UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN BOOKSTACKS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Faculty Working Papers \ AN OPTIMAL GROWTH PATH FOR THE MONEY SUPPLY SUBJECT TO TARGET CONSTRAINTS Dale J. Poirier #146 College of Commerce and Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign FACULTY WORKING PAPERS College of Commerce and Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign November 2, 1973 AN OPTIMAL GROWTH PATH FOR THE MONEY SUPPLY SUBJECT TO TARGET CONSTRAINTS Dale J. Poirier #146 11 October, .1973 Ar. Optimal Growth Path for the Money Supply Subject to Target Constraints Dale J. Poirier* Seemingly ingrained in the literature of monetary economics is the end- less debate between the followers o£ Milton Friedman, who favor a steady and moderate rate of growth in the money supply, and those who favor using the money supply as an instrument together with fiscal policy to achieve desired objectives in areas such as national income and employment, Somewhere be- tween these two groups are many economises who are sympathetic to both sides, acknowledging both the potential usefulness of using the money supply as an instrument for policy matters, and the pot exit.! a 1 dangers (in terms of induced cyclicality) of a widely fluctuating rate of growth in the money supply. This paper suggests a growth path for the money supply which is op- timal under a set of preferences likely to be representative of many econo- mists in the middle-of-the-road group. Suppose a policy maker desires the money supply (how-aver defined) at yi times t < t < ... 2. These target levels can be part of the instrument solution to a rig- orous mathematical optimization problem, or merely reflect, tha policy maker '3 own subjective preferences. Their exact origin is not of concern here. In *Th© author is Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana -Champaign. Acknowledgements are due Case Sprenkle for his helpful comments on an earlier draft of this investigation. Any errors are the sole responsibility of the author. It is being implicitly assumed that the policy maker (e.g. the Fed) can actually achieve these targets. In the words of Friedman [2]. "No serious stu- dent of money— whatever bis political views—denies that the Fed can, if it wishes, control the quantity of money. It cannot, of course, achieve a precise rate of- growth from day to day or week to week. But it can come very close from month to month and quarter to quarter." -2- any case .suppose the policy maker decides to follow a "pseudo-Friedman" doc- trine and requires , subject to achieving these target levels, that change? in the rate of grov/tb of the money supply be "minimized." This lexiographic pref- erence ordering in which a steady rate of growth is a secondary goal to achiev- ing the target levels seems to capture the sentiments of many middle-of-the- road economists.* f(t) The policy maker's dilemma of choosing an optimal path e which achieves the targets, yet minimizes changes in the growth rate, can be formulated mathe- matically as follows. M (t) dt (X) min f j , t 9 subject to e ' - a e (a * 0, 1, . ..*k) Less function (1) weighs changes in the rate of growth (i,e., f $ '(t}) over the Zx:w period [t ,t, ] in the conventional quadratic fashion, and hence seems to be a reasonable criterion function for the pseudo-Friedman doctrine described previous!/, One obvious candidate for the solution to this problem is to begin at e* ° and let the money supply grew at a constant rate so as to hit the target y. y 2 e' , then 1st it grow at the constant rate needed to achieve o , etc.. Such a path would imply that f(t) take on the form of a continuous piecewise linear function. While integral (1) is then zero, the growth rate is not defined at t , t ,...,t, . since in general the growth rate has jump discontinuities at these prints. These discontinuities raise two problems. First., it :<• 1 . 000 . 0000 , 0000 -- « HIM! II _ -u- J or— . 0000 .0000 1 .5? 73 ,5132 -.1270 ,03175 -,005291 2 ,2341 .8915 -.1587 .5968 -.006614 3 . 0000 1 . OGO ,0000 oOOOO . 0000 4 -.07804 .7646 ,3862 -.08730 .014SS 5 -.0S291 «U4t> .8042 --,1270 .02116 6 , 0000 1 , 0000 1.0000 . 0000 , .0000 7 ,02U6 -,1270 .8042 ,354S -.05291 8 .0I4S5 -.08730 ,3862 , 7646 -.07804 Q , 0000 , 0000 ,0000 1.0000 ..0000 10 -.006624 .03568 -.1587 .,8515 .2341 11 -.005291 . 03175 -.1270 .5132 , 5873 liL .0000 ' „0000 . 0000 .0000 1,000 -8- References [1J Ahlberg, J.H«, E.N. Nil son, and J..L. Walsh, The Theory of Splines an d Their Appl ica ticns , Mew York: Acadmsic Press, .1967, [2] Friedman, Milton, "The Case for a Monetary Rule," Newsweek (February 7 1972), 67. [3] Poirier, Dale J., "Applications of Spline Functions in Economics/' Madison: unpublished University of Wisconsin Ph.D. thesis, 1973. , "Piecewise Regression Using Cubic Splines," J ournal off the Ame rican S ta tistical Assuci ation , LXVI 1 1 (September , 1 73) , ^ovJNOe;