630.7 I6b no. 668 cop. 8 ,, Perfor mance COMMERC HYBRIDS in Illinois, 1960 ASHKUM STANFORDsc GREENFIELD I I BROWNSTOWN By Earl R. Leng G. L. Ross Location of 7960 test fields BULLETIN 668 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CONTENTS PLAN OF THE TESTS 3 GROWING CONDITIONS 5 MEASURING PERFORMANCE 6 CONTRIBUTORS OF SEED 7 PEDIGREES OF 34 HYBRIDS 9 RESULTS OF VARIETY TESTS 10 Extreme Northern Illinois: Woodstock 10 Northern Illinois: DeKalb 12 West North-Central Illinois: Galesburg 15 East North-Central Illinois: Ashkum 19 West-Central Illinois: Bowen 22 Central Illinois: Stanford 24 East-Central Illinois: Urbana 27 West South-Central Illinois: Greenfield 31 Southern Illinois: Brownstown 33 Extreme Southern Illinois: Wolf Lake 34 Increased Planting Rates 36 INDEX TO TABLES . . .42 Special acknowledgment is due W. C. Jacob and R. D. Seif for processing the data. Acknowledgment is also due the following individuals for assistance with individual tests: A. R. Kemp and Don Teel, farm adviser and assistant in Knox County, for assistance with the test at Galesburg; D. R. Browning for assistance with the test at Wolf Lake; and Carlin Morton for assistance with the test at Bowen. Urbana, Illinois March, 1961 Publications in the Bulletin series report the results of investigations made or sponsored by the Experiment Station no. Cop. PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS IN ILLINOIS, 1960 By EARL R. LENG and G. L. Ross 1 ABUMPKR 1960 CORN CROP of almost 697 million bushels was esti- mated for Illinois 3 percent above the previous peak production established in 1959. The average yield of 68 bushels per acre was 1 bushel below the all-time high yield of 69 bushels established in 1958. The crop generally appeared to be of excellent quality although inter- mittent showers and damp weather slowed drying. Very little of the late corn was damaged by frost. 2 PLAN OF THE TESTS Number of hybrids and their sources. In 1960, 425 hybrids were grown in 13 major tests at ten locations in the state. Fifty-six com- panies and individuals, as well as the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, furnished seed for the tests. Test fields were located at the same places as in 1957, 1958, and 1959. General information on the tests is summarized in Table 1. Representatives of the Illinois Station collected seed for planting the test fields. Seed was obtained directly from warehouses or seed supplies of the producers entering the respective hybrids. Seed of certain open-pedigreed hybrids was furnished by the Illinois Station. Selection of entries. Each year producers of hybrid seed corn are given an opportunity to nominate hybrids for testing in the various performance trials. A fee is charged for testing the hybrids nominated. For the past several years, all hybrids nominated by the closing date for entries have been accepted and tested in the performance test plots. Occasionally experimental hybrids are nominated by commercial seed firms for inclusion in the performance testing program. These have been accepted and tested in the same manner as commercially available hybrids. Experimental hybrids and standard open-pedigree hybrids produced by the Illinois Station also are included in certain of the tests. The performance of additional experimental hybrids in 1960 and preceding years is reported in Illinois Bulletin 669. 1 EARL R. LENG, Professor of Agronomy ; G. L. Ross, Crops Testing Tech- nician. 2 Estimates of yield for the state were furnished by the Illinois Cooperative Crop Reporting Service, Illinois State Department of Agriculture, cooperating with the U. S. Department of Agriculture. 4 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Table 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: Illinois Commercial Hybrid Corn Tests, 1960 Field, county, location, and number of entries Date planted Date harvested Average acre yield Moisture in grain Erect plants Stand Regular planting rate Woodstock: McHenry, Ex. N, 72 DeKalb- DeKalb, N, 100 May 15 May 24 June 1 May 31 June 1 May 12 May 18 June 2 June 9 May 10 May 24 May 18 June 2 Oct. 29 Nov. 4 Oct. 27-28 Nov. 15 Oct. 25 Oct. 6 Nov. 14 Oct. 22 Nov. 19 Oct. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 14 Oct. 22 bu. perct. 81.2 23.4 104.8 27.1 106.6 26.5 74.6 22.5 94.1 22.3 112.7 22.1 106.5 19.9 85.6 22.6 Field was discarded 76.0 19.3 103.2 29.2 93.3 20.2 87.4 22.7 perct. 90.9 91.8 90.6 89.8 91.3 97.0 91 .6 92.5 94.6 88.2 78.0 94.7 perct. 92. 1 91.7 90.1 89.4 88.4 94.2 94.3 86.9 86.2 88.2 91.4 81.1 Galesburg: Knox. WNC, 132 Ashkunv Iroqunis, ENC, 90 Bowen: Hancock, WC, 72 Stanford: McLean, C, 100 Urbana: Champaign, EC, 121 Greenfield: Macoupin, WSC. 72. . Wolf Lake: Union, Ex. S, 64 Increased planting rate DeKalb: DeKalb, N. 56 Urbana: Champaign, EC, 64 Greenfield: Macoupin. WSC. 42. . COOPERATORS: EARL HUGHES, McHenry county; RALPH ANDERSON, Knox county; MELVIN KRAFT, Iroquois county, ELDON GOLDEN, Hancock county; ROBERT BUTH, McLean county; CHARLES Ross, Macoupin county; EARL SCHWARM, Fayette county; SHAWNEE HIGH SCHOOL, Union county. Tests in DeKalb and Champaign counties were located on University of Illinois farms managed by R. E. BELL and C. H. FARNHAM. P. E. JOHNSON, Assistant Professor of Soil Fertility, supervised field operations on the test in Fayette county, and D. R. BROWNING supervised field operations on the Union county test field. Soil characteristics of fields. The test fields usually are medium to high in productivity, and each is chosen to represent a soil type common to the region where it is located. Insofar as possible, each field is selected for uniformity in soil type, productivity, and drainage. Approximate locations of test fields are shown on the map on the cover. Soil characteristics and management are described in Table 2. Field-plot design. The experimental designs used were ran- domized blocks, or lattice designs of the appropriate size, with three replications each. Data were recorded on mark-sense cards and were processed by a combination of procedures on IBM equipment. Method of planting. All test fields were planted by machine on land prepared in the normal way for corn. All test plots except those at DeKalb, Urbana, and Brownstown were part of larger cornfields and were surrounded by farmers' corn. Individual plots consisted of one row, 11 hill-spaces long. Planting simulated "power checking," with one, two, or three kernels being dropped each 20 inches, depending on the planting rate desired. A planting rate of 14,000 plants per acre was used at Brownstown. At Woodstock, Wolf Lake, Ashkum, Bowen, and Stanford and in the "regular rate" tests at DeKalb, Urbana, and Green- field the planting rate was 16,000 plants per acre. Galesburg was planted at 18,000 plants per acre. For the "increased planting rate" 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS tests, the rates were 24,000 per acre at DeKalb and Urbana, and 20,000 at Greenfield. The plots were not thinned. Method of harvest. All plots were mechanically harvested with a slightly modified Ford one-row picker-sheller. The shelled corn from each plot was collected in a bag, weighed, and sampled for moisture percentage. No attempt was made to glean missed or dropped ears or to estimate the shelled corn lost in the harvesting operations. GROWING CONDITIONS The 1960 growing season was exceptionally favorable throughout the state, except that excessive moisture delayed planting in some Table 2. TEST FIELDS: Soil Characteristics, Management Practices, and Rainfall in 1960 r-Tir. Available Available Soil type r ^"' r f e - phosphorus potassium Previous crops and rainfall Extreme Northern: Woodstock High High Corn 1959; alfalfa 1958; alfalfa 1957. Rainfall (inches): May 5.6; June 3.9; July 3.0; August 2.3. Northern: DeKalb Medium High Clover 1959; oats and clover 1958; corn 1957. Rainfall (inches): May 6.2; June 4.1; July 4.8; August 3.0. West North-Central: Galesburg Proctor silt loam Flanagan silt loam Sable silty clay loam Milford clay loam Virden tilty clay loam Muscatine silt loam Brenton silt loam Herrick silt loam Cisne silt loam Riley fine sandy loam Medium Medium High High Alfalfa 1959; alfalfa 1958; oats 1957. Rainfall (inches): May 6.1; June 5.8; July 2.2; August 5.4. East North-Central: Ashkum High Clover 1959; oats and clover 1958; soybeans 1957. Rainfall (inches) : August 5.1. West-Central: Bowen High Corn 1959; alfalfa May 3.1; June 5.0; July 1.1; 1958; alfalfa 1957. Rainfall (inches): May 6.8; June 8.6; July 3.7; August 5.0. Central: Stanford Medium High Alfalfa 1959; Alfalfa 1958; alfalfa 1957. Rainfall (inches): May 3.6; June 8.3; July 4.8; August 2.2. East-Central: Urbana Medium Low Corn 1959; alfalfa 1958; alfalfa 1957. Rainfall (inches): May 4.1; June 6.2; July 2.8; August 1.3. West South-Central: Greenfield Medium High Corn 1959; wheat 1958; soybeans 1957. Rainfall (inches): May 4.1; June 4.2; July 3.1; August 2.1. Southern: Brownstown Medium Low Oats and clover 1959; corn 1958; oats and clover 1957. Rainfall (inches): May 5.9; June 7.2; July 1.8; August 2.2. Extreme Southern: Wolf Lake High High Corn 1959; corn 1958; corn 1957. Rainfall (inches): May 3.9; June 3.5; July 2.8; August 4.6. 6 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, localities and spread the planting operations over about 4 weeks. On some fields the planting was halted because of heavy rains, and the last planting was not finished until the second week in June. Imme- diately following the planting at Brownstown and Galesburg, more than 2 inches of rainfall packed the seedbeds and materially reduced the stands. Moisture and temperature conditions were generally favorable for the entire state from June through August. The Ashkum field suffered a little from the drouth that prevailed in that area. August was a warm humid month throughout the state, favoring development of the crop, but also providing favorable conditions for the development of Helminthosporium leaf blight, and certain stalk rot diseases. The most severe epidemic was noted this year at the Woodstock field. Fortunately the corn crop was well along in its development by the time leaf blight became widespread, and actual reduction in yield was not severe. Maturity was slow because of a wet September and October, and moisture percentage in the grain was about 3 percent above that for 1959. Only the Urbana test was at a normal moisture percent at harvest, but the test was severely lodged, especially in the high- population planting, and reduced yields were noted on a number of hybrids. MEASURING PERFORMANCE The entries of the 1960 tests are listed in the tables in alphabetical order. It is hoped that this arrangement will reduce the emphasis often placed on yield alone, and that it will call attention to the impor- tance of more than a single year's observations. Yield of grain. In all tests the total acre yield was calculated as shelled corn containing 15.5 percent moisture, the upper limit allowable for No. 2 corn. Shelled-corn weight and moisture percentage were determined for each plot of each hybrid. All moisture determinations were made with a Radson moisture tester. Erect plants. The count of erect plants in each plot of each hybrid was taken at the time of harvest of the respective test field. Plants leaning at an angle of 45 or more or broken below the ear were considered lodged. Plants broken only above the ear were considered to be erect. Stand. A count was made in late summer at all fields of the num- ber of missing plants in each plot of each entry. The percent stand was computed by comparing the actual number of plants in each plot with 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 7 the number that would have been present if all kernels planted had produced mature plants. Stand differences may have been caused by failure of germination or by disease, insect damage, or cultivation injury. The following should be kept in mind when comparing the per- formance of hybrids on any one field: 1. Tests covering several years (see first part of data tables) give more reliable results than those covering only one year. Therefore special attention should be given to the summaries covering three or five years' results. However, the fact that a hybrid does not appear in the summaries should not be overemphasized, since its absence may mean that 1960 was the first year in which it was tested or that it missed only one year of the series. 2. Small differences, especially in a single year's test, do not neces- sarily indicate that one hybrid is truly superior to another. Interpreta- tion of the data and comparison of hybrids may be made more meaningful by use of the "difference necessary for significance" appear- ing at the bottom of each table. These differences have been computed by the "Multiple Range test." 1 To find the difference necessary for the 5-percent level of significance in comparing any two or more hybrids, the hybrids must be listed in order of their performance for the partic- ular character being considered (they are now listed alphabetically in the 1960 results and ranked by yield in the summaries). Then the number of hybrids being compared plus the number falling between them on this ranking list should be counted. The total will be the "number in range." Once the "number in range" has been determined, the corresponding "difference necessary for significance" can be read from the table. CONTRIBUTORS OF SEED AES Hybrids George Pfeifer Seed Co Arcola Abbott Hybrids John R. Abbott Walnut Ainsworth Hybrids Ainsworth Seed Co Mason City Appl Hybrids Appl's Hybrid Seed Co 208 N. Main St., St. Joseph Bear Hybrids Bear Hybrid Corn Co Box 628, Decatur Canterbury Hybrids C. E. Canterbury Seed Co Cantrall Cargill Hybrids Cargill, Inc 200 Grain Ex- change Bldg., Minneapolis 15, Minn. 'DUNCAN, D. B., "Multiple Range and Multiple F. Tests." Biometrics 11(1): 1-43. 1955. 8 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Cornelius Hybrids Cornelius Hybrid Corn Co Bellevue, Iowa Crib Filler Hybrids Mitchell Farms Windfall, Ind. DeKalb Hybrids DeKalb Agriculture Assn., Inc 310 N. Sth St., DeKalb Doubet Hybrids E. W. Doubet Hanna City Embro Hybrids Ed. F. Mangelsdorf and Bros., Inc. . . 1020 S. 4th St., P.O. Box 327, St. Louis 66, Mo. Forster Hybrids Forster Seed Co Dpnnellson, Iowa Frey Hybrids Frey Hybrid Corn Co., Inc Gilman Holmes Hybrids Holmes Hybrids, Inc Edelstein Illinois Hybrids Illinois Agr. Exp. Station Urbana George Pfeifer Seed Co Arcola Stone Seed Co Pleasant Plains Indiana Hybrids Illinois Agr. Exp. Station Urbana Princeton Farms P. O. Box 319, Princeton, Ind. Jones Hybrids Jones Farm Store Ridgeway McAllister Hybrids McAllister Seed Farms Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Middlekoop Hybrids John Middlekoop Packwood, Iowa Moews Hybrids Moews Seed Co Granville Monier Hybrids Roger Monier Sparland Morton Hybrids Roy A. Morton and Sons, Inc Bowen Mountjoy Hybrids Mountjoy Hybrid Seed Co Atlanta Muncy Chief Hybrids Hoffman Seed and Grain Co Muncy, Pa. Munson Hybrids Munson Hybrids R. R. 3, Galesburg Nichols Hybrids Nichols Bros Hebron Northrup King Hybrids Northrup King and Co 1500 Jackson N.E., Minneapolis 13, Minn. Null Hybrids Null Seed Farms R. F. D. 1, Colchester Pfeifer Hybrids George Pfeifer Seed Co Arcola P.A.G. Hybrids Pfister Assoc. Growers, Inc W. Galena Road, Aurora Pioneer Hybrids Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Co. of Illinois. Princeton Plymouth Hybrids Bruns Bros. Seed Co Camp Point Pocklington Hybrids Pocklington Bros So. Standard City Prairie Gold Hybrids Dittmer Seeds Carthage Princeton Hybrids Princeton Farms P.O. Box 319, Princeton, Ind. Robe Hybrids Robe Hybrid Corn Co Smithshire Schenk's Hybrids Charles T. Schenk and Sons, Inc Vincennes, Ind. Schwenk's Hybrids Schwenk Seed Co Edwards Sieben Hybrids Sieben Hybrids Geneseo Steckley Hybrids Steckley Hybrid Corn Co 2416 N. St., Lincoln, Neb. Stewart Hybrids Stewart Hybrids Inc Princeville Stiegelmeier Hybrids H. L. Stiegelmeier 1400 Mark Lane, Normal Stone Hybrids Stone Seed Co Pleasant Plains Stull Hybrids Stull Bros., Inc Sebree, Ky. Super-Crost Hybrids E. J. Funk and Sons Kentland, Ind. Tiemann Hybrids Tiemann Tested Hybrid Corn Co. . .917 E. Oakland Ave., Blpomington Todd Hybrids W. H. Todd and Sons Burlington, Ind. Tomco Hybrids Tomco Inc Belmond, Iowa Trisler Hybrids Trisler Seed Farms Inc Fairmount Troyer Hybrids C. E. Troyer R. R. 1, La Fontaine, Ind. 1961} COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS United-Hagie Hybrids United-Hagie Hybrids, Inc 503 Park Street, Des Moines 9, Iowa Van Horn Hybrids Van Horn Hybrids, Inc Cerro Gordo Victor Hybrids Polo Seed Co Polo Whisnand Hybrids Whisnand Hybrid Corn Co R. R. 3, Arcola * Wyckoff's Hybrids Wyckoff's Hybrid Corn Co R. R. 3, Valparaiso, Ind. Wyffels Hybrids William Wyffels P. O. Box 157, R. R. 1, Geneseo PEDIGREES OF 34 HYBRIDS Following is a list of open-pedigree hybrids whose performance is shown in this bulletin: AES 702...(WF9XHy2)(C103XM14) AES 805. . . (WF9X38-ll)(C103XOh45) 111. 274-1... (WF9XHy2)(Oh7X 187-2) 111. 1277. . .(WF9XM14)(187-2XI.205) 111. 1332. . .(WF9X38-ll)(Hy2XOh7) 111. 1349. . .(38-llXMo.940)(K155XK201) 111. 1421 . . . (WF9XHy2)(P8XOh7) 111. 1511. . .(WF9XHy2)(38-llXL304A) 111. 1555A..(WF9XOh51A)(I.224XOh28) 111. 1570. . .(WF9X38-ll)(Hy2XOh41) III. 1851. . .(C103X38-ll)(Oh7XCI.21E) III. 1919. . .(WF9X38-11)(R130XR156) 111. 1936. . .(WF9XHy2)(M14XB14) 111. 1952. . .(M14XB14)(A545XW64A) 111. 1960. . .(W64AXM14)(B14XA545) III. 1969A..(WF9XR165)(R168XB14) 111. 1992. . .(C103XB14)(WF9XOh7A) 111. 1996 (Hy2XOh7)(B14XC103) 111. 2214W...(R30XKy27)(H2lXK64) 111. 3042 (WF9XB14)(B40XOh45) 111. 3152 (WF9XM14)(B14XOh43) 111. 3182A. . .(WF9XR105)(R151XR154) 111. 3302A-1..(W64AXM14)(B14XR172) 111. 3315A. . .(WF9XHy2)(R109BXB14) 111. 3343 (R71XR74)(H49XH55) 111. 3347 (R74XR101)(H49XH55) 111. 3348 (R74XR109B)(H49XH55) 111.3360.. ..(R101XOh41)(H49XH51) 111. 6201 (R53XOh7)(WF9XB14) 111. 6202 (R53XOh51)(Oh43XW64A) 111. 8001 (Hy2XR138)(Oh7XOh7B) 111. 8006 (R158XCI.42A)(Oh7AXOh7B) Ind. 851.. ..(H49XH55)(H59XB14) Ind. 909 (K64XK61)(H21X33-16) Table 3. EXTREME NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Woodstock Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand SUMMARY: 1958-1960 bit. perct. perct. percl. Moews SOOA 110.2 24.9 56.4 95.2 Pioneer 371 102.0 19.5 62.1 93.9 Pioneer 380 99.0 20.5 67.3 86.4 Moews 48A 99.0 22.7 70.7 91.5 P.A.G. 305 (formerly 8884) . . . 99.0 23.1 74.4 92.7 Pioneer 354 98.5 22.1 67.0 87.9 Moews 14E 96.0 21.4 50.6 94.2 Hulling 242 96.0 23.3 73.8 81.6 P.A.G. 62 95.5 20.7 51.5 91.8 DeKalb444 94.0 24.8 72.3 93.7 Steckley's Genetic Giant 1 .... 93.8 19.6 67.0 86.8 P.A.G. 323 93.8 24.0 55.6 92.9 P.A.G. 234 93 . 7 22.5 61.6 93.6 DeKalb411... ... 93.3 21.1 65.1 89.9 DeKalb 414 92.8 22.4 62.7 90.3 DeKalb423 91.6 24.4 58.9 93.5 Nichols NB43 91.0 22.1 63.1 89.0 Northrup King KT6 90.8 22.8 57.7 89.0 Moews 14DR 90.1 21.0 59.5 93.3 Steckley's Genetic Giant 4 .... 89.2 20.8 71.6 86.2 Northrup King KT 89.2 22.6 56.5 88.4 Illinois 1555 A (Station) 88.8 21.5 60.5 91.4 Illinois 1960 (Station) 86.8 21.2 64.0 94.5 Nichols NB53 86.5 20.8 54.2 90.9 Illinois 1277 (Station) 81.6 22.1 53.8 87.1 Average of all entries .... 93.7 22.1 62.3 90.6 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 12.9 2.5 N.S. N.S. 3-5 14.4 2.8 N.S. N.S. 6-10 15.3 3.0 N.S. N.S. Over 10 16.2 3.2 N.S. N.S. SUMMARY: 1959-1960 Moews SOOA 113.5 25.0 76.4 94.5 DeKalb 400 107.2 22.9 58.6 85.8 Moews 48A 100.7 23.8 82.0 91.0 Hulling 242 100.6 21.8 76.3 87.4 Cornelius 404B 100.5 22.0 73.8 93.7 DeKalb 440 100.4 23.9 78.9 90.7 P.A.G. 305 (formerly 8884) . . . 99.4 24.1 76.9 94.0 Pioneer 371 99.0 20.8 75.5 95.9 Hulling 238 97.8 22.3 57.3 95.2 Pioneer 354 97.7 22.6 70.9 92.7 Pioneer 380 97.6 20.9 69.6 93.9 DeKalb 444 . 97.2 23.6 81.3 95.2 Pioneer 352 97.0 22.0 61.8 94.7 Moews 14E 96.5 22.4 61.8 95.1 Cargill 180 96.4 22.8 68.1 85.2 Norlhrup King KT 95 . 1 21.2 62.3 92.7 Norlhrup King KT6 94.9 24.0 64.7 91.0 Nichols NB43 94.5 22.8 63.3 90.7 P. A.G. 62 94.0 21.1 64.8 94.4 DeKalb 423 93.4 23.5 62.9 92.8 P.A.G. 234 92 . 7 22.7 74.2 94.6 Hulling 245 91.3 22.0 72.4 92.6 Steckley's Genetic Giant 1 . . 90.9 20.0 68.7 88.2 DeKalb 411 90.8 22.4 71.8 93.2 P.A.G. 323 90.8 23.2 67.5 96.0 DeKalb 414 90.4 22.7 70.8 90.5 Super-Crosl 438 89.4 22.4 72.1 92.2 Sleckley's Genelic Giant 4 .... 87.8 21.4 74.2 90.6 Nichols NB63 86.8 22.5 76.4 92.9 Moews 14DR 86.7 22.4 62.1 95.8 Illinois 155SA (Station) 86.0 22.1 64.8 94.3 Nichols NB53 85.0 21.4 60.3 92.2 Illinois 1960 (Station) 83.7 21.2 67.3 94.3 Illinois 1277 (Station) 71.9 23.2 57.4 94.1 Average of all entries 94.0 22.4 69.0 92.6 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 13.4 1.4 N.S. N.S. 3-5 15.0 1.6 N.S. N.S. 6-10 16.0 1.7 N.S. N.S. 11-20... 16.8 1.8 N.S. N.S. Over 20 17.1 1.8 N.S. N.S. (Table is concluded on next page) COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 11 Table 3. Woodstock concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1960 RESULTS bu. perct. ptrct. perct. Abbott A2 86.2 24.9 95.8 87.8 Abbott A3 83.9 23.1 98.3 93.9 Cargill 180 83.3 23.7 83.0 86.3 CargillS929 91.0 25.2 93.8 87.1 Cornelius 404B 90.6 23.3 95.0 90.9 DeKalb238... . 82.0 22.3 94.4 96.2 DeKalb400 90.3 22.9 92.0 82.5 DeKalb411 75.5 23.2 86.2 93.1 DeKalb414 81.2 22.7 95.2 97.7 DeKalb423 82.4 24.5 92.6 93.9 DeKalb427 79.3 23.6 93.3 90.1 DeKalb440 87.9 25.0 97.7 84.8 DeKalb441 89.3 23.6 95.0 92.4 DeKalb444 84.1 24.3 96.0 95.4 DeKalb633 85.7 28.6 93.8 85.6 DeKalb640 98.5 27.1 99.1 91.6 DeKalbA301 83.0 24.1 96.8 93.9 Embro44XE... . 88.8 25.9 91.5 97.7 Hulling 238 86.2 23.1 87.6 94.6 Hulling 242 78.9 22.4 91.5 84.0 Hulling 245 78.1 22.9 92.3 87.8 Hulling 260SC 84.4 23.9 90.3 92.4 Illinois 1277 (Stalion) 73.9 24.0 89.3 92.4 Illinois 1555 A (Station) 72.4 22.9 92.4 96.9 Illinois 1952 (Station) 88.8 23.2 92.7 94.6 Illinois 1960 (Stalion) 71.3 21.9 83.0 96.2 Illinois 1969A (Slalion) 70.0 24.9 92.7 93.1 Illinois 3302A-1 (Station) 73.0 23.5 97.5 91.6 Illinois 6201 (Station) 69.1 23.3 77.0 95.4 Illinois 6202 (Stalion) 78.1 20.3 89.2 92.4 Moews 14DR.. 76.1 23.3 85.5 99.2 Moews 14E 84.9 22.4 85.9 97.7 Moews48A 79.1 25.1 96.2 87.1 Moews 500A 93.6 26.0 94.3 93.1 Moews 5093 82.0 22.8 90.4 95.4 Nichols NB43 83.3 23.8 89.2 85.6 Nichols NB53 70.5 22.2 86.7 87.8 Nichols NB63 71.9 24.0 99.0 91.6 Northrup King KT 72.8 20.8 88.4 87.1 Northrup King KT6 74.8 25.3 88.2 87.8 Northrup King KT628 81.8 27.4 83.5 93.1 P.A.G. 62... 76.8 20.6 80.6 93.9 P. A. G. 234 82.7 22.9 86.9 98.4 P.A.G. 285 79.7 24.5 91.6 99.2 P.A.G. 305 (formerly 8884) 91.1 25.3 98.3 93.1 P.A.G.323 80.0 24.1 91.9 95.4 P. A. G. Exp. 15024 67.5 23.2 76.5 90.1 P.A.G. Exp. 15026 86.4 23.1 80.8 93.9 P.A.G. SX9 (formerly Exp. 15009) 76.2 22.7 89.1 87.8 Pioneer 329.. . 80.6 24.4 96.9 98.4 Pioneer 352 83.2 23.0 90.6 96.2 Pioneer 354 81.0 23.3 89.0 94.6 Pioneer 371 83.4 21.2 91.3 97.7 Pioneer 380 88.1 21.8 90.0 96.9 Pioneer 4055 83.3 21.8 96.8 87.1 Pioneer 6670 . 94.7 22.6 91.7 93.1 Pioneer 6707 96.5 23.1 93.7 95.4 Sleckley's Genelic Giant 1 72.1 19.6 92.9 84.8 Sleckley's Genetic Giant 4 77.9 21.6 88.7 87.8 Steckley's Genelic Giant 10 80.4 24.2 96.7 92.4 Slewart S-94 77.4 24.2 91.7 86.3 Super-Crosl 214 73.6 21.3 83.9 94.6 Super-Crost 438 ... 69.9 23.3 85.6 87.8 Tomco449 79.3 23.7 89.8 96.9 Average of all entries 81.2 23.4 90.9 92.1 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 13.2 2.3 8.3 N.S. 3-5 14.7 2.5 9.3 N.S. 6-10 15.7 2.7 9.9 N.S. 11-20 16.5 2.8 10.4 N.S. Over 20 . 17.2 3.0 10.9 N.S. 12 BULLETIN No. 668 Table 4. NORTHERN ILLINOIS: DeKalb [March, Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand SUMMARY: 1956-1960 bu. perct. perct. Perct. Hulling 242 ... 113.9 23.6 97.4 94.5 Wyffels W-600 112.6 26.1 96.8 90.1 Wyckoff's W-20 112.4 25.7 96.5 89.2 Steckley's Genetic Giant 10. .. 112.1 25.0 92.8 87.2 Frey 410 110.0 23.7 94.6 88.9 DeKalb 414 108.4 23.3 95.1 88.8 P.A.G. 234 107.7 22.5 94.9 88.7 Sieben S-340 107.4 23.7 93.7 92.5 Pioneer 345 107.2 22.7 93.0 89.8 DeKalb 459 107.0 22.8 89.4 89.7 Hulting 481 . . ... 106.9 25.0 94.4 89.0 P.A.G. 323 106.6 25.0 94.0 90.3 Nichols NB43 106.4 24.2 93.6 91.3 Super-Crost 440 105.9 24.0 88.8 90.0 Hulting 238 105.1 22.5 91.5 90.4 Sieben S-440E 105.1 24.4 89.3 86.0 Sieben S-560 104.9 23.4 93.5 87.3 Wyckoff's W-25A 102.6 26.4 94.7 88.2 Sieben S-440 101.6 24.1 94.1 87.2 Average of all entries 107.6 24.1 93.6 89.4 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 N.S. 1.5 N.S. N.S. 3-5... N.S. 1.6 N.S. N.S. 6-10 N.S. 1.7 N.S. N.S. 11-19 N.S. 1.8 N.S. N.S. SUMMARY: 1958-1960 MoewsCB65A 115.4 27.1 95.0 93.1 Northrup King KT6 112.2 27.7 92.4 91.9 Troyer L13 110.8 28.0 95.5 93.6 Pioneer 329 110.7 26.0 79.0 97.6 Wyffels W-600 110.6 28.9 92.7 94.6 Moews 500A 110.5 28.6 92.3 91.2 Moews 48 A 110.0 27.6 95.7 93.3 Hulting 242 109.1 25.7 96.9 95.1 DeKalb 633 108.3 29.8 90.2 92.2 Steckley's Genetic Giant 10. .. 107.6 27.6 91.0 89.6 Frey 410 107.5 25.6 94.7 96.2 Wyffels W-495 107.3 25.8 96.1 90.0 Sieben S-340 106.0 25.4 91.9 96.2 Wyckoff's W-20 106.0 28.2 95.9 89.9 DeKalb 414 105.7 25.1 91.8 92.3 Hulting 482 105.4 28.7 98.2 92.4 P.A.G. 305 (formerly 8884) . . . 103.9 26.9 94.0 93.0 Sieben S-440E 103.6 25.8 87.1 88.9 Hulting 481 103.3 27.1 92.3 93.0 DeKalb 640 103.0 31.1 96.5 93.9 Steckley's 18 102.8 27.3 85.1 93.1 United- Hagie WW40 102.8 27.6 93.4 88.4 Troyer M11T 102 . 1 29.3 91.3 92.0 Sieben S-360 102.0 27.7 89.9 91.9 Troyer M18 101.9 27.4 96.8 91.0 Troyer M12T 101.8 30.2 95.9 90.6 DeKalb 444 101.6 26.9 90.7 96.9 DeKalb 459 100.6 24.4 87.1 92.0 Tiemann T-62 100.4 27.8 91.4 91.7 Super-Crost 440 99.9 26.5 84.4 93.7 Hulting 238 99.8 24.9 91.5 89.6 (Table is continued on next page) 1961} COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 13 Table 4. DeKalb continued Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Sland SUMMARY: 1958-1960 concluded bu. Perct. perct. perct. WyckoffsW-25A.. 99.6 28.0 92.4 93.5 Troyer M17T 98.8 29.6 95.6 91.0 P.A.G. 234 98.6 24.1 93.1 90.3 Pioneer 345 98.6 25.4 92.7 92.2 Hulling 484 98.0 27.1 90.0 87.8 Sieben S-320 97.8 27.0 92.9 92.8 Sieben S-560 97.5 25.3 91.2 89.4 P.A.G. 323 .. 97.5 27.6 93.3 92.4 Troyer M13T 95.6 27.5 95.0 93.9 Sieben S-440 95.3 26.7 91.5 87.9 Super-Crost 438 94.4 26.7 89.8 85.5 Steckley's Genetic Giant 1 94.2 23.4 87.8 93.9 Nichols NB43 93.5 26.6 91.6 90.1 Nichols NB53 83.1 23.2 83.6 89.0 Average of all entries 102.6 27.0 92.4 92.0 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 10.8 2.3 6.0 N.S. 3-5 12.0 2.5 6.7 N.S. 6-10 12.8 2.7 7.1 N.S. 11-20 13.5 2.8 7.5 N.S. Over 20 14.0 2.9 7.8 N.S. 1960 RESULTS Abbott Al 107.8 26.9 96.7 92.4 Abbott A2 .. 113.1 28.4 97.5 89.3 Abbott A3 .. 113.2 29.0 95.2 93.1 Abbott A4 .. 118.0 28.2 86.3 87.8 Abbott AS .. 118.1 27.5 97.7 98.4 Bear Unicorn X600 98.0 24.3 79.9 87.1 Cargill 256 .. 96.4 24.9 85.8 91.6 Cargill 270 92.6 25.0 89.9 90.1 Cornelius C45 . 102.1 27.6 95.0 90.9 Cornelius C75 108.9 28.6 94.7 85.6 DeKalb 400. . . 123.7 25.9 96.5 88.6 DeKalb 414 .. 114.8 26.1 90.4 94.6 DeKalb 427 .. 96.8 26.2 95.7 89.3 DeKalb 440 . 108.1 27.3 92.4 100.0 DeKalb 441 .. 115.3 27.6 94.5 96.2 DeKalb 444 .. 101.0 27.3 92.1 97.7 DeKalb 459 .. 103.4 25.4 91.2 94.6 DeKalb 633 105.9 29.2 87.5 90.1 DeKalb 640 116.3 32.1 97.6 94.6 DeKalb A301 99.1 25.4 92.3 87.1 DeKalb A506 (formerly X4008) 110.4 27.3 95.1 92.4 DeKalb X 72-076 98.7 29.1 79.0 90.9 Frey 410 100.3 25.7 96.1 99.2 Holmes 47E .. 110.5 28.1 92.6 93.1 Hulting238 95.7 24.6 85.5 93.9 Hulling 242 .. 112.3 25.7 96.8 95.4 Hulling 245 98.2 25.4 91.1 90.9 Hulling 260SC .. 119.9 26.6 90.3 96.9 Hulling 471 93.8 28.1 93.3 90.1 Hulling 481 95.5 27.6 93.0 85.6 Hulling 482 .. 113.1 29.4 96.7 93.9 Hulling 484 105.4 28.1 91.2 83.3 Moews 48A 111.9 27.4 94.2 93.1 Moews 500A .. 112.4 30.6 94.0 91.6 Moews 505A .. 100.6 26.2 96.1 too o Moews CB65A .. 127.2 27.7 94.1 90.1 Monier 6-M-6 .. 108.4 26.7 89.6 94.6 Nichols NB43 .. 92.5 26.4 93.8 87.1 Nichols NB53 80.2 22.9 75.8 90.9 Nichols NB63 .. 113.5 23.8 93.7 95.4 (Table is concluded on next page) 14 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Table 4. DeKalb concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1960 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. percl. percl. Northrup King KT6 117.3 30.4 93.6 96.9 Xorthrup King KT628 111.0 30.3 96.8 94.6 Northrup King KT632 94.6 27.8 93.4 83.3 P.A.G. 234 101.8 24.7 88.3 91.6 P.A.G. 285 110.3 25.7 99.2 97.7 P.A.G. 305 (formerly 8884) 109.4 26.1 95.9 93.9 P.A.G. 323 97.1 27.1 90.0 90.9 P.A.G. Exp. 11549 119.3 29.1 93.8 99.2 P.A.G. Exp. 15018 111.6 25.0 97.4 90.9 P.A.G. Exp. 15024 70.0 22.8 77.1 89.3 P.A.G. Exp. 15026 104.2 26.5 91.6 87.8 P.A.G. SX9 (formerly Exp. 15009) 92 .6 25 .2 92 . 7 84 .0 Pioneer 320.. 111.1 29.0 95.3 96.9 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) 110.3 29.1 94.6 98.4 Pioneer 329 108.6 26.7 96.0 96.9 Pioneer 345 99.2 26.1 94.0 89.3 Pioneer 354 93.6 26.4 39.3 89.3 Pioneer 371 106.5 19.7 92.9 95.4 Pioneer 5536 128.9 25.9 91.4 98.4 Pioneer 6707 110.2 25.6 94.8 87.8 Pioneer 80201 112.4 31.2 95.1 93.1 Sieben S-320 . . 97.1 27.6 87.8 92.4 Sieben S-340 106.6 25.1 88.6 99.2 Sieben S-360 100.9 28.3 84.8 90.1 Sieben S-440. .. 108.8 28.3 95.4 87.8 Sieben S-440E 115.9 26.1 89.4 86.3 Sieben S-560 96.9 24.7 95.6 88.6 Sieben S-580 118.5 27.6 97.6 98.4 Steckley's Genetic Giant 10 105.1 28.5 94.3 93.1 Steckley's 18 101.8 27.2 78.4 90.1 Steckley's Genetic Giant 1 89.4 22.3 86.1 93.9 Stewart S-66B 106.4 28.7 97.2 81.0 Super-Crost 438 90.8 26.8 87.4 84.0 Super-Crost 440 106.0 25.9 77.1 90.9 Super-Crost 441 104.3 27.2 89.8 82.5 Super-Crost 470 112.3 27.6 90.2 93.9 Super-Crost S4 97.6 24.0 89.5 89.3 Super-Crost S5 82.1 26.1 86.9 92.4 Tiemann T-62 . . . 97.6 28.8 91.2 94.6 Tomco 619 106.7 28.5 94.3 93.9 Troyer E8T 105.4 26.8 94.9 88.6 Troyer E14T 99.2 29.1 87.9 87.8 Troyer E63T 89.6 25.2 90.7 91.6 Troyer L13 120.5 27.9 93.6 94.6 Troyer M3T 97.3 29.1 97.4 93.1 Troyer Ml IT 101.9 30.1 92.8 86.3 Troyer Ml 2T 107.3 30.0 92.8 91.6 Troyer M13T 98.6 27.7 91.9 93.9 Troyer M17T 102.3 29.3 95.7 88.6 Troyer M 18 117.6 26.3 95.3 96.9 United-Hagie WW40. .. 96.3 28.9 96.3 84.0 United-Hagie X138 93.1 24.4 94.0 88.6 United-Hagie X140 112.6 23.8 89.6 93.1 Victor 368 93.9 26.9 87.2 88.6 Victor 369 94.0 27.6 83.7 92.4 Wyckoff's W-15 106.0 28.1 91.7 90.1 Wyckoff's W-20 104.0 29.0 94.7 84.8 Wyckoff's W-25A 103.2 29.3 88.3 97.7 Wyffels W-495 109.5 26.6 91.3 89.3 Wyffels W-600 114.0 29.0 95.0 92.0 Average of all entries 104.8 27.1 91.8 91.7 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 18.7 2.8 8.1 9.2 3-5 20.9 3.2 9.0 10.2 6-10 22.3 3.4 9.6 10.9 11-20 23.5 3.5 10.1 11.5 Over 20 248 3.7 10.7 12.2 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 15 TableS. WEST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Galesburg Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand SUMMARY: 1956-1960 bu. perct. perci. percl. DeKalb805 131.8 21.2 87.5 87.9 Schwenk S34 127.6 20.3 86.4 93.2 Null 83 127.6 21.2 84.6 91.8 Moews 524 126.7 21.6 89.5 91.2 Moews 520 126.5 20.6 81.6 89.5 Whisnand 852 125.4 22.2 88.9 91.2 Van Horn V.H. 101 124.9 21.6 87.3 92.7 Munson M-15 124.0 19.9 90.0 89.9 Pioneer 329 123.0 19.3 90.5 93.4 Pioneer 316 122.8 20.3 90.0 93.2 Whisnand 830 122.8 21.0 90.1 89.3 Tiemann T-68 122.7 19.7 86.9 90.0 Moews 524A . . 122.1 21.7 88.1 91.5 DeKalb 820. . . 121.4 21.1 82.3 89.4 Appl A-130 120.8 20.5 82.6 89.2 Robe 30 120.0 21.6 83.8 83.0 Troyer Ml IT 119.4 20.7 91.9 89.8 Tiemann T-78 117.7 20.8 81.6 92.1 Hulling 242 117.5 19.5 87.5 87.4 Troyer L14T 117.5 20.9 90.4 90.8 Hulling 481 117.0 20.0 89.1 88.7 Sieben S-320 115.1 20.4 84.8 89.1 Holmes 39 114.4 22.7 80.2 89.1 Sieben S-340 112.8 20.3 79.4 86.9 Sieben S-360 111.5 20.7 78.6 89.7 Troyer M13T 108.9 20.0 90.8 88.7 Average of all entries 120.8 20.8 86.3 90.0 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 11.2 1.4 N.S. 5.2 3-5 12.5 1.6 N.S. 5.8 6-10 13.4 1.7 N.S. 6.2 11-20 14.1 1.8 N.S. 6.5 Over 20 14.6 1.9 N.S. 6.7 SUMMARY: 1958-1960 DeKalb 805 138.4 22.6 93.8 87.7 Bear Unicorn X600 132.8 21.6 50.3 85.7 McAllister IVX1001A 131.4 21.1 96.8 88.3 Moews 524 131.0 22.8 87.6 92.6 Forster F44 130.7 23.1 88.9 89.8 NullN-83 129.4 23.1 87.0 93.6 Forster F33 128.4 23.0 86.5 89.4 Frey F57 128.3 22.3 89.0 90.9 P.A.G. 415 128.2 22.5 82.1 90.3 Holmes 47 127.6 21.6 85.6 92.3 Bear Ok878 .... 126.7 22.0 88.7 91.2 Whisnand 852 126.2 22.8 83.8 90.9 Van Horn V.H. 101 124.3 22.6 83.0 92.8 Moews 520 123.4 22.1 85.3 90.0 Appl A-130 123.3 21.7 76.9 91.7 Slewart S-65 123.2 22.4 85.4 91.3 Schwenk S34 123.1 21.4 85.4 94.3 McAllister 13A 122.1 22.7 87.8 87.0 Pioneer 319 121.8 21.5 87.2 92.5 Moews 524A 121.8 23.3 87.8 91.2 DeKalb 3x1 121.5 21.3 78.3 94.7 Moews CB69A. . 121.4 22.3 78.3 93.1 Whisnand 830 121.1 22.2 95.6 88.1 Pioneer 329 121 .0 19.7 91.2 95.3 Troyer M11T 120.8 21.3 90.8 92.7 Pioneer 316 120.5 21.2 91.4 93.9 Monier 6-M-6 120.3 21.5 86.3 91.1 Forster F25 120.1 22.0 88.1 90.2 Tiemann T-68 119.9 20.1 83.5 88.3 Forster F56 119.7 23.1 87.7 87.3 DeKalb 820 119.6 21.9 76.5 89.0 Munson M-15 118.8 21.2 81.7 90.4 (Table is continued on next page) 16 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Table 5. Galesburg continued Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand SUMMARY: 1958-1960 concluded bu. perct. perct. Per a. Prairie Gold D-791 (Dittmer) 118.6 20.3 92.6 90.7 Wyffels W-600 .. 118.1 21.0 87.9 91.5 Tiemann T-78 . 117.7 22.0 79.3 92.3 Ainsworth X-97 .. 117.7 22.4 93.8 89.0 DeKalb 640 .. 117.7 22.6 90.7 88.0 DeKalb 633 .. 117.4 22.6 90.0 87.2 DeKalb 812 .. 117.4 23.4 90.8 90.0 DeKalb 803 A .. 117.2 23.7 76.1 93.1 Robe 30 . . 116.1 23.5 79.7 80.8 Holmes 39 .. 116.0 23.8 75.0 91.3 United-Hagie U.K. 52B .. 115.9 21.3 86.9 90.5 Frey 892 .. 115.4 20.6 81.7 89.3 United-Hagie U.K. WW50 115.0 22.4 86.0 88.1 Steckley's Genetic Giant 13 .. 114.7 21.2 88.4 88.0 Troyer M9 A .. 113.5 22.7 86.2 92.5 Hulling 482 .. 113.4 21.3 89.1 90.6 Troyer L14T .. 112.3 22.1 87.1 92.7 Sieben S-320 .. 111.4 21.0 82.6 88.8 Sieben S-340 .. 109.3 21.0 75.0 86.2 Troyer L13 .. 108.4 22.4 88.2 88.1 Sieben S-360 .. 108.1 21.4 72.1 90.1 Hulling 481 .. 106.7 21.6 90.8 87.5 Hulling 242 .. 106.3 20.5 88.2 86.0 Troyer M13T .. 101.5 21.2 87.9 87.9 Average of all entries .. 119.9 22.0 85.2 90.1 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 12.5 1.9 8.5 N.S. 3-5 14.0 2.2 9.5 N.S. 6-10 14.9 2.3 10.1 N.S. 11-20 15.7 2.4 10.7 N.S. Over 20 16.3 2.5 11.0 N.S. 1960 RESULTS Abbott A4 107.6 25.3 84.6 92.0 Abbotl AS 94.4 28.5 92.2 72.6 Abbott A6 95 . 7 26.0 89.8 80.6 Ainsworth X-96 95.9 24.5 93.4 78.0 Ainsworth X-97 . . 107.2 28.0 94.5 95.3 Ainsworth X-98 .. 114.2 26.4 92.0 85.3 Ainsworth X-100 .. 109.1 29.3 96.2 92.6 Appl A-130 . . 104.5 26.0 83.8 95.3 BearOK69 121.4 28.0 85.5 91.3 Bear OK96 .. 133.8 27.2 91.7 98.0 Bear OK96A .. 112.8 27.7 91.1 84.0 Bear OK878 .. 109.6 25.8 85.7 92.0 Bear Unicorn X600 .. 124.0 26.5 89.5 94.0 Bear Unicorn X606 97.5 25.9 84.8 92.6 Cargill 285 84.5 24.3 98.4 74.0 Cargill 310 98.6 26.2 97.0 89.3 DeKalb 3x1 .. 105.4 24.1 83.9 96.0 DeKalb 633 .. 115.1 26.8 91.9 90.0 DeKalb 640 .. 109.1 28.3 93.2 90.6 DeKalb 661 .. 104.8 27.3 85.0 97.3 DeKalb 803 .. 103.4 26.3 95.6 92.6 DeKalb 803 A .. 101.0 27.1 87.4 96.0 DeKalb 805 .. 130.5 25.1 96.3 90.6 DeKalb 812 .. 108.5 28.3 94.5 96.6 DeKalb 820 95.6 26.5 72.5 85.3 DeKalb A504 .. 108.3 27.3 97.6 86.0 DeKalb A703 .. 124.1 30.6 96.4 96.0 DeKalb X91-005 .. 111.6 27.8 94.0 90.0 (Table is continued on next page) 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 17 Table 5. Galesburg continued Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1960 RESULTS continued bu. perct. perct. ForsterFll 102.3 25.4 96.9 Forster F25 100.1 27.9 96.3 Forster F33 114.8 31.2 87.5 Forster F44 129.1 27.2 87.8 Forster F56 106.7 28.9 95.2 Frey892 104.3 23.3 80.2 Frey F57 121.7 27.5 94.9 Holmes 39 100.1 30.0 77.0 Holmes 47 120.9 25.4 89.1 Hulling 242 91.3 25.1 91.6 Hulling 260SC 115.4 24.7 93.8 Hulling 345 105.8 27.4 96.7 Hulling 471 94.7 24.7 96.2 Hulling 481 95.8 26.8 94.4 Hulling 482 106.8 24.6 91.3 Illinois 1421 (Station) 110.7 25.3 80.0 Illinois 1996 (Stalion) 112.8 24.4 85.9 Illinois 3042 (Station) 114.7 25.6 91.0 Illinois 3343 (Station) 130.9 28.8 88.3 Illinois 8001 (Station) 113.8 28.7 87.0 McAllister 11 103.4 25.6 84.7 McAllister 13 A 100.3 27.7 89.5 McAllister 23A 110.8 26.7 97.2 McAllister 55A 127.3 24.2 90.6 McAllister 88A 93.4 27.2 88.4 McAllister IVX1001 A 122.3 22.9 98.4 Middlekoop M-33... 116.4 22.6 90.4 Middlekoop M-66 109.7 25.6 91.3 Middlekoop M-80 114.5 24.7 97.1 Middlekoop M-81 115.3 26.8 96.3 Middlekoop M-88 109.6 27.8 93.0 Moews520 111.2 27.6 85.9 Moews524 122.1 26.5 89.7 Moews 524A 110.7 29.1 89.5 MoewsCB69A 105.8 28.2 94.9 Monier6-M-6 108.4 25.8 88.8 Morton M-404 93.5 26.5 91.3 Morton M-505 112.0 24.8 95.1 Munson M-15 104.2 24.6 78.1 Munson M-15A 101.8 25.7 97.0 Munson M-66 111.3 23.2 96.3 Northrup King KT628 97.6 26.5 85.3 Northrup King KT632 108.4 27.1 97.7 Northrup King KT645 105.6 27.9 93.4 Null N-83 111.4 28.0 90.9 Null N-100 104.9 27.2 90.3 P.A.G. 405... 122.4 27.2 95.8 P.A.G.415 113.2 27.3 90.2 P.A.G.418 98.8 27.5 90.0 P.A.G. 434 93.1 28.1 82.8 P.A.G. 444 113.0 32.0 90.4 P. A. G. SX9 (formerly Exp. 15009) 102.8 23.5 96.9 P. A. G. SX 14 (formerly Exp. 15014) 110.2 26.9 96.4 P.A.G. SX19 (formerly Exp. 15019) 112.0 31.9 96.8 Pioneer 309A 120.8 32.9 93.3 Pioneer 309B 105.5 35.9 97.3 Pioneer 31 2 A... 103.5 28.6 94.8 ixrct. 90.6 90.6 96.6 92.0 88.0 88.0 92.0 87.3 91.3 88.0 97.3 85.3 90.0 86.0 92.0 94.0 90.6 95.3 96.6 92.6 93.3 82.0 97.3 91.3 87.3 90.0 90.6 92.0 94.0 92.0 96.0 93.3 98.0 88.6 92.6 93.3 86.0 86.6 94.6 91.3 88.0 78.6 85.3 90.6 96.0 91.3 93.3 89.3 91.3 86.6 97.3 88.0 79.3 86.6 98.6 97.3 89.3 (Table is concluded on next page) 18 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Table 5. Galesburg concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1960 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. Pioneer 314 109.1 28.8 97.0 88.6 Pioneer 316 100.9 25.9 91.2 92.6 Pioneer 319 (formerly 2990) 101.2 26.1 93.6 92.6 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) 117.5 27.3 92.4 90.6 Pioneer 329 103.4 22.3 88.5 98.6 Pioneer 5625 103.8 29.6 90.6 94.6 Pioneer 6201 101.3 26.0 94.1 92.0 Pioneer 80201 127.0 26.9 94.6 99.3 Prairie Gold D-791 (Dittmer) 109.2 22.6 92.9 94.0 Robe 30 99.0 28.3 82.0 80.0 Robe 41 108.2 25.3 92.6 90.6 Schwenk S17 98.0 26.6 93.7 87.3 SchwenkS17L 98.6 24.3 93.6 82.6 Schwenk S20 118.2 24.6 97.0 90.6 Schwenk S34 110.1 25.0 89.2 98.0 Sieben S-320 96.8 23.6 84.8 90.0 Sieben S-340 94.8 24.3 91.1 84.6 Sieben S-360 81.1 24.1 67.2 88.0 Steckley's 18 93.4 24.1 87.4 90.6 Steckley's Genetic Giant 10 80.5 21.6 85.8 82.6 Steckley's Genetic Giant 12 99.3 25.0 86.4 93.3 Steckley's Genetic Giant 13 95.1 24.1 88.3 86.6 Stewart S-56B 99.9 25.5 94.0 89.3 Stewart S-65 110.8 25.5 86.2 86.6 Tiemann T-68... 106.3 23.4 78.6 89.3 Tiemann T-78 103.2 26.7 80.8 94.6 Tomco838... 112.4 26.9 93.6 95.3 Tomco852 108.4 27.9 88.5 94.0 TroyerL13 73.9 26.6 92.7 79.3 Troyer L14T 92.5 25.7 88.2 90.6 TroyerL17 116.5 25.1 83.5 "94.6 Troyer M9A 93.6 28.7 90.7 89.3 TroyerMllT 99.6 24.5 90.5 96.6 Troyer M13T 100.8 25.8 91.8 98.0 Troyer Ml 7T 102.9 26.6 96.2 94.0 Troyer M21 103.3 28.2 97.2 91.3 Troyer M22 106.3 24.9 96.9 76.0 United-Hagie52B... 100.2 22.9 94.8 90.6 United-Hagie WW50 96.9 27.8 79.9 88.6 United-Hagie X146 91.7 21.1 88.2 81.3 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 99.6 28.0 92.1 93.3 Van Horn V.H. 101 126.9 27.2 89.4 95.3 Van Horn V.H. Ill 109.2 26.0 84.5 92.0 Whisnand830 104.8 26.9 87.5 92.6 Whisnand 834 96.4 28.1 88.6 86.0 Whisnand852 115.6 28.3 93.7 95.3 Wyffels W-600 106.6 25.4 95.4 92.0 Average of all entries 106.6 26.5 90.6 90.1 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2.. 21.7 3.6 9.6 12.6 3-5 24.2 4.0 10.8 14.0 6-10 25.7 4.3 11.4 14.9 11-20 27.1 4.5 12.1 15.7 Over 20.. 28.7 4.8 12.8 16.6 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 19 Table 6. EAST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Ashkum Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand SUMMARY: 1956-1960 bu. perct. perct. Perct. DeKalbSOS... 108.3 21.5 95.5 85.8 DeKalb 632 106.2 23.1 90.8 87.4 Tiemann T-68 103.6 19.4 90.5 88.3 Troyer M13T 102.4 21.2 90.4 90.5 Illinois 274-1 (Station) 101.4 21.3 87.6 89.2 Troyer L14T 100.9 21.0 90.8 89.4 Moews 524A 100.6 22.1 89.3 86.8 Frey 892 99.5 21.0 87.4 89.8 Troyer M11T 99.5 22.7 95.2 86.2 Trisler T-3 2 B.. . 98.3 21.4 93.4 88.2 Wyckoff's W-25A 96.5 22.0 91.3 88.5 Frey 644 95.9 21.6 90.2 86.9 Hulling 242 95.7 19.3 95.5 83.2 Moews CB96 95.5 21.7 79.0 90.0 Van Horn V.H. 100 93.5 22.5 91.2 86.5 Frey 692 93.4 22.3 92.6 83.8 Wyckoff's W-20 92.9 20.8 94.3 88.2 Troyer M17T 91.2 22.0 91.8 86.1 Average of all entries 98.6 21.5 90.9 87.5 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 N.S. 1 .9 N.S. N.S. 3-5 N.S. 2.1 N.S. N.S. OverS N.S. 2.2 N.S. N.S. SUMMARY: 1958-1960 Crib Filler 77 103.7 21.2 92.2 86.7 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549). . . 99.6 21.8 96.5 89.9 Bear OK96 96.0 23.0 89.6 83.9 DeKalb 632 96.0 23.1 94.0 87.0 Moews CB60A 94.8 23.7 89.1 92.2 Bear Unicorn X600 94.4 20.2 90.8 87.0 DeKalbSOS 94.3 21.8 93.9 82.7 Van Horn V.H. 97 93.1 20.9 91.9 86.1 Trisler T-35B 92.9 20.7 92.8 83.7 DeKalb 633 91.3 22.7 95.6 83.2 Bear OK55 . 90.9 22.0 89.1 81.9 Troyer M13T 90.5 22.5 93.9 89.7 Tiemann T-68 89.7 19.6 93.2 86.6 Frey 892 89.2 21.3 93.4 90.2 Illinois 274-1 (Station) 89.1 21.2 92.4 89.3 DeKalb 640 88.9 22.1 94.4 86.2 Wyckoff's W-25A 88.1 21.5 92.1 87.7 Troyer L14T . 88.0 21.1 92.7 88.1 Moews 524 A 88.0 22.4 91.8 85.2 Ainsworth X97 87.0 22.1 94.8 89.3 Crib Filler 131 .. . 87.0 23.0 92.9 77.7 Trisler T-32B 86.7 22.2 93.7 86.6 Moews CB96 86.2 21.4 90.7 91.6 DeKalb 803 A 85.9 23.2 88.4 85.0 Troyer M11T ... 84.0 22.9 92.9 85.1 P.A.G. 415 83.9 21.8 95.6 85.9 Pioneer 319 83.6 21.2 91 .7 77.6 Troyer M9A 83.4 21.6 92.7 85.1 Hulling 482 82.7 21.3 96.3 85.5 Troyer L13 82.5 20.5 87.9 82.7 Frey 644 . 82.4 21.1 91.7 85.8 Van Horn V.H. 100 ... 80.8 21.7 90.4 86.8 Troyer M18 80.6 21.6 96.9 83.3 Wyckoff's W-20 78.9 21.5 93.6 86.2 Hulling 242 78.7 19.7 95.2 81.9 Frey 692 78.0 22.0 95.1 83.7 Troyer M17T 75.3 22.3 90.4 84.9 Average of all entries 87.7 21.7 92.7 85.7 (None of Ihe differences belween hybrids are large enough lo be statistically significant al the 5-percenl level of significance.) (Table is continued on next page) 20 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Table 6. Ashkum continued Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1960 RESULTS bu. Ainsworth X-96 86.8 Ainsworth X-97 73 . 1 Ainsworth X-98 79.5 Ainsworth X-100 73 .6 Bear OK5S 68.2 Bear OK96 74.5 Bear OK96A 87.5 Bear Unicorn X600 72.5 Cargill 310 76.4 Cargill 340 82 .9 Crib Filler 63 84.8 Crib Filler 66 86.4 Crib Filler 70 61 .0 Crib Filler 77 77.8 Crib Filler 116 76.3 Crib Filler 123 77 . 7 Crib Filler 131 74.1 DeKalb632... . 98.1 DeKalb 633 73.2 DeKalb 640 69 . 4 DeKalb 803 78.7 DeKalb 803A 77.5 DeKalb 805 72.4 DeKalb 869 72 .5 DeKalb 898A. . 73 .3 DeKalb A504 66.0 DeKalb A703 88 .4 DeKalb X8034 75.9 DeKalb X82-030 91.3 Frey 644 77.4 Frey 692 82 . 7 Frey 892 76.0 Hulling 242 66. 1 Hulling 260SC 74.1 Hulling 345 73.7 Hulling 471 73 .4 Hulling 482 79 .6 Illinois 274-1 (Slalion) 73 .8 Illinois 3347 (Slation) 90.4 Moews 524A 77.6 Moews CB60A 70.6 Moews CB96 61 .8 Moews CB96A 82.8 Monier 6-M-6 67.2 Northrup King KT632 87 . 7 perct. 23.0 20.4 21.2 24.6 22.1 22.5 23.8 22.1 23.1 24.3 20.0 24.0 20.9 22.9 22.9 23.0 23.0 24.1 24.3 23.2 23.4 24.3 22.2 25.0 23.9 22.4 22.8 22.8 23.1 21.4 23.2 21.9 21.6 22.8 23.1 21.3 20.6 20.5 25.6 24.1 24.2 22.2 24.3 21.8 22.2 perct. 92.9 91.3 93.7 89.9 79.3 80.9 86.0 83.5 88.6 92.6 94.2 92.8 89.0 84.5 93.2 89.4 82.8 90.1 92.7 88.1 91.8 76.2 86.6 86.6 86.4 92.0 85.0 89.3 93.7 93.2 90.0 94.2 94.7 93.7 98.2 92.8 92.0 93.1 93.8 87.3 80.2 83.1 84.1 88.9 90.0 perct. 95.4 93.9 96.2 97.7 87.8 97.7 93.1 93.9 90.9 83.3 93.9 94.6 93.9 90.1 90.9 90.1 78.0 93.9 85.6 91.6 84.0 90.9 84.0 81.8 91.6 91.6 84.0 91.6 89.3 86.3 84.0 91.6 87.8 93.9 85.6 88.6 94.6 96.9 96.2 91.6 91.6 96.9 90.9 94.6 90.1 (Table is concluded on nexl page) 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 21 Table 6. Ashkum concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1960 RESULTS concluded bu. percl. perct. perct. Northrup King KT645 65.2 26.8 94.3 87.1 P.A.G.405 72.5 21.9 92.8 87.1 P.A.G. 415 75.7 21.3 93.9 88.6 P.A.G. 418 82.5 23.8 90.7 93.9 P. A. G. SX9 (formerly Exp. 15009) 74.7 19.3 94.5 83.3 P. A.G. SX 14 (formerly Exp. 15014) 65.1 23.2 91.5 81.8 Pioneer 309 A... 74.1 29.3 91.7 94.6 Pioneer 309B 56.0 32.8 90.0 86.3 Pioneer 314 73.8 24.9 88.8 87.1 Pioneer 319 (formerly 2990) 55.1 22.3 89.0 75.7 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) 78.2 22.2 92.4 88.6 Pioneer 329 65.6 20.6 93.2 87.8 Pioneer 5536 78.0 22.4 95.1 93.1 Pioneer 5553 74.8 20.0 91.0 75.7 Pioneer 6201 68.4 22.5 94.1 82.5 Pioneer 6738 74.6 21.9 94.6 90.9 Pioneer 80201 76.9 22.5 92.2 87.8 Steckley's 18 ... 73.7 23.4 86.2 87.1 Steckley's Genetic Giant 13 66.8 21.5 91.2 84.0 Super-Crost 680 64.4 22.4 85.4 90.9 Super-Crost 690 71.6 20.4 91.4 81.0 Super-Crost S6 83.2 20.8 94.7 87.8 Tiemann T-62 73.1 21.0 83.8 81.0 TiemannT-68 68.6 20.6 89.6 84.8 Todd424 62.0 19.9 86.2 86.3 Todd453 71.9 20.3 95.0 85.6 Todd611B 72.8 18.4 86.7 90.9 TrislerT-31B. . 77.8 22.9 89.4 93.1 TrislerT-32A 74.1 24.5 81.4 95.4 TrislerT-32B 83.9 21.6 91.2 96.9 TrislerT-35B 69.7 22.7 90.5 96.2 TroyerL13 69.7 19.9 78.8 93.1 TroyerLUT... 76.6 18.0 88.1 92.4 Troyer M9A 69.4 21.0 88.1 95.4 TroyerMllT 73.2 24.0 92.7 96.2 Troyer M13T.. 82.1 22.9 89.8 96.2 Troyer M17T 64.4 23.8 81.2 81.8 Troyer M18 71.4 22.4 96.6 84.8 Troyer M21 72.2 20.4 90.9 85.6 Troyer M22 73.4 21.9 96.4 89.3 Van Horn V.H. 97 .. . 73.8 21.5 84.7 90.1 Van Horn V.H. 100 79.1 20.9 87.1 95.4 WyckoffsW-18 76.5 19.6 96.3 85.6 Wyckoffs W-20 66.6 22.8 88.7 79.5 Wyckoffs W-25A 74.0 22.4 93.3 90.1 Average of all entries 74.6 22.3 89.8 89.4 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2.. N.S. 3.3 N.S. 11.2 3-5... N.S. 3.7 N.S. 12.5 6-10 N.S. 3.9 N.S. 13.3 11-20 .. N.S. 4.1 N.S. 14.0 Over 20... N.S. 4.4 N.S. 14.8 22 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Table 7. WEST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Bowen Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand SUMMARY: 1958-1960 bu. Perct. Perct. perct. Whisnand 852 119.1 22.7 89.4 93.9 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) , 114.6 21.6 92.1 93.9 Prairie Gold D-896 (Dittmer) 109.8 21.5 94.6 91.6 Plymouth P-97 107.0 21.5 95.5 85.5 McAllister 13A 106.6 21.6 90.2 85.2 Munson M-119 105.3 20.9 88.2 91.2 P.A.G. 444 104.5 24.8 92.0 87.6 Whisnand 830 103.7 22.8 96.8 92.3 Moews 520 , 103.6 21.2 85.6 96.5 Moews 524 , 103.6 22.0 93.1 87.4 DeKalbSOS 103.4 22.0 92.0 78.7 DeKalb 633 ... 103.2 22.7 95.1 89.9 DeKalb 3x1 103.1 22.0 90.3 86.7 DeKalb 803A 102.8 24.2 88.3 90.8 DeKalb 640 102.4 21.4 98.1 91.4 Troyer MllT 102.4 23.0 91.2 96.9 DeKalb 3x4 102.2 22.2 92.1 87.9 Prairie Gold D-837 (Dittmer) 102.0 21.4 95.2 87.8 Canterbury 420 101.7 21. 1 85.7 92.0 Pioneer 312A 101.4 25.1 94.6 93.4 Canterbury 400 101.3 19.9 91.7 92.8 Hulting482 100.8 23.1 96.2 87.5 Ainsworth X-100 100.7 23.5 94.5 93.7 Morton M404 100.4 22.1 97.2 93.0 Morton M-12A 100.0 22.2 96.1 93.0 Troyer L13 99.2 21.7 91.4 91.7 Troyer M13T 98.4 20.8 93.4 90.9 Ainsworth X-98 97.4 21.5 95.4 86.9 Prairie Gold D-821 (Dittmer) 94.9 21.8 86.6 89.5 Troyer L14T 90.9 21.4 94.3 87.8 P.A.G. 434 90.1 24.1 87.9 78.6 Troyer M9 A 87.6 22.8 94.6 92.2 Average of all entries 102.0 22.2 92.5 89.9 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 N.S. 1.3 N.S. N.S. 3-5 N.S. 1.5 N.S. N.S. 6-10 N.S. 1.6 N.S. N.S. Over 10 N.S. 1.7 N.S. N.S. 1960 RESULTS Ainsworth X-14-3 86.1 21.6 90.1 93.1 Ainsworth X-98 91.3 21.6 93.3 81.8 Ainsworth X-100 81.2 22.8 96.6 92.4 BearOK69 106.1 24.2 83.2 84.0 BearOK89 102.7 25.0 95.2 81.8 BearOK96A 86.0 23.3 82.4 87.1 Bear Unicorn X6OO 120.0 20.4 89.8 87.8 Bear Unicorn X606 84.0 22.6 87.8 84.0 Canterbury 400 92.3 19.3 88.2 90.1 Canterbury 420 93.3 20.3 86.2 87.1 Cargill 340 83.3 22.3 96.0 81.0 Cargill 5741 105.4 21.1 88.4 89.3 DeKalb 3x1 76.2 23.0 84.1 85.6 DeKalb 3x4 83.3 22.0 88.3 91.6 DeKalb 633 95.1 22.2 96.3 87.1 DeKalb 640 85.6 22.3 97.2 83.3 DeKalb 803 90.1 24.2 95.0 85.6 DeKalb 803A 97.7 24.6 84.8 90.9 DeKalbSOS 106.6 20.4 87.1 100.0 DeKalb 869 89.1 23.6 89.2 82.5 DeKalb AS04 93.6 22.3 88.7 88.6 DeKalb X8034 101.7 23.1 93.5 92.4 DeKalb X82-030 92.2 21.7 92.4 79.5 DeKalb X91-005 86.3 23.6 92.0 84.8 (Table is concluded on next page) 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 23 Table 7. Bowen concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1960 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. percl. Hulting345 100.9 21.4 98.1 85.6 Hulling 482 94.7 24.8 94.6 87.8 McAllister UA 97.4 21.6 93.5 77.2 Moews520 91.6 20.6 69.6 96.9 Moews524 104.9 22.5 91.2 90.9 Moews5097 93.4 21.0 92.4 100.0 MoewsCB96A 101.7 21.3 89.9 90.9 Morton M-6X 107.7 21.9 92.4 85.6 Morton M-12A 90.9 21.4 97.3 89.3 Morton M-404 91.1 21.9 96.5 87.1 Morton M-505 80.8 20.0 89.3 80.3 Munson M-119 102.2 20.1 82.7 91.6 Northrup King KT632 79.3 22.6 91.3 83.3 Northrup King KT645 78.5 22.9 95.7 90.1 Northrup King Exp. 6652 90.4 23.4 95.8 74.2 NullN-26 104.7 22.7 95.8 89.3 Null N-41 90.7 23.1 95.9 93.9 P.A.G. 415 104.4 22.1 95.2 96.2 P.A.G.418 81.7 22.7 84.7 82.5 P.A.G. 434 83.8 22.4 80.6 84.0 P.A.G. 436 (formerly Exp. 10919) 99.8 23.2 95.8 90.1 P.A.G. 444 100.3 24.7 87.1 86.3 P.A.G. SX 19 (formerly Exp. 15019) 112.4 23.9 91.8 82.5 Pioneer 309A... 101.4 26.2 90.2 93.9 Pioneer 309B 87.6 32.3 94.4 93.9 Pioneer 312A 86.6 24.2 89.8 90.9 Pioneer 314 106.4 21.9 96.0 94.6 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) 103.1 21.8 87.2 95.4 Pioneer 5555 77.4 22.6 95.1 91.6 Pioneer 6117 94.8 23.2 96.6 87.1 Pioneer 6122 100.9 22.7 95.5 82.5 Pioneer 80202 108.5 19.0 94.1 89.3 Plymouth P-91X... 92.6 23.1 94.5 86.3 Plymouth P-97 107.7 20.4 95.5 85.6 Prairie Gold D-821 (Dittmer) 90.1 21.1 78.9 93.1 Prairie Gold D-83 7 (Dittmer) 92.0 21.9 91.5 87.1 Prairie Gold D-896 (Dittmer) 111.1 21.6 94.9 90.1 TroyerL13.. 89.0 21.1 88.1 88.6 TroyerLUT... 80.3 20.7 93.2 90.1 TroyerLUT 82.9 21.2 92.8 84.8 Troyer M9A 64.2 23.8 95.9 92.4 TroyerMllT 89.2 21.9 91.6 100.0 Troyer M13T 94.6 20.2 94.1 90.9 Troyer M17T 93.1 23.4 95.4 96.2 Troyer M21 106.7 23.4 91.8 87.1 Troyer M22 102.7 20.5 93.7 87.8 Whisnand830 86.9 22.0 96.5 90.9 Whisnand852 107.9 22.3 89.2 91.6 Average of all entries 94.1 22.3 91.3 884 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 N.S. 2.3 10.2 10.5 3-5... N.S. 2.6 11.4 11.7 6-10 N.S. 2.8 12.1 12.5 11-20 .. N.S. 2.9 12.8 13.2 Over 20.. N.S. 3.0 13.3 13.7 24 BULLETIN No. 668 Table 8. CENTRAL ILLINOIS : Stanford [March, Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand SUMMARY: 1958-1960 bu. perct. perct. perct. Pioneer309A 122.1 26.0 95.7 94.2 DeKalbSOS 121.6 21.2 97.4 92.2 DeKalb633 116.5 21.3 93.0 93.0 DeKalb640 112.9 21.0 95.0 93.6 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) 112.7 21.6 96.1 94.8 DeKalb837 112.7 21.8 88.7 95.2 Pioneer302 112.6 24.2 92.4 96.6 Whisnand830 112.3 21.1 93.9 92.8 Bear Unicorn X606 112.1 22.9 96.4 95.1 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600 111.6 21.3 88.3 89.1 Whisnand 852 . . . 110.9 21.5 90.3 92.9 Pioneer 329 110.5 19.2 96.1 96.1 Bear Unicorn X600 110.4 19.4 88.4 92.6 BearOK24 110.3 20.9 97.1 92.4 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 110.2 21.8 93.6 93.5 P.A.G.444 110.1 23.2 89.3 93.3 P.A.G.415 109.5 22.4 93.2 94.4 Moews 524 108.8 20.8 96.0 88.6 Illinois 1421 (Station) 108.6 20.3 91.2 92.3 Moews CB90A 108.6 21.2 95.8 95.9 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-300A .. 108.6 22.4 94.8 91.5 Moews CB69A 107.7 21.4 96.0 91.0 TroyerL13 107.5 20.1 96.5 95.1 Troyer L14T 107.3 20.8 94.9 94.8 Trisler T-35B 107.2 19.4 92.1 91.2 Troyer M9A 106.5 20.9 93.5 90.8 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 106.5 21.8 93.0 92.2 FreyF57 106.4 19.8 92.7 95.6 Van Horn V.H. 100 106.3 19.8 93.6 93.6 Tiemann T-81 105.6 22.7 87.8 93.7 Frey892 104.4 19.9 94.6 94.3 Trisler T-32B.. 104.4 20.4 94.1 94.3 Ainsworth X-14-3 104.1 21.0 92.5 93.9 Frey692 103.4 19.8 94.3 94.3 Troyer Ml IT 102.7 21.5 91.1 90.7 Trisler T-19B 102.4 19.9 92.2 93.7 DeKalb803A 102.4 22.8 90.9 94.5 Mountjoy M-444 101.7 20.8 94.8 90.4 Canterbury 420 101.6 19.5 93.7 93.3 Illinois 1919 (Station) 100.1 20.2 90.1 90.4 Ainsworth X-98 99.3 21.2 93.4 90.7 ApplA-130 96.5 18.8 95.1 95.6 Canterbury 400 94.4 19.1 87.5 93.3 Average of all entries 107.7 21.1 93.2 93.2 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2... N.S. 1.4 N.S. N.S. 3-5 N.S. 1.5 N.S. N.S. 6-10 N.S. 1.6 N.S. N.S. 11-20... N.S. 1.7 N.S. N.S. Over 20... N.S. 1.7 N.S. N.S. (Table is continued on next page) 1961} COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 25 Table 8. Stanford continued Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1960 RESULTS bu. perct. Ainsworth X-14-3 105.6 21.5 Ainsworth X-98 107.0 20.9 Ainsworth X-100 96.7 20.9 Appl A-130 98.6 18.6 ApplA-400 101.7 19.0 Bear OK24 108.4 21.3 BearOK69 108.0 21.2 Bear OK96 114.0 22.8 BearOK96A 109.7 22.1 Bear Unicorn X600 109.7 18.3 Bear Unicorn X606 113.2 23.3 Canterbury 400 87.5 18.8 Canterbury 420 109.0 19.1 Canterbury 430 99.7 20.8 Cargill330 114.0 22.1 Cargill340 125.0 21.8 DeKalb 633 131.9 21.4 DeKalb 640 113.4 21.1 DeKalb 803 112.6 23.4 DeKalb 803A 102.0 24.5 DeKalb 805 127.0 21.5 DeKalb837 125.1 21.7 DeKalb 869 107.5 22.3 DeKalb A504 111.7 21.5 DeKalb A703 120.6 23.0 DeKalb X8034 115.6 22.8 DeKalb X82-030 116.0 20.9 DeKalb X91-005 116.7 22.5 Frey692... 105.2 20.5 Frey892 111.0 19.2 Frey F57 124.2 20.9 Illinois 1421 (Station) 114.2 20.7 Illinois 1919 (Station) 104.9 20.6 Illinois 1936 (Station) 117.0 20.4 Illinois 1996 (Station) 116.0 21.7 Illinois 3042 (Station) 112.7 22 .9 Illinois 33 ISA (Station) 101.4 20.3 Illinois 3348 (Station) 122.0 25.1 Indiana 851 (Station) 107.2 26.5 Moews524... 117.1 22.2 Moews 5097 117.2 21.5 MoewsCB69A 124.2 22.1 MoewsCB90A 115.8 22.7 Moews CB96A 118.6 21.7 Monier6-M-6 113.4 21.5 Mountjoy M-66 101.6 20.0 Mountjoy M-100 122.4 22.0 Mountjoy M-444 112.1 22.3 Northrup King KT632 105.3 22.7 Northrup King KT645 105.7 22.1 Northrup King Exp. 6652 115.5 24.4 perct. 96.6 94.2 97.7 99.2 91.8 99.2 91.3 88.4 93.3 97.3 96.1 97.4 98.1 98.3 98.3 98.4 99.1 99.1 95.0 93.7 98.2 95.2 97.2 98.4 94.6 93.1 100.0 95.8 96.0 96.7 100.0 97.5 98.2 93.0 93.9 96.9 97.5 98.4 95.8 99.1 99.1 99.1 98.3 95.4 97.7 95.4 99.2 96.5 99.1 97.7 92.8 Perct. 90.1 93.1 99.2 96.2 93.1 93.1 95.4 91.6 90.9 94.6 96.9 90.9 92.4 92.4 91.6 95.4 92.4 91.6 93.1 96.2 91.6 93.9 84.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 91.6 93.9 93.1 93.9 98.4 94.6 78.7 98.4 98.4 98.4 94.6 96.2 79.5 81.0 92.4 92.4 96.2 90.9 93.1 99.2 96.2 93.9 88.6 98.4 84.8 (Table is concluded on next page) 26 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Table 8. Stanford concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1960 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. P.A.G. 405 124.0 22.0 97.7 96.9 P.A.G. 415 106.5 23.6 93.7 98.4 P.A.G.418 106.6 23.3 94.2 93.1 P.A.G. 434 118.8 22.4 99.1 90.9 P.A.G.444 115.8 24.1 96.9 99.2 P.A.G. SX9 (formerly Exp. 15009) 111.2 18.9 100.0 92.4 P.A.G. SX14 (formerly Exp. 15014) 126.5 23.8 100.0 87.8 P.A.G. SX19 (formerly Exp. 15019) 137.0 22.5 97.5 92.4 Pioneer 302.. 114.3 25.8 96.2 100.0 Pioneer 309A 135.8 29.2 99.2 97.7 Pioneer 309B 117.7 32.0 99.1 93.9 Pioneer 312A 134.2 23.0 96.7 95.4 Pioneer 314 108.0 22.9 100.0 96.9 Pioneer 321 107.5 22.8 99.2 96.9 Pioneer 329 113.8 19.8 98.4 99.2 Pioneer 5701 125.2 23.7 98.4 100.0 Pioneer 6122 123.3 23.8 99.2 99.2 Pioneer 80202 97.6 20.2 96.8 97.7 Pioneer X23 124.4 22.6 96.7 94.6 Schwenk S-27-1 . . . 103.2 20.3 97.5 90.9 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-300A 128.2 23.1 98.4 93.9 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 118.2 21.1 96.7 93.1 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600 133.0 23.5 100.0 91.6 Tiemann T-81 96.5 23.5 91.3 96.9 Todd635 105.4 21.6 94.8 81.0 Todd 645 97.9 22.1 95.9 93.1 Todd840 102.7 23.9 94.3 95.4 Todd 855 124.8 21.2 98.2 87.8 Tomco 838 101.8 22.9 98.3 88.6 Tomco 882 96.3 22.3 92.3 98.4 TrislerT-19B 105.7 19.9 97.6 96.2 TrislerT-31B 124.5 22.5 94.5 94.6 TrislerT-32A 130.0 21.7 96.0 93.9 TrislerT-32B 107.1 20.5 99.2 93.9 Trisler T-35B 116.6 20.2 94.3 94.6 TroyerL13.. 112.7 20.5 98.4 95.4 TroyerL13T 82.7 21.9 98.1 79.5 Troyer L14T 111.1 21.9 96.7 96.2 Troyer M9A 111.4 21.6 94.4 92.4 TroyerMllT 113.1 21.3 98.3 93.1 Troyer M13T 103.2 20.2 96.9 99.2 Troyer M17T 100.6 22.8 100.0 87.8 Troyer M21 107.8 22.5 98.3 87.8 Troyer M22 108.5 20.9 100.0 91.6 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 .. 102.1 21.9 96.1 90.9 Van Horn V.H. 100 112.6 19.4 96.8 97.7 Van Horn V.H. Ill 123.7 20.6 96.1 94.6 Whisnand830 117.3 22.1 96.8 95.4 Whisnand852 109.6 21.5 96.8 94.6 Average of all entries 112.7 22.1 97.0 94.2 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 18.2 1.4 5.0 8.8 3-5 20.3 1.5 5.6 9.8 6-10 21.6 1.6 6.0 10.4 11-20 22.8 1.7 6.3 11.0 Over20.... 24.1 1.8 6.7 11.7 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS Table 9. EAST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Urbana 27 Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand SUMMARY: 1956-1960 bu. perct. perct. perct. BearOK96 128.7 21.6 96.7 89.7 Whisnand852 127.5 21.7 94.3 92.4 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600 126.3 20.5 92.8 91.4 ApplA-159 126.1 20.5 93.5 93.4 Moews524A 124.7 21.3 95.5 93.2 Pioneer 312A 124.5 22.9 95.8 94.1 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 124.4 22.4 96.1 90.6 Frey892 123.0 19.5 95.6 93.8 Frey692 122.8 19.2 96.1 93.0 Holmes 39 122.1 20.1 91.9 94.3 Van Horn V.H. 100 120.9 19.0 96.3 89.8 ApplA-130 120.8 18.6 93.8 93.6 Troyer M11T 120.1 20.1 94.4 92.7 \Vhisnand830 119.8 20.6 96.3 90.7 Canterbury 400. .. 119.5 19.0 94.4 93.8 TrislerT-32B 119.5 20.1 96.9 91.8 Moews523 119.2 19.9 93.3 93.0 Canterbury 420 119.1 18.3 93.2 92.4 P.A.G. 444 119.1 23.4 97.0 90.8 Ainsworth X-14-3 118.8 19.5 93.0 93.1 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 .. 117.8 22.1 96.5 90.1 TrislerT-33B 117.4 19.7 94.8 90.1 TiemannT-72 117.2 19.7 95.9 93.1 AES805 117.1 20.5 97.3 93.2 Troyer L13 117.0 19.3 96.3 91.9 Van Horn V.H. 97 115.6 19.5 97.5 93.4 TrislerT-19B 115.5 18.6 93.9 92.7 Troyer L14T 115.5 20.9 96.9 93.4 Average of all entries 127.5 21.7 95.2 92.4 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2... 8.0 1.3 N.S. N.S. 3-5... .... 9.0 1.5 N.S. N.S. 6-10 9.5 1.6 N.S. N.S. 11-20 10.0 1.6 N.S. N.S. Over 20... 10.1 1.6 N.S. N.S. (Table is continued on next page) 28 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Table 9. Urbana continued Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand SUMMARY: 1958-1960 bu. percl. perct. perct. Bear Unicorn X600 124.3 20.8 83.4 92.6 DeKalbSOS 124.3 21.5 98.7 93.5 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600 123.2 21.2 90.6 92.9 Whisnand 852 121.6 22.4 90.9 90.7 Van Horn V.H. Ill 119.6 21.1 88.2 94.1 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 118.2 23.1 95.2 89.9 ApplA-159 117.0 22.5 91.4 93.7 Illinois 1996 (Pfeifer) 116.0 22.8 95.3 93.4 Pioneer312A 116.0 22.8 94.0 94.2 BearOK96 115.7 22.4 95.1 88.7 Holmes39 115.2 21.3 89.5 94.4 Moews 524A 114.4 22.4 96.5 93.7 Illinois 1421 (Pfeifer) 114.3 20.7 94.9 95.4 Frey892 113.4 21.2 95.1 93.6 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) 113.3 21.0 95.8 95.6 Pioneer 319 113.1 20.4 96.3 94.7 Frey 692 112.3 20.6 96.2 94.0 Crib Filler 131 112.1 22.5 94.2 93.9 P.A.G. 415 112.0 21.9 97.3 89.1 Troyer M11T 111.7 21.9 92.3 93.1 DeKalb640... 111.5 20.6 96.9 92.9 ApplA-130 111.1 20.6 92.0 95.4 DeKalb 3X1 111.1 20.9 91.2 90.8 Troyer M9A 110.8 22.5 94.5 91.6 Ainsworth X-98 . 110.7 20.5 94.5 91.2 Ainsworth X-14-3 110.6 21.2 92.7 93.6 Whisnand 830 110.4 21.8 95.5 91.4 Van Horn V.H. 100 109.8 20.1 95.2 88.1 Trisler T-35B 109.7 21.2 93.9 93.6 Canterbury 400 109.6 20.0 93.9 93.9 Moews 523... 109.6 20.9 90.8 92.7 Canterbury 420 109.0 19.6 93.3 89.9 TiemannT-72 109.0 21.2 94.1 94.1 TrislerT-32B 109.0 21.3 95.8 91.7 DeKalb 633 108.9 21.9 91.8 90.0 DeKalb 803A 108.3 22.9 92.1 91.2 AES 805 (Stone '58, '59; Pfeifer '60) 107.6 21.7 97.5 93.4 P.A.G. 444 107.5 24.5 93.7 91.1 Troyer L13 107.3 21.1 95.2 92.3 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 107.2 22.9 96.9 89.9 BearOKSS 106.9 21.9 95.7 91.1 Illinois 1332 (Pfeifer) 106.8 20.8 96.3 92.4 Trisler T-19B 106.0 19.9 92.5 91.7 Trisler T-33B 106.0 20.7 93.3 85.8 Van Horn V.H. 97 105.9 21.0 97.2 93.2 Pioneer309A 105.8 24.5 95.4 92.3 FreyF57 105.7 21.4 94.3 94.8 Crib Filler 124 105.0 21.1 91.2 88.9 Troyer L14T 104.7 22.0 96.6 92.9 Cargill PI733 103.6 21.1 97.5 89.9 Ainsworth X-100 102.4 21.7 92.9 94.1 Average of all entries 111.2 21.5 94.0 92.3 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 11.6 1.4 N.S. N.S. 3-5 13.0 1.5 N.S. N.S. 6-10 13.8 1.6 N.S. N.S. 11-20 14.4 1.6 N.S. N.S. Over 20... 14.7 1.6 N.S. N.S. (Table is continued on next page) 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 29 Table 9. Urbana continued Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1960 RESULTS bu. perct. perct. perct. AES 702 (Pfeifer) 104.5 19.3 86.8 92.4 AES 805 (Pfeifer) 94.5 20.8 97.4 89.3 Ainsworth X-14-3 114.4 19.5 92.2 98.4 Ainsworth X-98 111.5 18.9 94.5 95.4 Ainsworth X-100 96.6 19.3 84.7 91.6 ApplA-130 103.5 19.1 91.1 93.9 ApplA-159 114.6 21.9 84.3 95.4 ApplA-400 100.8 20.2 90.2 93.9 Appl A-440 96.4 22.6 90.4 95.4 Bear OK44 114.5 21.7 91.0 92.4 Bear OK55 93.2 20.3 93.1 100.0 Bear OK96 115.1 20.4 87.4 96.2 BearOK96A 118.0 19.4 78.6 93.9 Bear OK878 111.7 19.4 91.0 93.1 Bear Unicorn X600 102.7 18.4 72.1 94.6 Bear Unicorn X606 116.7 21.9 96.1 98.4 Canterbury 400 106.4 18.6 93.8 99.2 Canterbury 420 100.6 18.1 84.1 92.4 Cargill5752 97.4 20.0 95.4 90.1 Cargill PI733 86.2 20.4 97.6 92.4 Crib Filler 70 107.4 19.8 91.7 91.6 Crib Filler 77 97.0 20.1 76.5 88.6 Crib Filler 116 115.8 19.6 91.5 96.2 Crib Filler 123 106.3 21.8 97.6 98.4 Crib Filler 124 93.8 18.5 80.6 89.3 Crib Filler 131 104.9 20.9 90.6 98.4 DeKalb3Xl.. 102.1 19.6 80.6 90.9 DeKalb633 100.1 21.2 92.3 90.1 DeKalb 640 102.7 18.1 92.8 93.9 DeKalb 803 105.9 21.6 92.9 97.7 DeKalb 803A 112.2 21.8 87.4 96.9 DeKalb 805 119.0 19.5 96.1 94.6 DeKalb 869 95.9 20.0 91.3 88.6 DeKalb 898A 102.5 19.3 75.4 97.7 DeKalb A504 108.3 19.9 94.4 95.4 DeKalb A703 108.3 22.3 91.2 95.4 DeKalb X8034 108.4 19.2 83.2 95.4 DeKalb X9 1-005 125.3 20.3 89.5 92.4 Embro45LE... 107.1 23.7 91.4 96.9 Frey692 111.9 19.3 97.6 95.4 Frey 892 111.7 20.4 89.2 98.4 Frey F57 106.8 18.9 92.8 96.9 Holmes 39 110.2 18.3 79.5 98.4 Illinois 1332 (Pfeifer).... .... 99.6 19.1 95.8 93.1 Illinois 1421 (Pfeifer) 109.9 18.1 89.7 96.2 Illinois 1992 (Pfeifer) 95.9 19.1 95.7 88.6 Illinois 1996 (Pfeifer)... 109.5 20.7 93.9 89.3 Illinois 1996 (Stone) 102.9 18.1 87.3 95.4 Indiana 851 (Station). . 104.4 20.4 93.1 96.2 Indiana 909 (Princeton) 96.4 20.0 84.4 92.4 Moews523... 106.5 19.5 92.4 100.0 Moews524A... 106.4 20.8 93.6 96.2 Moews5097 106.6 19.1 93.7 96.2 Moews CB96A. . 101.0 20.1 97.5 92.4 Monier6-M-6 114.2 19.6 93.7 97.7 Mountjoy M-33 107.7 20.0 95.4 96.9 Muncy Chief H522... 103.9 19.1 88.6 100.0 Muncy Chief H780 89.2 20.4 93.9 100.0 Muncy Chief H802 92.6 19.0 98.4 100.0 Northrup King KT632 102.5 17.9 91.6 86.3 Northrup King KT645 104.1 19.5 98.4 95.4 Northnip King Exp. 6652 116.2 20.9 92.0 87.1 (Table is concluded on next page) 30 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Table 9. Urbana concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1960 RESULTS concluded bit. perct. perct. perct. P.A.G. 405... 117.3 19.3 98.4 98.4 P.A.G. 415 109.3 20.2 98.0 84.0 P.A.G. 418 114.1 20.5 96.8 93.9 P.A.G. 434 101.5 19.8 92.8 96.2 P.A.G. 436 (formerly Exp. 10919) 107.5 22.0 83.7 97.7 P.A.G. 444 113.2 23.5 93.1 99.2 P.A.G. SX14 (formerly Exp. 15014) 111.2 20.5 100.0 86.3 P.A.G. SX19 (formerly Exp. 15019) 112.6 20.6 86.9 92.4 Pfeifer Exp. 101 88.7 19.3 96.2 95.4 Pioneer 302. . 98.9 21.9 87.3 95.4 Pioneer 309A 104.5 22.9 91.1 94.6 Pioneer 309B 116.3 24.7 96.9 96.9 Pioneer 312A 124.7 20.8 93.0 98.4 Pioneer 319 (formerly 2990) 118.1 17.6 96.9 98.4 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) 115.2 19.9 92.4 96.2 Pioneer 3756A 106.8 18.4 91.8 91.6 Pioneer 5625 104.8 21.3 95.9 95.4 Pioneer 6201 125.7 17.8 96.1 97.7 Pioneer 6261 122.4 20.4 96.2 99.2 Pioneer 80202 117.9 17.1 93.9 99.2 Pioneer X23 114.8 19.2 98.3 93.9 Princeton 8-A 99.9 19.6 94.1 94.6 Princeton 685 104.6 19.7 99.1 91.6 Princeton 888 110.6 19.1 88.5 99.2 Princeton 890 115.4 20.0 94.4 96.2 Princeton 990W 103.6 20.0 87.6 90.1 Steckley's Genetic Giant 12 98.1 18.5 96.7 84.8 Steckley's Genetic Giant 13 102.0 20.0 93.7 94.6 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 109.8 20.4 87.7 92.4 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600 123.2 21.2 91.9 93.9 Stone 3049E 87.0 19.2 89.7 84.8 Super-Crost 690 (formerly C2F) 105.8 18.9 95.1 94.6 Super-Crost 851 (formerly C1F) 106.5 21.4 87.7 93.9 TiemannT-72 111.8 20.4 89.3 100.0 Todd424 87.4 17.6 94.7 86.3 Todd602 105.3 20.0 94.5 97.7 Todd630 113.8 18.5 94.3 96.2 Todd635 99.2 18.9 98.1 93.1 Todd645 99.9 19.2 94.2 89.3 TrislerT-19B... 102.5 17.3 84.4 96.9 TrislerT-31B 117.7 21.1 80.1 96.2 TrislerT-32A 111.8 20.9 90.0 90.9 TrislerT-32B 104.0 19.5 92.3 89.3 Trisler T-33B 102.2 17.3 85.9 91.6 TrislerT-35B 108.4 21.4 91.6 100.0 Troyer L13 107.1 18.8 90.6 94.6 TroyerLUT 91.0 20.9 93.7 95.4 Troyer M9A 96.7 21.3 93.5 91.6 Troyer Ml IT 108.3 19.9 92.9 96.2 Troyer Ml 7T 98.7 19.8 96.5 91.6 Troyer M21 101.2 19.4 96.1 98.4 Troyer M22 112.0 19.6 98.4 93.9 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 .. 95.3 20.9 97.6 93.9 Van Horn V.H. 97 99.3 18.9 97.6 95.4 Van Horn V.H. 100 111.2 18.3 96.7 96.9 Van Horn V.H. Ill 124.2 18.9 88.5 93.1 Whisnand 830 98.5 20.6 94.5 97.7 WhisnandSSO 108.9 21.1 79.0 96.2 Whisnand852 122.1 19.9 88.7 84.8 Average of all entries 106.5 19.9 91.6 94.3 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2.. 19.0 1.9 11.3 8.5 3-5 21.2 2.1 12.6 9.4 6-10 22.6 2.3 13.4 10.0 11-20 23.8 2.4 14.2 10.6 Over 20.. 25.2 2.5 15.0 11.2 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 31 Table 10. WEST SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Greenfield Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand SUMMARY: 1956-1960 bu. perct. perct. perct. Pocklington P-78A 101.3 19.4 90.2 81.6 Pocklington P-75A 101.2 18.5 87.9 83.9 Bear OK96 101.2 19.2 92.0 90.5 Pioneer 316 98.5 17.5 91.5 87.4 Pioneer 302 97.7 20.3 90.7 90.1 Canterbury 420 97.5 16.4 91.4 89.1 Canterbury 400 97.3 16.8 92.0 91.3 Ainsworth X-14-A 96.6 19.4 84.3 95.3 Whisnand830 96.5 17.4 93.1 84.8 Whisnand 852 96.2 19.5 89.8 82.4 Moews 523 95.3 18.5 89.0 89.4 Average of all entries 98.1 18.4 90.2 87.8 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 N.S. 1.1 N.S. N.S. Over 2 N.S. 1.3 N.S. N.S. SUMMARY: 1958-1960 DeKalbSOS . 106.9 18.9 88.6 88.2 Moews 524 101.8 18.5 88.8 89.0 Whisnand 834 98.5 19.0 88.7 90.1 Ainsworth X-100 97.4 20.2 92.8 94.0 Bear OK96 96.5 19.8 88.6 87.3 Moews CB69A 94.7 18.2 92.4 88.7 Bear OK878 94.6 19.5 91.4 81.0 Van Horn V.H. Ill 94.3 18.7 73.3 88.2 Pocklington P-78A 94.0 20.4 88.0 82.8 Pocklington P-75A . 93.7 18.0 81.5 80.4 Pioneer 309 B 93.3 24.0 89.7 87.5 DeKalb 640 , 92.6 18.6 93.9 80.6 Illinois 2214W (Station) 92.3 20.9 84.0 89.8 Cargill 320 91.8 18.4 88.9 89.4 Moews 523 90.9 19.2 84.3 89.7 Whisnand 852 90.1 19.9 85.3 77.6 Pioneer 319 89.5 18.0 83.5 86.3 Canterbury 420 89.3 17.5 86.2 84.0 Pioneer 302 . 88.7 20.7 86.4 86.7 DeKalb 803A 88.7 20.7 78.2 86.4 Whisnand 830 88.5 18.2 89.5 79.4 Canterbury 400 87.9 17.6 88.6 88.1 Pioneer 316 87.2 18.6 87.2 81.1 DeKalb 3x4 86.8 19.1 79.5 86.0 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 86.0 19.2 86.0 85.3 Ainsworth X-14-A 85.1 20.3 79.8 93.9 P.A.G. 434 83.9 20.7 85.7 79.1 Average of all entries 92.0 19.4 86.3 85 9 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 N.S. 1.3 N.S. N.S. 3-5 N.S. 1.4 N.S. N.S. 6-10 N.S. 1.5 N.S. N.S. Over 10 N.S. 1.6 N.S. N.S. 1960 RESULTS Ainsworth X-14-A 77.9 21.5 92.3 98.4 Ainsworth X-98 84.1 21.8 95.6 92.4 Ainsworth X-100 93.9 23.6 94.5 93.1 Bear OK55 85.3 22.1 92.6 93.1 Bear OK69 ... 76.1 23.6 84.7 88.6 Bear OK89 72.2 25.4 92.8 96.2 Bear OK96 . 91.0 22.5 86.8 88.6 Bear OK878 . 88.0 23.0 98.3 76.5 Bear Unicorn X606 . 103.4 22.4 93.7 93.9 Canterbury 400 91.9 20.5 96.9 95.4 Canterbury 420 . 98.9 20.0 91.7 95.4 Cargill 320 83.1 22.0 89.6 96.2 Cargill 380 83.4 23.9 91.0 85.6 (Table is concluded on next page) 32 BULLETIN No. 668 (March, Table 10. Greenfield concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1960 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. percl. perct. DeKalb3x4 73.4 22.6 84.5 89.3 DeKalb640 94.4 21.2 94.6 75.0 DeKalb803 66.5 25.4 94.6 81.0 DeKalb803A 83.2 24.8 88.5 87.1 DeKalbSOS 107.7 21.5 98.9 87.1 DeKalb812 90.4 22.6 93.6 93.9 DeKalb 869 69.6 22.1 97.2 84.8 DeKalb898A 90.7 22.8 89.2 93.1 DeKalb A504 82.2 21.0 97.4 90.9 DeKalb X8034 83.3 22.7 94.3 84.0 DeKalb X 72- 194 85.3 23.1 88.5 86.3 DeKalb X91 -005 89.4 21.9 96.5 80.3 Illinois 1332 (Station) 83 .3 19.6 92 .8 91 .6 Illinois 1421 (Station) 91.6 21.2 87.7 90.1 Illinois 1996 (Stone) 80.6 21.2 98.0 78.7 Illinois 221 4W (Station) 72.5 24.1 85.1 91.6 Illinois 3343 (Station) 97.1 22.9 98.1 83.3 Illinois 3348 (Station) 71.4 23.5 95.7 88.6 Illinois 3360 (Station) 77.6 21.9 90.2 92.4 Illinois 8001 (Station) 105.0 20.3 92 .0 81 .8 Moews523 75.8 21.9 84.9 87.1 Moews 524 102.2 22.1 90.4 93.9 Moews5094 65.6 24.3 90.0 94.6 Moews CB69A 98.4 22.0 95.1 91.6 Moews CB96A 63.8 22.9 94.2 88.6 Morton M-6X 95.4 20.4 91.5 97.7 Morton M-12A 97.6 23.3 98.1 81.0 P.A.G. 418 90.3 22.2 92.7 81.0 P.A.G. 434 84.9 24.1 89.0 90.9 P.A.G. 436 (formerly Exp. 10919) 82.1 27.1 93.6 87.1 P.A.G. 444 93.8 22.2 94.9 87.1 Pioneer 302.. . 81.8 22.9 90.3 80.3 Pioneer 309A 74.1 28.0 86.8 90.9 Pioneer 309B 78.7 27.7 94.0 89.3 Pioneer312A 86.6 24.8 92.2 75.0 Pioneer316 82.7 21.3 91.6 78.0 Pioneer 319 (formerly 2990) 73.3 20.7 90.4 87.8 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) 74.5 24.5 97.2 84.8 Pioneer 6122 102.5 24.5 98.1 87.8 Pioneer 6261 85.2 21.8 90.3 84.8 Pioneer 80203 85.9 22.8 92.9 96.2 PioneerX23 88.3 22.0 87.6 83.3 Pocklington P-70. . . 83.5 21.3 91.8 71.2 Pocklington P-75A 94.9 21.5 88.6 80.3 Pocklington P-78A 87.0 23.1 89.0 81.8 Pocklington P-84 88.8 20.9 90.8 74.2 Princeton 8-A 73.1 21.5 98.4 79.5 Princeton 685 86.7 22.8 96.5 81.8 Princeton 890 86.5 22.4 98.3 80.3 Super-Crost 695 (formerly C2F) .. .91.1 21.6 94.6 82.5 Super-Crost 851 (formerly GIF) 78.6 23.2 87.9 74.2 Stull's 100YA 93.9 22.4 91.5 81.8 Stull's 100YN 84.5 24.0 90.6 87.8 Stull's 101 YA 80.4 21.4 93.0 88.6 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 80.3 21.7 91.1 91.6 Van Horn V.H. Ill 81.8 21.3 92.8 87.1 Whisnand 830 93.0 21.6 96.6 87.1 Whisnand834 95.1 22.1 93.1 96.9 Whisnand 852 97.0 23.9 95.0 86.0 Average of all entries 85.6 22.6 92.5 86.9 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 . 20.5 2.4 8.4 N.S. 3-5 . 22.8 2.7 9.4 N.S. 6-10 24.3 2.9 10.0 N.S. 11-20 25.6 3.0 10.5 N.S. Over 20 27.1 3.2 11.1 N.S. 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 33 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Brownstown 1960 Nominees Ainsworth Goldline 378 Munson M-119 Ainsworth X-14-3 P.A.G. 434 Ainsworth X-14-A P.A.G. 436 (formerly Exp. 10919) Ainsworth X-98 P.A.G. 444 Ainsworth X-100 P.A.G. 631W Bear OK69 P.A.G. 633W Bear OK89 Pioneer 302 Bear OK96A Pioneer 309A Bear OK878 Pioneer 309 B Bear Unicorn X600 Pioneer 319 (formerly 2990) Canterbury 400 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) Canterbury 420 Pioneer 6122 Cargill 340 Pioneer 6201 Cargill 380 Pioneer 6261 Crib Filler 116 Pioneer 80203 Crib Filler 124 Pioneer X23 Crib Filler 131 Princeton 8-A Crib Filler 138 Princeton 685 DeKalb 3x1 Princeton 888 DeKalb 803 Princeton 890 DeKalb 803A Princeton 990W DeKalb 805 Schenk's S-70A DeKalb 856 Schenk's S-73 DeKalb 886 Schenk's S-80A DeKalb 925W Schenk's S-82 DeKalb A715 Stull's 100YA DeKalb X82-019 Stull's 100YN DeKalb X8034 Stull's 101 YA Illinois 1511 (Station) Tiemann T-72 Indiana 909 (Princeton) Tiemann T-78 Jones WJ80 Van Horn V.H. 76 Moews 523 Van Horn V.H. 95-1 Moews 525 Van Horn V.H. 100 Moews 5097 Van Horn V.H. 101 Moews CB70A Whisnand 830 Moews CB96A Whisnand 852 (Data insufficient for analysis.) 34 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Table 12. EXTREME SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Wolf Lake Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand SUMMARY: 1956-1960 bu. perct. percl. perct. StuU's400W 103.3 17.4 97 91 DeKalb 1023 101.2 19.1 91 91 Ainsworth X-14-A 96.5 17.0 94 90 Van Horn V.H. 55W 95.5 18.2 92 90 Whisnand830 95.3 17.1 96 91 Pioneer302 93.1 17.7 98 95 DeKalb 925W.. . . 93.1 18.3 96 90 Illinois 1570 (Station) 92.6 16.2 97 92 P.A.G. 631W 92.5 18.2 96 88 Whisnand 851 91.1 17.8 97 90 Illinois 2214W (Station) 90.8 17.6 93 88 P.A.G. 485 90.3 17.8 95 90 Average of all entries 94.6 19.4 95 91 SUMMARY: 1958-1960 Stull's400W 95.1 18.7 94.7 91.7 Pioneer 309B 94.0 20.3 97.0 90.0 Illinois 1851 (Station) 93.5 17.8 94.0 91.0 DeKalb 1023 91.9 20.2 84.7 88.7 Pioneer 309A 91.8 19.6 99.0 89.0 MoewsCB98W 91.7 19.7 98.0 93.0 Whisnand 852 91.3 18.3 96.0 91.0 DeKalb 1028 91.0 20.5 86.0 89.0 DeKalb 805 88.4 18.5 96.0 90.0 Pioneer 319 88.2 16.8 95.0 92.0 Ainsworth X-l 4-A. . . 87.7 17.7 92.7 92.3 Van Horn V.H. 55W 86.7 19.5 91.7 92.0 Whisnand 830 86.2 17.8 94.0 92.7 MoewsCBlOO 85.7 18.6 96.0 92.0 Pioneer302 84.5 18.5 97.3 93.7 Illinois 1570 (Station) 84.4 16.9 96.0 96.0 Whisnand 851 84.3 18.7 94.7 87.0 DeKalb 925W 83.9 19.3 93.3 89.7 P.A.G. 485 82.7 19.0 91.3 90.0 P.A.G. 631W 82.0 19.6 94.0 85.7 Van Horn V.H. 100... . 78.9 16.9 93.0 88.0 Illinois 2214W (Station) 78.9 18.8 90.3 86.3 P.A.G. 434 77.8 18.2 94.0 86.0 Average of all entries 87.0 18.7 93.9 90.3 (Table is concluded on next page) 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 35 Table 12 Wolf Lake concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1960 RESULTS bu. percl. Perct. percl. Ainsworth X-14-A 63.2 18.1 90.5 86.3 Ainsworth X-100 63.4 18.9 94.7 87.8 ApplA-440 82.2 20.1 96.2 86.3 DeKalb 805... 77.0 18.7 96.3 84.0 DeKalb869 69.4 19.0 98.1 82.5 DeKalb 886 69.6 18.9 96.2 92.4 DeKalb925W 78.6 20.7 91.2 91.6 DeKalb 1002 44.7 20.8 93.4 78.8 DeKalb 1023 92.2 21.6 84.0 84.0 DeKalb 1028 69.2 21.3 79.9 78.7 DeKalb A715 84.3 19.2 93.9 87.1 DeKalb X72-159 61.2 20.4 85.0 62.1 DeKalb X82-028 61.9 17.4 97.6 87.8 DeKalb X82-029 84.1 18.6 87.9 89.3 DeKalb X82-134 74.3 21.3 93.9 86.3 Embro 107W 68.1 21.3 100.0 68.1 Illinois 1349 (Station) 70.0 18.2 90.0 90.1 Illinois 1570 (Station) 68.0 17.1 92.7 95.4 Illinois 1851 (Station) 76.7 17.9 92.1 89.3 Illinois 2214 W (Station) 64.3 19.8 96.9 72.7 Illinois 3348 (Station) 97.9 20.0 89.5 93.9 Indiana 851 (Station) 74.8 18.7 92.3 89.3 Indiana 909 (Princeton) 80.3 19.1 99.1 85.6 Jones WJ80 72.8 18.2 96.6 89.3 Moews5097 . 63.0 17.4 99.0 80.3 MoewsCB96A 60.8 17.8 99.0 85.6 Moews CB98W 71.8 20.7 97.4 89.3 Moews CB100 76.2 19.3 93.7 85.6 P.A.G. 434 76.0 18.6 97.3 87.8 P. A. G. 436 (formerly Exp. 10919) 81.0 20.5 99.2 90.9 P.A.G. 444 99.8 19.8 100.0 90.9 P.A.G. 480 57.5 24.2 96.3 87.1 P.A.G. 485 82.3 19.5 90.3 85.6 P.A.G. 631W 77.5 19.9 93.8 86.3 Pioneer 302 ... 77.2 19.5 97.5 89.3 Pioneer309A 79.7 21.7 99.1 84.0 Pioneer309B 79.9 22.6 100.0 83.3 Pioneer312A 88.8 19.5 97.5 91.6 Pioneer 3 19 (formerly 2990) 83.3 16.5 92.6 90.9 Pioneer 6122 88.8 18.7 98.4 86.3 Pioneer 6201 76.4 17.5 92.3 93.9 Pioneer 6261 81.1 17.8 87.1 87.8 Pioneer 80203 72.5 17.9 94.5 87.8 Pioneer X23 62.9 18.1 98.2 90.9 Princeton 8-A .. . 80.4 18.2 99.1 87.8 Princeton 685 81.6 19.3 96.6 90.1 Princeton 888 77.3 18.4 92.0 84.0 Princeton 890 81.0 19.6 97.6 87.8 Princeton 990W 82.5 18.6 94.1 87.8 Schenk'sS-86 72.0 19.1 90.8 76.5 Schenlc's S-87 62.2 19.9 96.0 74.2 Schenk's S-90W 91.4 19.5 96.5 90.1 Schenk'3 S-99W 95.3 18.8 98.4 94.6 Stall's 100YA. . 78.5 18.2 97.3 86.3 Stull'slOlYA 85.0 21.1 95.7 90.1 StuH's400W 89.2 19.6 96.6 94.6 Stuirs400WR 77.1 18.8 96.8 75.7 Stull'sSOOW 85.7 18.5 97.3 89.3 Van Horn V.H. 55W 69.5 20.4 90.4 93.1 Van Horn V.H. 100 72.3 17.0 92.7 84.8 Whisnand 830 74.4 18.3 90.5 88.6 Whisnand 851 . . . 67.6 19.7 90.9 76.5 Whisnand 852 90.4 18.9 95.6 91.6 Whisnand 917W . 65.7 19.1 97.2 77.2 Average of all entries 76.0 19.3 94.6 86.2 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2... N.S. 1.3 8.9 11.4 3-5... N.S. 1.4 10.0 12.7 6-10 N.S. 1.5 10.6 13.5 11-20. N.S. 1.6 11.2 142 Over 20 .. N.S. 1.6 11.6 148 36 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Table 13. INCREASED PLANTING RATES Total acre Moisture in Erect o f __j Entry yield grain at harvest plants Sta NORTHERN ILLINOIS: DeKalb 24,000 plants per acre bu. perct. perct. perct. Summary: 1959-1960 P.A.G. SX9 (Exp. 15018) 117.4 25.7 89.6 89.0 DeKalb 640 116.1 28.5 90.1 90.2 Illinois 1996 (Station) 114.8 26.6 80.8 93.2 Moews48A 113.9 27.6 89.9 91.6 Doubet D413 113.4 27.6 88.7 82.5 DeKalb 440 113.3 26.5 89.7 92.8 P.A.G. 234 113.2 25.3 87.8 94.2 Wyffels W-600 113.2 27.0 87.3 96.3 Illinois (Hy2xOh7) (Station) 112.2 26.9 79.1 87.2 Pioneer 345 110.0 24.3 81.4 94.7 MoewsSOSA.. 107.7 25.5 88.5 90.9 Tomco 619 106.6 27.0 90.7 95.0 Halting 242 105.2 25.9 89.5 89.9 Pioneer 329 104.8 27.0 87.1 90.0 DeKalb 633 104.6 28.2 87.1 90.5 Pioneer 371 103.9 22.2 87.0 90.4 DeKalb 444 100.7 26.4 91.4 91.1 Steckley's Genetic Giant 4 100.2 24.5 84.9 88.3 SiebenS-580 100.0 27.7 90.9 85.7 MoewsSOOA.. 97.6 28.1 90.6 89.3 DeKalb 400 96.2 26.3 85.6 86.5 Hulling 245 95.1 23.2 89.2 88.4 Sieben S-340 93.1 25.4 86.1 88.5 DeKalb 414 92.4 24.9 87.7 91.3 Illinois (WF9xC103) (Station) 71.7 27.1 93.0 80.4 Average of all entries 104.7 26.2 87.7 89.9 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 N.S. 2.1 N.S. N.S. 3-5 N.S. 2.3 N.S. N.S. 6-10 N.S. 2.4 N.S. N.S. Over 10 N.S. 2.5 N.S. N.S. 1960 Results Bear Unicorn X600. . 91.3 27.0 72.3 90.9 Cargill939 88.3 30.6 91.2 85.3 Cargill5929 103.6 30.2 93.2 89.3 DeKalb 400 91.4 28.8 81.4 79.7 DeKalb 414 101.3 27.1 89.9 90.4 DeKalb 427 98.9 28.2 94.0 94.4 DeKalb 440 110.3 29.5 91.0 93.4 DeKalb 441 97.7 29.5 93.4 84.3 DeKalb 444 112.9 28.7 94.3 88.8 DeKalb 459 89.6 28.7 70.1 79.2 (Table is continued on next page) 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 37 Table 13. Increased Planting Rates continued Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand bu. perct. 1960 Results DeKalb concluded perct. Perct. DeKalb 633 109.1 30.9 87.6 89.3 DeKalb 640 111.6 32.4 94.3 89.3 DeKalb A301 100.7 29.0 87.4 91.4 DeKalb A506 (Formerly X4008) 109.1 29.1 96.0 87.3 DeKalb X 72-076 100.0 26.4 83.6 89.3 Doubet D413 115.0 30.6 88.7 81.8 Hulling 242 109.8 28.9 97.7 90.4 Hulling 245 92.0 25.2 92.1 86.8 Illinois 1996 (Station)... 120.1 28.7 81.1 91.4 Illinois 3042 (Station) 109.9 30.9 85.9 86.3 Illinois 3152 (Station) 103.6 28.8 85.9 83.8 Illinois 3 182 A (Station) 98.1 28.0 78.9 90.9 Illinois 3302 A- 1 (Station) 101.0 26.9 90.1 89.8 Illinois 33 ISA (Station) 89.6 30.2 89.8 77.2 Illinois 3348 121.6 31.3 75.9 91.9 Illinois Hy2xOh7 (Station) 125.2 29.8 79.1 83.3 Illinois WF9xC103 (Station) 101.2 29.9 97.8 68.6 Moews48A.. 104.9 30.4 93.8 89.8 MoewsSOOA 100.7 31.5 92.6 89.8 MoewsSOSA 105.0 29.0 89.5 87.3 MoewsCB65A 91.0 32.7 91.8 95.9 Muncy Chief H522 98.4 32.2 92.7 91.4 Muncy Chief H780 108.0 30.7 91.4 90.9 P.A.G. 234 112.8 27.7 90.6 92.4 P.A.G. 285 111.2 27.6 97.8 93.4 P.A.G. SX9 (formerly Exp. 15009) 98.6 28.9 87.4 83.3 P.A.G. Exp. 15018 116.0 26.9 95.1 90.4 Pioneer 320.. 101.1 29.9 84.2 94.9 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) 102.1 31.8 80.5 86.8 Pioneer 329 ... 110.0 30.3 91.4 88.8 Pioneer 345 114.3 25.4 82.5 92.9 Pioneer 354.. 99.7 27.2 83.6 89.8 Pioneer 371 93.2 23.9 88.2 90.9 Pioneer 5536 106.2 29.6 89.2 92.9 Pioneer 6707 103.1 26.7 83.4 90.9 Pioneer 80201 106.7 32.2 88.6 81.8 Sieben S-340. . 95.0 27.5 89.4 84.3 Sieben S-440. . 98.8 31.2 85.4 88.8 Sieben S-440E 116.3 30.4 90.8 87.8 Sieben S-580 96.4 31.4 94.2 84.3 Steckley's Genetic Giant 1 74.2 26.3 78.4 86.8 Steckley's Genetic Giant 4 101.7 27.5 81.2 88.8 Steckley's Genetic Giant 12 106.4 30.5 88.3 Stewart S-94 100.4 28.2 94.4 90.4 Tomco619 99.5 29.3 90.8 94.4 Wyffels W-600 106.3 30.6 Average of all entries 103.2 29.2 88.2 88.2 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 20.3 3.1 10.7 N.S. 3-5... 22.6 3.5 11.9 N.S. 6-10... 24.0 3.7 127 N.S. 11-20... 25.1 3.9 13.3 N.S. Over 20.. 256 4.0 13.5 N.S. (Table is continued on next page) 38 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Table 13. Increased Planting Rates continued c._ f . Total acre Moisture in Erect O.~~A Entry yield grain at harvest plants Stand EAST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Urbana 24,000 plants per acre bu. perct. perct. perct. Summary: 1959-1960 WhisnandSSO 104.8 20.6 74.9 86.8 Bear Unicorn X7 10 104.8 21.5 81.0 88.8 Illinois Hy2xOh7 (Station) 104.1 20.2 79.2 87.3 P.A.G. Exp. 15017 103.5 17.3 99.1 84.3 Pioneer 319 101.2 20.6 89.0 91.3 P.A.G. 418 100.7 21.4 88.2 94.9 Mountjoy M-55 100.4 19.8 91.5 85.4 Illinois 1332 (Station) 100.1 19.0 82.7 92.8 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) 97.3 20.7 81.7 87.5 Whisnand830 96.5 19.5 89.8 84.7 BearOK69 94.9 21.1 73.0 89.4 Whisnand 852 94.9 21.9 76.5 86.1 DeKalbSOS 94.8 20.1 93.5 91.9 Todd635 94.8 20.8 88.3 84.1 Illinois 1996 (Station) 94.8 20.9 81.8 89.6 P.A.G. SX9 (Exp. 15009) 94.4 19.7 95.6 85.3 Steckley's Genetic Giant 12 94.3 20.2 90.5 80.0 DeKalb633 93.4 20.3 87.6 84.8 McAllister 77A 92.5 19.9 96.7 87.7 McAllister E.X.A. 1 91.5 20.1 92.6 84.6 Moews524A.. 90.0 22.3 92.9 90.2 Doubet D413. .., 89.7 21.6 80.4 86.0 Frey892 89.6 20.6 85.2 87.4 DeKalb803A 89.5 21.4 69.1 85.9 Illinois 1421 (Station) 89.4 21.6 61.1 91.9 DeKalb640 88.3 19.5 88.9 88.0 Pioneer 309B 88.2 24.8 70.8 88.0 Pioneer 302 88.0 22.5 83.8 94.1 Pioneer 309A 87.6 22.9 68.8 88.9 Pioneer 5625 81.8 21.6 94.3 90.9 Pioneer 312A 80.9 20.8 87.7 91.6 Average of all entries 94.1 20.8 84.4 88.1 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 N.S. 1.5 16.5 N.S. 3-5 N.S. 1.6 18.3 N.S. 6-10 N.S. 1.7 19.2 N.S. Over 10 N.S. 1.8 19.8 N.S. 1960 Results BearOKSS 85.8 19.8 81.6 90.4 Bear OK69 85.7 21.5 56.9 93.9 Bear Unicorn X600 73.2 18.7 35.1 91.9 Bear Unicorn X710 91.5 21.3 68.8 94.4 Canterbury 420 94.1 19.5 78.0 91.9 Crib Filler 70 99.2 18.6 90.4 90.4 Crib Filler 116 96.1 19.9 67.0 87.8 Crib Filler 123 97.4 21.3 85.3 90.9 DeKalb3xl 91.4 19.4 64.5 85.8 DeKalb633 92.5 20.3 91.1 91.4 (Table is continued on next page) 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 39 Table 13. Increased Planting Rates continued Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand bu. Pent. 1960 Results Urbana continued perct. Perct. DeKalb 640 78.3 19.0 83.1 88.8 DeKalb803 86.2 20.1 84.2 94.4 DeKalb 803A 85.8 21.6 66.2 85.8 DeKalb 805 105.9 20.1 89.7 94.4 DeKalb 869 89.7 19.9 80.5 90.4 DeKalb 898A 86.4 18.9 65.3 93.9 DeKalb A504 92.6 17.9 72.6 98.4 DeKalb A703 94.2 20.8 72.7 92.4 DeKalb X8034 86.9 19.6 75.0 94.9 DeKalb X91 -005 87.1 20.2 83.5 85.8 Doubet D413... 90.9 21.2 77.3 90.4 Embro 44XE 101.6 22.0 87.9 95.9 Frey 892 86.8 19.2 80.2 89.3 Frey Exp. 60 97.4 20.4 70.5 84.8 Illinois 1332 (Station) 93.0 18.7 72.8 93.9 Illinois 1421 (Station) 79.7 21.9 50.0 93.9 Illinois 1996 (Station) 98.3 20.0 72.8 94.9 Illinois 8006 (Station) 91.3 19.8 50.5 97.9 Illinois Hy2xOh7 (Station) 94.3 19.6 73.3 86.8 Indiana 851 (Station) 92.4 21.0 87.0 81.3 McAllister 77A.. 88.2 19.9 95.9 89.3 McAllister E.X.A. 1 92.5 19.9 96.3 84.3 Moews524A 91.3 22.3 89.2 95.4 MoewsCB65A 88.0 20.3 83.2 90.4 MoewsCB69A 80.2 21.3 86.5 96.4 MoewsCB90A 88.9 20.3 65.9 91.9 Monier6-M-6 110.9 20.0 74.8 93.9 Mountjoy M-55 102.1 19.3 89.3 90.4 Null N-26 96.0 19.5 76.5 93.9 P.A.G. 418... 100.5 21.5 85.8 94.9 P.A.G.444 104.4 22.1 67.5 91.4 P.A.G. SX9 (formerly Exp. 15009) 83.8 19.4 94.2 92.9 P.A.G. SX 14 (formerly Exp. 15014) 85.5 18.9 92.1 88.8 P.A.G. SX19 (formerly Exp. 15019) 118.0 20.6 65.7 90.4 P.A.G. Exp. 15017 102.2 17.6 98.2 90.9 Pioneer 302.. 88.7 23.3 80.3 95.4 Pioneer 309A 96.8 22.5 42.9 92.9 Pioneer 309B 102.1 24.6 60.0 89.3 Pioneer 312A 96.7 20.1 80.8 95.4 Pioneer 319 (formerly 2990) 104.0 20.6 83.3 95.9 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) 92.6 20.8 78.5 93.9 Pioneer 3756A 104.4 18.2 73.0 91.9 Pioneer 5625 79.1 22.3 91.8 92.4 Pioneer 6201 97.8 18.6 88.8 92.4 Pioneer 6261 87.2 20.1 67.5 94.9 Pioneer 80202 107.3 18.4 86.7 87.8 Pioneer X23 98.1 20.0 86.9 88.3 Steckley's Genetic Giant 12 .. 87.7 18.7 86.9 82.3 Todd424 81.1 18.2 95.3 85.8 Todd635 96.8 20.5 84.4 89.8 Todd645 103.4 18.9 97.2 93.4 Whisnand 830 101.9 18.8 88.7 93.4 Whisnand 850 95.8 20.2 71.2 90.4 Whisnand 852 89.2 21.3 69.9 88.8 Average of all entries 93.3 20.2 78.0 91.4 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2.. N.S. 2.0 17.1 N.S. 3-5 N.S. 2.3 19.1 N.S. 6-10... N.S. 2.4 20.3 N.S. 11-20... N.S. 2.5 21.4 N.S. Over 20.. N.S. 26 22.3 N.S. (Table is continued on next page) 40 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, Table 13. Increased Planting Rates continued ,!_,, Total acre Moisture in Erect c^^ Entry yield grain at harvest plants WEST SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Greenfield, 20,000 plants per acre bu. perct. perct. perct. Summary: 1959-1960 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) 110.7 20.6 77.4 88.0 Illinois 1332 (Station) 108.2 19.8 74.6 82.9 DeKalb640 102.6 18.7 75.9 87.6 Doubet D413 102.2 20.2 76.9 83.9 Pioneer 312A 101.8 22.6 77.1 76.9 WhisnandSSO 100.8 20.7 71.3 76.1 Illinois 1421 (Station) 100.7 20.2 67.8 89.9 Moews CB69A. . 99.7 20.7 88.7 84.9 MoewsCB60A 99.6 20.1 80.1 80.0 DeKalb803A 99.6 21.9 63.3 85.1 BearOK69 98.7 20.6 77.9 85.5 DeKalbSOS 97.4 21.4 73.7 89.8 P.A.G. 415 96.9 20.4 79.2 84.0 Pioneer 309B 96.7 25.4 74.5 90.0 Whisnand 830. . . 95.5 20.1 76.7 80.3 Whisnand852 95.3 21.8 72.0 83.9 Illinois (Hy2xOh7) (Station) 94.9 20.7 60.4 85.5 Moews CB96A 94.0 18.8 80.3 86.2 Moews 523 93.4 19.9 79.5 84.9 Pioneer 319 93.3 19.2 74.0 78.8 P.A.G. 444 91.6 23.3 73.3 83.3 Moews 525... 91.2 21.0 83.3 80.5 Pioneer302 89.3 24.0 72.8 88.6 DeKalb869 88.8 21.8 75.8 88.5 Bear Unicorn X7 10 87.8 22.0 67.0 82.1 Pioneer 316 86.9 20.7 69.9 81.4 DeKalb898A 79.7 20.3 61.9 83.4 Average of all entries 96.2 21.0 74.3 84.1 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 N.S. 1.8 N.S. N.S. 3-5 N.S. 2.0 N.S. N.S. 6-10 N.S. 2.1 N.S. N.S. Over 10 N.S. 2.2 N.S. N.S. (Table is concluded on next page) 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 41 Table 13. Increased Planting Rates concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand bu. perct. 1960 Results Greenfield Percl. Perct. Bear OK69 66.1 22.0 92.1 83.0 Bear Unicorn X710 84.4 23.1 95. 76.3 DeKalb3x4 92.7 22.0 94.0 82.4 DeKalb 640 102.0 20.6 96.2 81.2 DeKalb803 94.3 23.1 98.6 76.9 DeKalb 803A 103.9 23.1 91.3 83.6 DeKalb 805 90.7 23.7 99.3 89.0 DeKalb 812 88.1 22.8 98.6 80.0 DeKalb 869... 79.1 24.3 95.2 89.0 DeKalb 898A.. 78.1 21.8 88.8 76.9 DeKalb A504.. 91.7 21.0 96.3 82.4 DeKalb X8034 93.1 20.7 94.0 89.0 DeKalb X72-194 79.4 23.6 85.9 99.3 DeKalb X91-005 94.7 22.9 98.7 80.0 Doubet D413 97.1 21.1 91.4 81.2 Illinois 1332 (Station) 100.1 22.7 97.5 81.2 Illinois 1421 (Station) 97.4 20.7 91.8 93.9 Illinois Hy2xOh7 (Station) 87.1 22.8 96.2 81.8 Moews 523 81.9 21.6 91.8 80.6 Moews525 79.2 22.8 94.7 75.7 Moews 5097 53.5 21.5 99.1 76.9 Moews CB60A 94.0 21.0 93.5 65.4 Moews CB69A 89.9 22.7 99.1 73.9 Moews CB96A 78.4 21.7 96.8 82.4 P.A.G. 415 90.9 22.3 97.1 78.7 P.A.G.444 87.4 25.2 93.1 79.3 P.A.G. SX14 (formerly Exp. 15014) 80.3 23.4 100.0 72.7 P.A.G. SX19 (formerly Exp. 15019) 117.2 22.5 93.3 90.9 Pioneer 302 79.6 25.8 91.4 87.2 Pioneer 309A 94.8 25.6 98.1 90.9 Pioneer 309B 79.8 27.2 89.7 86.0 Pioneer312A 82.7 24.3 90.4 67.8 Pioneer 316 77.0 23.1 96.2 76.9 Pioneer 3 19 (formerly 2990) 72.2 20.0 92.3 75.7 Pioneer 321 (formerly 4549) 97.8 21.7 95.7 86.6 Pioneer 6122 82.4 24.4 100.0 78.7 Pioneer 6261 76.2 22.7 92.0 77.5 Pioneer 80203 90.8 21.0 94.0 83.6 Pioneer X23 89.9 24.7 98.4 81.8 Whisnand 830. . . 86.8 21.8 90.0 78.7 WhisnandSSO 92.1 21.5 96.5 70.3 Whisnand 852 94.2 24.0 93.9 81.2 Average of all entries 87.4 22.7 94.7 81.1 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 23.9 3.5 7.3 N.S. 3-5 26.7 3.9 8.0 N.S. 6-10 28.3 4.1 8.6 N.S. 11-20 29.6 4.3 9.0 N.S. Over 20.. 29.8 4.3 9.0 N.S. 42 BULLETIN No. 668 [March, INDEX TO TABLES Several of the tables are divided into two or more sections, and an entry may appear in several places in a table. Five-year or three-year summaries are shown first in each table, followed by the 1960 results for the particular test location. Hybrids are ranked according to their yield in the summaries, but are listed alphabetically in the 1960 results. AES 702 (Pfeifer) . . . ...9 DeKalb427.. ..3,4,13 AES 805 (Pfeifer) 9 DeKalb 440 3, 4, 13 Abbott Al 4 DeKalb 441 3, 4, 13 Abbott A2 3.4 DeKalb 444 3.4,13 Abbott A3 3, 4 DeKalb 459 4. 13 Abbott A4 4. 5 DeKalb 632 6 Abbott AS 4, 5 DeKalb 633 3, 4. 5. 6, 7. 8, 9, 13 Abbott A6 5 DeKalb 640 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8, 9, 10, 13 Ainsworth Goldline 378 11 DeKalb 661 5. 6, 7, 8,9, 10. 11, 12. 13 Ainsworth X-14-A 10, 11, 12 DeKalb 803 5. 10, 13 Ainsworth X-14-3 7, 8, 9, 11 DeKalb 803A 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. 10, 11. 13 Ainsworth X-96 5, 6 DeKalb 805 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Ainsworth X-97 5. 6 DeKalb 812 5, 10, 13 Ainsworth X-98 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 DeKalb 820 5 Ainsworth X-100 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 DeKalb 837 8 Appl A-130 5, 8, 9 DeKalb 856 11 Appl A-159 9 DeKalb 869 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 Appl A-400 8, 9, 12 DeKalb 886 11, 12 Appl A-440 9 DeKalb 898A 6, 9. 10, 13 DeKalb 925W 11, 12 Bear OK24 8 DeKalb 1002 12 Bear OK44 9 DeKalb 1023 12 Bear OK55 6, 9, 10, 13 DeKalb 1028 12 Bear OK69 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 DeKalb A301 3, 4, 13 BearOK89 7, 10, 11 DeKalb A504 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 Bear OK96 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 DeKalb A506 (formerly X4008) 4, 13 Bear OK96A 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 DeKalb A703 5, 6, 8, 9, 13 BearOK878 5, 9, 10, 11 DeKalb A715 10, 12 Bear Unicorn X600 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13 DeKalb X72-076 4, 13 Bear Unicorn X606 5. 7, 8, 9, 10 DeKalb X72-159 12 Bear Unicorn X710 13 DeKalb X72-194 10, 13 DeKalb X82-019 11 Canterbury 400 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 DeKalb X82-028 12 Canterbury 420 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 DeKalb X82-029 12 Canterbury 430 8 DeKalb X82-030 6, 7, 8 Cargill 180 3 DeKalb X82-134 12 Cargill 256 4 DeKalb X91-005 5, 7, 8, 9. 10, 13 Cargill 270 4 DeKalb X8034 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 13 Cargill 285 5 Doubet 413 13 Cargill 310 5, 6 Cargill 320 10 Embro 44XE ...3.13 CargU 330 . 8 Embro 45LE 9 Cargi 340 6. 78, 1 Embro 107W 12 Cargill 380 10, 1 1 Cargill 939 13 _ Cargill 5741 7 rs * er \\ f Cargill 5752 9 gorster 25 5 Cargill 5929 3. 13 gorster 33 5 Cargill PI733 9 gorster 44 5 Cornelius 404B 3 g orst< ; r * 6 ? Cornelius C45 4 grey 410 4 Cornelius C75 4 g re v 644 6 Crib Filler 63 6 g^V 692 - V',7 Crib Filler 66 6 g^y 892.... 5. 6. 8. 9, 3 Crib Filler 70 6, 9, 13 g re y fxp. 60 .13 Crib Filler 77 6, 9 Fre V F57 5 - 8 - 9 Crib Filler 116 6.9, 11, 13 Crib Filler 123 6, 9. 13 Holmes 39 5, 9 Crib Filler 124 9, 11 Holmes 47 5 Crib Filler 131 6. 9, 11 Holmes 47E 4 Crib Filler 138 11 Hulling 238 3. 4 Hulling 242 3, 4. 5, 6, 13 DeKalb 3x1 5, 7.9, 11. 13 Hulling 245 3, 13 DeKalb 3x4 7, 10, 13 Hulling 260SC 3.4. 5. 6 DeKalb 238 3 Hulling 345 4, 5, 6. 7 DeKalb 400 3, 4, 13 Hulling 471 4, 5, 6 DeKalb 411 3 Hulling 481 4,5 DeKalb 414 3, 4. 13 Hulling 482 4. 5. 6, 7 DeKalb 423 3 Hulling 484 4 1961] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 43 Index to tables continued Illinois 274-1 (Station) 6 Morton M-404. . . 5. 6 Illinois 1277 (Station) 3 Morton M-50S 5. 6 Illinois 1332 (Station) 10. 13 Mountjoy M-33 9 Illinois 1332 (Pfeifer) 9 Mountjoy M-55 13 Illinois 1349 (Station) 12 Mountjoy M-66 8 Illinois 1421 (Station) 5,8,10,13 Mountjoy M-100 . 8 Illinois 1421 (Pfeifer) 9 Mountjoy M-444 8 Illinois 151 1 (Station) 11 Muncy Chief H522 9. 13 Illinois 1555A (Station) 3 Muncy Chief H780 9 13 Illinois 1570 (Station) 12 Muncy Chief H802 9 Illinois 1851 (Station) 12 Munson M-15 5 Illinois 1919 (Station) 8 Munson M-15A 5 Illinois 1936 (Station) 8 Munson M-66 5 Illinois 1952 (Station) 3 Munson M-119 7, 11 Illinois 1960 (Station) 3 Illinois 1969A (Station) 3 Nichols NB43 3,4 Illinois 1992 (Pfeifer) 9 Nichols NB53 .3, 4 Illinois 1996 (Station) 5. 8. 13 Nichols NB63 ...3. 4 Illinois 1996 (Pfeifer) 9 Northrup King KT 3 Illinois 1996 (Stone) 9 Northrup King KT6 3, 4 Illinois 2214W (Station) 10, 12 Northrup King KT628 3. 4, 5 Illinois 3042 (Station) 5, 8, 13 Northrup King KT632 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Illinois 3152 (Station) 13 Northrup King KT645 5, 6. 7. 8. 9 Illinois 3182A (Station) 13 Northrup King Exp. 6652 7. 8, 9 Illinois 3302A-1 (Station) 3 Null N-26 . .7, 13 Illinois 3315A (Station) 8, 13 Null N-41 7 Illinois 3343 (Station 5, 10 Null N-83 , . .5 Illinois 3347 (Station 6 Null N-100 . .5 Illinois 3348 (Station 8. 10. 12. 13 Illinois 3360 (Station 10 Pfeifer Exp. 101 9 Illinois 6201 (Station 3 P.A.G. 62 3 Illinois 6202 (Station) 3 P.A.G. 234 3, 4, 13 Illinois 8001 (Station) 5, 10 P.A.G. 285 3. 4, 13 Illinois 8006 (Station) 13 P.A.G. 305 (formerly 8884) 3.4 Illinois Hy2xOh7 (Station) 13 P.A.G. 323 . . .3. 4 Illinois WF9xC103 (Station) 13 P.A.G. 405 5. 6. 8, 9 Indiana 851 (Station) 8. 9, 12. 13 P.A.G. 415 5. 6. 7, 8, 9, 13 Indiana 909 (Princeton) 9. 11 P.A.G. 418 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 13 P.A.G. 434 5. 7. 8. 9, 10. 11. 12 Jones WJ80 11.12 P.A.G. 436 (formerly Exp. 10919) 7.9, 10. 11. 12 McAllister 11 5 P.A.G. 444 5, 7. 8. 9. 10, 11, 12, 13 McAllister 13A 5. 7 P.A.G. 480 12 McAllister 23A 5 P.A.G. 485 12 McAllister 55A 5 P.A.G. 631 W 11. 12 McAllister 77A 13 P.A.G. 633W 11 McAllister 88A 5 P.A.G. Exp. 11549 4 McAllister E.X.A. 1 13 P.A.G. Exp. 15017 . . . 13 McAllister IVX1001 A 5 P.A.G. Exp. 15018 4. 13 Middlekoop M-33 5 P.A.G. Exp. 15024 3, 4 Middlekoop M-66 5 P.A.G. Exp. 15026 3. 4 Middlekoop M-80 5 P.A.G. SX9 (formerly Exp. Middlekoop M-81 5 15009) 3, 4. 5, 6, 8. 13 Middlekoop M-88 5 P.A.G. SX14 (formerly Exp. Moews 14DR 3 15014) 5,6, 8. 9, 13 Moews 14E 3 P.A.G. SX19 (formerly Exp. Moews 48A 3,4, 13 15019) 5. 7. 8. 9. 13 Moews 500A 3, 4, 13 Pioneer 302 8, 9. 10. 11, 12, 13 Moews 505A 4, 13 Pioneer 309A 5. 6, 7,8,9. 10, 11. 12. 13 Moews 520 5, 7 Pioneer 309 B 5. 6, 7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 Moews 523 9, 10, 11. 13 Pioneer 312A 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. 12. 13 Moews 524 5. 7.8. 10 Pioneer 314 5. 6. 7. 8 Moews 524A 5, 6, 9, 13 Pioneer 316 5, 10, 13 Moews 525 11, 13 Pioneer 319 (formerly 2990). 5. 6. 9. 10, 11, 12. 13 Moews 5093 3 Pioneer 320 4. 13 Moews 5094 10 Pioneer 321 (formerly Moews 5097 7. 8, 9, 11, 12. 13 4549) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10, 11. 13 Moews CB60A 6, 13 Pioneer 329 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 13 Moews CB65A 4. 13 Pioneer 345 4, 13 Moews CB69A 5, 8. 10, 13 Pioneer 352 3 Moews CB70A 11 Pioneer 354 3, 4, 13 Moews CB90A 8, 13 Pioneer 371 3. 4. 13 Moews CB96 6 Pioneer 380 3 Moews CB96A 6, 7. 8, 9. 10, 11. 12. 13 Pioneer 3 756 A 9. 13 Moews CB98W 12 Pioneer 4055 3 Moews CB100 ...12 Pioneer 5536 4. 6, 13 Monier 6-M-6 4. 5. 6, 8. 9, 13 Pioneer 5553 6 Morton M-6X 6, 10 Pioneer 5555 7 Morton M-12A 6. 10 Pioneer 5625 5, 9, 13 44 BULLETIN No. 668 Index to tables concluded Pioneer 5701 .. 8 Super-Crost 695 (formerly C2F) 10 Pioneer 6117 7 Super-Crost 851 (formerly C1F) 9, 10 Pioneer 6122 7, 8. 10. 11. 12, 13 Super-Crost S4 4 Pioneer 6201 5. 6, 9. 11, 12, 13 Super-Crost S5 4 Pioneer 6261 9, 10, 11, 12. 13 Super-Crost S6 6 Pioneer 6670 3 Pioneer 6707 3, 4, 13 Tiemann T-62 4. 6 Pioneer 6738 6 Tiemann T-68 5,6 Pioneer 80201 4, 5. 6, 13 Tiemann T-72 9. 11 Pioneer 80202 7, 8. 9, 13 Tiemann T-78 5, 11 Pioneer 80203 10, 11, 12, 13 Tiemann T-81 8 Pioneer X23 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Todd 424 6. 9, 13 Plymouth P-91X 7 Todd 453 6 Plymouth P-97 7 Todd 602 9 Pocklington P-70 10 Todd 611B 6 Pocklington P-75A 10 Todd 630 9 Pocklington P-78A 10 Todd 635 8, 9, 13 Pocklington P-84 10 Todd 645 8, 9, 13 Prairie Gold D-791 (Dittmer) 5 Todd 840 8 Prairie Gold D-821 (Dittmer) 7 Todd 855 8 Prairie Gold D-837 (Dittmer) 7 Tomco 449 3 Prairie Gold D-896 (Dittmer) 7 Tomco 619 4, 13 Princeton 8-A 9, 10, 11, 12 Tomco 838 5. 8 Princeton 685 9, 10, 11, 12 Tomco 852 5 Princeton 888 9, 11, 12 Tomco 882 8 Princeton 890 9, 10, 11. 12 Trisler T-19B 8, 9 Princeton 990 9, 11, 12 Trisler T-31B 6. 8, 9 Trisler T-32A 6, 8, 9 Robe 30 5 Trisler T-32B 6, 8, 9 Robe 41 5 Trisler T-33B 9 Trisler T-35B 6, 8, 9 Schenk S-70A 11 Troyer E8T 4 Schenk S-73 11 Troyer E14T 4 Schenk S-80A 11 Troyer E63T 4 Schenk S-82 11 Troyer L13 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9 Schenk S-86 12 Troyer L13T 7, 8 Schenk S-87 12 Troyer L14T 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Schenk S-90W 12 Troyer L17 5 Schenk S-99W 12 Troyer M3T 4 Schwenk S17 5 Troyer M9A 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 SchwenkS17L 5 Troyer M11T 4, 5.6. 7, 8, 9 Schwenk S20 5 Troyer M12T 4 Schwenk S27-1 8 Troyer M13T 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 Schwenk S34 5 Troyer M17T 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Sieben S-320 4, 5 Troyer M18 4. 6 SiebenS-340 4, 5, 13 Troyer M21 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Sieben S-360 4, 5 Troyer M22 5, 6, 7. 8, 9 Sieben S-440 4, 13 Sieben S-440E 4, 13 United-Hagie 52B 5 Sieben S-560 .4 United-Hagie WW40 4 Sieben S-580 ; 4 ' ir 1 2 United-Hagie WW50 5 Steckley s 18. i 4> , 5 ', United-Hagie X138 4 Steckley s Genetic Giant 1 3, 4, 13 United-Hagie X140 4 Steckley's Genetic Giant 4 3. 13 United-Hagie X146 5 Steckley s Genetic Giant 10 3, 4, 5 Steckley's Genetic Giant 12 5, 9, 13 ..... ..... ,, Steckley's Genetic Giant 13 5, 6. 9 Van Horn V.H.55W 12 . u \r TJ"^ \r u i m ^11 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-300A 8 Van rn V.H. ; . . .5 ,11 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 8. 9 Van Horn V.H.lll 5, 8, 9, 10 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600 8, 9 V ctor 368 Stone 3049E 9 Vlctor 369 4 Stull'slOOYA 10, 11, 12 Stull's 100YN 10, 11 Whisnand830 5. 7,8, 9. 10, 11. 12, 13 Stall's 101 YA 10. 11, 12 Whisnand 834 5. 10 Stull's 400W 12 Whisnand 850 9, 13 Stull's 400WR 12 Whisnand 851 12 Stull's 500W . 12 Whisnand 852 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11. 12, 13 Super-Crost 214 3 Whisnand 917W 12 Super-Crost 438 3. 4 Wyckoff's W-15 4 Super-Crost 440 4 Wyckoff's W-18 6 Super-Crost 441 4 Wyckoff's W-20 4, 6 Super-Crost 470 4 Wyckoff's W-25A 4, 6 Super-Crost 680 9 Wyffels W-495 4 Super-Crost 690 (formerly X88) 6. 6 Wyffels W-600 4, 5. 13 9M 3-61 73084 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA Q.630.7IL6B C008 BULLETIN URBANA 6681961 30112019530333