staff, Culver Union Hosp., 1918 — ; U.S. pension examiner; surg., 59th reg. C.A.C., A.E.F., 1917-18; Fellow A.M.A.; mem. Assn. Mil. Surgs. of U.S., Ind. State Med. Assn., Montgomery Co. med. Soc. Interest: books. Primitive Baptist. Democrat. Office: 227 E. Main St., Crawfordsville, Ind. Home: 412 S. Washington St., Crawfordsville, Ind. Died 30 Dec. 1944. j $1 YOUNG, James Byron, physician and surgeon; b. Clarendon, Ark., 24 Mar. 1878; s. Henry Clay Young, physician, and Hallie Cordelia (Cunningham) Y.; ed. Princeton, Ind. and Southern Ind. Normal Sch.; M.D., Medical Coll. of Ind., 1901; m. Mary Gertrude McConnell of Cumberland, Ind., 31 Dec. 1904; children —John M., Helen C. Taught sch., 1897; interned City Dispensary, Julietta Hosp., practiced med. Cicero, Ind., 2 yrs.; practiced med. Cumberland, Ind., 1905- 17; fellowship Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., 1918; practiced surg., Indianapo- lis, 1920; pres. staff St. Francis Hosp., 2 yrs.; mem. visiting staff St. Vincents and Meth. Hosp.; med. dir. Indianapolis Life Ins. Co., 1920; capt. med. service during World War I; mem. Indianapolis Med. Soc, Ind. State Med. Soc, A.M.A., Assoc. Med. Dirs., U.S.A., Med. Soc. Am. Life Conv. Author: papers on med. subjs. and of interest to Life Ins. Com- panies. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Inter- est: fishing. Presbyterian. Independent. 351 Office: 2960 N. Meridian St., Indianapo- lis, Ind. Home: R.R. 11, Box 333 M., Indianapolis, Ind. Died, 1942. YOCUM, Cyrus McNeely, clergyman; b. Steubenville, O., 10 Mar. 1883; s. C. M. Yocum, contractor, and Margaret (Culp) Y.; ed. Steubenville (O.) high sch.; A.B., Bethany Coll., 1904, D.D., 1938; m. Jeannette B. France of West Middletown, Pa., 26 Dec. 1906; 1 son- Cyrus France. Pastor, Christian Ch., West Middletown, Pa., 1904-05, Lisbon, O., 1906-09, Cent. Cincinnati, O., 1909-11, Rushville, Ind., 1911-17; ex. sec. fgn. div., United Christian Missionary Soc, Indi- anapolis, Ind., 1917; pres. bd. trs. Coll. of Missions, New Haven, Conn, (former- ly at Indianapolis, Ind.) ; mem. bd. founders, Nanking Theol. Sem. and Univ. Nanking; mem. Sigma Nu, Masons, Knight Templar, I.O.O.F. Author: Fgn. Section Survey of Service, 1928. Travel: Congo Beige, Eur., India, China, Jap., P.I., Jam., Cuba, Mex. Interest: photog. Disciples of Christ. Republican. Office: Mission Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 924 N. Ritter Av., Indianapolis, Ind. WILSON, Walter Lewis, physician, lec- turer, minister; b. Aurora, Ind., 1881; s. Albert M. Wilson, physician and min- ister, and Emily (Dyke) W.; ed. high sch. Kan. City, Mo., Med. Dept. Kan. State Univ., M.D., 1904; Northwest Med. Coll. spec, training. Doctor of Humani- ties (hon.), Bob Jones Coll., 1938; m. Marion B. Baker of Kansas City, Mo., 1904; children — Catherine, Martha, Nath- aniel, Norman, Marion, Margaret, Wal- ter, Elizabeth. Much time is spent filling engagements; lecturer on miracles in nature in schs., colls., univs. before the luncheon clubs of bus. men; Bible teach- ing before ministerial groups and ch. congrs.; pastor Central Bible Hall Kan. City, Mo. pres. Kan. City Bible Coll., K.C. Mo. Pract. Med., 1904. Author: many books. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Norw., Sweden, Fr., Ger., Belgium. De- signed and mfg. circus tents for Buffalo Bill, Hagenbeck-Wallace, Sells-Floto, Al G. Barnes, John Robinson, Carnival companies, evangelists, and the U. S. Govt. Interests: insects, fish, animal and bird life and peculiarities of plant life. Recreation: hunting bugs. Independent. Republican. Office: 7444 State Line, Box 7035, Kansas City, Mo. BRILL, Emil E., executive; b. St. Louis, Mo., 28 Sept. 1896; s. Emil Brill and Anna (Schaal) B.; ed. McKinley high sch., St. Louis, Mo.; LL.B., St. Louis Univ., 1922; LL.M., City Coll. of Law and Finance, 1923; m. Nell K. Kei- ser of St. Louis, Mo., 15 June 1920; children— Harold Edward, Betty Ann, Finn. Successively acct., asst. aud., ag- ency dept., Internat. Life Ins. Co., 1912- 23, asst. gen. counsel, 1927-28; pvt. prac- tice of law, 1923-27, the greater portion of the time assocd. with Judge Chas. G. Revelle, former mem. of the Supreme Ct. of the State of Mo., and one time ins. commr. of State of Mo.; asst. v.p., Mo. State Life Ins. Co., 1928-33; asst. v.p., Gen. Am. Life Ins. Co., 1933-34, v.p. group dept., 1934-36, v.p., 1936—; mem. St. Louis, Mo. Bar Assns., A.F.&A.M. Consistory No. 1, M.R.S. and Moolah temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., Men's Bible Class St. Johns Meth. Ch. (mem. bd. of stew- ards, p. pres.). Club: Mo. Athletic. In- terests: collecting unique and valuable steins, Boy Scout woork. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: 1501 Locust St., St. Lou- is, Mo. Home: 7815 Davis Dr., Clayton, Mo. BUNYAN, Estella Oakes, librarian; b. Mishawaukee, Ind., 20 Feb. 1875; d. Da- vid S. Oakes, minister, and Mary Clar- issa (Scott) O.; ed. Kendallville high sch.; North Western Coll.; m. George B. Bunyan, 3 May 1899; children— Wini- fred, Robert. Clubs: Bus. and Prof. Wo- men's, Tuesday. Interest: authographed books. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 120 E. Rush St., Kendallville, Ind. Home: 430 W. Mitchell St., Kendallville, Ind. CAMERON, Don Franklin, surgeon; b. Hamilton, 10 Apr. 1889; s. John F. Cam- eron, physician, and Mary Haughey; ed. A.B., Indiana Univ., 1907; A.M., Univ. of Chicago, 1907; M.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1913; m. Carrie Cline of Angola, 26 Nov. 1923. Interne, St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago, 1913-14; teaching fellow in sur- gery, Univ. of Minn., 3 yrs.; asst. res. in urology, Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1914- 15; surg., Cameron Hosps. Inc., Angola, Ind., and Bryan, O.; served as It. in Med. Corps, U.S.N., 2 yrs.; mem. Am. Med. Assn. (del. from Ind.), Sigma Xi, Fort Wayne Med. Soc. (p.pres.), Cert. Am. Board of Surgery. Club: Rotary. Author: scientific articles. Protestant. Office: 347 W. Berry St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Home: 2724 N. Clinton St., Fort Wayne. Ind. BARTLETT, Edward Randolph, dean and professor of religious education; b. Ft. Madison, la., 10 Nov. 1889; s. Thomp- son Hall, carpenter, and Sarah Isadora (Maguire) B.; ed. Ft. Madison high sch., 1902-06; A.B., Iowa Wesleyan Univ., 1912; S.T.B., Boston Univ. Sch. Theol., 1917: Ph.D., Northwestern Un- iv., 1933; D.D. (hon.), Iowa Wesleyan 352 Coll., 1926; m. Edna Ruth Pace of Mt. Pleasant, la., 14 June 1912; children — Elizabeth Ruth (dec), James Randolph, Barbara Jean. Entered Methodist min- istry, 1911; dir. rel. ed., First Methodist Ch., Topeka, Kan., 1918-19; supt. rel. ed., Minneapolis Council of Chs., 1919-20, De- troit Council of Chs., 1920-23; assoc. prof, philos., DePauw Univ., 1923-24, prof, and head dept. rel. ed., 1924, prof. Old Testament, 1938—; dean, DePauw Univ., Sept. 1941 — ; mem. com. on re- search, Internat. Council Rel. Ed.; pres. Ind. Council of Christian Ed., 1938—; mem. bd. trs. Methodist Hosp., Indiana- polis; chap, candidate, Camp Zachary Taylor, 1918; mem. A.A.U.P., Midwes- tern Psych. Assn., Phi Delta Kappa, Soc. Biblical Lit. and Exegesis, Phi Mu Al- pha, Delta Chi, Masons. Clubs: Rotary, Indiana Schoolmen's. Editor: American Junior Church School Hymnal, E.O. Ex- cell, 1929, Studies for Youth, 1928-35, 1940—. Protestant. Independent. Office: DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind. Home: 723 E. Washington St., Green- castle, Ind. AIKEN, George Alfred, physician and surgeon; b. Richmond, Kan., 24 May 1888; s. George C. Aiken, real estate and farmer, and Dettie (Junkin) A.; ed. Richmond high sen.; M.D., Univ. Med. Coll., 1911; m. Daisy Franklin of Malta Bend, Mo., 2 Apr. 1913; children — Rich- ard Franklin (M.D.), Dorothy Dean (Smith), Mildred Virginia (White). Prof, of anatomy, Wake Forest Sch. of Med., Wake Forest, N.C., 1916-19; dir. Wood Huston Bank and Marshall Ice and Fuel Co.; served during World War I, S.A.T. C; mem. Am. Med. Assn., Mo. State Med. Assn., South Med. Soc. Author: Traumatic Rupture of Normal Spleen- Splenoraphy Recovery; Kidney with In- ferior Renal Artery; Complete Ossifica- tion of Style-Hyoid Ligament, Thorasic and Abdominal Transposition. Methodist. Episcopalian. Independent. Office: 202-12 Sharp and Hahn Bldg., Marshall, Mo. Home: 50 Ridgecrest Rd., Marshall, Mo. CURTNER, David Linder, professor; b. Hazleton, Ind., 22 Mar. 1887; s. Paul H. Curtner, physician, and Emma (Haz- leton) C; ed. Hazleton high sch.; B.S. (E.E.), Purdue Univ., 1911, E.E., 1913; m. Ada Jane Lane of Lafayette, Ind., 19 June 1912; children— David Land, Rich- ard Linder, Leslie Hazleton. Instr., Pur- due Univ., 1911-19, asst. prof, electrical engring., 1920-27, assoc. prof., 1928—; summer work in engring. depts., West- inghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., Gen. Elec- tric Co., Allis Chalmers Co.; p. council- man at large, Lafayette, Ind.; served as civilian instr., U.S. Signal Corps, dur- ing World War I; mem. A.I.E.E., Ind. Engring. Council (p. v.p.), Soc. for Pro- motion of Engring. Edn., Eta Kappa Nu. Methodist. Republican. Office: Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. Home: 1028 Heath St., Lafayette, Ind. BROOKS, Stratton Duluth, educator, executive director; b. Everett, Mo., 10 Sept. 1869; s. Charles M. Brooks, far- mer, mcht., and Marian (McClure) B. ; ed. Mt. Pleasant (Mich.) high sch.; Mich. State Normal Coll., 1890, B.Pd., 1892, M.Pd., 1899; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1896; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1904; LL.D. (hon.), Colby Coll., 1912, Kingfisher Ok- la.) Coll., 1920, Drury (Mo.) Coll., 1929; m. Marcia Stuart of Port Hope, Mich., 3 Sept. 1890; children — Helen, Marian, Dorothy, Elizabeth. Prin., village sch., Millbrook, Mich., 1887-88, Danville (111.) high sch., 1890-92, Adrian, Mich., 1896-98, LaSalle, 111., 1898-99; v.p., Teachers Coll., Mt. Pleasant, Mich., 1892-93; asst. prof, psy. and edn., high sch. insp., Univ. 111., 1899-1902; asst. supt. sens., Boston, Mass., 1902-06; supt. sens., Cleveland, O., 1906, Boston, Mass., 1906-12; pres., Univ. Okla., 1912-23, Univ. Mo., 1923-31; org. separate sch. Fine Arts, Univ. Okla., 1915, Univ. Mo., 1925; exec, dir., Order of DeMolay, 1931 — ; mem. bd. dirs., Nat. Bk., Norman, Okla., State Geol. Survey (Okla.), State Bd. Vocational Edn. (Ok- la.), Boston (Mass.) Art Mus., Den Oil Co., C-M Mining Co.; Federal food admr. Okla., State Council Defense, Okla., 1917- 18; mem. Fuel Commn., 1917-18; temp, chmn., Four-Minute men, 1917; conduct- ed S.A.T.C, Okla. Univ., 1918; mem. N. E.A. (pres., supt's. sect., 1910), Soc. for Sci. Study Edn. (p. pres.), Okla. State Teachers Assn., Nat. Assn. State Univs., Nat. Assn., Land Grant Colls., Assn. Am. Univs. (mem. com. on simplifica- tion of grammar nomenclature). Nat. council Boy Scouts, New Eng. Supts. Assoc. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Kappa, Rho Mu Alpha, Sin- fonia, Masons (33rd deg.), K.T., Red Cross of Constantine, Hon. Legion of Honor. Clubs: Puddingstone (Boston, Mass.), High Twelve, Rotary, Scabbard and Blade, Mass. Sch. Masters. Author: Brooks - Hubbard Composition-Rhetoric; Brooks' English Composition Series; Brooks' Readers; mag. arts. Travel: Eur. Recreations: fishing, billiards, re- pairing. Presbyterian. Independent. Of- fice: 201 E. Armour St., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 17 E. 65 Terrace, Kansas City 5, Mo. COLE, A. EUiston, rector; b. Atlanta, Ga., 20 Mar. 1892; s. William Judson 353 Cole (dec.) and Evelynn (Sweeney) C; ed. Lafayette high sch. ; Purdue Univ., 1910-12; Ind. Univ., 1912-14, B.A., 1914, M.A., 1927; S.T.B., Western Theol. Sem., Chicago, 111., 1917; m. Besse Barlow of Kokomo, 14 Oct. 1917; children — Annie Louise, Elisabeth. Ordained deacon, La- fayette, 11 June 1917, priest, Bedford, 14 Oct. 1917; rector, St. John's Ch., Bed- ford, 1917-22, Christ Ch., Bowling Green, Ky., 1922-25; rector Trinity Episcopal Ch., Bloomington, 1925 — ; examining chaplain, Diocese of Indianapolis; civi- lian chaplain, West Baden Hosp., U.S. Gen. Hosp. No. 35, 1919; mem. Phi Gam- ma Delta. Clubs: Rotary Internat. (dist. gov., Ind., 1937-38), Bloomington Rotary (sec, 1929 — ). Author: Influence of Greek Philosophy on Teachings of St. Paul (M. A. thesis, 1927); A Questionnaire for College Students, 1934. Home: 111 S. Grant St., Bloomington, Ind. MALOTT, Clyde Arnett, professor of geology; b. Atlanta, Ind., 10 Sept. 1887; s. John Franklin Malott, farmer, and Alice (Fippen) M.; ed. Lovett Twp. high sch., Jennings Co., Ind.; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1913, A.M., 1915, Ph.D., 1919; m. Mary Orda Clayton of Linton, 30 July 1911; children — Alice, Roland, Floyd. Teacher, pub. sens., Ind., 1909, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1915; geol., Okla. Geol. Surv., 1916; cons, staff, F. J. Fohs, 1917; Ind. Geol. Surv., 1919-22; 111., Geol. Surv., 1930; acting prof., Williams Coll., 1929; Em- pire Gas and Fuel Co., 1918-23; Pure Oil Co., 1924; Sun Oil Co., 1938-40; instr. geol., Ind. Univ., 1916-18, asst. prof., 1918- 20, assoc. prof., 1920-24, prof., 1924—, actg. head dept. geol. and geog., 1941-45, Fellow Ind. Acad. Sci., pres., 1944; mem. HI. Geol. Soc, Ind.-Ky. Geol. Soc, Geol. Soc. Am., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi. Author: spl. arts, on physiography, ar- eal and structural geology, stratigraphy, cavern development; Physiography of Indiana. Baptist. Republican. Office: In- diana University, Bloomington, Ind. Home: 708 Woodlawn Av., Bloomington, Ind. MANION, Clarence E., professor of constitutional law and dean of the Col- lege of Law, att.-at-law; University of Notre Dame; b. Henderson, Ky., 7 July 1896; s. Edward Manion, contractor, and Elizabeth (Carroll) M.; ed. Holy Name high sch., Henderson, Ky.; A.B., St. Mary's Coll. (Ky.), 1915; A.M., Catholic Univ. Am., Washington, D.C., 1916, Ph. M., 1917; J.D., Univ. Notre Dame, 1919- 22, J.U.D., Boston Univ., 1942; m. Vir- ginia O'Brien of South Bend, Ind., 3 Aug. 1936; children— Marilyn, Carolyn, Daniel A., Diana. Mem. Bd. Dirs., St. Joseph Bank and Trust Co., South Bend, Ind.; mem. law firm Doran and Manion, law- yers, South Bend, Ind.; Ind. dir. Nation- al Emergency Council — Office of Govt. Reports (Presidential appt., 1935-40); en- listed 1917, discharged 2nd It., transpor- tation Corps, 1919; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Ind. Bar Assn. Author: Am. Hist., Les- sons in Liberty. Catholic. Democrat. Of- fice: 407 Union Trust Bldg., South Bend, Ind. Home: Laurel Road, South Bend, Ind. POTTERF, Rex Miles, librarian; b. Lewisville, Ind., 20 Mar. 1894; s. A.M. Potterf, contractor, and Phoebe (Miles) P.; ed. A.B., Indiana Univ., 1918, A.M., 1926; A.M., Columbia Univ., 1923; Univ. of Wis., 1926-27, 1932, 1934; Sch. Lib. Sci., Univ. 111., B.S. (in L.S.), 1943; m. Gladys A. Barr of Blountsville, Ind., 1 Nov. 1917; 1 dau.— Helen Clara. Teacher, New Lisbon, Ind., 1912-13; high sch. prin., Blountsville, Ind., New Lisbon, Ind., Warren, Ind., Huntington Township, 1913-24; hist, teacher, head hist, dept., Central high sch., Fort Wayne, Ind., 1924- 34 ; chief librarian, Pub. Lib. Fort Wayne and Allen Co., Fort Wayne, Ind., 1935—; mem., A.L.A., I.L.A. Clubs: Fortnightly, Quest. Presbyterian. Office: Main Li- brary, Fort Wayne, Ind. Home: 4426 Ta- coma, Fort Wayne, Ind. SNYDER, Henry Burgess, editor; b. Waverly, O., 25 Apr. 1884; s. Henry Rich- ard Snyder, editor, and Minerva (Bur- gess) S.; ed. Drury Coll., Springfield, Mo.; B.A., Yale Univ., 1908; m. Mary Rennels of Cleveland, O., 15 Jan. 1930; 1 son— Burgess. Reporter, Call, Piqua, O., 1908; ed., ed. pub., Citizen, Urbana, O.; part owner, ed., Gary (Ind.) Post, 1910-21, Gary Post-Tribune, 1921—; pres., Gary Printing and Pub. Co., Dune Acres, Inc., Gary Taxpayers* Assn., United War and Community Chest, Inc., dir., Back- ers Trust Co.; postmaster, Gary, 1915-20; at Off. Training Camp, Atlanta, Ga., 1918 during World War I. Clubs: Gary Coun- try, Tavern (Chicago). Recreations: skating, gardening. Methodist. Independ- ent. Office: Post - Tribune, Gary, Ind. Home: Dune Acres, Ind. HADLEY, Lawrence, professor of mathematics; b. Danville, Ind., 19 Mar. 1876; s. Joshua Hadley, farmer, and An- na (Stanley) H.; ed. Cent. Acad., Plain- field, Ind.; B.S., Earlham Coll., 1902; A.M., Univ. Mich., 1907, Ph.D., 1915; Univ. Wis.; Northwestern Univ. Instr. math., Earlham Coll., 1902-12, asst. prof., 1912-15, prof., 1915-18; assoc. prof, math., Purdue Univ., 1918-24, prof., 1924; tr., 354 Earlham Coll., 1930 — ; mem. Sigma Xi, Math. Assn. Am., Am. Math. Soc. Quak- er. Office: Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Home: Lafayette, Ind. VOGEL, Valentine, artist; b. St. Louis, Mo., 19 Apr. 1906; d. Val Vogel, and Anna M. (Weaver) V.; ed. Princepia Nat. Acad. (N.Y.); Beaux Arts (Paris, Fr. Nat. Acad., Paris, Fr.); Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo.; m. John Reavis Tomes of St. Louis, Mo., 6 July 1940. Won scholarship in St. Louis schs. to Nat. Acad., N.Y. ; painted iy 2 yrs. in Pa- ris, France (exhbn., Am. Club) ; painted murals for; Pub. Lib., St. Louis; West- minster Hall, St. Louis; Maryland Sen., Bellevue Sch., Univ. City, Y.M.H.A. St. Louis, 1939, Clayton Grade sch., 1941; mem. St. Louis Art League. Club : Amer- ican (Paris, Fr.) Independent Artists; prizes and awards in art, incl. Bronze Medal, Kansas City Art Inst., 1934; Claude - Monet Medal for finest painting, 1930, Kocian Portrait prize, 1931, Stix prize for modern painting, 1932, St. Louis Post - Dispatch for Black and White study, 1936, St. Louis Art League for best lithograph, 1938, Artist Guild poster prize, 1928. Office: 5179 Cabonne Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: Cedar Hill, Mo. Sum- mer home: Minong, Wis. BAUMGARTEN, Walter, physician; b. St. Louis, Mo., 31 Oct. 1873; s. Gustav Baumgarten, phys., and Aminda (Hille- geist) B.; ed. Smith Acad., St. Louis, Mo.; A.B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1894; M.D., Med. Dept., Washington Univ., 1896; m. Louise Knapp of St. Louis, Mo., 20 Sept. 1910; children— Walter, Jr., Laura, Charles Speck. Interne, St. Louis City Hosp., 1896-97; with Dept. Physiol., Harvard Med. Sch., 1897-98; asst. in Med. Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., 1902-03; instr. Washington Univ. Sch. of Medicine, 1917; with Vol. Med. Service Corps, 1917- 18; mem. A.M. A., Southern Med. Assn., Am. Coll. Phys., Am. Therapeutic Assn., Mo. State Med. Assn., St. Louis Med. Soc, St. Louis Soc. Internal Medicine. Clubs: University (St. Louis). Author: var. arts, in med. jours. Unitarian. Dem- ocrat. Office: 3720 Washington Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 5032 Westminster PL, St. Louis, Mo. Summer home: Fish Creek, Door Co., Wis. BEBIE, Jules, consulting chemical en- gineer; b. Zurich, 9 Apr. 1877; s. Julius Bebie and Louise (Wunderli) B. ; ed. Zu- rich schs.; Ch.E., Federal Polytechnic, Zurich; Ph.D., Univ. of Zurich; m. Hel- en Gilli of Chur, 24 Apr. 1913; children- Yvonne, Hans, Marguerite. Chem. Engr., Chem. Works Brugg, Switz., 1901-04, Monsanto Chem. Co., St. Loui3, 1905-30 installation various processes in field c\ synthetic organic chemicals not former- ly manufactured in U.S.A.; later chem. dir., charge of research and develop- ment, also chem. cons.; lecturer chem. engr., Washington Univ., St. Louis; mem. A.C.S., A.I. Ch.E., S.P.E.E., Electrochem Soc. Inc., Sigma Xi, Mo. Soc. of Prof. Engrs. Clubs: Engrs. of St. Louis, Mo. Athletic, Chemists. Author: numerous arts, in chem. jours.; book on Uplosives and Military Pyrotesthnioz. Address: 4207 Magnolia Av., St. Louis, Mo. BIEBER, Ralph Paul, professor of his- tory; b. Hellertown, Pa., 9 May 1894; s. William John Bieber, clergyman, and Lillie Barbara (Sander) B.; ed. Heller- town (Pa.) high sch.; A.B., Muhlenberg Coli., 1914; A.M., Univ. Pa., 1915, Ph.D., 1918; m. Ida Louise Parker of St. Louis, Mo., 1 Sept. 1925; children— Dorothy Ev- elyn, William Parker. Instr. of history, Muhlenberg Coll., 1918-19; asst. prof, of history, Wash. Univ., 1919-25, assoc. prof, history, 1925-40, prof, history, 1940 — ; teacher Am. history, Rutgers Univ., summer 1921, Univ. Tex., summers, 19- 24, 1925, 1927, Univ. Kan., 1928, Univ. Mo., summers, 1937, 1940; regional dir., Survey of Federal Archives, Mo., 1936- 37; mem. ex. com., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., 1931-34, chmn. mem. com., 1931- 33, chmn. com. local arrangements, 1937, mem. nominating com., 1941-42; mem. bd. ed., Miss. Valley Hist. Review, 1934- 37; taught mil. law, war aims, S.A.T.C., Muhlenberg Coll., 1918; F. Royal Hist. Soc, Hist. Soc of N.M.; mem. Am. Hist. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Mo. Hist. Soc, State Hist. Soc. of Mo., Hist. Assn. of Greater St. Louis, Kan. State Hist. Soc, Phi Beta Kappa. Author: The Lords of Trade and Plantations, 1675-96, 1919; The Papers of James J. Webb, Santa Fe Merchant, 1844-61, 1924; The British Plantation Councils of 1670-74, 1925; Southwestern Trails to California in 1849, 1937; other books on history. Travel: U.S. Office: Department of His- tory, Washington University, St. Loui3, Mo. Home: 7357 Cornell Av., University City, Mo. BLAIR, Anna Lou, professor; b. Os- born, Mo.; d. Samuel Tate Blair, phys., and Louisa Matlock (Osborne) B.; ed. Acad, of Mo., Valley Coll., Marshall, Mo.; A.B., Mo.-Valley Coll., 1903; Chi- cago Univ.; Ph.D., Yale Univ., 1931; Litt.D. (hon.), Mo. Valley Coll., 1924. Teacher, village schs., Maysville, Mo., 1900-02; Springfield High Sch., 1905-06; Springfield State Teachers Coll., 1908—. 355 Stud, in Tilly Inst., Berlin, Ger., 1912-13; Alliance Francaise, Paris, 1923; Univ. of San Marcos, Lima, Peru, summer, 1940; Fellow, dept. of Ed., Yale Univ., 1928-31; mem. A.A.W.P., mem. Am. Assn. of German; mem. Nat. Assn. of Teachers of Ger., Nat. Assn. of Teachers of Sp., A.A.U.W., League of Women Vot- ers, N.E.A. of U.S., Nat. Fed. of Bus. and Prof. Women's Clubs. Author : Henry Barnard, School Administrator, 1938. In- terests: internat. affairs, profession. Recreation: reading. Presbyterian. Inde- pendent. Office: State Teachers College, Springfield, Mo. Home: 802 South Kicka- poo Av., Springfield, Mo. BRADY, Thomas Allan, associate pro- fessor of history; b. Richmond, Mo., 24 Sept. 1902; s. D. B. Brady, realtor, and Bettie Kirkpatrick; ed. Richmond high sch.; A.B., Univ. of Mo., 1924; A.M., Ph.D., Harvard Univ., 1926, 1931; m. Mary Leslie of Denver, Colo., 16 Dec. 1934; children — Mary Susan, Thomas Al- lan. Instructor, history, Univ. of Mo., 1926-29; A.C. Coolidge fellow, history, Harvard Univ., 1929-30; asst. prof., hist., Univ. Mo., 1930-36; fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1936- 37; assoc. prof., hist., Univ. Mo., 1938— ; chmn., dept. of hist., Univ. Mo., 1939—; prof, hist., Univ. Mo., 1944 — ; mem. Am. Hist. Assn., Classical Assn. of Middle West and South, Am. Philological Assn., Mo. State Hist. Soc. Author: Reception of the Egyptian Cults by Greeks 330 - 30 B.C., reviews in numerous prof, journals. Travel: Gr., Egy., No. Afr., It., Switz., Fr., Ger. Christian. Democrat. Address: 320 Jesse Hall, Univ. of Missouri, Colum- bia, Mo. Home: 605 W. Rollins, Colum- bia, Mo. GREIS, Henry N., pres. Burke-Greis Oil Co.; pres. Deep Rock Oil Co.; dir. Mid-Continent Petroleum Corp., Okia. Natural Gas Co., First Nat. Bank & Trust Co., Tulsa, Okla. Home: 1550 E. 29th St., Tulsa, Okla. Office: Box 268, Tulsa, Okla. HELDEBRANDT, Theophil Henry, mathematician; b. Dover, O., 24 July 1888; s. Rev. Henry Carl Martin and Martha Caroline (Locher) H. ; A.B., Univ. of 111., 1905; M.S., U. of Chicago, 1906, Ph.D., 1910; m. Dora Edith Ware, 29 Dec. 1921; children — Theodore Ware, Paul Robert, Mark Henry, Lisbeth Lou- ise. Instr. in mathematics, Univ. of Mich., 1909-14, asst. prof., 1914-20, asso. prof., 1920-23, prof, since 1923, chmn. dept. since 1934. Fellow A.A.A.S. (v.p. sect. A, 1935); mem. Am. Math. Soc. (v.p. 1924-26, pres., 1945-46), Math. Assn. America (v.p., 1937), Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi. Mem. Evang. and Ref. Ch. Editor of Am. Jour, of Mathematics, 1938-42. Home: 1930 Cambridge Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. LAPP, John A., labor arbitrator; b. Fillmore, N.Y., 19 Nov. 1880; s. Freder- ick and Elizabeth (Holland) L.; Ph.B., Alfred U., 1906, LL.D., 1916; grad. schol- ar polit. science, U. of Wis., 1906-07; fel- low in economics, Cornell, 1907-08; m. Mary Clancy, Oct. 1911 (dec); children — Mary Elizabeth, Margaret Frances; m. 2d, Mabel P. Simpson, 1941 (now de- ceased). In legislative reference work with Charles McCarthy, Madison, Wis., 1906-07; legislative asst. for Legislative Voters League, Chicago, session of HI. Legislature, 1907; asst. in politics, Cor- nell U., 1908; legislative reference li- brarian of Indiana, Oct. 1908-13 ; dir. Ind. Bureau of Legislative Information, 1913* 18; dir. investigations, Ohio Health and Old Age Ins. Commn., 1918-19; mng. edi- tor Nation's Health, 1919-23. Sec. State Commn. on Industrial and Agrl. Edn., 1912-13; mem. Federal Commn. on Vo- cational Edn., 1914; mem. Spl. Libraries Assn. and mng. editor of "Special Li- braries," 1910-17; organized Public Af- fairs Information Service, 1914; asso. editor Nat. Municipal Review, 1912-13, Am. Polit. Science Review, 1914-18. En- gaged in social surveys and studies for public and private agencies, 1919-27; hd. dept. of social sciences and prof, sociol- ogy, Marquette U., 1927-32; chmn. Bi- tuminous Coal Labor Bd., Div. 2, and mem. Nat. Bituminous Coal Labor Br 1 .., 1933-34; mem. Petroleum Labor Policy Bd., 1934-36; asst. to Adminstrn. of Pub. Works on Labor Relations, 1936-37; na- tional referee International Building Trades Unions, 1936-38; engaged in la- bor arbitration since 1937. Rep. Am. Assn. for Adult Education at World Con- ference on Adult Edn., Cambridge, Eng., 1929; also of Church Peace Union at conferences on Internat. Peace Through Religion, Geneva, 1928, and Frankfort, 1929. Lecturer in legislation, Ind. U., 1910-16. Pres. Nat. Conf. Social Work, 1926-27. Author: Learning to Earn, 1915; Chapter of the New Deal, 1933; Eco- nomic Citizenship, 1934; The Citizen and His Government, 1935; The Washburne Trade School, 1941; Labor Arbitration, 1942. Compiler: Important Federal Laws, 1917; Federal Rules and Regula- tions, 1918. Editor of "Careers," a se- ries of vocational guidance monographs. Club: Cosmos (Washington). Contbr. to 356 reviews and mags. Address: 134 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. MARSHALL, Elton Lewis, lawyer; b. Avalon, Livingston County, Mo., 29 July 1887; s. Andrew and Maggie (Vaughan) M.; Pd.B., Kirksville (Mo.) State Teach- ers Coll., 1908; A.B., LL.B., U. of Mo., 1912; m. Mabel C. Spain, 28 Oct. 1915; children — Mary Jo, Robert Andrew. Be- gan practice at Chillicothe, Mo., 1912; pros, atty., Livingston County, Mo., 1913- 17; formerly trial atty. for C.B.&Q. R.R., Md. Casualty Co. Med. Protective Co.; spl. asst. atty. gen. of Mo., 1928-29; solicitor (head of legal dept.) U.S. Dept. Agr., 1929-33; now partner Watson, Ess, Groner, Barnett & Whittaker, Kansas City, Mo. Del. to Rep. Nat. Conv., 1916. Mem. Am., Federal, Mo. State and Kan- sas City bar assns., Delta Sigma Rho, Phi Alpha Delta, Beta Theta Pi. Presby- terian. Mason, Odd Fellow. Home: 820 Greenway Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. Of- fice: Dierks Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. JOHNSTON, David Ira, lawyer; b. In- diana, Pa., 18 Aug. 1876; s. Robt. Frank- lin and Lena Ann (Adams) J.; grad. Indiana (Pa.) State Normal Sch., 1899; LL.B., U. of Mich., 1903. Began practice at Oklahoma City, Okla., 1903; mem. Shartel, Keaton & Wells, 1906-13, Keaton, Wells & Johnston, 1913-26, Keaton, Wells, Johnston & Barnes, 1926-36, Keaton, Wells & Johnston since 1936. Pres. Okla. County Bar Assn.; pres. trustees Henry Kendall Coll. (now U. of Tulsa), 1913- 17; mem. State Bd. of Edn., Okla., 1913- 14. Chmn. Okla. County Chapter Am. Red Cross. Member Am. Bar Assn., Oklahoma State Bar Assn. Republican. Mason (32 deg., Shriner). Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Oklahoma City, Men's Dinner, Okla. City Golf and Coun- try, Oklahoma. Home: 300 N.W. 17th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Office: Commerce Exchange Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. COPLEY, Ira Clifton, publisher; b. Knox County, HI., 25 Oct. 1864; s. Ira Birdsell and Ellen (Whiting) C; A.B., Yale; LL.B., Union Coll. Law, Chicago, 1889; m. Edith Strohn, 3 Mar. 1892 (died 25 Oct. 1929); m. 2d, Mrs. Chloe David- son Worley, 27 Apr. 1931. Became mgr. Aurora (111.) Gas Light Co., 1889; con- sol, several gas cos. under name of Western United Gas and Electric Co., 1905, and of allied interests, 1921, under name of Western United Corporation, of which was pres. until 1926; publisher the Aurora Beacon News since 1905, El- gin (111.) Courier since 1909, Joliet Her- ald News since 1913, Illinois State Jour- nal since 1927, also Illinois State Regis- ter since Apr. 1942; pres. The Copley Press, Inc., Aurora, since organization 1928; owner San Diego (Calif.) Union and Tribune since Feb. 1928; San Diego Sun since Nov. 1939, and of Southern California Associated Newspapers, Los Angeles, since January 1928. Lt. colonel and inspector rifle practice, 111. Nat. Guards, 1894-98; on staff Gov. C. S. De- neen, 111., 1905; served as commr. to build new penitentiary for state; mem. park and pub. library bds., Aurora; mem. 62d to 67th Congresses (1911-23), 11th HI. Dist. Republican. Mason, K.P., Elk. Donor of site, building fund and $1,000,000 endowment to Aurora Hosp., renamed Copley Hosp. Home: Aurora, ni. KNIGHT, Harry Hazelton, entomolog- ist; b. Koshkonong, Mo., 13 May 1889; s. Wells George and Emma E. (Lamb) K. ; student State Teachers Coll., Spring- field, Mo., 1908-10; B.S., Cornell U., 1914, Ph.D., 1920; m. Jessie Mae Kite, 4 Aug. 1919; children— Harold Kite, Rolland Carl. Entomologist for Genesee County, N.Y., Fruit Growers' Assn., 1914-16; in- vestigator in entomology, expt. sta., Cor- nell U., 1916-17; asst. prof, entomology and curator collections, U. of Minn., 1919-24; asst. prof, entomology, la. State Coll. Agr. and Mechanic Arts, 1924-25, asso. prof., 1925-35, prof, since 1935. Sec- ond lt. A.S., U.S. Army, 1918; c.o. 20th Aerial Photo Sect., 1918-19. Fellow A.A.- A.S., Entomol. Soc. America; mem. Am. Assn. Econ. Entomologists, N.Y. Ento- mol. Soc, Societe Entomologique de France, Societe Entomologique de Bel- gique, Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sig- ma Delta; asso. mem. Am. Mus. Natur- al History. Author: (with Dr. W. E. Brit- ton) Hemiptera of Connecticut, 1923; Mi- ridae of Illinois, 1941. Editor Hemiptera sect. Biol. Abstracts. Home: 123 S. Riv- erside, Ames, la. MARSHALL, Henry Wright, newspa- per pub.; b. near Springfield, O., 29 Jan. 1865; s. Solomon Huffman and Sarah A. (Wright) M. ; ed. public schools and bus- iness coll.; hon. LL.D., Purdue U., 1931; m. Laura Van Natta, 18 Feb. 1891 ; 1 son, Henry Wright. Pres. Lafayette Bridge Co., 1889-98; pres. Western Paving & Supply Co., Chicago, Milwaukee and In- dianapolis, 1900-03; was also pres. West- ern Constrn. Co., Pub. Utilities Co., Ev- ansville, Ind., and v.p. Evansville & Southern Ind. Traction Co. Purchased Lafayette Morning Journal, 1914, Lafay- ette Daily Courier, 1919, consolidated, 357 .920, as the Journal and Courier, of which is pres. and editor in chief; acting pres. Purdue U., 1921-22, pres. bd. trus- tees and chmn. exec, com., 1923-27; pres. Montmorenci Elevator Co. Mem. Ind. House of Reps., 1899-1905 (speaker 1903-05) ; v.p. Ind. Commn. to St. Louis Expn., 1904; pres. Internat. Live Stock Expn. of Chicago. Republican. Metho- dist. Elk. Club: Columbia (Indianapo- lis); Saddle and Sirloin (Chicago). Home: 1614 State St., Lafayette, Ind. Ad- dress: Sixth and Ferry Sts., Lafayette, Ind. KRUGER, Charles Francis, illustra- tor; b. Schleswig, la., 9 Mar. 1902; s. Emil John and Jennie Agnes (Mitchell) K. ; student Creighton U., Omaha, Neb., 1919-21, St. Stanislaus Sem., Florissant, Mo., 1921-25; A.B., St. Louis U., 1926, A. M., 1928; S.T.L., St. Mary's Coll., Kan., 1935; student Cath U. of Am., 1936; A.B. in Library Sci., U. of Mich., 1937. En- tered Society of Jesus, 1921; ordained priest R.C. Ch., 1934; instr. in mathe- matics, St. John's Coll., -Belize, Brit. Honduras, 1928-31; librarian, St. Mary's Coll., Kan., 1937-39, St. Louis U., St. Louis, Mo., since 1939; speech training supervisor, Army Air Forces Radio Instructor's School, St. Louis, 1942-43; regular staff speaker Sacred Heart Hour (radio program) since 1939. Mem. Am. Library Assn., Cath. Library Assn. (chmn. of greater St. Louis unit), Nat. Assn. of Speech Teachers. Contbr. to re- ligious jours. Home: 221 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. FROHMAN, Sidney, paper mfr.; b. Sandusky, O., 2 Jan. 1881; s. David and Rae F. ; ed. Sandusky high sch. and bus- iness coll.; m. Elnora L. Dauch, 1905 (died 1926) ; children — Sidney, Mary El- nora. Began as street ry. operator, San- dusky, 1898; sec. Sandusky Foundry & Machine Co., 1903-10; with Hinde & Dauch Paper Co. since 1910, as treas., 1910-18, pres. and gen. mgr. since 1918; pres. Hinde & Dauch Paper Co. of Can. ; dir. Barr Rubber Products; pres. Kan- sas City Fibre Box Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32 deg., Shriner), Elk. Clubs: Plum Brook Country, San- dusky Yacht (Sandusky) ; Canadian (New York); Tavern (Chicago). Home: 1315 Columbus Av., Sandusky, O. Office: Decatur and Adams St., Sandusky, O. GRONER, Powell Campbell, lawyer, public utility exec; b. Norfolk, Va., 13 Feb. 1892; s. John Archibald Campbell and Elizabeth Stith (Powell) G.; ed. U. of Va.; m. Marjorie Hayes Wolcott, 18 July 1917; children— Powell Campbell, William Wolcott. Admitted to bar Va., 1913, N.Y., 1915, HI., 1918, Mo., 1925, Kan., 1928, U.S. Supreme Court, 1928; asso. with William H. Page, Chicago and New York City, 1913-22; rep. New- man, Saunders & Co., investment bank- ers N.Y. City and New Orleans, La., 1922-27; counsel, reorganization com. Kansas City Rys. Co., 1924-27; pres. and dir. Kansas City Public Service Co. and Wyandotte Railways Co. since 1927; pres. and dir. Kansas City Pub. Service Motor Transport Co. since 1935; mem- ber law firm of Watson, Ess, Groner, Barnett & Whittaker, Kansas City, since 1930. Gen. chmn. Kansas City Allied Charities Campaign, 1938. Gen. chmn. Red Cross War Fund Campaign, Jack- son County, 1943; dir. since 1943. Dir. Chamber of Commerce, Kansas City, Mo., 1932-34 and 1938-40; mem. exec. Committee American Transit Assn., 1932-34, v.p., 1941-42, pres. 1942-43; nat. councillor of U.S. Chamber of Com- merce, 1932-40, dir. since 1943, member executive com. since 1944; mem- ber Kansas City Charities Committee since 1939. Trustee Kansas City Art In- stitute; chairman Trustees Kansas City Philharmonic Orchestra, 1933-41; chmn. exec. com. Conservatory of Music, Kan- sas City, since 1934; mem. Judicial Council of Mo., 1934-35. Member Am., Kansas City, Chicago and Missouri bar assns., Lawyers Assn. (Kansas City), Assn. Bar City of New York, Phi Sigma Kappa, Delta Sigma Chi. Episcopalian. Clubs: University, Kansas City, Mission Hills Country, Kansas City Country, Racquet (Kansas City); Mid-Day (Chi- cago). Home: 1256 W. 61st Terrace, Kan- sas City, Mo. Office: 728 Delaware St., and Dierks Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. KINDIG, James William, lawyer; b. Welton, la., 3 Dec. 1879; s. David D. and Margaret (Tully) K. ; grad. Morningside Acad., Sioux City, la., 1902; A.B., Morn- ingside Coll., 1906, LL.D., 1930, LL.B., U. of Wash., 1906; m. Gertrude Crossan, 3 Sept. 1908; children — Burdette Crossan, Lowell Crossan. Admitted to la. bar, 1907, and practiced at Sioux City until 1915; asst. county atty. and corp. coun- sel, Woodbury County, la., 1915-17; asst. atty. gen. of la., 1917-18; apptd. justice, Supreme Court of la., 1927, elected for term, 1928-34, chief justice, Jan. 1933- June 1933; retired from bench, 1 Jan. 1935; now mem. law firm of Kindig, Kin- dig & Beebe. Republican. Home: 3000 Ridge Av., Sioux City, la. Office: Toy National Bank Bldg., Sioux City, la. 358 GRAHAM, Christopher, surgical diag- nosis; b. Cortland County, N.Y., Apr. 1856; s. Joseph and Jane T. Graham; B.S., U. of Minn., 1887; V.M.D., U. of Pa., 1892, M.D., 1894; m. Elizabeth Blanche Brackenridge, 1899; children — Elizabeth Blanche, Malcolm Bracken- ridge. Associated with Mayo brothers in practice at Rochester, 1894-1919. Pres. Rochester Loan & Trust Co.; chmn. Un- ion National Bank of Rochester. Epis- copalian. Home: 813 3d Av., S.E., Roch- ester, Minn. HAYNES, Eli Stuart, astronomer; b. Trenton, Mo., 12 July 1880; s. Aaron and Philena (Biggs) H.; A.B., U. of Mo., 1905, A.M., 1907; Ph.D., U. of Calif., 1913; m. Mamie Ruth Mode, 20 May 1908 (died Feb. 1934); children— Charles Mode, Willis Stuart, Mary Ruth (dec); m. 2d, Nola Lee Anderson, 9 July 1938. Asst. in mathematics, Univ. of Mo., 1905-06; research asst. Laws Obs., same univ., 1906-08; instr. in astronomy, U. of Mo., 1908-11, in charge dept., 1909-11; fellow in astronomy, 1911-12, instr., 1912- 13, U. of Calif.; Martin Kellogg fellow, Lick Obs., 1913-14; asso. prof, astron- omy, 1914-15, prof. 1915-23, Beloit Coll., also dir. Smith Obs.; prof, astronomy and dir. Laws Obs., U. of Mo. since 1923. Mem. bd. trustees Christian Coll., Columbia, Mo., since 1937. Fellow A. A. A.S. (mem. council, 1935-38); mem. Am. Astron. Soc, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Delta Tau Delta. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Mason. Contbr. on variable star photometry, orbits of com- ets and asteroids and orbits of spectro- scopic binaries. Home: Columbia, Mo. FITZGERALD, Roy Gerald, ex-con- gressman; b. Watertown, N.Y., 25 Aug. 1875; s. M. G. and Cornelia M. (Avery) F.; ed. high sch., Dayton, O., and coll. courses in economics and modern langs.; m. Caroline L. Wetecamp, 5 Sept. 1900 (died 10 Sept. 1935); children —Mrs. Ruth Hume, Dorothy L., Skinner, Roy G.; m. 2d, Alverda Sinks, 22 June 1943. Began practice of law, 1896; dir- ector Merchants National Bank & Trust Co. Enlisted in United States Army, 27 Aug. 1917; commd. capt., infantry, 27 Nov. 1917; went to France, 11 June 1918; comd. Hdqrs. Co., 329th Inf.; hon. dis- charged 29 Aug. 1919; commd. It. col. Inf. R.C. Mem. 67th to 71st Congresses (1921-31), 3d Ohio Dist.; chmn. com. on the Revision of the Laws; reported Code of Laws of the United States 1926 ; author of cumulative codification system for statutory law of U.S. and D.C. Del. to Conf. Interparliamentary Union, Paris, 1927, Berlin, 1928, Geneva, 1929, London, 1930, on methods of codifying internat. law. Trustee (pres. bd.) Dayton Public Library, Dayton Law Library Assn.; mem. U.S. Yorktown Sesquicentennial Commn. Chmn. Red Cross. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Ohio State Bar Assn., Dayton Bar Assn., Federal Dist. Bar Assn. (pres.), Dayton Lawyers Club, S.A.R., Hist. Soc. (pres.), Nat. Aeronautics Assn. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32d deg.), Odd Fellow. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington, D.C); Dayton Bicycle, Dayton Chess, Nomad. Home: 117 Forest Av., Dayton, O. Office: U.B. Bldg., Dayton, O. HATHAWAY, Stewart Southworth, chmn. bd. Buda Co.; b. East Orange, N.J., 25 July 1885; s. Charles and Cora Southworth (Roundtree) H.; student schs. of Thacher and Lawrenceville, N. J.; m. Helen Viles, 18 May 1912; 1 dau., Valerie. With Charles Hathaway & Co., N.Y. City, 1906-12; partner Hathaway, Smith, Folds & Co., 1912-25, Hathaway & Co., 1925-32; agency mgr. 2d Federal Reserve Dist. of R.F.C., N.Y. City, 1932- 33; became pres. Institutional Securi- ties Corp., N.Y. City; now chmn. bd. The Buda Co.; dir. D. Appleton-Century Co., Rye Nat. Bank. United Carbon Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Union League (New York) ; Manursing Island, Apawamis, American Yacht (Rye), Chi- cago. Home: 95 Milton Rd., Rye, N.Y. Office: The Buda Co., Harvey, 111. EISENMAN, William Hunt, b. James- town, O., 7 July 1886; s. Maurice and Margaret Hunt (Dempsey) E.; Ph.B., Kenyon Coll., Gambier, O., 1903; student Leland Stanford Jr. U. (now Stanford U.), 1903-06; A.M., Morningside Coll., Sioux City, la., 1907; student Ohio State U., 1910-11; m. Mildred Randle, 18 Aug. 1917; 1 son, William Hunt. Prin. high sch., Olathe, Kan., 1907-10; head of chem- istry dept., Racine Coll., 1911-14, supt. pub. schs., Elmhurst, 111., 1914-17; found- er, 1917, since nat. sec. Am. Soc. for Steel Treating (now Am. Soc. for Met- als) ; sec. Metal Treating Inst. ; pres. Assn. and Expn. Management, Inc.; sec. of metals group Nat. Research Council; mng. dir. Expn. of Am. Inventions, Nat. Metal Congress, Nat. Metal Expn., West- ern Metal Congress, Western Metal Ex- pn.; dir. Am. Ceramic Expn., Am. Soc. of Inventors, Soc. of Collectors, dir. Cleveland Convention and Tourist Bu- reau. Member Fair Board, Geauga County, Ohio. Capt. Illinois National Guard, 1916-18. Engr. mem. Nat. Re- search Council; advisory com. Chicago 359 "World's Fair," 1933. Mng. director "St. Louis on Parade," "Philadelphia on Pa- rade," Kansas City (Mo.) "Jubilesta." Mem. Society Automotive Engrs., Am. Soc. Testing Materials, Am. Foundry- men's Assn., Nat. Assn. Exhibit Mgrs. (pres.), Cleveland Engring. Soc. Repub- lican. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: Chemists' (New York); University, Ro- tary, Cleveland. Author: Chemistry for Girls, 1910. Home: 3158 Falmouth Rd., Shaker Heights, Cleveland, O. Office: 7301 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. LEWIS, (William) (Frederick) Dick- ens, clergyman; b. Shrewsbury, Eng.; s. Rev. William (D.D.) and Celia (Ed- wards) Dickens-Lewis; came to U.S., 1888; B.A., Lake Forest (HI.) Coll., 1890; McClure Gold Medalist for Commence- ment Oration; grad. Princeton Theol. Seminary, 1893 (Carter Hebrew prize- man), also A.M.; D.D., Hanover Coll., Ind., 1908; m. Blanche Weldin, 29 June 1899. Ordained Presbyn. ministry, 1893; pastor Westminster (Del.) Ch., 1893-1908, 5th Ch., Kansas City, Mo., 1908-11, 1st Ch., Findlay, O., 1911-17, Cleveland Heights Ch., 1917-34; stated supply Jones Rd. Congl. Ch., Cleveland, 1934. Modera- tor Presbytery of Cleveland, 1924-26; del. Pan-Presbyn. Council, Cardiff, Wales, 1925; commr. to Gen. Assembly Pres- byn. Ch., Winona Lake, Ind., Grand Rapids, Mich., Baltimore, Md., Phila- delphia and Rochester N.Y. Translator into English of Welsh MSS. of Delaware Historical Society. Incorporator, with Bishop Leighton Coleman, of Del., of the Transatlantic Soc. America; trustee Del. Industrial Sch. for Girls, Wilming- ton Free Library. Pres. Hancock Co. (O.) Chapter Am. Red Cross; mem. cen- tral com. Liberty Loan for Northwestern Ohio. Supt. welfare work for Am. pris- oners of war landed at Leith, Scotland, 1919; actg. army chaplain for A.E.F. in Scotland, 1918-19; supt. Am. Y.M.C.A. for Scotland and Ireland, hdqrs. Edin- burgh, 1918; in France, 1919; was pres- ent at last bombardment of London by German gothas, May 1918; guest preach- er at Marleybone Ch. and St. Columba's Ch., London, Barony Ch., Glasgow, St. Cuthbert's Ch., Edinburgh, 1918-19; ad- interim guest preacher, St. Cloud (Minn.) Presbyterian Ch., 1942-43, pas- tor since 7 Dec. 1943. Mem. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Pi Gamma Mu (fellow), American Geog. Society (fel- low); panel chairman Nat. Labor Rela- tions Bd., Cleveland, O., 1934-35. Honor- ary chaplain of the Army and Navy Union, 1929. Clubs: Findlay Country, Cleveland, Kiwanis International, St. Cloud Auto, St. David's High Noon; president British Commonwealth Club of Ohio. Mason (32d. deg.), chaplain Heights Chapt, K.T. Wrote the First Am. Presbytery, Land of the Easter Lily, Our Debt to the Medical Profes- sion, Impressions of Oxford, and other mag. articles; (also author of many published poems). Address: The Manse, St. Cloud, Minn. MORGAN, William Thomas, professor of European history; b. Carroll Co., O., 19 May 1883; s. Thomas W. Morgan and Mary (Davies) M.; ed. A.B., Ohio Univ., 1909; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1910, Adams Woods fellow, 1911-12; Ph.D., Yale Univ., 1916 (Cutler fellow, 1914-16); m. Chloe Siner of Terre Haute, Ind., 9 Aug. 1916; children— John Siner (dec), Kath- erine Lenore. Instr. hist., Columbia Univ., 1916-19; asst. prof., Ind. Univ., 1919, assoc. prof., 1920-28, prof., 1928—; teacher, summer sessions, Boston Univ., State Univ. la., Duke Univ., Univ. Mich.; Fellow Royal Hist. Soc; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Am. Hist. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Soc. d'Histoire Mod- erne. Author: English Political Parties and Leaders in Reign of Queen Anne, 1702-10 (Herbert Baxter Adams prize, 1919) ; Guide to Study of English History, 1926; A Bibliography of British History, 1700-1715, with special reference to Reign of Queen Anne, 5 vols., 1934-42, "Some Sidelights upon the General Election of 1715," in Essays in Modern History, 1941; also over 40 arts, on Engish hist, and current events for mags. Travel and research in Eur. (seven trips). In- terest: writing on 18th cent. England. Episcopalian. Office: Indiana Univer- sity, Bloomington, Ind. Home: 816 At- water Av., Bloomington, Ind. BROWN, Raymond Dwight, property development; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 29 June 1886; s. George W. Brown and Mary Jane (Coble) B.; ed. A.B., Wa- bash Coll., 1908; m. Clara Hyatt, 16 Sept. 1908; children— Betty, Raymond Dwight, Jean. Retail shoe dealer, 1908- 16; automotive distributor, 1917-21; prop- erty development and management, 1922—; pres., R. D. Brown Manage- ment Corp., Bapps Corp., United Post Offices Corp., Postal Service Bldg. Corp., St. Louis Post Office Corp., Chi- cago-Lincoln Postal Bldg. Corp., Mana- gers Discount Corp., R. D. Brown, Inc., Newton Pipe Line Company, Inc., Gray- burg Oil Co., Wabash Pub. Service Corp.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Gam- 360 ma Delta. Clubs: Columbia, Woodstock. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 352 S. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 3025 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. SPRINGER, George Perrcy, associate professor of civil engineering; b. White- hall, Mich., 14 Sept. 1883; s. William David Springer, realtor, and Anna Jane (Kenfield) S.; ed. Whitehall high sen.; B.S. (in C.E.), Mich. State Coll., 1911, C.E., 1921. Topographer, Aluminum Co. Am.; designer, Am. Bridge Co.; div. engr., valuation, C.,B. & Q. Ry.; assoc. prof. civ. engring., Univ. Md.; dist. engr., bridges, Mich. State Highway Dept.; asst. prof. civ. engring., Drexel Inst., Purdue Univ.; sec, Lafayette Chapter, Prof. Engrs.; served as asst. engr., div. roads, railways, docks, wharves, constr. div., Quartermaster Corps, during World War I; mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Am. Concrete Inst., Am. As- sn. Engrs., Am. Rd. . Bldrs. Assn., Nat. Prof. Engrs., Soc. Promotion Engring. Ed., Ind. Prof. Engrs., Soc, Am. Mil. Engrs., Am. Rwy. Engring. Assoc. A.A. S.R. (32d deg.), I.O.O.F., Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, Theta Tau, Sigma Phi Sig- ma. Author: articles for newspapers and mags., road sch. proceedings. Travel: U.S. Interests: old glass, Indian blank- ets, antiques in general. Recreation: travel. Protestant. Republican. Office: Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Home: 714 So. 22nd St., Lafayette, Ind. Summer home: Whitehall, Mich. BSCKMAN, Theodore N., professor and consultant; b. Russia, 3 Sept. 1895; s. Nahum Beckman, mcht., and Pearl B.; ed. B.Sc. in Bus. Adm., Ohio State Univ., 1920, M.A., 1922, Ph.D., 1924; m. Esther G. Baker of Buffalo, N.Y., 1920; children— Gloria June, Marilyn Adelle, Joanne. Instr., Ohio State Univ., 1920-24, asst. prof., 1924-29, assoc. prof., 1929-32; prof, marketing, 1932; instr., Columbus chap., Nat. Assn. Credit Men, 1921-25; visiting prof., Univ. Colo., summers, 19- 39-40; cons, expert, Census Am. Bus., 1929-35; advisor, com. on elimination of waste, Dept. of Commerce, 1935-36; cons., atty. gen's, office, Fla., 1935; cons., Nat. Defense Commn.; cons., U.S. Dept. Labor (Wage and Hr. Div.); dir. Inst, on Credit; cons. Marketing and Econ.; chief cons. War Production Bd. (Office of Civilian Supply), 1942; served as 2nd It., A.E.F.; mem. Nat. Distrib. Coun., Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Statis. Assn. (v.p., 1940), A.A.U.P., Am. Mar- keting Assn. (v.p., 1939). Author: Cred- its and Collections in Theory and Prac- tice; Collection Correspondence and Ag- ency Practice (with F. E. Held) ; Whole- saling; Principles of Marketing (with H. H. Maynard); Channels of Distribution for Manufactured Goods; Wholesaling Principles and Practice (with H. H. En- gle); The Chain Store Problem (with H. C. Nolen); Democracy in Transition (with others) ; also studies, monographs and arts, in sci. periodicals. Travel: U S., Eur. Interests: social, econ. and pol affairs. Recreations: walking, swim ming. Jewish. Independent. Office: Col lege of Commerce, Ohio State Univ. Columbus, O. Home: 2158 N. Parkway Dr., Upper Arlington, O. FREIBERG, George William, biolog- ist, physiologist, patent law, accounting; b. Eitzen, Minn., 22 May 1892; s. Wil- liam Freiberg, dealer farm implements, and Mary (Bunge) F.; ed. B.Sc, S. Dak. State Coll., 1913; Ph.D., Wash. Univ. (St. Louis), 1917; St. Louis Univ. Law Sch.; LL.B., LL.M., Benton Sch. Law (St. Louis) ; certificate in account- ing, Washington Univ. St. Louis, Mo., 1944; m. Irene P. Koechig of St. Louis, Mo., 19 July 1329. Instr., Univ. Mo., 1913-14, Wash. Univ., St. Louis, 1923-25; research fellow, Mo. Botanical Garden, 1914-16, research asst., 1916-17; teller, bookkeeper, Farmers Savings Bank, New Albin, la., Sept. 1919- June 1920; supt., research bacteriologist, Commer- cial Solvents Corp., Terre Haute, Ind., 1920-23; bacteriologist, City of St. Louis, 1925-27; asst. dir., Research Dept., Buck- eye Incubator Co., Springfield, O., 1927- 29; chief bacteriologist, head of dept. microbiology, Anheuser-Busch, Inc., St. Louis, 1929-40, head of research informa- tion dept., coordinator of research and patent law, 1940 — ; admitted to Mo. bar and Federal Cts., 1931; served in A.E.F., May 1917-Aug. 1919, bacteriologist, pvt. to 1st It., San. Corps, assigned to Med. Corps; Fellow A.A.A.S., mem. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Soc. Am. Bacteriologists, Gamma Alpha, Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma. Author: various scientific arts. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: economics, geol- ogy, paleontology. Recreation: hiking. Baptist. Independent. Office: Anheuser- Busch, Inc., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 5122 Waterman Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. LUTZ, Hobart Fred, consulting engr.; b. Barneston, Neb., 30 July 1896; s. Ja- cob Fred Lutz, mcht., and Elizabeth (Smith) L.; ed. Blue Rapids (Kan.) high sch., B.S.E.E. Kan. Univ. 1918, E.E., 1924; m. Ethel Kathryn Hicks of Nor- ton, Kan., 30 June 1928; children— Mar- garet Jane, Fredrick John. Asst. engr., 361 Black & Veatch, cons, engrs., 1919 — ; served as rank ensign and naval avia- tor, Great Lakes training sta., Aviation Ground Sen., M.I.T., Boston, Mass., flight instrn., Miami and Pensacola, Fla.; mem. Tau Beta Pi, ATEE, Mo. Soc. Prof. Engrs. Interests: artistic met- al casting, farm management. Office: 4706 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. Home: 1830 E. 48th Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. MELZER, Fred Herman, clergyman; b. Cape Girardeau, Mo., 21 Apr. 1876; s. Ferdinand Melzer, miller, and Regina (Russert) M.; ed. Concordia Coll., Mil- waukee, Wis., 1890-96; Concordia Sem., St. Louis, Mo., 1896-99; m. Ida Stellwa- gen of Lewiston, Minn., 1900 (dec); m. (2nd) Clara Walter of Steeleville, 111., Jan. 1918 (dec.) ; children — Thekla, Mrs. Irving Kunz, Walter. Ordained Lutheran minister, 20 Aug. 1899 at Murphysboro, HI.; pastor Murphysboro until 1901, Bald- win, HI., 1901-11, Steeleville, 111., 1911- 18, Trinity Lutheran Ch. at Cape Girar- deau, Mo., Jan. 1919 — ; sec. of Mission Bd. of Southern 111. Dist., Steeleville, 111., 1917-18; visitor of Western Dist., 1921-30; 2nd vice pres. of Western Dist., 1936-39. Author: History of Trinity Luth- eran Church at Cape Girardeau, Mo., 1929. Office: 535 Themis St., Cape Gir- ardeau, Mo. HANSON, Adolph Melanchton, sur- geon; b. St. Paul, Minn., 11 Sept. 1888; s. Martin Gustav and Caroline (Runice) H.; student Red Wing (Minn.) Sem., 1903-07, Hamline Univ., 1907-08, Univ. Minn., 1908-09; M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1911; grad. study, Sch. of Neuro- surgery, Univ. of Pa., 1917; A.B., St. Olaf Coll., Northfield, Minn., 1922, M.A., 1923, D.Sc. (hon.), 1943; m. Marie Lu- cile Boxrud, 26 Nov. 1914; children — Jane Lucile, Anne Marie, Adolph Mar- tin, Patricia. Began practice at Red Wing, 1911; 1st house surgeon City Hosp., Seattle, Wash., 1912; in practice at Faribault, Minn., since Aug. 1912; condr. of the Hanson Research Labora- tory; research in glands of internal se- cretion since 1922; neurosurgeon. Served as neurosurgeon, Evacuation Hosp. 8, A.E.F., World War. In active service as col., Med. Corps, U.S. Army, since 5 Aug. 1942; now commanding officer, 76th Station Hosp. Mem. A.M. A., Am. Chem. Soc, Assn. Mil. Surgeons U.S., Assn. for Study Internal Secretions, Am. Med. Editors and Authors Assn. Awarded 1st prize for work on parathyroid gland, Minn. Soc. Internal Medicine, 1927. Au- thor: Practical Helps in the Study and Treatment of Head Injuries, 1925; also chapter, Management o f Gunshot Wounds of the Head and Spine, in Vol. XT, The Med. Dept. of The U.S. Army in the World War. Contbr. numerous ar- ticles on parathyroid and thymus glands, head, spine and superficial nerve sur- gery, etc. Discoverer of the parathyroid thymus and pineal active extracts; in- ventor of dural separator and bone ele- vator used in brain surgery. Donated scientific equipment of Hanson Research Lab. to chemistry dept., St. Olaf Coll., Northfield, Minn., July 1942, to be per- petuated as special lab. for advanced students. Home: 16 2d Av. N.W., Fari- bault, Minn. Office: Hanson Research Laboratory, Faribault, Minn. GOOD, Paul Francis, lawyer; b. Wa- hoo, Neb., 16 Mar. 1893; s. Benjamin Franklin and Jennie (Jessen) G. ; B.A., Amherst, 1913; law-study, Univ. of Neb., 1913-14; Rhodes scholar from Neb., Ox- ford U., 1914-17, B.A., in Jurisprudence, 1917, M.A., 1921; m. Dorothy Frances Collins, 1 Sept. 1917; children— John Paul, Robert James, David Martin, An- thony Jessen. Admitted to Neb. bar, 1919, and began practice at Lincoln; mem. bd. dirs. First Nat. Bank, Wahoo; mem. bd. dirs. Federal Home Loan Bk. of Topeka; atty. gen. of Neb., for term 1933-35; lecturer in constitutional law, Univ. Neb., 1945—; now mem. Good & Simons. Served as ensign, U.S.N.R.F., on staff Admiral Sims, later on staff Admiral Wilson, Aug. 1917-Jan. 1919. Chancellor, Diocese of Neb., P.E. Ch., since 1936. Mem. Am., Neb. State and Lancaster County bar assns., Am. Law Institute, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi. Democrat. Episcopalian. Mason. Club: Lincoln University. Home: 3520 South St., Lincoln, Neb. Office: Security Mutual Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. FOSTER, Thomas Henry, meat pack- er; b. Chicago, 111., 31 Jan. 1875; s. Thomas Dove and Elizabeth (Thomp- son) F.; grad. Parsons Acad., Fairfield, la., 1893; student Parsons College, 1893- 94; hon. B.S., in Business Administrn., 1929; D.P., Parsons Coll., 1945; m. Mary Frances Bulger, 25 July 1898; children — Katherine Margaret (Mrs. Ralph Bene- dict Vernon), Gertrude Elizabeth (Mrs. Harold Edward Purdy), Robert Thomp- son. With John Morrell & Co., meat packers, Ottumwa, la., since 1894, mgr. of one of plants, 1909-15, v.p. and gen. mgr., 1915-21, pres. since 1921; pres. Yorkshire Creamery Co. ; mem. bd. dirs. John Morrell & Co., Ltd. (Liverpool and London, Eng.), Victoria Cold Stores, Ltd. (Liverpool); trustee Morrell Refrig- 362 erator Car Co. Chmn. War Relief drives, Ottumwa, and four minute man, World War I. Mem. bd. dirs. National Assn. of Mfrs., 1936; dir. Inst. Am. Meat Packers (chmn. bd. 1938-39, 1943-44), Chicago Bd. of Trade, C. of C. of U.S. (dir. 1923), Ottumwa Chamber Commerce (dir. 1914- 26), Iowa State Historical Soc, Beta Gamma Sigma (hon.). Democrat. Pres- byterian. Clubs: Union League, Univer- sity (Chicago) ; Grolier (New York) ; Ro- tary (pres. 1919-20), Tavern. Author: (with Malcolm G. Wyer) Bookplates in Iowa, 1914; A Letter from the Fire, 1923, Collector of rare books, manu- scripts, prints, etc. Home: 1560 N. Elm St., Ottumwa, la. JENSEN, Kai, university professor; b. Denmark, 31 July 1901; s. Hans Andreas Jensen, machinist, and Hanne (Larsen) J.; ed. Lincoln high sch., Seattle; A.B., Univ. Washington, 1924, M.A., 1926; Ph. D., Ohio State Univ., 1930; m. Lydia Louise Scott of Seattle, Wash., 8 July 1927. Held Loretta Denny Fellowship, Univ. Wash., 1925-26; instr. in edn., Univ. Oregon, 1926-27; instr. in psychol., Ohio State Univ., 1927-30; research as- soc, 1930-31; assoc. prof, and prof, psy- chol., Univ. Conn., 1931-32; asst. prof, edn., Univ. Wis., 1932-36, assoc. prof., 1936-43; prof, and chmn. com. on child development 1943 — ; mem. editor, bd. and book review ed., Journal of Ednl. Research; contbg. ed., Jour, of Experi- mental Edn.; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Psy- chol. Assn., Midwest Psychol. Assn., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Am. Genetic Assn., N.E.A., Am. Ednl. Research As- sn., Nat. Soc. for Research in Child De- velopment, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Delta Kappa. Author: articles in Journal of Experimental Edn., Journal of Ednl. Research, Genetic Psychology Monographs, Rev. of Ednl. Research, Encyclopedia of Ednl. Research, Dic- tionary of Education. Travel: Can., Norw., Den., Ger., Fr., Switz., It., Bel., Holl. Interests: research in child de- velopment, action currents of the brain and their relation to learning and prob- lem solving behavior, student personnel. Recreations: golf, chess, photography. Office: University of Wisconsin, Madi- son, Wis. Home: 11 Cambridge Rd., Madison, Wis. LIPPINCOTT, Isaac, univ. prof.; b. Villa Ridge, 111., 20 May 1881; s. Daniel Parry and Elizabeth (Wells) L.; A.B., Harvard, 1902; A.M., Washington Univ., 1908; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1912; m. Edna Mae Wright, 24 Aug. 1903 ; children — John Wright, Daniel Wells (dec). Instr. Smith Acad., St. Louis, 1906-13; with Washington Univ. since 1914, prof, econ. resources since 1918; lecturer sum- mer, Univ. of Calif., 1929. Gen. chmn. St. Louis div. Washington Bicentennial Commission; former chmn. Federated Improvement Assn. St. Louis. Acting Dean of the School of Business and Pub- lic Administration and head of the eco- nomic department, Washington Univ., St. Louis. Mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Ar- tist Guild of St. Louis, Soc. St. Louis Authors (pres.), Theta Xi. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Kiwanis (ex-pres.), University, City, Public Question. Au- thor: A History of Manufacturers in the Ohio Valley, 1914; Problems of Recon- struction, 1919; Economic Development of the United States, 1921; Economic and Social History of the United States (with H. R. Tucker), 1927; What the Farmer Needs, 1928; Economic Re- sources and Industries of the World, 1929; The Development of Modern World Commerce, 1935; Sold Out, 1936. Home: 5470 Clemens Av., St. Louis, Mo. HOWLAND, Charles Roscoe, army of- ficer; b. Jefferson, O., 16 Feb. 1871; s. William Perry and Esther Elizabeth (Leonard) H. ; student Oberlin Coll., 1890-91, A.M., 1912; B.S., U.S. Mil. Acad., 1895; LL.B., Nat. Univ. Law Sch., 1909; hon. grad. Army Sch. of the Line, 1920; grad. Army Gen. Staff Sch., 1921, Army War Coll., 1927; unmarried. Com- md. 2d It., U.S. Army, 12 June 1895; advanced through grades to brig, gen., 25 Dec. 1927; ret. brig. gen. comdg. 2d Div., 28 Feb. 1935. Capt. 28th Inf., U.S. V., 5 July 1899-1901; col. inf.; Nat. Army, 5 Aug. 1917-21 Aug. 1919; 14th U.S. Inf., 1923-26; comdr. 3d Arty. Brigade 1927-29; 4th Brigade, 1929-31; 3d Brigade, 1932-34; 2d Div., 1934-35. A.D.C. to Gen. Loyd Wheaton, 1898-1902; a.d.c. to Gen. Arthur MacArthur, 1903; asst. judge adv. gen., 1907-12. Organized and trained gatling gun detachment, 1897; prevented spread of war south in Island of Leyte, P.I., 1906; instr. in mil. history and strategy, Army Gen. Service Schs., 1922- 23; comdr. of hostile force, joint war maneuver, captured Panama Canal by Inf. flank land attack, 1925; chief of staff 3d Div., 1927. Recommended: by General Lawton, by Major O'Brien, by General Wheaton, for promotion, for gal- lantry in action, by General Wheaton (twice), by General Smith for conspicu- ous gallantry in action, and nominated by the President for promotion because of distinguished gallantry in action in two battles; by General C. H. Martin 363 for D.S.M. ; by General Wheaton for Medal of Honor. Promotion to Brig. Gen, recommended by: Maj. Gen. Geo. W Davis, Ret., 1912; Maj. Gen. E. H. Crow der, J. A. Gen., 1912; Brig. Gen. J. W Bubb, Ret., 1912; Brig. Gen. John M Wilson, Ret., 1912; Maj. Gen. Jesse M Lee, Ret., 1915; Maj. Gen. Loyd Whea ton, Ret., 1915; Maj. Gen. T. H. Barry, comdg. 86th Div., verbally in presence of Col. Howland to Sec. of War, 1918; Maj. Gen. C. H. Martin, comdg. 86th Div., 1918. Decorated: 3 Silver Stars with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters; U.S. Gold Life Saving Medal of Honor; Spanish- Am. War badge; Philippine War badge; World War Victory Medal. Mem. Mil. Order Carabao, Am. Legion, Mil. Or- der World War, New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Soc, Vermont and Western Re- serve Hist. Socs.; President, The Pil- grim John Howland Soc. Conglist. Ma- son. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washing- ton); University (Cleveland). Author: Digest Opinions of Judge Advocate Gen- eral of the Army, 1912; Military History of World War, 1923. Home: University Club, 3813 Euclid Av., Cleveland 15, O. KETCHAM, Victor Alvin, educator; b. Monroe Twp., Perry Co., O., 7 Aug. 1883; s. Lincoln Hamlin and Mary Eva- line (Norris) K.; student Ohio Univ., 1902-03, 1903-04; B.A., Ohio State Univ., 1907, LL.B., 1910; m. May Clare Rich- ards, 6 Sept. 1911 (dec. 17 Dec. 1944); 1 son, Victor Alvin. Mem. bar State of Ohio; instr. English, Univ. of Me., 1910- 12, Univ. of 111., 1912-13; asst. prof. Eng- lish, Ohio State Univ., 1913-17, prof. Eng- lish, 1917-36, prof, speech and chmn. dept. since 1936. Mem. Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Nat. Assn. Teachers of Speech, Ohio Society of New York, Delta Sigma Rho. Club: Faculty. Author: The Theory and Practice of Argumentation and De- bate, 1914; The Course in Effective Talking, 1922; Titles of Lectures; Speech Efficiency; Persuasive Power; Tact and Skill in Argument; Extempore Speak- ing; The Public Address. Home: 199 E. Webber Rd., Columbus, O. JOHNSON, Paul Rodgers, pub. utility engr.; b. Buffalo, N.Y., 12 Apr. 1888; s. William Henry and Mary Spencer (Hill) J.; student Ridley Coll., St. Catharines, Ont., 1901-07; m. Hazel Priestley, 1912; 1 son, Rodgers Priestley; 2 adopted daughters, Deana and Katherine. Opera- tor and owner of various utility prop- erties since 1907; chmn. bd. Western Creameries; pres. and dir. Union Gas System, Inc., Sagamore Oil and Gas Co., Union Appliance Company, Elk Val- ley Alfalfa Mills, Inc.; treasurer and director Midland Investments, Inc.; dir. Pilot Royalty Co., Creseen': Oil Corp., Coffeyville Ice, Inc. ServeJ with U.S. Naval Reserve Force, 1918-19. Pres. In- dependence (Kan.) Chamber Com- merce. Mem. Am. Guernsey Cattle Club, Kan. Guernsey Breeders' Assn. Repub- lican. Elk. Clubs: Independence Coun- try, Rajah Country (Independence, Kan.); Kansas. Home: Glencliff Farm, Independence, Kan.; also "Stoneha- ven," Parry Sound, Ont., Can. Office: Union Gas Bldg., Independence, Kan. HUTCHISON, William Easton, lawyer; b. Oxford, Chester Co, Pa., 14 July 1860; s. William G. and Ann Eliza (Campbell) H.; A.B., Lafayette Coll., Pa., 1883, A. M., 1886; LL.D., Coll. of Emporia, Kan., 1927; m. Reba, d. Rev. David Ander- son, 6 Aug. 1895 (died 1929). Admitted to Pa. bar, 1886, Kan. bar, 1887, Kan. Su- preme Court, 1889, U.S. Supreme Court, 1917; practiced in Ulysses, Kan., 1887- 92; county atty., Grant County, Kan., 1888-91; judge Dist. Court 32d Jud. Dist. of Kan., 1892-1907; settled in Garden City, Kan., 1896; resumed practice there, 1907; mem. and sec. State Bd. of Bar Examiners of Kan., 1911-27; pardon atty. of Kan., 1925; asso. justice Supreme Court of Kan., 1927-39; again resumed practice of law; now mem. Hutchison, Vance, Hope & Fleming. Ex-pres. Gar- den City Bldg. & Loan Assn. Trustee Coll. of Emporia. Mem. Am. Bar As- sn., Kan. Bar Assn. (pres. 1911), Gar- den City Chamber Commerce (ex-pres.). Republican. Presbyterian. (33d. deg.) Mason; Past Grand Master of Masons of Kan.; Grand High Priest, Grand Chap- ter, R.A.M., 1924; Grand Comdr. Grand Commandery K.T., Kan., 1928. Odd Fel- low, K.P., Elk; mem. A.O.U.W. Club: Rotary of Garden City (ex-pres.). Home: Garden City, Kan. HURLEY, Neil C, mfr. pneumatic tools, etc.; b. Galesburg, 111.; s. Jere- miah and Ellen (Nash) H.; ed. St. Jo- seph's Acad., Brown's Business Coll., Galesburg; m. Mary Sullivan, 28 June 1906; children — Neil C, Jr., Mary Jes- sica, Florence Ann (Mrs. Charles Car- roll). President of Hurley Machine Co., Chicago, 111., until 1927; formerly chair- man executive committee and dir. In- dependent Pneumatic Tool Co., pres. since 1933; dir., Mercantile Nat. Bank of Chicago. Mem. Knights of Columbus. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn., Oak Park Country. Home: 914 Ashland Av., River Forest, 111. Office: 600 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, HI. 364 GRAHAM, Robert, animal patholog- ist; b. Ames, la., 16 July 1888; s. Thom- as and Myra Louise (Hoover) G.; D.V. M., la. State Coll., 1910; B.S., Univ. of Ky., 1912; m. Lucy Keller Hutchcraft, 30 Aug. 1917; children— Robert Donald, Mary Gordon. Prof, veterinary science, Univ. of Ky., 1911-17; veterinarian to State Bd. of Health of Ky., 1912-15; path- ologist State Live Stock Sanitary Bd. of Ky., 1915-17; prof, animal pathology and hygiene, Univ. of 111., 1917-41, head dept. animal pathology and hygiene since 1941; spl. investigations in animal dis- eases, Haiti, 1924-25. Served as capt. Vet. Corps, U.S. Army, World War; was maj. Reserves. Mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Pub. Health Assn.; 111. Acad. Science, Am. Vet. Med. Assn., U.S. Live Stock Sanitary Assn., Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Zeta, Sigma Xi, Phi Zeta. Episcopalian. Mason (Shriner). Author various expt. sta. bulls, and scientific papers. Per- fected an antitoxin for botulism in ani- mals and man. Home: 1010 S. Busey Av., Urbana, 111. HORN, William C; b. Monroeville, O., 18 May 1888; s. Charles and Eliza- beth Horn; ed. rural sch., Monroeville, and business colleges; m. Florence E. Beard, 27 Nov. 1913; 1 dau., Malinda E. Clk. B.&O. R.R. Co., 1906-08; elk. and foreman Nat. Tube Co., 1908-16; sec- treas. Horn Bros. Co., 1916-22; mgr., sec. and treas. Castilia Elevator Co., 1922-32: gen. mgr., sec. and treas. Ohio Farmers Grain and Supply Assn., 1932- 39; pres. Farmers Nat. Grain Co., 1938- 39; pres., treas. and mgr. of William C. Horn, Inc., since 1939; nat. pres. Nat. Farmers Elevators, 1928-29. Mem. bd. Monroeville Sch. Dist., 1924-32; mem. village council, 1922-24. Mem. United Brethren Ch. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Contbr. to farm papers. Home: 1105 E. Main St., Bellevue, O. Office: 401 E. Center St., Bellevue, O. BARRETT, George Francis, atty. gen. ; b. Chicago, 111., 17 Nov. 1907; s. George Francis and Mary Frances (Sullivan) B.; B.A., Univ. of HI., 1929; J.D., Northwestern Univ., 1932; m. Marcia Bates, 11 Feb. 1937. Admitted to 111. bar, 1932, and began practice of law; master in chancery Superior Court of Cook County, 1936-38; atty. gen. of 111. since Jan. 1941. Mem. Cook County Rep. Cen- tral Com.; founder and chmn. 111. Vol- unteer Com. to Stop Vote Frauds; treas. Fraud Fighters Alliance. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Zeta Psi, Phi Alpha Delta. Republican. Clubs: Union League, Tavern (Chicago); Bob- O-Link Golf (Highland Pk., 111.); Illini Country (Springfield), Sangamo (Spring- field). Homes: 1530 N. State Pkwy., Chi- cago, 111.; Leland Hotel, Springfield, 111. Office: Supreme Ct. Bldg., Springfield, El.; and 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. FORD, Frank Robert, newspaper edi- tor; b. Hancock County, O., 14 Nov. 1898; s. William L. and Harriet (Cusac) F.; student Marietta (O.) Coll., 1917- 20; m. Bernice Perry Brown, 4 Sept. 1923; 1 dau., Caroline Perry. Reporter Marietta Register-Leader, 1916-18, Mar- ietta Daily Jour., 1917, Marietta Times, 1919-20, Columbus (O.) State Jour., 1921- 23, Columbus Citizen, 1923-27, 1929-30; editor and gen. mgr. Warren (Pa.) Tri- bune, 1928; mng. editor Evansville (Ind.) Press, 1931-35; editor Evansville Press since 1935; v.p. Evansville Press Co.; sec. Evansville Printing Corp.; treasurer, Science Service. Mem. Am. Soc. Newspaper Editors, Delta Upsilon, Elk. Clubs: Rotary, Evansville Country, Indianapolis Columbia. Home: 1411 E. Park Dr., Evansville, Ind. Office: Ev= ansville, Ind. Office: Evansville Press, Evansville, Ind. BALTZLY, Oliver Daniel, clergyman; b. on farm near Ponca, Nebr., 14 Oct. 1871; s. Simon Peter and Elizabeth (Stough) B.; A.B., Wittenberg Coll., Springfield, O., 1893, Ph.D., 1901; Mt. Airy (Phila.) Luth. Theol. Sem., 1893- 94; A.M., B.D.; Chicago Univ., 1«95; Hamma Div. Sch., Springfield, O., 1896; D.D., Wittenberg, 1915; LL.D., Midland Coll., Fremont, Neb., 1920; married, 11 June 1896; 1 dau., — Olive B. Ordained ministry Lutheran Ch., 1896; asst. pas- tor Fifth Luth. Ch., Springfield, 1895-96, pastor, 1896-99; pastor St. Luke's Ch., Mansfield, O., 1899-1911, Kountz Memor- ial Ch., Omaha, Neb., 1911-31, now emer- itus; admitted 7,235 new members in 20 yrs. — the largest Luth. ch. in America- membership (1937) 4,971. For 16 of the 20 years led the entire Lutheran Church in America, in yearly accessions. Trus- tee Wittenberg Coll., 1902-10; pres. Wit- tenberg Synod, 1906-08; pres. Luth. Sy- nod of Neb., 1920-22; del. to conv. or- ganizing the United Luth. Ch. in Ameri- ca, New York, 1919; mem. Examining Com. for the Ministry for many years. Spl. lecturer Gen. All Luth. Conf., Seat- tle, 1929; spl. lecturer in "Catechetical Evangelization" among Luth. Chs., 1933- 41. Mem. Library Bd., Omaha, 1922-30. Mem. Alpha Tau Omega. Republican. Clubs: Omaha Commercial, Omaha Ath- letic. Author: The Death Pot in Chris- 365 tian Science, 1920, 4th edu., 1935; Cate- chetical Evangelization, 1928, 2d edit., 1930; American Revision Volume of Prayers by William Jay, 1937; also au- thor numerous brochures. Home: 2602 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.; (summer) R.F.D. 1, Backus, Minn. FIELD, Albert Martin, coll. prof.; b. Mt. Horeb, Wis., 25 Sept.; s. Arne Eric and Andrena (Gesme) F. ; diploma State Teacher's Coll., Whitewater, Wis., 1904; grad. in Agr., Univ. of Wis., 1912, B.S., 1917, M.S., 1918; Ph.D., Cornell, 1929; student Univ. of Minn, part-time, 1919-24; m. Ruby Schraudenbach, 24 Aug. 1904 (dec); children — Mildred Anna (wife of Dr. Lewis Etelbert Drake), Rodney Mills (dec), Harry Arnold. Rural teacher, Mt. Horeb, 1900-02; prin. Mac- Farland, 1904-08; supt. sens., Cam- bridge, 1908-11; high sch. agr. teacher, Northfield, Minn., 1912-16, University High Sch., Madison, Wis., 1916-18; asst. prof., Univ. of Minn., 1918-26, asso. prof., 1926-37, head dept. since 1934, prof, since 1937; taught summer sch., Cornell, 1929- 32. Mem. Am. Vocational Assn., N.E.A., Am. Assn. for Adult Edn., Minn. Ednl. Assn., Minn. Vocational Assn., Minn. Agrl. Instrs. Assn., Future Farmers Am- erica, Minn. Soc for Study of Edn., Minn. Acad. Science, Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Gamma Rho. Re- publican. Lutheran. Mason. Clubs: Ten Year Teacher Training (nat.), Campus, Agricultural Education of (St. Paul), Scholia (St. Paul and Minneapolis). Co- author: Dairy Enterprises (with J. C. McDowell), 1936, 1939; Farm Mechanics (with R. W. Olson and V. E. Nylin), 1928; Comparative Placing Guides for Judging Livestock (with same), 1928. Editor and contbr. : American Farming Series, Agriculture I-IV, (with A. Boss, H. K. Wilson, W. E. Peterson; 1939-43; Feeding Dairy Cattle (with T. G. Gul- lickson), 1943. Home: 2267 Common- wealth, St. Paul, Minn. BRADLEY, Frederick Van Ness, con- gressman; b. Chicago, 111., 12 Apr. 1898; s. Carl D. and Emily (Jessup) B.; prep, edn. Rogers City (Mich.) High Sch., 1912-14; Montclair (N.J.) Acad., 1914-16; A.B., Cornell Univ., 1921; m. Marcia Marie Hillidge, 26 Nov. 1922; 1 son, Carl D., II (dec). Salesman Mich. Lime- stone Chem. Co., Buffalo, 1921-23, pur- chasing agent, 1928-38; purchasing agent Bradley Transportation Co., Rogers City, Mich., 1924-38; mem. 76th to 79th Congresses, 1939-46, 11th Michigan Dist. Served in S.A.T.C, 1918. Mem. Delta Chi. Republican. Presbyterian. Club: Congressional Country, Kiwanis, Lions, Eagles. Home: Rogers City, Mich. BOESCHENSTEIN, Charles, banker publisher; b. Madison Co., 111., 27 Oct. 1862; ed. Washington Univ.; m. Bertha Whitbread, 11 Nov. 1892; children— Har- old, Charles K., Eleanore (Mrs. Frank Godfrey). Pub. Herald, Highland, 111., 1881-83, Intelligencer, Edwardsville, HI., 1883-1916; organized Edwardsville Water Co., 1897, vice-pres. and treas. to 1917; org. Madison County State Bank, 1897- 99, merged with Bank of Edwardsville, 1899-1907 (v.p., 1901-09); Edwardsville Nat. Bank & Trust Co., 1917, since presi- dent; dir. St. Louis Nat. Credit Corp.; mem. St. Louis Reconstruction Finance Corp.; mem. 111. Emergency Relief Commission, 1934-36. Pres. 111. Press As- sn., 1898-99; pres. Edwardsville Public Library, 1903-37; president Madison Co., Centennial Assn., 1912. Mayor Edwards- ville, 1887-89; Dem. State Central Com., 1900-12 (chmn. 1904-12); Dem. Nat. Com., 1912-24; Dem. nominee U.S. Sena- tor, 1913; del. Dem. Convs., 1908-40. Home: Edwardsville, HI. BERGEN, John Tallmadge, clergy- man; b. Bergen Island (now Bergan Beach), Kings Co., N.Y., 21 Sept 1860; s. John C. and Mary Tallmadge (Brow- er B. ; desc of Hans Hansen van Ber- gen; A.B., Rutgers Coll., New Bruns- wick, N.J., 1883, A.M., 1894, D..D, 1903; diploma Union Theol. Sem., 1886; post- grad, work same, 1893; m. Ellen Grace Dean, 1883 (died 1904); children— Dean, Hansen, Cornelius, Edwin Hope (dec), Willis, Baldwin (dec), Tallmadge; m. 2d, Eliza Grace Updegraff, 17 May 1906; 1 dau.,— Grace Updegraff. Ordained Ref. Ch. (Dutch) ministry, 1886; pastor Sho- kan, N.Y., 1886-89, Hope Ch., Holland, Mich., 1889-92, S. Brooklyn, 1892-95; prof, ethics and evidences, Hope Coll., Hol- land, Mich., 1895-1905, also chair Bible and missions same, 1895-1906; pastor Hope Ch., Holland, Mich., 1900-06; West- minster Presbyterian Ch., Dubuque, la., 1906-11; pres. Albert Lea (Minn.) Coll., 1911-13; pastor 1st Presbyn. Ch., Minnea- polis, 1913-30, Homewood Presbyn. Ch., Minneapolis, since 1 Oct. 1930. Instr. in New Testament Greek and Apologetics, Northwestern Evang. Theol. Sem. since 1937, instr. Bibl. philosophy and psychol- ogy, 1938-39. Pres. Fed. Minneapolis Ministers, 1917-18; mem. Fed. Council Chs. of Christ in Am.; mem. S.R., S.A. R., Mil. Order Fgn. Wars (state comdr., 1924), Phi Beta Kappa. Mem. Minn. Home Guard, Apr. 191r-Mar. 1918; corn- Home Guard, Apr. 1917-Mar. 1918; com- md. 1st It., Minn. brig, staff, 18 Mar. 1918; recruiting and publicity work in 366 Minn.; sworn into federal service 29 Aug., and commd. 1st It. Air Service, U.S. Army, 29 Oct. 1918, duty Vancouver (Wash.) Cantonment; hon. discharged, 11 Dec. 1918; retained as 1st It. Minn, brigade staff; hon. discharged 31 Dec. 1920; commd. civ. aide to U.S. sec. of war for Minn., 1925-33; commd. capt. (aux.), U.S. Army, 25 Oct. 1929; commd. capt. (inactive) U.S. Army chaplain, 1929, 1934, 1939; capt. U.S. Army (tem- porary service), Ft. Snelling, Minn., 1942; chaplian, volunteer emergency duty, 1942-44; now chaplain Post No. 1, Am. Legion; dept. chaplain Minn., Am. Legion, 1933; chaplain Minn. D.R., 1933. Author: (textbook) Evidence of Chris- tianity, 1902, 3d edit., 1923, 4th edit., 1937; From the Word to the World, 1927, 2d and 3d edits., 1933; Atonement and the Atonement, 1938; Aristotle Looks in- to Evolution, 1940; college song, Take My Love to Rosalie; table songs, Morn- ing Hymn and Evening Praise; hymn folio What Did You Say? and At Beth- any, 1937; also numerous articles on re- ligious topics. Home: 1711 Xerxes Av. N., Minneapolis, Minn. OXLEY, Howard W., educator; b. Mountain Grove, Mo., s. John W. and Effie L. (Cline) O.; B.S., Central Teach- ers Coll., Warrensburg, Mo., 1923; M.S., la. State Coll., Ames, 1926; post grad. work, Columbia, 1926-28; Pd.D., resident requirements completed, N.Y. Univ., 1930; m. Else Hartkopf-Schumaker, 29 June 1934; children— Ellen Fay, Howard W. Supt. schs. Jericho Springs, Mo., 1920-22; supt. Central High Sch., Har- din, Mo., 1923-25; asst. in sociology, la. State Coll., 1925-26; sec. for High Sch. and employed boys West Side Y.M.C.A., N.Y. City, 1926-27; dir. office training, Standard Oil Co. of N.J., 1927-29; ednl. adviser to Liberia, W. Africa, 1929-32; with J. A. Livingston & Co., N.Y. City, 1932-34; dir. edn. 2d Corps Area, Civilian Conservation Corps, N.Y., 1934-35; dir. of Civilian Conservation Corps Camp edn., Office of Edn., Federal Security Agency, Washington, 1935-42; field rep. Nat. Safety Council, Chicago, 1942-43; Central Region dir. Nat. Safety Council, 1943; man., Field Organization, Dept. 1942. Served in Med. Corps, U.S. Navy, World War, 1918-19. Mem. N.E.A., Phi Delta Kappa, Pi Gamma Mu, Kappa Delta Pi. Mem. Ch. of the Brethren. Ma- son. Contbr. to mags. Home: 256 Wood- lawn Av., Hubbard Woods, 111. Office: 20 Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. OTIS, Joseph Edward, Jr.; b. Chi- cago, 111., 19 Nov. 1892; s. Joseph Ed- ward and Emily Palmer (Webster) O.; prep, edn., St. Paul's School, Concord, N.H., 1907-12; A.B., Yale, 1916; m. Lou- ise Wood Meadowcroft, 6 Oct. 1917 (died Sept. 1930); children — Anne Lou- ise, Joseph Edward III (killed in action, R.C.A.F., Malta, July 1942); married 2d, Grace E. Quinlan, Jan. 1932; 2 sons —Webster, Peter. Engr., Union Carbide Co., 1916-20; with Belden Mfg. Co., 1920- 21; organizer, 1921. Inland Metal Prod- ucts Corp.; v.p. and gen. mgr. Alemite Corp., 1923-33; pres. Stewart- Warner Corp., 1933-39; pres. Dodge Mfg. Corp. since 1939; dir. Central Republic Co. (Chicago), Outboard Marine and Mfg. Co. (Milwaukee, Wis.), Dodge Mfg. Co., Mishawaka, Ind., Aro Equipment Co., Bryan, O., United Specialties Co., Chi- cago, 111. Mem. of Indiana Chamber of Commerce (dir.), Delta Kappa Epsilon. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Com- mercial, Commonwealth, Racquet; Chi- cago (Chicago); South Bend Country; Indiana (So. Bend). Home: 1603 Devon Circle, South Bend, Ind. Address: Dodge Manufacturing Co., Mishawaka, Ind. MOINET, Edward Julien, judge; b. Louisville, O., 14 July 1873; s. Julien J. and Adaline (Savageot) M. ; LL.B., Uni- versity of Mich., 1895; m. Eda M. Steel, 30 Oct. 1897 (died 25 June 1942); chil- dren — Margaret Steel (Mrs. Margaret M. Hathaway), Alden Edward (dec); m. Virginia Lee Montieth 22 Nov. 1944. Admitted to Mich, bar, 1895, and began practice at Ithaca; prosecuting atty., St. Johns, Mich., 1909-15; judge Circuit Ct, 29th Jud. Circuit, Mich., 1918-27; judge U.S. Dist. Court, Eastern Dist. Mich., since 1927. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (K.T., Shriner). Clubs: Red Run Golf. Detroit Athletic, Women's City. Ad- dress: Federal Bldg., Detroit, Mich. HENKE, Frederick Goodrich, college prof.; b. Alden, Hardin Co., la., 2 Aug. 1876; s. Edward William and Anna Mar- garet (Rudolph) H.; A.B., Morningside Coll., 1897; A.M., Northwestern Univ., 1908; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1910; m. Selma Aurora Hirsch, 4 Sept. 1901. Or- dained M.E. ministry, 1900; pastor St. Paul's Ch., Kiukiang, China, 1901-04; dist. supt. Kiukiang, 1904-07; v.p. and prof, homiletics, William Nast Coll., Kiu- kiang, 1904-07; fellow in philosophy, Northwestern Univ., 1908-09; prof, philo- sophy and psychology, Univ. of Nan- king, China, 1910-13; prof, philosophy and edn., Willamette (Ore.) Univ., 1913- 14; acting prof, same, 1914-16, Truman D. Collins prof, philosophy and educa- tion, 1916-42, emeritus professor since 367 1942, Allegheny Coll., Meadville, Pa.; al- so director summer session. Pres. Assn. of Liberal Arts Colleges of Pa. for Ad- vancement of Teaching, 1930-38; chair- man Crawford County (Pa.) Council on Adult Edn., Recreation and Youth Pro- gram, 1935-40; Floyd County Juvenile Probation officer since 1943; mem. bd. of supervisors, Floyd Co., since 1943, chairman, 1945; chairman Cooperative Commn. for Study of Teacher Edn. in Pa., 1939-41. Mem. P.E.A., Pa. State Edn. Assn. (pres. Dept. Higher Edn. 1938), Am. Philos. Assn, Royal Asiatic Soc, Phi Delta Kappa, Alpha Chi Rho Phi Beta Kappa, Omicron Delta Kappa. Pi Gamma Mu, Kappa Phi Kappa, Meadville Literary Union. Mason. Re- publican. Club: Rotary (Charles Citv, la.). Author: The Psychology of Ritu- alism, 1910. Translator: The Philosophy of Wang Yang-Ming, 1916. Contbr. nu- merous articles to religious and philos. jours. Established first psychol. lab. in China, 1910; lecturer on ednl. subjects before teachers' institutes. Home: 307 2nd Av., Charles City, la. HARRISON, George McGregor, labor leader; b. Lois, Maries Co., Mo., 19 July 1895; s. Louis Harvey and Mary Logan (Coppedge) H. ; ed. pub. sens.; m. Averil Mayo Hughes, 16 Oct. 1912; children — Virginia May, Elynor Alma, Mary Jane. Railway elk., 1909-17; local chmn. Brotherhood of Ry. Clerks (St. Louis), 1917-18; gen. chmn. Brotherhood of Ry. Clerks of Mo.P. R.R., 1918-22; v. p. Grand Lodge of Brotherhood of Ry. Clerks, 1922-28, pres. since 1328; v.p. Am. Fedn. of Labor; chmn. Ry. Labor Executives Assn., 1935-40; dir. Broth- erhood of Ry. Clerks Nat. Bank, 1928-43; mem. editorial com., Labor (weekly newspaper). Served on draft com. U.S. Social Security Act; mem. of President's Com. on Industrial Analysis; participat- ed in drafting R.R. Retirement Act, 1937; mem. Joint R.R. Labor-Manage- ment Com. on War Effort; mem. exec, com. Am. Assn. for Labor Legislation; dir. Workers Edn. Bur.; mem. bd. dirs. Social Science Research Council; mem. Com. on Public Debt, Twentieth Century Fund, Inc.; mem. Com. on Population Redistribution; mem. advisory bd. Nat. Youth Administration; dir. Nat. Eco- nomic Policy Committee; dir. Good Neighbor League; mem. bd. dirs. Nat. Bur. for Economic Research; U.S. dele- gate Am. Nat. Com., Third World Power Conf.; pres. and dir. Brotherhood of Ry. Clerks Bldg. Co.; Am. Labor delegate Governing Bd. Internat. Labor Orgns., Geneva, 1936; Am. Labor delegate In- ternat. Labor Orgns., Conf. of American Nations, Havana, Cuba, 1939; mem. Presidents Ry. Investigation Committee, 1938-39; mem. Council for Democracy. Baptist. Mason. Home: 5705 Stewart Av. Cincinnati, 27, O. Office: 1015 Vine St., Cincinnati, O. GAGE, Albert Henry, clergyman; b. Worcester, N.Y., 8 Aug. 1878; s. Edgar Van Ess and Malissa C. (Turck) G.; A.B., Colgate, 1902, A.M., 1906, D.D.. 1923, also B.D. from same college, 1936; grad. Hamilton Theol. Sem., 1905; m. Fanny Vail, author, 15 Aug. 1906; chil- dren—Ralph Vail, Carolyn Virginia. Or- dained Bapt. ministry, 1905; pastor 1st Ch., St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1905-09, 1st Ch., Bridgeton, N.J., 1909-12; asst. sec. Am. Bapt. Fgn. Mission Soc, Boston, 1913; pastor Garfield Park Ch., Chicago, 1913- 17; dir. religious edn., Bapt. Exec. Coun- cil, Chicago, 1917-23 ; acting pastor North Shore Ch., Chicago, 1 Sept. 1923-1 May 1924; pastor First Bapt. Ch., Brattle- boro, Vt., 1 Oct. 1924-1 Sept. 1927; pastor First Bapt. Ch., Scranton, Pa., 1 Sept. 1927-1 Nov. 1929, First Bapt. Ch., Wake- field, Mass., 1929-35; pastor at large, special work for chs. and pastors, 1935- 37; interim pastor Mt. Lebanon Ch., Pittsburgh, 1937-40; interim pastor Mt. Pleasant Bapt. Ch., Providence, R.I., 2 yrs.; now pastor South Hills Bapt. Ch., Cleveland, O. Former mem. Exec. Com. and Com. on Ministry, Northern Baptist Conv. Pres. Cleveland Bapt. Ministers Assn. Mem. Theological Club, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Beta Kappa. Repub- lican. Mason. Author: How to Conduct a Church Vacation School, 1921; Evange- lism of Youth, 1922; Stories for Young Americans, 1923. Joint compiler of Liv- ing Hymns, 1923; (with Mrs. Gage) Stor- ies of Jesus, 1925; A Bigger, Better Sun- day School, 1927; The House of Friend- ship, 1929; Increasing Church School At- tendance, 1938; Increasing Church At- tendance, 1941. Home: 4301 W. 28th St., Cleveland, O. McGOORTY, John (Patrick), judge; b. Conneaut, O. ; s. Peter and Mary (Gaffney) McG. ; grad. Chicago Coll. Law, 1892; LL.B., Lake Forest Univ., 1893; m. Mary E. Wiggins, 30 Nov. 1893 (died 11 Feb. 1920) ; children— John Pat- rick, Mary Francis (dec), Margaret Theresa, Elizabeth Barbara, Robert Ed- ward, Peter Joseph; m. (2d) Florence E. Carey, 7 Sept. 1921 (died 3 Sept. 1944). Admitted to 111. bar, 1892, and began practice at Chicago, 111.; was mem. Mc- Goorty & Pollock. Mem. HI. Ho. of Rep., 1896-1906 (minority leader of House 368 1899) ; formerly mem. Chicago Charter Conv.; judge, Circuit Ct., 111., 1911-23 (assigned to Appellate Court, 1915-21); judge, Superior Court, Cook County, 1923-30 and since 1931; chief justice Criminal Court Cook County, 1930-31. Maj., judge advocate Organized Re- serves, U.S. Army (now retired). Mem. exec. com. Catholic Charities; mem. adv. com. Chicago Boy Scouts of Amer- ica; acting chmn. Chicago Recreation Commn.; co-chmn. Chicago Round Ta- ble Conf. of Christians and Jews. Mem. Am., HI. State and Chicago bar assns., Chicago Assn. Commerce (111. relations com.), Ohio Soc, Wis. Soc, Travelers Aid Society of Chicago. Mem. K.C., Catholic Order of Foresters, Royal Ar- canum, Hibernians. Democrat. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Iroquois, Irish Execu- tives, Fellowship, Forty, Olympia Coun- try, White Lake Golf. Home: 929 E. 45th St., Chicago, 111. Address: County Bldg., Chicago, HI. NOLAND, Stephen Croan, editor; b. Richland Twp., Madison Co., Ind., 5 Aug. 1887; s. John Henry and Leonora (Croan) N.; student Harvard, 1910-13; m. Teresa Murray, 11 June 1913; chil- dren — John Henry (dec), Elizabeth Anne (Mrs. Bruce Hunt Fernald), Ste- phen Murray, David Blair. Began work in construction engineering, 1906; edi- torial assistant Indianapolis News, 1914- 17, library director and editorial writer, same, 1919-33, editor since Jan. 1934. Mem. Ind. Com. Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Library; chmn. U.S. Benja- min Harrison Memorial Comnm.; chmn. Ind. Econ. Council; mem. bd. mgrs. Marion County Tuberculosis Hospital; mem. Ind. Council on Crime and De- linquency. Commd. 1st It., U.S. Army, Nov. 1917, with A.E.F. in France; hon. disch., Feb. 1919. Mem. Am. Soc. News- paper Editors, Ind. Historical Soc, So- ciety Indiana Pioneers (v.p.), Indiana- polis Chamber of Commerce, Indiana Academy of Science, American Legion (chmn. bd. of publications of Indiana dept.), Military Order Fgn. Wars, Mil. Order Loyal Legion, Sigma Delta Chi. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Har- vard of Indiana, Harvard of New York, City, Indianapolis Press, Indianapolis Literary, Service, Portfolio. Author: Sam Blick's Diary, 1922. Contbr. to mags.; editor in chief Citizens Hist. As- sn. Home: 3268 Washington Blvd., Indi- anapolis, Ind. Address: The News, In- dianapolis, Ind. OWENS, Grover Thomas, lawyer; b. Yellville, Ark., 26 Nov. 1887; s. James Spencer and Caroline (Duren) O.; stu- dent Springfield (Mo.) State Normal Sen., 1904-06; LL.B., Univ. of Ark., 1911; m. Ruby Johnson, 7 Oct. 1914; 1 dau., Olivia. Admitted to Ark. bar, 1911 and since practiced in Little Rock; sr. part- ner of Owens, Ehrman & McHaney. Mem. Ark. State Senate, 1919-23; pres. Community Chest, 1931; chmn. bd. of dirs. Ark. State Chamber of Commerce since 1939. Mem. Little Rock Chamber of Commerce (pres. 1936). Mem. Delta Theta Phi. Democrat. Episcopalian. Ma- son (K.T., 32d deg.). Clubs: Country, University (Little Rock) ; University (St. Louis). Home: 19 Edgehill Rd., Little Rock, Ark. Office: Pyramid Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. MARQUETTE, Bleecker, housing and health administrator; b. Whitehall, N. Y., 7 Sept. 1892; s. Edward Franklin and Catherine (Heysette) M. ; A.B., Cor- nell, 1915; special courses Sorbonne, Pa- ris, summer of 1912; m. Lillian Utley, 28 July 1916 (div. 1941); 1 dau., Marjorie; m. (2d) Frances Colter Stuart, 14 Aug. 1941. Hd. Dept. of French, Schenectady (N.Y.) High Sen., 1912-13; asst. sec. New York Tenement House Com., 1915-18; exec. sec. Better Housing League of Cin- cinnati since 1918. Pub. Health Fed. of Cincinnati since 1921; sec. Cincinnati Anti-Tuberculosis League since 1926; consultant Cincinnati Metropolitan Hous- ing Authority; past chmn. Nat. Com. of Health Council Execs.; mem. bd. Nat. Tuberculosis Assn.; chmn. Com. on Health and Housing A.P.H.A. and N.A. H.A.; chmn. com. on postwar housing, National Assn. Housing Officials, (past president Assn.); mem. exec. com. on study of voluntary health agencies, Na- tional Health Council; fellow Am. Public Health Assn. (mem. com. on hygiene of housing; committee on qualifications of executives of voluntary health agen- cies) ; past president Ohio Mental Hy- giene Assn., Ohio Welfare Conference and Cincinnati chapt. of Am. Assn. of Social Workers; mem. Am. Inst, on City Planning; mem. of the National Con- ference of Tuberculosis Secretaries; hon. mem. Cincinnati Acad, of Med. and of Cincinnati Dental Soc; mem. bd. Pub. Dental Service Soc; mem. Central Mental Hygiene Clinic, Social Hygiene Soc, Shoemaker Center. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Studied England's health ins. plan, 1927, also housing in Europe, 1935. Author: Chapter on volun- tary health agencies in "Administrative Medicine." Co-author: A Housing Man- ual for Teachers. Contbr. of articles on 369 housing and public health. Home: 710 Ivy Av., Glendale, O. Office: 312 W. 9th St., Cincinnati, O. NEWTON, Carl Elbridge, pres. C.&O. Ry.; b. Somerville, Mass., 22 Aug. 1898; s. Elbridge Ward and Adelaide Louise (Veazie) N. ; student Tufts Coll.; grad. U.S. Coast Arty. Sen., Fortress Monroe, Va., 1918; B.S., Dartmouth Coll., 1920; hon. B.A. in Jurisprudence, Oxford Univ. Eng., 1922, B.C.L., 1923; grad. student, Harvard Law Sen., 1924; m. Mary Bar- row, 12 June 1926; children— Sallie Bar- row, William Elbridge, Thomas Vesey. Asso. witth law firm Rearick, Dorr, Trav- is & Marshall, New York, 1924-25; asst. U.S. atty., Southern Dist. of N.Y., 1925- 27; spl. asst. counsel to gubernatorial commrs. in investigation of Borough of Queens, 1928; apptd. spl. asst. atty. gen., State of N.Y., 1928; asso. with law firm White & Case, N.Y. City, 1929-33; mem. firm Donovan, Leisure, Newton & Lum- bard, N.Y. City and Washington, D.C., 1934-42; pres. and dir. C.&O. Ry. since 1942; apptd. deputy coal mines adminstr. for U.S. Govt., 29 June 1943. Served as 1st It., U.S. Army, World War I. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Bar Assn. City of New York, Soc. Mayflower Descs., S.R.A., Phi Beta Kappa, Zeta Psi. Awarded Rhodes Scholarship, State of N.H., 1920. Conglist. Office: Terminal Tower, Cleve- land, O. ROSENDAHL, Carl Otto, botanist; b. Spring Grove, Minn., 24 Oct. 1875; s. Paul H. and Gunhild (Braaten) R.; B.S., Univ. of Minn., 1901, M.A., 1902; Ph.D., Univ. of Berlin, 1905; m. Olga Glasoe, 30 Dec. 1909; children— Frederick Gla- soe, Russell Otto, Paul Robert, Helen Mildred. Instr. botany, Univ. of Minn., 1901-02; asst. Geol. and Natural History Survey of Minn., 1902-03; asst. prof, bot- any, Univ. of Minn., 1905-10, prof, since 1910, chmn. dept. of botany, 1917-24, act- ing chmn., 1930-36, chmn., 1936-44, prof, emeritus, 1944. Fellow A.A.A.S., Am. Geog. Soc; mem. Bot. Soc. America, Ecol. Soc. Am., Biol. Soc. Washington, Bot. Verein Prov. Brandenburg, Am. Soc. Naturalists, Torrey Bot. Club, Am. Soc. of Plant Taxcncmists, Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Kappa, Acacia, Theta Chi, Gamma Alpha. Republican. Lutheran. Mason. Joint Author: Trees and Shrubs of Minnesota, 1928; A Guide to the Spring Flowers of Minnesota, 1931. Con- tbr. to scientific periodicals. Home: 2191 Commonwealth Av., St. Paul, Minn. SCHWARTZ, John P., pres. Des Moines Still Coll.; b. Batavia, N.Y., 13 Jan. 1898; s. Louis Joseph and Kather ine (Newer) S.; D.O., Am. Sch. Osteo- pathy, Kirksville, Mo., 1919; grad. work Des Moines Still Coll., 1919-20; m. Ber- tha Hamilton Peard, 22 July 1921; chil- dren — John, Mary Elizabeth, Louis Jo- seph. Osteopathic surgeon Des Moines Gen. Hosp., 1920-22, asst. surgeon, 1922- 26; pres. and chief surgeon Des Moines Gen. Hosp., since 1926; dean Des Moines Still Coll., 1926-42, pres., 1942-44; retired, 1944. Pres. Am. Coll. Osteopathic Sur- geons, 1938. Trustee Des Moines Still Coll., Des Moines Gen. Hosp., Founda- tion of Des Moines Still Coll. Fellow Am. Coll. Osteopathic Surgeons; mem. Am. Osteopathic Assn., la. State Osteopathic Assn., Polk County Osteopathic Assn., Psi Sigma Slpha. K.C. Club: Atlas. Home: 4242 Woodlawn Dr. Office: 603 E. 12th St., Des Moines, la. SEASHORE, Carl Emil, coll. dean; b. Morlunda, Sweden, 28 Jan. 1866; s. Carl Gustaf and Emily Charlotta (Borg) S.; A.B., Gustavus Adolphus Coll., 1891, D. Litt., 1937; Ph.D., Yale, 1895, Sc.D., 1935; LL.D., Wittenberg Coll., 1927; Sc. D., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1931; LL.D., Un- iv. of Southern Calif., 1935; L.H.D., Au- gustana Coll.. 1939; Mus.D., Chicago Mu- sical Coll., 1939; m. Mary Roberta Holmes, 7 June 1900; children— Robert Holmes, Carl Gustav, Marion Dubois, Sigfrid. Asst. in Psychol. Lab., Yale, 1895-97; asst. prof, philosophy, State Un- iv. of la., 1897-1902, prof, psychology since 1902, head dept. psychology, 1905- 37, dean Grad. Coll., 1908-37, dean emer- itus since 1937, dean protem, 1941-45. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sciences, Acoustical Soc. Am., Am. Acad. Polit. Science, Am. Psychol. Assn. (pres. 1911), Sigma Xi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Gamma Alpha, Phi Delta Kappa, Laureate in Educa- tion of Kappa Delta Phi; chmn. div. an- thropology and psychology, Nat. Re- search Council, 1921-22; chmn. div. an- thropology and psychology, Nat. Acad. Science, 1933-39; fellow A.A.A.S., Soc. Exptl. Psychologists (hon.) British Psy- chological Assn. Author: Elementary Experiments in Psychology, 1908; Psy- chology in Daily Life, 1913; The Psychol- ogy of Musical Talent, 1919 ; Introduction to Psychology, 1922; Learning and Liv- ing in College, 1927; Trends in Graduate Study, 1931; Psychol, of Music, 1938; A Preview to College and Life, 1938; The Junior College Movement, 1941 ; Why We Love Music, 1941; Pioneering in Psy- chology, 1942; also papers on work and fatigue, mental work, illusions, psychol- ogy of music, gifted students, etc. Edi- tor: Univ. of Iowa Studies in Psychol- 3T0 ogy, vols. 2-12; Studies in the Psychology of Music. Originator, Seashore Measures of Musical Talents, 1919, revised, 1939. Address: Iowa City, la. NORRELL, William (Frank), con- gressman; b. Milo, Ark., 29 Aug. 1896; s. I. F. and Elvie Norrell; ed. Ark. A. and M. Coll., Coll. of the Ozarks, Ark. Law School; LL.D., College of the Oz- arks, 1941; m. Catherine Dorris, 26 Oct. 1922; 1 dau.,— Judy. Admitted to Ark. bar, 1920, and began practice in Mon- ticello; mem. 76 to 78th Congresses (1939-45), 6th Ark. Dist.; mem. Ark. Sen- ate 8 yrs., pres. of Senate 4 yrs. Served in Q.M.C., U.S. Army during World War. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Ark. State Bar Assn. Democrat. Baptist. Ma- son (32d deg., Order of High Priesthood, past master), Eastern Star (grand pa- tron for Ark. 1939). Club: Lions (Monti- cello). Has served as acting gov. of Ark. Home: Monticello, Ark. DAWSON, Mitchell, lawyer; writer; b. Chicago, 111., 13 May 1890; s. George El- lis and Eva (Manierre) D.; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1911, J.D., 1913; m. Rose Hahn, 8 Mar. 1921; children — Hilary, Jill, Gregory. Admitted to 111. bar, 1913, and practiced since at Chicago; mem. Dawson & Dawson, 1917-26 and 1933-35, Dawson, Dawson & Schneberger, 1926- 33; now in pvt. practice. Served with Ambulance Service, U.S. Army, July 1917-Mar. 1918; sergt. Intelligence Corps, U.S. Army, Mar. 1918-Jan. 1919. Dir. and sec.-treas. Chicago Civic Broadcast Bur., 1934-35; mem. exec. com. Cook Co. Consumers Council, 1933-35; mem. Adult Edn. Council of Chicagb (dir.); chmn. Winnetka Caucus Com., 1945. Mem. Chicago Bar Assn. (pub. rela- tions counsel, chmn. pub. relations com. 1934-37), 111. State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn. (chmn. public relations com. of sect, on bar orgn. activities 1936-38; mem. com. on econ. condition of the bar 1937-39); Chicago Law Inst., Delta Chi, Author's League of America. Club: City (v.p.). Editor: Chicago Bar Record, 1934-35 and 1939-42. Contributed column of legal comment to Chicago Daily News and other papers, 1926-31; contbr. to Harper's, Atlantic, New Yorker, Satur- day Evening Post, etc. Lecturer on newspaper law, Medill Sen. of Journa- lism, Northwestern Univ., 1943-44. Home: 795 Lincoln Av., Winnetka, 111. Office: First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. ROBINSON, James Hathaway, educa- tor, sociologist, and social welfare exec; b. Sharpsburg, Ky., 6 Oct. 1892; s. Nathaniel and Martha (Summers) R. ; A.B., magna cum laude, Fisk U., Nash- ville, Tenn., 1911; A.B., Yale Univ., 1912; A.M., 1914; Ph.D., 1934; student Colum- bia Univ., 1914-15; N.Y. Sch. of Social Work, 1915; Univ. of Cincinnati Teachers Coll. (part time), 1915-18; m. Neola E. Woodson, 2 Dec. 1916 (died 2 July 1928) ; children — James Hathaway, Jr., Jeanne Catherine (Mrs. Forrester Lee) ; m. 2d, Mrs. Anne McLeod Brummitt, 28 Jan. 1937; 1 step-son, Houston Brummit. Teacher, Cincinnati pub. sch., 1915-17; with Cincinnati Community Chest and Council of Social Agencies, 1917-28; leader in founding and exec. sec. Negro Civic Welfare Assn.; co-leader in found- ing and supt. Shoemaker Health and Welfare Center; instr. in sociology and community civics, Hampden (Va.) Inst., summer, 1918; prof, sociology and social administrn., Wilberforce Univ., O., 1933- 40; instr. sociology, Lincoln Univ., Jef- ferson City, Mo., summer, 1935; acting dean of Coll. of Liberal Arts, Wilberforce Univ., 1940-41, dean and prof, sociology and social administration since 1941; es- tablished and administered engring., sci- ence, management War Training Courses, U.S. Office of Edn., 1942-43; Ohio State supervisor of Negro activities of Nat. Youth Adminstrn. ; founder and former pres. Ohio Conf. of Social Work Among Negroes, now mem. exec, com.; pres. Fisk Univ. Alumni Assn.; dir. re- search, Fraternal Council Negro Chs. Mem. N.E.A., Am. Hist. Assn., Am. Ac- ademy Political and Social Sciences, William Graham Summer Club, A.A.A. S., Alpha Phi Alpha. Mem. African M.E. Ch. Author: Year Book of Negro Chs., 1940; also many arts, on Negro social and edn. work. Home: 3021 Melrose Av., Cincinnati, O. Address: Wilberforce Un- iv., Wilberforce, O. SCISM, Don, newspaper editor; b. Bloomfield, Mo., 1 Sept 1893; s. William Luther and Bertha (Reed) S. ; grad. high sch., Bloomfield; grad. S.E. Mo. State Teachers Coll., Cape Girardeau, Mo.; m. Opal Osman, 17 July 1922; children- Ruth Elizabeth, Robert Bruce, Nancy Jane. Prin. ward sch., South St. Louis, Mo., 1915-17; reporter Evansville (Ind.) Courier, 1920-22, city editor, 1922-24, edi- tor since 1924. Served as pvt. U.S. Army in Co. M, 138th Inf., 35th Div., in Fr., World War. Mason (32d deg.). Mem. Am. Soc. Newspaper Editors. Club: Ev- ansville Country. Home: 512 S. Wein- bach Av., Evansville, Ind. Address: Ev- ansville Courier, Evansville, Ind. 371 SCHUPP, Robert William, lawyer; b. Chicago, HI., 4 Jan. 1890; s. Philip and Caroline (Regensberger) S.; grad. Crane Tech. High Sen., 1908; LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1911; m. Edwina Crittenden; 1 dau., Ada. Practiced at Chicago since 1911; with Adams, Fol- lansbee, Hawley & Shorey, 1911-20, mem. of firm, 1920, of successor, Fol- lansbee, Shorey & Schupp in 1925. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Law Club, Legal Club, Order of Coif. Club: University. Home: 94 Essex Road, Winnetka, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. KING, Tom (Thomas Raymond), Dem. Nat. committeeman; b. Rantoul, Wis., 15 May 1891; s. Charles and Cath- erine (Carroll) K.; student Oshkosh Nor- mal Sen., 1912-14, Stevens Point Normal Sen., 1916-17; m. Grace Beiter, 22 Oct. 1924; children — Betty Ann, Mary Cather- ine, Thomas Patrick. Fieldman Carna- tion Milk Co., 1930; organized King's Dairy, Oconomowoc, Wis., 1930, now sole owner. Chmn. Waukesha Co. Dem. Com., 1932-40; chmn. Dem. State Cen- tral Com., and mem. Dem. Nat. Com., 1940-44. Served in World War. Mem. Am. Legion. Chamber of Commerce. K.C., Cath. Order of Foresters. Catholic. Home: 506 W. Wisconsin Av., Oconomo- woc, Wis. Office: 312 E. Wisconsin Av., Oconomowoc, Wis. GALLAGHER, Michael, pub. utilities; b. Latrobe, Pa., 3 Sept. 1870; s. William and Mary (Welsh) G.; ed. pub. sen.; m. Sarah Luella Humphreyville, 10 May 1891; children — Pauline (Mrs. Baird R. Tewksbury), William, Mary (Mrs. H. Church Bacon), Helen (Mrs. William E. Woods), Sarah. Began as coal operator, 1893. Now asst. to pres., N.Y.C. & St. L. R.R. Co., and director; Pres. Peoples Nat. Bank, Mt. Pleasant, O.; chmn. bd. The Midland Steamship Line, Inc., Cleveland. Mem. Ohio Soc. of New York. Clubs: Cloud, Nat. Re- publican (New York) Union and Pepper Pike (Cleveland), Fort Henry (Wheel- ing, W. Va.). Home: 3001 Fairmount Blvd., Cleveland Heights, Cleveland, O. Office: Terminal Tower Bldg., Cleve- land, O. SCHAFFNER, Robert C, chmn. bd. A. G. Becker & Co., Inc.; b. Chicago, 111., 6 July 1876; s. Herman and Rachel M. (Becker) S.; ed. Chicago pub. sens.; m. Frances Stettauer, 18 Oct. 1905. Chmn. A. G. Becker & Co., Inc., Chi- cago, 111.; pres. Consol. Dearborn Corp.; dir. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Ham- mermill Paper Co., Penick & Ford, Ltd., Valley Mould & Iron Corp. Clubs: Tavern, Lake Shore Country, Standard; Mid-Day (New York); Bond Men's of Chicago. Home: 100 Ravine Dr., High- land Park, 111. Office: 120 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. MORRIS, Constance Lily, writer; b. N.Y. City; d. V. Henry and Josephine (Wolf) Rothschild; ed. St. Mary's Sch. and Wellesley Coll. ; m. Ira Nelson Mor- ris; children — Contance Irene, Ira Vic- tor. Episcopalian. Clubs: Arts (Chi- cago) ; Woman's University, Nat. Pen- women's (New York) ; Woman's Univer- sity (Boston) ; Essex Country (Manches- ter, Mass.) ; Ranelagh, Women's Univer- sity (London) ; St. Cloud (Paris) ; Na- tional Country. Mem. Soc. of Oxford Home Students of Oxford Univ. Author: On Tour with Queen Marie, 1926; Behind Moroccan Walls, 1931; Maria Theresa — The Last Conservative, 1937. Home: 219 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. NICKELL, Vernon Lewis, state supt. of sens.; b. Bellflower, 111., 2 Mar 1891; s. Elias D. and Ida Mae (Lewis) N.; grad. 111. Wesleyan Acad., 1914; student 111. Wesleyan Univ., 3 yrs.; B.E., 111. State Normal Univ., 1929; M.A., Univ. of 111., 1932; Ed.D. (hon.) 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1944; m. Leta O. Nofzigger, 1916; children — Geraldine, Maxine (Mrs. Thomas Riggs). Began as rural sch. teacher, 1909; supt. sens., Champaign, 111., 1930-1 Jan. 1943; state supt. of schs. since 11 Jan. 1943. Served on many lo- cal civic welfare corns.; pres. County Tuberculosis Assn.; past pres. Arrow- head Council of Boy Scouts of America; mem. Nursing Sch. Com. Burnham City Hosp. Mem. N.E.A., 111. Edn. Assn. (past pres.), East Central Dist., Kappa Phi Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa, Kapna Delta Pi. Republican. Mason, Elk. Methodist. Club: Exchange. Home: 802 W. Daniel St., Champaign, 111. Address: Room 100 Centennial Bldg., Springfield, 111. HUTCHINSON, B. Edwin, mfr.; b. Chicago, 111., 2 Oct. 1888; s. Octavus Nelson and Sarah Adeline (Johnson) H.; student Mass. Inst. Tech., 1909; m. Hel- en Monks, 20 June 1912; children— John M. S., Thayer (Mrs. W. D. Laurie, Jr.), Richard Hemenway. V.p. Chrysler Corp. since 1924, also dir., and since July 1935, chmn. finance com.; mem. corp. Mass. Inst. Tech. Mem. Soc. Automotive En- grs., Detroit Engring. Soc, Newcomen Soc. Republican. Home: 372 Lakeland 372 Av., Grosse Pointe, Mich. Office: 341 Massachusetts Av., Detroit, Mich. METCALF, Clell Lee, entomologist; b. Lakeville, O., 26 Mar. 1888; s. Abel Crawford and Catherine (Fulmer) M.; A.B., Ohio State Univ., 1911, A.M., 1912, D.Sc, Harvard, 1919; m. Cleo Esther Fouch, 31 Dec. 1908; children— Robert Lee, James Richard. Asst., Ohio State Univ., 1911-12; asst. entomologist, N.C. Dept. Agr., 1912-14; asst. prof, entomol- ogy, Ohio State Univ., 1914-19, prof., 1920-21, prof, entomology and head of dept., Univ. of 111., since 1921; chmn. div. of biological sciences, 1936-38, sec- retary of the same since 1938 ; consulting entomologist, Maine Expt. Station, sum- mers, 1915-17; teacher of biology, Cor- nell Univ., summers, 1918, 19; field en- tomologist, New York State Museum, summer, 1929. Chmn. bd. of dirs. Univ. Y.M.C.A.; dir. Illini Pest Control and Service Co. Fellow Entomol. Soc. Am. (sec.-treas. 1921-25; v.p. 1926; pres. 1934), A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Assn. Econ. Entomologists (v.p. 1940), Am. Assn. Un- iv. Professors, 111. Acad. Sci., Eugene Field Soc, Sigma Xi (pres. 111. Chapter, 1937-38), Gamma Alpha. Methodist. Clubs: Rotary, Chaos, Dial, Urbana Golf and Country (bd. mgr. since 1933). Au- thor: Destructive and Useful Insects (with W. P. Flint), 2d edition, 1939; Key to the Principal Orders and Families of Insects (with Zeno Payne Metcalf), 1928; Fundamentals of Insect Life (with W. P. Flint), 1932; Insects— Man's Chief Com- petitors (with W. P. Flint), Century of Progress Series, 1932. Contbr. bulls, and arts, on biology and entomology. Home: 704 Pennsylvania Av., Urbana, 111. McPHERREN, Charles Elmo, lawyer; b. Pleasant Grove, Miss., 16 June 1875; s. Andrew M. and Fanny E. (Boxley) McP.; student Franklin Coll., Pilot Point, Tex., 1889-93; LL.B., Univ. of Miss., 1896; m. 2d, Maude A. Moore; children (by first marriage)— Charles J., Margaret Jane, John Martin, David A. Admitted to Tex. bar, 1896, practicing at Pilot Point; practiced at Caddo and Du- rant, Okla., 1897-1924, at Oklahoma City since 1924; mem. firm McPherren & Ma- uer. Sergt. U.S. Vol. Cav. (Roosevelt- Rough Riders), 1898; now major gener- al, retired, U.S. Army; grad. Army War Coll., Command and Gen. Staff Sch. at Ft. Leavenworth (Kan.). Mem. Okla. State Senate, 1921-25. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Okla. State Bar Assn., Alpha Sigma Phi. Democrat. Methodist. Clubs: Oklahoma, Army and Navy Club. Home : 1220 W. 20th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Office: Perrine Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. MITCHELL, (Alexander) (Baldwin), lawyer; b. Lawrence, Kan., 21 Oct. 1893; s. Alexander Clark and Helen Martha (Baldwin) M.; LL.B., Kansas Univ., 1917; m. Edna M. Davis, 16 June 1917; children— Alexander Clark, Andrew Da- vis. County attorney (Douglas), 1921-25; city atty., Lawrence, Kan., 1928-32; asst. atty. gen., Kansas, 1939-43; atty. gen. since 1943. Served in World War. Mem. Kan. State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn. Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Delta Phi, Sa- chem. Presbyterian. Republican. Home: 1435 MacVicar, Topeka, Kan. Address: State House, Topeka, Kan. MYERS, Edward Morrison, physi- cian; b. Otley, la., 12 May 1872; s. Thomas Johnson and Elizabeth Jane (Morrison) M.; A.B., la. Wesleyan Univ., 1893, A.M., 1896; M.D., North- western Univ., 1900; m. Margaret Ross, 24 Sept. 1914; children — Edward Morri- son, John Ross. House staff Mercy Hosp., Chicago, 1900-02; attending sur- geon, Boone (la.) Co. Hosp., since 1902; mem. Drs. Myers, Whitehill and Whita- ker Clinic, Boone, la., since 1920; pres. la. State Bd. Health, 1934-44 ; now super- intendent Woodward (la.) State Hospital for Epileptics and School for Feeble Minded. Served as captain medical corps, Iowa Nat. Guard, 1906-16. Pres. Miss. Valley Med. Soc, 1943-44. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. A.M. A., la. State Med. Soc. (trustee 1930-37, pres. 1937-38), Boone County Med. Soc, Iowa Hist. Soc, Iowa State College of Sur- geons (chmn. 1935), Phi Delta Theta, Phi Rho Sigma. Republican. Methodist. Mason, Elk. Club: Rotary of Boone (charter mem.; past pres.). Address: Woodward, la. NELSON, (Carl) Ferdinand, prof, chemistry; b. Morlunda, Sweden, 25 May 1882; s. Nels Aaron and Christina Maria N. ; brought to U.S. in childhood; A.B., Univ. of Wis., 1908, A.M., 1910, Ph.D., 1912; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., Chi- cago, 1917; m. Hearty Earl Brown, 18 Aug. 1919; children— Arthur Hunt, Carl Stanley. Instr. chemistry, Univ. of la., 1908-11; fellow in chemistry, Univ. of Wis., 1911-12; instr. chemistry, Univ. of 111., 1912-13; asst. prof, chemistry, 1913, asso. prof., 1914, prof, and head of dept. since 1918, Univ. of Kan. Mem. Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists, Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Medical Assn., Kan. Acad. Science, Gamma Alpha, Sigma Xi. Conglist. Club: University. Contbr. numerous ar- 373 tides in Jour. Biol. Chemistry, Jour, of Pathology and Bacteriology, Jour, of Kan. Med. Assn., etc. Home: Lawrence, Kan. NOLLEN, John Scholte, educator, sec; b. Pella, la., 15 Jan. 1869; s. John and Johanna Sara Susanna (Scholte) N. ; A.B., Central Coll. of Iowa, 1885, Litt.D., 1943; A.B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1888, LL.D., 1910; Ph.D., Leipzig, 1893; L.H.D. Grinnell, 1940; graduate study, Zurich, 1890-91, Leipzig, 1891-92, Paris, 1892-93, Berlin, 1900-01; m. Emeline Barstow Bartlett, 11 Sept. 1906 (died 10 Nov. 19 10); children — Anna Barstow (Mrs. John K. Eilert), Emeline Bartlett; m. 2d, Louise Stevens Bartlett, 25 June 1914. Instr. Central Coll. of Iowa, 1885-87; tu- tor, Cham, Switzerland, 1888-90; prof, modern langs., la. (now Grinnell) Coll., 1893-1903; prof. German, Ind. Univ., 1903-07; pres. Lake Forest (HI.) Univ., 1907-18; served as gen. sec, work with the Italian Army, Internat. Com. Y.M. C.A., 1918-20; with Am. Red Cross Com- mn. to Europe, 1920; dean of Grinnell Coll., 1920-31, acting pres., 1931, pres., 1931-40, pres. emeritus since 1940. On leave of absence, at Pomona and Scripps colleges, Claremont, Calif., 1927- 28; delegate to World Conf. on Faith and Order, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1927. Moderator, Congregational Christian Conf. of la., 1935-36. Mem. la. State Bd. of Ednl. Examiners, 1933-40. Gov. Neb.- Ia. Dist. Kiwanis Internat., 1936; chmn. la. -Finnish Relief (under Herbert Hoov- er), 1939-40; state chmn. Defense War Savings Committee for Iowa since 1941. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Modern Lang. Assn. of Am., Religious Ednl. Assn., N.E.A., English-Speaking Union. Iowa Historical Soc, Goethe Gesellschaft, Newcomen Society; pres. Presbyn. So- cial Union, Chicago, 1910-11; pres. Assn. Am. Colls., 1917-18; pres. la. Assn. of Coll. Presidents, 1932-33. Decorated Ita- lian War Cross and Comd. Order of Crown of Italy. Conglist. Clubs : Grinnell Country. Kiwanis (pres. 1925), Powshiek. Author: Goethe's Gotz von Berlichingen auf der Buhne, 1893; Chronology and Practical Bibliography of Modern Ger- man Literature, 1903; Outline History of Modern German Literature for Lake German Series, 1903; Two Addresses, 1907; What is That in Thy Hand?, 1911; The Warfare of Peace, 1913; God and the Nations, 1914; Think on These Things, 1915. Editor: Kleist's Prinz Friedrich von Homburg, 1899; Schiller's Poems, 1905; Schiller's Maria Stuart, 1909; German Poems, 1800-50, 1912. Con-- tbr. to various philol. and lit. mags, and to the German Classics, 1913. Home: Grinnell, la. NORMS, George William, ex-senator; b. on farm, Sandusky County, O., 11 July 1861; worked out for farmers, sum- mers, and attended sch. winters; after- wards taught sch. in order to earn the means for higher edn.; attended Bald- win Univ., Ohio, and Northern Ind. Nor- mal Sch.; studied law while teaching and later finished law course at Val- paraiso Univ.; admitted to bar, 1883, but taught 1 yr. in order to get means to purchase a law library; moved to Nebr., 1885; m. Pluma Lashley, 1890 (died 1901); children— Mrs. Hazel Rob- ertson, Mrs. Marian Nelson, Mrs. Ger- trude Rath; m. (2d) Ellie Leonard, 1903. Prosecuting attorney 3 terms; judge 14th Neb. Dist., 1895-1902; mem. 58th to 62d Congresses (1903-13), 5th Neb. Dist. ; U.S. Senator, 5 terms, 1913-43 (re- elected, 5th term as Independent Re- publican). Led fight in Ho. of Rep., which overthrew "Cannonism"; secured the enactment of the Anti-Injunction Act and the Muscle Shoals Act; father of the Twentieth Amendment to the Con- stitution, and of the unicameral legisla- ture in the state of Neb. ; chmn. National Progressive League for Roosevelt as President, 1932. Republican. Address: McCook, Neb. Died, 2 Sept. 1944. McCULLOCH, Charles Alexander, of- ficer corps.; b. Chicago, HI., 2 Dec. 1875; s. William W. and Agnes (Alexan- der) MacC. Circulation mgr. Chicago Evening Post, 1892-98; gen. mgr. Frank pnrrnelee Transfer Co., 1898-1919, pres., 1919-28; vice-pres. Yellow Cab Mfg. Co., 1918-26; chmn. bd. and treas. John R. Thompson Co. until 1932; formerly dir. of Balaban & Katz Corp., Paramount Publix Corp., First Nat. Bank of Chi- cago, Omnibus Corp., Chicago Motor Coach Co., Chicago, Corp.; receiver, Middle West Utilities Co. ; dir. and mem. exec com., The Texas Co., p. dir. Com- monwealth Edison Co.; trustee Field Museum of Natural History; trustee, Northwestern Univ. Mason. Mem. Royal League. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Post and Paddock; New York Athletic; Bath (Miami Beach, Fla.); Bath and Indian Creek (Miami Beach, Fla.). Home: 179 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111.; (win- ter) : 21 La Gorce Drive, Miami Beach, Fla. Address: The Texas Co., 332 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. PTJLLIAM, Eugene Collins, newspaper pub.; b. Grant Co., Kan., 3 May 1889; 374 s. Irvin Brown ana Martha Elian (Col- lins) P.; grad. prep, sen., Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kan., 1906; student De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind, 1906-10; m. Myr- ta Smith, 1912 (died 1917); 1 son— Eu- gene Smith; m. 2d, 1919 (div. 1940); children— Corinne, Suzanne; m. 3d, Nina G. Mason, 1941. Began as reporter Kan. City (Mo.) Star, 1910-12; editor Atchison (Kan.) Champion, 1912-15, Franklin (Ind.) Star, 1915-23; pub. Lebanon (Ind.) Reporter since 1923; pres., publisher In- dianapolis Star, Indianapolis, Ind. and Muncie Star, Muncie, Ind.; president Central Newspapers, Inc., Lebanon Newspapers, Inc., Vincennes (Indiana) Newspapers, Inc., Radio Station WAOV; pres. and exec, head Indianapolis Broadcasting, Inc. (owners station WI RE); dir. Boone Co. Bank. President Network Affiliates, Inc. Chmn. Indiana War Finance Com. Mem. Ind. State Po- lice Bd. Trustee De Pauw Univ., Green- castle, Ind. Founder Sigma Delta Chi (nat. journalistic fraternity; mem. exec, council); mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Methodist. Mason. Elk. Clubs: Rotary, Ulen Country (Lebanon) ; Columbia, In- dianapolis Athletic, Woodstock, High- land Country (Indianapolis); Nat. Press (Washington, D.C.). Home: 4805 Kessler Blvd. Office: Central Newspapers, Inc., Claypool Hotel Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. WEIGER, Joseph A., exec; b. Read- ing, Pa., 2 Apr. 1893; s. David Weiger and Anna C. (Haik) W.; ed. Reading, Pa., high sch.; B.S. (in Chem. Eng.), Univ. Pa., 1916; m. Helen Marie Coch- rane of W. Hoboken, N. J., 22 Apr. 1922; children — Joseph A., Jr., Robert W. Re- search and develop, engr., Independent Lamp & Wire Co., 1916-21; chief engr., Elkon Works Div., Gen. Elec. Co., 1921- 25; in metall. develop, and production. P. R. Mallory & Co., Inc., 1925-35, v.p., 1935 — ; spl. achievements: commercial develop., improvements and inventions covering tungsten, molybdenum, silver alloy and precious metal for elec. make and break contacts; inventor, developer of hard, high conductivity, heat resist- ant alloys for electrical resistance and arc welding, for contacts and contactors for internal combustion engines, and for applications where high strength and high density are required; mem. Am. Welding Soc, Am. Chem. Soc; Clubs: Columbia, Indianapolis Athletic (both of Indianapolis). Author: numerous tech. arts, for trade mags, and hand books. Interest: collecting works of James Ab- bott McNeil Whistler, Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen Foster, James Whitcomb Riley. Recreations: gardening, riding, swim- ming. Catholic. Office: 3029 E. Wash- ington St., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 543 N. Audubon Rd., Indianapolis, Ind. BELL, Wesley Glenn, short line rail- road operator; b. Van Wert, £>., 9 Apr. 1887; s. Richard E. Bell, farmer, and Jane (Sanders) B.; ed. Van Wert high sch.; m. Ona O. Davis of Middlepoint, O., Apr. 1908; children — Genevieve, Lou- ise, W. Glenn, Jr., James R., Betty. Baggage man, elk. ticket office, agt., U.S. Express Co., Ohio Elec. Ry. Co., 1906-17; agt., in charge passenger ac- cts., gen. auditor's office; with Goodyear Tire Co., Indianapolis, Ind.; auditor, Springfield Terminal Ry. & Power Co.; gen. mgr., treas., dir., Springfield Subur- ban R. R. Co., 1923—; v.p., mgr., dir., Ohio & Morenci R.R. Co.; gen. mgr. Springfield & Southwestern R.R. Co.; p. pres., Cincinnati & Georgetown R.R. Co.; p. v.p., Samson Mfg. Co.; mgr. Ry. Div., Summer & Co., Columbus, O.; mem. Springfield Chamber Commerce. Clubs: Kiwanis, Miami Valley Traffic. Interests: sports, photog. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: 236 Cliff St., Spring- field, O. Home: 1965 Broadway, Spring- field,0. BETTMAN, Alfred, lawyer; b. Cincin- nati, O., 26 Aug. 1873; s. Louis Bett- man, clothing mfr., and Rebecca (Bloom) B.; ed. Hughes high sch., Cin- cinnati; A.B., Harvard Coll. Law Sch., 1894, A.M., LL.B., 1898 (cum laude) ; m. Lillian Wyler of Cincinnati, O., 20 June 1904. Practicing atty., Cincinnati, 1900 — ; assoc. with firm, Moulinier, Bett- man & Hunt, Cincinnati; dir. Title Guar- antee & Trust Co., Cincinnati; chmn. City Planning Commn., Cincinnati; con- sultant, Nat. Resources Planning Bd. \ administrative consultant, Bur. of Bud- get, Washington, D.C.; special asst. to U.S. atty. gen., War Div., Dept. Justice, Washington, D.C., 1917-19; mem. Am. Soc. Planning Officials, Am. Inst. Plan- ners, British Town Planning Inst., In- ternat. Fed. Housing & Town Planning, Acad. Pol. Sci., Am. Law Inst., Nat. Mun. League, Cincinnati, O., and Am. Bar Assns. Clubs: Cincinnati, Cosmos (Wash.), Queen City (Cincinnati), Har- vard (Cincinnati, N. Y., Boston), Har- vard Faculty (Cambridge), Literary (Cincinnati). Author: numerous arts, on city planning and city govt.; report on prosecution (Wickersham Commn.) ; Cleveland Foundation Survey of Crimin- al Justice report on prosecution. Travel: Eng. Recreation: outdoor camping. Jew- ish. Democrat. Office: 1514 First Nat. 375 Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Home: 684 Stanley Av., Cincinnati, O. Summer res.: Killarney, Ont., Can. Died, 21 Jan. 1945. MILLER, Sarah E., librarian; b. Greenwich, N.Y.; d. George Miller and Adeline (Reynolds) M.; ed. Greenwich (N.Y.) high sen.; A.B., Syracuse Univ. Library Asst., N.Y. Pub. Library, 1912- 18; asst., East Cleveland Pub. Library, 1918-24, chief librarian, 1924—; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Am. Library Assn., O. Library Assn., East Cleveland Commun- ity Council, League of Women Voters. Club: Library of Cleveland and Vicinity. Travel: N.E., Can. Interests: collecting art objects, bird study, wild flowers, theatre. Recreations: walking, swim- ming, skating. Office: East Cleveland Public Library, 14101 Euclid Av., East Cleveland, O. Home: 13408 Lambert St., East Cleveland, O. MILLETTE, John W., oculist; b. St. Paris, O., 16 June 1864; s. Joseph War- ren Millette, leather dealer, and Nancy (Neher) M.; ed. St. Paris (O.) high sen., A.B., O. Northern Univ., 1889; B.L., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1895, B.S., 1897, M.S., 1903; M.A., Wittenberg Univ., 1898; M.D., O.M.U. (now O.S.U.), 1903; m. Cora Edith Hartman of Rawson, O., 25 Dec. 1889 (dec); m. (2nd) Minnie Roop of Loramie, O., 16 June 1903; 1 dau., Nancy Margaret. Supt. sens., Dun- kirk, O., 1889-93, New Carlisle, O., 1895- 1900; postgrad, work in med., London and Vienna, 1903-04; practice of opthal- mology, Dayton, O., 1905—; fellow A.C. S.; mem. Montgomery Co. Med. Soc, O. State Med. Assn., A.M. A., Am. Acad, of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology, Chicago Ophthalmological Soc, A. A. A. S. Clubs: Arabic, Executives, Discus- sion. Author: numerous prof. arts. Trav- el: U.S., Eur. Interests: music, theatre, verse. Methodist. Independent. Office: 117 S. Main St., Dayton, O. Home: 58 Cambridge Av., Dayton, O. Died, 28 Dec. 1943. RUMOLD, Christian Ferdinand, pro- fessor; b. Ottawa, 111., 27 Nov. 1873; s. Jacob John Rumold and Mary (Grimm) R. ; ed. Dickinson Co. high sen., Chap- man, Kan.; LL.B., Univ. of Kan., 1899, A.B., 1902; Ph.D., Western Reserve Un- iv., 1931; m. Sarah Elizabeth Newcomer of Hope, Kan., 1907; 1 dau., Katharine. Teacher, country school, Dickinson Co., Kan., teacher, Beloit high sen., 1901-02; head dept. of chemistry and physics, Berea College, Berea, Ky., 1902-10, act- ing dean of coll. dept., 1910-17 v acting pres. and v.p., 1917-18; head of dept. of chemistry and physics, Kent State Un- iv., 1918—; councilman of Berea, Ky.; mem. Sigma Xi, Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Inst, of Chemists, Am. Assn. for the Ad- vancement of Sci., Kent Chamber of Commerce. Author: The Universe and Its Phenomena, General Chemistry for Colleges, A First Course in Qualitative Analysis. Interest: operating a fruit farm. Recreation: politics. Conglist. Re- publican. Office: Kent State University, Kent, O. Home: 320 S. Lincoln Av., Kent, O. SHAFER, Claude, editorial cartoon- ist; b. Little Hocking, O., 7 Jan. 1878; s. Henry Shafer, builder, and Susan (Davis) S.; ed. Cincinnati Art Acad.; m. Kitty W. Wiederecht of Cincinnati, O., 23 Sept. 1903. Jewelry salesman; artist, Cincinnati Post, Cincinnati En- quirer, Times-Star; creator of political and editorial cartoons; originals of car- toons in Huntington Lib. in Calif., Princeton Univ. Library, Ohio State Un- iv., Miami, Fla., Johannesburg, Afr. ; served with Y.M.C.A. in Fr. during World War I, entertained soldiers at front with "Chalk Talks"; mem. Ma- sons, Scottish Rite, Shrine. Clubs: Ro- tary, Cuvier Press. Author: Cartoon Guide of Ohio; illustrator, number of books. Travel: Eur., Mex., Can. Inter- ests: collection of first editions, auto- graphed books, old Chinese snuff bot- tles. Recreations: fishing, autoing, read- ing. Baptist. Republican. Office: Cincin- nati Times-Star, Cincinnati, O. Home: 1232 Paxton Rd., Cincinnati, O. HEISEY, Paul Harold, religious edu- cator; b. Lancaster, Pa., 1 Oct. 1886; s. Jacob B. Heisey, ry. employee, and Katherine B. (Souder) H.; ed. Boys' high sen., Lancaster, Pa.; A.B., Mid- land Coll., Kan., 1907; B.D., Western Theol. Sem., Kan., 1910; A.M., State Univ. la., 1911; Ph.D., Northwestern tJniv., Evanston, 111., 1924; D.D. (hon.), Midland Coll., Fremont, Neb., 1929; m. Lillian C. Christensen of Boise, Ida., 24 Aug. 1911; children— Harold Christensen, Lillian Kathryn. Pastor, Luth. Ch., N. Liberty, la., 1910-14, 1917-19, Des Moines, la., 1915-17; prof, philos., psychol., ed., Univ. Dubuque, la., 1919-21; prof, re- ligious ed., Wittenberg Coll., Springfield, O., 1921-42; prof. Carthage Coll. (sum- mer), 1920, Northwestern Univ. (sum- mers), 1924-26, 1929; pres. Ev. Luth. Synod, la., 1918-19; mem. Com. on Moral and Social Welfare of United Luth. Ch., 1920-38; mem. Parish and Ch. Sch. Bd., U.L.C.A., 1930—; lecturer, S.A.T.C. State Univ. la., 1918-19; mem. Religious 376 Ed. Assn., Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Phi Kappa, Delta Sigma Phi, S.A.R., Ma- sons. Clubs: Luther (Springfield, O.), The Literary. Author: The Lutheran Graded Series, Three Essays on Luther, Psychological Studies in Lutheranism ; numerous arts, on religious subjs. Trav- el: Eur. Interests: Pennsylvania-Ger- man lore, still and motion photog., stamp collecting. Lutheran. Republican. Home: 364 E. Northern Av., Springfield, O. HOPKINS, Fred Mead, newspaper ed. and publisher; b. Epworth, la., 12 July 1875; s. Timothy Mead Hopkins and Augusta Amelia (Brown) H. ; ed. Bus. Coll., 1891-92; Univ. la., 1893-95; m. Car- olyn Constance Bertholet, 25 Oct. 1899; children — Constance B. (Mrs. Kenneth Rice), Edmond M., Virginia A. (Mrs. Warner Woodworth). Law practice, Du- buque, 1895-03; Fed. court reporter, To- ledo (O.) Blade, 1903-04; city ed., asst. mng. ed., Toledo Blade, 1904-12; mng. ed., Toledo Times, 1912-13; ed. and pub., Fostoria Daily Review, 1913 — ; may- or of Fostoria, 1920-23; postmaster, 1924- 36; v. chmn. Post War and Future Plan- ning Com.; mem. Steering Com., World War II; served as 1st sergt., 49th la. Inf., 1898-99; chmn. Red Cross during World War I; Civilian Defense World War II; mem. Fostoria Chamber Com- merce (pres., 1915-27), Inland Dailies Assn., Nat. Editorial Assn., O. News- paper Assn., Vets. Fgn. Wars, Vets. Sp.- Am. War, Masons (32d deg.), Moose. Clubs: Rotary (p. dist. gov.), Country. Editor: hist, of law class of 1895 at Univ. of la. Office: 113-115 E. Center St., Fostoria, O. Home: 947 N. Main St., Fostoria, O. HUNT, Graham Putnam, att.-at-law; b. Cincinnati, O., 7 Aug. 1873; s. Wil- liam Putnam Hunt and Margaret Gra- ham (Hopper) H.; ed. pub. schs., Cin- cinnati; Franklin prep, sch., Cincinnati; Harvard Coll., 1892-94; Cincinnati Law Sch.; m. Frances Carlisle Mendenhall of Cincinnati, O., 20 June 1905; children — Frances Mendenhall Stilwell, Graham P., Jr., Margaret H. Stewart, Grace M. Admitted to bar, 1928; engaged in pract. law, 1928—; elected to O. Legis., 1899, served 1 term; Democratic nominee for U.S. Sen., 1928; mem. law firm, Mouli- nier, Bettman & Hunt, 1900—; bank- ruptcy referee; mem. Am., O. and Cin- cinnati Bar Assns. Clubs: Cincinnati Country, Cincinnati Harvard. Recrea- tion: golf. Swedenborgian. Democrat. Office: 1514 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Cin- cinnati, O, Home: 164 Glenmary Av., Clifton, Cincinnati, O. Summer res.: R. R. 1, Traverse City, Mich. INGALLS, David S., lawyer; b. Cleve- land, O., 28 Jan. 1899; s. Albert S. In- galls and Jane (Taft) I.; ed. University Sch., Cleveland; A.B., Yale Univ., 1920; LL.B., Harvard Law Sch., 1923; m. Lou- ise Harkness of Cleveland, O., 27 June 1922; children — Edith, Jane, Louise, Anne, David S., Jr. Mem. Ohio Ho. of Rep., 1926-29; Asst. Sec. of Navy for Aeronautics, 1929-32; dir. Pub. Health and Welfare, City of Cleveland, 1933-35; chmn. Ohio State Roll Call Com. of Am. Red Cross, 1935-36; chmn. Ohio Rep. Fi- nance Com., 1937-39; v.p. and gen. mgr. Pan American Air Ferries, Inc., 1941-42. Served with U.S.N.R., 1917-19, with Roy- al Air Force in France; awarded British Distinguished Flying Cross, U.S. Distinguished Service Medal and French Legion of Honor; active service in Paci- fic, Nov. 1942—; capt. U.S.N.R.; mem. Am. Legion (40 and 8), V.F.W., Masonic Orders, Am. Soc. of French Legion of Honor, Cleveland Chamber Commerce. Clubs: Union, Chagrin Valley Hunt, Western Reserve Rep. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Home: Stonybrook Farm, Cha- grin Falls, O. Winter res.: 10723 East Blvd., Cleveland 6, O. JACKSON, Raymond Thomas, lawyer; b. Mineral Point, Wis., 26 Apr. 1892; s. John Jackson, and Alice (Reed) J.; ed. Mineral Point (Wis.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1915. LL.B., 1917; m. Ethel Curry of Mineral Point, Wis., 30 Sept. 1918. Began practice of law, Milwaukee, Wis.; mem. firm Fiedler, Jackson & Boardman, Mineral Point, Wis., 1920-36, Baker, Hostetler & Patterson, Cleveland, 1929; dist. atty., Iowa Co., Wis., 1920- 24; special asst. to atty. gen. Wis., 1926- 29; enlisted man, later It. (j.g.), U.S.N. , convoy duty on U.S.S. Frederick, 1917- 19; mem. Am., O. State and Cleveland Bar Assns., Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi, Omicron Delta Gamma, Order of Coif, Chamber Commerce (Cleveland). Clubs: Union, Country, Bankers (N.Y.), Nat. Republican. (N.Y.). Methodist. Re- publican. Office: 1956 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 12608 Cedar Rd,, Cleveland Hts., O. HALL, Arthur Fletcher, bus. exec; b. Baxter Springs, Kan., 11 May 1872; s. Truman Walter Hall, mcht., and Harriet (Beeler) H.; ed. pub. schs., Indianapo- lis, Ind.; m. Una Fletcher of Indianapo- lis, Ind., June 1897, (dec, 1920); chil- dren — Arthur Fletcher, Jr., William B. F., Aileen; m. (2nd) Ann O'Rourke of 377 Ft. Wayne, Ind., Oct. 1920. Printer's dev- il, Indianapolis, Jour., 1889, adv. mgr., 1900-02, asst. bus. mgr., 1902-04; field supt., Equitable Life Assurance Soc, 1904-05; organized, 1905, chief exec, of- ficer, 1905—; Lincoln Nat. Life Ins. Co.; head, Am. Protective League, Ft. Wayne Dist., gen. chmn., Fourth Liberty Loan Campaign, Allen Co., Y.M.C.A. War Fund Drive, World War I; mem. B.P. O.E., Masons (Shriner). Club: Ft. Wayne Country. Episcopalian. Republi- can. Office: The Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Home: 2530 Beechwood Circle, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Summer res.: Leland, Mich. Died. JUNKER, William Henry, mechanical engineer; b. Terre Haute, Ind., 28 July 1899; s. Jacob Junker and Margaret (Snitz) J.; ed. Wiley High Sch.; B.S., Rose Poly. Inst., 1921, M.E., 1925; m. Annie Mabel Tyler of Pensacola, Fla., 21 Oct. 1927; children— Allan Tyler, Jan- et Ann. Instr. physics, duPont Manual High Sch., Louisville, Ky., 1921-23; de- sign engr., Belknap Hardware Mfg. Co., 1923-25; chief mech. engr., Harry Hake, arch., Cincinnati, O., 1925-33, Thomas Emery's Sons, Inc., 1933-38; dir. engring., Emery Industries, Inc., 1938- 43; wks. mgr., 1943—; spl. examiner, Cincinnati Civil Service Commn.; pvt., U.S.A., during World War I; mem. Rose Poly. Alumni Assn. (p. v.p., 2 terms), Cincinnati A.S.H.V.E. (pres.), A.S.M.E., Theta Xi (pres), Ohio Registered En- grs., Scottish Rite Masons (32d deg.), Shrine. Club: Cincinnati Engrs. (dir.). Recreations: fishing, golf. Evangelical. Republican. Office: Emery Industries, Inc., Cincinnati, O. Home: 6068 Dryden Av., Cincinnati 13, O. LANSING, Charles Bridgen, consulting engr.; b. Colorado Springs, Colo., 3 Nov. 1889; s. Charles Abraham Lansing and Sarah (Macklin) L.; ed. sch. in Fr.; Phillips Andover Acad.; B.S. (in Mech. Engr.), Yale Sheffield Sci. Sch., 1911; m. Alice Scott of Washington, 1911 ; chil- dren — Charles B., Jr., Alice Josephine, Gerrit Yates. Began with Denver & Rio Grande Rd., then with Simplex Auto Co.; mgr., Color. Concrete Co., 1913-15; pres., Van Briggle Tile & Pottery Co., 1915-22; dir., Granite Gold Mines, First Nat. Bk. (Colorado Springs), Inter- mountain Ry. Light & Power Co.; pres., Strang Garages, 1921-25; mgr., Murray Radiator Co., 1926-27; pres., Nat. Tile Co.; mem. Code Authority, Clay Tile Industry (N.R.A.) ; dir., cons., S.F. Bow- ser & Co., 1928-30; pres. Ferry Cap & Set Screw Co., 1935; cons, eng., Cleve- land Trust Co., 1936 — ; dir. National Tile Co. (chmn. bd.), Ind. Limestone Corp., Ferry Cap & Set Screw Co.; A.R.C.O. Paint Co., Byers Macine Co.; Sheriff St. Market & Storage Co., Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Co.; dir. and v.p., Bil- lings-Chapin Co. and Cleveland Storage Co.; v. chmn., Colo. State Hwy. Commn., 1921-26; enlisted as waggoner, June 1917; with 12th Engrs. in Fr. to July 1917, at Somme and Cambrai; first Troop Movement Bureau, Is Sur Tille, 1st Lt., asst. to gen. mgr., Railways, Zone of Advance; mem. Am. Soc. M.E., Am. Legion. Clubs: Union (Cleveland), Yale (N.Y.), Chagrin Valley Hunt (Cleveland). Author: arts, in Colorado Highways and Automotive Industry. Of- fice: Cleveland Trust Co., Cleveland, O. Home: Scotlan Farm, R.F.D. No. 1, Chagrin Falls, O . LOVE, John Willis, newspaper column writer; b. Shelby, O., 18 Dec. 1892; s. Matthew T. Love, phys., and Luella (Bloom) L.; ed. Shelby (O.) high sch.; A.B., Oberlin Coll., 1914; m. Margaret McRoberts of Cleveland, O., 30 Aug. 1924; children — Janet (dec), Robert, Duncan. Ed., Shelby (O.) Citizen, 1914; with A. I. Root Co., Medina, O., 1915; reporter, Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1916- 20, 1922-30; with Cleveland Foundation in survey of criminal justice, 1921; Cleveland Press, 1931—; 2nd It., Inf., 137th Depot Brigade, 6 mos., during World War I; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Am. Statistical Assn., Cleveland Cham- ber Commerce. Clubs: Cheshire Cheese, Philosophers, Cleveland Advertising, City, Midday, Nat. Press (Washington). Author: various mag. and Scripps-How- ard Newspaper Alliance arts, on indus- trial and economic subjects. Travel: Eur., Russia. Desc. family of farmers, etc., in Knox and Coschocton Cos. In- terests: econ., historical, including old prints in business. Office: The Cleve- land Press, Cleveland, O. Home: 12425 Fair Hill Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. MacDONALD, James A., minister; b. Sunny Brae, N.S., 23 Aug. 1873; s. John A. MacDonald, farmer, and Catherine MacD.; ed. Westminster Prep. Sch., New Wilmington, Pa.; A.B., Westmin- ster Coll., New Wilmington, Pa., 1898; Xenia Theol. Sem., 1901; D.D. (hon.), Muskingum Coll.; m. Hannah Elder Peebles of Harlansburgh, Pa., 24 June 1903; 1 son — Rev. Robert Peebles Mac- Donald. Ordained, 1901; pastor United Presbyn. Ch., Ellwood City, Pa., 1901- 13; South United Presbyn. Ch., Youngs- town, O., 1913—; tithe sec, Nat. Young 378 People's Union, 1912-14; acting modera- tor, Gen. Assembly, 1932; moderator, 1st synod of the west, 1933-34; mem. exec, com., Federated Chs., 1924 — . Author: The Prayer Meeting, 1939; numerous ar- ticles in ch. papers. Travel: 42 states of Union, 7 provinces of Can. Recreations: walking, volley ball, swimming. United Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Mar- ket St., at Delason Av., Youngstown, O. Home: 54 E. Dewey Av., Youngstown, O. MARK, Louis, physician and surgeon; b. Duluth, Minn., 12 Dec. 1892; s. Samuel Lazier, mcht., and Anna (Karon) M. ; ed. Ironwood High Sch.; M.D., Mar- quette Univ., Milwaukee, Wis., 1915; m. Fanny Karon of Duluth, Minn., 7 Oct. 1919; children— Charlotte, Lloyd, Louise. Interne, Cincinnati Gen. Hosp., 1915-16; practiced in Cincinnati, O., 1917-18; chest expert advisory bd., 1917-18; Ohio State Sanatorium, 1919; med. dir., Rocky Glen Sanatorium, McConnelsville, O., 1919—; chest expert, Veterans Bur., 1919-24; practiced in Columbus, 1921—; chief of chest dept., White Cross Hosp., 1929—; med. dir., J. N. Case Sana- torium, Delaware, O., 1934—; chief of Staff, White Cross Hosp., Columbus, O., 1942—; pres., Rocky Glen Sanatorium, Tuberculosis Hospitalization Mutual Ins. Co. ; gov. for Ohio, Am. Coll. Chest Phy- sicians, 1938; pres., Ohio chapt. Am. Coll. Chest Physicians, 1941; mem. chest expert advisory bd., during World War I; mem. Masons, Variety, Elks. Clubs: Rotary, Winding Hollow Country, Indian Springs Golf, Athleic. Author: many arts, on diseases of the lungs. Travel: U.S. Interest: golf, bridge. Jewish. Of- fice: 677 No. High St., Columbus, O. Home: 2498 Sherwood Rd., Columbus, O. Summer res. : McConnersville, O. MASON, Edward Glenn, college pres. ; b. Ashland, O., 31 July 1882; s. Edward Mason, minister, author, and Rebecca (Garver) M.; ed. Ashland Coll. Acad.; A.B., Ashland Coll., 1900-07; Defiance Coll., 1911: M.A., Ohio State Univ., 1926; LL.D. (hon.), Defiance Coll., 1940; m. Elizabeth Gallatin of Wellington, O., 14 Aug. 1907; children — Dorothy (Kirk), Edward Glenn, Carl Robert (dec), Shir- ley (Stage). Teacher, Congress twp. schs., 1898-1900, Mt. Carroll (111.) High Sch., 1907-08, Galena (HI.) High Sch., 1908-13 (prin. and supt.) ; prin., Con- gress Twp. High Sch., 1913-21; supt. schs., Rittman, O., 1921-25; prof. hist, and ed., Ashland Coll., 1925-30, (dean, 1930-39, pres. 1939—); grad. asst. O. State Univ., 1928-30; pres., Wayne Co. (O.) Teachers, Ashland Coll. Bd. of Tr.; Sec. and Moderator, Nat. Conf. of Breth- ren Chs.; sec, Ohio Dist. Conf. of Breth- ren Chs.; dir., Brethren Pub. Co.; mem. Ohio Ed. Assn., Nat. Ed. Assn., Nat. S.S.E., A.A.U.P. Club: Lions. Author: An Observation Manual for Student Teaching (with Dr. C. L. Auspach). Travel: Am. Interest: travel. Brethren Church. Republican. Office : Ashland Col- lege, Ashland, O. Home: 921 Grant St., Ashland, O. MERRIAM, Edmund Sawyer, re- search chemist, inventor; b. East Hamp- ton, Mass., 4 May 1880; s. Alexander Ross Merriam, minister, professor, and May (Gore) M.; ed. Hartford (Coim.) pub. high sch.; A.B., Trinity Coll., Hart- ford, Conn., 1902, M.A., 1905, Sc.D. (hon.), 1923; Ph.D., Goettingen, Ger., 1905; m. Edna May Grafton of Marietta. O., 16 June 1909; children — Joseph Graf- ton, Katherine Margaret. Head of Dept. chemis., Marietta Coll., 1906-17; civilian in Chemical Warfare res. div., instal- lation of plant for recovery of toluyl. during World War I; development of processes for recovery of natural gaso- line, 1918-20; research work on fire re- sistance of record protecting devices, Safe-Cabinet Co., 1920-23; consultant, Marietta Mfg. Co., Point Pleasant, W. Va., installation of plants for recovery of gasoline and carbon black, 1923-27; in charge development work on Mc- Ewen-Runge process of coal carboniza- tion, Milwaukee and products of low temperature tar, Newark, N.J., for In- ternational Combustion Engring. Corp., 1927-31; development of new methods for making abrasive products, 1931-39; commercial mfr. of grinding wheels, New Haven, Conn., 1939; dir. Crescent Carbon Co. Borger Tex., Fuller Mer- riam Co., New Haven, Conn.; mem. Psi Upsilon, Am. Chem. Soc Clubs: Marietta Reading, Chemists (N.Y.). Au- thor: arts, on nat. gas, gasoline. Trav- el: Ger. (study). Recreation: touring. Catholic. Republican. Office: Marietta, 0. Home: 231 4th St., Marietta, O. IRWIN, William Glanton, banker; b. Columbus, Ind., 24 Nov. 1866; s. Joseph 1. Irwin, banker, and Harriet C. (Glan- ton) I.; ed. Columbus (Ind.) High Sch.; B.S., Butler Univ., 1899, LL.D. (hon.), 1938. Cashier, Irwin's Bank, Columbus, pres., 1910-28; pres., Irwin-Union Trust Co., 1928 — ; co-builder with father, In- dianapolis, Columbus and So. Traction Co., now pres.; dir., Ind. Nat. Bk., Union Tr. Co., Kingan and Co., Indianapolis Belt R.R. and Stock Yrds., Union Joint 379 Stock Land Bank, Real Silk Hosiery Mills, Inc., Ind. Bell Tel. Co. (all In- dianapolis) ; pres. Irwin Union Trust Co., Union Starch and Refining Co., Indiana- polis, Columbus and So. Traction Co.; chmn. of bd., Cummins Engine Co. (Co- lumbus), Am. Zinc Lead and Smelting Co. (St. Louis); dir., United Elec. Coal Cos. of Chicago; pres., Indianapolis Gas Co.; Purity Stores, Ltd., San Francisco; chmn. exec, com., Am. Zinc Lead and Smelting Co; during World War I served as mem. of State Council of Defense, State Com. for Lib. Loan Drives (chmn. Bartholomew Co.). Clubs: Univ. (Chi- cago), Columbia, Athletic, Dramatic, Univ. (Indianapolis). Christian Church. Republican, (delegate to Nat. Rep. Con- vention in 1916, 1936-40, Republican Nat. Committee., 1938-40). Office: 301 Wash- ington St., Columbus, Ind. Home : 608 Fifth St., Columbus, Ind. Summer home: Llanllar Windermers, Muskoka, Onta- rio, Can. Died 14 Dec. 1943. McCOLLOUGH, Ethel Farquhar, li- brarian; b. Franklin, Ind.; d. Wm. Bax- ter McCollough, druggist, and Elsie (Brown) McC; ed. Franklin Coll. Prep. Sch.; Franklin Coll., 1901; Ph.B., Univ. State of N.Y. Lib. Sch., B.L.S., 1904; M.A. (hon.), Franklin Coll., 1936. Li- brarian, Elwood, Ind., 1904-07, Superior, Wis., 1907-10; field visitor and lib. sch. instr., Wis. Lib. Commn., 1910-12; chief librarian, Evansville, Ind., 1912 — ; served as A.L.A. organizer of army post Libs., Mex. Border, 1918; mem. A.L.A., Ind. Lib. Assn. (v.p., 1907, pres., 1912- 14), Ind. Hist. Soc, Wis. Lib. Assn. (pres., 1910-11), N.Y. State Lib. Sch. Alumni Assn. (pres., 1919-20), Evansville Soc. Fine Arts and Hist, (dir.), A.A.U. W., Executive Bd. Travelers Aid Soc, 1944—, pi Beta Phi Alumni. Club: Bus. and Prof. Women's. Author: arts, on lib. work. Co-author: Essentials in Li- brary Administration. Travel: Eur. In- terest: stamp collecting. Recreation: reading. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: Central Library, Evansville, Ind. Home: Cambridge Arms, Evansville, Ind. MOORE, Paul McNary, Jr., physi- cian; b. Earlington, Ky., 17 Sept. 1898; s. Paul McNary Moore, ins. man, and Mary Newbold (Atkinson) M.; ed. Earl- ington (Ky.) high sch.; Culver Mil. Acad., Culver, Ind.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1918, M.D., 1922; post. grad. study, Rush Med. Coll.; Univ. Vienna, 1927; m. Grace Ohlmacher of Ann Arbor, Mich., 1921. Rotating interne, 1 yr.; interne in pediatrics, Univ. Hosp., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1 yr. ; asst. prof., otolaryngology, State Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, 1928-36; chief of staff, dept. otolaryngology, Cleveland Clinic, 1936 — ; mem. courtesy staff, St. Luke's Hosp., Cleveland; certi- fied by Bd. of Otolaryngology, 1930; ap- prentice seaman, Student's Nav. Train- ing Corps, Univ. Mich., during World War I; mem. Cleveland Acad. Medicine, Cleveland Med. Library, Ohio State Med. Soc, A.M. A., Cleveland Otolaryngologi- cal Soc, Am. Acad, of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, Am. laryngological Rhinological and Otological Soc, Alpha Omega Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu, Sigma Chi. Clubs: The Country (Cleveland), Eldred Players. Author: med. arts. Recrea- tions: music, fishing, golf. Methodist. Republican. Office: Cleveland Clinic, Euclid at 93rd St., Cleveland, O. Home: 16089 Brewster Rd., East Cleveland, O. PAIST, Benjamin Franklin, clergy- man; b. Parkesburg, Pa., 29 May 1878; s. Edward Paist, wholesale confectioner, and Emma Brown (Mackey) P.; ed. Ursinus Acad., Collegeville, Pa.; B.A., Ursinus Coll., 1899; M.A., Princeton Un- iv., 1902; B.D., Princeton Theol. Sem., 1902; post-grad., Princeton, Erlangen, Ger., and Zurich, Switz., 1902-04; D.D. (hon.), Ursinus, 1932; m. Laura K. Hibbs of Langhorne, Pa., 16 Oct. 1917. Pastor, Presbyn. chs., Langhorn, Pa., 1903-18, Hillsboro, O., 1918-22, Lancaster, O., 1922—; teacher of Bible, econ. hist., Chr. ethics, Beaver Coll. Summer Sch., Jenkintown, Pa., 1928; bd. trs., Presby- tery of Columbus, p. moderator, Phila- delphia N., Chillicothe, Columbus; com- mr., Gen. Assem., Presbyn. Ch. U.S.A., also Synod of Ohio; mem., Y.M.C.A. (Lancaster, O.), Fairfield Co Minister- ial Assn. Presbyn. Hist. Soc. of O., The Singing Quill, A.R.C., Lancaster, O., Chamber Commerce. Club: Fairfield Co. Auto. Author: Peter Martyr and the Colloquy of Poissy; The Story of the English Bible; The First Presbyterian Church of Lancaster, O. Travel: Eng., Fr., Ger., Switz., Holland, Belg., U.S., Can. Interests: reading and research of ch. hist, and Am. early Colonial hist., writing poems and book reviews, also anthologies. Recreations: tennis, golf, walks, picnics. Office: First Presbyter- ian Church, Lancaster, O. Home: 226 King Av., Lancaster, O. PERSHING, Benjamin Harrison, dean of students, prof, of history; b. Ragers- ville, O., 24 Oct. 1888; s. John H. Persh- ing, farmer, and Susanna (Neff) P.; ed. Wittenberg Acad.; A.B., Wittenberg Coll., 1912; A.M., Univ. Pittsburgh, 1921; 380 Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1927; D.D. (hon.), Thiel Coll., 1936; m. Vera Miller, 24 Oct. 1916 (dec); children — John James, Mar- garet Edith. Pastor, Kent, O., Etna, Pa., 1915-21; prof, hist., Thiel Coll., 1921-26, actg. pres., 1925-26; prof, hist., Witten- berg Coll., 1926; dean of men, 1926-39, dean of students, 1939 — ; mem. Commn. Adjudication, United Lutheran Ch., 1937- 44; O. State Archaeolgical and Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Soc, S.A.R. (George Rogers Clarke chap.), Hugue- not Soc. of O., Am. Hist. Assn. Club: Literary (Springfield). Author: arts, on hist, subjs. in Ohio Hist. Quarterly, Church History, Concordia Historical Quarterly, Lutheran Church Quarterly, Ohio Social Sci. Jour., Western Pa. Hist. Soc. Quarterly. Recreations: hiking, vol- leyball, photog. Lutheran. Republican. Office: Wittenberg College, Springfield, O. Home: 957 Woodlawn Av., Springfield, O. PHILLIPS, Josephine Dirion, opthal- mologist; b. Cleveland, O., 26 Feb. 1892; d. Henry Scheips, coal mcht., and Caro- line (Koob) S.; ed. State high sch.; Western Reserve; M.D., Ohio State Univ., 1930; M. Sc.Med., Univ. Pa., 1932; m. William H. Phillips, M.D., of Cleve- land, O., 1 June 1939. Registered grad. nurse, 1915; med. license, 1930; passed Am. Bd. of Ophthalmology, 1933; cata- ract surg., India, 1934; Fellow Am. Acad. Ophthal., A.M. A.; mem. Cleve- land Acad. Med., Ohio State Med. Assn., Cleveland Med. Lib. Assn., Alpha Epsi- lon Iota. Clubs: Zonta, Cleveland Oph- thalmic. Author: short arts, on med. Travel: Eur., around world, Cent. Am., H. I. Interests: flowers (arrangement and cultivation), colored motion pic- tures. Presbyterian. Nonpartisan. Office: 835 Rose Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 16130 Parkland Dr., Shaker Heights, O. QUAIL, Frank Adgate, lawyer; b. nr. Canonsburg, Pa., 18 June 1865; s. Wil- liam Quail, farmer, livestock dealer, and Phoebe D. (Lipscomb) Q.; ed. pub. sens., Pa. and Kan.; A.B., Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kan., 1887, LL.D. (hon.), 1937; LL.B., Univ. of Mich. Law Sch., 1889. With Henderson, Kline & Tolles, 1889-95; partner, Henderson & Quail, 1895-1904, Henderson, Quail & Siddall, 1904-15, Henderson, Quail, Siddall & Mor- gan, 1915-28, Henderson, Quail, McGraw & Barkley, 1928-40, Henderson, Quail & Barkley, 1940—; tr. Case Sch. Applied Sci. (pres. bd. of trs. 1924—), tr. Wash- burn Coll.; one of organizers and 1st tr. of Cleveland Coll. ; tr. Cleveland Clin- ic Foundation; pres. Bd. of Trs. Cal- vary Ch. of Cleveland; former dir. and v.p. Cleveland Chamber Commerce; law mem. Bd. of Appeals U.S. Selective Ser- vice, Northern District of Ohio, Div. No. 2, 1917-18; mem. Am., Ohio and Cleve- land Bar Assns. Clubs: Union Univer- sity, Mid-Day, City (all of Cleveland). Interests: golf, billiards, fishing. Presby- terian. Independent. Office: 1525 Guar- dian Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 2201 Harcourt Dr., Cleveland Heights, O. CHRISTOFFERSON, Halbert Carl, di- rector of Secondary Education, and pro- fessor of mathematics; b. Racine, Minn., 5 Jan. 1894; s. Hans Christoffer- son, and Carrie (Berg) C. ; ed. Stewart- ville (Minn.) high sch.; B.A., Univ. Minn., 1917; M.A., Univ. Chicago, 1923; Ph.D., Columbia Univ., 1933; m. Chris- tina Gaumnitz of Minneapolis, Minn., 26 July 1919. Teacher, high sch. prin., supt. schs., Minnesota, 1917-23; head of Dept. of Math., State Teachers Coll., Osh- kosh, Wis., 1923-27; instr. math., Colum- bia Univ., 1927-28; prof, math., Miami Univ., Oxford, O., 1928—; dir. Secondary Education, 1934—; Ednl. Consultant C. A. A., 1942-43; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, Nat. Council Teachers Math, (dir., 1934-40, pres., 1938-40), Math. Assn. America, Math. Club, Greater Cincinnati, A.A.A. S., N.E.A., Am. Ednl. Research Assn., Central Assn. Science and Math. Teach- ers, Ohio Edn. Assn., A.F. & A.M. Club: Kiwanis. Author: Geometry Professiona- lized for Teachers; Curriculum Guides for Ohio Schools: Arithmetic Grades 1 6 2, 3 & 4, 5 & 6, Mathematics Grades 7 & 8, 9 & 10 (with others) ; The Teach- ing of Geometry in Ohio, a Survey; Foundation Skills in Mathematics, A Workbook, 1936 (co-authors) ; many pro- fessional arts, in The Mathematics Teacher and in School Science and Mathematics such as "Geometry a Way of Thinking," "Teaching Logarithms," "Teaching Directed Numbers," "Mathe- matics as Functional Relationships"; State Tests for the Division of Scholar- ship Tests for several years 1930-42, es- pecially the Every-Pupil Tests in Math- ematics Grades 3 to 10 for December and April each year, also for Aero- nautics, 1942-45; Math, editor for "Sch. Sc. & Math.," 1944—; "Demonstrations and Laboratory Experiences in the Sci- ence of Aeronautics" (with others). Travel: Eng., Norw., Mex., Can., U.S. Recreations: golf, bridge, gardening, travel, reading. Presbyterian. Office: Miami University, Oxford, O. Home: 210 S. Poplar, Oxford, O. 381 BRUSH, Louis Herbert, newspaper publisher; b. Alliance, O., 24 Jan. 1872; s. James Alpheus Brush, prof, of math., Mount Union Coll., and Ame 1 i a (Mc- Call) B.; ed. grad., Mount Union Coll., 1890; B.A. (hon.), Mount Union Coll., 1931, LL.D. (hon.), 1938; m. Maude Stewart of Church Hill, 18 Sept. 1895; 1 son- Thomas Stewart (dec). Mgr., The Dy- namo, student publ. of Mount Union Coll.; circulation mgr., The Review, Al- liance, O., 1890-93, Ohio Sun, Youngs- town, 1893; mgr., The News, Salem, O., 1894-97, owner, pub., 1897 — ; owner, pub., East Liverpool Review, 1901; purchased (with Roy D. Moore as partner) Pres. Harding's paper, The Marion Star, 1923; purchased (with Roy D. Moore and W. H. Vodery) The Steubenville Herald Star (formerly ed. and owned by Jas. Wilson), 1926; purchased The Reposi- tory, Canton (formerly ed. by Pres. Mc- Kinley), 1927; pres., The Brush-Moore Newspapers, Inc., 1927—; added to the chain, The Portsmouth Times, 1930; half interest in the Ironton Tribune, 1930, The Daily News, Canton, 1930, The Sal- isbury (Md.) Times, 1937, Radio Station WHBC Canton, Ohio, 1938, Radio Station WPAY Portsmouth, O., 1938; v. pres., dir., Ohio Mutual Ins. Co., Salem; v. pres., dir., First Nat. Bank, Salem; tr., treas., Mt. Union Coll., Alliance, Hard- ing, Mem. Assn., Marion, McKinley Mem. Assn., Canton; mem. Ohio Soc. of N.Y., Soc. of Mayflower. Descs. of Ohio (8th in desc. from Gov. William Brad- ford), Masons (32d deg.), Elks, Sig- ma Alpha Epsilon. Clubs: Union (Cleve- land), Canton (Canton), Surf, Indian Creek (Miami Beach, Fla.), Bankers (N.Y.C.). Recreations: golf, hunting, fishing. Protestant. Republican. Office: 624 E. State St., Salem, O. Home: 663 S. Lincoln Av., Salem, O. CARHARTT, John Ernest, rector; b. Roscoe, Coshocton Co., O.; s. John Moss- man Carhartt and Emily (Taylor) C; ed. Doane Acad.; Denison Univ., Gran- ville, O.; Western Reserve Univ., Cleve- land; A.B., Kenyon Coll., 1914; Bexley Hall Theol. Seminary, 1915; D.D. (hon.), Denison Univ. 1933, Kenyon Coll., 1939. Ordained deacon, Protestant Episcopal Ch., 1915, priest, 1916; sec. to Bishop DeMoulin, rector St. Andrew's Ch., To- ledo, 1915-19; curate in charge Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, 1919-21; rector, St. Alban's, 1921-29; field rep., lecturer, Washington Cathedral, Washington, D. C, 1930-31; rector St. Peter's Ch., Ash- tabula, 1931 — ; mem. Diocesan Council, O., 1927-35, Diocesan Dept. Religious Edn., 1927-37; Diocesan Com. Forward Movement, 1934; chmn. Dept. Publicity, ed. Ch. Life, 1928-31; historiographer, registrar, Diocese Ohio, 1939—; del. Pro- vincial Synod, 1934 — ; 1st It. chaplain, World War I, 1918; chaplain, U.S.A. Res., 1919 — ; Nat. Chaplain, Army and Navy Union U.S., 1940—; mem. Chap- lains Assn., Nat. Sojourners, Res. Of- ficers Assn.; Citizens Mil. Camps Assn. (co. chmn., 1935 — ), Am. Legion, Ma- sons, (32d deg.), Grand Lodge Ohio (grand chaplain, 1936-37), Columbian commandery K.T., (Em. Commander, 1936-37), Ninth Div. Council Templar Ad- vancement of Grand Commandery Ohio (pres., 1938—), Phi Gamma Delta, O.E. S. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Ashtabula, O. Home: 252 W. 49th St., Ashtabula, O. Died, 25 Jan. 1943. COREY, Fred Brainard, mechanical and electrical engineer (retired; b. Ho- mer, N.Y., 28 Sept. 1869; s. D. Brainard Corey, tannery, manufacturing and re- tail stores, and Frances M. (Benedict) C; ed. Homer Acad.; M.E., Cornell Univ., 1892; m. Caroline L. Heberd of Homer, N.Y., 23 May 1894; children- Robert B., Edward L. Engr., elevator and pumping mach., 1892-1900; ry. dept., Gen. Elec. Co., 1900-11; engr. insp. and tests, Union Switch & Signal Co., 1911- 14; cons, engr., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1914-16, Pittsburgh Valve & Fittings Co., 1916- 35; F.A.I.E.E., F.A.A.A.S.; dir., Y.M. C.A.; Dist. Com., Boy Scouts Am. (sil- ver beaver award); p. pres., Lib. Bd., p.d., C.C., p. chmn. Am. Red Cross Chap.; granted 80 U.S. and many fgn. patents, mostly relating to ry. apparatus used throughout the world; mem. A.S. M.E., Nat. Rifle Assn., S.A.R. Club: Ro- tary Internat. Author: various arts, in tech. press and papers presented to en- gring. and sci. socs. Travel: U.S. Inter- ests: photog., microscopy, conchology, mech. firearms and optical sights. Pres- byterian. Republican. Address: Stony Knoll, R.D. 1, Barberton, O. DAY, Rufus Spalding, lawyer; b. Can- ton, O., 15 Dec. 1884; s. William R. Day, Justice U.S. Supreme Ct., Sec. State, McKinley's Cabinet (dec), and Mary Elizabeth (Schaefer) D.; ed. Univ. Sch. (Cleveland); George Washington Univ., Washington, D.C.; m. Madge C. Carna- han of Canton, O., 10 June 1918; children —Rufus S., Jr., Madge Swift. Practiced law, Washington, D.C., 12 yrs. ; special asst. U.S. Atty. Gen., in office U.S. Soli- citor Gen., Hon. James M. Beck (dec), 1923; sec, Umpire of Mixed Claims Commn., U.S., Ger., 1922; now mem. law firm, Jones, Day, Cockley & Rea- 382 vis, Cleveland; mem. O. State and Cleveland Bar Assns., Kappa Alpha, Soc. Mayflower Descs. Clubs: Nat. Press (Washington, D.C., p. mem.), Racket (p. mem.), Republican (N.Y., p. mem.). Grandfather, Luther Day (dec), justice, O. Supreme Ct. ; great grandfather, R. P. Spalding, justice, O. Supreme Ct.; great great grandfather, Zephaniah Swift, chief justice, Conn., author, Swift's Digest. Recreations: fishing, ten- nis. Christian. Republican. Office: 1759 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 1881 E. 84th St., Cleveland, O. Summer res.: Balsam Lake, Coboconk, Ont. DONALDSON, Elvin F., college pro- fessor; b. Athens, O., 21 Apr. 1903; s. J. Ele Donaldson, mcht., and Mary Jane (Evans) D. ; ed. Logan high sch., Logan, O.; B.Sc, Ohio State Univ., 1925, M.A. 1927, Ph.D., 1933; Univ. Chicago; Colum- bia Univ. Auditor, Recording Devices Co., 1925; asst. instr., Ohio State Univ., 1925-27, instr., 1927-33, asst. prof., 1933- 41, assoc. prof., 1941 — ; asst. dir., Ohio State Univ. Band, 1925-29; dir., Ohio State Univ. Artillery Band, 1929-33; de- signed first marching formations ever used by coll. bands; capt., U.S. Army Organized Reserves, 1942; mem. Beta Gamma Sigma, Delta Sigma Pi, Kappa Kappa Psi, Am. Economic Assn., Re- serve Officers Assn. of U.S. Clubs: Fac- ulty (Ohio State Univ.), Army and Navy. Author: Business Organization and Pro- cedure, 1938, Problems in Corporation Finance, 1940, Ohio Cases on Nego- tiable Instruments, 1940. Office: Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O. Home: 2737 Coventry Rd., Columbus, O. EASTMAN, Linda Anne, librarian (ret.); b. Oberlin, O., July 1867; d. Wil- liam Harvey Eastman, mcht., and Sa- rah (Redrup) E.; ed. West high sch., Cleveland, O.; M.A. (hon.), Oberlin Col- lege, 1924; LL.D. (hon.), Western Re- serve Univ., 1929; Litt.D. (hon.), Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1933. Teacher pub. schs., West Cleveland and Cleveland, O., 1885- 92; asst. librarian, Dayton (O.) Pub. Li- brary, 1895-96; asst. librarian Cleveland Pub. Library, 1892-95, 1896-18, librarian, 1918-38; mem. faculty, Western Reserve Univ. Library Sch., 1903-38, prof, emeri- tus, 1938 — ; p. pres., O. Library Assn., Am. Library Assn.; awarded medal for distinguished service to the city by Cleveland Chamber Commerce; mem. Am. Assn. for Adult Ed., Am. Library Inst., Cleveland Mus. of Art, Cleveland Mus. of Natural History, Western Res. Hist. Soc, O. Archaeological and Hist. Soc, many philanthropical orgns. Club: Women's City. Author: Portrait of a li- brarian; William Howard Brett; many prof. arts, and pamphlets. Travel: U.S., Can., Eur. Family has lived in northern O., 1828 — . Interests: lit., art, garden- ing. Recreation: gardening. Protestant. Home: 2160 Chatfield Dr., Cleveland Heights, O. WHITMORE, Frank Hayden, libra- rian; b. Melbourne, Australia (on bd. Am. sailing ship), 14 July 1877; s. Franklin Delano Whitmore, capt., and Mary (Palmer) W.; ed. pvt. schs. in U.S. and Eng.; Gardiner (Me.) high sch.; A.B., Harvard Coll., 1899, N.Y. Lib. Sch., 1899-1901. Asst. librarian, Bow- doin Coll. Library, 1901-05; librarian, Brockton (Mass.) Pub. Library, 1905-25; librarian, East Chicago (Ind.) Pub. Lib., mem. Am. Library Assn., Ind. Library Assn. (p. pres.); in camp library serv- ice, Camp Devens; transport librarian on S.S. Mt. Vernon during World War I; It. gov. in Ind. Dist., 1940-41; Kiwanis Internat. Gov., Soc. of Colonial Wars in Ind., 1940—. Clubs: Prairie, Harvard of Boston, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago Li- brary (p. pres.), Mass. Library (life mem.). Travel: Eur., Caribbean, South- west U.S. Interest: collecting books on Am. sailing ships and the sea. Recrea- tions: walking. Episcopalian. Republi- can. Office: 3601 Grand Blvd., East Chi- cago, Ind. Home: 1205 Beacon St., East Chicago, Ind. FITZ, Ervin Moul, electrical engineer; b. Hanover, Pa., 31 Mar. 1872; s. Jacob Fitz, mfr., and Carrie (Moul) F.; ed. Hanover (Pa.) high sch.; R.I. Tech. Drawing Sch., 1893; Wis. Univ., sum- mer, 1902; m. Bessie Bliss Wiggim of Columbus, O., 1 June 1914. Apprenticed with Jacob Fitz shops and Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., Providence, R.I. ; engr., Richmond Locomotive Works, Va., Southern Ry. Co., Washington, D. C, Schenectady Locomotive Works, Ches- apeake & O. R.R., Pa. R.R., 37 years, (Roll of Honor), retired, 1937; insp., Ordn. Dept., High Bridge, N.J., Bethle- hem, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Ordn. War Dept., during Sp. War; mem. A.S.M.E. (life), A.I.E.E. (life), Franklin Inst., Benjamin Franklin Chap. S.A.R., Co- lumbus Geneal. Soc, Masons (32d deg.), Shrine. Travel: No. Am. (extensive). In- terests: travel, gardening. Presbyterian. Independent Democrat. Office & home: 58 South St., E. Worthington, O. FREIBERG, Joseph Albert, surgeon; b. Cincinnati, O., 3 Oct. 1898; s. Albert Henry Freiberg, surg., and Jeannette (Freiberg) F. ; ed. Univ. Sch., Cincin- 383 ati, O.; A.B., Harvard, 1920; M.A., Univ. Cin., 1922, M.D., 1923; m. Louise Roth- enberg of Cincinnati, O., 6 Oct. 1928; children — Richard Albert, Elinor. Train- ing, orthopaedics, Mass. General Hosp., Children's Hosp., Boston, Mass.; studied at clinics in Eng., It., Ger.; assoc. prof, surgery, Orthopaedic Div. Univ. Cincin- nati; dir. Orthopaedic Service, Cincin- nati Gen. Hosp.; dir. Orthopaedic Ser- vice, Cincinnati Jewish Hosp.; dir. Or- thopaedic Service, Children's Hospital; Fellow, Am. Acad. Orth. Surgery, Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. Acad. Med., Cin- cinnati, O. State Med. Assn., A.M. A., Am. Orth. Assn., Clinical Orth. Soc, Orth. Forum. Club: Losantiville Coun- try. Author: many arts, on orthopaedic subs. Recreations: golf, gardening. Jew- ish. Office: 707 Race St., Cincinnati, O. Home: Knoll Rd., Amberley Village, Cincinnati, O. FROHMAN, Charles E., b. Sandusky, 9 Aug. 1901; s. Daniel Frohman and Hel- en (Wagner) F.; ed. Sandusky pub. sens.; B.S. (in Econ.), Univ. Pa., 1923; LL.B., Yale Univ., 1926; m. Ruth E. Dunsmore of So. Fork, Pa., 10 June 1933; children— David J., Daniel C. Mem. firm Flynn, Frohman, Bucking- ham Py and Kruse; v. pres. and dir., Hinde and Dauch Paper Co.; v.p. and dir., Hoenshel Fine Foods, Inc.; dir., 3rd Nat. Exchange Bd., Am. Crayon Co., O-P Craft Co., Inc., pres., Good Samar- itan Hosp. Assn.; dir. Sandusky Cham- ber Commerce; mem. Erie Co., O. State and American Bar Assns., Acacia, Delta Theta Phi (law), Theta Alpha Phi (dramatic), Philomathean (literary), Masons (32d deg.) K.T., B.P.O.E. Clubs: Yale (N.Y.), Plum Brook Country, San- dusky Yacht, Men's Literary, U.S. Pow- er Squadrons. Interest: cine kodak ama- teur work. Recreation: boating. Episco- palian. Republican. Office: 407 Decatur St., Sandusky, O. Home: 1217 Erie Blvd., Sandusky, O. HART, William Lincoln, judge; b. Sa- lineville, O., 5 Feb. 1867; s. Benjamin Franklin Hart, farmer, and Ariel (Dreg- horn) H.; ed. country sens.; A.B., Mt. Union Coll., Alliance, O., 1896; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1897; LL.D. (hon.), Mt. Union Coll., 1929; m. Ida B. Caskey of Alliance, O., 15 Sept. 1897; children- Ian Bruce, William Lincoln, Jr. Pub. sch. teacher in Columbiana and Stark Cos.; city ed., Alliance Daily Review, 1893-95; engaged in gen. law pract. at Alliance, 1897-1939; tr., Mt. Union Coll., 1912—; judge of Supreme Court of O., 1934 (short term), full term, 2 Jan. 1939- 2 Jan. 1945, reelected 2nd term, 2 Jan. 1945-2 Jan. 1951; mem. Am. Bar Assn., O. State Bar Assn. (pres., 1923-24), Am. Law Inst, (life mem.), Am. Soc. Inter- nal Law, Soc. Mayflower Descs., Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Theta Phi, Masons, K.P., L.O.O.M., Sons of Vets, of Civil War. Clubs: Wranglers, Michigan Un- ion, Rotary. Author: Review of Ohio Case Law, 1921-39; Silas Hart and His Descendants. Interests: collecting old books and manuscripts. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Republican. Office: Ju- diciary Bldg., Columbus, O. Home: 135 Overlook Dr., Alliance, O. STURROCK, Walter, illuminating en- gineer; b. Knoxville, Pa., 30 Jan. 1893; s. James Sturrock (dec.) and Jean F. (Pollock) S.; ed. Ithaca (N.Y.) high sch.; M.E., Cornell Univ., 1916; m. Lela B. Radabaugh of West Unity, 8 July 1925; children — Mary Jean, Martha Lou- ise. Engr., Nat. Lamp Works, Gen. Elec. Co., Cleveland, June 1916-Nov. 1917, il- luminating engr., May 1919-30; illumin- ating engr. in charge commercial and industrial lighting, Nela Park Engring. Dept., 1930-35; illuminating engr. in charge of engring. pubis. Nela Park En- gring. Dept., 1935 — ; instr., Sch. Military Aeronautics, Cornell Univ., 15 Nov. 1917- Jan. 1918, sch. at Cambridge, Mass.; commd. 2nd It., assigned to Call Field, Wichita Falls, Tex., 1 Apr. 1918, 31st Aero Squadron, Issoudun, Fr., 1 Aug. 1918, commd. 1st It., Mar. 1919, ree'd. ci- tation for meritorious and conspicuous services at Third Aviation Center, Fr., A.E.F. from Comdr. in chief, John J. Pershing; discharged 1 May 1919; mem. Illuminating Engrs. Soc, Cleveland El- ectrical League, Building Owners and Managers Assn., Ohio State Soc. of Pro- fessional Engineers, Soc. of Am. Mili- tary Engineers, Masons (32d deg.), Shrine, Eta Kappa Nu. Club: Cornell. Author: many tech. papers on illumin- ating engring. Travel: U.S. Recreations: golf, swimming. Methodist. Republican. Office: General Electric Co., Engineer- ing Dept., Nela Park, Cleveland, O. Home: 15002 Terrace Rd., E. Cleveland, O. RATTI, Gino Arturo, college dean; b. Carrara, It., 9 Oct. 1885; s. Cesare A. Ratti, sculptor, and Luigia (Franchini) R.; ed. Proctor (Vt.) high sch.; A.B., Middlebury Coll., 1907, A.M., 1909; Ph. D., Univ. de Grenoble, Fr., 1911; courses at Sorbonne, Paris, Univ. of Florence, It.; m. Nellie P. Rockwood of Provi- dence, R.I., 28 June 1912; children — Gino Arturo, Jr., Emilio Paul. Prin., Pitts- ford (Vt.) High Sch., 1907-09; instr. Ro- mance languages, Northwestern Univ., 384 1911-13; asst. prof., Romance languages Univ. Wash., 1913-20; head dept., Ro mance languages, Butler Univ., 1920 — acting dean, Coll. Liberal Arts and Sci ences, 1935-37; dean 1937 — ; mem. Mod ern Lang. Assn. Am., Am. Assn. Teach ers of Fr., Fed. Modern Lang. Teach ers, A.A.U.P., Ind. Hist. Soc, Prof Men's Forum of Indianapolis, Ind. Phi los. Assn., Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma, Kappa Delta Rho (founder). Clubs: Alliance, Francaise. Author: Les Idees Morales et Litteraires d' Alphonse Daudet; A Progressive Course in Fr., Composition and Conversation; ed. of textbook for classroom use, Histories Droles pour la Jeunesse, by Max and Alex Fischer; lecturer on ed. subjects and literary and internat. affairs. Rec- reations: camping, fishing, gardening, outdoor life. Conglist (deacon). Repub- lican. Office: Butler University, Indiana- polis, Ind. Home: 329 Buckingham Dr., Indianapolis, Ind. POLLEY, Frederick, artist; b. Union City, 15 Aug. 1875; s. Jacob Polley, teacher, and Matilda (Wiley) P.; ed. Columbus (Ind.) Normal Sch., Corcoran Sch. of Art, Washington, D.C.; John Herron Art Sch., Indianapolis; extension courses, Ind. Univ., 1918-22, Purdue Univ., 1923-35; m. Cora May Mansfiein of Union City, Ind., 6 Aug. 1898; children —Pearl May (Mrs. Eugene M. Bush- ong), Amber Matilda (Mrs. Wayne Win- chester). Ed. pub., Union City News, 1897-99; com. artist, 1910-16; draftsman, U.S. Topographic Bur., 1906-09; art teacher, Arsenal Tech. High Sch., 1917 — , head graphic arts dept., 1933-41; contbr. art feature ed. page, Indianapo- lis Sunday Star, 1924 — ; author-illustra- tor syndicate feature, Our America ; rep- resented with etchings, drawings, Phila- delphia Sesqui-Centennial, 1926, Century of Progress, Chicago, 1933, Nat. Galle-- of Art, Washington, D.C., John Herron Art Museum, Univ. Pittsburg, Ind. Univ., Purdue Univ., Indiana State Teachers Coll., Earlham Coll., Culver Mil. Acad., Manchester Coll., Univ. la., Wesleyan Univ., Trinity Coll.; mem. In- diana Soc. Print Makers (pres.), New Orleans Art League, Chicago Galleries Assn., Chicago Soc. of Etchers, Hoosier Galleries, Brown Co. Art Gallery Assn., Ind. Hist. Soc. Clubs: Ind. Artists (pres., 5 terms), Portfolio, Salmagunde (N.Y.). Author: contbr. American Cities series in Scribner's Mag. Interests: drawing, etching, painting. Christian. Address: Route 13, Box 288, 7500 Sargent Rd. f In- dianapolis, Ind. TENKACS, John, sculptor; b. Hun- gary; ed. Budapest Acad, of Hungary; Budapest Acad, of Fine Arts; awards, Hist, and Theol. Soc. of Hungary, spl. award, Baron Kohner Cleveland Mus. of Arts; worked in N.Y.C., several yrs.; splty., portraits, statuettes, decorative ceramics, Cleveland; award at Cleve- land Mus. of Arts, May show; mem. Cleveland Mus. of Arts, Cleveland Soc. of Artists. Works: base relief, Franz Liszt, Hungarian Garden, Rockfeller Park, two busts, pioneer crusaders in theol., Slovak Garden, base relief, Audu- bon High Sch. Address: 9601 Talbot Av., Cleveland, O. TURNOCK, Lawrence Charles, con- sulting engineer; b. Chicago, 111., 9 Mar. 1886; s. E. Hill Turnock, architect, and Mathilda (Tourville) T.; ed. Lyons Twp. high sch., La Grange, HI.; B.S. (in C E.), Univ. 111., 1910; Ch.E., Univ. Wis., 1911; m. Mary Thomas Rucker of Louis- ville, Ky., 1912; children — Mary Turnock Jaeger, Lawrence C, Jr. Head, div. of electrochem. engring., Pa. State Coll.; spl. tech. advisor to late Thomas A. Edison; chief metallurgist, Willys Over- land Co.; dir. divs. of physical chem- istry, electrochemistry & chem. engr- ing., Carnegie Inst, of Tech., Pitts- burgh, Pa.; cons. chem. engr., pres., Turnock Engring. Co.; dir., Placerville Syndicate, Atlas Fertilizer Co.; served as dir., Original Research Poison Gas Defense, during World War I; mem. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Electrochem. Soc, Amateur Trap- shooting Assn. of N.A. (life). Club: Bos- ton Hills Country. Author: Electrochem- istry for Engineers; numerous research- es in Sci. jours. & proceedings. Travel: N. Am. Interests: music, hunting dogs. Recreations: golf, hunting, trap and skeet shooting, poker. Protestant. Office: Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 1886 E. 97th St., Cleveland, O. WILLARD, Theodore Arthur, ret. ex- ecutive; b. Farmington, Minn., 10 Dec. 1862; s. Robert Willard, artist, and Es- ther (Day) W. ; ed. Famington (Minn.) high sch.; engring. ed., night sch.; D.A. (hon.), archeol. work; m. Florence Voorhees of Cleveland, O., 1914. Ap- prentice steel engraver, elder brother; orch. player, nights; artist, Leslie Weekly, N.Y.; art study, N.Y. and Cleveland; working on storage battery idea; estab. Willard Storage Battery Co., invented Willard Storage Battery, hold- ing 56 patents in storage batteries and machinery, Cleveland, O.; during World War I worked on Liberty Battery for air- planes; retired at 65. Clubs: Cleveland, 385 Los Angeles Country, Bel Air Bay, Ad- venturers. Author: City of the Sacred Well; Bride of the Rain God; Wizard of Zacna-History of the Mayas and Itzas; Kukulcan, The Bearded Conqueror. Travel: Eur., So. Am., Afr., Cent. Am., around world. Interests: cartooning, am- ateur photog., archaeology, writing hist, of Mayas and Itzas and deciphering their lang. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice: Cleveland, O. Home: 617 N. Linden Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. Winter res.: Palm Springs, Calif. Died, 3 Feb. 1943. WILLIAMS, B. Y. (Mrs. Karl H.), au- thor, editor, publisher; b. Hammers- ville, O.; d. Elsberry Young and Elea- nor Belle (Smith) Y.; ed. Clark Twp. high sch.; Ohio Northern; Univ. of Cin- cinnati; m. Karl Howland Williams of Cincinnati, O.; children — Anne Bernice (Mrs. W. Massey Foley) and Thomas Young (dec); mem. Poetry Soc. of Am. Ohio Poetry Soc, League of Am. Pen Women, Writers' League of Greater Cin- cinnati. Clubs: Cincinnati Woman's, Cin- cinnati Womens' Press, Cincinnati Mac- Dowell Soc. Author: House of Happi- ness; Apples of Gold, Far Is the Hill (all books of poems) ; For Each a Star (record birthday book with Zodiac son- nets and illustrations); co-editor: poetry magazine, Talaria. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Eur. Protestant. Republican. Home: The Phelps, 506 E. Fourth St., Cincinnati, O. Summer home: Karlsbad Hills, Chilo, O. ENGEL, Rudolph Carl, physician and surgeon; b. Cleveland, O., 19 June 1879; s. Frederick C. Engel, news distributor, and Mary (Heimburger) E.; ed. South high sch., Cleveland, O.; M.D., O. Wes- leyan Univ. (Cleveland) Coll. Phys. & Surg., 1902; m. Mary S. Sluka of Cleve- land, O., 11 June 1902; children— Dr. W. A., Alvin R., Carl R. Spl. examiner, Civil Service Commn., 1909-14; med. dir., Corrigan, McKinney Steel Co., 1917- 35; chief surgeon, Cleveland Dist., Re- public Steel Corp., 1935—; River Term. Ry. Co., 1912—; mem. Industrial Health Com., Nat. Safety Council; assoc mem. staff St. Alexis, St. Luke's and St. John's Hosps.; p. sec. and chmn. Industrial Med. Sect. O. State, Acad. Med. Cleve land; dir., Am. Assn. Industrial Phys & Surgeons; mem. Volunteer Med Corps, 1917-19; Fellow Am. Med Assn., Am. Assn. Industrial Phys. & Sur geons; mem. Acad. Med. Cleveland, O State Med. Assn. Author: various arts on Heat Fatigue, Use of Salt in Indus trial Med., Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Industrial Med. Problems; Organization Med. Dept. in Industry. Travel: U.S. In- terest: Inst. Health (Cleveland, O.). Clubs: Shrine, Automobile. Recreations: football, baseball, motoring, bowling. Protestant. Republican. Office: 409 Re- public Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 2912 Weybridge Rd., Shaker Heights, O. Died 28 Nov. 1944. GINN, Curtiss, surgeon; b. Shelby Co., O., 17 July 1872; s. Charles F. Ginn, phys., and Harriet (Whitmer) G. ; ed. Oberlin Coll.; M.D., Cleveland Univ., 1895; m. Grace Hooven of Dayton, O., 1898; children— Charlotte, Curtiss, Jr. Interne, Miami Valley Hosp., 1895, staff surgeon, Miami Valley Hosp., Dayton State Hosp., St. Elizabeth Hosp., Dayton Power & Light Co.; dir., Dayton Art Inst.; on Advisory Bd. No. 10, Maj., Med. R.C. ; mem. Co., State and Nat. Med. Socs., fellow, F.A.C.S. Club: Men's Sketch (pres.). Travel: N. and S. Am. Interests: painting, ship model bldg., trout fly tying. Recreations: trout fishing. Protestant. Republican. Office: 1032 Reibold Bldg., Dayton, O. Home: Kramer and Haver Roads, Oakwood, Dayton, O. Summer res. : Pigeon River Ranch, Mich. SHICK, Frederick Eshelman, lawyer; b. Terre Haute, Ind., 9 Aug. 1905; s. Ellis O. Shick and Irene (Eshelman) S.; ed. Technical high sch., Indianapo- lis, Ind.; LL.B., Ind. Law Sch., Univ. Indianapolis, 1929; Butler Univ., Indian- apolis, Ind., 16 Dec. 1933. Spl. agt., Fed. Bur. Investigation, 1929-30; active prac- tice of law in Indianapolis, 1930 — ; dep- uty securities commr., State of Ind., 1939-40; chief deputy Sec of State, 1940; mem. Indianapolis Jr. Chamber Com- merce (pres., 1933-34), Lawyers Assn. Indianapolis (pres., 1939), Sigma Chi, Pi Epsilon Delta, Delta Theta Phi, In- dianapolis Bar Assn. Clubs: Lawyers, Irvington Republican, Irvington Dra- matic. Recreations : golf, reading. Methodist. Republican. Office: 20 State House and 318 Insurance Bldg., Indiana- polis, Ind. Home: 763 N. Bolton Av., Indianapolis, Ind. RODMAN, Clarence James, chemical engineer; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 10 July 1891; s. H. H. Rodman, minister, and L. M. (Schiek) R. ; ed. Brandon (Wis.) high sch., A.B., Ripon Coll., M.S., Univ. Wis.; grad. Sch. of Yale and Pitt.; m. Hazel Purcell of Alliance, O., 19 Nov. 1925; children— James, Robert. Res. chem. Eastman Kodak Co., 1916-17; res. engr., Westinghouse Co., 1917-25; cons, engr., 1925-27; dist. mgr. Rusert Auto W. P. Co., 1926 — ; pres., treas., dir., The Alliance Porcelain Products Co. (Alli- 386 ance Ware); v. p., dir., Alliance Mfg. Co.; p. mem. Alliance Sch. Bd. ; with Navy, and res. at Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., during World War I; mem. A.C.S., Am. Ceram. Soc, Engr. Soc. W. Pa., A.I.M.E., Am. Photog. Soc, A.S. T.M., A.I.C., A.A.A.S., Masons, Nat. Ri- fle Assn., Chamber Commerce (dir.), Outdoor League (p. pres.), Chamber Commerce, U.S.A., Nat. Mfrs. Assn., Formed Metal Plumbing Ware Assn. U.S.A. (pres.), Ohio Chamber Com- merce, Nat. Small Business Men's As- sn., Com. Deputy Sheriff Stark Co., O., Ohio Assn. Chiefs of Police. Clubs: Ro- tary (p. pres.), Country (Alliance, O.), Al Koran (Cleveland). Author: numer- ous scientific papers U.S., and Can., Brit., patents; developed first commer- cial porcelained steel bathtub; devel- oped first commercial porcelained steel bathtub; developed Hydrovolifier and In- ertaire Transformer. Interests: photog., travel, big game hunting. Recreation: nature study. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Box 809, Alliance, O. Home: 1315 S. Union Av., Alliance, O. PURCELL, William Henry, bus. ex- ecutive; b. Crestline, O., 19 Aug. 1866; s. James Purcell, gen. foreman, and El- len (Crowe) P.; ed. pub. schs.; m. Ger- trude Hartzell of Alliance, O., 14 Apr. 1893; children— Mrs. Hazel Purcell Rod- man, Mrs. Dorothy Purcell Lewis, Mrs. Ruth Purcell Fennerty. Began career as machinist apprentice, Morgan Eng. Co., Alliance, O., foreman, supt., gen. mgr., until 1901; organizer, Alliance Machine Co., mfrs. of elec. cranes and mill machinery, 1901, now pres., gen. mgr.; pres., dir., Machined Steel Cast- ing Co., Alliance, Alliance Mfg. Co., Al- liance; chmn. bd., Alliance First Nat. Bank; sec. Alliance Structural Co.; dir. McCaskey Register Co., Transue & Wil- liams Steel Forging Corp.; chmn. 3 Liberty Loan campaigns, during World War I. Clubs: Alliance Country, Con- gress Lake, Army & Navy and Congres- sional Country (Washington, D.C.). Of- fice: Alliance, O. Home: 1315 S. Union Av., Alliance, O. Died, 26 May 1944. ROHR, John Turner, president the To- ledo Trust Co.; b. Toledo* O., 2 July 1889; s. Samuel Rohr and Helen A. (Tur- ner) R.; ed. Toledo Central high sch., 1906; m. Clara I. Klauser, 20 Sept. 1911. Entered Second National Bank, 1906, as- st. cashier, 1916, v. p., 1919—; Second National Bank was merged with the To- ledo Trust Co., 1924; pres. The Toledo Trust Co., 1936—; dir. of Bostwick- Braun Co.. Toledo, The Bunting Brass and Bronze Co., DeVilbiss Co., The Het- trick Manufacturing Co., The Northwest- ern Elevator and Mill Co., The Ottawa River Paper Co., The Toledo Plate and Window Glass Co., The Toledo Scale Co., Am. Swiss Co., Toledo Pipe Threading Machine Co., Mother Spring Co.; pres. and dir. The Toledo Trust Co.; on Ad- visory Com. of the Cleveland Loan Agen- cy of the Reconstruction Finance Corp.; dir. Toledo Community Chest, Red Cross; endowment trustee, The Toledo Hosp. ; mem. Toledo Chamber Com- merce ; Sanford L. Collins Lodge No. 396, F. and A.M. of Ohio. Clubs: Toledo, Toledo Country, Inverness, Toledo Yacht. Recreations: golf, yachting. Ep- piscopalian. Office: 245-249 Summit St., Toledo, O. Home: Park Lane Apts., To- ledo, O. ROLPH, Thomas Willett, illuminating engineer; b. Fargo, N. Dak., 29 Oct. 1884; s. Rollin T. Rolph, phys., and Ella K. (McClanathan) R.; ed. Dunkirk, N.Y. high sch.; Fredonia (N.Y.) Normal Sch.; E.E., Cornell Univ., 1907; m. Frances J. Collins of Newark, O., 27 May 1914; children— Thomas W., Jr., Alice C, Charles F. Illuminating engr., Holophane Co., 1907-13; General Electric Co.; prod, mgr., Strong Mfg. Co., Seb- ring, O.; mgr. engr., street lighting dept., Holophane Co., 1921, asst. chief engr., 1928, chief engr., 1931; v. p., chief engr., Holophane Co., Inc.; Fellow Il- luminating Engring. Soc; mem. Optical Soc. of Am., Rotary, Elks, Ohio Soc Prof. Engrs. (v.p., 1943, pres., 1944). Author: numerous tech. arts.; Patentee: 51 lighting equipment patents. Travel: Eur., Eng. Office: Holophane Co., Inc., Newark, O. Home: 293 Merchant St., Newark, O. SCHINDEL, John Randolph, atty.; b. Fort Stevenson, Dak. (now m.c), 8 June 1875; s. Jeremiah P. Schindel of the U.S.A., and Martha Pintard (Bayard) S.; ed. Hughes High Sch., Cincinnati; LL.B., Univ. Cincinnati, 1899; m. Ella Baker of Cincinnati, O., 15 June 1918. Admitted to bar, 1899; assoc. with Max- well & Ramsey, 1899-1906; asst. city solicitor, Cincinnati, 1906-08; entered partnership with Morison R. Waite un- der firm name of Waite & Schindel, 1909; Herman A. Bayless entered the firm and name became Waite, Schindel & Bayless, 1916; Herbert Shaffer, Philip J. Schneider and John S. Bachman have since entered said firm; dir., The Union Central Life Ins. Co., Holmes-Darst Coal Corp., Chemical Products Corp.; local atty. for Phoenix Life Ins. Co., Conn. Gen. Life Ins. Co., Lincoln Nat. Life Ins. Co., Medical Protective, The Texas 387 Co., Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co., Midland Mutual Life Ins. Co. ; Cincinnati Counsel for Postal Te. -Cable Co.; dist. atty., The Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Co.; served for many years on Advisory Com. of Nat. Municipal League; mem. Am., Ohio State and Cincinnati Bar Assns., Am. Soc. International Law, Am. Acad. Pol. & Social Sci., First Charter Commn., Cincinnati; assoc. mem. Citizens Hist. Assn. Clubs: Queen City, Univ., Cincin- nati Country, Literary (Cincinnati). Ep- piscopalian. Republican. Office: 1318 Un- ion Central Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Home: 1601 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati, O. Died 29 Oct. 1941. SCHNACKE, Francis Dean, lawyer; b. Clay Center, Kan., 2 Dec. 1889; s. Dr. L. C. Schnacke, minister, and Winnifred (Davis) S. ; ed. McPherson (Kan.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Kan., 1911, A.M., 1912; LL.B., Columbia Univ., 1914; m. Mary Reding, 27 Dec. 1918 (dec, 1942); chil- dren—Arthur W., Helen Dean, Winifred K. Teaching fellow, econ., Univ. Kan., 1911-12; admitted to N.Y. Bar, 1915; assoc. in practice with Joline, Larkin Rathbone, N.Y. City, 1915-19; lectured commercial law, Antioch Coll., Yellow Springs, O., 1922-23; practiced law in Dayton, O., mem. firm, Craighead, Cow- den, Smith & Schnacke, 1926-36, firm Smith, Schnacke & Compton, 1936—; dir. Consolidated Aircraft Corp., San Di- ego, Calif., 1928-42, v. pres., 1940-42; dir. Ohio Service Holding Corp.; dir. The Univis Lens Co.; contracting off., U.S. Air Service, 1918-19, atty., 1919-25; pvt., sergt., U.S.A., 1917, 1st It. Air Service, capt., 1918; mem. Dayton (pres., 1934), O. State and Am. Bar Assns. Clubs: Dayton Country, Engineers, Lawyers. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Tal- bott Bldg., Dayton, O. Home: 110 Park Rd., Dayton, O. SPENGLER, Warren D., engineer; b. Cleveland, O., 13 Aug. 1881; s. A. Speng- ler, musician, and Jane B. (Hudson) S. ; ed. Cleveland pub. schs.; A.B., Adelbert Coll., 1903; B.S., M.I.T., 1908; m. Jose- phine W. Hadcock of Boston, Mass., 27 June 1910; 1 dau., Joan. Gen. surveying, constr.,, 1900-09; design constr., power plants, substations, etc., Pub. Uti- lities, 1909-15; industrial, gen. constr., spl. elec. work, 1915-18; independent en- gr., 1919-30; Sargent & Lundy, engrs., Chicago, 1931-33; Sanderson & Porter, N.Y., 1934-38; pres. Buckeye Labs., Inc., 1938-39; cons, engr., industrial Plants, Utility Operations, 1939; mem. A.I.E.E., A.S.M. Home: Hudson, O. STITSKIN, Leon, rabbi; b. 2 July 1908; s. Samuel Stitskin and Anne (Zis- ner) S.; ed. Toronto pub. schs.; Tulmu- dical Acad.; Coll. City N.Y.; Hiram Coll.; B.A., Yeshivah Coll., 1932, Rabbi, 1931; m. Dorothy Gerston of Detroit, Mich., 2 July 1933; children— Hadassah, Miriam, Rochelle S. Rabbi of Beth Israel Cong., 1932—; supt., Beth Israel Rel. Sch.; now rabbi Beth Joseph Center, Rochester, N.Y. ; mem. Warren Minis- terial Assn., Rabbinical Council of Am. (exec, mem.), Union of Congs. of Am. and Synagogue Council, B'nai B'rith (No. Ohio state dept., mem. speakers' bur.), Nat. Zionist Orgn., Warren Zionist Soc. (pres.), Warren Community Forum (organizer, 1934), Inter-Faith Fellowship (organizer, 1940), Family Welfare Assn. (hon. chmn.). Author: Judaism as a Re- ligion, 1937; Toward a Dynamic Religion (in preparation); arts, in Jewish pubis. Interests: philosophy, reading. Recrea- tions: swimming, baseball. Jewish. Address: 1234 Main Av., Warren, Ohio. LAWTHER, Anna Bell; b. Dubuque, la., 8 Sept. 1872; d. William and Anna Elizabeth (Bell) Lawther; prep. edn. pub. schs. of Dubuque and Miss Stevens Sch., Germantown, Pa., 1892-93; A.B., Bryn Mawr Coll., 1897; L.H.D., Morning- side Coll., Sioux City, la., 1927; LL.D., Univ. of Dubuque, 1936. Associated with Bryn Mawr Coll. as asst. bursar, 1898- 1900, warden Merion Hall, 1904-05, sec. 1907-12. Pres. Iowa Equal Suffrage As- sn., 1916-19; Dem. Nat. committeewom- an, 1919-24; del, to National Dem. Conv. 1920, 24. Served as mem. Council of De- fense, 1917-18. Trustee Hillcrest Baby Fold since 1914; mem. Iowa State Bd. of Edn.,. 1921-41, chmn. faculty com., 1931- 41; alumnae trustee Bryn Mawr Coll., 1922-27. Mem. Am. Assn. Univ. Women, English Speaking Union, la. Hist. Soc, P.E.O. Democrat. Presbyterian. Clubs: Dubuque Woman's, Dubuque Golf, Quo- ta. Home: Julien Hotel, Dubuque, la. McCOWEN, Edward Oscar, educator, congressman; b. Scioto Co., O.; s. Wil- liam H. and Frances E. (McCammon) McC.; B.S., Ohio Northern Univ., Ada, O., 1908; B.Edn., Ohio State Univ., 1917; Ed.M.,Univ. of Cincinnati, 1939; m. Clara E. Smith, 19 Aug. 1902; children — Clara Frances (Mrs. Clarence W. Smith), Ce- cil Bernard (dec), Eva Rosalie (Mrs. J. Lawrence Keller), Edward Reginald, John Donald Smith, Florence Kathryn (Mrs. William L. Carter, Jr.). School teacher, then high school teacher, prin- cipal and superintendent; co. supt., Sci- oto Co., O., pub. schs., 1914-42; mem. 388 78th Congress (1943-45), 6th Ohio Dist., re-elected to the 79th Congress. Trustee Rio Grande (O.) Coll. Mem. N.E.A. (life mem.), Ohio State Edn. Assn. (pres., 1938), Phi Delta Kappa. Republican. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Ch. Royal Arch Mason. Club: Kiwanis. Home: Wheelersburg, O. McGRAW, Max, corp. official; b. Clear Lake, la., 1 Feb. 1883; s. Watson Jay and Bertha E. (Rounds) McG. ; ed. high sch. and business coll., Sioux City, la., and corresponding sch.; m. Frances Schaaf, 16 Aug. 1904; children— Richard Francis, Maxine Ruth, Carol Jean. Be- gan as elec. contractor, Sioux City, 1900, establishing McGraw Electric Co., add- ed wholesale electrical supplies, 1903, telephone mfg., 1907, later opened branches in Omaha and St. Louis; sold out wholesale business to Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., 1926; established electric light plant, 1912, in S. Dak., which increased to system now supply- ing over 250 towns, operating through Central Electric Gas Co. and Central Tel. Co. of which is pres. ; pres. Mc- Graw Electric Co.; dir. Carrier Corp., Syracuse, N.Y. P. pres. Nat. Elec. Mfrs. Assn. Republican. Methodist. Clubs: Mid-Day, Electric, Chicago, Elgin Coun- try, Electric Mfrs. (New York). Home: Dundee, 111. Office: Elgin, 111. MILLINGTON, Ernest John Oldknow, lawyer; b. Derby, Eng., 5 Apr. 1871; s. Rev. William and Hannah (Oldknow) M. ; brought to U.S., 1882; student Univ. Rochester, 1887-90; D.C.L., Hillsdale (Mich.) Coll., 1935; LL.D., Sioux Falls (S.D.) Coll., 1941; m. Bertha Seaman, 1 Sept. 1891; children— Ernest J. O., Bertha H. (Mrs. Fred W. Syers), Alfred E.; m. 2d, M. Maud Harris, 6 July 1925. Salesman and accountant, 1897-1908; or- dained to ministry, Congl. Ch., 1908; pastor, Congl. Ch., Cadillac, Mich., 1908- 12; admitted to Mich, bar, 1912; private practice, Cadillac, since 1912; judge Re- corder's Court, Cadillac, 1918-38; city atty., Cadillac, since 1940. Pres. Mich. Baptist Conv., 1936-39, Northern Baptist Conv., 1940-41; pres. Am. Baptist Publ. Society, 1938-40. Mem. Cadillac Bd. of Edn., 1910-13. Trustee Hillsdale Coll., 1935-41. Mem. State Bar of Mich., Am. Bar Assn. Mason. Lecturer on ednl. sub- jects since 1927. Home: 461 E. Cass St., Cadillac, Mich. Office: Evening News Bldg., Cadillac, Mich. TAWNEY, Guy Alan, psychologist, philosopher; b. Tippecanoe City, O., 11 Mar. 1870; s. Daniel Abraham and Adelle (Paige) T.; student Macalester Coll., Minn., 1887-88, Wabash Coll., Ind., 1888-89, 1890-91; A.B., Princeton, 1893, M.A., 1894; Ph.D., Leipzig, 1896; m. Marietta Busey, Apr. 1909; children— Geo. Busey (dec. 1944), Elizabeth Paige, Catherine Jane. Demonstrator in psy- chology, Princeton, 1896; Squier prof, mental science and philosophy, Beloit (Wis.) Coll., 1897-1907; lecturer in philos- ophy, Columbia Univ., 1906-07; asst. prof, philosophy, Univ. of 111., 1907-08, prof, philosophy, Univ. of Cincinnati, 1908-27, Obed J. Wilson prof, of ethics, 1927-30; prof, philosophy, Univ. of 111., 1930-39, retired 1 Sept. 1939. Chmn. bd. Busey's State Bank (now Busey First Nat. Bank) since 1933. Mem. bd. dirs. Presbyn. Theol. Sem., Chicago. Mem. Am. Philos. (now Mo. Council Theol. Sem.) Assn., Phi Beta Kappa; fellow A. A.A.S., British Inst. Philos. Studies. Con- tbr. on psychol. and philos. subjects. Home: 502 W. Main St., Urbana, 111. PHILLIPS, Waite, investments; b. Conway, la., 19 Jan. 1883; s. Lewis F. and Lucinda Josephine (Faucett) P.; ed. Shenandoah Normal College (la.); m. Genevieve Elliott, Knoxville, la., 30 Mar. 1909; children— Helen Jane, Elliott Waite. Employed by Coal Companies in operating and sales departments, Knox- ville and Creston, la., 1903-06; associat- ed with brothers Frank & L. E. in oil business at Bartlesville, Okla., 1906-14; marketer, 1914-25 in mid-continent area individual oil producer, refiner, and marketer, 1914-25 in mid-continent area with Tulsa, Okla. headquarters; sold business to Blair & Co., bankers, N.Y., 1925; then became owner and operator of city real estate, ranch properties, and Chief Executive of Independent Oil & Gas Co., and First National Bank & Trust Co. (Tulsa, Okla.); retired from active business about 1935. Donor of the following welfare projects :— Philtower Bldg. at Tulsa, Okla. and Philmont Ranch at Cimarron, New Mex., to Boy Scouts of America; Philbrook Art Center and Beacon Bldg. to Southwestern Art Assn.; Petroleum Engring. Bldg. and endowment to Univ. of Tulsa; Commun- ity Welfare Center; Childrens Home: Building and x-ray Equipment to St. John's Hosp. ; Junior League Bldg. in support of crippled children (Tulsa, Ok- la.), and to other eleemosynary institu- tions. Elected to Okla. Hall of Fame, 1943. Republican. Masons. Clubs: Tulsa, Southern Hills Country (Tulsa, Okla.). Home: (after 1 Dec. 1945): 10659 Bella- gio Rd., Los Angeles, Calif. Office: 6366 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 389 SCRIPPS, William Edmund, publish- er; b. Detroit, Mich., 6 May 1882; s. James Edmund and Harriet Josephine (Messinger) S.; ed. prep. schs. and Mich. Mil. Acad.; m. Nina A. Downey, 27 June 1901; children — James E. (dec), William J., Robert Warren, Mary Ann. Pres. Evening News Assn., pubs. Detroit News; dir. James E. Scripps Corp.; pres. Scripps Motor Co., mfrs. of ma- rine gasoline engines. Founder, Station 8MK (now known as Station WW J — The Detroit News) 20 Aug. 1920, v/hich was the World's first station to broadcast reg- ularly scheduled programs. Mem. Asso- ciated Press, Detroit Bd. of Commerce. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: De- troit, Detroit Athletic, Country Club of Detroit, Bloomfield Hills Country. Home: Molton Manor, Wildwood Farms, Lake Orion, Mich. Office: 615 Lafayette Blvd., Detroit 26, Mich. MERRIAM, Charles Wolcott, clergy- man; b. Rochester, N.Y., 5 Jan. 1876; s. Henry Homer and Elizabeth Geor- giana (Wolcott) M.; B.S., Amherst, 1898; Hartford (Conn.) Theol. Sem., 1898-99; B.D., Yale, 1901; D.D., Olivet Coll., 1917; m. Julia Bemis Sturtevant, 5 Sept. 1900 (died 1941) ; children— Warren Sturte- vant, Charles Wolcott, Julia Elizabeth (Mrs. Carl G. Bjornerantz) ; m. 2d, Mrs. Olive Summerlin Whitfield, 12 June 1942. Minister Second Congl. Ch., Cohasset, Mass., 1901-04, Second Congl. Ch., Greenfield, Mass., 1904-16, Park (First) Congl. Church, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1916-33, United Church, Old Deerfield, Mass.; preacher for Deerfield Acad.; now minister-emeritus Park Ch., Grand Rapids, Mich, and chaplain of York Lodge, A.F.&A.M. Served with Army Y.M.C.A., Waco, Tex., Eng. and France, World War. Permanent sec. Class of 1898, Amherst Coll. Mem. Past Masters Assn., S.A.R., Chi Phi. Republican. Mason (33d deg., K.T., Shriner, Past Master York Lodge; Past Comdr. in Chief DeWitt Clinton Consistory) . Clubs : Rotary (ex-pres.), Masonic. Author: Church Worship Book, 1931. Leader in movement to restore beauty of worship to Protestant non-liturgical chs. Home: 531 Harrison Av., Claremont, Calif. (1 Nov. — 1 May) Eastport, Mich. (1 June — 1 Oct.). KEY, William Shaffer, oil producer; b. Dudley ville, Ala., 6 Oct. 1889; s. Callie R. and Hadassah (Fargason) K. ; ed. high sch., Opelika, Ala.; m. Irene Da- vis, 5 May 1914; children — William Shaf- fer, Irene Genevieve (Mrs. Wm. Lee Harper), Robert Carleton. Began in hardware business, Wewoka, 1911; moved to Oklahoma City, 1927, and since engaged in oil business; pres. Key Bldg. Corp.; Works Progress Adminstr. for Okla., 1935-37. Candidate for Gov. of Okla., 1938. Was capt. infantry, U.S. Army, on Mexican border, 1916-17; suc- cessively capt., maj. and It. col. U.S. Army, 17 mos. overseas, World War; maj. gen. 45th Div., Nat. Guard of U.S.; in Federal service since 16 Sept. 1940; became provost marshal gen. of Euro- pean Theater of Operations with hdqrs. in London, Oct. 1942— May 1943; now comdg. all U.S. troops in Iceland, June 1943— Dec. 1944; now chief U.S. Repre- sentation, Allied Central Commission for Hungary. Awards, Distinguished Service Medal and Legion of Merit. Warden Okla. State Penitentiary, 1924-27 (re- signed). Dir. Oklahoma Hist. Soc, Ma- sonic Foundation; pres. Warden's Assn. of U.S., 1926. Mem. Am. Legion. Demo- crat. Baptist. Mason (33d deg., Shrin- er). Clubs: Rotary (ex-pres.), Men's Dinner (Oklahoma City), Comd. Okla. City Mil. Dist. during state-wide martial law, Sept.-Oct. 1923. Home: 600 Culbert- son Dr., Oklahoma City, Okla. Office: Key Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. OCKERBLAD, Nelse Frederick, urol- ogist; b. New York, N.Y., 27 Nov. 1881; s. Frederick Otto and Caroline (Olsen) O.; B.S., Hanover (Ind.) Coll., 1905; M. D., Univ. of Kan., 1916; m. Harriet Spencer McComb, 10 June 1907. Teacher phys. edn. in pub. schs. and colls., 1905- 12; interne Phila. Gen. Hosp., 1916, Mon- treal Gen. Hosp., 1916-17; asst. prof, sur- gery, Univ. of Kan. Med. Sch., 1919-26, asso. prof., 1926-35, prof. clin. urology since 1935; sr. attending urologist St. Luke's Hosp., Kansas City; cons, urol- ogist U.S. Penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kan. Diplomate Am. Bd. Urology. Fel- low Am. Coll. Surgeons, A.M. A.; mem. Southern Med. Soc, Am. Urol. Assn. (mem. exec. com. 1936-37), S.W. Branch Am. Urol. Assn. (past pres.), S.E. Branch Am. Urol. Assn. (past pres.), S.E. Branch Am. Urol. Assn., Kansas City Acad, of Medicine. Presbyterian. Rotarian. Author: Dispensary Urology (with H.E. Carlson), 1937; Urology for Nurses (with H. E. Carlson), 1938, Ur- ology in General Practice (with H. E. Carlson) 1943. Contbr. many arts, to professional jours. Home: 5559 Crest- wood Dr., Kansas City, Mo. Office: Pro- fessional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. PETTIBONE, Holman Dean, pres. Chicago Title & Trust Co.; b. Albion, Nebr., 27 Feb. 1889; s. Frank B. and 390 Mary S. (Holman) P.; A.B., Beloit (Wis.) Coll., 1911; LL.B., Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law, Chicago, 111., 1914; m. Ma- rie Clement Moll, 15 Sept. 1915; children —Georgia Moll (Mrs. F. E. Watermul- der), Jean Marie (Mrs. Herbert K. Butz), Richard Dean, Barbara, Marie Holman, Holman Dean, Jr. With Chi- cago Title & Trust Co., since 1911, in title dept. 2 years, asst. trust officer, 1921-26, trust officer, 1926-28, v.p. and trust officer, 1928-31, pres. and dir. since 1931; pres. and dir. Chicago Assn. of Commerce, 1943-44; dir. Chicago Daily News. Capt. Am. Protective League, 19- 17-18, World War. Trustee Chicago In- dianapolis & Louisville Ry., Trustee, Northwestern Univ. Trustee Beloit Coll. Mem. advisory com. Chicago Commun- ity Trust; mem. Bd. Edn., Winnetka, 111., 1937-40. Chmn. United Service Or- gns. War Fund Campaign in Chicago Met. Area, 1942. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Chicago Law Inst., Law Club, Chicago Real Est. Bd., Beta Theta Pi and Phi Delta Phi frater- nities. Republican. Protestant. Clubs: Chicago, Economic, University, Com- mercial, Indian Hill. Home: 698 Black- thorn Rd., Winnetka, 111. Office: 69 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. PIERCE, Dante Melville, publisher; b. Bedford, la., 29 Aug. 1880; s. James Melville and Kate L. (Southard) P.; student la. State Agrl. and Mech. Coll., 1899; m. 3d, Grace O. Doane, 10 Sept. 1936. Pub. Wallaces' Farmer and Iowa Homestead, and Wisconsin Agriculturist and Farmer; writer on economic, agri- cultural and political subjects. Mem. Co. I, 5th Mo. Regt., Spanish- Am. War. Republican. Clubs: Des Moines, Wakon- da. Home: 2500 Grand Av., Des Moines, la. Office: 1912 Grand Av., Des Moines, la. POSTLE, Wendell Dean, coll. dean; b. Newark, O., 12 Nov. 1899; s. Harry Her- bert and Bessie (Dean) P.; D.D.S., O. State Univ., 1923; m. Helen Mae Rossel, 8 June 1922; children — Wendell Dean, Jr. (dec), Harry Herbert, Jack Rossel. Teacher, Coll. of Dentistry, Ohio State Univ., 1924-25; began practice, continued teaching part time, 1925-39; acting dean, Coll. of Dentistry, 1939-40, dean since 1940; dir. Northern Savings Bank, Co- lumbus. In S.A.T.C., 1918. Fellow Am. Coll. Dentists; mem. Am. Dental Assn., Am. Assn. Dental Schs., A.A.A.S., Omi- cron Kappa Upsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, Psi Omega. Protestant. Mason (Blue Lodge, Shriner, K.T.). Clubs: Faculty, Univer- sity, Columbus; Scioto Country, Rotary. Home: 1964 Collingswood Rd., Colum- bus, O. RICE-MEYROWITZ, Jenny Delony, artist; b. Washington, Hempstead Co., Ark.; d. Alchyny Turner and Eliza- beth (Pearson) Delony; student Wesle- yan Female Inst., Staunton, Va. (gold medal in art and music) ; Cincinnati Art Acad., 3 yrs., and Med. Sch. course in "artistic anatomy," St. Louis Sch. of Fine Arts; Julian, Delaunee and De- lacleuse studios, Paris; m. N. J. Rice, 10 Dec. 1901 (died 1903) ; m. 2d, Paul A. Meyrowitz, 19 Nov. 1910. Painter of por- traits and miniatures; studio in N.Y. since 1900; art instr. Va. Female Inst., Roanoke, Va., 1893-94, Norfolk (Va.) Coll., 1894-96; dir. of art, State Univ. of Ark., 1897-99. Exhibited at Nat. Acad. Design, New York Water Color Club, Nat. Arts Club, Woman's Art Club, mini- ature socs. of New York, Boston, and Phila., etc. Selected as one of women artists to be represented by works shown at Internat. Council of Women, Berlin, 1904. Has painted portraits of Jefferson Davis (for capitol of Ark., of Mrs. Jef- ferson Davis for Confederate Museum, Richmond, Va.), George G. Williams, pres. Chem. Nat. Bank, New York, Mrs. Hetty Green, Dr. George Taylor Stewart, Spencer Trask, William Sherer, Bishop Pierce of Ark., Ex-Govs. George W. Donaghey and Thomas C. McRae, of Ark., Mrs. Samuel Preston Davis (in State Capitol of Ark.) ; oil painting of La Grange College of Ala., in Museum of Tenn. Valley Hist. Soc, Tuscumbia, Ala. Mem. D.A.R., U.D.C., Am. Artists Professional League (New York) ; hon. life mem. Fine Arts Club of Ark. Epis- copalian. Address: 800 Cumberland St., Little Rock, Ark. TALBOT, Marion, univ. dean; b. Thun, Switzerland (Am. parents), 81 July 1858; d. Israel Tisdale (M.D.) and Emily (Fairbanks, Talbot); A.B., Boston Univ., 1880, A.M., 1882; S.B., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1888; LL.D., Cornell Coll., 1904, Boston Univ., 1924, Tulane Univ., 1935. Lecturer Lasell Sem., 1888-90; instr. do- mestic science Wellesley Coll., 1890-92; asst. prof, sanitary science, Univ. of Chicago, 1892-95, dean of women, 1892- 1925, asso. prof, sanitary science, 1895- 1904, asso. prof, household adminstrn., 1904-05, prof, household adminstrn., 1905- 25, dean of Jr. Coll. of Science (women), 1905-09; acting pres. Constantinople Coll. for Women, 1927-28, 1931-32. Trustee Bos- ton Univ.; mem. bd. of visitors at Wel- lesley Coll.; mem. advisory com. Gug- genheim Foundation. Fellow A.A.A.S., Am. Pub. Health Assn.; mem. Am. Hist. 391 Assn., Women's Internat. League, Assn. Deans of Women (hon.), Am. Home Eco- nomics Assn. (hon.), Assn. Collegiate Alumnae (now Am. Assn. Univ. Women —hon. mem., one of founders and later pres., and for 13 yrs. sec. — Bostonian Soc, Nat. Inst. Social Sciences, Illinois, Home Econ. Assn. (hon.), Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Mass. Soc. Univ. Edn. for Women (sec. and pres.), Phi Beta Kap- pa. Clubs: Fortnightly (hon.), Chicago Woman's, and College (Chicago), Satur- day Morning and College, both of Boston (hon.), Boston Univ. Women Graduates (hon.). Author: Home Sanitation (with E. H. Richards), 1887; Education of Women, 1910; The Modern Household (with S. P. Breckinridge), 1912; House Sanitation, 1912; History of the Ameri- can Association Univ. Women (with Lois K. M. Rosenberry), 1930; More than Lore, 1936. Home: 5758 Kenwood Av., Chicago, 111. Address: University of Chi- cago, Chicago 37, 111. EDLUND, Eskill Walter, dentist; b. Chicago, 111., 5 Feb. 1887; s. Frank Ed- lund, machinist, and Betty (Johnson) E.; ed. Chicago Prep. Sch. ; D.D.S., Northwestern Univ. Dental Sch., 1912; m. Ethel Pauline Peterson of Maywood, 111., 2 Apr. 1913 (dec); 1 son— Kennard Pierson; m. (2nd) Marguerite Nichols of Maywood, 111., 29 June 1918. Office boy, Mutual Life Ins. Co., N.Y., Chicago office; asst. pass, clerk, Gen. Supt's. Of- fice, Pullman Co., Chicago; practiced dentistry with Dr. Victor H. Fuqua, Chi- cago, 1912-13; practiced dentistry, May- wood, 1913-37, Oak Park, 1937—; served in Med. Corps, 2nd Regiment 111. Res. Militia, voluntary dental examiner, May- wood Exemption Bd. during World War I; mem. Delta Sigma Delta (p. grand master, Eta Chap.), Delta Sigma Delta (Chicago Auxiliary, p. grand master), West Surburban Dental Soc. (p. pres.), Northwestern Univ. Dental Alumni As- sn. (p. pres., dir.), Northwestern Univ., Alumni Assn. (Councilor), Chicago Den- tal Soc. (p. dir.), 111. State Dental Soc. (p. councilman), Omicron Kappa Upsi- lon, Am. Dental Assn., Maywood Mason- ic Lodge, Siloam Commandery, Medinah Temple; Fellow Am. Coll. Dentists. Au- thor: many arts, for advancement of sport of racing pigeons; originator: Hall of Fame for American Racing Pigeon (chmn. com.). Travel: Can., U.S. Inter- ests: breeding, racing and show judging of racing pigeons. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Republican. Office: Medical Arts Bldg., 715 Lake St., Oak Park, 111. Home: 4 N. Third Av., Maywood, 111. CASSIDY, George Washington, clergy- man; b. Boston, Mass., 20 Apr. 1863; s. James Cosgrave and Maria (Barnes) C. (after parents' death was adopted by Hilary S. Cassidy and Eliz. S. Cassidy of Charlotte, Mich., later of Walnut, Kan.); ed. Charlotte (Mich.) high sch.; Kansas Normal Coll., Ft. Scott, Kan.; A.B., Wm. Jewell Coll., Liberty, Mo., 1909; A.M., 1911; D.D. (hon.), Ottawa Univ., Ottawa, Kan., 1911, Wm. Jewell Coll., 1914; m. Hester Purl of Hepler, Kan., 4 Aug. 1886; children— Lorena Ela- nor, Henry Kenneth. Farm work, 1880- 83 ; student and teacher 1884-92 ; ordained to Baptist ministry, 6 May 1891; pastor, Cherryvale, Kan., June 1892- June 1893; Ft. Scott, Kan., June 1893- July 1895; student, Rochester, N.Y., Theol. Sem., July 1895— May 1898, student pastor also Canaseraga, N.Y. and Hilton, N.Y. ; pas- tor, Walnut Hills Baptist Church, Cincin- nati, O., July 1898— July 1901; Terrace Park, O., 1901-03; pastor, 1st Baptist Church, Wichita, Kan., Feb. 1903— Dec. 1914; sec. Home and Fgn. Mission, Southwestern District, Dec. 1914 — Jan. 1920; pastor, Sioux City, la., 1920-21; exec, sec, Iowa Baptist Convention, 1921-23; pastor, Hutchinson, Kan., 1923- 24; interim pastor, Salt Lake City, Ut., 1925-26; 1st Baptist Church, Long Beach, Calif., 1927-28; special field sec. Am. Baptist Fgn. Missions, Chicago, May 1928-May 1930; pastor, Immanuel Bap- tist Church, Long Beach, Calif., 1931-36; retired Nov. 1936; interim work Calif, and Kan., Nov. 1936- July 1940; elected Pastor Emeritus, 1st Baptist Church, Wichita, Kan., 15 May 1940; dir. Cole- man Lamp and Stove Co., Wichita, Kan., 1904 — ; trustee Ottawa Univ., 1904 — ; p. mem. exec com. Northern Baptist Con- vention; p. mem. bd. mgrs. Am. Baptist Fgn. Mission Soc; served as camp speaker in World War I; mem. Masons (32d deg.); Y.M.C.A. Clubs: Rotary (p. mem.), Kiwanis. Travel: Extensively in No. Am., Eur. Came to Kansas from Michigan in 1880 and became pioneer farmer boy, has counted Kansas as home since. Recreations: athletic sports, volley ball. Baptist. Independent. Home: The Hillcrest, Wichita, Kans. Died, 15 Mar. 1941. WALSH, Edward Nicholas, mech. en- gineer; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., 15 Dec. 1890; s. Nicholas Walsh, steel maker, and Mary W. ; B.S. in Mech. Engring., Mich., 1914; m. Mae Kelly of Ottawa, IU., 1922 (dec); m. (2d) Genevieve Cor- kell, Chicago, 1936; children — Patricia, Edward N.. Jr Margot. Mech. engr. for E. J. & E. Ry. Co., Joliet, 111., 392 1915—. Clubs: Western Railway, Joliet Country, University. Recreations: golf, fishing, hunting. Catholic. Republican. Office: E. J. &. E. Ry. Co., Joliet, 111. Home: 1051 Glenwood Av., Joliet, 111. HOLMQUEST, Harold John, consult- ing engr. (electromedical); b. Chicago, 111., 26 May 1896; s. Thomas Henry Holmquest and Caroline (Stone) H. ;ed. B.S. (in Arts and Scis.), Lewis Inst., 1920, B.S. (M.E.), 1922; m. Sabina Cody of Chicago, 111., 3 Sept. 1924; children- Harold John, Jr., Thomas Kieran, John Cody. Instr. in physics and engring., Lewis Inst., 1922-26; sec, council on physical theraphy, A.M. A., 1926-30; con. engr. (electro-medical), Gen. Electric X-Ray Corp., 1930—; lecturer in applied physics, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1930 — ; mem. Am. Physical Soc; West- ern Soc. of Engrs.; Fellow Am. Acad, of Physical Med., Assoc, fellow Am. Cong, of Physical Med.; Masons, Sigma Xi. Author: numerous arts, on electro- med. subjects in sci. and medical jour.; co-author: Technic of Electrotheraphy and Its Physical and Physiological Ba- sis, 1944. Independent. Office: General Electric X-Ray Corp., Chicago, 111. Home: 826 N. Elmwood Av., Oak Park, 111. LUNDHOLM, Joseph S., surgeon; b. Chicago, 111., 4 June 1891; s. Victor Lundholm, druggist, and Alfreda (Wir- stedt) L.; ed. Rockford (111.) high sch.; M.D., Univ. of 111., 1913; m. Lillian Lutzhoff of Rockford, 111., 26 Sept. 1916; 1 dau. — Carole Joanne. Medical dir., Rockford Municipal Sanatorium, 1915 — ; Commr. Pub. Health, Rockford, 111., 1916-20; 1st v.p., 111. State Med. Soc, 1938-40; served as 1st It. Med. Corps, during World War I, 15 mos.; Fellow Am. Coll. of Surgeons, Internat. Coll. of Surgeons; mem. Winnebago Co. Med. Soc, 111. State Med. Soc, A.M.A., Cent. States Soc. Indus. Surgs., Alpha Omega Alpha, Elks, Masons, Shrine. Clubs: Rockford Country, Univ. Club of Rock- ford. Travel: Eur., Am., world tours. Interests: horticulture, amateur movies. Recreation: golf. Unitarian. Republican. Office: 425 E. State St., Rockford HI. Home: 1731 National Av., Rockford, 111. WRIGHT, Alma Louise Kelly, concert pianist; b. St. Johns, Mich., 15 Jan. 1903; d. William T. Kelly, retired, and Harriet (Wright) K. ; ed. Akeley Sch. for Girls; artists degree in piano, North- western Univ., 1924; post grad., Cincin- nati Conservatory of Music; m. Neil Wright of Cincinnati, O., 1923; children —Neil, Ross. Engaged in concert tours, 1920-22; social hostess Lakeside Hotel, Eaglesmere, Pa., summers, 1937-46; mgr. Banner Play Co., 1943-45; mem. Delta Omicron (p. nat. pres.). Clubs: Clef Music (Cincinnati, pres.), Three Arts, Matinee Musicale. Author: Plays. Travel: Eng., Can., U.S. Recreations: tennis, swimming, golf. Home : 1316 Mor- ten St., Cincinnati, O. Summer res. : Eaglesmere, Pa. ZELENY, Anthony, physicist; b. Ra- cine Co., Wis., 20 Apr. 1870; s. Anthony H. Zeleny, mcht. tailor, and Josephine (Pitka) Z. ; ed. Hutchinson (Minn.) high sch.; Univ. Minn., B.S., 1892, M.S., 1893, Ph.D., 1907; Univ. Chicago; Princeton Univ. Gottingen; m. Mattie Lena Day of Hutchinson, Minn., 8 June 1897; chil- dren—Leslie Day, Lawrence. Instr. phy- sics, Univ. Minn., 1897-1906, asst. prof., 1906-09, prof., 1909-38, prof, (emeritus), 1938 — ; contbr. to development of elec- tric measuring instruments and tech. of their use for precision measurements and of concepts for explaining and vis- ualizing the production and nature of electromagnetic waves and electromag- netic induction; developed (commercial- ly practical) methods for determining condition of grain in storage, for meas- urement of temperature in inaccessible places and for measuring of moisture content of grain, lumber, dried fruit, etc. ; served as mem. com. on research, Minn. Pub. Safety Commn. during World War I; Fellow, Am. Phys. Soc, A. A.A.S. (p. v.p.), mem. A.A.P.T, Sigma Xi, for mem. Nat. Acad Sci. of Czecho- slovakia (Masarykova Acadamie Prace). Author: Elements of Electricity, 1930; Alcohol and Tobacco in relation to Race Deterioration, 1940; co-author: Manual, of Phys. Measurements, 1902. Travel: U.S., Can., Eur. Recreations: canoe trips in Canadian wilds, raising flowers, motoring. Baptist. Office: Uni- versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 1933 East River Terrace. Min- neapolis, Minn. ELLIS, Clyde Taylor, lawyer; b. Gar- field, Ark., 21 Dec. 1908; s. Cecil O. El- lis, farmer, and Minerva Jane (Taylor) E.; ed. Garfield, Univ. Ark. high schs. ; Univ. Ark. Schs. of Arts, Sci., and Law; m. Izella Baker of Garfield, Ark., 20 Dec 1931; children — Patricia Suzanne, Mary Lynn. Supt. schs., Garfield, 5 yrs.; in law practice, Bentonville, Ark., 1934 — ; elected to Lower House of Legislature, 1932, Upper House, 1934, Congress, 1938, 1940; exec. mgr. Nat. Rural Electric Co-operative Assn., 1943 — (on leave); Lt., U.S. Navy, 1943—; mem. Masons, Eastern Star, Tau Alpha Alpha, Blue Key. Clubs: Kiwanis, Rotary. Desc pio- 393 neer families of Ark. Democrat. Office and home: Bentonville, Ark. SLAUGHTER, Gertrude Elizabeth Taylor, author; b. Cambridge, O., 29 Nov. 1870; d. Joseph D. Taylor, lawyer and member of Congress, and Elizabeth Ann (Hill) T.; ed. pvt. sch., Washington, D.C.; A.B., Bryn Mawr Coll., 1893; Dr. Letters, Univ. Wis. (hon.), 1940; m. Mo- ses S. Slaughter, June 1893 (dec); children — Elizabeth Hill (dec), Gertrude Taylor (dec). Co-del., Am. Red Cross, Venice, during World War I; mem. A.I. A. (pres., Wis. branch), Phi Beta Kap- pa. Clubs: Civic, Literary, Art. Author: Two Children in Old Paris, 1918; Shakes- peare and the Heart of a Child, 1922; Heirs of Old Venice, 1927; The Amazing Frederic 1937; Calabria the First Italy, 1939. Travel: Fr., It., Eng., Gr., Egy., Near East. Interests: art, literature. Congregationalist. Independent. Home : 633 N. Francis St., Madison, Wis. Sum- mer res.: Hancock Point, Me. WENTWORTH, Edward Norris, direc- tor of Armour's Livestock Bureau; b. Dover, N. H., 11 Jan. 1887; s. Elmer M. Wentworth (dec) and Elizabeth Til- ton (Towne) W. (dec.) ; ed. State Center (la.) high sch., B.S.A., Iowa State Coll., 1907, M.S.A., 1909; M.S., Cornell Univ., 1908, Harvard Univ., 1912; m. Alma B. McCulla of St. Ansgar, la., 14 June 1911; children— Edward N., Jr., Raymond Ho- ward (both dec). Instr. and prof, ani- mal husbandry, Iowa State Coll., 1907- 13; assoc. ed., Breeder's Gazette, prof. Zootechny, Chicago Veterinary Coll., 1913-14; prof, animal breeding, Kansas State Agr. Coll., 1914-17; with Pub. Re- lations Dept., Armour & Co., Chicago, 111., 1919-20, Bur. of Agr. Res. & Econ., 1920-23; dir., Livestock Bur., 1923—; p. pres., Am. Clydesdale Breeders' Assn., 1921-28; lecturer, Univ. Chicago, 1923-31; served as capt., F.A., U.S.A., 15 Aug. 1917, Mil. Dir. Coll. of Agr., A.E.F. Univ., Beaune, following Armistice; dec- orated Officer du Merite Agricole; at present, col. F.A. Res. (inactive), mem. Am. Soc Animal Prod., A.A.A.S., Am. Farm Econ. Assn., Am. Genetic Assn., Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Stat. Assn., Am. Soc. Naturalists, Mil. Order World War I (p. commdr. in chief), Illinois Dept. of Reserve Officers Assn. (pres.), Am. Legion, Sons Am. Revol., Piscatauqua Pioneers, Chicago Hist. Soc, Ft. Dear- born Mem. Commn. (v. chmn.). Clubs: Army & Navy (Chicago and Washing- ton, D.C.), 100,000 Mile, Saddle and Sir- loin, University. Author: Progressive Beef Cattle Raising, 1920; Progressive Hog Raising, 1922; Marketing Livestock and Meats, 1924; Progressive Sheep Raising, 1925; co-author: (with Chas. W. Towne) Shepherd's Empire, 1945; con- tributor, Cattle Breeding, 1925. Inter- ests: art, historical writing. Recrea- tions: horseback riding. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: Union Stock Yards, Chicago 9, HI. Home: Chesterton, Ind., R.R. 1. SMITH, Charles Herbert, fire insur- ance executive; b. Dalton, Pa., 11 Feb. 1885; s. Frank L. Smith, farmer, and Harriet Matilda (Brown) S. ; ed. E. Stroudsburg Normal Sch., E. Strouds- burg, Pa.; B.S. (in Chem.), Pa. State Coll., 1907; m. Jennie L. Thomas of Rochester, N.Y., 20 June 1911; 1 son- Thomas C. Inspector, Underwriters Bur. Middle and So. States, N.Y., Hartford Ins. Co., Hartford, 1 Feb. 1910; supt. Special Risk Dept., Hartford Fire Ins. Co., Chicago, 1916, asst. gen. agent, 1923, assoc. gen. agent, 1932; mem. firm Smith & Wheeler, Mgrs., 1938—; v.p., Hartford Fire Ins. Co., 1944; dir., Uni- form Printing & Supply Co., Underwrit- ers Laboratories, Inc., Oil Ins. Assn.; tr. First, Trinity and Halsted St. Chs. (Methodist), Chicago. Mem. Western Underwriters Assn., Phi Sigma Kappa, Field Mus. Natural Hist. Clubs: Union League, So. Shore Country. Methodist. Republican. Office: 410 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 9535 S. Winchester Av., Chicago, 111. CAMP, Annie Orphant, school prin.; b. Dalton, Ga., 9 Jan. 1882; d. Thomas Bates Camp and Estelle (Langston) C. ; ed. Warren (Ark.) high sch.; Univ. Wis.; Univ. Va. ; Univ. Calif.; Univ. Iowa; B.S., George Peabody Coll. for Teach- ers. Teacher, 1st primary, Warren, 4 yrs.; prin. grammer sch., 3 yrs.; or- ganized the first jr. high sch. in Arkan- sas at Warren, prin. 3 yrs.; prin., gram, sch. Jonesboro, Ark., 1919-23, 1st prin. jr. high sch., 1924 — ; mem. State Tuber- culosis Bd. ; sec. Craighead Co. Tuber- culosis Assn.; mem. County Child Wel- fare Advisory Com. ; mem. Co. War Sav- ings Com., 1944-45; mem. A.E.A. (Radio Com. of Pub. Relation Com.), A.A.U.W., Nat. Ed. Assn., N.E. Arkansas Conf. of Soc. Workers (pres.), Alpha Sigma (Ark. State Coll., patron). Author: ar- ticles on child welfare, psychology of the adolescent. Desc. Dicey Langston, heroine in War of Revol.; g.d. Major William Camp who had both eyes shot out during last battle of the Civil War. Interests: all games, sports, child wel- fare. Recreations: reading, travel, golf. 394 Baptist. Democrat. Office: Flint St., Jonesboro, Ark. Home: 1114 Madison St., Jonesboro, Ark. SNYDER, Erwin Paul, lawyer; b. Council Bluffs, la., 20 Jan. 1891; s. S. B. Snyder, judge, and Mary (McGlaughlin) S.; ed. Council Bluffs high sch.; A.B., Nebraska Univ., 1912; LL.B., Harvard Univ. Law Sch., 1916; m. Fern K. Ben- nett of Chicago, 111., 28 July 1917; chil- dren — Richard Bruce, John Bennett. Practiced law in Detroit, Mich., 1916- 17, Portland, Ore., 1919, Chicago, 1920- 26; partner Snyder, Chadwell & Fager- burg; gen. counsel, Kraft Cheese Co., 1922 — ; entered first officers Training Camp, May 1917, commnd. 1st It., C.A. C, Aug. 1917, transferred to and made adj., Anti- Air craft Service, A.E.F., com- mnd. capt., C.A.C.; mem. A.L., A.F.& M., Am. HI., and Chicago Bar Assns. Clubs: University, Mid-Day, Legal and Law (all of Chicago). Ancestors set- tled in H.S. before Revol. War time. Conglist. Republican. Office: 135 S. La. Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 939 Tower Rd., Winnetka, HI. Summer res: North- port, Mich. KACIN, Walburga L., physician; b. Chicago, 111., 5 Mar. 1884; d. Anton Ka- cin and Walburga (Huber) K. ; ed. pub. grade schs. and pvt. academic schs.; Acad, of Our Lady; Medill high sch.; Armour Inst. Tech., 1901-03; M.D., Loy- ola Sch. Medicine, 1912; teacher's certi- ficate in music, Am. Conservatory of Mu- sic. Interne, Mary Thompson Hosp., Chi- cago, 1914-15, resident, 1916-19; supt. Wo- men and Children's Hosp., 1919-21, mem. obstetrical staff; chief, dir. anesthesia, Chicago Lying-in Hosp., at present chief anesthetist, Women and Children's Hosp., Chicago; mem. obstetrical staff, Edgewater Hosp., 1930-36; mem. A.M.A., 111. State and Chicago Med. Socs., Chi- cago Soc. Anesthesiologists, Nu Sigma Phi. Club: Medical Women's. Interests: music, art in oil and crayon. Office: 30 N. Michigan, Chicago, 111. Home: 5960 N. Hermitage Av., Chicago, HI. PEET, Louise Jenison, teacher; b. Cambridge, Mass., 10 Sept. 1885; d. Frank A. Jenison, mfg. chemist, and Jeanie C. (MacQuarrie) J.; ed. Win- throp, Mass. high sch.; B.A., Wellesley Coll., 1908, M.A., 1911; Univ. Zurich (Switzerland), 1912-13; Ph.D., la. State Coll., 1929; m. William H. Peet of Bos- ton, Mass., 29 Aug. 1916; 1 son— William Hartwell, Jr. Teacher, William Woods Coll., Fulton, Mo., 1908-09, Istanbul Wo- man's Coll., Istanbul, Turkey, 1910-12, 1913-14, 1938-39, Chemistry Dept., Welles- ley Coll., 1914-16; head Household Equip- ment Dept., la. State Coll., Ames, 1930—; mem. A.A.U.W., Phi Beta Kap- pa, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Omicron Nu (hon. mem.), Sigma Delta Epsilon (pres. Epsilon chap., 1940-41), Iota Sig- ma Pi. Author: research bulletins on equipment subjs.; co-author: (with Le- nore Sater) Household Equipment (1st and 2nd editions) ; No Less Honor, the biography of W. W. Peet. Travel: Eur., U.S. Father-in-law, W. W. Peet, has LL. D. (hon.), Grinnell Coll.; husband's grandfather was home missionary, la. Interests: travel books, gardening. Rec- reations: travel, tramping. Conglist. Re- publican. Office: Household Equipment Dept., la. State Coll., Ames, la. Home: 2833 Ross Rd., Ames, la. LOEPPERT, Henry V., bus. exec; b. Sandwich, 111., 2 Sept. 1893; s. Henry C. Loeppert, minister, and Elizabeth (Dieterich) L. ; ed. Appleton (Wis.) high sch.; Lake View high sch., Chicago, 111.; Y.M.CA. Coll.; m. Ellen S. Waterman of Dolton, 111., 25 June 1919; children- Ens. Henry Verne (USNR), Marilyn Eli- zabeth. Engaged in advertising, mer- chandising, writing; pres., treas., dir., Boyd- Wagner Co.; dir., Liberty Fed. Savings & Loan Assn., Am. Steel Ware- house Assn. Served as personnel sergt. during World War I. Mem. Chicago As- sn. Commerce, West Town Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Assn. Credit Men, Chicago Y.M.CA. (lay dir. Camp Pine- wood), Chicago Choral Dirs. Ghild (sec). Lay leader Rock River Conf. and Officer General Board Lay Activities of Meth. Ch. Trustee Meth. Children's Home, Berea, O. Republican. Clubs: Un- ion League, Ridgemoor Country. Home: 9523 Ridgeway Av., Evanston, 111. Of- fice: 1440 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. LEAMAN, Amos Hershey, clergyman; b. Lancaster, Pa., 18 Feb. 1878; s. Jacob B. Leaman, farmer, and Anna Barbara (Hershey) L. ; ed. Millersville (Pa.) high sch.; Millersville State Normal; B.D., Chicago Theol. Sem., 1915; m. Amanda Eby of Lima, O., 22 June 1902; children — Miriam, Gladys, Eunice Kimball, Cle- land. Clergyman located in Chicago, 1895—; instr., Moody Bible Inst., 1920-32; founder, Easter Sunrise Service, Chi- cago, 1932; founder, Christian Bus. Men's Com., Chicago, 1932; sec, 111. Christian Fundamentals Ministers' As- sn., 1941-42; pres., 1942-43; mem. Art Inst, of Chicago. Travel: Eng., Scotland. Mennonite. Republican. Office and home: 4216 Greenview Av., Chicago, 111. MOORE, Harry E., manufacturer; b. Ann Arbor, Mich., 19 Aug. 1879; s. Eli 395 Moore and Mary (Conway) M. ; ed. Sem. of Ypsilanti, Mich.; Mich. State Normal Coll. ; Univ. Mich. ; m. Harriet Hawkins of Flint, Mich., 1902; children— Ruth Moore Cummins, Virginia Moore Row- ell. Teacher at Lansing, Mich., 2 yrs.; entered employ, Lansing Co., 1901, mgr., Pa. Branch, 10 yrs., returned to Lansing as treas., sec.-treas., v. p., gen. mgr., 1916, pres., gen. mgr., 1922—; dir., 1st v.p., City Nat. Bank, Lansing, Mich., 14 yrs., v. chmn. bd.; dir., Cent. Trust Co., Lansing, 7 yrs. Clubs: Country, City (Lansing, Mich.), Bankers (N.Y.C.), Chamber of Commerce (N.Y.). Grand- father was builder of Grist Mills, earliest in state of Mich. Recreations: riding, farming. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: Lansing Company, Lansing, Mich. Home: 222 Genesee Street, Lansing, Mich. Summer res. : Klinkenberg on Hudson, Coxsackie. N.Y. HOLMBLAD, Edward C, physician and surgeon; b. Aurora, 111., 10 Apr. 1894; s. Charles Holmblad and Christine (Shogren) M. ; ed. Aurora, (111.), grade and high schs.; Lake Forest Coll., Univ. of Chicago, 1912-16; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1918; m. Lillian Weltin, 20 Dec. 1920; children — James Edward, Anita Marie. Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., 1918-20; diplomate, Nat. Bd. of Examiners, 1920; mem. staff, St. Luke's Hosp., 1920 — , sr. attending surgeon; surgeon, Chicago & Eastern 111. and Chicago, Rock Is. & Pacific Rys.; chief surgeon, Rv. Express Agency; cons., Health and Med. Com. for Council of Nat. Defense, 1940-41; cons, in indus. med. and surgery; sec, Subcommittee Indus. Health and Medi- cine, Health and Med. Com., Federal Security Agency; sec, Com. on Indus. Health, Nat. Res. Council; mng. dir. Am. Assn. Indus. Phys. & Surgs., 1941 — ; mem. firm, Drs. Holmblad & Jacobson; mem. Naval Res. Corps, 1917-21; mem. A.M.A., 111. State. Chicago Med. Socs., Sigma Alpha Upsilon, Phi Beta Pi, Ma- son. Club: Swedish. Republican. Metho- dist. Office: 28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chi- cago, 111. Homes: 654 Downer PI., Aur- ora, 111.; 1244 Stone St., Chicago 10, 111. WASCHER, Herman L., asst. chief of soil survey; b. Champaign, 111., 4 Aug. 1899; s. Fredrick M. Wascher and Louise (Schnuecke) W.; B.S., Univ. of 111., 1924, M.A., 1934; student Univ. of Colo., 1932; m. Fay N. Muhlenburg of Rock Island, 1933; children— Martin L., Loren A. Asst. soil survey mapping, Agr. Expt. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1926, first asst., 1931, assoc, 1934, asst. chief, 1936—; mem. Nat. Geo- graphic Soc, Soil Science Soc America, Sigma Xi. Author of soil reports of Put- nam, Vermilion, Boone Co., Shelby and Warren counties, 111. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Interests: gardening, travel, pho- tog. Lutheran. Home: 505 W. Springfield Av., Champaign, HI. Office: University of Illinois, Urbana, HI. HOSKINS, Eliza Farris, ret. teacher; b. Davidson Co., Tenn. ; d. Robert C. Hoskins and Nannie M. (Bright) H. ; ed. Nashville high sch., Tex.; Univ. Chi- cago; Univ. Tenn.; Peabodv Coll.; Southern Normal Univ. Taught sum- mer sch., Teachers Coll., Conway, Ark.; gram, grade asst., prin., head of eng., West Side Jr. high sch., Little Rock, Ark.; retired 1944; rep., pub. relations commn. ; church work, Base Hosp. work, Red Cross, Camp Pike, during World War I; mem. Nat. Council Teachers Eng., Sigma Tau Delta, Delta Kappa Gamma, Pi Pi, A.E.A., N.E.A., Class- room Teachers (pres.), Women Teach- ers (1st treas.), Eng. Teachers (pres.). Club: Pathfinder. Author: arts, for The High School Teacher, Eng., Jour., Geo. Peabody Jour. Travel: Rocky Mts., east- ern Mts. Desc. Will Hoskins, John M. Bright, uncles, who were in Congress. Interests: research, poetry, study of sci- ence, literature, art, birds, outdoor sports, all games. Baptist. Democrat. Home: 2218 Battery St., Little Rock, Ark. Summer res.: 1321 Davis St., Con- way, Ark. BROOKS, Fannie Maria, asst. prof, of home economics and health education specialist, Extension Service, Univ. of 111.; b. Saunemin, 111.; d. George Wil- liam Brooks and Anna (Gray) B. : ed. Saunemin high sch.; Epworth Hosp. Training Sch. for Nurses, 1905: A.B., Univ. of 111., 1915; student Columbia Univ., summers, 1916 and 1921, fall term, 1940. Social service worker, Mary Mc- Dowell Settlement (Univ. of Chicago), 1908; supervising nurse, Hackley Hosp., Muskegon, Mich., 1909-10; asst. supt. of nurses, Mt. Sinai Hosp., N.Y. City, 1921- 24; health edn. specialist, Extension Ser- vice, Univ. of 111., 1915-18, 1920-21, 1925—; first registered nurse apptd. health edn. specialist in Extension Service; mem. bd. McKinley Hosp., Univ. of 111,; del. to President's Interdepartmental Com. to coordinate health and welfare activi- ties, 1936; del. Fedn. Edn. Assn., Ha- vana, Cuba, 1940; served in Army Nurse Corps, during World War I., 1918-19; mem. 111. State Nurses' Assn. (p. pres., v.p.), 111. Home Econ. Assn. (p. state councillor), Am. Leg. Champaign Post, No. 24, Am. Home Econ. Assn., Am. Nurses Assn., Nat. Pub. Health Assn., Am. Social Hygiene Assn., Mortar Bd., 396 Omicron Nu, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Ep- silon Sigma Phi, Sigma Kappa, Phi Omega Pi. Republican. Clubs: Univ. of Illinois, Women's. Travel: Eur., Can., U.S. Interests: travel, social welfare. Recreations: reading, study of arts. Protestant. Republican. Office: Univer- sity of Illinois, Urbana, HI. Home: 703 W. Nevada St., Urbana, 111. GOLTRA, Mabel Hall, writer of verse ; b. Jacksonville, 111., 28 Aug. 1874; d. John Wright Goltra, and Abbie Eunice (Hawkins) G. ; ed. high sch., acad., con- servatory and art sch.; Sch. of Poetry, Springfield, Mass. Co-founder, Acad, of Am. Poets; state pres., Circle, mag. of verse, 4 yrs.; mem. Bookfellows (life), Am. Lit. Assn., Derthick Fedn. of Musi- cal-Lit. Clubs, Eugene Field Soc. (hon.), Internat. Mark Twain Soc. (hon. mem., July 1945). Travel: N.S. Eastern States. Desc. Esok Hopkins and Nathanael Greene. Interests: designing hooked rugs, place cards, flowers, diary. Rec- reations: genealogy, books. Republican. Presbyterian. Pin Oak Hall, 1545 Mound Av., Jacksonville, 111. LYON, Leverett Samuel, chief exec, officer; b. Sollitt, 111., 14 Dec. 1885; s. Edward Payson Lyon, farmer, and Charlotte (Rose) L.; ed. Joliet Twp. High Sch.; Beloit (Wis.) Coll., 1906-07; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1910, A.M., 1919, Ph.D., 1921; LL.B., Chicago-Kent Coll. Law, 1915; m. Lucille Norton of Lock- port, HI., 26 June 1915; children— Rich- ard Norton, David Mansfield. Head dept. civic sci., Joliet Twp. High Sch., 1910- 16; admitted to 111. bar, 1916; faculty, dept. of Economics and School of Busi- ness, Univ. Chicago, 1916-23; dean, Sch. Commerce and Finance, prof, econ., hd. dept., Wash. Univ., 1923-25; lecturer, Co- lumbia Univ., summer, 1925; prof, econ., Robert Brookings Grad. Sch. of Econ. and Govt., 1925-29; mem. res. staff, dir. ednl. activities and pub. relations, The Brookings Instn., 1929-32, exec. v. p., 1932-39; chief exec, off., The Chicago Assn. of Commerce, 1939 — ; dept. asst. admr. for trade practice policy, N.R.A., summer, 1934; U.S. del., Internat. Con- gress on Bus. Ed., Amsterdam, Holland, 1929, London, Eng., 1932; editorial asst., U.S. Food Administration, during World War I; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Statistical Assn.. Am. Marketing Assn. (pres., 1933), Acad, of Polit. Sci., Am. Acad, of Pol. and Social Sci., 111. Bar Assn., Phi Kappa Psi (nat. pres., 1936- 38), Sigma Delta Rho, Phi Delta Phi, Beta Gamma Sigma, Alpha Kappa Psi, Beloit Coll. (tr.). Clubs: Cosmos, Chevy Chase (Washington), Union League, Mid-Day, The Economic, Quadrangle (Chicago). Author: Our Economic Or- ganization, Education for Business, The National Recovery Administration, Gov- ernment and Economic Life (two vols.); many other textbooks and research works; contbr. to prof, jours. Travel: U.S., Eur. Family, pioneers, Will. Co., 111. Recreations: golf, tennis. Office: 1 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 219 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. MAUCK, Willfred Otto, college presi- dent; b. Highland Park, 111., 21 Oct.- 1899; s. Joseph William Mauck, coll. pres., and Frances (Ball) M.; ed. Hills- dale high sch.; Mercers burg (Pa.) Acad., 1 yr.; A.B., Hillsdale Coll., 1921; A.M., Columbia Univ., 1926; Univ. Lon- don; Univ. Geneva; Johns Hopkins Un- iv.; LL.D. (hon.), Bates Coll., 1939; m. Wilhelmena Robinson of E. Orange, N. J., 4 Sept. 1924. Asst. prof, hist., actg. head of dept., Hillsdale Coll., 1923-24, pres., assoc. prof, hist., 1933—; assoc. prof. European hist., O. Univ., 1928-33; asst. sec, N.Y. chap., Am. Inst. Bank- ing, 1922-23; corpl., S.A.T.C., 1918; mem. Delta Tau Delta (nat. supervisor of scholarship, 1931-33), Epsilon Delta Al- pha, Foreign Policy Assn., Mich. Edn. Assn., N.E.A., Am. Baptist Home Mis- sionary Soc. (mem. bd. mgrs.), Mich. Council Chs. (mem. bd. mgrs.), Mich. Assn. Ch.-Related Colls, (pres.), Am. Baptist Hist. Soc. (v.p.), Gen. Exec. Council Free-Will Baptists (pres.). Club: Town Hall (New York, N.Y.). Travel: Can., Eur., Turkey, Palestine, Egv., Caribbean, U.S. Interests: music, art, philately, literature, drama. Recrea- tions: reading, walking, golf, ping pong, travel. Baptist. Home: 189 Hillsdale St., Hillsdale, Mich. WALDE, Arthur William, research chemist; b. Dent, Minn., 29 Aug. 1901; s. William Walde, farmer, and Bertha (Schimelpfenig) W.; ed. Agr. and Mech. Arts high sch., Fargo, N. Dak.; B.S., N. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1929; Ph.D., Iowa State Coll., 1933; m. Eunice Maxine Chamberlin of Muscatine, la., 24 Dec. 1930; children — William Allen, James Arthur. Asst. chem., Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta., 2 yrs.; asst. chief chem., Dr. Sals- bury's Labs., 1935-43; chem., U.S. For. Econ. Adm., 1943 — ; mem. Am. Inst. Chem.; A.C.S, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Lambda Upsilon. Pi Mu Epsi- lon, Alpha Chi Sigma. Author: pub. six arts, for sci. jours. Travel: U.S. and Latin Am. Methodist. Office: U.S. Com- mercial Co. Laboratory, Finca "El Por- venir," Ayutla, Guatemala, C.A. Home: 1116 Harding Av., Ames, la. 397 ROMIG, Walter, editor; b. New York, N.Y., 29 Dec. 1902; s. A. J. Romig and Emily (Lawrence) R.; ed. A.B., Sacred Heart Sem. (Detroit), 1927; Mt. St. Mary Sem. (Cincinnati, O.), 1927-31; m. Made- leine Collins of Detroit, Mich., 6 Feb. 1937; children— Mary, Thomas, Teresa. Organizer, head, Walter Romig & Co., publishers of Catholic reference works, 1931—; ed. Brown's Catalog of Catholic Novels and Tales, 1930, Am. Catholic Who's Who, biennially, 1934—, Catholic Mag. Index, 1937-38, Catholic Bookman, bi-monthly, 1937-44, Guide to Catholic Literature, 1888-1940 (1940), Book of Catholic Authors (3 series, 1942-45), etc.; mem. bd. govs., Gallery of Living Cath- olic Authors; hon. mem. Internat. Mark Twain Soc; book review ed. The Michi- gan Catholic (Official weekly of Arch- diocese of Detroit), Jan. 1943 — . Author: The Man in the Mirror (poems, 1928). Catholic. Office: 14 Nat. Bank Bldg., De- troit, Mich. Home: 16220 Mansfield Av., Detroit, Mich. WELLS, Rolla, personal affairs; b. St, Louis, Mo., 1 June 1856; s. Erastus Wells, banking, railroads, and Isabella Bowman (Henry) W. ; ed. A.M. (hon.), Wash. Univ. (St. Louis), 1915, Princeton Univ. (Princeton, N.J.), 1916; m. Jen- nie Howard Parker of St. Louis, Mo., 2 Oct. 1878 (dec); children— Mrs. J. Clark Streett, Erastus, Lloyd P. (dec), Mrs. Tom K. Smith, Mrs. Elzey M. Roberts; m. (2nd) Carlota C. Church of St. Louis, Mo., 17 Nov. 1923. Gen. mgr., St. Rwy. Corp., 1879-1883; pres. Am. Steel Foun- dry Co., 1893-1901, became dir. upon co.'s merging into Am. Steel Foundries, resigned, 1904; mayor, St. Louis, 1901-09; treas. Woodrow Wilson Campaign Com.. 1912, Democratic Nat. Com., 1912-16; 1st gov., Federal Reserve Bank, St. Louis, 1914-19, chmn. bd., Class C dir., 1929-30; pres. St. Louis Agr. & Mech. Assn., 1890, St. Louis Democratic Sound Money Club, 1896, St. Louis Club, 1909, Business Men's League (Chamber Commerce), 1911-12; receiver, United Rwys. Co., St. Louis, 1919-27, mem. St. Louis Chamber Com- merce. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis Coun- try, Log Cabin, Bogey Golf, Racquet, Univ. Author: Episodes of My Life, 1933. Episcopalian. Democrat. Office: La Salle Bldg., 509 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 25 Westmoreland PI.. St. Louis, Mo. Summer res.: Wequetonsing, Mich. Died, 30 Nov. 1944. ANDERSON, William David, invest, banker; b. Chicago, 111., 15 Aug. 1907; s. William France Anderson and Mary Abbe (Gardner) A.; ed. Phillips Acad., Andover; A.B., Yale Univ., 1930. Began in the investment bus., with Halsey Stu- art, Chicago, fall, 1930, moved to Boston, May 1931 ; with N. W. Harris, New York, 1932; Burr Gannett, Boston, 1933-34, Lee Higginson Corp., 1935-37; opened Boston off., Shields & Co., Mar. 1937; dir., Deni- son House, 1933-39 (resigned), Lincoln House, 1939; Branch mgr. of Godfrey L. Cabot, Inc., Boston; sec. Yale Club, 1937, Hyannisport Golf Club director (re- signed); mem. D.K.E. Clubs: Yale (Boston), Yale (N.Y.), University (Ak- ron), Partage Country, (Akron), Hyan- nisport Golf. Unitarian. Republican. Of- fice: 710 Peoples Bank Bldg., Akron, O. Home: 715 W. Market St., Akron, O. Summer res. : Hyannisport, Mass. WISHARD, Wm. Niles, Jr., physician; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 9 July 1898; s. Wm. N. Wishard, phys., and Frances Cornelia (Scoville) W.; ed. Shortridge high sch., Indianapolis; B.A., Williams Coll., 1921; M.D. (cum laude), Harvard Med. Sch., 1925; m. Carolyn Louise Da- vis of Loogootee, Ind., 10 Oct. 1938; chil- dren— Wm. Niles, III, Gordon Davis, Su- san Scoville. Interne, East Surgical Ser- vice, Mass. Gen. Hosp., 1926-28; assoc. in med. pract. with Drs. Wishard, Har- ner & Mertz; 1928—; instr. urology, Ind. Univ. Sch. Med.; pres. staff of Meth. Hosp., 1940; tr. Hanover Coll.; dir. In- dianapolis Y.M.C.A.; mem. Delta Upsi- lon, Phi Beta Pi, Am. Med. Assn., Am. Urolog. Assn., Am. Assn. of Genito-Ur- inary Surgs., diplomat of Nat. Bd. of Med. Examiners Am. Bd. of Urolog., staff of City, Methodist and Univ. Hosps. Clubs: Indianapolis Lit., Indianapolis Contemporary (pres., 1937-38), Colum- bia, Harvard & Williams Alumni of In- diana. Travel: U.S., Can., Alaska, Eng., Scot. Interests: photog., gramophone records. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 1711 N. Capitol Av., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 5234 Washington Blvd., In- dianapolis, Ind. BREECE, Charles Albert, telephone engineer; b. Canal Fulton, O., 27 Jan. 1884; s. Charles Wesley Breese, mcht., justice, and Mary Jane (Mills) B.; ed Canal Fulton (O.) high sch.; univ. ex- tension courses in elec engring., com- mercial law and business admn ; m. Georgia Alfreda Cripps of Akron, O., 24 Nov. 1905; children — Lynn Albert, Charles Albert, Jr. Began as switch- board repairman, Central Union Tel. Co., Akron, O., 1901 and advanced to dist. toll wire chief; in div. wire chief's office, same co., Columbus, O., 1907, and with chief engr., Indianapolis, 1907-14; gen. mgr. and auditor, United Tel. Co., Bluff ton, Ind., 1914-20; gen. com'l. supt., 398 Ind. Bell Co., and in dig", unification of Indianapolis and Ind. Bell Co., 1920-22; v.p. and gen. supt., Ind. Bell Interest Cos., 1922-29, communication engr., 1929- 33, com'l. survey engr., 1933 — ; dir., Wheeler City Rescue Mission, Indianpo- lis; mem. Nat. Soc. S.A.R. (nat. tr., nat. v.p. gen., 1932-33, pres. Ind. Soc, 1939); mem. His. Soc. Order of Found- ers and Patriots of Am.; Hoosier State Chap. Tel. Pioneers of Am. (pres. 1926) ; Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce; pres. Indianapolis Church Federation. Clubs: Bell Tele (pres., 1925), Colum- bia, Scientech. Presbyterian (elder). Re- publican. Office: 240 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 4325 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. POORMAN, Alfred Peter, professor of engineering mechanics; b. Altamont, 111., 13 Feb. 1877; s. George Warner Poorman and Eliza Jane (Watson) P.; ed. Altamont high sch.; B.S. (in C.E.), Univ. Illinois, 1907; C.E., Univ. Colo- rado, 1909, A.B., 1909; m. Sarah Eliza- beth Ellmaker of Boulder, Colo., 22 June 1910 (dec); children — Mary Esther, George; m. (2nd) Genevieve Louise Lip- poldt of Boulder, Colo., 29 June 1936. Engr., Weber Concrete Chimney Co., June- Aug. 1907; instr. C.E., Univ. Colo- rado, 1907-09; hydrographer, Wind River Indian Reservation, July-Oct. 1909; asst. prof, applied mechanics, Purdue Univ., 1909-17, 1919-20, assoc. prof., 1920-22, prof., 1922-44; prof, engring. mechs., 1944—; capt., Co. A, 29th Engrs., Lan- gres, Fr., Oct. 1917- June 1918, supply off., G-2-C, G.H.Q., Chaumont, Fr., June 1918-June 1919; mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, Soc. for Promotion of Engring. Ed., Am. Con- crete Inst., A.A.U.P., A.A.A.S., Ind. Acad. Sci., Scabbard & Blade, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, Chi Epsilon. Author: Ap- plied Mechanics, 1917; Strength of Mate- rials, 1925; Section on Theoretical Me- chanics in General Engineering Hand- book by C. E. O'Rourke. Methodist. Lib- eral. Office: Purdue University, LaFay- ette, Ind. Home: 329 Russell St., W. Fay- ette, Ind. Summer home: Boulder, Colo. RODEHEAVER, Homer A., song book publisher, music director, choral direc- tor; b. Union Furnace, O., 4 Oct. 1880; s. T. H. Rodeheaver, and Fannie (Arm- strong) R. ; ed. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, O. Music dir., Dr. W. E. Bied- erwolf, 1905-10, Billy Sunday, 1910-32; directed group singing of largest crowds gathered in U.S. and Can.; Royal Cana- dian Fair, Toronto, 150,000 people, opening of Atlantic City Auditorium, 200,000 people, Willkie Nomination for Pres. of U.S., Elwood, Ind., 225,000 peo- ple participating; made records of gos- pel songs for Victor, Columbia, Edison, Pathe, Decca, Brunswick, etc.; producer of religious transcriptions; served N.B. C. chain, 6 mos., Columbia chain, 6 mos.; pres., The Rodeheaver Co., Win- ona Lake, Ind.; high pvt., band, Sp.- Am. War; served with Y.M.C.A. in Fr. during World War I; mem. Masons (Con- sistory), Shrine. Club: Kiwanis (War- saw, Ind. hon. mem.), Rotary, (War- saw, Ind.). Author: Song Stories of the Sawdust Trail; Twenty Years with Billy Sunday; Singing Black; Song Leader- ship. Travel: tv/ice around world, 4 times to European countries, Afr. and Orient. Interests: music, community singing. Recreations: golf, tennis, swim- ming, hunting, fishing. Methodist. Inde- pendent Republican. Office and home: Winona Lake, Ind. DIENNER, John Astor, patent law- yer; b. Elkhart Co., Ind., 22 Sept. 1886; s. Christian King Dienner, builder, and Susan (Christophel) D.; ed. Elk- hart High Sch.; B.S. (in E.E.), Purdue Univ., 1910, E.E., 1913, D.Eng., 1939; LL.B., George Washington Univ., 1913; ML.D., Georgetown Univ., 1913; m. Pearl J. Calhoun of Washington, D.C., 27 July 1915; children— John Astor, Ann Calhoun. Wire chief, Home Telephone Co., Elkhart, Ind., 1904; clerk M.C. Dept., L.S. and M.S. Ry. Co., 1905-06; draftsman, signal dept., 1907; asst. fore- man on field erection, Union Switch and Signal Co., 1908; designing engr., Sid- way Mercantile Co., 1909; student ap- prentice, General Electric Co., 1910; fourth asst. examiner, U.S. Patent Of- fice, 1910 and third asst., 1913; admitted to Bar of Ind., 1912, district of Columbia, 1913, 111., 1939, Supreme Court, 1920; pat- ent atty., E.B. Tower, Milwaukee, Wis., 1914; patent atty., mem. firm Brown, Boettcher and Dienner, 1919; mem. firm Brown, Jackson, Boettcher and Dienner, 1927—; sec. and dir., The LaBour Co., Inc., Elkhart; dir. Clad Metals Corp., Chicago, Brit. LaBour Pump Co., Ltd., London, Eng. ; dir. North Electric Mfg. Co., Galion, Ohio, Alloy Machine Co., Elkhart, Ind., Purdue Research Founda- tion, Lafayette, Ind.; mem. of Penicillin Advisory Committee of OSRD, 1944; Consultant Dept. of Commerce for Na- tional Patent Planning Commn., 1941; Special Counsel — Dept. of Commerce to present evidence before the Temporary National Economic Com., 1939; mem. Am. Judicature Sec, 111. Bar Assn., Acad, of Political Science; apptd. mem. Patent Office Advisory Com. by Sec. of 399 Commerce Daniel C. Roper, 1933; apptd. by Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt as Dele- gate to London Conf. for the revision of the Internat. Conv. for the Protection of the Industrial Property, 1934; apptd. by Sec. of State Cordell Hull as del. to Ger- man Govt, for the Congress of the In- ternat. Assn. for the Protection of In- dustrial Property, Berlin, 1936; mem. A.I.E.E. (student chmn. Purdue Univ. Branch, 1909-10), Chicago Patent Law Assn. (pres., 1936-37) Chicago Bar Assn., Assn. Internat. Pour le Protection Pro- prietie Industrielle (pres. American group, 1936-42), Am. Bar Assn. Chair- man Section of Patent & Trade Ma^k Law, 1942, Am. Patent Law Assn. (ores., 1945), Delta Tau Delta (life), Phi Delta Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Nat. Rifle Assn. (life). Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Univer- sity (Evanston). Travel: Eng. Episcopa- lian. Republican. Office: 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 1034 Sheri- dan Rd., Evanston, 111. REESE, Clarence, president Continen- tal Motors Corp.; b. Muncie, Ind., 25 Aug. 1900; s. Elmer Reese, wholesaler, and Jane (Simpson) R. ; ed. Muncie high sch. ; Muncie Normal Sch. ; m. Bes- sie Eberly of Lansing, Mich., 19 Dec. 1931. Began as machine shop appren- tice; dir. Continental Motors Corp., La- key Foundry & Machine Co., Manhattan Bond Fund, Hockley Union Nat. Bank. Taylor Craft Corp., Gray Marine Motor Co., Moraine Products Co., Anchorage Homes, Inc.; Chamber of Commerce, Muskegon; mem. S.A.E. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Muskegon Country, Century, Rotary, Old Colony. Interest: Diesel and gas engine development. Recreations : fishing, golf, aircraft. Office: 205 Market St., Muskegon, Mich. Home: 1231 Gray- ton Rd., Grosse Pointe, Mich.; Occident- al Hotel, Muskegon, Mich. WRIGHT, Charles, Jr., lawyer; b. De- troit, Mich., 16 Mar. 1883; s. Charles Wright, mfgr., and Louise Helene (Kern- lo) W.; ed. Detroit Univ. Sch.; B.A., Yale, 1905; m. Adena J. Miles of Liv- ingston, Mont., 15 July 1915; children — Charles Wright, III, Adena Miles, Lou- ise Helene. Commenced pvt. practice of law, 1908; assoc. with Beaumont, Smith and Harris, 1910, became partner, 1921; counsel for individuals, estates and corps.; dir. Bower Roller Bearing Co., Detroit Garages Inc., Riverside Storage and Cartage Co., Evans-Winter-Hebb, Inc., Wesson Estates Corp., Bundy Tub- ing Co., Mich. Ins. Agency, Burnahm Stoepel and Co.; tr. Grace Hosp., dir. Detroit Trust Co. and Guardian Detroit Bank, 1933; during World War I legal asst. to District Draft Bd. and Legal Advisory Bd.; mem. Delta Kappa Epsi- lon (Yale and Mich. Chap.), Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Detroit, Country, University, Grosse Pointe. Mrs. Wright is a gt. niece of Gen. Nelson A. Miles. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 2900 Union Guard- ian Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 30 Beverly Rd., Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. OLIN, Franklin Walter, bus. exec; b. Woodford, Vt., 9 Jan. 1860; s. Truman Olin and Sarah Ann (Noyes) O.; ed. C. E., Cornell Univ., 1886; m. Mary Mott MouKon of Toledo, O., 28 May 1889; chil- dren—Franklin W. (dec), John M., Spencer T. Dir., Western Cartridge Co., Pres. Egyptian Powder Co., Equitable Powder Mfg. Co., Columbia Powder Co., dir., First Nat. Bank & Trust Co., Alton: dir., .Kalunite, Inc., U.S. Cartridge Co.. tr., Cornell Univ.; mem. A.S.M.E. Rec- reations: hunting, fishing. Unitarian. Re- publican. Office: East Alton, 111. Home: 1128 State St., Alton, 111. CONWELL, Hermon Henry, coll. teacher and administrator; b. Topeka, Kan., 18 Apr 1886; s. Ottowa Victor Con- well and Eva (Moys) C. ; ed. Shawnee Co. Rural Sch. ; Kansas State Coll. Pren. Sch.; B.S., Kansas State Coll. 1907; M. S., Kansas Univ., 1915; Ph.D., Univ. Wis., 1932; m. May Ross of Las Vegas, N. M., Sept. 1914. With Gen. Elec Co., 1907-08; asst. prof. math.. Univ. New Mexico, 1908-13; instr., Univ. Kansas, 1913-15; asst. and assoc. prof, math., Univ. Idaho, 1915-20; prof, math., Beloit Coll., 1920-35, dean. prof, math., 1935—; mem. Am. Math. Soc, Am. Math. Assn. A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi, Masonic Order. Club: Kiwanis. Author: journal publica- tions. Office: Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. Home: 1621 Emerson St., Beloit, Wis. KEITH, Stanley, director; b. Chicago, 111., 1 Aug. 1881; s. E. G. Keith, banker, and Harriet S. (Hall) K.; ed, B.S., Princeton Univ., 1902; m. Dorothy Les- lie, 1912; children— Shirley Keith Gard- ner, Leslie Keith Macdonald; m. (2nd) Helen Shedd Reed of Chicago, 111., 2 Aug. 1941. V.p., Keith Bros. & Co., 1914- 31; dir., Blair Bonner & Co., Chicago, 1938; tr., St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago, Til. Clubs: University Chicago Racquet, Ca- sino, Shoreacres and Onwentsia Coun- try. Interest: golf. Recreation: tennis. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1315 N. Lake Rd., Lake Forest, 111. WHITING, Albert Lemuel, laboratory mgr. and owner; b. Stoughton, Mass., 12 May 1885; s. Albert Hayden and Mor- illa (Gould) Whiting; B.Sc, Mass. State 400 Coll., 1908; M.S., R.I. State Coll., 1910; Ph.D., Univ. of 111., 1912; m. Lucille Du- Bois, 30 Dec. 1914; children— Alice Eli- zabeth, Barbara Lucille. Formerly prof, agrl. bacteriology, Univ. of Wis.; prof, and chief in soil biology, Univ. of 111.; dir. Urbana Home Loan Assn.; engaged in research on legume bacteria and soils since 1908; mgr. and owner Urbana Labs. Pres. Legume Inoculation Assn., 111. Farm Chemurgic Com.; served with Council of Nat. Defense, also with Inst. Mil. Hygiene and Sanitation, during World War I; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Soc. Agronomists, 111. Acad. Science, Sigma Xi, Alpha Chi Sigma. Republican. Meth- odist. Club: Urbana Rotary. Author: Soil Biology Laboratory Manual. Contbr. arts, to exptl. station bulls. Mem. editor- ial bd. of Food Research. Lecturer on Finalnd, Sweden, France, and travel, 1940. Home: 715 Delaware St., Urbana, HI. Office: 406 N. Lincoln Av., Urbana, 111. RYAN, Clement D., executive; pres. Montgomery Ward & Co.; b. Buffalo, N.Y., 19 Dec. 1895; s. George W. Ryan, mcht, and Nellie T. (O'Callahan) R.; ed. Central high sch., Buffalo, N.Y.; Univ. State of N.Y.; m. Claire M. Oli- ver of Buffalo, N.Y., 19 July 1917; 1 dau.— Eileen. With J. N. Adam & Co., Buffalo, N.Y., J. L. Hudson Co., De- troit, Mich., William Hengerer Co., Buf- falo, N.Y., The Fair, Chicago, 111., Hahn Dept. Stores, N.Y., 1929-32; pres. and dir., Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, 111., Dec, 1943 — . Mem. Chamber Com- merce. Clubs: Racquet, Chicago, Chi- cago Yacht, Edgewater Country, Old Elm Country, Westchester Hills Country (N.Y.). Interests: golf, yachting. Re- publican. Office: Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, 111. Home: 2708 Lake View Av., Chicago, 111. PILOT, Isadore, physician; b. Chi- cago, 111., 13 Oct. 1895; s. Israel Pilot, mfr., and Ida (Guss) P.; ed. Medill high sch.; M.D., Univ. 111., 1917; B.S., Univ. Chicago, 1919; m. Anna B. Glick of Chicago, 111., 1923; children — Saralee, Martin. Assoc, prof, medicine and path- ology Univ. 111., 1920-40, teaching and re- search, 1917 — ; pres. Edgewater Hosp., attend, phys., Cook Hosp., dir. of labs., Lutheran Deaconess and Edgewater Hosps., Chicago Pathological Soc. (p. pres.) ; served as 1st It., Med. Corps, 1918-19; at present, Maj. Med. Corps, U.S. Army; mem. Am. Soc. Rheumatic Diseases, Chicago Soc. Allergy, Soc. Ex- perimental Med. and Biol., Am. Assn. Pathologists and Bacteriologists, Am. wOll. Allergists, Acad, of Allergy, Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha. Author: nu- merous papers on bacteriology, pathol- ogy, medicine. Travel: U.S. Recrea- tions: golf, science. Jewish. Non-parti- san. Office: 185 N. Wabash Av., Chicago, HI. Home: 507 Briar PL, Chicago, 111. COLLINGS, M. Raymond, physician and professor of anatomy; b. Princeton Mo., 25 Aug. 1896; s. Charles H. Collings farmer, and Virgie Dora (Staley) C. ed. Princeton (Mo.) high sch.; State Teachers Coll., Maryville, Mo., 1916; A B., Mo. Univ., 1920-24; Washington Un iv., 1924-25; M.D.. Wayne Univ., 1926 28; m. Ruth Miller of Newton, Mo., 1917 children — Miller Raymond, Patricia Anne. Instr. anatomy, Mo. Univ. Med Sch., 1925-26, Wayne Univ. Med. Sch. 1926-30, asst. prof., 1930-32, assoc. prof. 1932-38, prof., 1938—; assoc. prof, ana tomy, Univ. Detroit Dental Sch., 1932 38; interne and mem. staff, Highland Park Gen. Hosp; gen. practice, Detroit 1934-38; instr. anatomy, nursing school Highland Park Gen. Hosp.; mem. Am. Mich, and Wayne Co. Med. Socs., Phi Beta Pi, Masons, Am. Anatomical Assn A.A.U.P., Am. Assn. for Advancement of Science. Clubs: Wayne County Medi cal Glee, Detroit School Men's, Highland Park Physicians'. Travel: U.S., Eastern Can. Interests: photog., singing. Rec- reations: golf, hunting, fishing. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: 1512 St. Antoine St., Detroit, Mich. Home: 9201 W. Outer Dr., Detroit, Mich. EISENDRATH, Joseph Louis, bus. ex- ecutive; b. Chicago, 111., 10 Jan. 1880; s. Louis Eisendrath, banker, and Han- nah (Strouss) E.; ed. Moseley pub. sch.; Bryant & Stratton Coll., 1892-93; m. Laura Sloman of Chicago, 111., 22 Apr. 1903; children — Joseph L., Jr., Blanche (Mrs. Jerome B. Aronson). Stock boy at 13 with Strouss, Eisendrath & Co., wholesale garment mfrs., 1893, ret. as treas., sales and plant mgr., 1914; or- ganized firm, Baer Eisendrath & Co., v. p., treas., 1915-30; v.p., treas. Waldrath Co., real estate mortgages and invest- ments, 1930 — ; v.p., Realty Investors Trust, 1931 — ; organized Industrial Abra- sives Corp., pres., 1936-39, dir., 1938 — ; v.p., treas., Beco Management Co., 1930; p. dir., E. A. Manganese Corp., treas. and dir., 1942; National Ronzite In- dustries, Ltd., partner, 1941; p. dir., Standard Club and Sinai Temple; p. pres., Chicago Garment Mfrs. Assn.; p. mem. Chicago Assn. Commerce Com. (one of originators), originating Market Week, Trade Conventions, Style and Fashion Shows, Chicago, 1914-15; mem. 401 Chicago Selective Draft Bd., 1940; mem. Masons (32d deg.), Shrine, Elks (life). Recreations: world travel, stamp col- lecting, mechanics, golf. Home: 1765 E. 55th St., Chicago, 111. Office: 33 N. La- Salle St., Chicago, 111. EMERSON, Herbert William, physi- cian; b. Milton, Ont., Can., 6 Oct. 1878; s. Thomas A. Emerson and Ellen M. (Aird) E.; ed. Hamilton Collegiate Inst.; Parke Davis Scholarship Univ. Mich., 1902-03; Univ. Kan.; Ph.C, Univ. Michi- gan, 1901, B.S., 1902, M.D., 1915; m. Her- mine P. Pollman (dec.) of La Cygne, Kan., 5 June 1907. Instr. pharmacy, asst. prof, physiol. chem., Univ. Kan., 1903-13; dir. Pasteur Inst., Univ. Mich., 1916 — ; capt., U.S.A., World War I; maj. R.O. M.C. mem. A.M.A., Mich. Med. Soc, Am. Pub. Health Assn., Am. Bact. Soc, Sigma Xi, Alpha Tau Omega, Nu Sigma Nu. Clubs: Barton Hill Country, Ann Arbor Golf and Outing. Author: Protein Split Products; Botulinus from Ripe Ol- ives; Arsenic Residue on Fruits. Hyper- tonic Glucose Therapy — Subcutaneous- ly in Rabies and in Bulbar Polio. Trav- el: Europe, 1 year, 1926-27. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Usually Republican (votes for individuals). Office: Pasteur Institute, East Medical Bldg., Ann Ar- bor, Mich. Home: 615 Oswega St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Summer res.: Lakeland, Mich. HELDT, Thomas J., neuropsychia- trist; b. Buckeye, Benton Co., la., 8 Aug. 1883; s. John N. Heldt, farmer, and Emma (Steffen) H. ; ed. Everly (la.) high sch., 1903; A.B., Univ. Mo., 1910, A.M., 1912; M.D., Johns Hopkins Sch. Med., 1916; m. Jennie Fell of Ev- erly, la., 11 Sept. 1909; children — Thom- as Frederic, Nellie Rosa (dec), Robert Edward, Richard Franklin. Student as- st., later instr. anatomy, Univ. Mo. 1910- 14; technician in histology, Greene's Western Salmon Expedition, U.S. Bur. Fisheries, summer, 1911; interne, re- search asst., Psychiatric Inst., Ward's Island, N.Y., Sept. 1916-Aug. 1917; clini- cal dir., U.S.P.H.S., Hosp. No. 37, Wau- kesha, Wis. July 1919- Apr. 1922; psy- chiatrist in charge, Child Guidance Clinic No. 1, St. Louis, Mo., Norfolk, Va., 1922-23; physician in charge, Div. Neuropsychiatry, Henry Ford Hosp., Detroit, July 1923 — ; examining psychia- trist, Camp Edge, Ft. Sill, Camps Doni- phan, Jackson, and Sevier, maj. Med. Corps., div. psychiatrist, 81st Div., A.E. F., France, Aug. 1917-July 1919; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Psych. Assn., Am. Neur. Assn., A.M.A. Assn. Research N. & M. Diseases, Am. Assn. Anats., Assn. Study Int. Secretions, Orthopsych. Assn., Cen- tral Neuropsych. Assn., Nat. Com. Men- tal Hygiene, Internat. Hosp. Assn. Am. Bd. Neurol. & Psych., Mich. Soc. Neu- rol. & Psych., Mich. Soc. Mental Hy- giene, Mich. State & Wayne Co. Med. Socs., Detroit Citizens' League, Found- ers Soc. Detroit Museum Art, Am. Vet- erans Assn., Detroit Area Council, Inc., Boy Scouts Am. Club: Kiwanis (Central Detroit) . Author : sci. arts. on', neurocy- tology, neurology, psychiatry, mental hygiene. Travel: Eur., So. and Central Am., W. I., British Isles, U.S. Interests: music, anthropology, vertebrate zool- ogy, sci. and practice of med. Recrea- tions: hunting, nature study. Christian. Republican. Office: Henry Ford Hosp., 2799 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit 2, Mich. Home: 17 Poplar Park Blvd., Pleasant Ridge, Mich. TALBOT, Fannie Sprague, newspaper woman, author; b. East Leroy, Mich.; d. Elliott Sprague, farmer, and Marie H. (Baker) S.; ed. Battle Creek high sch.; Albion Coll.; m. Robert C. Talbot (dec), of Chicago, 111., 26 June 1898. Be- gan career under Hon. George Willard on Battle Creek Daily Journal, first wo- man to engage in this work in that com- munity; with U.S. troops at Camp Cus- ter, World War I; worked as Moon- Journal staff reporter in all courts, mun- icipal, circuit, district and military; con- tributed to Detroit Free Press, News, Times and Saturday Night, Kalamazoo Gazette and Michigan Farmer; served as city editor of Battle Creek Morning News, assisted Dr. John Harvey Kellogg in editing Good Health magazine and Battle Creek Idea; mem. Nat. Fed. of Press Women, The Order of Book Fel- lows, Mich. Authors Assn.; former po- etry chmn. Mich. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Author: Poems; Christmas Eve in Santa Claus Land (play) ; Stories for Boys and Girls; mag. and newspaper features. Desc. Ancestry traces to first Sprague in America, Francis Sprague, who came on Good Ship Ann in 1623 to Plymouth; had been driven by religious persecution from Eng. to Holland; great grandfather, Jonathan Sprague, came to Mich, in 1835, taking up govt, land; grandfather, Thomas Sprague, was pio- neer Methodist preacher. Recreation: walking. Conglist. Republican. Address: 139 Cherry St., Battle Creek, Mich. HALE, William Jay, chemist; b. Ada, O., 5 Jan. 1876; s. James Thomas Hale, minister, and Emma Elizabeth (Ogle) H.; ed. private sch.; A.B., A.M., Miami Univ., 1897; A.B., Harvard, 1898, A.M., 402 1899, Ph.D., 1902; travelling fellow in chem. Technische Hochschule, Berlin and Univ. Goettingen, 1902-03, LL.D., Miami Univ., 1937; m. Helen Dow of Midland, Mich., 7 Feb. 1917; 1 dau.— Ruth Elizabeth (Mrs. W. T. Buchanan, Jr.). Research asst., Univ. Chicago, 1903, instr. chem., 1904-08, asst. "prof., 1908-15; assoc. prof., Univ. Mich., 1915- 19; dir. Organic Chem. Research, Dow Chem. Co., Midland, Mich., 1919-34, re- search cons., 1934 — ; visiting prof. Chemurgy, Conn. Coll, 1936-39; chmn. div. Chem. and Chem. Tech., Nat. Res. Council, Washington, D.C., 1925-27; Co- op, chemist, C.W.S., during World War I; fellow A.A.A.S., London Chem. Soc; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Societe Suisse de Chimie, Societe Chimique de France, Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Up- silon, Alpha Chi Sigma. Clubs: Detroit, Chemist (New York), Cosmos (Washing- ton), Chevy Chase (Chevy Chase, Md.), Author: A Laboratory Outline of Gen. Chem. (with Alexander Smith), 1907; The Calculations of General Chemistry, 1909; A Laboratory Manual of General Chemistry, 1930; Chemistry Triumphant, 1932; The Farm Chemurgic, 1934; Pros- perity Beckons, 1936; Farmward March, 1939; sci. papers on organic chem. and chemurgy; patentee of new processes for manufacturing phenol, aniline, ace- tic acid and their derivatives. Recrea- tion: golf. Presbyterian. Office: The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. Home: 1205 W. Park Dr., Midland, Mich. SMITH, Cushing, teacher of Christian Science; b. Alton, 111., 24 July 1888; s. Edward A. Smith, pub., and Edna Cush- ing (Jewett) S.; ed. Alton high sch.; Univ. 111., 1905-07; Colorado Sch. of Mines, 1907-08; Columbia Univ., 1908-09; Bachelor of Christian Science, Mass. Metaphysical Coll., 1928; m. Kathryn Laley Doyle of Champaign, 111., 31 Dec. 1914; Mining engr., mgr. Wettlaufer-Lo- rain Silver Mines, Canada, 1909-13, in- dustrial engr., 1913-16; financial analyst and writer, 1916-18; asst., mgr., Am. Lady Corset Co., 1919-24; Christian Sci- ence practitioner, 1924 — ; Mining expert for U.S. Govt, in prosecution of large scale mining swindles; served as 1st It., Air Service, 1918-19; mem. Psi Upsilon, Detroit Engring. Soc. Author: numerous arts, on Christian Science. Paternal un- cle was chief architect for the State House in Lansing and the old Detroit Public Library; maternal hist, back to 1632, Jewett founded Rowley, Mass. Rec- reations: horseback riding, bowling. Christian Scientist. Republican. Office: 762 Book Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home. 888 Webb Av., Detroit, Mich. THOMPSON, Edward Archibald, min- ister; b. Caseville, Mich., 25 Nov. 1884; s. Neil Thompson, farmer, and Jane (Maxwell) T.; ed. Elkton high sch.; Fer is Inst., Big Rapids; Ph.B., Alma Coll.; B.D., Yale Univ.; Edinburgh Univ. (Scot.); D.D., Olivet Coll. (Mich.) (hon.); m. Elsie B. Hanchett of Big Rapids, 1913; children— Mrs. Jean Thompson Andersson, Mariel. Minister, Park Congregational Ch., Greeley, Colo., 1916-18, First Union Congregational Ch., Quincy, HI., 1919-23, First Congregation- al Ch., Quincy, 111., 1919-23, First Con- gregational Ch., La Grange HI., 1923-29, First Congregation. Ch., Pasadena, Cal- if., 1929-33, First (Park) Congregation- al Ch., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1933—; mem. exec, com., Gen. Council Congre- gational Christian Chs., 1938-44; chmn. Bd. Trustees HI. Congl. Conference, 1928-29; chmn. Finance Com. So Calif. Congl. Conf.; 1930-33; moderator, Mich. Conf., 1938-39; tr. Chicago Theol. Sem.; Bd. Trustees Mich. Conf.; pres. Grand Rapids Community Chest, 1939-40; camp gen. sec, Y.M.C.A., 1917-19; mem. Ma- sons, K.T., Scottish Rite. Clubs: Penin- sular, Rotary, Lions. Author: mag. arti- cles. Travel: Eur., Afr., Palestine, South Sea Islands, U.S. Interest: colored pho- tog. Recreations: golf, horseback riding. Congregationalist. Republican. Office : First (Park) Congregational Ch., Grand Rapids, Mich. GORMAN, Michael A., editor; b. Cleveland, O., 18 Sept 1892; s. John V. Gorman and Mary (Stella) G.; ed. Sagi- naw (Mich.) high sch.; alumnus (hon.), Univ. Mich., 1936. Reporter, sports edi- tor, Saginaw Courier-Herald, 1910-13; telegraph, city, mng. ed., successively, Saginaw News, 1913-28; ed., Flint Jour- nal, 1928 — ; pres., Am. Soc. Newspaper Eds.; p. pres., Univ. Press Club of Mich.; p. chmn., Assoc. Press Edit. Assn. of Mich., Am. Soc. of Newspaper Editors; tr., Clara Elizabeth (Knudsen) Foundation for Maternal and Infant Health ($250,000 Fund given by William S. Knudsen); bd. govs., Rackham Re- search Foundation, Mich. State Coll. ($500,000 Endowment Rackham Fund for Chemurgic Research; tr., Flint Inst, of Arts; advisory bds., St. Joseph Hosp., Rackham Child Guidance Project; dir., Red Cross Chap.; mem. Boy Scouts, Silver Beaver Award. Clubs: Kiwanis (p. internat. tr., p. gov., dist. of Mich.), City, Town, National Press (Washing- ton, D.C.), Detroit, Saginaw, Midland Country, Barton Hills and University 403 (Ann Arbor), Country, Detroit Athletic. Catholic. Independent. Office: Flint Journal, Flint, Mich. Home: 2008 Calu- met St., Flint, Mich. HUMPHREYS, James Marion, law- yer, referee in bankruptcy; b. Quincy, O., 16 Mar. 1867; s. Robert Albert Hum- phreys, farmer, and Louisa May (Jones) H.; ed. Maryville (Mo.) high sen.; Stan- berry (Mo.) Normal Sch. ; Shenandoah (la.) Normal Sch.; LL.B., Univ. Neb., 1901; m. Jennie May Rogers of Atoka, 5 Apr. 1905. Farmer, la., Mo., 1884-87; teacher pub. sens., Mo., la., Nebr., 1888- 1901; practice law, Nebr., Indian Ter- ritory, Okla., 1901-41; dir. nat. bks., 1905-20; co. judge, Atoka Co., 1 Jan. 1919-1 Jan. 1923; tribal atty., Osage In- dians, 16 May 1923-30 June 1930; rep., Okla. 2nd legislature, 1909-10; referee in bankruptcy, Aug. 1931-Aug. 1941; chmn., State Okla. Council of Defense during World War I; mem. Okla State Bar, Odd Fellows, Elks, I.O.R.M., K.P. Clubs: Re- publican, Rotary, Brotherhood of Metho- dist Men. Travel: U.S. Maternal ances- tors came from Ga. ; paternal ancestors, Humphreys, home defenders of Wales 6 Ire. Interest : reading. Home : 1322 Ter- race Dr., Tulsa, Okla. McBRIDE, Walter C, pedodontist; b. Caseville, Mich., 5 Mar. 1896; s. James E. McBride, farmer, and Charlotte (Gotts) McB.; ed. Pigeon high sch.; Al- bion Coll.; Univ. Mich. Dental Sch., 1922; m. Edith E. Hogan of Ann Arbor, Mich., 24 June 1924; 1 dau. — Sally Joan; m. (2nd) Hilda D. Hill of Detroit, Mich., 1944. Bookkeeper, 2 yrs.; pre-dent. work, Albion Coll.; teacher, Univ. Detroit and Univ. Mich. Dental Schs. ; practiced chil- dren's dental work, 1922 — ; ed. North- western Dental Club Bull., Detroit Dist. ; p. editor, Northwestern Dental Club bul- letin and Detroit District Dental Bulle- tin; p. contbrg. ed., International Jour- nal of Orthodontia and Children's Den- tistry; assoc. ed., Michigan State Den- tal Journal, 1928-44, ed., 1944—; assoc. prof. Operative Dentistry and dir. Chil- dren's Clinic, Univ. of Detroit Dental Sch.; lecturer, Post Graduate Sch., Un- iv. Mich. Dental Coll. ; dir. Children's Sec, Detroit Clinic Club; sergt., Med. Detachment, Camp Hosp., Camp Custer, 18 mos. ; mem. Detroit Dist. Dental Soc, Mich. State Dental Soc Am. Dental Assn., Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Delta Sigma Delta, Trombley Sch., Parent- Teacher Assn. (p. pres.), Mich. Soc. Dentistry for Children (p. pres.), Am. Soc. Dentistry for Children (p. pres.), Oral Hygiene Sect. Am. Dental Assn. (p. chmn.); F.A.C.D. Clubs: Detroit Pedodontic Study (p. pres.) Uptown De- troit Lions (p. pres.), Northwestern Den- tal (p. pres.), Detroit Yacht, Scarab, Republican. Author: Juvenile Dentistry, 1st edit., 1932, 2nd edit., 1937, 3rd edi- tion, 1940, 4th edition, 1945; numerous articles on children's dentistry; lecturer to over 400 dental groups throughout U. S. and Can. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: amateur photog., bridge, golf, baseball, football. Office: 660 Fisher Bldg., De- troit, Mich. HO AD, William Christian, civil engr., professor emeritus of civil engring.; b. Lecompton, Kan., 11 Jan. 1874; s. Fran- cis Dearing Hoad, farmer, and Gertrude Millicent (Evans) H. ; ed. Lane Univ. (prep, dept.), Lecompton, Kan.; B.S., Lane Univ., 1896; B.S. (civ. engring.), Univ. Kan., 1898; Mass. Inst. Tech., 1 yr. ; m. Louise Green of Whiting, Kan., 7 Aug. 1901; children— Hortense (Mrs. John M. Russell), William Marvin, John Green. Chairman and draftsman, Union Pacific R.R., asst. to Co. Surveyor, Douglas Co., Kan., topographer, Santa Fe Ry., 1898-1900; asst. prof., assoc. prof., prof, of civ. engring., head of dept., Univ. of Kan., 1900-12; practiced civ. engring., 1903-07; chief engr., Kan- sas State Bd. of Health, 1907-12; prof, of sanitary and municipal engring. and prof, of civil engring.; mem. Shoecraft, Drury and McNamee, Engineers, Ann Arbor Mich.; Univ. Mich., 1912-44, emer- itus, 1944 — ; served as maj., It. col., Sanitary Corps, U.S. Army, 1918-19; or- ganizer and 1st dir. of sch. for engring. officers in Sanitary Corps; It. col., engr. Res. Corps, 1919-26. Clubs: Rotary, Uni- versity, Michigan Union. Author: var- ious papers and reports on engring. subjs. Travel: U.S. Interests: conserva- tion and Mich, orchids. Recreations : outdoors, particularly in woods. Presby- terian. Republican. Home: 2108 Melrose Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. LAKEY, Roland Treiber, dean; b. Bath, N.Y., 30 June 1883; ed. Haverling high sch., Bath, N.Y.; Med. Coll. Va.; Phar.B., Univ. Buffalo, 1904; M.S., De- troit Inst. Tech., 1923; Univ. Mich. Chief chemist, Stecher Lithographic Co. Min- eralogy Dept., Ward's Nat. Sci. Estab- lishment; apothecary, Rochester Home- opathic Hosp.; in sci. lab., Frederick Stearns & Co.; sec, Inst, of Tech.; instr. chem., Detroit Coll. Med.; dean, Wayne Univ. Coll. Pharmacy; ed., D.R.D.A. & M.S. Jour.; dir., Druggists Coon Assn., Am. Pharm. Assn., Detroit Retail Drug- gists Assn. ; mem. Gov. Frank Murphy's Pharm. Study Com., Detroit Teachers' Assn., State Dept. Edn. Veterans Adv. 404 Council, Mich. Acad. Pharm. (pres.), Mich. Drug Industries Council (sec), Detroit Physiol. Soc, Detroit School- men's Club, Masons, Mich. State Pharm. Assn. (hon.); served as dir. of mfr. of synthetic benzoic acid for preservation of meat, Societe Francais de Chemie, during World War I. Club: Wayne Univ. Faculty. Author: Drug Plants, 1908; The Resins of the Vanilla Bean; The Control of Side Halogenation, Aromatic Com- pounds, 1915; Some Important U.S. P. and N.F. preparations, 1926; The Quota of Pharmacology. Interest: photography. Recreations: boating, walking. Inde- pendent. Office: 625 Mullett St., Detroit 26, Mich. Home: 22864 Poplar Beach Dr., St. Clair Shores, Mich. McCREA, Archie E., newspaper edit.; b. Fremont, 15 Dec. 1880; s. Amos S. McCrea, farmer, and Alma A. (Stone) gon high sch. ; m. Eudora H. Wells of Muskegon, Mich., 3 Sept. 1907; children —Mrs. E. Elmer Cowles, Malcolm R., Bruce D. Teacher, rural schs., 1 yr.; post grad. work, Muskegon High Sch., 1903-04; proof reader, reporter, city edi- tor, mng. editor, and editor, Muskegon Chronicle, 1904—; tr., Methodist Found- ation of Mich, (p. pres.); tr., Hackley Hosp., 1918—, pres., 1937—; tr., pres., Muskegon Museum Foundation, 1937 — ; mem. Nat. Council of Y.M.C.A.; chmn. Com. on Public Affairs; tr., v. ch., Muskegon County War Chest; dir., Mus- kegon Recreation. Com.; dir., v.p. West Michigan Tourist, Resort Assn., 1924- 44; dir., Greater Muskegon Y.M.C.A., 1916—, pres., 1918-27; tr., Muskegon Y. W.C.A. ; pres., Muskegon Choral Union, 1937-42: mem. Muskegon Charter Com- mn., 1920; mem. Muskegon Bd. of Edn., 1932-33; mem. adv. bd., dept. of jour- nalism, Univ. Mich., Am. Soc. News- paper Editors. Clubs: Univ. Press (Mich.), Muskegon History, Muskegon Country. Author: contbr., Mich. Chris- tian Advocate. Methodist. Independent i Republican. Office: The Muskegon Chronicle, Muskegon, Mich. Home: 2471 Lake Shore Dr., Muskegon, Mich. Sum- mer res.: Winnetaska, Muskegon Co., Mich. WHETSTONE, Lambert Frye, educa- tor; b. Philadelphia, Pa., 30 Mar. 1893; s. Claude G. Whetstone, newspaper man, and Mary Elba (Frye) W. ; ed. St. Paul's Sch., Concord, N.H. ; B.S., Am- herst Coll., Amherst, Mass., 1916; m. Elizabeth J. Emerson of Amherst, Mass., 8 July 1927. Grad. work, Harvard Univ., 1916-17; teacher, St. Paul's Sch., Concord, N.H., 1917-27; asst. headmas- ter, Episc. Acad., Overbrook, Pa., 1927- 36, teacher Am. and Eng. history; head- master, Grosse Pointe Country Day Sch., 1936-42; headmaster of merged De- troit University School and Grosse Pointe Country Day School, 1942—; chmn. Bd. of Trustees Student Aid Fund, Mich.; mem. N.E.A., Progressive Edn. Assn., Country Day School Headmaster Assn. of U.S., Nat. Assn. of Principals of Schs. for Girls, The Headmasters Asso- ciation, Witenagemote Soc. (Detroit). Author: American History Outline for Review; English History Outline for Re- view. Travel: Eur. Interest: Am. his- tory. Recreation: gardening. Episcopa- lian. Independent. Office: 43 Grosse Pointe Blvd. of Cook Rd., Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. Home: 51 Grosse Pointe Blvd., Grosse Pointe, Mich. Summer res. : Calm Meadows, Jaffrey, N.H. WALKER, Roger V., surgeon; b. De- troit, Mich., 2 Sept. 1895; s. Frank B. Walker, surgeon, and Hattie (Venning) W. ; ed. Detroit Central high sch. ; Univ. Mich., Coll. of Lit., Sci. & Arts; M.D., Med. Sch. and Wayne Univ. Med. Sch., 1919; m. Helen Reade of Escanaba, 16 Aug. 1923; children— Roger V., Jr., Frances Reade, Frank B., n. Attending surgeon, Prov. Hosp., Detroit, and Wm. J. Seymour Hosp., Eloise; F.A.C.S. (1927) ; mem. Acad, of Surgery (Detroit, pres.), Wayne Co. Med. Soc. (p. chmn. surg. sect.), Mich. State Med. Soc. (p. chmn. surg. sect.), Bd. of Trs., Wayne Univ. Coll. of Medicine, Alumni Assn., Mich. Crippled Children's Commn., De- troit Bd. of Health (pres.), Detroit Bd. of Commerce, Nu Sigma Nu, Wayne Co. and Mich. State Med. Socs., Am. Med. Assn. Clubs: Fine Arts Soc, Bloomfield Hills Country, Detroit Athletic, Boat, Curling and Univ., Players, Economic. Interest: reading. Recreation: golf. Ep- iscopalian. Republican. Office: 1255 Da- vid Whitney Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. Home: 1507 Iroquois Av., Detroit 14, Mich. VAN ZILE, Mary Pierce, educator; b. Dickenson Co., Kan., Feb. 1873; d. L. B. Pierce, mfr., and Lea A. (Bandy) P.; ed. Winfield (la.) high sch.; diploma, la. State Coll., 1904; B.S., Kansas State Coll., 1929; m. Gilbert J. Van Zile of Carthage, 111., Dec. 1892; children- Ralph P., Loren G. Teacher, pub. schs. la., 1889-91, New Trier Twp. high sch., Winnetka, 111., 1904-08; dean of home economics, Kansas State Coll., 1908-18, dean of women, 1908-40;- retired dean of women emeritus, 1 July 1940; retained in advisory capacity; served as pres., 405 Kansas State Teachers Assn. (hon. life mem., 1945) ; pres., Kansas Assn. of Deans of Women; pres., Kansas Council of Women; pres., Manhattan Br., Am. Univ. of Women; Tr. Cotley Junior Coll., Nevada, Mo., 1932-41; mem. Manhattan U.S.O. Management Com.; served as home economics administrator for Kan- sas, Food Conservation Program dur- ing World War I; mem. Nat. Deans of Women Assn., Kansas Deans of Women, Omicron Nu, Delta Kappa Gamma, Phi Kappa Phi, Am. Assn. of Univ. Women, Kansas State Teachers Assn., N.E.A., Kansas Council of Women, P.E.O. Sis- terhood, Manhattan Chamber of Com- merce. Author: numerous pamphlets. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Alaska. Fath- er and mother were pioneers in Dick- enson Co., Kan., 1868. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Home: 800 Houston St., Man- hattan, Kan. NAGGE, Joseph William, professor; b. Buffalo, N.Y., 29 Sept. 1905; s. Joseph G. Nagge and Katherine C. (Rellinger) N. ; ed. Manual Training high sch., Den- ver, Colo.; A.B., Univ. of Denver, 1927, A.M., 1928; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1934; m. Ruth Winter of Denver, Colo., 20 Dec. 1930. Studied psych, at Denver, Clark, Harvard and Chicago Universi- ties; fellow in psych., Clark Univ., instr., Univ. of Chicago; assoc. prof, of psych., Kansas State Teachers Coll., Emporia, 1935—, chmn. of dept., 1939-40; on leave with Army of United States with rank of capt. in the Adjutant Generals Dept., 1942—; mem., Sigma Xi, Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Sigma, Delta Epsilon, Psi Chi, Theta Chi, N.Y. Acad, of ScL, Kansas Acad, of Sci., Am. Assn. of Univ. Profs., Am. Psych. Assn. Club: Kiwanis. Au- thor: Psychology of the Child; contribu- tions to psych, periodicals. Conglist. Office: Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kans. Home: 805 Mechanic St., Emporia, Kans. Summer res.: 1107 Downing St., Denver, Colo. MONNETT, Osborn, cons, engr.; b. Norfolk, Va., 19 Aug. 1876; s. W. O. Monnett, mcht., and Nellie (Bishop) M.; ed. Norwalk (O.) high sch.; student of courses in mech. engring. and chemis- try; m. Lena C. Shourds of Norwalk, O., 8 Nov. 1904; children — Genevieve, Mild- red Helen, Dorothy. Marine engr., Great Lakes; stationary engr., W. & L.E. Ry., Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; mem. editorial staff, Power (in N.Y., then in Chicago), 4 yrs.; specialist on combustion, boiler practice and smoke abatement; made smoke surveys for many larger cities throughout country; assoc. with Comm. Testing & Engring. Co. (Chicago), and David Moffet Myers, cons, engr., N.Y.; apptd. chief smoke inspector, City of Chicago, 1911; served as asst. conservation engr., U.S. Fuel Adminstrn., and as cons, fuel engr., U.S. Bureau of Mines, during and after World War I. Methodist. Author of Bureau of Mines tech. papers on combustion and smoke abatement; works on furnace de- sign and power plant problems; lectur on furnace operation and design before engring. classes in Am. Univ. Desc. French Huguenot ancestors who left Fr. for Eng. on revocation of Edict of Nan- tes, 1665, and settled in U.S., 1700. In- terests: mathematics, ancient history, nautical astronomy. Recreations: read- ing, studying. Methodist. Independent. Office: 307 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 536 Rush St., Chicago, 111. PICHLER, J. Henry, hotel manager; b. Austria, 7 Oct. 1883; naturalized, July 1914; m. Alice W. Burch of Detroit, Mich., 1935. In hotel bus., Hotel Statler, Detroit, Mich., 1925-38; mem. Mich. Ho- tel Assn. (p. pres.), Detroit Hotel Assn. (p. pres.), S.E. Tourist Assn., Mich, (v.p.); v. pres., Norton Hotel Co.; tr. Burch estate. Clubs: Detroit Athletic. Grosse Pointe Yacht. Office: General Manager of Commissary, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich. Home: The Whit- tier, Detroit, Mich. ROBINSON, George Wilford, physi- cian; b. Bradford, Ont., 18 Jan. 1878; s. William Robinson, farmer and Eliza (Pangborn) R. ; ed. Bradford and Wat- ford high schs.; M.D., Detroit Coll. of Med., 1905; m. Sadie Marie Forrestal of Toronto, Can., 5 Nov. 1910; children — Lt. Francis A. (U.S.N.) , Mrs. Claire Ann Cummings. Chief, obstet. staff (re- tired), St. Mary's Hosp. and mem. exec, bd.; cons, on obstet., Alexander Blain Hosp. and St. Mary's Hosp.; mem. Am. Congress obstet. & maternal welfare, Am., Michigan, and Wayne Co. Med. Socs., Phi Beta Phi. Travel: Eur. Desc. of the Pangborns who left Co. York, On- tario about 1860 to settle at Harbor Beach, Mich. Address: 1701 E. Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. SfECK, Alden Lawrence, artist; b. Calumet, Mich., 15 Nov. 1904; s. Frank Steck and Eliza Jane (Daley) S.; ed. Sacred Heart high sch. ; m. 25 June 1941, Margaret M. Picchiottino. Started paint- ing at early age; represented at Art Mu- seum of Chicago, 1938, Kansas City Art Inst., 1939, San Francisco Museum of Art, 1938-39, Cincinnati Art Museum, 1938, Oakland Art Gallery, 1938, 1941-44; 406 Am. Acad. Allied Arts, N.Y., 1940; Springfield Art Museum, Mo., 1945, Am. Water Color Soc, 77th Annual in N.Y. to Detroit Inst, of Art, 1941-44; in U.S. Federal Govt, traveling water color shows, 1941, also works in pvt. collec- tions; teacher, art classes, Calumet, 2 yrs. Travel: Can., U.S. Grandparents were early settlers of Keweenaw Penin- sula. Interests: floriculture, photog., reading. Recreations: out-door sports. Catholic. Republican. Office: 106 Fifth St., Calumet, Mich. Home: 409 Kearsage St., Calumet, Mich. STEWART, Donald Leonidas, physi- cian and surgeon; b. Ross Co., O.: s. William E. Stewart, painter, and Ella S.; ed. Columbus (O.) high sch.; special Diploma in Anatomy, Ohio Med. Univ. (now Coll. of Med. of Ohio State Univ.) ; M.D., Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Boston, Mass., post grad. study Univ. Kan. Med. Dept.; m. Madolyn W. But- ler of Troy, 25 July 1927; 1 dau.— Betty Lou. Gen. practice, Nicodemus; deputy Co. physician; nominated coroner, Gra- ham Co. (no hosps. -operations on kitch- en tables); practice, Atchison, spl. suc- cess, diabetes and asthma, splty., inter- nal med.; chmn. (apptd. by the Gov. of State), State Dept. of Western Univ., Kansas City; mem. Kan., Nat. Med. Assns. (state v. p. N.M.A.), Masons (33d deg.), Kappa Alpha Psi, Nat. Assn. for Adv. of Colored People (org. and 1st pres., Atchison), Inter-state Lit. Assn. of Kan. and the West (p. pres.). Travel: U.S., Can. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Methodist. Independent. Office: 507^ Commercial St., Atchison, Kan. Home: 841 So. 4th St., Atchison, Kan. Summer res.: R.R. 1, Mt. Vernon Rd., Atchison, Kan. ALLEN, Jessie Petrie, physician and surgeon; b. 111., 13 May 1878; d. John L. Petrie, interior decorator, designer, and Annie Grace (Tempest) P.; ed. schs. in Fremont, Nebr., Salt Lake City, Ut. ; M.D., Hahneman Med. Coll., 1904; m. Dr. William Judson Allen of Beloit, Wis., 1905; children — Gertrude, Franklin Tempest, Charles Judson. Gen. practice, Beloit, 1905-30, specialized in physical therapy, 1930 — ; mem. staff, Beloit Mun- icipal Hosp.; mem. Wis. State Bd. of Medical Examiners; Fellow Am. Med Assn.; Fellow Fed. Bd. Med. Examin ers of U.S. ; mem. Wis. State Med. Soc. Am. Congress of Physical Therapy, Am Med. Women's Assn., Inc., Altrusa. In ternat., Beloit Co-oper. Concert Assn (v.p.), Beloit Hist. Soc, Epsilon Tau Author: articles on orgn. of auxiliary to medical societies. Travel: U.S. Interest: promotion of good music. Recreation: travel. Conglist. Republican. Office: 405 East Grand Av., Beloit, Wis. Home: 644 Park Av., Beloit, Wis. CLEARY, P(atrick) Roger, acting president of Cleary Coll.; b. Ireland, 14 Aug. 1858; s. Roday Cleary and Julia (Costello) C; ed. Sheridan (Mich.) high sch.; Northern Ind. Normal Sch.; Spen- cerian Coll., Cleveland, O. ; M.Ed, (hon.), Michigan State Normal College; m. Helen Clarke Jenks of St. Claire, Mich., 27 June 1889; children — Charles Brooks, Marjory Julia Cleary McKenny, Ruth Marie, Owen Jenks. Teacher; founder, Cleary Coll., Ypsilanti, Mich., 1883, pres., 1883-1941; part-time teacher, Mich. State Normal Coll., 14 yrs.; mem. Bd. of Edn., Ypsilanti, 20 years; mem. N.E.A., Mich. Edn. Assn., Schoolmas- ters' Club, Bd. of Commerce. Clubs: Ro- tary, Twenty. Author: several books on accounting and economics, including How to Figure Profit. Travel: U.S., Can., British Isles. Conglist. Republican. Office: Cleary College, Ypsilanti, Mich. Home: 7 Normal St., N., Ypsilanti, Mich. KALBFLEISCH, Ernest L., physician; b. Winston, Mo., 24 Mar. 1882; s. John L v Kalbfleisch, contractor, and Anna M. (Burnham) K. ; ed. pvt. secondary sch.; S.B., Univ. of St. Louis, 1912; M.D., Co- lumbia Univ., 1916; post grad. study, Harvard & Hopkins; m. Neva Lehman of Newton, Kan., 1918; m.- (2nd) Edna Linn of Newton, Kan., 1934; children- Neva Lou, John B. Chief of staff of Bethel Hosp., Newton, Kan.; sec. Leh- man H. & I. Co., Newton; served as 1st It., M.C., World War I; F.A.M.A.; mem. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Travel: U.S., Can. Interest: collecting old books and maps. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 128 E. Broadway, Newton, Kan. Home: 130 E. Broadway, Newton, Kan. DELWICHE, Edmund Joseph, emeri- tus professor of agronomy; b. Belgium, 25 Mar. 1874; s. Desire J. Delwiche, far- mer, and Marie J. (Dethy) D. ; ed. Dixon Coll., Dixon, 111.; Northwestern Univ. Correspondence Sch.; B.S.A., Univ. Wis., 1906, M.S., 1909; m. Alice J. Collin of Dyckesville, Wis., 1899; chil- dren — Mary A., Anthony J., Edmund D., Joseph J., Francis E., Richard O., Con- stant C, Eugene A. Worked on farm; taught country schs., 6 terms; supt., Sub. Sta., 5 yrs.; successively, asst. prof., assoc. prof, of agronomy, dir. of branch stations; dir., Delwiche Farms, Inc.; Breeder, new varieties of farm 407 crops, oats, wheat, peas, corn, soybeans, alfalfa (adapted to cool weather condi- tions). Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Soc. agronomy, Am. Genetic Assn., Alpha Zeta, Epsilon Sigma Phi. Author: nu- merous Experiment Sta. Bulletins and crop books. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Interests: anthropology, geology, con- servation of natural resources. Recrea- tions: travel, motoring, farming. Catho- lic. Independent. Home: R. 2, Green Bay, Wis. DARLINGTON, Henry Townsend, pro- fessor; b. West Chester, Pa., 23 June 1875; s. Thomas H. Darlington, real es- tate, and Jane Sellers (Paschall) D.; ed. Friends Sch., West Chester; West Ches- ter State Normal Coll.; Univ. of Ida.; M.S., Harvard Univ., 1911; Ph.D., Un- iv. Chicago, 1923; m. Beulah C. Embree, 25 Dec. 1912; children — Jane S., Edward P., Albert C, Henry T., Jr. Practical engr., and teacher, 1920-25; civil engr., Idaho-Iowa Lateral and Resevoir Co., Boise, Ida., 1903-04, Great Western Sug- ar Co., Denver, Colo., 1905-10; teacher, Wash. State Coll., 1911-14, Mich. State Coll., 1914—; Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Bot. Soc. Am., Sullivant Moss Soc. Author: vari- ous bot. papers. Quaker. Republican. Of- fice: Michigan State College, East Lan- sing, Mich. Home: 202 Durand St. East Lansing, Mich. Summer res. : Maple City, Mich. CRAMER, Dorris Elnora, legal steno- grapher; b. ,nr. Lake Geneva, Wis., 15 Feb. 1912; d. Elmer B. Cramer, printer, newspaper editor, and Nora Marie (Kraemer) C. ; ed. Boone-McHenry Twp. High sch., Capron, 111. Linotype opera- tor, later editor, in father's newspaper office; asst. postmaster, Capron, 111.; now legal stenographer in law office of probate judge and town elk., also dep. town elk. Author: poems, musical com- positions. Travel: U.S. Interests: sew- ing, designing. Recreations: dancing, skating, bowling. Protestant. Office: 515 Rockford Trust Bldg., Rockford, 111. Homes: 618 N. Court St., Rockford, 111.; Capron, 111. HARVEY, Ellery Hale, chemist; b. Lewisburg, Pa., 13 Jan. 1895; s. E. Hale and Mary (Conrad) H. ; ed. S. Williams- port, Pa., pub. schs.; Ph.C, Med.-Chir- urgical Coll., 1916; Ph.M., Philadel- phia Coll Pharm. and Sci., 1921; A.B., Bucknell Univ., 1923, A.M., 1924, Ch.E., 1929; LL.B., John Marshall Law Sch., 1932; Ph.D., Univ. Wis., 1926; m. Ivy Weaver of S. Williamsport, Pa., 1917; children— Ellery, III, Glenn: Chief chem., Perkins Glue Co., 1918-23; dir. Bur. Standards, Montgomery Ward & Co., 1927-36; chief chem. Wilson and Co., 1937-40; prof, lecturer in food tech. 111. Inst. Tech., 1941; edit. adv. board Oil and Soap; director, res. Anheuser-Busch Inc., 1941-44; dir., res. Gen. Printing Ink Corp., 1944—; prof. lect. Food tech. Washington Univ.; 1st It., Res., during World War I; mem. A.C.S. (dir., coun- cillor, Chicago sect), Agr. and Food Div., A.C.S. (chmn., v. chmn., sec- treas.), Inst. Food Tech. (v.p.), Sci. Com. Am. Poultry Inst, (chmn.), Poul- try Products Revolving Fund (vice chmn.), chmn. Soap-in-Oil com. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. (chmn.), A.S.T.M., F.A.A. A.S., A.A.T.C.C., A.I.C.E., 111. Acad. Sci., Masons, Consistory, Shrine. Club: Chicago Chemists. Author: 40 sci. pa- pers, U.S. and fgn. patents: originator 1st commercially successful casein wa- terproof glue for aircraft production, light-proof wallpaper; pioneer in factual labels and adv. for consumer move- ment. Interests: lecturing, writing on sci. subjs. Recreation: sci. farming. Protestant. Independent. Home: 987 Ridgewood Dr., Highland Park, 111. Sum- mer res.: Milburn, HI. DUEWEKE, Jerome V., optometrist; b. Detroit, Mich. ; s. Gregory F. Due- weke, wholesale grocer, and Louise (Hoffman) D. ; ed. St. Joseph's high sch.; Gilch Inst.; O.D., Penn State Coll. of Optometry, 1925. D.O.W. (hon.), 1931; m. Mary A. Johannes of Detroit, Mich., 27 May 1924; children— Bernice, Lois, Owen, Yvonne, Shirley. Asst. to Dr. T. P. Johannes, 1924-27; pvt. prac- tice, 1927 — , specializing in orthoptic treatments and contact lenses; v.p. Fair- view Recreation; dir., Optometric Res. Inst.; ensign, U.S. Naval Aviation, World War I, 1918-19; mem. Nat. Soc. of Eyesight Specialists, Am. Optometric Assn., Mich. Soc. of Optometrists (pres., 1945), Beta Sigma Kappa, (pres., Mu Chap.), Beaudry Post American Legion (lecturer), Gabriel Richard Council K. of C, Wayne County Soc. of Optome- trists (sec); capt. USAAF Auxiliary, comdr. Civil Air Patrol. Clubs: No. East Detroit Kiwanis (pres. . 1933), Mich. Ki- wanis (It. gov. Div. 7, 1936). Travel: U.S. Interest: aviation (pvt. pilot's li- cense). Recreations: badminton, hand ball, bowling. Catholic. Office: 7359 Gra- tiot Av. (13), Detroit, Mich. Home: 12072 Kilbourne Av. (5), Detroit, Mich. COURT, Frank Willard, clergyman; b. Green Bay, Wis., 3 June 1875; s. Thomas Court, farmer, justice of peace, and Adeline C. (Lewis) C. ; ed. rural 408 sch.; Waupaca, Wis. high sch. ; Law- rence Coll. (Appleton, Wis.); D.D. (hon.), Upper la. Univ. (Fayette), 1916, Cornell Coll. (Mt. Vernon), 1929; m. Ella Pearl Soule of Waupaca, Wis., 4 Oct. 1899 (dec); children— Mildred Pearl (Mrs. Bernard G. Winterick), Rev. Frank A., Muriel Gertrude (Mrs. John D. Staff eld), Willard Alger; m. (2nd) Lulu Evelyn Bush of Sparta, Wis., 4 Jan. 1910. Ordained deacon by Bishop Earl Cranston in Methodist Ch., 15 Sept. 1901, ordained elder by Bishop Luther B. Wilson, 17 Sept. 1905; pastor, Osceola, Wis., 1900-02, Grantsburg, 1902-05, Cum- ming Av. Ch. (now Central Methodist), Superior, Wis., 1905-10; transferred to Upper la. Conf. of Methodist Ch., Osage, 1910-15, First Methodist Ch., Waterloo, 1915-21, St. John's Methodist Ch., Daven- port, 1921-36; supt., Waterloo Dist., Methodist Ch., 1936-42, Linden Methodist. Waterloo, 1942; delegate, Gen. Conf. M. E. Ch., Springfield, Mass., 1924, Kansas City, Mo., 1928, Ecumenical Conf., At- lanta, Ga., 1931, Gen. Conf., Atlantic City, N.J., 1932, Uniting Conf. of Am. Methodism, Kansas City, Mo., 1939; mem. Commn. on Interdenominational Relations, Sub-Commn. on Unification of Am. Methodism; mem. Federal Council of Chs. of Christ in Am., 1932; mem. State Masonic Speakers Bureau of Va.; tr. Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon; mem. bd. dirs., St. Luke's Hosp., Epworth League Inst. Assn., Clear Lake; mem. bd. dirs., Am. Red Cross, World War I, exec, sec, Service League (military organization), Waterloo, State Speakers' Staff, during World War I; mem. State Historical Soc, Pi Gamma Mu, Masons (32d deg., Shrine, K.T.). Clubs: Knife & Fork, Ro- tary (delegate, Internat. Assn., Atlantic City, N.J., 1920). Author: articles in var- ious pubis. Travel: Eur., Palestine, Egypt, world. Interests: outdoor sports, travel. Recreations: walking, boating, hunting, golf. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice and home: 617 Kingsley Av., Water- loo, la. Summer res. : Lakeside, Chain- O-Lakes, Waupaca, Wis. BLOSSOM, Philip Moss, biologist; b. Evanston, 111., 19 May 1903; s. Rev. Walter Gardner Blossom, Episcopal clergyman, and Julia Harriet (Mills) B. ; ed. Howe Sch. ; Fessenden Sch. ; Prince- ton Prep. Sch. ; Kearney Mil. Acad. ; San Diego high sch.; Univ. Mich.; m. (2nd) Ethel L. Wilson of Lynden, Ont., 29 Nov. 1935; children — Barbara Gardner, Julia Mills (both by previous marriage). En- gaged in real estate bus., Detroit, Mich., 1925-26; stock and bond bus., Detroit, Mich., 1927-28; assoc. with Mus. Zool- ogy, Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1929 — ; assoc. curator mammals (hon.); made extensive biological studies, Ariz., N.M., Sonora, Mex., 1930-37; studied mammalian ecological problems, Ida., 1936-37; made ecological studies, Pine Ridge country, Nev., 1935, Mich., 1940, Ariz., 1940-41; mem. Am. Soc Mammal- ogists, (chmn. membership com., 1932- 36), Ecological Soc. Am., A.A.A.S., Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts, Letters. Clubs: The Detroit (1927-35), The Old Club, (Sainte Claire Flats, Mich., 1926-27), The Indian Village (Detroit, 1927-28). Au- thor: misc. zool. papers. Co-author: Studies of Mammalian Ecology in South- western North Am. with Special Atten- tion to the Colors of Desert Mammals (with L. R. Dice). Travel: Iceland, Nor- way, Eng., Ireland. Gt. grandson Tru- man Moss, prominent in early lumber- ing operations of Sanilac Co. in Thumb dist. of Mich.; grandson Wildman Mills, partner in Truman Moss lumber inter- ests, responsible for moving of countv seat from Lexington to Sandusky, 1880, taking large part in founding of San- dusky, influential in routing Port Huron and N.W. Ry., later Pere Marquette, inland through Sanilac Co. (1st railroad there) instead of along Lake Huron. In- terests: theatre, gardening. Recrea- tions: fishing, travel. Episcopalian. Democrat. Office: Museum Zoology, Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Tem- porary home: Los Angeles, Calif. H'DOUBLER, Margaret Newell, pro- fessor of physical education; b. Beloit, Kan., 26 Apr. 1889; d. Charles Wright H'Doubler, artist, inventor, and Sara Emmerson (Todd) H'D.; ed. Madison (Wis.) high sch., 1 yr. ; Warren (111.) high sch. and Acad.; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1910, M.A., 1924; grad. study, Columbia Univ., 1916-17; m. Wayne (LeMere) Claxton (artist and prof, of art). Asst. in phys. ed., Univ. Wis., 1910-11, instr., 1911-15, 1917-18, asst. prof., 1919-21, as- soc. prof., 1922—; full professor in P.E., 1943; lecturer in dance, Univs. Tex., la., Calif., Honolulu, McGill (Can.), Welles- ley Coll., Ore. State Coll., Univ. Wash., Univ. Ohio, Helleran Sch. in Luxem- bourg, Goucher Coll. at Manchester, Eng. ; teacher dance, Sweden, summer session; mem. Am. Assn. of Univ. Pro- fessors, Am. Assn. Health, Phys. Ed. and Recreation (nat. dance sect.), Am. Acad, of Physical Edn., Internat. Dance Assn. (com. on dance in ed.), Phi Kap- pa Phi, Pi Epsilon Delta, Sigma Alpha Iota, Nat. Assn. Dirs. Phys. Ed. for Coll. Women, Phi Kappa Phi, A.A.U.P. Au- thor: A Manual of Dancing; The Dance 409 and Its Place in Education; Rhythmic Form and Analysis; Dance — A Creative Art Experience; contributor to diction- ary of the arts. Office: Lathrop Hall, University of Wis., Madison, Wis. Home: 2408 Kendall Av., Madison, Wis. Sum- mer home: Waymar, Sister Bay, Wis. HUTCHINSON, Albert Cass, execu- tive; b. Mishawaka, Ind., 8 Aug. 1879; s. Dr. John W. Hutchinson and Sarah Ann (Cass) H.; ed. Mishawaka high sch.; Bethlehem Prep Sch.; C.E., Lehigh Univ., 1902; m. Lile Blair Bell, of Hol- lidaysburg, Pa., 2 Sept. 1903; children — John, Martin, Robert, Elizabeth, Albert, Jr. Draftsman, Waddell & Hedrick, Kan- sas City, Mo., 1902-03, draftsman, chief draftsman, Brown-Ketcham Iron Works, Indianapolis, Ind., 1903-11; engineer, Whitehead & Kales Co., Detroit, Mich., 1911 - 16 ; organized Brown - Hutchinson Iron Works, Detroit, 1916, sec.-treas., 1911-35, pres., 1935; mem. Am. Numis. Assn., Am. Philatelic Soc, Detroit Phila- telic Soc, Sigma Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Shrine, K.T. Engineering Soc. of Detroit. Clubs: Detroit Coin, N. Y. Collector's, Rotary, Economic, University, New England Hist. & Genealogical Soc, Bos- ton, Mass. Desc. Gov. Wm. Bradford of Plymouth Colony and Mayflower passen- ger. Interests: genealogy, coin & U.S. stamp collecting, 1st editions. Recrea- tion: travel. Protestant. Republican. Of- fice: 1831 Clay Av:, Detroit, Mich. Home: 665 Lakewood Av., Detroit 15, Mich. IZSAK, Ignacio, editor, mechanical engineer; b. Hungary, 16 Feb. 1878; s. Morris Izsak", merchant, and Julia (Weiss) I.; ed. Budapest; M.E., Royal Polytechnicum, Budapest, 1902. After graduation served in Austro-Hungarian Navy and became a torpedo engr. ; came to America, 1902, was assoc. with many prominent firms; spent year 1905- 06, San Juan, Porto Rico, designing cane sugar mills; designing engr.; ed., Az Iras (Hung. News), well known weekly, 18 yrs.; candidate for County Commis- sioner (Ind.); political leader. In 1918 declared the Hungarian Republic at the. White City, Chicago, in the presence of thousands of Hungarians; founded the Am. Observer & Iras Weekly. Mem. Nat. Geographic Soc. Club: Hungarian Univ. (sec, 18 yrs.). Author: The Injustice of the Trianon Treaty — A Memorandum (sent to Pres. Hoover) ; The Overcoming of the Depression (sent to Pres. Roose- velt). Travel: Eur., Am. Interests: art, literature, music, problems in flying. Recreation: walking. Universal Broth- erhood. Independent. Office: 53 W. Jack- son Blvd., Chicago 4, HI. Home: 2161 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. HOPKINS, Elmer Woodson, civil en- gineer; b. Henderson, Ky., 17 Mar. 1893; s. Woodson Hopkins, civil engineer, and Margaret (Ewing) H.; ed. Henderson high sch.; B.S. (in C.E.), Univ. Ky.; m. Lydia Nissen of Whiting, Kan., 28 June 1930. County highway engr., Henderson, Ky., 1920-23; resident engr., Black & Veatch, cons, engrs., 1923-36; city en- gineer, Salina, Kan., 1936-42; sanitary engineer, Smoky Hill Army Air Field, Salina, Kan., 1942 — ; registered prof, engr.; 2nd It., Engr. Corps, with A.E.F. in France, 1917-19; mem. Am. Water Works Assn. for Kan. (dir.), Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Am. Public Works Assn., Kan. Am. Legion, Masons, Shrine, Alpha Tau Omega. Clubs: Lions, Salina En- gineers. Methodist. Office: Post engineer Smoky Hill Army Air Field, Salina, Kan. Home: 216 W. Wilson St., Salina. Kan. HOPKINS, Edwin Mortimer, teacher; b. Kent, N.Y., 16 Sept. 1862; s. William Ambrose Hopkins, farmer, and Hannah Elizabeth (Sunderlin) H.; ed. N.Y. State Normal; A.B., Princeton, 1888, A.M., 1890, Ph.D., 1894; Oxford Univ.; m. Mad- eleine May Mundy of Metuchen, N.J., 17 June 1890. Teacher, N.Y. pub. schs., 1878-84; math, fellow tutor, Princeton, 1888-89; asst. prof. Eng., Univ. Kan., 1889-92, assoc. prof., 1892-93, prof., 1893, dept. head, 1902-09, retired 1937, founder, dept. journalism, 1903, Kan. Assn. Teachers Eng., 1912; assoc. ed., Eng. Journal, 1911-26; spl. collaborator, U.S. Bur. Edn., 1911-26; mem. Phi Beta Kap- pa, Modern Lang. Assn., N.E.A., Coll. Eng. Assn., Am. Dialect Soc; charter mem. of A.A.U.P.; mem. Nat. Council Teachers of Eng. (joint founder, dir., 1911-38, pres., 1916), Kan. Assn. Teach- ers of Eng., Kan. Coll. Eng. Assn., Kan. Soc. Mayflower Descendants (gov., 1914), Am. Guild of Organists, p. mem. Inst, of Am. Genealogy, Simplified Spell- ing Bd. Clubs: Kansas Educators', Am. Coll. Quill, Kansas Authors', Kiwanis, Fortnightly, University, Country. Auth- or: Teaching of English; Labor and Cost of English Teaching, articles. Trav- el: Eng., Ger., Fr. Interests: music, criticism, pedagogic research. Recrea- tions: organ playing, cycling, fishing, camping, exploring. Independent. Of- fice: University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Home: 1234 Mississippi St., Law- rence, Kan. Summer home: Woodland Park, Colo. 410 FREDERICKS, Marshall, sculptor; b. Searstown, 111., 31 Jan. 1908; s. Frank A. Fredericks, engr., and Frances Mar- garet (Bragg) F.; ed. John Huntington Poly. Inst., Cleveland, Ohio; Cleveland Sch. of Art; Heimann Schule, Munich; Schwergerle Schule, Munich; Acad. Skandinav, Paris; Cranbrook Acad, in Bloomfield Hills, Mich.; Pvt. Atelier, Stockholm, Rome; m. Rosalind Cooke of Grosse Pointe, Mich., 9 Sept. 1943; chil- dren — Carl Marshall, Christopher Mat- zen (twins). Exhibited in many impor- tant exhibitions, and museums; re- ceived first prize for sculpture, Cleve- land Art Museum, Detroit Institute of Art, Dance Internat. Rockefeller Center and others; awarded four fellowships including Hermann Matzen European award; executed num. comms., includ- ing gov. work, The Barbour Memorial Fountain, Belle Isle, Horace Rackham Memorial Bldg., Detroit, Baboon Foun- tain, N.Y. World's Fair; Instr. in sculp- ture, Ceramics, Cranbrook Acad, of Art and Kingswood School, 1932-42; mem. Alpha Beta Delta. Enlisted U.S. Army, Sept. 1942; served with Air Corps Engr. Camouflage Battalion until Feb. 1944; overseas service, Mar. 1944 — ; Hq. 20th Bomber Command in India and Hq. 8th Air Force in the Pacific, ,Lt. Col. Travel : Europe, N.Am., Mex., 26 countries. In- terests: acting and writing plays, illus- trating books, collecting old guns and hand crafts of the American Indian. Rec- reations: aviation, riding, photog. Prot- estant. Office: Cranbrook Acad, of Arts, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. HARROLD, Gordon Coleson, industrial hygienist; b. Mt. Jewett, Pa., 5 July 1906; s. John J. Harrold, mcht., and Clarissa (Coleson) H.; ed. Kane high sch.; Penn State; B.S., Antioch Coll., 1930; M.A., Univ. Cincinnati, 1931, Ph.D., 1934; m. Florence Bristow of Toledo, O., 1927, children— Dianne, Lynn, Susan. Grad. Instr., chem. engring., Univ. Cin- cinnati, 1930-34; chem. res., Industrial Hygienist, chief chem., Ind. Hygiene Labs., Chrysler Corp., 1935-44; Ind. Hyg. Consultant, 1944—; gen. chmn., Mid- West Conf. of Occupational Diseases, Detroit, 1937; organized, sec. treas. Am. Ind. Hygiene Assn., 1929; mem., ,A.C.S. Fellow, Am. Pub. Health Assn., Engr. Soc. of Detroit, Am. Industrial Hygiene Assn. (sec), Bd. Directors, Sigma Xi. Author: num. arts., investigations in the field of industrial hygiene and chemis- try. Interest: chess, books, mental phe- nomena. Office: 30 Elm PI., Webster Groves, St. Louis Co., Mo. BROWN, Clarence Frank Gunsaulus, physician; b. Salt Lake City, Ut., 16 Apr. 1897; s. Clarence Talmadge Brown,, Congl. minister, and Lillian (Gunsaulus) B. ; ed. Hinsdale high sch.; Lewis Inst.; B.S., Univ. Chicago, 191G; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1923; m. Marjorie Mitchell of Chicago, 111., 3 Oct. 1923; children— G. Mitchell, Robert Talmadge. Taught physiology under Anton J. Carlson, 3 yrs.; med. student under J. B. Herrick and E. E. Irons at Presbyn. Hosp. ; transferred to St. Luke's Hosp. under Robert Preble and N. Clark Gilbert; teacher, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1925 — , asst. prof, med., 1940; investiga- tive work on stomach, liver, gall blad- der; dir., med. dept., The People's Gas Light Co., Chicago until 1941; hosp. ap- prentice 1st class, Navy, 1 yr., World War I, It. col. in reserve in U.S.P.H.S.; Fellow in Am. Coll. of Physicians; dip- lomate Am. Bd. of Int. Med., 1937—; mem. Chicago Soc. Internal Med. (sec. and treas., 1935-40, pres., 1940), A.M. A., 111. Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Cent. Soc Clin. Res. (emeritus), Chicago Soc. Med. Hist., Collegium Chirurgicum Can- inum Americanum, Sigma Xi, Alpha Om- ega Alpha, Alpha Delta Phi. Club: Univ. of Chicago. Author: articles on Gastric Acid Trends during Recurrence and Re- missions of Duodenal Ulcer, The Con- servative Treatment of Gall-Bladder Dis- ease, Treatment of Biliary Tract Stasis, etc. (mostly with Ralph E. Dolkart). Travel: U.S. Nephew of Frank W. Gun- saulus, founder of Armour Inst., orator. Interest: watching family grow up. Bap- tist. Republican. Office: 122 So. Michi- gan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 5000 Cor- nell Av., Chicago, 111. KRATSCH, Charles, merchandise dis- tributor; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 27 Sept. 1876; s. George H. Kratsch, mech. eng., and Catherin (Beckefeld) K. ; ed. Mil- waukee high sch.; Univ. Wis.; m. Ev- alyn Hards of Chicago, 16 Sept. 1899; children — Virginia (Mrs. Ed. Rose), Granville, Dorothy (Mrs. F. H. Bennett), Marvin; m. (2nd) Mabel M. Martin, 5 Nov. 1930. Pres., Maytag-Chicago Co., Chicago Contract Purchase Co.; mem. Masons (32d deg.), Shrine. Clubs: Sand Lake (Phelps, Wis.), Island (Cairo, 111., sec-treas.). Interest: moving pictures of natural hist. Recreations: hunting, fish- ing. Republican. Office: 1230 S. Western Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 2000 Lincoln Park, W., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Mabel's Island, Kenora District, Ont., Can. 411 TRESSELL, Harry S., actuary, C.P. A., attorney; b. Terre Haute, Ind., 3 Aug. 1893; s. E. Tressell, mcht., and Mary Ellen (Shults) T.; ed. Terre Haute, (Ind.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. HI.; J.D., Univ. Chicago; Northwestern Univ.; Ind. Univ.; DePaul Univ.; Univ. Mich.; m. Marguerite King of Chicago, 111., Dec. 1938; children— Mary Ellen, Harry King. Began profession, Mont.; in pract. with Haight, Davis & Haight, In- dianapolis, Ind., 1922-27; actuary, sec. for various legal reserve cos., 8 yrs.; in pvt. pract., Chicago, 1932 — ; served in Art., U.S.A., 18 mos., during World War I; mem. Am. Inst. Accountants, C.P.A. Socs. of 111. and Ind., 111. Bar Assn., Am. Legion, Phi Delta Phi, Chi Psi, Elks, Scottish Rite. Author: various short art. on accounting. Recreations: fishing, golf, gardening. Presbyterian. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 480 Glendale, Winnetka, 111. DOANE, Gilbert Harry, librarian; b. Fairfield, Vt., 28 Jan. 1897; s. Harry Harvey and Charlotte Maude (Gilbert) D.; A.B., Colgate, 1918; certificate N.Y. State Library Sch., 1921; student Univ. of Ariz., 1921-22, Univ. of Mich., 1923-24; m. Susan Howland Sherman, 23 June 1923; children— Cynthia Gilbert (Mrs. Donald E. Nickerson, Jr.), John Philip. Asst. Springfield (Vt.) Library, 1912-14, Colgate Univ. Library, 1914-18; librarian "House-That- Jack-Built," U. S. Naval Training St., Newport, R.I., 1918-20; asst. N.Y. State Library, 1920-21; asst. librarian Univ. of Ariz., 1921-22; Univ. of Mich., 1922-25; prof, of bibliography, Univ. of Neb., 1930-37, librarian, 1925- 37; director of libraries, Univ. of Wis., since 1937; on leave, 1943-45; director Wisconsin Library School, 1938-41; or- dained deacon, P.E. Church, Nasho- tah, 29 Sept. 1943. Served with United States Navy, June 1918- Feb. 1919; Cap- tain U.S. Army since Sept. 1943. Mem- ber Nebraska Public Library Commis- sion, 1925-33, ex-officio Pub. Library commr., State of Neb., 1933-35. Fellow of Am. Library Institute, Am. Soc. of Genealogists; mem. Am. Library Assn., Wis. Library Assn., Wis. Hist. Soc, Vt. Hist. Soc, Bibliog. Soc. America, Soc. Mayflower Descendants. Order of Run- nemede. Republican. Episcopalian. Ma- son. Clubs: University, Madison Liter- ary (Madison). Author: The Legend of the Book, 1924; Searching for Your An- cestors, 1937; Some Early Records of Fairfield, Vt., 1938; About Collecting Bookplates, 1941. Contbr. to Dictionary of Am. Biography, Dictionary of Am. History. Editor Neb. and Midwest Ge- neal. Record, 1928-31; contbg. editor The Prairie Schooner, 1927-37, The American Genealogist since 1932. Home: 112 Roby Rd. Address: University Library, Madi- son 6, Wis. CUPPIA, Jerome Chester, stock brok- er; b. Pelham Manor, N.Y., 29 Sept. 1890; s. Caesar Augustus and Josephine Clementine (Klugkist) C, student Co- lumbia Univ. and St. Francis Xavier Coll., New York; m. Helen Raymond, 22 June 1918; children— Lieut. Jerome Chester, Helen Ramona Evans. With Craig & Jenks and successor, Jenks, Gwynne & Co., 1907-16; partner Robert- son & Co., becoming mem. N.Y. Cotton Exchange, 1916; formed firm Cuppia & Robertson, 1920, J. C. Cuppia & Co., 1923, now with Chester Manufacturing Corp. ; former partner E. A. Pierce & Co., former dir. Gen. Reconstruction Corp.; v.p. Fundamental Investors, Inc., Fundamental Group Corp.; p. dir. Sea- board Metal Corp.; v.p. Commodity Ex- change, Inc.; former mem. N.Y. Stock Exchange, N.Y. Curb Exchange, N.Y. Cotton Exchange, Dallas Cotton Ex- change, Memphis Cotton Exchange. P. dir. Beekman St. Hosp. Catholic Clubs: Lambs, Metropolitan, India House, Stock Exchange Luncheon, Lotos (New York); Montclair Golf, Sea View Golf, Nassau of Princeton, Orange Lawn Ten- nis (New Jersey). Home: 220 Gates Av., Montclair, N.J. Office: Lisbon, O. DANIELS, Francis Potter, coll, prof.; b. Ionia, Mich., 1 Aug. 1869; s. Newton Russell and Rosina Frances (Potter) D.; A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1895; teaching fellow, Univ. of Mo., 1896-97, A.M., 1897, Ph.D., 1905; Hopkins scholar, Harvard, 1897-98; m. Louise Grimmer, 21 June 1899. Ordained Unitarian ministry, 8 Oct. 1898; pastor Sturgis, Mich., 1898-99, Man- istee, Mich., 1900-01; acting dir. foreign langs., Manual Training High Sch., Kan- sas City, 1906; prof. Romance langs., Univ. of Colo., summer session, 1906, Cornell Coll., la., 1906-09, Wabash Coll., Crawfordsville, Ind., 1909-16, Columbia Univ., New York, Summer 1916; asst. prof, modern langs., Univ. of Mo. Sch. of Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla, 1916-20; asst. prof., 1920-21, asso. prof. Romance langs., 1921-22, asso. prof. Snanish and head depts. of Spanish and Italian, 1922- 23, Univ. of Ariz.; prof. French and act- ing head Latin dept., Ga. State Coll. for Women, 1923-28, prof. Latin and chmn. sch. of foreign langs. since 1928; asst. curator, U.S. Nat. Herbarium, summer 1911. Was first fellow, Kahn Foundation for Foreign Travel of Am. Teachers, 412 1911-12; deviser of Nat. Doctors' Acad., also of the Doctors' Acad, of Univ. of Ariz, and pres., 1922-23; pres. Doctors' Acad, of Ga. State Coll. for Women, 1928-29, and 1932-41. Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Modern Lang. Assn. America, Phonetique Internationale, Acad. Polit. Science, Am. Assn. Teachers of Span- ish, Eugenics Soc. of U.S.A., History of Science Soc, Eugene Field Soc, Clas sical Assn. of Mid-West and South, Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Gamma Mu, Sigma Pi Rho; asso. mem. Am. Museum of Nat ural History. Democrat. Baptist. Kiwan ian (It. gov. of 5th Div. of Ga., 1935-36) Author: Flora of Columbia, Mo., 1907; Flora of Boulder, Colo., 1911; French Scientific Reader, 1917; The Goldren Trove (verse), 1934; also poems in many anthologies. Home: Alto, Kent Co., Mich. FARBMAN, Aaron Abraham, M.D., surgeon; b. Odessa, Russia, 24 Apr. 1902; s. Samuel and Bertha (Rubin) F.; brought to U.S., 1904; A.B., Columbia Univ., 1923, M.A., 1924; M.D., Colum- bia Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, 1928; m. Marie Arlene Prager, 23 July 1944. Began practice of surgery, 1930; in research work with Drs. David J. Sandweiss and Harry C. Saltzstein on relationship of sex hormones to peptic ulcer, 1936. Company surgeon, Con- tinental Motors Corp. since Jan. 1941, med. dir., Jan. 1943—. Awarded certi- ficate of merit, for class 1 Scientific Exhibit, on "The Relation of Sex Hor- mones to Peptic Ulcer" by A.M. A., 1938. Diplomate of Nat. Bd., 1929; Fellow A. M.A.; mem. Phi Delta Epsilon. Jewish. Club: Clef. Contbr. articles of endocrine and surg. interest to med. jours. Home: 265 Newport Av., Detroit, Mich. Office: 13038 E. Jefferson Av., Detroit, Mich. McKINNIS, George E., Sr., savings and loan banking, real estate, insurance and investments; b. near Marble Hill, Mo.; s. J. A. and Drucilla (Donoho) McK. ; moved to Tenn. with his parents in infancy, and to Kansas in 1884; hon- orary LL.D. Oklahoma Baptist Univer- sity; m. Mary Dickson, 15 Oct. 1897; 1 son— Lt. Comdr. George E. (U.S.N. ). Farmed in Kansas; moved to Tecum- seh, Okla., 1891 (at the opening to settle- ment of the Sack and Fox and Potta- watomie Indian reservations) ; mgr. Mc- Kinnis-Baird Lumber Co., 1891-93; prin- cipal pub. schs., Tecumseh, 1893-94, Shawnee, 1895, and supt. of schs., 1896; in business in Shawnee since 1897; pres. founder Shawnee Real Estate, Insurance and Investment Co.; one of founders and organizers of State Nat. Bank, 1902, V.p., 1902-17, pres. 1917-19; founder 1912, pres. First Federal Savings & Loan Assn., Shawnee; founder, 1922, and pres. Southwestern States Bldg. & Loan Conf. Pres. U.S. League of Building and Loan Assns., 1926-27; dir. U.S. Bldg. & Loan League, 6th Dist., 1926-35. Postmaster of Shawnee, 1903-07; pres. Chamber of Commerce, Shawnee, 1905-07. Chmn. Home Service Dept. Am. Red Cross dur- ing World War; chmn. Pottawatomie Chapter, 1938-39; director 4th District of American Red Cross; national rep. and pres. Canadian Valley Council of Boy Scouts of America, 1937. Gen. chmn. Shawnee's improvement, health and beautification orgn. Del. to Rep. Nat. Conv. Chicago, 1916. Baptist; one of the founders and pres. bd. trustees Okla. Bapt. Univ., 1914-26. Pres. Am. Savings, Building and Loan Inst., 1928-29; one of the organizers Federal Home Loan Bank of 10th Dist., Topeka, Kan., dir., 1932-41, chmn., 1938; vice chmn. advisory coun- cil Federal Home Loan Bank Bd., Wash- ington, D.C. ; chmn. F.H.A. Advisory Council. Clubs: Shawnee Country, Ro- tary (pres. 1927-28); gov. 12th Dist. Ro- tary Internat., 1929-30. Home: Shawnee, Okla. McCARTY, C(harles) Walter, editor; b. Washington, Ind., 30 May 1892; s. John W. and Jennie (Denver) McC. ; grad. high sch., Washington, Ind., 1911; student Ind. Univ., 1911-14; m. Honore Harris, 12 Sept. 1916; 1 dau., Sheila. Be- gan as reporter for Associated Press, 1914; reporter for Indianapolis News, 1914, advancing through various posi- tions to mng. editor, 1934, pres. and publisher in Sept. 1944; apptd. tr. In- diana Univ., 1945. Mem. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Delta Chi. Catholic. Club: Meridian Hills Country, Indianap- olis Country, Columbia, Rotary, Indiana Soc. of Chicago. Home: 5141 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Office: 30 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. BUSH, Benjamin Jay, clergyman; b. Jemson, Mich., 21 May 1883; s. Jacob P. and Margaret (Haminger) B.; A.B., Hope Coll., Holland, Mich., 1906, A.M., 1909; grad. New Brunswick Theol. Sem . 1909; D.D., Centre Coll., Danville, Ky., 1917; m. Mae Julia Van Drezer, 26 Aug. 1909 (dec 25 May 1938) ; children— Mar- guerite Enid, Jay Luman, Robert Phil- lips; m. (2nd) Mrs. Mary Coke Mur- doch, 14 Nov. 1942. Ordained to min- istry of Reformed Church, in U.S.A., 1909; pastor successively New Paltz, N. Y., 1909-13, First Reformed Ch., West Hoboken, N.J., 1913-16. Second Presby- terian Ch., Lexington, Ky., 1916-27, West- 413 minster Church of Detroit, Detroit, Mich., 1927-45; Staff Representative of Presbyterian Church, in U.S.A., to the World Council of Churches, for Recon- struction and Inter-Church Aid in Eu- rope, 1945 — ; chmn. U.P. Commn. Chris- tian Edn. in Ky., 1925-27; moderator Synod of Ky., 1925-26, Synod of Mich., 1935; mem. Governor's Mich. Labor Me- diation Bd., 1937, Mayor's Interracial Com., 1943, Detroit Com. Civ. Defense. Tr. Alma College, 1940-45, Centre Col- lege, 1923-44, Louisville Theological Sem- inary, Bd. of Natl. Missions, Presby- terian Church, in U.S.A. (Ex. Com.), 1941-45; pres. Detroit Council Churches, 1942-43. Clubs: Detroit Wranglers, Mich. Authors Assn. Residence: Geneva, Switzerland. HARTLEY, Miles C, teacher, b. Tou- lon, 111., 6 Sept. 1901; s. William C. Hart- ley, farmer, and Christine H. (Peterson) H. ; ed. Toulon Township high sch.; A.B., Univ. 111., 1923, A.M., 1924, B.S., 1926, Ph.D., 1932, B.Mus., 1939; Chicago Mus- ical Coll., 1925; Univ. of Chicago, 1928. Math, teacher, La Salle-Peru-Oglesby Jr. Coll., 1924-30; asst. Math., Univ. 111., 1930-33; asst. prof. Edn., head of mathe- matics dept., Univ. high sch., Univ. 111., 1933- ; mem. Am. Math. Soc, Math. Assn. Am., Nat. Council of Teachers of Math., Am. Guild of organists, Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Mu Epsilon, Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi. Author: text- book in trigonometry. Congregationalist. Office: University High School, Urbana, 111. Home: 1203 W Illinois St., Urbana, 111. ECKHART, Percy Bernard, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 20 Jan. 1877; s. Bernard A. Eckhart, milling, capitalist, and Katie L. (Johnston) E.; ed. Chicago Manual Training Sch.; Chicago Acad.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1899; LL.B., Harvard Univ. Law Sch., 1902; m. Charlotte Capen of Bloomington, HI., 6 June 1903; children —Eleanor (Eckhart Murdock), Charlotte (Eckhart Coyne), Marion (Eckhart Ste- venson), Elizabeth (Eckhart Kingsley). Admitted 111. Bar, 1902; practiced law, firm, West & Eckhart, 1902-43; at present mem. Eckhart, Klein, McSwain & Camp- bell; lecturer on Pub. Service Corpora- tions, Univ. of Chicago Law Sch., 1903- 15; dir., Chicago Title & Trust Co., Har- ris Safe Deposit Co., Montgomery Ward & Co., The Chicago Corporation, Chicago, v. pres. and dir.), Terre Haute & South- eastern R.R. Co.; v. pres., tr. Art Inst. Chicago; chmn. bd., B.A. Eckhart Mill- ing Co.; pres., De Soto Securities Co., De Soto Realty Trust; chmn. Ravinia Festival Assn.; mem. Chicago Orches- tral Assn., Am., HI., and Chicago Bar Assns., Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Chicago, Union League, In- dian Hill Country, Old Elm Country, Lake Placid, Biltmore Forest Country, Midday, The Law Cliff Dwellers. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 38 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: 206 Cumberland Av., Kenilworth, 111. Summer res. : Lake Placid Club, Adiron- dacks, N.Y. DWYER, Paul Sumner, professor; b. Chester, Pa., 8 Dec. 1901; s. E. B. Dwyer, minister, and Anna Belle (Tracy) D. ; ed. Linesville high sch., Linesville, Pa.; A.B., Allegheny Coll., 1921; A.M., Pa. State Coll., 1923; Ph.D., Univ. of Mich., 1936; m. Florence Brown of McBain, 29 June 1932; children— John M., David J. Teacher of math., Pa. State Coll., 1921- 26; Antioch Coll., 1926-36; Univ. of Mich., 1936 — ; present title assoc. prof., maths, and res. assoc. in educational investiga- tions; fellow, A.A.A.S., Inst, of Math. Stat, (sec.-treas., 1944-), mem. Am. Math. Soc, Am. Statistical Assn., Math. Assn. of Am. (sec.-treas. of Mich, sect., 1937- 41), Psychometric Soc, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Pi Sig- ma, Alpha Chi Rho. Author: arts in sta- tis., mathematical, edn., and psychol. jrs. Travel: Europe. Baptist. Independent. Office: 116 Rackham Bldg., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 640 Oxford Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. CORY, Abram Edward, clergyman; b. Osceola, la., 1873; s. Nathan Edward Cory, clergyman, and Margaret (Connor- en) C. ; ed. Maryville, Mo.; Ottumwa, la.; B.A., Eureka Coll., 1894, LL.D.; M. A., Drake Univ., 1898; post grad., Colum- bia Univ., Union Theol. Sem.; D.D. (hon.) Drake Univ. m. Bertha Adkins of la., 1895; children — Martha Orr, Abram Ad- kins. Minister, Tingley, Boone, and Osk- aloosa, la., 1894-1900; acting chaplain, 1st. U.S. Inf. Philippines, 1900; mission- ary, Hawaii, China, 1900-11; dir., Men and Millions Movement, 1912-22; pas- tor, ch. of Christ, Kinston, N.C., 1922-29; dir., Pension Fund, Disciples of Christ, Indianapolis, 1930-40; mem. Am. Orient- ed Soc, Theta Phi (hon.). Chmn. Mis- sions, Butler Univ. Indianapolis, 1941 — ; Clubs: Columbia, Indiana. Author: Trail to the Hearts of Men, Out Where the World Begins; Think Peace; Voices of the Sanctuary. Travel: all continents. Inter- ests: all religions. Recreation: fish- ing. Protestant. Independent. Office: School of Religion, Butler Univ., Indiana- polis, Ind. Home: 2407 N. Delaware, Indianapolis, Ind. 414 TUCKER, Frank C, clergyman; b. Farmington, Mo., 18 Dec. 1892; s. Rufus C. Tucker, lawyer, and Sarah E. (Led- better) T. ; ed. Farmington (Mo.) high sen.; A.B., Cent. Coll., 1916, D.D., 1932; B.D., Yale Univ., 1919; m. Elnora L. Cunningham of Caruthersville, Mo., 18 June 1918; children— Frank C, Jr., El- nora E. Pastor, St. Andrews Meth. Ch., New Haven, Conn., 1918-19, Fifth St. Meth. Ch., St. Charles, Mo., 1919-23, Mex. ; Meth. Ch., Mex., Mo., 1923-30, Mo. Meth. Ch., Columbia, Mo., 1930-34, Francis St. Methodist Ch., St. Joseph, 1934-41; dist. supt. Methodist Church St. Louis, 1941—; mem. Southern Gen. Conf. Meth. Episc. Ch., 1930, 34, 38, Uniting Conf. of Meth. Ch., 1939, Gen. Conf. of Meth. Ch., 1940, Gen. Conf. of Meth. Ch., 1944, Gen. Bd. of Ed. of Meth. Ch., 1930; curator, Cent. Coll.; mem. St. Joseph Welfare Bd. Au- thor: many arts, in Ch. publ., courses of study for S.S. of Meth. Ch. Desc, father was prosecuting atty., St. Francois, Co., Mo. Interests: philately, biography. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Methodist. Office: 3638 Grandel Sq., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 6364 Washington St., St. Louis, Mo. THURINGER, Joseph Mario, professor of histology and embryology; s. Switzer- land, 23 Mar. 1886; s. Joseph Mario, pub- lisher, and Bertha (Imholz) T.; ed. Real- schule, Altstatten, Ct. St. Gall; M.D., Creighton Univ. Sch. of Med., 1911; post grad. Harvard Med. Sch., 1915-16; m. Helen Elizabeth Voss of Norman, Okla., children — Joe Anne, Aline Clare; child- ren by previous marriages — Loring Hun- ziker, Carl B., Ellie C. Prof, of anat., Sch. of Med., Univ. Ala., Mobile, Ala., 1916-18; asst. prof, of anat., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La., 1918-20; prof, of his- tology & embryology, Sch. of Med., Univ. of Okla., Okla. City, Okla., 1920—; Fellow Royal Microscopical Soc, Am. Med. Assn., A.A.A.S., and Okla. Acad, of Science; mem. Am. Assn. Anatomists, Soc. for Experimental Biology and Med., Okla. State Med. Soc, and Com. on stan- dardization of biological stains; mem. Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma. 1st. It. World War I. Author: Research publ. on regenera- tion of epidermis; Growth of Mycobac- terium Tuberculosis, Dental Tumors; Histology of Atypical Blood Vessels; The Life Cycle of the Mycobacterium Tuber- culosis. Travel: Eur., Mex., Can., Inter- ests: photog., music. Catholic. Democrat. Address: 801 N.E. 13th St., Oklahoma City 4, Okla. TAUSSIG, Frederick J., surgeon; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 26 Oct. 1872; s. Joseph S. Taussig, financier, and Mary L. (Cuno) T. ; ed. Smith Acad., St. Louis, Mo., 1889; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1893; M.D., Washington Univ., St. Louis. Mo., 1898; m. Florence Gottschalk of St. Louis, Mo., 4 May 1907; children — Mary B., (Mrs. Louis Benoist Tompkins), Frederick. As- sisted in organizing Barnard Free Skin & Cancer Hosp., St. Louis, Mo., 1906 — ; chmn. med. bd.; organized erection of and med. dir. of St. Louis Maternity Hosp., 1926-28; active in erection and med. organization, of Ellis Fishell State Cancer Hosp., 1938 — ; dir. Am. Soc. for Control of Cancer, Cancer Commn. of State of Mo. (v. chmn.), Nat. Com. for Maternal Health; mem. Am. Social Hy- giene Assn., Am. Birth Control League, Central Assn. of Obstet. and Gynecolog. (p. pres.), Am. Gynecolog. Soc. (p. pres.); served as Med. Examiner, draft bd., It., Volunteer Med. Res. Forces, dur- ing World War I; Fellow A.M.A., Am. Assn % for Cancer Research, A.C.S. (foun- der) ; mem. Artists' Guild, St. Louis Sym- phony Orchestra. Club: University (Har- vard). Author: Diseases of the Vulva, 1931; Abortion, Spontaneous and Induced, 1935. Travel: Egy., Mex., H.I., Eur., U.S. G.s., Charles A. Cuno, early pioneer, St. Louis, 1836. Interest: music. Recrea- tion: walking. Democrat. Office: 3720 Washington Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 50 Westmoreland PL, St. Louis, Mo. Died, 21 Aug. 1943. SUNDHEIM, Anders M., retired gen- eral manager, publishing house; b. Val- dres, Norw., 25 Oct. 1861; s. Mons A. Sundheim, farm estate owner, and Marie (Kirkeberg) S.; ed. high sch., Norw.; Elk Horn high sch.; m. Maren Oilo, of Oslo, Norw., 8 Aug. 1896; children— Marie Inez (Mrs. R. H. Anderson), Marcus Ger- hard, Borghild Katharine. Founded, ed- ited, Juli Vesterheimen, art publication, 28 yrs.; gen. mgr. Publishing House, retired; Decorated Royal Order St. Olaf, 1st class, by King of Norway, 1923. Author: Valdreser in Amer- ica; The Northland; Fort Good Hope; Skifbende Harisonber; Under Nordens Himmel; newspaper and mag. stories and arts. Travel: crossed Atlantic 11 times, Eur., Egy., Pal., Syria. Interests: Literary. Recreations : fishing, hunting. Lutheran. Republican. Office: 425-429 S. 4th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 1212 Powderhorn Terrace, Minneapolis, Minn. Summer home : Laporte, Minn. SLADKEY, Jerome J., lawyer; b. Man- itowoc, Wis., June 1893; s. Joseph F. Sladkey, exec, and Anna (Heyda) S.; ed. Manitowoc high sch.; Manitowoc Coll.; Univ. Wis.; Univ. 111.; LL.B., Kent 415 Coll. of Law, 1918; m. Linda Paulson of Chicago, 111., 16 June 1923; children — Car- ol Ann, Robert Jerome, John Richard. Admitted Wis. Bar, 1920, 111. Bar, 1921; insurance agent and real estate broker; cost accountant; law practice, 1920—; mem. Urion, Bishop and Sladkey Law Firm; pres. Edison Park Comm. Council, 1943-45; in Aviation Corps, 1917; cadet, Univ. 111., Commd. 2nd It. Flying Status, classed Pursuit Pilot; mem. Am. Legion, Officers Reserve, Chicago Bar Assn., 111. Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Chicago Law Inst.; Cub Scout Leader 1941-42; advancement officer Air Scouts. Interest: bridge, farming. Recreations: hunting, fishing, golf, Protestant. Repub- lican. Office : 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Home: 6921 Oleander Av., Chicago, 111. Summer some: Wauconda, 111. DOUGHERTY, Clifford Lester, physi- cian, surgeon; b. Marengo, 111., 22 Apr. 1892; s. William Ten Eyck Dougherty and Mary (Barber) D. ; ed. Marengo* high sch.; Ph.C, Univ. Mich., 1911, B.S., 1913; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1924; post-grad., Harvard Med. Sch., Rush Med. Coll. Con- trol chem., Merck & Co., 1913-17; attend- ing staff, St. Luke's Hosp., 1930 — ; asst. prof, otalaryngol., Rush Med. Coll., 1936 — ; 2nd It., Chem. Warfare Service, U. S.A., 1917-19; mem. A.M. A., Am. Acad. Otolaryngol., Ophthalmol., Shrine, K.T., Scottish Rite Masons. Club : Medinah Ath- letic. Office: 55 E. Washington St., Chi- cago 2, 111. Home: 130 S. Euclid Av., Oak Park, 111. BEHNCKE, Nile Jurgen, artist, muse- um director; b. Oshkosh, Wis., 1894; s. Gustav Behncke, artist and Ida (Heiss) B.; ed. student of late George Pearse Ennis; m. Ethel Bouffleur of Tacoma, Wash., 1933. Worked with father as in- terior decorator, commercial designer; pictures in pub. galleries and pvt. collec- tions; received awards of Wis. Fed. of Women's Clubs, Mt. Mary Coll. Purchase Prize, Popular Prize of Wis. Painters and Sculptors; dir., Oshkosh Pub. Mus.; pvt., 49th Machine Gun Co., 83rd Div., oversea service, during World War I; mem. Wis. Painters' and Sculptors' Soc. Travel: U. S., Eur., Mex., Interests: water color, painting, travel. Office: Oshkosh Public Museum, Oshkosh, Wis. Home: 257 Al- goma Blvd., Oshkosh, Wis. BOTT, Mabel Siegelin, artist, crafts- man; b. Clay Co., Ind., 12 Sept. 1900; d. John L Siegelin, stock farmer, (dec.) and Emma May (Wools) S. (dec); ed. Brazil (Ind.) sr. high sch., 1919; John Herron Art Sch., Indianapolis, 1926; Ind. State Teachers Coll., Terre Haute, Ind.; Ind. Extension Univ., Indianapolis; m. Earle Wayne Bott of Indianapolis, Ind., 12 Sept. 1925; 1 son— Oren Earle. Exhib- ited in Hoosier Salon, Chicago, 111., Ind. Artists Club (Indianapolis), Ind. State Fair (Indianapolis; awarded 1st prize, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1940), 1st prize award, Ky. State Fair, 1927; art teacher, Van Buren High Sch., Clay Co., Ind., 1944-45, retired 1945; mem. Boston Soc. Arts and Crafts (Boston, Mass.). Clubs: Ind. Artists (sec, 1927), Woman's Dept. (Indian- apolis; mem. art dept., 1926-37), Ind. Fed. Art Clubs (treas., 1927-31), received highest award for achievement in handi- craft, 1936). Gt. gt. g.d. Daniel Wools, who settled in Clay Co. from Ky., 1830. Interests: collecting antique glassware and ©ther antiques. Recreation: reading. Protestant (mem. First Christian Ch., Brazil, Ind.). Democrat. Office and home: Artist Acres, R.R. 5, Box 124, Brazil, Ind. BAUDER, Carl Burnett, headmaster; b. Cleveland, O., 19 July 1898; s. Frank S. Bauder, astronomer, and Martha Mar- ie (Koch) B.; ed. East Tech. high sch., Cleveland; Y.M.C.A. Prep., Cleveland; A.B., Hiram Coll., 1927; A.M., Teachers Col., Columbia Univ., 1928; m. Ruth E. Chappel of Willimantic, Conn., 30 Aug. 1930 ; children — Lois Elizabeth, Mary Lou- ise. Pres., Bauder Edn. Foundation; headmaster, Grand River Acad., Austin- burg, O.; pioneer in edn. Travel tours for boys conducted by Beacon Inst., Ob- erlin, O.; dir. Harkness Camp, Willough- by; mem. nat. hdqr. staff, Boy Scouts of Am., in formulation Cub Scouts program for boys 9-12 yrs. of age; served with 135th F.A., U.S.A., 2 yrs., in Fr. 9 mos., during World War I; mem. Phi Delta Kappa, Hiram Coll. Alumni Assn. (mem. exec. com.). Club: Boy Scout Council for Northeast O. (commr.). Author: Duties of Educational Director of a Local Scout Council (art. for Scout Executive mag.). Travel : Eur. Gt. g.f . built 1st brick bldg. on Public Square, Cleveland, O. ; G.f., Levi F. Bauder, auditor and justice of peace, Cuyahoga Co., O., sec. G.A.R. Soldiers' Monument on Public Square, Cleveland, O. Interest: music. Recrea- tion: scouting. Congregationalist. Repub- lican, Office and home: Grand River Acad., Austinburg, O. Summer res.: Harkness Camp, Willoughby, O. VICTOR, Joseph B., executive; b. Chi- cago, 111., 4 Jan. 1887; s. Frank Victor and Katherine (Pankanin) V.; ed. Chi- cago pub. schs.; m. Albie M. Stremple of Chicago, 111., 18 Aug. 1909; children— 416 Adeline Dorothy, Rene Marie, Grace Alice. Dir., v. pres., 30 years, now offi- ciating as merchandising mgr., Victor Mfg. and Gasket Co., dir., pres. of A. & J. Securities Co. Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Butterfield Country (Hins- dale). Travel: U.S., Havana, Cuba. In- terests : reading, amateur movie camera. Recreations: golf, bowling, fishing. Cath- olic. Republican. Office: 5750 Roosevelt Rd., Chicago, 111. Home: 337 So. Euclid Av., Oak Park, 111, NAKSHIAN, Helen du Guerre, author, poetess, playwright, composer; b. Con- cord N.H., 10 Mar. 1914; d. John G. Nak- shian and Mary Yepremian (de Yepres) N.; ed. Miles Grammar Sch., Cleveland, O.; South high sch., Cleveland, O.; John Hay Night Sch., Cleveland, O.; Maryville Coll., Maryville, Tenn.; Cleve- land Coll.; unmarried. Mem. Theta E"?- silon, Ohio Poetry Soc, Popular Poetrv Assn. (nat. sec), Real Verse League of Hawaii, Women Flyers of America, Inc. Sesame League, League of Women Vo ters, Am. Amateur Press Assn. Club Writers'. Author: Eternal Public (po ems) ; Eternal Songs on Wings (poems) : Noel, Noel, (poems) ; Poetic Technique on Poetry; Poetic Techniaue on Lvrics Poetic Technique on Ballads; Poetic Technique on Blank Verse; Poetic Tech- nique on Free Verse; Eternal Songs (poems) ; Carnival (play) ; Without a Name (play); co-ed.: The Golden Atom; contbr. to numerous anthologies; com- poser, The Little Road; p. ed., Poets Bulletin; contemporary drama ser- ies of one-act plays being prepared for publ. Interests: collecting stamps, books, unusual oddities in fine arts, aviation, res. work in philosophy of Ori- ental hist., Indie philology. Recreations: tennis, driving, walking, dancing, read- ing. Interest: teachings of Buddha and Indie philology. Address: Kaywood Gar- dens, Mt. Rainier, Md. THOMPSON, Carl Dean, author, lec- turer, economist; b. Berlin (nowMarne), Mich., 24 Mar. 1870; s. Abram Thompson, engr., pioneer, and Rachel (Eddy T.; ed. A.B., Gates Coll., Neligh, Neb., 1895; B.D., Chicago Theol. Sem., 1898; M.A., Univ. Chicago, 1900; LL.D., Doane Coll., 1930: m. Kate Mygatt of Long Pine, Neb., 3 Aug. 1898; children— Harold Dean, Stan- ley Wendell. Minister Congregational, Ch., 1898-1901; mem. Wis. House of Rep., 1907-09; city elk., Milwaukee, Wis., 1910- 11; mem. Am. Nat. Com., 3rd World Power Conf., 1936—, Power Policy Com. U.S. Dept. Interior, 1936; cons., Bonne- ville Project, U.S. Dept. Interior, 1938- 45; dir. Pub. Ownership League Am.; speaker, Liberty Loan Drive, during World War I; medal awarded by U.S. Treasury Dept., for patriotic services; mem. Pi Gamma Mu, Inc., Am. Acad, of Political & Social Sci. Nat. Social Sci. Honor Soc, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Author: Public Ownership, Confessions of the Power Trust, Municipal Light and Power Plants; The Biggest Dam on Earth; Studies in Public Power; 1944; numerous pamphlets, leaflets. Edr: Public Ownership of Public Utilities (bi-monthly mag.). Travel: U.S. Inter- ests: literary, traveling. Congregational- ist. Democrat. Office: 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago 2, 111. Home: 4131 N. Keeler Av., Chicago 41, 111. PESSIN, Samuel Benjamin, physician, pathologist; b. Russia, 10 Feb. 1900; s. Samuel Pessin and Sarah (Aidinoff) P.; Oelwein, la. high sch.; M.D., Marquette Univ. Sch. of Medicine, 1929; m. Goldie Grossman of Milwaukee, Wis., June 1931; 1 son — James Irwin. Res. pathologist, Milwaukee Co. Hosp., 1929-31; instr. path- olojv Marquette Med. Sch.. 1929-31: path- ologist, dir., Lab. of St. Mary's Hosp., Madison, Wis., 1931-45; sr. pathologist, S^ate Lab. of Hygiene, Univ. Wis., Mad- ison, 1931-45; pathologist, Mercy Hos- pital, Janes ville, Wis., 1939-45; patholo- gist, St. Mary's Hosp., Watertown, Wis., 1940 — ; assoc. prof. Pathology, bacter- iology, Marquette Univ. Sch. of Medicine. 1945—; pathologist, dir. Lab. St. Mary's Hosp., Milwaukee, Wis., 1945; pres. St. Mary's Hosp. Staff, Madison, Wis., 1939; pres. Wis. Society of Pathologists, 1945; Diplomat. Am. Bd. of Pathology; Fel- low Am. Soc. of Clin. Pathologists, A.M. A. ; mem. Wis. State Med. Soc, Milwau- kee County Med. Soc. Author: Papers on Argentaffin cells, hypertension, car- cinoma of gall bladder, classification and pathogenicity of monilias, tularemia, Hodgkin's disease, multiple cysts of ure- ters. Interest: gardening. Offices: 2320 N. Lake Dr. and 561 N. 15th St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Home: Milwaukee, Wis. WELM, Netta Vane, writer; b. on bd. steamboat, Netta Vane Durant, 19 Aug. 1893; d. Alfred Oswell Swift, govt, pi- lot, and Mary Francis (Connaught) S. ; ed. high sch.; Valparaiso Univ.; Dodge's Radio and Telegraph Inst.; m. Frank Wilm of Chicago, 111., 4 Aug. 1914. (dec.) Writer for many mags, and newspapers yearly, specializing in poetry, true trav- els and adventures; owned, edited, Vi- sion Mag. of Poetry, 2 yrs.; holds U.S. pilot's license for carrying passengers on steamboats; mem. Literary Soc. Am., Penship Internat. Clubs: Poets Practice, Stella Vee Poetry, Pen Pals, Get-to-Geth- 417 er, Wayside Aid, Humanitarian (for aid- ing stray animals), Chicago Poets (affili- ated with London Poets, Ltd.), various correspondent clubs sponsoring progres- sive letters. Author : Ashes of Dreams ; It is to Laugh; Odds and Ends; Greetings for Every Occasion. Travel: Eur., U.S. Desc. Abraham Lincoln. Interests : aiding blind and shut-ins, poetry, clay modeling, violin. Recreations: hunting, swimming, camping, exploration. Christian. Radical. Office: 427 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, HI. Home: P.O. Box 546, Chicago 90, 111. QUARLES, James Thomas, organist, composer, educator, musician; b. St. Lou- is, Mo., 7 Nov. 1877; s. Ralph' A. Quarles, physician, and Elizabeth E. (Howard) Q.; ed. St. Louis Cent, high sen., 1897; pvt. study under Galloway, Vich, Ehling, Kroeger, and Charles M. Widor at Paris, Fr. ; B.M. (hon.), Denver Coll. of Music, 1931, Chicago Musical Coll., 1938; m. Ger- trude Dunning of St. Louis, Mo., 1903; 1 dau. — Gertrude Elizabeth. Organist dir., prominent city churches of St. Louis, Scottish Rite, Moolah Temple; organist, St. Louis Symphony; recitalist, St. Louis World's Fair, San Francisco Fair, Am. tours; organizer and conductor, St. Louis Choral Art Soc; dean of Dept. of Arts. Lindenwood Coll., St. Charles; Univ. or- ganist, asst. prof, of music, Cornell Univ.; organist St. Johns Church; dir. Sage Chapel Choir (all at Ithaca, N.Y.) ; prof, of music, organizer, 1st dean, Coll. of Fine Arts (dept. of music), Univ. of Mo., 1923-36; organist and choir- master, Mo. Methodist Church; conduct- or of Univ. of Mo. Chorus; author and exponent of plan for accrediting study of applied music under pvt. teachers in sec- ondary schs. of Mo., known as Mo. Plan; mem. Mo. Music Teachers Assn. (p. pres.), Phi Mu Alpha (p. supreme pres., mem. exec, council), Library Com. of Nat. Assn. of Schs. of Music (chmn.) ; p. mem. Comn. on curricula; Music Teachers Nat. Assn. (pres., 1943-4-5, p. mem. exec, com., chmn. com. on Lit. about Music, 1931-41), Am. Guild of Or- ganists, Am. Musicological Assn., A. A. V.P., Masons. Club: Crystal Downs Coun- try. Author: anthems, organ pieces, pa- pers and addresses before musical soci- eties. Travel: U.S. Nephew of Will Quarles, first man killed in Mo. on South- ern side in Civil War in Battle of Boon- ville. Interests: books, music, hist. lit. Recreations: golf, auto-touring. Episcopa- lian. Democrat. Office : University of Mo. Columbia, Mo. Home : 300 Westmont Av., Columbia, Mo. Summer home: Pilgrim, Benzie Co., Mich. TRUITT, Bess, Poet Laureate of Okla., teacher, writer, lecturer; b. Kan., 3 June 1888; d. Joseph O. Truitt, mcht., and An- na Belle (Starkey) T.; ed. Enid, Okla.; B.O., Valparaiso (Ind.) Univ., 1910; Univ. Ut.; M.E. Phillips Univ., 1938. Teacher, pub. sen.; prof, reader, lecturer, chiefly poetry; nat. speaker, Hoover campaign; prof, writer, 10 yrs.; ct. elk., Garfield Co., 1920-28; precinct com. woman; co. dir., War Savings Stamps during World War I; mem. Okla. Ed. Assn., Okla. Writer, Am. League of Pen Women (Okla. City branch), Okla. Poetry Soc. (pres.), Okla. Fed. Womens' (chmn., poetry), A.A. U.W., Phillips Univ. Alumni Assn. Clubs: Writers, Republican Womens. Author: Thistle Down and Prairie Rose; Range Rhymes and Recollections (compiler). Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Cuba. Par- ents, pioneers in Cherokee Strip, Okla., father made run. Recreations: travel reading. Presbyn. Republican. Home: 508 N. Independence Av., Enid, Okla. RHENISCH, Arthur Rudolph, struc- tural engineer (architectural) ; b. Rye, Ont., Can., 14 Aug. 1880; s. Rudolph Car Rhenisch and Anna Caroline (Schott) R.; ed. Dunkirk, (N.Y.) high sch. ; Mich. State Coll., East Lansing, Mich., 1907; m. Eveline May Jevne of Chicago, 111., 27 Aug. 1907; 1 son — Jevne Arthur. Messen- ger boy, blue print boy and draftsman, Brooks Locomotive Works, Dunkirk, N. Y., 1895-1902; draftsman, 111. Central R. R., Chicago, 1902-03, Sargent and Lundy, Engrs., Chicago, 1903-04, Crane Co., Chi- cago, 1904, The Arnold Company, 1905-06; chief draftsman and supt. constr., Mich- igan Power Co., Lansing, 1907-09; res. engr., H. M. Byllesby & Co., Chicago, on plants in la., Minn., Wis., 1909-12, for H. M. Byllesby and Brunet Falls Mfg. Co. (now called Cornell Wood Products Co.), on design and construction of a new $3,500,000. dam and paper mill for a wall board plant, 1912-13; this plant, if built today would cost from $10,000,000 to $15,- 00,000; assoc. with Harold Almert, val- uation engr., 1914-16; sec, treas., Benoist Airplane Co., Chicago and Sandusky (O.), engr., 1917-18; cons. engr. (mech.), Chi- cago 1918; licensed structural and indus- trial engr., cons., designing, Chicago, 1918-26; sec. and mech., elec. and civil engr., Emory Stanford Hall, Bisbee & Rhenisch, arch, and engrs., 1926-32 sr. mem. Rhenisch, Wilson & Waterman, archs. and engrs., 1932-36; sr. A. R. Rhenisch & Assoc, engrs. and con- structors, 1936-43; Army Service Forces, Chicago Ord. Dist., Executive Engr., directing field force of 60 Engineers, Listing & Pricing over 50,000 Govt. 418 owned machine tools, 1944; Social welfare work, World War I period to 1935, conducting community finance campaigns for Near East Relief, Y.M. C.A., Boy Scouts of Am., Family Welfare, Week Day Religious Ed. ; exec. sec. Home Evangelistic AUiance; assoc. of Faith Group of Home Missionaries. Presbyter- ian. Republican. Recreations: gardening, walking, camping, golfing. Home: 612 N. Grove Av., Oak Park, 111. HORWITZ, Edward Stanton, attorney, credit manager, writer; b. St. Louis, Mo., 30 Jan. 1890; s. Robert Horwitz, distiller, and Sophie (Sachs) H.; ed. Cent, high sen., St. Louis, Mo.; Benton Coll. of Law; St. Louis; m. Anna Isreal of St. Louis, Mo., 28 Aug. 1909; children— Svl via, Ruth. Admitted to bar, Mo., 1910, Wash., 1917, U.S. Dist. Ct., Wash., 1917; U.S. Immi- grant insp., 1913-16; credit mgr., West Coast Grocery Co., Tacoma, Wash., 1918- 19; Examiner U.S. Internal Revenue, 1919; asst. mgr., St. Louis Assn. Credit Men, 1919-21; credit mgr., Samuels Shoe Mfg. Co., St. Louis, 1922-23; practiced law, 1917-21, 1924-28; credit mgr., The Charles Meis Shoe Co., Cincinnati, O., 1928—; (sec, dir., 1943—) pres. exec, mgr., Mfrs. and Wholesalers Bur., Cin- cinnati, 1933-45; sec, Queen City Shoe Club, Inc.; entertainment chmn., Mid- west Shoe Fair, Cincinnati, 1935-41; asst. to pres. Mo. Fraternal Congress, 1927-28; program chmn., Constitution Day, Cincinnati, 1937; finance chmn., Cincinnati's Sesqui-Centennial Celebra- tion, 1938; chmn., Spring and Fall Market Weeks, Cincinnati, 1933-45; mem Cincinnati Assn. Credit Men (dir. chmn. membership com., 1940-44), Cin cinnati Airmail Soc (pres., 1935-41) W.O.W. (maj. Uniform Rank, 1925-28) Pub. Observance Assn. (v.p., Cincin nati, 1937-41, pres., 1944—), B'nai B'rith (p.pres., Cincinnati Lodge No. 4, mem. Gen. Com. Dist. Grand Lodge No. 2, 1940-41), B'nai B'rith Youth Organization (chmn. 1931 — ) ; Jewish Com- munity Council. Author: numerous arts, on credit, financial management, phi- lately, numismatics. Stamp editor, Cin- cinnati Enquirer, 1938-43; Editor: The Different Semi-Monthly Business Letter. Interests: stamp and coin collecting, writing, youth work. Recreations: hand- ball, walking. Jewish. Democrat. Office: 137 W. 4th St., Cincinnati, O. Home: Apt. 5, 722 Gholson Av., Cincinnati, O. CLARK, Lee Hinchman, executive, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 27 Dec. 1895; s. Cornelius J. Clark, manager, and Arabella M. (Hinchman) C. : ed. Brooklyn Boys' high sen.; B. Chem., Cornell, 1919; m. Mar- garet Bellows of Brooklyn, N.Y., 7 Mar. 1923; children— Lee H., Jr., Everett R., Mary L. Engr. dept., Nat. Sugar Ref. Co., 1919-20; chem., Gen. Chem. Co., 1920-21, Sharpies Spec. Co., 1921-23; chief chem., Sharpies Spec Co., 1923-29; plant mgr., v. pres. in charge of production, The Sharpies Solvents Corp., 1929 — ; (name changed to Sharpies Chemicals, Inc. 1941)., dir., Down-River Chamber Com- merce, Beals & Selkirk Trunk Co., Inc.; justice of peace, Grosse He, Mich.; mem. A.C.S., A.I.Ch. E., Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Psi Upsilon. Clubs: Rotary, Grosse He Golf and Country, Interests: golf, fishing. Recreation: bowling. Presbyter- ian. Republican. Office: Sharpies Chem- icals Inc., Wyandotte, Mich. Home: East River Rd., Grosse He, Mich. CASE, Leland Davidson, editor; b. Wesley, la., 8 May 1900; s. Herbert L. Case, clergyman, and Mary Ellen (Gran- nis) C. ; ed. high sen., Rapid City, S.D.; Dakota Wesleyan Univ., B.A., Macales- ter Coll. 1922; Univ. Minn., M.A., North- western Univ. 1926; Univ. Chicago; D. Litt., Dakota Wesleyan Univ. 1941; m. Josephine Altman of Evanston, 111., 28 July 1931. Instr., Tech. High Sen., St. Cloud, Minn., 1922-23; city ed., Daily Call, Lead, S.D., 1923-25; asst. city ed., Paris edition, N.Y. Herald-Tribune, 1926-27; instr., Medill Sch. Journalism, Northwest- ern Univ., 1925-26; asst. prof., 1927-28; co-pub., Evening Star, (Hot Springs, S. D.), 1928-34; Rotarian Magazine, 1930—; tr., Dakota Wesleyan Univ., dir., Friends of Middle Border; mem. S.A.T.C., 1918; mem. S.D. Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Soc, Am. Acad. Pol. and Social Sci., Pi Kappa Delta, Delta Sigma Rho, Sigma Delta Xi, Acacia Fraternity. Clubs: Rotary, Executive, Cliff Dwellers, Cax- ton, Westerners (all of Chicago) ; Co- author: Editing the Day's News; Around the Copy Desk; ed., A World to Live In; Peace is a Process. Travel: Eur., Can., Mex., Cuba. Interests: Western Ameri- cana, book collecting, amateur movies. Recreations: hiking, traveling. Methodist Republican. Office: 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. Home: 534 Forrest Ave., Evanston, 111. BRABLSFORD, Walter R, investment banker; b. Chicago, 111., 15 July 1895; s. George Brailsford and Mary (Williams) B.; ed. Crane Tech.; m. Irene C. Look of •Chicago, 111., 1920; children— Walter R., Jr., George Bernard. With Farson Son & Co., 1910-12; Clark L. Poole & Co., 1912- 14; real estate business, 1914-15; Steere & Co., 1915-17; F A. Brewer & Co., 419 1917-38; Brailsford & Co., 1938- ; dir. Bug- hoff Brewery, Minneapolis Brewery; At- hey Truss Wheel Co., chmn. of bd. ; Ind. Steel Products Co.; dir. Electronic Lab., Inc., Globe Steel Tube Co.; Signal Corps, 1 year, during World War I: mem. Ma- sons, Chicago Athletic Assn. Club: Edge- water Golf. Episcopalian. Office: 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago 111. Home: 916 Chestnut Av., Wilmette, 111. BROKAMP Frank W., business exec- utive; b. Chicago, 111., 15 Aug. 1899; s. Bernard Brokamp and Elizabeth (Mc- Laughlin) B.; ed. St. Ignatius ScH. ; m. Elaine Carlson of Chicago, 111., 10 May ,1927; children— W. Donald, Francis. W. Started as salesman for Chicago Paints, Inc., Chicago, 111., 1918, with same com- pany ever since, as dir.; treas., dir., Armstrong Paint & Varnish Works, Chi- cago, dir., Bowser Inc., Ft. Wayne, Ind., Eagle Lock Co., Terryville, Conn., John- son Fare Box Co., Chicago, Jos. Weiden- hoff, Inc., Chicago. Office: 4500 W. 14th St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1427 Lathrop Av., River Forest, 111. BEAMAN, Roy F., insurance sales- b. Bolivar, Mo., 7 Sept. 1894; s. John H. Beaman, farmer, and Anna (Boyts) B.; ed. Bolivar high sch., 1913; m. Maude Johnson of Bolivar, Mo., 27 Apr. 1921; children — John Fred, Charles William, Mary, Robert. Teacher, rural schs., Mo., 1913-17; co. assessor, Polk Co., 1921-25; in ins. bus., rep. several ins. cos., 1933 — ; rep., Gen. Assembly, Polk Co., Mo., 1929- 33; author, bill creating office of State Service Off., which off. assts. vets, with their claims; chmn. Polk Co. Council, Polk Co., Mo., 1942; Western Judge Co. Ct., Polk Co., 1922-44; State Service Offi- cer, Stated Mo., 1944; musician, 28th Inf. Band, First Div. ; reed. Mo. Medal, Vic- tory Medal with 5 battle clasps, Fr. Fourragerre; mem. Am. Legion, D.A.V., V.F.W., Independent Order of Odd Fel- ows, Masons. Travel: Fr., Eng., Scot., Belg., Luxumberg. Christian. Republican. Office : Bolivar, Mo. Home : Bolivar, Mo. ; Jefferson City, Mo. ALBRIGHT, Charles Dorwart, lawyer; b. Cedar Rapids, la., 7 Dec. 1889; s. Geo. Benson Albright, r.r. exec, and Fannie (Fracker) A.; ed. pub. schs., Cedar Ra- pids, la.; Smith Acad. (St. Louis, Mo); grad. Shattuck Sch. (Faribault, Minn.), 1909; LL.B., Cornell Univ., 1912; grad. study, Columbia Univ., 1913; m. Clarice Brabin of Bolton, Eng., 1919; children- Mrs. Alice Sheehan, Charles D., Jr.; m. (2nd) Margaret Gross of Norfolk, Va., 1940. Admitted to bar, 111., 1913, and be- gan pract., Chicago; with firm, Isham, Lincoln & Beale, 1913 — , mem. firm, 1935 — ; 1st It. Inf., U.S.A., Camp Pike, Ark., judge advocate of gen. ct. martial, Camp Pike, 1918, in service, Sept. 1917-Jan. 1919; mem. 111. State Bar Assn., Chicago Law Inst., Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (Comdr. 111. Commandery, 1945-46), Phi Delta Phi, Scabbard & Blade, Seal & Serpent (Cor- nell Univ.). Clubs: University (Chicago), Legal, Law. Travel: Eur., B.W.I. Gt. nephew of Rachel Albright of Ft. Madi- son, la. (dec), g.d. of Betsy Ross. Re- creation: books. Episcopalian. Republi- can. Office: 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Home: 333 Greenwood Av., Glencoe, 111. PIERSON, Arthur P. C, lawyer; b. Barre, Vt., 6 Apr. 1908; s. Paul Pierson, monument mfr., and Annie (Matson) P; A.B., Beloit Coll., 1930; B.S. in Edn., Univ. 111., 1932; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. Law 1934. Mem. law firm Healy, Seerup & Pierson, 1935-38; treas. bus. mgr., edn. counselor, Shurtleff Coll., 1940- 42; resigned all elective and appointive positions 15 Apr. 1942, now on active duty as It. comdr. U.S.N.R. atty. and sec. bd. mgrs. 111. Bapt. State Conv. ; sec, 111. Bapt. Edn. Soc Mem. Jr. Chamber Commerce, Sigma Pi, Sigma Delta Kap- pa, Delta Sigma Rho, I.O.O.F., A.F.D. & A.M. Club: Toastmaster's (Alton, 111.). Interest: photog. Recreations: golf, bowl- ing, tennis. Baptist. Republican. Office: 33 S. Clark St., Chicago, 111. Home: 4805 Catherine Terrace, Jacksonville, Fla. DICKERSON, Spencer C, physician; b. Austin, Tex., 1 Dec. 1870; s. Pat- rick Dickerson and Eliza (Robinson) D.; ed. Tillotson Coll., Austin, Tex.; B.S'., Univ. Chicago, 1897; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1901; D.Sc (hon.), Lincoln Univ.; m. Daisy Hunter of Nashville, 12 Jan. 1910. Interne, Freedman's Hosp., Wash- ington, D.C., 1901-02; in pract. med., New Bedford, Mass., 1902-07, Chicago, 1907—; asst. in otolaryngology, Rush Med. Coll., 1914-20; chmn. dept. of ophthalmology and otolaryngology, Provident Hosp., 1930-36, sr. surg. emeritus; Health Officer, Chicago, 1914 — ; chmn. Selective Service Adv. Bd. No. 4, Cook Co., HI., A.E.F., 1917-19, now retired brig, gen., I.N.G.; mem. A.M.A., N.M.A., Chicago Med Soc, Cook Co. Phys. Assn. John A. Andrews Clinical Soc (pres. Tuskagee, Ala.) Non-Sectarian League for Ameri- canism (dir.), Wabash Av. Y.M.C.A. (dir.) Scientific Soc. (hon.), Beta Kappa Chi. Clubs: Order of C. (Univ. Chicago), Chicago Assembly pres.). Author: Etio- 420 logy of Diabetes; Theory of Immunity. Travel: U.S. Interest: athletics. Rec- reations: watching baseball, football. Presbyterian. Republican (Independent). Office: 4316 S. Pkwy., Chicago, 111. Home: 4314 S. Pkwy., Chicago, 111. WEAVER, Henry Grady, director of Customer Research Staff, Gen. Motors Corp.; b. Eatonton, Ga.; 24 Dec. 1889; s. Dr. James David Weaver, phys., and Tommie (Carruth) W. ; ed. Eatonton high sch.; B.S. (in mech. engring.), Ga. Sch. Tech., 1911; Harvard Award (including 2000 prize) for advertising res.; m. Jane Fraser of Petrolia, Ont., 27 Feb. 1923; children— Henry G., Mary Talbot. In charge garage in Eatonton, ga., 1911-12; manager, tech. bur., Haynes Automobile Co., Kokomo, Ind., 1913-14; Sun Motor Car Co., Elkhart, Ind., 1915-17, Hvatt Roller Bearing Co., Chicago, 111., 1918-20; asst. dir., sales advisory staff, Gen. Mo- tors Corp., 1921-30; dir., Customer Re- search Staff, 1930—. Clubs: Players Re- cess, Adcraft, Economic, Detroit. Au- thor: numerous arts, on consumer re- search and allied subjs. Desc. Gov. Mat- thew Talbot of Ga. Interests : typography, Negro folklore, writing. Recreations: cabinet work, printing. Baptist. Repub- lican. Office: General Motors corp., De- troit, Mich. Home: 1161 Chicago Blvd., Detroit, Mich. TAYLOR, Wilbur L., plant manager; b. Lawrence, Mass., 15 May 1887; ed, Lawrence high sch.; B.S., Dartmouth Coll., 1910; m. Ella Chapin of Springfield, 111., 1931. In soybean milling and soy flour industry; mgr. Chicago plant of Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., 1930—; Tech. dir. Vegetable Oil & Protein Div., Gen. Mills, Inc., 1944—; Served with 91st Div., U.S.Army, during World War I. Mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Oil Chemists Soc. Of- fice: 420 Hodgson Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 4809 Knox Av., S., Minneap- olis, Minn. LUETH, Harold Charles, physician; b. Chicago, 111., 1904; s. Charles Frederick Lueth, mech. engr., and Matilda Beck) L.; ed. Lane Technical Sch.; B.S., North- western Univ., 1927; M.S., 1928, B.M., 1929, Ph.D., and M.D., 1930; m. Elizabeth Bullock of Oak Park, 111., 1932; children —Mary Matilda, Virginia Bullock, Wini- fred Beck, Charles Edward, Margaret Ann. Res. asst. in physiology, Northwest- ern Univ. Med Sch., 1926-27, asst., 1927, inst. 1928-30, clin. asst. in med. 1931-33, inst. 1933-36; assoc. in med., Univ. 111., Coll. of Med., 1936-40, asst. prof., 1940; assoc. attending phys. Cook Co. Hosp., 1932-36; Research and Educational Hosp., 1936 — ; phys. Presbn. Home: Evanston, 1936—; Fellow Am. Coll. Phys.; certifi- cate Am. Bd. Internal Med. ; It. col. Med. Reserve Corps during World War I; mem. Am. Heart Assn., Inst., Med., Chicago, Chicago Soc. Internal Med., Central Soc. for Clinical Res. Soc. Experimental Biology and Med.; Fellow Am. Assn. for the Adv. Science; mem. A.M. A., 111. Med. Soc, Sigma Xi. Club: University of Evanston. Author: Diseases of the Coronal y Arteries, (with D. C. Sut- ton) ; also numerous arts, in current med. jour. Presbyterian. Office: 636 Church St., Evanston, 111. Home: 822 Lincoln St., Evanston, 111. MCMILLEN, Wayne, professor; b. San- born, la., 23 Aug. 1896; s. Romaine D. McMillen and Claribel (Henry) McM.; ed. Sanborn (la.) high sch.,; B.A., State Univ. la., 1917; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1931. Asst. dir., War Service, Pacific Br. Am. Red Cross, 1919-26; dir., Registra- tion of Social Statistics, 1927-30; prof., Univ. Chicago, 1931—; field agt., Recon- struction Finance Corp., 1931-33; edit, board, Social Service Review; 2nd It., Inf., 1918-19; mem. Nat. Conf. Soc. Work, Am. Assn. Social Workers (nat. pres.)., Am. Statis. Assn., Calif. Conf. Social Wk., Am. Pub. Welfare Assoc; Am. Assn. for Labor Legislation, Chicago Civil Liber- ties Com., 111. Conf. Social Welfare, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Nu. Club: Quad- rangle. Author: Measurement in Social Work; Registration of Social Statistics. Travel: Eur., Mex. Recreations: bowling, ice skating. Presbyterian. Democrat. Of- fice: University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Home: 1421 E. 58th St., Chicago, 111., Summer res. : Sanborn, la. SMITH, James Elmo, civil engr.; b. Boone County, 111., 13 Dec. 1877; s. Ira Smith, farmer, and Barbara Ann (Engel- hardt) S.; ed. high sch., at Sharon, Wis.; B.S. (in Civil Engring.), Univ. Wis., 1902; C.E., Univ. 111., 1909; m. Frances McClelland Dennis of Milwaukee, Wis., 25 June 1906; children — Katherine Dennis (step-daughter), Charles Prentiss, James Elmo, Jr., Harold Winston; m. (2nd) Grace Patterson Jones of Plainfield, 111., 7 June 1938. Constr. engr. K.L.F. & J. R.R., C.B. & Q. R.R. Soo Line R.R., Va. & S.W. Ry., 1902-07; instr. and prof. civ. engring., Univ. 111., 1907-22; in private real estate development and residence bldg., 1922-33; engr. appraiser, Fed. Land Bank of St. Louis, 1933-34; asst. supt. of bldgs., Univ. of 111., 1934-43, civil en- gr., 1943 — ; Project mgr. Dixon Springs Fed. Resettlement, Soil Erosion and Pas- turland Demonstration Project, Jan. -July 1935; sec Urbana Bd. of Edn., 1918-26, 421 pres., 1926-29; Adult Probation Officer for County and Circuit Cts., Champaign County, 1926-33; mem. City Council of Urbana, 1913-17; mayor, Urbana, 1919-23 (as mayor, proposed and promoted con- strn. of first concrete pavements and orn- amental lighting system, also city fores- try and planning) ; Mem. 111. Council of Defense, 1917-18; civilian engr. on field work, laying out Chanute Field, 1917; mem. 111. Soc. Engrs., Am. Soc. C.E. Interest: nat. hist. Recreations: camera, gun. Methodist. Republican. Office: 201 Phys. Plant Service Bldg., Univ. of 111., Urbana, 111. Home: 1004 Stoughton St., Urbana, 111. LIVINGSTONE, Huberta M., associate professor of surgery; b. Hopkinton, la., 1 Aug. 1905; d. Hugh Livingstone, physi- cian, and Hattie (Steward) L.; ed. Hop- kinton, (la.) high sch.; Lenox Junior Coll., M.D., State Univ. la., 1928; m. W. E. Adams, M.D., of Iowa City, la., 9 June 1928. Interne, Presbn. Hosp., Chicago, 111., 1928; Douglas Smith Fellowship & asst. in surgery, Univ. Chicago, 1929-32; instr. surgery, dir. of anaesthesia, 1932- 38; asst. prof, surgery, 1938-44; assoc. prof, surgery, 1944 — ; mem. exec, com., Mid-Western Assn. of Anaesthetists; fel- low A.M.A., Internat. Coll. of Anaesthe- tists, Am. Soc. of Anaesthetists, Inc., dip- lomate Am. Bd. Anaesthesiology; p. pres., Midwest Assn. of Anaesthetists, Chicago Soc. of Anaesthetists; mem. Ed. com. of Anaesthetists; Nu Sigma Phi, Phi Omega Pi, Sigma Delta Epsilon, Sigma Xi. Author: num. sci. articles dealing with surgery & anaesthesia. Travel : Mex., settle in Delaware Co., la. Interests: art, music. Recreation: reading. Presbyteri- an. Office: Univ. Chicago Clinics, Uni- versity of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Home: 1417 E. 56th St., Chicago, 111. GRABO, Carl Henry, teacher of Eng- lish; b. Chicago, 111., 9 Aug. 1881; s. Her- man F. Grabo, accountant, and Blanche Sophia (Chase) G.; ed. Lyons Twp. high sch.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1903; m. Eliz- abeth Thomas of Webb City, Mo., 1914; children — Cynthia May, Caroline Eliza- beth; m. (2nd) Eunice Carter Smith, 1945. Asst. ed., The Chautauquan, 1904- 10; on Eng. fac, Univ. Chicago, 1907 — ; mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Club : Quadrangle. Author: The Amateur Philosopher; The World Peace and After; The Art of the Short Story; Peter and the Princess (fai- ry tale) ; The Cat in Grandfather's House (fairy tale) ; A Man and Woman (no- vel) ; The Technique of the Novel; A New- ton Among Poets: Shelley's Use of Sci- ence in Prometheus Unbound; Prome- theus Unbound, An Interpretation; The Meaning of the Witch of Atlas ; The Mag- ic Plant; The Growth of Shelley's Thought; The Black Butterfly (verse); Crows Are Black Everywhere (with Her- bert O. Yardley), G.g.s. Bishop Phi- lander Chase, founder of Kenyon & Ju- bile Colls. Recreations: tennis, bridge. Office: University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Summer res.; Macatawa, Mich. SPENCER, William Gear, college pres- ident; b. San Francisco, Calif., 7 Dec. 1886; s. Bunyan Spencer, minister, prof., and Emily (Gear) S.; ed. Doane Acad., Granville, O.; A.B., Denison Coll., 1907, A.M., 1908, LL.D., 1927; Colgate Theol. Sem., 1912-13; Sorbonne, Paris, 1914; LL. D., Franklin Coll., 1924; m. Dorothy Burns of Hamilton, N.Y., 28 Sept. 1916; children — Hugh Burns, John Bunyan, Wm. Gear, Jr., Frank Ewart, Lewis Van Clief, Ellen Marie. Instr. Latin, Doane Acad., 1907-10, Colgate Acad., Hamilton, N. Y., 1910-12; v. prin., Hamilton High Sch., 1912-13; assoc. prof. Latin and Re- cording Officer, Colgate Univ., 1914-20; prof. Classical Lang., Franklin Coll., 1920-22, registrar, 1920-22; pres. Hillsdale Coll., Mich., 1922-32; lecturing and interim pastor, First Baptist Ch., Pitts- burgh, Pa., 1932-33; pres., Franklin Coll., 1933—; head dept. of Classical langs. 1919-26, platform asst. to pres. and lec- turer, 1921-26, dean Chautauqua faculties, Chautauqua Institution, N. Y., 1923-26, mem. exec, com., Mich. Bapt. State Conv., 1923-28, 1931-32, pres., 1925-27; pres. Bd. Edn., Northern Bapt Conv., 1927-28; pres. Mich. Council of Churches, 1930-32; gov., 35th dist. Rotary Internat., 1929-30; first v.p. Northern Bapt. Conv., 1933-34; mem. bd. mgrs., Indiana Bapt. Conv., 1933 — ; sec, Am. Red Cross, Hamilton, N. Y. ; mem. Mich. Acad, of Science, Arts and Letters, N.E.A., (life mem.), Nat. Econ. League, Classical Assn. of Middle West and South, Modern Language Assn. Am., Am. Acad. Pol. and Social Science., Am. Philological Assn., Citizens' Hist. Assn., Indiana Hist. Soc, Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Del- ta, Pi Gamma Mu, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Schoolmen's, Interfraternity of Chicago, Columbia of Indianapolis, Ro- tary, of Franklin, Ind. Author: many arts, in religious and edn. mags. Travel: Eng., Fr., It., Switz. Recreation: horti- culture. Baptist. Republican. Office: 500 E. Monroe St., Franklin, Ind. Home: 926 E. Jefferson St., Franklin, Ind. PRESTON, Francis Jordan, writer; b. Newburgh-on-Hudson, N.Y., 23 May 18- 93; d. Joseph Volney Jordan, business 422 exec, and Anna Decker (Leeper) J.; ed. pvt. sens.; grad. Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass., 1911; m. Robert Maurice Preston of Chicago, HI., 10 May 1922. Mem. The Am. Poetry League, Nat. Poetry Center (Radio City), The Bookwriters' League, Nat. Geog. Soc, The Writers' Syndicate. Author: Book on Biology; also poetry. Des. Jonathan Hasbrouck, whose house in Newburgh-on-Hudson, now a nat. mus., called "The Temple", was hdqrs. 1784, and scene of signing of proclama- tion of peace with Gr. Brit. Interests: Bible memorizing, Bible research in He- brew and Greek, music, science, travel. Office: Basic Industries, Palmolive Bldg., 919 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 510 Elder Lane, Winnetka, 111. BROWN, John Elward, founder and president of Schools; b. Oskaloosa, la., 2 Apr. 1879; s. John F. Brown and Julia A. (Brammer) B*; ed. LL.D. (hon.), Bob Jone Coll., 1937; m. Juanita Arrington, 19 Dec. 1900; children— Jean, Helen, Vir- ginia, Mary, Juanita, John E., Jr. Pres., Scarritt Collegiate Inst., Neosho, Mo., 1901-03; founder and pres., John Brown Univ., Siloam Springs, Ark., 1919, Julia A. Brown Sch., 1930—, The Brown Sch. for Girls, Glendora, Calif., 1937—, Brown Mil. Acad., San Diego, Calif., 1937— ; pres. Internat. Christian Fellowship; evangel- ist and lecturer on ed. ; Fellow Nat. Geog. Soc. Clubs: Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions. Au- thor: Let There Be Light; On Earth Peace— But When?; Parable of the Sea; The Parables; Slime Pits; The Spirit Filled Life; Thinking Things; Thinking White; Upon This Rock; Whose Son is He?; The Why of Suffering; Will Pente- cost be Repeated?; Work of the Spirit; Ye Hath God Said; Common Sense or Chaos ; The God of the Living ; The Amer- ican Crisis and the Way Out ; Can a Chris- tian Go to War ; Faith Healing, The Foun- dations of God; The Fruit of the Spirit; God's Half Hour; The Holy Spirit and the Soul Winner; If a Man Die; In the Cult Kingdom ; Is our Modern System of Edu- cation Doomed? Travel: U.S. Interests: farming, stockraising. Methodist. Office and Home: John Brown University, Si- loam Springs, Ark. DRAKE, Noah Fields, geologist; b. Summer, Ark., 30 Jan. 1864; s. Wesley Drake, farmer, and Martha (Kellam) D. ; ed. country sens.; C.E., Ark. Univ., 1888; M.S., Stanford Univ., 1895, Ph.D., 1897; m. Mary Shockley of Lancaster, O., 30 July 1904; children — Doris, Vera Marie. Geol. work, Ark. Geol. Sur., 1887, Tex. Geol. Sur., 1889-1893, U.S. Geol. Sur., 18- 97; prof. geol. and mining, 1898-1900, 1905- 11, Pei Yang Univ., Tientsin, Ch.; prof. econ. geol., Leland Stanford Univ., 1911- 12; prof. geol. and mining, Univ. Ark., 1912-20; pres., City Park Co.; v.p., Fay- etteville Bldg. and Loan Assn. Author: Chinese Coal Fields. Travel: China. In- terests: geology, coal fields of China, black walnuts. Democrat. Office: Fay- etteville, Ark. Home: 501 Forrest Ave., Fayetteville, Ark. FITZHUGH, Laura Davis, planter, merchant, lawyer; b. Forest City, Ark., 15 Feb. 1873; d. Thomas Jefferson Davis, planter, and Martha Ann (Hood) D. ; ed. high sch., Forrest City; B.A., Ward-Bel- mont, 1891; Vanderbilt Univ., 1898-99; Ecole de Mmes. de Raucourt (Chalons- sur-marne, Fr.), 1901-02; Sorbonne, Pa- ris Fr., 1902; Chicago Univ., 1918-19; Northwestern Univ., Chicago, 1920-21; LL.B., De Paul Univ., Chicago, 1921-23; m. Rufus King Fitzhugh, Gloucester, Va., 6 Sept. 1905; children— Rufus Davis, Thomas Bay top. Ardent suffragist from girlhood; at 18, pres. 3rd Equal Suffrage Club in Ark.; helped to make Ark. the first of Southern States to enfranchise its women; treas., Southwide Assn. Consum- ers; pres., Ark. Assn. of Consumers; mem. Women's Bar Assn., Assn. South- ern Women for Prevention of Lynching, Ark. Eugenics Soc; pres., Fitzhugh, Snapp & Co., Fitzhugh Gin Co. (both lo- cated at Fitzhugh, Ark.); dir., Augusta Title Co. (abstract); 1st woman v.chmn., Dem. State Com.; v.chmn., Woodruff Co. Dem. Com.; del.-at-large to Dem. Nat. Conv., Chicago, 1932, Philadelphia, 1936; mem. Kappa Beta Pi (legal sorority). Clubs: Ark. Dem. Women's (p. pres.), Parliamentarian, Ark. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Author: The A.B.C. of Voting. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Eur., Desc. of same ancestral stock that Jefferson Davis (Pres. Confederacy) came from; one (Samuel Davis) of three brothers who came from Cardiff, Wales, in early part of 18th century. Interest: politics (prim- arily). Recreation: reading. Ethical Ch. Democrat. Office and home: Augusta, Ark. GRAY, Bartlett Stephen, Master in Chancery; b. Jacksonville, HI., 19 May 1883; s. Stephen B. Gray, merchant, and Charlotte Frances (Deatherage) G.; ed. Jacksonville high sch., LL.B., Univ. HI., 1904; post-grad., Harvard Law Sch., 1905- 06; m. Rose Dougherty of Alton, 26 Apr. 1906. Admitted to 111. bar, Oct. 1904; be- gan practice law, Worthington & Reeve, Jacksonville, 1904; removed to Rock Is- land, 1906; engaged in gen. practice of law, Geneseo, Henry Co., 1907 — ; city atty., Geneseo, 7 terms; Master in Chan- cery, Henry Co., 1927—; mem. Am. Bar 423 Assn., 111. State Bar Assn., HenryCo., and 111. Bar Assns., Delta Upsilon; Phi Alpha Delta, Elks, Geneseo Bus. Men's Assn.; mem. Henry Co. Adv. Bd. for Regis- trants, World War II. Travel: U.S. An- cestors native of HI., 1818 — . Interests: music, automobiles, airplanes. Recrea- tion : automobile travel. Christian. Repub- lican. Office: 119 y 2 N. State St., Geneseo, 111. Home: 202 W. Pearl St., Geneseo, 111. HERRMANN, Louis George, associate professor of surgery, assistant director of surgical services, Cincinnati General Hosp.; b. Fort Wayne, Ind., 25 June 1900; s. George Herrmann, bus. man. and So- phia Marie (Bechtold) H. ; ed. Central high sch.,; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1921; M.D., Washington Univ., Sch. Med., 1924; m. Marion Bellows of Dalton, Mass., 3 Sept. 1929; children — John Bellows, Kenneth Louis, Robert Louis. Trained at Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston, under Prof. Henry A. Christian; appted. to the service of Prof. Elliott C. Cutler, West- ern Reserve Univ., Cleveland, P.; exch. prof. Univ. of Strasbourg, France and Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland, 1930-32; apptd. asst. prof, of surgery under Prof. Mont R. Reid, Univ. Cincinnati, 1932-40; assoc. prof, of surg., 1940 — ; dir., lab. of surgical research and vascular disease services of Univ. of Cincinnati; served Fourth O.T.C., Fort Sheridan, 111. and Univ. of Mich. S.A.T.C, 1918; Fellow Am. Surgical Assn.; mem. Western Surgical Assn., Central Surgical Assn., Am. Assn. for Surgery of Trauma, Am. Bd. of Sur- gery, Am. Heart Assn., Am. Med. Assn., A.A.A.S., Acad, of Med. of Cincinnati, Ohio State Med. Soc. Clubs: University, Research. Author: Passive Vascular Ex- ercises and the Conservative Manage- ment of Obliterative Arterial Disease of Extremities; also 96 contbrs. to Sci. and Med. literature. Interest: photography. Recreations: fishing, hunting, outdoor life. Protestant. Office: Christian R. Holmes Hospital, Cincinnati, O. Home: 2627 Handasyde Av., Hyde Park, Cincin- nati, O. ELVEHJEM, Conrad Arnold, professor b. McFarland, Wis., 27 May 1901; s. O. J. Elvehjem, farmer, and Christine (Lewis) E.; ed. Stoughton high sch.; B.S. Univ. Wis., 1923, M.S., 1924, Ph.D., 1927; m. Constance Waltz of Decatur, 111., 1926; children— Peggy Ann, Robert Stuart. Inst, biochem., Univ. Wis., 1925-29; Nat. Res. Council Fellow, Cambridge, Eng., 1929; asst. prof, biochem., Univ. Wis., 1930-32, assoc. prof., 1932-34, prof, bio- chem., 1934 — ; Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. In. Nutrition, Am. Soc. Biol. Chem., Am. Public Health Assn., Council, Food & Nutrition, Am. Med. Assn., Food & Nutrition Bd., Nat. Research Council, Delta Theta Sig- ma, Alpha Zeta, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Xi. Author: papers dealing with biochem. and nutrition in biochem. jour- nals. Co-author: book on respiratory enzymes. Travel: Eur. Congregationa- lism Office: University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Home: 741 Oneida PL, Madison, Wis. GOULD, Harold Vogt, physician; b. Buffalo, N.Y., 18 Apr. 1889; s. Cassius Gould, M.D., and Elizabeth (Vogt) G.; ed. Crane and Jefferson high schs., Chi- cago; M.D., Univ. 111. Coll. Med., 1912; ,m. Icellee Denman of Ind., 1914; children —Robert, Betty, Helen. Practiced med., 1912—; attending phys., Chicago Poly- clinic Hosp., 1914-29, Ravenswood Hosp., 1917 — ; pres., North Shore Br., Chicago Med. Soc, 1922-23; mem. bd. dirs., Ra- venswood Hosp. (sr. mem. med. staff) ; Certified Specialist in Internal Med., 1937 — ; mem. Chicago Med. Soc (tr., 1937—;), and North Shore Br., A.M. A., 111. Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Edge- water Masonic Lodge. Office: 1214 Ber- wyn Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 5303 Mag- nolia Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Hayward, Wis. ERF, Ocsar, professor of dairying; b. Monroeville, O., 17 Dec. 1874; s. Phillip A. Erf, farmer, merchant, and Dorotha (Heyman) E.; ed. Standards pub. sch.; Monroeville high sch.; Agr. Coll., O. State Univ., 1898; special work, Bonn Univ., 1906; Dr. of Chem. Nutrition in Chemis- try (hon.), von Behring Inst., Bonn, Ger- many; m. Alice Ashton of Monroeville, O., 28 June 1905; 1 son — Lowell Ashton. In charge of farm operation and 180 cow dairy; asst. dairyman, Univ. 111., 1899- 1902, Kan. Agr. Coll., 1902-06; supt. dairy- ing, La. Purchase Exposition (on leave of absence), 1904; prof, dairying, Coll. Agr., O. State Univ., 1907-30, prof, dairy res., 1930 — ; discovered carotin in al- falfa hay and patented dehydrators for preserving this carotin; discovered ne- cessity of iodine and importance of man- ganese in mineral rations for dairy cattle; discovered vitamin C in sprouted grain for feeding to improve breeding; pres. Star Creamery, Monroeville, 1902; promoted food production, 2 yrs.; mem. State Dairymens Assn. (sec, 1907-25, sec. and v.p.), Dairy Isntrs. Assn. (now Dairy Sci., v.p., 1910), Fireland Assn. (founder), Masons, K.T. Author: Dairy Fundamentals, Co-author: History of Randleigh Farm (3 vols.). Travel: Eng., Fr., Ger., It., N. Afr., Russia, Switzer. Interests: farming, investigational work. 424 Recreation: work on crop production. Presbyterian. Republican. Office and home: Wellington Hall, 1896 N. High St., Columbus, O. Summer res.: Chestnut Ridge Farm, Monroeville, O. RECORDS, Ralph LaFayette, seminary president; b. Edinburg, Ind., 16 Apr. 1883; s. James LaFayette Records, far- mer, and Sarah Mariah (Niebel) R. ; ed. Edinburg (Ind.) high sch.; Ph.B., Frank- lin Coll., Franklin, Ind., 1908; Coll. of the Bible; A.M., Transylvania Univ., 19- 10; grad. stud., Ky. State Univ., 1909; Ind. State Univ., 1913, 1914; Univ. Chi- cago, 1912, 1915, 1916; D.D. (hon.), Cin- cinnati Bible Sem.. 1930; m. Florence Louise Waltz of Edinburg, Ind., 6 Jan. 1908. Ord. minister, Church of Christ, (Disciples of Christ) Nov. 1903; pastor, Kan. Ch. Christ, Edinburg, Ind., 1903-04 and 1919-42, Mt. Carmel Ch. Christ, Tra- falgar, Ind., 1904-10 and 1943—; Ewing, Ky., 1910, Gordonsville, Va., 1911-13, Cane Ridge, Ky., 1913-17; tutor history, Frank- lin Coll., 1907-08; head, sci. dept., Va. Christian Coll., Lynchburg, 1910-11, hd., Bible dept. and dean of coll., 1911-13; head, dept. chem. and physics, Transyl- vania Coll., 1913-17; prof. ch. history and chem., Bethany Coll., 1917-19; prof, chem., Franklin Coll., 1920-21; prof. Ch. history and Christian doctrine, McGarvey Bible Coll., 1923-24; prof. Old Testament, Hermeneutics and Exegesis, Cincinnati Bible Sem., and dean of Sem., 1924- 28, pres., 1928 — ; mem. Ky. Edn. Assn. (pres. sci. sect., 1915), Ind. Acad. Sci., A.A.A.S., A.C.S., Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Masons (Scottish Rite 32d deg.) Knights Pythias, Eastern Star. Author: Contbr. to Teachers Quarterly, 1932 — . Minister Church of Christ. Office: 957-959 Chateau Av., Cincinnati, O. Home: Edinburg, Ind. ALLEN, Lennox Lindsay, artist; b. Glen View, Ky., 20 Dec. 1911; s. Charles Allen, bus. man, and Emily (Lindsay) A.; ed. Storm King Sch., Cornwall, N.Y. ; Rollins Coll., 1936. Winner 3 first prizes in paintings; mem. Peace Move Art Cen- ter (Louisville), at present order clerk, Belknape Hardware Co.; served in Ky. State Guard, World War II. Author: Life at Glen View; Wind in Forest; This War News. Travel: H.I., Eng., Fr., Can., It. G.s. maj. in Civil War. Interests: col- lection of 5000 photos of own, collection of domestic and for. news. Presbyterian. Republican. Office : Louisville Art Center, Louisville, Ky. Summer res.: Glen View, Ky. MARSHALL, Henry Wright, newspa- per executive, farmer; b. near Spring- field, O., 29 Jan. 1865; s. Solomon Huff- man Marshall, farmer, grain mcht., and Sarah A. (Wright) M. ; ed. pub. schs.; bus. coll.; LL.D. (hon.), Purdue Univ., 1931; m. Laura VanNatta of Montmoren- ci, Ind., 18 Feb. 1891; 1 son— Henry W., Jr. Pres., Lafayette Bridge Co., 1889-98, Western Paving & Supply Co., Chicago, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, 1900-03, Western Constr. Co., Pub. Utilities Co., Evans- ville, Ind.; v.p., Evansville & Southern Traction Co.; purchased Lafayette Jour- nal, 1914, Lafayette Dajly Courier, 1919; pres., ed. in chief, Journal and Courier, consolidated, 1920 — ; act. pres., Purdue Univ., 1921-22, pres. bd. trs., chmn. exec, com., 1923-27; pres., Montmorenci Ele- vator Co., Internat. Live Stock Expn., Chicago, 1934 — ; v.p., Ind. Com., St. Lou- is Expn., 1904; mem. Ind. House Reps., 1899-1905, speaker, 1903-05; mem. Elks. Clubs: Columbia (Indianapolis). Metho- dist. Republican. Office: Sixth and Ferry Sts., Lafayette, Indiana. Home: 1014 State St., Lafayette, Indiana. Summer residence: Freeman Lake, Monticello, Indiana. JOHNSON, Elbe Herbert, professor of physics; b. Traverse City, Mich., 9 Aug. 1887; s. Frank Herbert Johnson, building contractor, and Ella A. (Brown) J.; ed. Traverse City (Mich.) high sch.; B.A., Olivet Coll., 1911, M.A., 1913; Univ. Wis., 1911-14; Ph.D., Chicago Univ., 1926; m. Bertha B. Beckwith of Ionia, Mich., 26 July 1911; children — Raymond Herbert, Barbara Beckwith. Asst. in physics, Oli- vet Coll., 1909-11; asst. instr., Wis. Univ., 1911-14; asst. prof, physics and chem., Kenyon Coll., 1914-15, assoc. prof, phv- sics, 1917-18, prof., head dept. physics, 1918—; lecturer, Ind. Univ., 1929—; mem. Knox Co. (O) World War I Memo- rial Bd., 1938-40; with S.A.T.C., Kenyon Coll. and spel. lecturer, Gt. Lakes Nav. Training Sta., 1916-18; Fellow A.A.A.S., Am. Phys. Soc; mem. Hist. Sci. Soc. (foundation mem., council, 1932-34, 1939- 41), Assn. Physics Teachers, O.A.S. (v. p., 1928, 1942), Sigma Xi, Sigma Pi Sig- ma, S.A.T., A.A.U.P., Knox County Hist. Soc. (charter-life), Phys. Assn. (pres., 1928). Author: Laboratory Phvsics, 1925; General Physics Laboratory Guide, 1941; sci. arts. Co-author: Johann Kepler, 1931. Interest: history and collecting of early American clocks. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Kenyon College, Gambier, O. Home: Gambier, O. FULTON, Edward Arthur, consulting engineer; b. Parrs boro, N. S., Can., 31 Dec. 1898: s. Arthur Wm. Fulton, farmer, and Lida (Brown) F. ; ed. Parrs- boro high sch.; Univ. Manitoba, Winni- peg, Can.; B.S.C.E.; M.S. (in Hydraulic 425 Engr.), Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge; Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge; m. Ann Hudson of Brookhaven, Miss., 19 Dec. 1935. With Pearse Greeley and Han- sen, consulting engrs., Chicago, 1923; Consoer Older and Quinlan, consulting engrs., Chicago, 1924; asst. engr. with Solomon, Norcross and Keis, Palm Beach, Fla., 1925-27; asst. engr. with Wie- deman and Singleton, Atlanta, Ga., 1927- 30; with Dorr Co. Engrs., N. Y., 1930-32; in private practice, St. Louis, specializing in municipal, hydraulic and sanitary engr., 1932 — ; served during World War I, 4 yrs. in Canadian Expedition. Forces, in France with 25th Canadian Inf.; mem. Am. Soc. of C.E.; Engr. Inst, of Can.; Clubs: Engr. of St. Louis, Technology of St. Louis, Clayton of St. Louis Co. Epis- copalian. Office: 3 S. Meramec Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 49 Picardy Lane, Ladue, Mo. Summer home: Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, Can. COOPER, Margaret Frances, librar- ian; b. Linton, Ind., 9 Oct. 1904; d. Billie F. Cooper and Hannah Lucretia (Mas- ton) C; ed. Linton-Stockton high sen.; DePauw Univ. Librarian, Linton, mem. Am. Lib. Assn., Ind. Lib. Assn., Kappa Kappa Kappa. Clubs: Bus. and Prof. Women's, Bay View Study. Interest : collection of 250 varieties of cacti. Meth- odist. Office: 110 E. Vincennes St., Lin- ton, Ind. Home: 109 Fifth St., S.E., Lin- ton, Ind. ARADO, Charles C, lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 6 Aug. 1897; s. Simeon John Arado and Camille (Bernero) A.; grad. Union high sen., Phoenix, Ariz., 1915; attended Lane Jr. Coll., Chicago; L.L.B., Northwestern Univ., 1919; course in psychology, sociology, Loyola and Univ. Chicago; m. Florence Scheeler, 20 Feb. 1924; children — Chas. Choate, Don Louis. Admitted to 111. Bar, 1920 and began practice in office of Brode B. Davis, partner Gov. Frank O. Lowden; joined Chas. E. Davis and Wm. A. Fullenkamp in gen. pract. law, 1922; assoc. of Chas. E. Davis at same office, 1928—; engaged in criminal trial defense for no. of years ; specialized in practice of law pertaining to real estate, trusts, adminis. of estates and taxes; enlisted in S.A.T.C. at North- western Univ. in World War I, served until Armistice; acted as instructor of military law in court martial trials at Northwestern Univ. ; appointed Govt. Ap- peal Agt., Local Draft Bd. 150, Sel. Serv. Sys. 17 Feb. 1941, World War II, still acting in that capacity; mem. Am. Bar Assn. (section on real estate, probate and trust law), Chicago Bar Assn. (edi- 426 torial bd. Chicago Bar Record, 1934—; HI. Bar Assn. (crim. law sect.), Chicago Law Institute, Judicature Soc. Author: essays on criminal law and criminology for legal periodicals. Grandparents on both sides settled in Chicago in early fifties. Recreations: baseball, tennis, volley-ball. Republican. Catholic. Home: 837 Sunnyside Av., Chicago, HI. Office: 110 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. CROSS, Roy, chemist; b. Ellis, Kan., 13 Jan. 1884; s. George W. Cross, banker, and Ada (Pendleton) C; ed. Lawrence, Kan. high sch.; Ellis high sch.; A.B., Un- iv. Kan., 1905; M.D., Univ. Med. Coll., 1908; m. Mary Forbes of Kansas City, Kan., 9 Oct. 1917. Teaching fellow in chemistry, Univ. Kan., 1905-06; mgr., pres., Kansas City Testing Lab., 1908-41; teacher chemistry, Univ. Med. Coll., 1906- 10; v.p., Gasoline Products Co., 1920-26; pres. Silica Products Co., 1926-36; v.p., pres., Cross Eng. Co.; pres. Cross Labs.; gov. and trustee Midwest Research Inst., dir. Kansas Univ. Research Foundation; tr. Kansas Univ. Endowment Assn.; in- ventor, holding numerous U.S. and for- eign patents including Cross cracking process for gasoline, aquagel oil well drilling method, gasoline treating, potash production, oil sand pressuring and ex- traction, soundproofing, concrete water- proofing and manufacture, etc.; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Am. Petroleum Inst., Am. Concrete Inst., Am. Forestry Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Citizens League, fellow A.A.A. S. Clubs: Engrs. (Kansas City), Farm- ers, Univ. (Kansas City) Mission Hills Country A.A.A. Author: Handbook of Petroleum, Asphalt and Natural Gas; Diary (book) ; arts, on germicides, con- crete, cement, fuels, paving, petroleum refining, air conditioning, wheat. Trav- el: Mex., Can., U.S., So. Am. Interests: U.S. photog., farm experiments. Rec- reation: tennis. Republican. Office: 700 Baltimore Av., Kansas City, Kan. Home: 4511 Holmes St., Kansas City, Kan. Sum- mer res.: R.F.D. No. 1, Box 50, Over- land Park, Kan. PALMER, Hazel, attorney at law; b. Climax Springs, Mo., 11 Aug. 1903; d. John W. Palmer, atty. at law, and Nancy Jane (Hutton) P.; ed. Sedalia public schs.; Sedalia high sch.; LL.B., Nat. Univ. Sch. Law (Washing., D.C.), 1932. Engaged in active pract. law, civil and criminal, in all cts., 13 yrs.; partner with father, John W. Palmer, in law firm, Palmer & Palmer, Sedalia; p. asst. pros- ecuting atty., Pettis Co.; now County collector of Pettis Co.; mem. Nat. Assn. Women Lawyers (v.p. Mo.), Mo. Bar Assn. Sedalia Bar Assn. (sec.-treas.), Wo- men's Bar Assn. Mo., Kappa Beta Pi, International Legal Sorority. Clubs: Se- dalia B. & P. W. (dir., p. pres.), Mo. Fed. Business & Prof. Women's Clubs, Inc. (Serving 2nd term as state pres.); state legis. chmn. (state membership chmn., state prog, coordin. chmn.); Nat. Fed. Republican Women's Clubs Am., Pettis Co. Republican Women's Club (p. pres.), committeewoman, 4th ward, Young Re- publican (Pettis Co.) (p. county chmn., G.O.P., p. Matron Sedalia Ch. No. 57 O. E.S., (v.p.). Travel: Mex., Can., U.S. Father, John W. Palmer, is p. mem. Congress from old 7th Cong. Dist. In- terests: writing, politics. Recreations: bridge, travel, movies. Baptist. Repub- lican. Offices: 323-325 Ilgenfritz Bldg., and Court House, Sedalia, Mo. Home: 901 S. Vermont, Sedalia. Mo. GARD, Erold Ernest, president of busi- ness college; b. Barry, 111., 19 Mar. 1887; s. Ernest E. Gar d, pres. of business coll., and Stella (Yancy) G.; ed. Central high sch.; H.G.B., Platt-Gard Business Univ. (hon.); m. Nettie Wilson of St. Joseph, Mo., 25 Nov. 1915; children— Mrs. Ernes- tine Glenn, Virginia. Mem. Nat. Commer- cial Teachers Fed. (p. pres., pvt. sch. sec), Nat. Assn. of Accredited Comml. Schs., Nat. Council of Bus. Schs., Mo. Private Schs. Assn., Elks, Shrine, Cham- ber Commerce. Club: Rotary. Travel: U. S. Baptist. Republican. Office: Platt-Gard Business Univ., Frederick Av. at 9th, St. Joseph, Mo. Home: 2001 N. 22nd St., St. Joseph, Mo. MILLER, Sayers John, physician, sur- geon; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 30 July 1898; s. John Z. Miller, salesman and inventor, and Ida (Osten) M.; ed. Manual Train- ing high sch., Indianapolis; Butler Univ.; B.S., Ind. Univ., 1922. M.D., 1924; m. Lauretta Margaret Hansen of Brookston, Ind., 9 Aug. 1926; children— Sayers John, Jr., Marvin Eugene. Splty., care of coll. students ; organized most modern student health service in Ind. ; dir. student health, physician, surgeon, Purdue Univ., phys. for all varsity teams; in O.T.S. during World War I, official Med. Examiner, C.M.T.C, Selective Serv. Examiner, R. O.T.C. ; in charge med. home surg. care of various branches of Army, Navy, Ma- rines stationed at Purdue Univ during World War II., mem. Phi Chi, Acad. Sci., Acad. Med., Lambda Chi Alpha, A. M.A., Masons (32 deg.) K.T. Recreations: bowling, fishing, athletics. Methodist. Of- fice: Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. Home: 500 University St., West La- fayete, Ind. PATTERSON, Austin McDowell, exec- utive, professor of chemistry; b. Damas- cus, Syria, 31 May 1876; s. Dr. John Ful- ton Hutchison Patterson, med. mission- ary, and Charlotte Isabella (McDowell) P.; ed. pvt. sch. of Miss Anna Mac- Cracken, Xenia, O.; A.B., Princeton, 1897; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1900 D. Sc, Antioch, 1944; m. Anne Elizabeth Baily of Xenia, O., 31 May 1911; children — James Fulton, Nancy Elder. Instr. chem., Centre Coll., Ky., 1900-01, Rose Poly., 1901-03; on off. staff, Webster's New International Dictionary, 1903-07, ed. for chem. terms, 1903 — ; assoc. ed., Chemical Abstracts, 1908-09, ed. 1909-14; prof, chem., Antioch College, 1921-41, v. pres., 1930-41, emeritus prof. 1941—; tr., 1941-45; senior specialist in chem. education, U.S. Office of Educa- tion, 1941-42, principal specialist 1942-43; chmn. or mem. of various corns, on chem. nomenclature; mem. Xenia city Bd. of Ed., 1913-14; v. chmn. Xenia Char- ter Commn., 1916-17; chem., C.W.S., 1918- 19; mem. A.C.S., Nat. Research Council (1932-41), Internat. Union of Chem. (coun- cillor, 1925-31, 1936-38), several for. chem. socs., etc. Clubs: Cosmos, Kiwan- is. Author: Greene County, 1903-1908 (ed.), 1908; A German-English Diction- ary for Chemists, 1917, 1924, 1935; A French-English Dictionary for Chem- ists, 1921; A Guide to the Literature of Chemistry (with E. J. Crane), 1927; The Ring Index (with L. T. Capell), 1940. Tra- vel: official trips to Eur. as del. to I.U.C., 1925, 1930, 1936. United Presbyterian. In- dependent Republican. Office: Antioch College, Yellow Springs, O. Home: 221 N. King St., Xenia, O. PHILLIPS, George Augustus, school principal; b. Paulding Co., O., 22 Dec. 1885; s. Lloyd Phillips, minister and far- mer, and Georgeanna (Howard) P.; ed. Paulding (O.) high sch. 1907; A.B., West- ern State Teachers Coll., Kalamazoo, Mich., 1924; A.M., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1927, Ph.D. candidate in Ed., 1930; m. Myrtle A. Reynolds of Van Wert, O., 31 Oct. 1909. Teacher, Paulding Co. pub. schs., 1907-08 and 1910-11; farmer, 1912- 17; teacher, Cass Co. (Mich.) pub. schs., 1918-23, Cincinnati pub. schs., 1924-35; prin., Harriet Beecher Stowe Evening Sch., 1932-35; acting day prin., Harriet Beecher Stowe Jr. High Sch. and Col- onies, 1935-36, prin., 1936- ; prof, of ed., summers, Tenn. State Coll., Nashville, 1929-43; mem. bd. of dirs., Shoemaker Clinic, Cincinnati, O.; member O. Ed. Assn., NEA, Am. Teachers Assn., Nat. 427 aec. Sch. Prins. Assn., Ohio High Sch. Prins. Assn., Cincinnati Elemen. Prin- cipals Club, Adult Edn. Council, Cincin- nati, Western State Teachers Coll. and Univ. of Cincinnati Alumni Assn., Adv. Bd. for Registrants, Draft Bd. 18, Ham- ilton Co., O. Travel: U.S., Can., Mes., Interests: admin, supervision, psychol- ogy, nature study. Recreations: travel, sports, games. Interdenominational. Inde- pendent Republican. Office: Harriet Bee- cher Stowe Jr. High School, 7th & Cutter Sts., Cincinnati, O. Home: San Rafael Apts., 626 W. Fourth St., Cincinnati, O. PURDY, James Edwin, surgeon b. Beaver Co., Pa., 6 Sept. 1891; s. Samuel H. Purdy and Agnes (Reid) P.; ed. Beaver high sch.; A.B., Geneva Coll.; M.D., Univ. Pa., 1918; m. Edith Funston Ballentine of Philadelphia, Pa., 1922: 1 dau. — Jane Irwin. Instr. surg., Univ. Pittsburgh, 1921-25; sur. pract., Canton, 1925—; surg. Mercy Hosp., Aultman Hosp. ; local chmn. Procure. & Assign.; served as It. M.C., U.S.N., 23 mos. dur- ing World War I; fellow A.M. A., A.C.S.; Founders Group, Am. Bd. of Surg.; mem. Stark Co., Med. Soc. (p. pres.), Canton Acad. Med. (p. pres.), Ohio State Med. Assn., Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 510 Mellett Bldg., Canton, O. Home: 327 19th St. N.W., Canton, O. COSSON, George, lawyer: b. Mo., 21 an. 1876; s. George Willis and Mary Ann (McEnturff) C. ; ed. Valparaiso Univ., Ind., LL.B., Law Dept., State Univ. of la., 1898; m. Jennie F. Riggs, 29 Dec. 1904; children — Clarence (major Coast arty.), Mary Kathryn (W.A.C.). Eleanor Sparks (Mrs. William Allen Heywood), George (lieut. U.S. Army). Admitted to Iowa bar; began practice, Audubon, la., 1898; co. attor., Audubon Co., 1905-06; mem. la. State Senate, 1909-10; asst. atty. gen. of la., 1907-08, atty.-gen. 1911- 17; sr. law firm, Cosson, Stevens & Cos- son, Des Moines; pr. Des Moines Joint Stock Land Bank, 1927-30; Inst. Coll. of Law, Drake Univ. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Iowa State Bar Assn., Am. Law Inst., Am. Jud. Soc, Nat. Assn. of Attys.-Gen. (pres., 1912-13), Nat. Exec. Com. on Pris- on Labor, la. State Assn. Charities and Corrections (exec, com.), State Assn. of Soc. for the Friendless (pres.). Candidate for U.S. senator from Iowa at the Repub- lican primaries, 1932. Club: Prairie. Au- thor: The Cosson Laws; Prison Reform in Courts, 1913; What O'clock Is It?; The Road to Recovery; This Conflicting World. Wrote report of com. apptd., by the gov. of Iowa, to investigate the jail system of la. (pub. by Dept. of Justice, 1912). Iowa chmn. Am. Com. for Defense of British Homes; la. chmn. Fight for Freedom Com.; la. chmn. Russian War Relief, Home: 3936 University Av., Des Moines, la. Office : 1136 Des Moines Bldg. Des Moines, la. FLANDRAU, Grace Hodgson, author; b. St. Paul, Minn.; d. Edward John and Mary (Staples) H. ; ed. public schs. (St. Paul), also girls sch. in Paris, Fr., and Mrs. Backus Sch., St. Paul; m. W. Blair Flandrau, 21 Aug. 1909. Mem. bd. dirs. Avon Old Farms, sec. sch. for bovs, Av- on, Conn. Author: Cousin Julia, 1917; Be- ing Respectable, 1923; Entranced, 1924; Then I Saw the Congo, 1929; Indeed This Flesh, 1934; Under the Sun, 1936. Clubs: Minnesota, Garden. Pen & Brush. Penwo- men of America. Contbr. novelettes, sh. stories and arts, to national magazines. Home: 385 Pleasant Av., St. Paul, Minn. ELLIS, Elmer, prof, of history; b. Mc- Henry County, N.D., 27 July 1901; s. Thomas Clarkson and Lillie Jane (But- terfield) E.; A.B., Univ. of N.D., 1924, A. M., 1925; Ph.D., Univ*. of Iowa, 1930; m. Ruth Clapper, 14 Aug. 1925. Lecturer in history, Univ. of Iowa, 1928-30; prof. hist, and govt., N.D. State Teachers Coll., 1925-28; instr in his. Univ. of N.D., sum- mer 1925; visiting prof, hist., Ohio State Univ., summer 1937; asst., asso. & prof, of hist., Univ. of Mo., since 1930; acting dean Grad. Sch., Univ. of Mo., summers 1936, 39 and 41; v.pres., 1945; dean, Coll. of Arts and Science, 1946 — ; provost Mar- shal General's Sch., Ft. Custer, 1943; His- torical Br. G-2, WDGS, 1943-45; maj. U. S. Army. Guggenheim fellow, 1939-40. P. Nat. Council for the Social Studies, 1937. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Democrat. Edi- tor: Education Against Propaganda, 19- 37 ; Mr. Dooley at His Best, 1938. Author : Henry Moore Teller, Defender of the West, 1941 ; Mr. Dooley's America, a Life of Finley Peter Dunne, 1941. Home: 211 S. Glenwood Av., Columbia, Mo. Office: University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. SEYMOUR, Otto C, minister; b. Doni- phan, Mo.; s. J. J. Seymour, farmer, and Elizabeth (Brown) S. ; ed. Doniphan high sch.; A.B., Tulsa Univ., 1920; A.M., Princeton Univ., 1923; Th.B., Princeton Theol. Sem., 1923; Ph.D., Univ. of Edin- burgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1934; D.D., (hon.), Mo. Valley Coll., Marshall, 1938; D.D. (hon.), Westminster Coll., Fulton, 1938; m. Josephine C. Evans of Carthage, 15 Nov. 1938; 1 dau. — Elizabeth Jane. Teacher, prepared for work of ministry; pastor, First Presbn. Ch., Tahlequah, Okla., 1923-32, First Presbn. Ch., Joplin, Mo., 1932 — ; p. mem. bd. tr., Tulsa Univ., 428 Tulsa, Okla.; mem. bd. tr., Mo. Valley Coll., Westminster Foundation, Univ. of Mo., Columbia, Mo.; mem. bd. dir., Am. Red Cross, Joplin; mem. adv. bd., Sal- vation Army, Joplin, Ct. Honor, Bov Scouts, Joplin; chmn. com. on Christian Edn. Synod of Mo., Presbn. Ch. of U.S.A. ; Moderator, Synod Missouri, 1942; chmn. General Council, Synod Missouri, 1941 — ; mem. Bd. Christian Education Presbn. Ch., U.S.A. Served as pvt., Field Artil- lery during World War I; mem. Pi Kapna Phi, Tau Kappa Alpha, Theta Alpha Phi. Masons, Am. Legion. Clubs: Rotary, Princeton. Author: Precious Things of the Bible. Travel: Eng., Scot., Ire., Wales, Fr., Ger., Holl., Belg., Switz., Aus. Parents were pioneers, who moved to Southwest Mo., 1885. Interest: making amateur motion pictures. Recreations: ping pong, baseball. Presbyterian. Inde- pendent. Office: 317 W. 6th St., Joplin, Mo. Home: 111 Byers, Joplin. Mo. HAYES, David John Arthur, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 16 June 1900; s. Jeremiah G. Hayes and Anna Louise (Quigley) H. ; ed. Crane Tech. high sch., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., Chicago; Univ. of Chi- cago; L.B., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1922; m. Lucille Margaret Johnson of Le- mont, HI., 1 Oct. 1927; children— David J. A., Jr., Richard Johnson. Admitted to practice of law by Supreme Ct. of 111., 1922, gen. practice law, 1922 — ; spe- cializes in law applicable to wills, trusts and estates; ad. to practice before Sup- reme Ct. of U.S., 1927; atty. for pres. of Bd. of Local Improvements of Chicago, 1925-27; atty. for Pub. Guardian of Cook Co., 111. 1923-35; chmn. Chicago Bar Assn. Committees: membership, 1930-31, unauthorized practice of law, 1936-37, juvenile delinquency, 1939-40, Admis- sions, 1941-42, Judicial Selection, 1942- 43, Fiduciary Programs, 1945 — ; mem. of Grievance Com., 1937-39, Judiciary com., 1939-42, Probate com., 1939-43; Bd. Managers, 1943-45; 111. State Bar Assn., mem. com. on schedules of fees, 1934, chmn. sec. Unauthorized Practice of Law, 1941-43; mem. Chicago Black Horse Troop, 1930-36; prof. Med. Jurisprudence, Chicago Med. Sch., 1925-26; commr. of Supreme Ct. of 111., 1937-39; referee of Probate Ct. of Cook Co., 1933—; mem. Chicago, 111. State and Am. Bar Assns. Chicago Law Inst., Phi Alpha Delta Law Frat., Am. Judicature Soc, Amateur Cinema League, Inc., Judge Advocate, Oak Park Post No. 15, Am. Legion, 1936- 43; Chicago Coun. on Foreign Relations, English Speaking Union, Pan American Council; life mem., Art Inst, of Chicago, Chicago Hist. Soc; govt, appeal agt., Selective Service, Cook Co., Bd. No. 6, by appointment of President of U.S.; dir. Wright & Co., Chicago, F. Mattern Mfg. Co., Chicago. Clubs: Chicago Ath- letic Assn., Executives (Chicago), Eco- nomic (Chicago), Chicago Black Horse Troop (first pres.), Nat. Travel. Inter- ests: photog., law. Recreations: golf, horse-back riding, bridge. Office: 1 La- Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 715 Wil- liam St., River Forest, 111. POPPENHUSEN, Conrad He r m a n , lawyer; b. College Point, L.I., N.Y.. 21 July 1872; s. Herman C. Poppenhusen, bus. exec, and Caroline (Funke) P.; ed. pub. schs. ; pvt. tutors; gymnasium, Kiel, Ger.; B.L., Union Coll. Law, 1894; m. Harriet Gunn of Evanston, 111., 25 June 1895; children — Conrad Herman, Jr., Nancy (Fox). Admitted to practice law, Chicago, 1894; formed partnership in firm, Gregory, Poppenhusen & McNab, 1900-14; mem. firm Newman, Poppen- husen & Stern, 1914-28, Poppenhusen, Johnston, Thompson & Cole, 1928-35, Pop- penhusen, Johnston, Thompson & Ray- mond, 1935—; dir. State Bank and Trust Co., Evanston, 111.; Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Domestic Industries, Inc.; pres. bd. tr., National Coll. of Edn., Evanston, 111.; Gov. Chicago Opera Co., treas. Round Table of Christians- Jews ; p. sec, chief examin., Civil Service Commns., Evans- ton, 111.; elected alderman, Evanston, 1896-98; p. mem., pres. Evanston High Sch. Bd.; served on Bd. of Examiners during World War I; mem. Chicago. 111. State and Am. Bar Assn., Assn. of Bar of City of N.Y., Phi Delta Phi, Clubs: Union League Law (Chicago), Chicago, Glen View, Chicago Athletic, Press, Mid- Day, Recreations: bridge, reading. Pres- byterian. Republican. Office: 11 S. La- Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1741 Hin- man Av., Evanston, 111. HOLBERT, James Ranson, corn breeder; b. Muncie, Ind., 18 July 1890; s. George Holbert, farmer, and Mary (Ross) H. ; ed. Cowan (Ind.) high sch.; B.S.A., Purdue Univ., 1915, M.S.A., 1918; Ph.D., Univ. 111., 1926; m. Bertha Ro- berts of Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1916; children — Ruth Marie, James Roberts. Agronomist, Funk Bros. Seed Co., 1915-18; patholo- gist, div. cereal investigation, Bureau Plant Industry, 1918-22, agronomist, 1922- 28, sr. agronomist, 1929-36; v.p. in charge of corn breeding, Funk Bros. Seed Co., Bloomington, 111., 1936-43, gen. mgr., 19- 43 — ; dir. Y.M.C.A.; mem. Am. Soc Ag- ronomists, Genetic Assn., Mason. Author: 30 pubis, dealing with corn diseases and corn breeding. Travel: Can., Mex. Inter- est: photog. Recreation: hunting. Protes- 429 tant. Office: Funk Bros. Seed Co., Boomington, 111. 1105 Broadway, Nor- mal, 111. HOLMAN, Charles Thomas, clergy- man, university professor and dean; b. Cheltenham, Eng., 6 Feb. 1882; natural- ized, 1923 ; s. Thomas Walter Holman and Jane Elizabeth (Weaver) H. ; ed. B.A., McMaster Univ., 1909, M.A., 1910; D.B., Univ. Chicago, 1915; Indiana Univ., 1917- 18; D.D. (hon.), Ottawa Univ., 1944; m. AnaBel Montgomery of Collingwood, Ont., Can., 27 Dec. 1910; children— Jane Weaver (Mrs. H. J. Wharton), Charles Montgomery (killed in England, 6 July 1944, serving with A.A.A.F.), Robert Wy- ant. Emigrated to Canada, 1891; came to Chicago, 111., 1913; ordained Baptist minister, Bracebridge, Ont., 1907; pas- tor Baptist churches Bracebridge, Ont., Medicine Hat, Alberta, Can., 1907-13; Bloomington, Ind., Normal Park, Chi- cago, 1915-23; prof, of pastoral duties, Federated Theological Faculty, 1923—; dean Baptist Divinity House, Univ. Chi- cago, 1942 — ; Counseling Seminar leader Y.M.C.A.-U.S.O. and Fed. Coun. of Chs., 1942-45; tr., Ch. Fed. Greater Chicago; mem. bd., chmn. comm. res. and survey, Chicago Bapt. Assn.; mem. comm. on rel. and health, Fed. Coun. of the Ch. of Christ in Am.; mem. Nat. Chr. Mission (1940-41), A.A.U.P., A.A.A.S., Am. Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Sci., Pi Gamma Mu, Theta Phi. Club: Quadrangle. Author: The Cure of Souls, 1932; The Religion of a Healthy Mind, 1939 (Religious Book Club sel.); Getting Down to Cases, 1942; Manual for a Workshop on Counseling, 1945; chaps, in Religion and the Present Crisis, The Church at Work in the Modern World, What the American Family Faces; many arts, in edn., sci., and rel. journals. Travel: U. S., Eur., Mex. Baptist. Office: Baptist Divinity House, University of Chicago, Chicago 37, 111. Home: 1149 E. 56th St., Chicago 37, 111. POOL., Raymond John, university pro- fessor; b. Wabash, Neb., 23 Apr. 1882; s. Wm. H. Pool, farmer, and Louisa (Bur- rows) P. ; ed. Weeping Water (Neb.) high sen.; A.B., Univ. of Neb., 1907, A.M., 1908; Ph.D., 1913: Univ. Chicago, m. Martha M. Stangland of McCook, Neb., 30 June 1909. Instr. in botany, Univ. of Neb., adjunct prof., asst. prof., assoc. prof., prof.; chmn. of dept. of botany, 1915 — ; asst. prof, of botany* Univ. of Mich., summer, 1910; taught Colo. State Coll., several summers; served on Salt Lake Smelter Commn. of U.S. Court, 1920; fellow A.A.A.S. (v.p., chmn., sec. G., 1939), Bot. Soc. Am. (sec, taxonom- ic sect., 1926), Ecol. Soc. Am., Phyto- pathol. Soc. Am., Torrey Bot., Soc. Am. Foresters, A.A.U.P., Soc. Am. Natura- lists, Am. Soc. Pt. Tax., Neb. Acad. Sci. (p. 1917), Am. Micro. Soc. (v.p. 1932, p. 1941), Am. Interprof. Inst. (pres. Lin- coln chap., 1940), Chamber Commerce, Phi Beta Kappa (p. Neb. ch.), Sigma Xi (p. Neb. ch.). Clubs: Kiwanis, Lincoln Round Table. Author: arts, in bot. Jours, and Reviews, sev. books on Botany. Trav- el: Eur., Eng., Scot., Norway, Sweden, Fr., Denmark, Ger., It., Swit. Interests: Alpine biology, hist, of the Vikings. Rec- reations: mt. climbing, fishing, hiking. Methodist. Republican. Office: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Home: 2845 S. 27th St., Lincoln 2, Neb. Summer res.: Estes Park, Colo. McCAUGHEY, William John, prof, mineralogy; b. Phila., Pa., 21 June 1882; s. Adam John, and Katherine (Elliot) McC; B.S., Univ. of Pa., 1906; grad. study, Johns Hopkins, part time, 1910; Ph.D., George Washington Univ., 1912; m. Emma R. Wilson. 25 Nov. 1908; chil- dren—Elizabeth Elliot, Emma Ruth. As- sayer, U.S. Mint, 1906-08; scientist, U.S. Bur. Soils, 1908-11; became asst. prof, mineralogy and chmn. dept. since 1916. Mem. U.S. Assay Commn., 1909. Mem. Am. Mineral. Soc, Am. Geol. Soc, Am. Geophysical Union, Am. Inst. Mining Engr., Am. Chem. Soc, A.A.A.S., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., German Mineral. Soc, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, Alpha Chi Sigma. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: Faculty, Stone Harbor Yacht. Contbr. Bulletins and arts, on mineral- ogy and metall. slags and refractories. Home: 2375 Andover Rd., Columbus,0. THOMPSON, Thomas Barney, editor; b. Nashotah, Wis., 20 Jan. 1876; s. Olaf B. and Rachel (Nord) T.; A.B., Beloit (Wis.) Coll., 1903; m. Annie Winifred Te- all, 21 Sept. 1904 ; children— Priscilla Eliz- abeth (wife of Dr. William B. McGee), Pheobe Cromwell (wife of Dr. Robert G. Jackson). Began as railroad telegraph operator, 1890; successively pastor First Congl. Ch., Watertown, Wis., assoc. pas- tor Plymouth Congl. Ch., Milwaukee, Wis., pastor First Congl. Ch., Rockford, 111., 1909-13; editor Rockford Republic 1914-30; editor Rockford Register-Repub- lic and Rockford Morning Star, 1930-44; editor and pub. Jan. 1945; v.p. Rockford Consolidated Newspapers, Inc., v.p. and news broadcaster radio station WROK. Republican. Epscopalian. Mason (32 deg., K.T.), Clubs: Rotary, Mid-Day, University, Elks (Rockford). Home: 1121 Cosper PI., Rockford, HI. Office: News Tower, Rockford, HI. 430 O'KONSKI, A. E., congressman; b. Ke- waunee, Wis., 26 May 1907; s. Frank and Antonia (Paska) O'K. : B.E., State Teach- ers Coll., 1926; student Univ. of Iowa, 1927-28; Ph.M., Univ. of Wis. 1932; m. Veronica Hemming, 26 Aug. 1935. Inst, in high sch., 1926-29; prof, speech, Ore. State coll., 1929-31; supt. schs., Pulaski, Wis., 1932-35; dean Jr. Coll., Colerane, Minn., 1935-36; prof, speech, Univ. of Detroit, 1936-38; pub. relations counsel, State and Nat. Rep. orgns., 1938-40; ed. and pub. Montreal River Miner, Hurley, Wis., 1940-42; pres. World Bill of Rights Assn., 1945; mem. 78th Congress (1943- 45), 10th Wis. Dist.; mem. 79th Congress, 1945-47. Mem. Pi Kappa Delta, Author: Speech Practice, 1937. Home: Mercer, Wis. HYDE, Herbert K., lawyer; b. Indian Ty., Okla., 5 Aug. 1898; s. Benjamin and Ora (Southern) H.; stud. Univ. of Okla., 1917 - 18, Georgetown Univ., 1918 - 19, George Washington Univ., 1919-20; LL.B., Boston Unv., 1923; m. Ruth Bray, June 1931; children— Herbert K., Patrick Hur- ley, Helen Kathryn, Hyla Louise. Sec. to Senator W. B. Pine, of Okla., 1924-25; be- gan law practice at Norman. Okla., 1924; moved to Oklahoma City, 1926; asst. eo. atty., Logan County, Okla., 1925; asst. U.S. atty., Western Okla. Dist., 1928-31. U.S. atty., 1931-34; Mem. Am. Legion, Sigma Chi. Republican. Mem. Christian Sigma Chi. Republican. Mem. Christian Ch. Home: 1215 Classen Blvd., Oklahoma City, Okla. Office: 406 Perrine Bldg., Ok- lahoma City, Okla. PINKERTON, Paul Price, lawyer; b. DeSoto, la., 18 Jan. 1885; s. Colin McKen- zie and Flora Maria (Wilson) P.; student liberal arts and law, Drake Univ., 1903- 07; m. Marjorie Sykes, 28 Dec. 1910; children — Harlan Sykes, Alice Jane (Mrs. Charles Edward Buchner, Jr.), Patricia Elizabeth. Admitted to la. bar, 1907; practiced law in assn. with Judge C. C. Cole, Des Moines, la., 1907-09, with R. N. McConnell, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1909- 18; personal atty. for Chas. Page of Sand Springs, Okla., 1918-26; counsel (with E. J. Doerner and C. B. Stuart) for Sand Springs Home and its affiliated interests in organizing Sand Springs Textile Mills, Inc. Shell Creek Reservoir, Citizens Fed. Savings & Loan; v.p. Industrial Invest. Co., Tulsa, Okla.; atty. for Sand Springs Townsite Co., Securities Co. and local atty. for Sand Springs Railway Co. Col. on staff of Gov. E. W. Marland of Okla. Mem. Gen. Soc. War of 1812, State Hist. Soc. Tulsa Chapter Sons of Am. Revolu- tion (v.p. gen. S. Miss. Dist.). Mem. Speakers Bureau — War Drives, World War II. Presbyterian, (elder). Mason (32d deg.), Club: Sand Springs Rotary (pres. 1941), High 12 (Tulsa, Okla.); Knife & Fork. Home: 900 McKinley Av., Sand Springs, Okla. Office : Sand Springs Bank Building, Sand Springs, Okla. VOORHIES, Paul Warren, lawyer; b. Plymouth, Mich., 17 Dec. 1875; s. James Warren and Jennie (Gillespie) V.; B.L., Univ. of Mich., 1898, L.B., 1900; m. Faye Bodmer, 28 Aug. 1902; children- Jeanne Eleanor, Pauline. Admitted to bar, Michigan, 1900, N.Y. State, 1901; be- gan practice at Detroit; asst. pros, atty., Wayne Co., Mich., 1912-18, pros, atty., 1921-24; atty. gen. of Mich., term 1931-33; pros, atty., Wayne County, Mich., 1940; mem. Voorhies, Long, Ryan and McNari; pres. and trustee Kresge Foundation; chmn. Bd., First Federal Savings & Loan Assn. Mem. Mich., Public Utilities Commn., 1935-36; chmn. Bd., Plymouth United Savings Bank. Mem. Am. Mich. State and Detroit bar assns. Republican. Methodist. Mason. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Golf, Rotary. Home: 1180 Longfellow Av., Detroit, Mich. Office: Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. VAN ANTWERP, Eugene Ignatius, civil engr.; b. Detroit, Mich., 26 July 1889; s. Eugene Charles and Cecilia Mary (Renaud) Van A.; ed. Univ. of Detroit; m. Mary Frances McDevitt, 21 June 1911; children — Mary Dolores (Madame of the Sacred Heart), Pauline Annetta (Mrs. Robert Denton), Frances Lauretta (Mrs. Julius Aloysius Jaeger), (Reverend Fa- ther) Eugene Ignatius, It. (j.g.) chap- lain, U.S.N. R., Francis Joseph (officer U.S. Navy), Anthony Gore (officer, pilot, U.S. Army Air Forces), Joan Cecilia, (Mrs. John Francis Shannon, Jr.) Agnes Carolyn, George Bernard, Rita Dacia, Daniel Janse. Instructor at Gonzaga Col- lege, Spokane, Washington, 1910-11; con- struction department, Mich. Central R. R., 1912-13; engring. dept., Grand Trunk Ry., 1913-17, land and tax dept. 1919-26; chief engr. Nat. Survey Service, Detroit, 1926-28; private practice since 1928. Reg- istered professional engr. and land sur- veyor, State of Mich. Served as 1st It. 16th Engr., U.S. Army, 1917-18; with A. E.F.; capt. staff of chief engrs., Wash- ington D.C., 1918; capt. Engrs., Mich. Nat. Guard, 1919-24; maj. 310th Engrs., Reserve, 1924-36. Mem. City Council of Detroit since 1932; chmn. Bd. of Super- visor, Wayne County, Mich., 1933. Sec. Local Bd. No. 34 Selective Service Sys. Mem. Vets. Foreign Wars (comdr.-in- chief 1938-39; trustee National Security Fund), Son Am. Revolution, Holland 431 Soc of N.Y., Am. Legion, Disabled Am. Vets., Military order of World War I, Bal- loon Corps, Vet. Engring Soc, Detroit, Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Mch. Engring. Soc, Mich. Soc. Registered Land Survey- ors; hon. pres. Canadian Corps Assn.; hon. mem. French Vets, of Mich. Demo- crat. Roman Catholic. Elk, K. of C. (4'h deg.), Knight of St. John (4th deg.). Contbr. to Foreign Service. Home: 16845 Muirland Av., Detroit, Mich. Office: 305 City Hall, Detroit, Mich. RAY, E. Lansing, newspaper editor and pub.; b. St. Louis, Mo., 30 Aug. 1884; s. Simeon and Jessie (Lansing) R. ; ed. Smith Acad.; hon. LL.D., Washington Univ., 1925; m. Mary Hayes Burkham. 25 Jan. 1910; 1 son — E. Lansing. With Globe-Democrat since Jan. 1903; adv. mngr., dir., sec, v.p. and elected pres., elected pres., editor and gen. mgr. Globe- Democrat Pub. Co., Dec. 1918. Director Associated Press; mem. bd. curators and chmn. exec. bd. Univ. of Mo., 1921-27; dir. Nat. Better Business Bur., 1926; pres. St. Louis Newspaper Publishers' Assn.; chmn. spl. newspaper com. Audit Bur. of Circulations, 1925-26; v.p. Mo. Press Assn., 1922-23; dir. St. Louis Munic- ipal Opera Assn., St. Louis Symphony Society. Republican. Presbn. Clubs: Uni- versity, Commercial (p. 1925-26), Noon- day, Log Cabin, Racquet, Round Table, St. Louis Country, Missouri Ath. Assn., St. Louis Chamber Commerce. St. Louis Adv.; Adv. (N.Y.); Nat. Pres. (Wash- ington, D.C.). Home: 2 Westmoreland PI., St. Louis, Mo. Office: Globe-Demo- crat, St. Louis 1, Mo. GRIFFIN, James Aloysius, bishop; b. Chicago, 111., 27 Feb. 1883; s. Thomas J. and Catherine (Woulfe) G.; St. Ignatius Coll., Chicago; Ph.D., N. Am. Coll., Rome, Italy, 1906, D.D., 1910; Ph.D. and D.D., Propaganda Univ. Rome. Ordained priest R.C. Ch., 1909; asst. St. James Ch., 1910-15, St. Brendan's Ch., 1915-17, both of Chicago; pastor Assumption Ch., Coal City, 111., 1917-21; pastor downtown ch. of St. Mary's, Joliet, 111., 1921-24; bishop of Springfield Diocese since 28 Feb. 1924. Conducted successful campaign to raise funds for erection of new Catholic cathe- dral in Springfield, which was dedicated 14 Oct. 1928; patriotic note especially em- phasized in style of architecture. Decor- ated Officer Order of Crown of Italy, 1933. Lectures on patriotic subjects. Mem. An- cient Order Hibernians; state chaplain K.C. Address: 524 E. Lawrence Av., Springfield, 111. WHITTIER, Charles Comfort, cons, engr. ; b. Somerset County, Me., 10 Dec 1876; s. Philander Coburn and Laura Ann (Taylor) W.; B.C.E., Univ. of Me., 1899; m. Leonore Arlie Leuckel, 2 Sept. 1908; children — Charles Taylor, John Coburn. Asst. engr. maintenance of way, B.&.M. R., Boston, 1899-1900; asst. engr., South- western R.R., Ariz., Bisbee, Ariz., 1900- 07; chief engr. and asst. gen. mgr. Zeig- ler Coal Co., Ziegler, HI., 1904-07; inspect- ing and reporting engr. Robert W. Hunt Co., 1907-13; gen. mgr. Robert W. Hunt Co., Ltd., Montreal, 1913-15; chief engr., mng. dir. Field Mining & Milling Co., 1915-19; v.p. and cons. engr. Hunt Mining Co., 1919-23; cons. engr. with Robert W. Hunt Co., 1923-32; partner Nutrition Re- search Laboratories; was sec. Illionois Mineral Industries Com.; inventor min- eral materials, vitamins and foods. Spe- cialist value and use industrial plants and processes, quality of mineral deposits and develop, new and improved mineral com- modities. Mem. Engring. Inst. Can., Am. Inst. Mining and Metall. Engrs. (dir. 1932-35), Western Soc. Engrs. (p. 1934-35), Inst, of Food Technologists. Clubs: Chi- cago Engineers (p.p.), Union League. Home : Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, 111. Office: 4210 Peterson Av., Chicago, 111. LUNREN, Edn. H. (surname changed to avoid business complications), inven- tor, mgr.; b. Cincinnati, O., 20 June 1861 s. Frederick and Louisa H. Lunken- heimer; ed. pub. sch., Cincinnati, and tech. sch., Germany; m. Edith I. Hodg- son, 7 July 1885 (div.) ; 1 son— Eshelby Frederick; m. 2d, Kathryn French, 31 Dec 1914; children— Homer Edmund, Charlotte Hope. With Lunkenheimer Co. (founded by father), mfrs. valves, etc., Cincinnati, many yrs., retiring as chief executive, 1923; inventor many standard devices in use in mechanical operations. Donor of tract of land Cincinnati, for a- viation purposes, known as the Lunken Air Port. Protestant. Mason (32d deg.). Home: Compton Hills Dr., Address: Wy- oming (Cincinnati), O. Died, 19 July 1945. TATGENHORST, Charles, lawyer; b. in Cincinnati, O. 19 Aug. 1883; s, Charles F. W. and Amelia (Streidelmeyer) T. ; LL.B, Cincinnati Law Sch. (now Law Dept. Univ. of Cincinnati), 1910; m. Clara Strebel, 19 Aug. 1914; 1 son— Robert. Ad- mitted to Ohio bar, 1910, and began prac- tice at Cincinnati. Asst. city solicitor, Cin- cinnati, 1914-19; elected mem. 70th Con- gress (1927-29), 2d Ohio Dist. ; tendered renomination but refused; judge of Court of Appeals of Ohio (1st Dist.), short term, 13 Nov. 1936; Ohio State Bar Examiner, 1938-42; mem. Tatgenhorst & Lytle; dir. Cincinnati St. Ry. Co., The Cincinnati & 432 Wetwood R.R. Co.; mem. Banking Adv. Board of Ohio. Mem. Ohio State and Cin- cinnati bar assns., Phi Alpha Delta. Re- publican. Methodist. Mason (32 deg.). Club: Cincinnati. Office: Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, O. ORMSBY, Oliver Samuel, dermatolo- gist; b. Logan, Utah, 21 Mar. 1874; s. Oli- ver C. (M.D.) and Maretta S. O.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 1895; m. Alice Etta Joscelyne, 14 Dec. 1896 (died 1936) ; 1 dau.— Miriam; m. 2d Mary Horton, 4 Feb. 1939. Practiced at Chicago since 1901 ; specialized in treatment of diseases of the skin; clinic prof, and chmn. dept. of dermatology, Rush Med. Coll. (Univ. of Chicago). Mem. A.M.A., Am. Derma- tol. Assn., Chicago Med. Soc, Chicago Dermatol. Soc, Chicago Pathol. Soc, Inst, of Medicine Chicago, Congress of Am. Physicians and Surgeons; corr. member Sect. Dermatology of Royal Soc. of Medicine, London; corr. mem. Societe Francaise de Dermatologie et de Syphili- graphie, Paris; corr. mem. Dansk Der- matologisk Selskab, Copenhagen; hon. mem. Wiener Dermatologische Gesell- schaft (Vienna), Japanese Dermatol. Soc, Greek Union of Dermatology and Venereology, Hellenic Antivenereal Soc. Clubs: Union League, University. Au- thor: Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Skin, 1915, 6th edit., 1943. Home: 290 Forest Av., Winnetka, 111. Office: 55 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. SANDERS, Walter Frederick, educa- tor; b. Silver Lake, Kan., 27 Apr. 1880; s. William A. and Caroline (Dahlstrom) S.; student State Normal Sch., Emporia, Kan., 1902, Washburn Coll., 1906-08; A.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1909, A.M., 1917, LL.D., Park Coll., Parkville, Missouri, 1937; m. Astrid C. Tulien, 25 Sept. 1909; children — William Iden, Eleanor Josephine. Teacher foreign langs., Stuttgart (Ark.) Training Sch., 1909-10; with Park C^ since 1911, head dept. modern langs. since 1913, dean since 1920; fellow in high er education, Ohio State Univ., 1929-30. In mil. serv., Ft. Sheridan, 111., summer 1918. Mem. Nat. Com. to Uphold Consti- tutional Govt. Mem. Modern Lang. Assn. America, Am. Legion, Theta Alpha Phi. Republican. Presbyterian. Address: Park College, Parkville, Mo. WHITE, Thomas Justin, newspaper exec; b. Dublin, Ireland, 18 Oct. 1884; s. Peter and Annie (Mayne) W. ; ed. Tere- nuse Coll., Dublin. Ireland, Armour Inst., Chicago, Chicago Business Coll.; m. Vir- ginia Gillette, 7 Aug. 1915; children — Anne (Mrs. Clarence J. Dauphinot, Jr.), Carmel, Thomas Justin, Peter G., John Michael. Came to U.S.. 1898, nat- uralized, 1918. Began with L. L. Summer Co., contractors, Albuquerque, N. M., 1900; successively sec. Summers Fibre Co., Port Huron, Mich., English rep. of Yale & Towne (machinery dept.), export dept. J. P. Morgan & Co., New York; sec. and treas. Mead, Patton & Co., New York; v.p. Newspaper & Magazine Paper Corp., New York, v.p. and gen. mgr. Internat. Mag. Co., New York, exec v.p. Am. Newspapers, Inc.; pres. Chicago Herald- American since 1939. Catholic. Clubs : Metropolitan, Racquet and Tennis (New York); Chicago, Mid-Day, Union League (Chicago), Duquesne. (Pitts- burgh). Home: Smithtown, L.I., N. Y. Office: 326 W. Madison St., Chicago, HI. WARNER, Milo Joseph, lawyer; b. Lime City, O., 11 Nov. 1891; s. Smith and Mary Ellen (Brownsberger) W. ; A.B., Ohio State Univ., 1913, LL.B., 1916; m. Dorothy Casad Bennett, 1 June 1917 ; chil- dren — Milo Joseph, Donald W., Carolyn B. Admitted to Ohio bar, 1916; with Doyle, Lewis & Warner, Toldeo, since 1919, mem. firm since 1924; spl. asst. to atty gen. of Ohio, 1942-44. Mem. drafting com. Council of State Govts.; served as capt., U.S. Army, 1917-18, cmdg., Batt- B., 76 F.A. Third Div., now capt., U.S.A., retired. Awarded Purple Heart. Mem. Am., Ohio State bar assns., Toledo Bar Assn. (p. 1935), Am. Legion (nat. comdr. 1940; mem. mission to Eng. 1941, Dept. Comdr. Ohio, 1924—;), Pi Kappa Alpha, Phi Delta Phi. Hon. dominion pres. Ca- nadian Legion of British Empire Service League, tr. Boys' Club of Toledo. Repub- lican. Methodist. Clubs: Inverness (Tole- do); University (Columbus, O.); Army and Navy (Washington, D.C.) ; Ohio Soc. of N.Y. (v.p. 1941-43). Home: 3443 Dar- lington Rd., Toledo, O. Office: 1631 Nich- olas Bldg., Toledo. O. VOIGT, Edwin Edgar, coll. pres.; b. Kankakee County, 111., 13 Feb. 1892; s. Theodore G. and Dorothea Kukuck) V.; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1917, M.A., 19- 22; B.C., Garrett Bibl. Inst., 1921, D.D., 1942; Ph.D., Yale Univ., 1924; m. Elea- nor Hemsted Dodge, 27 Aug. 1921; chil- dren — Paul Stuart, Nancy. Instr. Bibl. lit., Northwestern Univ., 1920-21; asst. prof. Old Testament Interpretation, Gar- rett Bibl. Inst., 1924-28, assoc prof., 1928- 32; asso. pastor First Meth. Ch., Evan- ston, 111., 1932-36; pastor First Meth. Ch. and dir. Wesley Foundation, Iowa City, la., 1936-42; pres. Simpson Coll. since 1942. Served as 2d It., Air Service, World War I. Fellow Nat. Council Religion in Higher Edn.; mem. Soc. Bibl. Lit., Uni- 433 versjty Senate of the Methodist Church. Pres. Board Ministerial Training, Iowa- Des Moines Conf.; president Iowa State College Presidents Assn.; Beta Theta Pi, Delta Sigma Rho. Clubs: Rotary, Prai- rie (Des Moines). Republican. Mason. Author: Latin Versions of Judith, 1925; Biblical Hebrew for Beginners (with O. R. Sellers), 1941. Contbr. arts, to church school pubis, of Meth. Ch. Home : Indian- ola, la. DAY, Clifford Louis, newspaper man; b. Garnavillo, la., 1 Oct. 1890; s. Frank L. Day and Caroline Sophia (Nieter) D. ; grad. Beloit Coll. Acad., 1910; B.A., Be- loit Coll., 1915; grad. Saumur (France) Arty. Sen., 1918; m. Phyllis Murton, 5 Aug. 1930; 1 dau., Alison (dec). Began as reporter, 1904, at the age of 14, Garna- villo corr. for various Iowa papers, suc- cessively newsboy, printer, schoolteach- er; reporter Beloit Daily Free Press, 1910-15, Madison (Wis.) Democrat, 1915- 16; sports and state ed. Wisconsin State Journal, Madison, 1916; copy-reader Mil- waukee (Wis.) Sentinel, 1916; ed. Asso. Press, St. Paul and Minneapolis (Minn.), 1916; local mgr. Asso. Press, Fargo (N. D.) and Des Moines (la), 1916-17; actg. mgr. Asso. Press, St. Louis (Mo.), corr. Helena (Ark.), mgr. Bismarck (N.D.), acting night mgr. Chicago, asst. cable ed. N.Y. City, 1919-20, corr. London, 1921- 22; Berlin, 1922-23; on staff N.Y. Sun, London, 1924; corr. United Press, Lon- don, 1924-26, London bur. mgr., 1926-39, including acting mgr. Berlin, 1933, asst. European news mgr., 1939-45, headquar- tered successively London, Amsterdam, Zurich and London; war corr. accredited U.S. Army, European theater, 1943-45; European mgr. United Press since 1 Mar. 1945; handled directly or indirectly every important news development in Eur., Af., Russia, Mid. East and Brit. Empire for over decade. Served with Co. L, Beloit (Wis.) Nat. Guard, 1907-08; pvt., corp., batt. sergt.-maj., regt. sergt-maj., 2d It. 10th F.A., 3d Div., U.S. Army, 1917-19, includ. A.E.F., Second Battle of Marne, and Army of Occupation in Germany. Awarded Silver Star for action, 1918. Awarded Nat. Headliners' Club plaque for coverage of German invasion of Hol- land, 1940. Mem. Sigma Delta Chi. Pro- testant. Author: Monograph, Beloit Col- lege in Civil War, and History of the 1st Batt., 10th F.A. Home: 27 Barrie House, Lancaster Gate, London, W. 2, Eng., and 333 N. 8th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Office: 30 Bouverie St., London, E.C. 4, Eng. SYMES, James Miller, railroad exec; b. Glen Osborne, Pa., 8 July 1897; s. Frank H. Symes and Clara (Heckert) S., grad. Sewickley (Pa.) high sen., 1914; m. Fern Elizabeth Dick, 27 Sept. 1919; 1 dau., Jeanne Doris. Clerk Pa. R.R., Pitts- burgh, Pa., 1916-20, movement dir., Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 1920-27, chief clerk to gen. mgr., Chicago, 1928, supt. pass, transportation, Chicago and Phila- delphia, 1928-34, chief of fr. transporta- tion, Philadelphia, 1923-35; v.p. Assn. of American Railroads, Washington, D.C., 1935-39 ; gen. mgr. Pa. R.R. Chicago, 1939- 42, v.p. since Feb. 1942; pres. Union De- pot Co. (Columbus) ; pres. and dir. Day- ton Union Railway Co., Calumet Western Ry. Co., Indianapolis Union Railway Co., Mackinac Transportation Co., Western Warehousing Co.; v.p. and dir. Central Indiana Ry. Co., Chicago Union Station Co., Fort Wayne Union Ry. Co., Missouri & Illinois Bridge & Belt R.R. Co., Terre Haute & Peoria R.R. Co.; dir. Belt Ry. Co. of Chicago, Cincinnati Union Term- inal Co., Detroit Union R.R., Depot & Sta. Co., Englewood Connecting Ry. Co., Fort St. Union Depot Co., Grand Rapids & In- diana Ry. Co., Green Real Estate Co., Indianapolis & Frankfort R.R. Co., Lit- tle Miami R.R. Co., Louisville Bridge & Terminal Ry. Co., Peoria & Pekin Union Ry. Co., Pennsylvania, Ohio & Detroit R. R. Co., Pennsylvania Truck Lines, Inc., Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Ry. Co., South Chicago & Southern R.R. Co., Terminal R.R. Assn. of St. Louis, Toledo Terminal R.R. Co., Willett Co., Willett Co. of Indiana, Inc.; mem. Am. Ry. En- gineering Assn., Newcomen Soc of Eng. (Chicago, 111.); Old Elm (Fort Sheridan, Clubs: Chicago, Union League, Traffic 111.). Home: 1242 Lake Shore Dr., Chi- cago, 111. Address: 682 Union Station, Chicago, 111. WALSH, John Klaerr, newspaper edi- tor; b. Melbourne, Australia, 7 Mar. 1887; s. Francis Arthur and Rosalie (Klaerr) W. ; grad. Scotch Coll. (prep, sen.), Mel- bourne, 1904, student Eureka (111.) Coll. and Univ. of 111.; M.A., from Kalamazoo Coll., Litt. B. Western Michigan College; m. Helen Lucile Faber, 1 Oct. 1913 (died 21 Mar. 1927) ; children— Jean Klaerr, Da- vid Everett; m. 2d Alice Barron, 17 June 1928; step-children — Priscilla, Peter, Ja- net. Came to U.S., 1905, naturalized citi- zen, 1913. City editor Galesburg (111.) Daily Mail, 1908-09; city editor and edi- torial writer Peoria (111.) Herald Trans- cript, 1910-12; editor Kalamazoo (Mich.) Gazette since 1912. Mem. Am. Soc. News- paper Editors. Presbyterian. Clubs: Ro- tary, University Press, Park, Nat. Press. Long a student of peoples of the Pacific Has made several trips to Australia, New 434 Zealand, Fiji, Samoa, etc.; as rep. of Associated Press in 1940, flew 32,000 in Pacific area, observing war activities and preparations, particularly in Hawaii, Canton Island, New Caledonia, New Zea- land, Australia, Timor, Bali, Java, Sum- atra, Philippine Islands, Singapore, Hong Kong, Guam, Wake and Midway Islands. Homes: 1320 Hillcrest Av., Kalamazoo, Mich.; Windward Hills Farm, Richmond, Mich. Office: Gazette Bldg., Kalamazoo, Mich. KOMAIKO, Solomon Baruch, fire in- surance underwriter; b. Onixty, Lithu- ania, 15 Sept. 1879; s. Abel Komaiko and Rebecca (Zelesnik) K.; ed. theol. and govt, sch., Lithuania, m. Pauline Stein of Columbia City, 18 Sept. 1910; children — Capt. Charles James, U.S.M.C, Pearl Sarah Mrs. A. Belchetz), 1st Lt. William Kadison, (Air Corps, killed in action). Came to U.S. 1899, became U.S. citizen, 1904 ; journalist in New York, 1899 ; news- paper man with various New York and Chicago pubs., 1908; entered ins. field, 1908; pres. S. B. Komaiko Ins. Agency, Inc., 1932- ; dir. foreign publicity, 111. Food Administrn. during World War I.; decorated Chevalier Cross of Grand Duke Gediminas (Lithuania) ; apptd. by maj. mem. 1935 Chicago Plan Comn.; tr. Jew- ish Home for Aged; Com. social Agen- cies ; Art Inst. Chicago (life) ; tr. Temple Mizpah; mem. B'nai B'rith (pres. Ramah Lodge). Clubs: Covenant City, Execu- tives. Recreations: reading, writing. Jewish. Office: 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, HI. Home: 1627 Touhy Av., Chicago, 111. CHRISTENSEN, Bernhard, educator; b. Porterfield, Wis., 21 Oct. 1901; s. Nels Christensen, farmer, and Inger (Kristen- sen) C. ; ed. Marinette, Wis. high sch.; A.B., Augsburg Coll., 1922; Augsburg Sem., 1922-25; Th.M., Princeton Theol. Sem., 1927; Ph.D., Hartford Sem. Foun- dation, 1929; m. Lilly Gracia Gundersen of Brooklyn, N.Y., 6 Aug. 1935; children — Nadia, Naomi, Mary, Marina. Instr. Oak Grove Sem., Fargo, N.D., 1925-26; student, Europe, 1927-28; asst. pastor, Trinity Lutheran Ch., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1929-30; prof, philos., theol., Augsburg Coll.and Theological Sem., 1930-38, pres., 1938 — . Co-editor and contributor: The Presence, 1929. Author: Fire Upon the Earth, 1941; numerous rel. booklets. Edi- tor: The Lutheran Messenger, 1931-34. Interests: Church and social work, lit- erature. Lutheran. Office: Augsburg Col- lege and Theological Seminary, Minnea- polis, Minn. Home: 2100 7th St., S. Min- neapolis, Minn. COTHRAN, John Cleveland, chemist, professor; b. near Ransomville, N.Y., 16 Nov. 1885; s. Daniel Vanvalsen Cothran, farmer, and Emma (Silsby) C; ed. Lock- port high sch.: A.B., Cornell Univ., 1908, Ph.D., 1931; m. Evelyn Belle Cochran of Lockport, N.Y., 8 Nov. 1910; 1 son— Ray- mond John. Asst. in analytical chem., Cornell Univ., 1908-10; chem., Gen. Elec- tric Co., Harrison, N.J., 1910-11. Albany Lubricating Co., N.Y., 1911-12; treas., Cochran Box & Mfg. Co., Inc., Lockport, 1912-25; asst. inorganic chem., Cornell Univ., 1927-31; actg. head chem. dept., Bethany Coll., W. Va., 1931-32; resident doctor, Cornell Univ., 1932-33; instr., head of chem. dept., State Teachers Coll., 1933-45, Prof, chem., 1945, on leave 1945- 46, visiting prof, of chem., Elmira Coll., Elmira, N.Y. Pvt. home guard, during World War I; Fellow A.A.A.S., A.I.C., Am. Geographical Soc. of N.Y. : mem. A.C.S., Am. Assn. Physics Teachers, Am. Math. Soc, Math. Assn. of Am., A.A.U. P., N.Y. Acad. Sci., Rocks and Minerals Assn., Minn. Acad. Sci., Northern Nut Growers Assn., Masons. Minn. Ed. Assn. Club: Duluth Engineers. Travel: U.S. Can., Eur. Interests: minerals, agates, nuts, music. Baptist. Republican. Office: State Teachers College, Duluth, Minn. Home: 512 N. 19th Av., E., Duluth, Minn. Summer res. : Youngstown, N.Y. COX, Clifford B., sanitary engineer; b. Fowler, Ind., 20 Oct. 1908; s. Howard H. Cox, farmer, and Mary (Bugbee) C; ed. Remington high sch.; Fowler (Ind.) high sch.; B.S., Purdue Univ., 1930; m. Helen A. Haffler of Chicago, 111., 13 Feb. 1938. Engr., sanitary dist. of Chicago, 1930-31, with Charles H. Hurd, Indianapolis, Ind., 1931-32; engr., Pacific Flush Tank Co., Chicago, 1932; chief engr., 1936 — ; dir. 1938—; mem. A.S.C.E., Western Soc. Engrs. Internal City Mgrs. Assn., Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, Theta Chi. Rec- reations: photog., figure skating. Meth- odist. Independent. Office: 4241 Ravens- wood Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 4219 N. Paulina Av., Chicago, 111. DARLING, Ulysses Grant, physician, surgeon; b. Quihcy, la., 25 Nov. 1866; s. Joshua Bozarth Darling, phys. surg., and Elizabeth Jane (Summers) D. ; ed. LaPorte (la.) high sch.; Cornell Coll. of Arts, Mt. Vernon, la. ; Coll. of Phys. and Surgs.; Univ. 111., 1890; N.Y. Post Grad. Sch., 1903; m. Cora May Smith of Water- loo, 29 Aug. 1892; 1 son— Francis M. (M. D.). Asst. prof, psychiatry, Univ. 111., 1900-13; prof, psychiatry, Loyola Univ., 1913-15; supt., Lake Geneva Sanitorium, 1918-21; prof, neurology and psychiatry, Chicago Med. Sch., 1928-36, prof. emer. 435 1936 — , sec. bd. of dirs.; mem. Exemp- tion Bd. during World War I; mem. Alpha Mu Pi Omega (charter, Mu chap.), Chicago and 111. med. socs., A.M. A., Ma- sons, Siloam Lodge, Chicago Acad. Med. Interest: music. Protestant. Independent. Office: 7 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. Home: 619 W. Addison St., Chicago, 111. ADDENBROOKE, Edward Francis, physician and surgeon; b. Chicago, HI. 18 Nov. 1899; s. Henry Edward Adden- brooke and Gertrude Mabel (Touche) A. ; ed. Austin high sen., Chicago; A. A., Lew- is Inst., Chicago, 1919; B.S., Northwest- ern Univ., 1922; M.D. Northwestern Univ. Medical Sen., 1924; m. Esther Pau- line Allen of Rockland, Me., 23 Aug. 1930; children— Jane, Nancy, Licensed to practice medicine by State of 111., 28 July 1925; specializing in dermatology and syphilology; Pathology Dept., Cook Co. Hosp., 1924-25; interne, Cook Co. Hosp., 1925-26; James Patton Fellow in pathology, 1924-28; instr. in pathology, Northwestern Univ., 1924-28, instr., sur- gery, 1928-30, instr. in dermatology, 1930 -33, instr. in dermatology, Loyola Univ. Med. Sch., 1934-39, assoc. in dermatology and sec. of Dermatology Dept., 1939 — ; attending physician, Palmer House, Chi- cago, 111., 1925 — ; assoc. roentgen ther- apy, Cook Co. Hosp., 1936—; assoc. der- matologist, Cook Co. Hosp., 1935 — ; as- soc. dermatologist, Cook Co. Post Grad. Sch., 1936 — ; senior dermatologist, Hen- rotin Hosp., 1935 — ; mem. staff St. Lukes Hosp., 1932—; 1st It. U.S.M.R.C, 1935- 39; It. comdr. U.S. Navy, World War II. mem. Am., 111. and Chicago Med. Assns., Am. Soc. of Investigative Dermatology, Am. Acad, of Dermatology and Syphi- loid Cleveland Lodge 211, Oriental Con- sistory, Medinah Temple, Phi Rho Sigma, Am. Legion. Clubs: University, Chicago Athletic, Northwestern Univ., Economic of Chicago. Recreations: music, hunting, fishing, swimming, golf, horseback rid- ing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 19 E. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1249 Cherry St., Winnetka, 111. Summer home: Corey Lake, Three Rivers, Mich. DOMOGALLA, Bernard Paul, chemist, bacteriologist, biologist; b. Milwaukee, 20 Aug. 1896; s. Robert B. Domogalla; ed. Milwaukee high sch.; B.S., Univ. Wis., M.S., Ph.D., 1925. Dir. City Lab- oratories Research and Applied Treat- ments; special work such as research on industrial waste problems, chemical lake treatments, drinking water treatments, toxicological work; Police Dept., sheriff and dist. atty., dir. of chem. treatment of county lakes and bathing beaches; Fellow Am. Inst, of Chemists; mem. Am Bacteriologist Soc, Am. Chem. Soc, A. A.A.S., Am. Fisheries Soc, Am. Water Works Association. Clubs: Univ., Mad- ison Rotary, Madison Yacht. Author: many sci. papers. Interests: photog., boating, fishing and collection of small museum specimens. Office: 110 N. Ham- ilton St., Madison, Wis. Home: 803 State St., Madison, Wis. EDMUNDS, Palmer D., lawyer and au- thor; b. Terre Haute, 111., 29 Oct. 1890; s. Amos Edmunds, farmer, and Mary Ann (Campbell) E.; ed. Chelan (Wash.) hiofh sch.; A.B., Knox Coll., 1912; LL.B., Har- vard, 1915; LL.D. Knox Coll., 1945; m. Margaret Burton of Yakima, Wash., 29 June 1932. Admitted to 111. Bar, 1915; practice of law in Chicago, 1915—; commr. of Supreme Ct. of 111.; instr. in Conflict of Laws, John Marshall Law Sch., 1926—; lecturer on 111. Practice, 1926 — ; lecturer on Fed. Practice, 1938—; visiting prof. Law, Knox Coll., 1944 — ; mem. Dodd & Edmunds, law firm; tr. Knox Coll., 1936-39; tr. Illinois Congre- gational Conf., 1945 — ; dir. and counsel, 111. Service Recognition Bd., 1922-25; Commr. Supreme Ct. 111., 1929-32; Com- pliance Comm., War Production Bd., 1944; enlisted, 15 May 1917, 1st It., 344th and 109th Inf., A.E.F., instr., 86th Div. Sch. of Arms, disch., 20 Aug. 1919; mem. Chicago, HI., and Am. Bar Assn., 111. State Historical Soc, Abraham Lincoln Assn., Foreign Policy Assn., Am. Acad, of Pol. & Soc. Sci., S.A.R., Nat. Sojourn- ers, Soc. of the 28th Div. Phi Gamma Delta, Delta Sigma Rho, A.F. & A.M., B.P.O.E., Am. Legion (p. comdr., Black Hawk Post), (Am. Bantam Assn.). Clubs: Harvard (Chicago), Forty and Eight, Se- bright, Am. Author: Edmunds' Common Law Forms; Edmunds' 111. Civil Prac- tice Forms; Edmunds' Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; Edmunds' Cyclopedia of Federal Procedure Forms; Cyclopedia of Federal Procedure, 2d ed. (co-author) ; Jones' 111. Statutes Annotated, Vols. 18 — 22 and 24; Edmunds' Cases on Conflict of Laws. Co-author: Dodd & Edmunds' HI. Appellate Procedure. Was named Pal- mer for Gen. John M. Palmer, elected U.S. Senator from 111. in 1890, father be- ing mem. of Gen. Assembly that elected him after famous deadlock ; father served as Rep. in 37th Gen. Assembly from 24th dist.; grandson of Daniel Edmunds, who was a pioneer settler in Terre Haute Township, Henderson County, bought his farm with money earned by working on coal barges and lumber rafts on Ohio and Miss. Rivers. Recreations: garden- ing, mem. Piper City Municipal Band, 436 raising Silver Sebright Bantams, color photog. Congregationalist. Democrat. Of- fice: 30 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home : La Hogue, 111. HILL, Carlton, patent lawyer; b. Hart, Mich., 8 May 1894; s. John Hill and Mar- garet (Corcoran) H.; ed. Hart (Mich.) high sch.; B.S., Univ. Mich., 1917; L.B., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1922; m. Jan- et O'Conner of Indianapolis, Ind., 6 Sept. 1921; 1 dau. — Sue Page. Active in prac- tice of patent law, 1919 — ; technical adv., Patent Com., 111. Manufacturers' Assn.; mem. Patent Legislation Com., Am. Bar Assn., Chicago Patent Law Assn.; man- aging partner of firm of Charles W. Hills, Chicago, 111.; 2d It., 1st It., capt., U.S. Marine Corps, 1917-19, now It. col. U.S. Marine Corps Res. on active duty, 1942- 44; mem. Am., 111., Chicago Bar Assns., Chicago Patent Law Assn., S.A.E. Clubs: Union League (Chicago, 111.), Army and Navy (Washington, D.C.), Knollwood, (Lake Forest, 111.). Travel: Eur., Cent. Am. W.I., Can., Mex. Interest: study of mil. hist. Recreations: golf, contract bridge. Catholic. Republican. Office: 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 2721 S. Deere Park Dr., Highland Park, 111. MILLER, George J., college professor; b. Sturgis, Mich., 7 Feb. 1880; s. Wm. R. Miller, farmer, and Emaline A. (Brown) M. ; ed. Constantine (Mich.) high sch.; Mich. Normal Coll.; Univ. Mich.; S.B., Univ. Chicago, 1907, S.M., 1909; m. Eula S. Flint of So. Haven, Mich., 16 June 1907; 1 dau. — Melba Alta. Teacher, rur- al and grade sch.; prin. grade and high sch.; supt. of schs.; mem. faculty, Sch. of Ed., Univ. Chicago; at Teachers Coll., Mankato, 1913 — ; vis. prof., Univs. Chi- cago, Cornell, Columbia, London, Eng., Wis., Northwestern, Mich. Normal Coll.; ed. Jour, of Geog. ; mem. ex. -com., Nat. Council of Geog. Teachers. Fellow A.A.A. S. ; mem. Assn. Am. Geographers (life) Nat. Soc. Study of Ed., A.A.U.P., Minn. Ed. Assn., Masons. Clubs: Kiwanis, Man- kato Country. Ed. : Journal of Geography. Author: Geography of Minnesota; Essen- tials of Geography; co-author: Geo- graphy of North America; Am. geogra- phers series, wall man Natural Resources and Their Conser- vation; ed., Geog. Ed. Series (books). Travel: U.S., Can., Gt. Brit., Ger., It., Belg., Netherlands, Fr., Switz., Aus., Cze- cho. Interest: photqg. Recreation: golf. Unitarian. Independent. Office: State Teachers College, Mankato, Minn. Home : 103 Parsons St., Mankato, Minn. FRANKEL, Joseph Julius, merchant; b. Przerosli, Poland, 30 Nov. 1876; s. Jo- sel Frankel, merchant, and Eva (Mar- golis) F. ; ed. Gymnasioum Suwalki, Po- land; m. Minnie Grinspan of Centerville, la., 12 June 1900 (dec); 1 dau. — Helena Josephine (Mrs. Herman L. Feldman). Firm mem. Frankel Bros., Peoria, 111., 1896-1900, Peoria Mercantile Co., 1901- 05, Grinspan-Frankel Co., 1905-10, reor- ganized to Frankel's 1910: opened branch Ottumwa, 1933, closed 1945; Dist. chmn. for Southern Iowa overseas drives for fund-raising, 1914 — ; including United Palestine Appeal, now chmn. dist. Ot- tumwa Allied Jewish Appeal; mem. Nat. Council Joint Distribution Com., 1945; la. Campaign for Hillel Foundation Drive, 1945; pres. Chamber Commerce Center- ville, 1925, dir., 1908-37; treas. Liberty Loan Drive. Co. Chmn. Near-east cam- paign, during World War I; mem. Masons, (32d deg.) Shrine, B'nai B'rith, Zionist Organization. Travel: Eur., Mex., Cuba, U.S. Interest: reading. Recreation: driving auto. Jewish. Republican. Tem- porary office: 211 E. 2nd. St., Ottumwa, la. Home office: Centerville, la. DEUEL, Thorne, anthropologist and museum director; b. Mill brook, N.Y., 15 Dec. 1890; s. Thorne Deuel, farmer, and Laura (Haight) D. ; ed. U.S. Milit. Acad., 1912, B.S., 1935, Columbia Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1935; m. Nora Wing Quain of Greenwood, Miss., 29 Aug. 1924; chil- dren— Thorne, III, William Townsley. From 2nd It. to maj. Cav. and Air Corps U.S.A., 1912-19; instr. sociology, Syracuse Univ., 1928-29, asst. prof., 1929-33; asst. in anthropology, Univ. Chicago, 1931-34, research assoc, 1934-38; dir., Chicago ar- chaeological Expedns., central and south- ern 111., 1932-37; asst. ed., Am. Antiquity, 1935-39; sec, Soc. for Am. Archaeology, 1940-42; dir., 111. State Museum, 1938—; recalled to active duty Air Corps as maj. A.U.S., 23 May 1942; promoted It. col. A.U.S., 15 Mar. 1943; maj., J.M.A., Avi- cation Sect., Signal Corp, maj. Nat. Army, 1917-19; comdg. officer, Kelly field, Tex., Taliaferro Field, Ft. Worth, Tex., Rich Field, Waco, Tex., 1917-18; comdg. officer, 2nd Training Brigade, Mitchell Field, Long Island, N.Y. ; exec officer, Carlstrom Field, Fla., 1918-19; resigned, 26 July 1919; Grad. Air Intell. School, Harrisburg, Pa., and Command & Gen- eral Staff School, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1942, exec officer, Dow Field, Bangor, Me., 1942-43, investigating officer, China- Burma-India Theatre, 1943-44, Comdg. officer, Yunamji Air Base, Yunamji, Chi- na, 1944, Burma campaign, 1944; Hq. A. A.F. Intelligence Sect., 1944-45; reverted to inactive status at own request, 1945; mem. Nat. Panel of Arbitration; life 437 mem. Assn. Graduates, U.S.M.A. ; Fel- low Am. Anthropological Assn., A.A.A.S. Am. Ethnological Assn., Soc. for Am. Archaeology; librarian, HI. State Acad, of Sci. (lib., 1938-42); mem. Sigma Xi. Author: num. papers on Am. Archae- ology. Co-author (with Dr. Fay-Cooper Cole) Rediscovering Illinois. Farmer-La- bor. Office: HI. State Museum, Spring- field, 111. Home: 2150 Illini Rd., Spring- field, 111. SADONY, Joseph, educational research worker, author; b. Montabaur, nr. Ems, Germany, 22 Feb. 1877; s. Alexander Nic- holas Sadony, U.S. Customs Service, and Apollonia (Reipert) S.; m. Mary Lillian Kochem of Ky., 1906; children— Joseph, Jr., Arthur. Came to Am. with parents, 1884; traveled 1800 miles on foot in Mo- jave Desert, investigating conditions among Indians for Theodore Roosevelt, 1904-06; purchased 80 acre estate, Valley of the Pines, equipped it with shops and laboratories for sci. res.; cons. Valley Industries & Valley Res. Corp. Develop- ment and production of moisture vapor barriers for overseas shipment of food and aircraft parts, 1942-45; internation- ally known philosopher; founder, Preven- ient Edn. ; originator of Plastic Prose as a literary form in contradistinction to Free Verse; inventor of Trinometry as a mode of educative thought and means of correlating language, logic and life; founder, dir., Ednl. Research Laborato- ries; helf office as constable, justice of peace, spl. deputy sheriff, sch. moder- ator, dir. of dist. sch. bd.; mem. A.A.A. S., Masons (p. master, Montague Lodge No. 198, F.&A.M.; demit to Whitehall Lodge No. 310; Muskegon Commandery No. 22, K.T.; Saladin Temple; DeWitt Clinton Consistory; life mem., Scottish Rite Bodies). Author: Fragments in Plas- tic Prose; My Answers; daily ednl. page column, Muskegon Chronicle, 1929 — ; nu- merous sci. papers. Interest: pvt. muse- um (pvt. library of 26,000 vols.; world- wide personal correspondence). Recrea- tions: music, yachting, traveling, equita- tion, blacksmith, machine shop, carpen- try work. Christian. Independent. Office: Educational Research Laboratories, Mon- tague, Mich. Home: Valley of the Pines, Mich. DUFFORD, Ray Theodore, professor of Physics; b. Bonfield, HI., 2 Dec. 1891; s. Theodore Dufford and Mary A. (Hitch- cock) D. ; ed. Evanston Acad., Evanston, HI.; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1918, M.S., 1921; Univ. Chicago; Ph.D., Univ. Mo., 1931; m. Mamie A. Ericson of Goodhue, Minn., 1924; children— Marian Linnice, Ellen Agnes, Catherine Newman. Asst. physics, Northwestern Univ., 1916-18, instr., 1918-21; instr. physics, Univ. Mo. 1921-31, asst. prof., 1931-44; prof, physics, Missouri Valley College, 1944 — ; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Gamma Al- pha, Phi Mu Alpha, Am. Physical Soc, Am. Assn. Physics Teachers, A.A.A.S., Am. Soc. Amateur Microscopists, Am. Assn. Univ. Professors, Mo. Acad. Sci. (sec, 1934—;), Park Hill Improvement Assn. (pres. 1938-44). Author: more than a dozen papers on Luminescence, Pho- tovoltaic Effect, etc Interest: philately. Office : Dept of Physics, Missouri Valley College, Marshall, Mo. Home : 304 E. Rea St., Marshall, Mo. DUFFORD, Mamie Ericson, instr. of music; b. Goodhue, Minn., 5 Apr., 1898; d. Gilbert N. and Ellen (Newman) E.; ed. Goodhue, Minn.; Univ. Minn.; Mus. G., Northwestern Univ., 1921; Univ. Mo. student of Louis Norton Dodge, Peter Christian Lutkin, Glenn Dillard Gunn, Irene Belden Zaring, Charles Galloway, James T. Quarles; m. R. T. Dufford, of Columbia, Mo., 1924; children— Ellen Ag- nes, Catherine Newman. Instr. in piano, theory, and organ, Stephens College, 1922- 26; Christian College, 1944; instr. in piano and theory, Missouri Valley Coll., 1944 — ; organist and choir dir., Sacred Heart Church, Columbia, Mo., 1925-44; organist and choir dir., Christian Church, Marshall, Mo., 1944 — ; mem. Am. Guild of Organists (dean Central Mo. Chap., 1942-44), M.T.N.A , Mo. Assn. Music Teachers, Mu Phi Epsilon. Author: sev- eral compositions. Studio: Stewart Chap- el, Missouri Valley College, Marshall, Mo. Home: 304 E. Rea St., Marshall, Mo. LAND, Frank Sherman, worker with boys: b. Kansas City, Mo. 21 June 1890; s. William Sherman Land, lumberman, and Elizabeth L. (Sampson) L.; ed. pub. sch., St. Louis, Kansas City; Kansas. Ci- ty Art Inst. Merchant 1910-14 ; sec. social service, Kansas City Scottish Rite, 1914- 20; founder, sec. gen., Grand Council Or- der of DeMolay (boys' organization of Masonic Order), 1919 — ; mem. Am. Adv. Council, Yenching Univ.. Peiping, China; mem. Nat. Youth Week Com. for U.S.; presented with Achievement Medal of Ci- ty of Toledo, O., 1932; Nat. co-founder Metro Clubs, 1930, mem. Mo. Hist. Soc, Kansas City Conf. Social Work (life mem.), DeMolay Dormitory Assn. (Univ. Mo.) (pres. bd. trs.), K.C. Zoological Soc. (dir.), Odd Fellows, Royal Order of Jes- ters, Masons (33d deg.), Royal Arch (hon. mem., Grand Chap., Mich.), Order of Sciots (Los Angeles, Calif, hon. mem.) Shrine (hon. mem. Temples at St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Miami, Springfield, E. St. 438 Louis, I11 T , Wichita Falls, Tex., Amarillo, Tex.); Oakland, Calif., Detroit, Mich., Davenport, la., Troy, N.Y., Reno, Nev., Oklahoma City, Okla., Toronto, Can., Dayton, O., Oola Kahn Grotto (Cincin- nati, O.) (hon. mem.), Ararat Temple (Kansas City) (p. potentate). Club: Kan. City. Christian Scientist. Office: 201 E. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 420 E. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. BLOOM, Allan, social worker; b. Pro- vidence, R.I., 7 Jan. 1900; s. Max Bloom and Celia (Serge) B.; ed. Hope high sch., Providence, R.I.; Brown Univ.; Pa. Sch. Social Work, 1923; m. Malvina D. Glas- ner of Philadelphia, Pa., 11 Oct. 1925; children— Lucille, Allan David. Res. worker, Neighborhood Center, Philadel- phia, 1920-24; case worker, Family Soc, Philadelphia, 1921-24; exec, dir., Jewish Fed. for Social Service, Dallas, Tex., 1924-25; Ednl. dir., Jewish Fed., Indian- apolis, 1925-26; gen. sec, Jewish Com- mun. Center Assn. of Indianpolis, oper- ating Kirshbaum Community Center, Communal Bldg., 1926-45; regional dir. for Midwest, Am. Jewish Com., 1945; lec- turer on group work, Ind. Univ. Training Sch. for Social Work, 1934; apptd., mem. Ind. Com. on Transient Activities, Govt. Commn. on Unemployment Relief, 1933- 34, Ind. Nat. Youth Admin., 1935—; chmn. Recreation Com., Ind. WPA 1933—; pvt, stud. Army Training Corps, during World War I; mem. B'nai B'rith (chmn. Ind. State Social Com., 1928), Am. Assn. Social Workers (pres. Indianapolis Chap. 1930-31), Ind. Prof. Men's Forum (dir., 1936), Nat. Assn. Jewish Center Workers (pres. 1937-38), Indianapolis Council So- cial Agencies (pres. 1937-39), Nat. Conf. Jewish Social Welfare (exec. com. 1937- 40), Ind. State Conf. Social Work (pres., 1938-39, chmn. bd. dirs., 1939-40), Nat. Jewish Welfare Bd. (rep. for Ft. Benja- min Harrison and Armory of Third Nav- al Area, Indianapolis), Indianapolis Coun- cil of Social Agencies and Chamber Com- merce (coordinating com. for program of morale and recreation services in Indian- apolis), exec. com. Indianapolis USO Council; Nat. Assn. Study of Group Work, Zionists Org. Am. Author: arts, and mon- ographs on Democracy and the Jewish Community Center, Group Work, Social Work and Social Justice, Content of Community Programs, The Rising Gen- eration, Community Planning and the Use of Leisure, Problems of Finance in Community Centers. Interests: current affairs, community orgn., baseball. Rec- reations: golf, theatre. Jewish. Indepen- dent. Office: 2314 N. Meridian St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Home: 3562 College Av., In- dianapolis, Ind. MENGER, Clara, psychologist; b. St. Louis, Mo., 12 July 1896; d. Gustave A. Menger, musician, and Eva Frances (Flittner) M. ; ed. McKinley high sch.; grad. Harris Teachers Coll., 1918; B.A., Univ. Calif., 1924; M.A., Univ. Mich., 1926; Ph.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., 1932. Teacher, elementary, jr. high schs., St. Louis, Mo., 1918-27; vocational counselor, Andrews Inst, for Girls, Wil- loughby, O., 1927-29; fellow, Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.; res. asst., Char- acter Res. Inst., Washington Univ., 1932- 35; field res. worker, Store Occupation Study, Nat. Vocational Guidance Assn. 1934-35; psychologist, Psychiat. Child Guidance Clinic, 1935-42; dir. E. St. Louis Child Guidance Bureau, 1942 — ; mem. HI. Assn. for Applied Psychology, HI. Assn. for Mental Hygiene, Bd., East St. Louis Y.W.C.A., Recruitment Com., Nat. Y.W. C.A., Chicago Guidance & Personnel Assn., Council of Social Agencies of East St. Louis (treas.), Am. Assn. of Univ. Women, Am. Orthopsychiatry Assn., Am. Psychological Assn., Nat. Vocational Guidance Assn., Pi Lambda Theta. Club: Altrusa International, Author: Women Workers of Michigan ; Significance of Vo- cational Choices of Schoolchildren and College Students; num. professional arts. Travel: U.S. Interests: music, arts, folk- lore: Recreations: reading, walking, gar- dening. Protestant. Liberal. Office: Web- ster Annex, Tenth and Gaty, East St. Louis, 111. Home: Fairview, 111. ELLER, Lola Stuart, educator; b. Fre- mont, Mich., 23 June; d. Wilkes C. Stuart, farmer, and Mary C. (DuBois) S. ; ed. Fremont (Mich.) high sch.; Mich. State Normal College; Ph.B., Univ. Chi- cago, 1926; M.S., Butler Univ., 1933; m. Oscar H. Eller of Indianapolis, Ind., 14 Aug. 1929; 1 step-son— Charles H. Teach- er, residence work, Chicago; teacher, grade and jr. high sch., Mich.; teacher English, jr. high sch., Indianapolis; prin., Stephen Foster Sch., Indianapolis, 1935 — ; p. nat. officer, Pi Lambda Theta; mem City Council, Camp Fire Girls; mem. Phi Kappa Phi, N.E.A., Elementary Prin- cipals Assn., Assn. Administrative Wo- men, Eastern Star, Parent Teacher Assn., Camp Fire Girls. Author: short arts, on sch. topics. Travel: U.S. The Eller family members were pioneers in Monroe Co., Ind.; Stuart family pioneers of central Mich. Interests: nature, poet ry, antique furn, Recreations: trav- el, hiking, reading poetry, biography. Congregationalist. Independent. Office : 439 Stephen Foster School, 3615 W. Walnut, Indianapolis, Ind. Home: Eller Acres, R.R. 1, Brownsburg, Ind. OSTROM, Susan McWhirter, business woman, journalist, editor; b. Greencas- tle, Ind., 28 Aug. 1888; d. Felix T. McWhirter, banker, and Luella Frances (Smith) McW. ; ed. Shortridge high sch.. Greencastle high sch.; Vassar Coll.; A.B., DePauw Univ., 1909; m. Henry Evan Os- trom of Greencastle, 29 Apr. 1910; chil- dren — Ethel Mary (Mrs. Theodore C. Pilcher), Henry Felix Ostrom. Sec. Os- trom Realty and Constr. Co., Indianapo- lis, 1912—; ed. Ind. Fed. Clubs Feature, The Indianapolis News (three columns weekly), 1913—; dir. public relations and information div., State Dept. of Public Instruction of Ind., 1942—; active in many organizations; v. chmn., Monument Cir- cle Easter Sunrise Carol Service, Inc.; mem. exec. bd. Indiana Vassar Club; Ind. Fed. of Clubs (adv. council) ; Seven- th Dist. Fed. of Clubs (hon. mem.) ; char- ter mem. Woman's Soc. Christian Serv- ice, Central Av. Meth. Ch., Indianapolis; mem. Interracial Com., Y.W.C.A., Ind- ianapolis Council of Church Women, Cen- tral W.C.T.U., Indianapolis, adv. council, women's div., Ind. War Finance Com., Propylaeum Assn., Kappa Alpha Theta, Theta Sigma Phi. Clubs: Woman's Ro- tary, Woman's Press (Ind.), Woman's Republican. Author : newspaper and mag- azine arts, and features; poetry; pamph- lets; biographical sketches; organization publicity material. Travel: Eur. Br. Isles, U.S. Interests: worked for woman suffrage and prohibition prior to Amend- ments; various organizations; state de- partment of educ. Recreations : reading, travel, motoring, granddaughters. Metho- dist (mem. Central Av. Meth. ch.). Re- publican. Offices: The Indianapolis News, E. Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind.; St. Dept. of Public Instruction, Room 229, State House, Indianapolis 4, Ind. Home : 1512 N. Meridian St., 26 Hampton Ct., Indianapolis 2, Ind. PYLE, Dan., judge; b. Fountain Co., Ind., 19 Apr. 1875; s. Marion Pyle and Marilla (Young) P.; ed. DePauw Univ. Acad.; M.A., DePauw Univ., 1900; Ph.B., Ind. Law Sch., Indianapolis, L.B., 1902; m. Zoula A. Johnson of So. Bend, Ind., 17 Aug. 1907; children — Francis Johnson, Marilla Irene P. Millar. Began law prac- tice, So. Bend, 1902; atty., St. Joseph Co., 1912-13; teacher, comm', domestic relations, pub. speaking, Y.M. and Y.W. C.A., So. Bend; judge, 60th Judicial Dist. Circuit Ct., St. Joseph Co., 1 Jan. 1931—; ar>ot. mem. Probation Commn., State of Ind.; mem. Ind. Jud. Council, Bd. Pub. Safety, South Bend, 1921-25; Am., Ind. State, St. Joseph Co. Bar Assns., Ind. Judges Assn. (v.p. 1940-41), Am. Judica- ture Soc, Ind. Hist. Soc, Masons (32d deg.) K.P., Ind. State Conf. on Social Work (pres. 1940-41). Clubs: South Bend Knife and Fork, Fellowship (Mishawa- ka), Round Table (South Bend), Rotary. Author: arts, on law enforcement, pro- bation, Americanization, Genology, gov. matters. Travel : U.S. Interests : auto tra- vel through various states, naturalization programs, social welfare, welcoming new citizens. Methodist. Democrat. Office: Court House, So. Bend, Ind. Home: 1273 Woodward Av., South Bend, Ind. FARAGHER, Helen M. social work- er; b. Buffalo, N.Y.; d. John Faragher and Ella (Biggins) F. ; ed. Mt. St. Josenh Acad., Buffalo, N.Y.; A.B., Seton Hill Coll., Greensburg, Pa., M.A., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1938. Case worker, supervi- sor, family and child welfare ; institution- al worker; social worker; mem. oral ex- amining bd., Dept. of Public Assistance in Pa.; child welfare consultant. Indiana State Dept. of Pub. Welfare ; Home Serv- ice Field Rep., Am. Red Cross (Eastern Area) Nat. Cath. Sch. of Social Service, New York Sch. of Social Work; member Am. Assn. Social Workers, Nat. Conf. Cath. Charities, Ind. Conf. on Social Wel- fare, Am. Public Welfare Assn., Am. Assn. Univ. Women. Interests: music, horse shows, theatre. Recreations: golf, swimming, bridge. Catholic. Home: 2301 Fairfield Av., Fort Wayne, Ind. RICE, Thurman Brooks, physician; b. Grant Co., Ind., 17 Aug. 1888; s. Robert Tilton Rice, farmer, and Ruth (Porter) R. ; ed. Wayne Twp. high sch., Hunting- ton Co., Ind. B.S., Marion Normal Coll., 1909; B. Peda., Valparaiso Univ., 1912; B.A., Muncie Normal Inst., 1913; B.A., Ind. Univ., 1914, M.A., 1917, M.D., 1921; m. Ada Charles of Huntington Co., 1 Ser>t. 1910 (dec 13 Feb. 1922); 1 dau.— Aida Louise; m. (2nd) Ruby Caster of Jay Co., 29 Mar. 1923; children— Robert Caster, Thurman Brooks, Jr., James Abel, Reed Porter. Began career as teacher in com- mon and high schs.; teacher biology, Winona Coll., 1914-16; dir. lab., Ind. State Bd. of Health, 1924-26, asst. to sec, 1933- 36, dir. Bur. Health and Physical Edn., 1936—; ed., Bulletin of State Bd. of Health; prof., bacteriology, Ind. Univ. Sch. Med., 1927 — ; chmn. joint com. on Health Edn. of Am. Med. Assn. & Nat. Edl. Assn.; State Health Commr. of Ind., 1942-45; lecturer on health subjects; mem. Ind. Health Council; mem. health com., Indianapolis Y.M.C.A.; pvt., U.S. A. during World War I; mem. Am. Pub. 440 Health Assn., Soc. Am. Bacteriologists, Inc., State Med. Assn., A.M. A., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha. Nu Sigma Nu. Clubs: Profl. Men's For- um, Indianapolis Literary. Author: The Conquest of Disease; Racial Hygiene; Textbook of Bacteriology; Living; The Human Body; Adventures in Living Se- ries; The Hoosier Health Officer. Inter- ests: books, philately. Recreation: sports. Methodist. Independent. Democrat. Of- fice: 1076 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 3167 N. Delaware St., Indian- apolis, Ind. RILEY, Walter James, banker, attor- ney; b. Chicago, 111., 9 Dec. 1875; s. Ly- man Riley, and Catherine (Hoester) R. ; ed. Chicago (111.) pub. schs.; Chicago- Kent Coll. of Law. Engaged in bus. in West; real estate work in East Chicago; studied law, then entered banking bus.; pres., dir., First Nat. Bk. in East Chi- cago, Union Nat. Bank of Indiana Har- bor, East Chicago; v. p., Ind. Harbor Homes Co. (subsidiary of Inland Steel Co.); dir., C. I. &. R.R.; dir. Nor. Ind. Pub. Service Co.; City Judge of East Chicago, 1910-13; mem. Bd. of Works, East Chicago, 1914-18; chmn., Interstate Harbor Commn. (U.S.-Ill.-Ind.), 1922-24; mem. Gov.'s Unemployment Relief Com. (Chmn., for Lake Co.), 1930-32; Chicago Regional Port Commn.; del. to Republican Nat. Convs., 1928, 1932; rep. Ind. of First Dist. (Ind.) occupational de- ferment com., Selective Service System; mem. adv. com., Ind. State Dept. of Commerce & Pub. Relations; chmn. bd., St. Catherine's Hosp., East Chicago; Col. I.N.G. and A.C.D. to Gov. of Ind., 1917- 21; patron of Carmelite Orphanages, Hammond and East Chicago; Knights of Malta (Papal, dec.) with rank of Cavelieri Magistrali, Rome Chap.), Mfrs. Assn., East Chicago (sec-treas.). Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn., Arizona (Phoenix), Indianapolis Athletic, Olym- pia Fields Country (Chicago). Catholic. Office: Union National Bank, East Chi- cago, Ind. Home: East Chicago, Ind. DEGERING, Edward Franklin, profes- sor of organic chemistry; b. Dodge City, Kan., 17 May 1898; s. Irving Harrison Degering, contractor, and Talitha Cumi (Cowgill) D. ; ed. Forest Home Acad., Mt. Vernon, Wash.; student, Walla Walla Coll.; Univ. Wash.; A.B., Union Coll., Lincoln, Neb., 1924; M.S., Univ. Neb., 1929; Ph.D., 1930; m. Clara May Ogden of Seattle, Wash., 12 Aug. 1921; 1 son — John (dec). Dean of men, prof, math., Canadian Jr. Coll., 1919-20; prin., Oriens High Sch., Seattle, Wash., 1921- 23; grad. asst., Univ. Neb., 1924-30; instr. organic chemistry, Purdue Univ., 1930- 31; asst. prof., 1931-38, assoc. prof., 1938- 42, prof, organic chem., 1942—; mem., Indiana Chem. Soc. (pres. 1941-42), Am. Chem. Soc. (sec, 1938-43, Coop. Sects.), Indiana Acad. Sci., Am. Sci. Teachers Assn., N.Y. Acad. Sci.. A.A.A.S., Am. Inst. Chems., Eugene Field Soc. (hon.), Alpha Chi Sigma, Sigma Xi, Phi Lamb- da Upsilon. Club: Lafayette Lions Inter- nal (pres., 1943-44, deputy, 1944-46). Author: An Outline of Organic Chemistry, 1943; The Tri-Service Man- ual of Laboratory Work in Organic Chemistry, 1937; Outline of Organic Ni- trogen Compounds, 1945; The Quadri- Service Manual, Laboratory Work in Or- ganic Chemistry, 1942; Fundamental Or- ganic Chemistry, 1942; An Outline of the Chemistry of the Carbohydrates, 1943; many papers before sci. assns., many sci. arts. Editor: The Register of Phi Lambda Upsilon, 1935-38. Travel: exten- sive in U.S. and Can. Interest: writing. Recreations: cruising, fishing, . swim- ming, baseball. Protestant. Independent. Office: Chemistry Dept., Purdue Uni- versity, W. Lafayette, Ind. Home: 212 North St., West Lafayette, Ind. Summer res.: 417 N. 36th St., Seattle 3, Wash. DEAM, Charles C, druggist, research forester (ret.); b. Bluffton, Ind., 30 Aug. 1865; s. John H. Deam, farmer, and Martha (Marsh) D.; ed. Bluffton high sch.; Ph.D., DePauw Univ.; M.A., Wa- bash Coll.; LL.D., Ind. Univ.; m. Stella Mullin of Indianapolis, Ind., 11 June 1893; 1 dau. — Roberta. In drug business, Bluffton, Ind., 1891—; apptd. State For- ester, Ind., 1909-13, 1917-28, res. fores- ter, 1928-40; awarded Pugsley Silver Medal for work in forestry; member many sci. socs. Author: Trees of In- diana; Shrubs of Indiana; Grasses of Indiana; Flora of Indiana. Travel: Mex., Guatemala. Office and home: Bluffton. Ind. CAPEHART, Homer Earl, manufac- turer and farmer, b. Algiers, Ind., 6 June 1897; s. Alvin Thomas Capehart, farmer, and Susan (Kelso) C. ; ed. Wash- ington (Ind.) high sch.; m. Irma Viola Mueller of Green Bay, Wis., 19 Jan. 1921: children — Homer Earl, Thomas Charles. Patricia Louise. Salesman, Burton-Paige Mfg. Co., Chicago; spl. rep., J. I. Case Plow Works Co., Racine, Wis.; Ba- ker-Capehart Advertising Agency, Green Bay, Wis.; sales mgr., Sanford Bros., Chattanooga, Tenn., Holcomb & Hoke Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind.; pres., Cape- hart Corp., Fort Wayne, Ind.; v. p., Ru- dolph Wurlitzer Co., Cincinnati, O., and North Tonawanda, N.Y.; chmn. bd. Pac- 441 kard Mfg. Corp., Indianapolis, Ind. ; e- lected to U.S. Senate, 4 Nov. 1944; served in 12th Inf. and Q.M. Dept., U.S. Army, 1917-19; mem. Am. Legion, Elk, Moose, Masons (32d deg.). Clubs: Un- ion League (Chicago), Columbia (Ind- ianapolis), Meridian Hills Country (In- dianapolis), Washington Country (Wash- ington, Ind.), National Republican (N. Y.), Rotary (hon. life), Contemporary, Executives, Variety (Indianapolis), Na- tional Federation of Sales Executives, Navy League of the U.S., National Press (Washington, D.C.) Press (Indianapo- lis). Offices: Packard Manufacturing Corp., 2900 Columbia Av., Indianapolis, Ind.; 405 Senate Office Bldg:, Washing- ton, D.C. Home: Capehart Farms, Wash- hington, Ind.; 4110 Warren St., N.W., Washington D.C. CARR, Ralph Howard, professor of agricultural chemistry; b. Wooster, O., 1877; s. Lucius Carr, farmer, and Sarah C; ed. Wooster high sen., B.S., Wooster Coll., 1900; M.S., Univ. Wis. 1910, Ph.D., 1913; m. Myrtle L. Louthan of Suther- land, la., 1906; 1 son— Bruce. With Du- Pont Co.; chem., Western Elect. Co.; taught chem., Buena Vista Coll., la., 4 yrs., Emporia, Coll., Kan., 4 yrs.; studied Univ. Wis., 3 yrs.; teacher chem., Purdue Univ., 1913 — ; capt., san- itary and Food Div. during World War I.; mem. Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Xi. Clubs: Optimus, Fort-nightly, Au- thor: Quantitative Agricultural Analy- sis; Australia, Side Lights and Incidents. Travel: Australia. Interests: golf, farm- ing, archery, sling shot, research. Pres- byterian. Republican. Office: Purdue University, LaFayette, Ind. Home: West LaFayette, Ind. Summer home: Wooster, O. WESTFALL, Pearl Dutchess, teacher, writer, lecturer; b. Cuba, Ind., 25 Sept. 1877; d. John Westfall and Amanda (Perish) W.; ed. Spencer (Ind.) high sen.; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1923; State Teachers Coll.; Vories Bus. Coll.; Har- vard Univ.; Univ. Colo; grad. of Amer- ican Divinity Acad., Grade & high sch. history teacher, 25 yrs.; teacher Ind. Woman's Prison, Girls' Training Sch., Adrian, Mich., Mich. State Pub. Sch., Coldwater, Mich.; teacher hist, at Ver- non, Ind., summers; penologist, served as Red Cross worker during World War I; elected to Oxford (Eng.) Summer School; mem. A.A.U.W., Inter. Fed. Univ. Women, Ind. Assn. Alumni, Ind. Hist. Soc, Ind. Fedn. of Poetry Clubs; Rebekah Lodge, Am. Soc. for Control of Cancer; mem. Epsilon Sigma Omi- cron. Clubs: Spenser, Virginia Mere- dith, Economics, Rocky Mt. Climbers (Boulder, Colo.), Republican. Author: Lazy Lays; Tiny Rills; Bacon Essays; contributor to biographical dictionaries, anthologies; Homespun, Indiana Writers of Prose and Poetry. Travel: U.S. Can., Mex. Desc. Pioneers of Owen Co., Ind. Interests : collecting commemorative medals, books, antiques, Tobys, Rec- reations: walking, traveling, reading. Baptist. Republican. Office and home: Spencer, Ind. MUELLER, Ulrich F., pastor; b. Abensberg, Bavaria, 10 Mar. 1872; s. Henry Mueller, civil engr., and Paulina (Deuringer) M.; ed. Gymnasiums at Metten, Regensburg, Dillingen; St. Charles Sem. (Carthagena, O.) 3 yrs. Sec, Central Postoffice of Augsburg, 2 yrs.; mil. volunteer, 1st Artillery, New- Ulm, leading up to rank of It. of the Re- serve, 1 yr.; came to U.S., 1894; teacher sch., 1 yr. ; ordained priest, 26 Feb. 1899; prof. Greek and math., St. Joseph's Coll., Rensselear, Ind., 1900-04; prof, philosophy, St. Charles Sem., 1904-08, prof. Sacred Scripture and Hebrew, 1908-16, 1918-32; pastor, St. Aloysius. Carthagena, 1932 — ; reed, special medal from Pius XI for cooperation in editing Cath. Dictionary; chaplain, St. Agnes Hosp., Fond du Lac, Wis., 1916-18. Au- thor: numerous arts, on Social Sciences in Dubuque Cath. Tribune, 1900-04; Red, Black & White, Story of Colored Colony in Mercer Co.; arts, in Cath. Encyclo- pedia, Cath. Dictionary. Gr. grandpar- ents were converted Jews; Dr. Johan Emanuel Veith, instr. of Neidelbeck von Pilsach, one of last Supreme Knights of Teutonic Order. Catholic. Independent. Office: St. Charles Seminary, Cartha- gena, O. Home: Carthagena, O. IRWIN, Royal Wentworth, lawyer; b. Davenport, la., 7 June 1877; s. John C. Irwin and Sarah Jane (Brown) I.; ed. Hyde Park high sch.; LL.D., Northwest- ern Univ., 1900; m. Marie E. Gorham of Chicago 111., 1921. Practice of law, splty. jury trial work, Chicago; mem. Am., HI. State, and Chicago Bar Assns., Chicago Crime Commn. ; Citizens Assn. of Chicago. Clubs : Chicago Athletic Assn., South Shore Country. Protestant. Republican. Office: 29 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 4716 Drexel Blvd., Chicago, 111. DONNELL, Otto Dewey, Industrialist; b. Allentown, N. Y., 26 Sept. 1883; s. James C. Donnell and Elizabeth (Flinn) D.; ed. Findlay high sch., O.; B.S. (in M.E.), Case, 1906; m. Glenn McClelland of Findlay, O., 23 June 1909; 442 children— James C, II, John Randolph, Otto Dewey, Jr. Mech. engr., Ohio Oil Co., Marshall, HI., 1906; bd. of dirs., 1910, v.p., 1913, v.p. and treas., 1922, pres. and gen. mgr., 1927; dir. Erie R. R. Co., Cleveland; chmn. of bd. of dirs. First Nat. Bk. of Findlay; bd. of dirs., Am. Petroleum Inst., 1927, treas., exec, com., 1935; tr. Case; mem. Findlay Sch. Bd., 1914-17 (pres., 1916-17); mem. Pe- troleum Industry War Council (apptd. by petroleum admr. for war) ; gen. chmn. of Dist. Two Petroleum Industry Com. (apptd. by petroleum admr. for war) for 0., Ky., Term., Ala., Mich., HI., Wis., La., Mo., Okla., Kan., Neb., S.D., N. Da.; mem. com. Petroleum Ec- onomics, Man Power Com., Nat. Oil Policy com. (apptd. by petroleum admr. for war); mem. Internat. Com. of Y.M. C.A., 1934-41; Nat. Coun. of Boy Scouts of Am.; U.S., Ohio and Findlay Cham- ber Commerce, Phi Kappa Psi, Masons (33d deg.), B.P.O.E., Ohio Soc. of N.Y. Clubs: Findlay Country, Rotary. Office: 539 So. Main St., Findlay, O., Home: 1009 So. Main St., Findlay, O. WAGNER, Elmer C. L., civil engr. b. Wilton, la., 18 Feb. 1886; s. John P. Wagner, clergyman, and Anna (Ax- thelm) W.; ed. Westminster Sch., Sims- bury, Conn.; B.A., Yale Coll., 1908. Civ- il engr., bridge constr., 1910-12, con- tractor, 1913-17, cons, engr., 1919-25; mgr. Assn. Gen. Contractors of Mo., 1926—; 1st It., 337 F.A., 1917-19; mem. A.S.C.E. (pres., Mid-Mo. sect., 1938); Mo. State Coun. of Defense (Chmn. of com. on works and facilities, 1941-42) ; Editor: The Construction Advisor. Trav- el: Eastern U.S. Interest: reading. Of- fice: Hotel Governor Bldg., Jefferson City, Mo. Home: 2031 W. Main St., Jef- ferson City, Mo. DAY, James William, resident man- ager; b. Washington, Ind., 4 June 1905; s. Charles Harry Day, retired, and Maude Rachel (Dagley) D.; ed. Tech- nical high sch., Indianapolis; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1927; m. Anna Laurine Lichtenberger of Omaha, Neb., 30 Aug. 1929; children— Nancy Ann, James Wil- liam, Thomas Francis. Bond Dept., F. Childs & Co., Chicago, HI., 1928, asst. v. pres., 1928-34; res. mgr., C. J. Devine & Co., (govt, bond dealers), Chicago, 111.; mem. Indiana Soc. (Chicago), Sig- ma Alpha Epsilon. Clubs: Bond (Chi- cago, Michigan Shores, (Wilmette), Municipal, Union League, University, Bond Traders, all of Chicago. Protes- tant. Office: C. J. Devine & Co., 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1109 Illinois Rd., Wilmette, 111. DuBOURDIEU, William James, cler- gyman; b. Revere, Mass.; s. James Du- Bourdieu and Margaret Young (Ham- ilton) D.; ed. high sch., Ilion, N.Y.; Ph.B., Hamilton Coll.; B.D., McCormick Theological Seminary; Ph.D., North- western Univ.; m. N. Gladys Dimock of Ilion, N.Y., 1918; 1 son— Richard James. Lt. (j.g.) U.S. Coast Guard. Or- dained by Utica Presbytery, 1918; short term missionary, Tabriz, Iran; pastor Jefferson Park Presbyterian Ch., Chi cago, 1920-28; stated supply Berkeley and Bellwood (111.) chs., 1928-30; pastor Harvard (111.) Presbyterian Ch., 1931 42; dir. churches for Church Exten- sion Board of Presbytery of Chicago 1942—; chmn. United Promotion Com. Synod of 111.; sec. 111. Presbn. War-time Service Fund; mem. Chicago Church Fedn. Community Com., servicemen's dept., social service dept., strategy com., fields com., and resetters' com.; Chicago Presbytery, chmn. of com. on ch. and camps: dir. of War-time Ser- vice Activities; mem. of stewardship dept.; moderator, Freeport Presbytery, 1931-32; mem. Church and Ministerial Relations Com.; chmn. United Promo- tion Com.; v. chmn. exec. com. Pastor's Advisory Sect, of Internat. Council Rel. Ed., 1939-42; pres. McHenry Co. Min- isters' Assn., 1937-39; chmn. Youth Com., 1939-42; mem. Emerson Literary Soc. Author: arts, to religious press. Recreations: tennis, chess. Presbyter- ian. Independent Republican. Office: 8 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 3, 111. Home: 233 S. 15th Av., Maywood, 111. Summer res. : Limerick, Me. ALLEN, Horace Edward, ophthal- mologist and Commander M.C., U.S.N. R.; b. Butler, No., 7 Sept. 1901; s. C.A. Allen, banker, and Maude Alice (Porter) A.; ed. Butler (Mo.) pub. and high schs.; A.B., B.S., Mo. Univ., 1928; Kan. Univ.; M.D., Wash. Univ., St. Louis, Mo. 1930; m. Jean M. McGinley of Co- lumbia, Mo., 1935; 1 dau. — Janet Allen. Intern St. Margaret's K.C., Kan.; Res- idencies, Mo. Univ., Polyclinic, N.Y., Episcopal EENT, Washington, D.C., Post Grad. U.Y. E&E Infirmary; Dip- lomate Am. Bd. Ophth.; pro. musician, athlete, chess player; opthalmologist, Washington, D.C. ; instructor post. grad. eye surgery, Mo. Univ. ; mem. Masons, Phi Beta Pi, Phi Mu Alpha. Club: Op- timists. Travel: U.S. Desc. of Robert Allen (brother of Ethan Allen), and Gen. Putnam. Interests: music, fire- arms. Recreation: chess. Christian. Ad- dress: 501 N. Anderson Av., Columbia, Mo. 443 ERMAN, Jacob Martin, physician and surgeon; b. Minnaepolis, Minn., 19 Aug. 1892; s. Joel Erman and Jennie (Groll) E.; ed. North high seh., Minneapolis, Minn.; Univ. 111.; M.D., Loyola Univ. Coll. of Med., 1916; m. Emma R. Do- brin of Minneapolis, Minn., 25 Feb. 1917; 1 son — James S. (dec). On staff, Doctor's Hosp. surg., Wabash R.R.; 1st It. Med. Corps with Base Hosp. No. 64, Fr., 1 yr., Base Hosp., Camp Sevier, S.C., 6 months during World War I; p. comdr. Dept. Neb., V.F.W., now Dept. surg., St. Mihiel Post 247, (p. comdr.), V.F.W.; p. surg. gen. V.F.W.; Am. Leg., B.P.O.E., B'nai B'rith; mem. Omaha- Douglas County Med. Soc, Neb. State Med. Soc; fellow A.M. A. Author: many arts, on patriotism and Americanism in True Voice, a Catholic weekly. Trav- el: Eng., Fr., Belg., Ger. Interests: traveling, fishing, motoring. Reformed Jewish. Republican. Office: 722 World- Herald Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. Home: 105 N. Thirty-eighth St., Omaha, Nebr. LAINSON, Harry Ackley, Jr., business executive; b. Fairbury, Neb., 7 Aug. 1912; s. H. A. Lainson, wholesaler, and Celia (Jennings) L. ; ed. Hastings high sch. ; la. State Coll.; Northwestern Univ.; Hastings Coll., 1934; m. Gretchen Hollman of Minden, Neb., 2 Jan. 1938. Dir. Dutton-Lainson Co., 1935, sec, 1936; gen. mgr., Frank Rose Mfg. Co.; dir. Midwest Distributors, Ind. ; sec- treas., F. Jaden Mfg., Co., Inc.; sec, Neb Broadcasting Co; Trustee Hastings Coll.; mem. Hastings City Museum and Library Bd.; dir. Salvation Army, Neb. Progress Assn.; treas. Adams County Republican Central Com. Clubs: Hast- ings, Rotary, Masons, Scottish Rite, Shrine. Presbyterian. Office: Dutton- Lainson Co., 1601 W. 2nd St., Hastings, Neb. Home: 29 University Blvd., Hast- ings, Neb. LEWIS, Fletcher, lawyer; b. Vermil- lion Co., Highland Twp., Ind., 8 Jan. 1879; s. Samuel Brenton Lewis and Edith May (Sparks) L.; ed. Covington (Ind.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1905, J.D., 1911; m. Elizabeth Judd of Evanston, 111., 9 July 1930; children— Elizabeth Ann, Nancy Jane. Teacher, football coach, Dubuque (la.) and Seattle (Wash.) High Sch., 1905-10; admitted to bar, State of Wash., 1911; practiced law, Seattle, Wash., 1911-17; admitted to 111. bar, 1917; mem. firm, Butler, Lamb, Foster & Pope, and successor firms, 1919-34; sr. partner law firm, Le- wis & Carson, specializing in corp. law, 1934-43 ; partner, McDermott, Will & Em- ery, 1944 — ; Chmn. Corp. Law Section, 111. State Bar Assn.; dir. Ottawa Silica Co., Michigan Silica Co., S. Shore Oil & Development Co.; mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns, Phi Alpha Del- ta. Club: University of Chicago. Author: addresses, arts., dealing with corporate law, etc. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Republican. Office: 111 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. RODMAN, Benedict Joseph, S.J., Jes- uit priest; b. Lebanon, Ky., 9 May 1882; s. Hilary D. Rodman, M.D., and Sarah H. (Webb) R.; ed. St. Mary's Coll., Kan.; A.B., St. Louis Univ., 1906, A.M., 1911. Dean, St. Mary's Coll., pres., 1922- 28; pres., John Carroll Univ., 1928-37; pastor, Gesu Church, 1937 — ; mem. N. E.A., Vigilance Assn. (Nat. Com.), K.C., Rodman Family of America. Catholic Democrat. Office and home: Gesu Church, 2450 Miramar Blvd., University Heights, Cleveland 18, O. SHERWOOD, Reginald Carter, chem- ist; b. De Smet, S.D., 6 Aug. 1891; s. Car- ter P. Sherwood, pub., and Elgetha (Masters) S.; ed. De Smet, S.D. high sch.; B.S., S. D. State Coll., 1914, M.S., 1916, Ph.G., 1919; Ph.D., Univ. Minn., 1919; Ph.D., Univ. Minn., 1925; m. Or- illa Hough of Brookings, S.D., 1916; chil- dren — Neil, Boyd (dec). Asst. chem., S.D. State Coll., 1914-16; asst. chem., Expt. Sta., 1916-19; analyst, State Bd. of Health, Mont., 1919-21; asst. prof, chem., Mont. State Coll., 1920-31; instr. Biochem., Minn. Univ. 1921-25; asst. prof., Biochem. Minn. Univ., 1927-28; dir. Minn. State Testing Mill, 1924-29; asst. dir., res. labs., General Mills, 1929- 33; gen. mgr., Res. Laboratories of Gen. Mills, Inc., 1933-40, dir. Res. Service, 1941—; v.p., Res. Products Div. Gen. Mills, Inc.; pvt. 1st class, Med. Dept., U.S.A., 1918-19; mem. A.C.S., Am. Assn. Cereal Chemists; Inst. Food Technolo- gists, Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Minn. Acad. Sci., Minn. Indust. Chem- ists Forum, A.A.A.S., Am. Legion. Au- thor: sci. papers and bulls. Interests: sci., chemistry, foods, nutrition. Rec- reations: hunting, golf, tennis. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: General Mills, Inc., 2010 E. Hennepin Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 1426 Hythe St., St. Paul, Minn. SCHULTE, Lillian Louise Bridgeford, educator, lecturer; b. Jefferson, la.; d. William Bridgeford, and Isabel (Bridge- ford) B. ; ed. Jefferson high sch.; Greene Co. Normal Sch.; la. State Teachers Coll., Cedar Falls, Ja. ; Chicago Univ.; Col. Parker's Sch.; Emmons Blaine Spl. 444 Sch., Chicago; m. Gearhardt Henry Schulte, lawyer, and mem. la. State Legis., 32nd and 33rd assemblies of El- kader, la., 1908 (dec, 1914). Teacher, pub. schs., Jefferson, Marshalltown, la., Des Moines City sch., 1899-1908; lec- turer, Teachers Insts., la., B.P.W.C., clubs, civic groups; dir., v. p., Farmers- burg Savings Bk., 1914-26 (chmn., exam, bd.); co. chmn., Lib. Loans, Food Ad- min., Council Nat. Defense; state speak- er, during World War I, mem. P.E.O. (p. pres.), Eastern Star, Woman's Re- lief Corps, D.A.R. (p. regent), Fed. Wo- men's Clubs, Service Star Legion Inc. (p. state pres., state sec, nat. dir. edn., nat. poppy chmn., la. State jr. chmn.), la. Territorial Centennial Com., la. Leg- is. Ladies League. Club: Woman's (p. pres.). Author: arts, for ednl. mags. Travel: U.S. Desc. pioneers from N.Y. to la. in 1860's. Interests : painting china and pictures, carving wood, collecting pictures and china. Recreations: thea- tre, movies. Baptist. Democrat. Office and home: Elkader, la. WURTZBAUGH, Jewel, professor of English; b. Texas, 8 June 1896; d. D. Wurtzbaugh, lumberman and Clementine (Dunne) W.; ed. Kidd-Key Prep. Sch. & Jr. Coll., Sherman, Tex.; A.B., Bar- nard Coll., 1921; M.A., Columbia Univ., 1926; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1932. Asst. prof. English, John Tarleton Coll., Stephenville, Tex., 1921-24; asst. prof. English, Univ. Okla., 1926-34, assoc. prof., 1934-39, prof., 1939—; recipient of Theta Sigma Phi Award, Univ. Okla., 1935; mem. Mod. Lang. Assn. Am., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Okla. Council Eng- lish Teachers, Chi Omega, Delta Kappa Gamma. Author: Two Centuries of Spen- serian Scholarship, 1609-1805, 1936; arts., reviews and poems in various jours. Travel: Brit. Isles, No. Am. Interests: Eng. Renaissance lit., modern poetry, music. Recreations: walking, reading. Protestant. Democrat. Office: Univer- sity of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Home : 712 Cruce St., Norman, Okla. DORZWEELER, Edwin James, priest, educator; b. Catherine, Kan., 22 Mar. 1894; s. Balthasar Dorzweiler, farmer, and Mary (Meier) D.; ed. St. Fidelis Sem., Pa.; Capuchin Sem., Kan.; SS. Peter and Paul's Sem., Md.; S.T.B., Catholic Univ., Wash., 1919, A.M., 1920. Joined Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, 1913; ordained priest, 1919; teacher, St. Joseph Coll., 1920-21, Capuchin Sem., 1921-23, 1925—, Catholic Univ., summers, 1933-34; founder, moderator of Catholic Evidence Guild (speaks over radio, con- ducts open meetings to explain Catholic belief with a view to creating better understanding between Catholics and non-Catholics); lecturer; mem. Catholic Philosophical Assn.; state chaplain, K. of C. Author: arts, on Philos. and psy- chol. in Franciscan Educational Confer- ence, religious arts, in Catholic Home Journal. Travel: U.S., Can. Catholic. Independent. Office and home: Capuchin Seminary, Victoria, Kan. CAREY, Archibald, pract., teacher of Christian Sci.; b. Eastlake, Mich., 22 July 1884; s. Henry Westonrae Carey, bus. exec, and May Mumford (Ransom) C. ; ed. Manistee High Sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1905, LL.B., 1907; m. Margery Allen of Marquette, Mich., 30 June 1924; children— Archibald, Jr., Margery May. Mem. law firm, Carey, Armstrong and Weadock, 1909-29; practitioner, teacher of Christian Sci., 1931 — ; First Reader, chm. bd. dirs., First Ch. Christ, Sci., Detroit; mem. bd. trs., Principia Coll. and Sch., St. Louis, Mo., and Elsah, 111.; former mem. bd. trs., Grosse Pointe Country Day Sch., Detroit Tuberculosis Sanatorium; off., Chamber Mus. Soc (Detroit). Club: Detroit. Author: numer- ous arts, on Christian Sci. Travel: Eur., Orient. Interests: ed., mus. Recreation: sailing. Christian Scientist. Republican. Office: 3540 Book Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 501 Washington Rd., Grosse Pointe, Mich. Summer home: Brook- hurst, Karlin, Mich. RAFPAPORT, Earle Samuel, general agent life insurance company; b. Chi- cago, 111., 7 Jan 1904; s. John H. Rappa- port, life ins., and Amalia (Richter) R. ; ed. Carl Schurz high sch.; Armour Inst. Tech.; m. Marion I. Hendry of Chicago, 111., 28 Oct. 1925; children— Jeanne, June, Earle S., Jr. Asst. cashier, Chi- cago branch Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1922, mgr. brokerage dept., 1925, asst. mgr., 1927, asst. gen. agent, 1934, gen. agent, 1939; dir. Chicago Assn. Life Underwriters, 1935-36, 1945; mem. Nat. Assn. Life Underwriters, Am. Soc. Char- tered Life Underwriters. Club: Kiwanis. Interests: books, music. Recreation: golf. Office: 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 3741 N. Harding Av., Chicago, 111. VEEDER, Henry, lawyer; b. Galva, 111., 13 May 1867; s. Albert H. Veeder and Helen L. (Duryee) V.; ed. Chicago Univ.; B.A., Yale, 1890; LL.B., North- western Univ. Law Sch., 1892; m. Dar- lene Gibons of Chicago, 111., 29 Dec. 1892; children— Albert H., Helen V. Hin- shaw (dec). Asst. gen. counsel, Swift & Co., 1902, gen. counsel, 1914; dir. 445 BROWN, Frank Emerson, teacher, chemist; b. near Cuba, Kan., 9 Feb. 1882 ; s. P. F. Brown, farmer, and Maria Elizabeth (Barnhill) B.; ed. A.B., Kan. State Teachers Coll. (Emporia, Kan.), 1911; B.S., Univ. Chicago, 1913, Ph.D., 1918; m. May M. Holmes of Prescott, Kan., 25 Dec. 1910; children— Frank E., Jr., Holmes M. ; m. (2nd) Louise Jag- gard of Wichita, Kan., 20 July 1920; 1 dau. — Louise Jaggard, Jr. Teacher, country sch., 1899-1902; prin., Portis, Kan., 1903-05; supt., Hill City, Kan., 1906 -08, Collinsville, Okla., 1910-12; student asst., Emporia, Kan., 1909-10; instr. chemistry, Fresno, Calif., 1914; teacher, Central Y.M.C.A., Chicago, 111., 1914-17; asst. prof., assoc. prof., prof, chemistry, la. State Coll., Ames, 1917 — ; worked on gas problems assigned from Edgewood Arsenal during World War I; Precinct Warden and gas officer in civilian de- fense, World War II; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, (pres. local chap. 1943), Alpha Chi Sigma, A. A. A.S., la. Acad. Sci., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Masons, Alpha Phi Omega, Phi Kappa Tau, Boy Scouts (mem. troop com., chmn. Ct. Honor, awarded Silver Beaver, 1943). Club: Osborn Research. Author: A Short Course in Qualitative Analysis; Work Book in Qualitative An- alysis; 30 papers in scientific jours. Trav- el: Canada, U.S., Grandparents settled near Onslow, Iowa, 1853. Interest: books. Recreations: bowling on the green, at- tending and officiating at athletic events. Presbyterian (life mem., bd. trs., Collegiate Ch., Ames). Republican (Independent). Office: Dept. Chem., la. State Coll., Ames, la. Home: 138 Hyland Av., Ames, la. WARD, Philip Henry, lawyer; b. Ster- ling, 111., 8 Oct. 1891; s. Henry Clay Ward, lawyer, and Mary C. (Anthony) W. ; ed. Sterling Twp. high sch.; LL.B., Univ. HI., 1913; m. Edith Jamison of Sterling, 111., 15 Jan. 1916; children- Elizabeth Jane, Philip Henry, Jr. Prac- ticed law, Sterling, 1913 — ; city atty., 3 yrs.; formed law firm of Ward, Ward & Ward (now Ward and Ward), 1921; asst. U.S. Dist. Atty., 1921-28; referee in bankruptcy, 1928 — ; bd. govs., 111. State Bar Assn.; pres., bd. Ed. Sterling Twp. High Sch., O.T.C., Field Art., Camp Tay- lor, during World War I; mem. B.P.O. E., Masons, Chicago and Am. Bar Assns. Clubs: Rock River Country, Sterling, Union League and Lake Shore, Chicago. Author: Ward on Illinois Title Examina- tion. Travel: U.S. and Eur. Interest: biol. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 409-15 Lawrence Building, Sterling, 111. Home: 807 Av. B., Sterling, 111. WEISSENBORN, Leo Julius, archi- tect; b. Sauk City, Wis., 21 Mar. 1877; s. Julius C. Weissenborn and Ottilie (Heller) W. ; ed. Chicago English High and Manual Training Sch.; Lewis Inst.; George Washington Univ. Employed by U.S. Treasury Dept., 1900-03; with Wood, Donn & Deming, Washington, D.C., 1903- 10; architect, Holabird & Roche, Chi- cago, 7 1/2 yrs.; pvt. architect, 1932 — ; joined Howells & Hood at conception of plans for Tribune Tower; assoc. with Howells & Hood and Fouilhoux on WGN Studio Bldg.; architect of WGN Trans- mitter Station, Chicago Tribune Fleet Garage, N. Water St. Paper Storage Warehouse, Place of Hawks, studio home of August Derleth (Sauk City, Wis.), farm bldgs. for Col. Robert R. McCor- mick, (Catigny Farm, Wheaton, 111.). Mem. 111. Soc. Architects (dir.), A.I.A., Am. Fedn. Arts, Art Inst. Chicago (life), Chicago Symphony Orchestra (sustain- ing mem.), Am. Red Cross, Masons. Club: The Cliff Dwellers. Travel: Eur. Interests: lit., music, art. Unitarian Of- fice: 435 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 33 E. Elm St., Chicago, 111. CAREY, James Patrick, Jr., lawyer; b. Wilmington, Del., 27 Nov. 1895; s. James P. Carey, mfr., and Katharine (Heffern) C; ed. De La Salle Inst., Chi- cago; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1920, LL.M., 1921; m. Caroline Hilton of Oak Park, 111., 25 June 1932; children- James P., Ill, Thomas H. Admitted to 111. Bar, 1920, N.Y. Bar, 1926; asst. U.S. Atty., Chicago, 1920-21; with Sims, Han- dy, McKnight and Carey, 1923-41; prac- ticing law alone, 1941 — ; chmn. of Bd. Roberts & Oake, Inc., meat packers, Union Stock Yards, Chicago; enlisted as pvt., Signal Corps, U.S.A., Nov. 1917, served as sergt. 1st class, in Fr., Jan. 1918-July 1919; mem. Chicago Bar Assn. (sec, 1943-46;), 111. State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Acad. Polit. Sci., Am. Legion, Delta Chi. Club: Law (Chicago). Inter- ests: history, biography, economics, recreation: golf. Catholic. Independent. Office: 105 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 304 N. Grove Av., Oak Park, 111; LUNDY, John Silas, physician; b. Ink- ster, N.D., 6 July 1894; s. Frederick G. Lundy M.D., and Lila (Woods) L. ; B.A.-, Univ. N. Dak., 1917; M.D., Rush Medical Coll., 1920; m. Lenore Mittelstadt, 5 Sept. 1925; children — Richard Alien, Jo^ an Lenore, John Charles. In practice in Seattle, Wash., 1920-24; head of section on anesthesiology, The Mayo Clinic, 'Ro- 448 Chester, Minn., 1 April 1924—; prof, an- esthesiology, The Mayo Foundation for Med. Education and Research, Grad- uate Sch., Univ. Minn.; cons, for St. Mary's Hosp. and all Kahler Corporation Hospitals of Rochester, Minn.; mem. A.M.A.; sec, Sect, on Anesthesiology, A.M. A.; Minn. State Med. Assn.; chmn. com. on First Aid and Red Cross, Minn, State Med. Assn.; pres. Bd. of Public Health and Welf are, ( Rochester ) ; p.pres. Am. Board of Anesthesiology, Inc., As- sociated Anesthetists of U.S. and Can.; Olmsted-Houston-Fillmore-Dodge County Med. Soc, Assn. Residents and Ex-Res- ident Physicians of Mayo Clinic, Anes- thetist's Travel Club, Internat. Research Soc, Am. Soc. for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Am. Soc of Anesthesiologists, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Sigma Xi, Beta Theta Pi, Societe Fran- caise d'Anestoesie Membre d'Honneur; served S.A.T.C., Rush Med. Coll., five weeks (Oct.-Nov.), 1918; mem. Subcom. on Anesthesia, Nat. Res. Council; Nat. Cons, in Anesthesia for the War-Time Graduate Medical Meetings; p. Civilian Cons, in Anesthesia to Office of The Surg. General, U.S. Army; Mem. Mason, K.T., Shriner. Club: Rochester- Golf and Country. Holds honorary LL.D. from Hahnemann Med. Coll. & Hosp. of Philadelphia. Author: Clinical Anesthes- ia; contrib. num. arts, to med. jours. Specified and had built in 1923, four- control gas machine; developed appara- tus for artificial respiration for surgical patients, 1922-32; developed spl. syringe and equipment for local anesthesia, 1925; a procaine solution for spinal anes- thesia, 1932; advanced intravenous anes- thesia by use of several new barbitur- ates, 1934. Recreations: golf, winter sports, swimming and riding. Office : 102-110 2nd Av., S.W., Rochester, Minn. Home: 614 3rd St., S.W., Rochester, Minn. MURPHY, Fralicis Daniel, physician; b. New Diggings, Wis., 7 Nov. 1895; s. Michael J. and Mary (Driscoll) M. ; B. S., Marquette Univ., Milv/aukee, 1918, M.D., 1920; M.S., Univ. of Pa., 1924; m. Madaline McNamara, 27 June 1925; chil- dren — Joan Ellen, Francis Daniel. Be- gan practice in Milwaukee, 1920; spec- ializes in internal medicine; clin. dir. Milwaukee Country Hosp. 1924 — ; head dept. med., Marquette Univ., 1928 — ; chief of staff St. Joseph's Hosp. Awarded Certificate of Honor by A.M.A., 1933, for special work on Bright's disease; special research on nephritis at Mil- waukee County Hosp. Fellow Am. Coll. Physicians, A.M. A., Am. College Den- tists (hon.); mem. Central Soc. for Clin. Research, Wis. State and Milwaukee Co. med. socs., Milwaukee Acad. Medicine, Chicago Soc. of Internal Medicine, Mil- waukee Surg. Soc, Am. Therapeutic Soc, Am. Heart Assn., Soc. Internal Medicine (Am. bd.), Wis. Hist. Soc, A.A.A.S., Phi Beta Pi. Catholic Clubs: University, Wisconsin, Milwaukee Ath- letic. Author: Dr. Murphy's Bedside Clinics (9 vols.), 1934-45; Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Medical Disorders, 1944. Wrote section on Bright's Disease, Tice's Practice of Medicine, 1937; Lipoid Nephrosis; Acute Diffuse Glomerular Nephritis; Phases of Renal Edema. Contbr. numerous arts, to med. pubs, and yearly review on Bright's Disease for Cyclopedia of Medicine. Mem. edi- torial bd. Am. Jour. Digestive Diseases and Nutrition. Home: 610 Honey Creek Parkway, Milwaukee, Wis. Office: 536 W. Wisconsin Av., Milwaukee, Wis. POWERS, Leon Walter, lawyer, b. Webster County, la., 12 June 1888; s. Walter and Katherine (Mclntire) P.; A.B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1912; J.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1914; m. Blanid Marie Lally, 28 June 1916; children — Mary Ca- therine, Genevieve Ann, James Perry, Walter. Admitted to la. Bar, 1914, and practiced in Denison; mem. Conner & Powers, 1914-24, Powers & Gilchrist, 1928 -34; mem. la. Legislature, 1919-22; judge Supreme Court of Iowa, 1934-36; gen. counsel Farm Credit Adminstrn. of Omaha; 1936-43; chmn. bd. dirs. Fed. Land Bank, Fed. Intermediate Credit Bank, Bank of Co-operatives, Production Credit Corp. all of Omaha, 1936-43. now practicing law, Denison, la. Del, to Dem. nat. conv., 1924-32. Mem. Am. and la. State bar assns. Democrat. Catholic. Address: Denison, la. SPIEGEL, Modie Joseph, Jr., pres. and gen. mgr. Spiegel, Inc.; b. Chicago, 111., 29 Jan. 1901; s. Modie J. and Lena (Straus) S.; B.S., Dartmouth Coll., 1922; hon. M.A., Grinnell Coll., 1942; m. Caro- lyn Baum, 15 Nov. 1926; children— Bar- bara A., Edward Joseph. Pres., gen. mgr. and dir. Spiegel, Inc. (formerly Spiegel, May, Stern Co., Inc.), 1922—; Pres. Mail Order Assn. of Am. 1942 — ; mem. 111. Development Council, 1942—. Clubs: Lake Shore Country, Standard, Central Manufacturing District. Home: 963 Sheridan Rd., Glencoe, 111. Office: 1061 W. 35th St., Chicago, 111. WHITING, Lawrence Harley, banker; b. Plattsmouth, Neb., 29 Jan. 1890; s. Harley Edwin and Ada Augusta (Simp- son) W. ; Univ. of Chicago, 1913; m. Ele- 449 anor Robinson Countiss, 30 Apr. 1925, (died 1931); children — Lawrence H., Bar- bara Eleanor. Pres. Whiting & Co., in- vestment bankers, Chicago, 1921 — ; founder, 1924, and since pres., Am. Fur- niture Mart Bldg. Co.; pres. (founder) Boulevard Bridge Bank of Chicago, 1921- 31; chmn. bd. (founder) Ind. Limestone Co., 1926-33; chmn. bondholders advi- sory com. Forman Realty Trust 1930 — ; dir. Acme Steel Co., Chicago, 1927 — ; v. pres. Chicago Assn. of Commerce 1936—; Lt. col., Engrs. Corps, div. per- sonnel officer 86th Div., Nat. Army, and personnel officer, War Dept., 1917-18; chief personel officer, G.H.Q., A.E.F., 1918; asst. to commr. of finance, Am. Mission to negotiate Peace, Peace Conf., Paris, 1919. Now expert consultant to sec. of war, and spl. asst. to dir. mil. personnel div., War Dept., Washington, D.C. Trustee Passavant Hosp., Chicago Latin Sch. Mem. Am. Soc. Mil. Engrs., Phi Kappa Psi. Republican. Episcopa- lian. Clubs: Racquet, Casino, Chicago Athletic, Lake Geneva Country; Army and Navy (Washington). Home: 1524 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. Office: 666 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. REAVIS, William Claude, educator; b. Francisco, Ind., 18 Aug. 1881; s. Franklin Sherman and Sarah L. (Wood) R.; A.B., Oakland City (Ind.) Coll., 1905; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1908, A.M., 1911, Ph.D., 1925; m. Anna Lanphar, 14 June 1907. Teacher Ind. rural schs., 1899- 1905; prin. Ind. high schs., Francisco, 1905-07, Hazleton, 1907-08; supt. schs., Oakland City, Ind., 1908-12; prin. Pierre Laclede Sch., St. Louis, 1912-17; prof, ednl. sociology, Harris Teachers Coll., St. Louis, 1917-18; supt. schs., Alton, 111., 1918-21; prin. Univ. of Chicago High Sch., 1921-27; prof, edn., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1927 — . Mem. Nat. Soc. for Study of Edn., Am. Ednl. Research Assn., Nat. Soc. Coll. Teachers of Edn., Am. Assn. School Adminstrs., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Nat. Assn. of Secondary School Prins., Dept. of Elementary Sch. Prins., Phi Delta Kappa. Baptist. Mason. Club: Quadrangle. Author: Pupil Adjustment, 1926; Office Practices in Secondary Schools, 1930; The Elementary School, 1931, rev., 1938; Guidance Programs 1932; Non- Athletic Extracurriculum Ac- tivities, 1934; Relations of School Prin- cipals to Central Administrative Office in Large Cities, 1937; Administering the Secondary School, 1940; Duties of School Principals, 1941; The Teacher and Edu- cational Administration, 1942; Evalua- tion of Teacher Merit in City School Sys- tems, 1945. Editor: Critical Issues in Educational Administration, 1938; Dem- ocratic Practices in School Administra- tion, 1939; Evaluating the Work of the School, 1940; Administrative Adjust- ments Required by Socio-Economic Change, 1941; The School and the Urban Community, 1942; War and Postwar Re- sponsibilities of American Schools, 1943; Significant Aspects of American Life and Postwar Education, 1944. Mem. planning com. Dept. of Secondary Sch. Principals 1937—. Contbr. arts, to sch. ednl. jours. Home: 5819 Blackstone Av., Chicago, 111. KUHN, Hedwig Stieglitz, opthalmolo- gist; b. 16 Apr. 1895, Chicago, HI.; d. Julius Stieglitz and Anna (Stieffel) S.; ed. B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1917; Rush Med. Coll., 1919; post-grad, work, Har- vard Med. Coll., 1929; Univ. of Vienna. 1928; Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, Lon- don, 1934; Vienna, 1936; m. Hugh A. Kuns, 27 Mar. 1920; children— Arthur Julius, Robert Hugh. Began medical ca- reer, 1921; med. dir. Hammond Public Schools, 1921-23; pvt. pract. ophthal., Hammond, Ind., 1923 — ; res. in all fields of industrial ophthal., 1940—; apptd. staff mem. Industrial Vision Institute, Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind.; mem. of Industrial Adv. Com., Nat. Soc. for Pre- vention of Blindness, adv. Com., Nat. Com. for Conservation of Manpower in War Industries; sec. of Joint Com. of In- dustrial Ophthal. of Am. Med. Assn. and Am. Acad, of Otolaryn. ; first pres. of Hammond League of Women Voters; commr. of Hammond Girl Scouts; or- ganizing chmn. Red Cross Volunteer Nurses Aide Com.; p. mem. bd. dir., Indiana State League of Women Voters, mem. bd. dir. United Welfare, Nat. Mfgrs. Assn., United States Chamber of Commerce; chmn. Subcommittee of Re- habilitation, Reemployment and Labor Relations of Post- War Planning Com., of Hammond Chamber of Commerce; civilian chmn. Hammond WAVE Re- cruiting Drive; chmn* Hammond Rus- sian War Relief; mem. Am. Med. Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Associate of Sigma Xi, Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto- laryngology (Board Certificate), Ind. Acad, of Ophthalmology, Am. Public Health Assn., Nat. Soc. for the Preven- tion of Blindness, Am. Assn. of Idus- trial Physicians and Surgeons. Interests: horseback riding, photog. Author: Indus- trial Ophthalmology; contbrs. to med. literature in ophthalmological and re- lated subjs. in cur. pers. Home: 60 Glendale Park, Hammond, Ind. Office: 112 Rimbach, Hammond, Ind. COLEMAN, George Howell, physi- cian; b. Des Moines, la., 24 July 1884; 450 s. William John Coleman, locomotive engr., and Catherine (Howell) C. ; ed. Austin High Sen.; Univ. 111., 1902-05; B. S., Univ. Chicago, 1911, M.D., 1913; m. Marcella Montgomery of Villa Park, 111., 28 Oct. 1915; children— Ruth, Betty, Jane, Marcella. Senior attending phys.. St. Luke's Hosp.; phys., James C. King Home for Old Men, Northern Trust Co., 1914 — ; assoc. prof, med., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sen.; pres., Univ. Club Chi- cago, 1940-41, dir., 1939-44; sec, Inst. Med. Chicago, 1922—; U.S. Standard Products Co.; treas., Nat. Physicians Com.; capt., Med. Res., 1922-41, retired 1941; Fellow Am. Coll. Phys.; mem. Am. Med. Assn., Assn. Study Internat. Se- cretions, Soc. Internal Med., Am. Soc. Med. History, A.A.A.S., Cent. Soc. Clin. Research, Cent. Interurban Soc, Soc. Med. Hist. Chicago (sec), Nu Sigma Nu, Alpha Omega Alpha. Clubs: Uni- versity, Westmoreland Country. Author: med. arts. Travel: U.S. Recreations: golf, fishing. Catholic. Republican. Of- fice: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 647 Arlington PL, Chicago, 111. Summer res. : Traverse City, Mich. SCHUCK, Evermont Henry, certified public accountant; b. Washington, Ind., 11 Oct. 1902; s. Peter F. Schuck and Wil- helmenia (Beckemeyer) S. ; ed. Wash- ington (Ind.) high sch. ; Purdue Univ., 1920-21; 111. Univ., 1921-22; Northwestern Univ., 1924; gold medal exam. C.P.A., Univ. 111., 1928; m. Esther Johnson Tol- bert of Vincennes, Ind., 17 July 1922; (div.) children — Richard Frederick, John Robert. Accountant, Valentine & Co., 1922-25; office mgr., Morrill-Nelson Co., Council Bluffs, la., 1925; asst. to comptroller, A. C. Allyn & Co., Chicago, 1926-27; aud., Cody Trust Co., Chicago, 1927-29; treas. Ritchie Bond & Mortgage Co., 1929-35; in practice as public ac- countant, E. H. Schuck & Co., 1935—; instr. C.P.A. coaching course, Walton Sch. Commerce; C.P.A. in 111., Ind., Wis.; maj., A.U.S., World War II. Mem. Am. Isnt. of Accts., 111. Soc. of C.P.A.s. Presbyterian. Office: 134 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 644 Diversey Pky.. Chicago 111. BARNES, Gladys Aspasia, assistant professor of Spanish; b. Galva, 111., 11 Aug. 1890; d. Elza Milton Barnes, teach- er and school executive, and Minerva Louise (Short) B.; ed. San Jose, Calif.: A. & M. Coll. (Stillwater); A.B., Univ. Okla., 1917, M.A., 1922; life certificate and diploma, Central State Teachers Coll. (Edmond), 1910; Post-grad, study at Univ. Calif. (Berkeley, Calif.); Univ. Colo. (Boulder, Colo.) ; Centro de Es- tudios Historicos (Madrid, Spain, and Cuba). Teacher, country sch.; prin. city sens., Jennings; supt. pub. sens., Coyle; teacher modern language, Central High Sch., Okla. City; now asst. prof. Span- ish, Univ. Okla.; faculty dir., Las dos Americas; faculty sponsor, Mortar Bd.; sponsor, Okla. Branch, El Instituto de las Espanas; dir., Pan- Am. Student For- um; mem. Nat. Edn. Assn., Okla. Edn. Assn. (pres. Modern Language Group, 1936-37), Am. Assn. Teachers Spanish, Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Kappa Gam- ma Epsilon, Kappa Kappa Iota, Nor- man Welfare Bd., Norman Pre-Sch. Assn. (pres., 1935), Norman Forum, Am. Assn. Univ. Profs. Clubs: Business & Prof. Women's (pres., 1932-33), Univ. Faculty. Author: Fortuna (reading text in Spanish) ; Marco Vuelve a Venezuela (Spanish play); mag. arts. Research: Border Talk, (A Study of the Growth of the Spanish and English Languages in Zones of Contact.). Travel: Eur., Mex:, Cuba, U.S. Written record of an- cestors goes back to 1066, Battle of Has- tings, Am. record in Revol., War 1912, Civil War; grandfather, 1st 111. Volun- teer Cav. Interests: oil painting, writ- ing, collecting geological specimens. Recreations: fishing, horseback riding. Baptist. Independent. Office: University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Home: 818 W. Boyd St., Norman, Okla. Summer- res. : Carlsbad, Calif. McGLYNN, Joseph Bernard, attorney; b. E. St. Louis, 111., 23 Dec. 1891; s. Dan McGlynn, Sr., lawyer, and Jennie (Rey- nolds) McG. ; ed. E. St. Louis high sch.; LL.B., Notre Dame, 1912; m. Metta O'- Brien of E. St. Louis, 111., 15 Apr. 1926; children— Louise Jane, Mary Ellen, Eliz- abeth Ann (dec), Joseph B., Jr., Greg- ory (dec), Daniel Jeremiah, Mercedes. Elected city atty., E. St. Louis, 1915-17, corp. counsel, 1930-35, special atty., 1935 — ; master in chancery, St. Clair Co., 1923-25; mem. bd. dirs., Laymen's Retreat League, 1939-42; Sec, 111. State Armory Bd.; chmn. Selective Service Appeal Bd., 14th 111. Dist. ; 1st It., 341st Inf., A.E.F., during World War I, now It. col., J.A.G.D., 111. Reserve Militia; one of founders of Am. Legion; nat. v. p.. Notre Dame Aumni Assn., 1939-40, pres., E. St. Louis Bar Assn., 1938-39: mem. Knights of Columbus (4th deg.), Southern- Dist. 111., 1938—.) Clubs: Mo. letic, City, St. Clair Country. Catholic. Republican. Office: 120 N. Main St.. E. St. Louis, 111. Home: 38 Country Club Dr., Belleville, 111. McELROY, Charles F. lawyer; b. Red Willow Co., Neb., 26 Apr. 1876; s. 451 anor Robinson Countiss, 30 Apr. 1925, (died 1931); children — Lawrence H., Bar- bara Eleanor. Pres. Whiting & Co., in- vestment bankers, Chicago, 1921 — ; founder, 1924, and since pres., Am. Fur- niture Mart Bldg. Co.; pres. (founder) Boulevard Bridge Bank of Chicago, 1921- 31; chmn. bd. (founder) Ind. Limestone Co., 1926-33; chmn. bondholders advi- sory com. Forman Realty Trust 1930 — ; dir. Acme Steel Co., Chicago, 1927 — ; v. pres. Chicago Assn. of Commerce 1936 — ; Lt. col., Engrs. Corps, div. per- sonnel officer 86th Div., Nat. Army, and personnel officer, War Dept., 1917-18; chief personel officer, G.H.Q., A.E.F., 1918; asst. to commr. of finance, Am. Mission to negotiate Peace, Peace Conf., Paris, 1919. Now expert consultant to sec. of war, and spl. asst. to dir. mil. personnel div., War Dept., Washington, D.C. Trustee Passavant Hosp., Chicago Latin Sch. Mem. Am. Soc. Mil. Engrs., Phi Kappa Psi. Republican. Episcopa- lian. Clubs: Racquet, Casino, Chicago Athletic, Lake Geneva Country; Army and Navy (Washington). Home: 1524 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. Office: 666 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. REAVIS, William Claude, educator; b. Francisco, Ind., 18 Aug. 1881; s. Franklin Sherman and Sarah L. (Wood) R.; A.B., Oakland City (Ind.) Coll., 1905; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1908, A.M., 1911, Ph.D., 1925; m. Anna Lanphar, 14 June 1907. Teacher Ind. rural schs., 1899- 1905; prin. Ind. high schs., Francisco, 1905-07, Hazleton, 1907-08; supt. schs., Oakland City, Ind., 1908-12; prin. Pierre Laclede Sch., St. Louis, 1912-17; prof, ednl. sociology, Harris Teachers Coll., St. Louis, 1917-18; supt. schs., Alton, 111., 1918-21; prin. Univ. of Chicago High Sch., 1921-27; prof, edn., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1927 — . Mem. Nat. Soc. for Study of Edn., Am. Ednl. Research Assn., Nat. Soc. Coll. Teachers of Edn., Am. Assn. School Adminstrs., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Nat. Assn. of Secondary School Prins., Dept. of Elementary Sch. Prins., Phi Delta Kappa. Baptist. Mason. Club: Quadrangle. Author: Pupil Adjustment, 1926; Office Practices in Secondary Schools, 1930; The Elementary School, 1931, rev., 1938; Guidance Programs 1932; Non- Athletic Extracurriculum Ac- tivities, 1934; Relations of School Prin- cipals to Central Administrative Office in Large Cities, 1937; Administering the Secondary School, 1940; Duties of School Principals, 1941; The Teacher and Edu- cational Administration, 1942; Evalua- tion of Teacher Merit in City School Sys- tems, 1945. Editor: Critical Issues in Educational Administration, 1938; Dem- ocratic Practices in School Administra- tion, 1939; Evaluating the Work of the School, 1940; Administrative Adjust- ments Required by Socio-Economic Change, 1941; The School and the Urban Community, 1942; War and Postwar Re- sponsibilities of American Schools, 1943; Significant Aspects of American Life and Postwar Education, 1944. Mem. planning com. Dept. of Secondary Sch. Principals 1937 — . Contbr. arts, to sch. ednl. jours. Home: 5819 Blackstone Av., Chicago, 111. KUHN, Hedwig Stieglitz, opthalmolo- gist; b. 16 Apr. 1895, Chicago, HI.; d. Julius Stieglitz and Anna (Stieffel) S.; ed. B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1917; Rush Med. Coll., 1919; post-grad, work, Har- vard Med. Coll., 1929; Univ. of Vienna. 1928; Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, Lon- don, 1934; Vienna, 1936; m. Hugh A. Kuns, 27 Mar. 1920; children— Arthur Julius, Robert Hugh. Began medical ca- reer, 1921; med. dir. Hammond Public Schools, 1921-23; pvt. pract. ophthal., Hammond, Ind., 1923 — ; res. in all fields of industrial ophthal., 1940—; apptd. staff mem. Industrial Vision Institute, Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind.; mem. of Industrial Adv. Com., Nat. Soc. for Pre- vention of Blindness, adv. Com., Nat. Com. for Conservation of Manpower in War Industries; sec. of Joint Com. of In- dustrial Ophthal. of Am. Med. Assn. and Am. Acad, of Otolaryn.; first pres. of Hammond League of Women Voters; commr. of Hammond Girl Scouts; or- ganizing chmn. Red Cross Volunteer Nurses Aide Com.; p. mem. bd. dir., Indiana State League of Women Voters, mem. bd. dir. United Welfare, Nat. Mfgrs. Assn., United States Chamber of Commerce; chmn. Subcommittee of Re- habilitation, Reemployment and Labor Relations of Post- War Planning Com., of Hammond Chamber of Commerce; civilian chmn. Hammond WAVE Re- cruiting Drive; chmn* Hammond Rus- sian War Relief; mem. Am. Med. Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Associate of Sigma Xi, Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto- laryngology (Board Certificate), Ind. Acad, of Ophthalmology, Am. Public Health Assn., Nat. Soc. for the Preven- tion of Blindness, Am. Assn. of Idus- trial Physicians and Surgeons. Interests: horseback riding, photog. Author: Indus- trial Ophthalmology; contbrs. to med. literature in ophthalmological and re- lated subjs. in cur. pers. Home: 60 Glendale Park, Hammond, Ind. Office: 112 Rimbach, Hammond, Ind. COLEMAN, George Howell, physi- cian; b. Des Moines, la., 24 July 1884; 450 s. William John Coleman, locomotive engr., and Catherine (Howell) C. ; ed. Austin High Sen.; Univ. 111., 1902-05; B. S., Univ. Chicago, 1911, M.D., 1913; m. Marcella Montgomery of Villa Park, 111., 28 Oct. 1915; children— Ruth, Betty, Jane, Marcella. Senior attending phys., St. Luke's Hosp.; phys., James C. King Home for Old Men, Northern Trust Co., 1914 — ; assoc. prof, med., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sen.; pres., Univ. Club Chi- cago, 1940-41, dir., 1939-44; sec, Inst. Med. Chicago, 1922—; U.S. Standard Products Co.; treas., Nat. Physicians Com.; capt., Med. Res., 1922-41, retired 1941; Fellow Am. Coll. Phys.; mem. Am. Med. Assn., Assn. Study Internat. Se- cretions, Soc. Internal Med., Am. Soc. Med. History, A.A.A.S., Cent. Soc. Clin. Research, Cent. Interurban Soc, Soc. Med. Hist. Chicago (sec), Nu Sigma Nu, Alpha Omega Alpha. Clubs: Uni- versity, Westmoreland Country. Author: med. arts. Travel: U.S. Recreations: golf, fishing. Catholic. Republican. Of- fice: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 647 Arlington PL, Chicago, 111. Summer res. : Traverse City, Mich. SCHUCK, Evermont Henry, certified public accountant; b. Washington, Ind., 11 Oct. 1902; s. Peter F. Schuck and Wil- helmenia (Beckemeyer) S. ; ed. Wash- ington (Ind.) high sen.; Purdue Univ., 1920-21; 111. Univ., 1921-22; Northwestern Univ., 1924; gold medal exam. C.P.A., Univ. 111., 1928; m. Esther Johnson Tol- bert of Vincennes, Ind., 17 July 1922; (div.) children — Richard Frederick, John Robert. Accountant, Valentine & Co., 1922-25; office mgr., Morrill-Nelson Co., Council Bluffs, la., 1925; asst. to comptroller, A. C. Allyn & Co., Chicago, 1926-27; aud., Cody Trust Co., Chicago, 1927-29; treas. Ritchie Bond & Mortgage Co., 1929-35; in practice as public ac- countant, E. H. Schuck & Co., 1935—; instr. C.P.A. coaching course, Walton Sch. Commerce; C.P.A. in 111., Ind., Wis.; maj., A.U.S., World War II. Mem. Am. Isnt. of Accts., 111. Soc of C.P.A.s. Presbyterian. Office: 134 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 644 Diversey Pky., Chicago 111. BARNES, Gladys Aspasia, assistant professor of Spanish; b. Galva, 111., 11 Aug. 1890; d. Elza Milton Barnes, teach- er and school executive, and Minerva Louise (Short) B.; ed. San Jose, Calif.: A. & M. Coll. (Stillwater); A.B., Univ. Okla., 1917, M.A., 1922; life certificate and diploma, Central State Teachers Coll. (Edmond), 1910; Post-grad, study at Univ. Calif. (Berkeley, Calif.); Univ. Colo. (Boulder, Colo.) ; Centro de Es- tudios Historicos (Madrid, Spain, and Cuba). Teacher, country sch.; prin. city sens., Jennings; supt. pub. sens., Coyle; teacher modern language, Central High Sch., Okla. City; now asst. prof. Span- ish, Univ. Okla.; faculty dir., Las dos Americas; faculty sponsor, Mortar Bd.; sponsor, Okla. Branch, El Instituto de las Espanas; dir., Pan- Am. Student For- um; mem. Nat. Edn. Assn., Okla. Edn. Assn. (pres. Modern Language Group, 1936-37), Am. Assn. Teachers Spanish, Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Kappa Gam- ma Epsilon, Kappa Kappa Iota, Nor- man Welfare Bd., Norman Pre-Sch. Assn. (pres., 1935), Norman Forum, Am. Assn. Univ. Profs. Clubs: Business & Prof. Women's (pres., 1932-33), Univ. Faculty. Author: Fortuna (reading text in Spanish) ; Marco Vuelve a Venezuela (Spanish play); mag. arts. Research: Border Talk, (A Study of the Growth of the Spanish and English Languages in Zones of Contact.). Travel: Eur., Mex;, Cuba, U.S. Written record of an- cestors goes back to 1066, Battle of Has- tings, Am. record in Revol., War 1912, Civil War; grandfather, 1st 111. Volun- teer Cav. Interests: oil painting, writ- ing, collecting geological specimens. Recreations: fishing, horseback riding. Baptist. Independent. Office: University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Home: 818 W. Boyd St., Norman, Okla. Summer res. : Carlsbad, Calif. McGLYNN, Joseph Bernard, attorney; b. E. St. Louis, 111., 23 Dec. 1891; s. Dan McGlynn, Sr., lawyer, and Jennie (Rey- nolds) McG.; ed. E. St. Louis high sch.; LL.B., Notre Dame, 1912; m. Metta O'- Brien of E. St. Louis, 111., 15 Apr. 1926; children — Louise Jane, Mary Ellen, Eliz- abeth Ann (dec), Joseph B., Jr., Greg- ory (dec), Daniel Jeremiah, Mercedes. Elected city atty., E. St. Louis, 1915-17, corp. counsel, 1930-35, special atty., 1935 — ; master in chancery, St. Clair Co., 1923-25; mem. bd. dirs., Laymen's Retreat League, 1939-42; Sec, 111. State Armory Bd.; chmn. Selective Service Appeal Bd., 14th 111. Dist. ; 1st It., 341st Inf., A.E.F., during World War I, now It. col., J.A.G.D., 111. Reserve Militia; one of founders of Am. Legion; nat. v. p.. Notre Dame Aumni Assn., 1939-40, pres., E. St. Louis Bar Assn., 1938-39: mem. Knights of Columbus (4th deg.), Southern- Dist. 111., 1938—.) Clubs: Mo. letic, City, St. Clair Country. Catholic. Republican. Office: 120 N. Main St., E. St. Louis, 111. Home: 38 Country Club Dr., Belleville, 111. McELROY, Charles F. lawyer; b. Red Willow Co., Neb., 26 Apr. 1876; s. 451 George W. McElroy, minister, and Lau- ra Ophelia (Foster) McE.; ed. Eureka Coll. prep. sch. ; Springfield (111.) high sch., 1900; A.B., Butler Coll., Indiana- polis, Ind., 1904; A.M., Univ. Chicago, 1905, J.D., 1915; m. Cora. Cleona Clarke of Edinburg, Ind., 4 Aug. 1913; 1 son — George Clark. Co-editor, Blue Mound Leader, 111., 2 yrs.; printing bus., Mc- Elroy Pub. Co., Chicago, 4 yrs.; sec, Ben Franklin Club, Cleveland, 1911-13; law practice, Chicago, 1915 — ; techni- cal adviser in Rules and Regulations Div., 111. Dept. of Revenue, 1942 — ; sec, Univ. Chicago Law Sch. Alumni Assn., 1918-44, except served as pres., 1933-34; mem. Chicago, 111. State, Sangamon Co. and Am. Bar Assns., Art Inst, of Chi- cago (life mem.), Masons, Commandery, Consistory, Shrine. Clubs: Union League of Chicago, Illini Country. Recreation . golf. Disciples of Christ. Republican. Of- fice: 11 So. La Salle St., Chicago 111.; (temporary address) : 631 S. 4th St., Springfield, 111. Home: 5464 S. Wbodlawn Av., Chicago, 111. MANN, Arthur R., architectural en- gineer; b. Sheffield, Eng., 28 June 1877; s. George Mann and Eliza (Lingard) M. ; ed. Nickerson Normal Coll.; B.S., Kan. State Univ., 1906; m. Ida May Smith of Nickerson, Kan., 18 Aug. 1904; children — Dorothy, Robert E. Asst. city engr., Lawrence, Kan., 1906; office engr., dist. off., Topeka, «Kan., C.R.I.&P. Ry., 1907; partner, T. M. Gerow, and others, gen. arch, practice, 1908-24; practiced arch., alone, 1924-32; partner, Robert E. Mann, gen. arch, engring. practice, 1932 — ; chief architect on U.S. Army ski can- tonment, Camp Hale, Colo., and U.S. Naval Air Station, Hutchinson, Kan.; arch, in designing over 300 pub. schs., court houses, municipal and other build- ings; mem. A.I. A. (p. pres. Kan. chap.), Kan. Soc Arch. (p. pres.), Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: Hutchin- son Country, Hutchinson Rotary. Inter- ests: travel, study. Recreations: hunt- ing, fishing, travel. Methodist. Repub- lican. Office: 902 Wiley Bldg., Hutchin- son, Kan. Home: 122 W. 15th St., Hutch- inson, Kan. REES, John Ehibree, clergyman, pris- on chaplain; b. Carlisle, la., 18 Jan. 1887; s. John M. Rees, farmer, and Le- nora B. (Shepherd) R.; ed. Grand Junc- tion (la.) high sch.; B.A., Coe College, 1912 (lettered in football, baseball, and track); B.D., Omaha Sem., 1915; m. Ma- bel Gearheart of Neola, 3 Apr. 1915; children — John E., Jr., Mary E. Or- dained minister, 1915; pastor, Diagonal, la., 1915-17, Panora, la., 1919-22, West- minster, Council Bluffs, la., 1922-34; chap., la. State Prison, 1934 — ; moder- ator, Council Bluffs Presbytery, 1 yr., chmn. ed. and colls., 5 yrs.; Nat. Com- mr., Gen. Assembly, Presbn. Ch., 1928; It. col., Gov. Herring's Staff, 1933-37; 1st It., U.S.A., 19 mos. during World War I. (performed first air plane wed- ding in history at Ellington Field, 1919) ; maj., U.S. Res. Corps; mem. Res. Off. Assn. (exec, com., la.), Am. Legion (p. state chap.), Forty and Eight (p. state chap.), Masons, Odd Fellows. Desc. of settlers in la., 1848. Interests: books, reading. Recreation: athletics. Presby- terian. Democrat. Office : Iowa State Pri- son, Fort Madison, la. Home: 1435 Av. G., Fort Madison, la. GUTHRIE, S. Ashley, lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111. 20 June 1889; s. Seymour Guth- rie, and Martha (Green) C. ; student M.I.T.; LL.B., Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1915; m. Annie Laurie Rainey of Ft. Worth, Tex., 22 Aug. 1917. Partner in firm Tenney, Harding, Sherman, & Rog- ers; village atty., Riverside, 111. (ap- pointive) ; served as 1st It., inf., 346 Machine Gun Bn., 1917-19. Mem. Phi Alpha Delta. Clubs: University (Chica- go), Riverside Golf. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 120 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, HI. Home: 118 Scottswood Rd., Riverside, 111. MILLIKEN, William Mathewson, mu- seum director; b. Stamford, Conn., 28 Sept. 1889; s. Thomas Kennedy Milliken and Mary Spedding (Mathewson) M.; ed. Lawrenceville Sch.; B.A., Princeton Univ., 1911. Asst., dept. decorative arts. Metropolitan Mus. of Art, 1913, asst. cur- ator, 1913-17; curator of decorative arts. Cleveland Mus. Art, 1919 — , curator of paintings, 1925-30, dir., 1930—; mem. bd. dirs., Am. Federation of Arts; mem. ad- visory council, Cleveland Sch. Art; mem. Nat. Com. of Pub. Works of Art Project, 1934-35, chmn. com. for Ninth Region; mem. Nat. Com. for Treasury Relief Art Project, 1935-36; tr. Cleveland Print Club; mem. visiting com., Dept. Art and Archaeol., Princeton Univ.; mem. Continuation Com., Inter- Am. Re- lations in Field of Art; 2nd It., Signal Corps, A.S., 1917, adj., 282nd Aero Squadron, in command squadron, 1918; hon. mem. Soc. Hungarian Painter-Et- chers, Budapest. Club: Rowfant. Au- thor: many arts, in art mags. Travel: extensively in Eur. and U.S. Recrea- tions: horseback riding, skiing. Presby- terian. Democrat. Office: The Cleveland Museum of Art, University Center Sta- tion, Cleveland 6, O. Home: Wade Park Manor, Cleveland, O. 452 WHITE, Claire Terrill, teacher; b. Mo- berly, Mo., 1 Apr. 1890; d. Thomas J. Terrill, teacher, and Willis Jane (Grimes) W. ; ed. B.S., Univ. Mo., 1919; m. Teddie W. White of Chicago, 111., 11 June 1921. Taught Lancaster, 2 yrs., Centralia, 3 yrs., Moberly, Mo., 4 yrs., taught math., Little Rock high sch., 1920 — ; mem. Little Rock Teacher's Fed. Credit Union, Ark. Classroom Teacher's Assn., Delta Kappa Gamma, Span. War Vet. Aux., A.A.U.W., Y.W.C.A. Clubs: Womans City, Bus., Prof. Womens. In- terest: collecting and filing recipes. Rec- reations: bridge, gardening. Baptist. Democrat. Office: Senior High School, 14th-16th on Park Av., Little Rock, Ark. Home: 3505 High St., Little Rock, Ark. COLLINS, Leicester Crowell, business executive; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 7 Dec. 1880; s. Henry Crowell Collins, whole- sale woolen mcht., and Helen (French) C. ; ed. Polytechnic Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y.; m. Clara Wheeler Brown of Norfolk, Ky., Jan. 1920; 1 stepson — Marshall Brown. Guaranty Trust Co., N.Y., 1898- 1913; mgr., Pouch & Co., mem. N.Y. Stock Exchange, 1913-17 pres. Westland Oil Co., 1917 — ; mem. Am. Petroleum Inst., Ind. Petroleum Assn., Midcont. Pe- troleum Assn., Tulsa Cham. Commerce. Sgt. 1st N.Y. Cavalry, during World War I. Clubs: Southern Hills Country, Tulsa. Interests: golf, bowling, bridge. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: 513 Kennedy Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Home: 2304 S. Cin- cinnati Av., Tulsa, Okla. Died, 23 Sept. 1942. HINMAN, Lt. Col. Jack Jones, Jr., chemist, civ. engr. ; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 14 Oct. 1888; s. Jack Jones Hinman, salesman, and Martha Washington (Con- nell) H. ; ed. Shortridge high sch., In- dianapolis, Ind.; A.B., Butler Coll., 1911, M.S., 1915; B.S., Univ. la., 1937, C.E., 1938; grad. field off. course, C.W. Sch., U.S.A., Edgewood Arsenal. Md.. 1936; Purdue Univ.; Univ. Rennes, Fr. ; m. Charlotte Loveland of Iowa City, la., 24 Dec. 1915; children — Jack Jones, III, Theodore Loveland, Frances Ellen. Asst. chem., Ind. State Bd. Health, 1906-11; chem., Wabash Baking Powder Co., 1911, City Bd. of Health, Indianapolis, Ind . 1911-14; asst. dir., la. State Epidemio- logical Lab., Univ. la., 1914-15; sr. wa- ter bacteriologist, chem., State Hygien- ic Labs., 1915-18, chief water lab. div., 1918-37; asst. prof, epidemiol., Univ. la., 1918-21, assoc. prof, sanitation, 1921 — ; asst. dir. water lab. div., State Hygienic Labs., 1937-t; spl. water expert, Emp- resas Publicas Municipales, Barranqui- 11a, Columbia, 1929; 1st It., capt., San. Corps, U.S.A. water supply, A.E.F., 1918 -19 lt. col., C.W.S., la. NG 1934—; H. col., CWS., NGUS. detached service, water supply section, Engr. Bd., Ft. Belvoir, Va., 1940—; div. chem. off., 34th div. N.G., 1934-41; Do. Camp Claiborne, La., 1941; chief, water supply sect., Engr. Bd., Ft. Belvoir, Va., May 1941—; F. Am. Pub. Health Assn., la. Eng. Soc. (pres., 1925), Am. Water Works Assn. (pres., 1929), A.S.C.E., A.I.Ch.E., A.C. S., S.A. Military Engrs., Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Gamma Alpha, Alpha Chi Sigma, Scabbard and Blade. Clubs: Triangle, Iowa City Engineers. Author: many tech., sci. papers. Travel: Eng., Fr., Ger., Belg., Carribbean. In- terests: Military U.S. stamps, printing. Presbyterian. Address: 121 Melrose Av., Iowa City, Iowa. SCHOLZ Roy Philip, physician; b. St. Louis, Mo., 21 Apr. 1879; s. Philip Scholz, phys., and Florence Belle (Car- rington) S. ; ed. Ednl, Inst.; Cent, high sch., St. Louis; pvt. tutors; M.D., Wash. Univ., 1904; Univ. Vienna (p. grad.). Interne, St. Louis Hosp. ; asst. to Dozent M. Hajek and Prof. Hofrath Adam Po- litzer, 2 yrs.; practiced med., St. Louis, 1908, chief in otolaryngology, Prot. Hosp., Social Service Hosp., St. Louis Elementary Insts. ; visiting otolaryngo- logist, St. Louis City Hosp., 23 yrs., Ter- minal RR and Wiggins Ferry Assn., 20 yrs.; otolaryngologist, Chr. Orphans Home & Hosp.; mem. St. Louis Med. Soc, Mo. State Med. Soc, A.M. A., Acad. Otolaryngology, and Am. Otolaryngology Soc, A.C.S. (life mem.), A.M.A. of Vi- enna (p. pres.). Club: University. Trav- el: Eur., U.S. G.s. of missionary to the Indians sent by King of Saxony. Inter- est: hort. Recreations: riding, swim- ming, walking. Protestant. Republican. Office: 620 Metropolitan Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 20 Southmoor, St. Louis, Mo. Summer res.: Twin Hollows, Lemay, Mo. SMEATON, William Gabb, professor of chemistry; b. Picton, Ont., 8 Sept. 1874; s. William Smeaton and Alvinah M. (Sweeney) S.; ed. Picton high sch.; B.A., Univ. Toronto, 1898; Univ. Leip- zig; m. Anne Gray of Glasgow, 1902; children — Winifred, Ronald Macalister. Instr., chem. engring., Univ. Mich., 1902 -05; instr., asst. prof., assoc. prof., prof., chem., 1905-42; prof, emeritus, 1942 — . Fellow A.A.A.S., mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Hist. Sci. Soc, Mich. Acad., Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Alpha Chi Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha. Clubs: Univ., Univ. Mich. Author: textbooks in analytical chemistry, gen. chemistry, lab. manual. 453 Travel: Eur. Office: University of Mich- igan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home : 1941 Ged- des Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. WILLOUGHBY, Harold Hideout, edu- cator; b. North Haverhill, N.G., 3 Mar. 1890; s. Ezra Bartlett Willoughby, far- mer, and Florence Alberta (Rideout) W. ; ed. Haverhill Acad.; Tilton Sch.; A.B., Wesleyan Univ., 1915, M.A., 1916; B.D., Garret Biblical Inst., 1918; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1924; D.D. (hon.), Gar- ret Biblical Inst., 1933. Squire teaching fellow in classics, Wesleyan Univ., 1915- 16; instr. New Testament lit., Univ. Chi- cago, 1924-26; asst. prof., 1926-29, assoc. prof., 1929-43; prof, of Christian Origins, Federated Theological Faculty, 1943 — ; negotiated purchase Codex 2400 for Mrs. Rockefeller McCormick, 1928; sergt. U. S. Field Arty. 6 months, 1918; mem. Archaeological Inst. Am., Coll. Art Assn., Mediaeval Acad. Am., Soc. Bib- lical Lit. and Exegesis (pres. Mid-West Section, 1942-43), Chicago Soc. Bibl. Re- search (pres., 1945-46), Chicago Philo- logical Soc, Seminarium Kondakovia- num. Club: Quadrangle. Author: Reli- gious Thought in the Last Quarter Cen- tury (with others), 1927; Pagan Regen- eration, 1929; The Rockefeller Mc- Cormick New Testament (with E. J. Goodspeed and D. W. Riddle), 1932; Co- dex 2400 and its Miniatures, 1933; The Coverdale Psalter, 1935; The Four Gos- pels of Karahissar (co-author), 1936; En- vironmental Factors in Christian His- tory (co-author and ed.), 1939; The Eliz- abeth Day McCormick Apocalypse (with E. C. Colwell), 1940; The First Author- ized English Bible, 1942; The Rockefel- ler McCormick Manuscript and What Came of It, 1943; Soldiers' Bibles Through Three Centuries, 1944. Travel: Eur., Near East. Interest: iconography of the Greek New Testament. Methodist. Socialist. Office: University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Home: Disciples Divinity House, Chicago, 111. Summer res. : Inter- national House, Berkeley, Calif. WILKERSON, James H., lawyer; b. Savanah, Mo., 11 Dec. 1869; s. John W. Wilkerson, teacher, and Lydia M. (Aus- tin) W. ; ed. A.B., DePauw Univ., Green- castle, Ind., 1889, LL.D. (hon.), 1932; D. C.L. (hon.), 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1933; m. Mary Roth of South Bend, Ind., 27 Aug. 1891; 1 son — Conrad. Mem. firms, Tenney, Coffen, Harding & Wilkerson, 1900-07, Wilkerson, Cassels & Potter, 1907-22; mem. 111. Gen. Assembly, 1903; co. atty., Cook Co., 1904; spl. asst. atty. gen. of U.S., 1906-11; U.S. D.A., North- ern Dist. of 111., 1911-14; asst. atty. gen., 111., 1916-18; chmn., 111. Pub. Utilities Commn, 1918-20; U.S. dist. judge, North- ern dist., 111., 1922-41, ret., 1941; mem. Am., 111., Chicago Bar Assn., Phi Delta Theta, Delta Chi, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Union League, University, Sko- kie Country, Law. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 924 Bluff St., Glencoe, 111. WESTLAND, Edward Walter, physi- cian, surgeon; b. Chicago, 111., 5 June 1886; s. John Albert Westland and Chris- tine (Soderberg) W.; ed. Y.M.C.A. high sch., 1913-16; interne Michae Reese 1913; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1915; m. Borghild Moe of Chicago, 111., 8 Sept. 1917; children — Everett Moe, Deane Bruce. Teacher in Chicago Public high sch., 1913-16; interne Michael Reese Hosp., 1915-17; instr. in surgery, Rush Med. Coll., 1917-19; instr. in sanitation and hygiene, Presbn. Hosp. Chicago, 1917-19; exec, surgical staff West Sub- urban Hosp 1928 — ; examiner, New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. 1918; Com- mandant of Am. Red Cross during World War I. Fellow A.M. A.; mem. Chicago, and 111. Med. Socs., Phi Beta Pi, Theta Nu Epsilon, Pi Alpha. Masons (Shriner). Home: 939 N. Elmwood Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 418 N. Auston Blvd., Oak Park, 111. WEISS, Emil, pathologist; b. Sisak, Jugoslavia, 26 Feb. 1893; s. Morris Weiss, wholesale clothing, real estate, and Frances (Pick) W. ; ed. pub. sch., Zagreb, 1899-1900, Sisak, 1900-03; Gym- nasium, Zagreb, 1903-10, Karlovac, Ju- goslavia, 1910-11; Univ. Vienna, 1911-14; Univ. Graz, 1916-18; M.D., Charles Fer- dinand's Bohemian Univ. (Prague), 1919; Cand. for J.D., Univ. Zagreb, 1918- 20; Ph.D., Univ. 111., 1937. Asst., Infec- tious Hosp., Zagreb, Jugoslavia, Feb.- Oct. 1919; first asst., actg. head, Royal Bacteriological Inst., Zagreb, Jugosla- via, Oct. 1919- Apr. 1921; pathologist, 111. Gen. Hosp., Chicago, May 1921- Apr. 1922; instr. pathology and bacteriology, Loyola Univ. Sch. Med., Chicago, 1922- 24; asst. prof, bacteriology and pathol- ogy, 1924-28, assoc. prof, bacteriology and pathology, 1928-31, prof, bacteri- ology and pathology, 1931-33; patholo- gist, St. Anne's Hosp., Chicago, 1922-33, Holy Cross Hosp., Chicago, 1930-38, Mar- tha Washington Hosp., Chicago, 1931-43, Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Hosp. & College, 1933-42, Sacred Heart Hosp., Tomahawk, Wis., 1938-43; spl. consul- tant, U.S. Pub. Health Service, 1934-43; assoc. in bacteriol. and pub. health, Univ. 111. Coll. Med., Dept. Pathol., Bac- teriol. and Public Health, Chicago, 1933- 40; examiner, Nat, Bd, Med, Examiners, 454 1928-32; one of 13 contestants in evalua- tion of diagnostic methods for syphilis, U.S. Pub. Health Service, 1934-35; instr. Dept. Med., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1941—, pathologist Peoples Hosp., Chicago, 1943—; Kadett aspirant, Med. Service, Austro-Hungarian Army, 1914- 18; mem. Chicago Pathol. Soc, German Med. Soc. Chicago, Soc. Am. Bacteriol- ogists, Am. Assn. Immunologists, Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Am. Assn. Pathol- ogists and Bacteriologists, Am. Assn. Cancer Research, Soc. Experimental Bi- ology and Med., A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Kappa, Phi Beta Pi, Ap- proved Pathologist Am. Med. Assn., fel- low, Am. Coll. Phys., Am. Med. Assn. (111. State Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc), Am. Pub. Health Assn., Soc 111. Bacteriologists; 111. Pub. Health Assn. Author: Outline of Medical Bacteriology, 1932; Outline of Clinical Pathology, 1932; various arts, on immunology, bacter- id, and pathol. Travel: Jugoslavia, Ger., Czeckoslovakia, It., Fr. Interest: collecting photographs, autographs, re- prints, antiques. Jewish. Democrat. Of- fice: 303 E. Chicago Av., Chicago, 111. •Home: 5036 Bernard St., Chicago, 111. WANTZ, Ray, manufacturer; b. Gosh- en, Ind., 12 June 1875; s. Jacob Wantz, schoolteacher, and Reina (Miliner) W. ; ed. grade sch.; m. Ida M. Carlson of Rockford, 111., 1 Sept. 1915; children- Kathleen, Capt. John Franklin. Mgr., Rockford Paper Box Bd. Co., 1905, pres., 1920; organized Rockford Fibre Contain- er Co., 1926, (now pres.); mem. 111. Tax Com. to solve tax crisis in 111., 1931 (ap- ptd. by Gov. Emmerson) ; mem. Wage Bd., mem. State Relief Com. (apptd. by Governor Horner) ; chmn. arbitration board settling rate disputes between city and local utilities, 1934; mem. Appeal Board No. 10, 111.; pres. Fritz Carson Realty Co., 111. Water Treatment Co., Rockford; v. p., Eddy Paper Corp., Chi- cago, Cellusaude Co., Rockford; mem. Appeal Bd., 10th Dist. 111., labor dir., Northern Dist., HI., chmn. Winnebago Loan Com., during World War I; mem. Rockford Mfrs. Assn. (pres., 1921-33), 111. Mfrs. Assn. (dir., 1928-34, pres., 1934- 35, now mem. advisory com.). Clubs: Rockford Country, La Gorse Golf, Mid- Day (Miami Beach, Fla.). Recreations: golf, fishing, hunting. Congregationalist. Democrat. Address: 840 Cedar St., Rockford, 111. TRUOG, EmU, professor; b. Indepen- dence, Wis., 6 Mar. 1884; s. Thomas Tru- og, farmer, and Magdalena (Keller) T. ; ed, Arcadia (Wis.) high sch.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1909, M.S., 1912; m. Lucy P. Rayne of Madison, Wis., 1925; children- Nancy Price, Martha Rayne, John Rayne. Asst. in Soils, 1909-12, instr., 1912 -16, asst. prof., 1916-17, assoc. prof., 1917- 21, prof., 1921, head of dept. soils, 1939—; in agr. and food productions work during World War I; mem. A.C.S., Am. Soc Agronomy (pres., 1938), Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Internat. Soc. Soil Sci., Wis. Acad., A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi, Alpha Zeta, Phi Lamda Upsilon, Phi Sigma, Alpha Chi Sigma. Clubs: Kiwanis, University, West End (Madison), Cahos. Author: numer- ous sci. papers on soil chem., fertilizer use, and plant feeding. Assoc, ed. Jour. Am. Soc Agron. ; consulting ed. Soil Sci. Travel: Eur. Interest: sports. Recrea- tions: fishing, touring. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Office: University of Wiscon- sin, Madison, Wis. Home: 1108 Grant St., Madison, Wis. Summer home: Lake Monona, Wis. THOMPSON, Paul Jennings, lawyer; b. Rosendale, Wis., 14 Nov. 1875; s. George W. Thompson, farmer, and Cor- nelfa Hill (Jennings) T.; ed. Ripon Coll. Prep. Sch.; B.A., Ripon Coll., 1898, M.A., 1901; LL.B., Law Sch., Univ. Minn., 1901. Practiced law, 1901—; mem. Thompson, Hessian and Fletcher, law- yers; mem. Minneapolis Charter Com- mn., 4 yrs.; actg. Co. Atty., 1920; atty., Bd. Park Commrs., 13 yrs.; mem. Hen- nepin Co. War Records Com., 1919-33, Commn. Uniform Laws, 1937-38; chmn. Vol. Com. to Study Poor Relief Situation in Minneapolis, 1938-39; chmn. Com. Aeronautical Law, 1942 — ; tr. Ripon Coll. 1916-42; overseas sec, Y.M.C.A. in It., 1918-19; mem. Minn. Historical Soc. (life) Minn. Archeological Soc, Minneapolis Izaak Walton League (p. pres.) Henne- pin Co. Bar Assn. (p. pres.), State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn. Clubs: Minneapo- lis Athletic, Commonwealth, S. A. R. (1944—). Co-author: Public Park Poli- cies; several legal arts. Travel: Eur., Rocky Mts. Interests: farming, collect- ing world war material. Congregation- alist. Republican. Office: 600 Midland Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home : Summer res.: Birch Bluff, Lake Minne- 4600 Upton Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn, tonka, Minn. HAY, Regina Deem, clubwoman; b. Sutton, W.Va., 6 May 1896; d. Joseph Peter and Mary Ann (Martin) D. ; grad. St. Joseph's Acad., 1913; m. Dudley C. Hay, 16 Nov. 1927. Pres. Women's Assn. for Detroit Symphony Orchestra, 1937- 38; chmn. poppy sale for Disabled Am. Vet., 1938-39; chmn. garment com. Am. 455 Red Cross, 1939, elected bd. mem., 1942; chmn. women's div. Detroit Council for Indsl. Peace, 1940; chmn. Christmas seal sale and mem. bd. trustees Detroit Tu- berculosis San., 1940 — ; elected finance chmn. Rep. State Central Com., 1940; elected mem. Rep. Nat. Com. for Mich., 1941, reelected for 4 yrs.; mem. Rep. Post-War Planning Com.; chmn. gen. solicitation Red Cross War Relief Fund, 1940 — . Mem. League for Crippled Chil- dren, women's div. Goodwill Industries, Bd. Russian War Relief Com. Mem. Daughters of 1812, G.A.R., Detroit Mus. of Arts Founders Soc, mem. bd. Detroit Symphony Soc, Vols Am., Civic Pride Assn. Clubs: Colony Town, Women's Ci- ty Club. Fedn. of Women's Am. Needle- work Guild. Home: (country) Haycienda, Romeo, Mich.; (city) Detroit. Office: 725 Hammond Bldg., Detroit, Mich. BIELECKY, Stanley, artist: b. Eur- ope, 1903; s. Peter Paul Bielecky and Ju- lia Bielecky; ed. Art Inst. Chicago, Min- neapolis Inst. Art. Study, res., prof, practice of fine arts; teacher, lecture? in schs., to civic groups, orgns., art exhbns.; lecturer, instr. fine arts, Ind. Univ. Extension Div. (E. Chicago), Val- paraiso Univ. (Valparaiso, Ind.); co- dir., Mackinac Island Summer Sch. Art., Mackinac Island, Mich.; exhbtd. in N.Y., Washington, Chicago, Philadelph- ia, San Francisco, Minneapolis, New Or- leans, Indianapolis, Detroit, Toledo, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Kingston (Can.) ; exhibiting at U.S. Army camps and forts, 1941 — , section of fine arts, Washington, D.C.; reed., award of John Herron Museum, 1939, Maxon Prize, De- troit Inst, of Arts, 1941; represented in U.S., P.H.S. Hosp., Lexington, Ky., Ind. Univ. Extension Div., E. Chicago Pub. Schs., pvt. collections; specialist U.S. Army, Mar. 1943; trained in camouflage at Mitchell Field, L.I., N.Y.; served with Hq. Co. 850th Engr. Cam. Bn. in Euro- pean theatre, Dec. 1943 — . Fellow res., Tiffany Foundation, N.Y., 1938; mem. Art Assn. New Orleans. Club: Ind. Ar- tists. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Interests: art, mus., lit. Recreations: sports, boat- ing. Studio and home: 1112 W. 143rd St., East Chicago, Ind. Summer res. : Mac- kinac Island, Mich. FOX, Harry S., county judge; b. New Hampton, la., 13 June 1897; s. S. W. Fuchs, clergyman, and Bertha Fuchs; ed. Janesville high sch., 1915; Oshkosh State Teachers Coll., 1918; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1920, LL.B., 1922; m. Doris H. Clough of Oshkosh, 18 Aug. 1924; 1 dau. Kathleen Doris. Began as teacher in schs.; practiced law, 14 yrs.; apptd. co. judge, 1936, elected, Rock Co., 1937; p. dist. atty., Rock Co., p. ct. commnr., p. U.S. commnr.; pres. Bd. Co. Judges State of Wis., 1945, 1946; occasional and after dinner speaker; mem. bd. dirs., Co. Y.M.C.A.; enlisted, Officers' Naval Training Sch., Municipal Pier, Chicago, 111., 1918, U.S.N., 6 mos.; mem. Am., Rock Co., and State Bar Assns., Am. Legion, Masons (32nd deg.), Odd Fel- lows, Phi Alpha Delta. Club: Kiwanis. Author: several papers of professional int. on probate practice. Travel: Can., U.S. Father was Lutheran pastor in chs., Wis., 30 yrs. Recreations: reading, fish- ing. Congregationalist. Independent. Of- fice: Court House, Janesville, Wis. Home: 18 Sinclair St., Janesville, Wis. BOOTHBY, Walter Meredith, head of laboratory for research in aviation med- icine; b. Boston, Mass., 28 July 1880; s. Alonzo Boothby, phys., and Maria Ade- laide (Stodder) B.; ed. B.A., Harvard Univ., 1903, M.D., 1906, M.A., 1907; m. Catharine Burns, 15 Nov. 1930; chil- dren — Gertrude B. Dansingburg, Nancy B. Reinhardt. Intern. Boston City Hosp.,* 1908-09; in ch. metabolism lab., Peter Bent Brigham Hosp. 1913-16; instr., anat- omy 1910-16, lecturer on anesthesia, Har- vard Med. Sch., 1914-16; head, sect, on metabolism, Mayo Cinic, Minn., 17 Nov. 1916; prof. expt. metabolism, The Mayo Foundation, Grad. Sch. of Univ. Minn.; reed. Collier Trophy, 1939 (to airlines of United States for their outstanding rec- ord for safety in air travel during 1939, with especial recognition of Doctors Wal- ter M. Boothby, and W. Randolph Love- lace, H, of the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research and Capt. Harry G. Armstrong of the U.S. Army Medical Corps at Wright Field, for their contribution to this safety rec- ord by their work in the field of aviation medicine generally and pilot fatique in particular) 15 Nov. 1940; mem. subcom. on Oxygen & Anopia of the National Res. Coun.; with A.E.F., Fr., 22 mos.; capt., maj., M.C., mostly Gas Defense Service; dir. 1st Corps Gas Sch.; also at front as ch. of surg. team for St. Mihiel and Ar- gonne battles, World War I; Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons, Fellow Am. Coll. Phy- sicians; mem. Mass. Med. Soc, Am. Physiol. Soc, Am. Soc. Biolog. Chems., Am. Med: Assn., Am. Inst. Nutrition, Am. Soc. Pharmacology and Expt. Ther- apeutics, A.A.P., A.C.P., Alumni Assn. Mayo Found., Sigma Xi. Author: num. papers, chiefly on metabolism, thyroid diseases, oxygen therapy, myasthenia 456 gravis and aviation med. New Deal Lib- eral. Office: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Home: 703 Tenth Av., S.W., Ro- chester, Minn. FOSTER, Charles, consulting engi- neer; b. Dwight, 111., 14 Oct. 1874; s. Archy Foster, farmer, and Mary (Burns) F.; ed. Burt la. high sch.; la. State Coll., Ames, la., 1894-96; m. Bessie Wightman of Goldfield, la., 1897. Chief engr., Ames Municipal Elec. Light & Power Plant, 1896-98; supt., Water & Light Dept., Algona, la., 1898-1901; supt., Elec. Light & Power Plant, Diamond Light & Power Co., Sheldon, la., 1901-02; supt., Elec. Light Plant, Bismarck, N. D., 1902-04; cons, engr., N.D., State Cap- itol Commn., 1904-05; supervising engr., J.G. Robertson Co., St. Paul, 1905-14; assoc. with Charles L. Pillsbury Co., Consulting Engineers, St. Paul and Min^ neapolis, 1914-18; cons, engr., gen. supt., Village of Hibbing Water & Light Dept., 1918-22; cons, engr., maintaining own office, Duluth, Minn., 1932—; registered engr. in states, Minn., Mich., Wis., S.D.; holder cert, of qualification issued by the Nat. Bd. of Examiners for Engrs.; p. pres., Minn. Fed. of Engingr. Socs.; mem. Exec. Com. Minn. Section of A.S. M.E.; p. pres., Northeast sect, of Minn., Assn. of Prof. Engr.; mem., State Bd. of Registration, State of Minn., 5 yrs.; mem., Duluth Chamber Commerce (p. dir.), A.S.M.E., Am. Soc. of Heating and Ventilating Engrs., Am. Water Works Assn., Nat. Dist. Heating Assn., Masons (33rd deg.), Scottish Rite, Knight Templar, Aad Temple Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Clubs: Duluth Engi- neers (p. pres.), Kiwanis, St. Paul Ath- letic, Elks. Author: various short tech. arts, of current interest. Interests: read- ing, photog. Recreations: motoring, trav- eling. Protestant. Republican. Office: 31.6 Medical Arts Bldg., Duluth 2, Minn. Home: 2831 E. First St., Duluth 5, Minn. RYLE, Walter Harrington, president of Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, Kirksville, Mo.; b. Yates, Mo.; 1 June 1896; s. W. H. Ryle and Kate (Stark) R.; B.S., Northeast Mo. State Teachers Coll., 1919, Univ. of Chicago, 1919, 1921; A.M., Geo. Peabody Teachers Coll., 1927, Ph.D., 1930, Univ. Wis., 1927- 28; m. Maurine Lea, 7 June 1927; 1 son- Walter Harrington, Jr. Began career as principal of Clifton Hill (Mo.) High Sch., 1916; £p\. Public Sch., Clifton Hill, 1917- 18; principal Palmyra (Mo.) High Sch., 1919-21; instructor, hist., Northeast Mo. State Teachers College, summer, 1920; principal Holden (Mo.) High Sch., 1921- 23; supt. Public Schs. in Holden, 1923-27, acting prof, hist., Northeast Mo. State Teachers Coll., 1928-29; instr. hist., Pea- body College, Nashville, Term., 1929-30; prof, social science, Northeast Mo. State Teachers College, 1930—; pres., 1937—; chmn. Adair Co. (Mo.) Defense Council, 1941 — ; comdr. Civ. Defense Corps, Adair Co., 1942 — ; committeeman of Selective Service Bd. No. 1, Adair Co., 1940 — ; chmn. Kirksville Council Boy Scouts of Am., 1944 — ; chmn. Adair Co. Resources and Development Com. of Department of Resources and Development of Mo., 1944 — ; Veterans Adv. Com., Adair Co., 1944 — ; Postwar Planning Com, of the Com. for Economic Development Adair Co.; mem. Am. Hist. Assn., Mo. Hist. Assn., Mississippi Valley Hist. Assn., Phi Delta Kappa, Nat. Educ. Assn., Kap- pa Delta Pi, Masons, S.A.R., Mo. State Teachers Assn., Am. Legion, Kirksville Chamber Commerce, (p. dir.) Col. on Gov. Lloyd C. Stark's Personal Staff, 1937-41; served in the inf. of U.S. Army, during World War I; capt. of Co. C, 4th Missouri Inf., Missouri Guards, 1940- 41; capt. Insp. Gen. Dept., Adj. General Office, 1941—. Clubs: Rotary Internat., Kirksville (pres., 1939-40). Author: Geo- graphy of Missouri, 1934, Story of Mis- souri, 1938, Missouri: Union or Seces- sion, 1931. Interests: stamp collecting, hybridizing iris, fishing. Home: 820 E. Patterson St., Kirksville, Mo. Office: State Teachers College, Kirksville, Mo. PIKE, Sharley Kathleen, asst. profes- sor of English, registrar; b. Greeley, Colo., 8 Jan. 1887; d. Charles Alvin Pike, lawyer and district judge, and Elizabeth Jane (Cobb) P.; ed. Durango, (Colo.) high sch.; A.B. (Eng.), Colorado Coll., 1911; M.A., Marietta Coll., 1925; Univ. 111.; Harvard Grad. Sch. Edn. ; grad. work, Univ. of Edinburgh, 1935. Teacher in Durango schools (head of Latin dept., 4 yrs.); instr. of English at Marietta Coll., Univ. 111., Drury Coll.; asst. dean of women, Univ. Arizona; dean of wom- en, N.W. Missouri State Teachers Coll.; asst. prof. Eng., Drury Coll.; at present, head dept. Eng., Mancos High Sch., Mancos, Colo.; mem. N.E.A., Camp Fire Guardian, Kappa Alpha Theta, P.E.O., A.A.U.W., Delta Kappa Gamma. Travel: abroad, Continent, Edinburgh, Old Mex., Can., U.S. Interests: writing verse and informal essays, letters, travel, litera- ture, theatre. Recreations:' travel, read- ing, walking, cinema. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Home: 1221^ Washington, Springfield, Mo. Temporary address: Mancos, Colo. 457 FORD, Ella White, genealogist, and social worker; b. Cleveland, O., 9 Jan. 1883; d. Thomas Howard White, mfr., and Almira Louisa (Greenleaf) W.; ed. Hathaway Brown Sch., Cleveland, O.; The Elms, Springfield, Mass.; The Mas- ters' Sch., Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.; Simmons Coll.; N.Y. Univ.; Cleveland Coll.; Cleveland Art. Sch., Am. Red Cross Home Nursing, First Aid-Occupational Therapy asst. under Civilian defense; m. Horatio Ford (A.B., LL.D.; M.B.H.), of Cleveland, O., 7 May 1908; children- Horatio Clark, II, Andrew, Thomas Windsor, Johnthan, Almira, Baldwin. Fellow of Inst. Am. Geneal.; lecturer, Schauffler Coll. Soc. Rel. Ed.; tr., Home Econ. Employment Commn. (chm.) ; mem. Bd. Trustees of Phyllis Wheatley Assn. (mem. Fin., Personnel Comms.), P.T.A. (p. pres., So. Euclid), Dames Magna Charter, Colonial Dames Am., D.A.R.. Cleveland Mus. Art and Art Sch., Nat. Hist. Mus., Women's Council of Western Res. Hist. Soc, N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, League Women Voters, Women's Assn. Euclid Av. Cong. Ch., Garden Center (p. dir.), Jr. League of Am. Clubs : Women's City, Garden Clubs of Am., Ohio, Lyndhurst, Shaker Lakes. Author: Ancestors and Descendants of Thomas Howard White, 1928; Ancestors and Descendants of Almira Louisa Greenleaf, 1929. Dau. of Thomas White, founder and mfr. of White Motor Truck and White Rotary Sewing Machine, which bear his name. Interests: war prevention, racial problems, religion and philosophy, handcrafts, decorative arts, modeling, horsemanship, travel. Recreations: theatre, dancing, garden- ing, lectures, and following husband's pack of foot beagles and his farming in- terests. Congregationalist. Office and home: Whitford, Mayfield, & Richmond Rds., South Euclid, Cleveland 21, O. DANIELS, Albert L., cigar mfr.; b. New Straitsville, O., 19 Oct. 1891; s. James Daniels and Sarah Ann. D. ; dir. Peoples Nat. Bank and Fidelity B. & L. Co., Greenfield, O.; apptd. mem. of Ohio Battle Monuments Comm. by the Gov. to dedicate monuments in France and Belgium, marking War I battle grounds where Ohio troops fought with 37th Div. ; served as mayor, postmaster of Green- field; 2 terms in Ohio House Reps., now serving 3rd term in Ohio Senate, mem. State Bd. Control; chmn. Highland Co. Republican Ex. Com., mem. Masons, (32d deg.) Shrine, P.E.R. Elks, P.W. P. Eagles, Eastern Star, Am. Legion, 40 & 8, D.V.A. (p. State comdr.). Club: Rotary. Methodist. Office: 251 E. Jeffer- son St., Greenfield, O. Home: 113 E. Jef- ferson St., Greenfield, O. DENISON, Robert Fuller, lawyer; b. Cleveland, O., 4 Jan. 1876; s. Lemuel Taylor Denison, banker, and Sarah Lou- ise (Fuller) D.; ed. Cleveland publ. schs.; A.B., Williams Col., 1897; LL.B., Columbia, 1900; m. Elizabeth Brainerd Thomson of Ossining, N.Y., 11 Oct. 1899; children— Robert Borodel, Elizabeth St. John (Mrs. E. P. Hetzler). Specialized in corp., r.r., pub. utilities and munici- pal bond law; assoc. Squire, Sanders and Dempsey, 1900-12, mem. of firm, 1913 — ; mem. of Cleveland Heights Council, 1913—; v. maj., 1932—; gen. atty., Wheeling and Lake Erie div. R.R. Administrator; mem. Am. Archaeol. Inst.; New Eng. Soc. (Cleveland, pres., 1938), Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Am., Ohio, and Cleve- land Bar Assns. Editor: Page's Ohio General Code Upon Issuance of Bonds; A Manual for the Issuing and Sale of Ohio Bonds. Clubs: Union, University, Country (Cleveland). Recreation: golf. Episcopal. (Standing Com., sec, 1942—, and Com. Canons, Diocese of Ohio, Di- ocesan Council, 1928-30). Republican. Of- fice: 1857 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleve- land, O. Home: 2873 N. Park Blvd., Cleveland Heights, O. CORWIN, Walling, author, teacher, chemist; b. Morrow, O. 29 Nov. 1895; s. W. D. Corwin, farmer, banker, and Ce- lia (Worley) C. ; ed. Morrow high sch. National Normal Univeristy, Lebanon, O., 1914; Ohio State Univ., 1915-21; B. Sc Ohio State Univ., 1919, M. Sc, 1921; Univ. Calif., 1923-24; grad. Martin Jensen Flying School, San Diego, Calif., 1925; m. Mae Johnson of Columbus, O., 21 Oct. 1920. (dec, 1933); 1 dau.— Bar- bara; m. (2nd) Esther Helen Elliott of Butler, Ky. 2 July 1942. Teacher Oak Ridge pub. sch., 1914-15. instr. (half time) O. State Univ., 1919-21; instr. voc agr. Millersburg (O.), instr. sci. San Diego City schs., 1924-35, instr. voc. agr., Laurelville, O., 1937-38, Bidwell, O., 1938- 42; chemist Dupont Remington Arms, Kings Mills (O.), 1942-44; chemist re- search Div. American Rolling Mills, Mid- dletown (O.), 1944 — ; Member Masons, Eastern Star, Grange. Author: Junior High School Science; Science of Discov- ery and Invention (co-author); Science of Plant and Animal Life (co-author) Science of Human Living; Trails Today; Living Things; Illustrations in Pioneer's Pathway. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Pres- 458 byterian. Home: 2111 Wilbraham Rd., Middletown, O. CLAPP, Paul S., vice president; b. Toledo, la., 28 July 1890; s. S. E. Clapp, lawyer, and Nellie (Morse) C; ed. Adel (la.) high sen.; B.S. (in E.E.), la. State Coll., 1913, professional degree, 1925; m. Rosalind Wainwright, of N. Y. City, June 1932; children— Paul, Jr., Rosalind, Julia Ann. Research engr., Western Elec. Co., 1913-17; participated in eng- ineering work, first transcontinental tele- phone line; spec. asst. to Herbert Hoov- er, Sec. Commerce, 1923-26; sec. St. Lawrence Comm., also Second Nat. Ra- dio Conf.; mgr. dir., Nat. Elec. Lights Assn., 1926-32; v.p., Columbia Gas & Elec. Co., 1932—; dir. Columbia Enging. Corp., N.Y.C., v.p. Ohio Fuel Gas Co., Cincinnati Gas Elec. Co.; capt. Signal corps., 1 1/2 yrs., Order of Star (Rou- mania), in charge reestablishment of telephone and telegraph communications, for Central and Southeastern Eur., on engineering staff, Peace Commission, Paris, following World War I; awarded Anson Marston Gold Medal, for achieve- ment in engineering, 1945; mem. A. I. E.E., Ohio Acad, of Sci., Edison Elec. Inst. Clubs: University (N.Y.), Cosmos (Washington, D.C.), Recess (N.Y.), Co- lumbus, Columbus Country (Columbus), Queen City, Cincinnati. Protestant. Re publican. Office: 99 N. Front St., Colum- bus, O. Home: 107 Ashbourne Rd., Col umbus, O. BROWN, Nathan Worth, consulting physician, cardiologist; b. Yokohama, Japan; 22 Oct. 1877; s. Rev. Nathan Brown, missionary, and Charlotte Ame- lia (Worth) B.; ed. Vermont Acad., Sax- ton's River, Vt. ; Doane Acad., Gran- ville, O. ; B.S., Denison Univ., 1900; M. D., Western Reserve, 1903; m. Margaret Hay of Seville, O., 8 July 1903; children — Dorothy (Mrs. W. C. Moore), Nathan Worth, Jr., Winship Hay. Hosp. resident, St. Vincent's, Cleveland, O.; gen. pract., Toledo, O., 1906-09, pract. int. med., 1919—; prof, internal med., Univ. Nan- king Med. Sen., 1910-16; charge, Chinese Red Cross, lower Yangtse Valley during revol.- against Manchus, 1912; asst. lec- turer on cardiology, Johns Hopkins Med. Sen., 1916-17, 2 year Rockefeller fellow- ship, 1916-17; phys., Toledo Clinic, 1930; consultant in cardiology, 1930 — ; cardio- logist, Toledo Hosp., dir. med. service, 1926-30; cardiologist, Flower Hosp., dir. med. service, 1937-39; introduced elec- trocardiography, Toledo Hosps., 1919; mem. staff, several Toledo Hosps.; sgt. Co. B., 5th Ohio Volunteer Inf., Spanish War, 1898; capt., maj., med. corps, 18 mos. service, mem. staff, British Heart Hosp., 4 mos., Base Hosp., Treport, Fr. ; 4 mos., (officer in command.) 92nd Con- valescent Hosp., Quiberon, Fr., 6 mos., World War I.; at present It. col., Med. Reserve Corps, U.S.A.; mem. Toledo Acad. Med., Ohio State Med. Assn., Am. Med. Assn., Toledo Art Mus. Assn., Toledo Zoological Assn., Anthony Wayne Chap. S.A.R., p. pres., fellow Am. Heart Assn., Am. Coll. Physicians (F.A. C.P.) ; mem. bd. Toledo Maternal Health Assn. Clubs: Torch (Toledo, O.), Toledo Camera. Author: numerous arts, and addresses on med. subjs. Travel: Eur., China, Japan. Father, Rev. Na- than Brown, desc. of Thomas Brown of Concord, Mass. through Capt. Josiah Brown of Revol.; maternal b.f., William Worth, of N.J., civil engr. on first N.Y. City viaduct. Interests: genealogical re- search, pictorial photog. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: Toledo Clinic, 2001 Col- lingwood Av., Toledo, O. Home: 4640 Westway, Toledo, O. BOUCHER, Howard E., surgeon; b. Bryan, O., 17 June 1884; s. Chauncey A. Boucher, farmer, and Mary Ann (Yam- bert) B.; ed. Tri State Coll., Ind.; M.D., Ohio State Univ., 1910; m. Mary Ella McCalla of Columbus, O., 3 Sept. 1913; children — Helen Boucher-Dix, Howard E. Jr. Teacher in pub. sens., 1 yr.; in- terne, White Cross Hosp., 1 yr. ; surg. asst. and pvt. practice to 1916; sr. at- tending surg. , White Cross and Childrens Hosp. Inst, clinical surg., O. State Univ., Coll. of Med. (military leave); service on Texas border as 1st It., M.C., 1916-17; during World War I, 1st It. to maj., M.C. in command of 146 Ambulance Co., 37th Div. in Argonne Offensive and Ypres- Lys Offensive, served on Baccarat Sec- tor and St. Mihiel, later Camp Surg., Camp Romaigne, Silver Star Citation; cont. mil. service as It. col., M.C, exec, officer 112th Med. Regt., O.N.G., World War II, active duty, 18 Oct. 1940, State Med. Officer & Dep. State Director, O. Selective Serv. Hdqrs., col., M.C. Mem. Columbus Acad. Med., O. State Med. Assn., A.M. A., Assn. Mil. Surg., Masons, Scottish Rite, Shrine. Clubs: University, Lions, Hiawatha. Travel: Brit. Isles, Ire., Belg., Holl., Fr., Ger. French an- cestor came to Am. before Am. Revol.; 5 sons served in Continental Army; fa- ther served in Civil War, sgt. 21st Ohio Vol. Inf., wounded at battle of Chica- maugua. Interests: big game hunting, fishing, boating. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office: 9 Buttles Ave., Columbus, 459 O. Home: 4422 Dublin Rd., Columbus, O. Hunting Lodge: Algoma Dist., Ontar- io, Can. MEEKISON, Vadae G., attorney-at- law; b. Glenwood, W. Va., 26 Oct. 1883; d. Doreno Harvey and Alice (Smith) H.; ed. LL.B., Valparaiso Univ., 1907; m. George A. Meekison of Napoleon, O., lawyer, 1907; children — Virginia, Lt. Da- vid, J.G., U.S.N.R. Practicing law; mem. Bd. of R. C. in Henry Co., 1920- 30, home service sec, 1925; org. A.R.C. in Henry Co., sec. and mgr. (vol.) dur- ing World War I., mem. Co. Food Com. of Five, chmn. Ladies com., 3rd Liberty Loan; mem. Woman's Suffrage Assn., Woman Voters League, Nat. Assn. Wo- men Lawyers. Author: feature arts, in newspapers and mags. Travel: Eur., Can., Mex. Desc. Stillman and Lorna Prescott Harvey, migrators from Taun- ton, Mass. to Marietta, O., Interests: writing, studying ancient civilizations. Recreation: travel. Methodist. Repub- lican. Office: Community Bank Bldg., Napoleon, O. Home: 521 Haley Av., Na- poleon, O. MEES, Oscar Charles, clergyman; b. Columbus, O., 9 May 1881; s. Theophilus Mees, clergyman, teacher, and Johanna (Brauer) M. ; ed. Woodville Normal Sch. ; Capital Univ.; A.B., Columbus Theol. Sem., 1905; D.D. (hon.), Wittenberg Coll., Springfield, O., 1934; m. May A. Cyriaks, of New York City, 10 May 1915; children — Amy M., Oscar C, Jr., Walter H., Arthur F., Marjorie E. Missionary, circuit rider, Baltimore, Md., 1905-12; pastor, N.Y.C., 1913-26; sec, Nat. Luth- eran Council, 1919-26; commr. to Eur., 1925; dir., Lutheran Emergency Relief for Finland and war orphaned For. Mis- sions, 1940; regional dir., State of Ohio, Lutheran World Action for duration of war; pastor, Canton, 1926—; founder, 3 chs., N.Y.C.; mem. bd. trs., Am. Luth- eran Ch., 1932 — ; sec, Nat. Lutheran Commn. for Soldiers & Sailors Welfare, 1917-19; mem. A.R.A. (Herbert Hoover), Canton Chamber Commerce, Nat. Music Appreciation (pres. Canton chap.), Can- ton Civic Music Assn. (v.p.). Club: Lions (p.pres.). Author: mag. arts., lit. con- tribns. to Lutheran Church Press. Trav- el: Eur., Ger., Poland, Lithuania, Lat- via, Esthonia, Mex. g.f., 1st Lutheran pastor in Columbus (served 50 yrs.) ; di- rectly related to 34 Lutheran pastors liv- ing; 2 sons in armed services, 1 son preparing for ministry. 1 daughter with the Hour of Charm (soprano). Interest: musical development of community life. Recreations: golf, bowling. Evangelical Lutheran. Republican. Office and home: 1025 Walnut Av., N.E., Canton, O. MOORE, Walter M. administrative officer, Wright Field; b. Rochester, Minn., 7 Oct. 1883; s. Edwin R. Moore, banker, and Effie (Kerr) M. ; ed. Central high sch., St. Paul, Minn.; B.S. (in For- estry), Univ. Minn., 1909; m. Ella Flem- ing of Mobile, Ala., 25 Dec. 1924. Mem. U.S. Forest Service, 1909-17; officer, U. S. Army Air Corps, 1917-19, 1942-44; ci- vilian, fiscal accountant, admin, officer, U.S. Army Air Corps, 1919—; 2nd It., Aviation Sect., S.C., World War I, maj., Air Corps, World War II; now Maj., Air Corps Reserve, U.S. Army; sr. mem. Soc Am. Foresters; mem. Soc Am. Mil. Engrs., Nat. Geographic Soc, Am. Legion adj. Post. 526, dist. adj., 3rd Dist. of Ohio, Ohio Chamber Commerce, Sig- ma Xi, Alpha Zeta. Club: Osborn Com- mercial (exec. sec). Interest: fine books (has priv. lib.). Recreation: swimming. Presbrn. Republican. Office: Wright Field, Dayton, O. Home: 34 N. Central Av., Osborn, Greene Co., O. MTJMM, William M., advertising a- gent; b. Buffalo, N.Y.; 29 Sept. 1872; s. George Mumm, mechanic, and Frances (Hemmerdien) M. ; ed. Canisius Coll. high sch., Buffalo, N.Y.; m. Lillian A. Welker of Buffalo, N.Y., 18 July 1894; children— John (dec), William E., Ed- win J. (dec), Lillian K., Harry G., Ma- rie F., J. Herbert. Clerk-stenographer, Buffalo (N.Y.) Post Office, 2 yrs., then sec. to postmaster; pvt. sec. to supt. schs. of Buffalo, N.Y., 5 yrs.; in news- paper work, 3 1/2 yrs.; editor and ad- vertising mgr. of a monthly periodical for a floral estab. in Eastern Pa.; co- founder Mumm, Mullay, & Nichols, Inc., national adv. agency, 1903, now pres.; dir. New Idea Inc., Coldwater, Ohio and Sandwich, 111.; mem. Ohio Develop- ment and Publicity Com (apptd. by gov.) ; chmn. Bd. of Instructions for Drafted Men; major, (close of World War I), Mil. Intell. Officers' Reserve Corps, then lt.-col. and col.; grad. spe- cial course, Army War Coll.; co-organ? izer Reserve Officers' Assn., Am. Fedn. Advertisers, K. C, Elks, General Orton Chap. R.O.A., Scabbard and Blade (hon. mem.). Author: several pamphlets on national defense, military training and business subjects; over 200 public ad- dresses on preparedness for defense. In- terests: books, flower garden, fishing. Catholic Republican. Office : 33 N. Grant Av., Columbus, O. Home: 1747 Franklin Av., Columbus, O. 460 OSWALT, Edna Rickey Lotz, associate professor of psychology; b. Albany, O., 22 Apr. 1897; d. Fred E. Rickey, engi- neer, and Mary Alice (Robinett) R.; ed. Athens high sen.; A.B., Ohio Univ., 1917, B.S. in E., 1920; M.A., Ohio State Univ., 1921, Ph.D., 1924; m. Ernest George Lotz of Columbus, O., 12 June 1925 (dec, 31 May 1938); m. (2nd) Dr. Glen De- Witt Oswalt, 1 Jan. 1943. Teacher, Jack- son and Beverly High Sens., Columbus Normal sen.; psychologist, Ohio Bur. Juvenile Res.; prof, psychology, Syra- cuse Univ.; dir., Columbus sch. for In- dividual Instrn.; supervisor Spl. Edn., Western State Teachers Coll., Kalama- zoo, Mich.; assoc. prof, psycho!., Kent State Univ., Kent, O.; pres., Kent Delta Kappa Gamma; sec, Delta Province, Zeta Tau Alpha; mem. Edn. Com., Ohio Prob. Assn.; mem. Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Assn. Applied Psychology, A.A.A. S., Ohio Acad. Sci, Sigma Xi, Pi Lamb- da Theta, Kappa Delta Pi, Delta Kappa Gamma, Zeta Tau Alpha, Internat. Coun- cil for Exceptional Children, Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Gov. Com. on Follow-up in Ohio of White House Conf. on Child Welfare. Author: jour. arts, in spec, edn. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: gar- dening, local traveling. Republican. Of- fice: Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Home: 246 Washington, N.W., Warren, O. GREENBERG, Charles, urologist; b. Boston, Mass., 23 Dec. 1887; s. Marcus Greenberg and Dora (Putter) G.; ed. Wynberg high sch. for Boys, Cape Col- ony, So. Afr.; M.D., Univ. of Louisville Sch. of Med., 1911; Univ. of Pa. Grad. Sch. of Med., 1921-22; m. Maybelle Greenberg of St. Paul, Minn., 25 Feb. 1923; children — Jean Marie, Robert Er- ic. Telegrapher in civil serv., latter part, Boer War, serving Gov. of Cape Colony, Newlands, Cape Colony, So. Air., in- terne Nat. Jewish Hosp., Denver, Colo., 1911-12, Louisville City Hosp., Louisville, Ky., 1912-13, Harper Hosp., Detroit, Mich., 1919-20; urologist, Mo. Meth. Hosp., St. Joseph Hosp., State Hosp. No; 2; dir. Temple Adath Joseph; p. pres. Buchanan Co. Med. Soc, St. Joseph Clinical Soc, staff Mo. Meth. Hosp.. St. Joseph Hosp.; served as 1st It., M.C., 1st Mo. Field Hosp., Mex. Border, 1916- 17, capt., M.C., 129 Mach. Gun Bn., 35th Div., A.E.F., 1917-19; maj. M.C., U.S.R.; St. Mihiel medal Argonne (Verdun) medal; mem. Buchanan Co. Mo. State, Am., So. Med. Soc, Am. Urol. Soc, A. C.S. (fellow), Am. Legion, Vets. For. Wars (comdr.), Masons. Clubs: Rotary, Moila Shrine, Moila Golf. Author: num. papers. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: nat. defense (chmn. com., Defend Am. by Aiding Allies, pres. Bundles for Bri- tain Soc, chmn., Med. Adv. Bd., selec- tive serv., R.C. Med Disaster Com.), autobiogs., biogs. Recreations: golf, reading, fishing. Hebrew. Office: Physi- cians & Surgeons Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo. Home: 802 N. Noyes Blvd., St. Joseph, Mo. SCHULTZ, Louis W., oral and plastic surgeon; b. Peoria, 111., 12 June 1894; s. Louis Schultz, oral and plastic sur- geon, and Sophie (Degel) S.; ed. Oak Park and River Forest Township high sch., Oak Park, 111.; B.S., Univ. 111., 1923, D.D.S., 1920, M.D., 1928; m. Louise Roberts of Chicago, 111., 27 May 1922; children — Beatrice Louise, Barbara Joan, Louis William. Assoc, prof., Coll. of Med., Univ. 111.; asst. prof., Col. of Dentistry, Univ. 111., acting head of oral & plastic surgery, 1942-44; head dept. of oral surgery, Research and Educa- tional Hosp., Univ. 111.; head dept. of oral and plastic surgery, West Suburban Hosp., Chicago State Hosp., Children's Memorial Hosp., Presbn. Hosp.; dir., Athey Truss Wheel Co., Chicago and Clearing, 111.; fire and police commr., River Forest, 111.; v.pres. 1941-44; pres. 1945—; Elgin Club., Lake Geneva, Wis., enlisted M.R.C. during World War I; Oral and Plastic Surg. Med. Adv. Bd. No. 6; Fellow A.C.S.; mem. A.M.A., 111. Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Am. Dental Assn., 111. Dental Soc, Chicago Dental Soc, Nu Sigma Nu, Delta Sigma Delta, Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Masons, K.T., Shrine. Clubs: Lake Shore Athletic (Chicago), Lake Geneva (Wis.) Yacht, River Forest, (111.) Tennis, Elgin (v. pres., 1941-44, pres., 1945. Lake Geneva, Wis.). Author: papers written on original work on Traumatic Temporomandibular arthritis, cleft lip and palate surgery, oral and plastic surgery. Editor and pro- ducer of several movies on: Unilateral Cleft Lip; Bilateral Cleft Lip; Cleft Pal- ate; Cartilage Implants; 7th Nerve Pa- ralysis Balanced bv Tantalum Implants; Temporo - mandibular Arthroplasties; Traumatic Temporo-mandibular Arth- ritis. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 25 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1025 Jackson St., River Forest, 111. Sum- mer home: Lake Geneva, Wis. DOWNS, Walter Bishop, wholesale gro- cer; b. Chicago, 111., 2 June 1861; s. Myron Day Downs, merchant, and Lydia Elizabeth (Allen) D.; ed. Chicago high sch. (2 yrs.) 1877; m. Grace Virginia 461 Comfort of Chicago, 111., 4 Oct. 1892; 1 son — Myron Day, III. Entered employ of H. C. & C. Durand, wholesale grocers. Chicago, 1879, with them and successors, 1879-1940, office boy to shipping elk., traffic and ins. mgr.'; dir. and sec, Dur- and & Kasper Co., 1904-21; v. p., dir., Wholesale Grocers Assn., 1923; traffic and ins. mgr., Durand McNeil Horner Co., 1923—, retired, 1940. Travel: U. S. Recreation : gardening. Presbyterian (Elder, 1903-11). Republican. Home: 527 Ashland Av., River Forest, 111. DAWSON, William, archdeacon of Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee and ex- ecutive secretary; b. Otley, Yorkshire, Eng., 18 Feb. 1873; s. James Dawson and Margaret (Ingham) D.; ed. Eng. schs.; Lawrence Coll., 1893-94; Univ. of Wis., 1894-98; Methodist Theolog. Sem.; m. Grace Gertrude Rehn, 28 Mar. 1894; children — Frances Willard, Wm. Mere- dith (dec), Gordon Eversz. Apprentice in Vicuna Works, Laisterflyke, Eng.; served 1 yr. in 79th Queens Own Camer- on Highlanders; came to U.S., 1892, and worked in blacksmith shop; pastor- ates in London, Richmond, Hebron, East Troy and Menasha, all in Wis.; elected Justice of Peace on Rep. and Dem. tickets; acting sec, Wis. Highway Commn., 1911-16; clergyman of Protes- tant Episcopal Ch., 1917; field sec, Univ. Commn. of Ch., 1917-18; rector St. John's Ch. Portage, 1918-20; publicity man for Columbia County Council of Defense, World War I; archdeacon of Madison, 1920-26, of Milwaukee, 1926—, also exec sec; mem. Reserve Officer's Corp, 1923- 35; built church at East Troy as Meth- odist preacher; ed., Church Times, Di- ocesan Monthly, 19 yrs. The original Dawson name, of which there are Eng., Scottish and Irish branches, sprang from the name of Sir Marmaduke D-Ossone, a knight of Wm. the Conqueror, who fought at the Battle of Hastings, name was later anglicised. Interest: poetry (I Love America poem has wide circula- tion in mags., also in others), "Poetry Out of Wisconsin" and poems in "The Flag of the United States." Address: Di- ocese of Milwaukee, 818 E. Juneau Av., Milwaukee, Wis. ZAHORSKY, John, physician; b. Me- reny, Hungary, 13 Oct. 1871; s. John Za- horsky, farmer, and Amalia (Gura) Z. ; ed. pub. sch., Steelville, Mo.; A.B., Steelville Inst., M.D., Mo. Med. Coll.. 1895; m. Elizabeth Silverwood of St. Lou- is, Mo., 27 June 1900; children — Theo- dore, Elizabeth C. Pvt. pract. 1900—; limited to pediatrics; writing books; teacher pediatrics, Wash. Univ., 1900- 12, St. Louis Univ., 1912—; dir. dept.; ex-pres., Bethesda Hosp.; pediatrician in chief to St. Mary's Group Hosps.; stock raiser farmer; mem. A.M. A., S. M.A., Am. Acad. Ped., Am. C. of Phys., St. Louis Pediatric Soc, St. Louis Med. Soc, Phi Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha, Lie Am. B. Ped. Club: Wildwood Springs. Author: 150 med. pa- pers; Baby Incubators; Golden Rules of Pediatrics; Synopsis of Pediatrics; Infant and Child, in Health and Disease. Travel: U.S. Interests: semi-sci., med. arts., poetry. Recreation: exploring Ozarks. Presbyterian, Republican. Of- fice: 536 N. Taylor, St. Louis, Mo. Home: 4465 Forest Park Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Summer home: Steelville, Mo. JONES, Paul F., lawyer; b. Danville, 111., 6 Nov. 1898; s. Oliver M. Jones, law- yer, and Emma (Fouts) J.; ed. Danville high sch.; northwestern Univ., 1919; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1922; m. Edith Fair- child of Danville, 111., 24 Jan. 1924; chil- dren—John Morton, Don Paul. City atty., 1924-25; U.S. dist. atty., 1921-35; dir. of ins. for State of 111., 1941—; 2nd It., Inf., U.S.A. during World War I; capt. 33rd div., 111. Nat. Guard, Judge Advocate Dept. Gen. Staff; mem. Am. Legion, 111. State, Vermilion Co. and Am. Bar Assns., Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Delta Phi, Elks. Methodist. Republican. Office: 306 Adams Bldg., Danville, 111. Home: 1517 No. Vermilion St., Danville, HI. JOHNSON, Frank Ludwig, director and vice president; b. Chicago, 111., 18 Nov. 1888; s. John Levin Johnson, build- ing contractor, and Hulda K. (Fauguist) J.; ed. Orr's Bus. Coll.; Central Y.M.C. A. Coll. Chicago Am. Sch. Correspond- ence; m. Florence Mabel Farr of Chi- cago, 111., 3 July 1911; children— Frank L., Jr., Florence Evelyn Johnson Laub. Dir., v.p., Pressed Steel Car Co., Inc.; pres., dir., Roseland Standard Building & Loan Assn. Clubs: Union League (Chi- cago), Western Railway, Beverly Coun- try, South Side Swedish, Duquesne (Pittsburgh). Office: 122 S. Michigan Av. Chicago, 111. Home: 11132 Wallace St., Chicago, 111. LANGE, Eugene W., pathologist; b. Cedarburg, Wis., 19 Mar. 1905; s. Wm. A. Lange, minister, and Elizabeth (En- gelmann) L; ed. Cedarburg high sch.; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1926, M.D., 1931; m. Alice Damerow of Cedarburg, Wis., 22 Feb. 1930. Part time instr. in anat. and embryology, Univ. Wis., 1927-28, full time, 1928-29, surgical anat., (summer session) 1929; interne, Wis. Gen. Hosp., 462 1931-32; res. pathologist, Buffalo City Hosp. and Univ. Buffalo, 1932-35; pathol- ogist, Hackley Hosp., Muskegon, Mich.. 1935 — ; dir. clin. pathological and pharm., Hackley Hosp., Muskegon; mem. A.M. A., Muskegon Co. Med. Soc, Mich. Pathological Soc, Mich. Bacterio- logical Soc, Alpha Omega Alpha, Sig- ma Sigma, Phi Chi. Clubs: Muskegon Rotary, Muskegon Torch (pres., 1941). Interests: horticulture, touring. Recrea- tions: reading, theatre. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: Hackley Hospital, Mus- kegon, Mich. Home: Wolf Lake, Mus- kegon, Mich. WADSWORTH, Charles, b. Coopers- town, N.Y., 9 July 1878; s. Chester Ish- am Wadsworth, D.D.S., and Cynthia Caroline (Barrett) W. ; ed. Cooperstown schs.; m. Anna Doyle (dec.) of Akron, O. 27 June 1901; children — Virginia Lou- ise (Mrs. Arthur Michael Wirt), William Scoville (dec). Salesman, Am. Casualty Co., Oneonta, N.Y., 1895-97; casualty broker (ins.), Cleveland, O., 1897-1907; gen. agent, Equitable Life Assurance Soc, Cleveland, June-Dec 1907, Chi- cago, Dec 1907 — ; dir. Kensington Steel Co., Presby. Theol. Sem.; mem. Chicago Hist. Soc, Art Inst., Chicago, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., S.R., S.A.R. Club: Union League. Interest: outdoor sports. Rec- reation: horseback riding. Presbyterian (Elder 4th Presby. Ch.). Republican. Of- fice: Suite 1120, 29 S. LaSalle St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 3000 Sheridan Rd., Chi- cago, 111. WYRICK, Herbert McNultie, minister; b. Maynardsville, Tenn., 6 Oct. 1893; s. George M. Wyrick, merchant, and Kath- erine (Hawkins) W. ; ed. A.B., Carson and Newman Coll., Jefferson City, Tenn., 1915; B.D., Crozer Theol. Sem., 1924, D.D., Grand Island Coll., 1931; m. Roxie Peters of Jefferson City, Tenn., 27 June 1917; children — Herbert, Mary, Margaret Ann. Pastor, First Bapt. Ch., Grand Forks, N.D., 1925-30, Calvary Bapt. Ch., Omaha, Neb., 1930— -.; pres. Neb. Bapt. Conv., 1934-38; mem. council finance and promotion, Northern Bapt. Conv.; served as four-minute speaker in Liberty Loan Drives and other war proj- ects during World War I; mem. Phi Gamma Mu, Masons. Author: Seven Re- ligious Isms; many mag. and newspa- per articles. Travel: Eng., Ger., Aus., Fr., Holl., Switz. Interest: reviewing bi- ographies. Recreations: golf, motoring. Baptist. Republican. Office: Hoporan & Sixth St., Barberton, O. Home: 250 Sixth St., Barberton, O. Summer home: Cor- ryton, Tenn- LAURIE, Alex, professor of horticul- ture; b. France, 23 May 1892; s. Mark Laurie, phys., and Olga (Murat) L.; ed. Townsend Harris Hall, N.Y.; B.S., Cor- nell Univ., 1914; M.A., Wash. Univ., 1917; m. Leila Whitney, 1914 (dec, 1919); m. (2nd) Goldie Sivil, 1941; 1 dau. — Phyllis. Instr. floriculture, Univ. of Maine, 1914-16; horticulturist, Mo. Bot. Garden, 1916-20; commercial work, 1920- 25; asst. prof, horticulture, Mich. State Coll., 1928-29; prof, horticulture, O. State Univ., 1929 — ; res. in photoperiodism, soilless culture, steam sterilization of soil, temperatures fertilizers; asst. food administrator, Mo., 1917-18; mem. Soc. Am. Florists, Nat. Shade Tree Conf., Sigma Xi, Pi Alpha Xi, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma, Am. Soc. for Hort. Sci. (pres., 1936), Ohio Florists' Assn. (sec), Roses, Inc. (sec), Royal Hort. Soc. Ohio Acad, of Sci. Au- thor: Fertilizers; Modern Nursery; Commercial Flower Forcing; Flower Shop; Chrysanthemums; Soilless Cul- ture; Fundamentals of Floriculture; many sci. bulls, and papers, mag. arts. Interests: golf, work of students. Office: Ohio State University, Columbus, O. Home: 1802 Ashland Av., Columbus, O. JAFFE, Lester A., attorney; b. Cin- cinnati, O., 18 May 1896; s. Jay Jaffe (shoe business), and Hannah (Auer) J.; ed. Walnut Hills high sch. ; A.B., Univ. Cincinnati, 1917, A.M., 1920; LL.B., Co- lumbia Univ., 1921; m. Rosa Shor of Cincinnati, O., 31 Dec 1925; children- Murray, June, Nina. Mem firm, Paxton & Seasongood, 1921 — ; prof., Chase Law Sch.; mem. faculty, Univ. Cincinnati Dept. Pol. Sci., 1917-18, Coll. Law, 1927-30, mem. bd. dirs., 1931-40; vice chmn. bd. govs. (exec, com.) Hebrew Union Coll.; exec. bd. Union Am. Hebrew Congs.; pres. Jewish Community Center of Cin- cinnati, 1941-45; Cincinnati Hosp. Unit., A.E.F., during World War I; mem. Am. O. State and Cincinnati Bar Assns., Nat. Municipal League, Citizens Sch. (del. of Cincinnati), Better Housing League, Cin- cinnati Mus. Assn., Phi Beta Kappa (pres., Delta chap., O., 1933-35), Tau Kappa Alpha, Rockdale Av. Temple, Sig- ma Alpha Mu, Omicron Delta Kappa, Masons (32d deg.). Clubs: Lawyers, Civic, Losantville Country. Author: legal articles. Interest: gardening. Jewish. Re- publican. Office: 1616 Union Central Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Home: Section Rd., Amberly, Cincinnati, O. KUNSCHER, Helen A., professor of home economics; b. Gates Mills, O., 5 Aug. 1904; d. Ernest H. Hunscher, build- 46J ing contractor, and Cora A. (Knapp) H. ; ed. Cleveland Heights (O.) high sch.; A.B., O. State Univ., 1925; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1932; m. Howard Paul Wilkin- son of Cleveland, O., 23 Dec. 1939. Res. asst. Fellow, Merrill Palmer Sch., 1926- 27; Nat. Res. Council Fellow, Merrill Palmer Sch., 1927-28; asst. in res., Mer- rill Palmer Sch., 1928-29; National Res. Council Fellows, Univ. Chicago, 1929-31; res. assoc, Children's Fund of Mich., Detroit, 1931-37; lecturer in nutrition, Wayne Univ., Detroit, 1931-37; prof., home econs., head dept., Western Res. Univ., 1937 — ; mem., Am. Inst. Nutrition, A.C.S., Soc. Exptl. Biology and Medicine, Am. Dietetic Assn., Am. Home Econom- ics Assn., Soc. Res. in Child Develop- ment, Sigma Kappa, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Omicron Nu, Iota Sig- ma Pi, Sigma Xi, Sigma Delta Epsilon. Author: sic. arts. Travel: U.S., Can. Gt. g. d. Halsey Gates, founder of village of Gates Mills, O. Interests : home, garden- ing, antiques. Office: Western Reserve University, Cleveland, O. Home: Gates Mills, O. HERRON, James Hervey, consulting engineer; b. Girard, Pa., 4 Jan. 1875; s. James Hervey Herron and Josephine (Fuller) H. ; ed. Girard Acad., Girard, Pa.; B.S. (in mech. engring.), Univ. Mich., 1909; D. of Engrg. (hon.), Case School of Applied Science, 1943; m. Cora E. Lewis of Erie, Pa., 19 June 1900. Apprentice, Stearns Mfg. Co., Erie, Pa., 1889-95; asst. and chief engr., Erie City Iron Works, 1895-97; draftsman and asst. engr., Cambria Steel Co., Johnstown, Pa., 1899-1902; v. p. and chief engr., Bury Com- pressor Co., Eria, Pa., 1902-05; mgr., Motch & Merryweather Mach. Co., De troit, Mich., 1905-07; chief engr. and wks mgr., Detroit Steel Products Co., Detroit Mich., 1907-09; pres., James H. Herron Co., cons, e'ngrs., Cleveland, O., 1909 — dir., Forest Glen Estate, Youngstown, O. pres. Bd. of Ed., Cleveland Heights, 1914 20; hon. mem. Cleveland Engring. Soc (pres., 1917-18); fellow Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs. (mgr., 1922-25, v. pres., 1934-36, pres., 1936-37); F. A.I.E.E., A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Soc. for Testing Materials A.S.C.E. (pres Cleveland Sect, 1935), A.C.S., A.I.M. & M.E., Brit. Iron and Steel Inst., Am. Concrete Inst., Tau Beta Pi, Chamber Commerce. Club: Mid-Day, Cleveland Assoc, ed. and contbr., Hool and Johnston, Handbook of Building Con- struction (chap, on Iron and Steel) ; Hool and Kinne, Building Construction. G. s. of Joseph Herron, M.A., who founded Herron Sem., Cincinnati, O., 1835; g.s. of David T. Fuller, B.A., mem. Ohio State Legis., first probate judge of Delaware Co., O. 1852; s. J. H. Herron, I, B.A., M.A., B.T., D.D., pres. Springfield Fe- male Coll., 1864-68, Willoughby Coll., 1868- 72. Interest: collecting woodworking tools. Recreation: fishing. Christian Sci- entist. Independent. Office: 1360-64 W. Third St., Cleveland, O. Home: 2862 Fair- mount Blvd., Cleveland Heights, O. WATKINS, Charles Hamilton, physi- cian; b. Etna, O., 20 July 1899; s. Charles D. Watkins, physician, and Essie D. (Farrell) W. ; ed. Etna (O.) high sch.; Ohio State Univ., 1917-19; B.A., Univ. of Minn., 1922, M.A., 1925, Ph.D., 1927, B.S., M.B., M.D. (with distinction), 1918; m. Marion Poole of St. Paul, Minn., 27 Dec. 1920; children— Barbara J., Judith F. First asst. in medicine, Mayo Clinic, 1929-30, Cons, physician, 1930—; instr. in medicine, Mayo Foundation, 1929-33; assoc. in medicine, Mayo Clinic, 1930 — ; asst. prof, of medicine, Mayo Foundation, 1933-38; assoc. prof., 1938—; capt., M.C., U.S.N.R.; chief of med., U.S. Naval Hosp., Corona, Calif., exec, officer; over- seas S.W. Pacific; clinical dir., U.S. Hosp., Charleston, S.C. ; temporarily on inactive duty; mem. Am. Med. Assn., Am. Coll. of Physicians, Am. Soc. for Clinical Investigation, Am. Soc. of Clin. Pathologists, Central Soc. for Clinical Research, Minn. Soc. of Internal Med- icine, Minn. State Med. Assn., Southern Minn. Med. Assn. Clubs: Central Clinical Research, Central Interurban Clinical. Author: over forty articles in medical literature. Interest: model railroading. Recreations: hunting, fishing, canoeing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Home : 826 Fifth St., S.W., Rochester, Minn. LIGON, Louis Lucian, teacher; b. Pied- mont, S.C, 7 Jan. 1889; s. Thomas C. Ligon, minister, and Mary E. (Towers) L. ; ed. Anderson (S.C), high sch.; B.S., Coll. Charleston, 1910; Clemson Coll.; B.S., la. State Coll., 1924, M.S., 1925; m. Winnie E. Hudson of Decatur, Ga., 13 June 1917; children— Winnie L., Ellen, Louis L., Jr., Frances M. Farmer, 1920; teacher math., Porter Mil. Acad., Charleston, S.C, 1910-11; cotton buyer, 1911-14; mill cotton off. man, 1914-16, 1919-21; arch., 1911-12; res. worker, Okla. A. & M. Coll., Sept. 1925—; capt., 118th Inf., 30th Div. U.S.A., 6 Apr. 1917-20 Apr. 1919; reed. D.S.C, Croix de Guerre with gilt star; mem. Am. Soc. Agron., Am. Genetics Soc, Phi Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi Author: Occurrence of Lintless Plants in Plants in Cottons ; Size of Plant and Number of Replication in Field Ex- 464 periments with Cotton; Mung Beans, A Legume for Seed and Forage Production. Co-author: Biometrical Analysis of Up- land Cotton Grown at Stillwater, Okla. Travel: U.S. Interest: flowers. Methodist. Democrat. Office: Oklahoma A. & M. College, Agronomy Dept., Stillwater, Okla. Home: Stillwater, Okla. SCHRIEVER, William, professor ofl physics; b. Dakota City, Neb., 16 Jan. 1894; s. Fred Schriever, merchant, and Elizabeth (Winkhaus) S. ; ed. Dakota City high sch.; A.B., Morningside Coll., Sioux City, la., 1916; M.S., St. Univ. of Iowa, 1917; Ph.D., 1921; m. Lucille E. Weisen- bach of Edmond, Okla., 19 Aug. 1922; children — William W., Elinor Marie. Asst. prof, of physics, Univ. of Okla., 1919-24, assoc. prof., 1924-27, prof, of physics, 1927 — ; chmn. dept. physics, 1942 — ; dir. sch. of engineering physics 1942 — ; dir. Okla. State bureau of standards, 1944—; scholarship and Fellowship in physics at Univ. of Iowa, 3 yrs.; fellow of the Am. Petroleum Inst., 1926-28; enlisted in sci. and research Div. of Signal Corp., 1918- 19; one of seven chosen for training in Western Electric Laboratories; then in Radio Lab. Camp Alfred Vail, N.J.; fel- low A.A.A.S., Am. Physical Soc; mem. Soc. Exploration Geophysicists, Am. Assn. Physics Teachers, Am. Geophysi- cal Union, Seismological Soc. Am. ; Sig- ma Xi (1st pres. Okla., chap. 30-1), Gam- ma Alpha; Okla. Acad. Sci Clubs: Univ. of Okla., Faculty Club (pres. 1934-35), Wabunaki (pres., 1928-29). Author: sci. papers in Physical Review, Am. Physics Teacher, Jour, of Geol., Bull., A.I.M.E. Interest: clocks and watches and books about them. Recreations: gardening, hunting. Unitarian. Democrat. Office: Univ. of Okla., Norman, Okla. Home: 910 Chatauqua Av., Norman, Okla. BERDAHL, Clarence Arthur, profes- sor; b. Baltic, S.D., 14 June 1890; s. Anders J. Berdahl, farmer and co. au- ditor's elk., and Karen (Otterness) B. ; ed. Augustana Coll. Acad., 1907-11; A.B., St. Olaf Coll., Minn,, 1914; A.M., Univ. S.D., 1917; Ph.D., Univ. 111., 1920; m. Evelyn Tripp of Yankton, S.D., 9 June 1926. Clerk, Archives Div., War Dept., Washington, 1914-15; asst., Periodicals Div., Library of Congress, 1916; fellow, pol. sci., Univ. 111., 1917-20, on faculty pal. sci., 1920, instr., 1920-22, assoc, 1922- 25, asst. prof., 1925-29, assoc. prof., 1929- 30, prof., 1930—, chmn., div. Social Sci., 1935-39; chmn., Dept. of Pol. Sci., 1942—; summer teacher, Tex., 1920, Tulane, 1921, O. State, 1923, Colo., 1928, Syracuse, 1929, Columbia, 1934; lecturer, L'Institut Uni- versitaire de Hautes Etudes Internation- ales, Geneva, Switz., 1932; acting mng. ed., Am. Pol. Sci. Review, 1923, mem. bd. eds., 1925-32; cons, on International Organization, State Dept., 1942-44; on London staff OSS, 1944; on staff of United Nations Conferences, San Francisco, 1945; pvt. Inf., 1918; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. (exec, council, 1932-35, 3rd v. p., 1939, 2nd v. p., 1944) ; mem. Conf. Teach- ers of Internat. Law and Relations (exec, council, 1933), Am. Soc. Internat. Law (exec, council, 1939) ; Am. Soc. of Public Administration (council, 1944), Am. Hist. Assn., Ill State Hist. Soc, Nowegian Am. Hist. Assn., Foreign Policy Assn., Phi Beta Kappa. Club: University Author: War Powers of the Executive in the United States, 1920; The Policy of th<> United States with Respect to the League of Nations, 1932; Documents and Read- ings in American Government, 1928, re- vised 1940; arts, in prof, jours. Travel: Eur. Recreation : hiking. Independent. Of- fice : 301 Lincoln Hall, University of Ill- inois, Urbana, 111. Home: 1103 Douglas Av., Urbana, 111. KANALEY, Byron Vincent, investment banker; b. Weedsport, N. Y., 10 July 1882; s. James D. Kanaley, mcht., and Sarah (Byron) ; ed. Weedsport high sch. ; A.B., Univ. Notre Dame, 1904; LL.B., Harvard Law Sch., 1907; m. Kate Hamil- ton Buddeke of Memphis, Tenn., 11 Jan. 1910; children — Adele, Audrey, Byron, V.. Jr., Kate Speed. Head of Cooper, Kanaley & Co., estb. 1911, representing life ins. cos. in the investment of their mortgage funds in Chicago area; p. pres. Chicago Realty Club; pres. Chicago Mortgage Bankers Assn. (3 terms) ; p. treas. Chi- cago Real Estate Bd., vice pres., mem. bd. gov. and exec, com., Mortgage Bankers' Assn. Am.; chmn. bd. of lay trs. of Univ. Notre Dame; mem. exec, com. Catholic Charities of Chicago, 111. Assn. for Crippled, F. J. Lewis Fund for Tuberculosis Poor, Winnetka Community Chest (p. pres.), bd. of dirs. Chicago Community Chest, Com. for Economic Development (regional dir). Club: Chi- cago Athletic Assn. Catholic. Office: 120 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 682 Ardsley Rd., Winnetka, 111. LIGMAN, Thaddeus S., clergyman; b. Poland, 16 Nov. 1880; s. Peter Ligman and Pauline (Duszynska) L.; ed. Weber high sch., Chicago, 111.; Ph. Licentiate, Gregorian Univ., Rome, 1905, B.C.L., 1906, Theol. Licentiate., 1908; student Univ. of Chicago) A.M. (hon.), St. Mary's Coll., St. Mary, Ky., Teacher, prin., Weber High Sch., 1920-23; rector, 465 St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish, 1923-25; mgr., The Polish Daily News, Chicago; presiding commissary, Congregation of the Resurrection in U.S.; pres., The Polish Pub. Co., Chicago; mem. Polish Cath. Union, Polish Alma Mater, Knights of Columbus. Author: many editorials, feature arts, addresses, sermons and ar- ticles on ednl. topics. Travel: Eur., Near East, No. and Cent. Am. Interest: sci. discoveries. Recreation: walking. Cath- olic. Office and home: 2226 N. Hoyne Av., Chicago, 111. PLAIN, Eleanor, librarian; b. Aurora. 111. ; d. Frank G. Plain, judge, and Jen- nie (Guinang) P; ed. West Aurora high sch. ; A.B., Univ. of Mich.; A.B. in Li- brary Science; student Aurora Coll.; Graduate Library School, Univ. of Chi- cago; Columbia Conservatory of Music, Aurora, 111. Asst. reference Librarian, Aurora Pub. Library, 1934-36; asst., instr., library science, Ind. State Teach- ers Coll. Library, Terre Haute, Ind., 1937; head cataloger, Aurora Pub. Library, 1938, librarian, 1939 — ; mem. Am. Li- brary Assn., 111. Library Assn., Am. Assn. of Univ. Women, Treas. Aurora Hist. Soc. Chi Omega. Office: Aurora Public Library, Aurora, 111. Home: 305 Downer PL, Aurora, 111. Summer Res.: Plainview, Fletcher, N.C. DAY, Mary Bostwick, librarian; b. Chicago, 111.: d. Frederic F. Day and Ruth (Bostwick) D.; ed. Armour Inst. Acad., Chicago; University high sch. Chi- cago; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1908, also 1 yr. grad. library work. Librarian, Southern 111. State Normal, Carbondale, 111., 1912-16, Portland Cement Assn., Chi- cago, 1916-19; Nat. Safety Council, 1919- 29; Mus. of Science and Industry, Chi- cago, 1929-40; special library organizer and consultant; p. pres. Chicago Library Club; p. v.p., 111. State Library Assn.; p. sec, 111. Women's Press Assn.; mem. Am. Library Assn. (life), Special Li- braries Assn., Am. Soc. of Bookplate Collectors and Designers, Colonial Cover- let Guild, The Cordon. Clubs: Chicago Coll., Wyvern. Author: Suggestive Out- lines on Children's Literature; also ar- ticles, reviews for library journs. Travel: Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Eur. In- terests: bookplates, autographs, Mich, history. Recreations : motoring. Presby- terian. Republican. Office and home: 8319 S. St. Lawrence Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res. : Macatawa, Mich. FAVILL, John, physician; b. Madison, Wis., 9 Sept. 1886; s. Henry Baird Favill, phys., and Susan Cleveland (Pratt) F. ; ed. Univ. Sch., Chicago, 111.; A.B., Yale Univ., 1909; M.D., Harvard Univ., 1913; m. Rhea Stalcup of N.Y.C., 20 June 1917 (div., 16 Nov. 1934); m. (2nd) Mrs. Alice Morrell Wells of Evanston, HI., 31 May 1935; 1 dau.— Elaine, step-child, Barbara. Interne, Mass. Gen, Hosp., Bos- ton, 1913-14; practiced internal med., 1915-20, neurology and psychiatry, 1920 — ; ^pres. Chicago Neurological Soc, 1926-28, Chi. Soc for Personality Study, 1936-37, Central Neuropsychiatric Assn., 1937-38; psychiatrist, 111. Inst, for Juvenile Re- search, 1920-21; attending neurologist, Cook Co. Hosp., 1921-37, St. Luke's Hosp., 1929-37; dir. 111. Soc. for Mental Hygiene ; tr. Elizabeth McCormick Mem. Fund, Rogers Mem. Sanitarium; clinical prof, neurology, Rush Med. Coll., Univ. Chi- cago, 1934-41; attending neurologist and psychiatrist, Presbn. Hosp. since 1937; prof, neurol., Univ. 111. Coll. Med., 1941— served as 1st It. and capt., Med. Corp., U.S.A. and A.E.F., France, Mar 1918- June 1919, base hosps. 14 and 120, now col., Inactive Res., U.S.A.; Diplomate, Am. Bd. of Psychiatry and Neurology; Fellow A.C.P., A.A.A.S., Am. Med. Assn., Am. Psychiatric Assn., Inst. Med. Chi- cago; mem. Am. Neurological Assn., Assn. for Research in Nervous & Mental Disease, Central Neuropsychiatric Assn., Assn. for Study of Internal Secretions, Nat. Com. for Mental Hygiene, Nat. Com. Maternal Health, Am. Soc for Psychic Res., Nat. Med. Council on Birth Control, Assn. Military Surgeons of U.S., U.S. Naval Inst., U.S. Power Squadrons. Zeta Psi, Phi Rho Sigma, Am. Unitarian Assn. Clubs: Univ., Army & Navy, In- dian Hill. Author: Outline of the Cranial Nerves, 1933; Primer of Celestial Navi- gation, 1940; 25 med. papers. Interests: philosophy, navigation. Recreation: sea shore vacations preferred. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 686 Hill Rd., Winnetka, 111. LINDLEY, Walter C, lawyer, judge; b. Neoga, 12 July 1880; s. Alfred Lind- ley, farmer and banker, and Irena (Carey) L.; ed. Neoga high sch., 1897; A.B., Univ. 111., 1901, LL.B., 1904, J.D., 1910; m. Louise Dewey Brown of N. Egremont, Mass., 1913; children — Mary A., Louise D., Walter C, Jr. Instr. Eng., Univ. 111., 1901-04; admitted to bar, 1904; practiced law, 1904-22; U.S. Master in Chancery, 1912-16; Co. Commr., 1916-22; U.S. Dist. Judge, 1922—; apptd. to U.S. Emergency Ct. of Appeals, 1 Nov. 1944 — ; mem. Bd. Edn., 1918-22, local adv. bd.; p. dir. 2nd Nat. Bank, Danville Chamber Commerce; mem. Ill,, Chicago and Am. Bar Assns., Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Delta Phi, Order of Coif. 466 Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Hamil- ton (Chicago), Danville Country, Midloth- ian (Chicago). Author: various arts, in bar jours. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: literature. Recreation: golf, gardening. Presbyterian. Republican. Office : Feder- al Bldg., Danville, 111. Home: 1212 Logan Av., Danville, 111. GLASIER, Gilson Gardner, law librar- ian; b. Muscoda, Wis., 28 May 1873; s. Henry Warren Glasier, teacher, farmer, and Jane Elizabeth (Bosworth) B.; ed. Austin, (Minn.) high sch.; LL.B., Univ. Wis., 1900; m. Marybelle Kellogg of Wauwatosa, 29 June 1899; children — Mar- shall, Franklin, John. Pvt. sec. to Justice R. D. Marshall of Wis. Supreme Court, 1896-1904; practiced law, Milwaukee, 1904-06; state law-libr. Wis. State Library 1906—; sec, State Bar Assn. of Wis., 1920—; dir. Madison Store Bldg. Co.; served during World War I as mem. of Home Guards and of State Rifle Team, 1918-19; mem. Am. Bar Assn., State Bar Assn., Dane Co. Bar Assn., Am. Assn. Law Libraries (p. pres.), Nat. Assn. State Libraries (p. pres.), State Hist. Soc. Wis. (life), Masons. Clubs: Capital Mutual (p. pres.), Nakma Golf. Editor: Callaghan's Wis. Digest, 1909-20; Autobiography of Justice R. D. Marshall; (mng. ed.) In- dex to Legal Periodicals and Law Li- brary Journal, 1908-11; Bulletin of State Bar Assn. of Wis., 1928 — . Father was prominent in ednl., circles in southwest- ern Wis. Recreations: golf, hunting, fish- ing. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: State Capitol, Madison, Wis. Home: 705 Seneca PL, Madison, Wis. BAKER, Ellis Crain, teacher; b. Bran- don, Miss., 1 Feb. 1889; s. Arthur Gib- son Baker, farmer, and Sarah Frank (Crain) B.; ed. Brandon (Miss.) high sch.; B.S. (in M.E.), Miss. State Coll., 1911; M.S., Iowa State Coll., 1930; m. Emma Pearson Davis of Brandon, Miss., 29 June 1915; children— James Oliver, Ellis Crain, Jr. Efficiency engr., Meri- dian Light and Ry. Co., Meridian, Miss, (holding of H. L. Doherty & Co., N.Y.C.), 1911-12; instr. mech. engring., post grad- uate student, Miss. State Coll., 1912-13, asst. prof., mech. engring., 1913-14; prof, mechan. engring., Okla. Sch. Mines and Metall., Wilburton, Okla., 1914-17; asst. prof. mech. engring., Texas Agr. and Mech. Coll., Coll. Sta., Tex., 1917-19; chief engr., asst. supt., boiler plant, In- ternat. Ship Bldg. Co., Pascagoula, Miss., Houston, Tex., 1919-21; asst. prof, mech. engring., Okla. Agr. and Mech. Coll., Stillwater, Okla., 1921-23, assoc. prof., 1923-30, prof., mech. engring. and head of mech. engring. dept., 1930; Reg- istered Professional Engineer, (Okla.), mem; A.S.M.E., A.A.U.P., Soc. for Pro- motion Engring. Edn. Okla. Soc. Prof. Engrs., Okla. State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers, Sigma Tau, Pi Tau Sigma, Stillwater Chamber of Commerce, A.F. & A.M., R.A.M., O.E.S. Interests: growing flowers, hunting, fish- ing. Recreations: golf. Baptist.. Demo- crat. Office: Oklahoma A. & M. College, Stillwater, Okla. Home: Stillwater, Okla. ANDERSON, William Ernest, lawyer; b. Chicago, HI. 31 July 1895; s. Andrew Anderson, sea captain, and Mary (Lof- quist) A.; ed. Crane Tech., Chicago; L.LB., Webster Univ. 1920; LL.M., Loyola Univ., 1926; m. Marjorie Allen of Chicago, 111., 18 June 1927; children- Laurel Joyce, Lois Winifred. Specializes in the law relating to patents, trade marks, copyrights and unfair competi- tion; mem. law firm Soans, Pons and Anderson; served in 333rd Field Artil- lery, N.A., during World War I; with U.S. Army in No. Africa, Sept. 1943— •; mem. Am., Chicago and Du Page Co Bar Assns., Am. Patent Law Assn., Chi cago Patent Law Assn., A.C.S., Pan Am Council, Mexican Circle of Chicago Spanish Soc. of Chicago. Clubs: Chem ists, Nordic Law, Cliff Dwellers. Author Spanish Adjectives and Adverbs (pub in Guatemala) ; The Verb in Spanish Recreations: equitation, gardening, Port estant. Republican. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 611 N. Pres ident St., Wheaton, 111. HUBACHEK, Frank Brookes, lawyer; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 10 Aug. 1894; s. Frank R. Hubachek and Nellie A. (Brookes) H. ; ed. West high sch., Minn- eapolis, Minn.; B.A., Univ. Minn., 1915, LL.B., 1922; Harvard Law Sch., 1915-17; m. Marjorie Mix of Minneapolis, Minn., 25 Dec. 1917; children — Marjorie Ann, Frank Brookes, Jr. Practiced law, Minn- eapolis, under title Hubachek & Schall, 1922-24; practiced alone, Minneapolis. 1924-29, Chicago, 1929-34; mem. firm Hubachek, Kelly & Gruetzmacher, Chi- cago, 1934-38, Hubachek & Kelly, 1938—; chmn. exec, com., dir., Household Fi- nance Corp. and subsidiaries; dir. The Mackey Co.; pres. Lakeland Foundation; tr. Beloit Coll., Gads Hill Center; cons. Off. Price Control and Civitian Supply, Washington, D.C., 1941—; mem. Sch. Bd., Glencoe, 111.; in Fr. Army Ambulance Corps, 1917, lieut. j.g. and pilot, U.S. Navy Air Service, 1918, in res. corps, 1922; mem. Am., 111. and Chicago Bar Assns., Assn. Bar City of N.Y., Phi 467 Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Chi- cago Athletic, Skokie, Sky Line, Minn- eapolis. Author: Annotations on Small Loan Laws, 1938; numerous arts, and pamphlets. Interest: print collecting. Recreations: hunting, fishing, canoeing. Baptist. Republican. Office : 919 N. Michi- gan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 635 Wash- ington Av., Glencoe, 111. CL.AFP, Philip Greeley, music profes- sor; b. Boston, Mass., 4 Aug. 1888; s. Henry Lincoln Clapp, sch. master, and Florence Sue (Greeley) C; ed. Roxbury (Mass.) Latin Sch., 1901-05; A.B., Har- vard, 1908, M.A., 1909, Ph.D., 1911, m. Mildred Ethel Wright of Kansas City, 1934. Harvard teaching F., Harvard, 1911- 12; instr., Middlesex Sch. for Boys, Con- cord, Mass., 1912-14; prof., Dartmouth Coll., Hanover, N. H., 1915-18; prof., head of mus., Univ. la., 1919 — ; dir. extension, Julliard Sch. of Mus., N.Y., 1927-28; conducted, Boston (Mass.) Sym- phony Orchestra, in 2nd and 3rd sym- phonies, 1914-17; guest conductor, Cin- cinnati Symphony Orchestra, 1913 and Am. Orchestra Soc, 1929; solo pianist in performances of own compositions with Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Louis Symphony Orchestras; writer, mus. arts., Boston (Mass.) Transcript, 1911-19; 2nd It., 73rd Arty., 1918; bandleader, Fr., 3 mos. during World War I; mem. Mus. Teachers' Nat. Assn., Am. Musicological Soc, Phi Beta appa, Cliff-dwellers. Clubs: Harvard, Triangle, Rotary. Au- thor: arts, in many mags.; composer of mus., 12 symphonies, 2 overtures, 4 symphonic poems, concertos, oratorio, part-songs, 2 sonatas, string quartet. Travel: Ger., It., Fr., Eng. Office: State University of Iowa, Iowa City, la. Home : 430 S. Summit St., Iowa City, la. Summer res.: Ovington, Wash. APPLEMAN, John Alan, lawyer; b. Webster Groves, Mo., 14 May 1912; s. Col. Milo Donaldson Appleman and Emma Catherine (Faust) A.; ed. A.B., Univ. 111., 1932, J.D., 1935, grad. work, international law; m. Jean Gerber, 9 Jan. 1935; 1 dau. — Jessie Jean. Admitted to 111. bar, 1935; legal adviser, State Farm Ins. Cos., 1936-38; mem. law firm Car- son & Appleman, 1939—; life mem. Am., 111. State bar assns., Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn.; mem. Champaign Co. Bar Assn. Fed. Ins. Counsel, Am. Judic. Soc; hon. mem. Eugene Field Soc, Phi Beta Kap- pa, Phi Eta Sigma. Clubs: Champaign County Country, Urbana Golf & Country. Author: Automobile Liability Ins.; Insur- ance Law & Practice (24 volumes) ; contbr. to numerous law jours, and revs. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Carson & Appleman, First Nat. Bank Bldg., Ur- bana, 111. Home: 613 Vermont Av., Ur- bana, 111. ROSE, Emily Florence, author, com- poser; b. Baxter Co., Ark., 11 July 1891; d. John S. Morris, farmer, music teacher, and Mary I. (Thompson) M. ; ed. Big- flat Acad., Ark.; m. W. C. Rose of Okmulgee, Okla., 25 Sept. 1910; children — Irva, Oran, Ward, Lynn, Lola May, James, Nadine. Composed songs, verses for own children, newspapers, antholo- gies. Club: Wednesday Morning Music. Author: Flights from the Lowlands. Au- thor-composer: On, We'll Be There;' words, mus. for several other songs. In- terests: poetry, gardening, household, arts, people. Christian. Home: 316 N. Oklahoma Av., Okmulgee, Okla. HICKMAN Thomas Sylvester, clergy- man; b. Mt. Gilead, O., 8 July 1886; s. Thomas N. Hickman, journalist, and Jane Sylvester (Mosher) H. ; ed. Mt. Gilead and Cardington high schs., Mor- row Co., O.; B.A., Lebanon Univ., 1915; B.D., Yale Univ., 1916; B.D., Lane Theol. Seminary, 1915; M.A. Univ. of Mo.. 1918; M.R.E., Boston Univ. 1926; Th.D., Tem- ple Univ., 1933; m. Nina Ragon of Chatta- nooga, Tenn., 10 Feb. 1918; 1 son- Thomas Sylvester. Pastor, Walnut Hills Presbn. Ch., Cincinnati; asst. pastor, 1914-15; pastor, Edgewood Presbn. Ch., Brimingham, Ala., 1917-24, Litchfield Presbn. Ch., Hudson, N.H., 1925-26, Mil- roy Presbn. Ch., Milroy, Pa., 1927-28, Mt. Pleasant Presbn. Ch., Mt. Pleasant, Ark., 1928-44, Wellsville Larger Parish, 1944 — ; moderator, Birmingham, 1919 and 1923, Jonesboro, 1929, Little Rock, 1940, Presbyteries, Ark. Synod, 1933; Hannibal Presbytery, 1945; stated clerk, Little Rock Presbytery, 1928, historian Little Rock Presbytery and Ark. Synod, Pres- byn. Ch., U.S.A.; pioneer in rural church work and larger parish activities, 1917 — ; mem. Sons of Veterans, Hist. Soc, F. & A.M. (Blue Lodge, Chap. Grotto), Mo. Hist. Soc, War Dads, I.O.O.F. Club: Kiwanis. Author: Theory of the Social Forces, 1917; The Fifth Sparrow, 1920; Roman Catholic Edn., 1926; The Way Out, 1933; historian, ed. Cumberland Presbn. and Presbn. U.S.A. Ch. records of Ark.; numerous essays and brochures. Travel: U.S., Can. Interest: compiling hist, records, esp. of Ark. Recreations: hist, research and stamp collecting. Pres- byterian. Democrat. Address: 200 Cen- tral Av., Mt. Pleasant, Ark. HULL, Thomas Gordon, bacteriologist; b. Southington, Conn., 21 Dec. 1889; s. 468 Lewis C. Hull and Frances (Hinman) H. ; ed. Torrington (Conn.) high sch. ; B.S., Yale, 1913, M.S., 1915, Ph.D., 1916, m. Edna Crittenden of New Haven, Conn., 16 June 1917; 1 son— Gordon Crit- tenden. Employed by Am. Mus. Natural History, N.Y. City, 1916-17; dir. exhibits, U.S. Food Adminstrn., Washington, D.C., 1917-18; Mass. Expt. Sta., Amherst, 1919- 20; chief Division Labs., 111. State Health Dept., 1920-30; dir. sci. exhibit, A.M. A., 1930; asst. prof, bacteriology and pub. health, Univ. of HI. Med. Sch., Chicago, 111.; Served as It., Sanitary Corps, U.S. Army, during World War I; mem. A.M. A., Am. Pub. Health Assn., Soc. Am. Bacteriologists. Soc. 111. Bacteriologists. Author: Diseases Transmitted from An- imals to Man. Co-author: Health Educa- tion of the Public. Baptist. Republican. Office: American Medical Association, 535 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: 454 Iowa St., Oak Park, 111. ROBERTS, Una Lee, statutory agent; b. Hallsville, Harrison Co., Tex., 16 Apr. 1875; d. Sterling G. Roberts, wholesale lumberman, and Sarah Josephine (Brown) R. ; ed. James Coll. ; Dallas high sch. Sec, Piatt Nat. Pk., Sulphur, Okla., Hot Springs, Ark., 1905-19; asst. sec. state, 1923-35; personnel dir., State Bank- ing Dept., 1938; sec, Confederate Pen- sion Commn, 1919; statutory agt., for For. Corps., 1923 — ; selected by Nat. Fed. B. & P. W. Clubs, to be honored during Nat. week of celebration as one of 10 outstanding women in State Okla. among bus., and prof., 1938; mem. D.A.R., U.D.C., Am. Legion Auxiliary, Chamber Commerce, Hist. Soc. Okla. (life), Univ. Forum (Okla. City), Com. to Defend Am., Women's Dem. Council. Clubs: Nat. Fed. Bus. & Prof. Women's, Internat. Fed. Bus. & Prof. Women's, Women's Jeff ersonian. Recreation: motoring. Baptist. Democrat. Office and home: 1022 North East 19th St., Okla- homa City, Okla. MOFFET, Hugh Robb, editor; b. DeKalb County, 111., 27 Mar. 1863; s. Rev. William Turner and Jennie Morri- son (Robb) M. ; ed. Monmouth (111.) Col- lege (undergraduate); A.M. (hon.), Mon- mouth College 1906, Litt. D. (hon.), 1939; m. Irene Gates, 26 May 1886; children —Lee Gates, Victor Logue, Ruth (adopted). Ed. Monmouth Collegian, 1881- 83; local reporter Monmouth Weekly Re- view, 1883-86; editor Weekly and Daily Review 1886-1924; editor Daily Review Atlas (cons.), 1924 — ; mem. Associated Press, 1897 — ; mem. first nat. com. United Presbyterian Young People's Work, comm. to draft present statement of faith of that denomination, commn. to draft plan for union with Presbyterian Ch. in U.S.A.; mem. and sec. of trustees and senate Monmouth College, 1922—. Republican. Club : Monmouth Rotary. Au- thor: History of Warren County, Illinois, 1903. Home: 412 East First Av., Mon- mouth, 111. OTT, John Nash, Jr., assistant cashier; b. Chicago, 23 Oct. 1909; s. John Nash Ott, lawyer, and Wilhelmina (Forgan) O.; ed. pub. night schs.; m. Emily Fen- tress of Winnetka, 111., 1935; children — — Robert Lyon, David Fentress, James Forgan, John Nash, HI. Began as clerk 1st Nat. Bk. in 1930, asst. cashier, First Nat. Bk., Chicago, 1940 — ; dir. and treas., Lyon Lumber Co.; dir., Garyville Land Co., Chelahem Corp., North Shore Coun- try Day Sch., Winnetka, 111.; tr., Gads Hill Center, The Chicago League for Hard of Hearing. Clubs: Chicago, Mid-Day, Indian Hill, Bankers (N.Y.). Interests: gardening, photog. Office : 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: 85 Hibbard Rd., Winnetka, 111. FERN ANDES, Grace Clara, consultant on Standards of Assistance; b. Indian- apolis, Ind. ; d. Daniel H. Fernandes, attorney, and Clara Maria (Robertson) F. ; ed. Anderson, Ind. high sch.; B.S., Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical Coll., 1923, M.S., 1924; grad. Univ. Chi- cago. Home econ. instr., Guthrie (Okla.) High Sch.; hd. dept. home econ., North- eastern State Teachers' Coll., Tahlequah; instr., asst. prof. Div. Home Econ., Okla- homa A. and M. Coll., assoc. prof. Home Econ. Res., assoc. prof, sociology; con- sultant on Standards of Assistance, Okla- homa State Welfare Commn.; mem. Phi Kappa Phi, Kappa Delta Pi, Omicron Nu, Pi Gamma Mu, Delta Kappa Gam- ma, Am. Sociol. Soc, Am. Assn. Home Economics, P.E.O. Sisterhood. Author: several bulletins. Expt. Sta., Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College. In- terests: music, Okla. communities. Pres- byterian. Democrat. Office: Capitol Of- fice Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 2757 N. W. 22nd St., Oklahoma City 7, Okla. De GARIS, Charles Francis, professor of anatomy; b. Hannibal, Mo., 12 Dec. 1886; s. Edward De Garis, pharmacist, and Emma Louise (Lane) De G. ; ed. Hannibal (Mo.) high sch.; M.D., Wash- ington Univ., 1912; A.B., Univ. of Wis., 1915; A.M., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1926, Ph.D., 1928; m. Ethel Virginia Fritz of Baltimore, Md., 14 June 1932; 1 dau.— Alice Louise. Interne, res. pathologist, 469 St. Louis City Hosp., 1912-13; asst. and instr. in anatomy, Univ. Wisconsin, 1913- 16; prof, anatomy, Univ. Mississippi, 1917-22; grad. asst., comparative anato- ir,v and embryol., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1923-25; instr. and assoc. anatomy, Johns Hopkins Medical Sch., 1925-36; prof, anat- omy, Univ. Oklahoma Med. Sch., 1936 — ; Sec, Anatomical Bd., State of Okla. ; Fel- low Am. Coll. Physicians; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Delta Theta, Assn. Anatomists., Soc. Zoologists., Genetics Soc, Soc. Physical Anthrop., Institute of Mathematical Statistics, N.Y. Acad, of Scis., Am. Ornithol. Union, Assn. Univ. Prof., Okla. Acad, of Sci., A.A.A.S. Au- thor: Principles of Human Anatomy; chap, on Anat. for Diseases of the Diges- tive System (Portis) : 54 papers on anat., zool. and surg. subjects. Assoc, editor: Am. Jour. Phys. Anthrop. and Biol. Ab- stracts (Vert. Embryol.); awarded an A. Cressy Morrison Prize in Nat. Sci., 1940 (by N.Y. Acad. Scis.); section ed. in Anat., Webster's Internat. Dictionary (2nd ed.) Interests: poetry, birds, postage stamps. Recreation: field trips. Protes- tant. Democrat. Office: University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 1108 Northeast 16th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. CRAIG, Edward Chilton, general coun- sel, retired Illinois Central R.R. System; b. Mattoon, 111., 7 Apr. 1872; s. James Wesley Craig and Mary (Chilton) C. ; ed. B.L., Univ. 111., 1893; Harvard Law Sch., 1894-95; LL.D., Southwestern Univ., Memphis, Tenn. ; m. Fannie lone Dilley, 9 Nov. 1899; children — George M., Don- ald C. Admitted to 111 Bar., 1896; Pvt. law pract., Mattoon, 111., 1896- 1923; gen. atty., 111. Cent. R.R., Chi- cago, 1923-29, gen. solicitor, 1929-33, gen. counsel, 1933-42; Retired, 1 May 1942; mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Phi Delta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Illini, University, Traffic, South Shore Country. Home : 7000 South Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. HUEBER, Stephen Paul, director of religion; b. Fayetteville, N.Y., 2 Jan. 1861; s. Louis Hueber, contractor and Agnes (Shirhart) H. ; ed. Fayetteville (N. Y.) high sch.; Niagara Univ., 1878-81; St. Vincent Sem., Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1881-87. Ordained to priest- hood, 1888, at St. Louis Cathedral by most Rev. John J. Hennessey, D.D. ; prof, of Christian Doctrine at St. Vincent Ch., St. Louis, 1889-1906; prof. chem. and physics at Kendrick Sem., 1893-06; prof, geology, De Paul Univ., 1909-12; dir. of Christian Doctrine, St. Stephens High Sch., New Orleans, La., 1912-15; prof, of chem. and physics and agriculture, St. Vincent High Sch., Perryville, Mo., 1915- 22; dir. of Missions, with headquarters at St. Louis, 1922-28; pastor of the parish of St. Vincent de Paul St. Louis, Mo., 1928- 33; dir. of religious instr., parish of St. Vincent de paul, 1933-45; head of Chris- tian Doctrine classes of Catholic Children Pub. Schs. of North Side, Chicago. Au- thor: The History of Perry Co., Mo., f-om the Foundation of the State, 1820- 1920. Travel: Eur. and Holy Land 1923 and 1938. Father produced seedling grapes, called Onondaga in 1872. Catho- lic. Office: 1010 Webster Av., Chicago, 111. Home: Sheffield and Webster, Chi- cago, 111. Summer res. : Fayetteville, N.Y CHRISTOPHER, Frederick, surgeon; b. Cincinnati, O., 5 Aug. 1889; s. Walter Shield Christopher, phys., and Henrietta (Kranz) C. ; ed. Lake View high sch., Chicago; Evanston (111.) high sch.; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1911; M.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1915; m. Dorothy T. Watt, of Evanston, 111., 19 May 1939; 1 son- Walter Shield. Chief surgeon, Evanston Hosp., 1933 — ; assoc. prof, surgery, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1932^—; 1st It., Mobile Operating Unit, 13 mos. during World War I (10 mos. France) ; mem. West. Surgical Assn., Chicago Sur- gical Soc, Am. Col. Surg., Am. Bd. Sur- gery, Am. Surg. Assn., Am. Assn. Sur- gery of Trauma; assoc. mem. Am. Acad. Orthopedic Surg. Clubs: University of Evanston, Halsted. Author: Minor Sur- gery; over 130 articles on surgery. Edi- tor: Textbook of Surgery, (4th edition). Travel: Eur., Panama Canal, U.S. In- terest: color photog. Recreation: travel. Protestant. Republican. Office: Evanston Hospital, Evanston, 111. Home: 705 Wil- low Rd., Winnetka, 111. MOBLEY, Henry E., physician; b. Riley, Ark., 4 July 1890; s. W. C. Mobley, physician, and Mattie (Blaylock) M. ; ed. Booneville high sch., Ark.; M.D., Univ. of Ark., 1916; m. Emma Louise Metzgar of Morrilton, Ark., 25 Oct. 1921; 1 son- Jack E. Interne, Pulaski Co. Hosp., St. Vincents Infirmary, Little Rock; pvt. pract., Morrilton, 1919 — ; chief of Staff, St. Antony's Hosp., Chief of Surgery; pres. Morrilton Fed. Sav. & Loan Assn.; v. chmn., state highway commn., 1937- 41; served as 1st It., Med. Corps, A.E.F., 1917-19; F.A.M.A., F.A.C.S.; mem. So. Med. Assn., Ark Med. Assn., Conway Co. Med. Soc, C. of C, Masons, Ark. Consistory. Clubs: Rotary, Morrilton Country. Author: Synopsis of Operative Surgery. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can., Fr. 470 Protestant. Democrat. Office: 207 So. Moose St., Morrilton, Ark. Home: 404 So. Moose St., Morrilton, Ark. KELLER, Paul E., ins. executive, law yer; b. King City, Mo., 2 Sept. 1896; s. William L. Keller, farmer, and Lilies E. (Simmons) K. ; ed. Central State Teach- ers Coll., Edmond, Okla. ; A.B., Univ. Utah, 1922; J.D., Univ. Chicago, 1924; m. Mary Prances Marks of Okla., 1 Aug. 1923; children — Edward, David, Sarah Jane. Gen. practice law, 1924-28; v. p. and gen. counsel for Benefit Assn. of R. Employees, a Health and Accident Ins. Co., 1928 — ; mem. bd. dirs., Benefit Assn. of R. Employees; dir., Gen. Trans- portation Casualty and Surety Co.; pvt., U.S. Navy, 1918-19; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Chicago Bar Assn., Internat. Assn. of Ins. Counsel. Club: Circle (Chicago). Protestant. Republican. Office: 901 Mont- rose Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 120 Bert- ling Lane, Winnetka, 111. HOGAN, Leo LaBrune, business exec- utive; b. St. Louis, Mo., 4 Jan. 1902; s. James H. Hogan, commn. broker, and Anastasia (LaBrune) H. ; ed. St. Louis Univ. Prep. Sch.; St. Louis Univ.; Lake Forest Univ. Began career as real estate broker, Chicago, 1922; organized Hogan & Farwell, Inc., real estate bus., Chi- cago, 1927, now pres. ; in U.S.N, during World War, U.S.N, swimming coach for Olympic Games, Antwerp, Belgium, 1920; It. comdr. U.S.N. , 1942 — ; mem. Kappa Sigma. Clubs: Midday, Chicago Golf, Tavern, Racquet. Office: Bd. Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 200 E. Chest- nut St., Chicago, 111. WHITMAN, John Harris Aloysius, pro- fessor of law and law librarian ; b. Provi- dence, R.I., 6 May 1888; s. Joseph G. Whitman, toolmaker, and Josephine (Mc- Cabe) W.; ed. Boston Coll. Prep. Sch.; prep, dept., Coll. St. Laurent, Montreal; Bre. es Lett., College de St. Laurent; A.B., Univ. Notre Dame, 1925, A.M., 1927, D.J.S., 1930. Prof. Eng. and French, Coll. St. Laurent, 1914-18; prof. French Little Rock Coll., 1917-18; prof. Lat. and Eng., Univ. Notre Dame, 1918-21, law librarian, 1921—, prof, law, 1935—; mem. Am. Assn. Law Libraries, Am. Assn. Law Schs., St. Joseph Co. Bar Assn. Author: arts, in Notre Dame Lawyer. Recrea- tions: gardening, fishing, travel. Catho- lic. Independent. Office: College of Law, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. Home: 320 Howard Hall, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. BUTTON, William Russell, art dealer; b. London, Eng., 5 Sept. 1889; s. William Button and Charlotte (Strange) B. Came to America, 1910. V. pres., Akermann Galleries, 1922—; dealer in antiques, paintings, old prints, drawings and art objects; v.p., Arthur Ackerman & Son, Inc., London, Eng., N.Y. City, Chicago. Interests: painting, animated photog., an- tiques, books. Recreation: tennis. Prot- estant. Office: 408 S. Michigan Av., Chi- cago, 111. Home: North Brook, 111. FELIX, Benjamin Bates, rubber man- ufacturer; b. Chicago, 111., 31 May 1871; s. Benjamin F. Felix, wholesale mcht., and Minnie (Crittenden) F. ; ed. Fessen- den's Sch. for Boys; Mich. Mil. Acad.; Univ. Sch.; special student, Univ. Chi- cago, 1892-1895; m. Harriett Tooker of Chicago, 111., 1893 (div., 1926); m. (2nd) Irene Hallberg of Chicago, 111., 1936. Assoc, with Pitkin & Brooks, china and glass, 1891, Felix & Marston, wholesale woodenware, 1892-1903, Dering Coal Co., 1903-06; with Featheredge Rubber Co., 1906—, pres., treas., 1911-^, retired. 1942; mem. Chicago Athletic Assn. Club: Bar- rington Hill. Interests: motoring, books, landscaping. Unitarian. Republican. Of- fice: 14 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: Dundee, 111. LLEWELLYN, John Thomas, iron and steel manufacturer; b. Briton Ferry, Wales, 7 July 1863; s. Henry Llewellyn and Elizabeth (Gower) L. ; ed. Bay View (Milwaukee) high sch.; m. Mary Agnes Sheriffs of Milwaukee, Wis., 19 June 1886; 1 son— James S. (dec). Office boy, telegraph operator, asst. bookkeeper, sales agt., 111. Steel Co., 25 yrs.; pres., Belle City Malleable Iron Co., 4 yrs.; org. Chicago Malleable Castings Co., 1899, pres., 1899—; org. Allied Steel Cast- ings Co., 1918, pres., 1918—; tr., Chicago Orphan Asylum; dir., Chicago Malleable Castings Co., and Allied Steel Castings Co. ; donor, site for Henry Llewellyn Br. Pu. Lib., Milwaukee, Wis., mem. Nat. Mfrs. Assn., Ry. Business Assn., Am. Iron and Steel Inst., 111. Seniors Golf Assn. (pres.), Chicago Athletic Assn., Malleable Founders Soc, Steel Founders Soc, Mason. Clubs: Chicago, South Shore, Midlothian Country (pres.). Inter- est: golf. Recreation: travel. Methodist. Republican. Office: 603 Railway Ex- change Bldg., 80 E. Jackson Blvd., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 233 E. Walton PL, Chi- cago, 111. McGEE, James Patton, physician; s. Joseph E. McGee and Mary Anne (An- derson) McG.; ed. Dahlonega, Ga. high sch.; A.B., Univ. of Georgia, 1911; M.D., Emory Univ., 1916. m. Mary Virginia Grass of Herington, Kan., 18 Jan., 1930; children — Pat, Mary. Interneship, fifteen 471 months U.S. Army; 2 yrs. private prac- tice, Med., Macon, Ga., 4 yrs. regional Med. Officer, Vet. Bureau, Okla. City, 1921-25; eye, ear, nose, throat specialist, Oklahoma City, 1925—. Prof, ophthal., Univ. of Okla. Med. Sch. ; first lieut. and adj., Base Hosp. No. 43 in World War I, 15 months with 9 months overseas; mem. County, State and Nat. Med. Soc, Okla. City Clinical Soc, Okla. City Acad, of Ophthal. and Otolaryngology. Interests: golf, fishing, motoring. Baptist. Demo- crat. Office: 1200 N. Walker, Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 236 Edgemere Ct., Oklahoma City, Okla. ELY, Margaret E., librarian; b. Clin- ton, la., 16 June 1891; d. William R. Ely and Alice (Ferguson) E.; ed. Lake- view high sch., Chicago; B.A., Oberlin Coll., 1913; Univ. of Wis. Library Sch., 1915. Librarian, Lakeview High Sch., 1916-19; supervisor book selection dept., Chicago Pub. Library, 1919-24; dir. Tulsa (Okla.) High Sch. Library, 1924-26; li- brarian, Berwyn Pub. Library, 1926 — ; mem. Am. Library Assn. Club: Berwyn Woman's. Author: bibliographies. Inter- ests: glass collecting, gardening. Recrea- tions: swimming, ping-pong. Protestant. Office: 6828 Windsor Av., Berwyn, 111., Home: 3431 Kenilworth St., Berwyn, 111. Summer res. : Lake Miltmore, 111. KEEGAN, Thomas C, business execu- tive; b. Burlington, Twp., Kane Co., 111., 22 Sept. 1889; s. Thomas Keegan, farmer, and Catherine (Cullne) K. ; ed. Murrary F. Tuley high sch.; Kent Law Sch.; m. Lorretta E. Joyce of Chicago, 111., 3 Sept. 1919; children— Thomas C, Jr., Harold W., Gloria L. Started working as elk. for Am. Steel & Wire Co.; purchasing agt., Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., treas. and salesman, The Fleig Corp., sales mgr., 1925-27; started own bus. 1927; organized Thermal-Tite Insulation Co., mfrs. mineral wool, 1939; pres., Fed. Insulation Co., Chicago, 111.; treas., Ther- mal-Tite Insulation Co.; chmn., Local Boy Scouts organization, mem. Delavan Lake Assembly Assn., Delavan, Wis. Clubs: Delavan Lake, Chicago Athletic Assn., Edgewater Golf. Recreations: golf, cards. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 168 N. Clinton St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1247 Co- lumbia Av., Chicago, 111. Summer Res.: Delavan, Wis. MacFARLAND, Havs, business exec; b. Republican City, Neb., 12 Apr. 1890; s. D. F. MacFarland, div. supt., Burling- ton R.R., and Ida (Hays) M.; ed. high sch.; Univ. Chicago, 1915; m. Faye Mil- lard of Chicago, 111., 1 Feb. 1930; chil- dren—Elizabeth, Hays, Jr. Rep., Motor- Trades Pub. Co., of N.Y., Chicago, 1915-17; asst. business mgr., Chicago Herald & Examiner, 1919-20; adv. staff, Curtis Pub. Co., Chicago, 1920-21; v.p. in charge sales and adv., Alemite Corp., 1921-23 ; partner, Blackett-Sample-Mac- Farland, 1923-24; v.p., asst. pub., 111. Pub Co., 1925-29; sr. partner, MacFarland, Aveyard & Co. adv. agency, 1929—; commd. capt. Inf., 1st Officers Training Camp, Fort Sheridan, 111., Aug., 1917, 86th Div., Camp Grant; commd. maj., Dec. 1917; served overseas as Motor Transport officer, 86th Div., A.E.F. Clubs: Tavern, University, Racquet, Sad- dle and Cycle, Chicago Commonwealth, Barrington Hills Country. Recreations: golf, hunting, fishing. Protestant. Inde- pendent. Office: 333 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: County Line Rd., R.F.D. No. 3, Barrington, 111. BLATCHFORD, Carter, executive; b. Chicago, 111., 26 Nov. 1882; s. Thomas W. Blatchford and Susie (Carter) B. ; ed. Chicago Manual Training Sch.; m. Myrtle Crane of Chicago, 111., 7 Dec. 1920; chil- dren—Thomas C, Suzanne E. Engaged in r.r. equipment business, 1902 — ; pres.. Carter Blatchford, Inc. tr., Chicago Bd. Edn., 1929-34; delegate Rep. Nat. Convs., 1928, 1932; mem. Chicago Athletic Assn., Mo. Athletic Assn., Illinois Soc S.A.R. Club: Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn. Rec- reations: fishing, hunting, motoring. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 713 Railway Exchange, Chicago, 111. Factory located at Aurora, 111. Home: Bonnie Brae, Batavia, 111. Summer res. : Rocky Point, Manitowish, Wis. FOWLER, Edgar Crayton, general agent; b. Hartford, Conn., 16 Apr. 1873; s. Jeremiah C. Fowler (shoe bus.) and Sophie C. (Dentlinger) F. ; ed. Hartford (Conn.) pub. high sch.; m. Fanna Mar- tin of Dunkirk, N.Y., 30 Jan. 1900 chil- dren — Janet (Mrs. C. E. Nelson), Nancy Steele (Mrs. Leslie Wagner). Clk., agt., Hartford Life Ins. Co., 1889 — ; with Conn. Gen. Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn., 1899, executive Special for N.Y., iy 2 yrs., gen. agt., Bridgeport, Conn., ^yr., gen. agt., Buffalo, N.Y., 7 yrs.; supt., State Mutual Life Assurance Co., Worcester, Mass., 1908-16; gen. agt., N.E. Mutual Life Ins. Co., Boston, Mass., Chicago, 111., 1916—; mem. Masons, K.T., Shrine. Clubs: Union League, Skokie Country, Woodstock Coun- try, Chicago Association of Commerce. Interests: bus., golf. Episcopalian. Of- fice : New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., 30th floor, 105 West Adams St., Chicago, 111. Home: 420 Hamilton St., 472 Evanston, 111. Summer res. : West Bay Lake, Goegebic Co., Mich. REIS, Otto Frank, law writer and ed- itor; b. St. Cloud, Minn., 25 Nov. 1893; s. George Reis, ret. flour mill supt., and Katharine V. (Dehler) R. ; ed. Cathedral high sch. (St. Cloud, Minn.); Creighton Univ., 1916-17; Univ. Minn., 1917-18; A.B., (cum laude) Harvard, 1924, LL.B., 1928; m. Elvely Helen Walz of St. Joseph, Minn., 24 May 1921; children — Helen, Paul George. Before World War I served 6 yrs. as stenographer, bookkeeper, and chief elk., successively, for H. C. Ervin Co., flour mfrs., St. Cloud, Minn.; after release from war service, was reporter for St. Cloud (Minn.) Journal-Press, 1920- 21 ; reporter and rewrite man, Boston / Herald-Traveler, 1922-29; prof, of law, Creighton Univ., 1929-38; prof, of law, Marquette Univ., 1938-41, also faculty ed. of Marquette Law Review; law writer and ed. for Callaghan & Co., law pubs., Chicago, 1941 — ; mem. U.S.N.R. during World War I; commnd. ensign after serv- ing successively as yeoman, 3d class, and quartermaster, 1st class; mem. K.C., Omaha Council. Club: Harvard (Chicago). Author: contbr. to Cyclopedia of Federal Procedure. Catholic. Repub- lican. Office: 401 E. Ohio St., Chicago, 111. Home: 6456 N. Lakewood Av., Chi- cago, 111. KRAMER, Adolph F., mortgage banker, realtor; b. Chicago, 111., 11 Oct. 1870; s. Ferdinand Kramer and Bertha (Stein) K.; ed. Douglas sch.; Chicago Manual Training sch. ; m. Ray Fried- berg of Leavenworth, Kan., 1 Nov. 1899; children— Ferd, Laura. Founded firm of Draper and Kramer, Inc., 1893, pres., dir. ; pres., Western Specialty Clubs Assn., Inc.; p. pres., Chicago Real Estate Bd. (mem. Advisory Council). Clubs: Bulldog of America (v. p.), Ravisloe Country (p. pres.), Chicago Bulldog (p. pres.), American Kennell (chmn., Trial Bd., licensed Bulldog Judge), Standard. Interests: breeding bulldogs, golf, fishing. Office: 16 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: Ambassador Hotel Chicago, 111. Died, 15 Oct. 1944. RUSSELL, John Albert, attorney at law; b. Chicago, 4 Dec. 1891; s. John A. Russell, sales engr., and Mary B. (Johnson) R. ; ed. Crane high sch.; Lewis Inst.; Univ. of Michigan; LL.B., Kent Coll. of Law, 1916; m. Lillian S. Johnson of Chicago, 111.; children — Donald Clark, Earl Keith. Engaged in gen. practice of law, 1916 — ; past Judge Advocate, Dept. of 111., American Legion; served in U.S.R., No. 4 during World War I; mem. Phi Kappa Sigma (p. Grand Officer), Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Union League, Chicago Town and Tennis, Rac- quet, Bob-O-Link, Knollwood Country. Of- fice: Room 2019, 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 5555 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. DAVIDSON, Harry Carter, college president; b. Louisville, Ky., 23 Sept. 1905; s. Harry A. Davidson, Physician, and Virginia (Gaggs) D.; ed. Louisville, (Ky.); Male high sch.; A. B., Harvard Univ., 1926; A.M., Univ. Louisville, 1926; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1930; LL.B., Ripon College, 1944. m. Capitola Brown of Louisville, Ky., 7 Sept. 1926; children- Christopher Holland, Cynthia Lee. Teach- er, high sch., Lousiville, Ky., 1925-26; coll. teacher, Univ. Ida., Univ. Chicago, Carleton Coll., 1926-36; pres., Knox Coll.. Galesburg, 1936 — ; mem. City Library Bd., Delta Sigma Rho. Clubs: Rotary, Univ. (Chicago). Author: Poetry: Its Appreciation and Enjoyment, 1934. Travel: Eur. Interest: collecting auto- biographies. Recreations: golf, tennis, bridge, reading. Ordained minister, Con- gregationalism Republican. Office: Knox College, Galesburg, 111. Home: 862 N. Prairie St., Galesburg, 111. Summer Res.: Pilgrim, Frankfort, Mich. BACHE, Joseph Lloyd, educator; b. Peoria, 111., 7 Oct. 1871; s. John Lloyd Bache, mcht., and Malissa (Ward) B.; ed. 111. State Normal; B.S., Valparaiso Univ., 1894; Univ. Chicago, 1895-99; Har- vard Univ., 1900-01; A.M., Lake Forest Univ., 1914; m. Josephine Carr of Boston, Mass., 23 July 1901. Teacher, prin., supervisor, dist. supt., Chicago Pub. Schs., 42 yrs.; mem. Nat. Ed. Assn., 111. Teachers' Assn. (life mem.). Clubs: Harvard of Chicago, Educators, Univer- sity. Editor: arts, on travel. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Eur. Interests: amateur air pilot, motoring, phctog., gardening, clock making. Recreations: travel motoring, shop work. Independent. Home : 1532 Far- well Av., Chicago, 111. NAGHTEN, John A., president and treasurer; b. Chicago, 111., 14 Aug. 1906; s. James I. Naghten, insurance, and Jane Anne (Crowe) N. ; ed. Loyola Acad. ; Loyola Univ., DePaul Univ., Chicago- Kent Coll. of Law; LL.B., Chicago Law Sch., 1933; m. Mary Fallon of Evanston, 111., 4 Jan. 1936. Practiced law, 1933-37; left practice to head John Naghten, & Co. (estab. 1863), now pres. and treas., appointed asst. defender of Cook Co., 1933, Master in Chancery Superior Court of Cook Co., 1935-39. Club: 111. Athletic. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 175 W. Jack- 473 son Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 1136 Sher- idan Rd., Wilmette, 111. CAMPBELL, Rowland, business execu- tive; b. Cross Hill, S.C., 27 Dec. 1894; s. Thomas A. Campbell, minister, and Sudie M. (Carter) C; ed. The Univ. high sch., Univ. Chicago; Univ. Chicago; m. Evelyn Kimmel of Spokane, Wash., 9 Jan. 1930; children — Nancy, Jane, Sue. Pres., Campbell, Inc., Chicago, 1922-40; v.p., Neumode Hosiery Co., Chicago, 1926-27; partner, Jas. F. Shea & Co., N.Y., 1937-38; chmn. board, Reo Motor Car Co., 1937-39; pres. and gen. mgr., 1938-39; exec, v.p., Paine Lumber Co., Ltd., Oshkosh, Wis., 1939; pres., Camp- bell's Dollar Stores, 1927-43; served in World War as Am. volunteer in French Army; mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Con- gregationalism Office: 214 W. College Av. Appleton, Wis. Home: 1515 So. Alicia Dr., Appleton, Wis. Died, 19 Oct. 1943. LAWSON, Lowell Anthony, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 2 Aug. 1896; s. Lewis E. Lawson, physician, surgeon, and Mary (Tierney) L. ; ed. St. Viator Coll.; LL.B., Loyola Univ., 1917; m. Madolyn Fitz- patrick of Chicago, 111., 30 June 1921; children — Patricia Jane, Lowell Anthony, Jr., Madolyn Marie, Helen Neale. D 111. Commercial Men's Assn., 111. Travel- ing Men's Health Assn.; mem. Chicago, 111. State and Am. Bar Assns., K.C. Clubs: South Shore Country, Athletic. Recreations: golf, tennis, swimming, motoring. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 77 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 7732 Ridgeland Av., Chicago, 111. EBERLE, Alphonse George, dean St. Louis Univ. Sch. Law; b. St. Louis, Mo., 6 July 1889; s. Charles Eberle, flour mer- chant, and Frances (Bulte) E.; ed. St. Louis Univ. high sch.; A.B., St. Louis Univ., 1909, LL.B., 1912; m. Carolyn Schatzman of St. Louis, Mo., 11 July 1916; children— Alphonse, Jr., Charles, Vincent, John, Marie. Pract. law St. Louis, Mo., 1912-20; part-time lecturer St. Louis Univ. Sch. Law, 1913-18; assoc. prof., sec. Law faculty, 1918-20; prof, law, 1920 — ; dean, St. Louis Univ. Sch. Law, 1922—; labor relations atty., Inter- nal Shoe Co.; mem. St. Louis Bar Assn., Mo. Bar Assn. (Bd. of Govs.) Am. Bar Assn., Am. Law Inst., Am. Judicature Soc, Delta Theta Phi. Co-author: Mo. Annotations to Restatement of Contracts. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 3642 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 1425 Mc- Causland Av., St. Louis, Mo. GORDON, Jessie B., librarian; b. Clin- ton, la.; d. James H. Blackburn and Jessie May (Parsons) B. ; ed. Wheaton high sch.; Chicago Free Kindergarten Assn.; St. Louis Library Sch.; m. Albert A. Gordon of Chicago, HI., 12 Nov. 1918. Kindergarten teacher, La Crosse, Wis.; asst. childrens libr., La Crosse; co. libr. Warren Co., Monmouth, 111; high sch. libr. Burlington, la.; pub. libr. librarian, Iowa City; mem. Am. Lib. Assn., la. Lib. Assn., League of Women Voters, Gen. Fed. of Worn ens Clubs, Kings Daughters, Coordinating Council, Recrea- tion Board. Clubs: Altrusa, Child Study, la. City Lib., Aircraft Owner and Pilots Assn. Interests: autorgraphed first edi- tions, knitting. Recreations: flying (stu- dent pilots license), golf. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Public Library, Iowa City, la. Home: 428 y 2 So. Summit St., Iowa City, la. STEPHENS, Thomas Calderwood, pro- fessor of biology; b. Adrian, Mich., 9 Mar. 1876; s. D. S. Stephens, teacher and editor, and Marietta Louise (Gibson) S.; ed. Duquesne Coll., Pittsburg, 1892- 94; Adrian Coll., Mich., 1894-96; Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., 1901; A.B., Kans. City Univ., 1901 M.D., Kans. Univ. Coll. Phys. and Sur- geons, 1904; fellow in zoology, Univ. Chi- cago, 1904-06; State Univ. la., summer, 1922; Univ. Mich., summer, 1933; D.Sc, Cornell Coll., 1945; m. Elinor Christian Wheeler Reid, of Kansas City, Kans., 10 June 1909; children — Stubert Wheeler, Jean Reid. Prof, biology, Morningside Coll., 1906—; staff, Iowa Lakeside Lab., summers, 1911-18, 1940-42; editor, Wilson Bulletin (ornith. quarterly), 1925-38; re- ceived Permanent Wildlife Protection Fund Gold Medal, 1917; hon. mem., Neb. Ornith. Union (pres., 1915); emm. Am. Ornith. Union, Cooper Ornith. Club: Wilson Ornith. Club (Pres. 1914-16); la. Ornith. Union, Iowa Acad. Sci. (pres., 1919-20) ; Am. Assn. Univ. Professors, Sig- ma Xi, Beta Beta Beta, Alpha Tau Omega, S.A.R. Author: Researches on distribution and behavior of birds, the mollusca of Iowa. Recreations: photogr., shell collecting. Methodist. Republican. Office: Morningside Coll, Sioux City, la. Home: 2024 S. Royce St., Sioux City 20, la. COLE, Redmond Seleoman, lawyer; b. Andrew Co., Mo., 22 Aug. 1881; s. James Buchanan Cole, osteopathic phys., and Virginia (Bedford) C; ed. Kirksville (Mo.) Normal Sch.; A.B., Univ. Mo., 1905, A.M., 1906; m. Mary Thompson Cross of Ceres, Calif., 11 June 1910; children— Olivia Harris (Mrs. J. D. Cole), Virginia Bedford (Mrs. R. L. Collins). Admitted to bar, 1909; practice of law Pawnee Co., Okla., 1909; county atty., 474 Pawnee Co., 1910-15; country registrar, Pawnee Co., 1916; Mayor of Pawnee, 1917; asst. dist. atty., Western Dist. of Okla., 1917-19; dist. judge, 21st Dist. (Tulsa-Pawnee) 1919-23; in corp. prac- tice, 1923—; mem. legal staff, Gulf Oil Corp., mem. S.A.R., Hist. Socs. of Mo., Kan., Okla., and Va. Author: numerous historical ■& geneal. pamphlets. Interest: genealogy. Methodist. Office: First Na- tional Bank of Tulsa Bldg., Tulsa 1, Okla. Home: 1312 S. Owasso St., Tulsa 5, Okla. GREGORY, Clifford Verne, editor, pub- lisher; b. Mason City, 20 Oct. 1883; s. Elmer O. Gregory, carpenter, farmer and Millie E. (McFarlin) G.; ed. B. Sc. (in Agr.), la. State Coll., 1910; m. Edna L. Springer of Revere, Minn., 25 June 1910; children— Gwendolyn Ruth, Merrill Clifford, Howard Verne, Barbara, David Walter, Shirley Ann. Instr. agr. journal- ism, la. State Coll., 1910-11; ed. Prairie Farmer, Chicago, 111., 1911-37; v. p. Prairie Farmer Publishing Co., 1911-37, Agr. Broadcasting Co. (WLS), 1928-37; assoc. publisher, Wallaces Farmer & la. Homestead, Wis. Agriculturist & Farmer, 1937—; dir. Federal Reserve Bank Chi- cago; v.p., dir., Des Moines Flying Serv- ice; mem. Agr. Adv. Council, U.S. Dept. Agr., President's Commn. Cooperative In- quiry, 1936; tr. Farm Foundation; mem. Masons. Clubs: Des Moines Economic, Union League of Chicago. Travel: Eur. Interest: photog. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Independent. Office: 1912 Grand Av., Des Moines, la. Home: 4225 Greenwood Dr., Des Moines, la. Died. BLAKEMAN, Edward William, coun- selor in religious education; b. Gary, Minn., 11 Sept. 1880; s. Edward E. Blakeman and Florence (Long) B.; ed. Richland Center (Wis.) high sch. ; A.B., Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wis., 1907; Boston Univ., 1908; M.A., Univ. Wis., 1911; student psychol., Univ. Cali., 1927- 29; religious edn., Univ. Chicago, 1935- 36; D.D. (hon.), Lawrence Coll., Wis., 1919; m. Anna DuPre of Madison, 7 Apr. 1915; children — Anne (Mrs. Winston Pengally), William Edward (dec). Pas- tor, Marshfield, Wis., 1906-07; Univ. pas- tor, Univ. Wis., 1910-12; minister, Univ Methodist Ch., 1912-25; organizer, dir., Wesley Foundation of Wis., 1915-25; dir. Wesley Foundation, Univ. Calif.; lectur- er, Pacific Sch. of Religion, Berkeley, 1925-31; counselor in religious edn., Un- iv. Mich., 1933—; mem. Gen. Conf. Meth. Ch., 1920; chmn. Nat. Survey Religious Day Schs., 1920-24; off. in Conf. of Ch. Workers in State Univs. ; mem. bd. of dirs., Religious Edn. Assn., U.S. and Can.; dir., Wis. State Survey by Inter- Ch. movement, 1918; mem. Internat. Council Rel. Edn. (bur. res.), Mich. Acad. Arts and Sci., Nat. Conf. Science Philosophy and Religion, 1942-45, Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Scis., Mich. Child Guidance Inst. (bd. dirs.), Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Theta Pi, Tau Kappa Alpha, Masons. Clubs: Commonwealth (San Francisco), University (Ann Ar- bor). Author: Administration of Religion in Universities, 1942; contbr. religious arts. Columnist: Domikie Says. Metho- dist. Democrat. Office: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 5 Harvard PI., Ann Arbor, Mich. PERRY, Ralph Woodford, chemist; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., 29 Jan. 1880; s. Ed- ward Perry, steel mill dept. head, and Maria (Brereton) P; ed. Park Inst., Pittsburgh, Pa.; Ph.B., Univ. Pitts- burgh, 1903; m. Irene F. Donahey of Pittsburgh, Pa., 1911. Asst. chem. Gulf Refining Co., 1903-04; dist. insp., Balti- more & O. R.R., 1904-06; chem. Detroit River Tunnel Co., 1906-09; chem. and engr. of tests, Mich. Central R.R., 1909-17 ; dir. and owner Perry Testing Lab., 1914-42; materials lab., Lawrence Inst. Tech., Highland Park, Mich. Mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, Am. Concrete Inst., Tech. Assn. for Pulp and Paper Ind., Detroit Engring. Soc, Oakland Co. Engring. Soc, Masons, Kiwanis. Inter- ests: hist., wood-working. Protestant. Home: 30935 Fourteen Mile Road, Farm- ington, Mich. NICHOLSON, Fredric Max, physician and surgeon; b. Clinton, la., 8 Aug. 1889; s. Peter Henry Nicolaisen, retired busi- ness man, and Dora Maria (Brenning- sen) N.; edn. Creighton (Neb.) high sch.; Fremont (Neb.) Normal Coll.; Boyles Coll., Omaha; Lewis Inst., Chi- cago; Sc.B., Univ. Chicago, 1918; Ph.D.. 1921; M.D. Rush Med. Coll., 1926; Rock- efeller Inst, for Med. Res., New York City; m. Louise Sophie Anderson of Stoughton, Wis., 1928; children— Joan Avon, Jean Gail. Asst. in anatomy and neurology, Univ. Chicago, 1918-20; assoc, 1920-21; asst. in pathology and bacterio- logy, Rockefeller Inst, for Med. Res., 1921-23, assoc, 1923-24; night surg., In- land Steel Co., Indiana Harbor, Ind., 1924-26; interneship in Norwegian-Am. Hosp., Chicago, 1926-27; in pvt. pract., 1927 — •; mem. gen. staff, Norwegian- Am. Hosp., 1927-38, Sr. Surgical staff, 1938—; permanent chmn. Com. of Nursing Edu- cation, 1940—; served in Med. Corps, U.S. Army, World War I., summer 1917 475 to Dec. 1918; mem. A.A.A.S., HI. State Acad, of Sci., Harvey Soc. of N.Y., Roy- al Microscopical Soc. of London, Am. Museum of Natural Hist., Nat. Am. Denmark Assn., Am. Scand. Founda- tion, Chicago Council on Foreign Rela- tions, Am. Physicians Art Assn., Chi- cago Med. Soc, 111. State Med. Soc, A.M. A., Assn. of Doctors of Philosophy, Univ. of Chicago, Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu, Alpha Omega Al- pha, N.Y. Acad, of Sci. Club: Chicago Danish. Author: Changes in Amount and Distribution of the Iron-containing Pro- teins of Nerve Cells Following Injury to Their Axones; Inclusion Bodies in Experimental Herpetic Infection of Rab- bits; An Experimental Study of the Mi- tochrondrial Changes in the Thyroid Gland; Meningo-Encephalitic Lesions and Protozoan-like Parasites; An His- tological Study of the Central Nervous System in Experimental Botulinus Poi- soning; The Coexistence of Protozoan- like Parasites and Meningoencephalitis in Mice; Morphological Changes in Nerve Cells Following Injury to their Axones; A Cytological Study of the Na- ture of Rickettsia in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Interests: Am. Indians, paleontology, as- tronomy, anthropology, philosophy, ge- ology. Recreation: golf. Hobbies: Porce- lains, antiques, radio. Office: 3215 W. North Ave., Chicago 47, 111. Home: 1312 N. Kedzie Av., Chicago 51, 111. COLLINS, Mary Love, lawyer; b. Loveville, Pa., 2 June 1882; d. W. L. Love, business man, and Elizabeth (Ri- der) L. ; ed. Conway Hall; A.B., Dickin- son, A.M.; LL.B., Univ. Ky. Sch. of Law; Univ. Chicago. Prof, wills and ad- min., Univ. Ky. Coll. of Law, 1918; atty., Solicitors office, Bur. of Internal Rev., 1918-20; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Chi Omega (pres., 1910—), Phi Delta Delta. D.A.R., Phi Beta; p. mem. Am. Bar Assn., Polit. Sci. Assn., Acad. Polit. So- cial Sci. Author: Human Conduct and The Law. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Office: 26 Cooper Bldg., Hyde Park, Cin- cinnati, O. Home: 3437 Burch Av., Hyde Park, Cincinnati, O. Summer res. : Spruce Creek R.R., Pa. DEAN, Edwin Blanchard, clergyman, educator; b. of American parents, Sa- tara, India, 21 July 1866; s. Rev. Samuel Chase and Augusta Elizabeth (Abbott) D.; B.A. Doane Coll., Crete, Neb., 1888, D.D., 1917; B.A., Amherst, 1889, M.A., 1904; B.D., Chicago Theol. Sem. 1893; m. Georgia DeCou, 8 July 1896; children — Berta DeCou, Carol Chase (Mrs. Glenn R. Oertli). Ordained Congl. min- istry, 1893; pastor First Ch., Wilmette, 111., 1893-99, First Ch., Clinton, la., 1899- 1905, First Ch., Northfield, Minn., 1905- 20; asst. to pres. and chmn. bd. of deans, Carleton Coll., Northfield, 1920- 25; pres. Doane Coll., Jan. 1925- Aug. 1936, pres. emeritus since 1936. Mem. War Personnel Board, Nat. War Work Council Y.M.C.A., New York, 1918; mem. same and hdqrs. chaplain Y.M.C. A., Paris, 1919; chmn. com. in charge steamship Haverford, arriving in Phila., I Aug. 1919. Moderator Minn. Congl. Conf., 1916; mem. com. on interchurch relations, Nat. Council Congl. Chs., 1929- 37, mem. com. on ministry, 1931-41, mem. com. on broadcasting, 1931-33; dir. Neb. Congl. Conf., 1926-32; pres. Assn. of Colls, of Congl. Affiliation, 1928- 29; tr. Doane Coll., 1925-39, tr. emeritus since 1939; dir. Doane Corp. since 1929; chmn. Neb. State Com. of Selection for the Rhodes Scholarships since 1935. Fel- low Am. Geog. Soc; mem. Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Sciences. Came to Ne- braska, Jenkins Mills, now Steele City, with parents, in 1872. Clubs: Knife and Fork, Lincoln Pioneers Golf. Home: 1112 C St., Lincoln, Neb. McCAMPBELL, Charles Wilbur, ad- ministrator, teacher, investigator; b. Frankfort, 1 Feb. 1882; s. J. A. McCamp- bell, bldg. contractor, and Kate (Free- man) M. ; ed. Alma high sch.; B.S., D.V. M., B.S.A., Kan. State Coll. 1906, 19, 18; m. Jessie E. Apitz of Manhattan, Kan., II June 1913. Asst., animal husbandry, Kan. State Coll., 1910-12, asst. prof., 1912 -16, assoc prof., 1916-18, prof, head of dept. 1918; dir. Am. Boyal Livestock Show, Kansas City, Ak-Sar-Ben Live- stock Show, Omaha, Kan. Nat. Live- stock Show, Wichita; served as livestock judge at leading livestock shows and state fairs of U.S.; mem. Kan. Food Production and Conservation Council in World War I; mem. Am. Soc. Animal Production (pres., 1930-31), Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Zeta, Beta Theta Pi. Author: 65 circulars, bulletins, livestock production and animal nutrition. Travel: U.S. G.s. of pioneer settlers of Kan. Interest: hist, of middlewest, southwest of U.S. Rec- reation: reading. Protestant. Republi- can. Address: Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kan. Home: 1127 Thurston St., Manhattan, Kan. COMSTOCK, Elting Houghtaling, univ. prof.; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 26 June 1876; s. Everett G. and Victorine (Houghtal- ing) C. ; B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1897; scho- 476 lar, Cornell Univ., 1897-98; fellow, Univ. of Chicago, 1898-99; teaching fellow, Univ. of Wis., 1899-1900, M.S. 1907; m. Myrtle T. Wade, 1 Aug. 1900 (died July, 1929) ; children— Everett Wade, John El- ting; m. 2d. Gladys E. Mitchell, 26 Dec. 1932. With Univ. of Minn, since 1906; prof, mine plant and mechanics, Sch. of Mines, since 1908; exec, head Sch. of Mines, 1935-44; prof, emeritus, 1944. Mem. Court of Honor, Boy Scouts of America. Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Am. Inst. Mining and Metall. Engrs., Soc. for Promotion Engring. Edn., Theta Tau, Acacia, Al- pha Phi Omega. Republican. Metho- dist. Mason (33d., K.T. Shriner). Club: Campus. Home: Dyscom Farm, Monti- cello, Minn. HILL, Barre, singer and teacher; b. Reading, Mich., 19 Feb. 1905; s. Leon L. Hill, ins., and Maude (Barre) H. ; ed. Reading (Mich.) high sch.; Hillsdale Coll.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1926; Univ. Sch. of Music (Ann Arbor), artist di- ploma, 1926, Doctor of Music (hon.), 1942; 5 yrs. study in Fr. and Eng. Lead- ing baritone, Chicago Civic Opera, 5 seasons; former mem. Montreal Civic Opera, Am. Opera, St. Louis Mun. Opera, Cincinnati Zoo Opera, Philadel- phia Grand Opera; soloist, many lead- ing symphonies, including Chicago, De- troit, Philadelphia St. Louis, Cleve- land, Dallas, singing lead Zeigfield Fol- lies, 1934-35; major broadcasts, NBC, and Columbia USA, also for BBS in London; head voice dept., Univ. Okla.; mem. summer faculty, Am. Conserva- tory, Chicago; management, Annie Friedman, N.Y. ; with U.S. Army past 3 yrs., maj., dir. Allied Entertainment Paris, France, 1945 — ; mem. Delta Tau Delta, Sinfonia (Phi Mu Alpha) musical frat., Nat. Patron, Delta Omicron, Ma- sons. Clubs: Lions Internat., Rotary (hon.). Travel: Eur., and for concerts throughout most of U.S. Interest: breed- ing and showing cocker spaniels in U.S. and Can. Recreations : sail boating, travel. Republican. Office: University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Homes: Tim- berdell, Norman, Okla.; Pointe Aux Pins, Straits of Mackinac, Mich. CASADY, Thomas, bishop; b. Des Moines, la., 6 June 1881; s. Simon and Sarah Conarroe (Griffiths) C. ; B.A., State Univ. of la., 1902; student Gen. Theol. Sem., New York, 1903-06; m. Frances Le Baron Kasson, 27 June 1906; children — Phineas McCray, Simon, Tho- mas, Jr., Frances Le Baron, Richard Robbins, George McFarland (dec). Deacon, 1906, priest, 1907, P.E. Ch. ; rec- tor successively St. Mary's Ch., Oelwein, la., St. Mark's Ch., Des Moines, Ch. of the Ascension, Pueblo, Colo., until 1920, All Saints Ch., Omaha, until 1927; elect- ed bishop of Okla., 2 June 1927, conse- crated, 2 Oct. 1927. Mem. Sigma Chi. Democrat. Mason. Home: P. O. Box 1098, Oklahoma City, Okla. BURRO WES, Alonzo (Lon). Moore, newspaper editor; B. Higginsville, Mo., 11 Dec. 1887; s. Evans Barkley and Ter- esa (Moore) B.; student Sedalia (Mo.) high sch., 1899-1901, St. Joseph's Noviti- ate, Burkettsville, O., 1901-02, St. Jo- seph's Coll., Rensselaer, Ind., 1902-03; unmarried. Began as newspaper report- er, Sedalia Democrat, 1905; then with Sedalia Capital and St. Louis Times; became copy editor St. Louis Post-Dis- patch; then with St. Louis Globe-Demo- crat, successively as reporter, rewrite man, copy editor, telegraph editor, night editor, chief of copy desk, asst. mng. editor and now mng. editor. Mem. St. Louis Chamber of Commerce. Roman Catholic (mem. Old Cathedral Ch.). Home: York Hotel, 6th and Market Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Office: 1133 Franklin Av., St. Louis, Mo. BRICKER, Mead L., dir. and gen. supt. Ford Motor Co.; b. Youngstown, O., 24 Apr. 1885; s. Asher M. and Sophia (Landis) B. ; m. Ethel M. Chamberlain, 15 Aug. 1906; children — Marley L., Charles L. Began as machinist in 1904, now dir. and gen. supt. Ford Motor Co. Republican. Mason. Clubs: Detroit, Meadowbrook Country (Northville, Mich.). Home: 19495 Shrewsbury Drive, Detroit, Mich. Office: Ford Motor Co., 3000 Schaefer Rd., Dearborn, Mich. BRANDT, John, pres. Land O 'Lakes Creameries; b. Forest City, Minn., 20 July 1885; s. Frederic Martin and Hen- rietta (Post) B.; ed. pub. schs. of Minn.; m. Maude Mary Caswell, 8 Mar. 1908. Pres. Litchfield Creamery Co. (Minn.) since 1910; sec. Litchfield Livestock Shipping Assn. since 1916; pres. Land O'Lakes Creameries, Inc., Minneapolis, since 1921; v. pres. Nat. Coop. Milk Producers Fedn., Washington, D.C., 1926 -41, pres., 1941 — ; pres. Dairy Products Marketing Assn., Chicago, 111., since 1938; dir. 7th Dist.,.Farm Credit Admin- strn., St. Paul, Minn., since 1935. Mason. Operates 560 acre farm in Meeker Co., Minn. Home: 4619 Towne Circle, Edina, Minneapolis, Minn. Address: 2201 Ken- nedy St., N.E., Minneapolis, Minn. BAYS, Alfred William, lawyer; b. Ver- mont, 111., 12 July, 1876; s. Enos Will- 477 iam and Elizabeth (Smith) B.; B.S., Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111., 1901 LL. ;B., Northwestern Univ. Sch. of Law, 1904; m. Anna Carnahan, Sept. 1912; children — Catherine Harriet (Mrs. Lawrence Parrish), Marjorie (Mrs. Paul Peter). Lecturer, 1905-09, instr. and asst. prof, commercial law, 1909-12; prof, law, 1912 -37, Northwestern Univ. School of Com- merce and Northwestern Univ. Sch. of Law; also in gneral practice at Chicago; gen. counsel Abbott Labs, and others. Tr. Northwestern Univ., Passavant, Ra- venswood and Evanston hosps., Knox College, (with H. B. Shattuck) Clara A. Abbott Trust, 1924-39. Republican. Ma- son. Clubs : University (Evanston) ; Westmoreland Country. Author and Compiler: American Commercial Law Series, 9 vols., 1911-12, 2d edit., 1920-22, 3d edit. (4 vols.), 1935; Business Law, an elementary text in one vol., 1919, 2d edit., 1925; Cases on Commerical Law, 1914, 2d edit., 1923, 3d edit., 1931, 4th edit., 1939. Home: 2330 Ewing Av., Evanston, 111. Office: Care Abbott Labo- ratories, North Chicago, 111. BAUMGARTNER, William Jacob, zo ologist, b. Excelsior, Morgan County, Mo., 14 May 1871; s. A. and Barbara (Garber) B.; student Bethel Coll., New- ton, Kan.; A.B.; Univ. Kan., 1900, A.M., 1901; studied Univ. of Chicago, 1901-04; Ph.D., Univ. of Munich, Germany, 1929, m. Olga Leisy, 19 Dec. 1900; 1 dau.— Le- ona. Teacher pub. sens., Kan., 7 yrs.; instr. zoology, 1904, asst. prof., 1905, asso. prof. 1913, prof, since 1930, Univ. Kan. Mem. staff Puget Sound Marine Sta., 1908-15; mem. scientific expdn. to Ore. fossil fields, 1905, to Ariz, for in- sects, 1906, to Puget Sound for sea ani- mals, 1908 conducted expdn. to Gulf Coast, Tex., 1907. Mng. editor Science Bull., Univ. of Kan., 1914-20 (issuing 6 vols.). Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Soc. Am. Anatomists, Am. Zool. Soc, Kan. Acad. Science (life; also mng. editor), Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Chi. Re- publican. Presbyn. Clubs: University. Author: A Laboratory Manual of the Foetal Pig, 1925; also many articles in scientific and ednl. jours. Originator of campaign for million dollar Stadium- Union Fund for Univ. of Kan. and raised most of the subscriptions. Home: 1209 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kan. EARL, George Arthur, surgeon, Earl Clinic; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 23 May 1884; s. Peter O. Earl (dec), business man, and Hannah (Anderson) E.; ed. B. A., Md., univ. Minn.; m. Lillian Nodell of Minneapolis, Minn., 30 June 1910; children— Roland Milton, Carolyn (Mrs. E. P. Davis, Jr.). Co-founder of Earl Clinic, St. Paul; surg. Midway and Mounds Park Hosps., St. Paul; mem. Mayo Memorial Commn.; p. nat. chmn., Baptist Laymen of North Baptists; maj. surg., Home Guard, during World War I; mem. appeal bd., World War II; mem. Minn. State Med. Ass. (p. pres.), Am. Bd. Surgery (founder mem.), fel- low Am. Coll. Surgs. Author: sev. med. arts. Baptist. Office: 1210 Lowry Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 1559 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn. DWYER, Margaret A., abstracter, lawyer; b. Omaha, 27 Mar. 1906; d. George M. Getscher and Barbara J. (Sibal) G.; ed., Tech. high sch., Univ. of Omaha Law Sch.; m. Howard A. Dwyer of Plattsmouth, 10 Mar. 1934. Admitted to law practice, 1932; sec, treas., Leo J. Crosby Co., Omaha; mem., Women Lawyers of Omaha, (pres., 1935-37), Neb. State Bar Assn., Omaha Bar Assn. Lutheran. Office: 536 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Home: 2032 N. 50th St., Omaha, Neb. DEVOE, Robert W., lawyer; b. Le- banon, Neb., 7 Feb. 1882; s. Elmore E. Devoe, retired banker, and Sarah (Case- ment) D.; ed. Franklin Acad.; LL.B., Univ. of Neb.; m. Maud Sovern of Wil- sonville, Neb., 18 May 1904; children — Melba Barney, Robert W. Practice of law in Lincoln, Neb., firm of Peterson & Devoe; mem., Am. Bar Assn., Neb. State Bar Assn., pres., 1928; co. atty., Cheyenne Co., Neb., 1911-15; regent Univ. of Neb., 1937 — ; mem., Am. Law Inst., Scottish Rite Masons (33d deg.). Clubs: Country, University. Interests: literary. Recreation: golf. Protestant. Republican. Office: 311 Bankers Life Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. Home: 1111 S. Cot- ner Blvd., Lincoln, Neb. Summer home: Walker, Minn. DALAKER, Hans H., professor emeri- tus; b. Norway, 6 Dec. 1871; s. Hans Dalaker, farmer, and Kari (Lovoen) D.; ed. Decorah Inst., la.; B.A., Univ. of Minn., 1902; Ph.D., Corell Univ., 1917; m. Mattie Akre of Decorah, la., 22 June 1904; children — Harold Cornell, Erling Akre. Teacher, country sch., 1891-92; teacher math., physics, Decorah Inst., 1893-97; mem. faculty, Univ. of Minn., 1901-40; instr., asst. prof., assoc. prof., prof., prof, emeritus, June 1940; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Univ. Lodge, No. 316, A.F. & A.M., Univ. Chap. O.E.S., No. 269. Author: The Cal- culus (in collab. with Prof. Henry E. Hartig) ; On the Automorphic Functions 478 of the Group; working on manuscript on advanced Calculus in collab. with Dr. Max G. Scherberg. Congregationalist. Republican. Home: 523 Walnut St., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. Summer res. : Wom- an Lake, Hackensack, Minn. Died, 20 May 1943. HARSHAW, William Jacob, business executive; b. Cleveland, O., 27 Jan. 1891; s. William Andrew Harshaw and Ella (Price) H. ; ed. Univ. Sen., Cleve- land; Yale Univ.; B.S., McGill Univ., 1917; m. Ellen Marie Leahy of Cleve- land,. O., 26 July 1919; children — William Andrew, Jean. Chemist, factory supt., v.p., gen. supt., Harshaw Chemical Co., 1917-36, pres., 1936—. Office: 1945 E. 97th St., Cleveland, O. Home: 19201 So. Park Blvd., Shaker Heights, O. WOODWARD, Arthur H., manufactur- er; b. Chicago, 111., 27 Oct. 1870; s. James L. Woodward, banker, business- man, and Hannah G. (White) W. ; ed. Chicago Manual Training Sen.; Sibley Coll. engring. ; M.E., Cornell Univ., 1892; m. Edith M. Norton of Jefferson, O., 20 May 1896; children — Julian L., Elinor W. (Kinney), Herbert N. Treas., Internat. Register Co., 1895-97, pres., Jan. 1898 — ; inventor: coin fare regis- ters, checkwriters, wind vane sight for airplanes, 1918, cutting machines, vend- ing machines, meters for refrigerators, combination locks, double deck sleep- ing cars; dir., Internat. Register Co., Belding-Heminway Co., N.Y., 1925-38; tr. Union League Foundation Boys' Clubs: Chicago Commons Assn., Off The Street Club; mem. Chamber Commerce U.S., 111. Chamber Commerce, Am. Soc. MXECH. Engrs. Clubs: Union League, Engineers (N.Y.). Interest: boys' clubs. Protestant. Republican. Office: 2620 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 685 Ardsley Rd., Winnetka, 111. Summer home: Four Island Lake, Champion, Marquette Co., Mich. WOOD, Pierpont Jonathan Edwards, lawyer; b. Stoughtcn, Wis., 12 Aug. 1890; s. William Squire Wood and Caroline Gardner (Pierpont) W.; ed. Hyde Park high sch., Chicago; Stoughton high sen.; Univ. of Iowa, 1915; m. Helen Jeffris of Janesville, Wis., 27 Oct. 1915; children — Pierpont Jeffris, Carolyn Pierpont, Malcolm Jeffris. Adm. Montana Bar, 1914; firm mem. Collins Campbell & Wood, Billings and Forsyth, Mont., 1914- 18; adm. Wisconsin Bar, 1919; firm mem. Jeffris, Mouat, Oestreich, Wood & Cunningham, Janesville, Wis., 1919 — ; chmn. of bd., Burdick Corp.; pres. War- ner Elec. Brake Mfg. Co. ; pres. Bost- wick Realty Co.; v.p. A. R. Glancy, Inc.; dir. and gen. counsel, Parker Pen Co., Highway Trailer Co., F. H. Blod- gett, Inc., Hough Shade Corp.; dir., Mer- chants & Savings Bank, Janesville, Wis., Marine National Exchange Bank, Mil- waukee, Wis.; gen. counsel, Rock River Woolen Mills, Beloit Iron Works, Free- man Shoe Corp.; served as pvt. Field Artill., U.S. Army, World War I; mem. Beta Theta Phi, Phi Delta Phi, Masons, Elk. Episcopalian. Republican National Committeeman for Wisconsin, 1936-40. Office: 14 W. Milwaukee St., Janesville, Wis. Home: 502 St. Lawrence Av., Janes- ville, Wis. Summer res.: Rhinelander, Wis. WITZEL, Earl Rodee, electrical en- gineer; b. Forestburg, S.D., 11 Sept. 1888; s. Henry H. Witzel, farmer, and Mary Adella (Rodee) W. ; ed. Artesian Dak. Wesleyan Univ.; B.S., E.E., Des Moines Univ., 1914; m. Bessie McMahon of West Liberty, 19 June 1917; children — Bettie, William. Instr., E.E., Univ. of Wyo., 1922-25; Mt. States Tel. & Tel. Co. engr. dept., 1925-26; res. dept., Kohler Co., 1926 — ; treas. Kohler pub. schs. ; mem. Am. Legion, A.I.E.E., Sheboygan Assn. Commerce, Masons. Author: mag. arts, on engring. Interests: radio, pho- tog., music. Recreations: bowling, mo- toring. Methodist. Republican. Office : Kohler Company, Kohler, Wis. Home: 515 West Park Lane, Kohler, Wis. WIRTH, Elmer Hauser, Univ. prof.; b. North Amherst, O., 11 Mar. 1895; s. John M. L. Wirth, telegrapher, and Em- ma (Hauser) W.; ed. Ph.C, B.S., Univ. of Mich. Coll. Pharmacy, 1918; M.S., Univ. of Mich. Grad. Sch., 1919; Ph.D., Leiden Univ. (Netherlands), 1931; m. Margaret Binder of Ann Arbor, Mich., 31 Dec. 1922; 1 dau. — Marilyn Jean. Chief chemist, F. F. Ingram Co., De- troit, Mich., 1919-22; instr., assoc, asst. prof., assoc. prof, pharmacognosy, Univ. of 111., 1922-40, prof, pharmacognosy and pharmacology, 1941 — ; dir. Univ. of 111. Drug Plant Expt. Stat., 1945—; mem. Com. of Revision, U.S. Pharmacopoeia, XIII; v. chmn. Com. Revision and chmn. subcom. Pharmacognosy, Nat. Form- ulary VII and VIII; chmn. Com. U.S. Pharmacopoeia, Am. Pharm. Soc; mem. Com. Pharm. Syllabus, Am. As- soc. Colls. Pharm., Com. Kilmer Prize, Com hort. nomenclature, Am. Pharm. Assn.; mem. A.A.A.S., Nat. Plant Sci- ence Seminar (sec), Inter-Soc. Color Council, 111. State Acad. Sci, 111. Pharm. Assn., Chicago Drug Club, Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Phi Sigma, Rho 479 Chi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Gamma Alpha, Kappa Psi. Author: A Text-Book of Pharmacognosy; A Laboratory Manual for Pharmacognosy; 40 papers, articles and reports in Pharm. Jours. Interests: plant chemistry, botany, photography. Home: 833 S. Kenilworth Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: University of Illinois College of Pharmacy, 808 S. Wood St., Chicago, 111. GREENE, Earle Ira, surgeon; s. Maurice Greene, realtor, and Rose (Fielder) G.; ed. Robert Waller high sen.; S.B., Univ. Chicago, 1920; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1922; M.S. (Surgery), Univ. Minn., 1927 Asst. prof, of surgery, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch. ; It. col., M.C.A.U.S., attached to 12th General Hosp., No. Afr., and 35th Station Hosp., Corsica and France; mem. Chicago Med., HI. Med. and Am. Med. Assn., A.C.S., Chicago Surgical Soc, Am. Bd. of Surg., Assn. of ex-residents of Mayo Clinic. Author: about fifty papers on surgical subjs. Travel: extensive. Rec- reation: golf. Jewish. Democrat. Home: 642 Waveland Av., Chicago, 111. VOSE, Frederic Perry, lawyer (ret.); b. Chicago, 111., 4 May 1870; s, William Merchant Richardson Vose, banker, and Patience Elizabeth (Watts) V.; ed. Evanston (111.) Twp. high sch., 1890; Northwestern Univ., Evanston, HI.; LL. B., Northwestern Law Sch., 1894; m. LUCY Beatrice Mason of Evanston, 111., 30 Jan. 1900. Admitted to 111. Bar, 1893; practice of law, Chicago, 111., 1893-1937, ret., admitted to practice, U.S. Supreme Ct., Washington, D.C., 1914; pres. bd. ed., Evanston, 111., 1903-13; tr. Evan- ston Twp. Sch., 1933-47; legal examiner, counsel, U.S. Fed. selective draft bd., 1917-18; Chicago Counsel for Boliva, 1918-22; mem. Am., 111. State, Chicago Bar Assns., Law League of Am., (pres., 1912-13), 111. Soc. S.A.R., Nat. Elec. Credit Assn. (gen. counsel, ex. dir., 1898-1933), Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Phi. Chicago, University of Evanston, (pres. 1913-15), Electric (pres., 1908-10), Law. Author: many prof. arts. Travel: U.S. Father, b. Lancaster, Mass., was early settler of Evanston, 111., mem. Village Bd. Interests: civic, educational reli- gious. Recreations: golf, camping in woods. Presbyterian. Republican. Win- ter res.: 1558 No. Genesee Av., Holly- wood, Calif. Home: 1131 Ridge Av., Evanston, 111. BETHEA, Dennis Anderson, physi- cian; b. Dillon, S.C., 16 Oct. 1878; s. Dempsy R. Bethea, farmer, and Rosa Ann (McRae) B. ; ed. Princess Anne Acad., Md., Allegeny Coll., Meadville, Pa.; M.D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1907; post grad. work, Harvard, 1912; m. Alice B. McLeod of Dillon, S.C., 1908 (dec.) 1 dau.— Willa Bethea Tuttle; m. (2nd) Magdalene Breadus, of Jeffersonville, Ind.; 1 dau. — Norma Mae. Teacher, sch. at Dillon, S.C., 1899; attended coll.. 1900-07; located at Terre Haute, Ind., 1908; has been active in civic welfare and polit affairs of city; pres., Central Jurisdiction Bd. of Lay Activities of the Methodist Ch.; del., United Methodist Conf. in Kansas City, 1939; Ward Com- mitteeman and del., State Polit. Convs. ; mem. Hosp. Staff, St. Margaret's Hosp., Hammond, Ind.; mem. Am. Med. Assn., Nat. Med. Assn., Ind. State Med. Assn., Y.M.C.A., Nat. Assn. Advancement of Colored People. Club: Hammond Demo- crat. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: writ- ing arts, and stories for newspapers and mags. Recreations: walking, croquet. Methodist. Democrat. Office and home: 1021 Field St., Hammond, Ind. BUTCHER, Gertrude Wiser,, artist; b. Jonesboro, Ind., 13 May 1898; d. Alv Wiser, watchmaker, and Mary Caroline (Doremus) W. ; ed. South Bend high sch.; B.S., Ball State Teachers Coll.; Columbia Univ.; Sch. of Chicago Art Inst.; Wis. Univ.; Cape Cod Summer Sch. of Art; Colorado Univ.; Applied Arts Summer Sch., Chicago; m. William Arthur Butcher (prin. John F. Nuner Jr. High Sch.), of South Bend, Ind., 5 May 1939; 1 son— Walter. Teacher of art, pub. schs., South Bend, 15 yrs.; specialized in flower painting with broth- er, Guy Brown Wiser, portrait painter illustrator; mem. A.A.U.W., Pi Gamma Mu. Clubs: Indiana Artists, No. Indiana Artists League (pres., Progress of South Bend (chmn. art dept.). Home: 1910 Mishawaka Av., South Bend, Ind. ALGREN, Axel B, associate professor, mechanical engineer; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 14 Oct., 1893; s. John A. Algren and Finna N. (Algren) A.; ed. South high sch., Minneapolis; B.S. (in M.E.), Univ. Minn., 1925, M.S. (in M.E.), 1931: m. Beda A. Nelson of Minneapolis, Minn., 11 May 1921; children — Doris L., Helen L. Supt., A. T. Rydell, Inc., 1925- 27; res. engr., Univ. of Minn., 1927-28, instr. and asst. dir., Experimental En- gring. Labs., 1928-41, asst. prof., asst. dir. Expt. Engring. Labs., Regional Chief of Training, War Manpower Com- mn., 1941-44; assoc. prof. Mech. Engr., Univ. of Minn., 1944 — ; served as pvt. 1st class, U.S. Army, Meuae, Argonne, St. Mihiel, 1917-19; mem. A.S.H. and 480 V.E., S.P.E.E., Sigma Xi, Pi Tau Sig- ma, A.A.U.P., Am. Legion, Disabled Am. Vets. Assn. Clubs: Univ. Campus, Engrs. of Minn., Univ. Golf. Co-author: Heat Transmission Through Building Materials (with F. B. Rowley), 1928; Thermal Resistances of Air Spaces, 1929; Over-all Heat Transmission Coef- ficients Obtained by Tests and by Cal- culations (with F. B. R. and J. L. Black- shaw), 1929; Effects of Air Velocities on Surface Coefficients (with F. B. R. and J. L. B.), 1929; Thermal Properties of Concrete Construction (with F. B.R.), 1936; Methods of Moisture Control and Their Application to Building Construc- tion (with F. B. R. and C. E. Lund), 1940; Better Housing, 1941. Travel: Eur . Fr., Eng., Ger., Belg., Netherlands. In- terests: fishing, golf. Recreations: bowl- ing, golf, fishing. Protestant. Republi- can. Office: University of Minn., Min- neapolis, Minn. Home: 5109 17th Av., S. Minneapolis, Minn. STAPLES, Thomas Starling, college dean; b. Roopville, Ga., 11 Apr 1879; s. Thomas Trammel and Rachel (Stillwell) S.; student Young Harris Coll., 1898-99; PhB., Emory Coll., Oxford, Ga., 1900- 04; A.M. Central Coll.. Fayette, Mo., 1907-08; A.M., Columbia Univ., 1915, Ph. D., 1918; m. Dove Harton, 24 Dec. 1912. Supt. of schs., Lutherville, Ga., 1904-05; instr., Central Coll., Fayette, Mo., 1905- 08; prof, hist., Hencrix Coll., Conway, Ark., since 1908, dean since 1928; chmn. Ark. State Bd. Education. Mem. South- ern Hist. Assn., Ark. Hist. Assn., Am. Hist. Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Blue Key. Mason (K.T.). Democrat. Club: Execu- tives (Little Rock, Ark.). Methodist (mem. University Senate of Meth. Ch.). Author: Reconstruction in Arkansas, 1923; Political History of Arkansas, 1865 -1908, 1930; Our Land and Our People (co-author), 1929. Home: 1821 Robinson Av., Conway, Ark. Address: Hendrix Station, Conway, Ark. MURCH, James DeForest, editor and minister; b. New Vienna, O., 23 Oct. 1892; s. Rev. Everett DeLonzo Murch. minister, and Ella Mallory (Savage) M. ; ed. schs., Hillsboro, O.; A.B., O. Univ., 1915; Univ. Cincinnati, 1918; D. D. (hon.), Eugene (Ore.) Bible Univ. (now Northwest Chr. Coll.), 1929; m. Olive Cameron of Athens, O., 25 Aug. 1915; 1 son — James DeForest, Jr. Min- ister, Observatory Hill Shr. Ch., Pitts- burgh, Pa., 1915-16; asst. ed., Chr. Standard, nat. weekly of Disciples of Christ, 1916; ed., The Lookout, 1918-25; lit. ed., Standard Pub. Co., 1925-45: ed. United Evangelical Action, 1945—; co-founder, Cincinnati Bible Sem., chmn. bd., 1925-28; chmn. bd., Clarke Estate for Home Missions, 1922—; mem. exec, com., Disciples of Christ Hist. Soc; mem. S.A.R., Phi Kappa Tau, Tau Kappa Alpha. Author: Studies in Chris- tian Living, 1937; Christian Minister's Manual, 1937; Sunday School Handbook, 1939; God Still Lives, 1941; 600 Doctrin- al Illustrations, 1941; Christian Educa- tion and the Local Church, 1943 ; Prelude to Prayer; Cheer Along the Way; many brochures. Travel: Mex., Eng., Nether- lands, Ger., Fr., Switz., It. Interests: art, lit., philately, mus. Recreation: walking. Disciples of Christ. Republi- can. Office: 111 E. Fourth St., Cin- cinnati, O. Home: 2856 Werk Rd., West- wood, Dincinnati, O. ROGERS, Don Clifford, educato, , b. Humboldt, la., 16 May 1894; s. Cyrus Allen Rogers, mcht., and Myrta May (Meyers) R. ; ed. Ft. Dodge (la.) high sch.,. 1912; B.A., Slate Univ. la., 1916, M.A., 1921, Ph.D., 1923; m. Nannie Dun- can of Lineville, la., 13 June 1919; chil- dren— Marjorie Jane, Don C, Jr., Wal- ter Duncan, Robert Harvey. Supt. schs.. la. and Mo. towns; principal, Chicago sch.; dir. Bur. Research and Bldg. Sur- vey, Chicago Pub. Schs., 1928-40; Dis- trict Supt., 1941-43; asst. supt., 1944—; teaching at 4 univs. ; pvt. 1st class, U. Training Sch., at end of World War I; mem. Civitan Internat. (p. pres.), Am. Ednl. Research Assn., Nat. Council on Schoolhouse Planning, N.E.A., Phi Del- ta Kappa, Am. Legion, Delta Sigma Rho. Clubs: Tarn O'Shanter Country, Chicago Civitan, Boswell. Author: Re- Discovering America; the Children's Word Book (spelling series). Co-auth- or: Growth of Democracy, Learning Arithmetic (series), Arithmetic Readi- ness (series). Interest: democracy, education. Recreations: fishing, tennis, bridge. Office: 228 N. LaSalle St., Chi- cago 1, 111. Home: 6293 Louise Av., Chi- cago 30, 111. SELSBY, Don Harry, physician, sur- geon; b. Osceola, Mo., 20 May 1882; s. James W. Silsby and Ida M. (Dozier) S.; ed. Springfield (Mo.) high sch.; Dru- ry Coll.; M.D., Univ. Mich., 1916; m. Lela M. Long of Pittsburg, Kan., 17 Aug. 1931; children— Don, Jr., Mrs. Le- on B. Powell, Jr. Asst. instr., Yale Univ. Gymnasium, 1904-05; dir. phys. end., pub. schs., Rochester, N.Y., 1905-11; mem. surg. staff, Burge Hosp., Spring- field, Mo., 1911—, pres. staff, 1935—; maj., M.C., regimental surgeon and sur- 481 geon of Convalescent Center, 2Y 2 yrs. during World War I, col., M.R.C., U.S. A., 1925 — , in military service as col., M.C., 31 Dec. 1942—; mem. A.M.A., Co. Med. Soc. (p. pres.), Res. Off. Assn. (p. pres., Mo. chap, p. pres., Spring- field chap.), Am. Legion (p. comdr.), Masons (Shrine), B.P.O.E. (exalted ru- ler, Springfield, 1929-34, pres. Mo., 1938- 39), Am. Philatelic Soc, Mo. Philatelic Assn. (pres.). Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Interest: U.S. stamps. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office : 326 Landers Bldg., Springfield, Mo. Home: 807 Dollison Av., Springfield, Mo. HOPKINS, Mona Anne Willcox, child welfare worker; b. Eldora, la.; d. Wm. Vance Willcox and Elizabeth Anne (Parks) W.; ed. West high sch., Des Moines, la.; summer courses, State Univ. of la.; m. Burtram C. Hopkins of Des Moines, la., 20 June 1900; children — Anne (Mrs. Chester E. Adams), Bur- tram Willcox, William Vance. Pres., la. Congress of Parents & Teachers, 1925- 29; v.p., Nat. Congress of Parents & Teachers, 1930-34; chmn. legis. com., la. Assn. Social Welfare, 1929-35; mem. la. Com. on Unemployment, 1930-31, Govt.'s Planning Com. for la. White House Conf. on Child Health and Pro- tection; la. mem. Nat. Women's Com. Mobilization for Human Needs, 1933-34; 1st woman mem., la. State Bd. So- cial Welfare, 1937-39; chmn. Child Wel- fare Div., la. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1929- 31. Clubs: Des Moines Women's, Wom- en's City (pres., 1937-39), Pro-America. Protestant. Republican. Home: 3315 Beaver Av., Des Moines, la. Summer home : Okoboji, la. REES, Forest Ray, consulting geolo- gist in oil and mining; b. Audubon, la., 9 Sept. 1885; s. Franklin Pierce Rees and Rebecca Jane (Bovaird) R. ; ed. Okla. Presbn. Acad., Newkirk, Okla. ; A.B., The Coll. of Wooster, O., 1908; post-grad, courses, Univ. Chicago; m. lone Wood of Waynesburg, Pa., 6 Jan. 1913; children — Katharine Rebecca (Hammond), Forest Bovaird. Teacher geology and related sciences, Central high sch., Colo. Springs, 1909, Centennial high sch., Pueblo, Colo., 1910, Central High Sch., Bartlesville, Okla., 1911, Un- ion High Sch., Albion, N.Y., 1912-13, Central High Sch., Oklahoma City, 1917; head sci. dept., prof, geology, Univ. Tul- sa, 1913-16, asst. in geology, Univ. Okla., 1916; -chief geologist, Phoenix Refining Co., March Oil Co., 1917, Mid-Continent Div. of Producers and Refiners Corp., 1918, Skelly Oil Co., 1921-22; Petroleum Royalties Co., 1929, Peters Petroleum Corp., 1930; consulting geol., Tulsa, 1917 -39; petroleum engr., U.S. Geol. Survey, part of 1934 — , engring. aide, civil, U.S. Army Engrs. 1939-45; mem. Am. Assn. Petroleum Geologists, Masons, K.T.. Shrine, K.P. (D.O.K.K.), Am. Fed. of Musicians. Club: American Explorers (founder). Author: The Outline of Knowledge; The Explorer (a newspaper feature of 30 columns), The Oil Man's history, writing on outdoor exploration, American Way of Life, geography, ge- ology. Presbyterian. Office: P. O. Box 1594, Tulsa, Okla. Home: 410 South Col- lege Av., Tulsa, Okla. BANKS, Robert Lenox, banker; b. Su- perior, Wis., 21 May 1898; s. William Banks Banks, banker, and Marion (Lew- is) B. ; ed. Superior (Wis.) high sch.; Taft Prep. Sch., Watertown, Conn.; Univ. Wis.; m. Josephine Weirick of Hollywood, Calif., 28 Spt. 1923; children —Barbara, Katherine. Banker, First Nat. Bank, Superior, Wis., 1922 — , now v.p.; v.p., cashier People's Bank, Anti- go, 1939 — ; held all offices in Group One of Wis. Pres. Bankers' Assn., 1936; mem. Exec. Council, Finance Com., Am. Bankers' Assn.; dir. First Nat. Bank, Superior, The People's Bank, An- tigo; Ensing, U.S.N.R., aviation, 1 yr. during World War I; It., It. comdr., U.S. N.R. in Naval Air Transport Service at Dinner Key, San Juan, Natal, New York and Winslow, Dec. 1943 — ; mem. Elks. Club: Antigo Country. Father, Wm. B. Banks, founded First Nat. Bank of Superior and is one of early settlers. Banks and Lennox families early N.Y. settlers. Interests: golf, fishing, hunting, farming. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: The People's Bank, Antigo, Wis.; The First National Bank, Superior, Wis. Summer res.: Lake Nebagamon, Wis. MILLER, Addie T., attorney at law; b. Cleveland, O., 9 Mar. 1892; d. John Tettelbach, stove mfr., and Hannah Ad- elaide (Morley) M.; ed. West high sch., Cleveland; LL.B., Baldwin Wallace Col- lege; Western Reserve Univ.; Ohio State Univ.; m. Abram L. Miller (dec); chil- dren—John Tettelbach (dec), Robert Abram. In law practice, office of Max P. Goodman, Cleveland; pvt. practice; apptd. probation dept., Municipal Ct., Cleveland; vol., Civilian Relief Div., A. R.C., Cleveland during World War I; mem. Cleveland and Cuyahoga Bar Assns., Phi Delta Delta, Castalian Lit. Soc, League of Women Voters, Phillis Wheatley Assn. Club: Women Lawyers. Travel: east, west, U.S., Can. Desc, pi- 482 oneers of Cleveland. Interests: music, philos., humor, books, humanity, gen. welfare. Recreations: motoring, outdoor life. Office: 822 Leader Bldg., Cleve- land, O. Home: Fern Hall Hotel, 3250 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. STUDER, Adolph Gustav, general secretary; b. Montreal, 18 Aug. 1867; s. William Frederick Studer, elec. engr., and Margaret (Von Weinmann) S.; ed. Protestant Sch. of Montreal; Montreal Normal Sch.; Detroit Coll. Med.; M.D., Detroit Homeopathic Coll., 1903; L.L.D., Alma Coll.; D.A.S., George Williams Coll., Chicago, 111.; L.L.D., Wayne Univ. Detroit; m. Frances A. Buick of De- troit, Mich., 6 June 1893; 1 dau.— Ruth (Mrs. Rankin P. Peck). Phys. dir., Pitts- burg Y.M.C.A., 1890-91; phys. dir., De- troit Y.M.C.A., 1891-1903, gen. sec, 1903 — ; mem. State Com. of Mich, of Y.M. C.A. ; mem. bd. dirs., Detroit Commu- nity Fund; mem. nat. bd. dirs., Nat Council, Y.M.C.A. of U.S.; pres. De- troit Council of Churches; mem. Alpha Sigma Kappa, Alpha Sigma Xi, B.S.A., Detroit Bd. Commerce, Detroit Philos. Soc, Detroit Symphony Soc, Masons (33d deg.), Detroit Citizens League, Y. M.C.A. (Nat. Council). Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Boat, Detroit Rotary, Oakland Hills Country, Economic. Rec- reations: golf, boating. Presbyterian, (mem. First Presbn. Ch.). Republican. Office: Y.M.C.A., Detroit, Mich. Home: 880 Lake Shore Dr., Grosse Pointe, De- troit, Mich. Summer res. : Lac Supe- rieur, P.Q., Can. VIESSELMAN, Percival William, pro- fessor of law; b. Fairmont, Minn., 28 Dec. 1890; s. William Viesselman, real estate owner, and Lottie (Diehl) V. ; ed. Fairmont high sch.; B.A. (with eid- tinction), Univ. of Minn., 1912, M.A.. 1913, LL.B., 1915; m. Roxie B. Utley of Cass Lake, Minn., 21 Aug. 1918; children — Joyce (Mrs. John French McCarty), Mark, Burt, Claire (Mrs. Angus Burton Cossey, Jr.). Inst, in pol. sci., Univ. of Minn., 1915-17, 1918-19, 1920-21; law pract., Minneapolis, 1917-28; prof, of law, Univ. of N. Dak., 1928-33; atty.. Northwestern Nat. Life Ins. Co., Min- neapolis, 1933-35; prof, of law, Univ. of Kan., 1935—; mem., Am. Bar Assn., Kan. State Bar Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Order of the Coif, Phi Alpha Delta, Al- pha Sigma Phi. Author: Phillips Code Pleading (2nd ed.), Dakota Practice, Abbott Civil Jury Trials (5th ed.), Ab- bott on Facts (5th ed.), Abbott Criminal Trial Practice (4th ed.), Cases & Mate- rials on Trial Practice, Kansas Annota- tions to A.L.I. Restatement of Agency, Pocket Parts, Hughes Federal Practice, Winslow's Forms, Pocket Supplement to Federal Manual of Procedure. Presby- terian. Republican. Office: Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Home: 1138 Mississippi St., Lawrence, Kan. HUDSON, William Andrew, thoracic surgeon; b. Jasper, Ark., 23 Feb. 1891; s. J. S. Hudson and Samantha (Carlin) H. ; ed. Sedalia (Mo.) high sch.; B.S., Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1918, M.D., 1920, M.S., 1922; m. Benta Whitaker of Mokane, Mo., 17 June 1920; children — William A., Jr., John Wallace. Teacher, grade sch., Newton Co., Ark., 1910-11, Emporia (Kan.) State Norm., summer 1919; interne in pathol. and bacterid., Wash. Univ.; hosp. residence and in- terne, Royal Victoria Hosp., Montreal Can., 1922-23; Henry Ford Hosp., Mich., 1923-25; lecture tour, Eur. Clinics, 1929; splty., thoracic surg. and endoscopy, 1925 — ; attending surg., chief, thoracic surg., Grace Hosp., Detroit; thoracic surg., Detroit T.B. San., Pine Crest San., St. Joseph Mercy Hosp., Pontiac, Re- ceiving Hosp., Detroit; chief surg., Oak- land Co. T.B. San. ; attending broncho- scopist, Eloise Hosp., Dearborn; cons, thoracic surg. Marine Hosp., Detroit, Highland Park Gen. Hosp., Mich., Wo- man's Hosp., Detroit, Alexander Blain Hosp., St. Mary's Hosp., Detroit, St. Francis Hosp., Hamtramck; cons, in bronchoscopy, No. End Clinic, Detroit; served in med. res. corps during World War I; fellow Am. Assn. for Thoracic Surg., A.C.S.; mem. Mich. State, Wayne Co. Med. Socs., Detroit Acad. Surg., Mich. State T.B. Soc, Mich. Trudeau Soc, Am. Trudeau Soc, St. Louis Med. Soc (hon.), Am. Coll. Chest Phys., Am. Bd. of Surg, (founder mem.), Chi Zeta Chi, Sojourners, Kismet Lodge, K.T. Club: Detroit Yacht. Author: tech. arts, on chest conditions, surg. and treatment. Travel: Eur. Interest: farming, Jas- per, Ark. Recreation: tramping in woods. Methodist. Democrat. Office: 602 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 1505 Glendale Av., Detroit, Mich. DANIELS, Farrington, professor of chemistry; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 8 Mar. 1889; s. Franc B. Daniels (railroad express) and Florence L. (Farrington) D.; ed. East high sch., Minneapolis, Minn.; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1910; Ph.D., Harvard Univ., 1914; m. Olive M. Bell of Minneapolis, Minn., 15 Sept. 1917; children — Farrington, Jr., Florence Ma- ry, Miriam Olive, Dorin Slater. Instr. and asst. prof., Worcester Poly. Inst., 1914-17; Nitrogen Reserach Lab., Wash- 483 ington, D.C., 1919-20; asst. chem. prof., Univ. Wis., 1920-24, assoc. prof., 1924- 28, prof., 1928 — ; George Fisher Baker lecturer in chem., Cornell Univ., 1935; prof, summer quarter, Stanford Univ., 1930; asso. editor, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc, Jour. Phys. Chem.; served as 1st It., Chem. Warfare Service during World War I, 1918, research in physical chem- istry and chem. kinetics; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, A.A.A.S., (v.p. chem.) 1937, Faraday Soc. (London). Club: Univer- sity (Madison). Author: Mathematical Preparation for Physical Chemistry; Chemical Kinetics; (Co-author: Out- lines of Theoretical Chemistry, Experi- mental Physical Chemistry; researches pub. in current sci. journals. Travel: Europe, 1912, 1928. Congregationalist. Independent. Office: Chemistry Bldg., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Home: 1129 Waban Hill, Madison, Wis. Summer res.: Jacksonport, Wis. KNIGHT, Robert Palmer, physician; b. Urbana, O., 18 July 1902; s. William J. Knight, mcht., and Florence (Demp- cy) K. ; ed. Urbana (O.) high sch. ; A.B.. Oberlin Coll., 1923; M.D., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1933; m. Florence Eichelberger of Pana, 111., 3 Sept. 1927; children — Robert P., Jr., Richard P., William E. Teacher, Sandusky high sch., 1923-26; master, Lake Forest Acad., 1926-27; interne, St. Joseph Hosp., South Bend, Ind., 1932-33; ch. psycho- therapy Dept., Menninger Clinic, 1933 — ; mem. staff, Christ Hosp., Menninger Foundation, (treas.); mem. Res. Coun- cil on Problems of Alcohol; lecturer Washburn Coll. ; mem. A.M. A., Am. Psychiat. Assn., Am. Psychopath. Assn. (pres.), Central Neuropsychiatric Assn., Am. Psychoanalytic Assn., Topeka Psy- choanalytic, Kansas Psychiatric Soc. (pres.). Club: Topeka Country. Author numerous psychiat. and psychoanalyt- ic papers. Travel: Eur. Recreations: golf, tennis, bridge. Protestant. Office: Menninger Clinic, 3617 W. 6th Av., To- peka, Kan. Res. : 1501 Pembroke Lane, Topeka, Kan. SAWYER, Ralph Alanson, professor of physics; b. Atkinson, N.H., 5 Jan. 1895; s. George A. Sawyer, dairy farm- er, and Lillie E. (Noyes) S.; ed. Atkin- son Acad.; A.B., Dartmouth, 1915; Ph. D., Univ. Chicago, 1919; m. Martha F. Green of Chicago, 111., 1919; children — George Alanson, Rosalind. Instr. (mem. Faculty), Univ. Mich., 1919-22, asst. prof., 1922-27, assoc. prof., 1927-30, prof., 1930 — ; John Simon Guggenheim Memo- rial Fellow, Eur., 1926-27; mem. Nat. Res. Council Com. on Line Spectra; ed. (assoc), Jour, of Optical Soc Am.; en- sign, U.S.N.R.F., active duty, July 1918- May 1919; It. comdr., U.S.N.R., 1941; comdr. U.S.N.R., 1943; Fellow Am. Phys. Soc; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Optical Soc. Am. (dir.), Soc Applied Spectroscopy (exec, com.). Clubs: University (Ann Arbor), Ann Arbor Golf and Outing. Author: ar- ticles in sci. and tech. jours. Travel: Eur., 1926, 1927, 1931. Universalist. Of- fice: University of Michigan, Ann Ar- bor, Mich. Home: 1208 Wells St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Summer home: Fox Point, Portage Lake, Mich. SIVERTSEN, Ivar, physician and sur- geon; b. Norw., 19 Oct. 1876; s. John Sivertsen and Anne D. (Glaede) S.; ed. Minneapolis high school; Minn. School of Pharm., 1892; M.D.C.M., Hamline Univ., 1904; m. Maybelle Annette Thor- son of Inwood, la., 9 May 1928; children — Ivar, Jr., John W., Wilma C, Anne Lewis, Mary Margaret. Pharm., 1892- 1900; interne, St. Joseph's Hosp., St. Paul, Minn., 1904-05; post-grad, stud., Vienna, 1909-10, Eur., 1927; instr., gyne- col., Univ. Minn., 1910-20; dir., Sivert- sen Clinic, 1920-40; mem., adv. com., Sivertsen Foundation for Cancer Res., Univ. Minn.; surg. staff, Fairview Hosp., Deaconess Hosp.; mem., Minn. State Bd. of Med. Examiners, 1931-38, 1938-45; capt., M.C., U.S.A. Oct. 1918- May 1919; Knight of St. Olaf, by King Haakon and the govt, of Norw., 1937; F.A.C.S., Am. Bd. of Surg, (founder's group); mem., Hennepin Co. Med. Soc, Minn. State Med. Soc, A.MA, Minne- apolis Surg Soc. (p. pres.), Minn. Path. Soc, Masons, Shriners. Club: Minneap- olis Athletic. Author: numerous arts, on cancer and surg., med. jounrs. Travel: Eur., U.S. Recreation: athletics. Luth- eran. Republican. Office: 500 La Salle Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 2101 Irving Av. S., Minneapolis, Minn. SANFORD, William Silas, educator; b. Mt. Carmel, 111., 25 Oct. 1882; s. Eli- sha H. Sanford, farmer, and Mary U. (Preston) S.; ed. Central Norm. Coll., B.S., LL.B., M.A., Ped.D. (hon.), 1939; m. OUie C. Foss of Sumner, 111., 1905; 1 son— Noble D. Teacher, rural schs., 111.; high sch. teacher; sec and supt., commercial dept., Union Chr. Coll., 7 yrs.; with Brown's Bus. Coll.; bought St. Louis school, changed name to San- ford-Brown Bus. Coll., pres.— ; lecturer, Insts., schs. and clubs; dir. State Bank and Tr. Co. of Wellston, United Devel- opment Co.; pres. pvt. sch. dept., Nat. 484 Commercial Teachers Fedn. ; served as rep. of Mo. Legislature; mem. Sigma Phi Kappa Delta, Chamber Commerce (p. pres., dir., nat. councillor, annual rep. to Washington, D.C.). Clubs: Rep. League, Congressional, teachers. Auth- or: coll. books. Interests: pub. speak- ing, travel. Recreation: farming. Pres- byterian (elder). Republican. Office: Sanford Brown Business College, St. Louis, Mo. Home: 1425 Shawmut PI., St. Louis, Mo. CROWNHART, J. George, secretary, managing editor; b. Superior, 8 Oct. 1896; s. Charles H. Crownhart, justice Wis. Supreme Ct. (dec), and Jessie Elizabeth (Evans) C. ; ed. Madison Cen- tral high sch.; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1921; m. Hildegarde Lucretia Wooll of Janes- ville, 30 Oct. 1926; children — Elizabeth Ann, George William. Legislative cor respondent, 1921-23; sec, State Med Soc Wis., mng. ed., Wis. Med. Journal 1923-41; mem. Gov.'s Com. Pub. Wei fare, 1936-37; enlisted Ordnance Dept. Feb. 1918, Officers Training Sch., Camp Gordon, Ga., capt. Wis. Nat. Guard 1919-21, maj. O.R.C. and Wis. Nat Guard, 1921-26, ordn. officer, 22nd Cav Div. ; mem. Wis. Hist. Soc, Am. Hosp Assn., Wis. Hosp. Assn. (sec, 1930-37) Chi Phi, Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Epsilon Del ta, White Spades. Clubs: Madison Univ. (Milwaukee). Author: Who's Who at Wisconsin, 1920; Medical Blue Book of Wisconsin, 1928, 1929; Sickness In- surance in Europe, 1938. Travel: Eur. Father was 1st chmn. Wis. Industrial Commn., assoc. justice, Wis. Supreme Ct. Interests: pub. health, economics. Recreation: outdoor life. Congregation- alist. Republican. Office: Tenney Bldg., Madison, Wis. Home: 1904 Jefferson St., Madison, Wis. Summer res. : Solon Springs, Wis. CLOUD, Charles H., clergyman, edu- cator, president of University of De- troit; b. Cincinnati, O., 20 Feb. 1879; s. Francis H. Cloud and Julia C. (Schier- burg) C. ; ed. St. Xavier, Cincinnati; St. Xavier Coll.; A.B., St. Louis Univ., 1903, A.M., 1904; Creighton Univ., Om- aha; Ph.D., Gregorian Univ., Rome, It., 1913. Entered Society of Jesus at Floris- sant, Mo., 1897, ordained priest Roman Catholic Ch., 1912; asst. prof. phys. and math., St. Louis Univ., 1904-09, prof, of ethics 1915-18, regent schs. of Dentistry and Medicine, 1918-24, pres., 1924-30; provincial, Chicago Province of Soc. of Jesus, 1930-36; dean, school of philoso- phy, West Baden Coll., Ind., 1938-39; pres., Univ. of Detroit, 1939 — ; mem. Detroit Hist. Soc, Nat. Cath. Ednl. Assn., Jesuit Ednl. Assn. Catholic. Ad- dress: University of Detroit, McNicho- las Rd., Detroit, Mich. Died, Oct. 1944. JOHNSON, William H., supt. schools; b. Chicago, 111., 20 Sept. 1895; s. John and Maria (Nielsen) J.; student Beloit, (Wis.) Coll., 1913-15; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1917, M.A., 1918; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1923; Litt.D., John Brown Univ., 1938; LL.D., Chicago Teachers Coll., 1939 m. Lillian Mattocks (dec.) m. 2d, Ellen Ronan 27 Apr. 1938. Began as high school teacher at Palatine, 111., 1917; head dept. of chemistry, Rockford (111.); Coll., 1919; dean Jr. Coll., Ft. Scott, Kan., 1919-21; instr. Lane Tech. High Sch., Chicago, 1921-23; prof, edn., Chicago Normal Coll., 1924-25; prin. pub. schs., Chicago, 1925- 35; asst. supt. schs., Chicago, 1935-36, supt. schs. since Apr. 1936. Prof, and lecturer edn., Loyola Univ., Chicago, 1924-36; supervisor edn. Chicago Hist. Soc. since 1929. Mem. Chem Warfare Service, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C., 1918. Mem. Bd. scientific govs, of Chi- cago Acad, of Science since 1936; mem. Fort Dearborn Memorial Commn., 1940; mem. Nat. Safety Council since 1940; mem. 111. Highway Safety Commission since 1940; mem. 111. Highway Safety Commission since 1939; mem. Chicago Recreation Commn. since 1939; trustee, Ryder Fund Foundation since 1936; trus- tee, Kirkland Fund Foundation since 1939; Life mem. N.E.A., Am. Assn. Sch. Adminstrs., Am. Vocational Assn., 111. Industrial Edn. Assn. (pres. 1939-40 and 1941-42), 111. Vocational Assn. (pres. 1941- 42), Phi Delta Kappa. Decorated Comdr. Order of Phoenix, conferred by Greek Govt, in recognition of services to educa- tion, 1939. Presbyn. Author: Fundament- als in Visual Instruction, 1927; Chicago (a textbook for grade pupils), 1933; Chi- cagoland, 1935; The Road to Happyland, 1935; Adventures in Happyland, 1935; Guidance in Reading Series (grades 4. 5, 6), 1938. Co-author: Series of high school texts in industrial arts, 1940; series of elementary school texts in home mechanics, 1940; series of readers for grades 7 and 8, 1940; series of elementary school texts in correlated handwork, 1940; Fundamentals of Shopwork, and Funda- mentals in Electricity (two pre-induction texts for high school seniors), 1943; The English We Need, Books I and II (for grades nine and ten), 1943; Fundamentals of Industrial Arts and Vocational Educa- tion, 1943; Popular Tools, 1944. Contribu- tor to professional mags. Home: 1228 Farwell Av., Chicago, HI. Office: 228 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. 485 PRLITT, Raymond S., lawyer; vice- pres., secretary, director gen. counsel Aviation Corp.; b. Gettysburg, S. D., 31 July 1887; s. Andrew J. and Laura G. (Kelly) P.; A.B., DePauw Univ.; LL.B., Northwestern Univ.; m. Florence Hemingway, 24 Feb. 1927; children — Bar- bara, Joan, Andrew. Vice-pres., sec, dir. The Aviation Corp.; sec, dir. N.Y. Ship- building Corp.; Checker Cab Mfg. Corp., Chicago Electric Mfg. Co., Am. Propeller Corp.; sec. Am. Central Mfg. Corp.; New Idea, Inc.; dir. Consol. Vultee Air- craft Copr.; dir. Griswold-Walker-Bate- man Co., The Crosley Corp., mem. firms Pruitt, Hale & Coursen and Puritt & Grealis (general counsel above firms) ; gen. counsel Am. Airlines, Inc. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn.; Edgewater Golf; Saddle and Cycle; Berrien Hills Country; Chicago Yacht; University, Cloud (N.Y. City). Home: 2440 Lake View Av., Chi- cago, HI., and 85 Lake Shore Drive, St. Joseph, Mich. Office: 420 Lexington Av., New York, N.Y.; and 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. LATTA, John Stephen, publisher; b. Independence, Kan., 7 Apr. 1870; s. John Stephen and Charlotte (Croft) L.; stu- dent coll., Crowley, La., 1891, bus. coll., Janesville, Wis., 1893, Teachers Coll., Cedar Falls, la., 1896-98; m. Mabel M. Yale, 23 Aug. 1900; children— Mrs. Edna M. Wentworth, John Stephen, Jr., Mrs. Ruth I. Hill. Began S. J. Latta sch. supply bus. on small scale, 1898; organ- ized as J. S. Latta, Inc., 1914, pres., mgr. and treas. until Jan. 1938, when bus. was reorganized as J. S. Latta & Son and turned over to son. Mem. Cedar Falls Sch. Bd., 1917-24. First pres. and treas. Cedar Falls Boy Scouts, 1919-24. Assisted in orgn. Cedar Falls Bible Conf., 1921, serving as treas. and finance pro- motor first 3 yrs. Mem. Meth. Ch. ; taught in Sunday Sch. over 30 yrs.; teacher Brotherhood Class 12 yrs. Prepared and pub. Latta's Book for Teachers, 1909, which has been revised, enlarged and re- printed 8 times (over a half million teachers have used the book) ; also pro- duced over 100 other helps for teachers, among which is Latta's Educational Chart, 18x61 inches (an item of visual edn.). Home: 1803 Franklin St. Office: 909 W. 23d St., Cedar Falls, la. RORICK, Isabel Scott, writer; b. Toledo, O., 13 Apr. 1900; s. Josiah and Elizabeth Wolcott (Doyle) Scott; ed. pri- vate schs., Toledo, and The Masters Sch., Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.; m. Ceilan Herbert Rorick, 7 Oct. 1922; children— Horton Clif- ford, Elizabeth Wolcott. Charter mem. Junior League of Toledo. Mem. Pen and Brush Club, Authors League of America. Republican. Clubs: Toledo Country, Spring Brook Hunt (Toledo), Toledo Writers. Author: Mr. and Mrs. Cugat; The Record of a Happy Marriage, 1940; also Short Stories. Home: 3574 Ridge- wood Rd., Toledo, O. SORENSEN, Christian Abraham, law- yer; b. Harrisburg, Neb., 24 Mar 1890; s. Jens Christian and Annie (Mads en) S. ; student Grand Island (Neb.) Coll., 1909-12; A.B., Univ. of Neb., 1913, LL.B., 1916; m. Annis Chaikin, 9 July 1921; chil- dren — Robert, Thomas, Theodore, Ruth, Philip. Admitted to Neb. bar, 1916; be- gan practice at Lincoln. Exec. sec. Neb. Popular Govt. League, 1915-17; asst. dir. Neb. Legislative Reference Bur., 1916; sec. and atty. Neb. League of Municipali- ties, 1917; atty. Neb. Woman Suffrage Assn., 1917; campaign mgr. for Senator Norris, 1918, 24; atty. gen., Neb., 2 terms, 1929-33; author in 1933 of Senate File No. 310 under which Nebraska's public power districts and public power and irrigation districs are organized; chmn. of Campaign Com. for Neb. One-House Legislature, 1934; 1st pres. Neb. Assn. of Rural Pub. Power Dists., 1937. Mem. Am., Neb. State and Lincoln bar assns. Unitarian. Clubs: Open Forum, Lay- men's. Home: 2451 Park Av. Office: Barkley Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. STEELE, Westbrook, educator; b. Tuxedo Park, N.Y., 1 Feb. 1889; s. Henry T. and Louise (Bennett) S.; LL.D., Cen- tenary Coll., Shreveport, La., 1938; m. Luverne Wismiller, 15 June 1931. Super- visor Nat. System Co., 1910-17 and 1919- 21, gen. mgr., 1922-24; v.p. Western Theol. Sem., 1921-22; v.p. Centenary Coll., 1924- 25, Westmoreland Coll., San Antonio Tex., 1925-26; consultant, Coll. of Puget Sound, 1925; asst. to pres., Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria, 111., 1926-27; consultant, ednl. instns. on orgn. and finance, 1927- 28; exec, sec, Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wis., since 1929; exec, sec, The Inst, of Paper Chemistry, Lawrence Coll., 1929- 35, exec. dir. since 1935. Served with U.S. Army A.S., 38th Air Squadron, 1918- 19. Mem. A.A.A.S., Phi Delta Theta. Episcopalian. Clubs: Union League, Chi- cago Athletic (Chicago); North Shore Golf (Neenah, Wis.) ; Riverwiew Country (Appleton, Wis.); Chemists (N.Y. City). Author of various pamphlets. Home: Box 498, Appleton, Wis. VOTAVA, Joseph Thomas, lawyer; b. nr. Edholm, Neb., 21 Dec. 1885; s. Joseph and Antonia (Kalenda) V.; student Fre- mont Normal Sch., 1902-03; A.B., Univ. 486 of Neb., 1911, LL.B., 1911 m. Anna Louise Dusatko, 18 Aug. 1916; children- Mary Louise Knapp, Josephine Joan. Ad- mitted to Neb. bar, 1911, and since prac- ticed in Omaha; sr. partner Votava, Mc- Groarty & Sklenick; dep. county atty., 1913; apptd. U.S. atty. for Neb., Apr. 1935; pres. Union Bldg. & Loan Assn. Mem. Neb. Constitutional Conv., 1919. Mem Am., Neb. State and Douglas County bar assns., Phi Beta Kappa. Cath- olic. Home: 661 N. 57th Av., Omaha, Neb. Office: Service Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. VEATCH, Nathan Thomas, cons, engi- neer; b. Rushville, 111., 25 Aub. 1886; s. Nathan Thomas and Lizzie (Montgom- ery) V.; prep. edn. Lewis Acad., Wichita; student Univ. of Kan., 1905-09, B.S. and C.C.; m. Amarette Weaver, 8 Oct. 1912; children — Nancy (dec), Jane, Aileen. Began in engring., 1909; instr. Univ. of Kan., and asst. to State Bd. of Health, 1910-11 with Worley & Black, 1911-12 and 1913-14. Am. Water Works & Guarantee Co., 1912-13; mem. Black & Veatch, cons, engrs., Kansas City, Mo., since 1914; firm widely known for operations in water supply and purification, sewerage and sewage disposal, electric light and power work, appraisals, irrigation pro- jects, etc.; mem. board Business Men's Assurance Co., Plaza Bank of Com- merce. Mem. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Am. Soc. Civil Engineers, Am. Water Works Assn., Am. Inst. Cons. Engineers, Sigma Zi, Tau Beta Pi, Beta Theta Pi. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (Shriner). Contbr. to tech. mags. Avoca- tion farming. Home: 601 W. 61st St., Kansas City, Mo. Office: 4706 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. RITCHEY, James Oscar, physician; b. Owasco, Ind., 1 Feb. 1891; s. Aaron F. and Christina (Batzell) R.; B.S., Ind. Univ., 1916, M.D., M.S., 1918; m. Helen Hare, 15 Aug. 1922. Intern Ind. Univ. Hosp., 1918-19; resident Robert W. Long Hosp., Indianapolis, 1919-21; pvt. prac- tice, Indianapolis, since 1921; instr. of medicine, Ind. Univ., 1921-23, asst., 1923- 32, prof, of medicine and chmn. med. dept. since 1932. Fellow Am. Coll. Physi- cians; mem. A.M.A., Ind. State and In- dianapolis med. socs., Phi Chi. Alpha Omega Alpha. Mem. Christian Ch. Clubs : Indianapolis Athletic, Indianapolis Liter- ary. Home: 43 W. 43d St., Indianapolis, Ind. Office: 23 E. Ohio St., Indianapolis, Ind. WRIGHT, Sewall, prof, zoology; b. Melrose, Mass., 21 Dec. 1889; s. Philip Green and Elizabeth Quincy (Sewall) W.; B.S., Lombard Coll., Galesburg, 111., 1911; M.S., Univ. of Illinois, 1912; Sc.D., Harvard, 1915; honorary Sc.D., Univer- sity of Rochester, 1942; m. Louise Lane Williams, 10 Sept. 1921; children- Richard, Robert, Elizabeth Quincy. Sr. animal husbandman in animal genetics, Bur. Animal Industry, U.S. Dept. Agr., 1915-25; asso. prof, zoology, Univ. of Chicago, 1926-29, prof. 1930-37; Ernest D. Burton, distinguished service prof., since 1937. Mem. Nat. Acad. Science, Am. Philos. Society, Am. Statis. Assn., A.A.A.S., Am. Soc. Zoologists, Am. Soc. Naturalists, Am. Genetic Assn., Soc. Ani- mal Production Genetics Soc. of Amer- ica. Club: Quadrangle (Chicago). Contbr. to Genetics, Am. Naturalist, Jour, of Heredity. Home: 5762 Harper Av., Chi- cago, 111. MACKLIN, Justin Wilford, former 1st asst. commr. of patents; b. Agincourt, Ont., Can., 22 Sept. 1889; s. John and Melva (Hamilton) M. ; brought to U.S., 1889; student Cleveland Law Sch.; LL.B., Baldwin- Wallace Y., Berea, O., 1916; m. Clara Caldwell, Sept. 2, 1914; children- Jean Caldwell Pearne, Myrna Morse Gar- vin. Designed automatic machinery, 190J- 12; with Albert H. Bates, patent lawyer, 1912-16; admitted to Ohio bar, 1916; mem. Bates & Macklin, and successors, later private practice except while 1st asst. commr. of patents, 1936-40; mem. Sec. Roper's Patent Advisory Com., 1933-36. Served as 1st It. Motor Transport Corps, U.S. Army, 1918-19. Mem. Am. Patent Law Assn., Cleveland Patent Law Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Delta Theta Phi. Clubs: Congressional Co u n t r y (Washington, D.C.) ; Gyro Internat. of Washington and Cleveland. Contbr. articles on patents, tech. progress and men and machines to jours. Office: Woodward Bldg., Washing- ton, D.C; and Leader Bldg., Cleveland, O. WIRTH, Louis, educator, sociologist; b. Gemunden, Germany, 28 Aug. 1897; s. Joseph and Rosalie (Lorig) W. ; brought to U.S., 1911, naturalized, 1924; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1919, M.A., 1925, Ph.D., 1926; m. Mary L. Bolton, 14 Feb. 1923; children — Elizabeth, Alice. Began as so- cial worker, 1919; dir. delinquent boys div., Bur. of Personal Service, Chicago, 1919-22; instr. in sociology, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1926-28, asst. prof., 1931; asso. prof., 1932-40, professor and associate dean so- cial science division since 1940; assistant professor sociology, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La., 1928-29, associate professor, 1929-30; research fellow in Europe of So- cial Science Research Council, 1930-31; 487 consultant Nat. Resources Planning Bd. since 1935; regional chmn., Region 4, 1942-43; dir. of planning 111. Post-War Planning Commn., 1944. Mem American Sociological Soc. (sec, treas. and mng. editor, 1932), Soc. for Social Research, Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Institut Inter- nationale de Sociologie, Masaryk Sociol. Soc. (Prague), Phi Beta Kappa. Club: Quadrangel. Asso. editor Am. Jour, of Sociology, 1926-28 and since 1931. Author: (with R. E. Park and others) The City, 1925; The Ghetto, 1928; Our Cities: Their Role in the National Economy (with others), 1937; Urban government (with others), 1938; Urban Planning and Land Policies (with others), 1939. Editor: Con- temporary Social Problems, 1939; 1126: A Decade of Social Science Research, 1940. Contbr. articles on sociology and social research in various jours. Home: 5727 Kimbark Av., Chicago, 111. PETERSON, Frank Raymond, sur- geon; b. Laurens, la., 11 Jan. 1894; s. George J. and Augusta (Larson) P.; B.S., State Univ. of la., 1918, M.D., 1920; m. Coral Amanda Johnson, 7 Sept. 1921; children — Jeanette Marquerite, Dorothy Jane and (adopted) George T., Frank- lin. Interne surgery, State Univ. of la., 1920-21, interne in pathology, 1921-22, res- ident in surgery, 1922-24, instr. of sur- gery, 1924-26, asst. prof., 1926-30, asso. prof., 1930-36, prof, and head of dept. since 1936. Served in S.A.T.C., 1918. Fel- low Am. Coll. Surgeons, Central Surg. Soc; mem. Am. Bd. Surgery, A.M.A., la. State Med. Soc, Assn. for Study of Goiter, Western Surg. Soc, Am. Surg. Assn., Alpha Omega Alpha, Sigma Xi, Nu Sigma Nu, Acacia. Republican. Pres- byterian. Clubs: I Club (Univ. of la.); Elks (Iowa City). Contbr. to med. jours. Home: 604 Park Rd., Iowa City, la. WASHBURNE, George Adrian, prof, of history; b. Chillicothe, O., 29 Aug. 1884; s. George Washington and Mary Cath- erine (Copeland) W.; A.B., Ohio State Univ., 1907; A.M., Columbia, 1913, Ph.D., 1923; unmarried. Teacher of history, North High Sch., Columbus, O., 1915-18; asst. prof, of history. Ohio State Univ., 1918-27, prof, since 1927, chmn. dept. of history since 1938; visiting prof, of his- tory Univ. of Tex., 1927, Ohio Univ., summer 1936. Mem. Am. Hist. Assn., English Speaking Union (pres. Columbus chapter 1938-42), Chi Phi. Conglist. Clubs: Columbus, Kit Kat (Columbus) ; Torch, Faculty. Author: Imperial Control of the Administration of Justice in the Thirteen American Colonies, 1923. Contbr. to pro- fessional and ednl. jours. Home: 65 W. 11th Av., Columbus, O. TOBIN, Daniel J., labor official; b. Ireland, 1875; s. John and Bridget (Ken- nelly) T.; ed. in Ireland and in night schools, Cambridge, Mass.; m. Annie E. Reagan (dec); children — John M., Frank L., Frederick, Edmund P., Joseph, Kath- erine; m. 2d, Irene Halloran. Came to U.S., 1899; general pres. Internat. Broth- erhood Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Ware- housemen and Helpers since 1907; treas. American Fedn. Labor, 11 yrs, resigned 1928, vice-pres. of same since 1933; v.p. Nat. Building Trades Dept. A.F. of L. since 1933; apptd. administrative asst. to President Roosevelt, July 1940, re- signed Oct. 1940. Represented Am. Fedn. of Labor at British Trades Union Con- gress, 1911, 38, 42; del. internat. Fedn. Trade Unions, at Amsterdam, 1918; served in various labor adjustments dur- ing World War; mem. President Wilson's Industrial Conf.; chmn. of Labor Div. of Nat. Dem. Campaign Com., 1932, 36, 40; declined appointment as Regional Federal Administrator, 1933; sent by President Roosevelt to England, Aug. 1942, as his representative to investigage labor conditions there and report findings to Am. people. Office : 222 East Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. WEYERHAEUSER, Frederick Edward, lumberman; b. Rock Island, 111., 4 Nov. 1872; s. Frederick and Eliza- beth Sarah (Bloedel) W.; grad. Phillips Acad., Andover, 1892; A.B., Yale, 1896; m. Harriette Louise Davis, 1902; chil- dren — Virginia (dec), Frederick, Charles Davis. In lumber business since beginn- ing of active career. Pres. Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Tacoma, Wash.; dir. Great Northern Ry. Co., First Nat. Bank of St. Paul. Mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon, Skull and Bones. Presbyterian. Home: 480 Grand Av., St. Paul, Minn. Office: First Nat. Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Died, 1945, St. Paul, Minn. CROTTI, Andre, surgeon; b. 1873; grad. Univ. of Lausanne, Switzerland, 1902; M.D., Starling-Ohio Med. Coll., Co- lumbus, O., 1908; former prof. clin. sur- gery, Ohio State Univ., Coll. of Medicine; mem. staff Grant Hosp., Children's Hosp., Mt. Carmel Hosp. Regarded as a lead- ing authority on goiter. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; past pres. Internat. Coll. Sur- geons; mem. A.M. A. and other med. socs. Home: 1592 E. Broad St., Colum- bus, O. HATTERY, Wilber, pres. Hattery Lum- ber Co.; b. Aurora, 111., 9 Apr. 1888; s Wilber and Anna Nancie (Booth) H. ; stu- dent Univ. of Chicago, 1907-09; m. Ruth Adolphus, 12 Mar. 1913 (dec. 1925); chil- 488 dren — Wolfe Adolphus, Patricia, Lois, Suzanne, Wilber III. Started as lumber grader and yard foreman, mills in Wis. and Wash.; salesman U.S. and Canada to 1917; vice-pres. Geo. T. Mickle Lum- ber Co., 111., and later half owner, hav- ing as subsidiary corps. Colonial Lumber Co., Miss., and Mickle Mills, Ore.; asso. with Ore-American Lumber Corp., Ver- nonia, Ore., Herbert A. Templeton Lum- ber Co., Portland, Ore., Stout Lumber Co., North Bend and several Ore. logging enterprises; organized Hattery Lumber Co. to distribute to railroads on national scale, representing 17 Oregon mfrs., and wholesale affiliations, 1930; and pres. since organization. Mem. Beta Theta Pi. Club: University (Chicago). Home: 6002 Kenmore Av., Chicago, 111. MARTIN, Frank (Francis) Thomas Beckett, ins.; b. Galesburg, 111., 21 Dec. 1876; s. Thomas Beckett and Eliza Jane (Smith) M. ; student Knox Coll.; m. Mary Ethel Barker, 15 Apr. 1903; children- Francis Thomas Beckett, George Barker, Charles Wellington, Alfred Joseph. Re- moved to Omaha, Neb., 1898; began as bookkeeper Martin, Perfect & Newman, 1899; partner Martin Bros. & Co., succes- sors, since 1901; pres. Barker Co. Trustee and past pres. Forest Lawn Cemetery Assn. ; dir. Conservative Savings & Loan Assn. Past pres. and regent Municipal Univ. of Omaha ; trustee Clarkson Memo- rial Hosp. ; trustee, mem. finance com. Soc. of Liberal Arts (Joslyn Memorial Museum). Dir. Omaha Taxpayers Assn.; nat. pres. Ins. Fedn. of America, 1928 and 1929; chmn. exec. com. Ins. Fedn. of Neb. (pres. 15 yrs.) ; ex-pres. Neb. Assn. Ins. Agents, Soc. Am. Magicians, Omaha Ad Sell League (dir.); former mem. bd. dirs. and exec. com. Omaha Chamber Commerce. Republican. Episco- palian (vestryman Trinity Cathedral). Clubs: Omaha, Elks, Omaha Athletic. Home: 632 S. 37th St., Omaha, Neb. Of- fice: 514 Barker Bldg., Omaha, Neb. PLIMPTON, Russell Arthur, dir. Minn- eapolis Inst, of Arts; b. Hollis, N.Y., 26 Aug. 1891; s. Arthur Salem and Sarah Isabella (Tomes) P.; grad. high sch., Jamaica, N.Y., 1910; A.B., Princeton, 1914; studied art history in Europe 18 summers; unmarried. With Metropolitan Mus. of Art, New York, 1914-21, asst. curator decorative arts dept., 1916-21; dir. Minneapolis Inst, of Arts since 1921. Served overseas in field arty., U.S. Army, 1918-19. Mem. Assn. Art. Mus. Directors, Am. Assn. Museums; asso. mem. Am. Inst. Architects. Republican. Clubs: Min- neapolis, Rotary, University, Sky Light (Minneapolis) ; University (St. Paul) ; Princeton (New York). Lecturer on deco- rative arts and painting; Minneapolis Inst. Arts. Home: 2011 Third Av. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Office: 201 E. 24th St., Minneapolis, Minn. PEET, Max Minor, surgeon; b. Iosco, Mich., 20 Oct. 1885; s. LaFayette and Eunice Ann (Minor) P.; A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1908, A.M., 1910, M.D., 1910; hon. M. Ed., Mich. State Normal Coll., Ypsil- anti, Mich., 1934; m. Grace Stewart Tait, 5 Oct. 1915; children — Max Minor, Stewart Tait, Martha Eunice Ann. Intern, R.I. Hosp., Providence, 1910-12; Robert Robinson Porter fellow in research med- icine, Univ. of Pa., 1912-13; asst. instr. surgery, Univ. of Pa., 1913-15; asst. chief surgeon, Phila. Gen. Hosp., 1914-16; instr. in surgery, Univ. of Mich., 1916-17, asst. prof., 1918-27, asso. prof, of neurosur- gery, 1927-30, prof, of surgery since 1930; chief of neurosurgical div., Univ. Hosp., University of Michigan, since 1918. Mem- ber general advisory committee, virus research, medical publications and chair- man educational committee of National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Mem. Internat. Neurol. Congress, Berne, 1931, London, 1935; mem. Internat. Surg. Con- gress, Brussels, 1938. Fellow A.M.A., Am. Coll. of Surgeons; mem. Soc. of Neurol. Surgeons, Am. Surg. Assn., Am. Bd. of Surgery, Am. Neurological Association, American Board Neurological Surgery, Harvey Cushing Soc. ; mem. Central Sur- gical Assn. ; hon. mem. Los Angeles Surg. Soc, Detroit Acad, of Surgery, Sociedad Argentina de Cirujanos; member Alpha Omega Alpha, Sigma Xi. Mason. Clubs: Cooper Ornithol., Wilson Ornithol., Amer- ican Ornithologists Union, Barton Hills Country. Ornithologist, Univ. of Mich Museums expdns., 1904, 05, 32. Contbr. numerous articles on neurosurgical prob- lems to med. jours, and chapters on neuro-surgery in various surgical works. Home: 2030 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Office: University Hospital, 1313 E. Ann St., Ann Arbor, Mich. O'FERRALL, Kirk Bassett, clergy- man; b. Piqua, O., 19 July 1888; s. Robert Miller and Pauline (Bassett) O.F.; student Yale, 1906-08; Ph.B., Ken- yon Coll., 1909, D.D., 1929; m. Ruth Rob- bins, 25 June 1913; children — Jane Rob- bins, Sara Patricia. Ordained Episcopa- lian ministry, 1913; teacher Houston Epsicopal Sch. for Boys, 1909-10; curate Christ Ch., Dayton, O., 1913-14, St. Mark's Ch., Toledo, O., 1914-17; rector Christ Ch., Lima, O., 1917-22, Emmanual Ch., Cleveland, O., 1922-30; dean St. Paul's 489 Cathedral, Detroit, since 1930. Trustee BexleyHall Theol. Sch. (Kenyon Coll.), Gen. Theol. Sem. Mem. Delta Tau Delta Republican. Mason. Club: Detroit Athlet- ic. Author: Summer Journeyings Among English Cathedrals; A Summer in Bible Lands ; An Irish and English Pilgrimage ; Scandinavian Musings ; Glimpses of Eng- land and Germany, 1936; An Interpreta- tion of Italy — Past and Present. Home: 203 Lakeland, Grosse Pointe, Mich. WENTZ, Louis Haines (Lew Wentz). oil producer; b. Tama City, la.; s. Louis and Adeline W. ; moved with parents to Pittsburg, Pa., at age of 6; unmarried. Settled at Ponca City, Okla., 1911, and became one of the principal oil and gas producers of the State, also mfr. of gaso- line on *large scale; mem. bd. dirs. Security Bank (Blackwell, Okla.). Found- er of Lew Wentz Foundation of Okla. Univ., Okla. Agrl. and Mech. Coll., and other colleges of the state, for providing students with loans; organizer and treas. Okla. Soc. for Crippled Children; leader in movement for State Crippled Chil- dren's Law and construction of State Hosp. for Crippled Children; founder camp for boys' and girls' orgns. at Ponca City, also a wild game sanctuary near Ponca City. Mem. Okla. State Highway Commn. four yrs., chmn. two yrs. Del. at large Rep. Nat. Conv., 1928, 36, 40, 44 (chmn. delegation, 1936 and 1940); Rep. Nat. committeeman since 1940. V. chmn. Will Rogers Memorial Commn. of Okla.; first chmn. Okla. State Advisory Com. for sale of Defense Bonds. Hon. mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Gamma Sigma, Acacia. Methodist. Mason (33d deg., K.T., Shriner). Clubs: Rock Cliff Country (Ponca City) ; City (Tulsa) ; City (Oklahoma City). Home: Ponca City, Okla. VAN EPPS, Clarence, physician; b. 29 Aug. 1875; s. Charles H. and Eliza- beth Van E.; B.S., la. State Coll., 1894; M.D., State Univ. of Iowa, 1897, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1898; m. Ella P. Par- sons, 6 July 1904. Prof, and head of dept. of neurology, State Univ. of la. Lt. col. Med. O.R.C., serving General Hosp. No. 54, U.S. Army. Mem. Am. Med. Assn., Iowa State Medical Society Cen- tral Neuropsychiatric Association, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Rho Sigma, Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha. Home: 430 N. Clin- ton St., Iowa City, la. THOMAS, Henry Bascom, orthopedic surgeon; b. Elk Garden, Russell County, Va., 17 Aug. 1875; s. Thaddeus Peter and Sarah (Price) T.; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1899; M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1903; m. Louise Downing Wendell, 1905. Prof, hygiene and physical edn., med. adviser Armour Inst. Tech., 1903-20; instr. orthopedic surgery, Northwestern Univ., 1911; prof, and head of dept. orthopedic surgery, Univ. of 111. Coll. of Medicine; senior orthopedic surgeon St. Luke's Hosp., Research and Ednl. Hosp., 111. Surg. Inst, for Children (dir. in charge) ; chief orthopedic surgeon Cook Country Hosp., 10 yrs., Home for Desti- tute Crippled Children, 10 yrs.; cons, orthopedic surgeon Municipal Tubercu- losis Hosp., Sanitarium, and Dispensary, 16 yrs. Orthopedic surgeon, major, U.S. Army, World War. Mem. A.M. A. (past sec. and pres. orthopedic sec), 111. State and Chicago med. socs., Am. Orthopedic Assn., Chicago Orthopedic Soc. (past pres.), Clinical Orthopedic Soc. (ex- pres.), Am. Acad. Orthopedic Surgery, Inst, of Medicine, Chicago. Mason (Shriner), Elk. Clubs: University, Ro- tary, City, Olympia Fields Country; Lake Placid (New York). Home: 6530 Univer- sity Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 30 N. Mich- igan Av., Chicago, 111. JOSEPH, Jesse Montefiore, pres. Jo- seph Advt. Agency; b. Baltimore Md., 24 Nov. 1884; s. Philip and Julia (Cob- lens) J.; student Baltimore City Coll., 1903; m. Gertrude Stern, 3 Apr. 1911; 1 dau., Dorothy Helen (wife of Dr. Her- bert Lester Fenburr). Advt. mgr. Al Straus Co., Cincinnati, O., 1908-09; advt. mgr. Kline's, Cincinnati, 1909-23; est. Joseph Advt. Agency, Cincinnati, sole proprietor since 1909. Mem. Cincinnati C. of C. (past pres.), Advt. League of Ohio (past pres.), Advt Agencies Coun- cil of Cincinnati (past pres.), Advertisers' Club (1917-18), Sales Executives Council (past pres. Plum St. Temple, Cincinnati). Mason 32d deg., Shriner). B'nai B'rith. Clubs: Cincinnati, Cuvier Press, Gym Boat (Cincinnati), Kiwanis, Big Brothers, Temple Brotherhood. Author: Heritage. Home: 22 Burton Woods Lane, Avondale. Cincinnati, O. Office: 1801 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, O. CORT, Abe, retail shoes; b. in Russia, 22 Oct. 1895; s. Charles and Celia (Gudel- sky; C; m. Lillian Kastan, Aug. 1929; children — Cyvia, Howard, Elaine. Pres. Cort Shoes, Inc., retail shoe mchts., Cleveland, since Sept. 1919. Jewish reli- gion (mem. Euclid Av. Temple). Mem. B'nai B'rith. Home: 2051 Hampstead Rd., Cleveland Hights, O. Office: 1265 W. 6th St., Cleveland, O. GRAHAM, Guy G., pres. Jensen-Sals- bery Laboratories, Inc. Address: 520 W. 490 Pennway, P. O. Box 167, Kansas City, Mo. BUCKLEY, Patrick Francis, partner Harris, Upham & Co.; b. Washington, la., 10 July 1888; s. John D. and Mary Jane (Cross) B.; ed. Univ. of Chicago. With Leslie Judge Co., 1910-21; on trip around world, 1921-24; with Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1924-25; Standard Publish- ing Co., 1925-27; joined Eastman, Dillon & Co. in 1927, partner, 1933-34; partner Boettcher-Newton & Co., 1934-35; partner Harris, Upham & Co. since 1935, Bd. of Trade, Mercantile Exchange (Chicago). Home: 1320 N. State Parkway, Chicago, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. BUEHLER, Albert Carl, pres. Victor Adding Machine Co.; b. Chicago, 111., 20 June 1897; s. Carl and Rose (Stupp) B.; student Univ. of 111. 1915-19; children- Carl Barbara, Bert, Rose. Pres. Victor Adding Machine Co., Chicago, 111., since 1932, chmn. since 1932; chmn. Buehler Bros., Incorporated since 1932. Member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Clubs: Ath- letic (Chicago) ; Barrington Hills Country (Barrington, 111.) ; Pistakee Yacht (Mc- Henry, 111.). Home: Barrington, 111. Of- fice: Victor Adding Machine Co., 3900 N. Rockwell St., Chicago, 111. GRAY, George Morris, M.D. (retired), pres. Victory State Bank; b. Waukegan, 111., 4 Mar. 1856; s. Rasselas Morgan and Susan (Dowst) G.; m. Carrie E. Harlan, 23 Nov. 1881; children— Mary A., Ruth M., George Harlan. Pres. Victory State Bank, Kansas City, Kan., since 1926; also dir. Riverview State Bank, Kansas City; dir. Security Nat. Bank. Mem. Kansas City C. of C. (pres.), Kan. Med. Soc. (treas.). Home: 1305 Hoes Parkway, Kansas City, Kan. GARBER, Milton Cline, co-publisher and editor Enid Daily Morning News and Enid Eagle; b. Humboldt, Calif., 30 Nov. 1869; s. Martin and Lucy A. (Rife) G.; B.A., Upper Iowa Univ., Fayette; Law Dept., State Univ. of Iowa, 3 yrs.; mar- ried Lucy Ann Bradley, 1900; children — Ruth, Martin, Martha, Milton, Lucy Ann. Admitted to practice of law in Oklahoma Ty., 1893; probate judge of Garfield Coun- ty, Okalhoma Ty., 1902-06; judge 5th Judicial Dist., later justice of Supreme Court (on admission of Territory to state- hood), elected judge 20th Judicial Dist., 1908-12; resigned and resumed practice of law, 1912; Mayor of Enid, Okla., 1919- 21; member 68th to 72d Congress (8th Dist.), 1922-32; co-publisher and editor Enid Daily Morning News and Enid Eagle since 1922. Mem. Okla. Hist Soci- ety. Awarded F.F.A. and 4-H honorary gold medal for distinctive service in promoting activities in agriculture. Re- publican. Mem. Christian Ch. Mason (32d deg., York Rite, Scottish Rite). Home: Elmstead, Enid, Okla. Address: Enid Publishing Co., Enid, Okla. CHESTER, William Ernest, hotel exec; b. Merrickville, Ont., Can., 18 Nov. 1876; s. Alfred Augustus and Minerva Jane (Miner) C; student pub. schs.; m. Irene Hart, June 1907. Started as night clerk, Niagara Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897- 98; night clerk, The Inn, Charlevoix, Mich., 1898; summer season room clerk and asst. mgr., 1899-1902; Pantlind Ho- tel, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1902-04; with Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, Ark., since 1904, now gen. mgr. and pres. Clubs: Elks; Kiwanis. Address: Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, Ark. BOHANNON, James Alvin, pres. Brew- ing Corporation of America; b. Knox- ville, Tenn., 21 July 1895; s. Neal L. and Sallie Caroline (Mundy) B.; student Severy Mil. Acad., engring. and law; m. 2d, Elsie Bingham Krueger, 21 Dec. 1939; children (by previous marriage) — James Alvin, Benton Porterfield. Reporter for Asheville (N.C.) Citizen, 1910-12; clerk and chief elk. Tenn. Central R.R., 1912- 15; purchasing agt. Gen. Spring & Wire Co., 1915-16, Savage Arms Corp., 1916-20; purchasing agt. and later v.p. in charge mfr. Marmon Motor Co., Indianapolis, Ind., producing at Marmon, 1928, first straight eight automobile to sell under $1,000; became pres. and gen. mgr. Peer- less Motor Car Corp., Cleveland, O., 1929; when firm discontinued mfr. auto- mobiles and trucks, plant converted into brewery and assumed presidency of new concern under name Brewing Corp of America, which put first products Car- ling's Ale and Carilng's Black Label Beer on market, 1934. Active in local philan- thropic, civic and musical enterprises. Clubs: Pepper Pike, Union, Shaker Heights Country (Cleveland) ; Bankers (New York); Everglades (Palm Beach). Home: Greystone Farm, Mentor, O. (winter) Via Bellaria, Palm Beach, Fla. Office: 9400 Quincy Av., Cleveland, O. CHANDEYSSON, Pierre Ismael, pres. Chandeysson Electric Co.; b. St. Paulet, Gard, France, 20 Aug. 1875; s. Louis and Lisma (Datuit) C. ; student Trinity Univ., Toronto, Ont., Can., 1897-98; M.D., Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1901; m. Adele W. Swenson, 18 Aug. 1934; children — Paul, Carol, Robert. Engaged in practice of medicine, 1901-05; est. 491 Pan Electric Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo., pres., 1902-40; est. Chandeysson Electric Co., St. Louis, pres. since 1919. Commd. 1st It., Medical Sect., O.R.C., U.S. Army, 25 Apr. 1917. Member Am. Inst, of Elec. Engrs., St. Louis Med. Soc, Am. Legion. Home: 5314 Waterman Av., St. Louis, Mo. Office: 4054-84 Bingham Av., St. Louis, Mo. KOONTZ, Frederick Bowers, vice-pres. Mid-Continent Petroleum Corp.; b. New Martinsville, W.Va., 14 July 1889; s. Hen- ry and Jeanette (Bowers) K. ; ed. Bethel Mil. Acad., Staunton Mil. Acad. ; m. Mar- jorie Trade, 27 Sept. 1911; children- Pauline Annette Koontz Teal, Frederick Bowers, Jr. With Waters-Pierce Co. (sub- sidiary of Standard Oil of N.J.), Mexico, 1908-11; chemist Union Oil Co., Calif., 1911-14; chemist Shell Petroleum Corp., California, 1914-15; Standard Oil of Calif., 1915-17; with Mid-Continent Petroleum Corp., Tulsa, Okla., since 1917, v.p. and dir. in charge mfg. since 1928; dir. Mid- Continent Oil & Gas Assn., Am. Pe- troleum Inst. Mem. Tulsa Chamber Com- merce, Episcopalian. Mason (32d. deg.), Elk. Clubs: Thoroughbred of America, Tulsa, Oakhurst Country, 20- Year, Uni- versity Tulsa Quarterback. Breeder of Hereford and Black Angus cattle and sheep on his Paulfred Farms near Tulsa and thoroughbred horses (non-racing) on his Military Stock Farm between Lex- ington and Paris (Ky.). Home: 1703 S. Norfolk, Tulsa, Okal. Address: Refinery, Box 381, Tulsa, Okla. BURNETT, Guy, pres. Showers Bros. Co.; b. New Lebanon, Ind., 10 Dec. 1885; s. John W. and Mary Ellen (Hunt) B.; ed. high sch. and business coll.; m. Mary E. Voss, 25 Dec. 1910; children- Guy V., Elizabeth. Employed in traffic and transportation depts. railroad, 1906- 17; traffic mgr. Showers Bros. Co. and Nurre Co., Bloomington, Ind., 1918-26; in charge production control Showers Bros. Co., 1927-30, asst. to pres., 1931-32, v.p., 1933-35, pres. and gen. mgr. since 1936; dir. Nurre Cos. Meme. Transportation Assn. America, Ind. State Chamber of Commerce. Republican. Methodist. Clubs : Columbia (Indianpolis) ; Country, Elks (Bloomington) ; Furniture of Amer- ica. Home: 528 N. Jordan, Bloomington, Ind. Office: 601 N. Morton, Bloomington, Ind. DEUBLE, George H., pres. of the Climalene Co.; b. Canton, Ohio, 25 May 1892; s. Walter H. and Clara M. (Harvey) D.; ed. Canton Public Schools; A.B., Univ. of Michigan, 1914; m. Helen E. Close, 24 July 1917; children-^Helen E., Walter C, George H., Jr., David A. With Climalene Co., Canton, O., since 1914, becoming v.p. and dir. in 1923, pres. Jan. 1937; chmn. bd. The Peoples Bank, Can- ton, O., 1 Jan. 1940. Dir. Toledo Pressed Steel Co.; turstee, Aultman Hosp. Clubs: Rotary (dir.), Congress Lake Country, Canton City. Home: 247 19th St., N.W., Canton, O. Office: Care The Climalene Co., Canton, O. McARTHUR, Lewis Linn, Jr., vice- pres. Northern Trust Co.; b. Chicago, 111., 30 Jan. 1898; s. Dr. Lewis L. and Mamie (Walker) McA.; B.A., Yale, 1919. Started with Northern Trust Co., Chi- cago, 111.; v.p. since 1931. Served in A.E.F., 1918-19. Pres. Chicago Home for Incurables; treas. St. Luke's Hosp. Assn. Mem. Soc. Colonial Wars. Clubs: Chi- cago, University, Cliff Dwellers (Chi- cago). Home: 230 E. Delaware PI. Of- fice: 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, HI. COCHRAN, Almond D., lawyer and oil producer; b. Edgewood, Iowa, 14 Oct. 1882; s. Albert S. and Emma (Harris) C; A.B., A.M., Ohio Wesleyan Univ.; LL.B., Kansas City Sch. of Law. Mem. Cochran & Noble, attorneys at law, Ok- mulgee, Okla., pres. Oklahoma Oil Corp.; mem. Viersen & Cochran, oil producers and rotary drilling contractors; v.p. Pen- mar Oil & Gas Co.; pres. Central Nat. Bank, Okmulgee; dir. Fuhrman Petrole- un Corp. Midland, Tex. Pres. Okmulgee Community Fund Assn., Area Council Boys Scouts of Am. Mem. Beta Theta Pi. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Tulsa; Southern Hills Country, Rotary. Home: 522 S.Seminole., Okmulgee, Okla. Office : McCulloch Bldg., Okmulgee, Okala. EPSTEIN, Albert K., pres. Emulsol Corp.; b. Lodz, Poland, 21 June 1890; s. Akiba and Pauline (Nagdeman) E.; B.S., Univ. of Chicago (HI.), 1912; m. Ethel Echt, 7 May 1913, children— Solo- mon, Vivian. Chemist in various labora- tories, 1912-19; mem. firm Epstein, Rey- nolds & Harris- (fprmerly Epstein & Harris), Chicago, 111., since 1919; v.p. Emulsol Corp., Chicago, 1926-37, pres. since 1937; chmn. tech. committees, Na- tional Egg Products Assn.; pres. Kress Products Corp.; patentee of numerous inventions. Fellow Am. Pub. Health Inst., Am. Inst. Chemists, A.A.A.S. ; mem. many tech. and scientific societies. Jew- ish religion. Home: 6715 Oglesby Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 59 E. Madison, Chi- cago, 111. EPSTEIN, Alfred, pres. Pfeiffer Brew- ing Co.; v.p. and dir. Drewry's Ltd., 492 U.S.A., Inc. Home: 910 Lake Shore Rd., Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. Office: 3740 Bellevue Av., Detroit, Mich. BAILEY, Atwell Franklin, v.p. Am. Ap- praisal Co.; b. Somerville, Mass., 15 May 1881; s. James P. and Julia (Atwell) B. ; ed. high sch. ; m. Isabel Swannell, 22 June 1909. With Am. Appraisal Co. since 1899, appraiser since 1902, v.p. since 1920, v.p., sec. and treas. since 1930. Republican. Methodist. Mason (Shriner), Elk. Clubs: Milwaukee, Mil- waukee Athletic. Home: 2515 N. Stowell Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Office: American Appraisal Co., Milwaukee, Wis. McADAMS, Joseph Edward, pres. and treas. The Steel Products Engineering Co.; b. Worthington, Ind., 11 Nov. 1880; s. Joseph and Sarah Melissa (Brown) McA. ; ed. Worthington pub. schs. and Y.M.C.A. Night Sch. ; m. Lulu M. Noble, 24 Aug. 1899; 1 dau., Pauline N. Jordan. Instructor, Dayton, O., Y.M.C.A. Night School, 1905-12; organized Gem City Machine Co., 1908, pres. until 1922; ab- sorbed by the Steel Products Engring. Co., Springfield, O., of which is pres. and treas.; dir. and v.p. Combustioneer, Inc., until taken over by present organ- ization; dir. and treas. City Engring. Co. Dir. Dayton C. of C, 1928-29; dir. Ma- sonic Temple Assn., Dayton; maj. Re- serve Officers Assn.; mem. Am. Soc. M.E. Mason (33d deg.). Clubs: Dayton Engineers, Springfield Golf, Pueblo (Tuc- son, Ariz.). Home: Stonyridge Farms, New Carlisle, O. Office: 1205 W. Colum- bia St., Sprintfield, O. GILBERT, Norris Tell, vice-pres. and dir. Middle States Petroleum Corp.; b. Saline County, Kan., 6 Dec. 1879; s. J. M. and Martha Jane (Maye) G.; B.S.., A. & M. Coll., Okla.; m. Ruth Town- send, 24 March 1901. Cashier Bank of Commerce, Wetumka, Okla., 1901; then cashier First Nat. Bank, Madill, Okla., 1904; v.p. Lawton (Okla.) Nat. Bank, 1907; v.p. First Nat. Bank, Briston, Okla., 1911; v.p. Producers State Bank, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1916; receiver Turman Oil Co., 1924; v.p. Middle States Petroleum Corp. and gen. mgr. Turman Oil Co., Tulsa, Okla., since 1929; officer of var- ious subsidiaries Middle State Petroleum Corp.; v.p. and dir. La. & North West R.R. ; dir. Middle States Petroleum Corp. Treas. Independent Petroleum Assn. of America. Clubs: Tulsa, South- ern Hills Country. Home: 1223 E. 26th St. Office : 518 Nat. Bank of Tulsa Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. COX, James E., pres. Sun Mfg. Co.; b. St. Joseph, Mo., 1 Feb. 1872; s. James E. and Mary (Harris) C. ; ed. St. Joseph (Mo.) grammar and high schools; m. Minnie Rush, 5 June 1894. Started with the R. L. McDonald Mfg. Co., St. Joseph, Mo., 1 Dec. 1887 as office boy, successive- ly held every position in the co. and served as pres., 1931-33, when the Mc- Donald Mfg. Co. was liquidated and then purchased by the Sun Mfg. Co. (mfrs. of Red Seal work shirts, Green Seal work shirts, Unicorn dress and semi-dress shirts), which he organized, and was elected pres.; pres. and dir. Morris Plan Co.; dir. and sec. Park Bank. Appointed colonel on personal staff of Governor Frederick D. Gardner of Missouri, Nov. 1920; formerly president St. Joseph Po- lice Board, by appointment of Gov. Pres. St. Joseph C. of C, 1921-22, dir., 1922-27. Organized Community Chest of St. Jo- seph, 1922, and elected first pres., suc- ceeding himself 4 terms. Pres. St. Jo- seph Automobile Club, 1924. Currently pres. S.A.R., St. Joseph Chapter. Mason (32d deg., York Rite, Miola Temple, Shrine), Elks. Clubs: St. Joseph Country, Jester. Home: 2732 Felix St. Office: 12th and Penn Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. MATHER, Gordon Macdonald, pres. Mather Spring Co.; b. St. James, La., 24 Sept. 1868; s. Joseph and Mary (Lyons) M. ; attended private schools; m. Charlotte Bope, 23 Feb. 1911. With Cleveland Axle Mfg. Co. (Cleveland, O.), 1886; moved with Cleveland Axle Mfg. Co. to Canton, O. in 1891; organized Mather Spring Co. (Toledo, O.), 1911 , and is now pres. and gen. mgr. Dir. Mather Spring Co., Toledo Trust Co., Nat. Bank of Toledo, Morris Plan Bank of Toledo, Gordon Mfg. Co., Hercules Motors Corp. (Canton, O.). Mem. Toledo Chamber of Commerce, Toledo Zool. So- ciety. Clubs: Toledo, Country, Carranor Hunt and Polo. Home: Dixie Highway, Perrysburg, O. Office: Castle Boul. & N.Y.C. R.R., Toledo, O. BEARDSLEY, Charles Summer, pres. Miles Labs.; b. Buchanan, Mich., 12 Nov. 1874; s. Solomon and Martha (Foster) B.; LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1899; m. Ada Malloy, 8 June 1904. In law practice, Cleveland, 1900-12; worked in advt. agency, 1912-16; v.p. United Electric Co., Canton, O., 1916-20; v.p. Apex Co., 1920- 26; pres. Vacuum Cleaners Mfg. Assn., 1917-24; v.p. in charge of sales Miles Laboratories since 1927. Apptd. mem. ad- visory com. for drug mfrs., WPB, June, 1942. Pres. Proprietary Assn. of Amer- ica, 1939-42. Treas. 3d Congressional Dist., Ind. Dir. Univ. of Mich. Alumni Assn. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: City, Kiwanis (Elkhart). Home: 493 120 W. Beardsley Av., Elkhart, Ind. Of- fice: Miles Laboratories, Elkhart, Ind. CARLTON, Clarence Clay, vice-pres., sec. and dir. Motor Wheel Corp.; b. Ak- ron, O., 17 May 1882; s. Wallace L. and Ella M. (Tinker) C; ed. Buchtel Coll.; A.B., U. of Akron, 1904; U. of Mich. Law, 1905; Univ. of Chicago, 1906; m. Anna L. Durling, 8 Aug. 1906 (died 1937) ; m. 2d, Emily Russell, 6 Feb. 1939; 2 sons, James C, Thomas R. Served as supt. schs. at Mantua, O., 1904-08, Medina, O., 1908-12; elected supt. schs., Elyria, O., 1912; resigned same year to become sec. to pres. Firestone Tire & Co., Akron; held various positions with Firestone until June 1917, when he moved to Lansing, Mich.; sales manager Prud- den Wheel Co., Lansing, 1917-20; sec. Wheel Corp. since 1920, v. p. and sec. since 1938; sec. and dir. Gen. Auto Parts Corp.; sec. Sagamore Hill Land Co. Dir. and v.p. Automotive Council for War Production; chmn. automotive parts ad- visory com., Automotive Div., War Prodn. Bd. Served as mng. dir. Auto- motive Com. for Air Defense, 1940; mem. Mich. War Council Organized Lansing Safety Council, 1940, and elected its first pres.; dir. Lansing C. of C. ; state chmn. Com. for Econ. Development. Pres. Auto- motive Parts & Equipment Mfrs., Inc., 1934-45; dir. Mich. Mfrs. Assn.; mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs.; pres. and dir. Tire and Rim Assn., 1914-15, and 1932-34. Mason (32d deg.). Clubs: Detroit Ath- letic, Recess (Detroit) ; Lansing City, pres., Country of Lansing. Home: 126 E. St. Joseph St., Lansing, Mich. Office: 735 E. Saginaw St., Lansing, Mich. BIHLER, Walter Charles, clergyman; b. Chicago, 111.; s. William John Bihler and Mary Margaret (Keller) B.; ed. Hyde Park high sch., Chicago; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1918, M.A., 1919; West- ern Theol. Sem., Chicago, 1917-20; Gen. Theol. Sem., New York, N.Y., 1920-21 (awarded traveling fellowship, studied at Oxford Univ., Keble Coll., Oxford, Eng., 1924-26). Ordained deacon, Prot- estant Episcopal Ch., 1920, priest, 1921; asst. rector, Trinity Ch., Highland Park, 1921-23; assoc. rector, St. Chryso- stom's Ch., Chicago, 1923-24; asst., St. Thomas' Ch., New York, N.Y., 1924; pastor, Christ Ch., River Forest, 111., 1927-30; rector, Christ Ch., Chicago, Mar. 1930 — ; dean of faculty, program chmn., Summer Conf. for Ch. Workers, Protestant Episcopal Ch., St. Alban's Sch., Sycamore, 111., 1930-31, Racine Col- lege, Wis., 1932, 36-41, Kemper Hall, Ke- nosha, Wis., 1933-35; v.p., Hyde Park- Woodlawn-So. Shore Community Coun- cil, Chicago, 1933 — ; sec, Conv. for Di- ocese Chicago, Protestant Episcopal Ch., 1934-41; 1st pres., Adv. Council United Charities, Calumet branch, Chi- cago, 1932-33; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Uosilon. Club: University (Chi- cago). Travel: Eur. Interests: music, art, poetry, theatre, drama. Recreation: gardening. Episcopalian. Office: Christ Ch., Woodlawn Park, Chicago, HI. Home: 6451 Woodlawn Av., Chicago, HI. SOWDER, Charles Robert, retired physician; b. nr. Mt. Vernon, Ky., 16 Feb. 1870; s. Daniel Robert Sowder, farmer, and Eliza (Cummins) S.; ed. Clayton (Ind.) high sch.; DePauw Univ., 1888-89; Central Coll, of Physi- cians & Surgeons; m. Orra Bartley of Avon, Ind. 24 Nov. 1897; 1 son— John Robert (dec). Teacher, pub. schs. Hen- dricks Co., Clayton High Sch.; organ- ized high sch., Avon, Ind.; asst. prof, physiology, helped establish State Coll. Phys. and Surgeons, first med. dept. Ind. Univ., prof, clinical med. staff, City, Methodist, St. Vincent's, Robert W. Long hosps., 25 yrs.; chmn. bd. trs., State Coll. Hosp.; major, M.C., U.S.A., 23 mos., 9 mos. in Fr. ; chief med., Base Hosp. 35, Calif., later chief, U.S. Hosp; chief in medicine Mars-Sur- Allies Hosp., (22,000 beds). Author: many med. arts., newspaper arts, on agr. and nat. prob- lems; first advotate of State Park sys- tem for Ind. Travel: U.S., Mex., Eur. Descendant, early Dutch colonists, Pa. and Welch colonists, Lee Co., Va. Inter- ests: trees, literature. Recreation: farm- ing. Republican. Home: 2146 College Av., Indianapolis, Ind. Summer res.: R. F.D. No. 2, New Castle, Ind. OUTZEN, Andrew Newton, superin- tendent; b. Carlton, Wis., 30 Apr. 1885; ed. Kewaunee, Wis.; B.S. (in Elec Eng.), Univ. Wis. Eng. Coll., 1910, post grad., extension courses in engring. de- sign. Apprentice machinist, Kewaunee Iron Works, 1903-04; asst. engr., W. Syke Co., Kewaunee, Wis., 1905; engr. appren- tice, Northern Electrical Mfg. Co., 1907- 08; electrician, Univ. Wis., 1908-11; draftsman, design engr., Madison Gas & Elec Co., 1911-14, supt. Gas Plant, Madison, Wis., 1914-15; supt. Bingham- ton, (N.Y.) Gas Works, 1915-17; foreman gas manufacture, Detroit City Gas Co. (later Mich. Consolidated Gas Co.), 1917 -18, supt. Sta. A, 1918-19, supt. manu- facture, 1919-20, supt. constrn. & manu- facture sta. J, 1920-24, design engr., 1924-25, certifying engr., 1925-26; supt. River Rouge Gas Mfg. Plant, J Plant, 494 1926-37, Natural Gas Receiving Sta., De- troit Dist., River Rouge Gas Mfg. Plant, 1936 — ; holds 1st class unlimited station- ary steam engrs. papers; registered, li- censed prof, engr., 1927 — , qualified to design, construct, operate gas and elec. plants; on assignments by Maj. Rose, U.S.A., supt. Detroit plant making crude Toluol, during World War I; mem. Nat. Soc. Prof. Engrs., Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., A.A.A.S., Am. Gas Assn., A.W.W.A., Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs., Am. Inst. Min. Engrs., West Soc. Engrs., Am. Mil. Engrs., I.R.E. Soc. Chem. & Industry and Chem. Engr. Group (Lon- don, Eng.), Mich. Gas Assn., Nat. Assn. Power Engrs., Mich. Acad. Sci. & Let- ters, Mich. Hist. Soc. Interest: book col- lecting (rare English, early Am., and Eng. books, books by Samuel Johnson, Thoreau, Burrough & Audobon). Congre- gationalist. Office: Sta. J., Detroit City Gas Co., 415 Clifford St., Detroit, Mich. GLASSER, Otto, professor of bio-phys- ics; b. Saarbruecken, Ger., 2 Sept. 1895; s. Alexander Glasser, merchant, and Lina (Gentsch) G.; ed. Ph.D., Univ. Freiburg i. Br., Ger., 1919; m. Emmy von Ehrenberg of Coblenz o.Rh., 19 July 1922; 1 dau. — Hannelore. Asst. and instr., Radiol. Inst., Freiburg i.Br., 1919- 21, instr., Inst. Phys. Found. Med., Frankfort o.M., 1921-22; bio-physicist, Howard Kelly Hosp., Baltimore, 1922-23; Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, 1923-24; asst. prof., bio-physics, N.Y. Post Grad. Med. Sch., Columbia, 1925- 27; head, dept. biophysics, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1927 — ; prof, biophys- ics, F. E. Bunts Edn. Inst., Cleveland, 1937 — ; consulting bio-physicist, Western Reserve Univ. Hosp., 1934 — ; fought in German Army; Fellow Am. Physical Soc, A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Roentgen Soc, Am. Radium Soc. and Radiol. Soc. of N.A., Cleveland Radiol. Soc. (hon.), Cleveland Acad of Med., Sigma Xi. Au- thor: Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen, 1931; Science of Radiology, 1933; Physical Foundations of Radiology, 1944; Medical Physics, 1944; 90 scientific publications. Travel: U.S., Eur. Interests: photog,, old books, music. Recreations: hiking, swimming. Lutheran. Republican. Of- fice: Cleveland Clinic, 2040 East 93rd St., Cleveland, O. Home: 13201 Larch- mere Blvd., Shaker Heights, O. DEAN, Elizabeth Ingram Harrison Fetridge, b. Chicago, 111., 22 Feb. 1903; d. William Fowler Mills Fetridge, con- tractor, and Alice Lucille (Anderson) F. ; ed. Herbert Spencer Elementary Austin high schs.; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1926; m. William Armour Dean, Jr. of Chicago, 111., 19 Aug. 1924; chil- dren — Elizabeth Louise, William Ar- mour. Teacher, Primary Dept., Austin Presbn. Ch., 1925—; mem. Phi Omega Pi (nat. pres., 1935-37, nat. panhellenic delegate, 1937-39), Beta Gamma Upsilon, Nat. Historian (1929), Key Sch. Parent- Teachers Assn. (1st v.p., 1940-42, pres., 1945-46; pub. chmn., Westside Coun- cil, Dist. 23, 1941; Iris Garden Circle, Austin High P.T.A. (1st v.p., 1945-46), Needlework Guild of Am. Clubs: Austin Women's (sec, 1938-40 chmn. Drama, 1941 — ,), Friday, Ideal Mothers, (pres., 1941-42)., Conference of Club Presidents & Club Chairmen. Travel: U.S. Inter- ests: chorus work, dramatics, garden- ing. Presbyterian. Republican. Home: 316 N. Mayfield Av., Chicago, HI. Sum- mer res. : Wonder Lake, Ringwood, HI. CAMPBELL, Colin Alfred, vice-pres. Marmon-Herrington Co., Inc.; b. Belle- fontaine, O., 16 July 1895; s. Charles Delevan and Emma (Knight) C. ; stu- dent Bellefontaine Sch., 1901-13, Sorbonne Univ., Paris, 1919; B.A. and B.C.E., Ohio State Univ., 1920; m. Ruth Emily Arve- sen, 11 Nov. 1921; 1 son, Edward Knight. Topographer Ohio Archeol. Soc, 1915; field asst., Ohio-Michigan boundary line survey, U.S. Geol. Survey, 1915-16; mem. engring. corps, Pa. R.R. Co., 1916; asst. plant engr., Buckeye Steel Castings Co., 1917; asst. sales extension mgr., dist. mgr. and sales promotion mgr. Nordyke & Marmon Co., 1920-26; sales develop- ment mgr., sales mgr. and mem. bd. dirs. Stutz Motor Car Co. of America, 1926-37; pres. Baker & Campbell Advt. Agency, 1932-33; gen. sales dir. and ad- vertising mgr. Marmon-Herrington Co., Inc., 1937-42, v.p. since 1942. Served as adjutant Sch. of Mil. Aeronautics, Colum- bus, O., 1 yr., World War I; overseas at Air Service Hdqurs., Paris and Tours, France, and 2d Air Service Production Center, Romorantin, France, 14 mos.; hon. disch. as capt. Air Service, Sept. 1919; now It. col. Mil. Intelligence Res. Corps. Mem. Am. Anthrop. Society, Am. Arbitration Soc, Ind. Acad. Science, Am. Legion (past post comdr.), Alliance Fran- caise, Scabbard and Blade, Phi Beta Kappa, sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Mu Epsilon, Triangle Frat. (past Chapter pres. and nat. sec-treas.). Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs : Indianapolis Service (ex-pres.). Home: R. 1, Box 139A, New Augusta, Ind. Office: 1511 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. LOBDELL, Henry Harrison, partner Lamson Bros. & Co.; b. Rochester, N.Y., 495 10 Aug. 1866; s. James Hervey and Julia (Harrison) L.; student pub. sens., Rochester, N.Y., Chicago, 111.; m. Nell F. Lamson, 24 Sept. 1890; children- Warren Lamson, Ruth Lamson (Mrs. Harold von Rolf), Harrison. Office boy and salesman George W. Ludlow & Co., Chicago, HI., 1883-91; est. Harry H. Lob- dell Co., Chicago, mgr. and treas., 1891- 1915; partner Lamson Bros. & Co., grain and stock brokers, Chicago, since 1915. Mem. Chicago Bd. of Trade, S.A.R., Art Inst., Field Mus. Natural History, Chi- cago Hist. Soc. Clubs: Chicago, Athletic, Union League, Commercial (Chicago). Home: 209 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Office: 2200 Bd. of Trade Bldg., 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. FOSTER, Sparkman Deats, lawyer, business exec; b. Fostoria, Ala., 19 Nov. 1897; s. Walter L. and Susan Olivia (Peake) F. ; ed. pub. sch., Lowndes Country, Ala., Detroit (Mich.) Coll. of Law; m. Thelma May Bliven, 30 July 1924. Admitted to Mich, bar, 1922; part- ner Foster & Lott, lawyers, Detroit, Mich.; partner Tri-Lakes Steamship Co.; asst. sec. Nicholson Terminal & Dock Co.; dir. Lake Materials Corp. Mem. com. Div. of Great Lakes Carriers, Of- fice of Defense Transportation, Washing- ton, D.C. Mem. Am., Mich. State and Detroit bar assns. Democrat. Mem. Christian Church. Club: Orchard Lake Country. Home: Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Office: 3466 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. JORDON, Joseph Henry, Jr., dir. pub. relations Oliver Iron Mining Co. ; b. Port- land, Ore., 10 Aug. 1892; s. Joseph Henry and Martha Agnes (Stanton) J.; student pub. schs. Portland advertisement and editorial depts., Portland Journal, 1908- 17; mgr. Anaconda Standard, Butte, Mont., 1919-20; advt. mgr. Duluth (Minn.) News-Tribune, 1921-25, business mgr., 1926-27, mgr., 1928-29; business mgr. Duluth Herald News-Tribune, 1930-33, asst. publisher, 1934-36, pub., 1936, pub., 1936-41, now dir. public relations Oliver Iron Minning Co., Duluth, and subsidi- aries, U.S. Steel Corp., N.W. Dist. Mem. Duluth C. of Co., (dir.), Minnesota Edi- torial Association, Minn. Arrowhead As- sociation (dir.), Duluth Civic Symphony Association (dir.). Republican. Methodist. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: National Press (Washington, D.C. ) ; Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country, Athletic (Duluth, Minn.); Minnesota (St. Paul), Minneap- olis. Home: 1321 E. First St., Duluth, Minn. Office: 700 Wolvin Bldg., Duluth, Minn. HICKEY, Philip J., educator; b. Cleve- land, O., 13 Apr. 1896; s. John and Lottie (Horrocks) H.; B.S., M.S., Univ. of Wis., 1923; children — Mary Margaret, Carol. Teacher Univ. of Wis., 1918-23; prin., St. Louis pub. schs., 1923-35; sec. and treas., Bd. of Edn. of the City of St. Louis, 1935-42, supt. of instrn., since 1944. Trus- tee St. Louis Pub. Schs. Foundation for the Relief of Distress, and Advancement of Professional Training. Mem. Nat. Edn. Assn., Am. Assn. of Sch. Adminstrs., Nat. Assn. of Pub. Sch. Bus. Officials, Mo. State Teachers Assn., Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Gamma Alpha. Home: 4910 W. Pine Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Ad- dress: 911 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. BRADLEY, Henry D., newspaperman; b. Detroit, Mich., 10 Jan. 1893; s. Dr. William H. and Bertha W.H. (Schulz) B.; ed. public schools; m. Louise McLen- don, 16 Jan. 1926; children— David R.. Natalie D., Rae Louise. With Toledo Blade, Toledo, O., 1906-23; advisory work to Lord Beaverbrook, London (England) Express, 1923; general manager of the Norristown (Pa.) Times-Herald, 1924-26; pres. and gen. Mgr. Times-Star, Bridge- port, Conn., 1927-39; pub. News Press and Gazette, St. Joseph, Mo., since 1 Dec. 1939. Mem. bd. St. Joseph Boy Scouts America, Am. Soc. of Newspaper Editors. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Algonquin (pres. 1938-39), Nation- al Press (Washington, D.C); Country, Benton (St. Joseph). Home: Country Club Place, St. Joseph, Mo. Office: 9th and Edmond St., St. Joseph, Mo. KASPER, Walter Francis, pres. Fair- mont Ry. Motors, Inc.; b. Owatonna, Minn., 8 July 1891; s. Frank J. and Anna F. (Renchin) K. ; M.E., Univ. of Minn., 1911; m. Laura G. Gorman, 10 Apr. 1918; children — Mary Ann, Frank Walter, Joe Gorman. Automobile salesman, 1911-13; with the Fairmont Railway Motors, Inc., since 1913, as draftsman, 1913-15, chief engr., 1915-19, sales mgr. and chief engr., 1919-28, v.p. in charge of sales and engring., 1928-39, pres. and gen. mgr. since 1939; sec. Fairmont Railway Motors, Ltd., Canada, 1928-39, pres. since 1939; pres. Water and Light Commn., Fairmont, Minn.; mem. Machinery and Allied Products Inst., Ry. Mfrs. Assn. (pres. 1934), Soc. Automotive Engrs., Am. Soc. Testing Materials, Army Ordnance Assn., Rotary, Phi Gamma Delta, Theta Tau. Republican. Catholic. Home : 824 Al- bion Av., Fairmont, Minn. Office: 415 N. Main St., Fairmont, Minn. AHERN, John Joseph, pres. Rapinwax Paper Co.; b. St. Paul, Minn., 6 Apr. 496 1886; s. John Joseph and Mary Gertrude (Casserly) A.; student St. Paul (Minn.) Coll. of Law, 1903-06; m. Laura Hall Benz, 1 Oct. 1917; children — Rosemary, Lorle, John J., Walter, Richard, Lydia. Various positions in newspaper work, 1903-17; mng. editor St. Paul (Minn.; Daily News, 1914-17; est. Rapinwax Paper Co., Minneapolis, Minn., 1924, and since pres. Served as maj. Inf., A.E.F., 1918-19. Mem. Am. Legion. Clubs: Ath- letic, Town and Country, Minnesota (St. Paul) ; Interlachen Country (Minneapo- lis). Home: 15 Sherburne Av., St. Paul, Minn. Office: 150 26th Av. S.E., Minne- apolis 14, Minn. GOLDMAN, Robert Philip, attorney; b. Cincinnati, O., 17 May 1890; s. Louis J. Goldman, merchant, and Rose (Froh- man) G.; ed. public schs., Cincinnati, Ohio Military Inst.; Frankin Sch.; A.B., Yale Univ., 1907-11; LL.B., Har- vard Law Sch., 1911-14; Univ. de Paris, Faculte de Droit, 1919; m. Therese Wolf- stein of Cincinnati, O., 16 Oct. 1921; chil- dren — David Wolf stein, Agnes Edna, Barbara Therese. Admitted to Bar, 1914, began practice in office of Paxton, War- rington & Seasongood (now Paxton & Seasongood) and was made mem. of firm, 1923; dir., The John Shillito Co., The Clyffside Brewing Co., The Wolf Machine Co., So-Lo Works, Inc.; tr. of Cleveland Orphan Home, Ohio State Ar- chaeological & Historical Soc, 1932-38; v.p. City Charter Com., pres., Union Union of Am. Hebrew Congregations, 1937-41, Isaac M. Wise Temple, 1926-28, Cincinnati; mem. Bd. Gov., Hebrew Un- ion Coll., 1937-41. In U.S.A., 1918-19, mem. 309th Supply Train of 84th Div., Sorbonne Detachment; mem., Cincin- nati and (former sec.) O. and Am. Bar Assns. Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Univer- sity, Losantiville Country. Author: arts, on When Is a Trust Not a Trust, 1942, Land Trust Certificates with Relation to Ohio Law (Cincinnati Law Rev.) 1928, Draftig Trust Instruments, (Cincinnati Law Rev.) 1931; An Analysis of Cincin- nati's Proportional Representation Elec- tions, (The American Political Science Review) ; Legal Aid Societies in the United States, (Legal Aid Review) ; Development of American Diplomacy. (Ohio Law Bulletin). Interest: history. Recreation: golf. Jewish. Democrat. Of- fice: 1616 Union Central Bldg., Cincin- nati, O. Home: 3560 Interwood Ave., Cin- cinnati, O. Summer res. : Hilton Beach, Ontario, Can. LOWE, Arnold Hilmar, minister; b. Zurich, Switzerland, 25 July 1888; s. Arnaud A. Lowe, and Marie (Chauvin) L.; ed. A.B., Wooster (O.) Coll., 1916; M.S., Western Theol. Sem.; New York Univ., grad. study 1917; D.D., Mo. Val- ley Coll., 1928; m. Braddie Douglass of Malta Bend, Mo., 11 Sept. 1921; children —Mary Lee, Arnold Douglass. Ordained minister, Presbyterian Ch., 1912; mis- sionary, W. Afr., 1912-15; asst. min. 1st Presbyterian Ch., Wilkinsburg, Pa., 1916 -17; prof. Bible literature, Mo. Valley Coll., 1919-27; pastor, Kjingshighway Presbyterian Ch., St. Louis, Mo., 1927 — i; pres. Met. Ch. Fed., St. Louis; dir. West- minster Coll., Fulton, Lindenwood Coll., St. Charles; enlisted and served as chap- lain with A.E.F., 1917-19; mem. Bd. of Chr. Ed., Presbn. Ch., U.S.A.; Am. Leg.; Pi Gamma Mu; Internat. Soc. of Theta Phi; Masons. Special lecturer at Am. Youth Foundation Camp at Shelby, Mich. Clubs: University, Author's (St. Louis), Bellerive Country, Contempor- ary, St. Louis Museum of Sci. & Indus- try. Author: The Emancipation of the Hebrew People, 1920; The Trail of the Shepherd, 1922; A Syllabus on the Phi- losophy of Religion, 1925; Adventuring with Christ, 1929. Interests: philatelies, contemporary history, modern litera- ture. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Of- fice: 5010 Cabanne St., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 5600 Cabanne St., St. Louis, Mo. Summer res.: Stoney Lake, Mich. MEIER, Nellie Simmons, author; b. Cohoes, N.Y. ; d. Daniel Simmons and Catherine Clinton (Austin) S.; ed. Short- bridge high sch.; Kappes Sch. of Lan- guages; m. George Philip Meier of Mar- shall, Mich., 14 Feb. 1899. Lifelong stu- dent of scientific palmistry; represented in the Congressional Lib., rare book sec- tion, by collection with character sketch- es of autographed hand impressions of famous people; mem. Indianapolis Pro- phlaeum, Nat. League Am. Pen Women, D.A.R. (Ind. chap.), Eng. Speaking Un- ion, Indianapolis Art Assn., Nat. Hu- mane Soc. Nat. Anti-Vivisection Soc, Soc. for Chirological Research (London), League of Women Voters. Author: Lion's Paws, 1937. Travel: Eur., Paris, 15 times, lived in Paris for some time. In- terests: art, palmistry. Christian Scien- tist. Home: Tuckaway, 3128 N. Pennsyl- vania St., Indianapolis, Ind. JONES, Franklin Turner, department- al editor; b. Geneva, O., 13 Nov. 1874; s. Major Newton Jones, farmer, and Phedora (Turner) J.; ed. Geneva Nor- mal Sch.; Adelbert Coll.; Western Re- serve Univ.; A.B., Univ. Chicago, 1897, A.M., 1902; m. Ethel K. Smith of Cleve- 497 land, O., 26 June 1901; children— Helen H., Newton C, Matthew T. Teacher, Canfield, 1897-98, Salem, 1898-99; grad. student, Univ. Chicago, 1899-1900; teach- er, So. High Sch., Cleveland, 1900-03; teacher physics and chem., Univ. Sch,, Cleveland, registrar, 1903-18; chmn. of Cleveland Sect., Am. Chem. Soc, 1908; asst. employment supervisor and prin. Apprentice Sch., The Warner & Swasey Co.; supervisor of training, The White Motor Co.; ed. of dept. Science Ques- tions, Sch. Science & Math., 1910—; dir. Liberty Sav. & Loan; mem. Am. Man- agement Assn., Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Assn. Phys. Teachers, Central Assn. of Science and Math. Teachers (p. pres.), Delta Upsilon, Masons (32d deg.), Phi Beta Kappa (Alpha of Ohio, p. pres.); (p. chmn.), E. Central Dist. Assoc. Charities (life mem.). Club: Cleveland. Author: problems and questions in al- gebra, chemistry, physics, plane geom- etry, solid geometry, trigonometry, Football for the Spectator. Co-author: Crew & Jones, Elements of Physics, Jones & Tatnall, Lab. Problems in Phys- ics. Desc. Atkins and Turner families, pioneers of Ashtabula Co.; Jones family were pioneers, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Rec- reation: farming. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: 900 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 10109 Wil- bur Av., S.E., Cleveland, O. Summer res.: Pen'Bryn, R.F.D. No. 1, Geneva, O. JEWETT, Charles Webster, lawyer; b. Franklin, Ind., 7 Jan. 1884; s. Edward Parker and Mary Alma (Aten) J.; A.B., DePauw Univ., 1907; Harvard, 1910; m. Elizabeth Dougherty, 25 Oct. 1911. Prac- ticed at Indianapolis since 1910; mem. Elliott, Weyl & Jewett; Chmn. of Marion County (Ind.) Rep. Central Com., 1914, 15, 16; elected Mayor of Indianapolis, 1917. Trustee DePauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind. Mem. Am., Ind. and Indianapolis bar assns., Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science, Phi Delta Theta (pres. Epsilon Province). Methodist. Mason (32d deg., Shriner), K.P., Elk. Home: 410 N. Merid- ian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Office: Fletch- er Trust Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. KROEGER, Frederick Charles, auto mfr. ; b. Winona, Minn., 27 Apr. 1888; s. Charles and Amelia (Klein) K. ; B.S. in E.E., Purdue, Univ., 1911, hon. Dr. Engring., 1941; m. Edith T. Leverone, 26 June 1917; children— Barbara L., Mar- jorie R. Student engr. Gen. Electric Co., 1911-13; research engr. Remy Elec. Co., 1913-19; sales engr. Remy Elec. Div. Gen. Motors Corp., 1919-22, chief engr., 1922- 25; factory mgr. Delco-Remy Div. of Gen. Motors Corp., 1925-29, gen. mgr., 1929-40; gen. mgr. Allison Div. of Gen. Motors Corp. since 1940; v. p. Gen. Motors Corp. since 1940; dir. Anderson Banking Co. Served as capt. Motor Transport Corps, U.S. Army, 1918-19. Past pres. Anderson Chamber of Commerce; dir. Ind. State Chamber of Commerce; mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs., Acacia, Tau Beta Pi. Mason. Clubs: Detroit Athletic; Indianapolis Athletic. Home: Route 17, Box 529, Indianapolis, Ind. Office: Allison Division, General Motors Corp., Indian- apolis, Ind. Died, 10 Aug. 1944. BLACK, Ernest Bateman, cons, engr.; b. Mt. Sterling-. HI.. 13 Jan. 1882; s. Moses and Mary Ella (Winslow) B.; B.S., Univ. of Kan., 1906, C.E., 1924; m. Faye Irene Bunyan, 16 June 1914; children- Robert Winslow, Mary Helen, Patricia Ann, John Bunyan. Masonry insp., A.,T&- S.F. Ry., 1906-07; asst. engr. Riggs & Sherman Co., Toledo, O., 1907-09; jr. partner J. S. Worley Co. and Worley & Black, 1909-14; sr. partner Black & Beatch, cons, engrs., since 1915. Served as capt. and maj. Air Service, Air Craft Prodn. U.S. Army, 1917-18, also chief engr. War Credits Bd. and engr. Sect. B, Constrn. Div. of Army; consultant- chief Water Supply Unit, Civil Engr. Branch, Constrn. Div. Q.M.C., U.S. Army, 1941. Pres. Kansas City Area Boy Scouts of Am., 1940, 41, 42, 43. Pres. University of Kansas General Alumni As- sociation, 1928-29. Member American In- stitute Consulting Engineers, American Society Civil Engrs. (president 1942), Society of American Military Engineers, American and New England water works assns., Kansas Engineering Soc, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi. Republican. Presbyte- rian. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: University, Mission Hills Country, Kansas City Engrs. (Kansas City, Mo.). Contbr. arti- cles on engring. to tech. jours. Home: 824 W. 62d St., Kansas City, Mo. Office: 4706 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. BUSSING, Wilfred Charles, pres. Evansville Press Co.; b. Evansville, Ind., 8 Nov. 1889; s. Bernard J. and Alice (Doyle) B. ; student pub. schs., Evans- ville, Ind. ; m. Lois MacCammon, 23 Mar. 1929; children— Marilyn, Wilfred Charles. Advt. mgr. Terre Haute (Ind.) Post, 1909; vice chmn. Am. Red Cross, Evansville; pub. Evansville (Ind.) Review, 1912; business manager Evansville Press Co., 1916-25, pres. since 1946; advertising di- rector Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colo., 1925-29; gen. mgr. Indianapolis Radio Station WKBF, 1929-31; advt. dir. Baltimore (Md.) Post, 1931-33; bus. mgr. Evansville Press, 1934-39; pres. Evans- 498 v,ille Printing Corp. since 1939. Vice-pres. Evansville Chamber Commerce. Roman Catholic. Club: Evansville Country. Home: 708 S. Willow Rd., Evansville, Ind. Office: Evansville Press Co., Evans- ville, Ind. CLARK, Malcolm Stewart, pres. Fed- eral Machine & Welder Co.; b. Midland, Ont., 2 Jan. 1891; s. Angus and Matilda (Finch) C; ed. high sch.; m. Vivian Crane, 30 June 1916; children— Audrie, Marion, Leonard, George, Rena Jean, Betty. Chief engr. E. Long Mfg. Co., Orillia, Ont., 1913-17; chief draftsman Nat. Iron Corp., Toronto, 1917-24; fore- man special machine design engring. Ford Motor Co., Detroit, 1924-29; chief engr. and gen. mgr. Taylor Winfield Corp., Warren, O., 1929-37; pres. and gen. mgr. Federal Machine & Welder Co. since 1937; dir. Chatham Engring. Co., Spacarb, Inc. Mem. Warren Chamber of Commerce, Am. Red Cross. Republican. Mason. Clubs: Kiwanis, Cleveland Ath- letic. Home: 3036 E. Market St., Warren, O. Office: Federal Machine & Welder Co., Warren, O. BURNETTE, William A., chmn. Bur- nette Castings Co.; b. Whitwell, Tenn., 23 Dec. 1887; s. Elijah Anderson and Mary Jane White (Hudson) B. ; B.A., Univ. of Chattanooga (Tenn.), 1916, LL.D., 1927; S.T.B. Garrett Biblical Inst., Evanston, 111., 1918; m. Nancy Kennedy, 28 July 1913; children— Marion (Mrs. Ralph G. Mack), Jean (Mrs. Harold Carlson), Virginia (Mrs. Edward Stoler). Salesman and Supervisor Aluminum Cooking Utensil Company, New Kensing- ton, Pa., 1919-20; general sales manager for utensils, Stroh Castings Company, Detroit, Mich., 1921-22; founder and pres- ident Club Aluminum Co., Cleveland, O., Chicago, 111., 1923-29; est. Cookware Co. of America (now Burnette Castings Co.), Hartford, Mich., 1930, since pres. (Com- pany engaged 100 per cent in war work as sub- contractors for Army and Navy Air Corps) ; Michigan fruit farmer since 1924, operating about 1,000 acres; owner Burnette Farms Packing Co. Mem. S.A.R., Sons of Civil War Vets. Republi- can. Methodist. Mason. Club: Commer- cial-Farmers (Hartford, Mich.), Univer- sity (Evanston, 111.). Home: Keeler Rd., Hartford, Mich. Office : Burnette Castings Co., Hartford, Mich. TRAPP, Martin Edwin, ex-governor; b. Robinson, Kan., 18 Apr. 1877; s. Charles Franklin and Mary C. (Capps) T. ; grad. Capitol City Coll., Guthrie, Okla., 1898; m. Lou Strang, 7 Nov. 1907; 1 son, Mar- tin Edwin, Jr. County elk. Logan County, Okla. 1904-07; admitted to Okla. bar, 1912; 1st state auditor of Okla., 1907-11; It. gov. of Okla., 1914, reelected, 1918-22; became acting gov. of Okla., 25 Oct. 1923, when J. C. Walton was suspended by resolution of Okla. Senate following his impeachment, and succeded to office of gov., 19 Nov, 1923, for term 1923-27. En- gaged in business of crude oil prodn., financing and construction. Member Okla- homa Bar Association, Oklahoma Hist. Soc. Democrat. Mem. Christian (Disci- ples) Ch. Mason (Shriner), Odd Fellow, Elk. Clubs: Oklahoma, Men's Dinner, Okla. City Golf and Country. Home: 315 N.W. 15th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Ad- dress: Petroleum Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. BUSH, Charles T., pres. and gen. mgr. Chas A. Strelinger Co.; b. Detroit, Mich., 2 June 1875; s. William Reilly T. and Annie Helen (Witherspoon) B.; student Detroit Ch. Acad.; m. Harriet Virginia Stansell, 12 July 1899; children— Helen Harriet (Mrs. V. Lee Edwards), Char- lotte Virginia (Mrs. John Noyes Failing, Jr.), Arthur Stansell T. Shipping dept. Chas. A. Strelinger Co., (est. 1884), en- gring. sales, Detroit, Mich., 1895-1908; v.p. and gen. mgr., 1908-37, pres. since 1937; pres. and director Allinger-Bush Realty Co. since 1919; dir. Indsl. National Bank since 1920, v.p. since 1923. Trustee Detroit Bureau of Governmental Re- search. Dir. C. of C. Republican. Pres- byterian. Clubs: Automobile Club of Mich. (Dir. since 1918), Detroit, Athletic, Country (Detroit). Home: 1007 Three Mile Drive, Grosse Pointe, Mich. Office: 149 E. Larned St., Detroit, Mich. RAUSE, Richard F., pres. Enterprise Aluminum Co. Address : Oberlin Rd, Mas- sillon, O. SEAVER, Jay John, consulting engr.; b. Ypsilanti, Mich., 6 Jan. 1885; s. John Smith and Tracey S.; B.M.E., Univ. of Mich., 1912; m. Hallie Phelps, 11 Sept. 1917; children — Roberta Marie, James Phelps. Successively draftsman, supt., gen. supt. and v.p., Arthur G. McKee & Co., engrs., 1912-28; pres. Pulaski Foundry & Mfg. Corp., 1923-28, and pres. Pulaski Engring. Works, Pulaski, Va., 1924-28; v.p. and dir. H. A. Brassert & Co., engrs., 1928-40; with Day & Zimmer- mann, Icn., engrs., Phila., since 1941, as constr. engr., Iowa Ordnance Plant, consulting engr. blast furnance and coke plant, Provo, Utah, consulting engr. blast furnance plant, Duluth, Minn., blast fur- nace and steel plant, Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico, 1941-43, v.p. Chicago Office, since 1943; dir. Bagdad Copper Corp. Mem. 499 Am. Iron and Steel Inst., Eastern and Western Blast Furnace and Coke Assn., Iron and Steel Engr., Am. Inst. Mining and Metall. Engrs. Clubs: Acacia, Union League, Michigan. Republican. Home: 1611 Ridge Av., Evanston, 111. Office: Continental 111. Bank Bldg., Chicago, HI. HALL, C. Mitchel, professional engi- neer; b. Paintsville, Ky., 27 Mar. 1899; s. J. Melvin Hall, educator, judge, and Ellen (Davis) H. ; ed. Paintsville high sch., 1917; Sandy Valley Seminary; Georgetown Coll.; Grad Sch. of En- gring., Milwaukee, Wis., 1921; m. Hester Rice of Paintsville, Ky., 17 June 1920; children — Maurice M., Paul R. Engr., Ky. highway dept., 1921-29; engr., Mo. Highway Commn., 1929-41; Aus., 1942-46; pres. Hough Park Bd. ; served as pvt. during World War I, capt. and major, C. of E. World War II ; mem. Am. Le- gion, Ky. Hist. Soc, Mo. Soc. of Prof. Engrs., Nat. Geog. Soc, Tau Theta Kappa. Clubs: Jefferson City Engrs. (dir.), Hough Park Golf (pres., dir.), Author: A History of Johnson County and Eastern Ky. (2 vols.); Developments in Highway Location Surveys; One Hun- dred and Seven and Active; co-author: Supplementary Road Location and Drain- age. Travel: U.S. Interests: hist, read- ing, writing. Recreations: golf, hunting. Protestant. Democrat. Office: Missouri Highway Dept., Jefferson City, Mo. Home: Jefferson City, Mo. DRIVER, Leeotis Lincoln, educator; b. Stony Creek Twp., Randolph County, Ind., 22 Feb. 1867; s. Joah and Mary Ellen (Burres) D. ; grad. Central Normal Coll., Danville, Ind., 1883; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1919; A.M., Earlham Coll., Rich- mond, Ind., 1919; LL.D., Wabash Coll., Crawfordsville, Ind., 1921; m. Carrie Ann Wood, 15 Apr. 1886 (dec); children- Clarence William, Herschel Wood, Mary (dec), Agnes Juanita (dec). Teacher elementary schs., Randolph County, 1883 87; high sch., Winchester, Ind., 1895-1907 prin. high sch., Winchester, 1900-07; supt schs., Randolph County, 1907-20; dir. Bur Rural Edn., Dept. Public Instrn., Pa. 1920-27; director Bur. Rural Service same, 1927-31; dir. Division of Consolida tion and Transportation, 1931-27. Re ceived plaque of merit (1940) from Pa State Sch. Dirs. Assn. "in appreciation of meritorious service to rural edn. in Pa., 1920-37." Member N.E.A. (life) and Dept. Superintendency of same (one of organizers of rural div.), Pa. State Ednl. Assn. (pres. rural sch. sect. 1926-27), Ind. State Teachers Assn., Phi Delta appa; pres. Nat. Assn. Rural Sch. Supervisors and Inspectors, 1915-17; pres. Indiana County Supts. Assn., 1917. Repub- lican. Methodist. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Indiana School Masters, Torch, Eclectic, Author: History of Ran- dolph County, Indiana, 1914; also many articles on rural sch. consolidation. Home: 2615 N. 2d St., Harrisburg, Pa.; (winter) Oxford, Fla. Address: 2092 West- burn Rd., East Cleveland, O. STAMM, Frederick Keller, clergyman; b. Millheim, Pa., 27 Sept. 1883; s. John William (physician) and Annie Elizabeth (Keller) S.; A.B., Franklin and Marshall Coll. (Pa.), 1907; student Eastern Theol. Sem., 1907-10; D.D., Piedmont Coll. (Ga.), 1936; m. Mary Montgomery Grif- fith, 29 June 1910; children— Mary, Eliza- beth (Mrs. Charles K. Brightbill), Janet Bell, Margaret Jean (Mrs. Thomas E. Fellows). Ordained ministry The Re- formed Church in United States, 1910; Reformed Church pastorates at South Bend, Vandergrift, Butler and Reading (Pennsylvania) and Dayton, Ohio, 1910- 29; pastor Clinton Av. Congl. Church, Brooklyn, 1929-35; pastor Clinton Av. Community Church, Brooklyn, 1935-43; now pastor First Congl. Ch., Chicago; exchange pastor England and Scotland, 1935. Mem. Commn. on Preaching of the General Council of Congl. Chs. Mem. Abraham Lincoln Assn., Phi Kappa Tau. Mason (32d deg.), Knight of Pythias. Club: Irving. Author: Through Experi- ence to Faith, 1932; The Conversations of Jesus, 1939; Good News for Bad Times, 1941; In the Shadow of the Cross, 1942; Seeing the Multitudes, 1943; One Man's Religion. Contbr. to mags. ; radio preach- er Nat. Broadcasting Co. program High- lights of the Bible since 1930. Home: 321 N. Central Av., Chicago, HI. JOHNSTON, David Ira, lawyer; b. In- diana, Pa., 18 Aug. 1876; s. Robert Frank- lin and Lena Ann (Adams) J.; grad. Indiana (Pa.) State Normal Sch., 1899; LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1903. Began prac- tice at Oklahoma City, Okla., 1903; mem. Shartel Keaton & Wells, 1906-13; Keaton, Wells & Johnston, 1926, Keaton, Wells, Johnston & Barnes, 1926-36, Keaton, Wells & Johnston since 1936. Pres. Okla. Kendall Coll. (now Univ. of Tulsa), 1913- 17; mem. State Bd. of Edn., Okla., 1913- 14. Chmn. Okla. County Chapter Am. Red Cross. Member Am. Bar Assn., Oklahoma State Bar Assn. Republican. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Oklahoma City, Men's Dinner, Okla. City Golf and Country, Oklahoma. Home: 300 N. W. 17th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Office: Commerce Exchange Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. 500 MANION, Leo Eugene, first vice-presi- dent Federal Land Bank of Omaha; born Panama, Iowa, 16 February 1888; s. Michael and Bridget (Coyne) M. ; ed. pub. schs., Panama, la.; m. Muriel Spearman, 2 January 1913; 1 son, Rich- ard Spearman. Traveling collector and collection corr. Internat. Harvester Co., Council Bluffs, la., 1910-17; Land Bank appraiser, assigned to Fed. Land Bank of Omaha (Neb.), Dist. 8, 1917-19, assist- ant chief appraiser, Federal Land Bank of Omaha, 1923-26; vice-president Fed- eral Land Bank of Omaha in charge Iowa Loan division, 1933-34, v.p. and sec, 1934-36; v.p. in charge real estate dept., 1936-42, v.p. in charge new loans since 1942; appraiser and loan agent Lincoln (Neb.) Joint Stock Land Bank, 1919-23; reviewing appraiser Eighth Dist., Fed. Farm Loan Bd. Washington, D.C., 1926-28 ; chief appraiser First Trust Joint Stock Land Bank of Chicago (111.), 1928- 33. Democrat. Roman Catholic. K.C. Home: 2472 North 45th Av., Omaha, Neb. Office : Fed. Land Bank of Omaha, Farm Credit Bldg., Omaha, Neb. La COSS, Louis, journalist; b. Erie, Pa., 8 Jan. 1890; s. William Matthew and Caroline (Schimpff) La C. ; A.B., Univ. of Kan., 1911; m. Edith Gregory, 4 Apr. 1923 (died 1935) ; 1 son, Gregory Matthew; m. 2d, Edith Penn, 30 Jan. 1938. Newspaper reporter, San Diego Sun (Calif.), summer 1912, Kansas City Star, 1913, Parsons (Kan.) Sun, 1914; with Asso. Press, 1915-23, corr. in Mexico City, 1920-23; with Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, Mo., since 1923, beginning as spe- cial writer, became asst. editorial writer, 1936, editor of editorial page since June 1941. Served with Ambulance Corps »*•*' O.T.C., World War. Mem. Am. Soc. of Newspaper Editors, Kappa Sigma, Sig- ma Delta Chi, Phi Alpha Delta. Catho- lic. Home: 5510 Cabanne Av., St. Louis, Mo. Office: Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, Mo. JOSSELYN, Lloyd Wadleigh, library director; b. Bridgewater, Mass., 28 Jan. 1883; s. Edwin Dole and Isabella (Ayers) J.; B.S., Brown, 1907; m. Clara Barton Harvey, 21 Apr. 1910; children- Lloyd W. (dec), Elizabeth, Margaret; m. (2nd) Helen Hufford, 21 July 1945. Asst. Librarian, Brown Univ. Library, 1909; librarian University Club, Chicago, 1910-11; librarian Pub. Library, Jackson- ville, Fla., 1912-19; director public li- braries of Birmingham, and Jefferson County, Ala., 1920-26; vice-librarian Buff- alo (N.Y.) Pub. Library, 1926-32; lecturer library science, Univ. of Buffalo, 1926-32; reference librarian Purdue Univ., 1933- 42; librarian Wells Memorial Library, Lafayette, Idn., since 1943. Dir. library work Army and Navy camps of Fla. dur- ing World War. Mem. A.L.A., Phi Kappa Psi. Presbyterian. Club: Rotary. Home: 603 Russell St., Lafayette, Ind. Address: Wells Library, Lafayette, Ind. WEIDEMAN, Carl May, ex-congress- man; b. Detroit, 5 Mar. 1898; s. Herman Gustave and Christine S. (May) W.; stu dent Univ. of Mich., 1914-17; LL.B., De- troit Coll. of Law, 1921; m. Thelma Lucilla May, 10 Feb. 1920; 1 son, Carl May. Admitted to Michigan bar, 1921, and since that time in practice at De- troit; mem. Weideman and Kramer; mem. 73d Congress (1933-35), 14th Mich. Dist.; Circuit Court commr., Wayne County, Mich. Served in U. S. Navy, World War. Mem. State Bar of Mich., Am. Legion, Am. Turners (nat. pres.), Delta Theta Phi. Mason. Office: Wayne County Bldg., Detroit, Mich. JACKSON, Raymond Thomas, lawyer; b. Mineral Point, Wis., 26 Apr. 1892; s. John and Alice Mary (Reed) J.; A.B., Univ. of Wis., 1915, LL.B., 1917; m. Ethel Curry, 30 Sept. 1918. Admitted to Wis. bar, 1919, bar of U.S. Supreme Court, 1926, Ohio bar, 1929; began prac- tice at Milwaukee; moved to Mineral Point, 1920; mem. Fiedler, Jackson and Boardman, 1920-36; also member Baker, Hostetler and Patterson, Cleveland, O., since 1929. Served as enlisted man, later It., j.g., U.S. Navy, convoy duty on U.S. S. Frederick, 1917-19. Dist. atty., Iowa Coun- ty, Wis., 1920-24; spl. asst. atty. gen., Wis., and spl. counsel for Minn., Mich., Ohio, Pa. and New York, in lake-level litigation, 1926-29, spl. counsel for Minn., Mich., Wis. and Ohio, 1932-33 and 1934- 35. Mem. Am., Ohio State, Cleveland and Wis. State bar assns., Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi, Omicron Delta Gamma (Artus), Order of Coif. Republican. Meth- odist. Mason. Clubs: Union, Midday, Country; Bankers, Nat. Republican (New York). Home: 12608 Cedar Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. Office: Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, O. GRUENER, James Cole, regional ad- minstrn. SEC; b. Cleveland, O., 26 Nov. 1903; s. Hippolyte and May (Cole) G.; B.A., Yale, 1924; LL.B., Western Reserve Univ., 1928; m. Florence Crowell, 13 Nov. 1931. Admitted to O. bar, 1928; partner law firm Cull, Fuller & Laughlin, 1930- 37. 1st asst. ch., Ohio Div. of Securities, 1937-38; chief, Ohio Div. of Securities and asst. dir. commerce, State of Ohio, 1938- 39; asst. regional adminstr., Cleveland 501 Regional Office, SEC, 1939-42; regional atty., O.P.A., since 1942. Partner Cull, Gruener & Stearns since 1944. Mem. Cleveland bar assn. Democrat. Pres- byn. Club: Union. Home: 1961 Ford Dr., Cleveland, O. Office: Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, O. RANCK, Samuel Haverstick, librar- ian; b. nr. Lancaster, Pa., 23 Oct. 1866; s. Jacob Eby and Martha Bausman (Haverstick) R.; studied First Pa. Nor- mal Sch. (now Millersville State Teachers Coll.), 2 yrs.; A.B., Franklin and Mar- shall Coll., 1892, A.M., 1895, Litt. D., 1942; m. Judith A. Blackburn (Welles- ley College, 1897), 15 Oct. 1901 (died 4 Dec. 1936) ; children — Elizabeth Powell (Mrs. Charles E. Hodgman), Theodore Valentine, Wilson Marcy. Teacher in rural schools of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, winters 1885-86 and 1886- 87 ; engaged in library work during fresh- man year in college; librarian Goethean Society Library (about 6,000 volumes), 2 yrs., and re-catalogued it; librarian's asst., Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1892, asst. librarian, 1898-1904; librarian Pub. Library, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1 Oct. 1904-1 July 1941, retired; now librarian emeritus; chairman official city commit- tee to finance and develop the Garfield Memorial Gardens; chmn. citizens' com. which secured adoption of the block sys- tem of house numbering for the City of Grand Rapids. Editor : Franklin and Mar- shall Coll. Catalogue of Officers and Stu- dents, 1787-1930, with the addresses of those living, etc., 1903. Editor-in-chief of Franklin and Marshall Col. Alumni Assn. Pubis. (Almost 10 yrs.). Fellow Am. Li- brary Inst.; life mem. A.L.A. (exec, bd., 1915-18; 1st v.p., 1921-22; chmn. of the com. which drafted the resolution and secured its adoption by the A.L.A. that one dollar per capita of the population served is the minimum annual financial income required for reasonably adequate library service which resulted in the addition of millions of dollars to the support of public libraries; mem. coun- cil and chmn. various corns, for many years); life mem. Mich. State Hort. Soc; mem. Nat. Geographic Society, Am. Hist. Assn., Md. Hist. Soc, Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc, Mich. Pioneer and Hist. Soc (hon. life mem.), Hist. Soc. of Grand Rapids (sec since 1905), Bibliog. Society of Am., Mich. Library Assn., (pres. 1905-07, hon. life mem. 1942), Phi Beta Kappa (pres. Grand Rapids br.), Izaak Walton League of America. Mem. advisory council of alumni Franklin and Marshall College, 1903-38 (pres. 1903-28). Member Mich. State Bd. Library Commrs., 1919-21; A.L.A. librarian, Camp Custer, 1918; rep. of A.L.A. in Base Set. No. 1, France, at St. Nazaire, in charge over 300 libraries, Jan.-Aug. 1919. Awarded alumni gold medal "for distinguished service to his Alma Mater," 1937. Co-dir. to compile records of soldiers and sailors of Kent County, Mich.; mem., sec-treas. of board of trustees David Wolcott Kendall Me- morial Sch. of Art (since founding, 1928) ; founder, 1905, president Grand Rapids Anti-Tuberculosis Soc, 2 years., now hon. life v. p., member board directors. Elected by regents an hon. alumnus Univ. Mich., 1934; mem. Alumni Advisory Council, Univ. of Mich., since 1938. Clubs: Camera (honorary life), Grand Rapids Teachers Club (honorary life), Chamber of Commerce (honorary life), University (a founder; honorary life mem. 1942), Univ. of Mich. Alumni of Grand Rapids. As library expert has made surveys of li- braries and submitted recommendations as to reorganization or more efficient service, of pub. libraries Baltimore, Md., Montclair, N.J., Muskegon, Michigan, Michigan State Prison, etc. Served as member and secretary executive com- mittee of Campau Centennial Celebra- tion, commemorating 100th anniversary of arrival of Louis Campau, the founder of the city of Grand Rapids. Contributor many articles on library finance, li- brary ventilation and lighting, library architecture and planning, etc. Has canoed some 60 rivers in U.S. and Canada from source to mouth; now using vaca- tions, with son Wilson, to canoe route of Pere Marquette (about 4,000 miles). Home: 728 Prospect Av. S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich.; (summer) Woodbrooke Farm, Comstock Park, Mich. RORICK, Isabel Scott, writer; b. To- ledo, O., 13 Apr. 1900; s. Josiah and Elizabeth Wolcott (Doyle) Scott; ed. private schs., Toledo, and The Masters Sch., Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.; m. Celan Her- bert Rorick, 7 Oct. 1922; children— Horton Clifford, Elizabeth Wolcott. Charter mem. Junior League of Toledo. Mem. Pen and Brush Club, Authors League of America. Republican. Clubs: Toledo Country, Spring Brook Hunt (Toledo), Toledo Writers. Author: Mr. and Mrs. Cugat; The Record of a Happy Marriage, 1940; Outside Eden, 1945; and Short Stories. Home: 3574 Ridgewood Rd., Toledo, O. ROLFS, Robert H., pres. Amity Leather Products Co.; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 27 Feb. 1888; s. Henry and Eliza- beth (Goetter) R. ; student pub. schs.; m. Clara M. Blau., 17 Aug. 1921; chil- dren—Thomas, James, Robert. Former- ly sec. Enger Kress P. B. Co; estab. 502 Amity Leather Products Co., West Bend, Wis., now pres.; established Rolf's In- corporated, now president. Mem. C. of C. of U.S., Nat. Assn. Mfrs. (research com.). Republican. Roman Catholic. K.C. Clubs: Rotary, Milwaukee Athletic, Blue Mound Country. Office: Amity Leather Products Co., West Bend, Wis. SAPP, Arthur Henry, lawyer; b. Ravenna, O., 13 Jan. 1883; s. Charles Henry and Sarah (Hall) S.; A.B., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1907; student Univ. of Chicago; grad. Ind. Law Sen., Indian- apolis, 1912; m. Clara Yingling, 14 Oct. 1909; 1 dau., Helen Louise. Admitted to Ind. bar, 1912, and began practice at Huntington; mem. firm Sapp & Sees since 1926; pros, atty., 56th Judicial Dist., Ind., 1914-20; pres. Rural Bankers Legion Life Ins. Co. of Ind. Mem. Ind. Highway Commn., 1931-33; chmn. Ind. State Sch. Aid Commn., 1931, Conciliation Commn., Huntington County, since 1933; chmn. Ind. Peace Com.; mem. Ind. Publicity Com., 1940. Dir. James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Hosp. for Crippled Children; trustee De Pauw Univ., Warren Home for the Aged. Mem. nat. council Young Men's Christian Assn. Dist. Gov. Ind. Rotary Clubs, 1923-24; 1st v. p. Rotary Internat., 1925-26, pres., 1927-28. Mem. Am., Ind. State and Huntington bar assns., Phi Delta Theta. Mem. Gen. Conf. M.E. Ch., 1925; pres. North In- diana Conf. Laymen's Assn., M.E. Ch.; dir. Laymen's Commn. M.E. Ch. ; pres. Men's Commn. of M.E. Ch., 1932-34; chmn. governor's Commn. to choose site for Southern Indiana Tuberculosis Hosp., 1938. Republican. Mason (32d deg., Shriner), Elk. Clubs: Rotary (Hunting- ton) ; Columbia (Indianapolis) ; (Ft. Wayne Country, Lafontaine Country, Executives (Ft. Wayne). Home: 834 N. Jefferson St., Huntington, Ind. Office: 346 N. Jefferson St., Huntington, Ind. McINTOSH, Daniel Cobb, coll. dean; b. Newark, Greene County, Ind., 16 Oct. 1882; s. Jacob Perry and Nancy Ann (Crawford) McL; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1913, A.M., 1916, Ph.D., 1924; Ph.G., Indianap- olis (Ind.) Coll. of Pharmacy, 1908; B.S. in Agr., la. State Coll., 1920; m. Fanchon Moffett, 8 June 1922. Rural sch. teacher, 1900-03; 8th grade teacher; 1905-07; pharmacy worker, 1908-09; high sch. teacher and prin., 1909-10; county supt. of schs., Greene County, Ind., 1910-17; asst. prof, of agrl. edn., Univ. of Minn.. 1924-25; prof, of agrl. edn., Agr. and Mech. Coll. of Tex., 1925-28; visiting prof., Univ. of Tenn., summer, 1926; prof, of agr. and dean of grad. sch., Okla. Agr. and Mech. Coll. since 1928. En- listed in U.S. Army at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, 1917; stationed at Camp Shel- by; with 137th and 129th Machine Gun Batns., in France, 1918-19; disch. as 1st It., 1919. Mem. Am. Vocational Assn., Prog. Edn. Assn., N.E.A., Phi Delta Kappa, Gamma Sigma Delta, Delta Tau Delta. Mason (Scottish Rite; Shriner). Author: Agriculture for Elementary Schools, 1933; co-author and editor; Ag- riculture for Secondary Schools, 1934; Practical Agriculture for High Schools, 1937. Home: 71 College Circle, Stillwater, Okla. MONNETT, Francis Sylvester, lawyer; b. Kenton, O.; s. Thomas J. and Hen- rietta (Johnston) M.; A.B. and M.A., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, O., 1880; LL.B., Nat. Law Sch., Washington, D.C., 1882; m. Ella K. Gormly, 17 Feb. 1887. Admitted to Ohio bar, 1883, and began practice at Columbus; atty. gen. of Ohio, 1896-1900; anti-trust Republican un- til 1901, now Independent Republican. Prosecuted suits under Ohio anti-trust laws against Standard Oil Co. ; spl. coun- sel in prosecution of oil trust cases under President Roosevelt; spl. counsel for State of Okla. in constitutional contest before President Roosevelt. Mem. Am., Ohio State bar assns., Phi Kappa Psi. Address: 44 E. Bread St., Columbus, O. ANDERSON, Wendell W., pres. and treas. Bundy Tubing Co. Home: 211 Ven- dome Rd., Grosse Pointe, Mich. Offices: 10951 Hern Av., Detroit, Mich., and 4072 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. REED, Charles Dana, meteorologist; b. near Coon Rapids, la., 27 Feb. 1875; s. Dana and Alice Celesta (Webber) R. ; B.Agr., la. State Coll., 1894, M.Sc. in Agr., 1896; m. Elmeta C. McGuire, 12 Sept. 1897 (died 3 Mar. 1941) ; children— Noama (dec), Charles Dana, Charlotte Elmeta. Began as asst. in bacteriol. lab., la. State Coll., 1894; in charge la. State Coll. farm, 1895-96, of field experiments, la. Exptl. Sta., 1897; farmed, 1898; entered U.S. Weather Bur., at Vicksburg, Miss., 1899; served in Weather Bur., at Columbus, O., 1900, Omaha, Neb., 1900- 05, in charge at Sioux City, la., 1905-10, 1st asst. at N.Y. City, 1910-16, in charge at Des Moines, la., since 1918; exec, head weather and crop reporting and forecast service in la. ; retired from govt, service, 27 Feb. 1945; research prof., Agronomy Sect. la. Agr. Expt. Station, 1945; mem. faculty, School of Philosophy, U.S. Department Agriculture, Amarillo, Tex., Oct. 1940; non-resident lecturer in climatology, la. State Coll., since 1944. 503 Served as college cadet captain. Member Weather Bureau Committee of Science Advisory Board, 1933; technical advisor of Iowa Planning Ccmmn. ; chmn. super- visory com. Federal Employees Credit Union. Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. S.A.R. (la. pres. 1934-35) ; v.p. gen. Upper Miss. Valley states 1941-43, Am. Meteorol. Soc. (Minneapolis chmn. 1935; councilor 1936- 41), Iowa Acad. Science. Republican. Mem. Church of Christ (treas. la. Stu- dent Centers Foundation). Mason (32d deg.). Club: Des Moines Economic (1st pres.). Contbr. tech. articles. Office: U.S. Court House, Des Moines, la. Died 26 Oct. 1945. ANDREWS, Ella Belle Turrentine, teacher; b. Okalona, Ark., 1895; d. Arch- elaus Turrentine, minister, and Frances (Shannon) T.; ed. Arkadelphia high sch.; Henderson-Brown Acad.; A.B., Hen- derson-Brown Coll. ; Univ. Ark. ; m. Ches- ley Howard Andrews of Huttig, Ark., 1918; 1 dau. — Ruth Cornett. Teacher Eng., Ger. and hist, in Huttig High Sch., 1917-18; became invoice lumber clerk for Union Saw Mill Co., 1 June 1918; book- keeper and cashier for McNutt Supply Co., 1921; resumed teaching of math., sci., hist, and Eng. in Forrest City High Sch., 1921-23; teacher Eng., North Little Rock Jr. High, 1923-24; teacher math, and commercial, West Side Jr. High, Lit- tle Rock, 1924-34, East Side Jr. high, 1934- 45, Trans, to West Side, Sept., 1945; exec, com. mem. of W.T.A., Mem. P.T.A., N.E.A., Women's Chamber Commerce (Little Rock), Epsilon Phi, D.A.R. Club: Woman's City. Travel: Can., U. S. A. Father's life written up in books of Ark. Interest: vocal music. Recreations: tennis, basket ball, golf, riding. Method- ist. Democrat. Office: West Side Junior High School, Little Rock, Ark. Home: 1616 West 14th St., Little Rock, Ark. LEVIN, Samuel, labor orgn. exec; b. Moghiloff, Russia, 25 Dec. 1884; s. Solo- mon and Tamara (Klempert) L.; student Lewis Inst., Chicago, 111., 1906-07; m. Rose Dolnick, 2 Apr. 1911; children- Lawrence, Paul Beatrice (wife of Capt. J. Bornstein), Abigail. Came to U.S., 1905, naturalized, 1912. Clothing cutter, Chicago, 111.,. 1910-11; labor union official sine 1911; mgr. Chicago joint bd. Amal- gamated Clothing Workers of America since 1912; chmn. bd. Amalgamated Trust & Savings Bank; pres. Amalgam- ated Life & Health Ins. Co. Labor mem- ber, War Labor Board. Mem. Bd. of Edn., Chicago. Home: 5454 Everett Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 333 S. Ashland Av., Chicago, 111. WILLIAMS, Whiting, author, lecturer, consultant; b. Shelby, O., 11 Mar. 1878; s. B. J. and Ida (Whiting) W.; A.B., Oberlin, 1899, A.M., 1909; Univ. of Ber- lin, 1899-1900, Univ. of Chicago (dept. of theology), 1900-01; m. Caroline Harter, 5 Sept. 1906 (died 2 July 1938) ; children- Carol R. (dec), Harter Whiting; m. 2d, Dorothy Rogers, 4 Aug. 1941. Manager of Bureau University Travel, 1901-04: asst. to president Oberlin Coll., 1904-12; exec sec. Cleveland Welfare Fed., 1912- 16; special (group) agent, Equitable Life Assurance Soc, 1916-18; personnel dir. and v.p. Hydraulic Steel Corp., 1918-20; consulting editor "Factory" magazine since 1940. Laborer in coal mines, steel plants, etc., in U.S., Germany, France and Gt. Britain, 1919-23, also studied workers' conditions in Russia (twice), Italy, Central and South America and unemployment and prohibition conditions in mid-west and Canadian industrial cities, various times, 1925-38. Speaks French, German, Spanish, Italian. Lec- turer on labor and management prob- lems, Tuch Sch. Bus. Adminstrn. (Dart- mouth), and other schs. and univs. ; also before all types of orgns., U.S. and Can- ada. Dir. Bonnot Co. Adviser to large employers on personnel ad public rela- tions. Member Hoover Com. Food for Smaller Democracies. Trustee Cleveland School of Art, Bureau University Travel, Hiram H'se, (Cleveland). Member Na- tional Panel of Arbitrators since 1940. Fellow Royal Geographical Society (London) ; mem. Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science, Soc for Advancement Management, Am. Management Assn., Am. Econ. Assn., Personnel Research Federation. Decorated Order St. Sava (Serbian). Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Union, Philosophical, City, Cham- ber of Commerce (Cleveland); Harvard, Dutch Treat (New York) ; Cosmos (Wash- ington). Author: What's on the Worker's Mind?, 1920; Full Up and Fed Up, 1921; Horny Hands and Hampered Elbows, 1922; Mainsprings of Men, 1925; also numerous articles on industrial and social, problems in U.S., Europe and Latin America. Home: 2257 Tudor Dr., Cleveland, O. Address: 3030 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. LANE, Wallace Rutherford, lawyer; b. Whateley, Mass., 12 Aug. 1876; s. John William and Mary (Haynes) L. ; prep, edn., Hopkins and Williston acad- emies; hon. A.M., Brown Univ., 1927; LL.B., Yale, 1900; m. Gertrude Gard- ner, 2 July 1901; children— Esther (Mrs. George T. Moore), Josephine (Mrs. Geo. 504 D. Busher), John W. Admitted to Conn, bar, 1900; practiced at Des Moines, la., 1901-10, also serving same period as prof, law, Highland Park Coll., and lec- turer on patent, trademark and unfair competition law at Drake Univ. and Univ. of Neb.; sr. mem. Parkinson & Lane, Chicago, organized 1910 and spe- cializing in patent, corp., trademark and unfair competition law; counsel for many mfg. and mercantile cos.; lectures at Practising Law Institute, New York, 1941 and 1942. Apptd. by President Cool- idge, 1925, as del., representing U.S., to Internat. Conv. for Protection of Indust- rial Property, the meeting resulting in treaty ratified by U.S. Senate, 1930; v. chmn. Lawyers' Nat. Com. to Increase Federal Judges' Salaries, 1925-26. Mem. Scarlet Fever Com. Elected tr. Brown Univ., 1928, Williston Acad., 1930, Hop- kins Acad., 1931. Mem. Am. Bar Assn. (chmn. patent sect. 1920), 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Bar Assn. City of New York, Am. Patent Law Assn. (pres. 1922,23), Chicago Patent Law Assn. (p. 1924), Yale Law Sch. Assn. (exec, coun- cil), Cum Laude Soc. (hon. 1930), Beta Theta Pi, Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Gamma Mu, Book and Gavel Soc. Republican. Conglist. Clubs: Yale Univ., Brown Univ. (pres. 1923), Uni- versity, Mid-Day (Chicago) ; Glenview Golf (111.); R.I. Country. Home: 1426 Chicago Av., Evanston, 111. Office: Bankers Bldg., Chicago, 111. WECKLER, Herman L., pres. Dodge Bros. Corp.; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., 31 Aug. 1888; s. August L. and Elizabeth (Hor- nung) W. ; student Carnegie Inst. Tech., 1905-10; children— Harold A., James L., Inez E., July Lee. In engineering div. Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., to 1908; shop engr. Am. Locomo- tive Works, Pittsburgh, 1908-11; later with Buick Motor Corp., Flint, Mich., works mgr., to 1932; with Chrysler Cor- poration, Detroit, Mich., since 1932, v.p. and gen. mgr. De Soto div., 1935-37, v.p. Chrysler Corp., 1935-37, dir., v.p. and gen. mgr., 1940—; pres. Dodge Bros. Corp. since 1943. Mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs. Mason. Clubs: Athletic, Detroit, Grosse Pointe Yacht, The Country. Of- fice: 341 Massachusetts Av., Detroit, Michigan. Home: 845 Edgemont Park, Grosse Pointe, Mich. BARD, A. T. president, Reliance Mfg. Co.; b. New Carlisle, Ind., 18 Mar. 1889; s. John Edward and Emma Christine (Nicklas) ; m. Anna Mickelsen, 25 Nov. 1911; children— Albert O., Robert E. Started with the Reliance Mfg. Co., in 1901 and advanced to such positions as cutting room foreman, 1909, factory superintendent, 1914, district superin- tendent, 1918, director of mfg., 1928, vice pres., 1942, pres., since 1944. Swe- dish Lutheran. Mason. Clubs: South Shore Country, Chicago, 111. Athletic. Home: 4940 East End Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 212 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. HILL, Roger, educator; b. Woodstock 111., 25 May, 1895; s. Noble and Grace (Rogers) H. ; A.B., Univ. of 111., 1916; m. Hortense Gettys, 10 June 1916; chil- dren — Joan, Betty Jane, Roger Gettys. Began as advertiser and writer, 1916; became connected, 1920, with the Todd School for Boys, of which has been prin. since 1928. Clubs: Cliff Dwellers, Ta- vern, Columbia Yacht, Great Lakes Cruising (Chicago.). Author: numerous text books and magazine articles. Ad- dress : Woodstock, 111. SLOCUM, George Mertz, publisher; b. Caro, Mich., 24 Jan. 1889; s. Grant and Ada (Mertz) S.; m. Mabel Hipkins, 6 Apr. 1915. Entered advt. business with Brownell-Humphrey Agency, Detroit, in 1909; organized Slocum & Trump, advt. agency, 1912; publisher of The Gleaner, farm magazine, 1915, Power Farming, 1920; consolidated with Mich. Ohio- Penn. Farmers, 1928; v.p. Capper-Har- man-Slocum, Inc., 1928; bought Auto- motive News, 1932; pres., Slocum Pub- lishing Co.; dir., Evans Products Co.; tr. Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, Vil- lage Grosse Pointe Shores; sec, Civic Opera Assn. of Detroit; mem. Advt. Fed. of Am. (nat. pres., 1937-39), Detroit Bd. of Commerce (dir.), Mich. Humane Soc, Detroit Symphony Orch. (dir.); served in U.S. Navy, World War I. Presbyte- rian. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Adcraft, (pres., 1933), Old Club, Grosse Pointe Yacht (commodore, 1937-38); Ad- vertising (New York) ; Sailfish, Ever- glades (Palm Beach, Fla.); Wings (New York). Home: 29 Roslyn Rd., Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich., Winter res.: 205 N. Lakeside Dr., Lake Worth, Fla. Office: Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. ORR, Paul Frederick, physician; b. Holton, Kan., 5 Sept. 1898; s. Robert John Orr and Carrie Susanna (Ebert) O.; ed. Cameron high sch.; B.S., Okla. State Coll., 1915; M.S., la. State Coll.. 1918; M.D., Harvard Univ., 1925; m. Dor- othy Alice Dean of Boston, Mass., 1921; 1 dau. — Laurie Ann. Grad. asst. in chem., Okla. State Coll., 1915-16; res. fellow in bacteriol., la. State Coll., 1917-18; Chas. Follen Folsom Teaching Fellow in hy- giene, Harvard Med. Sch., 1918-21, asst. 505 in path., 1923-34; mem. med. staff, Hen- ry Ford Hosp., 1925; State Med. Insp., Mich. Dept. of Health and Commr. of Health, Toledo, O., 1925-29; practice of internal medicine, 1929 — ; mem. A.M.A., Am. Pub. Health Assn., Ohio State Med. Assn., Toledo Acad. Med., Alpha Omega Alpha, Phi Kappa Phi, Theta Kappa Psi. Clubs: Harvard (Toledo), Nat. Ex- change, Toledo. Author: med. arts, for sci. jours. Interest: antiques. Recrea- tion: tennis, yachting. Methodist. Repub- lican. Office: 560 East 6th St., Perrys- burg, O. WIMBERLY, Lowry Charles, prof. English; b. Plaquemine, La., 25 Dec. 1890; s. Charles Perry William and Betty Beeman (Lowry) W. ; student Woodbine (la.) Normal Sch., 1905-09, Morningside Coll., summer, 1911; A.B., Univ. of Neb., 1916, A.M., 1920, Ph.D., 1925; studied Co- lumbia, summer 1918; m. Ida May Boyn- ton, 14 Feb. 1910; children— Ruth Lucile (Mrs. D. V. Sarbach), Steve Boynton, Martha May (Mrs. Eugene Penton), T/4 Ben Lowry. Has been connected with Uni- versity of Nebraska since 1917; instr. English until 1925, asst. prof., 1925-27, asso. prof., 1927-28, prof, since 1928; prof. English, Univ. of S. Dak., summer, 1931. Original researches in folklore of English and Scotch popular ballads. Mem. Mod- ern Lang. Assn. America, Am. Folk-Lore Soc, Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Neb. Writ- ers Guild, Midland Authors, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Sigma Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa. Democrat. Presbyterian. Mason. Club: Cosmopolitan. Author: Death and Burial Lore in the English and Scottish Popular Ballads, 1927; Folklore in English and Scottish Ballads, 1928. Co-author: Using Better English, 1937. Compiler and edi- tor: Famous Cats of Fairyland, 1938. Edi- tor: Essays on Agriculture, 1921; Ideas and Models, 1935; Prairie Schooner Cara- van, 1943, Mid Country, 1945. Editor in chief Prairie Schooner (quarterly mag.). Contbr. to mags. Home: 3201 R. St., Lincoln, Neb. PETERSON, Arthur Perry, electrical engineer; b. Stillwater, Minn., 20 May 1894; s. Peter W. Peterson and Olianna M. P.; ed. Stillwater high sch.; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1919; m. Julia Harrison of Cherokee, la., 9 Dec. 1921; children- Joan Hall, Alan Abbott. Sec. to mgr., Elec. Mach. Co. of Minneapolis, 1919-20; asst. to chief engr., Tri State Tel. Co., St. Paul, 1920; instr., Coll. Engring. Univ. Minn., 1920-23; field rep., Nat. Elec. Con- tractors Assn., 1923-26; mgr., Maryland Assn. of Electragists, Baltimore, 1927-29; bus. counsellor, Minneapolis, Minn., 1929- 30; pres., Control Corp. and predecessor Co., 1931 — ; pres., dir., Control Corp.; engr. reserve corps., radio instr. during World War I; mem. A.I.E.E., Automatic Stations Comm. of A.I.E.E., Masons, Prof. Men's Club of Minn., Am. Legion. Clubs: Prof. Men's (Minn.), Engrs. (Minneapolis). Author: inventor of auto- matic synchronizer, telemetering equip- ment, supervisory control, voltage regu- lator. Interest: stamp collecting. Recrea- tions: bowling, fishing. Congregationalist. Republican. Office: 718 Central Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 5010 3rd Av. So., Minneapolis, Minn. MYERS, Lewis A., religious journalist, minister; b. Pinola, Miss., 19 Mar. 1893; s. W. F. Walker, postal employee and farmer, and Emma (Shivers) M. ; ed. Pinola high sch.; Miss. Normal Sch.; Miss. Coll., 1914-16; LL.B., Univ. of Miss., 1922; B.E., Southwestern Bapt. Sem., 1925, Ed. M., 1926; completed res. work for doctorate, 1929; m. Anne Mosteller of Greenville, Tex., 4 Aug. 1925. Owner and ed., Simpson Co. News; teacher and ed., Southwestern Sem., 7 yrs.; pastor and denomination field worker, 10 yrs.; teacher, pub. and high schs., 4 yrs.; ed., Ark. Baptist, 2 yrs., ed. and mgr.; served in Miss. Legis., 4 yrs.; pvt. in aviation corps, 1 yr. during World War I; mem. Ministerial Alliance, Masons, So. Rel. Eds. Assn. (v. pres.). Club: Fine Arts (hon. mem.). Author: Principles and Technique Religious Journalism; many tracts, booklet, Industrial History South Mississippi. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. In- terests : collecting materials on programs and project in rel. field. Baptist. Demo- crat. Office: 211 Hollenberg Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Home: 2405 Chester St., Little Rock, Ark. WHEELER, Walter Hall, prof, engr.; b. Potsdam, N. Y., 15 Apr. 1883; s. Charles Hall and Frances Spencer (Knowles) W. ; E.M., Sch. of Mines Univ. of Minn., 1906; m. Eva M. Blasdell, 1 Feb. 1911; 1 son, Frank Knowles Blas- dell (officer, U.S. Navy). Mining and construction engineer Colorado Fuel & Iron Company, Trinidad, Colorado, 1906- 07; chief engineer and superintendent constrn. Dawson Fuel Co., N.M., Apr.- Nov. 1907 ; partner Jones & Wheeler, Den- ver, 1907-08; sec, treas. and chief engr. Jones-Wheeler-Cranmer Engring. Co., 1908-12; mem. Charles H. Wheeler & Son, real estate, building and investments, 1908-31; cons, practice, Minneapolis, since 1912. Engr. for Hennepin County, Minn., in charge location design and constrn. of Ft. Snelling-Mendota bridge nr. Minnea- 506 polis (largest multiple arch reinforced concrete bridge in the world), 1923-27; engr. and architect Cream of Wheat Co.'s factory and gen. office bldg., Minnea- polis, also of reinforced concrete and brick athletic stadium, Univ. of N.D.; etc. Inventor of "smooth ceilings" system of reinforced concrete; cons, structural engr. U. S. Treasury Dept., U.S. Ap- praisers' Stores Bldg., Baltimore, Md. ; advisory engr. RFC, 9th Federal Reserve Dist. ; cons, architect, engr., Minneapolis Armory Bldg. Mem. Standard Bldg. Code Com. and com. on design of reinforced concrete slabs of Am. Concrete Inst. In Red Cross and other campaigns, World War. Dir. and chmn. bldg. com. Ft. Snelling Chapel Assn. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Engineers Club (Minneapolis), Minn. Assn. Professional Engrs., Nat. Soc. Professional Engrs. (dir.), May- flower Soc, S.A.R., Alpha Delta Phi, Theta Tau. Republican. Presbyterian. Contbr. on engring. and tech. subjects. Home: 4209 Dupont Av. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Office: Metropolitan Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. WILSON, Samuel Bailey, lawyer; b. Price's Branch, Mo., 12 May 1873; s. Charles and Rebecca (Sutherland) W.; grad. Mankato (Minn.) Normal Sch., 1894; LL.B., Univ. of Minm, 1896; m. Daisy Sheehan, 21 June 1898; children — Samuel Bailey, Jr. (dec), Phyllis, Corol. Admitted to Minn, bar, 1896, and prac- ticed at Mankato; judge Probate Ct., Mankato, 1898; county atty. Blue Earth County, Minn., 3 terms, 1900-06; pres., dir. Mankato Citizens Telephone Co. ; dir. Nat. Citizens Bank; chief justice Su- preme Ct. of Minn., 1923-33 resigned 1933 to practice law at Mankato. Dir. Safety Commn., Blue Earth County, World War, also Govt, appeal agt., food adminstr., dir. Bur. War Industires for the dist., and field agt. Bur. War Risk Ins.; pres. Blue Earth County Safety Assn. and mem. Legal Advisory Bd. Mem. Am., Minn. State and Blue Earth County bar assns. Republican. Presby- terian Mason (32d deg.), K.T., Elk, Woodman, etc. Club: University. Home: Mankato, Minn. WILLIAMS, Robert Lee, judge; b. Brundidge, Ala., 20 Dec. 1868; s. Jona- than and Sarah Julia (Paul) W.; M.A., Southern Univ. (now Birmingham-South- ern Coll.), Greensboro, Ala., 1894, LL.D., 1913; LL.D., Tulsa Univ., 1934; unmar- ried. Admitted to bar, 1891, and be- gan practice Troy, Ala.; went to Atoka, Indian Territory, 1896, and 6 months later to Durant; city atty., Durant; 1899; mem. Ind. Ty. Dem. Com., 1902-04; Dem. Nat. Com., 1904-08; mem. Okla. Constl. Conv., 1906-07; chief justice Supreme Ct. of Okla., 1907-08; reelected for term 1909- 15; resigned 10 Mar. 1914; gov. of Okla., term 1915-19; U.S. judge, Eastern Dist. of Okla., 19 Feb. 1919-37; became U.S. Circuit Judge Tenth Circuit, 26 Apr. 1937; retired 31 Mar. 1939, but continued to serve. Mem. Okla. State Hist. Soc. (pres.), Am. Bar Assn., Alpha Tau Omega (Ala. Beta Beta Chapter). Meth- odist. Mason (32d deg.). Author: Con- stitution and Enabling Act of Okla., An- notated. Home: Durant, Okla. WHITE, Robert Culin, railroad exec; b. Bertrand, Mo., 8 Feb. 1881; s. Jesse K. and Anne (Barry) W. ; student Mo. State Univ., 1900-02, U.S. Mil. Acad., 1902-05; m. Carlotta Newbrandt, 15 June 1910 (died 10 Jan. 1942). Asst. engring. corps, M.P. R.R. Co., 1905-06, asst. div. engr., Sedalia, Mo., 1906-07, roadmas- ter, 1907-08, div. engr., 1908-12, asst. en- gineer on spl. work, 1912-13, gen. road- master, 1913-14, Southern Dist. engr., 1914-17, div. supt., 1917-18, asst. chief engr., 1918-20, gen. supt. Eastern Dist., 1921-24, engr. maintenance of way sys- tem, 1924-25, asst. gen. mgr., 1925-41; chief operating officier since Oct. 1941; v.p., mgr., and dir. of various other railway companies. Chief engr., U. S. War Dept., in charge constrn. of Camp Pike, Ark., June-Nov., 1917. Clubs Rac- quet, Noonday, Bellerive Country. Of- fice: Missouri Pacific Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 14 N. Kingshighway, St. Louis, Mo. VALE, Clair Fremont, surgeon; b. Ewington, O., 31 July 1887; s. Fremont Fordyce and Margaret Ella (Ewing) V.; prep. edn. Ewington Acad.; A.B., Wash- ington and Tusculum Coll., Greenville, Tenn., 1909; student Princeton, 1909-12; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1916; unmarried. Resident surgeon Receiving Hosp., De- troit, 1919-22; pvt. practice since 1922; instr. surgery, Wayne Univ. School of Medicine, 1920-27, asst. prof., 1927-36, clin. prof, since 1936; pres. Receiving Hosp., 1933; attending surg. Receiving Hosp.; chief of surg. div. Florence Crit- tenton Hosp. since 1930, pres., 1932-36; asso. surgeon Harper Hosp.; visiting surgeon East Side Gen. Hosp. and Jen- nings Hosp. With Med. Corps, U.S. Ar- my, 1918-19, adjt. base hospital, Camp Mills. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons, Am. Bd. of Surgery, A.M. A.; mem. Mich. State and Wayne County med. socs., Central Surg. Assn., Am. Diabetic As- sociation, Detroit Acad. Surgery (pres. 507 1938-39), Detroit Acad, of Medicine, Am. Acad, of Polit. and So. Science, Nu Sigma Nu. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: De- troit Medical, Detroit Athletic, Meadowbrook Country, Players, Eco- nomic. Home: 620 Merrick Av., Detroit, Mich. Office: David Whitney Bldg., De- troit, Mich. LEUDER, Arthur Charles, auditor of public accounts State of 111.; b. Elm- hurst, 111., 12 Mar: 1876; s. John and Juliane (Brummund) L.; student Elm- hurst Coll., 1885-90, Chicago Law Sch.; m. Martha R. Mueller, 6 Apr. 1904; chil- dren—Roland G., Ruth H. (Mrs. Frank E. Wardecker). Employed by Madlung & Eidmann, real estate, 1890-1902, later engaged in real estate business inde- pendently; postmaster, Chicago, 1921-33; auditor of public accounts, State of 111. Served with First 111. Vol. Inf. in Cuba in 1898. Pres. Uhlich Orphan Home, Chi- cago, since 1938. Former sec. Chicago Real Estate Bd. ; former pres. Manhat- tan Brewing Co.; former secretary and treasurer Cook County Real Estate Bd. Former member Police Pension Board (Chicago) ; mem. Elmhurst Coll. Alum- ni, Chicago Law School Alumni, Chicago Historical Soc, Field Museum, Art Inst., Vereran Corps (131st Inf.), U.S. War Vets., Old Timers Baseball Assm. Clubs: German of Chicago (past v.p., past treas.), Germania Club (former dir.). Home: 636 Patterson Av., Springfield, 111. Office: Springfield, 111.; and 33 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. FARRELL, William W., pres. Merc. Nat. Bank of Chicago; b. Chicago, HI., 27 Jan. 1886; s. William P. and Mary E. (Sollitt) F.; m. Helen Soderberg, 16 Apr. 1932. With Merc. Nat. Bank of Chicago since 1912, pres. since 1936, dir. since 1925; dir. and mem. exec. com. U. S. Cold Storage Corp.; dir. Lake Erie & Eastern R.R. Co. Clubs: Chicago, Chi- cago Athletic Assn., Bankers, Oak Park Country. Home: 5912 W. Adams Blvd., Chicago, 111. Office: 541 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. HUTTIG, Charles Musser, v.p. Huttig Sash & Door Co.; b. St. Louis, Mo., 3 June 1901; s. Charles Henry and Annie (Musser) H. ; student Cluver Military Acad., 1915-19; student Colgate Univ., 1920-22; m. Margaret Josephine Mullal- ly, 20 Jan. 1928; children— Charles Mus- ser, Margaret M., Mary Ann, Katharine M. Salesman Huttig Sash & Door Co., St. Louis, 1922-26, v.p. since 1934. Demo- crat. Home: 37 Washington Ter., St. Louis, Mo. Office: 1206 Vandeventer Av., St. Louis, Mo. EVANS, Franklin B. partner Paul H. Davis & Co.; b. Chicago, 111., 27 Dec. 1894; s. Raymond O. and Ermine (Furshtenheim) E.; m. 25 June 1917, Arline Brown (dec); children — Robert, Franklin B., Jr.; ed. Univ. of Chicago, 1915; Univ. of 111., 1916; studied engring., Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland, 1917. Ju- nior Engr., Automobile Assn. of Am., 1914, Apperson Bros., Kokomo, Ind., 1915-16; consulting practice, Chicago, 1918-22; supt. engr., bd. of edn., Chicago, 1922-27; joined Paul H. Davis & Co., 1929, made partner, Jan. 1931. Pres. and gen. mgr., Berghoff Brewing Corp., Fort Wayne, Ind.; dir. Berghoff Brew- ing Corp., G. Heileman Brewing Corp., Schwitzer-Commins Co. Mem. S.A.E., Psi Upsilon. Mason. Clubs: Chicago, South Shore Country (Chicago), Adven- turers. Home: South Shore Country Club, 7059 S. Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Of- fice: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. HOFFMANN, Briggs A., v.p. Lawton- Byrne-Bruner Ins. Agency Co.; b. St. Louis, Mo., 23 Nov. 1892; s. Reinhold A. and Mary Virginia (Estes) H.; ed. St. Louis Pub, Sch.; m. Paula Forster, 1 June 1918; children— Forster (dec), Briggs, Jr., Katherine F. Vice-pres. and gen. mgr. Hoffmann Son & Co., 1920-33; vice-pres., sales mgr. Lawton-Byrne- Bruner Ins. Agency Co. since 1933. Mem. Insurance Advt. Conf., C. of C; chmn. United Charities Drive, St. Louis, 1937; v.p. Am. War Dads, Missouri Sub-Busters branch of Civil Air Patrol. Author: The insurance Audit Survey, textbook on in- surance, 1932; various articles in Insur- ance Trade mags. Clubs: Racquet, Pro- peller (pres.), Missouri Athletic, Adver- tising (St. Louis). Home: St. Regis Apts., St. Louis, Mo. Office: Pierce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. JENKINS, William J., pres. and gen. mgr. Consolidated Coal Co.; also offr. and dir. other cos. Home : 709 S. Skinner, St. Louis, Mo. Office: 2069 Railway Ex- change Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. GARFIELD, Clement W., pres. First Nat. Bank in Humboldt, lawyer; b. Hum- boldt, lawyer; b. Humboldt, la., 18 Mar. 1891; s. George S. and Mary E. (White) G.; B.A., la. State Univ., 1912, LL.B., 1914; m. Pearl Elliott, 17 Nov. 1923; 1 dau., Mary E. Admitted to la. bar, 1914, and since practiced in Humboldt; pres. First Nat. Bank in Humboldt (la.) since 1933; pres. A. B. White Co. Club: 508 Country (Humboldt). Home: 312 N. Taft St. Office: Doan Bldg., Humboldt, la. CURRAN, Con. P., Jr., pres. Con P. Curran Printing Co. Address: 102 S. 8th St. Louis, Mo. BUCHEN, Walther, pres. The Buchen Co.; b. Theresa, Wis., 22 Dec. 1886; s. William and Augusta (Walther) B.; A.B., Univ. of Wis., 1911; A.M., Univ. 111., 1913; m. Margaret Louise Head, 25 Oct. 1915; children — Elizabeth Head (Mrs. Albert F. Winston), Esther Reed (Mrs. Werner Pese), Walther Head. Mem. faculty, Univ. of 111., 1911-15; advt. writer, J. Walter Thompson Co., Erwin Wasey Co., Chicago, 1915-19; v.p. Gardner Advertis- ing Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1919-20; plan and production mgr. J. Walter Thompson Co., 1920-22; pres. The Buchen Co., advt. agency, Chicago, since 1923; dir. Univer- sal Motor Co., Chicago Fresh Air Hosp. ; trustee Ripon Coll. Mem. Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Delta Chi, Cosmopolitan (Univ. of 111.). Clubs: University, Chi- cago, Tavern, Adventures'; Indian Hill (Winnetka). Home: 605 Arbor Vitae Rd., Winnetka, 111. Office : 400 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. ASHBROOK, Ernest Shepardson, pres. and treas. North Am. Life Ins. Co.; b. Granville, Ohio, 12 1879; s. Milan P. and Lucy P. (Shepardson) A.; A.B., Dension Univ., 1902; m. Betty M. Hughes, 21 Nov. 1925. Began as cashier and asst. credit man, wholesale candy house, Chicago, 111., 1902-04; salesman Baker- Vawter Co., N.Y. City, 1905, St. Joseph, Mo., 1906- 09; with North Am. Life Ins. Co., Chi- cago, since 1909, successively mgr. in Topeka, Kans., 1910, mgr. S.W. dept, Kansas City, Mo., 1911-19, v.p., Chicago, 1919-26, pres. since 1927, treas. since 1944. Republican. Mason. Club: Chicago Athletic Assn. Home: 3000 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. Office: 36 S. State St., Chi- cago, 111. DAVIS, Chester R. v.p. and trust offi- cer Chicago (111.) Title & Trust Co.; b. St. Charles, 111., 27 Feb. 1896; s. Perry H. and Lydia (Buhl) D.; B.A., Lake Forest (111.) Coll.; LL.B., Univ. of 111.; m. Mead Scoville, 12 Oct. 1929; children — Chester R., Richard Scoville, Jean Kathleen. Admitted to bar; now dir., Chicago Title & Trust Co., Cribben & Sexton Co., Zeigler Coal Co., E. R. Moore Co., Kramer Manufacturing Op- ticians, Inc., Chicago Gravel Co., Chi- cago Railways Co. Member board of dirs. Shriner Hosp. for Crippled Chil- dren. Trustee Univ. of 111., Lake Forest (111.) Coll. Mem. Am. Legion, Alpha Del- ta Phi, Phi Pi Epsilon, Phi Delta Phi. Mason, 32d deg., K.T., Srhiner. Clubs: Army and Navy (Chicago, 111.); Forty, Law, Legal, Rehearsal, Mid-Day, Uni- versity (Chicago) ; Country (St. Charles, 111.). Home: "Oakenwald," Wayne. 111. Office: 69 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. DONNELLEY, Robert B., pres. Cen- tral Waxed Paper Co. Home: 200 N. Menard Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 5659 Taylor St., Chicago, 111. FISCHER, Louis Engelmann, pres. Kansas-Neb. Natural Gas Co., Inc.; chmn. Mo. Rolling Mill Corp.; b. O'Fal- lon, 111., 30 Aug. 1876; s. Louis and Jo- sephine (Engelmann) F; B.S. in C.E., Univ. of 111.; m. Mary McCord, 3 July 1901. Served as vice-pres. and gen. mgr. 111. Traction Systems, 1901-09. Engaged in private practice as cons, engr., 1909- 26. Pres. Kansas Pipe Line & Gas Co. (now Kan. -Neb. Natural Gas Co., Inc.) since 1936; also serves as chmn. of Mo. Rolling Mill Corp. Pres. Fischer Farm- ing Co. Club: Union League (Chicago) Chicago. Author: Economics of Interur- ban Railways, 1924. Home: 1500 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 10, 111. Office: 231 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 4, 111. MATHEWS, Harry B., Jr., pres. Miss. Lime Co.; b. St. Louis, Mo., 25 Sept. 1888; ed. private sch. ; m. Constance An- drews; children-^Harry B. Ill, Robert Fulton, Margaret Dillion. Pres. Miss. Lime Co., Alton, 111., Miss. Lime Co. of Mo., Ste. Genevieve, Mo. ; dir. Miss. Val- ley Trust Co., St. Louis, Mo. Republican. Episcopalian. Home: Farimount Addi- tion, Alton, 111. Office: 7 Alby St., Alton, 111. BAHR, Carl W., lumberman; b. Ver- don, S.D., 16 Dec. 1900; s» Charles and Anna M. (Creese) B. ; B.S., Georgetown Univ., 1924; m. Grace A. Dunn, 14 Apr. 1925; children — Carl W., Grace. Econo- mist U.S. Tariff Commn., 19*22-27, Nat. Lumber Mfrs. Assn., 1927-33; sec. -treas. Lumber Code Authority, 1933-34; asst. sec. Nat. Lumber Mfrs. Assn., 1934-36; president Calif. Redwood Assn., 1936-39; gen. mgr. Calif. Redwood Distributors, Ltd., since 1939. Apptd. mem. Softwood Mfrs. Advisory Com., War Prodn. Bd., 1942. Mem. Delta Phi Epsilon. Club: University. Home: 550 Cedar St., Win- netka, 111. Office: 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111. CARR, George Russell, mfg. chemist; b. Argenta, 111., 23 Jan. 1877; s. Robert Franklin (M.D.) and Emily A. (Smick) C; B.S., Univ. of 111., 1901; m. Katherine 509 M. Mortenson, 15 July 1913 (dec); chil- dren — Mrs. Katherine Henze, Mrs. Mar- tha Fareed. Chmn. of Board Dearborn Chem. Co.; chmn. Locomotive Firebox Co., Chicago; chmn. Apex Ry. Prod. Co., Chicago. Mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Art Inst, of Chicago (life). Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Chicago, Univer- sity, Casino, Chicago Athletic Assn., S. Shore Country, Old Elm, Commercial of Chicago, Traffic. Home: 209 E. Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Office: 310 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. GILLARDE, Lorenzo, pres. L. Gillarde Co.; b. Litchfield, 111., 23 Oct. 1886; s. John and Antoinette (Daqula) G. ; student pub. schs., Litchfield, 111.; m. Anna So- dear, 10 Jan. 1909; children — Antoinette, Louise, John, Lawrence. Engaged in wholesale jobbing business, Springfield, 111., 1905-10; pres. L. Gillarde Co., whole- sale fruit and vegetable dealers, Chicago, 111., with branches at Phoenix, and Yuma, Ariz., Los Angeles, El Centro, Salinas, Santa Maria, Modesto, and Fresno, Calif., Alamosa, Colo., Seattle, Wash., Caldwell, Ida., and St. Louis, Mo., since 1924, pres. Snow-Ice, Inc., Chicago since 1937. Mem. United Commercial Travelers Assn. Roman Catholic. Elk. Clubs: Ridgemoor Country, International, Key (Chicago). Home: 449 Barry Av., Chi- cago, 111. Office: 79 S. Water Market, Chicago, 111. HECHT, Louis C. W., president St. Louis County National Bank; b. St. Louis County, Mo., 1 Mar. 1894; s. John and Mary (Krueger) H. ; student Con- cordia Coll., Springfield, 111., m. Lillian Buser, 7 May 1919; children — Virginia M., Jeanette P., H. Louis, Lillian L., Carl E. Exec. v. p. St. Louis County Bank, now St. Louis County National Bank, 1936-41, pres. oince 1941. Served as State, Fed. Reserve and Nat. bank examiner. Mem. Am. Legion. Republican. Lutheran. Dir. Clayton Fed. Sav. & Loan Assn., Land Title Ins. Corp.; tr. Creve Coeur Lake Memorial Park. Home: R.F.D. No. 1, Craig Rd., Creve Coeur, Mo. Office: 8000 Forsythe Blvd., Clayton, Mo. JARVIS, Lewis A., president Doehler- Jarvis Corp.; b. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1 Aug. 1890; s. William Brown and Johanna (Wolma) J.; ed. Northwestern Mil. Acad. ; Univ. of Mich. ; m. Ann Ruth Eckhart, 12 Aug. 1922; children— Ruth Ann, Elizabeth Josephine. Club: Blythe- leld Country, Kent Country, Peninsular, Chicago, Detroit Athletic. Office: 386 Fourth Av., New York 16, N.Y. Home: 426 Cambridge Blvd., S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. KIRKPATRICK, Glade R., pres. Guar- anty Abstract Co.; b. Tulsa, Okla., 30 Apr. 1906; s. John Forrest and Lillie Myrtle (Shackelford) K. ; student Univ. of Okla., 1924-25; Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1926; m. Marie Crosbie, 27 Apr. 1929; children — Kay, John Crosbie. Engaged in real estate and property management, 1926-28; in title business since 1928; pres. Guaranty Abstract Com- pany, Tulsa, Oklahoma, since 1936; pres. Okla. Abstract Co., Tulsa, since 1936; sec. and treas. R-K Motors, Inc., Sand Springs, Okla., since 1939; partner Kirk- patrick Bros. Real Estate and Kirkpat- rick Bros. Farms, Tulsa, since 1935. Mem. Oklahoma House of Representa- tives, 1934-42 (chmn. Oil & Gas com. 1939-41), Game and Fish Commn. (chmn.) Okla., Red River Compact Commn. (chmn.) Water Ways Com. (chmn.), Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, Tulsa Real Estate Bd. (dir.), Okla. Real Estate Assn. (past pres.), Nat. Assn. Real Estate Bd. (past v. p.), Nat. Tax Com. (v.p.), Okla. Title Assn. (p. pres.), Am. Title Assn. (executive committee), South West Valleys Association (v.p., director), Phi Delta Theta. Democrat. Baptist. Mason (32d deg.). Club: Green T (Tulsa); Tulsa Country. Home: 2132 E. 32d St., Tulsa, Okla. Office: 10 E. 4th St., Tulsa, Okla. BROWN, J. E., asst. vice-pres. and chief engineer, Zenith Radio Corp.; b. Greenport, N.Y., 11 Sept. 1902; s. Willis H. and Lottie Buckley (Horton) B.; Sch. of Elec. Engring., Cornell Univ., 1920-24; m. Eudora Smith 21 July 1925. Radio Div., U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Fed. Radio Commn. Fed. Communications Comm., 1924-37; Zenith Radio Corp., Chicago, 111., since 1937. Mem. Inst, of Radio Engrs. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Radio Engrs. (Chicago), Skokie Country. Home: 631 Drexel Ave., Glencoe, 111. Office: 6001 Dickens Av., Chicago, 111. MARTIN, Charles Irving, soldier, law- yer; b. Ogle Country, 111., 25 Jan. 1871: s. William H. and Mary (Nettleton) M.; grad. Ft. Scott (Kan.) Normal Sch., 1892; LL.B., Univ. of Kan., 1907; m. Lou Ida Ward, 28 Nov. 1894; 1 dau., Mrs. Lillian Mae Markley. Clerk Dist. Court, Bourbon County, Kan., 1901-05; mem. Kan. Senate, 1905-09; admitted to Kan. bar, 1907, and practiced in Ft. Scott, Topeka and Wichita, Kansas; admitted to bar of Supreme Court U.S., 1923. Enlisted as private Co. F, 1st Inf. K.N.G., 26 Aug. 1890; 2d It. 1st Inf., 6 Apr. 1893; capt., Aug. 1894; capt. 20th U.S. Vols., 30 Apr. 1898; maj. 20th Kan. Vol. Inf., 22 July 510 1899; participated in 27 engagements in P.I.; col. insp. gen., K.N.G., 4 Mar. 1907; brig, gen., 29 Apr. 1909; adj. gen. of Kan., 1909-17, 1919-23. Brig. gen. U.S Army, 5 Aug. 1917; comdg. 70th Inf. Brig., 35th Div., A.E.F.; observer with British troops in front line trenches, May 1918; comd. sector in front line trenches, 20 July-1 Sept. 1918; participated in St. Mihiel offensive; hon. discharged, 1 Dec. 1918; brig. gen. Kan. Nat. Guard, comdg. 69th Inf. Brig., 1921-32, War Dept. Gen. Staff, Nov. 1922- July 1923; major general commanding 35th Division, National Guard troops Kansas, Missouri and Neb., 1932-35, retired; mgr. Veteran Admin- istration Facility, Wadsworth, Kansas, 1927-41; now assistant adjutant general of Kansas. President Adjutants General Association of U.S., 1912-23; former v.p. Nat. Guard Assn. U.S. ; mem. Philippine Vets., Spanish War Vets, Am. Legion, Forty and Eight, Sojourners, Mil. Order of the World War, etc. Republican. Meth- odist. Mason, etc. Club: Rotary. Address: 715 Taylor St., Topeka, Kan. BURROWES, Arthur Victor, editor; b. Sedalia, Mo., 23 Dec. 1893; s. Evans Barkalow and Teresa (Moore) B.; grad. Sedalia (Mo.) High Sch., 1913; m. Helen Ann Cooney, 12 June 1926; children- Mary Helen, Arthur, Teresa, Madeleine, Betty Rose, Janet Alice. Reporter St. Jo- seph News-Press, 1913-18, polit. writr. 1918-23, asst. city editor, 1923-27, news editor, 1927-35, asst. mng. editor, 1935- 37, mng. editor, 1937-39; editor in chief News-Press and Gazette, 1939, ed. since 1 Jan. 1940; v.p. News-Press and Ga- zette; dir. News-Press and Gazette; dir. KFEQ, Inc. Member Chamber of Com- merce; mem. Mo. Appeal Bd. No. 1, Selective Service; mem. St. Joseph Li- brary Board (v. pres.). Mem. Am. Soc. Newspaper Editors, Associated Press Mng. Editors Assn., Nat. Geographical Soc; Mo. Hist. Soc. Republican. Ro- man Catholic. Clubs: St. Joseph Coun- try, National Press (Washington). Of- fice: News Corp., St. Joseph, Mo. Home: 2925 Mitchell Av. St. Joseph, Mo. MEITER, Edward George, director, insurance company's hugiene labora- tory; b. Salem, O., 11 June 1898; s. Geo. Meiter and Katherine (Krauss) M.; ed. Damascus (O.) high sch.; B.S., Mt. Un- ion College, M.Sc, Ph.D., Ohio State Univ.; m. Hazel Frances Smith of Co- lumbus, O., 18 June 1923; 1 son — George E. Grad. asst. in chem., O. State Univ., 1920-23; asst. phys. chemist, U.S. Bur. Mines, 1923-28, assoc. chemist, 1928-32; with Employers Mutual Liability Insur- ance Co. of Wisconsin, 1932—, dir., indsl. hygiene lab., research in industrial gas- es, gas masks, dust respirators, atmos- pheric pollution, dust problem in indus- try, safety engring,, health hazards in industry; with S.A.T.C, Mt. Union Coll.. during World War I; Scientific cons, for U.S. govt, in European Theatre, World War II; mem. Am. Soc. Safety Engrs., N.Y. Acad. Sci., Sigma Xi, Am. Inter- prof. Inst., Am. Chem. Soc; Fellow Am. Inst. Chemists, A.A.A.S., Am. Public Health Assn. Author: numerous scientif- ic articles published in govt, bulletins and technical press. Interests: books, photog. radio, archery. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: 710 N. Plankinton Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 2557 N. 81st St., Wauwatosa, Wis. BODER, Bartlett, banker; b. Troy, Kan., 5 Jan. 1885; s. Louis and Fannie (Quimby) B. ; student St. Joseph (Mo.) Schools, 1903; literary student, London, Paris, and Berlin, 1911-14; m. Vira Price, 26 Apr. 1930. Bank clerk 1903-05 and again 1907-08; reporter St. Joseph News-Press, 1905-07; reporter St. Joseph Gazette, 1915-17, editorial writer, 1919; pres. Missouri Valley Trust Co. since 1931; tr. under indenture (with Guaranty Trust Co., New York) St. Joseph Light & Power Co. since 1937; dir. Am. High- way Assn. of Tulsa, Okla.; student Ft. Riley Training Camp, 1917; commd. 2d It., 1917; with 127th and 104th F.A., A.E. F. ; organized 35th Div. Tank Co., 1923; retired, 1935, as It. col. on 35th Div. Staff. Devised plan for MacArthur Dr., 1936. Handled Missouri financing for building river bridge at Rulo, Neb., 1938. Originated name, Missourissippi, for the world's longest river, 7 July 1942. Chmn. First Dist. Missouri State Council of De- fense, 1941-43. City assessor, 1920-23; city comptroller, 1930-32; police commr., 1932-33. Mem. Am. Legion (state vice- comdr. 1927), Forty and Eight (nat. chmn. of Voiture Activities, 1946). Pres- byterian. Mason (Shriner), Nat. So- journers, and Royal Order of Jesters, Soc. of Mayflower Descendants. Clubs: St. Joseph Auto. (pres. 1939-40), Benton and St. Joseph Country. Home : 2649 Fred- erick Av., St. Joseph, Mo. Office: 402 Felix St., St. Joseph, Mo. POWERS, Robert Br una, chmn. and treas. Arnold-Powers, Inc.; b. Vienna, Austria, 26 Apr. 1904; s. John and Eliza- beth (Karner) P.; B.A., Michigan State Coll., 1926; m. Gwin Goodwin, 3 July 1928 (dec); m. 2d, Josephine Sibley, 2 Nov. 1935; children— Cheryl, Robert S., Roger K. Fgn. correspondent Lansing 511 (Mich.) State Journal, 1926-27; fgn. corr. Detroit News, 1926-27; advt. mgr. China Weekly Review, Shanghai, 1926-27; ex- port advt. mgr. Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich., 1934-37; co-founder Arnold-Pow- ers, Inc. pubs, and typographers, De- troit, 1937, chmn. bd. and treas. since 1937. Editor and gen. manager of F.T.D. News, The Tool Engineer, Owriner, Ken- yon & Co. Presbyterian. Clubs: Athletic, Scarab, Economic, Grosse Pointe Yacht (Detroit), University. Home: 45 Renaud Road, Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. Of- fice: 550 W. Lafayette Blvd., Detroit, Mich. DEBB, Joseph Francis, U.S. attorney; b. Grand Rapids, Mich., 26 Feb. 1909; s. Michael George and Rose (Balesh) D.; A.B., Notre Dame Univ., 1931, LL. B., 1933; m. Eleanor Mary Drieborg, 6 July 1934; children— Michael Joseph, Jo- seph Francis, David George. Admitted to mich. bar, 1933. Dist. mgr. and coun- sel, Home Owners Loan Corp. for West- ern Michigan, 1937-38; United States Dis- trict Attorney, Western Judicial Dis. of Mich., since 1940. Mem. Am. Mich. State and Grand Rapids bar assns. Dem- ocrat. Catholic. Mem. K.C. Home: 1667 Lake Dr., Grand Rapids, Mich. Office: 313 Federal Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. RICKETTS, Paul F., pres. and gen. mgr. Battle Creek Dog Food Co.; b. Springfield, 111., 20 July 1888; s. John J. and Mary Ellen (Dolan) R.; student pub. schs. of Battle Creek, Mich.; m. Edna R. Pfander, 6 Oct. 1913; 1 dau.— Mary Lou. Est. Battle Creek (Mich.) Dog Food Co., pres. and gen. mgr. since 1920; pres. Battle Creek Extract Co. since 1937; vice pres. Lakeview State Bank, 1944. Sec. Calhoun County Hu- mane Soc. Elk. Clubs: Country, Rotary, Athelston (Battle Creek, Mich.). Home: 267 Cherry St., Battle Creek, Mich. Of- fice: 51 E. State St., Battle Creek, Mich. LACY, Thomas Norman, president Mich. Bell Telephone Co.; b. Lititz, Pa., 23 Sept. 1885; s. Mark and Ella A. (Bach- man) L. ; student Franklin and Marshall Acad., 1901-02; E.E., Lehigh Univ., 1906; m. Helen E. Steen, 7 Apr. 1915. Engaged in various positions, Long Lines Dept., Am. Telephone & Telegraph Co., 1906-12; div. plant engineer, Long Lines Dept., Atlanta, Ga., and New York, N.Y., 1912- 19; div. plant supt., Atlanta, Ga., 1919-25; div. plant supt., Mich. Bell Telephone Co., 1925; chief engr., 1925-34; vice-pres. gen. mgr. 1934-46, pres., 1946. Dir. Mich. Bell Telephone Co. Clubs: Detroit Ath- letic. Pine Lake Country. Home: 17385 Parkside Av. Office: 1365 Cass Av., De- troit 26, Mich. WEIMER, Claud R., newspaperman, b. Mason City, Neb., 18 June 1902; s. Curtis E. and Kitty (Foster) W.; student State Coll., Kearney, Neb., 1920-22, Wooster (O.) Coll., 1924-25; m. Lillian Marston, 8 Dec. 1928; children — Robert, Alice. Began as newspaperman, 1919; Kearney (Neb.) Hub, 1918-19, Omaha Bee, 1919; city editor, Nebraska City Press, 1919-20; telegraph-state editor Marion (O.) Star, 1923-25; pub. several small newspapers, Struthers, 1922, North Platte, Neb., 1925; news editor Toledo (O.) News-Bee, 1926-28; Cleveland (O.) Press, 1928-33; mng. ed. Columbus (O.) Citizen, 1933-41, editor, 1941-42; area mgr. U.S. Treasury War Finance Com. 1942- 45; public relations dir., Byer & Bowman Adv. Agcy. Mem. Sigma Delta Chi. Home : Blacklick, O. Office : 203 E. Broad St., Columbus, O. La FOLLETTE, Robert Marion, Jr., senator; b. Madison, Wis., 6 Feb. 1895; s. Robert Marion and Belle (Case) LaF.; m. Rachel Wilson Young, 17 Sept. 1930; children — Joseph Oden, Bronson Cutting. Sec. to Senator Robert M. LaFollette 6 yrs.; elected to U.S. Senate to fill unex- pired term of father, 29 Sept. 1925, for term expiring 3 Mar. 1929, reelected 3 times since 1928, present term expires, 1946. Pres. Progressive Publishing Co., publishers of The Progressive magazine. Madison, Wis. Progressive. Home: Maple Bluff Farm, Madison, Wis. COUZENS, Frank, ex-mayor; b. Detroit, 28 Feb. 1902; s. James (U.S senator) and Margaret Ann (Manning) C. ; ed. Newman Sch., Hackensack, N.J.; m. Margaret Lang, 22 Oct. 1922; children — Frank, Margaret, James, Mary, Bar- bara, Homer, George. Started as builder, 1922; commr. City Plan Commn., 1927-28, Department of Street Railways, Detroit, 1929, 30, 31; elected pres. Detroit Com- mon Council, 1932, acting mayor, 1933; resigned, and elected mayor, Nov. 1933, for term 1934-36, reelected, 1936, term, 1936-38. Chmn. bd. Wabeek State Bank of Detroit; pres. Wabeek Corp. Served in World War II, Maj. Mar. 1942, It. col. Jan. 1943, hon. discharged. 14 Oct. 1945. Home: 610 Longfellow Av., Detroit, Mich. CALVERT, Maude Richman, home economist, child welfare; b. Effingham, Kans. ; d. Samuel Arthur and Mary Adda (Lookabauth) Richman; B.S., Okla. Agrl. and Mech. Coll., 1916; M.S.; Okla. Univ., 1920; studied Teachers Coll. (Co- lumbia), 1920-21; home maker's survey under Federal Bd. for Vocational Edn., Minneapolis, Minn., summer 1922; 512 studied Univ. of Chicago, summer 1924; m. George E. Calvert, 31 Oct. 1923; chil- dren—Mary Ann. Betty Lou, Maude Rich- man. Teacher rural, city and high schs., Okla., until 1915; teacher State Teachers Coll., Alva, Okla., 1916-17, Junior Coll., Tishomingo, 1917-19, Okla. Univ., 1919-20; state supervisor home economics in Okla. for State and Fed. bds. for vocational edn., 1921-25. Originator of Mother craft classes in Okla., 1921; dir. Okla. City Chapter Nat. Big Sisters, pres., 1933-34; dir. Okla. Council of Child Development and Parent Edn.; del. from Okla. to White House Conf., 1930; mem. President Hoover's Conf. on Home Planning and Home Building, 1931; mem. State Bd. Okla. Congress of Parents and Teach- ers, 1926-33; mem. exec. com. Okla. Soc. for Crippled Children; chmn. home eco- nomic training. Gen. Fedn. Women's Clubs, 1932 35, also chmn. home econom- ics Okla. Fedn.; pres. Kindergarten Fedn. of Okla. City, 1933-34; pres. Okla- homa City Council of Parent-Teacher Assns., 1934-36; state pres. Okla. Con- gress of Parents and Teachers since 1935; chmn. State President's Conf. of Nat. Congress of Parents and Teachers, 1938- 39; vice-pres. State Safety Council; mem. bd. dirs. Citizens League of Oklahoma City, 1935; chmn. Oklahoma County Con- sumers Council, 1934-35; chmn. Woman's div. of Civic Center Project, Oklahoma City, 1935; mem. Oklahoma committee White House Conference on Children in a Democracy, 1940; mem. State Nutri- tion Com., 1942; chmn. home and family life, Nat. Congress of Parents and Teach- ers, 1940-46; Nat. Ch. Conference, Nat. Congress of Parents and Teach- ers, 1941-42; vice-chmn. State Bd. of Af- fairs, 1943-47; mem. nat. Advisory com. Community Service Programs. Mem. Am. Home Economics Assn., Nat. League Am. Penwomen (pres. Okla. br. 1930-31; nat. v.p. 1931-33), Nat. League of Am. Pen Women, Okla. Better Homes Com. (v. chmn.), Okla. Illiteracy Com., Children's Code Commn., BF Chapter of Okla. P.E.O. Sisterhood, Am. Legion Auxiliary, Delta Kappa Gamma, Kappa Delta, Omicron Nu, Pi Kappa Sigma, etc. Mem. White House Conf. on Children in a Democracy, 1940. Democrat. Mem. Christian (Disciples). Eastern Star. Clubs: New Century, Oklahoma Hospi- tality, Altrusa. Author: First Course in Home Making, 1924; Everyday Living for Boys and Girls, 1925; Home Making Students Note Book, 1927; The New First Course in Home Making, 1932; Advanced Course in Home Making (with Leila Bunce Smith), 1938; also articles in mag- azines. Associate editor Junior Home, 1934-38; state editor Oklahoma Parent- Teacher Bulletin; nutrition dir. Nourish- ing Foods for Young Children. Selected one of the "24 most outstanding women of achievement in Okla.", 1930; elected to the "Hall of Fame" in Okla., 1934; selected as most useful citizen of Okla- homa City for 1935; selected as one of ten most outstanding women in Okla., 1935. Home: 1101 N.E. 11th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Office: State Capitol Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. ROGERS, John, lawyer; b. Wheatland, Mo., 4 Apr. 1890; s. Pleasant Jasper and Nancy (Dent) R.; LL.B., Univ. of Oklahoma, 1914; m. Hazel Mallory Beattie, 19 February 1921. Attorney Mc- Man Oil Co., 1915-17; gen. attorney Mc- Man Oil & Gas Co., 1919, later v.p. and gen. attorney until 1930; general attorney Chapan, McFarlin & Barnard interests since 1930; receiver Superior Oil Corp., 1930, pres., 1933, later v.p. in charge of fiscal policy; now devoting entire time to Chapman & McFarlin interests; pres. Municipal Juvenile Court Bd. Served as captain Inf., U.S. Army, 1917-19. Past pres. bd. dirs. Tulsa Y.M.C.A. ; mem. bd. trustees. Univ. of Tulsa; trustee United Christian Missionary Soc. of Disciples of Christ, Nat. Counsellor Tulsa C. of C. (past president) ; mem. bd. Tulsa Com- munity Fund (pres., 1945), Tulsa Coun- cil of Social Agencies (past pres.). Mem. Okla. State Regents for Higher Educa- tion. Mem. American and Okla. State bar assns., Am. Legion (past comdr.), Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Tulsa, Southern Hills Country. Home: 3727 S. Xanthis St. Office: 504 Drew Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. PUGH, Achilles Henry, pres. A. H. Pugh Printing Co.; b. Cincinnati, O., 13 Mar. 1876; s. Achilles Henry and Ma- ry Lavinia (Darr) P.; B.S., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1897; m. Elizabeth Worthington, 24 Apr. 1913; children— Elizabeth Worth- ington (Mrs. Samson I. Crew), Achilles Henry IV, Louise Worthington, William Worthington. V.p. A. H. Pugh Printing Co., Cincinnati, O., 1897-1912, pres. since 1913. During World War was head of loading and explosive sect. Cincinnati Ordnance Dist. ; commd. lieut. col. Ord- nance Dept., Officers Reserve Corps, 1922, colonel, 1940-42; now editor of of- ficial War Department magazine. Pres. Cincinnati Employing Printers Assn. Mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Soc, M.E., Electrochemical Soc, Society Colonial Wars, S.A.R., Loyal Legion. Republican. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Queen City, Country, University (Cincinnati) ; Lake Placid (N.Y.) Clb. Home: 2963 Annwood 513 Av., Cincinnati, O. Office: A. H. Pugh Printing Co., Pugh Bldg., Cincinnati, O. LYTLE, Hal McLeod, corp. executive; b. Jackson, O., 3 Apr. 1888; s. John Ash- ley and Mary Belle (Davis) L.; student Univ. of 111., 1904-08; m. Rena Gunnar- son, 12 June 1913. Editorial dept. Chi- cago (111.) Inter Ocean, 1908-13; editor- ial dept. Chicago Record Herald, 1913- 15, financial editor, 1915-18; editorial de- partment Chicago Tribune to 1919; advt. work, Commonwealth Edison Co., Pub. Service Co. of Northern 111., 1919-25; v. p. Chicago Rapid Transit Co.; v.p. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R.R.; v.p. Chicago, Aurora & Elgin R.R., 1925-32; public relations officer of three compan- ies since 1932; Chicago, Aurora and El- gin Railroad and Metropolitan Motor Coach Co. Mem. Am. Transit Assn. Re- publican. Mason (32d degree, K. T., Shriner). Home: 455 Oakdale Av., Chi- cago, 111. Office: 72 W. Adams St., Chi- cago, 111. MOORE, Josiah John, pathologist; b. Anaconda, Mont., 26 Aug. 1886; s. Will- iam and Jane (Peters) M. ; B.S., Univ. of Mont., 1907; M.D., M.S., Univ. of Chi- cago and Rush Med. Coll., 1912; m. Flo- rence M. Johnson, 19 June 1909; children —Franklin Johnson, William Aubrey. Fellow and asst. pathology, Univ. of Chicago, 1909-12; fellow Sprague Memo- rial Inst., 1912-13; instr. and asst. prof, pathology, bacteriology and experimen- tal medicine, Univ. of 111. Coll. of Medi- cine, 1913-21; sec. sect, pathology and physiology, Am. Med. Assn., 1919-44; dir. Nat. Pathological Lab., Chicago, 1921- 36; dir. Moore Clinical Lab., Chicago, since 1936; pathologist, Ravenswood Hosp., Chicago, since 1912; pathologist, Little Company of Mary Hosp., Ever- green Park, 111., since 1932; pathologist, Jackson Park Hosp., Chicago, since 19- 28; mem. HI. Med. Examining Com,, since 1943. Special instr., U.S. Navy, 1918; mem. med. advisory bd., Selective Service, 1941-43; Procurement and As- signment Bd., since 1943; Assoc, editor 111. Med. Jour., 1941. Fellow Am. Coll. of Physicians; mem. and diplomate, Am. Bd. of Pathology; mem. Chicago Med. Soc. (pres., 1944-45), Inst, of Medicine of Chicago, Chicago Pathol. Soc. (past pres., 1921-22), Chicago Soc. of Internal Medicine, 111. Med. Soc, Soc. of Illinois Bacteriologists (past pres., 1942-43), Am. Med. Assn. (treas. since 1943), Am. Soc. of Clinical Pathologists (v.p.), Am. As- sociation of Pathologists and Bacetriol- ogists, Am. Assn. of Coll. Honor Socs. (pres., 1940-44), Alpha Omega Alpha (sec. treas. since 1932), Sigma Xi, Sigma Nu, Phi Chi, Acacia. Clubs: Quadrangle (Univ. Chicago), University (Chicago), Rotary (Chicago, past v.p.). Mason (Shriner). Home: 6937 Bennett Av., Chi- cago, 111. Address: 55 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. ZABEL, Max William, patent and trade mark lawyer; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 26 Nov. 1876; s. Paul Zabel, mcht, and Augusta (Seeger) Z.; ed. pub. and high sens., Milwaukee, Wis.; B.S. (E.E.), Univ. Wis., 1898; law, Northwestern Univ., 1902; m. Isabel Cora Lee of Chi- cago, 111., 26 Sept. 1907 (dec.) ; m. (2nd) Hazel Jones Carlson, 25 Mar. 1942. Engr., Madison G. & Elec. Co., 1899- 1900; patent solicitor, Chas. A. Brown, Chicago, 111., 1901-03; sales engr., sales mgr., Am. Elec. Telephone Co., Chi- cago, 1903-08; admitted to 111. bar, 1909; entered practice of patent, trademark and copyright law, Chicago, 1909—; mem. firm, Zabel & Gritzbaugh; spl. lecturer, John Marshall Law Sen.; mem. A.I.E.E., Am. Bar Assn., Am. Patent Law Assn., The Patent Law Assn. of Chicago, Field Mus. of Nat. History, Wis. Union, Chicago Assn. of Commerce, 111. Hist. Soc. Clubs: North Shore Country, Union League, Illinois Athletic. Author: The Patent Royalty Contract. Recreations: golf, swimming. Lutheran. Office: 2030 Bankers Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 1247 Chestnut Av., Wilmette, m. COX, William Thomas, forester, biolo- gist; b. Glenwood, Minn., 25 Jan. 1878; s. Edwin Cox, farmer, and Alice (An- drew) C; ed. Glenwood high sch.; B.S. in forestry, Univ. Minn., 1906; m. Myrtle Gould of Granby, Que., 7 Jan. 1914; chil- dren—Alice Elizabeth, William Gould. Forestry and wildlife conservation for U.S. Govt., State of Minn., Ca., Braz. ; now consultant in forestry and biology; organized Upper Miss. River Wildlife Refuge, Minn. State Forest Service, Minn. Dept. of Conservation, Forest Service of Braz.; re-introduced elk and caribou in Minn.; biol., Soil Conserva- tion Service, Upper Miss. Valley Re- gion; selected men for for. regs., asst. fuel adminstr. for Minn., during World War I, org., increased balsawood pro- duction in Ecuador and other countries for U.S., Britain, 1942, 43; mem. Soc. Am. Foresters, Wildlife Soc, Biol. Soc. of Washington, Am. Geo. Soc, Izaac Walton League. Club: Camp Fire of Am. Author: sci. reports on for. and wildlife in U.S., Can., Braz.; Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods (humor- 514 ous book). Travel: western U.S., Hud- son Bay region of Can., explored forests of Braz., Peru, Panama, Costa Rica. Interests: big game hunting, archaeol. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Episco- palian. Republican. Office and home: 2186 Doswell Av., St. Paul, Minn. ABRAMS, Allen, v. p. Marathon Cor- poration; b. Butler, Pa., 27 Jan. 1889; s. Edward Everett and Mary Genevieve (Allen) A.; A.B., Washington and Jef- ferson Coll., 1910, M.S., 1915, D.Sc, 1937; B.S., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1915; m. Juanita Spyker, 15 Nov. 1919; children— Mary Catherine, Jean Chilton. Instr. of chem- istry, Mass. Inst. Tech., 1915-16 and 1920- 21; chemist Bemis Bro. Bag Co., 1916-17; 1st It. Chem. Warfare Service, 1917-19; chief chem. Cornell Wood Produsts Co., 1921-16; Marathon Corp. since 1926, v.p. since 1940; dir. Research Products Cor- poration Deputy dir. Research and Dev. Div., Office of Strategic Services, 1943- 44. p. pres. Boy Scouts Dist. ; dir. In- ternal Council Religious Edn., Y.M.C. A. Mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Soc. Testing Materials, Am. Oil Chem. Soc, Am. Pulp & Paper Supts. Assn., N.Y. Acad. Science, Tech. Assn. Pulp & Paper Industry (p. pres.), Wausau Chamber Commerce (p. pres.), Phi Gamma Delta. Republican. Universal- ist. Mason. Clubs: Wausau, Wausau Country. Author: "Pulp and Paper" in Roger's Manual. Contbr. to tech. jours, and mags. Holder patents on pulp, pa- per and converted products. Home: 815 10th St., Wausau, Wis. Office: Marathon Corp., Rothschild, Wis. BRYAN, Frederick Ernest, pres. Fred- erick E. Bryan & Co.; b. Xenia, 111., 22 Sept. 1881; s. Homer H. and Rachael Ann (Friend) B.; LL.B., Indiana Univ., 1905; m. Gerturde Kahn, 19 Feb. 1906; children — Emma Jeanne, Frederick Ern- est. Admitted to Mo. bar, 1906, and prac- ticed at St. Louis until 1912; sec. and treas. Central States Trust Co., St. Louis, 1912-15; pres. Bankers Nat. Bank, Minne- apolis, Minn., 1915-21; v.p. Am. Furniture Mart Bldg. Corp., 1924-28; v.p. Indiana Limestone Co., 1926-33; pres. Internat. Reduction Corp., 1933-40. Pres. Indiana Univ. "I" Men's Assn., 1928-34, Indiana Univ. Alumni Assn., 1931-34; mem. Alumni Council of Indiana Univ., 1921-34; mem. Athletic Bd. of Control Ind. Univ. since 1928. Mem. Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Del- ta Phi. Republican. Baptist. Mason Club : Lake Shore Athletic. Home: 850 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Office: 921 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. LEACH, George Thatcher; b. St. Paul, Minn., 21 Nov. 1888; s. Ferry Wm. and Maud (Shipley) L.; B.A., Dartmouth. 1911; m. Marjorie Woodcock, 1913 (dec); children — Marjorie Leach McKinney, Staff Sgt. Arthur Burtis II, Maj. Ferry William, III (paratroops; killed in ac- tion), Lt. Lindsay Woodcock, J. G. ; m. 2d, Parie Nabors Petty, 6 Jan. 1925; 1 son, Capt. Don Green Petty. In the in- vestment business since 1911 ; real estate, Chicago, 111.; dir. Godchaux Sugars, Inc. Mem. Alpha Delta Phi. Republican. Pres- byterian. Clubs: University (Chicago). Home: 999 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Office: 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. ANDERSON, Benjamin H., pres. Ben H. Anderson Mfg. Co.; b. Sioux Rapids, la., 24 Mar. 1892; s. Thomas O. and Isabelle Amallia (Torkelson) A.; ed high sen., 2 yrs.; m. Gladys M. Muffley, 16 Apr. 1917; children — Benjamin Muffiey, Richard Charles, Donald Thomas. Began as distbr. Coleman Lighting, later added mech. milkers; designer and mfr. Clean- Easy Milkers for past 25 yrs. ; since 1922, pres. Ben H. Anderson Mfg. Co., Madi- son, Wis., were contractors in defense work. Apptd. mem. advisory com. Live- stock equipment Mfrs. Industry, W.P.B., 1942. Congregationalist. Clubs: Maple Bluff Country, Madison, Rotary, Shrine, Madison. Home: 49 Cambridge Rd. (Lakewood) Madison, Wis. Office: 51 N. Dickenson St., Madison, Wis. ROSENTHAL, Lessing, lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 23 Nov. 1868; s. Julius (for many years a leading member of Chi- cago bar) and Jette (Wolf) R.; A.B., Johns Hopkins, 1888; LL.B., Northwest- ern, 1891, LL.D., 1931; Chicago Coll. of Law (post-grad, course), 1892; admitted to 111. bar, 1891; m. Mrs. Lille Frank Myres, 10 Dec. 1901; 1 dau. Juliette (dec). Member firm of Julius & Lessing Rosenthal from 1894 until father's death, 14 May 1905; organized, 1 May 1906, with Charles H. Hamill, firm of Rosen- thal & Hamill; title changed to Rosen- thal, Hamill & Wormser, 1 Jan. 1917, Rosenthal Hamill, Eldridge & King, 1 Feb. 1937, Rosenthal, Eldridge, King & Robin, March 1942. Director Hart, Schaff- ner & Marx since 1928 (member of the executive committee 1930-35 and 1945 — ). President of Civil Service Reform Asso- ciation of Chicago, 1906-08, Municipal Voters' League, 1910-15, Law Club of Chi- cago, 1911-12; chmn. com. on municipal elections, etc., of Chicago Charter Conv., 1905-09; chmn. citizens' com. re South Park Commrs.-Ill. Central R.R. contract. 1912, through whose ecorts lake front 515 settlement was materially modified and arranged and 111. Central surburban serv- ice electrified. Mem. exec. com. Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 1925-36, English-Speaking Union of Chicago, 1932- 37. Trustee Brookings Instn., Washing- ton, D.C., since 1931; trustee Johns Hop- kins Univ. since Feb. 1938. Member visit- ing com. Harvard Law School, 1931-41. Mem. Am. and 111. State bar assns., Chicago Bar Assn. (v. p. 1903-04), Bar Assn. City of New York, Am. Law Inst., Am. Judicature Soc. (dir. 1929-32), Amer- ican Institute of Graphic Arts (honorary vice-president 1938-41), Bibliographical Soc. of America, Northwestern Assn. of Johns Hopkins Alumni (pres. 1921-24), Book and Play Club (pres. ly25-28) ; chmn. Chicago Com. Am. Soc. for Con- trol of Cancer since 1926; governing life mem. Art Inst. Chicago. Ind. Republican. Clubs: Union League, City, Caxton, Chi- cago Literary (president 1930-31), Exec- utives' (Chicago), Tavern, Standard Mid- Day (Chicago) ; Grolier, Harvard (New York); Book Club of California (San Francisco) ; Soc. of Typographic Arts (Chicago). Home: Hotel Sherry, 1725 E. 53d St., Chicago, 111. Office: 105 W. Mon- roe St., Chicago, HI. RICH, Daniel Catton, director; b. South Bend, Ind., 16 Apr. 1904; s. Daniel and Martha (Catton) R.; Ph.B., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1926; student Harvard, 1926-27; m. Bertha Ten Eyck James, 23 Sept. 1927; children — Michael James, Stephen Ten Eyck, Penelope, Anthony Catton. With Art Institute of Chicago since 1927, be- ginning as editor of the Bulletin, 1927-39, assistant curator of painting and sculp- ture, 1929-31, asso. curator, 1931-38, curator since 1938, dir. fine arts since May 1938—, dir., since 1 Nov. 1945; Co- founder Film- Art, Inc., Chicago; chmn. 111. com., sect, of painting and sculpture, Procurement Div. of Treasury Dept. ; mem. patrons com. Federal Art Project of 111.; mem. com. on art project 111. Emergency Relief Commn.; mem. jury to select murals for Dept. of Interior Bldg. ; mem. Am. nat. com. of Comite Internat. d'Histoire de l'Art; chmn. com. of selection for Exhbn. of Contemporary Am. Art, New York World's Fair, 1939; chmn. Jury of Awa.rds for Contemporary Painting Exhbn. of Golden Gate Internat. Expn. ; mem. advisory committee on art Dept. of State, Washington; vice chmn. National Council for National Art Week, 1941; dir. Arts Club, Chicago. Chmn. jury of awards, Artists for Victory, Metro- politan Museum, N.Y. Mem Council Am. Assn. of Museums; mem. Awards Honor- ary Committee for Scholastic Mag., 1942. Pres., Assn. Art Museum Dirs. Mem. Renaissance Soc. of Univ. of Chicago, Phi Beta Kappa. Democrat. Clubs: Cliff Dwellers, Arts, The Wayfarers, Art Di- rectors (hon. life) (Chicago). Author: Seuart and the Evolution of "La Grande Jatte," 1935; Henri Rosseau, 1942; Georgia O'Keeffe, 1915-41, 1943. Editor and compiler: Catalogue of the Charles H. and Mary F. S. Worcester Collection, 1938. Contbr. to art Jours. Home: 849 Foxdale Rd., Winnetka, 111. Office: Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, 111. McCLELLAND, Clarence Paul, coll. pres.; b. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., 18 Jan. 1883; s. Charles P. and Meta J. (Babcock) McC; A.B., Wesleyan Univ., Conn., 1907; B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, N.J., 1910; S.T.D., Syracuse Univ., 1920; D.D., Wesleyan Univ., 1925; LL.D. (honorary), Illinois Wesleyan University, 1942; m. Mary E. Adams, 26 Apr. 1910; children- - Janet Meta, Charles Paul, David Clar- ence, Betty Belle, Mary Carol. Ordained M.E. ministry, 1910; pastor Pine Plains, N.Y., 1910-11, Hartsdale, 1912-13, Peek- skill. 1914-16; pres. Drew Sem. for Young Women, 1917-25; pres. MacMurray Coll. (formerly 111. Woman's Coll.) since Aug. 1925. Trustee Passavant Hosp. (ex-pres.), 111. State Hist. Library; dir. Y.M.C.A. Dir. Chamber of Commerce. Mem. Ro- tary Club (ex-pres.). Mem. Board of Dirs. Assn. Am. Colleges, Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science, 111. State Hist. Soc, Alpha Delta Phi. Mason. Author: Question Marks and Exclamation Points, 1935. Contbr. to religious and ednl. peri- odicals. Home: 339 E. State St., Jackson- ville, 111. HILDRETH, Louis R., president, The Kinnear Mfg. Co, Edwards Mfg. Co.; b. Cincinnati, Ohio, 12 Dec. 1887; s. Louis A. and Mary J. (Edwards) H. ; m. Flo- rence Reynolds, 17 Oct. 1911. Began with The Edwards Mfg. Co. in 1908 as asst. sales mgr., sales mgr., 1911-19; with The Kinnear Mfg. Co. s Columbus, O., since 1919, v.p., 1919-24, pres. since 1924; dir. The Edwards Mfg. Co., Kinnear Mfg. Co., Am. Nat. Fire Ins. Co. Clubs: Co- lumbus, Columbus Athletic, Columbus Country. Home: 200 N. Columbia St., Columbus, O. Office: 7th and Field Avs., Columbus, O. GRIFFIN, James Aloysius, bishop; b. Chicago, 111., 27 Feb. 1883; s. Thomas J. and Catherine (Woulfe) G.; St. Ignatius Coll., Chicago; Ph.D., N. Am. College, Rome, Italy, 1906, D.D., 1910; Ph.D. and D.D., Propaganda Univ., Rome. Or- dained priest R.C. Ch., 1909; asst. St. James Ch., 1910-15, St. Brendan's Ch., 516 1915-17, both of Chicago; pastor Assum- tion Ch., Coal City, 111., 1917-21; pastor downtown ch. of St. Mary's, Joliet, 111., 1921-24; bishop of Springfield Diocese since 28 Feb. 1924. Conducted success- ful campaign to raise funds for erection of new Catholic cathedral in Springfield, which was dedicated 14 Oct. 1928; pa- triotic note especially emphasized in style of architecture. Decorated Officer Order of Crown of Italy, 1933. Lectures on patriotic subjects. Mem. Ancient Or- der of Hibernians; state chaplain K.C. Conducted diocesan drive for one mil- lion dollars in 1944 for religious, educa- tional, social welfare purposes. Address: 801 S. 6th St., Springfield, 111. WESLEY, Charles Harris, univ. pres.; Louisville, Ky., 2 Dec. 1891; s. Chas. Snowden and Matilda (Harris) W. ; B. A., Fisk Univ., 1911; M.A., Yale Univ., 1913; student Guilde Internationale, Pa- ris, 1914, Howard Univ. Law Sch., 1915- 16; Ph.D., Harvard Univ., 1925; D.D., Wilberforce Univ., 1928; LL.D., Allen Univ., 1932, Va. State Coll., 1943; m. Louise Johnson, 25 Nov. 1915; children- Louise Johnson, Charlotte Harris. Inst, in teaching of history, Howard Univ., 1913, instr. history, 1914-18, asst. prof., 1918-19, asso. prof,, 1919-20, prof, history and head of dept., 1921-42, dir. summer sch., 1937, acting dean Coll. of Liberal Arts, 1937-38, dean of Grad. Sch., 1938- 42; pres. Wilberforce Univ. since 1942; pastor and presiding elder African M.E. Ch., 1918-37. Ednl. sec. Army Y.M.C.A., Camp Meade, Md., 1918; sec. for over- seas work, Colored Men's Dept., Nat. War Work Council, Y.M.C.A., 1919. Mem. Army and Navy Dept. Com., Nat. Council of Y.M.C.A. ; mem. com. on Ne- gro-White Relations, Y.M.C.A., member council of Ohio and West Virginia; Gug- genheim fellow, London, 1930-31; grant- in-aid Social Science Research Council, 1936-37. Secretary board trustees Fisk Univ. Mem. bd. of editors of The Hayes Foundation. Mem. Assn. for Study of Negro Life and History (exec, council), Am. Hist. Assn., Nat. Council Social Studies, N.E.A., Am. Assn. Sch. Admin- istrators, Soc. for Advancement of Edn., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Am. Geog. Soc, Alpha Phi Alpha (gen. pres., 1931-40; past gen. pres. and historian since 1940). Mason, Odd Fellow. Author: Negro La- bor in the United States, 1850-1925, 1927; Richard Allen: Apostle of Freedom, 1935; The History of Alpha Phi Alpha, 1930, rev. edits., 1935, 1942; The Col- lapse of the Confederacy, 1938; A Man- ual of Research and Thesis Writing for Graduate students, 1941. Editor: The Negro in the Americas, 1940. Contribu- tor: What the Negro Wants, 1944. Home: Wilberforce, O. SHEPHERD, Arthur, composer, pian- ist; b. Paris, Ida., 19 Feb. 1880; s. W. N. B. and Emily M. (Phipp) S.; grad. New Eng. Conservatory of Music, 1897; hon. Mus.D., Western Reserve Univ., 1937; twice married. Teacher and con- ductor, Salt Lake City, 1897-1910; joined faculty New Eng. Conservatory of Mu- sic, 1910; condr. Cecelia Soc, Boston, 1915-16; bandmaster 303d U.S.F.A., with A.E.F. in France, 1917-18; apptd. asst. condr. Cleveland Orchestra, 1920; apptd. lecturer on music, Cleveland Coll., 1927; prof, music, Western Reserve Univ., since 1928. Mem. Nat. Inst, of Arts and Letters. Composer of many pieces for piano, also of songs, anthems, chamber music, orchestral works, etc. Home: 2160 Richmond Rd., S. Euclid, O. STEVENS, George Theodore, vice- pres., dir. Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Co.; b. New Rochelle, N.Y., 30 July 1909; s. Elwin G. and Harriet A. (St. John) S.; grad. Coughlin High Sch.; m. Pauline Emily Clark, 28 Sept. 1932; children- George Jr., Rowland St. John, Paul Clark. Mgr. R. S. Stevens & Co., 1927-28 asst. cashier John J. Bell & Co., 1928-29 adv. mgr. Dallas (Pa.) Post, 1929-30 mdse. buyer, mdse. mgr., asst. regional mgr. Montgomery Ward & Co., 1930-35 divisional mdse. mgr., mdse. mgr. M lied Dept. Stores, 1935-39; mgr. rerrig eration div. Crosley Corp., Cincinnati 1939-40; v.p., dir. Eureka Vacuum Clean er Co., Detroit, Mich., since 1940. Mem ber Detroit Citizens League. Methodist Club: Recess, Orchard Lake Country Oakland Hills Country (both of Birming ham, Mich.), Detroit Athletic (Detroit Mich.). Home: 316 S. Glenhurst Av. Birmingham, Mich. Office: 6060 Hamil ton Av., Detroit, Mich. SCHUBRING, Edward J. B., vice- pres. and gen. counsel Ray-O-Vac Co.; b. Town of Troy, Sauk County, Wis., 17 Nov. 1878; s. Herman and Marie (Krue- ger) S.; B.L., Univ. of Wis., 1901, LL.B., 1903; m. Selma Langenhan, 16 June 1904. Started as dir. and gen. counsel South- ern Wis. Power Co., 1906-15; dir. and gen. counsel Wis. River Power Co., 1907- 15; gen. counsel Madison Bus. Co. since 1905, dir., 1921-25; dir. Sanitary Dairy Co.; dir. and atty. Associated Telephone Utilities Co., 1926-32; dir. Mich. Asso. Telephone Co.; dir. and atty. Common- wealth Telephone Co. of Wis., 111. Com- mercial Telephone Co. of 111.; gen. coun- sel Wis. Power & Light Co. since 1919, 517 dir. since 1933; dist. atty., State of Wis., for 111. Central R.R. Co. since 1904, atty. for Miami Conservancy Dist. (Dayton, O.), 1914-18; v.p. and gen. counsel Ray- O-Vac Co. since 1926; mem. firm Schub- ring, Ryan, Petersen and Sutherland ; dir. of Wis. Power & Light Co., Common- wealth Telephone Co. of Wis., Ray-O-Vac Co., 111. Comml. Telephone Co., Mich. Asso. Telephone Co., Sanitary Dairy Co. Pres. Madison Gen. Hosp. Assn. Mason. Clubs : Madison, University of Wisconsin, Maple Bluff Country, Lake Placid (N.Y.). Prin. asst. to Burr W. Jones in prepara- tion 2d edition "Jones on Evidence." Home: 410 N. Pinckney St., Madison, Wis. Office: 122 W. Washington Av., Madison, Wis. MAYTAG, Frederick Louis II, pres. Maytag Co.; b. Newton, la., 8 Jan. 1911; s. Elmer Henry and Ora Blanche (Ken- nedy) M.; grad. Culver Mil. Acad., 1929; A.B., Univ. of Wis., 1933; m. Ellen Eliza- beth Pray, 30 Nov. 1934; children— Ellen Louise, Frederick Louis, Martha Ann, Kenneth Pray. Sales rep. The Maytag Co., Newton, la., 1934-36, v.p., 1936-40, pres. since 1940; pres. The Maytag Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Can., Maytag Dairy Farms, Inc., Newton, la., LaGorce Is- land, Inc., Miami Beach, Fla.; chmn. of bd. Jasper County Savings Bank, New- ton, la., Kellog Savings Bank, la.; 1st v.p. Maytag Loan & Abstract Co., New- ton, la. Trustee Skiff Memorial Hosp., Grinnell College, Midwest Research In- stitute. Mem. Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Eta Sigma. Scabbard and Blade. Clubs: Rotary International; Newton Country. Address: c/o Maytag Co., Newton, la. WINDSOR, Henry Haven, Jr., maga- zine pub.; Evanston, 111., 7 June 1900; s. Henry Haven and Lina Bradt (Jack- son) W. ; ed. high sch. (Evanston), Chi- cago Latin Sch., Tome Prep. Sch. (Port Deposit, Md.), and the Milford (Conn.) Sch.; student Yale, 1920-21; m. Louise Hunter, 21 Jan. 1928 (divorced 1943); children — Henry Haven III, William Tod- hunter; m. 2d, Dorothy Foltz, 23 Mar. 1943. Pres., editor and pub. Popular Mechanics Magazine since 1924; pres., ed. and pub. of Science Digest; dir. Lud- low Typograph Co. Mem. Izaak Walton League. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs : Chicago, Chicago Athletic; University (Evanston); Glenview Golf. Home: 209 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Office: 200 E. Ontario St., Chicago, 111. PHBLIPSON, David, rabbi; b. Wabash, Ind., 9 Aug. 1862; s. Joseph and Louisa (Freudenthal) P.; A.B., Univ. of Cincin- nati, 1883; grad. Hebrew Union Coll., Cincinnati, as rabbi, 1883, D.D., 1886; D.H.L., 1925; LL.D., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1914, Lincoln Memorial University, 1922, also from Jewish Institute of Religion; m. Ella Hollander, 9 Sept. 1886. Rabbi Har Sinai Congregation, Baltimore, 1884- 88, B'ne Israel Congregation, Cincinnati, 1888-1938, rabbi emeritus since 1938; prof, homiletics, 1891-1905, lecturer on history of reform Judaism since 1905, Hebrew Union Coll.; mem. bd. editors of new Bible translation; cons, editor Jewish Ency. ; chmn. bd. Editors Union of Am. Hebrew Congregations and Hebrew Union Coll. Annual; pres. Nat. Conf. on Jewish Activities at Universities. V.p. Am. Jewish Hist. Soc; mem. bd. govs. Hebrew Union Coll.; mem. publ. com. Jewish Publ. Soc. America; mem. Syna- gogue Council America, Am. Jewish Com.; hon. chmn. Commn. on Jewish Edn. ; trustee Associated Charities, United Jewish Social Agencies, Young Men's Mercantile Library Assn.; mem. Jewish Community Council; pres. Cen- tral Conf. Am. Rabbis, 1907-09. Author: The Jew in English Fiction, 1899, 1902, 11, 19; Old European Jewries, 1894; The Oldest Jewish Congregation in the West, 1894, new edit., 1924; Holiday Sheaf (ser- mons), 1898; The Reform Movement in Judaism, 1907, new edit., 1931; Max Lilienthal — American Rabbi, 1915; Cen- tenary Papers and Others, 1919; History of the Hebrew Union College, 1925; My Life as an American Jew, 1941. Editor: The Selected Writings of Isaac M. Wise, 1900; Reminicences by Isaac M. Wise, 1901; Letters of Rebecca Gratz, 1929. Contbr. to magazines. Home: 712 Ghol- son Av., Cincinnati, O. RICHARDS, G. A., pres. WJR, the Goodwill Station. Dist. mgr. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 1918-22; dist. mgr. for Rickenbacker, Detroit, 1922-25, Oak- land-Pontiac, Detroit, 1925-29; pres. WJR, Detroit, since 1928, WGAR, Cleve- land, since 1930, KMPC, Beverly Hills, Calif., since 1936. Pres. Detroit Lions Club, 1934-39. Address: 2100 Fisher Bldg., Detroit, Mich. REINHART, M. J., pres. Reinhart & Donovan Co., Inc.; b. Edwards, HI., 1881; s. John Martin and Amelia Mary (Fell- man) R.; grad. Iowa State Coll., 1905: m. Josephine Alice Welsh, 10 Sept. 1910. Instr. in civil engring. dept., Iowa State Coll., 1905-07; organized Reinhart & Don- ovan Co., 1908, and since pres.; pres. Okla. Hotel Bldg. Co. (Biltmore Hotel, Oklahoma City); pres. Oklahoma City Service Co. (Sunshine Laundry) ; dir. Physicians and Dentists Bldg. Co. Mem. 518 Tau Beta Pi. Address: 804 Commerce Exchange Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. STROM, George A., pres. Strom Steel Ball Co. Address: Strom Steel Ball Co., 1850 S. 54th Av., Cicero 50, 111. McCLELLAND, Silas Edward, oculist, aurist; b. Decatur, Macon County, HI., 13 Jan. 1860; s. Joseph Edgar and Mar- gery (Wheeler) McC.; M.D., Rush Med. Co., 1884; post grad. work, same, 1889, New York Post-Crad. Med. Sch., 1894- 95, 97, Royal London Ophthal. Hosp., 1902; hon. D.Sc, James Millikin Univ., 1938; m. Sarah Rose Armstrong, Nov. 1884 (died 1889); m. 2d, Margaret Ellen Baird, 6 May 1891 (died 1935). Became registered pharmacist in Illinois, 1883; chmn. bd. trustees James Millikin Es- tate; trustee Anna B. Millikin Estate; pres. Union Iron Works, Decatur; chmn. bd. Millikin Nat. Bank, Decatur; dir. Millikin Trust Co. Pres. bd. mgrs. De- catur Coll. and Industrial Sch. of James Millikin Univ., 1907-14. Mem. 111. State and Macon County med. socs., Decatur Med. Soc. (ex-pres.). Republican. Pres- byterian. Mason (K.T.). Home: 904 W. Williams St., Decatur, 111. Office: Milli- kin Bldg., Decatur, 111. RALSTON, Lucile Reynolds, president Reynolds Wire Co.; b. Gouverneur, N. Y.; d. Horace Guilford Reynolds and Jane Letitia (Lyon) R. ; student Miss Kelly's School, Cambridge, Mass.; m. John Gould Ralston, 9 Oct. 1915; chil- dren — Joan Gould, Lucile Reynolds. Di- rector Reynolds Wire Co., Dixon, 111., since 1920, v.p., 1930-37, pres. since 1937. Member bd. dirs. Chicago Girls' Latin Sch., Girl Scouts of America (formerly Great Lakes regional chmn.). Republi- can. Episcopalian. Clubs: University, Casino, Fortnightly, Cordon, Saddle and Cycle (Chicago, 111.) ; Woman's Phidian Art (Dixon). Home: Reynoldswood, Dix- on, 111. Office: Reynolds Wire Co., Dix- on, 111. HARSHA, William Thomas, surgeon; b. Decatur, 111., 14 May 1884; s. William M. and Delia (Hutchinson) H. ; student Univ. of Chicago, 1902-04; M.D., North- western Univ. Med. Sch., 1908; m. Pau- line Palmer, 22 Dec. 1906. Interne Chi- cago Hosp., 1908-09; surgeon in charge I.C. R.R. Co. Fellow Am. Coll. Sur- geons; mem. A.M. A., 111. State and Chi- cago Med Socs., Chicago Surg. Soc. Ad- dress: Del Prado Hotel, 5307 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, 111. NELSON, Lewis Francis, pres. Bad- ger Tissue Mills; b. Freeport, 111., 22 Nov. 1880; s. John H. and Almina (Mc- Govern) N.; student parochial and pub. schs.; m. Clara Phillips, 12 July 1917. Served as railroad telegrapher, 1898- 1911; bank clerk and teller, 1911-17; pres., mgr. Badger Tissue Mills since 1917; pres. Farmers & Mchts. Bank since 1933; v.p. Kaukauna Lumber & Mfg. Co. since 1936; sec. and treas. Roy- al Clothing Co. since 1912. Mayor, City of Kaukauna, 1937-40, again elected in Mar. 1942. Home: 802 Metoxen Av., Kau- kauna, Wis. Office: Badger Tissue Mills, Kaukauna, Wis. SCHOLL, William M., pres. The Scholl Mfg. Co., Inc.; b. La Porte, Ind., 22 June 1882; s. Peter and Clara (Hana) S.; M.D., 111. Med. Coll., 1904; Chicago Med. Sch., 1922. Pres. The Scholl Mfg, Co., Inc., Chicago, since 1906; pres. The Scholl Mfg. Co., Ltd., Foot Specialist Pub. Co., Foot Comfort Shops, Inc., Dr. Scholl 's Foot Comfort Shops, Inc., Med. 6 Surg. Pub. Co., Chicago Plastic Prod- ucts Co.; v.p. Arno Adhesive Tapes, Foot Clinics of Chicago; dir. Compania Dr. Scholl; founder, v.p. and trustee, 111. Coll. of Chiropody and Foot Surgery; pres. Am. Sch. of Proatipedics. Clubs: Illinois Athletic, South Shore Country, Germania; New York Athletic (N.Y. Ci- ty). Home: Illinois Athletic Club, Chi- cago, 111. Office: 213 W. Schiller St., Chicago, 111. McCORKLE, Graham K. vice-pres. & dir. Illinois Bell Telephone Co.; b. Emi- nence, Ky., 5 Jan. 1887; s. Winfield P. and Mary (King) McC; B.M.E., Univ. of Kentucky; m. Frances McFarland, 7 June 1911; children— Jean Frances, Mary Elizabeth. With Cumberland Tele- phone & Telegraph Co., 1902-04; 111. Bell Telephone Co., 1908-24; Am. Telephone & Telegraph Co., 1924-28; Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co., 1928-30; v.p. and dir. HI. Bell Telephone Co. since 1930. Dir. Industrial Nat. Bank, United Charities, Crime Commission. Clubs: Chicago, Chicago Commercial, Chicago Athletic, Westmoreland Country. Home: 1501 Henman Av., Evanston, 111. Office: 212 W. Washington St., Chicago, HI. TUFTE, Engebret T., professor of biol- ogy; b. Northwood, N. Dak., 5 Apr. 1884; s. T. E. Tufte, farmer, and Guri (Bry) T.; ed. B.S., St. Olaf Coll., 1909; M.A., Univ. N.D., 1911; Univ. Chicago; m. Olga C. Hanson of Northwood, Minn., 12 June 1928. Prin. of schs., Gary, Minn., 1909- 10; instr., Univ. N.D., 1910-12; prof, biol- ogy, St. Olaf Coll., 1912-18, prof., head of biology dept., 1919-41, dir., placement bur., 1912-40; propr., drug store, 1912-17; mem. State Conservation Com., 1938-39; 519 pres., Minn. Acad. Sci., 1941-42; 1st It., sanitary corps., 1918-19; F. A.A.A.S.; mem. Minn. Acad. Sci. (exec, com., 1932- 36, v.p., 1936-37, exec, council, 1937-41, pres., 1942), Am. Legion (hist., 21 yrs.). Author: Embryology of Hosackia Ameri- cana; Minnesota Quiz Questions— Biology and General Science. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: collecting antiques, Indian relics. Recreation: golf. Lutheran. Re- publican. Office : St. Olaf College, North- field, Minn. Home: 506 St. Olaf Av., Northfield, Minn. SWAIM, John Earl, pres. Fidelity Labs., Inc.; b. nr. Wichita, Kan., 3 June 1885; s. Thomas Jefferson and Rachel (Miller) S.; B.S., Okla. Baptist Coll., 1910; m. Camilla Blanche Munger, 26 Nov. 1910; children — Thomas Jefferson, Charles Eugene, Mary Elizabeth, John Earl. Instr., Ponca City, Okla., 1904-06; supt. schs., Beaver County, Oklahoma, 1912-15; assistant director of extension Oklahoma A. and M. College, 1915-19; president Co-operative Livestock Devel- opment Association, Oklahoma City, 1919- 20; pres. and treas. Fidelity Labs., Inc., Chicago, 111., since 1920. Chmn. of control agency for handlers of anti-hog cholera serum and virus since 1943; pres. Animal Health Inst. Mem. Chicago Assn. Com- merce, Chicago Agrl. Club, Agrl. Coun- cil, Indiana Soc. Republican. Baptist Mason (Shriner), Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellow. Clubs: Saddle and Sirloin (Chi- cago); Hazelden Country (Brook, Ind.). Home: 1120 E. 64th St., Chicago, 111. Of- fice: 4122 S. Union, Chicago, 111. UPTON, Louis Cassius, pres. Nineteen Hundred Corp. ; b. Fredonia, N.Y., 10 Oct. 1886; s. Cassius M. and Carrie A. (Bod- gett) U. ; Univ.; Lake Forest Acad.; m Elizabeth Fogg, 13 June 1914. With Com- monwealth Edison Co., 1908-12; organ- ized the Upton Machine Co., 1912, pres., 1912-29; v. p. Nineteen Hundred Corp. (merger of Nineteen Hundred Washer Co. and Upton Machine Co.), 1929-33, pres. since 1933; chief durable goods industries, Div., War Prodn. Board. Washington, 1942. Served as alderman, City of St. Joseph, and mayor pro tern. Former president of Michigan Mfrs. Assn. Pres., Berrien-Cass Area, Council Boy Scouts of America and mem. Nat. Council; received Beaver Award. Nat. Councillor, C. of C. of U.S. Former pres. St. Joseph C. of C. ; v.p. and dir. Am. Washing Machine Mfrs. Assn. Pres. Am. Wash, and Ironer Mfgrs. Assn. Pres. Economic Club of So. Western Mich. Clubs : Union League (Chicago) ; Berrien Hills Country; Westmoreland Country; Quadrangle (University of Chicago). Home: 298 Ridgeway St., St. Joseph, Mich. Office: Nineteen Hundred Corp., St. Joseph, Mich. POLLARD, Wayne Ethelbert, account- ant; b. Winnebago County, 111., 9 Apr. 1903; s. Ethelbert and Emma Gladys (Layng) P.; student pub. schs., Winne- bago County, 111.; m. Dorothy Clare Chapman, 28 Aug. 1923; 1 son, Owen Wayne. With Rockford (111.) Nat. Bank, 1919-26; asst. to trust officer Rockford Trust Co., 1926-31, trust officer 1931-32; certified public accountant, operating under own name 1933-43; now, partner of Pollard and Wheeler, C.P.A.'s. Mem. Am. Inst. Accountants, Wis. Soc. C.P.A., 111. Soc. C.P.A., Nat. Assn. Cost Account- ants (past pres. Rockford chapter). Re- publican. Protestant. Elk. Home: 1702 Huffman Blvd., Rockford, 111. Office: 1010 Rockford Trust Bldg., Rockford, 111. WILSON, James E., pres., Michigan Engineering & Mfg. Company, deputy regional director in charge of priorities and allocations, WPB; b. Cleveland, O., 6 Nov. 1906; s. Edward James and Helene (Rhinelander) W.; grad., Univ. of Mich, and Univ. of Chile (Santiago) ; m. Louise Pollard, 1929. Charge of Chile Explora- tion Corp., Chuquicamata, Chile, S.A., 1926-28; associate Reo Motor Car Co., 1928-30; fuel oil sales and service mgr., Standard Oil Co., 1930-35; division mgr. of Airtemp Division of Chrysler Corp., 1935-41; co-owner, sec, treas. Public Service Oil Co., Newport News, Va.; en- tered War Production Bd., Nov. 1941 as regional mgr. of priorities and alloca- tions; apptd. by Donald Nelson, chmn. War Production Bd., Washington, deputy dir. WPB for Region No. 11, 3 Oct. 1942. Dir. Area Construction. Mem. Prodn. Urgency Com., Fed. Coordinating Com.; chmn. Civilian Requirements Com. Mem. Mayor's Fact-Finding Com. Chmn. bd. dirs. Area Council Boy Scouts of Am. Mem. Inter-Allied South American Safety Council, Am. Soc. of Chile (charter mem.), Kiwanis Internat., Odd Fellows, Detroit Victory Council, Electrical Asn. (hon.). Protestant. Clubs: Economic, Athletic (Detroit). Author: Heating and Air-Conditioning (Manual). Home: 15781 Ferguson Av., Detroit, Mich. Office: 604 Maccabees Building, Detroit, Mich. SCHULZE, Paul, Jr., pres. Schulze & Burch Biscuit Co. ; b. Chicago, Mar. 1895 ; s. Paul and Ida (Johl) S.; Ph.B., Yale, 1916; m. Grace Mary Cook, 30 June 1923 (divorced) ; children — Idamae, Paul III. Walter II; m. 2d, Rheba G. Thompson, 17 July 1943. Gen. sales mgr. Schulze 520 Baking Co., Chicago, 111., 1921-23; v.p. and treas. Paul Schulze Biscuit Co., Chi- cago, 1923-35, pres. 1935-40; pres. Schulze & Burch Biscuit Co., Chicago, since 1940; dir. Farmer Seed & Nursery Co., Fari- bault, Minn., So-Tas-Tee Foods, Inc., of 111. Served as 1st It. 13th U.S. Cav., Mexican border, 1917-19. Mem. Am. Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Phi Gamma Delta. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Economic, Municipal Art League, Central Mfg. Dist. Club. Home: 3200 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. Office: 1133 W. 35th St., Chicago, 111. STREICHERT, Eric John, owner E. J. Streichert; b. Bublitz, Germany, 12 Oct. 1882; s. John and Ida (Mager) S.; stu- dent pub. schs. Chicago, 111.; m. Gertrude Hacker, 11 July 1918. Started as glove factory worker, 1895; became foreman, sales clerk, and traveling salesman; owner E. J. Streichert, glove mfrs., Chi- cago, 111., since 1910. Mason (32d deg., K.T., Shriner). Club: Lions (Chicago). Home: 1817 N. Newland Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 1757 N. Pulaski Rd., Chicago, 111. SCHNERING, Otto Young, pres. Cur- liss Candy Co.; b. Chicago, 111., 9 Oct. 1891; s. Julius and Helen Elizabeth (Cur- tiss) S.; student Univ. of Chicago, 1913; m. Dorothy Russell, 15 Mar. 1927; chil- dren — Robert, Philip, Barbara. Founder, 1916, and since pres. Curtiss Candy Com- pany, manufacturers nationally known candies and food products, Chicago. Member 7th Regional Exec. Com. and Evanston Council of Boy Scouts of Amer- ica. Clubs: University, Chicago Athletic (Chicago). Home: Cary, 111. Office: 1101 W. Belmont Av., Chicago, 111. SCHAFER, Stanley Nicholas, pres. of First Nat. Bank of Ft. Atkinson; b. Owa- tonna, Minn., 12 Aug. 1901; s. Nicholas John and Louise (Knoblach) S.; student Culver Military Acad.; B.A., Univ. of Wis., 1923; m. Helen Bosshard, 12 May 1930; 1 son— James Stanley. Started as teller and clerk in Farmers & Merchants Bank, Sheboygan, Wis.; pres. First Nat. Bank, Fort Atkinson, Wis., since 1937; Wis. State Bank Examiner since 1923; Wis. Commr. of Banking since 1933. Di- rector, treas. Better Sox Knitting Mills, Fort Atkinson, Wis.; chmn. bank man- agement com. Wisconsin Bankers Assn.; mem. commn. on country bank opera- tions, Am. Bankers Assn.; p. pres. Nat. Assn. of Supervisors of State Banks. Mem. C. of C. Republican. Congrega- tionalism Mason. Club: Rotary. Home: 423 E. Milwaukee Av., Fort Atkinson. Wis. Office: First Nat. Bank of Ft. At- kinson, Wis. SARGENT, Ralph, partner Sargent & Lundy; b. La Grange, 111., 31 Mar. 1894; s. Frederick and Laura Sabina (Sleep) S.; student Phillips Exeter Acad.; B.S. in M.E., Mass Inst. Tech., 1921; m. Elise Hodges, 11 Jan 1919; children— Frede- rick, Ralph, Jane Hodges, m. 2d, Laura Valeske, 15 Mar. 1944. Constrn. engr. Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Il- linois, 1921-22; with Sargent & Lundy, consulting engineers, Chicago, 1922-27, vice-pres., 1929-40, partner since 1940; chief construction engineer State Line Generating Co., 1927-29. Served as en- sign, U.S. Navy, 1917-18. Mem. Am. Soc. M.E., Western Soc. Engrs., Chicago His- torical Soc, Geog. Soc. Chicago, Field Mus. Natural History, Edison Pioneers. Republican. Clubs: University, Adven- turers (Chicago) ; Glenview. Home : Del Prado Hotel, Chicago, 111. Office: 140 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. NEWNAN, Henry Loring, vice pres. Detroit Ins. Agency; b. Shelbina, Mo., 16 Jan. 1887; student Univ. of Mich., 1905-07; m. Margaret Bosson, 7 Nov. 1911; children — Margaret Usher, Terrell, William Loring, Henry Loring. Insp. Mil- ler's Nat. Ins. Co., Michigan, 1910, spl. agent, 1910-14; spl. agent Western Fac- tory Ins. Assns., Mich., 1914-20; with Detroit (Mich.; Ins. Agency, 1920-40, v.p. since 1920. Trustee Women's Hos- pital; pres. and tr. Grosse Pointe Coun- try Day Sch. Mem. Sigma Nu. Repub- lican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Scarab, De- troit, Athletic (Detroit) ; Country, Hunt (Grosse Pointe, Mich.). Home: 44 Mc- Kinley PL, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. Office: 510 Fisher Bldg., Detroit, Mich. SMITH, Leathern Daley, president, Leathern D. Smith Shipbuilding Co. and Leathern D. Smith Coal Co.; b. Sturgeon Bay, Wis., 7 Sept. 1886; s. Thomas H. and Anna (Daley) S.; C.E., Univ. of Wis., 1909; m. Alva Fredrickson, 16 Feb. 1926; children — Patricia Ann, Suzanne, Nancy Elizabeth (dec). Engaged in shipbuilding and marine salvage, 1910; mgr. stone crushing plants, Sturgeon Bay, Wis., to 1920; established Leathern D. Smith Dock Co., 1920; now president Leathern D. Smith Shipbuilding Co. and Leathern D. Smith Coal Co., both at Stur- geon Bay (offices in Chicago). Inventor of self-unloading equipment for ships. Mem. Maritime Engineering Assn., Na- val Architects, Propeller Club of Chi- cago. Home: Sturgeon Bay, Wis. PAULICK, Herman Rudolf, president Dearborn Glass Co. ; b. Oshkosh, Wis , 521 18 Jan. 1896; s. Rudolf and Mary (Yan- ko) P.; student pub. sens., Oshkosh, Wis.; m. Aurelia M. McCormick, 25 July 1923; children — Patricia, Herman. Est. Dearborn Glass Co., Chicago, 111., pres. since 1922. Served with U.S. Navy, 1918- 19. Republican. Roman Catholic. Home: 437 Woodlawn Av., Glencoe, 111. Office: 2414 W. 21st St., Chicago, 111. WINTGENS, Henry G., vice-president and asst. gen. mgr. Hoberg Paper Mills; b. Green Bay, Wis., 6 July 1897; s. Will- iam and Margaret (Heikes) W.; ed. pub. schs. of East Green Bay, Wis. ; m. Marie Lewis, 21 Apr. 1925. With Hoberg Paper Mills, Green Bay, Wis., since 1914, as stenographer, 1914-15, timekeeper, 1915- 16, chief clerk, 1916-17, cost accountant, 1918-19, salesman, 1919-25, asst. sales rngr., 1925-30, sales mgr. since 1939. Ro- man Cath. Elk. Club: Kiwanis (Green Bay). Home: 915 S. Jackson St., Green Bay, Wis. Office: Hoberg Paper Mills, Green Bay, Wis. DILLING, Albert Wallwick, construc- tion engr., lawyer; b. Salt Lake City, 17 Jan. 1892; s. William Ferdinand and Kristine (Huseby) D.; grad. Crane Tech. High School, Chicago, 1909; spl. course civ. engring., Armour Institute Tech., Chicago, 3 yrs.; LL.B., Chicago- Kent Coll. of Law, 1917; spl. work, Univ. of Chicago; admitted to 111. bar, 1917; m. Elizabeth Eloise Kirkpatrick, 12 Aug. 1918; children — Kirkpatrick, Elizabeth Jane. With engring. dept. C.,M.&St.P. Ry., 1912-17; field engr. Universal Port- land Cement Co., 1917-20; engring. asst. to commr. pub. works, Chicago, Feb.- Dec. 1920, also in charge for city of Un- ion Station development, and acting en- gineer bridges, Apr. -Dec. 1920; chief en- gineer Sanitary Dist. of Chicago, 1921- 22; pvt. practice since 1922; also super- vising engr. West Chicago Park Commn. 1927-28; founder of Activated Sludge Pro- cesses of America, a trust estate, 1924; confidential asso. of Richard Fitzgerald, retired Chicago terminal and railroad expert, mfr. and capitalist, 1924-35; ar- bitrated claim of Rock Island Railway Co. against State of Illinois arising out of 111. Waterway constrn., 1928; has rep- resented many large contractors as con- sultant and as atty. in connection with claims. Has traveled abroad extensive- ly, including visit to Soviet Russia, 1931. Mem. Am. Assn. Port Authorities, Am. Soc. C.E., Western Soc. Engrs., Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Delta Chi. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Exec- utives (Chicago). Office: 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. MULLEN, Januarius Arthur, vice- pres. Standard Accident Ins. Co.; b. O'- Neill, Neb., 18 June, 1905; s. Arthur Francis and Mary Theresa (Dolan) M.; Ph.B., Creighton Univ., Omaha, Neb., 1928, LL.B., 1930; m. Exilona Hamilton, 5 June 1935; children — Francis Hamil- ton, Michael Ann, Mary Luisa. Admitted to Neb. bar, 1930, D.C. bar, 1933; prac- ticed law at Omaha, Neb., 1930-34; v.p. Standard Accident Ins. Co. of Detroit, Mich., since 1936. Served as asst. legal adviser Dept. of State, 1933-34 ; legal ad- viser to Spl. Adviser to President on fgn. trade, 1934-35. Mem. Am. Bar Assn. Democrat. Roman Catholic. K.C. Clubs: Detroit, Athletic, Country (Detroit); Grosse Pointe (Michigan) ; Chevy Chase (Maryland); Nat. Press (Washington). Office: 340 Temple Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 300 Washington Road, Grosse Pointe, Mich. SARGENT, Chester Frederick, partner Sargent & Lundy; b. Sioux City, la., 4 Nov. 1886; s. Frederick and Laura S. (Sleep); student Univ. of 111.; m. Mabel L. Bushong, 21 June 1911; children— Bar- bara Ann, Margaret Jean. With Chas. C. Moore & Co., San Francisco, Calif., 1910-11; mgr. Edward Steam Splty. Co., Chicago, 111., 1911-14; with Sargent & Lundy, cons, engrs., Chicago, since 1914. Mem. Art Inst., Field Mus. Natural His- tory, Chicago Hist. Soc, Delta Kappa Epsilon. Republican. Club: Indian Hill (Winnetka, 111.). Home: 735 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka, 111. Office: 140 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. McDOUGAL, Robert, corp. exec; b. Peoria, 111., 25 Oct. 1868; s. John and Mary A. (Gray) McD.; student pub. schs., Peoria, 111.; m. Persis Bouton, 9 Apr. 1902; children— Robert, Jr., Christopher Bouton. Started as messenger for Han- cock & Co., Peoria, 111., 1887-94, co. rep. on Bd. of Trade, 1894-95; rep. on Chi- cago Bd. of Trade for Otto E. Lohrke 6 Co., N.Y. City, 1895, their Chicago broker, 1900-04; employed by Bartlett, Frazier & Co., 1895-96; partner Knight & McDougal, 1904-1917; pres. Maryland Car Wheel Co., Baltimore, 1926-39. Pres. Old People's Home, Chicago. Mem. Chi- cago Bd. of Trade (past pres.), U.S. C. of C. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Chicago, Commercial, South Shore Coun- try (Chicago) ; Dunedin Isles Golf (Dune- din, Florida); Tarpon Springs (Florida) Golf; Boat, Gull Lake Country (Rich- land, Mich.). Home: 4804 Woodlawn Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 1731 Bd. of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111. SCHWERIN, Charles L., pres. Bldgs. Development Co.; b. N.Y. City, 31 July 522 1880; s. Leopold M. and Pauline (Samel- son) S. ; ed. Coll. City of N.Y. ; m. Mary E. Robb, 1929. Mng. partner Industrial Housing Co., Racine, Wis., 1919-21; with Frederick T. Hoyt, 1922-24; pres. Hotels Development Co. (name changed to Bldgs. Development Co., 1925), 1924-25, pres. Bldgs. Development Co., 111., 1925- 31; pres. Bldgs. Development Co., Wis., since 1928, Water Wis. Co., Wis., since 1929, Reywal Bldg. Corp., 111., since 1932, Beedee Management Co., 111., since 1932, United Gilpin Corp., Colo., since 1935. Office: 208 E. Wisconsin Av., Milwaukee, Wis., and 2745 N. Mildred Av., Chicago, 111. RIPLEY, Allen Bradford, pres. and treasurer U.S. Color Card Co.; b. Chi- cago, 111., 11 Dec. 1879; s. Bradford W. and Anna (Dunton) R.; B.A., Cornell Univ., 1903; m. Charlotte E. Plamondon, 9 Apr. 1910; children — Jane Plamondon (Mrs. John Carrol McGuinn), Bradford Williams, II (It. U,S.N.R., killed in ac- tion). Started with Carson Pirie Scott & Company, advt. mgr. retail store, 1909- 13; vice-president U.S. Sample Co., mfrs sample books, Chicago, HI., since 1910; pres. and treas. U.S. Color Card Com- pany. Dir. Central. Div. Am. Red Cross. Republican. Clubs: University, Edge- water Golf. Home: 60 E. Scott St., Chi- cago, 111. Office: 1445 Jackson Blvd., Chi- cago, HI. MORRIS, Constance Lily, writer; b. N.Y. City; d. V. Henry and Josephine (Wolf) Rothschild: ed. St. Mary's Sch. and Wellesley Coll.; m. Ira Nelson Mor- ris; children — Contance Irene, Ira Victor. Episcopalian Clubs : Arts (Chicago) ; Woman's University, Nat. Penwomen's (New York) ; Woman's University (Bos- ton) ; Essex Country (Manchester, Mass.) ; Ranelagh, Women's University (London); St. Cloud (Paris); National Country. Mem. Soc. of Oxford Home Stu- dents of Oxford Univ. Author: On Tour with Queen Marie, 1926; Behind Moroc- can Walls, 1931; Maria Theresa — The Last Conservative. 1937. Home : 219 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. THOMAS, Robert Gordon, v.p. Lima Packing Co.; b. Lima, Ohio, 11 Nov. 1907; s. Benjamin F. and Anna M. (Armstrong) T. ; grad. Lima high sch. ; m. Jane Lamb, 25 Jan. 1932; children — Natalie Ann, Ben- jamin Gordon, Charles Lamb. Various jobs with the Lima Packing Co., v.p. since 1940. Pres. Ohio Independent Meat Packers Assn. ; member advisory board Assn. Commerce; mem. bd. dirs. Nation- al Independant Meat Packers Assn. Dir. Lima Memorial Hosp. Republican. Pres- byterian. Club : Rotary. Home : 1205 State St., Lima, O. Office: 219 S. Central Av., Lima, O. BROWN, Oliver Leonard Inman, in- structor in chemistry; b. Webster City, la., 15 Nov. 1911; s. William O. L. Brown, mcht., and Caro Capitola (Inman) B.; ed. la. City high sch.; Drake Univ., 1928- 30; B.A., Univ. la., 1932, M.S., 1933; Ph.D., Univ. Calif., 1936. Instr. chem., Univ. Mich.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Xi, Am. Chem. Soc, A.A.A.S. Office: 460 Chemistry Bldg., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1015 Church St., Ann Arbor, Mich. GOW, Alexander Murdoch, engineer and statistician; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., 10 Apr. 1902; s. Alexander M. Gow, mech. engr., and Margaret (Schmid) G. ; ed. Duluth, Minn. Cent, high sch.; E.M.. Univ. Minn., 1923; m. Margaret Barlow of Winona, Minn., 27 Dec. 1924. Drafts- man, Gen. Petroleum Corp., Los Ange- les, Calif., 1923; res., Univ. Minn., 1923- 24; instr., Sch. of Mines, Univ. Minn., 1924-28; res. metall., Mo. Sch. of Mines and Metall., Rolla, Mo., 1928-30; asst. metall., U.S. Bur. of Mines, Rolla, Mo., 1930-33; supt. of projects, C.W.A., Mo. E.R.A., Jefferson City, Mo., 1933-35; dist. dir. of operations, W.P.A., St. Joseph, Mo., 1935-36; sr. engr., state statistician, W.P.A., Jefferson City, Mo., 1936—; mem., Theta Tau, K.C., Mo. Soc. Prof. Engrs., Civic Mus. Assn.; Fellow A.A.A.S. Club: Engineers' (Jefferson City). Author: numerous arts, on metall. subjs. in tech. press. Travel: U.S. In- terests: mineralogy, gemology. Recrea- tion: swimming. Catholic. Democrat. Of- fice: 417 Bolivar St., Jefferson City, Mo. Home: 701 Ewing Dr., Jefferson City, Mo. WOLDMAN, Albert Alexander, law- yer; b. Russia, 1 Jan. 1897; s. Isaac and Gertrude (Kudysh) W. ; brought to U.S., 1898; A.B., Western Reserve Univ., 1917; student Western Reserve Law Sch., in 1918; LL.B., Ohio Northern Univ., 1919; m. Lydia Levin, 3 July 1921; children — Robert Morton, Phyllis Joy, Stuart. Ed. South Brooklyn (O.) Herald, 1916; re- porter Cleveland Press, 1917, Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1918; asst. state editor Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1918-19; admit- ted to Ohio bar, 1919, and since prac- ticed in Cleveland, editor Every Boy's Mag., 1920, Real Estate Outlook, 1921; teacher legal history and constl. law, John Marshall Sch. of Law, Cleveland, since 1936. Assis. City law director of Cleveland, 1942, chmn. Board of Review 523 Ohio Bureau of Unemployment Compen- sation, 1945. Mem. Com. of 100 Supporting City Mgr. Plan of Govt, for Cleveland; tr. Cultural Gardens Assn., Cleveland Community Religious Hour. Mem. Ohio, Cuyahoga County (sec.) and Cleveland bar assns., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ab- raham Lincoln Assn. of Ohio (v. p.), Am. Jewish Congress (nat. com.), Cleveland Jewish Community Council (exec, com- mittee), Cleveland Zionist Soc. (exec, com.). Democrat. K.P., B'nai B'rith (pres., dist. 2, Grand Lodge). Club: City (Cleveland). Author: Lawyer Lincoln, 1936; Mightier Than the Sword, 1940. Contbr. to newspapers and legal jours. Home: 2047 Rossmoor Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. Office: City Hall, Cleveland, O. KNICKERBOCKER, Hubert Renfro, newspaper man; b. Yoakum, Tex., 31 Jan. 1898; s. Hubert Delancey (Rev.) and Julia Catherine (Opdenweyer) K.; A.B., Southwestern U., Georgetown, Tex- as, 1917, Litt.D., 1941; student Columbia, 1919-20, Univ. of Munich (Germany), 1923-24, Univ. of Vienna, Univ. of Ber- lin, 1924; m. Laura Patrick, 1918 (div.) ; 1 son: M. 2d, Agnes Schjoldager; 3 daughters. Reporter on Newark Morn- ing Ledger, 1920-22, New York Evening Post. 1922, New York Sun, 1922; head department journalism, Southern Metho- dist Univ., 1922-23; asst. Berlin corres. New York Evening Post and Phila. Pub- lic Ledger, 1924-25, Berlin corr., 1928-41; Moscow corr. Internat. News Service, 1925-27, Berlin corr., 1928-33; travelling corr. Internat. News Service, 1933-41; covered Italo-Abyssinian War, 1935-36, Spanish Civil War, 1936-37. Sino-Japan- ese War, 1937, Battle of France, 1939- 40, Battle of Britain, London Blitz, 1940; Southwest Pacific, Java, Australia, New Guinea, 1942; chief of fgn. service Chi- cago Sun. 1941-45. Official corr. U.S. Ar- my 1st Div., North Africa. 1942-43. Af- rican Campaign, Algieria. Tunisia, 1942- 43; Sicilian Campaign 1943; Italian Cam- paign 1943-44; Normandy, 2d Battle of France, Belgium, Germany, 1944-45. Awarded Pulitzer prize for corresnond- ents, 1939. Served with Signal Corps, U.S. Army. World War I. Mem. Sigma Delta Chi. Kappa Aloha. Democrat. Au- thor: Fighting the Red Trade Menace, 1931; The* Red Menace— Progress of the Soviet Five-Year Plan. 1931; The Ger- man Crisis, 1932; Can Eurooe Recover?, 1932; Will War Come in Europe, 1934; Siege of the Alcazar, 1937; Is Tomorrow Hitler's?, 1941. Address: care of W. Col- ston-Leigh, Inc., 521 Fifth Av., New York, N.Y. WEIGEL, John C, govt, official; b. Joliet, 111., 18 Nov. 1886; s. John G. and Margaret (Bauer) W.; grad. Joliet Twp. High Sch., 1905; B.A., Lombard Coll., 1908; grad. student Harvard, summer 1908, also various times Univ. of Chi- cago, 1909-19; travel and study in Eur., summers 1910, 11, 13, 14; unmarried. Re- porter Joliet Daily News, 1904-05, sum- mers 1906, 07; reporter Galesburg (111.) Mail, 1905-08; asst. in mathematics at Lombard Coll., 1905-08, asst. in physics, 1907-08, prof, of German, 1908-09; instr. in German, Univ. of Chicago, 1909-19; served in code and cipher sect., Div. Mil. Intelligence, Gen. Staff, Washing- ton, D.C., 1918, later commd. 1st It., O. R.C. ; mem. exec, staff Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, serving in office of mgr. of factory dept., as asst. to v.p. in chg. of operations asst. mgr. advertising and printing plant, 1919-24; asst. gen. supt., Philipsborn's, 1924; gen. mgr. and sec, Battle Ball Co. of America, 1925; ad- minstr. Div. of the Criminologist and Inst, for Juvenile Research, Chicago, 1926-33; adminstr. Behavior Research Fund, Chicago, 1926-33, sec. bd. trustees since 1931; fiscal supervisor Dept. of Pub. Welfare, State of 111., 1933-37, ad- ministrative asst., 1937-41, acting supt. div. of old age assistance, 1937-40; re- gional adminstr. U.S. Office of Price Ad- minstrn., Chicago, Dec. 1941-Mar. 1943; with Lend-Lease Adminstrn., 1943-44, as- signed foreign service; mem. executive staff United Nations Relief and Rehabil- itation Adminstrn., 1944; chief adminis- trative officer U.N.R.R.A. International Conf., Montreal, Can., Sept., 1944; asst. to dir., British Empire and Middle East Branch, Foreign Economic Administrn., 1945; function transferred to Office Fgn. Liquidation. Dent, of State; lecturer in Graduate School Social Service Admin- istration, Univ. Chicago, 1939-40. Mem. Am. Acad. Polit. and Soc. Sci.. Am. Soc. Pub. Adminstrn., Am. Pub. Welfare Assn., 111. Conf. on Social Welfare (d. pres.), Abraham Lincoln Assn., Cliff Dwellers, Phi Delta Theta. Author: A Manual of Business Methods for the De- partment of Public Welfare, 1941. Contbr. to Annual Reports of 111. Pub. Welfare; also to professional jours. Address: care Department of State, Washington, D.C. ; (permanent) care Mrs. Adlai S. Maass, 252 Western Av., Joliet, 111. GREER, Carlotta Cherryholmes, ed- ucator, author; b. Akron, O., 15 Nov. 1879; d. John Fennel Greer, inventor, and Louisa (Cherryholmes) G. ; ed. Cen- tral High Sch., Akron; Ph.B., Buch- tel Coll., Akron Univ., 1903; Drexel 524 Inst., 1905; Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ. Dir. home econ., Kan. Normal Coll., Pittsburg, Kan.; head of home econ. dept., East Tech. High School, Cleveland, John Hay High Sch., Cleve- land, home econ., Curriculum Center, John Adams High Sch., Cleveland; pres., Ohio Home Econ. Assn., 1914-15; councilor at large, Am. Home. Econ. Assn., 1919-22; v.p. dept. of home econ., N.E.A., 1931-32, pres., 1932-34; member Delta Kappa Gamma. Club: Women's City. Author: Textbook of Cooking; Food and Victory; School and Home Cooking; Foods and Home Making; Workbook in Home Making. Co-author: Chemistry. G.d. first white child born in Holmes Co. Interests: collecting an- tiques, interior decorating. Recreation: motoring. Christian. Progressive. Office: John Adams High School, Cleveland, O. Home: 2515 Norfolk Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. CLIFTON, John L., professor; b. Et- na, 13 June 1881; s. Oliver Perry Clif- ton, farmer, and Mary Virginia (You- mans) C; ed. Etna high sch.; B.S. (in Edn.), O. Univ., 1913; Ph.D., O. State Univ., 1929; LL.D. (hon.), Miami Univ.; m. Grace Reichelderfer of Circleville, Aug. 1907; children^John L., Jr., Lu- cile, Esther; grand children — John L., Ill, Jane Anne. Teacher, supt. schs., Homer, Mendon; exam, clerk, asst. dir. edn., State Dept. Edn., state dir. edn., 1927-31; now prof., Coll. Edn., O. State Univ.; mem. Phi Delta Kapoa, O. Ednl. Assn., N.E.A. (life mem.). Club: Facul- ty. Author: Ten Famous American Edu- cators; Ohio Government; Parliamen- tary Law; Studies on the Constitution; Classroom Management ; Guidance Manuals. Recreations: chess, bridge, bowling. Methodist. Democrat. Office: Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Home: 207 15th Av., Columbus, Ohio. YNTEMA, Theodore Otte, prof, statis- tics; b. Holland, Mich. 8 Apr. 1900; s. Douwe Bauke and Mary Elizabeth (Loomis) Y.; A.B., Hope Coll., Holland, Mich., 1921; A.M., Univ. of 111., 1922; A.M., Univ. of Chicago, 1924, Ph.D., 1929; C.P.A., 111., 1924; studied, Harvard, 1926-27; m. Kathryn Elizabeth van der Veen, 8 Aug. 1923; children — Elizabeth, John Arend; m. 2d, Mrs. Virgina Heigho Payne, 31 July 1939; children — Virginia Gwin, Theodore Otte, Jr. With Univ. of Chicago since 1923, beginning as in- structor in accounting, professor of sta- tistics, 1930-45; prof, of business and eco- nomic policy, 1945 — ; director research Cowles Commn., 1939-42; acting asso. prof, statistics Stanford Univ., 1929-30; consulting economist, U.S. Steel Corp., 1938-40; economic consultant NRA 1934- 35; chief statistician Div. Industrial Ma- terials, Defense Commn., 1940; special consultant War Shipping Adminstrn., in 1942; research dir. Com. for Economic Dev. since 1942. Served as mem. S.A.T. C, at Fort Sheridan, 111., July-Sept., 1918; 2d It. Inf. S.A.T.C., Univ. of Tex., Sept.-Dec. 1918. Fellow Am. Statis. As- sociation, Econometric Soc; mem. Am. Econ. Assn. Club: Quadrangle (Chi- cago). Author: A Mathematical Reform- ulation of the Theory of International Trade, 1932. Home: 5729 Blackstone Av., Chicago, HI. , COLLETT, George Richard, executive; b. Hartford, Mich., 6 Jan. 1872; s. George Few Collett and Sarah (Phillips) C; ed. Hartford (Mich.) pub. schs.; Kent Coll. of Law, Chicago, 111. ; m. Florence Mars- den Herendeen of Chicago, 111., 1901 (dec), 1908; 1 dau.— Florence Herendeen (Mrs. Robt. M. Ayres) ; m. (2nd) Mollie E. Switzer of St. Louis, Mo., 1915; 1 son— George Richard, Jr. In employ of Chicago and West Mich. R.R., and 111. Ind. and la. R.R., G yrs.; Armour & Co., packers, traffic dent., Chicago and. Ft. Worth, Tex., 1896-1905; gen. mgr., Mil- waukee (Wis.) Stock Yards, 1905-07; v.p., St. Louis Nat. Stock Yards, 1907-13; v.p.. Kansas City Stock Yards Co., 1913-18, v.p. Morris and Co., packers. Chicago, 1918-21; pres., dir., Kansas City Stock Yards Co., 1921—; Kansas City Connect- ing R.R.; St. Louis Nat. Stock Yards Co.: East St. Louis Junction Railroad: dir., Okla. Nat. Stock Yards Co., Okla. City June. R.R., Am. Stock Yards Assn., Inter-State Nat. Bank, Kansas Citv, Nat. Stock Yards Nat. Bank (Nat. Stock Yds., 111.), St. Luke's Hosp. ; tr., Kansas City Univ., Kansas City Conservatory of Music; mem. Masons (32d deg.), K.T., Shriner. Clubs : Kansas City, Kansas City Country, Mo. Athletic. (St. Louis, Mo.1, Traffic (Chicago). Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: 914 Live Stock Exchange Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 1020 W. 53rd St., Ter., Kansas City, Mo. Summer home: Charlevoix, Mich. WERNER, Anthony Matthias, lawver; bus. exec; b. Kewaskum, Wis., 19 Feb. 1894; s. Anton and Emma (Deutsch) W. ; LL.B., Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, Wis., 1919; student Univ. of Mich., sum- mer of 1917; m. Dorothy Elizabeth Bowler, 15 Oct. 1924; children— David Anthony, Mary Ellen, Timothy Bowler, Anthony Matthias, John Mark. Post of- . fice elk., 1912; admitted to Wis. bar, 1919; 525 partner in firm Werner & Clemens since 1919; pres. and dir. Crystal Lake Crushed Stone Co., Sheboygan Majestic Theatre Co., Bowler Realty Co., Bowler Security Co.; treas. Press Pub. Co.; dir. Sheboy- gan Casket Co.; ex-dir. Radio Station WHBL. Served in U.S. Navy, 1917-19. City atty., Sheboygan, Wis., 1923-29; mem. Police and Fire Commn., Sheboy- gan, 1933-43 (chmn. 1938-40); Reapp't. Police and Fire Commn. and chmn. since May 1945. Apptd. col. on staff of Gov. Al G. Schmedeman, 1933; col. on staff of Gov. Julius P. Heil, 1939. Del. to Dem. Nat. Conv., Chicago, 1932 (alternate 1942). Gen. counsel, Alien Property Cus- todian, Apr. 1942-May 1944. Mem. bd. regents, Univ. of Wis. Mem. Am., Wis. State and Sheboygan bar assns., Am. Legion, Alpha Gamma Phi. Elk. Catho- lic Order Foresters. Fraternal Order Eagles. Clubs: Milwaukee Athletic, Mil- waukee Press; Pine Hills Country (She- boygan); Nat. Press (Washington, D.C.). Home: 2600 N. Third St., Sheboygan, Wis. Address: 512 Nat. Security Bldg., Sheboygan, Wis. LORENZEN, Anton Frederick, pres. Lorenzen & Thompson, Inc.; b. Tondern, Denmark, 7 May 1876; s. Christian Val- entine and Marie (Nicholeison) L. ; stu- dent pub. and pvt. schs. Chicago, HI. Started as news boy, Chicago, 111.; pres. Lorenzen & Thompson, Inc., publishers' reps., Chicago and N.Y. City, since 1921. Enlisted 1891, 111. National Guard; served with U.S. Army in Cuba in Spanish-Am. War, 1898-99; promoted to 1st It., capt., major, It. col., col.; retired with rank of brig. gen. Mem. 111. Indl. Council; mem. Chicago Crime Commn., Zoning Board of Appeals, City of Chicago. In- ternal chancellor Notre Dame Coll., Wil- cox, Sask., Can. Vice-chmn. for Illi- nois, N. Y. World's Fair Commn. Post comdr. United Spanish War Vets.; mem. Vets of Fgn. Wars, Navy League of U.S. (life mem.), Spl. Agents Assn., Anti- Superstition Society. Episcopalian. Ma- son (K.T., Shriner). Clubs: Second (132d Inf.) Veterans Corps, Three Score and Ten (pres.), Tavern, Army and Navy (Chicago), Iroquis (v. pres.). Home: Blackstone Hotel. Office: 333 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. GRAHAM, Gerald James, pres. Lum- mis-Graham Glass Co.; b. Chicago, 111., 20 Feb. 1897; s. James W. and Mary (McNulty) G.; student Northwestern Sch. of Commerce; m. Geraldine Gaug- han, 4 Apr. 1923. With Armour & Co., 1916-19, salesman Charles Boldt Glass Co., 1919-22, v.p. Graham Bottle Co., 1922- 24, v.p. Carroll-Graham Glass Co., 1924- 37, dist. mgr. Anchor Hocking Glass Co., Chicago, 1937-42, pres. Lummis-Graham Glass Co. since 1942; dir. Utah Radio Products, Chicago, since 1936, Caswell Runyan Co., furniture mfrs., since 1937; dir. American Window Glass Co., Pitts- burgh, since Nov., 1945. Served as machinist mate, aviation 2d class, U.S. Navy, June 1918-Jan. 1919. mem. Avia- tion Post, Am. Legion. Clubs: South Shore Country, Illinois Athletic, Key, In- ternal, Chicago Figure Skating. Home: 6728 Oglesby, Chicago, 111. Address: 360 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. RICH, Daniel Catton; b. South Bend, Ind., 16 Apr. 1904; s. Daniel and Martha (Catton) R.; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1926; student Harvard, 1926-27; m. Ber- tha Ten Eyck James, 23 Sept. 1927; chil- dren — Michael James, Stephen Ten Eyck, Penelope, Anthony Catton. With Art In- stitute of Chicago since 1927, beginning as editor of the Bulletin, 1927-39, assist- ant curator of painting and sculpture, 1929-31, asso. curator, 1931-38, curator since 1938, dir. fine arts since May 1938, dir., since 1 Nov. 1945. Co-founder Film- Art, Inc., Chicago; chmn. 111. com., sect, of painting and sculpture, Procurement Div. of Treasury Dept. ; mem. patrons com. Federal Art Project of 111.; mem. com. on art project 111. Emergency Re- lief Commn. ; mem. jury to select murals for Dept. of Interior Bldg.; mem. Am. nat. com. of Comite Internat. d'Histoire de l'Art; 111. chmn. com. of selection for Exhbn. of Contemporary Am. Art. New York World's Fair, 1939; chmn. Jury of Awards for Contemporary Painting Exhbn. of Golden Gate Internat. Expn.; mem. advisory committee on art Dept. of State, Washington; vice chmn. Na- tional Council for National Art Week, 1941; dir. Arts Club, Chicago. Chmn. jury of awards, Artists for Victory, Metro- politan Museum, N.Y. Mem. Council Am. Assn. of Museums; mem. Awards Honor- ary Committee for Scholastic Mag., 1942. Mem. Assn. Art Museum Dirs. (pres.), Socio Honorario of Museo de Arte Colo- nial, Bogota, Colombia, P.E.N. , Ren- aissance Soc. of Univ. of Chicago, Phi Beta Kappa. Democrat. Clubs: Chicago, Cliff Dwellers, Arts, The Wayfarers, Art Directors (hon. life) (Chicago). Author: Seuart and the Evolution of "La Grande Jatte," 1935; Henri Rosseau, 1942; Georgia O'Keeffe, 1915-41, 1943. Editor and compiler: Catalogue of the Charles H. and Mary F.S. Worcester Collection, 1938. Contbr. to art jours. Home: 849 Foxdale, Winnetka, 111. Office: Art In- stitute of Chicago, Chicago, 111. 526 GERHALSER, William Henry, ship- builder; b. Detroit, Mich., 7 Jan. 1889; s. Wm. and Mary Catherine (Klippel) G.; grad. Detroit Univ. Sen., 1906; B.Ch.- E., Univ. of Mich., 1911; m. Amy Jean Farr, 13 June 1914; children — William Farr, Merton Farr, Henry Farr, Fred- erick Farr. Asst. sec. Detroit Bd. of Com- merce, 1911-14; supt. Williams Bros. Co., Detroit, 1915-17; asst. to pres. Am. Ship- building Co., 1917-18, v.p., 1918-28, pres. since 1928; dir. American Shipbuilding Company, Union Bank of Commerce (Cleveland), Ohio Bell Tel. Co.; dir. Hurshaw Chemical Co., Ferry Cap and Set Screw Co. Trustee Webb Inst. Naval Architecture (New York), Western Re- serve Acad. (Hudson, O.). Mem. Soc. Naval Architects and Marine Engrs., Chi Psi. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Union, Kirtland Country, Tavern (Cleve- land), Boston (New Orleans, La.), India House (New York). Home: 2301 Coventry Rd., Cleveland Hts., O. Address: Am. Shipbuilding Co., Cleveland, O. HERRMANN, Joseph Mark, vice presi- dent, general manager Workman Serv- ice, Inc.; b. Hamilton, O., 4 Jan. 1901; s. H. Ed. and Dora J. (Fromm) H. ; Com. E., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1925; m. Clarice E. Van Ness, 20 Jan. 1934; chil- dren—Lynn Gerow, Gail Elizabeth. Suc- cessively with Remington-Rand. Inc., Cincinnati, Midwest Motors Co., Cincin- nati, Western Electric Co., Kearny, N.J., Mills Novelty Co., Chicago, Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co., Chicago. Consultant on methods of engring. and equipment and specialized phases of personnel ad- mistrn. (job evaluation, etc.). Mem. Of- fice Management Assn. of Chicago (pres.), Am. Management Assn., Nat. Office Management Assn. (area dir.), Chicago Assn. of Commerce, Indsl. Rela- tions Assn., Lambda Chi Alpha. Clubs: Illinois Athletic, Rotary. Mason. Prot- estant. Contbr. articles on job evalua- tion and suggestion systems; papers on personnel adminstrn. and manuals of procedure. Home: 5632 Kimbark Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 58 E. Washington, Chicago, HI. GARDNER, Addison Leman, Jr., law- yer, corp. exec; b. Chicago, 111., 19 Sept. 1895; s. Addison Leman and Jeanie A. (Black) G.; B.A., Harvard, 1917, LL.B., 1922; m. Sylvia Sears, 26 June 1923; children — Addison Leman III, Alexander Sears. Admitted to 111. bar, 1922 ; engaged in practice of law since 1922; partner law firm Gardner, Morrow, Fowler & Merrick, Chicago, since 1925; dir. Wood- stock Typewriter Co., State Bank & Trust Co., Evanston, 111. Evanston Hosp. Assn., Jefferson Electric Co., Bellwood, 111. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Art Inst., Chicago, Field Museum Natural History, Chicago Historical So- ciety. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: University, Mid-Day, Glen View (Chi- cago) ; Harvard (N.Y. City and Boston. Mass.); Bankers, Lotos (N. Y. City). Home: 2700 Euclid Park PL, Evanston, 111. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago 4, HI. GALE, John Milo, pres. Eaton Nat. Bank; b. South East Eaton, O., 6 June 1865; s. John H. and Catherine (Haider- man) G. ; student pub. schs. of Cincin- nati, O.; m. Cornelia Nelson, Sept. 1892; children — Catherine, Edward. Dir. and officer Eaton (O.) Nat. Bank. Elected v.p. for Ohio, National Bank Div., Am. Bankers Assn., 1942. Mason. Club: Coun- try (Eaton, O.). Home: 511 E. Main St., Eaton, O. Office: Eaton Nat. Bank, Main and Barron Sts., Eaton, O. HAMILTON, Herbert Clifton, chemist (retired); b. Sandy Lake, Pa., 21 Nov. 1868; s. James Hamilton, farmer, and Jeannette (McCartney) H. ; ed. Chem. E., Univ. Minn., 1897; m. Mary Ivy Gib- son of Detroit, Mich., 1 July 1901; 1 son —Donald E. Engaged in sci. work in Res. Dept., U. S. Rubber Co. 36 yrs.; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Pub. Health Soc Club: Detroit Yacht. Author: many sci. arts. Travel: U.S., Hawaii, Puerto Rico, So. Am., Eur., Palestine, Egypt. Interests: science, literature. Recrea- tions: golf, gardening, travel. Unitar- ian. Republican. Office: Parke Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. Home: 160 Webb Av., Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: Grosse Isle, Mich. BRUMLEY, Oscar Victor, dean, col- lege of veterinary medicine; b. Leipsic, O., 9 Mar. 1876; s. Joseph Brumley and Philipina (Leffler) B.; ed. Leipsic high sen.; O. State Univ., 1897; Royal Vet. Coll., Berlin, Ger. ; m. Annabelle Taw- ney of Leipsic, O., 1896. Dr. Vet. Med., O. State Univ., 1897; practice vet. med., 1897-98; F., asst. in vet. med., O. State Univ., 1898-99, asst., 1899-1902, asst. pro- fessor, 1902-04, assoc. prof., 1904-10, act- ing dean of coll., winter quarter, 1925- 26, prof., 1919—, dir. of clinics, 1910-29, sec, 1912-29, dean coll., 1929—; mem. city bd. health, 1929-33 (pres., 1931); mem. Am. Vet. Med. Assn. (pres., 1938), O. State Vet. Med. Assn., Phi Zeta, Sig- ma Xi, Phi Eta Sigma, Masons. Club: Faculty. Author: Diseases of the Small Domestic Animals; Posology. Travel: 527 U.S., Eng., Ger., Switz. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: Ohio State University, Columbus, O. Home: 2185 Cambridge Blvd., Upper Arlington, Columbus, O. BLATCHFORD, Carter, pres. Carter Blatchford, Inc.; b. Chicago, 111., 26 Nov. 1882; s. Thomas Windeatt and Susie (Carter) B.; student Chicago Manual Training Sch. ; m. Myrtle Crane, 7 Dec. 1920; children — Thomas Carter, Susanne Elizabeth Began in traffic dept. I.C. R. R., 1899; with Adams Express Co., 1899- 1901; in ry. supply business since 1901; organizer, 1929, since president Carter Blatchford, Inc., Chicago. Trustee Bd. of Edn., Chicago, 1929. Mem. 111. Soc. S.A. R. Republican. Presbyn. Mason (K. T. Shriner). Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn.; Missouri Athletic (St. Louis), Minnesota (St. Paul, Minn.), Adventurers (Chi- cago), Cliff Dwellers (Chicago). Home: Batavia, 111. Office: Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago, 111. McCLUER, Franc Lewis, college pres.; b. O'Fallon, Mo., 27 Mar. 1896; s. Clarence Eugene and Martha Virginia (Savage) M. ; B.A., Westminster Coll., Fulton, Mo., 1916, M.A., 1920; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1928; m. Ida Belle Richmond, 2 Sept. 1920; 1 son- Richmond Harold. Teacher Fulton (Mo.) High Sch., 1916-18; asst. dept. of history and economics, Westminster Coll., 1919- 20, John J. Rice prof, sociology and eco- nomics, 1920-33, pres. since 1933; instr. sociology, Univ. of Chicago, June 1923- Aug. 1924 and 1925-26; visiting prof, of sociology, Southeast Mo. State Teachers Coll., summer 1927, Univ. of Mo., sum- mer 1929. Dem. presdl. elector, 1932. Mem. Mo. State Constitutional Conv., 1943; Children's Code Commission, 1945; mem. bd. dirs. Mo. War Chest, since 1943; mem. Bd. of Dirs., Assn. of Am. Colleges, (v. p., 1945 — ) ; del. Delaware Conf. on Basis of Just and Durable Peace. Consultant ednl. policies commn. of Am. Assn. of Sch. Adminstrs., 1939; mem. Mo. Welfare League, dir. since 1938. Dir. Fulton School Dist. ; mem. bd. of dirs. Louisville (Ky.) Presbyterian Theological Sem. since 1939; mem. bd. curators Lincoln Univ., Mo., 1939-43; p. Presbyn. Ednl. Assn. of the South, 1939, Presbyn. Coll. Union, 1941; founder of Westminster Institute of Public Affairs. Mem. Selective Service Bd., Callaway County; mem. Chamber of Commerce, Fulton (dir.), Mo. State Chamber Com- merce (dir., 1943 — ). Am. Assn. School Administrs. of N.E.A., Am. Sociol. Soc, Am. Econ. Assn., Mo. Sociol. Soc. (pres. 1929, 30), Soc. for Social Research, Mo. Acad. Science, Pi Kappa Delta, (gov. Province No. 2, 1930-34), Kappa Alpha, Zeta Phi, Pi Gamma Mu, Omicron Del- ta Kappa. Democrat. Presbyterian (el- der). Moderator, Synod of Mo., Presby- terian Ch. in U.S., 1939-40. Commr. to Gen. Assembly of Presbyn. Ch., 1942. Associate editor: Presbyterian Outlook. Mason (orator, Grand Lodge of Mo., 1939). Kiwanian (pres. Fulton Club, 1933). Clubs: Fulton Country; University (St. Louis). Address: Westminster Col- lege, Fulton, Mo. DICKINSON, Agnes Bryant, attorney- at-law; b. Moline, 111., 10 Aug. 1899; d Robert Corwin Bryant, Baptist minister, and Ella (Carter) B. ; ed. East high sch. Columbus; LL.B., O. State Univ., Colum- bus, 1927; m. Dr. Charles B. Dickinson of Columbus, O., 17 Aug. 1920 (div.) ; 1 dau.— Marian (Mrs. Joseph L. South- ern). Engaged in practice of law, spe- cializing in pub: law ; first woman law- yer in O. to serve on staff of atty. gen.. 1930-33; mem. O. State and Columbus Bar Assns., Kappa Beta Pi, Delta Omi- cron, Internat. Fedn. Business & Prof. Women's Clubs. Clubs: Zonta Internat. (regional chmn.). Business & Prof. Women's. Author: monograph of laws relating to domestic relations (for Nat. League Women Voters). Descendant of John Bryant, brother of William Cullen Bryant, and of Thomas Corwin, past gov. O. and U.S. Senator from O. Interests: gardening, poultry raising. Congregation- alist. Republican. Office: 307 Hartman Theatre Bldg., Columbus, O. Home: 100 Flint Rd., Worthington, O. FERGUSON, Harold Kingsley, indust- rial engineer, builder; b. Albion, Mich. 22 Nov. 1883; s. John H. Ferguson and America (Clark) F. ; ed. Jackson (Mich.) high sch.; B.S., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware O., 1905; m. Lillian Austin; m. (2nd), Evelyn Handcock of New York. N.Y., 3 Feb. 1938; children— Elinor Fer- guson Salter, A. Kingsley, Ruth Ferguson Rardin, Margery Ferguson Cooley. Pres. and Treas., H. K. Ferguson Co., Cleve- land, O.; dir., Am. Type Founders Co., Elizabeth, N.J. Clubs : Univ. of Cleveland, Bankers, Engineers (N.Y.). Interests: photog., wild life conservation. Recrea- tions: fishing, shooting, golf. Methodist. Independent. Office: Hanna Bldg., Cleve- land, O. Home: Cleveland Hotel, Cleve- land, O. Summer res. : Lake, Clare Coun- ty, Mich. HAAS, Cora Lavina, supervisor of adult education; b. Ann Arbor, Mich. ; d. Fred- erick Haas, farmer, and Mary (Hagan) H. ; ed. Ann Arbor high sch.; B.S., Mich. 528 State Normal Coll.; Univ. Mich. Grad. Sch. Engaged in rural sens., Washtenaw Co., Co. Commr. schs., 1927-39; in lab. sch., rural edn. dept., Mich. State Nor- mal Coll., 1925-27; supervisor adult edn., Adult Edn. Lab., Lansing, 1940-41; mem. M.E.A., N.E.A., Delta Kappa Gamma, A.A.U.W., League Women Voters. Clubs: Business and Professional Women's. Travel: Canada. Lutheran. Democrat. Home: 2281 Traver Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. KRYTER, Charles Conrad, publisher; b. Wheeling, W. Va., 21 Oct. 1873; s. Charles Albert Kryter, hardware mcht., and Eliza (Troll) K. ; ed. Indianapolis pub. schs.; m. Mary C. Reiffel of In- dianapolis, Ind., 4 May 1897; 1 son- Robert James. Dir., chmn. of bd., Bobbs Merrill Co., retired, 1939; treas. Ins. Re- search and Review; v. p. Ohio Law Pub. Co.; pres. Nat. Assn. of Law Book Pub- lishers & Dealers 3 terms, 1930-33. Clubs : Columbia, Century. Interests: art (life mem. Herron Art Inst.), collecting Ind. books and autographs, Jap. color prints. Evangelical Reformed (elder tr.). Repub- lican. Office: The Bobbs Merrill Co., In- dianapolis, Ind.; New York, N.Y. Home: 1432 Pleasant St., Indianapolis, Ind. KENT, Margaret Louise, artist; b. Clovis, N. Mex., 14 Sept. 1913; d. Mar- tin D. Kent, farmer, and Suzanne (Williams) K. ; ed. Bloomfield, Mo. high sch.; B.FA., Washburn Coll. (Topeka), 1939. Profl. artist, project supervisor, Kan. W.P.A. art program; teacher, To- peka Community Art Center: has three mural panels in Children's Room, Car- negie Library, Manhattan, water color plates in Index of Am. Design; illustra- tor for text book to be published by State Bd. Agr. and entomology dept., Kan. State Coll.; mem. Delta Phi Delta. Club: Am. Coll. Quill. Travel: U.S. In- terests: painting, metal work, writing short stories. Recreations: bicycling, dancing. Office: 715 Jackson St., Topeka, Kan. Home: 1305 W. 16th St., Topeka, Kan. Summer res.: 1305 W. 16th St., Topeka, Kan. PAULETTE, Robert Justice, consult- ing engineer; b. St. Joseph, Mo., 2 Sept. 1886; s. Charles Thomas Paulette and Alma (Wilson) P.; ed. St. Joseph (Mo.) Cent, high sch.; Univ. Mo., 1907-10; B. S., Mo. Sch. Mines Metallurgy, 1912, C. E., 1932; m. Jessie Griebie of Farming- ton, Minn.; children — Grace, Robert G., Charles H. Sr. mem. firm, Paulette & Wilson, professional engrs., Salina, Kan- sas, and Topeka, Kansas; mem., sec, Kan. Registration Bd. Professional En- gineers; capt., Engrs., 23 mos., 14 mos. overseas during World War I; mem. American Legion, A.S.C.E., Am. Water Works Assn., Kan. Engring. Soc, Kan. Water and Sewage Works Assn. Club: Topeka Engineers. Author: various arts, in prof. pubs. Episcopalian. Democrat. Office: 1006 Kansas Av., Topeka, Kan. Home: 1635 Mulvane St., Topeka, Kan. PARKS, William Benjamin, professor; b. Lancaster, Tex., 31 Aug. 1863; s. Ben- jamin C. Parks and Cyprissa Jane (Har- ris) P.; ed. Lancaster (Tex.) high sch.: B.S., Tex. Christian Univ., 1886, M.A., 1892, Ph.D., 1894; M.S., Chicago Univ., 1920; m. Mattie Wade of Irvington, 12 June 1893; children— Dr. Kirtland G., Dr. Benjamin K., Gertrude, Gladys. Prof, chem., physics and hd. de- partment, Tex. Christian Univ., 25 yrs., actg. pres., 1 yr., dean, 7 yrs.; prof, chem., physics, head dept., Okla. Agr. and Mech. Coll., 2 yrs.; prof, of chem., Kan. State Teachers Coll., 1923—; Fellow A. I.C., A.A.A.S.; mem. A.C.S., (councilor, Southeast Section, 6 years, chmn., 1940 — ), Kan. Acad. Sci., Alpha Sigma Epsilon. Author: many techni- cal articles. Protestant. Democrat. Of- fice: Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kan. Home: 105 W. Potlilzer, Pittsburg, Kan. McMURRAY, Robert L., teach- er, pharmacist, pharmacognosist; b. in Steubehville, O., 12 May 1902; s. John H. McMurray, molder, and Mary (My- ers) McM. ; ed. Toronto (O.) high sch.; B.Sc. Pharm., Ohio State Univ., 1926; M.S., Univ. Wis., 1931, Ph.D., 1933; m. Nelle C. McDade of Shelbyville, Ky., 1940. Retail and hosp. pharmacist; reg- istered, O., Wis., N.D.; food, drug and steel chem.; teacher pharmacy, N. D., instr., Washington State, asst. prof., O. State; assoc. prof., Wash. State Coll.; supervisor, Commercial Drug Farm; mem. Am. Pharm. Assn., Sigma Xi, Rho Chi, Phi Sigma, Kappa Psi, Mason (32d deg.), state and nat. socs. Author: arts, in pharm. jours. Travel: U.S. In- terest: Am. medicinal plants. Recrea- tion: photog. in color of plants. Protes- tant. Office: Washington State College. Pullman, Wash. Home: R.D. No. 3, To- ronto, O. McGLASSON, Howard, owner of apartments; b. Chicago, 111., 30 Mar. 1897; s. Oscar B. McGlasson, lawyer, and Nora (McNeil) McG. ; ed. Chicago high sch., 1916; student Univ. of Mich.; Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1920; m. Winnifred Duffy of Chicago, 1920; 1 son —Bruce Cyrus. Hotel and property man- ager, Garrick Office Bldg. ; owner and 529 operator Fairfax Apts., Dorchester Club Apts., and Kimbark Club Apts., Chica- go. Mem. Chicago Bd. Underwriters, Chi Psi. Masons. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 160 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2234 S. Sheridan Rd., Highland Park, 111. MILLER, John Edward, architect; b. Cleveland, O., 18 July 1900; s. Edward J. Miller, commercial artist, and Eliza- beth F. (Sanders) M. ; ed. Glenville high sch. ; B.Sc. (in arch.), Cath. Univ. Am., 1928; diploma, Beaux- Arts Inst. Design, 1930; diploma, Fontainebleau School of Fine Arts, 1926. Office boy, office of C. F. Schweinfurth, 1918; designer, office of Waddy B. Wood; winner Fontainebleau Scholarship, 1926; designer, Ohio Build- ing, office of Mills, Phines, Bellman & Nordhoff, 1929; offices employed in Cleveland, Charles S. Schneider, Walker & Weeks, Walter R. McCormack; instr. in charge of design, Univ. Notre Dame, 1933-36; office of R. P. Travelletti, Chi- cago, 111., 1937; pvt. practice, 1939—; sr. partner, Miller & Guenther, archs.; mem. S.A.T.C, St. Ignatius Coll., Cleve- land, O., during World War I.; mem. A. I. A., Society of Beaux-Arts Archs., Beaux- Arts Inst. Design. Club: Washing- ton Water Color. Travel: Fr., It., Mex. Grandfather, Jacob Miller, in Navy dur- ing Civil War. Interests: water color painting, decoration, church arch. Cath- olic. Democrat. Office: 877 The Arcade, Cleveland, O. Home: 10523 Ashbury Av., Cleveland, O. MILLS, Thomas Henry, artist; b. in Hartford, Conn., 19 Oct. 1880; s. Will- iam Mills and Sarah (Veitch) M.; ed. Art Students League under Twachtman, Mowbray and later under Chase; m. Agnes B. Dodge of Toledo, O., 8 Oct. 1907. Illustrated for various magazines; exhibited in Pa. Acad. Am. Watercolor Soc, etc.; mem. Federation of Arts, North Shore Art Assn., Am. Artists Pro- fessional League. Home: 630 Oxford Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. Summer home: Bass Rocks, Gloucester, Mass. SHEPPARD, John Russell, chemist; b. Kitchener, Ont., 28 Nov. 1893; s. Fred- erick William Sheppard, pub. sch. insp., and Fannie Elizabeth (Hunt) S.; ed. Kitchener, Ont., Coll. Inst.; B.A., Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., 1916, M.A., 1920; m. Honora Ellen Bradley of Montreal, Que., 17 Sept. 1923; children— Mary Eliza- beth, John Bradley, Brian Frederick, Laura June. Chem., chief chem., Ames, Holden, McCready, rubber mfrs., Mon- treal, 1920-25; Can. Goodrich Co., Kitch- ner, Ont., 1925; development chem., Seib- erling Tire & Rubber Co., Barberton, O., 1925-26; rubber res. chem., acting dir. res., dir. res., The Eagle-Picher Lead Co., Joplin, Mo., 1926-35; cons, chem., Saginaw, Mo., 1936-41; dir. of labratories and partner, Urbain-Sheppard Labora- tories, Columbus, O., 1941 — ; gunner, 46th and 33rd Batts., Can. F.A., C.E.F., 1915- 19; fellow Can. Inst. Chem.; mem. A.C.S., A.I.C.E., Soc. Chem. Industry, Au- thor: tech. articles. Interests: garden- ing, music. Office : Urbain-Sheppard Lab- oratories, 12 N. 3rd St., Columbus, O. Summer res. : The House on the Hill, Saginaw, Mo. SHELDRICK, Merle Wagner, teacher; b. Rahns, Montgomery Co., Pa., 2 Jan. 1898; d. A. E. Wagner, teacher, and Lilian (Wanner) ; W. ; ed. Mauch Chunk Twp. (Pa.) high sch.; B.S. (in ed.), Ohio Univ., 1918; M.A., Teachers Coll., Co- lumbia Univ., 1924; m. W. A. Sheldrick of Cleveland, O., 18 July 1933. Teacher, high sens., O.; teacher of Americaniza- tion and problems of democracy; mem. Dept of Adult Ed. of N.E.A., O. Poetry Soc. (assoc). Author: Mr. Klein is Naturalized, a dramatic skit; poems. In- terests: writing, stamp collecting Rec- reations: hiking, swimming. Unitarian. Republican. Address: 1631 E. 75th St., Cleveland, O. SEBLER, Paul Waldo, manufacturer; b. Ashley, Ind., 15 Aug. 1888; s. Franklin Pierce Seiler, realtor, and Mino (An- drews) S.; ed. Auburn (Ind.) high sch.; m. Frances Dorris of Nashville, Tenn., 18 Oct. 1916; children— Paul Waldo, Jr., Robert Dorris, John Findley. Service mgr., W. H. Mclntyre Co., Auburn, Ind., 1909; service mgr., Streator (111.) Motor Car Co., 1909-11, sales mgr., 1911; mgr. Field Service Dept., Hudson Motor Car Co., Detroit, 1912; spl. rep., Ford Motor Co., Detroit, asst. mgr., Nashville, Tenn., 1915, mgr., San Antonio, Tex., 1916; asst. mgr., Airplane Div., Fisher Body Corp., 1917; mgr., Ternstedt Mfg. Co., Detroit, 1918-21, pres., gen. mgr., 1921-27; pres., gen. mgr., Gen. Motors Truck Corp., Pontiac, 1927-35; pres., Motor Tool Mfg. Co., Detroit, Faymar Porcupine Gold Mines, Ltd., Polaris Gold Mines, Ltd., both of Timmins, Ont., Can.; mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs. Clubs: Detroit Ath- letic, Detroit Golf, Bloomfield Hills Coun- try, The Recess, Question. Interests: farming, fishing, golf. Methodist. Office: 6520 Cass Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 27404 Drake Rd., Farmington, Mich. SCHULTZ, William Fredrick Augustus. physician, surgeon; Tr. b. Galesburg, 111., 28 July 1871; s. Augustus Fredrich 530 Schultz, artisan, and Priedericka Mary (Jergen) S.; ed. Salina Normal Univ., Kan.; D.M.D., Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1895, M.D., 1896; LL.B., Benton Coll. Law, 1900, LL.M., 1907; m. Jessie E. Fulbright of St. Louis, Mo., 11 Mar. 1913. Teacher medicine, several med. schs.; practiced medicine, 1896 — ; mem. St. Louis Med. Soc, Mo. State Med. Assn. Author: Irrigation of the Lungs for Morbid Conditions Arising Therein ; other medical articles. Recreations: travel, fishing, hunting. Independent. Office: Wall Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: Cam- denton, Mo. ROSS, David Edward, private inter- ests; b. Brookston, 25 Aug. 1871; s. George Henderson Ross, farmer, and Susanna (Booth) R.; ed. Brookston high sch.; Bachelor in Mech. Eng., Purdue Univ., 1893. Engaged in farming, inven- tion and research; chmn. bd., Ross Gear & Tool, Rostone Corp.; dir. Fairfield' Mfg.; pres. bd. trs., Purdue Univ.; hon. mem., Sigma Xi, Sigma Pi Sigma, fel- low A.S.M.E. Clubs: Rotary Internal, Chamber Commerce. Ancestors settled in White Co., acquired lands by original grants. Interests: student activities, in- vention, research. Recreation: summer home activity. Democrat. Office: 308 Main St., Lafayette, Ind. Home: 506 S. 7th, Lafayette, Ind. Summer res.: R.R. No. 9, Lafayette, Ind. PRICE, Donald Douglas, civil engi- neer; b. Champaign, HI., 1 Feb. 1886; s. Francis M. W. Price, civil engr., and Ruth (Bowman) P.; ed. Fairbury and Lincoln high schs.; Univ. Neb. (Lincoln), ex class, 1908; m. Vivian Thompson of Lincoln, Neb. 1 Sept. 1909; 1 dau.— Viv- ian Price Smith. Asst. state engr., 1909- 11; state engr., 1911-15; cons, .engr., Lin- coln, 1915-24; dist. engr., Portland Ce- ment Assn., Lincoln, 1924-34; chief engr., gen. mgr., Platte Valley Pub. Power & Irrigation Dist., N. Platte, 1934-38; tech. engr., Ash Grove Lume & Portland Ce- ment Co., Omaha, 1938-40; gen. contract- ing, June 1940 — ; mem. Am. Soc. C.E., A.M.S.C.E. (Neb. sect.). Club: Omaha Engrs. Author: Reports of State Engi- neer of Nebraska (for bienniums), 1913 and 1915; Hydrographic Report for the State of Nebraska, 1914. Presbyterian. Office: 810 E. C St., N. Platte, Neb. Home: 602 W. 4th St., N. Platte, Neb. WOOD, N. Ruth, lawyer and law re- porter; b. St. Francois Co., Mo., 20 Sept. 1903; d. John Milton Wood (dec), farm- er, and Margaret Elizabeth (Hibbitts) W.; ed. Desloge high sch.; Brown's Busi- ness Coll.; City Coll. of Law; LLB., Wash. Univ. 1931. Practiced law, 1930, admitted to Bar of Mo.; pres., Women's Bar Assn., 1937-38, St. Louis, Mo., 1938- 39; chairman Mo. Women's Legislative Com., 1936-39; v.p., Nat. Council on State Legislation, 1940 — ; assoc. in practice with Miss Florence Paschedag; ct. re- porter, 8th Judicial Circuit; mem. Mo. Bar Assn., St. Louis Bar Assn., Lawyers Assn., Nat. Women Lawyers Assn.; Mo. Legislative Com., Mo. Walkways Assn. Travel: U.S., Can., Eng., Eur. Interest: map collecting. Recreation: hiking. Protestant. Office: 917 Wainwright Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 4328 Ar- senal St., St. Louis, Mo. TYLER, Albert Franklin, physician; b. Logan Co., 111., 14 Mar. 1881; s. Geo. Washington Tyler, farmer, and Sarah Jane (Tracy) T.; ed. B.Sc, Neb. Wes- leyan Acad., 1904; M.D., Creighton Med. Coll., 1907; Gold Key, Am. Congress of Physical Therapy, 1932; m. Charlotte Roe of Omaha, Neb., 23 Sept. 1908; chil- dren — A. Edward, Ellen Jean. A.M. A. : Fellow, Am. Coll. of Physicians; mem. Douglas Co. Med. Soc, Omaha Roent- gen Soc, Omaha Mid-West Clinical Soc, Red Cross, Neb. State Med. Soc, Am. Roentgen Ray Soc. British Roentgen So- ciety, Nat. Geographic Soc, A.A.A.S., Chamber of Commerce, Y.M.C.A., Neb. Wesleyan Univ. Clubs: Rotary, Omaha Athletic, Elks. Author: numerous papers on Roentgenotherapy and Radiation treatment. Interests: old med. books, photography. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice: 1216 Medical Arts Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Home: 131 So. 39th St., Omaha, Neb. Summer home: Lake Gilmore, Mi- nong, Wis. GARLAND, Claude Mallory, president C. M. Garland Co., Inc.; b. Bowling Green, Ky., 7 Apr. 1880; s. William F. and Mattie A. (Holman) G.; B.S. in M.E. Vanderbilt Univ., 1903; m. Myrtle B. Hungerford, 26 Mar. 1910 (died 19 Nov. 1941); m. 2d, Faye Ellen Sims, 2 July 1942. Teaching and research Univ. of 111., 1905-11; consulting and construc- tion engineer, Chicago, 111., since 1913; president C. M. Garland Company, Inc., consulting and construction engrs., Chi- cago, since 1929. Fellow Royal Soc. Arts (London), mem. Am. Soc. M.E., Am. Inst. E.E., Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science, Art Inst., Sigma Xi. Democrat. Author: Washington and His Portraits, 1932. Depressions and Their Solution, 1935, The Great American Fraud, 1944; Communism: A Menace To The Civi- lized State, 1945. Home: Tamarack Man- or, Ingleside, 111. Office: 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 531 ALLMAN, George Dudley, pres. U.S. Cold Storage Corp.; b. Sturgis, 9 Nov. 1884; s. William Major and Anna (Beals) A.; grad. Raymond Sen., Chicago, 111., 1899; m. Julia Jane Spencer, 14 Nov. 1905 (died 1937); children— Thelma, Leera, George Dudley, Robert William; m. 2d, Alice Seawright, 7 May, 1938. Office boy Union Cold Storage & Ware- house Co., Chicago, 1899-1903; clerk, ad- vancing to gen. supt. Chicago Cold Stor- age Warehouse Co., 1903-1919; gen. mgr. U.S. Cold Storage Corp., cold storage, ice mfg., meat curing, mdse. storage, Chicago, 1919-28, v,p. and dir. since 1928; dir. since 1928; pres. and dir. U.S. Cold Storage & Ice Co., Chicago, since 1928, U.S. Warehouse Co., Detroit, Michigan, since 1930; v. p. and dir. Wolverine Prop- erties, Inc. Chicago, since 1932, U. S. Cold Storage Co., Kansas City, Mo., since 1923; dir. Dist. Nat. Bank, Chi- cago; pres. Nat. Assn. of Refrigerated Warehouses; tr. The Refrigeration Re- search Foundation. Mem. Chicago Mer- cantile Exch., N.Y. Merc. Exch., Chi- cago Bd. of Trade. Mem. Am. Society Refrigerating Engrs., Chicago District Ice Assn. Republican. Clubs: Central Manufacturing District, Chicago Athletic Assn., South Shore Country (Chicago). Home: 1320 N. State St., Chicago, 111. Office: 33 S. Clark St., Chicago, 111. BECKER, H. Kirke, pres. Peters Ma- chinery Co.; b. Forrest City, Ark., 20 May 1890; s. Alexander and Fanchon (Lewis) B.; prep. edn. pub. schs., Mem- phis, Tenn., Morgan Park (111.) Acad., and Cascadilla Prep. Sch., Ithaca, N.Y.; M.E., Cornell, 1911; m. Rosalind Eliza- beth Gans, of Little Rock, Ark., 1 June 1916; children— Jane G., Rosalind Alex- andria, H. Kirke II, Frances Elizabeth. Began as sales mgr., Forrest City, 1911; mgr. Becker & Lewis, Forrest City, 1912- 16; mgr. electrical dept. Hercules En- gineering Corporation, N.Y. City, 1919- 21; pres., Peters Machinery Co., Chi- cago, mfrs. of automatic packaging ma- chinery and spl. machines for biscuit and cracker mfrs.; v. p., dir. Nat. Pack- aging Machinery Institute.; dir. Nat. Bank Eastern Arkansas; dir. Wilson Av. Y.M.C.A. served as maj., Chemical Warfare Service, U.S. Army, World War, 1917-19. Mem. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., 111. Mfrs. Assn., Cornell Univ. Alumni Assn. (v.p.), Sigma Chi (chmn. exec, com.). Mason (32d deg., Shriner), Odd Fellow, Elk. Clubs: Rotary, Executives (dir.), and Merchants and Manufactur- ers (Chicago) ; Cornell Univ. (New York), University (Chicago), Hermitage (Chicago). Home: 368 Elder Lane, Win- netka, 111. Office: 4700 Ravenswood Av., Chicago, 111. BUETTNER, Walter J., Pres. Plastic Lining Corp.; b. Chicago, 1889; dir. of Electric Sprayit Co.; trustee Police Re- tirement Board, Chicago; dir. National Standard Corporation; exec, estate Col. Charles E. Bartley; dir. Dodge Mfg. Corp.; Exec. Estate Vincent Bendix; dir. & mem. Exec. Com. Bendix Heli- copter, Inc. Home: 4950 Chicago Beach Dr., Chicago, 111. Office: 914 So. Wabash Av., Chicago, 111. LEVERONE, Nathaniel, chmn. bd. Automatic Canteen Co. of America; b. Wakefield, Mass., 26 June 1884; s. Robert and Rose (Fosser) L. ; B.S., Dartmouth Coll., 1906; m. Martha Ericsson, 25 June 1925; 1 dau., Charis Meredith. Western mgr. Bates Numbering Mach. Co., 1908- J.2; sec, gen. mgr. Hill Pump Valve Co., 1912-22; pres. Nathaniel Leverone Co., 1922-29; pres. Automatic Canteen Co. of America, 1929-39, chmn. bd. since 1939; dir. La Salle Nat. Bank, Chicago Fed. Savings & Loan Assn., Finance Publish- ing, Inc.; mem. bd. govs. Chicago Opera Co.; mem. bd. of appeal Selective Serv- ice System; mem. Nat. Assn. of Mfrs. chmn. Civilian Production Resumption Com.; mem. Chicago City Planning Adv. Bd. ; mem. exec. com. Chicago Commn. on Nat. Defense; chmn. Air Force Sponsors. Dir. Junior Achievement in Chicago, The Army Council, Chicago Aero Commn., Chicago Crime Commn. (sec. 1934-43), Chicago Area Project, Chi- cago Better Business Bureau. Pres. Nat. Automatic Mdse. Assn., Common Ground, Goodwill Industries; pres. Na- tional Com. for Christian Leadership; mem. Chicago Assn. Commerce (Chmn. pub. affairs com., 1941-43), Phi Beta Kap- pa Associates; mem. Citizens Bd. of Uni- versity of Chicago; mem. advisory com. 111. Inst, of Technology. Dir. of Salvage for WPB for State of Illinois, 1942-43. Mason. Clubs: University, Rotary (past dir., past v.p.), Union League, Merchants and Manufacturers (dir., past pres.). Home: 1120 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, HI Office: 1430 Merchandise Mart, Chicago, 111. EMERSON, William Russell ; b. Green- ville, Tenn., 2 Nov. 1886; s. Henry C. and Lucy (Dyer) E.; ed. high and prep, schs., corr. courses in elec. engring., accounting and finance; m. Elizabeth Mc- Lain, 29 Mar. 1910 (died 1937); m. 2d, Harriett Arbuckle, 1938. Began as day laborer, Muskogee Gas & Electric Com- pany, 1905, later time keeper, meter 532 reader, collector, clerk, cashier, gen. bookkeeper and auditor, until 1917, asst. mgr., 1917; sec, treas. and gen. auditor Okla. Gas & Electric Co. (successor co.), 1917-31, v.p. and treas., 1931-40, retired; took active part in development utility accounting system of Byllesby Engring. & Management Corp. Dollar-a-Year-Man, Washington, 1917-18. Chmn. accounting sect. Southwestern Geog. Div., Nat. Electric Light Assn. (now Edison Elec- tric Inst.), 1925-26; vice-chmn. account- ing Nat. Sec, 1926-29, chmn. accounting, 1929-30 ; president Standard Life and acci- dent Insurance Co. Member, former di- rector and vice-pres. Okla. City C. of C. ; mem. State C. of C, Am. Red Cross, Coummunity Fund. Masson (33d deg., K.T., Shriner, Jesters), Elk, K. of P. Clubs: Kiwanis (pres. 1926, charter mem.), Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Golf and Country, Oklahoma, The Beacon. Home: 1216 N.W. 20th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. BAHR, Frederick Charles, v. p. Chrysler Corporation — Parts Div.; b. Stroudsburg, Pa., 12 Oct. 1887; s. Fred- erick A. and Millicent E. (Ballinger) B.; ed. Cleveland Evening Law School, pri- vately tutored; extension work Univ. of Mich, and Univ. of Minn. ; m. Mary Fair- fax Griffith, 12 Feb. 1928; children— Fred- erick G., Mary Armistead, Jean Tyler. Engaged in telephone operations and en- gineering, Cleveland, Detroit and Cuba 1906-12; indsl. engineering and finance, Detroit 1913-17; works manager, treas., to gen. mgr. Mich. Smelting and Refin- ing Co., Detroit, 1919-24; gen. mgr., chief engr., 1924-28, pres., 1928-34, Arrow Head Steel Products Co. simultaneously dir., sec. and treas. Minn. Western R.R. and dir. Minneapolis Northfield & Southern R.R.; dir. Motor and Equipment Mfrs. Assn., N.Y., 1930-34, v.p., 1933; v.p. and gen. mgr. parts div. Chrysler Corp. and Chrysler Motors Parts Corp. since 1934; apptd. to adv. com. Automotive Replace- ment Parts Industry, WPB, 1941, gov. bd. Mil. Replacement Parts Div., Auto- motive Council for War Production, 1942, mem. Parts and Service Com. of Mil. Vehicles Div., same, 1943; Automotive Parts Industry Advisory Com., O.P.A., 1944. Served as capt. Signal Corps and maj. Air Corps, World War I. Member American Chemical Society, Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, Am. Soc. Steel Treaters, A.A.A.S., Detroit Board of Commerce. Episcopalian. Clubs: De- troit, Detroit Athletic, County Club of Detroit; Grosse Pointe (Mich.) Hunt; Army and Navy (Washington). Home: 41 Renaud Road, Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. Office: 2985 E. Jefferson Av., Detroit, Mich. ERDMANN, Arthur G., pres. Bell Sav- ings & Loan Assn.; b. Chicago, 111., 22 Aug. 1890; s. Gustav and Wilhelmina (Loeber) E.; m. Anne Ruth Gill, 25 Nov. 1914; children — Ruth Marie (Mrs. Thomas P. Quinn), June Colletta (Mrs. Richard G. McAdam), Rita (Mrs. Kent J. Zimber), Arthur G., II. With 111. Bell Telephone Co., 1908-25, one of organizers, Bell Savings & Loan Assn., 1925, sec, mng. dir., 1925-37, pres. since 1937; dir. and past pres., Fed. Home Loan Bank, Chicago (111.) Savings and 111. Savings and Loan League, dir. State of 111. Sav- ings and Loan Advisory Board. Mem. Chicago Plan Com., chmn. Rotary Chest Fund Com. Clubs: Union League, Ro- tary, Editor monthly survey "Building in the Suburban Area of Chicago" which is pub. monthly in Chicago daily and metropolitan newspapers. Home: 5878 Forest Glen Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 30 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. THOMPSON, Robert Elmo, executive vice president, Sunray Oil Corp. b. Nash- ville, Tennessee, 7 Apr. 1895; s. Dr. J. R. and Louella (Bell) T.; B.S., Vanderbilt Univ., 1917, LL.B., 1920; m. Olivia Mercier, 7 July 1922; children — Robert Gentry Elston, Nancy Olivia. Practiced law, Tulsa, Okla., 1920-26; v.p. Exchange Nat. Bank, 1926-32; v.p. Nat. Bank of Tulsa, 1932-35; v.p. First Nat. Bank & Trust Co., Tulsa, 1935-39, now director; president Superior Oil Corporation, 1941- 43; Superior Oil Corp., now merged into Sunray Oil Corp.; Captain F.A., U.S. Army, 1917. Past pres. Tulsa C. of C; past dir. U.S.C. of C. ; Tulsa Community Fund; mem. Am. Legion; dir. Indepen- dent Pet Assn. of America. Trustee Univ. of Tulsa. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Tulsa, Southern Hills Country. Home: 1359 E. 26th St., Tulsa, Okla. Of- fice: Philtower Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. WILD, Charles W., pres. The Ohio Fi- nance Co.; b. Canton, Ohio, 30 Dec. 1899; s. Gottfried and Frances (Herbst) W. ; B.A., Ohio State Univ., 1912. Auditing dept. B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., 1914; sec. Canton (O.) Advt. Club, 1915; sales mgr. R. V. Mitchell & Co., Canton, 1920; subsequently exec. v.p. and dir. Mitchell Herrick & Co., Cleveland; pres. Ohio Finance Co., Columbus, since 1929, also dir.; pres. and dir. Allegheny Arrow Oil Co., Canton, Ohio, since 1934; pres., dir. New York Joint Stock Land Bank Rochester, New York, since 1936; chmn. board and dir. Harbauer Co., Toledo, O., director Union Metal Mfg. Company, 533 Canton, Columbus Auto Parts Company, Columbus, Kaynee Co., Cleveland. Club: Union (Cleveland). Home: 10017 Lake Av., Cleveland, O. Office: 415 Hippo- drome Bldg., Cleveland O. DAVIS, Thomas Jefferson, banker; b. Tazewell, Va. ; s. M. G. B. and Nancy M. (Davis) D.; B.S., Bethany (West Va.) Coll., LL.D., 1934; m. Jane Brown, 26 Nov. 1903; children — James Brown, Virginia Nancy, Thomas Jefferson, Lau- rence Laird. Began as elk., Catlettsburg (Ky.) Nat. Bank, 1889; one of organizers and cashier, 2nd Nat. Bank, Ashland, Ky., Bank of Ashland and 1st Nat. Bank, Louisa, Ky. ; asst. cashier, later cashier, 5th Nat. Bank, Cincinnati, O., 1892-1902; cashier and v.p. 1st Nat. Bank, Cincin- nati, 1902-29, chmn. bd., 1929-34, pres., since 1934, pres. until 1944, since retired but mem. of bd. Exec. Com., v.p. Bank of Athens (O.) ; dir. Union Central Life Ins. Co. (mem. exec, com.), Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co., United States Printing & Lithograph Co. Chmn. Liber- ty Loan Com., Cincinnati, World War. Trustee Ohio Univ., Berea (Ky.) Coll.; mem. bd. trustees and treas. Christ Hos- pital, Cincinnati. Decorated Order of Leopold (Belguim), 1918. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Queen City, Com- monwealth, Commercial, Optimist, Ca- margo Country. Home: n.e. cor. Given & Shawnee Run Road, Cincinnati, O. Address: 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., Cincin- nati, O. ALEXANDER, John E., paper mfr.; b. Port Edwards, Wis., 1894; ed. Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago. Pres., gen. mgr., dir. Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Co., Port Edwards, Wis.; dir., Wis. Valley Im- provement Co.; v.p. and dir. Nekoosa State Bank; v.p. Wood County Nat. Bank, Wis. Rapids; v.p. and sec. Iroquois Door Co.; sec. Iroquois Millwork Corp.; sec. Port Edwards Land & Investment Co.; pres. Tri-City Airways; pres. Nekoosa- Port Edwards Bldg. & Loan Assn. ; pres. Alexander-Clark Timber Co., Ltd. (Port Arthur, Can.). Home: Port Edwards, Wis. GRUEN, William Henry, architect; b. St. Louis, Mo., 13 Nov. 1876; s. Jacob and Sophia (Sommers) G. ; stud. Wash- ington U. Sch. Engring., 1894-96; Tech- nische Hochschule, Darmstadt, Ger- many, 1896-97; traveled twice extensive- ly in Europe, studying municipal art, etc.; m. Minnie Marie Gebhard, 19 July 1900; 1 dau. — Geralda Eileen. In charge of officers of W. Albert Swasey, St. Lou- is, 1898-1900, supervising constrn. of the Odeon and the Masonic Temple; archi- tect Water Dept., City of St. Louis, de- signing sunken gardens of Compton Hill Reservoir, Reservoir Park, 1900-01; ar- chitect for 9 new city hosp. bldgs., 1901- 02; liaison arthitect of German Govt, in installation of Art Ncuveau rooms in Varied Arts Bldg. and architect Town Hall Ch. and village chalets, Tryolean Alps, St. Louis World's Fair, 1903-04; on faculty St. Louis School of Fine Arts, Washington Univ., 1904-10; architect of Ch. of the Redeemer, St. Louis, Lincoln Theatre, Belleville, 111., Gates Bellefon- taine Cemetery; architect many other notable structures; in charge general design Western Cartridge Co., $3,000,- 000 extension during World War; active in advancing City Square, Opera Circle, Memorial Square, Central Parkway (all of St. Louis). Pres. Gen. Aerial Trans- portation Co., William Henry Gruen Co., architects and municipal engrs., St. Lou- is, consultant, 1940-45, proposed 4-lane Chippewa Bridge over Mississippi River at St. Louis, Mo.; pres. West End Bus. Men's Assn., St. Louis, 1928-29, dir. 1929- 31; pres. Pub. Ownership League of St. Louis, 1929-30 and 1930-34; mem. Gen. Council on Civic Needs, St. Louis, 1930- 34. Mem. A.I.A. (sec. St. Louis Chapter, 1912-15), Citizens Referendum League (sec. 1918-20), Am. Nat. Voters League Foundation (sec), Nat. Aeronautic Assn., Liberal League of N.Y., Artists' Guild (mem. exec. bd. and sec. 1910-11), St. Louis Art League (bd. govs. 1913-17), Cryptic Club of the Little Theatre (St. Louis) ; charter mem. Darmstadter Ar- chitecten Verein (Germany), Verein Deutsche Engineere (St. Louis), Art Al- liance of St. Louis, Art Students Assn.; mem. mun. arts com. of Civic League of St. Louis, 1910-14. Mem. of Mo. ad- visory council, Yenching Univ., Peiping, China. Mm. Mo. Hist. Society. Home: 3642 Aldine Av., St. Louis, Mo. BONISTEEL, Roseoe Osmond, law- yer; b. Sidney Crossing, Ont., 23 Dec. 1888; came to U.S., 1891; s. Milton Fre- mont and Frances Anna (Whyte) B.; student Dickinson Coll., 1908; LL.B., U. of Mich., 1912; m. Lillian Coleman Ru- dolph, 12 Sept. 1914; children— Jean El- len (Mrs. William C. Knecht), Betty Dame, Frances Coleman (wife of D17. Willis Allan Fisher), Roseoe Osmond, Nancy Ann. Admitted to Mich, bar, 1912. and since pvt. practice of law; dir. of Buhr Machine Tool Co., Ann Arbor Bank, Mich. Surety Co., Wayne State Bank, City atty., Ann Arbor, 1921-28; del. Rep. State Convs.; del. Rep. Nat. Conv., Kansas City, 1928, Chicago, 1944; nominated presdl. elector, 2d Michigan 534 Congl. Dist., 1932. Served as capt. U.S. Air Service, 1918-19; mem. Mich. War Preparedness Commn., Washtenaw Co., 1918. Chmn. Bd. Appeals 5, Michigan Selective Service. Dir. University Musi- cal Soc. of Univ. of Mich.; dir. Mich. Soc. for Crippled Children, 1934 and 35; mem. bd. trustees of Alumni Fund, U. of Mich, since 1935. Mem. Bd. of Law Examiners of State of Michigan, 1945—; mem. Commn. on uniformity of laws of U.S. from Michigan, 1944 — ; mem. Am. Bar Assn. (mem. resolutions com., 1937- 39; Ho. of Dels. 1936-41), Am. Law In- stitute, Mich. State Bar Assn. (dir. 1932- 35; chmn. com. on integration, 1933-35; chmn. drafting com., pres. State Bar of Mich., 1936-37), Washtenaw County Bar Assn., Am. Legion (judge adv. Mich., 1934-35), Phi Kappa Sigma. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (33d deg. ; Grand Master 1939). Clubs: Ann Arbor Law- yers, Rotary Internat. (dist. gov. 1934- 35), Univ. of Mich. (pres. 1934), Law- yers, University, Dickinson Coll. Alum- ni of Mich, (pres.), Ann Arbor, Barton Hills Country, Ann Arbor Golf and Out- ing, Kiwanis (hon. mem.). Home: 1125 Fair Oaks Parkway, Ann Arbor, Mich. Office: 200-6 Wolverine Bldg., Ann Ar- bor, Mich. SLANE, Carl Powell, newspaper pub.: b. Princeville, 111., 19 June 1889; s. Oli- ver C. and Mina (Powell) S.; Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria, 1903-06; m. Frances Adele Pindell, 3 June 1914; 1 son— Henry Pindell. With Peoria Journal-Transcript since 1915, pub., v.p. and treas., 1924- 37, pres., treas. and pub. since 1937. Pres., Peoria Newspapers, Inc., Jan 1943—. Served as ensign in Pay Corps, U.S. Navy, World War I. Mem. Am. Le- gion, Forty and Eight, Royal Order Jest- ers. Independent Republican. Mem. 1st Federated Ch. (Congl.-Presbyn.). Ma- son (32d deg., Shriner, M.P. Sovereign, Red Cross of Constantine). Clubs: Coun- try, University, Creve Coeur (Peoria) ; Rotary International. Home: 720 Moss Av., Peoria, 111. Office: 125 S. Jefferson St., Peoria, 111. WEIGEL, John C, Govt. Official b. Joliet, 111., 18 Nov. 1886 ;s. John G. and Margaret (Bauer) W. ; grad. Joliet Twp. High Sch., 1905; B.A., Lombard Coll., 1908; grad. student Harvard, summer, 1908, also various times Univ. of Chi- cago, 1909-19; travel and study in Eur., summers 1910, 11,13, 14; unmarried. Re- porter Joliet Daily News, 1904-05, sum- mers 1906, 07; reporter Galesburg (111.) Mail, 1905-08; asst. in mathematics, Lombard Coll., 1905-08, asst. in physics, 1907-08, prof, of German, 1908-09; instr. in German, Univ. of Chicago, 1909-19; served in code and cipher sect., Div. Mil. Intelligence, Gen. Staff, Washing- ton, D.C., 1918, later commd. 1st It., O. R.C. ; mem. exec, staff Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, serving in office of mgr. of factory dept., as asst. to v.p. in chge. of operations, asst. mgr. advertising and printing plant, 1919-24; asst. gen. supt., Philipsborn's, 1924; gen. mgr. and sec, Battle Ball Co. of America, 1925; admin- str. Div. of the Criminologist and Inst, for Juvenile Research, Chicago, 1926-33; adminstr. Behavior Research Fund, Chi- cago, 1926-33, sec. bd. trs. since 1931; fiscal supervisor Dept. of Pub. Welfare, State of 111., 1933-37, admins, asst., 1937- 41, acting supt. div. of old age assist- ance, 1937-40; regional adminstr. U. S. Office Price Adminstrn., Chicago, Dec. 1941-Mar. 1943; with Lend-Lease Admin- istration 1943-44, assigned foreign serv- ice; mem. exec, staff United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Adminstrn. in 1944; chief administrative officer, U.N. R.R.A. Internat. Conf., Montreal, Can., Sept. 1944; asst. to dir., British Empire and Middle East Branch, Foreign Eco- nomic Administrn., 1945, subsequently transferred to U.S. Department of State, Office of Foreign Liquidation; lecturer Graduate School Social Service Admin- istrn., Univ. of Chicago, 1939-40. Mem. Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science, Am. Soc. Pub. Adminstrn., Am. Pub. Welfare Assn., 111. Conf. on Social Wel- fare (p. pres.), Abraham Lincoln Assn., Cliff Dwellers, Phi Delta Theta. Author: A Manual of Business Methods for the Department of Public Welfare, 1941. Contbr. to Annual Reports of 111. Pub. Welfare; also to professional jours. Ad- dress: care Dept. of State, Washington, D.C., (permanent) care Mrs. Adlai S Maass, 252 Western Av., Joliet, 111. CAIN, Joseph Edward, exec, vice- pres. P. R. Mallory & Co., Inc.; b. Mai- den, Mass., 7 June, 1903; s. John J. and Julia (Hurley) C; m. Harriet Great- house, 22 Sept. 1937; children— Carter, (by 1st marriage), Juliet Greathouse. With P. R. Mallory Co. since 1926, be- ginning as clerk in purchasing dept., exec, vice-pres. since 1937. Dir. Am. Nat. Bank, Plastic Moulders, Inc., Kruse Company, Inc., Columbia Club, Commu- nity Fund, Am. Red Cross. County chmn. Com. for Econ. Development; tr. Tudor Hall Sch., Indianapolis. Dir. Ind. State Chamber Commerce. Republican. Clubs: University, Columbia. Home: 57- 99 Sunset Lane, Indianapolis, Ind. Of- 535 fice: 3029 E. Washington St., Indianapo- lis, Ind. SUTHERLAND, David Lee, mechani- cal engineer; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 31 Dec. 1889; s. James Boskirk Sutherland and Myra (Lee) S.; ed. Minneapolis Cent, high sch.; Williams Coll., 1912; M.I.T., 1914; m. Beulah Crocker of Min- neapolis, Minn., Oct. 1923; 1 dau.— Mary Crocker. Asst. supt., constr. and mech. supt., Atlantic Refining Co., Franklin, Pa., 1914-17; engr., adv. dept., Wash- burn-Crosby Co., 1919-27, sales engr., au- tomotive mfrs. rep., 1927-33; pres., treas., Sutherland Air Conditioning Corp., 1933-39, pres., Sutherland Engi- neering Co., 1939-42; pvt., cpl., sergt., 2nd It., capt., 16th Pa. Inf., El Paso, Tex., 28th div., Augusta, Fla., army gen. staff, Langres, Fr., 1st army, 7th army corps, 3rd U.S.A., Coblenz and Berlin, Ger., during World War I, maj. and It. col. U.S. Air Corps, Wright Field, Day- ton, O., Washington, D.C., 8th U.S.A. F., England & France, Nov. 1942- Apr. 1945. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Ki- wanis, Six O'clock. Protestant. Office: 450 Baker Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 1815 S. Colfax Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Summer res. : Maplewoods, Lake Minnetonka, Minn. OLIN, Spencer Truman, 1st vice pres. and dir. Olin Industries, Inc.; b. Alton, [11., 20 Aug. 1900; s. Franklin W. and Mary (Moulton) O.; M.E., Cornell U., [921; m. Ann Whitney, 12 Jan. 1928; children— Mary Dell, Spencer Truman, Jr., Barbara Ann, Eunice Whitney. Be- gan as chief inspector with Western Cartridge Co., successively as works mgr., 1924-44, sec. 1928-42, sales mgr., 1933-44, treas., 1935-43, v.p., 1935-44; be- came 1st v.p. Olin Industries, Inc., a consolidation of Western Cartridge Co., Winchester Repeating Arms Co., Olin Corp. and others in 1945; also v.p. and dir. Equitable Powder Mfg. Co., Egypt- ian Powder Co., Liberty Powder Co., Cellulose Research Corp., U.S. Cart- ridge Co., 111. State Bank of East Alton. Mem. Kappa Sigma. Elk. Clubs: Mis- souri Athletic, Bellerive Country, Uni- versity, Racquet, Chicago. Home: Fair- mount, Alton, 111.; also P.O. Box 232, Alton, 111. Office: Olin Industries, Inc., East Alton, 111. CLOPTON, Malvern Bryan, surgeon; b. St. Louis, Mo., 8 Oct. 1875; s. William H. and Belle (Bryan) C. ; prep, edn., St. Louis High Sch.; student Univ. of Va., classical course, 1893-95, M.D., 1897; m. Mrs. James T. Walker, 1909 (died 1911): m. 2d, Mrs. Rachel Lowe Lambert, 1934. Began practice at St. Louis, 1897; in- terne Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1898-1900; clin. prof, surgery, Washington Univ. Sch. of Medicine; asst. surgeon Barnes Hosp.; asso. surgeon St. Louis Children's Hosp.; chief of staff St. Luke's Hosp., 1933-37; consulting surgeon Jewish Hos- pital. Lt. col. Med. Corps, U.S. Army, 1917-19; with Base Hosp. No. 21 and C. O. Mobile Hosp. No. 4, A.E.F. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. A.M.A., Am. Southern and Western surg. assns., St. Louis Surg. Soc, Soc. Clin. Surgery. Mem. bd. dirs., Washington Univ. Dem- ocrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: University, Racquet, St. Louis Country, Log Cabin Round Table. Contbr. to med. jours. Home: Clarksville, Mo. Office: Beau- mont Medical Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. CAHILL, James Christopher, lawyer, publisher, educator; b. St. Paul, Minn., 2 June 1885; s. Patrick and Marie (Fleming) C. ; Ph.B., Loyola Univ., Chi- cago, 1926; LL.B., St. Paul Coll. of Law s 1905; m. Harriet M. Gould, 26 Apr. 1911; children — Richard Gould, Harriet Marie (Mrs. John Shields). Admitted to Minn, bar, 1906, practicing at St. Paul until 1911, sec. to mayor of St. Paul, 1908-10; editor in chief Callaghan & Co., pubs., Chicago, 1913-27, v.p., 1924-39, gen. mgr., 1927-39; prof, law, Loyola Univ., 1926; exec. West Publishing Co., St. Paul. Mem. Chicago Bar Assn., Chicago Law Inst., Chicago Literary Soc, Medieval- ists. Clubs: Lake Shore Athletic (Chi- cago); Minnesota (St. Paul). Editor: Cahill's Illinois Statutes (8 edits.), 1921- 33; 111. St. Bar Assn. Statutes, 1935; Ca- hill's Consolidated Laws of N.Y. (2 edits.) 1923, 1930; Cahill's N.Y. Civil Practice (7 editions), 1924-37; Cahill's New York Criminal Code, 1928; Cahill's New York Practice Series, 1927; Cahill's Mich. Compiled Laws, 1922; Cyclopedic Law Dictionary, 1922; Callaghan's Iowa Digest, 1921; Callaghan's 111. Statutes Annotated, 1924; Volumes 165-243 Illinois Appellate Court Reports, 1914-27. Editor in chief Fletcher's Cyclopedia of Corp., 1st edit., 1917. Co-author. Nichols Cahill New York Practice and Forms, (16 vol- imes), 1938-39. Home: 265 Mount Curve Blvd., St. Paul, Minn. Office: 50 W. Kel- log Blvd., St. Paul, Minn. CHANDLER, Stephen S., judge; b. Blount County, Tenn., 13 Sept. 1899; s. Stephen Sanders and Evelyn Amelia (Johnson) C. ; student, Univ. of Tenn., 1917-18, L.LB., Univ. of Kan., 1922; m. Margaret Patterson, 1 July 1922; chil- dren — Frances Patterson, Stephen Sand- 536 ers III, Frank Patterson. Private law practice in Oklahoma City, 1922-43; ap- pointed U.S. Dist. judge for the Western Dist. of Okla., 1943. Democrat. Metho- dist. Mem. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Ma- son, Shriner. Club: Oklahoma City Ro- tary. Home: 312 N. W. 18th St., Okla- homa City, Okla. Office: Federal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. BREECH, Ernest Robert, pres. Bend- ix Aviation Corp.; b. Lebanon, Mo., 24 Feb. 1897; s. Joseph F. E. and Martha (Atchley) B.; stud. Drury Coll., Spring- field, Mo., 1915-17, Walton Sch. Com- merce, 1918-21; C.P.A., Univ. of 111., 1921; m. Thelma Rowden, 11 Nov. 1917; children— Ernest Robert, William How- ard. Began as accountant Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Chicago, 1917-20; auditor Adams & Westlake, Chicago, 1920-22; comptroller, Yellow Cab Mfg. Co., Chi- cago, 1923-29; dir. Yellow Truck & Coach Mfg. Co., Chicago, 1927-33; gen. asst. treas. General Motors Corp., N.Y. City, 1929-33, v. p. in charge household applance div. and aviation subsidiaries, also member adminstrn. com., 1939-42; chmn. bd. North Am. Aviation, Inc., 1933-42, dir. since 1933; pres. Bendix Av- iation Corp. since Feb. 1942; chmn. bd. Gen. Aviation Mfg. Co., Transcontinent- al & Western Air, Inc.; pres. Western Air Express, and dir. Pan-Am. Airways, 1933-35. Chmn. Central Aircraft Council, Detroit. Mem. 111. Society C.P.A's. Was awarded gold medal, 111. C.P.A. exam- ination, 1921. Trustee Drury Coll. Mem. Inst, of Aeronautical Sciences. Repub- lican. Baptist. Mason. Clubs: Bloomfield Hills Country (Birmingham, Mich.); Re- cess. Home: Manor Rd., Birmingham, Mich. Office: Fisher Bldg., Detroit, Mich. BENNETT, Harry Herbert, personnel dir.; b. Ann Arbor, Mich., 17 Jan. 1893; s. Vern C. and Gene (Bangs) B.; ed. pub. schs., Ann Arbor; children (first marriage) — Billie Marie, Gertrude Geor- gia (Mrs. Russell Hughes), Harriett Gene; m. 2d, Esther A. Beatty, 27 Nov. 1937; 1 dau. — Esther Rae. Sailor in U.S. Navy, 1910-15; with Ford Motor Co. since 1917, dir. of personnel since 1918. Mem. U.S. Naval Reserve. Decorated Vera Cruz campaign medal. Mem. Vets, of Foreign Wars. Episcopalian. Mason (32d deg.). Club: Grosse Pointe Yacht (De- troit). Home: Geddes Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. Office: Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich. DAVIS, Charles Strout, mfr. b. Terre Haute, Ind., 2 Feb. 1877; s. Daniel Nic- holds and Margaret Deith (Hyde) D.; A.B., Harvard, 1899; m. Florence Grace Johnson, 17 Nov. 1904; children— John- son Strout, Florence Isabel (Mrs. John Drum), Charles Strout. Mem. editorial staff New York Times, 1899-1900; coal miner and jobber, western Ind., 1901-07: chmn. bd. Borg- Warner Corp., Chicago, 1928, pres. since 1929; pres. Glascock Bros. Mfg. Co., Muncie, Ind.; dir. City Nat. Bank & Trust Co., Morse Chain Co. (Ithaca, N.Y.). Dir. and mem. exec, committee National Association Mfrs., Former pres. Social Bur. of Muncie; dir., Chicago Musical College; trustee 111. Inst, of Technology. Mem. Chicago Historical Society, Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Phi Kappa Psi, Pi Eta. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32d deg., K.T.,). Clubs: Chicago, Racquet. Casino, Union League (Chicago, 111.) ; Columbia (Indianapolis, Ind.); North- port Point (Michigan) Yacht, North- port Point Country, Bath and Tennis, Everglades (Palm Beach, Fla.). Home: 1500 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111., also 8 South Lake Trail, Palm Beach, Fla.: and Northport Point, Mich. Office: 310 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. DOYLE, Edward John, pres. and dir. Commonwealth Edison Co.; b. Chicago, 111.; s. Martin and Mary (Corcoran) D. ; ed. in pub. schs., Chicago; m. Bertha Katherine Streff, 27 June 1910; children — Edward J., Rosemary K. (Mrs. Allen P. Shelly), Elizabeth Jane (Mrs. Will- iam B. McNulty). Mem. exec. com. Assn. of Edison Illuminating Companies. Dir. Chicago Assn. of Commerce. Pres. Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Lay trustee Univ. of Notre Dame. Clubs: Mid-Day (Chicago), Chi- cago Athletic, Indian Hill, Economic (dir.). Office: 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. DODD, John Morris, surgeon; b. Waynesburg, Pa., 5 Oct. 1866; s. Samuel and Catharine (Morris) D.; ed. common schs.; M.D., Starling Med. Coll., Colum- bus, O., 1889; D.Sc, Northland Coll.. 1925; m. Missouri Stoops, 23 Dec. 1889; children— Florence E., Edith M., Helen R., John M. Practiced, Ashland, Wis., since 1889; surgeon St. Joseph's and Ashland General hosps.; pres. Ashland Gen. Hosp. Assn.; founder and pres. Ashland Clinic. Mayor of Ashland, 1911- 13 and 1933-1939; sec. Wis. State Bd. of Med. Examiners, 1915-24. Pres. trus- tees Northland Coll.; trustee Interstate Post-Grad. Med. Assn. Maj. Med. Re- serve Corps, U.S. Army. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons, A.M.A.; mem. Soo and C.&N.W. Ry. Surg. Assns. (ex-pres.). 537 State Med. Soc. of Wis. (pres. 1911-12, councilor 1903-30). Mason (Past Grand Comdr., K.T. of Wis.), Elk, I.O.O.F., Rotarian. Author: The Autobiography of a Surgeon, 1928. Home: Ashland, Wis. ABBETT, Merle J., supt. schools; b Franklin, Ind., 7 Sept. 1885; s. Lawson Oliver and Harriett (Mitchell) A.; A.B., Franklin Coll., 1907; A.M., Columbia, 1918; supt's diploma, Teachers Coll. (Co- lumbia), 1918; m. Janet Van Nuys, 29 Nov. 1916; children — Elizabeth Ann, Re- becca Jane. Supt. Hopewell (Ind.) Sch., 1908-15; teacher pub. schs., Indianapolis, 1915-16; prin. Sr. High Sch., Bedford, Ind., 1916-24; supt. schs., Bedford, 1921- 32, Ft. Wayne since Feb. 1932. Mem. bd. dirs. Fed. Relief Agencies, C. of C. (v.p.), Y.M.C.A., Boy Scouts of America (all of Ft. Wayne) ; mem. bd. dirs. Franklin Coll.; mem. Governor's Com. on Licens- ing Teachers (Ind.), 1933; mem. Nation- al Com. on Phys. Edn. Program for Pub. Schs. of U.S.; del. Internat. Rotary Conv., Belgium, 1927, and inspected English and Continental schs.; exec, chmn. for war bonds, Ft. Wayne and Allen Co.; chmn. adv. com. Youth in Selective Service, congl. Dist. Member N.E.A. (life; sec. discussion group), Fo- rum of N.E.A. (supts. div.), Ind. State Teachers Assn. (pres. 1919), Ind. State Supts. Schools (pres. 1931), N.E. Ind. Teachers Assn. (pres. 1933; chmn. exec, com. 1936), Ind. Principals of Schs. (ex- pres.), Ind. Sch. Men's Club (pres. 1940), Horace Mann League, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Kappa. Presbyterian. Mason (K.T. Shriner). Clubs: Ft. Wayne Quest, Rotary (pres.). Author of Character Education for Public Schools; also of courses of study for public schools of Bedford and Ft. Wayne. Speaker and writer on ednl. subjects. Home: 4024 Harrison Blvd., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Office: Douglas and Clinton Sts., Ft. Wayne, Ind. ADKINS, Homer Martin, governor; b. Jacksonville, Ark., 15 Oct. 1890; s. Ulys- ses and Lorena (Wood) A.; student at Draughons Business Coll., 1907-08, Phar- macy Coll., 1910-11; m. Estelle Elise Smith, 18 Dec. 1921. Registered Phar- macist, Little Rock, Ark., 1911-16; sales- man Darragh Co., Little Rock, 1919-22; sheriff and collector Pulaski County, Ar- kansas, 1923-26; in gen. ins. business under firm of Adkins & Williams, 1926- 33; Federal Internal Revenue Collector, 1933-40; elected fov., State of Ark., 1940. Served as capt., Med. Admnstrn., U.S. Army, in U.S. and France, 1917-19. Mem. Am. Legion, Woodmen of the World. Democrat. Methodist. Mason, Elk. Club: Little Rock (Ark.). Home: 1601 Den- nison, Little Rock, Ark. Office: State House, Little Rock, Ark. CARRUTH, Arthur Jay, Jr., editor; b. Clinton, N.Y., 26 July 1887; s. Arthur Jay and Clara Belle (Wilkinson) C; A.B., Washburn Coll., Topeka, 1908, Litt. D., 1931; m. Norma Hawley, 24 Nov. 1910; children— Arthur J., Ill, Elizabeth Hawley. With Topeka State Journal since 1908, became mng. editor, 1914 also columnist same, editor and co-pub., 1 Dec. 1933-1 Feb. 1940; v.p., dir. North Am. Light & Power Co. since 1942. Chmn. bd. regents Washburn Univ.; tr. Topeka pub. Library; mem. bd. dirs. Kan. State Free Fair Assn., Red Cross. Mem. Kan. Press Assn., Kan. Editorial Assn., Kan. Authors' Club, Vermont As- sociation of Kan. (pres.), S.A.R. (v.p. Kan. Chap.), Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Delta Chi. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: University, Press, Jay- hawker, Topeka, Washburn, Shawnee, Country. Author: Under the Whispering Willow, 1930. Home: 2122 W. 17th St., Topeka, Kan. Office: State Journal, To- peka, Kan. • DeVORE, Harry S., coll. pres.; b. Johnstown, Pa., 27 July 1891; s. Samuel and Dora (Lape) D.; stud. Southwestern Univ., 1913-15, A.B., B.D., Southern Methodist Univ., 1920; Chicago Theolog- ical Sem., summers of 1928-30; D.D., Southwestern Univ., 1932; m. Ann Eliza- beth George, 2 Nov. 1920; children — John Woodrow, James Kilgore, Mary Elizabeth. Minister, Meth. Ch., Okla- homa City, 1920, Elk City, Okla., 1920- 23, Miami, Okla., 1923-25, Sapulpa, Okla- homa, 1925-27, Grace Ch., Oklahoma City, 1927-31, Ardmore, Okla., 1931-35, Texarkana, Ark., 1935-38, Dallas Dist., 1938-42; pres. Central Coll., Fayette, Mo., since 1942; clerical mem. at large, Comm. on World Service and Finance, Meth. Ch., since 1940. Curator of Central Coll. Mem. Tau Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Alpha, Theta Phi. Mason (Scottish Rite). Club: Rotary (Fayette). Home: 502 Linn St., Fayette, Mo. Office: Central Coll., Fayette, Mo. CAMPBELL, William J., judge; b. Chicago, 111., 19 Mar. 1903; s. John and Christina (Larson) C; grad. St. Rita Coll. Prep. School, 1922; LL.B., Loyola Univ. 1926, LL.M., 1928; m. Marie Ag- nes Cloherty of New York City, 1937; children — Marie Agnes, Karen Chris- tina, Heather Therese, Patricia Ann. Ad- mitted to Illinois bar, 1926; appointed U.S. district attorney, Northern Dist. of 538 111., 23 Nov. 1938; apptd. judge U. S. Dist. Court, 10 Oct. 1940. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., 111. State Bar Assn., Chicago Bar Assn., Federal Bar Assn.; member exec. bd. Chicago Council Boy Scouts of America and of nat. exec. bd. Boy- Scouts of America; mem. bd. dirs. of Catholic Youth Orgn. ; state adminstr. for 111., Nat. Youth Adminstrn., 1935-39. Clubs: Law, Illinois Athletic, Union League (all of Chicago). Home: High- land Park, 111. Office: U.S. Court House, Chicago, 111. DAVISON, James Edward, shipbuild- er, banker; b. Buffalo, N.Y., 7 Dec. 1867; s. James and Ellen M. (Rogers) D.; A.B., Hillsdale (Mich.) Coll., 1887, LL.D., 1925; m. June Lolette Cobb, 12 Feb. 1890 (died 1918) ; children— James Lorenzo (deceased), Lt. Commdr. Ed- ward Cobb; m. 2d, Helen Forrest Knox, 28 July 1919; children— Helen Forrest (Mrs. G. B. Paull, Jr.), Laura Isabelle (Mrs. R. P. Beattie, II), Shirley Knox, Ashley. Chmn. bd. Hillsdale Co. Nat. Bank, Bay Trust Co.; pres. Peoples Comml. and Savings Bank, Davidson Building Co., Bay Trust Co., (Bay City); v.p. Robert Gage Coal Co. (Bay City), pres. Inter-Ocean S.S. Co., Continental S.S. Co., Duluth S.S. Co., (Duluth), Globe S.S. Corp. (Indianapolis, Ind.). Triton S.S. Co., Sumatra S.S. Co., Con- solidated S.S. Co. (Wilmington, Del.); v.p., treas., dir. Am. Ship Building Co. (Cleveland) ; dir. Pere Marquette Ry*. Co., Bay City Building Co., Tanner In- vestment Co., Great Lakes Towing Co., Industrial-Brown-Hoist Corp. (Bay City). Chmn. Local Draft Bd. No. 1, Bay City, World War. Mem. Soc. Naval Architects and Marine Engrs., Phi Delta Theta, Epsilon Delta Alpha, Mem. Rep. State Central Com., Mich., since 1902; mem. Rep. Nat. Com. 1923-40; chmn. Bay County Rep., Com., 1920-34 and 1936 -38, mem. since 1896; del. Rep. Nat. Conv., Chicago, 1920. Mem. St. Law- rence Waterway Commn., appointment President Coolidge, 1924; mem. advis. bd. Detroit Loan Agency of Reconstruc- tion Finance Corp. Dir. Detroit Branch Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1936- 42. Chmn. bd. trustees, Hillsdale Coll., 1925-32; chmn. bd. trustees Y.W.C.A., Bay City; mem. exec, council Am. Banking Assoc, 1935-38; pres. Michi- gan Bankers Assoc, 1934-35; executive council Michigan Bankers Assn. for life. Episcopalian. Mason (33d deg.); Past Grand Comdr. K.T. of Mich.; Past Po- tentate, Shrine; Past Comdr. Bay City Comdry. 26; bd. control Mich. Masonic Home. Elk. Clubs: Bay City Yacht, Sag- inaw Country, Detroit Athletic, Univer- sity (Detroit) ; Kitchi Gammi (Duluth) ; Saturn (Buffalo) ; Union, Mid-Day, and Terminal (Cleveland) ; Lambs, Metro- politan, India House (New York). Of- fice: Foot of Randolph St., Bay City, Mich. Home: 1710 Center Av., Bay City, Mich. HART, Alden Leonard, pres. United Utilities, Inc.; b. Cincinnati, O., 12 Feb. 1888; s. Thomas Holt and Elisabeth (Al- den) H. ; E.E., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1911; m. Anne Wetmore, 20 May 1922. Began as traffic engr. Central Group Bell Tele- phone Companies, Chicago, 1911-12; dist. traffic supt. Wis. Telephone Co., 1912-17. Capt. signal Corps, U.S.A., 1918-19; tele- phone officer, Paris Area, 1918; signal officer for Peace Conf., 1918-19; Merito- rious and Conspicuous Service Citation. Gen. comml. agent, Wis. Telephone Co., 1919-26; vice-pres. Asso. Telephone Co., Ltd.; operating vice-pres. Interstate Telephone Co., Southwestern Asso. Tele- phone Co., Central Mo. Telephone Co. 1926-32; operating v.p. and dir. all cos., 1932-34; vice-pres. Gen. Telephone Serv- ice Corp., N.Y. City, 1934-35, v.p. Tel-Ad Pub. Co., 1935. Exec. v.p. and dir. Gen. Telephone Corp., N.Y. City, 1936, and Gen. Telephone Service Corp., 1936. Tr. Bronx Savings Bank, 1936. Pres. Beverly Electric Mfg. Co., Beverly Hills, Calif., 1939; pres. and dir. United Utilities, Inc., Abilene, Kan., since March, 1940; pres. and director New Jersey Telephone Co., Flemington, New Jersey, United Tel- phone and Telegraph Co., Wilmington, Del.; chmn. bd., v.p. and dir. United Telephone Co. of Pa. (Harrisburg) ; v.p. and dir. Am. Telephone Co. (Abilene, Kan.), Ohio Telephone Service Co. (Sid- ny, O.), Siloam Springs (Ark.) Tele- phone Co., Southern Neb. Power Co. (Superior, Neb.), United Telephone Co. (Kansas City, Mo.), United Tel. & Tel. Corp. (Warsaw, Ind.); dir. and pres. Central Gas Utilities Co., Central Kan. Power Co.; dir. Western Petroleum Ex- ploration Co. (all Abilene, Kan.), United Telephone Co., Ins. (Warsaw, Ind.), City Nat. Bank & Trust Co. (Kansas City, Mo.). Mem. Beta Theta Pi. Clubs: Uni- versity (Kansas City, Mo.), Kansas City, Kansas City Country. Home: Abilene, Kan. Office: United Utilities, Inc., Abi- lene, Kan. McREYNOLDS, Douglas, pres. and chmn. bd. Amco Corp.; b. Chicago, 111., 14 July 1889; s. George S. and Hattibal (Cook) McR. ; student pub. schs. Chi- cago; m. Irene Haynes, 3 Feb. 1917 (div. 539 Oct. 1921) ; m. 2d, Nina Joslyn, 5 Sept. 1933; children— George, Marian. Office boy Scully Steel & Iron Co., Chicago, 111., 1907-09, clerk, later sales corr., city salesman, 1909-20; chmn. bd. and pres. Amco Corp., distributors of oil equip- ment, Chicago, since 1920; v.p. Farrell Mfg. Co., Joliet, 111., since 1920. Repub- lican. Episcopalian. Elk. Clubs: Chicago Athletic; Evanston Golf; Downtown Ath- letic (New York). Home: 6142 Kenmore Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 1220 W. Ran- dolph St., Chicago, 111. YOUNG, Benjamin E., vice-pres. Nat. Bank of Detroit; b. Carthage, Mo., 27 Sept. 1897; s. Charles Henry and Alice (Lionberger) Y.; student pub. schs. of Ark.; m. Madelyn Flanery, 7 Feb. 1920; children— Shirley Ann, Joan Carol. Clerk Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1915-24, comptroller, 1924-33; asst. to pres. Nat. Bank of Detroit (Mich.) 1933- 34, v.p. since 1934; pres. and dir. Safe Deposit Co. of Detroit since 1933; v.p. and dir. Deep Lake Farms, Inc., Holly, Mich., since* 1939. Mem. advisory bd. Detroit Salvation Army. Mem. Detroit Bd. of Commerce. Republican. Clubs: Country, Detroit, Athletic, Witenage- mote. Author: Bank Cost Control, 1933. Home: 71 Lake Shore Drive, Grosse Pointe, Mich. Office: 660 Woodward Av., Detroit, Mich. WECKER, Walter Andre, president of Marquette Cement Mfg. Co.; b. Peru, 111., 29 June 1895; s. August and Jose- phine (Leyes) W. ; ed. pub. schs., La- Salle, 111.; m. Minnie L. Ramey, 24 Aug. 1920. Entered employ of Marquette Ce- ment Mfg. Co. at LaSalle as invoice clerk, 1914, later asst. on credit and col- lection work, then travelling collector, took up 'his duties again after War as sec, 1919, became treas. and dir., 1923, v.p., 1932, pres. since 1933. Served with U.S. Army, World War. Clubs: Chicago, Mid-Day, Exmoor Country, Bob O'Link Golf. Home: Wilmot Rd., Bannockburn, 111. Office: 140 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. YEAGER, R. G., Pres. C. H. Yeager Co. Address: 60-70 S. Main St., Akron, O. HOAN, Daniel Webster, (hon.), may- or; b. Waukesha, Wis., 12 Mar. 1881; s. Daniel Webster and Margaret Augusta (Hood) H.; B.S., 1905, LL.D., 1939, Univ. of Wis., student Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law, 1905-06; m. Agnes B. Magner, 5 Oct. 1909; children— Daniel Webster, Agnes Bernice; m. 2d, Gladys Arthur, 8 Apr. 1945. Practiced in Milwaukee since 1907; atty. for Wis. State Federa- tion of Labor, 1908-10; directed fight which resulted in Wis. Workmen's State Compensation Act — the first of its kind in U.S.; city atty., Milwaukee, 1910-16; mayor of Milwaukee, 1916-40; formerly chief of field operations and asso. dir. National Civilian Defense. Mem. Am. Com. for Internat. Union of Local Authorities; mem. Pan. Am. Commn. on Inter-municipal Cooperation. Former mem. exec. com. and ex-pres. League of Wis. Municipalities;, pres. of Great Lakes Harbor Assn.; past v.p. Am. Mu- nicipal Assn. Mem. Milwaukee Bar As- sociation, K.P., Blk, Eagle, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America. Clubs: City, South Side Community. Author: The Failure of Regulation, 1913; City Government, 1936. Home: 3328 W. Kilbourn Av., Milwaukee, Wis. BOYD, Anna Tomlinson, piano teach- er; b. Salem, la.; d. Thomas Levi Tom- linson, teacher, and Lorette Matilda (Oz- bun) T.; academic normal graduate, B.M., Chicago Conservatory, 1930; Bush Conservatory; studied with Mrs. Crosby Adams, Effa Ellis Posfield, Rossiter Cole, Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler, Chicago; Prertner, Bree & Leschetizky (Vienna, Austria) ; m. Robert L. Boyd of Parnas- sus. Teacher Scarrett Coll. Inst., Neosha, Mo., Commercial Arts Coll., La Junta, Colo.; teacher piano, normal training, Sherwood Music Sch., Chicago; dir., and founder, Anna Tomlinson Sch. of Music, Berwyn and LaGrange, 111.; mem. Chi- cago Artists Assn. Author : Forty Lessons 6n How to Develop a Piano Hand ; Pupils' Lesson Record Book; Teachers' Record Book; contbd. materials for classroom and private teaching. Interests: garden- ing, cooking. Recreation: concerts. Quaker. Republican. Office and home : 6937 34th St., Berwyn, 111. ALLURED, Prudence May Walker, publisher and advertising executive; b. Carlton, Minn.; d. Stanley Walker, mer- chant, and Minna Marie (Wieck) W. ; ed. Grand Junction (Colo.) high sch.; B.A. Colo. Coll., 1916; m. Earl Robert Allured of Chicago, 111., 1923; children- James Walker, Stanley Earl, Allen Rob- ert. Reporter, Grand Junction (Colo.) News, 1909-11; adv. ed., Butler Bros., 1917-180 adv. ed. Nat. Conf. Social Work- ers, 1919, 111. Mfrs. Assn., 1920, Am. Lib. Assn., 1921; sec, Mfg. Confectioner Pub. Co., 1922-31, owner and mgr. ; U.S. Food Admnr., Chicago, during World War I; mem. D.A.R,. Chicago Fedn. Adv. clubs (v.p., 1912—). Clubs: Off-the-Street (di- rector, Women's Adv. of Chicago (pres. 1940-41). Congregationalist. Republican. Offices: 400 W. Madison St., Chicago 6, 540 111., and 303 W. 42nd St., New York 18. N.Y. Home: 318 Clinton Av., Oak Park, 111. ALEXANDER, Mary Dunham, editor; b. Corry, Pa., 17 Sept. 1896; d. D. Gara Alexander, (newspaper man) and Mary Edith (Parke) A., ed. Hyde Park high sch., Chicago, and Univ. of Chicago. Began as copyholder, Univ. of Chicago Press; became successively proofread- er, copy editor, head of proofroom; now production editor in charge of design of books, etc. ; mem. Soc. Typographic Arts, Am. Inst, of Graphic Arts, Chicago Book Clinic. Author: Andrew McNair and the Liberty Bell. Interests: collect- ing early press books, fine printing. Rec- reations: golf, horseback riding. Repub- lican. Office: University of Chicago Press, 5750 Ellis Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1461 E. 56th St., Chicago, 111. SIMMONS, Elizabeth Margret, writer, speaker; b. Hardeman, Mo., 18 Jan. 1891; d. Thomas Jefferson and Alice La- vinia (Smith) Davis; student Mo. Val- ley Coll., 1903-08; m. George Bartlett Simmons, 29 Mar. 1909; children — Val- erie Ruth (Mrs. Percy Franklin Vesser), Vivien Virginia (Mrs. Hartzell I. Bo- zarth), Genevieve Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles Emerson Clark), Alice Temple, Georgena Gay. Professional writer since 1920; has been contbr. to Leghorn World, editor Western Poultry Jour., editorial writer and copy editor Plymouth Rock Monthly; editorial writer Rhode Island Red Jour, and Wyandotte Herald; editor poultry information columns Corn Belt Farm Dailies (which include Chicago Daily Drovers Journal, St. Louis Daily Livestock Reporter, Kansas City Daily Drovers Telegram, Omaha Daily Jour- nal-Stockman) since 1922. Lecturer Farm Inst., Mo. State Bd. of Agr. ; speaker "Grass Roots" Rep. Conv., at Springfield, 111., June 1935. Received award from Mo. W T riters Guild for most outstanding writing on any Mo. author, 1935. Hon. mem. Tex. Women's Press Assn. Presbyterian. Contbr. feature ar- ticles to Saturday Evening Post, Coun- try Gentleman, Cosmopolitan, Pictorial Review, Good Housekeeping, Farm Journal, Hearst Sunday Papers. Speak- er annual Lincoln dinner, New York, 1936. Unanimous choice of Republican Congressional Com. of Second Mo. Dist. as candidate for U.S. Congress, 1938. Home: Marshall, Mo. Office: 836 Ex- change Av., Chicago, 111. RILEY, John H., vice president; b. Chicago, 111., 22 Jan. 1892; s. Charles F. Riley, retired, and Elizabeth (Hop- kins) R. ; ed. Chicago high school; m. Catharine Kelly of Joliet, 2 Dec. 1918; children — Bernice E., Jacqueline M. Dir. United Printers & Publishers, Jo- liet, Dubuque Fire & Marine Ins. Co., Dubuque, la., South Coast Corp., Chi- cago, First Cleveland; 2nd It., U.S.A., during World War I. Clubs : Club.s : Attic, Chicago Athletic, Joliet Country. Catho- lic. Republican. Office: A. C. Allyn & Co., Chicago, 111. Home: R.F.D. No. 2, Joliet, 111. MAENTZ, Donald T., transportation specialist; b. Allegan, Mich., 19 Mar. 1914; s. H. O. and Pearl (Scott) M. ; grad. Stanford Univ., 1936; m. Eleanor Ann Wasey, 2 Feb. 1939; children— Don- ald Scott, George Wasey. Regional sales mgr., Diamond Match Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 2 yrs.; div. gen. mgr. Asso. Truck Lines Inc., 3 yrs.; vice-pres- ident Hunters Insurance, Inc., Holland, Mich. ; in charge regional Offices, Div. of Motor Transport, Office of Defense Trans- portation, New Orleans, La., Columbus, O., Cleveland, O., since Mar. 1942; now sales mgr. Associated Truck Lines, Inc. Mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Ath- letic (Columbus, O.); Kent Country (Grand Rapids, Mich.); Cleveland Ath- letic, Lake Shore (Chicago), Traffic (Chicago), Traffic (Detroit). Home: 1500 Seminole Rd., Grand Rapids, Mich. Of- fice: 420 Keeler Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. ANTHONY, Charles Ross, pres. C. R. Anthony Co.; b. Trenton, Tenn. 10 Aug. 1885; s. Z. C. and Elvira Ann (Penning- ton) A.; student pub. schs.; m. Lutie Mauldin, 14 July 1910; children — Hel- en Vivian, Ray Taylor, Guy Mauldin, Betty Lee, Dana Jane. Clerk in Scales Gen. Store, Holdenville, Okla., 1900-08; with Wewoka (Okla.) Trading Co., 1908- 10; bookkeeper Grand Leader Co., Mus- kogee, Okla., 1910-12; salesman J. P. Martin Co., Cleveland, Okla., 1912-16; mgr. J. C. Penney Co., Preston, Ida., 1916-18; pres. C. R. Anthony Co., chain of 68 retail dept. stores, Oklahoma City, Okla., since 1922; vice pres. Liberty Na- tional Bank (Oklahoma City), Nat. Life Assurance Co. (Oklahoma City). Mem. Oklahoma City C. of C. (dir.); (hon. life mem. of 4H Clubs). Democrat. Ma- son. Clubs: Rotary, Oklahoma, Yacht (Oklahoma City, Okla.), Beacon (di- rector). Home: 6715 Grand Blvd., Ok- lahoma City, Okla. Office: C. R. Anthony Co., Braniff Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. DREFS, Arthur George, president, McQuay-Norris Manufacturing Co. b. 5 Apr. 1888, Buffalo, N.Y., s. Charles 541 Adam and Elixabeth F. (Farber) D.; ed. B.S. (in Economics), Univ. of Penn., 1909; m. Clara Artemesia Newman, 19 Mar. 1920. Began with Miller, Franklin, Stevenson & Co., 1909; name changed to Miller, Franklin & Bassett, 1912, vice- pres., 1912-17; organized Drefs, Cumings & Drefs,. business consultants, with head- quarters at Detroit, 1919; dissolved, 1921; began as vice-pres. and dir. Mc- Quay-Norris Manufacturing Co., 1921, sec, treas. and dir., 1923-28, vice-pres., treas. and dir., 1929-44, elected pres., 2 Apr. 1945; sec. and treas., King Qual- ity Products Co., 1928-44, elected pres., 1945; dir. Mississippi Valley Trust Co., Koken Companies, Inc., St. Louis Public Service Co., King Quality Products Co. Representative, Automotive and Avia- tion Parts Mfgrs. on Automotive Safety Foundation, 1939-40, 1944-45; dir., Nat. Standard Parts Assn., 1938-40, Automo- tive Parts & Equipment Mfgrs. Assn., 1939-40, 1944-45, dir., 1943, 1944, 1945. Mem. Exec. Com. and Regional vice- pres., 1944, National Assn. Manufactur- ers. National Councilor, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 1943-45. Chmn. Bd. Dirs., and mem., Exec. Com., St. Louis Cham- ber of Commerce, 1944-45. Mem., Senior Adv. Com., St. Louis Co. Junior Cham- ber of Commerce. Mem., Bd. Stewards, St. John's Methodist Church, Bd. Dirs., Central Institute for the Deaf. Dir., Met- ropolitan St. Louis Y.M.C.A., Municipal Theatre Assn. of St. Louis, Corporate Bd. of Group Hospital Service (1945), Adult Education Council of Greater St. Louis (1945), Barnes Hospital. Member, Pan-American Soc. Chief of the Admin- istrative Branch of the Motor & Vehicles Division, 1917-19. Chmn., Metropolitan St. Louis Com. on Preparedness for Na- tional Defense, 1940-42. Mem., St. Louis District Ordnance Adv. Bd. Chmn., Post- war Com., St. Louis Chamber of Com- merce. Industry member, Mayor's (St. Louis) Labor-Management Com. Clubs: Noonday, Racquet, Bogey Golf (all of St. Louis), Detroit Athletic (Mich.). Of- fice: 2320 Marconi Av., St. Louis 10, Mo. Home: 39 Glen Eagles Dr., St. Louis Country Club Grounds, Clayton 5, Mo. PUGH, John Jones, librarian; b. Columbus, O., 29 Feb. 1864; s. Richard and Elizabeth (Jones) P.; grad. Central High Sch., Columbus, 1881; grad. Cen- tral Ohio Normal Coll., 1883; m. Kath- arine Fornof, 22 Aug. 1888 (died 1900); children — Elizabeth Louise (Mrs. Her- bert Janney Long), Katharine Loving, Mary Helen; m. 2d, Mary Famah Pe- ters, 25 May, 1925. Began as asst. librar- ian at Columbus City and Pub. Sch. Library, 1881; city librarian, Columbus, since 1896. Supervisor and organizer A. L.A. War Camp Libraries, World War I. Dir. Central Ohio area Book Cam- paign for our armed forces; member World War II, Ohio War History Commn., representing Franklin Co.; mem. (pres.) Ohio Old Newsboys Assn., 100 per Cent Charity. Mem. A.L.A., Ohio Library Assn. (pres.) N.E.A., Columbus Chamber Com- merce (1st v.p.; dir.), Ohio Newsboys Assn., Inc. (pres.). Republican. Presby- terian. Mason (32d deg., K.T., Shriner), Odd Fellow; Dep. Supreme Dictator for Ohio of Loyal Order of Moose Clubs : Ro- tary, Ohio State Univ. Faculty, Columbus Athletic. Wrote: A Classification System for Public Libraries; Historical Sketch of Ohio Libraries. Asso. editor Hooper's History of Columbus, Fess' History of Ohio and Moore's History of Franklin County, Ohio. Home: 2653 Glen Echo Dr., Columbus, O. Office: Columbus Pub- lic Library, Columbus, O. MORLAND, John Wallace, dean of law; b. Harlem Springs, O., 28 Oct. 1886; s. John Thomas and Mary Lucille (De- Ford) M.; grad. Ind. State Normal Sch., Terre Haute, Ind., 1913; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1916, A.M., LL.B., 1917; J.D., U. of Chicago, 1922; m. Ruth Bell, 27 Aug. 1911; children— Ruth Virginia Shimek, Mary Frances Gieseke, John B., Jean B. Slesser. Pub. sch. teacher and high sch. prin., Ind., until 1915; asst. in his- tory, Ind. Univ., 1916-17; supervising prin. high schs., Knox County, Ind., 1917- 19; instr., Vincennes Univ., 1919; instr. history and polit. science, Valparaiso Univ., summer, 1919, registrar, 1919-21; registrar and instr. social science. Mon- mouth Coll., 1921-23; pres. Vincennes Univ., 1923-24; dean Lincoln Memorial Univ., 1924-25; with Valparaiso Univ., since 1925, acting dean School of Law, 1928-30, prof, law and dean of Law Sch. since 1930; with Dept. of Justice, sum- mers 1931, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40; visit- ing prof, of Law, Univ. of Kentucky, 1940- 41; Univ. of Oregon, Post Session, sum- mer 1941; first asst. deputy reporter In- diana Supreme and Appellate Courts, May-Sept., 1944. Mem. Am. and Ind. State bar assns., Am. Law Inst., Order of Coif, Am. Judicature Soc. Published 1946 Keeyer Marriage and Divorce, Mor- land Third Edition, 1946. Clubs: Ro- tary, Cosmos, (Valparaiso, Ind.). Re- publican. Lutheran. Home: Valparaiso, Ind. COLIN, Frederic C, Major, U.S.A. A.F. Intelligence, pres. Frederic Collin, Inc., b. Athens, Greece, 18 July 1894; s. Gregory and Katherine (Callimano- 542 pulos) C. ; student Nat. Univ. of Athens, 1912-16. Est. Frederic Collin, Inc., in- vestments, real estate, Detroit, Mich., pres. since 1924; v.p. Nat. Retailers Re- alty Co. since 1930; v.p. Terminal Ar- cade, Inc., since 1939. Refinanced Hupp Motor Car Co. (capital $2,700,000) ; made sales of property such as the sale of the Detroit Opera Co. involving a million dollars, sale of the Kline store involving $925,000; made leases to chain stores in- volving several million dollars; financed the Terminal Arcade Bldg. ; erected sev- eral mercantile centers & office build- ings, built and developed Chain store business block properties; now on ac- tive duty as major, U.S. Army. Served as consul for Greece about 4 years. Mem. Detroit Bd. Commerce. Captain Grosse Pointe Hunt Club Polo Team 3 years (Mid-Western Championship, 1936, 1937); went to Cuba with the U.S. Polo Team, winner of tournament in 1938. United States Army Reserves. Member Grosse Pointe Hunt Club (Grosse Pointe, Mich.); Tennis (Detroit, Mich.), Meta- mora Hunt; Everglades (Palm Beach, Fla.); Gulf Stream Polo (Palm Beach, Fla.). Home: 34102 Jefferson, St. Clair Shores, Mich. Office: 1442 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. MATHESON, William Angus, v. p. Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Co., Detroit; mgr. Williams Oil-O-Matic Div., Bloom- ington; b. Oregon City, Ore., 30 Aug. 1895; s. Angus and Elizabeth (Williams) M. ; student pub schs.; m. Maude Moore, 13 Dec. 1917; 1 son— William Angus. Sales mgr. Mt. Hood Ice Cream Co., Portland, Ore., 1921-23, Power Plant Engring. Co., 1923-26; sales mgr. Hart Oil Burner Co., Peoria, 111., 1926-30; br. mgr. Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating Corp., Chicago, 111., 1930-36, N.Y. (City) ; br. mgr. G.M.S.C. Delco Appliance Div., 1936-40, v.p. and asst. to pres. (gen. mgr.) Williams Oil- O-Matic Htg. Corp., 1940, pres., 1944. Served World War I, May 1917-Jan. 1919. Oil-Heat Inst, of America, Inc.; pres. O.H.I, since May, 1945. Republican. Pres- byterian. Mason. Clubs: Country (Bloom- ington) (Lakeside) Mid-Day (Chicago), Chicago Athletic. Home: 1511 E. Grove, Bloomington, 111. Office: Williams Oil-O- Matic Division, Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Co., Bloomington, 111. RODEN, Albert Andrews, college pro- fessor; b. Wichita, Kan., 28 Aug. 1906; s. Geo. Wm. Roden and Grace Elizabeth (Andrews) R.; ed. Oberlin high sen.; The Acad, of Internat. Law, The Hague, Holl.; A.B., Oberlin Coll., 1928; Prince- ton Univ.; Dr. en Sci. Politiques, L'Uni- versite Libre de Bruxelles, 1932; Ph.D. Sch. of For. Service, Georgetown, 1933 m. Charlotte Rice of Delaware, 9 Dec 1938; 1 dau.^-Sally G. Reader dept politics Princeton Univ., 1928-29, instr. 1929-30; asst. to Sen. D. I. Walsh, 1929 adv. fellow, Eur., C.R.B. (now Belgian American Ednl. Foundation), 1930-32; fel low Carnegie Endowment for Internat Peace, Div. of Internat. Law, Washing ton, D.C., 1932-33; chge. courses in Gov Denison Univ., 1933 — ; dir. Denison Pub Administration Service; chmn. State Publications Com., Ohio Coll. Assn., Soc Sci. Sect.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Am Political Sci. Assn., Am. Soc. Internat Law, Nat. Municipal League. Soc. for Pub. Administration, Social Sci. Sect. Ohio Coll. Assn. Author: La Competence de la Cour Permanente; Les Observa- tions Kellogg, R.D.I, et L.C., 1931; book reviews and articles in several Am. periodicals. Travel: extensively. Ances- tors, Andrews of Conn., among earliest settlers of Western Reserve, settling in Ashtabula Co. before the War of 1812. Interests: public forums, politics, im- provement of public service, handball, tennis. Protestant. Progressive. Office: Cleveland Hall, Granville, O. Home: 413 Burg St., Granville, O. Summer res.: Blind River, Ontario, Can. BALBOA, Mabel Whitesell, lawyer; b. El Dorado Springs, Mo., 4 Oct. 1902; d. John Bruce Whitesell and Mary Ann (Begley) B.; ed. high sch., Nevada, Mo.: Jr. Coll., Kansas City, Mo.; Kansas Univ., Lawrence, Kan.; Univ. of Kansas City Sch. of Law, LL.B., 1928; LL.M.. 1930 Magna Cum Laude; m. Vincent E. Balboa of New York, N.Y., 8 Dec. 1938. Private practice of law; naturalization examiner (lawyer), Dept. of Labor Im- migration and Naturalization Service, Kansas City, Mo.; atty., U.S. Dept. of Justice, New York, N.Y. ; believed to be the second woman to be apptd. U. S. naturalization examiner; Am. Bar Assn.: Women's Bar Assn. of Kansas City, Mo. (p. v. pres.; pres., 1937); Mo. Bar Assn.; Women's Chamber Commerce; Women's Bar Assn. of Mo., Phi Delta Delta (p. prov. sec). Clubs: Alumni, Univ. of Kansas City, (Kansas City, Mo.). Author: several articles. Travel: So. Am., Cent. Am., W.I. Interests: horseback riding, driving, motor boat, (licensed motorboat pilot, U.S. Dept. of Commerce). Meth- odist. Democrat. Office: 641 Washington St., New York, N.Y. Home: 42-12 66th St., Woodside, L.I., N.Y. Legal res. : El Dorado Springs, Mo. IRWIN, Charles E., state hospital superintendent; b. Belle Plaine, la., 5 543 Feb. 1890; s. James H. Irwin, farmer and banker, and Harriett Ella (Duffield) I.; ed. Belle Plaine high sch. ; B.A., Cornell Univ., 1916; M.D., poll, of Med., Univ. of 111., 1918; m. Jessie Olive Fisher of Belle Plaine, la., 12 Sept. 1917; 1 son— Edward Fisher. Teacher, Vinton Sch., 1910-11, colleges, 1911-18; house staff, Los Angeles Co. Hosp., 1918-19; internal med. pract., Cedar Rapids, la., 1920-35; p. cons, radiol., Mercy Hosp., Cedar Rapids; chief surg., la. State Soldiers Home and Hosp., 1935; supt., State Hosp., Woodward, la., 1937 — ; med. examr., Vets. Ins.; p. official examr., C.M.T.C., 7th Corps Area; coronor, Linn Co., 1935; la. State Bd. of Health, 1933- 37; served in U.S.N. Res. Med. Corps, 1918-21; mem. A.M. A., Am. Assn. on Mental Deficiency, Nat. Conf. Juvenile Agencies, la. State Med. Soc, Dallas- Guthrie Med. Soc, Am. Legion, Masons. (32d deg.) Clubs: Lions, Perry Golf and Country. Author: med. articles on cel- lular activity, migraine, goiter, hygiene, veterans disabilities. G.s. of Poweshiek Co. Supt., 1871, bro. former mayor of Boone, bro. past state senator. Interests: writing, speaking, sports. Recreations: golf, hunting, reading, travel. Methodist. Episcopal. Democrat. Address: State Hospital, Woodward, la. CHENIK, Ferdinand, physician and surgeon; b. Braila, Roumania, 7 Dec. 1892; s. Frank Chenik, engineer, and Anna (Floch) C. ; ed. Classical Gymna- sium, Stanislau, Poland (then Austrian) ; B.A., Univ. of Mich., 1919; M.D., Wayne Univ., 1924; post-grad., Temple Univ., 1940; m. Josephine Dudzinski, of Winni- peg, Manitoba, 19 Dec. 1921; children- Viola, Loretta, Richard. Interne, St. Mary's Hosp., 1924-25; teacher biol., physics, Politech. Inst., 1920-22; pvt. pract., Detroit, built hosp., 1926, en- larged it, 1930 and 1933, incorp. under Mich, laws, approved by A.M.A., A.C.S., A.H.A. ; supt., med. dir., pres. bd. of trs., Chenik Hosp.; fellow A.C.P. ; mem. Am. Acad. T.B. Phys., Am. Trudeau Soc, Mich. Trudeau Soc, Nat. T.B. Assn., Am. Hosp. Assn., Wayne Co. Med. Soc A.M. A., Friends of Polish Art, Inst, of Ednl. Aid (hon. pres.). Club: Med. and Dent. Art. Author: Development of Eye of Petromyzon; The Living Organism; a Clinical Laboratory; The White Plague; Diagnostic Features of Silicosis & Silico-Tuberculosis ; The Monistic View- point; The Heart Supreme. Travel: Po- land, Switz., Ger., Eng., Scot. Interests: painting, writing. • Recreations : swim- ming, skating. Protestant. Office : 3105 Carpenter, Detroit, Mich. Home: 18915 Oak Dr., Detroit, Mich. Summer Res.: Island Lake. Brighton, Mich. ASHTON, Edward (Ned) Lowell, con- sulting engineer; b. Clinton, la., 30 Jan. 1903; s. George S. Ashton, retired, and Blanche (Crapser) A.; ed. Lyons high sch.; B.S., State Univ. of la., 1925; M.S., 1926; m. Gladys M. Brooker of Omaha, Neb., 3 June 1928; children — Joye Ann- ette, Ruth Beverly, Jane Blanche. With Harrington-Howard & Ash, 1926-29; assoc. engr., James A. Hooke, 1929-33; consulting engr., St. Louis, Mo., 1933-35; asst. engr., Div. of Dams, U.S. Bur. of Reclamation, Denver, Colo. 1935-41; chief designer, Howard-Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff formerly Ash Howard-Needles & Tamen, Kansas City; instr. for Na- tional Defense Training Courses in Kan- sas City for Univ. of Kansas; v. p., Baby's Health Shield Mfg. Co., Kansas City; mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Am. Welding Soc, Soc. Am. M.E., Mc. Soc. of Prof. Engrs., Nat. Geographical Soc, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Theta Tau. Clubs: Kansas City Engrs. K.C.A.C., Americas Young Men, 1934-39, "I" Club, All Am. Swimming Team, 1925. Author: Arc Welded Steel Plate Floors Applied to Bridges and Via- ducts, pub. in James F. Lincoln's Arc Welding in Design, Manufacture and Con- struction; designed principal portions of Miss. River bridges at Rock Island, 111. Greenville, Miss., Natchez, Miss, and Dubuque, la., Nucheo River Bridge, Port Arthur, Tex., Missouri River Bridge at Brownville, Neb., and many others, also electric Terminal Railway Subway, St. Louis. Travel: Can., all midwestern & Rockey Mt. States. Interests: fishing, hunting, outdoors. Recreation: swim- ming. Episcopalian. Office: 1012 Balti- more Av., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 5830 Cherry St., Kansas City, Mo. Summer res. : Clinton. la. PRIEBE, Frank A., pres., dir. Priebe & Sons, Inc.; b. Minonk, IH., 5 Jan. 1899; s. William Frederick and Mathilda (Si- mater) P.; ed. Oak Park high sch.; B. S., Univ. Chicago, 1920; m. Ruth Bour- nique Rice, 5 June 1926; children — Hel- en, Barbara, Frank, Jr. Salesman Prie- be & Sons, Inc., 1920-23; dir. and treas., 1923-42; pres. since 1943, v.p., dir. F. M. Stamper Co., Moberly, Mo. since 1923; dir. Liberty Nat. Bank, Chicago, Fulton Market Cold Storage, Chicago, Mer- chants Refrig. Co., New York City, Great Bend (Kans.) Poultry Co.; gov. & v.p. Merc Exchange, Chicago; p. pres., dir. Nat. Egg Products Assn.; p. pres., chmn. bd. Inst. Am. Poultry 544 Industries, Chicago (dir.). Mem. Agrl. Com. U.S. C. of C. Served with U.S. Navy 1918-19. Editor Weekly Letter to Poultry Raisers. Mem. Delta Kappa Ep- silon. Clubs: University (Chicago); On- wentsia, Winter (Lake Forest) ; Coleman Lake (Wis.); Old Elm (Lake Forest). Home: 855 E. Westminster Rd., Lake Forest, 111. Office: 110 N. Franklin St., Chicago, 111. PROVIS, Bradley Mark, pres. Gasoline Retailers Assn. of Chicago; b. Chicago, 111., 18 Dec. 1893; s. Harry M. and Ada M. (Crockett) P.; m. Wanda L. Hobson, 16 Sept. 1914. Sheet metal worker Mol- lenkopf & Co., 1903-07; machinist Pull- man Co., 1907-19; tool maker and de- signer Champion Mfg. Co., 1919-30; gas- oline service station operator since 1930. Pres., business mgr. Gasoline Retailers Assn. of Met. Chicago since 1940; dir. Nat. Assn. Petroleum Retailers since 1941. 111. Assn. Petroleum Retailers since 1942; mem. exec. bd. Am. Petroleum Industries Commn. ; mem. Trade Assn. Executives Forum of Chicago; mem. Marketing Sub-Corn, for Dist. 2, Joint Use of Facilities Sub-Corn, for Dist. 2, Manpower Sub-Corn, for Dist. 2; owner Roseland Gen. Tire Co. Mason. Elks. Clubs: Porcupine (Chicago), Lions (Rose- land), Blue Island Oil Men (Chicago). Built flying machine and flew it in 1909; invented first mech. gasoline gauge on automobile instrument board in 1921; invented intermittent movement for Mo- tion Picture Projector known as Hellios, 1928. Baptist. Home: 47 W. 114th St., Chicago, 111. Office: 8 N. Ogden Av., Chicago, 111. SCHERMERHORN, W. I., president Schermerhorn Bros. .Co.; s. John L. and Phoebe S. (Baker) S.; m. Lizzie B. Kingman, 30 Dec. 1891. Went to Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 1888, and started there the present business in cordage, and cotton fabrics; moved business to St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 1890; moved business to Chicago, Feb. 1895. Dir. Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., Cosmopolitan Nat. Bank, Chicago. Acting pres. The Bancroft School, Haddonfield, New Jer- sey. Clubs : Union League (Chicago) ; Flossmoor (111.) Country. Trustee Uni- versity Church of Disciples of Christ, Chicago. Home: 5805 S. Dorchester Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 211 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. PERKINS, Rollin Morris, professor; b. Lawrence, Kan., 15 Mar. 1889; s. Lu- cius Hiram Perkins, lawyer, and Clara (Morris) P.; ed. Lawrence (Kan.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Kan., 1910; J.D., Stan- ford Univ., 1912; S.J.D., Harvard Univ., 1916; m. Florence Mary Payne of Law- rence, Kan., 28 June 1913; children — Rollin Morris, II, Helen Perkins Van Epps, Clara Perkins Beck. Admitted to Calif. & Kan. Bars, 1912; practice of law, Lawrence, Kan., 1912-15; member faculty, Coll. of Law, Univ. la., 1916—; acting prof, law, summer sessions, Univ. Wis., 1923, Stanford, 1924, 1935, Univ. Mich., 1926, Univ. Chicago, 1928, Univ. Minn., 1929; dir., la. Peace Officers Short Course, since inception, 1937; commr., The Interstate Commn. on Crime; served as 2d lieut. Inf. during World War I; p. pres., la. City Chamber Commerce; life mem. Am. Law Inst, (mem. drafting com. for code of crim- inal procedure, administration of crim- inal law, security), mem. Am. Bar As- sociation, (chmn. Criminal Law Section, 1936-38) Iowa State Bar Assn., State Bar of California, Am. Assn. of Univ. Profs., Inst, of Criminal Law & Criminology. Am. Legion, Order of Coif, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Triangle (p. pres.), la. City Country (p. pres.), la. City Kiwanis (p. pres.). Author: Cases on Criminal Procedure, 1921, 1929; Iowa Criminal Justice, 1932; Iowa Peace Officers Code, 1937; Handbook for Iowa Peace Officers, 1938; Manual for Iowa Peace Officers, 1939; Iowa Criminal Code, Annotated for Peace Officers, 1940; Elements of Police Science, 1942; contbr. Harper's Mag., Law reviews and jours. Congre- gationalism Republican. Office: 202 Law Bldg., Iowa City, la. Home: 1041 Wood- lawn St., Iowa City, la. Summer res. : Leland, Mich. GILBY, Joseph Henry, certified public accountant; b. Toronto, Can., 8 Apr. 1885; s. Harry Gilby, corp. exec, and Ellen (Moat) G. ; ed. Collegiate Inst., Toronto, Can. Northwestern University. 1911; LL.B., Kent Coll. Law, 1916: m. Minnie Long of Fowlerville, Mich.. 1907; children — John, Mrs. Mary Gilbv Conrad, Joseph Henry, Jr. With Morris & Co., packers, Am. Steel Foundries, 1901-20; mem. firm, J.H. Gilby & Co.. 1920—; C.P.A., 1913; delivered series of lectures, Shanghai Univ., China, North- western Univ.; mem. Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Mu Delta, Am. Inst. Accountants. Nat. Assn. Cost Accountants, 111. Mfrs. Assn., Chicago Assn. Commerce. Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Executives, Mid-Day, Olympia Fields Country, Lake- side Lawn Bowling. Travel: Eur., So. Am., Orient. Recreations: golf, lawn bowling. Offices: 105 W. Adams St., Chi- cago, 111.; 20 Exchang PL, New York, 545 N.Y. Home: 5423 Blackstone Av., Chi- cago, m. BOYD, Mame Alexander, writer; b. Humboldt, Kan., 13 Dec; d. Joseph Mc- Dill Alexander, farmer, writer, and Hes- ter Ann (Scott) A.; ed. Garnett high sch.; B.S., Kan. State Coll., 1902; m. Frank W. Boyd of Phillipsburg, 15 Aug. 1905; children— McDill, Frank W., Jr. School teacher, Walda, Kan., Eldred, 111., 1895-97; sec. to dean of agr., Kan. State Coll., 1902-05; worked in office with husband, Phillips Co. Post, Phil- lips Co. Review, 1905 — ; ed. of Jewell County Record, 1943 — ; chosen as most noted citizen of Phillips County; picture hanging in State Hall of Fame, Wichita, Kan.; mem. Kan. Park Bd., Phillips- burg Library Bd., state del., 2 nat. pol. conv. ; chmn. 6th dist. Liberty Loan, org., Red Cross during World War I; mem. Kan. Press Women (pres.), Bus. and Prof. Women's (dir.), Native Daus. of Kan. (pres.), Kan. Women Press As- sociation (charter mem.), Council of Women (charter mem.), Alumni Assn. of Kan. State Coll., (pres.), A.A.U.W., League Women Voters, Crippled Chil- dren's Commn. (Phillips Co. chmn.), Tu- berculosis and Health Assn. Chmn. Phillips Co.). Clubs: Woman's Kansas Day, Federation of Womens. Author: Homely Chatter for Home Folks (weekly column) ; feature stories for various pub. Editor: Press Women, official pub. of Nat. Fed Press Women, Inc. Travel: U.S. Interests: working with groups of women. Recreations: sports. Presbyte- rian. Office: Phillips County Review, Phillipsburg, Kan. Home: 451 S. Third St., Phillipsburg, Kan. PULLEN, Paul Pike, advertising and publicity director; b. Evansville, Wis., 11 Jan. 1889; s. George Lloyd Pullen and Lillian (Spencer) P.; ed. Evansville, (Wis.) high sch.; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1912; M.A., Northwestern Univ., 1942; m. Ruth Bingham, of Ames, la., 11 Jan. 1913; children — Priscilla Wakefield, Paul, Jr., John Adams, Lloyd. Cashier, Bank of Evansville, 1912-25; v.p., Merchants & Savings Bank, Janesville, Wis., 1920-22; dir. adv. and publicity, Chicago Title & Trust Co., 1927 — ; lecturer in finance, Northwestern Univ., 1932-39; in real es- tate, 1940, in economics, 1942; mem. Bd. Eds., Journal of Land and Pub. Utility Econ., 1940, mem. Financial Advertis- ers Assn. (senior adv. com., 1936, Nat. chmn., trust development sect., 1935), Chicago Financial Advertisers Assn. (pres., 1935-36 and 1941-42), Metropolitan Housing Council, Am. Statis. Assn. Chica- go Assn. Com., Ins. Ed. Assn., 111. State Hist. Soc, Am. Title Assn. (chmn., adv. com., 1935-38, v. chmn., 1939—), Phi Kappa Psi, Lambda Alpha. Club: City. Author: articles on banking. Recreation: horseback riding. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: 69 W. Washington St., Chicago, HI. Home: 621 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, 111. LOEWEN, Solomon Leppke, professor biology; b. Hillsboro, Kan., 23 Dec. 1898; s. Jacob Loewen, farmer, and Justina (Leppke) L.; ed. A.B., Tabor Coll., 1923; M.A., Univ. Minn., 1928; graduate work, Univ. Kan.; m. Katherine Schellenberg of Buhler, Kan., 8 June 1922; children — Ruby Eldeen, Dorothy Mae, Kenneth LeRoy, Esther Louise. Prof., Tabor Col- lege, 1923-27, 29-31; laboratory assoc, Univ. Minn., 1927-28, instr., 1928-29, pro- fessor, head of dept. Biology, Sterling Coll., 1931-42, dir. summer session, 1937- 42; prof., head of dept. zoology, Tabor Coll., Hillsboro, Kan., 1942—, dir. sum- mer session, 1943 — ; mem. sch. bd., Ster- ling, Kan., 1939-43, F. Am. Soc. Parasi- tologists, Am. Microscopical Soc, Kan. Acad, of Sci. Nat. Geographic Soc, Biological Photographic Assn. Author: several arts. pub. in prof. jour. Grandparents settled in Marion Co. in early seventies as farmers at the time red Turkey wheat was introduced to this part of Kan. Interests: photog., woodworking. Mennonite Brethren. Re- publican. Office: Tabor Coll., Hillsboro, Kan. Home: Hillsboro, Kan. REED, Bessie Price, ornithologist; b. Petersburg, 111.; d. Francis M. Price, minister, and Susan (Hendrickson) P. ; ed. Havana (111. High Sch.; student Univ. of 111.; A.B., .Univ. of Kan., 1919, M.A., 1924; m. Dr. C. I. Reed of Chicago, 111, 3 Apr. 1920; 1 son — Roger Joseph. Teacher ornithology, Univs. of 111. and Kan.; made surveys for Kan. Biol. Sur- vey two summers; licensed bird bander under U.S. Biol. Survey; teacher, pub. and high schs. of 111., many yrs.; mem. Nat. Assn. Audubon Socs., Am. Orni- thological Union, A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma, 111. Acad. Science, P.E.O. Sisterhood. Club: Wilson Ornithological. Author: many popular sci. works on birds. Recreation: fishing. Congregation- alism Office: 1853 W. Polk St., Chicago, HI. Home: 422 W. Evergreen, Chicago, 111. SCARSETH, George Dewey, argon- omist; b. Galesville, Wis., 7 Oct. 1898; s. Idius B. Scarseth, farmer, and Sena (Semb) S.; ed. La Crosse Co. Sch. of Agr., Onalaska, Wis.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 546 1924; Yale Univ., 1925-26; Ph.D., Ohio State Univ., 1935; m. Ida Bierke of Green Bay, Wis., 6 Aug. 1926; children- Mary Sena, George Dwight. Dairy test- er, Wis., 1917; student asst. in soils, Univ. Wis., 1920-24; soil surveyor, Mich, and Wis., 1923-24; asst. soil chem., Conn. Agr. Expt. Sta., New Haven, Conn., 1925-26; soil chem., United Fruit Co., Tela, Honduras, 1926-28; prof, soils, Ala. Poly. Inst., Auburn, Ala., 1928-33; soil chem., Purdue Univ., 1938-43; head De- partment Agronomy, 1943-44; dir. of re- search, Am. Farm Research Assn., 1944 — ; served as seaman in U.S.N, dur- ing World War I; mem. Am. Soc. Agron- omy, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. (pres., 1935), A.C.S., Sigma Psi, Gamma Sigma Del- ta, Alpha Chi Sigma, Ceres, Scabbard and Blade, Internat. Soc. Soil Sci., Soil Sci. Soc. Ind. (pres., 1939), Elks. Club: Kiwanis (pres., 1924). Author: sci. pa- pers and books on soils and plant nu- trition. Travel: Cent, and So. Am. In- terest: writing. Recreations: fishing, hiking. Presbyterian. Independent. Of- fice: Schultz Bldg., Lafayette, Ind. Home: 1414 Ravinia Rd., West Lafay- ette, Ind. BOUSFIELD, M. O. physician, col. in Medical Corps, U.S. Army; b. Tipton, Mo., 1885; ed. A.B., Univ. Kan., 1907; M.D., Northwestern Univ. Med. School, 1909; m. Maudelle B. Brown of St. Lou- is, Mo., 1914; 1 dau.— Maudelle. Interne, Freedmen's Hosp., Dept. Interior, Wash- ington, D.C. ; phys., Kansas City, Mo., 1910-12, Chicago, 1914—; cons. U.S. Chil- dren's Bureau, Chicago Bd. of Health ; sec, Ry. Men's Internat. Benevolent In- dustrial Assn., 1915-19; 1st v.p., med. dir., Liberty Life Ins. Co., 1919-25, pres., 1925-29; chmn. exec, com., Supreme Lib- erty Life Ins. Co., 1929-33, v.p., med. dir., 1933—; dir. Negro Health, Julius Rosenwald Fund, 1933 — ; pres., Chicago Urban League, 1935-39; mem. Advisory Schs. Com., Chicago Board of Educa- tion, 1938, mem. Bd., 1939—; sec, Nat. Citizens Com., White House Conf. on Children in a Democracy, 1940 — ; sr. warden, St. Edmund's Episcopal Ch., 1940 — ; chmn., Commn. on Hosps., Med. Ed. of Nat. Med. Assn. (pres., N.M.A., 1933-34) ; chmn. Section on Health and Housing, Nat. Conf. on Negro and Ne- gro Youth, 1937-39, Chicago Selective Com., Civil Aeronautics Authority for Training Negro Pilots, 1940—; hon. dir., Rebuilders' Triangle, 1940—; Fellow, Am. Pub. Health Assn., A.M. A. ; Mem. Commn. on Negro Bldg., Tex. Centen- nial, 1936, 111. State Commn. for Negro Expn., Chicago, 1940, Nat. Com. for Participation of Negroes in New York World's Fair, 1940: del. from U.S.A. to 8th Pan- Am. Child Health Congress, 1942; mem. Nat. Assn. Colored Grad. Nurses (Nat. Adv. Com.), Nat. Urban League (exec, com.), U.S. Children's Bur. (Gen. Adv. Com.), Univ. of 111. (gen. adv. com.), Nat. Tuberculosis As- sociation, Am. Trudeau Soc; col. M.C., U.S. Army, commanding officer, Station Hosp, No. I, Ft. Huachuca, Ar'y., in World War II; mem. bd. dirs., Chicago Urban League, Nat. Urban League. Wabash Av., Y.M.C.A., South Side Boys' Club, Chicago Civil Liberties Com. (adv. com.), Nat. Med. Assn., Nat. Hospital Assn., Nat. Conf. Social Work, 111. State Med. Assn., Cook Co. Pilys. Assn., Chi- cago Med. Soc, Nat. Com. for Planned Parenthood (1939-40), Planning Com. of White House Conf. on Children in a De- mocracy (mem. com. on Children in Racial and Ethical Minorities, com. on Pub. Health and Med. Care), Kappa Alpha Psi, Sigma Pi Phi; reed. Kansas Univ. Alumni Distinguished Service Ci- tation, 1941. Office: 3501 S. Parkway, Chicago, 111. BEHNER, Frederick G., Presbyterian minister; b. Millbury, O., 11 Aug. 1874; s. Frederick Behner, lumber mfr., and Elizabeth (Rueger) B.; ed. Northwest- ern Acad.; A.B. No. Central Coll., 1900, A.M., 1905; B.D., Pitts burg-Xenia, 1908: D.D., Davis-Elkins. 1926; m. Flora Etta Dreisbach of Findlay, O., 11 July 1905: children — Mary Elizabeth Christopher, Frederick, Jr., Esther Margaret. Pastor First Ch., Covington, O., 1906-08; Fargo, N. Dak., 1909-11, Grace Ch., St. Louis, Mo., 1912-17; exec. sec. Council Chs., Milwaukee, 1917-23; pastor First Church, Clarksburg, W. Va., 1924-31, First Ch., Monroe, Mich., 1932-42; semi-retired, 1942; preaching Stockbridge Presbyte- rian Ch.; mem. Selective Draft Bd., St. Louis; Liberty Loan Com. four minute man, Belgium Relief Fund Bd., War Savings Stamp Com., War Camp Com- munity service, Army Personal service at Jefferson Barracks and unofficial Chap., Scott Flying Field, E. St. Louis, 1917-19; mem. Pi Gamma Mu, Odd Fel- lows, Mason (32d deg.), Cliosophic Clubs: Kiwanis Internat., Exchange, Optimist Nat., Wranglers, Monroe Coun- try. Author: Social Trends in the Far East. Travel: around world in Govern- ment service, visited 27 countries in 4- yr. trip. Interests: social welfare, mem. Red Cross Council, Boy Scout Council, Salvation Army Bd., Christian Endeavor 547 Councillor. Recreations: hunting, fish- ing, tennis, golf. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office: 412 Clinton St., Stock- bridge, Mich. Home: P.O. Box 175, Stockbridge, Mich. Summer res. : Can- ada Creek Ranch, Canada Creek, Mich. McGILL, Nathan Kellogg, lawyer; b. Gadsden County, Fla., 29 Nov. 1888; s. Nathan McGill, farmer, and Agnes (Ziegler) McG. ; ed. Cookman Institute, Jacksonville, Fla.; LL.B., Boston Univ. Sch. Law, 1912; LL.D. (hon.), Wilber- force (O.) Univ.; m. Beatrice Holmes of Savannah, Ga., 22 Dec. 1933; children — Nathan Kellogg, Jr., Samuel D., II, Winston B. Assoc, with brother, Simuel D. McGill, in gen. law practice, Jackson- ville, Fla., 1912-25; asst. State's atty., Cook County, 111., 1926; sec. and general counsel, Robert S. Abbott Pub. Co., 1926- 34; mem. Chicago Pub. Library Board, 1933-38; founder and pub., Metropolitan News, Chicago, 1936-38; asst. atty. gen., 111., 1930-34; nominated for Cir. Judge, 1933. Club: Appomattox. Author: An Eu- logy on Abraham Lincoln. Travel: U.S. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Republi- can. Office: 83 E. 35th St., Chicago, 111. Home: 4806 S. Parkway, Chicago, 111. TESTWUIDE, Edith Held; b. Free- port, 111., 7 Feb. 1885; d. A. S. Held and Mary (Schaetzel) H. ; ed. Freeport high sch.; grad., Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111., 1903; m. Konrad C. Testwuide of Sheboygan, Wis., 3 Aug. 1904; children— Konrad C, Robert L., William R., Mary Elizabeth. Interest: gen. pub. welfare work, both state and local; pres. She- boygan Community Fund, 1941—; pres. Council of Social Agencies, 1939 — ; ac- tive in all civic work; vice commander of the Women's Field Army of Wis. for Cancer Control; 1st vice pres. of Wis. Fed. of Women's Clubs; vice pres. of Wisconsin Welfare Council, 1942—; (state and local), Kings Daughters. Recrea- tion: golf. Congregationalist. Indepen- dent. Home: 502 Erie Av., Sheboygan, Wis. Summer home: Elkhart Lake, Wis. JAMES, William M., lawyer, profes- sor, author; b. Story City, la., 13 May 1901; s. Thomas Carson James, teacher, and Bertha (McCammon) J.; Story City high sch.; Univ. la., 1922; LL.B., Chi- cago Kent Coll. of Law, 1925; m. June Thrumston of Evanston, 111., 7 Aug. 1926; children — William M., John C. Admitted to the bar in 111., 1925; engaged in prac- tice of law; professor at the Chicago- Kent Coll. of Law; writer; mem. law firm Burke, James and Burke; village atty. for Wilmette, 111., 1935-47; served 5 yrs. as mem. of the character and fit- ness Com. for the 1st Appellate Ct., Dist. of 111.; mem. Chicago Bar Assn., 111. Bar Assn. (former chmn. Section on Probate, 3rd v. pres., 1944-45, 2nd vice pres., 1945-46), Am. Bar Assn., Am. Judicature Soc., Delta Chi, Kent Honor Soc, Wilmette Civic League, Wilmette Home Owners' Assn., Am. Legion. Au- thor: Illinois Probate Procedure and Practice; supplement to Illinois Probate Procedure and Practice: ed. -in-chief, of 111. Probate Act Annotated (chmn. com, which drafted that act, passed, 1939) Travel: Eur., U.S. Interest: literature Recreation: fishing. Methodist. Repub lican. Office: 100 No. La Salle St., Chi cago, 111. Home: 909 Ashland Av., Wil- mette, 111. MILLER, Messenger, author, poet; b. Hartford, 26 June 1889; s. Thomas L. Miller, farmer, and Lavinna (Beeman) M. ; ed. Hartford Acad.; Hiram Coll.; m. Ethel Hull of Hartford, 25 Nov. 1908; children— Thomas Hull, Mrs. Ruth Mill- er Bryson, Gilford Messenger, Janet Hull. Engaged in farming; lecturer; pub.; mag. and newspaper syndicate writer. Author: My Poor Slate (collec- tion of poems pub. in book form, U.S., Eng.), 1940; Salt for the Poor (poem); We Pray for Peace for All God's Time (poem) ; Doth Love Endure (poem) ; The Deaf Musician. Travel: Brit. Isles, U.S. Interest: collecting classical poet- ry. Recreations: golf, horseback riding. Christian. Republican. Home: Quail- wood, Poland, O. BARNES, William H., executive; b. Chicago, 111., 10 Nov. 1892; s. Charles O. Barnes, exec, and Nettie (Shedd) B.; ed. Evanston Twp. (111.) high sch.; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1914; Mus. Doc. (hon.), Park Coll., 1931; Baylor Univ., 1945; m. Edith McMillan of St. Paul, Minn., 22 Oct. 1927; step-children— McMillan R., Charles D., Christine "R. Managing part- ner printing house, A. R. Barnes & Co.: designer of 100 organs in all parts of U. S , has played dedicatory recital at al- most every installation; organist, var- ious chs., 1910-28; organist, dir., 1st Bap- tist Ch., Evanston, 111., 1928—; mem of th Board 1st Nat. Bank Trust Co. Evanston, 111., chmn. of Board, Employ- ing Prt'rs. of America, 1940 — ; (dir.), Y.M.C.A. Hotel, Chicago, Northwestern Univ. Settlement (p. pres., v.p.), Evans- ton Hosp. Assn., 111. Chapter Am. Guild of Organists (dean) ; served as assoc. of com. Classification of Personnel of Army, Adj. Gen. Office, Washington, D. C, 1918-19. Clubs: University (Chicago and Evanston), Harvard (Chicago and 548 N.Y.), Cliff Dwellers, Arts. Author: The Contemporary American Organ ( 4 edits.); The Odyssey of an Organ En- thusiast and His Wife. Interests: organ playing, organ building. Baptist. Repub- lican. Office: 1112 So. Wabash Av., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1510 Forest Av., Evanston, 111. DAVIS, Mildred Lou, accompanist, composer; b. Moulton, la., 6 Feb. 1898; d. Ray L. Davis, osteopathic surgeon, and Etta (Howland) D. ; ed. Guthrie (Okla.) high sch. ; Okla. City Univ.; Bush Conservatory (Chicago). After leavng conservatory, travelled for 10 yrs. throughout U.S. and Can., as ac- companist for well known singers; later spent several yrs. in main musical pro- grams of N.B.C., and C.B.S.; now has own studio and develops singers for con- cert and stage; direct affiliations with radio and pictures. Interests: music, drama, all artistic activities. Recrea- tions: listening to music, walking, danc- ing. Christian Scientist. Republican. Studio and home: 162 E. Ontario St., Chicago, 111. FREY, Abraham B., lawyer; b. St. Louis, Mo., 9 June 1886; s. David Frey, merchant and Sophia (Hertz) F. ; ed. Central high sch., St. Louis; LL.B., Washington Univ., 1908. A.B., 1911; m. Riette Sale of St. Louis, Mo., 11 June 1916; children— Robert, Richard, Will- iam, John, Mary Louise. Prof, of law, St. Louis Univ., 1911-16; lecturer, law subjects, City Coll. of Law, 1921-40; dir. Security Nat. Bk.; v.p. and dir. Lewin- Mathes Co., G. Cramer Dry Plate Co., Wolff -Tober Shoe Mfr. Co.; dir. Para- mount Shoe Mfg. Co., circuit judge, 1918- 19, 1922-29; sec. Judicial Conf. of Mo., 1923-25, v.p., 1925-26; Fed. Bd. of Law Examrs., U.S. Dist. Court of St. Louis, 1932 — ; 4 min. man during World War I; mem. Am., Mo., St. Louis Bar Assns., Am. Judicature Sec, Coif, Pi Tau Pi, Nu Beta Epsilon, Masons (p. master), Scottish Rite & Shrine, B'nai B'rith, Levi Mem. Hosp. Assn., Hot Springs (pres., 1931—); Chmn. Jewish Welfare fund (St. Louis) 1935. Clubs: Westwood Country; M.A.C. Author: American Business Law, with Legal Forms; Cases on Business Law. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Eng., Eur. Hobbies: read- ing, writing. Recreations: swimming, golf. Jewish. Republican. Office: 1514 Federal Commerce Trust Bldg., St. Lou- is, Mo. Home: 5757 Lindell Dr., St. Lou- is, Mo. VLK, Jerome J., orthodontist; b. Chi- cago, 111., 25 June 1906; s. William F. Vlk and Josephine (Jehlik) V.; ed. St. Ignatius high sch.; Loyola Univ.; Univ. of Chicago; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. Dent- al Surgery, 1928, M.D.S., 1936; m. Sylvia Slama of Chicago, 111., 1932. Assoc, prof, orthodontia, Loyola Dental Sch.; mem. Am. Dental Assn., 111. State and Chicago Dental Socs., Guild of St. Appalonia, Xi Psi Phi. Clubs: Palos Horse Owners, Town and Country Equestrian Assn. Author: articles on orthodontia. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interest: Training saddle horses. Recreations: horseback riding. Catholic. Office: 5000 S. Ashland Av., Chicago, 111. Home: Palos Park, Chi- cago, 111. STILLSON, William Charles, dentist; b. Elgin, Pa., 11 Apr. 1886; s. Amos Clinton Stillson (oil production) and Stella May (Truesdell) S.; ed. Findlay high sch., 1904; D.D.S., Western Reserve Univ., 1908; m. Fern Dorlesca Reynolds of Findlay, O., 16 Feb. 1910; children— Estelle Fern Waterman, William Trues- dell. Engaged in practice of dentistry, 1908 — ; prof, dental anatomy, Sch. Den- tistry, Western Reserve Univ., 1933, teacher, 35 yrs., sr. mem. of dental faculty; mem. Cleveland Dental Soc. (pres., 1918-19), O. State Dental Soc, Am. Dental Assn., A.A.A.S., Delta Sig- ma Delta, Omicron Kappa Upsilon, (pres. local chap., 1938-39), Fellow Am. Coll. Dentists, Inst. Am. Genealogy. Author: The Story that Ann Otter Told (book of poems, 1920) ; Quiz Compend of Dental Anatomy, 1929; Notes on the Genealogy of the Stillson Family, 1939; People, Places and Particulars (Book of poems), 1941 ; A Compendium of Dental Anatomy, 1944; articles in Bulletin of O. State Dental Soc, Jour. Am. Dental Assn., Dental Summary. Interests: photog., poetry, genealogy. Protestant. Republi- can. Office: 10208 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. Home: 1383 Lynn Park Dr., Cleve- land Hts., O. STRAEHLEY, Erwin O., physician and surgeon; b. Cincinnati, O., 25 Sept. 1868; s. John Straehley, dry Goods mcht., and Regina (Oesper) S. ; ed. Woodward high sch.; Med. Coll. of Ohio; M.D., Med. Dept., Univ. Cincinnati, 1889; stud., Univ. Wuerzburg, Strassburg, and Kiehl, Ger., Vienna, Aus., 1889-91; m. Caroline Miller of Cincinnati, O., 1892; children— Erwin M., Clifford J. Engageo* in active practice, Cincinnati, 1892 — ; mem. staff, Christ Hosp., Deaconess Hosp. (reed. Golden Key from each) ; dir. Univ. Cin- cinnati, 1915-32; asst. health officer, Cin- cinnati, 1892-93; officer, M.R.C., U.S.A., during World War I; mem. Cincinnati 549 Acad. Med., Ohio State Med. Assn.; Fellow A.M. A. Club: Republican (Cin- cinnati). Travel: Eur. (stud., 3 yrs.) In- terest: farming. Presbyterian. Republi- can. Office : 516-17 Provident Bank Build- ing, Cincinnati, O. Home: 2828 Vernon Place, Cincinnati, O. KEMP, John Edward, civil engineer; b. Chicago, 111., 14 Jan. 1878; s. John M. Kemp, wire chief, Western Union Tel. Co., and Elizabeth May (Atteridge) K. ; grad. Lake Forest Acad., 1894; A.B. (in Mathematics), Lake Forest Coll., 1899; B.S. (in Civil Engring.), Univ. of 111., 1901, C.E., 1908; m. Pauline Harris King of Prescott, la., 4 Sept. 1906; children— J. T., H. A. Employed in constrn. dept., Chicago & North Western Ry., 1901-02; city engr., Kewanee, HI., 1903-04, civil engr. and supt. of maintenance, 1904-32; supervisor training and civil engring., Walworth Co., Kewanee, since 1932; pres. Bd. of Edn., Library Bd., served with U.S. Engrs. Corps, 1898; constrn. engr., A.E.F., ordnance base repair shops, France, 1917-18; mem. A.S.C.E., Am. Foundryman's Assn., Lake Calhoun Assn., Am. Legion, Phi Delta Theta, Tau Beta Pi, Masons. Republican. Presby- terian. Clubs: Rotary, Midland Country. Home: 701 E. Prospect St., Kewanee, 111. Office: Walworth Co., Kewanee, 111. FRISCH, Sidney, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 4 May 1899; s. Morris and Pauline (Unger) F.; grad. Hyde Park high sch., Chicago, 1916; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1920, J.D., 1922; m. Helen Carroll Hunter, 1 Sept. 1934; 1 son — Sidney, Jr. Admitted to practice in 111., 1922, became partner with father in firm of Frisch & Frisch; after death of father in 1923, became senior mem. of firm which became Frisch & De Haan in 1937 and continues under that title ; specializes in legal prob- lems arising in connection with building industry, real estate, finance, banking, and corporate reorganization; pres. of Rogers Park Hotel, Surf Shore Hotel; pres. and dir. of a number of corps, own- ing hotels, apartment and industrial buildings; dir. of Harbor State Bank, 1928-30; pres. R. F. Conway Co. (paving), 1934-39; served as pvt. in S.A.T.C., 1918; mem. Am., 111. State, and Chicago Bar Assn. Clubs: Men's Garden (Highland Park), The Executives'. Home: 144 Ra- vinia Court, Highland Park, 111. Office: 134 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. WATSON, Charles Hamilton, lawyer; b. Monon, Ind., 13 Jan. 1887; s. James S. Watson, U.S. Postal Ser., and Hettie A. (Martin) W.; ed. Monon (Ind.) high sch.; A.B., Northwestern Univ., 1909, A.M., 1912, LL.B. 1912; m. Estelle Os- born Clark of Highland Park, 111., 27 May 1916; children— Charlene (Mrs David Wilson Pollock IV), Virginia Fair- field. Admitted to 111. Bar, 1912; partner Peabody, Westbrook, Watson & Stephen- son; Instr., Internat. Law, lecturer, Inter- nal Relations for Carnegie Endowment, assoc. prof. Internat. Law, Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1920-28; mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Assn. of Bar of City of N.Y., Delta Sigma Rho, Phi Gamma Delta. Club: Union League (Chicago). Methodist. Republican. Office: 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2316 Thayer St., Evanston, 111. JAMESON, Donald Cleve, commercial artist; b. Weeping Water, Neb., 10 Jan. 1901; s. Albert E. Jameson and Emma (Strain) J.; B.F.A., Univ. of Neb., 1925. Artist in art dept., Lithographing Co., opened own art studio, 1930; mem. Alpha Rho Tau. Interest: fine arts generally and especially Chinese-Japanese arts. Republican. Office: 737 North Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 601 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, 111. KLOPSTEG, Paul Ernest, university professor and director of research; b. Henderson, Minn., 30 May 1889; s. Ju- lius Klopsteg, clergyman, and Magda- lene (Kuesthardt) K.; ed. Henderson, Minn, high sch.; B.S. (in E.E.), Univ. Minn., 1911, M.A., 1913, Ph.D., 1916; Sc. D., Northwestern, 1943; m. Amanda Mar- rie Toedt of la., 11 June 1914; children — Marie Magdalene, Irma Louise (dec), Ruth Helen (Mrs. Henry L. Drake). As- sistant in elec. engring., asst., instr., asst. prof, physics, Univ. Minn., until 1917; physicist in charge tech. advertis- ing, Leeds & Northrup Co., Philadel- phia, Pa., 1918-21; dir. in charge devel- opment and mfg., Central Scientific Co., 1921-31, pres., 1931-44; prof, of applied science, Northwestern Univ., dir. of re- search, Northwestern Tech. Inst., 1944 — ; chmn. governing bd., Am. Inst. Physics; div. chief, Nat. Defense Re- search Com., 1940 — ; asst. chief, Office of Field Service, O.S.R.D., 1944—; mem. evaluation com., Nat. Roster Sci- entific Personnel; assoc. ed., Review Scientific Instruments; elec. devmt. en- gineer, Ordnance dept., U.S.A., 1917-18; chmn. Com. on Prosthetic Devices of Nat. Research Council, 1945 — ; member Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, Sigma Pi Sig- ma, Phi Delta Kappa, Optical Soc. Am., Am. Assn. Physics Teachers (co-found- er, treas.), Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Newcomen Soc, Franklin Institute, fel- low Am. Physical Soc, A.A.A.S. Clubs: 550 Univ. (Chicago) ; Univ. (Evanston) ; Cosmos, (Washington, D.C.); Physics (Chicago, p. pres.). Author: Turkish Archery and the Composite Bow, 1934; Science Looks at Archery, 1935; contbr. to Encyclopaedia Brittanica; numerous arts, in sci. and ednl. jours. Interests: archery (sci. studies, development of equipment) ; photog. Recreation : hunt- ing big game with bow and arrow. Prot- estant. Republican. Office: Technological Inst., Northwestern University, Evans- ton, 111. Home: 2424 Lincolnwood Dr., Evanston, 111. WELLES, Edward Kenneth, manufac- turer; b. Chicago, 111., 7 Nov. 1898; s. Edward Phelps Welles, mfr., and Erne- lyn (Munch) W.; ed. St. Paul's Sch., Concord, N.H., 1913-17; Ph.B., Sheffield Sci. Sch., Yale Univ., 1920; Magdalene College, Cambridge, Eng., 1920-21; m. Elizabeth C. Scott of Chicago, 111. 22 Sept. 1923; children— Edward K, Jr., John W. S., David K., Emilie S. Dir. Carson Pirie Scott & Co., Chicago, pres. and treas., Charles H. Besly and Co., Chicago; vice chmn., Chicago Chapter Am. Red Cross; mem. exec, com., Chi- cago Community Trust; sec, Chicago Sunday Evening Club; tr. Young Wo- men's Christian Assn.; alderman, City of Lake Forest, HI.; mem. Delta Psi. Clubs: Chicago, Onwentsia, Shoreacres, University, Attic. Interests: golf, tennis, sailing. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: 118 N. Clinton St., Chicago, 111. Home: 321 Ahwahnee Rd., Lake Forest, 111. Summer res. : Cricket Island, Des- barats, Ontario, Can. FORD, Thomas C, chemist; b. Pu- laski, Ind., 16 Dec. 1881; s. Samuel B. Ford, farmer, and Almira (Keplar) F; B.S., Armour Inst. Tech., 1909, Chem. E. 1913, A.M., Columbia, 1913; m. Vera Bu- chanan of Lawrenceville, HI., 17 Jan. 1917; 1 dau.— Phillis May. Chemist, chief chemist, Am. Asphaltum & Rubber Co., 1909-14, Pioneer Asphalt Co., 1915-17; dist. sales mgr., The Texas Co., 1918-19; chief chemist, Vulcanite Roofing Co., 1920-22, Am. Asphalt Paint Co., v.p., 1923-40; gen. mgr., Keystone Asphalt Products Co., 1941; Fellow Am. Inst. Chemists; mem. Am. Chem. Soc. Club: Chicago Heights Country. Travel: U.S., Can., Bermuda, Mex. Interests: fishing, hunting. Recreation: golf. Republican. Office: 153 E. 17th St., Chicago Heights, 111. Home: 242 W. 16th St., Chicago Heights, 111. VOLLINTINE, James Louis, insurance underwriter; b. Beatrice, Neb., 7 Mar. 1888; s. Clemmens Agustus Vollintine and Bessie (Kimber) V.; ed. Beatrice high sch., B.Sc, Univ. of Neb.; m. Ruth V. Holmes of Lincoln, 15 June 1911; chil- dren — Jean, Suzanne. Manager, Rail- way Underwriters, an Assn. of five lead- ing stock fire ins. cos. engaged in under- writing of fire, windstorm and other in- surances for steam railroads, 1929 — ; en- gaged in this work since 1914 in positions of adjuster and assistant manager, prior to which was employed as civil engineer by C.B.&Q. R.R. Club: Hinsdale Golf. Recreations: golf, riding, fishing. Episco- palian. Republican. Office: 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 127 E. Walnut St., Hinsdale, 111. SIMON, Arthur Charles, physician, surgeon; b. St. Louis, Mo. 22 Mar. 1900; s. Peter Henry Simon and Bertha Wil- helmina (Lindner) S.; ed. Central high sch., St. Louis, Mo. B.S., St. Louis Univ. Sch. of Medicine, 1926, M.D., 1926; m. Willetta Goe of St. Louis, 1929; children — Willaim Charles, Sally Mae. Interne, St. Johns Hosp.; assoc. with Drs. Bransford Lewis and Grayson Carroll, St. Louis, 1927-29; pres. staff, Decatur and Macon County Hosp.; partner, Dr. I. H. Neece; Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. Phi Chi, Am. Urol. Assn., Macon County Med. Soc. (p. pres.). Club: De- catur. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 250 N. Water St., Decatur, 111. Home: 15 Mont- gomery PL, Decatur, HI. TOULOUSE, Julian Harrison, chemi- cal engineer; b. Marne, la., 12 Nov. 1899; s. Guy Orville Toulouse and Alice Snowflake (Colby) T.; ed. Waterloo (East), la., 2 yrs.; Des Moines (North), la., 2 yrs.; B.S. (in Chem. Engring.), Iowa State Coll., 1926, PhD., 1929, Ch.E., 1930; m. Ethel Evelyn Tyer of Des Moines, la., 6 Feb. 1921. Lab. asst, Iowa State Agr. Expt. Sta., 1923-26; research chem. and fellow, Iowa State Coll. and Am. Bottlers of Carbonated Bev- erages, 1926-29; exec. asst. to head, Dept. of Chemistry, Iowa State College, 1929-30; dir. of service lab., Am. Bot- tlers of Carbonated Beverages, Washing- ton, D.C., 1930-34; chem. engr. pack- aging research div. Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Toledo, 1930-39, chief service engr., 1939-43, chief engr., quality and spec, sec, general mfg. div., 1944 — ; served in U.S.N., radio, during World War I; chief, Glass Cont. Sec W.P.B., 1941-43, expert cons., Military Planning Section, O.Q.M.G., 1943—; member Am. Chem. Soc. (chmn. Toledo sect.; mem. exec, bd., Agr. and Food Div., Am. Pub Health Assn. (mem. com. on foods, food 551 and nutrition sect.), Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Inst. Am. Chemists, Inst. Food Technologists, Am. Statistical Associa- tion; Eng. Soc. Detroit Nat. Soc. Prof. Engrs. Registered Engineer (Ohio), Ma- sons, Boy Scouts of Am. (mem. local com. on health and safety), Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Upsilon, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Tau. Author: numerous tech. papers in prof, and trade jours. Interests: color photography, scouting, research. Rec- reations: color photog., travel, home. Methodist. Republican. Office: Owens- Illinois Glass Co., Ohio Bank Bldg., To- ledo, O. Home: 1817 Potomac Dr., To- ledo, O. LINCOLN, Bert Hartzell, chemist; b. Van Buren, Ark., 6 Sept. 1900; s. Charles Albert Lincoln and Colia A. (Epps) L.; ed. Van Buren pub. schs.; Univ. Ark., 1919-23; B.S. (in Chem), Univ. Colo., 1926; m. Sara Alice Blackburn of Caldwell, Tex., 23 Apr. 1927; children— John Charles, Sara Ann, Gilbert H., Instr. chem., Univ. Ark. and Univ. Colo.; chief bacteriologist, Colo. State Dept. of Sani- tary Engring., chief research chemist; asst. to mfg. mgr. and chief chem. of Continental Oil Co.; asst. sec, Lubri-Zol Dev. Corp.; capt. in Chem. Warfare Re- serve, 1926; admitted Patent Office Bar, 1933; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, N.Y.A.S., A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Kappa Alpha. Club: Kiwanis. Author: contbr. for The Science of Petroleum, The Chemical Formulary of the Chemi- cal Pub. Co.; numerous papers; holds approximately 100 U.S. and 70 foreign patents. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: Continental Oil Co., Ponca City, Okla. Home: 920 Overbrook, Ponca City, Okla. GAGE, John Bailey, lawyer, mayor; b. Kansas City, Mo., 24 Feb. 1887; s. John C. Gage, lawyer, and Ida (Bailey) G.; ed. A.B., Univ. of Kan.; LL.D., Kan. City Sch. Law; m. Constant Lane, 1917, (dec); 1 dau — Betty Lane; m. (2nd), Marjorie Hires of Kansas City, Mo., 12 Sept. 1922; children— John C, Frank H. ( Ann. Assoc, with Gage, Ladd & Small, 1909-12; mem. Gage & Richardson, 1912- 16, Watson, Gage & Watson, 1916-34, Gage, Hillix, Hodges & Cowherd, 1934—; lecturer on Wills and admin, of Estates, Kansas City Sch. Law, 1912-36; dir., Post- al Life and Casualty Co., Traders Gate City Nat. Bk.; Mayor of Kansas City; mem. Am. Shorthorn Breeders' Assn. (p. pres.), Chamber of Commerce, Law- yers' Assn., Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Clubs: Kansas City Country, Kansas City. Au- thor: Kelly's Missouri Probate Guide. Father, John C. Gage, came to Kansas City in 1859, and was the first President of Kansas City Bar Assn. Interests : farm- ing and live stock breeding. Recrea- tions: fishing, hunting. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: 1007 Bryant Bldg., City Hall, Kansas City, Mo. Home : 5715 Worn- all Rd., Kansas City, Mo. SHAW, Wilfred Byron, director, bureau of alumni relations; b. Adrian, 10 Jan. 1887; s. Byron L. Shaw, pharmacist and mcht., and Olive (Stockwell) S.; ed. Ad- rian high sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1904; 2 summers' art study, Chicago, 111.; m. Marion Dickinson of Ann Arbor, Mich., 12 July 1911; children — Brackley, Pene- lope (Mrs. William C. Frayer). One of organizers of Assn. Alumni Sees., 1913; 6 mos. study of alumni ed. under grant from Carnegie Corp. as field rep. of Am. Assn. for Adult Ed.; ed. Mich. Alumnus, 1904-29; Univ. Com. on Univ. Press, Alumni Relations; alderman, 6th ward. Ann Arbor, 1934-1938; mem. Com. Pre- Parental Ed., White House Conf. on Child Welfare; spl. investigator, U.S. Shipping Bd., Bur. Planning and Statistics, 1918; asst. ednl. dir., S.A.T.C., 7th dist. ; mem. Delta Upsilon, Quadrangle, Mich. Acad. Sci., Am. Assn. for Adult Ed., Assn. Alumni Sees. (1st sec, 1913-15; pres., 1915-16), Am. Alumni Council (pres., 1927- 28), Ann Arbor Art Assn. (pres., 1909, 1939-40). Clubs: Rotary, Ann Arbor, (dir., pres., 1933-34), Univ. Author: The Uni- versity of Michigan, 1920; Alumni and Adult Education, 1929; Support of the University of Michigan, 1917, 1931, 1934, 1939; A Short History of the University of Michigan, 1935. Editor: University of Michigan: An Encyclopedic Survey; A University Between Two Centuries, 1937; Mich. Alumnus Quarterly Review, 1934 — ; From Vermont to Michigan: Correspon- dence of James B. Angell, 1869-1871. Travel: 3 summers in Eur. G.s. Brack- ley Shaw, state rep. and senator. Inter- ests: etching, water color, travel. Rec- reation : golf. Republican. Office : 205 Uni- versity Hall, University of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 2026 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. NASH, Bert Allen, professor of educa- tional psychology; b. Topeka, Kan., 28 Oct. 1898; s. John W. Nash, contractor, and Addie Gertrude (Allen) N. ; ed. To- peka high sch.; A.B., Washburn Coll., Topeka, 1931; PhD., O. State Univ., Co- lumbus, 1928; m. Ruth Bushong of To- peka, Kan., 1 June 1923; children — Bar- bara Joanne, Robert Alan. Prin., Rock Creek high sch., 1921-22; prof, psychology Emporia State Teachers Coll., 1923-26, 552 1928-30; instr. psychology, O. State Univ., 1926-30; prof. ednl. psych., Univ. Kan., 1930—; Reading Lab., Univ. Kan., 1938—; (on leave) dir., Kansas Receiving Home for children, 1944—; pvt. S. A. T. C, Evanston, during World War I; fellow, American Association Applied Psychol- ogy; member A. P. A., Midwestern Psych. Assn., State Mental Hygiene Soc. (pres., 1933-37), N.E.A., State Adv. Bd. State Institutions, Kansas Conf. Social Work, Kansas Council for Children, pres., 1944-45; Sigma Xi, Phi Delta Kappa, Psi Chi, Am. Legion, Kiwanis (Lawrence, pres., 1938, It. gov., Div. V., 1939). Clubs: University, Lawrence. Author: arts, in edn. jours.; contributing author, Mental Hygiene in Education. Rev. E. W. Allen, grandfather, Methodist preacher in Kan. for 45 yrs. Recreations: golf, bridge. Methodist. Republican. Office: Kansas State Receiving Home, Box 478, At- chison, Kan. Home: 725 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kan. PRENTICE, John Rockefeller, lawyer; b. New York City, 17 Dec. 1902; s. E. Parmalee Prentice, lawyer, and Alta (Rockfeller) P.; ed. Taft Sch., Water- town, Conn.; A.B., Yale, 1928, LL.B., 1931. In employ of Chase, Parker & Co., Boston, Mass., 1920-24; admitted to 111. bar, 1931; assoc. with Sidley, McPherson, Austin & Burgess, Chicago, 1931-41; dir. Gen. Am. Life Ins. Co., St. Louis, Mo.; pres. The Am. Dairy Cattle Club, Chi- cago; served F.A. Res. 1928-34, 1st It., 124th F.A. 111. N.G., 1934-36, capt., same 1936; maj. U.S.A., 1941—; mem. Am., 111. State, Chicago Bar Assns., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Skull and Bones. Clubs: University of Chicago. Mid-Day (Chicago). Protestant. Republican. Of- fice: 134 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Homes: 5490 So. Shore Dr., Chicago, 111.; 5 S.W. 53rd St, New York, N.Y. POPE, Mardell Yates, physician, sur- geon; b. Drew Co., 22 Sept. 1869; s. Jenkins deVaney Pope, phys., and Sarah Catherine (Reeves) P.; ed. Hinemon Univ. Sch. (Monticello) ; M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1893; m. Mayme W. Dolan of Philadelphia Pa., 1892; 1 dau.— C. de- Vaney V. (Mrs. M. F. Wright). Director Union Bank & Trust Co.; capt. Med. Corps, during World War I; mem. Co. and State Med. Socs., Chamber Com- merce, fellow A.M.A. Episcopalian. Democrat. Office: 204y 2 N. Main St., Mon- ticello, Ark. Home: 419 S. Main St., Mon- ticello, Ark. SOWERS, Mary Alice, professor; b. Springfield, O., 1 Nov.; d. Samuel Ed- ward Sowers, contractor, and Minnie Ellen (Shuey) S. ; ed. high sch., St. Marys, O.; B.S., Miami Univ., Oxford, O. ; M.A., Univ. Cincinnati, 1931; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 1937. Teacher home econ., high sch, O., 1921-29; specialist in parent ed., Nat. Congress Parents and Teachers. Washington, D.C., 1931-37; writer, lec- turer, N.Y., 1937-38; prof, family life ed., Univ., Okla.; dir. Okla. Family Life Inst., 1938 — ; originator, dir., Family Life Radio Forum, 1938 — ; assoc. ed., Okla. Parent-Teacher Bulletin, 1939—; assoc. ed. Nat. Parent-Teacher Mag., 1944-45; v. pres. Nat. Congress of Parents & Teachers. 1942-45; state chmn., com. of ed. for home and family life, Okla. Con- gress of Parents and Teachers; State Co-ordinator Adult Edn. Okla.; State chmn. Schools-At-War Com.; cons, for State Assn. of Mother's Clubs; mem. exec, com., State Safety Council planning com., State Radio Council; mem. Child Development and Parents Ed. of Am. Home Econ. Assn. (nat. chmn.), Okla. Social Welfare Assn. (dir.), Okla. Adult Ed. Assn. (v.p.), A.A.U.P., N.E.A., Inst. Family Relations Delta Kappa Gamma, Pi Lambda Theta, Tau Pi Epsilon, Kap- pa Delta Pi. Author : The Child in School ; Parent-Teacher Handbook; Keeping Safe at Home; In Our Neighborohood ; It's Up to Us Travel: U.S., Panama Canal, Can, Eur. Interests: travel, radio, hand- work, garden. Episcopalian. Office: Uni- versity of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Home: 613 E. Tulsa St., Norman, Okla. GREER, Agnes Fulton Philpot, li- brarian; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., 26 Mar. 1885; d. William Philpot and M. Grace (Holt) Greer; student Pratt Inst. Sch. of Li- brary Science, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1907-08. Asst. Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1906-07, br. librarian, 1909-11; head cir- culation Osterhout Library, Wilkes-Barre, 1908-09; br. librarian, Seattle, Wash., 1912; supervisor circulation, Pub. Li- brary, Tacoma, 1913-16; supervisor br. libraries, Kansas City, Mo., 1916-18 and 1922-25; est. library Yale & Towne, Stam- ford, Conn., 1919; est. Teachers' Library, Kansas City, 1921; dir. training Chicago Pub. Library since 1926; on leave to serve as librarian U.S. Naval Receiving Station, Pier 92, New York, 1945—; est. Colegio para Senoritas Library, Puebla, Mexico; instr. Pa. State Coll., 1911-26, 1927; instr., University of 111., 1934-35; instr. Johns Hopkins Univ., 1932; instr. Univ. of Chicago, 1932-34. Mem. Pratt Inst. Grads. Assn., D.A.R., Daughters of 1812, Am. Library Assn., Spl. Libraries Assn., 111., Library Assn., Staff Assn. Unitarian. Club: Library (Chicago). Home: 4900 Blackstone Av., Chicago, 111. 553 Office: Chicago Pub. Library, Chicago, 111. PUGH, Achilles Henry, pres. A. H. Pugh Printing Co.; b. Cincinnati, O., 13 Mar. 1876; s. Achilles Henry and Mary Lavinia (Darr) P.; B.S., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1897; m. Elizabeth Worthington, 24 Apr. 1913; children— Elizabeth Worth- ington (Mrs. Samson I. Crew), Achilles Henry P7, Louise Worthington, William Worthington. V.p. A. H. Pugh Printing Co., Cincinnati, O., 1897-1912, pres. since 1913. During World War was head of loading and explosive sect. Cincinnati Ordnance Dist.; commd. lieut. col. Ord- nance Department, Officers Reserve Corps, 1922, colonel, 1940-42; Member American Chem. Society, Am. Soc. Mech. Eng., Electro-chemical Society, Society Colonial Wars. Loyal Legion, S.A.R. Re- publican. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Queen City, Country, University (Cincinnati) ; Lake Placid (N Y.). Home: 2963 Ann- wood Av., Cincinnati, O. Office: A. H. Pugh Printing Co., Pugh Bldg., Cincin- nati, O. RAMSAY, John Davis, pres. North Am. Refractories Co.; b. Ligonier Valley, Pa., 12 Oct. 1876; s. Robert and Elizabeth (Smith) R. ; ed. grammar school; m. Margaret Huston, 25 Apr. 1900; children —Vivian Erbaugh, Willis Robert, Harry Huston. President Elk Fire Brick Co., St. Marys, Pa., 1912-29; pres. North Am. Refractories Co., Cleveland, O., since 1929. Vice-pres. and dir. Am. Refrac- tories Inst.; mem. Am. Iron and Steel Inst. Republican. Protestant. Club: Duquesne (Pittsburgh). Author of (arti- cle) Refractories — The Backbone of In- dustry; also other articles and addresses on refractory industry. Home : 2869 Eaton Rd., Shaker Heights, O. Office: 1012 Nat. City Bank Bldg., Cleveland, O. SOSSONG, Andrew Charles, treas. Na- tional Cylinder Gas Company; b. Car- negie, Pa.; s. Charles and Philomina (Easterday) S.; ed. public schs., Char- tersborough, Pa.; Park Inst.; Duffe's Coll., Pittsburgh, 1893; m. Emma Adank, 22 Mar. 1915; 1 son — Charles Andrew. Asst. postmaster, Carnegie, Pa., 1896; dist. mgr. Remington Typewriter Co., Lima, O., 1910; western mgr., Chicago, of the Searchlight Co., 1911-16; began with Nat. Oxygen Co., 1916, sales mgr. until 1924; v.p. and gen. mgr., 1924-31, later pres. and gen. mgr.; also pres. Nat. Oil Treating Co.; treas. and dir. Nat. Cylinder Gas Co.; pres. Hytensil Alum. Co. Dir. Chicago Assn. Commerce, Chi- cago Athletic Assn. Home: 543 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, 111. Office: 205 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. WILSON, Wesley, pres. Wil-Son Mfg. Corp.; b. Chicago, 111., 2 Dec. 1902; s. William Bashaw and Lucy M. (Cotter) W. ; ed. Lewis Inst.; m. Dorothy L. Wil- son, 29 Apr. 1939. Began as engr., Ben- jamin Electric Mfg. Co., then develop- ment elec. engr. Western Electric Co.; now pres. Wil-Son Mfg. Corp. Sold patents to Remington Typewriter cover- ing typewriter construction, Bendex Avia- tion covering carburetor construction, R. Corp. of Am., Curtiss-Wright on airplane die developments. Member Illuminat- ing Engring. Soc, Soc. of Automotive Engrs. Republican. Club: Union League. Home: 323 Webster St., Chicago, HI. Of- fice: 156 W. Erie St., Chicago, 111. SMITH, Allan Alexander, education; b. Cambridge, Minn., 13 Dec. 1894; s. Alfred Emanuel and Mary Brita (Flink) S.; Ed.B., State Teachers Coll., Supe- rior, Wis., 1927, BS., 1928; AM, Univ. of South Dakota, 1935; m. Alice Esther Williams, 10 July 1929; children— Clinton Allan,' Richard Williams, Mary Alice. Prin. and supt. city schools, Minn, and Wis., 1918-34; supervisor Civilian Con- servation Corps, 1935-37; lecturer ednl. sociology, div. edn. and applied psychol- ogy, Purdue Univ. since 1938; faculty adviser Purdue chapter Delta Chi and Luma Cooperative House. Mem. Ind. State Parent-Teacher Assn. (chmn. of character and spiritual edn.), Am. As- sociation Univ. Profs., Am. Assn. Sch. Supts., Soc. Advancement of Edn., Nat. Geographic Soc, Sigma Delta Chi. Methodist. Contbr. numerous arts, and research studies to ednl. publications. Home: 266 Lincoln St., West Lafayette. Ind. PAULICK, Herman Rudolf, president Dearborn Glass Co.; b. Oshkosh, Wis., 18 Jan. 1896; s. Rudolf and Mary (Yan- ko) P.; student pub. schs., Oshkosh, Wis.; m. Aurelia M. McCormick, 25 July 1923; children — Patricia, Herman. Est. Dearborn Glass Co., Chicago, 111., pres. since 1922. Served with U.S. Navy, 1918- 19. Republican. Roman Catholic. Home: 437 Woodlawn Av., Glencoe, 111. Office: 2414 W. 21st St., Chicago, HI. KELLEY, Will Ghost, electrical engr ; b. Burlington, la., 8 Feb. 1879; s. Horace A. and Mary M. (Carleton) K. ; B.S., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1901; m. Frances E. Fenton, 1 Sept. 1923; children— Fenton Crosland, Will Ghost, Jr., Mary Fran- ces. With Chicago Edison Co. and suc- cessor, Commonwealth Edison Co. since 1901, now asst. chief elec. engr. Editor 554 in chief of Overhead Systems Reference Book. Delegate to Internat. Electro-tech- nical Commn., Italy, 1927. Fellow Am. Inst. E.E. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Union League, Sunset Ridge Country. Home: 730 Hibbard Rd., Win- netka, 111. Office: 72 W. Adams St., Chi- cago, 111. KEELEY, John Lemuel, surgeon; b. Streator, 111., 12 Apr. 1904; s. John Will- iam and Mary Catherine (Fife) K. ; B.S., Loyola Univ., Chicago, 1927, M.D., 1929; m. Mary Edith Schneider, 14 Oct. 1937; 1 son — John Lemuel. Asst. physician de- partment of student health, Univ. Wis., 1931-33; resident in surgery, Wis. Gen. Hosp., Madison, 1933-36; Arthur Tracy Cabot fellow in surgery, Harvard, 1936- 37; Harvey Cushing fellow in surgery, research fellow in surgery and acting resident in urology, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston, 1937-38; full time instr. surgery, La. State Univ., New Orleans, La., 1938-40, asst. prof., 1940-41; visiting surgeon, Charity Hosp., New Orleans, 1938-41; asst. clinical prof, surgery, Loy- ola Univ. Sch. of Medicine, Chicago, 1941-43, asso. clinical prof, since 1943; asso. attending surgeon Cook County Hosp., Chicago, since 1941; senior at- tending surgeon Mercy Hosp., Chicago, since 1941. Diplomate Am. Bd. Surgery. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; Mem. Chi- cago Med. Soc, Chicago Surg. Soc, Central Surg. Assn., Phi Chi. Roman Catholic. Club: South Shore Country (Chicago). Home: 7263 Coles Av., Chi- cago, 111. Office: 30 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, HI. KEARNS, John Edward, Jr., surgeon; b. Schenectady, N.Y., 24 Aug. 1905; s. John Edward and Margaret Ellen (Wal- lace) K. ; student Northwestern Univ., 1923-24, Univ. of Notre Dame, 1924-27; M.B. and M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1930; m. Louise C. Hassel, 31 May 1934; children — David Henry, John Edward. Intern Evanston Hosp., 1931; research asst. in physiology and pharmacology, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1928-30; resident orthopedic surgery Research and Ednl. Hosps., 1931; fellow in sur- gery, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, O., and resident in surgery and pathology, 1932-35; asso. in surgery, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch. ; asso. in surgery, Evanston Hosp. Comdr., Med. Corps, U.S.N.R. ; (on active dutv since July 1941, returned 28 Dec. 1945). Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons, A.M.A.; certified by Am. Bd. Surgery; mem. 111. State and Chicago med. socs., Chicago Surg. Soc, Assn. for Study of Internal Secretions. Club: Skokie Country (Glencoe, HI.). Author: Diseases Peculiar to Civilized Man (with G. W. Crile and others), 1934; also med. articles by self and with oth- ers. Home: 1136 Lake Shore Dr., Evans- ton, 111. HENDERSON, Hervy Andrew, educa- tor; b. Goodland, Ind. 6 June 1873; s. James Power and Charlotte (Dunlop) H. ; A.B., Indiana State Teachers Coll., 1908; post grad. Indiana Univ., Colum- bia Univ.; study abroad, 1 yr.; m. Isa- bel James, 15 June, 1921; children — Vio- let Henderson Clark, Robert Clark, Beth Henderson Elliott, Paul W. Elliott, James Hervy. Teaching, subaltern posi- tions, 9 yrs., supt. pub. schs. 10 yrs., promoting use of visual aids in teaching; representative Keystone View Co., 15 yrs. Head Welfare Corps, Greek army, 1918-21. Dec. by the King of Greece, for services during World War I; Order of King George I, Order of the Redeemer (Maltese Cross.). Mem. Ind. World Peace Com., N.E.A. ; pres. visual instrn. sec, Ind. Teachers Assn. Author: Plan for a World University; contbr. articles to ednl. mags. Lecturer in visual edn., 1932-44. Address: 739 Graham Av., In- dianapolis, Ind. HEJDA, Charles Joseph, elec engr. ; b. Manitowoc County, Wis., 14 May 1880; s. Joseph John and Veronica (Haubert) H.; B.S.E.E., Univ. of Wis., 1903; m. Martha S. Sieker, 6 June 1908; children- Robert Charles, June (Mrs. Giles A. El- dred). Draftsman, Commonwealth Edi- son Co., Chicago, HI., 1903-04, substation operator, 1904-06; testing engineer, test- ing dept., Commonwealth Edison Co., 1906-36, chief testing engr. since 1936. Fellow Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs., Western Soc. of Engrs. Mason. Club: Executives (Chicago, 111.). Home: 1139 Asbury Av., Winnetka, 111. Office: 2233 Throop St., Chicago, 111. HEDGES, Walter Vincent, surgeon; b. Morriston, Minn., 19 Jan. 1886; s. Nor- man Vincent and Mary (Walrath) H.; M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1907; m. Irma Helen Boyer, 2 Oct. 1922; children— Roger Matt, Alan Grant. In- terne Hahnemann Hosp., Chicago, 1907- 09; engaged in pvt. practice of surgery, Frankfort, 111., since 1908; mem. surg. staff Silver Cross Hosp., Joliet, 111.; health officer, Frankfort, since 1909. Fel- low Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. 111. State Med. Soc, A.M. A., Phi Alpha Gamma. Republican. Universalist. Mason (past master, Shriner). Club: Country (Olym- pia Fields, 111.). Address: Frankfort, 111. 555 GREENLEE, William Brooks, mfg. exec; b. Chicago, 111., 25 Apr. 1872; s. Robert Lemuel and Emily (Brooks) B. ; student Beloit (Wis.) Coll. Acad., 1889-91; B.S., Cornell Univ., 1895; m. Adeline Far- go, 16 Jan. 1902 ; children — Robert Fargo, Martha (dec), Isabel (Mrs. John F. P. Farrar). Sec. Greenlee Bros. & Co., Rockford, 111. mfrs. machinery and tools, 1890 to 1902, pres. 1902-16, v.p. and treas. 1916-44, chairman of board and treasurer since 1944; secretary and treas., later pres. and treas. Northwestern Stove Re- pair Co., 1896 to 1926, chmn. bd. since 1926; sec, treas., later pres. Greenlee Foundry Co., 1896-1926, chmn. bd. since 1926; sec, treas., later pres. Northwest- ern Foundry Co., 1913-26, chmn. bd. since 1926. Trustee Newberry Library. Fellow Royal Geog. Soc, Am. Geog. Soc mem. Am. Inst. Mining and Metall Engrs., Am. Hist. Assn., Brit. Inst. Phi losophy, Hakluyt Soc, Geog. Soc of Chi cago (dir.), Sigma Chi. Republican Clubs: University, Cliff Dwellers, Caxton Casino, Saddle and Cycle (Chicago). Au thor: The Voyage of Pedro Alvares Cabral to Brazil and India, 1938. Home 1100 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. GEORGE, Edwin Francis, educator; b. Dickenson Countv, Kan., 15 Oct. 1882; s. Edwin and Savilla Jane (Renninger) G. ; A.B., Northwestern Coll. (now North Central Coll.), 1908; student McCormick Theol. Sem., 1913-15; B.D., Evan. Theol. Sem., 1916, D.D., 1940; A.M., Univ. of Chicago, 1924; m Mary Estella Schockev, 1911; children — Mary Savilla (Mrs. Clif- ford M. Andrews), Miriam Jane (Mrs. Warren C. Doty), James Edwin, Virginia Rose (died 1938). Teacher, pub. schs., Findlay, O., 1901-08, Bradley Inst., Peoria, 111., 1908-11; served as minister Evangelical Ch., Columbus, O., 1911-13; teacher Old Testament literature, Evan. Theol. Sem., since 1914. Pres. bd. of edn., Naperville, HI., 1918-26. Mem. Chicago Soc. Biblical Research, National Assn. of Bible Instruction. Contbr. Sunday Sch. literature of Evangelical Ch., 25 yrs. Home: 146 N. Loomis St., Naperville, 111. Office: Evangelical Theological Seminary, Naperville, 111. GANTER, Leo Sanford, Jr., mfr.; b. Muncie, Ind., 3 Jan. 1899; s. Leo Sanford and Suzane (Little) G. ; ed. Howe Mil. Acad., Howe, Ind., Kenvon Coll., Gam- bier, O., 1917-18; m. Mary Vestal, 15 Oct. 1938. Secretary, treas. and dir. On- tario Mgf. Co., Muncie, Ind.; dir. Public Service Co. of Indiana, Inc., Indianapo- lis, Aug. 1941 to May 1942 (withdrew from bd. upon assignment to active duty with U.S. Army Air Corps). Major, U.S. Army Air Corps, assigned Aviation Cadet Examining Board No. 1, Lafayette, Ind. Mem. Am. Legion, Forty and Eight, Mil. Order Loval Legion, U.S. Infantry Assn., Alpha Delta Phi. Republican. Episcopa- lian. Mason (Shriner), Elk. Club: Colum- bia (Indianapolis). Home: 29 Briar Rd., Muncie, Ind. FISCHER, Clarence, phvsician ; b. Peoria, 111., 22 Oct. 1892; s. Frank and Adelaide (Kanne) F.; B.A., St. Viator Coll., Bourbonnais, 111., 1913; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., Univ. of Chicago, 1919; m. Madeline Cashin, 6 Oct. 1925; children- Clarence G., Jr., Stephen A., Ann A. En- gaged in practice of medicine since 1922; interne Presbyn. Hosp., Chicago, 111., 1919-20; interne and resident in dept. of medicine, Cook Co. Hosp., 1920-22; mem. faculty Rush Med. Coll., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1920-22; instr. in medicine, 111 Training Sch. for nurses, 1920-22; instr. in medicine, St. Francis Hosp. Training Sch. for nurses, 1935-39; ex-president, St. Francis Hosp. staff, chmn. med. bd. Served as pvt. S.A.T.C, U.S. Army, 1919. Fellow A.MA; member 111 State and Peroria County Medical Societies, of Peroia County Medical Societies, Nu and Peoria County Medical Societies, Nu Sigma Nu, Beta Theta Pi. Roman Catho- lic. K.C. Clubs: Creve Coeur, Country (Peoria). Home: 202 Hawthorne PI., Pe- oria, 111. Office: Jefferson Bldg., Peoria. 111. De WOLF, George Elwin, supt. schs.; b. Beemer, Neb., 6 Nov. 1889; s. George Walbridge and Evelyn Sarah (Gilman) De W.; ed. Gibbon (Neb.) High Sch., 1903-06; A.B., Univ. of Neb., 1912; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1921; A.M., Columbia Univ., 1927; m. Alice Ruth Miller, 6 Apr. 1923; children — George Elwin, Jr., John Walbridge. Supt. schs., Salem, Neb., 1911-12, Dawson, 1912-13, Elm Creek, 1913-15, North Bend, 1915-17. Plattsmouth, 1917-19 and 1921-26, Cres- ton, la., 1926-31, Downers Grove, 111., since July 1931. Mem. N.E.A., Am. Assn. of Sch. Adminstrs., Phi Delta Kappa, Acacia. Republican. Presbvterian. Ma- son. Club: Lions. Home: 4740 Oakwood Av., Downers Grove, 111. Address: High School, Downers Grove, 111. CROFT, William H., pres. Magnus Metal Corp.; b. Chicago, 111., 11 Dec. 1877; s. Samuel Ernest and Ester Sarah (Hilton) C. ; ed. Chicago public schools, business college; m. Mae Tillotson, 1905. Began in the employ of Hewitt Mfg. Co., in 1893, became asst. to pres. in 1903, mgr. of sales and v.p., 1905; v.p. 556 in charge of sales and operations of combined Hewitt Mfg. Co. and Magnus Metal Co., both companies acquired by Nat. Lead Co. in 1907; first v.p. and dir., Magnus Co., Inc. (successor to Hewitt Mfg. Co. and Magnus Metal Co.) ; dir. Nat. Lead Co., 1928; pres. and dir. Magnus Metal Corp. since 1929, and v.p., dir. and mem. exec, com., Nat. Lead Co. since 1924; officer and dir. of allied corps. Mem. Chicago Athletic Assn. Ma- son (K.T., Medinah Temple). Clubs: Chi- cago (Chicago); Old Elm (Ft. Sheridan, 111.); Glen View (Golf, 111.); Traffic, Lawyers (New York). Home: 53 Fre- mont Place, Los Angeles, Calif. Office: 6135 District Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., and Room 721, Railway Exchange, 80 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. COLWELL, Clyde C, lawyer; b. Lin- coln, 111., 28 Nov. 1875; s. Rev. John B. and Charlotte (Ijams) C; grad. high sen., McLean, 111., 1893; student 111. Wes- leyan Univ., and 111. State Normal Univ.; LL.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1906; m. Laura Horr, 8 Dec. 1909; 1 son— Lt. Comdr. Robert Clyde Colwell, (U.S.N. R.). Supt. sens., Heyworth, 111., 1901- 03; admitted to 111. bar, 1906, and prac- ticed since at Chicago, specializing in corp., probate and real estate law, now mem. firm Bryant, Roberts, Hwass & Colwell; mem. Am., 111. State and Chi- cago bar assns., Chicago Law Institute, Field Museum of Natural History (life), Chicago. Republican. Methodist. Mason (32d deg., K.T., Shriner; Past Master Hevworth Lodge; ex-sec. Mvrtle Lodge, Chicago). Home: 3903 N. Keeler Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. COLEMAN, George Howell, physician; b. Des Moines, la.. 24 July 1884; s. Will- iam John and Catherine Elizabeth (Howell) C; student Univ. of 111., 1902- 05; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1911; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1913; m. Marcella Montgomery, 28 Oct. 1915; children- Ruth Billings, Betty Louise, Jane Fran- ces, Marcella. In practice, Chicago, since 1913, specializing in internal med- icine; asso. prof, medicine Northwest- ern Univ. Med. Sen.; sr. attending phy- sician St. Lukes Hosp. Served with Med. Advisory Bd. No. 3, Chicago, 1917-18. Fellow Am. Coll. Physicians; treas. Nat. Physicians Com.; mem. A.M. A., Illinois State and Chicago Med. Socs., Central Soc. Clin. Research, Inst, of Medicine of Chicago (sec), Chicago Soc. of In- ternal Medicine, Soc. Med. History (sec), Nat. Tuberculosis Assn., Nu Sig- ma Nu, Alpha Omega Alpha. Republi- can. Catholic. Clubs: University of Chi- cago (pres. 1940-41, dir. 1938-44) ; West- moreland Country. Contbr. articles to medical jours. Home: 647 Arlington PI., Chicago, 111. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. CARVER, Roy J., co-partner, general mgr. Carver Pump Co.; b. Preemption, 111., 15 Dec. 1909; s. James R. and Laura (Risley) C. ; B.S., Coll. of Engring., Univ. of 111., 1934; m. Lucille Young, 22 Aug. 1942. Co-partner Carver Pump Co., mfg. centrifugal pumps for U.S. Army and Navy, Muscatine, la., since 1939. Home: 2236 Mulberry St., Muscatine, la. Office: 1056 Hershey Av., Muscatine. la. BISSON, Louis Alfred, patent lawyer; b. Leicester, Mass., 29 Jan. 1885; s. Pe- ter A. and Elizabeth (La Fleur) B. ; LL. B., George Washington Univ., 1915, LL. M., 1916; M.P.L., Georgetown Univ., 1916; m. Clemence V. Blanchandin, 10 Oct. 1910; 1 dau. — Clemence Celeste (Mrs. Vincent A. Meter). Admitted to bar, Washington, D.C., 1915, Mass., 1921, 111., 1925. Asst. examiner, U.S. Patent Office, Washington, D.C., 1910-18; asso. in law office Blount & Moulton, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1918-20; asst. patent coun- sel for a corporation, Springfield, Mass., 1920-22; asso. in law office Parkinson & Lane, Chicago, 1922-37; practiced alone since 1937, and as mem. firm Stone, Artman & Bisson since 1942, specializ- ing in patents, trade marks, copyrights and unfair competition. Mem. alumni assns. of Worcester Poly. Inst., George Washington Univ. and Georgetown Univ. Roman Catholic. Elk, Moose, Modern Woodman, K. of C. (La Salle Gen. As- sembly). Author: Reminscences of Lei- cester Academy. 1940. Home: 3032 Park PI., Evanston, 111. Office: 105 W. Adams St., Chicago 3, HI. ADAMS, Ralph, ex-vice pres., Chicago Title & Trust Co.; b. Galena, O., 27 Apr. 1874; s. Joseph Jamison and Mary (Mc- Nulty) A.; ed. Galena High Sen.; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1914; m. Minnie G. Glen, 27 Nov. 1901. Began as elk. in abstract dept., Chicago Title & Trust Co., 1893; asst. supt. for Cook Co. in rewriting abstract books, 1905-06; in- stalled abstract system for Winnebago Co., Wis., 1907-08; compiled abstract sys- tem for Chicago Title & Trust Co., at Crown Point, Ind., 1909; asst. mgr. ab- stract dept. same co., 1910-19, v.p., 1919- 28, retired. Mem. Am. and Chicago Bar Assns., Chicago Real Estate Bd. Repub- lican. Episcopalian. Mason (Chicago Comdry., K.T., Shriner). Club: Ridge- 557 moor Golf. Home: 6160 N. Hamilton Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 69 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. FISHER, Goldina Mabel, educational dir. and lecturer; b. Newport, R.I.; d. Malvern A. and Isabelle E. (Crane) F.; grad. Rhode Island Coll. of Education; B.S.C., Bryant Coll., Providence, R.I. Asst., Rhode Island Coll. of Education, 3 yrs.; asst. head secretarial dept., Bry- ant Coll., Providence; head English dept., Gregg Coll.; education dir. Gregg Publishing Co., Chicago, since 1926. Mem. Nat. Eastern Assn., Nat. Business Teachers Assn.. Central Commercial Teachers Fed. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Alliance, Readers (pres.), Zonta Internat. (v.p.), Rep. Business and Pro- fessional Women's (v.p.). Contbr. arts. Gregg Writer and Business Education World. Home: 7350 Euclid Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 6 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. MUSGRAVE, Charles Robert, vice- pres. Philips Petroleum Co.; b. Sedan, Kan., 15 Aug. 1892; s. John William and Margaret F. (Steers) M. ; student pub. sens. ; extension work in bus. administra- tion; m. Alice G. Harris, 21 June 1913; 1 son— Charles Robert, Jr. (It. U. S. Army). Operating department Santa Fe R.R., 1910, terminal superintendent, 1922; assistant traffic manager Phillips Petro- leum Company, Bartlesville, Okla., 1922- 23, traffic mgr.. 1923-27, gen. traffic mgr., 1927-30, v.p. transportation since 1930, member board directors and mem. exec, com. since June 1942; chmn. bd. dirs. Okmulgee Northern R.R. ; dir. Great Lakes Pipe Line Co.; president, director Standish Pipe Line Company. Mem. gen. transportation com. and car service com. American Petroleum Inst.; dir. and mem. Exec. Com. Transporta- tion of Am., State of Oklahoma; mem. Bar Assn. of Practitioners before Inter- state Commerce Commn., C. of C. of U.S. and Bartlesville, Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Assn., Independent Petroleum Assn., Tank Car Service Com., Supply and Distbn. Com. Dist. No. 2 (comprising fifteen middle western states) ; appointed as mem. Transportation Com. for dis- trict No. 2; apptd. as consultant to Of- fice of Defense Transportation; chmn. Joint Tank Car Subcom. for U.S., Traffic Routing and Movement Advisory Com., Office of Defense Transportation; mgr. Supply and Distbn. Com. Dist. No. 2, director Asso. Traffic Clubs of America (past pres.). Clubs: Bartlesville Traffic (pres.), Tulsa Traffic (hon. life), Chi- cago and St. Louis Traffic, Hillcrest Country (Bartlesville) ; Chicago (Chi- cago) ; Missouri Athletic (St. Louis). Home: 1428 Delaware Av., Bartlesville, Okla. Office: Phillips Bldg., Bartlesville, Okla. HUBACHEK, Frank Brookes, lawyer; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 10 Aug. 1894; s. Frank R. and Nellie A. (Brookes) H. ; A.B., Univ. of Minn., 1915, LL.B., 1922; student Harvard Law Sch., 1915-17; m. Marjorie Mix, 25 Dec. 1917; children — Marjorie Ann (Mrs. William B. Watkins, Jr.), Frank Brookes. Admitted to Minn, bar 1922, and practiced in Minneapolis, Hubachek & Schall, 1922-24; alone, 1924- 34 ; mem. firm Hubachek, Kelly & Gruetz- macher, Chicago, 1934-37, Hubachek & Kelly since 1937, Chmn. exec, com., dir. Household Finance Corp., and subsidiary cos., dir. Mackey Co. Consultant, O.P.A., Washington, D.C., and alternate of Price Adminstr. Consultative Com. under Pres- idential Order 8843, 1941-43. Served in ambulance corps, French Army, 1917; It. (j.g.) and pilot U.S. Navy Air Service, 1918; It. (j.g.) U.S.N.R.F.C., 1919-22. Mem. Bd. of Education, Glencoe, 1932-36. Pres., trustee Lakeland Foundation, trus- tee Beloit Coll., Gads Hill Center Air Services Placement Center. Mem. Am., 111., Chicago, N.Y. City Bar Assns., Phi Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Psi. Baptist. Ma- son. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Skyline, Skokie Country, Chicago, Adventurers, Minneapolis (Minneapolis). Author: An- notations on Small Loan Laws (Russell Sage) 1938. Home: 635 Washington Av., Glencoe, 111. Office: 919 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. BODMER, Eugene, Jr., dentist; b. Chi- cago, HI., 29 Oct. 1910; s. Eugene and Bertha (Mueller) B.; D.D.S., Northwest- ern Univ., 1933, M.S.D., 1938; m. Viola Madelyn Tupy, 16 May 1936; children— Madelyn Suzanne, Sally Jean. Instr., Northwestern Univ. Dental Sch., 1933-35; faculty mem., 111. State Dental Soc. Study Club, 1935-38; asst. prof, of operative den- tistry, Northwestern Univ., 1938-43; suc- cessively, chmn. of clinic com. and mem. of adv. com. Dental School, since 1942; asso. prof, of operative dentistry, since 1943; in practice of dentistry, Chicago, since 1936. Served as capt. with 111. Nat. Guard, Dental Corps, 1937-40; now, mem. of med. adv. bd., Selective Service Bd. Mem. Chicago, 111. and Am. dental socs., Xi Psi Phi, Omicron Kappa Upsilon (hon.). Contbr. articles of professional pubis. Home: 242 Herrick Rd., Riverside, 111. Office: 180 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. 558 BROWN, Clarence Frank Gunsaulus, physician; b. Salt Lake City, Utah, 16 Apr., 1897; s. Clarence Talmadge and Lillian (Gunsaulus) B.; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1918, student grad. sch., 1918-21; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1923; m. Marjorie Mitchell, 3 Oct. 1923; children— G. Mitch- ell, Robert Talmadge. Instr. physiology Univ. of Chicago, 1918-21; intern, later med. resident Presbyn. Hosp., 1922-24; senior attending physician St. Luke's Hosp., 1925-40; asst. prof, medicine, Northwestern Univ., since 1939; It. col. Res., U.S. Pub. Health Service. Served as hosp. apprentice U.S. Navy, 1917-18. Diplomate Am. Bd. of Internal Medicine ; fellow Am. Coll. Physicians; mem. A.M. A., Chicago Soc. Internal Medicine (sec, treas., 1935-40; pres. 1940-41), 111. State Med. Soc, Inst. Medicine, Chicago Med. Soc, Chicago Soc. Med. History, Collegium Chirurgicum Caninum Amer- icanum, Owl and Serpent, Sigma Xi, Al- pha Omega Alpha, Alpha Delta Phi, Nu Sigma Nu; mem. emeritus Central Soc Clin. Research. Club: Univ. of Chicago. Baptist. Home: 5000 Cornell Av. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. BROWN, Roy Wilcox, elec and mech. engr.; b. Wyanet, 111., 27 Mar. 1874; s Constant and Anna Maria (Wilcox) B. ; B.S.M.E., B.S.E.E., Univ. of Mich., 1898; m. Grace Redpath McLean, 30 Jan. 1909; children — MacLean Redpath, Irene (Wil- cox (dec), Harvey Hees, Roy Wilcox. Elec. engr. Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co., 1898-1902, McGuire Mfg. Co., Chicago, 1902-03, Globe Electric Mfg. Co., Amster- dam, N.Y., 1903-09, Westinghouse Elec- tric Co., Pittsburgh, 1909-11; part owner and mgr., Spring Valley (111.) Utilities Co. and Brown Brothers Mfg. Co., 1911- 25; retired, since 1925. Dir. and pres. Spring Valley City Bank. Conglist. Ad- dress: Spring Valley, HI. DONNELLY, Timothy Charles, state rep.; b. Toluca, 111., 23 July 1900; s. Matthew and Johanna (Slattery) D.; sec- retarial course, Brown's Business Coll., St. Louis, Mo., 1918-19; student traffic management, La Salle Extension Univ.. Chicago; m. Mayme Drosten, 2 Feb. 1935. Elected mem. 111. Ho. of Rep., 1940, re- elected 1942-44. Democrat. Catholic Elk, K.C. Home: 826 E. 1st St., Carlinville, 111. FAY, William Edward, rnfr.; b. El Paso, Wis., 13 Jan. 1889; s. John and Anna (Coyle) F. ; ed. pub. sch., Maple- ton, Wis.; student Powers Bus. School, Chicago, 1907, night sch., Wendell Phil- lips High Sch., Chicago, 1908-09; m. Hel- en Easter Maloney, 14 Apr. 1914; chil- dren — Helen Jane (Mrs. Benjamin W. Bullen, Jr.), Willaim Edward, James Russell. Clerk, Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 1909; removed to Joliet, 111., 1913, entering sales dept. Cham- pion Machinery Co., pres. of company since 1922; dir. First Nat. Bank, Joliet. Federal trustee Joliet Elks' Bldg. Assn.. Adam Block Corp; asst. state advisor on occupational deferments; mem. exec, com. Bureau of Indsl. Conservation, War Prodn. Bd., 111. State v.p. Navy League of U.S.; mem. 111. Racing Bd. ; state dir. Nat. Foundation Infantile Pa- ralysis (dir. Will County bd.). Member 111. C. of C. (war activities com.); pres. Joliet Assn. of Commerce, 1935-36. Dir. Will County Mfrs. Assn., Bakery Equip- ment Mfrs. Assn. Roman Catholic Elk. Clubs: South Shore Country, Lake Shore, Chicago Athletic (Chicago); Joliet (111.) Country. Chosen Kentucky Colonel, 1942. Home: 301 N. Reed St., Joliet, 111. Of- fice: 210 S. Center St., Joliet, 111. FINNERUD, Clark Wylie, dermatolo- gist, syphilologist ; b. Watertown, S.D., 3 Apr. 1895; s. Hans Martin and Mary Alice (Mclntyre) F.; B.S., Univ. of Wis.. 1916; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., Univ. of Chicago, 1918, post-grad, student Vienna, Paris and London, 1924-25; m. Gertrude Delight Putnam, 28 Feb. 1922; children— cago, 1918-19; instr. dermatology and syphilology, Rush Med. Coll., 1919-27, asst. clin. prof., 1927-40; Rush asst. prof, dermatology and syphilology, Univ. of 111., 1940-43, asso. prof, since 1943; cons, dermatologist Fresh Air Fund Sanitor- ium, Chicago, since 1930, also for C.,M. &St.P. R.R., Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Infirmary, and to Dept. Public Health, State of 111., Springfield, 111., Chicago Tumor Inst.; dermatologist in Presbyn. Hosp. since 1925, Children's Memorial Hosp., Chicago, 1920-32, Cook County Hosp., 1925-32, Central Free Dis- pensary, Rush Med. Coll., since 1918; pres. Jr. Staff Presbyn. Hosp. since 1942. Served with Med. Res. Corps, O.T.C., during World War. Mem. Com. of Med. Service to industry, Chicago Metropoli- tan Civilian Defense Area, since 1941; mem. sub-corn, on medical food require- ments of Nat. Research Council since 1943. Mem. Mississippi Valley Dermato- logical Conf., Internat. Dermatological Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 1935. Dip- lomate Am. Bd. Derm, and Syph. ; fel- low Am. Congress Physicians; mem. A. M.A. (chmn. scientific exhibit commit- tee sect, on dermatology and syphilol- ology, 1935-38; chmn. sect, on derm, and syph., 1942-44), Am. Acad. Dermatology and Syphilology (lecturer and dir. 1938- 559 40 v.p. 1940; chmn. scientific exhibit com. 1940), Alumni Council of Univ. of Chicago, Am. Dermatol. Assn., Am. So- ciety Investigative Dermatology (v.p. 1941-42), 111. State Med. Soc, Inst, of Med. (Chicago), Chicago Med. Soc, Chi- cago Dermatol. Soc. (pres. 1927), Am. Assn. Ry. Surgeons, Nu Sigma Nu, Chi Psi, Sigma Sigma. Republican. Conglist. Clubs: Economic (dir.), University (Chi- cago). Co-author: Cutaneous Diseases of Congenital Origin, 1926; Diseases of the Mouth, 1936; Skin Diseases of Chil- dren, 1937; Diseases of the Skin, 1937; Surgical Diseases of the Skin, 1941-42. Contbr. to medical books, and journals. Home: 5400 E. View Park, Chicago, 111. Office: 55 E. Washington St., Chicago, m. FISHER, Henry Noland, physician, specializing in ophthalmology; b. Clare- mont, HI., 3 Nov. 1899; s. John Henry and Ellen (Noland) F.; M.D., Washing- ton Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1927. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1927; asst. surgeon U. S. P. H. S., San Francisco, Calif., Buffalo, N.Y., Norfolk, Va., and St. Louis, Mo., 1927-29; interne, asst. resident and resident on eye service, Barnes Hosp, St. Louis, 1930-32; prac- ticing ophthalmologist since 1933; oph- thalmologist Olney Sanitarium Clinic & Hosp. since 1938. Mem. Am. Acad. Oph- thalmology and Otolaryngology, A.M. A., Miss. Valley, 111. State, Southern 111. and Richland Co. Med. Soc, St. Louis Oph- thalmic Soc, Phi Beta Pi. Mem. Chris- tian Ch. Clubs: Richland Co. Country (Olney) ; Lawrence Co. Country and Rod and Gun (Lawrenceville, 111.). Home: 426 E. North Av., Olney, 111. Office: 106 N. Silver St., Olney, 111. FULLINGTON, John Marshall, state dir. Farm Security Adminstrn., U. S. Dept. Agr.; b. Carlinville, 111., 24 May 1911; s. Walter G. and Idella (Jennings) F.; B.S., Univ. of 111., 1935; m. Adeline L. Armour, 9 Mar. 1936; 1 dau., Anadell Sue. Asst. county supervisor 111. Rural Rehabilitation corp., Feb. -July, 1935; chief timekeeper and cost analyst W.P. A., 1935-36; county supervisor Resettle- ment Adminstrn., 1936-37; county super- visor Farm Security Adminstrn., 1937- 39, dist. supervisor, 1939-42, state farm and home supervisor, 1942 to Mar. 1943, area supervisor, Mar. -Oct. 1943, regional chief prodn. and loan supervision re- gional office, Oct. 1943 to Feb. 1944, 111. state dir. since Feb. 1944. Mem. Alpha Tau Alpha. Democrat. Home: 609 S. Prairie St., Champaign, 111. Office: P.O. Bldg., Champaign, 111. GOLDSTEIN, Benjamin Frank- lin, lawyer; b. St. Louis, Mo., 16 June 1895; s. Julius and Naomi G.; grad. Yeatman High Sch., St. Louis, 1911; A.B., Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1914; LL.B., Harvard, 1917; m. Louise Kup- penheimer Stein. Admitted to 111. bar, 1917, and began practice in Peoria; practiced in Chicago since 1920; mem. firm Haight, Goldstein & Hobbs, Chica- go. Served in U.S. Army in U.S. and with A.E.F., Dec. 1917-Jan. 1919. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Chicago Assn. Commerce, Phi Beta Kap- pa. Clubs: Harvard, Standard, Lake Shore Country. Author: Marketing — A Farmer's Problem, 1928. Home: 564 Maple St., Winnetka, 111. Office: 209 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. HAVERFIELD, Ralph Frazier, milli- nery merchant; b. Cadiz, O.; s. John C. and Martha G. (Thompson) H. ; student high sch.; m. Helen Winchester, 4 Aug. 1932. Worked in dry goods store while attending high sch. and during summer vacations; traveling salesman for I. Rice & Co., millinery, Wheeling, W. Va., 1899-1900; removed to Columbus, 1900, and secured similar position with G. T. Macauley & Co., Columbus, O.; trav- eled for Hart & Co., milliners, Cleve- land, 1908-15; organized Haverfield Co., 1915, and began leasing millinery depts. in dept. and specialty stores, now oper- ating 190 depts. in 42 states; pres. and gen. mgr. Haverfield Co. since 1915. Mem. Columbus C. of C, Ohio Soc. of New York. Republican. United Presby- terian. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Colum- bus Club, Athletic, Scioto Country, Ro- tary, Columbus Country. Home: 57 Pres- ton Rd., Columbus, O. Office: 113 N. 3rd St., Columbus, O. HEIDE, Bernard H., general agent Union Stock Yard and Transit Co.; Chi- cago; s. of Anthony H. and Anna C. (Schulte) H. ; educated in Chicago schools and college; married. Began in employ of Sterne & Davis, mfrs., Chicago, 1886; then with C, B.&Q. Ry. Co., 1888; with Union Stock Yard & Transit Co. since 1890, advancing to gen. agent of the company; sec and gen. mgr. Internat. Live Stock Expn. since 1906. (4-H) Dir. Nat. Com. of Boys and Girls Club Work since 1921; mem. 111. State Bd. Agr., 1910-22; pres. 111. State Fair, 1921-25; gen. mgr. Sesqui-Centennial Live Stock Show, Phila., 1926; mem. of Chicago Assn. of Commerce (agrl. and 111. com.); mem. agrl. advisory council, Century of Progress, 1933-34. Clubs: Shore Country Traffic, Saddle and Sirloin. Home: 5844 560 Stony Island Av., Chicago, 111. Office: Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. HOWARD, Lee James, county auditor; b. Chicogo, 111., 26 Apr. 1890; s. James Richard and Mary E. (Grant) H. ; ed. John Marshall High Sch., Lake View High Sch., and Walton Sch. of Commerce, Chi- cago; m. Helen McGuire, 12 Nov. 1912; children— James Richard, Helen Marie; m. 2d, Frances Carey, 29 July 1925; 1 dau., Mary Lee. Bookkeeper and clerk, Quincy Brass Works, 1908-17; public accounting, individually and with Wolf & Co., 1917-23; county auditor of Cook County. 111., since 1923. Certified Public Accountant, 111. and Okla. Mem. Am. Inst. Accountants, HI. Soc. C.P.A.'s. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Club: South Shore Country (Chicago). Home: 7115 Luella Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 160 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. HOWE, Eleanor, editor, What's New in Home Economics; b. Denver, 19 July 1891; d. Jabez Crosby and Alice (Dixon) H.; B.S., Univ. of 111., 1922; M.S., Colum- bia Univ., 1928. Asst. Kan. State club, leader 1923-24; instr. foods 1925-27; mgr. sch. cafeteria, Detroit, Mich., 1925-27; dir. home economics McCormick & Co., Baltimore, Md., 1928-33; v. p. Harvey & Howe, home economics consultants and pubs. What's New in Home Economics, since 1936. Mem. Nat. Home Economics Assn., Nat. Dietetics Assn., Home Eco- nomics Women in Business. Republican. Christian Scientist. Club: Women's Ad- vertising. Author: Better Baking; Easy Entertaining Feeding Father; Household Hints; 1939; Household Hints for Home- makers, 1943. Home: 900 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 919 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. STEINER, Thomas Edward, pres. Bauer Mfg. Co.; b. Wayne County, O., 19 Nov. 1868; s. Peter S. and Esther (Locker) S. ; student Ohio Normal Colls. ; m. Mary H. Irvin (dec.) ; m. 2d, Laura May Eckard; children — Irvin Paul, Doris Ruth, Ann Esther, Freda Glorine, Miriam Delight. Dir., promoter Wooster Feed Mfg. Co., founder pres. Bauer Mfg. Co., Wooster; pres. Toycraft Co., Wooster; pres., treas., gen. mgr. and promoter Victory Coal Co., Tunnelton, W.Va. ; dir. First Fed. Savings & Loan Assn., (Akron, Ohio) Pres. Trancontin- ental Streamlined Super Highway Corp. of U.S.A. Sponsor and originator of Super Highways in America Plan. Mem. United Commercial Travelers America, Wooster Bd. Trade, Ohio C. of C, Am. Automobile Assn. Home: 822 Quinby Av., Wooster, O. Office: 1429 E. Bowman St., Wooster. O. WATSON, John H., Jr., partner firm M. B. & H. H. Johnson; b. Bradford, Vt., 1 Sept. 1883; s. John H. and Clara (Hammond) W; student St. Johnsbury (Vt.) Academy, 1900; A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1904; LL.B., Harvard Law Sch., 1907. Partner firm of M. B. & H. H. Johnson since 1912; (chmn. of bd. and dir. Bishop & Babcock Mfg. Co.; dir. Studebaker Corp., White Motor Co.. Cleveland Provision Co., Austin Powder Co.; pres. Corrigan McKinney Steel Co.. 1928-30. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Cleveland (O.) C. of C. Clubs: Union, Country, University, Cleveland Athletic (Cleve- land, O.); Bankers of New York. Home: 2953 Winthrop Road, Shaker Heights, O. Office: 1649 Union Commerce Bldg.. Cleveland, O. WAGNER, Percy Evan, pres. Percy E. Wagner, Inc.; b. Chicago, 111., 14 Mar. 1894; s. Louis Christopher and Mary (Gantzert) W.; student Univ. of 111., 1911- 14; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1916; m. Elizabeth McGeeney, 31 July 1920; chil- dren — Betty Joy, Mary Lou. Pres. Percy E. Wagner, Inc., real estate, Chicago, since 1932; pres. American Home Builders, Inc. chief valuator Federal Housing Administration, State of 111., 1935, zone (III) rental mgr., 1938-40; ad- ministrn. officer Fed. Housing Adminis- tration, 1940-42. Professor of real estate Central Coll., Y.M.C.A., 1935-42. Mem. Amer. Inst. Real Estate Appraisers; chairman and mem. bd. govs. Appraisal Div., Chicago Real Estate bds.; senior mem. Soc. Residential Appriasers. Pres, Illinois chapter, American Inst. Real Estate Appraisers, 1942; chmn. Examina- tion Com. Amer. Inst. Real Estate Ap- praisers, 1940; mem. Inst. Real Estate Management; mem. Phi Kappa Psi, Chi Beta. Mason (32d deg., K.T., Shriner). Clubs: Quadrangle, South Shore Country. Home: Brae Burn Rd. and Brassie Av., Flossmoor, 111. Office : 6236 Cottage Grove Av., Chicago, 111. Z1EGLER, Bernhard Carl, pres. West Bend Aluminum Co.; b. Washington Co., Wis., 25 Jan. 1884; s. Jacob and Ernes- tine (Fick) Z. ; student pub. schs. West Bend, Wis.; m. Edna Eickelberg, 25 Sept. 1919; children — Bernard Carl, Rob- ert Douglas, Barbara Delight. Pres. B. C. Ziegler & Co., West Bend, Wis., 1902- 34; sec. -treas. and gen. mgr. West Bend Aluminum Co., 1914-21, pres. and gen. mgr. since 1921; pres. First Nat. Bank of West Bend since 1917, West Bend Mut. Fire Ins. Co.; chmn. bd. Gehl Bros. 561 Mfg. Company, Chmn. Washington Co. Council Defense; chmn. Washington Co. Park Commission. Mem. Wis. Mfrs. As- sociation (chmn. legislative com. and dir.). Republican. Methodist. Clubs: Ro- tary, Country (West Bend) ; Athletic (Milwaukee, Wis.); Athletic (Chicago). Home: 652 S. 8th Av., West Bend, Wis. Office: West Bend Aluminum Co., West Bend, Wis. REINHART, M. J., pres. Reinhart & Donovan Co., Inc.; b. Edwards, 111., 1881; s. John Martin and Amelia Mary (Fellman) R. ; grad. Iowa State Coll.. 1905; m. Josephine Alice Welsh, 10 Sept. 1910. Instr. in civil engring. dept., Iowa State Coll., 1905-07; organized Reinhart & Donovan Co., 1908, and since pres.; pres. Okla. Hotel Bldg. Co. (Biltmore Hotel, Oklahoma City) ; pres. Oklahoma City Service Co. (Sunshine Laundry) ; dir. Physicians and Dentists Bldg. Co. Mem. Tau Beta Pi. Address: 804 Com- merce Exchange Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. WHITING, Frank Brockway, pres. George A. Whiting Paper Co., Whiting Plover Paper Co.; dir. 1st Nat. Bank, Menasha, Wis. Home: 620 E. Forest Av., Neenah, Wis. Office: 100 River St., Me- nasha, Wis. WOOLSON, Harry Thurber, executive engineer; b. Passaic, N.J., 20 Sept. 1876; s. George C. and Sarah Martin (Thur- ber) W.; ed. priv. sch., Stevens Prep. Sen.; M.E., Stevens Inst, of Tech., 1897; m. Bessie Van Iderstine, 19 Aug. 1903; children — L. Irving, George Thurber. Herbert C. Began as draftsman with Nat. Meter Co. of Brooklyn, N.Y., 1903; later draftsman with Gas Engine & Pow- er Co.; then draftsman advancing to chief engr. with Charles L. Seabury & Co., N.Y. City, 1899-1915; truck engr. Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, 1915- 16; engring. dept. Studebaker corp., De- troit, 1916-20; with Willys Corp., Eliza- beth, N.J., and Zoder-Skelton-Broor En- gineering Co., Newark, N.J., 1921; with Chrysler Corp., Detroit, since 1921, served as chief engr. and became exec, engr., 1935; pres. Chrysler Inst, of En- gineering since Jan. 1940; v. p. Marine Div. Chrysler Corp. Has designed steam and gasoline marine machinery, devel- oped automobile chassis, medium tanks and other war equipment. Mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs. (mem. transmission div. of Standards Com.; v.p. 1928; coun- cilor 1932-36; pres. 1937; chmn. Detroit Sect. 1934; mem. Ordnance adv. com.); mem. Engring. Soc. of Detroit. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Golf, Ingleside Golf (Detroit). Mason. Presbyterian. Home: 1780 Strathcona Dr., Detroit, Mich. Office: 12800 Oakland Av., High- land Park, Mich. CHILDS, Geoffrey Stafford, president Mich. Sugar Co. b. Media, Pa., 29 July 1892; s. Walter Cameron and Edith (Smith) C; B.C.S., New York Univ., 1912; m. Olivia Hughes Waelchli, 15 June 1915; children — Elizabeth, Muriel, Wal- ter Cameron, 2d, Virginia, Geoffrey Stafford, Jr., Alan. Office mgr. Alexand- er Hamilton Inst., N.Y. City, 1913-26; exec. v.p. Pitcairn Aviation, Inc. Phila., 1926-29; exec. v.p. Autogiro Co of Amer- ica, Phila, 1929-34; v.p. Michigan Sugar Co., Saginaw, Mich., since 1934, pres. since 1940. Mem. Saginaw County Com- munity Chest Bd. (mem. exec, com.) ; pres. Farmers & Mfrs. Beet Sugar Assn. Republican. Swedenborgian. Clubs: De- troit, Saginaw, Saginaw Country, Ro- tary. Author: Office Management, 1924; numerous pamphlets on beet sugar in- dustry. Home: 806 Holland Av., Sagi- naw, Mich. Office: 2d Nat. Bank Bldg., Saginaw, Mich. VERSON, David, pres. Verson Allsteel Press Co., Inc.; b. Russia, 24 May 1894; s. Morris and Doris (Kaufman) V.; stu- dent pub. schs. of Russia; m. Pauline Loraine Duxler, 15 Nov. 1925; children— Melvin David, Donald, Sidny, Debra. Judith. Began as machinist, became pres. Verson Allsteel Press Co., Inc., Chicago, HI., 1931. Mem. Art Inst, of Chicago (life), Field Museum (life), Cleveland Engrs. Soc. Engrs. Soc. of West Pa. Mason (Shriner). Home: 8345 Vernon Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 1355 E. 93d St., Chicago, 111. WECKER, Walter Andre, president of Marquette Cement Mfg. Co.; b. Peru, 111., 29 June 1895; s. August and Jose- phine (Leyes) W. ; ed. pub. schs., La- Salle, 111.; m. Minnie L. Ramey, 24 Aug. 1920. Entered employ of Marquette Ce- ment Mfg. Co. at LaSalle as invoice clerk, 1914, later asst. on credit and col- lection work, then travelling collector, took up his duties again after War as sec, 1919, became treas. and dir., 1923. v.p., 1932, pres. since 1933. Served with U.S. Army, World War. Clubs: Chicago, Mid-Day, Exmoor Country, Bob O'Link Golf Home: Wilmot Rd., Bannockburn, 111. Office: 140 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. McDONN,ELL, Everett Nicholas, pres- ident McDonnell & Miller, Inc. b. Des Moines la., 25 June 1893; s. John E. and Zoe (Wallace) McD.; student la. State Coll., 1913-15; student Cornell Univ., 562 1915-16; m. Esther Sanders Raplee, 9 Oct. 1925; 1 dau. — Eileen. V.p. Harrison Constrn. Co., Des Moines, la., 1919-25; sec. and dir. McAlear Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111., 1919-25; partner McDonnell & Miller, mfrs. boiler controls and water-feeders for heating boilers, Chicago, 1925-29, propr. since 1929. Served as It. 301st Heavy Tank Corps, A.E.F. 1917-19. Mem. Am. Soc. Heating and Ventilating Engrs., la. State Engrs.' Soc, Beta Theta Pi. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Tav- ern, Athletic (Chicago); Evanston Golf; Lake Geneva Country. Home: Lake Ge- neva, Wis.; and 219 Lakeshore, Chicago, 111. Office: 400 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. ARUTUNOFF, A r m a i s Sergeevich, pres. Reda Pump Co.; b. Tifiis, Caucasus, Russia, 21 June 1893; s. Sergei Lasare- vich Arutunoff and Varvara (Esaibe- kova) A.; awarded medal High Sch., Tifiis, 1910; B.S., Polytechnic Inst., Pet- rograd, Russia, 1917; m. Claudia 12 Apr. 1917; children— ^Sergei, Anait, Anatoly. Came to U.S., 1923. Disigner elec. equip- ment for oil wells since 1914; v.p., mgr. Electrobur, Baku, Russia, 1914-17; v.p. Russki Electro-Dvigatel Arutunova, Ekaterinoslaw, Russia, 1917-21, Reda Motoren Verwertung G.m.b.H., Berlin, Germany, 1921-23; chief engr. and v.p. Bart Mfg. Co., Bartlesville, 1927-30; pres. Reda Pump Co. since 1930. Mem. exec, bd. Boy Scouts of America (Cherokee Area Council) ; mem. bd. dirs. local Y.M.C.A. ; mem. Am. Red Cross. Mem. Petroleum Inst., Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Assn., U. S. Chamber of Commerce, Smithsonian Inst. Episcopalian. Clubs: Santa Monica, Delmar (Santa Monica, Calif.); University, Tulsa Club (Tulsa, Okla.); Hillcrest Country (Bartlesville, Okla.); California (Los Angeles). Home: 1200 Cherokee St., Bartlesville, Okla. Of- fice: Reda Pump Co., Bartlesville, Okla. STRICKLAND, Charles Edwin, pres. The Peoples' Gas & Electric Co.; b. Junction City, Kan., 2 July 1892; s. Charles W. and Agnes (Wright) S.; A.B., Univ. of Kan., 1914; m. Esther Lauter- bach, 27 Dec. 1919; children — Jean (Mrs. Kenet Pearce), Anne, Mary. Began as bank clerk, Jennings, Kan., 1914; cashier State Bank of Oronoque, Kan., 1915-18; v.p. Farmers & Mchts. State Bank Colby, Kan., 1919-34; v.p. Broadway Nat. Bank, Denver, Colo., 1924-26; asso. with Otis & Co., Cleveland, O., and Chicago, 1926-30; v.p. The United Light and Power Co., The United Power Securities Co., 1930-36; now pres. The People's Gas & Electric Co., Mason City, la.; president and gen. mgr. Mason City and Clear Lake Railroad Co. ; director First Nation al Bank of Mason City, Mut. Fed. Bldg & Loan Assn., Northwestern States Port land Cement Co., Mason City Hotel Co Served as pvt., later 1st Lt., U.S. Army World War, also Capt. Inf. O.R.C. Treas Kansas Bankers Assn, 1921-22. Mem. Phi Kappa Psi (nat. officer, pres. 1938-40), Sigma Delta Chi, Am. Legion. Mason (K.T., Shriner), Elk. Clubs: University (Chicago) ; Des Moines Club (Des Moines, la.); Minneapolis (Minneapolis, Minn.); University (Kansas City, Mo.); Euchre & Cycle Club, Rotary, Mason City Country (Mason City). Home: 8 Beaumont Dr., Mason City, la. Office: 22 2d St. N.W., Mason City, la. SPARKS, William Ira, sec. and dir. The Maytag Co.; b. Crawfordsville, Ind., 30 July 1866; s. Alvin B. and Lucy (Bowen) S.; student high school and nor- mal training; m. Ella N. Dorsey, 1888; children — Mrs. Mildred Hoick, Mrs. Wan- da Besack. Taught school for number of years; with The Maytag Co. since 1898, becoming dir. in 1919, and sec. in 1926; dir. Maytag Sales Corp. Home: 418 N. 6th Av., East., Newton, la. Office: New- ton, la. WALKER, Edward A., pres. Trades- mens Nat. Bank, Oklahoma City, Okla.; b. Johnson County, HI., 1871; s. Ben- jamin W. and Mary A. (Gann) W. ; m. May Musgrave, 1917. Pres. First Nat. Bank, Ardmore, Okla; Love County Nat. Bank, Marietta, Okla.; Capital Land Co., Oklahoma City. Home: 325 N.W. 15th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Office : 101 W. Main St., Oklahoma City, Okla. WRIGHT, Charles P., foundry exec; b. Garrett, Ind., 1880; s. Hobart S. and Josephine E. (Smith) W.; ed. public schools, Garrett, Ind.; m. Ada Hayward Allen, 27 June 1905. Vice-pres. Brake Shoe and Castings Dir., Am. Brake Shoe & Foundry Co., Chicago; dir. Cleveland Production Co., Ch. board Juvenile Pro- tective Assn., Aurora, 111. Clubs: Chi- cago Athletic Association; Country, Olympia Fields, Aurora Country. Home: 304 N. View St., Aurora, HI. Office: 332 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. HIRSCHLER, Daniel A., coll. pres.; b. Franklin, la., 10 Oct. 1883; s. Rev. John S. and Christine (Schmidt) H.; Mus.B., Am. Conservatory, 1910; Mus.D., Asso- ciate Am. Guild of Organists, 1916; stu- dent Bethel Coll., 1902-04, Oberlin Coll., 1904-06; m. Helen Janzen, 1 July 1909; children — Vernelle Christine (Mrs. Ever- ett E. Bell), Major Daniel A. Dean, Sch. 563 of Music, Bethel Coll., 1906-14, The Coll. of Emporia, Kan., since 1914, pres. since 1941; a founder and past pres. Kan. Mu- sic Teachers Assn. ; a founder and past dean, Kan. Chapter Am. Guild of Organ- ists; founder and dir. Emporia (Kan.) Spring Music Festival and Vesper a Ca- pella Choir; guest condr. New York Sym- phony, Minneapolis Symphony, St. Louis Symphony. Mem. Am. Soc. Composers and Conductors. Music Teachers Nat. Assn., Rotary, Phi Mu Alpha (province gov.). Presbyterian. Club: Current (Em- poria). Home: 1428 Rural St., Emporia, Kan. Office: The College of Emporia, Emporia, Kan. RODDIS, Hamilton, president Rod- dis Lumber & Veneer Co. ; b. Milwau- kee, Wis., 26 June 1875; s. William Hen- ry and Sara Louise (Denton) R. ; m. Catherine Prindle, 7 July 1908; children —Sara. Mary, Catherine, Augusta, Will- iam, Ellen. Pres. Roddis Lumber & Ve- neer Co., mfrs. plywood, doors and lum- ber, since 1890. Address: Marshfield, Wis. SNYDER, Harold Vesey, lawyer; b. Rockford, 111., 27 Dec. 1898; s. William W. and Lillian M. (Vesey) S.; B.A., Univ. of 111., 1920; J.D., Chicago Law Sch., 1925; m. Charlotte Montgomery. 3 Sept. 1926; children— Jacqueline Ves- ey, Harold Montgomery. Admitted to 111. bar, 1927; engaged in pvt. practice of law, Chicago, since 1927; instr. and lecturer, Chicago Law School, 3 years. Mem. Am., HI. State and Chicago bar assns., Chicago Law Inst., Alpha Tau Omega. Republican. Conglist. Clubs: Union League, Skicrest Country, Bar- rington-Biltmore Country (Barrington, 111.). Home: Kelsey Road, Barrington, 111. Office: 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. DEICKE, Edwin Frederick, president Suburban Casualty Co.; b. Lombard, Il- linois, 11 Apr. 1896; s. Fred and Regina (Goltermann) D.; student pub. schs., Lombard, 111.; m. Alma Schramm, 14 Apr. 1926; 1 dau.— Lois. Engaged in advt. business, Chicago, 1914-17; pub. Lombard Pres., 1919-20; started selling automobile insurance in 1920 and estab- lished his own companv, Suburban Cas- ualty Co., in 1925 (Capital $200,000, sur- plus $100,000), and pres. since; treas. Central Automobile Bur., Chicago; pres. Pioneer Fire Ins. Co. of Am., Chicago; dir. Addison Farmers Insurance Co. Served with U.S. Army (Infantry), 1917- 19. Treas. Elmhurst (111.) Hosp. Mem. Am. Legion; county commr. Du Page County, 1926-33. Republican. Protestant. Clubs: Union League, Chicago Farmers (Chicago); Lions (dist. gov., 1936-37), Glen Oak Country (Lombard, 111.). Au- thor: Cavies for Pleasure and Profit, 1919. Home: 555 S. Main St., Lombard. 111. Office: 303 W. Wesley St., Wheaton, 111. RANDAU, Clem J., newspaper and radio exec; b. Ames, la., 7 Jan. 1895; s. Fred and Bertha (Eymann) R.; A. B., Stanford Univ., 1920; student Sor- bonne Univ., 1919; m. Beatrice M. Lyons, 30 Jan. 1926; children — John Alan, Paul Clemens. With United Press, 1919-42, reporter, San Francisco, 1919, successively reporter, bureau manager, salesman, sales mgr., bus. mgr., N.Y. City, 1921-42, vice pres., 1936-42; bus. mgr. Chicago Sun since 1942; supervisor of radio activities Marchall Field (radio stations WJJD, Chicago; WSAI, Cincin- nati, KOIN, Portland Ore.), since 1944; vice-pres. and dir. Field Enterprises, Inc.; vice pres. and dir. WJJD, Inc., v.p. and dir. Buckeye Broadcasting Co.; v.p. and dir. KOIN, Inc. Served as 1st It., Air Service, 1917-19; with 22d Squad- ron, 2d Pursuit Group Meuse-Argonne offensive, France, 1918. Mem. Sigma Chi, Sigma Delta Chi, Am. Legion. Clubs: Chicago, Union League, Tavern Executives, Stanford (Chicago) ; Nation- al Press (Washington, D.C.); Westchest- er Country (Rye, N.Y.). Home: 321 Cumberland Av., Kenilworth, HI. Office: 400 W. Madison St., Chicago, HI. SCHRADER, Fred L., pres. Chicago & 111. Midland Rv. Co.; b. Creston, la., 25 Jan. 1891; s. Frederick A. and Mar- garet Adaline (Savler) S.; ed. pub. sch. and high sch., Ottumwa, la.; m. Cora Adele Barrow, 23 July, 1913. Fuel clerk, timekeeoer, gen. clerk, mechanical dept., C, B. & Q. R.R., Ottumwa, la., 1908-12; chief timekeeper. C, P. & St. L. Ry., Springfield, 111., 1912-13, special work, ac- counting dept., 1913-15, chief clerk main- tenance of way department, 1915-17, spe- cial rep. office general manager, 1917, 1919, asst. gen. mgr., 1920-26; asst. to senior v.p., Chicago and HI. Midland Ry., Springfield, 111., 1926-40, v.p. 1940- 45; pres. since 1 Jan. 1946. Mem. West- ern Ry. Club, Am. Ry. Development Assn. Republican. Mason. Clubs: Illini, Sangamo, Kiwanis (Springfield). Home: 1045 Williams Blvd., Springfield, 111. Of- fice: 821 Hlinois Bldg., Springfield, HI. PETERS, Mary Babcock, social wel- fare; b. Evansville, Ind., 24 July 1897; d. Guilford C. and Alida M. (Kelsy) Babcock; A.B., Wellesley Coll., 1919; m. Edward H. Ludow, 1919 (div. 1929); m. 564 2d, Arthur A. Peters, 12 Oct. 1932; chil- dren—Ann Babcock (Mrs. Henry C. Thacker, Jr.), Guilford Babcock Peters (U.S. Army Air Corps). Mem. bd. In- fant Welfare Soc, Park Ridge Sch. for Girls, Women's Auxiliary, Evanston Hosp. Assn., Am. Red Cross (Home Service Corps). Mem. Union Ch. of Glen- coe, 111. Clubs: Skokie Country (Glen- coe, 111.); Chicago Wellesley. Address: 445 Greenwood Av., Glencoe, 111. POWELL, E. Harrison, pres. & dir. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.; b. Up- per Sandusky, O., 21 Nov. 1888; s. Jep- tha H. and Minnie B. (Berry) P.; stu- dent Univ. of Chicago, 1911; m. Ethel Corbet, 3 March 1915; children— Stephen Duniap, Gordon Corbet, Dorothy Lee. Treas. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 1930-34; pres., Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., since 1934; pre^. & dir., Encyclopaedia Britannica of Canada, Ltd., Encyclo- paedia Britannica Publications, Mexico, D.F., Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Inc., New York. Republican. Clubs: Uni- versity, Electric, Caxton (Chicago). Of- fice: 20 North Wacker Dr., Chicago 6, 111. STOUT, Frederick Eugene, lawyer; b. Interlaken, N.Y., 20 Mar. 1896; s. Josh- ua Wilson and Catherine Agnes (Mack- in) S.; grad. Brockport (N.Y.) State Normal Sch., 1915; student Cornell Univ., 1917-18; LL.B., DePaul Univ., 1923. Admitted to 111. bar, 1923, and since with firm Goodrich, Vincent & Brad- ley; asst. to gen. counsel of Chi- cago North Shore and Milwaukee R. R. Co., 1922-43; gen. solicitor, since 1943; atty. for Chicago, Aurora and Elgin R. R. Co., 1925-45. Served with Hdqrs. Co., 307 Inf., 77th Div., World War I Mem. Chicago, 111. State and Am. bar assns., Sigma Upsilon, Phi Alpha Delta. Roman Catholic. Club: Country (Elmhurst, 111.). Home: 2269 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago, 111. Office: 209 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 4, 111. THOMPSON, James Cotton, pres. The Wacker Corp.; b. Chicago, 111., 15 Feb. 1894; s. William James and Delphia (Cot- ton) T. ; student pub. schs., Chicago and Toledo (O.); m. Ruth Elsie Mirick, 22 Mar. 1919; 1 dau., Phyllis Ruth. With Willys Overland Co., Toledo, 1910-12; Gen. Electric Co., Toledo, 1912-13; Am. Tobacco Co., 1913-17; U.S. Treasury Dept., Washington, D.C., 1917-19; sales mgr. Wertheimer Bros., Baltimore, Md., 1919-28; pres. Metropolitan Co., Toledo, 1928-29; Fred B. Prophet Co., Detroit, Mich., 1929-30, sr. exec. Walgreen Co., Chicago, 1930-36; pres. The Wacker Corp. and divs. The Morrow Mfg. Co., Wells- ton, Ohio, and The Simmons Mfg. Co., of Ashland, Ohio, since 1936; pres. Con- tinental Industrial Engrs., Inc., LaSalle Industrial Finance Corp., Wacker Drive Safe Deposit Co.; dir. Chicago Terminal Nat. Bank. Dir Chicago Opera Co.; trus- tee Chicago Music Foundation. Dir. Town and Country Equestrian Assn. Protes- tant. Club: Electric (gov.), Executives, Rotary. Home: Drake Hotel, Chicago, 111. Office: 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111. CLEAVER, Joseph Benjamin, lawyer; b. Dixon, 111., 2 Sept. 1898; s. Joseph Brierton and May (Canfield) C. ; student Coll. of Law, 1926; m. Helen Louise Univ. of 111., 1922-23; LL.B., Chicago Kent Haas, 25 Sept. 1926; children— Helen Louise, Joseph Burton, Catherine Can- field. Made title examinations, Chicago Title and Trust Company, 1923-25, in charge of branch of trust department, 1925-29; engaged in practice of law since 1929; mem. firm of Kirkland, Fleming. Green, Martin & Ellis, Chicago. Trustee Village of Bannockburn, HI. Mem. Chi- cago Bar Assn., 111. Bar Assn., Delta Theta Phi. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. Club : Mid-Day (Chicago) ; Ex- moor Country (Highland Park). Home: Bannockburn, Deerfield. 111. Office : 33 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, HI. TRESSELL, Harry Shults, actuary and accountant; b. Poland, Ind., 3 Aug. 1893; s. Elijah and Mary Ellen (Shults) T.; A.B., Univ. of 111., 1914; J.D., Univer- sity of Chicago, 1916; studied Univ. of Mich., Northwestern & DePaul Univ., 1 yr. m. Marguerite King; 1 dau. 1 son. Connected with bank 1 year, in war service 2 yrs.; accounting and gen. of- fice work, 1919-21; with Haight, Davis & Haight, actuarial firm, Indianapolis, Ind., 1921-25; actuary and executive of various legal reserve life ins. cos., 1925-32; cons, actuary and accountant, in own name, Chicago, since 1932. Mem. Ind. Certified Pub. Accountants, 111. Pub. Accountants, Am. Inst. Accountants, Illinois C.P.A. Assn., Am. Legion, Chi Psi, Phi Delta Phi; admitted to bar in HI., Ind. and Mont. Presbyterian. Mason (32d deg.). Clubs: Medinah, Illini. Home: 480 Glen- dale, Winnetka, 111. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. KLEIN, Ernest Leopold, pub. relations counsel; b. Chicago, 111., 29 Dec. 1898; s. Leopold and Regina (Schick) K. ; Euro- pean college and univ. edn.; m. Elsie Offenberg, 6 Jan. 1920 (died 5 Dec. 1928) ; 1 dau.— Juliet Florence; m. 2d, Emmy 565 Holstein, 23 May 1930; 1 dau., Regina Lene. Former pub. and editor HI. Statis- Zeitung, 1920-33; pub. Chicagoer-Herald ; editor Nat. Free Press, 1934; asso. pub. Nat. Weeklies, Winona, Minn., 1927-33; pub. official organ Internat. Adv. Conv and World's Adv. Congress, Berlin, Aug. 1927, in five languages; pub. official organ last World's Press Congress, Mex- ico; pres. Midwest Inst, of Pub. Rela- tions, Chicago; dir., All-Bright Electric Products Co., Chicago. Proposed by Pres. Roosevelt to fill Rep. vacancy on R.F.C. as a dir., created by death of former Gov. Blaine of Wis., 1934; declined ap- pointment and accepted another offered by Pres. Roosevelt as one of three mem. of Nat. Advisory Bd. of W.P.A. ; resigna- tion 4 Nov. 1935 not accepted by Pres., who requested him to remain another yr. ; resigned, 1936, to return to pvt. business. Served as oral surgeon with Red Cross in Germany, Belgium and France, 1916-19; with Am. Army of Oc- cupation, Coblenz, Germany, until Dec. 1919. Mem. Am. Legion, B'nai B'rith. Jewish religion. Mason. Clubs: Nat. Press (Washington, D.C.); City (Chica- go). Home: 3172 N. Sheridan Rd., Chi- cago, HI. Office: 64 E. Lake St., Chicago, 111. BRACY, Floyd P., ins. broker; b. Marion, 111., 23 Jan. 1897; s. Samuel L. and Mae (Parker) B. student Southern 111. Normal Univ., 1916-17, Univ. of HI., 1926-27; m. Ruth Woodley, 30 Dec. 1922; children— William Thomas, James Rich- ard. Former teacher, wholesale grocer; gen. ins. broker since 1927. Active in civic development in local community and Southern Illinios. Appointed 111. De- velopment Council by Gov. Henry Horner, 1940; reappointed by Gov. Dwight H. Green, 1942; reappointed by Gov. Dwight H. Green, 1945. Home: 504 S. 16th. Office: 1 N. Park Av., Herrin, m. KUHN, Frederick Tobias, Kuhn & Co. ; b. N.Y. City, 1 Feb. 1888; s. Tobias and Pauline (Oster) K; ed. in pub. sch. of Chicago; m. Aurel Burtis, 18 July 1925; in real estate dept. First Trust & Savings Bank and First Nat. Bank of Chicago, 1908-18; in real estate brokerage business since 1918, specializing in property and industrial economics, reconciling, di- rected economic forces; authority on monetary action, non monetary causes and credit banking. President of Empire Credit Foundation, 1934-37. Contbr. ar- ticles on economics to tech. journals. Home : 2130 Lincoln Park West, Chicago, 111. Office: 22 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. L.UELLEN, John Lasa, Pres. John Lu- ellen & Co.; b. Moravia, la., 18 June 1898; s. Newton Ulysses and Wealthy (Titus) L.; student Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la., 1916-17; m. Amy Vivian Williams, 2 Sept. 1922 (dec. 1933) ; 1 dau. — Carol Elizabeth; m. 2d, Panetta Wal- lace Chase, 15 Dec. 1934. Pres. Con- tinental Music Co., mfrs. musical in- struments, Chicago 1922-38; organized John Luellen & Co., mfrs. and distbrs. of musical mdse., Chicago, 1940. Served as bandmaster, U.S.S. Louisiana, Sept. 1917-Aug. 1919, V.p. Nat. Musical Mdse. Assn. of U.S., 1927-31. Mason. Clubs: Calumet Country, Homewood Rotary. Office: 17034 Page Av., Hazel Crest, 111. GRAY, Otto Earle, physician; b. Wa- bash Co., HI., 20 Nov. 1898; s. George Washington and Martha Jane (Hancock) G.; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1925, M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1929; m. Susan E. Heaney; 1 dau. — Deborah Floy. Interne Univ. of Calif. Service San Francisco Hosp., 1928-30; med. resident Presbyn. Hosp., Chicago, 1930-32, asst. attending phys. since 1932; engaged in pvt. prac- tice of medicine since 1932; asst. in medicine Rush Med. Coll., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1932-33, instr., 1933-37, asso. clin. prof, medicine since 1937, asst. to dean, 1938-40, acting dean since 1940; consul- tant Municipal Contagious Disease Hos- pital since 1935. Lt. col. U.S. Army. Col. M.C. Res., June 1942- Jan. 1946. Mem. Nu Sigma Nu, Lambda Chi Alpha. Dem- ocrat. Episcopalian. Club: University (Chicago). Home: 210 E. Pearson St., Chicago, IU. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, HI. SPITZ, George, lawyer; b. Chicago, HI., 24 Oct. 1902; s. Samuel and Lina (Decker) S.; student Northwestern Uni- versity, 1920-23, Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1926-29; m. Mabel Klomhaus, 15 Nov. 1927; children — John George, Law- rence Vernon, Joan Ellyn. Admitted to 111. bar, 1929; engaged in practice of law, De Kalb, since 1929. Asst. State Atty., De Kalb Co., 111. City atty., Village of Hinckley, HI.; mem. Sch. Bd., De Kalb. Member De Kalb County bar assns. (pres.), De Kalb C. of C. Republican. Mason. Club: Kiwanis (De Kalb). Home: 222 Sycamore Rd. De Kalb, HI. Office: 131 E. Lincoln, De Kalb, HI. HICKEY, Matthew, J., Jr., president Hickey & Co.; b. Chicago, HI., 11 July 1896; s. Matthew J. and Julia (Daly) H.; ed. St. Ignatius College (Chicago); m. 566 Naomi Pope, 4 May, 1922; children- John, Matthew. Thomas, Naomi (dec), Susanne, Jerome. Pres. and dir. Aller- ton Hotel, (Chicago) ; dir. Chicago Rivet & Machine Co., Galvin Mfg. Co. (Mo- torola) ; trustee and executor estate of John P. Harding; dir. mem. exec. com. Gen. Aniline & Film Co. (New York") ; dir. and senior vice pres. Gen. Dyestuff Co. (New York). Member president's council Loyola Univ., Chicago. Member Chicago Athletic Assn. Clubs: Metropol- itan (New York), New York Athletic, Manhattan, Attic, Skyline, Bond (Chi- cago). Home: 921 Private Road, Hub- bard Woods, 111. Address: 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, HI. DEAN, Elizabeth Ingram Harrison Fetridge, clubwoman; b. Chicago, HI.. 22 Feb. 1903; d. William Fowler Mills and Alice Lucille (Anderson) F.; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1926; m. William Armour Dean, 19 Aug. 1924; children- Elizabeth Louise, William Armour. Chair- man ednl. dept. Austin Woman's Club: chmn. com. Troop 149 Girl Scouts of Am. Mem. Parent Teacher Assn. (pres- recording sec, West Side Community Council, Dist. 23), Conf. of Club Presi- ident Key Sch.; pres., Austin High Sch.; dents and Club Chmn., Beta Gamma Upsilon, Phi Omega Pi (nat. pres., 1936- 37; nat. del., Nat. Panhellenic Congress, 1937-38). Republican. Teacher primary dept. Austin Presbyterian Ch., 18 yrs. Clubs: Friday, Fellowship (1st v.p.), Iris Garden Circle. Home: 316 N. Mayfield Av., Chicago, HI. TUCHBREITER Roy, pres. Continen- tal Casualty Co., president Continental Assurance Co.; b. Chicago, HI., 8 June 1894; s. John and Mary (Schuppert) T.; ed. pub. schs., Chicago; m. Lillian Wie- gand. Began in ins. business, Chicago, 1910; with Continental Casualty Co. since 1915, v.p., dir. and supt. agents, 1926-44; pres., dir. and supt. agents since 1944; pres. and dir. Continental Assurance Co. ; pres. Transportation Ins. Co.; chmn. bd. trustees, State Retirement System, HI.; dir. National Casualty Co., Detroit. Dur- ing World War, served as capt., F.A., A.E.F. Clubs: Chicago Golf, The Chicago (Chicago); St. Charles Country (St. Charles, HI.); Dunham Woods Riding (Wayne, HI.). Home: Wayne, 111. Office: 310 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. PORGES, Otto, physician; b. Brandeis, Czechoslovakia, 1 Apr. 1879; s. Samuel and Emilie (Nossal) P.; M.D., Univ. of Prague, 1903; prof, internal medicine (hon.), Univ. of Vienna, 1920; m. Mary Low, 23 Aug. 1917 ; -children— Franziska, Karl. Came to U.S., 1938, naturalized, 1944. Asst. internal medicine, Univ. of Vienna Clinic, 1908-29, chief of clinic, 1929-33; dir. and chief physician, Child's Hosp. and Research Inst, of Vienna, 1933- 38; asso. prof., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., since 1941. Received Knight Franz Josef's Order, officer order of Roumanian Crown. Author of more than 150 scienti- fic papers and books pub. in Austria. Home: 3200 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Office: 25 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. STRAIN, Russell Leon, v. p. Am. Locker Co.; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 5 May 1892; s. Lewis M. and Amanda (An- drews) S.; student Wabash Coll., Univ. of Pa.; m. June Elizabeth Smith, 27 Sept. 1929; children— Mary Elizabeth, Abigail June. Asso. with Public Utility Co., Newcastle, Ind.; salesman, later dist. mgr. Hoosier Mfg. Co., Newcastle, Ind.; field sales mgr. Showers Bros. Co., Bloomington, Ind.; pres. Hoosier-Strain Co., Boston, Mass.; dir. and v.p. Am. Locker Co., Boston, since 1931, located at Chicago since 1933. Served in U.S. Army (A.E.F.) as It. World War. I. Mem. Kappa Sigma. Presbyterian. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Traffic, Western Rail- way, Union League (Chicago). Home: 547 William St., River Forest, HI. Office: 111 N. Canal St., Chicago, HI. SALZMAN, Abraham L., architect and engr.; b. Russia, 21 June 1891; s. William and Ida; student Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111., 1909-12; m. Lillian N. (Narens), 1916; children — Jerome, Mar- shall, Stanley. Engaged in practice as architect since 1914; now mem. A. L. Salzman and Sons Inc., architects and engineers, Chicago; constructed King Solomon's Temple for Century of Prog- gress Expn., Chicago, 1933, in collabora- tion with archeologist, ministry and Ma- sons. Served as dollar a year man dur- ing early part of World War I. Mem. Western Soc Engrs., Armour Alumni Assn. (life), Art Inst, of Chicago (life), B'nai B'rith. Reformed Jewish religion. Home: 3314 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago. HI. Office: 188 W. Randolph St., Chicago, HI. SCHULTE, Walter Biersach, mfg. exec; b. Freeport, HI., 24 Oct. 1888; s. Otto L. and Emma (Biersach) S.; B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1910, Chem. E., 1911; m. Helen I. Denne, 10 Nov. 1937. Chm. engr. C. F. Burgess Labs, Madison, Wis., 1911-37, treas., 1912-18, sec, 1912-35; sec- retary Burgess Battery Company, Chi- cago, 1916-40; established Micro Switch Corporation, mfrs. precision electric 567 switches, 1937, and pres. since. Served with U.S. Signal Corps, U.S. Army, 1918. Mem. Freeport C. of C, Am. Chem. Soc, Electro-chem. Soc, Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Chi Sigma. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32d deg.). Coubs: Rotary (pres.), Madison (Madison Wis.) ; Union League. Tavern (Chicago) ; Chem- ists (N.Y. City); Country (Freeport). Home: 1551 W. Logan St., Freeport, 111. Office: 13 W. Spring St., Freeport, 111. POND, Darwin Brayton, surgeon; b. Hampton, la., 11 Jan. 1879; s. Durlin B. and Sarah (Gates) P.; M.D., Coll. of Medicine and Surgery (Loyola Univ. Sch. of Medicine), 1907; m. Lois Estelle Cor- win, 4 Nov. 1905; children — Mrs. Lauran ette Wilson, Robert Corwin, Darwin Brayton II. Interne Ravenswood Hosp., 1907-08, attending surgeon, chief of staff, 1923-24. Capt. M.C., U.S.A., Apr.-Aug., 1918, maj. Aug. -Dec. 1918; instr. med. of- ficers, Ft. Riey, Kan., and Camp Green- leaf, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. A.M.A., Assn. Mil. Surgeons of U.S., 111. State and Chicago Medical Socs., Am. Legion. Republican. Methodist. Mason (K.T., Shriner). Home* 2111 Sunnvside Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 4753 N. Broadway, Chicago, 111. POUGIALIS, Constantine, artist; b. Corinth, Greece, 29 Nov. 1894; s. Christ and Marigo (Halkas) P.; came to U.S., 1913; student Art Inst. Chicago (111.), 1916-22; m. Margaret Costellos, 20 Dec. 1945. Artist since 1924; instr. Art Inst. Chicago since 1938. Awarded Fuller Holmes prize, 1925, William Randolph Hearst prize, 1931, William H. Tuthill prize, Mr. and Mrs. Jule F. Brower prize, 1935. Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Logan Medal, 1936. Democrat. Mem. Christian Ch. Home: 1402 N. Park Av., Chicago, 111. STEVENS, Walter Judson, judge; b. Kenney, 111., 19 Jan. 1896; s. Charles Al- fred and Lillie Elizabeth (Miner) S.; LL.B., Univ. of 111., 1923; m. G. Berenice Cox, 29 May 1930; 1 son, Walter Judson. Admitted to 111. bar, 1923; engaged in ind. practice of law, Sterling, since 1923. City atty., Sterling, 1935-39; atty., Village of Tampico, 1937-42; co. judge, Whiteside Co., since 21 Aug. 1942; secretary White- side County Rep. Central Com. Served with 327th F.A., 84th Div., A.E.F., 1918- 19. Mem. Whiteside County Bar Assn., 111. State Bar Assn., Am. Legion, Vets. Fgn. Wars, 111. County and Probate Judges Assn. Rock River Country Club. Republican. Mem. Christian Ch., Odd Fellows, Elks, Grange. Club: Gyro In- ternal (Sterling). Home: 304 W. 14th St., Sterling, 111. Office: Lawrence Bldg., Sterling, 111. TRUSSELL, John Carey, lawyer; b. Washington, D.C., 16 July 1905; s. Bern- ard Hopkins and Mary Margaret (Zirkle) T.; A.B., Cornell Univ., 1929; LL.B., Chi- cago-Kent Coll. of Law, 1931; m. Mary Janet Glendon, 21 Dec. 1934; children- Janet Colbert, Joan Craig. Admitted to 111. bar, 1931; law clerk. Burry, John- stone, Peters & Dixon, Chicago, 1929-31, asso., 1931-42; partner, Hassenauer, Mc- Keown & Trussell, Chicago, since 1942; counsel for U.S. Navy Price Adjustment Bd. (Chicago), 1942-46, dir. and gen. counsel Brake Equipment & Supply Co., Certified Gas Equipment Co.; dir. and sec. McKeown Motor Sales, Inc. 2d It., R.O.C., 1926-31. Dir. and mem. Chicago Council, Camp Fire Girls of Am.; sec. of bd. and trustee First Presbyn. Ch. of Chicago (1936-43); sec. bd. of elders First Presbvn. Ch. of Lake Forest, 1944- 46. Mem. Chicago Bar Assn., Am. Jud- cature Soc, Chicago Alumni Assn. of Del- ta Chi (pres.), Delta Theta Phi. Republican. Clubs: Cornell Univ. (pres., 1945-46), Economic, Legal (Chicago). Home: 1055 Beverly PL, Lake Forest, 111. Office: 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. DEFFENBAUGH, Walter Irvin, law- yer; b. Kansas City, Kan., 6 May 1888; s. Adam Watson and Frances May (Ho- ward) D.; B.Pd., Central Mo. State Teachers Coll., 1906; student Univ. of Mo., 1908-10; B.A., Univ. of Mich., 1911: LLB., Harvard, 1915; m. Greta Schell- horn, 1 Julv 1918: children— Dorothea Amanda (Mrs. Kendrick Anderson). Margaret Elizabeth (Mrs. LeRoy Carl- son). Engaged in practice of law, Kan- sas City, Mo., 1915-16; in Chicago since 1916; partner firm of Pope & Ballard. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Chicago Law Inst., 111. Soc, S.A. R. Republican. Mem. Christian Church. Clubs: Union League, Germania (Chi- cago). Home: 2464 N. Deere Park Dr., Highland Park, 111. Office: 120 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. SCHRXVER, Lester Osborne, insur- ance; b. Bristol, Conn., 7 Mar. 1891; s. Milo Seeley and Fannie Caroline (Os- borne) S.; A.B., Syracuse (N.Y.) Univ., 1915; LL.D. (hon.), Lincoln Memorial Univ., 1940; m. Blanche Larkin, 15 Sept. 1915; children — Alice Caroline (Mrs. Richard Kempshall Meyer), Merritt Lar- kin. Ordained Congl. minister, 1916; dir. of edn., Aetna Life Insurance Co., Hart- ford, Conn., 1924-29, gen. agent, Peoria, 111., since 1929. Chmn. Greater Peoria Post War Planning Commn. ; member 568 Greater Peoria Community Fund, and War Fund Bd. ; chmn. Greater Peoria War Finance Com.; mem. bd. Y.M.C.A. and Pub. Health Nursing Bd. ; trustee Lincoln Memorial Univ., MacMurray Coll. Mem. Nat. Assn. of Life Under- writers (p. pres.), Theta Alpha, Theta Nu. Republican. Mason (Blue Lodge, Commandery, Council). Clubs: Country, Creve Coeur (Peoria). Co-author: The Education of Abraham Lincoln, 1940; Some Religious Influences that Sur- rounded Lincoln, 1941; Abraham Lincoln and Log College, 1942; Abraham Lin- coln, Mathematician, 1943. Contbr. of ar- ticles to professional journals. Home: 145 High St., Peoria, 111. Offices: 301-5 S. Jefferson, Av., Peoria, 111. CANNADY, Edward Wyatt, Jr., phy- sician; b. East St. Louis, 111., 20 June 1906; s. Edward Wvatt and Ida Bertha (Rose) C; A.B., Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1927, M.D., 1931; m. Dorothy O. Kohl; children— Edward Wyatt. Jane Marie. Intern in internal med., Barnes Hosp., St. Louis, Mo., 1931-33; asst. res., Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston, Mass., 1933-34; res. phvsician, Barnes Hosp., St. Louis, Mo. 1934-35; fellow in gastroenterology, Washington Univ. Sch. of Medicine, 1935-36; instr. in internal medicine, since 1935; consultant in in- ternal medicine, Washington Univ. Clin- ics, since 1942. Dir. of health service, East St. Louis pub. schs., 1936-37; chmn. med. adv. bd., selective service, since 1941. Fellow Am. Coll. Physicians: mem. A.M.A., 111. State Med. Soc, Am. Heart Assn., HI. Heart Assn. (bd. dirs. and exec, com.), Beta Theta Pi. Nu Sig- ma Nu, Alpha Omega Alpha. Presbyte- rian. Mason. Club: Mo. Athletic, (St, Louis, Mo.). Contbr. sci. articles and pa- pers to various med. jours. Home: 35 Country Club PI.. Belleville, 111. Office: 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., East St. Louis, 111. PHILLIPS, Enos Leslie, lawver; b. Urbana. 111., 18 Feb. 1896; s. John A. and Sally (Lee) P.; student pub. schs., Urbana, 111.; m. Sarah May Connour, 26 May 1917; 1 dau.— Elizabeth Jane (Mrs. Carl W. Knox). Admitted to 111. bar, 1921; asso. in practice of law with Henry I. Green, Urbana, since 1921. Mem. Am., 111. State and Champaign County Bar Assns.; mem. State U.S.O. Com. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason, Elk. Clubs : Rotary (Urbana) ; Union League (Chicago). Home: 506 W. Main St., Urbana, 111. Office: 301 W. Main St., Urbana, 111. LORING, Arthur Aaron, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 27 Oct. 1891; s. Sol and Emma (Lucas) Levisohn; LL.B., Chi- cago-Kent College of Law, 1912; B.S., Chicago Med., 1924, M.D., 1926; m. Helen Goldner, 29 Nov. 1931; 1 dau.— Nancy Helen. Admitted to Illinois bar, 1912, and since in practice at Chicago; mem. firm Levisohn & Levisohn; licensed to practice med., 1926; interneship John B. Murphy Hosp., 1926-27; prof. med. juris- prudence, Chicago Med. Sch. since 1923. Served in U.S. Army, during World War, 1918. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chi- cago bar assns., Am. Med. Assn., 111. State and Chicago med. socs. Home: 1426 N. State Parkway, Chicago, 111. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. CALL, Lloyd Leonard, electrical en- gineer; b. Waterloo, Wis., 16 Feb. 1894; s. Adelbert and Bertha (Kenning) C. : ed. pub. schs. in Wis. and high sch., Beaver Dam, Wis., until 1914; B.S.E.E., Univ. of Wis., 1918, M.S. in Mathematics and Physics, 1920; m. Vera J. Skinner, 29 Dec. 1921; children— Betty Jane, Lo- lita Ann. Electrical engr. with General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y., July- Sept. 1920; research engr. Detroit Edison Co., 1920-22; development engr. Western Electric Co., 1922-25; chief engr. Gen. Electric X-Ray Corp., Chicago, since 17 Aug. 1925. Mem. Co. K, Wis. N.G., 1911- 14; with same co., June- July 1916 (dis- charged on account of defective vision); served in Univ. War Research, under Max Mason, 1918 to end of war. Mem. Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs., Tau Beta Pi. Eta Kappa Nu, Acacia. Conglist. Ma- son. Club: Glen Oak Country, Home: 242 Taylor Av., Glen Ellvn, HI. Office: 2012 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, HI. STONE, Wilfred Schafer, patent law yer; b. Berwyn, 111., 21 July 1904; s. Will- iam and Elizabeth Jessie (Schafer) S.; A.B., Harvard, 1926, LL.B., 1929; m. Mary Elizabeth Kunkel, 23 Dec. 1933; children — William Kunkel, Elizabeth Ann, Dan Frederick. Admitted to 111. bar, 1930, and since practiced in Chi- cago, organizing firm of Stone, Artman & Bisson, since 1942. Past chmn. Glen Ellyn Boy Scout financial drive and the Boy-Scout-Y. M. C. A. financial drive. Mem. Chicago Patent Law Assn., Chi- cago Bar Assn. Republican. Conglist. Club: Union League (Chicago). Home: 620 Davis Terrace, Glen Ellyn, 111. Of- fice: 105 W. Adams St., Chicago 3, 111. CHESHAM, Albert Endersby, chief sec. Salvation Army; b. England, 7 June 1886; s. William and Esther (Endersby) C; m. Julia J. Williams, 22 May 1910; children — Albert Howard, Evelyn Grace (Mrs. Richard Simons), Miriam Eleanor 569 (Mrs. Paul Borel). Came to U.S., 1905, naturalized, 1930. Officer in charge field activities, Salvation Army, since 1907, and successively financial sec, gen. sec, divisional comdr. Northern Div., Kansas and Western Mo. Div., field sec, now chief sec. Club: Rotary (Chicago, 111.). Home: 909 Belleforte Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 719 N. State St., Chi- cago 10, HI. TODD, John Odell, gen. agent life in- surance; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 12 Nov 1902; s. Frank Chisholm and Mary Ma bel (Odell) T.; A.B., Cornell Univ., 1924 m. Katherine Sarah Cone, 21 Feb. 1925 children — John Odell, George Bennett Grain trader, Cargill Elevator Co., 1924 26; special agent, Equitable Life Assur- ance Soc, 1926-28; broker in own office, 1928-31 ; special agent, Northwestern Mu- tual Life Insurance Co., 1931-38; partner, H. S. Vail & Sons, Chicago, 1938-43; Vail and Todd, gen. agents, Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1943-44, sole gen. agent, Chicago, since 1944. Sec- treas. and gen. mgr. The Todd Holding Co.; sec-treas. Irvington Coal and Land Co. Mem. Chicago Life Underwriters As- sociation, Million Dollar Round Table, Sohinx Head, Psi Upsilon. Reoublican. Clubs: Mid -Day, Rotary (Chicago). Home: 405 Grove St., Evanston, 111. Of- fice: 110 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. STAUD, Rudolf William, pub. rela- tions; b. Berlin, Germany, 25 Oct. 1892; brought to U.S., 1909, naturalized; m. Alice Eleanor Sims, 1936. Dir. pub. re- lations and sales promotion, Beniamin Electric Mfg. Co., Des Plaines, Illinois, since 1927. V.p. Illuminating Engring. Soc; president RLM Standards Inst.; mem. Am. Marketing Assn., Nat. Indsl. Advertisers Assn., Nat. Elec Mfrs. As- sociation, Chicago Lighting Inst. Contbr. arts, to prof, pubis. Home: 455 N. North- west Highway, Park Ridge, HI. Office: Des Plaines, 111. SMITH, James MacKinnon, educator; b. Lanstown, 6 Jan. 1894; s. Peter and Jessie (Flett) S.; B.A., McMaster Univ., Toronto, Ont., Can., 1921; M.A., Univ. of Chicago, 1922, grad. student, summers 1924, 25, 26, 29, 33; student Univ. of Wis., 1925; student Univ. of Cal- if., summers 1936-38; m. Mary Elizabeth Hoffman, 24 Dec 1922; 1 son, James MacKinnon. Instr. Univ. of Chicago High Sch., 1921; engaged in indsl. relations work, 1922; instr. Thornton Twp. High Sch., Harvey, HI., 1923-25; supt. Lock- port Twp. High Sch. since 1925. Served with Canadian Army in France and Bel- gium, 1916-18. Vice pres. Will County Tuberculosis Assn.; mem. bd. govs. HI. Assn. for the Crippled. Mem. Nat. Edn. Assn., 111. Edn. Assn. (pres. northeast div.). Am. Assn. Sch. Adminstrs., Nat. Ass. High School Prins., HI. High School Prins. Assn. Will County Sunts. and Prins. Assn. (pres.). Lockport Civic and Commerce Assn. Republican. Baptist. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Judd, Education, Shrine Lunch (Chicago) ; Big Run Golf. Home: 426 E. 9th, Lockport, 111. Office: Lockport Twp. High School, Lockport, HI. HEAPS, Porter Warrington, organist and director of music; b. Chicago, 111., 27 May, 1906; s. Allison Rav and Isabel (Warrington) H. ; Mus. B., Northwestern Univ., 1927, B.A., 1928, M.A., 1931; stud- ied under Marcel Dupre, Paris, sum- mers, 1927, 28 and 29; m. Dorothy Hill, 22 July 1930; children — Barbara Joan, Portia. Organist and dir. music N.E. Church, Chicago, since Sept. 1932; or- ganist Rockefeller Chapel, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1933-34; prof, music, Redlands (Calif.) Univ., 1935; choirmaster, dir. music at St. Matthews Episcopal Ch., Evanston since July 1943; production control mgr. Precise Developments Co.; Radio and Concert performances; dem- onstrator new pipeless electric organ for Hammond Instrument Co. Mem. Am. Guild of Organists, Sigma Nu, Phi Mu Alpha, Pi Kappa Lambda. Winner of nat. prize in organ playing at Sesqui- centennial Expn., Phila., 1926; H. W. Gray Anthem nrize. A™, guild organists, 1 C35. Composer for the organ. Home and studio: 2728 Harrison St., Evanston, 111. MEILICKE, Carl A., calculating ma- chines; b. Windom, Minn., 24 Nov. 1879; s. Emil J. and Minnie (Guderian) M. ; grad. high sch., Windom, 1899; m. Elza Jacoby, 15 June 1905; children — Conrad, Herbert. Cashier First Nat. Bank, Fulda, Minn., 1900-03; served as mgr. lumber co. at Hanley, Saskatchewan, Can., and as mayor of the town, 1904-06; settled in Chicago, 1910; now owner of Meilicke Systems, Inc., mfrs. calculating devices. Member Chicago Assn. of Commerce. Clubs: Tarn O'Shanter, Country. Home: 5423 Winthrop Av., Chicago, HI. Office: 3458-60 N. Clark St., Chicago, HI. CUNNINGHAM, Harrison Edward, university exec; b. Hoosick Falls, N.Y., 29 July 1877; s. Charles Edwin and Min- nie (Potter) C; B.A., Univ. of Vt., 1904; student Univ. of 111., 1911-13; m. Ethel Lord, 18 Aug. 1906. Reporter and editor various newspapers, 1904-06; instr. mod- ern langs. and asst. registrar, Univ. 570 of Vt., 1906-10; asst. registrar, Univ. of 111., 1910-18, sec. bd. trustees since 1914, dir. Univ. Press since 1918; Sec. Univ. Retirement System of 111. since 1941. Dir. and sec.-treas. Urbana Coke Corpora- tion. Mem. Am. Inst. Graphic Arts, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Theta. Republi- can. Conglist. Clubs: University, (Ur- bana). Home: 1111 W. California Av., Urbana, 111. Office: 358 Adminstrn. Bldg., Univ. of 111., Urbana, 111. MILLER, Frank Theodore, lawyer; b. Cologne, Germany; s. Theodore D. and Clara (Miller) M.; brought to U.S., 1882; LL.B., HI. Wesleyan Univ., 1896, special literary course, 1896-99; m. Lilliam Mor- gan, 16 Dept. 1903; children — Jeannette Morgan (Mrs. Val C. Guenther), Lillian Bruce (Mrs. John B. Bontjes, Jr.). Ad- mitted to HI. bar, 1896; started practice of law, Peoria, 1899, mem. law firm Miller, Westervelt, Johnson, Thomason since 1909: dir. Peoria & Bur. Valley R.R. Co., Altorfer Bros. Co., Commer- cial Mchts. Nat. Bank & Trust Co. Pres. Co., advisory bd. Salvation Army. Mem. Phi Gamma Delta. Republican. Clubs: Creve Coeur, Country (Peoria) ; Union League (Chicago). Home: The Oaks, Grand View Dr., Peoria, 111. Office: 1400 First National Bank Bldg., Peoria, 111. SCHWANDER, Jacob John, sec. and treas. Pheoll Mfg. Co.; b. Chicago, 111., 20 Aug. 1890; s. Charles Daniel and Caro- line (Kline) S.; ed. Brainard Pub. Sch. ; student Crane Tech. High Sch., 1903-07; m. Alma Roeseke, 22 Aug. 1912; children —Edward Alexander, Iona Alexandria, Harlan John, Nathalie Barbara, Bryon Derrell. Accounting work C, B. & Q. Ry. Co., 1907-11, 111. Bell Telephone Co., 1911- 18; credit and accounting mgr. Pheoll Mfg. Co., mfrs. screws, nuts and bolts, 1918-26, sec, treas. and dir. since 1926. Club: Illinois Athletic Mem. Controllers Inst., Army Ordance Assn. Home: 165 S. Delaplaine Rd., Riverside, 111. Office: 5700 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago, 111. GILLESPIE, James Bennett, pediatri- cian; b. Traer, la., 2 Oct. 1905; s. James Clay and Bertha Ella (Bennett) G.; B.S., Univ. of la., 1929. M.D., 1929; M.S., Univ. of Minn., 1933; m. Ruth Brown, 10 Nov. 1934 (dec. 1936); 1 son, James Randall; m. 2d, Emily Johnson, 27 Feb. 1939; 1 dau., Emily Jennie. Pediatrician Robert Packer Hosp., Sayre, Pa., 1929-30, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., 1930-33; pedia- trician Carle Hosp. Clinic and Carle Me- morial Hosp., Urbana, 111., since 1933. Major Med. Corps, U.S. Army, since Oct. 1942. Mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Acad. Pedia- trics, Chicago Pediatric Soc, A.M. A, Sig- ma Xi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Nu Sigma Nu. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Golf and Country, Rotary (Urbana). Con- tbr. various med. journals. Home: The Meadows, R.F.D. 3, Urbana, 111. Office: 602 W. University, Urbana, 111. LUX, Joseph Bernard, clergyman; b. Joliet, 111., 25 Feb. 1898; s. Bernard and Elizabeth (Flick) L. ; student Quigley Prep. Sem., Chicago, 111., 1916-20; S.T.b!, North Am. Coll., Rome, Italy, 1923. S.T.L., 1925, S.T.D., 1926; Ordained Roman Catholic priest, 1925; curate, Chi- cago, 111., 1926-33; mem. Diocesan Mis- sion Band, 1933-34; mem. Roman Catho- lic Ch. Extension Soc, 1934, circulation mgr. Mag., 1935, v.p., 1937, mng. dir. since 1940. Club: Areopagites (Founder). Home: 100 W. 18th St., Chicago, 111. Of- fice: 360 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. DOLD, Charles Norman, gen. mgr. Rose Exterminator Co.; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 24 Nov. 1897; s. Charles V. and Anna (Baer) D. ; Ph.B., Denison Univ., 1921; m. Helen Lenore Shumaker, 24 Sept. 1927; children — Charles Norman, John Allen, Robert James, Mary Ann. Salesman for Procter & Gamble Dist. Co., 1921-23; started in exterminating bus. with Rose Co., Cincinnati, O., in 1923; transferred to Chicago office as mgr., July, 1923, gen. mgr. entire com- pany since 1931. Served in inf., World War I. Dir. Chicago Executives' Assn., Chicago Baptist Assn.; trustee Northern Baptist Theol. Sem., Chicago United Mis- sion. Mem. A.A.A.S., 111. Acad, of Sci., Nat. Pest Control Assn. (past pres.), Am. Assn. of Econ. Entomologists, Am. Pub. Health Assn., Am. Legion, Beta Theta Pi. Republican. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: 111. Athletic, Central Lions (Chicago). Home: 1350 Greenwood Av., Wilmette, 111. Office: 1809 W. North Av., Chicago, 111. STEIN, Hilda Anna, asso. prof, zoolo- gy; b. Belleville, 111., 4 Feb. 1895; d. Au- gust L. F. and Sophia (Weygand) S.; Ed.B., Southern 111. State Normal Univ., 1925; M.S., Univ. of 111., 1929, grad. stu- dent, 1929-30, 1943-44. Instr. grade schs., Belleville, 111., 1914-20; instr. high sch., Waterloo, 1922-24 ; supervisor nature study training sch., Southern 111. Normal Univ., 1925-28, mem. zoology dept. since 1930, Univ. Women, (4th yr. as State chmn., legal status); pres. 111. div., 1945-46), asso. prof, since 1930. Mem. Am. Assn. American Association University Profes- sors, A.A.A.S., Nat. Edn. Assn., 111. State Acad. Science, Delta Sigma Epsilon (nat. organizer), Phi Sigma, Sigma Delta Ep- silon, Sigma Xi. Presbyn. Club: League 571 of Women Voters (past pres., Jackson County). Contbr. articles to various sci. periodicals. Home: 809 S. Forest, Car- bondale, 111. Office: Southern 111. Normal Univ., Carbondale, 111. KOENIG, Paul Frederick, lawyer; b. Fort Branch, Ind., 18 Apr. 1889; s. Rev. Charles A. and Ann (Helge) K. ; A.B., De Pauw Univ., 1912; LL.B., Loyola Uni- versity, Chicago, 1916; m. Isabel Koe- nig; 1 dau.— Lois Katharine. Began as clerk in office of Judge Axel Chytraus, Chicago, 1914; admitted to 111. bar, 1916, and practiced with firm of Deneen, Hea- ly & Lee, until 1926; now mem. firm Scott, Koenig and Sakelson, Chicago. Served as It., Co. E. 165th Inf. Rainbow Div., World War I, 20 mos., 1917-19. Rep. primary candidate for judge of Munici- pal Ct., Chicago, 1923, clerk of Appel- late Ct., 1929. Past comdr., Rainbow Post, Vets of Foreign Wars; sec. and mem. bd. dirs., Evangelical Hosp. As- sociation, since 1920; reorganization tr. adminstr., Grant Hosp., 1941-43. Mem. Am. and Chicago bar assns., Sigma Nu. Home: Arlington Heights, 111. Office: 111 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. PICKERING, Wilbur Lawrence, supt. schs.; b. Lexington, 111., 29 Sept. 1903; s. William Clinton and Alice (Brigham) P.; B.A., De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind., 1925; M.A., Univ. of 111., 1933; stu- dent Univ. of Chicago, summer sessions, 1938-43; m. Alma Kennell, 7 June 1925; children — Wilbur Melvin, William Em- merson. Instr. and supt. pub. schs., Or- angeville, 111., 1925-30; supt. schs., By- ron, 1930-35; supt. schs., Ogle County, since 1935. Mem. Phi Delta Kappa. Re- publican. Methodist. Club: Country (Oregon). Home: 400 S. Fourth St., Ore- gon, HI. Office: Court House, Oregon, 111. PIATKIEWICZ, K., editor-in-chief, Po- lish Zgoda; b. Przemysl, Poland; s. Stanislaw and Antonia (Nebresky) P.; student Social and Political Sci. Acad., Cracow, Poland; m. Daisy Frederick, 9 Nov. 1914. Corr. of newspapers, Kra- kow and Lwow, during Balkan Wars, 1912; editor-in-chief, Nat. Courier, N.Y. City; editor-in-chief, Polish Daily Zgoda. Member Polish - Am. Journalists Guild; Polish Nat. Alliance. Roman Catholic. Author: History of Polish National Alli- ance, History of Poles in America (in Polish encyclopedia). Home: 2936 Logan Blvd., Chicago, 111. Office: 1201 Milwau- kee Av., Chicago, 111. CARR, George Russell, mfg. chemist; b. Argenta, 111., 23 Jan. 1877; s. Robert Ferrier (M.D.) and Emily A. (Smick) C; B.S., Univ. of 111., 1901; m. Kather- ine M. Mortenson, 15 July 1913 (dec); children — Mrs. Katherine Henze, Mrs. Martha Fareed. Chmn. bd. dirs. Dear- born Chem. Co.; chmn. bd. Locomotive Firebox Co., Chicago; dir. Apex Ry. Prod. Co., Chicago. Mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Art Inst, of Chicago (life), Chicago Natural History Mus. (life), Chicago Hist Soc. (life). Clubs: Chicago, University. Chicago Athletic Assn., Old Elm, Com- mercial of Chicago, Traffic, Casino, South Shore Country. Home: 209 E. Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Office: 310 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. SCOTT, William Edouard, artist; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 11 Mar. 1884; s. Ed- ward Miles and Caroline Gertrude (Rus- sell) S.; grad. Manual Training High Sch., Indianapolis, 1903; studied art at Art Inst., Chicago, and at Acad. Julian, Colaressi Acad., Beaux Arts Acad., Par- is, also with H. O. Tanner, Etaples, France; m. Esther Elaine Fulks, 15 Mar. 1922; 1 dau. — Joan Edaire. Exhib- ited at Paris Autumn Salon, 1912; Salon La Touquet, 1912; Royal Acad., London, 1913; Art Inst., Chicago, 1915, 16, 17, 18, 27, etc. Represented by mural decora- tions in State House, Springfield, 111.; Allen Co. Ct. House, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Peoples Finance Corp., St. Louis; also (with Robert W. Grafton) murals in First Nat. Bank and High Sch. (Mich- igan City, Ind.), New Fowler Hotel (La- fayette, Ind.), Ct. House Dome (Ft. Wayne), First Nat. Bank (Ft. Wayne) and First Nat. Bank (Edwardsville, Illi- nois) ; picture "Rainy Night in Etaples," bought by City of Indianapolis for perm- anent collection in Herron Art Inst.; "La Pauvre Voisine," purchased by Govt, of Argentine Republic; portraits of President Stenio Vincent, Haiti, W.I. ; Nina Primpeh, King of Ashunti Tribe, West Africa; Colonel William Warfield, Eighth Regiment of 111.: Judge Marv M. Barthelme; Admiral Blackwood, Chica- go; Judge Frank H. Bicke, Juvenile Ct.; two mural paintings, 135th St. Branch, Y.M.C.A., New York; murals in Cook County Juvenile Court, Chicago Munici- pal Tuberculosis Sanitarium. Ebenezer Baptist Ch., also in Felsenthal, Shoop and Ross pub. schs. (Chicago) ; "Blind Sister Mary" purchased by Harmon Foundation and presented to N.Y. Pub. Library; mural painting in Wabash Av. branch Y.M.C.A., Chicago; mural paint- ing "Lincoln and Tad" in Juvenile Ct., Chicago; 26 murals in New Birdsal sec- tion, City Hospital, Indianapolis; 27 mu- rals depicting achievement and prog- ress of Negroes in America; 27 portraits 572 of leading Negroes in modern history including Pushkin, Dumas, and Tousaint Le Overture for American Negro Ex- hibition in Chicago; 6 murals for Prov- idence Baptist Ch., Chicago; life-size portrait of Gov. Holt of W. Va. and of Supt. of Schools W. W. Trent of W. Va.; 15 portraits of notable negroes of the State of W. Va. painted before students of various colleges of W. Va. state; 8 tropical murals, recreation center, Fort Huachuca, Ariz. ; 5 portraits for state of W. Va. to be hung in state capitol; won nat. competition for gov. mural for Re- corder of Deeds Bldg., Washington, D. C. ; recently completed easel painting, "Dedication of Recorder Bldg." having protraits of 25 govt, officials. Made lec- ture tour of schools and colleges of W. Va. Winner Frederick Magnus Brand prize; received special gold medal and Jesse Binga prize, Chicago Art League; Eames MacVeagh prize, Chicago Art League; awarded Julius Rosenwald fel- lowship, 1931, to study types in West Indies for 1 year. Illustrator for mags. Mem. Soc. Western Artists, Chicago Art League (1st pres.), Societe des Beaux Arts (Etaples), South Side Community Art Center (bd. dirs.). Methodist. Clubs: Chicago Assembly, Hoosier, Appomat- tox. Home and studio: 6030 Eberhart Av., Chicago, 111. BOYD, Anna Tomlinson, pianist and teacher; b. Salem, la., d. Thomas Levi and Loretta (Ozbun) Tomlinson; grad. Acad, of Fine Arts, Siloam Springs, Ar- kansas; Western Conservatory, Chicago, 111., 1905; normal diploma, Bush Temple Conserv., Chicago, 1907; grad. Univ. Extension Conserv., 1925; B.M.. Chicago Conserv. of Music, 1930; studied with Leschetizky, Vienna, Austria, and other prominent musicians: m. Robert Lee Boyd, 14 Dec. 1922. Head of piano dept., Teachers Coll. of Colo., 1901-03; head of piano dept., Teachers Collegiate Inst., Mo.; teacher of piano and normal train- ing, Sherwood Music Sch., 10 yrs.; now faculty mem., Midwestern Conservatory. Founder dir., Anna Tomlinson Sch. of Music, Berwyn and LaGrange, 111. Mem. Chicago Artist Assn. (hon. life), Illinois Fedn. of Music Clubs (jr. counselor). Republican. Methodist. Author of num. textbooks. Contbr. arts, to various mus- ical pubis. Home: 6937 34th St., Berwyn. 111. Office: care Midwestern Conserva- tory of Music, 206 S. Wabash Av., Chi- cago, 111. DOTSON, Charles William, lawyer; b. Kankakee, 111., 26 Mar. 1909; s. Charles Oscar and Carrie (Shrontz) D.; A.B., Univ. of 111., 1931; LL.B., George Wash- ington Univ., Washington Univ., Wash- ington, D.C., 1933; m. Adele Jahneke, 15 Nov. 1933; children— Charles J., Lewis Stanton, Adele Townsend. Admitted to bar, 1933; in gen. law practice with firm Herrick & Herrick, Farmer City, 111., 1933-35, state's atty., Douglas County, 111., 1935-40; engaged in pvt. practice, Tuscola and Areola, 111., 1940-42; now in naval service. Commd. It., U.S.N.R., 1942; in active service at sea and in office of judge, adv. gen., 1942-44, legal officer at an advanced base since 1944. Mem. 111. and D.C. bars. Republican. Mem. Ch. of Disciples of Christ. Club: Metropolitan (Washington, D.C). Home: 305 E. Scott St., Tuscola, 111. Office: 108 W. Sale St., Tuscola, 111. KADYK, David James, lawver; b. Ful- ton, 111., 5 Apr. 1897; s. Folkert and Johanna (Buis) K. ; B.A., Univ. of 111., 1919, LL.B.. 1922; m. Helen W. Jackson, 16 June 1923; children — David Jackson, John Amos. Admitted to HI. bar, 1922; city atty., Aledo, 1923-24; asst. atty. gen. of 111., 1925-35; partner law firm Lord, Bissell & Kadyk since 1936. Mem. Am., Illinois State, Chicago bar assn., Inter- national Association Insurance Counsel, Acacia, Phi Delta Phi. Republican. Pres- byterian. Mason. Clubs: Union League, Law (Chicago), Skokie Country. Home: 1172 Hamptondale, Winnetka, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, HI. HELL, Walter Matthew, bookseller; b. Bristol, Eng., 10 Oct. 1868: s. Joseph Dean and Jane (Wittaker) H. ; ed. pub. schs., Bristol; m. Mary Smlding, 27 Oct 1895 (died 1909); 1 dau., Margaret. Came to U.S., 1886, naturalized, 1897. Began as asst. to Charles Jefferies, bookseller, Bristol. 1882; with J. B. Bouton & Co., N.Y. City, 1886, Estes & Lauriat. Bos- ton, Mass.. 1887, A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 1889; bookseller, as Walter M. Hill, Chicago, since 1899. Clubs: Univer- sity, Caxton (Chicago) ; Grolier (New York). An outstanding expert on rare books. Home: 1155 E. 57th St., Chicago, 111. Office: 25 E. Washington St., Chi- cago, 111. ASHLEY, Clifford Alexander, engineer : b. Wheaton, 111., 5 Oct. 1888; s. John Hector and Marion (Mills) A.; ed. Wheaton (111.) High Sch., 1902-06; Ar- mour Inst., Chicago, HI., 1913-14; m. Isadore Compton, 1 Sept. 1917. Began as chainman and rodman, and successively, draughtsman, asst. engr. and surveyor for city engr. and county surveyor, Wheaton, 111., 1906-13; city engr., Naper- ville, 111., 1913-17; since 1919; partner 573 Wells Engineering Co., municipal engrs. and surveyors for 9 'cities, Geneva, 111. Served as pvt. to 1st It. with U.S. Army, World War I. Mem. Western Soc. of Engrs., Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs., 111. Soc. Engrs. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason. Home: 506 N. West St, Wheaton, HI. Office: Court House, Geneva, 111. MERKLE, Frank Peter, mem. Chicago Stock Exchange; b. Chicago, 111., 8 Aug. 1888; s. Matthew and Susan (Paulin) M.; ed. Chicago (111.) pub. schs., De Paul Univ., Univ. of Chicago; m. Alice H. Remien, 1920 (dec.) ; m. 2d, Leona H. Voris, 30 June 1923; children — Barbara Voris, Frank Peter, William Danforth. Began as salesman in dairy bus., 1910; pres. Merkle Dairy Co., 1920-28, when co. merged with Bowman Dairy Co.; en- gaged in stock and bond bus., 1929-35; div. sales mgr., Seeburg Corp., Chicago, 1935-40; sales director, Herbert Corpora- tion, Chicago, 1940-41 ; pres. Dunne Con- struction Co. (housing) Flying-Merkle Co. (aircraft hangars, aircraft distribu- tors). Served as capt., U.S. P.A., World War I. Pilot, Civil Air Patrol during World War II, also spl. duty, bur. of ships, U.S. Navy. Catholic. Clubs: Chi- cago Yacht, Lake Shore (life) (Chicago). Home: 225 Leicester Rd., Kenilworth. 111. TROXELL, Edwin Eldie, business pub- lisher; b. Paxton, Ind., 29 Mar. 1895; s. Simon P. and Candace (Daily) T. ; B.A., DePauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind., 1916; M.A., Univ. of Chicago Sch. of Commerce and Adminstrn., 1925; m. Naoma Scott, 26 Mar. 1927. Reporter, Nonpareil, Council Bluffs, 1916-17; prof, journalism and adv. Coll. of Commerce, Univ. of Toledo, 1917-22, Chicago, 1922-24 ; prof, marketing (nart time) Coll. of Com- merce, DePaul Univ., 1922-24, full time, 1924-26; asso. editorial dir., Dartnell Corp., 1926-29; publisher of Mfrs. News Inc., since 1939, a management maga- zine for major midwest indsl. execs, and directory of 111. Mfrs., sec, treas., dir.. gen. mgr. Manufacturer's News, Inc. Mem. Delta Tau Delta, Tau Kappa Alpha, Sigma Delta Chi. Republican. Home: 1019 N. Massaoit Av., Chicago, HI. Office: 624 S. Michigan Av., Chi- cago, HI. FOREMAN, Edwin G., Jr., advertis- ing executive; b. Chicago, 111., 30 June 1898; s. Edwin G. and Rose (Kohn) F. ; ed. Chicago schs. and Northwestern Uni- versity; m. Helen Friedman, 27 Dec. 1919; children — Mrs. Malcolm N. Smith, Joan Katherine Foreman. Started as messenger and became vice pres. and dir. The Foreman Nat. Bank and The Foreman Trust & Savings Bank; later vice pres. Blackett Sample Hummert Advertising Agency, R.C.A. Mfg. Co.: pres. The Foreman Co.; now vice pres. and mgr. Chicago office of Al Paul Lef- ton Co. Advertising Agency. Served in the U.S. Navy World War I. Mem. Am. Legion, Soc. 40 and 8. Mason (32d deg.) Shrine, Moose. Clubs: Lake Shore Coun- try, Tavern, Lake Shore Fishing, Cen- tral Mfg. District. Home: 945 Valley Rd., Glencoe, HI. Office: Tribune Tower, Chicago, HI. BOROUGHF, Arthur Everett, lawyer: b. Erwin, S.D., 20 Oct. 1896; s. Wesley Alfred and. Cora (Everett) B.; grad. Ft. Morgan (Colo.) High Sch., 1914; A.B., Yankton (S.D.) Coll., 1920; J.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1923; m. Marie McDonough, 6 Sept. 1922; 1 dau.— Ellen Everett. Practicing in Chicago since 1923; mem. law firm Friedlund, Levin & Friedlund; sr. atty. for Securities and Exchange Commn., June 1937-Dec. 1943. Served in U.S. Navy, World War. Mem. HI. State and Chicago bar assns., Phi Alpha Del- ta. Republican. Clubs: Union League, Collegiate. Home: 5842 S. Stonv Island Av., Chicago, HI. Office: 31 S. Clark St., Chicago, HI. LUNDQUIST, Paul Eugene, business exec; b. Chicago, 111., 11 Apr. 1897; s Carl and Ida (Johnson) L. ; student Cur- tis Grammar and High schs., Chicago, 1900-17; later studied in night schs.; m. Margaret John, 2 July 1921; 1 dau. — Pa- tricia Ann. Clk., Mut. Life Ins. Co. of New. York, 1917-18; dept. mgr., HI. Life Inst. Co., 1919-21; bond salesman, North- ern Trust Co., 1921-29; sales mgr., v.p and resident mgr., G. L. Ohrstrom & Co., 1929-39; v.p. and dir. Bond & Good- win, Inc. of 111., 1939-42; v.p. Republic Drill and Tool Co., Chicago, 111., since 1942; dir. Kansas City (Mo.) Suburban Water Co. Served with U.S. Navy, 1918- 19, hon. disch., 1919. Methodist. Clubs: Attic (Chicago, 111.) ; Sunset Ridge Coun- ry (Winnetka, 111.) Home: 1519 Hin- man Av., Evanston, HI. Office: 322 S. Green St., Chicago, 111. THOMSON, Metellus, Jr., lawyer; b. Kenton, O., 23 Mar. 1892; s. Metellus and Bessie (Walker) T.; LL.B., Univ. of Minn., 1919; m. Stella Fippen, 15 Oct. 1923; children — Katholive, Metellus, Jane. Admitted to Minn, bar, 1919, 111. bar, 1920; engaged in practice of law, Chicago, since 1920; partner law firm Defrees, Fiske, O'Brien & Thomson. With U.S. Army, 1917-19; served as 2d It. F.A., attached to A.C. Mem. Am., 574 111. and Chicago bar assns., Legal Club (Chicago), St. Andrews Soc, Phi Delta Phi. Democrat. Home: 1434 Estes, Chi- cago, 111. Office: 105 S. La Salle St., Chi- cago, HI. HOFFMAN, George Edward, mfg.' exec; b. Trenton, N.J., 12 Aug. 1883; s. John George and Alvina (Padderatz) H. ; student James Prep. Sch., Trenton, N.J., 1901-03; m. Cora Marie Goeke, 17 Nov. 1909; 1 son— George Edward. Ste- nographer Murray, Griffith & Messier, Trenton, N.J., 1900-05; office mgr., later sales mgr., sec. The Monument Pottery Co., 1905-19; sales mgr. Trenton Potter- ies Co., 1919-29, v.p. and dir. since 1929; mgr. sales Crane Co. since 1929; dir. The Crane Enamelware Co., Chattanoo- ga. Dir. Y.M.C.A. Hotel, Chicago. Mem. Chicago Assn. Commerce. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (Shriner). Club: Union League (Chicago). Home: 928 Judson Av., Evanston, 111. Office: 836 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. STOWELL, Maude Swits, osteopathic physician; b. Cherry Valley, HI., 14 Jan. 1892; d. Frank Potter and Mary (Hovey) Swits; D.O., Chicago Coll. of Osteopathy, 1922; m. Arthur G. Stowell, 16 June 1923 (separated); 1 dau.— Barbara Elaine. Osteopathic physician in Rockford, HI., since 1922; maintains a "Restorium" for care of elderly ladies. Mem. Am. Os- teopathic Assn., 111. Osteopathic Assn., Osteopathic Women's Nat. Assn. (past 2d vice pres.), Acad, of Applied Osteo- pathy, D.A.R., Colony of New England Women. Republican. Lutheran. Order of Eastern Star, White Shrine of Jerusa- lem. Address: 849 N. Main St., Rockford, 111. GORMAN, Wilbur Arthur, investment securities; b. Chicago, HI., 20 Sept. 1900; s. William James and Josephine Marie (Sharp) G.; grad. Washington High .Sch., Cedar Rapids, la., 1919; student Amhert Coll., 1919-21; LL.B., Chicago- Kent Coll. of Law, 1924; m. Marion Elizabeth McGee, 29 Mar. 1934 (dec); m. 2d, Louise Quinn, 23 Jan. 1937. Bond trader with J. S. Bache & Co., Chicago. 1921-23; sales mgr. with Shapker, Stuart & Co., 1923-26; mgr. bond dept. Packer. Cook & Co., 1926-29; mgr. Chicago office for Guibord, White & Co. of N.Y., 1929; v.p. Investment Securities Corp., 1929- 31; v.p. Link, Gorman & Co., Ind. invest- ment securities, 1931-42, pres. since 1942. Mem. Phi Delta Phi, Chi Psi. Republi- can. Mem. Glencoe Union Ch. Club: Skokie Country. Home: 992 Eastwood Rd., Glencoe, 111. Office: 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. HERMAN, Raymond E., real estate; b. Woodstock, 111., 2 Aug. 1883; s. Henry G. and Mary Rhoda (Hakes) H. ; desc. on maternal side of ancestor who settled at Roxbury, Mass., 1640; prep, edn., Hyde Park High Sch.; student Dart- mouth Coll., 1902-04; m. Carolyn Phelps Weaver, 28 Aug. 1909; children— Grant, Randolph, Hamilton. Engaged in real estate business in Chicago since 1907. Mem. Chicago Real Estate Bd., Nat. Assn. Real Estate Bds., Dartmouth Col- lege Alumni Assn., Delta Kappa Epsi- lon, S. A. R. Republican. Protestant. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Association, Re- alty, Coleman Lake Club, Camp Fire Club of Chicago. Home: 328 N. Linden Av., Highland Park, 111. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. CULVER, Alvin Howard, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 9 Mar. 1873; s. Morton and Eugenia M. (Taylor) C; A.B., North- western Univ., 1893; LL.B., 1895; m. Jean Gehan, 1907; children— Alvin S., Jeanne L., Eleanor, Howard F. Taught night sch., 1894-95; in law office of Paden & Gridley, 1895-1902; mem. law firm of Gridley, Culver & King, 1902-10, then Culver & King, later Culver, Andrews & King, and successively Culver, Andrews, King & Cook, Culver, Andrews, King & Stitt, now Cluver and Mendelson. Rep. candidate for judge Circuit Court of Cook County, 1939. Mem. Am., ill. State and Chicago bar assns., Chicago Law Inst., Northwestern Univ., Gen. Alumni Assn., Northwestern Assn. of "N" Men. Repub- lican. Home: 1750 Birchwood Av., Chi- cago, 111. Office: 160 N. La Salle St.. Chicago, HI. McELRAITH, Evan John, gen. mgr. Chicago Surface Lines; b. Marlboro, Ont.. 28 Sept. 1886; s. Alexander Foster and Sarah (Charland) McL; came to U.S.. 1903, naturalized, 1917; M.E., Univ. of N.D., 1907; m. Beth Bemis, 26 Nov. 1912: children — Janet, Beth (Mrs. Robert Hen- och), Evan John, Donald Neil. Various positions engring. and constrn. work, 1906-12; instr., Cornell Univ., 1907-10; supt. of way and structure, Stone & Webster, Seattle, Wash., 1913-19; supt. way and structure, supt. rolling stock and shops, operating mgr., elevated and subway lines, Phila. (Pa.) Rapid Tran- sit, 1919-23; staff engineer Chicago Sur- face Lines, 1923-45, general manager since Jan. 1945. Member Board Super- vising Engineers, Chicago, Traction. Mem. Am. Transit Assn., Inst. Traffic Engrs., Phi Delta Theta. Republican. Conglist. Clubs: Union League, Econom- ic (Chicago); Glen View Golf (Golf, 111.). 575 Home: 1501 Hinman Av., Evanston, 111. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. MISNER, Paul James, educator; b. Otisville, Mich., 3 Aug. 1899; s. James and Mary (Craig) M.; B.A., Mich. State Normal Coll., 1926; M.A., Univ. of Mich., 1927, Ph.D., 1935; m. Edith Warren; chil- dren—Patricia, Judith, Carol. Supt. schs . Otisville, Mich., 1923-25; asst. dir. coll extension dept. Mich. State Normal Coll., 1928-35; supt. schs., Glencoe, 111., since 1935; spl. lecturer, elementary edn. Northwestern Univ. since 1935. Mem. Prog. Edn. Assn., Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Delta Pi. Author: Democracy in School Administration (with George R. Koop- man, Alice Miel), 1943. Contbr. articles to Childhood Education, Progressive Ed- ucation, Nation's Schs., Ednl. Leadership. Home: 666 Greenwood Av., Glencoe, 111. Office: South School, Glencoe, 111. DAWSON, Dave, gen. agent life ins.; b. Winchester, 111., 22 June 1904; s. Orns- by and Emma (Kastrup) D.; B.S., Univ. of 111., 1926; Chartered Life Underwriter, Am. Coll. of Life Underwriters, 1932; m. Helen M. McClarey, 29 Dec. 1929; 1 dau,, Dianne Kathryn. Life underwriter, Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co., Chicago, 1926-35; mgr. Chicago office: Mutual Trust Life Ins. Co., 1936-37, dir. of sales, Mich., Ohio and Ind., 1938-41, asst. dir. of agencies, Am. Reserve Life Ins. Co., Omaha, Neb., 1943; mgr. Dave Dawson Agency, Home Life Ins. Co. of N.Y., Chicago, since 1943. Served with R.O. T.C., Univ. of Illinois, 1922-26. Member Chicago Assn. of Life Underwriters, Chi- cago Chartered Life Underwriters Soc, Life Agency Mgrs. Assn., Life Ins. and Trust Council, Am. Soc. of Chartered Life Underwriters. Phalanx, Tau Delta Tau, Delta Sigma Pi, Alpha Delta Sigma, Pi Delta Epsilon. Republican. Episcopa- lian. Mason (De Molay). Club: Ilini (Chi- cago). Home: 96 Sheridan Sq., Evanston, 111. Office: One N. La Salle St., Chicago, ni. MELLINGER, Aubrey Hugo, pres. 111. Bell Telephone Co.; b. Arcanum, Ohio, 27 Sept. 1881; s. James Monroe and Lcuise (Ritter) M.; M.E. in elec. engring., Ohio State Univ., 1905; m. Carolyn Bunting, 28 Sept. 1910; 1 dau., Carolyn Louise. Engring. and exec, posi- tions N.Y. Telephone Co., 1905-28; gen. mgr. Chicago area, 111. Bell Telephone Co., 1928-30, v.p. and dir., 1930-38, pres. since 1938; dir. A.,T.&S.F. R.R. Harris Trust & Savings Bank Dir. Mus. Science and Industry, Chicago Assn. of Com- merce, Community and War Fund Met. Chicago. Trustee Civic Fedn. and Bur. of Pub. Efficiency; mem. exec. com. Chicago Community Fund; mem. bd. of trustees Northwestern Univ.; chmn. Chicago Plan Commn. Mem. Delta Tan Delta. Clubs: Commercial, Chicago, Eco- nomic, Tavern, Ohio Soc. of Chicago, Glen View, Executive. Home: Ambas- sador Hotel, Chicago, 111. Office: 212 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. SAILOR, Lewis John, clergyman; b. Colfax, 111., 26 June 1894; s. Daniel D. and Cora (Bowen) S. ; student Olivet (111.) Academy, 1909-13, Asbury Coll , Wilmore, Ky., 1915; Asbury Sem., 1913- 15; B.A., Hedding Coll., Abingdon, 111., 1916; m. Bernice Bridgford, 26 June 1917; 1 son, Danton Bridgford. Ordained Meth- odist minister, 1916; pastor, North Hen- derson, 111., 1916, La Harpe, 1916-18, Avon, 1919-22, Lewiston, 1923-27, Bushnell, 1928-33, Galva. 1934-35; asso. dir. Weslev Foundation Univ. of 111., 1935-38; pastor First Meth. Ch., Rantoul, 1938-43; now pastor First Methodist Church, Chilli- cothe, 111. Conference visitor Bd. of Trus- tees, MacMurray Coll., Mem. 111. Agrl. Assn. Home: 247 N. 6th St., Chillicothe. 111. Office: First Methodist Ch., N. Sixth at Chestnut St., Chillicothe, 111. PINKERTON, Ralph Roy, electrical engr.; b. Chicago, 111., 13 May 1893; s. Matthew Worth and Ann Emma (Black) P.; grad. University High Sch., Chicago, 1912; B.S. in Elec. Engring., Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind., 1917, E.E., 1923; m. Florence Margaret Nicol, 27 Apr. 1921; children — Mrs. Nancy Hayden, Margaret Micol. Served as It. U.S. Navy, 1917-19; engaged in engring. work for Near East Relief, in Turkey, Syria and Armenia, 1919; with U.S. Gypsum Co., Chicago, 1920; electrical construction engr. for Sanitary Dist. of Chicago since 1921. Mem. Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs., Phi Gamma Delta. Mason. Club: Chicago Athletic. Home: 7945 Crandon Av., Chi- cago, 111. Office: 700, 910 S. Michigan Av., • Chicago, 111. MEREDITH, Oscar Franklin, banker; b. Larned, Kans., 2 Feb. 1887; Benjamin Frederick and Sarah (Smith) M.; stu- dent pub. schs. Kan. and Mo. ; m. Gladys Eames, 31 May 1913. Clerk Continental & Commercial Nat. Bank, Chicago, 111., 1912-18; salesman, later sales mgr. Bayne, Hine & Co., N.Y. City and Chi- cago, 1918-22 ; v.p. Bank of America, N.Y City, 1923-28; v.p. Foreman Nat. Bank. Chicago, 1928-31; v.p. in charge Div. E., First Nat. Bank of Chicago, 1931-44; re- tired 16 Mar. 1944. Republican. Meth- odist. Mason. Clubs: Executives, Chicago Athletic Assn., Westmoreland Country 576 (Wilmette, 111.). Home: 2112 Kenilworth Av., Wilmette, 111. Office: 33 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. KARLOWICZ, Jadwiga, editor, writer; b. Myszyniec, Poland, 15 Oct. 1902; d. Alexander and Anna (Purzycka) Abram- czyk; ed. in schs. in Poland; student Gymnasium of Madame Venceslava Peretiatkowicz, Kiev, 1914-20, Warsaw Sch. of Journalism, 1938-39; m. Marian Karlowicz, 21 Nov. 1921; children— Titus Marian (U.S. Navy), Ada, Wanda Jad- wiga. Came to U.S. 1922, naturalized, 1928. Poet and writer in Polish papers in U.S. since 1926; editor Polish Women's Voice, Chicago, since 1939. Mem. Pol- ish Am. Journalists Guild. Author: His- toria Zwiazku Polek w Ameyce— History of The Polish Women's Alliance of Amer- ica, 1938; Plonace Skrzydia- Wings Aflame, 1944. Contbr. poems, short stories and articles to various pubis, in U.S. and abroad. Home: 2653 N. New England Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 1309 N. Ashland Av., Chicago, 111. LUEDER, Arthur Charles, state audi- tor; b. Elmhurst, 111., 12 Mar. 1876; s. John and Juliane (Brumund) L.) student Elmhurst Coll., 1885-90, Chicago Law Sch.; m. Martha R. Mueller, 6 Apr. 1904; children— Roland G., Ruth H. (Mrs. Frank E. Wardecker). Employed by Madlung & Eidmann, real estate, 1890- 1902, later engaged in real estate bus. independently ; postmaster, Chicago, 1921- 33; became pres. Manhattan Brewing Co., 1933; auditor State of 111. since 1940. Served with First 111. Vol. Inf. in Cuba in 1898. Pres. Uhlich Orphan Home, Chi- cago, since 1938. Former sec. Chicago Real Estate Bd.; former sec. and treas. Cook County Real Estate Bd. Former mem. Police Pension Bd. (Chicago): mem. Elmhurst Coll. Alumni, Chicago Law Sch. Alumni, Chicago Hist. Soc, Chicago Natural History Museum., Art Inst., Vet Corps (131st Inf.), U.S. War Vets., Old Timers Baseball Assn. Clubs: German of Chicago (past v.p., past treas.), Germania Club (former dir.), Sangamo. Home: 636 Patterson Av., Chi oago, 111. Office: Capitol Bldg., Spring- field, 111. and 33 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. CUSHING, Royal Barrows, lawyer; b Providence, 111., 23 Jan. 1875; s. George Barrows and Hannah Wolcott (Pomeroy) C; A.B., Knox College, Galesburg, 111., 1897; LL.B., Columbia Univ. Law School, 1902; m. Inez Griswold, 1 Sept. 1903; 1 son, John Caleb. Began practice in N.Y. City, 1902; moved to Chicago. 1908; mem. firm Knapp, dishing, Hershberger & Stevenson and predecessor firms since 1916; gen. Counsel E. J. & E. Ry. Co. since 1944. Mem. 111. State and Chicago bar assns. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs : University, Mid-Day (Chicago) ; Chicago Golf Club (Wheaton, Illinois) : Bureau Valley Country Club (Princeton, 111.). Home: Hawthorne Lane, Wheaton, 111. Office: 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. HOADL.EY, Arthur George, chain store exec; b. Ft. Edward, N.Y., 5 Oct. 1881: s. George A. and Ida (Burtch) H. ; stu- dent Swarthmore Coll., 1898-1901; m. Helen Kyle 8 Oct. 1906; children— Ger- trude K. (Mrs. Frank J. Dyer), Eleanor T. (Mrs. Frank B. Hutchinson), David A. Steel worker, 1902-03; engaged in bldg. constrn., 1904-17; asso. with The Great A&P Tea Co. since 1917, dir. since 1929. pres. middle western div. since 1925. Mem. Phi Kappa Psi. Republican. Chris- tian Scientist. Club: South Shore Country (Chicago). Home 4921 Dorchester Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 2622 N. Pulaski Rd., Chicago, 111. ATLEE, Zed Jarvis, engr.; b. Seattle. Wash., 4 Mar. 1907; s. Henry Jarvis and Elsie Maude (Higgins) A.; B.S. in E.E., Oregon State College, 1929, D. Engr., 1943; m. Verene Hendricksen, 3 June 1929; children — Joyce Aives, William Slater. In research lab. Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y., 1929-32; with Gen. Electric X-Ray Corp. since 1932, chief engr. vacuum tube engring. dept. Mem. Am. Soc. for Metals, Phys. Soc. Physics Club of Chicago, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Tau. Home: 405 Washington St., Elmhurst, 111. Office: care Gen. Electric X-Ray Corp., 2012 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. SACKETT, Samuel Jefferson, owner Oil Investments Limited; b. Parsons, Kan.; s. Samuel Jefferson and Emma (Melville) S.: student Kan. State Coll.. and Liberal Arts at Univ. of Mich., 1898, 1899, 1900; LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1903: m. Hazel Shelton Reid, 2 Apr. 1907; 1 dau., Elizabeth Reid (Mrs. Reginald Davis Crocker). Admitted to bars of Mich., 1903, Colo., 1904, 111., 1928; en- gaged in law practice, Durango and Den- ver, Colo., 1903-23; connected with office of attorney gen. of Colo, early in career and public administrator of City and County of Denver, Colo., 1919-21; develop- ing oil properties in Okla. and Tex. and refining in Canada, full time, since 1934; owner Oil Investments Limited, Regina Saskatchewan, Canada (successor to Pe- troleum Securities Limited), since 1934; pres. Hi-Way Refineries, Ltd., Ont. Sas- 577 katchewan and Alberta, Can., since 1934; v.p. and dir. Candaian Exploration Co. of Denver (Colo.) since 1926; citrus fruit growing in Rio Grande Valley, Texas. Mem. Northeast Park Dist. (past pres.) of Evanston, 111. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., S.R., Delta Tau Delta. Republican. Conglist (past chmn. bd. trustees First Ch. of Evanston). Clubs : University (Evanston) ; Glen View (Glenview, 111.) ; The Cliff Dwellers (Chi- cago) ; The Chicago Farmers, The West- erners (Chicago), Assiniboia (Regina, Saskatchewan, Can.). Home: 2430 Orring- ton Av., Evanston, 111. Office: 230 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. LYTLE, Hal McLeod, public relations officer; Chicago Rapid Unionist Co., Chi- cago North Shore and Milwaukee Rail- road; b. Jackson, O., 3 Apr. 1888; s. John Ashley and Mary Belle (Davis) L.; student Univ. of 111., 1904-08; m. Rena Gunnarson, 12 June 1913. Editorial dept. Chicago (111.) Inter Ocean, 1908-13; editorial dept. Chicago Record Herald. 1913-15, financial editor, 1915-18; editorial dept. Chicago Tribune to 1919; advt. work, Commonwealth Edison Co., Pub. Service Co. of Northern 111., 1919-25; v.p. Chicago Rapid Transit Co.; v.p. Chi- cago North Shore & Milwaukee R.R. : v.p. Chicago, Aurora & Elgin R.R., 1925- 34, now public relations officer of these companies; dir., Chicago, Aurora and El- gin R.R., Metropolitan Motor Coach Co. Mem. Am. Transit Assn. Republican. Ma- son (32d deg., K.T., Shriner). Home: 455 Oakdale Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. LEACH, George Thatcher; b. St. Paul, Minn., 21 Nov. 1888; s. Ferry Wm. and Maud (Shipley) L. ; B.A., Dartmouth, 1911; m. Marjorie Woodcock, 1913 (dec); children — Marjorie Leach McKinney, S/- Sgt. Arthur Burtis, Major Ferry William (killed in action), Lt. j/g Lindsay Wood- cock; m. 3d, Parie Nabors Petty, 1925; 1 son — Captain Don Green Petty. In in- vestment business since 1911; now real estate broker; dir. Godchaux Sugars, Inc. Mem. Alpha Delta Phi. Republican. Pres- byterian. Club: University (Chicago). Home: 999 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Office: 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111 KEENEY, Albert F., realtor; b. De? Moines, la., 1 Oct. 1872; s. John M. and Ellen (Prickett) K.; ed. Southern 111. State Normal Sch., Carbondale; m. Har- riett E. Sayre, 29 July 1903; children- Harriett Ellen (Mrs. Cornelius B. Os- good), Virginia (Mrs. James E. Howie). Engaged in real estate business in Chi- cago since 1895; alderman from 27th Ward, 1899-1903; mem. 45th HI. General Assembly; mem. Special Park Comm., Chicago, 1907-08; apptd. mem. Mayor Busse's Cabinet, 25 May 1908 and served until the Spring of 1911. Mem. Chicago Real Estate Bd., Oak Park Real Estate Bd., HI. Assn. of Real Estate Bds., Nat. Assn. Real Estate Bds., S.A.R. Art Inst., Chicago (life), Field Museum of Nat- ural History (life), 111. State Hist. Soc, Chicago Hist. Soc. (life), West Side Hist. Soc. (life). Republican. Congregationalist. Mason (Shriner, Medinah Temple, life). Moose. Clubs: Austin Kiwanis, Medinah Country, Oak Park Country, Four Sea- sons (111.), St. Andrews Soc, Hamilton, Y.M.C.A. Home: 5849 Race Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 5612 North Av., Chicago, 111. GOWER, Benjamin Gray, lawyer; b. Kankakee, 111., 31 Jan. 1900; s. Eben B. and Mary (Gray) G. ; B.A., Univ. of Mich., 1923; J.D., Northwestern Univ., 1924; m. Julie Paradis, 8 Jan. 1938. Ad- mitted to 111. bar, 1925; partner law firm Gower, Gray & Gower, Kankakee, since 1925; dir. State Bank of Herscher, 111., Kankakee Citizens System, Brodley State and Savings Bank. Master in chancery, Kankakee, 1928. Served with U.S. Navy, 1918. Mem. HI. State and Kankakee Bar Assns., Am. Legion, Phi Gamma Delta. Republican. Methodist. Mason, Elk. Home: 1097 Elm Av., Kankakee, 111. Of- fice: City Nat. Bank Bldg., Kankakee, 111. HULMAN, Anton, Jr., president, Hul- man and Company; b. Terre Haute, Ind., 11 Feb. 1901; s. Anton and Grace (Smith) Hulman; B.S., Yale Univ., 1924; m. Mary Fendrich, 6 Oct. 1926; 1 dau.— Mary Antonia. Pres. Hulman and Co., Rich- mond Gas Corp., Terre Haute Industrial District Co.; chmn. Board of Indianapo- lis Motor Speedway Corp., Board of In- diana Gas & Chemical Corp., Terre Haute Gas Corp.; vice-pres. and dir. Princeton Mining Co. ; dir. Public Service Co. of Indiana, Terre Haute First Nation- al Bank, Citizens Independent Telephone Co., Terre Haute Brewing Co., Hulman Foundation, Indiana State Teachers' Col- lege Foundation, Rose Dispensary, Citi- zens Mutual Heating Co., Terre Haute Realty Corp.; chmn., Indiana Flood Con- trol and Water Resources Commission, Sanitary Enginering Research Advisory Board of Purdue Univ. Mem, Advisory Com. of National Rivers and Harbors Congress; mem. Bd. of Managers of Rose Polytechnic Inst., Pres. Board of Trus- tees of Indiana State Farm; pres. Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce, Wabash Valley Civic Music Assn. and Community Chest. Chmn. Vigo County Tuberculosis 578 Christmas Seal Campaign (for past four | yrs.)- Member State Advisory Com. U.S. Savings Bond Division; Executive Com. of Vigo County Veterans Assistance Center. Faculty Associate in School of Business at Indiana Univ. Clubs: Yale (New York), Chicago Athletic, Cat Cay (Bahamas), Press Club of Indianapolis, Indianapolis Athletic. Home: 1327 S. 6th St., Terre Haute, Ind. Office : Hulman and Co., Terre Haute, Ind. GETZ, George Fulmer, Jr., pres. and dir. Globe Corp.; b. Chicago, 111., 4 Jan. 1908; s. George Fulmer and Susan Daniel Daniel (Rankin) G. ; student Choate Sch. ; m. Olive Cox Atwater, 17 Jan. 1933; chil- dren — George Fulmer, III, Bert Atwater. Spent three years learning coal business with Eureka Coal & Dock Co. ; pres. and dir. Globe Corp., coal yards, real estate, printing and investments, Chicago, 111., since 1938; chmn. Getz Coal Co. since 1939; Dir. Upper Av. Nat. Bank, Super- heater Company, Chicago National League Ball Club. Director Chicago Crime Commission.; member 111. Repub- lican Finance Com. Chicago Transit Au- thority; v.p. and dir. Junior Achievement of Chicago; director Met. Junior Achieve- ment (N.Y. City) ; trustee Chicago Zool. Soc, Chicago Yacht Club. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Racquet, Chicago, South Shore Country, Yacht (Chicago) ; Glen View (Golf, 111.); Key (Cat Cay, Bahamas); Cloud (N.Y. City). Home: 365 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka, 111. Office: Globe Corp., Wrigley Bldg., Chicago, 111. ADDENBROOKE, Edward Francis, dermatologist; b. Chicago, 111., 18 Nov. 1899; s. Henry Edward and Gertrude (Touche) A.; Asso. of Arts, Lewis Inst., Chicago, 1919; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1922, M.D., 1924; m. Esther Allen, 23 Aug. 1930; children — (Jane, Nancy. En- gaged in practice of medicine since 1925, specializing in dermatology and syphilolo- gy; asso. with pathology dept. Cook, County Hosp., Chicago, I1J., 1924-25, in- terne, 1925-26, asso. dermatologist since 1935, asso. roentgen therapy since 1936; asso. dermatologist post grad. sch. since 1936; instr. pathology Northwestern Univ., 1924-28, instr. surgery, 1928-30, instr. dermatology, 1930-33; attending staff St. Luke's Hosp. since 1932; instr. dermatology Loyola Univ. Med. Sch., phys. Palmer House since 1925; mem. 1934-39, asso. in dermatology and sec. dermatology dept. since 1939; sr. der- matologist Henrotin Hosp., 1935-42. Lt. comdr. med. corps. U.S. Navy, Oct 1942- June 1945, Comdr., June 1945-16 Jan. 1946. Mem. A.M. A., 111. State and Chi- cago Med. Assns., Am. Soc. Investiga- tive Dermatology, Am. Acad. Dermatol- ogy and Syphilology, Am. Legion, Phi Rho Sigma. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Uni- versity, Chicago Athletic, Northwestern University. Economic (Chicago). Home: 1249 Cherry St., Winnetka, 111. Office: 19 E. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. ZIMMERMAN, Willard Paul v. p. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp. ; b. Wash- ington C. H., O., 18 June 1894; s. Samuel W. and Florence (Cockerill) Z.; B.A., Miami Univ. (Oxford, O.), 1917; m. Ruth McCoy, 27 Mar 1918; children— Doris Jean, Willard Paul Jr. Sales mgr. Am. Seeding Machine Co., 1920-27; sec.-treas. Hemingray Glass Co., 1927-33; plant mgr. Owens-Ill. Glass Co., 1933-36; gen. mgr. indsl. and structural division, Owens-Ill. Glass Co., Toledo, O., 1936-38; v. p. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Toledo, since 1938; dir. Muncie Indsl. Co, Ohio Citizens Trust Co. Served as regt. adju- tant, World War I. Mem. Ohio State and Nat. chambers of commerce, Res. Offi- cers Assn., Am. Legion, Forty and Eight, Indiana Soc. of Chicago, Delta Kappa Ep- silon, Sigma Delta Psi. Republican. Pres- byn. Clubs: Bankers (New York); To- ledo, Inverness (Toledo). Home: 3619 Brookside Rd., Toledo, O. Office: Owens- Corning Fiberglas Corp., Toledo, O. SCHUBRING, Edward J. B., vice-pres. and gen. counsel Ray-O-Vac Co. ; b. Town of Troy, Sauk County, Wis., 17 Nov. 1878; s. Herman and Marie (Krueger) S.; B.L., Univ. of Wis., 1901, LL.B., 1903, Ph.D. (Phi Beta Kappa) ; m. Selma Langenhan, 16 June 1904. Started as dir. and gen. counsel Southern Wis. Power Co., 1906-15; dir. and gen. counsel Wis. River Power Co., 1907-15; gen. counsel Madison Bus. Co. since 1905, dir., 1921-25; dir. Sanitary Dairy Co. ; dir. and atty. Associated Tele- phone Utilities Co., 1926-32; dir. Mich. Asso. Telephone Co. ; dir. and atty. Com- monwealth Telephone Co. of Wis., 111. Commercial Telephone Co. of Illinois; gen. counsel Wis. Power & Light Co', since 1919, dir. since 1933; dist. atty., State of Wis., for HI. Central R.R. Co. since 1904, atty. for Miami Conservancv Dist. (Dayton, O), 1914-18; v.p. and gen. counsel Ray-O-Vac Co. since 1926; mem. firm Schubring, Ryan, Peterson and Sutherland; dir. Wis. Power & Light Co., Commonwealth Telephone Co. of Wis.. Ray-O-Vac Co., 111. Comml. Telephone Co., Mich. Asso. Telephone Co., Sanitary Dairy Co. Pres. Madison Gen. Hosp. Assn. Mason. Clubs : Madison, University of Wisconsin, Maple Bluff Country, Lake 579 Placid (N.Y.). Prin. asst. to Burr W. Jones in preparation 2d edition "Jones on Evidence." Home: 410 N. Pinckney St., Madison, Wis. Office: 122 W. Washing- ton Av., Madison, Wis. HORD, Stephen Young, banking and investment counsel; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 7 Nov. 1897; s. Francis T. and Eleanor (Young) H. ; grad. Phillips Acad., An- dover, Mass., 1917; A.B., Yale, 1921; m. Catharine Norcross, 29 Oct. 1926; chil- dren—Stephen Y., Frederic N., Catha- rine Brent. Began as messenger Northern Trust Co., Chicago, 1921; assoc. with Northern Trust Co., 1921-27, Lee, Higgin- son & Co., 1927-32, Brown Brothers Har- riman & Co., 1932—; became General Partner 1 Jan. 1945. Dir. Clearing Ma- chine Corp., Illinois Central R.R. Co., The Yazoo and Mississippi Valley R.R. Co., Chicago Tunnel Terminal Corp., Chi- cago Tunnel Co., Chicago Tunnel Term- inal Co., Chicago Tunnel Transport Co. Served in 5th Regt. U.S. Marine Corps, 1918; with A.E.F. Dir. mem. exec. com. and sec. Passavant Memorial Hosp.; chmn. exec. com. Chicago Council Boy Scouts Am., 1940-43; dir. Chicago Coun- cil Social Agencies; vice pres. Juvenile Protective Assn., 1940; treas. Chicago United China Relief, 1941; mem. 111. War Finance Com. Mem. Delta Kappa Epsi- lon. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: On- wentsia (Lake Forest), Chicago, Com- mercial, Attic (Chicago). Home: 450 W. Deerpath Rd., Lake Forest, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, HI. WILDS, John Law, pres. Protection Mutual Fire Ins. Co.; mem. Asso. Fac- tory Mutual Fire Ins. Co.; b. Darling- ton, S.C., 31 Aug. 1883; s. Robert Ervin and Elizabeth Evans (Law) W. ; B.S., Univ. of S. C, 1904; S.B., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1911; m. Mary McClellan Wood- ruff, 28 Aug. 1914; children — Nancy Law (Davidson), Charlotte Woodruff (Dale). Fire Protection Engineer, N.E. Factorv Mut. Cos., Boston, Mass., 1911-14; cons, engr. Protection Mut. Fire Ins. Co., Chi- cago, 1914-18, v. pres., dir and gen. mgr. 1918-35, pres. since 1935, treas. since 1938; director Firemen's Mut. Ins. Co., Union Mutual Fire Insurance Co. (Providence), Mutual Boiler Insurance Co. (Boston) ; Mutual Alliance of Chicago, National Fire Protection Assn. Mem. Theta Delta Chi, Omicron Delta Kappa. Presbyterian. Clubs : Union League (Chicago) ; Sunset Ridge Country (Winnetka, 111.) ; Kenil- worth (Kenilworth, 111.); Country (Dar- lington, S.C.). Home: 244 Oxford Rd., Kenilworth. 111. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, Til. MERRION, Joseph E. ; b. Chicago, 111., 19 Oct. 1898; s. James and Elizabeth (O'Mara) M.; student, Notre Dame Uni- versity, School of Law, John Marshall ; m. Devota Doyle, 2 June 1923; children- Joan, Joseph, John, Mary. Real estate and home bldg., in Chicago, since 1921. Mem. Met. Chicago Home Builders Assn. (pres., 1942-44), Nat. Assn. of Home Builders (pres., 1945-46), Chicago Real Estate Bd. Democrat. Roman Catholic Clubs: South Shore Country, Beverly Country. Home: 6725 Constance Av., Chi- cago, 111. Office: Rm. 1603, 228 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, HI. BLANCHARD, Julia Eleanor Warden, coll. librarian; b. Wheaton, HI., 7 Aug. 1878; d. Charles Albert and Margaret Ellen (Milligan) B.; B.A., Wheaton Coll., 1899, M.A., 1904; student Monticello Sem.. Godfrey, 111., 1902-03; B.L.S., Univ of 111., 1929, M.A. in Library Science, 1938. Instr. Ballard Normal School, Macon. Ga., 1899-1900, Orange Park (Fla.) Nor- mal, 1900-02, Warren (111.) Acad., 1903- 05, high sch., Winneconne, Wis., 1906-07, and high sch., Plainfield, 1907-08; asst. librarian, Wheaton Coll., 1908-15, librar- ian since 1915. Mem. Am. Library Assn., 111. Library Assn. Women's Christian Temperance Union, Monticello College Club of Chicago, Beta Sigma Phi, Alpha Delta. Republican. Conglist. Home: 623 Howard St., Wheaton, 111. Office: Wheaton Coll., Wheaton, 111. LEONARD, Arthur George, Jr., man- ufacturer; b. New York City, 5 Oct. 1898; s. Arthur George and Mary Josephine (Ashley) L. ; ed. Harvard School, Chi- cago; University School, Chicago; Chi- cago Latin School; Phillips Exeter Acad.; Armour Inst. Owned and operated Radio Station WSAH, 1921-23 first voice heard across Pacific, in Australia, New Zea- land, etc.; dir., asst. sec, Mercury Mfg. Co., since 1923; dir., sec, Lehon Co, in charge of manufacturing at Wilming- ton, 111. and Memphis, Tenn. plants; holds patents of mechanical nature and patents pertaining to mfg. of roofing products. Mem. Am. Soc Mechanical Engineers. Clubs: Saddle & Sirloin (Chi- cago), South Shore Country (Chicago), Union League (Chicago), Saddle & Cycte (Chicago), University (Joliet), Joliet Country. Republican. Home: Stonebridge Farms, Wilmington, 111. Office: c/o Lehon Co., Wilmington, 111. FISHER, Douglas Roy, clergyman; b. Toronto, Ont. Can., 4 Aug. 1919; s. Frank Roy and Inez (Campbell) F. ; student Runnymede Collegiate Inst., Toronto Conservatory of Music, Toronto, Ont.; 580 Northern Baptist Sem., Moody Bible Inst., Chicago, III; m. Elizabeth Suther- land Young, 6 Sept. 1941. Ordained to the Baptist ministry 1939; member of extension staff "Our Hope" Mag., N.Y. City, also itinerant ministerial work, 1939- 40; mem. extension staff, Moody Bible Inst, and ministerial work, Chicago, 1940- 42; member radio staff, Station WMBI- WDLM, Chicago, 1942-44, Musical Di- rector, Chicagoland Yourth For Christ; Minister of Music, Midwest Bible Church since May, 1944. Mem. Am. Fedn. of Mu- sicians since 1937. Home: 2654 N. Lavergne Av., Chicago, 111. Address: 130 N. Wells St., Chicago, 111. DAWSON, Horace, lawyer; b. Knox- ville, Tenn., 18 Nov. 1897; s. William Robert and Elizabeth (Elmore) D.; ed. Maryville (Tenn.) Coll. Prep. Sch. until 1914; B.A., Maryville Coll., 1918; studied Univ. of Chicago Grad. Sch., 1919-21; J.D., Univ. of Chicago Law Sch., 1923; m. Frances Ledlie, 26 June 1929; 2 dau., Jeannette Elizabeth and Margaret Lydia. Admitted to 111. bar, 1923, and since practiced in Chicago; specializes in pat- ent, trademark and copyright law; mem. firm Dawson, Booth and Spangenberg. Lecturer, Univ. of Chicago Law Sch., 1933-38. Comdr. U.S. Naval Res. on inac- tive duty. Mem. bd. dirs. Christopher House. Mem. Am., 111. and Chicago bar assns., Patent Law Assn., Legal Club and Law Club of Chicago. Phi Alpha Delta. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Nat. Republican; Chemists, Literary (Chicago). Home: 2609 Lincoln St., Evan- ston, 111. Office: 209 S. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. DALMAR, Alma Mathilda Pedersen. insurance; b. Chicago, 111., 1 Apr. 1888: d. Abraham and Anna M. (Swanstrom) Pedersen; ed. pub. sch. and high sch : m. Hugo Dalmar, 23 Dec. 1920 (died 1935); children— Laura Louise (dec), Hugo, Jr. Pres. H. Dalmar & Co., in- surance since 1935; sec. Paramount Fire Ins. Co. of N.Y. Treas. 111. Opera Guild % asst. treas. Woman's Symphony Orches- tral Assn. Life Member Art Institute of Chicago, Historical Soc. and Chicago Museum of Natural History; past pres. Ins. Distaff Execs. Assn.; past pres. Mary Bartelme Club Ev. Auxiliary. Lutheran. Clubs : Woman's University of Chicago (life) ; Arts, Woman's Athletic, Cordon (Chicago) ; Woman's Club of Evanston. Home: 935 Edgemere Court, Evanston, 111. Office: 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. BROWN, Jesse Richard, lawyer; b. Bond County, 111., 15 Sept. 1887; s. John W. and Mary M. (Grigg) B. ; student Greenville (111.) Coll., 1904; Eastern 111. State Normal Sch., 1907; LL.B., Val- paraiso (Ind.) Univ., 1915; m. Elizabeth Miller, 24 June 1925. City clerk, city treas., Hillsboro, 111., 1913; clerk Bd. of Review, Montgomery Co., 111., 1914; ad- mitted 111. bar, 1915. and began practice in Edwardsville ; practiced law, Alton, 1921-34; state's atty., Madison County, 1924; circuit judge 3rd Jud. Circuit, 1927- 33; engaged in pvt. practice of law, Ed- wardsville, since 1933. Served as sergt., 1917-18, Lt. Inf., 1918-19, U.S. Army. Awarded Certificate of Merit for services rendered to returned World War II vet- erans. Delegate to republican nat. con- vention, 1944. Mem. Am. Legion., Ed- wardsville, 111. Office: Nat. Bank Bldg., Edwardsville, 111. BOLAND, Lee, lawyer; b. Paxton, 111.. 24 July 1882; s. John and Anna M. (Conover) B.; Student Lake Forest Univ., 1899-1901; student Univ. of Pa., 1904-05: LL.B., Univ. of Wis., 1908; m. Edna M. Boland, 17 Sept. 1908. Admitted to bar, 1908, and since in practice of law, Decatur, 111; corp. counsel, City of De- catur, 1923-27; became gen. counsel and dir. Millikin Nat. Bank and Millikin Trust Co., 1935; atty. and dir. Union Iron Works; mem. law firm Boland & Dela- hanty. Trustee James Millikin Univ. Pres. Macon County Bar Assn., 1932. Mem. Am., 111., and Decatur bar assns. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. Mem. Decatur (111.) Club. Home: 865 W. Main St., Decatur, 111. Office: Millikin Bldg., Decatur, 111. SMITH, William Jones, architect; b. Phila., Pa., 26 May 1881; s. Uselma Clarke and Fannie (Mitcheson) S.; of English, Scotch, Welsh and Irish descent ; B.S. in Architecture, Univ. of Pa., 1903; A.D.G. (Architecte Diplome par le Gou- vernement Francais), Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1907; m. Mary Van Home, 30 June 1914; children -William Mitche- son, Van Home, Sidney Stockton. With Cass Gilbert, architect, New York, 1907- 09; with Holabird & Roche, Chicago, 1909- 12; mem. firm of Childs & Smith since 1912; asso. prof, in charge of sr. design, Armour Inst. Tech. 1924-29. Firm archi- tects of many insurance buildings, bank and office buildings, court houses, fac- tories, university plans and college build- ings, schools, hospitals, churches and housing such as: Hardware Mutual Ins. Bldg., Stevens Point, Wis.; Employers Mutuals, Wausau, Wis., Am. Banker's Ins. Bldg., Chicago; Central Mfrs. Mutual Ins. Bldg., Van Wert, O.; State Bank & 581 Trust Co., Evanston, 111.; First National, Hamilton, O.; Campana Mfg. Plant, Batavia, 111.; design factory buildings, Consolidated Water Power & Paper Co., Wis. Rapids; Asso. architects Ward Med- ical and Dental and other Northwestern Univ. Bldgs. Chicago and Evanston campuses; Consulting architects A. & M. Coll., Tex.; buildings or campus plans of Knox College, Galesburg, 111., Augus- tana College, Rock Island, 111.; Alfred Univ., Alfred, N.Y.; Lawrence Coll., Ap- pleton, Wis.; Chicago College of Dental Surgery, Loyola Univ., Chicago; College of Veterinary Medicine, Univ. of 111., Am. Dental Assn. Bldg., Chicago; Riverview Hosp., Wis. Rapids, Wis.; Valentine Unit Boys Club, Chicago; Y.M.C.A., Univ. of 111.; Churches of Episcopal Diocese of Chicago; St. Stephens Catholic Church, Stevens Point, Wis.; First Methodist Church, Kenosha, Wis.; Gary Memorial Meth. Ch., Wheaton, 111.; First Presbyn. Ch., Wilmette. 111.; Archtl. coordinator Pentagon Building, Arlington, Va., 1941- 42; principal construction engr. A.S.F. War Dept., 1942-43; field repres. Office of Stratgetic Services, Washington, D.C., 1944. Served as capt. 319th Engrs., U.S. Army, 1917-18. Mem. 12 yrs. Winnetka Plan Com. ; member Com. Burnham Li- brary of Architecture. Fellow Am. Inst, of Architects; former mem. Nat. Corns. Allied Arts and Edn., A.I.A. ; mem. Sig- ma Xi, Am. Legion of Winnetka, HI. Episcopalian (Christ Ch. Winnetka). Clubs: Little Room (Chicago), Univer- sity Club (Chicago). Home: 550 Chest- nut St., Winnetka, 111. Office: 430 N. Mich- igan Av., Chicago, 111. STERN, David Becker, pres. A. G. Becker & Co., Inc.; b. Danville, 111., 12 June 1880; s. Isaac and Viola (Becker) S.; Ph.B. Univ. of Chicago, 1902; m. Clara Eisendrath, 25 Sept. 1907. With A. G. Becker & Co., Inc., Chicago, 111., since 1901, pres. since 1936; dir. Gillette Safety Razor Co., Met. Industries Co., Progress Tailoring Co., John Morrell & Co., H. Elkan & Co. Trustee, University of Chicago. Clubs: Mid-Day, Bond Men's, Lake Shore Country, Standard of Chi- cago, Post and Paddock, Tavern. Home: 179 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago. 111. Office: 120 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. TROWBRIDGE, Lydia Jones, writer; b. Evanston, 111., 28 Aug. 1859; d. William P. and Mary E. (Hayes) Jones; B.A., Northwestern Univ., 1882, M.A., 1887; m. Edward G. Trowbridge, 26 Apr. 1898. Instr. Fremont (Neb.) Normal Sch., 1884- 88; instr. Lake View High Sch., Chicago, 111., 1889-1921. Mem. bd. mgrs. Sch. of Am. Research and Mus. of N.M. Mem. organizing group Fedn. Women High Sch. Teachers, Am. Fedn. Teachers; mem. League of Women Voters, Winnetka and Evanston Hist. Socs., Women's Christian Temperance Union, Chicago Art Inst., Urban League, Women's Trade Union League, Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Unitarian. Clubs: Drama; Woman's (Winnetka). Author: Betty of the Consulate, 1929; My Navaho Book, 1937; Frances Willard of Evanston, 1938. Address: 1111 Oak St., Winnetka, 111. THOMAS, Charles Fillius, fire insur- ance; b. Oxford, Ind., 22 Aug. 1872; s. John Montague and Elizabeth (Fillius) T. ; ed. grade and high schools; m. Mabel Vola Cafferty, 5 June 1900; 1 dau., Mary Elizabeth (dec). Began as stenographer, 1894; with Phenix Ins. Co. of Brooklyn, N.Y., as field spl. agent, 1896-1904, then state agent, Texas and Arkansas, 1909-11; state agent of Royal Ins. Co., Ltd., for state of Texas, 1911-21; asst. mgr. Queen Ins. Co. of America, at Chicago, 1922-26; asst. mgr. Aentna Ins. Co. of Hartford, Conn., at Chicago, 1926-28; apptd. sec. of "The Union," Dec. 1929, reorganized, 1929, under title of Western Underwriters Assn. (made up of executives and man- agers of stock fire ins. cos.), of which is sec. and mgr. Republican. Methodist. Club: Union League. Home: 3260 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Office: 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. SCULL, Ralph Horace, physician and surgeon; b. Galveston, Tex., 3 Oct. 1897; s. Ralph Alphonse and Florence Violet (Smizer) S.; B.S., Wilberforce (O.), 1922, Univ. of Chicago, 1924; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1928; m. Florence Violet McNorton, 8 Sept. 1938. Physician and surgeon in Chicago, since 1943. Machine gun officer and instr., World War I. Asst. in der- matology Rush Med. Coll. and Univ. of 111.; asso. attending dermatologist Provident Hosp. Fellow Am. Med. Soc. ; mem. Chicago Dermatological Soc, Am. Acad, of Dermatology and Syphilis, Am. Bd. Dermatology and Syphilis. Metho- j dist. Club: Snakes (Chicago). Contbr. of articles to med. journals. Home: 601 E. 36th St., Chicago, 111. Office: 4619 S. Park- way, Chicago, 111. BOLINGER, George Noel, mfg. exec; b. Shelbyville, 111., 27 Feb. 1903; s. George Curns and Grace (Odenbaugh) B.; B.S., Univ. of 111., 1925; m. Virginia Dove, 8 Sept. 1927; children — George Franklin, Virginia Joan, Robert Noel. Asst. sec. Sta-Rite Hair Pin Co., Shelby- ville, 111., 1928-29, dir., 1929-30, v.p. and dir., 1930-38, pres. and treas., 1938-39; 582 pres. and dir. Sta-Rite Ginnie Lou, Inc., mfrs. beauty aids since 1939. Dir. Shelby County State Bank, since 1944. Author of Keys of Fortune. Inventor. Designer. Merchandiser. Mem. Beta Gamma Sig- ma. Republican. Home: 2415 N. Morgan St., Shelbyville, 111. Office: Sta-Rite Gin- nie Lou, Inc., Shelbyville, 111. LINDHEIMER, Benjamin F., real es- tate development and financing; b. Chi- cago, 111., 1 Oct. 1890; s. Jacob and Lillie L. ; ed. pub. schs. ; m. Vera Burnstine; children — Walter, Patricia, Marjorie. In real estate and development business since 1912. Served as appraiser for Board of Education in revaluation of school leases, 1925. Elected member Board of South Park Commissioners, 1930; pres. Bd. of Local Improvements, Apr. 1931- Feb. 1933; chmn. HI. Commerce Com- mission, 1933-36; exec, director Washing- ton Park Jockey Club and Arlington Park Jockey Club. Mem. Nat. Assn. Real Es- tate Bds., Bd. of Trade, Chicago Real Estate Bd., Chicago Assn. Commerce, E. 63d St. Council, State St. Council, Woodlawn Business Men's Assn., Art Inst. Chicago (life), Chicago Hist. Soc. (life), Chicago Natural History Museum (life). Club: Standard. Home: 4805 Drexel Blvd., Chicago, 111. Office: 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, HI. HASSELBACHER, Harold Hardy, rail- road communiciation ; b. Yates City, 111., 29 Apr. 1889; s. Simon Peter and Harriett Mary (Dawson) H. ; grad. pub. schs. and high schs., Yates City, 111.; student Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111., 1909-10; m. Zella May Bird, 25 Sept. 1910; children— Har- riett Mary (Mrs. Albert David Smith). Catherine Louise (Mrs. Arthur Clarence Horn), Elizabeth Bird (Mrs. Robert Earnest McAfee), Harold Hardy (officer Army Air Forces), Audrey May. With C.B.&Q. R.R. Co. since 1906, successive- ly as telegraph operator, Yates City, 111. ; relay operator, Galesburg, 111. ; wire chief Omaha, Neb. and St. Joseph, Mo.; chief elk. to asst. supt. of telegraph Lincoln, Neb.; chief elk. to supt. telegraph, Chi- cago, 111.; telegraph censor, statistician and asst. chief elk. to exec. v. p., Chi- cago, 111.; supt. of telegraph, Chicago, since 1943; gen. supt. telegraph, C.&S. Ry. Co., Ft. Worth and Denver City Ry. Co., Wichita Valley Ry. Co. Mem. West- ern Soc. Engrs. Assoc. Am. Inst. Elec- trical Engrs. Republican. Conglist. Ma- son. Home: 5136 Benton Av., Downers Grove, 111. Office: 547 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. HASEROT, Francis H., Chmn. bd. Haserot Co.; b. Cleveland, O., 19 Dec. 1860; s. Johann Gottlieb and Joanna Christine (Klooz) H.; student Lutheran Parochial, pub. schs. Cleveland, O.; m. Sarah Henrietta McKinney, 16 June 1889; children— Henry McKinney, Margaret, Francis Samuel, John Hawley. Partner Haserot Co., mdse. brokers, Cleveland, O., 1882-83; partner W. J. Hayes & Co., 1883-86; partner S. S. & F. H. Haserot & Co., 1886-94; v. p. Haserot Co., factors canned foods, exporters and importers, Cleveland, Ohio, 1894-1902, pres., 1902-42, chmn. of the bd. since 1942. Republican. Unitarian. Clubs : Union (Cleveland) ; Shaker (Shaker Hts., O.). Home: 18710 S. Woodland Rd., Shaker Hts., O. Office: 521-27 Woodland Av., Cleveland, O. HARVEY, Alwilda; b. St. Louis, Mo: d. Hugo Albert (structural iron mfr.) and Johanna (von Weiss) Fritsch; ed. pub. schs. and under pvt. tutors; m. Harold B. Harvey, 20 May 1911. Founder Women of Rotary, 24 May 1921; first pres. of Women of Rotary Club of Chicago (first chartered Rotary Club in the World for Women), 1921-23; chmn. Com. Devel- opment of Rotary for Women. Received Triple Bar decoration from Red Cross for extraordinary service in the Home Volunteer Div. during World War I. Life mem. Art Inst, of Chicago; mem. Chicago Nat. History Mus., Chicago Ch. Federation, Univ. of Chicago Settlement House, Audubon Soc. of Am., Am. Mus. of Natural History (N.Y. City). Home: 7321 South Shore Drive, Chicago, inl- and Santa Monica, Calif. FITZGERALD, Clifford Llewelyn, ad- vertising; b. St. Louis, Mo., 10 Oct. 1903; grad. The Principia, St. Louis, Mo., 1923; student Dartmouth Coll., 1923-24; m. Isa- bel Hanway, 31 Dec. 1924; children- Shirley Hanway, Joan Hughes, Clifford Llewelyn. Began as advertising writer, 1924; founder Fitzgerald Advt. Agency, New Orleans, La., 1927; partner, vice pres. and mgr. Chicago office, Sherman K. Ellis & Co., 1937-41; vice pres. Black- ett-Sample-Hummert, 1941-44, partner in reorganized firm, now Dancer-Fitzgerald- Sample, since Jan. 1944. Mem. Alpha Delta Phi, Dragon (Dartmouth). Clubs: Glenview (Golf, 111.); Racquet, Attic, Chicago (Chicago). Home: 739 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka, 111. Office: 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. BUTTERWORTH, Katherine Deere; b. Moline, 111., d. Charles and Mary (Dick- enson) Deere; ed. Anne Brown Pvt. Sch., N.Y. City; m. William Butterworth, 22 June 1892 (dec). Mem. advisory council 111. Soc. for Prevention of Blindness. Mem. Nat. Soc. D.A.R., Colonial Dames. 583 Conglist. Clubs: Woman's Athletic, Casi- no, Saddle and Cycle (Chicago). Home: Hillerest, Moline, 111. BUNGE, George Christian, lawyer; b. La Crosse, Wis., 29 Mar. 1900; s. George W. and Sarah E. (Wheeler) B.; A.B., Univ. of Wis., 1922; LL.B., Yale Law Sch. 1923; m. Helen S. Rapp, 20 Dec. 1924; children — George Hamilton, Jean Wheeler. In practice of law since 1923; employed with Lees & Bunge, LaCrosse, Wis., Sept. -31 Dec. 1923; with Cassels, Potter & Benfley, Chicago, 1 Jan. 1924 to 31 Dec. 1944, mem. of firm, 1926-44; mem. firm Vogel & Bunge since Jan.. L945; special atty. U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1933-36. Served as pvt., U.S. Army, 1918. Mem. Chicago, 111. State and Am. bar assns., Internat. Assn. of Ins. Counsel, Chicago Law Inst., Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Phi, Corbey Court (Yale). Order of Coif. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Law, Legal, Literary, City, University (Chicago); Indian Hill (Winnetka, 111.). Contbr. of articles to Ins. Counsel Jour, and John Marshall Law Sch. Quar. Home: 191 Scott Av., Hubbard Woods, 111. Office: 105 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. BRUST, Edmund George, surgeon; b. Addison, 111., 19 Aug. 1893; s. Edmund and Mathilda (Stuenkel) B.; grad. St. Ignatius Coll., Chicago, 1911; M.D. and A.S.M., Loyola Univ. Med. Sch., 1915; m. Julia Gregor, 4 Dec. 1917; children— Dr. Edmund George Brust, Jr., Mrs. Dor- othy Jule Tomm. Practiced at Melrose Park since June 1915; specializes in gen- eral and orthopedic surgery; chief sur- geon Westlake Hosp.; mem. bd. dirs. Westlake Hosp. Lt. col. Med. Corps. Res. Former pres. village of Melrose Park. Fellow Internat. Coll. Surgeons; mem. Am. Med. Assn. Chicago Med. Soc. Re- publican. Mem. Evangelical Luth. Ch. Office : 154 Broadway, Melrose Park, 111. BOND, Ethel, asso. prof, library sci- ence; b. Champaign, HI.; d. David and Elizabeth (Edwards) B. ; B.A., Univ. of 111., 1907, B.S., 1908. Asst. cataloger, Northwestern Univ. Library, 1908-09; head cataloger, Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Li- brary, 1909-12; asst. catalog dept. Univ. of 111., 1912-16, instr. Library Sch. since 1912, now asso. prof, library science; instr. Columbia Univ. Sch. Library Serv- ice, summer 1929. Mem. Am. Library Assn., 111. Library Assn., Bibliog. Soc. of America, Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Assn. Coll. and Ref- erence Libraries. Republican. Presbyn. Club: University Women's, Business and Professional Women's. Home: 1108 S. Lincoln Av., Urbana, 111. Office: Univer- sity of Illinois, Urbana, 111. BLIX, Einar Thomas, engr. ; b. Chi- cago, 111., 23 Aug. 1893; s. Carl Adolph and Aagot (Thomasen) B.; student N.D. Agrl. Coll., 1912-15; B.S. in Archtl. Engring., Univ. of 111., 1920; m. Myrtle M. Johnston, 30 Aug. 1918; 1 dau., Jean Rebecca. With Miss. Valley Structural Steel Co., Melrose Park, 111., since 1920, as draftsman, 1920-22, sales engr., 1922- 25, contracting engr., 1925-32, chief engr. since 1932. Served as lt. 74th Engrs., A.E.F., 1918-19; Mem. Western Soc. Engrs. Triangle, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Tau. Republican. Conglist. Club: Chicago Engrs. Home: 938 N. Marion St., Oak Park, 111. Office: Miss. Valley Structural Steel Co., Melrose Park, HI. CROWELL, Lucius Alfred, retired; for- mer pres. and dir. Wire Recorder De- velopment Corp.; former chmn. indus- trial and ednl. uses, Armour Magnetic Wire Sound Recorder, Armour Research Foundation; b. Fremont, Neb., 15 May 1885; s. David and Frances (Rollins) C. ; ed. pub. schs., Fremont; Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn., State Univ. of la.; m. Grace Gapen, 1909; children — Lucius A., Jr., David Gapen. Began as newspaper reporter and writer; adver- tising agency business, Chicago, 1911-42; 11 yrs. V.P. Blackett, Sample, Hummert (Adv.); former mem. exec, com., The Parker Pen Co., Janesville, Wis.; spl. consultant and asst. deputy Admin. Dept. of Info. O.P.A., Washington, D.C., 1942- 43. Mem. bd. Cradle Soc. of Evanston. Mem. Delta Tau Delta. Episcopalian. Clubs: University of Chicago, Arts, Glen View Golf, Shattuck Club of Chicago. Home: 1330 Greenwood Blvd., Evanston, 111.; and Pearson Hotel, Chicago. PEARSON, Arthur Godfrey, purchas- ing agt. American Meat Inst.; b. Chi- cago, 111., 26 Aug. 1906; s. John Winthrop and Elizabeth (Schukraft, P.; B.S. in Bus. Adminstrn., Northwestern Univ., 1943; children — (first marriage) Cather- ine Godfrey, Paul Compton, m. 2d Ger- aldine Dwyer 18 Aug. 1945. Purchasing dept., Commonwealth Edison Co., 1929- 32; buyer, purchasing dept., A Century of Progress, 1932-34; purchasing agt. & office mgr., Chicago office, Nat. Broad- casting Co., 1934-46; purchasing agt.. American Meat Inst., since 1946; instr. purchasing, Central Y.M.C.A. Coll., 1941- 45; Northwestern Univ., since 1944; 111. Inst, of Tech. since 1945; 1st sergt. 124th F.A., U.S. Army, 1925-28. Vice chmn. Republican Club; justice of the peace, 1941-46; coordinator civilian defense; 584 mem. bd. town auditors, all West Deer- field Twp., 1941-46; Mem. Boy Scouts of Am.; Purchasing Agts. Assn. of Chicago (pres. 1945-46) ; Soc. of Mayflower De- scendants, State 111.; Soc. for Advance- ment of Mgmt. Conglist. Contbr. arts, to purchasing journals. Home: 1716 W. North Shore Av., Chicago 26, 111. Office: 59 E. VanBuren St., Chicago, 111. HATTSTROM, Hilding Andrew, optom- etrist; b. Chicago, 111., 6 Feb. 1896; s. Charles and Anna (Magnuson) H. ; D.O., Chicago Sch. of Refraction, 1917; D.O.S., Northern 111. Coll. of Optometry, 1938; m. Ruth O. Angell, Mar. 17, 1917; 1 son- Jack Allan. Optometrist and optician since 1917; mem. firm Dr. H. A. Hatt- strom & Associates. Mem. 111. State Soc. Optometrists, Am. Optometrical Assn., North Shore Optometric Soc, Evanston C. of C, Beta Sigma Kappa. Republican. Mason, Elk. Clubs : Kiwanis (Evanston) ; Elmhurst Country. Author: Golf After Forty; On and Off the Green; Bowling For the Average. Home: 536^ Michigan. Office: 1724 Sherman, Evanston, HI. HAZEN, Elisha Brewster, mfg. exec; b. Philo, 111., 19 Apr. 1870; s. Nathan Lord and Sarah (Moore) H. ; student pub.' schs., Philo and Champaign, 111.; m. Agnes W. McGill, 19 Nov. 1895; chil- dren — Nathan Bruce, Effie McGill, George Brewster. Stenographer Rouse Hazard Co., Peoria, 111., 1891-92, King- man & Co., 1892-94, CR.I.&P. Ry., 1894- 95; bookeeper, Brass Foundry Co., 1895- 1900, sec, 1900-05, sec-treas., 1905-23; pres. and treas. since 1923; pres. Modern Pattern Works, Inc., Peoples Fed. Sav- ings & Loan Assn.; dir. Central Nat. Bank & Trust Co., Founders Mut. Cas- ualty Co.; trustee and treas. Bacon Me- morial Miss.; dir. Neighborhood House Assn. Awarded Army and Navy "E" for war work. Mem. Soc. Mayflower Descs. of 111., S.A.R. Republican. Pres- byterian. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Country, Rotary, Creve Coeur (Peoria). Home: 303 Stratford Dr. Of- fice: 713 S. Adams, Peoria, 111. HELLYER, Arthur Lawrence, real es- tate, law; b. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 12 Oct. 1898; s. Max Edward and Esther (Bur- roughs) H.; B.A., Tusculum College, Greeneville, Tenn., 1920; LL.B., Chicago Law Sch. 1924; spl. courses, Univ. of Chicago, Northwestern Univ., and De- Paul Univ.; m. Irene Mary Connery, 15 Aug. 1921; children — Arthur Lawrence, Jr., Irene Marie, Richard Eugene, Lor- etta Virginia. Admitted to 111. bar, 1925, and began practice at Chicago; special- izes in real estate; ins. and bus. prob- lems. V.P. Ward Farnsworth & Co. Treas. Du Page Co., 111., term, 1934-38. Served in A.E.F., 18 months, World War I. Mem. Chicago and Du Page County bar assns., Am. Legion (chmn. dist. Am- ericanism Com., 1933-38) ; mem. exec com. Du Page Area Boy Scouts of Am- erica, 1933-38. Mem. Legislative Commn. Am. Legion Dept. of 111., 1944-47. Award- ed Club of Champions medal by Cath. Youth Orgn. for service to underprivi- leged youth, 1937. Public speaker and lecturer on Am. Govt, taxation and pa- triotic subjects. Home: 189 S. Kenil- worth Av., Elmhurst, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. HENKLE, Charles Zane, banker; b. Chicago, 111., 16 Aug. 1892; s. William H. and Mary F. (Zane) H. ; student Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y., 1911-12; m. Rita J. Guignon, 11 Nov. 1922 ; 1 son — Charles Zane, Jr. (dec). Solicitor, Common- wealth Edison Co., 1912-13; contract agent, Public Service Co. of Northern 111., 1914-15; salesman, Counselman & Co., Investment Bankers, Chicago, 1916- 17, 111. Trust & Savings Bank, 1920-21; municipal buyer, bond dept. Merchants Loan & Trust Co., 1922; corp. buyer, bond dept. 111. Merchants Trust Co., 1923- 29; 2d vice pres. Continental 111. Co., 1929-32; 2d vice pres. Continental 111. Nat. Bank & Trust Co., 1932-40, vice pres. since 1941. Served as 1st It. 166th Inf., capt. 359th Inf., A.E.F., 1917-19; col., Gen Staff Corps, dep. dir. of per- sonnel, Hdqs. 6th Service Command, World War II, on active duty July 1942- Dec 1944. Vice chmn. Chicago-Cook Co. 6th War Loan Com.; treas. and mem. nat. exec, com., Military Training Camps Assn. of U.S., 1944. Trustee and vice chmn. Ravinia Festival Assn., 1940- 44. Awarded Silver Star, Purple Heart and Victory medal. Mem. Am. Banking Inst., Mil. Order of World War, Am. Leg. Republican. Clubs: Union League (pres., 1946 — ;), Caxton, Exmoor C.C. Home: 17 Brittany Rd., Highland Park, 111. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. SPROWL, James Allen, lawyer; b. Princeton, Ind., 15 Jan. 1906; s. Charles Orr and Hazel (Allen) S.; A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1927, J.D., 1929; m. Ellen Lori- mer, 24 Feb. 1934; children — Louise Al- len, Jean Lorimer, James Alexander. Admitted to 111. bar, 1929; asso. law firm Hopkins, Starr & Hopkins, Chicago, 1929-31; asso. law firm Hopkins, Starr & Godman, 1931-38; partner law firm Dickinson, Sprowl, Norville & James, 1938-44; partner law firm Bowden, Tay- 585 lor, Norville & Sprowl, 1944-45; partner law firm Poppenhusen, Johnston, Thompson & Raymond, since 1945. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns, Phi Beta Kappa, Order of the Coif, Phi Kappa Phi, Delta Theta Phi, Alpha Chi Rho. Republican. Conglist. Clubs: Law Club, Chicago Literary, City, University of Michigan (Chicago) ; Skokie Country. Home: 1293 Scott, Winnetka, 111. Office: 11 S. La Salle st., Chicago, 111. ABBOTT, Walter Dayton, physician and neurosurgeon; b. Colorado Springs, Colo., 10 July 1903; s. A. T. Abbott and Mary Helen (Mahaney) A.; ed. Dowling Coll., Des Moines, la.; pre-med., Loras Coll., Dubuque, la.; B.S., Creighton Univ., Omaha, Neb., M.D.; m. Ada Lee Carroll of Des Moines, la., 24 June 1926; children — Mary Patricia, Ambrose, Thomas, Nancy Lee. Interne, St. Fran- cis Hosp., Wichita, Kan.; Fellow neuro- surg., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., Oct. 1927-Mar. 1930; practicing, neuro- surg., Des Moines, la., 1930—; attending neurosurg., Mercy, Meth. & Lutheran Hosps.; chief, neurosurg. dept., Broad- lawns Gen. Hosp.; cmdr., M.C., U.S.N. - R.; F.A.C.S.; mem. Polk Co., la. State and Am. Med. Assns.; mem. Cent. Neu- ropsychiatry Assn. Diplomate Am. Bd. of Neurosurgery. Clubs: Wakonda, Des Moines, Med. Study. Author: numerous arts, on neurosurgery. Interest: photog. Recreation: golf. Catholic. Republican. Office: 900 Des Moines Bldg., Des Moines, la. Home: 4301 Grand Av., Des Moines, la. BOSS, George William, mayor, physi- cian; b. Chicago, 111., 6 Nov. 1883; s. Thomas Kelley and Katherine (Thies) R.; M.D., Univ. of 111., 1906; m. Henri- etta Clara Lange, 1 Jan. 1907; children — Henrietta Kathryn, George William, Er- nest Lange. Intern St. Mary's Hosp., Chi- cago, 1906-07; in gen. practice of med- icine, Watseka, 111., since 1907; staff surgeon Iroquois Hosp., Watseka, since 1916; v.p. and dir. Iroquois Federal Sa- vings & Loan Assn. ; elected mayor, Wat- seka, Apr. 1945-49. Commd. 1st 'it., U.S. Med. Corps, Sept. 1918; hon. discharged, Mar. 1919. Mem. A.M.A., 111. State and Iroquois County med. socs. Republican. Methodist. Mason. Clubs: Kiwanis, She- wanee Country (Watseka). Home: 438 S. 4th St. Office : S. 4th St., Watseka, HI. RUSSELL, David Wesley, educator, b. Akron, O., s. Anson H. and Harriett L. Russell; B.S., Univ. of Pennsylvania; A.M., Ph.D., Western Reserve Univ., grad. work Northwestern Univ., Univ. of Chicago and Kenyon Coll.; m. Har- riett S. Cook. Successively, dept. of sci- ence, Hawken Country Day Sch., Cleve- land, O. ; co-founder and co-dir. Hawken Country Day Camp; prof, edn., Nat. Coll. of Education, Evanston, 111.; now headmaster Avery Coonley Sch., Down- ers Grove, 111., mem. faculty Northwest- ern Univ., and, summer sessions, Univ. of Arkansas. Chmn. park bd., also Com- munity Fund (both Downers Grove). Mem. bd. Progressive Edn. Assn. (West Towns branch) ; mem. Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Kappa Alpha, Phi Delta Kappa, Lions Internat., Masons. Editor: School Science and Mathematics (Am. Health Series) ; Algebra, An Interesting Lan- guage (Elementary Science Dept.). Ednl. editor, Bobbs Merrill Pub. Co. Mem. editorial bd. Central Soc. Science and Mathematics Teachers. Contbr. ar- ticles to ednl. mags, and other pubis. Address: care The Avery Coonley School, Downers Grove, HI. KLEINSCHMIDT, Oliver Henry, edu- cator; b. Corder, Mo., 15 Sept. 1881; s. Henry Frank and Louise (Rosengarten) K. ; student Central Wesleyan Coll., War- renton, Mo., 1898-1902; pupil Charles Gal- loway, William D. Armstrong, E. R. Kroeger; m. Clara Lindemann; chil- dren — Marvelle Modena (Mrs. Lester Harry Fitz), Marion Leila, Oliver Ar- thur, Janelle Louise. Choir dir. and teacher St. Louis, 1914-18; organist and choir dir. First M. E. Church, Bartles- ville, Okla., 1918-24; dir. Conservatory, Central Wesleyan College, 1924-29; dir. dept. fine arts McKendree Coll. since 1929. Awarded nat. prize organ number "Oasis," 1924. Associate mem. Am. Guild of Organists ; Am. Guild of Organ- ists (Eastern Okla. Chap.). Republican. Methodist. Mason. Composer: America's Processional (hymn) ; also other piano and organ compositions. Home: 510 Cen- ter St. Office: McKendree College, Le- banon, 111. DANGEL, Merlin William,' mfr. of couplings; b. Chicago, 111., 30 Mar. 1898; s. William H. and Maude (Miller) D.; ed. public schools, Oak Park, and Lewis Inst., Chicago; m. Hester Russell, 27 Sept. 1924; children — Barbara, Margery. Identified with mfg. of couplings since July 1919; now pres. Lovejoy Flexible Coupling Co. Served with 123d Atry., 33d Div., U.S. Army, June 1917-1919. Re- publican. Methodist. Mason (Fair Oaks Lodge, Oak Park Chapter). Clubs: Oak Park Country; River Forest Tennis. Home: 717 N. Columbian Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 5001 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. 586 FISKE, Kenneth Morton, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 16 June 1894; s. John T. and Jennie (Frazier) F.; grad. Engle- wood High Sch., Chicago, 1912; student Chicago Bus. Coll.; U. of Chicago; LL.B., Chicago-Kent Coll. Law, 1916, LL.M., 1917; m. Eunice Van Dyne, 29 Sept. 1923; children — Kenneth Van Dyne, Ma- ry Virginia. Admitted to 111. bar, 1916, and began practice in Chicago; now specializing in corp., real estate and probate law; mem. firm of Defrees, Fiske, O'Brien and Thomson. Served as ensign, U.S.N. , Overseas Transport Ser- vice, World War I. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Am. Legion, Phi Alpha Delta. Republican. Methodist. Mason. Clubs: Union League, Law, Eco- nomic. Home: Woodstock, 111. Office: 105 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. DENISON, Sidney Alexander, supt. of schs.; b. Bridgeport, 111., 2 July 1884; s. Henry Howard and Mary E. (Saums) D.; grad. HI. State Normal Univ., 1910; B.E., Teachers Coll. of 111. State Normal Univ., 1922; A.M., Univ. of 111., 1928; m. Florence A. Perkins, 26 Dec. 1910; 1 dau. — Betty Denison Kruggel. Taught (3 yrs.) rural schs. Lawrence County, 111.; prin. Carey Sch., Keokuk, la., 1910, continuing 4 yrs. ; prin. Carey and Jef- ferson Schs. Keokuk, 1914-24; supt. schs., Pontiac 111., 1924-29, Glen Ellyn, 111., since 1929. Mem. Rotary Internat., Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi. Repub- lican. Methodist. Clubs: Kiwanis, Lions. Home: 725 Highland Av., Glen Ellyn, 111. FARRAR, Holden Knapp, resident partner, Chicago office, Smith, Barney & Co.; b. Montpelier, Vt., 6 Jan. 1897; s. Waldo H. and Jessie A. (Knapp) F. ; grad. Bordentown Mil. Inst., 1915; stu- dent Dartmouth Coll., 1915-16, Hamilton Coll., 1916-17; m. C. Myrtle Vollers, 26 Nov. 1919; children — Holden Knapp, Lou- is Vollers, Paul Swift. Asso. with Guar- anty Co. of N.Y., 1919-34, in Cincinnati office, 1919-21, wholesale mgr. Chicago office, 1921-27, mgr. Phila. office, 1927- 30, 2d v.p. in charge Chicago office, 1930- 34; v.p. in charge Chicago office, Ed- ward B. Smith & Co., investment bank- ers, until 1938, when firm merged into Smith, Barney & Co. Served as ensign U.S.N. , World War. Mem. Psi Upsilon. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Uni- versity, Bond Club, Attic, Indian Hill, La Salle Street. Home: 1206 Tower Rd., Winnetka, 111. Office: 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. HOLMBLAD, Edward Charles, M.D., surgeon; b. Aurora, 111., 10 Apr. 1894; s. Charles and Christine (Shogren) H. ; ed. grade and high schs., Aurora; Lake For- est Coll.; student Univ. of Chicago, 1912-16; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1918; m. Lillian Weltin, 20 Dec. 1920; children — James Edward, Anita Marie. Intern, Cook County Hosp., 1918-20; diplomats Nat. Board of Med. Examiners, 1920; mem. staff St. Luke's Hosp. since 1920, now senior attending surgeon; surgeon Chicago & Eastern 111. and Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific rys.; chief sur- geon Railway Express Agency; consult- ant to Div. of Industrial Hygiene, Nat. Inst of Health, Bethesda, Md., 1940-41; consultant to Health and Med. Com. for Council of Nat. Defense, 1940-41; consult- ant in industrial medicine and surgery; mem. firm of Drs. Holmblad & Jacobson. Served as mem. Naval Reserve Corps, 1917-21. Managing dir., Am. Assn. of In- dustrial Phys. and Surgs. Mem. Am. Med. Assn., 111. State and Chicago med. socs., Digamma Alpha Upsilon, Phi Beta Pi. Republican. Methodist. Mason. Clubs : Swedish (Chicago) ; Aurora Coun- try. Home: 654 Downer PL, Aurora, 111. Office: 28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. STRATTON, William Timothy, profes- sor and head of mathematics depart- ment; b. Redkey, Ind., 10 Dec. 1880; s. Cyrus M. Stratton, farmer, and Lucetta (Nixon) S.; ed. Jefferson Twp. (Jay Co., Ind.) high sch.; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1906, A.M., 1914; Ph.D., Univ. Wash., 1931; m. Daisy Anne Thomas of Corydon, Ind., 21 Aug. 1905; children— Charles W., Ca- rol Stratton (Tucker). Teacher, rural schs. Ind., 1900-02; prin., Jefferson Twp. high sch., 2 yrs.; prin., Oneida, 111. schs., 1 yr. ; prin. McCray-Dewey Acad., Troy, 111., 3 yrs.; asst. instr., asst. prof., assoc. prof., head dept. math., Kan. State Coll., 1910—; mem. Am. Math. Soc, Math. Assn. Am., Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Mu Epsilon, Chamber of Commerce. Author: An Agricultural Arithmetic; Plane Trigonometry; Solid Geometry and Mensuration. Travel: U.S., Canada. Recreation: golf. Christian. Republi- can. Office: Kansas State College, Man- hattan, Kan. Home: 511 No. Sunset Col- lege, Manhattan, Kan. DAVIES, Edwin Gibbs, estate consult- ant; b. Helena, Mont., 13 Jan. 1904; s. Charles Edward and Louise Amelia (But- cher) D.; B.A.Sc. in Elec. Engring., Univ. of Toronto (Ont., Can.), 1926; stu- dent Osgood Law Sch., 1926-29; m. Sa- rah Louise Miles, 11 Sept. 1928; children — Anne Louise, Gary Miles. Admitted to Ont. bar, 1929; sales engr. Teletype Corp. of Chicago (111.), 1929-30; assoc. of 587 Duncan S. and J. Beverly Robinson, Toronto, Ont., Can., 1930-32, partner, 1932-33; engaged as estate consultant, Chicago, since 1933. Mem. Phi Delta Phi. Republican. Methodist. Clubs: Cal- ifornia, Annandale Golf; Los Angeles Athletic, Hollywood Athletic, Pacific (Los Angeles, Calif.) ; Royal Canadian Yacht (Toronto, Ont.). Home: 2054 San Pasqual, Pasadena, Calif. Office: 530 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles, Calif. FRENCH, Esther Louise, prof. phys. edn.; b. Broadwell, 111., 29 Apr. 1908; d. Daniel Henry and Ammy (Hickman) French; student 111. State Normal Univ., Normal, 111., 1925-28; B.S. in Phys. Edn., Univ. of la., 1935, M.A., 1936, Ph.D., 1942; unmarried. Supervisor of phys edn. pub. schs., and dir. dept. phys. edn. for women, Lincoln College, Lincoln, 111., 1928-31; supervisor of phys. edn., East Side Schs., Aurora, 111., 1931-34; instr., Univ. of la. Exptl. Schs., Iowa City, la., 1934-36; instr., Univ. of Chicago Lab. Schs., 1936-38; instr., Univ. of la., 1938- 42; asst. prof., Univ. of Minn., 1942-44; prof, of phys. edn., 111. State Normal Univ., Normal, 111., since 1944; counse- lor Camp Chickagami, Winter, Wis., since 1939; asst. dir., 1944-46. Mem. Am. Assn. for Health, Phys. Edn. and Rec- reation, N.E.A., Coll. Dirs. of Phys. Edn. Assn.; mem. controlling bd., Women's Athletics Assn. (nat. sec.) ; mem. Wo- men's Nat. Officials Rating Com. Meth- odist. Author: Health and Physical Edu- cation for Small Schools (with Lois P. Broady), 1941; Better Teaching Through Testing (with Gladys Scott), 1945. Editor of 1943-44 Softball- Volley Ball Guide of National Section on Women's Athletics, 1943. Contbr. articles to Research Quar. of Am. Assn. for Health. Phys. Edn. and Recreation, Home: 513 E. Chestnut St., Bloomington, 111. Office: 111. State Nor- mal University, Normal, 111. ADAMS, Edward R., lawyer; b. Gales- burg, 111., 7 July 1892; s. Edward Q. and Helen L. (Gay) A.; student Knox Coll., Galesburg, 1909-12; A.B., Harvard, 1914; LL.B., Harvard Law Sch., 1917; m. Fran- ces R. Cummings, 14 June 1924; chil- dren — Edward Q., Frances S. Admitted to 111. bar, 1918, and practiced since at Chicago; mem. firm Miller, Gorham, Wescott & Adams. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Law Club of Chicago, Legal Club of Chicago, Phi Del- ta Theta, Soc. of Trial Lawyers. Repub- lican. Protestant. Clubs: University, Mid-Day, Indian Hill. Home: 200 Wood- ley Rd., Winnetka, 111. Office: 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. LARKIN, John Day, dean of liberal studies and prof, polit. science; b. Hunt- land, Tenn., 15 Sept. 1897; s. John Day and Louanna (Erwin) L. ; A.B., Berea Coll., 1923; A.M., Univ. of Chicago, 1925; Ph.D., Harvard 1935; m. Ruth Ormsby, 22 Aug. 1922 (dec.) ; children— Margaret Elizabeth, John Day III; m. 2d, Kath- leen Ormsby, 8 Sept. 1928. Began as bank elk., 1919; field agt. Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1923-24; instr. his- tory, Hamline Univ., St. Paul, Minn., 1925-27; instr. Rutgers Univ., summer. 1927; instr. polit. sci., Univ. of N.D., 1927-28; asst. in govt., Harvard, 1928-30; spl. research asst. U.S. Senate finance com., 1929; tutor, later instr. and asst. prof. govt. Coll. of the City of N.Y., 1930- 37; asso. prof, polit. science, Armour Inst, of Tech., 1937-40; chmn. dept. of polit. and social sci., 111. Inst, of Tech. since 1940; pub. mem. and vice chmn. N.W.L.B. (region VI), 1943-45. Mem. Po- lit. Sci. Assn., Am. Acad., Soc. Promo- tion Engring. Edn. Protestant. Clubs: University (Chicago), City (Chicago). Author: The President's Control of the Tariff, 1936; Trade Agreements : A Study in Democratic Method, 1940; contbd. miscellaneous articles. Home: 1732 Chi- cago Av., Evnaston, 111. Office: 3300 Fed- eral St., Chicago, 111. NORRIS, Clifford Mortimer, building contractor; b. St. Louis, Mich., 1 Aug. 1889; s. Frederick C. and Mary (Sharp- steen) N.; student U. of Mich., 1906-07; m. Martha King (Brayton), 16 Apr. 1929; children — Jane King, Clifford M. Began as engr. in bldg. construction business, 1911; sec. Lundoff-Bicknell Co., bldg. contractors, Cleveland, O., 1921-26, vice pres. and dir. since 1926, removed to Chicago with same company, 1929; now president Norris Construction Co. Served as 2d It., 35th Div., U.S.A., in France, during World War I; mem. Ohio N.G., 1921-24. Clubs: Tavern, Chicago Athletic Assn. Home: 1162 Tower Rd., Winnetka, 111. Office: 520 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. JOHNStON, Preston King, lawyer; b. Altamont, 111., 1 Mar. 1885; s. Preston King and Belle (Chance) J.; LL.B.. Univ. of 111., 1909; m. Celia Alexander, 16 July 1912; children— Mildred (Mrs. E. J. Rogers), Preston King, Annabelle A. (Mrs. W. A. Couch). Admitted to 111. bar, 1909; engaged in practice of law, Belle- ville, since 1909, partner law firm John son & Johnson since 1939; pres. Belle ville Savings Bank; dir. St. Clair Guar- anty & Title Co. Asst. state's atty., St. Clair Co., 1909-12; mayor, Belleville, 588 1919-21; master in chancery, St. Clair Co., 1923-27. Mem. 111. State and Belle- ville Bar Assns., Order of the Coif, Phi Delta Phi. Republican. Methodist. Ma- son (32d deg.,' Shriner). Club: Rotary (Belleville). Home: 300 Wabash Av. Of- fice: 27-29 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Belle- ville, 111. CHENEY, Luke H., lawyer, country judge; b. Randolph, N.Y.; s. Matthew B. Cheney and Lucy (Stanley) C; ed. A.B., Univ. Neb., 1887; LL.B., Univ. Michigan, 1889; m. Clara Vance of State Center, la., 14 Nov. 1894; children — Dorothy, Ne- wel S., Wendell P. Admitted to Bar, 1889; practiced law, Lincoln, Neb., 1889- 91; Frontier Co., 1891-1923, co. atty., 1899-1909;, 1918-23; practice of law, Mc- Cook, Neb., 1923—, city atty., 1926, 1932, 1939, 1941 ; apptd. co. judge 1942-44 ; elect- ed co. judge, 1945-48; pres., bd. ed., McCook Jr. Coll.. 1932-40; chmn., Ma- sonic Temple Bd.; sec, Frontier Co. Agr. Soc, 1897-1917; Council of Defence, Frontier Co., Selective Bd. Draft, during World War I; mem. Advisory Board, World War II. 1st It, 1885, capt., 1887, Co. D., 1st Reg., N.G., Neb.; mem. Ma- sons, P.M., P.H.P. of R.A.M., P. Patron, O.E.S., past I.M., Royal & Select Mas- ters, P.C. of St. John Com., K.T., No. 16, K.Y.C.H., Kiwanis, Chamber of Com- merce. Clubs: Republican, Central Com. Frontier Country (chmn., 1912-23). M.B. Cheney was State Senator, Lancaster Co., 1879-81. Congregationalist. Republi- can. Office: McCook, Neb., Home: 1006 Main St., McCook, Neb. LOUD, Marian V., painter, teacher, lecturer; b. Medford, Mass., 6 Oct. 1880; d. Henry Nelson Loud, mfr., and Agnes Elizabeth (Hathaway) L.; ed. Liggett Sch., Detroit; Harvard summer sch.; Wayne Univ. Employed two years at Pewabic Pottery, Detroit; director's as- sistant, Detroit School of Design, 1911- 16; faculty of Liggett Sch., 1916-45; his- tory of art lecturer at School of the De- troit Soc. of Arts and Crafts; mem. De- troit Soc. of Arts and Crafts, Detroit Soc. of Women Painters and Sculptors. Au- thor: A Picnic on A Pyramid. Travel: Eur., N. Afr., Near East, Japan, China, Philippines, Panama, Cuba, South and Southwest U.S. Desc. pioneer lumber- men on Au Sable River. Interests: paint- ing, writing. Republican. Home: 1504 Cadillac Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Summer home: Mackinac Island, Mich. SUNDHEIM, George Melchoir, law- yer; b. Chicago, 111., 26 Jan. 1894; s. Joseph John and Margaret Catherine (Mathias) S.; grad. Lewis Inst. Tech., Chicago, 1913; student Northwestern U. Law Sch., 1913-16, Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law, 1916, Columbia Univ. Law Sch., 1917, Fordham Univ. Law Sch., 1919; m. Bertha Korup, 24 Sept. 1919; children - Dorothy Gene, Marguerite Catherine, George Melchoir. With Chicago Title & Trust Co., 1911-14; admitted to N.Y. bar, 1919, 111. bar, 1922; U.S. Dist. and Su- preme courts, 1932; atty. for Nat. Bis- cuit Co., N.Y. City, 1916-17, 1919-22; with law firm of Tenney, Harding, Sherman & Rogers, Chicago, 1922-29; pvt. prac- tice since 1929; gen. counsel Great Lakes Spring Corp., Danly Machine Special- ties, Inc., Snyder Aircraft Corp., Asbes- tos & Magnesia Materials Co., Supply & Hardware Corp., Bouton-Foster Co., Fisher Furnace Corp., Insulation Con- tractors Assn., Anderson Engineering Co., Brewer Sewing Supplies and School District 110, Cook County; gen. counsel and dir. State Bank of Clearing, Crooks Terminal Warehouses, Inc., Streeter- Amet Co., and Clearing Safe Deposit Co. ; gen. counsel, dir. and sec. for Barn- ey Olson, Inc., Hydro- Arc Furnace Corp., Comfort Products Corp., Jiggers, Inc. and Gas Equipment Maintenance Co.; gen. counsel, dir. and v. p. of Geo. B. Limbert & Co.; gen. counsel and sec. for Clearing Machine Corp., Hershey Mfg. Co., Midland Machine Corp., United Plastics, Inc. and Midwest Hydraulics. Inc.; Counsel for Clearing Industrial District, Inc. (treas., asst. sec), Agar Container Div. of Internat. Paper Co.. Arkell Safety Bag Co., Curtis Lighting. Inc., and Strauss-Rose Carpet Corp. Served in Naval Aviation, U.S. Navy, World War I. Justice of the peace, Lyons twp., Cook Co. for two terms; trustee, village of La Grange, one term; chmn., La Grange zoning appeal bd. and La Grange Council. Mem. 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Am. Legion (past adj.), Delta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi. Republican. La Grange Presbyterian Ch. (trustee). Mason. Clubs: Union League. La Grange Country (past pres.), North- western Univ. Club. Home : 346 S. Ken- sington Av., La Grange, 111. Office: 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. NORDEN, Elaine Cleveland, advertis- ing; b. Chicago, 111., 27 Oct. 1896; d. Harold Irwin and Minnesota (Freeman) C. ; ed. Cook County Normal Sch. and pub. and high schs. Minneapolis, Minn.: student Univ. of Minn, (intermittently » 1914-20; m. Thomas Peel Norden, 21 Sept. 1920 (separated) : 1 dau. — Victoria Cleveland (Mrs. Carl O. Nordgren, Jr.). 589 Began as copywriter, Mac Martin Adv. Agency, Minneapolis, Minn., 1916, then copy chief; copy contact, Erwin, Wasey & Co., Minnesota office; copy contact Hutchinson Advertising Co., Minneapo- lis, Minn.; free lance home economics writing 3 yrs. Detroit, Mich.; home eco- nomics dir. and account exec. Campbell - Mithun, Inc., Minneapolis, 1937-42, crea- tive chief Chicago, 1942-44; account exec. The Larsen Co., Green Bay, Wis., since 1944; home economics dir. and stock- holder Campbell-Mithun, Inc. Chicago and Minneapolis. Dir. Women's Adver- tising Club of Chicago (Vocational chmn.) ; one of organizers Women's Ad- vertising Club of Minneapolis ; pres. Zon- ta Club (Chicago loop). Has taught ad- vertising, extension div. Univ. of Minn. Contbr. articles to mags. Address: 1024 Palmolive Bldg., Chicago, 111. BUNGE, Frederick Martin, clergy- man; b. Hartley, la., 4 Feb. 1895; s. Paul John and Margaret (Kruse) B.; A.B., Wartburg Coll., Clinton, la., 1915; Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque, la., 1918; m. Anna Marie Tiedemann, 21 Aug. 1918; children — Eudora Marilyn, Marguerite Claire, Frederick Paul, Leonard John, Martin David. Ordained minister in Lutheran Ch., 1918; pastor in Goerge, la., 1918-23, Chenoa, Fairbury, Forrest and Colfax, 111., 1923-41, Weschester, HI., 1941-44, Our Lord's Am. Lutheran Ch., Chicago, since 1944. Club: Lions (Che- noa, 111.) Home: 6224 W. Gunnison Av., Chicago 30, 111. WRAY, Edward, magazine pub.; b. Janesville, Wis., 16 Feb. 1884; s. James Glendenning and Helen Jane (Edgar) W. ; B.S. in Chem. Engring., Univ. of Wis., 1905, E.E., 1906; m. Margaret A. Towne, 29 Dec. 1909; children— Margar- et Janet, Isabel Russell, John Edward. In charge of series of tests covering all types of electric car lighting systems on railroads, 1906; asst. engr., location and construction of railroad in Puerto Rico, 1906-08; asst. mgr., Janesville (Wis.) Electric Co., 1908; pub. Railway Elec. Engr., 1909-15, mng. editor (with Sim- mons-Boardman Pub. Co.), 1915-16; asst. gen. mgr. Sangamo Electric Co.), 1916- 19; also pres. and treas. Concrete Mix- ing and Conveying Co., 1912-25; publish- er Railway Purchases , and Stores, Chicago, since 1920. Recipient of schol- arship in electro-chemistry, Univ. of Wis., 1905-06. Mem. Railway Electric Supply Mgrs. Assn. (treas. 1909-35, sec. 1925-35, pres. 1938-39), Am. Soc. M.E., Am. Chem. Soc, Phi Lamda Upsilon. Ind. Republican. Methodist. Mason, Ro- tarian. Clubs: Union League, Western Railway (Chicago). Author: Investiga- tion of Methods of Lighting of Railway Cars, 1906; Wray's Manual of Railway Car Lighting, 1915. Home: 2752 Bennett Av., Evanston, 111. Office: 9 S. Clinton St., Chicago, 111. SAVAGE, Joseph Patrick, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 13 Nov. 1894; s. Patrick and Louise (Pomeroy) S. ; ed. Dore Pub. Sch., St. Patrick's Acad., St. Patrick's Commercial Acad.; grad. Loyola Univ. Law School; m. Mary T. Twomey, 16 Apr. 1918. Began as insurance broker, 1919; admitted to 111. bar, 1921, and since in practice at Chicago; asst. state's atty. of Cook Co., 1921-26; chief atty. for Forest Preserve Commn., Cook Co., 1926-28; spl. asst. corp. counsel, City of Chicago, 1927-29; now engaged in practice under own name. Served as capt. 84th Div., U.S. Army, World War I. Mem. Bd. of Edn., Chicago, 1931-37. Mem. Am. and 111. State bar assns., Chicago Athletic Assn. Club: St. Charles Country. Republican. Catholic. K. C. Home: La Fox, 111. Office; 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. HERMAN, Raymond E., real estate; b. Woodstock, 111., 2 Aug. 1883; s. Henry G. and Mary Rhoda (Hakes) H. ; desc. on maternal side of ancestor who settled at Roxbury, Mass., 1640; prep. edn.. Hyde Park High Sch.; student Dart- mouth Coll., 1902-04; m. Carolyn Phelps Weaver, 28 Aug. 1909; children— Grant, Randolph, Hamilton. Engaged in real estate business in Chicago since 1907. Mem. Chicago Real Estate Bd., Nat. Assn. Real Estate Bds., Dartmouth Coll. Alumni Assn., Delta Kappa Epsi- lon, S.A.R. Republican. Protestant. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn., Realty, Coleman Lake Club, Camp Fire Club of Chicago. Home: 328 N. Linden Av., High- land Park, 111. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. ZORK, David, decorator, fine furni- ture; b. St. Louis, Mo., 21 Sept. 1875; s. Sol and Sarah (Marcus) Z. ; ed. pub. and high sch., St. Louis, until 1894; m. Lottie Rice, 30 June 1923. Began as salesman for H. E. Scholle & Co., Chicago, 1902; with W. K. Cowan & Co., 10 years, ad- vancing to gen. manager; in decorating and fine furniture business on own ac- count, in Chicago, since 1915; pres. Da- vid Zork Co. Jewish religion. Republi- can. Mem. Antique and Decorative Arts League, New York, Am. Inst, of Deco- rators, Art Inst. Chicago (life), Field Museum of Natural History (life), Chi- 590 cago Hist. Soc. (life). Home: 1540 Lake Shore Dr. Office: 201-207 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. ROBILLARD, Amos Horace, lawyer; b. Courtright, Ont., Can., 30 Sept. 1878; s. Joseph and Elodie (Paradis) R.; came to U.S., 1898; LL.B., Chicago Law Sch., 1905; m. Lorette Corkins, 6 July 1922. Admitted to 111. bar, 1905; engaged in practice of law at Chicago, 1905-06, at Grand Rapids, Mich., 1906-07, at Kank- akee, 111., since 1907; partner law firm of Robillard & Robillard, Kankakee, 1911-19, Robillard & Henry, 1919-25, Ro- billard & Holland since 1933; v.p. Kank- akee County Title & Trust Co. Mem. Am., 111. (vice pres.) and Kankakee County (past pres.) bar assns., A.A.A.S. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (pres. Kankakee Shrine Club), K.P. Lecturer on popular astronomy. Home: 1450 Cobb Blvd. Office: 613-18 City Bank Bldg., Kankakee, 111. TINLEY, Mathew Adrian, physician, surgeon; b. Council Bluffs, la., 5 Mar. 1876; s. Mathew Hugh Tinley and Rose (Dolan) T.; ed. Council Bluffs, Iowa, grade and high schs.; Univ. of Neb., Omaha, Neb. ; post grad. work, Post Grad. Med. Sch., N.Y.; m. Lucy Shaw Williams of Norfolk, Neb., 8 Oct. 1902; children — Winifred M., Robert E. On staff, Jennie Edmundson Hosp., 1903; surg., U.P.R.R., 1905—, Wabash R.R., 1920—, C.N.W.R.R., 1936—; examiner for Aetna, Conn. Mutual, la. Employers Mutual Ins. Cos.; mem. bd. dirs. Neb. Power Co.; nominated for V.P. of U.S., by la. Delegation, Dem. Nat. Conv., 1932; served with U.S.A., Philippine Campaign, 1898-99; col., inf. comdg. 168th inf. 42nd div., now It. gen., re- tired, 34th N.G. Div. during World War I; awarded D.S.M., Philippino Congres- sional Medal (U.S.); Officer Legion of Honor (Fr.) ; Croix de Guerre (Fr.) ; F.A.C.S.; mem. A.M.A., la State Med. Soc. (v.p., 1920), Wabash Surgs. (pres., 1934), Am. Assn. Ry. Surgs. (pres., 1939), Nat. Vets. Rainbow Soc. (pres.), Nat. Guard Assn. Am. (pres., 1934,), Am. Legion (1st dept. comdr., la.), V.- F.W., Order of Carribao (Philippine), K.S., B.P.O.E., F.O.E., Knights of Ak- Sar-Ben, Chamber of Commerce, Forty and Eight, Phi Rho Sigma. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 207 Park Building, Council Bluffs, la. Home: 520 Third St., Council Bluffs, la. McLENNAN, William Caddell, real- tor; b. Scotland, 3 Apr. 1884; s. William and Elizabeth (Caddell) McL. ; ed. pub. schs. and Bellshill Acad. (Scotland), Bryant & Stratton Business Coll., Chi- cago; m. Nellie Brown, 26 Feb. 1906 (died 1920) ; children— Mary Phyllis (Mrs. W. R. Faust), William Stanley, Robert Gordon, Richard Earl; m. 2d, Jessie Edgar, 25 Dec. 1920; children — John Edgar, Elizabeth. Began in con- struction business in Scotland 1900, came to U.S., 1904; head of firm of Wm. C. McLennan & Co., real estate, building and insurance, Chicago, since 1912; vice- pres. and chmn. loan com. Edison Park State Savings Bank; mem. underwrit- ing staff of Federal Housing Admns., mem. Chicago Real Estate Boards (ins. com. 1931-33; chmn. finance com., 1934; dir. 1934-36), Northwest Real Estate Bd. (dir. 1929-32, (pres., 1934), Chicago Bldg. Industries Council (exec, com.), Am. Inst. Real Estate Appraisers, Met. Hous- ing Corp. (gov.). Home: 322 Grand Blvd., Park Ridge, 111. Office: 6665 N. Northwest Highway, Chicago, 111. SIMS, Frank Smith, lawyer; b. Wash- ington, D.C., 6 Dec. 1904; s. Edwin Wal- ter and Charlotte (Smith) S.; B.A., Univ. of Mich. 1928; J.D., Northwestern Univ., 1931; m. Betty McNair, 17 June 1930; children— Frank McNair, David Knowles, Sherry. Admitted to 111. bar 1931; asst. state's atty., Cook County, 1932-33; mem. law firm Sims & Stransky, 1933-38; partner law firm Sims, Handy, McKnight & Carey, 1938-42 ; with LaSalle Securities, Inc. (Coca-Cola) since Jan. 1945, v.p. since Mar. 1945. Lt. comdr. in charge naval officer procurement, De- troit, 1942-44; spl. assignment European theater, July-Nov. 1944; inactive duty since Feb. 1945. Mem. bd. dirs. Upper Avenue National Bank, Council of Social Agencies, Assn. House of Chicago; Secy. Bd. Mgrs. Y.M.C.A. ; mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Chicago Law Inst., Phi Delta Phi, Sigma Chi. Republican, Presbyterian (trustee 4th Church). Clubs: Chicago, Law Club, Un- ion League, Glen View, Forty, Econom- ic (Chicago). Home: 1430 Lake Shore Dr. Office: 105 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. DONOVAN, Joseph Patrick, priest; b. Marysville, Kan., 2 Mar. 1880; s. Joseph Donovan, veterinarian, and Winifred (Lynch) D. ; ed. EdPaul high sch., Chi- cago, 111.; B.A., DePaul Univ., 1902; J.C.D., Apollinaris Univ., Rome, 1909. Entered Congregation of the Mission, St. Mary's Sem., Perryville, Mo., 1902; ordained priest, 1906; teacher, sacra- mental theol., canon law, social philos., Kenrick Sem., St. Louis, Mo., 1909, pres. Mar. 1944 — ; has done original work in 591 both prvt., pub. law in the field of Can- on Law; first to apply, as far as known, the principle of perfect juridical society to the international order in a paper before the Cath. Assn. for Internat. Peace, 1929; mem. Cath. Students Mis- sion Crusade (mem. advisory bd.), Cath. Rural Conf. (charter mem.), Cath. Conf. on Industrial Relations. Author: art. in Catholic periodicals; off. biographer of Archbishop John Joseph Glennon, D.D., Cardinal of St. Louis, Mo. Catholic. Democrat. Office and home: Kenrick Seminary, 7800 Kenrick Rd. 19, St. Lou- is, Mo. RANDLETT, Fred Morse, civil engr.; b. Lawrence, Mass., 3 June 1876; s. Oran J. and Ella (Morse) R.; B.S., Tufts Coll., 1897, M.S. (hon.), 1937; m. Mae L. Lockwod, 10 Sept. 1902 (dec). Rod- man, N.Y., N.H. & H. R.R., Boston, Mass., 1898-99; teacher of sciences, Lex- ington (Mass.) High Sen., 1899-1900, Wil- liston Sem. (East Hampton, Mass.), 1900; engr. Stone & Webster, Cape Bret- on, Can., 1900-03, Mass. Electric Co., Boston, Mass., 1903-04, Warren Brothers Co., Boston, Mass., 1904-05, Warren Con- struction Co. Portland, Ore., 1905-06; asst. engr. water dept., City of Portland, Ore., 1906-17, chief engr., 1917-25; Pacific coast mgr., Robert W. Hunt Co., 1925-35, dir., v.p. and gen. mgr., Chicago, since 1935. Mem. Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., West- ern Soc. Engrs., Am. Ry. Engring. Assn., Am. Water Works Assn., Am. Soc. Testing Materials, Alpha Tau Omega. Republican. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Union League, Engineers' (Chicago) ; Family, Engineers' (San Francisco) ; Calumet (111.) Country; Pacific Ry. (San Francisco, Cal.) Address: 175 W. Jack- son Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. STEVENS, Walter Judson, judge; b. Kenney, 111., 19 Jan. 1896; s. Charles Al- fred and Lillie Elizabeth (Miner) S.; LL.B., Univ. of 111., 1923; m. G. Berenice Cox, 29 May 1930; 1 son— Walter Judson. Admitted to 111. bar, 1923; engaged in ind. practice of law, Sterling, since 1923. City atty., Sterling, 1935-39; atty., Village of Tampico, 1937-42; co. judge, Whiteside Co., since 21 August 1942; sec- retary Whiteside County Rep. Central Com. Served with 327th F.A., 84th Div., A.E.F., 1918-19. Mem. Whiteside County Bar Assn., 111. State Bar Assn., Am. Legion, Vets. Fgn. Wars, 111. County and Probate Judges Assn., Rock River Coun- try Club. Republican. Mem. Christian Ch., Odd Fellows, Elks. Club: Gyro In- ternat. (Sterling). Home: 304 W. 14th St. Office: Lawrence Bldg., Sterling, Til. ALBERT, Will Monroe, lawyer; b. Vandalia, 111., 7 June 1891; s. James M. and Ida (Pilcher) A.; student Peacock Mil. Sen., San Antonio, Tex., James Mil- likin Univ., Decatur, 111.; LL.B., 111. Wes- leyan Univ., Bloomington, 111., 1914; m. Castilla Sayles 2 Jan. 1920; children — Mary Carroll, James William. Engaged in practice of law since 1914; city atty., Vandalia, 111.; master in chancery and states atty., Fayette County 111. Served with 316th F.A., U.S. Army, World War I. Mem. Am. Legion. Democrat. Mason. Home : Vandalia, 111. DARBY, Golden Barzotra, sociologist; b. Salem, Va., 18 Sept. 1895; s. James and Alice R. (Borzotra) D. ; student U. of Pittsburgh, 1912-13, McGill Univ., Montreal, Can., 1924-26, Univ. of Syra- cuse (N.Y.), 1933-34; m. L. Beatrice Green, 24 May 1928. Began as recreation and boys worker, 1919; sec. War Com- munity Center, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1919-20; with Praux Thomas Athletic Club, To- ronto, Can., 1921-23; organizer and dir. Negro Community Center and Social Service Center, Montreal, Canada, 1924- 29; chmn. and exec. Biracial Citizens Com., a crime prevention group, New- ark, N.J., 1928-30; editor of Newark (N. J.) Herald, weekly newspaper, 1928-30; exec. dir. Dunbar Social House, Syra- cuse, N.Y., 1930-37; conducted own busi- ness, 1937-44; engaged in social work among Negroes, Chicago, since 1937; sociologist, Inst, for Juvenile Research. 111. Dept. of Pub. Welfare Service, 1941. Dir. Southside Community Com. (for pre- vention of delinquency). Founder and organizer South Side Art Center, Chi- cago. Mem. Chicago Negro C. of C. (dir.), Chicago Acad, of Criminology, of Social Workers, HI. Welfare Assn. Am. Assn. for Adult Edn., Nat. Council Awarded key as the most useful colored citizen, Syracuse, N.Y., 1935. Republi- can. Baptist. Mason, Elk. Editor and pub. of The Negro and Syracuse (a study in community relationship), 1936. Contbr. articles to various social welfare pubis. Home: 3538% S. Parkway. Office: 3458 S. State St., Chicago, 111. NAUJOKS, Herbert Hugh, lawyer; b. Milwaukee, Wis.; s. Matthew and Min- nie Helen (Kanneberg) N. ; A.B., Univ. of Wis., 1924, LL.B., 1925, M.A., 1929; J.S.D., Yale, 1930; m. Doris A. Bullock, 1931; children — Judith Doris, Nancy Marcia, Gratia Lynne. In office of atty. gen., Madison, Wis., 1925-36, asst. atty. gen., 1927-36; aso., Ekern & Meyer*, Chicago. 111., 1936-41; mem. firm Ekern. Meyers & Matthias, since 1942; legal 592 counsel for Great Lakes Harbors Assn., First Nat. Bank Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis., since 1938; special asst. to attys. gen. of Wis., Minn., Mich., O., Pa. and N.Y. in Chicago water diversion litigation since 1938. Mem. Wis. Nat. Guard, 1922- 23. Mem. Am., 111. State, Wis. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Internat. Assn. of Insurance Counsel, Sigma Phi Sigma. Sigma Nu Phi, Theta Nu Epsilon, Beta Phi Theta, Order of Coif. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Contbr. of legal articles to various insurance and legal pubis, and law reviews. Home: 1947 Kenilworth Av., Wilmette, 111. Office: One N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. WEBSTER, Augusta, physician, sur- geon; b. St. Louis, Mo., 31 Aug. 1905; d. George Omar and Sarah L. (Flinn) Webster; B.A., Northestern Univ., 1926, M.D., 1932. Engaged in pvt. practice medicine and surgery, Chicago, since 1935; assoc. in obstetrics and gynecology, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch.; mem. staff Passavant Memorial Hosp. since 1935; asso. staff Cook County Hosp. since 1937; courtesy staff Mercy and Wesley hosps. Diplomate Am. Bd. Obstetrics and Gynecology; fellow Am. Coll. Surgs. Mem. Chicago Gynecological . Soc, Chi- cago and 111. med. socs.; A.M. A., Am. Med. Women's Assn., Kappa Delta, Nu Sigma Phi. Methodist. Clubs: Quota (Chicago), Chicago College, Chicago Wo- man's. Home: 7606 N. Bosworth. Office: 104 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, HI. KINGSBURY, Edna, artist; b. Xenia, O. ; d. John Kingsbury, businessman, and Nancy (Clark) K. ; ed. Shortridge high sch.; John Harron Art Sch., Indianapo- lis. Portrait and landscape artist; ex- hibited, Art Inst., Indianapolis, Indiana Arts Club, Hoosier Salon, Boston Art Club; Soc. Ind. Artist, N.Y., pvt collec- tions; reviewed in many Fr. Art Mags.; mem. Indiana Artists, Hoosier Salon, Soc. of Ind. Artists. Club: Boston Art. Office and home: 1128 East Ohio St., In- dianapolis, Ind. ROBERG, Oscar Theodore, surgeon; b. Chicago, 111., 7 Feb. 1876; s. Oscar Bernard and Christina (Anderson) R.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1899; post-grad, work Univ. of Vienna, Austria; married, 3 Jan. 1901; children— O. Theodore, Jr., Norman Bridge. Practiced at Chicago since 1899; surgeon Swedish Covenant. Hosp. since 1901. Maj. Med. Corps, World War; chief of Neuro-Surg. div Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., and Ft. Sheri- dan, 111. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. A.M. A., 111. State and Chicago med. socs., Chicago Inst. Medicine, Chi- cago Pathol. Soc. Republican. Clubs: Union League. Home: 3812 N. Keeler Av. Office: 2000 Irving Park Rd., Chicago, 111. THOMSON, Adam Gentles, pres. Kel- ley-How-Thomson Co., T. O. Ranch Co.; dir. First and American Nat. Bank. Home: 3500 E. Superior. Office: 1507 Al- worth Bldg., Duluth, Minn. MAIN, Charles ©., dealer in municipal bonds; b. Holland, O., 25 Jan. 1895; s. Oscar M. and Maud (Dubbs) M.; ed. pub. and high schs., Toledo, O.; student Toledo Univ. Law Sch., 1913-16; m. Pearl Merchant, 21 Apr. 1914; children — Doro- thea M., Charlene M. ; m. (2d) Mildred Miles Roberts, 28 Sept. 1941. With Pad- dock, Hodge & Co., grain dealers, To- ledo, 1912-16, W. L. Slayton & Co., Mu- nicipal bond dealers, Toledo and New Orleans, 1916-24, W. K. Terry & Co., bond dealers, Chicago, 1924-27, Channar Se- curities Co. Chicago, 1927-28; with bond dept. Northern Trust Co., Chicago, 1928- 29; with B. J. Van Ingen & Co., Chi- cago, 1929-30, Spink, Ballman & Main, 1930-33; partner, Ballman & Main, deal- ers in municipal and govt, bonds. Bap- tist. Mason; mem. Order of Eastern Star, Worthy Patrons. Clubs: Union League, Kiwanis (Chicago). Home: Wil- mette, 111. Office: 105 W. Adams St., Chi- cago, 111. WILSON, Ira J., patent lawyer; b. Ripon, Wis., 8 Nov. 1881; s. Fred J. and Ella A. (Gardner) W. ; grad. Ripon High Sch., 1901; student Univ. of Wis., 1902- 04; LL.B., George Washington Univ., Washington, 1908, M.P.L., 1909; m. Anne H. Holbrook, 7 Apr. 1910; 1 dau. — Jane. Employed in engring. dept. of Am. Tele- graph & Telephone Co. in N.Y., 1904-05; asst. examiner U.S. Patent Office, 1905- 09; practiced in Chicago since 1909. Mem. 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Am. patent law assns.; pres. Chicago Patent Law Assn., Wisconsin Soc. of Chicago, Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: University (Chicago); North Shore Country. Home: 624 Elder Lane. Winnetka, 111. Office: One LaSalle Street Bldg., Chicago, 111. ARP, A. Henry, physician, surgeon, mayor; b. Moline, 111., 22 Sept. 1893; s. August Henry and Mattie (Hardy) A.; B.S., Univ. of la., 1915; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1917; m. Elsa Mauritzon, 26 Dec. 1927; children — Catherine Mary, Henry, Susan Elizabeth, David Louis. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1919. May- or City of Moline since 1933. Served as rapt. Med. Corps, A.E.F. Fellow Tntpr 593 nat. Coll. of Surgeons; mem. A.M.A., 111. State and Rock Island County Med. Socs., Am. Legion (40 and 8), Vets. Fgn. Wars. Congregationalist. Mason, Viking, Moose, Stag, Turner, Elk, Eagle, Ahepa. Home: 1326 16th St. Office: 508V 2 15th St., Moline, 111. PETERSEN, Paul Whiteside Wilier, pension and profit sharing trust consul- tant; b. Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 Nov. 1888; s. Peter and Margrete (Wilier) P.; grad. cum laude Det Danske Sel- skabs Skole, Copenhagen, 1906; student Univ. of Chicago, 1911-13; m. Bertha D. Redfield, 26 Sept. 1923 (dec. 1942); m. 2d, Ada Whiteside Morton Prendergast, 1943. Came to U.S., 1907, naturalized 1941. Dept. mgr. and asst. gen. mgr. Danish Wholesale Dry Goods, 1913-16; engaged in export bus., N.Y. City and Copenhagen, 1917-20; est. and mgr. Bay City (Mich.) Freezer, Inc. (originator of comml. quick freezing with Petersen rapid freezing system; first patent issued 1922), 1921-20; v.p. and gen. mgr. Ab- solute Contactor Corp., Elkhart, Indiana, 1926-28; operator Paul Wilier Petersen Agency, life ins. brokers, since 1934. Awarded C.L.U. deg. Am. Coll. Life Ins., 1936. Clubs: University, Danish (Chi- cago). Office and home: 90 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, II. and Hutchinson, Kan. PETERSON, Gladys Hanson, librar- ian; b. Princeton, 111., 17 June 1896; d. ohn and Christine (Anderson) Hanson; student Univ. of HI.; 1916-18; m. Ned Austin Peterson, 28 une 1924. Asst. Mat- son Pub. Library, Princeton, 111., 1915- 16; asst. librarian, Davenport, la., 1919: asst. librarian, N.Y. City, 1920-23; libr- ian Legislative Reference Bur., Spring- field, 111., since 1924. Mem. Am. Library Assn., P.E.O. Conglist. Home: 1609 No- ble Av. Office: Capitol Bldg., Springfield, 111. MEYER, Charles Zachary, banker; b. Chicago, 111., 21 July 1895; s. William John and Dora (Walther) M. ; m. Ruth E. Carlson, 30 Oct. 1920; children— Char- lotte Ruth, Charles Orville. Began as messenger First Nat. Bank of Chicago, 1912, asst. cashier, 1930-32, auditor, 1932- 38, comptroller since 1938. Served with Inf., A.E.F., 1917-19; re-entered U. S. Army, Aug. 1942, serving as lieut. col. Office Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D.C. Dir. Glenwood Manual Training Sch.; mem. Controllers Inst. Am., Nat. Assn. Bank Auditors and Comptrollers, Legion of Merit, Heroes of '76, Mil. Or- der of World War, Res. Officers' Assn., Army Ordnance Assn. Republican. Pres- byterian. Mason (Royal Arch). Clubs: Mid-Day, Flossmoor Country, Chicago Club, Sojourners, Economic, Bankers (Chicago). Home: 7321 South Shore Dr. Office: 38 S. Dearborn, Chicago, 111. HOYT, Loretto Rosemary, univ. dean; b. La Porte, Ind., 20 Oct. 1893; d. Homer and Margaret (Kerwin) Hoyt; student Univ. of Chicago, Northwestern Univ., Univ. of Calif., Loyola Univ.; A.B., De Paul Univ., 1929, M.A., 1930; m. Maurice Joseph Harmon, 21 June 1930. Began as comml. instr., 1912; teacher, Nazareth Acad., La Grange, 111., Eureka, Calif.; instr., De Paul Univ., Chicago, 111.; bookkeeper and sec. Western Stoneware Co., Chicago, 111.; dean of secretarial dept., De Paul Univ. Mem. Catholic Wo- men's League, Council of Catholic Wo- men, Phi Gamma Nu (hon.), Delta Kap- pa Gamma. Author of Typewriting Units for school use. Home: 78 Nuttall Rd., Riverside, 111. Office: De Paul Univ., 64 E. Lake St., Chicago, 111. BOND, Thomas Emerson, pres. Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Ry.; b. Toledo, O., 2 Nov. 1876; s. William Morris and Nannie (Evans) B.; student Lewis Acad., Wich- ita, Kans., 1891-92; m. Kathryn Lancast- er Ten Eyck, 7 Aug. 1920. Clk. traffic dept. D.&R.G. R.R., Denver, Colo., 1900- 05; rate clerk Colo. Fuel & Iron Co., Denver, 1905-08; with Elgin, Joliet East- ern Ry., Chicago, 111., since 1908, as clerk traffic dept., 1908-14, chief of tariff bureau, 1914-20, asst. traffic mgr., 1920- 23, traffic mgr., 1923-32, vice pres., 1932- 41, pres. since 1941; assigned to U.S. Food Administration as asst. western traffic mgr. at Chicago, 1918-19; assigned to Western Freight Traffic Com., U.S. R.R. Administration, Chicago, 1919-20. Mem. Nat. Freight Traffic Golf Assn., Town and Country Equestrian Assn. (dir.). Clubs: Union League (pres., 1944), Traffic Club of Chicago, Mid-Day, Executives, Western Railway (Chi- cago); Traffic (Milwaukee, Wis.). Re- publican. Episcopalian. Home: 848 Ain- slie St. Office: 208 S. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. RICHARDS, Harold Leland, supt. schs.; b. Eveleth, Minn., 24 June 1899; s. William ohn and Clara (Harvey) R. ; B.E., Pa. Mil. Coll., Chester, Pa., 1920, B.M.S., 1923; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1930, M.A., 1933; m. Ruth M. Martin, 24 June 1922; 1 dau— Marilyn Ruth Mer- cedes. Teacher business subjects, Mish- awaka (Ind.) High Sch., 1920-21; teacher teacher commercial subjects, Crystal Falls (Mich.) High Sch., 1921-22; supt. public schs., Michigamme, Mich., 1922- 23; commandant and pres. Epworth Mil. 594 Acad., Epworth, la., 1927-28; teacher of economics and govt., Community High Sch., Blue Island, 1928-35, now supt. (on leave of absence, World War II). Served in World War I; commd. 2d It. O.R.C.; called to active duty, Feb. 1942; major in Q.M. Corps, Iceland. Past comdr. local Am. Legion Post; mem. N.E.A., 111. High School Prins. Assn. (chmn. Com. of 18), Phi Delta Kappa. Methodist. Mason. Club: Lions (past pres.). Home: 12952 S. Elm St., Blue Island, 111. BRADLEY, Ralph Robinson, lawyer; b. Chicago, 17 Mar. 1870; s. John and Sophia (Robinson) B.; student Univ. of Mich.; LL.B., Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1893; m. Maude Louise Morrison, 10 Jan. 1900. Admitted to bar, 1893, and became associated in 1894 as a jr. part- ner in the firm of Collins, Goodrich, Darrow & Vincent; law firm of Good- rich, Vincent & Bradley was formed, 1896, of which he is now sr. mem. Re- publican. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. 111. State and Chicago bar assns. Clubs: Un- ion League, Attic, South Shore Country. Home: Windermere Hotel East. Office: 209 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. HOYT, Vivian Church, artist; b. Wal- worth, Wis., 28 Nov. 1880; diploma, Art Inst, of Chicago, 1903, post-grad, work, 2 yrs.; student evening sch., Univ. of Chicago, 1904-05; pupil of John Vander- poel, Martha Baker, Fred Freer, John C. Johansen, Fred Richardson, Louis Millet; m. William J. Hoyt, 20 Sept. 1905; children — Wilma (Mrs. Granville S. Kennedy), Margaret, Howard Church. Began career as artist, 1904; exhibited in annual shows, Art Inst, of Chicago, 1931, 35, 38, 40; held several one-man shows. Former mem. exec. bd. Inland Empire Sunday Sch. Assn. ; formerly chmn. art dept. Woman's Club, Kenne- wick Wash. Mem. Art Inst. Alumni Assn., Nat. League Am. Pen Women, No- Jury Art Assn., 111. Women's Press Association, Oak Park Art League, D.A.- R., National Society of Arts and Letters. Received hon. mention Exhbn. State Fedn. of Women's Clubs; also prizes Nat. League Am. Pen Women, Repre- sented by works in pub. schs. throughout 111. Republican. Congregationalist. Lec- turer. Home: 312 S. Oak Park Av., Oak Park, 111. HOLLS. Weaver, Jr.). Started with John Deere & Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1890; engaged in wholesale implement and warehouse business, as M. M. Baker & Co., Peoria, 111., 1904-09; purchased Colean Mfg. Co., Peoria, and incorporated Holt Caterpillar Tractor Co., affiliated with Holt Mfg. Co., Stock- ton, Calif., 1909, which later became The Caterpillar Tractor Co.; exec. v. p. and gen. mgr. until consol. with C. L. Best Gas Tractor Co., v.p. and dir. sales this orgn., 1926-30, now dir. ; owner Richelieu Ranch ; dir. Commercial Nat. Bank, Baker- Stuber Dairy, Thos. Moulding Brick Co. (Chicago), Caterpillar Tractor Co. With Ordnance Dept., U.S. Army, as civilian in tank and mil. tractor prodn., 1917- 40. Apptd. by governor, gen. chmn. 111. Emergency Defense Council, later 111. War Council. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Peoria Country, Creve Coeur (Peoria); Union League (Chicago). Home: 480 Moss Av., Peoria, 111. BICEK, Frank H(eury), judge; b. Chi- cago, 16 Oct. 1886; s. Martin and Marie (Vanek) B.; ed. pub. and parochial schs., Chicago; LL.B., 111. Coll. of Law (now dept. of DePaul U.), 1907; LL.D., St. Procopius Coll., 1937; m. Sylvia Marie Beranek, 2 May 1910; 1 dau. — Clara Jane. Clerk of justices' court, 1903-06; admitted to 111. bar, 1907, and began practice in Chicago; chief deputy clerk, Probate Court of Cook County, 1912; master in chancery, Circuit Court of Cook County, 1925-33; apptd. by Gov. Horner, Jan. 1933, to fill vacancy a3 judge Circuit Court of Cook County, elected 1933, present term expires 1951; presiding Juvenile Ct. of Cook County since June 1933; chief justice, Circuit Ct; of Cook County, 111., 1943-44. Pres. Nat. Council of Juvenile Court Judges, 1944-46. Served as chmn. Legal Advisory Bd., Div. No. 83, Draft Bd., World War I. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Am. Judicature Soc, Chicago Law Inst., Bohemian Charitable Assn. Mem. Knights of Columbus. Democrat. Home: 2526 S. Ridgeway Av. Chicago, 111. BEAMSLEY, Foster Gilman, v.p. Na- tional City Lines, Inc. ; b. Delavan, Wis , 2 Jan. 1890; s. Albert J. and Nora (Foster) B.; student U. of Wis., 1912-14; m. Inez Lawrence, 9 June 1915; chil- dren — Foster Gilman, Martha Jane, Jo- Ann. Deputy national bank examiner 9th Fed. Reserve dist., 1914-17; exec, v.p. and dir. Duluth Nat. Bank, Duluth, Minn., 1917-30; dir. Northern Nat. Bank and Northern Trust Co., 1925-30; mem. organizing group and treas. and dir. Greyhound Corp., 1926-29; organizer, pres. and dir. Transportation Credit Corp., 1930-35; organizing group, v.p. and dir. Nat. City Lines, Inc., Chicago, and subsidiaries, since 1936; dir. St. Louis (Mo.) Public Co., Los Angeles Transit Lines, Inc., Key System (Oak- land, Calif.); Transit Casualty Co. (St. Louis). Clubs: Westmoreland Country, Chicago Athletic; Missouri Athletic (St. Louis). Home: 197 Orford Rd., Kenil- worth, 111. Office: 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. ANDERSON, William Ernest, lawyer, patents, trade-marks and copyrights; b. Chicago, 31 July 1895; s. Andrew and Mary (Lofquist) A.; student Byford Grammar Sch., 1901-10, Crane Tech. High Sch., 1910-14; LL.B., Webster Coll., 1920; LL.M., Loyola Univ., 1926; chil- dren — Laurel Joyce, Lois Winifred. Ad- mitted to 111. bar, 1920; mem. law firm 869 Soans, Pond & Anderson; practice lim- ited mainly to federal practice relating to patents, unfair competition, trade- marks and copyrights. Lt. col., U.S. Army, World War II; served as Claims Commr., North Africa, 3 yrs.. Mem. Am., Chicago and 111. bar assns, Am. Patent Law Assn., Chicago Patent Law Assn., Am. Chem. Soc. Clubs: Chemists, Cliff Dwellers, Union League (Chicago); University (Evanston). Author: The Verb in Spanish; Spanish Adjectives and Adverbs. Home: 3616 Pine Grove Av. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. CHAPMAN, Ethel Althea, psychia- trist; b. Garland, Maine, 21 July 1909; d. William Enock and Anna Laura (Young) Chapman; B.S., Loyola U., Chi- cago, M.S., M.D., 1933; unmarried. In- tern and resident, Los Angeles County Hosp., 1934-36; psychiatrist, Elgin State Hosp. since 1937; asst. clin. psychiatrist, U. of 111. Neuropsychiatric Inst.; cons, psychiatrist, Ridge Farm Preventorium. Diplomate of Am. Board Psychiatry, 1941. Mem. Am. Med. Assn., Women's Med. Assn., Kane County Med. Assn., 111. Psychiatric Assn. Methodist. Contbr. medical articles to mags. Home: 833 N. Massasoit Av., Chicago, 111. Address: 750 S. State St., Elgin, 111. DALLSTREAM, Andrew John, law- yer; b. Hoopeston, 111., 29 Apr. 1893; s. Andrew John and Lida (Loveless) D.; B.S., James Millikin U., 1915; Ph.B. and J.D., U. of Chicago, 1917; m. Dorothy Ricketts, 18 Aug. 1917; children — An- drew John in, Dorothy Ann. Began practice of law at Centralia, 111., Jan. 1920; mem. firm of Noleman & Smith, later Noleman, Smith & Dallstream. 1920-27, representing many mfg., coal mining, mercantile, railroad and insur- ance cos.; removed to Chicago, 1927, and since mem. law firm of Pam and Hurd (now Pam, Hurd & Reichmann) ; dir. Domestic Industries, Inc., Cardex Corp., Celotex Corp., Varco, Inc., Boston Store of Chicago, Inc., Jessop Steel Co., Binks Mfg. Co. Entered R.O.T.C. Apr. 1917; commd. 2d It., U.S. Army, Aug. 1917, and assigned duty at Camp Grant; later q.m. and detachment comdr. U.S. Army Base Hosp., at Camp Grant; promoted to 1st lt. and to capt.; hon. discharged Dec. 1919. Served as mem. Cook County (111.) Zoning Commn.; mem. Bd. of Ap- peals under Cook County Zoning; for- mer mem. 111. Bd. of Examiners for cer- tified pub. accountants. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Law Club, Legal Club, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Clubs: Casino, University (Chicago); Barring- ton Hills Country (past pres.); Lawyers (New York). Republican. Episcopalian. Home: Andora Hill, Barrington, HI. Of- fice: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. DIXON, Arthur, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 23 Jan. 1895; s. Thomas John and Dora (Moon) D.; A.B., Harvard, 1916; LL.B., Northwestern U. Law Sch., 1920; m. Anna Marquis, 17 Jan. 1925; children — Emily Ann, Dora Elizabeth. Admitted to 111. bar, 1920, and practiced since at Chicago; partner Johnstone, Peters & Dixon, 1925-46; partner Holmes, Dixon, Scott & Knouff since 1946; dir. Arthur Dixon Transfer Co.; exec. com. Chicago Chapter, Red Cross. Served as 2d lieu- tenant, later captain, Field Artillery, U.S.A., 1917-19, overseas with 149th F.A., Rainbow Div., Sept. 1917-Nov. 1918; commd. major Army Air Forces, April 1942; served overseas, 30 mos.; lt. col., 12th Air Force; promoted col., assigned Hdqrs. Army Air Forces, Wash- ington, D.C.; disch., Apr. 1946, Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Law Club, Phi Delta Phi. Republican. Methodist. Mason (Siloam Command- ery). Clubs: Attic, Onwentsia, Chicago, University (Chicago); Caxton. Homo: 1015 N. Green Bay Rd., Lake Forest, 111. Office: 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. DEAKINS, Clarence Earl, educator b. Kinmundy, 111., 16 Aug. 1900; s Ulysses Grant and Lida May (Huff) D. B.S., James Millikin U., Decatur, 111. 1923; student U. of Ky., summer, 1930 M.S., U. of 111., 1933; student U. of Chicago, 1939-41; m. Margaret Merritt, 18 Aug. 1926; 1 son— John Merritt. Registrar and instr. in bus. adminstrn., Millikin U., 1925-35; registrar and ad- missions counsellor, Lawrence Coll., 1935-41; asso. prof, psychology, Knox Coll., 1941-45; dir. public relations, Mis- souri Valley Coll., 1945-46; dir. student services, 111. Inst, of Tech., 1946 — . Served with U.S. Army, 1918. Asso. mem. Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs.; mem. Phi Mu Alpha (exec, com.), Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Presbyte- rian. Address: Illinois Institute of Tech- nology, Chicago, 111. KENDRIE, Frank Estes, professor of music; b. St. Paul, Minn., 4 July 1887; s. James Kendrie, clothier, and Eliza Ann (Estes) K.; ed. Thornton Acad., Saco, Me.; A.B., Bowdoin Coll., 1910; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1912; m. Helen P. Walcott of Boston, Mass., 1915; children 870 — Carolyn Walcott. Pupil in violin, Charles Martin Loeffler; mem. 1st vio- lin sect., St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, 1913-14; prof, violin, Univ. Kan., 1917- 21; condr. Univ. Symphony Orchestra, prof, violin, Univ. la., 1921-35; prof, mu- sic, chmn. dept. music, Carleton Coll., 1935 — . Mem. Beta Theta Pi, Phi Mu Alpha. Club: Rotary (la. City 1925-36). Author: Handbook on Conducting and Orchestral Routine; Novello; Violin Method. Travel: London, Paris, 1927-28. Interests: music in education, conduct- ing, theory, composition. Recreations: stamps, furniture, fishing. Protestant. Republican. Office: Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Home: 205 Elm St., Northfield, Minn. Summer res.:* Pema- quid Point, Me. CONROY, Thomas Michael, exec, vice pres. Central Trust Co. (Cincinnati); b. Cincinnati, O., 1 Apr. 1896; s. Andrew J. and Mary Elizabeth (Clements) C; ed. Hughes High Sch., Franklin Sch. and Brown U.; m. Olga Marie Nugent, 27 Apr. 1927; children — Thomas Mi- chael, Jr., Edwin Nugent, Olga Marie. V.p. and dir. A. J. Conroy Co., Cincin- nati, 1920-35, Globe-Wernicke Co., Cin- cinnati, O., 1925-30; sec, treas., dir. Cincinnati Baseball Club Co. since 1932; exec. v.p. and dir. Central Trust Co.. Cincinnati, since 1930; dir. S. A. Gerrard Co., Frederick A. Schmidt Co. Trustee Thomas J. Emery Memorial, Hamilton County War Veterans Memorial Fund. Mem. Council and vice-mayor Village of Indian Hill, O.; vice chmn. and dir. Cin- cinnati and Hamilton County chapter, Am. Red Cross. Served in U.S. Navy, World War I; It. commander U.S. Naval Reserve Force. Awarded Navy Cross; Chevalier Del Ordre Saviour of Greece. Clubs: Queen City, Camargo, Racquet, Miami, Commonwealth, Cincinnati Coun- try. Home: Box 170- A, Indian Hill Rd., Cincinnati 27. Office: Central Trust Co., Cincinnati, O. PETERSEN, Jurgen, pres. and treas. Petersen Furniture Co.; b. Toender, Den- mark, Jan. 19, 1876; s. Andrew Christian and Anna Margaret (Erickson) P.; stu- dent pub. schs. of Denmark; m. Dorothy E. Ricksher, Apr. 25, 1906; children — Arthur Edward, Margaret Dorothy, Jur- gen, Dorothy Jane. Furniture buyer W. A. Wieboldt & Co., Chicago, 111., 1898-1907; established Petersen Furni- ture Co., Chicago, pres. and treas. since 1907. Treas. and dir. Natl. Retail Furni- ture Assn. Roman Catholic. Home: 544 Sheridan Square, Evanston, 111. Office: 1048 Belmont Av., Chicago, 111. STANLEY, Claude Maxwell, Jr., con- sulting eng.; b. Corning, la., 16 June 1904; s. Claude Maxwell Stanley, Sr., lawyer, and Laura Esther (Stephenson) S.; ed. Corning high sch.; B.S. in Gen- eral Engring., Univ. Iowa, 1926, M.S. in Hydraulic Engring., 1930; m. Elizabeth M. Holthuess, 11 Nov. 1927; children- David M., Richard H., Jane M. Struc- tural designer, Byllesby Engring. and Management Corp., Chicago, 111., 1926- 27; part time, dept. grounds and bldgs., State Univ. Iowa, 1927-28; hydraulic engr., Management and Engring. Corp., Dubuque, la., and Chicago, 111., 1928- 32; cons, engr., Young and Stanley, Inc., 1932-39; partner, Stanley Engineering Co., 1939 — ; pres. The Home-O-Nize Co. 1944 — . Received Alfred Noble Prize, 1933, Collingwood Prize of A.S.C.E., 1935; John Dunlap Prize of Iowa Engr- ing Soc, 1943. Mem. A.S.C.E., A.I.E.E., A.S.M.E., Iowa Engring. Soc, Am. Water Works Assn. Author: numerous arts, in professional jours. Interests: Boy Scout Troop (scoutmaster). Recre- ation: golf. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice: Hershey Bldg., Muscatine, la. Home: 115 Sunset Dr., Muscatine, la. MANGAN, Maurice Dorney, invest- ment banker; b. Chicago, 111., Aug. 3, 1908; s. Joseph Thomas and Agnes Anne (Garvey) M.; ed. St. Gertrude's Parish Sch., Loyola Acad.; student Loyola U., 1927-29; m. Sarah E. Doody, Aug. 8, 1933; children — Thomas Joseph, Mau- reen Joan. Clk., William R. Compton Co., 1926-29; with Chatham Phenix Corp., 1929-31, Stifel, Nicolaus Co., 193i- 33; with Webber-Simpson & Co. since 1934, now v.p. and dir. Trustee Serra Club of Chicago (charter mem.). Club: Municipal Bond. Home: 1424 W. Elm- dale Av. Office: 208 S. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. PHILLIPS, Enos Leslie, lawyer; b. Urbana, 111., Feb. 18, 1896; s. John A. and Sally (Lee) P.; student pub. schs., Urbana, 111.; m. Sarah May Connour, May 26, 1917; 1 dau., Elizabeth Jane (Mrs. Carl W. Knox). Admitted to 111. bar, 1921; asso. in practice of law with Henry I. Green, Urbana, since 1921. Dist. div. O.C.D.; mem. 111. state U.S.O. Com.; mem. dist. advisory com. O.P.A. Chair- man. Mem. Am. 111. State and Cham- paign County Bar Assns. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason, Elk. Clubs: Rotary (Urbana); Union League (Chicago). 871 Home: 506 W. Main St. Office: 301 W. Main St., Urbana, 111. LIMBAUGH, Rush Hudson, lawyer; b. Sedgewickville, Mo., 27 Sept. 1891; s. Joseph H. Limbaugh, farmer, and Susan Frances (Presnell) L.; ed. Millersville high sch.; Southeast Mo. Normal Sch.. Cape Girardeau, Mo.; A.B., Univ. Mo., 1915; m. Bee Seabaugh of Sedgewick- ville, Mo., 29 Aug. 1914; children — Rush H., Jr., Manley O., Stephen N. Gen. practice of law, Cape Girardeau, 1916- 19; city counselor, Cape Girardeau, 1924- 30; mem. Mo. Gen. Assembly, represent- ing Cape Girardeau, 1931-32; spl. commr., St. Louis Court of Appeals, 1935; Senior mem. firm Limbaugh & Limbaugh, Jan. 1, 1946 — ; v.p. and dir., Cape Girardeau Bldg. and Loan Assn.; tr., Southeast Mo. Hosp., State Hist. Soc. Mo.; mem. hon. staff, Cols, of Gov. of Mo., 1941-45; mem. Cape Girardeau Co. (p.pres.), Mo. and Am. bar assns. Clubs: Rotary (local), Philosophers. Au- thor: Missouri Practice (Vol. I), 1935, vol. II, 1939; arts, in jours, and reviews; occasional addresses before bar assns., clubs, civic, ednl., hist, and polit. orgns. Travel: U.S., Can. Mex. Interests; biog. and hist. res. and visiting places of hist, interest; £ub. speaking. Republican (p. chmn., Co. and Congressional Dist. Corns.). Office: 102 North Main St., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Home: 814 N. Hender- son Av., Cape Girardeau, Mo. EVANS, Edward Steptoe, Jr., execu- tive; b. Richmond, Va., 19 Mar. 1906; s. E. S. Evans, executive and ed. Vir- ginia Episcopal Sch., Lynchburg, Va.; Univ. Mich.; Lausanne Univ., Lausanne, Switz.; m. Florence Allington of Grosse Pointe, Mich., 5 Apr. 1934; children- Virginia Beverly, E. S., in. Vice pres., Evans Appliance Co., 1929; exec. v.p. and dir. Evans Products Co., 1936-45, pres. 1945 — ; mem. Nat. Advisory Bd., Volunteers of Am., Nat. Assn. Mfrs. Clubs: Country (Detroit); Bankers (New York); Detroit, Country, Eco- nomic (Detroit). Recreations: golf, bowling, hnuting, fishing. Episcopalian. Office: Evans Products Co., 15310 Ful- lerton Av., Detroit 27, Mich. Home: 47 Oldbrook Lane, Grosse Pointe Farms 30, Mich. DOWN, Eldon Eugene, plant breeder; b. Ithaca, Mich., 12 Mar. 1892; s. Simon Down, farmer, and Sarah (Wright) D.; ed. Ithaca high sch.; B.S., Mich. State Coll., 1915, M.S., 1930; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 1940; m. Frankie L. Kuhlman of Alma, Mich., 1917; 1 son — William Jack. Asst. farm crops, 1916-17; asst. and instr., Mich. State Coll., 1919-22; Mich. State Coll. plant breeder, Sugar Off., U.S.D.A., res. asst., 1922-24; res. assoc, asst. prof., Mich. State Coll., 1924-29, res. assoc. and assoc. prof., 1929-41, res. prof, and assoc. prof., 1941-44, res. prof, and prof, farm crops since 1944. Corpl., Co. H, 28th Inf., U.S. Army, 1917-19. Mem. Am. Soc. Agr. Recreations: golf, fishing. Protestant. Office: 314 Agricul- tural Hall, East Lansing, Mich. Home: 4130 Beaumont Rd., East Lansing, Mich. PILLING, Neville, pres. Zurich Fire Ins. Co. of N.Y.; b. Liverpool, Eng., July 10, 1901; s. Paul Henry and Ethel (Wil- son) P.; student Humberside Collegiate, Toronto, Ont., Can., 1912-15; m. Cath- arine Robinson, Aug. 31, 1920; children — Warren Clark, Neville Wright. With Royal Trust Co., Toronto, Ont., Can., 1915-16; accounting dept. Gen. Accident Ins. Co., 1916-20; underwriter London Guarantee & Accident Co., 1920-23; un- derwriter at Toronto Zurich Gen. Acci- dent & Liability Ins. Co., Toronto, mgr. for Can., 1923-28, gen. supt., Chicago, 111., 1929-30, asst. U.S. mgr., 1930-35, U.S. mgr. since 1935; pres. Zurich Fire Ins. Co. of New York at Chicago since 1935; president American Guaranty & Liability Insurance Co. since 1939. Epis- copalian. Club: The Attic. Home: 2123 Central Park, Evanston, 111. Office: Zur- ich Gen. Accident & Liability Ins. Co., Field Bldg., Chicago, 111. WARNER, Addison Wheelock, propr. Addison Warner & Co.; b. Geneva, 111., June 5, 1899; s. Henry Dimock and Har- riette King (Young) W.; student Dart- mouth Coll., 1917; B.S., Stanford, 1922; m. Helen Christopher, Dec. 25, 1924; children — Ann Wheelock, Addison Whee- lock. Mgr. investor's aid dept. Chicago Journal Commerce, 1922-26; mgr. statis. dept. Stevenson, Perry & Stacy, 1926-27; sales mgr. Robert Stevenson & Co., 1927- 28; gen. mgr. Kissell, Kinnicutt & Co., Chicago, 1929-30; sr. partner Addison Warner & Co., investment securities, Chicago, 1930-38; pres. Addison Warner & Co., Chicago, since 1938. Trustee Chi- cago Area Project since 1934, Union League Boys' Club since 1933; pres. Union League Boys' Club, 1938-40; pres. Chicago Stanford,, Alumni Assn. since 1938; chmn. finance com. and trustee South Side Boys Club since 1938. Served as flying cadet, U.S. Army, 1918-19; apptd. 2d It., A.S.S.R.C., 1919. Mem. S.A.R., Mayflower Soc, Chi Psi. Clubs: 872 Economic, Union League, Bondmen's, Merchants and Manufacturers (Chica- go); Wausaukee (Wausaukee, Wis.); Hindsdale (111.) Golf. Home: 305 E. First St., Hinsdale, 111. Office: Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111. BUTLER, Frank Osgood, chmn. bd. Butler Co.; b. Chicago, 111., Apr. 22, 1861; s. Julius Wales and Julia (Os- good) B.; ed. pub. schs. Chicago; m. Fannie Maud Bremaker, June 10, 1886. With J. W. Butler Paper Co., Chicago, since 1879, v.p., 1890, pres. since 1913; chmn. bd. Butler Co.; pres. Butler Bros. Development Co., Chicago Standard Pa- per Co., Milwaukee, Wis., Seven-Eleven Ranches, Montana, and South Dakota; now retired from active participation in paper industry. Mem. Soc. Colonial Wars, hon. life mem. Rice Foundation Soc. Clubs: Union League (Chicago); Hinsdale Golf, Oakbrook Polo (Hins- dale, 111.); Everglades, Seminole Old Guard (Palm Beach, Fla.); Hot Springs (S.D.) Country. Home: Hot Springs, S.D. Office: 223 W. Monroe St., Chi- cago, 111. WRIGHT, Richard Robert, Jr., bishop, educator; b. Cuthbert, Ga., Apr. 16, 1878; s. Richard R. and Lydia Elizabeth (Howard) W.; A.B., Ga. State Industrial Coll., 1898; B.D., U. of Chicago Theol. Sem., 1901; A.M., U. of Chicago, 1904; studied U. of Berlin, 1903, U. of Leip- zig, 1904; Ph.D., U. of Pa., 1911; LL.D., Wiberforce U., 1920; m. Charlotte Crog- man, Sept. 8, 1909; children — Charlotte Ruth (Mrs. Hayre), Richard R., Ill, Al- berta Lavina, Grace Lydia (Mrs. Kyle), Edith (dec). Paymaster's clerk in Span- ish-American War, 1898. Ordained min- istry African M.E. Ch., 1901; asst. pas- tor Institutional Ch., Chicago, 1900-01; instr. in Hebrew, Payne Theol. Sem., Wilberforce, O., 1901-03; pastor, Elgin, 111., 2 mos., 1904, Trinity Mission, Chi- cago, 1905; resident, 8th Ward Social Settlement, Phila., 1905-07; research fel- low in sociology, U. of Pa., 1905-07; field sec. Armstrong Assn., 1908-09; editor Christian Recorder, Phila., 1909-36; bus- iness mgr. Book Concern A.M.E. Ch., 1909-12, 1916-20; founder Citizens & Southern Building & Loan Assn.; v.p. Citizens & Southern Bank & Trust Co. Hem. com. to draft new charter for City of Phila., 1917-19; com. to plan for cele- brating 150th Anniversary of the Dec- laration of Independence, 1921; organ- izer of Social Service, City Dept. of Pub. Welfare, Phila., 1921; a founder of the Spring Street Social Settlement, Rich- ard Allen House; supervisor of social service for A.M.E. chs. of Phila. and vi- cinity, 1923; pastor of the Ward A.M.E. Church, 1928-30, Morris Brown A.M.E. Ch., organizer of Jones Tabernacle, A.M.E. Ch., 1930-32; pres. Wilberforce U., 1932-36, acting pres, 1941-42; elected bishop African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1936, and assigned to South Af- rica, 1936-40; presiding bishop 13th Episcopal Dist. (Ky. and Tenn.) since 1940. Founded Sch. of Religion, Wilber- force Inst., S. Africa, 1938; built 50 new chs. in S. Africa. Pres. Missionary Bd. of A.M.E. Cli. since 1940, chmn. A.M.E. Ch. Com. on Army and Navy Chaplains since 1940. Exec. sec. Fraternal Council of Negro Chs. in America and Africa since 1940. Mem. Commn. for union of A.M.E. and A.M.E. Zion Chs. since 1943. Member American Academy Political and Social Science, American Sociologi- cal Society, N.E.A., American Negro Acad., Kappa Alpha Psi. Mason, Elk. Author: The Teaching of Jesus, 1903, 11, 17, 40, 43; The Negro in Pennsyl- vania, 1911; Church Financiering, 1919; Social Service, 1922. Editor: Poems of Phillis Weatley, 1909; Encyclopedia of African Methodism, 1916 and 1944; The Mission Study Course, 1943; Sermons and Addresses, 1943. Lecturer on "The Negro in America." Delegate Ecumeni- cal Methodist Conf., 1911, 21, 31. Home: Box 5, Wilberforce, O. Office: 362 Beale Av., Memphis, Tenn. THOMPSON, Harry Frank, army of- ficer; b. Ponca City, Okla., Apr. 27, 1896; s. Frank L. and Mary (Smith) T.; student U. of Kan., 1915-16; grad. Inf. Sch., 1922, Command and Gen. Staff Sch., 1935, Army War Coll., 1940; m. Helen Hunt, June 1, 1925. Commd. 2d It., 1917; promoted through grades to brig, gen., 1943; with War Dept. Gen. Staff, 1940-42; with Tank Destroyer Center, Camp Hood, Tex., May 1942-Oct. 1943, Adak, Aleutian Islands to Sept. 1945. Mem. Kappa Sigma. Mason. Home: 400 N. B St., Arkansas City, Kan. DONNELLY, James L(eonard), exec, v.p. and sec. 111. Mfrs. Assn.; b. Sedalia, Mo., June 1, 1891; s. Edward James and Mary Catherine (Campbell) D.; student U. of M., 1910-12; LL.B., U. of Mich., 1916; m. Marie Catherine Hogan, June 17, 1922; children — Marie LeBrune, Margaret Louise, James Leonard, Jr., Helen Adele. Admitted to Mo. bar, 1916; engaged in practice of law, Kansas City, Mo., 1916-17; sec. and sales mgr. Western Cartridge Co., East Alton, 111,, 873 1917-28; exec. v.p. and sec. 111. Mfrs. Assn., Chicago, since 1928; sec. Midwest Mfrs. Assns., Inc.; pres., 111. Legislative Service, Inc., since 1928; sec. and treas. 111. Industrial Council; dir. Big Brothers Assn.; mem. advisory com. on adjust- ments of business to war conditions 111. State Council of Defense; mem. advis- ory bd., Div. for Delinquency Preven- tion, Dept. Public Welfare of State of 111.; mem. Gov.'s Com. on Re-employ- ment for State of 111.; mem. bd. dirs. 111. State War Fund, Inc., Springfield; mem. exec. bd. 111. Statewide Pub. Health Com. mem. cos. on resources and inds. plant and opportunities HI. mem. adv. com on inds. management U. of 111. Post-War Planning Comm. Mem. Am. Trade Assns. Execs. Phi Alpha Delta. Republican. Clubs: Union League, Traf- fic, Executives (Chicago); Missouri Athletic (St Louis); Skokie Country (Glencoe, 111.). Home: 1114 Lake Shore Blvd., Evanston, 111. Office: 120 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. McELLIGOTT, Maurice Francis, sec, treas. 111. State Indsl. Union Council; b. Chicago, 111., Feb. 2, 1899; s. Patrick and Delia (Edgeworth) McE.; student St. Phillips High Sch., Chicago, 1913- 15; m. Marie Silhanek, Nov. 22, 1922. Pres. Local 271, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Am., 1923-25, bus. agt., 1925- 43; sec. and treas, 111. State Indsl. Union Council since 1943. Served with U.S. Navy, 1918-19. Roman Catholic. Home: 5712 Eastwood Av. Office: 205 W. Wack- er Dr., Chicago, 111. LENTZ, Eli Gilbert, educator; b. Wolf Creek, 111., May 27, 1881; s. Eli and Lydia (Hare) L.; student Valparaiso (Ind.) U., 1898-1901; B.A., U. of Ind., 1929; M.A., U. of 111., 1932; m. Lula Gillespie, Apr. 2, 1904; children — Agnes (Mrs. J. D. Wright), Blanche (Mrs. O. H. Pugh) Gilbert Gillespie, Kathryn (wife of Dr. Paul Q. Peterson). Instr. rural schs., 1899-1900; instr. grade schs., 1900-02; prin., 1902-04; supt., 1905-14; coll. instr., 1914-35; dean of men South- ern 111. State Normal U. since 1935. Hist, sec. 111. Bapt. State Conv.; sec. South- ern 111. Hist. Soc. Mem. Am. Assn. U. Profs., Am. Hist. Assn., Kappa Phi Kappa, Baptist. Mason (K.T.). Club: Rotary (past dist. gov.). Contbr. ar- ticles to hist, and ednl. periodicals. Home: 520 S. Normal. Office: Southern 111. State Normal University, Carbon- dale, 111. NEWEY, Paul S.,, clergyman; b. Tit- rush, Urumia, Iran, Oct. 8, 1885; s. Sarkhoshe and Laily (Badal) N.; grad. Urumia Prep. Sch., 1899; A.B., Urumia Coll., 1904; B.D., Chicago Theol. Sem., 1913; m. Mary Yonan, Sept. 1, 1913; children — Paul Davis, Harold Wilbur (dec), Marie Laily, Donald Wesley, Carl Timothy. Prin. Gulpasham (Persia) Sch., 1904-05, Geogtapa Sch. (Persia), 1905- 06; came to U.S., 1906, naturalized citi- zen, 1912; ordained ministry Congl. Ch., 1913; pastor Plymouth Ch., Duluth, 1913-14, Minnehaha Ch., Minneapolis, 1914-16; editor Am. Assyrian Herald, 1916-20; pastor Assyrian Evang. Ch., Chicago, since 1919. Chmn. Assyrian br. Liberty Loan drives and war activities, World War. Mem. Chicago Congl. Assn. (asst. moderator 1930; Scribe 1942), State Conf. of Congl. Christian Chs. Min- isters' Union. Mem. Council of Assyrian Socs., Assyrian Polit. Action Com., Am. Oriental Soc. Chmn. foreign origins and social service com. Church Fedr. of Greater Chicago, also mem. com. Comm. of the Fedn. Clubs: Scrooby (sec. 1930, pres. 1931), Congregational (v.p. 1931), Wranglers. Author: Poetry in Syriac, 1919; A New Syriac Hymnal, 1929. Won a case without a lawyer in the Superior Court Cook Co., when Assyrians were denied citizenship, 1924. Originator of system of typography which reduced the number of Syriac characters from 418 to 172; helped more than 1,000 to become U.S. citizens. Mem. editoral staff of the Protestant Voice. Home: 4447 N. Hazel, Chicago; (summer) Bass Lake, Ind. Of- fice: 851 Sunnyside Av., Chicago, 111. KLEIN, Bernard, physician, surgeon; b. Bonyhad, Hungary, Oct. 2, 1894; s. Ignace and Barbara (Glatter) K.; brought to U.S., 1909; M.D., Loyola U., Chicago, 111., 1916; m. Kathryn Heller, June 19, 1923. Practicing phys. and sur- geon since 1916. Med. examiner of Draft Bd. No. 2. Fellow A.M.A., Am. Coll. Chest Physicians; mem. 111. State Med. Soc, Am. Trudeau Soc, Am. Physicians Art Assn., Am. Physicians Lit. Guild. Republican. Jewish religion. Mason. Con- tbr. articles to Jour, of 111. State Med. Soc Home: 622 N. Raynor Av. Office: Suite 514-515 Joliet Bldg., 4 E. Clinton St., Joliet, 111. SCOTT, William Edouard, artist; b. Indianapolis, Ind., Mar. 11, 1884; s. Ed- ward Miles and Caroline Gertrude (Rus- sell) S.; grad. Manual Training High Sch., Indianapolis, 1903; studied art at Art Inst., Chicago, and at Acad. Julian, Colaressi Acad., Beaux Arts Acad., Paris, also with H. O. Tanner, Etaples, 874 France; m. Esther Elaine Fulks, Mar. 15, 1922; 1 daughter, Joan Edaire. Ex- hibited at Paris Autumn Salon, 1912; Salon La Touquet, 1912; Royal Acad., London, 1913; Art Inst., Chicago, 1915, 16, 17, 18, 27, etc. Represented by mural decorations in State House, Springfield, 111.; Allen County Ct. House, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Peoples Finance Corp., St. Louis; also (with Robert W. Grafton) murals in First Nat. Bank and High Sch. (Michigan City, Ind.), New Fowler Hotel (Lafayette, Ind.), Ct. House Dome (Ft. Wayne), First Nat. Bank (Ft. Wayne) and First Nat. Bank (Edwards- ville, 111.); picture "Rainy Night in Etaples," bought by City of Indianapolis for permanent collection in Herron Art Inst.; "La Pauvre Voisine," purchased by Govt, of Argentine Republic; por- traits of President Stenio Vincent, Haiti, W.I.; Nina Primpeh, King of Ashunti Tribe, West Africa; Colonel William Warfield, Eighth Regiment of Illinois; Judge Mary M. Barthelme; Admiral Blackwood, Chicago; Judge Frank H. Bicek, Juvenile Court; two mural paint- ings, 135th St. Branch, Y.M.C.A., New York; murals in Cook County Juvenile Court, Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Ebenezer Baptist Ch., also in Felsenthal, Shoop and Ross pub. schs. (Chicago); "Blind Sister Mary" pur- chased by Harmon Foundation and pre- sented to N.Y. Pub. Library; mural painting in Wabash Av. branch Y.M.- C.A., Chicago; mural painting "Lincoln and Tad" in Juvenile Court, Chicago; 26 murals in New Birdsal section, City Hospital, Indianapolis; 27 murals depict- ing achievement and progress of Ne- groes in America; 27 portraits of lead- ing Negroes in modern history includ- ing Pushkin, Dumas, and Tousaint Le Overture for American Negro Exhibition in Chicago; 6 murals for Providence Baptist Ch., Chicago; life-size portrait of Gov. Holt of W.Va. and of Supt. of Schools W. W. Trent of W.Va.; 15 por- traits of notable negroes of the State of W.Va. painted before students of various colleges of W.Va. state; 8 tropical mur- als, recreation center, Fort Huachuca, Ariz.; 5 portraits for state of W.Va. to be hung in state capitol; won nat. com- petition for gov. mural for Recorder of Deeds Bldg., Washington, D.C.; recently completed easel painting, "Dedication of Recorder Bldg." having portraits of 25 govt, officials; executed 8 large murals depicting life of Christ, Pilgrim Bapt. Ch., Chicago; 3 large murals, First A.M.E. Ch. and St. Paul Bapt. Ch., Gary, Ind.; portraits: Dr. Albert H. Beckham. Bishop Bray, Dr. Taft C. Raines, 4 mem- bers of the Rev. J. C. Austin family of Chicago. Made lecture tour of schools and colleges of W.Va. Winner Fred- erick Magnus Brand prize; received spe- cial gold medal and Harmon ward, Har- mon Foundation; Jesse Binga prize, Chi- cago Art League; Eames MacVeagh prize, Chicago Art League; awarded Julius Rosenwald fellowship, 1931, to study types in West Indies for 1 year. Illustrator of mags. Mem. Soc. Western Artists, Chicago Art League (1st pres.), Socitete des Beaux Arts (Etaples), South Side Community Art Center (bd. dirs.). Methodist. Clubs: Chicago As- sembly, Hoosier, Appomattox. Home and Studio: 6030 Eberhart Av., Chicago, 111. KLEINMAN, Fred, accountant; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., July 8, 1892; s. Isaac and Bertha (Stern) K.; A.B., Cornell U., 1913; m. Ann Dolores Rice, July 9, 1941. Clerk, Brooklyn Union Gas Co., Brook- lyn, N.Y., 1913-17; accountant, Nat. Ani- line and Chem. Co., 1917-18; local audi- tor, Newark (N.J.) Bay Shipyard, 1918- 20; staff mem., Barrow, Wade, Guthrie & Co., 1920-33, S. D. Leidesdorf & Co., 1933-34; chief accounts and finance III. Commerce Comm. since 1934. Mem. com. on statistics and accounts Nat. Assn. Railroad and Utilities Commrs., 1934- 39, chmn. since 1939; consultant on traction and public utilities to Federal, State, Municipal and other public au- thorities. Mem. Beta Sigma Rho. Jewish religion. Contbr. of articles and reports to professional journals. Home: 1220 N. State Parkway. Office: 160 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. CAHILL, Isaac Jasper, clergyman; b. Richwood, O., Aug. 1, 1868; s. Uriah and Isabelle (Warbs) C; B.A., Central Ohio Coll., East Liberty, 1887; B.A., Hiram (Ohio) Coll., 1889, M.A., 1892; studied U. of Chicago; m. Lillian M. Skidmore, Aug. 9, 1887; children — Paul Trester, Vaughan Dabney, Helen Lillian, Sarah Louise. Ordained ministry Dis- ciples of Christ, 1889; pastor North Fairfield, O., 1889-92, Kenton, 1892-96, Dayton, 1896-1909; gen. sec. Ohio Chris- tian Missionary Soc, 1910-31; campaign sec. Men and Millions Movement, 1918; 1st v.p. United Christian Missionary Soc, 1931-36; mem. commn. on the min- istry, Disciples of Christ, 1924-28; mem. exec. com. Ohio Council of Chs., 1921- 25; trustee Pension Fund, Disciples of Christ, 1928-30; sec. Nat. Evangelistic Assn., Disciples of Christ, 1932-36; head 875 of mission of Discplies of Christ in Ja- maica, B.W.I., 1937-38; pastor Craw- ford Rd. Christian Ch., Cleveland, O., 1939-40; acting pastor First Christian Ch., Athens, O., 1940-41, Bellefontaine, O., 1941; Evansville, Ind., 1941, Steuben- ville, O., 1942, Roanoke, Va., 1942, New Philadelphia, O., Jan. 1, 1943-Sept. 30, 1944, Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 1, 1944- Jan. 1, 1945. Editor of Ohio Work (monthly), 1910-31. Contbr. to Chris- tian Evangelist World Call. Home: 1628 Marlowe Av., Lakewood, O. Died Jan. 10, 1945. HART, Sara Liebenstein, volunteer so- cial worker; b. Chicago, 111., Oct. 9, 1869; d. Henry and Theresa (Spiegel) Liebenstein; grad. South Div. High Sch., Chicago, 1886; m. Adam Wald, Apr. 17, 1888 (dec. Jan. 1, 1901); 1 dau.— Hilda (Mrs. Henry G. Taussig) ; m. 2d, Harry Hart, Feb. 17, 1906 (dec. Nov. 20, 1929). Recipient citizen fellow award of Inst, of Medicine of Chicago, 1945. Formerly pres. Women and Children's Hosp., Women's Nat. Republican Club, Mary Bartelme Clubs; formerly chmn. Wom- en's Court and Detention Home Com.; formerly chmn, reform dept., Chicago Woman's Club; formerly mem. exec, com. Nat. Tuberculosis Assn.; now v.p. Women's and Children's Hosp., Women's Nat. Republican Club of Chicago; sec. Juvenile Protective Assn.; chmn. bd. dirs. Chicago Hosp. Council; mem. exec, com. Citizen's Com. Juvenile Ct., 111. Child Labor Com., Women's Ct. and De- tention Home Com.; adv. com. health div. and social service exchange, Council of Social Agencies; mem. of bd., Chil- dren's Scholarship Assn., Bd. of Jewish Edn., Edward's Sanatorium, Tubercu- losis Inst, of Chicago and Cook Co., Cook Co. Sch. of Nursing, Nat. Tubercu- losis Assn., Mary Bartelme Clubs; mem. Chicago sect., Nat. Council of Jewish Women. Life gov. mem. Art Inst, of Chicago. Clubs: Chicago Woman's, Woman's City, Cordon, Big Sisters (Chi- cago), Woman's Aid, Johannah Lodge No. 9, United Order of Treue Schwest- ern. Home: 200 E. Chestnut St., Chi- cago 11, 111. RIKLfl, Arthur Richard, surgeon; b. Louisville, Neb., Mar. 5, 1877; s. Arthur and Margaretha (Oehl) R.; B.S., North Central Coll., 1903; M.D., U. of Chicago, 1907; M.S., North Western Coll., 1907; m. Sarah R. Brown, May 2, 1907; chil- dren — Margarette Verana (Mrs. Phelep Ballou), Mar. Elizabeth (Mrs. Richard J. Dickerson), Arthur Eugene (M.D.) Geraldine Roberta. In general practice medicine and surgery, Naperville, 111., since 1907; mem. Copley, St. Charles and St. Joseph Mercy hosp. staffs, Au- rora, 111. Served as capt., U.S. Army, World War, 1918; now major U.S. Med. Reserves. Mem. Am. Med. Assn., 111. State Med. Soc, Du Page Med. Soc, Reserve Officers Assn. of Du Page Coun- ty. Republican. Mem. Evangelical Ch. Home and Office: 17 Court PI., Naper- ville, 111. PARKER, Elliott F(rancis), physi- cian, surgeon; b. Stewartstown, Pa., July 17, 1901; s. Albert G. and Jessie (Bowley) P.; A.B., Park Coll., 1923; B.S., Kan. U., 1927, M.D., 1934; m. Helen Virginia Jones, Nov. 4, 1931; children — Joyce Aryl, Elliott Francis. Teacher English, Shantung Christian U., Tsinan Fu, Shantung Prov., China, 1923-24; teacher sciences, Coffey ville (Kan.) Jr. Coll., 1927-30; teacher science Highland (Kan.) Coll., 1930-31, Horner Jr. Coll., Kansas City, Mo., 1931-33. Interne Mercy Hosp., Des Moines, la., 1934. Served as 1st It., med. res. corps, U.S. Army, on active duty administering to civilian conservation corps, 1935-36; practiced as phys. and surgeon, Moline, 111. since 1936. Editor Rock Island Coun- ty Medical and Dental News. Mem. Rock Island County, 111., la., and Miss. Valley Med. Socs. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Kiwanis, Elks (Moline). Home: 2922 15th Av. Office: 1630 5th Av., Mo- line, 111. PACE, Anderson, indsl. engr.; b. Mt. Vernon, 111., Dec. 3, 1884; s. Charles Al- bion and Nevada (Anderson) P.; B.S., Northwestern U., 1911; m. Cornelia Washburn Pierce (dec. 1925); children — Cornelia (Mrs. John Ralph Barry), Anderson, Robert; m. 2d, Grace Melone, May 28, 1926. Started in catalog dept. Butler Bros., Chicago, 1911, advt. mgr., 1912-14; indsl. commr. Chicago Assn. Commerce, 1914-15; sec Chicago Pro- duce Terminal Corp., 1916; mgr. Bur. of Ry. Publicity, Chicago, 1916-17; cons, indsl. engr. since 1915, clients included Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Canadian Pacific Ry., Am. Tobacco Co., Crown Cork & Seal Co., Long-Bell Lumber Co., Soo Line R.R., Atlantic Coast Line R.R.; also consultant on indsl. engring. to cities Los Angeles, Denver, Cedar Rap- ids, Chicago, Duluth, Portland (Ore.), N.Y. City, etc., and to states Wash., Ore., Ida., etc.; lecturer Northwestern U., 1913, U. of Chicago, 1914, Columbia, 1920, 21, 22, Johns Hopkins, 1922; indsl. 876 consultant 111. Central System, 1915-16, 1928, 1931; gen. indsl. agent 111. Central System since 1936. Chmn. 111. State Postwar Planning Comm.; mem. Chica- go Crime Commn., 111. Coml. Sees. Assn., 111. Mineral Industries, Am. Develop- ment Assn., Soc. Indsl. Realtors, Chi- cago Assn. Commerce, 111. State Cham- ber of Commerce, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi. Democrat. Methodist. Mason. Clubs: Executives, Chicago Athletic. Author: Conservation of Industry in Wisconsin; Industrial Development; Sci- ence of Advertising. Home: 426 Hamil- ton St., Evanston, 111. Office: 135 E. 11th PL, Chicago, 111. SHERIDAN, Leo J., real estate exec; b. Chicago, 111., Apr. 24, 1897; s. John J. and Mary Ellen (Guhin) S.; grad. Lane Technical Sch., 1915; m. Irene Leader, June 25, 1921; children — Donald, Irene, Mary Claire, Catherine, Leo, John. Asst. to v. pres. S.W. Straus & Co., real estate financing, 1919-26, Chmn. of bldg. com., v. pres., 1927, v. pres., dir. in charge of financing comml. and residential bldgs., 1928-29; pres. L. J. Sheridan & Co., real estate and property management since 1929; dir. Midland Utilities Co., Midland Realization Co., Bankers Bldg. Co., Nor- shore Theatre Corp., Chicago Med. Arts Bldg. Corp. Served with Signal Corps, U.S. Army Air Service; 2d It., Res., fly- ing status, 1918-19. Commr. accounts and finance Highland Park (111.) City Council; mem. exec. com. Property Own- ers Com. on Real Estate Assessments; dir. Civic Fedn. Mem. bd. of trustees DePaul U.; mem. citizens bd. Loyola U. Mem Assn. Bldg. Owners and Mgrs. (pres., 3 terms), Bldg. Mgrs. Assn. of Chicago (pres., 5 terms), Chicago Real Estate Bd. (former chmn. legislative com.), Nat. Assn. Real Estate Bds., Nat. Tax Assn., Chicago Assn. of Ccmmerce (dir.), Urban Land Inst. (Chicago rep. on studies of central bus. dists.), Am. Legion, Ordnance Soc, Field Mus., Council Fgn. Relations, Lambda Alpha. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn., Mid-day, Knollwood Country, Exmoor Country; Duckville (Utah) Gun. Asso. editor: Brick and Clay Record, 1915-16. Author: Sheridan-Karkow Formula, for determi- nation of rental values; Trends Influenc- ing Chicago's Central Bus. Dists. Con- tbr. reports on econ. status of office bldg. industry. Served on com. to ex- amine archtl. plans in advance of con- struction of Chrysler Bldg. (N.Y.), Pere Marquette Bldg. (New Orleans, La.), Adams-Franklin Bldg. (Chicago), Mon- treal Bank Bldg. (Can.). Home: 1601 Dean Av., Highland Park, 111. Address: One N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. GAMBLE, William Gadsden, Jr., clin- ical pathologist; b. Kingstree, S.C., 2 Apr. 1897; s. W. G. Gamble, Sr., M.D., and Cornelia Boyd (Gourdin) G.; ed. Kingstree high sch.; Honor Military Sch. Citadel Military Coll., 1916; Coll. of Charleston, 1919; Univ. Chicago, 1920; Med. Coll. of Charleston, 1922; m. Lucy Hammond of Charleston, 1918; children — William G., Ill, Theodore G., Hammond R., Lucien C. Enlisted in Nat. Guard, S.C., 1916; served in camp, 1916; Mexican Border Service, 1917; Federal Service, 1917, overseas, 1918-19; pathol- ogist, Florence Hosp., 1924-26; clin. pathologist, Med. Coll., S.C., 1926-28; asst. dir. of laboratories, Roper Hosp., 1926-28; asst. pathologist and parasi- tologist, Mercy Hosp., Bay City, Mich., 1929; pathologist, Gen. Hosp., 1930; pathologist, Mercy Hosp., Cadillac, Mich., 1930, Gladwin (Mich.) Hosp., 1939, Alpena (Mich.) Gen. Hosp., 1940. Caro (Mich.) Hosp., 1940. Asso. fellow Am. Coll. Physicians; fellow Am. Soc Clin. Pathologists; mem. Bay County and Mich. State med. socs., A.M. A., Mich. Pathol. Soc. Episcopalian. Democrat. Club: Rotary. Author: arts, on medicine. Travel: U.S., Can., Eur. Interest: auto- mobiles. Home: 2010 Fifth Av., Bay City, Mich. Summer home: Linwood Beach, Linwood, Mich. IZANT, Robert James, v-p. Centra) Nat. Bank of Cleveland, O.; b. Cleveland, O.. Nov. 25, 1887; s. Silas and Sarah Luella (Heard) I.; Western Reserve U., Cleveland, 1912; m. Grace Goulder, Oct. 18, 1919; children — Robert James, Jona- than Goulder (killed in action, World War II), Mary Portia. Reporter Cleve- land, (O.) Plain Dealer, 1912-17; in charge public relations Central Nat. Bank, Cleveland, O., 1919-40, v.p. since 1928. Served as 1st It., inf., A.E.F., 1917- 19. Trustee Hudson Library and Hist. Soc. Mem. Financial Advertisers Assn. (pres. 1940-41), Delta Kappa Epsilon. Quaker. Mason. Clubs: Union, Mid-Day, Advertising (Cleveland); National Press (Washington). Office: 308 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. Home: Hudson, O. ARRINGTON, William Russell, law- yer, corp. exec; b. Gillespie, 111., July 4, 1906; s. William Parnell and Ethel Louise (Fanning) A.; A.B., U. of 111., 1928, LL.B., 1930; m. Ruth Browne, Oct. 8, 1932; children — Patricia Lee, Michael Browne. Engaged in gen. practice of law 877 since 1930; ass,o., D'Ancona, Pflaum and Kohlsaat, attys., 1930-39; partner law firm, Watson, Healy and Arrington, 1944-45; sr. partner law firm Arrington, Fiedler and Healy since 1945; vice pres. and gen. counsel Swain and Nelson Co. since 1937; Combined Mutual Casualty Co. since 1939; acting pres. and dir. Soy Bean Products Co., 1942-44. Gen. atty. Ridgeville Park Dist. since 1941. Mem. 111. Ho. of Heps., 6th Senatorial Dist. since 1944. Mem. bd. dirs., Evanston War Chest, Inc., Evanston Northwest- ern Community Clubs. Mem. Am. 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Eta Sigma, Gamma Eta Gamma. Home: 137 Custer Av., Evan- ston, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. RICE, Joseph J., partner, Daniel F. Rice & Co.; b. Chicago, 111., Dec. 15, 1891; s. Daniel F. and Wilhelmina (Schnaitman) R.; student North Divi- sion High School; Northwestern U. School of Commerce; m. Louise G. Schlacks, Jan. 1923. Formerly mgr. credit dept. Hibernian Bank; v.p. and dir. Lawrence Stern & Co., Inc., 1925- 38; chmn. Worth Properties; now part- ner Daniel F. Rice & Co. (mems. N.Y. Stock Exchange, Chicago Bd. of Trade, Winnipeg Grain Exchange, etc.). Served as dir. of finance State of 111., 1933-34; dep. Fed. Loan Adminstr., Fed Loan Agency, Washington, D.C., 1941-42. Treas. and dir. Arlington Park Jockey Club. Home: 181 E. Lake Shore Dr. Of- fice: 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. MAGEE, J(unius) Ralph, bishop; b. Maquoketa, la., June 3, 1880; s. John Calvin and Jane Amelia (Cole) M.; B.Di., la. State Teachers Coll., Cedar Falls, 1901; Ph.B., Morningside Coll., 1904, LL.D., 1931; S.T.B., Boston U. Sch. of Theology, 1910; D.D., Upper la. U., 1921, Boston U., 1946; L.H.D., Coll. of Puget Sound, 1932; LL.D., 111. Wesleyan U., 1945; m. Harriet A. Keeler, Sept. 10, 1902 (died Oct. 31, 1943); children- John Homer, Dorothy Jean. Principal public schools, Nora Springs, la., 1901- 02; admitted to ministry M.E. Church, 1902, ordained deacon, 1904, elder, 1906; pastor Rustin Avenue Church, Sioux City, 1902-04, Paulina, Iowa, 1904-07, Falmouth, Massachusetts, 1907-11, Taun- ton, 1911-14. Daniel Dorchester Memo- rial Church, Boston, 1914-19, St. Mark's Church, Brookline, 1919-21, First Ch.. Seattle, Wash., 1921-29; became supt. Seattle dist., 1929; elected bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, May 1932; pres. Hamline U., 1933-34; bishop St. Paul Area Meth. Ch., 1932-39; bishop Des Moines Area Meth. Ch., 1939-44; bishop Chicago Area Meth. Ch. since 1944. Trustee Evanston Collegiate Inst., 111. Wesleyan U., Northwestern U. Mc- Kendrie Coll., Wesley Foundation of 111., Wesley Memorial Hosp. (Chicago), Gar- rett Biblical Inst., Lake Bluff Orphan- age. Member Mayor's Commission on Unemployment, Seattle, 1931. Mem. Gen. Conf. M.E. Ch., 1928, 32 (mem. com. on entertainment). Mem. Pi Gam- ma Mu, Pi Kappa Delta. Republican. Mason (K.T., grand orator, Grand Lodge of Wash., 1931-32), K.P. (grand prelate for Mass., 1909-13), Rotarian. Home: Pearson Hotel. Office: 77 W. Washing- ton St., Chicago 2, 111. SMITH, S. Maxwell, city auditor, teacher, bus. coll. Oklahoma pres.; b. Charleston Four Corners, N.Y., 13 June 1880; s. W. J. Smith, civil engr., and Lizzie (Maxwell) S.; ed. Northern III. Normal Sch.; Master Accounts, B.S., A.B., A.M., Dixon Coll., 111., 1896-1900; C.P.A.; hon. cadet, class A Mil. Sch., 3 times; m. Moi Barry of Litchfield, 111., 23 Aug. 1906; children — Mrs. Lois M. Sloat, Barry M., William N. Head of comm. and mil. depts., Epworth Sem., la., 2 yrs.; teacher, comm. dept., and pen art dept., Springfield (Mo.) Teach- ers Coll., 5 yrs.; owner and pres. Tulsa Bus. Coll., 1906; city auditor, Tulsa, Okla. (elected 2 terms); regional dir. Nat. Assn. of Accredited Comml. Schs.; p. dir. Am. Union Life Ins. Co.; p. chmn. Registration Com., A.A.U. of Okla. (yr. of best record in country award); dur- ing World War, served as dollar a yr. man, in charge vocational trainees in Tulsa; mem. S.W. Assn. of Comml. Schs., Okla. Bus. Coll. Proprietors Assn., Nat. Rifle Assn., Nat. Geog. Assn., Chamber of Commerce, 32° Mason, Guthrie Consistory. Clubs: Rotary (p. dir.), Acacia, Okla. Auto. Interests: basket ball (traveled with A.A.U.W. team, Hartford, Conn, to Portland, Ore. team rep. U.S. in internat. series with Can., 4 times), pen art work, orna- mental writing, lettering. Recreations: photography, reading, travel, tennis, sports, hunting, fishing. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: 406-8 S. Denver St., Tulsa, Okla. Home: 524 W. Fourth St., Tulsa, Okla. DOOLEN, Paul Dwight, lawyer; b. Vernon, 111., 24 Feb. 1905; s. Isham Willis and Rose (Arnold) D.; B.A., U. of 111., 1927; LL.B., Harvard, 1931; m. 878 Estine Lewis, 20 Oct. 1934; children- Mark Lorimer, Deborah. Mem. N.Y. and U.S. Sup. Ct. bars; formerly mem. law firm Decker & Doolen, Waukegan, 111.; gen. atty. A. E. Staley Mfg. Co. Mem. Postwar Housing Com. of 111., chmn. of Aviation Com. of 111. Chamber of Com- merce; mem. exec. com. and chmn. mfrs. com. Decatur Assn. of Commerce; mem. bd. dirs. Macon County Commun- ity Club. Mem. Decatur, 111., N.Y. and Am. bar assns., Delta Tau Delta. Clubs: Decatur, Decatur Country. Home: 1445 Sunset Av. Office: A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., Decatur, 111. JACOBS, J. Louis, engineer and con- sultant; b. Ukraine, 24 Dec. 1885; ed. Sheffield Sci. Sch., Yale Univ.; post grad. work, economics, math., law, Yale Univ., Ph.B., 1907, C.E., 1909; M.A. (hon.), Northwestern Univ., 1934. Dir. J. L. Jacobs & Co., engrs. and consult- ants, 1915 — ; supervised tech. investiga- tions on departmental orgns., personnel, methods, and financial administration, * Chicago city govts, for Municipal Effi- ciency Commn., 1919-15; engring. in- vestigations and reports on railroad de- sign and construction, CM. & St. P. Ry., Chicago, 1909-10; financial and real es- tate reporter, New Haven Daily Palla- dium and Saturday Chronicle, also tutor in math, and econ., 1905-08; asst. in municipal engring., Port Chester, N.Y., also instr. Evening Tech. Sch., New Rochelle, N.Y., 1908-09; lecturer econ. and bus. orgn., Sch. Commerce, North- western Univ., 1920-26; first apptd. county assessor of Cook County, 1932- 35; tech. asst. on industrial relations and wage adjustments, Emergency Fleet Corp. of U.S. Shipping Bd., also con- sultant labor classification and wage standardization to U.S. War Labor Poli- cies Bd., during World War I; admin- istrative consultant, U.S. Army Air Forces, U.S. Bureau of the Budget, and U.S. Navy Bureau of Aeronautics, 1942- 44. Mem. Am. Statis. Assn., A.S.C.E., Soc. for Advancement of Management, Western Soc. Engrs., Nat. Municipal League, Am. Acad. Polit. Sci., Nat. Assn. Pub. Adminstrn., Nat. Assn. As- sessing Officers, Nat. Tax Assn., etc. Author: various reports on indsl. and governmental, administrative, personnel, and fiscal management; contbr. arts, in Annals of A.A.P.S. and S., the Econo- mist, etc. Office: 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 9150 Pleasant Av., Chicago, 111. HEBBARD, George Miller, chemical engineer; b. Washington, D.C., 1907; s. George Edward Hebbard, woolen im- porter, and Ottilia Charlotta (Miller) H.; ed. Central High Sch., Washington, D.C.; Ch.E., Lehigh Univ., 1929; M.S., Univ. Mich., 1930, Sc.D., 1933; m. Ina Jean Beckton of Caro, Mich., 1932; chil- dren — Joan Ottilie, George M. Research metallurgist, Bell. Tel. Labs., N.Y. City, 1929; sales engr., Rohm & Haas Co., Phila., 1930-31; chera. engr., Dow Chem. Co., Midland, 1933, pilot plant develop- ment on hydrocarbons and ethyl cellu- lose, asst. to pres., Dow Chem. Co., 1941 — ; engring. mgr., Styrene Div. Rub- ber Reserve Co., 1942-44, administrative officer, Production Div., 1945 — . Mem. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Am. Chem. Soc, Sigma Phi, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Lambda Phi, S.A.R. Club: Ki- wanis Internat. Author: U.S. patents concerning hydrocarbon technol. Inter- ests: pistol markmanship, trout fishing, breeding cocker spaniels. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Rubber Reserve Co., Washington 25, D.C. Home: 1714 Lanier PI., N.W., Washington, D.C. HEAD, Cecil Franklin, painter, com- mercial artist; b. Lebanon, Ind., 1 July 1906; s. Benjamin Franklin Head and Gertrude (Burns) H.; ed. Lebanon (Ind.) high sch.; John Herron Art Sch., 1925- 29; m. La Verne Ray of Indianapolis, 20 June 1937. Exhibited in Ind. Art Shows, Cincinnati Mus., John Herron Art Inst., Va. Mus. of Art, Hoosier Salon (Chicago, 111.), N.Y. World's Fair exhibit of Am. Art, Phila. Water-color Show; Directions in American Painting Exbn., Carnegie Inst., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1941; prizes: J. I. Holcomb, 1933; John Herron Art Inst., Daughters of Ind , 1937; Hoosier Salon, Chicago, Ross J. Beatty, still life prize, 1934; Hoosier Salon, Chicago, Art Assoc, prize, John Herron Art Inst., 1937; 1st still life, Ind. State Fair Art Exhibit, 1940. Club: Indiana Artist. Home: R.R. 1, White- land, Ind. COLLYER, John Lyon, pres. B. F. Goodrich Co.; b. Chelsea-on-Hudson, N.Y., 18 Sept. 1893; s. Moses Wakeman and Henrietta (Mead) C; M.E., Cornell U., 1917; m. Georgia Forman, 15 Jan. 1930; children Gilbert, Deborah (Mrs. George Shepard), Georgia. With Beth- lehem Shipbuilding Co. as shipward worker, foreman, head personnel div. and supt. of hull constrn., 1915-22; v.p. Dunlop Tire and Rubber Co., Buffalo, N.Y., 1923-29; works dir., dir. of mfg. 879 and mng. dir. Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Eng., 1929-39; pres. B. F. Goodrich Co. since Sept. 1939. Vice chmn. and mem. exec, com., Business Advisory Council of Dept. of Commerce; mem. bd. trus- tees Cornell Univ. Mem. Chi Phi, also various business organizations and vari- ous clubs. Address: B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio. RIESS, Alfred D., presiding justice, s. Judge George L. Riess and Sarah A. (Turk) R.; ed. LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1895; m. Matilda M. Boedeker, 24 Oct. 1906; 1 dau. — Pearl Marion (dec). Admitted to practice in Mich, and 111., 1895, U.S. Supreme Ct., 1914; city atty., Red Bud, 111., 1896-1901; mem. 111. Gen. Assembly, 1901-03; state's atty., Randolph County, 1912-20; gen. practice, 1921-33; elected judge of Circuit Ct., Third Circuit of 111., 1933-39, reelected, 1939-45; appt. by Supreme Ct. as Justice of Appellate Ct., Third Dist., 1936-39, reapptd., 1939-42, and 1942-45; presiding justice, 1938-40 and 1945. Office: Supreme Court Bldg., Springfield, 111. Home: Red Bud, 111. MYLONAS, George Emmanuel, ar- chaeologist, univ. prof.; b. Smyrna, Asia Minor, 9 Dec. 1898; s. Emmanuel My- lonas, merchant, and Maria (Tenekides) M.; ed. B.A., Internat. Coll., Smyrna, 1918; Diploma, Univ. Athens, 1922, Ph.D., 1927; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1922; m. Lela Papazoghlou of Smyrna, 2 May 1925; children — Alexander George, Nike Maria, lone Doris, Daphne Eirene. Prof., Greek Internat. Coll., 1922, Am. Sch. Classical Studies, Athens, 1923-27; dir. night sch. of languages Univ. Athens, 1925-27; instr., Univ. Chicago, 1929; assoc. in classics, Univ. 111., 1931-33, prof, classical art and archaeology, 1939-40; asst. prof, history of art, Washington Univ., 1933-35, assoc. prof., 1935-38, prof., head of dept., 1938 — ; dir. excavations, Haghlios Kosmas, Greece, 1930-31, Eleusis, 1930, 31, 32, 34, Olynthos, 1938, Akropotamos, 1938; officer permanent council Internat. Congress of Prehistoric and Protohis- toric Sci., Oslo, Norway, 1936. Mem. Archaeol. Inst, of Am., Classical Assn. Middle West and South, Coll. Art Assn., Mo. Acad, of Sci., Hist. Soc. of Mo., Archaeol. Soc. of Greece, Royal Anthrop. Soc. Club: Town and Gown. Author: The Neolithic Age in Greece, 1927; The Neolithic Settlement at Olynthus, 1929; PrePersian Pottery — from Olynthus, 1934; Prehistoric Eleusis, 1931; Hymn to Demeter and her Sanctuary of Elen- sis, 1941; The Balkan States, 1946; also articles in archaeol. and philological mags. Travel: U.S., Asia, Afr., Europe. Interests: collecting rare Greek em- broideries, stamp collecting. Recrea- tions: hiking, tennis. Mem. Greek Or- thodox Ch. Independent. Office: Wash- ington University, St. Louis, Mo. Home: 550 Bedford Av., University City, Mo. TEICH, Frederick C, hotel mgr.; b. Chicago, 111., 10 Mar. 1899; s. Max Louis and Sophie (Roessler) T.; attended Cul- ver Summer Naval Sch., 1915, 16, 17; grad. Chicago Latin Sch., 1918; m. Miriam Curley, 26 Oct. 1927; children — Frederick C, William M., Peter M. With Internat. Hotel Co. since 1918, succes- sively auditor, room clerk, asst. mgr., mgr., now mng. dir. and sec; pres. At- lantic Garage Co., Carltonia Manage- ment Corp., Adelphi Drug Co., Chicago; sec Kaskaskia Hotel Co., La Salle, 111. Lutheran. Home: 88 Robsart Rd., Kenil- worth, 111. Office: Hotel Atlantic, 316 S. Clark St., Chicago, 111. NELSON, Gerald Farrington, pres. Swain Nelson Co.; b. Glenview, 111., 23 Jan. 1909; s. Alvin and "Helen (Farring- ton) N.; grad. Bryn Athyn (Pa.) Acad., * 1927; student U. of Pennsylvania, 1927- 28; B.S. in Landscape Architecture, U. of 111., 1932; unmarried. Landscape foreman, landscape designer since 1932; vice pres. and dir. Swain Nelson Co.; treas. and dir. Swain Nelson Realty; pres. Swain Nelson Laboratories; part- ner, Swain Nelson Engring. and Equip- ment Co.; vice pres. and dir. The Swain Nelson Foundation. Enlisted U.S. Marine Corps, private, 1942, now capt. inactive reserves; served in Central Pacific area. Mem. Beta Theta Phi. Republican. Mem. Swedenborgian Ch. Home: 87 Park Dr. Office: 2320 Glenview Av., Glenview, 111 GIBSON, Robert Ranks, biochemist; b. Uncompahgre, Colo., 8 Mar. 1882; s. Lt. Col. Robt. J. Gibson, M.C., U.S.A., and Ella Julia (Banks) G.; ed. Hughes (Cincinnati) and New Haven (Conn.) high schs.; Ph.B., Yale Univ., 1902, Ph.D., 1906; m. Lucy Spottiswood Tait of Norfolk, Va., 28 June 1917. Bacteri- ologist, N.Y. Dept. Health; asst. prof., univs. Mo. and Minn.; prof. Univ. Phil- ippines; assoc. prof., State Univ. la. Mem. Am. Physiol. Soc, Am. Soc Biol. Chemistry Soc, Exptl. Biol, and Medi- cine, Sigma Xi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Beta Pi. Author: numerous contribu- tions of original research on physiology, clinical chemistry, etc. Travel: Orient. Recreations: auction bridge, fishing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Uni- 880 versity Hospital, Iowa City, la. Home: 1029 E. Court St., Iowa City, la. FEDEKIGHI, Henry, prof, of biology; b. New York, N.Y., 14 June 1900; s. Giovanni Federighi, ironsmith, and Egista (Baiocchi) F.; ed. New Bruns- wick (N.J.) high sen.; B.S., Rutgers Univ., 1923; M.A., Harvard Univ., 1924, Ph.D., 1926; m. Marie Antoinette Delage of Mass., 29 May 1924; children: Enrico, Francis Delage. Assoc, in oyster investi- gations, Bur. of Fisheries, 1926-29; teacher, biology, 1929 — ; prof, biology, Antioch Coll., Yellow Springs, O., 1940 — . Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha. Author: many sci. papers. Interest: stamps. Democrat. Office: Antioch College, Yellow Springs, O. Home: 607 Xenia Av., Yellow Springs, O. OLSON, Willard Clifford, dir. research in child development, prof, of educa- tion and psychology; b. Annandale, Minn., 8 Oct. 1899; s. John A. Olson, mcht., and Anna Christine (Frykman) O.; ed. Annandale (Minn.) high sch.; B.A., Univ. Minn., 1920, M.A., 1924, Ph.D., 1926; m. Violet Pickard of May- wood, 111., 18 June 1922; 1 dau. — Mary Anne. Prin., supt. of schs., Minn., 1922- 23; asst. instr., Univ. Minn., 1923-26; Fellow Nat. Res. Council, 1926-27; asst. prof., Univ. Minn., 1927-29; assoc. prof., prof., Univ. Mich., 1929 — . Sec. Am. Psychol. Soc, 1937-45. Student R.O.T.C., Fort Sheridan, and pvt., I.C.O.T.S., Camp Pike, during World War. Mem. A.A.A.S., N.E.A., Am. Ed. Research Assn., Am. Orthopsychiatry Assn., Am. Psychol. Assn., Nat. Soc. for Research in Child Development, Tau Kappa Ep- silon. Club: University. Author: Prob- lem Tendencies in Children, Measure- ment of Nervous Habits in Normal Chil- dren. Travel: Western Eur. Interests: research, writing. Recreations: swim- ming, sailing, fishing. Unitarian. Office: University of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: Barton Hills, Ann Arbor, Mich. ROBERTS, Charles Hull, publisher; b. Salem, 111., 6 June 1911; s. William B. and Anna (Ray) A.; ed. Salem (111.) High Sch.; m. Lois J. Reichert, 15 Dec. 1940; children — John William, Sharon Kaye. Journalist, 1929-31; adv. mgr. Marion County Democrat, 1931-36, co- publisher since 1936; postmaster, Salem, 111., since 1940. City treas. Salem, 111., 1938-40. Mem. Salem Chamber of Com- merce, Salem Bus. Men's Assn. Demo* crat. Mason, Knight of Pythias. Mem. Rotary Club. Home: 920 N. Broadway. Office: 113 S. Broadway, Salem, 111. FRY, George Arthur, management engr.; b. Swayzee, Ind., 20 Oct. 1901; s. Arthur West and Anna (Moulder) F.; B.S., Northwestern U., 1924; m. Ger- aldine Brode, 17 June 1926; children — Janet Elizabeth, Willard Arthur. Asst. cashier First Nat. Bank, Swayzee, Ind., 1916-20; asst. dir. personnel, Northwest- ern U., 1924-25; with Edwin G. Booz Surveys, 1925-26; partner Booz, Fry, Alien & Hamilton, 1936-42; sr. partner Fry, Lawson & Co. since 1942; dir. Horders, Inc., Chicago. Mem. Am. Man- agement Assn., Sigma Nu, Deru Fra- ternity. Republican. Methodist. Mason. Clubs: Chicago, Attic, University, Com- monwealth (Chicago); Glen View (Golf, 111.); City Midday (New York). Home: 100 Woodstock Av., Kenilworth, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111.; and 285 Madison Av., New York, N.Y. FELSENTHAL, Edward George, real estate; b. Chicago, 111., 8 July 1886; s. Eli Benjamin and Nettie (Goldsmith) F.; grad. Morgan Park Acad., 1904; A.B., Un. of Chicago, 1908, J.D., 1910; m. Mildred Hartman, 1913; children — George, Elizabeth. Admitted to 111. bar, 1910, and practiced law, 1910-20; sec. and treas". Hartman Corp. and affiliated cos., 1920-28; v.p. and treas., 1928-31; pres. Realty Investors Trust, 1931-38; also pres. Realty Management Co., 1931; now in real estate business under firm name of Felsenthal & Coleman. Mem. Legal Advisory Bd., Selective Draft, Chicago, 1918-19; mem. 111. Res. Militia, 1918-20. Rep. candidate for 111. Ho. of Reps., 1912. Dir. Jewish Social Service Bureau; mem. Illinois Inter-Racial Commn. Jewish religion. Clubs: Stand- ard (former dir.), Lake Shore Country. Home: 5000 Woodlawn Av. Office: 33 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. CAFFREY, John Martin, dist. mgr. John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co.; b. Scranton, Pa., 5 Nov. 1898; s. Anthony Francis and Bridget Agnes (Durkin) C; ed. pub. schs., Scranton, Pa.; m. Mildred Alice Barrett, 29 June 1925; 1 son — William Anthony. Railroad shop machinist, 1916-22; automobile sales- man, 1922-23; patrolman Scranton po- lice dept., 1923-24; with Prudential Ins. Co., 1924-25, Aetna Life Ins. Co., 1926- 27; with John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co. since 1928, mgr. Roseland dist., Chi- cago, since 1938. Mem. city zoning bd., Springfield, O., 1936-38; active in work for Am. Red Cross and Communitv 881 Fund, mem. payroll div. 111. War Sav- ings Staff during World War. Mem. Chicago Assn. Life Underwriters, Chi- cago Life Agency Mgrs. (pres. 1946-47). Roman Catholic. Knight of Columbus (past grand knight Springfield, O., coun- cil). Home: 9211 S. Bishop. Office: 11024 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. BERGER, Samuel Sylvester, physi- cian; b. Hungary, 14 Apr. 1884; s. Sam- uel Berger, merchant, and Rose (Good- man) B.; ed. Central High Sch., Western Reserve Univ.; m. Vera Grossman of Cleveland, O., 15 Dec. 1921; children — Peter, Barbara, Sally. Practiced medi- cine, Cleveland, 1904; chief med. dept. Mt. Sinai Hosp.; mem. Med. Advisory Bd. Dist. No. 1, Cleveland, O., 1918. Fellow Am. Coll. Physicians, Nat. Gas- tro-Internal. Assn., mem. A.M.A., Cleve- land Acad. Med., O. State Med. Assn., Assn. for Study of Internal Secretions, Am. Heart Assn., A.A.A.S., Am. Dia- betes Assn., Am. Gastroscopic Club, Cleveland Med. Library Assn., Alpha Omega Alpha. Clubs: Oakwood, City. Author: many med. arts. Travel: abroad. Office: Keith Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: Lake Shore Blvd. and E. 105th St., Cleveland, O. SMITH, Lemuel David, orthopaedic surgeon; b. Pittsford, N.Y., 19 Feb. 1883; s. Stephen M. Smith and Addie (DuRell) S.; ed. Washington High Sch., Spokane, Wash.; Swarthmore Prep.; Swarthmore Coll., 1902-03; M.I.T., 1903- 06; B.Litt., Marquette Univ. Coll. of Arts and Sci., 1918; M.D., Marquette Univ. Sch. of Medicine, 1921, B.S., 1921; m. Nellie Sarah Hodgson; 1 son — Du Rell. Externe, Deaconess Hosp., 1920, Johnston Emergency Hosp., 1920-21; in- terne, Marquette Univ. Hosp., 1921-22; seminar in rehabilitation and ortho- paedic surg., N.Y. Post Grad. Med. Hosp., 1922-23; house staff N.Y. Lying- in Hosp., 1923; resident Mass. Gen. Hosp., Boston Childrens Hosp., Mass. State Hosp., Robert Brigham Hosp., 1923-25; mem. staff Marquette Univ., Trinity Hosp., outpatient dept., 1925, attending jr., 1925, sr., 1926, Milwaukee Co. Dispensary staff, 1926, chief, 1933, Milwaukee County Gen. Hosp., sr. Mil- waukee Children's Hosp., 1927, sr., Mis- ericordia Hosp., sr. 1927, St. Anthony Hosp., 1931, St. Luke's, 1937, St. Jo- seph's, 1939, Muirdale San., 1931, St. Michael, 1941; clin. instr. in orthopedic surgery Marquette Med. Sch., 1925, instr. in anatomy, 1928; instr. Miseri- cordia Hosp., Milwaukee Co. Gen. Hosp. Lt. col., M.C., U.S. Army, detached. Airman pilot No. 51648-41, Civil Aero Authority. Diplomate Am. Bd. of Or- thopaedic Surgs. Fellow A.C.S., Inter- nal Coll. of Surgs.; mem. Milwaukee Co. and Wis. State med. socs., A.M. A., Milwaukee Acad. Medicine, Milwaukee Soc. of Clin. Surgery, Wis. Orthopaedic Soc, Clin. Orthopaedic Soc, Am. Acad. Orthopaedic Surgeons, Theta Nu Ep- silon, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Sigma Tau, Zeta Kappa Gamma, Masons, Ken- wood Council, LaFayette Lodge, Eagles, Assn. of Mil. Surgeons of U.S., Res. Officers Assn., Army and Navy Union, Nat. Aeronautic Assn. of U.S.A. Clubs: Wisconsin, Tuckaway Country, Kiwanis, Milwaukee Rowing, Milwaukee Yacht Author: tech. articles for med. jours. Episcopalian (sr. warden). Office: 2454 W. Kilbourn Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 2456 W. Kilbourn Av., Milwau- kee, Wis. BOYSEN, Louis Koch, lawyer; b. Mil- waukee, Wis., 22 Apr. 1878; s. Adolph and Selma (Koch) B.; grad. Lake View High Sch., 1898; LL.B., Lake Forest U. Law Sch., 1901; m. Lydia Bigelow, 7 Mar. 1913 (died 1918); children— Bob- ette, Bigelow; m. 2d, Winifred Lamb, 18 June 1921. Admitted to 111. bar, 1901; atty., later dir. and officer Pearsons- Taft Land Credit Co., 1902-15; mgr. Am. div. George M. Forman & Co., Chicago, 1915-18; independent law practice, Chi- cago, 1919; appt. mgr. real estate loan dept. First Trust & Savings Bank, Chi- cago, 1920, v.p. same and successor, First Nat. Bank of Chicago, 1924-33; also v.p. and mgr. First-Trust Joint Stock Land Bank of Chicago (largest joint stock land bank under federal farm loan system) until 1933; in pvt. law practice and mortgage banking, 1933-35; now associated with Chicago office of Reconstruction Finance Corp., becoming dep. regional dir. Office of Real Property Disposal, War Assets Adminstrn. Twice pres. Chicago Mortgage Bankers Assn.; twice chmn. real estate securities com. Investment Bankers Assn. of America; hon. life mem. Mortgage Bankers Assn. of America since 1944. Home: 2632 Lake View Av. Office: 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. PRIEBE, Frank Allen, pres. and dir. Priebe & Sons, Inc.; b. Minonk, 111., 5 Jan. 1899; s. William Frederick and Mathilda (Simater) P.; B.S., U. of Chi- cago, 1920; m. Ruth Bournique Rice, 5 June 1926; children — Helen, Barbara, Frank. Salesman, Priebe & Sons, Inc., 882 Chicago, 111., 1920-23, treas. and dir. since 1923-42, pres. since 1943; v.p. and dir. F. M. Stamper Co., Moberly, Mo., since 1923; dir. Liberty Nat. Bank, Chi- cago, Fulton Market Cold Storage, Chi- cago, Merchants Refrigerating Co., New York City, Great Bend (Kan.) Poultry Co.; gov. Mercantile Exchange, Chicago; mem. Nat. Poultry and Egg Board; past pres., dir. Nat. Egg Products Assn., past pres. and chmn. bd. Inst. Am. Poultry Industries, Chicago (dir.). Mem. agrl. com. U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Served with U.S. Navy, 1918-19). Mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Editor: Weekly Letter to Poultry Raisers. Clubs: Com- mercial, University (Chicago); Onwent- sia, Winter (Lake Forest); Coleman Lake (Wis.); Old Elm (Ft. Sheridau, 111.). Home: 855 East Westminster Rd., Lake Forest, 111. Office: 110 N. Franklin St., Chicago, 111. DITTMAR, Clifford William, asst. treas. Crane Co. (Chicago); b. Cincin- nati, O., 2 Apr. 1888; s. Christian Henry and Emma (Schaefer) D.; ed. Cincinnati pub. sens.; student Alexander Hamilton Inst., 1927-29; m. Pearl Mae Bartholo- mew, 26 Aug. 1911; 1 son — Richard Bartholomew. Started as bookkeeper for Crane Co., Cincinnati office, 1910-13, credit mgr., 1913-17, traveling auditor, Chicago office, 1917-22, credit mgr., ac- countant Los Angeles office, 1922-34, supervisor of credits for branches throughout the U.S. (hdqrs. in Chicago), 1934-40, asst. treas. Chicago, since 1935. Vice pres., dir. Chicago Assn. of Credit Managers; chmn. of finance com. and mem. bd. First Methodist Ch. of Evans- ton, 1942-45; past dir. of bd. Los An- geles Builders Exchange. Assoc, mem. Print Makers Soc. of Calif; mem. Chi- cago Assn. Commerce. Methodist. Mason. Home: 2314 Sherman Av., Evanston, 111. Office: 836 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. RICKBEIL, Raymond Earl, public ac- countant; b. Cavalier, N.D., 22 Feb. 1897; s. Henry and Elizabeth (Reichert) R.; B.S., U. of 111., 1925, M.S., 1925; m. Clara Evelyn Shellman, 8 May 1930. Farm employee and tractor mechanic la., Mont., N.D., and Sask, Can., 1913- 17; jr. and sr. accountant, 1925-28; pub. accounting practice as prin. accountant, Springfield, 111., since 1928. Served in Med. Corps, U.S. Army, 1918-19. Audit advisory 111. Defense Council, Selective Service Com.; mem. panel arbitrators motion picture industry, U.S. Dist. Ct. (S. Dist.), N.Y. C.P.A.; 111. practitioner before U.S. Treasury Dept. and U.S. Tax Ct. Past pres. and dir. Decatur chapter Nat. Assn. Cost Accountants (mem. ad. council nat. assn.); chmn. legislative com. 111. Soc. C.P.A.'s (past dir.), mem. membership com. Am. Inst. Accountants; mem. Am. Accounting Assn., Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Scis., Alumni Assn. of Univ. 111., Am. Legion. Republican. Clubs: Optimist Interna- tional, Mid-Day Luncheon. Home: 937 FeldkampAv. Office: 921 First National Bank Bldg., Springfield, 111. SHASTID, Thomas Hall, ophthalmolo- gist, novelist; b. Pittsfield, 111., 19 July 1866; s. Thomas Wesley Shastid, phys., and Louisa Minerva (Hall) S.; ed. Pitts- field (111.) high sen.; Eureka Coll., Eu- reka, 111., 1883-86; Columbia Univ., Med. Dept., 1886-88; M.D. (with special di- ploma of honors), Univ. Vt. Coll. Med., July 1888; post grad., study Univ. Vi- enna, 1888-89; A.B. (cum laude), Har- vard Univ., 1893; A.M., Univ. Mich., 1901, LL.B., 1902; Sc.D. (hon.), Univ. Wis., 1922; m. Fannie Fidelia English of Pittsfield, 111., 16 May 1897 (dec); children — Louisa Minerva (dec), Helen Margaret Lehman (adopted, Mrs. Don- ald R. Husband). Oculist, Lyceum Clinic, Duluth, 1920-25, Acad. Clinical Med., Duluth, 1925-30; now hon. ophthalmolo- gist, St. Mary's Hosp., Duluth; asso. ophthalmologist, Miller Memorial, St. Luke's Hosp., Duluth; cons, ophthal- mologist, St. Mary's Hosp., Superior, Wis.; prof, history of medicine, Am. Med. Coll., St. Louis, 1907-12, later hon. prof.; mem. A.A.A.S., World Calendar Assn., Nat. Soc. Prevention Blindness, Hist. Sci. Soc, Internat. Acad. Hist. Med., Am. Assn. Hist. Med., St. Louis Co. and Minn. State med. socs., Eastern Coll. Mens Assn., Authors League Am., Am. Museum Natural Hist. (asso. mem.), Interurban Acad. Med. (Duluth- Superior (hon. mem.), Minn. Acad. Oph- thalmology and Oto-Laryngology (hon. mem.), Eugene Field Soc. (hon. mem.), Internat. Mark Twain Soc. (hon. life mem.), Societe Academique d'Histoire Internationale (with gold medal) (hon. life mem.), Acadcmie Latine des Sci- ences (hon. life mem.), Arts et Belles- Lettres (with gold cross) (hon. life mem.), Pi Gamma Mu (life mem.), Mason, Am. Bd. Ophthalmology (diplo- mats 1917). Fellow A.M. A., Am. Coll. Surgs., Am. Coll. Phys., Am. Acad. Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology, Am. Acad. Med., Internat. Congress Ophthalmology. Clubs: Harvard (Min- 883 neapolis and Milwaukee), Conopus (pres. 1926-28), Duluth Exchange (pres. 1929). Author: Newspaper Ballads, 1880; Poems, 1881; A Country Doctor, 1898; May the Patient in a Personal Injury Suit be Compelled to Exhibit his In- juries, 1903; a Case of Gratitude — Spontaneous Recovery, 1905; How to Suppress a Malpractice Suit and Other Medical Miscellanies, 1906; Practicing in Pike, 1908; Simon of Cyrene, 1923; Who Shall Command Thy Heart, 1924; The Duke of Duluth, 1926; Ophthalmology, Sex Factors In, 1935; Light, the Raw Material of Vision, 1937; Eyes and Age, 1940; Children's Eyes, 1940; numerous books on peace and war; Tramping to Failure, 1937 (autobiography); My Sec- ond Life (second autobiography), 1944; Shastid proposed peace amendments to constitutions of various lands (popular referendums on extra-territorial wars and on govt, foreign gifts and loans); more than 3000 articles in Am. Ency- clopedia of Ophthalmology; translator: Helmholtz's Description of an Ophthal- moscope, 1916; numerous other works from German, French, Latin, Greek. Collaborator: Cyclopedia of American Medical Biography, 1912, American Medical Biographies, 1920 (both with Dr. H. A. Kelly); Modern Ophthalmol- ogy, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th edits, (with Dr. J. M. Ball); The Eye and Its Diseases, 1936 (with Dr. Conrad Berens); numer- ous vols, with Dr. C. A. Wood. Travel: Eur. Descendant of Pierre de Chastaigne and his wife, Marie Madeline de la Rouchefoucault, who came to Am. from village near Pau, Fr., in the Huguenot exodus of 1685 and settled in Mannikin- town, Va.; Jean Chastain (Chastid), capt. Colonial troops in Va., who mar- ried Charlotte Amonet, 1699-1762; Pierre Chastain (Chastid), born in King William's Parish, Va., 1728; Rev. John Chastain, Baptist minister, who mar- ried Mary O'Bryan, 1747-1800; Rev. William Chastain (Chastid, Shastid), 1774-1830, who married Nancy Greene, dau. of Jarvis Greene, who fell in Battle of Blue Licks fighting under Daniel Boone; John Greene Shastid, intimate friend of Abraham Lincoln, who married Elizabeth Brown Edwards, 1798-1874; Dr. Thomas Wesley Shastid, 1831-1912, who married Louisa Minerva Hall. In- terest: photography. Recreation: walk- ing. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 208-209 Sellwood Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Home: 629 E. First St., Duluth, Minn. GAGE, Daniel Shaw, minister, college professor; b. Robertsville, Mo., 2 Aug. 1863; s. Wilson Shaw Gage, merchant, farmer, and Katherine Harriet (Steri- gere) G.; ed. Acad. Westminster Coll.; A.B., Westminster Coll., 1889, D.D. (hon.), 1912, LL.D. (hon.), 1931; LL.D.. Davidson Coll., 1941; Ph.D., Wooster Univ., O., 1900; McCormick Theol. Sem., 1889-1890. Prof, of Greek, Westminster Coll., Sept. 1890-1914, Prof. Philosophy. 1914 — ; moderator, Synod of Mo., U.S., 1905; mem. Assembly's Advisory Com on Edn., 1913 — ; received distinguished service award from Bd. Edn., Presby- terian Ch., U.S.A., 1936; review writer, Princeton Theol. Review, 15 yrs.; mem. Presbyterian Ednl. Assn. of South (sec. 1917-32). Author: The Voice by Galilee (booklet); numerous articles in ch. pa- pers. Travel: U.S. Interests: wild flow- ers, birds, mountain hiking. Recreation: walking. Presbyterian. Ind. Democrat. Office: Westminster College, Fulton, Mo. Home: 300 W. 7th St., Fulton, Mo. SWATS, Robert Lee, vice pres. LaSalle Extension U.; b. Knoxville, Tenn., 4 Mar. 1887; s. John Henry and Siege Anna (Cardwell) S.; grad. Park City High Sch., Knoxville, Tenn., 1904, Knoxville Sch. of Bus. Adminstrn., 1905; m. Byrdie Blaine Willmore, Aug. 1910; children — Marion Virginia (Mrs. James Stewart). Robert Lee. Clerk and dept. head, 1905- 08; travelling salesman Southern Brass and Iron Co., Knoxville, 1908-10; sales mgr. Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co., Nash- ville, Tenn., 1910-14; branch mgr. Sea- board Supply Co., Norfolk, Va., 1914- 17; mgr. Nolan Co., Inc., Newport News, Va., 1917-19; v.p. and dir. sales DeLion Tire and Rubber Co., Baltimore, Md.. 1919-20; southeastern mgr. LaSalle Ex- tension U., 1922-26, vice pres., 1926-37, and since 1938; pres. and owner R. L. Swats Associates, 1937; v.p. Stenotype Co. Mason (Blue Lodge, Consistory, 32°, Shriner). Clubs: South Shore, Illinois Athletic (Chicago). Home: 2220 E. 70th PI. Office: 417 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. THOMPSON, Charles N., lawyer (re- tired); b. Covington, Ind., 7 July 1861; s. William Thompson, mcht., and Han- nah (Nebeker) T.; ed. A.B., DePauw Univ., 1882, A.M., 1885; m. Julia Finch Conner of Indianapolis, 7 Oct. 1891. Be- gan practice of law, Oct. 1886; stud, in Duncan, Smith & Wilson's office, 18 mos., previously in gen. practice until 1913; gen. counsel, Indianapolis Power and Light Co., 1913-31; retired Oct. 1931; dir. Indianapolis Power and Light Co., 1904-31, Fletcher Trust Co., 1896- 884 1934 (and one of its predecessors); v.p. Indianapolis Power and Light Co., 1926- 31; state senator, 1900-04; mem. Ind. Library and Historical Com., 1925-33, Ind. Library Bldg. Com., 1931-35; trus- tee DePauw Univ.; mem. Am. Hist. Soc. (life mem.), Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi, Indianapolis and Am. bar assns., Ind. Hist. Soc, Soc. of Indiana Pioneers. Clubs: Columbia, Contemporary, Indian- apolis Literary. Author: Thompson on Building Assns. (legal); Sons of the Wilderness (history, early Indiana). Travel: Eur., U.S. Desc. of early pio- neers in Ind. Interest: history, reading, writing. Presbyterian (elder, First Pres- by. Ch.). Republican. Established Julia Connor Thompson Collection of sev- eral hundred volumes on Finer Arts of Homemaking, 1930. Endowed with $25,000, Indianapolis Pub. Library, 1940. Home: 3650 Washington Blvd., Indian apolis, Ind. Summer home: The Mead- ows, Harbor Springs, Mich. HINN, George Jacob, physician and surgeon; b. Fond du Lac, Wis., 25 Aug. 1872; s. George Hinn, contractor, and Margret (Weigel) H.; ed. Wis. Univ.; Northwestern Univ.; Loyola Univ. Med. Sch.; m. Anna Klingelhofer of Chicago, 3 Apr. 1907; children — Dr. George Jacob, Jr., Wilbur C. Long engaged in prac- tice as physician and surgeon. Mem. Masons. Club: Illinois Athletic. Interest: birds. Recreation: outdoor. Lutheran. Republican. Office: 30 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 919 Ridgewood Av., Highland Park, 111. MOSELEY, Joseph Edward, minister editor; b. Jackson, Tenn., 15 May 1910; s. J. E. Moseley, banker, real estate, and Addie Frances (Smith) M.; ed. Jack- son (Tenn.) high sch.; Union Univ.; A.B., Spokane Univ., 1932; Chicago Theol. Sem.; M.A., Univ. Chicago Di- vinity Sch., 1937; m. Florence Louise Alexander of Jubbulpore, India, 24 Mar. 1934 (died 27 Oct. 1942). Pastor, Chris- tian chs., Albion and Spangle, Wash., 1929-32; ordained as minister, Disciples Christ, 11 Sept. 1932; asso. pastor, chs. in Chicago, 111., 1932-34; asst. ed., The Christian-Evangelist (nat. weekly of Disciples Christ), 21 Nov. 1934- Apr. 1939, asso. ed., 1939-43; exec. sec. East Bay area, Nat. Conf. Christians and Jews, Oakland, Calif., 1944-45; editorial assoc. World Call (internat. monthly mag. Disciples of Christ), 1945 — ; news corr. Religious News Service, Indian- apolis Star. Mem. (for life) Disciples of Christ Hist. Soc. (pres. since orgn. 1941), Campbell Inst., Asso. Ch. Press (v.p. 1939-41 sec.-treas. 1946-47), Tenn. Hist. Soc, Sigma Delta Chi. Clubs: National Press, Athens Athletic, Indian- apolis Athletic. Co-author: Using Drama in the Church; co-ed., My Dad — Preach- er, Pastor, Person. Interests: photogra- phy, travel, history. Recreation: golf. Office: Missions Bldg., 222 S. Downey Av., Indianapolis 1, Ind. Home: 280 S. Downey Av., Indianapolis 7, Ind. MacKEEVER, John C, pres. Gerlach- Barklow Co.; b. Steubenville, O., 3 Feb. 1885; s. John C. and Luella (Simeral) MacK.; student high sch. and comml. schs.; m. Betty Gertrude Williams, 27 May 1914. Began as salesman for Shredded Wheat Biscuit Co., 1903-05; district sales mgr. Arbuckle Brothers, 1905-08; mgr. premium dept. and asst. advt. mgr. Procter & Gamble, Cincin- nati, 1908-14; sales mgr. and later pres. Knapp Co., New York, 1914-23; vice pres. and sales mgr. Gerlach-Barklow Co., 1923-33; pres. Gerlach-Barklow Co. since 1933. Dir. Gerlach-Barklow Co.. United Printers and Publishers, Inc., Artographic Corp., P. F. Volland Co. (all of Joliet, 111.); Rust Craft Pub- lishers, Inc. (Boston, Mass.; Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Ry. Co. Past pres. Advt. Specialty Nat. Assn., Washington, D.C. Former chmn. Will County (Joliet, 111.) Emergency Relief Com.; dir. civic com. Will County, Inc. (Joliet); dir. Joliet- Will County Community Chest; pres. 111. Mfrs. Assn., 1945-45, chmn. bd., 1946; dir. Midwest Mfrs. Assn., 1944-46. Hon. v.p. Rainbow Council, Boy Scouts Am. (Joliet). Clubs: South Shore, Sports- man's (nat. dir.) (Chicago); Rotary, Joliet Country (past pres.) (Joliet). Home: 356 Williams St., Joliet, 111. MATHIS, Eugene,, pres. Mathis 111. Corp.; b. Chicago, 111., 11 June 1893; s. August Mathis and Annie L. (Ruben) M.; student Univ. 111., 1910-12; m. Lura Belle^Richardson, 19 May 1917; children — Eugene R., Howard M. (dec), Donald Ely (dec), Janet Laurie. Engaged in ventilating, contracting and engring., Chicago, 1913-20; sec.-treas. A. Mathis & Son, Inc., 1913-20; v.p. 1920-23, pres. 1923-28; v.p. N.Y. Blower Co., 1928-43; pres. Mathis 111. Corp.; also holder of interests in Los Angeles, Calif. Served as responsible exec, in constrn. projects, in aircraft prodn. Ford Bomber Plant, Willow Run, Mich., in ventilating and air conditioning equipment, War Dept.. Pentagon Bldg., World War II. Contbr. to tech. advances in field of work. Mem. 885 Am. Soc. Heating and Ventilating Engrs., Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs. Regis- tered professional engr., 111. Republican. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Illinois Ath- letic, University (Chicago). Home: 9151 S. Hoyne Av., Beverly Hills, Chicago, 111. Office: 1935 W. 95th St., Chicago 43, 111. FETRIDGE, William Harrison, pub- lishing exec, editor; b. Chicago, 111., 2 Aug. 1906; s. Matthew and Clara Ann (Hall) F.; R.S., Northwestern U., 1929; m. Bonnie Jean Clark, 27 June 1941; 1 dau. — Bonnie Blakely. Vice pres. Popu- lar Mechanics Co., and Science Digest, Inc.; originator of "Where in The World is ?" illustrated syndicated fea- ture appearing in many Am. newspa- pers. Mem. Gov. Dwight Green's Work Program Com. to direct G.O.P. in Cook County, 111.; exec, coun., Region 7, Boy Scouts of America; mem. bd. of dirs., Chicago Council, Navy League of U.S.; formerly accounts exec. Roche, Williams & Cleary, Inc., advertising agency; man- aging editor, The Republican, national party mag.; chmn., Chicago Business Men's Com., 1940-42. Dt. comdr., U.S. N.R., 1942-45; served in various shore billets and aboard U.S.S. De Haven (DD 727) in Atlantic waters. Mem. Beta Theta Pi, Deru. Club: Union League. Author: So You Want to be a Politi- cian, 1939; The Navy Reader, 1943; The Second Navy Reader, 1944; The Repub- lican Precinct Worker's Manual, 1946. Home: 305 Fullerton Pkwy. Office: 200 E. Ontario St., Chicago, 111. CRAWFORD, Woodruff Lyndon, pedi- atrician; b. Pontiac, 111., 23 Oct. 1895; s. George A. and Martha E. (Woodruff) C; B.S., U. of 111., 1918, M.D., 1920; m. La Verna Means, 24 Mar. 1917; chil- dren — Nancy Ellen (Mrs. Roger De Long), Martha Jean. Engaged in prac- tice of medicine since 1922, specializing in pediatrics. Past pres. Rockford Mem. Hosp. staff. Chmn. Winnebago County Med. Library since organization; mem gov.'s adv. com. on Crippled Children pres. U. of 111. Med. Alumni Assn., 1932 past pres. Winnebago County Med. Soc. mem. A.M. A. (founder mem.), Am. Acad. Pediatrics (chmn. child health com. 1943; mem. legislative com.), 111. State Med. Soc. (past sec, past chmn. pediatric section), Chicago Pediatric Soc, Alpha Omega Alpha (hon.), Nu Sigma Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Re- publican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Univer- sity, Mid-Day (Chicago); University Country (Rockford). Contbr. articles to various pediatric pubis. Home: 1325 Camp Av. Office: 321 W. State St., Rockford, 111. LONG, Harry, lawyer; b. Eaton, Ind., 26 July 1881; s. John W. Long, farmer, and Ruferina (Smith) L.; ed. Eaton High Sch.; LL.B., Indiana Univ., 1905; m. Clara R. Davis of Bluffton, 31 Oct. 1905 (dec); children — John Robert, Mary Virginia; m. (2nd) Agnes Woods, 14 Oct. 1943. Practiced law, Muncie, Ind., 1905-21; pros, atty., Delaware County, Muncie, Ind., 1909-13; asst. gen. counsel U.S. Shipping Bd., Washington, D.C., 1921-29; city atty. of Gary, Ind., 1931-36, city comptroller, 1938; dep. pros, atty., Lake County, Ind., Jan. 1939- Dec 1943. Mem. Masons. Democrat. Of- fice: 522 Broadway, Gary Ind. Home: 3557 Monroe St., Gary, Ind. BALLENGER, A. G., business exec; b. Chicago, 111., 9 May 1893; s. Jules and Amanda (Foreman) B.; ed. University High Sch., Chicago, 111.; B.S., and E.M., Mich. Coll. of Mining and Technology, 1915; m. Doris Zeisler of Chicago, Til., 28 June 1924; children— Walter F., Wil- liam G., Robert J. Dir., sec. and treas. Morris Paper Mills, Chicago; mem. Lindley Box and Paper Co. (dir.), Placers Realty Co. (sec. -treas.), Tim- berline Dredging Co. (sec. -treas.). Served as capt., Ordnance Dept., inspec- tor of arty., 1st Army, A.E.F., 1917-19. Awarded Purple Heart. Clubs: Standard, Lake Shore, Northmoor. Office: Morris Paper Mills, 135 S. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 221 Vine Av., Highland Park, 111. COLLINS, George William, chemist; b. Clinton, 111., 20 Dec. 1888; s. George V. Collins, D.D.S., and Emma J. (Widicus) C; ed. Mt. Vernon Twp. High Sch.; Ph.C, St. Louis Coll. of Phar- macy, 1912; B.S., Univ. Mich., 1919, M.S., 1920, Sc.D., 1924; m. Ethelyn M. Larson of Chicago, 1937. Chemist, Mal- linckrodt Chem. Works, 1912-17; chem- ist Am. Med. Assn., 1926 — . Assoc, fel- low A.M.A.; mem. Am. Pharm. Assn., Am. Chem. Soc, Soc. Am. Bacteriolo- gists, Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Sigma, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Xi, Masons (Knights Templar, 32°, Shriner), Royal Order of Scotland. Republican. Club: University of Michigan (Chicago). Au- thor: arts, on medicinal chemistry. In- terest: antiques. Recreations: hiking, motoring. Office: 535 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: 8147 S. Ingleside Av., Chicago, 111. 886 PERRY, Emory C, mfr. gas-fired heating equipment, shower bath equip- ment, bath furnishings; b. Chicago, 30 Mar. 1900; s. Charles A. and Frieda S. (Vollman) P.; ed. Carl Schurz High Sch., Chicago; Purdue U.; m. Catharine I. McHie, 4 Mar. 1924. Pres. C. A. Perry 6 Co. (successors to C. A. Boyle & Co.) since 1923; owner of Perry-Pet Dog Food Co., Rolls Royal Mfg. Co., Perry- Reznor Co. Chicago, 111. Chief stores in- spector, Ordnance Div., Central Dist., U.S. War Dept., World War I. Mason (Shriner), Elk. Clubs: Olympia Fields Country, South Shore Country, Medinah (Chicago). Contbr. to trade papers. Home: 9621 S. Homan Av., Evergreen Park, 111. Office: 5833 S. Western Av., Chicago, 111. THROCKMORTON, Edgerton Alvord, sales research executive; b. Morristown, N.J., 10 Dec. 1901; s. Charles Wickliffe and Charlotte Edgerton (Alvord) T.; educated abroad; student Townsend Harris Hall, N.Y. City; m. Lucy Norton Leonard, 10 Oct. 1827; 1 son — Edgerton Alvord; m. 2d, Caryl Dunham Cassel- berry, 6 May 1933; 1 son — Nicholas. Employed by Lagerloef Trading Co., Inc. and Match Import Corp., Inc., N.Y. City, 1919-29; asso. Sefton Mfg. Corp., 1929- 31; vice pres. Container Corp. of Amer- ica, Chicago, since 1931; pres. Contain- er Laboratories, Inc., since 1946. Served in Squadron A, N.Y. Nat. Guard, 1921- 26; consultant, research and develop- ment br. office q.m. gen. Dir. 111. Soc. for Mental Hygiene. Mem. Order Runne- mede, Order Loyal Legion, S.R., Colo- nial Order Acron. Episcopalian. Clubs: Chicago, Barrington Hills Country, Dun- ham Woods Riding (Wayne, 111.). Contbr. to trade mags. Home: R.F.D. 1, Dundee, 111. Office: 112 W. Kinzie St., Chicago, 111. MOSELEY, George Clark; b. Chicago, 111., 5 Apr. 1894; s. Carelton and Marion Lydia (Wilder) M.; desc. Elder William Brewster of the Mayflower, 1620; grad. Elm Place Grammar Sch., Highland Park, 111., 1908, Hill Sch., Pottstown, Pa., 1914; Ph.B., Sheffield Sci. Sch. (Yale U.), 1917; m. Ethel Maud Spencer, 7 Dec. 1918 (died 6 May 1937); chil- dren — Spencer Dumaresq, Thomas Wilder, William Brewster; m. 2d, Elaine R. Reinhardt, 15 Mar. 1938. Entered employ Chase & Sanborn, Chicago, Feb. 1, 1919, and was one of the exec, until resigned, Dec. 31, 1928; with Smith, Graham & Rockwell, stocks and bonds, N.Y. City, Jan. 1, 1929-Aug. 1, 1935, Chicago mgr., May 20, 1929-Aug. 1, 1935; solicitor Abbott, Proctor & Paine, Aug. 1, 1935- Aug. 1, 1936; partner Mes- sick & Co., Aug. 1, 1936- Jan. 1, 1938; Moseley & Co., coffee bus., Jan. -July, 1938; Gen. Am. Transportation Corp., July 1, 1938-Feb. 1, 1939; pres. Barkley- Grow Aircraft Corp., Detroit, Mich., Feb 1, 1939-July 1, 1940, Gen. Am. Aerocoach Co., July 1, 1940-July 1941; now asst. to v. p. Gen. Am. Transporta- tion Corp. Enlisted, Aviation Sect., 1st Batt. N.Y. Naval Militia, Apr 6, 1917; with Lafayette Flying Corps, July 10. 1917-Feb. 4, 1918; It. (j.g.) U.S. Naval Aviation, Feb. 4, 1918- Jan. 18, 1919; awarded Navy Cross. Alderman, Geneva, 111., term 1923-27; scoutmaster, Boy Scouts, Geneva, 1925; v.p. Geneva Coun- cil of Boy Scouts of Am.; pres. Geneva Country Day Sch., 1934-36; pres. Hill Sch. Club of Chicago, 1935. Mem. Delta Psi. Club: Attic. Played end on Walter Camp's All- American Football Team, 1916. Compiler: Extracts from the War Letters of George Clark Moseley, 1924. Home: Highland Park, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Gen. Am. Transportation Corp., Chicago, 111. KENDALL, Orville Daniel, editor, publisher, writer: b. Pickwick (later South Ottumwa), la., Feb. 7, 1894; s. Francis Alvin and Dora C. (Hill) K.: grad. Ottumwa (la.) High Sch., 1912, LaSalle Extension U., 1920; m. Marie G. Hansen, Aug, 30, 1916; children — Cherie Lorraine, Betty Marie, Donna Joyce; m. 2d, Korrine M. Kale, Jan. 19, 1940. Re- porter, Ottumwa (la. ) Courier, 1912; with Davenport (la.) Daily Times, Moline (111.) Evening Mail, Davenport (la.) Democrat; successively reporter, sports editor, state editor, copy desk, Rock Is- land (111.) Argus; editor Dubuque (la.) Times- Journal; corr. Associated Press, N.Y. World and other papers and wire services, and writer for newspaper syn- dicates; owner, editor and publisher Milan (111.) Independent since 1926; also pres. Kendall Pub. Co. Mem. 111. and Am. pres assns.; hon. mem. 111. Service- men's Foundation, Inc.; former sec. Milan Chamber of Commerce; dir. for- mer Moline Comml. Savings Bank; pres. former Tri-City Press Club; dir. former Dixie Oil Co., Safety First Chem. Corp.; mem. Rock Island C. of C, Moline Turn- ers Soc; dir. Milan Lions Club. Charter mem. Indian Pow Wow Council (Rock Island). Republican. Methodist. Mason, Elk. Clubs: Railsplitter, International (Chicago); National Press (Washing- ton); Elks (Rock Island). Associated 887 with Will Hayes and John T. Adams when they served as Rep. Nat. chair- men; has managed and directed cam- paigns of many district, state and Na- tional political figures, since 1920. Home: 2403 12th St., Rock Island, 111. Office: 107 3d St., Milan, 111. THOMAS, Benjamin Piatt, insurance .*nd property mgr.; b. Pemberton, N.J., 22 Feb. 1902;' s. Benjamin P. Thomas, mcht., and Martha (Johnson) T.; ed. Baltimore City Coll.; A.B., Johns Hop- kins Univ., 1924, Ph.D., 1929; m. Salome Kreider of Springfield, 111., 26 Dec. 1929; children — George, Martha Louise, Sarah Hathaway. Assoc, prof, history, Birm- ingham Southern Coll., 1929-32; exec, sec. The Abraham Lincoln Assn., 1932- 36; partner Weller, Thomas & Campbell, insurance and property management, 1936 — ; partner Thomas & Rice, pure- bred livestock, 1943 — ; dir. 111. Nat. Casualty Co. Dir. Memorials Hosp. of Springfield. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Om- icron Delta Kappa, Delta Upsilon. Club: Sangamo, Illinois Country. Author: Lin- coln's New Salem; Abraham Lincoln, 1848-53. Recreations: golf, bridge, base- ball. Christian. Republican. Office: 404 First National Bank Bldg., Springfield. 111. Home: 1910 Wiggins Av., Spring- field, 111. Summer home: Old Mission, Mich. LEACH, Donald Allen, dist. sales mgr., civil engr.; Lafayette, Ind., June 27, 1895; s. Harvey Allen and Emma (Fields) L.; B.S. in Civil Engring., Pur- due U., 1921; m. Sarah Edyth Mercer, Dec. 30, 1922; children — Donald Allen, Jr., Barbara Mercer. Asst. city civil engr., LaFayette, Ind., 1917; with Chi- cago Bridge and Iron Co. since 1921, draftsman, 1921, estimator, 1922, design engr., 1923-25, contracting engr., 1925- 30, dist. sales mgr., southwest territory, 1930-42, yard mgr. Seneca shipbuilding div., 1942-44, mgr. Seneca shipyard, shipbuilding div., 1945, Chicago dist. sales mgr., mem. bd. dris., 1946. Served as 1st It., F.A., U.S. Army, 1917; com- munications officer, 6th F.A. Brigade, and comdg. officer, Battery A, 3d F.A., 1917-20; served in France and Germany, 1 yr. Mem. school board, Springfield, N.J., 1927-30. Registered professional engr., Okla. and 111. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Am. Welding Soc, Am. Petroleum Inst., Vets. Fgn. Wars, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, Triangle. Republican, Episcopalian. Mason, Elk. Clubs: Engineers, Beverly Country (Chicago). Seneca Shipyard en- gaged during World War II in building L.S.T.'s (landing ship tanks) for U.S. Navy. Recipient of Army-Navy E with 4 stars. Home: 9203 S. Pleasant Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 332 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. BARTHOLOMEW, Charles L., editor and dean of course in modern illustrat- ing; b. Chariton, La., 10 Feb. 1869; s. Orion A. Bartholomew, lawyer, and Mary (Smith) B.; ed. B.Sc, Iowa State Coll., Ames, la., 1888; m. Ella L. Hen- derson of Monticello, la. 17 June 1890 (dec); children; Orlo Alf., Robert H. (dec), C. Lewis, Jr.; m. (2d) Florence Buery, 20 May, 1933. Illustrator of chil- dren's books (popular in London as well as America), Bandit Mouse, 1901; Pi- rate Frog, 1902; Puggery Wee, 1903; natural history stories for children: Pad- dlefeet People, Supposin'?, Alphabetic Mother Goose, 1904-05, 1906; Bart's car- toons (10 vols.), 1894-1905; author of Bart Chalk Talk System, and Crayon Presentation Booklet; editor, textbooks on illustrating and cartooning. Lecturer before colleges and other instns., 1909. Reporter, ed. staff, correspondent, and cartoonist, Minn, newspapers, and natl. syndicates, 1888-1942; now ed. and dean of School of Illustrating and Cartooning, Art Instruction, Inc. (formerly Federal Schools), Minneapolis, Minn., 1917 — ; creative artist, Agr. Coll. Extension Depts.; illustrator of AAACE publ., 1940, now directing preparation of copy and illustrations, plate making and printing by modern methods of office printing. W. T. Stead circulated cartoons by C. L. Bartholomew in Eur., trans- lating captions in various langs.; cred- ited Bart with being one of the most capable cartoonists of the U.S. in "Americanization of the World", 1902; cartoons were extensively copied, 25 yrs.; Marcus Daly, pub. of Anaconda Standard, urged Bart to leave Minn., and join Anaconda Standard; many other offers received from leading met- ropolitan dailies; assoc with Twin City artists — Wing, Kaiser, King, Conaughy, Wilwerding, Bowman, Reece, Thurlby, Carter, etc.; first position in Minneapo- lis was baseball editor for Smith B. Hall on Minneapolis branch St. Paul Daily Globe; assigned to position as Washington corr. by J. S. McLain, Min- neapolis Journal; political and current event cartoons used on front page of Journal, 20 yrs., were however, deemed more important, and Bart remained in Minneapolis. Original drawings and re- productions on file in Minneapolis Pub. 538 Library and Minn. Hist. Soc. (St. Paul). Interest: ambitious young- men. Recrea- tions: baseball, handball, golf. Mem. Congregational - Mayflower Ch. Hon. mem. Minneapolis Richfield Legion Post No. 435. Mem. adv. bd. Richfield Youth Council. Republican. Office: 500 S. Fourth St., also Bart Service, 309 Nic- ollet Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 6600 Irving Av. S., Minneapolis, Minn. ABBELL,, Maxwell, C.P.A., lawyer; b. Poland, Feb. 22, 1902; s. Maurice and Frieda (Alpert) A.; brought to U.S. 1905; B.A., magna cum laude, Harvard 1925; grad. student U. of Chicago, 1926 28; J.D., cum laude, Loyola U., Chicago 1938; m. Fannie Edelman, Aug. 21, 1923 children — Samuel, Nahami, Miriam Ruth, Michael. Social worker Jewish So cial Service Bur. of Chicago, 1922-23 factory personnel worker Hart, Schaff- ner & Marx, 1923; staff accountant John K. Laird & Co., 1923-25; sec. and asst. exec. dir. Jewish Charities of Chicago, 1925-37; sr. partner Maxwell Abbell & Co., C.P.A.'s since 1937; admitted to 111. bar, 1938; engaged in pvt. practice of accounting since 1937 and of law, since 1938; now sr. mem. firm of Abbell, Edel- man, Portes and Abbell; part owner and supervising mgr. numerous hotels, office bldgs. and housing projects throughout the country. Dir. Community Council, Jewish Charities of Chicago since 1937; dir. Bd. of Jewish Edn. of Chicago, 1937- 43; dir. South Side Hebrew Congrega- tion since 1936, financial sec, 1937-38; sec. Congregation B'nai Israel of Aus- tin, 1926-28; dir. Young Men's Jewish Council of Chicago, 1935-39, sec, 1938 and v.p., 1939; v.p. Chicago Council of Conservative Synagogues since 1946; mem. bd. govs. Nat. Acad. Adult Jew- ish Studies, 1946; mem. exec com Jew- ish Nat. Fund of America (Chicago branch). Mem. Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Sci., Chicago Bar Assn., 111. Soc C.P.A., Am. Inst. Accountants, Nat. Assn. of Cost Accountants, Zionist Orgn. of Chicago (v.p., 1941, treas., 1940, mem. exec com., 1944), Phi Beta Kappa. Jew- ish religion. Clubs: Idlewild Country (Homewood, 111.); Harvard, Northwest- ern, Standard, Covenant (Chicago). Home: 6918 Euclid Av. Office: 160 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. CHESTER, Alden Parker, pres. and gen. mgr. Globe American Corp.; b. Maiden, Mass., Nov. 1, 1897; s. Carey Roscoe and Leta W. (Parker) C; Dart- mouth Coll., 1921; Indiana U., 1923; m. Helen Rasmussen, Nov. 20, 1922; chil- dren— -Alden Parker, Joanna, Mary Ann. General sales manager Chambers Mfg. Co., Shelbyville, Ind., 1927-30; v.p. Globe Am. Corp., mfrs. stoves and ranges, Kokomo, Ind., and Macomb, 111., 1930- 44, dir. since 1936; in 1941 converted plant to manufacture of steel lifeboats for U.S. Maritime Comm. (1st 100 per cent conversion to war prodn. in stove industry), pres. since 1944; dir. First Nat. Bank. Served as 2d It., 389th F.A., U.S. Army, World War I. Dir. St. Jos- eph's Hosp., Kokomo. Pres. Kokomo Chamber of Commerce, 1945; dir. Ind. state Chamber of Commerce, 1945. Pres. Inst, of Cooking and Heating Appliance Mfrs. (nat. assn. of stove mfrs.), Wash- ington, D.C., 1938-40; mem. Indiana Soc. of Chicago, Beta Theta Pi. Mason (32M. Clubs: Tavern, Dartmouth (Chicagu;; Columbia, Athletic, (Indianapolis); Ro- tary of Kokomo (past. pres.). Contbr. to trade pubis. Home: 1720 W. Taylor St., Kokomo, Ind. Office: Globe Ameri- can Corp., Kokomo, Ind. HOPLEY, Russell James, president North-Western Bell Telephone Co.; b. Blue Island, 111., Apr. 28, 1895; s. John Barnes and Mary Elizabeth (Russell) H.; grad. pub. schs. and business coll., Fort Madison, la.; m. Helen Joyce Kreymborg, Feb. 6, 1931; children — Russell J., Jr., John K. Collector, North- western Bell Telephone Co., Ft. Madison, la., 1915-17, mgr. offices, McGregor and Waterloo, la., 1919-22, gen. office staff, Omaha, Neb., 1922-23; mgr., Des Moines, la., 1923-25; dist. mgr., Des Moines, 1923-25; comml. operations supervisor, Omaha, 1929-37, gen. mgr. for states Neb. and S.D., 1937, v.p. of operations, dir. and mem. exec, com., 1937-42, pres. since 1942; v.p., dir. and mem. exec, com. Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co., Dakota Central Telephone Co., Omaha, 1937-42; dir. Neb. Savings & Loan Assn., U.S. Nat. Bank, Omaha; mem. proxy com. N.W. Bancorporation, Minneapolis. Served with field signal bn., A.E.F., in Haute-Alsace and Meuse-Ar- gonne, France, 1917-19. Mem. Omaha Chamber of Commerce (chmn. postwar planning bd. 1943-44), Telephone Pio- neers of America, Am. Legion, Neb. Table Tennis Assn. (hon. v.p.). Trustee Childrens Mem. Hosp.; v.p. World War II Mem. Park Assn.; gen. chmn. May- or's City-wide Planning Co.; vice chmn. Salvation Army Advisory Bd.; inter nat. v.p. Conopus Clubs (1927-29.). Repub- lican. Presbyterian. Mason (32°, Shriner, Jester). Clubs: Country, Omaha, Ath- 889 letic, Engineers (Omaha); University (Lincoln); Minneapolis (Minn.); Minne- sota (St. Paul); Des Moines (Ia.j. Home: 725 N. 57th St. Office: 118 S. 19th St., Omaha, Neb. BURT, Martha Ann, lecturer, club- woman; b. Vandalia, 111., 6 Oct. 1884; s. John Adams Barding and Anna Eliza- beth Cox (Lockwood) B.; ed. The Briggs Pvt. Sch.; Shurtleff Coll.; m. Arretus Franklyn Burt of Springfield, 111., 15 Dec. 1904; 1 dau. — Anne Burt von Glahn. Pres., 21st Dist., 111. Federa- tion of Women's Clubs, 1923-25; chmn., Dept. Motion Pictures, Mo. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1928-39; founder, pres., Better Films Council of Greater St. Louis, Inc., 1929-35 (hon. pres.); mem. Social Service Comm., Metropolitan Ch. Fed. of St. Louis, 1934 — ; chmn., Dept. Motion Pictures, Nat. Council of Ch. Women, 1934-37; mem. Motion Picture Com., Federal Council of Churches of Christ of Am., 1934-38; chmn. com. on motion pictures Gen. Fedn. of Women's Clubs, 1938-41 and 1944 — ; chmn. com. on motion pictures East and West Assn., 1942-45; chmn. Recreation Center, Jef- ferson Barracks, for Wednesday Club of St. Louis, 1942 — ; mem. war finance com. of St. Louis, 1942 — ; mem. adv staff, Inst, of Public Relations, Inc., New York, N. Y.; mem. Nat. Council of Ch. Women, St. Symphony Soc. Clubs: Wednesday,' St. Louis Shakespeare Drama Study (past pres., hon. mem.), Mother-Craft Class (past pres.). Desc. Lockwood family that came to Am., 1630, also families of Edwards, Steele and Cox. Interest: motion pictures, mu- sic, art, plays. Recreations: fishing, mo- toring. Presbyterian. Republican. Ad- dress: 444 South Hanley Rd., St. Louis, Mo. RILEY, John H., vice-pres. A. C. Allyn & Co.; b. Chicago, 111., Jan. 22, 1892; s. Charles F. and Elizabeth (Hop- kins) R.; student pub. schs. Chicago; m. Catharine Kelly, Dec. 2, 1918; children — Bernice E., Jacqueline M. v.p. A.C. Allyn & Co., investments, Chicago, 111., since 1926; v.p. Dubuque Fire & Marine Ins. Co since 1928; dir. United Publish- ers & Printers since 1934; dir. South Coast Corp., First Cleveland Corp. Re- publican. Catholic. Clubs: Attic, Ath- letic (Chicago); Country (Midlothian, 111.); Country (Joliet, 111.). Home: R.F.D. No. 2, Joliet, 111. Office: 100 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. STUNTZ, Ross Maxwell, engineer; b. Albion, Pa., 15 Mar. 1883; s. George H. Stuntz and Melia (Maxwell) S.; ed. high sch., Guy's Mills, Pa.; prep, sch., Alle- gheny Coll., Meadville, Pa.; A.B., Alle- gheny Coll., 1906; m. Laura Lotz of Kinsman, O., 27 June 1907; children — Ross Maxwell, Jr., Robert Paul. Constrn. engr., exec, gas and oil properties ovet mid-continent area, Old Mexico, 1913- 14, P.E.I., 1925-27; valuation engr. Elec. Advisers, Inc., 1939-41; Petroleum Ad- visers, Inc., 1942-44, Cities Service Gas Co., Oklahoma City, Okla., 1945 — . Mem. Bd. Edn., 1937—, v.p., 1938-39, pres., 1940-44; mem. Nat. Gas Assn. America. Club: Engineers (Oklahoma City). Au- thor: various papers on natural gas and oil, ednl. articles. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Interests: school, natural gas, oil history. Recreation: working about home. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: First National Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 2112 N.W. 26th St., Okla- homa City, Okla. LURIE, Arnold N., instr. in drafting; b. Chicago, 111., 17 Aug. 1885; s. Charles Lurie, fire risk inspector, and Therese (Loeffler) L.; ed. English High and Man- ual Training Sch., Chicago, 111.; Univ. Wis. (summer); Univ. 111.; Univ. Chi- cago; m. Lucienne Fecci of Algeria, 7 Aug. 1919; children — Pierre C, Fred- eric G. Junior draftsman, designer, engr., 1902-09; teacher of drafting and strength of materials, Chicago day and evening high schs., 1906 — ; mem. firm Lurie Concrete Products Co., 1914-17; mem. firm Lurie & Lurie, designers of special machinery, 1924-36; head of drawing dept. Tilden Tech. High Sch., Chicago, 1933-40, instr. mech. and struc- tural drafting War Defense Program, 1940-42; designer Engring. Div., Ord- nance Dept., Washington, D.C., 1917-18. Served with A.E.F., overseas, during World War I. Mem. S.P.E.E. Author: arts, on teach, edn. and teach, jours, and newspapers. Freethinker. Independent. Office: 4747 Union Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 6120 Ellis Av., Chicago, 111. ROSS, Margaret Gertrude Goodhart, educator, philanthropist; b. Indianapolis, Ind.; d. Benjamin F. Goodhart, realtor, ins. agt., and Julia H. (Wright) G.; ed. Shortridge High Sch.; Mrs. Hufford's Sch. for Girls; Love and Gookins Art Sch.; I.C. Steele and Sue Ketcham's Art Sch.; St. John's Acad.; m. Dr. David Ross, surgeon, of Indianapolis, 21 Sept. 1900; 1 son — Andrew Franklin. Mem. Marion County Bd. Charities, 16 yrs.; assoc. with Indianapolis Finance Co.; dir. Boys Club; pres. Indianapolis Free 890 Kindergartens, 8 yrs.; treas. Indianapo- lis Flower Mission, 12 yrs., pres., 10 yrs.; leader in movement to build hosp. for chronic tuberculosis patients, built hosp. and clinic on City Hosp. grounds; founder, Indorsers of Photoplays (or- ganization doing constructive ednl. work), 1915; in recognition of Rouman- ian relief work, benevolent and civic movements, was presented medal from Roumanian govt., Rasplata Muncie, be- stowed by King of Roumania, 1 Oct. 1930 (only woman ever to receive this medal); when Queen Marie was in Am. was mem. com to choose gift which she carried back to Roumania (miniature of World War Plaza in gold and onyx); chmn. women of Ind. in United War Work Campaign; chmn. for Marion Co. Pagentry among Foreigners (received govt, medal for this work); engaged in showing patriotic pictures to foreigners during World War I, served as mem. Ind. War Finance Com. during World War II; rep. Ind. Indorsers of Photo- plays, showing govt, films in war me- morials and community centers; helped organize first Red Cross Blood Bank; served 7 mos. with blood bank until trained workers arrived; active in every war loan drive. Nat. Council Women (life mem.; p. chmn. motion pictures), State Council Women (chmn. motion pictures; mem. Will Hays com. on pub relations), Delta Kappa Gamma (hon. mem.). Clubs: Woman's Research (p. pres.), Columbia, Ind. Fed. Women's Clubs (1st motion picture chmn.). Au- thor: Thirty Years in Motion Pictures. Gt. g.d. James and Margaret Young Givan, who came from Snow Hills, Md., in covered wagon, purchased land from govt., 1820, built 3rd log cabin in Indi- anapolis, formed 1st Methodist ch. in Indianapolis on their farm. Interests: motion pictures, kindergartens, White Cross guilds, council social agencies. Recreations: fishing, boating. Presbyter- ian. Republican. Home: R.R. 16, Box 597-M. 44, Indianapolis, Ind. SMITH, Mary Virginia Miller, house- wife; b. Liberty, Mo.; d. Robert Hugh Miller, founder and editor of Liberty Tribune, and Margaret Louise (Wilson) M.; ed., grad. Liberty Ladies Coll.; m. Harry Bates Smith, 22 Apr. 1909; chil- dren — James W., Louise Miller (Mrs. L. A. Waddington), Clark Wilson. Gen. chmn. Missouri soc. D.A.R. Annal State Conf., 1936, 39, 43; custodian Mo. soc. D.A.R., 1936-39, recording sec, 1939-41. treas. State Officers Club, 1941-44, mem. bd. management, 1943-47; mem. Brown- Rives chapter U.D.C.; past pres. wom- an's council Richmond Christian Ch. and Ray County Council Christian Ch. Red Cross Bd.; mem. Allen Morton Watkins chapter D.A.R. (served as regent, vice regent, treas. and in other offices); chmn. Ray County chapter Am. Red Cross; mem. Beta Sigma Omicron. Re- ceived commendation for Red Cross work during World War I. Club: Lit- erary and Civic Improvement (past pres.). Desc. famous Clark, Trigg and Rogers families from Va. and Ky.; granddaughter of John Wilson, noted lawyer and circuit rider of Mo. in early years of statehood, to whose leadership was largely due the growth of the Whig party, and who was law partner of Alexander Doniphan. Interest: litera- ture. Democrat. Home: 327 S. Camden St., Richmond, Mo. GEE, Clarence Stafford, minister and church executive; b. Ashtabula, O., 22 Aug. 1884; s. Frank E. Gee, pharmacist, and Ida (Stafford) G.; ed. Ashtabula High Sch.; Wooster Prep. Sch.; A.B., Coll. Wooster, Wooster, O., 1910, D.D. (hon.), 1939; B.D., Auburn Theol. Sem., Auburn, N.Y., 1914; m. Kathryn Seb- ring Anderson of Mt. Vernon, O., 3 Aug. 1916; 1 son — Rev. Thomas Stafford. Edi- tor, Hershey (Pa.) Press, 1910-11; or- dained minister, Presbyterian Church U.S.A., 1914; pastor, South Presbyter- ian Ch., Cleveland, O., 1914-18; assoc. pastor, Miles Park Presb. Ch., Cleve- land, 1919-21; teacher of Bible, Western Reserve Acad., also pastor, First Congl. Ch., Hudson, O., 1921-26; pastor, First Presb. Ch., Delaware, O., 1926-37; chmn., treas., Gen. Presbyter Service, Synod of Ohio, Presb. Ch., 1937 — ; Gen. Presbyter, Columbus and Marion Presbyteries, 1937 — ; mem. administrative council Bd. of Nat. Missions, Presbyn. Ch., 1938-39, mem. nat. staff Bd. Nat. Missions; chmn. com. on comity Ohio Council of Churches; mem. state bd. trustees Anti- Saloon League of Ohio, Ohio Presbyn. Hist. Soc. (librarian; mem. exec, com.); sec. nat. mission com., united promo- tion com., com. on ministerial relations, Synod of Ohio, Presbyn. Ch.; sec. and treas., city, immigrant and indsl. dept. Synod of Ohio; instr. in church organi- zation and administrn., summer school, Union Theol. Sem. and Columbia Univ., 1942; pastor Granville (O.) Presbyn. Ch., 1944—. Served at Y.M.C.A., Camp Sherman, during World War I. Mem. Ohio Soc. Mayflower Descs. (gov.), Al- 891 pha Tau Omega, Pi Gamma Mu, Knights of Pythias, Kiwanis Club. Author: The Bradford Manuscript, John Brown's Last Letter. Interest: collecting steel engrav- ings. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 1652 Neil Av., Columbus, O. Home: Box 192, Granville, O. TINDAL1L1, Glenn Means, music dir., public relations consultant; b. Shelby- ville, Ind., June 21, 1894; s. Urus E. and Maud (Means) T.; grad. Northwestern U. Sch. of Music, 1915; A.B., North- western U., 1916; M.A., Northwestern U. Sch. of Edn., 1936; grad. study, Co- lumbia, 1919; studied piano, pipe organ, oboe and composition under Arne Old- berg and others; m. Elizabeth Jane Caldwell, Dec. 23, 1935; children— Rich- ard Ca' dwell, William Lyon. Supervisor of music, Kokomo, Ind., 1916-18, Glen Cove, N. Y., 1918; admitted to Ind. State bar, 1918; asst. supervisor of music, St. Louis, 1919-20; dir. music, New Utrecht High Sch., N.Y. City, 1921; mgr. dept. store, 1922-25; supervisor municipal mu- sic, dept. playgrounds and recreation, Los Angeles, Calif., 1926-31; organist and choir dir. Rosewood M.E. Ch., Los Angeles, 1926-34; mgr. Hollywood Bowl Assn., 1929-34; dir. Los Angeles Civic Orchestra, 1928-31; organized Internat. Music Camp, 1934; instr. Columbia U., summer, 1934; minister of music, Grace M.E. Ch., N.Y. City, 1934-35; produced opera "Hansel and Gretel" for N.E.A. Conv., Atlantic City,. N.J. , 1935; mgr. Choralopera, New York, since 1934; head of music dept., State Normal School, Plattsburg, N.Y., 1935-36; sec. and or- ganizer Plattsburg Concert Assn.; dir. dept. of information Federation Music Projects in N.Y. City, 1937-39; consult- ant on Music and Pub. Relations since 1936; v.p. Eureka College (111.) since 1940; organist and choir dir. St. Paul's Universalist Church, Chicago, 1940-44: organist and choirmaster, St. Margaret's Episcopal Church, Chicago, since 1944; trade association exec, with McClure, Hadden & Ortman, Inc., since 1945. Served in infantry, U.S. Army, World War. Chairman Music in Motion Pic- tures Com. of N.E.A. ; mem. adv. com. Nat. Bur. for Blind Artists. Formerly Calif. State chmn. of orchs., Calif. Fedn. Music Clubs; chmn choir festivals and contests, Nat. Fed. Music Clubs; pres. Federated Ch. Musicians of Southern Calif.; chmn. Christmas music and fine arts com., Los Angeles Chamber Com- merce; dir. Los Angeles Music Sch. Set' tlement Assn.; also mem. com. on com- munity music, Music Supervisors, Nat. Conf., and organizer Mesa del Mar Or- chestra and Band Camp. Mem. Am. Guild Organists, N.E.A. (motion picture com; television com.), Nat. Assn. Com- posers and Conductors, Music Educators Nat. Conf., Am. Legion, Phi Beta So- nority (hon.), Delta Tau Chi (hon.), Phi Kappa Sigma (sec. Phi Kappa Sigma Alumni Assn. of Chicago). Merit of Honor Award, Northwestern U., 1933. Repubn. Mason (32°, K.T., Shriner), Elk, Rotarian. Editor: Chicagoland Phi Kap; Midwestern editor: Film and Radio Guide. Clubs: Cliff Dwellers (Chicago); 233 (Hollywood, Calif.); Savage (Lon- don), Author of Indiana Course of Mu- sic Study for High Schools, 1918, also of motion picture scenarios, numerous mag. articles on music appreciation, symphonic concerts, industrial music, music education, music in motion pic- tures and several photoplay study guides. Editor Los Angeles Official Song Book. Home: 230 W. Mechanic St., Shelbyville, Ind.; and 6717 Paxton Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 53 W. Jackson Blvd., and 111 W. Washington St., Chicago. 111. FREEDLANDER, A. L., rubber mfr.; b. Wooster, O., June 6, 1889; s. David Lewis and Anna F.; B.S. in chemistry, Case Sch. of Applied Science, Cleve- land, O., 1911; unmarried. Rubber chem- ist and compounder, development engr., B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, O., 1911- 19; factory mgr. and dir. development research, Dayton (O.) Rubber Mfg. Co., 1919-21, vice pres., asst. gen mgr. and dir. development, 1921-36, pres. and gen. mgr. since 1936; pres. and chmn. exec. com. Copolymer Corp. (synthetic rub- ber), Baton Rouge, La. Served with 134th F.A., U. S. Army, 1916-17; rubber consultant to Air Force, 1917-18. Dep. chief rubber branch, W.P.B., 1941, rub- ber consultant, 1942-43; consultant and chmn. synthetic tire cord and yarn com. Office of Rubber Dir., W.P.B., since 1943. Mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Soc. Automotive Engrs., Tau Beta Pi. Club: Engineers (Dayton). Home: 522 Grand A v. Office: Riverview Av., Dayton, Ohio. WHITNEY, William Charming, archi- tect; b. Harvard, Mass., Apr. 11, 1851; s. Benjamin Franklin and Louisa (Law- rence) W.; B.S., Mass. State Coll., 1872; m. Alma C. Walker, Oct. 6, 1881; chil- dren — Marion, Katharine (wife of Dr. Francis Bullard Kingsbury). General practice of architecture in Minneapolis, 1880-1940. Trustee Minneapolis Inst. Fine Arts, 57 yrs. Fellow A.I. A. Clubs: 892 Minneapolis, Skylight, Six O'clock. Home: Hampshire Arms Hotel, Minne- apolis, Minn. Died Aug. 23, 1945. WEHMEIER, Hugo A., vice pres. and gen. mgr. Community Motors, Inc.; b. Belleville, 111., Aug. 31, 1889; ed. in pub- lic schools; m. Dorothy Hansen, Apr. 29, 1915; children — Hugh C, Shirley Ann (Mrs. Richard P. Herman). Began as distributor Mighty Michigan automo- biles, 1911; organized Community Mo- tors, Inc., Chicago, 111., distributing Elgin automobiles for 111. and surround- ing territory, 1919, Chevrolet, 1922, Oak- land, 1925, Pontiac since 1926. Mason. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn., South Shore Country, Flossmoor Country. Home: Butterfield Lane, Flossmoor, 111. Office: 7740 Stony Island Av., also 60 E. Lake St., Chicago, 111. DORSON, Mason Henry, newspaper editor and publisher; b. Janesville, Wis., Oct. 18, 1891; s. Woodhouse Thomas and Annie Virginia (Covert) D.; ed. Beloit (Wis.) Coll. Acad.; m. Louise Ellen Gar- rigan, June 10, 1912; children — Mason, Donald, Betty. Began with Beloit Daily News, 1913, editor since 1924; now also publisher. Served with Am. Red Cross, June 1943-Feb. 1945; overseas, 14 mos.; dir. for Italy and dep. dir. for Mediter- ranean Theater of Operations of Civil- ian War Relief of Am. Red Cross. Awarded Cross of Malta for work with refugees. Mem. Wis. Centennial Com.; dir. Wis. Anti-Tuberculois Assn., Wis. Soc. for Mental Hygiene, Wis. Hist. Soc; hon. mem. Sigma Delta Chi. Re- publican. Episcopalian. Mason (32°). Club: Beloit Country. Home: Littlebeck Farm, Shirland, 111. (Durand, R.F.D. 1). Office : Daily News Pub. Co., Beloit, Wis. LEIGHTON, Morris Morgan, chief 111. Geological Survey; b. Wellman, la,. 4 Aug. 1887; s. Stephen Tibbetts Leighton, farmer, and Jane (Wellman) L.; ed. Wellman, (la.) and Downers Grove, (111.) high schs.; B.A., Univ. la., 1912, M.S., 1913; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1916; post grad. work in geology; m. Ada Harriette Beach of Ft. Dodge, la., 12 Aug. 1913; children — Freeman Beach, Morris Wellman, Richard Tibbetts. Printer's apprentice, printer, supt., 1901- 12; teacher, Univ. Wash., Seattle, 1915- 23, Iowa State Teachers Coll., Univ. Wash., Ohio State Univ., Univ. 111., 1915- 23; chief, 111. State Geol. Survey, apptd. by Bd. Natural Resources and Conserva- tion, 1923 — ; mem. State Museum Bd., 111. Post-War Planning Comm. Instr., S.A.T.C., Ohio Univ., during World War I. Fellow Geol. Soc. Am.; Mem. Nat. Res. Council Adv. Com. on Metals and Minerals, 111. Mining Inst, (pres.), Am. Inst. Mining Engrs. (chmn. industrial mining div., 1939), Chicago Geog. Soc. A.A.A.S., Soc. Economic Geologists, Am. Assn. Petroleum Geologists, HI. and Western socs. engrs., 111. State and Chi- cago acads. sci., Sigma Xi. Clubs: Chaos, Dial. Author: many geol. articles. Co- author: The Iowan Drift (with W. C Alden) (Iowa and U.S. Geol. Surveys): The Cahokia Mounds (with W. K. Moorehead). Interests: scientific re- search, state development. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Office: 100 Natural Re- sources Bldg., Urbana, 111. Home: 611 Pennsylvania Av., Urbana, 111. ROBINSON, Florence Bell, landscape architect, teacher; b. Lapeer, Mich., 1 Nov. 1885; d. William Judson Robinson, phys. and surg., and Cornelia Elizabeth (Harris) R.; ed. Lapeer High Sch.; Ph.B., Kalamazoo Coll., 1908; Ph.B.. Univ. Chicago, 1908; B.S. in Architec- ture, Univ. Mich., 1924, Master Land- scape Design, 1924. Teacher of high school sciences, architectural draftsman, landscape architect, lecturer, author; asst. prof, landscape architecture Univ. 111. Mem. Internat. Business and Pro- fessional Women Soc, Champaign (111.) Bus. and Prof. Women Soc. Club. Uni- versity Womens. Baptist. Republican. Author: Useful Trees and Shrubs; Plant- ing Design; Tabulae Keys for the Iden- tification of Woody Plants; arts, in mags. Travel: Fr., It., Japan, China, Can., U.S. Interests: color photography, plant photographs, trees, shrubs, Chinese arts and language. Recreations: garden- ing, music, golf. Office: 210 New Agri- cultural Bldg., Urbana, 111. Home: 211 W. William St., Champaign, 111. GAULT, Perrett Franklin, lawyer; b. Pueblo, Colo., Dec. 25, 1887; s. Franklin B. and Jennie (Perrett) G.; grad. Whit- worth Acad., Tacoma, Wash., 1903; stu- dent Whitworth Coll., 1903-05, U. of Washington, 1905-06; student U. of S.D.. 1906-09, A.B., 1907, LL.B., 1909; m. Grace E. Sargent, Feb. 15, 1923; 1 son, Lt. Fred L. Rodman, transitman, rail- road and military engring., summers 1903-09; practiced law Sioux Falls and Watertown, S.D., 1909-17; atty. and ex- aminer Interstate Commerce Commn., 1921-25; commerce atty. and Commerce Counsel C.&N.W. Ry. Co., Chicago, since 1925. Served as 1st It., capt. and maj. 125th FA., U.S. Army, 1917-21; lt. col. 893 Res. Mem. Am. Bar Assn. (mem. com. on military and naval law), Western Railroad Lawyers Conference, Assn. Mil. Engrs., U.S. Naval Inst., U.S. Field Arty. Assn., U.S. Cav. Assn., U.S. Ord- nance Assn., Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Phi. Republican. Mason. Episcopalian. Club: Army and Navy (Washington, D.C.); Westmoreland Country (Wil- mette, 111.). Author "Tragic War Time Convoy," (U.S. Cavalry Journal, July- August, 1939); Our Prosecution of War Criminals (Jour. Criminal Law and Criminology), 1945. Home: 1702 Living- ston St., Evanston, 111. Office: 400 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. ZVETINA, John Adam, lawyer, edu- cator; b. Chicago, 111., Apr. 20, 1898; s. John and Jennie (Albrecht) Z.; B.A., St. Ignatius Coll., Chicago, 1921; LL.B., Loyola U., 1924, J.D., 1925, M.A., 1935; student Belgrade (Jugoslavia) U., 1938- 39; m. Marie Schommer, May 19, 1926; children — Edmund John, Raymond Fran- cis. Admitted to 111. bar, 1925; engaged in practice of law since 1925; prof, his- tory and civics, St. Ignatius Acad., Chi- cago, 1921-24, George Washington Pub. Sch., 1923-24; now asst. prof, polit. sci- ence and history, Loyola U., asst. prof, commerce, Sch. of Commerce, prof, con- stitutional law and administrative law, Law Sch.; visiting prof, in Am. consti- tutional law, U. of Zagreb, U. of Bel- grade and U. of Ljubljana, Jugoslavia, 1938-39. Pres. of Archdiocesan Union of Holy Name Socities, 1944-46. Recip- ient of medal Pro Eclessa et Pontificie of Leo XIII from Pope Pius XII. Served as sergt. R.O.T.C., U.S. Army, 1918, Fort Sheridan and St. Ignatius Coll. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Chicago Law Inst., Acad. Polit. Science, Assn. American U. Profs., National Council Social Studies, Blue Key. Awarded Order of the Jugoslav Crown IV. Clubs: Slavonic, Jugoslav i Chicago). Home: 1816 S. Austin Blvd., Cicero, 111. Office: 77 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. PETERS, Elmer Theodore, clergyman; b. Clay Center, Kan., Nov. 29, 1898; s. Peter F. and Justina (Peterson); B.A., Bethany Coll., Lindsborg, Kan., 1926; B.D., Augustana Theol. Sem., Rock Is- land, 111., 1929; S.T.M., Augustana Theol. Sem., 1944; spl. studies Northwestern U., Union Sem., Columbia U.; student U. of Chicago; m. Pauline Dorothy John- son, June 22, 1929. Ordained Evang. Luth. minister, 1929; pastor, Knoxville, 111., 1929-30, pastor First Luth. Ch., Princeton, 111., 1930-44; assoc. pastor Bethlehem Luth. Ch., Chicago, 111., 1944- 46; pastor Grace Luth. Ch., Aurora, 111. since 1946; mem. Bethany Alumni Assn., Augustana Alumni Assn., Augustana Hist. Soc, Princeton Ministerial Assn. (past pres.), Pi Kappa Delta. Thesis: Youth Problems and the Church Curric- ulum, Augustana Quarterly, Sept., 1944, Vol. xxiii: 4. Home: 217 Oak Av., Au- rora, 111. GOODEL.L, Carrol John, college pub- lications editor; b. Sheldon, 111., 19 Mar. 1888; s. Charles J. Goodell, farmer, con- tractor, and Helen Maie (Isaacson) G.; ed. Valparaiso Coll., 1903-04; B.S.A., Purdue Univ., 1904-08, 1931; Miss. A & M., 1923-24; Univ. 111., 1932; la. State Coll., 1934; Miss. State Coll., 1935-36; m. Josephine Mattie Barsalou of Mo- mence, 111., 15 June 1910; 1 dau. — Helen Maie (Mrs. W. O. Murphy). Worker with cattle and hogs Am. Farm Co., Morocco, Ind., 1904-06; feeding expert lots of cattle Purdue Univ., 1907; mgr. farms Lewis McNutt, Brazil, Ind., 1908- 10; farmer in 111., 1910-14; beef cattle specialist Univ. Ga. and B.A.I., 1914-17. sci. asst. Animal Husbandry Div., 1917- 18; leader Animal Husbandry Exten- sion, Miss. Ext. Service, 1918-21; ani- mal husbandry extension, 1935-38, ex- tension editor, 1935-44; animal husband- man Miss. Expt. Sta., 1921-23; assoc. prof. agrl. economics Miss State Coll., 1923-24, prof, animal husbandry, 1924- 27, head animal husbandry dept., 1930- 35; dairy specialist Holmes County, Mich., 3 927-29, Lowdnes County, Miss., 1929-30; asst. county agent Lowdnes County, 3 929-30; type of farming re- search, U.S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Agrl. Eco- nomics, Miss. Agrl. Expt. Sta., 1935; one of first two student feeders, beef cattle research, Ind. Agrl. Expt. Sta., 1907; first beef cattle specialist em- ployed by U S. Dept. Agr. in tick free area, Ga., 1914; engaged in foot and mouth disease eradication, New Eng- land, 1914-15; assisted with movement by U.S. Dept. Agr. of drouth cattle from Northwest, 1919; beef cattle, hogs and sheep research Miss. Expt. Sta., 1921- 24; devekped methods of animal hus- bandry instrn. Miss State Coll., helped organize Hair arci Hide Club, 1924, Mag- nolia Farmer, Baby Beef Club in Frank- lin County, Ga., 1915; dir. eastern end World War I conservation of beef breed- ing herds from drouth areas of Tex., 1917; mem. com. for planning war work of animal husbandry div. B.A.I., 1917, handled coordination of 4-H feeder pig 894 club, cantonment garbage feeding, 1917, represented div. in study livestock sects, of farm census, 1920; dir. Searls Sen., Geneer Twp., Kankakee County, 111., 1913; asst. mgr. hog dept. Kankakee Fair, 1913; mgr. livestock depts. Miss. State Fair and Miss.-Ala. Fair, 1919- 20; mem. Southern Cattlemens Assn. (sec. 1925-26), Southern Livestock Assn. (v.p. 1927), Miss. Livestock Sanitary Bd., 1930-35, Miss. Livestock Assn. (as- sisted organizing), 1926; chmn. Farm and Home Week Com., Miss. State Coll., 1935 and 1939-42; assisted in establish- ing system of edn., spring livestock shows, Miss.; assisted in rebuilding Miss, livestock industry by aiding in es- tablishment of demonstration herds; past mem. Miss. Cattle Feeders Assn. (sec. 1918-21), Gleaners, Masonic Lodge, Consistory, Shrine, Miss. Edn. Assn., Am. Soc. Animal Prodn.; fellow Am. Geog. Soc, Southern Agrl. Workers Assn., Am. Assn. Agrl. Editors, Miss. Farm Bureau Assn., Purdue Alumni Assn., Purdue Union, Rotary, Exchange, Miss. Forestry Assn., A.A.A.S., Am. Genetic Assn., Alpha Zeta, Pi Gamma Mu, Lambda Gamma Delta, Epsilon Sig- ma Phi, Alpha Gamma Rho. Co-author or author: Miss. Expt. Sta. bulls. 214, 218, 222, 229, 242, and circulars 48-50; Miss. Ext. bulls. 77, 78, 81, 86, 95, 99, circulars 83, 85, 91, 92, leaf.ets 11, 12; arts, on livestock and agrl. subjects; documented arts, on Miss. Extension Service History; dairy editor Southland Dairy Farmer; assoc. ed. The Short- horn World, 1944 — . Grandfather, John A. Isaacson, mentioned in History of the Swedish Meth. Ch., Beaverville, 111., pub. in Sweden, he served in Civil War, Co. H, 15th Ind. Inf. Protestant. Demo- crat. Home: Muldrow Av., Starkville, Miss., and 1009 Garfield Blvd., Aurora, 111. BBAUN, John J., executive; b. Leb- anon, N.J., 3 Nov. 1887; s. G. Frederick Braun and Verana G. B.; ed. public school, Y.M.C.A., Elizabeth, N.J.; engr. and draftsman New Jersey Central R.R. Apprentice Sch., 1903-08; Mech. Engr., Cooper Inst., 1914-17; Electro-Mech. Engr., Am. Sch. Corr.; Marine Engr., Internat. Corr. Sch., 1905-09; m. Aman- da C. Shipley of Rahway, N.J., 31 Oct. 1910; children — Eva V. (Bonbright), R. Millicent. Machinist and foreman Cen- tral R.R. of N.J. and Central R.R. of Ga., 1907-09; machinist, foreman and engr. The Babcock and Wilcox Co., Bay- onne, N.J., 1909-10; engr. The Ball & Wood Engine Co., Elizabethport, N.J., 1910-11; chief engr., gen. supt., factory mgr. The New York Consol. Card Co., Long Island City, N.Y., 1911-23; asst. factory mgr., factory mgr. The U.S. Playing Card Co., Cincinnati, O., 1923 — ; registered professional engr., Ohio. Mem. Am. and Cincinnati museums of natural history, A.S.M.E., Am. Soc. Heating and Ventilating Engrs., A.M.E., Internat. Assn. Printing House Craftsmen, Graph- ic Arts Research Bureau, Nat. Assn. Power Engrs., Am. Pulp and Paper Mill Supts. Assn., Nat. Geog. Soc, Masons (32°), Shriner, Jr. O.U.A.M. Trustee Presbyterian Ch., Evanston, 111., and Cincinnati, Ohio; dir. and treas. Norwood Service League; mem. bd. management and vice chmn. Norwood Y.M.C.A. Clubs: Engineers, Automobile (Cincin- nati); Norwood Masonic; Hamilton Country. Republican. Interest: natural history. Presbyterian. Office: The U.S. Playing Card Co., Cincinnati, O. Home: 4305 Floral Av., Norwood, O. McCUNE, Thornton Calvert, invest- ment analyst; b. Chicago, 111. Jan. 3, 1901; s. John Dorcas and Evelyn Sarah (Thornton) McC; student U. of 111., 1919-26; B.S., St. Lawrence U., Canton, N. Y., 1927. Spl. feature writer and au- thor's agt., Chicago, 1927-28; engaged in analytical and statis. Investment re- search work, 1928-33; investment ana- lyst, operating under name of Thornton C. McCune & Co., Inc., since 1934; pres. Investment Engineering Corp.; treas. Investment Research Corp.; dir. R. Hoe & Co., Inc., Nat. Terminals Corp.; Mc- Krae Telephone Co., Inc. Meb. Am Statis. Assn. (Chicago chapter), Theta Chi. Re- publican, Presbyterian. Clubs: Invest- ment Analysts (Chicago) ; Bankers (N.Y. City). Office: 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. COOMBS, Arthur Jethro, physician; b. Sergeant Bluffs, la., Jan. 2, 1896; s. Luther J. and Arabell (Hamilton) C; student Morningside Coll., Sioux City, la., 1914-16 and 1919-21, A.B., 1921; stu- dent U. of Mich., 1921-23; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 1925; post-grad, study, Vienna, 1930; m. Lucile Morgan, Aug. 29, 1923; children — Donald Morgan, Margaret Ann. In practice since 1926; asso. otolaryngology, U. of 111. Coll. of M e d i cine since 1927; attending ^otolaryngologist St. Luke's Hosp., Chi- cago. Served in U. S. Marine Corps, 1917- 19. Fellow A.M. A.; mem. Am. Acad. Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, Chi- cago Laryngol. and Otol. Soc. 111. State 895 Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc. Republican. Methodist. Club: South Shore Country. Home: 7127 Luella Av. Office: 30 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. BUEHLER, Elizabeth, director music school; b. Monroe, Wis., Mar. 18, 1878; d. Andrew and Catherine (Bleiler) Buehler; B.A. and B.M., U. of Wisconsin; studied music with Leschetighy, Vienna, Austria, and at Matthay Sen., London, Eng. Di- rector Wisconsin School of Music; piano teacher. Mem. Nat. League Am. Pen Women, Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Wis. State Music Teachers Assn., Altrusa In- ternat. (hon.), Sigma Alpha Iota. Club: Madison Woman's. Home: 202 W. Gilman St., Madison, Wis. ROSSITER, Will, music publr.; b. Wells, Somerset, Eng., 15 Mar. 1867; s. James Rossiter, atty., and Emma Mary (Snelgrove) R.; ed. boarding sen.; m. Ida Maclean of Chicago, 111., 17 July 1891. Patent office draftsman, 1883-90; music pub., Chicago, 111., 1890- ; pubis, include Turkey In the Straw, The Cat Came Back, When the Moon Plays Peek-A-Boo, Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland, I'd Love to Live in Loveland, Some of These Days, Strutters' Ball, Don't You Remember the Time, Moon Winks, Russian Rag, and numerous others; mem. Am. Soc. Au- thors, Composers and Publishers, Music Publishers Protective Assn. Author: I'd Love to Live in Loveland, Don't You Remember the Time, When the Moon Plays Peek-a-Boo, The Weather-beaten Whitewashed Church, and others, under pen name of W. R. Williams. Interest: popular music. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 173 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. Home: 230 N. Central Av., Chicago, 111. MOORE, James N., insurance exec; b. Chicago, 111., 22 Apr. 1901; s. John J. Moore, ins. agent, and Jessie Laverne (Booth) M.; ed. New Trier High Sen.; Beloit Coll.; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1924; m. Martha Adelaide Hall, of Wilm- ette, 18 June 1930; children — John H.. Elizabeth L. With firm of Moore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard, Chicago; treas., Chi- cago Congl. Club, 1927-41; trustee, Glen- coe Union Ch.; mem. U. S. Boys Working Reserve, 1917-18; mem. Beta Theta Pi. Conglist. Republican. Clubs: University, Collegiate, Chicago. Office: 175 W. Jack- son Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 440 Sheri- dan Rd., Glencoe, 111. ALBURN, Cary Rudolph, lawyer; b; Youngstown, O., 22 Oct. 1883; s. John Frederick Alburn and Cecelia (Luebben) A.; ed. Ray en High Sen., Youngstown, O.; A.B., Western Reserve Univ., 1905; B.C.L., Oxford Univ., Eng., 1907; m. Helen Whitslar of Cleveland, O., 22 May 1912; children— Lt. Cary R., Jr., Doris W. Rhodes scholar from O. at Oxford Univ., Eng., (1906-08 (Oxford Varsity La Crosse Team, 1906-08; pres. Am. Club, Oxford, 1908) ; headmaster and supt., Cleveland Boy's Home, Hudson, O., 1910; asst. U. S. atty., Northern O., 1911-15; engaged in gen. practice of law, Cleve- land, O., 1915- ; chmn. legal adv. bd., Cleveland, O., 1915-, during World War I; mem. Am. Bar Assn., O. State Bar Assn. (mem. council dels., 1939), Cleve- land Bar Assn. (chmn. com. on judicial system and administrative law, 1938-41) Delta Kappa Epsilon, Northern O. Alumni Assn. (pres.), Beta Chi Chap. Alumni Assn. (pres., 1940). Clubs: Row- fant, Cheshire Cheese, Eldred Players. Author: arts, in law journs. Travel: Eur., West Asia. Brother of Wilfred Henry Alburn, author of Hist, of Cleve- land, and John A. Alburn (dec), former asst. atty. gen. of O. Unitarian. Repub- lican. Office: 310 Hippodrome Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 19101 Oxford Rd., Shaker Heights, O. Summer res.: Red Bird Beach, Madison, O. BAKER, Clarence Mulford, consulting engr.; b. Ithaca, N.Y., 19 Aug. 1882; s. Charles H. Baker and Helen (Batter- son) B.; ed. LaMoure (N.Dak.) High Sen.; C.E., Cornell Univ., 1908, M.C.E., 1917; m. Ina Seaman of Ithaca, 1909; 1 son, Mulford Charles. Gen. engring. prac, Dakotas; asst. engr., Fargo, N.D., 1909-11; instr., Cornell Univ., 1911-14; asst. engr., N.Y. State Bd. of Health, 1914-18; asso. engr., U.S. Pub. Health Service, 1918-19; chief engr., Wis. State Bd. of Health, 1919-27; engr. chg. engring. dept., Am. Paper & Pulp Assn., 1927-36" cons, engr., spl. cons., Nat. Paperboard Assn.; splty., waste utiliza- tion and stream improvement; tr. Meth. Hosp., Madison, Wis.; mem. A.W.W.A., A.P.H.A., Wis. Soc of Engrs. Club: Madison Technical. Author: publ. in connection with prof., asst. in rev. ed. of Public Water Supplies by Turneaure and Russell. Recreation: fishing. Metho- dist. Republican. Office: 1 West Main St., Madison, Wis. Home: 1905 Common- wealth Av., Madison, Wis. Died, Dec. 1943. BROWN, William George, financial service; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 7 Mar. 1898; s. Thomas and Annie Dora Gertrude (Colmer) B.; m. Marie Demarest, 29 July 1922; 1 son, Kenneth Donald. With Guar- 896 anty Trust Co., N.Y. City, 1913-17; with Moody's Investors Service since 1920, resident mgr., Chicago, since 1929. Served as pvt. 165th Inf., Rainbow Div., U.S.A., 1917-19; 18 mos. in France; wounded Mar. 1918; participated in Alsace Lorraine, St. Mihiel and Meuse- Argonne offensives. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Mason. Mem. Union League Club of Chicago. Home: 389 Woodlawn Av., Glencoe, 111. Office: 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. CLAYTON, Gilbert Merton, exec. mgr. and sec. 111. Chain Store Council, Inc.; b. Hill City, Kan., 28 Feb. 1891; s. Her- bert DeWitt Clayton and Mary Alice (Drake) C; A.B., Univ. of Kan., 1915; m. Margaret Laura Stube, 26 Oct. 1918; 1 son, John Herbert. Began as reporter Stevens Point (Wis.) Journal, 1915; with United Press Assns., 1915-29, as reporter, bureau mgr. at Topeka, Kan., Kansas City, Mo., and Dallas, Tex., business rep., commercial mgr., sales mgr., asst. business mgr., and central div. mgr. with hdqrs. in Chicago; asst. sec. Chicago Stock Exchange, 1929-32; business mgr. Harland Allen Associates, 1933-34; sec. Chicago Curb Exchange Assn., 1935-38; exec. mgr. and sec, 111. Chain Store Council, Inc., 1939-46; retail chmn., 111. War Finance Com. U. S. Treasury and dollar-a-year man, 1941-45; sec.-treas., Bauer, Rieger & Clayton, Inc., mfrs. rep- resentatives, May 1, 1946. Owner of membership in Chicago Stock Exchange since Oct. 1931. Mem. Sigma Delta Chi, Acacia, The Owls. Mason (32°). Home: 1928 Morse Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 29 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. DAVIDSON, James Edward, pres., Nebraska Power Co.; b. Flint, Mich., 10 Nov. 1879; s. Wilbur Fisk Davidson, elec- tric utility exec, and Margareta Page (Turner) D.; ed. Port Huron (Mich.) High Sch.; m. Edith Lisle Stokes of Phila., 15 Apr. 1903; children, James Edward, Jr., John Stokes, Dorothy Burn- ham (Mrs. Thos. B. Coleman, Jr.). Supt. Port Huron Light & Power Co., 1899- 1905; Consol. Lighting Co., Montpelier, Vt., 1905-10, started as mgr., became pres. and gen. mgr.; Pacific Power and Light Co., Portland, Ore. (gen. mgr., 1910-12, v.p. and gen. mgr., 1912-17); Citizens Power & Light Co., Co. Bluffs, Iowa (v.p. and gen. mgr., 1917-36) ; Ne- braska Power Co., Omaha, Nebr. (v.p. and gen. mgr., 1917-28; pres. since 1928) ; dir. Occidental Bldg. & Loan Assn.; Union Stock Yards Co.; South Omaha Terminal R.R., Chicago Great Western R.R. During World War I, State dir. Personnel, mem. exec. com. Omaha Chapt. Red Cross., exec. com. War Sav- ings Stamp Campaign, mem. 1st and 2nd Liberty Loan (exec, com.), pres., Knights of Ak-Sar Ben (King, 1923), Greater Omaha Assn. (mem. exec, com.) ; Omaha Chamber of Commerce (Mil. Affairs Com., Nat. Defense Com.) ; Greater-Neb- Com. of 100 (mem. exec, com.); trustee, Father Flanagan's Boys' Home; Court of Honor, Boy Scouts of Am.; hon. mem. Sojourners; v.p. Edison Electric Inst.; Assn. (pres., 1925-26), Edison Illuminat- ing (mem. exec, com., pres., 1936-39) Cos.; mem. Am. Inst. Elec Engrs. New- comen Soc of England. Clubs: Shrine- Tangier Temple (past potentate) ; Elks, Odd Fellows, Ad Sell, Rotary, Stock Yards 400 Club, Omaha Club, Omaha Country; Omaha Field; Omaha Athletic; Highland Country; Joseph Warren Camp (hon. mem.) Heroes of 76. Named Omaha's first citizen, 1929. Author nu- merous papers and pamphlets on elec topics. Recreations: golf, fishing, hunt- ing, -ice skating. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Office: 811 Electric Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Home St. Regis Apt., 301,617 So. 37th St., Omaha, Neb. THOMSON, Mehran Kafafian, Sr., professor; b. Diarbekr, Armenia, 4 Mar. 1890; s. Thomas K. Thomson, bus. man, and Mary (Tajerian) T.; ed. Tilton (N.H.) Sem., 1909-13; B.A., Wesleyan Univ., 1917, M.A., 1918; Ph.D., Hartford Sem. Found., 1920; B.D., Yale Univ., 1921; grad. study, Yale, Wesleyan, Co- lumbia, Calif., Harvard, Boston Univs.; m. Verna Marie Pouston of Effingham, 6 June 1927; children, Mehran K., Jr., Glenaram. Prof, philos., sociol., Central Coll., Fayette, Mo., 1921-23; res. fellow, Harvard, 1923-23; prof, philos., psychol., Baker Univ., 1924-27; prof, sociol., social work, Mich. State Normal Coll., 1927; pres., Psychol. Service Bur.; with R.O.T.C, during World War I; mem. A.A.U.P., A.P.A., Am. Sociol. Soc, Phi Kappa Delta, Delta Sigma Rho, Pi Gamma Mu, Masons, Odd Fellows. Clubs: Kiwanis Internat., Washtenaw County. Author: The Springs of Human Action, 1927 (6th printing 1939); chap, on Motivation in Educational Psychology, 1936; author of chapters 5 and 8 in Society Under Analysis; daily ed. news- paper feature arts, on psychology. Travel: U.S., for. Interests: writing, lecturing, gardening. Recreations: music, athletic sports. Congregationalist. Office: Michigan State Normal College, 897 Ypsilanti, Mich. Home: 11 South Sum- mit St., Ypsilanti, Mich. PETTERSON, John P., silversmith; b. Gothenburg, Sweden, 15 Mar. 1884; s. John August Petterson and Marie (Eck- stedt) P.; student Royal Sch. of Arts and Crafts, Oslo, Norway, 1899-1904; m. Margrethe Jacobsen, 28 July 1906 (dec. 1936) ; children — John Charles, Norman Henry, Margaret; m. (2nd) Frances Port, 30 Oct. 1942. Came to U.S., 1905, naturalized, 1927. Silversmith since 1899; apprentice David Anderson, Oslo, Norway, 1899-1905; silversmith Tiffany 6 Co., N.Y. City, 1905-10; est. J. P. Pet- terson Studios, silversmiths and jewelry workers, Chicago, 111., 1910; instr. sum- mer sch., U. of Mich. Received awards Art Inst. Chicago, 1921, 23; Boston Soc. Arts and Crafts, 1930; silver medal Internat. Expn. Arts and Crafts, Paris, France, 1937; master-craftsman mem. Soc. Arts and Crafts, Boston, Mass. Re- publican. Home: 608 S. Greenwood Av., Park Ridge, 111. Office: 29 E. Madison St., Chicago, 111. MERRILL, Philip Peirson, v.p., treas. and gen. mgr. Ludlow Typograph Co.; b. Boston, Mass., 4 Nov. 1881; s. Francis Hiram Merrill and Mary Isabel (Peirson) M.; student Harvard Coll., 1899-1900; m. Clara Frederick, 22 June 1910. With the Tabulating Machine Co. (now Inter- nat. Bus. Machines Corp., N.Y. City), 1900-17; Ludlow Typograph Co.; Chi- cago, 111., since 1920, v.p., treas. and gen. mgr. since 1921. Served as asst. dist. chief Ordnance U.S. War Dept., Cleveland, O., 1918-19. Unitarian. Re- publican. Clubs: Evanston (Evanston, 111.); North" Shore Country (Glenview, 111.). Home: 425 Greenwood Blvd., Evanston, 111. Office: 2032 Clybourn Av., Chicago, 111. MUHLEMAN, George Washington, teacher; b. Hannibal, O., 26 Apr. 1871; s. John Godfrey Muhleman, farmer, me- chanic, and Margaret (Anshutz) M.; ed. Allen High Sch., La Moille, 111.; Acad, of Northwestern Univ.; B.S., North- western Univ., 1899; M.S., la. State Univ., 1912; D.Sc. Univ. Geneva, 1927; m. Pamelia F. Woods of La Moille, 111., 7 Sept. 1898. Teacher, prin., supt., pub. sens., 111., Wis., la.; teacher chemistry, la. State Teachers Coll.; head, chemistry dept., Meth. Univ. Okla.; head Mt. Union *Coll.; head, Hamline Univ., 1918-41; visiting prof., Alma Coll., Alma, Mich., 1941-42; prof, inorganic chemistry, N.D. Agrl. Coll., 1942-43; instr. war training courses in chem., U. of Fla., 1943-44; acting asst. prof, of agrl. chem., U. of Fla., 1944-46; bus. adminstr., bd. dirs., Drake-Ballard; pres., Prairie Garfield Co.; mem. Library Adv. Bd., Dept. Edn., St. Paul, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Alliance Francaise, A.A.A.S., A.C.S., Swiss Chem. Soc, Masons. Clubs: Fac- ulty, Schubert. Co-author: General Chemistry; Along Scientific Trails. Author: Elementary Qualitative Chem- ical Analysis, A Manual of Lecture Dem- onstrations and Lab. Experiments; Thoughts for Thinkers; articles in chem. jours. Inventor: fume hood, metal igni- tion tube. Travel: Fr., Switz., It., Ger., Belg., Eng., Scot., Wales, Can. Inter- ests: writing music, res., Bible and linguistic studies. Recreations: tennis, skating, billiards. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Home: 1450 Englewood Av., St. Paul, Minn. NICHOLSON, John Charles, attorney- at-law; b. Parke Co., Ind., 2 Jan. 1862; s. David Nicholson, farmer, and Mary C. Dickson; ed. Martinsville High Sch.; Cent. Normal Coll., 111.; m. Carrie C. Morse of Emporia, Kan., 10 Oct. 1891 (dec); m. (2nd) Lottie B. Hart of New- ton, Kan., 11 July 1914; children — Mary M., Edith, John, Malcolm, Warren. Dir., Midland Nat. Bk., Kan. Gas & Elec Co.; State atty. for Kan. at Washington, D.C., 15 yrs.; collected over y 2 million dollars for Kan. on war claims; author of Memorial Hall at Topeka; as pres. of Commercial Club, contracted for removal of the Santa Fe Div. from Nicherson to Newton, Kan., 12 May 1897; dir. for War Savings, Nr. East Relief, and Fuel Adminstr., during World War I; mem. Masons (Royal Arch), State Hist. Soc. (dir.), Harvey Co. Hist. Soc. (historian). Author: History of Harvey Co. Travel: Eur., Can., Mex., U.S. Lieut. -Col. Ennis C. Whitehead, son-in-law, is co-founder and pres. U.S. 50 Highway Assn.; founder, pres., Internat. Meridian High- way Assn., Winnipeg to Buenos Aires. Conglist. (tr. ch.). Republican. Office: 713 y 2 Main, Newton, Kan. Home: 319 East 5th St., Newton, Kan. Summer res.: Colorado Springs, Colo. DeFOSSET, Theressa M., writer, edi- tor, publr.; b. near Des Moines, la.; d. Charles W. Moore and Clara (deThorp) M.; m. Dr. A. J. DeFosset of Columbus, O., 25 Apr. 1908; children— Albert V., Velva C. Editor: Poets That Pass Our Way (nat. poetry news), and Laurels, poetry reprint dept.; asso. ed., Ameri- can Poetry Magazine, 11 yrs.; more than 898 1500 poems published in mags., news- papers, anthol.; served as guest ed., state ed., judge in contests, and poetry critic; conducted radio programs; winner of 20 limerick cash prizes, other cash prizes for poetry; nat. pres., Am. Lit. Assn., 1937—; hon. life mem. A.L.A. Nat. League of Am. Pen Women (past pres., Columbus branch) Inner Circle, Order of Bookfellows, Order of Eastern Star, Ohio Poetry Soc, Nat. Writer's Club; a con- ferred hon. mem., Eugene Field Soc. Feb. 1942. Author: Moods in Miniature, book of poems; 2 vols, of verse in prepara- tion. Interests: mus., poetry, nature study. Recreations: varied. Protestant. Home: 97 Oakland Park Av., Colum- bus, O. WATSON, Charles H., lawyer; b. Monon, Ind., 13 Jan. 1887; s. James S. Watson and Hester A. (Martin) W.; grad. high sen., Monon, 1903; A.B., Northwestern Univ., 1909, A.M., 1912, LL.B., 1912; m. Estelle O. Clark, 27 May 1916; children — Charlene E. (Mrs. David W. Pollock IV), Virginia F. Ad- mitted to 111. bar 1912; mem. law firm of Hyde, Westbrook & Watson, 1914-22; partner in firm of Peabody, Westbrook, Watson & Stephenson and predecessor firms, since May 1, 1922; instr. in interna, law and lecturer on internat. relation for the Carnegie Endowment, North- western Univ., Sept. 1, 1916-17; asso. prof, of internat. law, Northwestern Univ. Law Sen., 1920-28. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Assn. Bar City of New York, Delta Sigma Rho, Phi Gamma Delta. Club: Union League. Methodist. Republican. Home: 2316 Thayer St., Evanston, 111. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. THOMPSON, Hayward Stone, pres. Gen. Underwriters, Inc.; b. New Haven, Conn., 1 Mar. 1902; s. John Henry Thompson and Katharine Elmira (Stone) T.; student Choate Sen.; B.A., Williams Coll., Williamstown, Mass., 1924; m. Elizabeth Trumbull Robinson, 28 June 1924; children — Katharine Elizabeth, Sarah Goodwin, Marion Stone. Started as clerk at Hartford Accident & In- demnity Co., Hartford, Conn., 1924-26, mgr. Detroit branch, 1926-31; pres. Gen. Underwriters, Inc. (est. 1931), Detroit, Mich., since 1931 (on leave for mil. serv- ice). Major, Corps Engrs., Amphibian Command, U.S. Army, 1942-45. Home: 80 Lewiston Rd., Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. Office: 700 Buhl Bldg., Detroit, Mich. PLACAK, Joseph Charles, physician; b. Cleveland, O., 22 Feb. 1882; s. An- thony Placak, constr. foreman, and Jennie (Goldstein) P.; ed. pub. sens.; M.D., Western Reserve Univ., 1903; post grad., Univ. Prague, Aus.; m. Eunice E. Emde of Cleveland, O., 20 Mar. 1907; children — Dr. Joseph C, Jr., Robert L., Fred C, Mrs. Donald G. Wright. Res. pathologist, Cleveland City Hosp., 1903- 04, res. phys., 1904-05, asst. head, div. tuberculosis, 1907-14, head, 1914-43; med. dir., Municipal Tuberculosis Sana- torium, Warrensville, 1906-10, St. John's Hosp., 1928-30; lecturer in internal med., Cleveland Coll. Phys and Surg., 1907-11; vis. pathol., St. Luke's Hosp., 1915-17; vis. phys., Municipal and Sunny Acres Sanatoriums, 1931—; chief of staff, Mt. Royal Sanatorium, 1931-40; cons, phys., Lake Co. Memorial Hosp., 1934 — ; re- gent, Chmn. Regents, Am. Coll. Chest Physicians; maj. Med. Corps, U.S. Army, mem. 3rd Army Disability Bd., during World War I; mem. Anti-Tuberculosis League, Cleveland and Cuyahoga Co. (pres.), Nat. Trudeau Soc, Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Health Council, Maternal Health Assn. for Ohio and Cleveland, Am. Bd. Internal Med., Am. Coll. Phys., A.M.A., Cleveland Clinical Soc, Maternal Health Clinic (mem. adv. bd.), Cleveland Acad. Med. Author; nu- merous articles on chest diseases. Travel: U.S., Eur. Office: 10515 Car- negie Av., Cleveland, O. Home: 2228 Woodmere Dr., Cleveland Heights, O. RINEHART, Roy James, dean, Univ. Kansas City, Sch. Dentistry; b. 24 Oct. 1880, nr. Deland, 111.; s. Joel Rinehart and Mary (Miles) R.; ed. at Marion (Ind.) Coll.; D.D.S., Western Dental Coll., Kansas City, Mo., 1902; m. Myrtle Harmison, 24 Sept. 1903. Began as dentist, Canton, 111., 1902-07; Peoria, 111., 1907-10; practice of dentistry, Kansas City, Mo., 1910 — ; lecturer and prof, of crown and bridge, Western Dental Coll., 1912-16, sec-treas. and supervisor, 1916- 17, elected dean of the sch., 1918; active in consolidation of the two dental colls, in Kansas City, establishing the Kansas City- Western Dental Coll., 1919; sec- treas., trustee, and prof, crown and bridge, 1919-22, exec, dean, 1922-27, dean, 1927 — ; examiner of dentists for armed forces, Med. Adv. B. 53, dir. Student Army Training Corps of the Kansas City-Western Dental Coll. during World War I; major, Dental Res. Corps, U.S. Army, 1925; chmn. Procurement and Assignment Com. for Dentists of Mo., 899 1941; counsel, War Manpower Commn., Office for Emergency Management, 1941-43; chmn. Mil. Affairs Com. for Mo.; founder Lowry Dental Clinic, or- ganizer Kansas City-Western Dental Clinic Assn.; negotiated merger of Kan- sas City- Western Dental Coll. with Univ. Kansas City, 1941; apptd. Dean, Sen. Dentistry, prof, crown and bridge, and mem. adv. council, Univ. Kansas City; mem. Dental Assn., 1902 — ; del. to Am. Dental Assn., 1916-43, served on numer- ous com.; mem. Am. Coll. Dentists, Am. Assn. History of Medicine, Am. Social Hygiene Assn., Special Libraries Assn., Central Hist. Com. State of Mo., Am. Assn. Dental Editors, Am. Assn. Dental Sens., mem. exec, com., Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci.; pres. Dental Leg- islation Sect. Internat. Dental Congress, Phila., 1926; del. to Internat. Dental Congress, Vienna 1936; pres. Kansas City Dist. Dental Soc, 1912.; pres. Mo. State Dental Assn., 1928; pres. Western Dental Coll. Alumni Assn., fellow, Am. Coll. Dentists, 1915; mem. Xi Psi Phi, Omicorn Kappa Upsilon, Masons. Con- tributor to dental literature and to den- tal societies. Clubs: Professional Men's University, Mission Hills Country, Kan- sas City, Mo. Home: 1000 W. 58th St. Office: University of Kansas City, School of Dentistry, 1108 E. 10th St., Kansas City, Mo. TURNER, Tracy Lay, Jr., stock broker; b. Chicago, 111., 6 June 1903; s. Tracy Lay Turner and Claribel (Coun- tiss) T.; ed. Harvard School, Chicago; Hill School, Pottstown, Pa.; Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.; m. Rosemary Far- rell of Chicago, 22 June 1933; 1 dau., Rosemary. Began career with S. B. Chapin & Co., 1924, gen. partner, 1929; became assoc. with Shearson Hammill & Co., stock, bond and commodity brok- ers, 1941. Mem. Society of Mayflower Descendants (life mem.), Soc. of Co- lonial Wars, Kappa Alpha Society, Am. Numismatic Assn. Clubs: Edgewater Golf, Chicago Athletic Assn. (life). Episcopalian. Republican. Home: 5555 Sheridan Road. Office: 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago 4, 111. WALKER, Louise, librarian; b. Indian- apolis, Ind., 17 Sept. 1911; d. John Mann Walker, minister, and Emma Nora (Sevringhaus) W.; ed. Benjamin Bosse High Sch., Evansville, Ind.; student Western Coll. for Women, 1928-29; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1932; certificate, Wis. Li- brary Sch., 1932; reference asst., Colum- bia Univ. library, 1933-37; librarian, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1937; librarian, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch. Lib., 1937-43; librarian, Fletcher Sch. of Law and Diplomacy Library, 1944. Mem. A.L.A., Med. Library Assn., Spl. Lib. Assn., Alpha Chi Omega. Travel: Ger., Aus., U.S. Protestant. Republican. Office: Medford, Mass. Home: Arling- ton, Mass. GURLEY, William Frank Eugene (Reed), geologist, civil engr.; b. Oswego, N.Y., 5 June 1854; s. Benjamin Franklin Reed, printer, and Leonora (Hall) R.; mother m. (2nd) Daniel Gurley, who adopted W. F. E. Gurley; ed. Danville High Sch., 1873-75; m. Anna Graham Barnes of Maumee, la., 17 June 1880 (dec. 1918); m. (2nd) Katharine Eberly Beard of Muscatine, la., 17 Aug. 1921. Studied surveying under Col. Wm. P. Chandler, 1868; worked as chainman, flagman, rodman, etc., with r.r. survey- ing parties in eastern 111.; in San Juan gold mining region of Colo., part of 1876; packed in with burro to Lake City; worked as printer, weighmaster, carpenter, road builder, prospector, miner, and served on election bd. when Colo, was admitted to statehood; lo- cated placers at Ouray, Big Spring, etc., which were abandoned at Indian up- rising; returned to Canon City; promoter fraternal life ins., 1877-78; clerk, law office, Danville, 1879-80; bookkeeper, mfr., 1880-81; town clerk, Danville, 1882-85; real estate, abstract, ins. and bldg. assn. bus., 1883-93; city engr., Dan- ville, 1885-87, 1891-93; state geol. of 111., dir. 111. State Mus. Natural Hist., 1893-97; asso. curator, Paleontel, Col- lections, Univ. Chicago, 1900; served in Co. B., 9th Bn., 111. N.G., 1877-82; mem. K.T., Shrine, Mason (33°), Knight Red Cross of Constantine, K.P., Odd Fel- lows, Imperial Royal Geol. Soc. of Aus- tria, 1872, Swiss Paleontel. Soc, 1873, A.A.A.S., Geol. Soc. Am., Paleontol. Soc. Am., 111. Acad. Sci., Malacol. Union, Kappa Epsilon Pi, Sigma Xi, Royal Soc. Arts (life fellow) Art. Inst, of Chicago (benefactor and life gov. mem.) Chicago Soc. Etchers, Chicago Philatelic Soc, Boston, Philatel. Soc, Royal Order of Scotland, Clam Campbell C.S.C., Cale- donian Soc. of Chicago, Soc. War 1812, S.R., Soc. Colonial Wars, Founders and Patriots, Huguenot Soc. Am. Clubs: Quadrangle (Cornell Univ.), Cornell Univ. of Chicago, Poets (Chicago), Old Time Newsboys (Danville). In collabo- ration with S. A. Miller, pub. (1890-97) descriptions over 500 new specimens 900 paleozoic fossils; through collecting, worldwide exchanges and purchase, as- sembled a paleontol collection which in Jan. 1900 became nucleus of Univ. Chicago's valuable collection; collection of over 5000 orig. drawings by old mas- ters (gift to Chicago Art. Inst., 1921) ; began collecting stamps, 1860, coins, 1864, Indian relics, 1866, geol. speci- mens, 1868, shells, 1869, art objects, 1893, original drawings, 1903. Editor: The Minute Man, 1918; Totally Blind, 1918. Office: Walker Museum, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Home: 6151 Uni- versity Av., Chicago, 111. DEMPSEY, John P., judge; b. 27 Mar. 1878; ed. parochial schs. and Assump- tion Coll., Sandwich, Ont., Can., 2 yrs.; Business Coll., Cleveland, O.; spl. courses in lit., economics, and philosophy, West- ern Reserve Univ.; LL.D., Cleveland Law Sch., 1907; unmarried. Admitted to Ohio Bar, 1907; practiced law (except during World War), Cleveland, O., 1907- 21; Chief Justice, Municipal Ct., Cleve- land, 1921-30; judge, Ct. Common Pleas, Cuyahoga Co., O., 1930; capt. 32nd Inf., U.S.A., during World War I; served in Fr. and It., occupation duty in old Aus., now Jugoslavia; reed. Italian War Cross; mem. Am. Legion, Elks, Eagles, K.C. Clubs: Shaker Heights Country, Civitan, City, Army and Navy. Recre- ation: golf. Catholic. Republican. Office: Court House, Cleveland, O. Home: 1697 E. 115 St., Cleveland, O. Died, 28 June 1941. DENIOUS, Jess C, newspaper editor; b. Mogadore, O., 14 July 1879; s. Oliver Denious, undertaker, and Martha (Moore) D.; ed. Erie High Sch.; Drake Univ.; A.B., Baker Univ., 1905; m. Juliet Pettijohn of Dodge City, 30 June 1915; children— Martha Elizabeth, Jess C, Jr. Reporter Ottawa (Kan.) Herald; editor Erie Record; editorial writer Wichita Beacon; editor Dodge City (Kan.) Daily Globe; pres. Globe Pub. Co., Dodge City, Dodge City Broadcasting Co.; Telegram Pub. Co., Norton; dir. Victory Life Ins. Co., Topeka. State senator, 1932-41; mem. Kappa Sigma. Clubs: Dodge City Country, Topeka Press. Presbyn. Re- publican. Office: Globe Bldg., Dodge City, Kan. Home: 1109 First Av., Dodge City, Kan. DICKERSON, Grace Leslie, artist; b. Ft. Wayne, Ind., 27 Aug. 1911; d. Dr. Gaylard M. Leslie, exec, and Laura Grace (Bass) L.; ed. Ft. Wayne Art Sch.; Chicago Art Inst.; studied in Conn. with Guy Pene du Bois; married; 1 son, Leslie Paul Motz. Winner Certf. Merit in Nat. Humane Soc. Poster Contest; 1st prize for archtl. mag. cover; sculp- ture prize, Ft. Wayne Local Artists Show, 1939, Ft. Wayne, Sch., landscape prize; poster prize, War Poster Contest, Ft. Wayne; 1st prize, Ft. Wayne Artists Show, 1940; 3d sculpture prize, Ind. State Fair, 1941; exhbtd. John Herron Art. Mus., L. S. Ayres, Hoosier Salon; rep. in Am. Lib. of Color Slides, New York; two one-man shows, 1936, 1940, Ft. Wayne Art. Mus.; paintings owned privately, by Cent. High Sch., Ft. Wayne, and by Scottish Rite Cathedrals in Ft. Wayne, Indianapolis, South Bend, and St. Patrick's Cathedral, Areola, Ind.; painted murals in the Old Fort Room of Indiana Hotel, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; mem. Hoosier Salon, Psi Iota Xi. Club: In- diana Artists. Travel: U.S., Fr., It., Switz., Ger., Belg., Holl., Eng. Interests: portrait painting, sculpture, illustrations. Episcopalian. Home: Nashville, Ind. PETERSON, Mildred Othmer, librar- ian, writer, editor, publicist; b. Omaha, Neb., 1902; d. Fred G. Othmer, con- struction, and Freda Darling (Snyder) O.; ed. Omaha Cent. High Sch.; Univ. Neb.; Univ. La.; Univ. Chicago; North- western Univ. m. Howard Raymond Peterson of Aurora, Neb., 1923. Free lance writer, publicity and editorial asst., Am. Library Assn. asst. Central High Sch. Lib., 1915-19; asst. Tech. High Sch. Lib., 1919-20; asst. purchasing agent, Met. Utilities Dist., Omaha, 1920-21; asst., Univ. Neb. Lib., 1921-23; teacher, pianoforte, Harlan, la., 1923-26 column- ist and writer, Mid-West News Syndi- cate, Des Moines Register and Tribune and others, 1928-34; dir. publicity, gen. asst., Des Moines Pub. Lib., 1928-35; weekly radio book talks and programs over WHO and other la. radio stations, 1929-35; Northern 111. corr., Drug Topics, Drug Trade News, Food Field Reporter, etc., 1935; dir. publicity for orgns. and individuals, 1933; travel writer, Chicago Tribune, 1942; mem. Alpha Delta Pi (p. nat. off. and p. pres. of Omaha, Des Moines and Chicago assns.), Xi Delta, A.L.A., Am. Assn. U. Women, League Women Voters, Univ. Chicago Settlement League, Am. Legion Aux. (p. off. state, dist., co., and unit, asst. recreational dir., 111. Girls State, MacMurray Coll., Jacksonville, sponsored by Am. Legion Aux.), Univ. Neb. Alumnae Assn. (p. pres. Des Moines Assn., pres. Chicago Assn.); mem. Girl Scouts (p. troop 901 leader and mem. council), Order Eastern Star, Women's Div., Des Moines C. of C. (exec, bd.), Chicago Collegiate Bur. of Occupations (bd. mem.), Art. Inst, of Chicago, Pan-Am. Council of Chicago (gen. chmn. 1942 city-wide Pan-Am. Week celebration); Lib. Internat. Re- lations, Soc. Women Geographers; worked with Community Chest, Salva- tion Army, Council of Social Workers, Red Cross Drives and Adult Edn. Forums, Des Moines; Home Defense War Work, Chicago. Clubs: Chicago College, Iowa Authors, Univ. Chicago Dames, Chicago Library. Contbr. ar- ticles to Am. Educator, Ency., Am. Peo- ples Ency., Nat. Yearbook, Ency. Britan- nica Annual, World Book Ency. Annual, etc. Travel: U.S., Alaska, Cuba, Can., Mex., Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Po- land, Aus., Ger., Holl., Czechslovakia, Belg., Fr., Eng., Switz., Italy. Interests: collecting unusual jewelry, pottery and handcrafts of fgn. countries, theater, music. Recreations: swimming, hiking, spectator sports. Protestant. Office and home: 5543 Kimbark Av., Chicago, 111. GRUBB, George A., dentist (retired) ; b. Pawnee Co., Neb., 18 Feb. 1880; s. William H. Grubb and Mary J. (Clark) G.; ed. DuBois, 1895-97; Pawnee City, 1897-99; D.D.S., Univ. Neb., 1912, A.B., 1923; m. Amy Shively of Lincoln, Neb., 7 Jan. 1913. Teacher, pub. schs., 5% yrs.; dental instr., 1913-23; dean, Coll. of Den- tistry, Univ. Neb., 1923-39; with Lancas- ter Co. Med. Appeal Bd., 1917-19. Mem. Omicron Kappa Upsilon, XI Psi Phi, 1911- ; supreme chapter bd., 1919-31; pres., 1929-31), F.I.C.D., Lincoln Dental Soc. (Sec, pres.), Neb. State Dental Assn. (sec, treas., v. -p., pres.), Am. Assn. Dentral Schs. (v.-p., 1939-40). Club: Kiwanis. Assoc, ed.: Jour, of Neb. State Dent. Assn., 1916-18, ed., 1940-45. Travel: Can., U. S. Interests: dental sci., Christianity, youth and Democracy. Methodist. Republican. Home: 2919 Gar- field St., Lincoln, Neb. MARKSON, David Edmund, physician ; b. Ont., Can., 19 July 1891; s. Nathan and Fannie (Albion) M.; A.B., Vanclark Rice Normal Sch.; m. Esther Anderson of Chi- cago, 111., 12 Oct. 1935; 1 son — David Ed- mund, Jr. Asst. prof., dept. of medicine, Northwestern Univ.; dir. arthritis clinic Northwestren Univ. Med. Sch., also chmn. teaching unit; mem. attending staff Wesley Memorial Hosp.; mem. courtesy staff Passavant Memorial Hosp.; mem. cons, staff Norwegian American Hosp. Served as capt., M.C.R.C., World War I. Diplomat Am. Bd. Internal Medicine. Fellow Am. Coll. Physicians; mem. Am. Assn. for Study Rheumatism, Chicago Soc Internal Med- icine, A.M.A., Chicago Med. Soc. (pres. Northwest bureau, 1935-36). Author: over 26 articles on arthritis and related diseases. Office: 6 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1711 Belle Plaine Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Edgerton, Wis. REQUE, Earl George; b. Menominee, Mich., 18 July 1914; s. Walter K. Reque, r. r. man, and Mildred (Knuth) R.; ed. Staples high sch.; Dunwoody Inst., Min- neapolis, 1934); Northwestern Univ., summer 1932. In system's office, Powers Dept. Store, 1934; engaged in promo- tional and merchandise writing, Butler Brothers, Chicago, 111.; engaged in com- merical subjects, business administrn., Minneapolis, 1938; with Hawaiian Dept. Engrs., War Dept., 7 Dec 1941; now in supervision Naval Air Station, Barber's Point, Oahu, Hawaii. Clubs: Railsplitters (pres.), Wednesday Nighters (chmn.), (Honolulu, T. H.) Author: poetry and arts, in Hawaii's mags, and newspapers; poetry in leading anthologies, including Muse, Sonnets, Contemporary Am. Men Poets, Minn. Anthology of Verse, 1933- 39. Travel: Can., Hawaii, Mexico, U. S. Interests: motion picture color photog- raphy, sound movies, play production, poetry. Recreations: tennis, golf, surfing. Congregationalist. (Mem. Mayflower Community Ch., Minneapolis.) Home: Central Y.M.C.A., Honolulu, T. H. Sum- mer res.: 30 S. 9th St., Minneapolis, Minn. READ, Lessie Stringfellow, journal- ism; b. Temple, Tex., 3 Jan. 1891; d. H. M. and Alice J. Stringfellow; ed. in pri- vate schools and by private tutor. Began as writer, 1906, later becoming newspa- per reporter; editor Fayetteville Daily Democrat (later named Northwest Ar- kansas Times), 1918-45; editor Gen. Fedn. News of Gen. Fedn. of Women's Clubs, 1916-26, chmn. nat. press dept., 10 yrs.; corr. for Ark. Democrat; col- umnist, club dept., for 960 newspapers in 48 states; feature writer for leading mags., including Good Housekeeping, Woman's Home Companion, etc. Mem. League Am. Penwomen, Ark. Authors and Composers, Avalon Poetry Soc, Ark. Press Assn., Ozark Playgrounds Assn., Southern and Ark. hist, socs., Kappa Pi, Pi Kappa. Democrat. Episcopalian. Edi- tor: Ozark Ballads, Lester's Letters to His Mother. Contbr. arts, and poetry to 902 mags. Home: 329 Washington Av. Office: Northwest Arkansas Times, Fayetteville, Ark. GRIEM, Mrs. Breta Luther, home serv- ice dir.; b. Kalkaska, Mich., 19 May 1897; d. Ernest L. Luther and Mary Lulu (Eddy) L.; grad. Rhinelander, Wis., High Sch., 1915; B.S., Univ. Wisconsin, 1919; m. Milton E. Griem, 5 Aug. 1923; chil- dren — Melvin L., Lulu Margaret. Student dietitian course, Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., 1919-20; head dietitian, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 111., 1920-22; research fellow, home econ. extension, Univ. of Wis., 1923-25; spl. feature writing, Mil- waukee Jour., 1925-26; feature writer, Restaurant Management and Hotel Man- agement, 1925-37; home service dir., 1925-, Borden-Gridley Div., Milwaukee, Wis. Former Am. Home Chmn., Wis. Fed. Women's Clubs; mem. exec, council, Wis. Home Econ. Assn., 1925-45; past pres., Milwaukee Dietetic Assn., Wis. Dietetic Assn. (charter mem. and mem- exec, bd.) ; mem. Nat. Restaurant Assn., mem. Home Econ. Women, Business Sect, of Am. Home Econ. Assn.; mem- Zonta, Am. Pen Women, Nat. Fed. Press Women, Inc., Order Eastern Star; now chmn. Nutrition, Milwaukee chapt., Am. Red Cross; Am. Home Chmn. Milwaukee Co. (4th and 5th dists.). Fed. Women's Clubs. Author of six Little Gold Business Books; co-author, The Best from Mid- West Kitchens. Protestant. Office: Bor- den-Gridley Div., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 4109 N. Stowell Av., Milwaukee, Wis. BRIGGS, Elizabeth, D., children's li- brarian; b. North Ridge ville, O., 11 Apr. 1888; d. Frank William Briggs and Edith (Darling) B.; A.B., Oberlin (O.) Coll., 1909; unmarried. Children's libra- rian, Cleveland Pub. Library, 1911-18, br. librarian 1918-20, head parents and teachers room, 1920-25, head Lewis Car- roll, room, 1925-27, Sept. 1928-37; acting dir., work with children, Jan. -Sept. 1928, dir. since June 1937; lecturer in edn., Sch. of Edn., Western Reserve Univ., 1939; lecturer in ch. work, Sch. of Lib. Science, 1921-29, instr. summer 1925, consultant since 1937. Mem. A.L.A. (chmn. sect, for work with ch., 1934-35; mem. bd. dirs., div. lib. for ch. and young people, 1941-47, pres., 1945-46; mem. council since 1943; mem. postwar plan- ning com., mem. exec, bd., Ohio Library Assn. Treas. Radio Council of Greater Cleveland, 1940-43); mem. children's Council of Cleveland Welfare Fed.; mem. Lib. of Greater Cleveland and Vicinity (pres. 1936-37), Women's City Coll., Cleveland, Cleveland-Oberlin Woman's (pres. 132-33), Altrusa, Nat. Soc. of New England Women. Presbyterian. Republican. Contbr. to professional jours. Office: 325 Superior Av., Cleveland, O. Home: 1539 East Blvd., Cleveland, O. CLANCY, John D., lawyer; b. Wood- stock, 111., Aug. 6, 1875; s. Edward and Susan A. (McNulty) C; student Beloit (Wis.) Coll., 1901-03; student U. of Chi- cago, 1905-08; m. L. M. White, Jan. 1, 1908; children— Gates W., John D. Cath- erine, Milicent (Mrs. Fred E. Jones). Admitted to 111. bar, 1907; engaged in practice of law since 1907; judge, River- side, 111., 1925-38. Vice-chmn. Riverside Council; pres. High Sch. Bd. Ed., River- side; mem. exec. com. Purdue U.; mem. executive com. West Suburban Council Boy Scouts of America. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc. Republican. Club: Country (River- side). Address: 280 Blackhawk Rd., Riv- erside, 111. COLE, Harry Xeter, lawyer; b. Col- linsville, 111., Apr. 10, 1897; s. Harry and Sarah (Rosenberg) C; ed. pub. and high schs., Collinsville Twp.; Ph.B., U. of Chi- cago, 1918, J.D., 1920; m. Elinor Hues- man, Oct. 22, 1939; children — Morgan Wesley, Sharon Pamela. Admitted to bar, 111. and Mo., 1920, and began prac- tice at St. Louis; removed to Chicago, 1921. Mem. bd. dirs. Protestant Child Haven. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Decalogue Soc. of Lawyers. Mason (K.T., Shriner, Worshipful Mas- ter Upright Lodge No. 1101, 1930); served as Worthy Patron O.E.S., 1926- 27; Worthy Grand Patron O.E.S. of State of 111., 1934; Supreme Watchman of Shepherds, Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, 1938; Noble Grand I.O.O.F. (1927); Chancellor Comdr., K.P. (1928); pres. West Town Owls, 1925; mem. of bd. of dirs. Masonic Bureau of Service and Employment; Central Council Order of Builders. Mem. B'nai, Pythian Sis- ters, Rebekahs, Knights of Khorassan. Clubs: University of Chicago Alumni Club, Capitol Fellowship Club (expres.), Elks. Home: 4300 Lake Shore Dr. Office: 134 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. ISBELL, Marion William, pres. Isbell's Restaurants; b. Shelby County, Tenn., Aug. 12, 1905; s. Howard James and Mary Eddy (Mayfield) I.; grad. White Haven (Tenn.) High Sch.; m. Ingrid Lu- cida Helsing, Oct. 2, 1927; children — Marion William, Mary Elaine, Robert James. Began as dishwasher in Chicago restaurant, 1921; opened own business (operating soda fountain, luncheonette 903 and concession in drug stores, 1929; opened first Isbell's Restaurant, 1934; now pres. and dir. four Isbell Restau- rants in Chicago; owns and operates in connection with the restaurant bus. a 511-acre farm, Lake Geneva, Wis. Apptd. chief of instnl. user branch Nat. Office of Price Adminstrn, 1944; dist. dir. Chicago Met. Area of O.P.A. to May, 1945. Pres. Chicago Restaurant Assn. since 1943; Community comdr. Clark-Diversey Dist., Chicago, 1941-43; mem. 47th War Ration Bd. (chmn. 1942-43); chmn. restaurant industry sect, in 2 Am. Red Cross War Fund and 2 Community Fund cam- paigns; Chicago North Side chmn., 4th War Loan Drive. Gives a major portion of time to public, charitable and other civic activities of non-political nature. Baptist. Clubs: Lake View Lions (Chi- cago), Executives. Home: 1120 Albion Av. Office: 590 Diversey Av., Chicago, 111. MAGNUSON, Paul Budd, surgeon; b. St. Paul, Minn., June 14, 1884; s. Charles A. and Melinda (Graham) M.; M.D., U. of Pa., 1908; m. Alice L. Hasson, June 14, 1910; 1 son Paul B., Jr.; m. 2d, Laura Thompson, Sept. 26, 1931. Practiced in Chicago since 1908; formerly chief sur- geon C.&A. and Chicago Junction R.R.'s; First med. dir. Indsl. Comm. of 111.; at- tending surgeon Passavant Memorial Hosp.; sr. cons, surgeon, Wesley Mem- orial Hosp.; prof, surgery and chmn. dept. Bone and Joint surgery. North- western U. Med. Sch. Major, med corps, U. S. Army, 1917-18. Fellow Southern Surg. Assn., Am. Coll. of Surgeons; founder mem. Am. Bd. of Surgery; mem. Am. Bd. Orthopedic Surgery, Western Surg. Soc, Am. Assn. for Surgery of Trauma, Clin. Orthopedic Soc, Am. Assn. of Indsl. Surgeons, Am. Acad, of Ortho- pedic Surgeons, Nat. Research Council (mem. sub-corn, on Orthopedic Surgery), Chicago Surgical Soc, Chicago Ortho- pedic Soc, Inst, of Medicine of Chicago, A.M. A., 111. State and Chicago Med. Socs. Presbyterian. Mem. Racquet Club. Author: "Fractures," 1933, 4th ed., 1942; sect, on Ununited Fractures, Orthopedic Subjects, by direction Nat. Research Council. Home: Pond Gate Farm, Dun- dee, 111. Office: 700 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. MASON, James Stephen, surgeon; b. Gratiot, O.; s. Jacob William and Eliza- beth Ann (Smith) M.; M.D., Northwest- ern U., 1894; clin. studies, Eng. and Scotland, 1914; various clin. courses, N.Y., Boston, Chicago hosps.; m. Lena O. Warner, Feb. 16, 1897 (died 1939); children — James Bryant, Edward W„ Elizabeth, Robert S.; m. 2d, Eda Jacob- sen, June 5, 1941. Teacher pub. schs., Vermilion County, 111., 1887-91; prac- ticed medicine, Penfield, 111., 1894-1900, Rantoul, 111., 1900-06, Urbana, 111., since 1906; mem. staff Burham City Hosp. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. Am., 111. State and Champaign County Med. Socs. Independent. Democrat. Prot- estant. Home : 908 N. Broadway. Office: 129 W. Elm St., Urbana, 111. MUELLER, Milton (Mink), state rep.; b. Highland, 111.; s. Fred M. and Lena (Zolk) M.; grad. Highland High Sch., 1927; married. Began as dairy farmer; now pres. Square Deal Milk Producers Assn. Mem. 111. Ho. of Reps., 47th Dist., 3rd term. Republican. Mason (32° Shriner), K.P., Elk. Address: High- land., 111. OHLRICH, Fredrick, advertising and merchandising; b. Chicago, 111., 10 May 1903; s. Jens Eduard and Elsie Marie (Brodersen) O.; ed. James Russell Lowell Sch. and Carl Schurz (evening) High Sch., Chicago; student Central Coll. (evening course), 1926-27; m. Anna Marie Jacobsen, 26 June 1926; 1 dau., Joan Marie. Messenger, Continental Comml. Nat. Bank, 1917; became suc- cessively stenographer, Central Piano Co., bookkeeper and later salesman, Theo. A. Schmidt Lithograph Co., asst. paint prodn. mgr. E. I. du Pont de Nemours Co. (Chicago), art salesman, Berlet, Anderson & Marlin, advt. mgr. Frederick Herrschner Mail Order Co.; founded Merchandising Advertisers, advt. agency, 1933; sales coordinator Burdett Mfg. Co. Lutheran. Home: Gate 11, Lakewood, Crystal Lake, 111. Office: 173 W. Madison St., Chicago 2, 111. RAWLEIGH, William Thomas, mfr.; born on farm near Mineral Point, Wis., 3 Dec. 1870; s. Charles David and Sarah Malinda (Babcock) R.; ed. rural schs.; m. Minnie B. Trevillian, 16 Nov. 1890; children — Anna May (Mrs. Robert F. Koenig), Wilbur T. (dec), Lucile R. Smith; m. 2d, M. Marguerite Schneider, 14 Mar. 1923. Began as retailer of proprietary products, 1889, later mfr. and wholesaler; incorporated as W. T. Rawleigh Co., 1895; since pres. U.S. and Canadian Corps; editor Freeport Jour- nal-Standard, 1909; mayor of Freeport, 1909-11; mem. 111. Ho. of Rep., 1910-12; chmn. Freeport-Hughes Alliance, 1911; 904 presdl. elector, 1911; treas. Nat. Joint LaFollette-Wheeler Com., and del. to Cleveland (O.) Conf., 1924. Ind. Re- publican. Methodist. Mason. Odd Fel- low. Donor of statue, "Lincoln the Debater" to Stephenson County, 111., 1929. Address: Freeport, 111. REINHARDT, Emma, educator; b. Pittsfield, 111.; d. John and Amelia (Mart) Reinhardt; A.B., U. of 111., 1924, A.M., 1925, Ph.D. 1927; unmarried. With Eastern 111. State Teachers Coll., Charleston, 111., since 1927, as asst. prof., 1927-29, asso. prof., 1929-34, prof. edn. and head dept. since 1934. Mem. N.E.A. (life), 111. Edn. Assn. (2d v.p., 1946-47; exec, com., Eastern Div. 1932-35; sec. Eastern Div., 1935-38). Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Am. Assn. Univ. Prof., Nat. Soc. for Study of Edn., Am. Ednl. Re- search Assn., Am. Assn. Sch. Ad- minstrs., Nat. Soc. Coll. Teachers of Edn., Am. Edn. Fellowship Assn., Soc. for Advancement of Edn., 111. State Acad. Science, Dept. of Supervisors and Dirs. of Instrn., Assn. for Childhood Edn., Nat. Fedn. Press Women, 111. Woman's Press Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Gamma Mu, Kappa Delta Pi, Delta Kappa Gamma (state pres., 1938-40; nat. president, 1940-42), Pi Pi. Author: In- troduction to Education (with F. A. Beu), 1935; also numerous articles in ednl. mags. Home: Pittsfield, 111. ROETH, Albert Carl, steel mfg. exec; b. Ohio, 13 Sept. 1882; s. Carl Frederick and Catherine Louise (Wagner) R.; stu- dent Tri-State Normal Coll., Angola, Ind., 1901-03; m. Adelaide L. Utech, 6 Oct. 1906; children— Albert Carl, Jr., Louise Marguerite (Mrs. John Paul Jones), Harold Utech. Stenographic work, Chgo., 1903-06; engaged in gen. contracting business Chicago, 1906-08; Chicago rep. Corrugated Bar Co., 1909- 11; with Inland Steel Co., Chicago since 1911, beginning in sales dept., became vice-pres. in charge of plate and shape sales, 1923, and was made vice-pres. and gen. mgr. of sales of all products, 1937. Trustee Carthage (111.) Coll. Re- publican. Lutheran. Mason. Clubs: Athletic, Mid-Day (Chicago); Athletic (Milwaukee, Wis.); Westmoreland Coun- try (Wilmette, 111.) ; Ohio Society. Home: 3015 Normandy PI., Evanston, 111. Office: 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. WRIGHT, Theron, personnel officer; b. Erie, Pa., 2 Aug. 1905; s. Ross Pier and Mabel Eliza (Woodward) W.; B.S., Yale, 1928; M.B.A., Harvard, 1930; m. Edith Catherine Nixon, 19 May 1933; chil- dren — George Nixon, Jean Campbell. Factory training student to asst. per- sonnel mgr., Gen. Electric Co., Erie (Pa.) works, 1930-37; employment mgr., Talon, Inc., Erie, Pa., 1935-37; asst. per- sonnel officer, Chicago Title and Trust Co., 1937-43, personnel officer since 1944. Mem. appeals panel Chicago Labor Man- agement Com. Dir. Reed Mfg. Co., Erie, Pa.; treas. Indsl. Relations Assn. of Chi- cago. Mem. York Hall, Chi Phi. Re- publican. Conglist. Club: Union League (dir.) (Chicago). Home: 788 Lincoln Av., Winnetka, 111. Office: 69 W. Wash- ington St., Chicago, 111. WOODSON, William Thomas, lawyer; b. Flat Lick, Ky., 24 Dec. 1888; s. Wil- liam S. and Sarah (Campbell) W.; stu- dent Cumberland Coll., Williamsburg, Ky., 1907-10; A.B., Univ. of Ky., Lex- ington, 1914, LL.B., 1916; m. Mildred Flournoy, 5 June 1918. Admitted to 111. bar, 1919, and since in practice at Chicago; mem. legal staff Swift & Co., Chicago, 1919-25; with firm Rogers and Reed, 1925-35, now mem. Rogers and Woodson; specializes in the law of trade mark infringements, copyrights and un- fair competition. Served as 1st It. 74th Heavy Arty., U.S. Army, World War; overseas service. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns. Presby. Mason. Clubs: University, South Shore Country, Flossmoor Country. Home: 4940 East End Av. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. WOLFE, Edward, 1st asst. atty. gen. of 111.; b. La Plata, Mo., 9 Sept. 1895; s. Peter and Cora E. (Galloway) W.; LL.D., Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law, 1920, LL.M., 1925; m. Alberta Ruth Dunlap, 18 Mar. 1933. Served as chief clerk, engring. dept., Chicago & North West- ern Ry. Co., 1919; became atty. for Yellow Cab. Co., Chicago, and affiliated corporations; then with Barrett, Bar- rett, Costello & Barrett, Chicago; apptd. asst. atty. gen. for 111., Mar. 1941, 1st asst. atty. gen. since June 1941. En- listed as aviation cadet, Signal Corps, U.S. Army, 1917; with A.E.F., 1917-19, test pilot and instr., with rank 1st It. Mem. Chicago, 111. State and Am. bar assns., Chicago Law Inst., Am. Judica- ture Soc, Am. Legion. Mason (32°, Shriner). Republican. Conglist. Home: Oak Park, 111. Office: Supreme Court Bldg., Springfield, 111. WINTERBOTHAM, Joseph, indsl. engr.; b. Joliet, 111., 24 Feb. 1878; s. 905 Joseph and Genevieve Fellows (Bald- win) W.; grad. Yale, 1900; M.A. (hon.), U. of Vt., 1941; m. Eleanor Hall, 1902 (dec.); 1 dau., Louise (Mrs. George McKay Schieffelin) ; m. 2d, Harriot Lee, 11 Mar. 1929. Industrial exec, and engr., now retired from a large part of busi- ness activities; formerly served as pres. Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Co., Mitchell- LeWis (now Nash) Motor Co., Muller Export Co.; formerly vice-pres. Para- mount (now Bear Brand) Knitting Co.; Racine Rubber Co., formerly chmn. bd. Atlantic Terra Cotta Co.; dir. Bear Brand Knitting Co., J. H. Winterbotham & Sons, J. C. Pennoyer Co., Tenak Prod- ucts, Inc., Pennoyer Merchants Transfer Co., Muller Export Co., Nash Motor Co., Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Co., New Eng- land Indsl. Development Co., Vt. Soy Bean Assn., Inc. Chmn. Vt. Agrl. and Indsl. Products Commns. since 1939. Su- pervisor of art and consultant Fleming Museum, U. of Vt., 5 yrs.; governing mem. and mem. spl. com. Art Inst, of Chicago. Mem. exec. bd. regional (Bos- ton) Boy Scouts of America; state chmn. British Relief Soc; trustee Old Ladies Home, Burlington, Vt. Chmn. housing adminstrn., planning bd., post war plan- ning bd., Burlington, Vt. Chmn. State of Vt. Am. Mercantile Marine. Mem. exec. bd. Nat. Seaway Council, Wash- ington, D.C. Clubs: University, Tavern, Arts, Casino (Chicago); Century Assn. (N.Y. City). Home: Burlington, Vt. (summer); Roosevelt Hotel, New Or- leans, La. (winter). Office: 8 S. Dear- born St., Chicago, 111. WILLIEN, Leon John, gas engr.; b. Terre Haute, Ind. 22 Sept. 1885; s. Dr. Leon J. and Mary E. (Fleming) W.; B.S., Rose Poly. Inst., Terra Haute, Ind., 1906, M.S., 1908, Chem.E., 1910; m. Delia I. Hudmon, 20 Jan. 1915. Analytical chemist in lab. of Arthur D. Little, Bos- ton, Mass., 1906-07; chemist Springfield (Mass.) Gas Light Co., 1907-10; chief chemist and chem. engr. Charles H. Ten- ney •& Co., Boston, 1910-26; gas engr. Byllesby Engring. & Management Corp., Chicago, 1926-27; operating gas engr., 1927-36; chief gas engr. Pub. Utility Engring. & Service Corp., 1936-44; asso. dir. Inst. Gas Tech., 15 June 1944-1 May 45; acting dir. 1 May 1945-15 May 46; dir. research, San Diego Gas & Elec. Co., San Diego, Cal., since 15 June 1946; head consultant on manufactured gas, W.P.B. 1942-44; engring. consultant for Bureau of Mines, fuels and explosive sect, since 1943. Served as maj. Chem. Warfare Service, U.S. Army, 1918-19. Awarded Beal medal for most valuable tech. paper annual conv., 1928, and Charles A. Monroe award for most out- standing recent contbn. to advancement of gas industry, 1936, by Am. Gas Assn. Mem. Am. Gas Assn. (past com. chmn.), Wis. Utilities Assn., Western Soc. Engrs.; hon. life mem. Pacific Coast Gas Assn. Roman Catholic. Home: Barce- lona Apt. Hotel, 326 Juniper St., San Diego 1, Calif. Office: San Diego Gas & Elec. Co., San Diego, Calif. WINSLOW, Robert Napier, real es- tate exec; b. Fredericton, N.B., Can., 3 Sept. 1885; s. Edward Byron Winslow and Emma Barbara (Orr) W.; B.Sc, Univ. N.B., 1906; m. Eleanor Van Vlis- singen, 24 Apr. 1920; children — Rains- ford James, Robert Napier, Jr. (2d It. U.S. Army Air Corps) ; killed Aug. 1, 1944). Came to U.S., 1909, naturalized, 1914. Civil engr. Canadian Pacific R.R., Montreal, Can., 1906-08; gen. contractor, Ft. Smith, Ark., 1908-10; distbr. Hupp Motor Car Co., in Ark. and La., 1910-17, Milwaukee, Wis., 1917-23; with J. H. Van Vlissengen & Co., indsl. real estate, Chi- cago, since 1923, owner since 1938. Served as capt. and adj. Engrs. Corps, A.E.F., 1917-19. Mem. Nat. Assn. Real Estate Bds., Chicago Real Estate Bd., Chicago Assn. Commerce, Chicago Bd. of Underwriters, Soc. of Industrial Realtors. Episcopalian. Republican. Home: 2204 Forestview Rd., Evanston, 111. Office: Room 813, 120 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. RUBLOFF, Arthur, real estate; b. Duluth, Minn., 25 June 1902; s. Solomon W. and Mary Rubloff ; student pub. schs., Chisholm, Minn.; m. Josephine Sheehan, 20 Jan. 1934. Engaged in real estate business since 1919, operating under own name since 1930, representing many major corporations and influential own- ers of real estate in Chicago. Clubs: Standard, Economic, Oil Men's (Chi- cago). Home: 200 E. Chestnut St. Office: 100 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. ADAMS, Arthur Frank, elec. engr., corpn. exec; b. Aurorahville, Waushara Co., Wis., 3 Jan. 1881; s. Harrison Emil Adams, farmer, and Susan (Coville) A.; ed. Berlin, Wis., High Sch.; student elec. engring. through corr. course and in the field; m. Louetta M. Spalding of Madison, Wis., 10 Sept. 1908; children- Mrs. Ruth Kline (dec), Mrs. Marjorie Nelle Swanson; m. (2nd) Alice Clark, 9 Aug. 1942. Began career in tel. CO., Berlin, Wis., 1898; pres. Theodore Gary 906 & Co., Kan. City, Almera Elec. Co., Wilmington, Del., Whitewater Power & Mining Co. (Wilmington), Asso. Tel. & Teleg. Co., Pan-Am. Tel. & Teleg. Co. (both Wilmington), Compania Dominica Telefonos, Cuidad Trujillo, and other corpns.; chmn. Anglo-Can. Tel. Co., Mon- treal, Theodore Gary & Co., London, Eng., Automatic Elec. Co., Chicago, 111., Tel. Bond & Share Co., Wilmington, Del.; mem. gen. operating bd. in charge fed. operation of tel. and teleg. sys- tems, 13 Dec. 1918-31 July 1919 (apptd. by Postmaster Gen. Burleson) ; tr. Lib- erty Memorial Assn. (Kan. City). Clubs: Kansas City Country (Kan. City), Union League (New York), Chicago (Chicago), Army-Navy Country (Washington, D.C.), Junior Carlton, Royal Thames Yacht (London, Eng.). Presbyterian. Republican. Offices: Telephone Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.; Rm. 1800, 332 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111.; 1100 King St., Wilmington, Del. Home: 4450 Alton Rd., Miami Beach, Fla.; other res. Drake Towers, Chicago, 111.; St. Regis Hotel, New York, N. Y.; 70 Cheyne Walk, Chel- sea, London, Eng. EWALD, Henry Theodore, executive; b. Detroit, Mich., 20 Apr. 1885; s. Henry Charles Ewald and Theresa (Siefert) E.; ed. Central High Sch, 1932; LL.D. (hon.), Wayne Univ., 1941; m. Oleta Stiles of Detroit, Mich., 26 Jan. 1911; children — Shirley, E. Loud, Henry T., Jr. Affiliated with D. & C. Navigation Co., 1899-1908, Studebaker Corp. Am., E-M-P Automobile Co., 1908-17; sec, Campbell- Ewald Co., 1911-17, pres., 1917; chmn. bd., Campbell-Ewald Co., eastern div., Inc.; Mack-Gratiot Co., Hanson Chevro- let Co., (Former) Nat. Outdoor Advt. Bur., D. P. Brother & Co.; publicity chmn. all Liberty Loan and War Sav- ings Stamp drives during World War I; State Mich, publicity dir. Y.M.C.A. Bldg. drives, State of Mich., Safety Drives, Detroit Community Fund Drive, Open Heart Fund of Detroit, Inc.; reed, an- nual advt. award Gold Medal for long and distinguished career in advt., 1941; Univ. Missouri Medal for distinguished serv. on advt., 1942; dir., Wabeek State Bk. of Detroit, Salvation' Army, Traf- fic Audit Bureau Inc. of N.Y., Boys' Club of Detroit, Detroit Symphony Soc; mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs., Advt. Fed. Am., Am. Assn. Advt, Agencies, Moslem Temple (Palestine), Detroit Bd. Commerce. Clubs: Advt. of N.Y., D.A.C., Adcraft, Bankers of Am., Bloomfield Hills Country; Economic (Detroit), Country (Detroit), Detroit Boat, Detroit Rotary, Grosse Pointe, Re- cess, Lotus (N.Y.); Scarab, Grosse Pointe Yacht, Players, Old. Travel: Eur., So. Am., Bermuda, Nassau, U.S. Can. Interests: baseball, golf, reading. Recrea- tion: baseball. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 13th floor, General Motors Bldg., Detroit 2, Mich. Home: 1453 Iroquois Av., Detroit 14, Mich. MCDONNELL, William Henry, printer, publisher, editor; b. Chicago, 111., 26 Mar. 1890; s. Michael Henry and Anna Theresa (Menard) McD.; ed. pub. schs., Chicago; m. Lillian Elizabeth Mallaney, 28 Sept. 1910; children — Evelyn Marie, Roger William, Elaine Bernadette. Became journeyman printer, 1908; bought half interest in the Comml. Press. Chicago, 1913; changed name of firm to Foster & McDonnell, 1915; firm bought Engle- wood Economist, 1918, Merchants' Tele- gram, 1919, and merged all (1923) into the Southtown Economist, of which is editor and owner; dir. Chicago City Bank & Trust Co.; South Park commr., 1932-34; U.S. marshal, 1934-46. Served as pvt. 7th Regt., 111. N.G., 1907-09 in- clusive. Democrat. Mem. Knights of Columbus (4th deg.), Order of Alham- bra. Clubs: Englewood Kiwanis, South Shore Country. Home: 2512 E. 72d St. Office: 730 W. 65th St., Chicago, 111. FRANK, Milton Henry, vice-pres. Wis. Power & Light Co.; b. Niles, Mich., 23 July 1888; s. Bishop Quesnel Frank and Nancy Jane (White) F.; B.S., Purdue, 1912, E.E., 1915; m. Hazel Shadley, 29 Aug. 1917. Clerk N.Y.C. R.R. Co., Elk- hart, Ind., 1909-10; apprentice Ft. Wayne (Ind.) Electric Works, 1911; various engring, positions in Ind., 111., and Mich., 1912-18; local mgr. Eastern Wis. Elec- tric Co., Fond du Lac, 1918-22, div. mgr., 1922-30; asst. to v.p. Wis. Power & Light Co., Madison, 1930-33, Southern div. mgr., 1933-34, asst. to pres., 1935-36, vice-pres. since 1937; mem. Wisconsin Utilities Assn., Wisconsin Union (life), Nat. Municipal League, Y.M.C.A., Pur- due Alumni Assn., Acacia, Iron Key, Tau Beta Pi. Conglist. Republican. Mason. Clubs: Rotary, Maple Bluff, Madison, Technical. Home: 302 Walnut St. Office: 122 W. Washington Av., Madison, Wis. STACY, George Herbert, physician; b. Jacksonville, 111., 4 Nov. 1879; s. James David II and Mary Catherine (Palmer) S.; student 111. Coll., 1897-98; M.D., Northwestern U., 1908; m. Anna Victoria Ridgway, 9 Oct. 1912; children— Mar- 907 garet Anne, Emily Jane. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1908; patholo- gist Jacksonville (111.) State Hosp., 1908- 09; specialist social hygiene and derma- tology since 1920. Commr. social hygiene, City of Peoria, 1920-33. Served as It., later capt., Med. Corps, U.S. Army, 1918-20. Founder Order of the Green Star for Safer Automobile Driving, 1927. Author: Red Circle Fire Prevention Pro- gram, 1930. Originator: Speedometer Signal Dot Safe Driving Reminder, 1946. Mem. A.M.A., 111. State and Peoria Med. Socs., Am. Legion, Phi Beta Pi, Alpha Omega Alpha. Presbyn. Republican. Mason. Home: 508 N. Douglas St. Office: 429 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., Peoria 2, 111. SUNDINE, August, pub.; b. Moline, 111., 11 Feb. 1882; s. Carl and Ida Augusta Sundine; Ph.G., Northwestern XL, 1906; m. Florence A. Rogers, 18 Nov. 1916; children — Jeanne L., John R., Josephine A. Retail druggist, 1906-24; engaged in pub. business since 1924; pres. Moline Dispatch Pub. Co. since 1942. Mem. Moline Assn. Commerce. Lutheran. Re- publican. Mason (32°), Elk. Clubs: Short Hills Country (East Moline, 111.) ; Rock Island Arsenal Golf (Rock Island, 111.) ; Northwestern Univ. Alumni Assn. (Evanston, 111.); Rotary (Moline). Home: 1330 30th St. Office: 1720 5th Av., Moline, 111. WAGGONER, Madeline Sadler, teacher, writer; b. Elgin, 111., 21 Jan. 1894; d. Walter Lincoln and Eleanor (Walter) Sadler; B.S., Northwestern U., 1915; student Ind. Univ. 1918; m. Ernest C. Waggoner, 21 June 1917; children — Robert Ernest, James Norman. Teacher of English, Reddick (111.) High Sch., 1915-16, Glen Ellyn (111.) High Sch., 1916-17; substitute teacher, Elgin (111.) High Sch., 1920-23, 1937-44. Mem. Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Alpha Chi Omega. Conglist. Republican. Clubs: North- western University Alumni, Pan-Hel- lenic, Faculty Wives (Elgin, 111.). Author: Yellow Lamplight, 1944. Re- cipient Thomas Y. Crowell book award, Midwestern Writers Conf., 1944. Home: 140 S. Porter St., Elgin, 111. WALKER, Claude A., editor and pub- lisher; b. Chicago, 111., 24 Aug. 1905; s. W. F. and Stella (Schultz) Walkowiak; LL.B., Loyola U., Chicago, 1928; m. Lil- lian Przybylski, 3 July 1929; children — Claude, Richard, Michael. Engaged in work as editor, 1930; later became part- ner in insurance and real estate busi- ness; editor and publisher since 1930; sec.-treas. and mgr., Forest Pub. Co.; sec.-treas. Forest Pubis., Inc., Cook County Suburban Pubs., Inc. Mem. Sigma Delta Chi. Roman Catholic. Re- publican. Clubs: Kiwanis, Forest Min- utemen (Forest Park) ; Illinois Athletic. Home: 145 Elgin Av. Office: 7233 Madi- son St., Forest Park, 111. WARD, William Bullock, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 16 Aug. 1871; s. William Henry and Cynthia Ann (Bullock) W.; grad. Hyde Park High Sch., Chicago, 1890; A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1894; LL.B., Chicago-Kent Coll. Law, 1898; m. Lillian V. Sampson, 29 Apr. 1903 (died 2 May 1931); m. 2d, Margaret Frederica Heu- man, 30 Jan. 1937 (died 23 July, 1941). Admitted to 111. bar, 1899, and began practice at Chicago; general counsel Western Life Indemnity Company, 1902- 05; attorney for Village of Winnetka, 111., 1906-07; in general practice at Chi- cago since 1899. Served as ordinary sea- man, U.S. Navy, Spanish- Am. War; supervisor Am. Protective League, 1917- 18. Mem. American, 111. State and Chi- cago bar assns., Chicago Law Inst., United Spanish War Vets., Alpha Delta Phi. Republican. Home: 1640 W. 106th St. Office: 77 W. Washington St., Chi- cago, 111. WEBB, Joseph Lewis, dermatologist; b. Beatrice, Neb., 25 Jan. 1884; Joseph Luther (M.D.) and Kate Louise (Shep- ard) W.; student Highland Park Coll., Des Moines, la., 1901-02; Cotner U. Med. Dept., 1902-04; M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., Chicago, 1906; m. Iva Mae Gamble, 16 Aug. 1905; children — Joseph Lewis, George Harold, Edna Katherine. Began practice at Beatrice, 1906; prof, pathol- ogy, Lincoln Med. Coll., 1908-11; U.S. pension examiner, 1911-14; practiced since 1919 in Chicago; lecturer and chief of dept. skin and syphilis, Chicago Poly- clinic, 1922-34; clin. instr. in derma- tology, Northwestern U. Med. Sch., 1926- 29; clin. instr. in dermatology and syphilology, Loyola U. Sch. Med. since 1929; prof, dermatology 111. College Chiropody since 1936; prof, dermatology Henrotin Hosp. School of Nursing since 1932, St. Elizabeth Hospital School of Nursing since 1929. Mem. Am. Acad. Dermatology and Syphilology, Am. Med. Assn., 111. State and Chicago Med. Socs. Home: 4109 N. Spalding Av. Office: 3637 Irving Park Rd., Chicago, 111. YEATTER, Ralph Emerson, game spe- cialist; b. Colon, Mich., 29 Sept. 1896; 908 s. Sidney E. Yeatter, farmer, and Kath- erine (Dean) Y.; ed. Colon (Mich.) High Sch.; B.S., Mich. State Coll., 1921; M.E., Univ. Mich., 1928, Ph.D., 1934; m. Grace McComb, of Adrian, Mich., 25 Aug. 1928; 1 dau., Elizabeth Jane. Farmed in Mich., 1921-24; science teacher, Southwestern High Sch., Detroit, Mich., 1926-29; indsl. fellow, Univ. Mich., Sch. Forestry and Conservation, 1929-33; with 111. Natural Hist. Survey, 1934; seaman, U.S.N.R.F., during World War I; mem. Am. Soc. Zoologists, Ecological Soc, Wildlife Soc, Sigma Xi, Alpha Zeta. Contbr. mono- graphs and articles on wildlife. Prot- estant. Independent. Office: Illinois Natural Resources Bldg., Urbana, 111. Home: 1014 W. Daniel St., Champaign, 111. Van der VRIES, Bernice Taber, state legislator; b. Holton, Kan., 14 Feb. 1890; s. Otis G. Taber, agriculturist, and Ella May (Thomas) T.; ed. Holton (Kan.) High Sch.; Univ. Kan.; m. John Nicholas Van der Vries of Lawrence, Kan., 8 June 1910 (dec); 1 son, John Nicholas. Chmn. 111. Commn. on Inter- Governmental Coop., established by Gen. Assembly to work with similar commns. in other states; on Winnetka Village Council two terms, 1931-35; Ho. of Rep., Gen. Assembly of 111., elected 1934, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44; mem. F.A.R., Phi Beta Phi. Clubs: Winnetka Woman's, Woman's City, Business and Profl. Woman's Club of Evanston, New Trier Woman's Rep., Nat. Woman's Rep. (Chicago), Zonta (chmn. women's div., 111. War Council). Author: newspaper arts, on legal sub- jects. Travel: motored in 40 states in U.S., G.g. g.f., Basil Clark, who fought in Revolution in Pa., came to 111. in 1820 and settled near Springfield. In- terests: collecting early Am. glass, arts, crafts, gardening. Recreation: motor- ing. Episcopalian. Republican. Ad- dress: 439 Maple Av., Winnetka, 111. THOMPSON, Dr. Joseph John, scien- tist; b. Newark, N.J., 17 May 1904; s. George Henry Thompson, metallurgist, and Marcella Visgard; ed. St. Benedict's Prep. Sch., Newark, N.J.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1927, M.S., 1928, Ph.D., 1931; LL.B., LaSalle Ext. Univ., 1940; m. Ger- trude D. Flowerday of Ann Arbor, Mich., 22 Dec. 1925; 1 son, George Richard. Asst. teacher, Univ. Mich., 1927-31; in charge analytical research, A. O. Smith Corp., Milwaukee, Wis., 1931-33; instr., Milwaukee Ext. Univ. 1933-34; dir. prodn. research, W. K. Kellogg Co., Battle Creek, Mich., 1934- ; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Soc. of Metals; Feliow Inst, of Chem.; mem. Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Am. Bar Assn., Michi- gan Bar Assn. Author: The Macro & Micro-determination of Halogens & Metals in Organic Compounds; Deter- minations of Perchlorates, Mercury, Lead, and Manganese by Means of Periodate; Lead Periodate. Interests: painting, automatic controls, human relationships in indus. (sociol. and psychol.). Recreations: swimming, box- ing, track, ju jitsu. Office: Room 4A, Post Bldg., Battle Creek, Mich. Home: 1400 Traver St., Ann Arbor, Mich. PRESTON, Frederick Augustus, chmn. P. & M. Co.; b. Evansville, Ind., 10 Mar. 1884; s. Frederick A. Preston and Char- line Isabelle (Willard ) P.; student An- dover Acad. Yale Univ., 1906; m. Mar- garet Atwater, 7 Feb. 1911; children — Frederick Willard, Charles Drury, Henry Atwater. With P. & M. Co. since Dec. 1906, becoming chmn. in 1943; chmn. Maintenance Equipment Co. since 1943; pres. P. & M. Co., Canada, Ltd. since 1932; vice-pres. Poor & Co. since 1928; dir. 111. Bell Telephone Co., Poor & Co., Kensington Steel Co., P. & M. Co., Pyle- National Co., Maintenance Equipment Co., P. & M. Co. (Canada), Ltd., Chi- cago Railway Equipment Co., Eversharp, Inc. During World War I, served as major in Air Service, A.E.F. Formerly pres. Park Bd., Lake Forest, 111.; trus- tee The Chicago Zoological Soc; civilian chief, Chicago Ordnance Dist., 1936-42; chmn. advisory bd., Chicago Ordnance Dist. since 1942; campaign chmn. Com- munity Fund of Chicago, Inc., 1934. Mem. Assn. of Commerce of Chicago, Chicago Plan Commn., Art Inst, of Chi- cago, Newcomen Soc. (Am. branch). Clubs: Commercial of Chicago (pres., 1935), Chicago, Old Elm, Western Rail- way, Onwentsia, Shoreacres, Yale, Ca- sino, Coleman Lake. Home: 1200 N. Green Bay Rd., Lake Forest, 111. Office: 80 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. WEIR, Benjamin, publisher; b. Chat- tanooga, Tenn., 18 Sept. 1880; s. John and Ellen (Hatfield) W.; student pub. schs., Newton, 111.; m. Lotta Johnson, 17 Oct. 1906; children — Frances. Hale (Mrs. James C. Shuford, Jr.), Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Kane Zelle). Clerical worker, 1899-1903; mgr. br. office Chat- tanooga Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1903-06, asst. sec, Chattanooga, Tenn., 1906-19; owner and publisher Daily Courier since 1919. Served with 4th 111. Vol. Inf., Spanish-Am. War, 1898-99. 909 Trustee 111. Wesleyan U. Methodist. Democrat. Mason (32°). Clubs: Rotary, Country (Charleston). Home: 855 Sixth St. Office: 307 Sixth St., Charleston, 111. WEISFELD, Israel Harold, rabbi; b. Poland, 1 Nov. 1906; s. Judah and Sarah (Greenblum) W.; brought to Toronto, Ontario, Can., 1908; B.A., U. of Miami, 1929; Rabbi, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theol. Sem., N.Y. City, 1928; Ph.D., U. of Chicago, 1943; m. Lillian Rosen, 30 June 1929; children— Hillel Daniel, Naomi Ruth. Came to U.S., 1922, naturalized, 1928. Ordained rabbi in Jewish Ch. 1928; rabbi in Miami, Fla., 1928-30, Agu- dath Achim North Shore Congregation, Chicago, 1931-38; rabbi West Suburban Jewish Center, Oak Park, 111., 1938.; rabbi Shearith Israel Congregation, Dallas, Texas, since Dec, 1944. Pres. Jewish Community Council of Garfield Park, Austin and Oak Park, 111.; gov. Chicago Talmudical Acad.; trustee Hebrew Theol. Coll., Chicago; dir. Jewish Nat. Fund of Chicago, Hebrew Immigrant and Aid Soc; treas. Chicago Rabbinical Assn. Mem. Oak Park and River Forest Ministerial Assn., Zionist Organization of Am. Histadrut Ivrit, Internat. Mark Twain Soc. (hon.), Eugene Field Soc. (hon.). Club: Covenant (Chicago). Author: My Son, 1941. Editor: The Message of Israel, 1936. Home: 1901 Park Row, Dallas, Texas. WENDT, Robert Henry, patent lawyer; b. Preston, la., 20 Apr. 1896; s. Otto and Caroline (Bade) W.; B.S. in E.E. with distinction, George Washington U., Washington, D.C., 1923, LL.B., 1926; m. Orpha Neill, 26 June 1926; 1 son, Robert Neill. Asst. patent examiner U.S. Pat- ent Office, Washington, D.C., 1923-26; admitted to 111. bar, 1926; mem. law firm Williams, Bradbury, McCaleb & Hinkle, Chicago, 1926-40; McCaleb, Wendt & Miller, 1940-41; McCaleb, Wendt & Dick- inson, 1941-45; private practice patent law since 1945. Served as civilian clerk, A.S., A.E.F., 1917-19. Associate mem. Inst. Radio Engrs.; mem. Chicago Physics Soc, Am. Soc. for Metals, Am. Bar Assn., 111. Bar Assn., Chicago Bar Assn., Chicago Patent Law Assn., Delta Theta Phi, Acacia, Sigma Tau. Repub- lican. Mason. Club: Wonder Lake Yacht (Ringwood, 111.), Lake Shore, Kiwanis. Home: 624 Garrett PI., Evanston, 111. Office: Tower Bldg., 6 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. WEST, Lawrence J., lawyer; b. New York, N.Y., 9 July 1900; s. Tobias and Fannie (Tenzer) W.; LL.B., Chicago- Kent Coll. of Law, 1926; J.D., John Marshall Law Sen., Chicago, 1928; studied at Northwestern U.; m. Flor- ence Fisher, 20 Aug. 1928; children — Stanton S., Alan R. Admitted to 111. bar, 1926, and since practiced in Chi- cago; mem. firm Brown & West since 1940; dir. Exchange Nat. Bank of Chi- cago, H. C. Knoke & Co., H. C. Knoke Co. of Washington. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns. Dir. Robert Irwin Block Foundation, Morris B. Sachs Charitable Foundation. Hon. mem. West- ward-Ho Golf Club, Melrose Park, 111. Home: 946 E. 48th St. Office: 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. BARTH, Oris, lawyer; b. Chrisman, 111., 7 Nov. 1886; s. Henry and Arabella (Dalrymple) B.; LL.B., U. of 111., 1909; m. Mayne Grimm, 25 Dec. 1911; 1 son, John Henry. Admitted to 111. bar, 1909; mem. law firm of Henry I. Green; asst. atty. gen., 1910-12. Mem. 111. State and Champaign County bar assns., Order of the Coif, Theta Kappa Nu. Baptist. Re- publican. Mason, K.P. Home: 603 S. Race St. Office: Henry I. Green Law Offices, Flat Iron Bldg., Urbana, 111. HANKE, Oscar August, editor; b. Waterloo, Wis., 1 Mar. 1902; s. Charles Frederick and Bertha Johanna (Schulz) H.; B.S. A., Coll. of Agr., Univ. of Wis- consin, 1926; m. Gertrude Luella Menz, 21 Dec. 1923; children — Robert Warren, Harold Wayne. Asso. editor Poultry Tribune, 1926-28, editor, 1928-43; edi- torial dir. Poultry Tribune, Hatchery Tribune, Turkey World, Better Farming Methods, 1943; vice-pres. Watt Pub. Co., Mt. Morris, 111.; pres. Mt. Morris Com- munity High Sch. Bd. of Edn.; sec Mt. Morris Recreation Bd. ; treas. Blackhawk Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, Rockford, 111.; pres. bd. trustees Carth- age Coll., Carthage, 111. Mem. Am. Council of Pub. Relations, Poultry Science Assn., Am.' Soc. of Agrl. Engrs., Am. Agr. Editor's Assn., Am. Assn. Agr. Coll. Editors, Alpha Zeta, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Delta Chi. United Lutheran. Contbr. of articles to various pubis. Home: 422 S. McKendrie Av. Office: Sandstone Bldg., Mount Morris, 111. McCURDY, John Weldon, pres. Tim- berland Factor; b. Chippewa Falls, Wis., 13 June 1887; s. John and Elizabeth (Anderson) McC; student pub. schs. of Chippewa Falls, Wis.; m. Helen Casey, 2 June 1923 (dec, 1939); children— 910 Helen Jacqueline, John Casey. Pres. Timberland Factor, Chicago, since 1906, James D. Lacey Co. since 1935, Lacey Securities Corp. since 1932, James D. Lacey Timber Co. since 1939. Repub- lican. Clubs: Exmoor Country, Athletic (Chicago); Bohemian (San Francisco). Home: 942 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. McDERMOTT, William Fee, clergy- man, writer; b. Winfield, Kan., 11 Sept. 1888; s. James and Tirzah Ann (Hen- derson) McD.; A.B., Southwestern Coll., Winfield, 1909; grad. McCormick Theol. Sem., Chicago, 1915; grad. student U. of Chicago, 1916-17; m. Muriel Winifred Nevills, 5 June 1917; children — Naomi Jean, Ruth Winifred, Kenneth Blaine, William James, Robert Wayne. Mem. editorial staff Winfield Courier and Free Press, 1909-10, Kansas City (Mo.) Star, 1911-12; ordained ministry Presbyn. Ch., 1915; pastor Chicago and Woodstock, 111., and spl. writer, Chicago Daily News, 1915-17; Presbyn. civilian chaplain, Camp Logan, Houston, Tex., 1918; with Chi- cago Daily News, 1919-20; publicity work for Internat. Harvester Co., 1921- 22; asso. publicity dir. World Service Commn., M.E. Ch., 1922-28; with Chi- cago Daily News, 1928-44; now magazine writer, contbg. to Reader's Digest, Col- liers' and other pubis. Republican. Co- author: World Service of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1922. Home: 212 N. Scoville Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 189 Madison St., Chicago, 111. MOLTHOP, Duane Truman, president of Vierling Steel Works; b. Concordia, Kan., 15 May 1895; s. William Richard and Julia (Bowen) M.; student pub. sens., Chicago; m. Natalie Wilson, 10 Sept. 1919; children — Richard Wilson, Peter Duane, William Wilson. Started office asst. Vierling Steel Works, Chi- cago, 1910, successively timekeeper, salesman, asst. sec, pres. and treas. since 1928. Mem. Art Inst. Episco- palian. Republican. Clubs: Chicago, Union League (Chicago) ; La Grange Country. Home: 411 S. La Grange Rd., La Grange, 111. Office: 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. HANCOCK, Walter Scott, lawyer; b. Franklin Co., Va., 19 Nov. 1869; s. Col. Abram Booth Hancock, planter, and Martha Elizabeth (Walker) H.; ed. Dan- ville (Va.) High Sen.; Va. Mil. Inst.; Hampden Sydney Coll.; B.L., Univ. Va.; m. Anna Spencer of St. Louis, Mo., 21 Nov. 1899; children— Walker K., Anne Spencer (Mrs. Alfred R. Watt), Laura Marshall (Mrs. John Gardiner Flint), Elizabeth D., Deane Spencer (Mrs. Ed- ward C. Rogers). Elected Asst. Circuit atty., St. Louis, 1900-04; served as adjt., 2nd Bn. 6th Mo. Reg't Vols., Spanish War; chmn. Mil. Training Camps Assn. at St. Louis in World War I; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Mo. Bar Assn., St. Louis Bar Assn., Sons of Confed. Vets, (comdr.-in- chief), C. of C, Coun. Civic Needs, Am. Revolution, S.A.R. Club: Civitan. Pres- byterian (elder). Democrat. Independ- ent. Home: 4332 McPherson Av. Office: 1202-705 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. HARRAH, William Ferguson, mfr.; b. Brookfield, Mo., 12 Nov. 1871; s. Rev. Charles Clark Harrah and Sarah (Fer- guson) H.; ed. High Sens., Galva and Peoria, 111., Brown's Bus. Coll., Peoria; Grinnell (la.) Coll., 1890-91; m. 'Marie E. Even of Peoria, 19 Feb. 1894; 1 son, Charles Clayton. Export mgr. Rouse Hazard and Co., bicycle mfrs., Peoria, 111., 1892-97; v.-p. and mgr., Harrah & Stewart Mfg. Co., mfrs. bicycles and woodenware, Des Moines, la., 1897-1905; sec. Nat. Wire Cloth Co., Niles, Mich., 1905-11; treas. Nat. Cable and Mfg. Co., Niles, 1907-13; v.-p. and mgr. Niles div., Am. Wire Fabrics Co., 1911-22; pres. chmn. bd. Nat. Standard Co., Niles, 1913-34, Nat. Discount Corpn., South Bend, Ind.; pres. Community Finance Co., Nat. Standard Co. of Can.; dir. Nat. Standard Co. of England.; mem. City Council of Niles, 6 yrs.; mem. Mich. State War Bd., during World War I; mem. Masons, Elks. Clubs: Rotary, Or- chard Hills Country (Niles), Union League (Chicago); Bankers of America (New York) ; Knife and Fork, Chain of Lakes Country (South Bend). Pres- byterian. Republican. Address: Ber- rien Crest Farm, Niles, Mich. NACEY, Harry Manning, mfr., con- tractor; b. Chicago, 111., 20 Dec. 1883; s. Patrick and Maria (Manning) N.; ed. De La Salle Inst., Chicago Manual Training Sch. and New York (N.Y.) Training Sch.; m. Ellen T. Smyth, 3 Feb. 1912; children — Harry Manning, John Smyth. With P. Nacey Co., mfrs. and installers of automatic sprinklers, fire alarm and heating devices, also auto- matic sprinkler, fire alarm, and heating, ventilating and general piping contrac- tors, Chicago, since 1905, president and general manager since 1915; chmn. bd. Elevator Mfg. Co. of America. Clubs: Racquet, Saddle and Cycle, Lake Zurich 911 Golf. Home: 1242 Lake Shore Dr. Office: 927 S. State St., Chicago, 111. NAHSER, Frank C, advertising; b. Chicago, 111. 11 May 1911; s. Frank and Clara (Gallrein) N.; Ph.B., U. of Chi- cago, 1934; m. Audrey S. Kanaley, 7 Sept. 1936; children — Audrey Louise, Frank Byron. Engraving salesman, Globe Engraving & Electrotype Co., 1935-37; advertising, Fred H. Ebersold, Inc., 1937-39; pres. and treas. Frank C. Nahser, Inc., advt. agency, since 1939. Mem. Alpha Delta Phi, Owl and Serpent, "C" Club. Lutheran. Home: 247 Chest- nut St., Winnetka, 111. Office: 919 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. NIEHOFF, Conrad E., pres. and gen. mgr. C. E. Niehoff & Co.; b. Horicon, Wis., 23 Apr. 1892; s. Henry N.; ed. grammar sch. and high sch., Horicon, until 1910; m. Marcella Letts, 20 Aug. 1920; 1 dau., Mary Anne. Sec. and treas. Paul G. Niehoff & Co., Chicago, 1912-22; pres. C. E. Niehoff & Co., mfrs. automotive products since 1923. Past pres., dir. Alexian Brothers Hosp. Foun- dation; dir. Cosmopolitan Nat. Bank. Mem. 111. Mfrs. Assn., Nat. Assn. Mfrs., Chicago Assn. of Commerce. Internat. Trade Com., NSPA. Republican. Mem. Peoples Church. Clubs: Chicago Dear- born, Boosters' (Chicago), Tam-O'-Shan- ter, Lake Shore. Home: 3712 Keeler Av. Office: 4925 Lawrence Av., Chi- cago; (summer home) Williams Bay, Lake Geneva, Wis. BERGLUND, Emma Amanda, painter; b. Stockholm, Sweden, 22 Jan. 1879; d. Sven-Gustave Berglund and Christina Lindquist B.; brought to U.S., 1880; ed. Oak St., Franklin Sch. and private schs.; m. Axel Berglund, 22 June 1901; 1 son, LeRoy Roger. Painter in oils and teacher of ceramics. Held exhibits at Art Insti- tute, Chicago, 111., and elsewhere. Awarded numerous prizes. Mem. Am. Fedn. of Arts, Washington, D.C., Munic- ipal Art League, Swedish Am. Art Assn., Chicago, 111., North Shore Art League, Winnetka, 111. Home: 9851 Keeler Av., Skokie, 111. BLAIR, Sam C, circuit judge; b. Springfield, Mo., 11 Sept. 1904; s. Jas. T. Blair, lawyer, and Grace E. (Ray) B.; ed. Jefferson City High Sch.; Mo. Val- ley Coll., Marshall, Mo.; LL.B., Cum- berland Univ., Lebanon, Tenn. Asst. U.S. atty., Western Dist. of Mo., 1934- 39; city counsellor, Kansas City, Mo., 1939; judge, 14th Judicial Circuit of Mo., 1939; mem. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Mo. Bar Assn. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: Court House, Jefferson City, Mo. Home: 915 Fairmont Blvd., Jefferson City, Mo. BOESEL, Marion Waterman, profes- sor; b. Columbus, O., 25 Mar. 1901; s. Oliver H. Boesel, mfr., and Anna M. (Waterman) B.; ed. high sch., New Bre- men; A.B., 1925, (Ohio State Univ., Cor- nell Univ.); A.M., 1929, Ph.D., 1939; m. Antoinette Press of Oxford, 15 June 1933; 1 son, Carl Press. Asst. in zoology and entomology, Ohio State Univ., 1925- 28; asst. entomol., 111. State Natural Hist. Survey Div., 1938-39; asst. prof, zoology, Miami Univ., 1928; asst. prof, entomol., Franz Theodore Stone Lab., summer 1940; fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Ohio Acad. Science, Entomol. Soc. of Am., Am. Ornithologists' Union, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma, Gamma Alpha, Gamma Sigma Delta. Author: papers on fossil Chironomidae, insect food of fishes of Lake Erie and Buckeye Lake, Chironominae of Put- in-Bay area, Lake Erie bottom organ- isms. Protestant. Address: Dept. of Zoology, Miami University, Oxford, O. Home: R.R. 2, Oxford, O. Summer res.: Franz Theodore Stone Lab., Put-in- Bay, O. BRILL, Josiah E., lawyer; b. Botosani, Rumania, 14 Dec. 1885; s. Moses Brill and Gazella (Gruenberg) B.; ed. South High Sch., Minneapolis, Minn.; LL.B., Univ. Minn., 1910, LL.M., 1911; m. Mary Sapero of Chisholm, 30 June 1912; chil- dren — A. Lionel, Constance, Betty, Jo- siah E. Jr., Barbara. Practicing law, 1911; pres., Emanuel Cohen Center, Min- neapolis; chmn., Twin City Army and Navy Com., mem. exec. com. of Nat. Jewish Welfare Bd.; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Minn. State Bar Assn., Hennepin Co. Bar Assn. Travel: U.S. Interests: photography, gardening, social welfare. Recreation: golf. Jewish. Independent. Office: 500 Builders Exchange Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 4827 Queen Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. NORTHCUTT, Robert Lee, lawyer; b. Beardstown, 111., 28 Aug. 1892; s. Ben- jamin Franklin and Berdie Berniece (Epler) N.; LL.D., Lincoln Coll. of Law, 1926; m. Marie Ellrich, 3 Nov. 1913; children — Robert Myron, Shirley Marie (Mrs. Carl D. Gross). Machinist and railroad foreman, 1911-22; operated gen. stores, 1919-28; admitted to 111. bar, 1926, and lawyer in Beardstown, 111., since then; master in chancery, Cass Co., 111., 1935-45; asst. atty. gen. State 912 of 111., 1933-40; dir. and atty. First State Bank of Beardstown. Pres. bd. of edn., Beardstown schools, since 1928; pres., trustee and mem. Schmitt Memorial Hosp., Beardstown, since 1931. Conglist. Mason, B.P.O.E. Home: 812 State St. Office: 307 State St., Beardstown, 111. OLSON, Roy Howard, lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 16 Jan. 1896; s. Andrew and Augusta Matilda (Johnson) O.; student Northwestern U., 1915-16; B.S. in Elec. Engring., Coll. of Engring., U. of Minn., 1923; LL.B., Kent Coll. of Law, Chicago, and Minn. Coll. of Law, Minneapolis, 1927; m. Muriel Sommermeyer, 29 Aug. 1927; children — Dean MacBride, Gwen- dolyn Muriel. Specializing in patent matters since 1923; with firm of Brad- bury and Caswell (now Caswell and Lagaard), Minneapolis, Minn, 1923-25; with patent dept. Western Electric Co., Chicago, 1925-28; with law firm Cheever and Cox (now Moore, Olson and Trexler) since 1928, partner in firm since 1933. Served with II Army Corps, A.E.F., dur- ing World War I; in France, 1917-19. Mem. Am. and Chicago bar assns., Am. and Chicago Patent Law Assns., Acacia, Theta Tau, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Alpha Delta. Mem. Highland Park Presbyn. Ch. Republican. Mason. Clubs : Union League, Chicago Yacht (Chi- cago) ; Exmoor Country (Highland Park, 111.) ; Great Lakes Cruising. Home: 2731 S. Deere Park Dr., Highland Park, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. OXNAM, William Clarence, insurance; b. Mineral Point, Wis.; s. William B. and Eliza (Tink) O.; ed. grammar schs. and Englewood High Sch., Chicago; m. Jane Swiney, 10 Aug. 1910; 1 dau., Ruth Virginia. With Montgomery & Funk- houser, ins.; in 1911 formed partner- ship with George W. Montgomery, as George W. Montgomery & Co. and owned and operated the bus. after death of partner, 1912-20; mem. firm Oxnam, Goodman & Hall, 1920-37; Oxnam, Good- man & Co. since 1937. Mem. Chicago Bd. Underwriters. Methodist. Republi- can. Mason (32°, K.T., Shriner). Clubs: Union League, Beverly Country, Frater- nity. Home: 458 Normal Parkway. Office: 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. PARKER, Howard Stuart, lawyer; b. Effingham, 111., 21 Dec. 1903; s. Harry S. and Mary Stuart (Rice) P.; LL.B., Lincoln Coll. of Law, Springfield, 111., 1935; m. Grace Edwards, 28 Nov. 1928; children— Sally, James S. I.C. R.R. fire- man, 1924-27; salesman, Universal Port- land Cement Co., 1928-30, Shell Petro- leum Co., 1930-31, The Texas Co., 1931- 32; admitted to 111. bar, 1935; since prac- ticing in Effingham, 111., now mem. firm Parker, Bauer & Parker. Mem. Effing- ham County Bar Assn. Presbyterian. Republican. B.P.O.E., Masons (Danville Consistory). Home: 917 Park Av. Of- fice: 128^ W. Jefferson St., Effingham, 111. PERRINE, Goerge Robert, lawyer; b. Hinckley, 111. 19 Aug. 1907; s. Harvey H. and Lottie (Evans) P.; student North Central Coll., Naperville, 111., 1926-27; student U. of Chicago, 1927-28; B.A., U. of Southern, Calif., 1930; J.D., U. of Wis., 1933; m. Viola Tomhave, 19 Apr. 1936. Admitted to 111. bar, 1933; en- gaged in practice of law since 1933, mem. law firm Little, Perrine & Wilson; pres. Hinckley State Bank; dir. Aurora Nat. Bank. Pres. Aurora Pub. Health Assn. Mem. Aurora C. of C, Phi Sigma Kappa, Phi Delta Phi. Presbyterian. Republican (mem. state central com. 11th Congressional Dist., chmn. finance com.). Elk. Club: Legal University of Wisconsin (Madison, Wis.). Home: 150 Le Grande Blvd. Office: Little, Perrine & Wilson, Graham Bldg., Aurora, 111. REILY, Solon Llewellyn, architect; b. Fremont, Wis., 11 July 1881; B.S., Ar- mour Inst. Tech., 1905; married. Archi- tectural draftsman, 1905-16, architect and structural engr. in Chicago, since 1916. Home: 707 Bluff St., Glencoe, 111. Office: 300 W. Adams St., Chicago 6, 111. ROGERS, Thomas Wesley, exec. v.p. American Finance Conf.; b. Fayette- ville, Tenn., 30 Sept. 1900; s. John An- derson and Lou Emma (Davis) R.; A.B. cum laude, Birmingham-Southern Coll., 1927; A.M., U. of Chicago, 1928; student Indiana U. Law Sch., 1929-31; m. Rena Cruce, 17 July 1929; children — Nancy Lou, Rena Carolyn. Began as cost clerk, Birmingham, Ala., 1918; elk., foreman, supt, and asst. to v.p., Stockham Pipe Fittings Co., Birmingham, Ala., 1918-27; student and research fellow, U. of Chi- cago, 1927-28; asst. prof. Sch. of Com- merce, Drake U., Des Moines, la., 1928- 29; faculty mem. Sch. of Business, Ind. U., 1929-41 (on leave 1937-40); succes- sively dir. research, gen. mgr., exec, v.p., American Finance Conference, Chicago, since 1938; also engaged in work as business consultant during coll. teach- ing; visiting prof., U. of Tex., summer 1936. Mem. Governor's Commn. on Un- 913 employment Relief, Bloomington, Ind., 1933-35; active in public welfare work, Monroe County, Ind., 1930-37. Mem. Am. Economic Assn., Am. Management Assn., Omicron Delta Kappa. Recipient, Star of Service Award, Bloomington, Ind. Kiwanis Club, 1933, for distin- guished public service (mem. club, 1920- 40). Mem. Ch. of Christ. Club: Kiwanis. Author and compiler of books on em- ployment, business, etc. Home: 5722 Kenwood Av. Office: 160 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. RUSSELL, Buford B., pres. Drying Systems, Inc.; b. Providence, Ky., 7 June 1894; s. James D. and Nannie (Gregory) R.; B.S. in M.E., U. of Ky., 1918; m. Olive Remley, 23 Aug. 1920; 1 son, Bu- ford Arthur. Successively draftsman, chief draftsman, purchasing agent, chief engr., salesman, sales mgr., v.p. Drying Systems, Inc., indsl. engring. equipment, 1918-34, chmn. bd., pres. and gen. mgr. since 1934. Mem. Alpha Sigma Phi. Mem. Christian Ch. Republican. Home: 7467 Sheridan Rd. Office: 1800 Foster Av., Chicago, 111. INGRAHAM, Mark Hoyt, prof, math.; b. Brooklyn, N. Y„ 19 Mar. 1896; s. Henry C. M. Ingraham, lawyer, and Winifred (Andrews) I.; ed. Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y.; A.B., Cornell Univ., 1917; M.A., Univ. Wis., 1922; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1924; m. Kath- erine Ely of Madison, Wis., 26 June 1924; children — Winifred E., Edward C. instr., Univ. Wis., 1919-21, fellow, 1921-22; fel- low, Univ. Chicago, 1922-24; asst. prof., Univ. Wis., 1924-26, Brown Univ., 1926- 27; prof math., Univ. Wis., 1927; dean, Coll. Letters and Sci., Univ. Wis., 1942; sp. rep. of Am. Math. Soc. to univer- sities, 1934-35; served as 1st It., later capt., U.S.A., A.E.F., 1918-19; mem. Am. Math. Soc. (asso. sec, 1927-42, council, 1945), Math. Assn. Am.; A.A.U.P. (pres. 1937-39), Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi. Fellow A. A. A. S. (mem. council, 1931-37), Inst. Math. Statis. Club: University. Author: numerous papers on math. Rec- reations: tennis, tramping. Presbyte- rian. Office: North Hall, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Home: 110 Virginia Terrace, Madison, Wis. KEITH, Marie Morrisey, concert con- tralto; b. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; d. Adolphe Bosse and Marie Louise (Secor) B.; m. Royden James Keith, 20 Dec. 1920. Made concert debut Town Hall, N.Y. City, 1915; became recording artist for Edison Co., later, recorded for the Brunswick Co.; singer on special programs, N.B.C.; soloist, 5th Av. Presbyterian Ch., N.Y. City, 1915-20; soloist with Russian, Min- neapolis and Cincinnati symphony or- chestras; has appeared as soloist, North Shore Festival (Evanston), Bach Fes- tival (Bethlehem), May Festival (Cincin- nati) and Apollo clubs in Chicago, Brooklyn, Cincinnati; made several coast to coast concert tours. Finance chmn. Nat. Fedn. Music Clubs; pres. Auxiliary Ambulance Corps of 111.; v.p. Choral and Instrumental Music Assn. of Chicago; mem. D.A.R., Mu Phi Epsilon; awarded citation by Music War Council of Am., 1944. Republican. Clubs: Music Study (life mem.), Chicago Woman's Musical (hon. mem.), Musical Arts (hon. mem)., Three Arts (v.p.), Arts, Organized Women Musicians (hon. mem.), Accor- dia Music (founder mem.). Address: 180 E. Delaware PL, Chicago 11, 111. WIMBISH, Christopher C, lawyer; b. Atlanta, Ga., 6 Feb. 1895; s. Christopher C, Sr., and Maggie (Baker) Wimbish; student Howard University, 1911-15; LL.B., Northwestern University Law Sch., 1925; married Odessa Ireland, 16 May 1938; insurance salesman, Atlanta, Ga., 1915-19; propr. Idle Hour Theatre, 1919-23; admitted to bar, 1927; asst. states atty., Cook County, 111., 1927-31; state senator, 3d Dist., 111., elected 1940; asst. chief justice Municipal Court, Chi- cago, 111., since 1945; mem. law firm Temple & Wimbish. Served as 1st It., inf., regtl. gas officer, 366th Inf., 92d Div., U.S. Army, 1917-19. Mem. Nat. and Cook County bar assns., Urban League, Y.M.C.A., Alpha Phi Alpha. Mem. Corpus Christi Ch., Chicago. Democrat. Clubs: Original Forty, Chi- cago (111.) Assembly. Home: 4203 Michi- gan Av. Office: 3456 S. State St., Chicago, 111. WINTER, Wallace Charles, stocks, bonds, etc.; b. Marinette, Wis., 8 Aug. 1872; s. Edwin W. and Elizabeth (Can- non) W.; ed. pub. schs., St. Paul, Minn.; B.Ph., Sheffield Scientic Sch. (Yale), 1893; m. Florence Robbins, 11 June 1895; children — Wallace C. (died 1918), Daniel R., Edwin W. With operating dept. C.&N.W. Ry Co., 1893-1904; with Petti- bone Milliken & Co., mfrs. of railway supplies, 1904-16; mem. stock broker- age firm of Farnum, Winter & Co., Chi- cago, 1916-32; asso. with Harris Upham & Co., stocks, bonds, etc. Mem. Art Inst, of Chicago (life), Chicago Hist. Soc. (life), Chicago Museum of Natu- ral History (life). Presbyterian. Clubs: 914 Chicago, Old Elm, The Attic; Minnesota (St. Paul, Minn.). Home: 1260 Astor St. Office: 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. KEMPER, James Scott, insurance exec; b. Van Wert, O., 18 Nov. 1886; s. Hathaway Kemper, lawyer, and Mary (Scott) K.; ed. Van Wert (O.) High Sen.; m. Mildred Hooper of Chicago, 111., 5 Apr. 1913 (dec); children — James S., Jr., Rosemary K. Roberts, Mildred J.; m. (2nd) Gertrude Ziesing Stout of Chicago, 111., 17 Jan. 1931. With Cent. Mfrs. Mutual Ins. Co., Van Wert, O., 1905-11, mgr. western dept., Chicago, 111., 1911; estab. Luberraen's and Mfrs. Mutuals, Inc.; chmn., Lumbermen's Mu- tual Casualty Co., Chicago, 111.; pres., Nat. Retailers Mutual Ins. Co., Glen Cove, N.Y.; chmn., Am. Motorists Ins. Co.; pres., James S. Kemper & Co. (both Chicago, 111.); Fed. Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Boston, Mass., Am. Motorists Fire Ins. Co., Lumbermen's and Mfrs. Mu- tuals, Inc. (both Chicago, 111.); v.p., The Cent. Mfrs. Mutual Ins. Co., Van Wert, O.; dir., Lumber Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Boston, Mass., Nat. Industrial Conf. Bd., City Nat. Bk. & Trust Co., Y.M.C.A.; tr. mem. many com., bds. Clubs: Chi- cago, Glen View Golf, Saddle and Cycle, Casino, Indian Hill, Chicago Yacht, Bath and Tennis, Chevy Chase, Everglades, India House, Metropolitan (New York) ; Algonquin, Art, Metropolitan (Washing- ton, D.C.), Union League. g.s. of Reverend James Kemper, 1st white resi- dent of City of Cincinnati, O., whose home now belongs to City of Cincinnati, being maintained as mus. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 4750 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. Home: 945 Sheridan Rd., Wilmette, 111. KOCH, Vincent William, physician; b. Janesville, Wis., 27 July 1889; s. Phillip Koch, traveling salesman, mfr., and Anna (Kothman) K.; ed. Janesville (Wis.) High Sen.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1913; M.D., Rush Medic Coll., 1916; m. Ardelia Rooer Olden, of Phila., 30 Oct. 1931; fel- low in medicine, London, Eng., with Sir William Osier at Redcliff Infirmary, Ox- ford, Eng.; partner of Munn & Farns- worth Clinic, Janesville, Wis.; preceptor, Univ. Wis.; v.p. Wis. Heart Assn., Wis. Rheumatism Assn.; teacher, heart, nurses of Mercy Hosp., Janesville, Wis.; stationed with Brit. Army, later capt., U.S. Army; in service 23 mos., World War I; mem. A.M. A., Wis. State Med. Soc, Rock County State Med. Soc, Diplomate Am. Bd. Internal Mer.; hon. deg., Am. Coll. Phys. Club: Madison. Travel: extensive. Wife State D.A.R. re- gent chmn. of Restoration of Surgeons Quarters at Ft. Winnebago, Portage, Wis. Interests: movies of trips. Recreations: movies, reading, historical places. Prot- estant. Republican. Lecturer on rheu- matic fever. Office: 19 S. Main St., Janesville, Wis. Home: 1009 Oakland Av., Janesville, Wis. LA GROW, Asa Joseph, orthodontist; b. Chicago, 111., 12 May 1890; s. O. S. La Grow, mfr., and Charity (Wing) L.; ed. Oak Park High Sen.; D.D.S., North- western Univ., 1914; m. Louise Worley of Nashville, Tenn., 28 May 1921; 1 son, Asa J., Jr. Orthodontic practice, 1920- ; served as capt., Dental Corps, A.E.F., 22 month World War I; mem. Chicago Assn. Orthodontists (charter mem., p. pres.), Am. Assn. Orthodontists, Chi- cago Dental Soc, 111. State Dental Soc. (life mem.), Am. Dental Assn. Awarded certificate, Am. Bd. Orthodontists, 1937. Club: Rotary (Oak Park). Congrega- tionalist. Democrat. Office: 715 Lake St., Oak Park, 111. Home: 1110 N. Grove Av., Oak Park, 111. MARX, Frederick Z., lawyer; b. St. Louis, Mo., 23 Apr. 1876; s. Zero Marx and Amelia (Haase) M.; prep. edn. Univ. Sen., Chicago; spl. courses Univ. Chi- cago; LL.B., Lake Forest Univ., 1897; m. Winifred G., dau. Frank J. Loesch, 22 Oct. 1903; 1 son, Fred Llewellyn. Admitted to 111. bar, 1897, and since practiced in Chicago; became asso. with Rogers & Mahoney, continued with firm 10 yrs.; practiced alone to 1919; mem. Butz, Von Ammon & Marx since 1919, gen. practice. Apptd. spl. atty. U.S. Dept. of Justice in connection with con- demnation proceedings for low cost hous- ing and slum clearance, 1934-38; 1938 spl. atty. for U.S. Government (P.W.A.) in connection with govt, loan to Chi- cago San. Dist. for 58 million dollars and contract for constrn. City of Chi- cago Intercepting Sewer System; spl. atty. for U.S. Project Engr. in connec- tion with Chicago Subway, 1939-44; ap- peal agt., Selective Service Bd. 74 since 1944. Mem. Am., 111. and Chicago bar assns., Law Club, Chicago Law Inst, (pres. 1930, dir.), Citizens Assn. Chicago (dir.), Chicago Crime Commn. (dir.), English-Speaking Union (ex-dir.), Art Inst. Chicago (life), Chicago Natural History Mus. (life), Navy League of U.S. Clubs: Union League, Chicago Ath- letic, Chicago Literary, Caxton, Mid- day, Executives (Chicago). Home: 4243 915 Hazel Av. Office: 1646 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. McCABE, Louis C(ordell), geologist, mining engr.; b. Graphic, Ark., 5 Feb. 1904; s. Mark L. McCabe and Hattie Nolan (Stokes) McC; B.S., Univ. 111., 1931, M.S., 1933, Ph.D., 1927; m. Evelyn Egelhoff, 1 May 1930 (divorced); 1 son, James Michael; m. 2d, Catherine Hessel- schwerdt, 20 Dec. 1986; children — Dor- othy Louise, John Cordell, Jean Eliza- beth. Asst. geologist, 111. Geol. Survey, 1927; geologist, mining engr., Miss. Coal Corp., 1928-30; asst. geologist, 111. Geol. Survey, 1930-37, asso. geologist, 1937-40, geologist, 1940-41; commd. 2d It., O.R.C., U.A.A., 1927; capt. and chief, fuel and heating sect., O.Q.M.G., U.S. Army, 1941; capt to It. col., Corps Engrs., 1941-44; chief, utilities sect., office Chief of Engrs., 1941-44; dep. War Dept., power procurement officer, 1944; chief, Bel- gian solid fuels, SHAEF, 1914; chief, German solid fuels (Ruhr and Saar), SHAEF, 1945; col., G.S.G., 1945; re- ceived Legion of Merit (U.S.), O.B.E. (Brit.), Order of the Crown (Belgium); geologist mining-engr., Am. Gas & Elec- tric Service Corp., N.Y., 1945-46; chief, coal div., U.S. Bur. Mines, 1946-. Fel- low, Geol. Soc. of Am.; mem. Am. Inst. Mining and Metall. Engrs., Am. Soc. Mil. Engrs., A.A.A.S., Scabbard and Blade, Sigma Xi, Phi Eta. Baptist. Contbr. articles to profl. jours. Address: Dept of Interior, Bureau of Mines, Wash- ington, D.C.; and R. 2, Urbana, 111. SENGSTACKE, John Herman Henry, publishing; b. Savannah, Ga., 25 Nov. 1912; s. Rev. Herman Alexander and Rosa Mae (Davis) S.; B.S., Hampton (Va.) Inst., 1933; post grad. student Ohio State U., 1933; m. Myrtle Eliza- beth Picou, 9 July 1939; children — John Herman Henry, Robert Abbott. With Robert S. Abbott Pub. Co., publishers of Chicago Defender, Mich. Chronicle (Detroit) and Louisville Defender since 1934, v.p. and gen. mgr., 1934-40, pres. and gen. mgr. since 1940; mem. bd. dirs. 111. Fed. Savings & Loan Assn. Chmn. advisory com. on Negro press, O.W.I. ; chmn. local rationing bd., O.P.A.; mem. com on venereal disease control, Federal Security Administrn.; mem. bd. Chicago Urban League, also Wabash Av. Y.M.C.A. Founder and pres. Negro Newspaper Pubs. Assn. Conglist. Mem. Royal Order of Snakes. Mason, Elk. Home: 4644 S. Michigan Av. Office: 3435 S. Indiana Av., Chicago, 111. SPULLER, Lawrence William, lawyer; b. Decatur, Ind., 17 Dec. 1896; s. Albert and Ella (Grossman) S.; A.B., Bell State Teachers Coll., Muncie, Ind., 1920; LL.B., U. of Notre Dame, 1924; LL.M., U. of Am., Washington, D.C., 1925; m. Freda Zeller, 23 June 1928. Teacher in pub. schs. of Ind., 1914-15;' supt., Monmouth, Ind., pub. sch., 1915-16; high sch. teacher, govt. schs. of Puerto Rico, 1916-17; teacher Spanish, St. John's Mil. Acad., Delafield, Wis., 1920-22; prof. Spanish, U. of Notre Dame, 1922-24; prof, law, De Paul and Loyola Univs., 1925-31; ad- mitted to Ind. bar, 1922, 111. bar, 1926; mem. firm Litsinger, Gatenbey, Spuller and McNeill, Chicago, since 1926. Served as 1st It., 375th Inf., U.S. Army, 1917-18. Candidate for alderman 40th Ward, 1943; sec. 111. Republican Service Men's League; pres. Lake View West Improve- ment Association; past president Rav- enswood (111.) Kiwanis Club; lieutenant governor Illinois-Eastern Iowa District Kiwanis Internat., 1944; dist. sec. Ki- wanis Internat., 1945-46. Mem. Chicago Law Inst., 111. State Bar Assn., Am. Legion, 40 & 8 Soc. Republican. Home: 4512 N Richmond St. Office: 111 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. WANZER, Sidney III, dairy products exec; b. Chicago, 111., 5 May 1897; s. Wil- liam Bradley and Flora Belle (Bridge) W.; student Lewis Inst., Chicago, 1916- 17; student U. of 111., 1917-20; m. 2d, Rosemary Ross, 28 Dec. 1927; 1 dau., Jacqueline. Dairy worker Sidney Wan- zer & Sons, Inc., dairy products, 1920-21, purchasing agent, 1921-37, maintenance engr., 1924-37, asst. pub. relations dir., 1922-32, v.p. since 1922, sec. since 1933; secretary Milk Dealers Bottle Exchange; pres. ABC Loan Co. of 111. Inc. Served with U.S.N.R.F., 1918-19. 111. U.S. Sav- ings Bond Com.; mem. Chicago Assn. Commerce, Chicago Real Estate Bd., Internat. Assn. of Milk Dealers, Dairy Technology Soc, Chicago, and Nat. Coun- cils Boy Scouts America (exec, bd.), Am. Legion, Y.M.C.A., Delta Kappa Epsilon. Presbyn. Republican. Mason, (K.T., Shriner). Clubs: Kiwanis, Olym- pia Fields Country, Railsplitters (Chi- cago); Dairymen's Country (Boulder Junction, Wis.). Home: 2215 E. 68th St. Office: 130 W. Garfield Blvd., Chi- cago, 111. ARMFIELD, Lucian Clay, executive; b. Greensboro, N.C., 16 Dec. 1881; s. George Williamson Armfield and Esther (Wakefield) A.; ed. private sch., Miss Lina Porter (aunt of O. Henry), 1885- 916 89; Greensboro, N.C., pub. sen., 1889-96; m. Frances A. Delahunty, 25 Oct. 1941; telephone constrn. and management, Greensboro Telephone Co., 1896-1906; underground telephone constrn., Mexico City, Mex., 1906-07; conductor, The Pull- man Co., San Antonio, Tex., 1907-11, dist. commissary-storekeeper, 1911-16; commissary insp, 1916-25; gen. commis- sary, The Pullman Co., Chicago, 1925- ; mem. Assn. Am. Railroad Dining Car Officers (vice pres., 1938-39; pres., 1939- 40, 1942-43-44; pres. ex-officio, 1945-46). Club: Lake Shore (Chicago). Home: 850 Lake Shore Dr. Business: 79 East Adams St., Chicago, 111. WAYNNE, Joseph X., lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 25 July 1899; s. Adolph and Victoria (Wikowski Wojnowski) ; grad. Fenger High Sch., Chicago, 1917; stu- dent U. of Chicago, 1917-19; LL.B., Chi- cago-Kent Coll. of Law, 1919; LL.M., 1921; m. Stephania Skierczynski, 29 June 1922. Served as chief clerk U.S. War Conscription Bd., 1917; admitted to Illinois bar, 1919; attorney trust dept. Peoples Stock Yards State Bank, 1919- 22; pres. Pub. Real Estate Corp., 1922- 30, Excelsior Petroleum Corp., 1928-30; chmn. Health Extension Inst.; pres. Loop Photo Service; gen. law practice since 1928. Served as pvt. Co. E, 132d Inf., U.S. Army, 1917-18. Mem. Am. and 111. State bar assns., Polish Nat. Alliance, Spanish Soc, Am. Vigilance Assn., and various civic orgns. Home: 2126 Mar- shall Blvd. Office: 64 W. Randolph St., Chicago, 111. WHEELER, Frank Eugene, pub. rela- tions; b. Platteville, Wis., 24 Mar. 1913; s. Charles Henry Everett and Fannie Pearl (Copper) W.; Ph.B., Marquette U., Milwaukee, Wis., 1934; Ed.B., Platteville State Teachers Coll., 1937; student U. of Wis., 1937-38; U. of Mo., 1940-41; m. Jeannette Elaine U'Ren, 15 Oct. 1937; children — Michael Eugene, Judith Elaine. Began in newspaper work, 1928; suc- cessively with Platteville (Wis.) Jour- nal, Milwaukee (Wis.) Sentinel, Milwau- kee Journal; sports and city editor Fond du Lac (Wis.) Commonwealth-Reporter; mgr. editor Boonville (Mo.) Daily News; asst. night telegraph editor Kansas City (Mo.) Star; dir. pub. relations, Kemper Mil. Sch., Boonville, Mo., 1940-44; dir. news bureau 111. Inst. Tech., Chicago, since Oct. 1944; dir. Armour Research Foundation news bureau, Inst, of Gas Tech. news bureau, Wire Recorder De- velopment Corp. news bureau. Mem. IndsL Editors Assn., Am. Coll. Publicity Assn., Publicity Club of Chicago, Chi- cago Jr. Assn. of Commerce, Sigma Delta Chi, Sima Chi, Pi Delta Epsilon. Republican. Mason (K.T., Order Eastern Star), Kiwanian, B.P.O.E. (past exalted ruler). Contbr. articles and fiction to various pubis. Home: 6654 Kimbark Av. Office: 3300 Federal St., Chicago, 111. WHITE, Edward Sidney, clergyman; b. Saskatchewan, Can., 17 Oct. 1887; s. Henry Sidney and Anna (Dugan) W.; prep, edn., Northwestern Univ. Acad.; student Nashotah (Wis.) House, 1909- 11; S.T.B., Western Theol. Sem., Chi- cago, 1913; D.D., Nashotah House; m. Lilah May McCormick, 1 Jan. 1916; chil- dren — John F., Edward S. Jr. (died 1932), R. Patrick. Deacon and priest, P.E. Ch.; in charge Libertyville, Grays- lake and Antioch, 111., 1912-18; rector Ch. of the Holy Apostles, Chicago, 1918- 19, Ch. of the Holy Communion, St. Louis, Mo., 1919-29, Ch. of The Redeemer, Chicago, since 1929. Mem. Standing Com. Diocese of Chicago. Trustee, Nashotah House (Wis.), Church Home for the Aged. Author of papers read at ch. congresses and social service con- ferences. Home: 5550 Blackstone Av. Office: 1420 E. 56th St., Chicago, 111. WHITNELL, William Walter, sec. and controller Nat. Cylinder Gas Co.; b. Clar- ence, la., 4 Feb. 1903; s. Walter H. and Gertrude R. (Deyo) W.; LL.B., Chicago Law Sch., 1926; m. Marie Smith, 29 Nov. 1925; children — Billie Marie, Elaine Ruth, Miriam Jean. Pub. accountant with Haskins and Sells, 1926-28; comp- troller, Fed. Cement Tile Co., Chicago, 1928-33, treas., 1933-43; controller, Nat. Cylinder Gas Co., Chicago, 1943, sec. and controller, since 4 Apr. 1946. Mem. Controller's Inst., Phi Alpha Delta. Presbyterian. Republican. Home: 9241 S. Pleasant Av. Office: 205 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. WOODRUFF, Jacob Lyon, librarian; b. N.Y. City, 6 Apr. 1868; s. Julius and Harriet (Benjamin) W.; ed. pub. schs., N.Y. City; m. Sophie Hall Woodruff, 1 June 1892; children — Lyon Julius, Ruth Hettie (deceased), Ralph Terry. Ticket agent Wagner Palace Car Co., N.Y. City, 1890-96; asst. sec. R.R. Y.M.C.A., New York, 1896-97; sec. R.R. Y.M.C.A., East St. Louis, 111., 1897-1903; spl. agent N.Y. Life Ins. Co., 1903-04; librarian East St. Louis Pub. Library since 1904. Served with U.S. Navy, 1883-89. Mem. Am. and 111. Library Assns. Methodist. Repub- lican. Club; East St. Louis Lions (past 917 dist. gov. 111.). 33° Mason. Author: The Big Goose and the Little Hen, 1931. Home: Broadview Hotel. Office: Pub. Library, East St. Louis, 111. MAROVITZ, Abraham Lincoln, lawyer; b. Oshkosh, Wis., 10 Aug. 1905; s. Joseph and Rachel (Glowitz) M. ; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. Law, 1925. Admitted to 111. bar, 1927; asst. State's atty., Chicago, 1927-32; engaged in pvt. practice of law since 1932, mem. law firm Ritten- house, Marovitz & Wallenstein. Senator, 19th Senatorial Dist., State of 111. Sergt. U.S. Marine Corps, World War II. Dir. Boys' Brotherhood Republic. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns. Jewish religion. Democrat. B'nai B'rith (dir. Lawndale Lodge). Home: 1323 Inde- pendence Blvd. Office: 134 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. KIRBY, Robert Emmett, funeral di- rector; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 30 Sept. 1906; s. Garrett F. Kirby, funeral dir., and Catherine (Barrett) K.; ed. Cathe- dral high sch., Indianapolis, Ind.; Notre Dame Univ.; Benjamin Harrison Law Sch., m. Antoinette Lengsenkamp of Indianapolis, 3 Jan. 1931; children — Margot, Mimi, Sue, Robert E. Jr., Patty Jo. Sec.-treas., Ind. Bd. of Funeral Dirs. & Embalmers; mem. K. of C, Elks, Moose, Jr. Chamber of Commerce, Notre Dame Alumni Assn. Clubs: Optimist, Indianapolis Athletic. Catholic. Demo- crat. Office: 1901 N. Meridian St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Home: 4352 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. KLEIN, Arthur Frederick, construc- tion engineer; b. Chicago, 111., 13 Sept. 1882; s. Frederick Gold-Smith Klein and Anna (Gipson) K.; ed. West Division high sch.; Armour Inst.; m. Mable Carle- ton of Chicago, 1906-27; children — Mrs. Geo. Bendinger, Mrs. Janet Fassett, Mrs. Homer Bendinger; m. Helen M. Owen of Chicago, 1931; 1 dau. — Suzanne Blythe. Started with Wm. Grace Co., 12 yrs.; contract mgr. Thompson Starrett; exec, v. pres. R. C. Wieholdt Co. until 1932; built Base Hospital, Staten Island, Sym- mington Shell Plant; identified with constr., Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium Rosenwald Museum, Northwestern Tech- nology Inst.; cons. engr. Northwestern Univ. 1934- ; dir., R. C. Wieholdt Constr. Co.; mem. Soc. of Am. Military Engrs., Western Soc. of Engrs. Clubs: Exmoor, Country, University Club of Evanston. Travel: So. Am. Interest: painting. Rec- reation: golf. Congregationalist. Re- publican. Office: Northwestern Univer- sity, Evanston, 111. Home: 369 Haw- thorne Lane, Winnetka, 111. KLEINSCHMIDT, Earl Edwin, associ- ate professor of preventive medicine and public health; b. Ann Arbor, Mich., 21 Apr. 1904; s. Edwin Fred Kleinschmidt and Minnie Marie (Radke) E.; ed. Ann Arbor High Sch.; B.S., Univ. Mich., 1927, M.S., 1928, M.D., 1930, Dr. P.H., 1936; m. Dr. Gladys Juliet Kleinheksel of Holland, 12 Sept. 1931; children — Jean Louise, Dorothy Ann. Practice of medi- cine, 1931- ; dir. Sch. Health Service, Ann Arbor Pub. Schs., 1931-35; instr. pub. health and preventive medicine, Univ. Mich., 1931-36, asst. prof., 1936- ; ed., Bull, of Mich. Sch. Health Assn., 1932-36, Pub. Health Reviews, 1932-38; chmn. dept. preventive medicine and pub. health and bacteriology, Loyola Univ. Sch. of Medicine, Chicago, 111., 1938- ; asst. ed., Jour, of Sch. Health, 1934- ; cons., U.S. off. of Ed., 1941; F.A.M.A., Am. Pub. Health Assn., Am. Sch. Health Assn.; mem. Delta Omega, Phi Delta Kappa, Mich. State Med. Soc, 111. Pub. Health Assn., Chicago Inst, of Medicine, Mich. Hist. Assn., Am. Assn. of the History of Medicine. Author: 48 arts, and brochures on physiology of respiration, carotinemia, sch. health pub. health, preventive medicine, teacher health and history of pub. health. In- terests: photog., history. Recreation: travel. Evangelical. Office: 706 South Wolcott Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 458 Washington St., Elmhurst, 111. Summer res.: Ridgemor Dr., Ann Arbor, Mich. KLINGMANN, Theophil, physician; b. Washtenaw Co., Mich., 3 July 1868; s. Stephen Klingmann, minister, and Caro- line (Diehr) K.; ed. Cordia Coll., Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Univ. Mich.; Univ. Berlin, Ph.C, Univ. Leipzig, 1890, M.D., 1892; m. Helene Judson of Ann Arbor, 1920; 1 son — Theophil, Jr. Asso. in neurology and psychiatry, Univ. Mich.; dir. Neuro- pathological Labs; dir. Neuro path- ology Mich. State Hosp. for Insane; med. dir. Mercywood Neuropsychiatric Hosp.; during war, demonstrator Neuro- pathology State Psychopathic Hosp., Ann Arbor; mem. Am. Med. Assn., Mich. Soc. Neurology and Psychiatry, Assn. for Research in Nervous and Mental Dis- eases, Phi Delta Chi, Phi Beta Pi; F.A.C.P. Clubs: Mich. Union of Univ., Univ. Mich., Barton Hills Country. Author: Histogenists of Multiple Sclero- sis; Biological Studies with reference to Pathology; The Mechanism of the Psychoneurosis. Travel: Eng., Fr., Ger., 918 It., Switz., Father med. missionary among Indians, 1862. Interests: photog- raphy, horseback riding. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: Mercywood Neuro- psychiatric Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1225 B'air Oaks Dr., Ann Arbor, Mich. KNEPPER, Russell M., lawyer; b. Tif- fin, O., 11 Feb. 1878; s. Benjamin F. Knepper, farmer, and Mary Ellen (Reeme) K.; ed. B.A., O. Northern Univ., 1901, LL.B., 1905; m. Mamie A. Corn of Ironton, 12 Dec. 1906; children — William E., Alice M. Applebaugh. Prosecuting atty., Seneca Co., 1913-16; special coun- sel to atty. gen., 1917-19; teacher, law- yer; mem. O. State, Columbus and Am. bar assns. Clubs: Univ., Exchange, Rid- ing. Recreation: riding. Protestant. Dem- ocrat. Office: 5 E. Long St., Columbus, O. Home: 175 E. Northwood Av., Co- lumbus, O. KTJHLMAN, Arthur Henry, clergy- man; b. Columbus, O., 22 Apr. 1890; s. Rev. J. H. Kuhlman, clergyman, and Wilhelmina (Young) K.; ed. Springfield high sch.; A.B., Wittenberg Coll., 1911, A.M., 1913; B.D., Columbus Lutheran Sem., 1914; O. State Univ.; Univ. Pitts- burgh; m. Hazel M. Kieffer of Galion, 29 June 1914; children — Martha Jane, Ar- thur, Jr., Mary Ellen. Pastor, Pittsburgh, Pa., Delaware, O., Zion Lutheran Ch., Lima, 1938- ; past exec, dir., young peo- ple's work, Lutheran Ch. ; past prof. pub. speaking, Capital Univ., Columbus, Y.M.C.A. Coll., Columbus; Ed., Studies for Luther Leagues, 10 yrs., The Luther League Worker, 3 yrs., Am. Lutheran Pulpit; asso. Ed., The Lutheran Stand- ard, 5 yrs.; mem. Lutheran Inner Mis- sion Soc. (mem. bd. dirs.), O. Council Chs. (mem. bd. dirs.), Lima Ministerial Assn. (pres.), Alpha Tau Omega, Tau Kappa Alpha, S.A.R., Nat. Assn. Torch Clubs. Clubs: Univ., Rotary. Author: The Luther League Manual; Pulpit and Bat- tlefield; Everyman's Need; Christmas Pageants; contributions in various pe- riodicals. Descendant of Philip Helsel of York, Pa., soldier in Rev. War, John Helsel, soldier in War of 1812, William Young of Columbus, It. in Civil War, early settlers of Franklin Co. Lutheran. Republican. Office: Wayne and Elizabeth Sts., Lima, O. Home: 759 W. North St., Lima, O. SPACHNER, Jack Victor, corp. offi- cial; b. Chicago, 111., 7 May 1898; s. Jo- seph and Celia (Shore) Spachner; stu- dent grammar and high schs., Marengo, III.; m, Beatrice Teller, 17 Oct. 1926; children — Warren Roy, Carole Joy. Be- gan as stenographer, Chicago Mill and Lumber Company, 1918; gen. mgr., Chi- cago Mill Paper Stock Co., 1921; vice- pres., Chicago Mill Paper Stock Com- pany, 1925-28; pres. and gen. mgr., Pio- neer Paper Stock Co., Chicago, 1928-42; dir. purchases and transportation, Con- tainer Corp. of America, 1932-42; vice- pres. and dir., Container Corp. of Amer- ica, Chicago, since 1939; vice-pres., Car- ton Internacional (Panama) ; dir. Pioneer Paper Stock Co.; dir. Inst, of Design. Clubs: Standard, Northmoor Country. Home: Oakmont Road, Highland Park, 111. Office: 111 West Washington St., Chicago, 111. EVERSULL, Harry Kelso, coll. presi- dent; b. Cincinnati, 20 Sept. 1893; s. E. Elwood Eversull, r.r. official, and Mattie May (Tallant) E.; ed. A.B., Wabash Coll., 1919, LL.D. (hon.), 1939; B.D., Yale Univ., 1923; Yale Grad. Sch., 1922-24; D.D. (hon.), Elon Coll., 1933; m. Anita Mueller of Highland, 111., 18 Sept. 1920; children — Gilbert Richard, Robert El- wood. Ordained to Congregational min- istry, 1922; minister, Old Stone Ch., East Haven, Conn., 1920-24, Walnut Hills Congl. Ch., Cincinnati, 1924-37; pres., Marietta Coll., 1937 — ; tr. Atlanta Foun- dation, Vanderbilt Univ., Elon Coll.; mem. Commn. on Interchurch Relations and Christian Unity, Nat. Council of Congl. Chs.; moderator, Miami Assn. of Congl. Chs., 1926; moderator, Cincinnati Congl. Union, 1931-32; pres., Cincinnati Fedn. Chs., 1934-36; tr., Ohio Congl. Conf., 1928-31; mem. Commn. to Survey Cincinnati Pub. Schs., 1934-35; mem. bd. mgrs., Eastern Hills Y.M.C.A., 1936- 38; mem. bd. dirs., Cincinnati Red Cross, 1933-38; served as 1st It., inf., 1918; mem. Masons (33°, K.T., Shrine, R.O.J.) , Phi Gamma Delta, Ohio Soc. of N.Y.," N.E.A., Ohio Coll. Assn., Am. Assn. of Sch. Admin. Clubs: University (N.Y.), Noontide (Detroit), Rotary, Clergy (Cincinnati), Yale. Author: The Evo- lution of an Old New England Church, 1924; The Congregational Church, 1925; Howard Billman, 1935; Education and the Democratic Tradition, 1939. Congre- gationalist. Republican. Office: Mari- etta College, Marietta, O. Home: 420 Putnam St., Marietta, O. FLOOD, Walter H., consulting chemi- cal engineer; b. Chicago, 14 May 1885; s. Thomas H. Flood, law book publisher, and Susan (Callahan) F.; ed. Armour Scientific Acad., Chicago, 1898-1902; B.S. (in chem. engineering), Armour Inst, did Technology, Chicago, 1906. Engineering Chemist, City of Chicago, 1906-08; Supt., Holland Gelatin Works, Holland, Mich., 1908-10; asst. examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D.C., 1910-11; as- phalt paving engr., City of Chicago, 1912; engr. The Texas Co., Chicago, 1913; in private consulting practice, 1913-41; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, Chicago Assn. Commerce (Chmn. Div. Engrs.), Am. Concrete Inst., 111. Soc. Engrs., Am. Rd. Builders Assn. Author: various articles in technical jours. Interests: photog- raphy, music. Office: 822 E. 42nd St., Chicago, 111. Home: 932 E. 44th St., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Rt. 2, Co- loma, Mich. KUSWORM, Sidney G.; lawyer; b. Dayton, Ohio, 1885; s. Moses Kusworm, tobacco dealer, and Mollie (Witkowsky) K.; ed. Steele high sch.; LL.B., Univ. of Cincinnati Law Coll., 1908; m. Helen Block of Richmond, 12 Dec. 1911; 1 son- Sidney G., Jr. Special Asst. atty. gen. of O. 1931-32 in the Liquidation of Union Tr. Co.; Specialmaster Commissioner apptd. by U.S. Dist. Ct. in the matter of the C.L.&E. strike 1937; ch. Am. Dept. B'nai B'rith; mem. exec. com. B'nai B'rith, mem. central admin, bd. of same; supreme advisory council A.Z.A.; exec. com. of A.Z.A.; p. pres. Dist. No. 2 B'nai B'rith; p. pres. and lifetime dir. of Temple Israel, Dayton, O.; hon. v.p. of U. Palestine Appeals; mem. bd. of dirs. of following: Jewish Orphan's Home, Cleveland; Jewish Infant's Home, Columbus, Nat. Jewish Hosp. for Con- sumptives, Denver, Col.; Leo Nn Levi Mem. Hosp., Hot Springs, Ark.; p.pres. and present mem. of bd. of dirs. of Jewish Fed. for Social Service. Voted the Legion of Honor Plaque of A.Z.A. in 1938. Mem. Am., O. State and Mont- gomery Co. bar assn., Dayton Lawyers Club; dist. deputy past grand exalted ruler of Elks in Southwestern Ohio; mem. Masons. Clubs: Meadowbrook (Dayton); Winding Hollow (Columbus). Author: articles on Jewish subjects and Americanism; sub. which have an appeal in Nat. Jewish Monthly. Recreation: fishing. Jewish. Republican. Home: 1845 Emerson Av. Office: Keith Building, Dayton, O. LANG, John Michael, physician, sur- geon; b. Bavaria, Ger., 8 July 1872; s. Erhardl Lang, engr., and Margaret (Lindner) L.; ed. M.D., Univ. 111., 1900; m. Meta Rohn of Chicago, 31 Aug. 1904; children — Jerome, Lucile. Prac. medicine, Chicago, 1900; instr., Coll. Med., Univ. 111., 1901-10; asst. prof., gyn., 1919-40; asst. prof, emeritus gyn., 1940, on staff Univ. Hosp. Gyn., and Obst., 1940; pres., Alumni Assn., Coll. Medicine, Univ. 111., 1940-41; staff, West Side Hosp., 1912-39, treas., 1917-39; head, dept. gyn., obst., 111. Post Grad. Schl., 1912-40, treas., 1917-40; Selective Service, 1917-18; mem. A.M.A., 111., Chicago, Med. Socs., Mason. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 4754 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home: 843 Monroe Av., River Forest, 111. LANING, George Michie, physician and surgeon; b. Osaka, Japan, 5 Oct. 1885; s. Henry Laning, physician and surgeon, and Belle Tevis (Michie) L.; ed. Kenyon Mil. Acad., Gambier, O.; B.A., Univ. of Mich., 1908, M.D., 1910; Post Grad. Med. Sch., N.Y., 1916-17; m. Beatrice S. Goodhew of Ann Arbor, 1910; children — Henry James, Beatrice (Mrs. Karl Pittelpaw). Asst. to father, St. Barnabas Hosp., Osaka, Jap., 1910-14, in chg., 1914-16; pvt. prac, Kobe, Jap., 1912-16; staff, Internat. Hosp., Kobe; pvt. prac, pediatrics, Detroit, 1917- ; staff, Harper Hosp., Childrens Hosp., Dept. of Health; teacher, Detroit Coll. of Med., Frarrand Training Sch.; tr. Detroit Country Day Sch.; mem. A.M. A., Wayne Co. Med. Soc, Detroit Pediatric Soc, Mich. State Med. Soc, A.C.P. (fellow). Club: Detroit Golf. Author: prof, articles. Travel: Orient, U.S. Father and 3 bros. studied med. at Univ. of Mich., 1851-60, all served as surgeons throughout Civ. War. Recrea- tions: golf, motorboating. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 1217 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 2226 La Salle Gardens South, Detroit, Mich. LEEMING, John, physician, surgeon; b. Brantford, Ont., Can., 17 Mar. 1859; s. Henry B. Leeming, collector of cus- toms, and Janet (Whitaker) L.; ed. Brantford high sch.; CM., Victoria Univ. (Toronto), 1886; M.D., Royal Coll. Phys. & Surgs. (London, Eng.), 1887; m. Margaret E. Sibley of Chicago, 16 July 1890; children— John, Jr. (dec), Frank, Tom, Eleanor W., James W., Mason S. Engaged in gen. pract. med., 1887-1912, specializing in surgery, 1900- 12, medico-legal work, 1910- ; past at- tending phys., Provident Hosp.; past at- tending surg., Cook Co., Lakeside and Chicago Baptist Hosps.; prof, materia medica, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1892-1900, clinical instr. gynecology, Northwestern Univ., 1894-99; prof, medi- cal jurisprudence, Kent Coll. Law, 1912- 22; consulting surg., Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.R. Co., 1915-25; med, coun- 920 sel, Chicago Surface Lines, 30 yrs., mem. A.M.A. v.p. 1917), 111. State and (Chicago Med. Socs., Chicago Athletic Assn. Club: So. Shore Country (life mem.). Travel: Eur. Interests: reading, theatre. Recreations: billiards, golf. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 231 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: Palmer House, Chicago, 111. LEIGHNINGER, Jesse Harrison, law- yer; b. West Lafayette, O., 11 Mar. 1888; s. Marion F. Leighninger, farmer, and Dollie (Starker) L.; ed. West La- fayette high sch.; A.B., West Lafayette Coll., 1911; LL.B., Western Res. Law Sch., 1914; m. Marjorie Lightner of Youngstown, 5 Sept. 1914; children — Robert Dean, David Scott. Law prac- tice, Youngstown, O., 1914; mem. firm, McNab & Leighninger; apptd. police prosecutor of City of Youngstown, 1916; asst. city solicitor, 1916-1920; city solic- itor, 1920-24; mem. firm, Leighninger & Church, 1924-33; U. S. Commr, 1930-32; pros, atty., Mahoning Co., 1933-36; mem. firm, Leighninger, Church & Turner, 1937- ; pres., Fed. Churches of Youngs- town and vicinity; mem. Masons, Odd Fellows (p. grand). Clubs: Lions (p. pres.), Torch. Interested in sketch- ing, painting. Recreation: golf. Pres- byterian (elder, teacher). Republican. Home: 57 Halleck St. Office: Suite 904-5, Central Tower, Youngstown, O. LEINBACH, Earl G., headmaster; b. St. Clair, Pa., 26 March 1899; s. Charles D. Leinbach, railroader, and Mary Susan (Glasmire) L.; ed. Robesonia high sch.; Albright Prep. Sch., Meyerstown, Pa.; A.B., Albright Coll., 1921; Teachers Coll., Columbia; A.M., Yale, 1925; m. Helen Ducworth of Anderson, S. C, 31 Dec. 1927; children — Gary Earl, Robert Charles. Prin., Hawley high sch., Pa., 2 yrs.; asst. prin., Memorial high sch., Pel- ham, N. Y., 2 yrs.; instr., The Choate Sch., Wallingford, Conn., 12 yrs.; head- master, Elgin Acad., 111., 5 yrs.; served as 2nd It., Intelligence, A.E.F., 2 yrs.; mem. Cum Laude Soc. Club: Elgin Country. Recreation: golf. Lutheran. Republican. Office: Elgin Acad., Elgin, 111. Home: 162 College St., Elgin, 111. McMahan, Willis C, lawyer; b. Carroll Co., Ind., 2 Aug. 1858; s. Robert McMa- han, farmer, and Martha (White) M.; ed. Central Normal Coll., Danville, Ind.; Univ. Mich.; m. Irene Allman of Crown Point, Ind., 23 Feb. 1888; children— Rob- ert L., Maurine Cleveland, Mary A. Stahl, Claudia. Admitted to bar at Delphi, Ind., Oct., 1883; practiced at Crown Point, 1884-1902; prosecuting atty., 1890- 94, Lake and Porter Cos.; Judge 31st Judicial Circuit, Jan., 1902- Jan., 1919; Judge Ind. Appellate Ct., Jan., 1919-Jan., 1931; resumed practice of law at Gary, Ind., Jan., 1931, ret. 1 Jan. 1941; org. Commercial Bank, Crown Point, Farm- ers State Bank, Camden, (pres.), Mc- Mahan Seed Co., with stores at Crown Point, Valparaiso, and La Porte, Ind.; city atty., Crown Point and Lowell, Ind., for many yrs.; co. atty., 1900-02; mem. K. of P. (charter mem. Crown Point Lodge), State and local bar assns. On maternal side family traces ancestry back to Roger Williams, founder of R. I., and on paternal side to pre-Revo- lutionary settlers of Fairfax Co., Va. Protestant. Republican. Office: 569 Broadway, Gary, Ind. Home : 3640 Har- rison St., Gary, Ind. McMAHON, Cormick C, attorney-at- law; b. Charlottetown, P. E. Island, 16 June 1860; s. Francis McMahon, malt- ster, and Rosa (McAvoy) M.; ed. ele- mentary sch.; LL.D. (hon.) N. 111. Coll., Fulton, 111., 1898; m. Bertha Fischer of Fulton, 111., 1 Jan. 1907; First mate, steamboats on Miss., 6 yrs.; admitted to bar, 1888; practicing lawyer, 1888- ; dir. Patent Novelty Co., Fulton, 111., Mc- Mahon and Poole, Fulton, 111.; Govt. Ap- peal agt. (dist. 1), Whiteside Co., 111.; mem. Luther Burbank Soc. (life mem.), Nat. Geographical Soc, Nat. Red Cross, Am., Whiteside Co. Bar Assns., 111. Bar Assn. Interests: writing for daily paper concerning early steamboat days, read- ing, walking, radio. Recreation: walk- ing. Democrat. Home: 601 13th Av. Office 1112 4th St., Fulton, 111. MAHONEY, Charles H., lawyer, ins. exec; b. Decatur, Mich, 29 May 1886; s. Barney Mahoney, contractor, and Viona (Simpson) M.; ed. Decatur High Sch.; Olivet Acad.; Olivet Coll.; A.B., Fisk Univ., 1908; LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1911; m., Lulu Simpson of Detroit, 3 April 1922. Lawyer, 1911-41; pres., Great Lakes Mutual Ins. Co., 1928- ; dir. Schmidt Bros. Anchor Bay Co., Great Lakes Agency Co., Great Lakes Land & Investment Co., Great Lakes Mutual Ins. Co.; mem. Detroit City Plan Com., 1918-22; Wayne Co., bd. of supervisors, 10 yrs.; commr., Dept. of Labor and Indus., 1939-41; mem. Alpha Phi Alpha. Office: 201 E. Warren Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 269 Josephine St., Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: Grange Hall Rd., Holly, Mich. 921 LIKELY, Fred A., bond dealer; b. Boonville, Ind., 7 July 1870; s. Rev. J. B. Likely and Martha P. (Stoneman) L.; ed. Mooresville high sch.; A.B., DePauw Univ., 1894; LL.B., Ind. Law Sch., 1896; m. Gertrude Lawrence of Mooresville, Ind., 1900; children— L. Parker, Joseph- ine, Elizabeth, Fred A., Jr. Teacher, 1 yr. ; newspaper bus., 10 yrs.; stock and bond bus.; v. p., Breed, Elliott and Harri- son; dir., Meridian and 28th St. Realty Co., Peoples Building Corp., Penn. Apt. Realty Corp.; sec. Zaring Theatre Corp., No. Jordan Realty; treas., West Coll. Realty; mem. Masons, Scottish Rite, Sigma Chi, Delta Chi. Club: Indianapo- lis Bond Men's (1st pres.). Author: Handbook of Local Securities. Travel: U. S., Can., W. I. Recreations: golf, fishing. Methodist, Episcopalian. Re- publican. Office: 714 Circle Tower, In- dianapolis, Ind. Home: 3145 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. TOMAN, Andrew John, physician and surg.; b. Chicago, 21 Feb. 1905; s. John Toman, county treas., and Bertha (Sef- cik) T.; ed. Carter H. Harrison Tech High Sch., Chicago, 111.; B.S., Univ. Chi- cago, 1927; M.D., Univ. 111., 1929; m. Emily Marianne Serhant of Berwyn, 3 June 1939. Interne Edgewater Hosp., Chicago, 1929, Cook County Hosp., 1930- 31; resident in med., X-ray, pathol., 1931-32; staff phys., St. Anthony's Hosp. ; instr. of surgical nursing, St. An- thony's Hosp. Sch. of Nursing; clinical instr. dept. surgery, Loyola Univ. Sch. Med., Chicago; med. supt., House of Cor- rection, City of Chicago; mem. A.M. A., 111. State Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Mohemian Med. Soc, 111. Police Assn., Chicago Hosp., Park Commn. (sec), St. Judes League, Mason. Clubs: Illini of Chicago, Ceska Beseda. Author: numer- ous med. arts. Travel: U. S., So. Am. Father, John Toman, was one of the old- est aldermen in City Council, City of Chicago; sheriff, Cook County, 1934-38, Cook County treas. to 1946. Interests: books, arts, miniature ship bldg., ry. modeling. Recreations: bowling, swim- ming, horseback riding. Protestant. Democrat. Office: 3946 W. 26th St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 2800 S. California Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Riviera, New Buffalo, Mich. TRACY, Frank W., dentist; b. Iowa, 31 Mar. 1879; s. James F. Tracy and Margaret (Coleman) T.; ed. Waukon Normal Sch.; D.D.S., Northwestern Univ., 1904; m. Rhoda L. Edye of Chi- cago, 111.; children — Margaret, Robert F. Dir. Blue Island State Bank; pres., Blue Island Recreation Bd.; mem. exec, com., Tri County Sch. Bd; pres. bd of ed., Community High Sch., Lions Club; mem. Masons, Elks. Dir. Blue Island Pub. Welfare Bureau. Recreations: golfing, bowling. Democrat. Office: 13023 West- ern Av., Blue Island, 111. Home: 2005 Grove St., Blue Island, 111. TRAINOR, Mae Minita Westcott, asst. secretary; b. Courtland, N. Y., 25 Sept. 1894; d. , Melvin DeVer Westcott, pho- tographer, and Minnie Pearl (Haynes) W.; ed. Binghamton (N. Y.) Central High Sch.; Hyde Park High Sch. (Chi- cago) ; Northwestern Univ., Sch. Com- merce; diploma, MacCormac Business Schs., 1913; m. George Waters Trainor of Chicago, 29 Oct. 1921; 1 son — West- cott. Asst. to pres., Hollister-Wilson Labs., 1918-21; asst. sec-treas., Rolled Glass Mfrs. Assn., 1928-32, Mirror Mfrs. Assn., 1928-36, Nat. Glass Distributors Assn., 1935- ; tr., treas., Woodlawn Bap- tist Ch., Chicago; mem. Nat. Inst. Alumni Assn. (pres.), Nat. Inst. Trade and Commercial Org. Execs, (mem. bd. rngrs.), Soc. Stukely Westcott Descend- ants (pres. Chicagoland chapt.). Club: Internos (Chicago) (pres.) Author: many articles on glass and trade assn. work in trade pubis, and mags. Travel: Can., U. S. Interests: amateur color and black-and-white photography. Recrea- tions: swimming, horseback riding. Bap- tist. Republican. Office: 2217 Tribune Tower, Chicago, 111. Home: 7136 Coles Av., Chicago, 111. TROST, John Francis, corn breeder, livestock farmer; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 30 May 1897; s. John Trost, vegetable gardener and vinegar maker, and Alice May (Engel) T.; ed. Manual Training High Sch. (Indianapolis); B.S.A., Pur- due Univ., 1918, M.S.A., 1922; Univ. of Minn., 1924-25; m. Frances Re Small of Franklin, 30 May 1921; children — Martha Jane, Frederick Albert, Julia May, June Frances. Trucked with father on thru coll., started in as asst. plant pathologist; div. Cereal Crops and Dis- eases, Bus. Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. Agr., 1918; on corn root, stalk and ear rot project, stationed at Purdue Agr. Expt. Sta.; assoc. plant pathologist, 1928; after 20 yr. govt, sentence, re- leased to enter present occupation, 1938- ; mem. Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Alpha Zeta, Phi Sigma Kappa. Clubs: Hickory, Cedar and Ash. Author: short poems, few tech. agr. papers. Travel: pilgrimages to the Bad Lands, the Val- 922 ley of the Mountain. Interests: photog- raphy, corn. Presbyterian. Mugwump. Office: Farmcraft Seed Co., Oxford, Ind. Home: R. R. 1, Lafayette, Ind. DANCER, Ruth Scott, housewife; b. Minneapolis; d. Z. D. Scott, lumberman, and Frances (Gage) S.; ed. Duluth, Cen- tral High Sch.; Stanford Univ.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1902; m. Herbert Allan Dancer of Duluth, 1907; 1 dau.— Helen Dancer Kott. Mem. Red Cross, League Minn. Poets, Arrowhead Poetry Group, A. A. U. W. (past mem.), Girl Scout Council (12 yrs.), Delta Gamma, Omega Psi. Clubs: Duluth Women's, Northland Country, 20th Century. Author: poetry. Travel: Eur., Guatemala, Mex., Carib- bean Islands, Can., Mediterranean. In- terests: art, lit., painting, gardening, dogs. Recreations: travel, reading. In- dependent. Home: 3131 E. 1st St., Du- luth, Minn. DAY, Louise Ebersole, homemaker; b. Keokuk, June 1889; d. Cyrus P. Ebersole and Elise (Clapier) E.; ed. high sch.; prv. student French and art; m. Dr. P. M. Day of Oskaloosa, 5 Dec. 1906; 1 dau. — Phyllis Day (Mrs. John Herman). Auditor, bank cashier, accountant, writer; doctor's asst., 1911- ; at Camp Grant Base Hosp. during World War, 1917- ; mem. D. A. R. (recording sec), Nat. Geographic Soc, Y.W.C.A., O.E.S. Clubs: Oskaloosa Woman's, Elmhurst Country. Author: The Icarians (hist.), short stories, poems, book reviews. In- terest: poetry. Recreations: swimming, golf, driving. Congregationalist. Home: 504 High Av., East Oskaloosa, la. DORFMAN, Florence Ann, book- keeper, teacher; b. Va., 9 June 1906; d. Sam Dorfman, merchant, and Y e 1 1 a (Milavetz) D.; ed. Va. high sch.; kin- dergarten-primary dept., Superior State Teachers Coll. (Superior, Wis.), 1923-25. Writer of scripts for radio program, known as Betty Adams; apptd. one of 12 judges to serve on 1st Hall of Fame banquet for Va., Feb. 1936; mem. Little Theater movement; assisted Am. Legion Aux. in bluebird drive for crippled chil- dren, 1935; mem. Nat. Council Jewish Women (sec, Va.-Eveleth sect., 1931-35, pres., 1933-38, parliamentarian, 1936-37, dist. delegate, Jewish Council, Aurora, 111., 1933, Madison, Wis., 1935, Triennial, New Orleans, La., 1935), Va. Fed. for Jewish Service (sec), Shrine Auxiliary. Club: Va. Study. Author: radio scripts. Travel: U. S. Interests: reviewing books and current plays. Recreations: maH jong, bridge. Jewish (supervisor, B'Nai Abram Sunday Sch.). Home: 105 N. 5th Av., Virginia, Minn. DOTY, Hiram Smoots, prof. biol. and geol.; b. Massilon Twp., Cedar Co., la., 11 Jan. 1889; s. Hiram Doty and Martha Maria (Smoots) D.; ed. Webster City (la.) High Sch.; la. State Coll.; Univ. Chicago; asst. and instr., la. State Coll.; instr., Kan. State Coll.; prof, biology and geology, Simpson Coll.; line sergt. Inf., during World War I; fellow A.A.A.S., Am. Geog. Soc, Bot. Soc. Am., la. Acad. Sci., Ecol. Soc. Am.; mem. Am. Soc. Physiologists, Masons, Am. Legion, 40 and 8. Clubs: Rotary, University, In- dianola, Q. C. Travel: U. S., Can., Mex., Eng., Fr. Desc. pioneer family. Repub- lican. Office: Simpson College, Indian- ola, la. Home: Indianola, la. DOUGHERTY, Ray E., lawyer; b. At- lantic, la., 11 July 1895; s. William J. Dougherty, farmer, and Sarah Anne (Judkins) D.; ed. Southern State Teach- ers (Springfield, S. D.) Coll.; Sioux Falls (S. D.) Coll., 1921; Columbus (Sioux Falls, S. D.) Coll., 1922-23; m. Julia Treat of Springfield, S. D., 1920; chil- dren — Maxine, Patricia. Teacher, Colum- bus Coll., 1923-24; admitted to bar, S. D., 1924; state counsel, H.O.L.C., Sioux Falls, S. D., 1933-36; regional counsel, Omaha, Neb., 1937- ; deputy states atty., Minnehaha Co., S. D., 1927-29; dem. nom- inee for atty. gen., 1928; judge, circuit ct., 2nd judicial circuit, S. D., 1929-33; mem. Fed. Bar Assn., Neb., S. D. Bar Assns., Omaha Bar Assn., Masons (Con- sistory). Author: numerous legal arts. Interests: hist., pol. Recreations: hunt- ing, fishing. Democrat. Office: 619 Wow Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Home: 4930 Califor- nia St., Omaha, Neb. FERRARI, Charles G., chemist, asst. dir. res. service; b. Philadelphia, Pa., 9 Apr. 1897; s. Guido Ferrari, musician, teacher of voice, and Caroline (Gindele) F.; ed. Central High Sch., Phila., Pa.; B.S., Pa. State Coll., 1919; Ph.D., Univ. Minn., 1928; m. Hattie Moser of Allen- town, 17 Sept. 1920; children —Richard Alan, Donald Gordon. Asst. instr. food chemist, Pa. State Coll., 1919- ; dairy chem., 1919-21; head, baking dept., Dun- woody Indsl. Inst., 1921-25; grad. work, major, biol. especially cereal chem., minor organic chem., Univ. Minn., 3 yrs.; instr. organic chem., Univ. Minn., sum- mer 1926; res. assoc, U.S. Bur. Stand- ards, 1928-29; chem., Pilot Labs., 1929- 30; asst. dir. res. service, Gen. Mills 923 Res. Lab., Minneapolis, 1930- ; sgt., Inf., Officers Training Camp, Plattsburgh, N.Y., during World War I; mem. A.C.S., Am. Assn. Cereal Chem., Am. Dairy Sci. Assn., A.A.A.S. (fellow), Optical Soc. of Am., Inter-Soc. Color Council, Minn. Indsl. Chem. Forum, Minn. Acad. Sci., Sigma XI. Managing ed., Cereal Chem- istry, 1924-27. Interests: music, photog- raphy. Recreation: gardening. Presby- terian. Republican. Office: General Mills Research Labs., 2010 E. Hennepin Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 3806 Abbott Av. S., Minneapolis, Minn. FINDLAY, Merlin Chamberlin, prof, biology; b. Franklin ville, N.Y., 24 Oct. 1868; s. Francis Findlay, physician, and Martha Ruth (Chamberlin) F.; ed. Fen Broeck Acad., Franklinville, N.Y.; A.B., Hamilton Coll., 1892, A.M., 1895; Univ. Minn. 1903-04; Univ. Chicago (Woods Hole, Mass. summers), 1895-97-1902; Sc.D. (hon.) Park Coll., 1922; m. Isa- belle McRae, of Parkville, Mo., 24 June 1897; children — Francis, Duncan, H. Ver- rill, Martha, Merlin. One yr. grad. work, Univ. Minn., teacher Ashville Teachers Coll. (N.C.), summers 1924-36; taught continuously at Park Coll. Reed, cer- tificate for distinguished service in Chris- tian Edn., 30 May 1938, awarded by the Gen. Assembly, Presbyn. Ch., U.S.A., Phila., Pa. Food adminstr. in locality. Taught physiol. in S.A.T.C. located at Park Coll., during World War I; mem. Theta Delta Chi, Sigma Xi, A.A.A.S. (fellow), Am. Microscop. Soc, Nat. Geo- graphic Soc. Travel: Am. Continent. Interest: biology, good citizenship. Rec- reations: travel, horticulture. Presby- terian. Democrat. Office: Park College, Mo. Home: Parkville, Mo. FKANKEN, William A., attorney; b. Norborne, Mo., 21 Mar. 1880; s. Henry H. Franken, businessman, and Sybilla (Koenig) F.; ed. Norborne (Mo.) High Sch.; LL.B., Univ. Mo., 1906; m. Laura Coontz of Vandalia, Mo., 15 June 1909. Practiced law, Carrollton, Mo., 1906- ; dir., Carroll Co. Trust Co., Carrollton, Mo., Bk. of Tina, Tina, Mo., Farmers & Merchants Bk. of Hale, Mo.; probate judge, Carroll Co., Mo., 1911-14; mem. Theta Kappa Nu, Phi Delta Phi, K.C. Catholic. Democrat. Office: First Na- tional Bank Bldg., Carrollton, Mo. Home: 907 N. Main St., Carrollton, Mo. KROLLMANN, Gustav W., artist; b. Vienna, Austria, 31 July 1888; s. August Krollmann and Emma (Zeidler) K.; ed. Acad, of Fine Arts, Vienna; post-grad. school Prof. Delug, Vienna; post-grad, work, Columbia Univ.; m. Mrs. Rae G. Hensel of St. Paul, 3 Sept. 1929; came to U.S., 1923, naturalized, 1929; with Min- neapolis Sch. of Art, 1931; asst. prof. Carle ton Coll., 1938-40; served as 1st It. in Austrian Arty., 31 July 1914 to end of war, 1918. Travel: Eng., Fr., Bel- gium, Ger., Austria, Italy, Hungary, Rumania. Interests: writing, travel. Recreations: driving, reading, motion pictures. Home: 604 Summit Av. Office: 200 E. 25th St., Minneapolis, Minn. GECKS, Mathilde C, teacher; b. St. Louis, Mo.; d. Francis Geeks and Eliza- beth (Landfried) G.; ed. St. Louis high sch.; Harris Teachers Coll., St. Louis; A.B., N.Y. Univ., A.M., 1926. Elemen- tary grade teacher; supervisor, kinder- garten and primary grades; apptd. asst. supt., 1928; 1st woman pres. Mo. State Teachers Assn., 1917-19; recipient hon. recognition for outstanding contbn. to edn., by Mo. State Teachers Assn., 1939; served as chmn., Jr. Red Cross for pub. and pvt. schs. of St. Louis; mem. War Camp Community Service, during World War I; life mem. N.E.A., N.E.A. Adminstrs. Assn., Assn. Childhood Edn. Clubs: Wednesday, Town, Civic, Zonta. Author: series of readers for primary and middle grades, Story and Study Readers. Travel: U.S. (extensive), Can- ada. Desc. soldiers in Mexican and Civil Wars. Interests: music, lit., classics. Recreations: club and frat. activities. Roman Catholic. Republican. Office: Harris Teachers Coll., St. Louis, Mo. Home: Coronado Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. GILLETTE, George Lewis, manufac- turer; b. Niles, 4 Nov. 1882; s. Lewis S. Gillette, structural steel engr. and mfr., and Louesa Emiline (Perkins) G.; ed. East High Sch., Minneapolis; C.E., Univ. Minn., 1905; m. Irene Isham Ford of Middle ville, N.Y., 20 June 1906; chil- dren — John, Irene Steiner. Timekeeper on steel erection work, Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Co., 1905; estimating, de- signing, selling structural steel; secured fabricated steel for constrn. of ships, Am. Internat. Shipbldg. Corp., Hog Is., Pa., 1917; sales mgr., Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Co., 1919, co. consol. with Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co. and Moline Implement Co., 1929, as Moline Power Implement Co.; sales mgr., 1929- ; v.p., dir., Minneapolis Moline Power Im- plement Co.; pres., Plymouth Investment Co., L. S. Gillette Co.; in shipbldg. bus. during World War. Clubs: Rotary (pres., 1937), Minneapolis, Minikahda, Lafay- 924 ette. Travel: U.S., Europe, S.Am., Cent. Am. Recreations: golf, shooting. Bap- tist. Republican. Office: Minneapolis Moline Power Implement Co., Minneap- olis, Minn. Home: 1821 Dupont Av. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Summer res.: Lake Minnetonka P.O., Crystal Bay, Minn. GOETSCH, Gustav Frederick, artist, painter, etcher; b. Sibley Co., Minn., 15 Mar. 1877; s. Henry Goetsch, farmer, and Ida (Arndt) G.; ed. New Auburn (Minn.) High Sch.; Gaylord (Minn.) High Sch.; Minneapolis Sch. of Fine Arts; N.Y. Sch. of Art; Julien Acad, of Paris, Fr.; m. Hazel E. Locke Weedell of Minneapolis, 9 July 1918; children — Elizabeth Hazel, G. Frederick, Jr., teacher of art, Minneapolis Sch. Fine Arts, 1908-09, St. Louis Sch. Fine Arts, 1909-14; prin., Fine arts dept., Minne- apolis Sch. Fine Arts, 1915-17, St. Louis Sch. Fine Arts, 1917- ; Art Students League, N.Y. summer, 1928; instr., life and painting classes, St. Louis Sch., Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo.; work on display in museums and schs.; mem. Artists Guild of St. Louis, Chicago Soc. of Etchers, 2x4 Soc. Club: Faculty (Wash. Univ.). Winner: 1st prizes and gold medals in various art exhibits. Travel: Eur., U.S., Can. Interests: antiques, clocks, gardening, books. Rec- reation: travel. Protestant. Independ- ent. Office: School of Fine Arts, Wash- ington University, St. Louis, Mo. Home: 20 Elm Av., Glendale, Mo. Summer home: Meramec River, Pacific, Mo. GRIFFITHS, Henry H., lawyer; b. Des Moines, la., 19 Feb. 1868; s. Capt. Henry H. Griffiths, merchant, and Mary Winton (Nash) G.; ed. West High Sch., Des Moines; LL.B., State Univ. la. Law Dept., 1891; unmarried. Practicing lawyer, Des Moines, 1921-22; treas., Iowa Unitarian Assn., 1907- ; del. Progressive Nat. Conv, 1916; mem. Resolutions com.; nat. committeeman, Progressive Nat. Com., 1916-17; mem. Polk Co. Bar Assn., Iowa State Bar Assn., S.A.R. (State registrar 4 yrs.), Masonic Bodies. Uni- tarian. Independent. Office: 311 Crocker Bldg., Des Moines, la. Home: 1007 Clin- ton Av., Des Moines, la. HAN AN, Earnest B., physician; b. Granger, Mo., 4 Feb. 1894; s. John P. Hanan and Ida M. (Jenkins) H.; ed. Buffalo High Sch., 1910-13; Acad., South West Bapt. Coll., 1915-16; South West Coll., 1916, 17, 19, 20; A.B., and 2 yrs. med., Univ. Mo., 1920-23; A.M., Univ. Buffalo, 1925, M.D., 1928; m. Lessie M. Elliott, 29 Nov. 1917. Teacher in pub. schs., 1913-15, student asst., pub. health lab. and dept. of bact., Univ. Mo., 1922- 23, research asst., dept of physiol., Med. Sch.; Univ. Buffalo, assoc. instr., dept. of anat., and asst. prof., anat., 1931-34; instr. in med. bact., 1932-35, instr. in pharm. and therap., 1929-32, assoc. prof, of hygiene and pub. health, 1934-37; con- sultant path., Nev. State Hosp., 1938; path., Humansville Hosp., 1937; path., Burge Hosp., Springfield, Mo., 1940; dir. labs., post-grad, studies, med. tech., assoc. dir. path, and bact., all at Buf- falo City Hosp., incl. yrs. 1928-38; sergt., Med. Dept., U.S. Army, 1917-19; mem. Am. Assn. Anat., Am. Assn. Pub. Health, Am. Bd. Path., Sigma Xi (Univ. Buffalo, sec, 1937); past mem. N.Y. State Assn. Pub. Health Labs., Erie Co. Med. Soc, Am. Assn. Bact., Buffalo Acad. Med. (sec, path, sect., 1937); fellow, A.A.A.S., Am. Med. Soc, Am. Assn. Clinical Path. Author: various arts, in med. jours. Re- search work, diagn. tests for tubercu- losis, relation of allergy to silicosis. Of- fice: Foster Bldg., Bolivar, Mo. Home: 534 Lillian St., Bolivar, Mo. HARDESTY, John F., physician; b. Mo., 30 Dec. 1887; s. B. Franklin Har- desty, farmer, and Evaline (Overall) H.; ed. Warrensburg State Normal; B.S., St. Louis Univ., M.D., 1914; m. Lena Lou Dahl of Houston, Tex., 1937; children — John Franklin Jr., Robert, Jane. Served as capt., 2 yrs. during World War I; mem., Am. Ophthal. Soc, Am. Acad. Ophthal, and Otolaryngol., Am. Acad, of Science. Clubs: University, Bellerive. Home: 9 Bellerive Acres. Office: 706 Missouri Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. HOLLAND, Robert Allen, art dir., lec- turer; b. Edgerton, Mo., 6 May 1868; s. Robert Elbert Holland, lawyer, and Sarah Elizabeth (Bowring) H.; ed. Presby. Acad., Salida, Colo.; DePauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind., 1889-94; Cincin- nati Art Acad., 1901-02; m. Eliza A. Creek of Greencastle, 1892; children— Lucile Mae Stohlman, Glen A., Aithra Bence Shelton; m. 2nd, Madeleine Borg- graefe of St. Louis, 1923. Clergyman, M.E.Ch., 1889-93; acting dir., City Art Mus., St. Louis, 1912-13, dir., 1913-23, Kansas City Art Inst., 1924-33; curator, William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, Mary Atkins Mus. of Fine Arts, Kansas City, 1930-33; art lecturer. Travel: abroad (art study). Holland and Bow- ring families formerly owners over 100 slaves. Address: Castlewood, St. Louis Co., Mo. 925 EVERETT, Emmit E., lawyer; b. Allen, 21 May 1876; s. Jasper Everett, farmer, and Margaret (Reeder) E.; ed. Lima Lutheran Coll., 1900; Ohio State Univ., 1905; Pd.B., S.B., LL.B.; m. Gracia Crum of Lima, 26 Aug. 1900; children — Paul E., Howard. Teacher, pub. schs., reformatory; practice of law; justice of peace, 8 yrs.; common pleas judge, 8 yrs.; Ohio pardon and parole commn., 2 yrs.; dir., Masonic Hall; mem. Masons (past grand high priest of grand chapt.), B.P.O.E., Moose, Maccabees. Travel: U.S. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Meth- odist. Democratic. Office: 301 Masonic Bldg., Lima, O. Home: 401 S. Jameson St., Lima, O. EVERHARD, Edgar Phillip, construc- tion engineer; b. Canton, O., 23 Dec. 1891; s. Charles J. Everhard, bus., and Cora (Housel) E.; ed. Canton, O., and private tutors; m. Edna Tice of Canton, O., 1 Feb. 1917; children — Betty Jane, Edgar P., Mollie Virginia. Consulting steel mill engr., -33; built first integrated modern steel plant in Siberia, U.S.S.R., 1930-33; contracting 1933- ; v.p. William A. Pope Co., and Standard Aluminum & Alloy Co.; mem. Western Soc. of Engrs., Am. Welding Soc. Clubs: Chicago Ex- ecutives, Illinois Athletic, Hinsdale Golf. Travel: Eng., and Eur., U.S.S.R. and Siberia. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 26 N. Jefferson St., Chicago, 111. Home: Hinsdale, 111. ARONSSON, Maurice, printer; b. Halmstad, Sweden, 11 Dec. 1892; s. Selim and Mrs. Aronsson (nee Schatz) ; grad. high school; m. Dorothy Abramson, 21 May 1916; children — Margie Louise, Lois Selma, Herbert Allen. Entered printing business, 1917, now pres. Arons- son Printing Co.; treas. Blair Distillery. Sec.-treas. Detroit Racing Assn.; treas. Jewish Welfare Fedn.; mem. bd. Jew- ish Childrens Home, Jewish Old Folks Home. Mason (32°, Shriner). Clubs: Knollwood (mem. bd.), Cooperative (vice pres.), Standard (Detroit). Office: 1354 W. Lafayette Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Home: 2254 W. Chicago Blvd., Detroit, Mich. JONES, Lynds, professor emeritus; b. Jefferson, O., 5 Jan. 1865; s. Publius Vergilius, millwright, and Lavinia (Bur- ton) J.; ed. Grinnell Acad.; Grinnell Coll.; A.B., Oberlin Coll., 1892; M.Sc, 1895; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1905; m. Clara Mabelle Tallmon of Grinnell, la., 8 Sept. 1892; children — Lynds Leo, Theo- dore Burton (dec), George Tallmon, Beth, Harold Charles. Recorder migra- tions of birds, U.S. Biol. Survey, 1882- ; attached to U.S. Fish Commn., Woods Hole, Mass., 1903-04. Became mem. faculty, Oberlin Coll., 1892, began teach- ing ornithology, 1895; teacher biology, Berry Coll., Ga., 1936-37, pres. Bd. of Edn., 3 terms. Editor of Wilson Bulletin (ornithology), 25 yrs.; conducted coll. classes by automobile from Oberlin to Pacific Coast, 1919-30, also by train to coast of Washington, 1915-16; elected twice to Village Council; twice apptd. trustee of sanitorium; apptd. to Lorain County No. 4 Selective Service Bd., 1940; mem. Ornithologists Union, Cooper and Wilson ornithol. clubs. Club: Exchange. Author: Birds of Ohio; Development of Nestling Feathers; many articles about birds. Travel: Alaska, Puerto Rico. In- terest: bird study. Recreations: tennis, golf. Congregationalist. Republican. Home: 352 W. College St., Oberlin, O. DIEFENBACH, Josephine C; b. Helena, O.; d. Allen King Zartman, clergyman, and Elizabeth Ann (Conrad) Z.; ed. Westminster Seminary; Ph.B., Heidelberg Coll., Tiffin, O., 1901; m. Howard B. Diefenbach, 14 June 1906; children — Allan Berleman, Benjamin Conrad. Mem. Bd. Akron Woman's City Club, 1931-41 (pres., 1936-40), Bd. Nat. Aeronautic Assn., Akron Chap., 1934-37; 3rd v.p. N.S.U.S.D., 1937-40; mem. D.A.R. D.A.C., N.S.U.S.D., 1812, Huguenot Soc, Nat. Aeronautic Assn., Assn. State Pres.-D. 1812, Nat. Officers Club, D. 1912. Clubs: Woman's City, Garden Lovers, College, Federation of Women's Clubs. Earliest ancestor in Ohio, John Christian King, 1803. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Address: 356 Rose Blvd., Akron, O. BOLLENSEN, George Steninger, for- eign manager; b. Naperville, 111., 8 Aug. 1875; s. Louis Christopher Bollensen, cartage contractor, and Elizabeth Anne (Steninger) B.; ed. Bryant & Stratton Bus. Coll.; m. Florence Elanor Risley of Chicago, 5 Sept. 1905; children — George J., Robert H., Louis Charles, Richard Francis. Dir., Felt-Tarrant Mfg. Co., Comptometer Co., Moline Terrace Bldg. Corp.; mem. For. Trade Com. of Chicago Assn. Commerce, also of 111. Mfrs. Assn.; mem. Nat. For. Trade Council. Clubs: Export Managers, Union League (Chicago). Travel: number of times to all Eur. countries except Bal- kans. Maternal grandfather came by covered wagon from Lehigh County, Pa., to 111., 1845, ancestors fought for Am. in Am. Rev. Methodist. Repub- 926 lican. Office: 1735 N. Paulina St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: R.F.D. 2, Woodstock, 111. AVERY, Allen Steinwehr, physician; b. Rockwood, Tenn., 23 Oct. 1898; s. J. D. Avery, farmer, and Alice (Stein- wehr) A.; ed. Maryville (Tenn.) Prep. Sen.; Vanderbilt Univ.; Akron Univ.; M.D., O. State Univ., 1925; Columbia Univ.; m. Margaret Crawford of Toledo, O., 1933. Engaged in practice as phy- sician, Toledo, O. Pvt., U.S.A., 3 mos., during World War; mem. A.M. A., Am. Urological Assn., A.C.S., Am. Bd. Urol- ogy (diplomate). Club: Sylvania Coun- try. Travel: Eur. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Presbyterian. Democrat. Of- fice: 1838 Parkwood Av., Toledo, O. Home: 3444 Goddard Rd., Toledo, O. BARKER, F. Marion, physician; b. Nebraska; s. Thomas O. Barker and Mary Ann (Needham) B.; ed. Neb. high sen.; Univ. Neb.; A.B., Milton Coll.; M.D., Univ. 111., A.M.; m. Edith Stock- ton Birney of Washington, D.C. En- gaged in post-grad, work, Europe, 3 yrs.; practice of profession, 25 yrs. Lt. col., M.C., U.S.A., 6 yrs., N.G., A.E.F., 2V 2 yrs. during World War. Fellow Nat. Geog. Soc; mem. Am. Mus. Nat. History, Elks, Masons, Am. Legion, Mil. Order World War. Clubs: Country (De- troit) ; Army and Navy (Chicago); Uni- versity. Travel: Europe, Asia, Afr., No. Am., So. Am. Interest: archaeolgy, esp. American. Recreations: hunting, fish- ing. Episcopalian. Republican. Home: 410 University PI., Grosse Pointe, De- troit, Mich. ADLER, Philip Abrams, newspaper- man; b. Vilna, Russia, 27 Jan. 1891; s. Israel Alexander Adler and Anna (Kra- vez) A.; ed. Gymnasia, Vilna, Hebrew Tech. Inst., N.Y.; Univ. Wis., 1913-18; m. Alice Sherman of Detroit, Mich., May 1935; children — Elizabeth Sherman, Doris Lola. Mem. editorial staffs, Akron Beacon Jour., Minn. Daily Star, Minne- apolis Jour., St. Paul Daily News, Wis. State Jour.; ed. Wis. Lit. Mag.; with Detroit News, 1922- ; teacher of internat. relations and econ. geog., Univ. Detroit, 1924-27; world traveler; foreign corr.; lecturer on international affairs; during World War served with A.E.F., 50th Coast Arty., C.A.C. Author: essays for various pubis. Jewish. Independent. Home: 1418 Atkison Av., Detroit, Mich. Office: The Detroit News, Detroit, Mich. DUNER, Clarence Swan, physician; b. Chicago, 111., 11 Dec. 1892; s. Swan Duner and Anna (Carlson) D.; ed. Hyde Park High Sen.; S.B., Univ. Chicago, 1915, M.D., Rush Med Coll., 1917; m. Olga Ward, 6 Apr. 1930; 1 dau., Helen Louise. Attending internist South Shore Hosp., Chicago, also dir. Served as It., M.C., U.S.N.R.F., 14 mos. Fellow Am. Med. Assn.; mem. Chicago Med. Soc. (past pres.), 111. State Med. Soc; life mem. Art Inst, of Chicago; asso. life mem. Field Museum. Mason (K.T.). Presbyterian. Republican. Club: South Side Swedish. Author of articles on peptic ulcer. Home: 7627 Yates Av. Office: 753 E. 79th St., Chicago, 111. BOGERT, W. Thornton, patent attor- ney, engineer; b. Cincinnati, 4 Aug. 1889; s. William T. Bogert, physician, and Ella Cecelia (Harton) B.; ed. Cincinnati pub. schs. ; O. Mechanics Inst.; Univ. Cincinnati; m. Martha Viola Bauer of Wash., D.C, 1928; 1 son, Herbert Thorn- ton. Assoc, with Walter F. Murray, patent atty., Cincinnati, 1909-17; pvt. pract., 1917-29; partner of Martha V. Bogert under firm name Bogert & Bo- gert, Cincinnati, 1929- ; registered prof, engr., O.; registered patent atty., U.S., Can.; mem. Traffic Safety Council Met- ropolitan Cincinnati (chmn. traffic eng. com., mem. exec, com.), O. Traffic Safety Council (mem. traffic engr. com.), O. State Safety Council, Cincinnati Nu- mismatic Assn., O. Soc. Prof. Engrs. (dir.), Nat. Soc. Prof. Engrs. (mem. Patent com.; pres. Cincinnati chapter), Army Ordnance Assn., Technical and Scientific Socs. Council Cincinnati (past pres.), Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs., O. Mech. Inst. Club: Engineers (dir. and chmn. engr. com.; past pres.). Travel: Amer- ica. Desc. early English, Dutch and Irish settlers in New Amsterdam (New York City). Interests and recreations: photography, graphic arts, model boat- ing, miniature railroading, buildings, scenery, horticulture, hiking, bicycling, breeding small laboratory stock. Office and home: 1126 Salisbury Dr., Cincin- nati, O. CHANNON, Vesta Miller West over; b. Oconomowoc, Wis.; d. George F. West- over, lawyer, and Elizabeth Quacken- bush (Miller); ed. grad., high sen.; Misses Grant's Sem., Chicago; univ. courses, Chicago and Paris; m. Harry Channon of Chicago (divorced him, 1932; he dec, 1934); 1 son, Henry Channon III. Interested in libraries; founder French Library of Alliance Francaise of Chicago, with Fanny H. Newman, 1903- 04, gave first books and organized col- 927 lection of 9,000 vols. (chmn. com. until World War) ; founder Am. Library, in honor of Pasteur, Univ. Strasbourg, France, books of Am. authors exclusively (lit., hist., gen. and med.) ; apptd. by Gov. mem. com. to receive Marshal Foch dur- ing visit to Chicago, 1921; mem. Allied Relief Com. (for French Red Cross), Women's 111. Div., Council of Nat. De- fense, Nat. Council of Defense; attended Congress of Allied Women on War Serv- ice, Paris, France, 1918; chmn. Rehabili- tation Com., formed to assist Am. Com. for Devastated France, 1920; first chmn. Sunday Afternoon Open Door Com., C.W.C.; mem. Daus. Am. Colonists (Fort Checaugou Chap.), D.A.R., Nat. Soc. Daus. of Founders and Patriots of Am. (111. Chap.), Nat. Soc. Magna Charta Dames; hon. mem. Women's Aux., Post 61, Can. Legion, B.E.S.L. (Chicago); mem. English Speaking Union, Fr. Inst, in N.Y., Am. Friends of LaFayette, New Orient Soc, various Franco-Am. socs.; founder-mem. Les Amis des Soldats Aveugles, Paris; I.A.G. Clubs: Casino, College, Woman's, Woman's Athletic (Chicago and Los Angeles). Decora- tions: Off icier de Flnstruction publique, Chevalier de la Legion d'honneur, France. Travel: Eng., Scot., Fr., Africa, Alexandria, Cairo, Beirut, Syria; guest of Fr. Govt, at Tanis for French excava- tions. Westover lineage carries back to 1635 — nine generations in U.S., and to Charlemagne in Europe, including eight signers of Magna Charta in Eng., 1215. Recreation: camping. Protestant. In- dependent. Office: P.O. Box 5008, Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1434 N. Astor St., Chicago, 111., (temporary) Palmer House. Summer res.: "lies des Rochers" — let- ters and telegrams, Desbarats, Ont., Can. MERRILL, Frank Winthrop, electrical engineer; b. Chicago, 111., 19 Jan. 1882; s. Herbert L. Merrill, Prin., and Nina Elisabeth (Barr) M.; ed. M.E., Lewis Inst., 1905; m. Violet A. Oates of Elm- wood Pk., 111., 30 Dec. 1905; children — Mrs. Dale G. Wilson, Herbert James. Broad experience as D.C. design engi- neer motors and generators; research work and patents on voltage regulators, speed regulation systems, inductor al- ternators, permanent magnet arrange- ments, amplidyne motors, inductor mo- tors; engaged with Western Elec. Co. during World War I; mem. A.I.E.E. Club: Ft. Wayne Engrs. Author: In- ductor Alternators for Tel. and Tele- graph Signaling, 1934, other tech. arts. Interests: inventing, reading. Recre- ations: golf, motoring, boating, fishing. Protestant. Republican. Office: Gen- eral Electric Company, 1635 Broadway, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Home: 1134 Oakdale Dr., Ft. Wayne, Ind. BOST, William Dale, corp. exec; b. Matthews, N.C., 14 Oct. 1889; s. William Jackson and Myrtle (Massey) B.; Pharm. D„ and Ph.C, Phila. (Pa.) Coll. of Science, 1910; grad. study Washington U., 1912, U. of Calif., 1917; m. Martha Douglas, June 15, 1943; Chemist and dir. production, Peroxide Specialty Co., St. Louis Mo., 1912-13; chemist and supt. production, Langley & Michaels Co., San Francisco, 1914-18; chief chemist, Nat. Canners Assn., Calif, div., Los Angeles, 1918-20; chief chemist and v.p. Orange- Crush Co., 1920, exec v.p., 1925, chmn. exec, com., since 1932; chmn. bd. Bost Tooth Paste Corp. (New York) ; v.p. Orange-Crush Products, Ltd. (Toronto, Can.). Fellow Am. Inst. Chemists; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, A.A.A.S., Inst. Food Technologists, Kappa Psi. Clubs: Knoll- wood, Chicago Chemists, Chicago Ath- letic, Mid-Day, New York Chemists. Home: 2130 Lincoln Park West. Office: 314 W. Superior St., Chicago, 111. DORSEY, LeRoy Howard, pres. Chi- cago Portrait Co.; b. Logansport, Ind., 19 Jan. 1887; s. Daniel Howard and Martha Elizabeth (Umbarger) D.; stu- dent pub. schs., Ind. Salesman, 1904, later div. mgr., dir. Chicago Portrait Co., pres. since 1931; established Fine Arts Assn., 1923, pres. since 1931; pres. American Fine Arts Studios since 1932; dir. Empire Art Co., Pty. Ltd., Sydney, Australia, since 1931; pres. Corn Belt Farms, Inc., since 1936; owner and op- erator Dorsey Farms, Kentland. Good- land, and Chalmers, Indiana, since 1933. Served in F.A. Officers Training Sch., World War I. Mem. Am. Legion, Chi- cago Assn. Commerce, 111. Mfrs. Assn., Mexican Chamber of Commerce, Central Lions of Chicago, Ind. Soc. of Chicago, Am. Geog. Soc; dir. Army Council of Chicago; hon. pres. Internat. Tampico Tarpon Rodeos (Mexico), Internat. Acapulco Sailfish Rodeos (Mex.), hon. chmn. Southwest Pass Tarpon Rodeos (New Orleans, La.); hon rep. in U.S.A. of Fed. Fishing Commn., Marine dept., Mexico; hon. agt. in Chicago of Tour, dept., Ministry of Interior, Mexico. Pres. Sportsman's Club of America, Better Fishing Inc. Clubs: Southern Calif. Tuna Regatas Corona (Tampico), Ceylon Sea Anglers (Columbo, Ceylon), Flying Fish- erman's. Methodist. Mason (32°, K.T., 928 Shriner). Home: 5236 Lake Park Av. Office: 509 S. Wabash Av., Chicago, 111. DONAHOE, Edward, writer; b. Ponca City, Okla., 24 March 1900; s. Daniel Justin Donahoe and Margaret (McGraw) D.; ed. St. Mary's Acad., Kan.; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1922. Employed, pub- lishing firm Alfred A. Knopf, New York; lived in Eng., Fr., Ger., It., intermit- tently, last 15 yrs.; now preparing a new novel; served in S.A.T.C, Sept.-Dec. 1918. Author: Madness in the Heart, several short stories. Son, Daniel Justin Donahoe, who made hist, run into Cherokee Strip, 1893. Interests: hist., lit., renaissance, 18th century here and in Eng. Democrat. Address: Ponca City. Home: Redding, Conn. ECKEL, Edward Henry, Jr., clergy- man, rector; b. Newport, Del., 23 Apr. 1890; s. Edward Henry Eckel, D.D., clergyman, and Anna Todd (Reynolds) E.; ed. Williamsport, Pa. high sch., 1903-05; St. Joseph, Mo. high sch., 1905- 07; Univ. Mo., 1907-10; B.A. in Theol. (2nd class), Wadham Coll., Oxford, Eng., 1913 (Rhodes scholar from Mo.); S.T.B., Gen. Theol. Sem., N.Y., 1915; m. Emily Hewson Pope of St. Paul, Minn., 30 Apr. 1927. Ordained deacon, 7 June 1914, priest 20 Dec. 1914; curate, Ch. St. John Evangelist, St. Paul, Minn., 1916-18; rector, Christ Ch., Warrensburg, Mo., 1914-16, St. Paul's on the Hill, St. Paul, Minn, 1918-29, Trinity Ch., Tulsa, Okla., 1 Jan. since 1930; deputy, Gen. Convention Protestant Episcopal Ch., 1931, 1940; dir, Tulsa Community Fund since 1938; v.chmn., Okla. Episcopal Ch. Trustees since 1933; pres. Children's Service Bur. Tulsa, 1936- ; corpl., Minn. Home Guard, 1917-18, chaplain, 206th Inf., Minn. Nat. Guard, 1918-26; mem. Cathedral Chap, and Bd. Examining Chaplains Diocese Okla., com. to draw up merit plans for Tulsa municipal em- ployees, Ministerial Alliance, Mason, K.T., 32° Scottish Rite (affiliated with St. Paul, Minn, bodies). Clubs: Tulsa, Hi-Twelve (Tulsa, Okla.), Tulsa Knife and Fork. Author: sermons, articles in ch. press. Travel: Eng., Fr., Belgium, Ger., Austria, It., Can., Cuba, U.S., Switzerland, Panama. Interested in stamp collecting. Recreations: swim- ming, rowing, reading. Episcopal. Dem- ocrat. Office: Trinity Church, 501 S. Cincinnati Av., Tulsa, Okla. Home: 12 E. 24th St., Tulsa, Okla. CLAYTON, Benjamin Wilbur, attor- ney-at-law; b. Clayton, Ala., 12 Feb. 1903; s. Louis Clayton, blacksmith, and Ellen (Enerchardt) C; ed. Ala. State Coll., Montgomery, Ala.; B.A., Howard Univ., LL.B., LL.M., Boston Univ.; fin- ished 7th grade, Clayton, Ala.; en- tered high sch., then Ala. State Coll.; entered Howard Univ., Wash. D.C., grad- uating from Coll. of Arts and Sciences with B.A. degree, graduated, Law Coll., LL.B. degree; entered Boston Univ. Law Sch., graduating with LL.M. degree; ad- mitted to Bar of D.C., 1919; admitted to Bar of 111., 1921, practicing, since 1921; gen. counsel, Pyramid Life Ins. Co. of Ohio, 111., Mo.; mem. Omega Psi Phi, Elks, Masons, Nat. Bar Assn., Cook County Bar Assn. Nat. Bar, Nat. Lawyers Guild. Clubs: Ala. State, Ala. State Coll., Howard Univ., Boston Univ. (Chicago), regular Rep. Orgn. Author: Song — I can't live without you mother dear. Travel: throughout U.S., Can. Interests: Constitutional Law as it re- lates to Citizens of color of U.S. Recrea- tions: base ball, foot ball, basket ball. Methodist. Progressive Republican. Office: Suite 4, 3456 Indiana Av., Chi- cago, 111. Summer Home: Idle Wild, Mich. FARWELL, Oliver Atkins, botanist (retired) ; b. Dorchester, Mass., 13 Dec. 1867; s. Oliver Atkins Farwell, sailor, machine installer, broker, mining agt., and Charlotte Louise (Brockway)F.; ed. Mich. Normal Coll., 1890-92; studied in pub. schs. and with tutors, Clifton, Mich., 1883-87; Sc.D., Coll. City Detroit, Wayne Univ., 1933. Laborer, farmer, engr., sch. teacher, 1882-90; librarian, botanist, drug insp., Park Davis & Co., 1892-1933; mem. U.S.P. Conventions, 1920, 1930, Revision Com. Nat. Formula, 1920-34; past mem. many sci., patriotic and hist, socs.; prof, pharmaceutical botany, Detroit Coll. Pharm., 1918-19; overseer of hwys., twp. elk., 1889-90; mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts & Letters (charter mem.), A. Gray Botanical Assn. (past pres. when it was chap, in Agassiz Assn.), Pilgrim, John Howland Soc. Club: Torry Bo- tanical. Author: many years on pharm- aceutical and medicinal plants, and on local flora of Mich. Travel: Can.; Mex., U.S. Father, Oliver Atkins Farwell, and grandfather, D.D. Brockway, were pio- neer developers of copper industry in Mich. Interest: botany. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Methodist. Republi- can. Home: Lake Linden, Houghton Co., Mich. (P.O. Box 265). RENAUD, George L., physician; b. Detroit, Mich., 10 Mar. 1870; s. George F. Renaud and Julie (Petrequin) R.; ed. Detroit (Mich.) High Sch.; Univ. 929 Mich.; Detroit Coil. Med., 1891; m. Florence A. Peck of Chatham, Ont., June 1911; children — George F., Louis A., Mrs. Elaine Renaud Shreve. Special- ist in study of tonsils as a therapeutic aid. Mem. Wayne Co. Med. Soc. (hon. mem. 1941), Mich. State Med. Soc, A.M. A., Alumni Assn. Detroit Coll. Med. (pres., 1891). Clubs: Detroit Boat, Grosse Pointe Yacht (co-founder), Day- light Saving founder and pres.; finally adopted by city, 1915). Author: num- erous med. arts, many supporting con- tentions about tonsils as a therapeutic aid, and tonsillectomy as a blunder. Office: 510 Joseph Campau, Detroit, Mich. Home: 31 Renaud Road, Grosse Point Shores, Mich. RICHARDSON, Jeffers Foster, ma- chinery mfr.; S. M. Richardson, mfr., and Mary (Holmes) R.; ed. Whitcomb High Sen., Bethel; B.S. in C.E., Norwich Univ., Northfield, 1900; m. Florence Embler of Buffalo, 27 Mar. 1918; chil- dren — Jeffers Foster Jr., Hazen Embler, John Coklin. New York representative, Pillsbury- Washburn Milling Co., 1900-03; Milford Quarry Co., 1903-05; N.Y. rep. Buffalo Steam Roller Co., 1905-10, sales mgr., 1910-16; sec. The Buffalo Spring- field Roller Co., 1920- ; served with U.S. Army, as capt., 1916-20; mem Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Am. Legion. Mason. Clubs: Rotary, Springfield, University of Buffalo, Executives, Springfield Country. Recreation: equitation. Unitarian. Re- publican. Office: The Buffalo-Spring- field Roller Co., Springfield Roller Co., Springfield, O. Home: 320 East Cas- silly St., Springfield, O. Summer home: Chaska Beach, Huron, Mich. PATTERSON, James Clarence, chief engr. maintenance of ways, b. Car- michaels, Pa., 21 Jan. 1882; s. Julian S., and Mary (Eaton) P.; B.S.C.E., Pa. State Coll., 1905; m. Virginia Walton, 26 Dec. 1907; 1 dau. Dorothy (Patterson) Heliker. Entered r.r. service as rodman, Pa. R.R., 1905-06; draftsman, N.Y.C. and H.R.R.R. (now N.Y.C), 1906-07; R.R. location, C.C.C. & St. Louis R.R., Apr.-Oct. 1907; drainage and levee work, 1907-09; res. engr. Northern Pacific Ry., Apr.-Oct. 1909; asst. engr. C.G.W., 1909-13; chief draftsman, Erie R.R., 1913-16; asst. valuation engr., 1916-17; office engr. 1917-18; prin. asst. engr., 1918-20, regional engr., 1920-27; supt. maintenance, 1927-28; chief engr. main- tenance of way, Erie R.R. 1928- ; mem. A.R.E.A., Phi Sigma Kappa, Masons. Clubs : Cleveland Rosmers, Shaker Heights Country. Protestant. Inde- pendent. Office: 825 Republic Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 18730 S. Moreland Blvd., Shaker Heights, O. MARTIN, George A., business exec; b. Montello, Wis., 7 Nov. 1865; s. Thomas C. Martin, lake capt., and Catherine (Jones) M.; ed. Chicago Atheneum Night Sen.; m. Emma Von Rehberg of Chi- cago, 111., 4 June 1894; 1 son, George A. Jr. Asso. with Chicago Packing Pro- vision Co., Chicago, 111., 1877-79, Tuke & Higgins Packing Co., Chicago, 111., 1880-82, Union Brass Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111., 1883-86, Todd & Pococke, mfrs. indsl. and paint specialties, Chicago, 111., 1887-89, Sherwin-Williams Co., 1890- ; pres., dir.; pres. Acme White Lead & Color Works, The Ozark Smelting & Mining Co.; v. p. Martin-Senour Co.; dir. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Wilson & Co., Otis Steel Co., Erie R.R. Co., Cleveland Baseball Co.; mem. Chicago Athletic Assn., Ohio Soc. N.Y. Mason. Clubs: Pepper Pike Country, Pine Val- ley Golf, Knollwood, Old Elm, Chicago, Union, City (Cleveland). Episcopal. Republican. Office: Midland Bldg., Cleve- land, O. Home: 12725 Lake Shore Blvd., Bratenahl Village, O. BROWN, Robert Sater, editor of the Columbus Citizen; b. Ross, O., 15 Jan. 1900; s. William Brown, farmer, and Daisy (Sater) B.; ed. Woodward high sen., Cincinnati; B.S., Ohio State Univ., 1923; m. Leona W. Brayshaw of Tipp City, 21 Sept. 1926; children— Barbara, Martin. Worked on various Ohio, Ind., Fla. newspapers; joined Cleveland Press, 1927; Washington corr., Scripps Howard newspapers, 1933-37; ed. Columbus Citi- zen, 1937- ; pvt., S.A.T.C., R.O.T.C., 90 days during World War; mem. Alpha Gamma Rho, Sigma Delta Chi. Clubs: National Press, Columbus Country, Co- lumbus Athletic, Columbus University. Presbyterian. Independent. Office: 34 N. 3rd St., Columbus, O. Home: 2347 Bexley Park Dr., Columbus, O. FEUERLICHT, Morris Marcus, rabbi; b. Tokay, Hungary, 15 Jan. 1879; s. Jacob Feuerlicht, rabbi, and Kate (Deutsch) F. ; ed. Hughes high sen., Cin- cinnati; Rabbi Hebrew Union Coll., 1901; A.B., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1901; Univ. of Chicago, 1901-05; m. Mildred Mayer- stein of Lafayette, Ind., 26 Oct. 1909; children — Maurice M. Jr., Mrs. Katherine L. Cohen. Rabbi, Temple Israel, Lafay- ette, 1901-04, Indianapolis Hebrew Cong., 1904- ; prof, and lecturer, Butler Univ., 1928- ; exec, bd., Union of Am. Hebrew Congregations; sec Central Conf. Am. 930 Rabbis 1912-14; mem. Ind. State Bd. of Charities, 1920-31; pres. Ind. State Conf. of Charities, 1922; mem. Am. Sociol. Soc., Am. Inst, of Archeol., Am. Assn. Adv. of Sci. Club: Indianapolis Lit. Author: Influence of Judaism on the Founders of the Republic, Modern Jew- ish Methods of Charity in Europe. Travel: U.S., Eur. Interested in lit. and social service. Recreations: baseball, track, outdoor sports. Jewish. Demo- crat. Office: Indianapolis Hebrew Con- gregation, Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 35 East 54th St., Indianapolis, Ind. BRUNER, Henry Lane, professor emeritus; b. Knox Co., 111., 10 Jan. 1861; s. Francis Marion Bruner, educator, and Esther (Lane) B.; ed. Prep Dept., Oska- loosa Coll., la.; Eureka (Abingdon), 1880; Yale S.S., 1880-81; Ph.D., Frei- burg, Baden, 1896; Sc.D. (hon.), Butler Univ., 1932; m. 1, Carolyn Aumock of Colo. Sprs., 1890 (dec. 1894); m. 2, Emma Pfeiffer of Freiburg, Baden, 15 June 1897; children — Harold Aumock, Margaret Emilie, Henry Pfeiffer. Asst., U.S. Fish Commn., summers 1881-84; prof., natural sci., Abingdon Coll., 1881- 84, Eureka Coll., 1884-86; prof. biol. and geol., Drake, 1891-92, Butler, 1892- 19, prof., zool., 1919-38, dir. of grad. studies, 1932-38, prof., zool., emeritus, 1938- ; mem. Am. Soc. Zools., Am. Eu- genics Sox., A.A.U.P. (emeritus), A.A.A.S. (fellow), Ind. Acad, of Sci. (pres. 1919), la. Acad, of Sci. (hon fel- low), N.Y. Acad, of Sci. (asso. mem.), Prof. Mens Forum, Ind. Hist. Soc, S.A.R. Author: Laboratory Directions in College Zoology, contribs. to jours, on anatomy and physiol. of vertebrates. Interested in Am. ancestors. Disciple of Christ. Republican. Home: 324 S. Ritter Av. Office: Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind. BURFORD, Charlotte Bertha Schweit- zer; b. Terre Haute, Ind., 1879; d. Her- man Schweitzer, and Bertha (Witten- berg) S.; ed. Wiley high sch., Ind. State Normal Sch. 1898; Ph.b. Univ. of Chi- cago, 1919; M.A. Ind. Unv. 1931; m. Jesse Morton Burford of Waveland 1920; teacher grade schools and high schools, Waveland, Ind., 1898-1903; teach Ind. State Normal Sch., Terre Haute, 1903- 10; Dean of Women Ind. State Teachers Coll., 1910-. Ind. State Teachers Assn.; Nat. Ed. Assn., Ind. Assn. Dean of Women; Nat. Assn. Dean of Women; Am. Assn. Univ. Women Terre Haute Branch of Am. Assn. Univ. Women. Mem. Pi Lambda Theta, Kappa Delta Pi, Delta Kappa Gamma, Commissioner of Terre Haute Girl Scouts. Clubs: Woman's Dept. of Terre Haute, Faculty Woman's, Ind. State Coll. Author: Rea- sons for Entering the Teaching Profes- sion; Duties of Matrons and Manage- ment of Teacher College Dormitories. Travel: U.S. Received honorary cita- tioin at meeting of Nat. Assn. Deans of Women in St. Louis, Missouri, Feb., 1936. Presbyterian. Office: Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute, Ind. Home: 1508 S. Eighth St., Terre Haute, Ind. BURRELL, Robin Charles, professor of chemistry; b. Northfield, O., 14 Mar. 1896; s. Charles L. Burrell, biology teacher, and Mary (Pollock) B.; ed. Alli- ance high sch.; B.Sc, Mount Union Coll., 1918; M.A., O. State Univ., 1921, Ph.D., 1925; m. Esther Marie Johnson of New Plymouth, Ida., 1925. Student asst. chem., Mt. Union Coll.; teacher, organic, biol. chem., Univ. Richmond, Va.; instr., agr. chem., O. State Univ., at present, prof.; fellow A.I.C. and O.A.S., mem. A.C.S., A.A.A.S., Alpha Tau Omega, Psi Kappa Omega, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Gamma Alpha, Sigma Xi. Author: Chemistry for Students of Agriculture and Home Economics; Organic Chem- istry. Travel: U.S. (18 nat. parks). Desc. settlers who crossed mts. in covered wagons and came to Tuscarawas Co. Interests: gardening, music. Congre- gationalism Republican. Office: Ohio State University, Columbus, O. Home: 195 Glenmont Av., Columbus, O. CELLARIUS, Herman F., banker; b. Dayton, O., 26 Jan. 1864; s. Henry Cal- larius, secretary, and Mary C. (Haessig) C. ; ed. Central high sch., Dayton; Miami Commercial Coll., Dayton; m. Sallie E. Kinder of Miamisburg, O., 1 Oct. 1889; children — Charles F., Mary E. Shepard, Anna K. Cartright. City ed., Dayton Daily Democrat, 1883-86; clerk, Bd. of Ed., Dayton, 1886; supt., Bd. of Trade, Dayton, 1889-91; insp. Bur. Bldg. & Loan Assn., State of Ohio, 1891-93; dep. col- lector, U.S. Internal Rev., 1893-05; col- lector, internal rev., by Pres. Theo. Roosevelt, 1905-07; pres., Clifton Springs Distilling Co., 1907-17; mem. adv. coun., Fed. Home Loan Bank Bd., Wash., D.C., sec.-treas., U.S. Sav. & Loan League, 1896- ; v. p., rep. U.S., Internat. Union of Bldg. Socs. and Sav. & Loan Assns.; mem. Cincinnati C. of C. Club: Cuvier-Press. Methodist. Republican. Office: 22 E. 12th St., Cincinnati, O. Home: 3843 Forest Av., Norwood, O. 931 CHAFFE, William Hamilton, mechan- ical engineer; b. New Orleans, La., 25 Oct. 1884; s. John C. Chaff e, sugar planter, and Annie (Griffin) C; ed. Mc- Donough No. 10 Sch. (New Orleans, La.); Tulane Univ. (La.); m. Pearl Manly of N. Brookfield, Mass., 10 Sept. 1907; children — William Hamilton, Jr. (dec), Nancy G. Served as apprentice toolmaking, 3 yrs.; plant engr., Lufkin Rule Co.; foreman, Buick Motor Co.; chief production engr., Chevrolet Motor Co., plant mgr., London, Eng., branch, Chrysler Corp., in charge of all European plants; industrial engr., Ford, Bacon & Davis, New York, N.Y.; mech. engr., Cord Corp., Simmons Co.; plant mgr., Stinson Aircraft Co.; mem. A.S.M.E. Travel: Eur. Interested in gardening. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 5611 5th Av., Kenosha, Wis. Home: 407 73d St., Kenosha, Wis. NORTON, Samuel Wilber, lawyer; b. Allen, Mich., 15 Jan. 1857; s. Erastus Patten Norton, farmer, and Hannah (Crowe) N.; ed. Allen Sch.; A.B., Hills- dale Coll., Mich., 1882; A.M., Univ. of Mich., 1884, Ph.D., 1892; m. Alice S. Caldwell of Ann Arbor, Mich., 16 Aug. 1900. Acting prof, of Eng. language and lit., Hillsdale Coll., 1887-88; prac- tice of law, 1892- ; pres. Lombard Bd. of Edn., 1923-25. Mason. Author: His- tory of Chicago Traction, Legislative and Political. Interest: literature. Con- gregationalist. Republican. Office: Lom- bard, 111. Home: 352 W. St. Charles Rd., Lombard, 111. Summer res.: Hart, Mich. OWEN, Warren David, stock-broker; b. Boston, Mass., 30 Oct. 1888; s. Wil- liam Henry Owen and Lena (Stecker) O.; ed. Harvard, 1911; m. Ruth Thomp- son of Chicago, 1920 (divorced); chil- dren — Florence Louise, Ruth Elizabeth, David John, Fredericia; m. (2d) Gretchen Jarecki Scallon of Cincinnati, 30 Oct. 1937. Practiced architecture in Boston with Bigelow and Sanford; Stecker Lithographing Co., Rochester, N.Y.; J. R. Thompson Co. of Chicago; formed War- ren David Owen Co. (investment se- curities), Chicago; partner in firm Horn- blower & Weeks, 1928; enlisted as pvt., 40th Inf., U.S. Army, 1917, disch. as 2d It., 1918. Clubs: University, Saddle and Cycle, Lake Shore Athletic (Chi- cago), Everglades (Palm Beach, Fla.). Recreations: golf, travel. Episcopalian. Republican. Home: 1242 Lake Shore Dr. Office: 39 LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. PALMER, Margaret Longyear, artist, lecturer; b. Detroit, Mich., 19 Aug. 1896; d. Dr. Howard W. Longyear, physician, surgeon, and Abbie (Scott) L.; ed. Lig- gett Sch. of Detroit; The Masters Sch., Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.; Art Mus. Sch., Bos- ton; Detroit Sch. Design; m. William Beresford Palmer, Jr. of Detroit, 11 Dec. 1920; children — Howard Longyear, Esther McGrew, Wm. B., 3rd. Specialty, garden sculpture and flower arrange- ments; exhibited, World's Fair, N.Y., 1939-40; reed, local and nat. awards for flower arrangement; dir., Detroit Ortho- paedic Clinic, Cottage Hosp. of Grosse Point, Garden Club of Mich., Detroit Garden Center; former dir. Visiting Nurse Assn.; in canteen service during World War I; mem. Mod. Art Mus., Soc. Jr. League, Nat. Cathedral Soc, Arts and Crafts, Grosse Point Artists Assn., Women's Rep. League. Clubs: Women's City, Theatre Arts, Garden (Mich.). Author: articles on flower ar- rangement and garden sculpture. Travel: Fr., Switz. Interests: sculpture, paint- ing, flower arrangement. Presbyterian. Republican. Home: 393 Washington Rd., Grosse Pointe, Mich. Summer home: Huran Mt. Club, Marquette, Mich. PATTERSON, Clair Brandon, civil engr.; b. Lawrence Co., Pa., 9 Sept. 1879; s. James W. Patterson, carpenter, and Mollie E. (Brandon) P.; B.S., Ge- neva Coll., Beaver Falls, Pa., 1901; m. Emma P. Whaley of Akron, O.; 19 June 1912. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E. Am. Ry. Engr. Assn., Soc. Am. Military Engrs., Toledo, O., and Nat. Soc. Profl. Engrs. Club: Toledo Automobile. Interests: stamp collecting. Recreations: Softball, volleyball, bowling. United Prebyterian. Republican. Home: 527 Lowell Dr. Office: 1807 Madison Av., Toledo, O. HINESLEY, Ruth E., writer; b. Ind., 20 Sept. 1904; d. Perry Hinesley, farmer, and Ida (Piccard) H.; ed. Corydon, Ind. high sch.; nurse's training, City Hosp. (Louisville, Ky.) ; Univ. Louisville; m. Ernst A. Spuehler; has 2 children; 4 stepchildren. Was engaged in nursing; now in partnership with husband, Ernst A. Spuehler, internationally known artist and designer; in civilian work during World War. Author: Esther (book now at printers); articles for profl. mags, contributions to many books of verse. Travel: U.S. Interested in art, music, gardening, children, knitting. Recrea- tion: outdoor sports. Office: 540 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: R.R. No. 3, Box 338 Elgin, 111. 932 HINMAN, Harriett Leone, director of research; b. Toledo, O., 14 May 1881; d. Andrew Floyd Hinman, clerical worker, and Florence (Andrews) H.; ed. Toledo high sch.; Univ. of Toledo; Chi- cago Univ.; B.S., Columbia Univ., 1927, M.A., 1930; unmarried. Elementary teacher, Jr. high sch. teacher, elem. prin., research dir.; assoc. of sch. adminstrn., Ohio Research Assn., Nat. Soc. of Curriculum Study, Nat. Teach- ers Assn.; mem. D.H.R., Am. Assn. of Univ. Women. Author: cooperating ed. of Ednl. Abstracts. Travel: Europe, Canada, Central Am., U.S., Mexico. In- terests: antiques and old books. Uni- tarian. Republican. Office: Board of Education, Toledo, O. Home: 618 W. Delaware Av., Toledo, O. HINSHAW, Marvin Victor, Jr., hotel manager; b. Denver, Colo., 14 Aug. 1907; s. Marvin V., Sr., prof, singer, and Delia (Amerson) H.; ed. Austin and Oak Park high sch.; Crane Coll., Lewis Inst., Chi- cago; m. Jessie Renwick of Chicago, 21 Feb. 1928, s-Marvin Victor III. Clk., Off. Pillsbury Flour Mills Co., Duluth, Minn.; sales, Forbes Litho. Mfg. Co., Boston; asst. mgr., Roosevelt Hotel, St. Louis; now gen. mgr. of group of hotels in Chicago; p.pres. Hotel Greeters, South Side Hotel Assn.; dir. Chicago Hotel Assn., Chicago Residental Assn.; mem. Am. Hotel Assn., life mein. Amateur Trapshooting Assn., hon. mem. Koboji Indians. Clubs: Lincoln Park Traps. Travel: U.S.A. Interest: Indian lore and history. Recreations: golf, horse- back riding, trapshooting, fishing. Prot- estant. Republican. Office: Flamingo Hotel, Chicago, 111. Home: 5520 South Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Wonder Lake, Ringwood, 111. HOCHWALT, Carroll A., research chemist; b. Dayton, O., 29 Apr. 1899; s. Albert Frederick Hochwalt, author and publisher, and Adele (Butz) H.; ed. St. Mary's Prep. Sch.; B.Ch.E., Univ. of Dayton, 1920 Doctor of Sci. (hon.), 1935; m. Pauline Rosemary Burkhardt of Dayton, 27 Sept. 1922; children- Carroll A., Jr., Paula Marie, Richard A. Research chem., G. M. Research Corp., 1920-23; research chem. and prod, mgr., Ethyl Gas Corp., 1923-25; research chem., Thomas & Hochwalt Lab., Mon- santo Chem. Co., Dayton, 1926-28, v.p. 1928-36; asst. dir. research, Thomas & Hochwalt Lab., Monsanto Chem. Co., 1936- ; pres. Board Trustees, Univ. of Dayton; pres., Carbosolve Co.; dir. Nat. Pure Spirits Co., Dayton Syn. Chem.; served as pvt., S.A.T.C., 5 months; mem. A.C.S., A.I.Ch.E., Soc. Chem. Industry, A.A.A.S., Am. Inst. Chemists. Clubs: Engineers' of Dayton, Miami Valley Skeet, Chemists' of N.Y. Author: tech. papers; Diaplumbia Hexaethide: A New Organic Compound; Ferrous Selenide as a Contact Catalyst for Cracking; Effect of Dehydration of Nitrocellulose on Orange Peel of Sprayed Lacquer Films; Hydrogenation of Freshly Distilled Spir- its. Catholic, Republican. Office: Thomas & Hochwalt Lab., Monsanto Chem. Co., Dayton, O. Home: R.R. 7, Rahn Rd., Dayton, O. HODGES, Ella, librarian; b. West Lafayette, Ind.; d. Everett Mecoy Hodges, salesman, and Jennie Cook (Oillet) H.; ed. Lafayette (Ind.) high sch.; West Lafayette (Ind.) high sch.; B.S., Purdue Univ., 1914; Univ. Chicago, summer 1917; Library Sch., Univ. 111. Teacher of Eng., 1914-20, West Lafay- ette high sch.; Wheaton (111.) high sch., 1921-22; branch librarian, Indianapolis Pub. Library, 1923-26; field visitor, 111. State Library, 1928-29; librarian, Misha- waka Pub. Library, 1929- ; mem. Ind. and Am. Library Assns., A.A.U.W. Club: Mishawaka Woman's. Author: several arts, on library matters publd. in library periodicals. Travel: U.S. extensively. Interests: literary. Christian Scientist. Home: 930 Homewood Av., Mishawaka. Office: Public Library, Mishawaka, Ind. BABER, Erl Armitage, physician and hospital administrator; b. Griggsville, 111., 3 May 1883; s. Granville H. Baber; ed. Liseo de Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile, S.A., 1895-98; Univ. of 111. Prep. Dept.; Urbana (111.) high sch.; Battle Creek Coll.; M.D., Univ. of Louisville Med. Dept., 1900; m. Harriet Page Bur- geyne of Columbus, O.; 1 dau., Jane Page. Asst. prof, of psychiatry, Univ. of Cincinnati Sch of Medicine, Cincin- nati; supt. mng. officer. Longview State Hosp., Cincinnati; enlistment, Dayton, O., 5 Nov. 1918, mem. Bd. of Review of Examining Bd., Camp Sherman, chmn., Bd. of Review, Demobilization Bd., Camp Meade, dischgd., Camp Taylor, Louis- ville, Ky., 21 Oct. 1919; mem. Am. Psy- chiatric Assn., Am. Coll. of Hosp. Ad- ministrators, Am. Med. Assn., Am. A.S., Reserve Officers' Assn., S.A.R., U.S. Power Squadrons, Cincinnati Soc. of Neurology and Psychiatry, Ohio Mng. Officers' Assn., B.S.A., English Speak- ing Union, A.L. Clubs: Rotary Internat., Cincinnati Sailing. Interested in sail- ing, navigation, boys' work, commemo- 933 rative stamps and coins, books. Rec- reations: boatnig, reading. Protestant. Address: Longview State Hosp., Cincin- nati, O. Summer res.: Wasabinang, at Naubinway, Mich. HOGAN, Harry Gratton, banker, lawyer; b. Ft. Wayne, Ind., 4 May 1881; s. Hugh T. Hogan, machinist, and Mary E. (Fitzgibbons) H.; ed. Brothers Grade & High Sch. (Ft. Wayne); LL.B., Notre Dame Univ., 1904; m. Virginia Olds of Ft. Wayne, 28 Nov. 1916; 1 son, John. Pres., dir., Dime Trust & Savings Bank; city atty., 1910-13; co. atty., 1916-20; 1st It. U.S.A., during World War; mem. Ind. Bar Assn., K.C., Elks, Moose, Hibernians, Chamber Commerce. Clubs: Ft. Wayne Country, Quest. Travel: Eur., Central Am. Recreation: golf. Catholic. Republican. Office: Dime Trust & Savings Bank, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Home: 1221 W. Rudisill Blvd., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Summer res.: Wallcon Lake, Mich. HOLLAND, Ray Kingsbury, consult- ing engineer; b. Edwardsburg, Mich., 31 May 1882; s. Marian Holland, physician, surgeon, and Hattie (Kingsbury) H.; ed. Cassopolis high sch.; B.S., in E.E., Univ. Mich., 1908; m. Elexis Hughes of Cas- sopolis, 31 Jan. 1909; children — Hughes C, Jo Ann. Electrician, U.S.N., 1900- 04; asso. with G. S. Williams (dec), consulting engr., in hydraulic eng., Ann Arbor, 1909-17; mem. firm, Holland, Ackerman & Holland, consulting engrs. in hydroelectric eng., Ann Arbor, Chi- cago, 111., 1917-, design and supervision of constrn., 60 hydroelectric projects, Middle West; chief engr., State Mich. Pub. Service Commn., Lansing, 1935-37, 1939- ; mem. Am. Soc. Civil Engrs. Author: numerous eng. project reports. Travel: Eur., So. Am. Grandfather, Asa Kingsbury, was pioneer banker, Cas- sopolis; grandfather, Samuel Holland, was pioneer doctor, St. Joseph. Metho- dist. Republican. Office: 106 E. Lib- erty St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 800 W. Huron St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Sum- mer res.: Spring Beach, Cassopolis, Mich. BROWN, Robert Kennard, dentist, lec- turer; b. Charpsburg, Pa., 22 Sept. 1893; s. William Richard Brown, factory supt., and Bella Jane (Dyer) B.; ed. Indiana State Normal Sch. of Pa., grad., 1911; D.D.S., U. of Mich, 1919, M.S., 1928; fellow, Am. Coll. of Dentists (hon.); m. Inez F. Rieger of Ann Arbor, 1938; chil- dren — Robert Beneway, Patricia Ann. Taught in pub. schs. Pa., 1911-13, worked with Gen Motors as accountant, 1916-17, pract. dentistry in Cleveland, 1919-21, taught at Sch. of Dentistry, U. of Mich., 1921-35, prof, operative dent, and Dr. of operative clinics, have been lecturing to dent. socs. in U. S., Can. on dental econ. and practice management, also the field of operative dentistry since 1921; mem. Washtenaw District, Mich. State and Am. Dental Assn., internatl. assn. for dental research, Pierre Fauchard Acad.; mem. of Enlisted Med. Res. Corp, priv., first class, 1917-18; mem. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Alpha, Delta Sigma Delta, Omicron Kappa Upsilon. *Club: Univ. Author: many articles on case gold inlay, amalgam fillings and the field of oper- ative dent., application of psychology to dentistry. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: writing, golf, skeet shooting, sailing, hunting. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: Campus Bldg., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 504 E. Ann St., Ann Arbor, Mich. McCUNE, George Shannon, educator; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., 15 Dec. 1873; s. Alonzo McCune, business exec, and Vienna Catherine (Shannon) McC; ed. Sheffield and Park Coll. Acad.; A.B., Park Coll., Parkville, Mo. 1901, A.M., 1903; D.D. (hon.), Coe Coll., Cedar Rapids, la., 1914; LL.D. (hon.), Huron Coll., Huron, S.D., 1927; m. Helen Bailey McAfee of Parkville, Mo., 14 June; chil- dren — Anna Catherine (Mrs. R. W. King- don), Dr. George McAfee, Helen Mar- garet (Mrs. K. H. Jones), Dr. Shannon Bailey, Prof. Latin, Park Coll., 1901-02; prof, edn., prin. acad., Coe Coll., Cedar Rapids, la., 1902-05; supt. chs., Pyeng Yang, Korea, 1905-09; gen. supt. schs., N. Korea, pres. Sin Sung, 1909-21; lec- turer on religion and edn. in Korea and U.S.; pres. Huron Coll., Huron, S.D., 1921-27; pres. Union Christian Coll. of Korea, 1927-36; Prof. Moody Bible Inst., Chicago, 1937- ; mem. bd. dirs., Winona Assembly; pres. Union Christian Coll. Press; v. p. Evang. Teachers Training Assn.; mem. Pi Kappa Delta, Theta Alpha Phi, Pi Gamma Mu, Art Inst., Council Foreign Relations, Korean Assn. Am. (mem. bd. dirs.). Clubs: Rotary, Univ. Author: The Revelation (in Ko- rean language); Four Portraits of Christ; Revival in Korea; Solve Your Problems with Jesus. Travel: Eur., Pal- estine, Syria, P. I., Turkey, India, China, Indo-China, Japan, Russia, Korea, Man- churia. Interests: the Bible, book re- views, lecturers, travel. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian (clergyman). Re- 934 publican. Office: 153 Institute PI., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 18 E. Chestnut, Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Colorado Springs, Colo. HOOVER, Guy Israel, minister, gen- eral secretary; b. Croton, Licking Co., O., 12 Nov. 1872; s. Giles W. Hoover, teacher, carriage builder, and Lucretia (Green) H.; ed. Croton high sch.; Hiram Prep. Sch.; Granville Acad, of Denison Univ.; Denison Univ.; A.B., Hiram Coll., 1899; D.B., A.M., Univ. of Chicago, 1907; D.D., Spokane Univ., 1930 (hon.) ; m. Virginia Dillinger (dec.) of Findlay, O., 12 July 1900; children — Lyman, Florence M. (dec), Mary G., Esther V., Robert A. Minister, First Christian Ch., Zanesville, O., 1896-98, Minerva, O., 1899-1903, First and West Pullman Chs., Chicago, 111., 1903-09, Tipton, Inc., 1909-14; state evangelist, supt. missions, Ind. Chris- tion Missionary Assn., 1914-21, gen. secy., 1926-31; promotional secy., Nat. Bd. of Edn., Disciples of Christ, 1921- 26; ed., Ind. Christian, 1926-41; pres., Bethany Assembly, 1928- ; prof, practical theology, Coll. of Religion, Butler Univ., 1925-32; special prof., dept of practical theology, grad. sch., 1932-40; mem. Nat. Evangelistic Assn., Nat. State Sec. Assn., Kappa Beta (councilor, 1921-30), Phi Gamma Delta (Lambda Deuteron chapt., Denison Univ., Gamma Grad. Chapt.), I.O.O.F. (Irvington Lodge, Indianapolis), F. and A.M. (Austin Lodge), Memorial Park Cemetery Assn., Ind. Hist. Soc. Author: Education Hand Book; Abbrevi- ated Educational History Disciples of Christ in Ind.; The State Association and Kingdom Building; Contribution of Knowles Shaw to the Evangelism of the Disciples. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: reading, scrap books, picture albums. Recreations: walking. Disciples of Christ Communion (elder, Downey Avenue Christian Ch., Indianapolis, 1938). Home: 5324 Julian Av., Indianapolis, Ind. Sum- mer home: Bethany Park, Brooklyn, Ind. HOPKINS, Robert Sherman, civil en- gineer; b. Colorado Springs, Colo., 31 Dec. 1890; s. James A. Hopkins, hydrau- lic engineer, and Fannie B. Chadborne; ed. Colorado Springs high sch.; Brad- way high sch., Seattle, Wash.; B.S., Univ. Washington, 1912; m. Anna Coch- rane of Hensall, Ont., Can., 28 Feb. 1916. R.R. location, construction and maintennace, C.M.&St.P R.R. and C.B.&Q. R.R.; locating engr. (Alas.), Pacific Am. Fisheries; cost engr., C.B.&Q. R.R. (Federal Valuations); vil- lage engr., commr. pub. works and vil- lage mgr., Village Hinsdale, 111., dir. and p. pres., Hinsdale Chamber of Com- merce; mem. Western Soc. Engrs., Am. Assn. Engrs., Am. Road Builders Assn., Masons. Travel: Mex., Alas., Can., Si- beria, Jap., China, P.I. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: Memorial Bldg., Hins- dale, 111. Home: 333 N. Elm St., Hinsdale, 111. Summer res.: Saddle Lake, Mich. HOUSEL, William Stuart, civil engi- neer, teacher; b. Boulder, Colo., 16 Feb. 1901; s. Edgar S. Housel, rancher, and Clara (Ewing) H.; ed. Ann Arbor high sch.; B.S. in C.E., Univ. Mich., 1923; M.S.E., 1931; m. Marjorie J. McKechnie of Detroit, Mich., 26 Feb. 1925; 1 dau. — Joanne Florence. Structural engr., super- vising constrn., Ruhling & Holdsworth, Cons. Engrs., Detroit, Mich., 1923-24; instr., civil engring., Univ. Mich., struc- tural dept., 1924-29, asst. prof., 1929-33, asst. prof, (half time), 1933-36, asso. prof, (half time), 1936-; lab. dir., Mich. State Highway Dept. (half time), 1933- 34, research consultant (half time) , 1934- ; in charge of research in soil me- chanics, conducted by civil engring. dept. and dept. of engring. research, Univ. Mich.; designer, consultant for City of Ann Arbor, 1925, 1928; in charge re- search projects financed by City of De- troit, 1928- ; cons, engr., Detroit Edison Co., 1930- ; consultant and investigator of soil for City of Toledo, O., Rockford, 111., Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., Civil Aeronautics Authority, and many firms in Mich., Wis., 111., Ohio, Ark.; mem. com. on soil terminology, Am. Soc. Civil Engrs.; internat. cong. del., com. chmn. and mem., Am. Soc. for Testing Mate- rials; mem. dept. of soils investigation, com. mem. and chmn., Highway Re- search Bd.; com. mem.-at-large, Am. Standards Assn.; com. chmn. and mem. Mont. Nat. Bituminous Conf.; subcom. mem. Am. Road Builders' Assn.; mem. Engring. Soc. of Detroit, Mich. Engring. Soc, Commr., Ann Arbor City Water Dept. (past pres.). Clubs: Masonic, Bar- ton Hills Country. Author: papers, re- ports, bulls., articles on applied soil me- chanics in tech. jours.; Applied Soil Mechanics, Edwards Brothers; Applied Soil Mechanics — Soil as an Engineering Material, Edwards Brothers; Applied Soil Mechanics — Laboratory Manual of Soil Testing Procedures, Edwards Broth- ers. Interests: sci. research, farming. Recreations: golf, skating, bridge. Meth- odist. Independent. Office: 1224 E. Eng. 935 Bldg., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home Spring St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 1119 HOVEY, Almon Guion, director of resin research; b. Bridgeport, Conn., 1 Sept. 1901; s. Marshall Whitney Hovey, accountant, and Susannah Thorne (Havi- land) H.; ed. high sch., Bridgeport, Conn.; B.S., Dartmouth Coll., 1923; M.S., Union Coll., 1928; m. Bessie Mar- guerite Harris of Eastport, Me., 13 Aug. 1921; children — Mildred Haviland, Roger Whitney. Analytical and res. chem., Remington Arms Co., Bridgeport, Conn., 1923-24; res. chem., Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1924-33; dir. of resin res., Reichhold Chemicals, Inc., Detroit, Mich., 1933- ; Fellow A.I.C., mem. A.C.S., A.A.A.S., Engring. Soc. of Detroit, S.A.R. (Empire State), Alpha Chi Sigma. Author: many sci. or tech. papers and patents. Recreations: swimming, hiking, squash, badminton. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Reichhold Chemicals, Inc., Ferndale Station, Detroit, Mich. Home: 231 Oakland Av., Birmingham, Mich. HOWE, Beverly Winslow, lawyer; b. Carrollton, Ky., 18 Nov. 1885; s. William F. Howe, merchant, and Louisiana (Winslow) H.; ed. Carrollton high sch.; A.B., Univ. Tenn., 1906; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1910; Vanderbilt Univ. and Law Sch., 1907-08; m. Ruth Joyce Goessele of Chicago, 12 July 1916; children — Isabelle Hall, Louise Winslow. Teacher, Boys' Prep. Sch., Nashville, Tenn., 1906-08; pract. law, Carrollton, Ky., 1908-09, Chi- cago, 1910-17; atty., Chicago & Western Ind. R. R. Co., Belt Rwy. Co., Chicago, 1910-17; mem. firm, Mills & Howe, Chi- cago, 1917-32; pvt. pract., 1932- ; dir. Central Screw Co., Chicago; sec. Tyler & Hippach Glass Co., Chicago; lecturer, 1933-, occasional after-dinner speaker; mem. Am. Protective League, Kappa Sigma (mem. supreme exec, com., 1921-25, nat. pres., 1923-25), Chicago Bar Assn., 111. Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Abraham Lincoln Assn., Lincoln Group (Chicago), Delta Theta Phi. Clubs: Ex- ecutives (Chicago) (pres., 1938-39) , Univ. Author: Two Hours and Two Min- utes or Lincoln and Everett at Gettys- burg; He Rescued the Slaves; Abraham Lincoln in Great Britain; Twelve Sun- days Abroad (in process of publ.) ; sev- eral frat. mag. articles. Travel: Eur., U.S., Gr. Britain. Interests: public speaking, study of life of Abraham Lin- coln, visiting Lincoln shrines, reading. Methodist. Republican. Office: First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 5953 Kenmore Av., Chicago, 111. DAHLBY, Albert John, minister; b. St. Paul, Minn., 28 May 1891; s. Carl P. Dahlby, sanitary engr., and Amanda (Staff) D.; ed. Cleveland high sch., St. Paul, and Bethel Inst., St. Paul; Carle- ton Coll., Northfield, Minn.; B.A., Univ. Minn., 1917; Kansas City Baptist Semi- nary; m. Edith Lindberg of Cokato, Minn., 12 June 1917; children — Roger Judson, Grenfell, Philip, Grace. Ordained 1917; pastor, Burlington, la.; relief sec, Seaman's Ch. Inst., N.Y.C.; pastor, Das- sel, Minn.; missionary Assam, India, 1919-20; supt. Boston Baptist Bethel, 1920-21; pastor, Parkers Prairie, Minn., 1922-24; Worthington, Minn., 1925-28; Broadway Baptist Ch., K.C., Mo., 1928-39; First Baptist Ch., Elgin, 111., 1939- ; pres. Elgin Ministerial Assn.; mem. Commn. on Church and Coopera- tives, Federal Council Churches; various denominational committees; mem. Lambda Alpha Psi, Honorary Language Fraternity, Univ. Minn., Y.M.C.A. Au- thor: church publication articles. Travel: around the world in 1919-20. Baptist. Independent Republican. Office: 270 E. Chicago St., Elgin, 111. Home: 736 Cen- ter St., Elgin, 111. DAOUST, Edward C, lawyer; b. De- fiance, O., 19 Oct. 1887; s. Charles J. Daoust, banker, and Mary (Hooker) D.; ed. Defiance high sch.; Univ. Mich.; LL.B., Yale Univ., 1909; m. Clara Louise Bunts of Cleveland, 24 Apr. 1912; chil- dren — Mrs. Jason Crain, Mary Hooker, Susan Bunts, Edward C, Jr. (dec). Practiced law, 1909- ; various bus. affil- iations; tr. Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Univ. Sch., Cleveland Inst. Music, North- ern Ohio Opera Assn.; U.S. Commis- sioner, 1912-15; engaged in Red Cross Work in Wash., 1918; mem. Cor bey Court, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Tavern (pres.), Kirtland Country, University (p.pres.), Country and Mid Day. Author: some arts, in legal periodicals. Interests: Business Men's Art Club, chmn. of Yale Library Com. of Cleveland. Recreations: collecting rare books, golf. Episcopa- lian. Republican. Office: 1401 Midland Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 2323 Still- man Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. de COUSSER, Kurt H., superintend- ent; b. St. Louis, Mo., 12 July 1898; s. Carl A. De Cousser, bus. man, and Ma- thilda Magdalene (Gatsche) D.; ed. Mc- Kinley high sch., St. Louis, Mo.; B.S., Mo. Univ., Sch. of Mines and Mettal., 936 1922, M.S., 1922, E.M., 1925; m. Erma L. Happle of Sanderson, Tex., 18 Oct. 1924; 1 dau-Denise. Asst. geologist, Josey Oil Co., 1922-, geologist, Trans- continental Oil Co., 1922-29, Praire Oil and Gas Co., 1929; geologist and supt. of production, Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Inc., White Star-O. Div., 1929- ; dir., Mich. Oil and Gas Assn.; mem. State of Mich. Oil Advisory Bd.; discoverer of Yates Oil Field, Pecos Co., Tex., Edmore Gas Field, Montcalm Co., Mich., No. Salem Oil Field, Allegan Co., Mich., Freeman- Redding Oil Field, Clare Co., Mich.; mem., Am. Assn. Petroleum Geologists, Am. Petroleum Inst., Mich. Geol. Soc, Mich. Acad, of Sci., Masonic, Blue Lodge, Chap., Commandery, Shrine, Lambda Chi Alpha. Travel: U. S., Can., Mex. Recreations: fly fishing, chess. Independ- ent. Office and home: 1625 W. Kalama- zoo St., Lansing, Mich. DEFFENBAUGH, James W., attor- ney; b. Hocking Co., O., 6 Aug. 1875; s. Isaiah Deffenbaugh dec.) and Mary Jane (McClelland) D. (dec); ed. common sch.; LL.B., O. Northern Univ., 1902; m. Mary Bailor of Hocking Co., 23 June 1898; children- Marie Irick, Lucile Miller. Teacher; govt, elk., atty. at law; dir., The Eagle Machine Co., The Fairfield Paper Co., The Hocking Valley Nat. Bk., Eagle-Gazette Co., The Ajax Box Co., Chic; mem. Am. Bar Assn., O. State Bar Assn., Fairfield Co. Bar Assn. Protes- tant. Democrat. Office: 117 N. Broad St., Home: 561 King Av., Lancaster, O. De SELLEM, Elaine, singer, voice teacher; b. Chicago, 111.; d. Ernest M. DeSellem, physician, and Nancy (Ma- han) DeS.; ed. Am. Conservatory; Cos- mopolitan Sch. of Music; pvt. teachers, Chicago, N. Y., Montreal, London.; M.M., 1930; m. Robert Crawford Douglas of Eau Claire, Wis. Opera, concert, oratorio & church singer since 16th year; tours with Chicago Symphony, Innes' Band, Kryl's Band; leading roles in light opera on Broadway; own concert operatic com- pany, 1921-26; misc. concerts & lecture recitals, 1926-41; major teacher of voice, Am. Conservatory, 1922- ; 2nd v.p., pro- gram chmn., Am. Opera Soc. (Nat.) ; past pres., Mu Phi Epsilon, Chicago Dist., Nat. Fed. of Music Clubs; past 1st v.p., acting pres. Pro-Musica; past pres., Chi- cago Artists Assn.; 1st v.p., Soc. of Am. Musicians, The Cameo Salon. Clubs: The Arts of Chicago, Women's Univ. (mus. chmn.). Travel: U. S., Canada, Europe. Desc. family in farm land business, who placed thousands of settlers in western states. Interested in primitive musical instruments, music research, art. Recre- ations: reading, theatre, summers in Chippewa Nat. Forest. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: American Conserva- tory of Music, Kimball Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 4101 Drexel Blvd., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Old Headquarters, Leech Lake, Brevik, Cass County, Minn. DEUTSCH, Jack Burton, physician, surgeon; b. N.Y.C., 29 Nov. 1900; s. I. Deutsch, mfr., and Charlotte (Goldman) D.; ed. M. F. Tuley high sch.; North- western Univ.; B.S., Loyola Med., 1925, M.D., 1926; m. Minnie Rabinovitz of Chi- cago, 25 June 1926; 1 son — Robert Lee. Interne, St. Annes Hosp. and Cook Co. Hosp., 1925-27; med. faculty, Loyola, 1926- ; mem. A.M. A., 111. and Chicago Med. Socs., Industrial Surgeons, Chi- cago, B'nai B'rith, Masons. Club: Twin Orchard Country, Kiwanis (past pres. Grand Havlem). Interest: golf. Recre- ations: fishing, traveling. Jewish. Demo- crat. Office: 7200 W. Grand Av., Chi- cago, 111. Home: 1923 N. Newland Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Bensenville, 111. De WEESE, L. Lorine, singing teacher; b. Prentice, 111., 30 July 1889; d. Geo. E. De Weese, realtor, insurance, and Harriet E. (Virgin) D.; ed. Dipl., Piano, 111. Coll., Jacksonville, 111., 1913, voice, 1920; advanced study at Chicago Mus. Coll. and Bush Conservatory, Chicago; Eastman Sch. of Mus., Rochester, N. Y. Pvt. classes in singing and voice; teacher, singing, Sch. for Blind, Jacksonville, 111., 1920-. Club: Business and Professional Woman's (song leader, choral dir.) Travel: U. S., Mex., Cuba, Can. Chris- tian. Home: 514 N. Prairie St. Office: School for Blind, Jacksonville, 111. DONNEL, Charles Apple, principal meteorologist U. S. Weather Bureau; b. Olean, N.Y., 7 Mar. 1881; s. Nathaniel M. Donnel, and Aphia Alice Apple) D.; ed. Butler, Pa., high sch.; m. Hattie Louise Hall, of Boise, la., 16 Nov. 1910; 1 dau. — Elva Esther (Mrs. John S. Woy). Entered the service of the U. S. Weather Bureau at Norfolk, Va., 1902, as ob- server; served as observer successively at Cape Henry, Va., Key West, Fla., Charleston, S. C, Philadelphia, Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa., Boise, Ida., Des Moines, la., and Washington, D. C, with promo- tion in meantime, at Washington pro- moted to meteorolog., later at Chicago; then senior meteorolog. and prin. in charge of U. S. Weather Bureau at Chi- cago, 1930- ; mem. of Chicago unit of Federal Business Assn. (past pres.); 937 U. S. Department of Agriculture Club of Chicago (past pres.) ; Inst, of the Aero- nautical Science, Am. Meteorol. Soc; Chicago and 111. Acad, of Science; Chi- cago Assn. of Commerce (Aviation Com.). Travel: U. S., Can., Mexico. Desc. see book of the Donnel Family, by Emma Donnel of Greensburg, Ind. In- terests: radio, watches auto, daily pa- pers. Recreation: baseball. Methodist. Republican. Office: 1400 U. S. Court House, Chicago, 111. Home: 6140 Kim- bark Av., Chicago, 111. DOWNEY, Nettie Arvilla Geiger, ed- itor, writer; b. Merriam, Ind.; d. Wil- liam A. Geiger, lumber and hardware dealer, and Catherine (Brumbaugh) G.; ed. St. Augustine Acad., Ft. Wayne, Ind.; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1927; m. Omar Hugh Downey of Rochester, Ind.; children — Russel Hugh, Philip. Editor, Ind. Club- woman, (official organ of Ind. Fed. of Clubs) ; past state and nat. sec, Epsilon Sigma Omicron; past poet laureate, Ind. Fed. of Clubs; served as state chmn., press & publicity, 1st Liberty Loan Drive for Ind. during World War; edited & pub. home paper, The Churubusco Truth, releasing husband for work in advertis- ing div. of Govt., Washington, D. C, during war period; mem. League of Am. Pen Women, Am. Assn. of Univ. Women, Ind. Poetry Soc, Beta Sigma Phi, Epsi- lon Sigma Omicron, Hoosier Salon Patron's Assn., Nat. Poetry Center, Radio City, N. Y. Author: pageants, poems in leading mags, and anthologies; awarded hon. mem. for Ind. with poem at N.Y. World's Fair, 1st prize in writ- ing contest, conducted by Indianapolis News. Travel: Europe, U.S. (exten- sively). Desc. Jacob Geiger, mem. com. of Observation during Revolution, Emily Geiger, bearer of famous note from Gen. Greene, which she was forced to swallow when stopped by Tories, and later to re- peat orally to Gen. Sumter. Interests: books, writing, travel. Recreations: flower-gardening, reading. Methodist. Republican. Office and home: 1426 Miami St., South Bend, Ind. DRAKE, John Carlton, surgeon; b. Howard, O., 21 Dec. 1902; s. Oin M. Drake, merchant, and Salara (Simpson) D.; ed. Howard high sch., Mt. Vernon high sch.; B.S., Kenyon Coll., 1924; M.D., 1930; m. Helen Wickersham of Erie, 30 June 1933; children — Betty Jean, Joan Frances. Res. in Surg., Mt. Sinai Hosp., 1930-33, physician to Kenyon Coll., 1937- 38, consultant, 1939- ; tr. Kenyon Coll., O.; mem. Am. Coll. of Surgeons, Am. Med. Assn., Delta Kappa Epsilon, Alpha Omega Alpha, Phi Beta Kappa, Nu Sigma Nu. Club: country. Interests: music, Kenyon Coll. Recreations: swim- ming, badminton. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Home: Edgewood Rd. Office: 51 Public Square, Mt. Vernon, O. DUDLEY, Mrs. Dessalee Ryan, educa- tional supervisor; b. Midland, Mich.; d. John J. Ryan and Ella E. (Harris) D.; ed. Midland high sch. ; Mich. State Teach- ers Coll.; Upsilanti; A.B., Olive L. Coll., 1924; M.A., Columbia Univ., 1937; M.E. (hon.) Mich. State Teachers Coll.; m. Lee Alfred Dudley of Battle Creek, 21 Dec 1916; 1 adopt, son, John Duncan. Tchr., pub. schs., Mich., 5 yrs.; Potsdam State Norm. Sch., N.Y., 5 yrs.; primary supervisor and asst. supt., schs., Battle Creek, Mich., 1910-; mem. A.A.U.W., Am. Legion Aux., Assn. for Childhood Ed. (pres. Mich. Br. 1935-37), Kappa Delta Pi, Delta Kappa Gamma, Mich. Cong. Parents and Tchrs. (founder, 3rd v.p., 6 yrs.). Club: Altrusa Internat. (pres. '39-40). Author: articles on ed. Co-author: On Shining Rails (juvenile bks.). Interested in collecting old glass, gardening. Recreation: books, out-of- doors. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: Willard Libr. Bldg., Battle Creek, Mich. Home: 154 W. Territorial Rd., Battle Creek, Mich. Summer res.: Green Gables, Stony Lake, Shelby, Mich. DYER, Clifton G., attorney at law; b. Byron, Mich., 3 Sept. 1885; s. John Dyer, farmer, and Rhoda (Davis) D.; ed. Owosso high sch., Mich., 1901; A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1908, J.D., 1913; m. Bess B. Browne of Nashville, Mich., 1916. Asso. with Angell, Bodman & Turner, 1913-19; firm mem., Angell, Turner & Dyer (Angell, Turner, Dyer & Meek), 1919- ; pres. Detroit Bar Assn., 1929-31; mem. Mich. State Bar, Am. Bar Assn. Clubs: Bankers of Am., Lawyers of Ann Arbor, Thomas M. Cooley, Detroit Ath- letic, Detroit Boat. Travel: Brit. Isles, Fr. by auto. Interests: reforestation, Muskoka, Ontario, dist., expl. farming. Recreations: sailing, fishing. Protestant. Republican. Office: 2104 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 19595 Argyle Crescent Dr., Detroit, Mich. Summer res. : Timbetsy Lodge, Muskoka, Ont., Can. ECKERT, Walter Henry, lawyer; b. Woodstock, 111., 10 Mar. 1880; s. George W. Eckert, farmer, and Bertha (Sig- walt) E.; ed. Woodstock pub. schs.; LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1904; m. 938 Georgia J. Cooper of Chicago, 3 Sept. 1907; 1 dau., Jane Eckert Dawson. Sr. partner firm of Eckert & Peterson; dir. and counsel, The Franklin Life Ins. Co.; gen. counsel, Federal Life Ins. Co.; dir., The LaGrange Nat. Bank; former pres. of Hinsdale Township high sch. and Hinsdale pub. sch.; mem. Chicago, 111. State, and Am. Bar Assn., Chicago Ath- letic Assn. Clubs: Union League, Mid- day, Bankers Club of America, Oak Brook Polo. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 231 E. Third St., Hinsdale, 111. BACKUS, August Charles, lawyer; b. Kewaskum, Wis., 24 April 1877; s. Au- gust F. Backus, mcht., and Caroline (Spiegel) B.; ed. Kewaskum high schs.; Oshkosh Normal sch., 1896; LL.B., Univ. of Wis., 1900; LL.D., Marquette Univ., 1918; m. Elizabeth Hausmann of Kewas- kum, Wis., June 1903; children— Dr. Charlotte Backus Jordan, Mrs. Lucille Backus Newcomb, August C, Jr., Wal- ter A. Admitted to the bar of Wis. and Fed. Cts., June 1900; asst. prosecuting and dist. atty., Milwaukee County, 1909- 10; Judge, Municipal Ct., criminal branch (unlimited juris.), 1910-24; pres. and publisher of Milwaukee Sentinel, 1923- 30; prof, criminal law, Marquette Univ. for nineteen yrs.; gen. prac. of law with firm of Corrigan & Backus; chmn. Ap- peal Draft Bd.; chmn. of support and education of orphans of the World War, relief of starving children in World War and present war stricken countries; decorated by Am. Legion for service to orphans of World War Veterans; active in civic and Boy Scout drives in Milwau- kee; mem. Sons of Union Vets, of Civil War, Bd. of Visitors of U.S. Naval Acad., Wis. Bar Assn., pres. Am. Crime Com., Nat. Probation Assn. (Founder of adult probation sys., Milwaukee), tr. Med. Coll., Marquette Univ., 1918-, Bd. of Regents, Univ. of Wis., Phi Delta Phi. Office: 735 N. Walter St., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 722 East Lake View Av., Whitefish Bay, Wis. JAMIESON, Clarence Eugene, execu- tive; b. Delhi, Ont., Can. 1880; s. Wil- liam Jamieson, building contractor, and Emma (Trembley) J.; ed. Delhi high sch.; Ph.C, Toronto Univ., 1902; m. Arlie W. Hill of Detroit, Mich., 1907. Chemist, pharmaceutical salesman, for- eign representative, foreign sales mana- ger, pres., C. E. Jamieson & Co., 1925- ; pres. McKay-Davis Co., Toledo; pres. and dir. Coco Cod Corp., Evanston, 111., mem. Army Ord. Assn. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Lochmoor C.C., Crosse Points Hacht, Essex Country, Chemist of N.Y. Recreations: golf, bowling. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 1962 Trombly Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 40 Roselyn Rd., Grosse Pointe Shores. Mich. SCHIRRMAN, Harry Arthur, surgeon; b. Portsmouth, O., 27 Jan. 1879; s. George Jacob Schirrman and Augusta (Kauffman) S.; ed. Portsmouth High Sch.; med. sch. Univ. Mich., 1902; Lon- don, Paris, Vienna, Berlin; m. Edith E. Swinton of Calumet, Mich., 1906; chil- dren — Edith Gretchen Gregg, Mary Au- gusta, Marion Elizabeth Connors, Harry Arthur Jr. Established practice, Ports- mouth; founded Schirrman Hosp., 1920, gen. hosp. and accredited training sch. for nurses; dir. Royal Bldg. Loan; sur- geon to Wheeling Steel Corp., Ports- mouth; founded Schirrman Hosp., 1920, fellow Am. Coll. Surg, mem., J.A.M.A., Ohio State Med. Assn., Hempstead Acad. Med., Rotary, Mason. Travel: abroad. First Evangelist. Republican. Office: Schirrman Hosp., Portsmouth, O. Home. 805 Chillicothe St., Portsmouth, O. SCHNOOR, Elmer Wellpott, surgeon; b. Grand Island, Neb., 21 Feb. 1889; s. James Henry Schnoor and Minnie (Well- pot) S.; ed. Grand Island High Sch.; M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1911; m. Jose- phine Thwing of Grand Rapids, 19 Dec. 1918; children — Margaret Ann, Elmer Wellpot, Jr. Interne Reese Hosp., 1911- 13; asst. in clin. surg., Univ. 111., 1913- 14; clinician, Mandel Dispensary, 1913- 14; sch. phys., Grand Rapids, (Mich.), 1915-16; city surg., City Gen. Hosp., 1916- ; sr. attending and cons, surg., Butterworth Hosp., spl. surg. staff, St. Mary's Hosp.; visiting surg. staff, Blod- gett Mem. Hosp.; served as asst. surg., Mich. Naval Miliitia, 1917-18; mem. A.C.S., Mich. Assn. Indus. Surgs., A.M. A., Am. Assn. Study of Goiter, Kent Co. Med. Soc, Mich. State Med Soc, Bd. of Registration in Med. (acting pres.), Fedn. of State Med. Bds., Chicago Med. Soc, Phi Beta Pi, Blue Lodge, Saladin Shrine, DeWitt Clinton Consistory. Clubs: Peninsular, Lions (charter), Northwestern Univ. Alumni of Grand Rapids (pres.). Author: papers on pituitary and thyroid. Travel: Eur. (in- ternal conf. on goiter, Berne, Switz.). Office: 216-18 Medical Arts Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. Home: 844 Iriquois Dr., Grand Rapids, Mich. SCHULZ, William Frederick, asso. prof, physics, emeritus; b. Baltimore, 939 Md., 11 Jan. 1872; s. Alexander H. Schulz, financier, and Anna Maria (Hau- ser) S.; ed. Baltimore Polytech. Inst.; B.E., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1893, Ph.D., 1908; E.E., Univ. 111., 1900; m. Christine Beeuwkes of Baltimore, Md., 9 Mar. 1901; children — Dorothea Sophia, Alex- ander Henry, William Frederick, Jr. Electrical engr., Southern Electric Co., Westinghouse Electric Co., 1893-98; instr. in physics, Univ. 111., 1901-06, asst. prof., 1908-25, assoc. prof., 1905-40, assoc. prof, emeritus, 1940- ; mem. Am. Physics Soc, London Physics Soc, A.A.- A.S., Am. Physics Teachers Assn., 111. State Acad. Sci., 111. State Archaeol. Soc, Sigma Xi, Unitarian Laymens League, Corps De Fratres. Club: Uni- versity. Author: A Manual of Experi- ments in Physics, 1932. Travel: Eng., Fr., It., Holland, Ger. Interests: archae- ology, numismatics, philately. Recrea- tion: skating. Unitarian. Democrat. Home: 1108 W. Green St. Office: Physics Bldg., University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. PETER, Martin Luther, clergyman; b. Corydon, Ind., 28 Jan. 1865; s. Rev. Philip Adam Peter and Mahala (Rhodes) P.; ed. grammar sch., Columbus; Capital Univ., Columbus; A.B., Roanoke Coll., 1899, A.M., 1892; grad. theol. dept., Capi- tal Univ., Columbus, 1892; m. Augusta Pfeiffer of Columbus, 28 Sept., 1893 (dec); 1 dau. — Esther Augusta; m. (2nd) Mrs. Bessie Lee Johnson of Day- ton, 7 June 1911 (dec); m. (3rd) Edith Lynn Stout of Dayton, 1 June 1916. Former tr., Linn Coll.; pres. Cincinnati Conf. of Miami (O.) Synod; pres. W. Va. Conf., and historian, Synod of W. Va.; pastor, United Lutheran Ch. of Am.; mem. Nat. Lutheran Library Assn. (prime mover, sec. 1903), Massanutten Soc. (organizer, first pres.), S.A.R. (sec. Robert Montgomery chapt.), Dayton Hist. Soc. (treas., chaplain), fellow Enst. of Am. Geneal. Clubs: Dayton Borrowed Time, Harrison Co. Hist, (writer of constn.). Author: A Conversation on Christian Baptism, A Miracle Among men; (poem) America's Early Settlers, 1928; contbr. Handworterbuch des Greuz und Auslanddeutschturn, Stuttgart, Ger.. and Early Lutheran Edn. in Penna.; History of the Aurora (W. V.) Com- munity, Lutheranism in Southern Indi- ana; (poem) A Reverie, was displayed at World's Fair. Desc Michael Rhodes, who fought under Gen. Peter Muhlen- berg in the War for Am. Independence, Rev. John Rhodes and Abraham Stick- ler, among the leaders who founded the first white settlement in the Shenan- doah Valley — The Massanutten Settle- ment. Interests: gathering material rela- tive to hist, and geneal. esp. of Swiss families, collecting stamps and old books. Lutheran. Independent. Home: 1231 N. Main St., Dayton, O. PETZOLD, William A., executive; b. Detroit, Mich., 28 Aug. 1869; s. Herman G. Petzold, carpenter, and Catherine A. (Maikels) P.; ed. pub. schs.; LL.B., De- troit Coll. of Law, 1899; m. Josephine Thompson (dec.) of Detroit, 9 Oct. 1894; children — Helen P., Clark, William A. Jr., Thomas T., Herman G. Mary Jose- phine O'Brien. With the J. L. Hudson Co., 1881- ; attended evening sch. and grad. from The Detroit Coll. of Law, 1899; sec. -treas., dir., The J. L. Hudson Co. ; mer. Charter Comm. City of Detroit, 1918. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Boat, The Old, Bayview Yacht, Grosse Pointe Yacht, Detroit Bd. of Commerce. Recreation: sailing. Republican. Office: Care The J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit, Mich. Home: 1010 Three Mile Drive, Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. Summer home: Te- cumseh, Ont., Can. RAMSEY, John James, executive; b. Detroit, Mich., 3 Sept. 1872; s. Thomas Ramsey and Marion (Russell) R.; m. Jessie B. Armstrong of Detroit,. Mich., 14 Sept. 1899; 1 dau.— Mrs. William G. Walters. Gen. mgr., Detroit Automobile Inter-insurance Exchange, Detroit, Mich., mem. Detroit Dist. Golf Assn. (dir.), Moslem Temple (Detroit Commandery, No. 1). Clubs: Golf, Athletic, Boat, Eco- nomic, The Players (Detroit) Mich.). Recreations: work, golf. Presbyterian. Republican. Home: 3410 Cambridge Rd. Office: 139 Bagley Av., Detroit, Mich. REECE, Jane, artist photographer; b. West Jefferson, O.; d. William Laurence Reece and Mary (Augsburger) R.; pri- vate studio, non-comm. photographer, 1903- ; medals from exhibits, Paris, Ham- burg, Madrid, Barcelona, London, Edin- burg, Bolton, Eng., Montrel, Can., Croy- don, Bath, Westminister, Barry, Wales; photos pub., London, Fr., Ger., Ire., It., Belg. ; mem. Pictorial Photographers of Am., Pittsburgh Photographic Salon, Pic- torialist of Los Angeles. Clubs: Altrusa (hon. mem.), Burroughs Nature. Travel: Eng., Paris, It., Switz., Algiers, U.S. Interests: flowers, poetry. Address: 834 Riverview Park West, Dayton, O. ELLYSON, J. Clinn., mortgage banker and realtor; b. Glenville, W. Va., 12 Dec 940 1893; s. G. L. Ellyson, farmer, and Laura (West) E.; ed. Glenville State Coll.; A.B., Valparaiso Univ., 1823; m. Martha Lau- enstein of Evansville, Ind., 29 June 1929; children — Robert Clinn, Martha Jean. Dist. mgr., HOLC; pros., First Fed Sav. and Loan Assn., Hammond, Ellyson Realty Co. Inc.; State rep., 1931-34; served as pvt., 314 F.A. and 7th Inf., 1917-18; mem., Hammond C. of C, Am. Legion, Mason (32nd deg.), Knights Templar, Shrine. Clubs: Kiwanis, Jack- son, Medinah of Chicago, Woodmar Country, Century. Recreation: golf. Pres- byterian. Democrat. Office: 410 Fayette St., Hammond, Ind. Home: 241 Dyer Blvd., Hamomnd, Ind. EVATT, Harriet Torrey, writer and painter; b. Knoxville, Tenn., 24 June 1895; d. John McCollough Torrey, mural painter, and Lenna (Richardson) T.; ed. •Pub. Schs.; Salem Acad., Winston-Salem, N.C.; Columbus Acad, of Fine Arts; m. William S. Evatt of Cincinnati, O., 18 Oct. 1924. Writer and illustrator, chil- dren's books, verses and short stories; oil and water color portrait and land- scape painter; press agt., Ohio theatres; mem. Columbus Art League, Ohio Water Color Assn., Columbus Acad. Fine Arts, Nat. League Am. Pen Women, Twig 52 of Children's Hosp. Arthor: Danny White Duck; Children's Poems; The Red Canoe; Syettes Family. Travel: U S., Can. Desc. Samuel Richardson, Eng. writer and novelist, 1689-1761. Interests: cats, col- lecting old glass, china and silver, dogs, theatre, gardening, North Woods of Can. Recreations: swimming, reading, travel. Episcopalian. Republican. Home: 74 E. Kanawha Av., Worthington, O. Summer res.: Island 690 Temagami, Ont., Can. FERGUS, Robert Collyer, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 18 Nov. 1868; s. George Harris Fergus (1840-1913) and Mary Electa (Stocking) F. (1848-1940); ed. Ogden grammar sch. (Chicago), 1884; North Div. high sch., 1888; LL.B., North- western Univ., 1893; P.G., Lake Forest Univ., 1894; M.L., Yale Univ., 1895, D.C.L., 1897; studied violin under Mas- ters William Moebius, Carl Becker, and S. E. Jacobson, 1884-1891. In law offices of Francis Bolles Peabody, Chicago, 1891- 1893, and Edwin Burritt Smith, 1891- 1894; in pract. law, Chicago, 1891- ; in pvt. pract., 1894- ; admitted to 111. Su- preme Ct., U.S. Supreme Ct., presented and argued leading case of Stewart v. Ramsay, 242 U.S. 128; mem. Ft. Dear- born Memorial Comm., Chicago, 1939- ; Ed., publisher, Margraff's Internat. Ex- change, 1903; mem. Nat. Cathedral Assn. (Wash., D.C.), Field Museum Natural History, 111. St. Andrew's Soc, Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Chicago Law Institute (mem. 1898-, 1st v.p., 1941, mem. exec, com., 1909-), 111 State Historical Soc, Chicago Historical Soc. (tr. 1912-, mem. exec, com., delivered ad- dress "One Hundred Years of Chicago" at opening session of Chicago Century Charter Jubilee, high noon, 4 Mar. 1937). Clubs: Chicago Literary, Chicago Yale, Iroquois (pres. 1940-41), old 25th Ward Republican (until 1912). Author: The In- fluence of the 18th Novel of Justinian, 2 papers in Yale Law Journal, 1897. Grand- father, Robert Fergus, born Glasgow, Scotland, 1815, was pioneer Chicago prin- ter and publisher, 1839-1897, and pub- lished 1st Directory of Chicago, 1839; great grandfather, John Fergus, organ- ist, composer, born Huntly, Scotland, 1767-1825. Interested in literature, music, violin studies and playing. Recrea- tion: walking. Episcopal (communicant St. James' Protestant Episcopal Ch., Chicago; charter mem. Brotherhood of St. Andrew, founded at St. James' Ch., 30 Nov. 1883; dir. Bible classes, St. James' Ch., Ch. of Our Savior, Chicago, St. Martin's Ch., Austin-Chicago, 15 yrs.; mem. vestries, Ch. of Our Savior, later St. James' Ch.). Democrat. Offices: Suite 507, 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Home: 10 W. Elm St., Chicago, 111. FERGUSON, Edward F., electrical en- gineer; b. Columbus, O., 10 Oct. 1901; s. Frederick L. Ferguson and Anna May (Ridgley) F.; ed. North high sch., Co- lumbus; B.E.E., Ohio State Univ., 1923, M.Sc, 1925, E.E., 1930; m. Marie Kirk of Dalton, Ga., 4 Nov. 1936. Asst. instr., elec. engring., Ohio State Univ., 1923-25; engr., Gustav Hirsch Orgn., 1924-25, engr., 1925-26, chief engr. and gen mgr., 1926- ; sec. & treas., Midwest Engring. & Constrn. Corp., 1928-29; mem. Signal Corps Reserve; mem. Sigma Pi, Sigma Xi, Eta Kappa Mu, Pi Mu Epsilon, Pi Tau Sigma, Scabbard & Blade, Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs., Masons, Scottish Rite (32°), Aladdin Shrine. Clubs: Athletic of Columbus, Scioto Country. Protestant. Republican. Office: 310 W. Broad St., Columbus, O. Home: 2052 Collingswood Rd., Upper Arlington, Columbus, O. BARR, George Andrew, lawyer; b. Manhattan, Will Co., 111., 25 May 1873; s. George Barr, farmer, and Jane (Mc- Grath) B.; ed. Joliet Twp. High Sch.; Univ. 111. Prep. Dept.; A.B., Univ. 111.; m. Mary Morrill Speer of Joliet, 111., 16 941 Oct. 1902; children — James W., Joseph M. State's atty., Will Co., 111., 1908-12; chmn., Will Co. Rep. Cent. Com., 1912- 20; dir., Trade and Commerce, State 111., 1920-22; mem. Constl. Convention, 111., 1920-21; tr., Univ. 111., 1924-36, pres. bd. trs. 1932-34; mem. law firm, Barr & Barr; active in pub. affairs, community, state and nat. ; del. to many Rep. state and nat. conventions; dir. United Printers & Publishers, James G. Heggie Mfg. Co., Joliet Wrough Washer Co.; mem. 111. Med. Center Comm.; mem. Will Co., 111. Am. Bar Assns., Masons, Medinah Tem- ple, Joliet Assn. of Commerce, 111. Cham- ber of Commerce. Clubs: Joliet Country, Union League. Travel: Eur., U.S. Inter- ests: law, pol., golf. Recreations: golf, reading. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 416 Rialto Square Bldg., Joliet, 111. Home: 106 Third Av., Joliet, 111. KEELER, Edwin R., pres. Franklin County Coal Corp., b. Rockford, 111., June 27, 1889; s. Edwin H. and Clara (Reitler) K.; B.S., Dartmouth, 1911; m. Lucy Der- went, Aug. 15, 1918 (died Feb. 26, 1941); 1 dau. — Lucy Jane; m. (2nd) Frances Ryan, Jan. 15, 1943. Started as sales- man, Taylor Coal Co., v.p. Taylor Coal Co., Chicago, 111., 1917-24; v.p. Franklin County Coal Co., 1924-35; pres. Franklin Co. Coal Corp., Chicago, since 1935; pres. Rockford (111.) Lumber & Fuel Co. since 1931. 1st It. 161 F.A., 1917-18. Past pres. Cook Co. Nurses Training Sch. Bd. Conglist. Republican. Clubs: Mid-Day (Rockford, 111.). The Attic, Chicago University (Chicago). Indian Hill (Win- netka, 111.). Home: 631 Walden Rd., Win- netka, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. LAYDEN, Michael Joseph, business exec; b. Riverton, 111., Aug. 19, 1901; s. Michael James and Johanna (Fleming) L.; m. Virginia LaPorte, Aug. 6, 1929. Stenographer, chief engr.'s office, A.,T.- & S.F. Ry., Chicago, 1921, asst. to valua- tion engr., 1921-24; conducted own bus. as appraiser of machinery and equip- ment, Chicago, 1924-30; salesman, Vacuum Can Co., 1930-33, Washington, (T>.C.) rep., 1934-39, also export mgr., 1939, dir. since 1941, v.p. since 1942. Mem. Palestine Com., N.Y. Assn. life mem. Chicago Natural History Mus.; mem. Chicago Hist. Soc, Army Ord- nance Assn., Navy League of U.S. Mexi- can C. of C. of U.S. Roman Catholic. Elk. Club: Export Managers (Chicago). Home: 5416 Washington Blvd. Office: 19 S. Hoyne Av., Chicago, 111. MALEK, Leona A., writer, lecturer, woman's page editor; b. Chicago, 111., 26 Mar. 1878; d. Albert Alford, exec, and Mary Ann (Parsons) A.; ed. West Division High Sch.; Teachers Coll., Chi- cago; Chicago Mus. Coll.; Hickox Studios of Expression; Lewis Inst.; Bar- num Sch. Drama & Radio; m. Franz K. Krag of Copenhagen, Den., 25 June 1902; m. (2nd) Alois Wm. Malek of Oak Park, 111., 1 Mar. 1925. With Sch. Ex- pression, 1907-16; ed. Monthly Mag., 1913-15; adv. copywriter, org., dir., Food Econ. dept., Armour & Co., 1915-21; founder, pres., bus. mgr., 111. Women's Athletic Club, 1917-23, adv. service, 1923- 25; women's page ed., Chicago Herald & Examiner, dir., Home Econ., Prudence Penny dept., Interior Decoration, 1925- 39; announcer and program dir., Wom- an's Page of the Air, 1926-39; consultant and free lance writer, since 1939; cons. Household Sci. Inst., Chicago; mem. Chi- cago Chap., Order Eastern Star, League Am. Pen Women, Nat. Home Econs. Assn., 111. Women's Press Assn.; D.A.R. (p. pres. and founder, evening group, Chicago Chap.), Chicago Ethical Soc, Chicago Cook Company Fed. Women's Organs., Cameo Salon. Clubs: Home- makers, Woman's Republican. Author: Homemaking books; thousands columns, newspaper material on home econs. and interior decoration; 12 semi-annual books on home making and cookery; daily radio scripts (8 yrs.). Travel: Northern Europe, U.S. (coast to coast). Interests: home decorations, mus., mod- ern trends revealing ethiical insight in popular works, collecting rare cook books. Recreations: reading, radio, movies, drives, country life, fishing, swimming. Ethical. Republican. Office: Merchandise Mart, Chicago, 111. Home: 630 S. Gunderson, Av., Oak Park, 111. Summer res.: Pine Shores Lodge, Hay- ward, Wis. ST ARRET, Howard Andrew, major, formerly Corps of Engrs., Civic Opera Bldg., Chicago, research engineer, con- sulting civil engineer and inventor; b. Mich., 1888; s. Thomas C. Starret and Delphine (Anderson) S.; grad., cum laude, Detroit Univ. Sch., finishing 4 yrs.' course in 3 yrs.; grad. Business Coll.; Officers' U.S. Army Sch.; Cornell Univ. (honor student) ; Cornell Grad. Sch.; certificate in Sanitary Sci., N.Y. State Univ. and Cornell Univ., unmar- ried. Dir. and research engr., Am. Sim- plex Motor Car Co., Amplex Motor Co.; engr. in charge of lay-out and constr. of 942 log booms, Siuslaw Boom Co., surveyor of Siuslaw River, Ore., for Ore. Pub. Utility Comm. application for river driv- ing franchise, work accepted by State of Ore.; partner, Starret and Paine Cattle Co.; engr. in charge of logging for log- ging co.; engr. in charge of constr. of Duncan Slough Canal and of houses and offices; owner and redesigner, Saubert Saw Mill; designer and originator of crib type constr. exptl. work, coopera- tively carried out by Univ. Ark.; made mem. of firm, Starret Land Co., Detroit, 1914; pres., Starret Constr. Co., in re- sponsible charge of work and cons. engr. and appraiser since 1914; formerly Re- search Engr., Dept. of Comm., and chief Research Engr. over Dept. Research En- gineermen, & V.MG., organizer Com. of 51, a non-partisan organ, in Detroit, en- deavoring to apply engring. methods to city govt.; mem. Dearborn Conf. of Sci., Industry, Agr.; mem. Pres. Hoover's Conf. on Home Bldg. and Ownership; mem. five man com. for Wayne County in charge of workers for election of Pres. Roosevelt, 1932; spl. investigator on the piirity of elections for State of Mich., representing elections com. of the House of Rep., Wash., D.C.; chmn. Small Depositors' Com. of Mayor of City of Detroit; State Reemployment dir., super- vised placing of 330,000 Mich, persons in jobs during 2 yrs. of adm.; formerly in command of constr. sect., Q.M. Corps, Detroit area, Mobilization Camps, Zone of Interior Installations, U.S. Army; mem. Kappa Beta Phi, Sphinx Head Sr. Soc, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Lambda Sig- ma, Savage Club, Soc. Industrial Engrs. (former v.p., dir.), Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs., Business Property Assn. of Detroit, Property Holders' Protective Assn., Am. Legion, Mil. Order of Foreign Wars of U.S., Res. Officers' Assn. of the U.S. S.A.R., Mich. Soc, Retired Officers' Assn., Master Masons, K.T., Odd Fel- lows. Author: The Menace of Zoning on Bldg. Constr. Explained; Engineering Weaknesses of the Subway Plan; Presi- dential Conferences; Nineteen Points for the Adoption of Engineering Methods in City Govt.; A Study in Low Cost of Housing for the South (in collaboration with Prof. Deane G. Carter of Univ. of Ark.; numerous short pub. artcles. In- terest: making home ownership more at- tractive. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Home: 2179 Seminole Av., Detroit, Mich, (temporary address, Care Military At- tache, American Embassy, Mexico City, Mexico.) SPATUZZA, George John, lawyer; b. Italy, Nov. 2, 1896; s. John and Jo Anne (Raniolo) S.; LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1917; m. Mildred C. Barone, Feb. 11, 1922; children — Jean, Jo Anne, John George. Came to U.S., 1909, citizen by act of congress. Admitted to 111. bar, 1917, and since practiced in Chicago. Candidate for municipal ct. judge on Republican ticket, 1928; past pres. Justinian Soc. of Advocates, legal ad- visor for the Italian C. of C. Received Knight of the Crown of Italy, July 1935. Republican. Roman Cathalic. Order of Sons of Italy in Am. (Grand Venerable). Clubs: City (Chicago), Northwestern Univ. Club of Chicago. Home: 3536 W. Jackson Blvd. Office: 10 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. WOODARD, Oliver Wendell, practi- tioner; b. Hesper, Kan., Dec. 12, 1898; s. Chas. Overman and Sarah Melvina (Gardner) W.; student Kan. State Univ., Ph.B., Chicago Law School; m. Olive Aitken, June 18, 1927; 1 son — Oliver Wendell, Service mgr. Goodrich Rubber Co., Los Angeles, Calif., 1915-17, and Miller Ruber Co., Los Angeles, 1919-24; Christian Science practitioner since 1924. Served with 91st Div. in special duty, office of Chief of Staff G-3, A.E.F., 1917- 19. Awarded Silver Star citation, World War I. Mem. Am. Legion, Cahokia, Sig- ma Chi. Republican. Christian Scientist. Mason (K.T.). Home: 139 Linden Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: Room 1423, 6 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. WILLIAMSON, William W., life in- surance; b. Fidelity, Jersey County, 111., Dec. 30, 1867; s. John and Mary (Norris) W.; ed. country sch. and Springfield (111.) Bus. Coll.; m. Julia A. Burnap, Apr. 18, 1899; children — Norris E., Clara E., Robert M. Teacher pub. scis. of 111., 1885-90; bookkeeper mercantile house, Chicago, 1890-98; treas. and gen. mgr. Charles E. Hires Co., Phila., Pa., 1898-12; bond business, Chicago, 1912-16; mgr. Chicago office Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1916-27; gen. agt. Conn. Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1927-40, now asso. gen. agent. Mem. Bd. of Ed., Pub. Schs., Hinsdale, 111., 1925-26. Pres. Chicago Life Underwriters Assn., 1924-26. Former chmn. bd. trus- tees Union Ch., Hinsdale. Republican. Mason. Club: Union League (Chicago). Home: 807 McKinley Rd., Hinsdale, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. BEAN, Donald Prltchett, publisher- manager, Univ. Chicago Press; b. Farm- er City, 111., 28 Mar. 1895; s. Frank R. 943 Bean, wholesale grocer, and Ada (Pritch- ett) B.; ed. Bloomington, 111.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1917; m. Ellen Blue Browder, 26 Sept. 1918; children— Mary Ellen, Donald Francis. Univ. Chicago Press, 1917- ; served as sergt., Hdqrs., 11th Div., Ordnance Dept., Nov. 1917- Jan. 1919, World War; mem. Soc. Motion Picture Engrs., Renaissance Soc, Univ. Chicago. Clubs: Univ. Chicago, Quad- rangle, (Univ. Chicago). Recreations: golf, fishing. Ch. of Disciples. Republi- can. Office: Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Home: 5816 Blackstone Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Stone Mountain, Ga. BELL, Viola Maria, teacher; b. Pal- myra, 111., 28 Dec. 1889; s. Finis E. Bell, phys., and Addie Mae (Hungerford) B.; ed. Mattoon High Sch., B.S., James Milli- kin Univ., 1911; M.A., Columbia Univ., 1916; Ph. D., O State Univ., 1935. Teacher, Pana Twp. High Sch., 1912-15, Atlantic City Pub. Schs., 1916-18, la. State Coll., Ames, la., 1918-29, O. State Univ., Columbus, O., 1931-35; prof., head H.E. Dept., James Millikin Univ., 1935- ; Univ. Neb., Lincoln, Neb., 1940-41; teacher, James Millikin Univ., Decatur, 111., 1941- ; mem. A.A.U.W., Omicron Mu, Phi Lambda Theta, Am. Homes Econ. Assn. Club: Business & Professional Women. Author: Bell Recipe File; Es- sentials in Selection of Meat; Chemistry Content of College Foods and Nutrition Courses. Travel: Alas., Martime Pro- vinces, Can., Mex. Recreation: travel. Presbyterian. Republican. Home: 1104 W. North St. Office: James Milliken Univ., Decatur, 111. BERGER, John Milton, surgeon; b. Dolton, 111., 27 Jan. 1883; s. John Berger, farmer and minister, and Margaret (Karch) B.; ed. Thornton Twp. high sch.; A.B., Univ. of 111., 1903, M.D., Med. Sch., 1908; m. Mrs. Margaret Poston Coffin of Chicago, 1922; children— John Marshall, Bruce Richard, Margaret Joan. Instr., Champaign high sch., 1904-05; instr., sr. surg. & clin. serg., Univ. 111., 1910-17; asso. prof., surg., Loyola Med. Sch., Chicago, 1918-23; surg., Garfield Park Community Hosp., Chicago, dir.; served as maj., Med. Corps, A.E.F., Evac- uation Hosp., No. 24, 11 mos., army of occupation, 7 mos.; mem. A.M. A., Chi- cago Med. Soc, Delta Upsilon, Nu Sigma Nu, Alpha Omega Alpha. Recreation: travel in U.S. Protestant. Republican. Office: 4458 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. Home: 145 S. East Av., Oak Park, 111. BIEDERMAN, Dr. Edward A., phar- macist, sales manager; b. Chicago, 111.; s. Stanley Biederman, banking and real estate, and Anna (Kontny) B.; ed. Nor- ton high sch.; St. Stanislaus Coll.; Ph.G., Ph.C, M.A., Bs.C, Valparaiso Univ., 1921; PhD. (hon.), Mass. State Coll. Asst. prof, botany, Physiology, Valpa- raiso Univ.; teacher, grade schs., Hobart, Ind.; metallurgical chemist, U.S. Steel Co., Gary, Ind.; engaged in buying and selling drug stores, Chicago, suburbs; di- visional merchandise mgr. of drug and cosmetics, Wieboldt Stores, Chicago; dir., Brighton Park State Bank; Democratic candidate for Congressman, 4 Cong. dist. 111., recorder deeds, Cook Co., 1924; now sales mgr., Clemay Cosmetics Inc., Chi- cago; pressured orator in English and Polish languages, mem. Am. Red Cross during World War; mem. K.C., Chicago Retail Druggigsts Assn. Club: Demo- cratic (Chicago). Father, Stanley Bieder- man, left one of largest estates of a Pol- ish immigrant recorded in Cook Co., upon his death, 1914. Interests: horses, riding, farming. Recreations: fishing, golf. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 814 N. Ash- land Av., Chicago, 111. Home: Berwyn, 111. Summer home: Mellen, Wis. BINGAMAN, Ira Wellington, clergy- man; b. Middleburgh, Pa., 8 Mar. 1881; s. Charles FrankJin Bingaman, farmer, and Mary Elizabeth (Lechman) B.; ed. pub. schs., Snyder Co., Pa.; Central Pa. Coll., New Berlin, Pa.; B.S., Susque- hanna Univ., 1906, B.A., 1906, M.A., 1909, B.D., 1909; Ph.D. (hon.) Oskaloosa Coll., 1913; D.D. (hon.), Susquehanna Univ., 1922; m. Clara Ruppel of Sargent, Neb., 1909; children — Aaron Ruppel, William Ira, Abraham Lincoln, John Luther, Clara Elizabeth, Doread Miner- va, Paul Gustav, Walter James, Mary Constance. Ordained, Phila., Pa.; 1909; pastor, St. James Lutheran Church, Ash- land, 1909-13, Luther Memorial Church, 1913- ; pres., Carthage Coll., 1933-35; pres. 111. Christian Endeavor Union; chaplain, Grand Lodge of 111. Masonry; pres. Quincy Church Council; supt. Adams Co., Men's Comm., pres. bd. trs., Carthage Coll.; dir. Quincy Y.M.C.A., tr., Y.W.C.A., tr., Free Pub. Library, Memorial Sanitorium; dir. bd. Salvation Army; chaplain of 111. Soldiers and Sailors Home, 1923; mem. Nat. Travel, Masons, 32°, Nat. Forum, Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: Rotary, Executive, South Side ' Commercial, Rifle. Travel: Can., Mex., Eur., Egypt, Near East. Interests: lecturing, horseshoes, billiards, 944 trap-shooting. Recreations: hunting, fish- ing. Lutheran. Republican. Home: 413 S. 12th St. Office: Luther Memorial Church, Quincy, 111. FIELD, Howard A., clergyman; b. Rollin, Mich., 1 Dec. 1871; s. Henry V. Field, farmer, and Mary Ann (Nash) F.; ed. Adrian high sch.; (hon.), Albion Coll.; m. M. Margaret Vail of Weston, 1 Sept. 1897; 1 son — Harold V. Pastor, Weston Methodist Ch., 1895-97, Dixboro Ch., 1897-1900, Milan, 1900-03, Burns Av. Methodist Ch., Detroit,1903-07, Caro, 1907-11, Simpson (Wesley), Detroit, 1911-15; Court St., Flint, 1915-21, Wes- ley, Detroit (2nd pastorate), 1921-25, Westlawn Ch., Detroit, 1931-36, First Ch., Port Huron, 1936-39; supt. Detroit Dist, 1925-31; exec, sec, Methodist Foundation Mich., 1939- ; tr. Albion Coll., Methodist Old Peoples Home, Mich. Christian Advocate; past pres., Mich. Anti Saloon League, Mich. Lords Day Alliance; mem. Bd. Foreign Missions, 1928-36, Four Gen. Conferences of M.E. Ch., 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932; mem. Masons. Clubs: Kiwanis, Exchange (past pres.). Methodist. Republican. Office: 1205 Kales Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 3250 Vir- ginia Park, Detroit, Mich. NOLD, Harry Ellsworth, prof, mine engring.; b. Leetonia, O., 4 Nov. 1883; s. William Nold, merchant, and Arvilla (Sitler) N.; ed. Leetonia and Akron, O., sens., grad. 1903; Engr. of Mines, Ohio State Univ., 1910; m. Bessie P. Gray of Columbus, 1918; 1 son — Robert William. Mining engr., Mexican Coal & Coke Co., 1906-08; Starr Hocking Coal Co., 1911- 12; chief engr., Jasper Park Collieries Ltd., 1912-15; Metall. Dept., 111. Steel Co., 1915-16; asst. prof, mine engring., Ohio State Univ., 1916-21; prof, and chm., dept., 1921- ; mem. Ohio Soc. of Professional Engrs., Coal Mining Inst, of Am., Am. Inst. Mining and Metall. Engrs., A.A.A.S., S.P.E.E., Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi. Clubs: Engrs. Club of Co- lumbus, Faculty (Ohio State Univ.), Kiwanis. Author: numerous articles on clay mining, mine hazards, etc. Travel: U.S., Can. Methodist. Republican. Office: Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O. Home: 248 Oakland Park Av., Columbus, O. LIVINGSTONE, Seabourn Rome, in- vestment banker; b. Atlantic Ocean, 6 June 1888; s. William Livingstone and Susan Ralston (Downie) L.; ed. Detroit Univ. Sch.; B.M.E., Univ., Mich., 1911; m. Marion Henriettta Scherer of Detroit, 25 Oct. 1920; children — Seabourn S., Marion Helen. Began as draftsman in July, 1911, with Northern Engring. Co.; Ford Motor Co.; Detroit Gauge & Metal Stamping Co.; with Watling, Lerchen & Co., Livingstone, Higbie & Co., and subsequent own companies; partner, S. R. Livingstone & Co., members New York Exchange; chmn. bd., Michigan Bakeries, Inc., St. Clair Rubber Co., Hugo Scherer Estate, Inc., Hudson Land Co., Port Huron Sulphite & Paper Co., Demery & Co., No. 16501 Woodward Ave., Orchard Farm Pie Co., Schettler Drug Co.; served as jr. It., lighter than air aviation service, 1918, U.S.N.R.F. Clubs: Country, Detroit, Detroit Auto- mobile, University, Bond Men's, Grosse Pointe, Old, Army & Navy. Presbyter- ian. Republican. Office: 1356 Penob- scot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 20 Lake Shore Road, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. LODGE, William Ralph, exec, horti- culturalist, naturalist; b. Cleveland, 6 June 1874; s. Ralph Hugh Lodge and Julia A. (Plum) L.; ed. Cuyahoga Falls High Sch., Oberlin, O.; Chautauqua lit. and sci. circle's course, 5 yrs.; m. Mary A. Ellsworth of Stow, O., 3 Nov. 1903; children — William Ellsworth, Edward Ellsworth, Oliver Ellsworth. Left Ober- lin after 7 terms to assist father in management Silver Lake, summer amusement park and resort; operated extensive park and farm bus. as mgr., 25 yrs.; founder Village Silver Lake, mayor, 10 yrs.; mgr. Silver Lake Sum- mer Resort; built by father in 1874 (no liquor allowed) ; never open on Sunday 25 yrs.; hort. and gardening work for many yrs.; lecturer on hist, and orni- thol. subjs.; founder and dir., v.p., Cuya- hoga Falls Savings Bank and Hudson Nat. Bank for many yrs.; elected justice of peace, Stow, 8 successive terms, mayor, 5 terms; mem. Summit Co. War Work Council, during World War I; mem. Rotary Internat. (25 yrs.), Sum- mit Co. Hort. Soc. (sec.-treas. 22 yrs.). Portage Summit Co. Pioneer Assn., (sec.-treas. 10 yrs.). Clubs: Akron and Summit County 50 years (tr. 12 yrs.). Silver Lake Country (charter mem., dir. and mem. 20 yrs.). Author: History of Stow and Silver Lake, many ornithol. and nature stories. Travel: U.S., Can. Parents on both sides of family settled in Conn, and N.J. early 1600's and Ohio, 1829. With father, managed Silver Lake Park, 1874-1918. Interests: nature stories, gardening, bird hikes. Protestant Meth- odist Episcopal (one of founders Com- 945 munity Church of Stow). Republican. Office: Rt. 2, Cuyahoga Falls, O. Home: Silver Lake Estates, Cuyahoga Falls, O. MARTING, Henry A., attorney; b. Portsmouth, O., 28 Oct. 1892; s. Frank L. Marting and Emma Rose (Sherman) M.; ed. Portsmouth High Sen.; B.A., Yale, 1914; LL.B., Columbia Law Sch., 1916; m. Nell Turley of Portsmouth, O., 29 Dec. 1917; children — Henry Alexan- der, Janet Turley. Assoc, with Tolles, Hogsett, Ginn & Morley, Cleveland; suc- cessor to firm Jones, Day, Cockley and Reavis, Cleveland, 1919, partner, 1926- ; enlisted U.S.A., 1917, 1st Officers Train- ing Camp; apptd. capt., then major, 322 F.A.; one year overseas at Meuse, Ar- gonne, Army of Occupation, May, 1917- 1919; attended Ft. Benj. Harrison Train- ing Camp; mem. Alpha Delta Phi. Clubs: Elihu (Yale); Union (Cleveland); Coun- try, Bath (Miami Beach, Fla.). Interest: amateur orchards. Protestant. Republi- can. Home: 2245 Tudor Dr. Office: 1759 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, O. MAY, Earl Wilfred, physician-pedia- trician; b. Syracuse, N. Y., 13 Nov. 1891; s. John Earl May and Lizzie (Sloan) M.; ed. Detroit Central High Sch.; Univ. Mich.; M.D., Univ. Coll. Med. (Wayne), 1916; m. Evelyn Grace Roehm of De- troit, 18 July 1917; children — John Earl (dec), Donald George, Carol Helen. Following grad., 1916, interneship, Grace Hosp.; married, went into gen. prac; had a large infant welfare clinic of the Dept. of Health, also infant and chil- dren's clinic at Grace Hosp. under di- rection of Dr. David J. Levy; sped, work for Dept. of Health during smallpox epi- demic, winter of 1917; after war, re- turned to Detroit to assist Dr. Levy in prac. of pediatrics; after 3 yrs., and with clin. connections at Grace Hosp., Wom- en's Hosp., Herman Kiefer Hosp., and as dir. Child Welfare, Dept. of Health, began practice for self in pediatrics; dir. Child Welfare, Dept. Health, 5 yrs.; re- signed due to stress of work in pvt. prac; chief, dept. pediatrics, Grace Hosp., 15 yrs., Herman Kiefer Hosp., 1922- ; mem. Med. Adv. Bd., Visiting Nurse Assn.; instr. pediatrics, Wayne Univ. Coll. Med.; It. in Med. Res. Corps, during World War, transport surgeon about yr. on Atlantic, from U.S. and Can. to Eng. Licentiate of Am. Bd. Pe- diatrics; fellow Am. Acad. Pediatrics, A.M. A.; mem. Soc for Res. in Child De- velopment, Am. Pub. Health Assn., Mich. State Med. Soc, Wayne Co. Med. Soc, Detroit Pediatric Soc. (p.pres.). Author: Treatment of Alimentary Intoxication and Report of Cases, Prevention of Rick- ets in Premature Infants by the Use of Viosterol, Rachitic Studies, etc. First an- cestor in this country was John May, master of the ship James — was born in Mayfield, Sussex County, England, in 1590; came to this country in 1640, set- tled at Roxbury, Mass.; died 1670 at Roxbury, Mass. Interests: singing, bass soloist at St. Joseph's Episcopal Church. Recreations: golf, fishing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: David Whitney Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 106 McLean Av., Highland Park, Detroit, Mich. MAYNARD, J. Earle, heating and air conditioning t engr.; b. Holt, Mich., 3 Apr. 1882; s. Chas. Adelbert Maynard, ins., and Effie May (Douglas) M.; ed. high sch., Lansing, Mich.; Mich. State Coll., 1902-04; m. Alta May Dana of Williamston, Mich., 24 Apr. 1906; chil- dren — Paul Wilson, Marvel Elisabeth. Mech. draftsman, Buick Automobile Co., Jackson, Mich., 1904-05; Oldsmobile Co., Lansing, Mich., 1905-06; color operator, James Bayne Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1907-08; Reed-Tandler Co., Grand Rap- ids, Mich., 1908-09; pres. J. E. Maynard Co., artists, engravers and designers, Lansing, Mich., 1910-15; Holland Fur- nace Co., Marion, O., 1915-22, Cleveland, 1923-25; Fox Furnace Co., subsidiary of Am. Radiator Co., Elyria, 1925-39; Am. Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corp., 1939- ; invented the Mayn Air Damper for balancing air conditioning systems; pres. Controlair, Inc., Elyria.; mem. Am. Soc. Heating and Ventilating Engs., Nat. Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Assn., Installation Codes Com. and Tech- nical Ednl. Com.; Mason. Interest: art. Recreations: sports, gardening. Protes- tant. Republican. Home: 324 Fifth St. Office: Elyria Works, Elyria, O. MELHORN, Donald F., attorney; b. Kenton, O., 28 Apr. 1889; s. Charles M. Melhorn, attorney and Laura (Church- ill) M.; ed. Kenton (O.) High Sch.; Oberlin Coll.; Univ. Mich.; m. Catharine Zetter of Columbus, 22 Oct. 1930; chil- dren — Donald F., Jr., David Kent. In practice of law, 1914- ; mem. firm Mar- shall, Melhorn, Davies, Wall & Bloch; pros. atty. of Harden Co., O., 1915-19; asst. atty. gen. of Ohio, 1919-23. Club: Toledo. Protestant. Republican. Office: 1434 Nicholas Bldg., Toledo, O. Home: 2025 Orchard Road, Ottawa Hills, To- ledo, O. MIES, John S., clergyman; b. Wongro- witz, Germany, 27 Feb. 1871; s. Johann 946 Mies, civil engr., and Ida (Goebel) M.; ed. M. Gladbach (Ger.) high sch.; B.A., St. Mary's Univ. (Baltimore), S.T.B., 1894; LL.B. (hon.), Univ. Detroit, 1926. Ordained 20 June 1894; pastor: Maybee (Mich.), 1899-1916, Dexter, 1916-18, Dearborn, 1920-22, St. John Evangelist (Detroit), 1922-28, Nativity of Our Lord, Detroit, 1928-34, Lady of the Rosary (Detroit), 1934- ; created domestic prel- ate with title of Rt. Rev. Monsignor by Pius XI, June 1925; mem. bd. Diocesan Consultors, 1921-. Interests: sociolog. studies. Catholic. Address: 5860 Wood- ward, Detroit, Mich. MILEY, George Walter, minister; b. Wabash Co., Ind., 29 Dec. 1890; s. John David Miley and Martha Esther (Ride- nour) M.; ed. Somerset, Ind. High Sch.; Capital Univ. (Columbus); Chicago Luth. Theol. Sem., grad. 1914; D.D. (hon.), Wittenberg Coll. (Springfield), 1934; m. Rosanna Troup of Allen Co., 17 June 1914; children — Kathryn Eliza- beth, Martha Ellen. Pastor, Sherrodsville, 1914-17, St. Luke's Luth. Ch., Toledo, 1918-23, Augsburg Luth. Ch., Toledo, 1924- ; Ohio State mgr. World Service Appeal, Nat. Luth. Council, 1922-23; pres. W. Conf. Synod of O., U.L.C.A., 1927-29; pres. Home Mission Bd., 1931- 33; del. United Lutheran Ch. of Am. Conv., 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1938; mem. bd. trs., Robinwood Hosp., Toledo; dir. Wittenberg Coll., Hanna Divinity Sch., Springfield; mem. exec, bd., Synod of O., U.L.C.A., mem. Bd. Am. Missions, U.L.C.A. Lutheran (minister, United Luth. Ch. in Am.), Republican. Office: 1350 Sylvania Av., Toledo, O. Home: 1319 Rollins Rd., Toledo, O. MILLER, John Edward, architect; b. Cleveland, O., 18 July 1900; s. Edward J. Miller, commercial artist, and Eliza- beth F. (Sanders) M.; ed. Glenville High Sch.; B.Sc. in arch., Cath. Univ. Am., 1928; diploma, Beaux- Arts Inst.. Design, 1930; diploma, Fontainebleau Sch. of Fine Arts, 1926. Office boy, office of C. F. Schweinfurth, 1918; designer, office of Waddy B. Wood; winner of Fontainebleau Scholarship, 1928; de- signer, Ohio Building, office of Mills, Phines, Bellman & Nordhoff, 1929; with Charles S. Schneider, Walker & Weeks, Walter R. McCormack (all-Cleveland), R. P. Travelletti (Chicago) ; instr. in charge design, Univ. Notre Dame, 1933- 36; pvt. practice, 1939- ; sr. partner, Mil- ler & Guenther, archs,; mem. S.A.T.C, St. Ignatius Coll., Cleveland, O,, during World War; mem. A.I.A., Soc. of Beaux- Arts Archs., Beaux-Arts Inst. Design. Club: Washington Water Color. Travel: Fr., It., Mex. G. s. Jacob Miller, in Navy during Civil War. Interests: water color painting, decoration, church arch. Cath- olic. Democrat. Office: 877 The Arcade, Cleveland, O. Home: 10523 Ashbury Av., Cleveland, O. MILLS, Charles Bright, sec, O. M. Scott & Sons Co.; b. Marysville, O., 14 May 1896; s. Dr. C. D. Mills and Ella (Stewart) M.; ed. Marysville High Sch.; B.A., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1919; m. Rachel Long of Columbus, 25 June 1925; children — Rachel Ann, Mary, Charles. Dir., First Nat. Bank, Marysville; tr., Ohio Wesleyan Univ.; tr., Methodist Ch.; sec.-treas., Ohio Seed Dealers Assn., v.p., Scott-Mills, Inc., apptd. govt, appeal agent, Selective Service Act; del- egate, Rep. Conv., 1932; served as pvt., 309th Engrs. during World War I; mem. Ohio Soc. of N. Y., Phi Gamma Delta, Mason (32°, Shriner). Club: Kiwanis (p. pres.). Recreations: golf, riding. Metho- dist. Republican. Home: Edgewood Ter- race. Office: Marysville, O. MITCHELL, Elizabeth Arabelle, teacher; b. Acworth, N.H., 26 Nov. 1875; d. Jonathan Mitchell and Amelia T. (Dodge) M.; ed. Kimball Union Acad.; A.B., Mount Holyoke Coll., 1898; A.M., Cornell Univ., 1903. Teacher, Ferry Hall, Mt. Holyoke Coll., Western Re- serve Univ., Purdue Univ.; mem. Sigma Pi Sigma, Sigma Xi, Mortar Board, Delta Kappa Gamma, Phi Mu, Am. Assn. of Univ. Women, Unitarian. Dem- ocrat. Office: Physics Dept., Purdue Univ. Home: Stadium Rd., West Lafay- ette, Ind. WHITAKER, F. Edythe Horney, genealogist; b. Jeffersonville, 22 Mar. 1886; d. Frank A. Horney, merchant, and Catharine (Brown) H.; ed. Jeffer- sonville High Sch.; Port William Coll.; m. Ralph Oral Whitaker of Ohio, 1909. Engaged in newspaper work, teaching; received citation from Woodrow Wilson, Clemenceau, and Lloyd George for newspaper work during World War I; fellow Inst. Am. Genealogy; mem. O. Soc. Mayflower Descendants, D.A.R. (organizing regent, state publicity, now regent), O. Chatelaine Order First Cru- sades, O.E.S. (past matron), D.U.V. (pres.), U.S.D. 1812 (state Chmn. cor- rect use of flag), L.F.W.C. (past pres.). Clubs: Garden, Recreation Council (dir.), Country, East High St. Literary (p. pres.), Woman's Literary (p. pres.), 947 Happy Hour Needle (p. pres.). Author: The History of the Horney Family. An- cestors were pioneer settlers and exten- sive land owners. Interests: family his- tories and coats-of-arms, water colors, needlework, illustrated readings, dra- matic art. Recreations: trap shooting, bridge. Methodist. Democrat. Home: 199 N. Main St., London, O. WILKINSON, Arthur Paul, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist; b. Newman, 111., 1896; s. George B. Wilkinson, farmer, and Stella (Chapin) W.; ed. Alamo (Ind.) High Sen.; A.B., Wabash Coll., 1917; M.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1923; m. Helen F. Footham of Sault Ste. Marie, 1927; children — Mary Ann, William Chapin, Sally Gene. In eye, ear, nose, and throat dept., Henry Ford Hosp.; pvt. practice, 11 yrs.; 2nd It. Inf., Air Service, during World War I; mem. A.C.S., Am. Acad. Ophthal. and Oto- laryngol., A.M.A., Mich. State, Wayne Co. Med. Socs. Club: Birmingham Golf. Recreation: golf. Protestant. Office: 664 Fisher Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 2001 Edison Av., Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: 278 Lake Shore Drive, Hondeau Park, Ontario, Can. WILSON, Russell Fletcher, physician; b. Hogansville, Ga., 24 Aug. 1890; s. William Esley Wilson, farmer, and Min- nie (Thompson) W.; ed. Hogansville High Sch. ; Emory Univ. ; M.D., Southern Coll. Med. Surgery; m. Miss Aloe Aver- ton of Atlanta, Ga., 29 June 1928. Phys., specializing in radiology., dir. radiol. dept., Beloit Municipal Hosp.; 1st It. during World W T ar I; mem. Wis. State Med. Soc, Radiological Soc. N. Am.; fellow Am. Coll. Radiology, Am. Med. Assn. Club: Rotary. Author: many arts. on x-ray. Interest: photog. Recreations: golf, lawn bowling. Congregationalism Office: 431 Olympian Blvd., Beloit, Wis. Home: 609 Harrison Av., Beloit, Wis. WINTER, Lumen Martin, artist; b. Elerie, 111., 12 Dec. 1908; s. W. G. Winter, inventor, and Mary Blanche (Nicholson) W.; ed. Union High Sch., Grand Rapids, Mich.; Grand Rapids Jr. Coll., 1926-28; Cleveland Sch. of Art.; Nat. Acad, of Design; Grand Central Sch. of Art, N.Y.; m. Mary Elizabeth Mason of Ft. Thomas, Ky., 29 June 1940. Asst. to Ezra Agustus Winter, Radio City Music Hall and Geo. Rogers Clark Memorial murals; painted mural, Grand Rapids Union High Sch.; commnd. by U.S. Treas. Dept., to do murals Fed. bldgs., Wellston, St. Louis, 111. and Fremont, Mich., original poster, U.S. Sav. Bonds, 1936; cover design, Liberty Mag. and others; rep. in Univ. Cincinnati Botany Bldg., pvt. collections; asso., Robert Rupp and Associates, Cincinnati; mem. Cincinnati Assn. Prof. Artists, Nat. Fedn. of Art, Wash., D.C. Clubs: Cin- cinnati Art, Business Men's. Co-author: Epics of Flight; illustrator: Can It Be Done. G.f., Nicholson's drummer boy in Civ. War; Winter, under Wash- ington at Valley Forge. Interests: lit., sculpture. Recreations: swimming, danc- ing, golf, Episcopal. Republican. Office: 119 West Central Parkway, Cincinnati, O. Home: 2106 Alpine Place, Cincinnati, O. Summer res.; Belmont, Mich. WOLCOTT, Winifred, library re- search; b. Sharon, Medina Co., 22 Sept. 1879; d. Samuel M. Wolcott, farmer, and Ida Aemilia (King) W.; ed. Medina High Sch.; A.B., Hiram Coll., 1904; Wooster Coll., 1 term; studied art under 2 pvt. teachers; CM., Albany Nursing Sch.; Metropolitan Business Coll. (Cleveland). Translator; writer; contbr. to Pioneer Women of Western Reserve, reference set, 1924, anthologies. American States, 1934, Yearbook of Contemporary Poe- try, 1937, Crown Anthology, 1938, Christmas Lyrics of 1939, World's Fair Mart of Verse, 1939-40; Mags., Geneal- ogy (now defunct), newspapers, Hart- ford Ct. Times, Boston Transcript; mem. Hiram Coll. Alumni Assn., Grant Family Assn., Early Settlers Assn., London Soc. Genealogists, Daus. of the King. Author: research arts for several hist, assns.; biographical essays; indexes; transla- tions (awarded several prizes) ; El Al- mirante-Early Spanish, French, English Explorers and Discoverers (hist, vol- ume); numerous genealogies. Travel: Eur. Desc. Brig. Gen. A. J. Warner of Masotti, mem. Congress, several terms; Col. E. R. Hill, U.S.A.; Judge E. B. King of U.S. Circuit Ct. of Appeals, maj., capt., O. Militia; cousin, Capt. Clifford M. King, was sgt., maj., 1898-1899, Span. -Am. War, capt. Engrs. overseas, 1917-18; several cousins fought in World War; 20 ancestors were in 2 Wars of Independence; 2 old brass cannons were buried on Cyrus King's farm to escape capture by British gen. Interests: car- tooning, sketching, painting, indexing, stamp collecting, archaeology. Recrea- tion: movies. Episcopalian. Democrat. Home: 2227 Prospect Av., Cleveland O. ZABEL, Hartie Emil, business repre- sentative; b. Deer Creek, Minn.; 17 Mar. 1887; s. Julius Emil Zabel, and Anna (Propst) Z.; ed. St. Paul's Coll.; B.A., 94S Baldwin- Wallace Coll., 1907; M.A., Univ. Minn., 1913; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, 1915; m. Carola Rust of Chicago; children — Emily Francis, David Hardy. Instr. la. State Univ., 1915-17; head biology dept., Denvyer-Gippert Co., 1921-33, sales work, 1933-37; midwest rep., Clay- Adams Co., New York, N.Y., 1937- ; 1st It., Adj. Gen. Dept., U.S.A., 1 yr.; mem. A.A.A.S, la. Acad. Sci., Minn. Acad. Sci. Author: Semantic Development of Words for Mental Aberration; Iowa Scientists; Minn. Scientists. Republi- can. Office: Clay-Adams Co., 44 E. 23d St., New York, N.Y. Home: 3208 Shef- field Av., Chicago, 111. ZEIGEN, Frederick H., author, poet, composer; b. Saginaw, 18 Apr. 1874; s. Kasper Cass Zeigen and Maria (Von Weber) Z.; ed. high sch., Ypsilanti; A.B., Mich. State Normal Coll., 1901; LL.B., and LL.D., Nashville Coll. of Law, 1903; m. - Myrtle Annette Comer of Wayne, 20 Sept. 1899; children— Eola Valancia (Mrs. F. Mengel), Phyllis Myrtle (Mrs. H. I. Tanner). Writer on staff of Saginaw Daily Times, 1890-, also mag. and spl. news writer; volun- teer Spanish- Am. War, 1897-98; teacher of English, Mich. State Normal Coll.; supt. schs., Osceaola Co., Mich.; estab- lished busi., Detroit, banker investments; founder Univ. Miami with Wm. Jennings Bryan, Ruth Bryan Owen; dir. Zeigen Properties; Zeigen Constn. Co., Bankers Land & Investment Corp.; Petroleum Co.; Chalfonte Apts. Corp.; served on Mich. State War Bd., during World War I, Minute Men, speakers Bur.; mem. Authors League of Am.; Authors Assn. (pres. 3 terms); Authors League of Mich. (pres. 4 terms); Methodist Lay- mens Assn.; (state and nat. pres. 2 terms); Art Founders Assn.; Masons, (32°, Shrine). Clubs: Scarab (Art. Life), Detroit Yacht, Miami Baltimore Golf. Author: Breezes from the Pines (poems); Tharold Archer Knowlton (novel) ; Stardust and Dandelions (poems) ; Lava (novel) ; The Revolution- ist (novel) ; The Clock Around (book of dramas) ; also fifty songs and musical compositions. Travel: Europe, Asia, Alaska, Orient, South Seas. G.f. Johann Carl von Weber was German Revolution- ist and fled with Carl Shurz to Saginaw, 1849, purchased sect, of city; father, Kaspar Zeigen, served in 8th Mich. Cav- alry, Civil War. Interests: literature, music, art, lectures on philosophy. Rec- reations: golf, swimming, travelling. Methodist. Republican, Office: 1118 La- fayette Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 8655 Jefferson Av. East, Detroit, Mich. Sum- mer res.: Ypsilanti (Twin Towers). Win- ter res.: 1632 South Bay Shore Dr., Miami, Fla. MORRIS, John, lawyer; b. Fort Wayne, Ind., 24 March 1860; s. John Morris and Theresa J. (Farr) ; ed. Fort Wayne High Sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1886. Clerk U.S. Courts at Fort Wayne, Ind., 1884-93; mem. law firm of Worden & Morris, 1884-93; Breen & Morris, 1893-1928; Morris & Newkirk, 1931- ; dir. Peoples Trust and Savings Co., 1938- ; v.p. and mem. of executive com.; mem. Fort Wayne Chamber of Com- merce. Mason (32°). Clubs: Columbia (Indianapolis) ; Orchard Ridge Golf. Author: '21 volumes of briefs. Travel: U.S. Interests: mathemtaics, philosophy. Recreation: golf. Protestant. Home: 1333 Maple Av. Office: 300 Peoples Trust Bldg., Fort Wayne, Ind. MO WRY, Floyd Samuel, obstetrician; b. Fosteria, O., 11 May 1890; s. Milon E. Mowry and Laura Bell (Evans) M.; ed. Fosteria High Sch.; A.B., Western Re- serve Univ., 1913; M.D., Western Re- serve Univ., Sch. of Med., 1916; m. Ber- nice J. Sutton of Butten, Pa., 5 Dec. 1933. Asso. clinical prof, obstetrics, Western Reserve Univ. Sch. of Med.; served as capt. during World War, U.S. Med. Corps, attached 2d Bn. Essex Reg., B. E. F., awarded Brit. Milit. Cross; mem. Med. Assn.; Ohio State Med. Assn.; Cleveland Acad, of Med.; Cleve. Med. Soc, Diplomate Am. Bd. Obstetrics and Gynaecol. Clubs: Medical Arts, Cleve- land, Univ., Pepper Pipe Country. In- terest: art. Recreations: golf, hunting, fishing. Protestant. Republican. Offices: 10515 Carnegie Rd., Cleveland, O. Home: 15565 Brewster Rd., E. Cleveland, O. MYREN, Bernard J., contractor; b. Chicago, 4 May 1902; s. Andrew F. My- ren, contractor, and Anna (Thurn) M.; ed. Carl Schurz High Sch.; m. Florence J. Franz of Evanston, 1922; children — Beth, Claire, Berna Jo, Susan. Constrn., lumber mfr., retail bldg. material bus., Chicago, South and East, 1921; estima- tor, N. P. Severn Co., 1922; project mgr., Crew Co., gen. mgr., sec, pres., 1912- ; partner; dir. Constrn. Equipment Corp. Clubs: Columbia Yacht, Great Lakes Cruising, Panama Golf (C. Z.). Travel: No., So. and Cent. Am. Inter- ests: economics, engring., boating. Rec- reations: boating, golf, travel. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: 222 W. Adams 949 St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1050 Hibbard Rd., Wilmette, 111. VANDEVEER, Fred L., lawyer; b. Morrisville, 111., 26 Jan. 1879; s. George A. Vandeveer, lawyer, and Clara B. (Edgcomb) V.; ed. Upson Sem.; LL.D., Yale Law Sch., 1900; m. Vesta F. Hardy of New Haven, Conn., 30 June 1900; children — Leroy G., Dr. Rudolph E., Vesta E. O'Sullivan, Rosalind V. Water- worth. Engaged in practice of corp. and ins. law; gen. atty., Dept. St. Rwys., Detroit, Mich., 1930; mem. Mich. State and Detroit Bar Assns. Clubs: Acanthus. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: reading, travel. Republican. Office: 1919 Dime Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: Lex- ington, Mich. Winter res.: 1129 W. Moreland St. Phoenix, Ariz. VOITA, Eugene, architect; b. Chicago, 111., 23 Feb. 1904; s. Joseph Frank Voita and Marie (Rosenau) V.; ed. Carter H. Harrison High Sch. (tech.); B.Sc, Ar- mour Inst. Tech., (now Illinois Inst, of Tech.), 1925; Diplome, L'Ecole Des Beaux Arts, Fontainebleau, Fr., 1929; m. Szada G. Hanley, 12 July 1941. Architectural designer, Howard Major of N.Y., Palm Beach, Fla., Coolidge & Hodgdon, Chicago, Chester H. Walcott, Chicago; executing designs, E. T. Stotes- bury res., Palm Beach, Fla., Bar Harbor, Me., various Univ. Chicago bldgs., chs., Arthur Reynolds res., Lake Forest, 111., Y.M.C.A. of Evanston, 111., Y.M.C.A. of Kenosha, Wis.; awarded 6th prize Internat. Arch'tl Competition, Pitts- burgh, Pa. 1930; 1st prize Internat. Competition for Steel Water Tower, 1931; R.O.T.C. (spl. service corps), 1917- 18; mem. Fontainebleau Alumni Assn., Armour Alumni Assn. (bd. mgrs.), Theta Xi, Scarab. Clubs: Cliff Dwellers (bd. dirs.). Author: in publ., Kinder- garten Chats of Louis Sullivan (with Claude, Bragdon and Geo. Elmslie). Travel: Europe, N. Afr., Mex., Jap., China, Hawaii. Interests: mus., sketch- ing, painting. Recreations: swimming, badminton, golf. Universalist. Republi- can. Office: 837 N. Lorel Av., Chicago 51, 111. Home: 534 Roscoe St., Chicago 13, 111. THURBER, Alice Hagerman, painter (oils and water color) ; b. Birmingham, Mich.; d. Frances Hagerman, banker, and Rosetta (Daines) H.; ed. Birming- ham High Sch.; Univ. Mich., 1890-92; Museum of art sch., Detroit; Fine Arts Sch., Detroit; m. Thomas Levington Thurber of Detroit, 1897; children — Rosemary, Ruth (dec), Thomas D., John, Frances (dec). Chmn., Art Div., Detroit Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1939-40; sev. water color prizes; 2 oil paintings Birmingham Community House, Grand Canon, Old Red Mill; Pussy Willows, Mich. League House, Ann Arbor, Univ. Mich.; mem. A.A.U.W., Mich. League, Detroit Soc of Women Painters and Sculptors, Nat. Soc. of Pen Women, Pres. of The Birmingham Soc. of Women Painters, 1944. Club: Birmingham Wom- en's, 1923. G.d. of John Daines, inventor of 1st tile mach. in Mich., estab. pottery and tile co., Bloomfield Hills, Mich., 1840. Episcopalian. Democrat. Address: 664 Oak St., Birmingham, Mich. McINERNEY, James L., manufac- turer; b. Elmira, N. Y., 17 Jan. 1888; s. Charles A. Mclnerney, farmer, and Nelle (Coppenger) McL; ed. pub. schs., Elmira and Leonardsville, N.Y.; m. Kathryn M. Kellar of Grafton, Neb., 2 July 1913; children — Catherine R. (Mrs. R. N. Alt), James M., William K. Clk., gen. store, Leonardsville, 1903-09; mail order elk., dept. mgr., supt., Chicago, 1909-25; pres. Nat. Spring and Wire Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1925-31; pres., Mclnerney Spring and Wire Co., Grand Rapids-Passaic, N.J., 1931- ; created Knight of St. Greg- ory, 1935; dir., Michigan Nat. Bank, Lansing, Mich.; mem. K. C. Clubs: Peninsular, Blythfield Country, Grand Rapids. Catholic. Republican. Office: 655 Godfrey Av., S.W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Home: 516 College Av., S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. MARSHALL, Alfred Cookman, light and power executive; b. Middletown, O., 26 Sept. 1872; s. William S. Marshall and Elizabeth (Miltenberger) M.; ed. Central High Sch., Detroit; B.S. (in E.E.), Univ. Mich., 1893; Master of Engineering (hon.), Univ. Mich., 1932; m. Elizabeth Schnoor of New Baltimore, Mich., 16 Oct. 1901; children — Frances (Mrs. James R. Mock), Brooks. Engr., Public Lighting Comm., City of Detroit, 1894-99; chief engr., Rapid Ry. System, 1899-1904; engr. on constrn. work, The Detroit Edison Co., 1904-05; gen. mgr., Port Huron Light & Power Co., Port Huron, 1905-11; asst. to pres., Eastern Mich. Edison Co., Detroit, 1911-13; v.p., The Detroit Edison Co., 1913-23, v.p., gen. mgr., 1923-40, pres., gen. mgr., 1940- ; dir., The Detroit Edison Co. and its wholly owned subsidiary cos.; mem. bd., water commrs., City of Detroit, 1925-26; chmn. spl. commn. apptd. to study sewage treatment and disposal, 950 City of Detroit; com. on city audit, City of Detroit, 1936-37; Fellow Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs.; mem. Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Engring. Sco. Detroit, Alumni Adv. Council, Univ. of Mich. Clubs: Bankers of Am., Bankers (Detroit), Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Golf, Intercollegiate Alumni, Economic (De- troit), Univ. Mich. Travel: Europe, Near East, S. Am., W.L., Congregationalist. Republican. Office: 2000 Second Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 1930 Balmoral Drive, Detroit, Mich. LIPPMAN, Ida, attorney; b. Lawrence, Mass., 4 July; d. Max Lippman and Rose (Solovachick) L.; ed. Poughkeepsie High Sch.; Eastman's, Poughkeepsie; Univ. Detroit, 1927; summer session, Columbia Univ.; Officer at N.Y. State Reformatory for Women, Bedford Hills under Dr. Katherine B. Davis; parole officer, Inwood House, New York, N. Y.; asst. in organization of Women's Div., Detroit Police Dept.; Policewoman, 1921- 27, Police Sergt., 1927-29; investigator, Wayne Co. Prosecutor's staff under Hon. James E. Chenot; Quartermaster Corps., A.E.F., stationed at S.O.S. hdqrs., Fr., 1918-19; mem. Past President Women's Overseas Service League; Council of Jewish Women; Women's City, (Detroit) ; Michigan Bar Assn.; Detroit Bar Assn. Travel: Eur., W. I., Mex. Interests: reading adventure and travel stories. Recreations: bridge, horseback riding. Home: 489 Peterboro. Office: 1633 Nat. Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. KENYON, Marjorie B., biochemist, medical technologist; b. Portland, Mich., 26 Apr. 1899; d. Dorr C. Kenyon and Inis (Wing) K.; ed. Portland Mich. High Sch.; Western State Teachers Coll.; B.S., Mich. State Coll., 1924, M.S., 1928; Univ. Mich. Asst. prof, physiol. chem., Women's Med. Coll., Pa., 1928-38; now with Prentice Clinical Lab., Kalamazoo, Mich.; mem. Am. Soc. of Med. Tech- nologists, Sigma Kappa, Sigma Xi. Co- author: several sci. papers. Methodist. Office: 458 W. South St., Kalamazoo, Mich. HAVEN, Seth Edson, educator, psy- chologist; b. Austinville, Pa., 5 Mar. 1905; s. Austin S. Haven, farmer, and Myrtle Mae (Shaylor) H.; ed. Troy (Pa.) High Sch.; diploma, State Teach- ers Coll., Mansfield, Pa., 1926; B.S., Ohio Univ., Athens, 1927; M.A., O. State Univ., Columbus, 1928, Ph.D., 1933; scholar, Columbia Univ., 1929; unmar- ried. Asst. in psychol., Ohio Univ., 1927-28; instr. in psychol., Univ. Ky., 1928-29; asst. in psychol., O. State Univ., 1929-30, instr., 1930-33; asst. prof, of psychol., Denison Univ., 1933-34, O. Wesleyan Univ., 1934-35, O. State Univ., 1935-36; instr. in psychol., Wayne Univ. 1936-38, asst. prof., 1938-43; asst. prof. 1943- ; res. assoc, Psychol. Corp., 1937, psychol. and statis. res. in pub. schs., hotel industry, highway safety, etc.; Fellow A.A.A.S., mem. Am. Statis, Assn., Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Assn. for Applied Psychol., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., So. Soc. Philos. and Psychol., Mid-Western Psychol. Assn., Ohio Acad. Sci., Mich. Acad. Sci., Mich. Psychol. Assn., Soc. Adv. Edu., Square and Com- pass, Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Delta Kappa, Alpha Psi Delta, F.&A.M., I.O.O.F. Author: Psychological Aspects of Hotel Personnel; arts, in sci. jours. Co-author: Psychology and the Motorist. Interests: collection of specifics in human motiva- tion. Recreations: travel, farming. In- dependent. Address: Psychological Labo- ratory, Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. Home: 64 Calvert Av., Detroit, Mich. NEDZEL, Alexander John, physician; b. Lubowirka, Russia, 14 Feb. 1888; s. John Jacob Nedzel, priest, and Mary (Kalneff) N.; ed. classical gymnasiums; M.D., Imperial New Russian Univ., 1913; M.S., Univ. 111., 1931; m. Anna Philip Velembovsky of Tiraspol, Rus., 20 May 1919; children— V. Alexander, Gleb. Instr. gen. pathology, bacteriology, Im- perial New Russian Univ., 1913-14; pa- tholog., St. Nicholas and Am. Hosp., Con- stantinople, Turkey, 1920-23; practice, Chicago, 1924- ; asso. prof, pathology, Univ. 111. Coll. Med., 1929- ; served in Imperial Russian Army Med. Corps, Aug. 1914-fall-1917; mem. A.M.A., Chi- cago Path. Soc, Soc. for Exptl. Biol, and Med., Inst. Med of Chicago, Am. Assn. Pathol, and Bacteriol., Chicago Med. Soc, 111. State Med. Soc. Author: contbns., on med. subjects, to journls. Russian Greek-Orthodox. Office: 1608 Milwaukee Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 2324 N. 73rd Av., Elmwood Park, 111. NELSON, Stella Pike, sch. and camp dir.; b. St. Charles, 111., 9 Jan. 1904; d. S. W. Pike, seedsman, and Edith (Fred- enhagen) P.; ed. St. Charles High Sch.; B.A., Pestalozzi Frosbel Teachers Coll., 1941; m. C. Kelly Nelson of Geneva, 111., 22 Feb. 1932; children— Glory Pike, Cor- nelius Pike. Teacher, children's singing, kindergarten, 4 yrs.; supervisor kinder- gartens, 3 yrs.; camp dir. and dir. board- ing sch., 15 yrs.; owner and dir. Pikes Sch. and Camp; mem. Assn. for Family 951 Living, Chicago, N.E.A. Clubs: St. Charles Country, Mothers, Womans, Hi- Bridge. Lecturer: child training, radio. Travel: U.S. Interest: horses. Protes- tant. Republican. Address: 619 W. Main St., St. Charles, 111. Summer res.: Lakes in Wis. FINK, Gail J., chemical engineer; b. Yountsville, Ind., 19 June 1887; s. C. E. Fink and Emma (McCormick) F.; ed. Crawfordsville (Ind.) high sch.; A.B., Wabash Coll., 1909; Ph. D., Cornell Univ., 1914; m. Elizabeth Thomas of Crawfordsville, Ind., 30 Mar. 1911; 1 son — William J. Asst. in chem., Wabash Coll., 1906-09; asst., gen. chem. Cornell Univ., 1909-14; chem., Soils Lab., N.Y. State Coll. Agr., Ithaca, 1914-15; prof, chem., Hooker Electrochem Co., Wash., D.C. and Niagara Falls, N.Y., 1916-21; chem. dir. Nat. Lime, Wash., D.C, 1921- 27; dir. of res., tech. dir., Nat. Aluminate Corp., Chicago, 1927-37; cons., Chem. and Process Industries, 1937-40; super. Lime Res. Sect., Bldg. Material Res. Labs., U.S. Gypsum Co., Chicago, 1941- ; mem. A.C.S., A.I.C.E. (p.chmn Chicago sect.), Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon. Clubs: Chicago Chem- ists, Civic of La Grange (p. pres.). Author: arts, on limes, water treatment, res. in tech., pubis.; numerous patents. Interest: hydroponics. Recreation: gar- dening. Methodist. Independent. Office: 1253 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, 111. Home: 1123 Pleasant St., Oak Park, 111. FINNERAN, Martin H., lawyer; b. Valley Falls, R.I., 19 May 1875; s. An- drew Finneran, real estate, and Maria (Mulrey) F.; ed. Hammond High Sch.; A.B., Valparaiso Univ., 1895; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1920; m. Blanche Stevens of Blue Island, 29 Nov. 1922. Helped organize the Thornton Fractional High Sch. Dist., serving nine yrs. as sec; helped organize the Calumet Memorial Park Dist. after the close of the World War, serving as sec. for twelve yrs.; dir. Calumet City State Bank; Clerk of City, eleven terms; Treasurer, one term; Judge of City Court; State Representative, two terms, 1925-29; mem. Chicago Bar Assn., 111. Bar Assn. Clubs: Lions, Maccabees. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 704 Wentworth Av., Calumet City, 111. Home: 523 Wentworth Av., Calumet City, 111. Summer res.: Dewey Lake, Dowagiac, Mich. FISHER, Stephen Elias, minister; b. Washburn, 111., 30 Jan. 1871; s. Oliver Wiles Fisher, farmer, and Sarah (Car- rithers) F.; ed. Washburn high sch.; B.A., Eureka Coll., 111., 1900; Univ. 111.; Univ. Chicago; LL.D. (hon.), Eureka, 1921; m. (1st) Myrtle Stone of Eureka, 1886 (dec. 1939), m. (2nd) Viva Richards of Champaign, 1938; children — Richard Stoner, Robert. Teacher, village sch., 2 yrs.; minister, Chr. Ch., Gibson City, 111., 1900-03, Univ. Place Chr. Ch., Cham- paign-Urbana, 111., 1903- ; dir. 111. Chs. Miss. Soc, Bloomington, 111., 1904- ; United Chr. Miss. Soc, Indianapolis, 1925-33; pres. 111. Disciples Foundation, Univ. 111., 1916-. Club: Kiwanis (Cham- paign-Urbana). Recreations: camping, travel. Christian. Non-partisan. Office: Station A, Champaign, 111. Home: 507 E. Daniel St., Champaign, 111. FITZPATRICK, Leo, radio executive; b. Wichita, Kan., 24 Jan. 1895; s. Jeremiah Fitzpatrick, mechanic, and Margaret (Kelly) F.; ed. Wichita high sch.; Univ. Kan.; m. Patricia Gallagher of St. Joseph, Mo., 19 May 1924; children — Leo Janes, 2nd., Sandra. Civ. engr., 1916- ; newspaper work, 1918-25; radio work, 1922- ; dir., WJR, Detroit, Mich., KMPC, Beverly Hills, Calif.; v. pres., WGAR, Cleveland, O.; Q.M. (2nd class), sub- marine service, U.S.N., 19 mos., during World War; mem. Nat. Assn. Broad- casters (pres., 1935), Am. Legion, V.F.W., 40 and 8, K.C. Clubs: The Players, Recess, Adcraft, Rotary, Grosse Pointe Yacht, Lochmoor Country. Au- thor: Radio Realities. Recreations: golf, fishing. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 2800 Fisher Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 93 Cloverly Rd., Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. FORD, Charles, physician, radiologist; b. Eddyville, 111., 20 Apr. 1883; s. John Franklin Ford, prof., and Cornelia Ann (Trigg) F.; ed. pub. schs.; M.D., Barnes Med. Coll. (St. Louis, Mo.), 1904; Chi- cago Post Grad. Med. Sch., 1919; Sch. Mil. Roentgenology, Cornell Med. Sch. N.Y.), 1918; m. Ollie M. Green of Mont- gomery Co., 10 Aug. 1911; children — Helen Elizabeth, M. Eugene Burgett, U.S.A., 1905-07; pract., Waggoner, 1907- 19; radiologist, So. Shore Hosp., Chi- cago, 1920-39, 1553 E. 79th St., Chicago, 1939- ; Med. Corps, U.S.A., 1st It, 19 July 1916-23, Aug. 1917, capt., 23 Aug. 1917-6, Aug. 1919, participated in Ar- gonne offensive; mem. Am. Med. Assn., 111. State Med. Soc, Chicago Med Soc, Radiological Soc. No. Am., Internat. Congress Radiology, Chamber Commerce, A.F.&A.M., Odd Fellows, Am. Legion, Am. Order Pioneers, Chicago Art Inst, (life mem.). Author: numerous articles in med. jours, and professional periodi- 952 cals. Travel: Eur., Mex. Great grand- father, Lemuel Ford, immigrated to 111. from Term., 1831, great grandfather, Ira Trigg, immigrated to 111. from Tenn., 1839, both settling in Johnson Co. In- terested in etching. Unitarian. Demo- crat. Office: 1553 E. 79th St., Chicago, 111. Home: 8349 Oglesby Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.; Waggoner, 111. FOSSENKEMPER, Marius Emig, teacher, musician; b. Richmond, Ind., 12 Dec. 1902; s. Harry E. Fossenkemper, printer, and Alice (Emig) F.; Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1925; m. Reva M. Nelson of Ann Arbor, Mich., 31 July 1923; children— Yvonne Carolyn, Janet Marilyn. Mem. faculty, Mich. State Coll., 1927-34; mem. WWJ Staff Orchestra, Detroit News Sta., 1st radio sta. to inaugurate regular pro- grams for transmission over air; 1st Clarinetist, Detroit Symphony Orches- tra, 1922-, Ford Broadcast Orchestra, 1934- ; mem. faculty, Nat. Mus. Camp, Interlochen, Mich., summer 1933, 1936; mem. faculty, Mich. State Normal Coll., 1927- ; mem. Alpha Epsilon Mu, Masons. English Lutheran. Office: Mich. State Normal Coll., Ypsilanti, Mich. Home: 811 Vinewood Av., Birmingham, Mich. FREIBERG, Harry A., executive, ma- hogany dealer; b. Cincinnati, O., 13 July 1878; s. Joseph Freiberg, distiller, and Amelia (Freiberg) F.; ed. Franklin Sch., Cincinnati, O.; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1900; m. Emily Newburgh of Cincinnati, O., 19 Apr. 1915; children— Harry A., John L. Founder of The Freiberg Ma- hogay Co. 1906; erected plant for pro- duction Mahogany lumber and veneers, New Orleans, La., 1916; exporter, Ma- hogany logs to Cent. Am., (office in Belize, Br. Honduras), U.S., and other parts of world, gen. offices and ware- house maintained at Cincinnati, O.; pres., The Mahogany Assn. Inc., Chicago, 111.; treas., Boys' Clubs of Cincinnati, Inc.; v.p., Nat. Lumber Exporters Assn., Memphis," Tenn.; treas., Hamilton Co., O., 1933-35 (elective); mem. Masons (32°). Clubs: Harvard (N.Y.C., Cin- cinnati). University, Cincinnati Art, Losantiville Co., Cincinnati,-Inc. Co- publisher: Mahogany, Antique and Mod- ern (E. P. Dutton & Co., 1926). Travel: Eur. and tropics extensively. Interest: farming. Office: Findlay & McLean Sts., Cincinnati, O. Home: Shawnee Run Rd., Indian Mill, O. FRENCH, Thomas Ewing, professor; b. Mansfield, O., 7 Nov. 1871; s. Daniel Houston French, minister, and Janette H. (Mathven) F.; ed. Roberts Acad.; Dayton high sch.; M.E., O. State Univ., 1895; D.Sc, Monmouth Coll.; m. Ida J. Richards of Columbus, 1898; 1 dau. — Janet. Prof, engring., drawing, O. State Univ., Columbus, trustee, Columbus Gal- lery of Fine Arts; mem. Food Adminis- tration, State of O., during World War; F.A.A.A.S. mem., A.S.M.E., Newcomen Soc. of Eng., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi. Clubs: Rotary, Kitkat. Author: books on drawing. Travel: ex- tensive. Office: O. State Univ., Colum- bus, O. Home: 1994 Suffolk Rd., Co- lumbus, O. FRENTZ, Theodore Rudolph, banker; b. Oshkosh, Wis., 17 Dec. 1863; s. Theo- dore Frentz, abstractor, and Caroline (Weisbrod) F.; ed. Oshkosh High sch.; m. Ada Yates of Oshkosh, 16 July 1898; children — Mrs. Ruth I. Frantz, Theodore Y. Started in banking business as mes- senger, First Nat. Bank, 13 Oct. 1879; cashier, New Am. Bank, 1 Jan. 1900-, dir.; mem. Elks Club; local bridge. In- terests: cards, golf, tennis. Recreations: fishing, shows. Independent. Office: 79- 81 Main St., Oshkosh, Wis. Home: 494 Jackson Dr., Oshkosh, Wis. FREUND, Edmund Joseph, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 24 Nov. 1889; s. Sigmund Freund, mfr., summer resort propr., and Rosa (Guggenheim) F.; ed. Chicago (111.) pub. schs.; Amour Sci. Acad.; LL.B., Valparaiso (Ind.) Univ., 1911; m. Mabel Elizabeth Hoover of Wheeling, Ind., 27 Aug. 1917; 1 dau. — Rosemary Miles. Practiced law, Crumpacker and Daly; local counsel for sev. R.R. and Ins. Cos.; assisted in prosecution of famous Virgil Kirkland Murder Trial and sev. other criminal cases; formerly co. and dist. chmn. of Ind. Dist. Republi- cans; active in development of Dunes State Park; dir. Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce, 16 yrs. (pres. 1925); mem. Valparaiso Planning Com., 1925-38; chmn. City Planning Commn., 1934-38; assisted Hon. C. V. Shields, La Porte Co., Ind.; mem. Selective Service Adv. Bd.; 2nd It. Ind., 1918-19; mem. Ind. State Bar Assn., Porter Co. Bar Assn. (v.p.), Sigma Delta Kappa, Am. Legion, Masons, Shriner, Rotary, B.P.O.E. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: fishing, photog. Republican. Office: First State Bank Bldg., Valparaiso, Ind. Home: 401 Washington St., Valparaiso, Ind. Sum- mer res: Flint Lake, Valparaiso, Ind. FRITSCH, Ludwig Adolph, pastor; b. Abrud, Transylvania, 18 July 1893; s. 953 Samuel Adolph Fritsch and Theresa (Toeroek Van Varfalva) F.; ed. Human- istic Gymnasium in Hermannstadt, Sie- benbuergen, Austria-Hungary A.B.; Univ. of Heidelberg, Ger. and Univ. Ber- lin, Ger. 1913-19, S.T.M.; hon. D.D., Thiel Coll., Greensville, Pa.; m. Editha Gerlinde Brosig of Transylvania, 19 Oct. 1922; children— Wilfred Karl Ludwig, Gottfried Hellmuth Werner. Vicarius at the Diasporaheim and prof, at Human- istic Gymnasium, Hermannstadt, Sieben- buergen; pastor and dir. at the German sch. at Constanza, Roumania, sent by Bishop D.Dr. Friedrich Teutsch to America, 1921 to organize churches among the Transylvanian Saxons; or- ganized 10 congregations as pastor in Youngstown; mem. of Pittsburgh Synod of the United Lutheran Church of America (U.L.C.A.); sec. of the German Conf. of Pittsburgh Synod; Com. on German interests of U.L.C.A. and Can.; served as lieut. in German Army; mem. Central Alliance of Transylvanian Sax- ons Lutheran Ministerial Assn. of Youngstown; Hon. citizen of city of Heidelberg, Ger.; Y.M.C.A.; Lutheran Ministerial Assn. Youngstown and vicini- ty. Clubs: Saxon Youngstown. Author, founder and ed. of Saxon Church Paper: Glaube and Helmat; Deine Volk and Deine Kirche; The Lutheran Ch. in Am. Interests: music, languages, hist., read- ing. Lutheran. Republican. Office: 217 Lincoln Av., Youngstown, O. Home: 3813 Wickliffe Blvd., Youngstown, O. GEIB, Frank Julius, physician; b. Cleveland, O., 6 March 1873; s. Franz Wilhelm Geib, business, and Minnie (Em- rich) G.; ed. Central high sch., A.B., Harvard Univ., 1895, M.D., 1899, Har- vard Univ. Med. Sch., 1902; m. Julia Hill of Boston, Mass., 1 Oct. 1902; children — Margaret Hill, Frank John. Visiting physician: Cleveland City Hosp., St. Vin- cent's Hosp., St. Alexis Hosp., Fairview Park Hosp.; Instr. in Med. in Western Reserve Med. Sch., 1900-02; mem. A.M.A., Ohio State Med. Assn., Cleveland Acad, of Tuberculosis Physicians. Clubs: University, Pasteur of Cleveland. Office: 1422 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. Home: 1202 Oakridge Dr., Cleveland Heights, Ohio. GIBBS, Carl C, executive; b. Rush County, Ind., 10 Oct. 1882; s. William W. Gibbs and Carrie Alice (Wikoff) G.; ed. public, high and commercial sch.; m. Eva June Hodson of Indianapolis, 24 Nov., 1910. Sec. to Sales Manager, Nat'l Mall. & Steel Castings Co., Indianapolis Wks., 1905-10; Salesman, Nat'l Mall. & Steel Castings Co., Indianapolis Wks., 1910-19; Sales Manager, Nat'l Mall. & Steel Castings Co., Cleveland Wks., 1919- 20; Plant Manager, Indianapolis Wks., 1920-29; Asst. to Pres., Cleveland, 1929- 34; Pres. 1934-41; dir.; Nat. Mall. & Steel Castings Co., Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; Railway Business Assn.; mem. Am. Iron & Steel Inst., Am. Foun- drymen's Assn.; Nat. Assn. of Mfgrs., Nat. Aeronautic Assn. ; Ohio Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Malleable Founders' Soc, Steel Founders Soc. of Am. Clubs: Chicago, Mayfield Country, Pepper Pike, Tavern, Union. Recreations: golf, fishing. Baptist. In- dependent. Office: 10600 Quincy Av., Cleveland, Ohio. Home: 23749 Stanford Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio. GILLIS, Joseph A., judge Recorders Court; b. Medford, Mass., 24 Apr. 1895; s. John C. Gillis, shoe dealer, and Cathe- rine M. (Gill) C; ed. Medford high sch., Medford, Mass.; Worcester Acad.; Tufts Coll.; LL.D., Univ. Detroit, 1922; m. Lila A. Aman of Richlands, N.C., 14 Jan. 1920; children — Joseph A., Jr., John H., Philip A. Judge, Common Pleas Ct., Detroit, Mich., 1931-39; founder Con- ciliation Division, Common Pleas Ct., Detroit, Mich., which arranged a partial payment system of paying off judgments to enable judgment debtors to avoid garnishments of wages; this plan adopted in many other U.S. cts.; mem. Detroit Bar Assn., Wayne Co., Mich., Am. Bar Assn.; asst. atty-gen. 1929-31; State Pub. Administrator, 1931, Judge Common Pleas Ct., 1931-37; Judge Re- corders Ct., 1939- ; served in Army, Navy and Marine Corps, 1917-19. Catholic. Republican. Office: Municipal Court Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 18020 Wis- consin Av., Detroit, Mich. GODDARD, Karl Blake, attorney; b. Harvard, 111., 15 Sept. 1886; s. Charles W. Goddard, physician, and Caroline (Blake) G.; ed. Harvard (111.) high sch.; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1910; m. Ethel H. Green of Detroit, 25 Sept. 1915; children — John I., Elizabeth. Admitted to prac- tice of law in 111., and Mich., 1910; asso. with law firm Merriam, Yerkes & Sim- ons of Detroit (now Yerkes, Goddard & McClintock), 1913; v.p. and dir. Uni- versal Products Co., Inc.; dir. Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Co.; pres. Village of Grosse Pointe Park, 1940-41; served as asso. counsel Leg. Adv. Bd. during World War. Clubs: Detroit. Office: 600 Fidelity Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 954 1240 Yorkshire Road, Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. GORDON, William Henry, physician; b. Findlay, O., 16 Nov. 1890; s. I. J. Gordon, merchant, and Etta (Wiener) G.; ed. high sch., Findlay, O.; M.D., Univ. Mich., 1916; m. Amelia Velleman of N. Y., 14 Dec. 1919; children — Marie Natolia, William Henry, Jr. House phy- sician, Univ. Hosp. (Mich.), 1916-17; surg. staff, 1917; chief res. physician, 1919; attend, physician, mem. exec, bd., Women's Hosp., Detroit, 1922-27; chief of med., North End Clinic, Detroit, 1924- ; asst. physician, Harper Hosp., 1932- ; attd. physician, Herman Kiefer Hosp., 1934- ; chief of staff, North End Clinic, 1935- ; certificate by Am. Bd. of Internal Med., 1937; served in B.E.F., A.E.F. as lieut. and later capt. in World War, July 1917-May 1919, (7y 2 mos. in Ger. prison camp) ; Purple Heart Medal from U.S. Govt.; now col., Med. R.C., 36th gen. hosp.; F.A.C.P.; mem. A.M.A., Am. Heart Assn., Assn. for Study In- ternal Secretions, Mich. State Med. Soc, Wayne Co. Med. Soc. Author: many papers on endocrinology, hematology. Interest: philately. Office: 1553 Wood- ward Av., suite 1102 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 18922 Muir- land, Detroit, Mich. GOSS, Leonard Whittlesey, professor of veterinary pathology; b. Edinburg, Portage Co., Ohio, 26 Apr. 1877; s. Am- brose S. Goss, mcht., and Clara (Whittle- sey) G.; ed. Edinburg high sch., Western Res. Acad.; D.V.M., Ohio State Univ., 1905; Grad Work Univ. of Berlin, Vet. Coll., 1911-12; m. Florence Joyce of Co- lumbus, Ohio, 1909; children — Leonard J., Clara Louise, Florence Joyce. Asst. vet. med., Kan. State Coll., 1905-07; instr. vet. med. ibid. 1907-11; asst. prof, vet. med. ibid, 1911-16; prof. vet. pathol., 1916-19; res. pathol., Parke-Davis Biol. Lab., 1919-20; prof. vet. pathol., Ohio State Univ., 1920-40; mem. Am. Assn. Pathol, and Bacteriologists, A.V.M.A., Ohio State Vet. Med. Assn., Internat. Assn. Med. Museums, Sigma Xi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Zeta, Alpha Psi, Omega Tau Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi. Clubs: Rotary, Ohio State Univ. Faculty. Author: various arts, contributed to the Am. Vet. Med. Assn. Travel: Eng., Ger., Holl., Switz., Belg., Fr., It. Interest: breeding Irish terriers. Office: Ohio State University, Columbus, O. Home: 5441 Hard Road, Columbus, O. GREENE, Charles Franklin, surgeon; b. Central Falls, R.I., 27 Feb. 1890; s. H. Frank Greene, mfg., and Hattie (Spencer) G.; ed. Central Falls (R.I.) high sch.; Brown Univ., M.D., Hahneman Med Coll.; m. Lillian Diltmer of Coles- burg, la., 13 Sept. 1917; 1 son — Charles. Interned, Hahneman Hosp., Chicago, 111., Buffalo Gen. Hosp., Buffalo, N.Y.; post grad. study and resident, Soc, N.Y. Lying In Hosp., New York, N.Y.; chief, obstet. dept., Jackson Park Hosp., Chi- cago, 111., mem. A.M. A., Chicago Med. Soc, 111. Med. Soc, Masons, Lakeside A.F. & A. M. Oriental Consistory (past master, 1924). Club: Lake Shore. In- terests: fishing, sailing. Protestant. Re- publican. Home: 7734 Cornell Av. Of- fice: 6 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. GREENEBAUM, Jacob Victor, physi- cian; b. Cincinnati, O., 7 Sept. 1885; s. Simon Greenebaum, mcht., and Bertha (Victor) G.; ed. Franklin sch.; A.B., Harvard Coll., 1908, M.D., 1911; m. Fanny Frank of Boston, 1914; children — Victor, Frank, (dec), mem. B. Labies Milk Fund Assn., Hebrew Union Coll., Bd. of Govs.; United Jewish Agencies; draft bd. examiner, local com. of Nat. Defense, essential teacher of Pediatrics during World War; mem. Am. Acad, of Pediatric, Am. Med. Assn. Ohio State Med. Soc. Cincinnati Acad, of Med. Assoc, prof. dept. of pediatrics, Univ. of Cincinnati; attending phys., Cincin- nati Gen. Hosp., assoc. phys. Children's Hosp.; dir. of pediatric service, Jewish Hosp. Clubs: University, Harvard (Cin- cinnati, Boston). Torch, Losantiville Country. Author: med. arts. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: soc. service, religi- ous ed. Recreations: books, golf, travel, stamps, Jewish. Office: 3530 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Home: 688 S. Crescent Av., Cincinnati, Ohio. GREIDER, Clarence Edwin, research engineer; b. Lawrence, Kan., 25 Feb. 1899; s. William H. Greider, teacher, and Emily (Tichenor) G.; ed. Topeka (Kan.) high sch.; B.S., Washburn, 1920; M.S., la., 1921; Ph.D., John Hopkins Univ., 1924; m. Cornelia Widney of Chambers- burg, Pa., 1921; children — Clarence E., Jr., Robert W., Kenneth R. Industrial fellow, Mellon Inst., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1924-27; research engr., Nat. Carbon Co., Inc., 1927- ; pvt., Inf., during World War; Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Chemical Soc, Masons (32d°), A.A.O.N.M.S. Author: various articles. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Independent. Office: National Carbon Co., Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Home: Lakewood, O. 955 GRIFFITH, Nellie, minister; b. In- dependence, Wis.; d. J. N. Lee, mer- chant, and Belle (Thompson) L.; ed. Morningside Acad., Sioux City, la.; grad. of Chicago Training Sch. and Garrett Biblical Inst.; m. Walter R. Griffith of Sioux City, la., 7 Feb. 1906 (dec); 1 son — William Joseph (d.). Teacher, pub. schs.; minister, Hawthorne Meth. Ch., since husband's death; mem. of the Am. Assn. of Women Preachers; deputy commr., Cicero Girl Scout Council; mem. W.C.T.U.; life mem., Cicero Welfare Center; mem. Welfare League of Morton high sch. Interests: girls' work, reading, flowers and plants. Methodist. Address: 5050 30th St., Cicero, 111. CUMMINGS, Howard Hastings, gyne- cologist, obstetrician; b. Wellsville, N.Y., 7 June 1885; s. Olin Fiske Cummings, teacher, and Etta (Bissell) C; ed. Wells- ville high sch.; M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1910; m. Lou Braisted of Ypsilante, 1910; children — Mary Lou, Dr. Robert Howard. Gynecol, and obstet., 1910- ; instr.,~ gynecol. and obstet., Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch., several yrs.; chief of staff, St. Josephs Mercy Hosp., Ann Arbor; v. chmn., Postgrad, med., Univ. of Mich. Univ. Hosp.; mem. Appeal Bd., Community Fund Bd.; during World War served Red Cross and formation 3 ambulance units for Fr.; fellow A.C.S.; diplomate Am. Bd. of Obstet. and Gynecol.; mem. A.M. A., Mich. State Med. Soc, Cen. Assn. of Gynecol, and Obstet., Mich. Soc. of Gynecol, and Obstet. Clubs: Barton Hills Country, Rudderhead, Camp Newton. Author: sci. med. articles. Interested in activities of Mich. State Med. Soc. (v. chmn., coun.; lig. com.; post-grad. coun.). Recreations: hunting, fishing. Protestant. Republi- can. Office: 216 S. State St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1020 Ferdan Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich.; Summer res.: Dexter, Mich. CUNNINGHAM, Arthur Allan, grain merchant, banker; b. Tiffin, O., 26 Jan. 1857; s. George W. Cunningham, miller, and Mary Ann (Keller) C; ed. Tiffin high sch., 1873; m. Minnie Belle Holt of Tiffin, O., 7 July 1881. Entered grain bus., 1878-38; pres., Sneath-Cunningham Co., 1906-38; ret. 1938; pres., Tiffin Tel. Co., dir., Commercial Nat. Bk.; pres. Tiffin Sav. Bk.; mem. Tiffin Bldg., Assn. (p. pres.), Greenlawn Cemetery Assn. (p.p.), Tiffin Chamber Commerce (p. dir.), O. Soc. (N.Y.), Masons (mem. Tiffin Lodge No. 77 F. & A.M., Tiffin, O., E.A. degree, F.C. degree, M.M. de- gree, 1884), R.A.M. (Seneca Chap. No. 42, Tiffin, O., 1886, Clinton Council No. 47, 1888, DeMolay Com. K.T. No. 9, Tiffin, O., 1886, W.M. Tiffin Lodge No. 77 F. & A.M., 1894, E.C. DeMolay Com., No. 9, K.T., 1917-18, p. pres., Masonic Vet. Assn., treas., mem. bd. tr., O. Masonic Home, Springfield, O.), K.T. (grand treas., Grand Com., O., 1934), A.A.S.R. (mem. Toledo Consistory, Val- ley Toledo, hon. mem., Supreme Council, 33 degree, 1911), Zenobia Shrine (To- ledo, O.) Royal Order Jesters (mem. Toledo Ct. No. 21), St. Jerome Conclave (p. sov., mem., No. 32 ordeu R.C., Con- stantine, Columbus, O.). Clubs: Ex- change (Tiffin, O.), Mohawk Country, Cincinnati, Toledo, Cleveland Athletic. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Interests: travel, horseback riding. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: Box 815, Tiffin, O. Home: 244 South Monroe St., Tiffin, O. LUCKEY, Bertha Musson, psycholo- gist; b. Ontario, Calif., 2 Jan. 1890; d. George Washington Andrew Luckey and Bertha (Musson) L.; ed. Lincoln High Sch.; B.A., Univ. Nebraska, 1910, M.A., 1912, Ph.D., 1916; Univ. Gottingen, Ger., 2 yrs.; Univ. Chicago, summer 1916; Inst, for Feeble Minded, Vineland, N.J. summer 1917. Asst. in chem., 1907-09 scholar philosophy, 1910-11, fellow Univ. Neb., philos., 1911-12; on acct. of World War I, left Ger., 1914, finished work for doctor's degree at Univ. Neb.; Instr. group special class handicapped children, psychologist, Lincoln schs., 1916-17; Cleveland sch. system, fall of 1917, orgnd. Psychol. Clinic, supvr. Cleveland Pub. Schs. ; mem. Iota Sigma Pi, Phi Beta Kappa, A.A.A.S., Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Orthopsychiatric Assn., N.E.A., Nat. Soc. for Study of Ed., Ohio Ednl. Research Dept. of Ohio, Ednl. Assn., Assn. Applied Psychol., Midwestern Psychol. Assn., Psychometric Soc. Clubs: Cleveland Women's D.A.R., Chap. D., P.E.O., Quota. Author: arts, in field of applied psychol., relating to individual differences. Methodist. Office: Cleveland Board of Education, 1380 E. 6th St. Home: 1310 W. 104th St., Cleveland, O. McCORMICK, John Ambrose, banker; b. Chicago, 111., 7 Nov. 1865; s. John A. McCormick, wholesale clothier, and Mar- garet (Conway) M.; ed. high sch.; bus. coll.; Northwestern Univ. Law Sch.; m. Ella M. Cummings of Chicago, 16 Oct. 1934. Chmn. bd., Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Ind. Pneumatic Tool Co.; mem. K. of C, Catholic Order of For- esters. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, South 956 Shore Country, Bankers of Chicago. Catholic. Independent. Address: 4940 Greenwood Av., Chicago, 111. BIXBY, Frank Hight, commissioner of banking; b. Star Prairie, Wis., 13 July 1900; s. A. P. Bixby, merchant, banker, and Laverna M. (Hight) B.; ed. New Richmond high sen., 4 yrs.; Carleton Coll. (Northfield, Minn.), 1 yr.; River Falls State Teachers Coll., 1 yr.; m. Esther Otteson of Fergus Falls, Minn., 24 June 1922; children — Frank Lyman, Laverna Sally. Teacher, pub. schs., Binford, N.D., 1920-22; engaged in buying and selling bankrupt merchandise stocks for per- sonal account, 1922-27; v. p., Bank of New Richmond, 1927-35; active farm management, 1927-37; sec. Banking Commn, Wis., Oct. 1937- ; apptd. for 6 yr. term as banking commr., expiring 1 Apr. 1943; asso. with Friday Canning Corp., St. Croix Telephone Co., New Richmond; pvt. U.S.A., discharged Dec. 1918; mem. Am. Legion (past post and co. commdr., mem. Raymond Butler Post No. 80, Dept. Wis.), Northwest and Minn. Farm Mgrs. Assns. (dir.), Mason (Royal Arch, Commandery, Consistory), Bank- ers' Assn. (chmn. agrl. com. Wis., 1932- 37). Author: various articles on farm management and banking. Travel: U.S. Interested in farm management. Recrea- tions: fishing, golf. Congregational. Pro- gressive. Home: 2225 Rowley, Av. Of- fice: 903 State Office Bldg., Madison, Wis. BLACKMAN, Lee Rush, newspaper publisher; b. Buffalo, la., 15 Sept. 1881; s. E. A. Blackman and Maria (Pester) B.; ed. Moline high sen.; m. Julia M. Schreck of Moline, 24 Oct. 1906; children —Barbara, Mrs. Marian B. Mills. Began as carrier boy, Moline Dispatch, worked through all positions in editorial dept., becoming publisher and sec; dir. 111. Chamber of Commerce, Moline Assn. of Commerce, First Federal Sav. and Loan Assn., Moline State Trust and Sav. Bk.; mem. B.P.O.E. (p. exalted ruler). Clubs: Short Hills Country, Towers. Congrega- tionalist. Republican. Office: Moline Dispatch, 1720 Fifth Av., Moline, 111. Home: 852 Seventeenth St., Moline, 111. BLOXSOME, John Leland, professor of English, librarian; b. Marion, Ind., 26 July 1905; s. J. M. Bloxsome, hardware mcht., and Susie (Friedline) B.; ed. Pennville high sen.; A.B., DePauw Univ., 1927; A.M., Univ. Chicago, 1935; m. Mer- ceda Covalt of Kokomo, 14 June 1932; children — John Lee, Janet Ann. Head of Eng. dept., Alexandria (Ind.) high sch., 1927-29, Rose Poly. Inst., 1929- ; librarian, 1933- ; teacher adult night sch., Terre Haute Y.M.C.A., 1938- ; pres. Vigo Co. Welfare Bd.; bus. mgr., Terre Haute Community Theater, 1939-41, pres., 1941- 42; mem. S.P.E.E., A.A.U.P., Coll. Eng. Teachers, Ind. State Conf. on Social Work, Masons. Club: University (Terre Haute, dir.). Author: A History of Ag- riculture in Indiana during the Pioneer Period. Travel: Can., U.S. Interests: modern litt. with Social Aspect, Ind. his- tory. Recreations: reading, bowling, tennis, travel, hiking. Methodist Episco- palian. Democrat. Office: Rose Poly- technic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind. Home: 408 S. 22nd St., Terre Haute, Ind. BOARDMAN, W. Wade, lawyer, law lecturer; b. New Richmond, Wis., 25 Jan. 1905; s. Stephen C. Boardman, industrial- ist, and Adelia (Clapp) B.; ed. New Rich- mond high sch.; N.D. State Coll., 1923- 26; LL.B., Univ. Wis., 1930; m. Beth Tucker of Mineral Point, 11 Sept. 1929; 1 dau. — Betsy Ann. Engaged in pract. law, 1930- ; mem. firm, Roberts, Roe & Boardman; asst. exec, counsel in charge of pardons, 1931-32; law lecturer on trial pract., Univ. Wis. Law Sch., 1933-; mem. Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Delta Phi, Order of Coif. Club: Univ. (Madi- son). Co-author: Boardman and Schuette, Cases & Materials in Practice. Congrega- tional. Progressive. Office: 110 E. Main St., Madison, Wis. Home: 2921 Colgate Rd., Shorewood Hills, Wis. BOWEN, Charles Clark, business exec- utive; b. Detroit, Mich., 14 January 1891; S. Lem W. Bowen, bus. exec, and Grace (Woodbury) B.; ed. Detroit Univ. Sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1912; Univ. Pa.; m. Geraldine Jarvis, of Grand Rapids, Mich., 20 June 1916; children — Charles C, John Woodbury, Barbara, Thomas W.; m. (2nd) Catherine McNamara of Detroit, Mich., 18 May 1930; children— Peter F., Julia Hard, Catherine Ann, Mary I. Em- ployed, Standard Accident Ins. Co., 1913- 17, sec, 1919-25, v.p., sec, 1925-37, pres., 1937- ; dir., pres., Pilot Ins. Co., Toronto, Ont., Mich. Fire & Marine Ins. Co., De- troit; commr., Woodslee Fire Dept., Ont.; 2nd It., Air Service Signal Corp, 1917-19; mem. Alpha Delta Pi. Clubs: Detroit, Players. Travel: Europe. Interests: arch., gardening, farming. Republican. Office: Standard Accident Insurance Co., Detroit, Mich. Home: 19414 Gloucester Rd., Detroit, Mich. Summer home: Woodslee, Ont., Can. 957 BOWERS, Oharles Albert, surgeon, physician; b. Wheeling, W. Va., 13 Apr. 1884; s. Frank William Bowers, indus- trialist, and Margaret Belle (Williams) B.; ed. Wheeling, W.Va. high sch.; B.S., W. Va. Univ., 1908; M.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1912; A.M., Western Reserve Univ., 1918; m. Mable F. Paul of Milan, 13 Jan. 1917; children — Mary Catherine, Charles Albert, Jr., Frank William. Interne, asst. res., res. surg., Lakeside Hosp., 1912-19, McBride fellow in sur- gery, under tutelage of Dr. George W. Crile; on leave of absence from Lake- side Hosp., asst. to Dr. Hugh H. Young, Brady Urological Inst., Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., Baltimore, Md., 1914-15; in pract. gen. surgery and urology, Cleve- land, 1919- ; asso. in urology, St. Vincent's Charity Hosp., 1920-32; asst. urologist, Cleveland City Hosp., 1920-25; dir. sur- gery, St. Luke's Hosp., 1932-39 (under his directorship, the surgical dept. was 1st non-univ. hosp. in U.S. to give 5 yrs. of training to surgs. which was the equivalent of a post-grad. univ. course), head, dept. urology, 1920- ; consultant in surgery and urology, U.S. Marine Hosp., 1919- ; cons, specialist in urology, Vets. Bur., Cleveland, 1920-25; dir., Bowers Pottery Co., Mannington, W. Va., War- wick China Co., Wheeling, W. Va.; pres. Bd. Edn., Shaker Hts., 1924-40 (instru- mental in developing schs. into one of the outstanding suburban systems in U.S.); chmn. bd., Miriam Kerruish Stage Schol- arship Fund; 1st It., Med. Res. Corps, 1st It. Med. Corps, U.S.A., during duration of World War on detached service from Surg. Gen.'s office; mem. Phi Kappa Psi, Western Reserve Soc, S.A.R., W. Va. Soc, Mason (Consistory, Commandery, Shrine), I.O.O.F., Am. Legion, S.R., Am. Bd. Surgery (founder mem.), Am. Bd. Urology (diplomate), A.M. A., Am. Urol- ogical Assn. (pres. N. Central branch, 1931), O. State Med. Assn., Cleveland Acad. Med., Cleveland Urological Assn., Johns Hopkins Surgical Soc, fellow Am. Coll. Surgs. (appeared on nat. programs for development of program of training for surgs.). Clubs: Rotary Internat., Hts. (Greater Cleveland). Author: many clinical surgical articles; numerous ar- ticles on organization for training in sur- gery. Travel: U.S. Descendant of fa- mous Indian scout, Lewis Wetzel. Inter- ests: books, travel, sports. Recrea- tions: skating, bicycling, horseback rid- ing. Christian (mem. Plymouth Commu- nity Ch., Shaker Hts.). Republican (in- dependent). Office: 9400 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. Home: 16708 Kenyon Rd., Shaker Hts., O. HARRIS, Samuel David, dentist for children, orthodontist; b. Romney, Rus- sia, 25 Apr. 1903; s. Harry Harris and Fannie (Mirvis) H.; ed. D.D.S., Univ. of Michigan, 1924; The Forsyth Dental In- firmary for Children; m. Ethel Gibbing of Utica, Mich., 1932; children — John Gibbing, David Blaine, Paul Austin. Past mem. of exec, council, Mich. Dent. Soc, Detroit Dent. Soc; mem. Am. Dent. Assn., Mich. Dent. Assn., Detroit Dent. Assn., Fellow Am. Coll. of Dentistry, Mich. Soc. of Dentistry for Children (p. pres.), Am. Soc. of Dent, for Children (ed., founder, p. pres.), A.A.A.S. Club: Inter Collegiate (Detroit). Author: nu- merous dental periodicals. Interest: stamp collecting. Recreations: tennis, golf. Republican. Office: 2312 Eaton Tower, Detroit, Mich. Home: 18914 Parkside, Detroit, Mich. GOODRICH, Wallace Jefferson, manu- facturer of lighting fixtures; b. Canton, Mo., 29 Dec. 1884; s. Edward Jefferson Goodrich and Isabel (Hanly) G.; ed. Can- ton High Sch.; Christian Univ.; St. Louis Sch. Fine Art; Art Inst., Chicago; m. Maebelle Smith of Mt. Carmel, 111., 7 Oct. 1922; children — Edward Wallace, Frances Ann (dec). Assoc, with Western Elec- tric Co., Chicago, 111., 1906; own mfg. bus., 1925- ; exec, dir., v.p., sec and treas., Goodrich Electric Co.; mem. S.A.R., Masons, K.T., Shrine. Clubs: Indian Hill, Chicago Athletic, Business Men's Art of Chicago (charter mem.). Recreations: golf, travel. Congregation- alist. Republican. Office: 4640 Belle Plaine Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 992 Vine St., Winnetka, 111. GILMAN, Albert Franklin, Jr., asso- ciate professor of chemistry; b. Meriden, Conn.; s. A. F. Gilman, prof., and Agnes Geneva (McGlynn) G.; ed. Keewatin Acad., St. Augustine, Fla.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1925; A.M., 1927; M.S., 1937; m. Regina Rayman of Washington, Ind., 2 Sept. 1930; children— Albert Franklin Gilman, III, Regina Catherine. Chemist, Carnation Milk Prods., Libby, McNeil & Libby, W. E. Long Bakers, Franklin Mc- Veigh and Co.; Am. Coconut Butter Co. (chief chemist) ; at Cent. Y.M.C.A. Coll. 1925- ; comdr., Univ. Post. Am. Legion, 1939-41; pvt. Inf. during World War; mem. A.C.S., Delta Tau Delta, A.A.U.P.; F. A.A.A.S. Clubs: Interfraternity, Union League. Author: Inorganic Reactions, 1929; Organic Reactions, 1931. Travel: 958 Am. tropics. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Central Y.M.C.A. College, 19 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 5449 Woodlawn Av., Chicago, 111. FOOTE, James Harold, executive, en- gineer; b. Jackson, Mich., 21 Nov. 1891; s. James Berry Foote, bus. exec, and engr., and Rebecca E. (Tuttle) F.; ed. Jackson High Sch.; B.S. (in C.E.), Mich. State Coll., 1914; m. Marie D. Dinius of Jackson, 12 Oct. 1915; children — James H., Jr., Barbara Marie (Mrs. R. Weisend). Engring. and constr. depts., Common- wealth and Southern Corp. (predecessor cos.), Jackson, 1914-36, supervising engr., in charge Northern Div. of Gen. Engring. Dept., 1936- ; tr., Olivet Coll. (Secy.), Calvary Meth. Ch.; Fellow A.I.E.E.; mem. Mich. Com. on registra- tion of Prof. Engrs., Edison Elec. Inst., Assn. Edison Illuminating Cos., Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, (Exec. Comm.), A.A.A.S., Soc. for Promotion of Engring. Ed., Nat. Voc. Guidance Assn., Nat. Fire Protective Assn., Mich. Engring. Soc. (President). Author: papers and reports on work of nat. socs. Travel: U.S. Gt. g-f., Rev. Milton Foote, first minister in N. Adams, came to Hillsdale Co., from western N.Y. in 1830. Father pioneered in development of electric power and high voltage transmission early in this century. Interests: character ednl., de- velopment, study and practice. Recrea- tion: travel. Methodist. Home: 1214 W. Washington Av. Office: Consumers Power Co. Bldg., Jackson, Mich. BROWNE, Edward Everts, lawyer, ex- congressman; b. Waupaca, 16 Feb. 1868; s. Edward L. Browne and Mary (Parish) B.; ed. B. Litt., Univ. Wis., 1890, LL.B., 1892; m. Rose C. Cleveland of Granville, 14 Sept. 1893; children — Katherine W. (Mrs. William J. Camlin), Helen C. (Mrs. Marcus Hobart), Edward L., Thomas A. Admitted to Wis. bar 1892, practice at Waupaca, 1892- ; dist. atty., Waupaca Co., 3 terms; mem. 63rd to 72nd Con- gress, 1913-1931, 8th Wis. Dist.; mem. For. Affairs Com., Hway. Com., Labor and Civil Service Com.; State Conserva- tion Com. of Wis.; Board Regents Univ. of Wis.; pres. Bar Assn., 7th judicial cir- cuit of Wis., 1937; while mem. Wis. Sen- ate drafted the first state aid road law providing for a system of extensive pub. parks.; mem. Masons (32°), Am. Bar Assn.; Wis. State Bar Assn. Clubs: Con- gressional Country (dir.), Waupaca Golf (charter mem.). Parents came to Wau- paca in 1851, father estab. law office, 1851. Interest: conservation. Recrea- tion: fishing. Episcopalian. Progressive Republican. Address: Union St., Wau- paca, Wis. BIRCH, Leland Watts, electrical en- gineer; b. Columbus, O., 27 June 1895; s. Alva B. Birch, mfr., and Olive (Watts) B.; ed. West High Sch., Columbus; Co- lumbus Trade Sch.; B.E.E., Ohio State Univ., 1917, E.E., 1929; m. Helen A. Grimm of Columbus, O., 1 June 1921; 1 dau. — Marian Lee. Constr. engr., Caro- lina Power and Light Co., 1919-20; elec. supt., Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 1920- 21; transp. engr., Ohio Brass Co., 1921- ; served as pvt., 1st class, in charge of jr. mach. gun instruction, Ground Sch., Co- lumbus, O., and Princeton, N.J., 1917-18, 1st It., Air Service, Sept.-Dec, 1918, dur- ing World War; mem. Masons, A.I.E.E., Am. Transit Assn., Ohio Society of Pro- fessional Engineers, Am. Ry. Engrs. Assn. Clubs: Engrs. (San Francisco), Engineer's Society of Western Penna., Pacific Ry., Westbrook Country. Author: tech. arts, on ry. electrification, mine electrification, elec. trolley coach; holder of patents on ry. distrib. systems. Travel: U.S., Can., Cuba, Mex. Desc. pioneers of Franklin and Morgan Cos. Interests: photography, early transit systems, gar- dening. Recreations: travel, golf, hiking, fishing. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: Ohio Brass Co., Mansfield, O. Home: 591 W. Park Av., Mansfield, O. AIREY, John, president and general manager; b. Leeds, Eng., 23 Apr. 1885; s. Fred Airey (woolen industry) and Elizabeth (Simms) A.; ed. Bradford (Eng.) Tech. Sch.; A.R.C.S. (Mechanics), Imperial Coll. Sci. & Tech., London, 1908 D.I.C. (Engring.), 1910; B.S. (honors) London Univ., 1910; m. Ethel M. Nunn of Bradford, Eng., 16 Sept. 1911; chil- dren — Maude, Iris, George, John, Jr. Apprentice to machine tool building, 1902-6, Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon, Zurich, Switz., 1910-11, instr. engring., Univ. Mich., 1911-16, engr. with British Mu- nition Commn., 1916-17; master me- chanic, R. & V. Wagner Ordnance Co., 1917-19; prof, engring., Univ. Mich., 1919- 22; gen. mgr., King-Seeley Corp., 1922- ; dir. King-Seeley Corp., Ann Arbor Sav- ings & Commercial Bank; mem. Advis- ory Com., R.F.C. (Detroit Agency); fire commissioner; mem. A.S.M.E. (life mem. for distinguished service) Sigma Si; as- soc. mem. Inst. Civ. Engrs. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit, Barton Hills Country (Ann Arbor, Mich.), Ann Arbor. Author: On the Art of Milling Strength of Boiler Furnaces; The Scarcity of the 959 College Trained Engineer in Production; papers in Nat. Socs. Recreation: golf. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: King- Seeley Corp., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 2009 Washtenaw Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. DuSHANE, Donald McLelland, dean of students, associate professor of govern- ment; b. South Bend, Ind., 4 July 1908; s. Donald DuShane, educator, and Har- riette Graham (McLelland) DuS.; ed. Columbus (Ind.) High Sch.; B.A., Wa- bash Coll., 1927; M.A., Columbia Univ., 1936; m. Edythe Susanne McCoy of In- dianapolis, Ind., 16 Sept. 1933; 1 dau. — Diane. Newspaper work; office mgr. ; real estate management; coll. teacher; administrator; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Theta, Pi Delta Epsilon, Nat. Assn. of Deans and Advisors of Men, Am. Political Sci. Assn., Am. Acad, of Political and Social Sci., Nat. Municipal League, Acad, of Political Sci., A.A.U.P. Club: Rotary. Presbyterian. Office: Lawrence College, Appleton, Wis. Home: 122 N. Union, Appleton, Wis. FLECK, William, real estate man; b. Chicago, 111., 1 Mar. 1896; s. Henry Fleck, engr., and Anna (Syvertsen) F.; ed. Chicago Coll. Commerce; Northwest- ern Univ.; m. Hazel Parmenter. Mem. A.F. & A.M., Shrine. Clubs: Olympia, Fields Country, Union League. Recrea- tions: golf, fishing. Republican. Home: 1135 E. 82d St. Office: 1665 E. 79th St., Chicago, 111. BRACKEN, Ellis Freeman, mainten- ance engineer; b. Greenview, Menard Co., 23 Mar. 1878; s. James A. Bracken, surveyor, engr., and Laura Alice (Payne) B.; ed. Greenview high sch.; B.S. in E.E., Univ. 111., 1901; m. Bertha Mabel Fisher of La Porte, Ind., 26 June 1906; 1 son — John Fisher. Employed by Chicago Edi- son Co., Commonwealth Edison Co., 1901-, now engr. maintenance; 1st It. engrs., capt. engrs., maj. Q.M. Corps, U.S.A., commissioned 19 June 1917, en- tered active service, 20 July 1917, hon. discharged, 30 Aug. 1919, now It. col. Inactive Reserve, U.S.A.; mem. Western Soc. Engrs., Mason 32°, Scottish Rite, K.T., Shrine. Clubs: 111. Athletic, Execu- tive's (Chicago). Author: text books on electrical eng. Grandfather, Oliver P. Bracken, was pioneer, 1826; father, James A. Bracken, was Union soldier in Civil war. Republican. Office: 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Home: 7003 Eggleston Av., Chicago, 111. BRADLEY, Thomas E. D., counsellor at law; b. Waynesville, 111., 13 Dec. 1861; s. John E. Bradley, farmer, and Sarah Jane (Spry) B.; ed. Clinton high sch.; 111. State Normal Univ.; LL.B., North- western Univ. Law Sch., 1888; m. Elsie Russell of Oswego, N.Y., 26 June 1890 (dec); children — Eleanor (Mrs. John Gray Rhind), Paul Russell; m. 2nd, Rosalie Populorum Nelson of Chicago, 2 May 1923. Admitted to bar, 111., 1888, U.S. Supreme Ct., 1894; mem. firm, Young, Makeel & Bradley, 1891-1904, Bradley, Foster & Stetson, 1904-09, Brad- ley, Harper & Eheim, 1909-18, Bradley, Williams, Kearns & Farrell, 1919-23, Bradley, Williams & Farrell, 1923-25, Bradley, Williams & Harper, 1926-30; sr. mem. firm, Bradley, Harper, Huss & Rehm, 1930- ; prof, law of contracts and torts, Northwestern Univ., 1891-92; co- founder (with Hon. Marshall D. Ewell), Kent Coll. Law, 1892, prof, equity juris- prudence and pleading and the law of contracts and evidence, 1892-1914; atty. for defense in trial of personal injury cases against R.R. Cos., 8 yrs.; chief counsel for defense, five trials of Alonzo J. Cutler v. Charles W. Pardridge, 1893- 1921; counsel for shore owners in litiga- tion to determine title to made land on Chicago water front, 1893-98; tr. Chi- cago Foundlings' Home, 1898-1925; mem. Federal Council of Chs. Christ Am. (mem. administrative com.), Permanent Judicial Comm. Presby. Ch. U.S., Presby. Ch. (mem. bd. pensions) ; pres. Christian Endeavor Union, Chicago, 1891-92; chmn. com. that established Daily Vacation Bible Schs., 1907-12; assoc. Ed., The Supplementary Bible, 1928, Am. Law Register and Review, 1895-98; mem. Presby. Social Union Chicago (pres., 1915-17), Cook Co. Sunday Sch. Assn. (pres., 1907-08), Chicago Ch. Fed. (pres., 1913-15), Better Govt. Assn. Chicago (pres., 1922-28), Chicago Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Irving Literary Soc, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Union League, Hamil- ton, City (Chicago.). Author: Modern Diplomacy, 1901; The Powers and Dan- gers of the Press, 1908; States' Rights and the Federal Government, 1913; Latin America Looking North, 1916; The Mon- roe Doctrine Abroad, 1917; The Church and the State, 1920; The Constitution and the Judiciary, 1923; The Menace of City Government, 1924; The Justification of Japan, 1925; The Changing Orient, 1926; The Mexican Question and Why is it?, 1928; A Tale of Two Hemispheres, 1927; The Case for the Philippines, 1929; Whither Democracy?, 1930; Life and Thought in the Antipodes, 1931; Chang- ing Concepts in Goverment, 1933; Regi- 960 mentation in Government and Religion, 1935; The Right to Think and the Obli- gation to Think Right, 1936. Travel: So. Am., So. Africa, Australia, China, Japan, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, tour of world. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Home: 330 N. 2nd St., De Kalb, 111. Summer res.:. Ephraim, Wis. BRISBIN, John Francis, instructor in U.S. history; b. Lansing, Mich., 12 Feb. 1908; s. James D. Brisbin and Elizabeth (Meyers) B.; ed. Lansing high sch.; A.B., Mich. State Coll.; A.M., Univ. of Mich.; Harvard Univ.; m. Olivia M. K. Perkins of Williamsburg, Ky., 11 June 1931; 1 son — John David Kincaid. Instr., adults, colls., secondary schs., CCC corps; in business, 4 yrs. ; mem. Masons, Phi Delta Phi. Club: Kiwanis. Travel: U.S., Can., Brit. Isles, Eur. Desc. of 6 generations of pioneers to Mich, from Eng., Wales, Ire. and from colonists and revolutionists of N.Y. and Mass. Interested in mus. comp. (several sym. compositions, per- formed). Recreation: travel, reading, music. Episcopal. Independent. Office: Lansing Eastern High School, Lansing, Mich. Home: 2001 N. Grand River Av., Lansing, Mich. Summer res.: 985 W. Linn Rd., Williamston, Mich. BROER, William Frederick, executive; b. Remberville, O., 20 Oct. 1878; s. Wil- liam H. Broer, jeweler, and Elizabeth (Witker) B.; ed. Toledo pub. sch.; m. Ethel Griffin of Toledo, 30 Mar. 1904; children — Carleton G., Marjorie Broer Creelman, Marion, William F., Jr., in jewelry bus. with father, 1894-04; est. own bus., 1904; pres. & dir., The Broer- Freeman Co.; dir. Broer-Kapp Co., Bing- ham Stamping Co.; during world war, food administrator, Lucas Co.; mem. Barton Smith Masonic Lodge (p. mas- ter), Toledo Community Chest (chmn.). Clubs: Toledo, Toledo Yacht, Rotary (p. pres.), Inverness Country, Waumee River Yacht. Travel: Eur., Hawaii, Bermuda, So. Am., Caribbean Islands, Nassau. In- terested in yachting. Recreations: golf, fishing. Congregationalist. Republican. Office: Jefferson at Erie St., Toledo, O. Home: 3534 Ridgewood Rd., Ottawa Hills. Summer res.: Clear Lake, Ind. SHELDRICK, Merle Wagner, teacher; b. Rahns, Montgomery Co., Pa., 2 Jan. 1898; d. A. E. Wagner, teacher, and Lil- ian (Wanner) ; ed. Mauch Chunk Twp. High Sch.; B.S., Ohio Univ., 1918; M.A., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., 1924; m. W. A. Sheldrick of Cleveland, 18 July 1933. Teacher, high schs., O.; teacher of Americanization, and problems of de- mocracy; mem. Dept. Adult Edn. of N.E.A., O., Poetry Soc. (asso.). Author: Mr. Klein is Naturalized, a dramatic skit, poems. Interests: writing, stamp collecting. Recreations: hiking, swim- ming. Unitarian. Republican. Address: 1631 E. 75th St., Cleveland, O. CAPLES, Byron McBride, physician, N.P.; b. The Dalles, Ore., 21 May 1860; s. Charles Greene Caples, physician, and Lucinda Margaret (McBride) C; ed. pub. schs., Ore. and Wash.; Acad., Co- lumbia City, Ore.; Willamette Univ., Salem, Ore.; M.D., Med. Dept., Wil- lamette Univ., Portland, Ore., 1889; M.D. Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 111., 1891; special eourses, neurology & psychiatry, Vienna & London, 1896-97; m. Grace H. Stelle of Washington, D.C., 23 Mar. 1901; 1 dau. — Lucy Margaret. Licensed in Ore. & Wash., 1889; practiced medicine, Port- land, Ore., Chicago, 111., Wis., 1890-96; Europe 1896-97; returned to Wis. and established Waukesha Springs Sani- tarium, 1898; pres., Waukesha Co. Med. So?., 1903-06; pres., State Med. Soc. of Wis., 1910-11; mem. from Wis. Nat. Leg. Council, A.M.A., 1908-13; del. to A.M. A., 1905-08, 1911-13; pres., Milwau- kee Neuro-Psychiatric Soc, 1924; med. dir., Waukesha Springs Sanitarium, 1908- ; mem. Am. Med. Assn., Am. Psy- chiatric Assn., Waukesha Co. Med. Soc, State Med. Soc. of Wis., Milwaukee Acad, of Med.. Milwaukee Neuro-Psy- chiatric Soc, Wisconsin & Nat. Soc for Mental Hygiene; served as chmn. Med. Advisory Board, Waukesha, Co., 1917-19, Psycho-Neurologist Waukesha Draft Board, Waukesha Council of Defense, med. vets, of world war; mem. Masons, Elks, Alpha Mu Pi, Omega, Med. Fra- ternity; State Historical Soc. of Wis.; Waukesha Chamber of Commerce; Nat. Geographic Soc. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., prin. countries of Europe from No. Cape to Southern Italy, Palestine, Jerusalem. Bethlehem and surrounding country and towns, northern Africa, up the Nile through Egypt and into Soudan. James H. McBride, M.D.,N.P., internationally known psychiatrist, founder of Milwau- kee Sanitarium at Wauwatosa, Wis.; father was med. attendant at Washing- ton Territorial Asylum, 1868-71; mater- nal grandfather, Dr. James McBride, U.S. minister to Sandwich Islands ap- pointed by Pres. Lincoln, 1863; Col. Wm. Goff Caples (cousin) commanded 310th Engrs., world war; Geo. W. McBride 961 (uncle) U.S. senator. Interests: collect- ing of curios. Recreations: hunting, fish- ing. Protestant. Republican. Home: 611 McCall St. Office: Wauksha Springs Sanitarium, Waukesha, Wis. CARPENTER, Arthur Whiting, chemi- cal engineer; b. Wellsville, N.Y., 30 Mar. 1890; s. Samuel Carpenter, merchant, and Clara (Whiting) C; ed. Wellsville High Sch., S.B. (Ch. E.), Mass. Inst. Tech., 1913, S.M., 1914. City Chem., Alliance, O., 1914; chem., Akron City- Water Works, 1915-17; compounding chem., Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., 1919-21, 1923-26, plant supt.,Holtite Mfg. Co., Baltimore, Md., 1922; chem. engr., B. F. Goodrich Co., 1927-, compound de- velopment engr., 1927, mgr., Testing Labs., 1928- ; 1st Lt. Sanitary Corps., Water Supply Service, A.E.F., 1918-19, Capt, 1919; Fellow, A.I.C.; mem. A.C.S. (p. sec, chmn., Nat. Councilor), Am. Soc. for Testing Materials (exec, comm.), Masonic Orders, Lambda Chi Alpha, Alpha Chi Sigma, Y.M.C.A. Clubs: Fair- lawn Country, Akron University Club, Bus. Men's Athletic. Author: numerous tech. papers. Interest: music (mem. Arion String quartet). Recreations: music, golf, swimming. Congregational- ism Republican. Home: 56 Hamilton Av. Office: B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, O. CARVER, Harry Clyde, teacher; b. Waterbury, Conn., 4 Dec. 1890; s. Harry Darwin Carver and Anna Jane (Lewis) C; ed. Waterbury high sch.; B.S., Univ. Mich., 1915; m. R. Louise Baltzer of Monroe, Wis., 10 Sept. 1930; children- Barbara, Anne. Taught at Univ. Mich. 1916- ; founder Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 1930, ed. 1930-37; fellow Am. Statis. Assn., Inst, of Mathematical Statics.; hon. mem. Czechoslovakia Statis. Soc. Club: University (Ann Ar- bor, Mich.). Author: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics; Statistical Tables. Office: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1401 Lincoln Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. CASTLE, Spencer Warren, journalist- lecturer; b. Long Pine, Neb., 25 Nov. 1895; s. John C. Castle, hardware mer- chant, and Martha Chapman (Spencer) C; ed. Beloit high sch., Wis.; B.A., Beloit Coll., 1918; Univ. of Chicago, 1919-20, 25-26; Instr., pub. speaking, Sioux City high sch., 1922-23, Tulsa high sch., 1923- 25; pub. & ed., Hyde Park Herald, 1927- 40; dir. Kenwood C. of C; served as machine gun instr., St. Jean de Mont, Fr., 1918; mem. 40 & 8, Am. Legion, Vets, of Fr. Wars, Sigma Delta Chi, TaU Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Hyde Park Men's (p. pres.), Hyde Park Lions (p. pres.). Author: News and Views, syndicated column. Travel; Mex. and Caribbean countries (tour conductof). Recreations: gardening, swimming. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: 1525 East 53d St., Chicago, 111. Home: 5635 Drexel Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: New Troy, Mich. CAULFIELD, John Francis, president of Elk Horn Coal Corp.; b. New York, N.Y., 14 Nov. 1878; s. William Austin Caulfield, insurance, and Sarah Emma (Nichols) C; ed. N.Y. Univ., Sch. Com- merce, Accounts & Finance, 2 yrs. ; Tem- ple Coll. (Cincinnati), 1 yr.; special courses, Columbia Univ.; modern busi- ness course, Alexander Hamilton Inst.; m. Helen Harriot Nash of New York, N.Y., 15 Feb. 1905; children— Jean Johnston (Mrs. Joseph E. Clark), Helen Frances (Mrs. Leslie R. Hawkins), Fran- ces Nash, Marjorie Austin and Elizabeth Gascoyne (twins). With Am. Cotton Oil Co., New York, N.Y., 9 yrs., Consolida- tion Coal Co., 11 yrs.; sec, treas., Way- land Oil & Gas Co., New York, N.Y., W. Va. Metal Products Corp., Fairmont, W. Va., several yrs.; v.p., treas., Elk Horn Coal Corp., 1919-, dir., mem. exec, com., until 1927, pres., 11 June 1940-, treas. for receivers, 22 Aug. 1940-, dir.; aide-de-camp on gov.'s staff with rank of col., 12 Mar. 1935 (apptd. by Gov. Ruby Laffoon of Ky.) ; dir. Ky. River Coal Corp., Lexington, Ky.; mem. Mason (York), Scottish Rite, worshipful master, Bloomfield lodge No. 40, F. & A. M., Bloomfield, N. J., 1924, Past Mas- ters Masonic Assn. (Newark, N.J.), asso., Am. Inst. Mining & Metallurgical Engrs. Clubs: Queen City (Cincinnati), Republican (Hamilton Co.), Cincinnati Automobile, Cincinnati. Interested in stamp collecting. Episcopalian, (mem. Ch. of the Advent, Walnut Hills, Cin- cinnati). Republican. Office: 4215 Carew Tower, Cincinnati, O. Home: 1404 E. McMillan St., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O. Summer res.: 51 Kings Av., Atlantic Beach, N.Y. SYMONDS, Nathaniel Gardner, execu- tive; b. Ossining, N.Y., 19 Sept. 1878; s. Henry Clay Symonds, army officer, and Beatrice (Brandreth) S.; A.B., Stanford Univ., 1901; m. Irene Millberry of San Francisco, 25 Dec. 1901; children — H. G. Symonds, Cortland, N. M. Symonds. With Westinghouse Elec Mfg. Co., 1902-, vice pres. with 111. Res. Militia during 962 World War I; mem. Kappa Sigma Clubs: Duquesne, Union League, Hinsdale Golf of Chicago. Desc. of settlers in Salem, Mass., 1636. Recreations: golf, fishing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111. Home: 125 N. Lincoln St., Hinsdale, 111. SWERES, Mary Agnes White, bac- terid. ; b. Appleton, Wis., 27 Jan. 1890; d. Matthew H. White, lawyer, and Paul- ine (Kobaski W.; ed. Neenah High Sch.; St. Josephs Hosp., Milwaukee; Marquette Med. Sch.; B.S., Univ. Chi- cago, 1923; m. James Sweres of Chicago, 5 Jan. 1920. Teacher of co. schs. at 17; worked way thru med. sch. and univ.; with Health Dept., Bur. of Laboratories, City of Chicago, 1927; apptd. U.S. Vets. Administration Facilities, 1927- ; mem. 111. Soc. Clin. Lab. Technicians, Soc. 111. Bacteriol., Soc. Am. Bacteriol., Feder- ated Catholics of U.S. Club: 111. Woman Today (pres.). Author: art. on epidermo- phytosis. Father, full blooded Wis. Win- nebago. Recreation: sociology. Catholic. Non-partisan. Address: Veterans Ad- ministration Facility, North Chicago, 111. SHERIDAN, Lawrence Vinnedge, civil engr., cons, landscape arch.; b. Frank- ford, 8 July 1887; s. Harry C. Sheridan, lawyer, and Margaret (Espy- Vinnedge) S.; B.S. in C.E., Purdue Univ., 1909, C.E., 1912; Harvard Sch. of Landscape Architecture, 1916-17; m. Grace Elisa- beth Emmel of Chillicothe, 15 Dec. 1919; children — Roger Williams, Roderich Kes- sler, Harry C. II., Philip. Minor engr. positions, 1909-11; transitman, insp. chief inspector, Bd. Park Comns., India- napolis, 1911-14; Bur. Municipal Re- search, N.Y., 1914-16; city planner, Camp Pike, Ark., 1917; cons, site plan- ner and landscape arch., Camp Robinson, 1940; engr. Dallas Property Owners Assn., 1919-21; exec, sec, City Plan Comn., Indianapolis, 1921-23; private practice of landscape architecture and city planning, 1923- ; cons. Ind. and Ky. State Planning Bds., 1934-37; regional counselor, Nat. Resources Planning Bd., 1937- ; pvt. practice included city and zoning plans for Indianapolis, Richmond, Anderson, Muncie, Kokomo, Blooming- ton, Gary, Valparaiso, Munster, Michi- gan City, E. Chicago, Lafayette, W. La- fayette, Terre Haute, and Crawfordsville, Ind., Kankakee, 111., Lookout Mt., Tenn., and Vero Beach, Fla.; landscape plans for many private estates, instns., parks and subdivisions, including Purdue Univ., West LaFayette, St. Mary of the Woods, Terre Haute Acad, and Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis; served during World War, 3d Officers Training Sch., Camp Sherman, O., 1917; Saumur Ar- tillery Sch., A.E.F., 1917; Anti-aircraft Artillery Sch., 1917; disch. as 2d It. F.A., 1918; mem. Am. Soc. of C.E.; fellow Am. Soc. of Landscape Architects; mem. Am. Inst. Planners (pres. 1940), Nat. Soc. Prof. Engrs.; Am. Planning and Civic Assn.; S.A.R.; Ind. Soc. Pioneers; Ind. Engr. Council. Clubs: Service of Indianapolis. Author: papers in Pro- ceedings Nat. Planning Conf., in Am. Soc. of C.E., and Annals Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Sci. Desc: mother mem. D.A.R., father mem. Ind. Soc. of Pioneers, both families long residents of Ind. Interest: color photography. Christian Science. Independent. Ad- dress: Brendonwood Route 15, Indiana- polis, Ind. SHIMER, Earl L., attorney; b. Law- rence Co., 111., 5 Aug. 1895; s. John K. Shimer, contractor, and Alice (Neal) S.; ed. Palestine High Sch.; Univ. 111., LL.B., Detroit Coll. Law, 1923; m. Lucille La Londe of Detroit, 14 Feb. 1925; children — Ruth, Helen. Served as 2nd It., F.A., during World War I; mem. Detroit Bar Assn., Mich. State Bar Assn., Sigma Delta Kappa. Clubs: Grosse He Golf, Country, Intercoll. Alumni. Recreations: skating, golf, swimming. Protestant. Of- fice: 1928 Buhl Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 15055 Sorrento Av., Detroit, Mich. McLENDON, Martha, attorney-at- law; b. Kansas City, Mo., 18 Sept. 1901; d. James Bradford McLendon and Har- riet Susan (Waring) McL. ; ed. Central high sch.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1926 Univ. Chicago, 1927, LL.B., 1924, LL.M. 1932; Kansas City Sch. of Law. Prac ticed law, office of Hon. Oliver H. Dean 1927-28; assoc, Sen. M. E. Casey, 1928 45; Divorce Proctor, Jackson Co., Mo. 1928-29; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Women's Bar Assn. of Mo., Nat. Women Lawyers' Assn., Women's Bar Assn. of Kansas City, Kansas City League of Young Dem- ocrats. Clubs: Council on World Affairs, Young Democratic of Am. Interest: in- terior decorating. Recreations: tennis, golf, horseback riding, ice-skating. Bap- tist. Democrat. Office: 1031 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 28 E. Concord, Kansas City, Mo. THOMPSON, Edward Theodore, hos- pital administrator; b. Winnipeg, Can., 13 July 1899; s. Charles Thompson and Thora (Ronne) T.; ed. St. John's (Win- nipeg, Can.) high sch.; Univ. Manitoba; M.D., Univ. Manitoba Med. Coll., 1923; 963 fellow, Am. Coll. Hosp. Adminstrs. ; m. Jessie Wise of Winnipeg; 14 Aug. 1924 children — Bruce Edward, Donna Jean Supt., Mt. Sinai Hosp., Milwaukee, Wis. at present, It. col., U.S.A.; fellow, Am Coll. Hosp. Adminstrs.; mem. bd. dirs. Tri-State Hosp. Assembly; sec, Asso ciated Hosp. Service Inc.; mem. Wis Hosp. Assn. (exec, sec), Wis. Hosp Pharmacist's Assn.; Am. Hosp. Assn. Phi Chi Med., Milwaukee Hosp. Coun cil. Presbyterian. Office and Home: 908 N. 12th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Summer res.: Eagle Lake Manor, Racine Co., Wis. FREY, Frederick Ernest, chemist; b. Canton, O., 5 Nov. 1899; s. J. A. Frey, mech. engr., and Olive (Boyer) F. ; ed. Mansfield high sch., O.; B.S., Coll. Wooster, 1922; M.S., Ohio State Univ., 1924; m. Elizabeth Rausch of Bartles- ville, Okla., 10 Aug. 1935; 1 son, Fred- erick. Instr., chem., Coll. Wooster, 1922- 23; res. chem., U.S. Bur. Mines, Pitts- burgh, Pa., 1924-27, Phillips Petroleum Co., 1927—; assoc. dir. res., S.A.T.C., 1918; mem. Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Up- silon, Phi Beta Kappa, A.C.S. Author: jour, pubis., Hydrocarbon Chemistry, patents. Interest: music, travel. Presby- terian. Office: Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla. Home: 1433 Shawnee Av., Bartlesville, Okla. FOREMAN, Carolyn Thomas, writer; b. Metropolis, 111., 18 Oct. 1875; d. John R. Thomas, U.S. judge, and Charlotte (Culver) T.; ed. Monticello Sem., 111.; Europe; m. Grant Foreman of Mus- kogee, Okla., 26 July 1905. Dir. Women's Work of Red Cross for eastern Okla., during World War I; Delta Kappa Gamma (hon.). Club: Garden. Author: Oklahoma Imprints; Indians Abroad; numerous hist, contbns. Travel: Eur., around world twice, Afr., So. Am., Mex. Father for 10 yrs. mem. Congress from 111., 4 yrs. U.S. judge, Ind. Terr. Inter- est: collecting books. Recreations: read- ing, gardening. Republican. Home: Muskogee, Okla. GITTINGER, Roy, professor, dean; b. Melrose, la., 12 Jan. 1878; s. James Gittinger, farmer, and Nancy (Apple- gate) G. ; ed. Simpson Coll.; B.A., Univ. Okla., 1902; A.M., Univ. Chicago, 1906; Ph.D., Univ. Coll., 1916; LL.D., (hon.), Univ. Tulsa, 1929; m. Frances Price of Barnard, Mo., 10 Mar. 1900; children- James Price, Dorothy, John William. Teacher, Univ. Okla., 43 yrs.; chmn. Cleveland Co. Council of Defense, 1917- 18; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Okla. Edn. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Soc of Am. Historians, Okla. Hist. Assn., Ma- sons. Author: Formation of State of Okla., 1917 (reprinted, 1939); Univ. of Okla.; A Hist, of 50 yrs., 1942. Travel: Eng., Fr., U.S. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: Univ. of Okla., Norman, Okla. Home: 225 W. Duffy St., Norman, Okla. LARRABEE, Walter Scott, physician; b. Larrabee, N.D., 29 Apr. 1885; s. Wil- liam H. Rancher, Maria E. (Fickett) R. ; ed. Mass. high sch., Mt. Hermon Boys Sch.; M.D., Univ. Louisville, 1910; m. Shala Headley of Tulsa, Okla., 15 Oct. 1927. Gen. practice, 1910-15; post work in roentgenology, 1915-18; special work, roentgenology, 1918 — ; mem. ap- peal bd., 1940, Okla. State, Am., South- ern Med. Assns., Radiological Soc. of No. Am., Masons, Shrine. Clubs: Lions, Farm, Knife and Fork, Indian Hills Country. Travel: Mex., U.S. Interests: poultry, beef cattle. Recreations: golf. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: 411 Medical Arts Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Home: Federal at 183d St., Tulsa, Okla. HAY, Charles Martin, lawyer; b. Wayne Co., Mo., 10 Nov. 1879; s. Wil- liam H. Hay and Lucy (Pease) H. ; ed. Marvin Collegiate Inst., Frederickstown, Mo.; A.B., Cent. Coll., Fayette, Mo., 1901; LL.B., Washington Univ. Law Sch., 1904; LL.D. (hon.), 1927; m. Rosella Lanius of Palmyra, Mo., 8 Sept. 1904; children— Frances Willard, Lucile Hay Harnett, James Lanius. Gen. prac- tice of law, 1904 — ; active in polit. and civic affaris; mem. Mo. Gen. Assembly, 1913; city counselor, St. Louis, 1933-35; spl. asst. atty. gen., U.S., 1936; chmn. bd. of election commrs., St. Louis, 1940; mem., Am. Bar Assn., Mo. Bar Assn., St. Louis Bar Assn., Mo. State del. Am. Bar Assn., 1941, Phi Delta Phi, Masons. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Civitan. Rec- reations: golf, pitching horseshoes. Methodist. Democrat. Office: 506 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 9 Windermere PL, St. Louis, Mo. COQUILLETTE, St. Elmo, banker; b. Linn Co., la., 4 Apr. 1890; s. Daniel Coquillette, farmer, and Carrie (Whit- ney) C. ; ed. Linn Co. pub. schs.; m. Bernice Grout of Cedar Rapids, la., 27 Sept. 1913; children — Mrs. Janet C. Wray, James Elmo. Progressively as elk., asst. cashier, v.p. and pres., Mchts. Nat. Bank, 1910—; dir. Mchts. Nat. Bank, Welch-Cook-Beals Co., la. Mut. Liability Ins. Co., Honeymead Products Co., A. N. Palmer Co., la. Elec Light & Power Co., La Plante-Choat Mfg. Co. (all of Cedar Rapids, la.); mem. Masons (32d deg.), Shrine, Elks, Cham- 964 ber Commerce. Club: Cedar Rapids Country. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 222 Second Av., Cedar Rapids, la. Home: 540 Knollwood Dr., S.E., Cedar Rapids, la. FULLERTON, Charles Alexander, professor; b. Manchester, N.H., 11 Oct. 1861; s. Neil Pullerton, farmer, and Mary (Kerr) F.; ed. B.S., la. State Normal Sch., 1890; M.Mus. (hon.) Chi- cago Musical Coll., 1931; m. Alma E. Gray of Postville, la., 23 June 1897; children — Roderick Craig, Ruth Jeanette (dec), Margaret Gray, Craig Kerr. Taught, rural schs., 1884-85; prin. schs., Norway, la., 1887-88; supt., schs., Par- kers burg, la., 1890-93, Manson, la., 1893- 96; with la. State Teachers Coll., 1897—; prof, of music, emeritus, doing part time service in extension div., 1934; made spl. study of democracy in music ed., 1897—; developed Choir Plan, which brings music as an art directly to chil- dren daily by means of the phonograph and develops musical skill through sing- ing experience; former head of Dept. of Music, I.S.T.C. ; mem. Music Teachers' Nat. Assn., N.E.A., Music Educators' Nat. Conf. (pres.), la. Music Ed. Assn., la. State Teachers Assn., Phi Mu Alpha, Music Sect, of N.E.A. (pres.), Soc. of M.T. of la. (pres.), Music section of I.S.T.A., Soc. of Music Teachers of la. Author: Choir Songs, Practical Instr. in Public Sch. Music, Glee Club Songs, New Song Book and Music Raeder, New Elementary Music, numerous arts. Travel: U.S., Eur. (in the interest of elementary music edn.). Recreation: golf. Conglist. Roosevelt Democrat. Home: 2321 Franklin St., Cedar Falls, la. CLARK, Cecil Pratt, physician; b. Ind., 1894; s. Oran A. Clark, farmer, and Martha Ellen (Daniel) C; ed. Goodland high sch.; B.S., Ind. Univ., M.D., 1919; m. Isabella Mary Brodie of Aberdeen, Scot., 1924; children— George Alexander, Martha Grace. Resident physician, Philadelphia Gen. Hosp., 1919-20, Willis Eye Hosp., 1921-22; prac- tice limited to ophthalmology; member I.U. Sch. of Med.; assoc. prof., Staff, Methodist, St. Vincent, City and Univ. Hosps.; mem. A. Ophthalmol. Soc, Ind. State Med. Soc, A.M. A. Club: Ki- wanis. Author: various arts, on ophthal- mological subjs. Presbyterian. Office: 23 E. Ohio St., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 8500 Lafayette Rd., Indianapolis, Ind. KAHL, Elmer, clergyman; b. Je- romesville, O., 25 Dec 1868; s. Jonathan Kahl, blacksmith, farmer, and Sarah (Garn) K.; ed., Wittenberg Acad., 2 yrs.; A.B., Wittenberg Coll., Springfield O., 1896; B.D. Seminary, 1899; A.M (hon.), Wittenberg, 1899; m. Mary A McClure of Springfield, O., 28 June 1900 children— Lyman Elmore, Harold Me Clure, Marjorie Edith, Paul Luther Pastor, O., Ind., Western Pa., Neb. secular work several yrs., Neb.; cus todian, Mulberry Lutheran Home, Mul berry, Ind., 1935-38; co. judge, Cheyenne Co., Neb., 1925-29; mem. Western Centr. Lutheran Ministerial Assn. of Ind. Au- thor: arts., lectures, poems published in Am. Lutheran Survey, The Lutheran, various anthologies). Travel: Am. Pater- nal ancestor 7 yrs. under Gen. Wash- ington. Interests: writings, poetry, stamp collecting. Lutheran. Independent. Home: Box 32, Mulberry, Ind. WHEELER, Homer Henderson, phy sician and surgeon; b. Adyeville, Ind. 8 Nov. 1872; s. William R. Wheeler farmer, and Mary Jane (Hall) W. ; ed Cent. Normal Sch., Danville; Ind. Sch Med., 1897; m. Altie Gladden of Mem phis, 1905; 1 son, William Garver. In terne, Indianapolis City Hosp., 1897 — post grad., N.Y., 1901, Vienna, Austria 1903, Johns Hopkins, 1908; asst. prof, surgery, Ind. Univ.; capt., M.C., U.S.A. 1918; F.A.C.S. ; mem. Am. Proctological Soc, Internat. Gastroenterological Soc, Pioneer Soc. Club: Columbia. Author: Cancer of the Rectum, 1935; Rectal Dis- eases Frequently Encountered, 1936. Travel: Eur., U.S. Recreations: golf, theatre. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 311 Hume Mansue Bldg., Indian- apolis, Ind. Home: Columbia Club, In- dianapolis, Ind. WIMMER, Robert Norris, physician, surgeon; b. Lamar, Mo., 20 Dec. 1886; s. James Monroe Wimmer, M.D., and Carrie (Norris) W.; ed. Y.M.C.A. Day Sch., Chicago, 111.; S.B., Univ. Chicago, 1919; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1921; m. Margaret Zeitsch of Chicago, 111., 1925; children — Barbara, James. Interne, Mi- chael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 111., 1920-22; gen. practice, Ind., 1923—; mem. Med. Res. Corps during World War I; mem. A.M. A., Ind. State Med. Soc, Council Lake Co. Med. Soc, Acacia Frat., Phi Chi. Club: Gary Country. Author: a few abstracts. Interest: music. Recreations: golf, fishing. Protestant. Independent. Office: 9 W. 6th Av., Gary, Ind. Home: 584 Roosevelt St., Gary, Ind. REINMANN, Frank Leo, engineer, manager of electric production; b. Peoria Co., 111., 14 Dec. 1894; s. August Reinmann, planing mill operation, and 965 Amelia (Becker) R. ; ed. grad., Manual Training high sch., Peoria, 111., 1913; B.S. in M.E., Rose Poly. Inst, Terre Haute, Ind., 1920; Advanced Degree, Mech. Engring. (hon.), Rose Poly. Inst., Terre Haute, Ind., 1940; m. Rachel I. Turner of Terre Haute, Ind., 4 June 1920; children— James H., Shirley Jean. With Northern Ind. Pub. Service Co., 25 yrs., cadet engr., 1920-21, engr. asst., 1922-23, asst. supt. elec. dept, 1923-26, mech. and elec. engr., 1926-29, engr., 1930-33, mgr., Elec. Prodn., 1930—; p. pres., dir., Y.M.C.A., p. pres., dir. Chamber Commerce, exec. bd. Potta- wattomie Council, B.S. A.; chmn. Com- munity Fund; pvt., U.S.A., 1 Feb. 1918- Dec. 1918; mem. A.I.E.E. Club: Michi- gan City Rotary (pres., dir.). Author: minor engring., arts. only. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: scouting, woodwork, gar- dening. Recreation: hunting, fishing. Methodist. Republican. Office: Box 318-A, Michigan City, Ind. Home: 2803 Oriole Trail, Long Beach, Michigan City, Ind. JOHNSTON, Mary Hannah Stoddard, banker, ret.; b. Red Wing, Minn., 28 Feb. 1865; d. James Gallup Stoddard, farmer, and Margaret (Barr) J.; ed. Humboldt, Ft. Dodge (la.) high schs.; m. Robert James Johnston of Humboldt, la., 27 June 1888; Successively, elk., cashier, sec. bd. dirs., Humboldt State Bank, until 1917; state regent, la., 1914- 16, present hon. regent; mayor, Hum- boldt, la., 1926-32; was decorated by France for services of handling funds for children of France, for restoration of village of Tilloloy, France, during and after World War I; mem. U.S. Daughters of Founders and Patriots of Am. (corr. sec, 7 yrs.), Republican Cent. Com. (treas.), Humboldt Chap. Order of Eastern Star, Grand Chap, of la. Order of Eastern Star (treas., 1925—), D.A.R. (treas. gen., 1917-20, present v.p. gen.), Nat. Soc. Ams. Royal Descent (pres. gen.), Order of the Crown in Am. (nat. treas.), Daughters of Barons of Runnemede (nat. pres.) Colonial Dames Am. (state treas.), May flower Assn., Conn., Sons and Daugh ters Pilgrims, Conn., Huguenot Soc. Pa., Order Colonial Govs., Fed. Worn en's Clubs (state rec. sec, state treas. state auditor, gen. fed. sec, present hon. v.p.). Clubs: Colonial Dames of Washington, D.C., Women's (Humboldt), Lest Ye Forget Us of la. Fedn. of Wom- en's Clubs (pres.), Nat. Officers of D.A.R. , Business and Professional Wom- en's (pres.), Author: History of the Iowa Daughters of the American Revolution. Travel: U.S. Interests: painting, react- ing, traveling. Recreation: visiting N.E. sea coast. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: 14th St., North Humboldt, la. Home: 601 5th Av., North Humboldt, la. GETCHELL, Robert Ward, professor of chemistry; b. Buchanan Co., la., 1 Oct. 1883; s. Charles Edgar Getchell, miller, and Lillian Isadora (Preble) G. ; ed. Independence (la.) high sch.; Cor- nell Coll., la.; B.A., la. State Teachers Coll., 1911; M.S., Univ. Wis., 1914, Ph.D, 1930; m. Minnie R. Graham of Winthrop, 7 Aug. 1907; children— Doro- thy Mae, Robert Ward, Jr. Asst. chem., Cornell Coll., 1905-07; instr. chem., la. State Coll., 1907-09; prof. chem. la. State Teachers Coll., 1909 — ; ct. chem., specializing body fluid analysis for alco- hol; pres. Cedar Falls Bldg. and Loan Assn.; city councilman (past); mem. sch. bd. (past); mem. Chamber Com- merce (p. dir.), Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Lambda Delta Lambda (p. nat. pres.), Am. Chem. Soc, la. Acad. Sci., Masons. Clubs: Lions, Arcturus. Author: Science in a Changing World, 1940; The Physical Sciences, 1940; text books, chem. lab. manuals. Travel: U.S. (all parts). Interests: hunting, fishing, boat- ing. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: la. State Teachers Coll., Cedar Falls, la. Home: 1207 W. 23d St., Cedar Falls, la. SHARTEL, Stratton, lawyer; b. Ne- vada, Mo., 25 Dec. 1895; s. C. M. Shartel, farm loans, and Eleanor Han- cock (Stratton) S.; ed. Neosho, Mo. high sch.; A.B., Mich. Univ., 1918, LL.B., 1920; m. Elizabeth Austin of Kansas City, Mo., 17 May 1933; children— Mary Jane, Martha Yorke, Austin, Elizabeth, Virginia. Atty. gen., Mo., 1928-33; Mo. Bd. of Curators, 1945; lieut., F.A., Off. Sch., Louisville, Ky.; mem. Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Kansas City, Country (Kansas City). Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 911 Midland Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 601 W. Meyer St., Kansas City, Mo. DeFOE, Ona Kenneth, professor; b. Swedeborg, Mo., 18 Dec. 1897; s. John R. DeFoe, farmer, and Mary Jane (Hadix) D.; ed. Richland (Mo.) high sch.; A.B., Drury Coll., 1920; M.S., Washington Univ., 1924, Ph.D., 1926; m. Nettie Latham of Rogers, Ark., 12 June 1935. Prof, math., physics, Coll. of the Ozarks, 1926-32, St. Louis Coll. Pharm., 1932 — ; pvt., U.S.A., 3 mos. during World War I; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Phys. Soc, Am. Math. Soc, Sigma Xi, Pi Mu Epsilon. Author: Longitudinal Asym- 966 metry in the Direction of Ejection of Photoelectrons, 1925; The Density of Rock Salt and Calcite (co-author), 1925; The Grating Space of Calcite and Rock Salt (co-author), 1925; Modified and Un- modified Scattering Coefficients of X-Rays in Matter (co-author), 1925; The Energy Reappearing as Characteristic X-Rays When X-rays are Absorbed in Copper (co-author), 1925; Theory of the Number of Beta Rays Associated with Scattered Coefficients of X-Rays (co- author), 1925; The Separation of the Modified and Unmodified Scattering Co- efficients of X-Rays (co-author), 1926; Ratio of the Modified to the Total Scat- tering Coefficient of X-Rays, 1926. Rec- reations: tennis, hunting, fishing, swim- ming. Methodist. Democrat. Office: 4588 Parkview PL, St. Louis, Mo. Home: 6236 Oakland Av., St. Louis 10, Mo. Summer home: R.R. 3, Richland, Mo. BAUMGARTEN, Walter, physician; b. St. Louis, Mo., 31 Oct. 1873; s. Gustav Baumgarten, phys., and Aminda (Hille- geist) B.; ed. Smith Acad., St. Louis, Mo.; A.B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1894; M.D., Med. Dept., Washington Univ., 1896; m. Louise Knapp of St. Louis, Mo., 20 Sept. 1910; children — Walter, Jr., Laura, Charles Speck. Interne, St. Louis City Hosp., 1896-97; with Dept. Physiol., Harvard Med. Sen., 1897-98; asst. in Medicine, Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., 1902-03; instr. Washington Univ. Sch. of Medicine, 1917—; with Vol. Med. Service Corps, 1917-18; mem. A.M. A., Southern Med. Assn., Am. Coll. Phys., Am. Therapeutic Assn., Mo. State Med. Assn., St. Louis Med. Soc, St. Louis Soc, Internal Medicine. Club: Univer- sity (St. Louis). Author: various arts, in med. jours. Unitarian. Democrat. Of- fice: 3720 Washington Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 5032 Westminster PL, St. Louis, Mo. Summer home: Fish Creek, Door County, Wis. SHORES, Earl M., physician; b. Brazil, Ind., 18 Mar. 1891; s. F. P. Shores, former grocery mcht., and Clara (Gibson) S.; ed. Wiley high sch., Terre Haute, Ind.; Ind. Univ.; B.S., St. Louis Univ., 1914, M.D., 1916; m. Olive Ransden of St. Joseph, Mo., 6 Dec. 1922; children— Thelma, Beverly. Interne, Union Hosp., Terre Haute, Ind., 1916-17; post grad. work, Harvard Med. Sch., 1920; practice limited to Internal medi- cine and diagnosis, 1920 — ; mem. staff, Mo. Meth. Hosp., St. Joseph, Mo.; mem. Mo. Tuberculosis Assn., Buchanan Co. Tuberculosis Assn.; mem. bd. St. Joseph Orgn. for Pub. Health Nursing; 1st It., M.C., U.S. Army, 1917-18, capt., 1918-19; F.A.M.A.; mem. Buchanan Co. Med. Soc, Mo. State Med. Soc, South- ern Med. Assn., Am. Heart Assn., Ma- sons, Shriners, Eastern Star. Clubs: Cooperative (v.p.), Med. Jour, (v.p.), St. Joseph Country. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Christian. Office: 317 Kirkpatrick Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo. Home: 2810 Sherman Av., St. Joseph, Mo. SEACHREST, Effie, art dealer, au- thor; b. Independence, Mo.; d. E. G. Seachrest, merchant, and Mary Caro- line (Meek) S.; ed. Kansas City high sch.; Portland (Ore.) Art Sch. Contbr. to Youth's Companion, St. Nicholas, Kansas City Star, Philadelphia Record, etc.; owner, Little Gallery in the Woods, Kansas City, Mo. Club: Women's City. Author: Storyland, Legendary Lore, Peeks at Pictures, Egyptian Photoplays. Travel: Eur., Mex. Lutheran. Repub- lican. Office and home: 4928 Troostwood Rd., Kansas City, Mo. SMITH, Harry Pratt, professor; b. Johnson Co., la., 18 Feb. 1895; s. Walter Z. Smith, farmer, and Estella M. (Pratt) S.; ed. Kansas City high sch.; B.A., Univ. Calif., 1916, M.S., 1918, M.D., 1921. Asst., instr. path., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1921-23; Nat. Res. Fellow, 1923-24; asst. prof., assoc. prof., dept. path., Univ. Rochester, 1925-30; prof., head dept. path., Univ. la., 1930-45; mem. Am. Soc. for Exptl. Path., Soc. for Exptl. Biol. & Med., A.A.A.S., la. Acad. Sci., A.M. A., Am. Assn. for Pathologists and Bacte- riologists, B.P.O.E., F.&A.M. (San Francisco, Calif.). Author: sci. arts. Of- fice: 630 West 168 St., New York, N.Y. Home: 708 McLean, Iowa City, la. CHURCHILL, Irving Lester, profes- sor; b. Madison, Wis., 9 Apr. 1901; s. Herman Churchill, prof., Eng. and hist., and Cora Mae (Boyce) ; ed. So. Kings- town high sch., Peace Dale, R.I. ; B.S., R.I. State Coll., 1922; M.A., Yale Univ., 1927, Ph.D., 1932; m. Kathryn Margaret Hughes of Muskegon, Mich., 27 July 1935; children— Malcolm Hughes, Mar- garet Elizabeth. Instr., math., North- bridge high sch., Whitinsville, Mass., 1922-23; instr. Eng., Univ. N.H., 1923-25; instr. Eng., Univ. Rochester (Rochester, N.Y.), 1927-30; asst. prof. Eng., R.I. State Coll., 1932-34; asst. prof. Eng., Bucknell Univ., 1934-37; prof. Eng. and dept. head, Coe Coll., Cedar Rapids. la., 1937 — ; mem., Modern Lang. Assn.. A.A.U.P., (sec. Coe chap.), la. Colls. Conf. on Eng. (pres., 1940-44); mem. Phi Kappa Phi (p. sec, R.I. State Coll. 967 chap., p. pres. Coe chap.), Tau Kappa Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Author: arts, in Publications of the Modern Lang. Assn. Travel: Eur., British Isles. Recreations: mountain climbing, travel. Conglist. Republican. Office: Coe Col- lege, Cedar Rapids, la. Home: 320 19th St., S.E., Cedar Rapids, la. THOMSEN, Arthur Christian, lawyer, district judge; b. Peirce, Neb., 23 July 1886; s. Claus Chris Thomsen, farmer, and Catherine (Haman) T.; ed. high sch., Omaha, Neb.; Omaha Law Sch., 1910; LL.B., Univ. Omaha, 1916; m. Emily Susan Johnson of Shamokin, Pa., 23 July 1913; children — Lystra Cecilia, Emily Margaret. Inventor mechanical devices; former dean Univ. Omaha Law Sch.; tr., Univ. Omaha, many yrs.; Regent, Municipal Univ. Omaha; dist. judge, 4th Judicial Dist. of Neb.; 2d It., (observer and pilot) Balloon Div., Avia- tion Sec, 1917-18; mem. Omaha State Bar Assn., Neb. State Bar Assn., Ma- sons, Elks, Eagles. Club: Concord. Uncle, John Thomsen, was state senator about 1900. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice: Court House, Omaha, Neb. Home: 3426 Lincoln Blvd., Omaha, Neb. LOWMAN, Arthur Ames, executive (retired); b. Toulon, 111., 19 Aug. 1878; s. James M. Lowman and Anna Eliza (Brockway) L. ; ed. Toulon, 111.; m. Bessie Canoyer of Council Bluffs, 25 Apr. 1905; children — James M., Mrs. Morse C. Palmer. With la. Tel. Co., Clarinda, 1894; dist. mgr., Shenandoah, 1900-01; supv. constr. and installation, Council Bluffs, 1901-06; supv. constr. and installation, Neb. Tel. Co., Omaha, 1906-09; div. plant supt., 1909-13; plant supt. Northwestern Tel. Exchange Co., Minneapolis, 1913-14; gen. plant supt. Northwestern group of Bell Tel. Cos., Omaha, 1914-19; v. p. and gen. mgr. Northwestern Bell Tel. Co., 1919-28, v.p. in charge of operations, 1928-35, pres., 1935-42, chmn. of bd., 1942-43, retired, 1943; dir., U.S. Nat. Bank, Central Life Assurance Assn., Northwestern Bell Tel. Co., Nat. Fire Ins. Co.; regent Creighton Univ., Gov., Ak-Sar-Ben; mem. Adv. Bd., Salvation Army, Izaak Walton League, A.F.&A.M., Shrine, B.P.O.E., Chamber Commerce. Clubs: Omaha, Minneapolis, Des Moines, Omaha Ath- letic. Recreation: outdoor life. Episco- palian. Republican. Home : Fontenelle Hotel, Omaha, Neb. KISHLAR, Lamar Morey, research engineer; b. Ypsilanti, Mich., 25 Sept. 1894; s. William Lamar Kishlar, mcht., and Alice (Morey) K. ; ed. Ypsilanti High Sch.; Univ. Mich., B.S.E., 1917, E.E., 1941; m. Carolyn Nettleship of St. Louis, Mo., 2 Dec. 1922; 1 son, Lamar Morey, Jr. Elec. engr., Wagner Elec. Mfg. Co., 1917-22; mgr. jr. salesmen, personal rep. of v.p., mgr. res., dir. commodity development, Ralston Pur- ina Co., 1922—; chief aviation elect. U.S.N. ; mem. Tau Beta Pi, A.C.S., A.A.A.S., Inst. Food Techs., A.S.A.E., A.O.C.S., Soybean Nutritional Council. Author: numerous sci. papers. Interest: gardens. Conglist. Republican. Office: Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 312 Planthurst Rd., Webster Groves, Mo. BEAR, Mata Virginia, education; b. Tipton, Mo., 20 May 1899; d. Alfred S. Bear, farmer, and Mary Nancy (Ar- nold) B.; ed. Cleveland high sch., St. Louis, Mo.; Harris Teachers Coll., 1920, A.B., Univ. Chicago, 1924, A.M., 1927. Elementary teacher, St. Louis pub. schs., 1920-26; res. asst. and psycholo- gist, 1926-39; prin., Roe Sch., St. Louis, 1939 — ; mem. editorial com., Dept. Ele- mentary Sch. Prins., N.E.A., 1940-44, elected Pi Lambda Theta, 1924 — , nat. treas., mem. exec, com., Pi Lambda Theta, 1935-39; Mo. State Teachers Assn., Elementary Prins. Assn. St. Louis, Nat. Conf. on Res. in English. Clubs: St. Louis, Women Principals. Au- thor: Daily Life Language Textbooks; Directed Language Practice Books; Our Language Textbooks. Interests: teach- ing, writing, amateur photog. Baptist. Independent. Office: 911 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 5118 Tamm Av., St. Louis, Mo. GAUNTLETT, Basil D., pianist and teacher; b. London, Eng., 1885; s. Henry D. Gauntlett and Helen (Franks) G.; ed. London schs.; Conservatoire Nat., Paris, 1903-08; Univ. Mo.; Columbia Univ.; D.M., Drake Univ., 1932; m. Vir- ginia Hudson (dec, 1941) of Mont- gomery, Mo., 1915; children— John Henry, Virginia Elizabeth, David Hud- son. Recitals and performances, Lon- don, Paris and other European cities, also N.Y., Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Mo., 111., Kan., Colo., Wyo., Utah, la., Ind., O., W.Va., Va.; head of piano dept., Drake Univ., Des Moines, la., 1919-21; dir. Conserva- tory, Stephens Coll.; high pvt. in rear rank U.S.A., 1918; mem. Sinfonia (Phi Mu Alpha). Author: many songs and piano pieces. Travel: U.S., It., Fr., Ger., Aus., Belg., Holl., Eng., Ire., Scot. Hud- sons very prominent in Montgomery Co., Mo. Interest: photog. Recreation: 968 travel. Protestant. Republican. Office: Stephens Coll., Columbia, Mo. Home: 304 Westmount Av., Columbia, Mo. CONLEY, Dudley Steele, surgeon, col- lege dean; b. Columbia, Mo., 26 Jan. 1878; s. Stanley F. Conley and Kate (Singleton) C; ed. Columbia (Mo.) high sch.; B.L., Univ. Mo., 1899; M.D., Co- lumbia Univ. Coll. of Phys. & Surgs., N.Y., 1906; m. Sidney Boales of St. Louis, Mo., 2 Jan. 1915. Instr., surg., Columbia Univ., 1912-18; instr. in surg., Post Grad. Med. Sch., N.Y., 1916-18; prof, surg., Univ. Mo., 1919 — , dean, Sch. of Med., 1933—; dir., Univ. Hosps., Univ. Mo., 1933 — , dir., surg. services, 1928; pvt. practice of surg., N.Y. City, 1912-18, Columbia, Mo., 1919—; M.C., U.S.A., Base Hosp. 99, Ryeres, Fr., with rank of Maj. during World War I; F. A.C.S.; mem. A.M. A., Boone Co. Med. Soc, Mo. State Med. Assn. (pres., 1937- 38), Am. Assn. of Med. Colls, (v.p., 1940), So. Med. Assn., Miss. Valley Med. Assn., Quiz Med. Soc, N.Y. Author: various monographs on med. Presby- terian. Democrat. Address: Columbia, Mo. Home: 17 Bingham Rd., Columbia, Mo. EPPENSTEINER, John J., commer- cial artist and painter; b. St. Louis, Mo., 14 Feb. 1893; s. Jos. Eppensteiner, tin- smith, and Helena (Schwarzweller) E.; ed. St. Anthony's parochial sch., St. Louis, Mo.; St. Louis Sch. Fine Arts, Washington Univ., 1908. With several commercial art studios and agencies after grad.; free lance, 1927—; prize for oils, St. Louis Artist's Guild, 1923, 30, small paintings prize for oils, 1924, small paintings prize for water colors, 1926, prize for best modern painting in water color, 1929, decoration prize for oils, 1932 ; bronze medal for water color, Mid- western Exhbn., Kansas City Art Inst., 1927, bronze medal for balck and white, 1929, silver medal for water color, 1932; prize for black and white drawing, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1929; prize for best poster depicting World Peace, Christian Herald, 1929; poster prize for red chalk drawing, Missouri-Pacific, 1929; assoc. mem. Am. Mus. of Natural Hist.; mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, St. Louis Artists' Guild, St. Louis 2x4 Artists' Soc Travel: sketching trips U.S., Cuba, Eur. Pub- lished portfolio of animal drawings, Domestic Animal Studies in the Modern Manner, 1930, invented a multiple lens camera which eliminates focusing. Catholic Independent. Office: 317 N. 11th St., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 3831 Nebraska Av., St. Louis, Mo. PATRICK, Fae W., lawyer; b. Frank- fort, Ind., 23 Aug. 1899; s. Walter C. Patrick, tool maker, and Mary (Maish) P.; ed. Seymour high sch.; Butler Coll.; LL.B., Ind. Law Sch., 1921; m. Mary Bradshaw of Indianapolis, Ind., 26 Dec 1922; children— Billy, Brady. City prose- cutor, Indianapolis, 1921-23; U.S. Commr., 1925—; specialized in Labor Relations Law; tr., Scottish Rite, Indi- anapolis, mem., Am., Indianapolis and State Bar Assns.; pvt. during World War I; mem., Indianapolis Bd. of Trade, Employers Assn., Am. Legion, Royal Order of Scotland, Shrine, Mason (33d deg.), Lambda Chi Alpha, Delta Theta Phi. Clubs: Columbia, Cooperative In- ternal Travel: Cent. Am., So. Am. Christian Scientist. Republican. Office: 735 Bankers Trust Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 3055 N. Delaware St., Indi- anapolis, Ind. Summer home: Lake Wa- wasee, Ind. CHEN, Ko Kuei, pharmacologist; b. Shanghai, China, 1898; s. S. C. Chen, landowner, and T. C. Chou; ed. Nan- yang Coll., Shanghai, China; Tsing Hua Coll., Peiping, China, 1918; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1920, Ph.D., 1923; M.D., Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., 1927; m. Amy Shu- Hao Ling of Peiping, China, 1929; chil- dren — Tao Yuan, Mei Fong. Senior asst., Peking Univ. Med. Coll., Peking, China, 1923-25; interne, State of Wis. Gen. Hosp., 1925-26; res. pharmacolo- gist, Univ. Wis., 1925-26; assoc. in Phar- macol., Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., 1927- 29; dir. of Pharmacol, res., The Lilly Res. Lab., Eli Lilly and Co., 1929—; prof, of Pharmacol., Ind. Univ. Sch. Med., 1937—; mem. A.M.A., A.A.A.S., Soc Exptl. Biol, and Med., Am. Physiol. Soc, Am. Pharmaceut. Assn., Chinese Physiol. Soc, Chinese Pharmaceut. Assn., Ind. Acad. Sci., Indianapolis Med. Soc Club: Indianapolis Lit. Au- thor: Ephedrine and Related Sub- stances; various articles on pharma- cological subjs. in sci. jours. Travel: U.S., China, Japan. Interests: movies (has own camera). Office: The Lilly Research Labs., Eli Lilly & Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. Home: 519 West Hampton Dr., Indianapolis, Ind. WHITE, Oliver Wilson, orthodontist; b. Chatham; s. Albert Hilliard White, magistrate, and Annie E. (Wilson) W. ; ed. Chatham Collegette Inst.; Doctor Dental Surgery, Univ. Mich., 1896, Doc- tor Dental Sci., 1899; M.S., 1940: m. Olive E. Luick of Ann Arbor, Mich., 1901; 1 son, Ward Wilson. Instr. in physiol. and histol. in Dental Dept., 969 Univ. of Mich., 1900; practiced gen. dentistry, 1901-03; grad. from Angle Sch. of Orthodontia, 1903; discontinued gen. pract. in dentistry and entered specialty of orthodontia, 1903—; dir. of Am. Bd. of Orthodontics, Am. Assn. of Orthodon- tists, Great Lakes Assn. of Orthodon- tists, dept. of Orthodontics of Children's Hosp. of Mich.; Soc. for the Promotion of Dentistry for Children; fellow Inter- nal Coll. of Dentistry, 1937; fellow Am. Coll. of Dentistry, 1935; mem. Omikron Kappa Upsilon, Delta Sigma Delta; De- troit Bd. of Commerce; assoc. mem. Wayne Co. Med. Soc. Clubs: Detroit Dental Clinic (hon. life pres.), Detroit Athletic, Detroit Golf, life mem. Detroit Boat (life mem.), Pine Lake Country (hon. mem.), Civic. Author: several prof, papers such as Restoration of Nasal Function as a necessity in correc- tion and maintenance of satisfactory orthodontic results. Travel: U.S., Ha- waii, Alas. Recreations: golf, travel and , fishing. Office: 213 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 19435 Parkside Rd., Detroit, Mich. Summer home: Har- sen's Island, Mich. WIDDIFIELD, James Gillespie, cler- gyman; b. Picton, Ont., 1887; s. Charles H. Widdifield, judge, and Emma (Gilles- pie) W. ; ed. Picton Collegiate Inst.; B.A., Toronto Univ., 1909; L.Th., Trinity Coll., Toronto; m. Nellie Clatworthy of Toronto, 1913; children — Mary (Keeton)> Charles George, Grace Elizabeth, Kath- arine Lawer. Ordained, Toronto, 1910; rector, Midland, Mich., 1913-17, Tecum- seh, Mich., 1917-20; Archdeacon, Detroit, 1920-25; rector, St. Paul's Memorial Ch., Detroit, Mich., 1925 — ; served Ex. Coun- cil; Standing Com. and Exam. Chaplain, Diocese of Mich.; Y.M.C.A., Fr., 1917-18. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Camera, Orchard Lake Country. Interests: pic- torial photog. Recreations: golf, fishing. Episcopalian. Office: 14025 Hubbell Av., Detroit 27, Mich. Home: 14225 Mark Twain Av., Detroit 27, Mich. Summer res. : Windifields, Dorland, Ontario, Can. MEYER, Erwin E., chemical engi- neer; b. Hanover, Ger., 1 Oct. 1873; s. Theodore Meyer, mcht., and Anna A. (Schmidt) M. ; ed. Hanover (Ger.) high sch.; Ph.D., Tech. Engring. Coll., Han- over; Univ. Erlangen, and Berlin, Ger.; m. Mary J. Confrey of Port Huron, Mich., 15 Mar. 1913; children — Erwin E., Ernst W., Frederick C, Herbert J., Ralph Edward. Chief chem., St. Helen's Cable Co., Warrington, Eng., 1901-05; chief cons, chem., U.S. Rubber Co., 1906-27; owner, Meyer Chem. Engring. Co., Organ-oxide Products Co., (Detroit, Mich.), 1931—; pres. Oroxo Grinding Wheel Co., 1931-39; cons, engr., chem., Roxoloy Co., Royal Oak, Mich., 1940—; cons. chem. engr., Rubber and Plastic Div., Swedish Crucible Steel Co., Skoal Mineral Water Co., Detroit, Mich., 1940—; Abrasive Dressing Tool Co., De- troit, Mich., 1941; pioneer in introducing plantation rubber, use of accelerators in rubber industry, U.S., 1906-07; rubber expert, esp. gas masks during World War I; mem. A.C.S. Clubs: Detroit Ath- letic. Author: many papers and patents on rubber products. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests : raising Holstein cattle, Spotted Poland China swine, oil paint- ings, etchings. Recreatons: gardening, hunting, fishing, horseback riding. Lu- theran. Republican. Office: 8561 Butler St., Detroit, Mich. Home: 1099 Van Dykfe St., Detroit, Mich. ERIKSEN, Edward Leerdrup, profes- sor; b. Odder, Den., 15 Dec. 1885; s. Niels Peter Eriksen, farmer, and Maren (Leerdrup) E.; ed. Gymnasium, Copen- hagen; B.S. (C.E.), Copenhagen Sch. of Poly., 1910; m. Helga Lisberg of Pan- ders, Den., 14 June 1913; children — Olaf, Edward. Jr. engr., Waterworks, Copen- hagen, 1910-12; draftsman, Canadian Pacific Ry. Co., St. Lawrence Bridge Co., Montreal, 1912-14; asst. engr., M. E. Cooley, Ann Arbor, 1914-15; instr., asst. prof., engring. mech., Univ. Mich., 1915- 20, structural engring., 1920-23; assoc. prof., prof., Purdue Univ., 1923-30; prof., chmn. dept. engring. mechanics, Univ. Mich., 1930—; mem. A.S.C.E., Soc. Pro- motion Engring. Edn., Mich. Engring. Soc, Detroit Engring. Soc, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi. Clubs: Rotary, Tri- angles. Travel: Scandinavia, Ger., Eng., U.S. Protestant. Office: Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1221 Baldwin Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. GULLEN, George E., lawyer, clergy- man; b. Canada, 3 July 1884; s. James F. Gullen, merchant, and Marietta (Kettle) G.; ed. Brantford Collegiate Inst; B.A., Toronto Univ., 1909; J.D. (hon.), Detroit Coll. of Law, 1927; m. Alice Scruton (dec) of Brantford, 29 Dec. 1909; children— Alice M., George E., Jr., Eleanor J. V.; m. (2d) Mabel Baker of Detroit, 15 June 1935. Ordained to ministry, 1909; pastor, Boulevard Temple, 1912-23, Mayflower Congl. Ch., Detroit, 1930-37, First Congl. Ch., Dear- born, 1937 — ; graduated in Law, 1927; sr. mem., Gullen & Gullen, lawyers; dir., Kokomo Broadcasting Corp.; asst. prosecuting atty., Wayne Co., 1930-34; 970 mem. Masons, High Twelve Internat. Clubs: Republican. Interest: phy. res. Recreations: golf, gardening. Conglist. Republican. Office: 914 Lafayette Blig., Detroit, Mich. Home: 8124 Mendota Av., Detroit, Mich. Summer res: Gullenwood, Kalamazoo, Mich. KEMPER, John Willard, surgeon; b. Richmond, Ind., 14 Sept. 1891; s. Alfred H. Kemper, machinist, and Rosa (Lich- tenfels) K. ; ed. Richmond high sch.; Earlham Coll., 1910-14; D.D.S., Univ. Mich. Dental Sch., 1917, M.D , Med. Sch. (Univ. Mich.), 1927; m. Marjorie M. Meagan of Richmond, Ind., 24 Oct. 1918. Practiced exodontia, Detroit, 1917- 23; interne, dept. obstetrics, gynecol., Univ. Hosp., 1927-29; asst. prof, oral surgery, Univ. Mich., 1929-34, prof., 1935 — ; oral surg., charge dept. oral surg., Univ. Hosp., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1934 — ; engaged in practice of oral, maxillofacial, plastic surg., 1929 — ; It., Dental Res. Corps, 1917-18; mem. Wash- tenaw Co. and Mich. State Med. Socs., A.M. A., Am. Coll. of Surgeons, Am. Ed. Plastic Surg., Am. Assn. Plastic Surgs., Washtenaw Co. and Mich. State Dental Socs., Am. Dental Assn., A.A.A.S., Am. Coll. Dent., Phi Rho Sigma, Delta Sigma Delta, Omicron Kappa Upsilon. Clubs: Ann Arbor Rotary, Univ., Barton Kills Country. Author: sci. papers on oral surgery; chap., Ward's Textbook on Operative Dentistry (Exodontia & Oral surgery). Travel: Eur. Interests: flower gardening, numismatics. Recreations : golf, gardening, travel. Lutheran. Re- publican. Office: St. Joseph Hosp., Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 320 Juniper Lane, Ann Arbor, Mich. SCHUMANN, Clara Helm, club worker; b. Detroit, Mich., 21 Dec. 1905; d. Otto H. Helm and Clara (Schultz) H.; ed. Eastern high sch.; B.S., Wayne Univ., 1932; m. Frederick J. Schumann of Detroit, 29 June 1931. Teacher, Detroit Sch. System, 1926-38; club work, 1931—; mem. Alpha Sigma Tau, Mich. Div. Woman's Nat. Farm and Garden Assn. (past v.p.), Mich. Horticultural Soc, Detroit Garden Cent. (dir. bd., pres., 1944-45). Club: College Women's (pres., Detroit). Interest: gardening. Recrea- tion: badminton. Home: 1100 Devon- shire Rd., Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. Sum- mer res.: 6358 Green Dr., St. Clair Flats, Mich. MARVIN, Henry Howard, professor; b. Grinnell, la., 14 Aug. 1884; s. F. P. Marvin, farmer, merchant, and Martha J. (Longley) M.; ed. Grinnell (la.) high sch.; B.Sc, Grinnell Coll., 1906; Ph.D., Columbia Univ., 1912; m. Alma E. Wright of Harlan, la., 9 Sept. 1911; chil- dren—Burton W., James F., Jean A., David K., Henry H., Ruth J. Teacher, Grinnell high sch., 1906-08; instr. physics, M.I.T., 1911-12; asst. prof., Tufts Coll., 1912-17, prof., 1917-19; prof, physics, Univ. Neb., 1919—, chmn., physics dept., 1922—; mem. Am. Phys. Soc, A.A.A.S., Neb. Acad. Sci., Am. Phys. Teachers Assn. Methodist. Repub- lican. Office: Univ. of Neb., Lincoln, Neb. Home: 5310 Colby St., Lincoln, Neb, MAGEE, Elmer E., partner, Magee : s; b. Seneca, Kan., 3 Nov. 1900; s. O. N. Magee (dec), founder Magee's and Nellie (Throop) M. ; ed. Univ. Place, Lincoln, Neb. high sch.; Neb. Wesleyan Univ., 1918-22; m. Evelyn Hegert of Hartington, Neb., 3 July 1922; children —Elmer E., Jr., Oliver N., Robert. With Magee's since high sch. days, mgr., Basement Dept., Shoe Dept., a3vt. mgr., merchandise mgr., sec, pres., pirtner; received Jr. Chamber Commerce dis- tinguished service award for most out- standing man under 35 in city, 1935; dir., Nat. Assn. of Retail Clothiers and Furnishers; mem. Shrine, York Rite Mason, (32d deg.) Scottish Rite (p. mas- ter), Grand Chap., Royal Arch Masons of Neb. (grand high priest, Grand Senior Deacon, Grand Lodge of Neb.), O.E.S. (p. worthy patron), Chamber Commerce (dir.), Neb. Council of Churches (treas.), Lincoln Y.M.C.A. (pres.), Bd. of Trustees, Bryan Mem. Hosp., Lincoln Hosp. Council (sec). Clubs: Lincoln Co- operative (p. pres.), Lincoln Hiram (p. pres.), Rotary. Grandfather home- steaded near Yalparaiso, Neb. early 60's. Interests: lit., music, philately. Recreations: tennis, handball, hunting, fishing. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 1201 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Home: 2928 Woodsdale Blvd., Lincoln, Neb. NOLLEN, John Scholte, educator; b. Pella, la., 15 Jan. 1869; s. John Nollen, banker, and Sara Johanna Susanna (Scholte) N. ; ed. pvt. instrn.; Central Coll.; A.B., State Univ. la., 1888; PhD., Univ. Zurich, Berlin, Ger. and Leipzig. Ger., 1893; LL.D. (hon.), Univ. la., 1910; L.H.D. (hon.) Grinnell Coll., 1940; Litt. D., Central Coll., 1943; m. Em el Barstow Bartlett of Providence, R.I. ; children — Anna Barstow, Emeline Bart- lett; m. (2nd) Louise Stevens Bartlett of Providence, R.I., 25 June 1914. Instr. Central Coll., 1885-87; tutor Chem., Switz., 1888-90; prof, modern lang., Grinnell Coll., 1893-1903; prof. Ger., Ind. 971 Univ., 1903-07; pres., Lake Forest, 111. Univ., 1907-18; dean, Grinnell Coll., 1920- 31; exchange prof., Pomona Coll., 1927- 28; pres., Grinnell Coll., 1931-40; pres. emeritus, 1940 — ; del. to World Conf. on Faith and Order, Lausanne, Switz., 1927; chmn., la. Com. Finnish Relief (under Herbert Hoover), 1939-40; state chmn. la. War Savings Com., 1941 — ; modera- tor, Congl. Christian Conf. of la., 1935- 36; dir., Grinnell State Bank; mem. la. State Bd. of Ednl. Examiners, 1933- 40; mem. la. Territorial Centennial Commn., 1937-38; gen. sec, Y.M.C.A. service with It. Army, 1917-20; mem. A.R.C. commn. to Eur., 1920; It. War Cross, comdr. Order of Crown of It.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Assn. Am. Coils, (pres., 1917), la. Assn. Coll. Pres. (pres., 1932-33), Modern Lang. Assn., N.E.A. Clubs: University, Poweshiek, Grinnell Country, Presbyterian Social Union (pres., 1910-11), Des Moines Com. on Int. Relations. Travel: Eur. (10 yrs.). Grandson of Henry P. Scholte who brought a colony from Holland and founded Pella, la., 1847. Recreations: golf, motoring. Conglist. (deacon). Inde- pendent Republican. Office and home; 916 7th Av., Grinnell, la. SHAVER, Charles William, architect; b. Eldorado, Kan., 16 Jan. 1890; s. Silas S. Shaver and Frances M. (Bucking- ham) S.; ed. Lincoln (Kan.) high sch.; B.S. in Arch., Kan. State Coll., 1915, professional deg., Architect (hon.), 1926; m. Vera Woody of Lincoln, Kan., 20 June 1915; children— Charles W., Jr., John Alden, Mary Ellen, Shirley Ann. Engaged in arch, practice, Salina, Kan., 1915 — ; arch, for many pub. and pvt. bldgs. in Kan. and adjoining states; mem. Alumni Bd. Dirs., Kan. State Coll., 1942; mem. City Planning Com., Salina, Kan., 1923-31 (chmn., 1925-28); mem. City Water Bd., Salina, Kan., 1931-42; mem. official bd., Meth. Ch.; mem. Salina Chamber Commerce, Sigma Tau, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Rho Chi, Masons (32d deg.), Shrine, Elks, A.I. A. (pres., Kan. chap., 1930, 32, 38, 39, and del. for Kan., Nat. Conv., 1929- 39). Clubs: Salina Rotary (pres., 1929- 30), Salina Country, Salina Engrs. Travel: extensive in U.S. Desc. pioneers of Lincoln Co., Kan., 1874. Interests: genealogy, history. Recreations: hunt- ing, fishing. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice: 718 United Life Bldg., Salina, Kan. Home: 17 Crestview Dr., Salina, Kan. MARIETTE, Ernest Sidney, physi- cian; b. Minn., 3 Jan. 1888; s. Sidney B. Mariette and Grace L. (Garvin) M. ; ed. Pillsbury Acad.; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1911, M.D., 1913; m. Anna Jones of Min- neapolis, Minn., 9 June 1923; children- Grace, Edward Ernest. Interne, Univ. Hosp. Minn., 1914-15; resident phys., Nopeming Sanatorium, Minn., 1915; Glen Lake Sanatorium, 1916, supt. med, dir., 1916—; mem. bd. trs., Pillsbury Acad.; clin. asst. prof., Dept. of Med., Univ. Minn., Faculty of the Graduate Sch., Univ. Minn. Clubs: Six O'clock, Professional Mens, Rotary, Board of Governors of Encampment Forest Assn. Travel: Eng., Fr. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Baptist. Republican. Office and home: Oak Terrace, Minn. SNYDER, Fred B., atotrney; b. Min- neapolis, Minn., 21 Feb. 1859; s. Simon P. Snyder and Mary (Ramsey) S.: ed. Minneapolis pub. schs.; M.A., Univ. Minn., 1881, LL.D. (hon.), 1940; m. Susan M. Pillsbury, 1885, (dec, 1891); 1 son, John Pillsbury; m (2d) Leonora Stuart Dickson, of Pittsburgh, Pa., 3396; 1 dau., Mary Stuart (Mrs. Crawford T. Johnson, Jr.). In practice of law, Min- neapolis, Minn., 1882—, firm, Snyder, Gale, Hoke, Richards & Janes; tr. Farmers & Mech. Savings Bk.; regent Univ., 1912-47; passed Torrens Land Title Law; actively supported probation law for juvenile offenders, sponsored by ex. pres. Folwell of Univ.; alderman, 1893-96; mem. Ho. of Reps., 1897-98, Senate, 1898-1901; dir. Hennepin Co. pub. safety during World War I; mem. Am., State and Hennepin Co. Bar Assns. Clubs: Minneapolis, Lafayette, Automo- bile, Woodhill, Minikahda. Travel: Eur., No. Afr., Mex. Desc. Minn, pioneers. Recreations: all kinds outdoor sports. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 1430 Rand Tower, Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 120 W. 22d St., Minneapolis, Minn. Sum- mer res. : Clay Cliffe, Excelsior, Minn. LANGLAND, Harold Severin, engi- neer, manufacturer; b. Butterfield, Minn., 27 Sept. 1898; s. Gilbert S. Lang- land, and Karen M. (Fossum) L. ; ed. Madelia (Minn.) high sch.; B.S., E.E., Coll. Engring. and Archit., Univ. Minn., 1919; m. Helen Louise Stanley of Min- neapolis, 4 Jan. 1921; children — Barbara Louise, Stanley Gilbert, Joan Betty. Ap- praisal engr., pub. utilities, 5 yrs.; mfr., archit. metals, 20 yrs.; state dir., res. and statis. projects; W.P.A., 2V 2 years; mem. State Resources Commn., 3 yrs.; sec, treas., Stanley Iron Works, Inc., 20 yrs.; tr., 4 yrs., v. p., 2 yrs., Minn. Hosp. Service Assn.; pvt., U.S.A., dur- ing World War I; mem. Masons, Tau Beta Pi, Tau Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: 972 Engrs. of Minneapolis, Monday. Desc, earliest pioneers of Minn. Recreations: golf, figure skating, gardening. Office: 3715 Minnehaha Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 5340 Hampshire Dr., Minne- apolis, Minn. STREISSGUTH, Thomas Otto, lawyer; b. Arlington, Minn., 27 Feb. 1889; s. Theodore Streissguth and Kate (Klin- kert) S.; ed. Arlington high sch. ; Carle- ton Coll., Ex. 1908; Univ. Minn., A.B., 1908, LL.B., 1910; m. Glad Burnside of Neenah, Wis., 8 June 1918; children- Thomas B., Janice. Lawyer, 1910—; co. atty., 1924-42; assoc. justice, Minn. Su- preme Ct., 1942, 44; capt. Field Artillery, World War I; mem. Minn. State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Am. Legion. Club: Lions. Conglist. Office: 200 N. Minnesota St., New Ulm, Minn. Home: 625 Seventh, South, New Ulm, Minn. BREER, Carl, director of research and mem. bd. dirs., Chrysler Corp.; b. Los Angeles, Calif., 8 Nov. 1883; s. Louis Breer, and Julia (Buehn) B.; ed. Los Angeles Comml. high sch.; Throop Poly. Inst., Pasadena, Calif.; B.A. M.E., Leland Stanford Univ., 1909; Master and Doctor Engring. (hon.); m. Barbara Zeder of Bay City, Mich., 5 Sept. 1918; children — Frederick, William, Robert, Thomas. Built and had running before 17, one of first steam horseless car- riages on West Coast; with Tourist Auto Mfg. Co., 1904; designer, Duro Car Co., 1905; apprentice, Allis Chalmers Co., Milwaukee, 1909-12; supt. plant, More- land Distillate Truck Co., Los Angeles, 1912-14; co-partner, Acme Elec. Auto Works, Los Angeles, 1914-16; joined Fred M. Zeder at Studebaker Corp., Detroit, starting first engring. res. org. in auto industry; allied with Willys Corp., of Elizabeth, N.J., 1920; orgn. The Zeder, Skelton & Breer Engring. Co., 1921, with Maxwell Motor Car Corp., Detroit, Mich., 1923, as exec, engr., co-designer, first Chrysler auto, 1924, influence important in every Chrys- ler built product since; exec, engr., dir. res., Chrysler Corp., 1926, mem. bd. dirs., 1937 — , dir. all res. activities since corp. was founded; internat. known as res. engr.; with assocs., responsible for development of such important auto, engring. improvements as hydraulic brakes, floating power, fluid drive, air- flow design, high compression eng., oil- ite bearings, etc.; one of founders, tr., Chrysler Inst, of Engring.; tr. Detroit Univ. Sch.; mem. bd. dir., Am. Stand- ards Assn.; mem. Nat. Research Coun- cil, Soc. Auto. Engrs., A.S.M.E., Frank- lin Inst., Detroit Soc. Model Engrs., Engring. Soc. of Detroit, Detroit Bd. of Commerce, A.A.A.S., Nat. Aero. Assn., Council Applied Physics, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Clubs: Detroit Athletic (dir.), Detroit, Country, Old, Detroit Golf, Grosse Point Yacht, Economic. Office: Chrysler Corp., 12800 Oakland Ave., Highland Park, Mich. Home: 15600 Windmill Pointe Dr., Grosse Pointe, Mich. GUYSI, Jeannette, artist, craftsman; b. Cincinnati, O.; d. George W. Guysi and Harriet S. (Kelly) G.; ed. Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.; unmarried. Four years of art study and travel in Eur.; mus. study and travel; mem. League of Women Voters, Detroit Garden Center (Birmingham Br.), Woman's Nat. Farm and Garden, Inc. (Bloomfield Hills Br.). Club: Women's (Detroit). Interest: gar- dening. Unitarian. Republican. Home: 1595 Oxford Rd., Birmingham, Mich. McCORMICK, Ross Clinton, district court judge; b. near Knoxville, la., 1 Apr. 1872; s. Nelson B. McCormick. lawyer, congressman, and Martha Elizabeth (McClure) McC; ed. Phillips- burg high sch.; B.S., Central Normal Coll.; LL.B., Univ. Kan.; m. Helen Leonard of Detroit, Mich., 21 Dec. 1909; children— Rossalene Catherine, Ruby Clintine. Began pract., 1906; apptd. deputy, 1911-15; county atty., 1915-19; mem. sch. bd., Wichita, 1925-33; judge, Dist. Ct., 18th Jud. Dist. Kan., 1933-41, re-elected, 1941-45, 1945-49. Masons (32d deg.), Am., Wichita and Kan. State Bar Assns. Author: Oration of George Wash- ington in Public Life; comments on duties of coroners. Father, lawyer in Kan., 1878-1914, congressman, 6th Cong. Dist., 1897-99. Recreations: golf. Meth- odist. Democrat. Office: care Court House, Wichita, Kan. Home: 1412 Park PI., Wichita, Kan. COTTON, Richard Thomas, entomolo- gist; b. Eng., 27 Jan. 1893; s. William James Cotton, bus. man, . and Agnes Bertha (James) C. ; ed. Ithaca high sch.; B.S., Cornell Univ., 1914, M.S., 1918; Ph.D., George Washington Univ., 1924; m. Emily Willey of Cincinnati, O ., 18 Dec. 1917; 1 son, Rtf>ert Thomas. Entomologist, Porto Rican Govt., 1915- 18; entered service of U.S. Dept. AgT.. 1919, entomol., Fla., Wash., 1919-34, transferred to Kan., 1934, in charge of govt. res. lab. for study of U.S. control of insects, stored grain and cereal pr< I ucts; 2d It., 374th Inf., 1918; mem: A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Am. Entomol. Soc, Am. Assn. Econ. Entomol., Kan. Acad. Sci., Kan. 973 Entomol. Soc, Am. Biol. Soc, Popenoe Soc, Wash. Entomol. Soc. Author: In- sect Pests of Stored Grain and Grain Products; pubis, on control of stored products and household insects. Recrea- tions: golf, travel. Christian. Repub- lican. Office: 1204 Fremont St., Man- hattan, Kan. Home: 343 North 14th St., Manhattan, Kan. Summer res. : Estes Park, Colo. HARRELL, Voss, ear, nose, throat specialist; b. Noblesville, Ind., 21 Apr. 1895; s. Samuel Harrell, surgeon, and Vivian (Voss) H. ; ed. Noblesville high sch.; Culver Mil. Acad.; Wabash Coll.; B.S., Ind. Univ., 1917; Ind. Univ. Sch. Med.; m. Edna Roberta Merkel of Chi- cago, 111., 1934; 1 dau., Marion Jane. V.p., Econ. Res. Corp., Detroit; served S.A.T.C. during World War I; mem. Wayne Co. Med. Soc, Mich. State Med. Soc, A.M. A., Detroit Oto-Laryngology Soc, Fellow A.C.S., Fellow Am. Acad. Tri-Ological Soc, Am. Otol. Soc. Au- thor: The Present Status of Plant Vin- cents Infection, 1930; Hemolytis Strep- tococcic Mastoiditis, 1937; The Control and Management of Hemorrhage in Oto- Laryngology; etc. Travel: Mex., Cent. Am., So. Am. Interests: flower garden, hunting big game, horseback riding. Recreations: hunting, gardening. Pres- byterian. Republican. Office: 910 Hof- man Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 14865 Glastenbury Rd., Detroit, Mich. Sum- mer res. : Algonac, Mich. HULBERT, Lucius Gaylord, patent attorney; b. Detroit, Mich., 6 Sept. 1895; s. Prescott M. Hulbert, patent atty., and Elizabeth A. (Gaylord) H.; ed. Detroit Central high sch.; B.S.E. (Chem.), Univ. Mich., 1917; LL.B., Detroit Coll. Law, 1938; m. Gertrude Helen Sheehan (dec) of Bridgeport, Conn., 30 Nov. 1922; 1 son, Gaylord, Jr. Metallurgist, Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, 1917-18, 1919; Mercer Motors Co., Trenton, N.J., 1919-21; Ldcomobile Co., Bridgeport, Conn., 1921; patent atty., Whittemore, Hulbert & Belknap, Detroit, 1921—; in Army Air Service, Jan. 1918-Dec 1918, 2d It.; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Am. Patent Law Assn., Mich. Patent Law Assn., Mich. State Bar, Detroit Bar Assn., Soc. of Automotive Engrs., Am. Soc. for Metals, Engring. Soc. of Detroit, A.C.S., S.A.R., Phi Lambda Upsilon, Hermitage Order. Club: Detroit Athletic. Presby- terian. Republican. Office: 3053 Penob- scot Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. Home: 2961 Lawrence, Detroit 6, Mich. Summer res. : Amherstburg, Ontario, Can. GAY, Thomas Benjamin, attorney; b. Richmond, Va., 22 May 1885; s. Thomas Boiling Gay, mech. engr., and Mary Radcliffe (Ellett) G.; ed. Richmond pub. sch.; Univ. of Va., 1906; m. Lenone T. Shene, 10 June 1916; 1 son, Thomas B., Jr.; m. (2d) Mary S. Pattison of Baltimore, Md., 24 Nov. 1921. Admitted to bar in 1906, became mem. firm of Munford, Hunton, Williams & Anderson, 1916, now Hunton, Williams, Anderson, Gay and Moore; dir. State Planters Bank & Trust Co.; chmn. Ho. of Dels.; Am. Va. and Richmond City Bar Assns., Bar Assn. of the City of N.Y. Clubs: Commonwealth, Country Club of Va., Deep Run Hunt. Travel: Eur. Interests: fox hunting, quail shooting. Office: Elec- tric Bldg., Richmond, Va. Home: 2712 Monument Av., Richmond, Va. DAVIS, Herbert Perry, professor of dairy husbandry; b. Montagu, Mich., 22 Aug. 1889; s. S. C. Davis, minister, and Meta Carolyn (Perry) D.; ed. Elmwood, (111.) high sch.; Lamar (Mo.) high sch., 1907; B.S.C.Agr., Univ. Mo., 1911; M.Sc, Pa. State Coll., 1914; m. Esther Gertrude Greiner of Benezett, Pa., 20 July 1915; children— Carolyn Lenne, Herbert Perry, Jr. (dec), Frederic Cornell. Asst. in dairy husbandry, res., Univ. 111., 1911; herdsman, Maple Farm of Midlothian, Tinley Park, 111., June 1911-Nov. 1911; asst. in exptl. dairy hus- bandry, Pa. State Coll., 1911-14; asst. dairy husbandman; then dairy husband- man, later ed., dairy div., U.S. Dept. Agr., Washington, D.C., 1914-19; prof., dairy husbandry, v. dir., Ida. Agr. Exptl. Sta., Univ. Ida., 1919-21; prof, dairy husbandry, chmn. dept., Univ. Neb., 1921—; official del., from U.S. to World's Dairy Congress, Berlin, Ger., 1937; mem. A.A.A.S. (fellow), Am. Dairy Sci. Assn. (p. pres.), Am. Genetics Assn., Am. Soc. Animal Pro- duction, Am. Soc. Univ. Profs., Masons, O.E.S., 'Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Gamma Rho. Clubs: Eckles, Rotary (p. pres., Lincoln). Au- thor: more than 50 res. reports and bulls, on agr. subjs.; co-author, with J. B. Lippincott, on Livestock Enter- prizes. Travel: Eur. Conglist. Repub- lican. Office: Dairy Industry Bldg., Univ. of Neb., Lincoln, Neb. Home: 3715 Holdrege St., Lincoln, Neb. WEIDMAN, Evan Sylvester, banker; b. Weidman, Mich., 2 May 1900; s. John S. Weidman, lumberman, banker, and Margaret (Mitchell) W. ; ed. St. Johns Mil. Acad.; Mt. Pleasant high sch.; A.B., Albion Coll.; Harvard Grad. 974 Sch. of Bus. Adminstrn. Pres., dir., Isa- bella Co. State Bank; capt. U.S.M.C.R., 2 yrs., in So. Pac, 8 mos., during World War II; mem. Draft Bd.; mem. Sigma Chi, Shriners. Clubs: Saginaw, Mt. Pleasant Country, Bay View Coun- try. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Repub- lican. Office: Isabella County State Bank, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Home: 802 South College, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Sum- mer home: Bay View, Mich. HEITSCH, Robert Dawson, lawyer; b. Waterford Township, Oakland Co., Mich., 23 Jan. 1887; s. Charles Heitsch, farmer and builder, and Janet Helen (Dawson) H.; ed. Pontiac (Mich.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1910; m. Gladys Jane Hodgson of Cripple Creek, Colo., 25 June 1912; children— Robert D., Mrs. Mary Ellen H. Ward, James Hodgson, Chloe Margaret, Charles Weyand, Rich- ard Franklin, Lawrence Daniel. Teacher Eng. and hist., Owosso, Mich., 1910; prin., high sch., E. Jordan, Mich., 1910- 13; practiced law, Pontiac, Mich., 1914 — ; asst. prosecutor, civ. counsel, Oakland County, Mich., 1933-34, 1937-38; participated actively in important Mich, litigation of the last decade. Democrat. Office: 68 W. Huron St., Pontiac, Mich. Home: 337 W. Iroquois Rd., Pontiac, Mich. Summer res. : Oxbow Lake, White Lake Twp., Oakland Co., Mich. POWELL, Lyle Stephenson, oculist and aurist; b. Rush Co., Ind., 5 Nov. 1893; s. Rev. D. 'Powell and Emma Ellen (Stephenson) P.; ed. Ind. high schs.; Jireh Acad.; A.B., Univ. Wyo.; B.Sc, Univ. Neb.; M.D., Univ. Neb. Coll. Med., 1925; m. Geraldine Olson of Omaha, Neb., 15 Feb. 1922; children— Lyle S., Jr., Robert W. Took spl. train- ing in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Har- vard Univ.; mem. staff Lawrence Me- morial Hosp., Watkins Memorial Hosp., Osawatomie State Hosp.; lecturer in ophthalmology, Univ. Kan. Med. Coll.; col. M.C. Reserves, U.S. Army; capt. Air Corps, commanded 99th Aero Squad, on Western front, received 2 Am. and 2 fgn. citations during World War I; col., M.C, U.S. Army, Sept. 1942—; fellow A.C.S. ; mem. Kan. Med. Soc, A.M. A., Co. Med. Soc, Am. Acad. Ophthalmol- ogy and Otolaryngology. Club: Rotary. Author: numerous med. arts, and mono- graphs. Travel: Eur., India (surgeon- oculist Brit. Hosp., Quetta, 1935-36). In- terests: travel, photog., coin collecting. Recreations: farming, flying. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: 736 Kentucky St., Lawrence, Kan. Home: R.R. No. 6, Lawrence, Kan. Summer res.: Lake Lotawana, Mo. CONNOR, Edward Hanson, civil engi- neer; b. Alton, 111., 3 Sept. 1864; s. Silas F. Connor, and Susan A. (Hanson) C. ; ed. Alton high sch.; B.S., Washington Univ., Mo., 1886, C.E., 1887, D.Engring., 1944; m. Ellen M. Bristol of Attiena. Pa., 1892; children— Edward H., Elien M. Asst. engr., with George S. Morison. 1887-91; bridge engr., Erie R.R., 1891-92; asst. engr., E. L. Corthell, 1892, 94, 98, Union Bridge Co., 1894, 95, 98; cons. engr., St. Louis, Mo., 1898-99; asst. engr., Mo. Valley Bridge & Iron Co., Leavenworth, Kan., 1899 — , chief engr.. v.p., cons, engr., 1938, v. p.; chmn. Water Works Bd., Leavenworth, Kan.; bldg. wooden ships at Quantico, Va., during World War I; bldg. steel landing craft equipment, Leavenworth, Kan., World War II; mem. A.S.C.E. (hon. mem.), A.R.E.A., St. Louis Engrs. Assn., Kan. Engrs. Soc. Club: Chicago Engrs. Interest: deep foundations. Rec- reation: golf. Conglist. Republican. Home: 233 3d Av., Leavenworth, Kan. BROOKE, William Ellsworth, profes sor of mathematics, mechanics; b. Minier, 111., 7 Oct. 1870; s. John Peter Brooke, soldier, farmer, and Pebecca A. (Reynolds) B.; ed. Ashland (Neb.) high sch.; B.C.E., Univ. Neb., 1832, M.A., 1896; Univ. Chicago; Univ. Got- tingen, Ger. ; m. Helen Francos Langer of Westpoint, Neb., 22 Aug. 1S98. Sur- veyor, Burlington R.R., 1S9-J; asst. in math., physics, Univ. Neb., 1894-97; teacher, math., Omaha high sch., 1897- 1901; prof, math., mechanics, Coll. Engring., Univ. Minn., 1901-39, head of dept. of math, and mech., 1912-39; ret., 1939; teacher, S.A.T.C , Univ. Minn., during World War I; mem. A A.A.S., Soc. for Promotion of Engring. Edn., A.S.M.E., Am. Math. Assn., Am. Math. Soc, Deutscher Mathemotiker Verein, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Masons, Shriners. Author: Intermediate Algebra, with H. B. Wilcox; Plane and Spheral Trigonometry, with Geo. N. Bauer, En gineering Mechanics, with H. B. Wilcox. Travel: Ger., Fr., It., Holland, Eng., Bohemia. Interests: teaching boys, music (charter mem., Minneapolis Sym- phony Orchestra). Republican. Office: Home: 416 Walnut St., S.E., Minne- apolis, Minn. BRODERS, Albert Compton, physi- cian; b. Fairfax Co., Va., 8 Aug. 1SS5, s. John Broders, farmer, Justice of peace, and Virginia (Woodyard) B. ; od. Potomac Acad., Alexandria, Va.. 1905; 975 M.D., Med. Coll. Va., Richmond, Va., 1910, D.Sc. (hon.), 1929; M.S. in path., Mayo Foundation, Univ. Minn., 1920; m. Adlene Zimmerman of Buena Vista, Va., 8 Sept. 1915; children— Albert Compton, Jr., Charles William, Eliza- beth Fairfax. Interne, Memorial Hosp., Richmond, Va., 1910-12; asst. surg. path., 1912-19, assoc, 1919-22, head, Sect. B. Surg. Path., 1922-35, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.; prof. surg. path., dir. cancer res., Med. Coll. of Va., Rich- mond, 1935-36; instr. path., Mayo Foun- dation, Univ. Minn., 1920-21, asst. prof., 1921-23, assoc. prof., 1923-35, prof., 1936—; mem. A.M.A., A.C.P., A.A.A.S., Am. Assn. Pathologists, Bacteriologists, Am. Soc. Clin. Path., Minn., Southern Minn. Med. Assns., Med. Soc. Va., Olm- sted, Houston, Filmore, Dodge Cos. Med. Soc, So. Med. Assoc, Minn. Acad. Sci., Sigma Xi, A.O.A. Club: Rochester Country. Author: numerous ■ med. arts, on pathologic subjs., especially cancer and its numerical grading. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., Eur. Interests: history, sci- ence. Recreation: hunting. Episcopa- lian. Democrat. Office: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Home: 821 Eighth Av., S.W., Rochester, Minn. ROARK, Leroy Edward, indsl. engr. ; b. Sterling, 111., 9 June 1894; s. John Hen- ry and Mary (Holland) R.; student Be- loit (Wis.) Coll., 1911-13; m. Alma Viva Tank, 11 May 1913 (dec, 1945); children —Lucille Alice (Mrs. Ralph M. Picker- ing), Lorita Jean (Mrs. Robt. C. Huis- man). Student engr. C.&N.W. R.R., at Belle Plaine, la., 1913-15; with employ- ment dept., R.&V. Engring Co., Moline, 111., 1915-17; pres. Indsl. Research Ser- vice, Peoria, 111., 1925-44; exec. v. p. Na- tional Founders Assn., since 1 Jan. 1945. Mem. Emmerson Commn. on Unemploy- ment and Relief, 1931-33; industry mem. 6th Regional War Labor Bd., since 1943. Vice pres. Peoria Manufacturers Assn. since 1917; mem. Sigma Iota Epsilon. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (Shri- ner). Clubs: University, Creve Coeur of Peoria, Union League of Chicago. Au- thor: Industrial Peoria, 1924. Contbr. of tech. articles to professional journals. Home: Mt. Hawley Rd., Peoria, 111. Of- fice: National Founders Assn., 120 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. BALL, Joseph Hurst, U.S. Senator; b. Crookston, Minn., 3 Nov. 1905; s. Joseph and Florence (Hurst) B.; student Anti- och Coll., 1923-25, Univ. of Minn., 1926- 27; m. Elisabeth Robbins, 28 Apr. 1928; children— Jennifer Ann, Peter Joseph E., Sara Elizabeth. Reporter Minneapolis Journal, 1927-28; free lance writer, 1928- 29; with St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dis- patch, 1929-30, state polit. writer, 1934- 40; Apptd., Oct. 1940, U.S. Senator from Minn, to fill unexpired term of Ernest Lundeen; elected U.S. Senator for 6 yr. term from 3 January 1943. Republican. Home: Stillwater, Minn. Office: Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. CAYTON, Horace Roscoe, social work- er, author; b. Seattle, Wash., 12 Apr. 1903; s. Horace Roscoe and Susie (Rev- els) C; B.A., Univ. of Wash., 1931; grad. student Univ. of Chicago, 1931-35; un- married. Deputy sheriff, Seattle, Wash., 1929-31; research asst., Univ. of Chicago, 1931-34; spl. asst. sec. of Interior, 1934- 35; instr. in economics, Fisk Univ., 1935- 36; dir. of research, W.P.A., 1936-37; fel- low Julius Rosenwald Fund, 1937-39; dir. of the Parkway Community House since 1940. Member of numerous civic orgns. Mem. Am. Sociol. Soc, Nat. Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, Chi- cago Urban League. Author: Black Workers and the New Union, 1939; Ne- groes Live in Chicago, 1940. Co-author: Black Metropolis. Winner Anisfield-Wolf award best book on race relations for 1945. Columnist, The Pittsburgh Cour- ier. Contbr. articles to The Nation, The Chicago Sun. Address: Parkway Com- munity House, 5120 S. Parkway, Chica- go, 111. WASIELEWSKI, Thaddeus Francis, congressman; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 2 Dec 1904; s. Dr. Francis Stanley and Felicia Helen (Baranowski) W.; student Marquette Univ., 1923-24; B.A., Univ. of Mich., 1927; J.D., Marquette Univ., 1931; m. Stephanie M. Gorak, 28 Oct. 1939; children — Francis Thomas, Stephanie Felice. Admitted to Wisconsin bar, 1931, since in private practice of law; mem. 77th, 78th and 79th Congresses (1941-47), 4th Wisconsin Dist. Mem. Am., Wis. and Milwaukee Co. bar assns., Polish Nat. Alliance, Polish Roman Catholic Union, Polish Assn. of Am., Citizens Com. of Milwaukee County, Jr. Chamber of Com- merce, Americanization, Holy Name So- ciety, Delta Theta Phi. Democrat. Ro- man Catholic. Elk, Lion, Eagle. Home: 726 W. Mitchell St. Office: 3074 S. Su- perior St., Milwaukee, Wis. SHAW, Walter Adam, cons, engr.; b. on a farm, 4 miles south of Morris, 111., 4 Nov. 1866; s. Daniel W. and Vienia (Newcomer) S.; g.s. Adam Shaw, who settled nr. Oregon, Ogle County, 111., 1838; prep, edn., Mt. Morris Coll.; B.S., Valparaiso, Ind. Normal Sch. (now Val- 976 paraiso Coll.), 1890, C.E., 1891; m. Ida M. Barrett, 15 Sept. 1897; 1 son— Clar- ence Edward. Taught country school, 1887-88; rodman in city engr. office, Rockford, 111., 1890-91; village engineer Rogers Park, 1892-93; asst. engr. City of Chicago, 1893-95; mem. firm Alexander & Shaw, 1895-98; asst. engr. tunnel con- strn., Chicago, 1898-1901, in charge day labor, 1901-05, chief engr. intercepting sewer div., 1905-07, also in charge Chica- go Water Works; pres. Am. Engring. Constrn. Co., Chicago, 1907-13; engring. mem. Rivers & Lake Commn. State of 111., 1913-14; mem. 111. Pub. Utilities Commn., 1914-21; mem., later chmn. of valuation com. of Nat. Assn. of Ry. and Utility Commrs., 1915-20, pres. of Assn., 1920; cons, practice since 1921; mem. Bd. Supervising Engrs. representing Ci- ty of Chicago, 1923-34; completed plans in 1933, for separation of all street grades crossing tracks of the C.&N.W. Ry. and Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee R. R. in Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe and Highland Park, 111.; apptd. spl. advisor to sr. judge of Dist. Court of U.S. for Northern Dist. of 111., Eastern Div. in proceedings for reorganization of Middle West Utilities Co., under Federal Bank- ruptcy Act of 1935; apptd. by same ct. as dir. Middle West Corp., successor in interest to Middle West Utilities Co., 1936-37; consultant for Pub. Utility Com- mission of N.J. in case before Federal Court, cities of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Litchfield, 111., on bds. of arbitra- tion; Alton Terminal Ry. Co., 111. Elec. Assn., cities of Peoria, Champaign, Pe- kin, 111.; dir. Mortgage and Real Estate Corp.; mem. reorganization com. for Chicago Rapid Transit Co. properties, 1937; special adviser to judge Dist. Ct. of U.S. for Northern Dist. of 111., in pro- ceedings for reorganizing Chicago Sur- face Lines since 1937; chmn. com. to ne- gotiate franchise for transportation lines of City of Chicago; apptd. by court chmn. Joint Board of Management and Operation of Chicago Surface Lines, in Mar. 1941; at request of this joint bd. assumed complete charge of operations of Chicago Surface Lines, Apr. 1942; Oct. 1944 retired as chmn. of Bd.; now cons, engr. for Chicago Surface Lines. Life mem. Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Western Soc. of Engrs., Am. Water Works Assn.; member 111. Soc. of Engrs., Am. Pub. Works Assn., Nat. Soc. of Professional Engrs. Protestant. Club: City. Home: 922 Oakwood Av., Wilmette, 111. Office: 30 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. KILEY, Moses E., R.C. bishop, Dio- cese of Milwaukee. Was head St. Vincent de Paul Soc. and Men's Mission, Chica- go, 1918; later supt. Asso. Cath. Chari- ties of Chicago Archdiocese and head of Holy Cross Mission; chmn. dirs. group Nat. Charities Assn., 1924-26; spl. advis- er Am. College, Rome, Italy, 1926-34; consultore to Vatican's Russian Commn., 1929; bishop of Trenton, 1934-39; apptd. archbishop of Milwaukee, Jan. 1940. Ad- dress: 2000 W. Wisconsin Av., Milwau- kee, Wis. NO YES, Helen Miller, chemist; bom Carthage, 111., 27 Feb. 1882; d. William H. D. and Laura Jane (Miller) Noyes; ed. Carthage High Sch.; Carthage Coll. Acad.; Wilson Coll., Chambersburg, Pa.; B.S., Carthage Coll., 111., 1902; A.M., Co- lumbia Univ., 1922. Teacher, Iberia, Mo., Acad., Synodical Coll., Fulton, Mo., Fer- ry Hall, Lake Forest, 111.; clinical lab. work, Presbyterian Hosp., N.Y., res. chem., Harriman Research Lab., Roose- velt Hosp., N.Y., Carnegie Inst, of Wash., Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., N.Y.; Univ. 111., Coll. of Med., Chicago; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Assn. for Cancer Re- search, 111. State Acad, of Sci., N. Y. Acad, of Sci., Sigma Xi, Beta Beta Beta; F.A.A.A.S. Author: many articles report- ing bio-chemical research published in leading sci. jours. Travel: U.S., Eur., around the world, Can. Republican. Ad- dress: Carthage, 111. CHAPLER, Robert Frederick, clergy- man; b. Swaledale, la., 24 Apr. 1898; s. Charles Elmer Chapler, clergyman and Miriam Lyle (Coburn) C. ; ed. Rockwell City high sch. ; Capital City Commercial Coll. (Des Moines) ; Drake Univ. ; Tex. Christian Univ.; B.S., Northwestern Uni- versity, 1931; B.D., Garrett Biblical In- stitute (Evanston, 111.), 1934; m. Annet- ta Beatrice Carpenter of Ft. Worth, Tex., 17 June 1926; children— Robert Phillip. Frederick Keith. Exec. sec. program dir., Nat. Conv. Coll. & Univ. Methodist Students, Louisville, Ky., 1924, sec.-treas. N.U. Alumni Tour of Europe, 1926; re- ceived Alumni award of Merit, North- western Univ. Alumni Assn., 1935; en- listed U.S.A., May 1918, served 16 mos. pvt. 88th Div., A.E.F., Fr., 13 months. Honorably discharged, Sgt., 28 Sept. 1919; enlisted as chaplain World War II ; com- md. 1st It.; served with U.S. Forces in Palestine, Eygpt, Eritrea, Algiers, Tuni- sia, Italy and France; commd. capt., 28 Dec. 1943. Mem. Phi Delta Kappa (past pres., Upsilon chap.), Acacia u>. sec, Northwestern chap.), Delta Beta Delta (past pres.), Nat. Guild Former 977 Pipe Organ Pumpers, Eugene Field So- ciety, Hawarden Chamber of Commerce, Farm Bur. Sioux Co., A.F. & A.M. (mem. Speakers Bur., Grand Lodge of la.), Odd Fellows (noble grand, Lodge No. 862, Bradley, 111., 1935), I.O.O.F., (Lodge No. 196, Hawarden), Mason, (worshipful master, Lodge No. 429, Che- banse, 111., 1932), K.P. Lodge No. 265, Kankakee, 111.), Am. Legion (past com- mdr., adjutant, service officer, judge ad- vocat, finance officer, chaplain, Che- banse and^ Bradley, 111., Peterson and Hawarden, la., past co-chaplain, Kanka- kee Co., 111., past dist. chaplain, vice comdr., commdr., 1940, 9th Dist. Iowa, past nat. chaplain, 40 & 8 Soc, delegate, Is. State Legion Conv., 1936-47, 38, 39, 40, mem. nominating corns., state chmn. ed- ucating war orphans, 1937-38, grand chaplain, la. 40 & 8 Soc, 1937-39, dele- gate, Voiture Nationale, Los Angeles, Calif., 1937). Clubs: Hawarden Rotary (pres. 109-41, pres. bd. dirs.), Chebanse, 111. Commercial, Kiwanis (past mem.), Lions (past mem.) ; The Chaplains Assn. of the Army and Navy of the U.S. ; V.F. W. ; Tyre-rhenian Masonic Club, Naples, Italy. Travel: Can., Eng., Norway, Swe- den, Ger., Czechoslovakia, It., Denmark, Mex., Switzerland, Fr., Austria, U.S. In- terests: playing pipe organ and piano, keeping scrap book, athletics. Recrea- tions: golf, ping pong, pool, billiards, attending athletic events. Methodist. Re- publican. Office: 1306 Av. H Hawarden. Home: Hawarden, la. Address: 3d Gen. Hosp. APO 423 care of P.M., New York, N.Y. CHOWEN, Roy J., lawyer; b. Lake- field, Ont., Can., 13 Sept. 1884; s. Thom- as H. and Selina (Long) C; came to U. S., 1902: student Valparaiso (Ind.) Univ., 1908-09; student Butler Coll., Indianapo- lis, Ind., 1910-11; LL.B., Ind. Law Sch., 1910; m. Gladys Hatch, 24 Sept. 1914; children— Richard H., Betsy Ann. Ad- mitted to 111. bar, 1913; mem. legal dept. Mchts. Loan & Trust Co. and 111. Mchts. Trust Co., Chicago, 1915-28; mem. law firm Church, Haft, Robertson & Crowe, 1929-34, Robertson, Crowe & Spence, 1934-39, Church & Chowen, 1939-46; now mem. law firm McCulloch & McCulloch. Trustee Beverly Div. Y.M.C.A. Republi- can. Conglist. Mason. Club: Ridge Coun- try (Chicago). Home: 1731 W. 104th PL Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. SELLMAN, Henry G., consulting ac- tuary; actuary, Dept. Ins. and Banking, State of Tenn.; b. South Lyon, Mich., 17 Jan. 1886; s. Henry G. and Eliza (Dunn) S.; B.A., Univ. of Mich., 1910; m. Bea- trix Neuwohner, 15 Nov. 1912; 1 son- William (It. U.S.N.R.). Asso. Am. Inst. Actuaries; mem permanent com. Inter- nat. Congress of Actuaries. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason. Club: Country of Monmouth. Lecturer and writer on ins. Address: 117 W. Second Av., Monmouth, 111. HAIR, Charles Edwin, mayor of Ben- ton, 111.; b. Chicago, 111., 20 Jan. 1891; s. Charles and Martha (Wells) H. ; student pub. schs., Chicago, 111., 1897-1905, Alex- ander Hamilton Inst., New York, N.Y., 1913-17, student in science of railways by Marshall M. Kirkman, 1916-17; m. Mar- jorie Thomson, 1 June 1912 (divorced, 1928) ; children — Martha June (Mrs. Geo. Parshall), Richard Thomson; m. 2d, Fay Ullem, 1 June 1928; 1 adopted son — Charles Edwin. Clerk, C.B.&Q. R.R., Chicago, 111., 1906-13; asst. to pres., C.T. H.&S.E. R.R., 1913-17, supt. of motive power and gen. supt., Terre Haute, Ind., 1917-18, chief operating officer, 1920-22; asst. to regional dir., U.S. R.R. Admin- strn., Central Western Region, Chicago, 111., 1918-20; vice pres. operations, Coal Ridge Mining Co., Terre Haute, Ind., 1922-24; pres. Belmont Trucking Co., 1924-29; owner Hair Equipment Co., (mining equipment), and owner, Hair Locker and Cold Storage Co., Benton, 111., since 1930; mayor City of Benton, 111., since 1935; partner Hydrabuster Co. and The Annapolis-Carrollton Co. Demo- crat. Methodist. Mason, Elk. Clubs: Un- ion League, Chicago (Chicago, 111.), Mis- souri Athletic (St. Louis, Mo.). Author: Jolts and Jots, 1935. Home: 301 W. Reed St. Office: 211 W. Reed St., Benton, 111. TALBOT, Sophia Davis, artist; b. in Boone County, la., 13 Apr. 1888; d. Tam- erlane and Mary Ann (Weyer) D.; stu- dent Univ. of la., 1910-12, 1913-14; student Cumming Sch. of Art, Des Moines, 1912- 13; m. Dr. M. C. Talbot, 14 Sept. 1915; children — Marianne Clara, Cynthia Hearne. Inst, art, Univ. of la., 1914-17; pvt. instr., Mattoon, 111., since 1928. Ex- hibitor: Annual Exhbn. Women Painters of America, Wichita, Kan., 1938; All-Ill. Soc. Fine Arts, Chicago, 1939, 40, 41. 47th Annual Exhbn. of Am. Painters, Denver Art Museum, 1941; All-Ill. Soc. Fine Arts Down-State Exhibit, 1940-41. One-man shows: Drake Hotel, Chicago, 1942, spon- sored by All-Ill. Soc. Fine Arts; East- ern 111. Teachers' College, Charleston, 1942; Mattoon, 111., sponsored by Mat- toon Art Club; Central 111. Artists, De- catur, Springfield, Urbana, 1943, and at Decatur, 1944. Represented: Hawthorne Sch., Mattoon, 111., Lincoln Sch., Mat- 978 toon, 111.; Mural, Nat. Bank, Mattoon, 111. Award, Most Outstanding Painting, Wawasee Art Gallery Annual Juried Sa- lon, 1942; First Award, Figure Painting, in same exhibit. Mem. All-Ill. Soc. Fine Arts, Am. Artists Professional League, Artists' Guild of Eastern 111., Soc. for Sanity in Art. Methodist. Clubs: Wo- man's Reading, Art (Mattoon). Address: 1626^ Broadway, Mattoon, 111. TEICH, Frederick C, hotel mgr.; b. Chicago, 111., 10 Mar. 1899; s. Max Louis and Sophie (Roessler) T.; attended Cul- ver Summer Naval Sch., 1915, 16, 17; grad. Chicago Latin Sch., 1918; m. Mir- iam Curley, 26 Oct. 1927; children— Fred- erick C, William M., Peter M. With In- ternal Hotel Co. since 1918, successive- ly auditor, room clerk, asst. mgr., mgr., now mng. dir. and sec; pres. Atlantic Garage Co., Carltonia Management Cor- poration, Adelphi Drug Co.; sec. Kaskas- kia Hotel Co., La Salle, 111. Lutheran. Home: 88 Robsart Rd., Kenilworth, 111. Office: Hotel Atlantic, 316 S. Clark St., Chicago, 111. PETERSEN, Alma Schmidt (Mrs. Wil- liam F. Petersen); b. 11 July 1894; d. Otto L. (M.D.). and Emma (Seipp) Schmidt; ed. Loring Sch., Chicago, 111., and Mount Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C.; m. Dr. William F. Petersen, 16 Sept. 1919; children — Edward Schmidt, Conrad William, William Otto. Pres. bd. of trustees Hull House Assn.; vice pres. bd. dirs. Children's Scholarship Assn., Council of Social Agencies of Chicago; mem. bd. dirs. Lake Geneva Fresh Air Assn., Lake Geneva Garden Club, 111. Child Labor Com., Woman's Athletic Club, Womans Nat. Republican Club of Chicago. Clubs: Contempory, The Fort- nightly, Woman's City (Chicago). Home: 1322 Astor St., Chicago, 111. SAUER, Henry Charles, surgeon; b. Rutland, 111., 1 Oct. 1885; s. George S. and Augusta (Florin) S.; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1916; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1918; m. Emma M. Fischmann, 15 June 1910; children — . Raymond G., Edward E.; m. 2d, Lillian Wetzel, 8 Nov. 1929. With G. A. Sauer Sons & Co., 1903-13; in practice medicine and surgery since 1919. Mem. A.M.A., 111. State Med. Soc. Republican. Mason. Club : Rotary. Home: 106 W. Hickory St. Office: 204 E. Locust St., Fairbury, 111. JONES, Harold Clyde, lawyer; b. Car- linville, 111., 15 Dec. 1907; s. Samuel H. and Floy (Bonebrake) J.; LL.B., Univ. of 111., 1932; m. Lolita H. Woodward, 1 Nov. 1930. Admitted to 111. bar, 1932. En- gaged in practice of law since 1932; mem. law firm Nichols & Jones. State's atty. Douglas Co. since 1940. Am. Legion (Tuscola Post). Served in U.S. Army, World War II, Lt. JAGD. (entered ser- vice as private). Republican. Methodist. Mason. Home: 600 E. South Line. Office: Nichols & Jones, Tuscola, 111. LAPINE, Milton Joseph, newspaper writer; b. Cleveland, O., 28 July 1911; s. Louis and Fannie (Landis) L. ; grad. Glenville High Sch. ; student Western Re- serve Univ., 1926-29; m. Dorothy Field, 4 Mar. 1934; children — Charles Francis, Carolyn Sue. Started with Cleveland Press, 1929, finanical, copy desk work, and sports; mem. editorial bd. Cleveland Union Leader. Received Heywood Broun Memorial Award, Am. Newspaper Guild, 1942, for share in absenteeism adv. cam- paign. Member Cleveland Newspaper Guild (del. to 4 conventions), Am. News- paper Guild since 1933; served as It., sr. grade, United States Navy. Home: 965 Thornhill Dr. Address: Cleveland Press, Cleveland, O. LORISH, Fred McKibben, pres. Swan- Lorish, Inc., b. Blanchester, O.; ed. pub. schs., Wilmington, O.; m. Olene Genevra Wallis; children — Genevra, Fred McKib- ben. Active in real estate and building. One of the organizers of Swan, Lorish, Inc., real estate; pres. Nat. Bank of Woodlawn, 1922-32. Pres. Chicago Real Estate Bd., 1937; dir. Vierling Steel- works; pres. The Realty Club of Chica- go, 1946, Institute of Real Estate Man- agement; dir. Chicago Home for the Friendless. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Economic, South Shore Country, Union League. Home: 1344 E. 48th St., Chicago, and Palos Park, 111. JONES, James F., stationary engr.; b. Can., 8 Oct. 1896; s. William and Eliza- beth (Holmes) J.; student Lewis Inst. Tech. 2 yrs., Armour Inst, (night sch.) 4 yrs., Internat. Corr. Schs., Scranton, Pa., 4 yrs.; m. Alice Marguerite O'Brien, 15 July 1922; came to U.S., 1919, natural- ized, 1925. Asst. engr., Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 1919-22, engr., 1922- 24; engr., pub. schs. Chicago, 1!)24-:>1. Great Northern Hotel and Stop & Shop. Chicago, 1931-36; engr. -custodian (Civil Service employe), U.S. govt., Oak Park, (111.) Post Office, since Aug. 1936. Served with Canadian Expeditionary Forces, 1914-18, with Army of Occupation, 1919; corpl., dispatch rider for inf. unit. L918- 19. Personally decorated by King- George of Eng., 1917; received other mil. dec- orations from Canadian and English govts. Presbyterian. Mason. Presiding 979 officer 1944, sec, Chicago Council No. 1, University Craftsmen Council of Engrs., a fraternal orgn. of Masons connected with engring. profession, (also internat. chmn. ednl. com.). Asso. editor of Uni- versal Engr. Contbr. articles and verse to Masonic Chronicler. Home: 5832 W. Huron St., Chicago 44, 111. Office: U. S. Post Office, Oak Park, 111. BENN, Alonzo Newton, packer; born Washington, la., 25 Nov. 1866; s. John Robert and Nancy Ann B.; ed. public schs., Woodburn, la., 1871-81; m. Har- riett Waterbury Condee, 1910. Telegraph operator, C.B.&Q. R.R., Ottumwa, la., 1882-85; same, gen. offices, Burlington Route, and Western Union Telegraph Co., Omaha, 1886; stenographer, teleg- rapher, etc., Nebraska City Packing Co., 1887-89; asst. supt., Omaha Packing Co., A. Omaha, 1890-89; asst. supt., Omaha Packing Co., St. Joseph, Mo., 1893-95; gen. supt., Omaha Packing Co., Chica- go, 1896-98; mgr. Omaha Packing Co., S. Omaha, 1899-1901; gen. mgr. and dir., Omaha Packing Co., Chicago and S. Omaha, 1902; v.p. Omaha Packing Co., Chicago, 1903; asst. to v.p. Nat. Pack- ing Co., Chicago, 1904, asst. to pres., 1905-12; pres. Omaha Packing Co., 1913- 17; v.p. and gen. mgr. G. H. Hammond Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 1918- 32; retired to devote time to personal affairs, pub. speaking, writing, etc. For- merly mem. Bd. of Trade, Chicago As- sociation Commerce. Mem. 111. Soc. S. A.R. (pres.). Mason. (K.T., Shriner) Shore Country; Union League, Execu- tives' (Chicago). Discovered and put in- to use what has since become the gen- erally accepted method of receiving and copying telegrams on the typewriter, in- stead of the much slower and more la- borious handwriting method; devised an overhead trolley-truck which was im- mediately copied and soon came into general use; invented, 1915, and patent- ed a process for curing meats in stocki- nets; has invented and patented proces- ses and devices for smoking meats and sausage better and more economically. Writer of many short poems and verses. Home: 5000 East End Av., Chicago 15, 111. NELSON, Ole C, med. dir. Cook County Hosp.; b. Norway, 1 Jan. 1883; s. Lauritz and Sophie (Sorenson) N.; brought to U.S., 1883, naturalized by Act of Congress; M.D., Chicago Med. Sen., 1920; m. Myrtle Irene Kinsman, 28 July 1916; children — Jean Louise (Mrs. William Van Stone, William George. Engaged in practice as physi- cian since 1290; now med. dir. Cook Co. Hosp. Mem. rationing bd. No. 4037. Mem. Com. Health and Welfare Mayor's Commn. on Human Relations. Member Am. and 111. hosp. assns., Chicago and 111. med. socs. Democrat. Lutheran. Ma- son. Club: Executive (Chicago). Home: 147 Le Moyne Parkway, Oak Pak, 111. Office: 1835 Harrison St., Chicago, 111. LATHROP, Amy Lorene (Stiers), writ- er, housekeeper; b. la., 20 May 1878; d. Solomon Myers, music dealer, and El- len (Littlefield) M. ; ed. Ft. Dodge, la. schs.; A.B., Coe Coll. (Cedar Rapids, la.), 1899; m. W. C. Lathrop, M.D., of Marion, la., 21 June 1899; children- William Myers, (D.D.S.), Elizabeth Amy, Rosemary, John Henry, (student M.D.); m. 2d, Bruce Stiers of Lincoln, Neb., 5 Oct. 1939. Ret. claim adj., R.I. Lines; has operated apt. houses, Kas. and Calif., operated farm in Thomas Co., 10 yrs.; mem. O.E.S., A.A.U.W. (pres. N.W. branch, Kan., 2 yrs.), Wo- mens Press Assn, Nat. Fed. Press Wo- mens. Clubs: Norton Study, Kan. Fed. Womens Clubs (pres. 6th dist., 2 yrs., v. p. 2 yrs.). Author: History of Norton County; many poems and a contributor to Kan. Mag. Writes for local papers; has Norton Co. History ready for press. Travel: U.S. Desc. of pioneer settlers in Kan. and Mo. Interests: hist., travel. Recreations : gardening, writing prose and poetry. Episcopalian. Republican. Home: 602 N. 1st Av., Norton, Kansas. Summer res. : Evergreen, Colo. AUTRE Y, Myrtle Lee (Mrs.), post- master; b. Bowie, Tex., 16 Oct. 1891; d. Toney Lee Van Vacter, teacher and banker, and Annie Laura (Hulme) A.; ed. Elk City, Okla., high sen.; South- western State Teachers Coll.; m. Curtis T. Burnett, 11 Dec. 1909 (dec), m. 2d, Herbert Lee Autrey, 30 Aug. 1932 (dec). Buyer and credit mgr., large dry goods establishment, Western Okla., 12 yrs., mgr. and asst. mgr., Norman Bldg. and Loan Co., 11 yrs.; postmaster, Norman, Okla., Univ. City of Okla., apptd., 1 Oct. 1936. Regent, D.A.R., Eastern Star (p. pres.), White Shrine (p.p.). Clubs: Ge- ranium Garden (p.pres.), Sorosis (p. pres.), Old Regime, Business and Prof. Women (charter pres., 1928-29, State dir. 1930 and 1935, State pres. of Oklahoma Postmasters, 1940. Travel: U.S. (exten- sive), Can., Mex., Cuba. Desc. pioneers, 1898; one of 1st Territorial Co. Supts. of Sen., active in civic life of state. Inter- est: gardening (own lodge at Antonito, Colo., collect plants). Recreation: horse- back riding. Baptist. Democrat. Office: 980 207 E. Gray, Norman, Okla. Home: 129 E. Acers, Norman, Okla. BRONDOS, Stephen Edward, lawyer; b. Ava, Ohio, 26 Dec. 1906; s. John and Susie (Prock) B.; B.S. in Edn., Univ. of 111., 1929, LL.B., 1931; m. Margaret Palic, 9 Feb. 1936; children— Gregory Alan, Charles Edward. Admitted to 111. bar, 12 Apr. 1934; teacher commercial subjects, Luther Inst., Chicago, 1929-31; law practice with Prank E. Trobaugh, West Frankfort, 111., since 1931; master in chancery, city court, West Frankfort, 111., 27 Jan. 1940-Sept., 1945. Mem. West Frankfort Bar Assn., Franklin County Bar Assn., Asso. adv., Selective Service Bd., 1942-45; Club: Kiwanis, bd. dirs., 1946-47. Judge of the City Court of West Frankfort, 111., 1945-51; spl. gifts chmn. Franklin County, 1946 Infantile Paraly- sis march of dimes campaign. Chmn. City spl. gifts, 1945. Sigma Delta Kap- pa. Republican. Lutheran. Home: 909 E. Poplar St. Address: 204 E. Oak St., West Frankfort, 111. RAND, Charles Claflin, pub. employ- ment service specialist; b. Lombard, 111., 8 June 1892; s. Herbert Stone and Alice (Claflin) R.; B.S., Univ. of 111., 1913; m. Isabel Collom, 5 Mar. 1913; children — Alice Isabel (Mrs. Spencer O. Michaels), Robert Collom, Margaret. Asst. in ceremics, Univ. of 111., 1913-14, U.S. Bureau of Standards, 1914-16 and 1918-19; ceramic engr., Gen. Electric co., 1919-22; heating engr., Pacific Boil- er Co., 1922-32; employment office spe- cialist on employer relations, 1936-43; area dir. War Manpower Commn., Rock- ford, 111., 1943; senior manpower utili- zation consultant, 1944. Mem. Internat. Assn. Pub. Employment Services. Chief Employment Office Services, U.S.E.S., Dept. of Labor, Wis., 111., and Indiana, 1945-46. Home: 116 N. Prospect, Park Ridge, 111. Office: 222 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. GIACHINI, Peter D. lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 7 Nov. 1906; s. Settimo and Mary (Lapenda) G.; A.B., Univ. of 111., 1929; LL.B., Univ. of Ky., 1932; m. Ruth Siemer, 24 June 1933; children— Rober- ta, Gail. Admitted to 111. bar, 1933, and since engaged in the practice of law; mem. firm Giachini and Cerza; sec. An- drew Co., Chicago; vice pres. The Me- rit Co. P. pres. Austin high sch. Alumni Assn.; p. justice Chicago Alumni chap- ter; mem. Chicago Bar Assn., 111. Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Chicago Law Inst., Loyal Order of Moose, Phi Alpha Delta. Clubs: Alpine Gun (pres. Round Lake, 111.), Columbian Commercial (Chi- cago) (treas.). Home: 178 N. Euclid, Oak Park, 111. Office: 29 S. La Salle St., Chi- cago 3, 111. SMITH, George E., operating vice- pres., treas. Crosley Corp.; b. Phila., Pa., 5 May 1899; s. John Edward and Elizabeth S. (Fleming) S.; grad. North- east High Sch., Phila., 1917; student Univ. of Pa., 1919-22; m. Margaret Nor- ma Reynolds, 9 Aug. 1927; 1 son -G. Nie- lan. Controller Budd Wheel Co. and Edw. G. Budd Mfg. Co., Phila., Detroit, 1920-27; pres. Pointe Printing Co., De- troit, 1927-29; asst. v. p. of mfg. Nash- Kelvinator Corp., Detroit, 1929-37; sr. staff engr. Booz, Fry, Allen, Hamilton, management engrs., Chicago, 1937-39; gen. mgr. of operations United Wall Pa- per Factories, Chicago, 1939-40; oper- ating v.p. and treas. Crosley Corp., Cin- cinnati, 1940-45, v.p., sec. and treas., Crosley Distributing Co., WLW Pro- motions, Inc., 1940-45, G. and G. Manu- facturing Co. Spl. adv. to chief Signal Officer, Washington, D.C. since 1945; management cons, with George E. Smith & Assocs., Akron, O. Served as Dis- patch Rider with 108th F.A., U.S. Ar- my, with A.E.F., World War I. Mem. Sons of Veterans, Vets, of Foreign Wars, Am. Legion. Presbyterian. Contbr. ar- ticles on budgetary control, standard costs, shop management, wage incen- tives and management bonuses to jour- nals. Home: Blue Hill, Medina Road, Copley, O. Office: Crosley Corp., Cincin- nati, O. HESS, William Emil, congressman; b. Cincinnati, O., 13 Feb. 1898; s. Wil- liam Fredrick and Rose (Youngman) H. ; ed. Univ. of Cincinnati, and Cincin- nati Law Sch.; m. Stella Ostendorf, 8 June 1927. Admitted to Ohio bar, 1919, and practiced since at Cincinnati. Pvt. inf., U.S. Army, Ft. Sheridan, 111.; arty., O.T.C., Camp Taylor, Ky. Mem. at large City Council, Cincinnati, 1921-25; mem. 71st to 74th Congresses (1929-37), 2d O. Dist. ; reelected to 76th to 79th Congress- es (1939-47), 2d Ohio Dist. Mem. Am. Legion. Republican. Mason (32d deg., Shriner), Elk, Moose. Clubs: Peruvian, Western Hills Country. Home: 433 W. McMillan St., Cincinnati, O. PLOESER, Walter Christian, con- gressman; b. St. Louis, Mo., 7 Jan. 1907; s. Christian D. and Maud Eliza- beth (Parr) P.; attended City Coll. of Law and Finance, St. Louis, Mo.; m. Dorothy Annette Mohrig, 17 Aug. 1928; children— Ann, Sally. In insurance busi- 981 ness, St. Louis, since 1922; founded firm Ploeser, Watts & Co., 1933; pres. and dir. since 1933; organized subsidiary Ma- rine Underwriters Corp., 1935, chmn. bd. since 1935; 1938, pres., 1938-40; elected mem. Mo. Legislature, 1931-32; chmn. 5th Dist. committee on finance and bud- get. Republican. Nat. Program Com., 1937-39; mem. 77th, 78th and 79th Con- gresses (1941-47), 12th Mo. Dist.; mem. appropriations committee. Awarded De- molay Legion of Honor. Member Big Brothers Orgn., Inc., Am. Palestine Com., Ins. Bd. of St. Louis, St. Louis Chamber of Commerce. Republican. Mason (Algabil Lodge No. 544). Member Scottish Rite and Shrine; mem. Grand Council, Order De Molay, Jurisdiction Eastern Mo. Clubs: Lions Internat., Noonday (St. Louis); Army and Navy Country (Washington, D.C.); Home: Route 2, Hawthorne, Chesterfield, Mo.; and Alexandria, Va. EMERY, William Marshall, lawyer; b. Paola, Kan., 12 Dec. 1907; s. Clarence Newton and Maud (McLachlin) E.; A. B., Literary Coll., Univ. of Mich., 1929; J.D., Law Sch. Univ. of Mich., 1931; m. Margaret Catherine Henckel, 23 Sept. 1932; children— John Henckel, Henry Mc- Lacklin. In practice of law since 1931; asso. with Edward H. McDermott, 1934- 41; mem. firm McDermott, Will & Em- ery since 1941; on leave of absence: on duty with Chicago Ordnance Dist. Oct. 1943-Dec. 1944. Mem. Chicago Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma, Order of Coif. Clubs: University, Mid-Day, Economic (Chicago), Univer- sity of Michigan Union (Ann Arbor, Mich.). Occasional lecturer on federal tax topics. Home: 727 Linden Av., Wil- mette, 111. Office: 111 W. Monroe St., Chi- cago, 111. CHILES, Clarence William, adver- tising mgr. ; b. Murrayville, 111., 18 Aug. 1892; s. William Marion and Luella (Wade) C. ; college certificates of attain- ment at advt., salesmanship, applied psychology, aviation, 1913-41; m. Mae Tilton, 14 June 1915; 1 dau. — Marcella M. (Mrs. Harry Irwin) ; m. 2d, Florence Paget, 13 June 1940. Sales promotion and advertising since 1913; mgr. advt. dept. Central 111. Pub. Service Co., since 1922. Served as maj., 111. Reserve Militia Air Corps, 1941-44. Nat. Councillor State of Illinois, Nat. Aeronautic Assn., 1939-44; mem. 111. Aeronautics Commn., 1941-45, Pub. Utilities Advt. Assn. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32d deg., Knight Templar, Shriner). Clubs: Lions, Spring- field Engrs., Sangamo (Springfield, 111.). Home: 1600 Lowell Av. Office: 1313 Illi- nois Bldg., Springfield, 111. HARVEY, William S., Jr., publisher, home economics counselor; b. Chicago, 111., 4 Oct. 1894; s. Dr. Wm. Spencer and Alice (Plasch) H. ; ed. Univ. of Chicago High Sch. and Tome Inst. Port Deposit, Md. ; m. Lucy Levis, 5 Dec. 1919 (dec); children — Lucy Levis (Mrs. Eugene B. Sydnor, Jr.), Ann (Mrs. William Beck Morse). Employed by Butler Bros., Chi- cago, 1914; later became associated with Marshall Field & Co., wholesale; mer- chandise export buyer, Gargoyle Textile Corp., New York; traveling salesman, American Garment Co., Indianapolis, In- diana; research dept., Critchfield Adv. Agency; account exec, Porter, East- man & Byrne, Advertising Agency; pres. Behel & Harvey, Inc., Adv. Agency 1923- 32; pres. Harvey & Howe, Inc., Chicago Home Economic^Counselors and Publish- ers of What's New in Home Economics since 1933; partner Eleanor Howe and Wm. S. Harvey, Jr. Productions, visual ednl. films. Served with inspection div., Ordnance Dept., U.S. Army, 1917-18. Re- publican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn. (Chicago), Chicago, Glen- view Golf (111.), Westchester Country (Rye, N.Y.). Author: Household Hints (with Eleanor Howe), 1943. Home: 1025 Forest Av., Glencoe, 111. Office: 919 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. and 295 Mad- ison Av., New York, N.Y. BUSCH, Frank Valentine, pres. Lake Shore Oil Co.; b. Chicago, HI., 24 Mar. 1891; s. George Valentine and Anne (Grace) B.; ed. Lewis-Champlain Sch. and Englewood High Sch.; m. Ethel Madden, 24 Apr. 1916; children — John Franklin, Mary-Alice. Began as office boy with Marquette Portland Cement Co., 1909; with Woodlawn Trust & Sav- ings Bank, 1910-12; traveled in the west 1 yr. ; with McKey & Poague, 1914 ; or- ganizer, 1914; and partner Busch Bros., real estate, Chicago; organizer 1921, and pres. Lake Shore Oil Co., compounding motor oils, also wholesale and retail oils and gasoline; dir. Crystal Oil Refining Co. Republican. Christian Scientist. Clubs: South Shore Country, Jackson Park Yacht, Hinsdale Golf. Home: 420 E. 7th St., Hinsdale, 111. Office: 5331 W. 65th St., Chicago, 111. PATTERSON, Lawrence Thomas, corp. official; b. Covington, Ky., 11 May 1894; s. Lawrence Louis and Cynthia E. (Scott) P.; ed. Covington High Sch.; m. Helen Wintering, 25 Sept. 1931; 1 son- Lawrence Thomas. Began in auto busi- 982 ness, 1914; treas. and gen. mgr. Cincin- nati Oakland Motor Co., 1917-27; partner L. T. Patterson Co. since 1927; pres., Modern Distributing Co., Patwin Co., In- corporated, Mt. Washington Motors, Inc., since 1942. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: Queen City, Maketewah Country. Home: R. 1, Clough Pike, Newtown, O. Office: 1415 Walnut St. and 1010 Gilbert Av., Cincinnati, O. CAPPER, Arthur, U.S. senator; b. in Garnett, Kan., 14 July 1865; s. Herbert and Isabella (McGrew) C; grad. high sch., Garnett, 1884; m. Florence Craw- ford, 1892 (now dec). Began as com- positor, Topeka Daily Capital, 1884; suc- cessively reporter, city editor, Washing- ton corr. of the Topeka Daily Capital, pub. and proprietor since 1892; also pub. and proprietor Capper's Weekly, Kansas Farmer and Mail and Breeze, Household Mag., Capper's Farmer, Missouri Rural- ist, Ohio Farmer, Pa. Farmer, Mich. Farmer, Topeka Daily Capital, Kansas City, Kan. Candidate for Rep. nom. for gov. of Kan., 1911; elected gov. of Kan., terms 1915-19; U.S. senator since 1919. Mem. senate corns., Foreign Rela- tions, Agriculture, Finance, Immigra- tion, District of Columbia; mem. Nat. Bd. Am. Red Cross, 4-H Clubs; mem. Nat. Council Boy Scouts of Am. Pres. of Kan. State Good Roads Assn. Mason, Odd Fellow, Elk, Workman, Modern Woodman. Clubs: Topeka, Country; Press (Washington, D.C.). Home: Tope- ka, Kan. MALEK, Leona A. (Jean Prescott Ad- ams), Ps.D., Ph.D., Ms.D.; lecturer, writ- er, teacher; b. Chicago, 26 Mar. 1878; d. Albert and Mary Ann (Parsons) Alford; ed. Chicago pub. schs. and Chicago Nor- mal Sch.; spl. subjects at Lewis Inst, and Grace Hickox Studios; much pvt. work; m. Franz Krag, 1902; 1 dau.— Lau- rine Marion; m. 2d, A. W. Malek, 1 Mar. 1925. Organizer and dir. dept. of food economics, Armour & Co., 1914-20; free lance lecturer and writer, 1920-25; home economics specialist and writer, under- name of Prudence Penny, for Chicago Herald and Examiner, 1925-39; present- ed daily homemaker's radio programs for 13 yrs., 1926-39; owner Jean Prescott Adams, Inc., pub. relations and food ad- vertisers' service. Formerly official lec- turer on home economics, Nat. Assn. Re- tail Grocers and Nat. Canners Assn. Mem 111. Home Economics Assn., Chi- cago and Cook County Fedn. of Wo- men's Orgns., League of Am. Pen Wo- men, Women's Advt. Club of Chicago, (founder and former dir.), D.R. (past vice regent and chaplain), Chicago Chapter D.A.R. (organizer and presiding chmn. Abigail Adams evening group). Republican. Presbyterian. Mem. Equal- ity Chapter, O.E.S. Clubs: 111. Women's Athletic (founder and past pres.), 111. Women's Press Assn. (pres. 1929-36), Cameo Salon. Author: Meatless Meals. Home: 630 S. Gunderson, Oak Park, 111.; Summer res.: Hayward, Wis. KUENZLI, Irvin R., nat. sec.-treas, Am. Fed. of Teachers; b. Nevada, O., 11 Mar. 1897; s. Edward Stanton and Susan Victoria (Neate) K. ; A.B.. Witten- burg Coll., Springfield, O., 1921, A.M., 1923; m. Esther B. Wilcox, 20 May 1918; children — Alfred Eugene, David Edward. Began as classroom teacher, debate coach, prin. and supt. in several public sch. systems in Ohio, 1919-36; pres. of schoolmasters club, Springfield, O., and Wittenburg Coll., 1927-29; state chmn. of county reps., O. Classical Conf., 1930-34; pres. Springfield, O., Teachers Assn., 1933-34; pres. Springfield, O., A.F.T. lo- cal 296, 1934-36; v.p. Am. Fed. Teachers, 1936-37; mem. Internat. Com. Public Sch. Edn., Paris Expn., 1937; frat. del. Nat. Union of Teachers of England, Margate, Eng., in 1938; mem. Permanent Edn. Com. of A.F.L., 1937-46; mem. advisory com. Worker's Education Bur. of Am., 1939-46; sec.-treas., Am. Fed. of Teach- ers, since 1936. Served in U.S. Army Sig- nal Sch., Aug.-Dec, 1918. Mem. Com- mission on children in wartime, Chil- dren's Bur. of U.S. Dept. of Labor, 1944- 46; sec. of A.F. of T. Commn. on Ednl. Reconstruction, 1944-46. Mem. Nat. Edn. Assn., Am. Fed. of Teachers, Kappa Phi Kappa. Democrat. Lutheran. Contbr. of articles and mem. editorial bd., Am. Teachers Mag., also written large part of edn. program of Am. Fed. of Labor, during past 5 yrs. Home: 964 Pythian Av., Springfield, O. Address: 506 S. Wa- bash Av., Chicago, 111. STIMSON, Horace Pottie, physician, surgeon; b. Bridgeport, Conn., 3 Dec. 1897; s. Cyrus Flint and Ermina (Pottle) S. ; B.A., cum laude, Amherst College, 1918; M.D., Harvard, 1922; m. Aldyth Staton Wilson, 2 June 1934. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1922; resident physician Boston Sanitarium, Mattapan, Mass., 1922-23; surg. intern Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston, 1923-24, asst. resident surgeon, 1924; physician Fogg Museum (Harvard) archeol. expdn,, Chi- na, 1924-25; attending surg. staff Chicago Memorial Hosp., St. Joseph's Hosp.; or- thopedic consultant U.S. Marine Hosp (U.S.P.H.S.); consultant orthopedic sin 983 gery United Air Lines Transport Corp. Comdr., medical corps, U.S.N.R., on ac- tive duty 1942-46; promoted capt, 1945; released to inactive duty, 9 Feb. 1946. Fellow Am. Coll. of Surgeons; Mem. A. M.A., 111., Boylston Med. Chicago med. socs., Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Rho Sigma, Theta Delta Chi, Alpha Omega Alpha. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Chica- go Dearborn, Harvard (Chicago) ; Aescu- lapian (Boston). Contbr. professional ar- ticles to various med. and surg. jours. Office: 6 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. OLESON, Wrisley Bartlett, pres. Allen B. Wrisley Co.; b. Lombard, HI., 1 Dec. 1896; s. Dr. Richard B. and Clara Elisa- beth (Wrisley) O.; Ph.B., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1918; student Columbia Univ.; m. Harriet Sloan Curry, 29 Sept. 1902; 1 son — Dunlap Wrisley. Pres. of Allen B. Wrisley Co., Chicago, 111., since 1926; partner Karl Mayer & Co. ; v.p., Chateau du Park, Inc.; pres. Univ. of Chicago Alumni Assn.; dir. Employer's Assn. of Chicago; chmn. finance com., Glen El- lyn Sch. Bd. Clubs: City, Union League, Glen Oak Country. Home: 260 Montclair Av., Glen Ellyn, 111. Office: 6801 W. 65th St., Chicago, 111. PELNAR, Laddie T., lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 19 June 1902; s. George and Anna (Sladek) P.; student Univ. of 111., 1922, Wheaton Coll., 1923; LL.B., Chica- go Law Sch., 1924-28; m. Ella Bozovsky, 12 Apr. 1935. Admitted to 111. State bar, 1928, and practiced, Chicago, 1928-41; personnel dir. and supervisor in charge of management, dept. of revenue, Chi- cago area, State of 111., since 1941; asst. dir. revenue of State of 111., since 1 July 1945. Rep. candidate for elk., Cook Co. Superior Ct., 1944. Vice chmn. 4 war bond drives for all 111. State Depts. in Cook County area. Mem. 111. State Bar Assn., Chicago Bar Assn., Am. Judica- ture Soc, Phi Alpha Delta. Republican. Elk, Moose. Home: 7000 W. 26th Park- way, Berwyn, 111. Office : 105 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. ZIEMER, Gregor, educator, author; b. Columbia, Mich., 24 May 1899; s. Rev. Robert and Adell Von Rohr (Grabau) Z. ; B.A., Univ. of 111.; M.A., Univ. of Minn.; Ph.D., Univ. of Berlin; m. Edna E. Wil- son, 29 May 1926; 1 dau.— -Patsy. Mem. staff Park Region Junior Coll., head of journalism dept.; supervisor of schs., Philippine Islands, 1926-28; founder, Am. Colony Sch., Berlin, 1928; Berlin corr., New York Herald, London Daily Mail, Chicago Tribune; lecturer, radio news- caster (WLW, Cincinnati) in U.S., since Berlin Sch. closed by war. Served over- seas World War II with Office War In- formation, Supreme Hdqtrs, 4th Armored Combat Command B.; the only civilian with rank of major attached to the 4th armored command B. Received Presi- dential citation; special citation of mer- it, 1945-46. Mem. Am. Legion, Overseas Press Club, Arna (Assn. Radio News Analysts), Cuvier Press Club, Tau Kappa Alpha, Kappa Delta Pi, Beta Sigma Psi. Author : (with dau. Patsy) Two Thousand and Ten Days of Hitler; Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi, 1941; (motion pictures) Hitler's Children; Ed- ucation for Death; Should Hitler's Chil- dren Live, 1945. Contbr. to mags. Lec- ture tour from coast to coast, 1945. Ad- dress : 470 W. 24th St., New York, N.Y. QUINN, Governor Vernon, educator; b. Eupora, Webster Co., Miss., 29 Sept. 1898; s. Sparten Bluford and Annie (Tay- lor) Q.; B.A., Roger Williams Coll., 1921; B.S., Univ. of Detroit (Mich.), 1922; A. M., Univ. of Chicago, 1942; student Chi- cago Normal Coll., summers 1926-28, 30, 31; student Wayne Univ., Detroit, 1938- 39; m. Alice M. Baxter, 24 Aug. 1924; children — B. Vernon, Jr., Lawrence Blu- ford, Gloria Marie. Prin. and instr. Her- rin Twp. High Sch. Br., Colp, 111., 1921- 29; instr. sci. Lincoln Jr.-Sr. High Sch., East St. Louis, 1929-35, prin. since 1937; prin. elementary schs., 1935-37. Exec. v. p. East St. Louis Social Agencies; mem. East St. Louis Draft Bd. No. L. Awarded Cong. Medal of Hon., 29 Jan. 1946. Mem. orgn. com. Boy Scouts of Am.; mem. St. Clair war finance exec. com. since 1941; mem. E. St. Louis Community Chest exec. com. since 1938. Mem. Nat. and 111. Edn. Assns., North Central As- sociation Secondary Schs., Colls, and Univs., Nat. and 111. Secondary Prins. Assn., So. 111. High Sch. Athletic Assn. (pres. 1926-30) Mason. Alpha Phi Alpha. Republican. Baptist. Home: 1431 Kansas Av. Office: Lincoln Jr.-Sr. High School, East St. Louis, 111. ANTHONY, Abel Cornelius, physician and surgeon; b. Ithaca, British Guiana, S. Am., 19 June 1900; s. Cornelius and Beatrice (Ceasar) A.; B.S., Univ. of 111., 1930, M.D., 1931. Physician and surgeon in Chicago since 1931; on surgical staff Provident Hosp., Chicago. Med. exam- iner, local bd. No. 4, Selective Service. Received triple awards for wartime ser- vices with the Selective Service system. The awards consisted of a Congressional Medal of Honor for meritorius service, a lapel button and a service ribbon. The honors expressed the nation's apprecia- 984 tion of his medical efficiency, faith- fulness, and the most commendable rec- ord; certificate of merit from the Con- gress of the U.S.A., Apr., 1946. Member Cook Co. Med. Assn., Nat. Assn. of Au- thors and Journalists, Eugene Field So- ciety, Internat. Mark Twain Soc. Con- gregationalism Author: Industrial Myo- sitis Fibrosa. Occupational Schizophre- mia, Positive Non-Luetic Wassermann and Kahn Tests, 1941; Victims of Cir- cumstances, 1945-46. Home: 4736 Evans Av. Office: 4254 Indiana Av., Chicago, 111. MORGAN, Charles Leonard, architect; b. Mt. Vernon, 111., 13 Oct. 1890; s. Mc- Kendrie Walker and Matilda (Seibert) M.; B.Arch., Univ. of 111., 1914; m. Beth Knowlton, 1915 (died 1939) ; 1 dau.— Bet- ty-Kay. Engaged in practice of architec- ture since 1914; mem. firm Davidson, Lockwood & Morgan, 1914-15; practiced architectural design and rendering under own name since 1914; asso. Frank Lloyd Wright since 1929; specialized in devel- opment of modern architecture; asso. architect for Powhatan Bldg., Chicago; asso. with Alex Caparo for Italian Bldg. at Century of Progress, Chicago; asso. architect for Teatro Colombiano, Bogo- ta, and other semi-govtl. bldgs. in Bogota, Barranquilla, Medellin, Cucu- ta, Colombia and Quito, Ecuador; asso. prof, architecture, Kan. State Coll., Man- hattan, Kan., 1934-37; asso. prof, aero- nautics, Kan. Univ., Lawrence, Kansas, 1943; archt. of many ultra modern bldgs. for Rio de Janeiro. Decorated Cavalier of Crown of Italy, 1934. Life mem. Chi- cago Art Inst.; mem. Am. Inst. Archi- tects, Chicago Soc. Etchers, Builders Club, HI. soc. of Architects. Architectu- ral Sketch Studio, Mason, Acacia. Bahai faith. Home : Lawson Y, Chicago. Office : 64 W. Randolph, Chicago 1, 111. GREENE, William Bertram, president of Barber-Greene Co.; b. Lisle, 111., 4 Sept. 1886; s. Wm. Spencer and Jessie (Hibbard) G.; B.S. in M.E., Univ. of 111., 1908; m. Eva Jane Smith, 27 Dec. 1910; children — Maxson Hibbard, (dec), Sar- ah (Mrs. Benton D. Mathews), William Alexander, Anthony Storm. Co-founder Barber-Greene Co., 1916; v. p. and treas. 1917-45; vice pres. Highway Industries Assn.; dir. 111. State C. of C, Phi Gamma Delta. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Union League, Chicago & Aurora, Ki- wanis, Aurora Country. Home: 1300 Gar- field Av. Office: 633 W. Park Av., Au- rora, 111. HINSON, Marcus William, indsl. expo- sition mgr.; b. Marshall, Okla., 7 Feb. 1900; s. Jasper LaFayette and Dana (Wunsche) H. ; student Okla. A. and M. Coll., 1918-23; Northwestern Univ., 1940- 43; Grad. Nat. Inst. Comml. and Trade Organ. Execs., Northwestern Univ.; m. Maude Rinehart, 11 Mar. ^922. Lec- turer, Redpath Chautauqua System 1922, 24; E.E., Western Electric Com- pany, 1923; research and equipment de- velopment, Redpath Chautauqua Sys- tem, Chicago, 1924; radio engr., R. T. Davis Inc., 1925-26; radio service engr. consultant, 1926-31; organizer and exec, v.p., Inst, of Radio Service Men., 1930- 36; mgr., Radio Expositions, 1931-36; ad- vertising mgr., Dairy Produce, 1936-40; mgr. Nat. Chem. Expositions, for Chi- cago section of Am. Chem. Soc, since 1940. Pvt. U.S. Army, 1918. Organized indsl. fat recovery program for W.P.B., 1943; mgr. Internat. Farm Expn. and Products of Tomorrow Expn.; sec. Am. Radio Assn. Mem. Trade Assn. Execu- tives Forum of Chicago, Sigma Phi Ep- silon. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. Club: Physics (Chicago). Home: 4912 Wallbank, Downers Grove, 111. Office: 1513 S. Wabash Av., Chicago, 111. POTTS, John Beekman, physician; b. Morrisonville, 111., 14 July 1876; s. Thom- as Franklin Potts, of Standard breed horses, and Elizabeth Conover (Stryker) P.; ed. Morrisonville (111.) high school M.D., Univ. Neb., 1907; m. Goldie Claire Godden of Richmond, Va., 28 June 1913 asst. to Dr. Harold Gifford, 1907-10; part ner, Gifford, Patten, Calif as & Potts 1910-35; asst. prof., asso. prof, otolaryn gology and bronchoscopy, Univ. of Neb Med. Coll., 1910-35; emeritus, since 1935 mem. staff, Bishop, Clarkson and Meth odist Hosps., 1910-35; attended as del XVII Internat. Meeting of Oto-Laryngol ogy, Copenhagen, Den., 1928; capt., M C, Base Hosp. No. 49, Fr., 1917-19; mem Douglas County, Neb. State, and Am Med. Assns., Acad, of Ophtholomology and Otolaryngology, Am. Otological So- ciety, Am. Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Soc. Inc.; Am. Laryngo- logical Assn., Alpha Omega Alpha, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Rho Sigma. Club: Omaha Country. Author: many papers on dis- eases of ear, nose and throat. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: hist, of med., med. books, etchings. Recreation: golf. Pres- byterian. Independent. Home: 3817 Dew- ey Av., Omaha, Neb. Winter res.: Mi- ami, Fla. GILLENTINE, Flora Myers, profes- ers; b. Pikeville, Tenn., d. John C. My- ers, lawyer, and Sue (Hill) M. ; ed. Pike- ville (Tenn.) High Sch.; B.S., George 985 Peabody Coll., 1919, Ph.D., 1930; M.A., Columbia Univ., 1926; m. Logan S. Gil- lentine, Tenn.; d. 1928. Chmn of the Div. of Education and Phych. in Hender- son State Teachers Coll. (Ark.); mem. Tenn. Textbook Com., 1925-30; member D.A.R. (p. state regent, v.p. gen., his- torian gen.), Women's Democratic Org. (Tenn., p. pres.), Democratic Exec. Com. (v.p.) ; served Red Cross bandage rooms, dir. school cH. in making tongue depressors, 1917; mem. Pi Gamma Mu, Kappa Delta Pi, Delta Kappa Gamma, Am. Assn. of Univ. Women, N.E.A., nat. v.p. Delta Kappa Gamma, Southern As- sociation Philos. and Psychology. Clubs: Garden, Tenn. Fed. Women's (p. state pres.), Southeastern Council of Gen. Fed. Women's (p. pres.). Author: A Con- trolled Experiment in Fifth Grade Read- ing. Travel: Eng., It, Switz., Ger., Hol- land, Belg., Fr., China, Japan, Hawaii, Cuba, Mex. Can. Interests: fishing col- lecting old glass, grand opera. Recrea- tions: bridge, travel. Democrat. Office: Henderson State Teachers Coll., Arka- delphia, Ark. Home: 1034 Main St., Ark- adelphia, Ark. Summer res.: 918 Doug- lass Av., Nashville, Tenn. ANAGNOST, Themis John, lawyer; b. Ahouria, Tegeas, Greece, 15 June 1913; s. John and Mary (Psyhogios) A.; grad. grammar and high schs., Greece; came to U.S., 1931, naturalized, 1940; Associate in Arts, Univ. of Chicago, 1935, A.B., 1937; LL.M., John Marshall Law Sch., Chicago, 1942 ; student Chicago-Kent Col- lege of Law and Northwestern Univ., 1939-41; m. Catherine Cook, 15 Aug, 1942; children— Maria Athena, Themis John, Jr. Engaged in practice of law since 1941. Teacher Berlitz School of Langs, since 1937. Dir. Greek War Relief Assn., Chicago, 111. Mem. Chicago, 111. State, and Am. bar assns., Nat. Lawyers Guild. Mem., dir., past treas. Internat. House Alumni Assn., Chicago. Republican. Mem. Orthodox Greek Ch. Club: Hellen- ic Club of Professional Men (Chicago. Home: 2345 N. Oak Park Av. Office: 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. RICHARDSON, Wiiloughby Park, phy- sician, specialist in neuropsychiatry; b. Salem, Ore., 1 Feb. 1896; s. John and Sarah (Palmer) R.; A.B., Stanford Univ., 1917, M.D., 1921; m. Elizabeth Strow- bridge, 21 Dec. 1925; children— Sherr ill, Park W., Toby Strowbridge. Interne in Stanford Service, Napa State Hosp., Cal- ifornia and Good Samaritan hosps., Port- land, Ore., 1920-21; chief resident, Good Samaritan Hosp., Portland, Ore., 1921- 31; private practice including neuropsy- chiatry, Portland, Ore., 1922-31, in New York, 1931-42; med. dir. City College of New York, 1931-38, asso. prof. ; asso. with dept. psychiatry and dermatology, Van- derbilt Clinic, New York, 1931-34, and 1937-42; New York State Psychiatric Inst, and Hosp., 1938-39; Bellevue Psy- chiatric Hosp., New York, 1939-41; Vet- erans Adminstrn., Hines, 111., 1941; neu- ropsychiatrist in Lyons, N.J., 1941-42. Served in Enlisted Reserve Corps, U.S. Army, 1918; joined U.S. Army as major, Med. Corps, 1942; It. col. and chief of neuropsychiatry, U.S. Army, Gardiner Gen. Hosp., Chicago, since 1943. Mem. A.M.A., New York County Med. Soc, New York State Med. Soc, Am. Assn. Mil. Surgeons, Am. Psychiatric Assn., Stanford Med. Alumni, Am. Legion, Al- pha Sigma Phi, Alpha Kappa Kappa. Baptist. Mason. Club: Lake Shore (Chi- cago). Concert singer, pipe organist and lecturer. Home: 4 Park Av., New York, N.Y. Address: Cardiner General Hos- pital, Chicago, 111. MULLINS, Thomas Clinton, pres. of Northern 111. Coal Corp. ; b. Fayetteville, Ark., 27 Feb. 1885; s. William Madison and Sophia (Freyschlag) M.; B.C.E., U. of Ark., 1906; m. Ruth Wilson, 20 July 1918. Mem. bd. supervisory engrs. City of Chicago, 1907; with C. A. Chapman Co., cons, engrs., Chicago, 1907-13; with Sunlight Coal Co. since 1913, and North- ern 111. Coal Corp. since 1929, now pres.; pres. Tecumseh Coal Co. Served as capt. 34th Eng., U.S. Army, during World War. Mayor Booneville, Ind., 1922-1926. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E., West. Soc. Engrs., Am. Legion. Mason. Clubs: South Shore Country, Union League, University, Eco- nomic, Chikaming, Clossmoor Country. Home: 6735 Constance Av. Office: 310 S. Michigan Av. Chicago, 111. MILLER, Dalton Giles, civil engineer; b. Guthrie Center, Iowa, 7 May 1880; s. Giles C. Miller, county supt. of schs., and Lucia A. (Stutsman) M. ; ed. Guth- rie Center high sch.; B. S., in C. E., Univ. of Iowa, 1905; C.E., (hon.) 1924; m. Cecelia J. Grandrath of Iowa City, la., 1907; children— Dalton Giles, Jr., Cecelia Josephine, Frederick Hanes and Curtis Stutsman. With U. S. Gov. since 1906 from scientific asst., to materials engr.; since 1 July 1921, in charge of lab. at Univ. Farm of the Univ. of Minn., maintained by Pub. Roads Ad- ministrn., Federal Works Agency, Univ. of Minn., and the Minn. Dept. of Con- servation; mem. Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, Am. Soc, of Agricultural Engrs., Am. Concrete Inst., Minn. Acad. 986 of Sci., A.P.&A.M. Author: of many published articles dealing with tile drainage, particularly as related to problems of soil alkalies; The Drainage of Irrigated Shale Land (with L. T. Jessup) ; Experimental and Mathemat- ical Analyses of Drain Tile Testing, etc., (with Joseph A. Wise) ; Laboratory and Field Tests of Concrete Exposed to the Action of Sulphate Waters, (with Philip W. Manson) ; A Flow Method for the Determination of the Effects of Soluble Chemicals on Concrete, (with Chas F. Rogers and Philip W. Manson; Tests of 106 Commercial Cements for Sulphate Resistance, (with Philip W. Manson). Interests: gardening. Recreations: hunt- ing and fishing. Protestant. Office: Divi- sion of Agricultural Engineering, Uni- versity Farm, St. Paul 1, Minn. Home: 1990 Como Ave., St. Paul 8, Minn. THOMPSON, Willard Owen, physi- cian; b. Fredericton, N.B., Can., 17 Feb. 1899, naturalized, 1937; s. S. S. and Mary (Owen) T.; ed. Fredericton high sch.; Bloomfield high sch., Hali- fax; B.A., Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, N.S., 1919; M.D., Harvard Univ.. 1923; m. K. Christianson of Halifax. N.S., June 1923; children— Willard Owen Jr., Frederic C, Nancy Kirsten, Donald McRae. Interne, Boston City Hosp., 1923-25; research fellow in medicine, Harvard Med. Sch., 1925-28, Henry P. Walcott Fellow, 1928-29, Nat. Research Council, 1926-28; in charge metabolism lab., Mass. Gen Hosp., 1926-29; asst. in chem., Harvard Univ., 1927; asso. at- tending phys., Presbyn. Hosp., Chicago, 1930—; research asso. pathology, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1934-40; asst. clin. prof, medicine, Rush Med. Coll. of Univ. Chicago, 1929-35, asso. clin. prof, mcd., 1935-41; asso. prof. Med., Univ. of Illi- nois Coll. of Medicine, 1941-43, prof, of medicine, Univ. of Illinois Coll. of medi- cine, 1943 — ; cert, as specialist in In- ternal Med. by. Am. Bd. Internal Med., 1937; Fellow A.C.P. Director Region No. 14 (Indiana. Illinois. Wisconsin) War- Time Graduate Medical Meetings (aus- pices AMA., A.C.S. & A.C.P.). For this, on 26 April 1945 presented with citation for distinguished service by the 6th Serv- ice Command, U.S. Army; mem. 111. State Med. Soc. (Secretary, 1939-40; chmn. 1940-41; chmn. Section on Med.), Chicago Med. Soc. (sec.-treas., 1937-1941, pres., 1941-42, North Side Branch, coun- cilor, 1942—), Assn. for Study of Internal Secretions, vice pres., 1944, mem. coun- cil, 1938-41, Publications Bd., & Comm., 1941—, Editorial Bd. J. Clin. Endoc, 1944—), Assn. Am, Phys., Am. Soc. Clin. Investigation, Cent. Soc. Clin. Res., A.M. A., Vice-chairman Sect, on Medi- cine, 1941—; re A.C.P. Director Post- Graduate Course under auspices A.C.P., 11-16 Oct. 1943 and 23 Oct.-4 Nov. 1944. Chairman for Illinois, Assoc'd Diplo- mates Nat., Board of Medical Ex- aminers, 1941—; Amer. Soc. for Re- search in Psychosonatic Problems, A. A.A.S., Am. Assn. for Study of Goiter (Councilor 1935-36; chairman mem. comm., 1941 — ), Am. Assn. Hist. Med., Soc. for Exptl. Biol, and Med., Am. Diabetes Assn., Miss. Valley Med. Soc. Board of Directors, 1943 — , Inst. Med. Chicago, Chicago Soc. Internal Med., Soc. Med. Hist Chicago, Soc. of the Sig- ma Xi, Pi Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Uni- versity (Chicago), Harvard Director, 1940-43; Vice Pres., 1944—. Author: nu- merous sci. arts., particularly in field of endocrinology and contributions to textbooks of medicine. Presbyterian. Of- fice: 700 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1430 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. VANDERPOOL, James Grote, head of the department of art; b. N.Y., 21 July 1903; s. Jeremiah Franklyn and Lucy (Grote) V.; B.A., M.I.T., 1927; Research Am. Acad., Rome, It., 1928; Atellier Gio- mort, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, Fr., 1928-29; M.F.A., Harvard Univ., 1939; m. Margaret I. Lyons of Boston, Mass., 1932; children — Margaret Mary, Van Buren Lyons. Asso., 1927, Blackall & Elwell, Boston, Mass., 1929-30, Archi- tectural Practice, Boston, Mass., 1930- 31; mem. faculty, Rensselaer Poly. Inst., Troy, N.Y., 1931-32, asso. in history of architecture, 1932-34; asst. prof., Univ. 111., 1934-36, asso. prof., 1936-38, prof, art and architecture, 1938-39, prof, in history of art, head Art Dept., since 1939; mem. bd. gov., Univ. Club; sec, vice pres., pres., Midwestern Coll. Art Conf.; mem. advisory bd,. Radio Sta. WILL; mem. State Com. on Art Week; chmn. McLellan Travelling Fellowship Trust, mem. Bates Travelling Fellow- ship trust, Loredo Taft Lecture Trust, Kinley Travelling Fellowship Trust, commn. on recognition, State Dept. of 111. Instruction, mem. Phi Beta Kappa (mem. exec, bd.), Am. Hist. Assn., Coll. Art Assn., Mid West Coll. Art Conf., Alpha Rho Chi, U.L.A.S., Frieze and Cornice, Gargoyle, University Club, (Miff Dwellers (Chicago), Champaign Country Club. Author: Comparison of Byzantine Planning in Greece and Constantinople; Significance of Byzantine Mosaics in Saint Sophia; Notes on Kentucky Archi- tecture; An Important Francois Clouel 987 Portrait in the Trees Collection; Aca- demic Consideration Affecting- the In- terior Design Profession; Catalogues of Text for numerous art exhibitions of old masters, contemporary painting and pri- vate art collections. Travel: U.S., Eur., Orient. Interests: art collecting. Recre- ations: sailing. Baptist. Office: Uni- versity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Home: 307 W. Indiana Av., Urbana, 111. Summer res.: Falcon Point, Prides Cross- ing, Mass. LOFGREN, Oscar Austin, teacher, ex- ecutive; b. Walsborg, Kan., 14 Nov. 1876; s. Chas. A. Lofgren, farmer, and Alida (Sellberg) L. ; ed. Bethany Acad.; B. Mus., Bethany Coll., 1902; Chicago Musical Coll., summer 1903; musical study abroad, 1907-08; m. Julia Parsons of Wamego, Kan., 1907; 1 dau. — Jessie Loraine. Teacher, Bethany Coll., Linds- borg, Kan., 1902—, dean, Coll. Fine Arts, 1920-21; sec, asso. dir. Bethany Oratorio Soc; dir. Kan. Composers Com- petition 1922; mem. Lindsborg Co. of Kan. Home Guards, 1918; mem. Kan. Mus. Teachers Assn. (Pres. 1922, 35,) A.F. & A.M. Composer: songs, piano pieces. Travel: Am., abroad. Interests: art, literature. Recreations: golf, swim- ming, movies. Lutheran. Independent. Office: Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kan. McLEAN, Cecil John, gen. hydraulic engr. ; b. Vernon, Mich., 13 Sept. 1897; s. John Thomas and Rosa Ann (Law- cock) McL.; B.S., Mich. Agrl. Coll., 1920; M.S., Univ of Mich., 1924; C.E., Mich. State Coll., 1932; m. Edna N. Ceas, 5 Nov. 1925; children— John Ed- ward, Donald Ceas, James Frederick, Rosalee, Robert Cecil. Field engr. Mich. State Highway Dept., 1918-20, resident field engr., 1920-24; hydraulic engr. 111. Northern Utilities Co., 1925-43; asst. to vice pres. 111. Northern Utilities Co. 1943- 46; gen. hydraulic engr., Public Service Co. of Northern 111. since 1946. Served in U.S. Army, 1918; was in officers' training camp (unassigned) at close of war. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E., 111. Soc. Engrs., Nat. Soc. of Professional Engrs., Sigma Xi. Republican. Baptist. Mason. Home: 1583 Asbury Av., Evanston, 111. Office: 72 W. Adams St., Chicago 3, HI. NEIMAN, Irwin Samuel, research worker medical bacteriology; b. Toron- to, Ont., Can., 10 Apr. 1911; s. Louis and Ida (Zalutsky) N. ; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1933, Ph.D., 1936; M.D., Ruch Med. Sch., 1938; m. Lucille Shapiro, 3 Nov. 1934; children— Paul Eric, Louis Edward, Robert Earl. Fellow, later asst. in dept. bacteriology (spl. study virulent tubercle bacillus), Univ. of Chicago, 1933-36; interne Michael Reese Hospital, 1938; asst. dir. Tice Clinic and Labora- tory (established by Chicago Tuberculo- sis Sanitarium to study efficacy BCG vaccine to prevent human tuberculosis) 1939-41, acting dir. since 1944; asso. prof, bacteriology and pub. health, Chicago Med. Sch. since 1942. Mem. Soc. Am. Bact., A.A.A.S., Am. Pub. Health Assn., Am. Trudeau Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Sigma Xi. Jewish religion. Contbr. pa- pers on tuberculosis to med jours. Home: 595 Greenwood Av., Glencoe, 111. Office: 710 S. Wolcott Av., Chicago, 111. SIEBEL, August F. W., lawyer; b. Isle of Rugen, Baltic Sea, 3 Mar. 1877; s. Fred and Carolina (Puttbrese) S.; prep, edn., high sch., Woodstock, 111.; LL.B., Lake Forest Univ., 1903; m. Anna Mi- chaelis, 19 June 1916; children — Cather- ine B. (died 1920), Patricia, Arthur F. Admitted to 111. bar, 1903, and since prac- ticed at Chicago. Mem. 111. Nat. Guard since 1896; served as pvt. Co. G, 3d 111. Vol. Inf., in West Indies, Spanish-Am. War; capt. 2d Inf., on Mexican border; Capt. Co. C, 132d Inf., World War; serv. as mem. 1st Gen. Court Martial 33d Div., 1917-18; retired from Army with rank of major. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns.. Chicago Law Inst., United Spanish War Vets, (past judge advocate gen. and past dept. com- dr.), Am. Legion, Vets. Fgn. Wars; pres. Chicago United Singers; sec. Wilmette Home Owners Assn. Republican. Presby- terian. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs; Sojourners, German (pres. 1924-27), Ger- mania (pres. 1939, 40, 41, 42), Medinah Country. Home: 100 Garrison Av., Wil- mette, 111. Office: One La Salle St. Bldg., Chicago, 111. MILLS, Lawrence C, lawyer; b. Om- aha, Neb., s. Hiram and Sarah (Crowell) M.; LL.B., John Marshall Law School, Chicago, 1926; LL.M., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1927; m. Roberta West; 1 dau.— Joanne Alice. Admitted to bar, Fla., 1926, 111., 1926; engeged in practice of law since 1926; with firm of Dempsey, Mills, Casey and Bostelman, 1941-45, now Dempsey, Mills and Casey. Served with Field Artillery, U.S. army, 1917-19. Gov. Appeal Agent and Coordinator Gov. Ap- peal Agents Cook Co. 111. Selective Ser- vice, World War II. Pres. bd. dir. Ed- ward T. Lee Foundation. Mem. Am., 111. and Chicago (treas.) Bar Assns. Repub- lican. Episcopalian. Club : Riverside Golf. Home: 147 Aikenside Rd., River- side, 111. Office: 29 S. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. 988 COLE, Addison Lewis, minister Chris- tian Church; b. 24 Oct. 1884; Center, Mo., s. Carey W. and Sarah (Hulse) Cole; ed. Culver-Stockton Coll., B.A., 1908; M.A., 1909, D.D., 1935; Univ. of Chicago, 1911- 12; m. Josephine Crawford, 1915 (dec. 1926) ; m. 2d, Ruth Laidlaw, 27 Aug. 1927. Ordained minister, Christian Ch. (Disci- ples of Christ), June 1907; pastor: Mt. Sterling, 111., 1909rll; Carthage, 1913-15; Cecil St. Church, Toronto, Ontario, 1915- 16; Brookfield, Mo., 1916-18. Pastor: Ma- comb, 111., 1919-24; Central Church, Tex- arkana, Ark., 1924-28; First Church, Ok- mulgee, Okla., 1928-34; First Church of Omaha, Nebr., since 1 June 1934. Served with Army of Occupation, Germany, 1918-19. Pres. Ark. State Conv., Disciples of Christ, 1928, Okla. Christian Ministers Assn., 1932, Neb. State Conv. Disciples; mem. bd. of mgrs., United Christian Missionary Soc, 1934-41; elected mem. exec, com., Internatl. Conv. of Disciples of Christ, for three years; chmn. comn. on Ministry for Disciples of Christ in Neb.; chmn. Interdenominational Minis- ters Convocation for Neb., 1940-41; pres. Greater Omaha Ministerial Union, 1939- 40; Protestant Rep.. Omaha Round Ta- ble of Nat. Conf. of Christians and Jews; trustee, Child Savings Inst., Omaha; chaplain, 111. House of Reps., 1923. Mem. Masons (32d deg., Scottish Rite), Opti- mist Club. Contbr. to Disciples Publica- tions. Home: 5224 Corby St. Office: 2605 Harney St., Omaha, Nebr. MATEER, Florence, educator; b. Lan- caster, Pa., 6 Dec. 1887; d. John Andrew Mateer, engineer, and Laura Naomi (Diehl) M.; ed. Tredyffrin Twp. high sch.; State Teachers Coll. (W. Chester, Pa.), 2 yr. certificate, 1906, Univ. Pa.; A.M. Clark Univ., 1911-13, 1914, Ph.D., 1916. Public sch. teacher, 1906-10; res. asst. psy. lab. Training Sch., Vineland, N.J., 1911-13; psychologist, Child Study Clinic, Clark, 1915-16; examiner, Mass. Travelling Clinic, 1914-18; psychologist, Port of Quebec, Immigration Dept., 1914; psychologist, Mass. School for Feeble Minded, Waverley, Mass., 1916-18; psy- chiatrist Summer Sch. for Superior Chil- dren, Peterboro, N.H., 1917, 1918; psy- shoclinician, Ohio Bur. Juv. Res., 1918- 21; private practice and owner of pvt. sch., 1921-46; visiting prof., Claremont Grad. Sch. since 1946; Merryheart Clin- ics, East, Columbus, O., West, Altadena, Calif.; also lecturer; mem. Am. Psychol. Assn., Assn. Am. App. Psychol.; fellow, A.A.A.S., Ohio Acad. Science, A.A.A.P. ; mem. (nat. hon.) Pi Lambda Theta, Soc. of Am. Pen Women Author: Child Behavior; Unstable Child; Just Normal Children; Glands and Efficient Behavior. Travel: No. Am. Interest: res. in cause of mental difficulties. Recreations: trav- el, reading, music, gardening. Episcopa- lian. Republican. Office: 37 N. Monroe Av., Columbus, O. RANNEY, Glen Allison, artist; born Hustler, Wis., 4 Sept. 1896; s. Sheldon Ranney, farmer, and Hattie (Judevine) R.; ed. Ryder high sch. (Ryder), N.D.; New York Art Students League; Minne- apolis, Minn. Sch. of Art, 1924; m. Mil- dred Birdseye of Minneapolis, 1922; 1 dau. — Jean. Instr. Minneapolis Sch. of Art. Landscape and figure painter; won N.Y. Art Students League, scholarship, 1922; prizes and awards in St. Paul, Min- neapolis, Minn., Kan. City, Mo.; work has been exhibited in Chicago, Cincin- nati, Kansas City, Davenport, la., New Haven, Conn., N.Y., Washington, D.C., Phila., Pa.; one man shows N.Y., 1941- 42. Work represented in the following collections: Minneapolis Inst, of Art; University Gallery, Univ. of Minn.; U. S. Marine Hosp., Carville, La.; the pri- vate collections of Sinclair Lewis, Min- neapolis - Moline Co., Rita Hovey-King and others. Veteran World War I. Mem. Minn. Artists Assn. Interests: history, philos., psychol. Studio and home: 3919 Vincent Av., South, Minneapolis, Minn. RAY, Kenneth Wilbert, research chem- ist, metallurgist; b. Worthington, Ind., 20 Sept. 1897; s. Bradley Ray and Eliza (Groomer) R. ; ed. Worthington Pub. Sch.; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1921, A.M., 1922, Ph.D., 1927; Univ. Chicago; m. Vi- da B. Jackson of Worthington, 1922; 1 dau. — Irma Marie. Prof., chem., Linfield Coll., 1922-28; research asso., Univ. la., 1928-32; asso. prof., dental materials, Northwestern Univ., 1932-34; dir. of re- search, Gen. Refineries, Inc., 1934 — . Served as pvt., 9th Engrs. Mounted 1917-19, mem. A.A.A.S., Internat. Assn. for Dental Research. Author: Metallurgy for Dental Students; num. arts, in sci. jours. Interest: photography. Protestant. Republican. Office: General Refineries, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 3320 Em- erson Av., South, Minneapolis, Minn. OUR, Grover Lewis, prof, chemistry; b. Thornville, Ohio, 17 July 1893; s. of George Lee Orr, farmer, and Em inn Jane (Cooperrider) O.; ed. Thornvillo High Sch.; A.B., Capital Univ., 1918; A. M., Ohio State Univ., 1921; m. Nellie M. Binckley, 7 June 1918 (dec); children Lucille B., Norman Lee, Dorothy Grace, Lois Anne; m. 2d, Dora Renter of Co- lumbus, 5 Aug. 1939; 1 dau. Mary Kay. Treas. Capital Univ., Alumni Assn. 1G 989 yrs., pres. 4 yrs.; elected to bd., trus- tees of Public Affairs, Bexley, Ohio, 3 terms. Fellow A.A.A.S., Ohio Acad. ScL, mem. Am. Chem. Soc. Acting corpl., Chem. Warfare Service, during World War. Author: num. research papers in field of chemistry. Interests: fishing, hunting, nature study. Recreations : ath- letics in general. Lutheran. Democrat. Home: 767 College Av. Office: Capital University, Columbus, O. MOORE, Annette, lawyer; b. Montre- al, Can.; d. Richard Benjamin Moore, bridge contractor and Marietta Ellen Sturges; ed. Hannibal. Mo. Hifh School; LL.B., Univ. of Kansas City Sch. of Law; grad. Am. Inst, of Banking. Teacher, Hannibal Pub. Schs. 10 yrs.; mem. busi- ness dept., Bd. of Edn., Kansas City, Mo., 17 yrs.; mem. legal dept., Fed. Re- serve Bank, 10th Dist., Kansas City, Mo.; dir. Claridge Hotel Co.; sch. dir., Kansas City Sch. Dist. beginning 1926, serving 14 yrs. as v. p., term expires in 1950. Head of Business Adminstrn. Dept. Huff's Bus. Coll., Kansas City, Mo. do- ing rehabilitation work with wounded and disabled soldiers during World War I. Mem. Kappa Beta Pi (Internat. Legal Sorority) ; v. p. Nat. Assn. of Sch Bds., and School Bd. mems.; past pres. Wo- men's Chamber of Commerce, past pres. Woman's Bar Assn., Business and Pro- fessional Women's Suffrage League. Clubs: Women's City, Eleanor Roose- velt Study (organized) Women's Jeffer- son Dem.; past. pres. Woman's Dining Club. Author: articles on edn. and trav- el in U.S. Desc. of William Davidson, brigadier-gen. in Revolutionary War and who died in battle with Cornwallis on the site of the present Davidson College named in his honor. Interests : water col- ors, reading, recreation, motoring. Mem. Christian Church. Democrat. Office : Fed- eral Reserve Bank Bldg., 925 Grand Av., Kansas City, Mo. Home: Hotel Continen- tal, Kansas City, Mo. BECKER, Elery Ronald, professor; b. Sterling, 111., 5 Dec. 1896; s. Wm. Edgar, farmer, and Emma Catherine (Gerdes) B.; ed. Rocky Ford, Colo. High School; A.B., Univ. of Colo., 1921; D.Sc. in Hy- giene, John Hopkins, 1923; m. Helen Pauline Grill of Boulder, Colo., 25 June 1925; children — Helen Catherine, Ronald Ernest, William Elery. Asst. med. zool., John Hopkins Univ., 1920-23; instr. biol- ogy, Princeton, 1923-25; asso. prof., la. State Coll., 1925-53, prof, since 1935; mem. bd. editors, Jour, of Parasitology, 1934-39. Served as pvt., U.S. Army, Med. Corps, in World War I; capt., U.S. Army Sanitary Corps, 1943-45; major, 1945-46. Mem. council, Am. Soc. Parasitologists, 1939-43, pres., 1938; sec.-treas., la. Acad. Sci., 1941-43; mem. Am. Soc. Zool., Soc. Exptl. Biol, and Med., Am. Microscopi- cal Soc, Nat. Malraia Soc, Am. Soc. Tropical Med., Am. Legion, Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Kappa. Author: Coccidia and Coccidiosis: (co-author) Brief Directions in Histological Technique; (co-author) Manual of Tropical Medicine; (co-auth- or) Diseases of Poultry; contbr. to nu- merous sci. pubis, in field of protozool- ogy and parasitlgy. Travel: France, Eng., India, Burma. Interests: horticul- ture, agriculture, stamp collecting. Rec- reations: golf, bowling, hunting. Episco- palian. Independent. Office: Dept. Zool- ogy and Ent., la. State Coll. Home: 413 Lynn Av., Ames, la. PRIOR, John Clinton, prof, civil and sanitary engring. ; b. Lawrence Co., O.; s. of Cyrus Prior, clergyman, and Laura (Hayes) P.; ed. Doane Acad.; B.S., Den- ison Univ., 1906; C.E., Ohio State, 1929; m. Edna Cones of Columbus, 7 June 1910; children — John, James. Asst. engr., in charge of grade crossing elimination, flood protection work, Dept. of Public Works, Columbus, Ohio, 1906-15; res. en- gineer, charge design, Flood Protection Wks., Franklin Co. Conservancy Dist., 1915-16; mem. firm of Braun, Fleming, Knollman & Prior, cons, civil engrs., concrete bridges, industrial bldgs., 1916- 23; chief cost engr., U.S. Housing Corp., Wash., D.C., 1918-19; v.p., Herbert Post Green and Assocs., Inc., engrs., N.Y., 1920-22; engr., charge Columbus Water Wks., water extension program, 1923- 32; Main St. Bridge over Scioto River, Columbus, 1934-36; prof., sanitary and civil engring., Ohio State; Cons. Engr., 1924 to date; mem. City of Columbus Planning Commn., Central Ohio Section Am. Soc. C.E. (p. pres.), mem. Bd. of Inquiry, Ohio Dept. Highways, 1937-38; Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Am. Water Wks. Assn., Am. Geophysical Union, Soc. Pro- motion Engr. Ed. Club: O.S.U. Faculty. Author: Runoff Formulas and Methods Applied to Selected Ohio Streams; In- vestigation of Bell and Spigot Joints in Cast-Iron Water Pipes; Keeping the Cost of Building the Gov. Houses; Soil-Bear- ing Tests for Columbus Water Tanks; Leakage Tests of Cast-iron Force Mains at Columbus; Softening Public Water Supplies. Travel: Cent., S.A., U.S. Rec- reations: motoring, bridge. Protestant. Office: Ohio State University, Columbus, O. Home: 2005 Iuka Av., Columbus, O. WATTS, Amos H., lawyer; b. Nash- ville, 111., 24 Nov. 1896; s. William Wads- 990 worth and LaUra (Holston) W.; B.A., Univ. of 111., 1918, LL.B., 1921; m. Lida Hough, 1921; 1 son — Dey Wadsworth. Ad- mitted to 111. bar, 1921; engaged in prac- tice of municipal corp. law with firm Chapman & Cutler since 1921. Pres. of Glencoe, 111. Park Dist. Served as It., Inf., U.S. Army, to 1919. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., 111. State Bar Assn., Delta Phi, Phi Delta Phi. Republican. Mem. Union Ch. Mason. Clubs: Skokie Country, Uni- versity (Chicago). Home: 252 Franklin Rd., Glencoe, 111. Office: 111 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. STARR, Raynor Franklin, in charge warehouse properties, retail expansion and development studies, Marshall Field and Co.; b. Tecumseh, Mich., 14 Oct. 1879; s. William Morgan and Laura Anna (Sproull) S.; ed. in pub. sens.; m. Jessie Warren Smith, 4 June 1904; 1 dau.— Bet- ty Warren. Employed by Globe Co., Cin- cinnati, O., 1895-98; writer of advt. copy for commercial mags., 1899-1900; supt. paper box factory, 1900-01; employed by Northwestern Railroad, 1901-02; with Marshall Field and Co., Chicago, since 1902. successively as buyer of supplies, supt. of construction and maintenance, dept. mgr. and buyer, asst. to gen. mgr. and since 1940, in charge of warehouse properties, retail expansion and develop- ment studies. Pres. State St. Lighting Assn.; vice pres. Wabash Av. Dist. As- sociation; mem. State St. Council, Chi- cago Assn. of Commerce, Chicago Civiil- ian Defense Corps, Chicago Noise Abate- ment Council. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: 111. Athletic (Chicago). Home: 614 N. Forest Av., River Forest, 111. Office: 111 N. State St., Chicago 90, 111. SUMMER, Jessie, congresswoman ; b. Milford, 111.; d. A. T. and Elizabeth (Gil- Ian) Sumner; A.B., Smith Coll., 1920; student Columbia Law Sen., Univ. of Chicago Law Sen., Oxford Univ., Eng- land, New York Univ. Sch. of Commerce, Univ. of Wis. ; unmarried. Admitted to 111. bar, 1923, and practiced in Chicago; co. judge Iroquois Co., 1927; vice pres. Sumner Nat. Bank, Sheldon, 111.; mem. 76th to 79th Congresses (1939-47), 18th 111. Dist. Mem. Chicago, Am. bar assns., Nat. Women Lawyers' Assn., 111. Wo- men's Bar Assn., Nat. Fedn. Women's Clubs. Republican. Methodist. Eastern Star. Clubs: Women's Business and Pro- fessional; National Women's Republican. Home: Milford, 111. WENTZ, Peter Leland, lawyer, mine operator, rancher; b. Provo Bench, Ut., 23 Sept. 1903; s. Ray Vernon and Eliza Catherine (Wilson) W. ; B.S., Brigham Young Univ., 1923; J.D. cum laude, Univ- versity of Chicago, 1925; student spl. courses in mining and accounting, Univ. of Calif., Univ. of Utah, Northwestern Univ.; m. Vida Broadbent, 10 Sept. 1925; children— Carol, Helen. Admitted to bar, of 111., 1926, in practice of law, Chicago, since 1926; partner in law firm, Hopkins, Sutter, Halls, DeWolfe and Owen (busi- ness law, fed. taxes and regulations) since 1935; partner Wentz Mineral En- terprises Co.; active study and field ap- plication of geology and mining princi- ples since youth; business operations in Utah, Ariz., Wyo., Idaho since 1926; owner, Majo Ranch, Valley, Wyo. Volun- teered as pvt, U.S. Army, 1942; served with 8th Bomber Command, England, 1 yr. ; commd. 2d It., Officers Candidate Sch., 1944, promoted 1st It. and capt., duty with Army Gen. Staff; retired, Jan. 1946. Mem. Am. and Chicago bar Assns., Am. Shorthorn, Am. Berkshire assns., Morgan Horse Club, Eta Gamma, Order of Coif. Progressive Republican. Clubs: Executives, Legal, Law, Mid-Day, Chi- cago Farmers (Chicago). Home: 1718 E. 56th St. Office: 1 N. La Salle St., Chica- go, 111. HUFFMAN, James Wylie, U.S. Sena- tor; b. Chandlers ville, O., 13 Sept. 1894; s. John Alexander and Tacy (Careins) H. ; student Ohio Wesleyan Univ. and O. State Univ.; LL.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1922; m. Margaret Katherine Donahey, 3 June 1925; children — Margaret Elea- nor, James Wylie. Began as teacher in high school and supt. of Chautauqua; ad- mitted to O. and 111. bars, 1922, and prac- ticed with firm Scott, Bancroft, Martin and MacLeish, Chicago, 1922-24; also as- sistant atty. gen. for 111., 1923-24; exec, sec. to Ohio gov., Vic Donahey, 1924-27; mem. Pub. Utilities Commn. of Ohio, 1927-29; practiced law, Columbus, Ohio since 1929; specialized in corporation law; spl. counsel for City of Columbus in rate litigation since 1929, also for Cleveland and other cities; dir. of Com- merce for State of Ohio, 1944-45; apptd. U.S. senator from Ohio, Oct. L945, to complete term of Harold Burton in 79th Congress (1945-47). Served as machine gun officer, 329th Inf., 83d Div., and L20th Machine Gun Bn., 32d Div.. U.S. Army, 1918-19; participated in four major of- fenses; with Army of Occupation, (i months. Member American, Ohio and Columbus bar associations. Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Delta Phi. Mason (Shriner). Club: Columbus (O.) Athletic. Home: 2620 E. Broad St.. Columbus, (). Office: Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 991 TRINDL, Joseph H., mfr. automotive products; b. Two Rivers, Wis., 10 Dec. 1889; s. Joseph and Mary (Herbst) T. ; ed. pub. sens., business coll.; mech. en- gring., Internat. Correspondence School; m. Florence Vogrin, 30 June 1919; chil- dren—Joseph H., Jr., Mary Florence. Served apprenticeship as machinist, tool maker and die maker with Milwaukee Metal Works; began active career with the Green Telephone Co., Milwaukee, 1905; successively with Kemp - Smith Milling Machine Co., Milwaukee, The Lufkin (Tex.) Foundry & Machine Co., Lane & Bowler Pump Co., Houston, Tex., Western Electric Co., Chicago; estab- lished the Trindl Machine Works, 1916, continuing at its head until 1931; pres. Joseph H. Trindl, Inc., automotive prod- ucts and machine shop since 1931; pres. Trindl Products, Ltd., mfrs. electric welders, Chicago; pres. Minute Mop Co., Chicago. Catholic. Clubs: Central Kiwa- nis of Chicago (pres.). Home: 6718 S. Constance Av., Office: 17 E. 23rd St., Chicago, 111. MUELLER, Hazel Mercer DuCles (Mrs. F. W. Mueller, Jr.), educator, au- thor; b. Kewanee, 111., 16 Sept. 1902; d. Harmon T. and Mary Lee (Love) Mer- cer; B.S., 1930; M.S., 1935, Northwestern Univ. student Tulane Univ., New Or- leans, La., 1928, La. State Univ., 1928-29, Univ. of Vienna (Austria) 1934, Univ. of Chicago, 1935-36; fellowship at North- western Univ., 1929-30; tutorial fellow at Northwestern Univ., 1933-37; m. L. M. DuCles, 12 Feb. 1924 (div.); m. 2d, Frederick W. Mueller, Jr., 20 Aug. 1936; 1 dau. — Anna Lee Mercer. Instr. speech education, Northwestern Univ., 1929-38; speech clinician, Nat. Coll. Edn., Evan- ston, 111., 1929-38; editor parents' and pres-sch. dept. Speech mag., 1935-43; sp. counselor: Kenilworth Pub. Schs., 1938- 42, Wilmette Pub. Schs., 1940-42, Glencoe Pub. Schs., 1940-42. Mem. Nat. Assn. of Teachers of Speech (past mem. com. on elementary schs.), Prog. Edn. Associa- tion (chmn. speech study group 1934- 42), Am. Speech Correction Assn. (clin. mem.), Nat. League of Am. Pen Women (Bd. of dirs. since 1944), Eugene Field Soc. (hon. mem.), Evanston MacDowell Soc. of Allied Arts (bd. of dirs. since 1944), Theta Alpha Phi, Phi Mu Gamma (nat. council since 1936, nat. pres. 1936- 40), Delta Kappa Gamma (charter mem. and charter pres. Eta chapter). Methodist. Clubs: Mothers' (mem. bd. 1943-44) ; Evanston Womans (chmn. of Home and Social Service Dept., 1946-48, chmn. hobby hour, 1943-46) ; University Circle at Northwestern Univ. (program com. 1943-44); 111. Opera Guild (charter mem., charter corr. sec. 1939-41), Nat. Soc. Arts and Letters (charter mem.). Author: Busy Little Boys and Girls, Ex- perimental Program in Speech Re-edu- cation, Picture Speech Test for Pre-sch. and Primary Children, The Play Ap- proach to Testing Children's Speech, various one-act plays (awarded 1st prize by Chicago Br. Nat. League Am. Pen Women 1942, 1st prize by state conv. Na- tional League Am. Pen Women 1943). Address: 1045 Maple Av., Evanston, 111. WRIGHT, Walter, supt. of parks, rec- reation and aviation; b. Chicago, 111., 14 May 1884; s. George B. and Anna C. (Sullivan) W.; ed. pub. schs., Chicago; student Univ. of Chicago and Armour Institute of Tech., 1902-06; m. Edna Mary Walls, 15 June 1906; children — Virginia Marie, George Raymond, Janet Ann (Mrs. Robert A. Walsh), Walter Edward. Auditor, city comptroller's of- fice, Chicago, 1906-11; sec. Special Park Commn, 1911-17; supt. of bureau of pks., recreation and aviation since 1917, dir. construction Chicago Municipal Airport since 1926; established 75 municipal playgrounds, 24 parks, and 4 bathing beaches since 1914. Mem. exec. bd. Chi- cago Recreation Cxmmn.; mem. recrea- tion com. Com. on Race Relations, Chi- cago Aero Commn., vice pres. Central Assn. of Amateur Athletic Union. Mem. Chicago Assn. of Commerce, Am. Inst. Park Execs, (past pres.), Am. Inst. Air- port Execs., Phi Upsilon. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn., Rotary (Chicago) ; But- terfield Country. Home: 2150 Lincoln Park West, Chicago, 111.; (summer) Charlevoix, Mich. Office: City Hall, Chi- cago, 111. RYNDA, Joseph, civil, mech. engr. ; b. Lexington Town, Minn., 12 Feb. 1892; s. Joseph, farmer, and Rose (Smisek) R. ; ed. pub. sch. ; Corr. Course, Elec. Engring., Steam Engring. ; m. Anna Cordes of Montgomery, 29 May 1915; children — Leonard, Dolores. Helper in power plant, New Prague, 1911-12; in charge city power plant, 1912-24; turbine operator, N.S.P. Co., Hi-Bridge Plant, 1924; chief engr., flour mill, Montgom- ery, 1924-37; chief engr., Interstate Pow- er Co., Montgomery Plant, 1938-44; chief engr. hydro and steam plants, Watab Paper Co., Sortell, Minn., 1944-46; pow- er engr. chain of Commander-Larabee Milling Co., Flour and Feed Mills in Minn., N.Y., Kansas, Mo., since 1945; city engr., Montgomery since 1925. Dir., bd., New Prague Community Hospital; founder, chmn., Kolaeky Day Associa- 992 tion, pres. Pioneer Hist. Assn., chmn., Montgomery, Le Suer Dem. Co. Com.; mem. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Am. Soc. Mil. Engrs., Nat. Assn. Power Engrs. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: picture coins, stamps, Edison generators 346, steam threshing machines (9 in collec- tion). Recreations: flying plane (has pri- vate license), trap shooting. Catholic. Democrat. Office : Boulevard Av. Home : 202 S.W. Elm Av., Montgomery, Minn. JONKMAN, Bartel John, congress- man; b. Grand Rapids, Mch., 28 Apr. 1884; s. John Bartel and Sarah (Hol- werda) J.; LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1914; m. Anna Vanden Bosch, 28 Sept. 1904; children — Cecilia, Gwendolyn, Esther. Admitted to Mich, bar, 1914; asst. prose- cutor of Kent County, Mich., 1915-20, prosecuting atty., 1928-36; pvt. practice at Grand Rapids, 1914-29; mem. 76th to 78th Congresses (1940-45), Fifth Mich. Dist. Mem. Mich, and Grand Rapids bar assns. Republican. Christian Re- formed Ch. of America. Clubs: Lions, Lotus, Knickerbocker, Peninsular of Grand Rapids. Home: 37 Prospect, S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Office: U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. LEONARD, George Edward Washing- ton, lawyer; b. Jacksonville, Fla., 21 Apr. 1905; s. George Edward and Har- riet (McLeish) L. ; attended pub. schs. of Jacksonville, Fa., and Kansas City, Mo.; A.A., Kansas City Jr. Coll., 1925; A.B., Univ. of Kan., 1927; J.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1929. Admitted to 111. bar, 1929; mem. of bar, Supreme Court of U.S.; now mem. firm of Leonard (George E.) & Leonard (Gordon McLeish). Served as 1st It., Army Air Forces, prin. attorney Office Gen. Counsel, Bd. Econ. Warfare, and as chief trial atty., O.P.A., regional office Chicago; regional ligigation atty. since 1 Oct. 1945; gen. counsel, National Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. Mem. Chica- go Council on Fgn. Relations. Life mem. Art Inst, of Chicago. Mem. Am., 111. State, and Chicago bar assns., Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta Phi, Delta Sigma Rho. Presbyte- rian (trustee First Ch.). Clubs: Quad- rangle, 37 Players, Union League. Of- fice: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. BURTON, Harold Hitz, U.S. senator; b. Jamaica Plain, Mass., 22 June 1888; s. Alfred Edgar and Gertrude (Hitz) B. ; A.B., Bowdoin Coll., 1909, LL.D., 1937; LL.B., Harvard, 1912; LL.D., Oberlin Coll., 1941; LL.D., Ohio Wesleyan Coll., 1942; L.H.D., Mt. Union, 1943; LL.D., Kenyon Coll.; Boston Univ., 1944; m. Selma Florence Smith, 15 June 1912; children — Barbara (Mrs. H. Charles Weidner, Jr.,), Lt. William Smith (US- NR), Deborah (Mrs. R. Wallace Adlen, Lt. Robert Smith (USMCR). Practiced with Gage, Wilbur & Wachner, Cleve- land, 1912-14; asst. atty., Utah Power & Light Co. and Utah Light & Traction Company, Salt Lake City, 1914-16; atty. Ida. Power Co. and Boise Valley Trac- tion Co., Boise, Ida., 1916-17; asso. with Day, Day & Wilkin, later Day & Day, Cleveland, 1919-25; mem. Cull, Burton & Laughlin, 1925-29, Andrews, Hadden & Burton, 1932-35. Instr. in pvt. corps., Western Reserve Univ., 1923-25. Mem. Bd. of Edn., East Cleveland, 1928-29; mem. Ohio Ho. of Rep., 1929; dir. of law, City of Cleveland, 1929-32, acting mayor, 9 Nov. 1931-20 Feb. 1932, mayor, 1935-40; U.S. senator from Ohio, since 1941. Chmn. research, Citizens' Com. on Regional Govt, for Cleveland, 1928; ch- mn. Cleveland Bd. of Edn. Com. on Citizenship Training, 1934-35; chmn. of County Charter Commn. of Cuyahoga County, O., 1935; mem. Nat. Board of Incorporators, Am. Red Cross. Served as 1st It., later capt. 361st Inf., 91st Div., U.S. Army, 1917-19; in France and Bel- gium, 1918-19; maj. Cleveland Grays, 1921-22. Citation and Order of Purple Heart. (U.S.); Croix de Guerre (Belgi- um). Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Ohio and Cleveland Bar Assns., Am. Legion, Vet- erans of Foregn Wars, Army and Navy Union, Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Kappa Epsilon and Phi Alpha Delta fraterni- ties. Republican. Unitarian (Moderator American Unitarian Assn. 1944-45). Ma- son (33d deg.), K.P., Moose, Eagle, Grange. Clubs (hon) : Rotary, Kiwanis, Exchange. Editor: 600 Days' Service — A History of the 361st Infantry Regi- ment, U.S. Army, 1919. Home: Hotel Cleveland, Cleveland, O. Office: U. S. Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. HULL, Merlin, congressman; s. Geo. Miller and Hannah Bernice (Baker) H. ; ed. Gale Coll., Galesville. Wis.; LL.B., De Pauw Univ., 1890; grad. study Co- lumbian (now George Washington) U.; m. Jessie Matchette Robbins, 6 Jan. 1896; children — Perry Miller, Lois Mar- garet, Marion Bernice (Mrs. Harvey Helling). Admitted to Wis. bar, 1904, began practice at Black River Falls; pub. Jackson County Journal 1904-26. Banner- Jour, since 1926. District atty., Jackson Co., 1907-09; mem. Wisconsin Assembly, 1909-15 (speaker of House, 1913); sec. of state, Wis., 1917-21; mem. 71st Congress (1929-31), 7th Wis. Dist., and 74th to 79th Congresses (1935-47), 9th Wis. Dist. Progressive. Methodist. 993 Mason, K.P., Elk. Home: 515 Van Buren St. Office: 310 Main St., Black River Falls, Wis. KEEFE, Frank Bateman, congress- man; b. Winneconne, Wis., 23 Sept. 1887; s. Thomas F. and Kathryn (For- scythe) K. ; grad. Oshkosh (Wis.) State Normal Sen., 1906; LL.B., Univ. of Mich- igan., 1910; m. Mildred Virginia Steele, 13 Dec. 1912; children— Virginia (Mrs. Charles F. Nolan), Jean Mary (Mrs. Edwin Rosten), Bateman. Teacher, 1906- 07; admitted to Wis. bar, 1910 and be- gan practice in Oshkosh; mem. 76th to 78th Congresses (1939-45), 6th Wis. Dist.; v.p. and dir. Oshkosh Bldg. & Loan As- sociation; dir. Oshkosh Nat. Bank, The Dauber Co. Pres. Lake View Memorial Park. Mem. Am. and Wis. bar assns. Independent Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32d deg., Shriner), Elk, Eagle. Home: Oshkosh, Wis. JOYCE, John Michael, mfg. exec; b. Shawnee, O., 1 July 1884; s. John Jo- seph and Anna (Joyce) J.; student pub. schs., Shawnee and Columbus, O.; m. Mary Agnes McCann, 16 Oct. 1906; chil- dren — John Michael, Robert Eugene, William Joseph. Salesman various food concerns, 1904-32; engaged in brokerage bus., 1932; silent partner Joyce Seven Up, beverage mfrs., 1932-35, sr. partner since 1935. Dir. Union Nat. Bank & Trust Co., Joliet, 111.; Citizens Nat. Bank of Waukegan, Waukegan, 111.; Nat. Bank of North Chicago, North Chicago, 111. Gen. chmn. Joliet-Will Co. Community Chest; state chmn. 111. State War Fund, Inc., 1944. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Coun- try, Kiwanis (Joliet), Merchants and Missouri Athletic (St. Louis), Athletic Mfrs., Chicago Athletic Assn. (Chicago), Missouri Athletic (St. Louis), Athletic (Columbus, O.). Office: Joyce Seven Up, Joliet, 111. ELLIOTT, Edison Charles, chemist; b. Red Wing, Minn., 8 Sept. 1902; s. Jesse Cary and Gertrude V. (Flanders) E.; B.S., Dakota Wesleyan Univ., Mitchell, S.D., 1925; M.S., Northwestern Univ., 1934; m. Mildred E. Brokaw, 13 Nov. 1937; children— Charlyn Ann, Marilyn Jean. Retail store clerk, 1917-25; prof, music, 1924-27; chemist, Swift & Co., of Chicago, 1928-29; research chemist, at Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1929-35; research chemist, Chappel Laboratories, 1936-40, chief chemist, 1940-43; produc- tion mgr. chem. div., W. F. Straub & Co., Chicago, chief production chemist, Forbe Laboratories, Inc., Elgin, Illinois, since 1945. Served with 147th F.A., 1921- 24. Fellow Am. Inst. Chemists. Mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Pi Gamma Mu. Re- publican. Presbyterian. Home: 11 N. Greenwood St., Park Ridge, 111. Office: Forbes Laboratories, Inc., Elgin, 111. BINGHAM, Albert Young, security an- alyst; b. Chicago, 111., 26 May 1906; s. Horace White and Amy (Young) B.; a. b., univ. of 111., 1927; m. Helen Worst, 1932; children — Poppy Elizabeth, John Kinsley, Albert Young. Security analyst trust dept. 111. Merchants Bank, Chicago, 1927-29; investment div. trust dept. Con- tinental 111. Nat. Bank & Trus Co., 1929- 35; invesmens for Waler P. Murphy, 1935-42; vice pres. Chicago Title & Trust Co. since 1942; trustee, Highland Park Hosp. Foundation; pres., Highland Park Police Pension Fund, Investment Anal- ysts Club of Chicago. Republican. Con- gregationalism Clubs: University (Chi- cago), Sheridan Shore Yacht (Wilmette) Exmoor Country. Home: 1237 Judson Av., Highland Park, 111. Office: 69 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. JOHNSON, Samuel Lawrence, clergy- man; b. Tyne Dock, Eng., 16 Aug. 1907; s. Samuel and Florence (Woody) J.; brought to U.S., 1910, naturalized, 1932; A.B., Carleton Coll., Northfield, Minn., 1930; B.D., Andover Newton Theol. Sch., Newton, Mass., 1933; stu- dent Harvard, 1932-36, New England Conservatory of Music, 1933-37; m. Alice Duncan, 9 Nov. 1935; children — Samuel Thomas, Denine Ann. Pastor, Clark Me- morial Ch., St. Paul, Minn., 1928-30; dir. of student work, Old South Ch., Boston, Mass., 1930-33; pastor Crombie St. Con- gregational Ch., Salem, Mass., 1933-41; pastor Park Manor Congl. Ch., Chicago, 111., since 1941. Mem. bd. dirs. South Chicago Community Center; mem. bd. dirs. of Community Com. of the Church Fedn. of Gr. Ch. Mem. Grand Crossing Ministers Assn., Southtown Ministers As- sociation., Southtown Ministers Assn., Chi. Congl. Ministers Assn., Southtown Y.M.C.A. Author: Life Abundant, pub. privately. Contbr. to Prayer Minute, compiled Mutual Network, 1943; Contbr. A Daily Word From Dog, pub. Kennedy; also to Advance and other religious pub- lications. Home: 7711 Indiana Av., Chi- cago; also Sanbornville, N.H. Office: 7000 S. Park Av., Chicago, 111. THROCKMORTON, Edgerton Alvord, sales research executive; b. Morristown, N.J., 10 Dec. 1901; s. Charles Wickliffe and Charlotte Edgerton (Alvord) T. ; ed. abroad; student Townsend Harris Hall, N.Y. City; m. Lucy Norton Leonard, 10 Oct. 1927; 1 son-nEdgerton Alvord; m. 2d, Caryl Dunham Casselberry, 6 994 May 1933; i son— Nicholas. Employed by Lagerloef Trading Co., Inc. and the Match Import Corp., Inc., N.Y. City, 1919-29; asso. Sefton Mfg. Corp., 1929- 31; vice pres. Container Corp. of Am., Chicago, 1931-46. Pres., Container Test- ing Labs., Inc., Chicago, since 1 June 1946. Served in squadron A., N.Y. Nat. Guard, 1921-26; consultant, research and development br. office q.m. gen. Dir. 111. Soc. for Mental Hygiene. Mem. Or- der Runnemede, Order Loyal Legion, S.R., Colonial Order Acron. Episcopa- lian. Clubs: Chicago, Dunham Woods Riding (Wayne, 111.). Contbr. to trade mags. Home: R.F.D. 1, Dundee, 111. Office: 111 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. WUNDER, Clinton; b. Cincinnati, O., 17 Dec. 1892; s. Boyd and Louise (Reb- man) W.; A.B., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1914; B.D., Rochester Theol. Sem., 1922; D.D., Hillsdale (Mich.) Coll., 1926; m 2d, Virginia Lee Graybill, 27 Apr. 1940. Sec. West Side Y.M.C.A., N.Y. City, 1916- 17; camp sec. Army Y.M.C.A., Ft. Thomas, Ky, 1917-18; sr. chaplain, 1st It., Motor Transport, U.S. Army, 1918- 19; sec. war work council, industrial de- partment, Internal Com. Y.M.C.A., 1919; asst. minister Central Presbyte- rian Ch., Rochester, N.Y., 1919-21; min- ister Bapt. Temple, Rochester, N.Y., 1921-29; completed combined ch. and of- fice bldg., 14 stories high, costing $3,000,- 000, in 1925; exec. v. p. Acad, of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 1930-31; edi- tor Science of Mind, 1932; pres. Southern Calif. Fellowship, "dedicated to ad- vancement of the individual and better- ment of society," and editor Think (mo. mag.), 1933; broadcasted daily KFAC, Los Angeles, 1934; nat. lecture tour and broadcasts, 1935-36; instr. Dale Carnegie Inst, since 1937; ednl. adviser for same, Western Pa., 1930-40; asso. secretary Cleveland Bapt. Assn., 1941. Specialist in public, industrial relations and church orgn. Keynote speaker Northern Bapt. Conv., Seattle, 1925. Commd. It. (s.g.), Chaplains Corps, U.S.N.R., 1 Feb. 1943; chaplain, Cuba, 1943-44, promoted to It. comdr., asst. to Chief of Chaplains; Chaplains Div., Navy Dept., Washing- ton, since Feb. 1944. Exec, dir., mil. af- fairs com., Grand Lodge, New York, N. Y. Trustee Colgate Rochester Div. Sen., 1928-29. Maj. O.R.C. Mem. S.A.R., Sons of Civil War Vets., Am. Legion (chap- lain 9th Ohio Dist., 1942-43), Phi Delta Theta. Mason (32d deg.). Clubs: Los An- geles Athletic, Los Angeles Breakfast, Hollywood Athletic, Surf and Sand. Au- thor: Crowds of Souls (handbook of mod- ern church methods), 1926. Consultant on philanthropic management, financing. Contbr. to mags. Has debated with Clar ence Darrow, Norman Thomas, John Haynes Holmes, Gen. Hugh Johnson, Judge Ben Lindsay, etc. Address: Ma- sonic Temple, 71 W. 23 St., New York, N.Y. LEE, Rose Hum, lecturer, author, asst. prof, sociology, Roosevelt Coll., Chica- go; b. Butte, Mont., 20 Aug. 1904; d. Wah Lung and Lin Fong; B.S., Carnegie Inst, of Tech., 1941; M.A., Univ. of Chicago, 1943; L.H.D. (hon.) 111. Coll. of Law, 1944; Sec. to Kwangtung Raw Silk Test- ing Bureau, Kwangtung, China, 1931-36; Nat. City Bank of New York, Canton, Kwangtung, China, 1936-38; Kwangtung Municipal Telephone Exchange, 1937-38; saleswoman for Southern Br. of Sun Life Assurance Co., Canton, 1936-38; indepen- dent lecturing, 1939-42; lecturer with Adult Edn. Council, 1942-46; Rotary In- ternal, 1944, writer since 1942. Member Kwangtung Emergency Com. for Relief of Refugees, Canton Red Cross, Chinese Women's War Relief Assn., Overseas Re- lief Unit (all in Canton, Kwangtung 1937- 39; mem. China Defense League, 1940- 44, Am. Women's Voluntary Service, Chi- cago Chinese Unit, 1943-46. Member Am. Sociological Soc, Chinese Sociol. Club, Am. Acad, of Polit. and Social Sci., Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Phi Delta Gamma (past pres. Mu Chapter, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1944-45), Am. Assn. for Family Liv- ing. Mem. Ednl. Com., Mayor's Com. of Human Relations, Chicago. Mem. Socie- ty of Friends Church. Clubs: Women's International (v.p.) (Canton, China), Business and Professional Women. Au- thor: (plays) Shoes from Shoe Street, 1944; Little Lee Bo-Bo (Chinatown De- tective), 1946. Contbr. of articles to mag- azines and children's publications. Ad- dress: 5616 S. Drexel Av., Chicago 37, 111. JOHNSON, Ray Prescott, dir. Borg- Warner Corp.; b. Muncie, Ind., 31 July 1907; s. Ray Prescott and Anna Craw- ford (Davis) J.; B.A., Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind., 1928; student Har- vard, 1928-29; m. Mary Katherine Healy, 11 Apr. 1936; 1 son— Ray Prescott III. Lab asst. Warner Gear Co., Muncie, In- diana, 1929; asst. service sale mgr. War- ner Gear Div., Borg- Warner Corp., Chi- cago, 111., 1929-32; sales mgr. Borg-War- ner Service Parts Co., 1932-40; mgr. of Washington office, Borg- Warner Corp., 1940-42; dir. Borg- Warner Corp., mfrs. of automotive equipment, Chicago, since 1936; v.p. and dir. Roscoc Turner Aero- 995 nautical Corp., Indianapolis, Ind., since 1939; v.p. & dir. Glascock Bros. Mfg. Co.; dir. Warner Machine Products, Inc. Major, Ordnance Dept., U.S. Army, 1942- 45. Asst. Gen. Mgr. Morse Chain Co., Detroit, 1945; v.p. Wabash Alumni Assn. 1940-46; mem. Sigma Chi. Republican. Baptist. Clubs: University, Harvard of Chicago, Grosse Pointe, Country (De- troit). Home: 100 Kenwood Rd., Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. Office: 7601 Cen- tral Av., Detroit, Mich. DARGER, Harry Clyde, exec. sec. of Am. Bulk Condensed Milk Assn., Chica- go; b. Ashland, Neb., 1 Sept. 1884; s. George Frank and Veronica (Plank) D.; grad. high sch., Sioux City, Iowa, 1903; B.S.A., la. State Coll., 1911, hon. MSA, 1926; m Lavinia Lienemann, 1 May 1913; 1 dau. — Jane V. Sec. and mgr. Manning (la.) Creamery Co., 1912- 15; asst. prof, dairy mfg., la. State Coll., 1915-16; mgr. Blue Valley Creamery Co., Detroit, Mich., 1916-17; gen. sales mgr., gen. mgr. and vice pres. Blue Valley Creamery Co., Chicago, 1917-21; gratui- tous services to U.S. govt in connection with stabilization of dairy industry, 1933; milk adminstr., Los Angeles and San Diego, Calif., 1934; mgr. Coop. Milk As- sociation, Los Angeles, 1935-36; dealer in dairy products, Chicago, 1937-38; dir. Herman A. De Vry Corp., Chicago, 1932- 43; v.p. I.S.C. Union Corp., Ames, la.; exec. Beatrice Creamery Co., Chicago, 1939-41; coordinator Nat. Cream Quality Program, 1942-45., Chicago. Mem. Chica- go Mercantile Exchange, Chicago Assn. Commerce, Am. Dairy Science Assn., Executive Club of Chicago, U.S. Cham- ber of Commerce (mem. agr. con., 1930- 32). Republican. Conglist. Mason (K. T.). Home: 2022 Lincoln St., Evanston, 111. Office: 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. MADIGAN, George P., retail mcht. ; b. Chicago, 111., 23 Oct. 1897; s. Denis J. and Elizabeth Ann (Hogan) M. ; attend- ed DePaul Acad.; Northwestern, Notre Dame. V.p., dir. Madigan Brothers, re- tail department store. In Aug. 1942, en- tered Officers Training at Princeton Uni- versity, commd. capt. and apptd. to the Staff of the Superintendent at the U.S. Military Adac, West Point, New York (1942-45), relieved from active military duty as Lt. Col. Dec, 1945. Roman Cath- olic. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Butterfield Country (Hinsdale, 111.) ; Chicago Rod & Gun (Minocqua, Wis.); American Le- gion, Knights of Columbus. Mem. Chica- go Planning Commn.; v.p. Chicago Re- tail Merchants Assn. ; past pres. Gar- field Park Club; past pres. West Side Historical Soc; past dir., 111. Retail Fed- eration. Home: 5912 W. Adams St. Of- fice: 4030 Madison St., Chicago, 111. GILES, Roscoe Conkling, physician; b. Albany, N.Y., 6 May 1890; A.B\, Cor- nell Univ., 1911, M.D., 1915; student U. Reeder, Sept. 1916; children— Roscoe C. (dec), Oscar D., Roscoe C. Intern Prov- ident Hosp., 1915-16, Chicago, 111.; jr. at- tending surgeon, Provident Hosp., 1917- 25, attending surgeon since 1925; John Rosenwald fellow in surgery, Univ. of Vienna, Austria, 1930 ;31. Serving as lt. col., Med. Corps, U.S. Army, chief surg. service, Army Service Force Regional Hosp., Ft. Huachuca, Ariz., honorably discharged 22 Nov. 1945. Mem. bd. of mgrs., Wabash Av. Y.M.C.A., Chicago, 111. Fellow Am. Coll. of Surgeons, Nov. 1945. Diplomate Am. Bd. of Surgery, 1938. Mem. John W. Andrew Clin. Soc, Tuske- gee, Ala. (pres., 1928), Nat. Med. Assn. (pres., 1933), Assn. Mil. Surgeons, sinde Jan. 1942, Alpha Phi Alpha (pres., 1910). Mem. Metropolitan Community Center Ch., Chicago, 111. Mason (32d deg.). Club: Cornell University (Chicago, 111.). Contbr. articles to med. jours. Home: 541 E. 46th Place. Office: 3541 State St., Chicago, 111. AYERS, William Leslie, editor; b. Chi- cago, 111., 12 Apr. 1898; s. Frank and Kathryn Marie (Finn) A.; student De Paul Univ., Chicago, 111., 1917-19; m. Helen Rita Ross, 5 Jan 1921; children — Helen Adele, William Ross. Stenograph- er, 1913-16; r.r. editor Chicago (111.) Evening Post, 1916-17; asst. financial ed- itor Chicago Herald, 1918; asst. mgr. statis, and analytical dept. Federal Res. Bank of Chicago, 1919; asst. mng. editor Chicago Jour. Commerce, 1920-21, finan- cial editor, 1921-28, mng. editor 1935-15 June 1944; v.p., dir. editorial div. Dav- idson Pub. Co., Chicago, since 1945; ex- ecutive v.p. Beard & Ayers, 1928-31; pres. and treas. Ayers & Associates, 1931-35; in Feb. 1946, formed public re- lations firm under title Specialized Ser- vice to industry, business, finance, of which he is pres. Baptist. Mason (Shri- ner). Home: Shermer and Willow Roads, Northbrook, 111. BROADDUS, Lynn Spangler, life in- surance; b. Varna, 111., 15 Jan. 1894; s. Warner R. and Emily J. (Spangler) B.; ed. Varna (111.) pub. sch., John Swaney High Sch., McNabb, 111., and St. Peters- burg (Fla.) high Sch. until 1910; stu- dent Central Business Coll., Indianapo- lis, 1913; m. Ollie Roberts, 2 Dec. 1916 (died 2 Jan. 1919); 1 son— Warner Rob- erts: m. 2d, Ellen Lippert, 7 July 1919: 996 1 son — John Lynn. Began active career as spl. agent Northwestern Mut. Life Ins. Co., at Peoria, 111., 1920; gen. agent Central Life Ins. Soc, at Indianapolis and Peoria, 1921-24; inspector of agen- cies, Security Life Ins. Co. of America, Chicago, 1924-29; mgr. home office agen- cy, Central Life Ins. Co. of 111., Chicago, 1929-32; now mgr. Guardian Life Ins. Co. of N.Y. and the Lynn S. Broaddus Insurance Agency, life and gen. insur- ance, Chicago. Mem. Chicago Life Un- derwriters Assn. (dir.), 111. State Assn. Life Underwriters (dir., 2d v.p., 1942, 1st v.p., 1943, pres. 1944). Chmn. Life Ins. Div. of Community Fund, Chicago, 1934; chmn. Financial Independence Week, beginning 13 May 1935, State, Re- gional Activities Nat. Assn. Life Under- writers, 1945-46. Democrat. Mason (K. T.), Elk. Contbr. to mags, on subjects pertaining to life ins. Public speaker. Home: 2226 Forestview Rd., Evanston, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. MURPHY, William Patrick, lawyer, b. Ottawa, Ont., 7 Mar. 1876; s. Patrick Murphy, laborer, and Mary Ann (Kee- gan) M. ; ed. Eau Claire, Wis., grade and high schs.; Lanphear Bus. Coll., Eau Claire, Wis.; m. Cozy B. McAvoy of Crookston, 12 June 1901. Moved to Eau Claire, Wis., with parents in 1881; at- tended public and parochial schs., and bus. coll., worked in law offices, studied law until June 1899; moved to Crookston, Minn., worked in law offices and studied law, until admission to the Bar in Mar. 1903; formed a partnership for practice of law with Ole J. Vaule, which partner- ship continued until Aug. 1938; elected alderman 2d ward, Crookston, Apr. 1909, resigned Aug. 1910; apptd. Municipal Judge of City of Crookston, 20 Apr., 1934, by Gov. Floyd B. Olson, to fill vacancy; re-elected Nov. 1935, 1939, 1943; treas. 14th Judicial Dist. Bar Assn., from its organization, of Polk Co., Bar Assn., for 25 yrs.; mem. Legal Sections Com.. Minn. State Bar Assn.; chmn. Four Minute Men during period of the World War; in charge K. of C. drives, active in Bond sales drives; mem. K. of C, B.- P.O.E., F.O.E., Royal League, Modern Samaritans; Polk Co., Bar Assn., 14th Judicial Dist. Bar Assn., Minn. State Bar^Assn. Clubs: Crookston Athletic, and Vermin. Interests: gardening. Recrea- tions : hunting, all kinds of athletic sports. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Of- fice : Opera Block, Crookston, Minnesota. Home: 523 Elm St., Crookston, Minn. WARRICK, Walter Dempsey, advertis- ing counselor; b. Summerton, O., 24 July 1893; s. Dempsey Lincoln and Ida (Carl- eton) W.; B.A., Northwestern Univ., in 1915; m. La Mar Sheridan, 16 Apr. 1918; 1 son-Wilbur Sheridan. Adv. dept. Mar- shall Field & Co., Chicago, 111., 1915-19; v.p. W. E. Long Co., adv. and sales ser- vice for baking companies, Chicago, 1919-44; vice pres. J. R. Short Milling Co., Chicago, and J. R. Short Canadian Mills, Ltd., Toronto, since 1944; pres. Allied Trades of Baking Industry, 1936- 37; dir. Chicago Terminal Nat. Bank. Served in U.S. Navy, 1918. Mem. board trustees Northwestern Univ., 1936-40. Pres. Northwestern Univ. Alumni Assn., 1935-36. Mem. Northwestern Univ. Asso- ciates, Alpha Delta Phi. Methodist. Clubs: Glenview, Mid-Day. Address: 1625 Hinman Av., Evanston, 111. MAYER, Gottfried O., meat packer; b. Chicago, 111., 31 Jan. 1908; s. Gottfried F. and Helen M. (Jansen) M. ; A.B., Har- vard, 1929; m. Ruth E. McKenna, 4 Mar. 1935; children— Roger G., Elsa J., G. Philip, Margaret A., Louise M. Supt., 1935, gen. mgr., 1939, Oscar Mayer & Co. Chicago plant; now vice pres., mem. bd. dirs.; vice pres. and dir. Kartridg- Pak Machine Co. Hon. mem. bd. dirs., North Av. Y.M.C.A, Chicago Roman Catholic Clubs: Madison, Maple Bluff Country, (Madison, Wis.). Home: 822 Farwell Dr., Madison, Wis. Office: 910 Mayer Av., Madison, Wis. MAUK, Ralph Herschel, supt. Baptist Old People's Home; b. Ft. Wayne, Ind., 3 May 1882; s. Francis Marion and Mary Robena (Fry) M.; student Plymouth and Ft. Wayne (Ind.) pub. schs., 1888-98, Ft. Wayne Bus. Coll., 1898-1900; m. Flora Pearl ime, 26 Oct. 1904; children Frances Elizabeth, Billie Mae (wife of Capt. Max R. Spencer). Coppersmith apprentice, Pa. R.R., 1900-04; connect- ed with F. P. Wilt Co., wholesale gro- cers, Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1904-06; asso. with S. F. Bowser & Co., Inc., Ft. Wayne, Ind., served in various depts., became asst. dist. sales mgr., and exec, asst., 1906-37; spt. of Baptist Old People's Home, Maywood, 111., since 1942. Char- ter mem. and sec. bd. dirs., Ft. Wayne Y.M.C.A. Former supt. First Baptist Ch. Sunday Sch., Ft. Wayne, Ind. chmn. bd. trustees and mem. bd of deacons. Re- publican. Mason (Royal Arch, Knight Templar). Address: 315 Pine St., May- wood, 111. BILLS, Benjamin Franklin, lawyer, realtor builder, author; b. Geneseo, III.. 10 June 1889; s. Clarence M. and Alice M. (Warner) B.; ed. pub. and high sens., Geneseo; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1911, 997 J.D., 1913; m. Beryl Gilbert, 1916 (died 1923); children — Betty Alice, Gilbert Clarence (died 1942) ; m. 2d, Marguerite Hanford, 15 Aug. 1925. Admitted to 111. bar, 1914, and practiced in Chicago until 1919; mem. faculty Williams Coll., Wil- liamstown, Mass., 1918-19; mem. law faculty Univ. of Chicago, 1919-20; asst. sec. Continental & Commercial Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago, 1920-22; pres. The Bills Realty, Inc., 1925-28, chmn. bd. since 1928; chmn. bd. The Bills Mortgage Co., Bills Securities Corp., Builders, Inc.; mem. faculty School of Commerce, Northwestern Univ., since 1927. Mem. Chicago Real Estate Bd., Nat. Assn. Real Estate Bds., Metropoli- tan Home Builders, pres. Land Develop- ers Assn., Grand Ridge Lumber Co., Grand Ridge Construction Corp., Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Pi Alpha Delta, Delta Sigma Rho, Phi Beta Kappa. Republi- can. Methodist. Club : Union League. Au- thor: Principles of Persuasion, 1935; Persuasion in Business, 1937; Selling Sense, 1939; How to Get Action, 1946. Home: 501 Grove Av., Glencoe, 111. Of- fice: 110 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. HEFNER, Robert Alexander, mayor and attorney; b. Lone Oak, Tex., 7 Feb. 1874; s. Wm. Lafayette Hefner, rancher, and Sarah Jane (Masters) H. ; ed. N. Tex. Bapt. Coll.; LL.B., Univ. Texas, 1902; m. Eva Maurine Johnson of Jacks- boro, Tex., 18 July 1906; children— Rob- ert A., Jr., Margaret Evelyn, William Johnson. Dir., Am. Nat. Bank, Peoples Bldg. & Loan Assn., Ardmore, Okla., Resources Corp., Chicago, 111., Okla. Hist. Soc; trustee Okla. Bapt. Univ., Shawnee, Okla.; mayor, Ardmore, 1920- 26; justice of Supreme Court, Okal., 1926- 33; city atty., Ardmore, 1911-13; mayor, Okla. City, 1939-47; pres. Bd. Edn., Ard- more, 1910-20; mem. Okla. Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Am. Judicature Soc. S.A.R., Chamber of Commerce (pres., 1924-25), Order of De Molay (dep. of grand council 1929-30), Dad's Assn. Univ. Okla. (pres. 1926-27). Clubs: Ro- tary (pres., 1921-23), Kiwanis, Royal Arch Masons, Scottish Rite, K.T., Shri- ner, Democratic, Okla. Univ., Oklahoma City Golf & Country, Men's Dinner, Ard- more Rod & Gun. Travel: Eur. Baptist. Democrat. Office: 302 Municipal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 201 N.W. 14th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. DIETZ, Gould, president Gould Dietz Investment Co.; b. Anamosa, la., 24 May 1868; s. Gould Price Dietz and Le- onora Antonette (Cooke) D.; ed. high sch. ; m. Alica A. Kountze of Omaha, 20 Dec. 1930. Asso. with brother, C. N. Dietz, wholesale and retail lumber busi- ness since 1883; also developed bitumi- nous coal fields of Sheridan County, Wy- oming; del. to Rep. Nat. Conv. (seven times); dir., Omaha Nat. Bank; trustee Home for Aged, Child Savings Inst., Ne- braska Historical Society, Masonic Boys Home (pres.), City Mission, Foundation Com. for Neb. Univ.; organized the Red Cross Chapter for Omaha (pres.), Base Hosp. No. 49 and ambulance No. 135, civilian aid to Sec. of War Seventh Corp. Area; mem. Neb. Humane Soc. (pres.). Clubs: Omaha, Omaha Country. Travel: 5 times around the world. Methodist. Re- publican. Address: Hotel Fontenelle, Omaha, Neb. RICHARDS, Aute, professor; b. Te- kamah, Neb., 31 Oct. 1885; s. John Flet- cher Richards and Silvia Jane (Mc- Nabb) R.; ed. Peabody (Kan.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Kan., 1908; A.M., Univ. Wis., 1909; Ph.D, Princeton Univ, 1911; D.Sc, (hon.), Marietta Coll., 1939; m. Mildred Hoge of Baltimore, Md., 19 Dec. 1917; children — James Hoge, Ernest John. Teacher, rural schs., Marion Coun- ty, Kan., 1903-04, Sumner County High Sch., Wellington, Kan., 1907-08; grad. asst., Univ. Wis., 1908-09; instr., adj. prof., zool., Univ. Tex., 1911-16; prof, zool., Wabash Coll., 1916-20; prof, zool., Univ. Okla., since 1920; head of dept., 1920-42; teacher, summer schs., Univ. Washington, Western State Coll., Rocky Mt. Biological La.; dir., Okla. Biol. Sur- vey, formerly of Sch. Applied Biol., Uni- versity Okla. Mus. Zool.; mem. bd. trus- tees, Rocky Mountain Biol. Lab. (past pres.); F.A.A.A.S. ; mem Am Society Zool., Am. Soc. Naturalists, Am. Micros. Soc, Ind. Acad., Okla. Acad, (sec, 1923- 27, pres., 1929-30), A.A.U.P. (mem. nat. council, 1933-36), Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Beta Beta Beta. Club: Lions. Author: Outline of Compar- ative Embryology, Practical Compara- tive Embryology, many sci. articles. Travel: Eur. Interest: music Episcopa- lian. Republican. Office: University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Home: 434 Chautauqua Av., Norman, Okla. MOSBY, William Harry, artist, educa- tor; b. Sioux City, la., 24 Jan. 1898; s. Harry Edward and Anastasia M. ; grad. Sioux City High Sch., 1916, 3rd O.T.S., San Antonio, Tex., 1918, Chicago Acad. Fine Arts, 1923; certificate Royal Acad. Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium, 1924, 25, 26, winner 8 yr. scholarship, Internation- al competition Nat. Superior Inst. Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium, studied 1937, 38, 998 39 (certificate); studied sculpture, Chi- cago Art Inst., 1934-35; m. Alice E. Ar- vidson, 27 June 1936, 1 son— William H. Mosby Jr. Successively stamper in cir- culation dept. two newspapers, elk. in R.R. office, soldier, army officer, art student, advt. illustrator, teacher and naval officer. Practising artist (portrait, still life, landscape, mural decoration and wood engraving) ; teacher of life drwg. painting, comparative anatomy, and pictorial composition Nat. Acad. Art, Chicago, 1927-30, Am. Acad. Art, Chicago 1930-43. Served as Pvt., Corpl., and Sergt. Co. H, 2d Inf. and Co. B, 126th Mach. Gun Battn., 34th Div. 1915-18; 2d Lt. of Inf. USNA and 2d and 1st It. QMC Motor Transpt. branch regular army, 1918-22. A.E.P. with 92d Div., France, 1918-19. Commd. lt. Aviation Vol. Spe- cialist USNR 29 Dec. 1942; grad. U.S. N Tr. Sch. for Recognition, Ohio State Univ., 28 May 1943; U.S.N. Air Gunners Sch., Purcell, Okla., 8 July 1943; instr. in recognition and gunnery and ground- sch. training officer U.S.N. Flight Prep. Sch., Univ. of So. Carolina to Mar., 1944; elected hon. mem. faculty Univ. of S.C. ; consecutively instr. in recognition, asso. editor "Skywriter," supply officer, exec, officer, officer in charge U.S.N. Flight Prep. Sch. De Pauw Univ., Mar. -Sept. 1944; recognition instr. U.S.N. Pre-flight Sch. Univ. of Iowa, Sept. -Dec. 1944; vis- ual training officer carrier aircraft ser- vice unit four, fleet air detachment, U. S.N.A.S. Puunene, Maui, T.H. Dec. 1944- Nov. 1945; now student advisor U.S.N. Pre-Flight Sch., U.S. Naval Air Station, Ottumwa, la. Decorations : Iowa State Medal, Mexican Border Service Medal, World War I Victory Medal (2 bars and stars), Occupation of Germany medal, 1918, sharpshooter's qualification medal, 1920, 21, 22, Army good conduct medal with star, Am. Theater medal, Pacific- Asiatic theater medal and Victory medal World War II. Promoted to Lt. Comdr., USNR, 3 Oct. 1945. Executed advt. illus- trations, 1926-33, for Fisher Bodies, Packard, Chrysler, Marmon, Dodge, Cadillac-La Salle, Goodyear, Firestone, Goodrich Tires, Am. Chain Co., Pills- bury's Flour, Portland Cement, Indiana Limestone, Internat. Harvester, Mar- shall Fields Wholesale, Mars Candy Co., and many others. Executed mural for St. Mathews Episcopal Church, Chicago, 1932, represented in exhibitions in Eur. and U.S., 1926-43. Mem. Beverly Hills Art Assn., South Side Art Assn., Chica- go Galleries Assn., Assn. of Chicago Painters and Sculptors, College Art Assn., Artists for Victory Inc. Epis- copalian. Mason (32d dog., Shriner). Address: Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington, D.C. Home: care of A. Arvidson, 912 W. Superior St., Munising, Mich. MERRILLS, Frederick Emerson, law- yer; b. Belleville, 111., 14 Jan. 1889; s. Fred B. and Virginia (Badgley) M.; stu- dent Smith Acad., St. Louis, Mo., 1904- 07; B.A., Harvard, 1911; M.A., Univ. of 111., 1912; m. Mary E. Turner, 15 Aug. 1915; children— Mary Josephine (Mrs. Alan Bate), Virginia Turner. Admitted to 111. bar, 1913; engaged in pvt. practice of law, Belleville, since 1913; master in chancery, St. Clair County, 111., 1935-37; dir. and atty. First Nat. Bank of Belle- ville, Home Bldg. & Loan Assn. of Belle- ville, St. Clair Guaranty and Title Co., Sandal Craft, Inc. Sec. to Bd. Edn., Twp. High Sch. Dist. 201; chmn. Democratic County Central Com. Democrat. Clubs: University (St. Louis, Mo.), St. Clair Country. Home: 621 E. C St. Office: 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., Belleville, HI. BATCHELOR, Horace, clergyman; b. Eastbourne, Eng., 17 July 1887; s. Alfred Horace and Elizabeth (Gosden) B. ; came to U.S., 1905; student Presbyn. Theol. Sem., Chicago, 111., 1918-21 (grad- uate) ; B.Th., Auburn (N.Y.) Theologi- cal Sem., 1937; D.D., Millikin Univ., De- catur, 111.; m. Stella Belle Potter, 8 June 1911; 1 dau.— Glorene (Mrs. G. V. Wheel- er). Ordained Presbyn. minister, 1910; pastor, Bruce, Wis., 1910-11, Seymour, 1912-16, Birnanwood, 1917-18, Ridgefarm. 111., 1921-22, Tuscola 1922-25; pastor of Presbyn. Ch., Matton, since 1925. Mod- erator Presbyn. Synod of 111., 1933. Pres. bd. trustees Millikin Univ. Mem. Rec- reational B., Salvation Army Bd.; chmn. Library Bd., chmn. Y.M.C.A. bd. dirs. Matton. Republican. Mason (K.T., 32d deg). Club: Kiwanis (dist gov. 111.). Home and office: 2214 Western Av., Mattoon, 111. POLEY, Gerald Murdock, banking; b. Davis Junction, 111., 12 Mar. 1898; s. Ja- cob Michael and Gertrude (Richardson) P.; student Oberlin (O.) Coll., 1916-17; m. Mary E. Hurd, 7 June 1921. Book- keeper, later cashier, Stillman Valley (111.) bank, 1919-35; organized Ogle Co. Nat. Bank, Oregon, 111., 1935, dir. and exec, vice pres.; dir. Stillman Valley Nat. Bank. Served with Field Hosp. 131, 33d Div., 1917-19; 1st lt. U.S. Quarter- master Corps Res., 1925-35; during World War II served over a yr. in Southwest Pacific as a Field Director with the Am. Red Cross. Formerly trustee Stillman Valley Community High Sch. and Village 999 Bd.; pres. Oregon Public Library; mem. Frank O. Lowden Memorial Commn. Cited by Sec. of Treasury for distin- guished services in conducting 5 war bond drives, Ogle County, 111. Member Oregon Better Bus. Men's Assn. Repub- lican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Oregon Ro- tary, Oregon Golf. Address: Oregon, 111. DEATHERAGE, Charles Floyd, dental health edn.; b. Waverly, 111., 3 Apr. 1902; s. Charles Wesley and Carrie Elizabeth D.; student James Millikin Univ., 1922- 23; D.D.S., Univ. of 111., 1927; M.P.H., Harvard Univ., 1940; m. Bunnetta Bak- er, 10 Dec. 1927; 1 son — David Wesley. Instr. Coll. Dentistry, Univ. of 111., 1927- 28, also part-time practice with Dr. Ge- thro; opened office at 55 E. Washington St., 1928; operating dentist Chicago bd. of Health, 1929-31; children's, clinic Chi- cago Bd. Edn., 1931-33; supt. clinics Un- ion League Club, 1932-33; examining den- tist 111. Emergency Relief Corp., 1931-33; supt. mouth hygiene 111. Dept. Public Health, 1933-35; chief div. of Dental Health Edn., State of 111., 1 Nov. 1935- 1 Apr. 1943; gen. practice since 1 Apr. 1943; returned as part-time chief of the div. of Pub. Health Dentistry, State of 111., 1 May 1944-1 Sept. 1945. Mem. Am. Dental Assn., 111. Dental Soc, Am. Assn. Pub. Health Dentists, Am. Soc. for Pro- motion of Dent, for Children, A.A.A.S., Am. Public Health Assn., Sima Chap, of Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Psi Omega, (deputy councilor Beta Alpha Chapter, 2 yrs.). Presbyterian. Mason. Home and office : Waverly, 111. CAMPBELL, Harvey J., exec. v. p. De- troit Bd. Commerce; b. Yale, Mich., 2 Jan. 1890; s. Harvey J. and Mina (At- kinson) C; student Central High Sch., Detroit, 1905; m. Mabel Thosteson, 3 June 1909; 1 dau— Ruth (Mrs. Wilfred D. Gmeiner). With Detroit Photoengrav- ing Co., 1905-15, becoming sales mgr. ; pres. Apel-Campbell Co., comml. art stu- dio, 1915-20; pres. Campbell, Trump Co., advt. agency, 1920-23; dir. Detroit Bd. Commerce, 1919-23, sec, 1922-40, exec, v.p. since July 1940; dir. Evans Products Co., Ryerson, Haynes Co., McDonald Creamery. Dir. Detroit Symphony Soc, Detroit Civic Light Opera Assn. Mem. Detroit Citizens League, Detroit Real Estate Bd. Mason. Clubs: Detroit, De- troit Athletic (dir.), Players (pres. 1917- 18), Adcraft (pres. 1919-20), Detroit Golf, Recess. Home: 3793 Sturtevant. Office: 320 W. Lafayette Av., Detroit 26, Mich. CAREY, Archibald J., Jr., clergyman, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 29 Feb. 1908; s. Bishop Archibald J. and Elizabeth (Davis) C; student Univ. of Chicago, 1925-27; B.S., Lewis Inst., 1928; B.D., Northwestern Univ., 1932; LL.B., Chica- go Kent Coll. of Law, 1935; D.D., Wilber- force Univ., 1943; m. Hazel Harper, 1 Jan. 1931. Ordained to the ministry, Af- rican Methodist Episcopal Church, 1930; pastor Woodlawn Church since 1930; ad- mitted to 111. bar, 1936, and since en- aed in practice of law. Vice pres. Con- nectional Council A.M.E. Church, dir. and counselor, Unity Mutual Life Ins. Co.; dir. and vice pres. 111. Fed. Savings & Loan Assn.; dir. and gen. . counsel, Henry C. Taylor & Co.; tech. advisor to the dir. of Dept. of Revenue, State of 111. Received 1st prize, $1,000, Chicago Daily News Oratorical contest, 1924; Edmund W. Burke Law scholarship, 1935. Mem. Alpha Phi Alpha (former pres.). Repub- lican. Home: 57 E. 46th St. Office: 188 W. Randolph St., Chicago, 111. CHASE, Guy, lawyer; b. Winnebago Co., Wis., 11 Dec. 1879; s. James T. Chase, farmer, and Ella (Gunning) C. ; ed. Oshkosh, Wis. High Sch.; St. Paul Coll. of Law, 1905-07; m. Helen Bayard of St. Paul, 25 June 1912; children— Guy Barard, Lorraine. Atty. with John A. Pearson, 1909-11; Davis, Kellogg & Sev- erance, Kellogg, Morgan, Chase, Carter & Headley, Morgan, Chase, Headley & Hoshour, since 1911; mem. Masons, Red Cross of Constantine. Clubs: Town and Country, St. Paul Athletic, St. Paul Automobile. Recreations: golf, sailing, skating. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: 1512 First National Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 1750 Goodrich Av., St. Paul, Minn. Summer home: Balsam Lake, Wis. HOGAN, Leo LaBrune, pres. Hogan and Farwell, Inc., real estate, b. St. Louis, Mo., 4 Jan. 1902; s. James H. and Anastasia (LaBrune) H. ; student St. Louis Univ. Prep. Sch., St. Louis Univ., Lake Forest Coll. Began as real estate broker, Chicago, 111. 1922. Founded Ho- gan and Farwell, Inc., 1927. Pres. Chi- cago Real Estate Board, pres. North Central Assn. of Chicago. Mem. Nat. Assn. Real Estate Bds., Bldg. Mgrs. As- sociation Chicago, Am. Inst. Real Es- tate Appraisers. Olympic Games, Ant- werp, Belgium, 1920. Served as Seaman U.S. Navy World War I. Comdr. U.S. Navy World War II aboard the (CV11) Aircraft Carrier U.S.S. Intrepid. Deco- rated at sea by Admiral Halsey and the late Vice Admiral McCain. Decora- tions: Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart. Four citations. Released from U. S. Navy October, 1945. Mem. Am. Le- 1000 gion, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Military Or- der of World Wars, Reserve Officers Naval Service, Airmen of Am., Kappa Sigma. Clubs: Racquet, Saddle and Cy- cle, Chicago Golf, Tavern, Mid - Day. Home: Chicago, 111. Office: Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111. JENKINS, Thomas Albert, congress- man; b. Jackson County, O., 28 Oct. 1880; s. Samuel E. and Ann (Harris) J.; B.Sc, Providence Univ., Oak Hill, O., 1901; LL.B., Ohio State Univ., 1907; m. Mabel Wynne, 19 Jan. 1909. Admitted to Ohio bar, 1907 and began practice at Ironton; pros. atty. Lawrence County, O., 1916-20; mem. Ohio State Senate, 1922-24; mem. 69th to 79th Congresses (1925-45), 10th Ohio Dist. ; mem. Ways and Means Com. Home: Ironton, O. URETZ, Daniel Albert, lawyer; b. Rus- sia, 24 Sept. 1885; s. Albert and Isabell (Malkin) U.; M.E., Lewis Inst., 1909; B.S., Midland Univ., 1911; LL.B., Chi- cago Law Coll., 1912, LL.M., 1915. Came U.S., 1900, naturalized, 1909. Admitted to 111. bar, 1912, and since practiced in Chicago; prof, law, Chicago Law Coll., 1917-18; atty. for depositors in reorgan- ization Crawford State Bank and Hum- boldt State Bank; candidate for state's atty., 1924; successfully reorganized Su- perior State Bank by unique plan, be- came dir. and atty for bank. On legal advisory draft bd., 1918; on mayor's com. of World's Fair of Chicago; alder- manic candidate, 24th Ward, 1918; supe- rior ct. candidate for judge, 1922; candi- date for state senate, 1925; organized Lawndale Dist. Improvement Assn.; sec. Nat. Lawyers Guild delegation, Inter Am. Bar Conf., Mexico City, 1944. Mem. The Chicago Council on Fgn. Relations, Jewish Historical Soc. of 111., Nat. Law- yers Guild, Decalogue Soc. of Lawyers (mem. exec, bd.), 111. State Bar Assn., exec. bd. Am. Birsbidjan Com. for re- habilitation of Jewish war orphans., B'- nai B'rith. Democrat. Woodmen of the World. Contbr. articles to professional journals. Home: 817 Lakeside Place. Of- fice: 100 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. MOORE, Vivian Lyon, teacher, gene- alogist, musician; b. Quincy, Mich., 23 Nov. 1887; d. Frank Almon Lyon, law- yer, senator, and Mary Emma (Fink) L. ; ed. Hillsdale High Sch.; piano diplo- ma, Hillsdale Coll., 1905, A.B. summa cum laude, Univ. of Mich., 1940, Litt.M., 1944; student St. Mary's Coll., Notre Dame (Ind.), Univ. of Chicago; Artists Diploma in piano, Univ. Sch. Music (Ann Arbor), 1908; post grad. piano wk. under Albert Lockwood, Ann Arbor and Bendetson Netzorg, Detroit; m. Donald K. Moore of Chicago, 9 May 1916; 1 dau. — Patricia Lyon (Mrs. Howard Beck). Teacher, Piano, German, Hillsdale Col- lege, 1909-14; professional genealogist since 1921; newspaper corr., free lance writer; historian, Hillsdale Co., Hillsdale Coll.; mem. music faculty, Hillsdale Col- lege, 1930-42, asst. prof. Am. History, 1942-43, prof. German since 1942. Mem. Woman's Commn., Hillsdale Coll., Alum- ni Exec. Com., Hillsdale Coll., O.E.S. (grand organist 1 yr.), Colonial Dames, U.S. Daughters of 1812, D.A.R. (state cons, registrar, 3 yrs., state recording sec, 4 yrs., nat. chmn. genealogical records, 3 yrs., nat. vice chmn. Girls Homemakers, 3 yrs., nat. v. chmn. Ad- vancement of Am. Music, 3 yrs., Nat. Chmns.' Assn., publicity com. (Mich.), Past State Officers Club (pres. since or- gn., state genealogist, 9 yrs.), National League of Am. Penwomen, Pi Beta Phi (province supervisor scholarships, five yrs., province pres., 1942-46), Mu Phi Epsilon (hon. musical), Epsilon Delta Alpha (hon. scholastic), Descs. Colonial Govs., Mich., Authors Assn., Michigan Hist. Soc, N.E. Genealogical Soc. Au- thor: First Hundred Years of Hillsdale College; Historical Sketch of St. Peter's Church; translator: 5 German novel- ettes; writer of numerous newspaper arts., mag. arts., short stories for chil- dren; compiler of numerous hist, and genealogical vols.; editor of annual ad- denda to memorabilia, class of 1887, Hillsdale Coll. Interests: astronomy, public speaking. Recreation: motoring. Episcopalian. Republican. Home: 25 S. Broad St., Hillsdale, Mich. Office: Hills- dale College, Hillsdale, Mich. WELLS, Herman B., educator, pres. Indiana U., Bloomington, Ind. ; b. James- town, Ind., 7 June 1902; s. Joseph Granville and Anna Bernice (Harting) W.; student Univ. of 111., 1920-21; B.S., Ind. Univ., 1924; A.M., 1927; grad. study Univ. of Wis., 1927-28; LL.D., Butler U., Rose Poly. Inst, and De Pauw Univ., 1939, Wabash Coll., 1942; unmarried. As- sistant cashier First National Bank, Le- banon, Ind., 1924-26; asst. department of economics, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1927- 28; field sec. Ind. Bankers Assn.. ^ < ^2*- 31; sec. and research dir. Study Commn. for Ind. Financial Instns., 1931-33; instr. economics, Ind. Univ., L931-33, asst. pro- fessor, 1933-35; supervisor div. of banks and trust cos. and div. of research and statistics, Dept. of Financial Instns., St. of Ind., 1933-35; sec. Commn. for Finan- cial Instns., State of Ind., 1933-36; dean 1001 and prof, of Sch. of Business Adminstrn., Ind. Univ.. 1935-37, acting pres., 1 July 1937-22 Mar. 1938, pres. since 1938; chmn. bd. of dirs. Fed. Home Loan Bk. of Indianapolis. Pres., State Univ. Assn.; mem. exec. com. Am. Council on Edn. (chmn. council 1944-45); mem. first bd. regents, Am. Savings & Loan Institute; member Federal Savings & Loan adv. council; dir. Ind. Soc. for Mental Hy- giene. Mem. bd. dirs. Com. on Cultural Relations with Latin Am.; mem. board trustees, Council for Inter-American Co- operation. Mem. Board Edn. of Metho- dist Ch. ; mem. bd. trustees, Conf. Am. Small Business Orgns. Trustee National Foundation for Edn. and Nat. Founda- tion for Edn. in Am. Citizenship, Car- negie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching. Mem. bd. edn., State of Ind. Dep. dir. liberated areas, U.S. Dept. of State, 1943. Advisory mem. Research Council, Am. Bankers Assn. Received Distinguished Service award, Indiana Junio Chamber of Commerce, 1938; 1st annual award, N.Y. Alumni chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, 1939. Mem. council on Foreign Relations, Am. Economic As- sociation, Econometric Soc, Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Nat. Assn. Cost Account- ants, Ind. Acad. Social Sciences (ex- pres.), Ind. Soc. of Chicago, Ind. Soc. Pioneers, Blue Key, Beta Gamma Sig- ma, Alpha Kappa Psi, Kappa Kappa Psi, Sigma Nu. Democrat. Methodist. Mason. Clubs: Kiwanis (Bloomington) ; Columbia, Indianapolis Athletic (Indian- apolis). Author: Report of Study Com- mission for Indiana Financial Insti- tutions (with others), 1932; articles in mags. Address: 519 N. College Avenue, Bloomington, Ind. EGDAHL, Anfin, physician; b. Menom- onie, Wis., 25 Dec. 1875; s. O. A. Egdahl, charge of lumber mill, and Lena (Hage- seth) E.; ed. Menomonie, Wis., high sch.; B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1900; M.D., Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., 1904; m. Zella Perkins of Menomonie, Wis., 11 Sept. 1911; 1 son — William A. Asst. prof. Univ. of la. Med. Sch., 1904-08; dir. Public Health Lab., N.D., 1922-23; prof, bacte- riology Med. Sch., N.D. Univ., 1922-23; practice of medicine Rockford, 111. since 1923. Served as capt. Med. Corps, 1918- 19; now col. Med. Res. Trustee Mun. Tu- berculosis Sanatorium. Mem. A.M. A., 111. State Med. Assn., Assn. of Military Surgeons, Tuberculosis Assn., Winneba- go County Med. Soc, Sigma Xi. Contbr. : many med. papers. Protestant. Office: Talcote Bldg., Rockford, 111. Home: 1823 Clinton St., Rockford, 111. WILDMAN, Clyde Everett, univ. pres. ; b. Greensburg, Ind., 8 Mar. 1889; s. of John William and Jean (Chapman) W.; A.B., De Pauw, 1913; S.T.B., Boston U., 1916,' Ph.D., 1926; fellow United Free Ch. Coll., Glasgow, Scotland, and Basel (Switzerland) Univ., 1919-20; D.D., Cor- nell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la., 1927; LL.D., Northeastern Univ., 1937, Wabash Coll., 1938; S.T.D., Northwestern Univ., 1940, D.Sc in Edn., Boston Univ., 1944; m. Forest Kyle, 18 June 1917; 1 dau.— Sarah Jean. Prof. Bible and religion, Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la., 1920-24, dean, 1924-26; prof. English Bible, Syracuse Univ., 1926-30; prof. O.T. history and re- ligion, Boston Univ. Sch. of Theology, 1930-36; pres. De Pauw Univ. since 1936. Pres. Ind. Assn. of Independent and Ch.- related Colls., 1940-41; pres. Nat. Assn. Meth. Colleges, Universities, and Sec- ondary Schs., 1944-45; mem. commn. on instns. of higher edn. North Central As- sociation of Colls, and Secondary Schs.; mem. Univ. Senate Methodist Ch. ; mem. Ind. War Hist. Commn., chmn. Div. So- cial Forces; mem. Am. Assn. Univer- sity Profs., Phi Beta Kappa." Republi- can. Methodist. Club: Columbia. Contbr. articles on religious and ednl. topics. Home: 125 Wood St., Greencastle, Ind. HARVEY, Rodney Beecher, prof, of plant physiology; b. Monroeville, Ind., 26 May 1890; s. Aaron Lawrence and Mary Vanderport (Hester) H. ; Ph.C, Purdue Univ., 1912, D.Sc. causa honoris, 1939; B.S., Univ. of Mich., 1915; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1918; student Cam- bridge (Eng.) Univ., 1927-28, Univ. of Bonn, Germany, summer 1928; m. Helen M. Whittier, 17 June 1916; children — Hale M. Whittier (dec), Rodney Bryce, Rhoda Beatrice, Helen Elizabeth, Elea- nor Whittier. Asst. botanist Eli Lilly Co., 1912-13; asst. phramacognosist U.S. Bur. Chemistry, 1915; asso. pharmacognosist U.S. Bur. Plant Industry, 1918, plant physiologist, 1918-20; asst. prof. Jootany, Univ. of Minn., 1920-21, asso. prof, plant pathology and botany, 1921-31; prof, of plant physiology, agrl. botany and hor- ticulture since 1931; dir. Fla. Citrus Ex- periment Sta., 1936-37; dir. div. of indus- trial microbiology, General Mills Re- search Laboratory, 1942-43. John Simon Guggenheim fellow, 1927-28. Fellow A. A. A.S.; mem. Bot. Soc. Am., Am. Chem. Society, American Society Plant Physi- ologists (pres. 1936-37), Minnesota Acad. Science (vice president 1938-38, pres. 1942-43), Am. Phytopathol. Soc, Ecol. Soc. of Am., Bot. Soc. of Czechoslovakia (corr. mem.), Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sig- ma Xi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Ze- 1002 ta, Gamma Alpha. Mason. Author: Plant Physiological Chemistry, 1930; A Text- book of Plant Physiology (with A. E. Murneek), 1930; An Annotated Bibliog- raphy of Low Temperature Relations of Plants, 1935; Plant Physioloy (with A. E. Murneek), 1938. Discoverer of ethy- lene process of ripening fruits and hold- er of patents on fruit ripening and color- ation. Home: R.F.D. 2, Box 116, Stillwa- ter, Minn. Address : University Farm, St. Paul, Minn. NORTON, William John, social work- er; b. White-Head Island, Me., 8 Apr. 1883; s. Horace Foster and Aseneth (El- well) N.; A.B., Bowdoin, 1905, Sc.D., 1938; LL.D., Wayne Univ., Detroit, 1934, Univ. of Mich., 1941; m. Erne Comstock, 3 Sept. 1908; children — John Comstock, James Horace, Florence, William J. So- cial settlement work, Brooklyn, N.Y., and Cleveland, O., 1905-09; lecturer in sociology, Western Reserve Univ., 1908- 12, Univ. of Mich., 1924-29; sec. Dept. Charities and Corrections, Cleveland, 1910-12; with Cincinnati Bur. Municipal Research, 1912-13; organizer and dir. of Cincinnati Council Social Agencies, 1913- 17; organizer and sec. Detroit Commun- ity Union and Detroit Community Fund, 1917-30; exec. v.p. Children's Fund of Mich, since 1930; pres. Oakland Housing, Inc.; chmn. Cranbrook Boys Sch., 1933- 36, now dir.; trustee Children's Fund of Mich.; trustee McGregor Fund, Guard- ian Depositors Corporation; chmn. May- or's Interracial Commission, Detroit, 1943. Director La Salle Land Co., Warren Farms Co. Chmn. Detroit Emergency Relief Commn. 1931, Michigan Emer- gency Relief Commn., 1933-38; chmn. Detroit chapter Am. Red Cross, 1944-45. Pres. Ferndale-Pl. Ridge Sch. Bd., 1921- 29; mem. Mich. State Hosp. Commn., 1938-45; chmn. Mich. Dept. Mental Health, since 1945. Mem. Nat. Conf. So- cial Work (pres. 1925), Am. Assn. Com- munity Orgns. (pres. 1920-22), Mich. State Conf. Social Work (hon. pres.), Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Theta Pi, Pi Gam- ma Mu. Treas. Mich. Medical Service. Unitarian. Clubs: Detroit, Prismatic, Acanthus. Author: Cooperative Move- ment in Social Work. Home: 56 Ridge Rd., Pleasant Ridge, Mich. Address: 660 Frederick St., Detroit, Mich. WOODRUFF, Robert Eastman, ry. of- ficial; b. Green Bay, Wis., 11 Sept. 1884; s. Walter Harold and Bel (Eastman) W. ; B.S., in C.E., Purdue, 1905, D.Eng., 1942; m. Mrs. Merville Spoor Thompson, 4 Apr. 1936; children — Louise, Elizabeth. With Erie R.R. since 1905; succes. track laborer, foreman, transitman, inspector, asst. and div. engr., trainmaster, gen. agt. Chicago Terminal, supt. various di- visions, supt. transportation, gen. supt.. regional mgr., Hornell region, supt. Buf- falo div., gen. mgr. Eastern dist., 1905- 28, asst. v.p., 1928-29, v.p. in charge op- eration and maintenance, 1929-39, be- came trustee and chief executive officer, 27 Oct. 1939, pres., 22 Oct. 1941; dir. Erie Railroad and subsidiaries. Director Railway Express Agency. Dir. and v.p. Ohio C. of C; dir. Cleveland C. of C, Assn. Am. Railroads; mem. exec, com., bd. trustees, Ohio Public Expenditures Council; mem. Nat. Industrial Confer- ence Board; member board directors Junior Achievement, Inc. Dir. Purdue Alumni Assn.; alumni research counse- lor, Purdue Research Foundation. Mem. Am. Ry. Engring. Assn. Theta Xi. Clubs: Railroad Machinery (New York) ; Pep- per Pike, Country, Union (Cleveland); Hornell (N.Y.) Country; Union League (Chicago). Author: The Making of a Railroad Officer, 1925. Home: 18100 S. Park Blvd., Shaker Heights, Cleveland. Office: Midland Bldg., Cleveland, O. STAGE, Arthur William, editor, writ- er; b. Marshall, Mich., 26 Apr. 1875; s. Francis A. and Margaret Mary (Mc- Mahon) S. ; Litt.B., Notre Dame Univ., 1896; grad. student 1897; m. Lillian M. O'Connor, 1 June 1899; children — Don- ald, Francis (officer U.S. Air Forces), Margaret Anne, Vincent Arthur (officer U.S. Army Air Forces). Reporter Grand Rapids (Mich.); Democrat, 1897; tele- graph editor, Grand Rapids Press, 1897, city editor, editorial writer, special writ- er, 1900-13, managing ed., 1913-23; spe- cial writer and research worker Mich, subjects for Booth Newspapers, Inc. (8 Mich, papers), 1923-27; dir. Mich. Utili- ties Inf. Bur., 1927-34; editor Ann Arbor News, dir. Ann Arbor Bur. Booth News- papers, writer for Booth Newspapers since 1935. Dir. Southeastern Mich. Tour- ist Assn., Washtenaw Br. of Mich. Auto. Assn. Hon. alumnus Mich. Univ., 1936. Member Am. Soc. Newspaper Editors, Mich. Acad. Science, Mich. Authors As- sociation, Mich. Forestry Assn., National Com. for Mental Hygiene. Ind. Republi- can. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Rotary, Ann Arbor, University, University of Michigan, Barton Hills Country, Ann Arbor Golf and Country (Ann Arbor) ; National Press (Washington, D.C.). Au- thor: (serial) Dreamland Adventures, syndicated by Phila. Ledger, 1917-25; many studies on resources, problems and possibilities of Mich., pub. in Booth 1003 Newspaper. Home: 1046 Baldwin Av. Of- fice : Ann Arbor News, Ann Arbor, Mich. LOWENSTEIN, Henry Polk, lawyer; b. Monroe County, Tenn., 14 Mar. 1859; s. Isaac and Elizabeth Ann (Ghormley) L.; ed. public sch., Patterson, 111., 1873- 76, high school, White Hall, 111., 1877-79; m. Rebecca C. Dempsey, 2 July 1891, (died 7 July 1900); 1 son— Henry Polk; m. 2d, Belle Van Natta Dom, 25 June 1907. Admitted to 111. bar, 1881, and practiced at Roodhouse, Jan. -July 1881, White Hall, 1881-86; practiced in Kansas City, Mo., since 1886 (except for short time in Memphis, Term., 1892); sepcial- ized in real estate law; gen. counsel Kansas City Title & Trust Co., many years; atty. for Prudential Ins. Co. for Kansas City for 25 years. Life mem. Kan. Authors Club, Kansas City Quill Club (past pres.) ; mem. Kansas City bar assn. Democrat. Mason (Shriner). For- merly mem. Christian Ch.; now attends Calvary Bapt. Ch. Writer of verse pub. in newspapers and mags. Home and office: 3743 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. LILLY, Josiah Kirby, manufacturing chemist; b. Greencastle, Ind., 18 Nov. 1861; s. Eli and Emily (Lemon) L. ; studied Asbury (now DePauw) Univ., 1874-76; Ph.G., cum laude, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, 1882; m. Lily Ma- rie Ridgely, 18 Nov. 1882; m. 2d, Lila Allison, 29 June 1935. Entered manufac- turing pharmacy with father, 1876; dir. laboratories of Eli Lilly & Co., 1882-98; became pres. and exec, head same on death of father, 1898; now chmn. bd. Pio- neer in alkaloidal standardization of medicines. Dir. Indianapolis Y.M.C.A., 18 yrs. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Pharm. Assn., Ind. Pharm. Assn, Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Mfrs. Assn., Loyal Legion. Clubs: University, Columbia, Art, Con- temporary, Country. Home: Crows Nest, Indianapolis, Ind. ELLIOTT, Owen N., lawyer; b. Mar- ion, la., 13 Mar. 1886; s. Herbert I. and Martha (Owen) E.; A.B., Coe Coll., Ce- dar Rapids, la., 1907; LL.B., Univ. of la., 1910; m. Leone Lorimor, 12 Nov. 1929. Admitted to la. bar, 1910; city atty., Cedar Rapids, la., 1916-24; mem. law firm, Elliott, Shuttleworth and Ingersoll, Cedar Rapids, since 1924; trustee of Coe College. Dir. La Plant-Choate Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, dir. Dearborn Brass Co., Cedar Rapids. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Iowa State Bar Assn., Acadia, Phi Delta Phi. Mason (32d deg., Shriner), Elk. Clubs: Pickwick, Country (Cedar Rap- ids, la.), Embassy (Cedar Rapids). Of- fice: 1113-20 Merchants Bank Bldg., Ce- dar Rapids, la. Home: 544 Vernon Dr., Cedar Rapids, la. HONEYWELL, Mark C, chmn. bd. Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co.; b. Wabash, Ind., 29 Dec. 1874; s. Sanford and Mary Jane (Mariner) H. ; student Stetson Univ.; m. Eugenia Hubbard, 16 Feb. 1942. In orange growing and brok- erage business, De Land, Fla., 1893; in heating contracting business, Wabash, Ind., 1902-06; pres. Honeywell Heating Specialty Co., mfrs. hot water heating systems, 1906-16, Honeywell Heating Specialties Co., automatic temperature regulators, 1916-27; pres. Minneapolis- Honeywell Regulator Co., 1927-35, now chmn. bd. Trustee Nat. Foundation for Edn. and National Foundation for Edn. in Am. Citizenship. Clubs: Committee of One Hundred (pres.), Surf (dir.), Indian Creek (Miami Beach) ; Country, Golf (Wabash, Ind.); Tippecanoe Lake Coun- try (pres.) (Leesburg, Ind.); Columbia (Indianapolis); Union League (Chica- go). Home: 394 N. Wabash St., Wabash, Ind.; (winter) 4567 Pine Tree Dr., Mi- ami Beach, Fla. JOHANNES, Herman William, lum- berman; b. Merrill, Wis., 13 Jan. 1887; s. William Johannes and Dorathy (Kohl- meyer) J.; ed. Wittenberg (Wis.) Acad., 1902-05; m. Margaret Hone, 27 Mar. 1915. Office boy Jacob Mortenson Lumber Co., Wausau, Wis., 1905-07; bookkeeper and stenographer Collar-Stange Lumber Co., Merrill, Wis., 1907-11; charge shipping office Backus & Brooks Co., Internation- al Falls, Minn., 1911-15; office mgr. of Kneeland-West Lumber Co., Lugerville, Wis., 1915-22; gen. mgr. West Lumber Co., Lugerville, Wis., 1922-35; apptd. by U.S. Sec. of Interior gen. mgr. and dis- bursing agent Menominee Indian Mills (saw mills and timber owned by Me- nominee Indians), Neopit, Wis., 1935; gen. mgr., dir. and treas. Rib Lake (Wis.) Lumber Co. since 1939. Served as chmn. Liberty Loan Com., Price Co., Wis., during World War I. Chmn. lumber adv. com. for Northern Hard and Soft- woods for Wis., Minn, and Mich., apptd. by Office of Price Adminstrn. Member Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Mfrs. Assn. (dir., chmn. bureau of grades), ' Nat. Hardwood Lumber Assn. (member inspection rules com.), Nat. Lumber Mfrs. Assn. (mem. Am. lumber stand- ard com.). Club: Milwaukee Athletic. Contbr. articles on lumber to periodi- cals. Address: Rib Lake, Wis. COOKE, Flora Juliette, educator; b. Bainbridge, O., 25 Dec. 1864; d. Rev. Sumner Hannum and Rosetta (Ellis) H. ; 1004 adopted by Charles E. Cooke and Luella (Miller) C. ; ed. Youngstown, O., high sch.; Chicago and Cook County Normal Sch. ; Univ. of Chicago; Armour Inst. Tech., 1916; M.A. (hon.), Lake Forest Univ., 1931. Teacher, Chicago Normal Sch., Chicago Inst., 1891-1900; principal, Francis W. Parker Sch., Chicago, 1900- 34. Trustee Francis W. Parker School since 1943; mem. Citizens Schs. Com.; trustee W. J. Bogan Mem. Scholarship Fund; mem. Children's Scholarship As- sociation, Young and Brayton Scholar- ship Com., Chicago Council of Social Agencies, Nat. Chicago Urban League, Nat. Chicago Civil Liberties, Progress- ive Edn. Assn. (life), Chicago Hist. Soc, Nat. Chicago Geog. Soc, Nat. Child Study and Adult Edn. Soc. English Speaking Union, Pub. Art Soc, Music Guild, League of Women Voters (Chica- go), Art Inst. Chicago (life), Acad, of Sci. (life), Field Mus. (life), Woman's Peace and Freedom, Delta Kappa Gam- ma (Kappa chap., hon. state founder, 111.). Clubs: Chicago Woman's, Wo- man's City, Cordon. Author: nature myths, articles on ednl. subjects; lec- turer on progressive edn. in U.S. and abroad. Address: 530 Arlington PL, Chi- cago 14, 111. THIEME, Theodore F., mfr. ; b. Fort Wayne, Ind., 7 Feb. 1857; s. Frederick J. and Clara (Weitzman) T. ; Concordia Coll., Ft. Wayne, 1871-73; Columbia Uni- versity, 1874-76; Ph.G., 1876; m. Bessie Loring, 18 Jan. 1894. In drug business 12 yrs.; organizer and pres., 1891, Wayne Knitting Mills mfrs. hosiery (now re- tired); pres. Morris Plan Co., 1909, Thieme Bros. Co. (Ft. Wayne, Ind.), Thieme Hosiery Co. (Los Angeles, Calif., 1923). and dir. various banks and corps. State chmn. Business System of City Govt. Com. of Ind., chmn. exec. com. Citizens' League of Ind., 1911-17, Foun- der Fort Wayne Art School and Museum. Mem. Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Sci- ence, Acad. Polit. Sci., Nat. Assn. Mfrs., C. of C. U.S.A., Ind. Soc of Chicago. Republican. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Commercial, Fort Wayne Country (Ft. Wayne) ; Wilshire Country, Jonathan, Del Mar Beach (Los Angeles, Calif.). Author (brochures); Municipal Side- lights, 1910; A Modern System of City Government, 1911; Business System of City Government Charter, 1912; What Ails Us?, 1913; A New State Constitution for Indiana, 1914 ; Liquor and Public Util- ities in Indiana Politics, 1914; Home Rule for Cities, 1915; Municipal Owner- ship, the Salvation of Our Cities, 1916 (book) A Business System of City Gov- ernment, 1934. Home: Thieme Gardens, Covington Rd., Ft. Wayne, Ind. HARPER, Fowler Vincent, prof, law; b. Germantown, O., 21 July 1897; s. of Ellahue Ansel and Cora Alta (Rudy) H. ; student Denison Univ., Granville, O., 1915-17; A.B., Ohio Northern Univ., Ada., 1922; LL.B., 1923; A.M., State Univ. of la., 1925; S.J.D., Univ. of Mich., 1926; fellow Univ. of Pa., 1933; m. Grace Irene Gill, 22 Jan. 1925; 1 dau.— Con- stance Lillian. Prof, law, Univ. of N.D., 1926-28, Univ. of Ore., 1928-29, Ind. Univ., 1929-35; Univ. of Tex., 1935-36, La. State Univ., 1936-37; prof, of law, Ind. Uni- versity since 1937, on leave, 1942-45; gen. counsel. Fed. Security Agency, Washing- ton, D.C. ; consultant Federal Security Agency and Dept. of Agr., 1940-42 chmn. Joint Army and Navy Com. on Wel- fare and Recreation, 1942; dep. chmn. War Manpower Commn., and as asso. mem. Nat. War Labor Board, 1943; so- licitor, Dept. of Interior, 1943-45; asso- ciated with Bobbs-Merrill Publishing Co. as editorial advisor since 1936. Served as cadet in U.S.A.S., 1918, World War. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Am. Law Institute (life), Judge Advocates Assn., Reserve Officers Assn., Am. Legion, Order of Coif, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Theta Phi, Phi Mu Alpha. Clubs: Indianapolis Athletic; National Press. Author: Trea- tise on the Law of Torts, 1933; Give Me Liberty, 1942; Law and Democratic So- ciety, 1945. Editor: (with F. H. Bohlen) Cases on Torts, 1933; (with C. W. Taint- or II) Cases and Material on Judicial Technique in Conflict of Laws; Bohlen's Cases on Torts, 4th edit., 1941; Harper's Readings in Torts, 1941. Reporter for spl. chapters Restatement of Torts, 1934. Contbr. to Les Sources Du Droit (Paris), 1935; also to legal pubis. Home: 818 Sheridan Dr., Bloomington, Ind. ERNST, Alwin Charles, audits; born Cleveland, O.; ed. Cleveland High Sch.; LL.D., Wooster Coll., 1931, Kenyon Coll., 1940; m. Charlotta Elizabeth Fawcett, 1903; children— Ruth (Mrs. H. S. L. Re- no, Jr., dec), Frances (Mrs. Peter Hal- laran), Harriett (Mrs. Tinkham Vealo, II), Allayne (Mrs. Douglas Wick), Joan. Organized firm of Ernst & Ernst, public accountants, auditors and systematlzers, 1903 (this firm now operates 46 offices in U.S. and 1 in Toronto, Can.); chmn. Liq- uidating Com. of Union Properties, Inc. Mem. Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleve- land Museum of Natural History (life mem.), Early Settlers Assn. of Western Reserve (life mem.), Cleveland C. of C. (pres. 2 terms), Musical Arts Assn. 1005 (Cleveland Symphony Orchestra), No. Ohio Metropolitan Opera Assn. (mem. exec, com.), organizer and mem. Great- er Cleveland Defense Savings Commit- tee; mem. Cuyahoga County Civilian De- fense Com.; tr. and mem. corp. Case Sch. of Applied Science; chmn. bd. of Gates Mills Park Commn.; mem. and trustee Gates Mills Improvement Soc. ; trustee and mem. exec. bd. Boy Scouts of Am. (Cleveland Council) ; member Cleveland Council Inter-Am. Affairs; tr. Conn. (New London) Coll. for Women; tr. and mem. Corp. Cleveland Clinic Foundation; mem. Council Navy League of U.S. Mem. bd. trustees, Lake Erie Coll. (Painesville, O.). Received Cleve- land Gold Medal of Honor, 1939. Clubs: The Union, Chagrin Valley Hunt, Pepper Pike Country, Mayfield Country, Mid- Day (Cleveland) ; Recess, Cloud (New York). Author of spl. articles on busi- ness and financial matters for various instns. and orgns. Home: (winter) 2450 Fairmount Blvd., Cleveland Heights, O. ; (summer) Fair Elm, Gates Mills, O. Of- fice: 1356 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleve- land, O. FIRESTONE, Harvey Samuel, Jr.; b. Chicago, 111., 20 Apr. 1898; s. Harvey Samuel and Idabelle (Smith) F. ; grad. Asheville (N.C.) Sch., 1916; A.B., Prince- ton, 1920; m. Elizabeth Parke, 25 June 1921; children — Elizabeth Chambers, Martha Parke, Harvey Samuel III, Anne Idabelle. Actively associated with Fire- stone Tire & Rubber Co. since Sept. 1920, v.p., 1929, pres. since 1941, dir. since 1919; became v.p. Firestone Steel Products Co., 1922, gen mgr., 1922-26, now dir.; also v.p. and dir. Firestone Plantations Co., (with rubber planta- tions in Liberia, West Africa), president since 1932; organized Firestone Planta- tions Co., Ltd., London, 1925, now dir.; pres. and dir. Blue Grass Ordnance De- pot, Inc., Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. of Tennessee, Firestone Rubber & Latex Products Co., Firestone Aircraft Co., Firestone Plantations Co. of Nicaragua, U.S. Liberia Radio Corp., Bank of Mon- rovia, Inc., Firestone de la Argentina, S.A.; dir. Nebraska Defense Corp., Fire- stone Rubber and Metal Products Co., Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co., Ltd., Fire- stone Hispania, S.A., Fabrik fur Fire- stone Produkte A.G. (Switzerland), Fire- stone Tire & Rubber Export Co. Trustee Asheville (N.C.) Sch., Booker Washing- ton Agrl. and Indsl. Inst.; charter trus- tee Princeton Univ., alumni trustee, 1938- 42; mem. Internat. Com. of Y.M.C.A.; vice-chmn. war com., mem. exec. com. dir., Nat. Assn. Mfrs.; chmn. for rubber industry, Nat. Citizens Com. of Navy Re- lief Soc; chmn. Churchmen of Ohio; mem. Nat. Com. Washington Cathedral; rhmn. Prsiding Bishop's Com. on Lay- men's Work for Episcopal Ch.; trustee Episcopal Diocese of Ohio; gen. chmn. in Ohio for United Service Orgns., Inc. Served in Naval Aviation, 1918. Repub- lican. Clubs: University, Portage Coun- try (Akron) ; Union, Chagrin Valley Hunt (Cleveland); Detroit Athletic; Prince- ton, Cloud (N.Y.); Colonial (Princeton); Bath, Indian Creek Golf (Miami Beach, Fla.). Home: 50 Twin Oaks Rd. Address: The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, O. BARNARD, Hayden Emil Eberhardt, surgeon; b. Munich, Ger., 23 Aug. 1896; s. Dr. Hayden S. Barnard and Baroness Sophie (von Georgi Georgenau) B.; ed. S.B., Univ. Chicago, 1917; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1919; m. Alice Lorraine Hughes; 1 son — Hayden Dorian, 1 dau. — * Denise Lynn. Instr. Dept. Anatomy, Loy- ola Univ. Sch., Medicine, 1918-21; research surgeon Columbia Hosp., Mil- waukee, Wis., 1919; interne Cook County Hosp., 1920-21; mem. resident staff, 1920- 21; asso. surgery, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch.; sr. cons, surgeon, Northwest- ern Univ. Surgical Dispensery; sr. at- tending surgeon, Wesley Mem. Hospital, Chicago, 111. ; formerly head of the Dept. Surgical Anatomy, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch.; fellow A.M.A., Am. College Surgeons; mem. 111. State and Chicago Medical Socs. Republican. Protestant. Club: South Shore Country. Office: 30 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: Geor- genau Estate, 6400 S. County Line Rd., Hinsdale, 111. SMITH, Bryce Byram, former mayor; b. Indianapolis, 7 Dec. 1878; s. B. How- ard and Mary (Stille) S.; grad. Central High Sch., Kansas City, Mo., 1898; m. Nannie A. Norquist, 2 Oct. 1901 (died 27 May 1935) ; children — Viola L. (Mrs. Harvey D. Rush, Jr.), Betty Mary (Mrs. Robert Emmett Northcutt). Manager of Smith Baking Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1909-21; pres. Consumers Bread Co., 1921-23; pres Smith-Great Western Bak- ing Co., 1926-44; dir. Commerce Trust Co., Nat. Fidelity Life Ins. Co.; member adv. bd. Bruce Dodson & Co. Member Upper House Council, Kansas City, 1920- 24, pres., 1922-24; served as mem. Bd. of Edn., v.p., 1929; mayor of Kansas City, 1930-39. Democrat. Methodist. Mason, (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Kansas City, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Mission Hills Country. Home: Red Bridge Farm, 1006 Hickman Mills, Mo.; and Kansas City Club, Kansas City, Mo. SEEGER, Stanley Joseph, surgeon; b. Manitowoc, Wis., 21 June 1889; s. Louis F. and Wilhelmina (Bleser) S.; M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1911; M.Sc, Mar- quette Univ., 1936; m. Helen Buchanan, 1 Oct. 1918; children— Mary (Mrs. John W. O'Boyle), Hannah, Stanley Joseph. In practice at Milwaukee, 1917-41; chief of staff Milwaukee Children's Hosp., 1934-41; chief of staff Columbia Hosp., 1928-41. Pres. Nebo, Olla, Little Creek, Bodcaw, Grant oil companies, Bodcaw Cotton Valley Co., La Salle Land Co., Stamps Land Co., and Texarkana (Tex.) Nat. Bank. Pres. The William Buchanan Foundation. First It. M.C., U.S. Army, 1918-19. Mem. Founders Group American Board of Surgery. Cons. U.S. Public Health Service. Fellow Am. Coll. Sur- geons; mem. A.M. A. (chmn. council on industrial health), Wis. State Med. Soc. (ex-pres.), Mayo Foundation Alumni As- sociation (ex-pres.), Western Surg. Assn. Clubs: University, Milwaukee, Milwau- kee Country. Contbr. to medical pubs. Home : North State Line, Texarkana, Tex. STRAUB, Lorenz George, engr. and ed- ucator; b* Kansas City, Mo., 7 June 1901; s. Joseph Valentine and Marie (Weth) S.; B.S. in C.E., Univ. of 111., 1923 (won final honors and engring. scholarship), M.S. in Structural Engi- neering, 1924, Ph.D., 1927, C.E., 1930; student Tech. Univ., Free City of Dan- zig, 1927, Tech. Univ., Karlsruhe, Ger- many, 1927-28, Tech. Univ., Berlin, 1928; unmarried. Began as civil engr., 1919; research, Univ. of 111., 1923-24, en- gring. fellow, 192527; reports, design and investigation of hydraulic engring. structures, Burns-McDonnell Engineer- ing Co., 1924-25; 1st Freeman traveling fellow of Am. Soc. C.E. in Eur., 1927-29; head spl. studies dept., U.S. Engr. De- partment, Kansas City Dist., 1929-30; in practice as consulting engineer, Minne- apolis, Minn., since 1929; assoc. prof., dept. mathematics and mechanics, Univ. of Minn., 1930-34, prof, hydraulics since 1935 (on leave of absence, 1942-45) ; spl. cons. Nat. Resources Bd., 1934, 36; ad- ministrative asst., Inst, of Tech., Univ. of Minn., 1936-38; dir. St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Lab. since 1938. With National Defense Research Committee (div. sub- surface warfare, 1941-46; exec, officer div. on rocket ordnance, 1941-43; on Bri- tish Foreign Missions, 1944) ; head dept. civil engring., Univ. of Minn., since 1945. Fellow A.A.A.S., mem. Am. Soc. C. E. (mem com on hydraulic research, 1934- 43; pres Northwestern Sect., 1937-38; pres. Dist. 7, 1938-39), Am. Soc. M. E. (pres. Minn. Sect. 1940-41), Soc. for Pro- motion of Engring Edn. (chmn. com. on applied hydraulics, 1938-39; mem. Nat. Council since 1939; pres. civil engring. div. 1940-41), Am. Geophys. Union (ch- mn. com. on dynamics of streams since 1933, spl. com. on flood-waves, 1937-42, v.p. section on hydrology since 1942), Internat. Assn. of Sci. Hydrology (gen. reporter of commission of potamology, 1938-39), Internat. Assn. for Hydraulic Structures Research (Am. mem. Perm- anent Administrative Bd. since 1938;, Nat. Research Council Com. on Sedimen- tation, Minn. Federated Archtl. and En- gring. Soc. (v.p. 1940-41), Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs., Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, Am. Concrete Inst., National Assn. of Power Engrs. (hon. mem.), Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, Chi Epsilon (nat. pres. since 1944). Gamma Alpha, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Tau. Clubs: Engineers, Min- neapolis Professional Men's, Campus of Univ. of Minn. (Minneapolis) ; Cosmos (Washington, D.C.). Author: Plastic F^w in Concrete Arches, 1930; also nu- merous arts, on engring. and sci. subjs. in Proceedings of American Society Civ- il Engring., Engring. News-Record, pub- lications of National Research Council, Transactions of Am. Geophys. Union. Translator of Der Verkehrswasserbau (Waterway Engring.) by O. Franzius, 1936; (with Samuel Shulits) Der Wasser- bau (Hydraulic Structures) by A. Schok- litsch, 1937. Address: University of Min- nesota, Minneapolis, Minn. ; also 350 Fifth Av., New York, N.Y. MILLARD, Paul Adsworth, clergy- man; b. Red Oak, Mo., 19 Aug. 1892; s. Pleasant Anderson and Margaret Mar- tha (Moberly) M. ; student Drake Univ., 1915-17; D.D., from Minnesota Bible Uni- versity, 1937; LL.D., 1935; m. Leah S. Walker, 28 Oct. 1913 (died 20 Feb. 1941); children— Donna Leah, Patricia Allene; m. 2d, Carmen Slyvia Sietsema, 5 Nov. 1943. Ordained ministry Disciples of Christ Ch., 1913; song evangelist, 1910- 13; pastor Disciples of Christ Ch., Scran- ton, la., 1913-17; pastor Ch. of Christ, Worthington, Minn., since 1918; pros., trustee Minn. Bible Univ. since 1930. Served in Minn. Nat. Guard, 1918-28. Re- publican. Editor of Minn. Bible College News. Author: The Holy Spirit His Per- sonality and Work, 1938; Silver Sickles for the Golden Harvest, 1939; The Di- vine Plan of the Ages, 1937; Bible Am- munition for Christian Soldiers, 1939; The Apostles' Doctrine, 1940. Home: 1007 Worthington, Minn. Address: 1507 Uni- versity Av., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. STANSELL, Robert Basil, clergyman; b. Groveoak, Ala., 2 Nov. 1875; s. Thom- as Jefferson and Nancy (Gilbert) S.; grad. Walnut Grove (Ala.) Collegiate Inst., 1898; A.B., Grant Univ. (now Univ. of Chattanooga), 1901, D.D., 1913; B.D., Drew Theol. Sem., Madison, N.J., 1904; grad. study Harvard and Columbia; m. Frances Ryan, 24 Jan. 1897; children- Dorothy (dec), Lucius Grant, Robert Basil; m. 2d, Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart Ganser, 18 Aug. 1925. Entered ministry M.E. Ch., 1897; Ala. rural pastorates, 1897-1900; pastor Alton Park, Term., 1901- 02, East Moriches, L.I., N.Y., 1903-04, St. James Ch., Chattanooga, Tenn., 1905 07; dist. supt. Chattanooga Dist., 1908- 09; prof. N.T. Greek, Univ. of Chatta- nooga, 1910, prof. English lit., 1911; dean of Athens Sch. (now E. Tenn. Wesleyan Coll.), 1912; v.p. Univ. of Chattanooga, 1913-14; financial agt. Asbury Hospital, Minneapolis, Minn., 1915; pastor Trinity Ch., St. Paul, 1916-20, Grand Av. (now 1st) M.E. Ch., Milwaukee, 1921-33; dist. Supt. Milwaukee Dist. of M.E. Church, 1933-40; pastor Summerfield Meth. Ch., Milwaukee since 1940; mem. bd. trustees Milwaukee Goodwill Industries, Wis. An- nual Conf. Pres. bd. trustees Milwau- kee Deaconess Girls' Home and Old People's Home. Mem. Interdenom. Re- lations Commn., 1928-32 and since 1936; mem. Gen. Conf. M.E. Ch., 1912, 20, 28, 36; mem. Uniting Conf. Meth. Episcopal Churches, Kansas City, Mo., 1939; mem. Gen. Conf. Meth. Ch., Atlantic City, N.J., 1940, North Central Jurisdictional Conf. of Meth. Ch., Chicago, 1940; mem. Wis- consin Council Chs.; chmn. Wisconsin Conf. Commn. on World Service and Fi- nance; mem. Entertainment Commn. of North Central Jurisdiction, 1940-44; p. Milwaukee Union of Meth. Ch. Pres. of Milwaukee Meth. Ministerial Assn., 1944- 45. Traveled extensively in Europe and Near East including Palestine and Egypt, 1930. Republican. Mason (32d de- gree). Kiwanian. Home: 722 E. Juneau Av., Milwaukee, Wis. NOYES, Linwood Irving, newspaper pub.; b. Marinette, Wis., 9 Dec. 1894; s. Frank Eugene and Aletha Belle (Carter) N.; student Univ. of Wis., 1912-13; B. Archt. Engring., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1917; m. Geraldine Glasgow Hill, 22 Dec. 1920; children — Margery Helen, Frank William (dec). Archtl. engr. with Stone and Webster, 1917 and 1919; co-founder of The Ironwood (Mich.) Daily Globe, 1919, pub. since 1919; pres.-treas. Mari- nette (Wis.) Eagle-Star since 1932; sec Marshfield (Wis.) News-Herald, since 1927; dir. Liberty Loan Corp., Chicago, since 1942; dir. Gogebic National Bank. Served as 1st It., Coast artillery, U.S. Army, 1917-19; attached to Air Service as aerial observer; with A.E.F., 1918-19. Dir. Ironwood Chamber of Commerce. Mem. at large Nat. t Council, Boy Scouts of Am.; community chmn. Com. for Eco- nomic Development; mem. com. nego- tiating code for newspapers; rep. Mid- west Newspapers of Inland Daily Press Assn.; mem. newspaper industry adv. com. to W.P.B., N.R.A. Newspaper Code Authority; war adv. counsel, 1942-43. Mem. Nat. Com. Ind. Univ. Foundation, Ernie Pyle Memorial Scholarship Fund. Mem. Am. Newspaper Pub. Assn. (pres. 1943-45) ; Asso. Press, Inland Daily Press Assn. (pres., 1936), Am. Legion, 40 and 8, Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Delta Chi, Pi Delta Epsilon. Episcopalian (sr. warden, Ch. of Transfiguration). Mason. Clubs: Rotary (pres. 1927), Elks; Technology (New York) ; Union League (Chicago) ; Gogebic Country, Gogebic engineers, Green Siding. Home: Woodland Heights. Address: 118 E. McLeod Av., Ironwood, Mich. TAYLOR, Edward Harrison, herpetol- ogist; b. Maysville, Mo., 23 Apr. 1889; s. George Washington and Loretta (Mills) T.; A.B., Univ. of Kan., 1912; M.S., 1920, Ph.D., 1927; m. Hazel Blanche Clark, 19 Sept. 1916; children— Jeanne Louise (de- ceased), Patricia Anne, Richard Clark. Asst., Province Agusan, Mindanao, P.I., 1912-14; supervisor, Bur. Edn., Negroes Occidental, P.I., 1914-16; chief, Fisher- ies, Bur. of Science, Manila, P.I., 1916- 20; exploration in Sulu Archipelgo Min- danao, Luzon, P.I., 1920-21; head dept. of zoology, Univ. of Philippines, 1922-23; exploration in Mindanao, Palawan and Luzon, P. I., 1923-24; teacher, Junior Col- lege, Kansas City, Mo., 1925-26; asst. prof, of zoology, Univ. of Kan., Law- rence, 1927-28; asso. prof., 1928-34, prof, since 1934; explorations in Mexico, sum- mers, 1932-40; delegate to Pan Am. Con- gresses, Mexico City, 1935, Washington, D.C., 1940. Engaged in civilian relief work, typhus epidemic, Siberia, Russia, 1918-19. Mem. Am. Soc Mammalogists, A.A.A.S., Am. Soc. Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Kansas Acad. Science, Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma, Pi Gamma Mu, Pi Kappa Alpha. Clubs: University (Lawrence, Kan.). Author: Snakes of the Philippine Islands; Philippine Land Mammals ; The Lizards of the Genus Eu- meces; The Amphibians and Turtles of the Philippine Islands; The Lizards of 1008 the Philippine Islands; and more than 100 other scientific articles and pamph- lets on reptiles and amphibians. Editor, Kansas University Science Bulletin. Home: 1200 Louisiana Av., Lawrence, Kan. TEETER, Thomas Anderson Hend- ricks, univ. prof.; b. Rolling Prairie, Ind., 12 Feb. 1886; s. Edwin J. and Em- ily A. (Ocker) T.; B.S., Purdue Univ., 1907; m. Katherine M. Hitchcock, 1 Sept. 1915 (dec); children— Robert Thomas, Philip Hitchcock; m. 2d, Pauline F. Har- grave, 30 June 1933; children— William Hargrave, Pauline Ann. Instr. r.r. loca- tion and constrn., Purdue Univ., 1907-08; temporary lab. asst. timber tests, U.S. Forest Service, Purdue Univ., 1908; in- str. civil engring., Univ. of Pa., 1908-09; instr. mechanics and materials construc- tion, Pa. State Coll., 1909-10; asst. prof, civil engring., Univ. of Southern Calif., 1910-11 ; computer and field asst., Los An- geles, 1911; instr. civil engring., Cornell Univ., 1911-13; field engr. Desert Land Bd. Central Ore., 1914-16; engr. Big Nes- tucca Drainage Dist., Cloverdale, Ore., 1916-19; field engr. Baar & Cunningham, Portland, Ore., 1919-20; prof, hydraulics and irrigation engring., Ore. Agrl. Coll., 1913-20; engr. salesman Spokane Culvert & Tank Co., 1920-21; asst. engr. N. Canal Co., Portland, Ore., 1922; asst. constrn. engr., Narada Cutoff Highway National Park Service, Mt. Rainier, 1922; asso. prof, engring. and head engring. courses, gen. extension div., Univ. of Minn., 1922-39, asso. prof, and dir. summer session since 1939. Methodist. Club: Campus (Univ. of Minn.). Home: 167 Seymour Av. S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. MORGAN, William Thomas, prof, of European history; b. Dell Roy, O., 19 May 1883; s. Thomas William and Mary (Davies) M.; Ph.B., Ohio Univ., 1909; univ. scholar, Harvard, 1909-10, A.M., 1910, Adams Woods fellow, 1911-12; Cut- ler fellow, Yale, 1914-16, Ph.D. 1916; re- search in American and European ar- chives and libraries, 1923-24, 1929-30, 33, 36, 1939, 1943, 1945; m. Chloe Siner, 9 Aug. 1916; children— John Siner (dec), Katherine Lenore. Instr. European his- tory, Columbia, 1916-19; asst. professor same, Ind. Univ., 1919-20, asso. prof., 1920-28, prof, since 1928; teacher in sum- mer sessions, Sate Univ. of Iowa, 1926, Boston Univ., 1927, Univ. of Mich., 1928, Duke Univ., 1935. Fellow Royal Hist. So- ciety (London) ; member American His- torical Assn., Mississippi Valley Hist. Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Acacia. Herbert Baxter Adams prize essayist, Am. Hist. Assn., 1919. Episcopalian. Author: Eng- lish Politcal Parties and Leaders in the Reign of Queen Anne, 1920; A Syllabus in Modern European History, 1920; A Guide to the Study of English History, 1926; A Bibliography of British History, 1700-1715, Vol. I, 1934, Vol. II, 1937, Vol. Ill, 1939 (with Mrs. Chloe Siner Mor- gan), 1942. Contbr. to Polit. Science Quarterly, South Atlantic Quarterly, Contemporary Review, Am. Hist. Rev., Jour. Modern History, and other period- icals. Home : 816 Atwater Av., Blooming- ton, Ind. TOOPS, Herbert Anderson, prof, psy- chology; b. Kiousville, Ohio, 18 Sept. 1895; s. John William and Leona Arvilla (Anderson) T.; student Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1912-14; A.B., Ohio State Univ., 1916, B.S. in education, 1916, A.M., 1917; Ph.D., Teachers College (Columbia Uni- versity), 1921; m. Laura Merrill Chas- sell, 31 Dec. 1922; children— Thorndike Clifford Chassell, Edward, Marian Chas- sell, Nona, Laurence. Research asso. of the Inst, of Ednl. Research, Teachers Coll. (Columbia), 1921-23; asst. prof, psy- chology, Ohio State Univ., 1923-27, prof, psychology since 1927; asso. prof, psy- chology, Univ. of Minn., summer 1927. Consultant in statistics, Secretary of War Mar. Sept. 1944; consultant to Nat. Ros- ter of Scientific and Specialized Person- nel, Mar. -June 1945. Fellow A.A.A.S., Ohio Acad. Science; mem. Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Statis. Assn., Am. Math. So- ciety, Math. Assn. Am., Am. Ednl. Re- search Assn., Nat. Soc for Study of Ed- ucation, Sociometric Soc, Midwestern Psychological Assn., Inst, of Mathema- tical Statistics, Am. Assn. for Applied Psychology, Ohio State Horticulture So- ciety, Nat. Vocational Guidance Assn., Nat. Soc. Coll. Teachers of Edn., Ohio Ednl. Research Assn., Personal Re- search Fed., Am. Eugenics Soc, Psy- chometric Soc, Econometric Soc, O. Wesleyan Union, Phi Delta Kappa, Sig- ma Xi, Alpha Psi Delta. Writer on ednl. subjects. Home: 1430 Cambridge Blvd., Columbus, O. WIELAND, John Adam, educator; b. Marshall, 111., 19 Mar. 1892; s. Fred A. and Helen (Lutz) W.; B.S., Univ. of 111.. 1926, M.S., 1929; m. Grace Watkins, 20 Aug. 1919 (died 1928) ; 1 dau. - - Alice Earl; m. 2d, Harriett G. Johnson, 13 Aug. 1929; children — John Albert, George Frederick. Rural sch. teacher, 1912-21; teacher Lerna High Sch., 1921- 25; supt. schs., Bradley, 111., 1925-28, Cal- ument City, 111., 1928-35; state supt. pub. instruction, 111., 1935-43. Served in U.S. 1009 Army, in France, World War. Trustee Univ. of 111.; mem. 111. Normal School Bd. Mem. N.E.A., 111. Ednl. Assn. Bd. for Vocational Ednl and Rehabilitation, Teachers Pension Fund, 111 Sch. Mas- ters Club, Supts. Round Table, Kappa Phi Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa. Demo- crat. Methodist. Mason. Home: Calumet City, 111. Address: care State Dept of Public Instruction, Springfield, 111. WALDRON, Carl William, surgeon; b. Waubaushene, Ont., Can., 24 Sept. 1887; s. of Charles Henry and Harriet Annie (Bowles) W.; M.B., Univ. of Toronto, 1911, M.D., 1911, D.D.S., 1913; Licentiate Dental Surgery, Royal Coll. Dental Sur- geons, Toronto, 1913; m. Cora Berdina Fossen, 1 Sept. 1921; children — Charles Andrew, Robert Douglas, John Fossen. Naturalized Am. citizen 1926. Intern- ships. Canada, 1911-12; interne, Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1913-15; in private prac- tice as oral, maxillo facial, plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Minneapolis, Minn., since 1920; prof, oral and maxillo facial surgery, Univ. of Minnesota, since 1927, chmn. div. oral and maxillo facial surgery and hosp. dental service since 1924; civilian cons., oral and facial sur- gery, Office of Surgeon Gen.; mem. Nat. Faculty War Sessions. Chmn. med. ad- visory bd. Visiting Nurses Assn. of Com- munity Health Service. Served as organ- izer and in charge Canadian Army Med. Service for Facial Injuries, 1916-20. Men- tioned in dispatches for service World War I. Diplomate Am. Bd. Plastic Sur- gery. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. Minn, and Am. dent, assns., Minn. State and Am. med. assns.; Minn. Acad. Oph- thalmology and Otolaryngology, Am. As- sociation Plastic Surgeons, Am. Soc. of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Am. Soc. Oral Surgeons, Am. Coll. Dentists, Internat. Assn. for Dental Research; Nu Sigma Nu, Xi Psi Phi. Editor, Year- book Publishing Co. ; editor Jour, of Oral Surgery (Am. Dental Assn.). Author of chapter on oral tumor pathology, Bunt- ing's Oral Pathology, 1929. Contbr. over 50 articles to professional jours. Home: 4875 E. Lake Harriet Blvd., Minneapolis 10. Office: Medical Arts Bldg., Minneap- olic 2, Minn. STINCHFIELD, Frederick Harold, lawyer; b. Danforth, Me., 8 May 1881; s. Amaziah and Rose Brown (Foss) S.; A. B., Bates Coll., 1900, LL.D., 1937; LL.B., Harvard, 1905; LL.D., Bowdoin College, 1937, LL.D., American Univ., 1938; m. Elizabeth Shrader, 31 Oct. 1928. Admit- ted to N.Y. bar, 1906, and began prac- tice at N.Y. City; moved to Minneapolis, 1908; mem. Jamison, Stinchfield & Mac- kail, 1918-29, Stinchfield, Mackall, Croun- se, McNally & Moore, 1929-40, Stinch- field, Mackall, Crounse & Moore since 1940 ; dir. and counsel Twin City Federal Savings & Loan Assn.; dir. The Bruns- wick Corp., Eighteen-Nineteen Co., Pub- lic Markets Inc., United Fur Ranches; pres. Stinmack Land Co., Minn. Gen. Holding Co. Mem. Draft Bd., Minneapo- lis, World War I; apptd. major Judge Advocate's Dept., U.S. Army, Nov. 1918. Mem. Am. Bar Assn. (pres. 1936-37), Minn. State Bar Assn. (ex-pres.), Henne- pin County Bar Assn. (ex-pres.), Am. Law Institute (charter mem.), National Econ. League, Am. Liberty League (ad- visory council), Am. Judicature Soc. Re- publican. Baptist. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda (ex-pres- ident), Minneapolis Athletic. Home: 1819 Mt. Curve Av. Office : 1100 First Nat. Soo Line Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. HALL, Oadel Fowler, educator; born Crawfordsville, Ind., 20 Dec. 1878; s. of James Quincy and Amyann (Cox) H.; A.B., Wabash Coll., 1907, D.D., 1932; S. T.B., Harvard, 1910; m. Edna A. Bark- er, 30 June 1910; children— Harriet W., James Edward, Helen F., Ruth B. Taught rural sch., 1899-1902; prin. first twp. consolidated school in Ind., 1902-03; ordained Congl. ministry, 1910; pastor Winthrop Congl. Ch., Charlestown Dist., Boston, 1910-14; univ. pastor Purdue U., 1914-17; prof, sociology same univ. since 1917, also chmn. administrative com. of dept. of edn. of the univ., 1934-37. Mem. West Lafayette Sch. Bd., 1934-41; mem. bd. dirs. Indiana Conf. of Social Work- ers; founder and dir. Ind. Rural Leader- ship Sch. ; pres. Ind. Rural Life Council since 1939; sec. Am. County Life Assn. since 1 Jan.. 1942. Mem. exec. com. Ind. Hist. Assn., 1941. Lecturer in Dept. of Agrl. Extension, Pres. Indiana's Town and City School Adminstrs. Assn., 1938- 41. Army Y.M.C.A. sec, World War I. Mem. Kappa Delta Pi, Pi Gamma Mu, Alpha Chi Rho. Methodist. Mason, Ki- wanian. Home: West Lafayette, Ind. PATERSON, Robert Gildersleeve, pub. health exec; b. 18 Sept. 1882, Columbus, O.; s. Robert and Rosa (Gildersleeve) P.; B.A., Ohio State Univ., 1905; grad. N.Y. Sch. of Social Work, 1906; M.A., Columbia, 1907; Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., in 1909; m. Alma H. Wacke'r, 11 June 1910; children — Pauline W. (Mrs. W. K. Curf- man), Ann, Robert W. Exec. sec. Asso. Charities of the Oranges, N.J., 1909-11; exec. sec. Ohio Pub. Health Assn. since 1911; chief of div. of tuberculosis, Ohio 1010 State Bd. of Health, 1913-16; asst. prof, dept. of pub. health and sanitation, Ohio State Univ., 1915-20; in charge relief, Am. Red Cross, Ohio flood, Columbus area, 1913; lecturer in pub. health Sch. of Social Adminstrn., Ohio State Univ., 1925-33, prof, same since 1933. Served as maj. Am. Red Cross Tuberculosis Com- mr. in Italy, 1918-19. Recipient Dearholt Medal Award, 1941. Life mem. Nat. Tu- berculosis Assn. (sec. com. on. ar- chives) ; mem. Am. Assn. History of Medicine, Nat. Conf. Tuberculosis Sec- retaries (ex-pres.), Miss. Valley Conf. on Tuberculosis (es-pres.), Ohio State Archaeol. and Hist. Soc, Am. Public Health Assn., Nat. Conf. of Social Work, Delta Tau Delta. Mason (32d deg.). Clubs: Rotary, Torch, Faculty, Kit Kat. Author: Historical Directory of State Health Depts. in the United States of America. Contbr. health articles. Office: 1575 Neil Av., Columbus 1, O. DULANY, William Henry, lumber; b. Salisbury, Mo., 16 June 1874; s. Thomas Gates and Mary Thomas (Dulany) D. ; grad. Mo. Mil. Acad., Mexico. Mo., 1892; student Univ. of Va., 1892-93, Univ. of Mo., 1893-96; unmarried. Began in lum- ber business, Hannibal, Mo., 1896; pres. R. J. Hurley Lumber Co.; vice pres. St. Louis Lumber Co.; dir. Eclipse Lumber Co.; dir. La. Long Leaf Lumber Co., Hannibal Nat. Bank, Mound City Trust Co. Capt., Mo. Home Guards, World War I. Trustee Culver-Stockton Coll., Canton, Mo., William Woods Coll., Fulton, Mo., Christian Coll., Columbia, Mo., Nat. Be- nevolent Assn. Disciples of Christ. Mem. Sons of Am. Revolution, Beta Theta Pi. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Ch. Clubs: Bellerive Country, Glen Echo Country, Hannibal Country. Home: 265 Union Blvd. Office: 1234 S. Kingshighway, St. Louis, Mo. M ANION, Clarence E., univ. dean; b. Henderson, Ky., 7 July 1896; s. Edward and Elizabeth (Carroll) M.; A.B., St. Mary's Coll., St. Mary, Ky., 1915; A.M., Ph.M., Cath. Univ. of Am., Washington, D.C., 1917; J.D., Notre Dame Univ., 1922; J.U.D., Boston Univ., 1942; m. Vir- ginia O'Brien, 3 Aug. 1936; children- Marilyn, Carolyn, Daniel Anthony, Di- ana. Teacher hist, and govt., Univ. of Notre Dame, 1919; admitted to Ind. bar, 1922; practiced in Evansville, until 1925; prof, of constl. law, Univ. of Notre Dame since 1925, dean Law Sch. since June, 1941; mem. law firm Doran & Manion, South Bend, since 1936; dir. St. Joseph Bank & Trust Co., South Bend. Member Am., Ind., and St. Joseph County bar assns., Am. Legion, K.C. Club: Indian apolis Athletic. Author : American His tory, 1926; What Price Prohibition, 1927 Liberty and the Police Power, 1928 Catholics in our Country's Story, 1929 Lessons in Liberty, 1939. Home : Laurel Rd. Office: 403 St. Joseph Bank Bldg., South Bend, Ind. SCHRUP, Charles Joseph, ins. official; b. Dubuque, la., 17 Jan. 1886; s. Nicho- las John and Mary Ann (Kransz) S.; ed. pub. and pvt. schs. of Dubuque; m. Mary Ethleen O'Rourke, 25 Apr. 1922; children — Eleanor Mary, Charles Jo- seph, Nicholas John. Asst. treas. Du- buque Fire & Marine Ins. Co., 1911-13, treas., 1913-24, and 1938-43, also pres. since 1924; treas. Nat. Reserve Ins. Co., 1919-43, pres. since 1924; pres. Am. Trust & Savings Bank, 1925-43; chmn. bd. Am. Trust & Savings Bank since 1943; pres. and treas. Dubuque Securities Co.; dir. Western Ins. Bureau, Chicago. Mem. bd. regents, Loras Coll. (formerly Columbia Coll.), Dubuque. Mem. Chicago Athletic Assn. Catholic. Elk. Club: Golf. Home: 1380 Auburn St. Office: Roshek Bldg., Dubuque, la. HAGERTY, James Edward, educator; b. La Porte County, Ind.; s. John and Jane E. (Crilly) H. ; grad. Northern Ind. Normal Sch., Valparaiso, 1888; A.B., In- diana Univ., 1892; grad. student, eco- nomics and sociology, Univ. of Chicago 1896-97; hon. fellow economics, U. of Wis., 1897-98; univs. of Berlin and Halle, 1898- 99; fellow sociology, 1899-1900; sr. fellow, 1900-01, Univ. of Pa., Ph.D., 1900; m. Lucile Joyce, 26 Oct. 1907; children- James Edward, Eliza Joyce, Lawrence Vincent, Lucile. Teacher mathematics, La Porte (Ind.) High Sch., 1892-96; asst. prof., 1901-03, acting head of dept., 1903- 04, prof, economics and sociology and head of dept., 1904-22, prof, of sociology and chmn. dept., 1922-32, organized Coll. of Commerce and Journalism, 1916, dean, 1916-26, dir. Sch. of Social Admin- strn., 1927-32, prof, social adminstrn., 1932-40, prof, emeritus since 1940, Ohio State Univ. Taught 1st marketing course in Am. univs., 1905. Head div. on mar- keting Federal Food Adminstrn. for O., 1918, and deputy food administrator for Ohio, June 1918-Jan. 1919. Pres. Ohio State Conf. Charities and Corrections, 1908, Nat. Assn. of Collegiate Schools of Business Edn., 1924; mem. State Board Charities of Ohio, 1919-21; mem. exec, com. on social action of Nat. Welfare Council; pres. Nat. Catholic Conf. on Industrial Problems, 1928-37. Mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Sociol. Soc, Phi Beta 1011 Kappa, Beta Gamma Sigma. Author: Mercantile Credit; The Training of So- cial Workers; Twentieth Century Crime —18th Century Methods of Control; Ear- ly Financial History of Indiana; Tne Prevention of Delinquency. Home: 94 15th Av., Columbus, O. MILLER, W. Leslie, lawyer; b. North Benton, O., 1 May 1890; s. George Pow and Erne Maria (Lazarus) M.; B.A., Mt. Union Coll., Alliance, O., 1913; J.D., Univ. of Mich., 1916; studied elocution, Wooster Univ., Wooster, O., summer, 1913; m. Ruth E. Sherer, 11 Nov. 1919; children — Richard Sherer, Barbara Jean, William Leslie, Jr. Admitted to Mich, bar, 1916; tax atty. for Pere Marquette R.R., 1916; asso. with legal firm, Clark, Emmons, Bryant and Klein, Detroit, Mich., 1917-27; then partner, Bryant, Lincoln & Miller, Detroit (later changed to Bryant, Lincoln, Miller & Bevan, sub- sequently to Miller & Bevan, Horwitz & Des Roches) ; sr. partner Miller, Des Roches & Stern, since 1 June 1942; formed and established legal dept. of Detroit Automobile Club (now Automo- bile Club of Mich.), 1919-20; sec.-treas. and atty., Huck Mfg. Co.; sec. and atty., Huxon Holding Corp.; mem. bd. dirs., Kendrick Mfg. Co.; has served on com- mittees of local, state and Am. Bar As- sociations; chmn. bd. Adv. Council, sec- tion of Corp., Banking and Mercantile Law of Am. Bar Assn.; mem. Resolu- tions Com. J.A.B.A.; former pres. Com- mercial Law League of America, 1936. Served as 2d It. Signal Corps and 1st It. Aviation Corps. World War I, contract- ing officer for govt, renegotiation and settlement of contracts for the air ser- vice. Mem. Am., Mich, and Detroit Bar Assns., Order of the Coif, Sigma Alpha, Alpha Epsilon. Phi Alpha Delta. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Lochmoor Golf, Play- ers. Mason. Home: 695 Lincoln Road, Grosse Pointe City, Mich. Address: 2388- 99 Nat. Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. HORWITZ, Sandor, physician and sur- geon; b. Nagy Mihaly, Hung., 11 Aug. 1867; s. Moses J. Horwitz, rabbi, and Miriam Leah (Nash) H. ; ed. Central high sch., St. Louis, 1892; M.D., Missou- ri Med. Coll. (now Washington Univ.), 1895; m. Bertha, May 1887; 1 dau.— Mir- iam L. (Mrs. Harry M. Goldstein). Spe- cializing in pub. health, since 1929; city physician, Peoria, 111., 1910-12; police surgeon, Peoria, 111., 1912-20; chief phy- sician, Hosp. for Contagious Diseases, 1910-20; health commr., 1923-24, 1929-30; dist. health supt., and asst. epidiemiolo- gist, 111. State Dept. of Pub. Health since 1931; mem. A.M. A., Peoria Co., Illinois State; Mil. Surg, of U.S.; med. staff, John C. Proctor Hosp., 1917, pres. of the staff, 1928; del. by Gov. Henry Horner of 111., to represent 111. State Dept. of Pub. Health, at annual Health Congress of the Royal San. Inst, of London, at Bournemouth, Eng., July 1935, and A.P. H.A., official rep. at Health Congress. F. Am. Pub. Health Assn.; capt., M.C., 1917-18, It. col., U.S. Med. res. (post war service) ; mem. Am. Legion, 40 and 8, Grand Medicine, Dept. 111., 1941. Club: University. Office: E. Peoria City Hall, E. Peoria P.O. Box 994, Peoria, Illinois. Home: 915 Ellis St., Peoria 5, 111. MILLES, Carl Wilhelm Emil, sculp- tor; b. Uppsala, Sweden, 23 June 1875; s. August Emil Anderson and Wahlborg Maria (Tisell) M. ; came to U.S., 1929. Naturalized citizen, 1945; student Tech. Sch., Stockholm, Sweden 1895-97, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1898-1900; hon. Litt.D., univs. in Europe and U.S.; m. Olga Louise Granner, 1905. Sculptor since 1896. Decorated French Legion d'- Honneur. Recipient of honors, various awards, medals, etc., from European countries and the U.S. ; awarded gold medal, Architectural League of N.Y. ; gold medal Archtl. Assn. of New York; medal of Am. Acad, of Arts and Letters, 1943. Mem. Royal Acad, of London (hon- orary), Sculptors Soc. of N.Y. Work rep- resented in Stockholm, Goteborg, Lon- don, Brussels, Zurich, Hamburg, Lu- beck, Berlin, Venice, New York, Chica- go, St. Louis, Worcester, Phila., Detroit; monuments in Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Wilmington (Del.), Harrisburg (Pa.), N.Y. City (at Rockefeller Center), Ann Arbor, Mich., and in Stockholm, Linkoping, Goteburg, Uppsala, Vesteras, Halmstad (all Sweden); many works in England. Club: Century (New York). Author: Koper, 1916; Stanly Casson, 1918; Maurice P. Verneuil, 1918; Meyric Rogers, 1940. Address : Cranbrook, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. SOHUNK, Russell Jacob, librarian; b. Red Wing, Minn., 12 Sept. 1900; s. Ar- thur John and Melissa Olive (Russell) S.; LL.B., Univ. of Minn., 1926; B.S. in Library Science, Western Reserve Univ., 1930; m. Adeline E. Skogmor, 14 Sept. 1929 (divorced Oct. 1942); 1 son— Alan Jeremy; m. 2d, Evaline E. Beck. Sur- veyor, State of Minn., 1923; forest pa- trolman, 1924; student asst. Law Library Univ. of Minn., 1925; admitted to Minn, bar, 1926; law editor and reporter, West Pub. Co., St. Paul, Minn., 1926-28; asst. Adelbert Coll. Library, Western Reserve 1012 Univ., 1929-30; head technology dept., Toledo Pub. Library, 1930-36, librarian, 1937-Apr. 1945. Served in S.A.T.C., 1918- 19; capt. inf. R.C. Mem. S.A.R., Toledo Naturalists Assn, A.L.A., Ohio Library Assn., Gamma Eta Gamma. Lutheran. Author: Pointers for Public Library Building Planners, 1945. Contbr. to li- brary jours. Home: 2609 W. 39th St., Minneapolis 10, Minn. TAIT, Edgar Wendell, lawyer; born Bradford, Pa., 18 June 1886; s. Edwin Edgar and Mary Jane (Hamil) T.; A.B., Yale, 1908; LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1910; m. Idah Katherine Beery, 18 June 1910; 1 dau. — Katherine Beery. Admitted to Pa. bar, 1909, and began practice at Bradford; moved to Pittsburgh, 1915, Ur- bana, O., 1934; pres. Alleghany River Mining Co. and vice pres. Pittsburg & Shawmut R.R. Co., 1923-30; city solicitor, Urbana, O., 1936-39; with bituminous coal div., U.S. Dept. of the Interior since Sept. 1942. Served as post adjutant Park Field, Tenn., World War. Mem. Am. Bar Assn. Republican. Methodist. Club: Urbana Country; Springfield (O.) Coun- try. Home: 403 Scioto St., Urbana, O. TAYLOR, Alonzo Englebert, univ. prof.; b. Alden, la., 19 Mar. 1871; s. of Alonzo Englebert and Louisa (Schultz) T.; student Cornell Coll., 1886-88. De- Pauw Univ., 1888-90, Univ. of Berlin, 1890-91, 1898-99; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1894, Sc.D., 1907; LL.D., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1920; m. Madeleine Peck, 2 Nov. 1899 (dec); children — Alonzo Englebert, Mor- ris Peck, Ellide LeBarre. Prof, pathol- ogy and physiol. chem., Univ. of Calif., 1899-1910; Rush prof, physiol. chemistry, Univ. of Pa., 1910-21; dir. Food Research Inst., Stanford Univ., 1921-36; dir. of re- search, General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, 1936-40, consultant since 1940. Member Am. War Trade Bd., 1917-19. Author: Fermentation, 1906; Digestion and Me- tabolism, 1912; The Food Problem (with V. L. Kellogg), 1917; The New Deal and Foreign Trade, 1935; also papers in re- search and popular science. Address: 200 Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis, Minn.; and Stanford University, Calif. RUFINIA, Sister, artist, art teacher: B.A.E., B.F.A., De Paul Univ., Chicago, 111., 1931; M.F.A., Syracuse Univ., 1938; student teacher training at Kunst Aca- demic, Berlin. Painter, sculptor, teacher, lecturer; Teachers Coll., Albuquerque, N.M., St. Francis Acad., Columbus, Nebr. ; art dir. St. Francis Coll., Lafay- ette, Ind.; organizer, St. Francis Art Club; mem. Western Art Assn., Hoosier Salon, Ind. Artists Assn., Ind. Artists Club. Received 5 awards, Hoosier Exhi- bit, 1 first award state exhibit. Author: Art Appreciation for the Layman (mag. art.); Styles in Art; We Are All Artists. Travel: U.S., Eur. Interests: creative art edn. in the sch. and all art fields. Roman Catholic. Office and home: St. Francis College, Lafayette, Ind. RONNING, Adolph, research engineer, inventor; b. Dawson, Minn., 30 April 1893; s. Peter Ronning, teacher, farmer, and Bertha (Osterhus) R.; ed. Dawson high sch. ; Minn. Univ., Chicago Sch. of Law; m. Hildur M. C. Haldosen of Min- neapolis, 1921; children — Ruth Linnea, Hildur Adair. Chief engr., Mfg. Cos., sev. yrs. ; achievments in tractors, agri. mach., rd. bldg. equip.; co-inventor, first Ensilage Harvester; invent., machines, devices as boat propulsion sys., auto- motive vehicles, elec. instruments; con- ducting chem. research; Ronning pat- ents used by leading agri. and rd. bldg. mach. cos.; pres., treas., Ronning Ma- chinery Co.; served in 13th inf., replace- ment and training bn., Waco, Tex. dur- ing World War I; mem. Soc. of Auto- motive Engrs., Am. Mil. Engrs.; Army Ordinance Assn.; Nat. Aeronautic Assn. of U.S.A.; U.S. Infantry Assn.; Am. Soc. Agricultural Engrs.; Am. Rd. Builders Assn. and Nat. Farm Chemurgic Coun- cil. Travel: Eur., Hawaii, Alaska, U.S., Mex., Central and South America. In- terested in moving pict. photo., travel, music. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Unitarian. Address: 5030 Woodlawn Blvd., Minneapolis, Minn. ROBINSON, Adah Matilda, teacher; b. Richmond, Ind., 13 July 1882; d. Francis Wills Robinson, mfr., and Catherine (Haberkern) R. ; ed. Richmond (Ind.) high sch.; Arrt. D., Univ. Tulsa. Head art dept., Tulsa Univ., 1928—; designer, Boston Av. Ch., Tulsa, Okla., interior, First Ch. Christ Scientist, Tulsa, Okla., Bellesville, Okla.; mem. Southwestern Art Assn. (dir. 1921-24), Coll. Art Assn., Prairie Print Makers (hon.), Alpha Beta, Alpha Rho Tail. Interests: prints, water color painting, design. Quaker. Repub- lican. Home: The Aurora. Office: Trinity University, San Antonio, Tex. RINEHART, Roy James, D.D.S., FA. CD., Dean, University of Kansas City, School of Dentistry; b. 24 Oct. 1880 near Deland, 111., s. Joel and Mary (Miles) R. ; student at Marion Coll., Indiana; D.D.S., Western Dental Coll., Kansas City, Mo., 1902; m. Myrtle Harmison, 24 Sept. 1903. Began career as a dentist in Canton, 111., 1902-07, later at Peoria, 111., 1907-10. In 1910 he returned to Kan- 1013 sas City, Mo., to engage in the practice of dentistry. Was lecturer and prof. Crown and Bridge, Western Dental Coll., 1912-16; sec, treas., supervisor during 1916-17, dean, 1918. In 1919 he was an active factor in consolidating the two Dental Colleges in Kansas City, estab- lishing the Kansas City-Western Dental Coll. Sec, treas., trustee, prof. Crown and Bridge 1919-22; exec, dean, 1922-27, dean since 1927. During World War I, he was appointed examiner of dentists for the armed forces, Medical Advisory Board No. 53 and dir. Student Army Training Corps of the School; maj. Den- tal Reserve Corps, U.S. Army, since 1925. Appointed chmn. of the Procure- ment and Assignment Com. for Dentists of Missouri in 1941; counsel War Man- power Commission, Office for Emergen- cy Management, 1941-43; chmn. Mili- tary Affairs Com., Missouri. Mem. Dental Assn.; del. Am. Dental Assn., 1916-43; mem. Am. Coll. Dentists, Am. Assn. Hist. Medicine, Am. Social Hygi- ene Assn. Spl. Libraries Assn., Central History Com. State of Missouri, Am. Assn. Dental Editors, Am. Assn. Dental Schs. ; mem. exec. com. Am. Assn. Ad- vancement of Sci., and other scientific societies. Pres. Dental Legislation Sec- tion Internat. Dental Congress, Philadel- phia, 1926; del. Internat. Dental Con- gress, Vienna 1936, Kansas City District Dental Soc, 1912 and of the Missouri State Dental Assn., 1928., Western Den- tal Coll. Alumni Assn., 1915. Mem. Xi Psi Phi, Omicorn Kappa Upsilon. Ma- son. He has been a liberal contributor to dental literature and to the Dental Soc as essayist and clinician. Clubs Cham- ber of Commerce, Professional Men's (Kansas City), The University, Mission Hills Country. Home: 1000 W. 58th St. Office: The Univ. of Kansas City, Sch. of Dentistry, 1108 E. 10th St., Kansas City, Mo. RYAN, Bessie, music educator, church organist, director; b. Chicago, 111.; d. James J. Ryan, transp. bus., and Mary Theresa (O'Brien) R. ; ed. Providence high sch.; Loyola Univ.; DePaul Univ.; Chicago Mus. Coll.; B.M., Am. Conserv- atory of Mus., 1911 with special honor- able mention. Gave first solo recital, 1901; awarded Diamond Medal, teach- ers certificate class, Chicago Mus. Coll.; ch. organist, dir. since 1915; pianist, so- prano, Original Chicago Radio Girl, 1922-27; dir. Betty Ryan Lullaby Time Singers, Radio Sta. WCFL; concertized, 1910-15; organist, dir., St. Cecilia Choir of Our Lady of Sorrows Ch., Chicago; dir., Austin Coll. of Mus., 1924—; mem. faculty, Am. Conservatory of Mus., Nat. Guild of Piano Teachers; chmn. mus., Greater West Side Civic Mus. Festival; authority on mus. edn. for pre-sch. chil- dren; teacher of Marion Butler, con- cert pianist, Jean Merrell, dramatic so- prano; reed, medal from U.S. govt, for selling Liberty Bonds and providing and directing entertainment for Armed For- ces during World War I; mem. 111. State Mus. Teachers Assn. (pres.), Civic Mus. and Pageantry for 111. Fed. of Mus. (state chmn.), Greater West Side Fine Arts Anns. (hon. pres., chmn. mus.); mem. Phi Beta. Author: The Fires of Patriotism; The Answer. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: civic mus., pageantry, social service, writing pageants. Recre- ations: swimming, golf, walking, horse- back riding. Studio and home: 1043 N. Austin Blvd., Chicago, 111. Summer res. : Lake Geneva, Wis. SAMUEL, Owen S., lawyer; b. Ar- vonia, Kan., 1 Oct. 1882; s. William R. Samuel and Lillie (Williams) S.; ed. Emporia (Kan.) high sch.; Coll. of Em- poria; LL.B., Kan. State Teachers Coll., 1903; Kan. City Univ.; m. Ruth B. Ellis (dec.) of Emporia, Kan., Sept. 1905; children — Owen G., Ruth Virginia; m. (2nd) Maymie I. Varner of Emporia, Kan., Mar. 1919; 1 son — Oliver Frederick. Admitted to bar of Mo., 1903 and Kan.. 1905; elected prosecuting atty., Lyon Co., 1908-14; apptd. Police Judge, Em- poria, Kan., 1938; dir. Lyon Co. State Bank, many yrs. Admitted to United States Supreme Court in 1929 as well as United States District Court in 1911. Former coach ot athletics, at Coll. Em- poria, and State Teachers Coll. ; chmn. of 4 Minute Men, and govt, appeal agt., Lyon Co. during World War I; Mason. Interest: horticulture. Recreation: out of door activities. Congregationalist. Re- publican. Office: Palace Building, Em- poria, Kan. Home: 1404 Rural St., Em- poria, Kan. Summer home: Long Beach, Calif. SARDESON, Edna Mitchell; b. Anoka, Minn., 12 Apr. 1878; d. Edward Mitch- ell, jeweler, and Mary (Johnson) M. ; Anoka high sch.; Minn, high sch.; m. Frederick Sardeson of Minneapolis, 16 June 1903; 1 dau. — Marion. Charter mem. Minneapolis Soc Hard of Hearing, Inc., 1922; mem. Bd. dirtrs. Minneapo- lis Soc. Hard of Hearing, since 1927; pres. Minneapolis Soc. Hard of Hearing, since 1940; vice pres. Central Zone, Am. Soc. Hard of Hearing 1945; worked in rehabilitation of deafened soldiers of World War I. Minneapolis Council of So- cial Agencies, Needlework Guild of Am, 1014 (pres. 1 section). Clubs: Monday, Thurs- day Literary, Two Bridge, Study. Trav- el: U.S., Can. Interests: handmade quilts, laces, embroideries. Recreations: motoring, bridge. Baptist. Republican. Home: 3654 France Av., S. Minneapolis, Minn. SAWYER, Charles Francis, surgeon; b. WaupUrt, Wis., 4 Mar, 1878; s. John D. Sawyer, farmer, and Carrie Eliza- beth (Race) S.; ed. Waupun (Wis.) high sen."; Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wis., 1896-99; M.D. (cum laude), Northwestern Univ. Med. Sen., 1904; m. Gertrude H. Tyler of Chicago, 20 Apr. 1908; children — Donald Morgan, Malcolm Herbert, Helen Jean (Watrous). Pub. sch. teach- er, 2 yrs.; interne, Mercy Hosp., 1904- 05, asst. in surgery, jr. attending sur- geon, sr. attending phys., 1918—; prof, clin. surgery, Loyola Univ. Med. Sch.; maj., M.R.C., chief of surg. sect., Base Hosp. No. 108, chmn., Med. Adv. Bd. No. 3, 111., during World War; chief med. service, Div. 15, Chicago Met. De- fense Area, World War II; P.A.C.S.; mem. Founders Group Am. Bd. Surgery, 111. State and Chicago Med. Socs., Chi- cago Surg. Soc. (pres., 1931-32), Chica- go Inst. Med., Am. Mil. Surgeons, Alpha Omega Alpha, Phi Rho Sigma, Masons (32 deg.), Shrine. Clubs: University, Quadrangle, South Shore Country. Auth- or: articles mostly on abdominal sur- gery and esp. on intestinal obstruction. Travel: Eur., Mex., Cuba, Can., U.S. Interest: medical education. Recrea- tions: golf, fishing, travel. Presbyterian. Independent. Republican. Office: 1525 E. 53d St., Chicago, 111. Home: 144 N. Holliston Av., Pasadena, Calif. SCRIVNER, Willard Calvin, physi- cian, gynecologist and obstetrician; b. St. Louis, Mo., 29 Jan. 1907; s. Louis Calvin and Carrie (Moehle) S.; B.S., Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1926; M.D., Washington U. Sch. of Medicine, 1930; m. Ruth I. Shaw, 10 Jan. 1931; 1 son, Peter Calvin. Hosp. training, Barnes Hosp., 1930-34; in pvt. practice of medi- cine, East St. Louis, 111., since 1934; mem. faculty, Washington U. Med. Sch.; mem. staff Barnes and St. Louis ma- ternity hosps., St. Mary's Hosp., Chris- tian Welfare Hosp., East St. Louis. Mem. advisory com., Maternal Infant Welfare, 111. Mem. A.M.A., Am. Ortho- paedic Assn., 111. State, Miss. Valley, Southern 111., and St. Clair County med. socs., Am. Bd. Obstet. and Gynecol. Specialists (diplomate)), St. Louis Gyne- col, and Obstet. Soc. Author of several jned. articles. Home: 20 Kingston Dr. Office: Spivey Bldg., East St. Louis, III. SOLBERG, Marshall, attorney; b. Norway, 111., 18 Jan. 1887; s. Erik Sol- berg, mcht., and Caroline Lucia (Dan- ielson) S. ; ed. Seneca (111.) high sch.;; Y.M.C.A. Coll., Chicago; Univ. Chicago;; 111. Coll. Law; m, Clara Simon of Chi- cago, 2 Aug. 1923; children — Clara, Caro- line. Asst. City Prosecutor, 1913-15; spL asst. State's Atty. 1929-30; atty., Judi- ciay (Com. of the Nat. Ho. of Reps., 1934-35; Atty. Austin Assn. securing Co- lumbus Park, Gates beside- El. R.R. tracks, and other public improvements. Com. of 15; mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Chicago Law Inst.,. Mason (32d deg.), Shrine (Medinah Tem- ple). Clubs: Chicago Norske, Piano, Nordic Law. Interests: art, cuisine. Recreation: travel, hiking. Democrat. Home: 163 N. Cuyler Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. STIEGELMEIER, Walter H., insur- ance; b. Kappa, 111., 25 Aug. 1891; s. Henry J. and Henrietta M. (DeVries) S.; ed. Normal High Sch.; 111. Wesleyan Univ.; m. Doris Borst, 19 Sept. 1922; children — Patricia, Jack. Farmer, Bloomington, 1918-27; sec.-treas. and dir. Industrial Casualty Ins. Co., Bloom- ington, since 1927; v. p. and dir., H. L. Loomis, Inc. Pvt. Co. C, 130th Machine Gun Bn., 35th Div., A.E.F., during World War I. Mem. Am. Legion, 40 and 8; Kiwanis Internat. Bloomington Shrine Club, 111. Rep. Service men's League. Mason (32 deg., Shriner). Home: 1317 N. Fell Av. Office: Industrial Cas- ualty Insurance Co., 109-111 East Wash- ington St., Bloomington, 111. TAUBENECK, George Francis, pub- lisher; b. Marshall, 111., 3 July 1908; s. Carl V. Taubeneck, druggist, and Ava Prewett Cockrell; ed. Marshall Town- ship High Sch., A.B., Univ. 111., 1930; m. Willo Sheridan of Detroit, 1 June 1940. Employed on newspapers in southern 111. and Ind. since age of ten; asst. edi- tor, Electric Refrigeration News, Bus. News Pub. Co., 1930, editor, 1931; pub.. Air Conditioning & Refrigeration News, pres. Bus. News Pub. Co., 1940; mem. exec, com., Nat. Conf. Bus. Paper Edi- tors; mem. of council, Am. Soc. Refrig- erating Engrs. Clubs: Detroit Headlin- er's (pres.), Detroit Tennis. Author: Around the World with a Candid Cam- era; They Didn't Know They Wanted It; Great Day Coming!; Their Heads Shall Rise Again; One Foot in the Door; sev- eral mag. articles. Travel: 34 nations. Interests: photography, public speaking, book collecting, travel. Recreations: 1015 poker. Baptist. Republican. Office: 5229 Cass Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 570 Uni- versity PI., Grosse Pointe, Mich. THOMPSON, Cyril Clowes, exec, vice pres. Am. Aviation Pubis.; b. Joliet, 111., 30 Oct, 1892; s. James M. and Anna Marie (Clowes) T.; Beloit Coll., 1910-12; law, U. of Neb., 1916; m. Vivian Grace Ditto, 19 July 1917; children— Dawn, Betty, Rachel, Eleanor. Asst. supt. spe- cial project, Central Laboratory, U.S. Steel Corp., 1912-14, valuation engr., Idaho Power Co. 1919-21; finance officer State of Ida., 1921-29; wire press corr., 1926-28; mem. faculty Boeing Sch. of Aeronautics, 1929-31; with United Air Lines, Inc., 1931-34; exec, assistant to president, United Air Lines Transporta- tion Corp., 1934-40, vice-pres. United Air Lines, Inc., 1940-45. Dir. Nat. Aeronau- 3tics Assn., Am. Aviation Associates, Inc.; mem. Am. Legion, Inst. Aeronau- tical Sciences, Phi Kappa Psi. Repub- lican, Methodist. Mason. Clubs: Univer- sity, Boise Aero, Advertising (N.Y.), Union League Club. Contbr. to mags. Home: 2607 Colfax St., Evanston, 111. Offices: 139 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111., RKO Bldg., New York and American RKO Bldg., New York, N.Y., and Ameri- can Bldg., Washington, D.C. TAYLOR, Estes P., editor, publisher; b, Loveland, Colo., 17 Sept. 1879; s. Za- chary Taylor, farmer, and Winona { Washburn) T. ; ed. Greeley (Colo.) High Sch.; B.S., Colo. State Coll., 1902; -Northwestern Univ. (grad. course, jour- nalism), 1925-28; m. Mary Waldo, Ur- bana, 111., 27 Sept. 1905. Engaged in agr. research extension work, Colo., Ky.,1 111., Mo., Idaho, Utah, Ariz., 1903-19; com- mercial agr., entomol., hort., cons., Kansas, Colo., and with Anaconda Cop- per Mining Co., 1920-21; dir. org., Am. Farm Bur. Fed., agr. ed., pub., 1921-25; sr. It., U.S. Naval Reserve, Naval Intel- ligence Service, 9th Naval Dist., 1927-37; mem. Epsilon Sigma Phi, Sigma Delta Chi, Industrial Edn. Assn. (Chicago). Chicago Assn. Commerce (p. chmn. agr. council), Nat. Bus. Papers Assn. Sec, treas. American Assn. Agricultural Edi- tors. Author: Agricultural Expt. Sta. Bulletins. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. Edi- tor American Farmers, 1925-27; editor and pub. Agricultural Leaders Digest, since 1927. Interest: history, Recrea- tions: horse back riding, fishing. Episco- palian. Independent. Office: Agricultural Leaders Digest, 139 N. Clark St., Chi- cago, 111. Home: R. No. 1, Downer's Grove, 111. TUERK, Frederick R., investment banker, pres. Utah Radio Products Co.; b. 26 Oct. 1905, Chicago, 111.; s. George Ernest and Elizabeth Cecelia (Bren- wald) T.; ed. Crane Junior Coll., 1923- 24; Univ. Chicago, Ph.B. 1926; m. Jean Ruth Reynolds, 10 Mar. 1932; three chil- dren — Barbara Jean, Fred Reynolds and George Reynolds. Statistician, Lester Carter & Co., 1924-26; investment analyst, Guaranty Co., N. Y., 1926-29; pres. Chi- cago Statistics Co., 1927-30; partner Ful- ler, Cruttenden & Co., Members of Chi- cago Stock Exchange, 1930-42. Partner of Cruttenden and Co., Members of New York and Chicago Stock Exchanges, since 1942. Pres. Utah Radio Products Co. since 1942, also dir. Mem. Chicago Stock Exchange since 1931; gov. Chicago Stock Exchange and mem. New York Stock Exchange, since 1942. Dir. Cas- well-Runyan Co., Huntington, Ind., Alf- red Decker & Cohn, Inc., Chicago, 111., Delta Electric Co., Marion, Ind., Koehr- ing Co., Milwaukee, Wis., Miller & Hart, Inc., Chicago, 111.; Resistelite Corp., Chicago, 111., Securities Acceptance Corp., Omaha, Nebr., W. F. Straub & Co., Chicago, 111., Struthers Wells Corp., Titusville, Pa., Universal Engineering Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Clubs: Chi- cago Athletic Assn.; Bondmen's (Chica- go, 111.), Rod and Reel (Miami Beach, Fla.), Deere Park Assn. (pres. bd. trus- tees), Highland Park, 111. Hobbies: Yachting, fishing. Residence: 2744 S. Deere Park Drive, Highland Park, 111. Office: 820 Orleans St., Chicago 10, 111. VOGELGESANG, Carl Edgar, civil engineer; b. Canton, O., 5 May 1897; s. John Jacob Vogelgesang, business- man, and Metta M. (Wulfhoop) V.; ed. Central High School, Canton, O.; B.S. in C.E., Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette, Ind., 1920; m. Mary Elizabeth Bates of In- dianapolis, Ind., 5 Aug. 1921; children- Barbara Jane, Dorothy Louise. Asst. engr. United Furnace Co. (Republic Steel), Canton, O., 1920-21; asst. engr. on road constrn. projects 1921-23; asst. engr. on right of way and road design 1923-24; engr. of Road Design in charge of all road design and preparation of plans State Highway Comm. of Ind. 1925-45; chief engr. State Highway Commn. 1945—. Mem. Ind. Flood Control and Water Resources Commn.; chmn. Adv. Bd. Joint Highway Research Proj- ect, Purdue Univ. Served with Bat. "B" of Purdue Univ., Ind. Nat. Guard on Mexican Border, 1916; student officer, U.S. Naval Air Corps, at Dunwoody, Inst., Minneapolis and M.I.T. Cam- bridge, Mass. during World War I. 1016 Mem. Am. Legion, Am. Soc. of Civil Engrs.; Nat. Soc. of Prof. Engrs., Ind. Soc. of Prof. Engrs. (treas. 1939-44), (nat. dir. 1943-45), Ind. Engr. Council, Purdue Alumni Assn., Beta Theta Pi, Chi Epsilon; F. & A. M. (Oriental Lodge No. 500, Scottish Rite 32d deg., Murat Shrine) ; Purdue Assn. of Indian- apolis. Clubs: Hillcrest Country, Riviera. Interest: sports. Recreations: golf, fish- ing, bowling. Episcopalian. Office: State Highway Comm. of Ind., State House Annex, Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 5218 Kenwood Av., Indianapolis, Ind. GERALD, Herbert F., prof.; b. Turn- ers Falls, Mass., 5 Sept. 1881; s. Frank- lin Gerald, selectman, and Loraine (Spearin) G.; ed. Oakman high school; Harvard, 1899; Ph.G., Mass. College of Pharmacy, 1902; M.D., Tufts Coll., 1909; B.S., Creighton Univ., 1927; m. Emma F. Park of Harwich, Mass., 15 Aug. 1914; children — Curtis F., Park S., Gerald. In- structor Mass. Coll. Pharmacy, 1904-09; interne, Worcester City Hosp., 1910-11; asst. in pharmacy, Creighton Sch. Med- icine, 1912-13, sec, 1914, asst. prof., 1914- 16. asso. prof., 1916-17, prof. Dental de- partment, 1917-20; prof. Pharmacology, Med. Sch., since 1920, prof pharmacol- ogy and physiology and head of depts., since 1930. Chmn. Jr. Council, Creighton Sch. Medicine, 1924; mem. Am. Medical Assn., Neb. Pharmaceutical Assn., Am. Pharmac. Assn., A. A. A., Administrative and Com. on Admissions Bds., 1922, Om- aha, Douglas County Med. Soc, Med. West Chem. Soc, Neb. State Med. Assn. Presbyterian. Club: Creighton Faculty. Author: many articles in med. jours. Recreations: fishing, golf. Office: Creigh- ton School of Medicine, Omaha, Neb. Home: 2871 Newport Av., Omaha, Neb. SMITH, Ferris, surgeon; b. Pontiac, Mich., 25 Oct. 1883; s. Samuel W. and Alida E. (DeLand) S.; A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1908; M.D., 1910; post-grad, study Vienna and Berlin; m. Florence Bannis- ter, 25 June 1913. Began practice at Ann Arbor, 1910; settled in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1913; capt. Royal Med. Corps, Eng., Mar. 1917; facial plastic surgeon Queens Hosp., Eng., World War; prof, plastic surgery, Internat. Clinic, Paris, 1923; surgeon Blodgett Memorial Hosp., Grand Rapids. Fellow Am. Coll. of Sur- geons (gov.) ; Internat. College of Den- tists (hon.) ; mem. Founders Group Am. Board Plastic Surgery, A.M.A., Mich. State Med. Soc, Oral and Plastic Sur. Soc. (pres.), Am. Soc of Plastic and Re- constructive Surgery, Alpha Omega Al- pha, Sigma Psi, Delta Tau Delta, Nu Sigma Nu. Co-author: Manual of Plastic and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Army Med- ical Corps. Home: 630 Plymouth Rd. S. E. Office: Blodgett Medical Bldg., Grand Rapids 6, Mich. MOSCRIP, William Smith, cattle breeder; b. Maiden Rock, Wis., 22 Sept. 1878; s. Daniel Henderson and Laura Ar- abel (Smith) M.; ed. high sch., St. Paul, Minn., St. Paul Coll. and St. Paul Sch. Law; m. May Martin Lee, 27 June 1908. Began in boyhood as dairyman and breeder of milk cattle, specializing in pure-bred Holstein-Friesians since 1904; proprietor of North Star Farm; pres. Twin City Milk Producers Assn. Mem. bd. dirs. St. Paul Assn. of Commerce; dir. and mem. Nat. Coop. Milk Producers Assn.; v.p. Minn. Live Stock Breeders Assn; dir. Nat. Dairy Assn., Nat. Dairy Council, Minn. Live Stock Sanitary Bd., Minn. State Fair Bd.; dir. Minn. Holstein Breeders Assn., Northern States Power Co.; pres. Holstein Frie- sian Assn. of Am. Republican. Metho- dist. Club: St. Paul Athletic. Chosen "Master Farmer," 1931; received Uni- versity of Wisconsin Recognition for Ser- vice Rendered Agriculture, 1937. Home: Lake Elmo, Minn. NEEL, Ellison Adger, lawyer; born Shelbyville, Ky., 6 Oct. 1876; s. Samuel Munroe and Anna Maria (Adger) N.; student University School, Kansas City, Mo., 1890-93; A.B., Westminster College, Fulton, Mo., 1893-97, LL.D. (hon.), 1941; LL.B., Kansas City Sch. of Law, 1899; m. Serena Smith, 27 Nov. 1905; children — Serena Anne Neel (Mrs. Richard L. Sutton, Jr.), Samuel E. Admitted to Mo. bar, 1899; since in general practice of law; mem. Cooper, Neel & Sutherland since 1913; dir. Lucky Tiger Combina- tion Gold Mining Co., Am. Service Co. Trustee Westminster Coll., Fulton, Mo. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Mo. State Bar Assn., Kansas City Bar Assn. (pres., 1917-18) ; mem. bd. Govs. Mo. Bureau (Integrated), Lawyers Assn. of Kansas City, Beta Theta Phi. Democrat. Pres- byterian. Mason, K.P. Home: 425 W. 55th St. Office: Commerce Bldg., Kan- sas City, Mo. SOUERS, Sidney William, life insur- ance; b. Dayton, O., 30 Mar. 1892; s. of Edgar D. and Catherine (Rieker) S.; stu- dent Purdue Univ., 1911-12; A.B., Miami Univ., 1914; m. Sylvia Netell, 28 May 1943. Pres. Mortgage & Securities Co., New Orleans, 1920-25, Piggly Wiggly Stores, Memphis, Mar. 1925-Oct. 1926; exec. v.p. Canal Bank & Trust Co., New Orleans, La., 1924-30; v.p. Fourth & First 1017 Banks, Nashville, Term., July-Nov. 1930; financial vice pres. Mo. State Life Ins. Co., St. Louis, Aug. 1930-Aug. 1933; v.p. General Am. Life Ins. Co., Sept. 1933- Jan. 1937, exec. v.p. since Jan. 1937, now also dir. ; pres. Southern Ginning Co, Kenneth, Mo.; v.p. Missouri Merc. Co., Kenneth, Mo.; mem. first board of dirs. Aviation Corp.; dir. and chmn. finance com., National Linen Service Corp., At- lanta, Ga.; chmn. bd. and chmn. finance com., Linen Service Corp. of Texas, Dal- las; dir. Denver (Colo.) Joint Stock Land Bank. Mem. Life Underwriters Assn., U. S. Naval Reserve Officers Assn., Army and Navy Council of St. Louis, Navy League of U.S., Delta Kappa Epsilon. Rear admiral U.S.N. R. ; active duty Ju- ly 1940-45. Democrat. Methodist. Clubs; Boston (New Orleans) ; Mo. Athletic As- sociation, Farmers (St. Louis), Home: 5841 Devonshire Av. Office: 1501 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. ISGRIG, Frederick Arthur, lawyer; b. Dixie, Ark., 5 Oct. 1884; s. William Alon- zo and Nancy Jane (Noah) I.; student Hendrix Coll., Conway, Ark.; LL.B., U. of Ark., 1910; m. Mittie Jane Jones, 10 Nov. 1908; 1 dau. — Nancy Jane. Began as salesman, 1906; sec. to mayor of Little Rock, Ark., 1909; admitted to Ark. bar, 1910; judge Municipal Court, Little Rock, 1913-15; now practicing alone; alderman Little Rock, 1917-23; U.S. atty. East. Dist. of Ark., 1934-39. V.p. and mem. bd. Pulaski Nat. Farm Loan Assn. Mem. Ark. State and Little Rock Bar Assns. Democrat. Methodist. Home: 4220 Wood- lawn Av. Office: Union Life Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. STEMPEL, Guido Hermann; b. Ft. Madison, la., 18 May 1868; s. Hugo Carl and Anna Barbara (Degenhard) S.; A. B., Univ. of la., 1889; A.M., Univ. of Wis- consin, 1894; Univ. of Leipzig, 1895-97; m. Myrtle Emmert, 24 June 1895; chil- dren — John Emmert, Guido Hermann. Asst. prin. Kendallville (Ind.) High Sch., 1888-89; prin. Litchfield (111.) High Sch., 1889-90; instr. German, Univ. Wis., 1890- 91; prin. Oskaloosa (la.) High Sch., 1891- 94; instr. English, 1894-98, asst. prof., 1898-1904; asso. prof, comparative phi- lol., 1904-22, head of dept., 1906-38, prof., 1922-38, Ind. Univ., Bloomington. Also editorial asst., Henry Holt & Co., N.Y., 1911-15; advisory editor, Benj. H. San- born & Co., Chicago, 1915-39. Mem. Mod- ern Lang. Assn. Am., Ind. State Sym- phony Soc. (dir. 1934-37), Am. Assn. Uni- versity Profs., Linguistic Soc. Am., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Delta Chi. Demo- crat. Episcopalian. Clubs: University, Saturday Afternoon (Chicago); Faculty (Bloomington). Contbr. to ednl. mags, and newspapers. Condr. music column, Bloomington Star-Courier; program an- notator Indianapolis Symphony Orches- tra, 1933-36. Author: Latin in English (with Myrtle Emmert Stempel), 1940. Editor: A Book of Ballads Old and New, 1917. Consulting editor: General Lan- guage by Bugbee et al., 1937. Home: 723 S. Park Av., Bloomington, Ind. HICKOK, Ralph Kiddoo, clergyman, educator; b. Humboldt, Neb., 14 Jan. 1880; s. Rev. Francis Marion (D.D.) and Mary Matilda (Robinson) H.; B.A., Coll. of Wooster, 1899, D.D., 1923; M.A., Princeton, 1904; B.D., Princeton Theol. Sem., 1904; studeid New York Univ., 1913-14, Cornell Univ., 1920-22, Columbia summer 1921; LL.D., Miami Univ., 1934; Litt.D., Waynesburg (Pa.) Coll., 1939; m. Grace Anderson, 26 Oct. 1904; chil- dren — Thomas Anderson, Frances An- derson (Mrs. Winthrop P. Moore), Mary Anderson (Mrs. Nixon L. Ballard). Pro- fessor of mathematics, Hastings (Neb.) Coll., 1899-1901; was ordained to Presby- terian ministry, 1904; asst. pastor Univ. Place Ch. (now First Presbyn, Church), New York, 1904-07; pastor First Ch., East Aurora, 1907-12; dir. religious edn., First Ch., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1912-14; prof. Biblical literature and history, Wells Col- lege, Aurora, N.Y., 1914-31; became pres. Western Coll., Oxford, Ohio, 1931, resigned, 1942. Served as Y.M.C.A. re- ligious work dir., Camp Humphreys, Va., and over Washington Dist., May 1918- Aug. 1919, World War. Mem. Soc. Bibl. Lit. and Exegesis, Archeol. Inst. Am., Nat. Assn. Bibl. Instrs. (sec. 1923-28; p. 1929), Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Beta Kap- pa, Pi Gamma Mu, Theta Phi, Ohio Soc. (N.Y.). Mason. Kiwanian. Club: Univer- sity (Cincinnati). Home: Aurora-on-Ca- yuga, N.Y. VINCENT, Jesse Gurney, mech. engi- neer; b. Charleston, Ark., 10 Feb. 1880; s. Joseph M. and Nellie (Gurney) V. ; ed. pub. schs. and corr. sch.; hon. Mas- ter of Engring., Univ. of Mich., 1929; m. Clarinda Blood, 2 Oct. 1902 (died 1943); m. 2d, Rachel M. Hawes. Machinist and toolmaker, St. Louis, Mo., 1898-1902; su- perintendent inventions Burroughs Add- ing Machine Co., Detroit, 1903-10; chief engr. Hudson Motor Car Co., 1910-12; v.p. of engring., Packard Motor Car Co. since 1912. Commd. maj. U.S. Signal Corps, 15 Aug. 1917; It. col., 7 Feb. 1918; col. S.O.R.C, 19 Aug 1919. Built exper- imental sta. at McCook Field, later in charge airplane engr. dept., Dayton, O.; 1018 apptd. chief Airplane Engring. Div., Bu- reau Aircraft Production, 13 Sept. 1918, title of chief of engring.; apptd. mem. Joint Army and Navy Tech. Aircraft Bd., 6 Nov. 1918; co-deisgner of Liberty Aircraft Engine. Mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs., Am. Soc. M.E. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Automobile, Detroit Country. Home: 15500 Windmill Point Dr., Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. MILLER, Edwin Cyrus, plant physiol- ogist; b. Baltimore, O., 16 Dec. 1878; s. Benjamin Franklin and Mary (Brandt) M.; B.S., Lebanon (O.) Univ., 1904, A. B., 1906; A.B., Yale, 1907, Ph.D., 1910; m. Delia Slye, 3 Aug. 1911; children- Josephine Elizabeth, Jordan Yale. Asst. in botany, Kan. State Coll. of Agr. and Applied Science, successively instr., as- sistant prof, and asst. botanist, and pro- fessor plant physiology since 1919, also plant physiologist Kan. Agrl. Exptl. Sta- tion. Mem. A.A.A.S., Bot Soc. of Am., American Society Plant Physiologists, Farm House Fraternity, Phi Beta Kap- pa, Sigma Xi, Alpha Zeta, Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta. Republican. Presbyterian. Kiwanian. Author: Plant Physiology, 1931, revised edit., 1938. Con- tbr. to bot. mags. Researcher for 35 yrs. on water relations and chemistry of plants. Address: Botany Dept., Kansas State Cellege of Agriculture and Applied Science, Manhattan, Kan. GALLOWAY, Charles Edwin, physi- cian, obstetrics, gynecology; b. Xenia, O., 16 June 1892; s. Edwin Galloway, merchant, and Margaret (Wilson) G.; ed. Xenia, O. high sch.; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1918; M.D., Rush Med. College, 1920; m. Gertrude S. Hagar of Xenia, O., 14 June 1916; children — ■ Gertrude, Charles E., John King, Mary Stewart; m. 2d Jean Elizabeth Donaldson, 26 Apr. 1943. Internship, 1920-22, U.S.A.; Univ. of Edinburgh, and Glasgow, 1922-23; Vienna, 1932; asst. prof, gynecology, ob- stetrics, Northwestern Univ.; pvt. S.A. T.C., Ft. Sheridan, Camp Grant, 18 mos. service, during World War I; maj. med. corps, A.U.S. overseas service as CO. 2d Station Hosp., World War II. Member Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Bd. Obstet. and Gynecol., Inst. Med., Chicago, Chicago Gynecol. Soc. (pres., 1941), Central As- sociation Obstet. and Gynecol., Society Med Hist., Chicago. Republican. Epis- copalian. Clubs: Skokie, Adventurers, University (Chicago and Evanston), Sheridan Shore. Author: 37 articles, all med. Travel: Eur., Bermuda, Mex. In- terests: photography, shooting. Recrea- tions: big game hunting, sailing, golf. Home: 9552 Lawndale Av., Evanston, HI. Office: 636 Church St., Evanston, 111. MAAG, William Frederick, Jr. editor; b. Youngstown, O., 26 July 1883; s. Wil- liam Frederick and Elizabeth (Du Cas- se) M.; A.B., Harvard, 1905, A.M., 1915; unmarried. Editor and publisher; v. p., Youngstown Vindicator; pres. of WFMJ Broadcasting Co. Trustee Youngstown College; president Friends of Youngs- town College Library, Clubs: Youngs- town, Country. Home: 302 Boardman- Poland Road. Office: The Vindicator, Youngstown, O. COWLES, John, newspaper pub., edi- tor; b. Algona, la., 14 Dec. 1898; s. of Gardner and Florence (Call) C. ; grad. Phillips Exeter Acad., Exeter, N.H., in 1917; A.B., Harvard, 1920 as of 1921; LL.D. (hon.), Boston Univ., 1941; m. Elizabeth Morley Bates, 18 July 1923; children — Elizabeth Morley (Mrs. Rich- ard P. Gale, Jr.), Sarah Richardson, John, Russell. In newspaper work since 1920; pres. The Minneapolis Star Jour- nal and Tribune Co. (and predecessor corps.) since 1935; chmn. bd. The Des Moines Register and Tribune Co., Cowles Mags., Inc. (publishers of Look mag.), Cowles Broadcasting Co.; dir. General Mills, Inc., Gen. Electric Co., Internat. Gen. Electric Co., First Nat. Bank of Minneapolis. Spl. asst. to lend-lease ad- minstr., E. R. Stettinius, Jr., Washing- ton, D.C., 1943. Served as pvt., U.S. Ar- my, 1918 Mem. bd. overseers Harvard since 1944. Trustee Phillips Exeter Acad, since 1936; trustee Gardner Cowles Foundation, Drake Univ., Minneapolis Foundation, Foreign Service Educa- tional Foundation (Washington, D. C), Minneapolis Art Inst. Mem. Sigma Delta Chi (hon.). Clubs: Minneapolis, Wood- hill, Minneapolis Athletic, Minikahda of Minneapolis; Des Moines (la.); Metro- politan (Washington); Chicago (111.); Harvard (New York and Boston). Author chapter on journalism in "American Now," 1938; also newspaper series, "Britain Under Fire," 1941. Home: 2318 Park Av. Office: Star Journal and Tri- bune, Minneapolis, Minn. MITCHELL, Elmer Dayton, prof, of phys. edn. ; b. Negaunee, Mich., 6 Sept. 1889; s. Samuel Sidney and Nellie (Morse) M. ; A.B., Univ of Mich., 1912, A.M., 1919, Ph.D., 1938; grad. study Univ. of Wis., 1913; m. Beulah Eliza- beth Dillingaham, 10 July 1913; children — Ann Elizabeth, Robert Dillingham. Teacher and athletic dir. Grand Rapids Union High Sch., 1912-15; athletic dir. p,nd asst. prof. phys. edn., Mich. State 1019 Normal Coll., 1915-17; mem. varsity ath- letic coaching staff, Univ. of Mich., 1917- 19, dir. intramural athletics since 1919 (mem. bd. control), asst. prof, phys- ical edn., 1921-26, asso. prof., 1926- 38, prof, since 1938; mem. Rockefeller Foundation Study of Motor Ability Tests, 1925-27; teacher summer schs., Utah State Coll., 1931, N.Y. Univ., 1932, State Univ. of Iowa, 1933, Univ. of Southern Calif., 1934. Consultant on phys. edn., Nat. Congress Parents and Teachers, in 1935; spl. consultant edn. policies com- mn., Nat. Edn. Assn., 1936; mem. ad- visory com. on training of leaders in recreation, U.S. Office of Education, in 1941; mem. Joint Army and Navy Com. on Welfare and Recreation, 1941. Lt. comdr. U.S.N.R., 1943; officer in charge of physical training, 8th Naval District, New Orleans, La. Fellow Am. Academy Physical Eduction, Am. Physical Edn. Assn. (hon.); mem. Middle West Soc. Phys. Edn. (ex-sec), Intramural Dirs. Assn. (ex-pres. Western Conf.), Am. As- sociation for Health, Physical Edn., and Recreation, Mich. State Phys. Edn. As- sociation (ex-pres.), College Phys. Edn. Assn., Nat. Collegiate Athletic Assn., Phi Delta Kappa, Alpha Kappa Delta, Sigma Delta Psi, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Phi Kappa Sigma. Republican. Congre- gationalism Clubs: "M" Club, Exchange (ex-pres.); Univ. of Mich. Author: (with E. J. Mather) Basketball, 1922; (with W. P. Bowen) Theory of Organized Play and Practice of Organized Play, 1923; Intramural Athletics, 1925; (with B. S. Mason) Theory of Play, 1934; Social Games for Recreation, 1935; Active Games and Contests, 1935; Sports for Recreation, 1936; Intramural Sports, 1939. Editor : Journal of Health and Phys. Ed- ucation; Research Quarterly. Contbr. of articles to ednl. jours. Inventor game of speedball, 1921. Received Medal of Mer- it from Czecho-Slovakian Govt, for work as author and editor, 1939. Home: 1425 Cambridge Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. PATTERSON, Grove Hiram, editor; b. Rochester, Minn., 5 Nov. 1881; s. Joseph Stephen and Nellie Maria (Sayles) P.; prep, edn., high sch., Carlyle, 111., and Oberlin Acad.; student Syracuse Univ., 1901-02; A.B., Oberlin Coll., 1905, hon. A.M., 1925; LL.D., Lincoln Memorial U., 1931; Litt.D., Defiance (Ohio) Coll., 1932; LL.D., Univ. of Toledo, 1939; LL.D., O. Wesleyan Univ., 1940; m. Esther Argue, 17 Apr. 1919; stepson, Thomas Irving Belford. On staff, and asso. editor Lorain (O.) Times-Herald, 1905-08; copyreader and night city editor Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1908-09; mng. editor of Toledo Times, 1909-10; news editor of Toledo Blade, 1910-17 mng. editor, 1917-19, exec, editor, 1920-26, editor since 1926; editor- ial mgr., Newark Star-Eagle, 1916-24,, and Detroit Journal, 1919-22 (both under same management as the Blade). Trus- tee Oberlin Coll.; past pres. Toledo Y. M.C.A. (mem. Internat. Bd.) ; ex-pres. Am. Soc. Newspaper Editors. Member Sigma Delta Chi Mem. S.R. (Toledo), past pres. Ohio State Soc. S.R. Made mem. of Order of Isabella (Spain) in 1934. Received Gold Cross of Merit (Po- land) in 1938. Republican. Methodist- Clubs: Toledo, Rotary; Rowfant (Cleve- land); Nat. Press (Washington, D. C). Lecturer and pub. speaker. Home: The Park Lane Hotel. Office: The Toledo Blade, Toledo, O. OVERMYER, Arthur Warren, judge; b. Sandusky County, O., 31 May 1879; s. Barnhart Bowman and Mary Malinda (Walborn) O.; student Lima (O.) Luth- eran Coll., 1896-99; LL.B., Ohio Northern Univ., 1902; m. Nina Zelden Preston, 17 June 1903; 1 son— Richard Preston. Ad- mitted to Ohio bar, 1903, and practiced in Fremont, 1903-09; city atty., Fremont, 1909-14; mem. 64th and 65th Congresses (1915-19), 13th Ohio Dist. ; judge Court of Common Pleas, Sandusky County, 1926- 34; pres. Ohio State Common Pleas Jud- ges Assn., 1933; judge 6th Dist. Court of Appeals, State of Ohio, 1934-43; chief justice Ohio Courts of Appeals, 1942. Mem. Ohio State, Sandusky County bar assns. Democrat. Lutheran. Elk. Ad- dress: R.F.D. 5, Fremont, O. HURWITZ, Abraham, journalist, edi- tor; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 3 Jan. 1888; s. Morris and Esther Rachel (Malakoff) H. ; grad. high sch., Seattle, Wash.; stu- dent Univ. of Wash., 1906-09; admitted to Wash, bar, 1910, but did not practice; m. Charlotte Lippert, 20 Apr. 1918. re- porter successively with Seattle Post- Intelligencer, Seattle Times, Hoquiam Washingtonian, Seattle Star, 1908-14; city editor Seattle Star, 1914-16, editor Jacksonville (Fla.) Journal, 1922-24, Reading (Pa.) Times, 1924-40, Western Newspaper Union, 1940-42; editor Seattle Star, 1942-43; editor in chief John H. Perry Newspapers comprising Jackson- ville Journal, Pensacola Jour., Pensa- cola News, Ocala Star-Banner, Panama City News-Herald, Deland Sun-News, in Fla., and the Frankfort State Jour., Frankfort, Ky., since 1943. Also north- west corr. for Newspaper Assn., 1916, and rep. and spl. writer for Kansas City (Mo.) Star, New York World, etc., var- ious times. Helped draft first workmen's 1020 compensation act held constitutional in U.S. (Wash, state act); active in fight against convict leasing and flogging, in Fla., 1922-23. Home: 1646 Avondale Av. Office: Jacksonville Journal, Jackson- ville, Fla. PETTENGILL, Samuel Barrett, ex- congressman; b. Portland, Ore., 19 Jan. 1886; s. Samuel Barrett and Sue Harry (Clagett) P.; grad. Vt. Acad., Saxtons River, 1904; A.B., Middlebury (Vt.) Col- lege, 1908; LL.B., Yale Univ., 1911; LL.- D. Harding College and Franklin Coll.; m. Josephine H. Campbell, 1 June 1912; 1 dau. — Susan Harry. In practice of law, South Bend, since 1911; member Fara- baugh, Pettengill, Chapleau & Roper. Mem. 72d Congress (1931-33), 13th Ind. Dist. and 73d to 75th Cong. (1933-39), 3d Ind. Dist. Mem. Sch. Bd., South Bend, 1925-28. Chmn. Rep. Nat. Finance Com., 1942. Gen. counsel Transportation Assn. of Am., 1943; Mem. Am., Ind. State and St. Joseph County bar assns., Delta Kap- pa Epsilon. Democrat. Congregational- ist. Mason (33d deg.). Author: Hot Oil; Jefferson, the Forgotten Man; Smoke- screen; For Americans Only. Home: 128 S. Scott St., South Bend, Ind. Office: Union Trust Bldg., South Bend, Ind.; and Shoreham Bldg., Washington, D.C. PARKER, Walter Huntington, prof, of mining; b. Stillwater, Minn., 1 Aug. 1884; s. Reuben Samuel and Jennie Annette (Huntington) P.; E.M., Univ. of Minn., 1907; hon. grad. Sch. of Fire, Field Artil- lery, Fort Sill, 1917; m. Veola Fourrell, 16 Aug. 1921. With Pa. Mining Co., Ar- gentine, Colo., 1905. Bingham, Utah, in 1906; mgr. Fairview Mining Co., Berlin, Wash., 1907; chief engr. Internat. Coal Co. and Mont. Coal & Iron Co., 1908-12; cons, city engr., Bearcreek, Mont., 1909; cons, structural and mining engr., Van- couver, B.C., Can., 1913-14, Mont., Colo., Minn., and Alberta, 1914-17; asso. prof, mining and head of dept. Sch. of Mines and Metallurgy, Univ. of Minn., 1919-23, prof, mining and head of dept. since 1923. Mem. Minn. Nat. Guard, 1903-07; captain C.A.C., U.S. Army, World War; mem. Gen. Court Martial, 1917; mem. staff Sch. of Fire, Fort Sill, 1917; over- seas, 12 mos. as bn. comdr. 69th Arty., C.A.C., and camp adjt., Romagne, Fr. Mem. administrative bd. Inst, of Tech- nology of Univ. of Minn. Fellow A. A. A. S.; mem. Am. Inst. Mining and Metall. Engrs., Soc. for Promotion Engring. Ed- ucation, Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Gen. Alumni Assn. Univ. of Minn, (director), Alumni Assn. Sch. of Mines and Metal- lurgy (exec, sec), S.A.R. (sec.-treas. Minn. Soc), Vets. Foreign Wars, Am. Legion, Order of Founders and Patriots of America, Soc. of Colonial Wars, Engi- neers Club of Minneapolis, Soc. West- cott Descendants, Huntington Family Assn., Minn. Fed. Engr. Soc, New Eng- land Hist.-Geneal. Soc, Minn. Historical Soc, Inst, of Mining and Metallurgy (England), Mining and Metall. Soc. Am., Am. Forestry Assn., Am. Mus. Natural Hist., Forty and Eight, Theta Tau. Re- publican. Episcopalian. Scottish Rite Mason (K.T., Shriner). Club: Lions, Cam- pus. Home: 5105 Sheridan Av. S., Min- neapolis 10, Minn. MERRILL, Maurice Hitchcock, law- yer, teacher; b. Washington, D.C, 3 Oct. 1897; s. George Waite and Mary Lavinia (Hitchcock) M.; A.B., Univ. of Okla., 1919, LL.B., 1922; S.J.D., Harvard, 1925; m. Orpha Roberts, 4 June 1922; 1 dau.— Marilyn Jean. Admitted to Okla. bar, 1922; practiced law, Tusla, Okla., 1922- 24; asst., later special instr. and instr. in government, Univ. of Okla., 1919-22; asso. prof, law, Univ. of Idaho, 1925-26; asst. prof, law, Univ. of Neb., 1926-28, prof., 1928-36; prof, law Univ. of Okla. since 1936, atty., Univ. of Okla. Research Inst., since 1941; visiting teacher of law, summer sessions, Univ. of Calif., 1927, Cornell Univ., 1928, Univ. of Iowa, 1931, Univ. of Kans., 1934, Univ. of Texas, 1937, Univ. of Chicago, 1938. Served with U.S. Army, 1918. Counsel and draftsman Tulsa Charter Revision Com., 1939; mem. Norman Charter Revision Com., 1940-45. Chmn. local examining bds. for Okla. under U.S. Bd. of Legal Examin- ers and Civil Service Commn., 1942-44. Public panel mem. Eighth Regional War Labor Bd. since 1943, chmn. permanent trucking panel since 1944; mem. labor panel Am. Arbitration Assn. since 1944; mem. from Okla., Nat. Conf. of Commrs. on Uniform State Laws, since 1944; mem. Cleveland Co. Vets. Assistance Council, since 1945; Norman Bd. of Hosp. Management, since 1945. Member Am. (chmn. for Okla., pub. information pro- gram 1942-44), Okla. (asso. editor of Journal since 1940) and Cleveland Coun- ty bar assns., Southwestern Social Sci- ence Assn., Okla. Hist. Soc, Am. Judi- cature Soc, Am. Rose Soc, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Phi, Order of Coif, Norman Forum, Am. Le- gion. Author: Covenants Implied in Oil and Gas Leases, 1926; Nebraska Anno- tations to Restatement of Contracts (with William Sternberg and Lester B. Orfield) 1932; Nebraska Annotations to Restate- ment of Agency, 1933; Oklahoma Anno- tations to Restatement of Agency, 1940. 1021 Faculty editor of Nebraska Law Bulle- tin, 1927-31. Mem. gen. editorial com. for selected essays on constitutional law, sponsored by Assn. Am. Law Sens., and editor Vol. Ill, The Nation and the States, 1938. Contbr. chapters to The Government of Oklahoma (Blachly and Oatman, editors), 1924; contbr. articles to legal periodicals; also to Am. Rose Soc. Annual and Am. Rose Mag. Home: 800 Elm Av. Office: Monnet Hall, Uni- versity of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. HAVNER, Horace Moore, lawyer; b. Wayne County, la., 22 Nov. 1871; s. John David and Rachel (Moore) H. ; student Simpson Coll., Indianola, la., 1892-96; LL.B., Univ. of la., 1899; m. Ada La Forest Dean, 3 Jan. 1900; children — Ada (Mrs. Kenneth F. Jones), Rachel (Mrs. L. Maynard Kyner). Admitted to la. bar, 1899, practicing in Marengo, 1899-1917; atty. gen. State of la., 1917-21; private practice, Des Moines, since 1921; mem. Havner, Flick & Powers since 1924; p. Dallas Fuel Co., since 1928. Del. from 9th Gen. Conf. Dist. to gen. confs. of M.E. Ch., Baltimore, 1908, Minneapolis, 1912, Saratoga, N.Y., 1916, Des Moines, 1920; mem. book com. 1912-32. Trustee Simpson Coll., Indianola, 1919-40. Served in Spanish-Am. War; 50th la. Inf., 1898- 99. Mem. Iowa Hist. Soc, Spanish War Vets, (judge advocate general 1941-42; mem. Nat. Legislative Com. of United Spanish War Vets, 1942-45, jr. vice com- dr. in chief since 1945), Sons of Union Vets., Nat. Economic League, Phi Delta Phi. Methodist. Mason (32d deg., K.T.), Clubs: Conopus-Exchange (Des Moines), Union League (Chicago). Home: 1721 Pleasant St. Office: 641 Insurance Ex- change Bldg., Des Moines, la. HEADLEY, Leal Aubrey, educator; b. Fairmont, Minn., 2 Jan. 1884; s. Charles Wesley and Sara Jane (Sherman) H. ; B.S., Carleton Coll., Minn., 1907; M.A., Harvard, 1911, Ph.D., 1916; m. Harriet Marston, 6 Sept. 1916; children— Mars- ton, Margaret. Instr. philosophy, 1911- 16, prof, psychology and edn. since 1916, Carleton Coll. Moderator Minn. Conf. of Congl. Churches, 1943. Mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Philos. Assn., Minn Acad, of Sci., Minn. Hist. Assn., N.E.A, Delta Sigma Rho, Phi Beta Kappa. Congregationalist. Mason (K.T.). Rotarian (gov. 9th dist., 1932-33). Author: How to Study in Col- lege, 1926; Making the Most of Books, 1932. Home: 815 E. 2d St. Office: East Tower, Skinner Memorial Chapel, North- field, Minn. PRITCHARD, Harry Turnbull, public utilities; b. New Britain, Conn., 23 Jan. 1887; s. Henry W. and Lillian J. (Turn- bull) P.; grad. Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y.; Ph.B., Yale Univ., 1908. Sanitary Dist. of Chicago, Lockport plant, 1908, asst. supt, 1910, supt., 1911-13, and supt. of constrn., Chicago, 1913-16; pres. Riv- er Falls Power Co., 1916, and Carlsbad Light & Power Co., 1917-18; general supt. Ind. Power Co., Vincennes, 1919; vice pres. and gen. mgr. 1920-24; vice pres. Eastern N.J. Power Co., Asbury Park, N.J., 1924; vice pres. Utilities Power & Light Corp., New York, in charge of Eastern operations, 1925-30, vice pres. in charge of operation, Chicago, 1930- 37; pres. Indianapolis Power & Light Co. since 1934. Mem. Ind. Electric Assn. Mason. Clubs : Indianapolis Athletic, Co- lumbia, Woodstock (Indianapolis). Of- fice: 17 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. POSEGATE, Mabel, poet; b. Cincin- nati, O.; d. Oliver Franklin and Ger- trude (Knighton) Bear; ed. Walnut Hills High Sch. (Cincinnati), business coll., and Univ. of Cincinnati; m. Charles Sargent Posegate, 5 Dec. 1905; children — Mabel Victoria (Mrs. Gendall H. Brownlee), Aaron Knighton, Elinor Knighton (Mrs. Urban A. Krogmann), Charles Knighton. Mem. advisory com. on women's participation, New York World's Fair, 1939. Apptd. poet laureate of Ohio, 1936. Ohio rep. of League to Sup- port Poetry, N.Y. City, since 1940. Re- ceived an award in Nat. Book Contest by Nat. League Am. Pen Women, 1936, 1st prize in nat. poetry contest, 1941; pink dogwood tree planted in her honor in Authors' Grove, Eden Park, Cincin- nati, 1937. Rec. sec. of the Nat. Fedn. of Poetry Clubs. Mem. Poetry Soc. of Am. (active), Poetry Soc. Ohio, Nat. League Am. Pen Women (chmn. lectures for Eastern Central Div., 1937-38; nat. 3d v.p. 1940-41), Composers and Authors Assn. of Am., Verse Writers Guild of O., D.A.R. (Cincinnati Chapter), Eugene Field Soc. of St. Louis (hon.); patroness Alpha Gamma Delta of Univ. of Cincin- nati, Omega Chapter of Phi Beta Music and Speech Frat. Clubs : Cincinnati East- ern Hills Liberary (past pres.), Hyde Park Literary (hon.), Cincinnati Wo- man's Press, Republican Women's. Au- thor: (verse) Silver 'Scutcheon, 1928; Once When Arcturus Shone, 1935; White Moment, 1938. Wrote Ohio's flower poem, "Carnation," 1939. Edited Ohio Section and wrote foreword to North American Book of Verse, 1939; Contbr. to Chris- tian Century, Literary Digest, Saturday Review of Literature, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, 1022 Washington Evening Star, Voices, and Poetry Review (London). Poems have appeared in Braithwaite's, Louis Unter- meyer's and in other anthologies, and many have been set to music. Hon. edi- tor (with Ted Malone) The Dream Shop, 1943. Home: 3637 Ault Park Av., Cincin- nati, O. SAYRE, Paul, prof, law; b. Hinsdale, 111., 26 July 1894; s. Rockwell and Susan (Lombard) S.; A.B. Harvard, 1916, S.J. D., 1925; J.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1920; m. Grace Geyer, 22 Sept. 1924; children — Susan, Mary, Lombard. Admitted to 111. bar, 1920, practiced at Chicago, 1920- 24; prof, law, Ind. Univ., 1925-28; re- search fellow, 1928-29, lecturer on civil procedure, 1920-30, Harvard Law Sch. ; prof, law, State Univ. of la., since 1930. Reporter on succession to property In- ternat. Congress on Comparative Law, The Hague, 1937; del. of State Univ. of la. to Internat. Conf. on Higher Edn., Paris, 1937; pres. Nat. Conf. on Family Relations, 1937-39. Contbr. to legal and philos. jours. Home: 336 Magowan Av. Office: Law Bldg., Iowa City, la. QUILICI, George L., judge; b. Chica- go, 111.; s. Henry and Anna (Martinnelli) Q.; LL.B., De Paul Univ.; grad. work, Northwestern Univ., 1921; J.D., John Marshall Law Sch.; m. Virginia Iralson (artist). Admitted to 111. bar; elected judge of the Municipal Court, Chicago, June, 1940; re-elected, Nov. 1942; apptd. spl. prosecutor of election fraud cases in County Court of Cook County (111.), on recommendation of Citizens Assn., 1935- 38; apptd. com. on character and fitness by Supreme Court of State of 111., reap- pointed 1938, 39. Served with signal corps in Prance, World War I; formerly maj. U.S. Army Res. Mem. Chicago Civ- il Liberties Com., Am. Civil Liberties Union, Hull House Associates, Citizens Com. on Indsl. Relations, Mayor's Conf. on Race Relations, Cath. Labor Alliance, Chicago and Cook County War Finance Commn., Chicago Round Table, The Na- tional Conf. of Christians and Jews, Cit- izens Schools Com., Chicago Council on Fgn. Relations, Immigrants Protective League; mem. adv. bd. West Side Com- munity Com.; bd. of dirs. South Side Community Art Center; exec. bd. Union for Democratic Action; mem. Nat. Pan- el Am. Arbitration Assn., exec. com. Nat. Citizens Polit. Action Com.; exec, com. Northwest dist. Boy Scouts of Am. ; vice chmn. Chicago Council against Ra- cial and Religious Discrimination; exec, com. United Nations Congress; sponsor Am. Com. for Protection of Fgn. Born; exec. bd. Chicago Urban League; geii. chmn. Italian Am. Victory Council (60 participating orgns. representing 50,0000 Italo-Americans) ; pres. Nat. Pub. Hous- ing Conf. of Chicago; chmn. bd. Nat. Pub. Housing Conf.; mem. Nat. Assn. Housing Officials; mem. Chicago Com. on Workers Summer Schools; member Com. on Community Interrelations of Am. Jewish Congregations; sponsor of Spanish Refugee Appeal; del. Chicago Conf. on Home Front Unit. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Nat. Lawyers Guild (pres. Chicago chapter, 1938; nat. v.p., 1939), Am. Judicature So- ciety, Catholic Lawyers Guild, Am. Le- gion, Vets. Fgn. Wars (judge adv. Pro- gress Post 2255), Elks, Phi Alpha Delta. Club: City. World traveler; writer; plat- form and radio speaker on civic, econ. and polit. subjects and on internat. af- fairs. Home: 710 Lake Shore Dr., Chi- cago, 111. Summer res.: Hancock, Wis. HEIL, Julius Peter, ex-gov.; b. Duse- mond, Germany, 1876; s. Franz and Bar- bara (Krebs) H. ; ed. rural sch.; m. Elizabeth Conrad, 4 June 1900; 1 son- Joseph F. Began with Winton General Store at age of 12; later drill press op- erator Internat. Harvester Co., Milwau- kee, br. ; apprentice blacksmith and ma- chine shops, 7 yrs. ; became expert weld- er and traveled throughout country com- pleting welding contracts, built street ry., Buenos Aires, Argentine. Governor of Wisconsin, 1938-43. Was head of Nat. Recovery Adminstrn. for State of Wis. Republican. Mason (Potentate 1927; sec- treas. Tripoli Temple since 1921; chmn. finance com. and mem. bldg. com., 1927- 28), Elk, Moose. Clubs: Wisconsin, Mil- waukee Athletic. Mem. publ. com. of Shrine Mag. Home : 5240 N. Lake Dr. Of- fice : 3014 W. Montana, Milwaukee, Wis. HELM, Wilbur, investment adviser, economist, lecturer, writer; b. Marion, Ind., 7 Aug., 1879; s. Benjamin Abbott Helm, dept. store exec, and Millicent (Coggeshall) H. ; ed. North Manchester (Ind.) high sch.; A.B., DePauw Univ., 1899, A.M., 1900; A.M., Princeton Univ., 1901; m. Margaretta S. Nutt of Green- castle, Ind., 7 Nov. 1903; children Vir- ginia S., Standiford (maj. med. officer, U.S. Army), Marjorie (Mrs. Swigert). Educator, 1900-15; on Latin faculty, of Princeton, 1900-04, Phillips Exeter Acad. N.H., 1904-09; prin. Evanston Academy Northwestern Univ., 1909-15; exec. Hart Schaffner & Marx, 1915-16, Sprague War- ner & Co., 1916-19, Montgomery Ward & Co., 1919-20; v.p., sec, R. E. Wilsey & Co., Chicago, 1929-38; investment advi- 1023 ser, Central Republic Co., Chicago since 1938; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi, S.A.R. (111. State pres., 2 yrs.), Frineds of the Pub. Schs. (nat. v.p.); founder, exec, sec, Conf Methodist Lay- men. Republican. Methodist. Mason. Au- thor: many civic and Americanism and econ. articles; editor: Cicero's Orations. Travel: Hawaii, Japan, 1904, Europe, 1929. A relative, It. Linaugh Helm was second in command at the Ft. Dearborn massacre; another relative, capt. Wil- liam Helm, was assoc. in command with George Rogers Clark at Kasbackio, Ft. Sackville and Vincennes, in preserving the Northwest territory for the U.S. In- terests: Wire welfare, pub. speaking, writing, study economics. Recreations: golf, motoring. Office: Rm. 900, 209 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 720 Colfax St., Evanston, 111. KENT, Robert Homer, prof, philoso- phy; b. Beck's Grove, Ind., 17 Oct. 1885; s. Webster and Susan (Lockman) K.; A.B., Franklin (Ind.) Coll., 1911, D.D., 1933; student Rochester Theol. Sem., 1911-14, B.D* 1921; studied Univ. of Chi- cago 6 summers; m. Myra Huckleberry, 22 July 1914; children — Robert Eugene, John Franklin, George Webster, Francis William. Ordained ministry Bapt. Ch., 1914; pastor Lebanon, Indiana, 1915-18, Franklin, 1918-21; prof, philosophy, at Franklin Coll., since 1921, acting dean, 1929, acting pres., 1931-33; lecturer on religious and ednl. subjects. Mem. exec, com. State Bd. Ind. Bapt. Conv. Mem. Ind. Hist. Soc, Ind. Philos. Assn., Kap- pa Delta Rho. Mason. Home : Franklin, Ind. KUEVER, Rudolph Andrew, college dean; b. Lowden, la., 27 Oct. 1886; s. August Andrew Bartol and Caroline Mar- gret (Hensch) K. ; ed. Evang. Acad.; Ph.G., State Univ. of la., 1907, Ph.C, 1911; m. Ruth Wilberta Hindman, 20 June 1914; children — Gretchen Louise (Mrs. William O. Merritt), Mary Caro- lyn (Mrs. Hamilton H. Ries). Pharma- cist, Univ. Hosp., State Univ. of Iowa, 1907-14, asst. prof, of pharmacy, 1913-16, assoc. prof., 1916-25, prof., 1925-37, dean of coll. of pharmacy since 1937; member board in control of athletics, State Univ. of la., since 1916; gen. cons, practice in pharm. chemistry since 1913. With S.A.T.C., World War I. Mem. A.A.AS, Am Chem. Soc, Am. Assn of Colls, of Pharmacy (pres 1941), Am. Assn. of Univ. Profs., Am. Legion, Chamber of Commerce, Sigma Xi, Rho Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Delta Chi. Presby- terian. Mason (32d deg.). Club: Triangle. Author: Pharmaceutical Laboratory Manual, 1944. Contbr. 41 contbns. to pro- fessional jours. Home: 5 Melrose Circle, Iowa City, la. KUNZE, William Frederick, ex-may- or; b. Sleepy Eye, Minn., 1 June 1872; s. Fred and Minnie (Krueger) K. ; B.S., Univ. of Minn., 1897; m. Galena Muede- king, 12 Aug. 1902; children — Florence Myrtle (Mrs. Wilfred L. Husband), Dor- othy Lucile (Mrs. C. Howard Mattson), William Frederick, Jr. Instr. in chemis- try, Univ. of Minn., 1897-98; prin. high sch., Lake City, Minn., 1898; supt. schs., Hastings, 1899-1901, Red Wing, 1901-07; prin. high sch., St. Paul, 1907; sec. Smith System Heating Co., Minneapolis, 1907-22; v.p. Marquette Nat. Bank since 1922; v.p. and assoc. trust officer, Mar- quette Ins. Agency, Bank Shares Corp.; pres. Nevens Co. since 1943; dir. Murray Inst. Mem. Minn. Ho. of Rep., 1911-13; member Minneapolis Charter Commis- sion, 1913-15; mem. Minneapolis Bd. of Pub. Welfare, 1919-21 and 1924-31 ; mayor of Minneapolis, 1929-31; chmn. Hennepin County Child Welfare Bd., 1922-36; mem. Children's Protective Soc. (dir. since 1922, pres., 1928-32), Hennepin Co. Pub. Health Assn. (pres. 1924-30) ; dir. Work- ing Boys' Band; regional dir. for Minn., War Finance Com., Treasury Depart- ment. Mem. Sima Xi. Republican. Methodist. Mason (Scottish Rite), Aca- cia. Club: Minneapolis Athletic. Author: Outlines of Physical Geography, 1897; Exercises in Arithmetic, 1906; The Econ- omy System of Penmanship. Home: 3123 4th St. S.E. Office: 517 Marquette Av., Minneapolis, Minn. DALEY, William Raymond, investment banker; b. Ashtabula, O., 26 Sept. 1892; s. Flory and Margaret (Coade) D.; A.B., Adelbert Coll., Western Res. Univ., 1915; LL.B., Western Res. Univ., 1917; m. Florence Catherine Doran, 20 Nov. 1920; children — Kathleen Rita, Jane Berna- dette. Admitted to O. bar, 1917; asso. with Bulkley, Hauxhurst, Inglis & Sae- ger, Cleveland, 1917-28, partner, 1925-28; with Otis & Co., investments, since 1928, pres. and dir. since 1931; pres. and dir. Temple Bldg. Corp.; sec. and dir. Mon- arch Fire Ins. Co.; dir. Selby Shoe Co., Ruud Mfg. Co., Murray Ohio Mfg. Co., Steep Rock Iron Mines, Ltd., Common- wealth Securities, Inc., Bulkley Bldg. Corp., Theatre Leashold Corp., Nat. Re- fining Co., William Whitman Co., Inc. Served as sergt. Machine Gun Co., 331st Inf., later It. 27th F.A., 1917-18; mem. Troop A., 107th Cavalry, 1919-23. Pres. and trustee . Catholic Charities Corora- 1024 tion. Mem. Investment Bankers Assn. (bd of govs. 1937-39). Pi Kappa Alpha, Delta Theta Phi, Order of Coif. Catholic. Clubs: Union, Mayfield Country, Pepper Pike Country. Home: 2310 Coventry Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. Office: Terminal Tower, Cleveland, O. DAVIS, Ralph Currier, educator, man- agement cons.; b. Mohawk, N.Y., 24 Dec. 1894; s. Frank Colin D. and Susie Helen (Greene); M.E., Cornell Univ., 1916; M.A., Ohio State Univ., 1926; m. Dorothy Rebecca O'Neil, 5 Apr. 1926; 1 dau. — Dannette Colin. Began as spl ma- machinists apprentice, summer 1913; jr. industrial engr. Winchester Repeating Arms Co., 1916-18; indsl. engr. The Glen- son Works, Rochester, 1919; asst. labor commr. Cleveland Chamber Commerce, 1919-23; asst. prof., Ohio State Univ., 1923-27; head management dept. Gen. Motors Inst., 1927-30; asso. prof., Ohio State Univ., 1930-36; prof, business orgn. and head management div., College of Commerce and Adminstrn., Ohio State Univ., 1930-42. Served as private Signal Corps, Science and Research Div., Apr.- Oct. 1918; ensign, U.S. Navy, Oct. 1918- Jan. 1919; with Army Air Forces since June 1942, now It. col. as chief spl. proj- ects sect., Eastern Projects Dist., Air Technical Service Command. Mem. Soc. for Advancement of Management (v. p. 1942-43), Am. Management Assn., Acad, of Management, Central Ohio Personnel Assn., Beta Gamma Sigma, and Sigma Phi Epsilon frats. Club: Faculty (Co- lumbus). Author: Principles of Factory Organization and Management, 1928; Purchasing and Storing, 1931; Principles of Business Organization, 1937; Princi- ples of Industrial Organization and Man- agement, 1940; also professional arts, and research monographs dealing with organizational problems. Consultant on orgn. and management to mfrs. Home: 2089 Guilford Rd., Columbus, O. FISHER, Charles Thomas, Jr., bank- er; b. Detroit, Mich., 14 Feb. 1907; s. of Charles Thomas and Sarah Wilhelmina (Kramer) F. ; B.S., Georgetown Univ., Washington, D.C., 1928, LL.D., 1939; m. Elizabeth J. Briggs, 2 Feb. 1929; chil- dren—Charles Thomas III, Mary Eliza- beth, Jane Briggs, Frederick John II, Walter Briggs, Sarah Wilhelmina. Pres. and dir. Nat. Bank of Detroit; member bd. dirs. R.F.C. and Subsidiaries; dir. Erie R.R. Co.; dir. Maryland Casualty Co. Republican. Catholic. Office: Nat. Bank of Detroit, Detroit, Mich FRANCIS, Parker Browne, mfr.; b. Hartford, Conn., 18 June 1886; s. Parker Browne and Elinor Camille (Van Am- ringe) F. ; A.B., Harvard,. 1908; m. Mary Bainbridge Love, 17 May 1916; children — John Byers, Parker Browne, Richard Love. Chem. engr. Parke-Davis Com- pany, 1909-11; with J. F. Hartz Co., 1911- 13; became sec. and part owner, Puritan Compressed Gas Corp., Kansas City, Mo., 1913, v.p., 1923, pres. and owner, 1932; pioneered use of compressed gas in World War, now asso. with War Pro- duction Bd., Washington. Director of Compressed Gas Mfrs. Assn., Better Business Bur., Civic Research Institute, Am. Royal Live Stock Assn. Trustee Kansas City Museum, Art Inst., Phil- harmonic Orch. Mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Electro Chem. Soc, Inst. Aeronautical Sciences. Unitarian. Clubs: Country, University (Kansas City); Harvard (New York). Home: 1415 Drury Lane. Office: 2012 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. LAWRENCE, E. George, educator; b. Terre Haute, Ind., 16 Mar. 1908; s. Ells- worth Lyman and Mary Catherine (Holmes) L. ; student Univ. of Ind., 1926- 30; m. Dorotha Louise Howe, 25 June 1930. Power plant engring. with General Motors Corp., 1930-34; pres. and chmn. bd. Lawrence Inst, of Tech., Highland Park, Mich., since 1934. Mem. Engring. Soc. of Detroit, Detroit Bd. of Com- merce, Gamma Eta Gamma. Republi- can. Methodist. Club: Kiwanis (High- land Park). Holder of patents on mech. devices. Home: 19931 Lichfield Dr., De- troit, Mich. Office: 15100 Woodward Av., Detroit 3, Mich. LEIGH, Maurice Chaffee, pres. Sur- gical Pub. Co.; b. Canton, 111., 27 Sept. 1888; s. Joseph I. and Lorena Spauld- ing (Chaffee) L.; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1911; m. Ancinette Gardner, 18 Aug. 1917; children— Nancy, Jane. V.p. and advt. dir. Surgical Pub. Co., Chi- cago, 111., 1913, now pres. Served as capt. 11th F.A., A.E.F., 1917-19. Repub- lican. Conglist. Clubs: University (Chi- cago); National Arts (N.Y. City). Home: Nat. Arts Club, New York. Offices: R.K.O. Building, Rockefeller Center, New York, NY.; 54 E. Erie St., Chi- cago, 111. SHOVE, Raymond Howard, librarian; b. Howard, S. D., 20 Sept. 1906; s. Wil- mer T. Shove, tradesman, and Florence Louise (Holloway) S.; ed. high sch., Howard, S. D.; B.A., Morningside Coll., 1928; B. S., Univ. 111., 1930, M. A., 1936; m. Edna Lois Bradbury of Howard, S.D., 1932; children— David Ernest, Janet Rae, Mary Florence. Librarian. 1025 Howard Pub. Library, 1920-24; part time asst., Sioux Oity, (la.) Pub. Library, 1925-27; asst. order dept. Univ. 111. Li- brary, 1930-37; head of acquisitions dept., Univ. Minn. Library, 1937 — ; asst. prof, bibliog. and library methods, Univ. Minn. Head Research Libraries Round Table (chmn., 1940-46), A. L. A. (mem. ttook buying" com. chmn. sub. com. to investigate cooperative book buying for libraries, 1941-42, com. on serials, (chmn. 1941-46), com. on foreign importations, 1941-45), Minn. Lib. Asso. Clubs: Twin City Library (pres. 1940- 41), Campus (Univ. Minn.). Author: Cheap Book Production in The United States, 1870-1891; Urbana, Univ. 111. Li- brary School, 1937; Interest: books. Rec- reations: reading. Protestant. Democrat. Office: University of Minn. Library. Home: 87 Orlin Av., S.E. Minneapolis 14, Minn. POND, Gilbert Palmer, physician, psy- chiatrist, health commr. ; b. State Col- lege, Pa., 24 July 1893; s. George Gil- bert and Helen (Palmer) P.; B.S., Pa. State Coll., 1915; student Univ. of Pa. Med. Sch., 1915-16; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., Univ. of Chicago, 1919; m. Susan Sarah Murray, 27 Sept. 1916; 1 dau., Mary Josephine. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1919; interne 111. Steel Hosp., Cook County Psychopathic Hosp. and St. Joseph's Hosp., Chicago, 1919- 21; mem. exec, staff West Suburban Hosp., Oak Park, since 1930. Neuro-psy- chiatric specialist U.S. Vets. Bur., 1921- 22; asso. psychiatrist Municipal Court Psychopathic Lab., Chicago, 1922-28; mem. med. jury commn. Cook County Psychopathic Court, 1923-28; village psychiatrist, Oak Park, 1932-39, village commr. health 1939-45. Served in Med. Enlisted Res. Corps, Rush Med. Coll., 1917-18; It. comdr. U.S.N. R. active duty 26 Mar. 1945-7 June 1946. Pres. Thatcher Woods Area Council B.S. of A. 3 consecutive years; Area Scout Commr., 1946. Mem. A.M. A., 111. State and Chicago Med. Socs., Am. Legion, Delta Upsilon, Phi Rho Sigma. Repub- lican. Methodist. Clubs: Oak Park (Oak Park), Rotary (past pres.). Originator palm print method of identification of new born babies. Home: 703 N. East Av. Office: 1140 Lake St., Oak Park, 111. SALTER, Lawrence Cecil, science writer, consultant; b. Yale, Mich., 14 Jan. 1901; s. Frederick and Margaret (Steenburgh) S.; ed. in high sch.; m. Alice Conroy, 8 Oct. 1938. Public and corp. accounting, 1919-26; reporter, Sioux City (la.) Jour., 1926-28; promo- tion editor, Toledo (O.) Blade, 1928-29; copy reader, Toledo Times, 1929-30; re- porter, Border Cities Star, Windsor, On- tario, 1930-31; sci. editor, Detroit Free Press, 1931-38; asso. dir. of press rela- tions, A.M. A., Chicago, 1938-45; sr. part- ner Lawrence C. Saler & Associates, consultants for science, Chicago and New York, since 1945. With Med. Corps., Am. North Russian Expeditionary Forces, Archangel, 1918-19; consultant to surgeon gen., U.. Army, 1944-45. Mem. subcom. on pub., div. of med. sciennces, Nat. Research Council, since 1941; con- sultant to procurement and assignment service, Federal Security Agency, since 1941; mem. med. advis. council, Office of Civilian Defense for Chicago Met. Area, 1942-45. Consultant to Nat. Founda- tion For Infantile Paralysis, The Baruch Com. on Physicial Medicine. Fellow, A.A.A.S., mem. Am. Acad, for Polit. and Social Science, Nat. Assn. of Sci. Writers, Pi Phi, Sigma Delta Chi (dir. Chicago chapter). Clubs: Nat. Press., Nat. Press Post (Washington) ; Nat. Headliners (Atlantic City, N.J.) ; Illinois Athletic (Chicago). Co-author of D.D.T. and the Insect Problem, 1946. Contbr. of articles to med. and professional jour- nals. Home: 1346 Jarvis Av., Chicago 26. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago 4, 111. SANDE, Ole Robert, educator; b. Vik, Norway, 12 July 1892; s. Hans and Jo- hanna (Iverson) L.; brought to U.S., 1893, naturalized, 1904; B.E., Teachers Coll., Moorhead, Minn., 1929; student Univ. of Minn., 6 summer sessions; m. Sena Schmock (died 1920) ; children- Veronica Adelade (died 9 Jan. 1924). Robert Stewart; m. 2d, Jula Herleik- son, 20 June 1925; children — Donna Marie, Roger William (deceased), Ruth Marylin. Teacher in rural schools, Polk, Marshall and Pennington counties, Minn., 1909-14; teacher in high schs., Clinton, Minn., 1914-15; prin. of schs., Mentor and Gully, Minn., 1915-17; prin. sch., Dugdale, Minn., 1919-21; teacher in rural sch., Pennington County, Minn., 1921-22, county supt. of schs., 1923-27; instr. in psychology Teachers Coll., Moorhead, Minn., 1927-31; asso. dir. of rural edn. State Dept. of Edn., Minn., 1931-43; asso. dir. edn. Office of Indian Affairs since 1943. Served with U.S Army, 1918-19; in France and Germany, 1918-19. Mem. N.E.A., Am. Legion, Lambda Phi Sigma, Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Delta Kappa, Owls. Lutheran. Mod- ern Woodman. Odd Fellow, Sons of Nor- 1026 Way. Club: City (Chicago). Home: 1123 Main St., Evanston, 111. COMBS, Charles Nathan, physician; b. Mulberry, Ind., 1879; s. William B. Combs, and Susan P. (Richardson) C. ; ed. A.B., Ind. Univ. 1900; M.D., Med. Coll. of Ind., 1903; m. Ethel Mattox of Terre Haute, 1902; children— William, Miriam, Stuart. Supt. Union Hosp. 1910- 36, med. dir. 1936—; capt. 1 yr. during World War I. Licentiate Am. Bd. of Anesthesiology, fellow, Am. Soc. of Anesthetists; fellow, A.M. A.; fellow, In- ternal Coll. of Anesthetists; mem. Ind. State Med. Assn. (past pres.), Mid Western Assn. of Anesthetists (past pres.), Am. Soc. Anesthesiologists. Clubs: University, Executives. Author: sci. papers. Interest: philately. Home: 2516 N. 9th St. Office: Union Hospital, Terre Haute, Ind. JOHNSON, Noble J., congressman; b. Terre Haute, Ind. 23 Aug. 1887; s. Abra- ham S. and Ida M.J.; ed. pub. and high sens.; m. Mercy Chase Broadhurst, 6 Oct. 1913; 1 dau. Mirium Ruth. Ad- mitted to Ind. bar, 1911, and began practice at Terre Haute; mem. John- son & Evans; dep. pros, atty., 1917, 18; elected pros. atty. 43d Jud. Dist., Ind., 1920, reelected, 1923; mem. 69th to 71st Congresses (1925-31), 5th Ind. Dist.; Republican. Home: Terre Haute, Ind. SCHLATTER, David Myron, army of- ficer; b. Carey, O., 21 Nov. 1901; s. George Edwin and Maude Germaine (Fletcher) S. ; B.S., U.S. Mil. Acad., 1923; grad. Air Service Primary and Advanced Flying Sens., 1924, Air Corps Tactical Sen., 1937, Command and Gen. Staff Sen., 1939. Army Navy Staff Coll., 1943; m. Lorraine Elizabeth Bertrand, 5 Nov. 1925; children — David Myron, Anne Elizabeta. Commnd. 2lt. U.S. Army, 1923, and advanced through the grades to maj. gen. 5 Jan. 1945; served at Brooks, Kelly and Randolph Field, Tex., March Field, Calif., France Field, Canal Zone, Maxwell Field, Ala., God- man Field, Calif., Hdqrs. Army Air Forces, Washington, D.C. and Ft. Worth, Tex.; flying and ground instr., flight and sect, chief, dir. training at Advanced Flying Sen., Kelly Field; dir. of train- ing West Coast Training Center, 1940, chief of staff, 1941; dir. Air Support Hdqrs., Army Air Force, 1942; dep. and acting chief of staff, Hdqrs. Army Air Force Training Commands, 1943; dep. chief staff 9th Air Force, 1944 (England), dep. senior Air Staff Officer and Chief of operations, A.E.A.F., to October, 1945 (France) ; dep. chief of air Staff Su- preme Hq. and C.G. U.S. Component. Air Staff S.H.A.E.F., to July, 1945 (France and Germany) ; deputy C. G. U.S. Air Forces, July to October, 1945 (Europe). Rated command pilot and combat observer. Home: Fostoria, O. SCHRECKENGOST, Viktor, indsl. de- signer, sculptor, ceramist, instr.; b. Sebring, O., 26 June 1906; s. Warren, potter, and Adda (Noulton) S.; ed. Mc- Kinley High Sen., Sebring, O.; Cleve- land Sch. Art, 1925-29; Kunstgewerbes- chule, Univ. of Vienna, Austria, 1929-30; m. Nadine Averill, Cleveland, O., 6 Sept. 1935. Instr. Cleveland Sch. Art, Sch. of Edn., Cleveland, O., Western Reserve Univ.; now head dept. indsl. design, Cleveland Sch. of Art; formerly con- sultant designer, White Motor Co., Sears Roebuck & Co., Devilbis Co. (Toledo) ; now art dir. Salem China Co., Salem, O., Sebring Pottery Co., Am. Limoges China Co. (Sebring), Murray Ohio Mfg. Co. (Cleveland), Verlys of Am., Design- er of glass Exhbtd. all major mus. in U.S. ; in permanent collections, Cleve- land Mus. of Am. Art, Met. Mus., New York, Whitney Mus. of Am. Art, N.Y., Memphis Mus. Art Memorial Art Gal- lery, Buffalo, N.Y., Internat. Bus. Ma- chines Collection of Am. Art; also in many private collections; designed K.K. Culver Air Trophy, Oberlin Menorial Tablet; reed. Charles Fergus Binns Medal, Alfred Univ., Am. Ceramic Soc, awards ; also Award of Merit, Phila. ; 1st prize, Cleveland Mus. Art, 1931, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40; spl. award for out- standing excellence, 1932, 36, 37; 1st award, Nat. Syracuse Mus., 1939. Work shown at Century of Progress, Chicago; San Francisco, New York (U.S. Govt. Bldg.) Worlds Fairs; Paris Exposition. Served as It. cmdr., U.S.N.R., active duty, 1943-46; U.S. Navy, Office Naval Research, Special Devices Div., Bur. of Aeronautics, officer in charge De- sign Research Lab., head Vis. Design Sect., E.X.O.S., Office Research and Inventions, U.S. Navy, Overseas The- ater; Camouflage Comm. Cuyhoga Co., training, Ft. Belvoir. Awarded Secre- tarial Commendation with ribbon. Mem. Cleveland Soc. of Artists, N.Y. Archi- tectural League, Am. Ceramic Soc, Soc. Designer-Craftsman, Am. Design- ers Inst., U.S. Potters Assn. (bd. de- sign), Spl. Devices Assn., Alpha Beta Delta. Travel abroad, 1929, 30, 32, 37, 45, Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, N. Africa. Author: Ceramic Sec. Diction- ary of the Arts; work appearing in many mags, and books (Ency. Britan- 1027 nica, Who's Who in Am. Art). Home and office: 2366 Noble Rd., Cleveland 21, O.; 266 W. Indiana Av., Sebring, O. TAUB, Samuel James, physician; b. Chicago, 111., 18 Nov. 1894; s. Louis Harry and Rose (Goodman) T.; M.D., Univ. of 111. Med. Sch., 1916; post grad. study, Cornell Univ. Med. Sch., 1917-18; m. Thelma Golde, 21 Dec. 1917; chil- dren — Bernadine Hollis (Mrs. David L. Elias), Robert Golde. Intern Cook Co. Hosp., 1916-17, attending physician since' 1926; mem. faculty Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1921-32; asst. prof, of medi- cine. Rush Med. Coll., 1932-40; prof, of medicine and head dept., Chicago Med. Sch., since 1940; formerly chief of al- lergy clinic, Michael Reese Hosp.; spe- cialist on asthma, hay fever and allergic diseases; prof, medicine, Cook Co. Grad. Sch. of Medicine, since 1926. Served as 1st It. Med. Corps, U.S.A., World War. Certified by Am. Bd. of Internal Med. and Allergy. Fellow Am. Med. Assn., Acad, of Allergy; mem. 111. State and Chicago med. socs., Chicago Allergy Soc. (pres.), Assn. for the study of Allergy, Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Kappa. Jewish religion. Mason. Author: Essentials of Clinical Allergy, 1945; also numerous monographs and papers on asthma, hay fever, eczema, migraine and hyperes- thetic rhinitis. Home: 5520 S. Shore Drive. Office: 6 N. Michigan Av., Chi- cago, 111. BECKMAN, Francis Joseph, arch- bishop; b. Cincinnati, O., 25 Oct. 1875; s. Francis and Elizabeth C. (Fenker) B. ; grad., maxima cum laude, St. Greg- ory Prep. Sem., 1897; grad. in philos- ophy and theology, Mount St. Mary's Sem., Cincinnati, O., 1902; studied at Louvain Univ., Belgium, 1904-05, Greg- orian Univ. of Rome, Italy (Jesuits), 1905-08, S.T.B., 1906, S.T.L., 1907, S.T.D., 1908. Ordained priest R.C. Ch, 1902; prof philosophy, Mt. St Mary's Sem., 1908-12; rector (pres.) Mt. St. Mary's Theol Sem., 1912-24, also prof, of dog- matic theology; served as censor lib- rorum, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, coun- selor of Archdiocese, synodal examiner, etc.; apptd. bishop of Lincoln, Neb., 23 Dec. 1924, consecrated, 1 May 1925; apostolic administrator Diocese of Omaha, 1926-28; apptd. asst. at papal throne with title Roman Count, 1928; archbishop of Dubuque, Iowa, since 23 Jan. 1930; Spiritual Dir. Confraternity of Pilgrims (Internat. orgn.). Founder: CYO-Civic Orchestra, Dubuque, 1937; Dubuque Symphony Orchestra, 1938; Co- lumbia Museum, Dubuque; Nat. Anti- quarian Soc. Organizer, dir. and chmn. Catholic Students, Mission Crusade (1,- 000,000 members), 1918-40. Author of pastoral letters and radio addresses. Ad- dress: Mt. St. Agnes, Asbury Rd., Du- buque, la. LARIMORE, Joseph William, physi- cian; b. Greenfield, Ind., 5 Apr. 1887; s. James Madison and Florence Clemen- tine (Taylor) L.; A.B., DePauw Univ., 1908; M.D., Washington Univ. Medical Sch., St. Louis, Mo., 1913; m. Ruth Ev- ans, 1 Mar. 1928; children — Ann Evans, Joseph William, Jr. Intern, Washington Univ. Med. Sch. Hosp., 1913-14; asst. physician, Barnes Hosp., 1915; instr. of clin. med., Washington Univ. Medical Sch., 1915-28; asst. roentgenologist for gastro-enterology, Wash. Univ. Medical Sch., Edward Mallinckrodt Inst, of Ra- diology, 1925; asso. prof. clin. medicine. Washington Univ. Med. Sch., 1928; asst. roentgenologist, St. Louis Children's Hosp., since 1930; gastro-enterologist on staff, Mo. Pacific Hosp., 1928; staff, St. Luke's Hosp., since 1930. Lt., later capt., Med. Corps, U.S. Army, 1917-19; served U.S. Base Hosp. No. 21, British Gen. Hosp. No. 12, and Am. Red Cross Hosp. No. 9, Paris. Diplomate Am. Bd. In- ternal Med., 1937; fellow Am. Coll. Phy- sicians; mem. A.A.A.S., A.M.A., South- ern Med Assn., Am. Gastroenterological Assn., Am. Roentgen Ray Soc, Radio- logical Soc. of N. Am., Mo. Hist. Soc, Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha, Sigma Chi. Mason (Scottish Rite). Club: Uni- versity (St. Louis, Mo.). Contbr. med. papers on clin. and roentgenological gastroenterology. Home: 6 Washington Terrace. Office: 3720 Washington Av., St. Louis, Mo. LEMON, Willis Storrs, physician; b. Villa Nova, Ont., 8 Feb. 1878; s. George and Jane (Honey) L. ; M.B., Univ. of To- ronto Faculty of Medicine, 1905; m. Eth- el M. Haines, 29 June 1909; children— Katherine Ethel (wife of Dr. George A. Lord), Janette Louise (dec), Dr. Willis Edward. Came to U.S., 1909, naturalized, 1917. Interne Toronto Gen. Hosp., 1905- 06, Parry Sound Hosp., Ont., 1906-07; demonstrator in pathology and therapy, Univ. of Toronto, 1906-07; practice of med., Toronto, 1907-08; asso. physician Canadian Nat. Sanatorium for Tubercu- losis, Gravenhurst, Ont., 1908-09; prac- ticed in LaGrange, 111., 1909-17; asst. in sect, in div. of med., Mayo Clinic, Ro- chester, Minn., 1917-18, head of section since 1918; prof, of med., Mayo Founda- tion of Univ. of Minn., since 1934. Served 1028 as 1st It. Minn. Home Guard, 1917-19. Awarded gold medal on grad., George Brown Memorial research scholarship, Daniel Clark prize in psychiatry, all Univ. of Toronto, 1905; gold medal (with Dr. S. W. Harrington) for exhibit at meeting of A.M. A., 1935. Mem. A.M.A., Minn. State and Southern Minn med. socs, Minn Trudeau Med. Soc. (past pres.), Central Interurban Clin. Club, (v. p. 1935), Minn. Soc. Internal Med., Assn. Am. Physicians, Am. Soc. for Clin. Investigation, Am. Assn. for Thoracic Surgery, Alpha Omega Alpha, Sigma Xi. Congregationalist. Contbr. chapter "The Nature of Postoperative Pulmonary Dis- eases ; Prophylactic Measures and Treatment" to (book) The Stomach and Duodenum by Eusterman and Balfour. Contbr. numerous articles to med. jours. Home: 510 10th Av. S.W. Office: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. McHALE, Frank Martin, lawyer; b. Logansport, Ind., 4 Mar. 1891; s. Martin and Margaret (Farrell) McH. ; LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1916; m. Mabel Elizabeth Corriden, 25 June 1924. Admitted to Ind. bar, 1915; mem. Kistler, Kistler & Mc- Hale, 1919-32, Fensler, McHale & Doug- lass, 1932-33, McHale, Douglass & Meyers, 1933-35, McHale, Arthur, Meyers & Pat- rick since 1935; v.p. and dir. So. Ind. Ry., Inc. Mem. Dem. Nat. Com. for Ind. since 1937; dir. Nickel Plate Road, Em- pire Ordnance Corp., Wilkes-Barre Car- riage Co. Served as pvt. Signal Corps and later It. Air Service, World War I. Mem. Am., Ind. State and Indianapolis bar assns., Cass County Bar Assn. (pres. 1937-31), Am. Judicature Soc, Am. Le- gion (1st comdr. Cass County Post, 1919, 20, 21; Ind. Dept. comdr. 1928; nat. exec, committeeman, 1928-29), Sigma Chi, Gamma Eta Gamma. Catholic. Clubs: Indianapolis Athletic. Home: 3025 N. Me- ridian St. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. MESSMORE, Fred Wilber, judge; b. Boone, la., 11 July 1890; s. Hiram Alfred and Calarinda Jane (Davidson) M. ; stu- dent Northwestern Normal and Business Sch., Council Bluffs, la., 1908-09; LL.B., Creighton Univ., 1912; m. Jennie Fran- ces Saxe, 30 Apr. 1913; children— Maj. Hiram Allison, Lt. Frederick Boughn (dec), Flight Officer John Colby. Ad- mitted to Neb. bar, 1913, and practiced in Beatrice; county atty., 1915-18; co. judge, 1921-29; dist. judge, 1929-37; asso. justice Supreme Court of Nebraska since 1937. Served as pvt. U.S. Army, 1918-19; lt. col. Judge Advocate Gen., O.R.C. Mem. Neb. State Bar, Reserve Officers Assn., Am. Legion, Delta Theta Phi. Methodist. Mason, Odd Fellow, Elk. Club: Kiwanis. Home: Beatrice, Neb. Address: State Capitol, Lincoln, Neb. DUNJEE, Roscoe, editor; b. Harper's Ferry, W. Va., 21 June 1883; s. John Wil- liam and Lydia Ann (Taylor) D.; ed. grade sch. Publisher Black Dispatch for 32 yrs. ; v. chmn. Southern Conf. for Hu- man Welfare; nat. dir. NAACP; pres. Nat. Negro Bus. League, Okla. Conf. of Br. NAACP; mem. exec, coun., Assn. for Study of Negro Life and History. Demo- crat. Home: Okla. Co., Okla. Office: 324 N.E. 2d St., Oklahoma City, Okla. LACY, Arthur Jay, lawyer; b. Nirvana, Lake County, Mich., 30 Sept. 1876; s. of Francis Daniel and Eunice Amelia (Ste- vens) L. ; LL.B., Valparaiso (Ind.) Univ., 1896, Univ. of Mich., 1898; hon. LL.D., Milligan Coll., 1940; m. Beth Garwick, 1 Nov. 1898. Admitted to Mich, bar, 1899, began practice at Clare; mayor of Clare (4 terms), 1903-07; settled in Detroit, 1909; member Millis, Griffiin and Lacy, 1912-13; judge Domestic Relations Cir- cuit Court of Wayne County, Mich., 1913- 14; mem. Anderson, Wilcox, Lacy and Lawson since 1914; mem. faculty De- troit Coll. of Law, 1913-28; recognized as authority on philanthropic trusts, taxa- tion and govt, costs; counsel for taxpay- ers in Ford Stock Valuation Income Tax Case; counsel for donors in creating Children's Fund of Mich, and Rackham Fund; counsel in reorganization of De- troit Trust Co. under Mich. Emergency Banking Act, of which, subject was au- thor. Dir. Detroit Trust Co.; dir. Detroit U.S.O., Boys' Club (past pres.), Detroit Orthopedic Clinic (hon.); member May- or's City Planning Council; mem. adv. board Salvation Army, and Community Fund and War Chest, Detroit, Kalama- zoo Coll.; mem. Christian youth and war effort com., Knights Templar; mem. Mich, constl. rev. com. of Mich. State Bar; chmn. govtl. research com. Detroit Bar Assn. ; pres. Detroit Civil Service Commn., 1917-21; pres. Lawyers Club of Detroit, 1918-20. Dem. candidate for gov. of Mich., 1934. Hon. trustee Children's Hosp. of Mich. ; trustee Knights Templar Ednl. Foundation, Nat. Sanitation Foun- dation, Detroit Open Heart Fund. Mem. Am., Mich. State and Detroit bar assns., English-Speaking Union, Delta Theta Phi, and various other civic and other social socs. Congregationalist. Mason. Clubs: University of Michigan, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Golf (dir., past pres.). Home: 19331 Berkeley Rd., Sherwood 1029 Forest, Detroit. Office: 1928 Buhl Bldg., Detroit, Mich. GODFREY, Alfred Laurance, lawyer; b. Lima, Wis., 8 Jan. 1888; s. Thomas G. and Mary (Dickson) G.; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1914, LL.B., 1919; m. Helen Hum- phrey, 24 Apr. 1918; children— Thomas Grant, Richard Laurance. Prin. Westby (Wis.) High Sen., 1910-12, Stevens Point High Sch., 1914-15; admitted to Wis. bar, 1919, engaging in practice of law at Mil- waukee, at Elkhorn since 1921; on legal staff Soo Line Ry., 1919-21; dir. and gen. counsel State Long Distance Telephone Co.; dist. atty., Walworth County, Wis., 1922-26; chmn. Walworth County Rep. Com., 1926-29; chmn. Rep. Congressional Com., 1st Dist. of Wis., 1931; sec. State Rep. Com. of Wis., 1932-34. Commd. 1st It. 1917, resigned, 1919; later commd., capt. and maj., Reserve Corps. Chmn. Central Walworth Co. Chapter, Am. Red Cross. Mem. Wis. State Bar Assn., Wal- worth Co. Bar Assn. (pres.), Am. Bar Assn., Phi Delta Phi, Am. Legion (ac- tive in Legion affairs). Republican. Con- gregationalism Mason. Club: Kiwanis. Breeder of Holstein cattle. Home: 215 Randall PI. Office: First National Bank Bldg., Elkhorn, Wis. LOWE, William Baird; b. Detroit, Mich., 27 Jan. 1871; s. Thomas and Mary Ann (Poole) L. ; grad. Detroit high sch.; m. Gertrude Merrell, 28 June 1899; 1 dau. — Helen Rosemary (Mrs. William James Chesbrough). Began as counter clerk, Detroit Jour., 1892, advertising mgr., 1898-1901, bus. mgr., 1901-15, v. p. and gen. mgr., 1915-17; advt. counselor Detroit Free Press, 1917-23, became mng. dir., 1923 (now retired in this ca- pacity) ; treas. Cerre, Inc., since 1923; dir. Free Press Co. Baptist. Clubs: De- troit; Country (Grosse Pointe) ; The Old Club (Ste Claire Flats). Home: 1818 Iro- quois Av. Address : Detroit Free Press Bldg., Detroit, Mich. GOFF, Thomas Theodore, textbook au- thor; b. nr. Eldorado Springs, Mo., 28 Mar. 1882; s. James Nelson and Missouri Adaline (Burch) G. ; B.S., Okla. Agrl. and Mech. College, 1900; Master of Ac- counts, Gem City Business Coll., Quincy, 111., 1904; grad. study Univ. of Texas, summer 1927, Univ. of Wis., summers, 1929, 30, 31; m. Myrta Louise Hixon, 3 Sept. 1905; 1 dau.— Cleo Myrtilla. Teach- er of mathematics, Gem City Bus. Coll., 1904-16; prof, mathematics and supervi- sor of arithmetic, State Teachers Coll., Whitewater, Wis., since 1916. Member Home Guards, Whitewater, 1918. Mem. Nat. Council Mathematics Teachers, Na- tional Commercial Teachers' Fedn., N. E.A., Wis. Edn. Assn., Inst, of Am. Ge- nealogy, Phi Delta Kappa. Democrat. Baptist. Mason (32d deg., K.T.) ; mem. O.E.S. Clubs: Walworth County Consis- tory (pres. 1931), Kiwanis (pres. 1933), Whitewater Country. Author: Self-Prov- ing Business Arithmetic, Part I, 1924, Part I revised and Part II, 1928; Exer- cise Book for Business Arithmetic, 1928. Co-author (with John Guy Fowlkes) ; Modern Life Arithmetics, 3 book series, 1928, 6 book series, 1929; Practice Tests in Arithmetic, 1928; (with Fowlkes, Kins- bury and Wallace) Work Book in Alge- bra, 1928; (with Fowlkes, Taylor and Wright) ; Practical Arithmetic Work Books, 1929; (with Fowlkes and Lynch); My Number Book, 1931. Home: 1007 Main St., Whitewater, Wis. DIETZ, David Henry, editor, author; b. Cleveland, O., 6 Oct. 1897; s. Henry William and Hannah (Levy) D.; A.B., Western Reserve Univ., 1919; m. Doro- thy B. Cohen, 26 Sept. 1918; children- Doris Jean, Patricia Ann, David Henry II. Mem. editorial staff Cleveland Press since 1915; science editor Scripps-How- ard Newspapers since 1921; lecturer in gen. science, Western Reserve Univ., since 1927; science corr. United Press Assns., 1934-36; guest fellow Pierson Col- lege, and visiting lecturer, Dept. of In- ternal Relations, Yale Univ., summer 1942. Mem. S.A.T.C, Western Reserve, Oct. -Dec. 1918. Mem. Harvard Univ. Inst, on War Problems, 1942, Lincoln Me- morial Commn. of Cleveland, Edison Memorial Commn. of Ohio; pres. Shaker Heights Library Bd.; mem. sub-commit- tee on Publicity Div. of med. sci., Nat. Research Council, apptd. consultant to Surgeon Gen. of U.S. Army, 12 Apr. 1944. Fellow Am. Geog. Soc, Royal Astron. Soc, A.A.A.S, Ohio Acad of Sci.; mem. Am. Astron. Soc, Franklin Inst, Astron. Soc. of the Pacific, Societe Astronomique de France, Zeta Beta Tau (supreme v. p.), Sigma Delta Chi; charter mem. and first pres. Nat. Assn. of Science Writers. Clubs: Oakwood, Mid- Day, City, Pro- fessional (Cleveland); Nat. Press (Wash- ington). Author: The Story of Science, 1931; Medical Magic, 1937. Contbr. arts, on science. Lecturer on science. Winner of Pulitzer Prize in Journalism, 1937. Zeta Beta Tau New Orleans trophy, 1938, B. F. Goodrich award for "distinguished public service," 1940. Home: 2891 Win- throp Rd., Shaker Heights 20, O. Office: Cleveland Press Bldg., Cleveland 14, O. BOOTH, Harold Simmons, chemist; b. Cleveland, O., 30 Jan. 1891; s. Edwin and 1030 Lydia Ackley (Simmons) B.; A.B., Adal- bert Coll., Western Reserve Univ., 1915, A.M., 1916, Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 1919; m. Hazel Lavinia Anthony 31 Dec. 1917; children, — Robert (dec), Marilyn Jane, Elizabeth Lydia. Comml. photographer, 1911-16; instr. chemistry, Western Re- serve Univ., 1919-24, asst. prof., 1924-30, asso. prof., 1930-37, prof, since 1937; bd. dept. of chemistry, Cleveland College, Western Reserve Univ., since 1925, head of div. of sciences since 1926, head of div. science and math., since 1939, chmn. summer session div. of chemistry, 1921- 42, chmn. dept. of chem. since 1942. Ci- vilian chemist Cornell Gas Defense Sta- tion, 1917. Mem. of overseers Flora Stone Mather College. Fellow : American Acad. Arts and Sciences; mem. Am. Chem. Soc. (council mem.; hon. chmn. con- vention, 1943), A.A.A.S., Electrochem. Soc, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Pi Kappa Alpha. Club: Cleveland. Contbr. to professional jours. Author: (with V. R. Damerell) Text on Quantitative Anal- ysis, 1940. Editor-in-chief Inorganic Syn- theses, Vol. I. Home: R.F.D. 3, Chagrin Falls, O. Office: 10940 Euclid Av., Cleve- land, O. FRAME, Floyd Hill; b. Salesville, O., 5 Dec. 1887; s. John Shannon and Alice Rebecca (Perry) F. ; prep, edn., Car- negie Tech. Night Sch., Pittsburgh, Pa.; A.B., Clark College, Worcester, Mass., 1912; post-grad, work, Wesleyan Univ., Columbia and Mass. Inst. Tech.; E.E., Worcester Poly. Inst., 1924; m. Florence Hortense Isham, 10 Aug. 1915; children- John Warren, Russell Elliott. Asst. phys- ics dept., Wesleyan Univ., Conn., 1912- 13; lab. asst. Gen. Electric Co., Pitts- field, Mass., 1913-14; instr. physics and electricity, Mo. Sch. of Mines and Metal- lurgy, 1914-17. Successively asst. prof, physics and electricity, asst. prof, elec engring., asso. prof., until 1925, prof, elec engring. and head of dept. since 1925. Entered U.S. Army at Ft. Riley, Kan., 17 May 1917; commd. 1st It. ord- nance, Aug. 1917; capt. Oct. 1918; comdg. officer 306 Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop, attached to 81st Div., overseas; hon. disch. June. 1919. Mem. A.A.A.S., Soc for Promotion of Engring. Edn., Am. Inst. E.E, Inst Radio Engrs., Phi Kap- pa Phi, Sigma Xi, Kappa Sigma. Con- gregationalism Home: Rolla, Mo. DONAHEY, Vic, ex-senator; b. Cad- wallader, Tuscarawas County, O., 7 July 1873; s. John C. and Catherine (Chaney) D.; common sch. ed.; m. Mary Edith Harvey, 5 Jan. 1897; 10 children living. Learned printer's trade; elk. of Goshen Twp., Tuscarawas County, 1898-1903; co. auditor, 1905-09; mem. Bd. of Edn., New Philadelphia, O., 1909-11; mem. 4th Ohio Const. Conv., 1912; state auditor, Ohio 1912-20; Dem. candidate for gov. of Ohio, 1920 (defeated); elected gov., 1922; re- elected, 1924 and 1926; U.S. senator, 1935- 41; pres. Donahey Clay Products Co., Motorists Mutual Ins. Co., dir. Ohio Nat. Bank. Home: Huntsville, O. Address: 471 E. Broad St., Columbus, O. SMITH, Paul, clergyman; b. Pleasant Mound, 111., 12 Mar. 1895; s. James Al- fred and Rosa Belle (Wright) S.; Ph.B., D.D., Shurtleff Coll.; Th.B., Th.M., So. Baptist Theol. Sem.; m. Angie Wil- liams, 9 Oct. 1918; children — Lois Lee Keller, Paul, Jr., Mary Evelyn, Charles Truman. High Sch. teacher and minis- ter, 1921-28; pastor, 1st Baptist Church, W. Frankfort, 111., 1928-32, Jeffersonville, Ind., 1932-37, Carbondale, 111., 1937-40; gen. denominational work, dir. of evan- gelism, since 1940. Republican. Baptist. Mason (32d deg.). Clubs: Rotary, Lions. Author: Doctor's Thesis: The Social Im- plications of the Reformation. Home : 809 West Mill St., Carbondale, 111. Of- fice: 426 Reisch Bldg., Springfield, 111. McCABE, William Hugh, coll. pres.; b. Iowa City, la., 11 Apr. 1893; s. Hugh and Joanna (Costolo) M.; student at Creighton Univ., 1909-11; A.B., St. Louis Univ., 1918, A.M., 1920; student Maison St-Augustin, Belgium, 1922-26; Ph.D., Cambridge Univ., Eng., 1929. Member Soc of Jesus since 1911; ordained priest, Roman Catholic Ch., 1925; instr. English and Classical Langs., St. Xavier High Sch., Cincinnati, 1915-16, St. Louis Univ. High Sch., 1918-19 and 1920-22; asso. prof. English, St. Louis Univ., 1930-34, prof., 1934-40, dir. dept. of English, 1932- 40; pres., Rockhurst Coll., Kansas City, Mo., since 1940. Mem. Modern Lang. As- sociation of Am., Modern Humanities Assn. (Eng.), Mediaeval Acad, of Am., Am. Assn. of Univ. Profs., Societe des Historiens du Theatre, Am. Geog. Soc. K.C. Home: 5225 Troost Av., Kansas City 4, Mo. WILLIAMS, Roy Hughes, judge; b. in Milan, O., 1 Sept. 1874; s. Charles Ron- ald and Helen Hortense (Hughes) W.; student Oberlin Coll., 1890-92; LL.B., U. of Mich., 1897; m. Verna Lockwood, 7 Dec. 1898. Admitted to Ohio bar, 1897, and practiced in Sandusky; pros, atty., Erie County, 1901-07; judge Court of Common Pleas, Erie County, 1915-25; judge Court of Appeals, 6th Dist., 1925- 34; judge Supreme Court of Ohio since 1 Dec 1934. Served in Field arty., C.O.T, 1031 S., 44th Training Battery, Camp Zachery Taylor, Louisville, Ky., World War I. Mem. S.A.R. (ex-pres. Toledo Chapter). Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (32d deg.), L.O.M. (Past Supreme Governor). Home: 1415 Columbus Av., Sandusky, O.; (winter) 1015-16 Deshler-Wallick Ho- tel, Columbus 15, O. Address: Supreme Court, Columbus, O. COLE, Walter Corydon, broker; b. Ann Arbor, Mich., 2 Apr. 1888; s. of Harry Loomis and Pauline (Kuster) C; grad. high sch., 1907; m. Madge Ward, 7 Oct. 1911 (died 22 Oct. 1918); children—Wal- ter Corydon, Joan Lois; m. 2d, Kirstie Kinsman, 27 Nov. 1920. With G.N. Ry. and Hill Lines in Wash, and Ore., 1907- 13; sec, asst. sec. and business mgr. De- troit Bd. of Commerce and affiliated or- ganizations, 1913-17; advt. and merchan- dising counselor, 1919-26; exec. v.p. Met- ropolitan Trust Co., Detroit, 1926-20; fi- nancial counselor, 1930-32; broker since 1933. Commd. capt. O.R.C., U.S. Army, 1 Feb. 1917; called into active service transp. sect. Q.M.C, 17 May 1917; served at Chicago, Ft. Riley, and Camp Fun- ston, Kan.; transferred to 89th Div. (Combat), 15 Nov. 1917; maj. 8 Aug. 1918; overseas service, July 1918-May 1919, comdg. 314th Motor Supply Trains and div. motor transport officer 89th Di- vision; participated in operations in Lucey Sector, St. Mihiel Drive, Euzevin Sector and Meuse-Argonne offensive and Army of Occupation, Germany; It. col., 24 Oct. 1922, and col. U.S. Army, 17 Nov. 1927; trans to col. Air Res., 9 Oct. 1930; serv. in World War II, Hdqrs. 2d Army. May 1941- January 1943; comdg. 7th re- placement Depot, 1943-44; asst. chief of staff, Gl, Ground Force Reinforcement Comd. ; overseas service in two theatres since May 1943. Mem. bd. dirs. Detroit Bd. Commerce, 1927-32 (organizer and gen. chmn. Com. on Nat. Defense 1926- 33, now hon. (chmn.) ; mem. bd. of dirs. Citizens' Com. on Nat. Defense, of Mich., 1916-17; mem. Com. on Nat. Defense, Chamber Commerce of U.S. Army, 1928, and 1933-42; gen. chmn. Com. on Nat. Defense, Mich. Dept., Am. Legion, 1928- 29; mem. exec. com. First Nat. "Made in U.S.A." Industrial Expn., 1915; mem. exec. com. World's Salesmanship Con- gress, Detroit, 1916; mem. bd. govs., "Made in U.S.A." Chamber Commerce, 1916-21; nat. pres. Reserve Officers Assn. of U.S., 1929-31; v.p. and dir. of Union League of Mich., 1928-32; v.p. Mich. Pa- triotic Fund since 1926; dir. Am. Peace Soc. since 1929, Navy League of U.S. since 1930, Nat. Rifle Assn., 1930-33; nat. trustee The Crusaders 1933-36; mem. ad- visory council Nat. Civic Fedn. since 1930; Fellow Royal Econ. Soc; member Wayne County Bd. of Supervisors, 1940 42; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Sci., Acad, of Polit. Sci., The Economic Club of Detroit, Am. Legion, Detroit Board of Commerce, Mil. Order of World War (state comdr. 1939-42), Mil. Order of Foreign Wars, Reserve Officers Assn. of U.S. Air Re- serve Officers Assn. of U.S. Pi Gamma Mu. Republican. Baptist. Club: Army and Navy (Washington). Author: "De- troit Plan" for nat. defense, adopted by a number chambers of commerce of country, also articles and addresses on American citizenship, mil. subjects, in- dustrial mobilization, strategic war ma- terials and subversive activities. Home: 29 Elm Park Blvd., Pleasant Ridge, Mich. ESKRIDGE, James Burnette, Jr., ob- stetrician; gynecologist; b. Lavergne, Tenn., 16 Aug. 1896; s. James Burnette and Nancy Ellen (Hibbett) E.; student Southwestern State Teachers College, Weatherford, Okla., 1915-17; B.S., M.D., Univ. of Okla., 1921; m. Frankie Mc- Quown, 6 Aug. 1917; children — James Burnette, Patricia Irene (Mrs. Arthur E. King, Jr.), Edward Allen, Richard Gary. Practiced medicine in Oklahoma City since 1921; specialized in obstetrics and gynecology since 1928; prof, clini- cal obstetrics, Univ. of Okla. Sch. Med., since 1929; mem. staff of St. Anthony's Wesley, State Univ. and Okla. City Gen. hosps.; treas. Physicians Holding Co. Mem. A.M. A., Acad, of Medicine, Cen- tral Assn. of Obstetricians and Gynecol- ogists, Am. Bd. Obstetrics and Gyne- cology, Am. Legion, Rotary Club, Kappa Sigma, Phi Beta Pi. Democrat. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Mason. Home: 1501 Drury Lane. Office: Osier Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. FLAD, Edward, civil engr. ; b. Arcad- ia, Mo., 23 Nov. 1860; s. Henry and Car- oline (Reichard) F. ; C.E., Washington Univ., 1881; m. Emilie E. Speck, 10 Feb. 1890 (died 1935); 1 dau.— Virginia S. (Mrs. H. Towner Deane). Draftsman and mech. engr. St. Louis Water Works, 1883-88; Johnson & Flad, consulting en- gineers, 1889-92; gen. consulting engr., 1892-99; water commr. City of St. Louis and mem. B. Pub. Improvements, 1899- 1903; consulting engr. since 1903. Mem. Bd. of Freeholders that drafted the char- ter adopted by the City of St. Louis, 30 June 1914. Spl. master in Pulaski Chan- cery Court on Little Rock, Ark., water works case, 1914. Asso. mem. Naval Consulting Bd. of U.S.; mem. Pub. Ser- 1032 vice Commn. of Mo., 1917-21, consulting engr. since 1921; mem. Miss. River Com- mission since 1924. Republican. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Am. Soc M.E, Loyal Legion Clubs: University, Engineers, St. Louis Country, Noonday. Home: 17 Lenox PL Office: 828 U.S. Court House, St. Louis, Mo. GARMAN, Harry Otto, cons, engr.; b. Rolling Prairie, Ind., 7 Feb. 1880; s. Noah Webster and Rosa Bell (Teeter) G.; B.S., Purdue Univ., 1902, C.E., 1904; m. Ethel E., d. Gov. J. Frank Hanly, of Ind., 19 Dec. 1904; children— Esther Han- ly (dec), Harry Franklin (dec), Harry Hanly, Helen Louise. Mem. civ. engring. faculty, Purdue Univ., 1902-13; consult- ing engr. Ind. R.R. Commn., 1907-13; chief engr. Ind. Pub. Service Commn., 1913-21; pres. Graham Hotel, Inc., dir. City Securities Corp. Dir. investigations of service standards, rates and evalua- tions of 410 electric light and power util- ities, 650 telephone utilities, 165 munici- pal and private water works utilities, 145 artificial gas and 28 natural gas util- ities, 18 electric street rys., 22 electric interurban rys., 44 central station heat- ing utilities, and several indsl. proper- ies. Wrote rules and standards of ser- vice for Ind., covering elec. utilities, ar- tificial gas utilities and central station hot water heating plants. Private cons. ' practice since 1921. Federal engr. exam- iner Pub. Works Adminsrn., State of Indiana. Special engineer U.S. Quarter- master General, 1941. Mem. Am. Soc. for Promotion Engring. Edn., Am. Rail- way Engring. Assn. (life), Am. Assn. Engrs. (pres. 1913-36), Ind. Soc. Profes- sional Engrs., Am. Soc. C. E. (life), Am. Inst. E.E., Ind Hist Soc, (life), Soc. Ind. Pioneers, Ind. Soc SA.R. (histor- ian), Ind. Soc. S.R. (sec-treas.) Meth- odist Mason. Clubs: Scientech, Rotary, Columbia. Home: New Augusta, Ind. Of- fice: 219 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianap- olis, Ind. ' CHEADLE, John Begg, univ. prof.; b. Wilkesville, O., 13 Dec. 1874; s. Francis Marion and Mary Jane (Begg) C. ; A.B., Univ. of Kansas, 1898; LL.B., 1902; J.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1916; S.J.D., Harvard, 1916; m. Marian M. Edwardes, 25 June 1898 (died 11 Sept. 1921) ; children— Fran- cis Graham, John Alexander; m. 2d, Elizabeth Phelps Boswell, 9 Sept. 1924; 1 son— James Boswell. Prin., Pleasanton (Kan.) High Sch., 1898-1900; in practice of law, Alva, Okla., 1904-09; asst. prof, of law, Univ. of Oklahoma, 1909-11, prof, since 1911, acting dean of faculty, 1942- 43, dean, 1943-44, administrative asst. to the pres. since 1944; acting prof, law Leland Standford Jr. Univ., Palo Alto, Calif., Sept. 1914-June 1915. Mem. A. A. A. S., Am. and Okla bar assns., Am. Law Sch. Assn., Order of Coif, Phi Beta Kap- pa Author: No More Unemployed (with Howard O. Eaton, and Cortez A. M. Ewing), 1934. Editor of case book, In- dian Land Laws, 1931, rev. edit. 1934. Contbr. to legal pubis. Home: 620 Miller Av., Norman, Okla. BRODIE, Renton Kirkwood, vice pres. The Procter and Gamble Co.; b. Port- land, Ore, 12 Sept. 1887; s. George A. and Georgiana Sargent (Carpenter) B.; B.S., Ore. State Coll., 1908; M.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1911; m. Caroline Buchanan, 13 Sept. 1911. Asst. in chemistry, Oregon State Coll., 1908-09, instr., 1909-13, asst. prof., 1913-15, asso. prof., 1915-18; fellow Mellon Inst., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1918 19; chemist. The Procter and Gamble Co., Cincinnati, 1919-23, chemical supt., 1923-26, dir. of manufacture and tech. re- search, 1927-31, v.p. manufacturing, 1931- 42, and vice pres. since 1942. Mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Oil Chemists' Soc, Am. Inst, of Chem. Engrs., A.A.A.S. Clubs: Clubs: Cincinnati Country, The Ca- margo, Chemists' Queen City, Commer- cial Home: 3753 Vineyard PL, Cincin- nati, O. Office: The Procter & Gamble Co., Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, O. WICKER, Irene, writer, singer and entertainer on radio; b. Quincy, 111.; d. Kenner and Margaret (Hunsaker) Sea- ton; ed. grade and high schs., Quincy, Univ. of 111., 1 yr. ; student Goodman Theatre Sch., Art Inst. Chicago, 1927-30; m. Walter C. Wicker; children— Walter Charles, Jr., Nancy; m. 2d, Victor Ham- mer, 11 Jan. 1941. Began as actress in stock company, 1929-30; mem. dramatic staff Columbia Broadcasting Co., 1930- 31; played in "Today's Children," "Song of the City," "Judy and Jane," National Broadcasting Co. Mem. Am. Pen Wo- men. Originated, wrote and performed, Singing Lady radio program; Sunday dramatic program "Ireene Wicker's Mu- sic Plays" over Mutual network; now broadcasts for Nat. Broadcasting Com- pany, also series of television shows for American Broadcasting Company, Sche- nectady, N.Y. Was awarded highest hon- ors 5 yrs. in succession, for children's programs, by radio editors poll, conduct ed by New York World Telegram; also award "for distinguished service to ra- dio," by poll of Radio Star Mag.; has received award Radio Guide Magazine for leading children's program, 4 yrs. in succession; records made by Decca 1033 and Victor; song books and plays pub- lished by Irving Berlin, Inc. Author: The Little Hunchback Horse. Dir. Children's Radio for C.D.V.O. Presbyterian. Home: 829 Pa>rk Av., New York 21. Address: Nat. Broadcasting Co., New York, N.Y. GILKEY, Herbert James, engr., edu- cator; b. Montesano, Washington, 2 Jan. 1890; s. Herbert Luville and Mary Olive (Karr) G.; ed. pub. schs., Medford and Grants Pass, Ore.; B.S., Ore. State Coll., 1911; S.B., Mass. Inst Tech., 1916, B.S., Harvard, 1916; M.S., Univ. of 111, 1923; hon. Sc.D., Buena Vista Coll., 1939; m. Mildred Virginia Talbot, 18 Aug. 1923; children — Herbert Talbot, Arthur Karr. Began as civil engr. on state, govt, and pvt. surveys (Ore. and Calif.), 1911-23; asst. engr. Tumalo Irrigation Project (Ore.), 1913-14; asst. engr. on track ele- vation, Pa. R.R., Chicago, 1916-17; struc- tural engr. A. R. Lord, Chicago, 1919-21; on exptl. and teaching staff Deptf Theo- retical and Applied Mechanics, Univ. of 111., 1921-23; asst. prof., asso. prof, and prof, civil engring., Univ. of Colo., 1923- 31; prof, and head Dept. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, la. State Coll., since 1931; concrete consultant Eleven Mile Canyon Dam, City of Denver; mem. spl. bd. cons, engrs. on concrete problems for Boulder (Hoover) Dam; mem. 3rd Joint Com. on Specifications for Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (report pub. 1940) ; advised informally with Lorado Taft on constrn. of Fountain of Time, Chicago, 1920-21; research, work in en- gineering materials, especially concrete. Served as 1st It., later capt. Engr. Res., U.S. Army, with A.E.F. in France, dur- ing World War, 1917-19 (medal with star) ; with Am. Relief Adminstrn. (Herbert Hoover), Paris, 1919. Awarded Wason medal, by Am. Concrete Inst., 1939, for "most meritorious paper." Fel- low A.A.A.S. ; mem. Am. Soc. Civil En- gineers, Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, Am. Concrete Inst. (dir. 1937-39, 1945-46), Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs. (charter), Western Soc. Engrs., la. Soc. Engrs. (medal, 1937, for paper on concrete problems Boulder Dam), Soc. Promotion Engring. Edn. (mem. Council, 1936-39; chmn. of mechanics div., 1936-39; mem. spl. com. on Aims and Scope of Engring. Curric- ula, 1939-40, 2d v.p., 1943-44), Highway Research Bd. of Nat. Research Council, Am. Relief Adminstrn. Assn., la. Acad. Science, Sigma Xi (pres. la. State Coll. Chap., 1936-37), Tau Betta Pi, Phi Kap- pa Phi, Chi Epsilon. Club: Osborn Re- search of Ames, la. (chmn. 1938). Auth- or: (with J. L. Savage, Ivan E. Houk and Fredrik Vogt) Engineering Founda- tion Arch Dam Investigation, Vol. II, 1934; "A Manual of Materials Testing" (with Glenn Murphy and E. O. Berg- man), 1939; Materials Testing, 1941; also numerous tech. papers on engring. re- searches. Home: 2328 Donald St., Ames, la. OYLER, Merton Dale, prof, sociology; b. Hamilton Co., O., 8 Sept. 1902; s. of David P and Edith M. (Cone) O.; B.Sc. in Agr., Ohio State Univ., 1926, M.Sc, 1928; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1943; m. Elizabeth E. White, 8 June 1929; chil- dren — William Dale, Bonnie Jean. Asst. rural life studies, Univ. of Ky., 1928-38, asst. prof., 1938-42; sociologist, Regional Land Tenure Research Project, Fayette- ville, Ark., 1942-46; chmn. dept. sociol- ogy, Berea Coll., Ky. since 1946. Mem. Am. Sociol. Soc, Rural Sociol. Soc, So. Sociol. Soc, Population Assn. of Am., Ky. Conf. Social Welfare, Am. Farm Econ. Assn., Nat. Conf. on Family Re- lations (adv. council), Council of South- ern Mt. Workers, Ky. Conf. Family Re- lations (chmn.). Democrat. Union Ch. of Christ. Author: numerous bulls, of Ky. Agr. Expt. Sta. on population, commun- ity organization and levels of living. Home: 22 Jackson St. Office: Draper Hall, Berea, Ky. BREITUNG, Charles Adelbert, gas en- gineer; b. Toledo, O., 18 Aug. 1892; s. Charles Frederick and Helen (Crane) B.; student Wittenberg Coll., Springfield, Ohio, 1909-10; B.S. in Chem. Engring., Univ. of Mich., 1917; honorary D.Sc, Laval University, 1945; m. Delia Jones, 17 June 1926. Chem. engr. E. N. Brei- tung & Co., New York, 1919-22; engaged in mining and banking; cons, gas engr. since 1922; asso. with natural gas enter- prises in Shreveport, La.; consulting en- gineer on natural gas pipe lines in La., Tex., Okla.; producer of oil and natural gas. Served with 1st Gas Regiment, U. S. Army, with A.E.F., 1917-18; (deco- rated Purple Heart). Grand Cross of Or- der of the Holy Sepulchre. Knight of Soverign Military Order of Malta in U. S., Papal Chamberlain of the Cape and Sword. Mem. Inst. Mining and Metall. Engrs., Alpha Chi Sigma. Republican. Catholic K.C. Club: University (New York City). Address: Casa El Descanso, Box 2042, Brownsville, Tex. BURNS, Dean Carl, surgeon; b. Pe- toskey, Mich., 19 Dec. 1895; s. Dean Samuel and Emma Caroline (Bohm) B.; Sc.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1919; M.D., Rush Med. Coll. (now a dept. of the University of Chicago), 1922; grad. work, Harvard, 1930, Columbia, 1932; m, Mar- 1034 cella Ann Whalen, 29 Oct. 1930; children — Ann Emma, Mary Juanita, Dean Dan- iel. Asst. in dept. material medical Rush Med. Coll., 1919-21; lecturer in chemistry and toxicology, Presbyn. Hosp. Training Sch., Chicago, 1921; mem. resident staff St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago, 1921-23, chief of resident staff, 1923; practiced in Pe- toskey since 1923; attending surgeon and v.p. Petoskey Hosp. since 1923; med. dir. and chief of staff Little Traverse Hosp., Petoskey, also dir. Burns Clinics since 1938; surgeon for P.M. and Pa. rys.; mem. Mich. State Tuberculosis Sanito- rium Commn. ; mem. archtl. commn. for constrn. Northern Mich. State Sanitori- um. Served in Med. R.C., 1918-19, World War. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. A.M.A., A.A.A.S., N.Y. Acad. Sciences, Mich State Med. Soc, Northern Mich. Med. Soc, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Phi Beta Pi. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason Clubs: Kiwanis, Petoskey, Petoskey Country; Lotos (New York). Author of articles in various med. jours. Home : 215 Division St. Office: Burns Clinic, Pe- toskey, Mich. CHEFF, Paul Theodore, mfr.; b. For- rest Grove, Mich. ; s. Paul Peter and Harriet (Walker) C; m. Katherine Kol- la, 6 Nov. 1930. With Holland Furnace Co., Holland, Mich., since 1924, vice pres. and gen. mgr. since 1933. Home: Hazelank. Office: Holland Furnace Co., Holland, Mich. . BECKER, Harry Walter, gen. sec, Mo. Council of Chs.; b. Washington, Mo., 30 Apr. 1888; s. Louis and Julia (Hocke- meyer) B.; S.E., Mo. Teachers College; spl. work, Washington Univ.; m. Laura F. Beasley, 21 Aug. 1918; 1 dau.— Elea- nor Mae. Teacher, 1904-19 (last supt. of schs., Sullivan, Mo.); adult supt Mo. Council of Chs., 1919-25; gen. sec, since 1925. Mem. Modern Woodmen. Republi- can. Methodist. Home: 410 Central PI. Office: 130 E. Jefferson Av., Kirkwood, Mo. ROSENTHAL, George W., printer and pub.; b. Cincinnati, O., 22 Feb. 1893; s. Henry S. and Belle (Fruhuf) R. ; M.E., Cornell, 1913; m. Marion Rheinstrom, 20 June 1921; children— George S., Made- line (Mrs. Eugene Goodwin). Pres., 12th St. Realty Co., Parkway Realty Co., Por- trait Ring Co.; with S. Rosenthal & Co., Inc., all of Cincinnati. Mem. Printers Nat. Assn. (past pres.). Republican. Jewish religion. Club: Losantiville Coun- try. Home: 991 Marion Av. Office: 22 E. 12th St., Cincinnati, O. EIDE, Randolph', telephone official; b. Lee, 111., 25 May 1888; s. Tollef Torris and Christine (Greve) E.; A.B., Univ. of 111., 1910; m. Edna Ruth Phillips, 17 Jan. 1917; children— Catherine Christine (Mrs. John C. Grant, Jr.), Randolph, John Henry, Richard Phillips. Special insp. N.Y. Telephone Co., N.Y. City, 1911-13; supervisor traffic, Eastern Mo. and Ark., for Southwestern Bell Tele- phone Co., St. Louis, 1913-16; supervisor- traffic Mich. Bell Telephone Co., Detroit, 1916-17; supt. traffic (Ohio) Central Un- ion Telephone Co., Columbus, 1917-20; gen. supt. traffic Ohio Bell Telephone Co., 1921-23, gen. mgr., 1923-24, vice pres., 1925-30, pres., dir. and mem. exec, com. since 1930; dir. Union Bank of Com- merce, Cleveland, Am. Nat. Fire Ins. Co., Columbus, Ohio; trustee, Soc. for Savings, Cleveland, O. Treasurer Cleve- land Community Fund; pres. Cleveland C. of C, 1931-32. Trustee Univ. Sch. of Cleveland; trustee, Case School of Ap- plied Science, Cleveland; Mem., of St. Luke's Hosp. Assn., Cleveland, since 1935. Decorated St. Olav Medal, Order of St. Olav, Norway. Fellow Am. Inst. E.E. Republican. Lutheran. Pres. N.C. Kings- bury Chapter of Telephone Pioneers of Am., 1939-40. Clubs: Union, University, Mid-Day, Mayfield Country, Cleveland Skating. Home: 2761 Sherbrooke Road, Shaker Heights. Office: 750 Huron Rd., Cleveland, O. BERNARD, Frank Basil, banker; b. New Antioch, O., 10 Nov. 1886; s. John William and Clara Matilda (Thatcher) B.; A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1912; m. Gladys Rockwell Jenney, 3 Apr. 1915; children — Jean Eleanor, Alice Marilyn, Nelle Corinne. Began as elk. Mchts. National Bank (Muncie, Ind.), appt. mgr. of sav- ings and investment dept., 1913, v.p., 1916, pres. since 1923; organized Mchts. Trust & Savings Co. (Muncie), 1919, and since v.p.; chmn. of bd. Citizens Bank- ing Co. (Anderson, Ind.); dir. Kuhner Packing Co.; mem. board dirs. N.Y., Chicago, St. Louis R.R., Nat. Industries, Inc.; vice pres. and dir. Ontario Mfg. Co.; dir. Joseph A. Goddard Co., Ind. Pressed Steel Co., Muncie-Fed. Savings & Loan Assn. Served as sec, treas., v.p. and pres. Muncie C. of C. ; v.p. Indiana Bankers' Assn., 1929, pres., 1930; mem. exec, council Am. Bankers' Assn., 1931. Treas. Ball State Teachers Coll.; trustee Ball Memorial Hosp. Mem. Ind. War Finance Com., 7th Federal Reserve Dis- trict. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. (32d deg.). Clubs: Rotary (Muncie), In- diana-Columbia (Indianapolis). Home: 50 Warwick Rd., Westwood, Muncie, Ind. Office: Merchants National Bank, Mun- cie, Ind. 1035 BOHN, William Frederick, ednl. exec- utive; b. St. Louis, Mo., 24 Aug. 1878; s. William Ferrel and Ellen (Frisbie) B. ; A.B., Oberlin Coll., 1900, A.M., 1908; D. B., Oberlin Grad. Sch. of Theology, 1905; D.D., Bates Coll., 1921; m. Eva Beard- sley, 28 Nov. 1901. Ordained Congl. min- istry, 1902; sec. to pres. Oberlin Coll., 1905-13, sec. bureau of appmts., 1906-15, asst. to pres., 1913-44, asst. emeritus, since 1944. Dir. Oberlin Savings Bank Co. Chmn. bd. trustees Oberlin-Shansi Memorial Assn.; mem. Prudential Com., Am. Bd. Commrs. for Foreign Missions, 1931-43. Decorated L'Ordre du Jade, for promoting internat. friendship, Republic of China, 1936. Mem. Ohio Society of Ind. Republican. Clubs: Exchange, Ob- erlin Golf. Home: 285 Oak St., Oberlin, O. MYLONAS, George Emmanuel, ar- cheologist; b. Smyrna, Asia Minor, Tur- key, 9 Dec. 1898; s. Emmanuel Basil and Maria (Tenekides) M.; B.A., Internat. Coll., Smyrna, 1918; Ph.D., Univ. of Ath- ens, 1927; Johns Hopkins, 1929; studied in various Am., European and Oriental museums; m. Leila Papazoghlou, 2 May 1925; children — Alexander George, Nike Maria, lone Doris and Daphne Irene, (twins). Came to U.S., 1928, naturalized, 1937. Prof. Greek Internat. Coll., 1922; with Am. Sch. Classical Studies, Athens, 1923-27; dir. Night Sch. of Languages, Univ. of Athens, 1925-27; instr. Univ. of Chicago, summer 1929; asso. in classics, Univ. of 111., 1931-33; asst. prof, history of art, Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1933- 35; asso. prof., 1935-38, chmn. dept., 1937, prof., head dept. art and archaeology, 1938-39, and since 1940; prof, classics, Univ. of 111., summers 1933, 36, 37, prof, classical art and archeology, 1939-40; as- sistant in excavations at Olynthus, Gr., 1928, asst. dir., 1931; dir. excavations at Hagios Kosmas, Gr., 1930-31; director at Eleusis, 1930-31, summers 1932-34; field dir. excavations at Olynthus, 1938; dir. excavations at Akropotamos, 1938; offi- cer Permanent Council Internat. Con- gress of Prehistoric and Proto-historic Sciences, Oslo, Norway, since 1936; mem. mng. com. Am. Sch. of Classical Studies, Athens, 1937-39, and since 1946; vice pres. Soc. for Byzantine Studies; dir. Greek War Relief Assn. since 1940; mem. Nat. Com. for the Restoration of Greece. Mem. Archeol. Inst. Am., Clas- sical Assn. of Middle West and South, State Hist. Soc. of Mo., Mo. Acad, of Science, Archeol. Soc. Greece, Anthro- pol. Society Greece, Assn. des Etudes Greques, Paris, Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Epsilon Pi, Eta Sigma Phi, Phi Kappa Epsilon, Phi Kappa Phi, Scarab, Town and Gown. Mem. Greek Orthodox Chris- tian Church. Author: The Neolothis Set- tlement at Olynthus; Pre-Persian Pot- tery from Olynthus; The Homeric Hymn to Demeter and Her Sanctuary at Eleu- sis, 1941; Rhodes, Queen of the Dodeca- nese, 1943; The Balkan States, 1946; Crete in the Dawn of History, 1946; also several books on archeology pub. in Gr. Contbr. archeol. articles to Am. and Greek pubis. Home: 550 Bedford, Uni- versity City 5, Mo. Address: Washington University, St. Louis 5, Mo. SCHWARTZ, William Samuel, artist; b. Smorgon, Russia, 23 Feb. 1896; s. of Samuel and Taube (Resnikov) S.; ed. Vilna Art Sch., Russia; Art Inst, of Chi- cago; m. Mona Turner, 16 Aug. 1939. Awarded Albert Kahn first prize, De- troit, 1925, Temple Beth El Sisterhood first prize, Detroit, 1926, Marshall Fuller Holmes prize, Art Inst, of Chicago, 1927, M V. Kohnstamm prize, Art Inst, of Chicago, 1928, John C. Shafer prize, Art Inst, of Chicago, 1930, Clyde M. Carr prize, Art Inst, of Chicago, 1936, Scarab Club Detroit, 1936, Covenant Club, 1936 and 1941, Monticello Coll. first purchase prize, Godfrey, 111., 1939, Nat. Lithog- raphy Exhibition first prize, Oklahoma City, 1939; Jules F. Brower prize, Art Inst, of Chicago, 1945; work represented in permanent collections of Art Inst, of Chicago, Encyclopedia Britannica, Chi- cago Pub. Sch. Collection, Mus. of Fine Arts (Dallas, Tex.), Madison Art Assn., art Alliance (Philadelphia, Pa.), Detroit Inst, of Arts, Univ. of 111., Univ. of Neb., Univ. of Mo., Univ. of Wyo., Monticello Coll., Dept. of Labor (Washington, D. C), Cincinnati, Glencoe, and Barrington pub. libraries, DeKalb State Teachers Coll., Biro Bidian Mus. (Russia), Tell- Aviv Mus. (Palestine), and other col- lections in U.S., France, Germany, Rus- sia, Sweden and Czechoslovakia. Studio and home: 435 Rush St., Chicago, 111. WILLIAMS, Sara Lockwood, journal- ist, lecturer and educator; b. Rock Port, Mo.; d. John and Mary Jane (Duncan) Lockwood; ed. Columbia pub. schs.; B. J., Univ. of Mo., 1913, A.M., 1931; m. Walter Williams of Columbia, 22 Oct. 1927. Reporter, feature writer, 1913-21, St. Joseph Gazette (Mo.), Tulsa Times & Democrat (Okla.), Phila. Pub. Ledger, Honolulu Star-Bulletin; asst. prof, of journalism, Univ. of Mo., 1921-27; visit- ing prof., Yenching Univ., China, 1936, Univ. of Tex., 1938-39; dir., non-fiction div., Writers Conf., Western State Coll.. Gunnison, Colo., 1940; dir. journalism, 1036 pub. relations, Tex. Coll., Arts and In- dustries, Kingsville, Tex., 1942-44; dir. pub. relations, journalism, Rockford Col- lege, Rockford, 111., since 1944; mem. Nat. Federation of Press Women, Mo. Women's Press Club, Theta Sigma Phi, Kappa Tau Alpha, League of Women Voters, A.A.U.W., Am. Assn. Teachers of Journalism, Am. Coll. Publicity As- sociation, Chi Omega. Author: Twenty Years of Education for Journalism; The Biography of a Country Newspaper; Where Christmas Really Began; pamph- lets, bulletins, articles. G.d. Mrs. Mal- vina Lawrence Duncan, pioneer in Meth- odism in Mo., started Sparta Methodist Church. Interests: travel, collecting cook books, menus, recipes, incunabula. Pres- byterian. Democrat. Home: 209 S. Garth Av., Columbia, Mo. SEKED, Harry, physician; b. Russia, 25 Feb. 1892; s. Meyer and Rose (Mard- er) S.| student Univ. of Wis., 1912-13; M.D., Univ. of 111., 1917; m. Lilian Ly- ons, 17 Feb. 1924; children — Marjorie, Joan. Attending physician on staff of Edgewater, Mt. Sinai, and Belmont hos- pitals. Served as 1st It. M.C., U.S. Ar- my, during World War I. Mem. A.M. A., Chicago and 111. med socs, Am Bd of Obstetrics and Gynecology Democrat. Jewish religion. Author: articles on ob- stetl. and gynecol. subjects. Home: 3530 Lake Shore Dr. Office: 185 N. Wabash Av., Chicago, 111. BEASLEY, Titus Walker, professor of history and government; b. Hollywood, Appomattox Co., Va., 2 June 1890; Benjamin Walker Beasley, mcht., farm- er, and Isabella (Day) B.; ed. Fork Union Mil. Acad., Va. ; Richmond (Va.) Acad.; A.B., Univ. Richmond, 1918; Th. M.,. Southern Bapt. Theol. Sem., Ky. 1922; grad., Univ. Mo. Ord, 1921; pas- tor, prin., Jarratt high sch., Jarratt, Va., Sunday School Inst., Work, Va., summers 1920-21; prof, history, La- Grange Coll., 1923-28, Will Mayfield Col- lege, 1928-31, Marble Hill, Mo., Mo. Southeast Teachers Coll., Cape Girar- deau, Mo., 1930, Southwest Bapt. Col- lege, Bolivar, Mo., since 1931; chmn. Mil. Training Camps Assn. of U.S., Polk Co., Mo.; commr., Pomme De Terre Dist., Ozarks Empire Area Council, B.S. A. ; committeeman, Boy Scout Troop, Sr. Boy Scout Explorer Troop, Bolivar, Mo. ; capt., U.S. Army during World War; mem. Kappa Sigma, A.F. & A.M., R.A. M., R.&S.M, KT, Mo Acad Science, AA.P.&S.S, Am Hist Assn., Miss. Val- ley Hist. Assn., Southwestern Social Sci- Assn., State Hist. Soc. of Mo., National Goeg. Soc, Mo. State Teachers Assn., For. Policy Assn., Pi Gamma Mu, Nat. Social Sci. Honor Soc, Chamber Com- merce (sec). Community Service mem. Polk County (Mo.) War Price & Ration- ing Bd.; Mo. War Chest, Inc., chmn. of Polk County War Chest 1943; member of corns, on public speakers and quotas and admissions in Mo. War Chest, 1944- 45. Club: Rotary. Travel: U.S., Am., Can. Interests: scrap books, travel, boy scout work, sculpture, architectural de- signing, music, drama. Recreations: ten- nis, scouting for bird and animal study, hiking through forest. Baptist. Office: Southwest Baptist College, Bolivar, Mo. Home : Bolivar, Mo. THORSNESS, Lionel George, lawyer; b. De Forest, Wis., 20 May 1895; s. of Marcus and Bertha (Eggum) T. ; LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1917; 2 terms Inns of Court (London, Eng.), 1919; m. Hazel Crocker 29 Nov. 1939; children — Ken- neth, Donald. Has practiced law, Chica- go, 111. since 1920; master in chancery, Superior Ct., Cook County, 111., 1929-37. Mem. character and fitness com. (apptd. by Supreme Ct.); del. Fedn. Interalliee des Amcien Combattants Congress, in Czechoslovakia, 1931; rep. 111. on legis- lative com. Nat. Convs. of Am. Legion, 1934-37. Served as Grad. R.O..C, Fort Sheridan, 1st Camp 111., 2d It., 1st It,, capt. Q.M. Reserves; served 28 mos. during World War I (15 mos. overseas). Mem. Chicago, 111. State, and Am. bar assns., public panel member of W.L.B., mem. Westmoreland C. of C, Am. Judi- cature Soc, Am. Legion (p. comdr. 2d dist.). Republican. Clubs: Nordic Law (p. pres.), Northwestern Univ. Alumni, The Twenty. Home: 2440 N. Lakeview Av. Office: 111 W. Washington St., Chi- cago, 111. PENICK, Mark Albert, lawyer; b. in Payson Township, 111., 17 July 1895; s. Frank J. and Mary (Larimore) P.; grad. Dartmouth Coll., class of 1917; Ph.B., J.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1922; m. Ger- trude E. Tenk, 27 Sept. 1922; 1 dau.— Marcia Ann. Mem. firm Penick & Pen- ick; state's atty., Adams County, 111., 1936-40, and 1940-44; 111. state senator, 1932-36. Served as pvt. 1st class, Med. Corps, It. Air Service; pursuit pilot, 141st Aero Squadron, 2d Army, A.E.F., dur- ing World War I. Mem. Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta Phi. Democrat. Conglist. Ma- son. Club: Quincy Country. Home: 335 East Av. Office: W.C.U.Bldg., Quincy, 111. MOORE, Hortense, teacher, b. Spring Valley, Minn., 2 Sept. 1893; d. William 1037 and Belle A. (Hulett) Moore; ed. Bis- marck (N.D.) high sch.; B.A., Univ. of N.D., 1915; M.F.A, Yale Univ, 1932; summer courses, Univ. Montana, Univ. Southern Calif. Teacher Eng., dir. dra- matics, Bismarch (N.D.) and Missoula (Mont.) high schs.; asso. dir. dramatics, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1928-34, 1936-42, Miami Univ. (Oxford, O.), since 1942, Bread Loaf Sch. of English (summers) 1929-42. Mt. Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C., 1934-36; dir. dramatics, Bread Loaf Sch. of Eng., Middlebury (Vt.) College Grad. Eng. School, summers, 1929 — ; mem. Alpha Phi, Theta Alpha Phi, A. A. U.P., A.A.U.W., Am. Ed. Theatre Assn., Nat. Assn Teachers of Speech. Author: arts on theatrical matters, book reviews in The Cue (asso. ed.). Editor: Bread Loaf Book of Plays. Travel: Eur., U.S. (extensive). Interests: people, theatre. Recreations: hiking, travel, writing, and reading. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: Ohio Wesleyan University, Dela- ware, O. Home: care of G. U. Burrell, Selma, Calif. BECKMAN, Vincent Henry, lawyer; b. St. Henry, O., 1 Dec. 1879; s. John G. and Catherine (Romer) B.; ed. Miami Univ. and Univ. of Cincinnati; LL.B., Cincinnati Law Sch., 1905; m. Irene Ger- trude Hummel, 19 Jan. 1915; children; — Vincent Henry, Mary Elizabeth (dec), Paul, Irene Gertrude, John, Robert. Ad- mitted to Ohio bar, 1905", and since prac- ticed at Cincinnati; special atty. State Bank Dept., 1910-14; mem. firm of Beck- man & Beckman; sec. and dir. Founda- tion Investment Co., Nat. Theatre Co.; dir., and mem. of the exec. com. Eagle- Picher Lead Co., dir., mem. exec. com. Eagle-Picher Mining & Smelting Co.; di- rector Cincinnati Coll. of Music. Mem. Democratic State Exec. Com.; member Democratic Exec. Com., Hamilton Coun- ty, O., and chmn., 1916-26; del. Demo- cratic Nat. Conv., St. Louis, 1916, New York, 1924, Houston, Tex., 1928 Chicago 1940; nat. presdl. elector, 1940. Member Am., Ohio State and Hamilton County bar assns., Cincinnati Lawyers Club, Knights of Columbus. Clubs: Cincinnati, Wester Hills Country; West Shore Coun- try (Mich.). Home: 535 Purcell Avenue, Price Hill, Cincinnati. Office: First Na- tional Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, O. SPENCER, Frank Edwin, executive; b. Centralia, 111., 13 Mar. 1884; s. Na- thaniel Walker and Fanny (Still) S.; ed. B.A., Northwestern Univ., 1905; grad. student, Harvard, 1908; m. Mildred Gar- vin Auten of Evanston, 18 Feb. 1911; children— Francis Auten, Mrs. Mildred S. Snyder. Adv. solicitor, Chicago Tri- bune, 1905; instr. and athletic coach, various boys schs., 1905-11; salesman and partner, W. W. Martin and Co., Chi- cago, 1911-16; office mgr., later general manager, Anderson and Gustafson, Inc., 1921-22; est. Spencer Petroleum Co., Chi- cago, pres., 1922-42; dir., Mo. Valley Oil Co., Kansas City; pres. Spencer Petro- leum Div. Socony Vacuum Oil Co. since 1942. Mem. bd. trustees Northwestern Univ., 1943-47, nat. chmn. Dist. Div. Oil Heat Inst, of Am., 1942-45; mem. Univ. club of Evanston, mem. Illinois Sen- ior Golf Assn.; pres. Gen. Alumni Assn. of Northwestern Univ., 1942-43; member Burning Oil Distributors Assn. (pres. and dir.), mem. Am. Petroleum Inst. Mason (32d deg., K.T., Shriner). Clubs: Chicago Oil Men's, Chicago Athletic, Ex- ecutives of Chicago, Bob O'Link Golf. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Republican. Office: 59 E. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2215 Payne St., Evanston, 111. AUGUR, Margaret Avery, sch. head- mistress; b. Evanston, 111., 18 Apr. 1885; d. Walter Wheaton and Nellie (Avery) A.; student Univ. School for Girls, Chi- cago, 1901-02, Rosemary Hall, 1902-03, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1903-05, Univ. of Gre- noble, France, 1911; A.B., Barnard Col- lege, 1912; student Chicago Univ., 1914- 15; Teachers College, Columbia, 1928. Teacher of German, Rosemary Hall, 1909-10, dean of residence, 1915-18, asso. headmistress, 1918-28; acad. dean Brad- ford Jr. Coll., 1928-34; headmistress Kingswood Sch. Cranbrook since 1934. Mem. Headmistresses Assn. of the East (acad. standards com., 1923, nominating com., 1942), Headmistresses Assn. of the Middle West, Alumnae Assn. of Bryn Mawr Coll., Nat. Assn. of Prins. Club: Women's City (Detroit, Mich.). Home: Kingswood School Cranbrook, Bloom- field Hills, Mich. HELGASON, Arni, elec. engr., consul; b. Hafnarfjordur, Iceland, 16 Mar. 1891; s. Helgi Sigurdsson and Sigridur (Jons- dottir) S.; came to U.S., 1913; natural- ized 1920; B.S. in Engring., N.D. Agrol. Coll., 1924, D.Sc, 1940; M.S. in E.E., Univ. of Wis., 1925; 'm. Christine Johann- son, 30 Nov. 1929. Elec. engr. Thorarson Electric Mfg. Co., 1925-28; one of found- ers, 1928, Chicago Transformer Corp. dir., sec. 1928-40; exec, v.p., 1940-43; since July 1943, vice pres. of Essex Wire Corp., gen. mgr. of Chicago Transformer Div. ; holder several patents on small transformers; apptd. consul of Iceland with hon. status at Chicago, Sept. 1942. Served as sergt. 1st class, U.S. Army, 1038 Apr. 1918-June 1919, in France, Sept. 1918-June 1919. Decorated Knight Cross Order of the Icelandic Falcon, 1939, Comdr. Cross, 1944. Mem. Am. Inst, of Elec. Engrs., Engring. Soc. of Iceland, Icelandic Assn. of Chicago, Dania Soc, Chicago Norske Klub, Am. Scandina- vian Foundation; dir. Physics Club of Chicago (sec. 1941-43) ; mem. Phi Kappa Phi. Lutheran. Home: 1152 Isabella Av. Willmette, 111. Office: 3501 Addison St., Chicago, 111. BOSS, William, agrl. engineer; b. in Zumbro Falls, Minn., 7 Oct. 1869; s. An- drew and Janet (Nisbet) B.; student in agr., Univ. of Minn., 1890-92; m. Edna Florence Rider, 2 Oct. 1895; children- Ronald William, Harlan David. Worked as carpenter and builder, 1887-90, instr., Sch. of Agr., Univ. of Minn., 1892-1906, prof, farm structures and farm mechan- ics, 1906-10, prof. agrl. engring. and chief of dept., 1919-38, prof. agrl. engring. emeritus since 1938; organizer, 1902, and since prin. owner The Specialty Mfg. Co.; chief counselor Boss Engring. Co., cons, and develop, engrs., since 1929; pres. Boss Foundry, Bayport, Minn., es- tablished, 1944; registered professional engr. State of Minn. Fellow A.A.A.S.; charter mem. and fellow Am. Soc. Agrl. Engrs. (ex-pres.); mem. Soc. Promo- tion Engring. Edn., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Minn. Soc. of Professional En- gineers, Engrs. Soc. of St. Paul, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Association, St. Paul, Midway. Author: Instructions for Traction and Stationary Engineers, 1906; The Heath Book for Threshermen, 1907; Mechanical Training (with J. G. Dent and H. B. White), 1932. Awarded John Deere medal for distinguished achieve- ment in application of science and art to the soil, Am. Soc. Agrl. Engrs., 1943. Home: 1439 Raymond Av., St. Paul, Min- nesota. SAWYIER, Robert Lee, minister, coll. pres.; b. Columbus, O., 27 Feb. 1892; s. DeWitt C. Sawyier, farmer, and Laura (Kern) S.; ed. East High Sch., Colum- bus, O.; B.A., Ohio State Univ., 1916; B.D., McCormick Theol. Sem., 1919; Northwestern Univ.; D.D., Coe College, 1933; m. Nellie C. Fisher of Cincinnati, O., 1916; children— Robert Lee, Jr., Cal- vin Parker, Wilfred Grenfell, Patricia Ann. Pastor, Avondale Presbyn. Ch., Chicago, 1917-22; dir., Rel. Ed., Chicago Presbytery, 1922-23; founder and pastor, Northminster Presbyn. Ch., Evanston, 111., 1922-26; pres., Presbyterian College Christian Edn., 1926-42. Founder and minister Elmwood Presbyterian Church, 1943-44; acting minister Portage Park Presbyterian Church, 1944-45; acting minister Morgan Park Presbyterian Ch., Chicago since 1945. Agent New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. Corp., Save Chil- dren Fund; mem. Presbytery of Chica- go; Chicago Assn. of Life Underwriters, dir. Church Progress Inst., Phi Beta Kappa. Club: Stylites. Travel: U. S., Can., Mex. Interests: natural scenery, character building work. Recreations: hiking, rowing, drama, reading. Prot- estant. Republican. Office: 105 W. Ad- ams St., Chicago 3, 111. Home: 1500 Lunt Av., Chicago 26, 111. HARES, Charles Joseph, geologist; b. Marcellus, N.Y., 6 May 1881; s. Joseph Gadd Hares, farmer, and Elzabeth (Ev- ans) H.; ed. Skaneateles (N.Y.) High Sch.; B.S., Syracuse Univ., 1907, M.S., 1908; fellow Univ. Chicago, 1908-10; m. Marguerite Monroe of Buffalo, 1908; (de- ceased) ; children — Charles J., Jr. (de- ceased), Dorothy M. ; m. 2d. Harriet Newcomb Leonard of Dallas, Tex., 26 June 1926. U.S. Geol. Survey, 1910-17; gcol.-at-large, Ohio Oil Co., 1917 — ; dis- coverer of genera of fossils composed of 14 species named Haresicera for dis- • coverer; apptd. del. to Internat. Cong, of Geol., Tokyo, 1929; gave paper be- fore Western Conf. of Internat. Cong, of Geol., Yellowstone Park, 1933; mem. of Geol. Soc. of Am., A.A.A.S., Geol. Soc. of Wash., D.C., Am. Museum Natural History, Ill.-Ind. Oil & Gas Assns, Am. Pet. Inst. (mem. com. on oil reserves of U.S., 1924-25), Am. Assn. Pet. Geol. (mem. com. on classification and no- menclature of rock units, 1930-32), A.I. M.E. Clubs: Rotary, Jonathan (Los An- geles), Denver Country (Colo.). One of founders and pres. Wyoming Geol. Soc. Author: many papers on geological sub- jects. Travel: Mexico, Can. Interests: 1 origin of man, Indian rugs and artifacts, photography, Tertiary glaciation. Meth- odist. Independent. Office: The Ohio Oil Co., Boulder, Colo.; Findlay, O. Home: Hares Haven, Lyons, Colo. BARBOUR, Florence Newell (Mrs. Clarence Augustus Barbour), composer, pianist; b. Providence, R.I., 4 Aug. 1866; d. Charles H. and Isabelle (West) New- ell; ed. pub. schs.; m. Clarence Augus- tus Barbour, 28 July 1891 (died 16 Jan. 1937). Solo pianist, also appearing with string quartets; performed own composi- tions at Woman's Philharmonic Club, New York and before N.Y. State Teach- ers' Conv. Mem. Tuesday Musicale. Composer of piano suites : Forest Sketch- 1039 es; A Day in Arcady; Venice; Holland; Five Nature Pictures; All in a Garden Fair; Six Brilliant Compositions; Six Me- lodic Etudes; Five Interpretative Stud- ies; piano duets; Rambles in Musicland; Treasure Island; special piano work for children; 2 vols. Sunny Stories; Days of Sunshine ; Tone Pictures for Young Play- ers; songs for Progressive Music Series; Six Song Pictures ; Three Rosetti Lyrics ; Three Songs about Children; many con- cert songs and sacred songs; mixed quartet and chorus; choruses for wo- men's voices, works for violin, organ and chamber music; Caprice — Etudes in Brilliant Melody Playing (Schmidt's Ed- ucational Series) ; In Clover Time (6 piano pieces) ; also (piano) The Boom of the Sea, Dancing Woodland Sprites, Nature in Joyous Mood, Gods of the Mountains; suite for piano, "At Cha- monix," 6 pieces — Morning Hymn, Clouds Like Dream Castles, In the Wake of the Storm, Spring Approaches the Val- ley, Moonlight's Haunting Spell, A Joy- ous Festival, etc. Author: Childland in Song and Rythm (4 vols.), 1921; All in a Garden Fair, and Other Verse, 1912; etc. Home: 1919 Argyle Av., Hollywood 28, Calif. HEAD, Walter William, life insurance pres.; b. on farm near Adrian, 111., 18 Dec. 1877; s. Alfred Water and Margaret Jane (Lambert) H. ; educated normal sch. and business coll.; m. Delia Thomp- son, 7 Mar. 1900; 1 dau. — Audrey Ver- nelle (Mrs. Raymond A. Baur). Prin. pub. schs., De Kalb, Mo., 1901-02 and 1903; cashier De Kalb State Bank, 1903- 06; nat. and state bank examiner, 1906- 08; cashier Am. Nat. Bank, St. Joseph, 1908-17; v.p. Omaha Nat. Bank, 1917-20, pres. 1920-29; pres State Bank of Chi- cago, 1929, Foreman-State Nat. Bank, 1929-31, Morris Plan Corp. of America, 1931-33, Gen. Am. Life Ins. Co., St. Louis, since 1933; chmn. bd. American Com- munity Stores Corp., Omaha; pres. of Southern Ginning Co., Kennett, Mo., Mo. Mercantile Co., Kennett, Mo.; dir. U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co., Baltimore. Mem. Presbyterian Ministers Fund for Life Insurance, Phila., Pa., Neb. State Capitol Commn., 1920-30 (having charge constrn. of $10,000,000 State House). Pres. Nat. Council Boy Scouts of Am., since 1926, St. Louis United Service Orgns. Council; state chmn. United Ser- vice Orgns. for Mo.; state chmn. Mo. War Finance. Pres. St. Louis Grand Op- era Assn.; v.p. Nat. Com. for Boys and Girls Club Work, Greater St. Louis War Chest; dir. St. Louis Chamber Com- merce; mem. metropolitan bd. Y.M.C. A., St. Louis Reconstruction Com. (St. Louis) ; trustee Lindenwood Female Col- lege, St Charles, Mo., Grinnell (Iowa) Coll., Presbyterian Theol. Sem. (Chica- go), Westminster College (Fulton, Mo.). Mem. Am. Geog. Soc, Am. Civic Assn., Am. Peace Soc, Pan-Am. Soc, Acad. Polit Science; pres Am. Bankers Assn, 1923-24. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Racquet, Noonday, Bogey Golf (St. Louis), St. Joseph (Mo.) Country. Home: 4931 Lindell Blvd. Office: 1501 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. EVEREST, David Clark, pres., gen. manager, Marathon Corp.; b. in Pine Grove, Mich., 13 Oct. 1883; s. John Hen- ry Everest, mfr., and Gertrude (Clark) E.; ed. Gobies (Mich.) High Sch.; m. Rita Gouin of Munising, Mich., 20 Sept. 1905; children — Helen Kimball, Ruth Weaver, David Clark, Jr., With Bryant Paper Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., 1900; as- sistant mgr. Munising Paper Co., 1902- 07; mgr. Williams Gray Co., 1907-08; mgr. Marathon Paper Mills Co., 1909 — , pres.; now pres., gen. mgr., Marathon Corp.; pres. Marathon Paper Mills of Can., Ltd. v.p., dir. Employers Mutual Liability Ins. Co., Wausau, Wis., Long- view Fibre Co., Longview, Wash., Ma- sonite Corp., Laurel, Miss., Wis. Valley Improvement Co., Wausau, Wis., Toma- hawk Kraft Paper Co., Tomahawk, Wis- consin; dir. First Am. State Bank, Wis. Valley Trust Co., Wausau, Wis., D. J. Murray Mfg. Corp., Marathon Electric Mfg. Corp., Wausau, Yawkey Bissell Lumber Co.; chief, pulp and paper unit, Office Production Management; b. pres., Am. Paper and Pulp Assn., Wis. Mfrs. Am. Red Cross; v.p., dir, Inst. Paper Chemistry, Appleton, Wis.; trustee Law- rence Coll., Appleton, Wis. Clubs: Mil- waukee, Milwaukee Athletic, Wausau, Wausau Country. Interest: old books. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Episcopa- lian. Republican. Office: Rothschild, Wis. Home: Highland Park Blvd., Wau- sau, Wis. (summer) Plum Lake, Say- ner, Wis. EVANS, William Thomas, lawyer; b. Waterloo, la., 8 Nov. 1869; s. John O. Evans, farmer, and Rebecca (McClin- tock) E.; ed. East Waterloo High Sch.; Ph.B., Univ. la. Lib. Arts Coll., 1896, LL.B, Law Coll, 1897; m. Lela Phelps of Independence, la, 25 June 1902; 1 son — William Phelps. Owner and pub., Vidette Reporter, Univ. la., 1895-96; co. atty., Butler Co., la., 1905-06; state senator, 1917-19; judge dist. ct., State of Iowa, for 10th judicial dist. since 1944; judge 1040 advocate State of Iowa for Daughters of Union Veterans; mem. Black Hawk Co., and State Bar Assns.; Rep. Cent. Com. (Black Hawk Co. chmn., 1940-44) ; mem. Elks, Masons, Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Optimist, Fortnightly. Co-author: Stand- ard Schools of Law of Iowa. Presbyte- rian. Republican. Office: 304 Marsh Place Blvd., Waterloo, la. Home: 2517 Rainbow Dr., Cedar Heights, Cedar Falls, la. ELLSWORTH, Elmer Williams, cons, geologist; b. Norfolk, Va., 17 June 1907; s. Herbert Ellsworth, advertiser, and Delia (Upfield) E.; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1929; A.M., 1930; Ph.D., Stanford Univ, 1932 Geologist and geophysicist, W C. McBride, Inc. (Calif.), 1930-33; geologist charge of survey of Ala. tin and graphite deposits, U.S. Geol. Survey, 1934; made geophysician exploration for oil in Fla. and Ala., Electro-Geometer Corp., 1934- 35; 111. dist. petroleum geologist, W. C. McBride, Inc., 1936-39; geological cons., exec, sec, Independent Oil Producers Assn. of 111., 1939-42. Chief, I.C.R.S. (ma- jor, Air Corps), AA.F, Arctic, Desert, Tropic Information Center, 1942-45 Dist. Commr., Boy Scouts of Am.; mem. Am. Inst, of Mining and Metall. Engrs., Am. Assn. Petroleum Geologists, Soc. Explor- ation Geophysicists, 111. Acad. Science, 111. Geol. Soc. (past officer), A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha Club: Cen- tralia Rotary (dir., 1939-40). Author: The Glacial Lake Clays of Wisconsin; Phys- iographic History of the Afton Basin of the Mohave Desert, Calif.; Tin Deposits of Alabama; The New Oil Industry of Illinois and Its Implications in the Social and Economic Life of Southern Illinois. Republican. Conglist. Travel: Mexico, Can., U.S. Interests: boy's work. Rec- reations: reading, travel. Office: Wham Bldg., 212 E. Broadway, Centralia, 111. Home: 129 N. Maple St., Centralia, 111. DEMPSTER, James Herbert, physi- cian; b. Elgin Co., Ontario, 12 May 1873; s. Archibald F. Dempster, farmer, and Catherine (Campbell) D.; ed. Ridgetown High Sch.; B.A., Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., 1899; M.D., Detroit Coll. of Med., 1909; M.A (hon), Detroit Inst Tech., 1937; m Nellie May Taylor of London, Ont., 3 Feb. 1904; children— Wilfrid Tay- lor, Clifford Herbert. Sch. teacher, 1892- 95; journalist, 1900-05; physician since 1909. Fellow A.M. A., Am. Coll. of Ra- diology, 1941; diplomate, Am. Bd. Ra- diology, 1935; mem. Wayne Co. Med. Soc. (pres. 1926-27), Mich. State Med. Soc, Mich. Soc Roentgenology (pres. 1940-42), Detroit X-Ray and Radium Soc Clubs: Medical History, Detroit Medical, Detroit Saturday Night. Author: Path- finders of Physiology, 1914; John Locke, Physician and Philosopher, 1932; Medi- cal Writing, 1938; editor: Jour. Mich. State Med. Soc, 1926-39. Travel: West- ern Eur. Interests: lit., history biog. Home: 5761 Stanton Av. Office: 16401 Grand River Av., Detroit, Mich. DRAPER, Alfred Pearman, lawyer; b. Baldwinville, N.Y., 1891; s. Russell J. Draper, gunsmith, and Emily E. (Pearman) D.; ed. Fulton and Water- town (N.Y.) High Schs.; LL.B., Valpa- raiso Univ., 1922; m. Leontine Porter of Syracuse, N.Y., 1923; children — Porter Russell, Donna Norene. Draftsman ap- prenticeship, Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., Providence, R.I., advanced to master mechanic, Allen Motor Co. (designed tools for mfg. munitions during war) ; resigned, 1919; studied law; practice, with brother, Gary, Ind., until 1943; ap- pointed referee in bankruptcy, 1942 ; present law firm, Draper and Eichhorn, Gary Nat. Bank Bldg.; mem. Am. and Ind. State Bar Assns., Sigma Delta Kappa. Clubs: Gary University, Gary C o u n t j- y. Presbyterian. Office : 504 Broadway, Gary, Ind. Home : 215 West 46th Av., Gary, Ind. (summer) Jones, Mich. DYER, Nora Ellen, ceramist; b. Me- dina County, O.; d. Jacob M. Hartman, farmer, and Hannah (Everhard) Hart- man; ed. Medina Co. Acad, and High Sch.; The Cleveland Sch. of Art; N.Y. State Sch. of Ceramics; m. Alvin R. Dyer of Chatham, O., 1922 (dec); 1 son -^Robert M. (dec). Teacher of ceram- ics, Cleveland Sch. of Art, Sch. of Edn., Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, O.; permanent collections, Cleveland Mus. of Art, Syracuse Mus. of Art, Duke Uni- versity; circulating exhbn. Am. Fedn. of Arts, 1928, 29, 31, 35, 37, Am. Ceramic Soc, 1932, Nat. Alliance of Art and In- dustry, Art Center (N.Y.), 1932; circula- tion exhibits, Coll. Art Assn., 1933-37, Robineau Mem. Syracuse Univ. of Arts, 1935, 37, 38, 39, 40. Farargil Galleries, New York City, 1936; European exhbn. contemporary Am. Ceramics, Am. Ce- ramic Soc, 1937; Ohio State Fair, 1931- 33, 1st Nat. exhibit by N.Y. Mus. Art Com., 1936, Phila. Art Alliance, 1937, annual exhibit, Cleveland Mus. Art, 1925- 45; awards: Cleveland Mus. of Art, 1st in ceramic sculpture, with Alexander Blazys, 1933, 2nd with same, 1927; 2nd prize in pottery, 1931, 1933-44; 3rd prize, 1928, 1929, 1930; hon. mention, 1932, 35, 36; 3rd prize in hand weaving Cleve- 1041 land Mus. of Art, 1944; exhibit World's Fair, San Francisco, Calif., 1939-40; Bos- ton Arts and Crafts Soc, 1940; govt, citation U.S. Commr. Gen. for work in Federal Bldg., N.Y. World's Fair, 1939- 40; mem. Am. Ceramic Soc, Am. Fedn. of Arts, Cleveland Mus. of Art, N.Y. Soc. of Craftsmen, Cleveland Art Assn., Cleveland Artists Guild. Author: Ceram- ic Course of Study, as taught in Cleve- land Sch. of Art; designed and executed electric kiln for firing pottery, making fritt and firing enamel. Travel: U.S., Can. Desc. Jacob Harter, Revolutionary capt., Everhard family, first settlers in Phila., Pa., and Ohio. Interest: gospel missions. Recreation: swimming. Prot- estant. Independent. Office: The Cleve- land School of Art, 11441 Juniper Rd., Cleveland, O. Home: 1644 Elberon Av., East Cleveland, O. GROOM, Lester W., mem. coll. facul- ty; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 2 July 1894; s. of Willard Groom, organist, and Nettie (Larkham) G.; ed. Coll. Prep. Sch., Chi- cago; Univ. of Chicago; Wheaton Coll.; student Helen B. Lawrence, piano; Har- rison Wild, Mason Slade, Wilhelm Mid- delschulte, organ; A. Cyril Graham, Adolf Brune, theory; D.M., Nashotah Tehol. Sem., Nashotah, Wis., 1942; m. Henrietta Langille of Chicago, 111., 4 June 1923; 1 son — Lester. Organist at 17 yrs.; recitalist at 19 yrs.; teacher at Conservatory at 22 yrs. ; composer of organ solo (published) ; teacher Wheaton Coll. since 1938. Mem. 111. Rho Chapter Am. Guild Organists, Phi Mu Alpha, Harrison M. Wild Organ. Author: Ac- companiments for the Plainsong Psalter. Travel: U.S., Can. Recreation: athletics. Episcopalian. Office: Wheaton College, Wheaton, 111. Home: 732 N. Drake Av., Chicago, 111. GUEFFROY, Edna Mae, asst. prof, geography; b. Bloomington, 111., 8 July 1897; d. William C. Gueffroy, locomotive engr., and Daisy D. (Culp) Gueffroy; ed. Bloomington High Sch.; B. Ed., Illinois State Normal Univ., 1926; M.A., Clark Univ., 1927; Univ. of Chicago; Univ. of Washington; Univ. of Hawaii; Univ. of 111. Teacher history, 111. high sch., 1918- 20; teacher, asst. prin., Bloomington grade sens., 1920-24; instr. geography, Southern 111. Teachers Coll., 1927-29; as- sistant prof, geography, 111. State Nor- mal Univ. since 1929. Mem. Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., N.E.A., National Council of Geography Teachers, State Acad. Science, Kappa Delta Pi, Gamma Theta Upsilon, Order Eastern Star. Clubs: Garden, Faculty Womens. Travel: Alaska, Hawaii, Cuba, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Panama. Inter- est: collecting fgn. and character dolls. Recreations : travel, gardening. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: Illinois State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. Home: 207 W. Graham St., Bloomington, 111. HARDER, Erwin Emil, musician; b. Beaver Dam, Wis., 21 June 1883; s. of Henry Carl Harder, wood and metal patternmaker, clarinetist, musician, and Pauline (Kruger) H. ; ed. pvt. teachers; studied music with father at age of 7; clarinet under Albert Brendel, Milwau- kee, Joseph Schreurs, Chicago; student Ziegfield Mus. Coll.; Sherwood Music Sch.; Chicago Mus. Coll. With Sherwood Mus. Schs. during last 22 yrs. (mem. faculty 1 term) ; connected with Harders Mil. Band and orchestra, Beaver Dam, 1897, 98, 1900, Milwaukee, Wis., 1901; National Soldiers Home Band, Clauders Band, Bahn Frei Mus. Soc, 1904-13; Mil- waukee Symphony, 1913; Joseph Shee- han's English Opera Co., 1913; The Standard Opera Co., 1906; Boulder Coun- ty Chautauqua, L. Rischar's Famous Orchestra, Chicago, 1906; one of organiz- ers Chicago Philharmonic, 1908; Orches- tral Soc, 1909-10; Catalina Island, Port- ers Band, 1911; Chicago Symphony Or- chestra, 1914; San Francisco, P.P.I. Ex- position, 1915, St. Louis Symphony Or- chestra, 1919-21; Colo. Midland Band. Colo. Springs, Denver Municipal Band, 1920; operettas, Old Chicago Opera House under Victor Herbert, 1910; Lewi- sohn Stadium concerts, N.Y. City; Chi- cago City Opera Co., Mayo Rochester Band, Rochester, Minn. ; Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra; Peoples Symphony Orchestra; WGN (radio), Daily News ra- dio (solos on different kinds of clari- nets) ; Lyon and Healy radio concerts (Harders woodwind ensemble), 1925; Grant Park summer concerts; New Or- leans Symphony Orchestra, Southern Symphony, Columbia, S.C., 1943-45; pub- lisher, composer: 3 vols, music, Impres- sions of the Dells (piano suite), trio for 2 B flat clarinets and trombone or bass clarinet; 2 symphonies, studies, concer- to for clarinet and classical songs; or- ganized Progressive Symphonic Orches- tra, Chicago, 1924; dir., mgr., The Pro- gressive Symphony Orch. Mem. Am. Fed. Musicians Union, Moose. Club: Mu- sicians. Author: Jokes, Episodes and Poems, vol. 1,2; Owondlo (Phantasma- goria); The First Clarinet: How I Ac- quired Ten Kinds of Clarinets: lecturer; The Clarinet Family, Clarinet Pedagogy and similar subjs. Interests: astronomy, numerology, astrology. Recreation: Mu- 1042 sical Pishing- Club. Free Thinker. Stu- dio: 175 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Home: 912 Fletcher St., Chicago, 111. - GEISER, Paul Kenneth, med. mission- ary; b. Highland Park, 111., 28 Sept. 1908; s. Paul Geiser, mcht, and Bertha (Bordchart) G.; ed. Deerfield Shields High Sen., Highland Park; B.S., Wheat- on Coll., 1930; M.D., Northwestern, 1934; m. Catherine Kirk of Wheaton, 5 Sept. 1933; children — Richard George, Charles Kenneth, Patricia Kay. Interne, residen- cy in surg., Tsingkiangpu Gen. Hosp., China, 1934-38, head dept. of obstetrics, 1938 — ; supt., Sarah Walkup Hosp., Tai- chow, Kingsu, China, during Sino-Jap. conflict; residency, in ophthalmology, 111. Eye and Ear Infirmary since 1940; asst. to Dr. Harry S. Gradle, 1942; mem. staff, Chicago Memorial, Geneva Com- munity Hosps.; adjunct ophthalmologist 111. Eye and Ear Infirmary; sec, Tsing- kiangpu Br., China Med. Assn.; mem. A.M.A., 111. Med. Soc, So. Presb. For. Mission; Aristonian Lit Soc (p. pres.), Phi Beta Pi; pres. Wheaton Coll. Alumni Assn.; trustee Wheaton Coll. Travel: P. I., Jap., Korea, Manchuria, China. In- terests: Chinese antiquities, amateur movies. Recreation: golf. Author: arts For Christ and His Kingdom; Make Your Second Best Count. Office: 58 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. and 214 N. Hale St., Wheaton, 111. Home: 626 How- ard St., Wheaton, 111. FAY, Olive Rusk, minister, public speaking teacher; b. Joplin, Mo., 21 Oct. 1880; d. James Oliver Rusk, farmer, po- lice judge, and Mary Elizabeth (Hays) R.; fed. A.B., Webb City Coll. (since closed); B.O., Walb City Coll.; Emerson Coll. of Oratory, Boston, Mass.; summer classes, Columbia Sch. of Expression, Chicago; m. Dr. Frank C. Fay, (dec.) of Kirskville, Mo., 24 Oct. 1917; 1 son- Curtis Rusk Fay, in 81st Div. Inf., World War II; four step-sons: Harry D. (dec), Arthur C, Vernon M., Charles W. Chau- tauqua reader, 6 yrs. ; spent some time during World War I entertaining soldiers in camps in central states; taught public speaking 13 yrs.; minister 12 yrs.; Dea- con's Orders, 1940; Elder's Orders, 1943; mem. Eastern Star (dist. dep. grand matron, 1941), Missouri Fed. Women's Clubs (p. cor. and rec sec), Chap. T. of P.E.O. (p. pres.), D.A.R. (p. regent), WBA (chap), White Shrine, Rebekah, V.F.W. Aux. ; organized Chillicothe chap. American War Mothers, first pres. Desc. of John Jackson, same lineage as Stone- wall Jackson, g.d. of Ruben Rusk of Un- ion Army. Interests: pub. speaking, col- lecting poems. Recreation: motoring. Methodist. Republican. DA VIES, Isiah, army officer; b. on farm nr. Columbus, Kan., 12 July 1890; s. William Benjamin and Mollie (Cal- vert D.; ed. pub. and high schs. in Kan.; m. Beatrice Whitaker, 2 June 1915; children— Zela Louise (wife of Lt. Col. Robert C. McBride), Virginia Lee (wife of Charles W. Corbett). Private, Inf., May 1912 to Feb. 1914; transferred to Aviation Sect., Signal Corps, Air Corps and Army Air Forces, Feb. 1914, and advanced through the grades to brig, gen., 21 Apr. 1942; rated command pilot and combat observer; now chief of staff, Eleventh Air Force, Pacific Thea- tre of Operations; comd. squadron under Gen. Wm. Mitchel during bombing dem- onstrations off Va. Capes in 1921, when the German battleships were sunk, the first to be sunk by bombs. Mason. Club: Army and Navy (Washington, D. C). Home : Route 3, Baxter Springs, Kan. DAVIDSON, James Edward, business exec; b. Flint, Mich. 10 Nov. 1879; s. Wilbur Fisk Davidson, elec util. exec, and Margareta Page (Turner) D.; ed. Port Huron (Mich.) high sch.; m. Edith Lisle Stokes of Phila., 15 Apr. 1903; chil- dren — James Edward, Jr., John Stokes, Dorothy Burnham (Mrs. Thos. B. Cole- man, Jr.). Supt. Port Huron Light and Power Co., Mich., 1899-1905; with Con- solidated Lighting Co., Montpelier, Vt., 1905-10, started as mgr., became pres. and gen. mgr.; gen. mgr., Pacific Power and Light Co., Portland, Ore., 1910-12, v.p. and gen. mgr., 1912-17; v. p. and gen. mgr., Nebraska Power Co., Omaha, Ne- braska, 1917-28, pres. 1928—; dir. Occi- dental Bldg. and Loan Assn., Union Stock Yards Co., South Omaha Terminal R.R., Chicago Great Western Railway; tr. Fr. Flanagan's Boys' Home; State dir. of personnel, mem. exec, com., Om- aha Chap, of Red Cross, exec. com. War Savings Stamp Campaign, mem. 1st and 2nd Liberty Loan Com. during World War I; mem. Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, (pres.; King XXIX , 1923), Greater Om- aha Assn. (mem. exec, com.), Omaha Chamber of Commerce, Sojourners (hon- orary), Edison Elec. Inst. (mem. adv. com.); Assn. Edison Illuminating Cos. (mem. exec, com., pres. 1936-39), Nat. Electric Light Assn. (pres. 1925-26) ; ex- ecutive dir. Omaha Civilian Defense Council, 1941 — ; Newcomen Soc. of Eng- land, Shrine (Tangier Temple, p. poten- tate), Elks, Odd Fellows. Clubs: Ad-Sell, Rotary, Stock Yards 400, Omaha, Oma- ha Country, Omaha Field, Omaha Ath- 1043 letic, Highland Country. Named Oma- ha's First Citizen, 1929, Cited for "out- standing service to his community, state and nation" by V.F.W., 1942. Author: nu- merous papers and pamphlets on elec- trical topics. Recreations: golf, fishing, hunting, ice skating. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Home: 109 S. 53d St. Office: 811 Electric Bldg., Omaha, Neb. CUSHMAN, Ralph Spaulding, clergy- man and bishop; b. Poultney, Vt., 12 Nov. 1879; s. Allerton Earl Cushman, ins., bus. man, and Nellie G. (Honey) C. ; ed. Troy Conf. Acad.; Ph.B., Wesleyan Univ., 1902, D.D. (hon.), 1918, LL.D. (hon.), 1937; LL.D. (hon.), Cornell Col- lege, 1933; m. Maud Hammond, 20 Aug. 1902; children— Mable Elizabeth (Mrs. Insley J. Stiles), Rev. Robert Earl. Pas- tor, Bryantville, Mass., Danielson, Con- necticut, Fall River, Mass., Geneva, N. Y., 1902-16; exec, sec, Stewardship De- partment, Meth. Episc. Chs., Inter- Church World Movement, 1916-19; pas- tor, Asbury First Meth. Ch., Rochester N.Y., 1919-32; Bishop, Meth. Episc. Ch., Denver, Colo., 1932-39, St. Paul, Minn., 1939 — ; pres., World Stewardship Union; pres., Anti-Saloon League of Am.; 1st president United Stewardship Council; chmn. Commn. on Evangelism Meth. Episc. Church, 1934-39; mem. Interprof. Inst. (St. Paul), Delta Kappa Epsilon. Author: Studies in Stewardship; Dealing Squarely With God; The New Christian; Spiritual Hilltops; Dear Bob; Practicing the Presence; I Have a Stewardship, A Pocket Prayer Book, Hilltop Verses & Prayers; A Pocket Book of Faith. Desc. Robert Cushman, bus. agt. for Plymouth Colony. Methodist. Independent. Office: 32 S. Snelling Av, St. Paul. Home: 1987 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn.; (summer) Romulus, N.Y. HOEFFEL, Adelaide Doolittle, physi- cian and surgeon; b. Walworth County, Wis., 8 Nov. 1867; d. Ira E. Doolittle, farmer, mcht., and Hannah Jane (Thompson) H. ; ed. State Normal Coll.; M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll. of Chicago, 1903 (first honor grad. of Hahnemann Med. Coll.); m. John Francis Hoeffel of Oconto, Wis., 25 Jan. 1888; 1 son— Basil Doolittle. Clinical instr. and adjunct pro- fessor of pediatrics, Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1908; asst. attending physician at Hahnemann Hosp., 1910; served in Med. Reserve Corps duration of World War; mem. A.M.A., Fellow A.M.A., 111. State Med. Soc. and Chicago Med. Soc; First Aid Instr. for duration World War II. Clubs: Medical Women of Chicago (pres. 1937), Chicago Council of Med. Women (state chmn. Pub. Health and Child Hy- giene, 1942-44), Woodlawn Woman's, Chi- cago Woman's, (dir. Home and Public Welfare, 1944-46). Travel: U.S., W. Ind., Mex., Palestine, Turkey, Gr., It., Fr., Egypt, Brit. Isles Can., Tunis, Algiers Venzuela. Interests: art (life mem. Chi- cago Art Inst.), travel by motor car. Recreations : golf, swimming, archery. Address: 1532 E. Marquette Rd., Chica- go, 111. Summer home : Birchwood by the Pines, Suring, Wis. COVINGTON, Annette, portrait paint- er; b. Cincinnati, 14 May 1872; d. John I. Covington, ins. expert, and Clara J. (Pumphrey) C. ; ed. Miss Armstrong's Sch., Bartholomew's; Art Acad., Cincin- nati; Packers Coll. Inst., Brooklyn; Art Students League, N.Y. ; A.B., Western Coll., Oxford, Ohio, 1895. Faculty mem., Lake Forest Univ. 4 yrs.; assoc. in art, Univ. of Chicago, 8 yrs. ; portrait paint- er, 1909 — ; one year spent in Japan, painting; Baconian student, 1922 — ; gave Baconian lectures to A.A.U.W., Walnut Hills, Hughes High Sch. classes on orig- inal Baconian studies, 1944-45; member Am. Assn. Univ. Women, State Bd., Ohio Fedn. of Music Clubs, 8 yrs. Club: Wo- man's Art (p. pres., prize winner, p. mem. publicity bd.). Author: Notes of a Baconian; Baconian Problems; articles in London Baconiana and Deutsche Ba- coniana. Travel: Eur., Japan. Desc. of Samuel Fulton who came to region about 1796, settled in Aurora and Rising Sun, Ind. Recreations: walking, playing pi- ano. Republican. Address: 5542 Coving- ton Av., Madisonville, Cincinnati, O. CARSON, William James, surgeon; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., 23 Feb. 1892; s. James Allingham Carson and Martha (Boyle) C; ed. Univ. Pittsburgh; M.D., Univ. Md., 1913; m. Elizabeth Gunning of Lon- aconing, Md., 4 May 1915. Interne Franklin Sq. Hosp., Baltimore, 1 yr., Presbyterian Hosp., Pittsburgh, 1 year; grad. work in pathology, Univ. Pa., 4 mos.; resident, Anchor Hosp., St. Paul, Minn., 18 mos.; instr. pathology and bac- teriology, Univ. Md., 1919-20, asso. in pathology and bacteriology, 1920-21, as- sociate prof, pathology and inst. sur- gery, 1921-26; pvt. practice, Milwaukee, 1 July 1926—; surg., St. Luke's Hosp., 1928 — , Milwaukee County Dispensary, 1926-39; cons, surg., St. Alphonsus Hosp., Port Washington, 1941 — , Johnston Emer- gency Hosp., 1943 — ; instr. surgery, Mar- quette Univ., 1926 — ; preceptor surgery, Univ. Wis., 1930 — ; mem. edit. bd. Jour. Internat. Coll. Surg., 1938—, Jour. Plas- tic Surg., 1941—; served as 1st It., U.S. 1044 Med. Corps, 1917-19, with 78th Div. A.E. F. ; Dipolmate Am. Bd. Surgeons; fellow A.M.A., mem. A.A.A.S., A.C.S., Am. Urological Assn, Western Surg. Assn., Am. Assn for Surg Trauma, Am Assn. Hist. Med., Hist. Sci. Soc, Internat. Coll. Surgs., Wis. Acad, of Surg, (pres., 1938), Milwaukee Clinical Club (pres. 1928), Assn. Mil. Surgs., Am. Interprof. Inst, (pres. Milwaukee Chapter, 1935, Nation- al pres., 1943), Alpha Kappa Kappa. Mason (K.T., 32d deg.). Clubs: Univer- sity, Walrus. Author: 95 arts, on surg. path, and exptl. surg. in various med. jours. Interests: history of science, col- lecting early surgical works. Presbyte- rian. Republican. Office: 425 E. Wiscon- sin Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 2545 N. Prospect Av., Milwaukee, Wis. CALDERWOOD, Willis Greenleaf, pro- hibition advocate; b. Trenton Twp., Dodge Co., Wis., 25 July 1866; s. Rev. John and Emily Bethia (Greenleaf) C; grad. Wasioja (Minn.) Sem., 1886; B.S., Am. Corr. Univ., 1890; m. Alice M. Cox, 1892. Teacher pub. schs., N.D., comml. coll., Minneapolis, Minn., 1890-03; jr. of- ficer N.W. Life Assn., (N.W. National Life Insur. Co.), Minneapolis, 1893-97; an organizer and treas., Ministers Life and Casualty Union, Minneapolis, 1900-1938; exec. sec. Minn. Prohibition Com., 1897- 1910; chmn., 1910-20; sec. Nat. Prohibi- tion Com., 1905-12, v. chmn., 1916-20; campaign mgr. for C. H. Randall (elect- ed to congress as Prohibitionist), 1914; managed special prohibition party cam- paigns in Mass., N.Y., Calif., etc.; also campaigned in Australia 1921-23, 1939- 40; dir. civics and orgn. depts. Minn. Temp. Movement, 1938-42. Mem. Pi Gamma Mu. Author: Prohibition Facts, 1932, 33, 35; Temperance Facts; Hold That Line; Cold Facts on a Burning Question; many pamphlets, etc.; oper- ated nation-wide temperance press ser- vice for 12 yrs. Travel: nearly all of states of U.S., Can., and Australia. Ad- dress: 986 Fifteenth Av. S.E., Minneap- olis 14, Minn. BURCHWOOD, Katherine A. Tyler, art educator; b. Portland, Ore.; d. of Lewis Morris and Ellen (Richmond) Ty- ler; m. Louis F. Burchwood, 24 Nov. 1943; ed. School of Portland Art Assn.; B.A. in Edn., Art Inst, of Chicago, 1916; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1927, A.M., in 1931. Asst. supervisor Pub. Sch. Art, Evanston, 111.; lecturer on art ed. Syra- cuse Univ., summer term, 1933; now art educator in secondary sch. art, Chicago Pub. Schs.; mem. Nat. Edn. Assn., Art Edn., (nat. councillor, 1936-37); Coll. Art Assn. of Am.; Soc. of Mayflower De- scendants; D.A.R.; Daughters of Foun- ders and Patriots of Am.; Nat. Soc. of New England Women; Univ. of Chicago and Art Inst, of Chicago Alumni Assns. Episcopalian. Author: numerous articles on Art Edn. Home: 1305 Lincoln St., Evanston, 111. BROWN, Victor Lawrence, exec; ed. Univ. of Wis.; Harvard Univ.; m. Har- riet Zens; children -Mrs. N. W. Osher, Mrs. N. B. Nichols. Engaged in law practice, Milwaukee, Wis., 1896-1903; in lumber business in Ala., 1904-09; invest- ment banking N.Y. City, 1910-11; motor truck mfr., Milwaukee, Wis., 1919-20, pres. Sterling Motor Truck Co.; pres. Motors Acceptance Co. since 1921; chmn. bd. Financial Service Co. of Am., First Credit Co.; legal adviser to U.S. Selec- tive Service System in World War; pres. Travelers Aid Soc, 1922-27; Citizens Bu- reau 1924-30; Civic Concert Assn., 1926- 35; Nat. Assn. Sales Finance Cos., 1929- 32; bd. trustees Lake School for Girls, 1932-34; Am. Finance Conf., 1942-43; mem. Milwaukee, Wis. and Am. Bar Assns. Clubs: Milwaukee, Milwaukee Country, Milwaukee Athletic, City, Uni- versity, Wisconsin Alumni, Harvard. Of- fice: 735 N. Water St. Home: 2690 N. Lake Dr., Milwaukee, Wis. BEARDSLEY, Grenville, lawyer; b. Salem, la., 12 Jan. 1898; s. Frank G. Beardsley, minister, and Mary E. (Rid- dell) B.; ed. Wyandotte High Sch., Kan. City, Kan.; A.B., Knox Coll., 1917; 111. Wesleyan Univ. Law Sch.; Univ. Tex. Law Sch.; LL.B., John Marshall Law Sch., 1923; m. Leona M. Murray of Chi- cago, 16 Apr. 1927; 1 son— Frank G., III. Admitted to bar, 111., 1923; engaged in pract. law, Chicago, 1923 — ; mem. firm, La Rochelle, Brooks & Beardsley; spl. asst. atty. gen. of 111., 1941 — ; spl. mas- ter in chancery, U.S. Dist. Ct., No. Dist. of 111., 1941—; asst. state atty., Cook Co., 1929-33; pvt., army field clerk, U.S.A. World War I; capt., major and It. col., U.S.A., World War II; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Chicago Bar Assn. (chmn. com. on adminstrn. criminal justice, 1936-38, mem. bd. mgrs., 1938-40), 111. State Bar Assn. (chmn. sect, on criminal law, 1940—). Travel: Porto Rico, Trinidad. Brazil, Ascension I., Gold Coast, French Eq. Africa, Sudan, Eritrea, Arabia, In- dia, Persia, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Morocco Azores, Newfoundland, Can., U.S. Ancestors settled in 111. about 1840. Recreations: golf, horseback riding. Re- publican. Home: 10900 S. Oakley Av. Office: 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 1045 THOMAS, Benjamin Piatt, author, livestock breeder; b. Pemberton, N.J., 22 Feb. 1902; s. Benjamin Piatt and Martha (Johnson) T. ; student Baltimore (Md.) City Coll., 1916-20; B.A., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1924, PhD., 1929; m. Salome C. Kreider, 26 Dec. 1929; chil- dren — George Kreider, Martha Louise, Sarah Hathaway. Asso. prof, history Bir- mingham (Ala.) Southern Coll., 1929-32; exec. sec. The Abraham Lincoln Assn. Springfield, 111., 1932-36; mem. firm Wel- ler. Thomas & Campbell, ins. and property management, 1936-45; Thomas & Rigg, purebred livestock, since 1943; dir. National Casualty Co.; dir. Memo- rial Hosp. of Springfield; dir. The Abra- ham Lincoln Assn. Mem. Springfield Chamber of Commerce (president 1941), Delta Upsilon. Republican. Member Christian Ch. Clubs: Illini Country, Sangamo (Springfield). Author: Lin- coln, 1846-1853, Abraham Lincoln Assn.. 1936. Home: 1910 Wiggins Av., Spring- field, 111. WHERRY, Kenneth S., U.S. senator; b. Liberty, Neb., 28 Feb. 1892; s. David Emery and Jessie (Comstock) W. ; B.A., Univ. of Neb., 1914, student Harvard, 1915-16; m. Marjorie Colwell, 15 Sept. 1920; children — Marilyn, David Colwell. Began as businessman and atty. 1915; opened branch offices of Wherry Bros, at Wymore and Humboldt, Neb., oper- ated former, 1915-35, latter, 1915-26; ac- tive distributor autos, implements, fur- niture, livestock 1918-30; also licensed embalmer and funeral dir. in Neb., Kan., la., and Mo.; maintained offices in Summerfield, Kan., and Pawnee City and Tecumseh, Neb. U.S. senator from Neb., term 1943-49. With U.S. Naval Fly- ing Corps, 1917-19. Mem. 2 regular and 2 spl. sessions, Neb. legislature. 1929- 32; president Founders' Day 1938; Rep. state chmn., 1939-42; Rep. Midwest dir. for 22 states, 1941-42; mayor, Pawnee City, 1929-31, 1938-43; mgr. Wherry Bros. Co. Trustee Neb. Wesleyan Univ. Mem. Neb. State and Am. bar assns., Am. Legion, Beta Theta Pi. Presbyterian. Republican. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Round Table, Public Service, Lions, Ki- wanis (Pawnee City). Home: Pawnee City, Neb. ROSENBLUM, Philip, pediatrician; b. Chicago, 111., 30 June 1891; s. Abel Ben- jamin and Rena (Frankel) R. ; M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1913; m. Juliet Frances Meyer, 22 Dec. 1928; children —Ann Rena, James Philip. Engaged in pvt. practice of medicine, specializing in pediatrics, since 1920; asst. prof, ped- iatrics Univ. of 111., 1927-39; attending pediatrician Cook County Hosp., 1926-38. Michael Reese Hosp. since 1934; sec. med. advisory staff Sunset Camp for Cardiac Children since 1936. Served as capt. Med. Corps, A.E.F., 1917-19. Mem. Chicago Pediatric Soc. (pres. 1940-41), Chicago Heart Assn. (officer), Am. Acad. Pediatrics, A.M. A., Inst, of Medi- cine of Chicago, Chicago Med. Soc. Democrat. Jewish religion. Mason. Club: Standard (Chicago). Home: 5719 Kenwood Av. Office: 104 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. McFARLAND, Wilma K., editor; b. Estherville, la., 5 Jan. 1890; d. William M. and Florence (Conaway) McFarland; ed. Simpson Coll. ; Drake Univ. (Des Moines, la.) and Columbia Univ.; m. Dr. Ralph Reed, 12 July 1925. Asst. editor, Church School publications for Methodist Episcopal Ch., 1909-14; be- came editor, The Portal mag., Cincin- nati, 1914; helped organize Church School Syndicate, becoming editor and buyer of manuscript and art for 35 af- filiated denominations; editor in chief Child Life Mag. since 1938. Lecturer at univs. and before educational socs. Ac- tive in civic affairs, Cincinnati, and one of twelve specially honored citizens for work in obtaining city charter, 1924. Home: 66 E. Hollister St. Office: 405 Mercantile Library Bldg., Cincinnati 2, O. POTTS, Joshua R. H., lawyer; b. on farm nr. Kingston, N. J., 9 Feb. 1875; s. John M. and Sarah V. (Soden) P.; ed. pub. schs., N.J; Trenton Business Coll.; Princeton Prep. Sch.; Columbia Univ. Law Sch.; Univ. of Tenn. ; m. Adelaide S. Ereon, 11 May 1898; chil- dren — Helen (Mrs. Eugene Vincent Clarke, of Highland Park, 111.), Evelyn, Adelaide (Mrs. Basel H. Brune, of Park Ridge, 111.). Admitted to N.J. bar, 1897, 111. bar, 1899, and since practiced in Chicago. Mem. Selective Service Sys- tem, Chicago Bd. 70 (awarded medal for service). Mem. 111. State Bar Assn., Chicago Law Inst. Republican. Method- ist. Grand Master Workman of Grand Lodge of 111., A.O.U.W., 1913-17; chmn. law com. of Consolidated Grand Lodges of Iowa, A.O.U.W. Mason (32d deg., K.T., Shriner) ; past master of Welcome Lodge No. 916, A.F. and A.M., and a past grand lecturer. Clubs: Optimist (ex- pres.), Executives. Author of works on patent law, trade-marks and copyrights, and writer of numerous articles on these subjects. Home: 2732 Geeenleaf Av. Of- fice: 160 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. 1046 THOMPSON, David Orrin, editor; b. Simpson, Kan., 16 Oct. 1881; s. Orrin David and Caroline (Punk) T.; B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1905; m. Cellah A. Water- house, 28 Sept. 1907; children— Cellah Kathleen, Dorothy (Mrs. G. C. Daniel- son), David Orrin. Began as agrl. ad- viser, 1905; successively county sch. teacher, country weekly newspaper edi- tor, county agri. sch. principal, 1905-15; animal husbandry extension, Purdue Univ., 1910-15; farm adviser, McLean County, Bloomington, 111., 1915-19; exec, sec, 111. Agrl. Assn., Chicago, 1919-26; mem. editorial staff, Prairie Farmer Pub. Co., Agrl. Broadcasting Co., Dir. Agrl. Relations, Grocery Mfrs. of Am., New York City, 1945. Mem. Ag. Council, Navy League, Sigma Delta Chi. Clubs: Ag, Union League (Chicago). Author: Songs that Mother Used to Sing; contbr. articles to professional journals and ra- dio station WLS. Home: 31 Howard Parkway, New Rochelle, N.Y. Office: 205 E. 42nd St., New York, N.Y. LEWIS, Edwin Colby, lawyer; b. Bry- an, Texas, 29 March 1880; s. Edwin Colby Lewis, photographer, and Kate (Devine) L. ; ed. St. Johnsbury, (Vt.) Acad.; A.B., Yale, 1901; Univ. of Chi- cago Law Sch.; L.L.B., Detroit College of Law, 1907; m. Grace Hays Thomp- son of Detroit, 19 Oct. 1912. Taught mathematics at St. Johnsbury Acad., 1901-02 and at Detroit Univ. Sch., 1902- 07; admitted to Bar in 1907; in practice of law in Michigan since 1907 ; ; now member of firm, Lewis & Watkins; mem. Am. Bar Assn., State Bar of Mich., Detroit Bar Assn., Assn. of the Bar of the City of New York, Detroit Bd. of Commerce, Michigan Yale Alumni Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, (Yale), Phi Del- ta Phi (Chicago), Masonic Blue Lodge. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Boat, De- troit Country, Detroit Univ., Economic of Detroit. Recreation: fly fishing. Con- gregationalism Republican. Office: Lewis & Watkins, Ford Bldg. Home: 8120 E. Jefferson Av., Detroit, Mich. TOWNE, George Lewis, pres. publish- ing co.; b. Arlington, Neb., 3 May 1873; s. Nelson R. Towne, farmer, and Mar- garet Elizabeth (Crandall) T.; ed. Prep, dept., Univ. Neb.; A.B., Univ. Neb., 1895; grad. work, Univ. Chicago, 1896; m. Mabel Irene Tuttle of Lincoln, 12 Apr. 1904; children — Sarah Margaret, George E., Jean Elizabeth. Pres., Uni- versity Pub. Co. ; pres. Governmental Research Inst.; Dir. Dietrich, Field, Inc., sec, Lincoln Merchandise Mart.; mem, Chi Phi, Masons (Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite, Shrine), N.E.A. (life mem.), Lincoln Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: Neb. Schoolmasters, Lincoln University, Lincoln Country, Kiwanis. Presbyterian, (elder). Republican. Of- fice: 1126 Q St., Lincoln, Neb. Home: 1935 A St., Lincoln, Neb. RYAN, Edwin Groves, owner E. G. Ryan & Co.; b. Williamsville, 111., 13 Oct. 1885; s. Cornelius W* and Mary Ellen (Groves) R. ; student Univ. of 111., 1904-08; m. Florence M. James, 21 Apr. 1914; children — Mary Jane, Joanne, Jeanette. Began as salesman Printo- graph Co., Chicago, 1909; sales mgr. Reynolds Envelope Sealer Co., 1910-12; in business in own name as E. G. Ryan & Co., 1912-14; pres. Multicolor Sales Co. until 1932; now owner E. G. Ryan & Co. Mem. Chi Psi. Club: South Coun- try. Home: 4631 Ellis Av. Office: 727 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. VORYS, John Martin, congressman; b. Lancaster, O., 16 June 1896; s. Arthur Isaiah and Jeanny (McNeil) V.; A.B., Yale, 1918; J.D., Ohio State Univ., 1923; m. Lois West, 5 Feb. 1927; children- Martin West, Jeanny Esther, Mary. Teacher, Coll. of Yale in China, 1919-20; admitted to Ohio bar, 1923, and began practice in Columbus; partner firm Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease, 1926-38; vice pres., dir. Vorys Bros.; member of Congress, 12th Ohio Dist. since 1938 (Fgn. Affairs Com.); sec. Am. del., Conf. on Limitation of Armaments, Washing- ton, D.C., 1921-22; mem. Ohio Gen. As- sembly, 1923-24, Ohio Senate, 1925-26; 1st dir. of aeronautics, Ohio, 1929-30; dir. Columbus Y.M.C.A. Served as pilot, U.S. Naval Air Service, overseas, World War I; Civil Air Patrol Pilot, 1942. Mem- ber Columbus Bar Association (presi- dent, 1938), Ohio Bar Assn., Psi Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi, Delta Sigma Rho, Pi Sigma Alpha, Order of Coif. Republican. Methodist. Clubs: Rocky Fork Hunt and Country (Gahan- na, Ohio). Home: 1578 E. Long St., Columbus, Ohio. BRADBURY, Clifford Clarence, law- yer (patent) ; b. Richmond, Ind., 8 Sept. 1880; s. Wilbern K. (insurance) and Elizabeth (Lupton) B.; ed. Richmond High Sch.; B.S. (E.E.), Purdue Univ., 1904; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll Law, 1909; m. Dorothy Fairbanks (dec.) of Rochester, N.Y., 7 Sept. 1911; children — Wilburn F., Arthur D., Robert L., Ann; m. 2d, Marie Henderson, Land O'Lakes, Wis., 5 Feb. 1945. Patent law practice, 309 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Richmond, Ind. Mem. Am. Patent Bar Assn., Chi^ 1047 cago Patent Law Assn. Clubs: Rotary, Elks, Forest Hills Country (Richmond, Ind.). Recreation: golf. Republican. Of- fice: First Nat. Bank Bldg., Richmond, Ind. Home: Liberty Rd., Richmond, Ind. PRICE, Griffith Baley, mathematician and professor; b. Brookhaven, Miss., 14 Mar. 1905; s. Walter Edwin Price and Lucy (Baley) P.; ed. Clinton (Miss.) High Sch.; B.S., Miss. Coll., 1925; M.A., Harvard Univ., 1928; Ph.D., 1932; m. Cora Lee Beers of Janesville, Wis., 18 June 1940. Instr., Miss. Coll., 1925-26, 1929-30; instr. math., Harvard Univ., 1927-29, 1930-32; instr. math., Union Coll., 1932-33; instr. math., Univ. Rochester, 1933-36; instr. math., Brown Univ., 1936- 37; asst. prof, math., Univ. Kan., 1937- 39, asso. prof., 1939-43, prof., 1943—; instr., Harvard Summer Sch., 7 sum- mers; consultant, Operational Analysis Sect., Hdqrs. 8th Air Force, 1943-45; Post-Service Guggenheim Fellow, Sept. 1946-Sept. 47. Mem. Am. Math. Soc, Math. Assn. Am., Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, A.A.A.S. Author: numerous re- search papers in field of mathematics. Office: 205 Frank Strong Hall, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Home: 1621 Rhode Island St., Lawrence, Kansas. LESINSKI, John, congressman; b. Erie, Pa., 3 Jan. 1885; ed. St. Cyril and Methodius Sem., Detroit, Mich., and De- troit Business Univ.; m. 2d, Estelle Gei- singer, June 1938; 5 children by pre- vious marriage. Began in bldg. and real estate business, 1903; founder Hamtrack Lumber & Supply Co., First State Bank of Hamtramck, Dearborn (Mich.) Lum- ber Co. Mem. 73d to 79th Congresses (1933-47), 16th Mich. Dist. Democrat. Home: 7420 Oakman Blvd., Dearborn, Mich. UHRBROCK, Richard Stephen, psy- chologist with Procter & Gamble Co.; b. Baltimore, Md., 4 Aug. 1894; s. George Ernest Christian and Sarah Elizabeth (Redden) U.; ed. West Phila. High Sch.; Phila. Sch. Pedagogy, 1917; Univ Pa., 1918; B.S., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 1920, M.A., 1921; A.M, Columbia, 1923, PhS., 1928; m. Esther L. Gate- wood of McConnelsville O., 1 Sept. 1927; children — Margaret Ann, Ellen Eliza- beth. Teacher, Phila. pub schs., 1917-18; employment supervisor, Wester Union Tel. Co., New York, 1921-23; research worker, Life Ins. Sales Res. Bur., Hart- ford, Conn., 1923-28; asst. prof, psychol ogy and personnel admnstrn., dept hotel admnstrn., Cornell Univ., 1928-30; head research dept. indsl. rel. div., Procter & Gamble Co. since 1930; asso. Psychol. Examining Corps, U.S Camps Green- leaf, Ga., Zachary Taylor, Ky., 1918; lecturer, evening, Coll. Cincinnati, 1931- 33; summers, Pittsburgh, 1923 Cornell, 1932, eng. camp, Stevens Inst. Tech., 1937; conf. leader on Employee Test- ing, Nat. Assn. Mfrs., Winter Inst , Gal- veston, Texas, 1942; consultant, W.P.B., W.M.C., 1942-44; conf. leader on Selec- tion and Training Methods, Merchants and Mfrs. Assn., Palm Springs, Calif., 1946. Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Psy- chol. Assn. (chmn. com on qualifica- tions of indsl psychologists, 1936-37), Ohio Acad. Sci. (v. p. psychol. sect., 1933-34), Cincinnati Psychology Club (chmn. 1938-39), Ye Hosts, Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Gamma Mu, Sigma Xi. Author: Industrial Psychol- ogy as a Career; Interest as an Indica- tion of Ability; Analysis of the Downey Will-Temperament Tests; Job Analysis and the Curriculum (with E.K. Strong, Jr.); A Psychologist Looks at Wage In- centive Methods: Famous Americans (with A. A. Owens). Interest: pioneer his- tory of the West. Recreations: hiking, motoring. Office: care Procter & Gam- ble Co., Ivorydale, O. Home: Wyoming, Ohio. MOORE, Fred Holmsley, geologist; b. Comanche, Tex., 2 Nov. 1909; s. Robert Hartwell and Fannie (Holmsley) M; A.B., Tex. Tech. Coll., 1930; A.M., Univ. of Va., 1931; grad. work Yale, 1931-33; m. Grace Hunter, 26 July 1929 (dec); 1 dau., Mary Grace; m. 2d Ella Mae Handley, 11 Apr. 1941. Geologist U.S. Gypsum Co., 1933-35, Magnolia Petrol- eum Co., since 1935 (District Geologist since 1940), Mt. Vernon, 111. since 1942. Mem. Am. Geophysical Union, HI. Geol. Soc. (Past President), Assn. Petroleum Lecture Committee 1945 — ), Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha. Presbyterian. Author: Marbles and Limestones of Connecticut (State Conn.), 1935. Address: Box 535, Mt. Vernon, Illinois. SEESE, Edward Rohn, regional mgr. life ins.; b. Toledo, O., 28 Jan. 1896; s. S. Belden E. and Jessie (Rohn) S. ; student Kenyon Coll., Gambier, O., 1914 -16; A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1917; Univ. of Poitiers, France, 1918; J.D., Univ. of N.D., 1923; m. Kathryn Shaw, 20 Apr. 1918; children— Dorothea Marron, Kathryn Lattimore, William Dunbar. Admitted to N.D. bar, 1923; supt. of agencies, Great Northern Life Ins. Co., Grand Forks, N.D., 1919-24; divisional sales mgr., group ins. div., Metropoli- tan Life Ins. Co., since 1924, at Kansas 1048 City, Mo., 1924-28, Detroit, Mich., 1928, Chicago since 1928. Served as 1st It. 76th F.A. U.S.A., 1917-19. Trustee Ken- yon Coll., 1938-44. Mem. Bd. of Edn., Deerfield-Shields Twp. High School, 1933- 40;; mem. bd. of dirs., Bannockburn Sch., 1930-43. Pres. Gen. Alumni Assn. Kenyon Coll., (1936-38), Phi Delta Phi, Sigma Pi, Order of the Coif. Clubs : Uni- versity, Mid-Day, Exmoor Country. Home: 3750 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago; Monticello, Ind. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. O'BRIEN, William Claire, lawyer; b. Aurora, 111., 23 Aug. 1904; s. William J. and Mabel (Burns) O'B.; B.A., LL.B., Univ. of 111., 1927; m. Dorothy Ward, 26 Nov. 1936; children— Ward James, William Claire, Alberta Ann, Admitted to 111. bar, 1927. Mem. 111. State, Kane County and Aurora Bar Assns., Law Sch. Alumni Assn. Univ. of 111. (dir.), Pi Kappa Phi, Gamma Eta Gamma, Sigma Upsilon. Republican. Roman Catholic. K.C., Elk (Exalted Ruler). Clubs: Aurora Country, Gun, Flying and V x V. Home: 731 Garfield Av., Aurora, 111. Office: 32 S. River St., Aurora, 111. NETHERCUT, Glenway Warren, oph- thalmologist; b. Wauwatosa, Wis., 1 Jan. 1899; s. William Richard and Helen (Warren) N.; B.A., Oberlin (O.) Coll., 1921; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., Univ. of Chicago, 1926; m. Margaret Walker, 4 June 1927; children— Prances Whiting, Carol Warren. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1927, specializing in oph- thalmology ; attending opthalmologist Chicago (111.) Memorial Hosp. ; attend- ing ophthalmologist Chicago (HI. Eye and Ear Infirmary. Mem. A.M. A. (sect, ophthalmology), 111. State and Chicago Med. Socs., Am. Acad. Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, Chicago Ophthal. Soc, Moderator Chicago Congregation- al Assn. Exec. Com. Gen. Council of Con- gregational Christian Churches of Am.; Conglist. Home: 801 Fair Oaks Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 25 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. DAVISSON, Homer Gordon, landscape .painter; b. Blountsville, Ind., 14 Apr. 1866; s. Fernando Davisson, and Fanny (Blount) D.; ed. Blountsville (Ind.) Acad.; DePauw Univ.; Art Students League, N.Y.; Pa. Acad. Fine Arts; m. Bessie Byers, 24 Aug. 1926. Student, asst. teacher, art dept., DePauw Univ.; studied, N.Y. and Phila., Corcorian Art School, 1 year. In Europe, Royal Bava- rian Academy, Munich, also 3 yrs., in Europe; exhbtd. in leading exhbns.; rep- resented in many permanent Pub. and Pvt. collections: probably oldest prac- ticing artist in State; has taken many prizes and awards; former dir., now head of dept. of drawing and painting, Ft. Wayne Art Sch. ; mem. Hoosier Salon Brown Co. Gallery Assn. Club: Ind. Art- ists. Travel: 10 painting trips to Europe, painted in various parts, U.S. Three gen- erations of ancestors buried in Ind. soil. Interest : etching. Recreation : sketching trips. Presbyterian. Republican. Studio: 331 W. Pontiac St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Summer res.: Somerset, Ind. YOUNGE, Jacob, owner J. Younge Grain Co.; b. Bremerverde, Germany, 12 Feb. 1876; s. Adolph and Marie (Well- suzen) Y. ; student pub. schs., Roanoke, 111.; m. Millie Saal, 20 June 1900; chil- dren — George Herbig, Paul Adolph. Telegraph operator, Santa Fe R.R., Min- onk, 111., 1894-95, cashier, Pekin, 111., 1896-1900; joint traffic mgr. Acme Har- vester Co. and Wilson Provision Co., Peoria, 111., Am. Distilling Co., Pekin, 111.; sec.-treas. in charge sales and pur- chases Wilson Grocery Co., Peoria, 111., 1901-10; sec.-treas. Wilson Cattle Co. Joint traffic mgr. Wilson Cattle Co., and Am. Distilling Co., Pekin, 111., Wilson Provision Co., Peoria, 111., 1911-28; pres. Peoria Transportation Club, 1929; mgr. in charge of operations Am. Commercial Alcohol Corp., Pekin, 111., 1929-34; v.p. Am. Distilling Co., subsidiary of Am. Commercial Alcohol Corp., Pekin, 111., 1935-Mar. 1940; owner J. Younge Grain Co., Peoria, 111., since Oct. 1939; first vice pres. and chmn. finance com. Peoria Board of Trade, 1944. pres. Peoria Board of Trade, 1945. Repub- lican. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Rotary (Pekin, 111.), Country. Creve Coeur, Transportation (Peoria, 111.). Mem. Hon. Order Ky. Colonels. Home: 506 Bradley Av. Office: Room 26-28, Board of Trade Bldg., Peoria, 111. TIFFANY, (Lewis) Hanford, prof, bot- any; b. Lawrenceville, 111., 29 July 1894; s. Charles Edward and Mary Frances (Hull) T.; grad. Eastern 111. State Teachers Coll., 1915; B.S., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1920; M.S., Ohio State Univ., 1921, Ph.D., 1923; m. Loel Zehner, 10 Sept. 1921. Began as teacher in pub. schs., 1912; instr. in botany, O. State Univ., 1920-25, asst. prof., 1925-28, asso. prof., 1928-32, prof. 1932-37; prof, of botany and chmn. dept. of botany, Northwestern Univ. since 1937; William Deering prof, of botany since 1945; asso. in crypto- gamic botany, Chicago Nat. Hist. Mu- seum since 1944; prof, of algology. Stone Lab., summers 1928-36; bus. mgr. Ohio 1049 Jour. Sci., 1920-30. Served as 2d It. field arty., U.S.A., 1918. Patron Smithsonian Institute. Fellow A.A.A.S., Ohio Acad- emy of Science; mem. Am. Society of Naturalists, , Bot. Soc. America, Ecol. Soc. America, Ecol. Soc. America. Am. Microscopic Soc. (pres. 1934), Lim- nol. Soc. of America (pres. 1939), Am. Soc. Plant Physiology, Am. Soc. Plant Taxonomy, Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., 111. Acad. Science, Chicago Acad. Sciences (bd. of govs, since 1941), Cowles Bot. Soc, Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha. Repub- lican. Club: Univ. (Evanston) ; Chaos (Chicago). Author: The Oedogoniaceae, 1930; Work Book in General Botany (with E.N. Transeau and H. C. Samp- son), 1934; Algae, the Grass of Many Waters, 1938; Text Book of Botany (with E. N. Transeau and H. C. Sampson), 1940; The Study of Plants, 1944. Contbr. to scientific jours. Home: 1606 Hinman Av., Evanston, 111. WAUGH, William Francis, lawyer; b. Chicago, 24 Aug. 1892; s. William Fran- cis and Helen (Nauman) W. ; student New York Mil. Acad., Utah Agrl. Coll.; LL.B., Loyola Univ., Chicago, 1916; m. Florence M. Kennedy, 18 Jan. 1917; 1 son — Robert William (Cpl., Marine Corps). Admitted to 111. bar, 1916, and since in practice at Chicago; 1st asst. U.S. atty. Northern Dist. of 111., Chicago, 1923-25; mem. firm Waugh & McClellan. Has specialized for past 20 yrs. in the trial of cases in the federal courts. Served as capt. infantry, U.S. Army, World War I; Lt. Col., J.A.G.D., World War II. Mem. 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Chicago Law Inst., Am. Legion (comdr., Dept. of Illinois 1940-41); Vet- erans of Foreign Wars; AMVETS; Fifth Army Assn. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason. (32 deg., Shriner). Clubs: Chi- cago Athletic, Medinah Country. Home: 7733 N. Marshfield Av. Office: 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. WALKER, Lewis M., grain, coal and seed merchant; b. Brooklyn, 111., 30 May 1892; s. John Henry and Lydia Frances (Wal) W.; student 111. State Normal Univ., 1911-13; m. Ethel M. Wykle, 26 Feb. 1916; 1 dau. — Donna (Mrs. Marvin N. Stanford). Principal of sch., Maho- met, 111., 1913-15; grain, coal and seed merchant, Ridgeville, 111., 1917-28, Gil- man Community High Sch. Bd.; v. p., mem. bd. of dirs. Iroquois Hosp., Wat- seka, 111.; dir. First Nat. Bank, Gilman, 111.; county chmn. Nat. War Fund, (2 years); trustee Onarga (111.) Military School; supervisor Ridgeland Township. Iroquois County Mem. State Teachers Coll. Bd., Chicago Bd. of Trade. Mason (32 deg., Danville Consistory; Shriner, Mohammed Temple). Republican. Pres- byterian. Clubs: Rotary (past dist. gov., Rotary Internat., dist. 148), Commercial (Gilman). Address: Gilman, 111. BIPPUS, Rupert Frederick, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 21 Feb. 1890; s. Fred- erick J. and Minnie (Dodd) B.; ed. pub., and high schs., Chicago; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1913, LL.M., 1914; m. Esther A. Erickson, 1 June 1915; 1 dau. —Betty Jane. Admitted to 111. Bar, 1913; mem. of firm Bippus, Rose, Burt and Pierce, asst. prosecuting atty. of City of Chicago, 1915-22; atty. for West Park commrs., Chicago, 1923-24, security com- missioner, State of 111., 1930-33; adviser to State Treas. of 111. on matters of fi- nance, banking and investments, 1942- 46; adviser to Sec. of State of State of 111., 1944-45, master in chancery, Circuit Court of Cook County, formerly instr. on law of conveyancing and spl. lectur- er, Chicago Central Coll. Commerce; former instr. on law on contracts, John Marshall Law School, spl. lecturer on the "Illinois Securities Law," former mem. Nat. Exec. Com. and pres. Cen- tral States group of Nat. Assn. Securities Commnrs. Mem. West Suburban Bar As- sociation (past pres.), Am., 111. State, and Chicago Bar Assns., Phi Sigma Kap- pa, Phi Alpha Delta, Navy League of U.S. Author: Duties and Legal Liabili- ties of Bank Directors and Officers, 1928. Home: 654 N. Pine Av. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. COWLES, Gardner, Jr., publisher, b. Algona, la., 31 Jan. 1903; s. Gardner and Florence M. (Call) C; grad. Phil- lips Exeter Acad., 1921; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1925; LL.D., Drake Univ., 1942; m. Lois Thornburg, 17 May 1933; chil- dren—Lois, Gardner III, Kate. Began as city editor Des Moines Register, 1925, news editor 1926-27, asso. mng. editor, 1927, mng. editor 1927-31, exec, editor Des Moines Register and Tribune, Des Moines, la., 1931-39, asso. publisher 1939- 43, pres. since 1943; pres. Register and Tribune Co., Cowles Broadcasting Co., Atlantic Broadcasting Co., Cowles Mag- azines, Inc.; chmn. bd. Minneapolis Star- Journal and Tribune Co., Broadcasting Corp.; dir. Bankers Life Co., United Air Lines, Iowa-Des Moines Nat. Bank & Trust Co.; domestic dir. O.W.I. , Wash- ington, 1942-43, resigned; with Wendell Wilkie round-the-world flight, 1942; trus- tee Wendell L. Willkie Fund; pres. Gard- ner Cowles Foundation; treas. of Des Moines Pub. Welfare Bur., 1931-33; trus. 1050 Drake Univ., mem. Harvard Fund Coun- cil; mem. Am. Soc. Newspaper Editors (ex-mem. bd.), Des Moines Chamber of Commerce (dir., 1930-45), Greater Des Moines Com., Harvard Class of 1925, (treas.). Clubs: Des Moines, Wakonda (Des Moines) ; Harvard, Century, Uni- versity (New York) ; Chicago, Tavern (Chicago) ; Metropolitan (Washington, D.C.); Minneapolis (Minneapolis). Of- fice: Register and Tribune Company. Home: 50 W. 37th St., Des Moines, la. COGLEY, John Philip, surgeon; b. in Council Bluffs, la., 22 Mar. 1899; s. of Edward F. Cogley and Elizabeth G. (Stambach) C. ; ed. Creighton prep, sch.; Creighton Coll.; M.D., Creighton Univ. Sch. Med., 1921; post grad., Univ. Pa., 1924; m. Helen Gould Sprague (dec.) of Omaha, Neb., 17 Aug. 1917; children- Charlotte Ann, Kathleen Ann; m. 2d, Patricia E. Noonen of Dunlap, 25 Dec. 1940. Asso. prof, surgery, Creighton Uni- versity Coll. Med., 1921 — ; mem. exec, staff, Mercy Hosp., Council Bluffs, sur- gical dir. for Creighton Sch. Med., since 1934; dir. Cogley Clinic, Council Bluffs, assoc. with Drs. Edwards, Floersch, Brown, Kurth, Martin, and Mathiasen; pvt. Inf., U.S.A., during World War, It. col. M.C. Evac. Hosp. So. Pac; mem. A.M. A., la. State and Pottawattamie Co. Med. Soc, Am. Assn. R.R. Surgs., K.C, Am. Legion (Rainbow Post No. 2), Vet. Fgn. Wars Author: numerous surgical arts Interest: teaching surgery. Recrea- tions: riding, fishing, golf. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 6th floor, Bennett Bldg., Cogley Clinic, Council Bluffs, la. Home: Cogleywood, Council Bluffs, la. CONNORS, Edward Joseph, ry. offi- cial; b. Albany, N.Y., 4 May 1892; s. James J. and Anna E. (McManus) C. ; m. Cornelia Krueger, 25 Nov. 1917; 1 son— Edward K. Sta. helper N.Y.C. R.- R., 1907, clerical and supervisory posi- tions, 1908-15, yardmaster 1916-18; wage schedule expert U.S. R.R. adminstrn., 1918-20, examiner U.S. R.R., labor bd., 1920-22; asst. to v.p. Union Pacific R.R., 1923-37, asst. to pres., 1937-41, v.p. in charge of operations 1941-44; dir. Trans, port Personnel, O.D.T., May-Aug., 1944, dir. Railroad Operations, O.D.T., Sept., 1944-Feb. 1945; adviser to President of U.S. on railroad labor relations, Mar.- Aug., 1945; vice pres. Union' Pacific R.R. since Sept. 1945. Mem. Nat. Conf. Com. on railraod labor, wages, working con- ditions, employment, retirement and co- ordination. Clubs: Omaha, Omaha Coun- try (Omaha); Union League (Chicago). Home : 3160 Dodge St. Office : 1416 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. CONNOLE, Martha L., atty.-at-law; b. Carrollton, 111., 21 Sept. 1883; d. An- thony Connole, abstractor, and Mary (Markham) C. ; ed. Carrollton High Sch.; 111. State Normal Univ.; LL.B., St. Lou- is Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1917. Teacher schs. at White Hall and Carrollton, 111., 12 yrs.; admitted to Bar of 111., Oct. 1917; practiced law in East St. Louis, 111., Oct. 1917 — ; now specializing in Chancery, real estate and probate law; interested in civic affairs, women's clubs, etc.; public speaker before women's clubs, and orgns.; chmn. Council of Social Agencies, East St. Louis, 111.; served as Public Admr. of St. Clair Co., 1925-35; adv. bd., Div. for Delinquency Preven- tion, Dept. Pub. Welfare, 111.; 111. State Training Sch. for Boys Commn. ; Illinois Leg. Commn. to Study Social Problems Arising in Connection with Youthful Of- fenders; mem. local council of defense; served on Draft Bd., Woman's Com. of the Nat. Council of Defense, sec. Fuel Administration, East St. Louis during World War; mem. Red Cross Chapter (sec), Child Guidance Bur. (mem. bd.), Illinois State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn. Clubs: Business and Professional Wo- men's (one of organizers, p. mem. of Nat., local, 111. State Bds., pres.), Al- trusa. Travel: Eur., 1938 (attended and spoke at conf. of Internat. Fedn. Bus. & Prof. Women's Clubs, Budapest). Father was Union War Veteran. Interests : home in the country in the woods, 10 miles from office, study of delinquency of mi- nors. Recreation: cooking. Methodist. Republican. Office: 410-411 First Nat. Bank Bldg., East St. Louis, 111. Home: Fairview Subdivision, East St. Louis, 111. ASHTON, Frederic William, petrog- rapher, asst. research mgr. ; b. in Sa- guache, Colo., 27 July 1887; s. Clifford Ashton and Aurelia (Rauschelbach) A.; ed. Ballard high sch., Seattle, Wash.; A.B., Univ. of Washington, 1912, M.S., 1915; m. Katherine Larsen (nee Taylor) of Seattle, 1 Nov. 1933; children - L. George Larsen, Donald F., William C. Teacher, indsl. and gen. chemistry, Uni- versity of Washington; agr. chem. and soils, Univ. of Philippines, 1915-21, Seat- tle high schs., 1 yr. ; chemical and petro- graphic research on Portland Cement and related materials ; during World War served as (civilian) carbonization super- visor, C.W.S. producing cocoanut shell charcoal, Philippines; mem. Am. Chem. Soc. Author: papers on petrography. Travel: Philippines, China, Jap., Ha- 1051 waii, U.S. Interests: travel, music, soil, its uses and conservation. Office: Uni- versal Atlas Cement Co., Buffington, In- diana. Home: 7817 S. Ridgeland Av., Chicago 49, 111. KING, Arthur Woodruff, Jr., lumber- man; b. Duluth, 5 June 1910; s. Arthur W. King, lumber industry, and Margaret (Andrews) K. ; ed. Taft Sch., Watertown, Conn.; B.A., Yale, 1932. Sec. Woodruff Lumber Co., 1932-42; treas., Govern- mental Research Bur. of St. Louis Co.; pres. Minnesota Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1937-38; dir. U.S. Jr. C. of C, 1937-38, 1939-40; pres. Little Theatre of Duluth, 1937-39; dir. Duluth Civic Sym- phony Asso., 1939-41; mem. Duluth Jr. C. of C, C. of C, Kiwanis (dir. 1940-41), Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs : Northland Coun- try, Kitchi Gammi, Duluth Athletic. In- terests: Little Theatre, civic symphony, hist. lit. Recreation: boating. Episcopa- lian. Independent. Office: 817 Garfield Av., Duluth, Minn. Home: 2615 E. Third St., Duluth, Minn. BLAIN, Alexander William, surgeon; b. Detroit, Mich., 4 Mar. 1885; s. Alex- ander William Blain and Mary (Gray) B.; ed. M.D., Wayne Univ. Coll. of Med., 1906; M.S. (hon.), 1930; m. Ruby John- son of Detroit, 10 June 1918; children — Alexander III (M.D.), Shirley (Mrs. Hen- ry Bowes), Donald Gray. Interne, Harp- er Hosp., 1906-07, surgical resident, 1907- 08; jr. surgeon, 1901-17; sr. surgeon, St. Mary's Hosp., 1917-22, consulting sur- geon, 1922 — ; cons, surgeon, Receiving, Eloise, St. Francis Hosps.; instr. physi- ology, Sch. of Dentistry, Wayne Univ., 1909-11, instr. physiology, Sch. of Den- tistry, Wayne Univ., 1909-11, instr. sur- gical path., Med. Sch., 1911-29, prof, of surgery, 1929—; attending surgeon, Alex- ander Blain Hosp.; chief-of-staff, Blain Clinic, Detroit, Mich., 1911—; dir. Gor- gas Mem. Inst., Wash., D.C. Diplomate, Am. Bd. Surgery (Founders Group). Fel- low A.C.S. (gov.), A.A.A.S., N.Y. Acad. Sci. Mem. Pub. Welfare Commn, De- troit, 1926-33, (pres., 1931-32); Supts. of Poor of Wayne Co., 1926-33, Commn. of Conservation, State of Mich., 1939-45, Detroit Acad, of Surgery (p. pres.), Am. Soc. Mammalogists, Am. Ornithologists Union, Audubon Soc, Wilson Ornithol., Wayne Co. Med. Soc. (p. pres.), Cran- brook Inst. Sci., Alumni Assn. Wayne Univ. (pres., 1939-40, bd. of trustees), Cooper Ornithol. (Calif.), Am. Academy Polit. and Social Sci., Am. Forestry As- sociation, N.Y. Zoological Soc, Alpha Omega Alpha (1945), Nu Sigma Nu, Ma- sons, K.T., Shrine, Royal Socs. (Lon- don). Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Athletic. Author: numerous contbrs. to prof, jour- nals. Mem. editorial staff Wash. Inst, of Med. (Washington, D.C.) ; editorial bd., Revista Argentins-North Americana de Ciencias Medicos; Quarterly Rev. of Surgery; Gen. Practice Clinics; Jour, of Parenteral Therapy. Office: 2201 Jef- ferson Av., East, Detroit, Mich. Home: 494 Lodge Dr., Detroit, (summer) Blain Island, Waterford, Mich. HOEHLER, Fred Kenneth, dir. Div. Displaced Persons, UNRRA; b. Shenan- doah, Pa., 6 June 1893; s. Henry George Hoehler and Mina (Kimmel) H. ; ed. Central High Sch., Philadelphia, Pa.; B.S., Pa. State Coll., 1915; Univ. Cincin- nati; m. Dorothy Scovill Stevens of Cin- cinnati, O., 17 Oct. 1917, children — Caro- line Ann, Fred K., Jr. Forestry and em- ployment, lumber camp, 1915; gen. sec, Y.M.C.A., Univ. Cincinnati; sec. Alumni Assn., Univ. Cincinnati; asst. to pres. of Univ. Cincinnati; asst, dir., Berry Sch., Rome, Ga.; dir. pub. welfare, Cin- cinnati, and Hamilton Co., O., 1929-33; dir. safety, Cincinnati, 1933-35; pres. Am. Pub. Welfare Assn., 1933-35; lecturer on pub. adminstrn., formerly at Univ. Cin- cinnati, and Univ. Chicago; exec dir., Am. Pub. Welfare Assn., 1936—; chief, Relief & Rehabil., N. African Econ. Bd., 1943; chief London office, U.S. Off. Fgn. Relief and Rehabil., 1943-44; exec, dir., Joint Army & Navy Com. on Welfare and Recreation, Jan. 1941 — ; v. p., treas., Willadean Nurseries, Inc.; dir. Internat. Film Bureau; dir. Linton; dir. Roto-Cut Corp. ; pres. Nat. Conf. Social Work, 1943; mem. Survey Assos., Ind., (mem. bd. dirs.); chmn. exec, com., of White House Conf on Children in a Democ- racy; gen. advisory com., U.S. Chil- dren's Bur. (chmn. 1938-40), com. on long-range work and relief policies of Nat. Resources Planning Bd., com. on soc security, Social Sci. Res. Council; served as 1st It., F.A., 1917-19; mem. Am. Soc for Pub. Adminstrn., Am. Po- lit. Science Assn., Am. Assn. of Social Workers, Internat. Assn. Chiefs of Po- lice, Internat. Assn. City Managers, Ma- sons, Alpha Zeta. Clubs: Cincinnati Country, University, Gyro (Cincinnati, O.), Quadrangle (Chicago). Author: prof. arts, in Survey & Survey Graphic, Public management, Municipal Year Book, The Children, Social Service Re- view, Social Education, etc. ; mem. Am. Seminar studying in Eur. ; summer 1936, official del. to internat. conf. on admin- istrative sciences in Warsaw, studied coop, systems in Scandinavian countries. 1052 Interests: nature lore, forestry. Recrea- tions: riding, tennis, hiking, wood craft. Congregationalist. Independent Repub- lican. Office: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Adminstrn., Washington, D.C. Home: 3627 Edwards Rd., Cincin- nati, O. HOOD, Elizabeth Alice, supervisor of household arts; b. Racine, Wis., 26 Feb. 1877; d. Samuel Hood, lumberman, and Alice Ann (Coy) H. ; ed. Racine (Wis.) High Sch.; Ph.B., Univ. Chicago, 1918; M.A., Columbia Univ., 1922; Univ. of Calif.; Oxford Univ., Eng. ; Univ. Ha- waii, Toronto Univ., Can. Teacher, pub. schs., kindergarten, grades, jr. high, sr. high, Racine, Wis.; supervisor of house- hold arts, Racine to 1942; since retired; pres. State Administrative Women's Ed- ucation, 1936-37; mem. Am. Assn. Univ. Women (treas. local club, 1923-28, treas. Milk Fund, 1930—), World's Fed. Edn. Assns., N.E.A. (life mem.), Internat. Re- lations Com., 1932, Delta Kappa Gamma (life mem., pres. 1937 — 0, Pi Gamma Mu, Wis. Teachers Assn., Racine Teach- ers' Assn. (pres. 1941-42), Racine Sch. Bd., 1943—. Clubs: Woman's, Bus. and Prof. Woman's (pres. 1937-39). Author: Poems (book) 1941. Travel: China, Man- churia, Korea, Japan, P. I., U.S., Hawaii, Alaska, W.I., So. Am., Can. Interests: poems, art education travel. Recrea- tions: lectures on travel and education. Baptist. Republican. Home: 1715 Park Av. Office: City Hall, Racine, Wis. HOSTY, Thomas Edward, stock, bond and grain broker; b. Chicago, 111., 2 Jan. 1891; s. Luke Hosty, and Elizabeth (Sen- nett) H. ; ed. Crane High Sch., Chicago; m. Delia J. Nally, 17 Feb. 1917; children — Thos. E., Jr., Adele E., Patricia J., William L., John P. Messenger, Chicago Bd. Trade, 1905-07; employed Charles Sincere & Co., 1907, various capacities, partner 1923; sr. partner, Sincere & Co., Chicago, 111.; mem. New York Stock Ex- change, N.Y. Curb Exch., N.Y. Produce Exch., Phila. Bourse, Chicago Stock Ex- change, Chicago Bd. of Trade, 1937, Chi- cago Mercantile Exch., Winnepeg-Grain Exch., K.C. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Oak Park, Long Beach and Butterfield Country, Stayms (Chicago). Offices: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111.; 2 Broad- way, New York, N.Y. Home: 633 Frank- lin St., River Forest, 111. Summer res.: Long Beach, Ind. JARROW, Harry Walter, manufactur- er; b. Chicago, 111., 25 May 1883; s. Ja- cib Louis Jarrow, retail hardware, and Senie (Mitchell) J.; M.E., Armour Inst, of Tech., 1907; m. Henrietta Levy of Ashland, Wis., 23 Aug. 1916; children- Stanley L. Myles Atlass. Principal, Jar- row Products; dir., Leatherkraft, Ind.; enlisted and served during World War I, retiring with rank of major; served as mem. Ordnance Adv. Bd., 1939-41; service in World War II, retiring 1943 with rank of col. Mem. A.F.&A.M. Clubs: Standard, Ravisloe Country. Travel: Eur., So. Am., Mex., U.S. Inter- est: Boy Scouts. Recreations: golf, fish- ing. Office: 420 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1317 E. 52nd St., Chicago, 111. Summer res. : Ashland, Wis. JASPER, Thomas McLean, dir. re- search, engr. ; b. Cornwall, Eng., 25. Dec. 1882; s. Richard Jasper, farmer, and Lucinda (McLean) J. ; ed. East Cornwall Coll.; Univ. 111.; Univ. Wis., B.Sc, 1910, M.Sc, 1911, CE, 1920; m Hilda Julian of Cornwall, Eng, 1913, (dec); 1 son — Arthur McLean. Engr., Alvord & Burdick, Chicago 111.; exam- iner Civil Service Commn., Chicago, 111., 1911-15; commd. officer, British Es- peditionary Force, 1915-19; engr., J. L. Jacobs, Chicago, 111.; prof., Univ. Wis.; prof., Univ. 111., 1919-26; dir. res., A. O. Smith Corp., 1926-44; mgr., General Am. Transportation Corp., 1944 — ; mem. Mil- waukee Chamber of Commerce, A.S.M. E., A.S.C.E., A.S.M., A.S.T.M., Wiscon- sin Acad. Sci. Clubs: M.A.C., Union League (Chicago). Author: several tech. bulletins and papers with Nat. Research Council, Univ. 111., and several technical socs. Travel: Eur., Carribean countries. Three brothers and 3 cousins of g.f. settled in Wis., 1841 and 1843; many rel- atives came later. Interest: music. Rec- reation: golf. Protestant. Republican. Office: Gen. American Transportation Corp., Field Bldg. Home: Union League Club, Chicago, 111. JEFFERY, William Oats, Jr., exec; b. Soudan, Minn., 8 June 1896; s. William Oats Jeffery and Ellen (Richards) J.; ed. pub. schs.; student Univ. Coll. Sch., London, Eng., Northwestern Univ., 1919; m. Theresa White of Evanston, 111., 26 July 1924; children — Barbara Ann, Betty Jane, Jeannette, William Oats III. With Internat. Refining & Mfg. Co., Ltd.; salesman, dir. of sales, 1919-42, pres., 1942—; served with U.S.N. , 1918-19, U.S. N.R.F., 1919-21. Mem. Soc Automotive Engrs., Army Ordnance Assn., Phi Kap- pa Sigma. Republican. Methodist. Ma- son (Scottish Rite, Shriner). Rrecrea- tions : golf, fishing, hunting. Home : 2223 Central Park Av., Evanston, 111. Sum- mer res. : Lake Vermilion, Tower, Minn. Office: 2117 Greenleaf St., Evanston, 111. 1053 JENSEN, Lloyd B., bacteriologist; b. Alta, la., 20 Nov. 1896; s. Peter Jensen, mfr., and Hulda (Wigg) J.; ed. Alta High Sen.; B.A., State Univ. la., 1923; M.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1924, Ph.D., 1927; m. Frances M. McMahon of Chicago, 111. ; 1 dau. — Roalda. Chief bacteriologist, Swift & Co. ; formerly prof, and 1st asst. in bacteriology, Mayo Clinic and Foun- dation, Rochester, Minn.; editorial asso., Food Research. Served with 36th Div., A.E.F., 1917-19. Fellow Am. Pub. Health Assn.; mem. Soc. Am. Bacteriologists, Soc. 111. Bacteriologists (p. pres.), mem. Inst. Food Tech., 111. Pub. Health Assn., Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha. Author: A History of Viking Normandy; over 75 sci. pubis, in standard jours., 1st and 2d edits. Microbiology of Meats. Home: 7300 South Shore Dr. Office: Swift and Co., Chicago, 111. JONES, Hilton Ira, chemist; b. Man- kato, Minn., 9 May 1882; s. Addison Sprague Jones, teacher, sheriff, farmer, and Alice Nancy (Hilton) J.; ed. Winne- bago (Minn.) High Sch.; A.B., Parker Coll., 1903; A.M., Drake Univ., 1904; Harvard Univ., 1906-08; Univ. Chicago, 1908-09 (fellow); Ph.D., Univ. S.D., 1916; m. Blanche Wilson Pinkerton of Des Moines, la., 16 June 1908; children — Eu- genia, (Mrs. Clyde Peaster), Haydn, Lle- wellyn, Virginia (Mrs. R. W. Burrill), Harriette (Mrs. Thos. C. Shaw), Flor- ice. Teacher, East High Sch., Des Moines, la., 1904-06; chemist, B.O.&G.C. Wilson, 1907-08; teacher, Muskogee High Sch., 1909-12; head chem., Dakota Wes- leyan, 1912-18, Okla. A. & M., 1918-22; dir. research, Redpath Bur., 1922-28, sci. lecturer, 25 yrs.; Naselmo Corps., 1928- 37; mng. dir. Hizone Research Labs., 1937 — ; mem. Soc. Mayflower Desc, Bar- ons of Runymede, S.A.R., Masons (32d deg.) K.T., Elks, K.P., Sigma Phi Epsilon, Pi Kappa Delta, Kappa Delta Pi. Phi Kappa Phi, A.C.S., A.A.A.S., A.I., (chmn. Chicago Section 1943-45) ; Soc. Chem. Engrs., Fellow Chem Soc. (London). Clubs: Rotary, Executives, Engrs. Author: Mono - Nitro - Phenyl Ethers: Metallic Soaps; sci. articles. Recreations: camping, canoeing, fish- ing, Methodist. Republican. Home: 1538 Forest Av. Office: 1211 Washington, Av., Wilmette, 111. JOSSELYN, Livingston Eli, III, physi- cian, surgeon; b. Chicago, 111. 16 Sept. 1904; s. Livingston E. Josselyn, insur- ance broker, and Josephine (Giroux) J.; S.B., Univ. Chicago, 1927, M.D., 1932, Ph.D., 1933; m. Irene D. Milliken of Chicago, 111., 29 Aug. 1931; children- Helen Louise, William Livingston. Instr. in anatomy, Univ. Chicago, 1928-33; in- terne and resident physician, Washing- ton Blvd. Hosp., Chicago, 1934-35; gen. practice of medicine and surgery, High- land Park, Highwood, 111., 1936-41. On active duty Med Corps, U.S. Army 1941 — . Fellow A.M. A.; mem. Lake Coun- ty and 111. State med. socs., Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Pi. Republican. Methodist. Ma- son. Author: Nature of Pulmonary Al- veolar Lining (Anat. Rec), 1935. Recre- ation: travel. Home: 272 Park Av., High- land Park, 111. Summer res. : Palisades Park, Mich. Office: Highwood, 111. KAISER, Grace E., singer, composer, poet, author, dir.; b. Ohio, 10 June 1881; d. Thomas Henry Hunt Edwards, rubber stamp salesman, and Eva '(Williams) E.; ed. David Davis Music sch.; m. Oliver B. Kaiser of Cincinnati, O., 4 June 1902; children — Olive Edwards (Mrs. D. F. Hoover), Ramona. Past dir., Norwood M.E. Ch. Choir; requested by Andreas Lang to sing at Oberammer- gau Passion Play, 1930; writer, dir., Wo- men of Achievement Pageant, Women's Expn., Cincinnati, 1935-37; charter mem. state historian, Ohio Soc, Sons and Daus. of the Pilgrims; musical program chmn., Methodist Guild, Home of Aged, Coll. Hill; mem. D.A.R. (organizing re- gent, Indian Hill chap.), Daus. Am. Col- onists (chaplain, St. Clair Chap., Cin- cinnati), Phi Beta (coll. music, 1st asso. mem., Omega chap.). Clubs: Mu- sic & Poetry (Cincinnati, organizer, hon. mem.), 15 hobby clubs; affiliated with United Hobby Clubs of Cincinnati and O. (organizer, life pres.), Sunshine Hobby groups for shut-ins (organizer). Author: the Torch of Progress; Forever En- shrined; The Life of Mrs. Hartzell (sketch written for 60th anniversary of Women's Home Missionary Soc); Gua- temala Waltz (song dedicated to Pres. Ubico of Guatemala, broadcast from Central Am. on New Years Night, 1939, played by Marimba Band from Guate- mala); The Call to the Colors (march played by U.S. Marine Band over nat. radio sta.). Travel: Central Am. Dec, Alexander Edwards (g.f.), midhsipman on U.S.S. Constitution; Wm. A. Atlee, (chmn. Com. Safety, Lancaster, Pa. dur- ing Am. Revolution; Thos. Sayre, foun- der of S. Hampton, L.I. Interests: fans, combs, music boxes, birds, music. Meth- odist. Republican. Home: Drake Road, Route 10, Sta. M., Indian Hill, Cincin- nati 27, O. KELLUM, Lewis Burnett, geologist; b. Baltimore, Md., 24 Mar. 1897; s. William 1054 Hollis Kellum, mcht., and Emma (Bur- nett) K.; ed. Baltimore City Coll.; A.B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1919, Ph.D., 1924. Asst. geologist, Carter Oil Co., Okla. and N.M., 1919-20; geol., Standard Oil Co., N.J., Mex., 1920-21, 24-28, summer 1922, U.S. Geol Sruvey, N.C., 1923; instr. geol., Univ. Mich., 1928-29, asst. prof., 1929-37, assoc prof., 1937^; dir. Mus. of Paleon- tology, 1941 — ; geol., Alaskan br., U.S. Geol. Survey, 1944—; chief geol. N. Z. Petroleum Co. Ltd., 1938-40; dir., Univ. Mich. Expdns., Mex., 1930-36 and 1941; dir. U.S. Geol. Surv. Expd., Alaska Pe- ninsula, 1944; 2d It., Inf., 1917-18; Fellow Geol. Soc. Am., Paleont Soc; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Assn. Petrol Geol., Mich. Acad., Royal Soc. N.Z., Geol. Soc. Mich. Author: arts, on exploration in Mex., and N.Z. ; numerous papers on tertiary paleontology and on mountain structure, mesozoic stratigraphy of Mexico. Trav- el: numerous trips Mex., 1921-36, Eur., Rus., 1937, N.Z., Australia, 1938-40, Alas- ka, 1944. Interests: painting, hist., ge- nealogy. Recreation: tennis. Baptist. Re- publican. Office: Museum of Paleontol- ogy, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 920 Bald- win Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. KNUDTZON, Kermit Frederick, den- tist; b. Chicago, 111., 3 Aug. 1904; s. Knute T. S. Knudtzon, mcht., and Fannie (Henrickson) K. ; ed. Carl Schurz High Sch.; Stanford Univ., 1922; Univ. of Chi- cago, 1923; D.D.S., Univ. 111., 1927. En- gaged in practice of dentistry at Chica- go, 1927 — ■; mem. staff 111. Research Hos- pital, 1927-29, Univ. of 111. Coll. Dentis- try, 1927 — ; asso. in prosthetic dentistry, 1927-31, asso. dept. of diagnosis, 1931—; mem. Am. Dental Assn. ; 111. State and Chicago Dental Assns. ; Odontographic Soc. of Chicago; Delta Sigma Delta; Om- icron Kappa Upsilon; Masons (32d deg). Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Knoll- wood Country (Lake Forest). Author: ed. 111. Dental Bull., 1931-33 (mem. Am. Assn. of Dental Eds.). Del. to 7th Int- ernal Dental Congress, Paris, Fr., 1931. Interests: collector U.S. Mints, modern first editions. Recreations: travel, gar- dening, music. Protestant. Republican. Home: 1269 West Rd., Highland Park, 111. Office: 108 N. State St., Chicago, 111. KRAUSE, Anna Jirak, housewife, poetess; b. Lubeck, Germany, 22 Apr. 1894 (Am. citizen) ; d. Karel Jirak, publ. mgr. of Czechoslovakian-Am. pubis., and Anna (Wohlers) J.; ed. pvt. tutors; grad. pub. schs.; m. Johann Henry Krause, of Chicago, 111.; children— Viola Grace, Ad- eline Rose. Author: poems in outstand- ing American Poets Anthology, 1938-39; Caravan of .Verse, 1938; Important American Poets, 1936; Poets on Parade, 1939; Microchromatone Book, 1940; Rhythm and Rhyme Book, 1939; Christ- mas Cavalcade of Verse, 1938; Biograph- ical Dictionary, 1938; American Voices, 1939; illuminated book at N.Y. World's Fair (later sent to Rockefeller Center, N.Y.), 1939; Fair Mart of Verse, 1939; Yearbook of Modern Poetry, 1939; nu- merous other anthologies; also short stories and 2 publ. songs, Hold Me To Your Heart, and Whoa, a Cowboy's Life is the Life For Me. Interests: poetry, curios, gardening, etc. Recreation: em- broidery. Home: 1120 N. Monitor Av., Chicago 51, 111. KUEBLER, Clark George, coll. pres.; b. Chicago, 111., 24 Mar. 1908; s. George Michael Kuebler and Pearl Marie (Clark) K. ; A.B., Northwestern Univ., 1930; Princeton, 1932-33; Munich Univ. summers, 1935; 36; Ph.D., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1940; LL.D., Lawrence Coll., 1943; unmarried. Instr. in classics Northwest- ern Univ., 1930-40, asst. prof. 1940-43; pres. Ripon Coll. since 1943. Mem. Nat. Commn. on Social Reconstrn. (Episcopal Ch.) 1940—1, mem. Nat. Commn. on Strat- egy and Policy (Episc. Ch.) 1940-43; mem. bd. dirs. Education for Freedom, 1943 — ; nat. pres. Nat. Council of Church- men, 1945 — ; mem. bd. trustees, North- western Mil. and Naval Acad., 1945—. Mem. Am. Philol. Assn., Classical Assn. of Middle West and South, Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Sigma Chi, Phi Beta Kap- pa. Episcopalian. Club: University of Evanston. Home: Seward and Woodside Av., Ripon, Wis. LANDAU, George, radiologist; b. Chi- cago, 111., 16 Dec. 1891; s. George Lan- dau and Lena (Mader) L.; ed. St. John's Mil. Acad.; B.Sc, M.D., Univ. 111., 1915; m. Margaret Abbott, of Chicago, 2 June 1917; 1 son — George. Dir. dept. roent- genology, Grant Hosp., Cook County Hosp., Women's and Children's Hosp., Univ. Hosp., Chicago Memorial Hosp., St. Charles Hosp. ; past. pres. Chicago Roentgen Soc, 111. State Soc, Am. Reg- stry Bd. of X-Ray Technicians (chmn. bd. dirs.); capt. Evacuation Hosp. 42, 1917-19, rank of capt.; Fellow, Am. Coll. Radiology; mem. Am. Bd. Radiol, (dip- lomate) The Radiol. Soc. of N. Ameri- ca, Masons. Author: Phrenico Exerisis in the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuber- culosis; The Radiologic Appendix; Me- diastinal Tumors; Educational Phase of the X-Ray Technician. Interests: fishing, hunting. Recreation: golf. Protestant. 1055 Democrat. Home: 5440 Berteau Av. Of- fice: 600 Groveland Park, Chicago, 111. LANE, Josephine 31., teacher; b. Mil- waukee, Wis., d. John A. Lane, railroad man, and Millie (Christensen) L.; ed. South Div. High Sch., Milwaukee, Wis.; A.B., Milwaukee-Downer Coll., 1920; A. M., Univ. Chicago, 1925. Teacher of En- lish; mem. Wis. Ed. Assn., N.E.A., Mil- waukee High School Teachers' Assn., Scandinavian Soc. of Milwaukee, Alum- nae Assns. of Milwaukee-Downer, and Univ. Chicago, Delta Kappa Gamma. Club: English (Milwaukee). Author: Horizons (poems) ; poems in numerous anthologies; ednl. arts. Transl. of Dawn in Denmark, from the Danish poem by Dr. Emanuel Nielsen, formerly of North- western Univ.; appr. of Hendrik Kauf- man, Danish minister of U.S. Travel: Eur., Mex., Can., U.S. Interests: photo- raphy, folk schools. Protestant. Office: Bay View High School, Milwaukee, Wis. Home: 2901 S. 43d St., Milwaukee, Wis. LANGWORTHY, Herman Moore, law- yer; b. Fairmount, Kan., 16 Dec. 1880; s. Simon Burton Langworthy, physician, and Mary (Moore) L. ; ed. high sch. and business coll., Leavenworth, Kan.; B.A., Univ. Kansas, 1902, M.A., 1903; LL.B., Columbia Univ. Law Sch., 1907; m. Min- nie Leach of Leavenworth, 5 Aug. 1908; children — Herman M., Jr., Dorcas Em- lin, Robert Burton. Practiced in Kansas City, 1907—; mem. firm, Warner, Dean, McLeod & Langworthy, Warner, Dean, Langworthy, Thompson & Borders, 1913- 23, Langworthy, Spencer & Terrell, 1923- 36, Langworthy, Spencer, Terrell and Matz, 1936-39, Langworthy & Matz, 1939- 43; Langworthy, Matz & Linde, 1943 — ; receiver, Kansas City Joint Stock Land Bank, 1928-31; dir., Fed. Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 1932-33; dir. Kansas City Sch. Dist., 1935-36; dir., Union Nat. Bk., Bader Lumber Co., Inc., North Kansas City Development Co. ; del. at large from Mo. to Rep. Nat. Conv., 1936, (resolu- tions com. chmn.), 1940; mem. Chamber Commerce of U.S., Kansas City C. of C. ; mem. Kansas City bd. election commrs., 1941-45; Am. Bar Assn., Mo. State Bar Assn., Kansas City Bar Assn., Lawyers Assn. of Kansas City, Acad. Polit. Sci., Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi, Alpha Tau Omega. Clubs: University (Kansas City), Mission Hills Country, Kansas City Country, Kansas City. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 2500 Fidelity Bid., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 841 Westover Rd., Kansas City, Mo. LINK, (Rev.) George Matthew, priest, naturalist; b. Gilett, Wis., 17 Aug. 1896; s. Frank J. Link, ins. agt., and Eliza- beth (Rosentreter) L.; ed. St. Louis Uni- versity; Quincy Coll.; A.M., Kenrick Sem., 1914; Notre Dame Univ.; Western Reserve Univ. Ordained priest, 1921; co- dir. summer course in Boy Guidance, Notre Dame Univ., State Wis., 1928-31; dir. Springfield Nature League, 1932 — ; dir. ed., Diocese Springfield, 1934 — ; pas- tor, St. Patrick's Parish, Grafton, 111., 1938 — ; field naturalist, sec. Nature Cen- ter, Pere Marquette State Park, 1938-43; now camp Father and Admin. Dir., Trail Rangers of a boy-saving or- ganization begun at Michael, 111.; mem. Nat. Audubon Soc, A.A.A.S., N.E.A., N. Y. A., CYO, 111. Audubon Soc. Clubs: St. Louis Naturalists, St. Louis Bird, Webster Groves Nature Study, Missouri Walk-ways. Co-author: Trees of Illinois; Getting at Nature. Travel: Eur. Rec- reation: outdoors. Catholic. Office: Trail Rangers of America, Michael, 111. Home: Michael, 111. LOUCKS, Charles Olney, lawyer; b Menasha, Wis., 7 June 1877; s. Charles Nicholas Loucks and Mary Ellen (Reece) L. ; ed. Jefferson High School, Chicago, 111.; Univ. Mich., 1894-96; m. Lavina Williams of Warsaw, Ind., 28 June 1905; children — Mary Williams Carson, Clarkson Williams, Elizabeth Williams. Admitted to 111. bar, 1899, bar of U.S. Supreme Ct, 1906; mem. firm, Atwood & Pease, 1901-02, Atwood, Pease & Loucks, 1902-23, Loucks, Eckert & Peterson, 1923-32; practice law alone, specializing in real estate, corp. law, 1932 — ; mem. Character & Fitness Com. of 111. Supreme Ct., 1923-38, Com. to Draft Civil Practice Act, 1933; Com. to Prepare History of 111. Supreme Ct.; tr., Garrett Biblical Inst., Wesley Memorial Hosp. ; mem. bd. management, Irving Pk. Blvd. Dept. Y.M.C.A., Chicago, 111.; Bd. Pub. Methodist Ch., mem. Am., 111. State, Chicago bar assns., Chicago Law Inst., Nat. Econ. League, Am. Judica- ture Soc. Chicago Meth. Social Union (pres. 1929), Art Inst, of Chicago (life), Rock River Annual Conf. Meth. Church, Gen. Conf. Meth. Ch., 1940, 1944, Commn. to Prepare Plan for Location of Bd. & Commns. of Meth. Ch., Wis. Soc. of Chi- cago, Univ. Mich. Alumni Assn. Club : Union League. Recreations : motoring, gardening. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 3900 N. Keeler Av., Chicago, 111. LUSSKY, Herbert O., physician; b. in Sterling, 111., 5 Apr. 1887; s. Frederick Lussky, minister, and Anna (Beyer) L. ; S.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1909; M.D., Rush 1056 Med. Coll., 1916; m. Lydia Schuricht Merker of Chicago, 1921; children — Frederick, Robert. Asst. in physiology, Univ. of Chicago, 1909-12; instr. in phys- iology, Univ. of S.Dak., 1912-13; asso. in physiology, Univ. Chicago, 1916-17; sr. resident physician, Children's Memorial Hosp., 1918; fellow Otho A. Sprague Me- morial Inst., 1918; attending phys., In- fant Welfare Soc. of Evanston, 1919-20, The Cradle, Evanston, 1925-34, 111. Chil- dren's Home and Aid Soc, 1925 — ■; instr. in pediatrics, Northwestern Univ.; asst. phys. in pediatrics, Evanston Hosp. Fel- low A.M. A.; licentiate Am. Bd. of Pe- diatrics; mem. A.A.A.S., Chicago and 111. State med. assns., Am. Acad. Pediat- rics, Sigma Xi, Gama Alpha, Phi Beta Pi. Lutheran. Contbr. of articles to sci- entific mags. Home: 2315 Lincolnwood Dr. Office: 636 Church St., Evanston, 111. LUTGEN, Grace Welsh, writer, lectur- er; b. Sterling, Neb., 10 Oct. 1888; d. Jacob S. Welsh, contractor, and Sarah (Carpenter) W. ; ed. Sterling High Sch. ; Peru (Neb.) Normal Sch.; Wayne State Teachers Coll., Neb.; home corr. courses, m. Dr. S. Anson Lutgen, 24 Jan. 1910; 1 son — Joe G. Teacher, rural schs. of Neb., 2 yrs., city schs., 2 yrs.; auth- or and dir. of pageants; lecturer at clubs, schools; mem. Neb. Writers Guild (pres.), Neb. Fed. Women's Clubs (pres. 3rd dist., chmn., music 2 yrs., drama 2 yrs.), General Federation Women's Clubs (chmn. drama 3 yrs.), Native Sons and Duaghters of Neb., Ars Poeti- ca, Chi Delta Phi (hon.). Clubs: Min- erva, Woman's. Author* Tumble Weeds (poems) ; Golden Rod Sprays, Nebraska, My Native Land (state song) ; plays, pageants, poems, stories, serials. Fath- er came from Pa. with bldg. of railroad, helped with bridge bldg. Interests: writing, dramatics, historic pageants, music. Recreation: gardening. Metho- dist. Republican, Address: 409 W. 10th St., Wayne, Neb. McARTHUR, Selim Walker, surgeon; b. Chicago, 30 May 1888; s. Lewis Linn McArthur, physician, and Mamie (Walk- er) McA.; ed. Harvard Sch. (Chicago); Ph.B., Yale Univ., 1908; M.D., Rush Med. Sch., Univ. Chicago, 1912; m. Joan Dean Gillett Barnes of Decatur, 1 Jan. 1916; children— Joan Gillett (Mrs. John C. W T hiting), Constance Elizabeth (Mrs. Wm. E. Dunshee). Engaged in practice of gen. surgery, Chicago; mem. attend- ing staff, St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago, 1916 — , sr. attending surgeon, pres. med. staff, 1936—; past surgeon, Chicago Or- phan Asylum; prof, surgery, Univ. 111. Coll. Med.; capt. M.C., U.S.A,, 10 mos., Fr., with U.S. Base Hosp. 14, 1918; Fel- low Am. Coll. Surgs; mem. Chicago, 111., and Am. Med. Socs., Chicago Surg. Soc, Chicago Path. Soc, Inst. Medicine (founders group Am. Bd. Surgery), Sig- ma Xi, Nu Sigma Nu, Chicago, 111., and N.E. Hist. Socs., Nat. Geog. Soc, Chi- cago Alumni Assn., N.Y. Geneal. and Biogl. Soc; Gt Lakes Hist Soc; S.A.R., Sons of Col Wars, Desc. Mayflower. Clubs: Univ. (Chicago), Yale, Mackinae Island Yacht, Billings Medical (Chica- go), Snug Harbor (Florida). Author: of several med. contbrns. Fifth consecutive generation to serve in U.S.A., in direct McArthur line; named for gt. g.f., Sam- uel (Selim) Woodworth, poet, author of Old Oaken Bucket. Interests: genealogy, family and Am. hist., Am. maritime hist., sailing ships. Recreations: sailing, swimming. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1100 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois. Summer res. : Mackinac Island, Mich. McDONALD, Thomas Francis, law- yer; b. Buchanan Co., la., 7 Oct. 1890; s. Timothy McDonald, farmer, and Ho- nora (McCarthy) McD. ; ed. Valparaiso Coll. (high sch. work), 1907-09; U. S. Mil. Acad., 1912-14; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1917, LL.M., 1936 (hon.); m. Marguerite Ely of Jersey ville, 111., 6 July 1925; chil- dren—Thomas Ely, Francis Ely (twins). Admitted to bar, Mo., 1919; asso. with law firm, Spencer & Donnell, St. Louis, 1919-25, mem. firm, Spencer, Donnell & McDonald, 1925-28; mem. firm Holland, Lashly & Donnell, 1928-33; mem. firm Donnell & McDonald, 1933-41 (dissolved on F. C. Donnell becoming Gov. of Mo.); mem. State Bd. Law Examiners, 1931—, sec, 1932—; rep. of Mo. State Bd. to Nat. Conf. Bar Examiners, 1933 — ; se- lected by Rep. State Com. as candidate for judge, Mo. Supreme Ct., to fill vacancy caused by death of nominee, 1938; selected by pres., Univ. Mich., to represent legal profession, Univ. Cen- tennial Celebration, 1937; del. at large Alumni Advisory Council, Univ. Mich., May 1940—; attended 1st O.T.C., Ft. Snelling, Minn., 1917, capt., U.S.A., 88th Div., transferred to 304th cavalry; com- manding major, assigned 43d F.A., hon. disch., 1918; mem. Am. Bar Assn., St. Louis Bar Assn. (v.p., 1931-32, pres. 1935- 36, chmn. grievance com., 1932-35; del. to Ho. Dels., Am. Bar Assn., May 1940- 42); Am. Judicature Soc. (dir. for Mo., 1937-40, chmn. bd. dirs., June 1940-41), Mo. State Bar Assn., Am. Legion (past comdr., St. Louis Post), mem. bd. govs., 1057 United Charities, Inc., St. Vincent De Paul Soc, St. Louis Assn. West Pointers (sec.-treas., 1923-41), Nat. Conf. Chris- tians and Jews (co-chmn., St. Louis Exec. Bd., July 1940—), Phi Alpha Del- ta, K.C. Clubs: Mo. Athletic (St. Louis), Westborough Country (St. Louis), Law- yers (Univ. Mich.). Roman Catholic. Re- publican. Office: 1010 Pine St., St. Lou- is, Mo. Home: 135 S. Gore Av., Webster Groves, Mo. BELLAS, Joseph Edward, phys. sur- geon; b. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can., 18 Apr. 1899; s. David Arthur and Anna (Osier) B.; student Univ. of Manitoba (Can.), 1916-17, M.D., 1922; postgrad, student Univ. of Vienna (Austria and Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1928-29; m. Elizabeth Bernow, 27 Jan. 1925; children— Joan Elizabeth, Barbara Jane. Came to U.S., 1922, nat- uralized, 1930. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1922; house surgeon L.I. Hosp., Boston, Mass., 1922-23; surg. asst. The Collins Clinic, Peoria, 1923-25, for- merly asso. surgeon, now head; practic ing phys. and surgoon Marquette, Mich igan, 1925-28 and 1930. Trustee North Central 111. Med. Assn. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; (diplomate) Am. Bd. Surgery; mem. Am. Med. Editors and Authors Assn. Awarded Certificate of Merit for original research on sutures in surgery by 111. State Med. Soc. Republican. Club: University (Peoria). Associate Transla- tor: Treatment of Fractures (Bohler), 1929. Contbr. to various med. and surg. jours. Mason (32d deg.), Shriner. Home: 2216 Bigelow, The Knolls. Office: The Collins-Bellas Clinic, Peoria, 111. GRUENDEL, George Harold, em- ployee trusts and benefit plans; b. Chi- cago, 19 Apr. 1914; s. George Jr. and Edith (Alexander) G. ; B.A., Lake Forest Coll., 1935; M.B.A. Management, North- western; m. Suzanne M. Sugg, 31 May 1941; children — George David, Susan Jill. Ins. broker, 1935-38; agency asst., Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1938- 39; asst. mgr., Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N.Y., 1940-41; dist. mgr., New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Boston, 1942-43; dir. Associates in Personnel Compensa- tion Planning, Chicago, since 1943. Serv- ing in U.S. Coast Guard Res. (T). V.p. bd. dir. Presbyn. Coll. of Christian Edn. ; dir. Lincoln-Belmont Y.M.C.A.; pres. of Alumni Assn. of Lake Forest Coll., 1943- 44; pres. alumni Digamma Alpha Upsi- lon, 1941; v.p. Nat. Young Men's Council of Y.M.C.A., 1943-44; v.p. Chicago chap., Am. Soc. Chartered Life Underwriters, 1944; mem. Life Ins. and Trust Council. Soc. for Advancement of Management, Am. Management Assn. Presbyterian. Clubs: Yacht, University (Chicago). Au- thor: Pension and Other Employee Trusts (with George B. Rogers), 1941. Contbr. of articles to prof, jours. Home: Barrington, 111. Office: 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. PROPST, Duane Willard, physician; b. Springfield, 111., 14 Oct. 1891; s. David Propst, banker, and Effie (Snodgrass) P.; ed. Springfield High Sch.; A'.B., Uni. 111., 1916, B.S., 1917, M.D., 1919; m. Alice Irene Chapman, of Macomb, 111., 1918; Mem. Hosp. Chicago, 1919-20; resident, Municipal Tuberculosis San., 1920; mem. staff, Univ. 111. Coll. Med., 1921—, asst. prof, med., 1929 — ; med. dir., Old Colony Life Ins. Co., Chicago, 1921-23; private, Med. Res. Corps, 1917-18; Fellow, A. M.A. ; mem. Chicago and 111. State Med. Socs., Austin, Oak Park and River For- est Art League, Alpha Kappa Kappa. Protestant. Republican. Clubs: Oak Park Camera, Oak Park. Author: The Pa- tient is the Author of Practice, 1939; also many sci. arts, and book revs. Travel: U.S., Alaska. Interests: lit., photog. Rec- reation : travel. Office : 30 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 1024 N. Euclid Av., Oak Park, 111. PERONA, Paul D., lawyer; b. Braid- wood, 111., 29 Mar. 1889; s. Dominic Pe- rona, saloon keeper, and Theresa (Fe- noglio) P.; ed. Chicago High Sch.; LL. B., Hamilton Coll. of Law, 1917; m. Lena E. Guerrini, of Ladd, 26 Dec. 1922; chil- dren — Louis James, Theresa Marie, Bernadette, Paul D., Jr. Employed in country store, Ladd, 111.; engaged in law practice, Ladd, 111., 1917-33, Spring Val- ley, 111., 1933 — ; atty. and dir., Farmers & Miners Bank, Ladd; city atty., Spring Valley; village atty., Ladd, Dazell, Sea- tonville, Cherry; mem. Bureau County and LaSalle County bar assns., Tri-City and 111. bar assns., Foresters of Am., Catholic Order of Foresters, Loyal Or- der of Moose. Pres. Americans of Italian Descent, Inc., of 111. Clubs: Lions, Re- publican. Roman Catholic. Republican. Office: 213i/ 2 E. St. Paul St., Spring Val- ley, 111. MURPHY, William Thomas, lawyer, alderman; b. Chicago, 111., 7 Aug. 1899; s. William Murphy, contractor, and Ida Elizabeth (Riley) M.; student Univ. 111., Northwestern Univ.; LL.B., Loyola Uni- versity Sch. of Law, 1926; m. Rosemary Mclnerney, of Chicago, 12 June 1940; children— William Thomas, Jr., John Pe- ter; admitted to 111. bar, 19 June 1927, to U.S. Supreme Ct., 15 Dec. 1943; mem. 1058 law firm of Mulcahy, Murphy & Die- ringer; alderman of 17th Ward, Chicago, since 1 Apr. 1935 (3d term ending 1 Apr. 1947) ; Dem. Committeeman 17th Ward, 1 Apr. 1940 (2nd term ending 1 Apr. 1948) ; del. from 3rd Congl. Dist. of 111., to 1944 Democratic Conv., Chicago; served in U.S. Army, World War I; mem. Am. Legion, 111. Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Delta Theta Pi, K.C., Delta Theta Pi. Home: 372 W. Normal Park- way, Chicago, 111. Office: 33 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. FOLEY, Marie Agnes, dir. Children's Theatre; b. Phila., Pa.; d. George Hen- ry and Mary Frances (O'Brien) F. ; B. E., Nat. Sch. of Oratory, Philadelphia, Pa., M.O., 1918; grad. study Univ. of Pa., Columbia, Univ. of Mich. Began acting in stock companies at age of 14 yrs.; head of drama dept., St. Joseph's Acad., Philadelphia, 1918-20, Holy Child Acad., Suffern, N.Y., 1920-24, Coll. of St. Teresa, Winona, Minn., 1924-26; resigned from ednl. work to found Jack and Jill Players, 1926; founder, owner and dir. Jack and Jill Players, Children's Thea- tre and Jack and Jill Radio Artists Co., producing plays, entertainment for chil- dren, in Chicago and its suburbs, Mil- waukee, Wis., and Canada. Vice pres. Catholic Actors Guild of 111. Mem. Zonta Internat., Nat. League Am. Pen Women; charter mem. Nat. Soc. Arts and Let- ters. Roman Catholic. Author: (plays) The Gift, 1922; Love in a Fix, 1922; The Camel with the Wrinkled Knees, 1939; Magic Whistle, 1945; Heidi, 1945; also of numerous dramatizations of children's classics in textbooks and of radio scripts. Owner and editor of Jack and Jill mag., Chicago, 1929-31. Contbr. of articles relating to stage and radio to various pubis. Home: 180 E. Delaware PL, Chicago, 111. HOFFMAN, Ernst Herman, M.D., sur- geon; b. Middleport, O., 24 Feb. 1883; s. Gustav Frederick and Emma Sophia (Theiss) H. ; grad. high sch., Middleport, 1902; M.D., Northwestern Univ. Medical Sch., 1908; m. Maria E. Hendrickman, 17 Apr. 1943. Intern Norwegian- Am. Hos- pital, Chicago, 1908-09; in gen. practice, 1909-20; specializing in diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat since 1920; sr. instr. eye dept. Chicago Policlinic and Hosp. Served as capt. M.C., U.S.A., 1917-18. Member A.M. A., 111. State and Chicago med socs., Chicago Ophthalmol. Soc, Phi Chi. Mason (K.T., 32d deg. Shriner). Vocalist (bass-baritone). Home: 4933 N. Kedvale Av. Office: 4013 Milwaukee Av., Chicago, 111. HEDGE, Harry Malcome, physician; b. Toledo, la., 22 July 1884; s. James B. and Nellie (Palmer) H. ; B.S., North- western Univ., 1915, M.S., 1930; M.D., Northwestern Med. Sch., 1917; m. Flor- ence Margaret Norman, 18 Oct. 1919; children — Mary Irene, Barbara Rose, Harry Paul. Specialist in dermatology, Chicago, since 1917; certified by Am. Board of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1933; intern St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago, 1917; asst. prof, in dermatology, North- western Univ. Med. Sch.; dermatologist Wesley Memorial Hosp.; attending der- matologist Chicago Memorial Hospital, Evanston Hosp. ; consulting dermatolo- gist United Air Lines, Chicago State Hos- pital for Insane; attending phys. Meth. Old People's Home of Rock River Conf., Chicago; consulting phys. Deaconess Training Sch., Chicago. Spl. lecturer Hall of Science, A Century of Progress Expn., 1933 and 1934; spl. lecturer for edn. com., 111. State Med. Soc. Served as instr. M.O.T.C., Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga, in 1917; now col M.O.R.C., U.S. Army, comdg. U.S. Gen. Hosp. 119. Vice chmn. procurement and assignment for physi- cians for 111. Fellow A.M. A., Am. Coll. Physicians; mem. 111. State Med. Soc. (v.p. 1944-45), Chicago Med. Soc. (past pres. North Shore Branch), Inst of Med- icine, Chicago, Am. Acad, of Dermatol- ogy, Chicago Soc. Internal Med. Chica- go Dermatol. Soc, Miss. Valley Derma- tol. Conf., Am. Assn. Mil. Surgeons, S.A. R., Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Beta Pi. Re- publican. Methodist. Club: University. Contbr. articles, Sudden Death from Ar- sphenamine (with review of literature) to 111. Med. Jour., 1925; The Use of Car- bon Dioxide Snow in Treating Blastomy- cosis, Jour. A.M. A., 1928; The Blood in Psoriasis, Am. Med. Assn. Jour., 1931; Lichen Scrofulosorum, Archives Derma- tology and Syphilis, 1933; X-ray Treat- ment of Acne, Jour. Clin. Medicine & Surgery, 1934. Home: 2423 Lawndale Av., Evanston, 111. Office: 30 N. Michi- gan Av., Chicago, 111. GUERNSEY, Guy, lawyer; b. Terre Haute, Ind., 11 Jan. 1872; s. William Donaldson and Eleanor B. (Flint) G.; prep. edn. grammar schs. of Terre Haute, Ind., and Orchard, la., high sch., Osage, la., and Chicago Manual Train- ing Sch.; student la. (now Grinnell) Col- lege, 1887-89; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1904; m. Genevieve B. Wright, 13 Mar. 1893; 1 son — William Donaldson; m. 2d, Jennie Lucia, d. Sidney Wanzer, 4 Jan. 1905. Was salesman, expert opera- tor and collector for Piano Mfg. Co. and McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. in 1059 la., 1894-1901; came to Chicago in 1901 to study law; admitted 111. bar, 1904; mem. firm Lamborn & Guernsey, 1904- 11; elk. of Probate Court of Cook Co., 1906-10; now retired from law practice; sec. Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law, 1906-36, now trustee; mem. 50th Gen. Assembly from Hyde Park, 1916-18; mem. Bd. of Aldermen from 6th Ward (Woodlawn) 1918-31; chmn. of Com. on Harbors, Wharves and Bridges having charge of Calumet Harbor promotion; mem. sub- corn, which prepared South Park Exten- sion and I.C. electrification ordinance. Original promoter of aquarium for Chi- cago; had devoted much time to the or- ganization of this project and it was largely through his influence that inter- est was aroused and aquarium procured; first conceived and set in motion plan for the celebration of the 100th anniver- sary of Chicago's birth and introduced resolution in City Council 12 Nov. 1924, which was unanimously passed, author- izing appmt. by the mayor of a commn. for that purpose; active in Boy Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Y.M.C.A. ; one of the organizers of Izaak Walton League; mem. 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Phi Delta Phi, Indiana Soc, Hawkeye Fellowship, S.R., Sons of Vets. Repub- lican. Conglist. Mason (Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery, Shrine) ; mem. B.P.O.E., K.P., Royal Arcanum, O.E.S. Mem. 40 Club. Contbr. to legal jours, on probate court work. Home: (summer) South Haven, Mich. Office: 10 N. Frank- lin St., Chicago, 111. GEUTHER, Otto Robert, pres. Mar- shall-Jackson Co.; b. Mokena, 111., 2 Aug. 1889; s. John George and Dorothea (Raedlein) G. ; prep, edn., Univ. of 111. Acad.; student in elec. engring., Univ. of 111.; m. Harriet Hodel, 1 June 1915; children— Marjorie Luella, Patricia Ann. Began as stock elk. Marshall-Jackson Co., stationery, office furniture, printing, Chicago, 1909, now pres. same co. Re- publican. Lutheran. Mason (Consistory, Shrine). Home: 2760 Eastwood Av., Ev- anston, 111. Office: 26 S. Clark St., Chi- cago, 111. FOLONIE, Hendrik, lawyer; b. in Beardstown, 111., 4 Nov. 1881; s. Joseph A. (M.D.) and Marie (Gruenemeyer) F. ; grad. high sch., Beardstown, 1897; stu- dent St. Louis Univ. Law Sch., 1912-14; LL.B., Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law, 1915; m. Edna Mae Newman, 7 Dec. 1917. En- gaged in yellow pine business to 1912; admitted to 111. bar, 1914, began prac- tice with Robt. J. Folonie, 1915; served as sergt. Med. Dept., 132d Inf. in France, World War I; practiced with Bates, Hicks & Folonie (and as partner), 1919- 28; mem. Hicks & Folonie, 1928-36; Mc- Kinney, Folonie & Grear, 1936-45; mem. McKinney, Folonie & Carlson since 1945. Mem. Am., 111. State, and Chicago bar assns., Chicago Law Inst., Soc. of Trial Lawyers. Democrat. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Union League, Iroquois. Home: 70 Cedar St., Chicago, 111. Office: 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. GARDNER, Robert Haarstick, broker stocks, grain, also mfr. oils, greases; b. St. Louis, Mo.; 15 Dec. 1898; s. William Alfred and Julia (Sellner) G. ; nephew Fred D. Gardner, gov. Missouri during Wilson administration; grad. Lawrence- ville (N.J.) Sch., 1917-19; m. Dorothy Flood, 24 Sept. 1921. With Sinclair Refin- ing Co., Chicago, 1918-20, Sun Co., Chi- cago, 1921; organizer and pres. Gardner Petroleum Co., mfgs. lubricating oils and greases, Chicago, since 1922; mem. Chicago Bd. of Trade (dir. 1941) ; pres. Grain Exchange Inst., Estate and Farm Management since 1932. Served in U.S. Navy, 1917-18; It. comdr., U.S.N. R„ 1943- 46. Mem. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs. Epis- copalian. Mason. Clubs: Saddle and Cy- cle, Union League, Indian Hill, Chicago Athletic Assn. Home: 94 Indian Hill Rd., Winnetka, 111. Office: 1457 Bd. of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111. GEISSENDOERFER, John Theodore, univ. prof.; b. Kimball, S.D., 26 Sept. 1885; s. Veit and Anna (Wolf) G. ; B.A., Univ. of Wis., 1907; student Univ. of la., 1907-09; student Univ. of Pa., 1909-10, Ph.D., 1912; student universities of Ber- lin and Munich (Germany), 1910-11; m. Mary Patty Payne, 27 Aug. 1913; chil- dren — -Theodore Dean, Mary Elizabeth. Asst. Univ. of la., 1907-09; asst. Univ. of Pa., 1909-10 and 1911-12; instr. Univ. of Minn., 1912-17; prof. Wart burg Jr. Coll., Waverly, la., 1917-22; instr. later asso., asst. prof. Univ. of 111. 1922-39, prof, langs. since 1939. Acting head Ger- man dept., Univ. 111., 1945-46. Member Modern Lang. Assn. of Am., Beta Sig- ma Psi, Phi Eta, Delta Phi Alpha. Re- publican. Lutheran. Club: Exchange of Champaign, 111. Author: Deutsche Meis- ternovellen, 1936; briefe an A. H. Francke, 1939. Editor Zweig, Sternstun- den der Menscheit, 1931; Hesse, Schon ist die Jugend, 1932. Contbr. articles to Jour, of English and Germanic Philol- ogy. Home: 1007 S. Busey. Office: 223 Lincoln Hall, University of Illinois, Ur- bana, 111. GIBSON, Virginia Woltersdorf, b. Chicago, 111., 2 Apr. 1892; d. Ernest and 1060 Henriette (Nockin) Woltersdorf; grad. Francis Parker Sen., 1910; student Rock- ford Coll. Prep., 1908-09; grad. Pestaloz- zi Froebel Kindergarten Training Sch., 1915; student Univ. of Chicago, 1922-24; m. Dr. Stanley Gibson, 30 Sept. 1922. Treas. and finance chmn. Girl Scouts, Inc., of Chicago; asst. treas., 1944; Chi- cago Home for Girls, 1939-44; finance chmn. since 1944; mem. Anti-Cruelty Soc, Seeing Eye, Council of Social Agen- cies, St. Luke's Women's Auxiliary. Mem. Art Inst., (life), Chicago. Muse- um of Nat. History (life), Wild Flower Preservation, Conf. of Club Presidents and program chmn., Colonial Coverlet Guild (treas. 1942), Chicago Historical Soc, D.A.R. (treas., Chicago Chapter, 1945—), P.E.O., Iota Beta Phi. Republi- can, Clubs: Chicago Woman's (2d vice pres., finance chmn., 1943-45, treasurer, 1946 — ), Northwestern Univ. Faculty. Home: 1307 Ritchie Court, Chicago, 111. GLASNER, Rudolph William, pres. of Clearing Machine Corp.; b. Vienna, Aus- tria, 6 Aug. 1887; s. Morril and Gisella (Boder) G. ; student Vienna Tech. Inst. 1904-07; m. Harriette Wallace, 28 May, 1920; children — Ann Elizabeth, David Wallace, Elaine, Cora. Sec. Marquette Tool & Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111., 1920-23, pres. 1923-33; pres. Clearing Machine Corp., Chicago, 111., since 1933, dir. since 1933; pres. and dir. United Plastics, Inc., Chicago, since Mar. 1943. Clubs: Lake Shore Athletic, Mid-Day, (Chica- go); Bankers (N.Y. City). Home: 4950 Chicago Beach Dr. Office: 100 W. Mon- roe St., Chicago, 111. GOOD, Charles Winfred, professor of mechanical engring. ; b. Saginaw, Mich., 17 May 1893; s. Charles H. Good, me- chanic, and Mary Winifred (Farrar) G. ; ed. B.S. in M.E., Univ. Mich., 1918; m. Vera L. Tibbits of Pidgeon, Mich., 1923; children — Martha Ann, Phoebe Jane, Charles Hanson. Instr., mech. engring., Univ. Mich., 1918-25, asst. to dir., Dept. Eng. Res., 1923-35; asst. prof., Mech. Engring., 1925-33, assoc. prof., mech. engr., 1933-43; prof. mech. engring., 1943 — ; mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs., Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Engr. Soc. De- troit, Gamma Alpha, Tau Beta Pi. Co- author: Internal Combustion Engines. Protestant. Republican. Office: 2034 E. Engineering Bldg. Home: 2307 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. HAUGH, Edmund J., pub. utilities ex- ecutive; b. Chicago, 111., 21 Sept. 1900; s. of James Cornelius and Mary Ann Haugh; student Northwestern Univ., 1919-22; C.P.A. (certificate), Univ. of 111., 1926; m. Angela E. White, 15 July 1933; children — James White, Marjorie Elizabeth, Robert Allen. Began as jr. accountant with Haskins & Sells, C.P.- A.'s, 1922, later, staff supervisor until 1928; now pres., dir. of Peoria (111.) Ser- vice Co.; pres., treas., dir. Northwestern 111. Gas & Electric Co. (Savanna, 111.); v.p., treas., dir., Illinois Electric and Gas Co (Murphysboro, 111.). Am. Engi- neering and Management Corp. (Chi- cago, 111.); Carolina Utilities Co. (Ben- nettsville, S.C.) ; Alaska Pub. Utilities, Cordova, Alaska; v.p., dir. Quanah (Tex.) Water Co.; dir. T. M. White Co., Clark-Millner Co., (Chicago, 111.). For- merly dir. Indianapolis Broadcasting, Inc., Edison Sault Electric Co., Am. States Water Service Co. of Calif., The H. E. Pogue Distillery Co., Pacific Frt. Lines, Inc. Mem. Am. Inst, of Account- ants, 111. Society of C.P.A. 's. Catholic. Clubs: Evanston (111.) Golf, 111. Athletic, Union League (Chicago). Home: 5900 Adams Blvd. Office: 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. HOOVER, Howard Earl, vice pres. The Hoover Co.; b. Kansas City, Mo., 12 Dec. 1890; s. Frank Kryder and Effie Laura (Phelps) H.; B.S., Univ. of Mich., 1912; m. Dorothy May White, 18 Feb. 1914 (div. 1929); m. 2d, Dorothy Higgs Cleary, 29 Jan. 1931; children— Gordon Earl, John Cleary, Robert Cleary, How- ard Earl II. Engr. phosphate mines, Tenn., 1912-13; engring. asst. Hoover & Mason Phosphate Co., Mt. Pleasant, Ten- nessee, 1913-18, later jr. engr., v.p. and treas., 1940-42, now pres. and gen. mgr. ; v.p. research, patent and advertising de- partments The Hoover Co., electric suc- tion cleaners, Chicago, 111., since 1915; v.p. and dir. The Hoover Co., Ltd., Ham- ilton, Ont., Can., since 1915; dir. Am. Sintering Co., Chicago, since 1932. Past pres. Bd. of Edn., Glencoe, 111. V.p. Law- rence Hall home for boys until 1937 (Chi- cago, 111.); trustee and v.p. Highland Park Hosp. Assn., 1932-43. Chmn. Indsl. Research Inst., 1940-41; director of Palm Springs (Calif.) Desert Museum; mem. Am. Soc. M.E., A.A.A.S., Army Ordnance Assn., Chicago Council of Boy Scouts (exec, com.), Phi Delta Theta. Republican. Mem. Trinity (Episcopal) Ch. Club: University. Home: 1801 Green Bay Rd., Glencoe, 111. Office: 8 S. Mich- igan Av., Chicago, 111. HORACE, James Lafayette, clergy- man; b. Groveton, Tex., 26 Mar. 1895; s. Isom Horace and Katie (Lacy) H. ; student Prairie View (Tex.) State Coll.. 1912-16; B.D., Garrett Theol. Sem., Ev- 1061 anston, 111., 1937; B.S., Northwestern U., 1939; m. Mayme C. Yerger, 9 Dec. 1917; children — James Lafayette, Marion Clay. Ordained Baptist ministry; pas- tor, Hot Springs, Ark., 1930-33; pastor Monumental Ch., Chicago, 111., since 1933. Pres. Baptist Gen. State Conv. of 111.; past vice pres. Chicago Ch. Fedn. ; vice pres. Chicago Church Federation of Greater Chicago; mem. 111. War Coun- cil; mem. exec. com. of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ of Am.; mem. exec. bd. Internat. Council of Re- ligious Edn. Chmn. exec. com. Fraternal Council Negro Churches. Republican. Lecturer. Home: 632 Oakwood Blvd. Of- fice: 729 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago, 111. HONOR, Leo L., educator; b. Volhy- nia, Russia, 1 June 1894; s. Hirsch W. and Rebecca A. (Moseson) H. ; brought to U.S., 1901; B.A., Coll. City of N. Y., 1914; Ph.D., Columbia Univ., 1926; m. Jennie M. Jaffe, 22 June 1919; children — Ruth Naomi, Herzl W. Instr. Jewish history and edn. Teachers Inst, of Jew- ish Theol. Sem. of America, 1916-29, reg- istrar, 1919-29; supervisor Jewish history instrn. Bur. of Jewish Edn., N.Y. City, 1915-17, personnel dir., 1921-22 and 1924- 26; instr. Jewish history Grad. School for Jewish Social Work, 1925-28; lecturer religious edn. Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., 1928-29; dir. Coll. Jewish Studies Chicago, 111., 1929-36. Exec. dir. Board Jewish Edn., since 1936. Mem. Religious Edn. Assn. (natl. v.p.), Nat. Council for Jewish Edn. (one of organizers & first pres.). Jewish Acad. Arts and Sciences, Palestine Hist, and Ethnographic Soc, Jewish Palestine Exploration Soc, His- tadrut Ibrit of Am., Zionist orgn. Am., Nat. Council of Jewish Social Welfare; Am. Oriental Soc. ; Nat. Edn. Assn. Jew- ish religion. Author: Sennacherib's In- vasion of Palestine, Columbia Univer- sity Press, N.Y. City, 1926; Biblical His- tory Outlines, Israel Friedlaender Class- es, N.Y. City, 1928; Survey of Jewish History — Directive Outlines and Bibliog- raphy, Coll. of Jewish Studies, Chicago, 1932; contbr. to Universal Jewish Ency. arts, on Assyria and Assyriology; Sur- veys of Jewish Edn. in Boston, St. Louis, Omaha, San Francisco, Indianapolis & Philadelphia. Office and home: 72 E. 11 St., Chicago, 111. JOHNSON, Hildafo Alden, lawyer; b. Merrill, Wis.; d. J. Alfred and Sophia (Jacobson) J.; student Lincoln County Normal Sch., Merrill, Wis., and North- western Univ.; LL.B., Chicago-Kent Col- lege of Law. Asst. sec. and attorney Gen- eral Box Co., Continental Box Co., Em- bry Lumber Co., K. W. Battery Co. Ad- mitted to 111. bar, 1929, to practice be- fore U.S. Supreme Court, 1932. Notary public. Mem. Chicago Bar Assn., Wo- men' Bar Assn., Kappa Beta Pi. Club: Skycrest Country. Republican. Presby- terian. Home: 1245 Winona St. Office: 500 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. JONES, Walter Clyde, Jr., lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 7 Dec. 1902; s. of Walter Clyde and Emma Helen (Boyd) J.; stu- dent Hill Sch., Pottstown, Pa., 1918-21; B.A, Yale, 1925; J.D., Northwestern Univ., 1928; m. Emily Hubbard Watt, 12 June 1929; children— Mary Helen, Emily Hubbard, Walter Clyde III, William Watt. Admitted to 111. bar, 1928; asso. with Jones, Addington, Ames & Seibold, Chicago, 1928-30; asso. with Cutting, Moore & Sidley, 1931-36; asst. gen. atty. 111. Bell Telephone Co., 1936-39, gen. at- torney since 1939; dir. Benjamin Electric Mfg. Co. Mem. Skull and Bones, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi. Republican. Conglist. Club: Skokie Country (Glen- coe, 111.) Office: 212 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. MUSCARI, Pietro John Carmel, re- search engr.; b. Tioga, W. Va., 24 June 1904; s. Francesco Ferdinando Muscari, sculptor, and Maria Rosaria (Belluso) M. ; ed. Milano, Italy, Genasiu; Wash- ington Ir.ving High Sch., Clarksburg, W. Va.; A.B., Wesleyan Coll., 1927; Mar- ietta Coll.; R.E., Loomis Engring. Coll., 1923; Ohio Univ., 1928; studied sci. and research in Eur.; m. Ella Geraldine Smith, of Buckhannon, W. Va., 13 Aug. 1924; children — Mary Frances, Francis Abraham, Pietro John, Sara Ella, Sam- uel Adam. Communications engr., U.S. Shipping Bd., communication engr., Standard Oil; former USNR Com. CV- (s) It. (j.g.); 1st It., U.S.A., Signal Corps; research engr., Sylvania Elec. Products, Inc., res. engring. in radio, instruments, luminous rubes in applica- tions of short gases to the luminous sign trade, development of fluorescent pow- ders; gaseous discharges' relation to elec. engergy; res. UV radiant energy, application UV to luminescent paints; res. in glow lamps, in cold cathode and hot cathode fluorescent lamps, res. in electro-medic-therapeutics ; development in electromedic-thoraciphone ; mem. In- stitute Radio Engrs., Nat. Sign Assn., A.A.A.S., Elks, Modern Woodmen. Au- thor: various tech. arts, in jours. Travel: over entire globe. Interests: communi- cations and astronomy, maintaining obsv. Non-sectarian. Republican. Office: 1062 186-88 Front St., Marietta, O. Home: 105 Dudley Av., Marietta, O. McKAY, George C, banker; b. Barry Co., Mich., 22 June 1880; s. Darwin J. McKay, decorator, and Mary Ann (Mc- Dermott) McK. ; ed. pub. high sch. ; m. Ella Myrtle Dole of Augusta, Mich., 14 June 1902; 1 son — George Edward. Be- gan career in office of Postum Cereal Co., 1899; head bookkeeper, Malta Vita Co., 1901-08; bookkeeper, B.C. Toasted Corn Flake Co., 1908-10, treas., asst. sec, off. mgr., 1910-24, v. p. and treas. 1924-36, (now known as Kellogg Com- pany) ; mem. bd. dirs., several subsid- iary cos., 1936 — , bank chmn. ; past pres. now treas., tr., Community Hosp. Assn.; chmn. bd. Calhoun Co. T.B. Hosp. p. chmn. Cal. Co. E.R.A. Commn.; mem. U.S Chamber of Commerce, Masons, Shrine. Clubs: Athlectan, Battle Creek Country. Family came to Mich. 1834, settled in Kalamazoo Co., Augusta; gt. g.s. man who built 1st gristmill in Au- gusta. Interests: shooting, painting. Protestant. Republican. Office: care of Security National Bank, Battle Creek, Mich. Home: 111 Ann Av., Battle Creek, Mich. Summer res.: R.F.D., Shadow- lawn Gull Lake, Augusta, Mich. ORR, Hiram Winnett, surgeon; b. W. Newton, Pa., 17 Mar. 1877; s. Andrew Wilson Orr, and Frances J. (Winnett) O.; Univ. Neb., 1892-95; M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1899; m. Grace Douglas 7 Sept. 1904; children— Douglass, Willard, Jose- phine, Dorothy, Gwenith. In practice at Lincoln, Neb., since 1899. Editor West- ern Medical Review, 1899-1906; lecturer on history of medicine, Coll. of Medicine, Univ. of Neb. since 1903; chief med. insp. Lincoln pub. schs., 1908; supt. Neb. Or- thopedic Hosp., 1911-17, chief surgeon since 1919; chief surg. dept. orthopedic surgery Lincoln Gen. Hosp. Editor Jour, of Orthopedic Surgery, 1919-21. Commd. capt., Med. R.C., 18 May 1917; on duty at Welsh Met. War Hosp., Whitchurch, nr. Cardiff, Wales, 12 June 1917-1 Aug. 1918; with A.E.F., France, 1 Aug. 1918- 24 Feb. 1919; maj. M.C., 1 Oct. 1918; It. col., 17 Feb. 1919; relieved, 1 June 1919; col. med. Corps, U.S. Army Reserve, with spl. assignment as consultant or- thopedic surgery. Librarian, Neb. State Med. Assn., 1900-12, sec, 1907, pres., 1919-20; sec Am. Orthopedic Assn., 1915- 17, editor, 1919-21, pres. 1936; sec Cen- tral States Orthopedic Club, 1913-17; mem. A.M. A. (chmn. orthopedic sect., 1921-22), Miss. Valley and Mo. Valley med. assns., Elkhorn Valley Med. Soc, Lancaster County Med. Soc, Soc. Inter- nal de Chirurg Orthopedique (U.S.), Chi Phi, Phi Rho Sigma, Sigma Xi. Clubs : Commercial, Country, Lincoln University; University (Chicago). Auth- or: History of the Nebraska State Med- ical Society, 1903; The Rights of the Pa- tient, 1920; A Civilian Surgeon's Story of the Great War, 1921; Drainage and Rest in the Treatment of Infections, 1927; Os- teomyelitis and Compound Fractures (Mayo Clinic orthopedic lectures), 1928; Osteomyelitis and Other Infected Wounds, 1929; A New Era in the Treat- ment of Osteomyelitis and Other Infected Wounds (Beaumont lecture, Detroit), 1930; wounds and Fractures, 1941; con- tributor sect, on osteomyelitis to Sajous Cyclopedia, 1931; speaker on osteomye- litis, British Med. Assn., Dublin, July, 1933; oration of Surgery, 111. State Med. Soc, 1939; address on compound frac- tures, Southern Med. Assn., 1940. Annual lecture, War Wounds and Compound Fractures, N.Y. Acad, of Med., Jan., 1942; Mutter lecture, L.D. Fractures and Compound Wounds, Coll. of Physicians, Phil., Dec, 1942. Contbr. to med. pubis. Home : 2701 Sheridan Blvd. Office : Sharp Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. NORLIE, Olaf Morgan, teacher and cataloger; born Sioux City, Iowa, 11 Jan. 1876; s. Ole Halvorson Norlie, drug- gist, and Martha Karolina (Juel) N.; ed. Augustana Coll. Prep., Canton, S.D.; B.S., Dixon Coll., 1897; M.Accts., 1897, Pd.D., 1910; B.A, St. Olaf Coll, 1898; A.M., Univ. Wis., 1901; PhD., Univ. of Minn., 1908; grad. Milwaukee State Nor- mal, 1899; C.T., United Church Sem., 1907; C.S.T., Augustana Theol. Sem., 1915, S.T.D., 1917; Litt.D. (hon.), Witten- berg Coll., 1917; Mus.D. (hon.), Chica- go Coll. of Mus., 1932; m. Anna Louise Bonhus of Aspelund, Minn., 27 Aug. 1902; children— Joseph Sigurd, Kenneth Luth- er, Otelia Gabriella (Mrs. Jonson), Ag- nes Marie (Mrs. Iverson), Hildegarde Camilla Dagny, Erma Louise Lee (adopted), Chih-Jen Tsou (semi-adopt- ed). Farm and r.r. laborer, 188995; teacher, high schs., academies, city su- perintendent, 1895-1907; pastor, Atwater, Minn., 1907-15; book ed., Augsburg Pub. House, Minneapolis, Minn., 1915-19; prof, psychology and biology, Luther Coll., 1919-28; dean, prof., religion, Hartwick Coll., 1928-32; dir. grad. sch., Hartwick Sem., 1932-33; prof, psychol. and edn., Luther Coll., 1933-41; exchange prof, of psychol., Pacific Lutheran Coll., 1939-40; classifier, St. Olaf Coll. Library, 1941—; dir. many ednl., social and rel. surveys; ed., Lutheran World Almanac, 1921 founder, Norlie Norwegian-Americana 1063 Library; treas., St. Paul Convalescent Hosp., 1915-19; sec., Ed. Soc. of Norwe- gian Lutheran Ch., 1919-21; librarian, ed. Nat. Lutheran Council, 1918-41; sec. of Slooper Soc. of Am., 1927-42; Minn, sec, Nat. Lutheran Commn. for Soldiers' and Sailors' Welfare, 1918-19; F.Am. Geog. Soc; Fellow Am. Lutheran Statistical Assn. (pres., 1917-33), fellow A.A.A.S., fellow la. Acad, of Sci., mem. Soc. for Advancement of Edn., Soc. for Advance- ment of Scandinavian Studies, Am. Phi- lol. Assn., Am. Math. Soc, Zion Soc. for Israel, Namdalslaget, Gudbrandsdalsla- get Nordmanniforbundet, Norwegian- Am. Hist. Assn., Am. Psychological As- sociation, Midwest Psychol. Assn. Clubs: Friday, Symrna, Rotary, Ygdrasil, Eu- gene Field, Mark Twain Internat., World Affairs. Author: A Guide to Literary Study, 1901; Prestekalanderen, 1915; The Academy for Princes, 1917; Menighet- skalenderen, 1918; Lutheran World Al- manac for 1921, 1921; Elementary Chris- tian Psychology, 1924; Calendar, 1924; History of the Norwegian People in America, 1926; Eielsen Was First, 1942; The Bible in a Thousand Tongues, 1935; publ. bibliography, After Supper, lists publications, 1894-1944; 78 books, 53 pam- phlets, contbns. to 360 other books, also 3,356 articles in various periodicals, 15 langs. used. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex., In- terests: statistics, Norwegian-Am. libr., rare collections of catechisms, Bibles, etc., semantics and Norwegian dialects. Recreations: mus., gardening. Luther- an. Home: 818 Forest Av. Office: St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn. McQUATE, Maude, clubwoman; b. in Millersburg, O.; d. Samuel Tuttle, teach- er, and Lydia Caroline (Hay) T.; ed. Creston (O.) High Sch.; Teachers Train- ing; m. Benjamin McQuate; 1 dau. — * Ruth Helen. Teacher, pub. schs., Ohio; apptd. Cleveland Civil Service Commn., 1936, pres. 1940-41; mem. League of Wo- men Voters, Women's Assn. of Cleve- land Coll.; Greater Cleveland Fedn. Wo- men's Clubs (pres., 1931-32), Red Cross (res. Roll Call chmn., 1937—). Civ. Ser- vice Assembly U.S. & Can., Garden Cen- ter of Greater Cleveland, O. Civ. Service Council, For. Affairs Council, Cuyahoga Co. Charter Commn. Clubs: Lakewood Woman's (pres., 1928-30), Women's City. Recreation: motoring. Congregationalist. Republican. Address: 3682 W. 159th St., Cleveland, O. CASS, William Riley, editor and pub- lisher; b. East Lynn, Mo., 4 July 1875; s. of Ambrose Bowen and Mary Belle (Agee) C. ; student Whipple Acad., 1893- 96; m. Mattie Shults, 17 Nov. 1903; 1 son— Richard L.; m. 2d Annabel Weig- man, 27 Sept. 1915. Print shop devil, 1888- 90; printer, 1890-93; store clerk, 1896-99; reporter, Evening American, Chicago, 1900-01; asst. Sunday editor, 1901-03; in- vestigator, 1903-08; reporter, Philadelph- ia North American, 1908-09; reporter and editor, Star, Newark, N.J., 1910-13; night editor, Am. Press Assn., N.Y. City, 1913- 14; sub-editor, Evening Journal, N.Y. City, 1914-17; editor Am. Paint Jounral 1917-19; copy editor, Globe Democrat, St. Louis, 1919-21; editor, publisher and owner, Butchers & Packers Gazette, 1921, moving publication to Chicago in 1922; acquired the Modern Grocer, which was merged with the Gazette and name changed to Food Retailing & Butchers Gazette as at present; pres. Meat Trade Publishing Co., Chicago, incorporated in 1922. Mem. Chicago Press Veterans As- sociation. Republican. Home: 5808 W. Erie St. Office: 176 W. Adams St., Chi- cago, 111. COLEMAN, Jewell Organ, supt. wo- men's and children's div., 111. Dept. La- bor; b. N.Y. City, 4 Jan. 1898; d. John Bernard and Maria Pauline (Hall) Re- gan; student Visitation Convent, Evan- ston, 1904-13, Vassar, 1913-17; m. Dewitt Denny Organ, 28 Aug. 1917; children — Virginia Pauline (Mrs. Edwin Davis Grunsted), DeWitt Paul, Roberta Lou (dec), Barry Organ Coleman; m. 2d, John W. Coleman, 21 Dec 1939. Res. analyst, 1919-42; apptd. supt. of women and children div., 111. State Dept. of La- bor, Mar. 1942. Founder and organizer Women Defense Corps of Am.; past pres. Chicago Civic B. & P.W. Club; Founder and state pres. 111. World War Mothers. Mem. Nat. and 111. Fedn. of Business and Professional Women, Womens City Club, Women's Club (organizer 33d di- vision), Labor Unit Am. Legion Auxili- ary (rep. governor's commn. veteran rehabilitation employment). Episcopa- lian. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star (past matron; founder-organizer Jewell Assembly Order of Rainbow for Girls) ; Order of Amaranth; Moose; Brotherhood of R.R. Trainman Auxiliary. Contbr. of Mother Jewell's column to Needle Trade Rev. and 111. Guardsman. Original ra- dio mother, programs on KYW and WO- RD, Mother Jewell's Rockabye Time, 1922. Home : 14 W. Elm St. Office : 205 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. DOOLEY, Marion Culhane, dir. Illinois Opera Guild; b. Rockford, 111., 22 Sept. 1895; d. (Dr.) T. H. and Catherine (Fitz- patrick) Culhane; grad. Rockford High 1064 Sch., 1913; student St. Mary-of-the-Woods Coll., 1913-15; student Bush Conservatory 1915-17; m. Dr. Harry J. Dooley, 27 Nov. 1919; children — Marian, Kathryn. Dir., recording sec. 111. Opera Guild; past pres. Women's Auxiliary of 111. State Med. Soc; dir. of Nurse's Aids, Rosary Coll. Red Cross. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Womans Athletic, Nine- teenth Century Woman's; treas. St. Mary of-the-Woods College Chicago Club. Home: 706 Keystone Av., River Forest, 111. DOWNING, Paul Earl, flooring con- tractor; b. Belief ontaine, O., 6 Aug. 1897; s. Burleigh and Pearl May (Smith) D.; grad. Bellefontaine O., high sch.; m. Eleanor Doble, 30 Sept. 1928. Federal bird bander and bird student; v. p. of Inland Bird-Banding Assn.; dir. of Wm. I. Lyon Bird-Banding Council. Served in U.S. Navy, World War I. Mem. Am. Le- gion, Chicago Acad, of Sci., Wilson Or- nithological Club, Assn. Am. Ornitholo- gists' Union. Contbr. articles on birds to mags, and the official organs of Banders' orgns. ; co-operates with Fish and Wild Life Service of U.S. Dept. of Interior; lectures on bird subjects. Address: 835 Waukegan Av., Highland Park, HI. DICKINSON, Marjorie May, church and civic worker; b. Griggsville, 111., 17 July 1895; d. Charles William and Anna (Green) Dickinson; M.S., Univ. of 111., 1925; grad. student, 1930-31; unmarried; adopted children— Patricia Marie, Chas. Keller. Bookkeeper, Pike Milling Co., Griggsville, 111., 1915-20; sec. to prof. S. W. Parr, dept. of chemistry, Univ. of 111., 1920-21; connected with 111. Municipal League, Urbana, 111., 1925-44 successive- ly as stenographer, part time, 1921-25, asst. dir., 1925-44, also acting dir., 1925- 26 and July-Dec. 1943; exec, secretary, Springfield Council of Churches; Sum- mer Union Service Com.; 111. Assn. of Park Dists. (past asst. dir., 1929-43). since 1 Oct. 1944. Asst. dir. 111. Assn. of Sch. Boards, 1929-43. Mem. Zonta, Bus. and Professional Women's Club, Am. Assn. of Univ. Women, League of Wo- men Voters. Episcopalian. Club: Spring- field (111.) Woman's. Asst. editor of and contbr. articles to 111. Municipal Review, 1925-44. Home: 2735 South Park Av. Of- fice: 621 E. Capitol Av., Springfield, 111. KOENIG, Michael Theodore, psychia- trist, psychoanalyst; b. Soroki, Russia, 4 Mar. 1895; s. Theodore Michael and Eugenia (Press) K.; grad. Gymnasia of Emperor Alexander I, Kishinev, Russia, 1905-13; B.S., Imperial Univ. of Odessa, Russia, 1919; M.D., Loyola Univ., Chi- cago, 111., 1925; postgrad. Chicago Inst, for Psychonalysis ; m. Edith Weprin, D. D.S., 9 Nov. 1923; children -Charlotte, Ruth Evelyn. Came to U.S., 1920, nat- uralized, 1927. Interne St. Mary's Mer- cy Hosp., Gary, Ind., 1925-26; in prac- tice as physician, 1926-27; asst. psychia- trist, later psychiatrist, Elgin (111.) State Hosp., 1927-31; specialist in neuropsy- chiatry, U.S. Vet. Adminstrn., Hines, HI. and Sawtelle, Calif., 1931-43; engaged in pvt. practice, specializing in psychiatry, since 1934; asso. in psychiatry, dept. of nervous and mental diseases, Northwest- ern Univ. Med. Sch., since 1929; asso. attending physician, Cook Co. Psycho- pathic Hosp., Chicago, 111., since 1934; med. dir. Mt. Mercy Sanitarium, Mun- ster, Ind., 1935-41, Mt. Mercy Sanitarium Dyer, Ind., 1941-45; consulting psychia- trist, St. Mary's Mercy Hosp., Gary. Served as 1st It. and capt. Med. Corps, Russian Imperial and Provisionary Govt. Army, 1916-17. Consulting psychia- trist Selective Service Bd. Mem. A.M. A., 111. and Chicago med. socs., 111. Psy- chiatric Soc, 111. Soc. for Mental Hy- giene, Chicago Soc. for Personality Study, Am. Soc. for Research in Psycho- somatic problems, Am. Soc. of History of Medicine, Central Neuropsychiatric Soc, Chicago Inst, for Psychoanalyists. Dem- ocrat. Jewish religion. Hobbies: history of medicine and med. philately. Home: 1537 Rosemont Av., Chicago, 111. Office: 43 E. Ohio St., Chicago, HI. KUMMER, Erwin George, musician and artist; b. Chicago, 111., 9 Oct. 1900; s. of George Erich and Dora Claudia (Christianson) K. ; music edn., Chicago Musical Coll., Am. Conservatory of Mu- sic and Metropolitan Conservatory (all Chicago) ; edn. in art, student with Ed- ward J. F. Timmons, Chicago Acad. Fine Arts and Art Inst, of Chicago; m. Anna Marie Pedersen, 8 Oct. 1923. As professional musician since 1916, has ap- peared on Chautauqua concert tours, with orchestras in leading motion picture theatres (Chicago), with well-known name bands ; has served as concert-mas- ter Palace Theatre, Chicago; as dir. of Little Symphony, radio station WGES. As artist, oil painting, had 2 one-man show Esquire Theatre Gallery, Chicago. Represented in permanent collection Ne- ville Museum. Awarded 1st landscape prize Woman's Club of Evanston, 111., 1944. Mem. All-Ill. Soc. Fine Arts, North Shore Art Guild, The Assn. of Chicago Painters and Sculptors. Mason (Shri- ner). Club: Palette and Chisel. Home and studio: 4876 N. Ashland Av., Chica- go 40, 111. 1065 RETLLY, Vincent Peter, manufactur- er; b. Fort Wayne, Ind., 19 July 1900; s. Peter and Katherine Mary (McDonald) R. ; B.S., Purdue Univ., 1922; m. Mary Margaret Foohey. 12 Feb. 1926 (died 5 Nov. 1943). Mfg. engr., 1922-32; founder and pres. 111. Gear and Machine Co., Chi- cago, since 1932. Mem. Chicago Athletic Assn, Phi Kappa Club: South Shore Country (Chicago). Home: 7849 Green- field Av., River Forest, 111. Office: 2108 N. Natchez Av., Chicago, 111. LAYDEN, Michael Joseph, bus. ex- ecutive; b. Riverton, 111., 10 Aug. 1901; s. Michael James and Johanna (Flem- ing) L.; m. Virginia LaPorte, 6 Aug. 1929. Stenographer, chief engr.'s office A.,T.&S.F. Ry., Chicago, 1921, asst. to valuation engr., 1921-24; conducted own bus. as appraiser of machinery and equipment, Chicago, 1924-30; salesman, Vacuum Can Co., 1930-33, Washington (D.C.) rep., 1934-39, also export mgr., 1939, dir. since 1941, v. p. since 1942. Mem. Palestine Com., N.Y. Asso. life member of Chicago Natural History Museum; mem. Chicago Hist. Soc, Army Ord- nance Assn., Navy League of U.S., Mex- ican C. of C. of. U.S. Roman Catholic. Elk. Club: Export Managers (Chicago). Home: 5416 Washington Blvd. Office: 19 S. Hoyne Av., Chicago, 111. LOEWENBERG, Max Lippy, civil en- gineer; b. Russia, 29 Nov. 1889; s. Zor- ach and Doris (Block) L.; B.S., Armour Inst. Tech., 1912, C.E., 1917; m. Marian Levin, 17 Aug. 1926; children — Doris Ri- ta, James R. Mem. firm Loewenberg & Loewenberg, architects and engrs. Lt. col. in U.S. Army, engr. corps. Award- ed Legion of Merit and Bronze Star. Mem. Western Soc. Engrs., Am. Inst, of Architects, Standard Club, Art Inst. Chi- cago, Chicago Natural History Museum, Chicago Hist. Soc. Mason. Home: 2848 Sheridan Rd. Office: 111 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. LYON, Marguerite Orrena (pen name, Marge of Sunrise Mountain Farm), writ- er; b. Lineville, la., 9 Nov. 1892; d. Louis B. and Rose E. (McDowell) Kemp; grad. Centerville (la.) High Sch., 1912; stu- dent Northwestern Univ., 1920-23; m. Robert W. Lyon, 23 Dec. 1925. Stenog- rapher, later becoming writer and proof- reader, Decatur County Journal, Leon, la., 1916-18; reporter Milwaukee Journal, 1918-20; connected with motion picture publication, Chicago, 1920-25; with advt. dept. of Herpolsheimer's Dept. Store, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1928; became ra- dio copy writer, Robert Gust Produc- tions, Chicago, 1930; with Henri, Hurst & McDonald Advt. Agency, 1933-41; Black- ett-Sample-Hummert Advt. Agency, 1941- 43; columnist Chicago Tribune, writing weekly feature, Fresh From the Hills, since 1943; vice pres. Ozark Sunrise Mountain Farm Industries, Inc. Member P.E.N. Republican. Clubs: Lincoln Park Golf, Color Camera, Midland Authors, Women's Advertising (Chicago). Auth- or: Take to the Hills, 1941; And Green Grass Grows All Around, 1942; And So to Bedlam, 1943, Fresh From the Hills, 1944. Contbr. of non-fiction to various pubis. Home: Sunrise Mountain Farm, Eureka Springs, Ark. Office: 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. McGAUGHEY, Guy E., lawyer; b. Lawrenceville, 111., 4 Apr. 1892; s. John E. and Bessie (Ennis) McG.; B.A., Uni- versity of 111., 1915; student Univ. of Wis. 1916-17; m. Margaret Milton, 11 Feb. 1918; children — Harriet (Mrs. Vincent Hollister), Guy E., Jr., John E. II. Ad- mitted to 111. bar, 1917; engaged in prac- tice of law since 1919; mem. law firm McGaughey & McGaughey; dir. of First Nat. Bank of Bridgeport. City atty., Law- renceville, 1920-24; state's atty., Law- rence County, 1928-36; counsel for var- ious independent oil cos. Mem. 111. Bd. Pardons and Paroles, 1926-41. Served as lt. inf., U.S. Army, 1918-19. Mem. Am. and 111. Bar Assns., Am. Judicature Soc, Phi Alpha Delta, Pi Kappa Alpha. Dem- ocrat. Mem. Christian Ch. Mason. Elk. Home: 913 State St. Office: 721*£ 12th St., Lawrenceville, 111. MITCHELL, Clement Clinton, lawyer; b. Hillsdale, Ont., 11 Nov. 1877; s. Thomas and Mary (Delano) M.; early childhood was spent in a lumber camp in northern Mich.; never went to sch. until 15, then continued until grad. high schs., North Branch, Mich.; taught in schs. there 2 yrs.; LL.B., Univ. of Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind., 1902; m. Nellie Harrington, 7 Sept. 1904; children — Har- rington C, Clement C, Jr. Came to Chi- cago, 1902, and began work in the real estate loan dept. of the Royal Trust Co. ; admitted to 111. bar, May 1903; vice pres. Jennings Real Estate Loan Co., 1903-06, then as C. C. Mitchell & Co., until 1920; disposed of firm's interests to Am. Bond & Mortgage Co. and since engaged in practice of law and in real estate oper- ations; mem. law firm Carnahan, Slus- ser and Mitchell. Enlisted as pvt. in 111. N.G., 1917; retired as cpt. inf., 1919. Mem. 111. State Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn. Republican. Clubs : Illinois Athlet- ic, Westmoreland Country. Office: 110 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 1066 MOSS, Joseph Lincoln, social worker; b. Chicago, 111., 30 June 1884; s. George W. and Hannah M. (French) M. ; prep, edn., Joseph Medill High Sch., Chicago, and prep. dept. Hamline Univ., St. Paul, Minn.; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1906; grad. Chicago Sch. of Civics and Phi- lanthropy, 1908; m. Alice M. Melum, 28 Mar. 1914; children — Helen E., Stanton M., William M. Probation officer, Juve- nile Courrt, Cook Co., 1908-09, dep. chief probation officer, 1909-18, chief proba- tion officer, 1918-26; dir. Cook Co. Bur. of Pub. Welfare since 1926; mem. bd. dirs. Chicago Council of Social Agencies. Resident of Hull House, Chicago, 1908- 09, Gads Hill Center, 1910-12. Mem. Am, Assn. Social Workers (chmn. Chicago chapter 1928, 29), Chicago Area Chapter Am. Soc. for Pub. Adminstrn. (pres., 1944). Social Work Publicity Council, Chi- cago Chapter, chmn., 1945, 46; mem. board of Govs., City Club of Chicago, 1941—. Clubs: Union League (Chicago), City. Home: 1939 Orrington Av., Evan- ston, 111. Office: 160 N. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. TOWNSEND, Joseph Winter, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 13 Apr. 1899; s. Lewis Asher and Marian Adeline (Funk) T. ; B.A., Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111., 1920; student Northwestern Univ. Law School, 1920-21; LL.B., Chicago-Kent Law Sch., 1926; m. Dorothy Isabel Pollard, 8 Nov. 1930; children — Joseph Winter, Suzanne. Bond trader Harris Trust & Savings Bk., Chicago, 111., 1921-26; admitted to 111. bar, 1926, and began practice with firm Scott, MacLeish Falk, Chicago, part- ner since 1933. Mem. Am., 111. State, and Chicago bar assns., Phi Delta Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Delta Sigma Rho. Republican, methodist. Clubs: Law, Le- gal, Union League, Mid-Day (Chicago). Home: 601 Keystone Av., River Forest, 111. Office: 134 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. TUPPER, Charles Benson, clergy- man; b. Persia, la., 30 Jan. 1890; s. Ben- son Samuel and Anna Julia (Plum) T.; B.A., Drake Univ., Des Moines, la., 1914, D.D. (hon.), 1944; M.A., Univ. of Chi- cago Div. Sch., 1923; m. Grace Eliza- beth Van Vlack, 23 June 1915; 1 dau— Rachael Evelyn. Ordained Christian minister, 1914; pastor, Sioux Falls, S.D., 1914-20, Milwaukee, Wis., 1920-23, Bould- er, Colo., 1923-27, Warren, O., 1927-37; pastor First Ch., Springfield 111., since 1937. Trustee Eureka (111.) Coll.; mem. bd. mgrs. and bd. trustees, United Chris- tian Missionary Soc, Indianapolis, Ind. Mem. Springfield Council of Churches (exec, com.), 111. Christian Missionary Soc. (dir.), 111. Council of Churches (mem. administrative com.), Home and State Missions Planning Council (sec), Children's Service League (dir.), Y.M. C.A. (dir.), Council of Social Agencies (vice pres.). Republican. Mason (32d deg.). Clubs: High Twelve, XV. Contbr. articles to various church periodicals. Home: 1020 W. Vine St. Office: First Christian Church, Springfield, 111. WELTMER, Tracy Carleton, vice-pres. Interstate Bakeries Corp.; b. Aikinsville, Mo., 1886; s. Sidney Abram and Mary Genoa (Stone) W. ; ed. high sch.; m. Stella Ruth Baldwin, 6 Dec. 1916; chil- dren—Mary Margaret (dec), Margaret Breckenridge, John Baldwin. Mgr., of wholesale and retail greenhouse, 1904-09; mgr. and publisher of monthly mag., Chicago, 1909-11; mgr. Sanitarium Hosp. and pub. business, 1904-20; ranch mgr., 1920-21; has continuously operated sev- eral hundred acres of land; mgr. whole- ale bread bakery, Muskogee, Okla., 1921-27; organizer in 1927, and since pres., Velvet Petroleum Co.; mgr. of wholesale bread and cake bakery, 1927- 31; became v. p., dir. and asst. gen. mgr. Schulze Baking Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1931, 'interstate Baking Corp., Kansas City, 1937. Baptist. Mason (Shriner). K P., Elk, Odd Fellow. Club: Kansas City. Author: How to Succeed, 1917. Home: 1213 W. 58th St. Office: 34th and Broad- way, Kansas City, Mo. WILLIAMSON, William W., life insur- ance; b. Fidelity, Jersey Co., HI., 30 Dec. 1867; s. John and Mary (Norris) W. ; ed. country sch. and Springfield (Illi- nois) Bus. Coll.; m. Julia A. Burnap, 18 Apr. 1899; children— Norris E., Clara E., Robert M. Teacher pub. schs. of 111., 1885-90; bookkeeper mercantile house, Chicago, 1890-98; treas. and gen. mgr. Charles E. Hires Co., Phila., Pa., 1898- 1912; bond business, Chicago, 1912-16; mgr. Chicago office Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1916-27; gen. agt. Conn. Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1927-40, now asso. gen. agent. Mem. Bd. of Edn, Pub. Schs, Hinsdale, 111, 1925-26. Pres. Chicago Life Underwriters Assn., 1924-26. Formerly chmn. bd. trustees Union Ch., Hinsdale. Republican. Mason. Club: Union League (Chicago). Home: 807 McKinley Rd., Hinsdale, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. WILLITS, Ward Winfield, chmn. board Adams & Westlake Co.; b. New Boston, 111., 26 Oct. 1859; s. Job Evans and Ca 10- line (Baxter) W. ; ed. Chicago public schs.; m. Cecelia May Berry, 25 Oct. 1067 1897; children— Helen W. Burnside, John McGregor, Caroline M. Jackson, Ward W. Jr. (dec). With Isham & Lincoln, law firm, 1876-79; with The Adams & Westlake Co., Chicago, since 1879, gen. mgr., dir., 1890-91, v.p., dir., 1891-1904, pres. 1904-37, now chmn. bd.; member organizing group, v.p., dir. U.S. Head Light Co., 1894-1924; mem. organizing group, dir., v.p. and treas. Curtain Sup- ply Co., 1899-1926, when merged with The Adams & Westlake Co.; dir. Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Harris Safe De- posit Co. Mem. Isaac Walton League, Field Museum Natural Hist., Chicago Hist. Soc, U.S. Seniors Golf Assn., 111. Seniors Golf Assn. Mason (K.T.). Clubs: Union League, Chicago Athletic, Com- mercial Exmoor Country (Chicago) ; Three Lakes Rod and Gun (Wisconsin). Home: 715 S. Sheridan Rd., Highland Park, 111. Office: 319 W. Ontario St., Chi- cago, 111. ZELEZNY, John G.; b. Chicago, 111., 22 Feb. 1890; s. John V. and Marie (Ben- da) Z. ; law sch., accounting sch. Foun- der with father, 1912-16 of Zelezny Sav- ings Bank; organizer and pres. of 26th State Bank, 1919; paid out depositors and stock holders in full, 1931; now pres. John G. Zwlwzny Co., real estate and insurance; pres. 26th Street Safe Depos- it Co.; exec. sec. Guaranty Savings & Loan Assn. Mem. Chicago Real Estate Bd., Chicago Bd. of Underwriters, Chi- cago Crime Comm., Crawford Civic As- sociation. Clubs: Cary Country, Mar- quette Gun (pres.). Mason, Odd Fellow, Knights of Pythias. Home : 1734 N. New- land Av. Office: 3856 W. 26th St., Chi- cago, 111. TURNBULL, George Clarence, inter- nal medicine; b. Kewanee, 111., 5 Sept. 1896; s. George McClennan and Mary (Mackenzie) T. ; student Northwestern Univ., 1916-18; M.D., Northwestern Uni- versity Med. Sch., 1922; studied internal medicine and pathology, Univ. of Vien- na, 1926-27; m. Louise Canham, 5 Sept. 1929; 1 dau. — Mary Ellen. Med. house officer Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Bos- ton, 1922-24; mem. faculty, Yale Sch. of Medicine, 1924-26; asso. in medicine, Northwestern Univ., since Sept. 1927; asso. physician Evanston Hosp. since 1930. Col., U.S. Army Med. Corps, active duty, 1941-46. Diplomate Am. Bd. Inter- nal Medicine; fellow Am. Coll. Physi- cians; member Chicago Soc. Internal Med., Am. Heart Assn., A.M. A., Chicago Med. Soc, Central Soc. of Clin. Investi- gation, Assn. of Military Surgeons, Med. Officers R.C., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch. Alumni Asso., Pi Kappa Ep- silon (founder mem., 1921), Phi Delta Theta, Nu Sigma Nu, Alpha Omega Al- pha. Republican. Presbyterian. Club: University of Evanston. Home: 2218 Or- rington Av. Office: 636 Church St., Evan- ston, 111. WOODARD, Oliver Wendell, practi- tioner; b. Hesper, Kan., 12 Dec 1898; s. Chas. Overman and Sarah Melvina (Gardner) W.; student Kan. State Univ., Ph.B., Chicago Law School; m. Olive Aitken, 18 June 1927; 1 son— Oliver Wen- dell. Service mgr. Goodrich Rubber Co., Los Angeles, Calif., 1915-17, and Miller Rubber Co., Los Angeles, 1919-24; Chris- tian Science practitioner since 1924. Served with 91st Div. in special duty, of- fice of Chief of Staff G-3, A.E.F., 1917-19. Awarded Silver Star citation, World War I. Mem. Am. Legion, Cahokia, Sigma Chi. Republican. Christian Scientist. Ma- son (K.T.). Home: 139 Linden Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 6 N. Michigan Av., Rm. 1423, Chicago, 111. TEUSCHER, George William, univer- sity prof.; b. Chicago, 111., 11 Jan. 1908; s. of Albert Christian and Elizabeth (Klesch) T. ; D.D.S., Northwestern Uni- versity, 1929, M.S.D., 1936, A.M., 1940; Ph.D., 1942; m. Eleanor C. Oeler, 29 Sept 1934; childrren — Carol Ann, John William. Engaged in general practice of dentistry, 1929-34, in pedodontics since 1934; instr. in pedodontics, Northwestern Univ., 1933-38, asst. prof., 1938-41, asso. prof. 1941, prof., 1946, clinical asst. in surgery Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch. since 1945. Served with Res. Officers Corps, 1929-42. Fellow Am. Coll. of Den- tists; mem. Am. Dental Assn., Chicago and 111. State dental socs., Odontograph- ic Soc, Am. Soc. Pedodontics, Xi Psi Phi, Omicron Kappa Upsilon. Methodist. Club: Rotary (Chicago). Contbr. arts, to dental jours. Lecturer throughout U. S. and Can. on pedodontics; author of motion picture on some phases of ped- odontics (also issued in Spanish and Portuguese). Home: County Line Rd., Rt. 3, Barrington, 111. Office: 55 E. Wash- ington St., Chicago, 111. SCHENK, Hans, branch mgr.; b. in Springdale, Pa., 21 May 1894; s. Emil and Otti (Winter) S.; ed. in high sch.; m. Use E. Haupt, 30 Aug. 1933. Appren- tice, office worker, salesman, branch mgr., Albert Trostel & Sons Co., of Mil- waukee, Wis., 1912-32; salesman and br. mgr., Western Textile Products Co. of St. Louis, Mo., since 1932. Conglist. Vice pres. City Club of Chicago. Home: 6916 1068 Chappel Av. Office: 343 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. SCHUMACHER, Bowen Emerson, law- yer; b. Highland Park, 111., 30 Oct. 1900; s. Bowen Wisner and Harriet Orne (Em- erson) S.; B.A., Univ. of Mich., 1922, J.D., 1924; m. Janet Dyer Lowenthal, 19 Jan. 1933; children— Janet Ann, Bowen Emerson. Admitted to 111. bar, 1924; law clerk Schumacher & Murphy, Chicago, 1924-26, partner, 1926-29; partner law firm Packard, Barnes, McCaughey and Schumacher, 1929-40, Packard, Barnes, Schumacher & Gilmore since 1940; dir. and attorney C.&A. Terminal Co., High- land Park Bldg. & Loan Assn. Corp. counsel, Highland Park, 1927-29; special counsel Bd. of Local Improvements, Highland Park, 1929-31; counsel, Park Dist., Highland Park, since 1927. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Psi Upsilon, Phi Delta Phi, Pi Delta Ep- silon, Order of the Coif. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Exmoor Country (Highland Park) ; Mid-Day, Law, Legal (Chicago). Home: 1212 S. Lincoln Av., Highland Park, 111. Office: 38 S. Dear- born St., Chicago, 111. SIMON, Lester, real estate broker; b. Wabash, Ind., 1 Sept. 1893; s. Sam and Rosa (Livingston) Simon; grad. Wabash High School, 1911; m. Betty Goodman; children — Morton, Carol Lester, Jr. Be- gan as salesman for father, Simon Ci- gar Co., Wabash, 1912; road salesman for A. Stein & Co., mfrs. Paris Garters, 1915-18; real estate salesman with Mark Levy & Bros., Chicago, 1921-25; entered into real estate business, 1925, and since owner Lester Simon & Co., chain store leasing specialists. Served as petty of- ficer, U.S. Navy, during World War. Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Home: 501 W. Surf St. Office: 160 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. SINGLETARY, Charles Emory, sub- scription books; b. San Jose, Calif., 4 Dec. 1883; s. James Emory and Lillian Agnes (Lyon) S.; grad. high sch., Los Angeles, 1902; student Univ. of Calif., 1903-05; m. Ruth Palmer, 3 Dec. 1925. Began as accountant, Honolulu, T. H., 1904; organized The Western Distribut- ing Co., 1910, incorporated in 111., 1919. Republican. Mason (Shriner). Club: 111. Athletic. Address: 500 Diversey Park- way, Chicago, 111. SLAVIK, Henry George, real estate investments and appraisals; b. Chicago, 111., 10 July 1887; s. Frank and Frantiska (Pechota) S.; attended sch. in Czechoslo- vakia, 1891-93, Hammond Pub. School, Chicago, 1894-1900; student Chicago Bus- iness Law Sch., 1903-06. Employment by various real estate orgns., 1900-22, as of- fice boy, rent collector, mgr. of proper- ties and sale and exchange of all types of properties; with Greenebaum Sons, mortgage bankers, 1906-22, negotiating loans on all classes of property through- out Cook Co. ; engaged in real estate in- vestments and appraisals business un- der own name, since 1922. V. pres. Al- bert Schwill & Co. Served as sergt. en- giners, U.S. Army, during World War. Mem. Am. Inst, of Real Estate Apprais- ers, Chicago Real Estate Bd. (formerly sec, vice pres., mem. adv. com. on real estate appraisals; chmn. real estate ap- praisal div., 1934-35), Am. Legion. Re- publican. Mason. Home: 1120 Lake Shore Dr. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. SMITH, George, vice pres. and gen. mgr. Century Electric Co.; b. Boston, Mass., 5 July 1885; s. George and Mar- garet Ann (Smith) S. ; student public schs., Somerville, Mass.; m. Gertrude Maria Hallett, 12 Feb. 1907; children- Dorothy Gertrude, Charles Ronald, Elizabeth Margaret, Viola Maria. En- grmg. dept. Gen. Elec. Co., Lynn, Mas- sachustts, 1903-10; mgr. motor and gen- erator sales Sprague Electric Works of Gen. Electric Co., N.Y. City, 1910-20; mfrs. agent, N.Y. City, 1920-23; v.p. and gen. mgr. Roth Bros. & Co., Chicago, 111, Munning Co., Chicago and Matawan, N. J., 1928-31; v.p. and gen. mgr. Century Electric Co., St. Louis, Mo., since 1931. Mem. Am. Inst. E.E. Episcopalian. Clubs: Noonday, Engineers (St. Louis). Home: 400 Belleview Avenue, Webster Groves, Mo. Office: 1806 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. SORLING, Carl Axel, lawyer; b. Mo- line, 111., 13 Sept. 1896; s. Jacob Axel and Alma Josephine (Lonnegren) S. ; LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1921, J.D., 1922; m. Winifred Josephine White, 15 Sept. 1921; children — Sheila Elizabeth, Jacob Axel. Admitted to 111. bar, 1922; engaged in pract. of law; now mem. firm Sorling, Catron & Hardin; dir. Sangamo Electric Co., John W. Hobbs Corp., Springfield Stockyards Co. Served as It. Arty., A.E. F., 1917-19. Mem. Am., 111. State, Sanga- mon County and Chicago bar assns., Al- pha Tau Omega, Phi Delta Phi. Luther- an. Clubs: Dlini Country, Sangamo of Springfield. Home: 1645 Ruth PI. Office: 1020 111. Bldg., Springfield, 111. RICE, Frank Elmore, exec. sec. Trade Assn.; b. Cuba, Ind., 31 July 1887; s. William Henry and Ada (Medaris) R. ; 1069 A.B., Ind. Univ., 1909; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 1914; widower; children — William Taylor, Elizabeth Florence. Asst. prof., Cornell Univ., 1914-24; prof, chemistry, N.C. State Coll., 1924-28; exec. sec. Evap- orated Milk Assn., Chicago, since 1928. Mem. Sigma Xi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa. Mem. Christian Ch. Ma- son. Clubs: University (Chicago), Ex- ecutives, Ft. Dearborn Camera (Chica- go), Photographic Soc. of Am. Author: Organic Chemistry, 1927. Contbr. of ar- ticles to professional journals. Home: 20 E. Cedar St. Office: 307 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. STRONG, George Franklin, librarian; b. Kents Hill, Me., 12 Aug. 1882; s. Wil- liam Cyrus and Sarah Adelaide (Fisk) S.; student Northwestern Univ., 1898-99; B.A., Wesleyan Univ. (Conn.), 1903; B. L.S., N.Y. State Library Sen., 1909; un- married. Asst. Wesleyan Univ. Library, 1903-04; librarian Univ. of N.D., 1904-08; librarian in charge Boston Univ., 1909- 10; librarian Adelbert Coll. (Western Re- serve Univ.), 1910-36, and of Case Li- brary, Cleveland, 1924-27; asso. director Western Reserve Univ. Libraries since 1935. Organizer and librarian, camp li- braries at Camp Beauregard, La., and Camp Bowie, Tex., 1917-18; acting exec?, sec. Library War Service of A.L.A. in 1918. Mem. A.L.A. , Ohio Library Assn., Library Club of Cleveland and Vicinity (pres. 1925-26), Phi Nu Theta and Phi Beta Kappa fraternities. Democrat. Presbyterian. Club: Rowfant (pres. 1925- 26). Contbr. library periodicals. Home: 2026 Cornell Rd. Address: Western Re- serve University Library, Cleveland, O. MINAHAN, Victor Ivan, newspaper editor; b. Chilton, Wis., 2 June 1881; s. William Burke and Mary (Shaugh- nessey) M. ; student Central Coll., Ste- vens Point, Wis., 1895-98; LL.B., Univ. of Wis., 1901; m. Bertha Bush Torinus, 23 Apr. 1918; children — i John B. Torinus (stepson), Mary (Mrs. John M. Walter), Victor Ivan. Admitted to Wis. bar, 1901, and practiced in Green Bay, 1901- 30; editor Green Bay Press-Gazette and Appleton (Wis.) Post-Crescent since 1930; pres. Green Bay Newspaper Co.; treas. Post Pub. Co.; dir. Kellogg-Citi- zens Nat. Bank. Capt. U.S. Army, 1917- 19. Clubs: Tavern (Chicago); Elks of Green Bay. Home: 823 N. Broadway, De Pere, Wis. Office: Press-Gazette, Green Bay, Wis. WILKE, Otto John, clergyman; b. in Charles City, la., 7 May 1874; s. Chris- tian Friedrich and Adelheid (Haering) W.; A.B., Wartburg Coll., Waverly, la., 1892; student Wartburg Sem., Dubuque, Iowa, 1892-95; B.D., English Lutheran Sem., Chicago, 1896; grad. work, Univ. of Wis., 1896-97; D.D., Capital Univ., Columbus, O., 1939; m. Klara Marie Beck, 7 May 1901; children— Adelaide Marie, Erna Helen. Ordained Lutheran ministry, 1897; pastor Superior, Wis., 1897-1904; succeeded father as pastor St. John Lutheran Congregation, Madison, Wis., since 1904; v. p. and dir. Lutheran Mutual Fire Ins. Assn., vice pres., dir. Provident Loan & Bldg. Assn., 1932-41. Mem. exec. com. and 2d v.p. American Lutheran Church, 1932-38; 3d v.p. Wis- consin District of Am. Lutheran Church 1932-40; mem. Fellowship Commission Am. Luth. Ch., 1932-41; mem. bd. trus- tees Madison Lutheran Hosp. and Sana- torium Assn.; chmn. directing com. of Luth. Student Service, Univ. of Wis.; pres. Madison Free Library Bd. Mem. Steuben Soc. (Madison), Sprotsman's League, Madison Cine 8 mm Club. Home: 316 E. Washington Av., Madison, Wis. THILL, Frank Augustine, bishop; b. Dayton, O., 12 Oct. 1893; s. Bernard J. and Margaret (Scheie) T.; A.B., Univ. of Dayton, 1914; Ph.D., 1925; studied philosophy and theology, Mt. St. Mary Sem. of the West, Cincinnati, and An- gelico Univ., Rome (J. CD. 1928). Or- ganizer, 1918, and nat. sec. -treas. Cath- olic Students' Mission Crusade, 1918-35, exec, counselor since 1935; ordained priest R.C. Ch., 1920; organizer, 1926, and dir. Soc. to Aid Missions, Cincinnati; dir. Laymen's Retreat Movement, 1926; chancellor and mem. bd. consultors and Matrimonial Court, Cincinnati Archdio- cese, 1935; pastor St. Louis Ch., Cincin- nati, 1937. Mem. bd. dirs. Propagation of the Faith Soc, Holy Childhood Assn. Mem. Flood Prevention Commn., Day- ton, 1913. Made hon. Papal chamberlain with title of Monsignor, 1928; made do- mestic prelate, 1937; consecrated bishop of Concordia, 1938; transferred to Salina, 19*44. Knight Commander Order of the Holy Sepulchre. K.C. (4th deg.), mem. Phi Kappa Fraternity. Home: 421 Coun- try Club Rd., Salina, Kan. TURNER, James, lawyer, corp. exec; b. Lansing, Mich., 18 July 1878; s. of James M. and Sophie Porter (Scott) T. ; A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1902, LL.B., 1904; m. Pamela Tappey, 30 Oct. 1907; chil- dren—Ernest T., John D., Pamela W., Richard H. Admitted to Mich, bar, 1904, practiced Detroit, Mich., 1904-09; mem. Angell, Turner, Dyer & Meek, Detroit, 1070 Mich., since 1909, senior mem. since 1932; v.p. and gen. counsel Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co. ; v.p. and dir. Gogebic & Ontonagon Land Co.; v.p., gen. counsel Universal Button Fasten- ing & Button Co., Detroit; dir., member exec. com. Mich. R.Rs. Assn. (rep. Pa. R.R. Co.) Served as maj. Gen. Staff, U.S. Army, A.E.F., 1918-19. Mem. Psi Upsilon. Republican. Clubs: Yondotega, University, Detroit, Athletic, Country (Detroit) ; Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Riding and Hunt (Grosse Pointe,... Riding and Hunt (Grosse Pointe, Mich.) ; Huron Mountain. Home: 330 Provencal Rd., Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. Office: 2104 Dime Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. WEBBE, Richard S., landscape paint- er; b. Cincinnati, 20 Jan. 1884; s. George and Eliza Dickey (Morrison) W. ; stu- dent Woodbury Coll., Columbus, 1904-07; grad. Bolton Coll., Va., 1908; studied art and painted in Florence, Italy, 1909- 12; in Dusseldorf, 1913-22, Munich, 1923- 26; m. Marie Dobson Tenney, 26 Dec. 1912. Author : European Life, Legend and Landscape, 1926; Dolce far Niente (po- ems), 1929. Was for several years art critic New York Post and Express. Home: 536 Deming Place, Chicago, 111. STEED, Mrs. James G., research chemistry, writer; b. Rockford, 111., 15 Aug. 1900; d. Edward M. and Margaret A. (Tunison) Griffith; Ph.D., in Chem- istry, Ohio State Univ.; m. James G. Steed, 24 June 1939; 1 son— John Grif- fith. Grad. asst. Iowa State Coll.; asst. prof, in textiles Ohio State Univ.; asso. in textile research Ohio Agr. Expt. Sta- tion; asst. prof. Purdue Univ.; now de- voting entire time to homemaking. Mem. Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Girl Scout Council, Olla Podrida, Iota Sigma Pi, Omicron Nu, Sigma Delta Epsilon, Sig- ma Xi. Democrat. Author of scientific articles relating to dyes, color fastness, laundry problems and durability of fab- ric. Address: 1350 Canfield Av., Day- ton, O. NEILSEN, J. Rud, research prof, physics; b. Copenhagen, Denmark, 22 Sept. 1894; s. N. F. Nielsen and Marie (Johansen) N.; Ph.D., Calif. Inst. Tech- nol., 1924; m. D. Gertrude Nielsen, 19 Oct. 1923; children — John, Thomas, Mary. Instr., Royal Tech. Coll., Copen- hagen, Denmark, 1918-22; prof. Hum- boldt State Coll., Areata, Calif., 1923-24; prof., Univ. Okla., Norman, Okla., since 1924; mem. bd. dirs. and exec, com., Univ. Okla. Research Inst., 1942—; fel- low Am. Scandinavian Foundation, 1922- 23, fellow John Simon Guggenheim Me- morial, 1931-32. Mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Physical Soc, Optical Soc. of Am., A.A.A.S., Am. Assn. Physics Teachers, Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Sigma Xi. Au- thor numerous research papers in Am. and fgn. jours., chiefly on spectroscopy and molecular structure. Office: Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Home: 310 S. University Blvd., Norman, Okla. BRINKMEIER, Ina Hill, educator; b. Rockville, Ind., 10 Mar. 1891; d. Tele- manchus and Sarah Elizabeth (Berry) Hill; holds degrees B.A., M.A., Ph.D.; m. Arnold E. Brinkmeier, 28 June 1921. Instr. in Oklahoma public schools, 5 yrs., Colorado pub. sens., 3 yrs., Calif, public sens., 4 yrs., head of dept. of foreign lan- guages and prof, of Spanish, Calif. Mem. Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Order of East- ern Star, Pi Lambda Theta, Sigma Delta Pi, Delta Kappa Gamma. Republican. Mem. Society of Friends. Author of ar- ticles: Factors Governing Objective Ex- aminations (Jour, of Ednl. Research), 1929-30. Spent 5 yrs. in Mexico conduct- ing research relating to modern authors of Mexico. Address: P.O. Box 50, Laton, Calif. MIDELFART, Peter A. H., surgeon; b. Eau Claire, Wis., 5 Aug. 1905; s. H. Christian U. and Margarita (Hande) M.; ed. Mercersburg Acad., 1923; A.S., Yale, 1927; M.D., Harvard, 1931; m. Gjerd Gjems, 29 Mar. 1941; children — Hans Christian Erik, Signe Louise Gjems. Served internships and residencies in med., surgery, pathology, orthopedics at Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Boston, Mass., 1931-33, NY. Hosp., Cornell Uni- versity, 1933-34, Wis. Gen. Hosp., 1934- 37, Ulevaal Hosp., Oslo, Norway, 1937- 38; surgeon, Midelfart Clinic, 1939-42; surgeon, Midelfart Clinic, Luther Hosp. (chief of staff), Sacred Heart Hosp., Mt. Washington Sanatorium (thoracic sur- geon), all of Eau Claire, Wis. Served as surgeon in A. U.S., major, It. col., 44th Gen. Hosp., 1942-46. Diplomate, Am. Bd. of Surgery. Fellow, Am. Coll. of Sur- geons, A.M. A.; mem. Wis. Surgical Soc, A.A.A.S.; asso. mem., Am. Assn. Tho- racic Soc. ; mem. Chippewa Valley Fo- rum, Civic Music (past pres), Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Delta Kappa Epsilon. Alpha Omega Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu. Re- publican. Clubs: Eau Claire Country; Aesculapian (Boston). Author: Coarcta- ion of Aorta and other arts, on thoracic surgery. Home: 321 Summit Av. Office: 314 Grand Av. E., Midelfart Clinic, Eau Claire, Wis. ORR, Pence Billings, lawyer; b. Co- lumbus, Ind., 9 Mar. 1883; s. of Judge 1071 John C. and Rose Edith (Billings) O.; LL.B., Univ. of Ind. (Indianapolis Br.), 1905; m. Edith V. Johnson, 1 Feb. 1919; 1 dau. — Emita Rose. Mem. 111. bar since 16 Oct. 1905; gen. practice, operating under own name; asst. atty. gen. 111., 1917-25; asst. commr. 111. Commerce Commn., 1928-33. Mem. Am., 111. State and Will Co. Bar Assns., Am. Legion (past comdr.) (mem. Nat. Exec. Conf., Am. Legion Founders). Republican. Presbyterian (trustee). Mason (Shriner) (one of the incorporators and dir. Order of the Golden Key) ; Knights of Pythias, (past grand chancellor of 111., and mem. Supreme Lodge). Club: Lions (organi- zer and past pres. Joliet den). Home: 913 Grand Blvd. Office: 217 Chalstrom Bldg., Joliet, 111. MACKENZIE, Wallace S., bus. exec; b. Woodstock, Ont., Can., 1 Oct. 1888; s. John A. and Elsie (Sutherland) M.; ed. St. Andrews Coll., M.E., E.E., Univ. of Toronto; m. Edna Maitland Hersee, 2 June 1915; 1 son— Edward P. With Brit- ish Columbia Electric Co., Vancouver, B.C., 1911-13; Grand Trunk R.R., 1913- 14; with Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, Inc. since 1915, now exec, vice pres., treas. Mem. Detroit Board of Commerce, Am. Red Cross (Detroit chapter), Engring. Soc. of Detroit, Concrete Inst. Republi- can. Episcopalian. Clubs: Detroit Athlet- ic, Grosse Pointe. Home: 1116 Yorkshire Rd., Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. Office: Mar- quette Bldg., Detroit, Mich. WHITE, Paul Amos, surgeon; b. Red Oak, la., 1 June 1884; s. William and Clara M. (Tolman) W.; Ph.B., 1908; B. S., 1908; M.D., 1916; M.S., Univ. of Min- nesota, Mayo Foundation, 1920; m. Alma A. Robbins, 29 June 1909; children — Paul M., Priscilla J., Patricia A. Founded Central Clinic, 1921 (chief surgeon) Graduate Sch. ; chief surgeon, Mercy Hosp.; surgeon, St. Luke's Hosp. Mem. Am. Coll. Surgeons, 1925 (past chmn. la. State Surgical Sect.), A.M.A., la. State Med. Soc. Republican. Unitarian. Clubs: Commercial, Kiwanis, Outing, Daven- port, Chamber of Commerce. Author : various scientific arts, for professional jours. Home: 2023 Carey Av. Office: 402 Davenport Bank Bldg., Davenport, la. ANDERSON, Leslie Lutz, lawyer; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 22 May 1901; s. of John and Mollie P. (Haish) A.; ed. Cen- tral High Sch., Minneapolis; A.B. ; A. M., Univ. of Minn., 1923; LL.B., Har- vard, 1928; unmarried. Asst. dept. po- lit. sci., Univ. of Minn.; sect, man North- ern Pacific Ry.; admitted to practice law, Minn., 1928; spl. prosecutor, Hen- nepin Co., for various unauthorized practice of law cases; instr. law sch., Minneapolis Y.M.C.A., Minneapolis Coll. of Law; mem. firm Stinchfield, Mackall, Crounse and Moore since 1928; founder Young Rep. League in Minn. (1st state dir.); pres. Minneapolis Voters Assn., Commonwealth Club of Minn., League of Rep. Voters; mem. Rep. State Cen- tral Com., Speakers Bur. of Nat. Rep. Com., Minneapolis State Rep. Central Com., Hennepin Co. Bar Assn. (pro- gram, judiciary corns., sec, legislation com., com. on unauthorized practice of law, chmn. com. for continuation of le- gal studies), Minn. State Bar Association (chmn. com. on membership, local as- sociations, unauthorized practice of law, editor Bench and Bar), Am. Bar Assn. (organizing state for Constitution Week, 2 years), Assn. Interstate Commerce Commn. Practitioners, Minneapolis Mu- sicians Assn., Am. Scandinavian Assn., Hennepin Co. Rep. Club., Jr. Assn. Com- merce, Am. Legion, Am. Vets. Com., Judge Advocate's Assn., Y.M.C.A. (boys work), panel Bd. of Arbitrators of Nat. Arbitration Assn. for Settlement of La- bor Disputes, and Disputes within Film Industry, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Sigma Rho. Served in A.U.S., World War II, Major J.A.G.D.; mem. faculty Judge Advocate's Sch., Univ. of Mich. Reed. Army Commendation Award for Out- standing Service. Republican. Christian Scientist. Mason. Clubs: Automobile; La- fayette; The Lawyers (Univ. of Mich.). Author: The Disputes Article in Govern- ment Contracts. (Mich. Law Rev.); Tort and Implied Contract Liability of the Federal Government (Minn. Law Rev.) ; The Federal Tort Claims Act (Minn. Law Rev.); Changes, Changed Condi- tions, and Extras in Government Con- tracting (111. Law Rev.); book rev. (Va. Law Rev.); co-author: Government Con- tracts and Readjustment (text book). Home: White Pickets, Edgemoor Dr., Knollwood, Hopkins, Minn. Office: 1100 1st Nat.-Soo Line Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. KELLUM, L.B., mus. dir., prof.; b. Baltimore, Md., 24 Mar. 1897; s. William Hollis and Emma (Burnett) K.; A.B., Johns Hopkins, 1919, Ph.D., 1924; un- married. Asst. geologist, Carter Oil Co., Okla. and N. Mex., 1919-20; geologist, Cia Transcontinental de Petroles, S.A., Mex., 1920-21, 1924-48; instr. geology, U. of Mich., 1928-30, asst. prof., 1929-37, asso. prof, since 1937, dir. Museum of Paleontology since 1941; chief geolo- gist, N.Z. Petrol Co., Ltd., 1938-40; sum- mers, geologist, Standard Oil Co. of N. 1072 J., Mex., 1922; U.S. Geol. Service 1923, 44, 45; dir. Mich, expeditions since 1930. Served as 2d It. Inf. U.S.A., 1918 Mem. Geol. Survey. Republican. Baptist. Au- thor: Geology and Biology of the San Carlos Mountains, Mexico, Univ. Mich. Scientific Ser., Vol. 12, 1937; arts, on ge- ology and other scientific subjs. for var- ious jours. Home: Apt. A-4, 619 E. Uni- versity Av. Office: University Museums, Ann Arbor, Mich. ANDREWS, Fred, lawyer; dau. J. F. Andrews and Elizabeth (Stockton) A.; ed. high sch. ; American Extension Law Univ.; Draughon's Business Coll.; un- married. Admitted to practice law in Oklahoma, 1934; mem. law firm Grigs- by & Andrews, Ada, Okla., 1935-39, prac- ticed alone since 1939; state parliamen- tarian, Fedn. of Women, Okla., 1937; pres. Bus. Women's Club (Ada, Okla.), 1938; member Chamber Commerce, chmn. Women's orgns. bond drives dur- ing World War II. Democrat. Baptist. Address: First National Bldg., Ada, Okla. Home: 1008 E. 10th St., Ada, Okla. LAWRENCE, Mrs. Harvey, educator (primary) ; b. Bryant, Ind. ; d. Elmer Kahl and Mary (McClure) K.; A.B., Car- thage Coll., 1941; grad. work, Univ. of Chicago, 1945-46; m. Harvey S. Law- rence, D.D., 26 Mar. 1941. Teacher in public schools of Neb., Ind., 111.; active in religious edn. of children and young people. Lutheran. Author: The Singing Wind (book of poetry), 1945; numerous poems pub. in anthologies. Address: Box 343, Columbia City, Ind. BRADLEY, H. C, univ. prof.; b. Oak- land, Calif., 25 Nov. 1878; s. Cornelius Beach Bradley and Mary (Comings) B.; A.B., Univ. Calif., 1900; Ph.D., Yale, 1905; m. Mary Josephine Crane, 8 July 1908; children—Oiarles C, Harold C, David J., Stephen J., Joseph C, Rich- ard C, William C. Instr. Yale Medical Sch.; asst. prof, physiol. chem., Univ. Wis.; asso. prof.; capt. and major, Chem. Warfare Div., World War I; prof. Univ. Wis., and chmn. dept. physiologi- cal chemistry; mem. Am. Physiol. Soc, A.A.A.S., Am. Chem. Soc., Soc. Exptl. Biol, and Medicine, Am. Forestry Assn., Nat. Parks Assn., Wilderness Soc. Club: Sierra. Republican. Author of scientific arts. Office: Memorial Inst. Bldg., Univ. Wis., Madison, Wis. Home: 2914 Oxford Rd., Madison 5, Wis. ALBRIGHT, Penrose S., univ. prof.; b. Winfield, Kan., 14 Dec. 1896; s. P. H. Albright and Emma (Strong) S.; grad. Winfield High Sch.; B.S., Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.; M.S., Ph.D., Univ. Wis.; m. Mary Lucas, 27 Apr. 1924; children — Penrose Lucas, James Curtice, John Grover. Instr., Southwestern Coll., Win- field, Kan., 18 yrs., successively chmn. div. natural sciences, etc.; also co-ordi- nator War Training Service (successor to Civil Pilot Training) and faculty rep- resentative; head, physics dept., Univ. Wichita (Kan.) since July 1943; also in charge pilot training; on loan to Univ. Wichita Foundation for Indsl. Research several mos. to get new orgn. under way; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Physi- cal Soc, Inst. Aeronautical Sci., Am. Assn. Physics Teachers, Am. Soc. for Engring. Edn., Wichita Chamber Com- merce, Rotary Internat., Am. Legion. Club: Farm and Ranch (Wichita). Pri- vate pilot license. Republican. Author several arts, on dielectric constants and salting-out effect. Office: Univ. Wichita, Wichita 6, Kan. Home: 220 N. Terrace Dr., Wichita 8, Kan. POLE, Gordon R., chem. engr. ; b. Dryad, Wash., 1899; s. Charles F. and Eva (Miles) P.; B.S., Wash. Univ., 1922; Ph.D., Pa. State Coll., 1934; m. Maria Duncan, 22 June 1937; children — Gordon Robert, John Francis, Jr. Fellow, Mel- lon Inst., 1923-27; research asso., U.S. Bur. Standards, 1927-31; research, Pitts- burgh Plate Glass Co., 1931-33; chem. engr. research, T.V.A., 1934-35; research Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co. since 1945. Mem. Am. Ceramic Soc, Inst. Ceramic Engrs., Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Am. Chem. Soc, A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Chi. Independent. Episcopalian. Author: Effect of Water on Expansion of Ceram- ic Bodies of Different Composition (Res. paper No. 98, U.S. Dept. Commerce) ; Method of Measuring Strains Between Glazes and Ceramic Bodies Composition (Res. paper No. 189, U.S. Dept. Com- merce) ; Testing Refractories Against the Corrosive Action of Electric Furnace Phosphate Slag; Fertilizer from Rock Phosphate; Development of Processes for Metaphosphate Productions. Holder of several patents. Home: Route 10. White Bear Lake, Minn. Office: Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co., 900 Fauquier St., St. Paul 6, Minn. RICHARDS, Claude E., dentist; b. in Berlin, Wis., 22 Apr.; s. Edgar G. and Ida B. R.; ed. Madison, Wis. high sch.; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dental Surgery, 1907; children — Stanley B., Claude E., Jr., Mayphor M. Mem. Am. Dental As- sociation, 111. State (life mem.) and Chi- 1073 cago Dental Socs., N. Suburban Dental Soc, Evanston Dental Assn. (p. pres.), Chamber of Commerce, A.F.&A.M., B. P.O.E. (charter mem. Evanston Lodge No. 1316) Clubs: Rotary (p. pres., char- ter member, Evanston), Westmoreland Country, Tyranena Country (Lake Mills, Wis.). Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Inter- ests: hunting, sailing. Recreations: fish- ing, golf. Protestant. Republican. Office: 708 Church St., Evanston, 111. Home: 600 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, 111. Sum- mer home: Rock Lake, Lake Mills, Wis. TOOPS, Herbert Anderson, professor of psychology; b. Kiousville, O., 18 Sept. 1895; s. John William Toops, teacher, farmer, and Leona (Anderson) T.; ed. Midway High Sch., Sedalia, Ohio, 1908- 12; Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1912-14; B.A., B.S. (in edn.), Ohio State Univ., 1915, M.A., 1917; Ph.D., Columbia Univ., 1921; m. Laura Merrill Chassell of Sun- dance, Wyo., 31 Dec. 1922; children— Thorndike Clifford Chassell, Edward, Marian Chassell, Nona, Lawrence. U.S. Army, 1918-19; part time personnel work brass factory, 1919-20; test constr., Camp Grant, 1920-21; vocational guidance re- search Inst, of Edn. Research, Columbia Univ., 1921-23; asst. prof., psych., Ohio State Univ., 1923-27, prof. O.S.U., since 1927; asso. prof, psychol., Univ. Minn., 1927 (summer) ; has been research con- sultant on sev. important research proj- ects; inventor, statistical forms, testing devices, pat. no. 2,052,369 on a self-scor- ing form of testing device; ed., Ohio Coll. Assn. Bulletin; Ohio High School Bulletin; chmn. com. on Tech. Research, Ohio Coll. Assn. 1918 civilian in trade test div., com. on classification of per- sonnel in army, tech. interview spec, U.S. Employment Service, 1918-19, voc. test spec, Camp Grant, E. and R. Schs., 1920-21; member Sigma Xi, Phi Delta Kappa, fellow, A.A.A.S., Ohio Acad, of Sci. ; mem. Am. Statis. Assn., math, as- sociation, econ. soc, Sociometric Soc, Am. Ednl. Research Assn., Am. Psy- chol. Assn. Club: Ohio Area Council of Y.M.C.A. (personnel com.). Author: Trade Tests in Edn., Test for Vocational Guidance of Children, 13-16, Psychology of the Motorist, Minnesota Mechanical Ability Tests; over 200 articles, research reports, monographs, books on educa- tion, guidance, personnel and statistics. Travel: U.S., Can. Maternal and pater- nal great-grandparents early pioneers of Ohio. Father taught in pub. schools of Madison Co., 15 yrs., mother, 5 yrs. In- terests: development of statis. formulae; fishing, new varieties of plants, better- ment of farm life; theoretical toxonomy. Recreations: supervising five farms, psychology of agr. Independent Demo- crat. Office : Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O. Home: 1430 Cambridge Bldg., Colum- bus, O. Summer home: farm in O.; or farm in Minn. RICHARDSON, Charles Potter, civil engineer; b. Concord, N.H., 28 Dec. 1882; s. Charles Henry and Harriet (Curtis) R.; B.S., Dartmouth Coll., 1907; C.E., Thayer Sch. of Civ. Engring. (Dart- mouth), 1909; m. Edith McKay, 24 Mar. 1915; children — Dorothy (Mrs. Caleen), Mary Anne (Mrs. Hohhox), Lois (Mrs. Burt). Asst. on engring. corps. M.P. Ry., St. Louis, Mo., 1907-09, and asst. engr. same, 1909-12; with engring. dept., C, R.I. & P. Ry., Chicago, 1912-46; succes- sively asst. engr. track elevation, 1912- 18, spl. engr., 1918-20, div. engr., 1920- 21, engr. track elevation. 1921-33, engr. water service, 1933-37, engr. capital ex- penditures 1937-46; Terminal Engineer, Chicago South Side Railway Terminal Com., since Jan. 1946. Mem. exec. com. on standard specifications for concrete and re-enforced concrete, 1930-32. Asso. mem. Am. Soc. C.E.; mem. Am. Ry. Engring. Assn. (chmn. com. on masonry, 1927-31), mem. Chicago Engineers Club, Delta Kappa Epsilon. Republican. Pres- byterian. Mason. Home : 1307 W. 91st St. Office: 166 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. MASON, Michael Livingood, surgeon; b. Rossville, 111., 23 Apr. 1895; s. Fran- cis Marion and Katherine Elizabeth (Livingood) M. ; grad. high sch., Ross- ville, 1912; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1916, M.A., 1917, M.D., 1924, Ph.D., 1931; studied Marine Biol. Labs., Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., summer 1915, Woods Hole, Mass., summer 1916; student Path. Anat. Inst., Krankenhaus der Stadt, Wein, Aus- tria, 1925-26; m. Alice Frances Kolb, 28 Dec. 1921. Interne Cook Co. (111.) Hosp., 1924-25; asst. in anatomy, later asso. in anatomy, Northwestern Univ. School of Medicine, 1919-27, clin. asst. in surgery, 1925-28, instr. in surgery, 1929-30, asso. in surgery, 1930-32, asst. prof, in surgery 1932-37, asso. prof, in srugery since 1937; attending surgeon Wesley Memorial Hos- pital, 1926-29, Passavant Memorial Hosp. since 1929; asso. in surgery Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1931-32. Served as sergt. (1st class) in charge of Operating Thea- tre, U.S. Army Base Hosp. No. 12, Danne Camiers, France, June 1917- Apr. 1919; commd. It. col. Med. Res., U.S. Army, 1941; on active duty with twelfth Gen. Hosp. in Africa and Italy. Order Nacio- nal do Cruzeiro do Sol Brasil, 1945, Le- gion of Merit, 1945. Fellow Am. Coll. of 1074 Surgeons, Am. Bd. of Surgery (Founders Group), Am. Bd. of Plastic Surgery (Founders Group); mem. A.M. A., 111. State and Chicago Med. Socs., Chicago Surg. Soc, Am. Surg. Assn., Western Surgical Assn., Central States Surgical Assn. (Founders Group). The Surgeons Club, Am. Assn. for Surgery of Hand, Excelsior Surg. Club, Pi Kappa Epsilon, Wranglers, Phi Rho Sigma, Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha. Democrat. Clubs : University, Cliff dwellers. Abstract edi- tor of Internat. Abstract of Surgery. Con- tributor to Cyclo. of Medicine (1932-40), and A Textbook of Surgery, also to surg. jours. Home: 9 E. Ontario St. Office: 154 E. Erie St., Chicago, 111. HEINO, Albert Frederic, architect; b. Chicago, 111., 28 Jan. 1905; s. John Fred and Anna Mabel (Knowles) H. ; Armour Institute Tech., (scholarship 1922), B.S., (magna cum laude), 1926; A.M., Univ. of 111., 1928; m. Doris Pauline Monson, 26 Apr. 1930; 1 dau. — Margaret Jean. Instr. design; Univ. of 111., 1926-28, es- tablished independent practice, Chicago, 1932, specialist in inst. bldgs., eccles. arch.; became co. architect, United Air Lines, 1942, head of arch, dept., engaged in designing airports and bldg. facilities, in charge of research development for United Air Lines, covering future airport requirements. Licensed architect in four- teen States and Dist. Columbia; cons, to cities on airport bldg. programs; chmn. joint airline bldg. com. for new Chicago Municipal Airport terminal bldg. ; mem. airline terminal bldg. corns. Boston, Detroit, Denver, N.Y. City, Se- attle; tech. adviser to Bd. of Aeronau- tics, Univ. of 111. ; originator unit ter- minal plan for comml. air transport ter- minals. Mem. Air Transport Assn., com. on airport bldgs. (Washington, D.C.) nat. advisory com. to the industry; com. on future airport requirements (N.Y.); ad- viser tech. commn. for airlines, Chicago. Awarded medal of excellence, Am. Inst, of Architects. Republican. Protestant. Mem. Am. Inst, of Architects, mayor's adv. com. on air terminal, Denver, Col- orado, Sigma Kappa Delta, Theta Xi, Scarab (hon.). Clubs: Beverly Lions (p. pres.), Beverly Hills University. Author: press releases on bldg. designs, paper on The Airport Terminal Problem (Air- port Mgrs. Conf., Fort Wayne, Ind., 1944); Unit Terminal Design for Airport Terminal Buildings; The Airport Termi- nal Problem, Aviation Maintinance Mag- azine, June 1944; Air Terminal Design (Architectural Record) ; paper Air Ter- minal Design, Air Transport Engring. meeting, S.A.E., 3 Dec. 1945, Chicago, 111. Lecturer before clubs, ednl. groups. Home: 315 N. Riverside Dr., Dolton, 111. Office: United Air Lines, Chicago 38, 111. JAOOBSEN, Clarence Ethelbirt, mfg. and sales edn. ; b. Dannebrog, Neb., 22 Aug. 1904; s. Anton and Hulda (Peter- sen) J.; ed. pub. sch.; m. Margiarita Hamilton, 24 Aug. 1935; children-Judith Ann, Barbara Lynn. Pres. Jacobsen & Daw; vice pres. Diamond Productions, Inc. Mem. Soc. Naval Architects and Marine Engrs. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn. (Chicago, 111.); Sunset Ridge Country (Winnetka, 111.); James River Country (Newport News, Va.). Home: 2244 Orrington Av., Evanston, 111. Office: 20 N. Wacker St., Chicago, 111. HERMANN, Grover Martin, pres. Am. Marietta Co.; b. Callicoon, N.Y., 21 July 1890; s. Martin and Mary Elizabeth (Wizemann) H.; student pub. schs. of Callicoon, N.Y.; m. Hazel Myrtle Hes- singer, 30 Jan. 1914; children — Grover Martin, Jr. (capt. Armed Forces killed in action in Ger., 26 Jan. 1945), Shirley, Robert; m. 2d Sarah R. Thurmond, 27 Oct. 1945. Pres. Am. -Marietta Co., (for- merly Am. Asphalt Paint Co.), Chicago, 111. since 1931, dir. since 1913; chmn. bd. Schorn Paint Mfr. Co., Seattle, since July 1945, Leon Finch, Ltd., Los Ange- les, Calif., since Sept. 1945, Adhesive Products Co., Seattle, 1946; pres. Ottawa Paint Works, Ltd., Otawa, Can., since May, 1945, Pacific Chem. Co., Los Ange- les, 1946; Sewall Paint & Varnish Co., Kansas City, Dallas, Tex., since Apr. 1944. Clubs: Tavern, Medinah (Chicago), Seigniory (Province of Quebec, Can.), North Shore Country (Glenview, 111.). Mem. Chicago Equestrian Assn. Home: 1120 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Office: 43 E. Ohio St., Chicago, 111. BEAMSLEY, Foster Gilman, v.p. Na- tional City Lines, Inc.; b. Delavan, Wis., 2 Jan. 1890; s. Albert J. and Nora (Fos- ter) B.; student Univ. of Wis., 1912-14; m. Inez Lawrence, 9 June 1915; children — Foster Gilman, Martha Jane, Jo-Ann. Deputy nat. bank examiner 9th Fed. Re- serve dist., 1914-17; exec. v.p. and dir. Duluth Nat. Bank, Duluth, Minn.. 1917- 30; dir. Northern Nat. Bank and North- ern Trust Co., 1925-20; mem. organizing group and treas. and dir. Greyhound Corp., 1926-29; organizer, pres. and dir. Transportation Credit Corp., 1930-35; or- ganizing group, v.p. and dir. National City Lines, Inc., and 31 wholly owned subsidiary cos., Chicago, since 1936; dir. St. Louis Pub. Service Co., Transit Casualty Co., St. Louis, Los Ange4es 1075 Transit Co. Mem. Beta Theta Pi. West- moreland Country (Wilmette, Illinois). Home: 197 Oxford Rd., Kenilworth, 111. Office: 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. CIRESE, Helen Mathilde, lawyer; b. Marion, Ind., d. Joachim Phillip and Providence Mary (Graziano) C. ; LL.B., DePaul Univ. Coll. of Law, 1920. Admit- ted to 111. bar, 1921 ; practiced in Chicago since 1921; partner, N. J. Bonelli and George L. Quilici, 1924-30, Charles C. Ci- rese, 1930-43, Charles C. Cirese and Eu- gene L. Cirese, since 1943. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Nation- al Assn. of Women Lawyers (past pres.), Women's Bar Assn. of 111. (past pres.). Kappa Beta Pi. Democrat. Roman Cath- olic. Club: (past pres.) West Area Bus. and Profl. Women's (Chicago). Del. Ho. of Delegates Am. Bar Assn., 1944-45; elected Justice of the Peace, Oak Park, 111., 3 Apr. 1945, 4 yr. term; mem. Oak Park Club of Zonta, Internat., Chicago Club, Pilot Internat. Home: 533 N. Cuy- ler Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. MUNSERT, Helen W., lawyer; b. Ar- lington, Va., 29 May 1909; d. of Luther Mason and Anna (Bradbury) Walter; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1929; J.D., Chi- cago-Kent Coll. of Law, 1935, LL.M., 1936; m. Kenneth W. Munsert, 6 Dec. 1929. Mem. law firm Stansell and Mun- sert, 1935-36; staff asso. Walter, Burch- more and Belnap, attys., since 1936. Mem. Women's Bar Assn. of 111., Nat. Assn. of Women Lawyers, 111. State, Chi- cago and Am. Bar Assns., Assn. of In- terstate Commerce Commn. Practition- ers, Pi Delta Phi. Republican. Home: Weisbrook Rd., Wheaton, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. BERGHOFF, Robert S., physician; b. Ft. Wayne, Ind., 9 June 1889; s. Herman J. and Walburga (Mayer) B.; M.D., St. Louis Univ. Med. Sch., 1913; internship St. John's Hosp., St. Louis, 1913-14; post- grad, study Harvard Med. Sch., 1914; post-grad, study Paris, Vienna and Lon- don, 1926; m. Mary Elizabeth Ford, 10 Aug. 1918. Practiced in Chicago since 1915; internist for 10 yrs., cardiologist since then; clinical prof. Med., Loyola Univ., since 1928; formerly chief of med. sec. and med. dir. Mercy Hosp., Loyola Univ. Clinics and attending physican Cook County Hosp.; now dir., sr. attend- ing physician, pres. staff, Heart Sta. Mercy Hosp. Lt. and capt., U.S. Army, 1918; Major Med. Res., 1925-30; Certified by Bd. of Internal Med. Fellow Am. Col- lege of Physicians, A.M. A.; mem. Chi- cago Soc. Internal Medicine, Am. Tru- deau Soc, 111. State Med. Soc; chmn. Scientific Service Com., Post-Grad. Com. bd. of advs. Dept. Pub. Health State of 111.; chmn. exec. com. Med. Civilian De- fense (bd. 39), Cardiac div. Mercy Hos- pital; chmn. Adv. com. on Civilian Phys- ical Fitness; mem. ednl. com. for the Med. Adv. Com., rehabilitation of reject- ed selectees; mem. bd. dirs. Plan for Hosp. Care; mem. adv. com. on Mater- nal and Infant Welfare; mem. Chicago Tuberculosis Heart Assn. First vice pres. 111. State Med. Society (1943-44). Acting pres. 111. State Med. Soc May 1944-45, pres. May 1946-47; chmn. Tuber- culosis Survey com. (Chicago Med. Soc, 1945), Tuberculosis Central Com. (Chi- cago Med. Soc, 1945), exec com. Chi- cago Med. Soc's 2d Annual Clin. Conf. ; mem. exec. com. 111. State Med. Soc, 1945 * chmn. adv. council, exec. com. Hosp. Survey for 111., 1945. Mem. Alpha Omega Alpha (hon.), Alpha Kappa Kap- pa. Republican. Roman Catholic. Con- tributed 25 sci. papers on cardiology. Author: Digest on Common Forms of Heart Disease, 1944. Home: 3100 Sheri- dan Rd. Office: 30 N. Michigan Av., Chi- cago, 111. CHACO-BANGLEY, Nicholas Carol Victor, physicist, lecturer; b. Hotova, Epirus, Albania, 11 Nov. 1910; s. Kyria- cus Demetreus (Albanian patriot) and Victoria John (Tako) C.-D.; ed. Arsaki Acad. (Hotova), Tech. Sch. (Tirana), Am. Coll. and Gymnasium (Salonica, Greece), 1915-28; bachelier (equivalent) Univ. of France, 1928; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins Univ., 1934; student Harvard Uni- versity, Robert Coll., univs. of Mich., Paris and Marseille; unmarried. Came to U.S., 1929, naturalized, 1935. Voluntary asst. in optics and radiation to Prof. R. W. Wood, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1931-33; grad. study and research in physics and mathematics, Harvard, 1933-36; counci- lor, adviser on sci. and tech. affairs, Ministry of Nat. Edn., Albania, 1936-37, also prof, and head of depts. mathemat- ics and physics, State Gymnasium, Scu- tari Albania; mem. staff Cruft Labs., Harvard, 1938-39; condr. research in By- zantine instns. and civilization, Har- vard, 1938-40, Mass. Inst. Tech., 1930-41; mem. staff elec. engring. dept., 111. Inst. Tech., 1941-42; fellow in math, physics, Univ. of Chicago, 1941-42, Northwestern Univ., 1943-45; tech. adviser, chief signal officer, 6th Service Command, U.S. Ar- my, 1942, also chief instr. ; consultant Of- fice Strategic Services, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington, D.C., since 1942; lec- turer in applied mathematics, Brown U., 1944. Served as pvt., electronics reserve, 1076 U.S. Army, 1942; hon. disch., Nov. 1942; advanced fellow, 1945. Mem. Am. Phys. Soc, Am. Math. Soc, N.Y. Acad. Sci. Societe Byzantine, Inst. Radio Engrs., Acoustical Soc. of Am., A.A.A.S. Mem. Byzantine Ch. Club: Harvard (Chicago). Author: Emperor Anastasius I; Anglo- Saxon Education and Universities (both pub. in Albania) ; Byzantine Universities and Civilization (in preparation) ; Mathe- matical Theory of Electron Optics, 1945; Mathematical Theory of Electrical Vi- brations (in preparation); Introduction into the Theory of Loud Speaker Design, 1946, (mimeographed); Introduction into the Theory of Anisotropic Plates (in preparation). Contbr. numerous articles to sci. publications. Home: Mayflower Hotel, 6125 Kenwood Av. Office: 340 W. Huron St., Chicago, 111. MacWHORTER, Gardner Alpheus, clergyman; b. Omaha, Neb., 17 July 1889; s. Stephen Alpheus and Dollie (Mil- likin) MacW. ; prep, edn., Omaha High Sch.; Creighton Coll., Omaha; Lake For- est Acad.; Hobart Coll., Geneva, N.Y. ; Northwestern Univ.; grad. Western The- ological Sem., Chicago, 1914; unmarried. Deacon, 1914, priest, 1915, Episcopal Ch. Asst. minister St. Chrysostom's Church, Chicago, June 1914-May 1920; priest in charge, St. Lawrence's Ch., Liberty- ville, 1920; religious and charitable ed- itor, Chicago Tribune, Oct. 1920-Nov. 1921; priest in charge, St. Edmund's, Chi- cago, 1922-23; city missions staff, Dio- cese of Chicago, supplying in Episcopal chs. in Chicago, Jan. -July, 1924; vicar St. John's, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., 1924- 25; rector Grace Ch., Pontiac, 111., 1926- 29; sr. asst. St. Luke's Ch., Evanston, 1929-31, priest in charge, 1931; rector, Calvary Ch., Batavia, 111., Oct. 1931-May 1933; asst. to dean, St. Luke's Pro-Ca- thedral, Evanston, 111., June 1933- Jan. 1937; on Cathedral Shelter Mission staff with Canon David E. Gibson, 1937-41, chaplain St. Mary's Home for Children, Mar. 1937-41, chaplain St. Mary's Home for Children, Mar. 1937-Sept. 1940; pas- tor, Ch. of the Good Shepherd, Chicago, Oct. 1940-Oct. 1944; since Oct. 1944, non- parochial priest of the diocese of Chicago supplying churches throughout the dio- cese. Lt. col. and chaplain Div. Hdqrs., Staff 111. Res. Militia, 17 May 1941 ; chap- lain to Ho. of Reps., a week in Apr. 1943, chaplain to Senate week in Jan., 1944, 63d Gen. Assembly, State of 111.; com- mencement chaplain to Chicago Musical Coll., 1928-45; guest preacher, Culver Mil. Acad., 1942; Northwestern Mil. and Naval Acad., 1942-45; Lake Forest Acad., 1942-43; St. John's Mil. Acad., 1942-45. Mem. Theta Delta Chi. (v.p. Central Grad. Assn., 1924-25), Chicago Hobart Alumni (sec.-treas., 1917-25), Northeast- ern Deanery of Diocese of Chicago Cler- gy (sec.-treas., 1918-24) Chicago West Deanery Diocese of Chicago (sec.-treas. Apr. 1942-Oct. 1944. Address: 321 Belden Av., Chicago 14, 111. REYNOLDS, Thomas Aquinas, law- yer, partner Winston, Strawn & Shaw; b. Boston, 5 Jan. 1898; s. Thomas Aqui- nas and Ellen (Carty) R.; A.B., Boston Coll., 1918; grad. student Harvard Univ., 1918-19; LL.B., Georgetown Univ., D.C., 1924; m. Clare Corcoran, 24 Sept. 1927; children — Thomas, Jr., John, Annie, Sheila, Susan, Maryellen. Special asst. to atty. gen. of U.S., Washington, D.C., 1924-25; trial atty. London Guarantee & Accident Co., New York, 1926-27; with firm of Winston, Strawn & Shaw, Chica- go since 1927; former Chicago regnl. ad- minstr., Securities & Exchange Commn. Served as seaman, U.S. Navy, 4 mos. prior to close of World War I. Democrat. Catholic. Mem. Am. and Chicago bar assns. Club: Chicago Athletic, Saddle & Cycle. Home: 785 Willow Road, Winnet- ka, 111. Office: First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. RICE, Edgar Clarence, vice pres. of Whiting Corp.; b. in New Phila., Pa., 15 May 1896; s. James M. and Mary Lou- ise (Ladrach) R. ; B.S., Ohio Northern Univ., 1920; m. Marguerite Culp, 1 Aug. 1924; children — Mary Jane, Lucymae. Student engr. Whiting Corp., Harvey, 111., 1920-21, estimator, 1921-26, chief es- timator, 1926-30, mgr. div. since 1930; pres. Electric Overhead Crane Institute. Served with U.S. Army, 1917-19. Mem. Chicago Speakers Forum, Assn. Iron and Steel Engrs., Am. Legion. Republican. Methodist. Home: 13004 Greenwood Av., Blue Island, 111. Office: care of Whiting Corp., Harvey, 111. BOOTH, John Nicholls, clergyman; b. Meadville, Pa., 7 Aug. 1912; s. Sydney Scott and Margaret E. (Nicholls) B. ; B.A., McMaster Univ. (Can.), 1934; B.D. Meadville Theol. Sch., Chicago, 1942; m. Edith Lucille Kriger, 1 Oct. 1941 ; 1 dau. — Barbara Anne. Professional magician in leading theatres and hotels of North, South and Central Am., 1934-40. Crossed Mexico on foot and scaled Mt. Popoca- tepetl, 1933; circumnavigated S. Am. continent, 1939; ordained to ministry of Unitarian Ch., 30 Oct. 1942, and since then pastor of The Ch. of All Souls, Ev- anston, 111.; lecturer on conjuring history and psychology for forums and univs. from coast to coast. Mem. Unitarian 1077 Ministerial Union, Evanston Ministerial Assn., Nat. Young People's Religious Union (v.p. 1930-32), Canadian Authors Assn., Midwestern Writers Conf. Assn., McMaster Alumni Assn., Soc. of Am. Magicians, Internat. Brotherhood of Ma- gicians. Club: Adventurers. Author: Su- per Magical Miracles, 1930; Magical Mentalism, 1931; Forging Ahead in Mag- ic, 1939, new edit., 1944; Marvels of Mys- tery, 1941, new edit., 1944, 3d printing, 1946; The Quest for Preaching Power, 1943, new edit., 1944, 3d printing, 1945; Introducing Unitarianism, 1944, 5th printing, 1946. Lecturer on philosophy of living. Covered Olympic Games for Ca- nadian newspapers, 1932; Winner Mc- Master Univ. (1933), Meadville Theol. Sch. (1940) pub. speaking competitions. Contbr. to mags. Inventor of many con- juring effects now in common use and was a pioneer television broadcaster with magic in 1930. Home: 808 Clark St. Office: 1405 Chicago Av., Evanston, 111. SACKETT, Saniuel Jefferson, owner, Oil Investments Ltd. ; b. Parsons, Kan. ; s. Samuel Jefferson and Emma (Mel- ville) S.; student Kan. State Coll., and Liberal Arts at Univ. of Mich., 1899, 1900; LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1903; m. Hazel Shelton Reid, 2 Apr. 1907; 1 dau. —Elizabeth Reid (Mrs. Reginald David Crocker). Admitted to bars of Mich., 1903, Colo., 1904, 111., 1928; enaged in law practice, Durango and Denver, Col- orado, 1903-23; connected with office of atty. gen. of Colo, early in career and public administrator of City and County of Denver, Colo., 1919-21; developing oil properties in Okla. and Tex. and refining in Canada, full time, since 1934; owner Oil Investment Ltd. and Silver Invest- ments, Ltd., Regina, Saskatchewan, and owner, pres., Hi-Way Refineries, Ltd., Ont., Saskatchewan and Alberta, Can., since 1934; v.p. and dir. Canadian Exploration Co. of Denver (Colo.) since 1926. Mem. Northeast Park Dist. (for- mer pres.), of Evanston, 111. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., S.R., Delta Tau Delta. Republican. Conglist. (past chmn. bd. trustees First Ch. of Evanston). Clubs: Glen View (Golf, 111.), The Cliff Dwellers, The Westerners, As- siniboia (Regina, Saskatchewan, Can.). Home: 2430 Orrington Av., Evanston, 111. Office: 230 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. HOLMQUEST, Harold John, research engr. (electromedical); b. Chicago, 111., 26 May 1896; s. Thomas Henry and Caro- line (Stone) H. ; B.S., Lewis Inst., 1920, B.S. in M.E., 1922; m. Sabina Cody, 3 Sept. 1924; children — Harold John, Thomas Kieran, John Cody. Instr. in physics and engring., Lewis Inst., 1922- 26; exec. sec. Council on Physical Ther- apy, Am. Med. Assn., 1926-30; research engr. (electromedical) General Electric X-Ray Corp., since 1930, engr. in charge Electromedical engring. dept. same co., since 1946. Lecturer in applied physics, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., since 1930. Mem. Sigma Xi, Western Soc. En- gineers, Am. Physical Soc. Fellow Am. Acad. Physical Med. Asso., Am. Con- gress of Physical Med., Am. Physiother- apy Assn. Mason. Author: Numerous papers on medical physics. Co-author: Technic of Electro-Therapy and Its Physical and Physiological Basis, 1944. Home: 826 N. Elmwood Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chica- go, 111. EDWARDS, Allan Ralph, educator; b. Boulder, 111., 13 July 1898; s. John L. and Lizzie Mae (Wike) E.; Ed.B., Southern 111. Normal Univ., 1929; M.S., North- western Univ., 1932; m. Orpha Ran- dolph, 2 May 1925. High sch. prin., Shat- tuc, 111., 1921-22; grade sch. prin., San- doval, 1922-23; ward prin., West Frank- fort, 1924-28; supt. schs., Ullin, 1928-31; Mounds, 1931-33 ; prin. Marion Twp. High Sch. since 1933. Served as pvt. 308 Bn. Tank Corps, U.S. Army, 1918-19; com- pleted officers sch., 1918, commd. 2d It., 1923 ; major Field Arty. Reserve ; comdg. officer of 16th Hundred Service Com- mand, Chicago, 111., May, 1942-Apr. 1943; Command and Gen. Staff Sch., Ft. Leav- enworth, Kan., Apr.- June 1943; Desert Training Center, Banning, Calif., June- Sept., 1943. Asst. G-3, XIV Corps, G-3 New Guinea Base Section, G-3 USASCO- MC as Lt. Col. GSC. Army Commenda- tion Medal with Oak Cluster, five major campaigns, Phillipine Liberation Medal, Asiatic-Pacific and American Theater Medals. Mem. Assn. Secondary School Prins., 111. Edn. Assn., Nat. Geog. Soc, Am. Legion, Kappa Phi Kappa, Phi Del- ta Kappa. Republican. Mem. Christian Ch. Mason. Club: Rotary. Home: 526 E. Everett St. Office: 1501 W. Main St., Marion, 111. RICHARDS, Harold Leland, supt. of schs.; b. Eveleth, Minn., 24 June 1899; s. William John and Clara (Harvey) R.; B.E., Pa. Mil. Coll., Chester, Pa., 1920, B.M.S., 1923; Ph.B., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1930, M.A., 1933; m. Ruth M. Mar- tin, 24 June 1922; 1 dau.— Marilyn Ruth Mercedes. Teacher business subjects, Mishawaka (Ind.) High Sch., 1920-21; teacher commercial subjects, Crystal 1078 Falls (Mich.) High Sch., 1921-22; supt. public schs., Michigamme, Mich., 1922- 23; commandant and pres. Epworth Mil. Acad., Epworth, la., 1927-28; teacher of economics and govt., Community High Sch., Blue Island, 1928-35, now supt. (on leave of absence, World War II). Served in World War I; commd. 2d It. O.R.C. ; called to active duty, Feb. 1942; major in Air Corps, Iceland. Inactive status Dec. 1945. Past comdr. local Am. Legion Post; mem. N.E.A., 111. High Sch. Prins. Assn. (chmn. Com. of 18), Phi Delta Kappa. Methodist. Mason. Club: Lions (past pres.). Home: 12952 S. Elm St., Blue Island, 111. ROARK, Leroy Edward, indsl. engr. ; b. Sterling, 111., 9 June 1894; s. John Hen- ry and Mary (Holland) R. ; student Be- loit (Wis.) Coll., 1911-13; m. Alma Viva Tank, 11 May 1913; children-^Lucille Alice (Mrs. Ralph M. Pickering), Lorita Jean. Student engr. C.&N.W. R.R., Belle Plaine, la., 1913-15; employment dept., R.&V. Engring Co., Moline, 111., 1915-17; pres. Indsl. Research Service, Peoria, 111., 1925-44; exec. v. p. National Found- ers Assn., since 1 Jan. 1945. Mem. Em- merson Commn. on Unemployment and Relief, 1931-33; industry mem., 6th Re- gional War Labor Bd., since 1943. Vice pres. Peoria Mfrs. Assn. since 1917; mem. Sigma Iota Epsilon. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: University, Creve Coeur (Peoria), Union League (Chicago). Author: Industrial Peoria, 1924. Contbr. of tech. articles to professional journals. Home: Mt. Haw- ley Rd., Peoria, 111. and Lake Shore Club, Chicago. Office: National Found- ers Assn., 120 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. ROOKS, Irvin, lawyer; b. Jackson, Tenn., 15 Sept. 1893; s. William and Wil- moth (Irvin) R.; student Paducah (Ky.) High Sch., 1907-11; LL.B., Hamilton Coll. of Law, Chicago, 1914; m. Alice Eicher, 22 Apr. 1920; children — William Taylor, Suzanne. Admitted to 111. bar, 1915, and engaged in practice at Chicago, 1915-23; asst. corp. counsel of Chicago, 1923-24; mem. firm Hall, Spitz & Rooks, 1924-31; chief atty. Bd. of Local Improvements, Chicago, 1931-33; gen. counsel 111. Com- merce Commn., 1933-36; mem. firm of Gardner, Foote, Morrow & Merrick, 1936- 41; practiced in own name with associ- ates 1941-45. Mem. Rooks and Freeman since 1945. Served as 2d It. F.A., U.S. Army, World War; later capt. Arty. Res. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Law Club of Chicago, Am. Le- gion. Democrat, Baptist. Mason (32d de- gree, Shriner). Clubs: Iroquois (pres. 1931-36), Chicago Athletic Assn., South Shore Country. Home : 11148 Bell Av. Of- fice : 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. ST ALE Y, William Converse, pres. The Baker Mfg. Co.; b. Springfield, 111., 28 Sept. 1899; s. Edward E. and Elsie (Con- verse) S.; student James Millikin Univ., 1918-19; m. Jennie Barnes, 3 Oct. 1921; children— Elsie Jane (Mrs. Robert V. O'Keefe), William Converse. Connected with Baker Mfg. Co., since 1919, except for two years in insurance bus. with Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1921-22; pres. Baker Mfg. Co., since 1940. Republican. Baptist. Clubs: Sangamo, Illini Country (Springfield, 111.) ; Union League (Chicago). Home: Leland Hotel, Springfield, 111. Office: The Baker Mfg. Co., Springfield, 111. STROHL, Everett Lee, surgeon; b. Ob- long, 111., 22 June 1906; s. Bertie Lee and Lessa (Wilson) S.; B.A., Univ. of 111., 1928, B.S., 1929, M.D., 1931; M.S., in Sur- gery, Mayo Foundation of Univ. of Min- nesota, 1936; m. Lavinia Morgan How- ells, 20 Apr. 1940 (dec); 1 son — Lee Howells. Engaged in pvt. practice sur- gery, Chicago, since 1937; asso. attend- ing surgeon St. Luke's Hosp. since 1937; asst. prof, surgery, Univ. of 111. College Med. since 1937. Served as col. U.S. armed forces overseas, World War II. Fellow Am. College Surgeons, Am. Med. Assn.; mem. Central Surg. Assn., Am. Bd. Surgery, Chicago Surg. Soc, Theta Delta Chi, Nu Sigma Nu. Republican. Methodist. Clubs: University, Literary, Flossmoor Country (Chicago). Home: 1000 Sheridan Rd., Wilmette, 111. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. AMTMAN, Leo, physician; b. New York City, 24 May 1904; s. Louis and Gertrude (Eisler) A.; student Crane Jr. Coll., Chicago, 111., 1919-22; B.S., Univ. of 111., 1924; M.D., 1926; m. Jennie Kan- tor (Dr.), 1927; children — Lois, Richard. Interne Cook County Hosp., 1927-28; practice of internal medicine, Chicago, 111., since 1928; resident physician Mu- nicipal Contagious Hosp., 1926; instr. in pathology, Univ. of 111., Coll. of Med., 1928-30, asst. prof, in med. since 1943; attending physician Cook Co. Hosp. since 1937; attend, phys. Grant Hosp.; prof, of med., Cook County Grad. Sch. of Med. since 1937. Diplomate of Am. Bd. of In- ternal Med. ; asso. Am. Coll. of Physi- cians; mem. A.M. A. Chicago and 111. State Med. Socs., Sigma Xi, Alpha Ome- ga Alpha (pres., 1925). Contbr. articles to med. jours. Home: 3750 Lake Shore 1079 Dr. Office: 25 E. Washington, Chicago, 111. SWENSON, Birger, business exec; b. Averstad, Skattkarr, Sweden, 31 July 1895; s. of Sven and Johanna (Spetz) Svensson; came to U.S., 1912, natural- ized, 1918; A.B., Augustana Coll., Rock Island, 111., 1925; student Northwestern Univ., summer 1923, Augustana Theol. Sem., Rock Island, 111., 1924-25; m. Lyal E. Westerlund, 14 Aug. 1943. Field rep. Augustana Book Concern, 1926, circula- tion mgr., 1927-42, sales mgr., 1942-44, acting mgr., 1944-45, gen. mgr.-treas., since Feb. 1945. Served as mem. 54th Ammunition Train, A.E.F., France, 1918- 19. Trustee Augustana Lutheran Founda- tion. Mem. bd. dirs. (treas.) Luth. Hosp. (Moline, 111.), Y.M.C.A. (Rock Island). Formerly dir. Rock Island Community Chest. Mem. Augustana Hist. Society (treas.), Augustana Inst. Swedish Cul- ture. Representative of Nat. Luth. Pub- lication House Mgrs. Assn. to World Sun- day Sch. Conv., Oslo, Norway, 1936. Treas., Nat. Luth. Publication House Mgrs. Assn. Republican. Club: Kiwanis (pres. 1932-33) (Rock Island). Editor: Augustana Almanac, 1930-46. Home : 1536 21st Av. Office: Augustana Book Con- cern, Rock Island, 111. BE ATTY, Sinclair Frank, sec, gen. mgr. Graphic Arts Assn. of 111., Inc.; b. Gowrie, la., 7 Aug. 1893; s. of Sinclair Ramsey and Angie (Lockin) B.; grad. Marion (la.) High School, 1911; S.B., Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, la., 1915; Grad. Schoo. of Business Adminstration (Harvard), 1916; m. Estelle Martell, 27 Sept. 1920; 1 son — Theodore Sinclair (died 1934). Began as asst. cost account- ant, 1916; cost accountant with Am. Printing Co., Fall River, Mass., 1916- 17, Russell A. Pettengill Co., Chicago, 1919-20; field rep. and cost accountant United Typothetae of Am., 1920-21; sec. Winnipeg (Canada) Typothetae, 1921-24; mem. research and consulting staff La Salle Extension Univ., Chicago, 1925-26; sec. Typothetae of W. Va., 1926; asst. sec. Master Printers Fedn. of Chicago, 1926-27, sec. 1927-34; sec. and mng. dir. Chicago Graphic Arts Fedn., Inc., 1934- 41, Sec. and gen. mgr. Graphic Arts Assn. of 111. since 1941. Served as pvt., 2d It., 1st It., U.S. Army, World War, 1917-19. Treas. joint com. govt, relations of the Commercial Printing Industry, 1943-45. Mem. Exec. Com. Printing Ind. Am., Inc. 1945-46, Printing Trades Sec- Mgr. Assn. of U.S. (pres. 1929-34), Graphic Arts Trade Assn. Executive (pres. 1934-35), Am. Trade Assn. Exec- utives, Trade Assn. Executives Forum of Chicago, Property Owners Assn. of McCullom Lake, West McHenry, Illinois (pres. 1943-44), Am. Legion. Republican. Methodist. Club: Illinois Athletic (Chi- cago). Home: R.F.D. 1, McHenry, 111. Office: 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. ARENS, Charles Anthony, mfg. exec; b. Chicago, 111., 17 Dec. 1895; s. Charles H. and Henrietta (Brust) A.; student Armour Sch., Chicago, 1901-09; m. Helen Crow, 29 May 1941. Mechanic L.W.F. Engring. Co., College Point, L.I., N.C., 1916-24, Laird Airplane Co., Chicago, 1925, Chicago-Minneapolis Airmail Line, 1926; mfr. remote controls, 1927-29; mgr. control div. Wilson Steel & Wire Com- pany, Chicago, 1929-34; directed own shop, 1934- July 1939; pres. Arens Con- trols, Inc., since 1939. Member Aircraft Owners & Pilots Assn., Soc Automotive Engrs. Club: Aero Club of 111., Early Birds. Home: 6826 S. Union Av. Office: 2253 S. Halsted St., Chicago, 111. Address: 222 E. Main, Winamac, Ind. O'KEEFE, James L., lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111., 8 Jan. 1909; s. Raymond T. and Sadie (Monahan) O'K. ; grad. North- western Univ., 1931, Chicago-Kent Coll. Law, 1937; m. Josephine Killian, 19 June 1934; children — James W., William J. Asst. States atty., 1936; special asst. atty. gen. of 111., 1941; master in chan- cery, Circuit Court of Cook Co.; mem. Finance Com. Democratic State Central Com. Pres. Northwestern Univ. Club of Chicago, 1942-45; dir. Northwestern Uni- versity Gen. Alumni Assn., 1942-45; mem. Evanston Golf Club; chmn. bd. dirs. Univ. Civic League, 1939-45. Mem. Chicago, 111. State and Am. Bar Assns.; mem. Am. Acad. Polit. Sci. Campaign mgr. Dem. State ticket, 1944. Home: 7446 N. Hoyne Av. Office: First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. ZIMMERMAN, P. B., exec, vice pres. Monitor Equipment Corp.; b. Dresden, O., 20 Feb. 1892; s. Rev. Frank A. and Molly (Groves) Z.; grad. business coll.; m. Norma Bard, 1916; 1 son — Bard. Ad- vertising mgr. lamp dept., Gen. Electric Co., 1911-27, sales mgr. appliance dept., 1927-37; v.p. Grace & Bement, Detroit, Mich., 1937-41; v.p. and gen. sales mgr. Airtemp Div., Chrysler Corp., Dayton, O., 1941-45, since vice pres. of Monitor Equipment Corp. Mem. indsl. refrigera- tion industry com., WPB, A.C.R.M.A.; past pres. Indoor Climate Inst.; public relations dir. Heating Assn. Republican. Episcopalian. Home: 635 Far Hills. Of- fice: Leo St., Dayton, O. 1080 FINLEY, Joseph W., attorney at law; b. Bird Island, Minn., 4 Aug. 1896; s. of James J. Finley and Jane (Reagan) F. ; ed. St. Thomas Mil. Acad., Coll.; LL.B., St. Paul Coll. of Law, 1921; m. Susie L. Moore of St. Paul, 10 Oct. 1922; children — Joseph, Paul, Ruth Ann. Pvt. practice as atty., 1921—; asst. U.S. Atty., Dist. of Minn., 1930-34; pres., Ramsey County Bar Assn., 1942-43; chmn. com. on Post War Legal Problems, Minn. State Bar Assn., 1943-45; mem. board of Gover- nors, Minn. St. Bar Assn., 1945—; mem. Adv. Com. to Special Com. on Post War Planning, Am. Bar Assn., 1944—; served as sgt. C.W.S., 5th Army Corps Hdqrs., A.E.F., 1918-19; chmn., Legislative Com. Dept. of Minn., The American Legion, 1942-45; mem. Nat. Legislative Com., Am. Legion, 1944—; tr., Americanism Endowment Fund Corp., 1943-44; comdr. Dept. of Minn., Am. Legion 1945—; mem. Knights of Columbus, Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity, Am. Legion, D.A.V., St. Paul Assn. of Commerce. Clubs: St. Paul Athletic, Town and Country, Min- nesota, various Republican clubs and orgns., Lincoln Club, Variety Club, 40 & 8. Interests: golf, reading. Catholic. Re- publican. Home: 2052 Selby Av. Office: 425 Hamm Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. MALAND, Oswald, lawyer; b. Elmore, Minn., 25 Oct. 1891; s. Berent J. and Christina (Finhart) M.; LL.B., Univ. of Minn., 1915; m. Ruth E. Anderson 14 Oct. 1916; 1 dau.— Dorothy C. Engaged in gen. practice of law, Mason City, la., 1915-23; asso. with law firm, Chapman and Cutler, Chicago, 111., since 1923, now partner. Dir. of numerous corps, mem. bd. of Trustees Womens and Childrens Hosp. (Chicago). Mem. Am. and Illinois State Bar Assns., Delta Chi. Methodist. Club: University (Chicago, 111.). Home: 514 Kenilworth Av., Kenilworth, 111. Of- fice: 111 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. JONES, Jay Allen, hotel mgr.; b. in Spartanburg, S.C., 12 Apr. 1893; s. Rob- ert Lee and Maria (D'Holli) J.; ed. pub. schs. and high sch., Augusta, Ga.; m. Florence Burkhardt, 12 Apr. 1934; 1 son (by previous marriage), Jay Allen. Be- gan as hotel elk, 1915; with Hotel Sher- man as mgr. since 1942; pres. Sherman Cellars, Incorporated; vice pres., Ho- tel Sherman, Inc. Served with U.S. Navy 2 yrs. during World War I; hon. disch. with rank of chief petty officer. Mem. N.Y. Southern Soc. (N.Y. City). Club: Executives (Chicago). Contbr. to hotel trade papers. Address: 100 W. Randolph St., Chicago, 111. HANMER, Henry Williams, lawyer; b. Evanston, 111., 13 Nov. 1902; s. William George and Elizabeth (Peters) H. ; B.S., in Commerce, Northwestern Univ., 1925; LL.B., Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law, 1930, LL.M., 1931; m. Gladysruth Gudgel, 27 June 1930; children— Everet Williams, Richard Alan. Admitted to 111. bar, 1930, and since practiced in Chicago; atty., Village of Western Springs, 111., since 1937, dir. Western Springs Community Chest, 1934-37, Pub. Library, 1935-37. Pres. bd. trustees First Congl. Ch., Western Springs, 1939-40. Dir. Western Springs State Bank, 1945-46. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Round Table, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi. Re- ceived Dr. M. L. Trainor legal award, 1929. Republican. Clubs: Hinsdale (111.) Golf, Western Springs (111.), Home: 4052 Forest Av., Western Springs, 111. Office: 111 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. CLAUSEN, Donald Neath, lawyer; b. Racine, Wis., 30 Aug. 1898; s. Christian Frederick William and Josephine (Bur- kert) C; student Univ. of 111., 1917-18, student Univ. of Chicago, 1920; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll Law, 1923; m. Hen- rietta Tifft Underwood, 3 Sept. 1938; chil- dren — Catherine Cecile (dec), Karen Neath, Henrietta Carol. Admitted to 111. bar, 1925; sr. partner law firm Clausen, Hirsh & Miller, Chicago. Served with U. S. Navy, 1918-19. Mem. Am., Chicago and 111. State bar assns., Am. Judicature Soc, Law Inst, of Chicago, Internal As- sociation Insurance Counsel, Am. Le- gion, Phi Delta Phi (legal fraternity), Chi Psi. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Athletic (Chicago), The Lawyers Club (New York, N.Y.). Home: 577 Cherry St., Winnetka, 111. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. WENDELIN, Andrew, Jr., music edu- cator, violinist; b. Denver, Colo., 23 Feb. 1894; s. Andrew and Ernestine (Bigalke) W. ; ed. Denver (Colo.) schs., and Chi- cago Mus. Coll.; m. Adele Dierker, 22 Aug. 1923; children— Audrey, Robert A., Paul W. Instr. stringed instruments in pub. schs., Chicago, 111., 1921-35; Luth. Parochial Schs., Chicago, since 1936; founder, Luth. Symphony Orchestra, con- ductor, 1932-38; dir. band and orch. Con- cordia Coll., Ft. Wayne, Ind., since 1944; dir. band, Ft. Wayne Sch., since 1944. Mem. faculty 111. Coll. of Music, since 1935. Co-founder, p. pres., Lutheran Band and Orchestra Dirs. Guild; mem. Internat. Walther League. Republican. Contbr. many articles to mags, and pe- riodicals; now preparing books dealing with ch. music history and orchestral lit. 1081 Studio and home: 645 Lawton PI., Ft. Wayne 3, Ind. WILENSKY, Michael, author; b. Rus- sia, 30 Oct. 1877; s. Hayyim Baer, pvt. scholar, businessman, and Slava (Azarh) W.; received domestic edn. ; Ph.D., sum- ma cum laude, Berne, Switzerland Uni- versity, 1912; diploma Kazan, Russia, Univ., 1917; m. Dr. Mary Brick of Plunge, Russia. Scientific collaborator, Verein fur die Gruendung e. Akademie f. d. Wissenschaft des Judenthems, Ber- lin, Germany, 1925-35; scientific editor, Sefer Ha-Rikma by Tbn Janah and other editors; author of scientific articles in Encyclopedia Judaica and periodicals: Kirjath Sefer, Tarbitz, Monatsschrift f. d. Wissenschaft des Judentums, Revue des Etudes Juives, Jewish Quarterly Re- view, H. U. C. Annual and others; con- nected with the Hebrew Union College; mem. B'nai B'rith, Am. Zionist Orgn. Travel: Palestine. Interest: lit. Jewish. Address: 318 Terrace Av., Cincinnati, O. STRAW, Darien Autin; b. Seward, 111., 6 Mar. 1857; s. Nicholas Shepard and Ann (Brubaker) S. ; ed. Winnebago (111) High Sch.; Prep Sch. of Wheaton Coll.; Laureate in Arts, Wheaton (111.) Coll., 1881, M.A., 1884, Litt.D., 1895; m. Isabel Eaton, 30 Aug. 1883; children— Nellie L. (Mrs. Barnes), Walter A., Gertrude I. (Mrs. Milligan). Worked on farm till 18 yrs. of age; teacher, Elida, 111., Mt. Pleasant, Ogle Co., 111., 1875-78; teach- er and prin., Elmhurst Pub. Sch., 1881- 82; prof, logic and rhetroic, Wheaton Coll., 1922-40, retired 1940; prin., Wheat- on Prep. Sch. and sec. coll. trustees 1912-42. Member Wheaton City Council (when Judge Gary was mayor, cleaned saloons out of Wheaton) ; dir. Y.M.C.A. Served at Grant Park Naval Training Sta., during World War T. Mem. 111. State Coll. Teachers Assn. (a founder), Inter- nat. Reform Fedn. of Wash., D.C., Am. Assn. Polit. Science, Nat. Geog. Soc, Astron. Soc. of Pacific, Nat. Christian Assn. Mem. Prohibition Party. Author: Bible Facts; Bible Doctrines; Bible Lit- erature ; Bible Sociology ; Lessons in Ex- pression and Physical Drill. Was dir. of party of tourists in Berlin when war declared, World War I. Home: 213 E. Lincoln Av., Wheaton (summer) Con- gregational Assembly, Pilgrim, Mich. Office: Wheaton College, Wheaton, 111. STANISIA, Sister M. (Kurk), portrait and mural painter, art director; b. Chi- cago, 111., d. Francis and Kathryn (Chap- man) Kurk; ed. Acad, of Our Lady, Chicago, 1907; student Loyola Univ. and Univ. of Chicago, 1918-20 ;B. A., Art Inst. of Chicago, 1919; Ph.B., De Paul Univ., 1922. Portraits of hundreds of celebrities include Calvin Coolidge, Jr., Cardinal Mundelien, Gov. Horner of 111., Gov. Hooper of Tenn., Mayor Edward Kelly, Chicago, Silvio Scionti, pianist; has ex- ecuted 100 murals in hosps., schs., chs., head of art dept., Acad, of Our Lady, Chicago; founder and dir. Art Guild of Chicago. Mem. adv. bd. nat. exhbn., Soc. for Sanity in Art; exponent of modern Am. religious art. Held one-man show 111. Host Bldg. Century of Progress Ex- position, and World's Fair Women's Pageant of Progress, 1936. Mem. Renais- sance Soc. of Univ. of Chicago, All 111. Soc. Fine Arts, South Side Art Assn., Am. Fedn. Arts, Women Artists Salon, Ridge Art Assn. Awarded Silver medal World's Fair Europe, 1932. Awarded $500 purchase prize for portrait of Christ, In- ternal Exhibit, Zurich, 1929. An Ameri- can Artist. Roman Catholic. Address: Academy of Our Lady, 1309 West 95th and Throop Sts., Longwood, Chicago 43, \ 111. SMITH, Roy Edward, engineer, mfr.; b. Montpelier, Ind., 13 Feb. 1901; s. of Charles Leonard Smith, Realtor, and Sarah Jane (Alexander) S. ; ed. Mont- pelier High Sch.; Purdue Univ., 1918-19; B.S., Indiana Univ., 1924; post grad. work, Chicago Univ., 1933-34, Northwest- ern Univ., 1935-39; m. Catherine Lucile Saurer of Bluffton, Inc., 26 Dec. 1934; children — Barrett Allen, Stephen Alex- ander. Cons, engr., Geo. G. Schmidt, Indianapolis, 1919; engr., Indiana State Highway Dept., 1920-28; sales engr., W. Q. O'Neall Co., Crawfordsville, Indiana, 1928-29; promotional engr., W. G. O'Neall Co., Springfield, 1929-31, mgr. 111. Div., 1931-33; mgr. Chicago Div., 1933-39; gen. mgr., W. Q. O'Neall Co. of 111., Spring- field, 1939-42; dir. W. Q. O'Neall Co. of 111., (subsidiary of American Rolling Mill Co.), Springfield and Chicago; div. mgr., Armco Drainage and Metal Prod- ucts, Inc., Chicago, 1942-43. Vice pres., sales, Kelly Steel Works, Inc. Chicago, 1943—; mem. 111. Soc. of Engrs., Nat. Soc. of Professional Engrs., Delta Tau Delta, Masons (32d deg.), Shrine, O.E. S. Club: University Club of Chicago, Indiana Soc. of Chicago, Economic Club of Chicago. Travel: U.S., Mex. Recrea- tions: golf, tennis. Presbyterian. Ad- dress: Kelly Steel Works, Inc., 5757 W. 65th St., Chicago, 111. Home: 703 N. Forest. Av., Oak Park, 111. SHRYOCK, Burnett Henry, artist, teacher; b. Carbondale, 111., 4 Feb. 1904; s. Henry Wm. Shryock, coll. pres., and 1082 Jessie (Burnett) S.; ed. Univ. Hih Sen., Carbondale, 111.; S. 111. State Normal Sen.; A.B., Univ. 111., 1925; A.M., Teach- ers Coll., Columbia Univ., 1940; m. Mary Ann Hewitt of Carbondale, 111., 5 Au. 1940; children — Mary Ann, Burnett Hen- ry. Student of painting, Chicago Art Inst, and Am. Acad. Art in Chicago, 1925-26; adv. illustrator, 1926-32; portrait painter, 1932 — ; one-man show of landscapes and figure paintings at Quest Galleries, Chi- cago, 1939; exhibited at Am. Show and Internat. Water Color Exhbn., Chicago Art Inst. ; one-man pvt. showings of por- traits; murals at Wash. Park Race Track nr. Chicago; mem. Kappa Delta Pi, Delta Tau Delta, A.A.U.P. ; Annony- mous Purchase Prize, Third Annual Mo. Exhbn., 1943; third prize, Ala. Watercol- or Show, 1944; honorable mention, Cen- tral 111. Exhbn., 1944; traveling exhb., Am. Watercolor Show, Chicago Art Inst., 1944-45; travelling exhbn., Ala. Watercol- or Show, 1944-45; rep. in pvt. and pub. collection including St. Louis City Art Museum; So. 111. Normal Univ.; Univ. of Kansas City; Helen Hayes collection; Earle Ludgin collection. Portraits of Hel- en Hayes, the late Roscoe Pulliam, Frank Mandel, Mrs. Clarence Decker, Andre Maurois and others. Office: Uni- versity Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo. Home: 448 E. 55th St., Kansas City 4, Mo. SHAW, Alfred Phillips, architect; b. Dorchester, Mass., 13 May 1895; s. of Enoch Shaw and Ellen (Phillips) S.; ed. St. Johns Prep. Sch., Danvers, Mass.; m. Rue Winterbotham of Chicago, 111., June 1932; children — Patrick, Joseph. Worked in architects' offices, U.S.; en- gaged in pvt. practice, Boston, Mass. ; asso. in design of Merchandise Mart, .Field Bldg. (Chicago), Chase Bank, (N. Y. City), Koppers Bldg. (Pittsburgh, Pa.), Ida B. Wells Homes (Chicago), U.S. P.O. (Chicago) ; partner, Shaw, Naess & Murphy (archs.), Chicago, U.S. A. Air Base (Bermuda); 2d. It., Air Ser- vice, A.E.F., 2 yrs., Inter-allied Food Administrator, Central Dalmatia, 1919. Clubs: Racquet, Tavern (Chicago), Play- ers (N.Y.) Commercial (Chicago). Of- fice : 1661 Railway Exchange, Chicago, 111. Home: 64 E. Elm St., Chicago, 111. Summer res. : Dundee, 111. WASHBURNE, Annette Clarke, physi- cian, psychiatrist; b. Chicago, 111., 6 Oct. 1898; d. Hempstead Washburne, lawyer, and Anne (Clarke) W.; ed. Chicago Lat- in Sch.; Eden Hall, Pa.; Ph.B., DePaul Univ., 1925; B.S., Univ. 111., 1927, M.D., 1929. Interne, Wis. Gen Hosp., 1929, res- ident, neuro-psychiatry, 1930, asst., 1931, asst. prof, psychiatry, 1933, asso. prof, neuro-psychiatatry, 1938; senior cons., neuro-psychiatry, Univ. Wis. Student Health Dept., 1937—; F.A.C.P.; mem. A.M. A., Am. Psychiatric Assn., Central Neuro-Psychiatric Association, Milwau- kee Neuro-Psyciatric Assn., president, Grand Chap. Alpha Epsilon Iota 1944-46; pres. Midwest Assn. Coll. Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists, 1945. Clubs: Friday Junior League, Chicago, Huron Mt. Author: numerous med. articles. Gt. niece, Cadwallader Washburn, former Gov. of Wis., donor of Washburn observ- atory to Univ. Wis. Recreations : garden- can. Office: 1300 University Av., Mad- son, Wis. Home: Shorewood Hills, Madi- son, Wis. Summer res. : Huron Mt. Club, Mich. WATSON Martin Wallace, general contractor; b. Racine, O., 30 Apr. 1892; s. Charles A. Watson, marine engr., and Alice L. (Blackmore) W. ; ed. Racine, O.; C.E., Ohio Univ., 1911; m. Helen Wegener of Springfield, 111., 23 Aug. 1916; children— Helen Alice (Mrs. John Warren Blair), Nancy Lou. Engr., Ohio River Survey, U.S. Army Engrs., 1911- 12; civil engr., 111. State Highway Dept., 1912-17; road engr., Kan. Highway Com- mission, 1917-18, State Highway Engr. for Kan., 1918-23; engr. contractor for Roads, Bridges, Utilities, Flood Preven- tion, Commercial and Public Buildings, built major portion of Cantonment Camp, Fort Riley, Kan. ($20,000,000 proj- ect) ; also built War Contracts at Smoky Hill Army Air Base, Salina, Kans., Ada, Okla. Air Field, Woodward Okla. Air- field; Topeka Army Airfield, Air Forces Specialized Depot and Winter General Hosp. at Topeka, Kans. ; Strothers Field, Winfield, Kans., Carlsbad, N.M. Airfield, etc., 1923—; owner, M. W. Watson, Gen. Contractor. Dir. Nat. Bank of Topeka; mem. Associated Gen. Contractors of Am., Inc. (p. pres. 1941), A.S.C.E., Kan. Contractors Assn. (p. pres.), Kan. Build- ing Chap. A.G.C., Associated Gen. Con- tractors of Topeka, Miss. Valley Assn. Chamber of Commerce (Topeka, Corpus Christi). Clubs: Rotary, Elks, Country (Topeka), Topeka Engineers (p. pres.). Travel: U.S., Mex., Can., Cuba, Ber- muda. Interests: photo., movies, art. bridge. Episcopalian. Republican. Main office: 1004 National Bank of Topeka Bldg., Topeka. Branch office: 238 Nixon Bldg., Corpus Christi, Tex. Home: 3161 Shadow Lane, Topeka, Kan. WEBER, Mrs. Pearl L., professor; b. Toledo, O., 29 Jan. 1878; d. Edgar Jud- 1083 son, business man, and Mira Lavina (Littlefield) Hunter; ed Hyde Park High Sch. (Chicago, 111.); Armour Inst, of Tech., 1893-95; P.h.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1899; A.M., Univ. of Chicago, 1920; Cor- nell Univ. ; m. Wm. James Weber of Winfield, Kan., 1902; children— Clarence A., Ruth Irene, Rose Myra, Esther Lu- cile. Instr., Southwest Kansas College, 1900-01, Muncie Normal Sch., 1915-17, Au- rora Coll., 1917-20, McMurray Coll., 1920- 23, Univ. Omaha, 1923, Univ. Colo., sum- mer 1923; platform lecturing, 1937—; del. to 20th Triennial meeting Phi Beta Kap- pa Nat. Council at San Francisco, Cali- fornia, Aug., 1940, rep. the Univ. Chicago Chapter; mem. A.A.U.P., A.A.U.W., Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Gamma Mu, Nebraska Writers' Guild, Midwestern Psychologi- cal Assn. Author: What Plato Said About Music ; What Plato Said About War ; Uni- versities and First Principles; High- lights from Plato. Travel: U.S. Inter- ests: lecturing, writing. Recreations: theatre, travel. Independent. Home: 32- 26 Selby Av., Los Angeles, Calif. Perm- anent address: University of Omaha, Omaha, Neb. WEISBROD, Benjamin Harry, law- yer; b. Amsterdam, N.Y., 5 Oct. 1891; s. Albert Weisbrod, mcht., and Anna (Schware) W. ; ed. Amsterdam (N.Y.) high sch.; A.B., Cornell Univ., 1914; LL. B., Harvard Univ. Law Sch., 1917; m. Mary Cramer of Chicago, 111., 27 Feb. 1918. With the exception of 8 mos., in 111., 1917—, with Dent, Dobyns & Free- man, 1917-31, Wilson & Mcllvaine, since 1931; partner 1 Jan. 1937—; specialized in corporate financing and securities wk. for over 15 yrs.; served as 2d It., F.A., U.S.A., no combat service, during World War I; in Organized reserves of U.S., 1919—; active duty in World War II, Pet. 1941-May 1945, Office of the Inspect- or Gen. War Dept., as Chief of Reviews Div., after Dec. 1942; relieved from ac- tive duty 31 May 1945, with rank of col. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Masons, Mil. Order World Wars, Nat. Sojourners. Clubs: Standard, Cor- nell, Harvard (all of Chicago). Interests: English literature. Jewish. Independent. Office: 120 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Home: 1219 S. Sheridan Rd., Highland Park, 111. MANN, William Alfred, Jr., physician; b. Chicago, 111., 21 Mar. 1898; s. William Alfred (M.D.) and Anna Damon (Cram) M.; B.S., Univ. of 111., 1921; M.D., Univ. of 111. Coll. of Med., 1923, grad. study, 1924-26; M.S., Northwestern Univ., 1938; grad. study, Vienna, 1926; m. Maud L. Davison, 30 May 1931; children— Will- iam Alfred III, Nancy Davison, David Leonard. Interne, Evanston Hosp., 1923- 24; specialist in treatment of the eye; asso. prof, of ophthalmology, Northwest- ern Univ. Med. Sch.; chmn. Dept. of Ophth., Wesley Mem. Hosp.; cons, in ophthalmology, U.S. Vets.' Hosp., Hines, 111. Pres. Professional Interfraternity Conf., 1933-35. Mem. A.M. A., 111. State and Chicago Med. Socs., Chicago Oph- thalmol. Soc. (sec, 1943-46, pres., 1946- 47), Am. Acad, of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, Am. Ophthalmological Soc, Lambda Chi Alpha (organizer, and pres. Mid-West Conclave, 1921-23), Al- pha Kappa Kappa (past grand pres., former grand v. p. and former grand his- torian ; also former editor in chief of The Centaur, official mag.), Omega Beta Pi (hon. nat. pres., 1932-35), Chicago Alum- ni Assn. of Lambda Chi Alpha (pres. 1921). Republican. Conglist. Mem. A.F. and A., R.A.M., K.T. Home: 1241 Maple Av., Wilmette, 111. Office: 30 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. LOTHERS, John Edmond, engineer; prof, of architecture; b. Perulack, Pa., 1 July 1889; s. Wm. A. Lothers, livestock dealer, and Emma E. (Eaton) L. ; ed. West Chester Teachers Coll.; Juniata College Carnegie Inst. (Sch. of Indus- tries); Carnegie Inst, of Tech.; C.E., Valparaiso Univ., 1923; M.C.E., Cornell Univ., 1930; m. Mary D. Ewing of Val- paraiso, Ind.; children — Wm. Theron, John Edmond Jr., Roberta Jean. Chmn. Union R.R. Co., 1916, chief of party, 1919- 21; constr. engr., Gary Tube Co., 1923- 24; instr. in civil engring. Cornell Univ. 1924-26; asst. prof, civil engring., Okla. A. & M. Coll., 1926-28, asso. prof, arch., 1928-40, prof, arch., 1940 — ; sergt. 1st class, 29 Engrs. time of discharge, 1919, volunteered as pvt., 1917; mem. Am. Soc. Civil Enrs., Okla. Soc. Prof. En- ineers, Sigma Tau. Author: articles on tennis, weight lifting, fretted instru- ments. Protestant. Democrat. Office: Oklahoma A. & M. College, Stillwater. Home: 128 Admiral Rd., Stillwater, Okla. Summer res. : Perulack, Pa. WILLITS, Scott Allison, violinist; b. New Boston, 111., 26 Mar. 1895; s. Allison L. Willits, agriculturist, and Rose May (Racier) W. ; ed. New Boston (111.) high sch.; Galesburg (111.) high sch.; Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111.; Metropolitan Con- servatory of Music, Chicago, 111. ; Prague Conservatory of Music, Czechoslovakia. Mem. many leading symphony orches- tras in U.S. and Europe, 1921-24 1st au- thorized in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1 1084 Feb. 1923, first Am. rep. of Ottokar Sev- cik; teacher violin, N.Y. City, 1924-25, Univ. of Ohio, 1925-27, Am. Conservatory of Music, Chicago; many pupils have become concert masters, soloists and members leading symphony orchestras; violinist, pedagogue, ensemble coach, orchestra condr., Am. Conservatory of Music, Chicago, 111. Musician 1st class, acting bandmaster, U.S.N., during World War I. Mem. Am. Legion, S.A.R. (111. chap.), Am. Soc. of Musicians, Am. Fed- eration of Musicians, Phi Mu Alpha. Ma- son. Presbyterian. Republican. Home: Kenwood Hotel, 4700 Kenwood Av., Chi- cago, (summer) Keithsburg, 111. Office: Kimball Hall, 310 S. Wabash, Chicago, 111. WILSON, Murray Alderson, consulting engineer; b. Warren Co., la., 15 Aug. 1894; s. Charles H. Wilson, farmer, and Harriet (Alderson) W. ; ed. Lyons (Kan.) high sch.; A.B., Baker Univ., 1916; B.S. (in C.E.). Kan. State Coll., 1922, C.E., 1926; m. Edith Coffman of Overbrook, Kan, 21 June 1919; children— Mary Hel- en, Dorothy. Prin., high sch., Oswego, Kan., 1916-17; teacher math., Neodesha, Kan., 1919-20; city engr., Hays, Kan., 1922-24; research engr., U.S. Bur. Pub. Roads, 1924-26; chief engr., Kan. Forest- ry Fish & Game Dept., 1926-32; cons, engr., 1932-41; partner, Paulette & Wil- son, cons, engrs.; 1941—*; owner, Wilson & Co., Engineers & Architects; sergt. 1st class, 152 Aero Sq., A.E.F. 13 mos. during World War I; mem. Kan. Engi- neering Soc. (p. pres.), A.S.C.E. (past pres. Kans. Sec); spl. adv. com., Div. of Water Resources, State Bd Agricul- ture. Mem. bd. dirs., Kansas State Coll. Research Foundation, trustee, Kan. Wes- leyan Univ., mem. Chamber of Com- merce, Am. Legion, V.F.W. Clubs: Lions Internat. Author: tech. reports and ar- ticles. Travel: U.S., 25,000 miles a yr. Interests: outdoor sports, boys' work, basketball. Methodist. Republican. Of- fice: 215 W. Ash St., Salina, Kan. Home: 717 S. 10th St., Salina, Kan. WRANGELL, Ludvig, violinist, teach- er; b. Oslo, Norway; s. Ludvig Wran- gell, mechanic, and Lavine (Sundve) W. ; ed. schs. Norway; m. Anna Jira- chek of Milwaukee; 1 son — Lewis Jo- seph. Studied violin, piano, harmony, ensemble in Norway, continued study of violin under Bargher in Ger. ; appeared as soloist, Chamber music abroad; appt. leader of Mozart quintet by Bernhard Listemann for the Guild of Am. Violin- ists Concert, at Chicago, 111. Mason. Au- thor: manuscripts on modern violin methods, tech. matter for the violin, composer symphony orch. Symphonies composed: The Praire; Winter, Ameri- can Romance; Autumn: Spring. Inter- est: writing. Recreation: making violins. Office and home: 2836 W. State St., Mil- waukee, Wis. WULLING, Frederick John, education- al administrator; b. New York, N.Y., 24 Dec. 1866; s. John J. Wulling, architect and mfr., and Louis (Muns) W. ; ed. Carlstadt (N.J.), New York, Brooklyn high schs.; Ph.G., Columbia, 1887; Phm. D., Univ. Minn., 1894; LL.B., 1896, LL. M., 1898 (5 ednl. trips to European Uni- versities) ; Ph.M. (hon.), Philadelphia Coll. Pharmacy & Sci., 1917; D.Sc. (hon- orary), Columbia Univ., 1929; Title Wull- ing Hall given to a prominent Univ. of Minn, building in 1942; m. Lucile T. Gis- sel of Brooklyn, N.Y., 15 Sept. 1897; 1 son— Emerson G. (Ph.D.). Dean emer- itus, retired 1936, Univ. Minn, (called to Univ. Minn., 1892 as dean, administra- tive officer and prof, of pharmacology; past pres., Am. Conf. Pharm. Faculties, Am. Pharm. Assn., Minn. Acad, of Sci., dir. Minneapolis Soc. of Fine Arts; bd. of trustees, U.S.P. Conv. Hon. president for life, Minn. State Pharm. Assn., etc. Clubs: Lafayette, Campus, Prof. Mens, Wulling, etc. Author: over 1000 articles, essays, addresses, abstracts, transla- tions, 5 books, autobiography (in pro- cess). Travel: entire U.S., Eur., Can. Interests: collecting books, prints of all kinds; small allery of Am. paintings. Recreations: evergreen culture, music. Universalist. Republican. Office: Univer- sity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 3305 Second Av., S., Minneapolis 8, Minn. Summer res. : Felstow Christ- mas Lake Ridge, Excelsior, Minn. WYLIE, Clarence Raymond, Sr., con- sulting engr; b. Saginaw, Mich., in 1883; s. James Madison, lumberman, and Elizabeth Anne (Williams) W. ; ed. Arthur Hill High Sch., Saginaw, Mich.; M.E., Cornell Univ., 1905; m. Elizabeth M. Shaw of Cincinnati, 1909; children- Clarence Raymond, Jr., Jeanne Eliza- beth, Ruth Sylvia. Engr., Am. Window Glass Co., 1905, Commonwealth Edison of Chicago, 1906-07; instr. elec. engring., Univ. Cincinnati, 1907-11, asst. prof. 1911- 18; dir. research, Remy Elec. Co., 1918; sec.-treas. United Engr. Corp., 1919-40; industrial engr., Briggs Mfg. Co., 1920; asst. gen. mgr. and chief engr., Sterling Wood Products Co., Knoxville, and of Wayne Lumber and Mfg. Co. of Nash- ville, 1928-30; mgr. dir. and chief engr., Briggs Motor Bodies Ltd., London, Eng., 1929-32; consulting engr., Briggs Indi- 1085 ana Corp., 1936, Briggs Stadium 1937-38, Briggs Motor Bodies Ltd., 1932; full time consulting engr. and dir. of laboratories Briggs Mfg. Co., 1938—. Mem. Engi- neering Soc. of Det., Fellow and life mem. Am. Assn. for Advance, of Sci. ; Am. Soc. of Test. Materials, Am. Foun- dry Assn. Author: Design of Small Di- rect Current Armatures in Electrical World. Planned and supervised erection and equipment of works of Briggs Motor Bodies Ltd., London, Eng. Travel: Par- is, Eng., Scotland, Belgium, Holland, Switz., Ger., It., U.S. Father was pio- neer lumberman in Saginaw Valley and upper Peninsular, Mich. Methodist. Of- fice: 11631 Mack Av., Detroit, Michigan. Home: 1253 Kensington Road, Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. Summer home : Wil- low Beach, Ont., Can. YOUNG, Howard Isaac, pres. Am. Zinc, Lead and Smelting Co. and nine subsidiary cos.; b. Jasper County, Mo., 20 Mar. 1889; s. Isaac and Sally (David- heiser) Y. ; ed. pub. schools and high schs. and Springfield, Mo. Business Coll. 1905-06. Received hon. degree of Doctor of Engineering from the Missouri Sch. of Mines (Mo. Univ.), Rolla, Mo, 1939; m. Myrtle Lee Mason, of Carthage, Mo., 17 Oct. 1911; children — Howard Lee, Richard Allen, Helen Louise Young. En- tered employ of Am. Zinc, Lead and Smelting Co. in 1908; mgr. Mo. mines from 1914-19; mgr. all mining operations 1919-28; vice pres. in charge operations 1928-30; pres., gen. mgr. since 1930. Served as a dollar-a-year man in the War Production bd., Washington, D.C. 1 Jan. 1943-30 June 1944. Dir. Mineral Resources Coordinating Div. 1 Jan. 1943 to 31 Dec. 1943; deputy vice chmn. Met- als and Minerals, 1 Jan. 1944-30 June 1944. Mem. Adv. Com. War Production bd. and the chem. Warfare Service.; dir. Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., Balti- more & Ohio R.R. Co., Miss. Valley Trust Co., Lindenwood Coll. Trustee of Washington Univ.; dir., pres. Am. Min- ing Congress, Am. Zinc Inst., Inc.; dir. Nat. Assn. Mfrs.; mem. Am. Inst, of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers; mem. exec. com. Mfr. Chemists Assn., Southern States Industrial Council. Re- publican. Presbyterian. Mason (32d de- gree, Shriner). Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Noonday, Algonquin Golf, Bogey Golf, Metropolitan (Washington), The Bank- ers (New York). Home: Country Life Acres, St. Louis County, Clayton, Mo. Of- fice: 1600 Paul Brown Bldg., 818 Olive St., St. Louis 1, Mo. ZIEGLER, Newell Richard, physician, assoc. prof, of bacteriology and preven- tive med.; b. Bippus, Ind., 5 July 1899; s. Albert Ziegler, floriculture, and Mary Ellen (Schnitz) Z. ; ed. Bippus Commis- sioned high sch.; Ind. Univ.; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1925, M.S., 1926, M.D., 1928, Ph. D., 1930; m. Leah B. Whitmer of Eau Claire, Wis., 25 Mar. 1922. Asst. prof, bacteriology, Washington State College, Pullman, Washington, 1930-31; asso. prof, bacteriology and preventive med., Univ. Mo. Med. Sch., Columbia, 1931 — , chmn. dept., 1931-37; pvt. U.S.A., 2 mos., during World War I; leave of absence Univ. of Mo., 1942 — ; commnd. capt. in Medical Corps, A.U.S., 14 Sept. 1942; assigned to active duty 29 Sept. 1942; Major, M.C. 7 Jan. 1944; Asst. Chief and Chief of Lab- oratory Service, Kennedy Gen. Hospital, Memphis, Tenn., 23 Nov. 1942—. Mem. Soc. Am. Bacteriologists, A.M.A., Sigma Xi, Am. Pub. Health Assn., Am. Chem. Soc, A.A.A.S., Am. Assn. Univ Profs. Author: scientific pubis. Interests: photog., gardening. Recreations: hunt- ing, fishing. Protestant. Office: 108 Mc- Alester Hall, Columbia, Mo. ZINK, Harold, univ. prof.; b. Roswell, N.M., 15 May 1901; s. George W. Zink, bus. man, and Gertrude M. (Wheelock) Z.; ed. Roswell high sch.; A.B., Univ. Denver, 1921; S.T.B., Boston Univ., 1923; A.M., Harvard, 1924, Ph.D., 1926; m. Anne Kemp, 19 Apr. 1925; 1 dau.— Sara Ann. Asst. in govt., Harvard Univ., 1924-25; asst. prof., polit. sci., DePauw Univ., 1925-27, asso. prof., 1927-30, prof., 1930-37; Hall prof., polit. sci., head of dept., 1937 — ; visiting asso. prof., Am- herst Coll., 1928-29 post doctoral study in Jap. and China, 1933-34, S.A., 1935; mem. Am. Polit. Sci. Assn., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Am. Acad. Polit. & Soc. Sci., Am. Council Inst, of Pacific Relations, Midwest Polit. Sci. Conf., Ind. Acad, of Social Sci., Blue Key, Pi Sigma Alpha. Author: City Bosses in U.S.; Govern- ment of Cities in the U.S.; Government in Wartime Europe (editor) ; Govern- ment and Politics in the U.S.; numer- ous articles in Dictionary of Am. Biog- raphy, Dictionary of Am. Hist. Travel: Far East, Eur., S.A., Nr. East, Cent. Am. Recreations: gardening, mt. climb- ing. Methodist. Independent. Major, U. S. Army, U.S. Group C.C., European RYAN, Joseph Dennis, asst. dir. of re- search; b. Lockport, N.Y., 13 June 1904; s. Dennis Joseph Ryan, and Mary Agnes (Fenlon); ed. Lockport high sch.; B.S., Ch.E., Univ. of Mich., 1927, M.S., 1928, Ph.D., 1931; admitted to practice before U.S. Patent Office, 1939; m. Grace G. 1086 Beckman of Toledo, O., 13 Sept. 1930; children — Keith Beckham, Joseph Den- nis, Nancy Frances. Res. asst., Carbo- rundum Co.; Sherwin Williams Co.; De- troit Edison Co., 1923-30; asst. teacher, Univ. of Mich., 1927-30, instr. 1930-31; res. chem., Libbey-Owens-Pord Glass Co., 1931-38, asst. dir. res., 1938—; mem. A.C.S., Ger. Chem. Soc, Fellow of the A.A.A.S., A.S.T.M., Am. Ceramic Soc, Soc. of Plastics Engineers, B.P.O. E., Alpha Chi Sigma, Gamma Alpha, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Lam- da Upsilon, Sigma Xi. Club : Kiwanis. Author: articles on organic chemistry, plastics and glass. Interests : history, music. Recreations: golfing, fishing, and hunting. Catholic. Republican. Office: Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co., Toldeo, O. Home : 3018 Middlesex Dr., Toledo, O. SARGENT, Amor Hartley, lawyer; b. Felicity, Clermont Co., O., 18 Mar. 1876; s. Elbert M. Sargent, mcht., and Mary E. (Hartley) S.; ed. Grundy Center (la.) high sch.; Ph.B., Grinnell Coll., 1897; LL.B., Univ. of la., 1899; m. Grace C. Witwer of Cedar Rapids, la., 22 Sept. 1903; children — Harriet (Mrs. H. B. Graefe), Mary (Mrs. George F. Karch). With claim dept, B.C.R.&N. Ry., Cedar Rapids, 1899-1900; with Hubbard, Daw- ley & Wheeler, attys. for Northwestern Ry., 1900-03; entered into partnership with W. B. Crissman as Crissman & Sar- gent, 1903-08; formed partnership, Dea- con, Good, Sargent & Spangler, 1908-21, Mr. Good ret., and firm continued as Deacon, Sargent & Spangler, 1921-41, Sargent, Spangler & Hines, 1941—; mem. Am. Bar Assn., la. State Bar As- sociation, Lima Co. Bar Assn.; dir., v. p., Universal Engring. Corp.; dir., treas., Lefebure Corp.; mem. bd. of edn., Ce- dar Rapids, la., 1910-22; mem. B.P.O.E., No. 253, past exalted ruler, past master Crescent Lodge No. 25, A.F.&A.M., Scot- tish Rite (33d deg.). Clubs: Cedar Rap- ids Country, Executives, Chamber of Commerce. Travel: U.S. Interest: op- eration of farms. Recreation: golf. Pres- byterian. Republican. Office: 915 Mer- chants National Bank Bldg., Cedar Rap- ids, la. Home: 2237 Washington Av., S. E., Cedar Rapids, la. SPACHNER, Jack Victor, corporation official; b. Chicago, 111., 7 May 1898; s. Joseph and Celia (Shore) S.; student grammar and high schs., Marengo, 111.; m. Beatrice Teller, 17 Oct. 1926; chil- dren — Warren Roy, Carole Joy. Began as stenographer, Chicago Mill & Lumber Co., 1918; gen. mgr. Chicago Mill Paper Stock Co., 1921, vice pres., 1925-28; pres. and gen. mgr. Pioneer Paper Stock Co., and Transportation Container Corp. of Am., 1932-42; vice pres. and dir. since 1939; vice pres., Carton Internacional (Panama); dir. Pioneer Paper Stock Co., Institute of Design. Clubs: Standard, Northmoor Country. Home: Oakmont Rd., Highland Park, 111. Office: 111 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. SPACHNER, Beatrice Teller; b. Chi- cago, 111.; d. Herman and Rose (Friend) Teller; attended Liberal Arts Sch., Univ. of Chicago and Univ. 111.; teacher's de- gree Metropolitan Conservatory of Mu- sic; m. Jack Victor Spachner, 17 Oct. 1926; children — Warren Roy, Carole Joy. Violinist, taught music, conducted radio ensemble; pres. Woman's Sym- phony Orchestral Assn. of Chicago; vice pres. Woman's Symphony Orchestral As- sociation, 1939-43; p. mem. Chicago Wo- man's Symphony; mem. Chicago Fedn. of Musicians, Organized Women Musi- cians, 111. Fecm. of Music Clubs, Mac- Dowell Soc, Chicago Women's Aid, Art Inst, of Chicago. Clubs : Highland Park Music, Highland Park Women's, Arts (Chicago). Home: Oakmont Rd., High- land Park, 111. Office: 410 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. TEST, Frederick Cleveland, surgeon; b. Richmond, Ind., 14 June 1869; s. Dr. Erastus and Mary (Taylor) T.; desc. John Test, 1st sheriff of Phila., Pa., 1682; ed. Raisin Valley Sem., Adrian, Mich., 1876-81, Central Acad., Plainfield, Ind., 1881-83, Richmond (Ind.) Normal Sch., 1883-84, Earlham Coll., 1884-86; A. B., Ind. Univ., 1889, A.M., 1894; M.D., Washnigton, D.C., 1895; New York Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1896-97; m. Anna- bel Cleveland, 22 Sept. 1896; children — Mary Ella (Mrs. W. W. Bowers), Fred- erick Cleveland II, John Edmund. Inst, zoology, Purdue Univ., 1889-90; asst. cu- rator dept. of reptiles, U.S. Museum, Washington, 1890-94; editor horticulture and entomology, U.S. Dept. of Agr., 1894- 96; asst. to Dr. A. M. Phelps, N.Y. City, 1896-97; formerly asso. prof, orthopedic surgery, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., and entomology, U.S. Deptt. of Agr., 1894- surgery, Cook Co. Hosp., 1920-32; adjunct orthopedic surgeon, Wesley Hosp. ; con- sulting orthopedic surgeon, I.C. R.R., Shriners Hosp. for Crippled Children; consulting surgeon, St. Mary's Home for Children, 1897-1901; was instr. orthope- dic surgery, Northwestern Univ. Wo- man's Med. Coll., 1897-1901; acting asst. surgeon. Home for Crippled Children, 1901; prof, orthopedic surgery, Dearborn Med. Coll., 1904-07; attending orthopedic 1087 surgeon, Samaritan Hosp., 1904-07. On active duty 2 yrs., World War; maj. Med. O.R.C., U.S. Army. Mem. A.M.A., Chicago Med. Soc, Chicago Orthopedic Soc, Am. Acad. Orthopedic Surgery. Formerly dep. commr. Boy Scouts of America, Hyde Park Community. Re- publican. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Mem. Modern Woodmen of America. Clubs: University, Chicago Literary, Chicago Ornithological. Contbr. to med. journals and lit. mags. Home : 4620 Greenwood Av. Office: 30 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. GORBY, John W., banking and pub. relations; b. Hiramsburg, Noble County, O., 13 Feb. 1881; s. John Richmond and Rebecca (Davis) G. ; grad. high sch., Caldwell, O., 1896; matriculated in Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Jan. 1898; B.A., Marietta (O.) Coll., 1901 (Phi Beta Kappa) ; instr. in pub. speaking Univ. of Ariz., 1902-05, M.A., 1904; admitted to Ariz, bar, 1905; student Grad. School, Univ. of Chicago, 15 months, 1905-06; m. Lucia Ethelyn Ford, 25 June 1903 (died 9 Oct. 1944); children— Paul, Harriet D., John W., Jr. Began as messenger with Central Trust Co. of 111., 1906; asst. mgr. Chicago Safe Deposit Co., 1907-11; mgr. safe deposit dept. Peoples Trust & Sav- ings Bank, 1911-15; asst. cashier and cashier, Jan. 1915-Mar. 1917, v. p. Mar. 1916-19, Central Mfg. Dist. Bank; pub- licity mgr. Cyclone Fence Co., 1919; Nat. Transportation Inst., 1923; field sec. for state of N.Y. Am. Legion $5,000,000 En- dowment Fund, 1925; dir. child welfare div. Am. Legion, 1925-26; asst. cashier Congress Trust & Savings Bank, 1927-30; nat. speaker for Century of Progress Ex- position, 1927-33; mem. staff, 1930-33; na- tional sec. Am. Finance Conf., 1933-34; asst. bus. mgr. Chicago Real Estate Bd., 1934-37; asst. to pres. Central Y.M.C.A. Coll. (Chicago), 1937-38; bus. mgr. Wood- lawn Property Owners League and exec. sec. East 63d St. Council, 1938-40; with Chicago Crime Commn., 1 Sept. 1940-3 Mar. 1944; with training branch, 6th Service Command, U.S. Army, since Mar. 1944, training officer Veterans Ad- ministration, stationed in Va., since 1944. Capt. 4th Inf., 111. Reserve, 1917; capt. U.S.A., 1918-19, now reserve officer. Mem. Am. Inst. Banking (pres. Chicago Chapter, 1914-15), Nat. Security League (chmn. ways and means council Chica- go br.). Republican. Methodist. Mason. Address: care Veterans Guidance Cen- ter, Univ. of Richmond, Richmond, Va. KENDALL, James Logan, meterolo- gist, retired; b. Grant Co., Ky., 12 Feb. 1874; s. James Sterne Kendall, carpen- ter, farmer, and Harriet (Burns) K. ; ed. Vevay (Ind.) high sch.; Ind. State Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind.; m. Flora May Combs of Johnson Co., Ind., 25 Dec. 1902 (dec); children — James Lane, Elizabeth Garner, Robert Combs, Helen Virginia; m. 2d Mary Agnes Gar- ner of Kokomo, Ind., 10 Sept. 1936. Teacher, schs. Ky., 1894-96, Ind., 1898- 1903; Q.M. dept., U.S. govt., Jefferson- ville, Ind., 1903-10; U.S. weather bur., Louisville, Ky., 1910, in charge, clima- tological service, state Ky., 1920-43, re- tired 1944; mem. Am. Meteorological So- ciety. Club: Filson (Louisville, Ky.). Au- thor: meteorological reports, weather, crop. Interests: geneal., med., hist., and archaeological res., adult Bible Class work. Recreations: gardening, travel by auto. Baptist. Address: R.R. 1, Frank- lin, Ind. MILLER, Benjamin Frank, physician and biochemist; b. Fitchburg, Mass., 10 Sept. 1907; s. Julius Miller, mcht., and Minna (Rome) M.; ed. Fitchburg high sch.; B.S. Ch.E., M.I.T., 1928; M.D., Harvard Med. Sch., 1933. Asst. in bio- chemistry, Harvard Coll., 1931-33; asst. resident phys., Rockefeller Inst, for Med. Res., 1936-37; asst. prof., Univ. of Chicago, 1937 — <; on leave from Univ. of Chicago as major, U.S. Pub. Health Ser- vice, 1943 — ; Fellow, Nat. Res. Council in Medicine; member Am. Soc. Biol. Chem., Cent. Soc. for Clin. Res., Soc. for Clin. Investigation, Soc. Exptl. Biol. & Med., Alpha Omega Alpha, Sigma Xi. Author: sci. papers on med. and bio- chem. subjs. Home: 6045 University Av., Chicago, 111. CARTER, Henry Holland, prof. Eng- lish; b. Brecksville, O., 16 Aug. 1884; s. Elwyn Leyton Carter, farmer, and Amanda Jane (Snow) C; ed. Richfield (O.) high sch.; Oberlin Acad., O.; A.B., Oberlin Coll., 1907; M.A., Yale Univ., 1908, Ph.D., 1914; m. Ella Charlton Ful- ton of Spokane, Wash., 10 Aug. 1910; children — Mrs. Jane Elizabeth Ken- worth, Mrs. Mary Snow Schaefer, Mrs. Margaret Gray Tenney, Bertha Anne. Asst. prof. Eng., Miami Univ., Oxford, O., 1908-11, Carleton Coll., Northfield, Minn., 1914-17, prof. Eng., 1917-21; prof. Eng., head dept., Miami Univ., 1921-22; prof. Eng., Ind. Univ., Bloomington, Ind., 1922— , head dept., 1923-41; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Modern Lang. Assn. Am. Co-author: Remedial Exercises in English Composition; English in Action; Reader for Writers. Editor: Ben Jon- son's Every Man in His Humor. Inter- 1088 est: mus. Episcopalian. Democrat. Of- fice: Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. Home: 316 N. Jordan Av., Bloom- ington, Ind. BLOMQUIST, Edwin Oscar, exec; b. Chicago, 111., 29 May 1894; s. Oscar F. Blomquist and Maria Carolina (Carlson) B.; ed. Calumet high sch., Chicago; B. S., Northwestern Univ., 1915; m. Julie- ette Renken of Parkersburg, la., 2 June 1918; 1 son— Edwin Renken. Salesman, James S. Kirk & Co., Chicago, 1915-16, asst. adv. mgr., 1916-17; with E. J. Brach & Sons, 1919—, v.p., 1928—, chmn. Food Supply and Allocation Sub-Corn, of Food Industry War Com.; founder, mem. adv. council, Levere Memorial Foundation, Evanston, 111.; tr., North- western Univ., 1938-42; commd. ensign, U.S.N.R., 1917, It. (j.g.), It., 1918, navi- gating off., U.S.S. Matsonia, 1919; mem. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Northwestern Uni- versity Alumni Assn. (p.v.p.). Club: Uni- versity (Chicago). Travel: Eur., W.I., Mex., Hawaiian Is. Methodist. Republi- can. Office: 4656 W. Kinzie St., Chicago, 111. Home: 2808 Grant St., Evanston, 111. WINGFIELD, Marshall, clergyman; b. Franklin County, Va., 19 Feb. 1893; s. Tazewell Tarleton and Mary (Motley) W.; student Johnson Bible Coll., 1910- 13, Tex. Christian Univ., 1914-16, Union Theol. Sem. in N.Y. summers 1924, 25, 27, 30, Vanderbilt Univ., 1931-34. Chicago Univ., summers 1935-36; attended sum- mer lectures in St. Hughs' Coll., Oxford; m. Marie Kerfoot Gregson, 11 Oct. 1927. Led four student tours through Europe, one through Alaska. Ordained ministry Disciples of Christ Ch., 10 Nov. 1912; served churches in U.S. and England; pastor First Congl. Ch., Memphis, Tenn., since 1937; interchange preacher be- tween Great Britain and America; spl. preacher in Presbyn. pulpits Cincinnati, 1927-45. Corporate mem. A.B.C.F.M. ; rep. Ninth Congl. Dist. (Tenn.) on South- west Territory Commn., 1940; mem. nat. panel Am. Arbitration Assn. since 1942; comdr.-in-chief sons of Confeder- ate Veterans 1943-45, state comdr. in Miss., 1935-36, in Tenn. since 1937; pres. State Convention Disciples in Mississippi 1936; pres. and genealogist Wingfield Soc. since 1904; pres. Monroe County (Miss.) Hist. Commn., 1934-36; critic- judge for Pacific Forensic Conf., 1927; dir. Tenn. Conf. Congl. Chs., 1937; mod- erator Tenn. Conf. Congl. Chs.; pres. of Memphis Ministers Assn. (inter-denom- inational), 1943-44; pres. Memphis Coun- cil Social Workers; chmn. bd. Gailor Hall Boys Home, Memphis, since 1941: sec. Memphis Commn. on Interracial Cooperation; mem. exec. com. Tenn. Hist. Commn. Staff corr. The Christian Century, Chicago. Religious News Ser- vice, New York. Visiting lecturer on American Literature in 5 Mid-South col- leges; founder of the Memphis Round Table. Del. to Nat. Study Conf., Dela- ware, O., 1942, Gen. Council of Congl. Church, 1940 and 1942, Nat. Study Conf., Cleveland, O., 1945. Mem. of Authors League of Am., Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science, Va. Hist. Soc, Miss. His- torical Soc, Am. Hist. Soc. (trustee), Nat. Soc for Study of Edn., British In- stitute of Philos. Studies, Am. Soc. of Church History, West Tennesee Soc. (pres. since 1938), Sons Confederate Vet- erans (national historian; D.S.M. 1938); chmn. commn. for making Beauvoir a national shrine; dir. Ft. Loudon Assn. of Tenn., Order Stars and Bars; hon. mem. Miss. Poetry Soc, Internat. Mark Twain Soc. Awarded Useful Citizen medal of 1944 by Chamber of Commerce. Commd. mem. staff Gov. J. N. McCord of Tenn., 1945, a.d.c with rank of col.; speaker at mil. camps, with rabbi and priest, under auspices Nat. Conf. Christians and Jews. Democrat. Mason (32d deg., K.C.C.H., Shriner, life mem.). Clubs: Crosscut, Egyptians; Cooperative Internat. (life mem.) (Memphis). Author: History of Caroline County, Va., 1924; History of Henry County, Va. (with J. P. A. Sill), 1925; Forces of Destiny, 1932; Translat- ing Christmas and other poems, 1933; Notes of a Pilgrim, 1935; Nostalgia and other Poems, 1937; A Piedmont Chron- icle, 1937, Hills of Home, 1938; Marriage Bonds of Franklin, 1939. Corr. Memphis (Tenn.) Commercial Appeal, 1935-36; Literary Memphis, 1942; The Deathless Preacher, 1942; The Shrine in a Temple, 1943; The Life and Letters of General A. P. Stweart, 1944. Conductor of The Voice of Books, book review program over WMC. Home: 246 S. Watkins St.. Memphis, Tenn.; (summer) Rocky Mt., Va. PURDY, William Carey, special ex- pert in planktonology ; b. Westover's. Pa., 12 Apr. 1871; s. W. B. Purdy, Bapt. minister, and Catharine Z. (Weight) P.: ed. Reidsburg (Pa.) Acad.; B.S., Buck- nell Univ., 1899, M.S., 1904; Mass. Inst. Tech., 1913; m. Alberta C. Simkins of Corsica, Pa., 26 Dec. 1900; children—A. Catharine, M. Margaret. Teacher, State Teachers Coll., Slippery Rock, Pa.; prof., biol., Geneva Coll., Beaver Falls, Pa.; spl. expert, U.S. Pub. Health Ser- vice, 1913-41 (retired); Sunday school teacher of class of high sch. boys, Wal- 1089 nut Hills Bapt. Ch., Cincinnati, Ohio; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Microscopic Soc. Author: numerous govt, bulls., Potomac Plankton; Biological Study of Ohio Riv- er; Plankton and related organisms of Illinois River; Bottom Sediments of Sci- oto (Ohio) River; Mosquito Breeding in California Ricefields. Recreations: wood- working. Baptist. E. 3rd and Kilgour Sts. Home: 1223 Herschel Av., Cincinnati, O. NIELSEN, Jens Rud, professor; b. in Copenhagen, Den., 22 Sept. 1894; s. Niels F. Nielsen, interior decorator, and Ma- rie (Johansen) N.; ed. Univ. Copenhag- en, 1913-19; Ph.D., Calif. Inst. Tech., 1924; m. Gertrude Siegmund of SzekeT- yudvarhely, Hun., 19 Oct. 1923; children —John Rud, Tom Rud, Mary Ruth. Instr. Royal Tech. Coll., Copenhagen, 1919-22, Humboldt Teacher and Jr. Coll., Calif., 1923-24; asst. prof, phys., Univ. Okla., 1924-26, assoc. prof., 1926-30, prof., 1930- 44, research prof., 1944—; fellow, Am. Scandinavian Foundation, 1922-23; Gug- genheim Mem. Fellow, 1931-32, Rask- Oersted Fellow, 1932-33; Fellow, Am. Phys. Soc, A.A.A.S., Okla. Acad. Sci.; mem. Am. Opt. Soc. Am. Assn. Phys. Teachers, Am. Assn. Sci. Workers, Sig- ma Xi. Author: numerous res. papers. Travel: Eur. Office: University of Okla- homa, Norman, Okla. Home: 310 S. Uni- versity Blvd., Norman, Okla. . ALONGI, Michael, king of strings and his harmonians; b. Aragona, It., 26 July 1894; s. Paul Alongi, musician, and Ma- rie (Tirone) A.; student at Milan Con- servatory of Music 7 yrs. ; m. Rose lo Sasso of Palermo, It. Maestro of mus., composer, dir. ; guitarist, banjoist, man- dolinist, soloist, player of popular, classi- cal music, vaudeville actor, radio per- former with stations WGN, KYW, WBBM (Chicago). Composer : When It's Peach Bloom Time; made recordings, Victor, 1935; orchestra leader, Chicago, Illinois; recreation leader, Servicemen Center, Chicago, 111. Mem. Am. Fedn. of Musi- cians. Studio and home: 1302 Cleveland Av., Chicago, 111. REID, Robert H., real estate, insur- ance, trustee; b. Chicago, 111., 17 Sept. 1892; s. M. S. Rosenfield and Tillie (Ein- stein) R.; ed. Univ. High Sch., Chicago; Philips Acad., Andover, Mass.; Hars- trom Sch., Norwalk, Conn.; Yale Univ., 1913-15; m. Iris L. Bouseman of Chicago, 111., 8 May 1937; children — John Crerar, Mary Jane. Past v. p., Sunny Brook Dis- tillery Co., Master Trucks, Inc.; p. gen. mgr., Harold Bradley & Co.; Sunny Brook Mines, Colo.; owner, R. H. Reid & Co., real estate, insurance, builders; pres. Sunny Brook Corp., Ky., dir. of Stambaugh Farm Equipment Co., Val- paraiso, Ind. ; mem. Chicago Stock Ex- change; sergt., Air Service, Signal Corps, sergt. maj., Vancouver Barracks, Wash., 1917-18; now maj., Ordnance De- partment Res., U.S.A.; served 1942-45 commd. officer, 243d Ordnance Batt.; grad. command and gen. staff School, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Mem. Western Squash Racquets Assn. (pres. 1933-35, 1939-40), U.S. Squash Racquets Assn. (mem. exec, com., 1934-38), Chicago Dis- trict Squash Racquets Assn. (sec. 1933- 37, dir. 1937—, treas. 1945-46), dir. North Central Assn. Chicago, life mem. Army Ord. Assn. Mem. Am. Legion, Mil. Ord. of World Wars. Clubs: Arts (Chicago), 111. Athletic, Lake Shore, Chicago Yacht, Chicago Town & Tennis, Univ. Milwau- kee, Yale (New York). Presbyterian. Re- publican. Home: 900 N. Michigan Av. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. STEFFEN, Roy, hotel and corp. offi- cer; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 13 Apr. 1894; s. George John Steffen, music publr., and Emily (Volkman) S.; ed. Milwau- kee High Sch.; Univ. Wis.; m. Charlotte Eitel of Chicago, 14 June 1923. Newspa- per reporter, advertising writer, Milwau- kee Jour., 1914; advertising and mer- chandising counselor, Critchfield & Co., Chicago, 1919-22; v.p., gen. mgr., Hough Shade Corp., 1923-33; mng. dir., Bis- marck Hotel, Chicago, 1933-44; pres., gen. mgr. La Salle Madison Hotel Co., operating La Salle Hotel, Chicago; v.p., Internat. Distributing C; asst. treas., v. p., Marigold Properties Co.; pres., dir., and gen. mgr. Albert Schwili & Co.; served as It., F.A., U.S.Army, 1918-19; mem. Nat. Venetian Blind Mfrs. Assn., Chicago Hotel Assn. (chmn. bd.), 111. Hotel Assn. (dir.), 111. Devel. Council Dept. Finance (Springfield, co-chmn.), Chicago Assn. Commerce (dir.). Chmn. Nat. Hotel Industry Com. to O.P.A. on rents. Travel: Eng., Ger., It., Austria, Switzerland, Fr., Can. Recreations: mu- sic, art, photog. Office: 10 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 421 Ridge Rd., Ken- ilworth, 111. Summer res. : Ephraim, Wis. BARNES, Helen Florence, secretary; b. Ottawa, O.; d. Adam C. Barnes, min- ister, and Harriet (Gee) B. ; ed. Bluff- ton (O.) high sch.; M.A., O. Northern Univ., 1885, O. Wesleyan Univ., 1889; Co- lumbia Univ., 1907; LL.D., (hon.), Lin- coln Memorial Univ., 1920. Teacher, Na- poleon high sch., O., 1889-90. Mansfield, O., 1890-91, O. Univ., 1891-92; sec, Y.W. C.A., 1892-98, nat. industrial sec, 1898- 1905, first sec, co. t small towns, 1905- 11. nat. gen. sec, Australia, New Zea- 1090 land, 1911-17, war work, U.S., 1917-21, first nat. sec to develop and operate a secretarial retirement fund 1921-25; re- tired, 1925; mem. W.C.T.U. (p. pres.), Peace Commn. (Meth. Ch.), Women's Soc. Christian Service. Club: Womens, (Findlay, p. pres.). Travel: U.S., Alas., Carribbean Sea Islands, Japan, China, So. Am., Eur.' Recreations: motoring, traveling Methodist. Republican. Office and home: 432 W. Sandusky St., Findlay, O. Summer res. : Lakeside, O. PESKA, Frank, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., 20 Dec. 1885; s. Michael Peska and Harriet (Rzechtalski) R. ; ed. Chicago pub. schs.; Chicago Seminar of Science; LL.B., Chicago Law School, 1911; m. Otylia Bukolt of Stevens Point, Wis., 16 Apr. 1930; 1 dau. — Harriet. Asst. state atty., Cook Co., 1920-27; city prosecutor, Chicago, 1927-31; pvt. law practice, since 1931; dir., Lullabys Furniture Corp., pres. Pluswood, Ins., Oshkosh, Wis.; dir. Northern Hardwood Veneers, Inc., But- ternut, Wis.; treas. Algoma Forest Prod- ucts, Ltd., Bruce Mines, Can. Elected Rep. Ward Committeeman, 1932-44. Ap- pointed mem. 111. Commerce Commis- sion, 1941. Interest: photography. Repub- lican. Home: 3000 N. Lowell Av. Office: 1 N. La Salle Bldg., Chicago, 111. MERRIAM, Charles Edward, prof.; b. Hopkinton, Io., 15 Nov. 1874; s. Charles Edward Merriam, bus. man, and Mar- garet Campbell (Kirkwood) M. ; ed. Len- ox Coll., 1893; A.B., Univ. la., 1895; A. M., Columbia 1897, Ph.D., 1900; LL.D. (hon.), Univ. Colo., 1920; LL.D., (hon), Univ. Michigan, 1935; m. Elizabeth Hil- da Doyle of Constableville, N.Y., 3 Aug. 1901; children — Charles James, John Francis, Elizabeth, Robert E. Assoc. Political Sci., Univ. Chicago, 1900-03, instr., 1903-05, asst. prof., 1905-07, assoc. prof., 1907-11, prof, and chmn. dept. of political Sci. 1911 — ; chmn., Commn. City Expenditures; alderman 7th Ward, Chicago, 1909-11, 1913-17; mem. Hoover Commn. on Recent Social Trends, Nat. Resources Planning Bd., 1933-43, Social Sci. Res. Council (pres. 1924-27), Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. (pres. 1924-25), Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, Am. Philos. Soc, Am. Soc. Pub. Adminstrn.; commd. capt., S.R.C., aviation sect., 1917; pres. Aviation Examining Bd., commr., Am. Com. on Pub. Information, Italy, 1918. Clubs: University (Chicago), Quadran- gle. Author: The History of the Theory of Sovereignty since Rousseau, 1900, A History of American Political Theories, 1903, Municipal Revenues of Chicago. 1906, Primary Elections, 1908, American Political Ideas, 1865-1917, 1921, The American Party Ssytem, 1922, (3rd Rev., 1940), Non- Voting, 1924, New Aspects of Politics, 1925, Four American Party Leaders, 1926, Chicago, 1929, The Mak- ing of Citizens, 1931, The Written Con- stitution, 1931, The Government of the Metropolitan Region of Chicago, 1933, Civic Education in the United States, 1934, Political Power, 1934, The Role of Politics in Social Change, 1936, The New Democracy and the New Despotism, 1939, Prologue to Politics, 1939, On the Agenda of Democracy, 1941, What is Democracy, 1941, Public and Private Government, 1944, Systematic Politics, 1945. Editor, History of Political Theo- ries, Recent Times, 1924. Travel: Eur. Recreations: bowling, tennis. Presbyte- rian. Office: The University of Chicago, Chicago 37, 111. Home: 6041 University Av., Chicago, 111. MERRILL, Maurice Hitchcock, prof, law; b. Washington, D.C., 3 Oct. 1897; s. George White Merrill, agrl. mgr., and Mary Lavinia (Hitchcock) M.; ed. Strat- ford (Okla.) High Sch., 1911-13; Eastern Univ. Prep. Sch., Claremore, Okla., 1913- 14; Castle Heights Sch., Lebanon, Tenn., 1914-15; B.A., Univ. Okla., 1919, LL.B., 1922; S.J.D., Harvard Univ., 1926; m. Orpha Roberts, of Norman, Okla., 4 June 1922; 1 dau.— Mary Jean. Teaching fel- low, instr., spl. instr. in govt., Univ. of Okla., 1919-22; law prac, Tulsa, Okla., 1922-24; 1926; asso. prof, law, Univ. of Ida., 1925-26; asst. prof, law, Univ. of Neb., 1926-28, prof, law, Univ. Okla., 1928- 36, and 1936—; pvt., U.S. Army, Oct.- Dec. 1918; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa Psi, Order of the Coif, Pe-et, Am., Okla. bar assns., Cleveland Co. bar assn.; mem. Norman Charter revision com., 1945; chmn. for Okla. Am. Bar Assn. Pub. Information Program, 1942-44, Okla. chmn. Local In- terviewing Corns, under U.S. Bd. of Le- gal Examiners and U.S. Civ. Service Commn., 1941-44, pub. panel mem., 8th Regional W.L.B., 1943; chmn. Permanent Trucking Panel, 8th Region, 1944 — ; com- missioner from Okla., Nat. Conf. Com- missioners on Uniform State Laws, since 1944; mem. Cleveland Co. Vets. Assist- ance Council, 1945 — ; mem. Southwest- ern Social Sci. Assn., Okla. Hist. Soc, Am. Jud. Soc, Univ. Okla. Res. Inst., Am. Rose Soc Author: Covenants Im- plied in Oil and Gas Leases, 1926, 2d edit., 1940; Nebraska Annotations to Re- statement of Contracts (with Wm. Stern- berg and L. B. Orfield), 1932; Nebraska Annotations to Restatement of Agency. 1933; Oklahoma Annotations to Restate- 1091 ment of Agency, 1940; also bulletins, arts., book revs, on legal matters; ed. Neb. Law Bulletin, Vol. Ill, Selected Es- says on Constitutional Law. Assoc, ed., Okla. Bar Assn. Jour. Recreations: gar- dening, writing, tennis. Methodist. Of- fice: 303 Monnet Hall, University of Ok- lahoma, Norman, Okla. Home: 800 Elm Av., Norman, Okla. MILLER, Frederick A., shoe mfr.; b. Columbus, O., 14 Oct. 1879; s. William A. and Anne Marie (Halbedel) M.; Ph.B., Ohio State Univ., 1901; m. Roberta B. Miller, 28 Apr. 1909 ; children — Edward, William, Frances Anne. With H. C. God- man Co., mfrs. shoes, since 1901, now chmn. bd., dir. Marble Cliff Quarries Co., Columbus-Coated Fabrics Co., pres., dir. Berwick Crop., Leland Electric Co., The Skidoo Co. Vice chmn. Franklin Co. Community War Service, 1917-19; chmn. Columbus and Franklin County Com- munity Fund, 1926-27. Commd. It. col., for services as chmn. relief and rehabili- tation of Lorain, after cyclone disaster, 1924; mem. War Service Com., and Code Authority of Boot and Shoe Industry, during World War I; mem. Franklin Co. Pub. Housing Authority, 1934. Mem. Nat. Assn. Boot and Shoe Mfrs. (pres. 1935-36, chmn. bd. 1937-38, 39), Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Clubs: Co- lumbus, Columbus Athletic, Columbus Country, Rocky Fork Hunt and Country. Home : 2065 Barton PI. Office : 46 E. Ful- ton St.; 2260 E. Main St., Columbus, O. MORROW, Thomas Henry, lawyer and judge; b. Cincinnati, O., 27 Jan. 1885; s. Worcester B. Morrow, lawyer, and Caro- line (Caine) M. ; ed. Hughes High Sch. ; B.A., Univ. Colo., 1909; LL.B., Univ. Cin- cinnati, 1911; m. Dorothea Penny of Dayton, 16 November 1921 (died 17 June 1941; children — Thomas Vaughan, Worcester Beach. Admitted to bar, 1911; asst. U.S. atty., 1920-21; U.S. atty., So. dist. of O., 1922-23; judge, Common Pleas Ct., 1st Judicial Dist. of O., 1927^; dir., Soc. Salvation Army; capt. Co. K., U.S. A., 148th Inf., 22 mos. during World War I; decorated with Silver Star for gallan- try in action in Argonne; served with 9th Air Force, U.S. Army, World War II; promoted to col.; served in Palestine, Egypt, etc.; past pres., 37th Div., A.E. F. Vets Assn.; mem. Cincinnatus Assn., Elks, Masons (Scottish Rite), V.F.W. Clubs: Cincinnati Univ., Duckworth Democratic. Travel: Eur., Cuba, Mex., U.S. Related to Jeremiah Morrow, Gov. of O., 1822, and U.S. Senator. Interests: mil. hist., golf. Episcopalian. Democrat. Office: Court House, Cincinnati, O. OWENS, James Whitfield, professional engr., author, lecturer; b. St. Eustatius, D.W.I., 14 Feb. 1886; s. Rev. James Payne Owens, Methodist minister, and Elizabeth Clarine Bertha (Jones) O.; ed. gen. sci. course, Harrison Coll., Barba- dos, B.W.I. , 1900-03; Poly. Inst, of Brook- lyn, N.Y., 1908-11; m. Mary Agnes Han- non of New York, N.Y., 27 Nov. 1910; children — Marion Elizabeth, James Cuth- bert. Engaged in r.r. multiple unit car control and power sta. design and con- strn., Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., Brooklyn Edison Co., N.Y. Edison Co., Gibbs & Hill, Am. Gas & Elec. Co., J. G. White Eng. Co. (all of New York, N. Y.), 1904-18; welding aide in charge of welding res. and devel., U.S.N. , Norfolk Navy Yard, 1918-26; dir. welding, New- port News Shipbldg. & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va., 1926-30; dir. eng., sec, and mem. bd. dirs., Welding Eng. & Research Corp., New York, N.Y., 1930- 32; cons, engr., dir. Nat. Weld Testing Bureau, Pittsburgh Testing Lab., Pitts^ burgh, Pa., 1933-35; dir. welding, Fah> banks, Morse & Co., Beloit, 1935 — ; laid scientific foundation of welding in U.S. N. and Am. merchant marine; largely re- sponsible for present extensive use in these fields; originated qualification method of testing welding operators and processes, the 1st practical weld sym- bols for drawings, 1st weld guage, there- by making piecework possible; 1st weld- ing engr. to be civ. serv. appointee in Fed. govt, (apptd. by Pres. Wilson); now specializing in welded constrn. of light- weight and high powered Diesel engines for marine chiefly U.S.V. and R.R. uses, also Diesel locomotives; member Welding Com. of Emergency Fleet Corp., during World War; one of organ- izers and mem. Am. Welding Soc. (v. p. 1919, mem. bd. dirs. many yrs., chmn. numerous tech. corns.); awarded Sam- uel Wylie Miller Memorial Medal for "achievements in application of welding in marine constrn." 1930; mem. A.S.M. E., Soc. Naval Architects and Marine Engrs. (past mem.), past fellow A.I.E.E. Clubs: Beloit Country, Rotary (Beloit). Author: Fundamentals of Welding, 1933; paper on elec. arc welding unanimously awarded 1st prize of $10,000, 1928, in Lin- coln Elec. Co.'s internat. competition sponsored by A.S.M.E., and pub. in book Arc Welding, 1929; also numerous tech. papers and arts, on welding; certified profl. engr., N.Y. and Va. Travel: W. Indies, British Guiana, Hawaii. Recre- ations: bowling, golf. Office: Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Beloit, Wis. Home: 903 Mil- waukee Rd., Beloit, Wis. 1092 PARMENTER, Clarence Edward, pro- fessor romance languages; b. Kingman, Kan., 23 Feb. 1888; s. Perlin H. Parmen- ter, mcht., and Sarah (Reed) P.; ed. Kingman (Kan.) High Sch.; Stanford Univ., Stetson Univ.; Ph.B., Univ. Chi- cago, 1911, Ph.D., 1921. Actg. head dept., modern langs., Hillsdale Coll., 1910-11; instr., Univ. Chicago, 1914-18, asst. pro- fessor, 1918-26, assoc. prof., 1926-29, pro- fessor, 1929 — ; acting chmn., 1941-43, and chmn., 1943 — . Fellow Internat. Soc. Ex- pnl. Phonetics; F.A.A.A.S.; councillor, Internat. Phoenetic Assn.; U.S. Pan-Am. Council, Chicago; Adv. Council, Modern Lang. Assn.; mem. Am. Assn. Teachers of Spanish, Linguistic Soc. Am., Assn. Modern Lang. Teachers, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Beta Kappa (pres. Chicago chap.). Clubs: Quadrangle Players, and Quadrangle (Univ. of Chicago). Travel: Asia, Air., the Pacific, Eur., extensive. Author: A Handbook of French Phonet- ics (with W. A. Nitze), Beginners' Span- ish, 1920, Second Year Spanish, 1920. Interests: travel, drama, agriculture. Of- fice: Faculty Exchange, Univ. of Chi- cago, 111. Home: 6127 Greenwood Av., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Rt. 1, Box 184, Valparaiso, Ind. PATERSON, William Tait, clergyman; b. Glasgow, Scot., 30 Apr. 1884; s. Wil- liam Tait Paterson, warehouseman, and Annie (Small) P.; ed. Collegiate, Vir- den, Man., Can.; Manitoba Coll., Winni- peg.; B.Th., Lane Theol. Sem., 1913; B. Th., Auburn Theol. Sem., 1929; D.D,. at Wooster Coll., 1927; m. Wanda Chase Carey of Russellville, O., 3 Dec. 1913; children — William Tait, James Carey, Samuel Doak, Esther Lowry, Donald George. Student pastor in Saskatchewan; Manitoba; Nova Scotia; Ohio; 1906-13; ordained to Presbyn. ministry, 1913; pas- tor, Buffalo Pres. Ch., Cumberland, O., 1913-20; Norwood Presb. Ch., Norwood, O., 1920—; tr., Lane Theol. Sem., Cin- cinnati (sec. of bd.) ; dir. Presb. Theol. Sem. Chicago; dir. Service League; dir. Northeastern Y.M.C.A. ; dir. Commun- ity Chest, Cincinnati; moderator, Pres- bytery of Cincinnati, 1925-26, Synod of Ohio, 1926-27; Gen. Council Presb. Gen. Assembly, 1934-40; pres. Bd. of National Miss. Presby. of Cincinnati; chmn. Com. Ministerial Relations, 1941-43; com. of Gen. Assembly Presb. Ch., U.S.A., 1922, 1932; del. Pan-Presb. Alliance, Aber- deen, Southland, 1913; pres. Council of Churches of Greater Cincinnati, 1944-46; served in A.E.F., Y.M.C.A. during World War I; mem. Pi Gamma Mu, Caledonian Soc. of Cincinnati, (pres. and chaplain). Mason (32 deg.), K.T. Clubs: Clergy (Cincinnati); Kiwanis (Norwood, pres., 1942). Contbg. editor, Expositor's Min- ister's Annual, 1929-31, 1933-44; Exposi- tor-Homiletic Review; arts, in mags. Travel: Gt. Brit., Can., Mex. Mrs. Pat- erson is direct desc. of Rev. Dr. Samuel Doak, founder of Washington and Tus- culum Colls., Eastern Tenn. Presbyte- rian. Republican. Office: 4400 Floral Av., wood, O. Home: 2269 Adams Av., Norwood, O. Summer res.: Russellville, O. PATTERSON, Nell Coweta, housewife; b. Independence, Kan., 22 Sept. 1895; d. Richard Henry Graham, tax assessor, and Melvina (Schaeffer) G. ; ed. McCur- tain (Okla.) high sch.; Teachers Train- ing Normal, Stigler, Okla.; m. Moss Pat- terson of McCurtain, 1 June 1913; chil- dren — Mrs. Mary Nell Wilson, Dorothy, Vera Marie (Mrs. C. L. Marshall, Jr.). Treas Mid-Continent Coaches, Inc., Enid, Okla.; mem. Women's Nat. Aeronauti- cal Assn. (nat. pres.), W.N. A. A. Clubs: Rotary Anns (vice pres.), Hospitality, Fortnightly, federated clubs of Am. Re- ceived Fox studio plaque for aviation work, 1942. Travel: U.S., Mex., Can. (ex- tensive). Interests: music, sewing, cook- ing. Recreations: swimming, flying, and horseback riding. Methodist. Democrat. Office: Liberty National Bank, Okla- homa City, Okla. Summer res.: Lazy S Ranch, Ardmore, Okla. POWELL, Clifford, lawyer; b. Elliott, la., 14 Dec. 1887; s. Lucian Daniel Pow- ell and Anna Maria (Davis) P.; ed. Red Oak (la.) high sch.; A.B., Univ. Iaowa, 1910, M.A., 1912, LL.B., 1913, J.D., 1924; m. Gena Ethel Minkler of Edgewood, la., 25 Dec. 1916. Firm mem., Flickinger & Powell, Council Bluffs, la.; with Gil- lam Jackson Loan and Trust Co., Mary- ville, Mo., 1920; law practice, Red Oak, 1921 — ; arbitrator, Am. Arbitration As- sociation; la. Jud. Advis. Com.; Govt. Appeal Agt., 1941; city solicitor, 1925-37, 1939-45; zoning commn., 1925; CO. of Co. L., 3rd la. Inf., Mex. Border, 1916, CO. Co. G., 168th Inf., Maj, A.S.C, 1919. Gov's official staff, 1917-19; Chevalier in L'Ordre de l'Etoile Noir (Fr) 1919; cu- rator, State Hist. Soc. of la., trustee, Red Oak Pub. Library, pres., Oak Hill Country Club, 1940; mem. Montgomery Co., S.W.Ia., la. State, Am. Bar Assns., Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma Rho, Nat. Geog. Soc, Am. Legion (comdr. 1940), Vets. Fgn. Wars. Club: Red Oak Coun- try. Author: Contributions of Albert Mil- ler Lea to Literature of Iowa History; History of the Codes of Iowa Law. Rec- reation: travel. Congregationalist. Re- 1093 publican (co. chmn. 10 yrs.). Address: Red Oak, la. POWELL, John Walker, minister, ed- ucator b. Blue Earth, Minn., 22 March 1872; s. John Walker Powell, minister, and Rhoda Beard (Gray) P.; ed. Man- kato high sch.; Hamline Univ.; A.B., Univ. Minn., 1893; S.T.B., Boston Univ. Sch. of Theol., 1897; D.D, Syracuse Uni- versity, 1911; m. Louise Pettay of Ohio, 6 May 1897 (dec. 1934) ; children— Rae burn, Margaret, (Mrs. C. F. Kraenzel), John Walker, III: m. 2d Ruth Hare of Minn., 18 Dec. 1938. Entered Meth. min- istry, 1893; served pulpits in Minneapo- lis and Duluth,. 1893-1912; dir. relief wk„ Univ. Minn., 1912-14; minister, Lowry Hill Cong. Ch., Minneapolis, 1914-18; su- perintendent Univ. Extension, Univ. of Wis, Milwaukee, 1919-27; on editorial staff, Minneapolis Sunday Journal, 1928- 39; twice asked to give baccalaureate address for Univ. Minn., 1907, 1940; sup- plied pulpit of Lake of the Isles Congl. Ch., 1928-31; minister, First M.E. Ch., Minneapolis, Lecturer in lit., Univ. of Minn., 1927-40; emeritus, 1940; member sch. bd., Duluth, 1903-07; with Y.M.C.A., LeMans, Fr., Aug.-Dec, 1918, member edn. commn., Gen. Staff, 5th Sect., A.E. F., Chaumont, Dec- June; edn. Corps taken into Army, 16 Apr. 1919, demobil- ized, 7 June 1919; reed, medal, Palmes Academiques, from Fr., for above ser- vice. Clubs : Campus, University of Min- nesota. Author: Poets' Vision of Man; Si- lences of the Master; What is a Chris- tian; Confessions of a Browning Lover; In Search o* God; Wisdom of the Sages. Travel: grand tour, Eur., 1912. Father a pioneer in Meth. Ministry, 1855-1904; 1st minister at Mankato, Blue Earth, and other localities in southern Minn. Inter- ests: color photog., poetry. Recreations: golf, billiards. Methodist. Republican. Address: 314 University Av., S.E., Min- neapolis 14, Minn. MILLER, Franklin Mason, Buick au- tomobiles; b. Bay City, Mich., 3 Aug. 1879; s. Harrison and Sara Amanda (Linn) M. ; grad. high sch. and Bay City Business Coll., Bay City, 1897; m. Fran- cesca B'alk, 15 Oct. 1902 ; 1 dau.— Dorothy Francesca. With Buick Motor Co. since 1910; pres. West Side Buick Sales Co. since 1917. Republican. Protestant. Club: Lake Shore (Chicago). Home: 1500 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, (winter) 323 Arabian Rd., Palm beach, Fla. Office: 4666 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. HOLT, Harry W., v.p., gen. sales mgr. Wilson Foundry & Machine Co.; b. in Cleveland, O., 10 Jan. 1892; s. James S. and May (Pierce) H. ; student pub. schs. Cleveland, O.; m. Ruth Bertram, 17 Nov. 1915; children — Doris Ruth, James Bertram. Started as accountant Alumi- num Castings Co., Cleveland, O., 1912- 14; v.p. and sales mgr. Bohn Aluminum & Brass Corp., Detroit, Mich., 1918-38, dir. since 1918; former pres. Iceolite Corp., New Baltimore, Mich.; now v.p. and general sales mgr. Wilson Foundry & Machine Co., Pontiac, Mich.; vice pres. Metal Building Products Co., Detroit. Republican. Lutheran. Clubs: Athletic, Golf (Detroit, Mich.), Santa Monica Del- mar (Santa Monica, Calif.). Address: 105 Holt Rd., New Baltimore, Mich. BRUSKY, John Thomas, utilities en- gineering exec, consultant; b. in New Braintree, Mass., 29 Jan. 1880; s. John Danbruski and Katherine (Humphrey) B.; student pub. schs., New Braintree, Mass.; m. Lucy Lilliam Dand, 10 Sept. 1903; children — Katherine Lillian (Mrs. Russell H. Williams), Margeret Lucy, (Mrs. Mortimer L. Cashman), John Wil- liam, Alice Louise (Mrs. Attilio J. Mon- aco). Various engring. positions, 1897- 1917; engaged in contonement, shipyard and ship construction, engring., 1917-21; engaged in utilities and heavy constrn. (in charge construction, State Line Sa- tion, Chicago Dist. Elec Generating Cor- ation; Michigan City Station, Midland United Co.; Powerton Station, Super- Power Co. of 111.) ; vice pres. Chicago Dist. Elc Generating Corp., 1936-44; v. p. Super-Power Co. of 111., 1936-39; con- struction engr. Commonwealth Edison Co., 1940-46. Served with Co. A, 2d M.V. M., Spanish War. Hon. mem. Veteran Assn., W.C.G. Comdr., Chicago Camp 54, U.S.W.V., 1945-46. Catholic Club:Un- ion League (Chicago) Home: 2434 Greenleaf Av., Chicago 45, 111. PROSSER, Charles Allen, educator; b. New Albany, Ind., 2 Sept. 1871; s. Reese William Prosser and Sarah Emma P.; B.S., De Pauw Univ., 1897, A.M., 1906, Ph.D., 1919; LL.B., Univ. Louisville, 1898; grad. student Columbia, 1908-10, Ph.D., 1915; hon. A.M., Hanover Coll., 1903; LL.D., Alfred Univ., 1919; D.Sc, Stout Inst., Menominee, Mich., 1925; m. Zerelda A. Huckeby, 30 Dec. 1896; 1 son — William L. Began as instr. elementary schs. and instr. science and English lit., New Albany High Sch.; supt., New Al- bany, 1900-08; supt. Children's Aid Soc, New York, 1909-10; asst. commr. edn. for Mass., 1910-12; dir. William Hood Dunwoody Inst., Minneapolis, 1915-45; dir. Fed. Bd. for Vocational Edn., 1917- Univ. Minn., 1921-29; spl. lecturer at 1094 summer schs., Univ. of Calif., Sen. of Edn. of Harvard Univ., Colo. Agrl. Coll., Kan. A. and M. Coll., Cornell Univ., la. A. and M. Coll., Univ. of Ind., Univ. of Tex., Univ. of Wash. Consultant Nat. Youth Adminstrn., Washington, D. C, 1940; mem. adv. council Minn., Northern Wis., N.D., S.D. and la. on training with- in Industry, Nat. Defense Commn., 1940. Sec. Nat. Soc. for Vocational Edn., 1923. Chmn. Com. on Adult Edn., Am. Voca- tional Assn., 1927, mem. legislative com. since 1928, chmn. com. on revision of constitution, 1937-39; dir. Survey of Em- ployment Possibilities for the Handi- capped, 1929; dir. Survey on Vocational Edn., Philippine Is., 1930. Hawaiian Is., 1931; chmn. Nat. Com. on Technol. Em- ployment, 1931; mem. Nat. Com. on Oc- cupations of Am. Council of Edn., 1933. Tr. James J. Hill Reference Library, St. Paul Mus. Inst. Mem. cons, editorial bd. The Nations' Schools; mem. adv. com. Research Inst., Mooseheart Lab. of Child Research; mem. adv. council Yenching Univ. and nat. adv. council Nat. Conf. of Jews and Christians; mem. bd. dirs. Inst, for Research; mem. of Minn. Crime Commn., 1926-34; chmn. Minneapolis NRA Compliance Bd., 1933- 34; mem. Nat. Com. on Apprenticeship Regulations for NRA codes, 1934; mem. Lumber Code Authority, 1934. Chmn. of Com. on Employer-Employee Relations, Minneapolis Civic and Commerce Assn., Employee Bd., 1935; chmn. Minn. Ap- prenticeship Council, 1939-44; mem. nat. adv. com., T.W.I., 1941-43 (mem. area adv. com., 1943-45); mem. Nat. Arbitra- tion Assn., 1943-45; vis. prof., Purdue Univ., 1945. Author: New Harmony Movement, 1903; Teacher and Old Age, 1913; Vocational Education in a Democ- racy, 1925; Have We Kept the Faith?, 1920; The Evening Industrial School, 1919; Vocational Education and Chang- ing Conditions, 1934; The High School and Life, 1937; Shop Training Manual, 1941. Editor Century Co. since 1923. Ad- dress: Dunwoody Institute, Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 4512 Edina Blvd., Minne- apolis, Minn. WALSH, Mark A., lawyer, corp. exec; b. Clinton County, 31 Mar. 1867; s. An- thony Walsh, farmer, mcht., lawyer, and Johanna (Carroll) W.; ed. Clinton high sch. ; LL.B., law dept., State Univ. la., 1889; m. Marjorie Cosgrove of Daven- port, 17 Oct. 1906; children— Mark A., Jr., H. Cosgrove, Marjorie Mary, (Sister Marie De Lourdes). Gen. counsel, atty., Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank, Burlington, W. Burlington Savings Bank", W. Burlington; v. p., gen. counsel, Rock Island Southern Ry. Co., Rock Island, 111.; pres., atty., Burlington Ry. & Light Co., Tri States Power Corp.; atty., nu- merous corps.; admitted to bar, Iowa, 1889; admitted to pract., Federal Ct., Federal Income Tax Dept., Federal Ct. of Appeals, Federal Inheritance Tax Dept.; past atty., C&NW Ry. Co., Am. Express Co., Western Union Tel. Co., Postal Tel. Co., Am. Surety Co.; now asso. in gen. pratcice law with H. Cos- grove Walsh and Donald J. Pierr, Bur- lington; mem. adv. com., Dankwardt Memorial Park; permanent chmn. Dem- ocratic State Conv. la., 1932, del. State and Judicial Convs., chmn. Co. and Dist. Convs.; asst. and acting mgr., Intelli- gence Dept., during World War; mem. State Bar of la., Des Moines Co., State Bar of Calif., and Am. Bar Assn., Cath- olic Order Foresters (past state vice chief ranger for la., past chief ranger, Clinton, la.), K.C. (past grand knight, Burlington), Drama League Burlington (past pres.), Perkins Park Assn. Bur- lington (dir., now hon. dir.), Burlington Chamber Commerce, Hawkeye Natives (past pres.), Elks, Moose. Clubs: Bur- lington Golf, Kiwanis. Travel: Canada, Mex., Eur., Asia, Africa, U.S. Interests: travel, reading. Roman Catholic. Demo- crat. Home: 1846 Sunnyside Av. Office: 520 Jefferson St., Burlington, la. PROVINE, Walter Murray, lawyer; b. Taylorville, 111., 23 Nov. 1873; s. William Martin Provine, lawyer, and Mary (Mur- ray) P.; ed. LL.B., Cornell Univ., 1897. Admitted to bar, 111., 1897; in gen. law pract., 1897—; gen. atty., Chicago & 111. Midland Ry. Co., local atty., Baltimore & Ohio Ry. Co.; U.S. atty., So. Dist., 111., 1926-31, won suit against Pepsin Syr- up Co. ($238,000) ; secured conviction of notorious Shelton Bros, (head of So. 111. gangsters who terrorized Williamson County) which led to conviction and execution of notorious gangster, Charles Birger, and broke up gang warfare in So. 111.; prosecuted and convicted Alton (111.) postofnee burglars who stole $35,- 000 in stamps and money (conviction af- firmed by U.S. Circuit Ct. of Appeals, Chicago) ; convicted mail robbers of Springfield, which was affirmed by U.S. Circuit Ct. of Appeals; asst. atty. gen., 111.; mayor, Taylorville; mem. General Assembly, 111., 5 terms; mem. firm of Provine, Williams & Pinkerton, Spring- field, 111.; pres. 111. Bar Assn. Clubs: Country (Taylorville), Sangamo (Spring- field), Union League, University (Chi- cago). Offices: 111. Bldg., Springfield, II- 1095 linois; Woolworth Bldg., Taylorville, 111. Home: 417 N. Webster St., Taylorville, 111. CAMPBELL, Paul Andrew, physician; b. Frankfort, Ind., 25 Dec. 1902; s. Wal- ter W. Campbell, mcht. and Elizabeth Pearl (Kempf) C. ; ed. Frankfort (Ind.) high sch.; Sc.B., Univ. Chicago, 1924; M.D., Rush Med. Sch., 1927; Univ. of Vienna, 1934-35; m. Eleanor Carlisle of South Bend, Ind., 21 Dec. 1933; 1 dau.— Eleanor Elizabeth. Interne, Univ. Chi- cago Clinics, 1927-28; asst. surgeon, Cul- ver Mil. Acad., 1928-31, surgeon, chief med. staff, 1932-35; v. p., Am. Med. As- sociation of Vienna; pvt. practice eye, ear, nose and throat, Chicago, 1935 — ; alternate councillor, Chicago Med. Soc; mem. staff, Presbyn. Hosp., Rush Med. Coll.; certified, Am. Bd. of Otolaryngol., 1938; asst. prof. Otolaryngol., Rush Med. Coll., 1940, Univ. 111., 1941; grad., U.S. A. Air Forces Sch. of Aviation Medicine, 1940; instr. Otolaryngol., Sch. of Aviation Medicine, 1940; dir. of res., U.S.A. Air Forces Sch. of Aviation Med., 1942; col. M.D., 1944—; Fellow A.M.A., Am. Acad, of Ophthal. and Otolaryngol. ; mem. Chi- cago Laryngol. Soc, Aeromedical Assn. of U.S., A.A.A.S., Ind. Soc. of Chicago, Am. Laryngol., Rhinol., and Otol., Soc, 1944, Am. Otol. Soc, 1944, Am. Laryngol. Soc, 1945, and Am. Coll. of Surg., 1944. Author: many monographs on otolaryn- gology and aviation medicine. Travel : Eur., Afr. Presbyterian. Office: 700 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 5555 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. ELIOT, Thomas Dawes, professor; b. Portland, Ore, 19 June 1889; s. Rev. Thomas Lamb Eliot and Henrietta Rob- ins (Mack) E.; ed. Portland Acad.; B.A., Wash. Univ., 1910; N.Y. Sch. Social Work, 1911; M.A., Univ. Pa., 1912; Ph.D., Columbia, 1914; m. Sigrid V. Wijnbladh of Brooklyn, 1914; children — Thomas Greenleaf (dec), Thomas Lamb, II, Jo- han Wijnbladh, Rosemary Greenleaf. Russell Sage Fellow in Social Res., N.Y. Sch. Social Work, 1910-11; Harrison Fel- low Sociology, Univ. Pa., 1911-12; Univ. Fellow Social Econ., Columbia Univ., 1912-13; field sec, Ore. Social Hygiene Soc, 1913-14; Pacific Coast sec, Am. Social Hygiene Soc, 1914-16; asst. prof., polit. and soc. sci., Wash. State Coll., 1916-17; soc. hygiene work, Com. on Training Camp Activities, Council Nat. Defense, U.S. Pub. Health Service, 1917- 19; War Camp Community Service, 1919; assoc. prof., prof, sociology, Northwest- ern Univ. 1919- ; summer sessions, Univs. Ore., Calif., Wash.; actg. prof., Pomona Coll., Univ. Wash., 1927-29; lecturer, Presb. Hosp. Sch. for Nurses, Nat. Coll. Ed.; It., capt. S.C., iy 2 yrs. during World War; mem. Citizens Com. on Juvenile Ct., Am. Sociol. Soc, A.A.U.P., Am. Assn. Social Workers, Nat. Conf. Social Work, and others. Clubs: Sierra, Univ. of Evanston. Author: Juvenile Court and Community; Outlines of Social Econ.; Am. Standards and Planes of Liv- ing. Travel: Europe, Scand. Interest: old maps. Unitarian Friend. Democrat. Office: Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. Home: 768 Foxdale Av., Winnetka, 111. Summer res.: Fontana, 111. SMITH, Hal H., lawyer; b. Ionia, Mich., 1 May 1873; s. Veonoa H. Smith, lawyer, and Rachel (Worthington) S.; ed. Ionia pub. schs.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1895; m. Bell Yates of Ionia, 18 June 1898; children— Yates G., Hal H. En- gaged in pract. law, Ionia, 10 yrs., De- troit, 1905- ; mem. law firm, Beaumont, Smith & Harris; v. p., Federal Motor Truck Co.; dir. Union Joint Stock Land Bank, Detroit Mus. of Art Founders Soc. Clubs: Detroit, Country, Detroit Univ., Metropolitan (Wash.), Detroit Bd. of Commerce. Protestant. Republican. Of- fice: 2900 Union Guardian Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 15530 Windmill Point Dr., Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. SMITH, Jay Dickey, surgeon; b. Knox, Pa., 26 June 1879; s. Richard W. Smith and Emma (Leadenham) S.; ed. Kane, Pa., High Sch., M.D., Starling Med. Coll., 1906; m. Annie Lowry, 1909; children — Mrs. Jane Emma Krichbaum, Robert Lowry. Surgical staff, People's Hosp., Akron, 1914- ; Children's Hosp., Akron, 1915- ; staff surgeon, County Hosp., 1914- 32; mem. assoc. staff, Akron City Hosp., St. Thomas Hosp.; chief surg., Akron, Canton and Youngstown R.R. Co., Co. surgeon, Pa. R.R. Co. Fellow A.C.S.; mem. A.M. A., Summit Co. Med. Soc, Masons. Clubs: Celcus, Akron City. In- terests: art, photography. Recreations: hunting, fishing, golf. Congregationalist. Office: 2102 First Central Tower, Akron, O. Home: 249 Rose Blvd., Akron, O. SOHN, Frank, ind. designer, architect; b. Columbus, Ind., 24 July 1888; s. John Peter Sohn, owner flour mill, and Eliza- beth (Nienaber) S.; ed. high sch., Co- lumbus, Ind., Ind. State Normal Sch., 1906-07; Univ. 111., architecture, 1908-09; m. Yvonne Jacques of Paris, Fr., 1920; m. (2nd) Ruth Southard of Atco, N. J., 1935; children — Frances, Jacques, Rich- ard. Taught school in Columbus, Ind.; worked in architects' offices, Chicago, 1096 111., until 1914; established archtl. pract., Clinton, la.; became art dir., Vitrolite Co., Chicago, 111.. 1922, later sales mgr. ; now mgr. Architectural Service Dept., Libbey Owens Ford Glass Co., Indl. de- signer; lecturer on art subjs.; originator of glass inlay murals, such as used in Toledo Pub. Library; U.S. del. to In- ternat. Conf. on Art Edn., Paris, 1937; served with 62nd Coast Art., U.S.A., 18 mos., on Mexican Border with Is. F.A., N.G., 1916; overseas 12 mos., during World War I; mem. Hoosier Salon Assn. (Indianapolis, Ind.), Brown Co. (Ind. ) Art Gallery Assn., Am. Legion (McCune Post), Chamber of Commerce, Toledo. O. Author: numerous articles on glass constrn. and decorative uses of glass, pub. in mags. Travel: Eng., Fr., Bel- gium, Can., U.S. Recreations: painting, crayon sketching, wood blocks, etchings. Lutheran. Democrat. Office: Libbey Owens Ford Glass Co., Toledo, O. Home: 2350 Monroe St., Toledo, O. SOKOL, John A., executive; b. Bo- hemia, 2 July 1875; s. Jacob Sokol, rail- road exec, and Teresa (Blaneta) S.; ed. Y.M.C.A. Commercial Coll.; m. Marie Bejeck of Chicago, 111., 29 Jan. 1899; 1 daughter. Food specialist, import firms; estab. own import firm, 1895, estab. con- nections throughout world, civil service commr., 1926-29; dir. Pub. Library; with Uelsgan Dept., 1917-19; mem. Chicago Assn. Commerce, Am. Spice Assn., Ma- sons. Club: Rotary. Author: food sea- soning booklet. Travel: Eur., Mediterran- ean, South andd Cent. Am. Interest: reading. Presbyterian. Republican. Of- fice: 241 East Illinois St., Chicago, 111. Home: 4234 Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Pickerel, Wis. SORBER, Flora Adelaide, deaconess; b. Askam, Pa., 1 Apr. 1879; d. Charles Wesley Sorber, farmer, and Sarah Janet (Hoover) S.; ed. Hanover Twp. High Sch., Nanticoke High Sch.; Wyoming Sem.; Chicago Training Sch. for City, Home and For. Missions, 1907; Univ. Chicago; B.A., Lake Forest Coll., 1922. Teacher, pub. schls., Hanover Twp., Pa., 1896-1905; asst. prin., teacher, mem. fa- culty, Jennings Sem., a church sch. for girls (Aurora), 111., 1907-22; deaconess of Methodist Ch., (Chicago), 111., 1922- ; mem. Nat. Methodist Deaconess Assn. (cor. sec), Assn of Ch. Social Workers (rec sec), Chicago Deaconess Home and Agard Deaconess Rest Home (supt.), Fellowship of Reconciliation. Travel: U. S. Interests: hand-work of various kinds, writing, reading. Recreation: flower gardening. Methodist. Independ- ent. Office and home: 22 West Erie St.. Chicago, 111. SORENSEN, Charles E., exec, in pat- tern dept.; b. Copenhagen, Denmark, 7 Sept. 1881; s. Soren Sorensen and Eva Christine (Abrahamson) S.; m. Helen E. Mitchel of Detroit, 30 June 1904; 1 son, Clifford M. Began as apprentice at age 14 in pattern dept., Jewett Stove Works, Buffalo, where father was supt.; em- ployed in tool room, foundry, machine shop and drafting room; entered em- ploy of Art Stove Works, Detroit, 1900, later Mich. Stove Works, as pattern- maker; with Bryant and Berry, machin- ist and foundryman; while in employ of this firm met Henry Ford who was still employed as gen. mgr. of Detroit Edison Co.; joined Ford Motor Co. as pattern- maker, 1904, soon in charge of dept.; worked way up through other depts. to asst. supt., later gen. supt.; now exec, in charge all branches of the business; dir. in foreign Ford Cos., Bel., Den- mark, Eng., Fr., Holland, Ger., Spain; Comdr. of Dannebrog, title bestowed by King of Denmark, 1937. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Yacht, Dearborn Coun- try, Old (Ste. Claire Flats, Mich.), Com. of One Hundred, Miami Beach, Fla. Travel: Europe. Recreations: yachting, golf. Office: Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich. Home: 8162 East Jefferson Av., Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: Algonac Mich. Winter res.: Miami Beach, Fla. STALLMAN, Evelyn Williams, author; b. Columbus, O., 15 May 1892; d. Charles E. Williams and Bertha (Sorrick) S.; ed. Columbus Sch. for Girls; Brantwood Hall, Bronxville, N.Y.; m. Wayne A. Stallman of Columbus, O., 27 Sept. 1911; children — Wayne Augustus, Jr., Howard Anthony. Mem. bd., Vol. Service Bur.; pres., Columbus Br., Nat. League Am. Pen Women; chmn. Surgical Dressing Div., Franklin Co. Chap., Am. Red Cross, Parliamentarian, Composers and Au- thors Assn. Author: stories, arts, for mags. Interests: dogs, books, garden- ing. Recreation: horseback riding. Epis- copalian. Democrat. Home: 1592 Haw- thorne Park, Columbus, O. STEGNER, Clifford M., building commr.; b. Cincinnati, 2 Apr. 1877; s. Fred A. Stegner, exec, and Caroline (Redfieldd) S.; ed. pub. schs. of Cincin- nati; Woodward (Cine) high sch; B.S., Univ. Cincinnati, 1899; C.E., Cornell Univ., 1900; m. Adele Bentley of Cine, 10 Sept. 1906; children — Bentley B., Margery B. Held various engring. posi- 1097 tions with railroad, bridge, contracting and archtl. concerns, 1900-12; pvt. prac- tice as arch, and engr., 1912-26; commr. of bldgs., City of Cincinnati, O., 1927- ; chmn. Cine. Bldg. Code Revision Com.; mem. Cine. Bd. Zoning Appeals, Cine. Bd. Plumbing Examiners, Anti-Tuber- culosis League (v.p.); mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Cornell Soc. C. E., Bldg. Officials Conf. (v.p.), Nat. Fire Protection Assn., Am. Standards Assn., Mason (32°, Shriner). Clubs: Cine. Engrs., Episco- pal Church, Cine. Gymnastic and Ath- letic. Author: sci. arts, in tech. jours. Travel: U. S., Can., Cuba. Recreations: golf, handball, tennis. Episcopalian. Of- fice: City Hall, Cincinnati, O. Home: 3457 Cornell Place, Cincinnati, O. FISHER, George Harold, artist; b. Detroit, Mich., 14 Sept. 1895; s. Truman Spencer Fisher, artist, and Johanna (Clare) F.; ed. Detroit (Mich.) Eastern high sch.; Detroit Sch. of Design; De- troit Sch. of Fine Arts; m. Sophia Lerner of Los Angeles, Calif., 1922 (dec.) ; chil- dren — Fay Ann, Truman; m. (2nd) Al- leene Lowrey of Detroit, Mich., 1932 (div.); 1 dau., Alleene. First painting exhibit, 1912, 2nd, 1915; stud, art, travel U. S., 1919-24; 10 murals, 5 interior designs, Calif.; 3 murals, Mich.; reed. 2 first prizes; has done 50 portraits; org., Independent Artists Los Angeles, 1923; art dir., Crafts Guild, 1932-36; instr., Life Class Painting, Drawing, Meinzing- er Foundation, 1936-37; dir. color.back- grounds, Jam Handy Animated Films, 1937-38; in engring. dept, Aviation Sect., Signal Corps, 9 mos. during World War I. Author: Spectrucrome ; A Color Sys- tem for Art Students. (Unpublished). Travel: U.S. Town of Bell Oak named after Oak Sch., first in Ingham Co. to have been, built by g.f., George Fisher, Interests: mus., writing, sculpture, furni- ture, design, inventing, dogs. Recrea- tion: outdoor activities. Studio and home: 8940 Charlevoix Av., Detroit. de PORT, Theophile, aeronautical en- gineer; b. Prague, C.S., 10 Aug. 1887; s. Jean E. de Port, arch., and Antoinette (Costa-Mlatzec) de P.; ed. High Real Sch., Prague; Tech. Univ., Prague; B.S., Arts & Metiers, Paris, Fr., 1908; m. Marguerite Rigot of Paris, Fr., 1914. With Wright Bros., while they demon- strated aircraft, Fr.; with Eiffel & De- perdussin, Paris, Fr.; entered aircraft activity, Detroit; with U. S. Army Sig- nal & U. S. Air Corps, Dayton, O.; Ma- terial Division Liaison Officer at N. A. C. A. Laboratories, Moffett Field, Calif.; mem. sub com.. Aerodynamics & Sea- planes of Nat. Advisory Com. Aero- nautics; Lockhart mission for investiga- tors and pursuit airplane designs, Fr., 1918. Author: 80 Tech. reports. Travel: European countries. Interests: painting, outdoors. Recreations: Horseback rid- ing, swimming, golf, travel. Office: Moffett Field. Calif. Res.: Santa Bar- bara, Calif. DANHOF, John James, lawyer; b. Grand Haven, Mich., 15 July 1884; s. John Danhof, insurance mgr., and Anna (Me- dema) D.; ed. Grand Haven High Sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1907, J.D., 1912; m. Erma Mueller of Chicago, 14 Feb. 1914; children— Rosemary Bertha (Mrs. Geo. L. Hammerschmidt), John James, Jr., Annabel Erma. Prin., high sch., Hur- ley, Wis., 1907-09, Grand Haven, 1909- 11; atty., Campbell, Bulkley and Led- yard, law offices, Detroit, 1912-13; trus- tee and v.p., Detroit Coll. of Law; mem. faculty, 1913-40; atty., The M. C. R. R. Co., 1913-19; solicitor, with jurisdiction over leg. affairs of the M. C. R. R. and Chicago, Kalamazoo and Saginaw Ry., U. S. R. R. Adminstrn., Detroit, 1919-20; asst. gen. atty. M. C. R. R. Co., Detroit, 1920-30, gen. atty., 1930-31, gen. counsel, 1931- ; gen. atty., with jurisdiction over M. C. R. R., N. Y. C. R. R. Co., Detroit, 1930-31, gen. counsel, 1931- ; atty., De- troit Terminal R. R. Co., Detroit, 1917- 31, gen. atty., 1931-32, gen. counsel, 1932- ; counsel, Mich. R. R. Assn., De- Detroit Terminal R. R. Co., Detroit troit, 1930- ; chmn. exec, com., 1938; dir., Detroit Terminal R.R. Co., Detroit Mfrs. R. R., Battle Creek and Sturgis Ry. Co., Lansing Transit Ry. Co., Joliet and Northern Indiana R. R. Co.; mem. Mich. State and Detroit Bar Assn., Am. Bar Assn. (chmn. Mich. Adv. Com. on Co-operation) ; Assn. Interstate Com- merce Commn. Practitioners (past v.p.), Masons (Comdr. No. 1), Shrine, Phi Al- pha Delta, Delta Sigma Phi, Detroit Y.M.C.A. (dir. chmn. com. on manage- ment, R. R. branch), Detroit Citizens League, Detroit Inst. Arts. Clubs: Law- yers (Ann Arbor), University (Wash- ington), Detroit Golf, Detroit, Spring Lake Country, Economic. Recreations: hunting, fishing, golf. Congregationalist. Republican. Office: 15th and Dalzelle Sts., Detroit, Mich. Home: 19381 Strat- ford Rd., Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: Highland Park, Grand Haven. COSTON, James E., motion picture executive; b. Gr., 4 July 1889; s. Eustice Coston, sea captain, and Jane (Nicholau) 1098 C; ed. Franciscan Fathers' Prep. Sen., Is. of Corfu; Bus. Coll., Piraeus, Gr.; Derry (N.H.) High Sch.; m. Louise O'Connell of Chicago, 29 Feb. 1916; chil- dren — Beatrice, Audrey. Owned and op- erated So. Park Federal and Vernon Theatres, Chicago, 1911-16, Harvard Theatre, 1916-30; pres., Chicago Thea- tres Corp. (16 theatres), 1924-31; or- ganizer, dir., Coston Booking Circuit, 1921-31; operated Nat. Playhouses, Inc., 1927-28; sold all interests in Chicago theatres to Warner Bros., 1930; in charge, Warner theatres, Chicago, Ham- mond (Ind.), Wis., 1930- ; v.p., Federal Theatres Co., Warner Bros. Theatres, Inc., Ind. -111. Theatres Co.; pres., Ash- land-95th St. Properties, Inc., Longwood Towers Bldg. Corp., Longwood Manor Bldg. Corp., Williams Bldg. Corp.; dir., Standard Theatres Co., Wis. Club: South Shore Country. Office: 1307 S. Wabash Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 4950 Chicago Beach Drive, Chicago, 111. Summer home: Eagle River, Wis. COLLER, Frederick Amasa, surgeon; b. Brookings, S.D.; s. Granville James Coller, phys., and Helen Rosalie (Under- wood) C; ed. Brookings, S.D.; B.S., S.D. State Coll., 1908, M.S., 1909; M.D., Har- vard Med. Sch., 1912; m. Jessie Edwards Bernsen, 17 Dec. 1918; children — Caro- lyn, Jean. Asst. prof, of surgery, Univ. Mich., 1920-24, assoc. prof, surgery, 1924- 28, prof., 1928-, chmn. dept. of surgery, 1930- ; Royal Army Med. Corps, B.E.F., Hosp. No. 22, 1915, R.A.M.C., B.E.F., Paignton, Devon, 1916, field hosp. 362, 91st div., A.E.F., 1917-May, 1919, It. col.; mem. Am. Surg. Assn., Past President A.C.S., Regent Soc. Clin. Surg., South- ern Surg. Assn., Cent. Surg. Assn., Am. Assn. Hist. Med., Interna. Soc. of Surgs. Clubs: Catholeps, Barton Hills Country. Author: numerous papers on surg. subjs. Recreations: golf, water colors. Repub- lican. Office: University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich: Home: 2105 Wallingford Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. BURT, William Henry, teacher, re- search worker; b. Haddam, Kan., 22 Jan. 1903; s. Frank Burt, farmer, and Hattie (Carlson) B.; ed. Agenda (Kan.) High Sch.; A.B., Univ. Kan., 1926, M.A., 1927; Ph.D., Univ. Calif., 1930; m. Leona Susan Galutia of Osage, Kan., 14 Sept. 1928. Res. fellow, Calif. Inst. Tech., 1930-35; asst. curator of mammals and instr. zool., Univ. Mich., 1935-38, curator of mammals, 1938- ; asst. prof, zool., 1941- ; F.A.A.A.S.; mem. Phi Sigma, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Am. Soc. Mammalogists (corr. sec, 1935-38, bd. dirs., 1938- ), Am. Ornithol Union, Mich. Acad. Sci., Acad. Nat. Sci. Clubs: Detroit, Wilson, Cooper Ornithol. Au- thor: arts, on avian, anat., paleontol., mammalogy, natural hist. Travel: Mex. Interests: sci., bookbind'ng, archery. Of- fice: Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1305 Henry St., Ann Ar- bor, Mich. BAROLO, Frank Edmund, grocer; b. Asti, It., 13 Feb. 1898; s. Maurice Barolo and Frances (Raviola) B.; ed. Caliano Monferato High Sch., Asti, It.; m. Emma Cantarella of Asti, It., 2 Oct. 1920; chil- dren — Flora Marie, Frances Madalena, Edmund Frank, Jr. Wholesale and re- tail grocer, 1918- ; mem. It. Chamber of Commerce of Mich. Club: Piemontese Social for 10 years (pres.). Travel: U. S. Interest: violin. Recreations: fishing, hunting, bowling. Catholic. Office: 9987 Gratiot Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 12511 Promenade Av., Detroit, Mich. BADER, George Thomas, realtor; b. Jackson, Mich., 22 July 1866; s. George Bader, mfr., and Hannah (Fallahee) B.; ed. Jackson High Sch.; after gradua- tion, studied chem. and Materia Medica, reed. Mich. State Bd. Pharm. diploma, 1886; m. Loretta I. Bosset of Detroit, 24 Jan. 1894; children — Mrs. Kean L. Cro- nin, Mrs. Joseph P. Plunkett, Mrs. Frank J. Weston, Mrs. Albert E. Smith, Mrs. John A. Cassin, Mrs. Joseph T. Joyce. Pharmacist, 1886-93; engaged in real es- tate bus., 1893- ; mem. Detroit Real Es- tate Bd., Nat. Assn. of Real Estate Bds. (charter mem.), Mich. Real Estate Assn. Club: Detroit Athletic. Travel: world, annual trips to distant points. Desc. of earliest settlers of Mich. Interests: travel, music. Recreations: golf, motor- ing, outdoor pastimes. Catholic. Re- publican. Office: 1007 Majestic Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 106 Westminster Av., Detroit, Mich. TRADER, Georgia D., social worker; born Xenia, Ohio, 30 Jan.; d. James Frank Trader, ins. agt., and Elizabeth Jane (Duckworth) T.; ed. Miss Arm- strong's Private Sch. Co-founder, Cin- cinnati Library Soc. for Blind, Clover- nook Home for Blind, first c.asses for blind in Cincinnati pub. schs.; dir., tr., Clovernook Home for Blind; dir., exec. sec, Cincinnati Library Soc. for Blind. Travel: U.S., Eur. Desc, Cousin Thom- as Corwin, U.S. Sen. and gov., Ohio. Recreations: piano music, bridge. Pres- byterian. Republican. Office and home: 3000 Vernon PL, Cincinnati, O. 1099 REYCRAFT, James Leonard, gynecol- ogist and obstetrician; b. Essex, Ont., 17 Nov. 1890; s. Albert J. Reycraft, phys., and Ida (Wigle) R.; ed. Fostoria (O.) High Sch.; A.B., Western Reserve Univ., 1912, M.D., 1915, M.A. (Med.), 1916; m. Marie Dannemiller of Doyles- town, O., 2 Oct. 1918; childdren — James L., Jr., Joan Marie. Gynecologist and obstetrician, private practice (with clin- ical instr. in Sch. of Med. in these subjs. during this time), 1920- ; mem. visiting staff Cleveland City Hosp.; dir. Acad, of Med., 1936-38; asst. clin. prof, of gyne- col., Sch. of Med., 1934-; It. (M.C.) U.S. Navy, 1917-19; mem. Am. Assn. of Ob- stetricians, Gynecologists and Abdomi- nal Surgs.; diplomate, Am. Bd. Obste- tricians and Gynecologists, Acad, of Med., Clevelandd; former tr. Ohio Hosp. Obstet. Soc; mem. Beta Theta Pi (Coll. frat.), Nu Sigma Nu (med. frat.). Clubs: University, Country. Author: sci. arts, published in vars. med. jours. Travel: Am., Eur., Mex., Cent. Am. (extensive). Interests: mus., dir. of Acad, of Med. Orchestra, 1937, '38, '39. Recreation: golf. Protestant. Republican. Office: 10515 Carnegie Av., Cleveland, O. Home: 16233 Cleviden Rd., E. Cleveland, O. O'BRIEN, Patrick H., lawyer; b. Phoenix, Keweenaw Co., Mich., 15 March 1868; s. Patrick J. O'Brien, miner, and Mary Harrington (Green) O.; ed. Calu- met (Mich.) High Sch.; Northern Ind. Law Sch., Valparaiso, Ind.; m. Bessie Kelly of Ottawa, Can., 23 June 1897 (dec); children — Gerald K., William D'Arcy, Mary (Nertney), Daniel P.; m. (2nd) Florence Ingram of Detroit, 26 May 1928. Circuit judge, 12th Judicial Circuit of Mich., 1912-22; atty. gen. of Mich., 1933-34; judge of probate, Wayne Co., Mich., since Jan. 1, 1939- ; lecturer on pvt. corp. law, Univ. Detroit, 1923-32; served as mem. of War Bd., Houghton Co., Mich., during World War I; mem. K.C., Knights of Equity, Frat. Order of Eagles, Detroit Chap., Nat. Lawyers Guild (hon. pres.). Clubs: Detroit Yacht, Detroit Economic, Detroit Dem. Author: speeches and pamphlets interpreting con- stitutional aspects of the New Deal. Travel: Eur., U. S. Interests: lectures on matters relating to civil liberties; bi- ographies and literature relating to hist, movements. Recreations: hunting, fish- ing. Catholic. Democrat. Office: Wayne Co. Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 7728 E. Jefferson Av., Detroit, Mich. LARKIN, Robert E., judge circuit court; b. LaSalle Co., 111., 9 May 1880; s. Thomas Larkin, and Delia (Conness) L.; ed. St. Bede's Coll. Read law in office of Mr. Lloyd Painter, Streator, 111,; admitted to practice law 1906; assoc. Hon. Patrick J. Lucey, Streator, 111., 1907-13; independent practice 1913- 33; elected circuit judge, 13th judicial district Illinois, 1933-39, re-elected 1939-45; mem. Am. Bar Assn., 111. Bar Assn., LaSalle Co. Bar Assn., Ottawa Chamber of Commerce, Streator Cham- ber of Commerce, Elks, Knights of Co- lumbus. Travel: U.S., Europe. Dem- ocrat. Office: Murray Bldg., Streator, Illinois. Home: Streator, Illinois. JENKINS, Lewis Vallette, lawyer, corporation official; b. Independence, la., 2 Oct. 1894; s. Myron Mordecai Jenkins, farm banker, and Myrtle (Vallette) J.; ed. Ellsworth High Sch., Naperville, 111. grad., Sch. of Commerce, Northwest- ern Univ., 1916; B.S., Chicago Hosp. Coll. Med., 1917; LL.B., John Marshall Law Sch., 1920; J.D., Chicago Coll. Law, 1921; grad. work, Univ. Chicago, 1939- 40; m. Mona M. Mattson of Chicago, 14 May 1922. Asst. sec. South Park Bd., Chicago, 1918-21; gen. practice of ac- countancy and law, Chicago, 1921-28; pvt. practice, Bellwood and Maywood, 1928; sec. and controller, Jefferson Mfg. Co. and Canadian Jefferson, Ltd., 1928- 1938; instr., Chicago Coll. of Law, 1923- 32, South Bend Univ., 1933; sec. and dir., Joseph Weidenhoff, Inc., 1938; chief negotiator-cost analyst, U. S. War De- partment, 1942; mem. Am. and 111. Bar Assns., American Judicature Society, Controllers Inst. Am., 111. Inst. Ac- countants, Nat. Assn. Cost Accountants, Alpha Kappa Psi, Soc. Am. Mil. Engs., Legion of Moose (p. comdr., Chicago). Clubs: Maywood Rotary (p. pres.), Com- merce. Author: lectures on corpora- tions, medical jurisprudence, account- ancy, employer-employee relations, and other monographs. G. James Madison Vallette (dec), Civil War vet., Du Page County Surveyor and a cousin of Judge Elbert H. Gary chmn. U. S. Steel Corp. (dec). Interests: literary. Recreations: fishing and horseback riding. Episco- palian. Independent in politics. Office: Maywood, 111. Home: 1645 S. 10th Av., Maywood, 111. Summer res.: Cedar Lake, Ind. LEDYARD, Caroline S., administra- tor; b. St. Clair, 22 May 1879; d. Frederick Stein, mcht., and Wilhelmina (Hensch) S.; ed. St. Clair High Sch., 1898; Mich. State Normal Coll., 1901; 1100 B.A., Univ. Mich., 1912; M.A., Univ. Calif., 1915; m. Edgar M. Ledyard of Plymouth, 1906. Teacher Latin and mod- ern languages, Mich., 1901-06, Manila high sch., 1906-09, Coll. Agrl., P.I., 1909- 14; clubwoman, Salt Lake City, 1915-33; mem. A.A.U.W. (pres. Salt Lake City br.), O.E.S. Clubs: Ladies' Literary (Salt Lake City past pres., hon. and life mem.), Utah Fed. Women's (1st v.p., 1932-34, Bay Port, 1933). Travel: world. Interests: study of ancient and modern languages, art, travel. Recreations: gar- dening, reading, stamp collecting. Uni- tarian. Independent. Home: Bay Port, Mich. STOEHR, Oscar, attorney at law; b. Cincinnati, 20 Jan. 1869; s. Jacob Jacques Stoehr, customs broker, im- porter, and Julia F. (Kiehn) S.; ed. Woodward High Sch. (Cincinnati) ; LL.B., Univ. Cincinnati Law Sch. (for- merly Cincinnati Coll. Law Sch.), 1889 (hon.); m. Josephine A. Hamelrath of of Cincinnati, 20 Sept. 1926. Engaged in practice law; sr. mem. law firm, Harmon, Colston, Goldsmith & Hoadly; mem. Cincinnati Law Library Assn. (sec), New York City Bar Assn., assoc. (mem., Class C), Cincinnati O. State and Am. bar assns. Clubs: Queen City, Cin- cinnati Country (Cincinnati). Independ- ent. Office: St. Paul Bldg., Ill E. 4th St., Cincinnati, O. Home: The Phelps Apts., 506 E. 4th St., Cincinnati, O. STOPS, Harry Day, public account- ant; b. Chicago, 1 Feb. 1897; s. Harry Day Stops, and Margaret (Shaw) S.; ed. Brown Sch.; Walton Sch. Commerce, Y.M.C.A.; m. Elzade Bell Martin of Kan. City, 10 Dec. 1940; 1 son, Harry Day Stops, III (by former marriage). Business sec, Franklin Typothetae, Cin- cinnati, O.; pract. pub. accountant, 1919; dir. West Side Ignition, Inc., Nelson Builders, Inc.; tr. 5528 Hyde Park Blvd. Bldgs. Corp.; sr. accountant, Ord- nance Dept., U.S.A., business sec, S.A.T.C., 16 June 1916-16 Apr. 1917; mem. Field Museum Natural History, Chicago Assn. Commerce, Internat. Star Class Yacht Racing Assn., Mason (Drexel Lodge 1031). Interest: music. Recreation: golf. Episcopal. Republican. Office: 400 W. Madison St., Rm. 2030, Chicago, 111. Home: 5528 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, 111. STROUSE, Dorothy Irene, librarian; b. Worthington, Ind., 1 Oct. 1901; d. James E. Strouse, farmer, and Jennie L. (Moore) S.; ed. Worthington (Ind.) High Sch.; DePauw Univ., 1924-25; Ind. Univ., 1925-26; Sch. of Library Sci., Western Reserve Univ., Certificate, 1927. Librarian, Worthington Pub. Library Worthington, Ind., 1921-25; cataloger, Lucas Co. Library, Maumee, O., 1927- 29, librarian, 1929- ; mem. A.L.A., O. Library Assn. Club: Maumee Shake- speare. Office: Lucas County Library, Maumee, O. Home: 201 W. Wayne St., Maumee, O. STRUCKMANN, William Franz (dec), lawyer; b. Hanover, Cook Co., 111., 17 Dec. 1866; s. George Struckmann and Christiana (Busche) S.; ed. dist. schs.; Elgin (111.) Acad.; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1888; m. Alvena C. Heidemann of Elgin, 111., 6 Sept. 1893; children— George W., Marie F. Admitted to bar in Mich., 111., 1888; minute elk., record writer, Superior Ct., Cook Co., 1889-93; pvt. practice with Amzi W. Strong, 1893; mem. firm, Strong, Struckmann & Ehle, 1894; asst. co. atty., Cook Co., in charge of trials and tax cases, 1894-1914; mem. firms, Felsenthal, Struckmann & Berger and Felsenthal, Struckmann, Miller & Rosenberg, 1914-32; assoc, Altheimer, Mayer, Woods & Smith, 1932-36; with Tanner & Struckmann, 1936-41; atty., Bd. Assessors, Cook Co., 1914-23, Co. Commrs., Cook Co., 1923-25; mem. 111. State, Chicago Bar Assns., Law, Chi- cago Law Inst., Art Inst. Chicago (Life), Mil. Order Loy, Masons, R.A.M., O.E.S. , Royal League. Club: Union League. Author: pamphlets and essays on state and federal constl. law on 111. taxation. Father was 1st It., 4th Mo. Cavalry dur- ing Civil War, mem. 111. Legislature for many terms; mem., pres. bd., Co. Commrs. Cook Co., 111., one of organ- izers Republican party in State of 111. Interests: collector of bibliographies on Lincoln and Civil War. Recreations: motoring, fishing. Congregationalist. Republican. Office: 1976-208 South La- Salle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 3421 Oak Park Av., Berwyn, 111. STUART, Allison E., lawyer; b. Laf- ayette, Ind., 18 Apr. 1886; s. Thomas Arthur Stuart, lawyer, and Ada W. (Ellsworth) S.; ed. Lafayette High Sch.; Lawrenceville Sch., N.J.; A.B., Prince- ton Univ., 1908; Northwestern Law Sch.; m. Annie Louise Cole of Lafayette, Ind., 9 June 1910; tr. Lafayette Savings Bank; apptd. tr. Purdue Univ. by Gov. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 801 Lafayette Life Bldg., Lafayette, Ind 1101 Home: 710 Wyandotte Av., Lafayette, Ind. SUTER, Max, civil and sanitary eng.; b. Zurich, Switz., 11 Feb. 1889; s. Jakob Suter, wholesale grocer, and Nanny (Thaysen) S.; ed. Oberrealschule, Zur- ich; dip., Federal Poly tech. Sch. Zurich, 1913; Ph.D., Univ. 111., 1935; m. Catherina Walter of Giubiasco, Switz., 13 Dec. 1920; children— Walter, Henry, Frank. Assoc, Swiss Army 1918; im- migrant, 1919; partner, Pfeiffer & Suter, constrn. engrs., Herrin, 111., 1919-25; assoc. Caldwell Engring. Co., Jackson- ville, 111., 1925-31; grad. student Univ. 111., 1931-35; engr., State Water supply Survey, Urbana, 111. 1936-; 1st It. Engr. C. Swiss Army, during World War; mem. A.S.C.E., Am. Water Wks. Assn. Cent. States Sewer and Water Assn., Soc. Am. Bacteriol., 111. Soc. Engr., Nat. Soc. Prof. Engrs. A.A.E. Author: sev- eral arts, in bulls, on water treatment. Travel: Ital., Switz., Ger., Fr., Holland, Aus. Interest: philately. Office: State Water Survey Division. Urbana, 111. Home: 405 W. Elm St., Urbana, 111. TAUBER, Elmore Bernard, physician; b. Cincinnati, 4 May 1880; s. Bernard Tauber, physician, and Hannah (Kahn) T.; ed. White and Sykes Prep. Sch.; Ox- ford Univ.; M. D., Univ. Cincinnati, 1902; m. Bertha Gerwin of Cincinnati, 17 Dec. 1927. Prof, dermatology and syphilology, Univ. Cincinnati; dir. der- matol. Children's Hosp., Jewish Hosp., Cincinnati Gen. Hosp.; mem. advisory com. during World War; mem. all socs. in derma tol. field. Clubs: University Losantiville. Author: many articles on med. subjs. Travel: U. S. Father Ber- nard Tauber, was 1st physician west of the Alleghanies to practice laryngology and otology; g.f. was pres. Atlas Nat. Bank. Interests: books, collecting 1st editions. Recreation: travel. Jewish. Re- publican. Office: 19 W. 7th St., Cin- cinnati, O. Home: Vernon Manor, Cin- cinnati. O. THOMAS, Augusta Eleanor, editor and author; b. Columbus, 1 Aug. 1898; d. Harold Edgell Thomas, physician, and Adah Jeanette (Blandy) T.; ed. Colum- bus Sch. for Girls, Columbus; B.A., Wells Coll., 1921; unmarried. Editor My Weekly Reader No. 5, 1930- ; contor. to children's magazines; mem. English- Speaking Union; Nat. League Am. Pen Women, Am. Assn. Univ. Women. Clubs: Columbus Country, Players Club of Columbus. Wells Coll. Author: Mr. Pearly of Pepper Pot Lane; Becky and Tatters; unit study books on weather, conservation of wild life, money. Great g.d. of Benjamin Blandy who came from Eng. and settled in Zanesville, 1827. In- terests: collecting antiques, travel. Rec- reation: golf. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: P.O. Box 103, Columbus, O. Home: 1312 E. Broad St., Columbus, O. TOLONEN, Emil O., banker; b. Fin- land, 5 Sept. 1885; ed. Suomi Coll.; Val- paraiso Univ.; m. Aune Lindh; m. (2nd) Dorothy Dailey of Cadillac, 27 Aug. 1939; children — Mary, Eric O. With First Nat. Bank of Hancock, Mich.; E.O. Tolonen & Co., N. Y. City; Bank of South Finland, Helsinki; Highland Park State Bank, 26 yrs.; editor, Finnish Daily of Duluth, 3 yrs.; writer and translator; treas., City of Hancock, 1918; mem. Am. Math. Soc, Am. Assn. for Adv. of Sci., Detroit Philos, Soc. (bd. dirs.), poetry Soc. of Mich, (char- ter mem., p. sec), Mich. Authors Assn., Mich. Hist. Soc Author: Daybreak, Syl- van Earth (vols, of poems); translator: The Category of Relation, The Magnetic Survey of North Finland, also contbns. and translations for pubis. Interests: writing poetry, research in math., music Lutheran. Democrat. Office: Highland Park State Bank, Highland Park, Mich. Home: 1160 Seward West, Detroit, Mich. ADAMS, Catherine Marie, assistant professor of music education; b. Cedar Rapids, la., 24 Feb. 1908; d. Orville Hull Adams, decorator, and Catherine Matena (Larson) A.; ed. Wash, high sch. (Cedar Rapids, la.); B.A., Coe Coll. (Cedar Rapids, la.), 1929, B.M., 1930; M.A., Columbia Univ., 1932, grad. work; grad. work, western Reserve Univ.; pupil of Phoebe Sherman Haman (Cedar Rapids, la.), Marshall S. Bid- well (Pittsburgh, Pa.), Edwin Arthur Kraft (Cleveland), Robert Elwyn of Juilliard Sch. Supervisor of mus., Clar- ence, la., 1930-31; Coll. organist, instr. organ and voice, choral conductor, Coe Col., Cedar Rapids, la., 1932-37; con- tralto soloist, asst. organist, First Presbn. Ch., Cedar Rapids, la., 1925-30; asst. prof, mus. ed., Miami Univ., Ox- ford, 1937- ; concert organist, choral dir., accompanist, mezzo-contralto solo- ist, adjudicator, la., N.Y., O.; mem. State Course of Study Com. for Mus. in O. Schs.; mem, Phi Kappa Phi, Mu Phi Epsilon, Kappa Delta Pi, Crescent, Pleiades, O.E.S., N.E.A., Mus. Educators Nat. Conf., O. Mus. Ed. Assn., Am. Guild Organists (Southern O. chapt.), 1102 Assn. for Childhood Ed. Clubs: Oxford Arts, Oxford Music, Cincinnati In-and- about Music Educators. Travel: U.S., Can. Interested in research on interrela- tion of the arts, gardening and plant propagation, candy making, non-fictional reading, copying afghans and tapestries of hist, significance. Recreations: ten- nis, motoring, hiking in deep woods, steak-frys. Presbn. Office: Mus. Ed. Dept., Miami Univ., Oxford, O. Home: 117 E. Collins, Oxford, O. Summer res.: 1622 Bever Av., Cedar Rapids, la. ANDERSON, Bruce E., owner and operator of hotels; b. Pueblo, Colo., 24 Jan. 1892; s. William L. Anderson, wholesale and retail bus., and Pearl D. (Dunn) A.; ed. Central high sch., Pueblo, Colo.; Chem. Engr., Univ. Mich., 1913; m. Gladys Olds of Lansing, Mich., 17 Oct. 1941; children — Olds, Peggy Anderson Fouke. With Reo Motor Car Co., Lansing, 1913-14; First Bond and Mortgage Co., Lansing, 1921-23; Capital Nat. Bank, Lansing, 1923-31; now owner and operator hotels; dir.; In- dustrial Bank, Lansing, Lansing Olds- mobile Co., Lansing, Lansing Com- munity Hotel Corp., Lansing, Hotel Olds, Lansing, Hotel Elkhart, Elkhart, Ind.; Hotel Wenonah, Bay City; State Bd., Aeronautics, Sta^e of Mich.; capt. F.A., inst., Artillery Sch. of Fire, Fort Sill, Okla.; mem. Masons, Phi Delta Theta. Clubs: Country, City (Lansing) City (Elkhart). Recreations: hunting, fishing. Republican. Office and home: Hotel Olds, Lansing, Mich, ing, Mich. ANDERSON, Lee, advertising coun- sel; b. Laingsburg, Mich., 13 Feb. 1883: s. Frank H. Anderson, merchant, and Adele (Martin) A.; ed. Detroit Cent, high sch.; pvt. tutor; m. Clara Isabelle Craven of Detroit, Mich., 27 Feb. 1906; 1 dau. — Mary Lou Anderson Adams. Sports ed., Sunday ed., asst. mng. ed., Detroit News, 1901-08; with Chalmers Motor Co., 1909; v.p., Hupp Motor Co., 1915-19; pres., Lee Anderson Adv. Co., 1919- ; served as dir., pub. & Labor relations, Bureau Aircraft Production, during World War; mem. Eng. Speak- ing Union, Am. Fed. of Arts, Am. Artists Prof. League, Detroit Inst, of Arts Founders, Detroit Symphony Soc, Medalists Soc, Detroit Adcraft. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Country of Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Bloomfield Hills Country, Players, Cloud, Advertising (N.Y.), Sankaty Golf (Nantucket). Author: Ten One Act Plays; numerous short stories, tech. articles. Travel: U.S., Europe. Interested in collecting prints, early Am. furniture, books. Recreations : golf, sailing. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: 8415 East Jefferson Av., Detroit, Mich. Home: 390 Provencal Rd., Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. Summer res.: 102 Main St., Nantucket, Mass. APPLEGATE, Gertrude Lanius, teacher of English; b. Louisville, Ky., 28 Apr. 1873; d. Edward W. Lanius, archi- tect, and Sarah Elizabeth (Hatzell) Lanius; ed. Hampton Coll. (Louisville, Ky.), 1882-1892, A.B., 1891; Anna Ran- dall Diehl Conservatory of Elocution (New York, N. Y.), 2 yrs.; m. Oliver Perry Applegate (dec.) of Corydon, Ind., 11 Sept. 1899; children— Virginia Lanius (Mrs. Robert W. Bills), Helen Lanius (Mrs. R. J. Bartkowiak). Began teach- ing, 1922; active in civic, social, and ednl. affairs; past charter mem., Peoria Players, Little Theatre group, produced its 1st play, 1919, coached, 3 yrs.; mem. N.E.A., D.A.R. (Peoria chapt.). Club: Peoria Teachers'. Author: short stories; essays; poetry in various anthologies, American States, 1934; Contemporary American Women Poets, 1936; American Lyric Poetry, 1936; Paebar, 1936; Amer- ican Women Poets, 1937. Travel: U.S. Descendant of earliest colonists. Inter- ested in writing poetry, producing plays. Recreations: gardening, profl. reading. Presbyterian (mem. First Federated Ch., Peoria). Democrat. Office: Manual Training High Sch., Peoria, 111. Home: 245 Ayres Av., Peoria, 111. GROSSMAN, Marc J., lawyer; b. Cleveland, O., 1 Sept. 1892; s. Louis J. Grossman, lawyer and Lillie (Meyers) G.; ed. Cleveland pub. schs.; Glenville high sch.; A.B.; Harvard Coll., 1913; Harvard Law Sch., 1914-15; m. Carolyn Kahn of Cincinnati, 5 June 1916; chil- dren — Marcia, Carol. Intensive law practice with considerable time donated to pub. service; distinguished service award, Cleveland Community Chest, Nov. 1928; dir., Continental Bank, Grab- bler Mfg. Co., The Est. Stove Co., Am. Lawyers Co.; former tr., Cleveland Bar Assn., tr., Mt. Sinai Hosp.; chmn., Cleveland Met. Housing authorities; for- mer chmn., Cuyahoga Co., Relief Adm., St. Relief Com.; mem. St. Advs. Com. to N.Y.A.; Am. Bar Assn., Ohio State Bar Assn., Cleveland Bar Assn., Cuyahoga Bar Assn., Am. Judicature Soc, Assoc. Charities (hon. life mem.), Cleveland Chap. Am. Red Cross (for- 1103 mer tr. ), Council Ed. Alliance (former pres.), chmn., Red Cross Home Service, Family Welfrae Assn. of Am. (former tr.), govt, appeal agt., selective serv- ice. Clubs: City (Cleveland) (p. pres.); Oakwood, Mid-Day. Interests: pub. serv- ice, leg, hist. Recreations: golf, horse- back riding. Jewish. Independent. Office: N.B.C. Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 16950 South Woodland Rd., Shaker Heights, O. HAGAR, Donald, ceramic engineer; b. Madalin, N.Y., 13 Dec. 1897; s. John H. Hagar, schoolteacher, and Barbara A. (Feller) H.; ed. Red Hook high sch. (N.- Y.); B.S. in ceramic eng., Alfred Univ., 1919, profl. degree in ceramic eng., 1937 (hon.); m. Margaret B. Schefflin of Zanesville, 17 Sept. 1921; 1 dau.— Bar- bara Ann. Ceramic engr., Champion Spark Plug Co., 1919-21; plant mgr., Mosaic Tile Co., 1921-27; works mgr., Cambridge Tile Co., 1927-32; cons, ceramic engr., 1932- ; owner of busi- ness; coxswain, U.S.N., 1917-19; mem. Am. Inst. Ceramic Engrs., O. Soc. Profl. Engrs., O. Ceramic Industries Assn., fellow Am. Ceramic Soc. Club: Univ. (Zanesville). Author: several technical papers on ceramics; Talc Con- taining ceramic Composition (patent). Recreations golf, hunting, fishing. Prot- estant. Republican. Office: Richards Bldg., Zanesville, O. Home: 835 Forest Av., Zanesville, O. HALL, Charles P., executive; b. Olena Huron Co., O., 17 Apr. 1889; s. Wm. T. Hall, gas construction superintendent, and Carrie L (Parke) H.; ed. Hunt- ington high sch., W. Va.; Marshall Coll., 1906-10; m. Marguerite Sly of Norwalk, O., 10 Aug. 1914; children — Charles Robert, Elizabeth Joan, Wm. Turley. Natural gas development, 1910-17, pur- chasing, 1917-19; organized, C. P. Hall Co., 1919, C.P. Hall Co. of Calif., 1928, pres. and treas., Akron and Los Angeles; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Masons. Clubs: Chemists (N.Y.C.), Akron City, The Portage Country. Travel.: 48 states, Mex., Can., Cen. Am. Interested in rare books on sci. Recreations: golf, fishing. Protestant. Republican. Office: 2510 First Central Tower, Akron, O. Home: 69 Fairlawn Blvd., East, Akron, O. Summer res.: Turkeyfoot Lake. HAMILTON, Frank Errett, surgeon; b. Washington C.H., O., 25 Sept. 1904; s. Walter W. Hamilton, banker, and Stella Ruth (Hopkins) H.; ed. Wash. C.H., high sch.; B.A., O. State Univ.. 1927, M.Sc, 1939; M.D., Univ. Pa., 1930; m. Charlottte White of Marietta, 3 Aug. 1932; 1 son— Frank Walter. In- terne, Indianapolis Methodist Hosp., 1930; chief res., Grant Hosp., Columbus, 2 yrs.; post grad. study, Vienna, Austria, 1 yr.; in pract. gen. surgery, 3 yrs.; instr. surgery and surgical research, O. State Univ., 1937-, now asst. prof, re- search surgery; pract. limited to sur- gery of neck, chest and stomach, prin. field of investigation, human gastric mo- tility; mem. surgical staff, Univ., St. Francis, Grant & Franklin Co. Tubercu- losis Hosps.; now capt., Med. Reserve Corps; mem. O. Acad. Sci., Internat. Soc. Geographic Pathology, Am. Assn. for Study of Internal Secretions, A.A.A.S., Assn. of Mil. Surgs. of U.S., Sigma Xi, Central Surgical Assn., S.A.R., Mason, Shrine, fellow A.M.A., sr. fellow, Am. Coll. Surgs. Clubs: O. State Univ. Faculty, Columbus Country. Author: numerous articles in med. jours, on human gastric motility, thyroid disease and thoracoplasty; complete bibliogra- phy. Travel: Eur., So. and No. Am., world. Wife, Charlotte White Hamilton, is dau. of George White, gov. of O., 1930- 34. Methodist Episcopal. Conservative. Office: Dept. Research Surgery, O. State Univ., Columbus, O. Home: 2395 E. Broad St., Columbus, O. HAMLIN, Howard Elroy, supervisor of health and narcotics; b. No. Balti- more, O., 9 July 1888; s. John Wesley Hamlin, farmer, and Sarah Ellen (Pow- ell) H.; ed. McComb and No. Baltimore high schs.; B.S., O. Wesleyan Univ., 1913; M.A., Harvard Univ., 1915; m. Margaret Elizabeth Henry of Pleasant- ville, 24 Aug. 1916; children — Julia Elizabeth, Robert Henry, Henrietta Jane. Instr. physiol., Simmons Coll., 1915-17; asst. prof, biol., Middlebury Coll., 1917- 18; asst. prof, physiol., Simmons Coll., 1918-26; instr. phys. ed. part time, Sarg- ent Sch., 1919-26; instr. phys. ed., Har- vard Summer Sch., 1921-32; asst. prof, physiol., O. State Univ., 1927-36; lect- urer, schs. of O., Ind., Mich., 111., W. Va., 1936-38; state supervisor, health and narcotics, 1938- ; mem. Sigma Xi, A.A.- A.S., Am. Phys. Ed. Assn. (p. mem.), Phi Delta Theta, Gamma Phi, Parent Teachers Assn., O. Congress of Parents and Teachers (state bd. mgrs.), Upper Arlington Civ. Assn. Author: Alcohol Talks to Youth; Nicotine on the Air; many sci. arts. Desc. of Samuel Powel, early ancestor, who was mayor of Phila., while Washington was pres. of U.S. 1104 Interests: flower garden, spring bulbs. Recreations: volley ball, tennis. Protes- tant. Office: State Department of Edu- cation, State Office Bldg., Columbus, O. Home: 1945 Waltham Rd., Columbus, O. Summer res.: Pleasantville, O. AUMANN, Francis Robert, professor of political Science; b. Delaware, O., 21 Jan. 1901; s. Frederick A. Aumann and Helen A. (Maloney) A.; ed. A.B., O. Wesleyan Univ., 1921; Law Sch. Western Res. Univ., 1923-24; A.M., O. State Univ., 1925; Ph.D., State Univ. of la., 1928. Teacher, high sch., Marietta, O., 1921- 23; Cleveland (O.) Schs., 1923-26; instr. pol. sci. and history, la. State Teachers Colt, 1926; asst. in pol. sci., State Univ. la., 1926-28; instr. pol. sci., la. State Teachers Coll., 1928, O. State Univ., 1928-32, asst. prof., 1932-36, assoc. prof., 1936-40, prof., 1940- ; res. activities, State Hist. Soc. la., The Wickersham Nat. Comm. on Law Observance and Enforce- ment, The O. Judicial Council, Johns Hopkins Inst, of Law; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., A.A.U.P., O. Archaeological and Hist. Soc, State Hist. Soc. of la., For. Policy Assn., Alpha Tau Omega, Pi Sigma Alpha. Author: Municipal Ad- ministration of Justice; Some Selected Readings in the Administration of Jus- tice, 1937; Through Fifty Years, 1937; The Changing American Legal System, 1940; contbr. to various pol., sci., hist., and other jours, and reviews. Recrea- tions: tennis, handball, golf. Catholic. Democrat. Office: Ohio State University, Columbus, O. Home: 112 East Como Av., Columbus, O. HANNING, Maurice F., attorney; b. Delaware, O., 8 Feb. 1894; s. Mr. Han- ning and Nellie A. (Kelly) H.; ed. Ohio Wesleyan Acad.; A.B., Ohio Wesleyan, 1916; LL.B., Western Reserve Univ., 1919; m. Mary M. Miller of Columbus, O., 9 June 1920; 1 dau. — Geraldine. Part- ner, firm, McAfee, Grossman, Hanning & Newcomer; mem. Cleveland C. of C, Ohio C. of C, Am., Ohio, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bar Assn., K. of C, Elks, Clubs: Shaker Heights Country, Cleve- land, Athletic, Mid-day, University. Of- fice: 1503 Midland Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 3150 Attleboro Rd., Shaker Heights, O. HANZ, Joseph E., priest; b. Milwau- kee, Wis., 31 March. 1880; s. Carl Hanz and Catherine (Bloomer) H.; ed. Mar- quette Univ. high sch. (Milwaukee, Wis.); A.B., Marquette Univ. (Milwau- kee, Wis.), 1899, A.M., 1901, Ph.D.. 1919. Curate, St. Thomas Ch., Beloit, Wis., 1903-08; rector, St. Jude's Qh., Beloit, Wis. 23 Apr. 1908-, Brother Dutton Sch., Beloit, Wis., 27 Apr. 1926- (now promot- ing nat. memorial to Brother Dutton); sec. Northwest Territory Celebration Commn., 1935-38; capt., staff chaplain, Wis. State Guard, 1917-19; mem. Beloit Nat. Soc. (pres. 1938-40), Wis. Historical Soc, Commn. on City Plan (Beloit), Wis. State Council (past state chaplain), K.C. (past state chaplain). Club: Com- mercial (Beloit). Author: contributions to "Addresses at Patriotic and Civic Oc- casions, Vol. I, 1931"; Wis. State Council, K.C, Reports, 1918-37; Fraira, Brother Dutton School Publication, 1930-. Cath- olic. Address: 747 Hackett St., Beloit, Wis. HAY, Logan, attorney; b. Springfield, 111., 13 Feb. 1871; s. Milton Hay and Mary (Logan) H.; ed. Lawrence ville, N.J. pub. schs.; B.A., Yale Univ., 1893; LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1897; LL.D. (hon.), 111. Coll., m. Lucy Langdon Bow- en of Springfield, 111., 9 Nov. 1899; chil- dren — Mary Douglass (Mrs. Donald S. Funk), Alice Houghton (Mrs. Albert C. Schlipf). Atty., Springfield, 111., 1897- ; Brown Hay & Stephens, 1921- ; mem. City Council, 1903-06, 111. State Senate, 1907-12, 111. State Bar Assn. (pres. 1920- 21), Am. Bar Assn., Am. Law Inst., Abraham Lincoln Assn. (pres. 1920- ), Wash. Nat. Moument Soc. Clubs: Sanga- mo, Illini Country, University, Century. Independent. Republican. Office: 714 First National Bank Bldg., Springfield, 111. Home: 1220 S. Grand Av., West, Springfield, 111. Summer home: Old Mis- sion, Mich. HEDKE, Richard C, executive; b. Neuwedel, Ger., 16 Oct. 1885; s. Gustave Hedke, deceased, and Bertha (Block) H.; ed. Cleveland, O.; Trenton, Mich.; m. Louise Lilley of Trenton, 22 June 1907; children — Genevieva (Mrs. Herschell, E. Banks), Charlotte (Mrs. George W. Mans), Evelyn (Mrs. H. K. Robinson). Janet (Mrs. George F. Pinkerton). City salesman, Theo. H. Eaton & Son, mfrs. distributors, chemicals, dyestuffs, estab- lished, 1838, later changed, Eaton-Clark Co., celebrated, 100th anniversary, 1938, mgr. sales, then sec, 1911-20, v. p., man- aging dir., 1921- ; mem. Bd., Trenton, Mich.; mem. Rotary Internat. (p. dir., p. dist. gov.), Advisory Bd., Salvation Army, Detroit, Detroit Convention & Tourist Bur. (pres.), Bd. Commerce. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Grosse He Golf 1105 and Country, Economic (of Detroit), De- troit Rotary. Travel: Eur., Mex., Cuba, U.S. Interests: collecting miniatures. Recreations: golf, gardening. Methodist. Republican. Office: 1490 Franklin St., Detroit, Mich. Residence: 2607 Riverside Dr., Trenton, Mich. HEPBURN, William Murray, librarian ; b. Pictou, N.S., 30 July 1874; s. George Hepburn and Annie McGregor (Brown) H.; ed. Pictou Acad.; B.A., Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, N.S., 1895, M.A., 1898; B.L.S., N.Y. State Libr. Sch., 1903; m. Harriett Roy of New Glasgow, N.S., 25 Aug. 1904; 1 dau. — Margaret Roy (Mrs. J. Arthur Funston). Teacher, Amherst Acad., N.S.; asst. libr., Purdue (Ind.) Univ., 1904- ; during World War in civil- ian war serv., Camp A. A. Humphreys, 1918, state dir., Libr. War. Serv. for Ind., 1917-18; mem. Am. Libr. Assn., Ind. Libr. Assn. (pres. 1910), Ind. Hist. Soc, Tippecanoe Co. Hist. Assn. (dir.), Tippe- canoe Co. T.B. Assn. (pres.). Author: arts, in libr. per'ods., brief sketches of hist, of Purdue Univ. Co-author: Purdue University: Fifty Years of Progress. Travel: Can., Eng. Interests: local hist., biog., hist, of sci. and tech. Presbyterian. Office: Purdue University Library, Pur- due, Ind. Home: 118 Waldron St., West Lafayette, Ind. HIBBARD, Carlisle V., retired secre- tary; b. Oconomowoc, Wis., 12 Aug. 1876; s. Daniel Osmer Hibbard, teacher, and Ida F. (Brightman) H.; ed. Racine high sch.; B.S., Univ. Wis., 1900; m. Susie Eugenia Lowell of Janesville, 12 Aug. 1902; children — Esther Lowell, Russell Lowell. Sec. Y.M.C.A., North- western Univ., 1900-02, Internat. Com., It., Japan, 1902-04, Korea, Manchuria, Japan, 1905-14, Univ. Wis., 1924-40; with Japanese Army, Manchuria, 1904-05; sec. Y.M.C.A. for Allied Armies, Prison- ers of War, and A.E.F. in Eur., 1914-24. asso. gen. sec, Internat. Com. during World War; mem. Alpha Delta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa. Travel: Japan, Eur. Con- gregationalism Republican. Home: 2804 Colombia Rd., Shorewood Hills, Madi- son, Wis. HICKS, Edward Livingston, Jr., broker; b. Chicago, 111., 9 April 1896; s. Edward Livingston Hicks, mcht., and Mabel (Cross) H.; ed. Sioux City high sch.; Univ. Chicago; m. Mary Flournoy of Sioux City, 5 April 1919; children- Edward Livingston Hicks, Elizabeth Flournoy Hicks. With Hicks, Fuller Co.. Sioux City, Iowa, dry goods business, 1919-21; brokerage bus., Chicago, with Cross, Roy and Saunders, became an Off. of the successor firm of Cross, Roy and Harris, firm merged with Scott, Burrows and Christie, 1930, was a partner of this firm and its successor firms of Harris, Burrows and Hicks and Lamson Bros, and Co. until 1940; started the firm of Hicks and Price, 1941; N.Y. Stock Ex- change Firms mem. of leading commodi- ty exch., Am. Field Service with Fr., 1917; disch. as 2nd. It. F.A. U.S.A. 1919 (Camp Zachary Taylor upon returning from Fr.) ; mem. A.F. and A.M. and Con- sistory, Am. Legion, Am. Vet. Soc, Psi Upsilon. Clubs: Chicago, Indian Hill. Protestant. Republican. Office: 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home 1 : 7 Thorn Tree Lane, Winnetka, 111. HILL, William Herbert, lawyer; b. Bruceville, Ind., 24 March 1876; s. Charles McClure Hill, merchant, and Emma (Moore) H.; ed. Bruceville (Ind.) high sch.; Ind. Univ.; LL.B., Ind. Univ. Law Sch., 1901; m. Lydia J. Roberts of Bruceville, Ind., 1900; m. (2nd) Alice May Wall of Vincennes, Ind., 1917; 1 son — Roberts C. Admitted to practice of law, Vincennes, Ind. 1901; Pres., Ind. State Bar Assn., 1938-39; mem. House of Dels., Am. Bar Assn., 1937-39; dir., pres., Ind. Sch. of Religion; pres. Board of Govs., Good Samaritan Hosp., dir., Blackford Window Glass Co., Vincennes, Ind.; City Atty., Vincennes, Ind., 1914- 18; mem. Ind. State Senate Session of 1929; served as dir. on home service in mil. camps, Ohio, Ind., Ky., during World War; mem. Am. Judicature Soc, Ind. State Bar Assn., Masons, Shriners. Clubs: Columbia (Indianapolis). Interested in state and local social service activities, First Christian Church. Republican. Of- fice: LaPlante Bldg., Vincennes, Ind. Home: 707 Buntin St., Vincennes, Ind. SCHWAB, John George, clergyman; b. Bureau Co., 111., 11 Feb. 1865; s. Geo. Philip Schwab, farmer, and Katherine (Keiber) S.; ed. Sutton (Neb.) high sch.; Northwestern Coll., Naperville, 111.; m. Mary E. Kendall of Sutton, Neb., 29 May 1889 (dec); children — Ralph Ken- dall, George Stephen, Paul Josiah, Charles Wizard; m. (2nd) Ada Weibel of DeWitt, Mich., 16 Mar. 1899; 1 dau.— Ruth May. Entered ministry of Evan- gelical Ch., 1886, ordained, 1888; frontier home missionary, Neb., Kan., Eastern Colo., 1887-89; pastor, Culbertson, Nel- son and Wood River, Neb., 1889-1901; presiding elder, Lincoln Dist., Neb., 1901 ; U06 pastor, Forreston, Mendota, Highland Park, Streator and Lockwood Av., Chi- cago, 111., 1901-04; dist. supt., Naperville Dist., 111., 1904-08, Freeport Dist., 1908- 12. Chicago Dist., 1914-18, Freeport Dist., 1924-27, Chicago Dist., 1931-35; del., Gen. Conf.; mem. commn., Denomina- tional Ch. Union, 1922; notary public, 1938-46; mem. trs., N. Cent. Coll. Evan- gelical Theol. Sem., Naperville, 111. 1904- 19, sec; civilian pastor, Chaplain's Staff U.S. Naval Training Sta., Gt. Lakes, 111., 1917-20; fellow Nat. Geog. Soc; mem. Pi Gamma Mu (hon. life), Nat. Social Social Service Soc. Author: History of Illinois Conference, 1937. Travel: U.S., Can., Cuba. Interest: diary, kept since 1882. Evangelist. Republican. Home: 6323 North Campbell Av., Chicago, 111. SCHWARTZ, Samuel, rabbi; b. Hun- gary, 25 Dec. 1880; s. Jacob Schwartz and Miriam (Gelb) S.; ed. Royal Hun- garian Rabbinical Sem., Budapest; A.B., Univ. Chicago; Rabbi, Hebrew Coll., Cin- cinnati, O., 1909; m. Charlotte Ulmer of Cleveland, 1917; children — Ruth Leona, James Lincoln. Served as rabbi in Cleve- land, O., Montreal, Can., Jacksonville, Fla., Washington Blvd. Temple, 1920- ; mem. B'nai Brith, Chicago (past pres.), Chicago Rabbinical Assn., Zionist Orgn. of Am., Conf. of Am. Rabbis. Clubs: Standard of Chicago, Covenant, Bryn Mawr Country. Office : Washington Blvd. and Karlov, Chicago, 111. Home: 305 N. Taylor Av., Oak Park, 111. SCOTT, Rose Moss, homemaker, poet; b. Hunter Township, Edgar Co., 13 Dec. 1869; d. John Chrisman Moss, farmer, cattleman, and Nancy Susan (Sously) M.; ed. Chrisman High Sch.; Valparaiso Univ. (music, art, poetics, Delphian course), 1926; m. William Thomas Scott of Chrisman, 16 July 1894; 1 son — John Robert. Tr. Chrisman Presby. Ch.; mem. D.A.R. (state historian, 1927-29), Daugh- ters Am. Colonists (state vice regent, hist., 1924-34), Colonial Wars Hist., 1928-30, League Am. Pen Women, Sons and Daughters Pilgrims (dep. gov. gen.), Am. Literary Soc, Colonial Dames of XVII Century, Order of Lafayette; ed., Pilgrim News Letter (official organ., Sons and Daughters Pilgrims). Clubs: Women's, Priscilla. Democrat. Author: Back Home (verse), 1926; Chronicles of the Moss Family, 1927; 111. State History of the D.A.R., 1929; Petals from My Dream Garden (verse), 1937; The Gro- gan Marker (and why placed); Early Schools in Edgar County, Town of Chrisman, 111., named for g.g.f. Interests: collecting rare glass and stamps. Recre- ation: travel. Presbyterian. Democrat. Home: Willrose Farms, Chrisman, 111. CHAFFEE, Edmund Walter, dean of music retired; b. Paw Paw, 111., 12 Apr. 1862; s. Fernando H. Chaffee, farmer, and Delia (Barbar) C; ed. Jennings Sem., Aurora, 111.; Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111.; Berlin Univ., Ger., 1887- 1890; m. Nellie Gilmore of Compton, 111., 18 Nov. 1896; children— Mildred, Marg- ery. Teacher, Germany, Sterns Conserva- tory, Berlin, Ger., 1888-1889; Gottschalk Lyric Sch., Chicago, 1890-1894, Valpa- raiso Univ., Ind., 1894-1940; mem., Mus. Teachers Nat. Assn., A.F. & A.M. Club: Mathesia. Travel: Eur., Can., U.S. In- terests: mus. reading. Methodist. Repub- lican. Office and home: 505 Chicago St., Valparaiso, Ind. CHASE, Paul W., lawyer; b. Madison, Wis., 16 Dec 1873; s. Walter H. Chase, educator, and Florence A. (Strong) C; ed. Hillsdale high sch.; A.B., Hillsdale Coll., Hillsdale, Mich., 1896, A.M., 1900; m. Vinnie M. Walrath of Hillsdale, Mich., 14 April 1900 (dec 1934); 1 dau.— Sally B.; m. (2nd) Gladys Tittsworth of Rush- ville, Ind., 13 Aug. 1937. Admitted to Mich. Bar, Oct. 1900, admitted to prac- tice before U.S. Supreme Ct, 1910; cash- ier, First Savings Bk. of Hillsdale, 1902- 06; lawyer, Barre, Smith & Chase. 1906- ; dir., Hillsdale Sch. Bd.; tr., Hills- dale Coll.; pros, atty., Hillsdale Co.. 1909-13; city atty., Hillsdale, 1922- ; mem. Delta Tau Delta, Masons, K.T.. Shrine, Elks, K.P., Hillsdale Co. Bar Assn. (p. pres.), Hillsdale Chamber of Commerce (p. pres.). Club: Hillsdale Rotary. Interest: penology (chmn., Mich. Correction Commn. to 24 July 1941). Rec- reations: golf, fishing. Baptist, Republi- can. Office: Hillsdale State Savings Bank Block, Hillsdale, Mich. Home: 140 Hillsdale St., Hillsdale, Mich. CHITWOOD, William H., real estate and farm management; b. Connersville, Ind., 29 Dec. 1893; s. Dr. John H. Chit- wood, physician, and Mary (Hankins) C; ed. Shortridge high sch. Mem. Ind. Poetry Soc. Author: The Three Muses, 1928 (illus. by author). Travel: Can., U.S. Interests: books, music, art. Rec- reation; theatre, travel. Episcopalian. Republican. Address: 2805 Guilford Av., Indianapolis, Ind. CLARK, Charles Estill, lawyer; b. Maytown, Ky., 1 May 1889; s. Charles 1107 W. Clark, farmer, and Eliza Alice (Gil- lespie) C; ed. Hazel Green Acad. (Hazel Green, Ky.); Univ. Ky.; Univ. Mich.; LL.B., Univ. Chicago, 1917; m. Barbara Hester Manning of Cannel City, 12 June 1917. With Scott Bancroft Martin & Stevens, 1917-19; with Henry J. & Charles Aaron, 1919-24-; dir. Big Bear Food Mart; mem. S.A.R., Soc. Colonial Wars. Clubs: Midday, S. Shore Country. Co-author: 111. Business Corp. Act. Rec- reations: farming, horse breeding. Dis- ciples of Christ. Democrat. Office: 33 S. Clark St., Chicago, 111. Home: 7321 S. Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Clarkswood Farm, Charleston. CLARK, Stanley William, dentist; b. Chicago, 111.; s. William Campbell Clark, steel mill supt., and Bertha Emily (Brucker) C; ed. Bowen high sch.; Ar- mour Acad.; D.D.S., M.S.D., Northwest- ern Univ.; LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. Law; Chicago Univ.; m. Lucille May West of Muncie, Ind., 19 Dec. 1920. Worked in steel mills, Chicago, now in pract. clinical dentistry and oral sur- gery; dental surg., Wesley Memorial Hosp., prof, materia medica, therapeu- tics and anesthesia, Northwestern Univ. Dental Sch., active in development of Grad. Sch. in Dentistry; sec. Ft. Dear- born Memorial Commn.; lecturer on technical subjs., Eur., U.S.; It., capt., Dental Corps, U.S.A., France, 1917-19, It. col., Dental Reserve; mem. Sigma Xi, Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Delta Sig- ma Delta, Phi Alpha Delta, Mason, Am. Legion, Am. Dental Assn., 111. State and Chicago Dental Socs., Mil. Surgs. of U.S., Reserve Officers Assn. (pres. med. chapt, Cook Co., 1934-36), fellow Am. Coll. Dentists. Author: numerous papers on dental med. and local anes- thesia. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interested in art, flowers, work of Med. Corps, U.S.A. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 180 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 396 Sheridan Rd., Glencoe, 111. CORLETT, William Thomas, physi- cian; b. Orange, O., 15 Apr. 1854; s. William Corlett, farmer, and Ann (Avery) C; ed. Dist. Sch.; Chagrin Falls Acad.; Oberlin Coll., M.D., Woos- ter Univ. Med. Dept; L.R.C.P., Royal Coll. Phys., London, 1881; M.D. (hon.), Western Res. Univ., 1882; advanced med. study Paris, 1881; Vienna, 1894; Berlin, Prague, Breslau, 1896; m. Amanda Marie Leisy of Cleveland, 26 June 1895; children — Christine Henri- ques, Ann Elizabeth Ford, Helen A., Edward L. Demonstrator Anat., Woos- ter Univ., 1878, lecturer, skin and ve- nereal dis., 1882, prof., 1884-88; prof, dermatol, syphilol., West. Res. Univ., 1888-1914, sr. prof., 1914-24, emeritus prof., 1924- ; consulting phys. dis, of skin, Charity Hosp., 1893-1915, Lake- side Hosp., 1886-1914; on editorial bd„ Cutaneous and genito Urinary dis., 1896-1900. Author: A Treatise on the Acute Infectious Exanthemate, 1901; American Tropics, 1908; The People of Orrisdale and Others, 1917; Reminis- cences, 1920; Medical Miscellany Mostly Historical, 1932; The Medicine Man of the American Indian and his Cultural Background, 1935; co-author: The Ex- foliative Dermatoses, in Morros's Sys- tem of Dermatology and Syphillis, 1894; The Vegetable Parasitic Diseases, in Bangs and Hardaway's Textbook of Genito-urinary and Skin Diseases, 1898; Purpura, Ponpholyx and Pellagra, in the 1903 edition, and Lichen, Lentigo, Granuloma Annulare, in the 1915 edi- tion both in the Reference Hand book of the Med. Scis.; also arts, on derma- tol. and syphilis in Am. and Foreign Med. Jours. Travel: Eur., Mex., Alas., S. Am., Asia, Africa. Interest: medi- cine, (formerly) primitive people. Resi- dence: 1115 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio. CORSCOT, Catherine May, home- maker; b. Madison, Wis., 14 June 1875; d. John Henry Corscot, executive, and Julia (Mayers) C; ed. Lincoln Sch., Central high sch., Madison, Wis.; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1898. Mem. Bd. of Health (elected, 1921, reelected five times), sec, 1921, 22, 34, 39, pres. 1923-25; chmn. bldg. com., Isolation Hosp., 1924- 25; mem. Dem. State Central Com. 1919-34 (State vice-chmn. 1926-34); del.-at-large Nat. Dem. Conv., 1924, 1928; chmn. Dane County Women, 1932- 35; Women's Leg. Council, State & Local of A.A.W.W.; hon. mem. Phi Omega Pi; A.A.U.W. Mem. Nat. Com. on .Industry, 1912,16; past pres., Madison Branch A.C.A.; chartex- mem. O.E.S., (past of- ficer), charter and life mem. Madison Shrine, (past officer), mem. Madison Tuberculosis Assn., Madison Civic Mem. Assn. Clubs:. Coll. Women's, Wis. Alum- ni, Madison Alumnae. Episcopalian. Democrat. Home: 1222 Johnson St., East, Madison, Wis. CORSON, Harold Hawley, civil engi- neer; b. Birmingham, Mich., 5 Aug. 1886; s. James Robert Corson, salesman, 1108 and Helen (Hawley) C; ed. Birming- ham high sch.; B.S. (C.Ed.) Univ. Mich., 1907; m. Gertrude M. Hurley of Detroit, 23 Aug. 1917; children — John Roberts, Bruce, Theodore Richard. Engr., Detroit River Tunnel, 1907-10; surveyor, designer, constr., Ore., Calif., 1910-14; bldg. residences, 1914 & 23; cost accounting, 1915-22; designer and constr., Mich. State Highway Dept., 1923-27; city engr., Blrminhgam, Mich., 1927- ; City Treas., Birmingham, Mich., 1932- ; dir., treas., Masonic Temple Assn., Birmingham; 1st It., capt., U.S.A., Dec. 1917-Feb. 1919; mem. A.S.C.E., Eng. Soc. of Detroit, Oakland Co. Eng. Soc. (p.pres.), Am. Pub. Works Assn., Municipal Finance Offs. Assn. of U.S. & Can., Nat. Rifle Assn., Birmingham Lodge No. 44 F. & A. M., (past master), Am. Legion (past comdr.). Author: sight chart for highway grades; arts. on ballistics. Interests: guns, photog. Recreations: camping, hunting, canoe- ing, outdoor life. Republican/ Office: Municipal Building, Birmingham, Mich. Home: 336 W. Maple Av., Birmingham, Mich. Summer res.: Woodhull Lake, Oakland Co., Mich. COTTINGHAM, Kenneth Charles, geologist; b. Columbus, O., 29 Apr. 1892; s. Patrick J. Cottingham, engr., and Catherine (Naddy) C; ed. Cent, high sch., Columbus, O.; B.A., O. State Univ., 1913, M.A., 1914; m. Marjorie Lucile Brown of Greenfield, O., 20 July 1921; 1 dau. — Marjorie Brown. Instr. geol., O. State Univ., 1914-17; geologist, O. Fuel Gas Co., (Columbia Gas & Elec. Corp.), 1939-; 2nd It, A.S., 1917-18; F.A.A.A.S., O.A.S.; mem. A.I.M.E., Am. Gas Assn. Club: Engineers (Columbus, O.). Author: short arts, on geol. subjs. Office: 99 North Front St., Columbus, O. Home: 384 17th Av., Columbus, O. Summer home: Put-in-Bay, O. CROWLEY, Mary Agnes Roberts, educator; b. Dennison, Kan., 24 July 1892; d. George Ellis Roberts, clergy- man, and Eleanor Dawson (McFarland) R.; ed. Mason City, la. and Osceola, la. high schs.; B.A., Drake Univ., 1915; fellow, Univ. Chicago, 1917-18; Ph.D. in Ed., Univ. Cincinnati, 1921; m. Wm. A. Crowley of Chicago, 18 June 1918; 1 dau. — Mary Eleanor. Teacher Bedford high sch., la., 1915-16; psychologist, Cincinnati schs., 1919-28; teacher, The Oakwood Inst., 1925-27; asst. supt., Hamilton Co. schs., 1929- ; exec, com., bd. of dirs., United Chr. Miss. Soc, 1933-38; mem. Womens State Com. on Mental Hyg. (Ohio) ; Com. of Ed. of Handicapped Children; appt. Co. Bd. of Ed.; mem. Am. Psych. Assn., Am. Assn. of Applied Psych., Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, N.E.A., Womens Inter- nal League, Fellowship of Reconcilia- tion. Club: Zonta (1st pres., Cincinnati). Author: articles on parent ed., negro ed. Travel: Eng., Eur., Scot., Nor., Den., U.S. of pioneers at Howard, O. from Pa. Interested in human and in- ternal relations, piano, paintnig. Rec- reations: travel, home. Disciple. Inde- pendent. Office: 532 Co. Court House, Cincinnati, O. Home: 5819 Glenview Av., College Hill, Cincinnati, O. Summer res.: Chautauqua, N.Y. RIORDAN, Hugh Leo, prof, and fgn. consul; b. Plymouth, Wis., 25 Dec. 1893; s. Stephen Joseph Riordan, farmer, and Eleanore (O'Rourke) ; ed. Port Wash- ington, Wis.; A.B., Univ. Chicago, 1920; M.A., Univ. Wis., 1921; Officer of French Acad., French Minister of Edn., 1935; m. Tatiana Alexandrovna Lunskaya of Petrograd, 30 Sept. 1924; children- Alexander Lee, Hugh Desaix. Prof, econ. and English, Univ. Tokyo, Japan, 1921-24; dir. fgn. trade and world econ. resources courses, Marquette Univ., Mil- waukee, 1925- ; French Consular % Rep., Wis., 1930- ; high sch. prin. and graded school prin., before World War I; lect- urer and radio broadcaster; served with U.S. Marine Corps, during World War I, 1917-19; mem. Le Cercle Francais; charter mem. Alpha Psi, Wis. Chap. Delta Chi. Author: Flashes of Japan, Japanese-American Relations, Present and Future; articles on the Japanese Earthquake by a Survivor, in all Hearst Sunday Papers, 1925. Travel: Honululu, Tokyo, Shanghai, Saigon, Singapore, Ceylon, Suez, Europe. Father served in Union forces during Civil War, uncle served with Lee in Va. Interest: art. Recreation, chess. Office: 1217 West Wisconsin Av., Milwaukee. Home: 2513 E. Park PI., Milwaukee, Wis. ROBBINS, Charles Burton, lawyer; b. Hastings, la., 6 Nov. 1877; s. Lewis Robbins, rancher, and Harriet Elisabeth (Benson) R.; A.B., Univ. Neb., 1898; A.M., Columbia Univ., 1903; student, Columbia U. Sch. of Law; m. Helen Larrabee of Clermont, la., 9 Sept. 1903; children — Anna Marcella (Mrs. T. C. Yarnall), Julia Larrabee (Mrs. A. W. Allen), Lewis Frederic. Judge Superior Ct, Cedar Rapids, la., 1909-19; pres. and gen. counsel, Cedar Rapids Life Ins, 1109 Co., 1919-36; mgr., gen. counsel Am. Life Conv., 1934- ; chmn. bd., Fed. Home Loan Bank, Des Moines, la.; dir. Mer- chants Nat. Bank, Cedar Rapids, la.; served as major adj., 67th Inf. Brigade, and 69th Inf. Brigade, World War I, 1917-19; also in Spanish War, Philip- pine Insurrection, Mexican Border; awarded Purple Heart and Citation Star Medals. Mem. Delta Tau Delta, Am. and la. bar assns.; Elks, Mason, (Blue Lodge, Chapt. commdr. consistory Shrine), Odd Fellows. Clubs: Army and Navy, (Washington) ; Chicago, Tavern, (Chicago); Cedar Rapids Country. Au- thor: arts, on life insurance. Interest: numismatics. Recreation: contract bridge. Universalist. Republican. Office: 230 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 3750 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: 1932 1st Av., N.E. Cedar Rapids, la. ROGERS, Lewis Chubb, cons, engi- neer; b. Grand Rapids, Mich., 29 Oct. 1871; s. Erwin W. Rogers and Jessie (Chubb) R.; ed. Grand Rapids (Mich.) High Sch.; B.S. in M.E., Univ. Mich., 1904; m. Helen Brimmer of Grand Rapids, Mich., 6 Aug. 1896; 1 son— Er- win Milton. Power and testing engr., The Solvay Process Co., Detroit, Mich., 1904-32; cons, engr., Wolverine Shoe & Tan Corp., Rockford, Mich., 1932- ; mem. Mich. Engring. Soc, A.S.M.E., Engring. Soc. Detroit, Grand Rapids Engring. Soc, S.A.R. Desc. Justis C. Rogers, pioneer, who took Rogers Farm from govt., 1834. Interests: literary. Recre- ations: travel, hunting. Congregational- ism Republican. Office: Wolverine Shoe & Tanning Corp., Rockford, Mich. Home: 824 Beals Rd., S.W., Grand Rapids, Mich. ROOT, Clarence J., sr. meteorologist; b. Chicago, 111., 11 Mar. 1875; s. James P. Root and Anna (Machin) R.; ed. Hdye Park High Sch.; m. Frances Ran- som of Springfield, 111., 6 May 1900; children — Mrs. John A. Murphy, Mrs. J. Arthur Ropp. Bill clerk, 111. State Sen- ate, Springfield, 111., 1895-99; asst. Chi- cago, 111. Weather Bur., 1900-04; est. station, Charles City, la.; in chg. 111. sect., 1911-32; in chg. Detroit Sta., U.S. Weather Bur., 1932-41; sr. meteorol., Detroit Sta., 1941- ; mem. Am. Meteorol. Soc, Am. Geophysical Union, Nat. Geo- graphic Soc, Fed. Bus. Assn. Club: Propellor (hon. mem.), U.S.D.A. (hon. mem.). Author: numerous arts, on meteorology. Interests: railroads, loco- motives, ornithol. passenger ships, Re- creation: swimming. Office: 1013 Fed- erel Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 65 Tuxedo Av., Highland, Park, Mich. PRUITT, Otto Earl, Sr., president; b. Alva, Okla., 21 Nov. 1898; s. John H. Pruitt, rancher, financier, and Elizabeth (Witt) P.; ed. Alva High Sch.; State Teachers Coll., 1913-14; m. Alvice El- more of Ripley, Okla., 1916; 1 son — O. Earl Pruitt, Jr. Newspaper reporter, adv. dept., John Deere Plow Co.; started office machine business with agents in all prin. cities, foreign countries, largest business of its kind in the country; own advertising bus.; head finance co., bank dir.; head and pres., Office Equipment Valuation Book Pub. Co.; pres., Garage Co., all of Chicago; dir., Madison-Craw- ford Nat. Bank; mem. Better Business Bur., Chicago Chamber of Commerce, 111. Ch. of Com., Nat. Typewriter and Office Equipment Assn. Clubs: Execu- tives, Gospel Fellowship, Aviators, Horsemen. Author: Office Equipment Valuation Book. Interests: boats avia- tion, horses. Protestant. Republican — Democrat. Office: 425 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Home: 6657 Hiawatha Dr., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: near Carters- ville, Tenn. RAMIER, Mary Elizabeth Hanger, lawyer; b. Olean, N.Y., 12 Dec. 1903; d. Ward E. Hanger and Lela (Kern) H.; ed. Arsenal Tech. High Sch., Indiana- polis, Ind.; Butier Univ., Indianapolis, 1919-20; A.B., Univ. 111., 1923; J.D., John Marshall Law Sch., 1927. Ad- mitted to bar, 1927, practiced law in Indianapolis, specializing in probate, Corp., and real estate law, 1927- ; mem. Indianapolis Bar Assn., pres., Indiana Assn. of Women Lawyers, 1937-38, (v.p., 1941-42); S3C to Speaker of House, Ind. House of Reps., 1939, 1941; mem., Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Beta Pi; nat. sec, Mortar Bd., 1927-28. Desc. of Ind. pio- neers. Methodist. Republican. Office: 229-33 Bankers Trust Building, India- napolis, Ind. Home: 308 North Bolton Av., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE, William Ellsworth, corpora- tion pres.; b. Sumner Co., Kan., 17 Dec. 1885; s. Charles Price, teacher, farmer, and Martha Jane (McKee) P.; m. Leota Adkins of Union City, Ind., 22 Feb. 1907; 1 son — Charles Price. Teacher, 4 yrs.; started in warehouse, Knapp Sup- ply Co., 1907, bookkeeper, billing clerk, purchasing and sales mgr., pres., 1928-; pres., Sch. Bd., Union City, councilman; 1110 pres. County Sch. Bd., Darki County, O.; mem. Chamber of Commerce, Mason 32°, (Shriner). Clubs: Muncie, Rotary, Delaware Country. Author: mag., news- paper articles, addresses on econ. prob- lems connected with bid. Ind. Desc. of first settler on Price's Creek, now Pre- ble County, O, Recreations: golf, fish- ing. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: The Knapp Supply Co., Corner Ohio Av. and Dudley St., Muncie, Ind. Home: 1015 W. Washington St., Muncie, Ind. ROSENFELD, Joseph Ehrlich, phy- sician and surgeon; b. Kansas City, Mo., 4 July 1898; s. Sol Rosenfeld and Hattie E. (Ehrlich) R.; ed. Battle Creek (Mich.) High Sch.; Beloit Coll.; Univ. Mich.; M.D. CM., McGill Univ., 1922; m. Adelaide N. Seeman of Battle Creek, Mich., 9 Aug. 1923; 1 dau. — Joyce Lynn- ette. Interne Blodgett Memorial Hosp., Grand Rapids, Mich. Surgical asst. Dr. R. J. Hutchinson, Grand Rapids, Mich.; pvt. practice, 1924. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; chief of staff, Community Hosp.; tr., pres. bd. tr., Sch. Dist. of Battle Creek, Mich.; mem. Calhoun Co. Med. Soc. (p. pres.), Mich. State Med. Assn. N.Y. Central Surgeons, Mich. Assn. Indsl. Surgeons, Shrine, Masons. Clubs: Athelstan, Battle Creek Country. Author: several medical arts. Travel: extensive in U.S. Interests: music, read- ing. Recreation: fishing. Office: 1208 Central Tower, Battle Creek, Mich. Home: 70 Elizabeth St., Battle Creek, Mich. RUSSO, Nunzio, corp. off., industrial- ist, importer; b. Italy, 13 Oct. 1882; s. Andrea Russo and Marina (Mercurio) R.; ed. Waller-North Div. High Sch.; m. Olga Chiesa of Padua, Italy, 16 June 1916; children — Charlotte, Arthur. Mem. Dante Alighieri Soc. Recreations: out- door sports, fishing, hunting. Catholic. Republican. Home: 2022 Beechwood Av., Wilmette, 111. Summer res.: Flambeau River, Oxbo, Wis. JESSUP, Wilfred, attorney; b. Dan- ville, Ind., 10 Dec. 1876; s. Thomas R Jessup, attorney, and Katie S. (Smal- ley) J.; ed. Richmond (Ind.) high sch.; Earlham Coll., W. Va. Univ., LL.B., National Univ., 1900; LL.M., George- town Univ., 1901; m. "Katherine M. Fitz- gerrell (dec.) of Mt. Vernon, 111., 22 Apr. 1902, m. (2d), Clementine Overman of Fountain City, Ind., 19 June 1928; chil- dren — Wilfred Fitzgerrell, Sarah Fitz- gerrell. Law practice, 1902- ; register clerk. Ho. of Rep. P.O., Wash., D.C., 1898-1901; pros, atty., 17th Jud. Dist., Ind., 1905-08; partner, Gardner, Jessup, Harrington, and Haworth, Richmond; Ind. Gen Assem. mem., 1933; pres., Ind. Unemployment Comp. Bd., 1936-39; dir., Ind. Unemployment Comp. Div., 1939- ; served as mem. staff Indus. Relations Group, U.S.S.B. Emergency Fleet Corp., 1917-19. Democrat. Office: Care Gard- ner, Jessup, Harrington and Haworth, Richmond, Ind. Home: Centerville, Ind. JOCHUM, William A., R. D., priest, dean; b. Evansville, Ind., 30 June 1873; s. Peter Jochum, miller, and Magdelena (Bengert) J.; ed., Evansville pub. and parochial schs., St. Meinrad Seminary; St. Meinrad's Coll.; Major Seminary; (hon.) Right Reverend Monsignor, Domextic Prela to His Holiness, ele- vated by Pope Piux XI. Ordained by Rt. Rev. Francis Silas Chartard, B.D., at St. Meinrad, Ind., 9 June 1897; 1st charge, Henriville, Ind. and Missions; also Charlestown and Lexington, Ind.; Rockport, Ind., 1898, delivered 1st bac- calaureate sermon ever delivered by Catholic priest to high sch. graduates of a public school, Ind.; built 1st Cath- olic Ch., Chrisney, Spencer Co., Ind., 1890; also in Charlestown, Henryville, Ind.; renovated ch., Princeton, Wash., New Albany, Ind.; mem. Council of De- fense, Red Cross Com., sec. of Liberty Bonds drive during World War. Club: Knights of Columbus, 1907. Author: The History of St. Marys Church (Wash., Ind.), The History of St. Mary's Cath- olic Church (New Albany, Ind.). Cath- olic. Democrat. Address: 415 E. 8th St., New Albany, Ind. JOLLY, Wesley Parvin, physician; b. Richland, Ind., 18 Aug. 1889; s. John C. Jolly, M.D., and Elizabeth (Lang) J.; ed. De Pauw Acad.; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1913, M.D., 1915; m. Nellie Young of Richland, 1921; 1 son — Bruce. Med. practice, Richland, 1915- ; county audi- tor, 1934; Co. clerk, 1936-40; mem. Co. and State Med. Socs., Masons. Inter- ested in sports, Recreations: Politics, movies. Methodist. Republican. Ad- dress: Richland, Ind. KACKLEY, Olive, good will ambassa- dor, dramatic director, head of WCKY Community Opportunity Service, enter- tainer, lecturer, actress; b. Blue Springs, Neb.; d. Oscar Braxton Kackley, busi- ness man, merchant, and Tennis (Flippo) K.; ed. Hill City, Kan.; B.O., N.Y. Sch. Expression (N.Y.C.); Am. Acad. Dra- matic Art (N.Y.C.). Nationally known 1111 for having originated short time system "five days" producing royalty plays with local talent; dramatic dir., Chautauqua systems, Community Chautauqua Sys- tem, 7 yrs. ; mgr. Olive Kackley Players; originated the WLS Community Serv- ice, whose programs enabled the use of 200 to 300 people in the cast; head dir. of community service, WLS Radio Sta., Chicago, 111., 7 yrs.; register of deeds of Graham Co., Hill City, 2 terms (youngest official ever elected in the Co., with largest majority) ; good will ambassador for WCKY, 1 Apr. 1940- Jan. 1941 (spoke to 61,262 people); on the air with program "Prologue" each Sunday night over WCKY, 10:15 E.S.T. — "Dramatics and the Classics"; has coached and directed over 100,000 peo- ple, placed over 1500 in positions; noted authority on Shakespeare and his works. Author: How to Produce a Play in Five Days; Shakespeare's 20th Century Women; Prologue (radio program); Personality Plus; Value of Dramatics in Everyday Life; 50 others. Interests: Shakespeare, helping folks find them- selves, development of personality, pro- moting an appreciation of animals. Rec- reations: theatre, concerts, music, patri- otic ideas (has all of the painted seals of the States and nations, flags of all nations, music from all nations and states, dolls of all nations, etc.). Protes- tant. Ind. Democrat. Office: WCKY, Cincinnati, O. Home: Gibson Hotel, Cincinnati, O. KAUFMAN, Oscar A., vice pres. Equitable Trust Co.; b. Detroit, Mich., 19 Jan. 1898; s. Sol Kaufman, life in- surance, and Millie (Edloff) K.; ed. Cen- tral high sch., Detroit; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1921; unmarried. Asst. pros, atty., Wayne Co., Mich., 1925-30; county corp. counsel, 1930-35, asst. atty. gen., 1936; Public Trust Commissioner of Mich., 1936-37; v.p., Equitable Trust Co., 1931- ; Comm., Huron-Clinton Met. Authority, 1941; Clubs; Franklin Hills Country, Great Lakes, Standard, Savoy- ard. Recreations: golf, fishing. Jewish. Republican. Office: 600 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Home: 950 Whitmore Rd., Detroit, Mich. KEENAN, Harry Anthony, surgeon and physician; b. Town of Dunn, 20 Aug. 1877; s. William Keenan, farmer, and Alice (Colliday) K.; ed. Madison (Ore.) high sch.; Univ. Wis.; Univ. Chi- cago, dept. of Med.; Rush Medical, 1913; m. Pearl Netherwood of Oregon, Wis., 1905 (dec. 1909), m. (2nd) Martha Wil- son of Edgerton, Wis., 1913; children- Elizabeth Keenan Coombs, Walter E. Med. practice, Solen Sprs., Edgerton, State of Nash., and Stoughton, Wis.; pres., bd. of tr., Lakeview Sanitorium, 1937- ; alderman, Stoughton, 2 terms; served as 1st It., capt., A.E.F., 1918-19, maj., 1919, It. col., Officer Res. Corps, 1930, recommissioned, 1935; mem., A.M.A., Co. Med. Soc, Dane Co. Med. Soc. (p. pres.), Am. RR. Surgeons, Am. Legion, Vet. of For. Wars, Mason, K. of P., Res. Officers Assn. (p. pres.). Club: Rotary, Desc. of Keenan and Fox families of Madison and Oregon. In- terest: flowers. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Episcopalian. Republican. Of- fice: 110 E. Main St., Stoughton, Mich. Home: 204 E. Prospect Av., Stoughton, Mich. McGRAW, Harrison Beecher, lawyer; b. Detroit, Mich., 13 May 1870; s. Alexander H. McGraw, supt. Bradstreet mercantile agcy., and Helen Mary (Beecher) M.; ed. Cent. High Sch., Cleveland, 1884-87; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1891; Univ. Mich. Law Sch., 1892; m. Ethel Vryling Buffum of Newton, Mass., 5 Sept. 1906; 1 son — Harrison B., Jr. Dir. John C. Virden Co., Cleveland City Forge Co., The Halle Bros. Co., 1928-40; mem. firm Henderson, Qual, McGraw 6 Barkley, 1928-40; mem. Cleveland Heights Bd. Edn., 1921-23; mem. 4th Fed. Reserve Dist. Com. on Capital Issues during World War I; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Cleveland Bar Assn. (pres. 1928-29); Nat. Lawyers Com. (Am.) Liberty League, 1936. Clubs: Union, Kirtland Country. Congregationalist. Republican. Office: 1585 Union Com- merce Bldg., Cleveland, O. Home: 2559 Wellington Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. McMAHAN, Adah M., physician and surgeon; b. Huntingburg, Ind., 12 Jan. 1869; d. Win Reid McMahan and Louisa Elizabeth Ann (Helfrich) McM.; ed. Huntingburg High Sch.; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1889, A.M., 1893; M.D., North- western Univ., 1897. Teacher, Evans- ville, Ind., Duluth, Minn.; served with Am. Women's Overseas Service, 1918-19; asso. fellow A.C.P.; fellow Pub. Health Assn.; mem. Ind. State Med. Assn., A.M. A. Clubs: Parlor, Altrusa, Bus. and Prof. Women's Travel: U.S., Eur. Desc. of Ind. pioneers. Presbyterian. Republican. Home: 626 Columbia St., Lafayette, Ind. BADER, Clarence Wagner, lumber- man; b. Whiting, Ind., 12 Aug. 1898; 1112 s. Gallus John Bader, banker, and Eliza- beth (Wagner) B.; ed. Whiting high Sch.; Ph.B., Notre Dame Univ., 1919; m. Florence Guthrie of South Bend, 29 Apr. 1922; children— Charles G., Eliza- beth, Virginia, George J. Pres., Bader Corp. and affiliated yards Calumet Supply Co., Tolleston Lumber & Coal Co., Calumet Millwork Co., Steel City Lumber & Supply Co., Fifth Av. Lum- ber Co., Gary Materials Co., all of Gary; dir., Bader Corp., Gary Heat, Light & Water Co., Gary Elec. & Gas, Gary State Bank, Commercial Trust Co., 2nd It., 2nd Blackhawk Div., iy 2 yrs. during World War; mem. Rotary Internat. Gary Club 1001. Clubs: Gary Country, Gary Chamber of Commerce (pres.), Rotary, Monogram, Notre Dame Univ. Travel: U.S., For. Countries. Interests: golf, swimming. Catholic. Republican. Office: 921 Broadway, Gary, Ind. Home: 650 Pierce St., Gary, Ind. Summer res.: Indian Lake, Dawagaic, Mich. BANGS, Neil Kendrick, electrical engineer; b. Cincinnati, O., 1 Dec. 1901; s. Eli Anderson Bangs and Nellie L. (Kruse) B.; ed. Woodward high sch., 1919; Univ. of Cincinnati Engring. Coll.; m. Theo K. Spear of Branch Hill, O., 22 June 1935. With Cincinnati and Subur- ban Bell Tel. Co., 1919-22; elec. constr.. The Frank Smith-Sorg Paper Co., 1922- 24; chief elec, The Cinti. Ball Crank Co., 1924-25; elec. & sales engr.. The Stevenson Engr. Co., 1925-27; chief elec. engr., The Fox Paper Co., Security Bag Co., 1927-41; mem. Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs. Assn. Club: Cinti. Engrs. Desc. of Bangs family from Eng., one of first to settle in Ohio. Interest: dress (best dressed man in Ohio, Retail Clothiers Assn., 1933). Recreations: Canadian hunting and fishing, golf, bowling. Ad- dress: 5548 Bosworth PI., Cincinnati, Ohio. BARNES, Ruth Anna, educator; b. Monclova, O., 19 Feb. 1891; d. Dr. James M. Barnes, physician, and Jennie L. (Joughin) B.; ed. Waldron (Mich.) high sch.; A.B., Mich. State Normal Coll., 1917; M.A., Univ. Mich., 1928; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1935; Univ. Calif., 1917-18; Western Res. Univ., 1924-25. Pub. sch. teacher, rural, grade, Jr. high and high schs., Mich., Calif., Mont., O., Md., 14 yrs., John Adams high sch., Cleveland, O., until 1925; mem. staff Eng. Dept., Mich. State Normal Coll., Ypsilanti, 1925-, now asst. prof, child literature; dir., F.E.R.A. Coll. Centers, Baltimore, Md., 1934-35; engaged in heavy lecture program, Pub. Relations Bd., Mich., child lit. specialties and affiliated subjs., P.T.A., Teachers instns., clubs, etc.; chmn. lit, at elemen- tary level, Nat. Eng. Curriculum; mem. Nat. Council Teachers Eng. (exec, v.p., 1932-33), Pi Lambda Theta, Delta Kap- pa Gamma, Kappa Psi, N.E.A., M.S.T.A., Mich. Author's League, Mich. Folklore Soc. Club: Faculty Women's (Mich. State Normal Coll.). Author: I Hear America Singing (anthology of folk poetry), 1937; arts, for Eng. Journal, Am. library Journal etc. Travel: Eur., U.S. Interests: collecting folk ballads, counting out rhymes. Recreations: gar- dening, cookery, hiking. Disciple of Christ. Independent. Office: Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. Home: 702 Cornell Rd., College Heights, Ypsilanti, Mich. Summer home: Rutson Cottage, Harrisville, Mich. KELLEY, Walter Frederic, physician; b. Bradford, Mass., 13 Jan. 1874; s. George L. Kelley, soapmaker, and Catherine (Dusey) K.; ed. Bradford high sch.; B.Lit., Dartmouth Coll., 1897; M.D., Ind. Med. Coll., 1906; m. Mary L. Drury of Bradford, Mass., 12 Sept. 1901; 1 dau. — France Kelley Carring- ton. Athletic dir., Univ. Tex., Austin, Tex., 1897-99, Butter Coll., Indianapolis, Ind., 1899-1904; practice of medicine, Indianapolis, 1906- ; past pres., dir., Twington State Bank; del. to State Med. Assn.; alternate del. to A.M.A.. 1930-40; mem. Indianapolis Bd. of Health, 1930-32; served as capt. Med. Corps, during World War; mem. Ma- sons, Theta Alpha Xi, Phi Chi, Marion Co. Med. Soc. (past pres.), Ind. State Med. Assn.; fellow, A.M. A. Author: papers for med. soc. Interests: golf, farming. Presbyterian. Democrat. Of- fice: 5503 E. Washington St., Indiana- polis, Ind. Home: 239 S. Audubon Rd., Indianapolis. Ind. Summer res.: Brad- ford, Mass. KIENBERGER, Vincent Ferrer, clergyman; b. Oconomowoc, Wis., 27 Jan. 1893; s. Anthony George Kienber- ger, decorator, and Catherine (Mead) K.; ed. Cathedral Coll., Chicago, 1907 11; St. Anthony Sem., San Antonio Tex., 1911-12; M.A., Cath. Univ. of Am. Washington, D.C., 1917. Ordained priest 1918; prof., Providence (R.I.) Coll. 1920-25; missionary, Phila., Pa., 1925 26; pastor, fndr., St. Dominies Ch., De troit, Mich., 1926-33; missionary, Hous 1113 ton, Tex., 1933-35, Chicago, 111., 1935- ; mem. Cath. Hist. Soc., Writers Guild, Priests Eucharistic League (consultor). Author: Bendiction from Solitude, Tabernacle Talks. Travel: Eur., Mex. Catholic. Democrat. Address: 7200 Di- vision St., River Forest, 111. KINEON, George Goodhue, physician, managing officer; b. Cincinnati, O., 19 July 1879; s. Solomon Perin Ki- neon, coal operator, and Mary Graves (Goodhue) K.; ed. Williston Acad., Easthampton, Mass.; M.D., Miami Med. Coll. (now med. dept., Univ. Cincin- nati), 1905. Interne Ger. Hosp., Cin- cinnati, 1905; res. phys., O. Hosp. for Epileptics, 1906-11, med. dir., manag- ing off., 1911- ; holds clinics, lectures to classes in abnormal psychology, O. Univ., Athens, Marshall Coll., Hunting- ton, W. Va., Rio Grand Coll., O., 20 yrs.; chmn., Gallia Co. Draft Bd., 1917- 18, Gallia Co. Red Cross Assn., 1917; exec, Boy Scouts, 12 yrs.; mem. A. M. A., O. State and Gallia Co. Med. Socs., Am. Psychiat. Assn., Nat. Assn. for Study of Epilepsy, Ligue Internationale centre l'Epilepsie, Am. Assn. for Study of Feeble-minded, Eugenics Res. Assn., Gallia Community Assn. (v.-p., 17 yrs.), Gallipolis Chamber Commerce (dir., 7 yrs.), Masons (York Rite, Scottish Rite 32°, Shrine), Elks, Eastern Star. Club: Gallipolis Rotary (p.p.; dir., 7 yrs.). Author: monographs on epilepsy. Trav- el: Can., Eng., Mediterranean, U. S. Interests: collecting epileptic family histories; breeding plants, trees, ducks, gold fish for hereditary characteristics. Recreation: deep sea fishing. Independ- ent. Office and home: Ohio Hospital for Epileptics, Gallipolis, O. TRUSLER, Harold Milton, physician and surg.; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 7 Jan. 1897; s. Ira T. Trusler, lawyer, and Katherine (Roberts) T.; ed. Manual Training High Sch., Indianapolis, Ind.; A.B., State Univ., Iowa, 1920; M.D., Ind. Univ., 1924; m. Beatrice Marshall of Indianapolis, 27 Dec. 1920; childdren — Margaret Cornelia, Harold Marshall. Surg, practice, with special attention to plastic and reconstructive surgery; chmn., Div. Plastic Surgery, Ind. Univ. Med. Center; asso. prof, surgery, dir. of research; served as 2nd lieut., Air Service, during World War I; mem. Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, A.M.A., Western Surgical Assn., Nat. Bd. of Surg., of Plastic Surgery; Soc. Plastics and Reconstructive Surg., Am. Coll. Surgeons. Club: Columbia. Interests: med. and surg. research, current med. lit. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 420 Hume Mansur Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 6150 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. TURNER, Robert Graham, pharma- cist; b. Brandon, Wis., 21 Aug. 1898; s. W. A. Turner, pharm., and Cora B. (Sigler) T.; ed. Brandon High Sch.; A.B., Lawrence Coll., 1920; M.S., State Univ. Iowa, 1922, Ph.D., 1927; m. Mil- dred E. Dunsmoor of Markesan, 25 Dec. 1923; children — Margaret Sue, James Wm., Cora Marie. Instr. physiol. chem. Emory Univ., 1922-23, chem., W. Va. Univ., 1923-25; asst. lab. instr. State Univ. Iowa, 1925-27; asst. dir. med. research Wayne Univ., 1927-36; retail drug bus., 1936.; pvt. S.A.T.C.; mem. Wis. Pharm. Assn., Am. Chem. Soc. Detroit (chmn. div. chem. edn., 1932-35), Masons, Blue Lodge, Lodge of Perfection, Soc. Exptl. Biol, and Med., Am. Pharm. Assn. Author: articles on nutrition, vitamin A and its relation to infection of the upper respiratory tract, carotene, blood iodine, blood alcohol. Travel: U. S. Grandfather, pioneer doctor, estab- lished drug bus., Brandon, 1890. Rec- reations: golf, fishing, hunting. Meth- odist. Republican. Address: Brandon, Wis. VALENTINE, Elma Powell, house- wife, clubwoman; b. Brice, O., 7 Apr. 1883; d. Jos. B. Powell, mcht., mfr., and Mary Seline (Fancher) P.; ed. Brice High Sch.; m. Clarence M. Val- entine, M.D., of Columbus, 14 Nov. 1908; children — Roger Anton, Mary Elma. Teacher of adult classes in parental edn., 1902-08; speaker before clubs and orgns.; parliamentarian, Co- lumbus Fed. Women's Clubs, Columbus Motion Picture Council; state chmn., legislation, D.A.R., 1930.; mem. O. Ho. of Rep., 1929-31 (introduced Val- entine Law authorizing employment of sch. dentists) ; mem. O. Commn. for Democracy (joint com. which secured establisment of branch libs., 1941); State Cent. Rep. Com., 1932-34; mem. Am. Legion Aux., Women's Relief Corps., Women's Assn. Commerce (hon.), Parent-Teachers Assn. (pres. Columbus and Franklin Co. Council, 19 2 4-26), O.E.S. (Matron Linden Heights Chap., 1923, pres. 17th Dist. O., 1929-30). Clubs: Women's Rep. of 1114 O. (p. pies.), Research (p. pres.), Linden Heights Chautauqua (founder and p. pres.), Ohio Fed. Women's (p. state chmn. legislation). Author: History of Powell's Chapel Methodist Church. Gr.d. Archibald and Elizabeth Powell, pioneer settlers in Franklin Co., O. Interest: reading. Recreations: mo- tion pictures, travel. Methodist. Re- publican. Office and home: 2589 Cleve- land Av., Columbus, O. VITZTHUM, Karl Martin, architect; b. Tetzing, Ger., 2 Jan. 1880; s. John Vitzthum, ry. civil engr., and Sophia (Ehrengut) V.; ed. Royal Real sch., 6 yrs. (Freising, Ger.); Royal Coll. Archit., Bldg. Constrn. (Munich, Ger.); m. Ruby Palmer of Chicago, Dec. 1907; 1 dau. Understudy of prof, of archit., Theodore Fischer, Munich; European authority on site planning and beauti- fying of cities, also designer modern schs., especially vocational schs.; arch., N. La Salle Bldg., Chicago, cost $6,000,- 000 — 47 stories, Steuben Club, Chicago, cost $3,000,000, Union Nat. Bk., Wichi- ta, Kan.,— $2,500,000, Topeka (Kan.) Nat. Bk., $1,500,000, De Paul Univ., Chicago, $1,500,000; mem. A.I.A., 111. Soc. Archs. Clubs: Architects, Iroquois (Chicago), Germania, German, Singing Soc. Recreations: hiking, swimming, singing. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 1 North La Salle Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home: 5341 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. Summer res.: Wisconsin Dells, Wis. WADE, Thomas G., mgr. publishing co.; b. St. Louis, Mo., 19 Jan. 1882; s. James R. Wade and Margaret (Robert- son) W.; m. Beatrice Brinkmeyer of St. Louis, Mo., 24 Aug. 1903; 1 dau. — Beatrice (Mrs. Glendon H. Roberts). In real estate and banking, 1895-1907, heating and ventilating bus., 1907-17; with Curtis Pub. Co., 1920-42, Detroit br. mgr.; dir., treas. Detroit Athletic Club; served in R.O.T.C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917, 1st It., 343d. Ind., 1918, A.E.F., 1918, capt, Co. G, 115th Inf., staff, 1919-20, asst., Am. Embarkation Cen- ter, operations officer; mem. Detroit Bd. of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit Ath- letic, Grosse Pointe Yacht, Pine Lake Country. Author: arts, on bus. and sales psychol. Travel: U.S., Cent. Eur., W. I. Interests: painting, writing. Rec- reations: fishing, hunting. Catholic. Re- publican. Office: 10-240 General Motors Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home: 16232 La- Salle Blvd., Detroit, Mich. WALLACE, Silas WiUard, physician; b. Beaufort, S.C., 1 Jan. 1891; s. Silas Mansfield Wallace, businessman, and Mariquita (Hayes) W.; ed. Grand view Normal Inst.; B.S., Earlham Coll., 1917; M.D., Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., 1921; m. Margaret Jolly of Ellyria, O., 31 Dec. 1923; children — Margaret Elaine, Silas Willard. Interne, Lakeside Hosp., Cleveland; fellow in surg., Cleveland Clinic, 2 yrs.; med. practice, Detroit, 1924- ; splty., internal med. and immu- nology; research in immunology; staff and dir., lab. of Charles Godwin Jen- nings Hosp., 1930- ; fellow A.C.P., A.M.A.; mem. Mich. State Med. Soc, Wayne Co. Med. Soc, Soc. of Mayflower Descs. in Mich. Clubs: Country of De- troit, University of Detroit. Interest: photography. Recreation: golf. Episco- palian. Republican. Office: 7815 East Jefferson, Detroit, Mich. Home: 553 Lincoln Rd., Grosse Pointe, Mich. WALLACE, Thomas Oliver, real estate broker; b. Oxford Co., Ont., Can., 8 Sept. 1875; s. Samuel Wallace, hotel owner, and Elizabeth (Kenney) W.; ed. pub. schs.; Univ. Valparaiso, Ind., 1898; m. Minnie I. MacDonald of Brookfield, Mich., 17 May 1899. Elected alderman of 23rd ward and 44th ward for 5 terms, 1915-17, 1917-19, 1919-21, 1921-23, 1923- 25; elected elk., Circuit Ct., 2 terms, 1924-32; mem. Chicago Real Estate Bd., apptd. Chicago Real Estate Expert for City of Chicago, May 1, 1907; mem. Ma- sons, (Shriner), Chicago Alumni Assn. of Valparaiso Univ. (pres.), Moose (life mem.), Elk. Clubs: 111. Athletic, Edge- water Golf, Crutch and Cast (founder). Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Repub- lican. Office: 846 W.. Armitage Av., Chicago, 111. Home: 643 Fullerton Park- way, Chicago, 111. Summer home: Twin Lake, Mich. WALTHER, John Theodore, teacher; b. Tawas, Mich., 25 Oct. 1886; s. J. G. Walther, minister and teacher, and L. M. (Hattstaedt) W.; ed. high sch., Sagi- naw, Mich.; B.S. in E.E., Univ. Mich., 1909; m. Emelia E. Wannemacher of Rochester, N. Y., 28 Nov. 1912; children —Ruth E., Mark F., David J. Sales engr., Westinghouse Elec and Mfg. Co., 1909-17; elec. engr., Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Firestone Steel Products Co., 1917-20; asst. prof, in elec engring., Univ. Akron, Akron, O., 1920-23, prof, and head dept., 1923- ; mem. A.I.E.E.; S.P.E.E.; registered prof. E.E. and mem. Akron Soc. Prof. Engrs. Interest: horti- culture. Lutheran. Office: Univ. of Ak- ron, Akron, O. Home: 384 Reed Av.. 1115 Akron, O. Summer home: R.D., 1, Mogadore, O. WARNER, Frank, physician and sur- geon; b. Chillicothe, O., 2 Aug. 1855; s. Lewis B. Warner, musician, and Cor- nelia Augusta (Forbes) W.; ed. Chilli- cothe sch., Ohio State Univ., 1876-77; M.D., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1883; M. Sc. (hon.) Dennison Univ., 1918; m. Carmen H. Hambleton of Columbus, O., 1931. Prof, operative and clin. surgery, Starling Med. Coll., 1889-1908; surgeon, Children's Hosp., 1890-1914, Grant Hosp., 1900-19, White Cross Hosp., 1894-, Pensylvania R.R., 1902- ; tr., Ohio State Bd. Health, Columbus Pub. Library; fellow, Am. Coll. Surgeons, mem. A.M.A., Ohio State Med. Inst., Columbus Acad. Med., Phi Chi. Club: Optimist (Col.). Author: med. arts. Travel; Eur., S. Am. Interests: ornith- ology, floriculture. Recreation: litera- ture. Methodist. Democrat. Office and home: 177 W. Hubbard Av., Columbus, O. Summer res.: Wahkeena, Sugar Grove, O. WARRICK, Louis Frederick, state sanitary engr.; b. Anderson, Ind., 29 June 1901; s. Theodore D. Warrick, glass mfr., and Alice (Gandy) W.; ed. Morgantown (W. Va.) High Sch.; B.S. in Chem. Engring., West Va. Univ., 1921; M.S., Cornell Univ., 1924; m. Mary Jane Sperling of Wilkinburg, Pa., 25 Mar. 1929; children — Mary Louise, Louis Frederick, Jr. Engr. on water purifica- tion, W. Va. Utilities Co., Wheeling Pub. Service Co., 1920-21; asst. in survey for sewerage improvements, City of Mor- gantown, 1921; grad. student and instr., dept. of chemistry, Cornell Univ., 1921- 24; asst. sanitary engr., W. Va. State Dept. of Health, 1924-25; asst. sanitary engr., Wis. State Bd. Health, 1925-27, state sanitary engr., 1927- ; served in R.O.T.C., 1917-20, commd. 2nd It., R.O.T.C., 1921; 1st It, 1926; mem. A.C.S. (file chmn., water, sewage, and san. div.), Fed. Sewerage Works Assn. (dir.), Central State Sewage Wks. Assn. (p. treas., v.p. pres.), Am. Pub. Health Assn., Cong. State Sanitary Engrs. (p. chmn.), Am. Water Wks. Assn. (Fuller Award, 1940), West Shore Water Prodn. Assn., Engring. Soc. of Wis., Great Lakes and Upper Miss. River Bds. of Pub. Health Engrs.; fellow. Am. Pub. Health Assn. Clubs: Madison Technical, Mozart, Theta Chi, Gamma Alpha. Au- thor: numerous pubis, on sanitary engring. Travel: U.S., W.I. Interests: wookworking, photography. Recreations: ice-boating, skating, fishing. Episcopal- ian. Office: State Office Bldg., Madison, Wis. Home: 1917 Regent St., Madison, Wis. WATERS, Rex H., atty. at law, pat- ent atty.; b. Washington, D.C., 17 July 1884; s. E. H. Waters, atty. at law, and Mary I. (Brooks) W.; ed. Central High Sch. (Phila.,.Pa.); Franklin Inst.; LL.B., Georgetown Univ. (Wash., D.C.), 1919, LL.M., 1920; m. Grace H. Goodfellow of Phila., Pa., 27 Nov. 1913; 1 dau.— Mary Mead. Mem. bar, Ohio, Md., D.C.; special duty, Navy Dept., Wash., D.C., Bur. of Ships, Naval Design, 1916-20; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Am. Patent Law Assn. Club: Executives (Akron), Episco- palian. Republican. Office: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, O. Home: 217 Casterton Av., Akron, O. Summer res.: Nantucket Island, Mass. WEIL, Harry Yates, investment brok- er; b. Cincinnati, O., 11 Nov. 1910; s. Harry Edward Weil, investment broker, and Mae (Yates) W.; ed. Irving Sch.; Hughes High Sch.; Culver Mil. Acad.; Univ. Cincinnati. Entered bond business with father's firm, Weil, Roth & Irving, 1930, sales mgr., N. Y. office, 1937, Cin- cinnati office, 1939; dir. Lennox Garage, Inc.; past dir., Junior Chamber of Com- merce; mem. Delta Sigma Pi, Firemen's Protective Assn., Security Traders Assn., Security Traders Assn., Y.M.C.A. Clubs: Cincinnati, Cuvier Press, Repub- lican, Saints and Sinners. Travel: great- er U.S. Desc. Max Weil, founder West- ern German Bank. Recreations: base- ball, gymn. Episcopalian. Republican. Office: Dixie Terminal Building, Cin- cinnati, O. Home: 3896 Reading Road, Cincinnati, O. WEILLER, Rene, consul gen. of France; b. Angoulene, Fr., 8 Mar. 1878; s. Albert Weiller, mfr., and Mathilde (Weiller) W.; ed. Univ. Paris; hon. lec- urer, Northwestern Univ.; Licencie-es- lettres (hon.); m. Marie Hunault of Montoire-sur-Loir, Fr., 26 Jan. 1920; children — Mrs. Edouard Nouveau, Mrs. Gaston Thenoz, Mrs. Max Kaltenmark, Chequier, Albert Rene. Consular career, 1903-, Genoa, Hamburg, Moscow, Oslo, Stuttgart, Phila., Chicago, 1 Dec. 1931-. Clubs: Union League, Tavern, Cliff Dwellers, Lake Shore. Catholic. Office: 919 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Home: Perth Av., Homewood, 111. WENGER, Christian N., assoc. prof. Eng.; to. Caledonia, Mich., 22 May 1886; s. Christian G. Wenger, minister, farm- 1116 er, and Lavinia (Nagle) W.; ed. Cale- donia High Sch.; Ferris Inst.; B.A., Univ. Mich., 1915, M.A., 1919, Ph.D., 1922; m. Susie E. Robinson of Vancou- ver, 28 June 1934. Teacher, rural schs., Mich.; teacher, Houghton High Sch., 1916-18; instr., Univ. Mich., 1919-25, asst. prof. English, 1925-33, assoc. prof., 1933- ; studies in literature, British Mu- seum, London, and State Library, Ber- lin, 1932; State libraries, Berlin and Leipzig, 1939; studies of contemporary theatre and drama, Fr. and Ger., 1939; served as gunner, Canadian Field Art., 1918-19; mem. Am. Assn. Univ. Prof., Modern Lan. Assn. of Am., Nat. Council Teachers of English, Am. Fed. Teachers, Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts, and Letters, Masons. Club: Ann Arbor Figure skating. Author: Devotions in Profile (verse); The Aesthetics of Robert Browning (dissertation) ; various papers in jours. Travel: Europe. Parents affil- iated with pioneer Mennonite congrega- tions in Mich. Interests : in Browning and his century, lit. portraiture, con- temporary writing. Recreations: travel, figure skating, writing. Office: Univer- sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 1319 Olivia Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. WERUM, Florence Ralston, writer, poet; b. Hamilton, Ontario, Can.; d. Joseph S. Ralston, atty., mfr., and Annie Schuyler (Marr) R.; ed. Columbus Sch. for Girls; Ohio State Univ.; Wells Coll.; m. Clarence M. Werum of Columbus, 31 Aug. 1918; 1 son — Joseph Ralston. Poems used on many radio stations; poems and monographs in prin. news- papers, poetry mags., anthologies of U.S. and Gt. Britain; former contbg. ed. Poetry World, N.Y., bd. mgrs., Han- nah Neil Mission; apptd. by Gov. Martin L. Davey as rep. Ohio Poetry Day, 1936; by Gov. John Bricker, rep. Ohio at World's Fair, N.Y., Poetry Day, 1939; fellow Royal Soc. Arts, Gt. Brit.; mem. Canadian Authors' Assn., Nat. League Am. Pen Women (p. pres. Ohio br.; hon. pres. Columbus br.), Ohio Poetry Soc, The Ohioana Lib. Com. (chmn. Poetry), College Alumnae Div., Sym- phony Club (hon. chmn.), Nat. Coral Gables League; Delta Delta Delta; Art Gallery Assn., Poetry Week Council, Nat. Woman's Country Club, Wash, (charter mem.). Club: Players (Colum- bus). Author: brochure, Sea Fancies, 1930; Women in Literature, 1936; The Troubadour, 1930; Neptunian Nights; History of Columbus Chapter D.A.R. Father, founder-pres. Ralston Steel Caj Co., Columbus, O.; brother, Joseph S. Ralston, asst. atty. gen., Ohio, 1934-38. Home: 886 East Broad St., Columbus, O. Summer res.: Park Hotel, Magnetic Springs, O. ZOLLER, Harper Filer, chem. engr; b. Sand Springs, la., 13 Apr. 1891; s. William H. Zoller, farmer, and Marcella Jane (Bort) Z.; ed. Lenox Acad.; Lenox Coll.; B.S., Univ. 111., 1911, Ph.D., 1915; m. Lavenia M. Richardson of Virginia, 1915; children— Harper Filer, Jr., Bar- bara Marcella, James William. Grad. sch. and mem. faculty, Univ. 111., 1911- 13; chair physical sci., Coll. Puget Sound, 1913-15; asst. prof, chem., Kan- sas State Agr. Coll., 1915-17; asso. res. organic chem., U.S. Dept. Agr., Wash- ington, D.C., 1917-20; dir. Nizer Labs., Arctic Ice Cream Co., Detroit, dir. prodn., 1920-29; cons, chem engr., 1929- ; pres. Home Chem. Inc., pres. Overon Chem., Summer, la., pres. Froid Lab., Inc., Grand Rapids, Mich., initl. contbn. to development of Nizer ice cream cabi- nets; successful introduction of dried glucose as an industrial. Developed and patented use of edible alkali caseinates in ice cream and other foods; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Assn. Advance- ment Science, Nat. Geog. Soc, Am. Dairy Science Assn., Detroit Chemists Assn., Am. Soc Bacteriol. Clubs: Clin- ton Valley Country, University, Detroit Socialer Turnverin. Author: sci. and techl. arts, on refrigeration, chem., biochem. and food problems. Travel: Alaska, U.S. Interests: astronomy, pho- tography. Recreations; Tennis, golf, fishing, hunting. Mason. Protestant. Address: 12105 Northlawn Av., Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: Deepwater Point, Bellaire, Mich. BROCKMAN, William Everett, bank- er; b. Louisa, Va., 18 May 1891; s. Wil- liam Joseph Brockman, farmer, r.r. constrn., and Mary Hannah (Estes) B.; ed. Bus. High Sch., Wash., D.C.; Geo. Washington Univ.; m. Marguerite Alice Terrett of St. Paul, 8 June 1918; 1 dau. — Susanna. Newspaper reporter; with Minn. Loan & Trust Co. of Min- neapolis, 1922; asst. sec, Northwest Bancorp., 1934; asst. v.p., Midland Nat. Bk. and Trust Co., Minneapolis, 1935, v.p., 1939, dir. Better Bus. Bur., Min- neapolis; served as pvt., sergt., sergt.- lst class, master electrician, aviation mechanician, 2nd It., air service, 1917- 1919, home and abroad; mem. Sigma 1117 Nu. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Minneapolis Athletic. Author: Hume- Kennedy and Brockman Families, Early American History (3 vols.); co-author: Advertising Investment Securities, Cus- tomer Relationships for Banks. Travel: U.S., Eur. Gs. of Geo. Hunter Terrett of Fairfax, Va., comdg. officer, Marine Corps, outbreak of Civil War, with Perry to open Japan; col., Confed. Army. Interest, research. Recreations: golf, bowling. Protestant. Democrat. Office: Second Av. at Fourth St., Min- neapolis, Minn. Home: 4504 Sunnyside Rd., Minneapolis, Minn. AICHER, Louis Cornelius, argono- mist; b. Meeker, Colo., 1887; s. Cor- nelius Aicher, stockman, and Lena (Estel) A.; ed. North Denver High Sch.; B.S. in Agr., Kan. State Coll.; m. Edith N. Davies, of Manhattan, Kan., 1911; children — Louis Carlyle, Frances, George Wilson. Supt. Caldwell, Idaho Expt. Sta- tion, 1910-1911; supt. Aberdeen, Idaho Expt. Sta., agronomist, Cereal Office, U.S. Dept. Agr., 1911-21; supt. Fort Hays Branch, Kan., Agrl. Expt. Station, Kan., 1921- ; mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, Am. Soc. Agronomy, Kan. Acad. Sci., Live- stock Assn. Clubs: Rotary, Chamber of Commerce. Author: arts, on crop prodn. and livestock feeding. Interest: photog- raphy. Recreations: travel to some part of U.S. Presbyterian. Office: Fort Hays Experiment Station, Hays, Kan. BARKER, Frances Julia, librarian; b. Ft. Atkinson, Wis., 3 Aug. 1867; d. Asa Dan Barker, farmer, and Mary (Taylor) B.; ed. Villisca High Sch.; Northwestern Coll., Shenandoah, la.; la. State Univ. for Lib. Training. Sch. teacher 1887-1901; librarian, Villisca Pub. Lib., 1909- ; mem. O.E.S., White Shrine, Barker Geneal. Soc. of Am. (v.p. State la.). Interests: genealogy, quilt making. Presbyterian. Republi- can. Office: 204 N. Third Av., Villisca, la. Home: 104 W. High St., Villisca, la. BARTON, Arthur Willis, teacher; b. Abilene, Kan., 8 June 1873; s. Thomas S. Barton, druggist, and Mary Ann (Tonkin) B.; ed. Abilene High Sch.; Acad. Univ. Wash.; Wesleyan Univ. (Conn.); Ph.C, A.B., Univ. Wash., 1902; Univ. Chicago; Ph.D., Northwestern Univ., 1918. Teacher sci., high schs., Seattle, Wash.; prof. chem. and geol., Univ. Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash.; prof, botany and Pharmacol., North- western Univ. Sch. Pharm.; instr. chem., Northwestern Med. Sch.; head dept. bior chem.. Univ. Wash.; head botany dept., State Coll., Hays, 1929-37; biol. dept., 1937- ; tr., sec, treas., Burns Candy Co., Seattle, Wash., 1922-24, Barton Motor Co., Seattle, Wash., 1925-30; dir. Bio- chem. Lab., Seattle, Wash., 1923-28; mem. Am. Chem. Soc. (1919-39), Am. Soc. Plant Psysiol., A.A.A.S., Am. Acad. Pol. and Social Sci., Kan. Acad. Sci., Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Delta Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta. Author: A Key to the Flora of Northwest Kansas. Travel: Can., U.S. Ancestors settled in Abilene, 1869. Interests: plant culture, diets, enzyme res., making cosmetics. Methodist. Republican. Office: Ft. Hays State Coll., Hays, Kan. Home: 808 Elm St., Hays, Kan. Summer res.: Seattle, Wash. BENJAMIN, Arthur E., surgeon; b. Hutchinson, Minn., 19 Dec. 1868; s. John Benjamin, physician, and Elizabeth (Garner) B.; ed. Hutchinson High Sch., 1887; M.D., Univ. Minn. Med. Coll., 1892; m. Blanche Grimshaw of Minnea- polis, Minn., 1 Jan. 1900; children — Ed- win G., Alice L., Harold G., Maude. Teacher, clin. gynecology, Univ. Minn., 30 yrs.; pres., Alumni Coll. of Med. and Surgery, 1 term, Hennepin Co. Med. Soc, 1 yr.; chief of staff, Northwestern Hosp., 1 yr.; res. work in surg. and gynecol.; surg. staff, St. Barnabas Hosp.; cons, gynecol. and obstet. staff, Gen. Hosp., asst.; prof., Univ. Minn. Med. Coll.; bd. Charities and Correction. Minn., 1911-15; capt., U.S. Base Hosp., 1917-18; fellow, Am. Coll. Surg., mem. Hennepin Co. Med. Soc, A.M.A., Minn. State Med. Assn., Western Surg. Assn., Minn. Acad. Med., So. Minn. Med Assn., A.K.K., Minn. Pathological Soc, Inter- state Post Grad. Assembly. Clubs: Mini- kahda, Minneapolis, Lafayette, Profl. Men's, Dinner, Six O'clock. Author: arts, on surgical problems in thyroid, gastrointestinal, pelvic diseases. Travel: U.S., Can., Eur., Cent. Am. Interests: lit., farming. Recreation: golf. Protes- tant. Republican. Office: 1727 Medical Arts Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 2222 Blaisdell Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Summer res.: Areola, Lake Minnetonka, Minn. BLAIR, James T., Jr., lawyer; b. Maysville, Mo., 15 Mar. 1902; s. James T. Blair and Grace Emma (Ray) B.; ed. Jefferson City High Sch.; Staunton Mil. Acad., Staunton, Va.; S.W. State Teachers Coll., Springfield, Mo.; Mo. Univ., Columbia, Mo.; LL.B., Cumber- land Univ., Lebanon, Tenn., 1924; m. Emilie G. Chorn of Kansas City, Mo., 1118 17 July 1926; children — James Thomas III, Mary Margaret. Gen. practice of law, 1924; city atty., 1925-27; elected, Ho. of Rep., 1929-32, youngest majority leader in hist, of state, 1931; gen. prac- tice, all state, federal cts. and comm.; rep., banks, railroads, trucks and buses, ins. cos., assorted gen. clients; dir. Ben- der Transport Co.; pres., Jefferson City bd. of edn.; chemn., Dem. City Com., Dem. Co. Com., 1938-41; del., Nat. Conv., Phila., 1936; chmn., Co. Com., Senatorial Com., 14th Judicial Com., 2nd Congl. Com., 1940- ; mem. Mo. (youngest pres.), Cole Co. Judicial Circuit, Am. Bar Assn., Masons, (Shrine), Command- ing Grotto, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu Phi, Young Democrats, Internat. Assn. of Ins. Council (v.p.), Am. Judicature Soc, Civic Mus. Assn. Club: Jefferson City Country. Travel: U.S. Father, mem. Ho. of Rep., 1899-1901, asst., atty. gen., 1908-11, judge Supreme Ct., 1910-14; mem. Supreme Ct., 1916-24; asst. U.S. atty., 1934-39, Circuit Judge, 1th Jud. Circuit, 1939-. Interests: progressive ed., athletics in pub. schs. Recreations: hunting dogs, shooting, golf. Presby- terian. Democrat. Office: Bacon Bldg., Jefferson City, Mo. Home: 911 Fair- mount Blvd., Jefferson City, Mo. BUCHOLTZ, Alexander F., chemist; b. Riga, Russia, 23 Oct. 1900; s. Feodor Bucholtz, university prof., and Alexeoff (Batunoff) B.; ed. Riga Gymnasium, Russia; Dorpat Univ., Estonia; Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.; B.S., Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1926, M.S., 1929, Ph.D., 1931; unmarried. Specialized in plant physiol., instr. in botany, * Washington Univ., 1927-31; biologist, Fouke Fur Co., St. Louis, 1932-35; chief chemist, Hyde Park Breweries Assn., 1936- ; mem. Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma. Clubs: Cor- nell of St. Louis, Russian. Author: The Effect of Monochromatic Ultraviolet Light on Plant Cells (monograph). Travel: Europe, Asia. Interested in ballet, music. Russian Orthodox Christ- ian. Office: Hyde Park Breweries Assn., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 4919 McPherson Av., St. Louis, Mo. CHANCE, Albert Bishop, manufac- turer; b. Centralia, Mo., 26 May 1873; s. John A. Chance and Adaline (Sexton) C; ed. Centralia, Mo.; m. Frances I. Gano of Kansas City, Mo.; children — Buford, Francis Gano. Telephone design and engr., 1891- ; mfr., tel. line constr. equipment, 30 yrs.; chmn. bd., A. B. Chance Co.; p. mayor, Centralia; mem. Masons, (32°, Scottish Rite, Shrine), K. of P., K.T., Odd Fellow. Clubs: Rotary, Country. Inventor: elec. hotel equip., auto signaling tel. system, distributing bds., lightning arrestors for elec. equip., Guy Earth Anchors, Never Creep. Travel: around world. Interest: creating pleasant surroundings for workmen. Christian Church. Democrat. Office: care A. B. Chance Co., Centralia, Mo. CRANMER, Richard Raymond, sur- geon; b. Beardsley, Minn., 14 Feb. 1887; s. George C. Cranmer, druggist, and Frances (Kelsey) C; ed. Ortonville, Minn. High Sch., 1905; Minneapolis Coll. Phys. and Surgeons, 1905-08; M.D., Jef- ferson Md. Coll., 1909; m. Mildred Wheeler of Fargo, 20 Dec. 1921; chil- dren—John Wheeler Cranmer, Mary Patricia. Asst. to Dr. R. R. Rome, sur- geon, of Minneapolis, 1909-13, Vienna, 1913-14; practicing phys. and surgeon, 1914-17, surgeon, 1919; It., U.S.A., 1917- 19; officer Acad, of Univ. Arts., medal for meritorious service in Fr.; mem. Hennepin Co. Med. Soc, Minn. State Med. Soc, A.M.A., A.C.S., Minn. Surgi- cal Soc, Mason (32°, Scottish Rite), Zuhrah Temple of the Shrine; cons, surg., Minneapolis Gen. Hosp.; clin. instr., Univ. Minn. Med. Sch. Clubs: Minneapolis Athletic, Minneapolis Auto- mobile, Interlachen Golf. Author: nu- merous papers on surgery for state and nat. surg. jours. Recreations: golf, travel, fishing. Episcopalian. Republi- can. Office: 1433 Medical Arts Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 4627 Drexel Av., Minneapolis, Minn. CRELLIN, Lillian N., welfare worker; b. Marshall Co., la.; d. John D. Sartorius and Charity Anne (Hollingsworth) C; ed. Marshalltown High Sch.; m. John Caeser Crellin, May 1902; mem. Del- phian Soc. (p. pres.), Co. Soc Social Agencies, Shakespeare Soc, Community Concert Assn., Community Theatre, City Fedn. of Clubs, State Fedn. Worn- ens Clubs. Clubs: Woman's (p. pres.). Author: many poems. Travel: Can., U.S. Father served 4 yrs. in Civil War. In- terests: writing, scrap-books. Recrea- tions: walking, flora culture. Christian. Democrat. Office: Marshall Co. Court House, Marshalltown, la. Home: 710 Fremont, Marshalltown, la. DAILY, Alphabelle, writer; b. Kirks- ville, Mo., 3 Feb. 1872; d. John H. Leech, farmer, and Emma M. (Burt) L.; ed. Gem City Coll.; Kirksville Coll.; m. •Tames H. Edmonson of Kirksville, Mo., 1119 Aug. 1892; 1 dau. — Lola May; m. (2nd), John F. Daily. Stenog., writer; mem., Rebekah Lodge. Club: Sojourners. Au- thor: Novel Readings for Children; The Juvenile Recitation Book; 100 Recita- tions for the Grades; Madonna Lilies; Why the Cop Changed His Mind; Mickey's Banty; Pot of Gold; White Carnations; story in Story Mag., 1940; hundreds of readings, monologues and books of juvenile poems, sold to dra- matic cos., also 34 stories in mags., poems in mags, and six anthologies. Interests: pub. reading, expression work. Recreation: movies. Methodist. Republican. Home: 307 East McPher- son St., Kirksville, Mo. *TAYLOR, Britton Payne, clergyman; b. Reform, Mo., 1 June 1871; s. Robert H. Taylor, farmer, mechanic, and Mary E. (Payne) T.; ed. pub. schs. of Mo.; B.S.D., State Teachers Coll., Kirksville, Mo.; A.B., Central Coll., 1902, D.D. (hon.) 1914; Univ. Mo.; m. Carrie E. Turner of Sturgeon, June 1902; children — Mrs. Iris T. Parvin, Mrs. Mary T. Beers, Brittin M., William R., George E. Teacher, pub. schs. of Mo., 1889-99; asst. cashier, Bank of Portland, Mo., 1890-93; ordained minister M.E. Ch., Soc, 1906; held pastorates in Richmond, Mo., St. Joseph, Kansas City, Baton Rouge, La.; presiding elder, St. Louis, Mo.; pastor, First Meth. Ch., Charles- ton, W. Va., 1920-25, 29-34; pastor, Johnson Meth. Ch., Huntington, W. Va., 1934-40; dist. supt., Kan. City Meth. Ch., Country Club Dist, 1940- ; mem. Gen. Conf., Meth. Episc. Ch., 1914-38 (mem. of com. to prepare Discipline of Meth. Ch., 1938-39), Uniting Conf. (del. 1939), Kan. City, Mo.; church visitor to soldiers in camp during World War I. Clubs: Lions, Kiwanis. Airthor: rel. arts, for mags, and papers. Travel: Europe. Interest: golf. Recreation: fish- ing. Methodist. Democrat. Office: Chat- ham Hotel, 37th St. and Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. LONG, Jennings Harold, teacher; b. Wellsville, Mo., 24 June 1898; s. John H. Long, farmer, and Louisa Herndon (Barker) L.; ed. Wellsville, (Mo.), High Sch.; B.S., Univ. Mo., 1925, A.M., 1930, Ph.D., 1936; m. Oria Fipps of Wells- ville, 29 Dec. 1927. Teacher, high schs., Mo.; instr. agr., Univ. Mo., 1930-36; instr. biol. scis., Christian Coll., part time, 1930-36, full time, 1936-41; Teach- er, Cent. Mo. -State Teacher's Coll., Warrensburg, Mo., 1940-41; hon. fellow, Scripps Inst. Oceanography, Univ. Calif. ; La Jolla, Calif.; res., Chesapeake Biol. Lab.; mem. Sigma Xi, Gamma Sigma Delta. Author: Seasonal Changes in Nitrogen and Carbohydrate Content of the Strawberry in Mo.; Studies in Iso- lation of Bacteria Free Phytoplankton. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Interests: land- scaping, gardens, algae. Recreations: swimming, photog. Methodist. Demo- cat. Office: Christian College, Columbia, Mo. Home: 1305 Bass Av., Columbia, Mo. MIKESELL, W. H., prof., dept. head, bur. dir.; b. Md.; s. W. A. Mikesell and Lucinda (Harner) M.; ed. high sch. and acad.; A.B., Western Md., 1909; B.D., Westminster Theol. Sem. 1912; M.A., Harvard Univ., 1914; Ph.D., 111. Univ., 1926; m. Patricia Rand of Chicago, 1923; children— Billie, Ritchie. Taught pub. speaking, Univ. Tex., Univ. Ky., Univ. Mo., Univ. 111., 1916-26; dean, Coll. Lib. Arts, Univ. Wichita, 1926-29, head, psychology dept., dir. personnel bur., 1926- ; mem. Am. Psychol. Assn., Midwest Psychol. Assn., A.A.U.P.; ednl. dir., Y.M.C.A. serving in U.S. and Fr., 1 yr. during World War I. Author: chief editor of a ten volume set, Psy- chology and Life; college text, Mental Hygiene, How to Study. Protestant. Independent. Office: Wichita Univer- sity, Wichita, Kan. Home: 1525 N. Vassar, Wichita, Kan. RUSSELL, Leona Marie, attorney; b. Cleveland, O., 22 Mar. 1893; d. Dr. Wil- liam J. Esch and Frank Belle (Black) E.; ed. East High Sch., Cleveland, O.; LL.B., Baldwin Wallace Univ., 1923; m. Price Russell of Creston, O., 2 July 1937. Dir., Cleveland Assn. for Criminal Justice (only woman dir. of crime commn. in U.S.), 1927-1936; in U.S. War Dept., 18 mos. during World War. Author: arts, on criminology. Interests: photog., Americana. Catholic. Demo- crat. Home: Grand Forest Beach, Huron, Erie County, Ohio. THACHER, George I., physician; b. Hornell, N.Y., 17 Apr. 1877; s. Safford M. Thacher, publisher, and Sarah Louise (Langworthy) T.; M.D., Kan. Univ., 1902; m. Lucy Knowles of Topeka, 10 June 1903; children — Mrs. Rebecca Thacher Alexander, Philip L., Luin K. Country doctor, 38 yrs.; pres. State Bd. Health, 3 yrs., mem. 16 yrs.; served in U.S.A., Fr., 2 yrs., during World War I, as maj., now It. col., Med. Res.; mem. Marshall Co. Med. Soc, Kan. Med. Assn., A.M.A. Father, Safford M. 1120 Thacher, pub. the Lawrence Jour, at time of Quantrell's Raid, and was one of the men Quantrell wanted. Interest: cocker spaniels. Recreations: golf, fish- ing. Lutheran. Republican. Office and home: Waterville, Kan. McBROOM, David Edward, physician; b. Akron, O., 31 Dec. 1883; s. Charles McBroom, merchant, and Emma (Fish- er) M.; ed. Bryan, (O.) High Sch., M.D., Ohio Med. Univ., Columbus, 1907; m. Medora Alice McRoberts of Toledo, la., 26 Aug. 1908; 1 dau.— Helen. Interne, City Hosp., Springfield, O.; jr. phys., Minn. Sch. for Feeble Minded, Faribault, 1907-12, sr. phys., 1923-28; in pvt. prac- tice, Adams, 1912-18, Waterloo, la., 1918-23; supt., Minn. Colony for Epilep- tics, Cambridge, 1928- ; mem. E. Cent. Minn. Med. Soc. (pres.), Minn. State Med. Assn., Minn. Soc. Neurology and Psychiatry (p. pres.), Minn. Hosp. Assn., Am. Bd. Neurol, and Psychiatry (diplomat), Internat. League Against Epilepsy, Masons (Blue Lodge, chap., Council, K.T., Scottish Rite, Shrine); fellow Am. Psychiatric Assn., A.M.A., Am. Assn. Mental Deficiency. Club: local commercial. Author: Petit Mai Epilepsy in Identical Twins. Interest: local history. Recreation: fishing. Episcopalian. Office and home: Cam- bridge, Minn. TRELOAR, Alan Edward, prof, bio- statistics; b. Melbourne, Australia, 27 Sept. 1902; s. William Tremayne Tre- loar, mcht., dir., and Annie E. O. (Mc- Bean) T.; ed. Boys' High Sch., No. Sydney, New So. Wales, Australia; B.S., Agr. (honors), Univ. Sydney, 1926; M.S., Univ. Minn., 1929, Ph.D., 1930; m. Mary Innes of Minneapolis, 10 Aug. 1929; children — Anne Marie, Alayne Gail. Belmore scholar, Univ. Sydney, 1923 (geol. chem.), demonstra- tor in geology. 1924-25; Farrer Me- morial Scholarship awarded in Austra- lia, 1926, to study cereal chem. at Univ. Minn.; Internat. Ed. Bd. fellow, 1927- 29; instr. in biometry, Univ. Minn., 1929- 30, asst. prof, in charge, 1930; div. transferred to Med. Sch. in Dept. Pre- ventive Med. and Pub. Health, 1937-, assoc. prof. 1939; past mem., com. on Methods of Analyses of Am. Assn. Cereal Chem.; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Pub. Health Assn., Am. Statis. Assn., Inst. Math. Statistics, Sigma Xi (sec. treas., Minn, chap., 1940-42), Gamma Alpha, Gamma Sigma, Delta. Author: Ele- ments of Statistical Reasoning; Outlines of Biometric Analysis; arts, in sci. journals. Travel: Australia, Can., U.S. Interests: photography, gardening. Rec- reations: tennis, swimming. Protestant. Office: Univ. of Minnesota Med. School, Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 2456 Beverly Rd., St. Paul, Minn. JENKINS, William Sylvanus, pres., 1st vice pres.; b. Hennepin Co., 24 June 1860; s. Sylvanus Jenkins, farmer, and Eunice Kelly (Whitney) J.; ed. Farm- ington High Sch., 1878; Curtis Business Coll., 1879; m. Lillian G. Smith of Min- neapolis, 17 Sept. 1887; children — Louise Lillian, William Smith, Began as rod- man, later levelman, Civil Engr. Corps, N.P. R.R., Mont., 1882-83; abstract clerk, Minneapolis, Hennepin Co. ab- stract firms, 1884-98; sold business to Minn. Title Ins. & Trust Co., 1901, with co. as supt. abstract div., exec, sec, mgr., title and abstract depts.; co-organ- izer, Real Estate Title Ins. Co., Real Estate Abstract Co., 1907, sec. -mgr. until 1929 when name was changed to Title Ins. Co. of Minn., now pres., dir.; 1st v.p., dir., Minneapolis Savings & Loan Assn.; dir. P. M. Endsley Ins. Agency; mem. Minn. Hist. Soc, Min- neapolis Art Inst., Minneapolis Real Estate Bd., Civic and Commerce Assn. Clubs: Minneapolis, Lafayette. Father, Sylvanus Jenkins, largest farmholder in Minn, about 1860, owned and operated 1st steam threshing machine in Minn. Recreations: golf, bowling, motoring. Congregational (mem. Plymouth Ch.). Republican. Office: 125 S. 5th St., Min- neapolis, Minn. Home: 1801 Mt. Curve Av., Minneapolis, Minn. SWANSON, Roy Edwin, obstetrician and gynecologist; b. St. Thomas, N.D., 19 Sept. 1890; s. S.L. Swanson, mer- chant, and Martha (Fink) S.; ed. Fos- ston (Minn.) High Sch., Univ. N.D., 1909-11; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1915, M.D., 1916, Ph.D., 1926; m. Kathrine Jacobson of Alexandria, Dec. 1922; children — Roy E. Jr., Eleanor. Asst. prof., obstet. and gynecol., Univ. Minn., 1927- ; firm mem.. Lavoke & Swanson; chief of staff, Ab- bott Hosp.; co. coroner, Douglas Co., Minn., 1920; served as maj., M.C., U.S.A., 1917-19; mem. A.M.A., Am. Bd. Obstet. and Gyn., Am. Cancer Soc, Hennepin Co. Med. Soc, Minneapolis Acad. Med., Minn. Acad. Med., Minn. Obstet. Soc, Phi Beta Pi, Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Omega Alpha, Am. Legion. Clues: Minikahda, Minneapolis, Auto. Author: med. papers. Travel: 1121 Eng., Fr., Can., Guatemala, Bermuda, Mex. Interests: photography, philately. Recreations: boating, hunting, fishing, cruising, travel. Protestant. Republican. Office: 719 Med. Arts Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 2201 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis, Minn. Summer res.: Cruis- er, Swanee, Mississippi River. VOLLMAR, Joseph Edward, construc- tor; b. Antonio, Mo., 20 April 1891; s. Fred C. Vollmar, agriculturist, and Mary (Yerger) V.; ed. McKinley High Sch., St. Louis; B.S. in C.E., Washing- ton Univ.; m. Rhea V. Lewis of St. Louis, 2 Oct. 1915; children — Lewis C, Joseph E. Engr., Fruin-Colnon Con- tracting Co., 1913, pres., 1940; pres. Fruco Constr. Co.; dir., Gen. Installation Co., Boy Scouts, St. Louis, Coun., Tower Grove Savings & Loan Assn., Group Hosp., Inc.; bd. of trs., Burroughs Sch., Fruin-Colnon Home for Aged; executor, Katharene Fruin Colnon Estate; served as gen. supt., constr. shell plant, St. Louis, 1918; mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Asso. Engring. Soc. of St. Louis (p. pres.), K.T. Clubs: Bellerive Country, Racquet, Mo. Athletic (p. pres.), Engrs. of St. Louis (p. pres.). Interests: Boy Scouts, prep. schs. Recreations: golf, hunting, bridge, yachting. Methodist. Democra- tic Republican. Office: 502 Merchants, Laclede Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 6138 Simpson Av., St. Louis, Mo. Sum- mer res.: Yacht Josie, Alton Lake, Mo. SHEPARD, George Milson, chief engr.; b. Ellington Twp., Dodge Co., 18 July 1888; s. William Milson Shepard, grain dealer, and Lucy Mehi table (Het- tie) (Thrall) S.; ed. Kenyon High Sch.; Shattuck Sch. (Faribault); C.E., Univ. Minn., 1909; m. Esther Almeda Ruther- ford of Rochester, N.Y., 17 June 1914; children — George Rutherford, William Milson, Robert Castleman, Elizabeth, Richard. Engaged in eng. work, CM. St.P. & P. Ry., Chicago, 111., Great Northern Ry., Mont., U.S. War Dept., St. Paul; city engr., Jamestown, N.D., 1912; prin. asst. engr. to cons, engrs., Internat. Joint Coramn,, Lake of Woods Levels, 1913-17; cons, municipal engr., St. Paul, 1919-21; chief engr., Northern States Contracting Co., 1928-31, Dept. Pub. Works, St. Paul, 1922-27, 1932- ; mem. Metropolitan Drainage Commn, St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1927-30, 1932- 33; mem. Minn. State Bd. of Registra- tion for Architects, Engrs. and Land Surveyors; capt. Engrs., U.S.A., May 1917-Jan. 1919, on duty with 3rd U.S. Engr. Regt., Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, and 606th Engrs., Camp Humphreys, Va.; now maj. Engr. Res.; mem. Am. Road Builders Assn. (chmn. traffic com., municipal div.), St. Paul Soc. Engrs., A.S.C.E., Am. Pub. Works Assn., Am. Water Works Assn., Am. Legion, Minn. Assn. Profl. Engrs., Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Grey Friars. Club: St. Paul Athletic. Author: short arts, on municipal engring. Father, William Mil- son Shepard, helped organize, 1895, and managed for many yrs. at Kenyon, one of 1st successful farmers co-op. grain elevators in northwest. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Episcopalian. Office: 234 City Hall, St. Paul, Minn. Home: 873 Goodrich Av., St. Paul, Minn. LINVILLE, Guy Pittman, lawyer; b. Mills Co., 28 Mar. 1876; s. Z.F. Linville, merchant, and Sarah E. (Davis) L.; ed. Carson High Sch.; Drake Univ., Des Moines; A.B., Univ. la., 1899, LL.B., 1904; m. Mollie R. Zila of Cedar Rapids, 30 Oct. 1922; 1 son— Guy. County atty., Linn Co., 6 yrs.; asst. atty. gen., la., 3 yrs.; U.S. atty., Northern Dist. la., 2 terms; mem. Nat., la. State and Linn Co. Bar Assns., Phi Delta Phi, Free Masons, Shrine (life), Scottish Rite, Odd Fellows, K.P., Eastern Star, Moose. Clubs: Cedar Rapids Country, Elks. Travel: Mex., Can. Recreation: travel. Disciple of Christ. Republican. Office: 515 Merchants Bank Bldg., Cedar Rapids, la. Home: 2451 Fifth Av., Cedar Rapids, la. SIMONS, Edwin J., physician; b. St. Paul, Minn., 23 June 1896; s. H. A. Simons, lawyer, and Mary Elizabeth (Gottwald) S.; ed. Bemidji (Minn.) High Sch.; U.S. Naval Acad. R.O.T.C.; Univ. N. Dak.; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1922, M.B., 1923, M.D., 1924; m. Hazel I. Cayott of Stewart, Minn.; 1 son — Jack Garrett Scott. Sr. physician, Minn. State San., 1935-36, visiting cons, in med., 1936-41; staff mem., Lymanhurst Health Center, Minn., 1936-41, St. Gab- riels Hosp., Little Falls, 1928-41, pres staff, 1937; mem. Minn. State San. Conf. 1926-41, dir., 1933-35,, adv. com. on state T.B. program, 1931-35; tr., Univ Minn. Med. Foundation, 1940-44; med examr., U.S. Vets. Facility; mem. Swan- ville Village Council, 1929-35; pres Village Council, 1938-42; State Med Adv. Com., Minn. Dept. Socl. Sec, 1939- 42, Minn. Med. Adv. Bd., 1940-41, certi- fying com., pub. health nurses, 1937-41 served as 2nd class seaman, quarter- master, and ensign (T.) U.S.N., 1917-19, ensign U.S.N. Res. Corps, 1919-24, 1st 1122 It., U.S. Army Med. Res. Corps, 1924-30; fellow A.C.P., A.M.A.; mem. Nat. T.B. Assn., Assn. for Study of Internal Se- cretions., 1937-39, Minn. Pub. Health Assn. (dir. 1939-42), Minn. State Med. Assn. (coun. 1935-42), Upper Miss. Med. Soc. (pres. 1935), Minn, Trudeau Med. Soc, Phi Rho Sigma, Alpha Omega Alpha, Masons, Odd Fellows, Am. Leg- ion, Disabled Am. Vets. Clubs: Morrison Co. Med., Todd Co. Med. Author: tech. arts, on med. matters. Travel: Cuba, Br. W. Indies, Fr., Turkey. Desc. of first dist. judge in Ramsay Co. and of early physician of state. Interests: med. lit., economics. Protestant. Republican. Address: Swanville, Minn. WALL, Edward Everett, civil engr.; b. Cambridge, Mo., 15 Aug. 1860; s. John Wall, sheriff, mcht., farmer, and Mary Brown (Gault) W.; C.E., Mo. State Univ., Columbia, 1884; LL.D., (hon.) 1934; m. Jessie Towne of St. Louis, 1901. Recorder, Miss. River Commn., Sept. 1884-May 1885; engr. on r.r. surveys and constrn. in Mo., Kan., Neb., 1885-87; asst. engr., St. Louis Water Dept., 1888-89; U.S. asst. engr. on secondary triangulation of Upper Mo. River, Ft. Benton to Bismark, 1889- 90; pvt. practice in engring. and con- tracting bus.; 1890-92; asst. engr., St. Louis Water Dept., 1892-95; first asst. engr., 1895-1903; prin. asst. engr., 1903- 06; asst. Water Commr, 1906-11, Water Commr., 1911-25; cons, engr., St. Louis, 1927-32; dir. Pub. Utilities, City of St. Louis; mem. Am. Soc. C.E., (dir. 1918- 20, v.p. 1921-22, made hon. mem. 1938) (only engr. in St. Louis ever so hon- ored) ; mem. Am. Water Works Assn. (tr. 1921-23) ; Council on Standardiza- tion, 1924-25, made hon. mem. 1936; Am. Pub. Health Assn., 1915-26; St. Louis Acad. Sci.; St. Louis Inst. Cons. Engrs., (pres. 1928). Repub. Office: 311 City Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Home: 5361 Pershing Av. St. Louis, Mo. SHOOF, Charles Franklin, prof, steam engring.; b. Bainbridge, Pa., 24 May 1878; s. David Stroh Shoop, minister, and Elnora (Chambers) S.; ed. Me- chanicsburg, Pa., High Sch.; Harrisburg Acad. (Pa.); B.S. in Mech. Eng., Pa. State Coll., 1905, B.S. in pure math., 1901; m. Clara C. Bockus of Minne- apolis, 1908. Special tutor, asst. in math., 1901-03; instr. physics, Pa. State Coll., 1903-05; instr. mech. engring., Univ. Minn., 1905- ; mem. A.S.M.E., Registered Engrs. State Minn., Minn. Profl. Engrs. Assn., Hennepin Co. Profl. Engrs. Assn., S.P.E.E., Sigma Psi, Pi Tau Sigma. Club: Minneapolis Engrs. Author: Mechanical Engineering Labo- ratory practice. Interests: magic, gar- dening, cabinet making. Recreations: motoring, outdoor sports. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 811 Fulton St., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. Summer res.: Tonka Bay. WALLE, Michael Paul Joseph, re- search engr.; b. Herstal, Liege, Belgium, 5 Sept. 1891; s. Dr. Michel Jean Joseph Walle, physician, and Marie Catherine (Henrard) W.; ed. Middle Sch., Liege, Belgium; prep. sch. Henri Postula, Liege, Belgium; Mining Sch. and Elec- tro-Tech. Sch. of Liege Univ., 1913 and 1919; m. Josephine Lewkiewicz of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 22 Oct. 1926; chil- dren — Adeline J. (adopted), Michael G., Pauline-Ann. Engr., underground coal mine, Belgium, 1913-17; research engr., chief of service, sugar mills, Belgium, Italy, Rumania, 1919-22; testing engr., Internat. Rheolaveur Co., Liege, Bel- gium, Eng., Wales, Saar, the Ruhr, U.S., 1922-25; rep. Mr. Ant., France, inventor of Rheolaveur Process of coal cleaning, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1925-26; research engr., Am. Rheolaveur Corp., Wilkes- Barre, Pa., 1926-28, research engr., Koppers Rheolaveur Co., 1928-31; Minn, sales rep., 1929-31; research engr., Meri- den Iron Co., Hibbing, Minn., 1931-33; research engr., Corrigan-McKinney Steel Co., Hibbing, 1934-35; Republic Steel Corp., 1935-36; research engr., Dept. of Conservation, Div. Lands and Minerals, 1936-38; chief research engr., 1938- ; exptl. work on coal in many states, zinc and lead in Okla. Office: Div. Lands and Minerals, Dept. of Conser- vation, State Mine Office, North Hib- bing, Minn. Home: 3230 Second Av., West Hibbing, Minn. SHERIDAN, Bernard Long, lawyer; b. Paola, Kan., 6 May 1887; s. John C. Sheridan, lawyer, and Caroline (Long) S.; ed. N.M. Military Inst.; Paola High Sch.; A.B., Kansas Univ., 1908; LL.B., Yale Univ., 1910; m. Mary F. Darling- ton, 6 May 1916 (dec. Aug. 1916); m. (2nd) Anna E. Powers of Paola, 27 Dec. 1919; children — Francis Michael, Kathleen, Bernard. Engaged in pvt. practice of law, Paola, 1910- ; apptd. counsel for Reconstrn. Finance Corp., Wash., D.C., 1933-34; enlisted at Kan. City in Naval Reserve, served as yeo- man, 3rd class, chief storekeeper, and in Pay Officers' Sch., Pelham Bay Park, 1123 N.Y.; mem. Bar Assn. State of Kansas (mem. exec, council, 1933-, pres. elect); del. to Dem. Nat. Conv., 1940; mem. Am. Legion (40 and 8), Miami Co. Bar Assn., K.C., Phi Kappa Psi, Yale and Kan. Alumni Assns., Young Men's Democratic Assn. Clubs: University, Paola Country. Travel: U.S., Canada, Mex. Ancestors came to Kan., 1857; gt. g.f. killed in border warfare near Trad- ing Post, Kan., 1864; g.f., A. W. Long, capt., Kansas Regt. during Civil War. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Office: Whitaker Bldg., Paola, Kan. Home: 310 South Pearl, Paola, Kan. WALTERS, Orville S., coll. pres.; b. Enid, Okla., 17 July 1903; s. Frank S. Walters, mechanic, and Marjory (Hynd) W.; ed. Enid (Okla.) High Sch.; A.B., Univ. Kan., 1927, A.M., 1932, Ph.D., 1934; M.D., St. Louis Univ., 1939; m. Geneva Faley of Manhattan, Kan., 1930; children — Stanley, Richard. Teacher, Central Coll., 1928, Enid (Okla.) High Sch., 1929; mgr., Garber (Okla.) Tools Co., 1930; instr., physiology, Univ. Kan., 1930-34, St. Louis Univ. Sch. of Med., 1934-39; mem. Soc. for Exptl. Biology and Medicine, Am. Physiol. Soc, Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha, Chamber of Commerce, Kan. Med. Soc. (hon.). Au- thor: Workbook for Human Physiology, 1936; Christian Education in the Local Church, 1939. Interests: stamps, pho- tography. Protestant (ordained minis- ter, dir. of leadership edn., Free Meth. Ch. of N. Am.). Republican. Office: 1200 South Main St., McPherson, Kan. Home: 922 South Maple St., McPherson, Kan. WILSON, Leonard Seltzer, geogra- pher; b. Detroit, Mich., 10 July 1909; s. Clyde E. Wilson, prof., mech. engr.. and Esther S. (Seltzer) W.; ed. Univ. Mich. High Sch.; A.B., Univ. Mich., 1932, M.S., 1933, Ph.D., 1936; m. Eileen Woodbury of Evanston, 111., 15 June 1932. Asst. in geog., Univ. Mich., 1932- 34, fellow, 1934-35, teaching fellow, 1934-36; instr., Univ. Mich. Field Sta- tion, Mill Springs, Ky. and Orono, Me., 1933-36 (summers), Carleton Coll., 1936- ; jr. soil conservationist, Soil Con- servation Serv., U.S. Dept. Agr., 1937; mem., Am. Geog. Soc, Am. Soc Photo- grammetrists, Am. Acad. Pol. Sci., A.A.A.S., Minn. Acad. Sci., Sigma Xi, Chi Gamma Phi, Theta Chi, S.A.R. Au- thor: Eben: A Finnish Community in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan; Func- tional Areas of Detroit, 1890-1933; The Howell Umland (Livingston County, Mich.); Settlement Forms of the North- west Cumberland Plateau, Faribault, Minnesota; Settlement Patterns of the Inner Bluegrass of Kentucky; also arts, for geog. review. Interest: pho- tography. Methodist Episcopal. Rebpu- lican. Office: Carleton College, North- field, Minn. Home: 210 Winona, North- field, Minn. Summer res.: 522 Linden St., Ann Arbor, Mich. LICK, Karl William, superintendent; b. Tiffin, O., 3 July 1882; s. William Henry Lick, packer, and Sarah (Die- mer) L.; ed. Kenton (O.) High Sch., 1900; C.E., Rose Poly., Terre Haute, Ind., 1904; m. Estelle Van Arsdale of Kenton, O., 17 June 1903; m. (2nd) Nellie Schindel of Hagerstown, Md., 24 May 1915; 1 dau. — Maxine V.L. Jr. engr., U.P.R.R., 1904-06, concrete pro- motion, 1906-10; U.S. engring. Dept., 1910-14; gen. contracting, 1914-25, ready mixed concrete devel., 1925-27, produc- tion, 1927- ; gen. supt., asst. sec, Gen. Material Co., St. Louis, Mo.; mem. Elks. Club: Engrs. Recreations: hunt- ing, fishing. Protestant. Office: 4101 Park Av., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 5953 Kingsbury, Av., St. Louis, Mo. YOUNG, Dorothy O. (Mrs. Jack J. Sophir), artist, sculptor, painter; b. St. Louis, 22 June 1903; d. O. S. Young; ed. Soldan High Sch. (St. Louis); Wash. Univ., St. Louis, St. Louis Sch. Fine Arts; received scholarship to Art Stud- ents League (New York, N.Y.), 1925- 26; m. Jack Jay Sophir of Univ. City, 6 Apr. 1930; children — Jack Jay, Jr., Patti-Lynn. Exhibited art work in gal- leries, City Art Museum, stores and pub. bldgs., St. Louis, Webster Groves, Kan. City, New York, N.Y.; lecturer and demonstrator in clubs and schs., St. Louis; teacher art, pub. high schs., St. Louis; instr. arts and crafts classes for children and adults, Y.W.C.A.; dir., art instr. at summer playground; teach- er arts and crafts, Camp Swatonah, N.Y.; pvt. art classes in own studio; has made portraits, statues, plaques, paint- ings, etc. for many prominent people in La., Pa., N.Y., Boston, Mass., St. Louis; mem. St. Louis Artists Guild (received Frederic Oakes Sylvester Prize for Sculpture, 1925), St. Louis Art League (2 hon. mentions for sculp- ture, 1931, 1932), Independent Artists of St. Louis (recording sec, 2 terms, 2nd v.p., 1 term); received M.C. Pur- chase Prize (pastel portrait), 1937, 1st prize for figure pastel, 1940, hon. men- tion in wood carving, 1940. 2 hon. 1124 mentions in water color, 1940). Studio and home: 7045 Cornell Av., University City, Mo. SHOEMAKER, Harold Adam, prof.; b. New Ringgold, Pa., 11 Mar. 1896; s. John Henry Shoemaker, farmer, and Caroline (Zehner) S.; ed. Keystone State Normal Sch.; Ph.G., Valparaiso Univ., 1920, Ph.C, 1920, B.S., 1920; M.S., Univ. Wash., 1924; Ph.D., Yale Univ. 1931; Univ. Okla.; m. Cassie Mar- tin of Wynnewood, Okla., 21 June 1924; children — Jane Carolyn, Margaret Amelia. Instr. pharm., Univ. Okla., 1920-23, asst. prof, pharm., 1923-25, asst. prof, biochem., pharm., 1925-32, assoc, prof., 1932-35, prof. Pharmacol., 1935- ; asst. dean, Sch. Med., 1939- ; teaching fellow in pharm., Univ. Wash., 1923-24; univ. scholar, Yale Univ., 1930-31; pvt., Inf., 1918; mem. Assn. Soc. Exptl., Biol, and Med., Assn. A.M. A.; mem. Am. Soc. Pharmacol, and Experimental Therapeutics, Am. Pharm. Assn., Sigma XL Club: Chemists (Cen- tral Okla.). Author: several papers on chem., Pharmacol. Lutheron. Demo- crat. Office: University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, 801 East 13th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 1125 North East 16th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. HALL, Dollie Radler, administrative geologist; b. Lenora, Okla., 4 June 1897; d. W. F. Radler, and Blanche (White- nack) R.; ed. Central High Sch., Okla. City, Okla.; Central State Teachers Coll., Edmond, Okla.; A.B., Univ. Okla., 1920, M.S., 1921; m. Charles S. Hall of Tulsa, 9 Oct. 1933. Teacher, pub. schs., Okla.; geologist, Amerada Petroleum Corp., Tulsa, Okla., 1921-, acting chief geologist, 1932-36, admin, geologist, 1926- ; mem. Tulsa Geol. Soc, Am. Assn. Petroleum Geols., Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Tulsa Town, Pilot. Protestant. Democrat. Office: Box 2040, Tulsa, Okla. Home: 1215 W. 51st St., Route 5, Tulsa, Okla. WRIGHT, Purd B., librarian, retired; b. Weston, Mo., 4 Sept. 1860; s. Mr. Wright, contractor, and Frances Ann (Sheley) W.; ed. St. Joseph High Sch.; Pleasant Ridge Sch.; Litt. D. (hon.), Park Coll., Parkville, Mo.; Wesleyan Coll., Cameron, Mo.; m. Lulu Martha Flyd of Sioux City, la., 14 Oct. 1884; 1 son— Purd B., Jr.; City ed. St. Joseph Herald, 1884-85; city elk., St. Joseph, 1885-95; ed. Journal of Commerce, sec, Commercial Club, St. Joseph, 1895-96; Libr., St. Joseph Pub. Libr., 1896-1910, Los Angeles Pub. Libr., 1910-11, Kansas City Pub. Libr., 1911-27; retired as libr. advisor; pres., State Libr. Commn. of Mo., 1907-09; during World War I served on camp libr. serv. in Wis.; mem. A.L.A. (treas., 1908-09, exec, bd., 1909- 13, coun., 1919-27), Mo. State Libr. Assn. pres. 1904-05, 1924-25, State Hist. Soc. of Mo.; Mo. Valley His. Soc, C. of C. Clubs: City, Cooperative Li- brary, Schoolmasters. Author: History of K.C. Public Library, Mo. Library Laws, State Library Com. Law, Travel- ing Libraries. Travel: Can., Mex. In- terests: K.C Art. Inst., backing fath- erless boys. Hobby: collecting 1st eds. Mark Twain, Am. West, Eugene Field miniature books. Recreation: garden- ing. Independent Democrat. Address: 3552 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. HAMMOND, Basil Calvin, mechanic; b. Otterville, Mo., 16 June 1882; s. How- ard Hammond, farmer, and Martha (Henderson) H.; ed. pvt. sch.; m. Jennie E. Hogan of Otterville, Mo., 1 Nov. 1905; children — Kenneth Gordon, Wil- fred Calvin, Beatrice Catherine, Eugene Howard, Thelma Gladys, Martha Ma- rion, Ophelia Elnora, Wilbur Edward. Farmer, stationary fireman, r.r. co., shop worker; mem. sustaining bd., Poetry World, 1936-37; writer of poetry for many yrs.; contbr., Modern Am., Po- etry, 1933, Am. States, 1934, 1936, 1937, Ark., Okla., 1936, Paebar, 1937, Cara- van, Poetry House, World's Fair; news- papers; Guardian, Boston, Mass., Mus- kogee Independent, Anthology (Colum- bia), Poetic Voice, 1939. Author: poetry, short stories, essays. Interests: hunt- ing, collecting editorials, poetry. Rec- reations: gardening, fishing. Methodist. Democrat. Home: 1523 Wewoka St., Muskogee, Okla. NEWCOMB, Ralph Vernon, engr.; b. Corning, la., 21 July 1894; s. Walter Newcomb, lumberman, and Flora (Okey) N.; ed. Corning, la., High Sch.; B.S., la. State Coll., Ames, la., 1917, C. E. (hon.), 1927; m. Patricia Ball of Los Angeles, 1920; children — Patricia Estelle, John Douglas, Ralph Edward. Civil engr., C.B. & Q.R.R., Neb. and Wyo., 1912-18; master engr., U.S. Army Engrs., 1918-19; dist. engr., Wyo. State Highway Dept, 1919-20; cons, engr., 1920-21; prof., Railroad Engring., la. State Coll., 1921-23; prof., highway engring., Univ. So. Dak., 1923-26; head, Civ. Engring. Dept., 1926-33; tech. engr., Television Pictures, Inc. (telecine 1125 research — Hollywood), 1933-34; engr. ap- praiser, Farm Credit Administ., assigned to Fed. Land Bank, Omaha; Sr. examiner in charge of engring, Unit Civil Service Commn., Wash., D. C; known nationally for res. arts., cons, work in highway, railroad, municipal engring. fields, aero- nautical and television; said to be au- thority on land drainage and pump ir- rigation. Interests: Telecine. Recrea- tions: fishing, hunting. Presbyterian. Of- fice: Federal Land Bank of Omaha, Omaha, Neb. Legal res.: 5170 Jackson, Omaha, Neb. Summer res.: Big Piney, Wyoming. WOERMANN, Frederick* Christian, engring. contractor; b. St. Louis, Mo., 7 Feb. 1877; s. Henry William Woermann, mcht., and Catherine Marie (Schniering) W.; ed. St. Louis Manual Training Sch., 1895; B.S. in C.E., Washington Univ., St, Louis, 1899, C.E., 1908 (cum laude); m. Lucia Coyle Dewey of Sheffield, 111., 9 Nov. 1904; 1 dau. — Catherine Dewey (Mrs. C. O. Eames). Chg. of work on 111. and Miss, canal, deep water survey from St. Louis to Chicago, reconstrn. of Fort Totten, N.Y.; engr., U.S. Army, 10y 2 yrs.; supt., large bldg. constrn. for gen. contractors, 4 yrs; formed Woermann Const. Co., 1913, pres. and treas., 1913- ; dir., Kirkpatrick Mtge. Co., Y.M.C.A.; served as mem. Home Guards, Co. B, dur- ing World War I; memb. A.S.C.E., Assn. Gen. Contr. of Am., Children's Home Soc. of Mo. (v.p.), Congl. City Missionary Soc. of St. Louis (v.p.), Sigma Alpha Epsilon, St. Louis C. of C, Mo. Soc. Prof. Engrs., Conserv. Fedn. of Mo., Masons (Scottish Rite, Shrine). Clubs: Mo. Athletic, Engrs. of St. Louis (p. pres.), Circle. Father was sergt., 4th Mo. Cavalry during Civil War. Interests: farming, photography. Recrea- tion: outdoors in Ozarks. Congregational. Republican. Office: Woermann Constr. Co., 3800 W. Pine Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 7 Arundel Place, St. Louis, Mo. Summer res. : Steelville, Mo. OLMSTED, Everett Ward, prof, emer- itus Romance lang.; b. Galesburg, 111., 12 May 1869; s. Silas Olmsted, Jr., mer- chant, and Emily (Ward) O.; ed. Knox Acad., Galesburg, 111.; Knox Coll. 1888- 89, Litt.D. (hon.), 1918; PhB., Cornell Univ., 1891, Ph.D. 1897; The Sorbonne and College de France, Paris, Fr.; m. Bula Hubbell of Buffalo, N.Y., 19 June 1895; children— Ward Hubbell, Richard Hubbell, John Meigs Hubbell. Teacher of Romance langs., Ithaca, N.Y., 23 yrs.; prof. Cornell Univ.; prof, and head of Romance langs., Univ. Minn., 23 yrs. to 1937, retired, became prof, emeritus; v.p., Modern Lang. Assn., 1909-10, Am. Assn. Teachers of Spanish, 1924; pres., Modern Lang. Teachers of Central, West and South, 1919-20, Alliance Francaise (Min- neapolis), 1919-21; decorated Comdr. of Real Orden de Isabel la Catholica, Spain (1922), Chevalier de la Legion d'Hon- neur, Fr. (1937), Laureate (with gold medal) of Institut Litteraire et Artist- ique de France (1939). Clubs: Campus (Univ. Minn.), Univ. Club of St. Paul, Univ. Club of Minneapolis. Author: Sonnet in French Lit.; Comedies of Marivaux; Le Malade Imaginaire de Moliere; Legends, Tales and Poems of Becauer; many French and Spanish text- books. Travel: Europe, Near East, Mex. Interest: piano. Democrat. Home: 808 Mt. Curve Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Win- ter res.: 28 Av. de Chapultepec, Cuerna- vaca, Mex. PILLSBURY, Charles Lucien, execu- tive; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 16 Dec. 1872; s. Charles F. Pillsbury, lawyer, and Fran- ces (Boynton) P.; ed. Minneapolis Acad.; Purdue Univ.; Univ. Minn.; m. Eva M. Kinsey of Minneapolis, 4 Oct. 1899; 1 son — Robert Kinsey. Cons, engr., Minne- apolis and St. Paul, many yrs., Minn. State Bd. of Control, 1907-16; chief engr., Valuation Bur. Pub. Utilities Commn., D.C., 1914-16; prof, lecturer, Univ. Minn., 1916-19; v.p. -sec, dir., Munsingwear, Inc., 1916-; sec, treas., dir., Vassar Co., Chicago; mem. A.I.E.E., A.S.C.E., Ma- sons (Shrine). Clubs: Rotary, Minne- apolis, Lafayette, Minneapolis Athletic, Engrs. Travel: Eur. Interest: outdoor life. Republican. Office: Minneapolis, Minn. Home: Gray's Bay, Wayzata, Minn. WIRICK, Harriet Proctor, librarian; b. Chicago, 111., 21 Dec 1903; d. Lewis Ar- thur Wirick, mech. engr., and Delia (Proctor) W.; ed. Beloit, Wis., High Sch.; Beloit Coll.; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1926; B.S., Univ. Minn., 1929; A.M., Univ. 111., 1932. Teacher of English and Latin, high sch., Mayestown, 111., 1926-28; asst. librarian, Western 111. State Teachers Coll., Ma- comb. 111., 1929-31; reference librarian, Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 111., 1932- 35; librarian, Southwestern Coll., Win- field, Kan., 1935-36, Neb. State Teachers Coll., Chadron, Neb., 1936-39; Morning- side Coll., Sioux City, 1939- ; mem. Am. Library Assn., Pi Gamma Mu, A.A.U.W. Congregational. Office : Morningside Coll., Sioux City, la. Home: 3312 Vine Av., Sioux City, la. Summer res.: Lewistown, 111. 1126 WHELAN, Harry G., attorney-at-law; b. St. Louis, Mo., 20 Nov. 1871; s. John Whelan and Mary (Keenan) W.; LL.B. (hon. grad.), Benton Coll. of Law, 1904; m. Catherine A. Curley of St. Louis, Sept. 1904; 1 son, Harry M. Whelan. Me- chanic; court clerk; attorney-at-law; mem. Lawyers Assn. of St. Louis, Mo. State Bar Assn.; sec. local selective draft bd., Mo. Home Guard during World War I; mem. Fr. Dempsey's Charities (v.p.), Managers of the Roman Cath. Orphan Asylums of St. Louis; Diocesan High Schs. Bd. of St. Louis (v.p.), Met- ropolitan Council St. Vincent de Paul Soc. (dir.), Soc. of the Holy Name, Knights of Columbus (hon. mem.), Mo. Hist. Soc. Roman Catholic. Republican. Office: 800 Rialto Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 3653 DeTonty St., St. Louis, Mo. PLUNKETT, James Patrick, lawyer, b. Eau Claire, Wis., 27 Jan. 1884; s. Peter F. Plunkett, scaler of logs, and Anne Jane (Devine) P.; ed. Eau Claire High Sch.; LL.B., St. Paul Coll. of Law, 1924; m. Anne M. Shine of Eau Claire, 22 June 1908; children — Helen, James, Robert, Jane, Jerome. Employed as clerk, chief clerk, aud., disbursement accounts, for Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha, 1902-24; atty., gen. atty., Gt. Northern Ry. Co., 1924- ; instr., St. Paul Coll. of Law (night sch.), last ten yrs.; mem., Soc. St. Vincent de Paul (pres.), K.C., Ramsey Co. Bar Assn., Minn. Bar Assn., Interstate Commerce Commn. Practitioners. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Recreations: golf, fishing. Catholic. Re- publican. Office: 1120 Great Northern Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 898 Osce- ola Av., St. Paul, Minn. SHEFFIELD, Vernon Russell, music educator, pianist; b. Lanesboro, la., 6 Feb. 1904; s. Frederick Wagner Sheffield and Mary Elizabeth (Freeman) S.; ed. Lake City (la.) High Sch.; A.B., Simp- son Coll., 1926; A.M., Univ. Rochester (Eastman Sch. Music), 1937. Traveled as pianist and accompanist, various Chau- tauqua circuits, summers, 1920-25; head piano dept., Hastings Coll., Neb., 1926- 28; prof, piano and theory, DePauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind., 1928-34; teach- ing fellow in theory, Eastman Sch. Mu- sic, Rochester, N.Y., 1936-37; asst. prof, music, Kan. State Teachers Coll., 1937- ; mem. Music Teachers Nat. Assn., Phi Mu Alpha, Lambda Chi Alpha. Travel: Europe, 1932-33. Interest: languages. Recreations: swimming, hiking. Office: Kan. State Teachers Coll., Emporia, Kan. Home: 809 Neosho, Emporia, Kan. ROTHSCHILD, Louis Samuel, execu- tive; b. Leavenworth, Kan., 29 Mar. 1900; s. Louis P. Rothschild, and Nora (West- heimer) R.; ed. Westport High Sch., Kan- sas City, Mo.; Ph.B., Yale Univ., 1920; m. Emily Bettman of St. Louis, 7 Oct. 1929. Served in all minor capacities, Roth- schild & Sons, Inc., 1920-27, mgr. St. Louis br., 1927-31; sec, Kansas City, 1931-34; v.p., gen. mgr., 1934-; dir., Cent. Surety & Ins. Co.; mem. City Plan Commn., 1937- ; apprentice seaman, U.S.N., during World War I; mem. Am. Legion, Mo. Art Inst, (gov.), Chamber of Commerce (p.v.p.), Merchants Assn. (p.pres.). Clubs: Rotary, Oakwood Country. Travel: No. Am., Eur. Inter- ests: cattle, farming/ Recreation: rid- ing. Jewish. Republican. Office: Tenth and Main Sts., Kansas City, Mo. Home: 610 West Meyer Blvd., Kansas^City, Mo. WILCOX, Edgar Boone, physician, surg.; b. Ky., 15 Sept. 1877; s. Francis Marion Wilcox, mcht., and Hattie (Ab- bott) W.; ed. Penn. Coll. Acad., 1896; B.S., Penn. Coll., 1900; M.D., Ky. Univ., Med. Dept., 1905; m. Margaret Bevan of Oskaloosa, 12 June 1906 (dec.) ; children — Leigh Edgar, Bevan Joseph, Margaret Elizabeth; m. (2nd) Caroline Walker of Oskaloosa, la., 15 Feb. 1932. Taught sch. 1 yr.; interne, Louisville City Hosp., 1905- 06; in practice of med., Neb., 1906-08; engaged in practice of medicine, and sur- gery, Oskaloosa, 1907-41; surg., Mahaska Hosp., Oskaloosa, la.; mem. bd, Penn Coll.; mem. adv. bd., Med. Examiners, during World War I; mem. Phi Chi, Ma- sons (Shrine); fellow A.C.S. Clubs: Ki- wanis. Republican. Author: med. arts. Travel: Can., Eur., U.S. Family came to la. from Ky., 1887. Interest: surgery, farming. Recreations: golf, fishing. Con- gregationalist. Republican. Office: 112 2d Av., W., Oskaloosa, la. Home: 325 North 8th St., Oskaloosa, la. POWELL, Velura E., M.D.,; b. Perry Co., O.; d. F. M. Powell, M.D., and Louisa M. (Newton) P.; ed. Glenwood, la., H'gh Sch.; Jacksonville, 111., Acad.; Drake Univ.; M.D., Univ. Mich. Interne, New Eng. Hosp. for Women and Children, Boston, Mass., 1902-03; established Pow- ell Sch. (with mother), Red Oak, la., 1903, now owner, dir., Powell Sch. for Backward and Nervous Children; insp. (med.) pub. schs., Red Oak, 1915-16; ex- tension work, 1923-24, la. State Univ., doing Sheppard-Turner Work; postwar lectures on mental hygiene, 1919- in Wis. under auspices of Nat. Y.W.C.A.; mem. A.M.A., fellow Internat. Assn. for 1127 Study of Mental Deficiency, Altrusa. Travel: Eur., Canada. Protestant. Re- publican. Office: Powell School for Back- ward and Nervous Children, Red Oak, la. Home: Red Oak, la. SMITH, Vincent A., certified pub. ac- countant; b. Washington, D. C, 8 Dec. 1891; s. Arthur J. Smith, and Anne E. (Cooney) S.; ed. St. John's Coll., Wash., D.C.; LL.B., Georgetown Univ., 1913; m. Mary E. Lappin of Wichita, Kan., 17 May 1922; children — Betty Ann, Robert Vin- cent, Mary Margaret. Examiner, Bur. Information, Southeastern Rys., Wash., D.C., 1916-17; partner, Charles A. Smith and Co., C.P.A., Wichita, Kan., 1920-30; resident partner, Lunsford, Barnes & Co., Wichita, Kan., 1931- ; dist. deputy, Kan. City, 1930-31, state dep., 1932-33; resi- dent examiner, Internat. Accountants Soc, Chicago, 111., 1925- ; army field clerk, A.E.F., Fr., 18 mos., during World War I; mem. Wichita Chamber of Commerce, Am. Inst. Accountants, Kan. Soc. C.P.A., Mo. Soc. C.P.A., Okla. Soc. C.P.A., Am. Legion, K.C. Clubs: Wichita, Co-opera- tive. Recreations: reading, bowling, hunting, fishing. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 307 Wheeler, Kelly, Hagny Bldg., Wichita, Kan. Home: 915 Carter Av., Wichita, Kan. TAGGART, Joseph H., prof, econom- ics; b. Wakefield, Mass., 29 Dec. 1902; s. David Taggart, and Josephine (Jess) T.; ed. Wakefield High Sch.; Ph.B., Yale Univ., 1924; M.B.A., Harvard Univ., 1927; Ph.D., Columbia Univ., 1938. Instr., Lehigh Univ., 1927-28; asst. prof., Univ. Kansas, 1928-30, asso. prof., 1930-38, prof, econ., 1938- ; prof, econ., Univ. So. Calif., summers 1939-40; mem., Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Kappa Psi, Beta Gamma Sigma, Am. Econ. Assn. Clubs: Univ. of Lawrence, Univ. of Kan. City, Mo. Author: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, also arts, and reviews. Travel- Eur., N. Am. Congregational. Independ- ent. Office: Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Home: 1711 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kan. Summer res.: Wake- field, Mass. STEWART, Gladys Berger, lawyer, legislator, farmer; b. Owensville, Mo.; d. Henry Berger, Jr., merchant, and Maud (Richardson) S.; ed. Ava High Sch.; Dru- ry Coll.; Univ. Mo.; LL.B., Cumberland Univ., 1929; m. Lynn K. Stewart (di- vorced) ; 1 son — James Richardson. Bank dir.; Council of Am. Bar Assn.; pres., Adv. Bd., Draft Com.; railroad atty.; asst. U.S. Atty.; served as spl. judge, Circuit Court; state legislator, 4 terms; mem., Iota Tau Tau, Nat. Order Women Legislators (chmn. Ways and Means Com.). Clubs: Soroptimist (hon. mem.), Republican Women's (pres., Douglas Co.). Author: articles for mags. Travel: Eur., So. Am., Hawaii, U.S. Interests: flying, farming, writing. Recreations: reading, swimming, horseback riding. Episcopal. Republican (del., last 4 state and nat. convs.). Office: The Capitol, Jefferson City, Mo. Home: Missouri Ho- tel, Jefferson City, Mo. Summer res.: Walnutmede, Ava, Mo. TALBOTT, Hudson, surgeon; b. Saline Co., Mo., 10 Feb. 1874; s. Edward M. Tal- bott, phys., and Mary M. (Hudson) T.; ed. Fairville (Mo.) High Sch.; Univ. Mo.; M.D., St. Louis Univ.; m. Frances Tabb of Kansas City, Mo., 25 Feb. 1902; chil- dren — Dr. Charles Hudson, Peyton T., Mrs. Mary Frances T. Smith. Teacher of sch., 3 yrs.; surg., Mo. Baptist Hosp., pvt. practice in surg.; fellow, A.C.S., A.M.A., Southern Med. Assn.; mem. St. Louis Med. Soc. (p. v. pres.); moderator, Mo. Baptist Gen. Assn. (1940-42). Au- thor: sev. med. arts. Travel: Cuba, Mex., Can., Eur., U.S. Decs., f. was pioneer phys. in Saline Co., Mo. Interests: flow- ers and veg. garden. Baptist. Democrat. Office: 429-30 Metropolitan Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: Redman Rd., St. Louis County, Mo. GARRETT, Uarda Rosamond, writer, housewife; b. Brownsville, Tenn.; d. Henry Clarke Rosamond, minister, and Theodosia (Kiersey) R.; ed. Helena (Ark.) High Sch.; Ouachita Coll., Ark- adelphia, Ark.; B.M., Univ. Chicago, 1904; m. Rufus Napoleon Garrett of El Dorado, Ark., 1910; children — Uarda Rosamond, Rufus Napoleon, Jr.; state dir., mem. nat. com. on Women's Par- ticipation N.Y. World's Fair; hon. state regent, D.A.R.; past state pres., dist. pres., Nat. Fed. Music Clubs, v.p., Ark. Fed. Garden Clubs; mem. Nat. Soc. Colo- nial Dames in Ark. Clubs: Little Rock Garden, El Dorado Garden; El Dorado Golf and Country. Author: poems, short stories, arts, on gardening. Travel: U.S., Europe. Interests: gardening, collecting early Am. glass, old books. Recreation: golf. Baptist. Democrat. Home: Eight Oaks, El Dorado, Ark. Summer res.; Garrett Lodge, Epworth Heights, Lud- ington, Mich. BLACKWOOD, Cecil Iburn, owner Blackwood-Davis Bus. Coll.; b. Mountain Grove, Mo., 17 Feb. 1899; s. W. R. Black- wood, farmer, and Mary C. (Brecken- ridge) B.; ed. Southwestern Teachers 1128 Coll., Weatherford, Okla.; m. Ruth Mae Ball of Yukon, 11 Mar. 1937; children- Roy, Bette, Mae, Rose Marie, David. Teacher, business college owner, 1923- ; pres. bd. of edn., Putnam City Sch. (larg- est consol. school in the world) ; S.A.T.C. at Weatherford, rank of actg. sergt., during World War I; mem. Am. Assn. Commercial Colls, (v.p.), Southwestern Private Com. Schs. Assn. (sec), Okla. City Chamber of Commerce, Better Bus. Bur. Author: Conflicts in Business Col- lege Administration; 1941 Yearbook Na- tional Commercial Teachers Assn. In- terests: truck gardening, Boy Scouts, all sports. Recreation: golf. Baptist. Dem- ocrat. Office: 1015 N. Walker Av., Okla- homa City, Okla. Home: 4545 Council Rd., Oklahoma City, Okla. ROOT, Jesse L., Lawyer; b. Lazwella, Del., 27 Nov. 1860; s. Charles Marvin Root, newspaper man, and Miranda El- vina (Burnidge) R.; ed. Elgin, 111., High Sch., 1875; Rohrbough's Business Coll. (Omaha), 1884; m. Evelyn Wright Wise of Plattsmouth, 8 June 1888; children — Elmer Alpha, Alice Evelyn, Jesse Mar- vin, Frances Miranda, Flora Bertha (dec). Admitted to bar, 1887, Supreme Ct.; engaged in pract. law, Neb., la., Minn., S.D., Kan.; local atty., Lincoln, 1 yr.; asst. to solicitor for Burlington R.R., trial lawyer. 19 yrs.; co. atty., Cass Co., 6 yrs.; state senator, 1907, chmn. Com. Finance, Ways and Means, Sifting Com. ; mem. Judiciary Com., Com. to Examine Applicants for Admission to Bar; commr. judge, Neb. Supreme Ct.; mem. Bd. Edn., Library Bd. Travel: U.S. Recrea- tions: reading, walking. Congregational. Republican. Address: 1307 S. 34th St., Omaha, Neb. KOERPER, Karl, advertising; b. Kan- sas City, Mo., 25 Feb. 1901; s. John Koerper, and Dora (Hansen) K.; ed. Northeast High Sch.; B.A., Univ. Kan- sas, 1922; m. Ferol L. Stark, K.C., 30 Mar. 1929; 1 son — Kerwin Stark. First editor, The Christian, nat. publ., Dr. Bur- ns A. Jenkins; secr.-internat. pres., adv. Fed. Am., London Conf., 1924; gen. chmn., 18th annual Conf. Dir. Mail Advt. Assn.; publ. dir., Am. Royal Live Stock and Horse Show, 1934-35 (exec, com.) ; chmn. Queen-of-the-Am. Royal Bd., 1939- 40; v.-p., mng. dir., Midland Broadcasting Co. (ops., radio sta., KMBC) ; subs. Mid- land Radio and Television Schs., Inc.; past v.p. Grasner Fifield Litho. Co., Kan. City, former asst. sales mgr., Ash Grove Portland Cement Co., Kan. City, Mo.; dir., Mutual Interests, Inc.; mem. Delta Upsilon; Young Men's Civic Forum (p. pres.); C. of C. (chmn., pub. com., avia- tion com.); Kan. City Safety Council (dir., exec, com.); Regional Council Boy Scouts of Am. (dir., exec, com., chmn., pub. relations, pub. com.) ; Advt. Fed. of Am. (mem. speakers' bur.) ; Kan. City Better Bus. Bur. (dir.) ; Kan. City Coll. of Com. (adv. council) ; Direct Mail Advtg. Assn. (past v.-p., dir.). Clubs: Rotary, Kansas City, Advertising (p. pres., bd. govs.), Boys (dir.), Saddle and Sirloin (bd. dirs.). Travel: Eng. (all of Eur.). Recreation: swimming. Community Ch., K.C., Mo. Office: Radio Station KMBC, Pickwick Hotel, Kansas City, Mo. Res.: 635 Romany Road, Kansas City, Mo. RIEFLING, Geneve G. dentist; b. Min- neapolis, Minn., 14 Nov. 1895; d. Bernard J. Riefling, shoe mfr.; ed. McKinley High Sch. (St. Louis); D.D.S., Wash. Univ., 1917. Engaged in pract. dentistry with Drs. C. O. Simpson and E. R. Hart, St. Louis; in pvt. gen. pract.; with St. Louis Univ. Dental Sch., 1936- ; asso. prof, op- erative dentistry; in charge children's dental dept., dir. Children's Dental Clinic, Desloge Hosp., St. Joseph and St. Vin- cent's Orphanages, German St. Vincent's Orphanage; mem. Am. Dental Assn., St. Louis Dental Soc, St. Louis Soc Dental Sci., Am. Soc. Promotion Dentistry for Children, Am. Pub. Health Assn.; Omi- cron Kappa. Clubs: Faculty (St. Louis Univ.), Zonta. Author: contbs. to dental mags. Interest: philanth. orgns. for chil- dren. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 818 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 3007 Connecticut St., St. Louis, Mo. PREISLER, Paul S., instr. biol. chem- istry; b. St. Louis, Mo., 31 May 1902; s. Ernst Preisler, architect, and Martha Emily (Witter) P.; ed. McKinley High Sch. St. Louis; B.S., in Chem. Eng., Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1923; M.S., 1925, Ph.D., 1927; m. Doris Bausch of St. Louis, 30 Aug. 1927. Fellow, Nat. Research Coun. at Hygienic Lab., U.S. P.H.S., 1927-28; Harvard, 1928-29; re- search, Univ. Pa. Med. Sch., 1929-31; research and inst., Washington Univ. Med. Sch., 1931- ; pres. Preisler Realty Co.; treas. Pub. Ed. Assn. of St. Louis; v.p. Am. Fedn. Teachers; pres. Teachers Union of St. Louis and St. Louis Co.; chmn. Socialist Party City Com., of St. Louis, State Com. of Mo.; served as mem. 1st regt., Mo. Home Guard, 1918-19; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Soc, Biol. Chem., Am. Electrochem. Soc, Progres- sive Ed. Soc, Am. Assn. Adv. of Sci., Civil Liberties Union, Sigma Xi, Phi Sig- 1129 ma, Gamm Alpha. Club: Public Ques- tion of St. Louis. Author: aci. arts, in tech. pubis. Socialist. Office: Washing- ton University Medical School, St. Louis, Mo. Home: 3420 Longfellow Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. TALLEY, Dora Alexander, nat. pres. Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle; b. Mount Hope, Ala., 14 Nov. 1879; d. J. D. Alexander, teacher and ins., and Nancy E. (Arnold) A.; ed. Garland High Sch., Tex.; East Tex. Normal Sch.; m. John R. Talley of Garland, Tex., 19 Aug. 1919. Sch. teacher, 1895-1911; Nat. Sec. of Woodmen Circle, 911-33, nat. pres., 1933- ; sec. and pres., Secretaries Sect., Nat. Fraternal Congress of Am., 1915- 33, pres., pres. sect., mem. exec. com. (v.p., pres., p. pres.), 1933- ; mem. Women's Div., Chamber of Commerce, Omaha, Neb. Clubs: Quota, Nat. and Internat. Fed. Women's. Travel: exten- sively through No. Am. Interests: early Am. glass, amateur movies. Recreations: travel, glass collections. Baptist. Dem- ocrat. Office: Woodmen Circle Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Home: 123 North 39th St., Omaha, Neb. GAMRATH, Harry Randolph, chem- ist; b. Detroit, Mich., 24 Mar. 1908; s. William Gamrath and Louise (Schulz) G.; ed. Cass Tech. High Sch., Detroit (awarded Harvard scholarship); B.S., Univ. Mich., 1931, M.S., 1932, Ph.D., 1934. Chemist, Mich. Steel Casting Co., 1926- 27; prodn. insp., Kelsey Hayes Wheel Co., Detroit, 1928; Albert B. Prescott fellow at Univ. Mich., 1931; research asst. in chem., Univ. Mich., 1932-33; Monsanto Chemical Co., fellow at Univ. Mich., 1934; sr. research chem., Monsanto Chem. Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1936- ; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Assn. Adv. Sci., Nat. Rifle Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Alpha Chi Sigma. Author: arts, on chemistry. Office: Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 4253 Neosho, St. Louis, Mo. JEPSON, Florence Brawthen, lecturer, writer; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 28 Dec. 1892; d. Juel N. Brawthen, and Josephine E. (Arness) B.; ed. South High Sch., 1910; B.A., Univ. Minn., 1914, M.A., 1915; m. O. E. Lindstrom, 30 June 1921 (dec, 1922); m. (2nd) John H. Jepson, 30 May 1926 (dec, 1935), Ed., Minn. Clubwoman (off. pubs., Minn. Fed. Women's Clubs), 1931-39; lecturer, writer, music of India; mem. Kappa Delta, Nat. League Am. Pen Women (p. state pres.), Minn. Fed. Women's Clubs. Club: Past State Offi- cers. Travel: world traveler, lived in Bombay, India, 1921-23. Interest: Indian mus. res. Recreation: music. Congre- gationalism Republican. Home: Casco Point Rd., Spring Park, Minn. FALL, Clifford Pervines, M.D., physi- cian and surgeon; b. Thorntown, Ind., 9 Feb. 1863; s. David Fall, and Annie (Kernodle) F.; ed. Quacker High Sch. (Thorntown, Ind.) ; M.D., Coll. Phys. and Surgeons, 1888; m. Anna Kemper of Aurora, 17 June 1885; children — Hazel Shaffer, Frederick. Came to Neb. at age of 16, taught sch., engaged in farm- ing; began pract. med., Beatrice, Neb., 1 Apr. 1888; organized, conducted pvt. hosp. — Beatrice Sanitarium, 1901- ; supt. Feeble Minded Inst. Youth (Beatrice, Neb.), 1897; mem. State Bd. Health, four yrs., State Relief Com.; 1st It., Spanish- Am. War; mem. Am. Med. Assn., State Med. Soc, Co. Med. Soc, Beatrice Bldg. & Loan Assn. (pres.), Kiwanis, Elks, Ma- sons, K.T., Shrine, Eastern Star. Club: Country. Travel: Eur. Interest: crippled children's activities. Democrat. Office: 723 N. 11th St., Beatrice, Neb. Home: 701 N. 9th St., Beatrice, Neb. STERNBERG, Walter Albert, surgeon; b. Mitchellville, la., 27 Dec. 1874; s. Lambert Sternberg, Jr., land owner, ret., and Rosina (Fabian) S.; ed. Mitchellville High Sch.; Drake Univ., Des Moines, la.; Ph.G., Univ. 111., 1896; M.D., 1901; m. Elizabeth Mary Hunter of Detroit, Mich., 16 July 1902; children— Glen Hunter (Mrs. Ellis), Walter L., Dr. T. H., pres. Ins. Plan Bldg. & Loan Assn., Mt. Pleas- ant, la.; mem. la. State Bd. of Health; del. to Dem. Nat. Conv., Chicago, 1932- 40; mem. local draft bd.; chmn. Defense Council; chmn. Food Admin., contract surg.; mem. bd. dirs., Miss. Valley Med. Assn.; fellow, Am. Coll. Surg.; mem. Henry Co., 111. Co., Burlington Ry. Assn., Am. Assn. Ry. Surgs., Mil. Surgs., Des Moines Valley Med. Assn., A.M.A., In- ternat. Tuberculosis Assn., la. State Med. Soc. (chmn. surg. sect., 1936). Clubs: Mt. Pleasant Golf and Country, Athen- ian. Travel: U.S., Canada. Granfather early la. pioneer (1845 or 50), large land owner at Mitchellville, la. Interests: flying, football, baseball. Recreations: golf, fishing, hunting. Episcopalian. Democrat. Office: 135 W. Monroe St., Mt. Pleasant, la. Home: 600 E. Monroe St., Mt. Pleasant, la. Summer res.: Webster Mills, la.; shooting lodge, Sioux Lookout, Ont., Can. DIETZ, Nicholas, Jr., chemist; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 17 Dec. 1900; s. Nicholas 1130 Dietz, lawyer, and Emma (Weidt) D.; ed. Brooklyn Press, Brooklyn, N.Y.; A.B., Columbia, 1924; A.M., 1926, Ph.D., 1930. Asst. in chemistry, Columbia, 1925-29; instr. chem., Univ. Pittsburgh, 1929-33; asst. prof, bioehem., Creighton Univ. School of Med., 1933- ; fellow, A.A.A.S.; fellow, Am. Geog. Soc; served during World War as 1st lieut., Sanitary Res., U.S. Army; mem. Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Am. Chem. Soc, Electrochem. Soc, Catholic Round Table of Sci.; gen. sec Midwest Regional Meeting of the Am. Chem. Soc, Omaha, 1937. Interests: history of sci., photography. Catholic. Office: Creighton Univ. School of Med- icine, Omaha, Neb. Home: 2027 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. TANDY, Sara Ellen, proofreader, dra- matic reader; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 20 Aug. 1885; d. William L. Tandy, minister, and Margaret Jane (MacDonald) T.; ed. Mechanic Arts and St. Paul Evening Sch.; Minneapolis Sch. Music, Oratory and Dramatic Art, 1920; Jr. Coll. Exten., Div. of Minn. Univ., 1931; mem. Am. Lit. Assn., League of Minn. Poets. Au- thor: Rhymes From Wildrose Terrace. Interest: folks. Recreations: gardening, driving auto. Protest. Republican. Ad- dress: 528 S. Pt. Douglas Rd., St. Paul, Minn. DE GROAT, Francis, lawyer; b. Owego, Tioga County, N.Y., 1 Sept. 1868; s. John Fields DeGroat and Mary (Perry) DeG.; LL.B., Univ. Wis., 1868; m. Mary E. Young of Danville, 111., 17 Aug. 1904; children— Cornelia, Mary Fields. Admitted to bar, Superior, Wis., 1891; mem. Bar Supreme Court of U.S.; Federal Cts., 7th and 8th Judicial Cir- cuits, State Cts. of Wis. and Minn.; en- gaged in gen. pract. of law; mem. 11th Judic Dist., Minn. State, Am. Bar Assns. Club: Kitchi Gammi (Duluth). Office: 800 Alworth Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Home: 2001 East First St., Duluth, Minn. Sum- mer res.: Prairie Lake, Floodwood, St. Louis County, Minn. SOMSEN, Henry Northrop, lawyer; b. Minn., 20 May 1875; s. Gerrit J. Somsen, mcht., and Emma H. (Gleason) S.; ed. Minneapolis High Sch.; LL.B., Univ. Minn,. 1894; m. Meta A. Koch of Minn., 16 Sept. 1902; 1 son, Henry Northrop, Jr. Dir., State Bond & Mortgage Co., New Ulm, Minn., State Bk., Gibbon, Minn.; City Atty., New Ulm, sev. yrs.; mem. local Liberty Loan Bds. during World War; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Minn. State Bar Assn. Club: Minneapolis Athletic. Recreation: fishing. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Office: New Ulm, Minn. DAVIS, Mary Robenia, business mgr.; b. Partridge, Kan.; d. James W. Davis, businessman, and Robenia E. (Weaver) D.; ed. Partridge High Sch.; A.B., South- western Coll.; asst. to father, Davis Grain Co., mgr., 1936- ; mem., Kan. Grain, Feed & Feed Dealers' Assn., Pi Gamma Mu. Methodist. Republican. Address: Partridge, Kan. CLARKE, Marianne, writer; b. St. Cloud; d. N. P. Clarke, businessman, and Caroline E. (Field) C; ed. Bradford Acad. (Wash., D.C.); St. Cloud Acad.; Mt. Vernon Sem.; student art, Ger., 4 yrs. Regional Thanksgiving dir.; mem. Poetry Review Soc. (Eng.), State League Minn. Poets, St. Cloud Reading Room Soc. Clubs: St. Cloud Study, Twentieth Century, Sorosis, State Federation Wom- en's Clubs (del. to meetings, rep., good citizen chmn.). Author: Radio (poem); contbns. in Beacon Press Anthologies, Davis' Anthology of Newspaper Verse, Crown, World's Fair, Bookfellows, Nel- son Poetry Digest, The Moccasin; fore- word in How to Profit From That Im- pulse; Miss America (book), 1938; Sun- lit Trails (book), 1939; Sonnet to Minne- apolis Skylines; book en Minneapolis Skylines. Travel: Ger., Eng., Fr., It. Father, N. P. Clarke (with James J. Hill), started Minn. State fairgrounds. Interest: art. Recreations: reading, writ- ing. Unitarian. Republican. Home: 356 3d Av., S., St. Cloud, Minn. BLAIR, James Thomas, lawyer; b. Loudon. Tenn., 11 Nov. 1871; s. Samuel Tate Blair, physician, and Louise Mat- lock (Osborne) B.; ed. Osborne High Sch.; A.B., Cumberland Univ., 1892, LL.B., 1895; LL.D. (hon.), Cum- berland Univ.; m. Grace Ray of Maysville, Mo., 19 June 1901; children — James T. Jr., Samuel Cook, Grace Mary, Margaret Ray, William Clark. Prin., Dover high sch., Tenn., 1892-93; teacher, Ozark Coll., 1893; pres., Crion Coll., 1894-96; rep., Dekalb Co., 1898- 1902; asst. atty. gen., Mo., 1909-11; men. ct. commn., 1911-15; judge, Su- preme Ct. of Mo., 1915-25 (chief justice, 1921-22); tr. Cumberland Univ., 8 yrs.; mem. Am., Mo. State, St. Louis Bar Assns., Lawyers Assn., Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Delta Phi, Masons, Blue Lodge, Commandery, Shrine, Pythians, Odd Fellows, St. Louis Amateur Ath- letic Assn., Appellate Jud. Commn. of Mo. Travel: U.S., Can. Mems. of family 1131 in Rev., Mex., Civ. and World Wars. Recreation: golf. Presbyterian. Demo- crat. Office: Title Guaranty Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: Hotel York, St. Louis, Mo. BAER, David, Jr., lawyer; b. Belle- ville, 111., 24 Sept. 1905; s. David Baer and Sunshine (Lieber) B.; ed. Belleville Twp. (111.) High Sch.; Univ. Colo., Univ. Mich.; LL.B., Washington Univ., 1928; m. Mary Lynne Cockcell Sweet of Den- ver, Colo., 18 Apr. 1938. Partner, Carter & Small, lawyers, St. Louis, Mo.; dir. Mo. Lincoln Trust Co., past dir. Scullin Steel Co. (St. Louis, Mo.); mem. Mayor's Com. for Furtherance of Munic. Ownership of Light and Water; mem. Jr. Chamber of Commerce (dir. 1934, v.p. 1934-35, pres. 1935-36), U.S. Jr. Chamber of Commerce (nom. com., 1933-34), Order of De Molay (past Mas- ter Councilor), De Molay Legion of Honor, Masons, St. Louis and Mo. Bar Assns., Washington Univ. Law Alumni Assn. (past treas., mem. exec. com.). Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Clair Coun- try. Travel: all U.S., parts of Can. and Mex. Interests: golf, swimming, horse- back riding. Office: 418 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 5884 Cabanne Av., St. Louis, Mo. MURPHY, C. F., lawyer; b. Elkoder, la., 19 April 1890; s. D. D. Murphy, lawyer, and Henrietta (Johansen) M.; ed. Elkoder High Sch.; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1912; LL.B., Univ. la., 1914; m. Louise Kleinpeel of Elkoder, 28 Oct. 1914; chil- dren — Lorna, Kathleen, Barbara. Law practice, 1914- ; mem. Alpha Epsilon Phi, Phi Delta Phi, Tau Nu Epsilon. S. of original mem. of State Bd. of Ed. (pres. 10 yrs.). Interests: horses, farm- ing. Recreation: riding. Roman Catho- lic. Democrat. Address. Elkoder, la. MILTENBERGER, Alex, banker; b. St. Louis, Mo., 2 Nov. 1874; s. Ferdinand E. Miltenberger, banker, and Marie (Stoffel) M.; m. Lillian Spinney of St. Louis, Mo. 1900; children — Laurence S., June Miltenberger Barrows, Alex, Jr., William E., E. Brice. With Mechanics, and Mechanics-Am. Bank, 1894-1933; founder, cashier, dir., chmn. bd., Tower Grove Bank & Trust Co., 1933- ; mem. Optimist Soc. Clubs: Mo. Athletic, Al- gonquin Golf. Desc. Christian Milten- berger, founder of banking bus., 1855, St. Louis. Recreations: supervising farm, hunting. Protestant. Republican. Office: 3134 South Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Home: South Clay Av., Kirk- wood, Mo. Summer res.: Lake Mem' phramagog, Quebec, Can. ARMBRUSTER, John Henry, business exec; b. St. Louis, Mo., 10 Sept. 1895; s. Frank Armbruster and Mary (Osher) A.; ed. McKinley High Sch.; m. Eleanor L. Doepke of St. Louis, Mo., 3 April 1919; children — Priscilla, Elizabeth, Alice, Joan. With Edw. Gocke R.E. Co., 1909-1930, v.p., 1930-33; founder, pres., John H. Armbruster & Co. Inc., 1933; organizer, sec, Community Fed. Sav- ings & Loan Assn., 1934; dir. St. Johns Investment Co.; v.p., St. Louis County Real Estate Bd., U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce (hon.); vice-chmn., Am. Assn. of Independent Small Bus.; served as yoeman, 1st class, U.S.N, during World War I; mem. Chamber of Com- merce, Masons, Am. Legion. Clubs: Wydown. Ed., Log of the S.S. Fellow- ship, semi-monthly publ. of U.S. Jr. C. of C. Recreations: athletics, traveling. Presbyterian. Independent Republican. Office: 8854 St. Charles Rd., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 9005 Midland Av., St. Louis, Mo. HUDSON, Thomas Bevin, attorney; b. Perry, Okla., 14 Sept. 1896; s. Rich- ard Henry Hudson, atty., and Margaret (Kirkpatrick) H.; ed. Pawhuska, (Okla.) High Sch.; m. Dorothy Hare of Paw- huska, Okla., 26 Dec. 1917. Mgr., patent dept, Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartles- ville; dir. The Polymerization Process Corp.; served 2 yrs. during World War I; mem. Inst. Mining and Metal Engrs., Am. Bar Assn., Am. Legion, Am. Patent Law Assn., Okla. Bar Assn., Washing- ton Co. Bar Assn., 40 and 8 Soc. Club: Hillcrest Country. Parents, residents of Okla. since Cherokee Strip opened to settlement. Interests: floriculture. Rec- reations: golf, riding. Presbyterian. Democrat. Office: Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla. Home: 1422 Johnstone Av., Bartlesville, Okla. McNAUGHTON, Malcolm Nathaniel, lawyer; b. Leavenworth Co., 1 Apr. 1882; s. Samuel James McNaughton, lawyer, and Annan (Eaton) McN.; ed. Tonganoxie Acad.; A.B., Univ. Kan., 1904, LL.B., 1906; m. Mary Dudley of Leavenworth, 24 Sept. 1910; 1 son — James Leslie. Admitted to bar, 1906; engaged in pract. law, 1906- ; co. atty.; apptd. city atty.; U.S. commr.; dir. Leavenworth Free Pub. Library; mem. Phi Delta Phi, Mason, Shrine. Club: Rotary. Travel: Can. Interested in literature. Recreation: golf. Episcopal (mem. vestry, St. Paul's Leavenworth,, 1132 dep. to gen. conv., 1940). Republican. Office: Times Bldg., Leavenworth, Kan. Home: 904 S. 3d St., Leavenworth, Kan. EHLER, Annette Blackburn, ex-edi- tor, teacher and publ.; b. Lawrenceville, 111., 1 Aug. 1864; d. William Blackburn, livestock bus., and Amanda E. (Rawl- ings) B.; ed. high sch.; teachers Normal Sch.; Bus. Coll.; Adv. Sch.; m. M. A. Haskett of Danville, 111., 22 May 1892 (dec. 1900) m. (2nd) Frederick Ehler, 14 July 1907; 1 dau.— Helen Blackburn Haskett (dec). Mayor, Hennessey, Okla., 1924-27; appt. Dep. Register of Deeds, Kingfisher, Okla., 1905; mem. League of Am. Pen. Women, Pi Gamma Mu, D.A.R. Author: Blue Book O.E.S., Fire Fly (book of poems), other poems and short stories. Interest: Eastern Star (grand officer, 1911-19, worthy grand matron, 1916-18, grand lecturer, 1916-19; chmn.). Hobby: building of memorial garden to Pat Hennessey. Democrat. Address: Hennessey, Okla. CHANCE, Francis Gano, executive; b. Centralia, Mo., 14 Feb. 1905; s. Albert Bishop Chance, mfr., and Frances Ingle- hart (Gano) C; ed. Central Coll., Fay- ette, Mo.; A.B., Univ. Afloat, Univ. Mo., 1929, B.S. in Chem. Engring, 1929; m. Anna Lee Toalson of Centralia, 28 June 1930; children — Phillip Gano, John Har- din. Cons, engr., A. B. Chance & Co., 1929 (early res. in x-raying of metals in co. lab.), v. pres., gen. mgr., 1931-40, pres., gen. mgr., 1941- ; dir., Mo. State C. of C, Assoc. Industries of Mo.; pres., Home Oil Co.; alderman, Centralia, 1939-41, mayor pro tern, 1941; mem. Nat. Assn. Mfrs., Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Chi Sigma, I.O.O.F., Centralia Chamber of Commerce. Club: Rotary (pres., 1936). Travel: around world, 38 countries. Interests: magic, books. Rec- reations: golf, skeet, hunting, chess. Christian Church (elder). Democrat. Office: A. B. Chance Co., Centralia, Mo. Home: 510 S. Jefferson St., Centralia, Mo. McCLURE, (Miss) Mabel Byron, li- brarian; b. Springfield, Mo.; d. Rev. W. T. McClure, minister, and Ophelia (Abernathy) McC; ed. Cottey Coll. (Nevada, Mo.); Univ. Mo.; St. Louis Library Sch. Chief, periodical dept., Pub. Library, Kan. City. Mo.; cataloger, Pub. Library, Davenport, la.; librarian, Enid, Okla., 1928- ; dir. Enid Town Hall; mem. Am. Mo., Okla. and Southwestern Library Assns., D.A.R. (Hist.) Colonial Dames of Am. (San Antonio, Tex. Chapt.), Magna Charta Dames, Am. Inst. Genealogy, A.A.U.W. Club: Busi- ness and Profl. Women's. Author: Mc- Clure Clan; The Abernathys; The Rob- bersons; The Tennants; Sime (all gene- alogies). Travel: Eur. Interests: col- lecting early Am. glass, d'.me novels, boxes. Methodist. Democrat. Office: Carnegie Pub. Library, Enid, Okla. Home: 228 W. Pine, Enid, Okla., WOOFTER, Margaret Louise E., teacher; b. Va., 20 July 1908; d. John A. Woofter and lea Leota (Kniceley) W.; ed. East High Sch., Akron; B.E., Univ. Akron, 1933; Kent State Coll.; student, business and beauty courses, nurses training, courses in crafts, marionettes, modeling. Has been invited to various cities in U.S., as story teller; mem. Ohio Edn. Assn., Akron Teachers Assn., Northeastern Ohio Edn. Assn., U.S. Nat. Congress Parents and Teach- ers, Jr. and Sr. Fedns. of Akron and Summit Co., Jr. Fedn. Alumni (state orgnzr.), Midget Fedn. (sponsor), Flora C. Hoover, Annie Locke MacKinnon, Central Dist. and Nat. Story Leagues, Dorothy MacKinnon Story League (sponsor). Clubs: College, Young Wom- an's Republican. Travel: It., Eng., Hol- land, Belgium, Switz., Can., Fr., U.S. Interests: woodblocks, sculpture, poetry, collecting perfume bottles, pottery, dolls. Recreations: fencing, tennis, ca- noeing. Baptist. Republican. Office: Margaret Park Sch., Akron, O. Home: 195 Emmon Av., Akron, O. NAGEL, Charles, Jr., architect; b. St. Louis, Mo. 24 Mar. 1898; s. Charles Nagel, lawyer, and Anne (Shepley) N.; ed. St. Albans, Washington, D.C.; Hill Sch., Pottstown, Pa.; B.A., Yale Univ., 1923, B.F.A., 1926, M.F.A., 1928; m. Lucie Lull Oliver of N.Y. City, 31 Aug. 1940. Architect, St. Louis and Boston, Mass., 1927-30; asst. prof., hist, of art and curator of decorative arts, Yale Univ., 1930-36; resident fellow, Berkeley Coll., Yale, 1933-36; opened office, Nagel and Dunn, St. Louis, 1936; St. Louis City Art. Commn, 1937-39; Bd. of Control, St. Louis Art Museum, 1938- ; served as apprentice seaman, Yale Naval Training Unit, 1918; mem. Am. Inst. Architects, Wm. Clark Soc, Circus Fans Assn., Playgoers of St. Louis, Internat. Inst. Chapt., Christ Ch. Cathe- dral, Jefferson Nat. Expansion Mem. Assn. Clubs: Alpha Delta Phi, Pundits, Elizabethan, Stack, St. Louis Country. Travel: Eng., Fr., Sp., It., Switz., Ger., Holl., Aus., Swed. Father was sec. of 1133 Commerce and Labor, Pres. Taft's cabi- net. Republican. Office: 316 N. 8th St., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 19 Lenox PI., St. Louis, Mo. Summer res.: Marion, Mass. RICE, Maegeane, artist, teacher, writer, lecturer; b. Ark., 11 Jan. 1911; d. Jesse L. Ruble, inventor, and Nellie Adams (McCloskey) R.; ed. schs., Fay- etteville, Ark.; B.S., Univ. Ark. Art Inst., 1935; Chicago Univ. of France (Paris); Istuan Gadov, sculptor (Buda- pest, Hungary) studied in Taos, N. Mex., Diego Rivera, Mex. City, Eur., 1937; m. Stanley Mitchell of Russell- ville, Ark., 5 Oct. 1940. Art teacher, Okla. high sch., Univ. Ark., Northeast- ern Coll.; invented method of teaching figures by series of strokes, 1929, pre- sented same at round table discussion, Paris, Fr., 1937; lecturer, Paris, Fr., 1937; exhbtd. Budapest, Hungary, 1937, U.S.; exhibits various places in U.S., Eur.; writer for art mags., U.S. mem. Midwestern Artists, Southern Artists, Ark., Water Color Soc, Internat. Art- ists (Budapest, Hungary), Soc. Inde- pendent Artists, N.Y., Artists Guild. Club: Altrusa. Author: Batik Making; Figure Drawing Made Easy; Making Lamp Shades; numerous arts, in current mags. Travel: Ger., Aust., Poland, Norw., Swed., Fr., U.S. Mother, Nellie Adams McCloskey Ruble, direct desc. of John Quincy Adams: uncle, George Ruble, was doctor during Indian Terri- tory days in Okla. Interests: lecturing, travel, writing. Recreations: horseback riding, motoring, tennis, hiking. Metho- dist. Democrat. Office: Rice Studio, 113 N. 16th, Muskogee, Okla. Home: Mus- kogee, Okla. Summer res.: 929 N. Park Av., Fayetteville, Ark. McKINNEY, William Alonzo, minis- ter b. Kansas City, Kan., Oct. 18, 1870; s. Jesse T. McKinney, businessman, and Mary C. (Pendell) M.; ed. Baylor Univ., Waco, Tex.; m. Georgia A. Champion of Ennis, Tex., 22 Dec. 1895; 1 dau.— Catherine. Licensed to preach, 1891; ordained Baptist minister, 1894; Bapt. Missionary, Ellis Co., Tex., 1894, pastor, Bardwell, Palmer, Antioch, 1895, Italy, Tex., 1897-98, Second Bapt. Ch., Waco, Tex., 1899-1904, Broadway Bapt. Ch.; Ardmore, Indian Ty. (now Okla.), 1906; supt. Bapt. Orphans Home, Okla. City, Okla., 1907-17; mem. bd. mgrs., Okla. Bapt. Hosp., 1911-16; founder and supt. Negro Orphanage, 1911-12; mem. Negro State Ed. Bd., 1914-16 mem. bd. mgrs. Okla. Bapt. Univ., 1924-25; pastor First Bapt. Ch., Durant, Okla., 1924-25, First Bapt. Ch., Marietta, Okla., 1926-27, First Bapt. Ch., Madisonville, Tex., 1929- 30; financial sec, Coll. of Marshall, Tex., 1931; field advertiser of Bapt. Standard of Tex., 1932; ednl. work in Okla., 1936; exec. sac. of Cancer Foundation of Am. Office and Home: 1516 Camden Way, Oklahoma City, Okla. RAMBO, William W., Jr., physician, surgeon b. Franklin Co., Ark., 29 July 1893; s. William W. -Rambo, Sr., phys., and Lula (Crawford) R.; ed. Mulberry, Ark., High Sch.; B.S., Univ. Ark., 1922; M.D., Wash. Univ. (St. Louis), 1926. Prison phys., 1930-40; served in U.S.A., 1918-19; mem. Mo. Historical Soc, Elks, fellow Am. Coll. Surgs. (1933-). Demo- crat. Office: 234 Madiscn St., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 721 E. High St., St. Louis, Mo. MARTIN, Joseph Thomas, physician; b. Eau Claire, Wis., 29 Dec 1882; s. John P. Martin and Sarah E. M.; ed. pub. schs., Oklahoma City; A.B., St. Mary's Coll. Kan., 1903, A.M., 1906; M.D., St. Louis Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1907; m. Margaret E. Burke of Okla- homa City, 14 Nov. 1911; children- John Burke, Joseph T., Jr., Edward F. Dir. Okla. City Fed. Saving & Loan Assn.; mem. exec, com., St. Anthony's and Wis. Hosp.; tr. St. Joseph (old) Cathedral; prof, clinical med., Medical Coll., Univ. Okla.; served on med. and draft appeal bds. during World War I; fellow Am. Med. Assn., fellow Am. Coll. of Phys. ; mem. Okla. City Acad, of Med. (p. pres.), Okla. Co. Med. Soc, Okla. State Med. Soc, E.G., 89'ers Soc Club: Men's Dinner. Author: sci. and med. arts, in various jours. Interests: ama- teur photography, stamp collecting. Recreation: farming. Catholic Demo- crat. Office: Osier Bldg., 1200 North Walker St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 200 N.W. 14th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. summer res.: Cascade, Colo. HILL, Julians Caesar, b. Laurel, Miss., 15 Sept. 1902; s. John Calhoun Hill, attorney at law, and Albirta (Cole) H.; ed. U.S. Naval Training, Hampton Roads, Va.; Tuskegee Inst.; Alcorn A. & M. Coll.; A.B., Morehouse Coll., 1932; Atlanta Univ.; Langston Univ., Still- water A. & M. Coll.; actor, dir., Fed. Theater, Tulsa, Okla.; staff, Writers Project; builder, Snake Creek Jr. high sch., Bixby, Okla.; prin., Brown Creek grade sch., Slick, Okla., Lawrence sch., Sapulpa, Okla.; actor, Gulf Coast Play- ers, Univ. Players; recitals, Ga., Ala., 1134 Ark., Okla., Miss.; dir. Okla. Authors Week, Hills Literary Bur. Service, Cre- ative Art Sch., Gen. Adult Ed., poetic activities, Poet Laureate League Inc.; poet laureate, Okla.; city councilor; bd. of Nat. Poetry Center; during world war served as seaman, Atlantic Fleet Flagship, U.S.S. Wisconsin, 2 yrs.; bravery at high sea and Coast Guard duty; mem. Nat. Lit. Soc. True Facts, Am. Lir. Assn., Poet Laureate League of Am. Inc., Southwestern Writers Cong., Mid-western Writers Soc, Am. Legion, Ethiopian World Fedn., Pacific Movement of the Eastern World, Nat. Assn. Adv. of Colored people. Author: The Up-Reach, A Sooner Song, A Song of Magnolia, Modern America Poetry, American Voices, Modern Troubadours, Poets on Parade, Venders of Song, Christmas Lyrics, Important Poets, Co- lumbia Book of Verse, The Poetry Di- gest, Okla. Birthday Anthology, Lyrics for a Song, Christmas Cavalcade, Prize Poets, Christmas 1940, World Fair An- thology. Travel: U.S., Cuba, Haiti, Cent. & So. Am. Interests: creative lit., aes- thetic art, collecting lit. items; 3rd award, Okla. Nat. Poetry Center, festi- val award, Nat. Poetry Center; poem selected for specimen of mod. culture, sealed in liar., Ogelthorpe Univ. Recreations: Sunday sch. teaching, track. Baptist. Republican. Office: 126 N. Greenwood A v., Tulsa, Okla. Home: 617 East Archer St., Tulsa, Okla. Sum- mer res.: Oakland Heights, Route 5. Box 265, Meridian, Miss. KANE, Robert Emmet, surgeon; b. St. Louis, Mo., 18 Aug. 1877; s. John J. Kane, physician, and Mary Belle (Sweney) K.; ed. St. Louis pub. schs.; A.B., St. Louis Univ., 1896, A.M., 1898; M.D., Washington Univ., 1899; m. Grace Cantwell of Madison, Wis., 1 May 1923; children— Robert Emmet, Jr., Mary Grace. Interne, City Hosp., 1890-1900; surg. asst., 1900-04; pvt. prac, 1904- ; staff mem., De Paul Hosp., Jewish Hosp., St. Louis City Hosp., City Sani- tarium; bd. of Forensics St. Louis Univ.; adv. bd., Webster Coll.; Poenal & Eleemosynary Adv. Bd., 1915-18; chmn., Old Age Asst. Bd., 1936-38, Municipal Med. Adv. Com., 1933; mem. A.M. A. (del. 1938-39), Mo. State Med. Assn., So. Med. Assn., St. Louis Med Soc. (p. pres.), St. Louis Surg, Soc, Med. Soc City Hosp., Alumni, Nat. Assn. Cath. Coll. Alumni (exec, com.), K. of C. Club: Jefferson. Author: poems, articles and addresses (med. relig., hist., pol.). Interest: home wood working shop. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Office: 1117 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 1175 N. Berry Rd., Glendale, Mo. KARLSON, Karl Johan, dean; b. Sweden, 27 Oct. 1877; s. Karl Johan Asleson and Matilde (Braf) A.; ed. betelseminariet, Stockholm, Sweden; A.B., Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass., 1909, M.A., 1910, Ph.D., 1912; m. Mabel Cecelia Fisher of Worcester, Mass., 3 Sept. 1919; children — Karl Eugene, Phyllis Mabel. Pastor, Swedish Baptist Ch., Manchester, N.H., 1904-06, Swedish Babt. Ch., Gardner, Mass., Fitchburg, Mass., 1911-14, Harlem St. Bapt. Ch.. Worcester, Mass., 1916-22; lecturer in philos. Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass., 1914-21; prof, historical theology. Bethel Theol. Sem., 1922- ; dean, 1925- ; pastor Bethel Bapt. Ch., Minneapolis, Minn., 1923-25; mem. New Eng. Sunday Sch. Union, 1909-14, New Eng. Swedish Bapt. Conf., 1912-22, Com. on Christian Edn., 1920-31, Minn. Bapt. Conf., 1926-39; mem. Swedish Nat. Fed., Swedish Am. Cultural Soc, Swedish Bapt. Ministers Pension Assn. Author; Mental Life of the Child; Mental Processes as Affected by Alcohols; The Organization and the Curriculum of the Sunday School. Rec- reation: fishing. Baptist. Republican. Office: 1492 North Snelling Av., St. Paul, Minn. Home: 1374 Simpson St., St. Paul, Minn. JOHNSON, Julius, physician, neurolo- gist, psychiatrist; b. Sacred Heart, Minn., 21 Dec 1877; s. Ole Johnson, farmer, and Liza (Henderickson) J.; ed. Minn. State Agrl. Sch.; State Teach- ers Coll.; M.D\, Minneapolis Coll. Phys. and Surgs., 1906; post grad., Harvard Med. Sch., 1922-23; m. Mary F. Mills of Minneapolis, Minn., 10 Nov. 1910; 1 dau. — Lorraine M. Private practice in neurology and psychiatry; contract surg., Camp Dodge, 3 mos. during World War I; mem. Hennepin Co., Minn. State Med. Soc, A.M.A., Am. Psychiatric Assn., Minn. Neurbl. Assn. Clubs: Cal- houn Beach, Masonic, Zuhrah Temple Shrine. Author: paper or head injuries; Parkinsons Disease. Parents pioneers in Renville, Co., Minn. Recreations: oc- casional tours. Lutheran. Republican. Office: 600 Physicians and Surgeons Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Home: 5201 Belmont Av., Minneapolis, Minn. HAGUE, Frank JL., indsl. engr.; b. Lake Mills, Wis., 23 Mar. 1885; s. George Hague, mechanic and Hannah 1135 Mapin (Wilson) H.; ed. Lake Mills High Sen.; Lawrence Coll., 1903-05; B.S. in C.E., Univ. Wis., 1908; m. Blanche Ben- nison of Janesville, Wis., 11 Sept. 1909; children— Jeanne E., Marie Ann, Frances Lois. Served in hydrographic office. U.S.N., Wash., D.C.; designing engr., with U.S. Steel Corp., Am. Bridge Co., gen. contractors; organized McKenzie & Hague Co., 1925 (pres. and gen. mgr., 1925-, now pres. and chmn. bd. dirs.); vice-pres. and mem. bd., Am. Premium Finance Corp. mem. Beta Theta Pi. Clubs: Minneapolis Athletic, Minneapo- lis Golf, Automobile. Travel: U.S., Can. Interests: civic, local indsl. development. Recreations: golf, fishing, southern cli- mate. Episocpalian. Republican. Office: 422 Corn Exchange Building, Minneapo- lis, Minn. Home: 4510 Wooddale Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Summer res.: Lake Cullen, Minn. Winter res.: W. Palm Beach, Fla. GILLIS, J. John, lawyer; b. Marce- line, Linn Co., Mo., 18 Mar. 1896; s. Daniel Stephen Gillis, and Annetta (Geary) G.; ed. Manual Train. High Sch., Northeast High Sch., Kansas City; Univ. Kansas City; LL.B., Kansas City Sch. Law, 1920. Adm. to practice by Supreme Court, 1918; assoc. with late firm of Beardsley & Beardsley, 1918-36; and with late Henry M. Beardsley, 1936- 38; mem. firm Mertsheimer, Street & Gillis, 1938- ; served U.S.A., June 1918- Mar. 1919, bayonet instr., Camp Mac- Arthur, Tex.; later demobilization duty, Camp Beauregard, La.; mem. Sigma Phi Upsilon; Am. Bar Assn., Mo. Bar Assn.; Lawyers Assn.; Kansas City Bar Assn.; Am. Legion (comdr. W T m. T. Fitzsimmons Post, 1939-40; charter mem.); K.C. (Grand Knight, Marquette Council, 1928-33; mem. Thomas F. Meagher Assembly, 4th deg.), Club: Catholic (N.Y.C.), Missouri Assoc. Edi- tor: Corporation Manual. Catholic. Re- publican. Office: 15 West Tenth St., Kansas City, Mo. Home: Park Central Hotel, 300 E. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. BICKLEY, Beulah Vick (Mrs. W. H.), housewife, writer; b. Vicksburg, Miss., 18 Mar. 1878; d. Edward Dickin Bick- ley, merchant and Minerva Elizabeth (Cooke) B.; ed. St. Louis High Schi- st. Louis Normal; Univ. Chicago; m. Dr. William H. Bickley of Waterloo, la., 15 Oct. 1902; children— Robert Crip- pen, Jean Beulah B. Burhaus. Teacher, St. Louis puo. schs.; dramatic reader, lecturer, poet; 1st chmn., Woman's Bd., Waterloo, C. of C; dir. of gardens, 3rd Dist, la. Fedn. of Women's Clubs; mem. Sigma Tau Delta, Nat. League, Am. Pen Women, Poetry Soc. of la., D.A.R., Colonial Dames of 17th Cent, Am. Inst, of Geneal. (fellow). Clubs: Waterloo Woman's, Cedar Falls Woman's, Fort- nightly, Chicago Poetry, Berkeley Poe- try, la. Writers. Author: Love's Tapes- try, The Trail of Spring, The Flowering Rod, Prairie Flowers an Anthology of P.S. of Iowa, A Poetry Salon Anthology, We Loved Britain. Travel: U.S., Mex., Gt. Brit. Desc. of John Hardy, Va., 1613-77, Rev. Newit Vick, founder of Vicksburg, Miss. Interests: antique col- lections, miniatures, scrap books, indoor gardening. Recreations: travel, fishing, motoring. Episcopal. Republican. Ad- dress: 1614 Walnut Drive. Waterloo, la. BERRYMAN, Jerome Charles, lum- ber, banking, ranching, ins.; b. Ashland, 22 May 1902; s. Jerome Woods Berry- man, banker, and Nancy Annette (Mc- Nickle) B.; ed. Grade sch., Ashland; Ashland High Sch.; Culver Mil. Acad.; A.B., Central Coll. (Danville, Ky.), 1925; m. Margery Louise Cauthers of Ashland, 30 July 1933; 1 son— Jerome Woods, II. Began banking, Gage, Okla., 1925, engaged in ranching interests in Okla.; active in politics, Topeka, 1927; studied branch and chain banking, Calif., asso. with Stockgrowers Nat. Bank, Ashland, 1929-36, officer; with Clark Co. Abstract Loan & Investment Co., 1936-, pres., 1938-, dir.; stockholder, First Nat. Banks /)f Wichita and Spear- man, Tex., Merchants Nat. Bank, Topeka; dir. Stockgrowers State Bank, Home Lumber & Supply Co., Kan. Bankers Surety Co.; sec.-treas., Clark Co. Nat. Farm Loan Assn.; chmn. Co. Debt Adjustment Com.; aide to Gov. Payne Ratner of Kan.; Ky. Col., 1933; holder, Canadian 100 meter record, Southern record 100 yd. dash, 1924; winner of Besser-Lindsey Award; won medal (as Boy Scout) and 4 bars for activity in Liberty Loan drives during World War; mem. Clark Co. Historical Assn. (chmn. housing com.), Clark Co. Fish and Game Protective Assn. (sec), S.A.R., Native Sons of Kan., Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Omicron Delta Kappa, Mason (Blue Lodge, Royal Arch, Con- sistory, Shrine), Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: Ashland Golf, Young Republican (past dist. chmn.), Young Rep. of Kan. (mem. exec, council). Travel: Eur., Can., Mex., U.S. G.g.f. Rev. Jerome C. Berryman, came to territory with bride, 1136 1833, as missionary to Kickapoo Indians, later asso. with Shawnee Indian Manual Labor Sch., near Kan. City, his children were among - 1st white children born in Kan., his son, Gerard I. Berryman, phys., was father of Jerome Woods Berryman who was prominent in finan- cial and polit. life of Kan., 50 yrs., until death, 19 Apr. 1940. Recreations: hunt- ing travel, mountain hiking. Presbyter- ian (tr. First Presbyn. Ch., Ashland). Young Rep. (state del. at large, Nat. Rep. Conv., Phila., Pa., 1940). Office: Stockgrowers Bank Bldg., Ashland, Kan. Home: Ashland, Kan. Summer res.: Morain Park, Colo. BROWN, Virginius Elholm, coll. prof., scientist; b. Ga., Dec. 10, 1902; s. Ern- est A. and Ann Marie (Whittlesser) B. ; B.S., Emory Univ., 1925, M.S., 1926; Ph.D., Univ. Calif., 1931; m. Edith M. Goertz, Oct. 24, 1931; children — Zoe V., Nancy Parkes. Part time instr. Univ. Md., 1929, Univ. Calif., 1926-29; prof, biology, Bethel Coll., 1931; prof, biolog. scis., Taylor Univ., since 1943. Served as Capt. 121st bn., U.S. Army since 1943. Awarded 1 bronze battle star and Asiatic ribbon. Dir. Walker Mus., 1938. Mem. Am. Assn., Advancement of Sci., Nat. Malaria Soc, Am. Botanical Soc, N.Y. Acad, of Sci., and 10 others. Demo- crat. Methodist. Author: numerous sci. papers on protozoa and tropical dis- eases. Travel: South Pacific Islands. Recreations: Camping, fishing. Office: Upland, Ind. Home: 1st and Wright Sts., Upland, Ind. SMAY, Joseph Edgar, professor, di- rector; b. Nevada, la., 4 June 1896; s. Elmer E. Smay, contractor, and Hattie E. (Crippon) S.; ed. Nev. high sch.; B.S., la. State Coll., 1923; M.S., Univ. Neb., 1929; student Harvard; m. Mildred C. Koontz of Ames, la., 1 Nov. 1923; children — Richard Edgar, Robert Jo- seph. Asst. prof, architecture Univ. Neb., 1923-29; prof., dir., Univ. Okla., since 1929; licensed architect State Okla.. 1931; prin. architect Bus. Administrn. & Biol. Sci. Bldg., Univ. Okla., 1936; pres. Art. Sect., Okla. Edn. Assn., 1941- 42; chmn. Soc. of Architectural Exami- ners, 1941-42. Served as apprentice sea- man, U.S.N. R., 1918; served in Corps of Engrs. as capt., from June 1942, overseas duty ETOUSA, Aug. 1942-May 1944. Returned to Univ. Okla. as dir., sch. of architecture, 1944. Mem. A.I.A. (pres., Okla. Chap., 1932-34, Nat. chmn., membership com., 1940-42), State Assn. Architects (pres. 1933-35), Sigma Nu, Theta Xi, Am. Legion, Boy Scouts Am. (nat. council rep.), Chamber of Com- merce. Democrat. Protestant. Mason (Scottish Rite, 32°). Clubs: Faculty (p. sec), Rotary (song leader, mem. bd., 1941, Norman, Okla.). Travel: U.S. Interests: hunting, fishing, golf. Office: Univ. of Okla., Norman, Okla. Home: 608 N. Peters Av., Norman, Okla. ROBISON, Lee Jennings, indsl. rela- tions asst.; b. Batesville, Ark., 12 Dec. 1905; s. T.W. Robison automobile con- voy business, and Catherine (McCook) R.; ed. Central High Sch. (Okla. City); A.B., Okla. City Univ., 1924; A.M., Van- derbilt Univ., 1925; grad. work, Minn. Univ.; m. Esther Gannaway of Okla. City, 16 July 1926; children— Katherine Ann, Caroline, Lee Jennings, II. Asso. prof, govt., Okla. City Univ., 1925-30; pub. relations dir., industrial relations asst., Indian Territory illuminating Oil Co., June 1930- ; received U.S. Jr. Cham- ber Commerce Distinguished Service Award, Bartlesville, 1937; mem. Mid- Continent Oil and Gas Assn., Independ- ent Petroleum Assn. of Am., South- western Assn. Industrial Editors, Alpha Tau Omega, Pi Kappa Delta, Bartles- ville Chamber Commerce (dir.), Bart- lesville Jr. Chamber Commerce, Okla. City C. of C, Bartlesville Welfare Assn. (dir., past pres.), Okla. Jr. C. of C. (p. pres.), Okla. C. of C. (past v.p.), Okla. Social Welfare Assn., Bartlesville Little Theatre Guild, Washington Co. and Okla. Co. Leagues of Young Smo- crats (past pres.). Clubs: Hillcrest Country (Bartlesville), Kiawanis Inter- nal (past It. gov.), Toastmaster's. In- terests: welfare work, dramatics, music. Recreations: bowling, golf (past mem., basketball, tennis and debate teams, Okla. City Univ.; past Okla. State Jr. Tennis Champion). Methodist. Demo- crat. Office: Indian Territory Illuminat- ing Oil Co., Bartlesville, Okla. Home: 1803 Johnstone, Bartlesville, Okla. SANDERLIN, Joseph Herman, physi- cian; b. El Paso, Ark., 11 Jan. 1893; s. Joseph Allen Sanderlin, phys., and Sarah Eunice (Harkrider) S.; ed. Bryant High Sch.; Univ. Ark.; M.D., Tulane Univ. La., 1921; m. Burte Kitchen Ivy of El Dorado, Ark., 22 Aug. 1915. With Gus Blais Co., Little Rock, 1912-1913; postal service, 1913-16; Univ. Ark., pre-med., 1916-17; med., 1917-18; Tulane Med., 1918-19,20,21; interne, city hosp., Little Rock, 1921-22, assoc. phys., 1922-25. surg. asst., 1922-23, instr. in Gynecol., U of A. Med. Dept., 1926-33, assoc, 1137 prof. 1934-37, prof. 1938- ; p. pres., Pu- laski Co. Med. Soc. ; chief dept. Gynecol., Bap. State Hosp. 1928- ; Gynecol, staff, St. Vincents Inf. (1922-) ; med. dir. Pyramid Life Ins. Co., 1939- ; pvt. in M.E.R.C. 1917-18; mem. Am. State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Assn.; fellow Am. Coll. of Surgs. (1929); mem. Assn. for study of Internal Secretions, Am. Legion. Vincent's. Author: various sci. papers on gynecol. Travel: U.S., Can., Cuba, Cen. Am. Recreation: golf. Methodist. Democrat. Office :432 Donaghuy Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Home: 1510 W. 22nd St., Little Rock, Ark. Summer res.: Granite Mountain, near Little Rock, Ark. MARSELLI, Carlo, sculptor; b. Carrara, Italy, 18 Mar. 1885; s. Egisto Marselli, sculptor, and Italia (Rossi) M.; ed. Tech. (superior sch.), Carrara, Italy; m. Videa Galli of Carrara, 1907; children — Harry, Edward, Carlo, Jr. Mem. art commn, for sculptural work on visit to U.S., 1906; entered imported food products bus.; past pres., Italian War Vets Assn.; co-organizer, Domus, Italica, 1934; active participant in charitable, ednl. and social enterprises of Italian colony; U.S. citizen, 1930; served as lieut., Alpini Corps, Italian Army, during World War; sp.1. instr., O.T.C.; mem. officers staff, delegated in authority during uprising in Milan at close of war; commdr., Foreign Legion, Army and Navy Union of America; mem. bd. dirs., Am. Vets. League; early mem. Am. Legion. Travel: U.S., Europe (extensively). In- terests; sculpture, public speaking. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 621 Franklin A v., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 3919 Oleatha St., St. Louis, Mo. STODDARD, Albert Dow, business exec, chief eng.; b. Frederick, S.D., 13 Aug 1884; s. Albert L. Stoddard, mer- chant, and Viola M. (Dow) S.; ed. grade sch., high sch. Duluth, Minn., Cavour, S.D.; B.S. in B.E. Kansas State Coll., 1906, E.E., 1916; unmarried. Chg. elec, Clay Center Light & Power Co., 1906; spl. student, student instr., Kan. State Coll., 1907; power despatcher, asst, engr., Metropolitan St. Ry., 1907- 17; asst engr. Bd, of control, Kansas City Ry., 1918; elec. engr., Empire Gas & Fuel Co., 1918; res. engr., Empire Gasoline Co., 1918-21; cons, engr., Bartlesville, Okla., 1921-26; chief engr., Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Co., 1926-35; v.p., chief engr., Hallibur- ton' Oil Well Cementing Co., 1935- ; inventor, several mech. and oil field devices; dir. Halliburton Pressure Grouting Co.; served as 1st It., Engrs. one yr. during World War; mem. Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs., Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs., A.L., Mason (Blue Lodge, Scot- tish Rite, 32 degree). Author: short arts, and lectures on engring. in pe- troleum industry. Travel: Can., Mex., Honduras, Guatemala, Bahamas. In- terest: amateur radio. Recreation: hunting. Christian. Republican. Office: Drawer 471, Duncan, Okla. Home: New Duncan Hotel, Duncan, Okla. MARSHALL, Verne, editor and co- publisher; b. Cedar Rapids, 30 Aug. 1889; s. Harry L. Marshall, editor, and Emily (Kirkland) M.; ed. local high sch.; one yr., Coe Coll.; m. (1st) Fran- ces Fiske — 30 Apr. 1919 (dec.) m. (2nd) Clementine Robichaux of New Orleans, 21 May 1932; children — Jeanne, Barbara, Patricia, Frances, Marie Louise, John Randolph. Reporter in Cedar Rapids, Sioux City la., Min- neapolis, and London, Eng., 1904-14; managing ed., Cedar Rapids Gazette, 1914-32, editor, 1932- ; won 1936 Pulitzer Prize for most disinterested and meritorious service rendered by an Am. newspaper in 1935; handled en- tire campaign, which exposed polit. and official graft and corruption in la.; dir. The Gazette Co.; served as pvt. in French Army, 1916; mem. Am. Am- bulance Field Service, Verdun; pvt., sergt., 2nd lieut., M.T.C., U.S.A.; Clubs: Nat. Press, Cedar Rapids Coun- try. Author: column, Current Com- ment, mag. articles. Travel: Europe, U.S. Interests: golf, deep-sea fishing. Presbyterian. Independent Republican. Office: Cedar Rapids Gazette, Cedar Rapids, la. Home: 532 Knollwood Dr., Cedar Rapids, la. RASSIEUR, T. Edward, investment consultant; b. St. Louis, 23 Sept. 1901; s. Theodore Rassieur, atty., and Carrie (Miller) R.; ed. Univ. Sch. (St. Louis); Dartmouth Coll.; B.S.c, Wash. Univ., 1924; m. Margaret Kuehn of St. Louis, 16 July 1927; children— Theodore Ed- ward, Charles Louis. Sales and ac- counting, Monsanto Chemical Co., 1924- 25; salesman of stocks and bonds, G. H. Walker & Co., L. E. Anderson & Co., 1926-29; pres. Rassieur, Sweeney & Co., investment securities, 1929-33; invest- ment con., sole owner, T. E. Rassieur Trend Interpretation Service, stock market service devoted to forecasting trend of prices of N.Y. Stock Exchange 1138 stocks, 1933- ; originated, developed revolutionary principles of "trend inter- pretation" which forecast both long term and short term trends of stock prices; in S.A.T.C., 1918; mem. Lambda Chi Alpha. Club: Normandie Golf. Travel: Can., Eur., Hawaii, U.S. In- terested in Leica photography. Rec- reations: golf, hunting, fishing. Prot- estant. Republican. Office: Continental Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 7286 Greveling Dr., Univ. City, Mo. Sum- mer res.: 505 Mercer Blvd., Charlevoix, Mich. WINTERKORN, Hans Friedrich, re- search assoc. prof., b. Mennheim, Ger., 24 Nov. 1905; s. Valentin Winterkorn, architect, and Elisabetha Chirstina (Gedde) W.; ed. Hun. Gymnasium Lud- wigshafen a/Rh.; Ph.D. Naturalis, Ruperto-Carola Univ. Heidelberg., 1931. Head dept. Chem. Sch. Ad. Edn. Menn- heim, 1929-31; soil research engr., Mo. State Hy. Dept., 1931-32; vis. asst. prof., phys. chem., Univ. Mo., 1932-33; research consult., Mo. State Hy. Dept., 1932- ; research assoc. dept. soils, Univ. Mo., 1932-40, research assoc. prof., soil mechanics, Dept. Civ. Eng., 1940- ; research cens. dir. Nac. de Vialidad, Argentina, 1936-39, chmn. Proj. Com. 12 Hwy. Research Bd., Nat. Research Council; mem. A.A.A.S., Inter- nal Soc. Soil Sci., A.C.S., S.P.E.E., A. Asph. Pav. Tech., Sigma XL, et alia. Club: Univ. (Columbia, Mo.). Author numerous publ. on Eng. Properties of Soils and Asphalts. Travel: Eur. Ams. Interest: painting. Recreation: Fr. lyric poems. Protestant. Liberal. Office: 94 Civil Engineering Lab., Univ. Mo., Columbia, Mo. Home: 311 Hitt St., Columbia, Mo. BLUM, Leon Leib, physician,; b. Jelsiai, Lithuania, May 4, 1908; s. Carl C. and Eta (Rabinovitz) B.; student Werner-Liemens Real Gymnasium, Ber- lin; Univ. of Heidelberg; M.D., Univ. of Berlin, 1933; m. Ernestine Berman, May 30, 1936; children — Lenore Sylvia, Carolyn Ruth. Interne Charitable City Hosp., Berlin, 1933; resident pathologist Mt. Sinai Hosp., Chicago, 1934-36; act- ing dir., asst. dir., South Bend Med. Lab., South Bend, Ind., 1936; patholo- gist, dir. Labs., Associated Physicans and Surgeons Clinic, Terre Haute, Ind., since Oct., 1936. Attending pathologist, dir. labs., Union Hosp., Terre Haute, since Jan., 1937; instr. pathology, bac- teriology, tropical medicine, Union Hosp. Sch. of Nursing since 1937; dir. Blood- Plasma Bank since its organization. 1942; cons, hematologist, Union Hosp. Diplomate Am. Bd. of Pathology certi- fied by Am. Bd. of Patho'.ogy (special- ist) ; Fellow Am. Med. Assn., Am. Coll. of Physicians, Ind. State Med. Assn., Ind. Assn. of Pathologists, Vigo County Med. Soc, Aesculepian Soc. of the Habash Valley; mem. B'nai B'rith. Jewish. Au- thor: numerous articles* in med. jours, on anemias and other blood disorders, plood-plasma bank, red cell transfu- sions, transfusion reactions, hematogenic shock and relegated subjects. Travel: Russia, Poland, Baltic States, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy and other countries. Interests: art, sociology. Rec- creations: travel, chess. Office: 221 S. Sixth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Home: 1101 S. Sixth St., Terre Haute, Ind. BRITTEN, John R., lawyer; b. Read- ing, O., Dec. 16, 1898; s. Fred and Jan- nie (Shoemaker) B.; student Lockland O. Night High Sch.; LL.B., Blackstone Inst., 1925; m. Onda Chenoweth, Oct. 22, 1927; 1 son— James Edwin. Admitted to Ind. Bar, 1925, elected prosecuting atty., twice and mayor of Richmond twice, presently serving 2d term; twice elected prosecuting atty. 17th Judicial Circuit, Ind. and served, 1935-38; twice elected mayor, Richmond and served 1939-46. Mem. Nat. Georgraphic, Ind. Hist. Soc. Republican. Christian. Mason (32°, K. T., Shriner), Eastern Star, Knights of Pythias, Elk, LOOM, JQUAM. Interests: Baseball, fishing. Recreations: golf, billiards. Office: 29% N. Eighth St., Richmond, Ind. Home: 226 S.W. Second St., Richmond, Ind. STROS ACKER, Charles J., chemist; b. Liverpool, O., Nov. 15, 1882; s. Wil- liam and Caroline (Frank) S.; ed. Liver- pool high sch.; Baldwin Univ., Berea, O.; B.S., Case Sch. Applied Sci., 1906; D. Eng., Case Sch. Applied Sci., 1941. Chemist Ont. Nickel Co., Ont., Can., 1906-08; production mgr., Dow Chem. Co., since 1908; dir. Dow Chem. Co., Can., Cliff Dow Chem. Co.; vice pres. Dow Chem. Co., since 1940. Mem. A.S.S.. Sigma Xi. Mason. Clubs: Saginaw Val- ley Torch, Rotary, Midland Country, Benmark. Office: Dow Chemical Co., Midland. Home: 907 W. Park Dr., Mid- land, Mich. SORENG, Edgar Martin, manufac- turer; b. Watertown City, S.D., 14 Aug. 1884; s. John, farmer, and Mary (Orsen) S.; ed. Valparaiso Univ.; B.S., S.D. State Coll., 1908; m. Mary E. Hess of 1139 Estelline City, S.D., 10 Sept. 1921; chil- dren — Ida May, John Edgar. Teacher Center Coll., Danville, Ky., 1910; prof, elec. engring., Marquette Univ., Milwau- kee, Wis., 1912-14; mfr. elec. specialties Soreng-Manegold Co., Inc., since 1925; pres. Soreng Manegold Co., since 1940. Served as 2d It., A.S., 1917-18. Republi- can. Protestant. Office: 1901 Clybourn Av., Chicago, IH. Home: 9444 N. Lawn- dale Av., Skokie, 111. BRUNK, Gregory, lawyer; b. Des Moines, la. 27 Jan. 1894; s. W.M. Brunk, salesman, and Mary Vesta (Stockham) B.; ed. West Des Moines high sch.; A.B., Drake Univ., 1916, LL.B., 1919; m. Martha Goodwin of Des Moines, la., Aug. 31, 1921. Pres., sr. mem. law firm, Brunk & James; pres., Handturd Bros. & Hitchins Foundry Co., Argonne Apart- ment Co.; dir. Webster Life Ins. Co., Homestandare Life Assn. Served as 1st class sergt. during World War I, seven months; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Chi Del- ta, Beta Phi Sigma, Polk Co. Bar Assn. Iowa and Am. bar assns., Am. Legion. Republican. Church of Christ. Clubs: Des Moines, Nat. Republican. University, Gotham. Office: 1010 Des Moines Bldg., Des Moines, la. Home: 2220 44th St., Des Moines, la. SEATON, John Lawrence, college president; b. Manchester, la., 25 Jan. 1873; s. Milon D. Seaton, Veterinarian, and Mary (Riley) S.; ed. Epworth Sem.; A.B., Upper la. Univ., 1898; S.T.B., Boston Univ., 1901, Ph.D., 1905, Wil- liams Scholar, Harvard Univ., 1913; D.D. (hon.), Upper la. Univ.; LL.D. (hon.), W. Va. Wesleyan Univ.; Litt. D. (hon.), Dakota Wesleyan Univ.; LL.D. (hon.), Boston Univ.; m. Jessie Evans Davis of Maynard, la., 1900; children — William Davis, Mary Wells. Ordained M.E. ministry, 1897; asso. pastor, Mor- gan Mem. Ch., Boston, 1898-1900; pas- tor, Norwood, Mass., 1900-01, Grand- view Av. Ch., Dubuque, la. 1901-04; prof. Psychology, Dakota Wesleyan Univ., 1904-14; pres. Coll. of Pacific, 1914-19; coll. sec, Methodist Episcopal Ch., 1919-24; pres., Albion Coll., 1924- ; pres., Univ. Senate Methodist Episcopal Ch., 1925- ; sec, Ednl. Assn., 1925-34; pres., Assn. of Am. Colleges, 1938-39; mem. Bd. of Examiners, North Cent. Assn. of Colleges and Secondary Schs., 1925-37, Chairman of Bd. of Review, and Commission on Colleges and Uni- versities, 1937-44; mem. financial ad- visory service, Am. Council on Edn., 1935-39; mem. Teachers' Ednl. Com., State of Mich.; N.E.A.; del., Gen. Conf. Meth. Episcopal Ch., 1932, 1936 and Uniting Conf., 1939. Clubs: Rotary, Torch. Author: numerous articles on religion and ednl. topics. Travel: Eur., extensively in No. Am. Recreations: golf, travel. Methodist. Independent. Office: Albion Home, 501 Mich. Av., Albion, Mich. PIERROT, George Francis, editor and writer; b. Chicago, 111., 11 Jan. 1898; s. George Francis Pierrot, physician, and Aloyse (Martin) P.; ed. A. B. in Journalism, Univ. Wash., 1920; m. Helen Reck of Gary, Ind., 3 Aug. 1935; chil- dren—Nancy Ann, Helen Jeanne, Alan Hay, Robert Charnley. Reporter, Ya- kima Valley American, 1919; editor, Univ. Wash. Daily, 1920; editor, Canning Age, 1920; reporter, Seattle Times, 1920- 21; publicity sec, Seattle Chamber Com- merce, 1921; lecturer in journalism, Univ. Wash, extension div., 1921; asso. editor, Business Magazine, Detroit, 1922; asst. mng. editor, Am. Boy Magazine, 1922-24; editor, Am. Boy- Youth's Com- panion, 1924-36; pres. and dir. World Adventure Series, 1933- ; publicity dir. Ford Motor Co. Pavilion, N.Y. World's Fair, 1939-40; co-publisher, pres. and editor, American Boy- Youth's Compan- ion, 1940-41; managing dir. Metropolitan Detroit USO, 1942-43; exec. sec. Med. Sci. Center, Wayne Univ., Oct., 1943- ; dir., Cranbrook Sch. for Boys; candidate Central Inf. O.T.C., Camp McArthur, Tex., 1918; mem. Sigma Delta Chi, (nat. treas. 1923, sec. 1924, pres. 1925, mem. editorial bd. The Quill of Sigma Delta, Chi), Sigma Chi. Clubs: Explorers (N.Y.), Circumnavigators (N.Y.), Torch, Detroit Boat, Prismatic, Adcraft, (Detroit). Author: Yea, Sheriton; The Vagabond Trail. Travel: around the world as corr. for Am. Boy-Youth's Companion, 1931, again for World Let- ters, 1937-38. Interests: world travel, foreign affairs. Recreations: bowling, fishing, motoring. Protestant. Address: 2224 Burns Av., Detroit, Mich. CUTLIP, Ame Butts, homemaker, clubwoman; b. Clarksville, Ark., 25 Jan. 1881; d. A. W. Butts, atty. and Mary Catherine (Hayhurst) B.; ed. Tecumseh high sch.; Okla. Univ., one yr., m. C. Guy Cutlip of Wewoka, 23 March 1903; 1 dau. — Floy Maxine. Charter mem. first ednl. club, Wewoka; dir. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. bd. dir., State Memorial Assn.; past pres., now dir. 1140 Okla. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; served as exec, sec., Am. Red Cross, Seminole County during World War; mem. P.E.O., O.E.S. Clubs: Garden, Athenaeum, Wekoka Art, Card. Author: sponsored the First History of The Oklahoma State Federation of Women's Clubs, compiled by Mr. George Rainey. Family were pioneers in state of Okla., 1880. Interests: collecting hist, pictures and data in Okla., Indian art and crafts. Travel: U.S., Canada, Mexico. Recrea- tion: travel. Christian. Democrat. Home: 109 S. Okfuskee, Wewoka, Okla. McCTJLLOCH, John Irvin Beggs, edi- tor and writer; b. St. Louis, Mo., 8 Nov. 1908; s. Richard McCulloch, executive, and Mary Grace (Beggs) M.; ed. St. Louis Country Day Sch.; Culver Mil. Acad.; B.A., Yale Univ., 1930; Oxford Univ., England; M.A., Stanford Univ., 1937; m. Elizabeth Ten Broeck Jones of Wis., 9 Sept. 1934; children— Mary Bett, Keith Beggs, Roderick Douglas. Trav- eled extensively in Europe and Asia, studied at New Col., Oxford and the Ecole des Sciences Politiques, Paris; the result was a book of travel impressions and polit. commentary, Drums in the Balkan Night, 1936, spent winter of 1937-38 and fall of 1939 in S. Am., contbd. monthly survey of Latin Am. affairs to mag. Events; co-founder, ed., The Inter Am., Quarterley, 1938- ; assoc. with Foreign Policy Assn. in Latin Am. affairs and ed. their fortnightly bulletin on Latin Am., Pan Am. News, 1940- ; mem. Alpha Chi Rho, Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma. Rho, Soc. of the Cincinnati, Soc. Colonial Wars. Club: Yale (N.Y.). Author: Drums in the Balkan Night, Challenge to the Ameri- cas. Travel: extensively in Europe, Asia, S. Am. Protestant. Office: 1200 National Press Bldg., Wash., D.C. Home: 4394 Westminster Place, St. Louis, Mo. Summer res.: Beggs Isle, Oconomowoc, Wis. MEYERS, Alfred Moyer, chief engr.; b. Can., 29 Sept. 1873; s. Absalom Mey- ers, farmer, and Lavina (Moyer) M.; ed. Peabody, Kan., High Sch.; B.S., Kan. Univ., 1898; m. Carrie E. Maxwell of Peabody, Kan., 1899; children— Wal- ter A., Lester H., Alfred M., John W. Rwy. location, constr., 1898-1900; drafts- man, Pa. Steel Co., 1900-01; estimator, King Bridge Co., 1901-03; estimator, de- signing engr., Wis. Bridge & Iron Co., 1903-07; salesman and chief engr., Kan. City Structural Steel Co., 1907- ; dir., Shawnee State Bk., mem. Sch. Bd., 1908- ; prof. Bd. for Registration of Kan. Engrs.; mem. Kan. Engrs. Soc, Am, Welding Soc, A.S.T.M. Club: Kansas City Engineers. Methodist. Republican, Office: Kansas City Structural Steel Co., Kansas City, Kan. Home: Merriam, Kan. KLENK, Charles L., pathologist, bac- terid.; b. St. Louis, Mo., 3 Dec. 1882; s. Charles Klenk and (Weinheimer) K.; ed. Central High Sch.; M.D., Washing- ton Univ., 1905; children — Carl Willard, Marie Helen (Mumbrauer). Entered Wash. Univ., 1901, student asst. in pathol. and bacterid., 1903-05; asst. to Dr. E. F. Tiedeman, prof, pathol. and bacterid., 1905-16; pathol. at Lutheran, St. Anthony, Christian and Deaconess Hosps.; dir. and pathol., Deaconess Hosp. Lab., 1916- ; dir and owner pvt. Clinical Lab. Mem. Am. Soc. Clin. Pathol, (v.p. 1939), Am. Soc. Clin. Path., Soc Am. Bacteriol., Southern Med. Assn., St. Louis Med. Soc, A.M.A., St. Louis Path. Soc, Masons. Author: Treatment of Ozena with Autog Vac- cines; Treatment of Asthma with Autog Vaccines; various arts, on serology. In- terests: amateur radio, photography. Recreations: tennis, baseball. Protes- tant. Republican, Office: 420-22 Metro- politan Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home: 3148 Halliday Av., St. Louis, Mo. SHARP, Elwood Armstrong, physi- cian; b. Kansas, 30 Oct. 1891; s. Elwood Sharp, newspaperman, and Mary Kath- erone (Stine) S.; ed. Council Grove High Sch.; A.B., Univ. Kansas, 1913; M.D., Coll. Medicine, 1915; D.Sc, Univ. Detroit, 1936; m. Alma Heavrin of Mor- ganfield, Ky., 1927. Interne, St. Mar- garet's Hosp., Kansas City, Mo., 1915- 16; private practice, Kan. City, Mo., 1916-17; commd. It. (j.g.), M.C., U.S.N., 1917 (regular) served Eur., 1918-21; post-grad, in med., Naval Med. Sch. and Harvard Med. Sch., 1922; resigned as It. commdr. Navy, 1929; dir. dept. clin. investigation, Parke, Davis & Co., 1929; lecturer in hematology, Wayne Univ., Coll. Med. Anemia Lab., Harper Hosp., mem. Am. Coll. Phys., Am. Soc. Clin. Pathol., Asso. for Study Internal Se- cretions. Central Soc. Clin. Res., Assn. Mil. Surg., Wayne Co. Med. Soc (asso. mem.), Detroit physicol. Soc, Vets, Fgn. Wars. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Essex County Golf and Country. Contbr. articles to sci. jours. Travel: Eur., Hawaii, Samoa, Australia, Cent. Am., 1141 Can., U.S. Interest: writing. Recrea- tions: golf, auto touring. Protestant. Democrat. Clin, investigation in dis- orders of blood prompted discovery of anti-anemic value of stomach tissue, re- ported 1929. Office: care Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. Home: 320 E. Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Summer res.: Russell Island, Clay Co., Mich. SHUMATE, Ella Alice, artist; b. Le- banon, Ind., 16 Aug. 1874; d. James Stewart, M.D., and Texanna Victoria (Beck) S.; ed. Boston Extension; studied under E. Ambrose Webster and John Patrick, Kansas City, John Heron, In- dianapolis Ind.; studied in Cincinnati, and with Andre L'Hote in Paris; at Newlyn, Land's End, Eng.; two seasons in Europe; m. J. Walter Shumate of Le- banon, 1900; 1 son — Maj. Bayard Stew- art, U.S. Army. Dir. Shumate, Inc., comml. printers and dealers in office equipment; mem. Nat. Soc. Women Sculptors and Painters, Hoosier Salon, Chicago Mus. Modern Art, (N.Y. City), Ind. Art Soc. Travel: Europe, Eng., Fr. Interest: painting. Office: 205 S. Le- banon St., Lebanon, Ind. Home: 503 S. West St., Lebanon, Ind. Temporary res.: 2731 Observatory Rd., Hyde Park, Cin- cinnati, O. TAAFFE, Florence Irene, pub. rela- tions dir., columnist, women's editor; b. Minneapolis, Minnesota, 9 Jan.; d. John James Vincent Taaffe and Helen Evelyn (Walsh) T.; ed. St. Margaret's Acad., Minneapolis; Univ. Minn., 1923. News- paper reporter, soc. ed., Univ., Minn, news, for Minneapolis Tribune; ed., soc. and women's activities dept., Minneapo- lis Tribune Newspapers (Morning Tri- bune, Evg. Times-Tribune, Sunday Tri- bune), conduct daily and weekly col- umns; radio commentator on women's news and interests; program dir., Tri- bune Homemakers' schs.; originator, dir., Press Confs. for Women Leaders of Northwest for Minneapolis Tribune Newspapers, 1935-41; pub. relations dir., Joint Army and Navy Com. on Wel- fare and Recreation, War Dept., Wash- ington, D.C., 1942; mem. Nat. League Am. Pen Women (Minn, br.), Quota Internat. (Minneapolis br.), Nat. Fed. Press Women (Minn, br.), League Women Voters, Minneapolis Inst. Arts, Minn. Women's Golf Assn., Theta Sigma Phi. Clubs: Woman's Thursday Musical, Saddle and Bridle, Minneapolis Women's Advertising, Nat. Fed. Business and profl. Women's. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Recreations: horseback riding, golf, motoring, travel. Catholic. Home: 2218 Tenth Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Office: Joint Army and Navy Com. on Welfare and Recreation, Rm. 1032, Temp. Bldg. G, Washington, D.C. Res. 918 18th St. N»W», Washington, D.C. WATSON, James Smith, business exec, b. Phila., Pa., 2 May 1878; s. Samuel Fisher Watson, and Sarah Ann (Shoemaker) W.; ed. high sch., Phila., Pa., m. Elizabeth Carson of Phila, Pa., 28 Feb. 1901; children— Elizabeth, Edith Nicholson, Jane Mahaffen. Began with Link-Belt Co., successively shop worker, drafting dept., office and sales; sales mgr., Phila., Pa. plant, mrg. Didge plant, Indianapolis, Ind.; v.p. in full charge operations at Indianapolis, 44 yrs. with Link-Belt; dir. Link-Belt Co. Mem. Indiana Mfrs. Assn., Ind. State Cham- ber of Commerce, Internat. C. of C; mfr. war materials during World War I. Clubs: Indianapolis Athletic, Columbia, Woodstock Country. Travel: all countries. Recreations: travel, golf. Protestant. Republican. Office: 200 S. Belmont Av., Indianapolis, Ind. Home: 5300 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Summer res.: Burt Lake, Mich. WHITE, Kenneth Sidney, lawyer; b. River Falls, Wis., 17 Jan. 1897; s. Ferris M. White, attorney at law, and Mary (Foster) W.; ed. River Falls (Wis.) High Sch.; LL.B., Univ. Wis., 1921; m. Helen Kyle of Menomonie, Wis., 13 June 1924; children— John Spence, Charles Edgar, Roger Thomas. In pract. law .with father, 1921-40; pract. alone since 1940; entered active mil. service, Oct. 1940, assigned as It. col., to 120th F.A., Camp Beauregard, La.; dir. First Nat. Bk., River Falls, Wis.; state senator, 1936-40; dist. atty., 1922-25, city atty., 1940- ; served as corpl., 6th H.M.Q., R.S., 1918-19; active in Wis. N.G., 1920- ; commd. It. col., F.A.; mem. Order of Coif, Phi Delta Phi. Club: Lions. Ma- ternal g.f., Joel Foster, was first settler in River Falls, Wis. Interests: civilian components of Army U.S. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Episcopalian. Republi- can. Announced as candidate for It. gov., then withdrew to enter active mil. service with Wis. N.G. Office: First Nat. Bank Bldg., River Falls, Wis. Home: 518 W. Walnut St., River Falls, Wis. BOWLBY, Henry Lee, civil engr., executive; b. Crete, Neb., Dec. 31, 1879; s. Charles John and Mary E. (Hudson) 1142 B.; student Doane Coll., Crete, Neb., 1895-97; A.B. and B.S. in C.E., U. of Neb., 1905; cadet U.S. Mil. Acad., 1898- 1901; m. Ivy Anna Wallace, Sept. 7, 1907; R.R. loc. and const., Ecuador, S.A., 1901-04; Instr. civil engring. U. of Wash., 1905-09; chief engr., later state highway commr. of Wash., Olympia, 1909-11; state highway engr. of Ore., Salem, Ore., 1913-15; sr. highway engr. with U.S. Bur. of Pub. Rds., Washing- ton, D.C., 1919-24; chief engr. Long Is- land State Park Commn, N.Y. City, 1924-26; v.p. Deepwater Coal & Iron Corp., N.Y. City, 1928-28; pres. Ala. Rock Asphalt, Inc., Margerum, Ala., 1926-28; gen. mgr. and chief engr. Flint- kote Rds., Inc., N.Y. City, 1928-32 civil engr., operating under name of H. L. Bowlby, Chicago, since 1932. Served as capt., later maj., It. col., Engrs. Corp. A.E.F., 1917-18. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Am. Concrete Inst., Am. Rd. Builders Assn. (past pres.), Am. Legion, Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs. (past pres. Chicago post), 111. Soc. Engrs. (past pres. Chi- cago chapter), Inst, of Industrial Engi- neers and Executives of America (pres.), Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Xi, Sigma Iota Epsilon. Democrat. Prot- estant. Mason. Club: Cosmos (Wash- ington, JJ.C.). Address: 429 Arlington PI., Chicago 14, 111. BRITIGAN, William Henry, pres. Wm. H. Britigan Realty Corp.; b. St. Marys, O.; s. Albert and Sarah A. B.; student publ. schs., Dayton, O. Union Christian Coll., Merom, Ind., Valparaiso, (Ind.) U.; m. Mary P. Sibley, May 2, 1902 (died 1935); children— Harbert Dana, Katherine Alice (Mrs. W. D. Combs), Robert Dana, William Henry; m. 2d, Helen S. Berry, 1936. With advt. and sales depts. Nat. Cash Register Co., Dayton, O., 1899-1901; advt. and sales depts. Library Bur., Boston, Mass., 1901-03; ednl. dir. West Side Y.M.C.A., N.Y. City, 1904-07, where organized first real estate class in country and pub. Practical Real Estate Methods; asst. to comptroller (real estate office) Metro- politan Life Ins. Co., N.Y. City, 1908-09; mgr. for Joseph P. Day, real estate auctioneer, N.Y. City, 1910-14; sold Marquette Manor, Chicago, 111., for As- sets Realization Co., 1914; established firm William H. Britigan, Chicago, 1915; title changed to the Wm. H. Britigan Realty Assn., 1922, now the T. H. Briti- gan Realty Corp. Mem. Soc. of May- flower Descendants State of 111., Soc. of Colonial Wars, The Sons of the Revolu- tion. Club: South Shore Country. Home: 7000 South Shore Drive. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. MacFARLAND, Hays, sr. partner, MacFarland, Aveyard & Co.; b. Repub- lican City, Neb., Apr. 12, 1890; s. David Fullerton and Ida (Hays) MacF.; stud- ent U. of Chicago, 1910-15; m. Faye Millard, Feb. 1, 1930. Chicago (111.) rep. Motor Trades Pub. Co. of N.Y., 1915-17; asst. bus. mgr. Chicago Herald & Ex- aminer, 1919-20; advt. staff Curtis Pub. Co., Chicago, 1920-21; v.p. in charge sales and advt. Alemite Corp., 1921-23; p a r tn e r Blackett-Sample-MacFarland, 1923-24; v.p. and asst. publisher 111. Pub. Co., 1925-29; pres. and controlling owner Hays MacFarland & Co., advt. agency, June, 1929-May 1943; sr. part- ner, MacFarland, Aveyard & Co. since May, 1943. Commnd. capt. Inf., 1st O.T.C., Ft. Sheridan Aug. 1917; commnd. maj., Dec. 1917; div. motor transport officer, 86th Div., A.E.F., U.S. Army; hon. disch., Aug. 1919. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Racquet, Saddle & Cycle, University, Tavern, Common- wealth (Chicago);. Glen View. Home: County Line Rd., Barrington, 111. Office: 333 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. L.ILLIE, Frank Rattray, zoologist; b. Toronto, Ont., June 27, 1870; s. George W. and Emily (Rattray) L.; A.B., Univ. of Toronto, 1891; fellow Clark Univ., 1891-92, Univ. of Chicago, 1892- 93, Ph.D., 1894; D.Sc, Univ. of Toronto, 1919, Yale, 1932, and Harvard Univer- sity, 1938; LL.D., Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, 1942; m. Frances Crane, June 29, 1894. Instr. zoology, U. of Mich., 1894-99; prof, biology, Vassar Coll., 1899-1900; asst. prof, zoology and em- bryology, 1900-02, asso. prof., 1902-07, prof, since 1907, chmn. dept. zoology, 1911-35, dean of division of biological sciences, 1931-35, U. of Chicago, Head dept. embryology, 1893-1907, asst. dir., 1900-08, dir., 1908-26, pres., 1925-1942, Marine Biol. Lab., Woods Hole, Mass.; pres. Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., 1930-39; dir. Crane Co., Mng. editor Biol. Bulletin, 1902-26, associate editor Jour- nal Experimental Zoology Physiological Zoology. Fellow A.A.A.S. (v.p. 1914); mem. Nat. Acad. Sciences (pres. 1935- 39), Nat. Res. Council (chmn. 1935-36), Am. Philos. Soc, Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.; Societe Beige de Biologie, Societe de Biologie, Paris, Am. Soc. Naturalises (v.p. 1914, pres. 1915), Am. Soc. Zoolo- gists (pres. Central Br. 1905-08), Assn. 1143 Am. Anatomists, Boston Soc, Natural History, Am. Philos. Soc, Royal Soc. of Edinburgh, Zool. Soc. of London. Clubs: Quadrangle, University (Chicago); Cos- mos, Washington, D.C.); Century Assn. (New York). Contbr. to scientific jours. Home: 5801 Kenwood A v., Chicago, 111. RITTMAN, Walter Frank, chemical and commercial engr.; b. Sandusky, O., Dec. 2, 1883; s. .Christian A. and Louisa A. (Scheel) R.; C. E. from Ohio Northern Univ., 1905; A.B., Swarthmore, Coll., 1908, M.A., 1909; M.E., 1911, Chem. E., 1917; Ph. D., Columbia, 1914; m. Anna Frances Campbell, Sept. 11, 1913; chil- dren — Frank Sears, William Campbell, Eleanor Anne. Chemist with United Gas Improvement Co., Phila., 1908-09; con- sulting engr., Phila., 1909-12; chem. engr. with U.S. Bur. of Mines, 1914-21; prof, engring., Carnegie Inst, of Tech., 1921-33. Cons. engr. to State of Pa., 1923-24; cons. engr. U.S. Dept., Agricul- ture, 1925-37. Lecturer on indsl. chemis- try, Swarthmore Coll., 1909-12, at Co- lumbia U., 1913. Trustee Ohio Northern Univ. since 1928. Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Franklin Inst., Am. Soc. M.E., Am. Inst. Mining and Metall. Engrs., Soc. Industrial Engrs. (nat. pres. 1925-30), Administrative Bd. Am. Engring. Coun- cil, 1925-30, Sigma Psi, Phi Lambda Up- silon, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, etc Clubs: Chemists (New York); Union League (Chicago); Duquesne (Pittsburgh). Contbr. numerous articles dealing with application of physical chemistry to industrial processes, espe- cially those dealing with fuel, oil and gas. Address: Union League Club, Chi- cago, 111. MELANIPHY, John Cyril, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., Dec. 1894; s. Hugh Charles and Katherine (Connerton) M. ; LL.B., U. of Mich., 1916; m. 2d, Gertrude Car- penter, Aug. 22, 1935. Began as sec. to Justice McGoorty of 111. Appelate Court, 1916; practiced in Chicago, except dur- ing war period; asst. state's atty. Cook Co., 111., Apr. 1919-Mar. 1921; served as asst. to spl. prosecutor, 1925, on School Bd. scandal cases; mem. firm of Peden, Melaniphy, Ryan & Andreas, 1928-41; mem. firm Hoyne, O'Connor, Rubinkam & Melaniphy, 1941-43; asst. corp. coun- sel City of Chicago, since July, 1943. First It. inf., World War I. Mem Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Chi- cago Law Inst., Am. Legion, Mil. Order of World Wars, Delta Theta Phi. Cath- olic. Club: Olympia Fields Country. Home: 7657 S. Ridgeland A v. Office: City Hall, Chicago, 111. MERRILL, William Wesley, invest- ments; b. Woburn, Mass., July 22, 1873; s. William Russell and Lucilla Irene (Bell) M.; ed. pub. and high schs., Wo- burn; Burdett Bus. Coll., Boston; m. Bessie Porter, Sept. 8, 1898; 1 dau., Frances Porter (Mrs. Herbert E. Weid- man). In employ of the Boston & Me. R.R., 1889-91; came to Chicago and was connected with the statis. dept. of the 111. Steel Co., 1892-93; identified in vari- ous capacities with the Chicago Fuse Co., 1894-1927. eventually becoming pres. and majority stockholder, and sell- ing control to 111. Trust & Savings Bank (1927), later to effect merger with Jef- ferson Electric Co. Mem. Chicago Assn., Commerce, Art Inst. Chicago (life), Chicago Natural History Museum (life). Mem. Bryn Mawr Community Ch.; dir. Chicago Congl. Missionary and Exten- sion Soc Republican. Clubs: Union Lea- gue, Chicago Athletic Assn., South Shore Country. Home: 6821 Bennett Av. Office: 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. MULLER, Emma Fleer, educator; b. Brillion, Wis., July 11, 1896; d. E. John and Emma (Collatz) F.; Mus. B., Mar- quette U., Milwaukee, Wis., 1918; B.S., U. of Chicago, 1923, grad. student, 1924- 32; m. Dr. F. H. Muller, Aug. 2, 1930; 1 son, Carl H. Instr. music Marquette U, 1915-21; organist and dir. choir Evang. Tabor* Ch., Milwaukee, Wis., to 1921; asst, dept. physiology U. of Chi- cago, 1924-25; instr. sci. Chicago Teach- er Coll. (formerly Chicago Normal Coll.), 1924-28, dean, 1928-38, dir. per- sonnel since 1938; dean of Women Woodrow Wilson Jr. Coll., 1934-37. Mem. Nat. Assn. Deans of Women, 111. Assn. Deans of Women (pres. 1940-42), Am. Assn. Sch., Adminstrs., Nat. Voca- tional Guidance Assn., Chicago Guid- ance and Personnel Assn., Am. Assn. U. Women, N.E.A., 111. Edn. Assn., Phi Beta Delta, Sigma Xi, Sigma Delta Ep- silon, Delta Kappa Gamma. Protestant. Club: Woman's University (Chicago). Home: 8056 S. Justine St. Office: 6800 S. Stewart Av., Chicago, 111. HUTCHINSON, Octavus Nelson, re- tired mfr.; b. Abington (now Rockland), Mass., Feb. 26, 1862; s. Henry Blakely and Rebecca Whiting (Wilkes) H.; grad. high sch., Abington, Mass., 1879; m. Sarah Adeline Johnson, Aug. 30, 1887; children — Bernice Edwin, Donald John, Robert Nelson. Came to Grand Cross- 1144 ing, Chicago, 1881, to learn tack-maker's trade with Chicago Tack Co., which from a small concern has developed to a large bus. making steel and wire, and its products; mgr. same, 1884-91; joined Grand Crossing Tack Co. at the time of its merger with Chicago Tack Co., as factory mgr., 1891, asst. supt., 1892-98, gen. mgr., 1899-1902, pres. and gen. mgr., 1902-16; part owner, 1892-1916 (retired). Interested in Sunday Sch., and Ch. work and civic affairs at Grand Crossing. Republican. Trustee Ingleside Av. M.E. Ch. Clubs: Union League, South Shore Country. Home: 372 Lake- land Av., Grosse Pointe, Mich. JACKSON, Fanny Rebecca, librarian; b. Jamesville, Wis., Sept. 25, 1873; d. Alfred Augustus and Rebecca W. (John- son) J.; A.B., Rockford Coll., 1896; B.L.S., U. of 111., 1903. Library asst. and instr. library sch., U. of 111., 1903-07; asst. librarian, Western 111. Normal Sch., 1907-11; librarian. Whitewater, Wis., State Normal Sch., 1911-13, Western 111. State Teachers Coll., 1913-42; re- tired 1942. Trustee Macomb (111.) Pub. Library. Mem. Am. Library Assn., 111. Library Assn., Am. Assn. Univ. Women, D.A.R., S6c. Colonial Dames. Republi- can. Presbyterian. Club: Business and Professional Woman's. Home: 337 W. Adams, Macomb, 111. JUCHHOFF, Frederick, economist; b. Enterprise, Kan., July 7, 1884; s. Rev. Henry and Henrietta L. (Gruen) J.; Ph.B., Kansas City U., 1906, Ph.D., 1912; M.A. in polit. sci., Franklin & Marshall Coll.; LL.B., Ohio Northern U., 1908; LL.M., U. of Maine, 1913; L.L.D., Lincoln U., 1936; grad. Sch. of Com- merce. Northwestern U.; grad. study, U. of Chicago and U. of Mich.; C.P.A., U. of 111.; D.C.L., Chicago Law Sch., 1926; m. Edna. Z. Collins, Sept. 12, 1908 (died Oct. 7, 1938). Instr. commerce, Berea (Ky.) Coll., 1906-08; asso. prof, commerce and finance, James Millikin U., Decatur, 111., 1913-14; prof, law, Chi- cago Coll. of Law, 1914-17; prof, ac- counting, Toledo U., 1917-19; prof. econ. and dir. Sch. of Finance and Adminstrn., Coll. of William and Mary, 1919-21, also acting dean Law Sch.; prof. bus. ad- minstrn., U. of Md., 1920-25; dean Grad. Sch. of Bus. Adminstrn., Am. U., Wash- ington, D.C., 1920-23, prof, and head dept. of economics Grad. Sch., same univ., 1923-28; editor world politics and constl. govt, dept., New Age Mag., since 1928; prof, econ., U. of Va., summers, 1915-20; lecture in accountancy, U. of Pittsburgh, summer, 1922; prof, of econ., Mich. State Teachers Coll., 1928-33; conducted survey Chicago pub. sch. situ- ation under auspices Northwestern U. Law Sch., 1933-34; condr. weekly forum on econ. and constl. govt, over radio sta. WWAE since 1932; condr.. daily feature. "The Wall Streeter," WCFL, 1934-35, "The La Salle Streeter," Affili- ated Broadcasting System, 1936; re- search in psychol. problems of legal edn., U. of Chicago, 1934-36; prof, constl. law and dean of law sch., Grand Rapids Coll. of Applied Science, 1936-39; prof, of bus. adminstrn., Aurora Coll. since 1940. Nominee, atty. gen. of 111., Prohibition party, 1944. Editor, dept. of account- ancy. Business Educator, 1923-24. Fel- low Royal Econ. Soc. (British) ; mem. Inst, of Indsl. Engrs. and Execs, of Am. (v.p. Chicago chapter, 1944). Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Assn. U. Profs., Am. Bar Assn., Phi Delta Kappa, Delta Sigma Pi, Sigma Mu Sigma (nat. pres. 1938- 44) ; hon. mem. Societe Academique d'Histoire Internationale (France). Ma- son (32d deg., Shrine). Club: City (Chi- cago). Home: 1511 E. 60th St., Chicago, 111. Address: Aurora Coll., Aurora, 111.; Suite 910, 116 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. JURICA, Hilary Stanislaus, educator; b. Dvur sv. Juraj, Czechoslovakia, June 19, 1892; s. John and Agnes (Kosusnik) J.; brought to U.S., 1893; B.A., St. Pro- copius Coll., Lisle, 111., 1917; M.S., U. of Chicago, 1920, Ph.D., 1922. Instr. botany, 1917-22; ordained Roman Cath- olic priest, 1921; prof, botany, St. Pro- copius Coll., Lisle, 111., since 1922, head dept. biology since 1923; head dept. biology De Paul U„ Chicago, since 1938, prof, botany Sec. St. Procopius Coll. Mem. Bohemian Benedictine Order (sec), Bot. Soc, 111. State Acad., Torreya Bot. Club, Am. Soc Plant Physiologists, Am. Forestry Assn., Am. Genetic Assn., Nat. Assn. Biology Teach- ers, Chicago Acad. Science, Am. Fern Soc, Chicago Catholic Sci. Teachers Assn., Ecol. Soc. of Am., Sigma Xi; fellow A.A.A.S. Author series of charts, series of outline drawings. Home: St. Procopius Abbey. Office: St. Procopius Coll., Lisle, 111. CORBUS, Budd Clarke, surgeon; b. La Salle, 111., July 22, 1876; s. Dr. Jose- phus R. and Sarah (Angle) C; M.D., Coll. Phys. and Surg., Chicago, 1901; m. Gertrude Pitkin, Dec. 15, 1903 (died 1145 July 1915); 1 son, Budd Clarke; m. 2d, Ruth Bent, Dec. 22, 1917; children - William Godfrey, Josephus R. Mem. house staff Alexian Brothers' Hosp., 1902-03; in practice in Chicago since 1903. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. A.M.A., Am. Urol. Assn., Chicago Med. Soc. Chicago Urol. Soc. Republican. Conglist. Author: Diathermy in Genito- urinary Diseases with Special Reference to Cancer (with V. J. O'Conor), 1925. Collaborator Cabot's American Textbook on Urology. History of Urology. Contbr. to med. jours. Office: 636 Church St., Evanston, 111. COOPER, William Tweed, pres. Hoops Tea Co.; b. N.Y. City, June 1, 1869; s. William Coe and Emma Louise (Ren- ton) C; ed. New York U. to jr. year; m. Catherine Polan, Oct. 17, 1889 (died 1919) ; children— Warren Polan (died 1917), William Russell, Edna Corinne; m. 2d, Marie Garr Bigelow, Sept. 24, 1933. Came to Chicago, 1889, to repre- sent New York Publishing House ; helped incorporate Hoops Tea Co., 1899, pres. since 1902; pres. Hoops Coffee Co. Lieu- tenant, later comdt. U.S. Naval Reserve; transferred to hon. retired list. July 1933. Awarded Victory medal. Mem. Am. Soc. Naval Engrs., U.S. Naval Inst. Presbyterian. Mason. (32nd deg.), Odd Fellow. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn. (dir. 1914), Chicago Yacht. Home: Mc- Henry, 111. Office: 3513 S. Halsted St., Chicago, 111. GALT, Charles E., bus. exec; b. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 4, 1888; s. Elijah Lamb and Mary Louise (Bergen G.; B.S., C.E.-, Washington Univ.; m. Julia Prewitt Brookes, Nov. 20, 1914; children — Charles E., Judith Brookes, Mary Louise. Asst. prof. Civil Engring., 1914- 20; chief engr., Atlas Iron Works since 1922, now pres. Alderman, Ferguson, Mo. Mem. A.S.C.E., Mo. Soc. Prof. Engrs., Engrs. Club (St. Louis), St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, Sigma Xi. Republican. Presbyterian. Home: 140 N. Elizabeth Av., Ferguson 2, Mo. Of- fiice: 4020-Geraldine Av., St. Louis, Mo. SMAIL, Edwin Joseph, sec. and treas. Baker, Walsh & Co.; b. Bradford, Pa., Nov. 16, 1892; s. Joseph and Belle (Fish) S.; attended mil. sch., Scotland, Pa., 1898-1908; m. Anne Wetherall, June 9, 1922; children — Edwin Wetherall, Barbara Mary. In employ First Nat. Bank, Chicago, 1908-13; asso. with Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago, 1913-17, and Taylor, Ewart & Co., 1917- 21; sec. treas. and dir. Baker, Walsh & Co., investment securities, since 1921; also sec. and treas. Investment Bond and Share Corp., Investors Telephone Co. and following subsidiaries: Ark. As- sociated Telephone Co., Central Carolina Telephone Co., Central Mo. Telephone Co., la. State Telephone Co., Platte Val- ley Telephone Corp., The Sussex Tele- phone Co.; dir. Ind. Telephone Corp.; treas. and dir. Oglesby Homes Bldg. Corp., Jacksonville Gas Corp. Appointed colonel by Gov. of Kentucky, 1935. Re- publican. Mason (K.T., Shriner). Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Mid-Day, South Shore Country. Bond Men's. Home: 6740 Oglesby Av. Office: 29 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. RODERICK, Solomon Phillip, lawyer; b. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 10, 1876; s. George and Rebecca (Bristol) R.; LL.B., 111. Coll. Law, 1910; m. (Lina Lurvey, Dec. 10, 1919. Admitted to 111. bar, 1910 and since engaged in pvt. practice of law, Chicago; partner law firm Roderick & Maremont since 1925. Mem. 111. Ho. of Reps., 1921-37. Commr. and sec. for 111. of N.Y. World's Fair Commn. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Phi Alpha Delta, Chicago Hist. Soc, Field Mus., Art Inst. Chicago. Republi- can. Jewish religion. Mason. Elk, M.W.A. Club: Covenant (Chicago). Home: 1101 Pratt Bvld. Office: 139 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. ROTHSCHILD, Melville Nelson, pres. Nat. Bond & Investment Co.; b. Chi- cago, 111., Oct. 1, 1886; s. A. M. and Gusta (Morris) R.; m. Beatrice Frank, Dec. 12, 1908; children— Melville N., A. Frank, Suzan, Nancy M. Started in packing business, 1903, with Morris & Co., Chicago, and remained until 1907; pres. Nat. Bond & Investment Co. (he founded as Nat. Trust & Credit Co.), 1908), Chicago, since 1908. Jewish re- ligion. Clubs: Illinois Athletic, Stand- ard, Saddle and Sirloin (Chicago); Lake Shore Country (Glencoe, 111.); North- moor Country. Home: 1540 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago; and 1109 Sheridan Rd., Glencoe, 111. Office: 228 North La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Died, July 17, 1941. RUSK, Henry Perly, cattle husban- dry; b. Rantoul, 111., July 19, 1884; s. William Humphrey and Anna L. (Ren- ner) R.; B.S., Valparaiso U., 1904; B.S., in Agr., U. of Mo., 1908, M.S., 1911; m. Edith Elizabeth Hartley, June 28, 1911; children — Elizabeth Hartley, Martha Hartley. Asst. in animal husbandry, U. 1146 of Mo., 1908-09, Purdue- Expt. Sta., 1909-10; with U. of 111. since 1910, be- ginning- as asso. in beef cattle husban- dry and 1st asst. in Expt. Sta., later asst. prof, and prof, beef cattle hus- bandry, and asst. chief and chief in Expt. Sta. until 1922; head of animal husbandry dept., same univ., 1922-39, dean College of Agr., dir. Agri. Expt. Station, and dir. Extension Service in Agr. and Home Economics, same univ., since 1939. Sec. Ind. Cattle Feeders' Assn., 1909-10, 111. Cattle Feeders' Assn., 1911-18, 111. Hereford Cattle State Breed- ers' Assn. Mem. Illinois State Council of Defense. Mem. American Society Animal Production (vice-pres. 1924-25; president 1925-26), Sigma Xi, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Gam- ma Rho, Farm House; mem. div. of biology and agr. Nat. Research Council, 1926-29. Judge of beef cattle at many nat., state and dist. shows. Methodist. Home: 508 Florida Av., Urbana, 111. SCHUYLER, Daniel J., Jr., lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., Sept. 28, 1873; s. Daniel J. and Mary (Byford) S.; ed. Harvard Prep. Sch.; L.L.B., Northwestern Univ., 1896; m. Sybil Moorhouse, Feb. 27, 1906; children — William Moorhouse, Daniel Merrick. Admitted to 111. bar, 1896; mem. firm Schuyler & Hennessy (founded by Daniel J. Schuyler, Sr., 75 years ago). Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Phi Delta Phi. Re- publican. Clubs: Union League, Uni- versity; Oconomowoc Golf. Home: 1500 Lake Shore Dr. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. EDSON, John T., lawyer, banker farmer (retired); b. 111., April 25, 1873 s. Charles A. and Elizabeth (Barr) E. ed. Buena Vista Coll., 1897; la. Univ Law, 1899; m. Ada A. Whitted, June 4, 1902; children — Ruth (Edson) Piper, Wendell T. (Maj. J.A.D. 5th Army), Bruce E. (Lt. (j.g.), asst. navigator U.S.S. Caswell). Ind. Republican. Meth- odist. Contbr. to anthologies; arts, on political and civic subjs. to various pub- lications. Home: 321 College Av., Storm Lake, la. COUSINEAU, Eraile Joseph, clergy- man; b. Chicago, 111., Apr. 1, 1899; s. George and Marie (Villeneuve) C; stud- ent Quigley Prep. Sem., Chicago, 111., 1915-20, St. Mary's Sem., Baltimore, Md., 1920-22; M.A., Catholic Univ., Washington, D.C., 1926. Ordained priest Roman Catholic Ch., 1926; successively asst. at Ascension Ch., Harvey, 111., 1926-27, Annunciation Ch., Chicago, 111., 1927-30, St. John Baptist, 1930-33, St. Rose, Kankakee, 111., 1933-37; pastor of St. George Ch., Bourbonnais, 111., since 1937. Serving as group staff chaplain, 111. Res. Militia Air Corps, with rank of capt. Mem. St. John the Baptist Union, Hamfesters Radio Club, K.C. Ground instr. in aeronautics; commercial pilot; amateur radio operator. Home: Route 2, Bourbonnias, 111. SHILLINGLAW, David Lee, pres. Shillinglaw, Crowder & Co., Inc.; b. Sioux Falls, S.D., June 6, 1889; s. Colin Melville and Emma Violet (Todd) S.; student la. State Teachers Coll., 1907- 11; A.B., Univ. of la., 1914, LL.B., 1915; m. Marie Schmidt, July 30, 1930. Ad- mitted to la. bar, 1915; in practice law, Waterloo, la., 1915-20; removed to Chi- cago, in 1922, and asso. with Liquid Carbonic Co., water asst. sales mgr., Chicago br.; with Forgan, Gray & Co., 1923-33, vice pres., 1924-33; founder, 1933, and since pres. David L. Shilling- law & Co., now Shillinglaw, Bolger & Co., Inc., investment bankers; pres. Trustees System Discount Corp.; vice pres., and dir. Chicago Railways Co.; vice pres. Health-Mor Sanitarium Sys- tems; asst. to dir. Dept. of Revenue, State of Illinois, since 1940. Served with Y.M.C.A. in Europe, 1917-18, in charge constrn. work; entered U.S. Army, May 1918, attached to Brig. Gen. Chas. G. Dawes, with engrs.; after Armistice apptd. mem. Gen. Sales Bd. of the Am. Army, later in charge of liquidating all Y.M.C.A. properties in Europe; sec. Nat. Assn. Tax Administrs., 1940-44; dir. Central Y.M.C.A., Chicago; trustee and treas., Women's and Children's Hosp., Chciago, 1925-28; mem. Inst, of Politics, Williamstown, Mass., 1924-31. Mem. Am. delegation to Inst, of Pacific Relations, 1936. Mem. Soc. of Am. Mil. Engrs. (past pres. Chicago chapter), Delta Sig- ma Rho, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Phi, Am. Legion (past comdr. Advertising Men's Post, Cook Co. Council and Dept. of 111.; former mem. nat. defense and nat. exec, corns.). Republican. Mason. Club: Quadrangle, Mid-Day, Economic, Union League. Was first pres. Iowa Law Sch., Students Assn., and one of editors of la. Law Review. Home: 5801 Dorchester Av. Office: 120 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. SOLOMON, Irving J., lawyer; b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 18, 1885; s. Julius I. and Sadie (Furth) S.; Ph.B., Univ. of 1147 Chicago, 1907, J.D., 1909; m. Edith Neu- man, Feb. 10, 1915; 1 son, Jerry I. Ad- mitted to 111. bar, 1909; asso. with firm Mayer, Meyer, Austrian & Piatt, 1909- 17; mem. firm Eisendrath, Solomon & Borden, 1917-31; partner law firm Solo- mon & Borden since 1931; pres. Schoen- hofen Co., now Schoenhofen Edelweiss Co., 1931-43; resumed practice of law, May, 1944; pres. and dir. Mount Mayriv Cemetery Assn. Vice chmn. Nat. Brew- ers Code Authority under N.R.A.; mem. Hop Control Bd. U.S., 1937-43; mem. Mayor Kelly's Civic Com.; chmn. brew- ers' div. of Community Fund Drive of Chicago, 1934-40; chmn. brewers' divi- sion Red Cross Emergency Drive, 1940; chmn. Jewish Charities of Chicago drive, 1935. Pres. and dir. 111. Assn. of Brew- eries 3 years; dir. U.S. Brewers Assn., 1934-43; mem. Art Inst, of Chicago (life) ; pres. Improvement Assn., Michi- gan City, Ind., 1944; dir. Standard Club of Michigan City, 1944. Mem. B'nai B'rith, Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns. Jewish religion (pres. Kehilath Anshe Mayriv Temple, 1935-43). Mason. Elk. Home: 6828 East End Av. Office: 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. DICKINSON, William Dewoody, bus. exec; b. Arkansas City, Ark., Nov. 20, 1881; s. George S. and Abbie Kirkwood (Brodie) D.; 4 yrs. engring., Univ. of Ark.; LL.B.; m. Florence Watkins, Dec. 6, 1905; 1 son, William D. Established firm Dickinson & Watkins, Engrs., Mar., 1909; inc., as Dickinson & White, 1926; pres. Dickinson & White, Consulting Engrs. Mem. Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Am. Soc. Prof. Engrs., Ark. Engring. Soc; Ark. Bar Assn., Chamber of Commerce; mem. exec Bd. Boy Scouts of Am. (past pres.). Mason. Rotary Club. Methodist. Contbr. arts, to various pubis. Home: 2719 State St. Office: 115 N. Spring St., Little Rock,* Ark. CRAWFORD, Alfred Cookman, sec. and treas. Lake Sash and Door Co.; b. Wilton Centre, 111., Mar. 22, 1877; s. John and Lucy Jane (Graves) Craw- ford; grad. Kershaw (grammar) Sch., Chicago, 1895 (awarded Foster Diploma, Kershaw gold medal, and Chicago Daily News patriotic essay medal) ; grad. Englewood High Sch., 1899 (pres. of class) ; student U. of Chicago, 2 quar- ters, 1900; m. Martha May Kill, Oct. 29, 1902; 1 dau., Lucille Verne. Came from farm to Chicago, 1894, with total capital $100; supported self while at- tending school by working for news- paper agency; with Swift & Co., 1900- 01; buyer and officer mgr. for store fixture concern, 1902-05; sec and treas. Chicago Bank & Office Fixture Co., 1905-11; sec. and treas. Lake Sash & Door Co., since 1911. Mem. Co. D, 1st Regt. Inf., 111. Res. Militia, World War. Dir. (ex-pres.) Halsted St. Institutional Ch.; dir. (ex-pres.) Chicago Meth. Social Union; dir. Chicago Council Camp Fire Girls; trustee and vice-pres. official bd. Trinity Meth. Ch.; trustee MacMurray Coll., Jacksonville, 111.; trustee and sec (ex-pres.) bd. mgrs. M. E. Old Peoples Home, Chicago; trustee Superannuates Relief Assn.; formerly conference lay leader of Rock River Conf . of Meth. Ch. ; sec James E. Armstrong Loan Fund (Englewood High School) ; ex-supt., Englewood and Trinity Meth. Sunday Schools; del. 1939 Uniting Conf. and Gen. Conf. Meth. Ch., 1940-44; dir. Good- will Industries, Chicago; pres. bd. of dirs. Italian Centers, Chicago. Republi- can. Home: 9628 S. Seeley Av. Office 2024 W. 51st Place, Chicago, 111. SPRAGUE, Albert Arnold, wholesale grocer; b. Chicago, 111., May 13, 1876; s. Otho Sylvester Arnold and Lucia El- vira (Atwood) S.; prep. edn. St. Pauls School, Concord, N.H.; A.B., Harvard U., 1898; L.L.D., Northwestern U., 1938; m. Frances Fidelia Dibble, June 22, 1901; children — Albert Arnold, Laura, Otho S. A. Chairman bd. of directors, Sprague Warner-Kenny Corporation; di- rector Continental 111. Nat. Bank & Trust Co., Internat. Harvester Co., Clearing Industrial Dist., B.&O. R.R. Co., Wilson & Co., Marshall Field & Co., B. F. Goodrich Co.; trustee Chicago Rapid Transit Company, Chicago, Au- rora & Elgin Ry. Co. Trustee Chicago Museum of Natural History, John Crerar Library, Children's Memorial Hosp., Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Shedd Aquarium, Museum of Science and In- dustry, Sprague Memorial Institute. Student O.T.C., Ft. Sheridan, 111.; commd. maj. inf., Nov. 27,1917; assigned to 341st Regt. Inf., 86th Div., and de- tailed to hdqrs.; sailed for France, July 1918; It. col. Nov. 9, 1918; returned to U.S., Mar. 1919; hon. discharged, Mar. 28, 1919; col. O.R.C. Commr. of pub. works, Chicago, 1923-27 and 1931-33. Dem. candidate for U..S. Senate, 1924. Episcopalian. Clubs: City, Chicago, Mid- Day, Commercial, Saddle and Cycle, Old Elm Club (Chicago); Harvard, Racquet (New York); Harvard (Boston). Home: 1130 Lake Shore Drive. Office: 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. 1148 SEAVERNS, George Alfred Jr., ins. broker; b. Chicago, 111., Feb. 1, 1890; s. George Alfred and Clara I. (Currier) S.; g.s. George Alfred Seaverns, Sr.; ed. Harvard Sen., and University High Sch., Chicago; m. Isabelle Mersman, June 28, 1916; children— George Alfred III, Joseph M., Mary Clair. Engaged in in- surance business, Chicago, since 1907; asso. with Marsh & McLennan; pres. Ins. Brokers Assn. of 111.; dir. National Insurance Brokers Assn. Republican. Universalist. Club: Onwentsia (Lake Forest). Home: 370 Westminster Av., Lake Forest, 111. Office: 164 W. Jack- son Blvd., Chicago, 111. CLAPSADDLE, Reita Margaret, teacher and insurance agt.; b. Leland, 111.; d. Alman Andrew and Minnie Corey (Potter) Clapsaddle, student Knox Coll., 1916-18; A.B., U. of Wis., 1920; unmar- ried, Teacher of languages (French, Spanish) 1920-39; insurance* agent, since 1939. Mem. Am. Assn. Univ. Women, Theta Upsilon. Republican. Club: Le- land Woman's. Address: Leland, 111. COLEMAN, Everett Porter, surgeon; b. Canton, 111., Sept. 10, 1891; s. James Edmund and Nettie M. (Porter) C; M.D., U. of 111., 1913; m. Gladys Huff, Dec. 12, 1917; children — Eleanor I., Louise J. Engaged in practice of medi- cine since 1913; interne Cook County Hosp., Chicago, 1913-15; owner and surgeon Coleman Clinic since 1926; chief surg. sect. Graham Hosp. Served as capt. Med Corps, A.E.F., 1917-19. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. A.M. A., 111. State Med. Soc. (pres.). Western Surg. Assn. Miss. Valley Med. Soc. (ex-pres.), Fulton County Med. Soc. (past pres.), Am. Assn. for Surgery of Trauma, Am. Bd. Surgery (mem. Founders' group), Central States Soc. Indsl. Medicine & Surgery. Assn. Mil. Surgeons, Am. Legion, Vets. Fgn. Wars, Phi Rho Sigma, Alpha Omega Alpha. Clubs: Creve Coeur (Peoria, 111); Elks, Rotary, Country, Gun (Canton) ; Uni- versity (Chicago). Author: tech. med. and surg. material. Home: 224 S. 1st Av. Office: 24 N. Main St., Canton, 111. PEARL, Allen Sexton, elec. engr.; b. Berlin Twp., Erie Co., O.; s. Addison Holt and Thirza (Hyde) P.; M.E. in Elec. Engring., Ohio State Univ., 1894; m. Joanna Greer Hill, June 1899; chil- dren — Gertrude H., Allen Sexton, Jr., Elizabeth A. Salesman later dept., mgr., Central Electric Co., Chicago, 1894- 1908; with The Delta Star Electric Co., high tension equipment, since 1908; now sec. and treas. Mem. Am Inst. Elec. Engrs., Illuminating Engring. Soc. For- merly trustee Village of Maywood, 111. Republican. Clubs: Western Railway, Oak Park Country. Home: 547 N. Euclid Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 2437 W. Fulton St., Chicago, 111. PFEIFFENBERGER, James Mather, surgeon; b. Alton, 111., June 18, 1879; s. Lucas and Elizabeth Campbell Millen (Mather) P.; grad. Alton High Sch., 1898; M.D., Washington U., St. Louis, 1902; post grad. study, Berlin and Vienna, 1913; m. Ethel Hortense Rod- gers, Jan. 20, 1914; children — Ella Elizabeth (Ella P. Anschuetz), Mary Josephine, Mather, Jane P. (Luer), Lucas Edward, Andrew Rodgers, Franklin Hewit. Intern, 1899-1901; in- tern, St. Louis City Hosp., 1901-02; asst. supt. Female Hosp., St. Louis, 1903-04; in surgeons' office, 1905; specialized in surgery, Alton, since 1906; surgical staff Alton Memorial Hospital; pres. Piasa Bldg. & Loan As- sociation. Served as capt. M. C, World War I. Mem. Alton Chamber Com- merce (ex-pres.), Am. Legion (past comdr.). Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. ^ Founders Group Am. Bd. of Sur- gery; trustee and speaker Inter State Post Grad. Assembly of N. America; mem. A.M. A., 111. State Med. Soc. (past pres.), St. Louis Med. Soc, Madison County Med. Soc. (past pres.), Alton Med. Soc. (past pres.). Awarded World War medal. Democrat. Mason (K.T.). Contbr. med. jours. Home: 463 Bluff St. Office: 100 W. 3d St., Alton, 111. CROWN, Henry, col. Corps of Engrs., Army U.S.; b. Chicago, 111., June 13, 1896: s. Airi and Ida (Gordon) C; student pub. schs., Chicago; m. Rebecca Kranz, Aug. 12, 1920; children— Rob- ert, Lester, John Jacob. Clerk, Chicago (111.) Fire Brick Co., 1910-12; traffic mgr. Union Drop Forge Co., 1912-16; partner S. R. Crown & Co., 1916-19; treas. Material Service Corp., bldg. ma- terials, 1919-21, pres., 1921-41, chmn. bd., 1941-43; chmn. bd. Thornton Quarry Corp., Stearns Lime & Stone Co.; dir. B.&O.C.T. Rd., Morrison Hotel. Now col. Corps. Engrs., Army U.S. Mason. Clubs: Standard, Builders (Chi- cago); Army and Navy (Washington). Home: 900 Edgemere Ct., Evanston, 111. Office: 33 N. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. 1149 REED, Gail, ins. broker; b. Mans- field, O., Mar. 24, 1884; s. Robert Har- vey and Melissa Ann (Stimson) R.; stu- dent U. of Wyoming, 1900-01. U. of Notre Dame, 1902; widower; 1 son, Gail Potter. Engaged in mechanical pursuits, sales and advt. of tech. prod- ucts and automobiles until entering army Dec, 1917, to June, 1918. Served as capt. hdqrs. 58th F.A. Brig., 33d Div., A.E.F.; received citation from comdg. officer 58th Brigade. After World War engaged in ins. sales and exec, work; est. own ins. brokerage business, 1924. Devoted many years organizing Am. Legion and Boy Scout activities. Mem. Am. Legion (past comdr. LaVerne T. Perrottet Post No. 76 and of Du Page County unit); past Grand Cheminot 40 and 8; mem. Re- serve Officers Assn. Republican pre- cinct comitteeman 8 yrs.; active in Rep. politics and insurance legislation for many years. Mem. Exec. Com. In- surance Fed. of 111., 8 yrs. Advisory Board, Ins. Brokers Assn. of 111., 8 yrs. Home: 115 N. Main St., Wheaton, 111. Office: 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. RICHARDSON, George Adams; born in Auburn, N.Y., Nov. 23, 1887; s. Frank Wood and Charlotte Letchworth (Adams) R.; grad. Groton (Mass.) School, 1906; B.A., Yale, 1910; m. Mrs. Anne Thompson Morse. Oct. 19, 1918; stepchildren — Samuel F. B. Morse, Jr., John B. Morse, Mrs. Kenneth S. Walk- er. Ranch hand, Durango, Mexico, 1911; with Armour & Co., Chicago, 1914-21; with Northern Trust Co., Chicago, Feb.- May, 1921; with Estate of Marshall Field, Chicago, since June 1, 1921, trustee, May 1927, until termination of estate, 1943; trustee Urban Land In- stitute; dir. First Nat. Bank of Lake Forest, 111.; dir. Field Enterprises, Inc.; asst. dir. aviation div., Surplus War Property Adminstrn., Sept. 1944-March 1945. Trustee Lake Forest Iimprove- ment Association; alderman City of Lake Forest 2 terms, 1923-27. Served as captain Battery C. 149th F.A.; ma- jor adj. 171st F.A. Brig., World War I and subsequently as It. col. 865th F.A., O.R.C.; It. col., Air Transport Com- mand, Army Air Forces, Jan. 1943-Sept. 1944. Mem. bd. trustees of Field Muse- um; Alpha Delta Phi; served as pres. Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 2 terms. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Chicago, Attic (Chicago); Shore- acres, Old Elm (Lake Forest) ; Metro- politan (Washington); past pres. Young Men's Club of Lake Forest. Office: 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. KUREC, August, pres. Kubec Elec- tric Co. Home: 1339 Ashland Av., River Forest, 111. Office: 630 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. HOGAN, William Jenkins, chmn. bd. Nat. Terminals Corp.; b. Chillicothe, Ohio, Aug. 18, 1872; s. John D. and Mary (Merkle) H.; m. Mayme Lingen- felter, Jan. 1, 1901; children — Mary Thornton, Frances Blish. Clerk to gen- eral supt., N.Y. P.&O. and C.&E. Rys., Cleveland, Ohio, 1889-91; teller Fourth Nat. Bank, Columbus, Ohio, 1892; started trucking, moving and storage business, Indianapolis, 1892-1910; en- tered cold storage business, Indianap- olis, 1910; organized Nat. Terminals Corp. of Del. in 1929, and expanded co. to include plants in Indianapolis, Cleveland, Chicago and East Chicago, with operating plants at Buffalo and Milwaukee; pres. Indiana Terminal & Refrigerating Co., Indianapolis. Clubs: Rotary, Columbia, Woodstock. Home: R.R. 17, Box 542. Office: 240 S. Penn- sylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. GOLDRICK, James Campbell, vice- pres. Evans Products Co.; b. Hamilton, O., Oct. 20, 1891; s. Thomas M. and Mary (Mellon) G.; ed. Cincinnati Law Coll.; U. of London (Eng.); m. Thelma Silver, Nov. 22, 1920. Has been news- paperman; foreign corr.; editor and writer in newspaper field; public rela- tions counsel; now vice-pres. Evans Products Co., Detroit. Mem. A.E.F., World War I. Mem. Soc. of Automotive Engrs., Nat. Aeronautics Assn. Club: Independent. Catholic. Contbr. on avia- tion, airports, automobile industry, to various publications. Home: 578 Neff Rd., Grosse Pointe, Mich. Office: 15310 Fullerton Av., Detroit 27, Mich. DALSTROM, Oscar Frederick, engi- neer; b. Wyanet, 111., Aug. 15, 1871; s. Anders John and Anna Christina (Jacobson) D.; grad. Fremont (Neb.) Normal Sch., 1895; student civ. engring. course, U. of Neb., 1897-98; C.E., Rensselaer Poly. Inst., 1901; unmarried. Teacher dist. and village schs., 1894-97; draftsman and shop inspector, bridge dept., Pa. Steel Co., 1901-03 and 1904- 06; draftsman Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co., 1903-04; draftsman River- side Bridge Co., Martins Ferry, O., Apr.-Dec. 1904; with C.&N.W. Ry. Co. since 1906, draftsman bridge dept. until 1909, chief draftsman same dept., 1909- 1150 17 engr. of bridges since 1917. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Am. Ry. Engring. Assn., A.A.A.S., Western Soc. Engrs. Repub- lican. Club: Engineers. Home: Prince- ton, III. CUCHNA, Rose, librarian; b. Chi- cago, 111., Sept. 1, 1889; d. Edward and Antonestte (Prepejchal) Havlin; stu- dent parochial schs., Chicago; m. Frank Cuchna, June 26, 1912 (dec. 1932); 1 dau., Louise Marie (Mrs. Francis R. Shonka). Chief typist order dept. W. E. Co., Chicago, 1908-12; librarian Cicero Pub. Library since 1936. Trustee and collector Town of Cicero, 1932-36. Democrat, Roman Catholic. Home: 1633 S. Austin Blvd. Office: 5225 Cer- mak Rd., Cicero, 111. DEMENT, Merritt Henry, chmn, and gen. mgr. Buckley, Dement & Co.; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 27, 1877; s. Mer- ritt Henry and Genevieve (Gridley) D.; student Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 1893-94; m. Cyril Steele Natovick, Oct. 19, 1910; children — Jane, Gridley, Pres. Buckley, Dement & Co., mail advt. serv- ice, Chicago, 111., 1905-23, chmn. and gen. mgr. since 1923. Republican. Ra- tionalist Club: Chicago Athletic. Home: 337 Abbotsford Road, Kenilworth, 111. Office: 1306 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. DAVIS, John F., sales mgr. boilers; b. Piqua, O., July 18, 1870; s. John and Georgia (Wright) D.; ed. pub. schs. of Piqua; Eastman Nat. Business Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; m. Elizabeth Ann Tappe, Aug. 1892; children — John Eugene, Naomi Wright (Mrs. Thomas J. Usher II). Identified with various depts. of boiler business since 1891; re- moved to Chicago, 1905; dist. sales mgr. for Titusville (Pa.) Iron Works Co. since 1926. Mem. Chicago Assn. Commerce, Ohio Soc. of Chicago. Re- publican. Episcopalian. Mason. Home: 7647 Bosworth Av. Office: 122 S. Michi- gan Av., Chicago, 111. DUNHAM, Clayton A., pres. and founder C. A. Dunham Co.; b. Battle Creek, Mich., Aug. 25, 1876;, s. Orson and Lovina (Andrews) D.; student pub. schs. and tutors; m. Beth Robinson, Apr. 19, 1916. Pres. C. A. Dunham Co., Chicago, 111.; dir. C. A. Dunham Co., Ltd. of Can., C. A. Dunham Co., Ltd. of London, Am. Funding Corp. Clubs: Union League, Skokie Country. Home: 150 Maple Hill Rd., Glencoe, 111. Office: 450 E. Ohio St., Chicago, 111. FISHER, Frederick, pres. and mgr. R. E. Ellis Engring. Co.; b. Milwaukee. Wis., Mar. 4, 1877; s. Davenport and Charlotte (Ilsley) F.; student Cornell U., 1899-1900; m. Edith R. Boothroyd, Oct. 14, 1902. Asst. chemist 111. Steel Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1889; chemist Falk Co., 1900; chemist Newaygo (Mich.) Portland Cement Co., 1900-03; supt. Great Northern Portland Cement Co., Baldwin, Mich., 1904-05; mgr. Eureka Machine Co., Lansing Mich., 1906-14; chief tool engr. Bucyrus Co., South Milwaukee, Wis., 1914-16; pres. and mgr. R. E. Ellis Engring. Co., Chi- cago, 111., since 1916. Mem. Am. Soc. M.E. Republican. Unitarian. Home: 122 Ravine Forest Dr., Lake Bluff, 111. Office: 565 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. FLEMING, Harvey Brown, street ry. exec; b. Newburgh, N.Y., Jan. 14, 1873; s. Henry Fleming and Jane (Hill) F.; ed. Newburgh Acad.; B.S., Washington U. (St. Louis, Mo.), 1896, C.E., 1904; m. Elsie Carruthers; children — Harvey Carruthers, Richard Hill, Elsie C. (Mrs. Joseph W. Cummings). Asso. with T. M. Marvel Co., shipbuilders, Newburgh, N Y., 1889-92; asst. engr., St. Louis Water Works Depts., St. Louis, Mo., 1896-98; engr., Nat. St. Ry. Lines, St. Louis, Mo., 1898-99; became engr. in charge tracks, bldgs. and elec. work, Chicago City Ry. Co., 1889, chief engi- neer, 1905, dir., 1912-45, v.p., 1912- 30, pres. chmn. bd. dirs., Sept. 1930- Feb. 1945, chmn. exec, com., 1930-45; receiver, Nov. 1933-Feb. 1941; mem. Bd. Supervising Engrs., Chicago Trac- tion, representing Chicago City Ry. Co., 1907-45, Southern St. Ry Co., 1909- 45, Calumet & S. Chicago Ry. Co., 1914-45, became dir. Calumet & S. Chi- cago Ry. Co., Southern St. Ry. Co., 1915, v.p., 1921, pres. and chmn. bd. dirs., Sept. 1930-45, receiver Nov, 1933- Feb. 1941; became v.p. Chicago & West- ern Ry. Co., 1921, dir., 1930, pres., chmn. bd. dirs., Sept. 1930-45; became dir. Hammond, Whiting & East Chicago Ry. Co., 1922, pres., chmn. bd., dirs., 1930- 45; mem. governing Com., Chicago City and Connecting Railways Collateral Trust 1930-45; chief engineer, Chicago Surface Lines, 1914-45; member board of operation, September 1930-Feb. 1941, mem. exec, com., bd. operation, Sept. 1930-Feb. 1941. Life mem. Am. Soc. C.E. and Western Soc. Engrs.; mem. Am. Transit Assn. Mason (K.T., Shrin- er). Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn., Mid- Day. Presbyterian. Republican. Office: 230 S. Clark St., Chicago 4, 111. 1151 BOYLE, Leo Martin, the adjutant general of 111.; b. Chicago, 111., July 20, 1899; s. Frank E. and Margret (Calla- han) B.; grad. Catholic sens., Chicago; m. Anna Marie Boyle, July 4, 1931; 1 son, George Anthony. Served with U.S. Army, 1917-19; 2d It., inf., 1924, advanc- ing through the grades to brig, gen., 1940; the adjutant gen., chief of staff, Mil. and Naval Dept., State of 111., since 1940. Decorated Silver Star for gallan- try in action during World War I. Roman Catholic. Home: R. R. 3, Lake Springfield. Office: State Armory, Springfield, 111. LEVERONE, Louis Edward, presi- dent Automatic Canteen Co. of Ameri- ca; b. Wakefield, Mass., Apr. 29, 1880; s. Robert and Rose (Fosser) L.; B.S., Dartmouth, 1904 ;.m. Florence M. Han- son, Jan. 8, 1914. With Western Elec- tric Co., Chicago, 1904-05; western salesman, Page Belting Co., Concord, N.H., 1905-09; sales mgr. Colonial Leather Co., Chicago, 1909-12; sales mgr. Stein, Hirsh and Co., Chicago, 1912-20; vice pres. and gen. mgr. Stein- Hall Mfg. Co., Chicago, 1920-42; dir. Stein Hall & Co., Ltd. of Canada, 1931- 42; chmn. bd. Automatic Canteen Co. of America, 1929-35; now pres.; gen. mgr. Canteen Food Service; partner Canteen Co. since 1939; partner, Pepsi- Cola Bottling Co., Memphis, Tenn., since 1943; owner Leverone Nursery, Half- Day, 111. Pres. Northwestern U. Settle- ment, 1940-43, dir., 1936-43; chmn. bd. 111. Citizenship Conf. since 1939; counse- lor, Nat. Aeronautics Assn., mem. Am. Arbitration Assn.; mem. Defense Sav- ings Com. for State of 111. since 1942; mem. 111. Development Council, since 1943; chmn. Civilian War Service Com., 1943-44; pres. 111. Aviation Conf. since 1942; trustee Union League Foundation for Boys' Clubs since 1945; men. Chi- cago sponsoring com. of Am. Bible Soc. ; mem. com. on transportation of Illinois Postwar Planning Com.; hon. chmn. 111. Council Mgrs., Com.; Inspector for III. Aeronautics Commn.; mem. Council of Social Agencies of Chicago, Mem. Chi- cago Assn. of Commerce, III. Mgrs. Assn., N.Y. State C. of C, 111. State C. of C. (pres. 1941-42, chmn. bd., 1942-43, chmn. aviation com. since 1943), Nat. Restaurant Assn., Am. Forestry Assn., Dartmouth Alumni Assn., Phi Gamma Delta (dir. 1933-43, pres. since 1943). Mason. Clubs: Phi Gamma Delta (bd. govs.), Dartmouth (New York); Inter- fraternity, University Union League, Exmoor Country, Executives (Chicago); Boca Ratan (Florida). Author of vari- ous articles on vocational training and business. Home: (summer) Half-Day, 111.; (winter) The Drake Hotel, Chicago, 111. Office: 1430 Merchandise Mart, Chi- cago, 111. LEVISOHN, Arthur Aaron, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., Oct. 27, 1891; s. Sol and Emma (Lucas) Levisohn; LL.B., Chi- cago-Kent College of Law, 1912; B.S., Chicago Med., 1924, M.D., 1926; m. Helen Goldner, Nov. 29, 1931; 1 dau., Nancy Helen. Admitted to Illinois bar, 1912, and since in practice at Chicago; member firm Levisohn & Levisohn; li- censed to practice medicine, 1926; in- terneship John B. Murphy Hosp., 1926- 27; prof. med. jurisprudence, Chicago Med. Sch. since 1923. Served in U.S. Army, during World War, 1918. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns.. Am. Med. Assn., 111. State and Chicago med. socs. Home: 1426 N. State Park- way. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. HARKRIDER, Raymond, lawyer; b. LaFayette, Ind., Nov. 10, 1901; s. Elmer and Mamie (Grigg) H.; A.B., U. of Mich., 1924, J.D., U. of Mich. Law Sch., 1926; unmarried. Admitted to 111. bar, Oct. 1926, and actively engaged in gen. practice of law since at Chicago; asso. with firm Rosenthal, Hamill & Wormser, June 1926- July, 1931; asso. with firm Foreman, Bluford, Krinsley & Schultz since July 1931, became mem. of firm Jan. 1935; name of firm changed to Bluford, Krinsley, Schultz & Voorheis, 1940. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Chicago Law Inst., Order of the Coif. Soc. of the Barristers. Award- ed Class of 1908 Memorial Scholarship by U. of Mich. Law Sch., and Sr. Scholarship prize by Lawyers Club of Ann Arbor, Mich., both in 1926. Student editor Mich. Law Review, 1925-26. Re- publican. Methodist. Clubs: U. of Michi- gan, Lawyers (Ann Arbor, Mich.); Union, League of Chicago. Contbr. to Mich. Law Review, etc. Home: Union League Club of Chicago. Office: 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. VIEN, Alex S., Jr., real estate broker; b. East St. Louis, 111., Oct. 7, 1907; s. Alex S. and Eleanore (Chartrand) V.; student St. Louis (Mo.) U., 1925-28; m. Margaret Elizabeth Day, Oct. 10, 1935 (died Jan. 31, 1944); 1 son, Alex S. III. Engaged in real estate, loans and ins. bus.; with Alex S. Vien Agency, East 1152 St. Louis since 1928, owner since 1938. Dir. Jaycee Baseball League for Boys; chmn. St. Clair County War Price and Rationing Board. Recipient Distin- guished Service Award from U.S. Jr. C. of C, 1943. Mem. Assn. Ins. Agents of East St. Louis (past sec, past pres., v.p. 1941), East St. Louis Real Estate Exchange (past treas. and dir.; pres. and dir. 1941), Community Fund Assn. of East St. Louis (Rec. Sec. 1941), Nat. Assn. Real Estate Bds., 111. Assn. Real Estate Bds., Nat. Assn. Ins. Agents, 111. Assn. Ins. Agents., 111. Mortgage Bankers Assn., East St. Louis Chamber of Com- merce (dir. 1943-45), East St. Louis Jr. C. of C. (dir. and pres.; past exec, v.p.), 111. Jr. C. of C. (past v.p.; dir. 1943-45), U.S. Jr. C. of C. (past dir.). Democrat. Roman Catholic. K.C. Club: City (East St. Louis). Home: 1422 North Park Drive. Office: Alex S. Vien Agency, First Nat. Bank Bldg., East St. Louis, 111. WATSON, Cornelius B., vice pres. The Pure Oil Co.; b. Bradford, Pa., June 4, 1887; s. Gilbert Loren and Charlotte (Bushnell) W.; student Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., Yale; m. Louise E. Smith, Apr. 18, 1911; children— Chloe W. Bouscaren, Cornelius B., George S., Gilbert L., II. Erection Casinghead Gasoline Plants, W. Va. and Okla., 1908- 16; asst. mgr. prodn. The Pure Oil Co., 1916-18, asst. to pres. in charge refine- ries and bulk sales, 1918-24, vice-pres. in charge refineries and wholesale sales, pipe lines and steamships, 1924-33, vice- pres. in charge refineries, wholesale sales, retail sales, pipe lines and steam- ships since 1933, dir. since 1932. Clubs: Indian Hill (Winnetka, 111.), Sky Line, University, Madison (Conn.) Country, Chester River Yacht and Country (Chestertown, Md.). Home: 700 Ardsley Rd. Winnetka, 111. Office: 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. BOWEN, Joseph Tilton, Jr., insur- ance; b. Bar Harbor, Me., Sept. 1889; s. Joseph Tilton and Louise (de Koven) B., ed. Hill Sch., Pottstown, Pa.; m. Gwendolyn High, 1913, 1 dau., Gwen- dolyn. In real estate business, Chicago, 1910-33; with Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York since 1933. Served in World War as 1st It. with A.E.F. in France. Mem. Art Inst. Chicago (life), Onwent- sia. Home: 434* Washington Rd., Lake Forest, 111. Office: 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. CARTER, Thomas Albert, surgeon; b. Westside, la., Nov. 25, 1878; s. Wil- liam F. (M.D.) and Rachiel Ellen (Smith) C; Sc.B., St. Ignatius Coll., Chi- cago, 1893; Ph.G., Central States Coll. of Pharmacy, 1904; M.D., Loyola Uni- versity, Chicago, 1910; m. Anna E. Van- derberg, Mar. 2, 1908; children — Jean- nette G., Marion M. Began as telegraph operator, C. & N.W. Ry., and was pre- sented with a reward of merit for pre- venting a serious railroad wreck near Omaha, Neb.; has been in practice at Chicago since 1910; now surgeon Colum- bus, American and Augustana Hosps. Served as surgeon U.S. Army 20 mos., World War, 10 mos. with A.E.F. in France. Discovered an antidote for bi- chloride of mercury poison, 1913. Mem. A.M.A., Tri-State Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc; fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons. Home: 915 Lakeside PI. Office: 55 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. BRAGNO, Francesco, importer, olive oil and wine merchant; b. Catanzaro, Italy, Feb. 14, 1866; ed. in Italy; m. Josephine Mustari; children — James, Mary, Rose (Mrs. L. C. Prendergast), Arthur, Edward, Carmen, Henry. Served in the 10th Regt. Cav. Victor Emanuel, 1886-90. Founder and pres. Bragno & Co., since 1891. Decorated Chevalier Order of Crown of Italy, 1918. President Italian Chamber of Commerce, Worker 3rd Liberty Loan Drive, World War I, Am. Red Cross, 1920; Appointed vice pres. Roman Legion of America by Pres. Woodrow Wilson. Dir. Banco di Napoli Trust Co., 1930-37. Mem. Catholic Order of Foresters. Home: 1100 N. Russell Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 2607 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. STONER, Herbert Hubbard, restau- rant owner; b. Kan., 1882; s. Hubbard and Margaret (Cleland) S.; m. Helen Niblick, 1922; 1 son, John Hubbard. Pres Stoner's Commissaries, Inc. Dir. and trustee Chicago Temple Bldg., Chi- cago, 111. Methodist. Mason. Mem. Union League Club of Chicago. Home: 188 W. Randolph St. Office: 28 N. Dear- born St., Chicago, 111. DAWES, Charles Gates, banker, ex- vice pres. U.S.; b. Marietta, O., Aug. 27, 1865; s. Gen. Rufus R. and Mary Beman (Gates) D.; A.B., Marietta Coll., 1884, A.M., 1887; LL.B., Cincinnati Law Sch., 1886; m. Caro D. Blymyer, Janu- ary 24, 1889; children — Rufus Fearing (deceased), Mrs. Carolyn Ericson, Dana McCutcheon, and Virginia (Mrs. Rich- 1153 ard T. Craig). Admitted to bar of state of Ohio, 1886; in practice of law at Lin- coln, Neb., 1887-94; interested in gas and electric business at various places. Was exec, of McKinley movement in 111., resulting in McKinley instructions at Springfield Conv., 1896; mem. exec, com. Rep. Nat. Com. in campaign of 1896; comptroller of currency, 1897- 1901; organized Central Trust Co. of 111. Chicago, 1902, of which was pres., 1902- 21, chmn. bd., 1921-25, hon. chmn. bd., 1930-31; hon. chmn. bd. Central Repub- lic Bank & Trust Co., 1931-32; chmn. bd. City Nat. Bank & Trust Co. (suc- cessor to Central Rep. Bk. & Tr. Co.) since Oct. 6, 1932. Commd. maj. engrs., N.A., June 1917; It. col., July 1917; col., Jan. 1918; brig, gen., Oct. 1918. Arrived in France, July 1917, as It. col. ry. engrs.; apptd. to administrative staff of comdr. in chief of A.E.F., Sept. 1917, and served as chmn. Gen. Purchasing Bd., and gen. purchasing agt. A.E.F.; later mem. Mil. Bd. of Allied Supply, mem. Liquidation Commn. of A.E.F. and mem. Liquidation Bd. of War Dept.; resigned from Army, 1919, and returned to U.S., Aug. 1919. Awarded D.S.M. (U.S.); Companion of the Bath (Brit- ish) ; Commdr. of SS. Maurice and Laza- rus (Italian) ; Order of Leopold (Bel- gium), 1919; Comdr. Legion d'Honneur (French), 1919. Apptd. 1st dir. U.S. Bur. of the Budget, 1921; apptd., 1923, by Reparations Commn., as pres. com. to investigate possibilities of German budget, resulting in "Dawes Plan," which put into effect Sept. 1, 1924; nominated by Rep. Nat. Conv. for vice pres. of U.S., and elected Nov. 1924, for term 1925-29; A.E. and M.P. from U.S. to Great Britain, 1929-32; pres. Re- constrn. Finance Corp., 1932. Awarded Nobel Peace Prize for 1925 jointly with Sir Austen Chamberlain, British foreign sec, and turned over his share of prize to endowment of Walter Hines Page School of Internat. Relations. Chmn. Econ. Commn. of Am. Experts visiting Santo Domingo, 1929; chmn. finance com. "Chicago World's fair 1933." Clubs: Chicago, Commercial, Union League, University, Onwentsia, Glenview, Evans- ton, Evanston Country. Author: The Banking System of the United States, 1892; Essays and Speeches, 1915; A Journal of the Great War, 1921; The First Year of the Budget of the United States, 1923; Notes as Vice President, 1935; How Long Prosperity, 1937; A Journal of Reparation, 1939; Journal As Ambassador to Great Britain, 1939. Home: 225 Greenwood Blvd., Evanston, 111. Office: 208 South La Salle St., Chi- cago 90, 111. BREER, Carl, dir. research, mem. bd. dirs. Chrysler Corp., b. Los Angeles, Nov. 8, 1883; s. Louis and Julia (Buehn) B.; A.B. in Mech. Engineering, Stanford Univ., 1909; hon. Master Engring., 1933, hon. Dr. Engring., 1938; m. Barbara Zeder, Sept. 5, 1918; children — Carl Frederick, William Zeder, Robert Carl- ton, Thomas Carol. Apprentice Allis- Chalmers Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1909-12; supt. of plant Moreland Distillate Truck Co., Los Angeles, 1912-14; organized Acme Elec. Auto Works and part owner, 1914-16; research engr. Studebaker Corp., 1916-20; with Willys Corp., Eliza- beth, N.J., 1920-21; mem. Zeder, Skelton & Breer, cons, engrs., 1921-23; exec, engr. Maxwell Motor Car Corp., 1923- 25; exec. engr. and dir. of research Chrysler since 1925, mem. bd. dirs. since 1937, co-designer of first Chrysler-built car in 1924 and since active in all de- velopments; v.p. and dir. Chrysler Inst, of Engring. Trustee Detroit Univ. Sch. Mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs., Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Nat. Research Council, Am. Standards Assn., Am. Inst. Physics, Detroit Soc. Model Engrs., Engring., Soc. Detroit, Detroit Bd. Commerce, 107th Observation Squadron, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi. Home: 15600 Windmill Pointe Drive, Grosse Pointe, Mich. Of- fice: Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich. BLAISDELL, Leonard Tibbetts, com- mercial v.p. Gen. Electric Co.; b. Car- lisle, Mass., Oct. 6, 1886; s. Warren H. and Georgianna (Tibbetts) B.; Marine Engr., Mass. Nautical Training Sch., 1904; hon. E.E., Case Sch. Applied Science, 1942; m. Ethel Newton, July 15, 1908; 1 dau., Lora Mae (wife of Dr. Fred C. Lund). With Gen. Electric Co. since 1904; beginning at Lynn (Mass.) works, commercial v.p. since 1936. Reg- istered professional engr., Texas and Ohio. Fellow Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs.; mem. Illuminating Engring. Soc. Cleve- land Engring. Soc. Baptist. Clubs: Ki- wanis (Dallas); Union, Mid-Day (Cleve- land). Home: 13720 Shaker Blvd., Cleve- land, O.; (legal) 3615 Bryn Mawr Drive, Dallas, Tex. Office: 4966 Woodland Av., Cleveland, O. GRIFFIN, John J., bus. exec; b. St. Louis, Mo., June 14, 1890; s. Michael James and Mary (Anglin) G.; ed. Holy Angels Parochial Sch., McKinley High 1154 Sch., St. Louis Univ. Sch. of Law, St. Louis Bus. Coll.; also completed course in heating and ventilating" engring.; m. Mary Harkins, Oct. 7, 1915; children — Mrs. F. J. O'Laughlin, John J., Jr. (former 1st It. S.C., U.S.A.). Princ. owner and pres. Internat. Engring. & Supply Co. (a Mo. corp. of Sales Engring.); former v.p., dir., one of orgnzrs. Mutual Bank & Trust Co.; since 1940, v.p. Indsl. Bank of St. Louis, also dir.; v.p., Washington Fire and Marine Ins. Co., v.p., Gen. Contract Pur- chase Corp., Mo., v.p., Gen. Contract Purchase Corp., Ark., v.p. Indsl. Loan Co., v.p., Indsl. Credit Corp. Pres. Adv. Council U.S. Employment Service; pres., bd. dirs., Vets. Service Center; chmn. 5th Ward Selective Service Bd., Assoc- iated Draft Bds. St. Louis and St. Louis Co., Physical Fitness Adv. Com. Bd. Edn.; asst. treas., Indsl. Manpower Com., Don't Travel Com., Office D.T., Impartial Com. to supervise disputes between employer and mems. Amalgam- ated Meat Cutters and Butcher Work- men of N.A., Local Union No. 88, Greek War Relief; mem. Am. War Dads (nat. v.p., pres. Wm. Lacy Jack chapter), St. Louis and St. Louis Co. Nat. Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (exec, com.), Tu- berculosis and Health Soc. (bd. dirs.), House of Good Shepherd (sustaining bd.), Nat. Catholic Community Service (exec, com.), operating com. bd. dirs. St. Louis U.S.O. Servicemen's Center, State Hosp. and Health Survey Com. State of Mo., Mo. Historical Soc, Mo. Assn. Social Welfare (St. Louis Chap- ter), Am. Red Cross (Nat. War Fund Com.), Social Planning Council (bd. dirs.), Nat. Speakers Bur., Am. War Dads, War Finance Com. (Speakers Bur.), St. Louis War Chest (Speakers Bur.); former men. and v.p., State Eleemosynary Bd. of Mo.; former chmn., Mo. State Athletic Commn. Knighted by the Pope as Knight of the Holy Sepul- chre (western It.), for religious and civic activities; mem. St. Vincent de Paul Soc, Archdiocesan Union, Mo. Bankers Assn., Am. Inst. Banking. Col. on staff Gov. Phil M. Donnelly of Mo. Former mem. U.S.N.R., Home Guard, Mo.; civilian recruiting com. U.S.M.C, U.S.N. Reed, citation U.S.N., for recruit- ing activities, Congl. Medal for Selective Service, Silver Medal and citation from Treas. Dept. for War Bond activity, Dis- tinguished Citizen citation, medal V.F.- W., citation from Pres. of U.S. for War activity. Democrat. Catholic. Clubs: Mo. Athletic, Catholic, 500 Club Cham- ber of Commerce. K.C. Elk. Author: Rules and Regulations Governing Mis- souri State Athletic Commn. Contbr. many arts, attacking Communism and its inroads into American Way of Life for various publications. Home: 9117 Clayton Rd., Ladue, St. Louis Co., Mo. Office: 901 Washington Av., St. Louis 1, Mo. BITTING, William C, Jr., sr. partner, Bitting & Co.; b. New York, N.Y., Aug. 25, 1887; s. William Coleman and Anna Mary (Biedler) B.; A.B., Brown U., 1908; m. Gladys Bryant Smith, June 5, 1912. Began with Huttig Sash & Door Co., 1909-10; William R. Compton Co., 1910-21; v.p. and dir. in 1915; partner Lorenzo E. Anderson & Co., 1921-24; organized Bitting & Co., securities, 1924; chmn. bd. Philippine Realty Corp., Ma- nila. Clubs: Racquet, Noonday (St. Louis) ; University (New York City) ; University (Chicago) ; Biltmore Forest Country (North Carolina) ; Union (Vic- toria, B.C.). Home: 400 Vanderbilt Rd., Biltmore Forest, N.C. and Kennebunk- port, Me. Office: Biltmore, N.C. BRADSHAW, Robert York, pres. Bradshaw-Praeger & Co.; b. Stillwater, la., Jan. 15, 1873; s. Robert and Harriett (York) B.; ed. pub. schs., Chicago; m. Mary E. Sayre, Oct. 19, 1903; children- Harriett Amy, Robert Sayre, Mary Phyllis. Clerk Cudahy Packing Co., Chi- cago, 1892-1901; salesman M. L. Barrett & Co., 1901-03; partner J. B. Day & Co., 1904-06; western mgr. Marx & Rawolle, glycerine and varnish, N. Y. City, 1906- 16; in shellac business under own name, 1916-18; v.p. Pioneer State Bank, 1916- 20; shellac mfr. and bleacher, Chicago, since 1922, inc. as pres. Bradshaw-Prae- ger & Co. Div. dir. Y.M.C.A., Chaumont, France, 1919. Treas. Northwest Park Dist., 1916-18. Mem. Am. Bleached Shel- lac Mfrs. Assn., Chicago Assn. Com- merce, Illinois C. of C, Nat. Assn. Mfrs. Republican. Conglist. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Union League (Chicago); Chem- ists' of New York; Oak Park Country. Home: 434 N. Oak Park Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 3248 W. 47th PL, Chicago, 111. CRAGOE, E. J., coll. prof.; b. Oak- * field, Wis., Aug. 1, 1889; s. Thomas J. and Mary E. (Cornell) C; A.B., Ripon Coll., 1910; A.M., U. of Wis., 1915; m. Genevieve M. Dopp, Aug. 2, 1916; chil- dren — Edward J., Mary M., William C, Catherine Clare. Teacher science. Cry- 1155 stal Falls, (Mich.) High Sch., 1910-13; teacher chemistry, Petoskey (Mich.) High Sch., 1913-14, Highland Park (111.) High Sch., 1915-16; teacher geology and chemistry, Tulsa Univ., Tulsa, Okla., 1916-18, Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kans. since 1918. Mayor of Baldwin, 1927-31. Mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Kans. Acad. Sci., Rotary. Republican. Methodist. Author: arts, on rainfall effect on corn and wheat crops. Home: 720 Baker St., Baldwin, Kan. HOWE, James A., lawyer, realtor; b. Chicago, Feb. 6. 1903; s. James and Delia H.; ed. Oak Park grade schs. and high sch., Mayo Federated Prep. Sch. and Mayo Federated Coll. until 1925; Ph.B. and LL.B., De Paul U., Chicago, 1930; m. Esther Hoffman, Nov. 15, 1928. In real estate bus., Oak Park, 111., since 1921, pres. James A. Howe & Co., since 1921; admitted to 111. bar, 1930, and since practcied in Oak Park; elected pres. Village of Oak Park, Apr. 1935, term of 6 yrs.; mem. 111. Assn. Real Estate Bds. (v.p.), Suburban Area of County Towns Assn. Mem. 111. State Bar Assn., Phi Alpha Delta. Republican. Mem. B.P.O.E. Clubs: Oak Park, Brook- wood Country. Home: 1048 N. Oak Park Av. Office: 7116 Roosevelt Rd., Oak Park, 111. ADAMS, Charles F., pathologist; b. Atherton, Mo., April 4, 1877; s. W. C. and Sarah Jane (Herd) A.; B.S.A., A.M., M.D.; unmarried. Has held various posi- tions in univs. of Kans., Chicago, Ark.; dept. of health in Ind., Mo. Mem. many scientific and med. assns. Interested in pathology, public health. Democrat. Au- thor: numerous entomol. arts. Home: 800 E. High St., Jefferson City, Mo. Office: State Div. of Health, Jefferson City, Mo. S WAYNE, Albert William; b. Nor- walk, la., Nov. 6, 1877; s. Oscar and Sarah E. (Ward) S.; student Univ. of S.D., 1895-98, Capital City Commercial Coll., 1901-02; m. Gertrude Colburn, Aug. 16, 1908; children — Margaret Helen, Eugene Oscar, Albert Murray. Started in real estate business at Des Moines, la., 1900; organized Springfield (S.D.) State Bank, 1903, and served as cashier until 1910; in real estate busi- ness at Des Moines, 1910-13; organized Austin (Chicago) Nat. Bank, 1913, and served as cashier 2 yrs.; pres. and gen. mgr. International Mausoleum Co., Chi- cago, 1915-17; on his farm in Wis., 1917- 18; started the co-operative ownership of apartments in Chicago, 1919, and now treas. Kimbark Apt. Bldg. Corp., Blackstone Sixty-Fifth Bldg. Corp. and Good Neighbor Bldg. Corp. Mem. ad- visory council Chicago Real Estate Bd. (pres. 1928-29) ; state vice-pres. Am. Bankers Assn., 1910; mem. Art Inst. Chicago. Republican. Methodist. Mason (32°, Shriner), Odd Fellow. Club: Union League. Home: R.F.D. No. 1, McHenry, 111. Office: 2320 S. State St., Chicago, 111. BARKER, M. Herbert, physician; b. Villisca, la., Aug. 20, 1899; s. William Asa and Bessie May (Kimel) B.; stud- ene U. of Minn., 1919-21; B.S., U. of S.D., 1923; M.D., Rush Med. Coll. (U. of Chicago), 1925; M.S., Northwestern U., 1931; m. Nancy Maes Henderson, Mar. 3, 1928; 1 dau., Nancy Marion; m. 2d, Marjorie Leigh, Feb. 15, 1945. In- terne Wesley Memorial Hosp., Chicago, 1925 and 1926; research in cardio-renal disease at Harvard Medical School and Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., 1927-29; resident in medicine, Passavant Me- morial Hosp., Chicago, 1930-31, now at- tending physician; asst. prof, in medi- cine. Northwestern U. Med. Sch.; form- er consultant in cardio-renal disease, Vets. Diagnostic Center, Edward Hines Hosp. Served with U.S. Marines, 1918- 19; now lieut. col. U.S. Army, Medical Corps. Certified as specialist cardio- vascular disease by Am. Bd. of Internal Medicine. Mem. Com. on Hypertension for America and Great Britain; mem. advisory counsel 111. State Pneumatic Control Commn.; chmn. Com. for Nom- enclature of Renal- vascular Disease; mem. Central Clin. Research Club. Fel- low Central Soc. Clin. Research, Am. Coll. Physicians (peripheral-cardio- vas- cular sect.); mem. Soc. Med. History, A.M.A., Sigma Nu, Phi Chi, Sigma Xi, Pi Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Saddle and Cycle, Chicago Yacht, Racquet (Chi- cago). Contbr. numerous articles to med. jours, and papers to med. meet- ings. Awarded Citation for Legion of Merit, 1944. Home: 444 Wrightwood Av. Office: 700 N. Michigan Av., Chi- cago, 111. BLAKE, Emmet Reid, ornithologist; b. Abbeville, S.C., Nov. 29, 1908; s. John Rennie and Blanche (Ammen) B.; A.B., Presbyn. Coll. of S.C., 1928; M.S., U. of Pittsburgh, 1933; student U. of Va., summer 1927, Carnegie Inst, of Tech., 1920-30; unmarried. Began as ornitholo- gist, 1930; tech. asst. Nat. Geographic 1156 Soc, 1930-31; instr. in zoology, U. of Pittsburgh, 1931-32; field ornithologist, Field Mus. of Natural History, 1933-34; field ornithologist, Carnegie Mus. (Pitts- burgh, Pa.), 1935; asst. curator of birds, Chicago Natural History Museum, since 1935; since 1930, has conducted numer- ous zool. expdns. to Central and South America, and the West Indies; was 1st white man to ascend Cerro Yapacana, southern Venezuela, and 2d to climb Mt. Turumiquire, Venezuela. Serving as spl. agent War Dept., since 1942; over- seas duty, N. Africa and Italy, since Feb. 1943. Mem. Am. Ornithologists Union, Wilson Ornithol. Club, Chicago Ornithol. Soc, Am. Geog. Soc, Sigma Xi, Chi Beta Phi. Recipient Alumni Award, Presbyterian Coll. of S.C., 1938. Democrat. Presbyterian. Clubs: Quad- rangle, Kennicott (Chicago). Contbr. articles to various pubis. Office: Chi- cago Natural History Museum, Chicago, 111. BLAKESLEE, Clyde W., sales mgr.; b. Neponset, 111., Mar. 6, 1874; s. Ezra and Caroline (MacCraken) B.; ed. pub. schs., Neponset; m. Laura Pliem- ling, Nov. 21, 1896 (died 1936); 1 dau., Melva Laura; m. 2d, Inez J. Fitch, May 7, 1938. Began with Deering Harvester Works, 1888; then in employ of Samuel Harris & Co., 1890-98; with C. H. Besley & Co., 1898-1900, Norton Co., 1900-05; vice pres. The H. A. Stocker Machinery Co., 1905-13; mgr. The Abrasive Co., 1913-20; gen. mgr. N. A. Strand & Co., mfrs. flexible shafts and equipments, Chicago, since 1920. Trustee Village of Oak Park, HI., 1922-23. Lieutenant State Council of Defense, World War. Mem. 111. Police Assn. (life), 111. Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Assn. of Commerce, 111. Mfrs. Assn., Credit Men's Assn. Re- publican. Protestant. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Rotary, Machinery (pres. 1916- 17 and 1935, 36 and 37). Home: 2247 Greenleaf Av. Office: 5001 N. Wolcott Av., Chicago, 111. TOPLIFF, Samuel, lawyer; b. Chi- cago, 111.; s. William Blackstock and Mary Webster (Stanwood) T.; A.B., Bowdoin; LL.B., Northwestern Univ.; m. Rosalie Topliff, Aug. 17, 1918 (died Dec. 30, 1936); m. 2d, Elizabeth Julia Brennan, Dec 27, 1939. Admitted to 111. bar, 1902, and since practiced at Chi- cago; mem. Hamlin & Topliff, 1913-20, Hamlin, Topliff & Cooper, 1920-30, Top- liff, Horween & Merrick, 1940-42, Topliff & Horween since 1942. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assn. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (K.T., Shriner). Clubs: University, Union League, Law Club of Chicago, Evanston Club, Evans- ton Golf. Home: 2734 Lincoln St., Evanston, 111. Office: 1501, 105 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. BLAYNEY, James Roy, prof, of den- tal surgery; b. Alexis, 111., July 28, 1889; s. James Albert and Emma C. (Mead) B.; student Knox Coll., Galesburg, 1908- 10; D.D.S., Northwestern U., Dental School, 1913; B.S., Lewis Inst, 1924; M.S., U. of Chicago, 1928; m. Alice E. Crain, Mar. 18, 1914. Practiced dentis- try, Talulla, 111., 1913-18; instr. dept. therapeutics, U. of 111., Coll. of Denistry, 1918-22, asso. prof, same 1922-24, asso. prof, and acting head dept. materia medica and therapeutics, 1924-26, prof, and head dept., 1927-36; prof, of dental surgery and dir. Walter G. Zoller Dental Clinic, U. of Chicago, since Sept. 1, 1936. Fellow A.A.A.S., mem. Am. Dental Assn., Am. Public Health Assn., 111. State and Chicago dental socs., Chicago Pathol. Soc, Odontographic Society of Chicago, Soc. of Med. History of Chi- cago, Inst. Medicine of Chicago, Xi Psi Phi, Sigma Xi, Omicron Kappa Upsilon. Presbyterian. Home: 5840 Stony Island Av., Chicago, 111. ALBERT, Allen Diehl, sociologist; b. Williamsport, Pa., Oct. 3, 1874; s. Allen D. and Sarah Ann (Faber) A.; ed. pub. schs.; read law in offices of Heber J. May; attended lectures in law and polit. science, Columbian (now George Wash- ington) U.; spl. lecturer depts. of Eng- lish and polit. science, U. of Minnesota, 1912-14; Sc.D. in Sociology, Evansville Coll., Evansville, Ind., 1922; m. Janet Clark Jones, June 20, 1901; children — Allen D., Owen S. J. Reporter, Wash- ington, D.C., and New York; corr. in Spanish- Am. War. ; chief editorial writer Washington (D.C.) Times, 1895-1910; pub. Columbus (Ohio) News, 1910-11; editor and asso. pub. Minneapolis Tri- bune, 1912-16; pres. Jacksonville (Fla.) Gas Co., 1923-25; asst. to pres. Century of Progress Expn., Chicago, 1928-33, rep. to many European Capitals, 1929- 30, commr. to Japan and China, 1932. Specializing since 1906 in causes of city growth and programs of city develop- ment; consultant to city development bodies, with commns. on training camp activities, 1917-18. Mem. National Com- mittee on World Peace Organization, National Educational Planning Commit- 1157 tee, etc.; pres. Minn. Acad. Political Science, 1914-15; pres. Internat. Assn. Rotary Clubs, 1915-16; consultant United Nations Conf. on Internat. Orgn., 1945. Awarded Silver Cross for Christian leadership, 1939. Fellow Am. Geog. Soc. Author: many magazine articles on city planning, social change, etc. Episcopal- ian. Lecturer Seabury-Western Episco- pal Sem., Evanston, 111.; lecturer many institutes on internat. affairs. Home: Blue Heron Farm, Paris, 111. SCHWARTZ, Charles K., lawyer; b. Norway, Mich., Mar. 30, 1891; s. Simon J. and Bertha (Ruwitch) S.; ed. Norway (Mich.) high Sch.; student Gregg Busi- ness Coll.; LL.B., John Marshall Law Sch., 1913; m. Olive Joselit, Feb. 26, 1920; children — Roxie, Denise, Barbara. Admitted to 111. bar, 1913, and since in practice at Chicago, mem. firm Schwartz, Welfeld & Periman, 1933-36; mem. firm Gottlieb & Schwartz since 1936, specializing in corp., real estate and tax matters; asst. state's atty. for Cook Co., 1914-17. Served in Inf., U.S. Army, World War I. Democrat. Served as mem. and chmn. 111. State Tax Commn., 1936-40; counsel, Petroleum Co-ordinator for War under Sec. of In- terior, Oct. 1941, Jan. 1944. Clubs: Standard, Ravisloe Country. Active in Dem. local and nat. politics. Home: 6935 Paxton Av. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. McDONALD, Thomas, pres. Thos. McDonald & Co.; b. Ireland, Dec. 26, 1878; s. Edward and Anastasia (Bowe) McD.; student St. Keiran's Coll. Kil- kenny, Ireland, 1894-98; student St. Patrick's Coll., Maynooth, Ireland, 1898-1900; m. Beatrice Ganahl, Jan. 27, 1923 (dec. 1933); children— Beatrice, Thomas, Edward, Corinne, Genevieve. Clk. Merc. Trust Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1905-10; cashier La Salle St. Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago, 111., 1910-14; est. Thos. McDonald & Co., bonds, Chi- cago, pres. since 1914. Republican. Ro- man Catholic. K.C. Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn.; Westmoreland Country (Wilmette, 111.). Home: 1034 Chestnut Av., Wilmette, 111. Office: 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. McCLUER, Paul, sales mgr. Nat. Broadcasting Inc.; b. Brimfield, 111., Aug. 3, 1900; s. Charles and Minnie Lee (Muschaney) McC; A.B., U. of 111., 1922, grad. student, 1925-26; m. Marjorie Ryan, Dec. 21, 1929, Instr. of English, Northwestern Mil. Acad., 1923-25; instr. of pub. speaking, U. of 111., 1925-27; instr. Chicago Central Sta. Inst., 1927- 28; asst. mgr. radio sta., WENR, 1928- 31; account exec, N.B.C., 1931-36, asst. sales mgr., 1936-40, sales mgr. since 1940. Served with S.A.T.C., Oct.-Dec, 1918. Mem. Sigma Phi Sigma, Pi Ep- silon Delta. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. Clubs: Saddle and Cycle, Mer- chants and Mfrs. (Chicago, 111.), Four Seasons (Pembine, Wis.). Home: Route 1, Old Rockland Rd., Liberty ville, 111. Office: 222 N. Bank Drive, Chicago, 111. ACKERMAN, Johann S., exec, part- ner Am. Industries Management Co.; b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 1, 1896; s. Herman and Ray (Goldsmith) A.; m. Clara C. Gold- berg, -Apr. 8, 1917; children — Elaine Ackerman Vogel, Lois (Mrs. Morton Sumner Postelnek). Began as elk., pur- chasing dept. Commonwealth Edison Co., 1910; later bond salesman, Paine, Webber & Co., Chicago, and E. W. Clu- cas & Co., New York (both members N.Y. Stock Exchange) ; became sr. part- ner J. S. Ackerman & Co., N.Y. City, 1928; then v.p. La Salle Indsl. Finance Corp., Chicago, until control of co. was sold to Gen. Finance Corp. in 1943; now exec, partner Am. Industries Manage- ment Co., Chicago; gen. partner Klein- man, Doroshaw & Ackerman and of Schwarze Electric Co., Adrian, Mich., and Chicago ; v.p. and dir. Faraday Elec- tric Corp., Adrian, Mich., and Chicago, The First Radar Corp., Victory Products and Mfg. Corp. (111.); v.p., sec. and dir. Am. Engring. Co., Phila.; v.p. and dir. Sun Glow Industries, Inc., Mansfield, O.; sec, treas. and dir. Victory Products and Mfg. Corp., Maryland; dir. Affiliated Engring. Corp., Ltd., Montreal, Can., and Diamond Machine Co., Phila. Jewish Reformed religion (Temple Sholom, Chi- cago). Club: Green Acres Country (Northbrook, 111.). Home: 3500 Lake Shore Dr. Office: 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. BARLOW, Reuel Richard, educator; b. Monticello, Wis., Apr. 28, 1894; s. Joseph Henry and Martha (Wallace) B.; B.J., U. of Wis., 1917; student Alli- ance Francaise, Paris, France, 1918; M.A., U. of 111., 1929; m. Alice Town- send, Sept. 28, 1921; children — Reuel Richard, Mary Alice, Townsend, Char- lotte. Became mem. editorial staff Madi- son (Wis.) Democrat, 1911; has been with various newspapers; was dir. Radio Sta. WAMD, Minneapolis and St. Paul; now prof., Sch. o f Journalism U. of 111. 1158 Sec. 111. Press Assn.; Mem. Am. Assn. Teachers of Journalism, Fgn. Policy Assn., Sigma Delta Chi, Pi Delta Ep- silon, Kappa Tau Alpha, Alpha Kappa Lambda. Author: (in collaboration) Survey of Journalism, 1937. Contbr. articles to journalistic pubis. Home: 207 Indiana Av. Office: University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. BOUSFIELD, Mrs. Maudelle Brown, educator; b. St. Louis, Mo., June 1, 1885; d. Charles H. and Arrena I. (Tan- ner) Brown; A.B., U. of 111., 1906; M.A., U. of Chicago, 1931; m. Midian O. Bous- field, Sept. 9, 1914; 1 dau., Maudelle B. Teacher East St. Louis, 1906-07, Balti- more Colored High Sch., 1907-13, Sum- mer High Sch., St. Louis, 1913-14, Phillips High Sch., Chicago, 1921-26, dean of girls, 1926-28, prin. Keith Sch. 1928- 31, Douglas Sch., 1931-39, Phillips High Sch., since 1939; mem. bd. dirs. Abra- ham Lincoln Sch., Chicago. Apptd. mem. Women's Policy Com., War Manpower Commn, 1942. Mem. N.E.A., 111. High Sch. Prin. Assn., Alpha Kappa Alpha (former nat. pres.). Episcopalian. Mem. advisory com. and contbr. to Jour, of Negro Edn. Speaker at many ednl. forums. Home: 9323 Michigan Av. Of- fice: 244 E. Pershing Rd., Chicago, 111. HARMS, John W., church federation exec; b. Blue Springs, Neb.; Sept. 22, 1902; s. Eilert W. and Mary Martha (West) H.; A.B., Phillips U., 1931; Au- burn Seminary, 1933-34; U. of Chicago, 1936-37 and '40; m. Pearl Ella Goddard, May 1, 1926; children— John Goddard (dec), Dorothea Mae, Mary Frances. Surveyor, dept. of endowments, bd. of edu., Disciples of Christ, 1925-26; bus. mgr., Central Christian Ch., Enid, Okla., 1926-29; dir. religious edn. (Eastern area) United Christian Missionary Soc (Disciples of Christ), New York, 1931- 34; state dir. of religious edn., Indiana, 1934-38; exec. sec. Council of Churches and Christian Edn. of Maryland-Dela- ware, Inc., 1938-42; pres. Assn. Council Sees., 1941-42; exec, sec, Church Feder- ation of Greater Chicago, since 1943. Ordained as minister in Disciples of Christ (Christian) body, 1931. Mem. Pi Kappa Delta. Contbr. to religious jours. Home: 5420 Blackstone Av. Address: 77 W. Washington, Chicago, 111. CUSHMAN, Moe Andrew, investment securities; b. Waterloo, la., Dec. 29, 1884; s. Andrew J. and Cassandra (Mc- Ilroy) C; student U. of la., 1906-07; m. Caroline A. Leeds, Jan. 15, 1908 (dec); children— Charlotte A. (Mrs. Myron F. Ratcliffe, dec), Frances J. (Mrs. Vachel T. Chears, Jr.), Caroline Leeds (Mrs. Alex Waddell Walker), Andrew Leeds, Walter Moe; m. 2d, Katherine H. McLennan, Mar. 21, 1942. V.p. Nat. Creamery Supplies Co., Chi- cago, 1908-11; in investment securities bus., Michigan City, Ind., since 1911, at Chicago, since 1920; pres. Cushman Bond & Mortgage Co., Michigan City, since 1921, Cushman Ind. Corp., Michi- gan City, since 1938, Cushman Virginia Corp., Charlottesville, Va., since 1940. Mem. Beta Theta Pi. Republican, Pres- byterian. Clubs: Lake Shore Athletic, Chicago, Exmoor Country, Key (Chi- cago) ; Farmington Country, Farming- ton Hunt, Keswick Hunt (Charlottes- ville, Va.). Home: "Farmoor", Charlot- tesville, Va. Office: 655 Junior Terrace, Chicago, 111. DONNELLEY, Thorne, vice pres. and sec. Reuben H. Donnelley Corp.; b. Chi- cago, 111., July 19, 1895; s. Reuben H. and Laura (Thorne) D.; student Yale, 1917; m. Mary Barnes Norvell, Apr. 1931; children — Naomi, Thorne Barnes. Vice pres. and sec. Reuben H. Donnelley Corp., Chicago, 111., since 1919; pres. Donnelley Radio Telephone Co. since 1937; sec. and treas. Chicago Black Hawks since 1930. Republican. Episco- palian. Clubs: Chicago, Onwentsia, Tav- ern, Racquet, Yale, Yacht (Chicago), 111.); Shore Acres (Lake Bluff, 111.). Home: Sheridan Rd., Lake Bluff, 111. Office: 350 E. 22d St., Chicago, 111. DUNHAM, Robert James; b. Chicago, 111., Mar. 12, 1876; s. James Sears and Mary E. (Brown) D.; student Harvard, 1895-97; m. Ethel L. Richardson, Dec. 6, 1899; children — Caryl, Robert J., Jose- phine, A. Phelps (dec); m. 2d, Edith Preston Drown, Apr. 19, 1923 (died March 13, 1941); m. 3d, Natalie Moor- head, Mar. 28, 1942. Sec. Dunham Tow- ing & Wrecking Co., 1897-1901; in vessel brokerage and marine ins. business, 1901-03; pres. Shipowners' Dry Dock Co., 1903-06; treas. Western Cold Stor- age Co., Jan.- July, 1907; entered employ Armour & Co., July 1907, becoming asst. treas., Nov. 1909, later v.p., re- signed, 1920; v.p. Universal Oil Products Co. until Jan. 1931. Chmn. 111. Emerg- ency Relief Com., Sept. 1933-May 1935; pres. Chicago Park Dist. since May 1, 1934; administrator for 111. Works Prog- ress Administra., 1935-37. Clubs: Chi- 1159 cago, Tavern, Casino. Home: 1500 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 111. FRICK, Anders, physician; b. Malmo, Sweden, Jan. 12, 1868; s. Otto P. and Maria J. (Frick) F.; M.D., Karolinan Med. and Surg. Inst., Stockholm, Swed- en, 1896; m. Lydia M. Dahlstrom, Dec. 29, 1914. Came to Chicago, 1896; instr. med. therapeutics, Rush Med. Coll., 1903- 05; asst. prof, medicine Univ. of 111. Coll. Medicine, 1922-29; attending phys., Au- gustana Hosp., 1903-1925; chief of staff, 1925-39. Retired, Jan. 1943. Swedish Lutheran. Mem. A.M.A., 111., Chicago and Scandinavian- Am. med. socs., Swed- ish Assn. of Physicians (Stockholm). Clubs: Swedish, Lake Shore. Home: 410 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, 111. FRIELDS, Eva Christine, school management; b. Tullahoma, Tenn., Apr. 8, 1873; d. Robert Neal and Elizabeth Ann (Wren) Polk; student Ohio North- ern U., Ada, O., summer 1893-94; grad. Chicago Training Sch., 1895; m. Prof. Charles Otto Frields, of Ohio Northern U., Dec. 24, 1896 (died Jan. 8, 1899). Teacher pub. schs., Champaign Co., O., 1890- 94; superintendent deaconess work, M.E. Ch., Fall River, Mass., 1899-1912; established Girls Industrial Home and Sch. of Domestic Science, Fall River, Mass., Rest Home for Working Girls, Martha's Vineyard, Mass.; supt. Chaddock Boys Sch., Quincy, 111., 1912-44 (25th anniversary celebrated May 1937) ; also member board trustees. Mem. of the Assn. of Church Social Workers. Mem. Alumni Assn. Chicago Training Sch. (pres. 1925-29), Quincy Art Club, Pi Gamma Mu. Republican. Address: Chaddock Boys School, Quincy, 111. GOLDBERG, Max, chmn. Nat. Soda Straw Co.; b. Minsk, Russia, Mar. 17, 1886; s. Abraham and Sarah (Bagdon) G.; student high sch., N.Y. City; m. Ida Schwartz, Mar. 17, 1908; children — Sarah, Sidney, Seymour (It. U.S. N.R.), Zenia, Harold (capt. U.S. Army), Arthur (It. U.S. Army), Edith Sales- man Consolidated Wafer Co., Brook- lyn, N.Y., 1914-17, v.p. in charge, Chi- cago, 111., factory, 1917-25, dir., 1917- 19, v.p. and sec, 1919-24; sold out to Nat. Biscuit Co., 1928; chmn. Nat. Soda Straw Co., Chicago, 111., since 1931; chmn. bd. 111. Baking Corp., Chicago. Chmn. of Chicago Local Draft Bd. No. 7. Treas. Orthodox Jewish Home of the Aged, Hebrew Theol. Coll. Dir. Rodfei Zedek Congregation. Republican. Jew- ish religion. Mason. Clubs: Covenant, Rotary (Chicago). Home: 410 Green- leaf Av., Glencoe, 111. Office: 2230 S. Union Av., Chicago, 111. GUSTAFSON, Olga Frideborg, physi- cian; specializes in diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat; ed. Jenner Med. Co., Chicago, U. of Chicago, Chicago Law Sch., U. of Vienna, Austria, and U. of Burdeaux, France. Mem. Am. Acad, of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, A.M.A., 111., and Chicago Med. Socs., Chicago Ophthal. Soc, Chicago Med. Women's Club, Chicago Ethical Soc, Women's Univ. Club, of Chicago. Home: 5555 Sheridan Rd. Office: 185 N. Wab- ash Av., Chicago, 111. HARVEY, Harold Brown, engr. and mfr. nonferrous forgings; b. Parkman, Me., June 20, 1884; s. Daniel Genther and Ida Gertrude (Brown) H.; grad. high sch., Wakefield, Mass., 1902; Mass. Inst. Tech., 1905; lecturer courses Northwestern U. Sch. of Commerce; m. Alwilda Fritsch, May 20, 1911. Elec engr. with Becker Bros., Chicago, and chief engr. Am. Maintenance Co., 1906; factory mgr. Henry Newgard & Co., elec. constrn. and mfg., 1910-15; found- er 1915, and pres. until 1920, Marquette Electric Switchboard Co.; pres. Harvey Electric Co. (now Chicago Forging & Mfg. Co.), brass forgings, 1919-21; founder, 1923, and since pres., The Harvey Metal Corp., aluminum, brass and copper forgings for automotive, aircraft, railroad, and gen. industries; pres. Burr Oak Coal Co.; mgr. Harvey Indsl. Bldgs. Inventor magnetic metal separator and early high voltage equip- ment; pioneer in aluminum and brass forging industry; originator of drop forgings of brass and various processes in the forging of nonferrous metals. Pres., 1919-20, Rotary Club of Chi- cago, which originated and sponsored first Boys' Week in Chicago, also origi- nated scholarship for city boys in agrl. course, U. of 111. Charter mem. Nat. Assn. Brass Forging Industries, and dir., 1932-33; sec. Aluminum Forging Council, 1933. Under N.R.A., succes- sively sec. code com. and chmn. Nat. Code Authority Brass Forging Indus- try; chmn. code com. and nat. chmn. Aluminum Forging Div.; dir. Aluminum Code Authority, Inc. Since N.R.A. chmn. com. to reorganize nationally the brass forging industry forming the Brass Forging Assn. of which was first pres.; also mem. com. to organize assn. 1160 for aluminum industry and first chmn. of the Aluminum Forging Div., Mem. Aluminum Assn. (western v.p., dir. and mem. various corns.), Aluminum Forg- ing Div. (chmn.) Brass Forging Assn (pres.), Nat. Assn. of Mfrs., Army Ordnance (mem. nat. endownment com.), U.S. C. of C, 111. Mfrs. Assn., 111. C. of C, Soc. Automotive Engrs. (com. on nat. defense), Am. Soc. of Metals, Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs. (mem. corp. M.I.T., Boston and various corns.), Chicago Assn. of Commerce, Soc. for Oriental Research. Mason. (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: Union League, South Shore Country, Saddle and Sirloin, Ro- tary (past pres.), Technology (M.I.T. Alumni, past pres.), Chicago Motor, New York Athletic. Author of Ro- tary's Message to Garcia, Renaissance of the Bronze Age, and several statis- tical treatises on non-ferrous forgings. Home: 7321 South Shore Drive. Office: 1675 W. 74th St., Chicago, 111. KEEHN, Roy Dee, lawyer; b. Ligonier, Ind., Nov. 7, 1877; s. Jonathan N. and Harriet (Shobe) K.; student De Pauw U., Ind. U.; Ph.B., U. of Chicago, 1902, J.D., 1904; m. 2d, Ellen Hender- son, Apr. 1922; children— Roy D., Kay, Kent. Asst. corp. counsel of Chicago, 1905-07; now mem. firm Keehn, Keely & McGuire. Served as maj. World War I.; major judge advocate 33d Div., 1924-27; maj. gen. comdr. 33d Div. 111. Nat. Guard and attached troops, 1927- 41; cited and retired as It. gen. Aug. 1942; pres. Nat. Guard Assn. of U.S., 1934-35. Chmn. 111. Commerce Commn., 1941-42; mem. 111. Athletic Commn. since 1942. Decorated Order of the Crown of Italy. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Chicago Law Inst., Art Inst. Chicago, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Phi. Mason (K.T., Shriner). Clubs: University, Mid-Day, Chicago Athletic, Knollwood Country, Bob O'Link, Racquet. Home: "Ken- roka," Lake Forest, 111. Office: 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. KRAFT, Oscar H., physician, oculist; b. Albany, N.Y.; s. Oscar H. and Cecelia (Schotte) K.; ed. pub. and pvt. schs., Buffalo, N. Y.; Hartwick (N.Y.) Sem.; grad. Dept. of Pharmacy, U. of Buffalo, 1893, M.D., 1896; asst. in eye clinic, U. of Leipzig, Germany, 1902-04, U. of Vienna, Austria, 1904 and 1908; un- married. Practiced in Chicago since 1897; attending occulist, Alexian Bros., Grant (former pres. of staff), 111. Masonic Hospitals, Chicago Half Or- phan Asylum and Day Nursery. Fel- low Am. Coll. Surgeons, A.M. A.; mem. 111. State, Chicago, North Side (ex- pres.) and German med. socs., Am. Acad. Ophtalmology and Oto-Laryngol- ogy, Chicago Ophthalmological Society. Mem. Nat. Guard of N. Y., 4 years. Mason (32nd deg., Shriner). Has writ- ten a number of articles, mostly pub. in Germany. Home-Office: 1518 N. Dearborn Parkway, Chicago 10, 111. KRAINES, Samuel H., psychiatrist; b. Chicago, 111., Apr. 30, 1906; s. Louis and Rose M. (Mutterperl) K.; student Crane Jr., Coll., Chicago, 111., 1923-25; B.S., U. of 111., 1928, M.D., 1930; m. Ruth Jaffe, May 29, 1934; 1 son, Rich- ard Lee. Practicing phychiatrist since 1930; intern Cook County Hosp., Chi- cago, 111., 1930-31; asso. in psychiatry Johns Hopkins Hosp., Baltimore, Md., 1931-32; intern in psychiatry, Boston (Mass.) Psychopathic Hospital, 1932- 33; mem. dept. psychiatry U. of 111. since 1933; din. clerk Nat. Hosp., Queens Sq., London, Eng., 1937-38; asst. state alienist, 111., since 1933. Serving in U.S. Army since 1942, ma- jor med. corps. Mem. A.M.A., 111. Psy- chiat. Soc, Am. Psychiat. Soc, Chi- cago Med. Soc, Chicago Neurol. Soc, Sigma Xi; diplomate Am. Bd. Psychia- try and Neurology. Jewish religion. Home: 7112 East End. Office: 30 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. LAUREN, J. Alton, real estate offi- cer; b. Chicago, 111., Aug. 11, 1897; s. Joseph W. and Agnes (McLean) L.; student U. of Chicago, 1919; m. Ruth Stagg, Oct. 19, 1925; children — Lucile, Nancy Janet. Owner J. Alton Lauren & Co., real estate, Chicago. Capt. Air Corps; real estate officer, O.R.D., Greensboro, N.C. Mem. Delta Upsilon. Baptist. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Quad- rangle, Union League (Chicago). Home: 5549 Woodlawn Av. Office: 22 W. Mon- roe St., Chicago, 111. LEONARD, Clifford Milton, civil engr.; b. Chicago, 111., Dec. 24, 1879; s. Arthur Gustavus and Clara C. (Yar- nall) L.; B.S. in C.E., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1900; m. Flowerree K. Grey, Dec. 22, 1909; children— Fleury, Hope, Clifford. Engring. and construction business, Chicago, since 1905; now pres. Leonard Construction Co. Was formerly dir., First Nat. Bank of Chicago, Continental Ins. Co. of N.Y., Colonial-Beacon Oil Co., Boston, War Finance Corp. Wash- 1161 ington, D.C. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E. Clubs: Chicago, University, Onwentsia, Rac- quet (Chicago) ; Racquet and Tennis, Recess (New York). Homes: Lake Forest, 111., and 117 E. 71st St., New- York, N.Y. Office: 37 S. Wabash Av., Chicago, 111. MAASS, J. Edward, banker; b. Chi- cago, 111., Oct. 3, 1869; s. Frederick A. E. and Mary (Tesch) M.; m. Helen Meyer, Aug. 1, 1892; 1 son, Herbert J. Began in employ of Am. Exchange Nat. Bank, Chicago, 1888, elected asst. cashier, 1895; bank consol., 1898, with Nat. Bank of Am., forming Am. Nat. Bank, of which was asst. cashier; Am. Nat. Bank was absorbed, 1900, by Corn Exchange Nat. Bank, with which went as asst. cashier, cashier, 1914-17, v.p., Jan. 1917-Oct. 1, 1924, when bank con- sol, with Illinois Merchants Trust Com- pany; vice-pres. Illinois Merchants Trust Company, 1924-29; vice-pres. Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Co., 1929-Dec. 31, 1931; retired. Mem. Chi- cago Hist. Soc. (life), Art Inst. Chi- cago (life), Chicago Natural History Mus. (life). Mason (32d deg., Shriner). Clubs: 111. Athletic, Westmoreland Country. Home: Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, 111. MAYER, Isaac Henry, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., July 6, 1864; s. Henry D. and Clara (Goldsmith) M.; A.B., Yale, 1884; law student Union Coll. of Law, Chicago; m. Rosa Meyer, Dec. 30, 1891; children — Robert H., Walter M., Frank D., Louise Mayer Lorch. Admitted to 111. bar, 1886; became mem. firm Kraus, Mayer & Stein, 1890, and continued as mem. of succeeding firms, now Mayer, Meyer, Austrian & Piatt, sr. mem. since 1922. mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns. Clubs: Union League, Mid- Day, Yale, Standard, Lake Shore Coun- try. Home: Lake Shore Drive Hotel, Chicago; (summer) 4 Pomander Walk, Glencoe, 111. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago 4, 111. DICKENS-LEWIS, W. F., clergyman; b. Shrewsbury, Eng.; s. Wm. and Celia (Edwards) Dickens-Lewis; ed. Shrews- bury Sch.; Princeton; D.D., Hanover; m. Blanche Weldin, June 29, 1899. Minister Westminster Ch., Wilmington, Del., 1893-1909, 1st Ch., Findlay, O., 1911-18, Cleveland Heights Ch., 1918- 21, 1st. Ch., St. Cloud, Minn., since 1942 guest preacher, Marleybone Ch., London, Eng., 1918, Barony Ch., Glas- gow, Scotland, 1919, St. Cuthberts, Ed- inburg, 1919, Commr. Pan Presbyn. Econ. Council, Cardiff, Whales, 1925, also commr. to 5 gen. assemblies. Fel- low, Am. Geog, Soc, Social Science; mem. Labor Panel N.R.A., Cleveland, O.; mem, Chamber of Commerce (St. Cloud), Hancock Red Cross (past pres.). Republican. Presbyterian (ex Moderator Presbytery of Cleveland, O.). Clubs: Ministers' Reformed (past pres.), Kiwanis (past pres.). Author: The First American Presbytery; The Home of the Easter Lily; also many mag. arts, and published poems. Address: The Manse, St. Cloud, Minn. SYKES, Aubrey Luse, owner Sykes Sheet Metal Products; b. Niles, O., Sept. 2, 1883; s. Raymond Gilson and Clara (Luse) S.; student Mich. Mil. Acad., Orchard Lake, 1902-03; m. Ruth Swallow, Sept. 6, 1910; children — Au- brey Luse, Heaton Halliday, Byron Mar- shall, Quintin Swallow. Pres. The Sykes Co., 1919-28; owner Sykes Sheet Metal Products since 1928; owner Sykes Ter- minal Warehouse. Republican. Mason. Clubs: South Shore Country, Ohio So- ciety of Chicago, Athletic (Chicago). Home: 4823 Kenwood Av. Office: 915 W. 19th St., Chicago, 111. MURPHY, Ray V., mfr. and research chemist; b. Bloomington, 111., Dec. 2, 1885; s. Riley James and Lola June (Wilson) M.; B.S., 111. Wesleyan U., Bloomington, 111., 1912; student spl. courses, Kan. State Coll., Manhattan, Kan., 1913-16; M.S., U. of Wis., 1916, Ph.D., 1921; m. Fannie Q. Humfeld, Nov. 7, 1925; children — Patricia June, Roger Wilson. Prin., Marengo (111.) High Sch., 1912; instr., Kan. State Coll., 1913-16; research asst. to dir. Mellon Inst. Indsl. Research, 1917; asst. prof, chemistry, 111. Wesleyan U., 1921-22; instr. in physical chemistry, Carnegie Inst. Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1922-24; research physical chemist, Western Electric Co., Chicago, 111., 1924-28; re- search chemist, William Hoskins, con- sultant, Chicago, 1928-31; chem. dir., Ditto, Inc., 1931-33; cons, chemist and mfr. since 1933; mfr. of Perfecopy du- plicating supplies. With Chem. War- fare Service, U. S. Army, 1917-19; chief C.W.S. officer, 32d Div.; in C.W.S. Lab., Paris, France; chief C.W.S. officer Anti- Aircraft Mobile Units, A.E.F. Mem. Am. Chem. Soc, A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi. Republican. Conglist. Mason. Home: 617 N. Washington St., 1162 Hinsdale, 111. Office: 9600 W. Ogden Av., La Grange, 111. MURRAY, Warren Garfield, physi- cian and supt. Dixon State Hosp.; b. Dayton, O., Feb. 17, 1882; s. John M. and Nettie (Billman) M.; M.D., Ohio Med. U., Columbus, O., 1906; m. Marion MacFarlane, Aug. 31, 1913; children — Jean, Nancy (dec). Interne, City Hosp., Springfield, O., 1906-07; post grad. work in Vienna and Dublin, 1907- 08; pvt. practice in Springfiell, 111., 1908-12; asst. physician and physician, Kankakee (111.) State Hosp., 1912-17; physician, Jacksonvile (111.) State Hosp., 1917-20; asst, supt., Dixon (111.) State Hosp., 1920-22, supt. since 1922. Dir. Dixon Loan Bldg. Assn. Fellow A.M.A., Am. Psychiatric Assn., Am. Assn. on Mental Deficiency (v.p.). Mem. 111. State and Lee County Med. Socs., Chicago Acad, of Criminology, HI. Psychiatric Assn., State Hosp. Phy- sicians' Assn., Alpha Kappa Kappa. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason, B.P. O.E. Address: Dixon State Hosp., Dix- on, 111. NO YES, Marshall Paul, lawyer; b. Evanston, 111., Oct. 13, 1870; s. Rev. George Clement and Eliza Ellen (Smith) N.; A.B., Yale, 1892; LL.B., Northwestern U., 1894; m. Mary Mar- tindale, June 26, 1909; 1 dau., Catharine (wife of David Norton Yerkes). Ad- mitted to bar of State of 111., Mar. 1894; with firm Dupee, Judah, Willard & Wolfe, attys., Chicago, 1894-99; mem. firm of Mason & Noyes, 1899-1902; in practice alone, 1902-09; atty. for Chi- cago Title & Trust Co., 1909-12; retired from firm Mayer, Meyer, Austrian & Piatt on Nov. 1, 1940. Republican. Epis- copalian. Mem. Psi Upsilon. Club: University. Home: 19 Scott St., Chi- cago, 111. PAIR, Paul Milton, edn. dir. The Gregg Coll.; b Beatrice, Neb., Mar. 25, 1898; s. William Henry and Mary (Dell) P.; A.B., McPherson (Kan.) Coll., 1922; A.M., U. of Southern Calif., 1926; A.M., U. of Wash., 1934; m. Pauline Vaniman, Aug. 3, 1922; children — Maurice V., Marilyn. High sch. teacher in Kan., 1922-24; high sch. prin., Okanogan, Wash., 1924-25, Prosser, Wash., 1925- 27; supt. of schs., Prosser, Wash., 1927- 35, Kirkland, Wash., 1935-40; registrar, The Gregg Coll., Chicago, dir. since 1941. Exec v.p. North Shore Sunday Evening Club. V.p. Chicago Guidance and Personnel Assn., Am. Coll. Pub- licity Ass.; treas. Chicago Area Bus. Educators Assn.; mem. bd. dirs., Wil- mette (111.) Parent Teachers Assn.; mem. bd. dirs. Chicago Executives Assn.; mem. Am. Assn. Sch. Admin- strs., Superintendents Roundtable of Northern 111., N.E.A., Nat. Bus. Teach- ers Assn., Nat. Office Management Assn., Nat. Council of Bus. Schs., Chi- cago Assn. of Commerce. Republican. Conglist. Clubs: Rotary (Prosser and Kirkland, Wash); 111. Athletic, Exec- utives, Rotary (Chicago). Contbr. of articles to ednl. jours. Home: 302 Cen- tral Av., Wilmette, 111. Office: 6 N. Michigan Av., Chicago 2, 111. SMART, Jackson Wyman, pub. ac- countant; b. Chicago, 111., June 10, 1898; s. Allen R. and Anna (Rightmyer) S.; grad. U. of Mich., 1929; m. Dorothy Byrnes, Aug. 30, 1929; children— Jack- son W., Dorothy Delle, Allen R. Part- ner, Allen R. Smart Co., Chicago, since 1927. Served in Naval Aviation, 1918. Mem. Am. Inst, of Accountants, 111. Soc. of Certified Pub. Accountants, Psi Upsilon. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Mid-Day, University (Chicago); Exmoor Country (Highland Park, 111.). Home: Highland Park, 111. Office: 111 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. WELDELE, Albert Roy, pres. Bran- ham Printing Co.; b. Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 30, 1888; s. Philip H. and Clara L. (Griff y) W.; ed. pub. schs., Terre Haute, 1894-1902; m. Charlotte Frances Evelo, Oct. 25, 1911; 1 dau., Maxine Mary. Began as publisher and printer, 1903; with Viguesney & Woodburn Terre Haute, 1903-09, Viguesney Co., Terre Haute, 1909-16; removed to Chi- cago, 1916; asst. mgr. Uniform Print- ing & Supply Co., insurance printers, 1916; with Ben P. Branham Co., pub- lishers and printers, 1916, asst. sec, 1916-29, dir. since 1929, vice-pres. and sec. since 1931; sec. and dir. Hotel Bulletin, Inc. Has specialized in auto- mobile ins. printing, handling all de- tails of publishing automobile rating manuals for entire U.S. as well as other automobile pubis. Mem. bd. govs, and treas. Open Shop Employers Print- ing Assn.; mem. bd. dir. and treas. Chicago Sch. of Printing and Lith- ography. Democrat. Home: 651 Cor- nelia Av. Office: 626 Federal St., Chi- cago, 111. BOBB, D wight St. John, lawyer; b. Dakota, 111., July 19, 1876; s. Daniel Bingham and Arminda Frost (St. John) 1163 B.; A.B., Northwestern U., 1899; A.M., Harvard, 1900, LL.B., 1903, post-grad, student in law, 1903-04; m. Sonia A. Erler, July 5, 1927; began practice in Chicago, 1904; associated in practice with Matz, Fisher & Boyden, 1904-09; mem. firm Adams, Bobb & Adams, 1909-13, Adams, Crews, Bobb & Wes- cott, 1921-29; Sanders, Childs, Bobb & Westcott, 1929-37, Bobb, Spoerri, Bourland & Harris since 1937; engaged chiefly in corp., estate, pub. utility real estate, banking, and insurance law. Acting editor "Municipal Affairs" pub. by New York Reform Club, summer of 1899; asst. in history, Harvard U. and Radcliffe Coll., 1900-01; asst. in eco- nomics Harvard, 1901-02; lecturer on pub. service corps., Northwestern U. Law School, 1904-09; former master in chancery Circuit Court, Cook County; dir. Evanston Bond & Mortgage Co., Am. Underwriting Corp., Platte Valley Telephone Co., Sherwin Mansions Apartments, Inc., Englewood Invest- ment Co., Astra Co., Aldeb Company, etc. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns., Am. Econ. Assn., Art Inst, of Chicago, Chicago Assn. Commerce, 111. Society S.A.R. (v.p.), Delta Theta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa. Dir. Chicago Boys Clubs, Inc. Former chmn. Com- mittee on Character and Fitness, apptd. by Supreme Court of 111., for examination of candidates for admis- sion to the bar. Republican. Presbyn. Clubs: Union League, Mid-Day, Eco- nomic, Electric (dir.). Harvard Univer- sity of Evanston, Evanston Club (past pres.), Hinsdale Golf. Home: 253 Lin- den Park PI., Highland Park, 111. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. BODFISH, Morton, business exec, and economist; b. Mt. Pleasnt, Mich., June 13, 1902; s. John Henry and Meta Cleveland (Whitehead) B.; B.S., Ohio State U., 1924, M.A., 1926; m. Doreen Granger, Aug. 19, 1937, Paris, France. Residential builder, Columbus, Ohio, 1924-27; asst. prof, economics and real estate, Northwestern U., 1927-35, asso. prof., land economics, 1935-39; prof, real estate, Northwestern U. since 1929; re- search asso. Inst, for Research in Land Economics and Pub. Utilities, 1927-29; exec. v.p. U.S. Savings and Loan League and Am. Savings, and Loan Inst, since 1929; mem. original Fed. Home Loan Bank Board, 1932-33; chmn. City Planning Adv. Bd. since 1940; vice-chmn. Chicago Plan Commn.; vice-chmn. of board, Fed. Home Loan Bank of Chicago, 1934-38; mem. Fed. Savings and Loan Advisory Council created by 74th Congress, 1935-39; founder and mng. dir. Soc. of Resi- dential Appraisers since 1934. Pres. In- ternal Union of Building Socs. and Savings and Loan Assn.; pres. First Federal Savings and Loan Assn. of Chicago; dir. Md. Casualty Company. Mem. Chicago Crime Commission; Mem. Mayor's Com. Race Relations, Chicago; Econ. Adv. Council of Chi- cago; mem. exec. bd. Chicago Council, Boy Scouts of Am. Mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Royal Econ. Soc, London, Kappa Sigma, Alpha Kappa Psi; hon. mem. Bldg. Socs. Inst., London; trustee Fel- lowship House (Chicago). Mason (32nd deg.). Clubs: Chicago, Economic, Tav- ern, Rotary, Flossmoor (Chicago) ; Cosmos, National Press (Washington, D.C.). Author: Savings and Loan Principles, 1938; also monographs, and articles on savings and loan assns., home financing and land economics; editor of Savings and Loan Annals. Home: 219 Lake Shore Drive. Office: 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. TREMAIN, Eloise Ruthven, educa- tor; b. New York, N.Y.; d. Louis Hal- leck and Sarah Charlotte (Connolley) Tremain; B.A., Bryn Mawr, 1904; studied U. of Pa.; hon. M.A., Lake For- est Col., 1927. Teacher mathematics and history, Davison Dodge Sch., Louis- ville, Ky., 1904-07; teacher Latin and history, Oldfields Sch., Glencoe, Md., 1907-09; teacher history and mathe- matics, Phila. High Sch. for Girls, 1909-17; prin. Rowland Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1917-18, Ferry Hall, Lake Forest 111., since 1918. Mem. N.E.A., Nat. Assn. Principals of Schs. for Girls (pres. 1922-24), Am. Assn. Univ. Wom- en (pres. Chicago br. 1924-28). Chil- dren's Scholarship League of Chicago (dir.), Prog. Edn. Assn., Bryn Mawr Alumnae Assn. Episcopalian. Clubs: Chicago College. Home: Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111. BURT, William Henry, asso. prof, zoology, curator; b. Haddam, Kans., Jan. 22, 1903; s. Frank P., and Hattie (Carlson) B.; A.B., M.A., Univ. of Kans.; Ph. D., Univ. of Calif.; m. Leona Susan Galutia, Sept. 15, 1928. Teaching fellow, Univ. Kans., 1926-27, Univ. of Calif, 1927-29; research asst., Calif. Inst. Tech., 1930-32, research fel- low, 1932-34; asst. curator mamals, 11 CA Univ. Mich., 1935-38, curator since 1938, intr. zoology, 1935-41, asst. prof., 1941-45, asso. prof, since 1945. Mem. Am. Soc. Mammalogists, Am. Soc. Naturalists, A.A.A.S., Mich. Acad., Biol. Soc. Washington, Am. Ornithol. Union; wildlife Soc, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma. Republican. Author: Fifty two arts, on ornithol- ogy, paleontology, Mammalogy; (book) The Mammals of Michigan. Home: 1305 Henry St. Office: Museum of Zoology, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. VOIGT, John Frederick, lawyer; b. Mattoon, 111.; s. John Frederick and Anna Catherine (Hess) V.; Ph.B., U. of Chicago, 1896; LL.B., Chicago Coll. of Law, 1896; D.C.L., Hamilton Coll. of Law, Chicago, 1913; m. Florence Edna Bell, Dec. 1912; children — Marian Edna DeWitt, John Frederick, Anna- belle Berardine Dirks. Admitted to bar, June 10, 1896; city atty., Mattoon, 111., 1897-99; state's atty., Coles County, 111., 1901-05; town atty., Mattoon, 1905-09; mem. Voigt & Bennett, Mattoon, 1904- 09, Vogt & Brookings, Mattoon, 1909- 10; asst. U. S. atty, at Chicago, 1909- 13; private practice since 1913; for- mer pres. Hamilton Coll. of Law; for- mer pres. Mobile Steel Co., Editor Ann. Reports of 111. State Bar Assn., 1905- 15. Sec. and treas. 111. State Bar Assn., 1906-16, pres., 1937-38; mem. Am. and Chicago bar assns.; del. Universal Con- gress of Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904; pres. Chi. Psi Alumni Assn., 1912-13. Republican; v.p., 1929, Nat. Groups of Rep. Nat. Com. Presbyter- ian; pres., 1928, Presbytn Union of Chicago (laymen's orgn. of 118 chs. in Chicago Presbytery; pres. bd. trustees 2nd Presbyn. Ch. of Chicago) ;. president 1928, Hoover's Corns, of Americans of German Origin of Cen- tral Western States (div. of Rep. Nat. Com.). Mason (Oriental Consistory, Medinah Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S.), Odd Fellow (Past Grand), Elk (life). Clubs: Union League, German (pres. 1918-20), 111. Athletic, Executives of Chicago, Beverly Hills University. Received cita- tion for pub. service from Alumni Assn. of U. of Chicago, 1941. Home: 11104 S. Hoyne Av. Office: 1805 The Temple, 77 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. ULLMANN, Herbert Satterlee, mfr., investment banker; b. Oak Park, 111., July 18, 1893; son Herbert James and Clara (Williams) U.; educated U. of Wis.; m. Eleanor Elliott, Sept. 9, 1920; children — Paul, Priscilla U. Mueller, Claire. With Revere Copper and Brass Inc., and predecessor company, 1913- 44, vice pres., 1928-44; affiliated with William Blair and Co., investment bankers, Chicago, Jan. 1, 1945. Lt. U.S. Naval Reserve World War I, foreign duty, trustee and elder First Presby- terian Church, Oak Park, 111.; trustee, mem. exec. com. Moody Bible Inst., 1925-40. Mem. Am. Ornithologists Union, Am. Polar Soc. Am. Platform Guild, Am. Museum Natural History, Am. Wildlife Inst., Chicago Acad, of Sciences, Chicago Natural History Museum, National Geographic Society, National, Audubon Society, Newcomen Society of England, Theta Delta Chi, Sons of American Revolution. Fellow American Geographic Society of New York. Clubs: Explorers (New York); River Forest Tennis Club; Chicago, Union League Lectures as professional avocation on travel and natural history, foreign and domestic. Home: 530 Jack- son Av., River Forest, 111.; (summer) Shorewood, Douglas, Mich. Office: 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. WAKELEY, Arthur Weeks, partner, Paul H. Davis & Co.; b. Chicago, 111., Dec. 6, 1888; s. Lucius W. and Helen (Weeks) W.; M.E., Cornell U., 1911; m. Mildred Wheeler, Apr. 10, 1920. Boiler engr. C..B.&Q. R.R., Chicago, 1911-13; purchasing agent, Wilson Steel Products Co., 1913-15; with John Burnham & Co., 1915-16; partner Paul H. Davis & Co. (mems. N.Y. Stock Exchange, Chicago Stock Exchange, Chicago Bd. of Trade) since inception of firm, 1916; dir. Dixie Cup Co., Nat. Standard Co., W. B. Jar- vis Co., South Bend (Ind.) Lathe Works, Woodall Industries, Inc. Men. S.A.R. Clubs: University, Economic, Cornell (all of Chicago) ; Kenilworth (Kenil- worth, 111.); Lake Geneva Country, Lake Geneva Yacht. Home: 234 Leicester Rd., Kenilworth, 111. Office: 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. WOOD, Wilbur Stuart, orthopaedic surgeon; b. Decatur, 111., Oct. 10, 1899; s. Wilbur Campbell and Marion Stuart (Dimmick) W.; B.S., U. of 111., 1922, M.D., 1925; post. grad. student Hosp. for Ruptured & Crippled, N.Y. City, U. of Iowa Children's Hosp., 1938-39; m. Myra Johns, Nov. 24, 1927; children — Janet Marion. Certified by Am. Bd. Orthopedic Surgery, 1940. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1926, re- 1165 stricted to orthopedics since 1932; mem. staff Decatur and Macon County, St. Marys and Wabash Ry. Employees hosps.; orthopaedic surgeon U. of 111., div. of services for crippled children; dir. Decatur Med.-Dental Credit Union. Served with 149th F.A., A.E.F., 1917-19. Dir. Salvation Army; dir. Tuberculosis and Visiting Nurse Assn. Received Dis- tinguished Service Award, Jr. Assn. Commerce, 1934. Mem. Am. Acad. Orthopedic Surgeons, Macon County Med. Soc, Chicago Orthopaedic Soc, Vets. Fgn. Wars, Am. Legion, 40 and 8. Rainbow Div. Vet., Alpha Kappa Kappa, Omega Beta Pi. Republican. Methodist. Club: Decatur. Home: 676 S. Siegel St. Office: 250 N. Water St., Decatur, 111. WRAY, James Glendenning, elec. engr.; b. Janesville, Wis., May 19, 1872; s. James and Helen (Edgar) W.; B.S. in E.E., U. of Wis., 1893; m. Clara May Williams, Sept. 25, 1895; children — Florence Vivian (Mrs. A. H. Ward), Ernest Lee (dec), Alice May (Mrs. J. A. Bailey), Ethel Lois (Mrs. Stanley D. Grace), Helen Norma (wife of J. D. Emrich, Jr.), James Glendenning, Jr., Clara Grace (Mrs. Alvin H. Mitchell). With Chicago Telephone Co., 1893, served as asst. chief engr., asst. supt. of maintenance, supt. of maintenance, electrician, supt. of equipment and chief engr. until 1916; chief engr. Wis. Tele- phone Co., Mich. State Telephone Co., Cleveland Telephone Co., and Central Union Telephone Co., 1911-16; chief engineer receivers of Central Union Tele- phone Co., 1914; pres. and dir. United Telephone Co., 1927-29, dir., 1930; v.p., dir. Standard Telephone Co., 1927-28; pres., dir. Southeastern Telephone Co., 1929-31; president Pa Wray Pickle Co., J. G. Wray & Co. Member Board of Education, Wilmette, 111. (president 1917-19) ; member Bd. of Visitors, Uni- versity of Wisconsin, 1909-12; former director Chicago Regional Plan Commn. ; mem. Glencoe (111.) Plan Commn., 1929- 30, Glencoe Park Bd. (v.p. since 1930). Fellow Am. Inst. E.E. (chmn. Chicago sect. 3 yrs.), A.A.A.S.; mem. Western Soc. Engrs., 111. Acad. Sciences, Wis. Soc. of Chicago (secretary, treasurer and president), U. of Wisconsin Alumni Assn., (exec. com.). Formerly mem. Wis. Nat. Guard. Republican. Conglist.; former dir. Chicago City Missionary Soc. Mason (past master). Clubs: University, University of Wis. Club of Chicago (pres., sec. and treas.). Home: 625 Washington Av., Glencoe, 111. Office: 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. WYATT, Edith Franklin, author: b. Tomah, Wis., Sept. 14, 1873; d. Franklin Osmon and Marian (La Grange) W.; ed. Higher Sch. for Girls, Chicago, 1884- 91, Bryn Mawr Coll., Pa., 1891-93. Au- thor: Every One His Own Way, 1901; True Love, 1903; Making Both Ends Meet, 1911; Great Companions; The Wind in the Corn, 1917; The Invisible Gods, 1923; The Satyr's Children, 1939. Contbr. to mags. Home: 222 E. Chest- nut St., Chicago, 111. LOTH, Herbert C, pres. Consolidated Electrotypers, Inc.; b. Chicago, 111., Feb. 24, 1895; s. Henry M. and Louise (Rose) L.; B.S., Northwestern U., 1917; grad. student U. of Wis., 1919-20; M.A., Northwestern U., 1937; m. Lily E. Oesau, 1921; children — Herbert C, Jr., Myrna Florence. Prin. Grant Dist. High Sch., Milton, W.Va., 1919-21; asst. prin. Central Y.M.C.A. Schs., Chicago, 1921- 23; a founder, 1925, and since v.p. and treas. Midland Electrotype Co., Chicago; pres. Consolidated Electrotypers, Inc. In U.S. Naval Service, 1918; 2d It. U.S. Res. Mem. Am. Philatelic Soc, Delta Upsilon, Phi Delta Kappa (hon.). Mod- erator Normal Park Bapt. Ch. Mason. Clubs: Collegiate, "N" Men's. Home: 7225 Princeton Av. Office: 732 Federal St., Chicago, 111. ZAVERTNIK, John Joseph, phys., surgeon; b. Vienna, Austria, Apr. 3, 1897; s. Joseph and Helena (Reich) Z.; Slovene and Bohemian descent; brought to U.S., 1904; B.S., U. of Chicago, 1920, M.D., Bush Med. Coll., 1924; m. Lillian Setecka, Feb.' 16, 1929; 1 dau., Joan Helena. Interne Presbyterian Hosp., Chi- cago, 1923-24, Durand Contagious Hosp., 1924-25; engaged in pvt. practice of medicine and surgery since 1925; instr. pediatrics Rush Med Coll., U. of Chi- cago, since 1926; attending phys. and surgeon St. Anthony Hosp. since 1926, Municipal Contagious Disease Hosp., since 1926-36; attending pediatrician Presbyn. Hosp. since 1927. Central Free Dispensary since 1926; supreme med. examiner, Slovenic Nat. Benefit Soc; surgeon, Barret Mfg. Co. Enlisted U. of Chicago ambulance corps Feb. 1917, Am. Red Cross; enlisted in U.S. Army, July 3, 1917; served as pvt. later 2d It., Sanitary Corps, 1918; also with Army Med. Sch., 1918; served in med. corps, U.S. Army, 1942-43. Apptd. examining phys. local Draft Bd. No. 11. Mem. 1166 111., Chicago, and Bohemian med. socs., A.M.A., Am. Legion, Croatian Fraternal Union, A.F.U., Sigma Xi, Phi Rho Sig- ma. Modern Woodman of Am., Odd Fellow. Clubs: Bohemian, Collegiate Alumni (Chicago); Biltmore Country (Burrington, 111.). Home: 2219 S. Ridge- way Av. Office: 3724 W. 26th St., Chi- cago, 111. DANGEL, Merlin William, mfr. of couplings; b. Chicago, 111., Mar. 30, 1898; s. William H. and Maude (Miller) D.; ed. public schools, Oak Park, and Lewis Inst., Chicago; m. Hester Russell, Sept. 27, 1924; children — Barbara, Mar- gery. Identified with mfg. of couplings since July 1919; now partner Lovejoy Flexible Coupling Co. Served with 123d Atry., 33d Div., U.S. Army, June 1917- June 1919. Republican. Methodist. Ma- son (Fair Oaks Lodge, Oak Park Chap- ter). Clubs: Oak Park Country; River Forest Tennis. Home: 717 N. Columbian Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 5001 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. McCONACHIE, John, editor and pub- lisher; b. near Sparta, 111., Sept. 30, 1870; s. Robert and Prudence (Baird) McC; ed. country pub. sch., and Sparta (111.) High Sch.; m. Rose Temple, Sept. 1900 (dec); children — Harold Temple, Robert Irving; m. 2d, Georgia Kugler, Oct. 1926. Sch. teacher, 1890-1911; en- gaged in newspaper and printing bus. since 1911; editor and pub. Coulterville (111.). Republican. Served as master in chancery, Circuit Court, Randolph Coun- ty, 111., 4 yrs. Treas. Township Sch. Mem. Randolph County Farm Bar. Re- publican. United Presbyterian. Modern Woodman of Am. Club: Lions (charter mem. Coulterville). Address: Coulter- ville, 111. GREGORY, Marion Francis, business exec; b. East St. Louis, 111., Dec. 27, 1906; s. Arthur U. and Florence (Rose- berry) G.; student Hawthorne Grade Sch., East St. Louis, 111., 1913-21, East St. Louis High Sch., 1921-25; m. Wilma B. Miller, June 7, 1930; 1 son, Richard Miller. With Swift & Co., since 1923, began as messenger boy, 1923-24, later advanced to employment mgr., 1943; now treas-mgr. Arrow S. Credit Union, Arrow S. Canteen, Inc.; treas. Arrow S. Club of St. Clair Co., 111.; dir. Cuna Supply Cooperative, Madison, Wis. Mem. Credit Union Nat. Assn. (dir. since 1938), 111. Credit Union League (dir. 1936-44, pres. since 1944). Republican. Baptist. Eagle. Contbr. articles to 111. Credit Union News. Home: 27 S. 87th St., Belleville, 111. Office: Swift & Co., Nat. Stock Yards, 111. HILLENBRAND, Harold, dentist, edi- tor; b. Chicago, 111., July 19, 1906; s. George Henry and Elinor (Schmitt) H.; B.S., Loyola U. Coll. of Arts and Science, 1930; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dental Surgery, Dental Sch. of Loyola U., 1930; m. Marie Rose, Apr. 26, 1934; children— Keith Harold, Gerald Bruce. Engaged in private practice of dentistry, 1930-45; member faculty of dental sch., Loyola U., since 1930; editor of various publications since 1928; asst. editor of Journal of American Dental Association, 1942-45, editor since 1945. Member dental advisory committee Chicago Board of Education, 1942. Mem. Chi- cago and 111. dental socs., Am. Dental Assn., A.A.A.S., Odontographic Soc of Chicago, Delta Sigma Delta, Omicron Kappa Upsilon. Roman Catholic. Home: 329 Belden Av. Office: 222 E. Superior St., Chicago, 111. JENKINS, Charles J., state rep.; b. Austin, Tex.; Oct. 4, 1897; s. Samuel J. and Irene B. Jenkins; grad. Bishop Coll., Marshall, Tex., and Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law; m. Cynthia Flower (dec); 1 son, Charles. Admitted to 111. bar, 1922, and began practice of law; was asst. corp. counsel, City of Chicago; formerly asso. with the late Sheadrick B. Turner, and the late Albert B. George (former- judge Municipal Court). Mem. 111. Ho. of Rep., 3d Dist, since 1930. Home: 4127 Prairie Av. Office: 155 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. HART, Irving Harlow, dir. extension service; b. Grinell, la., Sept. 3, 1877; s. Alexis C. and Elizabeth (Biggar) H.; A.B., Grinell Coll., 1898; grad. work in law and history, State U. of la., 1900- 01; m. Ida Fay Pew, Dec. 20, 1902; chil- dren — Elizabeth, Mary, Irving, Evan; m. 2d, Winifred Tuttle, May 26, 1933. Teacher and princ various pvt. second- ary schs., Neb., Mo., Tex., 1899-08; supt. schs., co. supt., la., 1908-14; dir. extension service, Iowa Stafce Teachers Coll., since 1914. Pres. la. State Teach- ers Assn.; chmn. Cedar Falls Municipal Hosp. Bd.; pres. Cedar Falls Chamber of Commerce. Mem. Mayflower Soc, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa. Ma- son. Rotary Club. Independent. Author: History of Butler (la.) Co., 1914; num- erous arts. pub. in Minnesota History, ednl. and lit. periodicals. Home: 2516 1161 Walnut St. Office: 2500 College St.. Cedar Falls, la. SUTTON, Arle Herbert, geologist; b. Bartholomew County, Ind., Aug. 4, 1896; s. William Henry and Carrie Gertrude (Hubbard) S.; A.B., Ind. State Teachers Coll., Terre Haute, Ind., 1921; Ph.D., U. of Chicago, 1927; m. Ilah Fay Menden- hall, June 30, 1929. Began as teacher, 1917; teacher, Rushville (Ind.) High Sch., 1919-22; instr. in geology and ge- ography, U. of Mo., 1924; prof, geology, Colo. Coll., Colorada Springs, Colo., 1924- 25, with dept. geology, U. of 111., 1927- 42; geologist, Aluminum Co. of America, Rosiclare, 111., since 1942; with Ky. Geol. Survey, 1925-31; cons, geologist, 1935-41. Served with F.A., U.S. Army, 1918-19. Mem. Geol. Soc. America, Am. Assn. Petroleum Geologists, Soc. Eco- nomic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 111. Geol. Soc. A.A.A.S., Nat. Geog. Soc. Sigma Xi. Republican. Baptist. Mason, Lion. Contbr. articles to Jour, of Ge- ology, Jour, of Paleontology, Jour, of Am. Assn. Petroleum Geologists, Bull. Geol. Soc. America. Address: Rosiclare, 111. CONN, Alfred Jesse, mng. dir. La- Salle Designing Co.; b. Rossville, Ind., Feb. 22, 1902; s. Robert Mehaffie and Sarah Catherine (Bowen) C; ed. pub. schs. and high sch., Delphi, Ind.; m. Martha B. Davis, May 8, 1927; 1 son, Albert Yale. Employed by various firms as machinist helper. 1916-18, machine foreman, designer, engr., 1918-27, sales- man, 1927-30; owner Alconn Battery Co., 1930-32, A. J. Conn Machine Works, 1932-38; designer, chief designer, asst. machine supt., Internat. Harvester Co., 1937-40; mng. dir. and part owner La- Salle Designing Co. since 1940; propr. Crane Coal Co. Consultant since 1940 to firms including Boeing Aircraft Co., Douglas Aircraft Co., Interstate Air- craft, Bell Aircraft, Vought-Sikorksy Co., Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, Nash Motors, Studebaker, Crane Co., Internat. Harvester Co., Continental Motors, and others. Mem. Ind. Nat. Guard, 1919,29. Morale chmn. O.C.D. Dist. 4 since 1944. Mem. Am. Soc. Tool Engrs., Christian Layman's Crusade, Gideons, (Christian bus. men's com., exec, bd., Chicago, also internat. mem.). Baptist. Holder of pat- ents on machinery for building heavy ordnance designed and built for U.S. Govt. Organizer, dir and speaker on Old Sunday Sch. Program, over radio stations WCFL, WLS, WAIT and others since 1940. Contbr. of articles, especially on subject of foremanship, to trade journals. Home: 707 N. Oak Park Av. Office: 628 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. LINCK, Lawrence J., pub. administra- tor; b. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 14, 1908; s. Frank J. and Beulah Maude (Osborne) L.; student Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich., 1926-27; Mich. State Normal Coll., 1927- 28; Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 1928- 38; Ph.B., M.S., Northwestern Univ., Chicago, 1941; m. Barbara Christina Krippner, Sept. 4, 1929; children — Gale Jo, Lawrence Jefferson, Dept. head, per- sonnel management, Postal-Telegraph- Cable Co., Chicago, 1929-35; private personnel consultant. 1935-41; exec. dir. 111. Commn. for Handicapped Children since 1940; dir. Div. of Services for Crippled Children, U. of 111., since 1941; lecturer psychology, Univ. Coll. North- western U., 1937-39; in pub. adminstrn., Inst. Social Adminstrn., Loyola U., since 1943, Coll. of Medicine, U. of 111. since 1943. Dir. Chicago Syphilis Control Project, 1937-39; spl. cons. U.S.P.H.S., 1937-39; mem. bd. edn., Evanston, 111., 1941-44; mem. nat. advisory com. on services for crippled children, U.S. Dept. of Labor, since 1943; mem. adv. com. on infantile paralysis, 111. Dept. Pub. Health, since 1942; Mem. adv. com. ma- ternal and child health, and mem. gen. adv. com. on health, 111. Pub. Aid Commn., since 1944; mem. exec. com. health div., Council of Social Agencies, since 1942; mem. legislative com. Chi- cago Soc. for Hard of Hearing, since 1943, also Nat. Soc. for Crippled Chil- dren, since 1944; mem. adv. com. Cook County chapter Nat. Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, since 1943. Recipient Chicago Distinguished Service Award of U.S. Jr. Chamber of Commerce, 1938. Mem. Am. Pub. Health Assn., Am. Pub. Welfare Assn., Am. Soc. Pub. Admin- strn., Am. Soc. for the Hard of Hear- ing, Am. Statistical Assn., Civil Service Assembly of U.S. and Can., Internat. Council for Exceptional Children, Soc. for Personnel Adminstrn., Nat. Conf. Social Work, Nat. Education Assn. 111. Pub. Health Assn. (mem. exec, council), 111. Edn. Assn., 111. Welfare Assn., 111. Assn. Sch. Bds., Am. Assn. to Promote Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, Am. Assn., Mental Deficiency. Clubs: Rotary of Chicago (mem. crippled children com.; mem. civic com.), Northwestern Alumni Assn. Contbr. articles to prof, lit. of pub. health, welfare, edn., and 1168 labor. Home: 427 N. Vine St., Hinsdale, 111. Office: 211 W. Wacker Drive, Chi- cago, 111.; and 1105 S. 6th St., Spring- field, 111. MUELLER, Frederick William, Jr., univ. exec, and prof.; b. Galesburg, 111., Apr. 8, 1900; s. Frederick William and Anna (Foote) M.; student Oberlin Coll. of Music, 1918-20; B.S., U. of Minn., 1925; LL.B., Kent Coll. of Law, 1929; M.B.A., Northwestern U., 1933; Ph.D., Northwestern U., 1942; m. Hazel Mercer DuCles, Aug. 20, 1936; 1 dau., Anna Lee. With Continental-Ill. Nat. Bank in statis., investment and credit depts., 1925-33; admitted to 111. bar, 1929; prof, and head dept. of finance and banking, DePaul U., since 1930; asst. dean Sch. of Commerce, DePaul U., since 1936. dir. Evening Sch. of Commerce since 1930; on leave as district price liaison officer, Chicago Met. Office of Price Ad- minstrn., 1933-44. Mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Delta Sigma Pi, Sigma Phi Ep- silon; Pi Gamma Mu; mem. Univ. Broad- casting Council bd. dirs., 1938-40. Radio programs: Business Today, WIND, 1936- 37; Story of Business, NBC, 1937-38; Family Pocketbook. WGN, 1938-39; Changing Scene, WIND, 1939-41. Au- thor: Losses in Bank Earning Assets, 1936; The Silver Muddle, 1937; The Problem of Excess Bank Reserves, 1937. Address: 1045 Maple Av., Evanston, 111. PHELPS, Mason, pres. Pheoll Mfg. Co.; b. Chicago, 111., Dec. 7, 1884; s. Elliott Hubbard and Sara (Mason) P.; Ph.B., Yale, 1906; m. Louise Lamb, Nov. 1923; children — Hubbard, Mason, Mar- ian. Est. Pheoll Mfg. Co., screws, bolts and nuts, Chicago, treas., 1907-09, pres. since 1909; dir. Liberty Mut. Ins. Com- pany. Clubs: Chicago, Casino (Chi- cago) ; Onwentsia, Shoreacres Golf (Lake Forest, 111.); Yale (N.Y. City). Home: Lake Forest, 111. Office: 5700 Roosevelt Rd., Chicago, 111. O'BRIEN, Francis Thomas, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., Aug. 3, 1904; s. Fran- cis Thomas and Anna Helen (Gaghan) O'B.; LL.B., U. of Mich., 1927; LL.M., Northwestern U., 1929; m. Ruth Era- eline Bush, Dec. 22, 1936; Children- Gwendolyn Bush, Caroline Bush. Ad- mitted to 111. State bar, 1928, Mich. State bar, 1929, U.S. Supreme Ct., 1942; mem. legal dept. Nat. Bank of Republic, Chicago, 1929-31; asso. Gal- lagher, Rinaker, Wilkenson & Hall, 1932-34, Brown, Fox & Blumberg, 1935- 37; partner in firm Wham & O'Brien, now Wham, Rose & O'Brien, since 1938. Serving as It. U.S.N.R. since 1943; de- tachment administrative and personnel officer, blimp hdqrs. squadron, Fleet Airships, Atlantic, 1943-44, sch. mil. govt., civil affairs, Princeton U., 1944, now in Pacific theatre. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago Bar Assns. Cath- olic. Clubs: Legal, Saddle and Cycle (Chicago); Onwentsia (Lake Forest). Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. PIERCE, J(oseph) Norman, elec- trical contrn. ; b. Lockwood, Mo., July 18, 1882; s. Howard and Mary (Moss- man) P.; ed. dist. and pub. schs.; prac- tical and theoretical training in elec. constrn.; m. Bertha Cappels, May 29, 1909; children — Norman, Jack, Robert. Organized Pierce Electric Co., 1905, of which is sr. partner; notable works of firm are electrification of I.C. terminals (Chicago), Cleveland ry. terminals, large elec. generating stations (includ- ing State Line Plant, serving metro- politan Chicago and Michigan City), prin. bascule bridges in Chicago River, and six million dollars worth of elec- trical construction work during war pe- riod. Chmn. Electrical Ins. Trustees (group life and hospitalization ins., old- age pensions for elec. constrn. trade), 16 yrs. Trustee Village of Western Springs, 1921-23; member zoning commn., same; elected pres. of the vil- lage, Apr. 1925. Mem. Western Soc. Engrs., Chicago Electrical Contractors' Assn. (former chmn. and dir.; now vice chmn.; mem. bd. of arbitration since 1906), Chicago Assn. Commerce, S.A.R., Art Inst. Chicago (life), Chi- cago Natural History Museum (life). Clubs: Union League, Electric, Western Springs Men's Club. Home: Western Springs, 111. Office: 367 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. RANNEY, George Alfred, chmn. Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co.; b. Chi- cago, 111., July 13, 1874; s. Henry Col- lings and Lucy Ann (Butler) R. ; ed. gram, sch., Chicago; m. Cornelia Wil- liams, Nov. 17, 1908; children — Dor- othy Williams (Mrs. Gaylord Donnelly), George A., Cornelia (Mrs. Wyndham Hasler). With Bank of Montreal, Chi- cago, 1889-98; with McCormick Har- vesting Machine Co., 1808-1902; with Internat. Harvester Co., 1902-33; elec- ted sec. 1913, sec.-treas., 1916, v.p. and treas., 1922-32, v.p. in charge of sales, Jan. 1932-May 1, 1933; vice chmn. and dir. Commonwealth Edison Co., Peoples 1169 Gas Light & Coke Co. and Pub. Service Co. of Northern 111.— Chicago, 1933-35; chmn. Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co. since 1935; dir. internat. Harvester Co. (mem. exec, com.), First Nat. Bank (member executive committee). Trus- tee Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago), University of Chicago. Re- publican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Chi- cago, Commercial, Casino, Onwentsia, Shore Acres, Old Elm. Home: 1260 Astor St. Office: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. REED, Samuel Irving, wholesale leather merchant; b. Pittstown, N.Y., Nov. 22, 1871; s. Harvey T. and Anna (Oberne) R.; country district sch. and Troy (N.Y.) Business College; m. Lil- lian M. Ayres, July 9, 1895 (dec.).; m. 2d, Pearl Hart Kniffen, June 4, 1927; 1 son, Donald Irving. Office mgr. Grey, Clark & Engle, 1895-1906; engaged in wholesale leather business in Chicago since 1906; now pres. S. I. Reed Co. Presbyterian Clubs: Oak Park, River Forest Country. Home: 206 S. Grove Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 208 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. KEG AN, Esther Oswianza, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., June 29, 1913; d. Abra- ham and Ida (Segal) Oswianza; B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1933, J.D., 1936; m. Albert I. Kegan, Jan. 29, 1939; chil- dren — Judith Faye, Daniel Laurence. Economic research asst., 1933; research asso. to corporation counsel, City of Chicago, 1936-41; mem. law firm Kegan and Kegan, specializing in patent, trade-mark, copyright and administra- tive causes; lecturer at civic meetings on housing, propaganda, postwar plan- ning and war loan bonds; editor 111. Law Review, 1935-36, also edited The Chicago Municipal Code and other pub- lications, 1936-41. Dir. Women's Bar Assn. of 111., 1938, 1944; dir. Nat. Law- yers Guild; mem. Nat. Women Law- yers Assn., Order of the Coif, Phi Beta Kappa. Mem. B'nai B'rith Auxiliary, Chicago. Home: 817 W. Belle Plaine Av. Office: 29 S. La Salle St., Chi- cago 3, 111. ASCHENBRENNER, Walter Charles, instr. of music; b. Amboy, 111., May 9, 1899; s. Conrad and Bertha (Ficken- sher) A.; ed. Bachelor of Music, Am. Conservatory of Music, Chicago, 111., 1914; m. Margaret Marsh, Aug. 31, 1921; children — Fred Marsh (deceased), Walter Stephen. Teacher of violin con- ducting and arranging, Am. Conserva- tory of Music, Chicago, 1910; founder and conductor, Chicago Symphonic Choir, 1930 — ; instr. of choral music, Immac- ulata High Sch., Chicago, 111., 1931—; guest instr. summer schs., Kan. State Teachers Coll., Emporia, Kan., 1936, 40, State Coll. of Education, Greeley Colo., 1938-39, 41, Wash. State Coll., Pullman, Wash., 1939, Western State Coll., Gunnison, Colo., 1940, 42; ad- judicator and guest conductor for music contests and festivals throughout the country etc.; instr., choral music, High- land Park High School, Highland Park, 111., 1940 — -; conductor of Homewood Concert Choir, Homewood, 111., 1940 — ; instr., choral music, Mundelein Coll., Chicago, 1942 — ; conductor, Chicago Mendelssohn Club, Chicago, 1942 — . Served in World War I. Mem. Soc. of Am. Musicians, Nat. Education Assn., 111. Education Assn., Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, music frat. Awards: Order of the Crown, by decree of King of Yugoslavia for being 1st Am. to ar- range and present Yugoslavian folk music in this country. Republican. Con- gregationalism Mem. 111. Central Lodge. The Cliff Dwellers Club, Chicago, 111. Compiler, arranger, editor: The Wal- ter Aschenbrenner Series of Choruses, The Master Singer Series for Male Voices, from the Library of the Chi- cago Symphonic Choir Series. Home: 1520 E. 82d St. Office: 500 Kimball Hall, Chicago, 111. VANNEST, Charles Garrett, writer, educator; born at Clinton, Indiana, June 7, 1880; son of Taylor and Cathe- rine (Henry) V.; Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1919; A.M., Indiana Univer- sity, 1921; Ph.D., St. Louis University, 1928; married Maud Estelle Carmichael, May 13, 1903. Editor newspapers, Clin- ton, 1902-06; prin. sch., Spencer, Okla., 1907-09, Morrison, 1909-10; county supt. schs., Noble County, Okla., 1910-15; city supt. schs., Medford, Okla., 1915- 17; inst. instr. and conductor; instr. history, Ind. U., 1919-21; prof, history, Evansville (Ind.) Coll., 1922-25; prof, history, Harris Teachers Coll., St. Louis, 1925-33, prin., 1933-40; ednl. lecturer and counselor since 1940; visit- ing prof, history, summers, Indiana University, Harris Teachers College. George Peabody Coll., U. of Chicago, U. of Oregon. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa. Republican. Meth- odist. Mason, Odd Fellow. Co-author; Socialized History of the U.S., 1931; Missouri Anthology, 1932; Social 1170 Studies for Minnesota Schools, 1933. Author: Lincoln the Hoosier, 1928; United States History Workbook, 1930; Social Studies for the Lower Grades, 1930; Community Civics Workbook, 1931; Key to Correct Repsonses in Workbook in American History, 1931; Socialized History Workbook, 1932; Key to Workbook in United States History, 1934; (with J. T. Adams) The Record of America, 1935; Workbook for the Record of America, 1936; Guide and Answer Book to the Workbook for the Record of America, 1936. Contbr. hist, and ednl. articles of jours. Home: "The Lincoln," R.F.D. 3, Paris, 111. WHITESIDE, Roy Allen, lawyer; b. Joslyn, 111., Oct. 9, 1890; s. William Henry and Mary Jane (Allen) W.; student Univ. of 111., 1912-14; LL.B., Northwestern U., 1915; m. Jane Ad- dams Pierce, Aug. 10, 1918; children — Pierce Allen, Robinson Richard, Roy Allen, Jr. Admitted to 111. bar, 1915; mem. firm Dietz, Sinnett & Whiteside, Moline, 111., 1916-18, Kenworthy, Dietz, Shallberg, Harper & Sinnett, Moline, 111., 1918-24. Petit, Whiteside & Petit, Chicago, 1924-27, Maloney, Wooster & Whiteside, 1929-31; in independent prac- tice at Chicago since 1931. Mem. Ord- nance Res. Corps. U.S. Army, 1917-19. Mem. Am. 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Am. Legion. Mason. Clubs: Walloon Lake Golf (Petoskey, Mich.); Michigan Shores. Home: 1331 Green- wood Av., Wilmette, 111. Office: 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. YOUNGBERG, Arthur Carl, general insurance; b. Chicago, 111., Sept. 26, 1893; s. Charles John and Emma Sophia (Fagerstrom) Y.; ed. pub. schs. and Chicago Business Coll.; m. Nina Lilian Johnson, Sept. 4, 1920; children — Ar- thur Carl, Marjorie May, Janet Ruth. With Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co., 1910-18; insurance broker, 1918-19; operated in partnership with F. A. Carlson, 1920-30; firm incorporated, 1930, as Youngberg-Carlson Co., gen. insurance, of which is pres. Mem. 1st Regt., 111. Res. Militia, 1920-21. Mem. Chicago Bd. of Underwriters. Repub- lican. Baptist. Clubs: Union League, Chicago Athletic Assn., Swedish Club of Chicago, Westmoreland Country. Home: 1004 Hibbard Rd., Wilmette, 111. Office: 201 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. ANDERSON, Andrew W. Mackenzie, v.p. W. W. Durham & Co.; b. Wool- wich, Eng., Mar. 15, 1864; s. Robert and Williamina (Mackenzie) A.; ed. Herriott Watt Coll., Edinburgh, Scot- land, and Edinburgh U.; studied in law offices, Edinburgh; m. Marion Louden Main, Dec. 5, 1887; children — Elizabeth Montgomery, Minnie Mackenzie (Mrs. Frank J. Durham), Marion Main (Mrs. Charles Reid Pratt). Came to U.S., 1889, naturalized citizen, 1914. Account- ant A.T.&S.F. Ry. at Topeka, Kan., 1889-91; in claim dept. U.P. R.R. at Omaha, Neb., 1891; with The Cudahy Packing Co., 1894-1937, accountant Omaha, 1894-1901, office mgr., Sioux City, la., and Omaha, sec, Chicago, 1916-37; has also served as sec, treas., v.p. and dir. various subsidiaries; v.p. W. W. Durham & Co., insurance brok- ers, since 1947. Republican. Presby- terian Club: Illinois Athletic. Residence: 5940 Kenmore Av. Office: 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. ATLASS, H. Leslie, vice-pres. Co- lumbia Broadcasting System; b. Lin- coln, 111., Nov. 29, 1894; s. Frank and Sarah B. (Bernard) A.; student 1917; children — H. Leslie, Frank II, Harriet Jane. Pres. Frank Atlass Produce Co. until sold to Armour & Co., 1924; pres. and founder, Station WBBM, Chicago, III.; v.p, Columbia Broadcasting Sys- tem, Chicago; v.p. Station WIND. Clubs: Standard, Elks, Chicago Yacht, Mackinac Island Yacht. Home: Whea- ton, 111. Office: 410 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. , BENSLEY, John Russell, tractor and trailer mfr,; b. Chicago, June 4, 1875; s. John Russell and Augusta Fidelia (Fuller) B.; prep, edn., Chicago Manual Training Sch. and Princeton-Yale Prep. Sch., Chicago; student Cornell U., class 1900; m. Mabelle Nisbett, Sept. 12, 1911; children — Virginia, Margaret, Jane. Began as salesman, with Mc- Mullen Lumber Co., Chicago, 1900; suc- cessively in lumber merchandising, grain and stock commn., automobile passenger car business, motor truck business with America Locomotive Co. and Knox Motors Co.; associated with Mercury Mfg. Co., 1916, now v.p. Mem. Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Republican. Clubs: Cornell U. clubs of Chicago and New York, Saddle and Sirloin, Olympia Fields Country. Home: 7214 South Shore Dr. Office: 4044 S. Halsted St., Chicago, 111. BAKER, Joseph McLean, lawyer; b. Montgomery County, 111., Oct. 5, 1866; 1171 s. William P. and Margaret J. (Mc- Lean) B.; student pub. sens., Hillsboro, 111.; m. Lola E. Hammack, July 25, 1906; 1 dau., Margaret May. Admit- ted to 111. bar, 1889, and since practiced in Hillsboro; pres. Hillsboro Bldg. & Improvement Assn.; dir. Montgomery County Bank. City atty., Hillsboro, 1893-97, 1899-1901, 1911-39. Mem. Am., 111. State and Montgomery County bar assns. Issued Certificate by 111. State Bar Assn. as "Senior Counselor," 1940 (indicating membership and active practice for over 50 years). Republican. Presbyn. Home: 917 S. Main St. Office: 220-A S. Main St., Hillsboro, 111. BALL, John Rice, geology and pale- ontology; b. Fremont, O., June 26, 1881; s. Oscar and Mary Ellen (Amsden) B.; prep, edn., Coll. of Puget Sound, Ta- coma, Wash.; B.A., Northwestern U., 1913, M.A., 1917; B.D., Garrett Bibl. Inst., 1913; Ph.D., U. of Chicago, 1927; m. Cora Lena Goodman, Dec. 21, 1905; children — Clayton Garrett, Dorothy Margaret. With Northwestern U. since 1916, asso. prof, geology and pale- ontology since 1928. Served on 111. State Geol. Survey, 1927; discoverer of several new fossils in the Silurian for- mations of Southeastern Mo. Fellow Geol. Soc. America, A.A.A.S., Am. Paleontol. Soc; mem. Am. Assn. Pe- troleum Geologists, Soc. of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 111. Acad. Science, Chicago Acad. Science (hon. curator invertebrate paleontology; scientific gov.) Am. Assn. Museums, Sigma Xi. Methodist. Mason. Contbr. articles or brochures on researches, among them: The Geology of the Pike River Area, Kenosha, Wis. (111. Acad. Science), 1920; Revision of the Silurian of Southeast Missouri (Jour, of Geol- ogy), 1926; The Faunas of the Bain- bridge and Brassfield Limestones of Southeastern Mo. (Univ. of Chicago thesis), 1927; The Silurian Faunas of Southeastern Mo. (111. Acad, of Sci- ence), 1929; Evidences of Aquatic Life from the Glenwood Stage of Lake Chi- cago (Science), 1929; Brachiopoda of Certain Silurian Horizons in Southeast- ern Missouri (Bull. Geol. Soc. America), 1929; Shore Recession in Southeastern Wisconsin (111. Acad. Science), 1939; Some New Species of Camarotoechia from the Bainbridge Limestone of Mis- souri (111. Acad. Science), 1931; Isopach Map of the Galena, Decorah and Platte- ville Formations, Upper Mississippi Val- ley (Kans. Geol. Soc. Guidebook), 1935; The Physiography and Surficial Geol- ogy of the Carlinville Quadrangle, Illi- nois (111. Acad. Science), 1937; Wave Erosion Along the West Shore of Lake Michigan (Chicago Naturalist), 1938; Stratigraphy of the Silurian System in the Lower Mississippi Valley (Kans. Geol. Soc. Guidebook), 1939; Type Sec- tion of the Bainbridge Formation of Southeastern Missouri (Am. Assn. Pe- troleum Geologists), 1939; Elongate Drift Hills of Southern Illinois (Geol. Soc. America Bull.), 1940; New Species of Silurian Dalmanites from Southeast Missouri (Am. Mid. Nat.), 1940; New Species of Corals from the Bainbridge Limestone of Southeastern Missouri (Am. Mid. Nat.), 1940; Typical Lower Mississippi Valley Silurian Lithology in Southeastern Wisconsin (111. Acad. Sci- Mississippi Valley Silurian Lithology in Western Tennessee and adjacent States (Geol. Soc. America Bull.), 1941; Some Silurian correlations in the Southern Mississippi Valley, 1941; Geology and Man., 1941; The Great Ice Age in Illi- nois, 1942. Home: 701 Emerson St., Evanston, 111. BERRY, Lester, pres. Berry Bearing Co.; b. N.Y. City. Nov. 18, 1895; s. Wil- mer and Winifred (Nolan) B.; ed. Stuy- vestant High Sch. and Woods Business Coll., N.Y. City; m. Gertrude Ruth Kostbade, July. 22, 1916; children — Mrs. J. D. McWetby, Lois Leslie. As- sociated with anti-friction bearing in- dustry over thirty yrs. Lt. Comdr. U.S.N.R. World War II. Mason (32nd deg., Shriner). Trustee Englewood Hosp. Chicago. Club: Beverly Country. Home: 10140 Leavitt St., Chicago, 111. TOMHAVE, William Henry, sec, Live Stock Breed Record Asso.; b. Fergus Falls, Minn., Dec. 19, 1881; s. Peter and Minnie (Ladwig) G.; grad. Minn. Sch. of Agriculture, St. Paul, Minn., 1902; B.S.A., U. of Minn., 1907; M.S., Pennsylvania State Coll., 1920; m. Viola Edith Marsden, July 7, 1910; children — Viola Elna (Mrs. George R. Perrine), Jeanne Marsden, Sec, Northwestern Live Stock Show, S. St. Paul, Minn., summer of 1907; asst. in Animal Hus- bandry, Pa. State Coll., 1907-08; live stock specialist for the Chinese govt., Moukden, Manchuria, '1908-10; live- stock extension specialist, U. of Minn., 1910-12; head of dept. and prof, of Animal Husbandry, Pa. State Coll., 1912-25; nat. sec, Am. Aberdeen- Angus Breeders' Assn. since 1925. Trustee and 1172 dir., Live Stock Dept., Eastern State Exposition, Springfield, Mass. since 1917; dir. Soc. of Live Stock Records Assn.; dir. and treas., Nat. Live Stock Meat Bd. Fellow A.A.A.S., Alpha Zeta, Gam- ma Sigma Delta, Chi Phi. Mem. Soc. of Animal Production. Portrait hung in Saddle and Sirloin Club, Chicago, 111. Mason. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Saddle and Sirloin. Author: Meats and Meat Products, 1925; Brief History of Aberdeen-Angus Cattle, 1925. Contbr. articles for livestock and agr. publications. Home: 720 Noyes St.> Evanston, 111. Address: 7 Dexter Park Av., Chicago, 111. TKEMAIN, Eloise Ruthven, educa- tor; b. New York, N.Y.; d. Louis Hal- leck and Sarah Charlotte (Connolley) Tremain; B.A., Bryn Mawr, 1904; studied U. of Pa.; hon. M.A. Lake For- est Coll., 1927. Teacher mathematics and history, Davison Dodge Sch., Louisville, Ky., 1904-07; teacher Latin and history, Oldfields Sch., Glencoe, Md., 1907-09; teacher history and mathematics, Phila. High Sch. for Girls, 1909-17; prin. Rowland Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1917-18, Ferry Hall, Lake Forest 111., since 1918. Mem. N.E.A., Nat. Assn. Principals of Schs. for Girls (pres. 1922-24), Am. Assn. Univ. Women (pres. Chicago br. 1924- 28). Children's Scholarship League of Chicago (dir.), Prog. Edn. Assn., Bryn Mawr Alumnae Assn. Episcopalian. Clubs: Chicago College. Home: Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111. SEUBERT, Edward George, chair- man of the executive committee of the Standard Oil Company (Ind.); b. Syra- cuse, N.Y., June 20, 1876; s. Nicholas and Johanna (Neumeister) S.; ed. high sch., Syracuse; unmarried. With Stand- ard Oil Co. (Ind.) since 1891, clerk, 1891-1911, auditor, 1911-19, asst. sec. and asst. treas., Mar.-Nov. 1919, dir., sec. and treas., 1919-20, v.p., 1920-27, pres. 1927-Jan. 1, 1945, now chmn exec, com. Protestant. Clubs: Chicago, Eco- nomic, South Shore Country, Flossmoor Country Home: 6925 Constance Av. Office: 910 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. CLARK, Harold Johnson, lawyer; b. Syracuse, N.Y., June 12, 1891; s. J. Scott and Carrie (Johnson) C; B.S., Northwestern U., 1913; LL.B., 1915; m. Helen Hale, Nov. 9, 1915; children — Donald Hale, Catherine Arnold. Admit- ted to 111. bar, 1915; associated in prac- tice with Manierre & Pratt, Chicago, 1915-17, Cutting, Moore & Sidley, 1917- 21; mem. firm of Hamlin, Clark & Pier- son, 1921-24; mem. Zimmerman and Clark, 1924-29 personal trust officer, Central Trust Co. of 111., 1929-32; trust officer City Nat. Bank & Trust Co., 1932-35; gen. practice of law since 1935; now partner law firm Ogren & Clark. Rep. candidate for Circuit Court judge, 1939. Mem. 111. Res. Militia, 1917-18; 2d It. Field Arty., U.S.A., 1918; It. F.A. Reserve, 1918-33. Trustee Northwest- ern U., 1939-43. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chicago bar assns., Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa, Order of the Coif. Republican. Conglist. Clubs: Law, Union League (Chicago). Home: 1630 Ashland Av., Evanston, 111. Office: 100 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. WADE, George Garretson, pres. Wade Realty Co.; b. Cleveland, O., Aug. 29, 1882; s. Jeptha Homer and Ellen (Garretson) W.; prep. edn. Univ. School, Cleveland; student Yale, 1904; m. Irene Elizabeth Love, June 2, 1909, Pres. Wade Realty Co., Montreal Min- ing Co., St. James Mining Co.; dir. Union Bank of Commerce, Columbia Transportation Co., Wyoming Pocahon- tas Coal & Coke Co., Cleveland Quar- ries Co., Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., Lake Shore Realty Co., Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., Lake Shore Realty Co., Mogul Mining Company, Lake Superior & Ishpeming Ry., Medusa Portland Ce- ment Co., Toledo, Angola, & Western Ry., Co. Clubs: Tavern Pepper Pike, Kirtland, Union, Chagrin Valley, Hunt. Home: 10804 Magnolia Dr. Office: Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland 14, O. DUNCAN, Joseph S., inventor, mfr.; b. nr. Pittsburgh, Pa., Apr. 5, 1858; s. Joseph S. and Mary E. (Guy) D.; ed. pub. schs. of Allegeheny County, Pa.; m. Adelaide V. Yockey, Feb. 9, 1888. Engaged in business since 1881, for- merly in la. and the Dakotas; invented the addressograph, 1893, and settled in Chicago same yr. to mfr. same; pres. Addressograph Co., 1896-1926. Repub- lican. Presbyterian. Mason (K.T., Shriner). Mem. Franklin Inst., Art Inst. Chicago (Life), Chicago Hist. Soc. Clubs: Union League, Chicago Motor, Chicago Athletic, South Shore Country (Chicago); Los Angeles Country. Home: 5555 Everett Av. Office: 3318 Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111. DURAND, Scott Sloan, sugar dis- tributor; b. Milwaukee, Wis., May 29, 1173 1869; s. Joseph B. and Florence (Sloan) D.; grad. Lake Forest Acad., 1885; B.A., Williams Coll., 1890; m. Grace D. Garrett, Apr. 5, 1894; 1 son (adopted), Jackson Garrett. After graduation joined father as a clerk; acquired a small interest, 1894, and in 1903 bought out the business, continuing as S. S. Durand & Co. Served as 2d It. Q.M.C., U.S.A., World War; capt. O.R.C. Mem. Chicago Assn. Commerce, Art Inst. Chicago (life), Field Museum of Na- tural History (life), Chicago Hist. Soc, Kappa Alpha. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Chicago, Onwentsia, Old Elm. Home: Lake Forest, 111. Office: 317 N. Wells St., Chicago, 111. EICHENAUER, Charles Frederick, editor; b. Warsaw, 111., Oct. 9, 1882; s. Frederick and Elizabeth (Goebel) E.; A.B., Dartmouth, 1905; LL.B., Chicago- Kent Coll. Law, 1909; hon. Litt.D., Cul- ver-Stockton U., 1929; unmarried. Teacher of history and civics, high sch., Quincy, 111., 1905-07; admitted to 111. bar, 1909; reporter and city editor Quincy Daily Herald, 1909-11, mng. edi- tor, 1911-16, editor, 1916-26; editor Quincy Herald-Whig and Journal since 1926. Conducted daily column. "The Editor's Telescope," in Quincy Herald, 1918-26, and in Quincy Herald-Whig and Journal since June 1, 1926. Student coast Arty. School, Fort Monroe, Va., 1917-18. Trustee MacMurray Coll. for Women, Jacksonville, 111., Cheerful Home Settlement (pres.), Quincy Y.M.C.A. (ex-pres.; mem. nat. council 1939), Chaddock Boys' Sch., Quincy Home for Aged; mem. bd. 111. State Museum. Mem. Am. Soc. Newspaper Editors, 111. Press Assn., Inland Press Assn., 111. Chamber Commerce (pub- licity com.), Quincy Chamber Com- merce (v.p.), Am Legion, Sigma Delta Chi, Phi Beta Kappa. Methodist. Mason (33d deg., grand orator, 1939). Clubs: Lions (Quincy); Dartmouth (Quincy and Chicago); Press (Chicago). Author of I Found a Story in Garbenheim and other essays, 1934; Contradictory Fac- tors in Europe's Troubled Life, 1937. Mem. Am. Seminar to Europe, 1934, 37. Home: 1806 Grove Av. Office: Herald- Whig Square, Quincy, 111. SKINNER, Georgia, librarian; b. Mt. Clemens, Mich.; d. George A. and Helen Marion (Smart) S.; ed. De Lancey Sch.; Chateau de Liberte; Simmons Coll. Asst. librarian, Mt. Clemens Pub. Library, Mt. Clemens, Mich.; librarian, McGregor Pub. Library, Highland Park, Mich. Mem. Zonta, Detroit Motion Pic- ture Council, Woman's City Club (De- troit). Episcopalian. Home: 11 McLean Av. Office: McGregor Public Library, Highland Park, Mich. FLORSHEIM, Irving S., pres. The Florsheim Shoe Co.; b. Chicago, 111., Oct. 27, 1893; s. Milton S. and Gertrude (Stern) F.; B.A., Cornell U., 1914; m. Lillian Hyman, Feb. 14, 1918; children — Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Robert Schwab), Nancy Jane. Became asso- ciated with The Florsheim Shoe Co., Chicago, 1914, pres. since 1926; dir. Stewart- Warner Corp., Mercantile Nat. Bank of Chicago. Served as It. (j.g.), U.S.N.R., 1917-18. Clubs: Standard, Lake Shore Country, Mid-Day. Home: S. Milwaukee Av., Libertyville, 111. Office: 541 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. FORD, Joseph B., realtor; b. Chicago, 111., June 8, 1898; s. John W. and Mar- garet (Maloney) F.; student Presenta- tion Parochial School, St. Ignatius High School (Chicago) and St. Thomas (Minn.) Coll.; m. Mary Martin, 1935. Began in real estate business in Chi- cago, 1918, continued in same under own name. Assessor of Oak Park, 1937-41; Democratic Committeeman of Oak Park, 1938-42. Mem. Cook County Real Estate Bd. (dir. 1932, West Side Real Estate Bd. (pres. 1934-35), Oak Park Real Estate Bd. (dir. 1935), Chi- cago Real Estate Bd. (v.p., 1937, sec, 1938, treas., 1939-43, pres., 1944), 111. Assn. Real Estate Bds. (vice pres., 1938). Nat. Assn. Real Estate Bds. (111. rep. on legal rights com., 1940) ; mem. Am. Legion. Mem. Knights of Colum- bus, LaSalle Assembly, Alhambra, Elk. Democrat. Clubs: Illinois Athletic, Lake Shore and Butterfield Country. Home: 436 S. Maple Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 5945-47 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. GAMBLE, David Edwin, pres. Borg & Beck Co.; b. Moline, 111., Oct. 18, 1887; s. David A. and Evalina (Ziegler) G.; ed. Moline High Sch.; m. Margar- etta E. Minniss, Sept. 9, 1914; children — M. Jayne, Evalina W. Began as ma- chinist toolmaker, later becoming draftsman; asst. supt. and chief engr. Midland Motor Co., 1908-13; chief engr. Herschell-Spillman Co., 1913-16; de- signer Willys-Overland Co., 1917-19; chief engr. Borg & Beck Co., 1919-29, gen. mgr. and v.p. since 1929. Repub- lican. Mason. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Midlothian Golf. Home: 4950 Chicago 1174 Beach Dr. Office: 6558 S. Menard Av., Chicago, 111. SHERMAN, George W., business exec; b. Fall River, Mass., Dec. 10, 1872; s. George Augustus and Anna Pope (Howard) S.; B.S. in Chem. E., Mass. Inst. Tech.; m. Josephine Crum- rine, Nov. 25, 1902; children — Harriet, George W., Barbara, Philip Stone. With Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Co.; cons. Sales Engrs. (in Boston), Diamond Rubber Co.; Northwestern Rubber Co., Ltd., Liverpool, Eng.; Diamond Rubber Co. (merged with Goodrich Rubber Co.); McAdoo Akron Co.; pres., treas., gen mgr., Akron Indsl. Salvage Co.; dealer in 2d hand machinery. Mem. Chamber of Com- merce, Rotary Club; formerly mem. Sch. Bd., Library Bd., Ch. Trustee, Deacon, Home Guard 1st World War; Civilian Defense, World War II. Mem. Phi Beta Epsilon. Republican. Con- glist. Contbr. mag. arts, on Salvage subjs. Home: 75 Edgerton Rd., Akron 3; Office: 964 Hazel St., Akron, O. HARRIS, Norman W(adsworth), in- vestment banking; s. Albert Wadsworth and Harriet (Meikle) H. V.p. and sec. Harris, Hall & Co. (organized Nov. 1935), investment bankers; formerly v.p. The N. W. Harris Co. Home: 594 Spruce St., Winnetka, 111. Office: 111 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. GARBER, Joseph E., insurance; b. Deer Creek Township, 111., Mar. 19, 1875; s John W. and Amelia (Unsicker) G.; student Brown's Bus. Coll., 1892- 93; m. Lena L. Naffziger, Feb. 15, 1898; 1 dau., Estella M. Pres. Deer Creek and County Grain Co., Deer Creek and County Farmers Grain Co., Buckeye Cemetery Assn.; dir. Dela. Mutual In- surance Co., Springfield Mutual Insur- ance Co.; sec Mennonite Hosp. (Bloom- ington, 111.); sec. publication bd., Cen- tral 111. Mennonite Conf. Democrat. Ad- dress: 205 High St., Washington, 111. GARDEN, Hugh Mackie Gordon, architect; b. Toronto, Ont., Can., July 9, 1873: s. Edward Gordon and Eliza (Macdonald) G.; grad. Bishops Coll. Sch., Lennoxville, Can., 1887; m. Sally Plows, July 22, 1915; 1 dau., Sally. Came to U.S., 1887, naturalized, 1914. Engaged in practice of architecture, Chicago, since 1893; partner Schmidt, Garden and Erikson. Fellow Am. Inst. Architects; mem. Art. Inst. Chicago (life), Field Museum of Natural His- tory. Republican. Episcopalian. Home: 1350 N. State St. Office: 104 S. Mich- igan Av., Chicago, 111. HEMINGWAY, Grace Hall, artist, musician, lecturer; b. Chicago, 111., June 15, 1872; d. Ernest and Caroline (Han- cock) Hall; student Chicago Conserva- tory of Music, 1890-92; voice pupil Mme. Louisa Cappiani, N. Y. City, 1895- 96; made debut at Madison Square Gar- den, N.Y. City, student Art Inst. Chi- cago, 1924-25; student Bay View (Mich.) Art Sch., 1925-26; Fla. Art Sch., 1926; m. Clarence Edmonds Hem- ingway, M.D., Oct. 1, 1896 (dec); chil- dren — Marcelline (Mrs. Sterling Skil- man Sanford), Ernest Miller, Ursula, (Mrs. Jasper Jay Jepson), Madelaine (Mrs. Kenneth Sinclair Mainland). Carol (Mrs. John Fentress Gardner). Leicester Clarence Professional singer, 1891-1925; dir. Oak Park (111.) Choral Soc. and Orchestra, 1895-97; dir. Third Congl. Surplice Choir, 1905-15; profes- sional artist, exhibiting in over 30 one- man shows; instructor landscape paint- ing; lecturer on art and music since 1933. Mem. Municipal Art League, Chi- cago Soc. Artists, All-Ill. Soc. Fine Arts, Austin, Oak Park and River For- est Art League, Sanity in Art Soc, Professional Artists League, Austin Oak Park and River Forest Art League (hon.) Eugene Field Soc. (hon.), Nat. Soc Authors and Journalists (hon.), Nat. Hall of Art, N.Y.C. (adv. bd.), Conglist. Club: Nineteenth Century (Oak Park, 111.). Home and Studio Bldg.: 551 Keystone Av., River Forest, 111. HENDERSON, Byrd Everett, pres. Household Finance Corp.; b. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 9, 1889; s. Jonas and Henrietta (Lewis) H.; educated Louisville High Sch.; m. Hallie Clark, Nov. 27, 1913; 1 dau,. Ruth Virginia. Began 1907, at Louisville, as investigator for the Mac- key Finance System, personal loans, branch mgr. at Pittsburgh, 1912-13, trav- eling supervisor, 1913-25, exec, v.p., 1925- 33; pres. Household Finance Corp. and subsidiaries since Dec. 1933; pres. House- hold Finance Corp. of Can.; dir. Lakeland Foundation. Mem. First Ky. State Troop, 1907-09. Dir. and mem. exec com. Am. Assn. Small Loan Cos. Republican. Pres- byterian. Mason (K.T., Shriner). Clubs: Chicago Athletic Assn., Edgewater Golf (Chicago); Everett Golf (Eagle River, Wis.). Home: 233 E. Walton PI. Office: 919 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. HILLS, Charles Wilford, patent law- yer; b. Ottawa, 111., June 23, 1860; s. 1175 Isaac and Sarah A. (Wilson) H.; prep. edn. pub. sens., Gilman, 111.; LL.B., U. of Mich., 1897; LL.D., Blackburn Coll.; m. Anna Blanche Corcoran, Aug. 30, 1887; 1 son, Charles Wilford, Jr. Was many years engaged in educational work in Mich, and other states; mem. the firm of Charles W. Hills, specializing exclu- sively in patent, trade mark and copy- right matters; prof, patent law. 111. Coll. of Law, 1897-1910. Mem. Am. Patent Law Association, Chicago Patent Law Association, American Bar Association, Chicago Law Inst., Illinois Manufac- turers Assn., Chicago Assn. Commerce, Mason (32nd deg., St. Bernard Comdry., K.T., Shriner), Odd Fellow. Clubs: Union League, Adventurers, South Shore Coun- try; Com. of One Hundred and Bath Club (Miami Beach, Fla.). Home: Union Lea- gue Club, Chicago; also Miami Beach, Fla. Office: 1414 Monadnock Blk., Chi- cago, 111.; and Munsey Bldg., Washing- ton, D.C. CLARKE, Edward E., housing expedi- ter; b. New York, N.Y., Jan. 5, 1907; s. Daniel A. and Sarah (Hirsch) C; ed. U. of Chicago; m. Margaret Hendrichs, Mar. 2, 1929; children — Robert S., Theo- dore C, Lillian M. Asst. Regional Ex- piditer Nat. Housing Agency; exec. dir. Pub. Housing Assn., asst. to Regional Rep., Nat. Housing Agency (region in- cludes 111., Ind., la., Mo., Minn., Wis., Neb., N. D., S. D.); interested in Russian War Relief. Mem. Nat. Assn. Housing Ofcls., Nat. Pub. Housing Conf., Nat. Com. on Housing, Chicago Urban Lea- gue, Nat. Citizens Com. for Arts, Sciences and Professions, Ind. Voters of 111., Nat. Assn. for Advancement of Colored People. Democrat. Jewish Re- ligion. Contbr. arts. U.S. Week, Labor Today, Chicago Herald Am.; book revs, on Housing, Chicago Sun; co-publisher, Labor Today. Home: 6735 Chappel Av. Office: 201 N. Wells St., Chicago, 111. CUMMINGS, Edmund S., Jr., lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., June 29, 1905; s. Edmund S. and Delia (Winter) C; student Chi- cago Latin Sch., 1919-23, Williams Coll., 1923-24; A.B., U. of Mich., 1927; J.D., Northwestern U. Law Sch., 1930; m. Diana Doty, Sept. 1940; 1 son, Stephen Doty. Admitted to 111. bar, June 1930; partner law firm, Cummings and Wy- man, Chicago, since 1932; sec. and dir., Pettibone Mulliken Corp., Bowey's, Inc.; dir. Arkansas Mo. Power Corp. Mem. Chi Psi, Phi Delta Phi. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Chicago Athletic, Mid-Day, Ex- moor Country. Home: 5555 Sheridan Rd. Address: 1 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. CAMPBELL, Donald Francis, actuary; b. East River, St. Mary's, N.S., Can., Apr. 26, 1867; s. George and Ellen Esther (Gum) C; B.A., Dalhousie Coll., Halifax, N.S., 1890; B.A., Harvard, 1894, M.A., 1895, Ph.D., 1898; m. Lou Rena Bates, Mar. 28, 1906 (died July 4, 1939); chil- dren — Donald Francis, Elizabeth Bates (Mrs. L. T. Arthur). Instructor mathe- matics, Harvard, 1897-1900; prof, and head dept. mathematics. Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, 1900-27. Lecturer on ins., Northwestern U., 1909-11; sec. and actuary 111. Pension Laws Commn. of 1916 and actuary same 1918; actuary, Pension Laws Commn. of Milwaukee, 1921; dep. examiner of Pensn. Funds to which public moneys are contributed, 1929-30. Mem. Am. Math. Soc; fellow Am. Inst. Actuaries, Am. Assn. Ad- vancement of Science. Author: The Ele- ments of the Differential and Integral Calculus, 1904; A Short Course in Differ- ential Equations, 1907; A Short Course in Life Insurance, 1909. Actuary in charge of the preparation of bills for the following annuity and benefit funds for public employees which are now laws: Policemen of Milwaukee; Firemen of Milwaukee; Sheriffs of Milwaukee; Po- licemen of Chicago; Firemen of Chicago; Municipal Employees of Chicago; County Employees of Cook County; Sanitary District Employees; Peoria Police: Park Employees of Chicago; Park Policemen of Chicago; Laborers' and Retirement Board Employees of Chicago; Municipal Court and Law Department Employees of Chicago; Election Commissioners' Em- ployees of Chicago; Firemen of cities of between 10,000 and 100,000 inhabitants in 111. Home: 1209 Hinman Av., Evans- ton, 111. Office: 160 N. La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. CHAPP, Petronella Helen Urasky (Mrs. John Peter Chapp), teacher and poet; b. Westville, 111., April 20, 1904; d. Paul Joseph and Julia Magdaline (Burd- zius) Urasky; summer and extension schs., Eastern 111. Normal Univ., U. of 111., Southern 111. Normal U., since 1924; m. John Peter Chapp, June 14, 1932. Teacher since 1924; poet and song writer, since 1935. Awarded honorable mention, 111. div. N.Y. Worlds Fair, Nat. Poetry Week Center Exhibit, 1939. Mem. League to Support Poetry (N.Y.); associate of New Poetry Quarterly. Presbyterian. Clubs: College, Presbyn. Women's Guild, Lenores Group (all Harrisburg, 111.). 1176 Contbr. to Biog. Dictionary of Contempo- rary poets, 1939. Collection of poems, 1944. Outstanding Song Poems and Lyricists, 1942, and to various poetry anthologies. Home: (Summer) 213 W. Short St., Westville, 111., (winter) 320 W. Church St., Harrisburg, 111. CHILDS, Leonard Chapin, engr.; b. Oak Park, 111., Oct. 24, 1890; s. Albert Chapin and Caroline (Leonard) C; stud- ent U. of Wis., 1909-13; m. Doris Fuller, Sept. 9, 1916. Inspector and field asst. on municipal improvements, part time, 1908-12; with Roberts-Schaefer, con- struction of locomotive coaling stations, 1912-13; successively, asst. engr., asst. supt., supt., chief engr., mgr. bldg. dept. railroad constrn. and indsl. bldgs., Bates & Rogers Construction Co., Chicago, 1913-30; prin. asst. engr. bur. subways, City of Chicago, 1930-34; with Battey & Kipp, Inc., 1934-37, vice pres., 1935-37; partner, Battey & Childs, Chicago, since 1937. Mem. Am. Soc. Civil Engrs. West- ern Soc. Engrs., Sigma Nu. Republican. Conglist. Clubs: Union League (Chi- cago). Home: 2970 Sheridan Rd. Ad- dress: 231 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 4, 111. WEISMAN, Samuel A., physician; b. Minneapolis, Minn., May 18, 1891; s. Aaron and Rebecca (Horn) W.; ed. Univ. of Minn.; m. Florence Kaplan, Dec. 27, 1914; children — (Dr.) Sydney J., Mrs. Jean Weisman Dreisen. Clinical prof, medicine Univ. of Southern Calif.; car- diac consultant, health service, Univ. of Calif, at Los Angeles. Fellow Am. Coll. Physicians; mem. Am. and Calif. State med. assns., Am. Heart Assn., Los Ange- les County Med. Soc, Am. Trudeau Soc, A.A.A.S. Author: Your Chest Should Be Flat; Modern Medicine; also numerous articles relating to diseases of the heart and chest. Home: 6140 Packard Av. Of- fice: 1136 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles, Calif. CANINE, Mrs. Edwin N., clubwoman, civic worker; b. near Brazil, Ind., Jan. 10, 1871; d. John M. and Elizabeth (Co- nacher) Lucas; ed. in country schools and Indiana State Teachers Coll.; m. Edwin N. Canine, Nov. 25, 1894; children — Ralph J., Margaret E. Teacher in schools, 1890-94; active in civic, club and church work since 1894; Indiana state pres. foreign missionary work Congrega- tional Ch., 16 yrs.; server as pres. local, county and state federation of clubs: pres. State Fedn., 1933-35; dir. Gen. Fedn., 1933-35; mem. bd. Y.W.C.A. (fgn. relations and nominating corns.); pa- troness Delta Sigma. Mem. Order East- ern Star, (hon.) Delta Kappa Gamma. Republican. Conglist. Clubs: Faculty Wives of State Teachers College ; Depart- ment (Terre Haute). Contbr. articles to club mags, and local newspapers. Home : 220 Barton Av., Terre Haute, Ind. GAMBLE, Bertin C, automotive exec; b. Chicago, 111., Mar. 1, 1898; s. William Clyde and Florence Mae (Moody) G.; ed. public schools and high school; m. Gladys Lucille Pearson, Nov. 21, 1927; children — Jerry David, Karen Rae. Began busi- ness career as partner in automobile busi- ness, 1920; established Gamble Stores, 1925; chmn. bd. Gamble-Skogmo, Inc. (Minneapolis, Minn.), Western Auto Supply Co. (Kansas City, Mo.); dir. Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway Co., United Wallpaper Co. (Chicago). Re- publican. Methodist. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minneapolis Athletic, Minikahda (Minne- apolis, Minn.). Home: 2619 Moorland Av. Office: 15 N. Eighth St., Minneapo- lis 3, Minn. TRESHANSKY, Dorothy Foster, pian- ist, teacher; b. Wolcottsville, Ind., 29 Dec 1909; d. John Harvey Foster and Lotta (Menninger) F.; ed. Indiana Univ.; B.A., Am. Conservatory of Music, 1931, M.A., same; studied piano with Kurt Wanieck, composition and orchestration with Leo Sowerby; appeared in concerts as accompanist and pianist; solos and ensemble over radio, WGN, Mutual and WIND. Awarded Chicago Woman's Musi- cal Club scholarship, Phi Beta and Sigma Alpha Iota scholarships. Mem. Soc. Am. Musicians, Chicago Woman's Musical Club. Methodist. Address: Minot State Teacher's College, Minot, N. D. Home: 424 E. 8th St., Michigan City, Ind. McCORD, Mose S., sec-treasurer; b. Pine Bluff, Ark., 29 Nov, 1893; s. William S. McCord and Daisy (Nordmann) McC; ed. high sch., Univ. Ark.; m. Myrtle Hutcheson, 28 Jan. 1918; children — Sara Patricia, Robert S. Engaged in theatre business, 1921-47; now sec-treas., Malco Theatres, Inc.; dir. Peoples Nat. Bank, Little Rock, Ark., Film Transit Co., Memphis, Tenn.; mem. Pulaski County Housing Authority, Little Rock Chamber Commerce. Elk. Clubs: Variety (Mem- phis, Tenn.); Sylvan Hills Country (pres.). Democrat. Methodist. Home: 201 Magnolia Park Hill. Office: 203^ Main St., Little Rock, Ark. REIBER, Albert H., teletype exec; b. New York, N.Y., Apr. 13, 1894; s. Albert Smith and Annie (Mayforth) R.; M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech.; m. Emily Young, Feb. 5, 1924; children — Marilyn Babette, 117 Marjorie Anne. Connected with develop- ment of printing telegraph equipment from 1916, becoming vice pres. in charge research and development Teletype Corp., Chicago, 111.; active in development of many forms of telegraph printing equip- ment used by telegraph companies, stock exchanges, press associations, police de- partments and railroads. Mem. Am. Inst. E.E., (hon.) Tau Beta Pi. Clubs: Union League (Chicago); Westmoreland (Will- mette, 111.). Holder of 17 patents. Au- thor of paper on printing telegraphy pre- sented before A.I.E.E. mid-winter con- vention, 1922. Home:2403 Central Park Av., Evanston, 111. Office: 1400 Wright- wood Av., Chicago, 111. Died, 1946. GONSER, Thomas Adams, vice pres. Northwestern U.; b. Belt, Mont., Apr. 28, 1899; s. Casper and Jennie (Orr) G.; student Northwestern U., 1920-24; m. Frances Helmkamp, June 12, 1926; chil- dren — Joanne Frances, Ruth Elizabeth. Dir. of development and asst. to pres. Northwestern U., 1924-43, v.p. since 1943. Trustee Elgin Acad. Mem. Am. Alumni Council (dir. 1932-35; co-editor "Alumni Funds"), Alpha Delta Phi, Deru. Clubs: The Chicago; University (Evanston); Barrington Hills Golf. Home: R.R. 2, Barrington, 111. Office: Adminstrn. Bldg., Evanston, 111. SEGUR, Asa Bertrand, indsl. engr.; b. Decatur, Ind., May 24, 1886; s. Harvey and Florilla (Burch) S.; B.S., Purdue U., 1908, C.E., 1911; m. Ella Ethel Martin, Sept. 14, 1913 (dec. 1935); children- Dorothy Florilla (Mrs. George Esch), Beatrice Alberta (Mrs. Linn Melvin); m. 2d, Charlotte Marie Payne, Dec. 19, 1936; children — Charlotte Patricia, An- thony Bertrand, Harvey Louis. Asst. engr. Dept. Pub. Works, Manila, P.I., 1908-10; chief of 'party Morgan Engring. Co., Memphis, Tenn., 1911; examiner of efficiency Chicago Civil Service Commn., 1912-16; chief efficiency div. comptrol- ler's office, 1917; efficiency engr. Johnson Chair Co., Chicago, 1916-17; engr. charge indsl. surveys Red Cross Inst, for Blind, Baltimore, Md., 1917-19; owner A. B. Segar & Co., indsl. engrs., since 1919; pres. Tite Pack Filler Co., Chicago, 1922. Mem. Am. Soc. M.E. Home: 1181 S. Ridgeland. Office: 1185 S. Ridgeland, Av., Oak Park, 111. BROUGHTON, Charles Elmer, editor, pub.; b. Lamartine, Fond du Lac County, Wis., Oct. 22, 1873; s. John and Emma (Cortleyou) B.; ed. pub. and night schs.; m. Emma Born, June 23, 1898; 1 son, Charles Elmer (dec). Began as appren- tice with Fond du Lac Journal, 1884; editorial and free lance writer, 1898- 1903; editor and pub. Sheboygan (Wis.) Press since 1907; pres. Press Pub. Co.; dir. North Shore Land Co. Chmn. bd. dir. Federal Home Loan Bank of Chi- cago since 1938. Mem. Dem. Nat. Com., 1932-41; Dem. Nat. Conv., Chicago, 1932; vice chmn. Dem. Nat. Com., Phila., 1936. State chmn. Wis. Defense Savings Com., 1941. Appointed col. on staff, gov. of Wis., 1933. Awarded Distinguished Serv- ice medal by Salvation Army, 1942. Ma- son, Odd Fellow, K.P., Elk (pres. Wis. Elks Assn., 1929; hon. founder Elks Nat. Foundation, 1929; grand esteemed lead- ing knight; chmn. board grand trustees, 1945). Honorary member Sigma Delta Chi. Clubs: Milwaukee Press, Milwaukee Athletic; Sheboygan Country; Nat. Press (Washington, D.C.) ; Union League (Chi- cago). Home: 315 Erie Av. Office: 626 Center Av., Sheboygan, Wis. GRAY, Earle, physician, educator; b. Wabash Co., 111., Nov. 20, 1898; s. George Washington and Martha Jane (Han- cock) G.; B.S., U. of Chicago, 1925; M.D., from same univ., 1929; m. Susan Eleanor Heaney, Apr. 28, 1943. Began practice medicine, 1932; asst. attending physician Presbyn. Hosp., Chicago, 1932- 41; asst. in medicine, Rush Med. Coll., 1932-33, instr., 1933-37, asst. clin. prof, medicine, 1937-41, acting dean, 1939-June 1942, on which date Rush Coll. became part of U. of 111. Med. Sch.; asst. clin. prof, medicine, U. of 111. Med. Sch., now on mil. leave of absence. Called to active duty as maj., Med. Corps, U.S. Army, June 1942; promoted to It. colonel, Apr. 20, 1943; now overseas. Address: 122 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. SCHERWAT, William Christopher, lawyer; b. Chicago, 111., Apr. 1, 1893; s. Carl H. and Antonia (Matuschek) S.; ed. Robert Waller and Riverside high schs.; Mettropolitan Business Coll.; LL.B., Chicago-Kent, Coll. of Law, 1911, LL.M.; m. Josephine Hacker, Aug. 25, 1923; children — Donald Hacker, William Robert, Carole Louise. Admitted to 111. bar, 1914, and since practiced at Chi- cago; mem. firm Irose & Scherwat, 1914- 22, Scherwat & Leaton, 1927-29, Scher- wat, Fitzgerald & Heirich, 1929-35, Scherwat, Harrington & Hood, 1935-40; private practice since 1940; asst. judge of Probate Court of Cook Co., Oct. 1, 1922- Jan. 1, 1927; special assistant state's attorney of Cook County, 1927- 29; lecturer in probate law, Loyola and De Paul law schs., 1925-31. Mem. 1st 1178 Inf., 111. N.G., 1911-17; commd. capt. inf., U.S. Army, Aug. 15, 1917, serving until Feb. 1919. Mem. Am. Legion, Mil. Order of World War; charter mem. Am. Legion Post, Commanders Club. Republican. Lu- theran. Mason. Clubs: Collegiate, Town. Home: 4651 N. Pauline St. Office: 188 W. Randolph St., Chicago, 111. GIFFORD, William Allen, printer; b. Chicago, 111., Aug. 6, 1904; s. William Henry and Grace Phelps (Fluke) G.; B.S., U. of Chicago, 1928; m. Sarah M. Kriebel, June 8, 1935; children — William A., John Oliver, Mary. Asst. purchasing agent, A. R. Barnes & Co., Chicago, 1872, partner in charge buying and selling, since 1940. Mem. Delta Tau Delta. Re- publican. Episcopalian. Club: Lake Shore (Chicago). Home: 919 Forest Av., Evanston, 111. Office: 1112 S. Wabash Av., Chicago, 111. SHAFER, P. Frederick, supt. Macomb schs.; b. Richland County, 111., Sept. 12, 1903; s. John Nelson and Ella (Stewart) S.; student 111. Coll., 1922-24, Eastern 111. State Teachers Coll., 1931-32; B.S., U. of la., 1926; A.M., U. of 111., 1940, grad. work, 1941-44; m. Vera Jennie Barnes, Dec. 27, 1927; children — Stuart Barnes, Patricia Jean. Spl. salesman Studebaker Car, Detroit, Mich., 1927, wholesale salesman, 1927-32; teacher math, and sci., high sch., Pearl City, 111. 1932-34, supt. of chs., 1934-41; supt. of schs., Macomb, 111., since 1941. Home: 218 W. McDonough Av. Office: 208 S. Johnson St., Macomb, 111. DUNER, Joseph Addison, pres. and dir. C. T. C. Investment Co.; b. Chicago, 111., Dec. 24, 1895; s. Swan and Anna (Carlson) D.; student pub. schs., Chi- cago; m. Ethel Anderson, June 28, 1924; children — Richard Anderson, Lynette Audrey and Duane Anne. Auditor Chi- cago Trust Co., 1922-23, cashier, 1928-29; v.p. First Englewood State Bank, 1924- 27; v.p. Nat. Bank of the Republic, 1929- 30; pres. and dir. C. T. C. Investment Co., Chicago, since 1930; pres. and dir. C. T. C. Securities Co. since 1932. Served with U.S. Marine Corps, 1917-19. Clubs: Executives, Camp Fire (Chicago). Home: 726 Howard St., Wheaton, 111. Office: 134 S. LaSalle, St., Chicago, 111. GOODSPEED, Charles Barnett, re- tired; b. Cleveland, O., Feb. 8, 1885; s. Wilbur F. and Harriett (Howe) G.; M.E., Cornell U., 1908; m. Elizabeth Fuller. Dir. Buckeye Steel Castings Company; mem. board of directors, City National Bank & Trust Co. Served as capt. 32d, 29th, 42d Div.. A.E.F., World War I. Trustee U. of Chicago, Art Inst., Chi- cago Symphony Orchestra Assn., pres. bd. of mgrs. Presbyn. Hosp. Republican. Home: 2430 Lake View Av., Chicago, 111. CHANDLER, Charles Quarles, chmn. bd. First Nat. Bank in Wichita; b. Rocheport, Mo., Aug. 18, 1864; s. Charles Quarles and Ann Elizabeth (Woods) C; ed. pub. schs.; m. Olive Frances Thayer, June 22, 1898; children— Margaret, Charles Jerome, William Woods, Eliza- beth; m. 2d, Alice Throckmorton, Sept. 5, 1917; children — Olive, George Throck- morton, Anderson Woods. In banking business, Kan., since 1883; now chairman board 1st National Bank in Wichita. Trustee Northwestern Mutual Life In- surance Company; director Kan. Bank- ers Surety Co., Chandler Nat. Bank, Lyons, Kan. Trustee Ottawa U. Repub- lican. Baptist, Rotarian. Home: 200 Clifton St. Office: 1st Nat. Bank in Wichita, Wichita, Kan. MEITER, Edward G M chemist; b. Salem, O., 11 June, 1898; s. George Mei- ter and Katherine (Krauss) M.; B.S., Mount Union Coll., 1920; M.Sc, Ohio State Univ., 1921, Ph.D., 1923; m. Hazel F. Smith,, 18 June, 1923; 1 son, George E. Grad. asst. in chemistry, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O., 1920-23; research chem., U.S. Bureau Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1923-32; dir. indsl. hygiene div., Em- ployers Mutual Liability Ins. Co. of Wis., 1932- ; scientific cons., Tech. Indsl. In- telligence Com., Fgn. Econ. Adminstrn., July-Nov. 1945; also cons, to Dept. Com- merce on Indsl. Intelligence Program; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Am. Inst. Chem- ists, Am. Assn. Advancement Sci., Am. Pub. Health Assn., Am. Indsl. Hygiene Assn., Am. Soc. Safety Engrs., N.Y. Acad. Sciences, Veterans of Safety, Sig- ma Xi. Methodist. Co-author (with A. J. Toering Industrial Safety in Germany. Contbr. numerous sci. arts., pub. in govt, bulls, and scientific jours. Office: 710 N. Plankinton Av., Milwaukee 3, Wis. Home: 2557 81st St., Wauwatosa 13, Wis. BROWN, William Henry, lawyer; b. Fulton, Miss., 15 Mar. 1876; s. A. L. Brown, farmer, breeder, dealer, and Tali- tha Cumi (Stephens) B.; ed. B.D., Oak- land Coll., B.S.; Iuka Normal Inst., Iuka, Miss.; Nashville Coll.; LL.B., Wash. & Lee Univ., 1902; m. Janie M. Senter of Fulton, Miss., 13 Feb. 1908; 1 dau.— Malinda Stephens. Mem. Ho. of Rep., Miss., 1900-04; lawyer, Hobart, Okla., 1902-03, Fulton, Miss., 1903-06, Stigler, Okla., 1906-21, Muskogee, Okla., 1921- 1179 29, then moved to Okla. City; mem. firm, Brown, Darrough & Ball; judge, Dist. Ct., Old Fifth Judicial Dist., Okla., 1911- 19; Supreme Ct. Commnr., 1915; asst. atty. gen., Okla., 1929-31; Municipal Counselor, Okla. City, 1931-32; atty., Okla. Corp. Commn., 1933; mem. bd. tr., Okla. State Bapt. Univ. four years; mem. Masons (32°), W.O.W. Clubs: Sequoyah Dinner Club, Congenial Dinner. Mem. Okla. County, Okla. State and Am. Bar- Associations. Travel: U.S., Can., Mex. Interest: res. in legal problems; after Parking Meter invented at Okla. City, drew first Parking Meter Ordinance and formulated and outlined theory on which legality of fee charged for parking on streets was sustained. Missionary Bap- tist. Democrat. Office: 719 Apco Tower, Oklahoma City, Okla. Home: 707 N.W. 40th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. JEFFERY, William Oats, Jr., pres. Internat. Refining & Mfg. Co., Ltd.; b. Soudan, Minn., June 8, 1896; s. William Oats and Ellen R. (Richards) J.; student U. Coll. Sch., London, Eng., 1911-14; Northwestern U., 1915-19; m. Theresa White, July 26, 1924; children-Barbara Ann, Betty Jane, Jeanette, William Oats, III. Salesman, Internat. Refining & Mfg. Co., 1919-25, western sales mgr., 1925-31, eastern sales mgr., Cleveland, O., 1931-33, sales mgr., 1933-38, dir. of sales Detroit, Mich., 1938-42, pres. Evanston, 111., since 1941. Served with U.S. Navy Res. Force, 1918-19, inactive 1919-24. Mem. Soc. Automotive Engrs., Army Ordnance Assn., Am. Mil. Inst., Phi Kappa Sigma. Mason (Scottish Rite, Shriner). Republican. Methodist. Home: 2223 Central Park Av. Address: 2117 Greenleaf St., Evanston, 111. SHARPE, Dores Robinson, church of- ficial; b. Pembroke, New Brunswick, Can., Jan. 23, 1886; s. Charles Frederick and Frances (Robinson) S.; A.B., U. of New Brunswick, 1908, A.M., 1910; B.D., Rochester Theol. Sem., 1911 (scholar- ship and fellowship) ; studied U. of Chi- cago, 1911-12; D.D., Hillsdale (Mich.) Coll., 1930; LL.D., Arkansas Baptist College, 1931, LL.D., Univ. of New Brunswick, 1943; m. Harriet Maud Holdsworth; Sept. 8, 1914 (died 1917); children- — Margaret Louise, Roger Holds- worth and Harriet Frances (twins) ; m. 2d, Ruth Leila Mitchell, Feb. 25, 1920. Student pastor, 1905-11, missionary among fishermen and lumberjacks; pvt. sec. to Prof. Walter Rauschenbush, Ro- chester, N.Y., 1909-12; ordained Bapt. ministry, 1908; pastor in Edmonton, Calgary and Saskatchewan, organizer for prohibition in Southern Alberta, 1912-17; gen. sec. Sunday Sch. Assn. of Saskatchewan, 1917-19; dir. Forward Movement for Protestant chs. in Saskat- chewan, 1919; gen. supt. Bapt. chs. in Saskatchewan, 1917-25; exec. sec. Cleve- land Bapt. Assn. since 1925; mem. Coun- cil of Finance and Promotion and Council of World Evangelization. Northern Bapt. Conv.; chmn. Com. on City Missions and Com. on Ch. and City of Church Fedn.; chmn. Com. on Public Edn. and Service, Ch. Fedn.; past pres. Cleveland Ch. Fedn. mem. speakers bur. Community Chest; chmn. Com. on Cleveland Man Power; mem. bd. of trustees Cleveland Bapt. Assn.; founder and dir. Cleveland Sunday Evening Hour. Author: The Triumph of Religious Liberty; Of One Blood; The Golden Fountain; also other pageants. Biography of Walter Raus- chenbush. Lecturer, preacher, director institutional finance and organizer. Home: Camp Sharpe, Vermillion, O.; and and Cleveland Athletic Club, Cleveland, O. Office: 1100 Schofield Bldg., Cleve- land, O. HARRINGTON, Leon W., attorney at law; b. Grand Rapids, 21 Dec. 1882; s. Vernon Harrington and Martha A. (Ellis) H.; ed. Central high sch., Grand Rapids, Mich.; LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1905; m. Katherine Johnson of Chicago, 111., Oct. 27, 1945. Dir. Mclnerney Spring & Wire Co., Leitelt Iron Wks., both of Grand Rapids; pres. advisory bd., St. Mary's Hosp.; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Mich. State Bar Assn., Grand Rapids Bar Assn. Clubs: Peninsular, Blythefield Country. Recreation: golf. Republican. Office: 1107 Peoples National Bank Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. Home: 230 Youell Av., S.E. Grand Rapids, Mich. DICKSON, James G., professor of plant pathology, b. Yakima, Wash., 7 Feb. 1891; s. N. J. Dickson, farmer, and Alethe R. (Conrad) D.; ed. Yakima High Sch.; B.S., Wash. State Coll., 1915; M.S., Univ. Wis., 1918, Ph.D., 1920; m. Leah A. Dodds of Yakima, Wash., 24 June 1915; children — James G., Jr., Alan N. (killed in World War II), Nevelle Leah, Charlotte Mae. Grain production and diseases, investigation and teaching, Univ. Wis. and Division Cereal Crops and Diseases, U.S. Dept. Agr., 1918- ; Eur. and Asiatic travel, investigation and collecting cereal grains, 1929-30; prof, of plant pathology, Univ. Wis.; agent Div. Cereal Crops and Diseases, Bureau of Plant Industry Soils and 1180 Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Research Administration, U.S. Dept. Agr.; Directing grain production and distribution in U.S., during World War I, War Research World War II; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Phytopathological Soc, A.A.U.P., Am. Statist. Assn., Wis. Edn. Assn., Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, Phi Sigma. Author: Survey of Grain Crops in Eur. and Asia; Diseases of Cereal and Forage Crop Plants. Diseases of Field Crops. Travel: Eur., Asia, 1929-30, ex- tensive travel No. Am. Congregationalist. Home: 508 Edgewood Av., Madison, Wis. Office: Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. SCOTT, V(irgil) Brown, physician, in- ternal medicine, medical physiologist; b. Sparta, 111., 4 July 1906; s. Rev. Virgil Bryant Scott, D.D., Presbyn. minister, and Margaret Alena (Smith) S.; ed. Cent, high sch., Minneapolis, Minn.; A.B., Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wis., 1927; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1934, M.D., 1935; m. Mildred E. Zschaechner of Appleton, Wis., 29 Aug. 1931. Surg, interne, A.M. Billings Hosp., Chicago, 111., 1936-37; instr., physiol., Ind. Univ. Sch. of Med., 1937, asst. prof., 1937-42; research worker, external secretion of the pancreas; mem. A.A.A.S., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Chi. Author: pubis, on original researches on the physiology of pancreatic secretion. Fath- er b. nr. Madison, Ind., a grad., Hanover Coll., Hanover, Ind. Interests: photog. Recreations: golf, automotive travel. Presbyterian. Democrat. Home: 17 W. Pennsylvania St. Office: Inlow Clinic, Shelbyville, Ind. HARMON, Carlyle, chemical engineer; b. Idaho, 17 Jan/ 1905; s. F. M. Harmon, teacher, and Sophia (Jones) H.; ed. Santa Clara high sch.; A.B., Leland Stanford, 1927 Ch.E., 1928, Ph.D., 1930; m. Delta Arbor of Pocatello, Id., 22 Mar. 1929; children — David Lynn, Norma Ellyn. Worker with Crown Zellerbach Paper Co., lyr.; Hamond Lumber Co., 2 yrs; Marathon Corporation, Chemical Division, about 16 yrs; mem. A.C.S., Am. Leather Chem. Assn., Am. Inst. Chemical Engineers, Wis. Prof. Engrs. Recreations: fishing, tennis, L.D.S. Re- publican. Office: Marathon Corporation, Chemical Division, Rothschild, Wis. Home: 421 Ruder St., Wausau, Wis. SUNDAY, Helen Amelia, evangelist; b. Dundee, 111., 25 June 1868; d. William Thompson, mcht., and Ellen (Binnie) S.; ed. bus. coll., Chicago; m. William Ashley Sunday (dec.) of Ames, la., 5 Sept. 1888; children— Helen Edith, George Marquis, William, Jr., Paul Thompson. Asst., Evangelistic cam- paign, U.S., with husband over 40 yrs.; vice-pres., Winona Lake Christian As- sembly bd. Union Gospel Mission, Charleston, W. Va.; the Bob Jones Coll. bd., Cleveland, Tenn.; mem. W.C.T.U. (life), Pa. Hist. Soc. Club: Lions. Gave replica of battleship Indiana to State Historical Soc. at Indianapolis. Inter- ests: speaker by invitation for past 10% yrs., needlepoint tapestry. Office and home: Winona Lake, Ind. STONE, Ferris Dickerman, lawyer; b. Hillsdale, Mich., 6 Dec. 1882; s. Fred H. Stone, lawyer, and Julia M. (Ferris) S.; ed. Hillsdale high sch.; A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1908, LL.B., 1909; m. Mary Louise Healy of Houghton, Mich., 15 Feb. 1912; children — Margaret, James Healy (It. j.g. U.S.C.G.R), Mary Glenna (Mrs. Malpass), Julia Ferris, Fred Henry. Partner, Miller Canfield, Paddock & Stone; dir., The Detroit Bk. Clubs: De- troit, Country Club of Detroit, Univer- sity, Bay view Yacht. Interest: yachting. Presbyterian. Office: 3456 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. Home: 1223 Buckingham Rd., Grosse Pt. Park 30, Mich. Summer home: East Jordan, Mich. BAYLY, Milton Dawson, clergyman; b. Chilliwack, B.C., Can., Sept. 8, 1893; s. William Henry and Margaret (Gil- ladners) B.; B.A., U. of British Colum- bia, 1917; student St. Stephan's Theol. Coll., Edmonton, Alberta, Can., 1919-20; B.D., Garrett Bibl. Inst., Evanston, 111., 1921; M.A., Northwestern U., 1922; m. Myrtle Ivy Waite, Nov. 9, 1916; children — Vivian Margaret, Melvin Arthur, Ver- la Doreen, Myrton Daryl. Ordained Meth. ministry, 1920; pastor successively at Amboy, La Salle and Sterling, 111., and Normal Park Ch., Chicago and Washington Blvd. Ch., Oak Park, until 1938; pastor Albany Park Ch., Chicago, since 1938; Dean High League Inst., Lake Geneva, Wis., 1931-36; secretary- treasurer, Chicago Methodist Preachers Meeting, 1931-35; vice-pres.; 1935-36; pres., 1936-37; chmn. Chicago Institute Com., 1933-37; pres., Englewood Minis- ters Assn., 1934-35; ministerial advisor Chicago Epworth League Federation, 1935; vice-pres. Bd. of Edn., Rock River Conf., 1932-43; chmn. Com. on Adult Edn., 1935-43; pres. Bd. of Missions and Church Extension, Rock River Conf. since 1943; Mem. bd. dirs. and trust, 1181 Lake Bluff, (111.) Orphanage, Awarded George Hanna Gold Medal in Theology (highest honor St. Stephan's Coll.), 1920. Mason. Recreations: golf, baseball, hik- ing. Home: 2948 Wilson Av. Office: 3100 Wilson Av., Chicago, 111. SCHADDELEE, Richard, pub. utility exec; b. Goedereede, The Netherlands, Mar. 30, 1873; s. Wilhelmus and Neeltje Hubertha (Kievit) S.; ed. common sch., The Netherlands, and corr. course, Am. Gas Inst.; m. Gertrude Klomparens, June 26, 1902; children — Hubert Richard, Leona Gertrude, Geraldine Jean. Came with parents to U.S., 1887. Began as meter reader and collector, Grand Rap- ids (Mich) Gas Co., 1891; v.p. and gen. mgr. Albion (Mich.) Gas Co., 1902-05; Child, Hulswit & Co., 1905-10; United Light & Rys., Co., 1910-26; v.p. United Light & Power Co., 1910-26; pres., 1926- 28; chmn. exec, com., 1928 until retire- ment from active business, still dir.; dir. Am. Light and Traction Co., United Light & Rys. Co., Continental Gas & Electric Corp. Republican. Home: 112 Poplar Trail, Grand Haven, Mich.; (win- ter) Ft. Myers, Fla. HURJA, Arthur Oliver, pres. and treas. advt. & R.E. agency; b. Crystal Falls, Mich., Aug. 7, 1896; s. Mathew and Anne (Kaiser) H.; student Suomi Coll. (Hancock, Mich.), 1904-08, North- western U., 1913-17; m. Pauline Holli- day, July 25, 1918; children — Marijane, Bette, James H. Asst. pub., Northland Press, 1909-13; dept. advt. mgr., Mont- gomery Ward & Co., Chicago, 1913-19; started own bus., Hurja-Johnson-Huwen, Inc., 1920, and has since continued as pres. and treas.; asst. pub., Pathfinder Mag., Washington, 1937-41; has con- ducted surveys for several govt, agen- cies. Lt. to capt., U.S. Army, 1917-19; It. col. U.S. Army, hdqrs. staff 6th serv- ice command, Chicago, 1941-44; dir. se- curity and intelligence div., Dist. 3; mem. Gen. Court Martial Bd., Ft. Sheri- dan, 111. Mem. Alpha Kappa Psi. Pres- byterian. Clubs: 111. Athletic, Merchants and Mfrs. (Chicago). Contbr. to Printers Ink, Advt. & Selling. Home: 323 S. Sco- ville Av., Oak Park, 111. Office: 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. MURPHY, Robert Brady Lawrence, attorney; b. Madison, Wis., 5 Dec. 1905; s. Lawrence B. Murphy, atty., and Eliza- beth (Brady) B.; ed. Cent high sch.; A.B., Univ. Wis., 1929; A.M., 1930; LL.B., 1932. Mem. Dane Co., Wis. State and Am. Bar Assn., American Judica- ture Soc, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Chi Phi, Wis. State Hist. Soc. Clubs: Univ. (Madison), Madison Club, Mendota Yacht. Catholic. Republican. Home: 2003 Van Hise Av. Office: 110 E. Main St., Madison, Wis. WHEAT, James Howard, lawyer; b. Thomasboro, 111., May 28, 1909; s. Wil- liam Howard and Mabel (Williams) W.; B.A., U. of 111., 1931, LL.B., 1933; m. Dorothy Stuttle, Jan. 26, 1936; children — James Frederick, William Louis. Ad- mitted to 111. bar, 1934 and since prac- ticed in Champaign; vice-pres. and dir. First Nat. Bank, Rantoul, 111. Now serv- ing in U.S. Army Air Forces, Dir. Mc- Kinley Y.M.C.A. Mem. Am., 111. State and Champaign County bar assns., Phi Delta Phi, Alpha Delta Phi. Republican. Methodist. Mason. Clubs: Union League (Chicago, 111.); Golf and Country, Uni- versity (Urbana). Home: 404 S. Willis St. Office: 113 N. Neil, Champaign, 111. GRAJEWSKI, Leo Edward, surgeon; b. Nanticoke, Pa. 27 Aug. 1888; s. Victor Grajewski, mcht., and Florence (Shankowski) G.; ed. Wyo. Sem.; Nanti- coke High Sch.; Jefferson Medical Coll.; M.D., Univ. of Pittsburgh; m. Marie P. Lewis of Steubenville, Ohio, 23, Dec. 1915; g. St. Mary of the Springs, Colum- bus, Ohio. 1 dau. — Joan Marie. Interne, Elizabeth Steele Magee Hosp., Pitts- burgh, Pa., St. Mary's Hosp., Detroit, Mich., res., Grace Hosp., Detroit, Mich.; attending Jr. uro. St. Mary's Hosp., at- tending uro. Alexander Blain Hosp., Blain Clinic; cons. St. Francis Hosp., Hamtramack, Mich.; F.A.C.S., mem. Gorgas Soc, Wayne Med. Soc, Mich. State Med. Soc, Detroit Branch Am. Uro. Soc, A.M. A. Club: Detroit Yacht. Author: Consideration of Some of the Problems of Cystitis; on The Use of the Paraffin Testicle; Anomalies of the Ure- ter; Administration of Novarsenobenzol Per Rectum; Congenital Hydro- Ureter (Megaloureter) : Management of Large Vesical Calculi; Clinical Application of Testosterone Pellets in Testitular De- ficiency; Thrombo Phlebitis of Dorsai Vein of Penis; Cystitis Cystica, Patho- logical Review and Treatment; Condi- tions of Male and Female Urethra as Demonstrated by Cysto-Urethrography; Medical Group Practice: Thirty-five Years Experience; Congenital Solitary Kidney Associated with Lithiasis. Rec- creations: fishing, hunting, landscape gardening. Summer res.: Camp Liberty, Va. Office: Alexander Blain Hosp., De- 1182 troit, Mich. Home: 1408 Kensington, Grosse Pointe, Mich. TROY, Adrian, artist, writer; b. Hull, Yorkshire, Eng., Feb. 20, 1901. Ex- hibited 1935 to 1946 at Carnegie Insti- tute, Pittsburgh, Whitney Museum, New York City, Library of Congress, Wash- ington, N.Y. World's Fair, 1939, Chicago Art Institute, San Francisco Museum of Art and others. Represented in per- manent collections of Carnegie Institute, Chicago Art Institute, etc. Home: 1504 E. 57th St. Chicago, 111. DeLONG, James Edwin, manufac- turer; b. Zionsville, Ind., 31 May 1889; s. James DeLong, farmer, and Frances (Havens) D.; ed. New Augusta, Ind. high sch.; Purdue Univ.; m. Esther M. Rogers of Logansport, Ind., 6 Nov. 1912; 1 son — Roger G. Engr., Rutenber Motor Co., Logansport; sec, treas., Rutenber Elec. Co.; Ind. Truck, Marion, Ind., Waukesha Motor Co., 1923- ; 1st Div. Ammunition Train A.E.F., during entire World War; Army Occupation, 8 mos., 1 Citation; mem. S.A.E. Clubs: University (Milwaukee). Union League Club, (Chicago). Recreation: golf. Prot- estant. Home: Route 1. Office: Wau- kesha Motor Co., Waukesha, Wis. BOND, Fred Chester, engineer; b. Golden, Colo., 10 June 1899; s. Frank J. Bond, farmer, and Harriet L. (Songer) B.; ed. Wheatridge high sch., Denver, Colo.; Univ. Denver; E.M., Colo. Sch. Mines, 1922, M.Sc, 1926; m. Margaret Jean Lowe of Denver, Colo., 29 Aug. 1925; children — Robert Franklin, Bruce Frederick. Metallurgist, Silver Mine, Honduras, 1923-24; instr. chem., Colo. Sch. Mines, 1925-29; ore dressing res. wk., Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., 1930- ; installed Radium Mill, Gt. Bear Lake, Can., 1933-34, Gold Concentration Plants, Peru, 1936-37; mem. Masons, A.I.M. & M.E., A.C.S., A.A.A.S. Author: tech. arts on ore dressing, grinding, etc.; Problem Course in Chemistry; Astrono- mical Notes. Travel: Can., Cent. Am., So. Am. Interests: math., Astron., philos. Presbyterian. Office: Director, Basic Industries Laboratory, Allis-Chal- mers Manufacturing Co., West Allis, Wis. Home: 1645 South 80th St., West Allis, Wis. SLOSSON, Preston William, professor of history; b. Laramie, Wyo., 2 Sept. 1892; s. Edwin E. Slosson, journalist, chemist, and May (Preston) S.; ed. De- Witt Clinton high sch.; B.S., Columbia Univ., 1912, M.A., 1913; Ph.D., 1916; Hillsdale, LL.D., 1944; m. Lucy C. Denny (Mrs. Wright) of Richmond, Va., 1927; children — stepdau. — Lucy Chase Wright (Mrs. F. B. Stephenson), Mary Elizabeth Wright (Mrs. David Fire- stone); own dau. — Flora May, Edith. Lit. ed., N.Y. Independent, 1917-18; instr. history, Univ. Mich., 1921-23; asst. prof., 1923-27; assoc. prof., 1927-37; prof., 1937- ; asst. librarian Am. Peace Commn., 1918-19; mem. Am. Hist. Assn., Phi Beta Kappa. Club: Research (Univ. Mich.). Author: Fated or Free, 1914; Decline of the Chartist Movement, 1916; Twentieth Century Europe, 1927; The Great Crusade and After, 1930; Europe since 1870, 1935; Growth of European Civilization, (co-author) 1938; World History, (co-author) 1942; Why We Are at War, 1942; History of the English- Speaking Peoples, (co-author), 1943; After the War— What?, 1943. Travel: Carnegie Endowment Prof., Great Brit- ain. Congregationalist. Mugwump. Of- fice: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Home: 2101 Devonshire Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. PETTIT, Harvey P., professor of mathematics; b. Chadron, Neb., 25 Apr. 1893; s. Rev. L. D. Pettit, minister, and Olive (Martin) P.; ed. Jackson high sch.; B. A., Kalamazoo Coll., 1914; M.A., Univ. Ky., 1919; Ph.D., Univ. 111., 1922; m. Marcia Foster of Grand Rapids, 10 Oct. 1914; children — Marshall, Marcia. Teacher, math., Holland, Mich., 1914-18; White Fellowship, math. Univ. Ky., 1918-19; grad. asst., Univ. 111., 1919-22, instr., 1922-23; prof., head of math, dept., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1923-26; prof., math., Marquette Univ., 1926- ; head of math, dept., 1928- ; mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Math. Soc, Math. Assn. Am., Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Mu Epsilon. Author: College Algebra; Essentials of Analytic Geometry. Inter- ests: ch. organist, choir dir. Presbyter- ian. Republican. Office: Marquette Univ. Milwaukee, Wis.. Home: Water- ford, Wis. MORGAN, Carrie E., superintendent of schools , (retired) ; b. Plattsburg, N.Y., 12 May 1864; d. John G. Morgan, mfgr., and Mary J. (White) M.; ed. Ap- pleton high sch.; B.A., Univ. Wis., 1886; M.A., (hon.) Lawrence Coll., 1938. Teacher of langs., Neenah high sch.; supt. of schs., Appleton, 1894-1924, sec, bd. edn., 1894-1938, purchasing agent., asst. supt., 1924-38; sec, Appleton Ma- chine Co.; mem. pub. lib. bd., 1897- 1183 1924; mem. D.A.R., Gamma Phi Beta, Delta Kappa Gamma, N.E.A. (life mem.), A.A.U.W., League of Women Voters, Pan Am. League. Club: Clio Lit. Travel: Europe. Interests: music, art. Congregationalist. Home: 715 E. Eldo- rado St., Appleton, Wis. SNODGRASS, Thomas Joseph II., surgeon; b. Baraboo, Wis., 2 Mar. 1892; s. Thomas J. Snodgrass, pioneer Metho- dist minister, and Jennie (Nuzum) S.; ed. River Falls high Sch.; Hamline Univ., St. Paul; B.Sc, Univ. Minn., 1915; M.D., 1916; m. Nettie May Smith of River Falls, 30 Aug. 1917; children — Thomas Joseph, III, Hubert Williams. Started practice of medicine at the Pember Nuzum Clinic, 1917, as assist, in surgery to Dr. T. W. Nuzum; was a founder of the Kiwanis Underprivileged Child Welfare work in Janesville, 1921; preceptor, Univ. Wis. Med Sch.; surg., pres., dir., Pember-Nuzum Clinic; surg. Rock Co. Hosps., Kiwanis Welfare Clinic; mem. staff, Mercy Hosp.; mem. city council, city mgr. form govt., 4 yrs., sec. Med. Bd. Rev. No. 6, Selective Service; 1st It., Med Corps, 26 Allery, Fr., World War; It; col. Wis. State Guard; F.A.C.S.; mem. Rock Co. Med. Soc. (pres., tr.), A.M.A.; Wis. State Med. Soc, Trudeau Soc, Civic Music Assn. § (pres., dir.); Diplomate Am. Bd. Surgery, Western Surgical Assn. Club: Kiwanis. Travel: Eur., U.S. Desc g.f. was pioneer Meth. minister and circuit rider. Interests: music, trout fishing. Recreations: golf, fishing. Methodist. Republican. Office: Pember-Nuzum Clinic, Janesville, Wis. Home: 1108 Ra- cine St., Janesville, Wis. Summer res.: Brule, Wis. HOYLER, Clement, clergyman, bish- op; b. Excelsior, Minn., 12 May 1872; s. Jacob Hoyler, clergyman, and Emilie (Rupprecht) H.; ed. High Sch., Water- town, Wis.; Northwestern Coll. (Luth- eran) Watertown, Wis.; B.A., Moravian Coll., Bethlehem, Pa., 1890; B.D., Mora- vian Theol. Sem., Bethlehem, Pa., 1892; D.D., Moravian Theol. Sem., Bethlehem, Pa., 1943; M. Mary C. Gerdsen of Ex- celsior, Minn., 20 Aug. 1902; children — Cyril Nathaniel, Mabel. Ordained to Moravian Ministry, 1892; pastor, Mora- vian Ch., Elizabeth, N. J., 1892-96; various pastorates, in Alberta and Sas- katchewan, Can., 1896-1925; conse- crated 1st Moravian Bishop for Can., 1908; pres., of Can. Moravian Ch., 1904- 25; supply pastor, Moravian Ch., Ephraim, Wis., 1925-26; pastor, West Side Moravian Ch., Green Bay, Wis., 1926- ; twice elected del. to the internat. synod of the Moravian ch., held in Saxony, Ger.; 1914, from Can., from U.S., 1931; mem. Br. and For. Bible Soc. (life) ; State Lectr. for Wis., on Wildlife Conservation, 1940. Author: Life of Hans Torgerson; Ephraim in the Making; Pioneering in Alberta; and other hist, monographs. Travel: Eur. Interests: Hebrew, bot., entomology, astronomy. Recreations; music. Mora- vian. Republican. Office and home: 521 Fourth St., Green Bay, Wis. WRIGHT, Zoe, librarian; b. Riverside, la., June 6, 1895; d. Henry C. and Al- meda (Scott) Harmon; A.B., Iowa State Teachers Coll.; B.L.S., Columbia U.; married, Aug. 22, 1916 (widowed), 1 dau., Joy Louise. Hospital librarian State Univ. of Iowa Hospitals, 1932-37; head librarian W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Mich., 1937-46; librarian Div. for the Blind, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., since 1947. Mem. Special Libraries, Am. and Mich, library assns. Presbyterian. Home: 1544 Mt. Eagle PI., Alexandria, Va. Office: Divi- sion for the Blind, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. PENDLETON, Emmet, concert pian- ist, composer; b. Red Bluff, Calif., May 20, 1887; s. Jesse Francis Pendleton and Barbara Elizabeth (Eye) P.; ed. State Coll., Chico, Calif.; U. of Calif.; studied piano, San Francisco, Calif., with Hugh Mansfeldt; worked in theory and com- position with Florence Guppy, Arthur Farwell, Arthur Foote, etc.; unmarried. Traveled extensively in Europe; in Ger- many and Italy, 1921-25; has given numerous piano recitals; teacher piano, Red Bluff (Calif.) over 25 years; wrote music for Don Totheroh's play, Tamal- pa, given in the Mountain Theater on Mount Tamalpais (Calif) May 22, 1938; weekly program for radio station KHSL, Chico (Calif.), Aug. 1935-37. Author: (poetry) Sonnets Of California, 1912; Sonnets of Passion, 1913; Kim Sue Speaks, 1940; also published musi- cal compositions for voice and piano, including: Pendletonia, Excerpts Cali- fornia, Miniatures, Light of the Lord, etc; numerous songs have been pub. separately without opus numbers, in- cluding: Among the Lillies, From Moon- Filled Sky, Quiet Paths; winner several nat. awards. Home: 1038 Oak St., Red Bluff, Calif. 1184