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This Edition contains about one hundred and sixty ballads, includino: many of the favourite songs which have appeared in the celebrated operas presented at the Savoy Theatre, with 350 Illustrations by the Author, most of which have been drawn expressly for this edition, and a portrait of Mr. Gilbert. Tkg Bookseller says : — " When we bear in mind the universal popularity of Mr. Gilbert's writings, his inimitable humour, his delightful versification, and his characteristic draughtsmanship, it is not too much to say that the new edition will be one of the most popular gift-books of the season." DISCOVERIES AND INVENTIONS. In demy 8vo, cloth, price 7s. 6d. DISCOVERIES AND INVENTIONS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. By Robert Routledge, B. Sc., F.C.S. Twelfth Edition. Revised and partly rewritten, with Additions and Appendix, containing 456 Illustrations and E&agrams. This Edition is not only a revision of the former edition, but the volun^e is con- siderably enlarged by the addition of an Appendix, in which the Author nas been able to deal more fully with certain discoveries and inventions, the details of which have lately become accessible, including a description of the Rontgen Rays, the action of the Linotype printing apparatus, and recent improvements in steam navigation. PHIL MAY'S NEW BOOK. In fancy boards, price 3s. 6d. PHIL MAY'S GRAPHIC PICTURES. Containing a Collection of Mr. Phil May's Contributions for The Graphic, Printed in Colours. The World says : — '* Mr. Phil May's work is always a delight. Kis recently published volume is genuinely exhilarating. He delights our eyes and tickles our sense of humour by the extraordinary character he puts into the smallest thumb- pail portrait, as well as in the more detailed sketches." MISS FLORENCE UPTON'S NEW BOOK. In fancy boards, price 3s. 6d. LITTLE HEARTS, With 24 page Illustrations by Florence Upton. Descriptive Verses by Bertha Upton. ' Little Hearts ' is just the sort of thing to take a child's fancy."— J">^^ Referee. Very gracefully written and cleverly illustrated." — Glasgow Herald, GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS, Limited, BROAf.VAY, LUDCATE HiLL, LONDON. ( 4 ) Price £i lis. 6cl. THE Dictionary of Statistics By MICHAEL G. MULHALL, Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society. With Coloured Diagrams of AGRICULTURE. BANKING. COMMERCE. EDUCATION. FOOD SUPPLY. IRON & COAL. MINING. POPULATION. STEAM POWER. WEALTH. ©ptnion6 on tbc Tintbox'e liaiorft: This admirable dictionary." — Emile de Lave ley e. ' The quintessence of statistics." — Leroy BeauHeu, * We want an edition in French." — Yves Guyot * His statistics are most reliable." — Baron Malortie, * Mulhall's history of prices is accurate." — Neumann Spallart, * His figures are remarkably correct." — Report of the U,S. 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On receipt of six stamps to defray cost of postage and packing, &c., we will forward you a tasting sample. Of licensed Grocers, Chemists, or Wine Merchants, as. and 3s. 6d. per Bottle, or post free from STEPHEN SMITH & CO., LTD., BOW, LONDON, E. Estd.] A PURE MALT WHISKEY iad. i784 Old ^Bushmills A. H. AIjIjEI^*, F.I.C., Public Analyst, in his evidence before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Bonding of Spirits, remarkeI) : Bushmills Whiskey Is entirely a Pot Still Whiskey, aod is Distilled wholly from Malt." PERFECT PURITY GUARANTEED. The Largest Stock of Fine Old Matured Pure Malt Whiskey in the World. Write to THE DISTILIiERT, BUSHMILLS, for name of nearest Trader in your District, ( 6 ) BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 We live m deeds, not years,*' Bailey's Festvs BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 A CHRONICLE OF THE TIMES, AND A RECORD OF EVENTS COMPILED BY EDMUND ROUTLEDGE LONDON AND NEW YOEK GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS Limited 1898 ri NOTE In the pages of this Annual , faults of omission as well 05 those of commission^ will doubtless he found. To any reader who will point them outy or for any suggestions regarding improvem&nts in future issues of the Book of the Year^^ I shall he very gmtefuL EDMUND EOVTLBDGE. REFOHM CLUB, January Sthj i8gS* CORRIGENDA Fage 58, Jan. 4. Book, " Forty-one Years in India from Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief," by Field-Marshal Lord Roberts, 2 vols, 36s. {Omitted.) , „ 66, Sir Travers Twiss, died Jan. 14," not " 15." „ 74, " General Kobert Phayre " sJuntld be *• Sir Robert," „ 79, •* Nicol " should he ♦* Nichol. " „ 82, Sir Henry Edwards should he " aged 76, died Feb. 4." „ 84, " Stowe " should he Stow." „ 98, Bristowe should he "aged 74," not " 84." „ 121, Lord Charles Bruce should Be " aged 62," not "79." „ 126, " Lost, Stolen, or Strayed" should he " on April 27." fi "Cunynham" should he " Cunyngham." „ 169, The Ven. Archdeacon Hugh Jones "died J une 16," not " 19." II I73> "Symon" sJwuId he " Simon." „ 175, The Rev. James Allen "died June 25," not " 28." „ 199, Sir John Bucknill "died July 19," not " 20." „ 199, Sir John Skelton " died July 19," not *' 20." „ 205, AltaUah " should he " Attalah." „ 246, The Earl of Egmont "aged 52," not " 42." „ 249, Judge Lewis, "aged 48," not "44." „ 253, Gren. Thomas Lyons "died Sept. 10," not " 13." „ 254, Sir William Windeyer "died Sept. 11," not " 14." „ 274, ** Greenfall " should he "GrenfelL" CONTENTS Abyssinia Accidents Africa (West) Algeria Army Art Austria-Hungary Bank Rate Belgium Benin Books Brazil Chile China Church Colonial Premiers Colonies, Protectorates, and Dependencies- Australian colonies AUSTRALIA (sOUTH) BAHAMA ISLANDS BASUTOLAND BECHUANALAND BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA „ EAST AFRICA „ HONDURAS „ NORTH BORNEO BURMA CANADA CAPE COLONY CEYLON Colonies, &c. — continued CHINA CYPRUS FALKLAND ISLANDS FIJI HONG KONG MASHONALAND MAURITIUS NATAL NEW SOUTH WALES NEW ZEALAND NIGER TERRITORIES RHODESIA ST. HELENA SIERRA LEONE TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO UGANDA victoria west africa windward islands Consols (Price of) Court— the queen the prince and princess WALES THE OTHER CHILDREN OF THE QUEEN GRANDCHILDREN OF THE QUEEN COUSINS OF THE QUEEN Crete. {See Turkey) Crime 486020 CONTENTS Cuba. (See Spain) Denmark Diamond (The) Jubilee Egypt Executions Fires France General Germany Greece Guatemala Hawaii Hayti Holland India Italy Japan Law London County Councii. Manica. (See Portugal) Marriages Mexico Monaco Montenegro Navy Norway Obituary Persia Peru Philippine Islands, Poland Politics — LORDS commons elections speeches VARIOUS Portugal Rumania Russia Shipwrecks Siam Spain Sport — athletics billiards boxing matches chess coursing CRICKET CYCLING FOOTBALL GOLF HOCKEY LAWN TENNIS PEDESTRIANISM ' RACING RACQUETS ROWING SWIMMING TENNIS water polo yachting Stage (The) Sumatra. (See Holland) Sweden Switzerland Transvaal Tunis Turkey United States Uruguay Venezuela Weather Wheat (Price of) Wills INDEX ABYSSINIA — Special Commis- sion to King Menelik, Mr. Rcnnel Rudd appointed head . , . 91 British Mission left Cairo for Aden 101 Reported to have left Aden . 104 Received by King Menelik at Adis Abeba . • . • 128 Left Adis Abeba , . . 140 Reached Harar on its home- ward journey , . , 153 ACCIDENTS— Aldersgate Station, Explosion at, in a standing train 126 Alpine accident on the Jungfrau . 236 Ayr Town Hall, three men killed , 330 Baxenden, two men killed by the fall of scaffolding . . . 223 Belgiqut (La), collision with the Tjffte , . . . . .247 Brassey, Lord, Accident through his horse stumbling in a hole . 90 Bryan, Mrs., killed near Tring . 244 Buffalo, express train accident . 289 Cambrian Railway, Accident about ten miles from Oswestry, nine lives lost 161 Chatham and Dover Railway near Rochester . . . . . 233 CoHicry Explosion near Loughor, five lives lost . • » • 59 Collision between two trains in Colorado , . . . . 250 Copenhagen, collision between an express and a passengjer train . 189 Ccmwall Railway— Viaduct Acci- dent, twelve men killed . .83 Crewe, Lord, thrown from his horse while hunting .... 338 Croot, Walter, killed in a glove fight 325 Derwent, near Matlock, four cx- cursionsists drowned . . , 121 Devonport Dockyard, boiler explo- sion . ... . . 261 Dorman, Isaac, killed in the Black- wall Tunnel .... 264 Dover Collieries, one of the shafts flooded, eight men drowned . 98 Dynamite Explosion at Messrs. Nobel's Ardcer Factory , . 9a East Hetton Colliery, a sudden rush of water, eleven men drowned • 134 PAGS ACCIDENTS— Erewash Valley, three men killed on the railway .... 355 Fair Isle, near Orkney, boats and crews lost 342 Garth CoUiery, Glamorganshire — ten lives lost through the fall of a cage . , . . . . 161 Holbein, Mr., pitched from his bicycle. . . . . .255 Irish Northern Counties Railway, near An trim 218 Khinieleff, panic in a church . 289 Lister, Thomas Woolridge, acci- dentally shot himself at Alder- shot , . . 213 London, Brighton and South Coast Railway between Eastbourne and Tunbrid§:c Wells . . . 242 Luffenham, radway accident on the Midland Railway . . . 308 Lj^Hx and Thrasher ashore in a dense fog 266 Major & Co., HulL Explosion at distillery . . . . -335 Military Train in Russia ran off the Ime, two officers and about one hundred soldiers killed . 140 Mirfield Coal Colliery at Ravcns- thorpe, near Dcwsbury , . 220 Motor car, first fatal accident . 260 Ncwcastle-on-Tyne beerhouse col- lapsed, four workmen killed . 98 Newcastle on-Tyne railway acci- dent ...... 210 Nev/port ferry boat upset on the Usk, ten men drowned . . 67 Norwich pleasure steamer, quarrel and fight of two men . . . i(;>7 Omnibus accident at Camber well . 188 Onmibus Accident in Gray's Inn Road, seven people inj»ired. . 83 Omnibus accident near Westbournft Terrace 304 Omnibus overturned near Lough- borough Park, eight people in- jured 132 Orotava Disa<:ter, Verdict of Acci- dental Death returned . . 60 Oulton Broad, fatal boating acci- dent 85« xvi BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE ACCTDlSi'NTS— continued. Pisa Cathedral, panic hy the fall- ing of a wax taper, nine people crushed to death and twenty-one injured. . . ... 152 Railway accident on the Paris and Marseilles Railway . . . 337 Sailing boat from Bantry, six Petty Officers believed to have been drowned 151 Sallaz, on the, near Evolena . .242 Samuelson, Mrs., death from bums sustained from a petroleum hair wash 200, 208 Schreckhorn, accident to M. Seelig and Dr. Braun .... 205 Snaefell Lead Mines — An outburst of poisonous fumes by which nine- teen men lost their lives . . 137 S/ree, the German steamer, broke her main shaft . . . . 182 Stockport Railway Collision, several persons injured . . 81 Treviddo, two men killed by the snapping of a rope on a railway bridge 306 Victoria Station, Manchester, rail- way accident .... 295 AFRICA WEST— French cxpe- dition started from Porto Novo 274 AliG-EBIA— M. Lepine, the new Governor - General, arrived at Algiers 294 ARMY— Aldershot, military man- oeuvres .... 225, 235 Army Rifle Association annual meeting 62 Bisley, meeting of the National Rifle Association commenced . 189 Brodrick, M.P., Mr., speech on the army at a meeting at Guildford . 278 Elcho Challenge Shield at Bisley . 196 Grenadier Guards, ist Battalion, embarked for Gibraltar . 265, 267 Harrison, General Sir Richard, ap- pointed Quartermaster-General . 289 Hotchkiss Automatic Gun, trial of the . . . . . . 119 Lockhart, General, appointed Com- mander-in-Chief in India . . 257 Lucknow, relief of, annual dinner . 263 Lucknow, relief of, commemora- tion dinner. Surviving veterans held their anniversary dinner at the Holborn Restaurant , .159 Military Tattoo at Aldershot . 177 Patriotic Fund, Royal Commission of the 132 Princess Victoria's Royal Irish Fusiliers, tiooping of the colours 214 Roberts, Lord, spoke at the All Ireland rifle meeting . . . 210 Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill, distribution of prizes by Lord George Hamilton 207 PAGB ARMY — continued. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, Inspected by the Commander-in- Chief ...... X77 Shoeburyness meeting . . 213, 217 Victoria Cross to Lieut. -Colonel Adams, Lieut. Viscount Fincastle, and Lieut. Edmond Costello , 30X White, General Sir George, ap- pointed Quartermaster-General 239 Wolseley, Lord, at half-yearly in- spection at the Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich . 335 «t half-yearly inspection of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst .... 335 at the Royal United Service Institution .... 308 inspected the Duke of York's Military School . . . 1S4 Wood, General Sir Evelyn, ap- pointed Adjutant-General . . 239 ART— Archaeological Institute at Dor- chester. 214 Artists, Society of Lady, Exhi- bition of Works . , . .76 Arts, Academy of (Royal Hiber- nian) Exhibition .... 95 Birmingham Society of Artists* winter exhibition . . . 257 British Artists' (Victorian Era) Ex- hibition at the Guildhall . . X15 Browne (H.K.). water-colour draw- ings to Old Curiosity Shop and Barnaby Rudge, sold at Sotheby's 164 Brussels, sale of contents of Mons. Willems' Studio . . . . 114 Cambrian Archaeological Associa- tion at Haverfordwest. . . 226 Christie's sale of a collection from Baron Hirsch's Pictures . 8z Sale, Gainsborough, Lawrence, and Romney . . .136 Sale, Lawrence and Romney 188 Sale, Lawrence and Velas- quez 98 Sale of Pictures from collec- tions by Millais, Richmond, and others . . , . 130 Sale of Engravings after Meis* sonier and others. . • 143 Sale of the Pender Collection , 151 Sale of Rosa Bonheur's Cattle in the Highlands . . •174 Sale. Rosa Bonhcur, Mun- kacsy, and others . . . 146 Robinson's, Mr. J. G., collec- tion of Chinese curios . . aox Cruikshank, George, Works of, property of Mr. H, W. Bruton, sold at Sotheby's . . . 160 D'Arenberg, Le Prince, elected to the Academic des Beaux Arts . aio De Goncourt sale at the H6tel Drouot 94 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE ART — continued, Du Maurler, George, Exhibition of Drawings of • . . • -95 East London Art Exhibition opened 147 Fine Arts Society's Gallery Exhibi- tion (Jan Van Beers) , . .131 Fine Art Society's Exhibition of drawings by Linley Samboume and Hu^h Thomson . . . zSp French Cabinet Painters' Exhi- bition . . , . ♦ Grafton Galleries, Exhibition^ of Portraits illustrating the Musical and Dramatic Art of England . 174 Grafton Galleries, Exhibition of Works of Ford Madox Brown , 73 Greek Coins of Mr. T. Hobart Smith, of New York, sold at Sotheby's . . . . . 152 Hals, Franz's, Portrait of a Gentle- man, dated 1679, sold for 3350 guineas . . • • • 113 Hengrave Hall sale . . . 229 Hirsch, Baron, collection of pic- tures sold at Christie's . 8z Holroyd, Charles,^ appointed keeper of the National Gallery of British Art . . . . 192 Institute of Painters in Oil Colours, autumn exhibition . . . 285 Jubilee Honours for Mr. W. B. Richmond, R.A., Mr. Wyke Bavliss, Mr. Cuthbert Quilter, M.P. . . . . . . 171 Knight, C. P., exhibition at Bristol 264 Lady Artists* (Society of) Works at the Society of British Artists 76 Leighton's (Lord) Works, the Winter Exhibition of the Royal Academy . . . . • • 58 Liverpool, autumn exhibition of the Corporation . • . . ; • 240 Miniature Painters, Exhibition of the Society, at Graves' Galleries 162 Montagu's (M. Hyman) collec- tion of British Historical Medals sold at Sotheby's .... 147 Montagu sale of coins and medals at Sotheby's , . . .311 New English Art Club Exhibition 114 New Gallery Exhibition opened . 126 Painter-Etchers* Exhibition opened 99 Painters in Water-Colours Exhibi- tion, Institute of , . . . 102 Painters in Water-Colours, Royal Society of, Exhibition of Works of Deceased Members . . 73 Paris, H6tel Drouot collection of theBrothers Goncourt sold 94 Sale of Pictures by Corot and Daubigny . . . .124 Parsons, Alfred, elected A.R.A. , 64 Pender Sale at Christie's , .151 Photographic Salon, fifth annual exhibiliott • • • . • 271 xvii PAGE ART — continued, Puttick & Simpson's sale of scarce Engravings, chiefly of the Eighteenth Century ... 92 Rogier's, Charles, statue unveiled at Brussels 205 Romney (G.)» whole-length Por- traits of Children in a Garden, sold by Messrs. Foster , . 166 Royal Academy, banquet . . 130 Closed 213 Openine: of the , , .131 Royal Private View . , 128 Schools, the prize distribution 327 Soiree 178 M''inter Exhibition , . .58 Royal Society of Painters in Water- Colours, special exhibition of lately deceased Members 73 Winter exhibition . . . 319 Salon, Champs-Elys6es, opened . 122 Sargent, J. S., A.R. A., elected R.A, 64 Sh.Aiinon, J. J., elected A. R.A. . 64 Society of Miniaturists' autumn exhibition 288 Society of Portrait Painters* autumn exhibition 288 Sotheby's, commencement 'of the sale of the late Mr. Hyman Montague's Collection of Medals 147 Sale of the greater portion of Greek Coins of Mr. J. Hobart Smith « . . 152 Sale of the collection of the Works of George Cruikshank, the property of Mr. H. W, Bruton 160 Sale of H. K. Browne's Illus- trations to The Old Curiosity Shop and Barnaby Rudge . 164 Vollon, Antoine, elected to the Academic des Beaux Arts . . 216 Waterlow, Ernest, A.R. A., elected Pres. Soc. of Water-Colours . 319 Watts, George Frederick, R.A., completed eightieth year . 19 Works of, exhioited in White- chapel 120 Willems', F., Studi«, sale at Bri)S!:els ..... 114 AUSTBIA-HUNGABT- Badeni, Count, tendered his resig- nation to the Emperor . - 318 Budget for 1897 .... 269 Duel between Coimt Badcni and HerrWolf 263 Emperor, the, arrived in St. Peters- burg . . . . .127 Left on his Return to Vienna 129 Emperor's birthday celebrated by the Austro-Hungarian colony in London ..... 227 Emperor left Vienna for the man- oeuvres 850 xviii BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PACK AUSTRIA-HTXJSTGABY - con^ tinned. Gautsch, Baron, formed a new Ministry ..... 319 German Emperor arrived at Buda- pest . , . . , . 259 German Emperor arrived at Tolls . 25a Goluchowski, Count, Grand Cross of St. Stephen conferred . . 329 Lueger, Dr., elected Burgomaster of Vienna , , . . , 116 Manrouvres at Totis concluded . 355 Mersina, the, incident . . 307, 309 Prague, serious riots . « . 321 Standrecht proclaimed . , 321 Reichsrath, lengthened sitting . 292 reassembled . . . . 261 scenes of violence and per- sonal encounters . 314, 315, 316 Review attended by the Emperor of Germany at Vienna . .124 Rumania, King and Queen arrived at Budapest . , . . . 265 Rumbold, Sir Horace, British Am- bassador, presented his Creden- tials to the Emperor . . . 63 Students* demonstration in Vienna against the Prime Minister . 302 Vienna journalists' supper to Mark Twain ...... 294 Viemui Official Gazeits published text of a telegram from the Aus- trian Emperor to the Sultan of Turkey 187 BANK BATE-Changes in 1897- 4 per cent. Jan. i Z\ »» Ja"- 21 3 ff Feb. 4 25 M April 8 2 „ May 13 n\ „ Sept. 23 3 ,, Oct. 14 BELGIUM — Brussels Exhibition opened . . . . . 137 De Gerlache expedition left Ant- werp . . . ... 225 Moniteur published official notifi- cation of decision of British Government to annul the Treaty of Commerce between England and Belgium .... 212 Siam, the King of, received at Brussels by the King . . . 249 BENIN~Captur« of ... 88 Expedition reached Tiri . . 8x Locke, Mr., at the Foreign Office . 99 Marines and Bluejackets, des- I>atchof . . . . .71 Massacre at, news received . 63, 69 Punitive Force left Liverpool . 66 „ „ „ Benin . . 90 Rawson, Admiral, app. to com- mand the expedition ... 68 Reported capture of Ologbo, Gwato, and Sapoba . , . 85 PAGB BENIN— Survivors, news of two, from, Captain Boisragon and Mr. T. M. Locke 66 The King made his obeisance to Captain Roupell, the acting Poli- tical Resident at Benin City . 218 Trial of the King and his chiefs . 249 BOOKS— Arbuthnot Missal sold for ;6i2oo 327 Ashbumham Library. Sale of the first part . 173, 174, 177 conclusion of sale of the first part . . 179, 180 Sale of second part . ^ . 324, 328 Blackwood, William, and his Sons 276 Browning, Letters of Elizabeth Barrett 290 Captains Courageous, by Rudyard Kipling 284 Caxton, a, sold at Sotheby's for ;^2ioo . . . . . . 326 Chamberlain's Foreign and Colonial Speeches . . , . . 165 Corieone, by F. Marion Crawford 296 Conversion of Winckelmann, by Alfred Austin .... 66 Dear Faustine,by Rhoda Broughton 135 Defence of the Empire, a Selection from the Letters and Speeches of the Fourth Earl of Carnarvon , 87 Di5;coveries and Inventions of the Nineteenth Century, by P,.obert Routledge ..... 321 Dobson, Austin, Collected Poems 301 Empire, Defence of the, by Lord Carnarvon 87 Encyclopjedia of Sport, edited by the Eari of Suffolk . . ,87 Ei\glish Stage, by Augustin Filon 133 Farthest North, by Dr. Nanseu . 87 Gibbon, Autobiography and liCtters of 6s His Grace of Ormonde, by J\Irs. Burnett 316 History of Our Own Times, by Justin McCarthy. , . . 150 In Kedar's Tents, by H. S. Merri- man 263 Interest of America in Sea Power, by Captain Mahan . . , 328 Keats' Endymion, and Lamia, sale of Autograph MSS. . . • lox Keene, Charles, the Works of , 323 Literature^ the first numb«r . , 288 Lorna Doone, People's Edition , 267 Machiavelli, the Romanes Lecture, by the Right Hon. John Morley, M.P. ...... 156 Manners for Men, by "Madge" of Truth 91 Martian, The,byGeorg« du Maurler 25^ Merchant of Venice, fine copy sold of the first quarto edition at Sotheby's • • • • • 149 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE B O O'KB— continued. More Tramps Abroad, by Mark Twain 316 Murray, Dr., editor of the Histori- cal English Dictionary, enter- tained at a banquet at Queen's College, Oxford .... 277 Nansen's Farthest North . . 87 Napoleon I., new Letters^ . .301 Nelson, Life of, by Captain Mahan 116 Phroso, by Anthony Hope . . 83 Politics in 1896, edited by Fre- derick Whelan .... 78 Queen Victoria, by Richard H. Holmes, F.S.A 297 Queen's Reign, Sixty Years of the, by the Right Hon. Sir Richard Temple, Bart. . . . .148 '* Roddy " Owen, A Memoir by his Sister 279 Soldiers of Fortune, by R. H. Davis 148 Sport, Encyclopedia of . • • 87 St. Ives, by R. L. Stevenson . ,271 Tatterley, by Tom Gallon . . 78 Tennyson, Alfred Lord, Memoir by his Son ..... 272 The Bab Ballads, by W. S. Gilbert, new edition . . . . .336 The Christian, by Hall Caine . 220 The School for Saints, by John Oliver Hobbes .... 314 The Theatrical World of 1896, by William Archer .... 145 Tis:Jot*s Life of Christ, 2 volumes . 330 Tryon, Sir George, Vice-Admirsl, Life of, by R«ar-Admiral C. C. Penrose Fitzgerald ... 91 Uncle Bernac, by Conan Doyle . 142 What Maisie Knew, by Henry James 260 Women Novelists of the Queen's Reij^ 158 BBAZIIi— Martial Law for thirty days proclaimed .... 303 President Moraes, attempt to shoot, by a soldier . . . , 298 General Bittencour stabbed . . 298 CHIIj'B — Gosling, Audley, appointed her Majesty's Minister at Santi- ago 226 CHIN" A—Agreement between Great Britain and China ratified at Peking . . . . .157 Jpmieson, Mr. George, appointed Consul-General in Shanghai . 335 Kiao Chau, Germans entered the city 322 Germans landed a naval force 303 Preliminary contract for a Loan of Sixteen Millions signed in Pekin on behalf of a British Syndicate 139 Russian squadron at Port Arthur . 333 PAGE CHUBCH— Archdall, Ver>' Rev. M., elected Bishop of Killaloe . . 6t Baptist Union, Spring session at Bloomsbury Chapel . . .126 Bath and WelU Diocesan Con- ference 277 Benson, Archbishop, Memorial Fund Meeting .... 93 Bishop of London's Fund, annual conference of Clergy and Churchwardens in promo- tion of the objects . .139 A Central Meeting held in connection with, at Gros- venor House . . . 144 Bristol, the Bishopric constituted by an Order in Council . 187 Dr. F. G. F. Browne ap- pointed .... 214 British and Foreign Bible Society, reception at the Bible House . 190 Canterbury, Archbishop of, at the Guildhall . . . .67 At the annual meeting of the Church Defence Committee, 115 At Derby . . . .278 Diocesan Conference . . 273 First official visit to Croydon . 107 Freedom of Exeter presented to the 70 Presided at the annual meeting of the National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church . 166 Presided over the annual meeting of the Church of England Temperance So- ciety 133 Visited Northampton . . 279 Carmarthen Diocesan Conference . Chester Diocesan Conference . 291 Childrens* Service on Innocents* Day at Westminster Abbey . 339 Church Congress at Nottingham 265, 2O9 Church Defence Committee , • n^. Church of England Temperance Society, conference of members 167 Congregational Union at Birming- ham 277 Crediton, Bishop Suffragan, Conse- cration of 9a Creighton, Dr., elected Bishop of London* . • . • 59 Election confirmed • . . 66 Enthronement of • . . 76 SilverWeddingof Dr.'audMrs. 61 Denbigh Diocesan Conference . 26x Diocesan Fund {St. Asaph) . • 133 Dublin, General Synod of the Church of Ireland . . .127 Eden, the Right Rev. Dr. G. R., appointed Bishop of Wake- field 2itg Enthroned . . • • 298 XX BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 CUVnC^— continued, EUicott, Dr., gave a farewell ad- dress to the Clergy of the Deaneries of Bristol, Stapleton, and Bilton Elliott, the Rev. Canon, elected Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin, and Ardagh Festival of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy (243rd) held ' •al 156 243 138 in St. Paul's Cathedral Fletcher, the Rev. Canon W. H., appointed Canon Residentiary of St. Asaph ..... Glastonbury Abbey visited by members of the Lambeth Confer- ence . ^ Hereford Diocesan Conference Hervey, Rev. Frederick, appointed Canon of Norwich Ireland, Church of, the annual session of the General Synod opened ..... Lambeth Conference opened Lambeth Conference meetings 178, 182, 184 147 214 290 127 177 Concluded The Bishops received at Wind- sor by the Queen . Encyclical issued . . • Resolutions published . • Lincoln Diocesan Conference • Liverpool Diocesan Conference • Masonic Service at St. Paul's Mauritius, Bishop of, appointed Archdeacon of Canterbury . Metropolitan Free Church Federa- tion annual meeting . National United Temperance Council Owen, Dr., appointed Bishop of St. David's .... Confirmed Bishop of St. David's ..... Consecrated .... ^Peterborough, Bishop of, Confir- mation at Bow Church Consecration of . . Enthroned .... Peterborough Diocesan Confer- ence Prayer, Form of, to be used June 20th, issued by authority . Rothschild, the Hon. Walter, opened a new Jewish Syna- gogue . . . . . .258 St. Asaph (Bishop oQ Diocesan Fund, Mr. Gladstone spoke St. Asaph Diocesan Conference . St. Augustine's landing in England, 13th centenary celebrated . Smith, the Rev, J. T., appointed Bishop of Sierra Leone Consecrated Bishop of Sierra Leone 150 213 191 . 216 222 272 296 321 286 272 86 129 130 90 92 96 273 136 133 262 252 78 CELTyRCH—coni/m^ed, Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (196th Anniversary) Temperance Society, Church of England, annual meeting . Temple, Dr., Enthroned as Arch- bishop of Canterbury . Treiusis, Canon, appointed Suffra- ^ gan Bishop of Exeter . Consecrated .... Vaughan, Cardinal, received an address on the occasion of the silver jubilee of his Episcopate . Winchester Diocesan Conference . Winnington-Ingram, the Rav. Arthur, appointed Canon oi' St. Paul's .... Suffragan-Bishop of Stepney . York, Archbishop of, in Berlin York Diocesan Conference . COLOHIAL PHEMISHS at the Fishmongers' at the Junior Carlton Club . at the Mansion House . Birmingham visited by the Pre- miers British Chamber of Commerce, dinner in Paris .... Chamberlain, Mr., invitation to the Diamond Jubilee published. Mr. and Mrs., dinner and re- ception to the Premiers Conferences at the Colonial Office with Mr. Chamberlain 175,178,13a Cordwainers' Company, banquet to the Premiers .... Criterion Theatre, Mr. Charles Wyndham's invitation to the Premiers ..... Crystal Palace Company, dinner to the Premiers .... Edinburgh visited by the Premiers entertained by the Incorporated Law Society .... entertained by London Chambers of Commerce .... E.scombe, Mr. and Mrs., Premier of Natal, entertained at a ban- quet at the Hotel Metropolc Forrest, Sir John, banquet by the Western Australia Committf e . Gladstone, Mr., the Premiers' viiit at Hawarden .... Glasgow visited by the Premiers . Imperial Institute, dinner given by the Governor and members, at which the Prince of Wales presided . . . Incorporated Law Society, dinner to the Premiers .... Junior Carlton Club, the committee entertained the Premiers at dinner . . Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, Premier of the Canada Club diim''jr 2g3 2/9 20 1 1.7 290 i8s lot 173 170 198 X20 177 ,186 1S6 174 190 164 1Z6 . i37 207 i63 188 1^5 i63 i36 191 BOOK OP THE YEAR 1897 xxi PAGE COLONI All PBEMIERS - continued. Liverpool visited by the Premiers 163 London Chamber of Commerce, banquet to the Premiers at the Hotel Metropole . , . 187 Lord Mayor, the, entertained the Premiers at dinner at the Mansion House . . . . . . 178 luncheon at the National Liberal Club 181 luncheon at the Public Record Office . ^ 183 National Liberal Club, luncheon to the Premiers .... 181 official visit closed on July 31 . 211 Onslow, Earl and Countess, enter- tained the Premiers at Clandon Park, Guildford .... 177 Oxford University, Honorary De- grees conferred on six of tlie Premiers . . . . . 177 Parliamentary Paper issued con- taining the account of the pro- ceedings between Mr. Chamber- lain and the Colonial Premiers , 235 Privy Councillors, Premiers made 171 Public Record Office, Lord and Lady Esher, luncheon party to the Premiers . . . . 183 Queen, the, received the Prem.iers and their Wives at Windsor Castle 184 Reid, Mr. G. H., Premier of New South Wales, enter- tained at dinner at the Royal Palace Hotel, Ken- sington 190 Visited his birthplace, the manufacturing town of Johnstone, near Glasgow . 191 Robinson, Sir John, resigned the Premiership of Natal . . .85 St. George Club, dinner at, when Mr. Goschen announced that the Cape Colony had offered an iron- clad to be placed at the disposal of the Empire . . , .188 Seddon, Mr. R. J., Premier of New Zealand, addressed a meeting at the Cannon Street Hotel, on the mining industries of the colony . 204 Sprigg, Sir J. Gordon, Premier of Cape Colony, address from the Imperial Federation (De- fence) Committee . , . 187 Present on Speech Day at the Colonial College , . . 190 Visited his native town, Ips- wich 191 United Empire Trade League entertained the Premiers at luncheon at the Westminster Palace Hotel . , , .161 visited Mr. Gladstone . . .188 PAGB COLOmES, PROTECTOR. ATES, DEPEWD£Jj\- CIES— Wingfield, Mr. Edward, C.B., app. Permanent Under- Secretary of State for the Colonies 93 Australian Colonies— Gifts for trie Jubilee Dinner to the Poor 143 Australia, South— Way, Hon. Samuel, appointed a Privy Coun- cillor 70 Dinner, Chief Justice Way in the chair 151 Kingston, Mr. C. G., the Premier, arrived at Sydney . . . 242 Bahama Islands— Malcolm, Mr. Ormonde Drimmie, appointed Chief Justice .... 297 Sir Gilbert Carter appointed Governor , . . . , 320 Mr. C. Walpole, ex-Chief Justice, knighted 315 Basutoland— Revolt in . .69 B echuanaland— Attack on Lange- berg 209 Colonel Dalgety stormed Twaai's Kloof, and occupied Lukas Jantje's Stadt .... 21a Field force attacked and cap- tured Gamasep . , .115 Took stronghold of the Chief Toto 137 Rising in 60 British Central Africa— An- goni-Zulu rising in South Nyassa- land suppressed .... 58 British East Africa —Major MacDonald and Mr. Jackson attacked in Moga by Soudanese mutineers 284 British Guinea— Sir Walter Sendall appointed Governor . 319 British Honduras — Wilson, Col., app. Governor ... 59 British INTorth Borneo— Mat Salleh, the native leader, and sixty rebels attacked Gaj a . . 189 Mat Salkh's Fort attacked . . 329 Settlement of the Ambong attacked by Mat Salleh . . . .304 Burma — Burmans' attack on fort at Mandalay 276 Fryer, Sir Frederick W. R., K.C.S.I., app. Lieut. -Gov. . 98 Trial of the men concerned in the attack on Mandalay Fort . . 330 Canada — British Association meet- ing opened at Toronto . 228 Closed 235 British Empire League, annual meeting ..... 127 British Medical Association, sixty- fifth annual meeting at Mon- treal 240 A xxii BOOK OF THE YEAR 1891 PAGE COLONISS, &:,Q.-contznued, Canada— Canadian sealers, award for losses on account of seizures by United States cruisers . . 336 Canadian, The, Pacific Railway Company's steamer, the EvtJ>ress of Japan made a record passage across the Pacific . . . 192 Davies, Sir Louis, Minister of Marine, addressed the Canadian section of the London Chamber of Commerce .... 225 Dominion Parliament, Session opened . , . . . io3 Passed the Tariff Resolutions i63 Dr. Nanscn arrived at Montreal . 303 Gold discovered in Alaska . 202 Klondike-— 6000 persons reported to be on their way to the gold- fields . . . . . 222 Steamer arrived at Yukon bringing thirty-five miners with gold to the value cf ;^40,000 .... 240 Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, Gold Medal of the Cobden Club awarded to him 225 Arrived at Montreal . . 240 Visit to Toronto . . 273' Pope's Encyclical on the Manitoba Schools Question . ... 337 Regulations of the ^ Canadian Customs Department issued . 217 Strong, Sir Samuel, app. a Privy Councillor . . . . .70 Troops arrived in England . • 165 Victorian Era Ball at Toronto ^ . 339 Wreck of the steamship Mexico while returning from Dyea . 231 Cape Colony— Armstrong, Capt., reported cut off by Natives . Buluwayo railway opened . . 298 First train arrived at Buluwayo . 285 Ironclad of the first class offered by the Colony to the Empire . . 188 Jameson, Dr., arrived at Buluwayo 201 Milner, Sir Alfred, app. Gov. of the Cape . . . . 86 Entertained at a farewell din- at the Caf^ Monico . 110 by members of the Inland Revenue Department . it8 Left for the Cape . . ,121 Arrived at Capetown • .133 first ball at Capetown . . 185 Met Khama at Palapye , . 296 laid foundation stone of new public library at Buluwayo . 299 speech at Fort Salisbury . ^ . 311 Parliament opened by Commission 113 Queen's telegram to the people at Buluwayo . . ... 300 Rhodes, Mr., demonstration in favour of at his residence in Capetown • . . 57 PAGE COIiOI^ISS, 8iQ.— continued. Cape Colony — Rhodes, Mr., started for England on Jan. 6 60 Rhodes, Mr., arrived at Plymouth 70 in London Jan. 23 . . 71 Left London en route iov Cape- town 114 and Mr. Schreiner arrived at Capetown .... 123 Illness at Iriyanga . . . 273 Had an Indaba with Matabcla Chiefs 172 Rosmead's, Lord, ill-health . - 72 Gov. of the Cape resigned , 86 Ceylon — Session of Legislature opened hy the Governor . . 299 Cyprus— Sir Wm. Haynes Smith app. Chief Commissioner . . 32a Falkland Islands— Wilson, W. Grey, app. Gov. . . . 9^ Fiji— -O'Brien, Sir Thomas,app Gov. 9^ Hong Kong— Sir Henry Blake appointed Governor . . .319 Troops arrived in England • .165 India^-vS-^tflKDIA. Jamaica— 'Sir Augustus Hemming appointed Governor . . . 319 Masnonaland— Rebels attacked Friendlies 66 Mauritius— Bruce, Sir Charles, app. Gov 58 IsTatal- New Ministry formed, Mr. Binns Premier . . . . 2 ;2 Resignation of Mr. Escombe . . 2C9 Robinson, Sir John, the Premier, resigned 85 New South Wales— Dinner to Sir Saul Samuel on his approach- ing retirement from the position of Agent-General . . , 321 Federal Convention, polling for Representatives .... 97 Mr. G. H. Reid, the Premier, arrived at Sydney . . . 242 l^Xew Zealand— Mr. R. J. Seddon, the Premier,ai rived at Wellington 249 Ranfurly, Earl of, app. Gov. . 125 iDTiflfer — Annual meeting of the Tloyal Niger Company in London 195 British treaties published in the Times 304 Goldie, Sir George, reported his return at the Foreign Office . 116 Ilorin captured by Maj. Arnold's column 87 Land force found that the Foulah Army had deserted Kabba . . 70 News received that the Nusses hadjoined the Niger Company . 72 Salisbury, Lord, received a deputa- tion in reference to the adminis- tration of the Niger Territories . 184 Severe fighting outside Bida . . 74 Southern Foulah capital taken . 76 Storming of Prince Arku's strong- hold at Kiffi .... 308 BOOK OP THE YEAR 1897 xxiii COLONIES, continued, Niger— Taubman-Goldie, Sir G., delivered an address on the Future of the Ni^er Territories . 184 Telegram from Sir G. Goldie to the Royal Niger Company . 75 Rhodesia— Arrival of first train at Buluwayo 285 Great Indaba at Buluwayo . . 60 Sierra Leone— Ex-King Prempeh removed from Elmira Castle to 57 Smith, the Rev. J. T., app. Bishop of 78 Consecrated . . . .150 S t.Helena— S terndale, Mr. Robert, app. Gov 96 Trinidad and Tobago — Jer- ningham, Sir Hubert Edward, app. Gov 58 TJganda— Battle between King Mwanga's forces and those of the British Commissioner . . 209 Victoria— St. Patrick's Cathedral consecrated 294 Terrific dust storm . . .310 West Africa— Lieut. Col. North- cote landed at Cape Coast Castle 301 Windward Islands— Maloney, Sir C. A., app. Gov. ... 59 COIQ'SOLS-Price of- Jan. 7, iiiM . . • . 60 „ 14, .... 65 „ 21, 112i^^ .... 70 „ 28, xx-zf-s .... 74 Feb. 4, 1 13/0 .... 80 „ II, II2i 84 „ 18, iii}f .... 88 „ 25, ii2f^ .... 93 Mar. 4, 1 1 if 97 II, 112 ..... lOI 18, 112I 105 25, 112I 108 April I, iiifj . ^ . . 113 „ 8, ii2f 116 15, 112 • • . . . 120 » 22, iia 124 „ 29, 112,^ , . . .128 May 6, 112-,% . . . .134 n i3» "3f 139 „ 20, ii3t% • . . .144 „ 27, ii3tV . . . .150 June 3, ii2}f . . . .155 10, II2t^ . . , . 160 „ 17, 112}^ .... 167 „ 24, 112{f . . . .172 July I, 112I 178 „ 8, ii2f 185 „ IS, II2xV 193 22, II2}f .... 202 *'„ 29, 112(1 , . . .208 Aug. 5, ii3f\ . . . .216 ,, 12, 1I2tu .... 222 19, 112 229 „ 26, II2I ..... 237 Sept. 2, II ii^. .... 244 PAGE C O N S O L S— //« ued. Sept. 9, 112^ , „ 16, IIItV „ 23, IITtV 30, iiif^ Oct. 7, iiifa „ 14, IIlT^ff „ 21, iiiH ,, 28, IIlT^ff Nov. 4, II2xL . „ II, II2lf . „ 18, iisi'ff . » 25, 113! . Dec. 2, 112I . „ 9, 112H . „ 16, 112};]- . „ 23, 112 ' . 30, 112I . COUBT-The Queen— Add from the Lords and. Commons received by the .... Aged Poor Men and Women enter- tained upon the slopes at Windsor, by the Queen Annual gifts to the Poor of Windsor ^ 57 Annual service at the Frogmore Mausoleum in memory of the Prince Consort and Princess Alice 330 Bank Holiday on June 22 approved of by the , , . . . 105 Battenberg, Prince Henry of, Me- morial Service to, attended by the 69 Beaumont College, visit of the Queen .... . 182 Belgians, King of the, visited the Queen at Osborne . . . 214 Birth of a Great-Grandchild an- nounced to . . . . . 109 249 256 261 267 274 279 286 292 298 303 309 315 322 326 332 336 339 172 177 Birthday officially observed Bishops attending the Lambeth Conference received at Windsor Bishops, letter from the Queen Buccleuch, Duke of, invested with the Order of the Garter Chronological Table of Events in the Queen's Life published 164, 165 City of London Corporation and other bodies, deputation received at Windsor hy the Queen . . 185 Colonial and Indian Troops enter- tained by the Queen at Windsor 179 Colonial Premiers and their wives received by the . Conferred Knighthood upon several Gentlemen Contribution of ;^iooo towards the Queen Victoria Clergy Fund Contributions to the Indian Famine Fund 62, loi Corporation and University of Edinburgh and Church of Scot- land presented addresses at Balmoral 274 Council at Osborne held by the . 66 149 191 228 326 184 80 337 xxiv BOOK Of THE YEAR 1897 PAGE COUET— The Queen— cmtinued. Council at Osborne . . . 214 at Windsor Castle . .184 Court mourning for the Duchess of Teck 292 Cowes visited by the . . . 206 Cyclops Works, Sheffield, visited by the . . . . . .145 Denbigh, Earl of, appointed Lord- in-Waiting to the ... 125 Derby, the Earl of, invested with the Order of the Garter . . 229 Descendants of the Queen, Table published in the Times . 165 Diamond Jubilee, celebration of . 171 Honours , . 171 Donation of ;^35 to the Margate surf boat fund .... 325 Drawing-Room held by the . 92, 138 Embroidered curtain worked by one hundred Indian widows for the ...... 179 Empress of India, Twentieth Anni- versary celebrated at Calcutta • 57 Entered Seventy-ninth Year . . 147 Essex storm, donation made by the Queen to the relief fund . . x88 Eton Boys' grand Torchlight Pro- cession of in the Quadrangle of ' Windsor Castle before the . , 173 Faure, President, the Queen's in- terview with, at Nois3'-le-Sec . 101 Fire Brigade in Windsor Park, reviewed by the . . . 173 Foreign Princes in London, enter- tained at luncheon at Bucking- ham Palace 170 Garden party at Windsor to receive members of the House of Com- mons and their wives . . . 180 General Thanksgiving approved of 103 German letter from the Queen to the German colony in London . 193 Giraffe presented to the . ^ 258 Goldsmith, Staff-captain, knighted by the 241 Imperial Institute, the Queen de- cided that the Diamond Jubilee gifts should be exhibited at . 255 Indian Cavalry Officers received . 169 Indian Famine Fund, donations 62, loi Indian officers, distribution of medals to, by the . . . 182 Investiture of Order of the Bath and several others by the . . 222, 223 Investiture of various orders at Windsor 326 Journeys — Left Osborne for Wind- sor, February 15 . . .86 Arrived in London from Windsor, February 23 . , 91 Returned to Windsor, Feb* ruary 25 ... • 93 Left Windsor for Nice, March 10 . . . .101 PAGE COURT— The Qiyxeerk— continued. Journeys — Arrived at Nice, Mar. 1 1 102 Left Cimiez, April 28 . . 127 Arrived at Cherbourg, April 29 128 Arrived at Windsor Castle, April 30 .... 129 Arrived in London, May 10 . 137 Left for Windsor, May 12 , 138 Left for Balmoral, May 21 . 145 Arrived at Balmoral, May 22 . 146 Left Balmoral, June 16 . . 166 Arrived at Wmdsor Castle, June 17 .... 167 Arrived in London, June 21 , 170 Left for >yindsor, June 23 . 172 Arrived in London, June 28, and returned to Wind or the same day .... 175 Left Windsor for Osborne, July 20 198 Left Osborne for Balmoral, August 31 . . . .241 Arrived at Balmoral, Sept. 1 . 242 Left Balmoral for Windsor, Nov. 12 . . . . 303 Arrived at Windsor, Nov. 13 . 304 Left Windsor for Osborne, Dec. 17 .... 332 Jubilee review at Aldershot, at which the Queen was present . 178 Kensington visited by the . •175 Knighthood conferretl on Judges and on Mr. C. Walpole . . 325 Knighthood conferred on Squire Bancroft, Dr. Felix Semoii, and other gentlemen . . . .228 Knighthood conferred upon several Gentlemen 80 Labourers' and servant's fete at Osborne visited by the . . 238 Letter from the Queen to the Home Secretary on the Diamond Jubilee 195 Long Reign, announcement by the Prince of Wales . . . • 63 Lords of the Admiralty, and Ad- mirals and Captains of the foreign ships lying at Spithead, re- ceived at Windsor by the . . 172 Maidstone, the Queen's donation to the Mansion House Fund . 2S3 Maidstone, the Queen's telegram on the typhoid epidemic . . 272 Memorial Service at Whippingham Church, on the first anniversary of the Death of Prince Henry of Battenberg, attended by the . 69 On the anniversary of the Inter- ment of Prince Henry of Battenberg, attended by ^he 80 Message from the Queen to her People, on June 22 . . . 171 Military tattoo in the Grand Quad- rangle at Windsor, given in tlie Queer's honour .... 169 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE COTTBT— The Q,\ieen--conitnued. Military Tournament and Musical Ride of the Royal Horse Guards in the Home Park, Windsor, wit- nessed by the . . . . 174 Naval architects and marine en- gineers entertained by the Queen at Windsor 188 Naval Review, Chart published showing the berths of the Men- of-War 162 Naval review, the Queen's letter to the First Lord of the Admiralty 183 Newport, Isle of Wight, visited by 203 Nonconformist bodies, deputation received at Windsor . . • 193 Official Programme of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee announced . 161 Private Investiture at Windsor Castle 140 Privy Purse, gift from the Queen of ;^5oo for the augmentation of small livings in the gift of the Duchy of Lancaster . , , 154 Public School Volunteers reviewed in Windsor Great Park by the . 176 Reception of Mayors, Provosts, and Chairmen and Conveners of County Councils at Buckingham Palace. ..... 172 Rehearsal of the Diamond Jubilee Procession . . . . .162 Rehearsal of the Jubilee Service at St. Paul's 164 Reign of the Queen had lasted for Sixty Years at 2.30 a.m. on Sunday, June 20 . . . 170 Route of Royal Procession on June 22 published . . . 162 Royal Society deputation received at Windsor Castle . . .193 Ryde visited by the Queen . . 208 Salvation Army, letter from the Queen to General Booth . . 199 Sandlea estate purchased by the . 216 School Children, great gathering of, on Constitution Hill . 172 Inspected by the Queen in Windsor Park , . .173 Sheffield visited by the . . •145 Siam, the King of, lunched with . 215 Skelton, Charles, Esq., Knighthood conferred upon . . . .154 St. Paul's, Queen's visit to, on June 22, announced ... 89 State Ball at Buckingham Palace 156, 185 State banquet at Buckingham Palace 170 State Concert at Buckingham Palace 150, 193 State evening party at Bucking- ham Palace . . . . . 172 State garden party at Buckingham Palace 173 page COURT—The Queen— continued. Statue of the Queen unveiled at Brighton 326 Teck, death of the Duchess of . 291 Telegram from the Queen to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. 249 from the Queen to Viceroy expressing her distress at the losses on the Indian frontier .... 304 in reference to the Benin expedition to Rear-Adnjiral Rawson .... 92 to Buluwayo .... 300 to the Viceroy of India . . 259 Tenants* and servants' on Scottish estate, address of congratulation to the 260 Thanksgiving visit to St. Paul's Cathedral announced ... 89 Thrasher accident, the Queen's message to Admiral Freemantle . 269 Universities, a deputation from, re- ceived at Windsor Castle by the 188 West Cowes, the Queen drove through according to annual custom 21^ Wilson, Alexander, Baronetcy con- ferred upon, by the . . . 154 Winchester, address to the Queen from the Mayor and Corpora- tion 1C9 The Prince and Princess of Wales—Address to the Prin- cess from the Chairmen of Com- mittees of H.R.H.'s Dinner Fund to the Poor . . . 334 Bath, the Order of, the Prince gave a dinner to celebrate his appoint- ment as Great Master , . 199 Battle of flowers at Cannes, the Prince present at . . . 101 Blackwall Tunnel, intimation of opening by the Prince . . 73 Blackwall Tunnel opened by the Prince 140 Blandford, Marquis of, the Prince stood sponsor .... 281 British Museum, the Prince at- tended a meeting of a Standing Committee (Natural History) . 203 Cannes, English Hospital at, foundation stone laid by the Prince 117 Canterbury visited by the Prince and Princess, to reopen the restored Chapter House of the Cathedral 151 Cattle Show visited by the Prince 324 Chelsea Pensioners, inspection by the Prince 182 Chelsea, the Princess attended an Entertainment given to the Poor in connection with the Princess's Fund 177 xxvi BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE COUBT—The Prince and Prin- cess of Wfblea—coniinued. Cheltenham visited by the Prince, who inspected the Royal Glou- cestershire Hussars . . . 139 Chester, the Prince and Princess visited ..... 136 Christ's Hospital, the Prince on be- half of the Queen laid foundation stone . . . . . .288 Clarence, Duke of. Memorial Ser- vice for the, attended by the Prince and Princess ... 65 Colonial Premiers, dinner at the Imperial Institute, presided over by the Prince . . . .168 Colonial Troops, distribution of Jubilee medals to, in the gardens of Buckingham Palace . .180 Concert at the Royal Albert Hall in celebration of the Queen's Jubilee, at which the Prince and Princess were present . .169 Copenhagen, visit to . 246, 256, 257 Corporation of Trinity House, the Prince attended dinner . ,181 Council of the Prince of Wales's Hospital Fund, meeting at Marl- borough House .... 334 De la Rue's, Messrs., premises in Bunhill Row visited by the Prince and Princess , . . 150 Devonshire House fancy dress ball, at which the Prince and Princess and many other members of the Royal Family were present . 179 Dinners at the People's Palace, the Central Hall, Holborn, and in Clerkenwell, in connection with the Princess's Fund, attended by the Prince and Princess . ^ . 172 Donation to the Indian Famine Fund . . . . . .64 Drawing-room at Buckingham Palace held by the Princess 97, 143 Durham Cathedral, Castle, and Deanery visited by the Prince . 316 Eastwell Park visited by the Prince 196 Empress Frederick, visit to . 259, 260 English Hospital at Cannes, foun- dation stone of new buildings laid by the Prince . . .117 Exhibition of 1851, Prince presided at a meeting of her Majesty's Commissioners .... 205 Freemasons, Meeting of 7000 mem- bers of Lodges at the Albert Hall, presided over by the Prince 164 Frijsenberg visited by the Prince and Princess .... 253 Garden party at Lambeth Palace at which the Prince and Princess were present .... 198 Germany, the Prince and Princess started for 221 PAGE COUBT—The Prince and Prin- cess of 'Wales— continued. Gladstone, Mr., the Prince and Princess visited, at Ha warden . 137 Goodwood, visit of the Prince and Princess 206 Guy's Hospital visited by the Prince to open the new Medical School buildings . . , 149 Hartmann, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, the Prince visited . . . 271 Hither Green, Lewisham, visited by the Prince to open the Park Hospital 190 Hospital Fund, meeting of the General Council, presided over by the Prince . . . .150 Hospital Fund scheme published . 81 Hospital Fund, stamps for the, inspected by the Prince and Princess 150 Hospital fund, amount subscribed to i2th July .... 190 Hussars, Tenth, annual dinner presided at by the Prince . 155 Inspected by the Prince at Aldershot . . . .179 Imperial Institute, annual meeting, presided oyer by the Prince . 130 Indian Famine Fund, donation of 250 guineas from the Prince and Princess 64 Investiture of the Order of the Bath and others at St. James's Palace by the Prince . . . 200 Jackson's, Mr., lecture on Three Years in the Arctic attended by the Prince 310 Jockey Club, dinner to Members of the, on June 2, at Marlborough House . . . . . .154 Lambeth public bath opened by the Prince . . . . .187 Lambton Castle visited by the Prince 312 Left London for Sandringham , 298 Left Sandringham for London . 310 Lev6e at St. James's Palace , 93, 142 Last of the season . , . 152 Lewos races, the Prince's first visit 217 London, the Prince arrived from Homburg .... 263 Left for Sandringham . . 264 The Princess and Princess Vic- toria arrived from Denmark 285 Mansion House, luncheon attended hy the Prince and Princess . 173 Marienbad, the Prince arrived from Bayreuth 228 Marriage of the Marquis of Water- ford, the Prince present . .281 Marriage of the Prince and Prin- cess, thirty-fourth anniversary . 100 Memorial Service for the Duke of Albany at Cannes, attended by the Prince no BOOK OF 'ITHE YEAR 1897 xxvii PAGE COURT— The Prince and Prin- cess of W"ales — coniimied. Metropolitan Hospitals, scheme to relieve, published . . . 8i Municipal buildings at Oxford opened by the Prince , . . 138 National Council of the Evangeli- cal Free Churches, deputation received by the Prince . . 200 National Gallery of British Art opened by the Prince . . . 200 Naval architects, international con- gress opened by the Prince . 183 Naval Review at Spithead wit- nessed by the Prince and Princess 174 Oxfoi'd, the new municipal build- ings, and the Sarah Acland Home, opened by the Prince, and the Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars inspected . . . 138 Philatelic exhibition visited by the Prince 202 Prince, the, arrived in London February i . . . .77 Arrived at Monte Carlo, March 20 . . . . 106 Arrived in London from Paris, April 14 . _ . . . 120 Attended Memorial Service to the Duke of Albany , ,110 Fifty-sixth birthday . .301 Left for the South of France, March i .... 95 Princess, the, left London for Copenhagen, March 23 . 107 Arrived in London from Copen- hagen, April 28 . . . 127 Fifly-third birthday celebrated 321 Letter to the Lord Mayor , 129 Letter announcing gift from Australian Colonies received by the 143 Queen's Long Reign, statement made by the Prince in reference to her Majesty's wishes . . 63 Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars inspected . . . , . 138 Quidenham Hall visited by the Prince ..... 283 Rifle Brigade, dinner attended by the Prince 153 Rothschild, Lord, visited by the Prince 288 Royal Academy of Music, annual general meeting^ . . . 197 the Prince and Princess at the annual distribution of prizes 202 Royal College of Music, fourteenth annual meeting at Marlborough House 197 Royal College of Physicians, the Prince admitted to the honorary fellowship at Marlborough plouse 198 Royal Geographical Society, meet- ing attended by the Prince . 83 COURT— The Prince and Prin- cess of Wole^—cov Untied. Royal Gloucestershire Hussars in- spected by the Prince . . 139 Royal Horse Guards' annual dinner. Prince at . . . 158 Royal London Ophthalmic Hos- pital, foundation stone laid by the Prince and Princess . . 150 Royal Military Tournament opened by the Prince . . 150 Royal Yacht Squadron annual dinner, at which the Prince pre- sided 142 Sale of the Prince's hackneys at the Wo!/erton Stud Farm . . 160 Siam, the Prince's visit to the King 264 Sinhalese gentlemen received at Marlborough House by the Prince 184 St. Paul's, the Prince and Princess attended Service at . . . 170 St. Saviour's Church, South warlr. reopening attended by the Prince 87 Statement in reference to pro- posed Jubilee Route made Dy the Prince 120 Technical Education, awards in connection with, distributed by the Prince 81 Teck, visit of the Prince, Princess, to the Duke of Teck and the Duchess of York . . . 291 Temple Yacht Club. Anniversary of the foundation, the Prince present at a concert . . . 127 Thirty-fourth anniversary of the Marriage of the Prince and Princess joo Trentham visited by the Prince and Princess .... 59 "Twelfth Night," production at the Middle Temple, and at- tended by the Prince ... 83 Welbeck, the Prince and Princess's visit 330 Wellington College, meeting of Governors, presided over by the Prince 92 Yachting and Fisheries Exhibition inaugurated by the Prince . . 142 The Other Children of the Queen The Empress Frederick of Germany at- tended a Memorial Service at Whippingham Church on the anniversary of the inter- ment of Prince Henry of Battenberg . . , , Po Arrived at Osborne ... 76 Fifty-seventh birthday . , 312 Left London for Germany . 103 Left Windsor for the Conti- nent . . . t • 179 xxviii BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE COUKT— The Other Children of the QjHeen—coriiinued. The Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Biith of a Grandson (Prince Victor), the child of Piincess Alexandra, Hereditary Princess of Hohenlohe-Langen- berg, and the Daughter of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 109 Princess Christian of Schleswig- Holstein held a Drawing- room , . . . . 133 Albert Institute of Windsor, certificates distributed by the Princess . . . .211 Birmingham visited by the Prin- cess to open the new building of the General Hospital . 184 Distributed medallions to mem- bers of the St. John's Ambu- lance Association . 307, 312 Middlesex Hospital, foundation stone of the new wing laid by the Princess . . . 1Q3 Opened a bazaar at the Albert Institute, Windsor . . 313 Opened the Imperial Victorian Exhibition at the Crystal Palace 134 Presented Badges at the Royal Naval Institution to a num- ber of Nurses , . . 144 Rochester, bazaar opened by the Princess .... 286 St. Mark's School, presentation of prizes by the Princess . 196 St. Mary's Parish Hall, founda- tion stone laid by the Prin- cess 2^5 Visited Sheffield . . . 145 Prince Christian visited the Royal Counties Agricultural So- ciety's Show at Reading . 158 Sweden and^ Norway, the Prince appointed to represent the Queen at the King's Jubilee . . . . . 249 Princess Louise attended a Dia- mond Jubilee Fete in the grounds of KensingtonPalace X76 Convalescent Home at Cran- brook opened by the Princess 199 East Cowes Castle, bazaar opened by the Princess . 221 Grosvenor Hospital for Women and Children opened by the Princess . . , . 200 Opened a Nurses' Home at Paisley . . . , . 320 Opened Exhibition of the Royal Drawing Society of Great Britain and Ireland . 116 Opened the Fanmakers' Com- pany Exhibition at Drapers' Hall . . . , . 148 PAGB COUBT-The Other Children 9f the QiViQen—contimied. Princess Louise, reception at the Mansion House of the United Kingdom Band of Hope Union 334 The Duchess of Connaught laid the foundation stone of a new Hospital at Alder- shot 95 Aldershot Hospital opened by the Duke .... 223 Diamond Jubilee Hospital, foundation stone laid by the Duke 218 Inspection of the Troops assem- bled at Aldershot for the autumn manoeuvres by the Duke 224 London Board Schools, the Duke and Duchess attended the annual military drill . 183 Royal Colonial Institute, banquet, at which the Duke presided . , , .180 The Duke held a Levde . . 103 The Duke and Duchess, at Yorktown, opened a new Drill Hall . . . .138 The Duke presided over a masonic meeting at Brighton 303 The Duke visited Chelsea Barracks, and inspected Colonial and other troops , 161 The Duke visited Sheffield . 145 York Town Vicarage, Cam- berley, fancy fair opened V)y the Duke and Duchess . 199 The Duchess of Albany attended Service at St. George's Chapel, afterwards visited Albert Chapel where the Duke of Albany was buried no Accident at Esher . . . 325 At an exhibition of clothing for the poor made by members of the Middlesex Needlework Guild 308 The Deptford Fund, Bazaar in aid of, opened at the Im- perial Institute by the Duchess .... 153 Princess Henry of Battenberg at- tended a Memorial Service in commemoration of the first anniversary of the Death of Prince Henry of Battenberg .... 69 On the anniversary of the Interment of Prince Henry of Battenberg , . .80 Left Osborne for Windsor . 86 Royal Isle of Wight Infirmar}'-, Princess laid foundation stone of fi children's wing , , 240 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 COUBT— The Other Children of the Cixieeji—coHitHued. Princess Henry of Battenburg, Royal National Hospital at Ventnor, foundation stone of the eleventh block laid by the Princess . The Princess's Fortieth Birth- day Grandchildren of the Queen— The Duke of York arrived in London from Sandring- ham ^ Association for the Oral Instruc- tion of the Deaf and the Dumb, the Duke presided at the annual dinner Balmoral, visit of the Duke and Duchess . . . 262, 269 Bank of EngHnd visited by the Duke and Duchess Benin, the Wounded visited by the Duke at Portsmouth Birthday of the Duke, Thirty- second ..... Birthday of the DuchesSj Thirtieth .... Birth of a Daughter at Sand ringham Bisley, the Duchess distributed the prizes .... Caledonia^XxdiXmng ship , visited by the Duke and Duchess . Christening of the Infant Daughter of the Duke and Duchess . Dalmeny, visited by the Duke and Duchess . . 250, 252 Duke of York's Military School at Chelsea visited by the Duke and Duchess Entertained at Luncheon by the Lord Mayor . Fire Brigade, the Headquar- ters visited by the Duke Glasgow visited by the Duke and Duchess Gordon Boys' Home, the Duke presided over the festival dinner Guisachan visited by the Duke and Duchess Ireland, the Duke and Duchess started for , . , Adare, visit to . . Ardilaun, Lord, visit to . Ashbourne, Lord, visit to . Baronscourt, visit to . 242, 244 Belfast, visit to . . . 248 Bray, visit to . . . 234 Dublin Horse Show . 235, 237 Howth Church, divine ser- vice at . . • . 232 Killarney, visit to . 239, 240 Kingstown, arrival at . 228 77 104 187 155 149 126 203 252 153 162 X04 250 144 253 226 241 232 232 PAGE COTJKT ~ Grandchildren of the Q,ueen— continued. The Duke and Duchess of York- Ireland, visit to Leopardstown Races, visit to . . . . 231, 233 Letter from the Duke to the Lord Lieutenant . 249 Londonderry, visit to . 245 Mount Stewart, visit to 246, 247 New Colours presented to three battalions of In- fantry by the Duchess . 238 St. Patrick, the Duke visited as Knight of the Order . . . . 230 Textile Exhibition of Irish manufactures opened . 229 Isle of Wight Rifle Volunteers (5th Battalion), Duke intro- duced himself to his new command .... 213 Lev^e held by the Duke . . xii Licensed Victuallers' Asylum, the Duke presided over the seventieth anniversary din- ner . . . . .93 Meetings of the Council pre- sided over by the Duke 97, 154 Metropolitan Fire Brigade, an- nual review attended by the Duke and Duchess . . 197 National Exhibition and sale of work at Chelsea Home, opened by the Duke . . 104 National Hospital for the Paralysed visited by the Duchess . . . .188 Ness Castle, visit of the Duke and Duchess _ ^ . . . 252 Philatelic Exhibition opened by the Duke and Duchess . 202 Royal Agricultural Society, annual meeting presided over by the Duke . .146 Show at Manchester visited by the Duke .... 175 Royal Geographical Society, meeting at the Royal Al- bert Hall attended by the Duke - . . . .82 S;am, King of, met at Ports- mouth by the Duke, and at Victoria by the Duke of Cambridge .... 2og Squadron, reported appoint- ment of the Duke asCom- mander .... 262 contradicted . . . 263 St. Patrick, The Duke ap- pointed a Knight of . .183 Victoria (Royal) Patriotic Asy- lum, prize distribution by the Duke , . * . . iCs XXX BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE COUBT — Grandchildren of the Queen — continued. The Duchess of Fife. Sussex County Hospital, opening of the new wing by the Duchess . 75 Left London for Copenhagen . 107 Princess Victoria of Wales left London for Copenhagen . . 107 Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark arrived in London 146 arrived in London on a visit to the Prince and Princess of Wales 310 Denmark, Princess Charles and Princess Victoria of Wales visit to Copenhagen . . . 244, 246 Prince and Princess Henry of Prussia, christening of infant son of 76 Cousins of the Queen — The Duke and Duchess of Teck. Isolation Hospital at Isle- worth, foundation stone laid by the Duchess . . . 207 Christening of the infant daughter of Prince and Princess Adolphus of . .189 Duchess, laid foundation stone of a new isolation hospital at Isleworth .... 207 Death of the Duchess . .291 Funeral of . . . 296, 297 Mourning for the . . 293 Needle-makers* Company, the Duke presided at dinner . iii The Princess Adolphus of Teck delivered of a daughter . 162 Christening . . ,189 Duke of Cambridge, Banquet at Gloucester House . . 175 Bath, foundation stone of the Victoria Art Gallery laid by the Duke . . . .283 Battle of flowers at Cannes . 101 Birthday, Seventy-eighth » 109 Centenary Hall, a new wing of the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum opened by the Duke .... 132 District Messengers Service, boys inspected by the Duke 205 Guards, First, Club dinner presided over by the Duke . 152 Harrogate, the new Royal Baths opened by the Duke . 203 King's Own Rifles, dinner pre- sided over by the Duke , 156 National Rifle Association, the Duke presided at the Spring Meeting . . . . 152 South Africa dinner, presided over by the Duke . .169 Unveiled a tablet to the memory of Sir Patrick G/a»t . . • . . iiS COUBT— Cousins of the Queen — continued. Duke of Cambridge, Victoria Era Exhibition, opened by the . 147 York, visit of the Duke . . 261 Q'B.WYr^-See TURKEY. CBIMB— Attallah, Alfred Selim, charged with attempted mur- der . . ,. . .205 committed for trial . . .215 Boyd, John, respited . , . 198 Brosette, Auguste, murdered at 60 Castle Street, Long Acre . .321 Camp, Miss Elizabeih, murder of "84 Inquest opened ... 87 Carew poisoning case, Mrs. Carew sentenced to death at Yoko- hama . • . . •77 Sentence of death commuted . 79 City Blackmailing Case, the . 85 Cruikshank, James, sentenced to eight years' penal servitude . 315 Diamond Merchants' Alliance rob- bery 294 Colli, condemned to death . .225 garotted . . . . .231 Harris, James, murdered his wife . 251 Kempshall, Catherine, sentenced to death . . * . 106 Respited and ordered to be removed to Broadmoor . 1T3 Langford, George, sentenced for embezzlement .... 259 Oppenheim, attempted murder and suicide 91 " Perfection " Henry Miller sen- tenced to five years' penal servi- tude 25s Prince, Richard Archer, assassina- tion of William Terriss . . 332 at Bow Street . . . . 332 Roberts, John, murdered his wife at Ludlow 244 Saunders, Mrs., shooting of . . 120 Smith, Frederick, fatally stabbed . 251 Spence, John Cuthbert, convicted of the murder of his wife and ordered to be detained in Broad- moor 186 Symmonds, Mrs., cut the throats of her four young children , , 194 CUBA-^^^ SPAIJSr. DENMABK.— The King of Siam arrived at Copenhagen . , 203 DIAMOND JUBILEE, The- Admiralty Lords, Admirals and Captains of the foreign ships received at Windsor by the Queen 172 Addresses of, from members of the House of Lords and Commons, at Buckingham Palace . . . 172 Aged Poor Men and Women enter- tained on the slopes of Windsor . 177 British Colony in Berlin banquet . j65 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 xxxi DIAMOND JUBILEE, The- continued. Chamberlain's, Mr., letter pub- lished, in which he invited the Colonial Premiers and detach- ments of her Majesty's Forces to the Diamond Jubilee , . 120 Colonial and Indian Troops enter- tained by the Queen at Windsor . 179 Colonial and other troops who had arrived to take part in the Dia- mond Jubilee Celebrations, inspected by the Duke of Con- naught at Chelsea Barracks . 161 Concert given in celebration of the Jubilee at the Royal Albert Hall 169 Cowes visited by the Queen . . 206 Deputations received by the Queen at Windsor, from the City of London Corporation, the London County Council, and the two Houses of Convoca- tion 185 Received by the Queen at Windsor from the Uni- versities of Oxford, Cam- bridge,*-and London , . 188 Received at Windsor by the Queen from several Non- conformist bodies and from the Royal Society . , 193 Of the National Council of the Evangelical Free Churches received by the Prince of Wales at St. James's Palace 200 Diamond Jubilee celebrated through- out her Majesty's dominions . 171 Diamond Jubilee Fete in the grounds of Kensington Palace . 176 Diamond Jubilee Honours pub- lished 171 Dinner to the Poor, attended by the Prince and Princess of Wales . 172 Embroidered curtain, worked by 100 Indian widows, accepted by the Queen ..... 179 Fire Brigades, an assemblage of, reviewed by the Queen in Windsor Park . . . .173 Foreign Princes entertained at luncheon at Buckingham Palace . 170 Freemasons, meeting of 7000 mem- bers, at the Royal Albert Hall, under the presidency of the Prince of Wales .... 164 Garden party at Windsor to Mem- bers of the House of Commons and their Wives . . . .180 German letter from the Queen to the German colony in London . 193 Imperial Institute, public exhibi- tion of the gifts to the Queen . 255 Indian Officers received by Lord George Hamikon at the India Office 168 PAGS DIAMOND JDBILEE, The- coniinued. Indian Officers received by the Queen 169 June 20 to be observed as a day of General Thanksgiving, and June 22 to be observed as a Bank Holi- day, approved by the Queen . 105 June 20, Form of Prayer with Thanksgiving to be used in all churches, issued by authority . 136 Jubilee Addresses received by the Queen at Windsor Castle . . 177 Jubilee garden party given by the Benchers of the Middle Temple . 191 Jubilee Medals distributed by the Princess of Wales to the Colonial Troops at Buckingham Palace . 180 Jubilee Medals distributed by the Queen at Windsor to Indian Officers . , . . ,182 Jubilee Review at Aldershot, at- tended by the Queen . . .178 Kensington visited by the Queen . 175 Letter from the Queen to the Home Secretary . . . . .195 Luncheon at the Mansion House, attended by the Prince and Princess of Wales and 300 distinguished guests . . .173 Military Tournament and Musical Ride of the Royal Horse Guards, in the Home Park, Windsor . 174 Naval Review at Spithead . .174 Naval Review, Chart published, showing the berths of the men-of-war .... 162 The Queen's letter to the Firit Lord of the Admiralty . .183 Newport, Isle of Wight, visited by the Queen 203 Paris, Diamond Jubilee Celebration 167 Programme, official, of the Dia- mond Jubilee Procession an- nounced i6t Public School Volunteers reviewed by the Queen in Windsor Great Park 176 Queen's, the. Message to her People * 171 Reception of Mayors, Provosts, Chairmen and Conveners ^ of County Councils at Bucking- ham Palace. . . . . 172 Rehearsal of the Jubilee Service at St. Paul's . . . . .164 Rehearsal of the Processional part of the celebration . . 126, 162 Route, official announcement of the route of the Procession . . 101 Royal banquet at Gloucester House 175 Ryde visited by the Queen . , 2c8 School children, gathering of, before the Queen in Windsor Park , 173 xxxii BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 DIAMOND JUBILEE, The- continued. Sinhalese gentlemen received by the Prince of Wales at Marl- borough House . . • . 184 State garden party at Buckingham Palace 175 Tenants' and servants* address of congratulation to the Queen . 260 Thanksgiving Service at St. Paul's, announcement made that the Queen would visit the Cathedral on June 22 . . . . .89 Thanksgiving Services at all places of worship in the kingdom . . 170 Torchlight procession of Eton boys before the Queen .... 173 Troops, arrival of contingent from Canada and Hong Kong . . 165 ** Victoria," poem by the Poet Lau- reate, published .... 170 Wales, the Prince of, stated that he did not think himself at liberty to recommend that the Queen's Diamond Jubilee route should be altered . . . . . . 120 Wales, the Princess of, letter to Lord Mayor, suggesting that a dinner should be provided for beggars and outcasts during the Jubilee week . 129 Anonj'mous contribution of ;^25,ooo to the Princess's Fund 142 Gift from the Australian Colonies of beef and mutton for the Jubilee Dinner to the Poor 143 Entertainment at Chelsea at- tended by the Princess , 177 EGYPT— Abu-Hamed captured by Major-General Hunter s column 219 Berber evacuated by the Dervishes 248 occupied by the Egyptian troops 252 Cromer, Lord, annual report . 8q Dervish fort at Osobri captured . 339 Grenfell, Sir Francis, arrived in Cairo to take command of the army of occupation . 274 Kassala, arrival of 900 Egyptian troops 335 formally ceded by the Italians to the Egyptians . . . 337 Kitchener, Sir Herbert, the Sirdar, left Cairo for the f; ont . .183 arrived at Merawi . . . 191 Muchir^ the Editor of, condemned to one year's imprisonment and a fine of £-2.0^ on a Government prosecution . . . . . 162 Stoning a detachment of British Infantry, tribunal's sentences . 265 Water supply in the desert, stated to alter the conditions of travel . 234 PAGB EXECUTION'S-Betts, William, at Maidstone Goal . . , 332 Bowser, Joseph, at Lincoln . • 206 Brown, Henry, at Wandsworth • 59 Llo^'^d, Thomas, at Liverpool , e228 Paterson, George, in Glasgow ,• 158 Robinson, Joseph, at Leeds . • 227 ,, Walter, at Leeds . . 227 FIKES— Aldersgate Street, 184 . 296 Anglo-American Oil Company's Stores at Birkenhead . . . 260 Athens, loss estimated at a million drachmas 232 Ayr Town Hall burnt down . . 178 Balgrififen Park, North County, Dublin ..... 153 Banbury Street, 2, Battersea . . 251 Belfast, corner of Franklin Street . 250 Belfast, linen warehouses . . 74 Beresford Street, Walworth, in some railway arches . . . 226 Bermondsey, Salvation Army shel- ter 140 Blackpool, the Eiffel Tower . . 202 Bliss & Co., Finsbury . . . 251 Bolsover Church, near Chesterfield 72 Brades Street Works, Oldbury . 297 Braime's, Mr., racing stables at Burbage, Wilts .... 323 Brewster, Messrs. Thomas, Great Suffolk Street .... 257 Broken Hill Mine, Australia . . 252 Broxburn Oil Works, Glasgow , 229 Buckingham Palace . . .186 Burdett Road, East London . . 282 Burnley, Lancashire, spinning mill destroyed 285 Carter, Paterson & Co., Goswell Road 294 Chester Town Hall , , . ,110 Chicago Coliseum .... 337 City fire began in Well Street, City 310 Clapham Junction, great fire , 177 Coffee-house, Caledonian Road . 126 Conyngham's, Lord, seat at Glen- ties, CO. Donegal . . , 192 Court Theatre, Liverpool . . 62 Curtain Road, 88 & 90, Shoreditch 163 Dairy jnple & Co., Leicester . , 315 Dixie Street, Bethnal Green , . 338 Dover Castle, serious fire . . 330 Drury Lane, fatal fire . . .215 East Grinstead, fatal fire . . 253 East Molesey, three children burnt 62 Fairfield Shipbuilding Co., Glas- gow 80 Fox, Charles, bed and mattress maker, at 223 Harrow Road . 223 Gordon Road, 183, Peckham . 249 Grain Elevation Co., Stubcross, Glasgow 289 Grieg, Messrs. J. W., Jameson Street, Leith .... 237 Harris, Messrs. F. & G., saw mills, Bethnal Gieen . . . . iSo BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 xxxiii Hill & Sons, chemical works, Southwark Street Hoxton timber fire King's Lynn, in which thirteen shops were destroyed . Kinning Park Sawmills, thej Glasgow - . , . Leith, the Cork Co.'s premises London, India Docks Joint Com- mittee, at Wapping Maple's Repository, Camden Town Melbourne fire Newman Yard, Oxford Street Norwich Road, Dalston Netting Hill, at 27 High Street Oil stores at Glasgow Oil works at Purfleet Oxford Street, No. 452 . Paris, Charity Bazaar, Rue Jean Goujon, great loss of life . Pascall, Mr. G., Blackfriars Road Phoenix Works, Old Kent Road . Pittsburg, U.S.A., Duquesne Theatre Ravenstone, a village near Newport Pagnell .... Rawcliffe Hall, near Goole . Regent's Park Road, 196 Roe's timber works at Derby Rye Lane, Peckham Station . Scott & Co.'s shipbuilding yard Greenock .... Seaborne Coal Co.'s property at Bermondsey Wall Shoe Lane warehouses, Messrs. Walker & Hall . Southport Pavilion Southsea, fatal fire . Star Paper Mills, near Blackburn Sunderland Ship Repairing Works Swinton Street, 34, Gray's Inn Road Thompson's large timber yard in Bacon Street Trafalgar Street, iS, Hammer- smith . . . ... Union Street, Borough . Upper Thames Street, Paper Ex change, Ltd. Ursuline Convent, Quebec Walker & Hall, Shoe Lane . Wandsworth, two warehouses de stroyed . , . . . Warr's, Countess de la, house in Grosvenor Street, destroyed Waterlow's great waste paper store Wilson & Co., Tanner Street, Ber mondsey .... Windsor, Nova Scotia, destroyed Woolwich, at 79 Sand Street Wrottesley Hall ... York House, the residence of the Due d'Alenjon , 238 59 338 126 246 197 82 312 97 185 312 116 63 308 133 269 118 131 262 252 185 185 276 280 275 77 257 339 169 136 203 245 86 130 60 77 66 249 2b2 149 332 PAGB FBAKCE — Academy, M. Hano- taux and le Comte de IMun elected Members . . .113 Agreement, cancelling the perpetual Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Tunis . . 257 Bomb explosion near the Gare du Nord .228 Brisson, Mon., elected President of the French Chamber . . 64 British Chamber of Commerce, an- nual banquet .... 132 British Embassy, reception at the 157 Cardinals, three, invested with the Biretta . . . . .144 Census, Quinquennial, announced , 60 Chamber reassembled in Pans . 284 Colonial Preiniers, dinner in Paris by the British Chamber of Com- merce . , . . . . 198 Cyclone in the immediate neigh- bourhood of Paris . . , 168 Darlan, M., resigned the Ministry of Justice .... 321 D'Aumale, Due, funeral service for 142 Diamond Jubilee celebrated in Paris 167 Dreyfus case. Government an- nouncement .... 330 the Prime Minister's statement 333 Duel between Prince Henry of Orleans and the Count of Turin . 225 Explosion of bomb at Longchamps 193 Faure's, President, visit to Russia, credit of 500,000 francs unani- mously adopted . . .183 left Paris for Dunkirk . . 228 accident to the cruiser Bruix . 229 arrived at Copenhagen . .231 entered the Gulf of Finland . 233 returned to Paris from Russia. 241 See also Russia banquet in the Bourse du Com- merce, Paris . . . , a8o Fire at a charity bazaar in the Rue Jean Goujon, Paris . . 133 Fire case concluded. Baron de Mackau fined, and two men in charge of the cine- matographe imprisoned . 234 Requiem Mass for the victims of the fire .... 136 The Lord Mayor and Sheriffs left London to attend the Requiem Mass for those killed in the fire . . . 135 Government protest to the Khedive against British loan in connec- tion with the Dongola Campaign 78 Laurier, Sir Wilfred, entertained at a farewell dinner in Paris by a number of French and Canadian friends 213 Marine Committee, Admiral Bes- nard's scheme .... 116 xxxlv BOOK OP THE YEAK mi PAGE Milliard, M., accepted Ministry of Justice. ..... 322 Naples, Prince and Princess of, arrived in Paris . . . .168 National fete celebrated by a review in the Bois de Boulogne and iiiu- minations 192 Nice, Carnival at . . , .89 Orientalists* International Con- gress . . . . . .247 Panama trial, acquittal of defend- ants 339 Pastoureau, Mayor of Toulon, murderously assaulted . . 243 Railway accident on the Paris and Marseilles Railway . . . 337 Rue Reaumur (continuation of), opened by the President . . 82 Salon of the Champs Elys^e opened 122 Senate Elections, result of the . 59 Siam, King of, arrived in Paris . 251 left Paris 257 review at St. Quentia . . 253 visited Sevres Porcelain manu- factory ..... 255 visited the Louvre , , .256 visited Versailles . • , 255 visited Vincennes . . . 253 Suez Canal Company, annual meeting held in Paris . . . 159 Sugar Bounties Bill passed the Chamber , , , ,80 became law . . . • 117 Tax on motor carriages . . . 289 Theuriet, M. Andr4, French Aca- demician 326 Vandal, M, Albert, French Aca- demician 336 Warships, Bill authorising construc- tion of, issued .... 117 GENERAL— Aborigines Protection Society, annual meeting . , 116 Abruzzi, the Duke of, arrived in London from an expedition to Mount St. Elias . ... 251 Agricultural conference in Edin- burgh ...... 285 Agriculture, Board of, Assistant Secretaries app 132 Allhusen, Mr. Henry, M.P., ap- pointed Private Secretary to the President of the Board of Trade 216 Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, meeting in Hyde Park 252 Andr^e, carrier pigeon shot with message from .... 199 Annual Poor Law Conference of Guardians 327 Arbitration Treaty between Great Britain and the United States . 89 Art and technical schools opened at Leicester ..... 272 Artists' General Benevolent Insti- tution 136 PAGE Q-lEl'N'EjRAlj—coufinued, Associated Chambers of Commerce at Middlesbrough . . 253, 255 Association of Municipal Corpora- tions, autumn meeting . . 287 Austin, Mr. Alfred, on Science and Art 279 poem " Victoria," published in the Times . . . .170 Authors, Society of, annual din- ner 84 Ayr, County of, app. of the Earl of Eglinton Lord Lieutenant . 100 Balfour, Mr. A. J., reopened a work sale in Edinburgh . 285 enrolled a burgess of Dumfries 234 Balfour, Mr., at the ceremony of handing oyer the McEwan Hall to the University . , . 322 Bank Holiday, August 2nd . . 213 Bank of England, bimetallic pro- posal 256 Bank rate raised to 2^ per cent. . 262 ditto 3 per cent. . 2 So Bank rate reduced to 3 per cent. . 80 '„ ,, to 2 per cent. . 139 Bankers and merchants of the City of London protested against any alteration being made affect- ing the circulating medium of the country 280 Banquet at Gloucester House . 175 Barnado's, Dr., Homes, Founder's day . . . . . . i83 Bateman, Mr. A. E., appointed Comptroller- General of the Statis- tical Department. . 270 Bath and West of England Agri- cultural Show opened . . , 147 Bayard, Mr., farewell banquet to . 96 Bayly, Francis Albert, appointed Secretary and Registrar of the Distinguished Service Order . 199 Besant, Sir William, at Canning Town 321 Bimetallic League, annual meet- ing at Manchester . , . 155 Birmingham Dog Show # , . 319 Fat Stock Show . . .317 Knighthood for the Lord Mayor 223 Musical Festival . . 273, 275 Openingof the Shorthorn Show 97 Birrell, Mr. A., at the annual ladies' night of the Hardwicke Society . 203 Bisley meeting, close of names of principal prize winners . 204 Boisragon, Captain, at the Foreign Office . . . . . . 105 Bombay, Council of the Governor of 77 Booksellers' dinner, the . .136 Boyle's, Sir Courtenay, letter to the two Associations on the engi- neers* strike 287 Bradley Martin ball , . . 84 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Bramston, John, C.B., app. Knight Commander of St. Michael and St. George . . . .134 Brewers* 19th annual exhibition . 293 British Archaeological Association, S4th annual congress opened at Conway 229 British Institute of Public Health, Jubilee meeting . , . . 166 British Medical Association, annual meeting at Exeter Hall . . 206 British Pharmaceutical Association, 34th annual conference . . 221 Broadbent, Sir William,, testi- monial to 88 Brown, the Rev. D. Harry, ap- pointed Master of Sutton Hos- pital .288 Browne-Cave, Thoma?, appointed Deputy Accountant-General . 245 Eryce, Mr., M.P., at the annual meeting of the National Associa- tion for the Promotion of Techni- cal and Secomdary Education . 333 Buccleuch, Duke of, created a K.G. 289 Building Trades Exhibition . . 106 Burdett-Coutts, Baroness, garden party to the Indian and Colonial visitors. . . . . .187 Byng, Col. the Hon. Sir Henry, appointed to accompany Prince Christian to Stockholm . . 249 Byron Society meeting . . . 102 Cambridge Mathematical Tripos List _ 165 Cambridge University Degrees con- ferred on Lord Lansdowne and others 167 Cambridge University Degrees for Women rejected . . . .145 Cambridge University Degrees {honoris causa) upon Archbishop of Canterbury and the Lord Chief Justice . . . . . 303 Cambridge University, financial condition of 125 Camperdov/n, centenai-y of the battle celebrated at Dundee _ . 277 Canada Club dinner at the Albion . 192 Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany's steamer Empress of J apan made a record passage across the Pacific 192 Cart horse parade in Regent's Park 158 Central Hospital Board for London 329 Chamber of Commerce, Association of London, annual meeting too of London, annual meeting . 114 Chamberlain, Mr., installed Lord Rector of GlasgowUniversity 297 Presented with the Freedom of Glasgow .... 300 Presided at dinner to Sir John Brampton • » . • 304 PAGE GrE T^'^'KKLx— continued. Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Lord Mayor's banquet to . . 192 Charity Organization Society, an- nual meeting . . . 102 Proposal to establish a Central Hospital Board for London . 329 Chichester and Selsey Light Rail- way 238 Children's Country Holiday Fund, annual meeting .... 147 Chelmsford, meeting to start a fund for the relief of the sufferers from the storm 180 Chester Musical Festival com- menced . . , . . 2CO Christ's Hospital boys at the Mansion House .... 123 City of London School, prizes dis- tributed by the Lord Mayor . 208 City Wardmotes .... 335 Civil Engineers, Institution of, annual meeting . . . 127 Three days* conference of members .... 148 Civil List Pensions . . . 184 Civil Service, annual meeting at the Hotel Cecil . . . .161 Coaching Club meet in Hyde Park 152 second meeting of . . . 181 Colchester Oyster Feast . . 285 Colonial and Imperial troops' route march 169 Colonial Institute, Royal, annual dinner 112 Colonial Premiers entertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain . . . 177 entertained by the Earl and Countess of Onslow . . 177 visited Birmingham . ,170 visited Edinburgh . . . 164 visited Glasgow , . . 165 visited Liverpool . . .163 Colonial troops visited Ports- mouth .... 174, 177 Confectionery Exhibition at the Agricultural Hall . . . 256 Co-operative Productive Federa- tion, annual meeting at the Crystal Palace . . . .231 Cornwall Central Technical Schools, Truro, foundation stone laid . 148 Corporation reception and ball . 182 Courthorpe's, Professor, lecture on Law in Taste .... 317 Cowie, C. M., appointed an exa- miner in the Education Depart- ment . . ... 215 Cox, Mr. Hugh Bertram, Legal Assistant Under-Secretary of the Colonial Office . . . . 298 Creswell, Mr. Henry, appointed Secretary to Post Office in Scot- land 304 XXXVl BOOK 01* THE YEAR 1897 PAGE Cretan Crisis, appeal to the coun- try demanded Letter from Mr. Gladstone Crewe, Lord, opened a technical institution and an isolation hos- pital at Crewe . . . . Crystal Palace Company's dinner to the Indian and Colonial guests of the Queen Dog Show .... Horse Show .... Curzon, Mr. George, M.P., distri- buted prizes to successful com- petitors^ under the Commerciil Education Scheme of the London Chamber of Commerce Cymmrodorion, annual dinner of the hon. Society .... Dairy Show at the Agricultural Hall Davies, Alderman, elected Lord Mayor of London . . De la Bere, H. T.. appointed Ac- countant-General. Demonstration in favour of the Cretans in Hyde Park Deptford Park formally dedicated to the public use by Dr. Collins, Chairman of the L.C.C. - Derby, Earl of, appointed Lord Lieutenant of Lancaster Knight of the Garter Devonshire, Duke of, at an agri- cultural show at Skipton . House, fancy dress bail at installed Mayor of East- bourne ..... 301 on the financial condition of Cambridge University . opened a technical school at Darlington .... presided at a meeting to wel- come the Colonial Premiers presided at West London Hos- pital dinner .... visited Bradford Dickens, Charles, 27th anniversary of death .... Fete at Broadstairs District messengers inspected by the Duke of Cambridge Donaldson, Mr. Hay, appointed Deputy-Director-General of the Ordnance Factories . Dover, great fall of rock, Dublin Castle, banquet to com- memorate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. X03 Dublin Society's Horse Show ^ . 234 Dufferin, Lord, lecture on Sheridan in which he referred to a report long current about Mrs. Norton and the Times .... 160 Dunmow Flitch, annual ceremony 213 119 106 282 190 IIS 157 333 329 267 245 99 158 1S3 194 239 179 125 275 182 334 Q'E'N'EjB,ATi— continued. Dunoon, extraordinary scenes with Sunday excursionists . . . 198 Ea£tbouine water supply inaugu- rated by the Duke of Devon- shire 2T7 East London Art Exhibition opened i<^7 Edinburgh BurgessGolfing Society, club house opened . . 138 First of four public halls opened at_ Fountain Bridge . 137 Printers' strike terminated . 327 Egerton, Mr. Reginald, appointed Secretary to Post Office in Ire- land 304 Egypt Exploration Fund annual meeting ^ 302 Elcho Shield conveyed to the Guildhall 276 Electric cabs, service for London placed at disposal of the public 231 Elementary education, report of the Committee of Council . . . 210 Enfield Grammar School, Sir John Gorst distributed prizes . . 334 Engineering Strike — Engineering trade, serious dispute in the 183 Second distribution of strike pay 203 affected 17,000 men . . . 220 Conference^ . . 314, 322, 333 demonstration of London work- men ..... 240 Lock-out began , . . 191 Lock-out notices posted in Scotland .... 259 Esher, Lord, created a Viscount , 287 completed his 82nd year . . 223 Essex, the Lord Mayor opened a fund for the relief of sufferers from the recent storm . . .183 Eton ^ College foundation, 456th anniversary ..... 324 Ex-Libris Society Exhibition , i6o Farren, Miss Ellen, sale of jewels belonging to .... 117 Fawcett, Mrs., at the Bedford Col- lege for Women .... 274 Fiddes, Mr. G. V., appointed Sec- retary and Accountant to the High Commissioner for South Africa 245 Floods in Thames Valley . . 8i Forrest, Sir John, banquet by the Western Australian Committee . i£3 Four-in-Hand Club meet . .150 second meet .... 194 Fripp, Alfred Downing, appointed Surgeon-in-ordinary to the Prince of Wales 109 Gee, T., presentation to . . 12a Gell, Sir James, appointed Deems- ter of the Lie of Man . . 315 General Council of the Bar, issue of their report .... 221 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 J PAGE GB TS'EB.KJj— continued. General Medical Council, annual session . , . . . 148 the polling for a direct repre- sentative .... 282 General mourning for the Duchess of Teck 292 Geographical Society, Royal, an- nual meeting . . . .142 Giffen, Sir Robert, address on Free Trade 331 Gladstone, Mr. and Mrs., arrived at Dover from Cannes . .111 Left Hawarden for the South of France • - • • 73 Godfrey, Lieutenant Dan, presen- tation to .... . 100 Gordon, General, anniversary of the death of .... 73 Gorst, Mr. H. E., appointed Assistant Private Secretary at the Education Department . 299 Gorst, Sir John, at the prize distri- bution of the Merchant Ven- turers* Technical College , 336 distributed prizes at the Bir- mingham Municipal Techni- cal School .... 308 Goschen, the Right Hon. G. elected an Elder Brother Trinity House .87 Government Offices Committee, report as to the sites at West- minster 220 Guildhall School of Music, annual distribution of prizes . . 293 laying of the foundation stone 200 Guilford's, Earl of, coming of age 310 Hackney Horse Show ... 96 Haileybury boy, Patrick Evans, suicide and inquest . . . 154 Hallo's, Sir Charles, bust presented to Manchester .... 326 Handel Festival opened . . . 164 Harben, Sir Henry, opened a new Central Public Library . 302 Hardwicke Society's annual dinner 295 Harris, Sir Augustus, drinking fountain memorial unveiled . 295 Harrison, Mr. Frederic, at the Positivist Society . . . 340 delivered an address on Comte 246 Inaugural address as President of the Midland Institute . 283 Harrovians, meeting of Old, to con- sider a memorial to the late Dean Vaughan 307 Harrow, Speech Day . . 177 Harveian Oration by Sir William Roberts, M.D 283 Head Masters' Conference at the College of Preceptors . . 335 Hereford Musical Festival . . 253 Herschell, Lord, opened an Art Gallery at Reading . . . 284 xxxvii PAGB QtEN'^'RAJj—continued. Herschell's, Lord, report of inquiry into the administration of the National Society for the Preven- tion of Cruelty to Children. . 216 Hertford, State visit of Lord and Lady Mayoress .... 197 Highland Agricultural Society Show opened at Glasgow . .183 Horniman's, Mr., gift to Forest Hill 121 Hospital, French, annual dinner in aid of 140 Hospital Reform Conference . . 287 Hospital Sunday Fund Council met at the Mansion House . . 216 Hotel Metropole opened at Folke- stone by the Gordon Hotel Com- pany^ .... • . • i79 Huntenan Oration, 58th . . 86 Imperial Federation, deputation to Sir J. Gordon Sprigg to present him with an address . . .187 Incorporated Association of Head Masters . , , . .65 Incorporated Law Society, annual provincial meeting . . . 273 India native officers took leave of the Secretary of State for _ India 202 visited Chatham Dockyard . 191 Indian Princes entertained at lun- cheon by the Lord Mayor . . 169 Inland Revenue, Board of, Mr. G. H. Murray app. Chairman . 91 Inner Temple at home and garden party 183 Treasurers and Benchers enter- tained 2000 children at a garden party . . . 186 Institution of Civil Engineers open- ing meeting of 79th session . 296 International Second Library Con- ference opened by the Lord Mayor. . . . . . igi International Vegetarian Congrer.s 253 Ireland, Lord Lieutenant held his first Drawing-room at Dub- lin Castle .... 73 first Lev6e . . . . 73 second Lev^e . . . , 87 Irish Land Acts, Royal Coinni s- sion 261 Irish Landowners, annual conven- tion of 73 Iron and Steel Institute at Cardiff 214 spring meeting . . .133 Jackson-Harmsworth expedition, the Windward arrived at Green- wich 245 Jackson, Mr. F. G., at the Royal Societies Club . . . .274 Japan Society, 6th annual dinner . 148 Jevons's Coal Question, address by Mr, Courtney .... 330 Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum 132 B xxxviii BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE Judges entertained at dinner by the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress i66 June 4 celebrated at Eton . 156 Kanthack, Mr. A. A., appointed Professor of Pathology at Cam- bridge University . . . 299 Kapurthala, the Maharajah, left London 191 Kelvin's, Lord, address on Fuel and Air at the British Associa- tion 231 Kensington Parliament annual dinner . . . . . . 330 King, Mr, T., appointed Senior Chief Inspector of Schools - . 327 King's College, Principal elected . 66 King's Own Rifles, annual dinner 156 Kinnear, Lord, created a Peer . 57 Knill, Mr. John, elected Alderman 161 Knox, Sir Ralph, appointed Per- manent Under-Secretary for War 245 Labouchere, Mr., dinner given to, at National Liberal Club . . 79 Labour Demonstration, Interna- tional . . . . . . 130 Lands Act Commission at Belfast . 278 at Cork . . , . . 284 Lang, Sir R. Hamilton, made Director-General of the Imperial Ottoman Bank . . . . 287 Leicestershire Quarter Sessions, Mr. Packe app. Chairman . • 115 Ley's School, Cambridge, Speech Day at . . . . . . 159 Library Association, 20th annual meeting 2S5 Lifeboat Institution, Royal, an- nual meeting . . . .110 Life Peers (legal) order of prece- dence for their sons . . • 237 Linnean Society's opening meeting of the Session .... 298 Liquor Licensing Laws, Royal Commission on. Lord Windsor app. a member of. . . .138 Lister, Sir J., created a Peer . . 57 Lord, portrait of, presented to the Royal College of Sur- geons Ill Local Government Board, Scotland, retirement of Mr. Skelton . . 112 Locke, Mr., at the Foreign Office. 99 Lodge, Professor, lectures to chil- dren at the Royal Institution . 339 London Athletic Club annual dinner 331 London Ayrshire Society, in- augural meeting .... 77 London Chamber of Commerce, annual meeting . , . .114 London Fife Association first an- nual dinner 312 London Municipal Society, annual meeting • . • . . .321 PAGE London School Board reassembled 70 date fixed for triennial election 202 financial statement . . . 194 reassembled after the recess . 267 Election of Chairman and Vice- Chairman .... 317 Election .... 315, 316 first meeting .... 322 Estimate for the first half of the financial year, 1898-99 . 303 Londonderry, Lord, at the dinner of the North of England Comniercial Travellers' As- sociation .... 336 at Darlington . ; . . 340 at the Sedgefield Agricultural Show 241 Long, Mr. Walter, at dinner of Chambers of Commerce . . 325 Lord Mayor appointed K.C.I.E. 288 elected President ot Bridewell and Bethlehem . . . 278 entertained Colonial Premiers at the Mansion House . 178 and Sheriffs visited Brussels 210, 211 elect (Colonel Davies) intro- duced to theLord Chancellor, who intimated the Queen's approval of the choice of the citizens 290 formally admitted at the Guildhall .... 300 (Phillips) unveiled a picture at the Royal Exchange . , 300 procession and State banquet . 301 Lord Rector of Glasgow, Mr. Cham- berlain installed .... 296 Lundy Island, new lighthouse and fog station . , . . . 309 Lytton's, the Earl of, coming of age 224 Macallum, Mr. H., memorial un- veiled 99 MacCormac, Sir William, appointed Surgeon-in-ordinary to the Prince of Wales 199 Maidstone, typhoid epidemic 262, 267, 274 Mallett, Mr. Bernard, appointed Commissioner of InlandRevenues 308 Manchester Ship Canal Company's half-yearly meeting . . . 234 Mansion House ball to the Mayors and Provosts . . . 287 Easter banquet . . .128 Fund for the relief of people thrown out of employment by the great City fire . .312 Juvenile fancy dress ball . . 67 Marlborough College prize day . 205 Masonic Benevolent Institution, Royal, annual festival . .92 MayJ^ower^ log of, delivery ac- knowledged at a meeting of the Consistory Court of London . 227 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 xxxix PAGE O'ENlSiB^AJj— continued. Mayors, Election of . . . 301 Meade, Hon. Sir R. H., made G.C.B 100 Medical Society of London, an- nual oration . . , , 142 Medical Schools prize lists for 1896-97 ^ 231 Medical session, commencement , 269 Mental Philosophy and Logic, Dr. James Ward elected to the Pro- fessorship of .... 66 Merchant Taylors' School, Speech Day . . . . . . 161 Mersey Docks extension scheme . 286 Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund, annual meeting of the con- stituents 329 Middle Temple, Jubilee commemo- ration dinner given by the Benchers .... 183 entertainment to 2000 guests at a Jubilee garden party . 191 Milner, Sir Alfred, farewell dinner to 110 Dinner given to, by mem- bers of the Inland Revenue Department . . - , • Miners' Federation of Great Britain, annual conference of , . 59 end of 61 Miners* International Congress opened 158 closed ..... 161 Mivart, Dr. Frederick, appointed Medical Inspector of the Local Government Board . . . 287 Modern Languages Association, annual meeting . . . . 336 Money- Lending Inquiry, Isaac Gordon's evidence . . 184 John Kirkwood's examination finished. .... 209 Morley, John, Mr., delivered the Romanes Lecture in the Shel- donian Theatre, Oxford . i54 Motor Car Club, annual meeting , 319 Mount-Edgecumbe, Earl of, app. Vice- Admiral of Cornwall . . 87 Mowbray, Sir John R., M.P., golden wedding .... 229 Municipal Corporations, annual meeting 94 Municipal elections . . . 295 Museum Sunday, sixth anniver- sary • . . . . . 323 Nan sen, Dr., arrived in London . 79 arrived in Manchester . . 91 at the Geographical Society, Berlin 114 entertained at the Royal Societies' Club . . .81 entertained by the Savage Club . . . . ... 8i faiewell lecture in London . 108 PAGE GB "NEB. All— continued. Nansen, Dr., Gold Medal presented by the Royal Geographical Society .... 8:2 in Dublin 102 lecture at St. James's Hall . 83 and Mrs. Nansen left London for Paris .... 109 National Agricultural Union at St. James's Restaurant . . 287 annual congress . . . 326 National Co-operative Festival at the Crystal Palace . . 227, 231 National Cycle Show opened . 322 National Dictionary of Biography, Mr. G. M. Smith's entertainment to the editor and contributors 186 National Education Association, arinual meeting . . . •73 National Free Labour Association, 5th annual congress . . 277, 278 National Gallery, Trustees app. . 164 Rifle Association, spring meet- ing presided over by the Duke of Cambridge . , 153 National Union of WomenWorkers' annual conference . . . 290 Needle Makers' Company, dinner of the Ill New capital created in the first half of the year 1897 .... 231 New South Wales Mounted Rifles left for Australia .... 245 New Vagabond Club, Christmas dinner 328 North-Eastern Railway dispute settled by the award of Lord James of Hereford . . . 220 Northern Polytechnic Institute opened by the Lord Mayor . 194 Norwich Fat Stock Show . . 309 Nui>za, P. & O. steamer, reported several cases of cholera on board . 62 Nurses* Home in connection with the local infirmary at Bradford, corner-stone laid by the Duke of Devonshire 240 Old Mill Hillians' annual dinner . 292 Old Paulines' Club dinner . . 186 Owens College, Manchester, gift by Mr. R. C. Christie . . .272 Oxford University, honorary de- grees conferred on , six of the Colonial Premiers . , •177 Passmore Edwards, gift of a free library at Edmonton . . .118 Patti, Madame, presented with the freedom of the borough of Brecon 147 Peace Society, annual meeting . 278 Peary's, Lieut., lecture in Dundee 328 at the Royal Geographical Society . . . . . 324 Pender, Sir John, memorial inau- gurated at University College . 180 Penrhyn Quarry dispute , - 105 xl BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE Penrhyn Quarry dispute settled 229, 231 Opened for work ... 68 Peterborough Agricultural Show opened .183 Pollock, Mr., crossed the English Channel in a balloon . . . 278 Ponsonby - Fane, Sir Spencer, golden wedding . . . 274 presentation by theatrical man- agers Postal and money orders, conces- sions announced .... 65 Postmaster - General's conference with London sorters and postal clerks . . . . 208 London and provincial letter carriers 210 Post Office conference . .215 issued a circular indicating the charges he was prepared to make 220 Preece, W. H., lectured on Sig- nalling through Space without Wires 156 Pricking for Sheriffs, Feb. 26 . . 93 Princess of Wales's Fund, anony- mous contribution of £2^,000 . 342 Protest against Government policy relating to Crete, meeting at the Queen's Hall .... 98 Pyx, trial of the . . . .185 Queen's College, ^ Cork, Sir R. Blennerhassett's inaugural address 328 Railway workers' conference at Birmingham .... 277 Reid, Mr. G. H., entertained at the Royal Palace Hotel, Ken- sington . . . . . 190 visited his birthplace, John- stone, near Glasgow . 191 Rendall, Dr. G. H., appointed Head Master of Charterhouse School . . . . . .335 Revenue for the year ending March 3t 112 for the three quarters . . 340 Rhodes, Mr., arrival in London . 71 Visited Holloway Prison . . 81 Richmond Horse Show opened . 161 Richmond, the Mayor's annual dinner 329 Roberts, Lord, app. a Knight of the Order of St. Patrick . 157 invested as Knight of the Order of St. Patrick . . 230 Rodd, James Rennell, appointed a Companion of the Order of the Bath . . . . . .187 Rontgen Society's inaugural meet- ing ... . . .299 Rosebery, Lord, at the annual meeting of the Scottish His- tory Society . , , .313 PAGB QHN'E'RAJj— continued. Rosebery, Lord, at the Common Council, to present a portrait of the late Rev. W. Rogers . 332 opened the North Bridge at Edinburgh .... 255 on Sir William Wallace . . 253 presented with the freedom of Stirling 276 spoke at a sale of shorthorn cattle 247 Rossmore, Lord, app. Lord Lieu- tenant of the County of Mona- ghan 162 Royal Agricultural Show opened at Manchester . . . .172 Agricultural Show closed . 176 British Nurses' Association annual meeting . . . 202 College of Physicians, Dr. Samuel Wilks re - elected President . . . .119 College of Surgeons, quarterly meeting of the Council 187, 282 Colonial Institute, annual con- versazione . . ,169 opening of the session , 296 Commission on Agriculture, final report issued . .216 Counties Agricultural Show opened 16 Courts of Justice Temperance Society, annual social meet- ing 328 Geographical Society, annual conversazione . . 160 first meeting of the season 300 Hospital, Chelsea, tablet un- veiled to the memory of Sir Patrick Grant . . ^ . 118 Humane Society, 123rd meeting 142 Literary Fund annual dinner . 133 Masonic Benevolent Institu- tion, annual festival . . 92 Military Tournament opened . 150 closed . . . .160 Observatory at Greenwich, annual visitation of . . 157 Scottish Corporation, annual Court 320 Society, annual meeting and dinner .... 320 annual meeting for the election of Fellows . 155 first conversazione . . 144 ladies' conversazione . 166 United Service Institution, annual meetmg ... 99 Ro:5cburghe, Duke of, coming of age 221 Rugby School, Speech Day . •174 Salisbury, Marquis ©f, left London for Nice .... 109 Received a number of the Special Ambassadors at the Foreign Office . < .176 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE Q'E'N'E'RAJj—confmned, Salvation Army, annual meeting at the Crystal Palace, letter from the Queen to General Booth . 199 Sanitary Institute i6th annual congress 253 School Board, latest day for with- drawal 301 Nominations published . ^ . 297 Scott, Sir Walter, bust of, unveiled in Westminster Abbey , • 145 Seddon, Mr. R. J., addressed a meeting at Cannon Street Hotel on the Mining Industries of New Zealand 204 Selous, Mr. F. C., paper on Rho- desia at the British Association , 234 Sheffield Cutlers' Company,election of Master Cutler . . . . 214 Sheriffs, nomination for England and Wales 303 Sheriffs of City of London, knight- hood for ... . 223 admitted to ofiice . • . 265 elected . . • • •172 pricking for . , . » 93 Shipyard difficulty on the North- east Coast settled . , • xo8 Siam, King of— see SIAM. Slough, disturbance on Bank Holi- day ...... 213 Smith, Mr. Llewellyn, appointed Deputy Comptroller-General . 270 Smithfield Club Cattle Show . , 324 Snowdon Mountain Railway re- opened . . . . . 122 Social Democratic Federation an- nual conference . . . . 212 South Africa Committee sat to begin the consideration of the report . . . .176 Dinner in the Hotel Metrop61e 169 Speaker, the, distributed certifi- cates to students at Carlisle ^ . 283 Sprigg, Sir Gordon, at the Colonial College, Hollesley Bay ^ , 190 visited his native town Ipswich 191 St. Paul's School, Apposition day . 207 Apposition" dinner . . 166 Strike and lock-out of members of the Amalgamated Society of En- gineers and allied trade unions . 191 Struthers, Mr. John, appointed Senior Examiner in the Scotch Education Department . . 324 Sturmey, Mr., rode on an autocar from John o' Groats to Land's End 284 Surgeons, Royal College of, pre- sentation to the, of Lord Lister's portrait . . , . . iii Technical Education, International Congress opened . . . 165 School at Swindon opened by Lord Herschell • • • 73 PAGE Q'E'N'EB^ATj—conimued. Teddington, new flood channel through the lock island opened . 312 Telegraph clerks agitation, meeting with the Postmaster-General 207 meeting at the Memorial Hall 200 Telegraphists' meeting at the Me- morial Hall 224 Temple, Dr., civic reception of . 67 Tennyson Beacon erected on High Down, unveiling of . . .217 Terriss, Mr. William, funeral . 335 Thomson, Joseph, the African explorer, a memorial to, un- veiled . ^ 158 Trade Union Congress opened at Birmingham. , . . 247 final sitting . . . 251 Trafalgar Square, demonstration meeting in, to express sym- pathy with the Cretans , 103 demonstration to protest against alleged torture of Anarchist prisoners in Spain 233 Trinity House entertainment to the Elder Brethren . , , 100 Trooping the colour . . .149 Tfttth I'oy Show opened . , 335 Tudor Exhibition, Manchester, opened by the Duke of Devon- shire ..... ... .128 Typhoid Epidemic at Maidstone . 262 Under-Sheriffs appointed, Messrs. Gardiner and Halse . . . 178 United Empire Trade League entertained Colonial Pre- miers at luncheon . . 161 Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, annual meetmg .... 128 University College, annual meet- ing .9a Venezuelan Boundary Arbitration, Lord Herschell and Mr. Justice Henn Collins appointed British members of 79 Vestry Elections . ^ . . .140 Victoria Jubilee Bridge over the Dee opened by Mr. Gladstone . 154 Victorian Era Exhibition opened . 147 Volunteer Manoeuvres commenced 121 Conclusion of . . . , 122 Waiters' Trade Union . . . 261 Wallace Collection, the, be- queathed to the nation under the will of the late Lady Wallace . . , .92 trustees of, appointed . , 209 Walter Scott, annual dinner in Edinburgh. Mr. Balfour pro- posed " Literature " . . . 334 Westminster Bridge floating pier sank 254 White, Major the Hon. R., released from Hollo way .... 94 xlii BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Whyte, Mr. William, appointed Inspector of Schools . . 324 Wight, Isle of, a new railway five and a half miles long opened from Merston to St. Lawrence . . 198 Willoughby, Sir John, released from Hollo way . . . .112 Winchester College Memorial Buildings, opened , . . 166 Wolseley's, Lord, visit to Glasgow 262 Women's dinner at the Grafton Galleries 192 Women's Suffrage, National Socie ty for, annual meeting . . .127 York, Archbishop of, received by the German Emperor . . .117 GillllMANY— Autumn manoeuvres began at Coblenz , . . 240 Balloon ascent on Tempelhof Com- mon, two men killed . . . 162 Berlin, fancy dress ball at the Royal Castle ... 94 Geographical Society, Dr. Nansen at the . , .114 Bismarck, Prince, eighty-second birthday celebrated . . .113 Blessing sixty-three colours in Ber- ' lin 283 British Colony in Berlin held a banquet in honour of the Diamond Jubilee . . . 166 Budget Committee of the Reichstag, new shipbuilding programme an- nounced . . . . .98 Bulow, Herr von,appointed Foreign Secretary 286 Centenary of the birth of William I, celebrated 107 Emperor arrived at Breslau from Budapest .... 261 arrived at Kiel on his return from his cruise in Norwegian waters 210 and Empress left Kiel for Kronstadt . . , 215 arrived at Kronstadt . 219 left on their return voyage 222 left Berlin for Vienna . . 123 Emperor's Birthday celebrated . 73 order on duelling published . 59 First German armed cruiser launched ^ 263 Floods in Silesia estimated to have caused damage to the amount of 12,000,000 marks . . . .214 Frederick, Emperor, unveiling of a monument at Wiesbaden . ^ . 283 Government measure for amending the law of association and assem- bly, rejected by the Prussian Chamber of Deputies . . . 204 Hamburg Dock Strike, end of • 81 Hanau, autumn manoeuvres at . 247 Hayti agreed to German demands 324 PAGB G'ETi'M.A'NY— continued. Henry, Prince,departure for China, patriotic and grandiloquent speeches by the Emperor and Prince 332 Imperial Chancellor, golden wed- ding of 87 Italy, King and Queen of, arrived at Homburg .... 245 Kiao Chau, Germans entered the city 322 Germans landed a naval force 305 Manoeuvres at Homburg . 246, 247 Peters, Dr., trial of . . .125 found guilty and sentenced . 206 Pretoria, new steamer launched at Hamburg , . . . . 276 Prussia, Prince and Princess Henry of, christening of infant son . 76 Reichstag session opened by the Emperor 320 Russian Emperor and Empress arrived at Darmstadt . . . 270 Sedan, anniversary celebrated in Berlin . . . . . . 244 Siam, King of, arrived at Dresden 234 left Dresden for Potsdam . 237 Stenzel Rheinhold sentenced to eighty months' imprisonment^ for libelling the King of the Belgians 277 Stephen, Sir Alexander Condie, appointed Minister Resident at Dresden and Coburg . . . 219 Torpedo-boat sank, Lieut. Duke Frederic William of Mecklen- burg- Schwerin drowned . . 261 Treaty of Commerce of 1865 de- nounced by the British Govern- ment ...... 210 Tsar visited the Emperor William a>Wiesbaden .... 285 United States exports, falling ofif in September 30 quarter . . . 278 Von Tausch, trial of , . .156 William I., monument unveiled at Coblenz 241 Wreck of a military train near Gerolstein 143 GREEICE — Armistice of seventeen days 144 Athens, meeting of 2000 people to protest against the terms of peace 261 Bartlett, Sir E. Ashmead, made prisoner 133 Collective Note from the Represen- tatives of the Powers presented to the Hellenic Government . 138 Crete evacuated by the Greeks , 147 Crown Prince left for the frontier . no Delyanni Ministry dismissed . . 128 Domoko, flight of the Greeks from 143 Encounter near Metsovo between Greeks and Ottomans , . . 180 Bpirus, earthquake reported in . 70 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 xliii PAGE GEESE OlSk—continued. Government beaten on a vote of confidence 267 Government recalled forces from Crete 136 Government resolved to continue the war 133 Greek bandits and Turks, fight between . . . .117 Further incursions of . .119 Greeks driven from the Maluna Pass 122 Gribovo, engagements on the heights of . . , . . 140 Indemnity, Ministers of Europe pointed out that it was impossible for Greece to pay a war indem- nity of two millions . . , 235 Larissa occupied by the Turks • 126 Moti, fighting renewed at . . 124 Ralli Ministry resigned . . . 269 Reverse to the Greeks at Turnavo 125 Roma, M., elected President . 306 Text of the Peace Treaty communi- cated to the Hellenic Govern- ment 264 Treaty of Peace between Greece and Turkey signed . . , 323 Trikhala occupied by the Turks . 128 Volo, surrender of . . . .136 War declared with Turkey , .121 Zaimis, completion of Ministry . 271 GUATEMALA— Jeune, George, appointed her Majesty's Minister Resident at Guatemala . . 227 HAWAII — Senate ratified treaty of annexation with the United States 250 HAY TI— German demands agreed to 324 Fire at Port-au-Prince . . . 339 HOLLAND— A new Dutch Cabinet constituted 199 States General opened by theQueen Regent 260 Sumatra, soma Achinese raided the British steamer Pegu, killed the captain and seized 18,000 dollars 190 INDIA— Afridis, attack on the Ali- Mesjid Fort and on Fort Maude .... 233 Capture of Ali-Mesjid Fort and Lundi Kotal .... 235 Severe fighting . . . 307 Ayerst, Lieut., shot dead in Poonah 171 Ameer of Afghanistan, serious re- monstrance by the Government of India 226 Arhanga Pass captured . . 294 Bird, Major-General Corrie, issued a proclamation to the tribes . 192 Bissett, Col. Sir William, appointed Government Director ol Indian Railways 299 INDIA — continued. Blood's, Sir Bindon, column, colli- sion with a body of 3000 tribes- men in the Upper Swat Valley . 227 Bombay, deaths in . . 65, 74 Pilgrim traffic stopped . , Plague, weekly mortality . Calcutta, Famine Relief Fund Great damage by earthquake . Rioting reported to be sup- pressed Campbell, Sir Colin G., appointed Assistant-Secretary to the Politi- cal Department in the India Office Chagru Kotal (Dargai) heights stormed by the Gordon High- landers Chitpur, serious riots quelled by the police .... end of the rioting at Contagious diseases, Bill in refer- ence to, passed in the Viceroy's Council Damodar Chapekar Deccani ar- rested on charge of murder of Rand and Ayerst Dargat captured by the 2nd Gurk- has Elles, General, attack on the Mo- munds encounter with the Hadda Mullah's following at Bed- manai 262 Financial Statement by Sir J. West- land before the Legislative Council Fort Cavagnari relieved Gee, Mr., political officer, and es- cort attacked . . . Gulistan, fighting near, in the Samana Range . . , . Hamilton, General Ian, serious accident through his horse falling 280 Havelock-Allan, Sir Henry, killed 340 Havelock, Lady Anne Grace, ap- pointed to the Imperial Order of the Crown of India Hohenlohe-Langenberg, the Here- ditary Princess appointed to the Imperial Order of the Crown of India . . Indiaji Famine, Mansion House Fund opened by the Lord Mayor 61 Contributions from the Queen 62, lOI Donation from the Prince and Princess of Wales The Fund reached ;C42,ooo . 60,000 71 61 65 162 i8i 232 286 177 180 283 262 106 254 160 238 279 279 76,000 80,000 92,000 100,000 64 64 65 66 66 67 68 xliv BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE IND I A— con tin tied. Indian Famine. The Fund reached 12,000 . 69 138,000 . 71 160,000 . 74 „ „ 171,000 . 74 ,, „ 177,000 . 75 191,000 . 76 J, ,, aoo,ooo . 78 >f >) 208,000 . 79 230,000 . 81 „ „ 238,000 . 81 „ , 250,000 . 83 ,, „ 275,000 . 85 „ ,, 325,000 . 89 „ „ 332,000 . 91 „ „ 360,000 . 93 „ „ 369,000 . 94 411,000 . lOl „ ,j 426,000 . 103 „ „ 502,450 . 125 „ 529,100 . 148 „ „ 540,000 . 185 Stock Exchange Fund reached ;^i5,ooo. . . . .69 Jeffreys, General, Brigade, severe fighting with the Momunds . 256 punishment of the Momimds . 259 Brigade engaged with tribes- men at Agra and Gat . . 269 Kapurthala Sikhs cut off by a body Champkannis .... 300 Karachi, plague at . . . 74, 78 Mackay, Sir James Lyle, K.C.I.E., app. a Member of the Council of India ...... 126 Maharani Sahiba, her Highness, appointed to the Imperial Order of the Crown of India. . . 279 Makraniy the editor and publisher of, tried for a seditious article, sentenced to be transported for life and for seven years respectively . 240 Malakand, night attack by the tribesmen .... 208 Severe fighting at . . . 206 Mansion House Fund, final meeting of the committee . . , 274 Maulvi Hidajat Rasoul, trial for sedition 208 Meiklejohn, Colonel, set out for Malakand to relieve the garrison in Chakdara Fort . . . 213 Mod Vritta, trial of Tslx. Lele, the editor 316 Mohmund expeditionary force, sharp fighting, two officers killed 254 Nawab Shamesi Johan, Begum Sahiba of Moorshedabad, her Highness, appointed to the Im- perial Order of the Crown of India 279 Neel, M. Edmund, C.I.E., ap- appointed Secretary to the Public Works Department of the India Office 232 PAGE T^'DHK^ continued. OUivant, Sir E. C. K., app. member of the Council of the Governor of Bombay 77 Poonah, Lieut. Ayerst shot dead while driving home from Lord Sandhurst's reception, and Mr. Rand, I.C.S., chief plague authority, dangerously wounded 171 Occupation of, ordered by a punitive police force . •'^77 Protad, sentence on editor and proprietor . . . . .314 Punitive Expeditionary Force, ist Brigade arrived at Sheranni . 199 Queen-Empress, telegram to the Viceroy 259 Rand, Mr., died from the effects of the wounds he received at Poonah 181 Saragari Post attacked and cap- tured 253 Saran Sar Heights, reconnaissance 301 Sempagha Pass carried . . , 293 Shabkadr Fort, fight near . . 220 Stevens,Mr.John, appointed Judge of the High Court . , • 324 Swat Valley, sudden tribal rising . 205 desultory fighting in the . . 207 Thaker Shaheb of Morvi, his High- ness, appointed K.G.C. of the Order of the India Empire . . 204 Tilak, Gangadhar, arrested in Bom- bay 206 admitted to bail . , , 215 brought before a magistrate of Bombay and remanded . 207 trial began in the Police Court of Bombay . . . ,211 trial of, and sentence . , 254 appeal rejected by the Supreme Court of Bombay . . . 263 petition to the Judicial C<>m- mittee of the Privy Council . 310 Tribes reported to have lost 2700 men to 6th August . . . 217 White, Sir George, entertained at dinner at Simla .... 268 ITALY—Attempt upon the life of the King 124 Cardinals, four created . . 122 Emmanueh Filiberio, battle-ship, launched . . . . . 268 Humbert, King, illness of . .57 Italian Chambers, opening of the session 320 King and Queen arrived at Monza from Homburg . . . .251 New Parliament opened by the King 114 Panic m Pisa Cathedral . . , 152 Popular demonstration in Rome against the revised scheme of taxation, three people killed and thirty wounded .... 277 BOOK OP THE YEAR 1897 xlv PAGE irS^K'Li'^— continued. Rudini Ministry resigned . . 324 list of the new .... 328 The Pope gave the customary Christmas audience to the car- dinals 336 JAPAN"— Japanese fleet, the Japa- nese Minister invited a large number of ladies and gentlemen to view the Fiji, the latest addi- tion to the Japanese fleet . .116 LAW— Allen t'. Flood . , . 330 Atteridge v. Knight . . .185 Bailey Glass Bevellers* Trade Union 64 Bar annual general meeting of the • 133 Barton, Dunbar Plunket, appointed Solicitor-General for Ireland . 337 Bayford, Q.C., farewell dinner to . 110 Bigham, Mr. J. C., Q.C., M.P., appointed Judge .... 280 Brooks V. St. J mites* s Gazette , 80 Byrne, E. W., app. a Chancery Judge 65 Castle, Mr. Edward James, Q.C., app. Recorder of Bristol . .159 Cayley v. Labouchere ... 64 Channell, Mr. Arthur, appointed Judge .293 Channell, Mr. Justice, entertained by the South-Eastern Circuit , 325 Charles, Justice, resignation of . 108 Chitty, Sir J., app. Judge in the Court of Appeal , . . .59 Collins, Miss Lottie, v. Society , 195 Collins, Sir R. Henn, appointed a Lord Justice .... 290 Cowley V. Cowley . . , .78 Cunningham divorce case . . 67 Cyclist, decision that a constable in stopping a cyclist is guilty of a technical assault .... 208 Daily Mail, action to commit for contempt 201 Darling, Mr. Charles, appointed Judge .297 De Grey, the Hon. John, appointed Recorder of King's Lynn . . 306 Duke, Mr. Henry, appointed Re- corder of Plymouth , . . 299 Duncan v. Crabbe .... 69 Dunn V. Cornford . . . .119 Dynamite case at the Old Bailey . 67 Prosecution withdrawn . . 69 Easter Term, grand day of . 133, 144 Esher's, Lord, eighty-second birth- day 223 created a viscount . . , 287 resignation as Master of the Rolls . ... 279 Viscount, took formal leave of the Bar. . . . . 306 Evans, Mr. Wijliam, appointed County Court Judge . . .286 PAGB "LihSSFT —continued, Eversley, William Pinder, ap- pointed Recorder of Sudbury . 334 Fitzpatrick, Miss, breach of pro- mise case 73 Fournet v. Pearson . . .187 Fox V, Jerome , . . . 135 Gangadhar Tilak's petition to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council 310 Grand Day of Easter Term at Gray's Inu and the Middle Temple . • • • '33 at the Inner Temple . . 144 Grand Day of Michaelmas Term at Gray's Inn . , . 307 the Inner Temple , . .314 Lincoln's Inn .... 309 Middle Temple . . . 303 General Council of the Bar, report issued 221 Great heat, the Lord Chief Jus- tice and counsel without their wigs 216 Grey v. Wyatt .... 65 Hawke v. Dunn .... 103 Hern Divorce Case .... 67 Hess, H., Libel case . , . 113 Hilary Term, Graud Day . , 74 Holmes, Mr. Justice, app. a Lord Justice of Appeal in Ireland . 169 Inderwick, Mr., elected Treasurer of the Inner Temple for the ensuing year .... 312 Judges attended Divine Service at Sc. Paul's 170 Kenny, William, Q.C., M.P., ap- pointed a Judge of the High Court in Ireland .... 337 Labouchere v. Hess . , .317 Lamond v. Gordon Hotels . . 91 Law Courts reopened ... 63 Lawrence, Alfred Tristram, app. Q.C . 146 Lindley, Lord Justice, appointed Master of the Rolls . . .286 Leucke, W. v. J. Leader . . 176 Log of the Mayflower^ petition and judgment .... 109, 128 Ludlow's, Lord, resignation . , 290 Maxim-Nordenfelt Guns, appeal . 150 McConnell, Q.C.,^ entertained by Northern Circuit ... 66 Entertained at Liverpool . , 81 McQueen & Sons v. J. S. Phipps , 177 Monte Carlo Will case ... 74 Odgers, W. Blake, Q.C, app. R-.- corder of Winchester . . . 176 Perim Coal Co. v. Pacific Steam Navigation Co 176 Phillimore, Sir Walter, appointed a Judge ^ 319 Portman divorce case . . . 190 Powell V, the Kempton Park Racecourse Company , 152, i8a xlvi BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE LAW — con tinned. Ridley, Edward, Q.C., app. Judge of the High Court . . .120 Ridsdale and others v. Houston . 117 Russell, the Earl, appeal against the judgment of the Court of Appeal in the matrimonial suit between himself and the Countess Russell ..... 195 Russell-Scott case .... 61 Shaftesbury training ship scandal . 81 Sierra Leone, Chief Justice of, Mr. George Stallard, LL.B., app. ^ , 132 Smith, A. Greatorex, Mr., verdict in the case 65 Smith, M. Morton, appointed Recorder of Rochester . . 304 Soden, Thomas Spooner, ap- pointed Recorder of Grantham . 332 Southwark County Court, Addison app. Judge 93 Lewis V. Spender Clay . . . 333 Sybil Arundale '* case . . . 222 Terry v. St. James s Budget . . 115 Vaughan-Williams, the Hon. Sir Roland, appointed a Lord Jus- tice 292 Way, the Right Hon. T. J., Chief Justice of South Australia, took , his seat for the first time as a member of the Judicial Com- mittee 144 Webb V. Webb and Protheroe . 70 Wedderburn, Alexander, appointed Recorder of Gravesend . • 317 Wellesley v. Wellesley , . • 117 Whitehead, Spencer, appointed Master in Chancery • , . 280 Willis, Q.C., dinner to . . . 106 Wright, Mr. Justice, appointed ex'officio Commisssioner of the Railway and Canal Commission 290 LONDON COUNTY COUN- CIL — - Chairman, Vice-Chair- man, and Deputy Chairman elected .... 100 Date for 1898 election . . . 330 Dinner given by the Chairman to past and present members at the Hotel Cecil ..... 146 Dr. Collins delivered his address on the annual work of the Council during the year ending March 31 199 Dr. F. Clowes appointed chemist . 278 Dog muzzling order rescinded . 78 Estimate of expenditure for en- suing year, submitted by Lord Welby. .... 138 Fire Brigade, statement of the Chairman about great City fire . 314 First meeting after Christmas recess 73 First meeting after the summer recess 273 Haggerston Election . . 85 PAGB LONDON COUNTY COUN- CIL — continued. Letter from the Queen read . 73 Music, dancing, and stage-play licences 316 Rosebery, Lord, unveiled a portrait of Sir John Hutton . , . 331 Theatres and Music Halls Com- mittee at Clerkenwell . , 302 Newington .... 306 Whitechapel Election . . . 104 Works Department, Mr. E. R, Turton resigned, "Feb. 8. . .78 Works Department, Mr. W. Adams app. Manager . . , .78 MANICA-^"^^ PORTUGAL. MARRIAGES — Arbuthnot, Sir Robert, and Miss Lina Macleay 328 Arnold, Sir Edwin, and a Japanese Lady 282 Battenberg, Prince Francis Joseph, and Princess Anna of Montenegro 143 Bicknell, Mr. Herman, and Miss Harriet Bagshawe . . .284 Boyd, D.D., the Very Rev. A. K. H., and Miss Janet Balfour Meldrum 115 Carrington, Major-General, and Miss Elwes 309 Cavendish Bentinck, Lord Charles, and Miss Cicely May Grenfell . 94 Charles, Prince of Sweden, and Princess Ingeborg of Denmark 239 Curzon, the Hon. A., and Lilian, daughter of the Hon. Mrs. Oke- over 199 Dalglish, Mr. Alexander, and Miss May Maxwell- Scot . . . 260 D'Arenberg, Lc Due, and Princess Hedwige de Ligne . . . 280 De Capell-Brooke, Sir Arthur R., and Miss Fanny Cecil Talbot M'NeiU • • . . 93 De Moleyns, the Hon. Arthur William, and Miss Murie Stuart Daubeney 155 Deramore, Baron, and Miss Lucy Fife 194 Disraeli, Mr. Coningsby, M.P., and Miss May Silva .... 96 Egerton, the Hon Francis, and Miss Hilda Curteis . . . 296 Flynn, Mr. J. C, M.P., and Mrs. Rebecca Rice .... 2^70 Fcljambe, the Hon. Arthur, and the Hon. Annette L. Monck . 206 Forestier - Walker, Sir George, Bart., and Miss Georgina Cham- berlain 237 Gifford, the Hon. Maurice, and Miss Marguerite Thorold . . 260 Glin, the Knight of, and Lady Rachel Richmond- Quin . . 29a Glyn, Maurice, and the Hon. Maud Grosvenor 273 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE MA'RRIAG'EB— continued. Gordon-Ives, Colonel, and Miss Millicent Villiers . . .128 Hamilton, Mr. Archibald, and Miss Olga Fitzgeorge .... 333 Hancock, the Rev. Leonard Rhys, and the Hon. Alice Rice , . 101 Hodgson, Mr. G. J., and Miss Kate Agnes Livingstone . ^ . 292 Hohler, Henry R., and Miss Mabel Caroline Wombwell . 211 Hume, Lieut.-Col., and Miss Ursula Marshall .... 268 Johnston, the Hon. Charles, and the Hon. Norah Skeffington . 204 Kingston, the Earl of, and Miss Lisette Ethel Walker ... 79 Kinloch, Major, and Miss Bromley- Davenport 315 Kransinski, Count, and Countess Wanda Badeni .... 292 Lechmere, Sir Edward, and Miss Katherine Payton Wright . . 96 Leveson-Gower, Frederick, and Miss Cecil Eyre Green well . 164 Lopes, George, and the Hon. Frances Lopes . . . .311 Lowenstein-Wertheim, zu, Prince Ludwig Karl, and Lady Anna Savile ...... 140 Lutyens, Edward L., and Lady Emily Bulwer Lytton . .215 Macartney, Mr. Ellison, M.P., and Miss Ettie Myers Scott . , 216 Marjoribanks, the Hon. A. C. John, and Miss Elizabeth Brown . . 88 Matthews, Captain W. L., and Viscountess Parker . . . 12S McCalmont, Hay, M.P., and Mrs. Atman Fanning . . . . 182 Mount Stephen, Lord, and Miss Gian Tufnell . . . .317 Napier, Colonel the Hon. Dundas, and Miss Sybil Gurney . , 303 Nussey, T. W., and Miss Edith Daniel 274 Paget, Mr. Richard Arthur, and Lady Muriel Finch Hatton . 153 Probyn, Captain, and Miss Augusta Seymour 308 Reyntiens, Commander, and Lady Alice Portal .... 273 Rocca, Mario L., and Mile. Emma de Minerbi .... 201 Romilly, Lord, and Miss Violet Edith Grey Egerton . . . 214 Russell, the Hon. Frederick Hamilton, and Lady Margaret Scott . . . . . . 127 Ryder, Captain Cyril John, and Lady Isobel Douglas-Hamilton 186 Sartons, Mr. Lionel, and Miss Mary Liddell .... 96 Scott, Mr. Dudley, and Miss Sybil Peto «...•• 129 xlvii PAGE M ABRI AGE B— continued, Scott, Walter G. L.,^ and Miss Ralouka Warner-Heriot . . 153 Smith, Mr. Vivian Hugh, and Lady Sybil May McDonnell . , 99 Southwell, Viscount, and Miss Dorothy Walrond . . . 292 Stracey, Captain, and Miss Alice Paget 290 Tempest, Mr. Percy, and Miss Evelyn Willis .... 134 Travers, Lieut.-Col. Sir Guy Clarke, and Miss Mellis .... 340 Trevor, Lord, and the Countess of Bantry 325 Waterford, Marquis of, and Lady Beatrix Fitzmaurice . . 282 Wells, Commander, R.N., and Miss Ida Busk 123 Wrey, Lieut. William Bourchier Stewart, R.N., and Miss Flora Bathurst . , . , 155 Wynne, Captain Graham, and Maud, daughter of Lord Morris of Spiddal 185 MEXICO— Attempt to assassinate the President .... 256 MONACO— Battle of Flowers at Monte Carlo .... 88 MONTENEGRO-Kennedy, Mr. Robert, C.M.G., app. her Majesty's Minister Resident at the Court of the Prince of M ontenegro 145 K" A VST — Armstrong, Lieut . - Com- mander, court-martial . .281 Beresford, Lord Charles, at meeting organised by the Navy League . 146 CanopuSj battleship, launched at Portsmouth .... 279 Channel Fleet Manoeuvres ended in a fiasco 189 Court-martial on Commander J. G. Heugh, of the Galatea, sentenced to be deprived of six months' seniority and to be dismissed his ship 57 Harald Haarfagre, launch of the Norwegian ironclad, at Walker . 59 Naval Architects, Institution of, annual meeting , , .116 Review at Spithead . . .174 Navy Estimates . . .96, 102 League, meeting of the . . 74 reception .... 308 Records Society, fourth annual meeting, . . . • 159 Niohe^ launch of . . , 8g Pomone launched at Sheemess . 315 Royal Navy Club, 1765-85, dinner at the Whitehall Rooms j to com- morate Lord Howe's action 160 Royal Sovereign^ court-martial on a man and a boy for mutinous insubordination .... 229 xlviii BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE KVY— continued. Sealarky H.M. training ship, ar- rived at Spithead, after being missed for several days . . 173 I'errible^ H.M.S., trials of, in which she beat the record of every war vessel afloat . , 62 Thrasher and Phaeton collision . 230 Court-martial . . . 238, 239 Trafalgar Day celebrated ia London Travers, Commander, court- martial Vindictive floated at Chat ham NOBWAY-Launch at Walker of Norwegian ironclad, Harald Haarfagre OBITUAEY—Aberdare, Dowager Lady . Acton, Col., C.B. . Acquavella, Cardinal di Adair, Gen. Sir Charles Aitken, General Albareda, Seiior Albedyll, General von Alcocic, Sir Rutherford Aldenham, Lady Aldridge, W. W. . Alexander, Major-Gen. Alfieri, Marquis Carlo Algiers, Archbishop of Ali Kuli Khan Alison, Captain Randel Allen, the Rev. James Allieres, D. Allman, T. J. . Allon, H. E. • . , . Althaus, Professor Fricdrich Amici, Luigi . Amiel, Mons. . Anderson, James . Angerstein, William Angles, Mons. Aristarchi Bey Armstrong, Rev. J. B. Arneth, Alfred Arnold, Rev. T. . Arranza, Admiral . Asiko, Dowager Em pre: AsYiton, Rev. W. Askwith, General Astley, Lady . Athol, Dowager Duchess Aquila, Count . Ayers, Sir Henry . Ayerst, Lieut. Aylesford, Countess of Baden, Prince William Bailey, Arthur, Lieut. Bailey, John . Balfour, Ernest Roxbur Ballard, Dr. E. Banks, Mrs. G. Linnxus Banister, Frederick Baptiste, Jean G. G, Frederick of •gh 287 280 327 59 127 79 58 338 309 299 164 296 121 117 141 333 340 196 211 17s 80 172 114 188 299 100 243 153 325 245 120 213 70 202 64 113 3IS 158 143 161 171 172 127 254 253 238 68 135 335 304 OBVY^^3h.WI— continued, Baquedano, General Bardoux, Mons. Barmby, Rev. James • Barnato, B. L Barnave, Charles . Barrington, Canon, the Hon Barry, Dr. F. W. . Barry, Right Hon. C. R. Barry, Shiel . . , Bartram, Major G. W. Bass, Mrs. . . , Bateman, James Bates, John . . , Battye, Lieut . Battye, Major Montagu Baynes, Sir William Bazley, the Dowager Lady Becel, Monseigneur , Beddoe, J. C. C. . Bedford, Dowager Duchess of Bedingfield, Maj.-Gen. Philip Beecher, Mrs. Henry Ward- . Beerlaerts van Blokland (Jonkh B^haine, Comte de Bell, Isaac Bellew, Charles Bennett, Sir John Bent, Lieut. -Gen. Bent, J. Theodore Benyon, Richard Berardi, Leon . Berwick, Lord Besak, Mon. . Bessemer, Lady Best.W. T. Bestuzhef-Ryumin, Bethune, Gaston Beville, Major-Gen, Bianchi, Cardinal Bickersteth, B'shop Binet, Adolphe Bingham, Captain the Hon. Birley, Rev. Robert Blackburn, Henry Blackwood, Miss Blaine, Sir Robert Blake, Dr. Ethelbert Henry Blakeley, William Blin, Theodore Blondel, Paul . Blondin, Mons. Bloomfield, J. C. Blount, Command* Blount, Lady , Boase, G. C. . Boitelle, Joseph Bossy, Dr. de . Bottero, Giuseppe Boulard, Auguste Bourbaki, General Bourbon, Princess Bourgoin, Dr. Bouwens, Lady Julia Bowen, Lady . PAGE . 270 . 314 • 137 . 164 . 290 , lot . 278 . 140 . 103 . "3 . 219 . 317 . 82 . 321 . 293 • 290 . 232 . 300 . 64 eer) C. N. Henry D. A. W. C. J sabelle d^ BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 xlix OBITIT ABY —continued. Bowen, the Very Rev. Edward, Dean of Raphoe . . . .210 Bowes-Lyon, Hon. H. , • . 120 Bowles, Major Edward • • • 337 Bowrey, James . • • .310 Boyce, Frederick . • • . 329 Boyce, George P. • • . 83 Boycott, Captain • . . • 171 Boylan, A. H 99 Bradford, Griffith, Sir W. . , 258 Brady, Lady 82 Brahms, Johannes . . • ,114 Bramley, Edward .... 253 Brassai, Professor . • • •173 Brasyer, Col. J 103 Breton, Major C.T. . . • 143 Brewer, Rev. E. Cobham , . 99 Briggs, Sir J 94 Bristowe, S. Boteler, Q,C. . . 98 Brodie, Rev. Peter . , . 295 Brown, Rev. David . . ,181 Brown, Rev. Joseph • . . 244 Brown, Rev. T. E. ^ . . . 293 Browne-Clayton, Lieut. . , 270 Browning, Thomas . . , 237 Brownless, Dr 323 Bruce, Lord C. Brudenell . ,121 Brun, Charles 66 Bryen, Lieut.-Col 270 Brough, Mrs 314 Bmck, Herr 323 Buchanan, General . . .312 Bucknill, Sir John Charles . • 199 Bu6, Jules 335 Bulstrode, Canon . . • .281 Burckhardt, Dr. Jacob . • .219 Burge, Jack 176 Burgess, Capt. B 143 Burgess, John, R.A, » • • 304 Burlet, Jules de , . , ,96 Burlton, Major-General . , 304 Burney, Lieut.-Col. H. S. S. . 67 Burns, " Tommy " . . , .184 Burns, Walter .... 313 Burton, Rev. John . • . 339 Burton, Surgeon-Major , • , 294 Butterfield, A. G 129 Byng, the Hon. James ... 145 Byrne, Capt. Jervis T. . • , 108 Byrne, Very Rev. James • • 288 Cadell, Gen. Sir Robert • • 177 Cadorna, Gen. R. . , , , 82 Calderwood, Professor . , , 310 Caldicott, Alfred James. • • 290 Camescasse, Mons . . , . 160 Camoys, Lord . . . .192 Campbell, John Scarlett . . 146 Campbell, Lieut.-Col. A. Hamilton 103 Campbell, Lieut.-Col. John Thomas 148 Campbell, Major-General . , 279 Carey, Capt. Gordon T. J, , . 152 Carlyle, Miss Janet . . . 329 Carnot, Mdme. H. . • .69 Carr, Major 11* O'BVTJJA.'R'Y— continued. Carroll, Dr. . Carsewell, James . Carter, Dr. H. V. . Carvalho, L^on Casella, L. P. Casimir-Perier, Paul Cassidy, Surgeon-Capt. Cassimbazar, Maharanee Castelmary, Mons. Cator, Lieut. Cavalcaselle, Signor Cavanagh, Very Rev. B. Cave, Hon. Sir William Cavendish, Hon. Henry Cavendish, Hon. Marjorie Ceccaldi, M. . Chabriere-Arler, M . Chamberlin, Colonel Brown Chance, Dr. Frank Chance, Lucas Chandler, Col. J. T. . Chard, Lieut.-Col., J. R. W, Chaworth-Mueters, Lieut. H, Chester, George Chevreau, Pierre . Chichester, Lady . , Childe, Rev. Charles . Chivot, Henri . • Cholmondeley, Canon . Clark, Alvin . . • Clark, Lady . Clark, S. E. J. Clarke, Hon. Sir W. J. . Clarke, Rev. Beaumarice Clarkson, Rev. George Arthur Clarkson, Rev. William Clarina, Lord . Clay, Charles Clayden, Mrs. W. P. Clemenceau, Dr. Benjamin Clochette, Captain . Cobb, Joseph Richard, Cochran, Patrick R. W. Cockerell, John Coke, Major.-Gen. Sir J Collas, M. Gabriel Collins, Colonel Colvill, James C. . Conyers, Brigade-Surgeon J. S. Cbnyngham, Marquis of Cooper, Carlos Cope, Prof. E. D. . Cordier, Mons. Cornish. Surgeon-General Costa, Signor Giacomo Cotton, Captain Arthur Courtry, Charles Couvreur, Madame Coward, Commander Cowie, Thomas H. Cox, Homershara . Craigie Halkett, Lieut.-Col. W. Craignish, Baron . Cran brook. Countess of 1 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 OBITU A'RY—contmued. Greeny, Rev. W. F. Crofton, the Right Hon. Wolfe .... Croker, Henry S. M. . Crooke, Lieut. Crossley, Francis W. Cuninghame, Sir William Cunyngham - Fairlie, Lady Cj^rien', P^re D'Abbadie, Antoine Dagleish, Dr. W. S. Dallas, May Kyle . Dalzel, Surgeon-Major Dana, Charles A. . Dantan, Mons. and Md Darlington, John . Dartrey, Earl of . Daudet, Alphonse . D'Aumale, le Due . Davidson, Henry . Davies, W. Dawson, Charles T., R.N. De Badens, General De Bostquenard, General De Butts, Captain . Decazes, Baron Deecke, Dr. . De Fortou, Mons. . De Gayangos, Don Pascual De Lubocz, Francis De Mauley, Lady . De Menorval, Mons. Denis, Gen. . Dering, Lady . D'Erlanger, Baron . Deroubaix, President of Med: Derriman, Admiral Desjardins, Albert . Devon, Countess of Dick-Cunningham, Sir R. K Dickson, Baron Oscar Dickson, Thomas G. Dinah Salitou . D'ltajuba, Baron . Djemal-ed-Din (Sheikh) Dobinson, Ven. H. H. Donovan, Gen. E. W. Dorchester, Lord , Double, Baroness . Douglas, Major-Gen. de Wt Doulton, Sir Henry Doyne, R. Vigors . Drew, Mrs. John . Dreyfus, Auguste . Drinkwafer, Lady . Drisler, Professor . Drumel, Mons. Drummond, Hon. Mrs. Drummond, Prof. H. Du Bodan, M. Duez, General Dufif, Sir Benjamin Dundas, Lady Jane Duong, Char, Prince Sir A. 172 171 307 109 303 62 192 107 87 235 169 283 186 246 138 332 135 63 137 90 191 318 293 275 58 325 271 249 253 292 109 243 319 148 312 71 88 131 157 no 287 134 70 320 137 83 309 62 243 149 73 332 313 76 102 221 32s 237 109 OBITJJA'RY —cofttmued. Dupuis, Rear- Admiral A. E. Dunboyne, Dowager Lady Duval, Mgr. . Duyts, Den. . Earle, Capt. Charles Wiili?.m Earle, Senator for South Carolina Eddy, E. M. G. . Edwards, Canon . Edwards, Lieut. -Col. C. A. Edwards, Sir Henry Egmont, Earl of . • Eim, Mons. Gustave • Elder, Sir Thomas . • Elias, Ney, CLE. Ellis, Sister Mary . Ellison, Dr. James Elwyn, Rev. Richard . Enghelm, Rear-Admiral T. Englisch, Berthold Erskine, General . Evans, Dr. Thomas Evans, Go wen . . Evans, Rev. John . , Evelegh, Colonel . Ewart, Col. . Fairlie-Cunninghame, Sir Charle: Fairfield, E. . Falke, Hofrath Jakob . Farrant, Capt. D. . Feeny, Frederick ... Ferguson-Smyly, the Very Rev. A, Fermoy, Dowager Lady Ferraris, Galileo . Ferryman, Gen. Augustus H, Festmg, Captain Wogan R. Fielden, T. . . . Fitzclarence, Lieut. , Fitzgerald, Francis Fitzgerald, Lieutenant . Fitzgerald, the Ven. A. Fitzhardinge, Dowager Lady Fitzmaurice, Mr. . Fleming, John Fletcher, Dr. Thomas . Foley, Hon. Sir St. George G. Foley, Lady . Forbes, W. A. Forde, Henry C. . . Forester, Col. the Hon. H. T. Forster, Anthony . Forster, Capt. M. C. . Foster, A. L. . . , Foster, Dr. Charles J. . Fowler, Rev. Frederick Fowke, Sir F. S. . Fox, Charles Edward . Fox, Miss Anna Maria . Francais, Francois Louis Franconi, Victor . Franks, Sir A. W. . Eraser, Gen. Robert Walter Frater, George Freeman, H. W. . Freeman, the Rev Alexander BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 li OB ITJJAB.Y—coHh'nueci. Fresenius, Prof. Karl • Fulford, H. C. Fyfe, Charles J., M.B. . Gadaud, Antome . Gammell, Mrs., of Newport, X. Garcia, Seflor Gardiner, General Sir Henry Garland, Mrs. Garrett, Dr. G. M. Garrisson, Mens. . Gatke, Heinrich • Gatti, Agostino • Gautier, L^on Gay, General Gegg, the Rev. Joseph . Genlloud, T. D. . George, Henry Georges, Capt. T. W. J. M. Germain, Mgr. Ghika, Mons. D. . Ghika, Prince Ion . Gibbs, Major-Gen. J. I. Giffard, M. Paul . Gifford, the Rev. Samuel Gilbert, Sir John, R.A. Gilborne, Surgeon-Gen. Giles, William Girdlestone, Rev. W. H. Godefroy, Frederick Godfray, Colonel Sir James Godfrey, G. W. . Godfrey, Major- Gen. Avery , Goellet, Ogden Goldenberg, Herr . Goldschmidt, Professor . Gonzalez, Senor Venancio Gooch, Capt. T. S. Gooch, Sir Henry Daniel Goodhew, William Gordon, Lieut. -Gen. Charles Gordon, Major-Gen. P. Gordon, Vice-Admiral W. E. Gore, Hon. Charles Alexander Goring, Colonel Sir C. C. Gough, Major-General . Goulburn, Rev. E. M. • Graham, Major . • Grant, Henry . , Grant, Major-Gen. R. . Greaves, Lieut. Robert . Green, Alderman Thomas Green, Col. Sir W. Green, Rev. Thomas Gregor, Rev. W. . . Greville, Hon. G. F. , Griffith, J. Milo . Griffiths, Ven. J. . Grimaldi, Signor , Grove, Sir T. F. . Guarino, Cardinal , . Guerard, Henri , . Gullina, Signor J, . • Gurlitt, Professor . • Haca, General • • S.A. 160 69 88 293 113 267 • 331 , 103 , 117 221 57 64 238 273 , 177 ' "5 293 , 80 306 94 133 61 117 175 273 292 314 91 273 163 118 163 238 299 196 59 87 173 135 17s 127 18s 184 104 262 132 243 57 140 227 337 141 335 80 138 258 243 104 65 260 110 86 270 227 Hadji, Sewa . , Hale, Horatio . Hales, Lieut. . • Halford, Lady Halford, Sir H. . Halford, Rev. Sir J. F. . Halton, Pasha Halse, Alderman Richard C Hamilton, Lady . , Hamza, Si Kaddar Ben . Hansell, Rev. Peter Hansen, Karl Hardwicke, Earl of . Hardy, Thomas Bush . liare, Edward Harney, G. J. Harrington, Lieut. Harris, Charles Harris, Clement . • Harris, Senator Harrison, Charles, M.P. Harrison, Rev. W. Harrison, Robert . Hatherton, Dowager Lady Hastie, James Haughton, Rev. Samuel Hawes, Albert George . Hawes, Capt, A. B. Havelock-Allan, Sir Henry Hay, George, Earl of Kinnoul Hayden, Luke Patrick . Heath, Douglas Heaton, John Adam Heaviside, Rev. J. W. L. Hedderwick, James, LL.D. Hedle, Dr. Matthew Heemskerk, A. J. . Helfz, Ignatz . Herbert, General Sir Arthur Herbert, Major-General Hewett, Lieut. -Gen. E. O. Hewlett, Henry G. Heyland, Gen. A. T. Heywood, James . He)rwood, Sir Thomas Hickman, William Hicks, G. M. . Hickson, Sir J. Higginson, Lieut. . Hill, George . Hindle, Hon. E. Bruce Hindlip, Lord Hogg, Dr. R. Hohenlohe, Princess IJolden, Sir Isaac . Holloway, C. E. . Holmes, Lady Holmes, Major-General Holroyd, General . Hoi stein. Dr. Karl Hooper, Rev. Thomas Hopkins, Manley . Houghton, Gen. William Houlton, Lady , PAGE • • 89 72 • 307 • 76 • 59 • 110 ce 77 330 • 156 * 90 IIS • 108 • 143 • 329 • 86 • 327 • 207 • 79 • 125 • 186 • 337 • 123 59 141 326 : 294 • 217 • 140 • 34c» • 70 • 172 • 2 4 311 08 * • yo 321 • 310 • 277 • 278 • 315 • 309 • 155 • 93 149 • 203 • 291 • 110 • 315 * 59 • 231 • 87 • III • 190 • 103 335 * 224 • 90 6-i 216 228 74 63 237 171 79 lii BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 OBITJJAB.Y— continued. Houston, Deputy-Surgeon Howard, F. J. Howard, Lady Huart, M. Imbault Hughes, Gen. Sir W. T. Humphery, Lady . Hungerford, Mrs. . . Hunter, Rev. R. . Huntingfield, Lord • Hutton, Richard Holt . Impey-Lovibond, Colonel Ingelow, Jean Inverurie, Lord Isolin, Mrs. . Ives, the Hon. Mrs. Emma Jackson, Captain . Jackson, Frederic . Jacox, Rev. Francis . Jacques, Mons. Jameson, Dr. T. . Jenkins, Rev. W. James Jennings-Bramly, Major Jennings, Sir John . Jennings, Sir Patrick Jervois, Sir W. D. Jessup, Lady Mildred Jesty, Charles Jimenez, Seilor J. . Joergensen, Dr. Adolf Joest, Professor Wilhelm Jones, Griffiths Rhys Jones, John . Jones, Rev. W. B. Jones, Lieut. . Jones, Ven. Hugh . Joseph, Father Jouvencal, Paul de Joyce, Herbert Judge, Major Kaliphronos, Mons. Kargariou, Mons. de Kavanagh, Osborne Kav, Sir Edward E. Kellock, Charles . Kelly, Gen. Sir Richard King, Graham King, Major W. H. Kirkcaldy, David . Kirkcaldy, Hugh . Kist, J. G. . Kjerulf, Lieut. -Gen. O, Kneipp, Father Knight, Charles P. Knight, Col. Sir Fredk, Knightley, Major E. Knox, Major J. S, Knox, Mrs. . Kortright, Sir Cornelius Kosjek, Baron von Kung Tagen . Lahovary, Alexandre La Iglesia, Marquis de Casa Lai.igj Samuel Lake, Very Rev. W. C. Den R. W. 338 95 338 332 114 197 72 93 260 249 169 199 237 317 103 338 282 81 301 57 187 283 337 189 227 159 "5 8& 273 336 323 iq8 6S 313 169 59 118 103 107 327 1C4 91 180 3^5 75 72 114 179 60 168 71 132 91 61 75 336 77 201 103 309 218 326 OBITUARY— cmimued. Lamb, Lieut. -Colonel Lamb, S. Crawford Lamont, Lieut. Lang, Captain Edward Lane, Col. Cecil N. Langdale, William . Langtry, Edward . Larceau, Victor Lathora, Countess of Lascelles, Lady Lavoix, Henri Lawrence, Sir James CJarke Lawrence, Sir W. . Lawson, Lady Leacock, Lieut. -Col. C. Edward Le Blant, Mons. C. Lee, William . Leeds, Lady . Legge, Rev. James Leeke, Lady . Lees, Dr. F. R. . Leighton, Sir B. Lemercier, Le Comte Len, August . Lennox, Sir W. Gates Lespes, Vice-Admiral Lever, John Orrell Levy, A. Lewarne, Captain . Lewin, William Charles Lewis, David . Lewis, Thomas • Lewis, Wolseley . Leyde, C. Otto Lignieres, Gen. de . Li Hung Tsao Lilley, Hon. Sir Charles Lind, Lieut.-Col. J. B. Lindsay, Countess of Lindsay, Lady Frances Lingard, Miss Alice Linton, W. J. Lister, Hon. Martin Little, Gen. A. B. . Llandaff, Archdeacon of Lockwood, Sir Frank, Q.C., M.P. Lowell, Judge John Lowry, Colonel Lucraft, Benjamin . Lushington, Sir Henry Luys, Dr. Jules Lyell, David . Lyons, General Thomas Lyons-Montgomery, General MacCarthy, Major R. H. MacDowall, John . Mac Ivor, Major Mackinnon, Sir William Maclean, Lady Maclean, Lieut. Macleod, Norman . MafFei, Cqunt Boglio Magitot, Dr. . Maikoff, A. N. liOOK OP THE VEAR 1891 iiii OBITUARY— conitnue.^. Maincent, Gustave Maisonneuve, Dr. . Maister, Major-Gen. George Maistre, Le Comte Charles d Maitland, Edward . Maitland, Sir James . Majorca, Bishop of Malcolm, Gen. Sir George Malcolm, Lady- Manifold, Surgeon-Gen. Manley, Hon. Lieutenant Manners, Lord William . Manser, Surgeon-Major R. Marchal, Gen. Marlborough, Jane, Duchess of Maron, Charles Marrable, George , M arson, Captain . Marth, Albert Martin, John Biddulph . Martingell, William Martins, Dr. Sousa Mary, A, Quantin . Maryon-Wilson, Sir Spencv. Mas-Latrie, le Comte . Massey, F. H. Massingberd, Mrs. Masters, Rev. J. S. Mathews, Lieut. Maude, Gen. Sir Frederick Maunsell, J. P. Maxwell, Hon. Barry . Maxwell, Sir Patrick Maxwell, Sir Wiliiam . Maxwell, William . , May, Frank , McAlister, E. McCabe, Robert . McCall, Hugh McCleverty, General W.lliam Anson .... McGhte, Rev. R. J. L. McKinley, Mrs. McLachlan, Thomas McSwiney, Valentine INIeado, Rear-Admiral R. V/, Meade, Miss Mary Mecklenburg - Schwerin, Grand Duke of . . . Meilhac, M. Henri Mends, Admiral Sir William Mercier, Mons. Meredith, Rice Messent, P. J. Metcalfe, Miss Fanny . Mettetal, Alfred . Meuron, Albert de . Meyer, Professor . Mildmay, Lady Mildred, Fredk. Millais, Lady . Millais, Sir Everett Miller, Charles Maier, Hon. S. B. . 275 120 ig6 305 115 86 61 205 103 60 63 108 62 275 338 224 106 2'7 2-3 67 3 to 59 323 74 82 217 170 02 66 331 175 82 340 274 135 329 113 102 135 118 184 174 221 339 115 161 281 107 219 255 00 336 247 219 131 OB1TJJAB.Y— continued. Milliken, Edwin James . Milnes-Gaskell, Colonel Mitterwurzer, Herr F. . Molineux, John Molloy, Constantine Monescillo, Mgr. . Monk-Bretton, Lord Montgomery, Ver^' Rev. J. F Montagu, Lieut. -Gen. A. \Vc Montpensier, Duchesse de Montressor, Lieut.-Col. . Morant, Capt. L. A. • Mordaunt, Sir Charles . Morgan, Joseph Morgan, Sir George Osborne Morfit, Dr. Campbell . Morley, Dowager Countess of Morrison, A'frcd . Morton, William , Mouatt, F. J. . Mould, Major-General . Mugford, Fleet-Paymaster Muir, Lady . Mundella, Right Hon. A. J. Munir, Pasha Muschamp, Surgeon-General Mutsu, Count . Napier, the Hon. Harriet Armstrong . Nawab, Sirdar Mahomed Khan .... Naylor, Dr. . Neal Dow, General Nelson, Captain Frederic Nevill, Hugh . Newman, Mrs. Harriet . Newman. Professor Newton, Sir E. Nicol, Mrs. E. P. . Niegoch, Philip Nisser, Father Northampton, Marquis of Nugent, William T. Nuttall, Major-Geueral . O'Brien, H. A. O'Callaghan, Rev. R. . Oertel, Professor . O'Grady, Edward . Oliphant, Mrs. Orde, Sir John Campbell Orjevsky, Gen. Orsat, L6on . O'Sullivan, Countess Oudet, Mon. . Oxenbridge, Viscountess Palgrave, Francis Turner Palmer, Colonel Frederick Palmer, Dr. Arthur Palmer, George Palmer, Lieut. -Gen. . Pa pay, Stephen Von Parke, Gen. Sir William Parker, Professor . Parry, R«v. R. Blake Afz; sley liv BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Gen. OBIT^JJ KTiY— continued. Parsons, Major-Gen. Pastour, Men. Paulet, Col. C. W. Pearson, Col. H. P. Pearson, J. L., R.A. Peat, Lieut.-Col. W. S. Pechell, Sir Georc^e T. B. Peck, Colonel William . Pemberton, Oliver Pengelly, Captain Walter Penne, Olivier de . Perez, Enrique Perkins, Major-Gen. E. Nor Perry, Ven. George Petre, Mon. A. W. Berney Petrides, Mons. , Phayre, Sir Robert. . Phear, Lady . Philiimore, Admiral Phillips, John Orwell Phillips, Very Rev. Owen Phipps, C. J. . Picciotto, James . Pickthorn, R.N., Insp. Thomas Russell . Pigott, Lieut.-Colonel , Pille, Henri . Pirotyanatz, Milan Pitman, Sir I. , Plessy, Madame Arnould . Plevins, Thomson . Plunket, Ld., Archbishop of Dublin Pocock, Rev. Nicholas Poellnitz, Baroness de PoUini, Hofrath Pollock, George David, F.R. Pollock, Sir Charles Ponk Wang Soh . Poole, A. R. Boscombe, Q.C.. P©ole, Rev. Hewett , Porcelli, Baroness . Port, William. , Porter, A. G. . Postance, Canon , , Powell, David Powell, Major F. , , Powys, Lieut. -Col. , Powys, Lieut. John , Poynder, Major C E. . Presland, Rev. Jolin Preston, Major-Geacral . Preston, Sir H. J. . Preyer, Hofrath Dr. Price, Rev. Aubrey Prichard, Captain • Priest, H. H. . Priestley, Paton Pringle, Coi. Sir Norman W. Pringle, R. K. Pritchard, Lieut. C. E. Profeit, Dr. A. Prynne, Lieut. R. P, Pullman, George . Pulsford, Rev. John C.S. D. . 146 71 117 121 328 i?4 106 236 99 340 123 125 211 84 107 63 74 340 315 173 95 148 305 340 252 100 103 71 154 294 113 62 316 86 312 224 146 300 224 333 133 282 244 122 234 331 70 131 305 62 194 257 3^3 147 303 20 1 64 85 74 142 285 146 O'BVJ^VA.'RY -continued. Purves, A. Paterson Quin, John James Quinn, Thomas Radchffe, Gen. Sir Willi Rae-Brown, Colin . Raikes, Major Raitt, Major George Ramsbottom, John Ramsay, Lieut.-Col Ranchot, M. . Rand, Mr. Raper, James Hayes Rapier, R. C. . Ras Alula Ratsey, Charles Rattray, Comm. G. J. 1 Raymond, General Reade, Surg.-Gen. Reeve, Col. Regnault, Jacques . Reid, Peter . R^musat, Paul de , Rend6, Cardinal di Renouf, Sir Peter . Revelstoke, Lord . Reynolds, Rev. Harvey Richards, Westley . Richardson, Ven. Archd Richter, Dr. Albert Rigler, George Ringwood, Rev. F. H. Rittershaus, F. Emil Rivers, Captain Rivington, Walter . Roberts, Charles . Roberts, George B. Roberts, Rev. William Robertson, C. A. L. Robertson, Captain Robertson, Rev. W. Sc( Robeson, George . Robinson, Captain . Robinson, G. F. Robinson, Mrs. Robinson, Sir Thomas Robinson, Sir W. C. F. Roche, Gen. E. Roche, John, Q.C. Rochejaquelin, Marqui-- Roden, Earl of Rosmead, Lord, former! cules Robinson . Ross, Dr. Alexander Ross, Surg.-Gen. J. T. Ro?siter, William . Rothtn, Mons. Rotton, Rev. John E. W Rouillard, Mr. Justice Rouiller Bey . Rousseau, Gen. Roussel, Abb^ Routh, Commissary-Gen, Roy, Dr. Charles Royer, M. Le Her- liarton . BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Iv OBITTJAnY—coniinned. Rundell, W. Westcote . Russell, Lieut. James . Ruston, Joseph , Ryan, Col. C. J. . Ryley, Chas. . Sagasta, Senora • Salis, Mon. R. Salmon, James , , Sanders, Dr. D. . Sanderson, Mr. Sanderson, Thomas Kemp Sandilands Major-Generai Sant Marc, General Santa Lucia, Marquis de Satheberg, Karl H. Savile, Rev. Hon. P. Yorke Saxe-Altenburg, Duchess of Saxe-Weimar, Grand Duchess of Schepeler-Lette, Frau Schoenlank, William Schoenn, Herr Sclater, Captain Bertram L. . Scott, G. G. Scott, Mr. Scott, Rev. George Scott, William Schutzenberger, Professor Searle, Colonel Sebright, Sir E. Sedgwick, Miss Amy (Mrs. Goos- try) . Sefton, the Earl of Serafini, Filipo Sharp, Isaac . Sharp, Lieut.-Col. John Sharpe, Alderman C. Shaw, Lady Anna . Shenton, Lady Sheppard, Dr. Edgar Shirley, S. Shirreff, Miss Emily Shojiro, Count Goto Shoppee, Charles John Sidney, Major H. M. Silcock, Mark Sim, Major-Gen. Charles Alexan- der Simeon, Capt. H. S. Simmons, Henry . Simmonds, Peter , Simon, Sir John Simpson, Rev. W. S. Skelton, Sir John . Slade, Colonel Slater-Browne, Canon Slavin, Frank Smart, Major- Gen. Joseph Smith, Alderman Sir John Smith Captain William . Smith, Dr. James . Smith, James Greig Smith, Major-Gen. Charles Hodg- kinson ■ • i • « • 313 160 129 J 40 79 107 59 io5 271 337 2 0.0 205 100 62 203 288 108 257 336 270 204 155 284 232 271 17s 262 "3 300 175 141 107 153 100 329 156 293 92 106 2T5 309 219 113 340 271 173 III 199 248 250 259 186 328 286 99 151 156 OBlTJJAB.Y—conh'uu^c/. Smith, Rev. Samuel Smith, William (Canada] Smyth, Lady Lucy Smythe, Sir Charles Somerset, Lord H. E. Soubeyran, Baron de Soustre, Mon. Souter, Mrs. . Souza, Sir Walter E. de Spark, Dr. William Spedding, Lady Jane Spencer, Stephen . Spry, Lieut.-CoI. . Stack, John . St. Aubyn, Hon. Arthi Dudley Stuart . St. George, Lieut.-Col. H. H, St. John, Charles . St. John, W. T. . Sr. Martin, Mems. . Siebnitski, Gen. Stephan, Dr. von . Stephens, Admiral W. K, Sterneck, Admiral . Stevenson, Major-Gen. Stevenson, Mrs. Stiff, James . Stone, E. J. . Stone- Wigg, John . Storr, William Stoughton, Rev. John Straghan, Lieut.-Col, Streenstrup, Dr. Streng, Johann A. , Stretch, T. H. E. . Stuart, Surgeon- Li ut. -Colonel Stubbs, Rev. Dr. J. W, Sutton, Alfred Swanson, Capt. F. H. A. Sjdvester, Prof. J. J. . Symonds, Major-Gen. Jermyn Symons, Captain, R.N. Tabuteau, Lieut.-Col. Tagg, Tom Taher, Ben Sliman Tarmer, Dr. . Taskin, Mr. . Tate, Lieut.-Col, Hugh Taylor, Lient.-Col. U. P. W. Taylor, Major W. Willoughb Teck, Duchess of . Tedjini, Sheikh Ahmed Ben Mo- hammed Teja .... Terriss, William Charles (Lewin) Themptander, O. R. Thielen, Alexander Tholozan, Sir Joseph Desirde Thomas, Edwin Thomas, Rev. John Thomas, Rev. L. . Thomson, Lieut., killed at Bida Ivi BOOK OF THE YEAR 189T OBITUARY— Ixx BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE S T AGE— The tiive^— continued. Royalty. Oh ! Susannah, Oct. $ Savoy. His Majesty, Feb. 20 The Yeomen of the Guard, May 5 The Grand Duchess, Dec. 4 Shaftesbury. The Sorrows of Satan, Jan. 9 The Yashmak, March 31 The Wizard of the Nile, Sept. 6 The Scarlet Feather, Nov. 17 St. James's. The Princess and the Butterfly, March 'jq The Prisoner of Zenda revived, July I The Tree of Knowledge, Oct. 25 Shakespeare Theatre, Clapham. Sporting Life, Oct. 18 Strand. The Prodigal Father, Feb. 1 John Gabriel Borkman, May 3 All Alive Oh ! June 16 The Purser, Sept. 13 The Fanatic, Oct. 21 The Triple Alliance, Dec. 6 Terry's. The French Maid, April 24 Triple bill from Andersen, Dec. 23 Vaudeville. Never Again, Oct. 11 *■ SWEDEIQ"— King Oscar celebrated the twenty.fifth anniversary of his accession . . . . 258 Stockholm. Session of the Rigs- dag opened .... 68 BWITZEBLA-ND-Holbein Ex- hibition at Bale . . . .285 International Labour Congress at Zurich opened . . . 234 brought to a close . . . 239 TRANSVAATj— Indemnity claim reported .... 61 particulars published . • "3 Dr. Leyds arrived at Plymouth from the . . . . ,121 Eloff, Lieut., trial of . . .116 reinstated in the police . . 131 Pretoria. New Law Courts, found- ation stone laid ... • 159 President Kruger liberated Messrs. Simpson and Davies 171 The Volksraads formally opened 132 TUNIS — Sir Harry Johnston, K. C. B., appointed Consul- General 189 TUilKE Y — Ambassadors declined to resume peace negotiations till their strategic frontier had been recognised by the Porte . . . . . 198 Informed by the Porte of its acceptance of their proposals on the subject , . .201 PAGB TV'R'K'E^Y— continued. Ambassadors decided to regard the Porte's adoption in prin- ciple as sufficient . . . 202 Presented a draft of the articles of the peace preliminaries . 204 Sir Philip Currie received in- structions to oppose the progressive evacuation of Thessaly .... 230 Crete. Blockade of . , .107 Blue Book issued relating to . 95 Coast line under protection of the International Fleet . 106 Colonel S chaffer nominated provisional Governor . .288 Cretan Gendarmerie reforms by the Greeks ... 65 Evacuation of . . '147 Exodus of Christians from Canea . . . . .82 Fighting between insurgents and Turks . . . So, 116 Fighting at Canea in which war vessels took part . . 112 Foreign Admirals at Canea issued a proclamation . . 93 French Marines landed at Canea. 119 Gov. -Gen. took refuge on the Russian flagship ... 85 Insurgent camp cannonaded by foreign ships . . . 90 Mahomedans attacked insur- gents 1 14 Mixed naval occupation re- solved on . . . .80 Mutiny at .... 96 Proclamation at Canea extend- ing the zone under protection of the Powers • • • 93 Vassos, Col., appointed Com- mander of Greek troops in Crete 86 Collective memorandum from the Ambassadors of the Powers . 139 Domoko, general engagement at . 142 Explosion in the court below the Grand Vizier's department at the Porte on August 18 . 228 Outside the Galata Serai Bar- racks at Pera . . . 228 Financial com.mission appointed . 65 Frontier, fighting on the . . 122 Greek forces defeated at Turnavo 125 Greek merchant steamer sunk . 122 Irad6 issued by the Porte accept- ing the demands of the Arme- nians with certain modifica- tions 70 I rad6 issued by the Sultan agreeing to an armistice for 15 days . 153 Lord Salisbury's proposals . . 238 Mersina, the, incident . , 307, 309 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Ixxi PAGE TURKEY— Note sent by the Porte to the Am- bassadors in Constantinople . 141 Osman Pasha Supreme Com- mander of the Turkish Army , 125 Peace negotiations opened . . 156 Phersala occupied by the Turks . 135 Postponement of the Peace Con- ference 232 Preliminary Treaty of Peace read over at Topkhaneh . . 258 Text published . . . 260 Publication of the text of the De- finitive Treaty between Turkey and Greece , ... 328 Turks advanced on Turnavo . . 123 Turkish territory near Grevena, in- cursion by Greek brigands . • 119 Velestino, attack on . . .134 Occupied by the Turks . . 136 Volo captured by Turks . .136 UNITED STATES— American Senate vetoed the amended Treaty of Arbitration . . . 134 American Society in London, ban- quet given to Mr. and Mrs. Bayard ..... 136 Anglo-American Arbitration Treaty 76 Arbitration Treaty amendments 108 Failure of the . , , , 143 Before the Senate ... 89 Signed 63 Bayard, Mr. and Mrs., left South- ampton , . . . .136 Bill passed to add Brooklyn and other districts to the City of New York 119 Chicago Coliseum burned down ^ . 337 Collision between two trains in Colorado . . . . . 250 Crane, Stephen, safety reported of 68 Grant, Gen., national monument to 127 Great Britain declined to take part in the Seal Conference . .274 Hawaii, treaty of annexation rati- fied ...... 250 Hay, Col. John, appointed Ambas- sador to England ... 90 arrived at Southampton . . 123 visited the Foreign Office . 124 Independence Day . . .182 American Embassy in London 181 Long, Mr. John D., accepted portfolio of the Navy ... 96 Lyman Gage, Mr., Secretary of the Treasury .... 76 Mayor of New York, election . 296 McKinley, Mr., arrived in Wash- ington 96 Inaugurated President . . 97 New Congress, special session at Washington .... 104 New York. Bradley Martin ball . 84 Pelagic Sealing Bill signed . . 339 PAGE UNITED BTATBB— continued. Pennsylvania, serious collision be- tween the miners on strike and the authorities .... 250 President's dinner to Sir Wilfred Laurier and Sir Louis Davies 303 Message to Congress . . 325 Robinson's Opera House, Cincin- nati, accident . . . .281 Sandwich Islands. Treaty for the annexation of, signed . , . 167 Sherman's, Mr., despatch to Great Britain in reference to the Beh- ring Sea Question . . . 194 Special Ambassador selected to at- tend the Jubilee celebrations . 150 Tariff Bill passed by the House of Representatives . . .112 passed in the Senate . .185 Senate adopted the Conference report 204 Versailles, I ve men lynched 254 UBUGUAY.— Seflor IdiarteBorda, the President, assassinated . 236 VENEZUELA-Mr. W. H. Hag- gard appointed the Queen's Minister Resident at Caracas . 188 Venezuelan arbitration treaty ratified 115 Venezuelan arbitration treaty signed 79 WE ATHEB— .y^^report of Rainfall and temperature each day. WHEAT-Price of- Jan. 7. 30s. 6d. . . 61 » 14- 31S. id. . . . 65 „ 21. 31S. 8d. . . . 70 „ 28. 31S. 7d.. . 75 Feb. 4. 31S. 3d. . . 80 „ II. 30s. 7d. . . . . 85 „ 18. 29s. 8d. . . . 89 >, 25. 28s. iid. . 93 . . 98 Mar. 4. 28s. 2d. . „ II. 28s. 3d . . 102 „ 18. 27s. iid. . 105 n . 25. April I. 27s. iid. • 109 27s. . 113 n 8. 27s. lod. . 117 „ IS. 17s. 8d. . od. . • • 120 „ 22. 27s. . 124 26s. 6d. . . • 129 May 6. 27s. 9d. . . . 135 » 13. 28s. 4d. . . 139 „ 20. 27s. iid. . 145 M 27. 28s. id. . . 150 June 3. 28s. 2d. . . . 156 „ 10. 27s. lod. . . 161 » 17- 27s. 4d. . . . i63 „ 24. 27s. . 173 July I. 27s. id. ; ! . 179 „ 8. 27s. . 1S6 ,> 15. 27s. 4d. . . . 193 „ 22. 27s. 7d. . . 202 „ 29. 28s. id. . . 209 Aug. 5. 28s. lod. . . 2i^r Ixxii BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 WHEAT— Price ol-continued, Aug. 12. 29s. sd. . 29s. 8d. . 30s. 4d. . 31S. 8d. . 33s. 7d. . 31S. id. . 33s. lod. Sept. 1 23. 30- 33s. I id. . Oct. 7. 33s. 4d. . „ 14. 32s. id. . „ 21. 31S. lod. . 28. 32s. 2d. . Nov. 4. 32s. lod. „ II. 33s. 5d. . n 18. 34s. 25. 33s. I id. . Dec. 2. 33s. 8d. . „ 9. 33s. 9d. . „ 16. 33s. 9d. . „ 23. 34s. id. . ,, 30. 34s. 4d. . WILLS—Abercromby, Sir Ralph Aberdare, Dowager Adams, Henry Akroyd, T. H. Akroyd, Thomas . Alcock, Sir Rutherford Alexander, William Allen, W. D. . Allport, C. J. . Anderson, James . Anderson, Major-Gen. Anderson, William Andrew, James, M.D. Andrews, Octavius Armitage, Mrs. C. Lauri Arter, T. R. Ashbumham, Hon. W, Ashton, Job . Astley, Dame Eleanor Atholl, Dowager Duchess of Attenborough, William S. Austin, T. K. Aylesford, Countess of . Backhouse, James Edward Bacon, Colonel Bagnall, F. R. L. Baines, Thomas Baker, W. R. Baldwin, J. L. Balme, E. B. W. Bancroft, Peter Barber, William Baring, Mrs. S. C. Barlow, Joseph Barnato, Barnett Isaac Barrington, Hon. and Rev. L Barron, Walter Bass, Mrs. Eliza Bateraan, A. S. Bathurst, Henry Beevor, Henry Beith, J. Alexander 223 230 238 244 250 256 262 268 27s 280 287 292 298 303 310 316 322 327 332 336 340 286 212 296 176 176 316 253» 77 124 281 268 332 198 327 316 127 157 117 193 241 323 105 215 329 207 294 248 151 62 112 159 1^3 117 289 272 128 204 256 72 304 94 135 "WILIj S — continued, Bellinghan, Henry Benyon, Richard . Berington, Charles Beville, General Bibby, James J. Birchall, John D. . Birks, William Blaiklock, David . Blake, Samuel Boam, Alderman . Bolland, William . Bolton, Major John Bohon, W. H. Boultbee, Major E. F. Bousfield, John Bowen, Rt. Hon. L?dy Bowes-Lyon, Hon. Herbert Bradley, Rutland . Bramley, Herbert . Brandon, David Brandon, Horatio . Bretton, Baron Monk Bright, Heywood . Bristowe, Samuel B., Q.C. Brondhurst, G. Brooks Brown, Matthew . Brown, Sir J. .. Bruce, Andrew Bruce, Lord Charles Brundrit, C. J. , Bruzaud, C. J. Buchanan, George . Bunbury, Mrs. Sarah Byng, Hon. J. M. O. Calverley, Edmund Cameron, Col. J. W. Cameron, Hugh Camm, Samuel Camoys, Baron Campbell, John Scarlett Carrol, E. G. Casella, Louis P. . Cave, Sir Lewis Chadwick, Samuel . Chaworth-Masters, Lieu Chaytor, Henry Chaytor, Sir William Chnmes, Richard . Christie, James Churton, Miss Ellen Clark, Capt. W. P. Clark, G. W. . Clark, Stewart Clark, William Cleverly, Charles . Cochrane, Fitzroy . Cockburn, Mrs. Emma Cohen, Miss M. Coke, W. S., J.P. . Colby, Charles L. W. Colmer^ James CollisSon, C. F. H. Colman, A. Cozens Hardy BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 PAGE "WILL S — continued. Colman, Mrs. I. C. . . . iS4 Colnaghi, CP 102 Coning, Alfred Coates , , .178 Conyngham, Marquis . , . 333 Cooper, George Chester . .291 Copland, Heniy .... 69 Couling, Leonard .... 296 Court, John 263 Cox, Homersham . . . .121 Cox, John Pearson . , .83 Cracroft-Amcotts, Major . . 203 Crocker, Charles .... 90 Crofton, Right Hon. Sir Walter . 242 Crossley, F. W. . . , . 144 Crosthwaite, John Fisher . , 294 Cumming, Mrs. J. Gordon . . 121 Cunliffe Brooke .... 144 Cunningham, George Miller . . 163 Curling, Capt. William . . . i68 Currie, Bertram . • . .81 Dacosta, John .... 310 Dalzel, W. F. B 187 Danby, William .... 303 Darnley, Earl of . . . .95 Darter, William Silver . . • 209 Dartrey, Earl of . . . .187 David, William . . . .116 Davies, Fredk. . . . . 98 Derham-Cookes, Lieut. -Col. G. .138 Devey, Joseph . . . .212 Dickson, Thomas .... 103 Dietz, George Edward . • . 296 Dorrell, William .... 65 Dowden, William G. . . .88 Doyle, J. H 152 D'Oyly, Lieut. -Gen. John . .165 Doyne, R. Vigors . . . .73 Drysdale, Andrew .... 178 Du Bois de Ferrieres, Baroness . 178 Du Croz, Frederick . . . 204 Dugdale, W 68 Duncan-Wilson, W. D. . . 141 Dundas, Lady .... 273 Du Pasquier, Claudius . . . 257 Duxbury, Joseph .... 68 Earle, Charles William . .222 Edwardes, Hon. Henry G. . .116 Edwards, W. Howard . . .137 Egan, Patrick. . . .268 Elias, Ney 183 Elder, Sir Thomas .... 320 Ellicombe, R. R. . , . .110 Ellison, Dr. J 108 Eltingham, J. T 268 Emerson, Ambrose . , .85 Empson, R. C 97 Erskine, General . . . . 309 Erskine, George David . . .3-^0 Farlow, Charles . . . .189 Farnham, Baron .... 57 Fawcett, Mrs 261 Fell, Rev. James Alexander . .295 Fenwick, Robert . . . .311 Ixxiii PAGE "^IXiLx^—conthiued, Ferryman, Gen. A. H. . • . 200 Fielden, Thomas, M.P. . . , 320 Firth, Thomas .... 340 Fitzhardinge, Baroness . . . 273 Fitz-Herbert, Sir W. ... 83 Flemming, Thomas . . . 304 Foley, Gen. Hon. Sir St. George G. 93 Foley, Lady 212 Forbes, William .... 223 Ford, Frederick . . . .176 Forester, Lieut.-Col. Hon. H. T. 149 Forster, Anthony .... 85 Forwood, Mrs. M. E. . , . 130 Fox, Charles Edward . . . 323 Francis, Major-Gen. . . . 287 Fraser, General .... 214 Freer, F. H 150 Froy, William .... 235 Fry, Mrs. S 156 Fulford, H. C 104 FuUarton, R. W. Macleod . .71 Gale, John Weston . , . 319 Gamble, Francis . , . .212 Gascoyne, W. W 148 Germon, Lieut. -Colonel . . 206 Gibbon, Edward .... 284 Gillelt, Henry .... 307 Girdlestone, Rev. W. H.. . .113 Godsal, Philip .... 94 Gooch, Sir Henry .... 232 Good, John 320 Good, John Garnett . . . 320 Goodfellow, John , • . . 266 Gordon, C. W. . . . 159 Gore, Hon. Charles . , .214 Gosling, Ellis 308 Gotto, Edward . . . .138 Goulburn, Rev. Edward . . 203 Graham, Chas. .... 85 Grant, Gen. Robert . . . 165 Grantley, Lady .... 107 Greene, Lieut.-Col. D. C. . • 143 Grenfell, P. Dupr6 ... 62 Greville, Hon. George . . . 212 Gulliver, Lieut. -Gen. H. \I. . 60 Gunther, C. J 125 Guthrie, A. U. . . , . 120 Haig, Henry 307 Halford, Dame E. U. . . . 268 Halford, Rev. Sir John . . .168 Halford, Sir Henry . . . 268 Harding, W. D 124 Hardman, Josiah . . . .119 Hardwick, Edmund . . . 165 Hardy, Thomas .... 307 Harper, George, J.P. . . , 172 Harrison, J. W. . ^ . .130 Hastings, W. H 212 Hatton, Lieut.-Col. La Touche . lox Hayhurst- France, G. H. H. . . 13d Heelis, John 92 Hewett, Lieut.-Gen. . . . 266 Heywood-Lonsdale, A. P. . 105 Ixxiv BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 WIIjIj S—contin tted. Hicks, A. Power . Milliard, G. B. Hindlip, Baron Hogg, Robert Holdsworth, James Holroyd, General . Holt, Millner . Hood, Sinclair Hope, Thomas Arthur Hopgood, James . Hornby, Sir E. G. Hotham, A. T. Houghton, George W. Houston, John Hughes, Gen. Sir William Impey, Colonel Lovibond Ingelow, Jean Ingham, Robert Ives, Major-Gen. St. John Jameson, William . Jay, Charles . Johnston, Captain James Johnson, James Henry . Jones-Bateman, R. Jones, Miss Lydia . . Kay, Rt. Hon. Sir E. . Kennedy, James D. , Kensington, Lord . Kent, Mrs. J. Barton . Kenyon, George Ker&haw, James Kevill-Davies, Capt. W. T. S. King, William Kinnoull, Earl of . Knight, Col. Sir Frederick Winn Kortright, Augustus Krabb6, J. H. . . Kruckenberg, Frederick Laing, Samuel Lambarde, M. Lancaster, Edward, J. P. Lancaster, John . , Lane, Col. C. N. . Lane, Mrs. A. E. , Lane- Fox, George . , Lange, W. J. Larkin, John . Larkins, Mrs. Martha Anne Larkins. W. F. Laurence, Howard Lawrence, Sir James Lawrence, Sir William . Leavers, John Leech, Charles . . Leedham, Mrs. H. Leman, James . . Lewis, M. Francis . Linde, H. Eyre Lindsay, Dowager Countess Lloyd, Mrs. M. W. Lobnitz, Henry C. Loftus, Lady A. M H. Ludford-Astley, Rev. B. C. 60 139 288 128 268 290 291 268 208 94 88 68 248 130 168 244 268 226 107 87 220 210 234 97 340 153 106 71 130 260 230 88 75 318 190 215 153 212 268 los 209 112 136 III 63 90 225 183 109 29s 226 226 260 340 64 216 268 138 271 86 95 112 157 'WLLiLxS" continued. Lush, Mrs. Sarah . • Lyle, Hugh . , , Lyons, General , • Mackenzie, William Mackinnon, Sir William Maclean, Charles . Macnab, D. M. . Macrae, George Mannering, Edward Mann, Thomas Manningham-Buller, Maj or Marge tson, Paul . Markby, H. . Martin, Admiral . • Martin, Robert • • Masaroon, W. R. . , Masterman, George • Massey, Francis . Matts, Robert Mauley, Baron de . McKenzie, N. K. . • Milford, G. H. Milward, Major , . Milles, Hon. Miss A. Minchjn, Charles H. Mocatta, Mrs. A. . Montpensier, Dowager Duel: Montresor, Lieut. 'Col. . Moore, John . Morley, Countess Dowager ^ Morris, John Grant Morton, John Thomas . Moseley, Joseph . Moss, Hugh . Mothersill, Christopher . Mouat, Frederic J. Mumford, M. J. Mundella, Right Hon. A. J. Murchison, Kenneth Musters, Lieut. H. C. . Nash, Mrs. Elizabeth . Newman, Matthew Newman, R. de Denne , Nicol, George Garden . Nind, George Nobel, Dr. Alfred . Noble, John . Normanton, Earl of Northampton, Marauis of Nourse, Henry Nussey, Pete* O'Connell, Daniel O'Connor, James Oldfield, Joseph Onslow, Lieut. -Col. Overend, Mrs. Maria Paas, WiUiam. Page, Charles Palmer, George Parke, Gen. Sir W. Parnell, Louis Parrott, James Parry, Thomas BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Ixxv WJIjIj S — contintied. Pass, A. Daniel de Patman, John Prior Patmore, Coventry Paulet, Col. Charles Pauling, H. R. Pearson, J. H. , Pease, H. F. . Pechell, Sir George Peele, C. J. . Penton, E. . . Petrocochino, Eiistratios Phayre, Gen. Sir Robert Phillips, John Orwell Phipps, Charles John Pilcher.W. F. Pollock, G. D. Poole, Arthur Ruscombe Ponsonby, Rt. Hon. C, F. A.Cooper Porcelli, Baroness • Porter, Thomas , Potter, Howard • Potter, T. W. Powell, T. W. Pringle, Col. Sir N. \V. Preece, John A. Pryor, Mrs. Jane A. Radcliffe, General . Rae-Brown, Colin , Raggett, George . Ramsay, Hon. Robert Ramsbottom, John Raper, James Henry Reid, John . • Rennie, George Revelstoke, Baron . Ricardo, Frank Richards, Admiral Sir G. V/. Richmond, Major-Gen. H. Riddell, J. R. Riley, William Ritson, Captain Robertson, Charles Watson Robbins, Andrew . Robinson, Dame . ^ Robinson, Sir Francis Robinson, Henry . Rodgers, Mrs. J. E. Roope, Thomas Ross, Surg. -Gen. J. T. Rowe, F. Wyndon C, J. P. Ruston, Joseph Sale, John Edward Salmon, Barnett Salmon, Lieut. -Colonel Saunders, Captain . Saunderson, Lady E. P'. Savile, Baron Savill-Onley, Mrs. . Schilizzi, Mrs. Schwabe, Gustav C. Scott, George Gilbert Searight, Mrs. Seddon, P. Kerslake 258 121 168 321 163 104 272 105 64 170 112 209 242 162 135 221 77 268 95 285 130 108 295 117 95 295 311 112 329 201 225 176 197 215 244 71 62 75 176 3" 178 94 325 157 116 112 226 168 182 269 302 174 214 275 221 320 "3 196 269 179 "WILLS — continued. Sedgwick, Mrs. Mary Ann Sharp, William Sharpe, Charles Sharpe, Mavcus J. . Shorthouse, W. T. . Sim, Major-General Slade, Colonel Sligo, Marquis of . Smith, John William Solly, Henry . Solvyns, Baroness . Somers, John . Spencer, J. M. Stallard, T. Bristow, J. Standring, Hugh , Stewart, W. E. Stiff, James . Stephens, Admiral . Stone, Edward James Story, Miss S. M. A. Stuart, Mrs. L. G. Stubley, James Sutherland, Mrs. Rebecca Sutton, Alfred Swinburne, Lady . Sykes, John Percy . Sylvester, J. J. Tagg, Thomas George Tate, John . , Taylor, H. B. Taylor, Samuel . Taylor, William . Taylor, W. J. Thomas, Lewis Thompson, Henry, M.D. Tipping, William . Tippinge, Miss Maria Towers, Miss H. R. Tremenheere, Major-Gen. G. Trollope, Hon. Charles Tucker, Francis Tucker, St. George Turner, Alfred Turner, Gen. H. B. Underdoun, Mrs. L. Uzielli, Mrs. Th^rese Vaughan, Very Rev. Charles Vernon, Lieut. -Col. G. A. Vickerman, Charles Rankin Vigers, Henry , Vokins, William , Wade, C. J. . Wainwright, Mrs. Harriet Wakefield, Bishop of . Wales, James . . Wallace, Lady , , Waliis, Marriage . . Walthall, Edward . Walters, Mrs. J. . Warner, Sir Joseph Warren, Major Richard Pelh Waterhouse, J. Dockray Watkins, Major J., C.B. 131 236 294 15^ III 206 332 74 301 i33 96 165 Ixxvi BOOK OP THE YEAR 1897 PAGE 'WTLi'Li^— continued. Welldon, Rev. J. T. . . .98 Wellesley, Lady Victoria . .153 Wells, Sir T. Spencer- . . .112 Wemyss, Countess of . • • 109 West, Mrs. Catherine , . 303 Westrop, Mrs. A. M. , . .62 White, Mrs. Sarah . . . 176 Wickham, William . . .184 Wignall, Walter Barton . . 178 Wigram, Rev. F. E. . . . I'zj Wigram, William Loftus . . 1C6 Wilbraham, Colonel . . . 212 Wilbraham, R. W. ... 147 Wilkins, Gen. St. Clair ... 95 PAGB WILIj S —continued. Williams, George E. . . .73 Wills, Mrs. May .... 212 Wilson, Capt. B. R. . . . 295 Wilson, Rev. Robert . . . 225 Wilson, Thomas W. . . .88 Winans, William Louis . . . 245 Wood, Thomas , . . .112 Woodiwiss, Mrs 245 Worthington, Mrs. A. E. , . 12 Wrentmore, Francis . . . lol Wyatt, Hugh Penfold . . .23, Yeoman, Ven. H. W. . . .13 Young, Edward . . • ,261 Young, Maj.-Gen . . . #32' CONSOIiS- Highest price in the year 1897 . 113I Lowest I II t» • BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Friday, January 1. Africa The ex- King Prempeh, his relatives and attendants, removed from Elmina Castle and put on board a steamer to be conveyed to Sierra Leone. Church Canon Trefusis appointed Suffragan Bishop of Exeter with the title of Bishop of Crediton. Colonial Enthusiastic demonstration in favour of Mr. Rhodes at his residence in Capetown. Court The Queen's Annual Gifts to the poor of Windsor distributed in the Biding School at Windsor Castle. The twentieth anniversary of the proclamation of the Queen as Empress of India celebrated at Calcutta. General New Year's honours — Sir Joseph Lister, F.R.S., and Lord Kinnear created peers. Italy Illness of King Humbert of Italy. Navy Commander J. G. Heugh, of the Galatea, sentenced by court-martial to be deprived of six months' seniority and to be dismissed his ship. Obituary Colonel C. H. Ewart, Indian Staff Corps. Heinrich Gatke, aged 83. Henry Grant, British Consul-General at Warsaw, aged 62. Dr. Thomas Jameson, aged 59. Sport-- Manchester. New Year's Handicap Steeplechase : Racing Swanshot, i ; Ballyohara, 2 ; Lotus Lily, 3. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.05 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 52 degrees; minimum, 41 degrees. Will Baron Farnham, 2 ,6 2 1 . 58 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Colonial Obituary Portugal Stage Weather Will Obituary Politics Weather Art Colonial Saturday, January 2. News received of suppression of the Angoni-Zulu rising in South Nyassaland. Miss Isabella Blackwood, daughter of the publisher, aged 85. Colonel John Eeeve, late Grenadier Guards, aged 74. The King of Portugal opened the Cortes at Lisbon. " A Man about Town," produced at the Avenue Theatre. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 46 degrees ; minimum, 33 degrees. Dense fog in London and the suburbs. The late Dr. Alfred Nobel's fortune of two millions announced as having been given for the promotion of physical science, Sunday, January 3. {Second after Christmas,) Cardinal Sanfelice di Acquavella, Archbishop of Naples, aged 63. Dr. Wilhelm Deecke, aged 66. Mrs. Sout6r, widow of Captain Souter, aged 89. Mr. C. P. Yilliers, M.P., the Father of the House of Commons," celebrated his 95th birthday. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 41 degrees; minimum, 36 degrees. Monday, January 4. (Qvjarter Sessions began,) Opening of the Winter Exhibition of the Royal Academy (Works of the late Lord Leighton). Sir Charles Bruce, K.C.M.G., appointed Governor of Mauritius. Sir Hubert Edward Henry Jerningham, K.C.M.G., appointed Governor of the colony of Trinidad and Tobago, BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 59 Colonial Sir Cornelius Alfred Maloney, K.C.M.G., appointed Governor of the Windward Islands. Colonel David Wilson, C.M.G., appointed Governor of British Honduras. Court The Prince and Princess of Wales visited the Duke and Duchess of Sutherland at Trentham. Fire Great timber fire at Hoxton. France French Senate elections. Bepublicans elected, 69 ; Badicals, 13; Socialist Badicals, 3; Beactionaries, 12. Law The Hon. Sir Joseph Chitty appointed as successor to Lord Justice Kay as a Judge in the Court of Appeal. Norway Launch at Walker of the Norwegian ironclad Ha/rald Haarfagre, Obituary Sir Henry Halford, celebrated English rifle shot, aged 68. Bobert Harrison, formerly librarian to the London Library, aged 76. Sir Joseph Hickson, late general manager of the Grand Trunk Bail way, aged 66. Father Joseph, Superior of the Brothers of Christian Doctrine. M. Yivien St. Martin, geographer, aged 94 (an- nounced to-day.) Weather Bainfall in London, 0.07 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 44 degrees ; minimum, 40 degrees. Tuesday, January 5. Accident Five lives lost in a colliery explosion near Loughor. Church The Bev. Dr. Creighton, Bishop of Peterborough, elected Bishop of London. Execution Henry Brown hanged at "Wandsworth for tne murder of his wife at Clapham. General Miners' Federation of Great Britain began its Annual Conference at Leicester. Germany Emperor William's order on duelling published. Obituary Ex-Minister Senor Yenancio Gonzalez. Le Comte de Mas-Latrie, aged 81. James Salmon, member of the Corporation of London, aged 53. 6o BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Obituary Theodore Wormley, eminent chemist. Weather Eainfall in London, 0.15 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 46 degrees ; minimum, 36 degrees. Wills Lieut.-General H. W. Gulliver, ^8783. Arthur Power Hicks, ;^3 1,093. Duncan Macpherson Macnab, ;^59,8oi. Wednesday, January 6. {Epiphany!) Colonial Mr. Ehodes started for England, after a most cordial reception and banquet at Capetown, where he made a stirring speech. Bechuanaland Mounted Yolunteers left Vryburg for the scene of the native rising. Fire Fire at the XJrsuline Convent, Eoburval, Quebec, Seven nuns killed. France Quinquennial Census of France announced. Popula- tion 38,518,975, an increase of 299,072, as compared with 1886. Obituary Surgeon-Major Robert Manser, head of the Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy Hospital, aged 46. Stephen Yon Papay, aged 69. Politics— Mr. Leonard Courtney, M.P., spoke at Liskeard. Speeches Mr. Gladstone spoke at Hawarden on the Armenian Question. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.08 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 48 degrees ; minimum, 42 degrees. Wills Miss Sarah Mary Anne Story, ;^67,ii3. Mrs. Ann Mocatta, 8,969. Accident Colonial Consols — Price of Obituary Thursday, January 7. Orotava Disaster. Yerdict of accidental death returned by a Coroner's jury in the case of the five drowned men. (See also June 29.) Rhodesia, Great Indaba at Buluwayo. 1 11^; same week last year, io5f. Lieut.-General Otto Richard Kjerulf, Norwegian Minister of State, aged 71. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 6i Obituary Politics Transvaal Weather Wheat—. Price of Johann August Streng, mineralogist. Lady Elizabeth Yilliers, aged 75. General Francis Amasa Walker, President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, United States. The Chancellor of the Exchequer spoke at Clifton. Transvaal Indemnity claim reported as being under two millions sterling. Bainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 48 degrees ; minimum, 42 degrees, 30s. 6d. ; same week last year, 25s. 2d, Friday, January 8. Church Dr. Temple enthroned as Archbishop of Canterbury in the cathedral. A man ejected for disorderly con- duct during the service. The Very Rev. Mervyn Archdall, Dean of Cork, elected Bishop of Killaloe. Cuba Cuba insurgents reported to have notified their willing- ness to negotiate for peace. General The Bishop-elect of London and Mrs. Creighton cele- brated their silver wedding. Miners' Federation Conference at Leicester came to an end. India Bombay Plague. "Weekly mortality reported to be 200 in every 1000. Indian Famine. The Lord Mayor consented to open a Mansion House Relief Fund. Law Russell-Scott case. Lady Scott, Cockerton, and Aylott each sentenced to eight months' imprisonment with- out hard labour. Obituary Major-General John Innis Gibbs, aged 75^ Major J. Simpson Knox, Y.O. Lady Maclean, aged 83. Surgeon-General Manifold. Monseigneur Tregaro, Bishop of Seez, aged 72. Politics Mr. Asquith spoke at Dewsbury. Sir H. Campbell- Bannerman spoke at St. Andrews. Stage ^ Pierrot's Life," produced at a matinee at the Prince of Wales's Theatre, 62 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Weather Rainfall in London, 0.74 inch. Temperature : maxi* mum, 44 degrees ; minimum, 38 degrees. Will Major-General H. T. Richmond, ;^26i8. Saturday, January 9. {Christmas Fire Insv/rance ceased.) Army Annual meeting of the Army Rifle Association. Court The Queen gave ;^Soo to the Indian Famine Fund. Fire Fire at the Court Theatre, Liverpool. Three children burnt to death at East Molesey. General F. and 0. steamer Nubia arrived at Plymouth and reported several cases of cholera on board. Navy H.M.S. Terrible in her trials, beat the record of every war vessel afloat, steaming an average of 22^ knots an hour. Obituary The Rev. Robert O'Callaghan, LL.D., aged 62. Richard Vigors Doyne, Barrister-at-Law, aged 72. Maria Antonia, Lady Cunningham-Fairlie, aged 76. Captain Dover Farrant, R.N., aged 69. Charles Maron, journalist, aged 80. James Poole Maunsell, chief proprietor of Dublin Daily Express. The Hon. Isabella, Baroness de Poellnitz, aged 80. Sir Henry Jacob Preston, Bart., aged 45. Karl Herman Satherberg, aged 85. Shipwreck News received of the wreck of a Belgian steamer off Ushant ; several lives lost. Sport— Wales beat England by a goal and 2 tries to Football nothing. Stage "The Sorrows of Satan" produced at the Shaftes- bury. Weather Temperature : Maximum, 44 degrees ; minimum, 37 degrees. V/ills John Loraine Baldwin, ;^37jI9o. Pascoe Dupr6 Grenfell, 125,252. Mrs. Amelia Margaret Westrop (Madame Louise), ;^^26,298, BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 63 Sunday, January 10* {First after Epiphany.) Obituary M. Petrides, Minister of Education at Athens. Rev. Dr. John William Stubbs, senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, aged 75. Major-General George Augusl3us "Williams, aged Weather Rainfall in London, 0.09 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 48 degrees ; minimum, 37 degrees. Austria Benin Court Fire Law Obituary United States Weather Will Monday, January 11, {Hilary Sittings began.) Sir Horace Rumbold, new British Ambassador in Vienna, presented his credentials to the Em- peror. News received of the Massacre of a British Expedition at Benin, West Africa, on Jan. 4. The Queen's long reign. The Prince of Wales stated that while her Majesty still refrained from ex- pressing an opinion, she would appreciate any undertaking which might be the outcome of the wish of the people. Russian Oil Company's works at Purfleet destroyed. Law Courts reopened. Brigade-Surgeon J. S. Conyers, M.D., aged 55. M. Cordier, authority on Finance. Henry Davidson, Barrister-at-Law, aged 59. Lady Holmes. The Rev. Thomas Hooper, aged 92. 0. Otto Leyde, R.S.A., aged 61. General Marchal, formerly Inspector of the Garde Civique in Belgium. Arbitration Treaty between Great Britain and the United States signed. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature ^ maximum, 43 degrees ; minimum, 40 degrees. George Lane-Fox, ;^88, 6 10, 64 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Tuesday, January 12. Court Donation from the Prince and Princess of Wales of 250 guineas to the Indian Famine Fund. France French Chamber reopened, M. Brisson being elected President. Obituary John Cameron Christian Beddoe (announced April 2). General de Lignieres, aged 64. Frederic John Mouatt, LL.D., aged 80. Bobert Keith Pringle, aged 94. Politics Cleveland Election. A. E. Pease (L.), 5508; Col. Bopner (C), 4080 — majority, 1428. Weather Bainfall in London, none. Temperature: maximum, 42 degrees; minimum, 37 degrees. Will Mrs. Henrietta Leedham, ^sgjg* India Law Obituary Politics Sport- Football Weather Will Wednesday, January 13. Indian Famine Fund. The contributions to the Mansion House Fund reached about ;^42,ooo. Cayley v, Labouchere. Verdict against defendant with ;^ioo damages for libel. Bailey & Co. v, the Glass Bevellers' Trade Union : ;^674 damages awarded for malicious interference. The Dowager Empress Asako. Anthony Forster, F.B.C.L Agostino Gatti (Adelphi Theatre). Abbe Boussel, aged 72. Captain William Wallis Yine, B.N". James Talboys Wheeler. Lord George Hamilton spoke at the Acton Conserva- tive Club. Kent beat Hampshire by 2 goals and 5 tries to nothing. Bainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 42 degrees; minimum, 38 degrees. Edward Penton, ;^7o,5i8. Thursday^ January 14- Art Mr. J. J. Sargent, A.B A. elected Boyal Academician. Mr. Alfred Parsons and Mr. J. J. Sha,nnon elected Associates. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 65 Book Consols — Price of Court General India Law Obituary Politics — Speech Russia Shipwreck Turkey Weather Wheat- Price of Wills " The Autobiography and Letters of Gibbon/' 3 vols. iiiyl; same week last year, 107-^. The Prince and Princess of Wales present at a Memorial Service for the Duke of Clarence. Concessions in Postal and Money Orders announced. Annual meeting of the Incorporated Association of Head Masters at Christ^s Hospital. Indian Famine. Mansion House Fund reached £60,000.^ Public meeting held at Calcutta to organise a Famine Belief Fund. It was reported that 2356 people had died in Bombay. Mr. A. Greatorex Smith found not guilty at the Old Bailey of performing an illegal operation on Con- stance Fletcher, who died. Mr. E. W. Byrne, M.P. appointed a Chancery Judge in the place of Mr. Justice Chitty. Dr. Carroll, Boman Catholic Bishop of Shrewsbury, aged 58. Sir Thomas Fraser Grove, Bart., aged 76. The Bev. William Basil Jones, D.D., Bishop of St. David's, aged 75. The Duke of Devonshire, speaking in the City on Secondary Education, said there was a general agreement as to the necessity of remodelling the central authority and the constitution of a local administration. Count Muravieff appointed Russian Minister of Foreign Aflairs. Wreck of the Warren Hastings oW Beunion Island. Eastern Crisis. The Sultan assented to the control of the Budget, and to a permanent Financial Com- mission being appointed. Proposals of the Powers with regard to the reform of the Cretan Gen- darmerie accepted. Bainfall in London, none. Temperature: maximum; 38 degrees ; minimum, 34 degrees. 3 IS. id. ; same week last year, 25s. 4d. William Dorrell, ;;^26,432. James Stubley, ;^i90,972. 66 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Friday, January 15. Benin Benin Massacre. News received of two surviving officers, Captain Boisragon and T. M. Locke. Book Mr. Alfred Austin's new poems, The Conversion of Winckelmann." Church The election of Dr. Mandell Creighton to the See of London confirmed at Bow Church, where a protest was read and considerable disorder created. Colonial Mashonaland. Rebels who had attacked some friend- lies defeated by a police patrol from Salisbury. Court The Queen held a Council at Osborne. India Indian Famine Fund amounted to ;^76,ooo. Obituary Charles Brun, chief constructor of the French Navy, aged 75. Sir Patrick Maxwell, aged 80. Sir Travers Twiss, Q.C., aged 87* Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 41 degrees ; minimum, 34 degrees. Benin Fire General India Law Saturday, January 16» The Benin Disaster. The punitive force left Liver- pool for the West Coast of Africa. Two warehouses destroyed at Wandsworth. Dr. James Ward, Fellow of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, elected to the Professorship of Mental Philosophy and Logic in the University. Mr. McConnell, Q.C., Chairman of Quarter Ses^ sions for the County of London, entertained at dinner at the Hotel Metropole by the Northern Circuit. The Bev. Archibald Bobertson, D.D., elected Prin- cipal of King's College, London. Indian Famine Fund. Meeting at the Mansion House. Mr. Hyndman expelled. Fund reached ^80,000. Action by Miss Sylvia Grey against Mrs. Wyatt, of the Duke of York's Theatre, failed. BOOK OF THE YEAH 1897 67 Law Obituary Weather Wills Obituary Weather Accident General India Law Hern Divorce Case. The Kev. A. B. Winnifrith sen- tenced at the Old Bailey to eighteen months' im- prisonment, and Rose Agnes Hern to six months, for perjury. Bear- Admiral Arthur Edward Dupuis, aged 58. Alfred Quantin Mary, aged 7 1 . Peter Beid, ex-Provost of Forfar, aged 93, M. Constantin Nikolaievitch Bestuzhef-Byumin, aged 68. William Tipping, formerly director of L. & N.W. Bailway, aged 80. Mr. Willis, U.S. Minister to Hawaii, aged 68. Temperature: maximum, 37 degrees; minimum, 31 degrees. Neil Kennedy McKenzie, ;^357i. Lieut. -Colonel G. A. Yernon, ;^io,i79. Sunday, January 17. {Second after Epiphany.) Lieut. -Colonel Hugh Somerville Sawyer Burney, aged Bainfall in London, o.ii inch, consisting chietiy of melted snow. Temperature : maximum, 36 de- grees; minimum, 31 degxees. Monday, January 18. Ferry-boat upset on the Usk at Newport ; ten men drowned. Civic reception of Dr. Temple, Archbishop of Canter- bury, at the Guildhall. The Ijord Mayor and Lady Mayoress gave a juvenile fancy dress ball at the Mansion House. Indian Famine Mansion House Fund amounted to P^92,ooo. Dynamite case. Bell's trial commenced at the Old Bailey. Cunningham Divorce Case, Kespondent committed suicide. 68 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Politics Lord Kimberley chosen as Liberal Leader in the House of Lords. Mr. Hulse, M.P. for Salisbury, announced his resigna- tion. United Safety reported of Mr. Stephen Crane, who was States supposed to have been lost by the foundering of the steamship Commodore off the coast of Florida. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 36 degrees; minimum, 27 degrees. Wills William Dugdale, J.P., ^282,017. Augustus Thomas Hotham, ;^io2,i5o. Tuesday, January 19. Benin Admiral Rawson appointed to command the punitive expedition, which was to number about 1400 men. Cuba Spanish gunlDoat blown up by a torpedo by the in- surgents. General Lord Penrhyn^s quarries opened for work, but no men presented themselves. India Indian Famine. The Mansion House Fund reached ;^I0O,OOO. Obituary Lr. Edward Ballard, M.D., aged 76. Lieut. -Colonel Montagu Brook Wilbraham Taylor, Rifle Brigade. Politics Parliament reassembled. Reference made to the Queen's long reign, and the Arbitration Treaty with the United States. Mr. Balfour announced the intention of the Govern- ment to institute further inquiry into the financial relations of Great Britain and Ireland. Lord Bath moved the Address in the Lords; Lord Kenyon seconded it. Lord Folkestone moved the Address in the Commons ; Mr. Lyttelton seconded it. Sweden The Session of the Riksdag opened in Stockholm by the King. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 39 degrees ; minimum, 34 degrees. Wills Joseph Duxbury, ;£2 1,755. Charles Maclean, ;/^4429. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 69 Wednesday, January 20. Colonial Revolt in Basutoland. Cape Mounted Police ordered to Umzim Kula. Court The Queen and the Princess Henry of Eattenberg attended a IMemorial Service in commemoration of the first anniversary of the death of Prince Henry of Eattenberg. India Indian Famine Mansion House Fund reached ;£ii2,ooo, and the Stock Exchange Fund, Law Duncan v, Crabbe — breach of promise case settled out of court — terms not announced. Dynamite Case. Prosecution withdrawn as the jury returned a verdict of not guilty against Edward Bell, alias Ivory. Obituary Madame Hippolyte Carnot, mother of President Carnot, aged 80. James Carsewell, C.E., aged 60. Rear- Admiral Theodore Enghelm, Russian Naval officer. Henry Charles Fulford, President of the East Bir- mingham Liberal Council, aged 48. Roger William Wilbraham, aged 80. Politics— On the Address : an amendment of Mr. P. O'Brien Commons for the release of the Irish political prisoners nega- tived, the Home Secretary stating that he saw no justification for the demand. Sport — Manchester January Hurdle Race : Willington, i ; Racing Swaledale, 2; Kale, 3. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 3 5 degrees ; minimum, 3 1 degrees. V7ill Henry Copland, 8,871, Thursday, January 21. Benin Benin Disaster. Further particulars stated that besides seven British officials, 250 carriers were elain, the expedition being caught in an ambush. 70 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Consols — Price of General Greece Law Obituary Persia Politics Sport- Football Racing Turkey Weather Wheat- Price of ii2yV; same week last year, loyf. London School Board reassembled after the recess. Earthquake reported to have occurred in Epirus. Webb V, Webb and Protheroe : divorce case, damages for the plaintiff I GOO. The Bev. Thomas Arnold, of Northampton, aged 80. General Edward Westby Donovan, aged 75. Major Charles Eb'ot Poynder, India Staff Corps. Earthquake at Kishim, on the Persian Gulf ; 2500 people killed. House of Lords adjourned for a week. Mr. Dillon's amendment to the Address respecting Irish agriculture negatived by 189 to 125. Mr. Chamberlain received at the Colonial Office a deputation from the Silk Association of Great Britain and Ireland. London beat the Army by 2 goals to i, Charles Wood's licence to ride renewed. Irad6 issued by tl\e Porte accepting the demands of the Armenians with certain modifications. Rainfall in London (melted snow), 0.04 inch. Tem- perature : maximum, 37 degrees; minimum, 34. degrees. 31S, 8d. ; same week last year, 253. lod. Friday, January 22. Church Archbishop of Canterbury presented with the hono- rary freedom of Exeter. Colonial Mr. Bhodes arrived at Plymouth in the Dunvegan Castle, Sir Samuel Strong, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Dominion of Canada, and the Hon. Samuel Way, Chief Justice of South Australia, appointed Privy Councillors. India Bombay Plague. Pilgrim traffic stopj)ed. Niger Niger land forces found that the Foulah army had deserted Kabba.. They halted at Egbom after a seventeen days* march, without losing a single load out of the'^iooo carried. BOOK OF THE YEAH 1897 71 Obituary Politics Weather wnis Benin General India Obituary Stage Weather WiU Cardinal Bianchi, aged 71. Canon Cholmondeley, aged 71. Charles Parsons Knight, painter, aged 67. Sir Bald^vyn Leighton, Bart., aged 60. M. Pastour, engineer to the Egyptian State Rail- ways. Sir Isaac Pitman, aged 84. Mr. Balfour spoke on the release of the dyna- mitards. Rainfall in London (melted snow), 0.06 inch ; severe snowstorms all over the United Kingdom. Tem- perature : maximum, 37 degrees; minimum, 28 degrees. Heavy fall of snow in England. A north-easterly gale visited most parts of the United Kingdom. Ralph Wardlow Macleod Fullarton, Q.C., ;^2592 6s. I id. Admiral Sir George Henry Richards, K.C.B., William Henry Bolton, 9,630. Saturday^ January 23« Benin Expedition. Despatch of the Malacca with Marines and Bluejackets. Mr. Cecil Rhodes arrived in London. Indian Famine. Mansion House Fund amounted to ^^138,000. S. E. J. Clark, secretary of the Calcutta Chamber of Commerce. M. Albert Desjardins, editor, aged 59. M. Paul de Remusat, French Senator, aged 66. Miss Ellen Terry reappeared as Imogen at the Lyceum. Temperature: maximum, 31 degi^ees; minimum, 27 degrees. Continued fall of snow and loss of life reported. Lord Kensington, ^^57,448. 72 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Sunday, January 24. {Third after Epiphany,) Fire Bolsover Church, near Chesterfield, destroyed. Niger Niger Campaign. News received that the Nusses had joined the Niger Company against the Foulahs, who were defeated at Shonga. Obituary Mrs. Hungerford, author of " Molly Bawn." Miss Edith Wynne (Mrs. Agabeg), singer, aged 54. Weather Rainfall in London, mere trace (melted snow). Temperature: maximum, 35 degrees; minimum, 27 degrees. Monday, January 25. Colonial Obituary Politics Sport- Boxing Weather Will It was stated that Lord Rosmead would leave South Africa in April, and not return again in his official capacity owing to ill-health. Hon. Sir St. George Foley, aged 82. Horatio Hale, ethnologist, aged 80. David Kirkaldy, engineer, aged 77, Montague Yizetelly, journalist. Sir H.Howarth's amendment to the Address respecting the Irish dynamitards negatived, as was also another regretting that no legislation was proposed with a view to prevent the adulteration of food products. Pedlar Palmer defeated E, Stanton for ;j^iioo at the National Sporting Club, after fourteen rounds. Rainfall in London, 0.04 inch (melted snow). Temperature : maximum, 36 degrees ; minimum, 29 degrees. Continued severe weather and falls of snow. Several wrecks reported on the East Coast. Hugh Alleyne Sackverel Bateman, ;^84,ii7. Tuesday, January 26. Fire Countess de la Warr's house in Grosvenor Street destroyed by fire. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 73 General Annual meeting of the National Education Associa- tion, at the National Liberal Club. Anniversary of the death of General Gordon. First Levee of the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland this season. Law Miss K. Fitzpatrick, an artistes model, awarded ;2£iSo damages against M. J. H. Curling for breach of promise. London London County Council reassembled after the recess. County the London County Council a letter from the Queen was read expressing regret that she would be unable to open the Black wall Tunnel, and an intimation was received from the Prince of Wales that he would be present at the ceremony. Obituary Dr. Zographos, physician, aged 76. Politics Amendments to the Address respecting the Indian Plague and simplification of the Kegistration Laws defeated, and another for a special envoy to Con- stantinople withdrawn. The Address agreed to. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 37 degrees; minimum, 29 degrees. Continued severe v/eather. Skating in London. Wills Hichard Yigors Doyne ;£6'j^^2^, George Edwin "Williams, 58,849. Lady Swinburne, ;:^Si6o. Wednesday, January 27. Art The Grafton Galleries : a collection of the works of Ford Madox Brown. Royal Society of Painters in Water- Colours : special exhibition of lately deceased members. General Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone left Hawarden for the south of France. The Annual Convention of Irish Landowners held In Dublin. First Drawing-room of the season at Dublin Castle. Lord Herschell opened a new technical school at Swindon. Germany Birthday of the German Emperor celebiuted at Berlin 74 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 India " Indian Famine. Mansion House Fund amounted to ;2^i6o,ooo. Law Monte Carlo Will Case. Miss Plummer, formerly a flower girl, obtained a verdict in favour of her claim. Grand 13ay of Hilary Term. Niger Niger Expedition. A severe figlit took place outside Bida. Obituary Dr. Karl Hoi stein, professor at Heidelberg, aged 70. Dr. Alexander Prof oit, commissioner on her Majesty's estates. Lieut. A. C. Thomson killed at Bida, aged 27. Politics KSalisbury Election. A. H. Allhusen (L.XJ.), 1425 ; J. M. Fuller (L.), 1278 : majority 147. Sir Howard Vincent's proposal to amend the Merchan- dise Marks Act, 1887, by substituting a general mark of origin, negatived on second reading by 153 to 97- . . Weather Ptainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 41 degrees ; minimum, 29 degrees. Will Mrs. Johanna Walters, 4,433. Consols — Price of Fire India Navy Obituary Politics — Lords Thursday, January 28. 112-5-®^; same price last year, io7|. A serious fire at Belfast in linen warehouses. Indian Plague. Total deaths in Bombay returned at 3275, and in Karachi at 644. Indian Famine. Mansion House Fund reached ^^171,000. The Lord Mayor decided to remit ^^50,000 to Calcutta, making in all 150,000. Annual Meeting of the Navy League at the Royal United Service Institution. General Alfred Butler Little, aged 72. Mrs. Massingberd, founder of the Pioneer Club. General Robert Phayre, G.C.B., aged 77. Captain Frank Harrison Ainsworth Swanson, General Henry Blois Turner, R.E, Professor Zdekauer, Physician to the Tsar, Queen's reply to the Address read. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 75 Politics- Commons Russia Sport- Boxing Stage Weather Wheat- Price of Wills Motion respecting Lord Penrhyn and his quarrymen negatived without a division. Re -appointment of South Africa Committee moved by Mr. Chamber- lain, and an amendment brought forward by Mr. Maclean affirming that the necessity for a committee no longer existed. Count MuraviefF, the new Russian Foreign Minister, visited Paris. Fight between Burge (England) and Conolly (America), resulted in a draw after lo rounds, owing to the interference of the police. The Free Pardon produced at the Olympic. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 38 degrees; minimum, 32 degrees. 3 IS. 7d. ; same week last year, 26s. id. Miss Matilda Cohen, ;^2 736. William King, ^^44,282. Admiral Martin, ;^6o8i. John Reginald Riddell, D.L., ^14^246, Friday, January 29. Court The Duchess of Fife opened the new wing of the Sussex County Hospital. India Indian Famine. Mansion House Fund amounted to Niger Niger Expedition. Sir George Goldie telegraphed to the Royal Niger Company " Eida is ours — all well." Obituary Major W. H. King, of the Plymouth Division of Royal Marine Light Infantry. Mrs. Knox, widow of the Right Rev. Robert Knox, Archbishop of Armagh. Patrick John Tuohy, Secretary of the Irish Board of "Works. Politics South Africa Committee re-appointed, 'M.v. Maclean withdrawing his amendment. Mr. Brodrick stated that ;^5,4s8,ooo was to be raised by a loan for perma.nent military works. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature ; maximum, 40 degrees ; minimum, 32 degrees. Will E. Stewart, F,E,C.S,, ;^23,942, 76 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Art Church Court India Obituary Politics Sport— Pedestri- anism Stage United States Weather Saturday, January 30. Society of Lady Artists' worlds at the Society of British Artists. Enthronement of Dr. Creighton as Bishop of London. The Empress Frederic arrived at Osborne. Christening of the infant son of Prince and Princess Henry of Prussia at Kiel (Prince Sigismund). Indian Famine. Mansion House Fund reached ^191,000. Lady Halford. George Hay, eleventh Earl of Kinnoul, aged 69. George B. Roberts, President of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Oscar Robert Themptander, aged 52. Mr. Chamberlain responded for her Majesty's Ministers at a dinner in Birmingham. Forfarshire Election. Captain Sinclair (L.), 5423 ; Hon. C. M. Ramsay (C), 4965 : majority, 458. E. C. Bredin beat Mills at Rochdale, and Watkins beat Anstead at Catford. " Olivia " revived at the Lyceum. Anglo-American Treaty. Foreign Relations Com- mittee agreed to recommend the treaty without amendments, one of which struck out the claims selecting King Oscar as arbitrator. Mr. Lyman Gage accepted the post of Secretary of the Treasury in Mr. McKinley's Cabinet. Temperature : maximum, 39 degrees ; minimum, 36 degrees. Sunday, January 31. [Fourth after Epiphany,) Niger Niger Expedition. News received that on this day the Flotilla detachment had taken the Southern Foulah capital and rescued 1200 slaves. Land force also successful after hard marching. Despatch reported that the principal buildings in Bida were being blown up. Obituary Hon. Mrs. Drummond, aged 99. BOOK OF THE YBAH 1897 77 Obituary Hal ton Pasha, President of the Egyptian Eailway Ad ministration . Sir Spencer Wells, F.R.C.S., aged 78. Politics Resignation announced of Sir George Trevelyan owing to ill-health. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.21 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 39 degrees ; minimum, 35 degrees. Wills William Daniel Allen, 7 0,85 2 (proved this month). Right Hon. Charles Frederick Ashley Cooper Pon- sonby, Baron de Mauley, ;^io76. Monday, February 1. Court The Prince of Wales and the Duke of York arrived in London from Sandringham. Crime Carew Poisoning Case. Mrs. Carew sentenced to death at Yokohama for poisoning her husband. Fire In Shoe Lane. Warehouses of Messrs. Walker and Hall gutted. General The Duke of Portland presided at the inaugural meet- ing of the London Ayrshire Society. Sir E. C. K. Ollivant, K.C.I.E., appointed member of the Council of the Governor of Bombay. Manicaland Arbitration decision in the frontier dispute communi- cated to the Governments of Great Britain and Portugal. Obituary Dr. James Ellison, surgeon and apothecary to the Queen's household, aged 80. Captain Matthew Charles Forster, R.N., aged 95. Baron von Kosjek, Austro-Hungarian Minister in Athens. The Duchesse de Montpensier, aged 65. Politics— Bill to extend the Parliamentary Franchise to Women Lords read the first time. Commons Mr. Chaplin stated that it was proposed to establish a central body for Poor-law Schools in London. 78 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Politics— Mr. Balfour announced the Ministerial Education Commons ^[U, Stage Production of "The Prodigal Father" at the Strand Theatre. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.23 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 40 degrees ; minimum, 30 degrees. Books Church France India Law London County Council Obituary Politics — Lords Commons Election Tuesday, February 2. {Purification B. V. M,) "Politics in 1896." An annual edited by Frederick Whelan, 3s. net. "Tatterley: the Story of a Dead Man." By Tom Gallon, 6s. Canon John Taylor Smith appointed Bishop of Sierra Leone. The French Government protested to the Khedive against the British loan in connection with the Dongola campaign. Indian Famine. Mansion House Fund reached ;2^200,000. The Indian Plague spread to Karachi to an alarming extent. Cowley V. Cowley. Judgment in favour of Lady Cowley, vnth costs and the custody of the child of the marriage. L.C.C. Dog-muzzling order rescinded. Mr.E.R.Turton resigned. Mr. W. Adams appointed manager of the Works Department at a salary of ;^iSoo a year. Lady Drinkwater, aged 78. Dr. Charles J. Foster, LL.D., aged 77. John James Quin. Charles Roberts (Public Record Office), aged 93. Post Office Consolidation Bill read the first time. Money resolution for Education Bill carried by 325 to no. Essex (Romford Division) poll declared. Louis Sinclair (C), 8156; H. H. Raphael (L.), 8031 majority, 125. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 79 United Venezuela Arbitration Treaty signed at "Washington. States Text published in the Times of Eeb. 4. Weather Eainfall in London, 0.47 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 38 degrees; minimum, 35 degrees. Wednesday, February 3. Crime Carew Poisoning Case. Death sentence on Mrs, Carew commuted to penal servitude for life. General Dr. Nansen arrived in London. Lord Herschell and Mr. Justice Ilenn Collins ap- pointed British members of the Arbitral Tribunal to decide the boundary between Venezuela and British Guiana. India Indian Famine Fund amounted to 08,000. The Lord Mayor decided to remit to India ^35,000, making 85,000 in all. Marriage The Earl of Kingston and Miss Lisette Ethel Walker. Obituary Colonel Charles Bell Acton, C.B. Mr. Charles Harris, acting manager. Lady Iloulton, aged 72. Mrs. Elizabeth P. Nicol, aged 90. Seiiora Sagasta, wife of the leader of the Spanish Opposition. Baron de Soubeyran, financier, aged 68. Colonel William Garrow Waterfield, C.S.I., aged Second readin;^ of the Extension to Women Fran- chise Bill carried by 228 votes to 157. Walthamstow Election. Mr. S. Woods (L.), 6518; Mr. T. R. Dewar (C), 6239 : majority, 279. Poll declared 4th. The Speaker gave his first Parliamentary full-dress dinner. Dinner to Mr. Labouchere at the National Liberal Club. Weather EainfaU in London, 0.24 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 44 degrees; minimum, 35 degrees. Politics Commons 8o BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Thursday, February 4. Consols — Price of ii3to y Same week last year,, io8^. Court The Queen conferred the order of knighthood on several gentlemen. Crete Fighting reported between Christians and Mussul- mans at Canea. Cuba The Queen Regent of Spain signed the scheme of reforms for Cuba, which included the establishment of a Cuban Assembly. Fire At the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Com- pany's yard, on the Clyde near Glasgow. France The French Sugar Bounties Bill passed the Chamber of Deputies by 282 to 239 votes. General Bank rate reduced to 3 per cent. Law Brooks v. aS'^. Jameses Gazette, Yerdict for defendants. Obituary M, D. Alli^res, Royalist Deputy. Francis Fitzgerald, formerly a Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, aged 89. Captain Theodore William Jerome Mackeson Georges, Indian Staff Corps, aged 44. The Rev. Walter Gregor, LL.D. Mrs. Robinson (mother of the Premier of Natal), aged 58. Politics The Prince of Wales and the Duke of Connaught Lords present when Lord Lansdowne announced the proposal for increasing the army. Commons Voluntary Schools resolution carried on report stage by 283 to 99. Portugal Resignation of the Portuguese Ministry. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.41 inch. Temperature : maxi- ^j^g^t mum, 46 degrees; minimum, 42 degrees. Price of 3 is. 3d. ; same week last year, 26s. 3d. Wills Major-Gen. George Borlase Tremenheere, ;i£6^og. Mrs. Lydia Under down, ;^4696. Friday, February 5, Court The Queen, the Empress Frederic, and the Princess Henry of Battenberg attended a Memorial Service at Whippingham Church on the anniversary of the interment of Prince Henry of Battenberg, BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 8i Court Details published of a scheme by the Prince of "Wales to relieve the metropolitan hospitals. Prince of Wales distributed awards in connection with the Technical Education Scheme of the London County Council. General Great fall of rock from the Shakespeare Cliffs, Dover. Dr. Nansen entertained at the Koyal Societies* Club. India Indian Famine Fund reached 30,000. Law Shaftesbury training-ship scandal. Potter acquitted at the Chelmsford Assizes. Obituary The Eev. Francis J acox, Shakesperian student, aged 70. Politics— General Rousseau, aged 82. Lords Post Office Consolidation Bill read a second time. Commons Yote on account of the Dongola Expedition, which was agreed to. Sir M. Hicks-Beach made an im- portant speech on the subject. Shipwreck British steamer City of Agra wrecked off the coast of Portugal. Weather Bainfall in London, 0.68 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 48 degrees ; minimum, 38 degrees. Severe floods in the Thames Valley and elsewhere owing to continued heavy rains. Wills Bertram Wodehouse Currie, £']2o^'s,'jo, George Garden Nicoll, 118,934. Saturday, February 6. Accident Kailway collision near Stockport; several persons injured. Africa Benin Expedition. The advanced guard of the expe- ditionary force reached Tiri. Art Baron Hirsch's pictures (a collection from) sold at r Christie's. General Mr. Cecil Rhodes visited Holloway Prison and had an interview with Sir John Willoughby. Dr. Nansen entertained at dinner by the Savage Club. Germany Hamburg dock strike brought to an end. India Mansion House Fund amounted to ;^238,coo. Law Mr. W. McConnell, Q.C., entertained at a banquet in Liverpool. 82 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Obituary Sport- Billiards Football Stage General Raffaele Cadorna. Sir Henry Edwards, ex- Member for \Y ey mouth, aged 77- Tlie Rev. John S. Masters, aged 97. Konrad Telmann, pseudonym of Ernst Konrad Zilet- mann, novelist, aged 43. Dawson beat Roberts by 24,000 to 23,283. Ireland beat England by 13 points to 9. The Daughters of Babylon produced at the Lyric Theatre. Sunday, February 7. {Fifth after Epiphayiy.) Fire Great fire at Maple's repository at Camden Town in the early hours of the morning. France President Faure opened to-day a continuation of the Rue Reaumur in Paris. Obituary Lady Brady. Galileo Ferraris, electrician. Mr. Fitzmaurice, Indian Judge. Sir "Wilbraham Gates Lennox, V.G., K.C.B., aged 67. The Rev. S. Harvey Reynolds, aged 65. Shipwreck Norwegian barque Manitoba, at Dunkirk. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 41 degrees; minimum, 34 degrees. Monday, February 8. (Half-quarter Day.) Court The Prince of Wales and the Duke of York attended the Royal Geographical meeting at the Royal Albert Hall, when Dr. Nansen was presented with a gold medal. Crete Exodus of Christians from Canea. Obituary John Bates. M. Gustavo Eim, member of the Young Czech pai ty, aged 47. Frank May, formerly chief cashier of the Bank ol England, aged 64, BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 83 Obituary Hev. Richard Parry, aged 94. Sir John Thurston, Governor of Fiji, aged 61. Politics — Lord Onslow stated that the situation in regard to the Indian Famine was generally reassuring. Commons Debate on the proposed increase of the Guards. Stage Spiritisme,'' by Sardou, produced at the Renaissance, Paris. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 45 degrees ; minimum, 34 degrees. Wills John Pearson Cox, J.P., 1,536. Tuesday, February 9. Accidents Omnibus accident in the Gray's Inn Road; seven people injured. Twelve men killed while at work on a new viaduct on the Cornwall Railway at Menheniot. Book " Phroso," a romance by Anthony Hope, 6s. General Dr. Nansen delivered a lecture at St. James's Hall on his recent Arctic journey, India Indian Famine Fund amounted to 50,000. Obituary George Price Boyce, painter in water-colours, aged 70. Major-General Henry McDonell de Wendt Douglas^ Bengal Staff Corps. Politics— Bill for Regulating Local Government Elections read Lords a second time. Commons Motion by Mr. S. Smith for the Disestablishment and Disendowment of the English Church in England and Wales rejected by 204 votes to 86. House counted out for the first time this Session. Sport — Nottingham Handicap Steeplechase — Ortelon, i ; Racing gpecg, 2 ; No, 3. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.02 inch. Temperature ; maxi- mum, 50 degrees ; minimum, 45 degrees. Wednesday, February 10. Court The Prince of Wales attended the production of « Twelfth Night " at the Middle Temple, 84 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 General The Bradley-Martin l3all at New York. Annual dinner of the Society of Authors, Sir John Lubbock in the chair. Obituary M. Castelmary (Count Armand Decastan) who expired during the performance of ^' Martha" at the Metro- politan Opera House, New York. The Yen. George Gressley Perry, Archdeacon of St owe. The Rev. John Henry Timins, aged 83. Politics — Bill in favour of Sunday Closing rejected by 206 Commons votes to 149. The Speaker's second Parliamentary full-dress dinner. Shipwreck The steamer Ci/amcs, of Glasgow, wrecked off XJshant. Sport — Kent beat Somerset by a dropped goal and a try to a Football try. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.18 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 48 degrees ; minimum, 42 degrees. Thursday, February 11. Consols — Price of 112J; same week last year, io8-/g-. Crime Murder of Miss Elizabeth Camp in a carriage on the London and South-Western Railway. Obituary Dr. Bourgoin, Republican Deputy for Youziers, aged 60. Politics — Duke of Devonshire corrected some misconceptions Lords t]^a-t had arisen from his recent address to the British Empire League. Commons Mr. Balfour announced the terms of the reference to the new Royal Commission on the Financial Rela- tions between Great Britain and Ireland. Mr. Balfour also stated that there would be an addi- tional Bank Holiday to celebrate the sixtieth year of the Queen's reign. Duke of Devonshire presided at a meeting of the Liberal Unionist Council. Stage Production of " Nelson's Enchantress " at the Avenue Theatre. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.03 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 43 degrees; minimum, 39 degrees. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 85 30s. 7d. ; same week last year, 26s. 4(1. Anthony Forster, J. P., 6,482. Charles Graham, ;^io5,i47. William Eobert Masaroon, J.P., ^£^43,197. Friday, February 12. Africa Benin — Rear-Admiral Rawson reported capture of Ologbo, Gwato, and Sapoba. Crime The City Blackmailing Case. Julius and Morris Jacobs each sentenced to twelve months' hard labour. India Indian Famine Fund amounted to 75,000. Obituary William Langdale* Lieut, and Commander Charles E. Pritchard killed at Sapoba. M. Rothen, Director of the International Telegraph Bureau at Berne. Suicide of Count Wolkenstein, of the Austrian Em- bassy in Paris, aged 55. Politics— Army Estimates introduced, giving the proposed Commons ^ strength of the army at 158,774 men of all ranks — the largest number since 181 5. Sandown Park. Prince of Wales^s Steeplechase : Cruiskeen 2nd, i ; Bevil, 2 ; Fairy Queen, 3. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 46 degrees ; minimum, 39 degrees. Ambrose Emerson, ;^3 1,666. Saturday, February 13. Railway accident at Rothbury, Northumberland ; two persons killed. Sir J ohn Robinson resigned the Premiership of Natal. The Governor-General of Crete took refuge on board the flagship of the Russian Admiral. Election : Haggerston — G. Shaw Lefevre (Progres- sive), 2226; Lord Wolverton (Moderate), 1925. Lady Julia Bouwens, aged 76. Den Duyts, landscape painter. Wheat- Price of Wills Sport- Racing Weather Will Accident Colonial Crete London County Council Obituary 86 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Obituary Sport- Football Racing Stage Weather WiU Signer Jacinto Gullina, aged 45. Edward Hare, C.S.I. , aged 84. Lady Malcolm of Balbedie. Yorkshire beat Cheshire. Cumberland and Northumberland, a draw. Sandown Park. Grand Piize (Hurdle liace) : Knight of Khodes, i ; John o' Seaham, 2 ; Quilon, 3. " My Friend the Prince,'' by J. H. McCarthy, pro- duced at the Garrick Theatre. Temperature : maximum, 50 degrees ; minimum, 39 degrees. Mrs. Mary Wolfinton Lloyd, ;^i3,673. Sunday, February 14. {Sepiuagesima, ) Obituary ^ Herr Friedrich Mitterwurzer, Austrian actor, aged 53. George David Pollock, JF.R.C.S., Surgeon-in-Ordinary to the Prince of Wales, aged 80. W. T. St. John, Treasurer of the Democratic National Committee. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 53 degrees ; minimum, 45 degrees. Monday, February 15. Church i The Rev. Canon Owen appointed Bishop of St. David's. Colonial iLord Rosmead's resignation of the Governorship of the Cape ; Sir Alfred Milner appointed successor. Court ^ The Queen and Princess Henry of Battenberg left . Osborne for Windsor Castle. Crete ; The Powers having resolved on a mixed naval occupa- tion, troops were landed at Canea ; in the afternoon Colonel Yassos appointed commander of the Greek troops sent to Crete. Fire Great lire in Union Street, Borough ; two persons killed and many injured. General Fifty-eighth Hunterian Oration delivered by Mr. Christopher Heath, F.R.C.S. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 87 Obituary Politics Sport- Racing Weather Wills Eas Alula, Abyssinian Chief. Dr. Walter Scott Dalgleish, a well-known citizen of Edinburgh. Dowager Countess of Morley. Professor Charles Tomlinson, F.R.S., aged 88. Bridgeton Division of Glasgow Election — Sir C. Cameron (L.), 4506 ; Mr. Scott Dickson, Solicitor- General for Scotland (U.), 4381 : majority, 125. Manchester Handicap Steeplechase : Timon, i ; White- head, 2 ; Chevy Chase, 3. Rainfall in London, 0.02 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 49 degrees; minimum, 40 degrees. William Jameson, J.P., ;j^9S,i64. Mrs. Maria Overend, ;^3S8,So4. Tuesday, February 16. Books " The Defence of the Empire ; " a selection from the letters and speeches of the fourth Earl of Carnarvon, Nansen's " Farthest North," two volumes, 42s. net ; " The Encyclopsedia of Sport," edited by the Earl of Suffolk : Part I., 2s. Court The Prince of Wales attended the reopening after restoration of the Church of St. Saviour, South- wark. Crime South-Western Railway Murder. Inquest opened. General The Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland held his second Levee for the season. Earl of Mount Edgcumbe appointed Vice-Admiral of the county of Cornwall. The Right Lion. G. J. Goschen elected an Elder Brother of the Trinity House. Germany The German Imperial Chancellor, Prince Hohenlohe, celebrated his golden wedding at his palace in Berlin. Niger Niger Campaign. Capture of llorin by Major Arnold's column. Obituary Captain Thomas Sherlock Gooch, R.N., aged 65. George Hill. Lady Wallace, aged 77, 88 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Politics-— The Voluntary Schools Bill read a second time. Commons Mr. Cecil Rhodes gave evidence before the South Africa Committee at their first meeting. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 47 degrees; minimum, 39 degrees. Wills Captain William Trevelyan Somerset Kevill-Davies, Sir William Fitz-Herbert, Bart., ;;^203ji68. Thomas Watkins Wilson, 7,099. Wednesday, February 17. General Sir William Broadbent presented with a service of silver plate for his services as senior physician to St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington. Marriage The Hon. Archibald John Marjoribanks and Miss Elizabeth Brown, at Nashville, Tennessee. Monaco Monte Carlo battle of flowers. Obituary Comm, G. J. Bun^iygullion Rattray, aged 60. Politics— The Steam Engines and Boilers Bill passed the second Commons reading. The Speaker gave his third Parliamentary full-dress dinner. Sport— Surrey beat Sussex by 4 goals and a try to 2 goals Football and a try. Stage Production of Le Chemineau " at the Odeon, Paris. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 49 degrees; minimum, 37 degrees. Wills William George Dowden, J.P., £376^. Sir Edmund Grimani Hornby, 0,104. Frederic John Mouat, M.D., ;/^i4,i 63. Thursday, February 18. Capture of Benin after sharp fighting. 1 1 lyl" ; same week last year, no. Lord Cromer's annual report on Egypt issued. The Countess of Devon. Naval Surgeon Charles James Fyfe, M.B., killed in the attack on Benin. Lieut. -Col. Harry Hammersley St. George. Africa Consols — Price of Egypt Obituary BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 89 Obituary Senor Jesus Jimenez, ex-President of Costa Rica. Lieut.- Col. James Burnie Lind, an Indian officer, aged 67. Politics— Mr. Chamberlain announced the amount of the Trans - Commons vaal Indemnity Claims. Chertsey Election : Mr. Leigh-Bennett (U.), 4845 ; Wheat— ^^r- Baker (L.), 3977 : majority, 868. Price of 29s. 8d. ; same week last year, 26s. 7d. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 50 degrees ; minimum, 44 degrees. Will David Brandon, 17,756. Friday, February 19. Court It was announced that the Queen would visit St. PauFs Cathedral on June 22, when a Thanl^sgiving Service would be held. France Carnival at Nice. Obituary Sewa Hadji, Indian merchant. Professor Wallace, Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. Professor Weyerstrass, mathematician. Politics— Army Estimates. Commons Times published the text of the Arbitration Treaty between Great Britain and the United States. Second meeting of the South Africa Committee. Spain Spanish troops reported to have defeated Philippine Insurgents with great loss. Sport — Waterloo Cup won by Gallant. Happy Sight won the Coursing Purse, and Under the Globe the Plate. United Anglo-American Arbitration Treaty brought before States the Senate. Weather Bainfall in London, 0.12 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 5 1 degrees ; minimum, 48 degrees. Wills Matthew Brown, ^34,463. Baron Savile, G.C.B., ;^'37,o88. Saturday, February 20. India Indian Famine Fund amounted to ;£^32 5,000. Navy Launch of the JViobe, a cruiser of 1 1,000 tons dis- placement. 90 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Obituary Si Kaddar Ben Hamza, Algerian chief. Frederick Mildred, banker, aged 86. General Sbebnitski. Politics John Morley, M.P., principal guest at a joint dinner of the Eighty and Rnssell Clubs at Oxford. Sport England beat Ireland by 6 goals to i. Oxford beat Football Cambridge by i goal to o. Scotland beat Ireland by 2 goals to a tiy. Yachting The International Races commenced at Marseilles, the Britannia being successful. Stage Opera "His Majesty," by Sir Alexander Mackenzie, F. C. Burnand, and Eudolph Lehmann, produced at United ^^^^oy. States Colonel John Hay appointed Ambassador to England. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.15 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 54 degrees ; minimum, 46 degrees. Wills Charles Crocker, ^7 1,254. William James Montagu Lange, ,-:^99,834. The Marquis of Sligo, £2^^/^^!, Sunday, February 21. (Sexagesimal) Crete The foreign ships cannonaded the Insurgent camp at Canea. The British fleet fired first, followed by the German, Austrian, and Russian in succession. Obituary Lieut. Edmund H. S. Cator, Royal Engineers, aged 24. Paymaster-in- Chief Charles Todd Dawson, R.N., aged 59- Weather Rainfall in London, 0.03 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 55 degrees; minimum, 45 degrees. Monday, February 22. Accident Accident to Lord Brassey, at Melbourne, through his horse stumbling in a hole. Africa The Punitive Force left Benin. Church Confirmation of the election of the Rev. the Hon. E. Carr-Glyn as Bishop of Peterborough, at Bow Church. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 91 Crime India Law Obituary Politics- Lords Commons Sport- Football Stage Weather Attempted murder and suicide by a man named Oppenheim at Finsbury Park. Indian Famine Fund amounted to ;;^3 32,000. Lamond v, the Gordon Hotels. The Court of Appeal upheld the finding of the Divisional Court and dis- missed the appeal. M. Blondin, the rope-walker, aged 73. William Harding Girdlestone, D.D., aged 75. I Charles Walford Kellock, J.P. Major Edward Knightlcy, aged 67. M. Le Koyer, formerly President of the French Senate, aged 80. Blanche, Marchioness of Waterford, aged 41. Marine Insurance Bill passed through Committee. Military Yforks (Money) Bill considered in Com- mittee. Aston Yilla beat Preston North End by 3 goals to i. Bugby Football dispute. Wales decided to withdraw from the International Board. Echegary's "Mariana," produced at the Court Theatre. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 53 degrees; minimum, 46 degrees. Tuesday, February 23. Art Mr. Watts, B.A. completed his eightieth year Books Manners for Men," by " Madge " of Truth, is. Life of Vice-Admiral Sir George Tryon," by Bear- Admiral C. C. Penrose Fitzgerald, 21s. Court The Queen arrived in London from Windsor. General It was announced that Mr. Rennell Rodd, C.M.G., had been appointed head of a special commission to King Menelik of Abyssinia. The 1 8th annual show of the Shire Horse Show opened at the Agricultural Hall. Dr. Nansen arrived at Manchester. Mr. G. H. Murray appointed to succeed Sir Alfred Milner as Chairman of the Board of Inland Bevenue, Politics - Third sitting of the South Africa Committee. - 92 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 49 degrees ; minimum, 47 degrees. Wills John Heelis, ;3^i3,i89. Mrs. Th6r6se Uzielli, ^13,248. Wednesday, February 24. Accident Dynamite Explosion at the Ardeer Factoiy of Messrs Nobel & Co.; six men killed. Art Sale at Puttick and Simpson^s of scarce engravings, chiefly of the eighteenth century; 180 lots ;£i2jS, Court • The Queen telegraphed to Rear- Admiral Rawson expressing admiration for the conduct of the men engaged in the Benin Expedition. The Queen held a Drawing-room at Buckingham Palace. The Prince of Wales presided at a meeting of the Governors of "Wellington College. Church Consecration of the Bishop of Peterborough and the Bishop Suffragan of Crediton at St. Paul's Cathedral. General The Wallace Collection, valued at one million, be- queathed to the nation under the will of the late Lady Wallace. Anniversary festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution. Annual General Meeting of University College, Lord Reay presiding. Obituary The Hon. Martin Lister, aged 81. M. William Tasker Nugent, late British Consul at Savannah, aged 71. Stephen Shirley, founder of the United Kingdom Band of Hope Union, aged 77. Suicide of Dr. Daniel Robert Wynter, Coroner for Central Warv/ickshire. Politics— The Burials Bill thrown out by a majority of 44. Commons The Speaker gave his fourth Parliamentary full-dress dinner this season. The Speaker's full-dress Levee. Spoic— Oxford and Cambridge. The latter won by 4 goals to Hockey none. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 93 Stage Production of Audran^s opera " la Poup^e " at the Prince of Wales^s Theatre. Weather Eainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 51 degrees; minimum, 47 degrees. Consols- Price of Court Crete India Law Marriage Obituary Politics- Lords Stage Weather Wheat- Price of Will Thursday, February 25. 112^1 ; same week last year, 109^. The Queen returned to Windsor from Buckingham Palace. The Duke of York presided at the seventieth anni- versary dinner in aid of the funds of the Licensed Yictuallers* Asylum. The foreign Admirals at Canea issued a proclamation extending the zone under the protection of the Powers to Suda. Indian Famine Fund amounted to ;^36o,ooo. Judge Addison appointed County Court Judge of Southwark. Sir Arthur E,. de Capell-Brooke and Miss Fanny Cecil Talbot McNeill. Henry Gay Hewlett. The Eev. Eobert Hunter, LL.D.,aged 73. Ministerial statement about Crete by Lord Salisbury. The House went into Committee on the Yoluntary Schools Bill. Production of the " MacHaggis " at the Globe. Bainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 57 degrees; minimum, 50 degrees. 2^8, I id. ; same week last year, 26s. 3d. General Hon. Sir St. George Gerald Foley, 12,467, Friday, February 26. Church Meeting of the Archbishop Benson Memorial Fund held at the Church House, the Prince of Wales pre- sided. Colonial Mr. Edward Wingfield, C.B., appointed Permanent Under- Secretar}^ of State for the Colonies. Court Levee at St. James's Palace by the Prince of Wales. 94 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 General Obituary Politics Commons Stage Weather Wills The pricking for Sheriffs performed by the Queen at "Windsor Castle. Sir John Henry Briggs, late Chief Clerk of the Ad- miralty, aged 88. Deputy-Surgeon-General J. C. Hornsby "Wright, aged 66. Fourth meeting of the South Africa Committee. Supplementary Estimates. Yearly meeting of the subscribers to the Actors* Bene- volent Fund at the Criterion Theatre, Mr. Charles Wyndham in the chair. Bainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 52 degrees; minimum, 46 degrees. Henry Beevor, ^^'40, 167. Philip William Godsal, ^^85,826. James Hopgood, J.P., ;o75?4oS. Kenneth Bobert Murchison, J. P., ^^27,097. Andrew Melville Bobbins, ^^80,5 17. Saturday, February 27. Art Sale at the Hotel Drouot of the drawings, chalks, pastels, (tc, collected by the Brothers de Goncourt. General Major the Hon. Bobert White released from Hollo- way. Annual meeting of the Association of Municipal Corporations held at the Guildhall. Germany The German Emperor and Empress gave a fancy dress ball in the Boyal Castle in Berlin. India Indian Famine Fund amounted to ;^369,ooo. Marriage Lord Charles Cavendish Bentinck and Miss Cicely Mary Grenfell. Obituary . Comte Lefevbre de B6haine, formerly French Ambas- sador at the Vatican, aged 68. J. C. Bloomfield, D.L. M. Demetrius Ghika, President of the Rumanian Senate, aged 81. Sport— Peall won by 310 points — score 24,000; Roberts, Billiards 23,690. Football Forth beat the South of England by 2 goals and a try to a goal, " BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 95 Peter Latham (champion) v. Mr. J. B. Gribble. The latter won by 3 sets to 2. Reappearance of Sir Henry Irving, in " Eichard III.," at the Lyceum, after his accident. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 52 degrees; minimum, 43 degrees. Henry Christian Lobnitz, ;2^89,523. General Henry St. Clair Wilkins, 1,960. Sunday, February 28. {Qiiinquageshna,) F. J. Howard, aged 83, Alexander Paterson Purves, Writer to Her Majesty's Signet. Rainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 52 degrees; minimum, 37 degrees. The following were proved this month : The Earl of Darnley, ;£i'jo^^qi 14s, iid Baron de Mauley, ^1076. Thomas Porter, ^252,145. Mrs. Jane Ann Pryor, ;^3Soi. Monday, March 1. Opening of the Fine Art Society's Exhibition of Draw- ings by George Du Maurier. The Prince of Wales left for the South of France. The Duchess of Connaught laid the foundation stono of a new hospital for the wives and children of the soldiers of the Aldershot garrison. Blue Book relating to the affairs of Crete issued. The Lord Lieutenant and Countess Cadogan opened the sixtieth exhibition of the Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts in Dublin, 96 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Marriage Obituary Politics Weather Will Sir Edmund Lechmere and Miss Katharine Payton Wright. Mr. Lionel Sartoris and Miss Mary Liddell. Jules de Burlet, Belgian Minister in Lisbon, Henry Charles Forde, M.Inst.O.E., aged 69. Lieut .-Colonel Edward Spry. Mr. Asquith spoke at Bradford. Rainfall in London, 0.37 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 47 degrees; minimum, 37 degrees. George Holland Milford, ^13,147. Tuesday, March 2. {Shrove Tuesday,) Church The Rev. the Hon. E. Carr Glj^n enthroned in Peter^ borough Cathedral as Bishop of the diocese. Colonial Sir Thomas Michael O'Brien, K.C.M.G., appointed Governor of Fiji. William Grey Wilson, C.M.G., appointed Governor of the Falkland Islands. Robert Armitage Sterndale appointed Governor of St. Helena. Crete The old gendarmerie mutinied at Canea. General The Lord Mayor gave a farewell banquet at the Man- sion House to Mr. Bayard. The Hackney Horse Show opened at the Agricultural Hall. Marriage Mr. Coningsby Disraeli, MP., and Miss May Silva. Obituary The Yery Rev. Owen Phillips, D.D., Dean of St. Politics— David's, aged 70. Commons Navy Estimates (;^2 1,838,000) presented. United Mr. McKinley arrived in Washington. States Mr. John D. Long accepted portfolio of the Navy in Mr. McKinley's Administration. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.57 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 49 degrees; minimum, 37 degrees. South-westerly gale of great violence. Will John Dockray Waterhouse, ;^44,38i. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 97 Wednesday, March 3. {Ash Wednesday!) Court The Duke of York presided at a meeting of the Council of the Eoyal Agricultural Society. Fire Destructive fire in Newman Yard, off Oxford Street. G eneral Opening of the Birmingham Shorthorn Show. Obituary Lieut. Henry Charlton Chaworth-Musters (Niger Expedition). Dr. Albert Kichter, Austrian politician, aged 52. Politics Halifax election. Mr. A. Billson (L.), 5664 ; Sir S. Crossley (U.), 5252 ; Mr. T. Mann (Ind. Lab.), 2000. Stage The Lord Mayor presided at the Dramatic and Musical Benevolent Fund annual banquet. Weather Bainfali in London, 0.67 inch. Temperature: maximum^ 49 degrees ; minimum, 37 degrees. Another heavy gale visited Ireland and the greater part of England. Wills Ptobert Cornelius Empson, J.P., 12,757. Bowland Jones-Bateman, ;^3o,o5i. The Hon. Miss Anna Milles, ;^43,oi9. The Earl of Normanton, ;^37,876. Thursday, March 4. The polling for representatives in the Federal Con- vention took place in New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania. iiif ; same week last year, io^^q. The Princess of Wales held a Drawing-room at Buck- ingham Palace. The Rev. Nicholas Pocock, aged 83. The Speaker admitted to the honorary freedom of the Skinners* Company. Sir William Harcourt addressed a meeting at Stepney. Mr. McKinley inaugurated President of the United States at Washington. Colonial Consols — Price of Court Obituary Polities United States 98 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Weather Kainfall in London, 0.06 inch. Temperature : maxi- Wheat— mum, 49 degrees ; minimum, 37 degrees. Price of 28s. 2d.; same week last year, 25s. 6d. Accident General Germany Obituary Sport- Racing Weather V/ills Friday, March 5. A beerhouse which was being pulled down at New- castle -on-Tyne collapsed. Four workmen killed on the spot. A meeting held in the Queen's Hall to protest against the policy of the Government in regard to the Cretan question. In the Budget Committee of the Keichstag the Minister of Marine announced a new shipbuilding programme, raising the total naval expenditure for the next financial year to 328,371,000 marks. Count Aquila, aged 73. Samuel Boteler Bristowe, Q.C., aged 84. Rev. J. W. L. Heaviside, Canon Residentiary of Nor- wich Cathedral. 0. E. Holloway, R.I., painter in water-colours and etcher. John Stack, formerly M.P. for North Kerry, Sandown Park Grand Military Gold Cup : Parapluie, i ; Waitaki, 2 ; Frontier, 3. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 43 degrees ; minimum, 38 degrees. Godfrey Brooks Broadhurst, ;^26,874. Frederick Davies, ^£^50,8 11. Rev. James Ind Welldon, ^16,610, Saturday, March 6. Accident One of the shafts which were being sunk at Dover Collieries flooded. Eight men drowned. Art Sale at Christie's. Lawrence : " Miss Farren, Countess of Derby,'' £2/^1^ \ Velasquez; Backdoor of a House, with Peacock, &c.," ;^i407. Burma Sir Frederick W. R. Fryer, K,C.S.I., appointed Lieut.- Governor of Burma. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 General Unveiling of a memorial to the late Mr. Hamilton Macallum in tlie form of a monument of Portland stone at Beer, South Devon. Annual meeting of the Eoyal United Service Institu- tion. Marriage Mr. Yivian Hugh Smith and Lady Sybil Mary McDonnell. Obituary A. H. Boylan, Midland Railway. The Eev. Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, LL.D., aged 86. Dr. James Smith, minister of Cathcart, aged 93. William Smith, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Canada, aged 76. Sport— Northumberland beat Lancashire. Football Ireland beat ¥/ales by 4 goals to 3. Racing Sandown Grand Military Handicap Steeplechase : Brawl, I ; Boy Chieftain, 2 ; Anchor, 3. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 45 degrees; minimum, 37 degrees. Sunday, March 7. {First ill Lent.) General Demonstration in favour of the Cretans in Hyde Park. Obituary Sir Thomas Elder, G.C.M.G., aged 79. Lieut. -General Alfred Wcrsley Montagu, Bengal Staff Corps, aged 68. Oliver Pemberton, F.B.C.S., aged 71. The E/Ov. William Archibald Scott Robertson, Hon. . Canon of Canterbury. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.17 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 46 degrees ; minimum, 34 degrees. Monday, March 8, Art Opening of the Painter-Etchers* 15th Annual Exhi- bition. General Mr. Locke, one of the two European survivors of the Benin massacre, called at the Foreign Office and was congratulated on his escape. 100 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 General Presentation to Lieut. Dan Godfrey of a testimonial from the past and present officers of the Brigade of Guards. Obituary M. Amiel, author. Marquis de Santa Lucia, styled "President of the Cuban Republic." Henri Pille, painter, aged 52. Friedrich Emil PJttershaus, German poet, aged 62. Alderman Charles Sharpe, J. P., aged 68. Sport — Final tie of the Military Championsliip Cup at Prince's, Racquets won by Captain Oxley and Mr. W. F. Wyndham. V/eather Eainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 45 deg]"ees ; minimum, 34 degrees. Tuesday, March 9. Church Court General London County Council Obituary Sport- Racquets Stage Weather The Pev. Frederick A . J. Ilervey, rector of Sandring- ham, appointed Panon of Norwich. The thirty-fourth anniversary of the Prince and Princess of Wales's marriage. The Lord Mayor entertained the Duke of York and the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House at luncheon. The Earl of Eglinton and Winton appointed Lord Lieutenant of the County of Ayr. Annual meeting of the Associated Chambers of Com- merce commenced at the Hotel Metropole. The Hon, Sir Ilobert Henry Meade, K.C.B., made a G.C.B. Dr. Collins elected Chairman ; Mr. Beachcroft, Yice-Chairman ; and Mr. Torrance, Deputy- Chairman. Mrs. Beecher, widow of the Bev. Henry "Ward Beecher. The Sheikh Djemal-ed-Din. Captain Eastwood and M. E. Crawley (the holders) won the final contest for the Grand Military Championship Cup. " The Mariners of England " produced at the Olympic. Bainfall in London, 0.21 inch. Temperature: maxi* mum, 5 1 degrees ; minimum, 4 2 degrees. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 lOI Wills Sir William Chaytor, Bart., ;^i6^6, "William Tipping, J.P., ^io'j,'j4o. Wednesday, March 10. {Ember Day.) Abyssinia The British Mission to Abyssinia left Cairo for Aden. Books The autograph MSS. of Keats's "Endymion" and " Lamia " were sold at Sotheby's for ;£6g^ and ^305 respectively. Court The Queen left Windsor Castle on her journey to Nice, arriving at Cherbourg at 6.30 p.m. Official announcement of the route of the Diamond Jubilee Procession. India Indian Famine Fund reached ^^^4 11,000. The Queen gave a further donation of ;^5oo. Marriage The Rev. Leonard Pthys Hancock and the Hon. Alice Bice. Obituary Canon the Plon. Lowther John Barrington, aged 91. Henry Blackburn, editor of Academy Notes, aged 67. Homersham Cox, mathematician, aged 75. William Westcott Rundell, aged 82. The Rev. F. E. Wigram, Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral, aged 63. Politics The Speaker gave his fifth Parliamentary full-dress dinner. Sport-— Gatwick. The International Hurdle Race : Hawk- Racing wood, I ; Montauk, 2 ; Instep, 3. Stage Production of "The Saucy Sally" at the Comedy Theatre. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 49 degrees; minimum, 38 degrees. Wills Sir John Brown, J.P., ^^i 6,784. Lieut.-Colonel La Touche Hatton, ;^i4,S5o. Consols — Price of Court Thursday, March 11. 112 ; same week last year, 109I. The Queen had an interview with President Faure at Noisy-le-Sec, near Paris. 102 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Court General Obituary Weather Wheat- Price of Wills The Prince of "Wales and the Duke of Cambridge present at the battle of flowers at Cannes. Dr. Nansen arrived in Dublin from Belfast and delivered a lecture in the Boyal University buildings. Theodore Blin, French cloth manufacturer. Professor Henry Drummond, aged 46. Valentino !BIc»Swiney. Berthold Tours, violinist, aged 58. Bainfall in London, 0.22 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 50 degrees ; minimum, 37 degrees. 28s. 3d. ; same week last year, 25s. 4d. Charles Philip Colnaghi, ^£242 Thomas Dickson, ;^39,2i8. Friday, March 12 {Ember Day.) Court The Queen arrived^at Nice at 3.45 p.m. Crete A large meeting was held ait St. James's Hall, under the auspices of the Byron Society," for the pur- pose of demanding the just and humane treatment of the gallant liberators of Crete. General The annual meeting of the Charity Organisation Society held at the Mansion House. Obituary Hugh McCall, author, aged 92. The Rev. J. Ernest Clapham. Lieut. -Colonel Charles Edv/ard Baker Leacock, R.A., aged 56. Admiral Yallon, aged 61. Politics The House of Commons went into Committee of Supply, and proceeded to consider the Navy Esti- mates. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.03 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 46 degrees ; minimum, 38 degrees. Saturday, March 13. {Ember Day,) Art Opening of the Institute of Painters in Water- Colours. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 103 General The Lord Lieutenant gave a banquet at Dublin Castle by way of inaugurating in Dublin the commemora- tion of the Queen's Diamond J ubilee. Law Hawke v. Dunn. Mr. Justice Hawkins and other judges decided that TattersalFs enclosure was a *^ place within the meaning of the Act, Obituary Bhiel Barry, actor. Mrs. Garland, aged 105. The Hon. Mrs. Emma Ives, aged 84. Milan Pirot3^anatz. M. Kaliphronos, formerly Greek Minister of Public Sport— Instruction. Football England beat Scotland by 2 goals and a try to a try. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.03 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 46 degrees ; minimum, 38 degrees. Sunday, March 14. (Second in Lent,) Crete A demonstration to express sympathy with the Cretans and Greece held in Trafalgar Square. Obituary Jonkheer Beerlaerts van Blokland, Minister from the South African Republic to the Hague. Lieut >-Colonel Archibald Hamilton Campbell, aged 73. Dr. Robert Hogg, horticulturist, aged 79. Lord "William Manners, aged 24. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.02 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 49 degrees; minimum, 40 degirees. Monday, March 15. Court The Duke of Connaught helc". a Levee. The Empress Frederick left London for Germany. India Indian Famine Fund amounted to ;^42 6,000. Obituary Colonel Jeremiah Brasyer, C.B., aged 86. R. W. Cochran-Patrick, aged 55. Alexandre Lahovary, Rumanian Parliamentary orator, aged 54. J. J. Sylvester, F.R.S., Savilian Professor of Geometry in Oxford University, aged 82. 104 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 United States Weather Wills The new Congress met in special session at Wash- ington. Rainfall in London, 0.41 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 49 degrees ; minumum, 40 degrees. John Brundrit, J.P., ^^43,5 41. Henry Charles Eulford, 17,501. General Henry Blois Turner, R.E., ;^7726. Court London County Council Obituary Politics — Lords Weather Will Tuesday, March 16. The Duke of York visited the headquarters of tho Metropolitan Fire Brigade at , Southwark. Whitechapel election. Mr. H. "W. Lawson, 1951; Mr. Meinertshagen, 1448. Colonel Sir Craven Charles Goring, aged 56. Signor Grimaldi, formerly Italian Minister of the Treasury. Sir Edward E. Kay^ formerly Lord Justice of Appeal, aged 74. Lord Salisbury announced that instructions had been given to the admirals for the blockade of the island of Crete. Rainfall in London, 0.07 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 53 degrees : minimum, 44 degrees. Henry Fell Pease, M.P., ;^32,9o7. Wednesday, March 17. {St. Fatriclcs Bay,) Abyssinia The British Mission to the Emperor Menelik reported to have left Aden for Zeila. Court The Duke of York opened a national exhibition and sale of work at Chelsea House, Cadogan Place, in connection with the London branch of the Irish Industries Association, and presided at the annual dinner in aid of the Association for the Oral In- struction of the Deaf and Dumb at tho Hotel Metropole. Obituary Deborah Hope, Lady AYilson. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 105 Politics Sport- Glove Fight Weather Will Sir "William Harcourt and Lord Kimberley spoke at the National Liberal Federation meeting at Norwich. A select committee appointed to inquire into the administration of the Royal National Lifeboat In- stitution. The Speaker gave his sixth Parliamentary full-dress dinner. Bob Eitzsimmons beat James Corbett at Carson, Nevada, in 14 rounds. Rainfall in London, 0.25 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 53 degrees; minimum, 44 degrees. Multon Lambarde, J.P., ;^io2,ii9. Consols- Price of General Politics Shipwreck Weather Wheat- Price of Wills Thursday, March 18. iii|- ; same week last year, 109I. Penrhyn Quarry dispute. Conference at Bangor between Lord Penrhyn and a deputation represent- ing his quarry men. Captain Boisragon, one of the two European survivors of the Benin massacre, called at the Foreign Office to report his arrival on sick leave. Mr. L. Y. Harcourt elected member of the Reform Club by the Political Committee in recognition of his distinguished services to the Liberal cause. The steamer Utrecht j of Rotterdam, off Ushant. All on board perished. Rainfall in London, 0.45 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 55 degrees; minimum, 44 degrees. 27s. I id. ; same week last year, 2SS. 5d. Thomas Kingston Austin, J.P., ^^52,131. Arthur Pemberton Heywood-Lonsdale, J.P., ;j^2 66,398. Charles John Peele, ;^2538o3. Friday, March 19- Court The Queen approved of Sunday, June 20th, being observed as a day of general thanksgiving through- out the United Kingdom in commemoration of the Queen's long reign, and Tuesday, June 22nd^ being observed as a Bank Holiday, io6 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Crete The Admirals notified Colonel Yassos that all the coast line of Crete was under the protection of the international fleet. Crime Catherine Kempshall sentenced to death at Liverpool for the murder of Edgar S. Holland. General Mr. Gladstone published a letter on the Cretan crisis. India Sir J. Westland laid his financial statement before the Legislative Council in Calcutta. Obituary Dr. Daniel Sanders, German philologist. Politics Lord Salisbury called attention in the House of Lords to the speech delivered on the 17 th inst. at Norwich by Lord Kimberley. Lord Tweedmouth gave a reception to the members of the Eighty Club at Brook House, Park Lane. Shipwreck A French liner, the Ville de St, Nazaire^ lost ofi* Cape Hatteras ; out of 82 persons only four saved. Weather E-ainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 54 degrees; minimum, 46 degrees. Wills James Douglas Kennedy, J.P., ;;^22i2. Henry Yigers, ;^2 234. Saturday, March 20- ( Yj&rnal Equinox^ Court The Prince of Wales arrived at Monte Carlo. General The Lord Mayor opened a Building Trades' Exliibition at the Hoyal Agricultural Hall. Law Mr. "W. Willis, Q.C., entertained at dinner at the Trocadero Restaurant by a numbo* of his legal friends to celebrate his appointment as County Court Judge. Obituary Dr. de Bossy, aged 103. Apollon Nickolaievitch MaikofF, Russian poet, aged 75. John Biddulph Martin, President of the Royal Statis- tical Society, aged 59. Sport— Miss Emily Shirreff, aged 82. Football Wales and Scotland. Drawn. Racing House of Commons Point-to-Point Race. Light weights, Mr, J. W. Logan's Chic won; Heavy w^eights, Mr. J. Pender's Outfit won. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 107 Weather Wills Crete Germany Obituary Shipwreck Weather Church Obituary Shipwreck Sport-— Racing Weather Court Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 54 degrees ; minimum, 46 degrees. Lady Grantley, 1,665. Major-General St. John Ives, J.P., ;£s9,3SZ* Sunday, March. 21. {Third in Lent.) The blockade of Crete began. Celebration in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of the Emperor "William I. commenced in Berlin. Albert de Meuron, Swiss painter. Mgr. Augustus William Berney Petre, aged 47. Isaac Sharp, Quaker missionary, aged 91. The Dundee steamer Amethyst sunk off Bardsea Island by collision with the Moss Line steamer Anuhis, Rainfall in London, a mere trace. Temperature: maximum, 60 degrees ; minimum, 49 degrees, Monday, March 22. The Archbishop of Canterbury paid his first official visit to Croydon and preached at the pai-ish church. M. Antoine Thomson dAbbadie, aged 87. M. Chabriere-Arler, Treasurer- General of the Rhone. M. de Kargariou, Royalist Deputy, aged 50. M. Rodolphe Sails, founder of the Chat Noir. The steamship EdMor, of the Harrison Line, went ashore in a dense fog near Holyhead. Lincoln. Batthyany Stakes : Lo Ben, i ; Suppliant, 2 ; Lady Susan, 3. Rainfall in London, 0.07 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 58 degrees; minimum, 51 degrees. Tuesday, March 23. The Princess of Wales, Princess Victoria, and the Duchess of Fife left London for Copenhagen. ro8 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Obituary Sport- Racing United States Weather Wills M. Karl Hansen, hypnotist, aged 64. General Sir William Pollexfen Eadcliffe, K.C.B., aged 74. The Grand Duchess of Saxe-Weimar, aged 73. Lincolnshire Handicap : Winkfield's Pride, i ; Funny Boat, 2 ; Bridegroom, 3. The United States Senate accepted without a division the amendments to the Arbitration Treaty proposed by its Foreign Relations Committee, Bainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 58 degrees; minimum, 47 degrees. Thomas Wilde Powell, 95,508. Francis Wrentmore, ;3^28,467. Wednesday, March 24. General The shipyard difficulty on the IsTorth-East Coast settled. Dr. Nansen delivered his farewell lecture at St. * James's Hall. Law Mr. Justice Charles resigned his seat on the Bench. Obituary Jane, Duchess of Marlborough, aged 80. Lady Bo wen. - Captain Gervis Taylor Byrne, aged 35. M. Victor Larceau. John Boche, Q.C. Politics Mr. Chaplin spoke at a Unionist meeting at Lei- cester. Sport — Lincoln. Brocklesby Stakes : Gay Lothair, i ; Fire Racing Arm, 2 ; Leontodon, 3. Weather Bainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 63 degrees ; minimum, 49 degrees. Will Dr. James Ellison, ;2^i3,897. Canada Consols — Price of Thursday, March 25. {Lady Day!) The Session of the Dominion Parliament opened with the customary Speech from the Throne. i i2-|; same week last year, io9f. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 109 Court The Queen received the gratifying news of the birth of a great-grandchild, son of the Hereditary Prin- cess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg. General The Marquis of Salisbury left London for Nice, Dr. and Mrs. ISTansen left London for Paris. Law In the Consistory Court of London a petition pre- sented by the Hon. F. Bayard, American Ambas- sador, for the transfer of the Log of the Mayflower to the United States. Obituary Colonel John Thomas Chandler. Francis William Crossley, Manchester philanthropist, aged 57. Politics— The Cambodian Prince Duong Char. Commons The Voluntary Schools Bill read a third time by a majority of 200. Sport— Golf Cambridge beat Oxford by 16 to 11, Racing Liverpool. Prince of Wales^s Plate : Lesterlin, i ; Athel, 2 ; Suppliant, 3. Stage Production of Mr. Henry Arthur Jones's play, " The Physician,'* at the Criterion. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, Wheat— 60 degrees ; minimum, 48 degrees. Price of 27s. iid. ; same week last year, 25s, id. Will The Countess of Wemyss, Friday, March 26. General The Duke of Cambridge's seventy-eighth birthday. Obituary General Denis, Military Governor of Santiago de Cuba. Frederick Feeny, aged 38. Politics Lord Salisbury had two interviews with M. Hanotaux in Paris. Dr. Jameson examined before the South Africa Committee. port— Liverpool. Grand National Steeplechase : Manifesto, i ; Racing Filbert, 2 ; Ford of Fyne, 3. Weather Eainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 55 degrees ; minimum, 49 degrees. Wills "Walter Farquhar Larkins, ^30,342* . Alfred Turner, J.P., ;^i37,332. no BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Fire General Greece Law Obituary Sport- Billiards Racing Tennis Weather Will Court Saturday, March 27. Fire at Chester Town Hall. Sir Alfred Milner, Governor-designate of Cape Colony and High Commissioner for South Africa, enter- tained at a farewell dinner at the Caf6 Monico. Mr. Asquith in the chair. Mr. Goschen presided at the annual meeting of the supporters of the Royal National Lifeboat Institu- tion at St. Martin's Hall. The Crown Prince of Greece left Athens for the frontier. Farewell dinner at the Cafe Royal by members of t Divorce Court Ear to Mr. Bayford, Q.C., on his retirement from practice. Thomas George Dickson, British Vice -Consul at Athens. Henri Guerard, French engraver. William Hickman j surgeon, aged 60. John Molineux, C.B., aged 74. Edmond Yon, water-colour painter. Dawson beat Peall by 18,000 to 7616, having conceded 1000 points. Liverpool Spring Cup : Green Lawn, i ; St. Jarlath, 2 ; Amphidamas, 3. " Punch Fairs beat Peter Latham, champion, by 3 sets to 2. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 58 degrees; minimum, 49 degrees. Richard Pi^ouse Ellicombe, ;^46,902. Sunday, March 28. {Fourth in Lent,) The Prince of V7ales and Princess Louise present at a Special Service in commemoration of the thirteenth anniversary of the death of the Duke of Albany at Cannes. The Duchess of Albany attended the morning service at Sfc. George's Chapel and afterwards visited the Albert Chapel, where the Duke of Albany is buried. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 III Obituary Weather General Obituary Sport- Football Stage Weather Wills Court General Obituary The Rev. John Edward Wharton Eotton, D.D., LL.D. The Rev. William Sparrow Simpson, D.D. Rainfall in London, inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 55 degrees ; minimum, 44 degrees. Monday, March 29. A portrait of Lord Lister, by W. W. Ouless, RA.. presented to the Royal College of Surgeons. James C. Colvill, Chairman of the Great Southern Railway of Ireland, aged 82. The Hon. Edward Bruce Ilindle, Chief Justice of Sierra Leone, aged 46. Colonel Cecil Newton Lane, C.M.G., aged 64. General Sir William Parke, K.C.B. Lady Victoria Catherine Mary Pole-Tylney-Long- Wellesle}^, great-niece of the great Duke of Welling- ton, aged 79. Major-General Newcombe Stevenson. England beat Yi ales by 4 goals to none. Production of Mr. Pinero's "The Princess and the Butterfly," at the St. James's Theatre. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 49 degrees ; minimum, 35 degrees. Mrs. Annie Emilie Lane, ^^Si6. Mrs. Louisa Gambler Stuart, 16,254. Lady Wallace, ;^7oi,532. Tuesday, March 30- The Duke of York held a Levee. Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone arrived at Dqvcr from Cannes. The Duke of Teck presided at a dinner of the Needle- makers' Company. Rear Admiral Francisco Sangro Robat Dawson Trem- lett^ aged 81. The Yen. Henry Walker Yeoman, Archdeacon of Cleveland, aged 80. 112 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Politics Lord James of Hereford presided at the annual meet- ing of the Liberal Unionist Club. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 51 degrees; minimum, 43 degrees. Wills George Eaggett, ;^24,i34. Sir Thomas Spencer Wells, Cart., 5 2,7 79. Court Crete General Stage United States Weather Wills Wednesday, March 31. The Duke of York went to Portsmouth and visited the sick and wounded from the Benin Expe- dition. Fighting in the vicinity of Canea, in which the war vessels of the Powers took part. Mr. John Skelton, C.B., LL.D., Yice-President of the Local Government Board for Scotland, retired from the public service. Mr. Chamberlain 'presided at the annual dinner of the Boyal Colonial Institute in the Hotel Metropole. Revenue for the year ending to-day ;^io3,949,885, against ;^ioi,973,829 in the previous year. Sir John Willoughby released from Holloway Prison. " The Yashmak " produced at the Shaftesbury Theatre. The Tarifi* Bill with sundry amendments passed by the House of Representatives. Rainfall in London, 0.48 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 40 degrees ; minimum, 35 degrees. The following were proved this month : Edward Balme Wheatley Balme, ;£'33 1,000. John Lancaster, ;z^7 7,240 (letters of administra- tion). Lady Anna Maria Helen Loftus, ;2^7283. John Noble, ;£'3S,72S. General Sir Robert Phayre, ^^1215. Mrs. Jane Eleanor Rodgers, ;^2 6,886. Lady Eliza W. Anne Saunderson, 3,375. Samuel Taylor, Q.C., ;£gig. Thomas Wood, J.P., ^19,367. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 113 Thursday, April 1- Art Sale, Eobinson and Fisher. A Portrait of a Gentle- Consols— man/' by Franz Hals, dated 1679, realised ;j^3Si7. Price of J same week last year, 109I. Crime Catherine Kempshall respited and ordered to be removed to Broadmoor Criminal Asylum. France M. Hanotaux and the Cointe de Mun elected members of the French Academy. Germany Prince Bismarck's eighty-second birthday celebrated. Obituary Mrs. Gammell, of Newport, Ehode Island. Mr. Thomas Hope McLachlan, landscape painter. Lord Plunket, Archbishop of Dublin, aged 68. Sir Egbert Sebright, aged 26. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.05 inch. Temperature : maxi- ^j^g^^ mum, 46 degrees ; minimum, 38 degrees. Price of 27s. 9d. ; same week last year, 24s. lod. Will Gustavo Christian Sch wabe, 1 7 2 , 4 7 2 . Colonial Law Obituary Sport- Athletics Weather Wills Friday, April 2. The Cape Parliament opened by Commission. Charge of libel against H. Hess, of the African Critic^ dismissed. The Bev. William Ashton, missionary. Major George William Bartram. General Edmund Boche. Captain Henry Scott Simeon, aged 61. The Inter-University Athletic Sports at the Queen's Club : of the nine events, four were won by Oxford, three by Cambridge, and two resulted in a tie. Bainfall in London^ none. Temperature : maximum, 45 degrees ; minimum, 39 degrees. Charles Frederick Hope Collisson, J. P., ;£^iS,777. Bev. WilHam Harding Girdlestone,' D.D., ^5229. Saturday, April 3. Colonial Particulars of the Transvaal claim in connection with Dr. Jameson's Baid published, amounting to ^1,677,938 3s. 3d. H 114 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Colonial Mr. Rhodes left London en route to Capetown. Crete The Mahomedans of Canea attacked the Insurgents, but retired with a loss of fifteen killed and many- wounded. Germany Dr. Nansen delivered a lecture on his Arctic journey at a meeting of the Berlin Geographical Society. Obituary Henry Erskine Allon, aged 32. Johannes Brahms, composer, aged 63. Lady Lascelles, wife of the Bight Hon. Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles. Politics Mr. George Curzon, M.P., spoke on the Eastern Ques- SpQft tion in the Cambridge Hall, Southport. Football Scotland beat England by 2 goals to i. Rowing University Boat Bace. Oxford won by two lengths and one-third. Weather Bainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 45 degrees ; minimum, 39 degrees. Will Charles James Bruzaud, ;^88,536, Sunday, April 4. {Fifth in Lent). Obituary General Sir William Templer Hughes, K.C.B., aged 75- Hugh Kirkcaldy, ex- champion golfer, aged 29. Weather Bainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 45 degrees ; minimum, 34 degrees. Monday, April 5. Art Exhibition of the New English Art Club, Dudley Gallery. Sale at Brussels of the contents of Mr. F. Willems's studio. M. E. Yan Marcke's Bestiaux au Patur- age," 24,000 francs. Porcelain of the famille verte order, Deux Potiches, 19,000 francs. General Annual meeting of the London Chamber of Commerce. Italy The First Session of the new Italian Parliament opened in Eome by the King. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 115 Marriage The Yery Rev. A. K. H. Boyd, D.D., and Miss Janet Balfour Meldrum. Obituary Henry Arthur O'Brien, Chief Magistrate of Singapore, aged 43. Thomas Donald Genlloud, aged 60. Charles Jesty, aged 97. Philip John Messent, engineer. Colonel John Germain Watts, I.S.C., aged 64. Politics — The Voluntary School Bills read a third time on the Lords motion of the Duke of Devonshire. Commons Elementary Education; increased grant moved by Sir John Gorst. Stage " Snob," by Gustave Guiche, produced at the Renais- sance Theatre, Paris. Venezuela The Arbitration Treaty between Great Britain and Venezuela ratified by both branches of the Vene- zuelan Legislature. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 48 degrees ; minimum, 34 degrees. Tuesday, April 6. Art The Guildhall Exhibition of British Artists of the Victorian Era opened by the Lord Mayor. Church The Archbishop of Canterbury spoke at the annual meeting of the Church Defence Committee. Colonial The Bechuanaland Field Force attacked and captured the village of Gamasep. General Mr. Hussey Packe appointed Chairman of the Leices- tershire Quarter Sessions. Dog Show at the Crystal Palace. Law Miss Marion Terry v. The St James's Budget for libel. Damages for plaintiff, ^£"500. Obituary Major Carr, chief engineer of the London Docks, aged 69. The Rev. Peter Hansell, aged 91. General Sir George Malcolm, G.C.B., aged 79. Politics — Mr. Seton-Karr called attention to the inadequacy Commons of our home-grown food supply. VVeather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 49 degrees ; minimum, 38 degrees. ii6 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Wills William David, ;^435 948. The Hon. Henry Grove Edwardes, ;^39S. William ToAvnsend Shorthose, ;;^2 10,560. Colonial Court Crete Fire France General Japan Navy Obituary Transvaal Weather Wills Wednesday, April 7. Sir George Goldie reported his return from the !Nigor Expedition at the Foreign Office. The Princess Louise opened the Annual Exhibition of School Drawings of the Royal Drawing Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Fighting took place outside Candia between the Christian Insurgents and the Turkish forces. Fatal fire in the packing-room of William Brown & Sons' oil stores at Glasgow. Admiral Besnard explained to the l^Iarine Committee in Paris his scheme of expending 800,000,000 francs in eight years on ship-building. Annual meeting of the Aborigines' Protection Society in the Westminster Town Hall. The Japanese Minister and Madame Kato invited a large number of ladies and gentlemen to view the Fuji, the latest addition to the J apanese fleet. The Institution of Naval Architects opened its annual meeting at the rooms of the Society of Arts. The Eev. Sir John Frederick Halford, aged 67. President Kruger ordered Lieut. Eloff to be tried by a special court for his recent utterances regarding the Queen. Bainfall in London, 0.35 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 53 degrees ; minimum, 39 degrees. Christopher Mothersill, ;^73,332. Henry Eobinson, ;^35,203. Austria Book Consols-— Price of Court Thursday, April 8. Dr. Lueger, the Anti-Semite Leader, again chosen Burgomaster of Vienna. Captain Mahan's " Life of Nelson" (2 vols.), 363. 1 1 2 | ; same w^eek last year, i lOy^. The Prince of Wales laid the foundation stone of the new buildings of the English Hospital at Cannes. BOOK OF THE YEAR 189T 117 France General Law Obituary Politics Sport- Tennis Weather Wheat- Price of Wills The Sugar Bounties Bill became law. The Bill authorising the construction of new warships was issued to-day. Sale of Miss Ellen Farren's jewels, which realised ;/^2 2 26 6s., at Christie^s. The ^\.rchbishop of York received in special audience by the German Emperor at Berlin. Ridsdale and others v. Houston for libel. Damages for the plaintili', ;^8ooo. The Hon. F. A. Wellesley v, Mrs. Wellesley (Kate Yaughan) for divorce. Decree Nisi granted. Lady Foley, aged 74. The Nawab Sirdar Mahomed Afzul Khan, aged 63. Commissary-General Randolph Eouth, C.B., aged 77. Dr. Yon Stephan, Secretary of State for the Imperial Post, Berlin, aged 66. Lord Kimberley spoke at the Cafe Monico on Crete. Mr. J. B. Cribble beat Mr. E. H. MHes in the pre- liminary competition for the Amateur Champion- ship by 3 sets to i. Rainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 53 degrees; minimum, 41 degrees, 27s. lod. ; same week last year, 24s. 7d, Job Ashton, ^£7^2,66^, Mrs. Susan Carter Baring, ;^3 1,908. John Ambrose Preece, ;^7o,2 34. Friday, April 9. (Ladi/ Day, Fire Instance ceased.) Greece At 5 a.m. 1500 Greek bandits crossed the frontier between Metsovo and Diskata. A fight with the Turks lasted all day. Obituary W. W. Aldridge, aged 79. Dr. George Mursell Garrett, musician, aged 63. M. Paul Giffard, aged 60. Sport— Colonel Charles William Paulet, aged 67. Racquets Cambridge beat Oxford in the doubles by 4 games to 2. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.06 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 50 degrees ; minimum, 44 degrees. Will Samuel Boteler Bristowe, Q.C.,;^2 2,32 7. Ii8 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 General Obituary Sport- Billiards Football Racquets Tennis Stage Saturday, April 10. The Duke of Cambridge unveiled a tablet at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, to the memory of Sir Patrick Grant. Sir Alfred Milner entertained at dinner at the White- hall Rooms by 300 members of the Inland Revenue Department. Mrs. Humphry "Ward laid the foundation stone at Edmonton of a free library to be erected at a cost of ^3000 by Mr. Passmoro Edwards. The Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, at Cannes. M. Gabriel Collas, Director of Turkish Lighthouses, aged 48. G. W. Godfrey, dramatic author. M. Paul de Jouvencal, ex-Deputy, aged 80. Colonel Gerald Milnes-Gaskill, aged 52. Hugh Nevill, F.Z.S., of the CivH Service of Ceylon. M. Oudet, Republican Senator for Doubs, aged 80. Daniel Yoorhees, formerly Democratic Senator for Indiana, aged 60. Major-General James W^illiamson. Diggle, 18,000; Dawson, 17,125. The Association Challenge Cup Final Tie at the Crystal Palace, won by Aston Yilla beating Everton by 3 goals to 2. Singles. Cambridge beat Oxford by 3 games to none. Latham beat Punch Fairs by 3 sets to love. Production of " Madame Sans-Gene " at the Lyceum. Sunday, April 11. {Palm.) Fire The Phcenix Works in Olman Street, Old Kent Road, the property of Messrs. Miller, chocolate manufac- tiwers, almost entirely destroyed in the early hours of the morning. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 General Russia Weather Army Crete General Law Obituary Rumania Turkey Weather Wills Obituary Politics Sport- Tennis United States Demonstration in Hyde Park to demand an appeal to the country on the attitude of the Grovernment on the Cretan Question. A nest of conspirators discovered in a house belonging to a well-known Russian prince in St. Petersburg. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 50 degrees ; minimum, 44 degrees. Monday, April 12. The Hotchkiss Automatic Gun subjected to a trial at Erith. Three hundred French marines landed at Canea. At a meeting of the Royal College of Physicians Mr. Samuel Wilks, M.D., F.R.S., re-elected President of the college. Mr. Richard Dunn v. Rev. Mr. Cornford. The latter agreed to pay costs, and to give a sum of 20 to a hospital. M. Besak, formerly Director of the Russian Postal and Telegraph Department. Professor Edward Drinker Cope, aged 57. General Orjevsky, Governor-General of Yilna. A list of the new Rumanian Cabinet published. A further incursion of Greek brigands into Turkish territory, near Grevena. Rainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 59 degrees ; minimum, 47 degrees. Josiah Hardman, ;^28,o7o. James Joseph Sylvester, F.R.S., £2'] 2,0, Tuesday, April 13. Sir Walter Eugene de Souza, L.C.C., aged 50. Sir William Harcourt the guest of the Eighty Club at a dinner at the Hotel Cecil. The Amateur Championship : Mr. J. B. Gribble beat Mr. H. E. Crawley by 3 sets to i. The Bill passed the New York State Legislative adding Brooklyn, Staten Island, and other districts to the City of New York, 120 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Weather Wills Art Court Crime Obituary Politics Weather Will Consols — Price of Court Law Obituary Politics Rainfall in London 0.03 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 56 degrees ; minimum, 48 degrees. Egerton Griffin Carrol, ;£^4783. Arbuthnot Charles Guthrie, J. P., D.L., ^^1,004,952, Ralph de Denne Newman, ^3123. Wednesday, April 14. {Hilary Sittings ended.) Lord Crewe opened an exhibition of the works of Mr. Watts, R.A. in St. Jude's Schools, Whitechapel. The Prince of Wales arrived in London from Paris. The Fortieth Birthday of the Princess Henry of Battenberg. William Jones, of East Dulwich, shot and killed a widow, Mrs. Saunders, and afterwards shot himself. The Hon. Plerbert Bowes-Lyon, aged 37. Text published of Mr. Chamberlain's letter inviting the Colonial Premiers and detachments of their military forces to the Diamond J ubilee. The annual meeting of the National Reform Union held at Manchester. Rainfall in London, 0.03 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 56 degrees; minimum, 48 degrees. Stewart Clark, ^^i^"]. Thursday, April 15. {Maundy Thursday.) 112; same price last year, 1 1 o||-. The Prince of Wales stated that he did not think himself at liberty to recommend that the Queen's Diamond Jubilee route should be altered. Mr. Edward Ridley, Q.C., appointed a Judge of the High Court. The Rev. James Blakeley Armstrong, Principal of the Home and Colonial Training College, aged 36. Mr. Maisonneuve, surgeon, aged 87. Text pviblished of Mr. Gerald Balfour's L^ish Agi-icul- ture and Industries Bill. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 121 Weather Rainfall in London, 0.08 inch. Temperature : maxi- Wheat— mum, 57 degrees; minimum, 39 degrees. Price of 27s. 8d. ; same week last year, 24s. 6d. Wills Homersham Cox, ;^48o7. Mrs. Jane Eliza Gordon Gumming, Friday, April 16. {Good Friday,) Accident Four Excursionists drowned on the Derwent at Mat- lock. General Mr. F. J. Horniman, M.P., opened eight acres of additional ground in Forest Hill in which his free Museum stands. Obituary Lord Gharles Brudenell Bruce, aged 79. Lady Leeke, widow of Admiral Sir Henry John Leeke. Golonel Hugh Pearce Pearson, G.B., aged 58. Colonel James Ward, C.B. Grand Rabbi Lazare Wbgue. Politics Major A. G. Robbins elected Chairman of the South Kensington Conservative Association. Shipv/reck The Great Western Company's steamer, the IheXy struck on the rocks at Jersey. Transvaal Dr. Leyds, representative of the Transvaal in Europe, arrived at Plymouth. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.05 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 53 degrees ; minimum, 45 degrees. Will Coventry Patmore, 777. Saturday, April 17. Colonial Sir Alfred Milner left England for South Africa. General Easter Yolunteer Manoeuvres in violent storms of wind and rain. Greece War declared and commenced between Greece and Turkey. Obituary Lady Aldenham. M. Soustre, Republican Senator for the Basses Alpes, aged 76. Stage « On Leave " produced at the Avenue Theatre 122 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Stage The Matinee Theatre, formerly St. George's Hall, opened. Weather Eainfall in London, 0.16 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 56 degrees ; minimum, 47 degTees. Sunday, April 18. {Easter Sunday.) Italy At a Consistory the Pope created four Cardinals. Obituary The Rev. William Frederic Creeny, aged 72. Sir William Lawrence, senior Aldermen of the City of London, aged 79. Major Frederick Powell, aged 60. Sport— Auteuil. Prix du President de laRepublique: Joigny, i; Racing Folatre, 2 ; Shendon, 3. Turkey Fighting at the Maluna Pass and at other points on the frontier all day. The Turkish batteries at Prevesa sank a Greek mer- chant steamer. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 56 degrees ; minimum, 44 degrees. Monday, April 19. {Easter Monday, Bank Holiday, and Primrose Day.) Eight people injured by the overturning of an omnibus near Loughborough Park. The Salon of the Champs Elysees opened. Conclusion of the Easter Volunteer Manoeuvres. Welsh National Presentation to Mr. Thomas Gee, the veteran Welsh publicist, of ;2^iooo, at Denbigh. The Snowdon mountain railway formally reopened. The Greeks driven from the Maluna Pass into the plain of Larissa. W. E, Veale, fleet paymaster, announced. Sixteenth Anniversary of the death of Lord Beacons- field. Peall (receiving 12,000 points) beat Roberts by 627 points in a match of 24,000. Accident France General Greece Obituary Politics Sport- Billiards BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Sport— Kempton. Queen's Prize : Bridegi*oom, i ; Clorane, 2 ; Racing Jaquemart, 3. Manchester. Lancashire Handicap Steeplechase : Knight of Rhodes, i ; Prince Albert, 2 : Grudon, 3. Racquets Mr. H. K. Foster, the holder of the Amateur Cham- pionship, beat Mr. Percy Ashworth by 3 games to 2. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.16 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 55 degrees; minimum, 43 degrees. Tuesday, April 20. Colonial Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Schreiner arrived at Capetown at noon. General The Christ's Hospital Boys paid their annual Easter Tuesday visit to the Mansion House. Germany The German Emperor left Berlin for Vienna. Marriage Commander Wells, R.N., chief officer of the Metro- politan Fire Brigade, and Miss Ida Busk. Sport — Manchester. Jubilee Handicap Hurdle Race : Am- Racing phidamas, i ; Posterity, 2 ; Alexina, 3. Turkey The Turks be/2^an their advance on Turnavo. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.16 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 56 degrees; minimum, 43 degrees. Obituary Politics United States Weather Wills Wednesday, April 21. M. L^on Berardi, for many years director of the Independance Beige, aged 79. Mr. Paul Blondel, architect to the Louvre, aged 50. Lieut. -Col. William George Craigie-Halkett, late India Staff Corps, at sea. The Rev. William Harrison, Rector of Clovelly. C. Olivier de Penne, dog painter, aged 66. Mr. Courtney spoke at the annual dinner of the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce. The American Ambassador, Colonel John Hay, arrived at Southampton from the United States. Rainfall in London, inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 5 1 degrees ; minimum, 44 degrees. General Sir William Parke, K.O.B., ;|'44,687. Mrs, Alicia Elizabeth Worthington, ;^24i,67i. 124 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Austria Consols — Price of Greece Italy Obituary Politics Stage Weather Wheat- Price of Wills Thursday, April 22. The Emperor William of Germany attended at Vienna the Spring Review of 20,000 men. 112 ; same week last year, 112^. Fighting renewed at Moti, which commands the road to Larissa, and up to late in the afternoon the Greeks said to have maintained their positions. At 2.30 P.M. a man named Pietro Acciarito made a rush at the royal carriage and brandishing a dagger struck a blow at King Humbert. His Majesty escaped unhurt. Elizabeth, .Dowager Duchess of Bedford, aged 79 (one of the twelve bridesmaids to the Queen). Lie at. -Col. alter Scott Peat, late Bombay Cavalry, aged 57. Mr. Cou^rtney, M.P., addressed a meeting of his constituents at Saltash. Mr. W. H. Long,^ M.P., President of the Board of Agriculture, addressed a meeting of his constituents in the West Derby Division of Liverpool. Colonel John Hay, the United States Ambassador, called at the Foreign Office and saw the permanent officials. Madame Sarah Bernhardt performed a short piece en- titled " Jean Marie " before the Queen at Cimiez. The Carl Ptosa Company produced at Manchester, for the first time in England, Puccini's Opera "La Boheme.'^ Bainfall in London, 0.05 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 51 degrees; minimum, 42 degrees. 27s. ; same week last year, 24s. i id. Charles James Allport, 2 9,380. Alan Cozens-Hardy Colman, ;£2%,iGi, William Derisley Harding, C.E.,;^4939. Friday, April 23. Art Sold in Paris. " Le Petit Pecheur," by Corot, fot 11,900 francs. " Les Bords de rOise,"by Daubignj; for 14,200 francs. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Court The Queen approved the appointment of the Earl of Denbigh to be a Lord-in- Waiting in the room of Earl of Kanfurly, appointed Governor of New Zealand. General The Duke of Devonshire wrote a letter to the Times on the subject of Cambridge University's financial condition and its resources. Obituary Louis Pascal Casella, F.E.A.S., F.H.G.S., aged 86. Clement Harris, in Epirus. The widow of Bishop "Wordsworth of St. Andrews, aged 67. Sport— Newmarket. The Craven Stakes : Guernsey, i ; Racing Kirkwall, 2 ; Brigg, 3. Racquets The Public School Challenge Cup won by the Harrow pair of pla3^ers, who defeated Winchester, Stage The Actors^ Association hold its sixth annual meeting at the Lyceum. Sir Henry Irving presided. Turkey The supreme command of the Turkish Army entrusted to Osman Pasha, the hero of Plevna. The Greek forces holding the position in front of Turnavo and Larissa sustained a great defeat. After many hour's fighting they were compelled to retreat and fall back on Larissa. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 50 degrees ; minimum, 41 degrees. Wills The Right Hon. Lady Bowen, ;2^35,2 7i. Charles John Gunther, ;^8o,oi4. Saturday, April 24. Germany The trial of Dr. Peters took place in Berlin before the new Disciplinary Court for German Colonial officials. He was dismissed from the Colonial ser- vice and ordered to pay the costs of the proceedings. India The Lidian Famine Pund amounted to ^^{^502,450. Obituary Dr. Magitot, founder of French Odontology. Senor Enrique Perez, the Spanish novelist. Sport— English and Scottish Leagues at Glasgow; won by Football the Scotchmen by 3 goals to none. Stage Production of a musical comedy called the French Maid" at Terry's Theatre, by Basil Hood and Walter Slaughter. 126 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Sunday, April 25. {First after Easter.) Court The Duchess of York gave birth to a daughter at Sandringham. Greece The occupation of Larissa by the Turkish cavalry took place early in the morning after a short skirmish. Obituary Sir Edward Newton, K.C.M.G., aged 64. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 62 degrees; minimum, 41 degrees. Monday, April 26. Accident A serious explosion occurred in a train which waa standing at Aldersgate Station on the Metropolitan Railway. Art Opening of the New Gallery Exhibition. Church The Baptist Union opened its spring session at Bloomsbury Chapel. Court A second rehearsal of the processional part of the Diamond Jubilee celebration held in the morning. Fire Fire in a coffee-house in the Caledonian Road ; two girls killed. Fire at the Kinning Park Sawmills, Glasgow ; damage ;^5o,ooo. India The appointment of Sir James Lyle Mackay, K.C.I.E., to be a member of the Council of India. Obituary Mr. "William Storr, for many years a member of the Parliamentary staff of the Times. Emile Placide Lambert Trench, sculptor. Admiral Sir George Willes Watson, K.C.B., aged 70. Shipwreck News reached Swansea of the loss of the steamer Henri^ of Marseilles, with the whole of her crew, thirty hands. Stage " Lost, Stolen, or Strayed " produced at the Duke of York's Theatre. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 60 degrees ; minimum, 46 degrees. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 127 Tuesday, April 27. {Easter Sittings began,) Austria- Hungary The Emperor of Austria arrived in St. Petersburg. Church The annual session of the General Synod of the Church of Ireland opened in Dublin. Court The Prince of "Wales present at a concert at the Hotel Cecil in commemoration of the fortieth anniversary of the foundation of the Temple Yacht Club. General The annual meeting of the National Society for Women's Suffrage held at the Westminster Town Hall. Annual general meeting of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Marriage The Hon. Frederick Hamilton Russell and the Lady Margaret Scott, daughter of the Earl of Eldon. Obituary Norah, Dowager Lady Aberdare. Prince William of Baden, aged 66. Major-General Patrick Gordon, aged 87. Surgeon-General James Tyrell Carter Ross, C.I.E., F.R.C.S., aged 74. Politics Sir William Harcourt addressed a meeting of his constituents at Abertillery, Monmouthshire. Sport — Epsom. The Great Metropolitan Stakes : Soliman, i ; Racing Glentilt, 2 ; Hattie, 3. United Inauguration of the national monument to General States Grant at Riverside, New York. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.66 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 60 degrees; minimum, 51 degrees. Wills Thomas Richard Arter, ^^fA^^A^- Matthew James Mumford, J.P., 6,956. The Rev. Frederic Edward Wigram, ;^i2 2,935. Wednesday, April 28. Colonies The British Empire League in Canada held its annual meeting at Ottawa. Court The Queen left Cimiez on her return to England at 11.40 A.M. The Princess of Wales reached London from Copen- hagen shortly after 10 p.m. 128 EOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 General Greece Marriages Obituary Politics Sport — Racing Stage Weather Wills Abyssinia Art Consols — Price of Court General Greece Law Annual meeting of the United Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England, held at Free- masons^ Hall, for the installation of a Most Worshipful Grand Master. Easter banquet at the Mansion House Dismissal of the Delyanni Ministry. Captain W. L. Matthews and Viscountess Parker. Colonel Gordon-Ives and Miss Millicent Villiers. Edward Fairfield, C.B., C.M.G., at San Remo. The Very Bev. Andrew Ferguson- Smyly, Dean of Derry. The Dowager Lady Fermoy, aged 74. Mr. Courtney, M.P., delivered at the National Liberal Club an address on the Financial Relations of Ireland and Great Britain. Epsom. City and Suburban : Balsamo, i ; Bay Ronald, 2 ; La Sagesse, 3. Her Majesty's Theatre opened with the " Seats of the Mighty," by Gijbert Parker. Rainfall in London, 0.12 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 64 degrees ; minimum, 48 degrees. The Hon. and Rev. Lowther John Barrington, ^TigS, Robert Hogg, LL.D., 2,508, Thursday, April 29. King Menelek received, at Adis Abeba, the British Mission. The Prince and Princess of "Wales present at the Royal private view of the Royal Academy. 1 1 2Yjr ; same price last year, 1 1 1§. The Queen arrived at Cherbourg. The Duke of Devonshire opened a Tudor Exhibition at Manchester. The "War. Turks occupied Trikhala without resist- ance. Dr. Tristram, Q.C., Judge of the Consistory Court of the Diocese of London, delivered judgment to the effect that the log of the Mayjioioer should be handed over to Colonel Hay, the present United States Ambassador, BOOK OP THE YEAR 1897 129 Marriage Mr. Dudley Scott and Miss Sybil Peto. Obituary Alexander Crawford Lamb, a citizen of Dundee. Politics The Budget. Surplus, ;^3,47o,ooo, the larger part of which was applied to capital expenditure for military purposes ; 00,000 devoted to increase of South African garrison ; and ^2^366,000 for re- forms in the postal system; and ;^S03,ooo to Scotch Education, Irish Technical Education, and Jubilee entertainments. SpcrS fcandown Park. Princess of Wales Handicap : Deep Racing Sea, i ; Suppliant, 2 ; Woodmancote, 3. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, YVheat 59 degrees ; minimum, 47 degrees. Price of 26s. 6d.; same day last year, 25s. 6d. Austria Church Court Obituary Politics Sport- Golf £itage Friday, April 30. The Austrian Emperor left St. Petersburg on his return to Vienna. The Ptev. Dr. Owen, late Principal of St. David's College, confirmed as Bishop of St. David's. The Queen arrived at Windsor Castle in the evening from Cimiez. The Princess of Wales addressed a letter to the Lord Mayor suggesting that a dinner should be pro- vided for beggpcrs and outcasts during the Jubilee week. Aubrey George Butterfield, late Colonial Postmaster- General of Bermuda, aged 58. Mr. Norman Macleod, at Chicago during the month. Colonel Constantino Joseph Byan, aged 54. South Africa Committee. Dr. Rutherfoord Harris examined. Mr. Asquith, M.P., addressed a Liberal Demonstra- tion at York. Final Tie of the Amateur Golf Championship. Mr. Allan beat Mr. J. Bobb by 4 up and 2 to play. The Actors' Orphanage Fund. Meeting at the Cri- terion, under the presidency of Mr. Charles Wynd- ham, to discuss the offer of Mr. Passmore Edwards to build an Actors' Orphanage. I30 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Weather Kainfall in London, 0.18 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 54 degrees; minimum, 41 degrees. Wills The following were proved this month : Mrs. Mary Eleanor Forwood, ^6284. James William Harrison, ;^239,992. John Houston, ^2i,jj4.. Mrs. Julia Barton Kent, j[^2Z\(i. James Kershaw, ;£^S 135833. Peter Nussey, 1,000. Thomas Winter Potter, ;^305,3i9. John Maitland Spencer, J.P., ^98,361. Saturday, May 1. The Hoyal Academy banquet, at which the President, Sir E. J. Poynter, presided. The Prince of Wales present. Sale at Christie's of pictures from the collection of Mr. G. Richmond, Sir J. E. Millais, and others. Filippino Lippi, "Madonna and Child," ;^2io; Vandyck, "Time Clipping the Wings of Love," ;^iio2; Holbein, "Portrait of a Man," ^^3150; Millais, "The Naturalist," ^^^1785, " The Moon is up and yet it is not Night,*' ;Q\\o2 ; Burne- Jones, " Pan and Psyche," ;£798 ; Leighton, " Helen on the Walls of Troy," ;^346 ; G. F. Watts, " Hope," Church The Rev. Dr. Owen consecrated as Bishop of St, David's in St. Paul's Cathedral. Court The Prince of Wales presided over the annual meet- ing of the governing body and Fellows of the Imperial Institute. Fire A destructive fire in Upper Thames Street in a ware- house belonging to the Paper Exchange, Ltd. General A May Day International Labour Demonstration took place in Hyde Park. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Obituary The Hev. John Presland, minister of Argyle Square Church, King'.s Cross. John Tweedie, late of the Indian Civil Service. Siam The King of Siam arrived at Aden on his way to Europe. Sport — Sandown Park. Great Hurdle Kace : Amphidamas, Racing j • Dusky Queen, 2 ; Soliman, 3. Grand International Steeplechase : Manifesto, i ; Grudon, 2 ; Barcalwhey, 3. Stage "Mr. Sympkyn/' by Messrs. Flaxman and Younge, produced at the Globe Theatre. Transvaal Lieut. Eloff reinstated in the police and appointed Chief Lieutenant of the Pretoria Force. Weather Kainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 54 degrees; minimum, 41 degrees. Wills Charles Joseph Wade, J.P., 12,061. The Yen. Henry "Walker Yeoman, ;£Sigj. Sunday, May 2. (Second after JS aster.) Fire At Pittsburg, U.S.A. Duquesne Theatre and nu- merous buildings destroyed ; estimated damage tirree million dollars. Obituary Sir Robert Keith Alexander Dick-Cunynham, aged 61. The Hon. Stearne Bail Miller, one of the Judges of the Irish Bankruptcy Court, aged 84. Sir Yf . C. F. Boljinson, late Governor of Western Australia, aged 62. Sport Paris. Poule d'essai des Pouliches : Roxelane, i ; Racing Pensive, 2 ; Invicta, 3. Poule d'essai des Poulains : Indian Chief, i ; Doge, 2 ; Weather Bainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 59 degrees ; minimum, 50 degrees. Monday, May 3. Art Opening of the Royal Academy and of the Fine Art Society's Gallery (Exhibition of Paintings by Mr. Jan Yan Beers). 132 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 France The annual banquet of the British Chamber of Com- merce held at Paris. Sir Edmund Monson, the new British Ambassador, met the British Colony for the first time. General The Duke of Cambridge opened the Centenary Hal], and new wings of the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum, West Norwood. Major Patrick George Craigie and Major John Tren- chard Tennant appointed to be Assistant Secretaries to the Board of Agriculture. Law Mr. George Stallard, LL.B., appointed Chief Justice of Sierra Leone. Obituary The Rev. Edward Meyrick Goulburn, D.D., formerly Dean of Korwich, aged 79. Colonel Sir Frederic Winn Knight, aged 85. Politics — Lord Selborne spoke at a Conservative meeting at Speeches Perth, Bhondda Yalley. Commons The Home Secretary introduced a Bill to amend the law with respect to compensation to workmen for accidental injuries. Shipwreck The steamer Collynie^ of Aberdeen, sunk off the Girdleness Lighthouse near Aberdeen; eleven persons drowned. Stage Ibsen's "John Gabriel Borkman" produced at the Strand Theatre. Sir Henry Irving opened a free exhibition of pictures in the Town Hall, Stratford. Transvaal Pretoria. The Yolksraads formally opened. Weather Bainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 60 degrees ; minimum, 45 degrQes. Will Bobert Martin, J.P., ^ 1 3 1 ,02 1 Tuesday, May 4 Army A meeting of the Boyal Commission of the Patriotic Fund held at the Commander-in-Chief's levee-room, Horse Guards. Book The English Stage," being an account of the Victorian drama, by Augustin Filon, translated from the French by Frederic Whyte, 7s. 6d, BOOK OP THE YEAR 1897 133 Church Mr. Gladstone spoke at Ilawarden at a meeting in support of the Bishop of St. Asaph's Diocesan Fund. Court A Drawing-room held at Buckingham Palace by Princess Christian. France A destructive fire occurred at a charity bazaar in the Rue Jean Goujon, Paris; 144 people burnt to death. Greece The Greek Government resolved on continuing the war. Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, M.P., stopped by a Greek w^arship and made prisoner. Law The annual general meeting of the Bar held in the old dining-hall, Lincoln's Inn. Obituary Dr. Henry Vandyke Carter, aged 65. Prince Ion Ghika, Rumanian statesman, aged 79. Mr. A. G. Porter, formerly U.S. Minister to Italy. Politics The President of the Board of Trade appointed a Committee to inquire whether the means of com- munication between passengers and guard in rail- Sport way trains was efficient. Cricket Surrey beat Leicester by an innings and 285 runs. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.15 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 56 degrees ; minimum, 48 degrees. Wills "William Barber, ;£62yS^^. James Jenkinson Bibby, J. P., ;^i,783,o62. Captain Wm. Perkins Clark, J. P., ;z^9792. Major George Edmund M. Manningham-Buller, J.P., j;;io2,o32. William John Taylor, ^^38,055. Wednesday, May 5. Church Archbishop of Canterbury presided over the annual meeting of the Church of England Temper- ance Society at Lambeth Palace. Colonial Alfred Milner arrived at Capetown at noon, and met wdth a cordial reception. General The annual dinner of the Royal Literary Fund held at the Hotel Metropole. Law Grand Day of Easter Term at Gray's Inn and at the Middle Temple. 134 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Marriage Mr. Percy Tempest and Miss Evelyn Willis, daughter of the resident engineer of the Soutli-Eastern Railway. Obituary Mr. J. Theodore Bent, the well-known traveller, aged 45- The Yen. Henry Hughes Dobinson, Archdeacon of the Niger. Sheikh Ahmed Ben Mohammed Tedjini. M. Henri Louis Tolain, a Senator for the Seine, aged Politics The annual business meeting in connection with the Grand Habitation of the Primrose League held at Westminster Tovvu Hall. The annual report of the Liberation Society pre- sented to the council at a meeting in the Memorial Hall. Sport — Annual meeting of the M.C.C. in the Pavilion at Cricket Lord's. Racing Newmarket. Two Thousand Guineas : Galtee More, i ; Yelasquez, 2 ; Minstrel, 3. Stage Revival of the " Yeomen of the Guard " at the Savoy Theatre. Turkey The War. The Turkish attack on Yelestino renewed at II o'clock. United By 43 votes to 26 the American Senate vetoed the States amended Treaty of Arbitration between Great Britain and the United States. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.03 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 52 degrees; minimum, 40 degrees. Will Colonel John William Cameron, J.P., ;^336,265. Accident Consols — Price of Court General Thursday, May 6. A sudden rush of water into the East Hetton Colliery near Hartlepool from an adjoining pit. Eleven men drowned. 112 ; same week last year, iiiyf. Princess Christian opened the Imperial Yictorian Exhibition at the Crystal Palace. Mr. John Bramston, C.B., appointed a Knight Com- mander of St. Michael and St. Geori^e. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 I35 Obituary Politics Sport- Cricket Cycling Turkey Weather Wheat- Price of Wills Mrs. George Linnaeus Banks, the Lancashire novelist, aged 76. Colonel the Hon. Henry Townshend Forester, aged 75- William Goodhew, an old Kent cricketer, aged 68. Rear- Admiral Richard W. Meade, on the retired list of the United States Navy. G. F. Robinson, F.SA., architect. George Gilbert Scott, architect, aged 57. Lord Salisbury as Grand Master of the Primrose League addressed the annual demonstration of the Grand Habitation of the League in the Albert Hall. Notts beai'. M.C.C. and Ground by 43 runs. A. E. Walters (record) 62 miles 246 yards 2 feet in 2 hours 9 minutes 1 3-^- seconds, beat also all records from 54 miles in i hour 51 minutes 58 seconds, to 62 miles in 2 hours 8 minutes 56-5- seconds. The War. Phersala occupied by the Turks. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 54 degrees ; minimum, 43 degrees. 27s. gd. ; same week last year, 25s. 8d. John Alexander Beith, ;^85,989. Henry Nourse, ;^43'973- George David Pollock, ;^3078. Friday, May 7. Book Dear Faustine," by Rhoda Broughton, 6s. France The Lord Mayor and Sheriffs left London to attend the requiem service at Notre Dame in Paris, for those killed in the recent lire. Law Fox V. Jerome concluded after sixteen days^ trial. Verdict for the plaintiff with one farthing damages. Obituary The Due dAumale, at his villa at Zucco, in Sicily, aged 75. The Rev. Robert James Leslie McGhee, late Chaplain to the Forces, aged 78. Politics Mr. John Morley spoke at a Liberal mass meeting at Merthyr Tydvil. Mr. Asquith spoke at a Liberal meeting at Battersea. 136 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Sport — Newmarket. One Thousand Guineas : Chelandiy, i ; Racing Galatia, 2 ; Goletta, 3. Turkey The War. Yelestino occupied by the Turks. United Mr. and Mrs. Bayard entertained at a farewell ban- States quet at the Hotel Cecil by the American Society in London. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 59 degrees; minimum, 48 degrees. Wills George Henry Hayhurst Hayhurst- France, J.P., ;2^42,2l6. Colonel Cecil Newton Lane, 10,640. Saturday, May 8. Art Sale at Christie's. Gainsborough's " Portrait of Mrs. Puget," ;^504o; Lawrence's "Portrait of Lady Owen," ;^997 ; E-eynoIds's " Lady Anne Fitzpatrick as Sylvia," ^1890; Romney's ^^ Portrait of Mrs. Grove," ^^3675 ; Hoppner's " Portrait of a Young Lady," 533. Church The form of prayer with thanksgiving to be used in all churches on June 20th issued by authority. Court The Prince and Princess of Y/ales visited Chester. Fire At the ship -repairing works of Messrs. J. L. Thomp- son & Sons, Sunderland ; damage ;^2 0,000. France Requiem mass for the souls of those who perished in the recent fire celebrated in the cathedral of JSTotre Dame. General The Bishop of London presided at the annual dinner of the Artists' General Benevolent Institution. The Booksellers' dinner held at the Holborn Restau- rant. Mr. W. H. Lecky, M.P., presided. Greece The Greek Government recalled its forces from Crete. Obituary "Walter Rivington, formerly surgeon to the London Plospital, aged 61. Stage Revival of " Yirginius " at the L}T:ic Theatre. Production of Old Clo' " at Her Majesty's. Turkey Yolo captured early in the morning by the Turks. United Mr. and Mrs. Bayard left Southampton on their return States to the United States. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 137 Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 64 degrees ; minimum, 48 degrees. Wills Wynne Howard Edwards, J. P., 1,713. James Parrott, ^50,772. Sunday, May 9- (Third after Easter. Half-quarter Day.) Colonial The Bechuanaland field force stormed and took the stronghold of the chief Toto in the Lange Bergen with a loss of three killed and thirteen wounded. Obituary Rev. James Barmby, D.D., aged 74. William Davies, aged 67. E. J. Stone, F.B.S., aged 66. V/eather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature: maximum, 64 degrees ; minimum, 46 degrees. Monday, May 10. Accident An outburst of poisonous fumes occurred at the Snae- fell lead mines, Laxey, Isle of Man, by which nineteen men lost their lives. Belgium The Brussels International Exhibition formally opened by King Leopold. Colonial Capetown. Native runners brought news to Fort Salisbury that Captain Armstrong with a patrol of seven white men had been cut off by natives. Court The Queen arrived in London from Windsor for Tues- day's Drawing-room. The Prince and Princess of Wales with the Duke and Duchess of Westminster visited Mr. Gladstone at Hawarden Castle. General Lord Bosebery opened at Fountain Bridge, Edinburgh, the first of four public halls and branch free libraries, for the erection of which a bequest was left by the late Mr. Thomas Nelson, publisher. Cbituary William Thomas Best, organist, aged 71. Baroness Double. Lieut. -Colonel Charles A. Edwards, aged 33. V7 eather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 57 degrees; minimum, 43 degrees. 138 BOOK OF THE YEAR 189T Wills Lieut. Colonel George Derham-Cookes, ;^i47,77o, Edward Gotto, J.P., ;^20,305. Henry Eyre Linde, J.P., ^3^,916. Tuesday, May 11. Court The Queen held a Drawing-room. General Lord Rosebery opened the new" club house of the Edinburgh Burgess Golfing Society at Barnton, near Dalmeny. Greece The Collective Note from the Representatives of the Powers in Athens was presented to the Hellenic Government. London Lord Welby submitted the estimate of expenditure for County the ensuing year, which was -£2 ,45 2,489, an increase Council ^19,557. Obituary The Hon. George Frederick Greville, aged 55. Constantine Molloy, Q.C. Weather Rainfall in London, a mere trace. Temperature : maximum, 55 degrees; minimum, 37 degrees. Win Henry Beaumont Taylor, ^72,010. Wednesday, May 12, Church The 243rd Festival of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy held in St. Paul's Cathedral. Court The Duke and Duchess of Connaught opened a new drill hall at Yorktown. The Queen left Buckingham Palace for Windsor at 5.15 P.M. The Prince of Wales visited Oxford, inspected the Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars, and afterv/ards opened the new Municipal Buildings and the Sarah Acland Home. General Lord Windsor appointed a member of the Royal Com- mission on Liquor Licensing Laws. Iron and Steel Institute. The Spring meeting of the Institute concluded in London. Obituary Richard Dawson, first Earl of Dartrey, aged 80, Sir Frederick Thomas Fowke, aged 80. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 139 Obituary Sport- Cricket Racing Stage Turkey Weather Will China Church Consols — Price of Court General Politics Sport- Racing Weather Wheat — Price of Wills The Kev. Llewellyn Thomas, M.A., Yice-Principal, Lecturer, and Chaplain of Jesus College, Oxford. M.C.C. and Ground beat Yorkshire by 7 wickets, Surrey against Essex. Drawn. Notts beat Sussex by an innings and 74 runs. Lancashire beat 'Derbyshire by an innings and 220 runs. Cheater Cup : Count Schomberg, i ; Piety, 2 ; Shad- dock, 3. Ptoyal Opera. First performance of " Tannhiiuser " this season. The Ambassadors of the Powers at Constantiuople agreed upon a Collective Memorandum, which was afterwards handed to Tewfik Pacha, the Turkish Minister for Foreign Allairs. Kainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 49 degrees ; minimum, 37 degrees, Henry Markby, ^18,655. Thursday, May 13. A preliminary contract for a loan of 6,000,000 to the Chinese Government was signed in Pekin on behalf of a British Syndicate. The annual conference of clergy and churchwardens in promotion of the objects of the Bishop of London's Fund held at Sion College. 113I; same week last year, iiiyl-. The Prince of Wales visited Cheltenham and inspected the Boyal Gloucestershire Hussars. The Bank of England reduced its rate to 2 per cent. Mr. Bitchie's Foreign Prison-made Goods Bill read a second time by 221 votes against 90. Chester. The Great Cheshire Handicap Stakes : Lady Ernie, i ; Dancing Jew, 2 ; Kopeley, 3. Kainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 56 degrees ; minimum, 42 degrees. 28s. 4d. ; same v/eek last year, 25s. 7d, Gordon Wyatt Clark, J.P., ;£2gy^S^. George Bridge Hilliard, ;;^37,i87. Thomas Parry, ;^3o,897. I40 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Accident Book Greece Obituary Politics Sport- Racing Weather Abyssinia Court Fire France General Marriage Obituary Friday, May 14. A military train in Russia ran off the line : 16 wagons smashed to pieces and two officers and about 100 soldiers killed. A fine copy of the first quarto edition of the " Mer- chant of Venice " sold at Sotheby's for the highest price yet obtained for this pla}^. The War. An engagement took place on the heights of Gribovo. Greek loss between 400 and 500. Major-General Robert G. H. Grant, aged 72. Mr. Charles Ryley, baritone singer. Mrs. Stevenson, mother of the novelist, aged 70. T. H. E. Stretch, who rowed in the Oxford boat, 1894-1896. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Grand Council of the Primrose League held at the Portman Rooms, Baker Street. , Kempton Park. Royal Two- Year- Old Plate : Chon Kina, i ; Diel^-tra, 2 ; Nun Nicer, 3. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 59 dagrees; minimum, 42 degrees. Saturday, May 15- Th e British Mission to Abyssinia left Adis Abeba, having satisfactorily concluded all its business there. The Qu een held a private investiture at Windsor Castle. At a Salvation Army shelter at Bermondsey. Baron de Courcel, French Ambassador, presided at the annual dinner in aid of the French Hospital at the Hotel Cecil. Vestry elections took place in several of the London parishes. Prince Ludwig Karl zu Lowenstein-Wertheim and Lady Anna Savile. The Right Hon. C. R. Barry, one of the Lords Justices of Appeal in Ireland, aged 73. The Hon. Sir William John Clarke, Bart., aged 65. Captain Arthur Briscoe Hawes, of the India Office, aged 64. «. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 141 Obituary Judge John Lowell, the eminent jurist. Marquis Maffei, Count Boglio. Captain L. A. Morant. Dr. Naylor, organist of York Minster, at sea. Signer Filippo Serafini, Senator. The Rev. R J. "Wilson, D.D., Warden of Keble College. Sport— Yorkshire beat Gloucester by 10 wickets. Cricket Surrey beat Warwickshire by an innings and 222 runs. M.C.C. and Ground beat Sussex by 46 runs. Cycling The world's record from 2 to 5 miles, inclusive, beaten by J. Platt-Betts (Catford Cycling Club). At a professional tournament at Southport, the first prize of £,20 was won by Harry Yandon, of Scar- borough, and the second of 10 by J. H. Taylor, of Wimbledon. Kempton Park. Great J ubilee Stakes : Clwyd, i ; Kilcock, 2 ; Victor Wild,' 3. " Secret Service,'' by W. H. Gillette, produced at the Adelphi. Court Theatre. Mr. John Hare made his reappear- ance in London in the " Hobby-Horse.'* The Porte sent to the Ambassadors in Constantinople a note specifying the terms, the acceptance of v/hich as the basis of peace negotiations must precede an armistice, viz. : (i) an indemnity of ;^io,ooo,ooo ; (2) the annexation of Thessaly to Turkey ; (3) Re- vision of the treaties affording Greeks ex-territorial privileges ; (4) a cartel of extradition. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 63 degrees ; minimum, 48 degrees. William Davys Duncan- Y/ilson, ^d^z^. Golf Racing Stage Turkey Weather WiU Sunday, May 16. (Fourth after Easter.) Obituary Major-General George Gardiner Alexander, R.M.A., C.B., aged 76. Colonel Sir William Green, K.C.B., aged 61. The Dowager Lady Hatherton, aged 83. Cardinal Camillo Siciliano di Rende, aged 49. 142 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Obituary William "Wickliam, M.P. for Petersfield Division of Hampshire, aged 66. ^ V/eather Rainfall in London, o.oi inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 63 degrees ; minimum, 50 degrees. Monday, May 17. Court The Prince of Wales held a Levee at St. James's Palace. The Prince and Princess of Wales inaugurated the Yachting and Fisheries Exhibition at the Imperial Institute. France The funeral service for the late Due d'Aumale took place at the Madeleine. General The Royal Humane Society held their 123rd annual meeting at the offices in Trafalgar Square. Mr. Edmund Owen, M.B., F.R.O.S., delivered the annual oration of the Medical Society of London. An anonymous conliribution of 2 5,000 received hy the Lord Mayor for the Princess of Wales's Fund. The annual meeting of the Royal Geographical Society held in the afternoon in the theatre of London University. Obituary Lieut. Reginald Parkins Prynne, aged 28. Lord H. Edv/ard Brudenell Somerset, aged 44, Spain The King of Spain's eleventh birthday. Stage Mile. Jane May began a series of matinees at the Royalty. Turkey The Turks advanced in force against the Greek posi- tions at Domoko, and a general engagement ensued. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 74 degrees ; minimum, 48 degrees. Tuesday, May 18. Art Sale at Christie's of engravings after Meissonier. F. Bracquemond, "La Rixe," ;£iio; J. Jacquet, " 1806 " (Jena), £40 ; " 1807 " (Friedland), £6S ; "l8l4,";^IIO. Book " Uncle Bernac : a Memory of the Empire," by A* Conan Doyle, 6s. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 143 Court The Princess of Wales held a Drawing-room at Buckinp-liam Palace. Germany A military train conveying over iioo reserve men wrecked near Gerolstein ; ten men killed and thirty- seven seriously injured. Greece The War. The Greeks, headed by the Crown Prince, fled from Domoko early this morning, and fell back on the old frontier. Marriage Piince Francis Joseph of Battenberg and Princess Anna of Montenegro at Cettinge. Obituary The Dowager Duchess of Atholl, aged 83. Major Charles Travers Breton, aged 35. Captain Boughey Burgess. Charles Alexander Lockhart Bobertson, M.D. Charles Philip Yorke, 5th Earl of Hardwicke, aged 61. Politics Lord Salisbury presided at a house dinner of the J unior Constitutional Club. The Plouse of Commons Committee appointed to inquire into the alleged abuse of the money-lending system held its first sitting. Mr. T. "W. Russell presided. The Workmen's Compensation Bill read a second time without opposition. Stage Production of A Court of Honour," by J. Lart, at the Royalty. Fifty-second yearly dinner of the Royal Gener^al Theatrical Fund. Sir George Newnes presided. United Mr. Sherman, Secretary of State, notified Sir Julian States Pauncefote of the failure of the Anglo-American Arbitration Treaty. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 75 degrees; minimum, 47 degrees. Wills Lieut. - Colonel Dawson Cornelius Greene, J.P., ^23,827. Baroness Solvyns, ;^2873. Wednesday, May 19. Pourt The Princess of Wales forwarded to the Lord Mayor a letter from the Colonial Office announcing the gift from Australian Colonies of a large quantit}^ of beef and mutton for the Jubilee dinner to the poor. 144 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Court Prince/Js Christian at the Royal Naval Institution presented badges and certificates to a number of nurses who had joined the recently formed Army Nursing Service Keserve. General The Royal Society gave its first conversazione for tL3 season at Burlington House. Law Grand Day of Easter Term at the Inner Temple. In the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, tlio Right Hon. S. J. Way, Chief Justice of South Australia, took his seat for the first time as a member of the Judicial Committee. Obituary Princess Isabelle de Bourbon. Politics Sir William Harcourt present at an " At Home " given in the National Liberal Club by the Poiiticcd Committee. Sport— Yorkshire beat Somerset by 5 wickets. Cricket Y/'arwickshire v. Essex, drawn. M.C.C. and Ground beat Lancashire by 174 runs. Racing Newmarket. Newmarket Stakes : Galtee More, i Berzak, 2 ; Frisson, 3. Stage Avenue Theatre. Production of " Belle Belair/' by Balph H. Lumley. Carmen " at the Royal Opera. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 64 degi-ees ; minimum, 42 degrees. Wills Francis William Crossley, ^624,^^0. Brooke Cunliffe, J.P., £2>n^' Church Consols — Price of Court France Greece op Thursday, May 20. A central meeting in connection with the Bi of London's Fund held at Grosvenor House. ii3y\; same week last year, 1123-^^. The Duke of York presided over the festival dinner in connection with the Gordon Boys' Home at the Hotel Metropole. The three new Cardinals, Mgr. CouUie, Mgr. Sourrieu, and Mgr. Laboure, Archbishops of Lyons, Kouen, and Bennes, invested with the biretta. The "War. It was announced that an armistice of seventeen days had been concluded between Greece and Turkey. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 M5 Obituary Politics Common Sport — Golf Weather Wheat— Price of John Ramsbottom, a distinguished engineer, aged 82. The Elementary Education Act (1870) Amendment Bill read a third time. At Hoylake the opening championship won by Mr. H. H. Hilton, of the Royal Liverpool Club. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 66 degrees ; minimum, 50 degrees. 27s. iid. ; same week last year, 25s. 7d. Friday, May 21. Book Court General " The Theatrical World of 1896," with an introduction on the need for an endowed theatre, by William Archer, 3s. 6d. The Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Connaught and the Princess Christian, visited Sheffield, on her journey to Balmoral, to open the new Town Hall, and afterwards proceeded to the Cyclops Works to witness the rolling of a huge steel armour plate. The Queen then resumed her journey to Balmoral. A bust of Sir Walter Scott unveiled in Westminster Abbey by the Duke of Buccleuch. Cambridge University Degrees for Women. The voting took place at a meeting of the Senate of Cambridge University. The voting on the first grace resulted in its rejection by 17 13 to 662 votes. Montenegro Mr. Robert Kennedy, C.M.G., her Majesty's Charg6 d'Affaires at Cettinge, appointed her Majesty's Minister Resident at the Court of the Prince of Montenegro. The Hon. James Master Owen Byng, aged 79. Sir A. W. Franks, President of the Society of Anti- quaries, aged 71. William Ashburner Forbes, aged 72. Sir James Clarke Lawrence, aged 77. Mr. Balfour promised to introduce a measure next year in favour of local elective administration for Ireland. Essex beat Yorkshire by 3 wickets. Obituary Politics Sport- Cricket 146 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Weather Eainf all in London, none. Temperature: maximum, 60 degrees ; minimum, 45 degrees. Wills Major Edward Francis Boultbee, ;^io,i87. Heyv/ood Bright, J.P., ;^26,38i. Saturday, May 22. Art Sale at Christie's. Pictures. Rosa Bonlieur, Royal Stag in Fontainebleau," ;£S35'^ Meissonier, A French Hussar — temp, Napoleon," ^210; Leighton, "Solitude," £9911 Munkacsy, "The Two Families," £99"] - Court The Queen arrived at Balmoral. The Prince of Wales, accompanied by the Princess of Wales, the Duke of York, and the Princess Victoria of Wales, opened the Blackwall Tunnel. The Duke of York presided over the annual meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society in Hanover Square Rooms. The Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark arrived in London. Mr. Alfred Tristram Lawrence appointed to the rank of Queen's Counsel. The Chairman entertained a large gathering of past and present members at dinner at the Hotel Cecil. Lord Charles Beresford, at a meeting in Canning Town organized by the Navy Ijcague, delivered an address on the British Navy and its importance to working men. John Scarlett Campbell, late Bengal Civil Service. Mr. Earle, Senator for South Carolina. Major-General Robert Mann Parsons, F.R.S., aged 67. Arthur Ruscombe Poole, Q.O., aged c;^. The Rev. John Pulsford, D.D., aged 82. James Hayes Raper, a speaker on total abstinence, aged 77. James Stiff, of the London Pottery, aged 88. Sport — Surrey beat Sussex by 279 runs. Cricket Lancashire beat Hampshire by 8 wiclvcts. M.C.C. and Ground beat Kent by 10 Avickets. Law London County Council Navy Obituary BOOR OF THE YEAR 1897 147 Stage Lyric Theatre. Mr. Wilson Barrett appeared as Othello. Lohengrin " in German at the Eoyal Opera. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 62 degrees ; minimum, 43 degrees. Greece Obituary Sport- Racing Weather Will Sunday, May 23- {Rogation Sunday,) Evacuation of Crete by the Greeks. Henry Halsted Priest, Commissioner of Jabalpur. The Maharajah of Yizianagram, G.C.I.E., aged 48. Chantilly. Prix de Diane : Roxelane, i ; Hatez- vous, 2 ; Quilda, 3. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 65 degrees ; minimum, 43 degrees. Roger William Wilbraham, J.P., 18,992. Art Church Court General Monday, May 24« {Rogation Day.) Commencement at Sotheby^s of the sale of the late Mr. Hyman Montagu's collection of British his- torical medals ; total, ;^5232 19s. The Queen approved the appointment of the Rev. Canon W. H. Fletcher, vicar of Wrexham, to be Canon Residentiary of St. Asaph. The Queen entered upon her seventy-ninth year. The Victorian Era Exhibition was opened at Eai'l's Court by the Duke of Cambridge. The Duchess of Portland opened an East London Art Exhibition at the People's Palace. Lord Erroll presided over the annual meeting of sul)- scribers to the Children's Country Holiday Fund at the People's Palace. The Bath and West of England Agricultural Show opened at Southampton. Madame Patti presented with the freedom of the borough of Brecon at an Eisteddfod held at Brecon. BOOK OP THE YEAR 1897 India The Indian Famine. The Mansion House Fund amounted to 29,100. Obituary Death, in prison, of Taher Ben Sliman. Weather Kainfall in London, none. Temperature ; maximum, 59 degrees ; minimum, 46 degrees. Wills William Whitehead Gascoyne, 33,361. Abraham Daniel de Pass, 7,758. Books Court General Obituary Politics Sport-— Racing Tuesday, May 25- {Rogation Day?) " Sixty Years of the Queen's Reign," by the Right Hon. Sir Richard Temple, Bart., is. 6d. Soldiers of Fortune," by Richard Harding Davis, 6s. Princess Louise opened the fourth competitive fan exhibition of the Fan Makers' Company at Drapers' Hall. Foundation stone of the Cornv7all Central Technical Schools, Truro, the gift of Mr. Passmore Edwards, laid this afternoon. A three days' conference of members of the Institution of Civil Engineers opened at the estminster Town Hall. The annual session of the General Medical Council opened at their rooms in Oxford Street with an address from Sir Richard Quain, their President. The sixth annual dinner of the Japan Society in London held at the Hotel Metropole. Lord Monk-Bretton, aged 72. Lieut .-Colonel John Thomas Campbell, aged 63. Dr. Deroubaix, President of Medicine at the Brusscb University, aged 84. Lady Lawson, wife of Sir Edward Lawson, C. J. Phipps, architect, aged 60. At a meeting of the South Africa Committee a letter from Mr. Labouchere read withdrawing in the fullest and most unqualified manner the allegation he had made against Dr. Harris, and apologising for having made it. York. Great Northern Handicap Plate: Laughing Girl, I ; Unseen, 2 ; Secret Service, 3. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 149 Stage Weather Wills Court Fire Obituary Politics Sport- Cricket *^ Komeo et Juliette " at the Royal Opera. Production of Sir Arthur Sullivan's ballet Victoria and Merrie England at the Alhambra. A new series of Eichter concerts commenced at St. James's Hall. Hainfall in London, 0.03 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 60 degrees; minimum, 51 degrees. David Blaiklock, ;^53jI93. Lieut.-Colonel Hon. Henry Townshend Forester, Louis Parnell, ^36,150. Wednesday, May 26. {Rogation Day.) The Queen's birthday officially observed in London ; the Law Courts and various Government offices closed; official dinneijs given by most of the members of the Cabinet and some other Ministers. The Duchess of York's thirtieth birthday. The annual birthday ceremony of " Trooping the Colour " on the Horse Guards Parade. The Prince of Wales visited Guy's Hospital to open the new medical school buildings which have been erected at the cost of the staff and medical school at an outlay of 2,000. At 79 Sand Street, Woolwich, S.E. Three people badly burnt. Commander William Calder John Blount, aged 53. M. Auguste Dreyfus, financier, aged 70. General Alfred Thomas Hey land, C.B., aged 83. National Liberal Federation. The delegates to the general committee of this body met ab Derby, and discussed and adopted various resolutious dealing with electoral and registration reform. M.C.C. and Ground beat Essex by 1 1 1 runs. Surrey beat Derbyshire by an innings and 3 runs. Yorkshire beat Leicester by an innings and 129 runs. Sussex beat Cambridge University by an innings and 264 runs. Lancashire against Kotts, drawn. BOOK OP THE YEAR 1897 Weather Rainfall in London, 0.09 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 60 degrees; minimum, 51 degrees. Thursday, May 27. {Ascension Day.) Church The Eev. J. T. Smith consecrated Bishop of Sierra Consols— Leone at St. Paul's Cathedral. Price of uStV ; same week last year, 113I. Court The Prince of Wales opened the Royal Military Tour- nament at the Agricultural Hall. Obituary Westley Richards, gunmaker, aged 82. Frank Silcock, well-known professional cricketer. Sport— Doncaster Spring Handicap Plate : Sardis, i ; Am- Racing phora, 2 ; Dumbarton, 3. United ^'^r- Whitelaw Reid selected as Special Ambassador of States the United States to attend the Jubilee celebrations in London. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature: maxi- VVheat mum, 64 degrees ; minimum, 50 degrees. Price of 28s. id. ; same week last year, 25s. 6d, Will Frederic Hubert Freer, J.P., 1,552. Book Court General Friday, May 28. "History of Our O^vn Times, from 1880 to the Dia- mond Jubilee," by Justin McCarthy, M.P., 12s. The Prince of Wales presided at a meeting of the general council of H.R.H.'s Hospital Fund at Marlborough House. The Prince and Princess of Wales visited the City Road and bid the foundation stone of the new building of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. The Prince and Princess of Wales visited LTessrs. De la Rue & Co.'s works in Bunhill Row to inspect the process of producing the stamps of the Hospital Fund. State concert at Buckingham Palace. The Four-in-hand Club met in Hyde Park ; 2 7 coaches present. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Obituary Eicliard Christopher Rapier, M.Inst.O.E., aged 6i. Politics— James Greig Smith, M.B., aged 44. Commons Mr. J. Eedmond suspended. Sport — Gloucester beat Kent by 9 wickets. Cricket Lancashire beat Leicestershire by an innings and 10 1 runs. Weather Rainfall in London, o.i i inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 59 degrees ; minimum, 49 degrees, Will "William Robert Baker, J,F., ^^222, Saturday, May 29- Accidents Art Colonial Six petty officers of her Majesty's ship Collingioood left Bantry on Thursday afternoon in a hired sailing boat to visit Glengariii ; all the men believed to have been drowned. A panic took place in Pisa Cathedral by the falling of a wax taper; nine people crushed to death and twenty-one injured. (And Monday 31st) The Pender sale a.t Christie's. Drawings — Turner : " Florence," ^-^357. P. De Wint: " Lincoln, Early Morning," ;^5i4. Pictures — W. Collins : Early Morning on the Sussex Coast," Sir E. Landseer: ''The Lost Sheep,'' ' An Event in the Forest," £2625. B. W. * In the Evening there shall be Light," Millais: "The Proscribed Royalist," W. J. Mliller : " An Encampment in the Desert," 680. J. Phillip : " La Gloria, a Spanish " "The Gipsy's Toilet," ^'1785. Mercury and Herse, ;^7875 ; .Leader : £,120']. ^2100. Turner "Wreckers," ^7980; "The State Procession," j£7^S^y Venice, the Giudecca, &c.," ;;/,'7i4o. Wilkie: "The Cotters' Pjatimlay Night," £1312. Rosa Bonheur: " M^ountainous Landscape with Cattle," £iS15' 0. Troyon : "The Heights of Surennes," ^^ijS^, Total of the sale ;£^7955i7. The South Australian dinner took place at the Hotel Metropole. Chief Justice Way of South Australia took the chair. 152 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Court The Prince of Wales, the Princess, and other mem- bers of the royal family visited Canterbury to re- open the restored Chapter-house of the Cathedral. General The Coaching Club held a meet in Hyde Park ; 33 coaches in attendance. Obituary Mrs. W. P. Clayden, aged 60. Dr. Frederic Richard Lees, aged 82. Sport — Essex against Sussex, drawn. Cricket "Warwickshire and Hampshire, drawn. Cambridge University beat Yorkshire by 4 wickets. Oxford University beat Somerset by 7 wickets. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.12 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 60 degrees; minimum, 51 degrees. Will John Henry Doyle, ^£2240. Sunday, May 30. {Sunday after Ascension,) Obituary Captain Gordon Thomas James Carey, aged 35. Sport — Chantilly. The French Derby : Palmiste, i ; Doge Racing and Flacon, dead heat. Austrian Derby. Saphir, i ; Sebaj, 2 ; Tip Top, 3. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.40 inch. Temperature : maxi^ mum, 67 degrees; minimum, 52 degrees. Monday, May 31. Abyssinia The British Mission to Abyssinia reached Harar on its homeward journey. Art Sale at Sotheby's of the greater portion of Greek coins of Mr. J. Hobart Smith, of New York, ourt The Prince of Wales held the last Levee of the season at St. James's Palace, when the unparalleled number of 600 presentations were made, eneral The Duke of Cambridge presided at the Spring meet- ing of the National Rifle Association, and at the annual dinner of the ist Guards' Club at the White- hall Rooms. aw Powell V. The Kempton Park Compan3^ The Lord Chief Justice granted an injunction with costs. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 153 Marriage Mr. Richard Arthur S. Paget and Lady Muriel Finch Hatton. Mr. Walter G. L. Scott and Miss Ealouka Warner- Heriot. Obituary "William Ad gerstein, aged 85. 'Ney Elias, O.I.E., late Consul-General at Meshed. M. Francois Louis Francais, the father of French artists, aged 82. Lieut. -Colonel John Edward Sharp, aged S3. Sport — A chess match commenced between the members of Chess ^i^Q House of Commons and of the United States House of Representatives. The moves transmitted by cable. Stage Sir Henry Irving read Becket " in the restored Chapter-house of Canterbury Cathedral, at the invitation of the Dean of Canterbury. Turkey An Irade issued by the Sultan agreeing to an armistice for fifteen days from May 20. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.42 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 64 degrees ; minimum, 54 degrees. Wills The following were proved this month : Right Hon. Sir Edward E. Kay, ^2o;^.40^. John Henry Krabbe, ;2^t 0,6 63. George Kind, 1,623. James Wales, J.P., ;^5o,953. Lady Yictoria Wellesley, ^"333,754. Tuesday, June 1. Court The Prince of Wales present at the Rifle Brigade dinner at the Hotel Metropole. The Duchess of Albany opened at the Imperial Institute a two days' bazaar in aid the Deptford Fund. Fire BalgrifFen Park, the residence of Major Doyne in North County Dublin, totally destroyed. 154 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 General An inquest held respecting the death of Cuthbert Patrick Evans, a Haileybury boy, who committed suicide by throwing himself in front of a train. Verdict, Suicide, his mind being unstrung at the time. Obituary Madame Arnould Plessy, once famous French actress, aged 78. Sport The Parliamentary Chess Tournament ended in a draw, Chess 2^ games on each side being won. Cricket Leicester beat M.C.C. by 4 wickets. Racing Epsom. Woodcote Stakes : Orzil, i ; Perthshire, 2 ; Fire Arm, 3. Stage Mile. Eleanora Duse made her first appearance in Paris at the Theatre de la Kenaissance in "La Dame aux Camelias." Weather Rainfall in London, 0.43 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 68 degrees ; minimum, 54 degrees. Win Mrs. Isabella Cocksedge Colman, 14,582. Wednesday, June 2. Court The Queen directed that ;^Soo should be diverted from the sum payable to her Privy Purse during the current year for the augmentation of the income of small livings in the gift of the Duchy of Lan- caster which have been impoverished by agricultural depression. The Queen conferred a baronetcy upon Alexander Wilson, Esq., Master Cutler of Sheffield. The Queen conferred a knighthood upon Charles T. Skelton, Esq., Deputy Mayor of Sheffield. The Prince of Wales gave a dinner to members of the Jockey Club at Marlborough House. The Duke of York presided at a meeting of the council of the Royal Agricultural Society. General Mr. Gladstone opened the Victoria Jubilee Bridge over the Dee at Queensferry, Hawarden, erected at a cost of 3,000. Mr. John Morley delivered the Romanes Lecture in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, taking for his subject " Machiavelli." BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 155 General The Bi-metallic League held its annual meeting at Manchester. Marriage The Hon. Arthur William de Moleyns and Miss Muriel Stuart Daubeney. Shipwreck The fishing boat Welcome, of Plymouth, run down in the English Channel, near the Eddystone, by the steamship Massachusetts, of London, and her crew of four hands were drow^ned. Sport Gloucester beat Surrey by 5 wickets. Cricket Yorkshire beat Hampshire by 10 wickets. Lancashire beat Middlesex by 46 runs. Notts V. Kent, drawn. Derbyshire v. Warwickshire, drawn. Racing Epsom. The Derby : Galtee More, i ; Velasquez, 2 ; History, 3. Weather Kainf all in London, none. Temperature: m^-ximum, 66 degrees; minimum, 57 degrees. Will Countess Dow^ager of Morley, ;^35,878. General Marriage Obituary Siam Sport- Racing Stage Thursday, June 3. 1 12^1; same week last year, ii3x^^. The Prince of Wales presided at the annual dinner of the loth Hussars. The Duke of York's thirty-second birthday. The annual meeting for the election of Fellows of the Royal Society held at the Society's Rooms at Burlington House. Lieut. William Bourchier Sherard Wrey, R.N., and Miss Flora Bathurst, younger daughter of the late Yice- Admiral Greive. Lieut. -General E. O. Hewett, C.M.G., aged 61. The King of Biam arrived in Rome. Epsom. Great Surrey Breeders' Foal Plate : Bittern, i ; Our Queen, 2 ; Lapwing II., 3. **The Maid of Athens" produced at the Opera Comique. The last of Mr. Bancroft's Readings this season of the " Christmas Carol " given in the Hall of the Imperial Institute in aid of the Colonial Nursing Association, 156 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Turkey Weather Wheat- Price of Wills The peace negotiations between Turkey and Greece opened to-day between the Porte and the Ambas- sadors of the Powers at Constantinople. llainf all in London, none. Temperature: maximum, 67 degrees; minimum, 55 degrees. 28s. 2d. ; same week last year, 25s. 4d, Louis Paschal Casella, 16,401. Mrs. Sophia Fry, ;^42o8. Friday, June 4. {^Easier Sittings ended!) Book " Machiavelli.'* The Romanes Lecture delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre, June 2nd, by the Right Hon. John Morley, M.P., 2s. 6d. Church At a special communion service held in Bristol Cathe- dral, Dr. Ellicott gave a farewell address to the clergy of the deaneries of Bristol, StapletoD, and Bitton. Court A State ball given at Buckingham Palace. General The Duke of Cambridge presided at the annual dinner of the King's Ovm Rifles at the Hotel Metropole. The Royal Counties Agricultural Show opened its 35th annual show at Reading. The 4th of June celebrated at Eton in the usual manner. Mr. W. H. Preece lectured on *^ Signalling through Space without Y/ires," at the Royal Institution. Germany At Berlin the trial of the political detective Yon Tausch on charges of perjury and neglect of official duty ended in his acquittal. Obituary George Chester, landscape painter, aged 83. Lady Hamilton, wife of Admiral Sir R. Yesey Hamil- ton, aged 58. Lady Shenton, wife of the President of the Legisla- tive Council of \Yestern Australia, aged 47. Major-General Charles Hodgkinson Smith, C.B., aged Sport— 71- Cricket Staffordshire beat Nottinghamshire by 34 runs. Racing The Oaks : Limasol, i ; Chelandry, 2 ; Fortalice, 3. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 68 degrees ; minimum, 50 degrees. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 157 Saturday, June 5. China agreement between Great Britain and Ohiua formally ratified at Peking. France Sii* Edmund and Lady Monson held their first recep- tion at the British Embassy in Paris. General Lord Roberts appointed a Knight of the Order of St. Patrick in the room of the late Earl Dartrey. The Crystal Palace Horse Show opened. The annual visitation of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, took place to-day. Obituary Baron Oscar Dickson, supporter of Arctic enterprise, aged 73. William Morton, water-colour painter. The Hon. Harriet Blake Armstrong Napier. Politics The Irish National League of Great Britain held its annual conference at Manchester, Mr. T. P. O'Connor in the chair. Shipwreck A collision took place off Beachy Head between the steamer Port Victory of London, and the steamer Roecliff, of Sunderland. The latter sank, and eight of her crew were believed to be drowned. gr-ort Middlesex v. Gloucester, drawn. Cricket Lancashire beat Derb3^shire by i wicket. Surrey beat Oxford University by 5 wickets. Stage Production of "A Marriage of Convenience," by Sydney Grundy, at the Haymarket. Production of " The County Fair " at the Princess's. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 7 2 degrees ; minimum, 5 2 degrees. Wills The Hon. William Ashburnham, ^,^4844. Rev. Benjamin Clifford Ludford-Astley, 0,025. Sir W. C. Francis Robinson, ^74,558. Obituary Sport- Racing Sunday, June 6. {Whit Sunday, Emher Week,) Dr. Ethelbert Henry Blake, aged 78. William Martin Wilkinson, aged 84. Auteuil Grand Steeplechase : Solitaire, i ; Valois, 2 ; Gradon, 3. 158 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Weather Court Crime General Obituary Politics Weather Book Court General Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 73 degrees; minimum, 65 degrees. Monday, June 7- {Whit Monday/. Bank Holiday.) The infant daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York christened at Sandringham with the names Victoria Alexandra Alice Mary. Prince Christian, President of the Royal Counties Agricultural Society, visited the show at Reading, accompanied by his daughter Princess Victoria. George Paterson, condemned to death for the murder of his paramour, executed in Glasgow Prison. The Miners' International Congress was opened at St. Martin's Town Hall. The Cart Horse Parade took place in Regent's Park. Deptford Park formally dedicated to the public use by Dr. Collins, Chairman of the L.C.C. Eleanor Blanche Mary, Lady Astley. Captain Charles William Earle, through a bicycle ac- cident, aged 68. M. Ranchot, French Minister in Siam, aged 37. H. P. Ward, cricketer, aged 24. Mr. Bryce, M.P., addressed the council of the Aber- deen Liberal Association. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 55 degrees; minimum, 35 degrees. Tuesday, June 8. {Whit Tuesday.) Women No^^elists of the Queen's Reign,^' by Mrs. Oliphant, Mrs. Lynn Linton, Mrs. Alexander, Edna Lyall, and others, los. 6d. The Prince of Wales present at the annual dinner, at the Hotel Metropole, of the Royal Horse Guards. A memorial to Joseph Thomson, the Afric*.n explorer, unveiled at Thcrnhill, Dumfries, by Sir Clements Markham, President of the Royal Geographical Society. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 159 Obituary Transvaal Weather Win Army France General Law Navy Obituary Politics Sport — Cricket Racing Stage Weather Will Lady Bessemer, aged 83. Charles St. John, British Consul at New Orleans. President Kruger laid the foundation stone of the new Law Courts a.t Pretoria. Bainfall in London, a mere trace. Temperature : maximum, 56 degrees; minimum, 51 degrees. Peter Bancroft, ^132,706. Wednesday, June 9. {Emher Day,) The surviving veterans of Lucknow held their anni- versary dinner at the Holborn Bestaurant. The annual meeting of the shareholders of the fSuez Canal Company held in Paris ; Prince d'Arenberg presided. Speech Day at Leys School, Cambridge. The twenty-seventh anniversary of the death of Charles Dickens. Mr. Edward James Castle, Q.C., appointed Recorder of Bristol, in the place of Mr. Arthur Buscombe Poole, Q.C., deceased. The fourth annual meeting of the Navy Records Society held at the Boyal United Service Insti- tution. M. Paul Casimir-Perier, Senator for the Seine Infe- rieure, aged 84. Mr. Alvin Clark, manufacturer of telescope lenses. Lady Mildred Jessup. Petersfield election. Result declared : Mr. W. Nicholson (C), 3748 ; Mr. Bonham Carter (L.), 3328: ma j ori ty 420. The persistent rainfall necessitated the abandonment of all the nine iirst-class cricket matches in progress. Auteuil. The International Hurdle Race : Soliman, i ; Marise, 2 ; Belisaire, 3. Production of An Irish Gentleman," by D. Christie Murray and J. L. Shine, at the Globe Theatre. Rainfall in London, 0.64 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 54 degrees ; minimum, 50 degrees. Charles William Gordon, J.P., 8,764. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Thursday, June 10. Commencement at Sotheby^s of tlie sale of tlie collec- tion of the works of George Cruiksliank, the property of Mr. H. W. Bruton, Gloucester ; 605 lots realised ^2^ig los. 6d. 1 1 2y ^- ; same week last year, 113. The fourth unreserved sale of the Prince of Wales's hackneys took place at the Wolferton Stud Farm and realised ^^8449 7^- Lord Dufferin, at a lecture on Sheridan, referred to a report long current that Mrs. Norton sold a Cabinet secret to the Times', and showed that the story was without the slightest evidence. The Ex-Libris Society opened at the Westminster Palace Hotel their sixth annual exhibition of book- plates and heraldry. The annual conversazione of the Boyal Geographical Society held at the National History Museum, South Kensington. Close of the Royal Military Tournament. Mr. Gee, the political officer in the Tochi Yalley, with an escort of 300 native infantry, attacked at Maizai by a body of Darwesh- Khel-Waziris. Colonel Arthur Bunny, ist Sikhs, Captain Browne, and Lieut. Cruickshank killed and thirty of the native troops either killed or wounded. The members of the Boyal Navy Club, 1765-85, dined at the Whitehall Booms, to commemorate Lord Howe's action of June ist, 1794. M. Camescasse, Senator for the Pas de Calais. General Augustus Halifax Ferryman, C.B., aged 81. Professor Karl Remigius Fresenius, aged 79. Joseph Ruston. The session of the Cortes opened by the King in Lisbon. Her M^ajesty the Empress of Russia gave birth at Peterhof , at 1 1 a.m., to a daughter, which received the name of Tatiana, Surrey beat Leicester in an innings and 94 runs. Lingfield Park. Prince of Wales's Cup : Rosemerryn, i • St. Jarlath, 2 ; Amphora, 3. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 i6i Stage Eevival of " Caste " at the Court Theatre. Wheat — 27s. lod. ; same week last year, 25s. 5d. •w/*"?.^ Ptainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, Weather ^ . . • ^ ^ 65 degrees; minimum, 47 degrees. Accident Court General Obituary Sport- Cricket Friday, June 11. {Ember Day,) Ten lives lost at the Garth Colliery, Glamorganshire, through the fall of a cage down a pit shaft. Railway accident on the Cambrian Kailway about ten miles from Oswestry, which caused the death of nine persons. The Duke of Connaught visited Chelsea barracks and inspected the Colonial and other troops who had arrived to take part in the Diamond Jubilee cele- brations. The official programme of the Queen s Diamond Jubilee Procession announced. Richmond Horse Show opened. The council of the United Empire Trade League entertained the Premiers of the self-governing Colonies at luncheon at the Westminster Palace Hotel. Lord Dufferin presided over the annual dinner of the Civil Service at the Hotel Cecil. Miners' International Congress at St. Martin's Town Hall closed. Mr. John Knlll elected Alderman in place of his father Sir Stuart Knill. Speech Day at the Merchant Taylors' School, Charter- house Square. Sir Henry Ayers, G.C.M.G., aged 76. Miss Fanny Metcalfe, member of the council of West- field College. M.C.C. beat Derbyshire by 2 wickets. Yorkshire beat Kent by an innings and 103 runs. Sussex beat Somerset by i wicket. Lancashire beat Philadelphians by 7 wickets. Cambridge beat Hampshire by an innings and 2 1 runs. Oxford University beat M.C.C. by 13 runs. t62 book of the year 1897 facing Manchester Cup : Piety, i ; Keenan, 2 ; Conroy, 3. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 76 degrees; minimum, 53 degrees. Will William Fitzgerald Pilcher, ^6643. Saturday, June 12- {Ember Day,) Art Exhibition of the Society of Miniature Painters, at the Grafton Gallery. Map published in the Times showing the route of the royal procession on June 22nd, and a chart showing the berths of the men-of-war at the naval review of June 26th. Court The Duke and Duchess of York visited the Duke of York's Military School at Chelsea, when new colours were presented ,to the institution to replace those granted in 1825 by George lY. Rehearsal of the Diamond Jubilee Procession. Egypt The editor of the Muchir was condemned by the Native Tribunal to one year's imprisonment and a Cairo fine of ^£20 on a Government prosecution instituted at the request of the German Consul- General. General The Princess Adolphus of Teck delivered of a daughter. Lord Rossmore appointed Lord Lieutenant of the county of MonagliPvn, in the room of the late Earl Dartrey. Germany A balloon was being tried on the Tempelhof Common, near Berlin, when it caught fire at a height of about 1000 feet and exploded. Both the occupants were dead when it reached the ground. India Calcutta considerably damaged by an earthquake which was felt there this afternoon. Some deaths were reported and many houses and public build- ings severely sufiered. Obituary Major-General Henry Beville, C.B. Hofrath Jakob Falke, formerly director of the Austrian Museum of Art and Industry, aged 72, BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 163 Obituary The Rev. Alexander Freeman, MA. , rector of Murston, aged 58. Major-General Avery Godfrey, Chief Constable of Derbyshire, aged 49. Politics The Duke of Devonshire delivered an address in Liverpool on the objects of the British Empire League. A number of the Colonial Premiers also visited the city in connection with the proceedings. At the banquet in the evening the Premiers of Canada, Queensland, and South Australia were the principal speakers. Sport — The Civil Service sports took place at Stamford Athletics Bridge. Tennis . The Professional Tennis Handicap: Peter Latham beat " Punch " Fairs by 3 sets to i. Stage Bevival of the " Bed Lamp" and the Balladmonger" at Her Majesty's. Weather Bainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 79 degrees ; minimum, 58 degrees. Wills Charles L. W. Colby, ^1018. George Miller Cunningham, J.P., ;£g4,6^2, Thomas Henry Pearson, 1,403. Fire France Obituary Sport- Racing Sunday, June 13- {Trinity Sunday.) A fire at 88 and 90 Curtain Boad, Shoreditch, causing great damage. It was first discovered on the premises of Messrs. B. E. King, pub- lishers. As President Faure was drivin*:?' to the races at Lonrr- champs a small bomb exploded by the roadside. No injury was caused to anybody. General Bobert Walter McLeod Fraser, Colonel of the 6th Warwickshire Begiment, aged 8 1 (run over by an omnibus). Miss Mary Meade, only daughter of the Hon. Sir Bobert Meade. Longchamps. Grand Prix de Paris : Doge, i ; Boxe- lane, 2 ; Parasol, 3, 1 64 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Weather Ilainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 84 degrees ; minimum, 6 1 degrees. Art Court General Marriage Obituary Politics Monday, June 14. Sale at Sotheby's of the complete series of water- colour drawings, by Hablot K. Browne, to ^^Old Curiosity Shop" and Barnaby Budge," en bloc, £610, The Prince of Wales, as Grand Master of Freemasons in England, presided at the Albert Hall over a meeting of about 7000 members of lodges in all parts of the kingdom, for the purpose of a Diamond Jubilee address to be presented to her Majesty. The Times published a chronological table of events in the Queen's life to the end of the year 1867, and a copy of a letter from the Duke of Kent, dated June 7th, 18 1 9, in reference to the birth of the Queen. The Jubilee Service at St. Paul's partially re- hearsed in the presence of an enormous concourse of people. The following gentlemen appointed Trustees of the National Gallery : The Earl Brownlow, Henry Tate^ Esq., and John Murray Scott, Esq. The Handel Festival opened at the Crystal Palace with a performance of the " Messiah." The Colonial Premiers arrived in Edinburgh, visited the principal sights of the city, were present at a lunch, afterwards visited the Forth Bridge, and attended a ball given by the Corporation, Mr. Frederick Leveson-Gower and Miss Cecil Eyro Greenwell. General von Albedyll, a Prussian cavalry officer. Mr. B. I. Barnato committed suicide by jumping overboard from the Scot, Mr. David Lyell, of the Inner Temple. Countess O'Sullivan (Frau Charlotte Wolter), the greatest tragedienne of her time on the German- speaking stage, aged 63. Lord Ampthill appointed Mr. Chamberlain^s private secretary in succession to Mr. H. F. Wilson. F/)OK OF THE YEAR 1897 Sport— Peter Latham, the champion, beat Sir Edward Grey Tennis easily. Stage The statue of Mrs. Siddons, erected by public sub- scription on Paddington Green close to the of the famous actress, unveiled by Sir Henry Irving. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 71 degrees; minimum, 56 degrees. Wills General Robert G. H. Grant, KA. (nominal). Edmund H. Hardwick, J. P., 2,420. Lieut. -General John AYalpole D'Oyly, ^3659. Major J. 0. B. Watkins, J.P., 2,945. Tuesday, June 15. {Trinity sittings began,) Book " Foreign and Colonial Speeches by the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, M.P.," 3s. 6d. Colonial Contingents of troops from Canada and Plong Kong arrived in England to take part in the Jubilee celebrations. Court The Times completed the publication of the chrono- logical events of the Queen's life, as v/ell as a table giving the whole of the Quean's descendants, which it described as beyond all question unique. General The Colonial Premiers received and entertained by the Lord Provost and Corporation of Glasgow. An International Congress on Technical Education opened at the rooms of the Society of Arts, Adelphi. The Duke of Devonshire presided. The Cambridge Mathematical Tripos list issued : Senior Wrangler, Mr. Austin, of Trinity College ; Second Wrangler, Mr. Whipple, of Trinity ; Third, Mr. Frankland, of Clare. Obituary Colonel Sir James Godfray, who served 66 years in the Jersey militia, aged 81. Peter von Tunner, the distinguished Austrian metal- lurgist, aged 89. Captain W^inwood, of the Royal Artillery (through an accident at polo). St. John Wontner, solicitor, aged 54, i66 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 sport — Cambridge University beat the Philadelphians by an Cricket innings and 163 runs. Golf Parliamentary Handicap. Mr. A. Balfour beat Mr. Mr. H. W. Forster, M.P., by a single hole. Racing Ascot. Ascot Stakes : Masque II., i ; Earwig, 2 ; Piety, 3. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 65 degrees ; minimum, 56 degrees. Will Miss H. R. Towers, ^26,^62. Wednesday, June 16. Art Sale by Messrs. Foster of life-size whole-length portraits of " Children in a Garden," by G. Romney, Church The Archbishop of Canterbury presided at the annual meeting of the l^ational Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church at the Sanctuary, "West- minster. Court The Queen and Court left Balmoral in the afternoon for Windsor Castle. General The annual " Apposition " dinner of St. Paul's School held at the Mercers' Hall, Cheapside. The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress entertained the Judges at dinner at the Mansion House. The Ladies' Conversazione of the Royal Society took place at Burlington House. A Jubilee meeting of the British Institute of Public Health held at the Guildhall, under the presi- dency of the Lord Mayor. The memorial buildings at Winchester College erected in commemoration of the quincentenary anniversary of 1893 opened. Germany The British Colony in Berlin held a banquet under the presidency of Sir F. Lascelles, the Ambassador, in honour of the Diamond Jubilee. Obituary Dr- William Spark, the Leeds city organist, aged 72. Bai Mortlibai Wadia, a celebrated Parsee lady, aged 86. # BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 167 Shipwreck Nelson's old flagship, the Foudroyant, which was anchored off Blackpool for exhibition purposes, driven ashore and wrecked. Sport— Middlesex v. Notts, drawn. Cricket Somerset beat Surrey by 224 runs. Yorkshire beat Derbyshire by i wicket. Kent V. Warwickshire, drawn. Racing Ascot. Royal Hunt Cup : Knight of the Thistle, i Victor Wild, 2 ; Green Lawn, 3. Stage Production of " All Alive, Oh ! " at the Strand Theatre. United The treaty for the annexation of the Sandwich States Islands to the United States signed at Wash- ington, and sent by the President to the Senate in executive session in the evening. Weather Painfall in London, o.oi inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 6 1 degrees; minimum, 48 degrees. A violent gale accompanied by heavy rains visited Ireland, the Irish Sea, and the western coasts of Great Britain. Will James O'Connor, ;;^i22,o53. Church Crnr.oIs— Price of Court France General Thursday, June 17. {Corpus Christi.) A conference of members of the Church of England Temperance Society held at the Church House, Westminster. 1 1 2 J ; same week last year, i The Queen arrived at Windsor Castle from Balmoral shortly after 9 a.m. Diamond Jubilee celebration in Paris. An excursion of 700 English children to St. Cloud, and an after- noon party in the gardens of the British Embassy. Cambridge University. At a congregation honorary degrees were conferred on Lord Lansdowne, Sir Pertab Singh, Chief Justice Way (South Australia), Colonial Premiers, Sir George Taubman-Goldie, Sir Arthur Arnold, Sir John Kirk, and Sir W. H. White, Director of Naval Construction. i68 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 General A banquet given at the Holborn Restaurant to Sir John Forrest by the Western Australian Com- mittee. Obituary Charles Clay, one of the founders of the Central Chamber of Agriculture. Father Kneipp, known in connection with the system of w^ater cures, aged 76. Politics — Mr. Balfour moved that the House should attend at Commons the church of St. Margaret's, Westminster, on Sunday next, in commemoration of the sixtieth year of the Queen's reign (opposed by Mr. W. Redmond), agreed to. Sport — Ascot Gold Cup : Persimmon, i ; Winkfield's Pride, 2 ; Racing Love Wisely, 3. Stage Madame Bernhardt appeared at the Adelphi in Lorenzaccio." Weather Rainfall in London, 0.20 inch. Temperature: maxi- VVheat mum, 64 degrees ; minimum, 50 degrees. Price of 27s. 4d. ; same week last year, 25s. id. Wills Captain William Curling, ^Si6;^. Rev. Sir John Frederick Halford, Bart,, ;^55i8. General Sir William Templer Hughes, 38,9 24. Colonel Charles William Paulet, ^6g,4.i/^, Surg.-General J. T. Carter Ross, ;^3946. William Sharp, J. P., 11,418. • Friday, June 18. Canada The Dominion House of Commons passed the tariJff resolutions. Court The Prince of Wales presided at a dinner given at the Imperial Institute by the Governor and members to the Colonial Premiers. France A cyclone, which caused great damage in the immediate neighbourhood of Paris, swept down upon the Department of Seine-et-Oise between 5 and 6 p.m. The Prince and Princess of Naples arrived in Paris by the Basle express. General Lord George Hamilton received at the India Office the native officers selected to represent the Indian army at the Jubilee. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 169 General Law Sport- Cricket Racing Weather Will Court Fire General Obituary The members of the Royal Colonial Institute held their annual conversazione at the Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road. Mr. Justice Holmes appointed a Lord J ustice of Appeal in Ireland in the room of the late Right Hon. Lord Justice Bary. Philadelphians beat Sussex by 8 wickets. Ascot. Ilardwicke Stakes : Bay Ronald, i ; Lowly, 2 ; colt by St. Serf — Novitiate, 3. Alexandra Plate : St. Bris, i ; Queenwood, 2. Rainfall in London, 0.21 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 6 5 degrees ; minimum, 48 degrees. Charles Page, 9,483. Saturday, June 19. The Queen received in the afternoon the Indian cavalry officers who were to compose her guard of honour on the 22nd. A military tattoo given in the Queen's honour in the grand quadrangle at Windsor by the troops of the Windsor garrison. The Prince and Princess of Wales present at a con- cert given in celebration of the Queen's Jubilee at the Royal Albert Hall. The Star Paper Mills, near Blackburn. Damage estimated at ;^20,ooo. The Lord Mayor entertained the Indian Princes in London at luncheon at the Mansion House. A route march of Colonial and Imperial troops took place from Victoria Park to the Mansion House. The South Africa dinner held in the Hotel Metropole. The Duke of Cambridge presided. Surgeon- Major William Frederick Blyth Dalzel, late Bengal Army, aged 74. The Yen. Hugh Jones, Archdeacon and Canon of St. Asaph. Colonel Archibald Impey-Lovibond, late R.E., aged 74. Major George Dalhousie Churchill Raitt, aged 42. General Augustus Turner, late Bengal Staff Corps, aged 80. I70 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Sport- Cricket Weather Wills Surrey beat Lancashire by an innings and 24 runs. Middlesex against Yorkshire. Drawn. Notts against Kent. Drawn. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 64 degrees ; minimum, 47 degrees. Major John Bolton, ^10,469. Eustratios E, Petrocochino, ;^58,359. Court General Obituary Weather Sunday, June 20- {First after Trinity.) {Accession Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Hospital Sunday.) At 2.30 A.M. the Queen had reigned sixty years. Thanksgiving services held in all places of worship in the kingdom, at which a special form of prayer was used. The Queen and members of the Royal Family attended Service at St. George's Chapel, Windsor. The Prince and Princess of Wales attended morning service at St. Paul's. The Lord Chancellor and Peers attended service at Westminster Abbey. The Speaker and members of the House of Commons attended service at St. Mar- garet's, Westminster. The Judges attended after- noon service at St. Paul's. General Sir Frederick F. Maude, Y.C., aged 75. Rainfall in London, 0.18 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 64 degrees ; minimum, 49 degrees. Monday, June 21. {Longest Day.) Court The Queen arrived in London from Windsor at 12.35 All the foreign Princes in London entertained to luncheon at the palace. State banquet at Buckingham Palace. General Publication in the Times of a poem by Alfred Austin, the Poet Laureate, entitled Yictoria." The Colonial Premiers visited Birmincrham. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Obituary E. M. G. Eddy, Chief Railway Commissioner for New South Wales (see also the Times of July 19th). Politics The Houses of Parliament decided to present congra- tulatory addresses to the Queen. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 75 degrees ; minimu.m, 50 degrees, Tuesday, June 22. Art Jubilee Honours : Mr. W. B. Richmond, R.A., made K.C.B. ; Mr. Wyke Bayliss, President of the Society of British Artists, knighted ; Mr. Cuthbert Quilter, M.P., made a baronet. Court — The Diamond Jubilee celebrated throughout her Diamond Majesty's dominions. Jubilee rjij^^ Queen in State, accompanied by members of the Royal Family and representatives of foreign countries, went to St. Paul's Cathedral, in front of which a short service was held. The Queen re- turned through South London to Buckingham Palace. No serious accidents. Grand illuminations and lighting of bonfires at night. The Queen's message to her people : " From my heart I thank my beloved people. May God bless them." Jubilee honours published. The Colonial Premiers made Privy Councillors. Obituary Lieut. Ay erst, of the Commissariat Department, shot dead in Poonah while driving home from Lord Sandhurst's reception, and Mr. Rand, I.C.S., chief plague authority, dangerously wounded. Captain Boycott. Henry Stanley Monck Croker, aged 51. General William Robert Houghton, aged 72, Dr. Japetus Streenstrup, aged 84. William Louis Winans (millionaire). Sport— Newcastle-on-Tyne. North Derby : Nonsuch, i ; Racing Yorkmint, 2 ; Pungent, 3. Stage Jubilee honours : Mr. Squire Bancroft knighted. Transvaal President Kruger liberated Messrs. Sampson and Davies. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 78 degrees ; minimum, 62 degrees. 172 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Wednesday, June 23- Colonial Mr. Cecil Khodes had an Indaba with Matabele chiefs. Court The Queen, before leaving for Windsor, received addresses from members of the House of Lords and Commons ; held a reception of Mayors, Provosts, and Chairmen and Conveners of County Councils ; and received a ^jreat gathering of school children on Constitution Hill. General The Royal Agricultural Society's Show opened at Manchester. Obituary Thomas Joseph Allman, publisher, aged 67. Edith, Countess of Aylesford. The Kight Hon. Sir Walter Frederic Crofton, C.B., P.C., aged 82. Luke Patrick Hayden, M.P. for South Roscommon, aged 47. Surgeon -General Herbert Taylor Reade, C.B., Y.C., Honorary Surgeon to the Queen, aged 68. Sport — Northumberland Plate : Bradwardine, i ; The Racing Docker, 2 ; Burnock Water, 3. Stage State performance at the Royal Opera, Covent Garden. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 87 degrees ; minimum, 66 degrees. Will George Harper, J.P., ;^8429. Consols — Price of Court General Thursday, June 24. (^Midsummer Day.) ii2\%; same week last year, ii3xV- The Queen received at Windsor the Lords of the Admij-alty and the Admirals and Captains of the foreign ships now lying at Spithead. The Prince and Princess of Wales attended dinners at the People's Palace, The Central Hall, Holborn, and in Clerkenwel], in connection with the Princess of Wales's Fund. State evening party at Buckingham Palace. Mr. Alderman Green and Mr. T. R. Dewar (distiller) elected Sheriffs of the City of London for the ensuing year. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 173 Navy H.M. training-ship Sealarh arrived at Spithead after being missing for several days. Obituary Professor Samuel Brassai, aged 100. Surgeon- Captain Cassidy. Victor Franconi, equestrian, aged 85. Sir Henry Daniel Gooch, aged 55. Endorie, Countess of Lindsay, aged 67. Sir John Symon, Sergeant-at-Law, aged 78. Shipwreck Wreck of the Russian ironclad Gangout, off the island of Rondoe, through striking a reef not marked on the charts ; officers and crew saved. Newcastle. Seaton Delaval Plate : J enny Howlett colt, I ; Samaria filly, 2 ; Lapwing II., 3. Rainfall in London, 0.36 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 62 degrees ; minimum, 55 degrees. Heavy thunderstorms ; two men killed at Konvich. 27s. ; same week last year, 25s. id. Sport- Racing Weather Wheat- Price of Books Church Court Obituary Sport- Cricket Racing Friday, June 25- Commencement of the sale of the Ashburnham Library at Sotheby's ; 200 lots realised ;£i6oo. One hundred and ninety-sixth anniversary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel celebrated by a conference at St. James's Hall. The Queen inspected a gathering of school- children from the surrounding district in Windsor Park. The Queen reviewed an assemblage of fire brigades in "Windsor Park. Grand torchlight procession by Eton boys in the quadrangle of Yfindsor Castle before the Queen. The Prince and Princess of Wales and other members of the Poyal Family, together with nearly three hundred distinguished gues ts, lunched at the Mansion House. Miss Alice Lingard, actress. Mrs. Oliphant, novelist, aged 69. John Orwell Phillips, aged 71. Lancashire beat Gloucester i)y 10 wickets. Sandown Park. British Dominion Two- Year-Old Race : Longtown, i ; Paladore, 2 ; Our Queen, 3. 174 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 sport— The race from Dover to Heli^'oland for the German Yachting Emperor's cup won by Mr. Wyndham Cook's Freda on her time allowance. Stage Madame Sarah Bernhardt appeared at the Adelphi in " La Dame aux Camelias." Sir Henry Irving invited the Colonial troops to a matinee of A Story of Waterloo " and " The Bells the Lyceum. Mr. Charles Wyndham invited the Colonial Premiers to a performance of ^ * David Garrick " at the Criterion. V/eather Bainf all in London, o.oi inch. Temperature: maxi mum, 68 degrees; minimum, 55 degrees. Will Barnett Salmon, ;^46,49i. Saturday, June 26. Art Exhibition at the Grafton Galleries of portraits illus- trating the musical and dramatic art of England. Sale at Christie's. ,Bosa Bonheur's Cattle in the Highlands, Early Morning," ;^ii5S. Books Continuation of the sale of the Ashburnham Library ; 218 lots realised ;£i95o. Court The Queen witnessed the military tournament and musical ride of the Boyal Horse Guards in the Home Park, Windsor. Naval Beview at Spithead and illumination of the Fleet at night witnessed by the Prince and Princess of Wales. Beception of the Colonial troops at Portsmouth by the Mayor. Speech Day at Bugby School. Admiral Sir William Bobert Mends, aged 85. Kent beat Middlesex by 4 wickets. Notts against Yorkshire. Drawn. Surrey beat Warwickshire by an innings and 194 runs. Sussex beat Cambridge University by 9 wickets. Oxford University Past and Present beat Philadel- phians by 7 wickets. Winchester beat Eton by 51 runs. Cycling Hundred miles amateur race at Herne Hill won by F. B. Goodwin (Middlesex County) by 2 laps ; time, 3 houx's 55 minutes 2 2| seconds. General Obituary Sport- Cricket BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 17 S Sport — Kempton Park. Victor Wild {gat. 131b.) won the Racing Coronation Cup, and terminated his career on the turf. Stage Production of ** In Sight of St. Paul's " at the Prin- cesses Theatre. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 68 degrees ; minimum, 55 degrees. Sunday, June 27. {Second after Trinity.) General Royal banquet given by the Duke of Cambridge at Gloucester House. Obituary Lieut.-Gen. Charles Edward Parke Gordon, C.B., aged 81. The Earl of Sefton, aged 61. Tom Tagg, launch builder, aged 57. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.21 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 72 degTees ; minimum, 62 degrees. Court Obituary Politics Sport- Lawn Tennis Monday, June 28. The Queen visited Kensington on her way to the State garden party at Buckingham Palace, and returned to Windsor at 7 p.m. The Duke of York visited the Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Manchester. The Rev. James Allen, aged 94. The Rev. Samuel Gifibrd. William Maxwell, in Mashonaland, aged 27. Munir Pasha, formerly Minister of the Interior of Turkey. Professor Schutzenberger, aged 67. Mr. Chamberlain held a second conference with tlie Colonial Premiers at the Colonial Office. Championship meeting at Wimbledon. Gentlemen's Singles (championship round), won by R. F. Doherty. Ladies Singles (championship round), won by Mrs. G. W. HiUyard. 1/6 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 shimming ^^^^^^ ^' Cambridge. The former won all events. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 77 degrees; minimum, 63 degrees. Wills John Reid, ^£1 2 4,61 4, Mrs. Sarah White, ;^7S79. Court General Law Obituary Politics Sport- Cricket Racing Wills Tuesday, June 29- The Queen reviewed in "Windsor Great Park the Public School Volunteers. Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lorne present at a Diamond Jubilee fete in the grounds of Ken- sington Palace to about 4500 children. Lord Salisbury received a number of the special Ambassadors at the Foreign Office. The Royal Agricultural Show at Manchester closed. Total visitors, 217,980. Beat the record by nearly 29,000. W. L3ucke V, J. Leader for damages to a race horse. Verdict for plaintiff, ;£^oo, Perim Coal Company v. Pacific Steam Navigation Company for salvage in case of steamer Orotava, Award , 1 1 , o o o . Mr. W. Blake Odgers, Q.C., appointed Recorder of Winchester. Jack Burge, boxer, aged 35. South Africa Committee sat to begin the consideration of their report. Surrey beat Middlesex by 9 runs. Gloucester beat Somerset by 10 wickets. Oxford University beat Sussex by an innings and 40 runs. Cambridge University beat M.C.C. by 102 runs. M.C.C. beat Hampshire by an innings and 18 runs. Newmarket. July Stakes: Prince of Wales's Mousme, i ; Pheon and Poldo, dead heat. Carlisle. Cumberland Plate : Cornbury, i ; Carna- tion, 2 ; Doublet, 3. Thomas Heaton Akroyd, ;^4i38. Frederick Ford, ;2^43,o62. William Riley, ^2c^^'jo2. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 177 Wednesday, June 30. Army The Commander-in-Chief made his half-ye.^rly insnrn tion of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Books Asliburnham Library sale realised p£iS95' Church Opening of the Lambeth Conference. Court The Queen received at Windsor Castle various Jubilee addresses. Several hundred aged poor men and women were entertained upon the " slopes at the Castle. The Princess of Wales attended at Chelsea an enter- tainment given to the poor in conneebion with the Princess of Wales's Fund. Fire Great fire at Clapham Junction. General Orand military torchlight tattoo at Aldershot. The Earl and Countess of Onslow entertained the Colonial Premiers and others at Clandon Park, Guildford. Dinner and reception to the Colonial Premiers given by Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain. Eight hundred Colonial troops visited Portsmouth Dockyard. Oxford University. Honorary degrees conferred on six of the Colonial Premiers. Speech Day at Harrow. India The Bombay Government ordered the occupation of the city of Poonah by a punitive police force. A serious riot at Chitpur, a suburb of Calcutta, quelled by the police, 200 men of the ist Batt. Gloucester- shire Begiment, and 40 men of the Calcutta Light Horse. Law McQueen and Sons v. J. S. Phipps for the price of two paintings. Yerdict for the plaintiffs, ;^28o 8s. 6d. Obituary General Sir Robert Cadell, K.C.B., aged 72. John Bennie Cockerell, aged 66. The Bev. Joseph Gegg, Colonial chaplain. Politics Sir Michael Hicks-Beach was the principal speaker at the annual banquet of the National Union of Conservative and Constitutional Associations. Revenue for the quarter, 5,41 5,860 ; last year, ;^24,oi 1,081, ^ 178 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 sport — Essex beat 'Derbyshire by 7 wickets. Cricket Lancashire against Warwickshire. Drawn. Yorkshire against Philadelphians. Drawn. Lawn Gentlemen's Singles (Championship Challenge Cup), Tennis E,. Doherty beat H. S. Mahony by 3 sets to love. Racing Newmarket. Exeter Stakes: Orzil, i; Pheon, 2; Palinurus, 3. Stage "Die Meistersinger " revived at the Koyal Opera, Co vent Garden. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.02 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 76 degrees ; minimum, 60 degrees. Wills The following were proved this month : Alfred Coates Coning, ;^39,7o5. Andrew Drysdale, 1 1 4, 2 8 5 . Dowager Baroness du Bois de Ferri^res, ;^2S74, Charles Watson Robertson, ;^5o,5o4. William Taylor, ;^29,479. Lewis Thomas, ;£6^,444, Walter Barton Wignall, 132,304. Thursday, July 1. Art Church Consols — Price of Court Fire General The Boyal Academy annual soiree. The Lambeth Conference continued. ii2|^ ; same week last year, ii3f. The Queen went to Aldershot to witness the Jubilee Review, the total strength of the assembled force being 27,359 officers and men^ 5029 horses, and 57 j^funs. The Queen left on her return journey to Windsor soon after 7 o'clock. Ayr Town Hall burnt down. The Lord Mayor entertained the Colonial Premiers at dinner at the Mansion House. Mr. Chamberlain had a further conference with the Colonial Premiers at the Colonial Office. TJnder-Sheriffs appointed : Mr. Thomas Gai^diner and Mr. Under-sheriff Halse. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 179 General Obituary Sport- Lawn Tennis Racing Stage Weather Wheat- Price of Will The Hotel Metropole was opened by the Gordon Hotels Company at Folkestone. The Hon. Marjorie Beatrice Cavendish, younger daughter of Lord Chesham, aged 9. Dr. Frank Chance, M.B., M.R.C.P. J. Gr. Kist, President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Holland. The Rev. Frederic Howe Bingwood, head master of Dungannon Royal School. H. F. and H. L. Doherty won the championship round of the Gentlemen's Doubles, beating W. and H. Baddeley, who had held it for three years. Newmarket. Princess of Wales's Stakes : Yelasquez, i ; Knight of the Thistle, 2 ; Goletta, 3. Madame Re jane appeared as " Frou-Frou " at the Lyric Theatre, and Madame Sarah Bernhardt appeared in the same character at the Adelphi. Revival of " The Prisoner of Zenda" at the St. James's Theatre. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 77 degrees; minimum, 62 degrees. 27s. ; same week last year, 24s. lod. Peter Kerslake Seddon, J.P., ^^3606. Friday, July 2. Court The Queen was pleased to accept an embroidered curtain vforked by 100 Indian widows in the Industrial Institute, Amritsar, as an offering to their Queen-Empress on the sixtieth anniversary of her accession. The Queen entertained the Colonial and Indian troops at Windsor; 76 officers and 868 non-commissioned officers and men. The Prince of Wales inspected the loth (Prince of Wales's Own Royal) Hussars at Aldershot. The Empress Frederick left Windsor Castle for the Continent. A fancy dress ball given at Devonshire House at whiclj the Prince and Princess of Wales and other members of the Royal Family were present. i8o BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Court Fire General Greece India Obituary Politics Russia Sport Cricket Stage Weather Will Books Court The Duke of Connaught presided at a banquet at the Hotel Cecil given by the Iloyal Colonial Institute. Between 4 and 5 a.m., at Messrs. J. F. & G. Harris', timber merchants, Victoria Wharf Saw Mills, Palmer's Road, Green Street, Bethnal Green. Memorial to the late Sir John Pender inaugurated at University College. At a meeting at Chelmsford it was resolved to start a fund for the relief of sufferers from the late storm ; ^£2800 was promised in the room. ' An encounter took place near Metsovo between 400 Greek raiders and the Ottoman troops. End of the rioting at Chitpur, a suburb of Calcutta. General Sir Bichard Denis Kelly, aged 82. Lord Salisbury, accompanied by the Home Secretary and Mr. Chamberlain, received a deputation, who stated certain objections to the Workmen's Com- pensation Bill. I'hie Emperor of Russia proposed that M. Faure, tho French President, should visit him on the 23rd August. M.C.C. and Ground beat Oxford University by 8 wickets. Production of an opera *'Der Evangelimann," by William Kienzl, at the Boyal Opera. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 65 degrees ; minimum, 58 degrees. W. S. Coke, J.P., ^2606. Saturday, July 3. (Bog Bays began,) Conclusion of the sale of the first portion of the Ashburnham Library. The 1683 lots realised ;^30,ISI lOS. The Queen had a garden party at Windsor to receive the members of the House of Commons and their wives. The Prince of Wales distributed Jubilee medals to the Colonial troops in the gardens of Buckingham Palace. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 I8i Court General India Obituary Sport- Athletics Cricket Cycling Lawn Tennis Racing United States The Prince of Wales attended a dinner of the Corpo- ration of Trinity House. Second meet of the Coaching Club. The Colonial Premiers entertained at luncheon at the National Liberal Club. The rioting in Calcutta reported to be suppressed. Major-General Philip Bedingfield, formerly of the Royal Artillery. Sir John Bennett, aged 8i. The Ptev. David Brown, D.D., Principal of Aberdeen Free Church College, aged 94. Mr. Rand, from the effects of the wounds received by him at jPoonah. The Earl of Roden, aged 73. Amateur Athletic Association Championship at Fel- lowfield, Manchester. Half-mile : A. E. Relf, i ; time, 2 minutes 2 seconds. One Hundred Yards : Palmer, i ; time, loi seconds. Pole Vault : J. Poole, 9 feet 10^ inches. One Hundred and Twenty Yards Hurdle Race : A. Trafford, i; time, lyf seconds. Four Miles Walk : W. J. Sturgess, i (record) ; time, 28 minutes 24 seconds. Four Miles Race : C, Bennett, i ; time, 20 minutes 52-! seconds. Long Jump : C. E. H. Leggatt (holder), 21 feet 4 inches, i. Throwing the Hammer : T. F. Kiely, 142 feet 5 inches, I. Two Miles Steeplechase : G. H. Lee, i ; time, 12 minutes i5f seconds. High Jump: C. E. H. Leggatt, 5 feet 9 inches, i. Putting the Shot (i61b.), T. Horgan (holder), 45 feet 4 inches, i. Quarter Mile : S. Elliott, i. One Mile : A. E. Tysoe, i. Yorkshire against Surrey. Drawn. Lancashire beat Essex by 66 runs. Middlesex against Sussex. Drawn. Hampshire beat Philadelphians by 5 wickets. A. A. Chase beat the three miles record (2 minutes 364 seconds), and the four miles record (5 minutes 21^1 seconds) on the Wood Green track. England beat Ireland at Stamford Hill. Death of Petronel, aged 20 years. Independence Day (July 4th) kept by Colonel J. Hay and a large party at the American Em- bassy. l82 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Weather P^ainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 70 degrees ; minimum, 59 degrees. Will Francis Goryndon C. Rowe, J. P., ;^i77,i93. Sunday, July 4. (Third after Trinity.) Accident Accident reported at sea to the German steamer Spores on her voyage from New York to Bremen ; main United shaft broken. States Independence Day. Weather Kainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 68 degrees; minimum, 55 degrees. Church Court General Law Marriage Obituary Politics Sport- Tennis Monday, July 5. The Lambeth Gonference began its sessions at Lambeth Palace. The Queen distributed medals to the Indian officers of the native cavalry visiting this country. The Queen visited Beaumont College, Old Windsor. The Prince and Princess of Wales inspected the Ghelsea Pensioners and veterans of the army and navy to the number of about 1000. The Gorporation gave a reception and ball at the Guildhall in honour of the Diamond Jubilee. The Duke of Devonshire presided at a meeting in Merchant Taylors' Hall to welcome the Golonial Premiers. Annual meeting of the Fellows of the Boyal Gollego of Surgeons. Powell The Kempton Park Racecourse Gompany. The Gourt of Appeal decided that Tattersall's enclosure was not a place " within the meaning of the Act. Mr, Harry McGalmont, M.P., and Mrs. Atmar Fanning. Mr. Herbert Joyce, G.B., aged 66. The Hon. Gharles William Trollope, aged 41. Sir Joseph Warner, aged 6 1 . Mr. Ghamberlain held a conference with the Golonial Premiers at the Golonial Office. Cambridge beat Oxford by 3 sets to love. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Stage Madame Eejane revived Madame Sans-Gene " at the Lyric Theatre. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 75 degrees; minimum, 54 degrees. Wills l^ey Elias, CLE., ;£"29,3i3. Mrs. Mai-tha Anne Larkins, 103,389. Major Richard Pelham Warren, ;^6395, Tuesday, July 6. Court The Queen addressed a letter to the First Lord of the.* Admiralty expressing her feelings of pride and satisfaction at the splendid appearance of the shL at the Naval Review. The Duke and Duchess of Connaught attend^ annual military drill of London Board Sch ' the Royal Albert Hall. An International Congress of Naval Architects ope. at the Imperial Institute by the Prince of Wales. The Duke of York appointed Knight of St. Patrick. Egypt Sir Herbert Kitchener, the Sirdar, left Cairo for the front. France Credit of 500,000 francs unanimously adopted in the French Chamber and Senate for M. Faure^s visit to Russia. General The Earl of Derby appointed Lord Lieutenant of- the county of Lancaster. The Lord Mayor opened a fund for the relief of the Essex people who had suffered from the effects of the recent storm. The Master of the Rolls and Lady Esher entertained the Colonial Premiers at lunch at the Public Record Office. Serious dispute in the engineering trade. The Shows of the Highland and Agricultural Society, Glasgow, and of the Peterborough Agricultural Society, opened. An At Home " and garden party given by the Treasurer and Masters of the Bench, of the Inner Temple. The Benchers of the Middle Temple gave a Jubilee Commemoration Dinner, 1 84 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 General Niger iry ic^ills Church Court Law Obituary Politics Sport- Football Racing Weather Will Church Sir Thomas Percival Heywood, Bart., aged 74. Sir Thomas Robinson, late M.P. for the city of Glou- cester, aged 70. Mr. T. W. Russell, M.P., Secretary to the Local Government Board, addressed a meeting of his con- stituents in South Tyrone. Rainfall in London, 0.17 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 60 degrees ; minimum, 47 degrees. Miss Ellen Churton, 13, 3 89. George Chester Cooper, ;^3o,625. Millner Holt, ;^5i,2 9o. Wednesday, October 27. The Bishop of Chester presided at the opening of the Chester Diocesan Conference. The Queen received with much sorrow the very unexpected news of the death of her beloved cousin the Duchess of Teck, The Prince and Princess of Wales visited the Duke of Teck and the Duchess of York at the White Lodge. Mr. Charles John Darling, Q.C., appointed one of the Justices of the High Court. The Duchess of Teck (Princess Mary of Cambridge), a granddaughter of George III., first cousin to the Queen, died at 3 a.m. at White Lodge, Richmond, aged 63. Mr. Courtney addressed the annual meeting of the South-East Cornwall Liberal Unionist Association at Liskeard. Kent beat Middlesex by 2 goals and 4 tries to a goal. Newmarket. Cambridgeshire : Comfrey, i ; St. Cloud II., 2 ; Sandia, 3. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 58 degrees ; minimum, 46 degrees. Francis Elcocke Massey, J.P.,;^8555. Thursday, October 28. Canon Winnington-Ingram appointed Bishop-Siiffra- gan of Stepney. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Consols — Price of Law Marriages Obituary Politics Sport- Racing Weather Wheat- Price of Will 1 1 ; same week last year, io8|. The Hon. Sir Roland Yaughan Williams appointed Lord Justice of the Court of Appeal. Viscount Southwell and Miss Dorothy Katherine Walrond. The Knight of Glin, Desmond Fitzjohn Fitzgerald, and Lady Rachel Richmond-Quin. Mr. G. J. Hodgson and Miss Kate Agnes Livin-;- stone. Count Adam Krasinski and Countess "Wanda Badeni. Gaston Bethune, water-colour painter. Surgeon-General R. Gilborne, aged 73. Lord Rosmead, formerly Sir Hercules Robinson, aged 72. Dr. Alexander Milton Ross, aged 65. Surgeon- Major-General Sir Vv^illiam Alexander Mac- kinnon, K.C.B., aged 67. M. de Menorval, a leading Boulangist, aged 72. The Chancellor of the Exchequer spoke at a Conserva- tive meeting at Bristol. Mr. Courtney, M.P., addressed a meeting of his con- stituents at Torpoint. Newmarket. Dewhurst Plate : Hawfinch, i ; Ninus, 2 ; Dieudonne, 3. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 61 degrees; minimum, 47 degrees. 32s. 2d. ; same week last 3^ear, 28s. iid. Herbert Bramley, ;^36,29o. Friday, October 29. Austria- A sitting of the Reichsrath which began at 7 p.m. on Hungary the 28th, not brought to a close till this night. It was noteworthy for a speech of twelve hours' dura- tion delivered by Dr. Lecher, a member of the German Opposition. Court The London Gazette announced orders for three weeks* Court mourning and for ten days' general mourning on the occasion of the death of the Duchess of Teck. General twentieth annual dinner of the Old Mill Hillians Club held at the CriteriQn Restaurant, BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 293 India The Sempagha Pass attacked and carried by the troops advancing from the camp at Gandaki at 9.45 a.m. Obituary Major Montagu William Babtye, East Lancashire Begiment. Captain de Butts, Koyal Artillery, killed in the attack on the Sempagha Pass. Henry George, the Socialist candidate for the Mayor- alty of New York, from apoplexy, aged 58. Baron Edward Cuno von der Goltz, aged 82. Dr. Edgar Sheppard, aged 78. Politics— Barnsley. Besult of the poll : Joseph Walton (L.), Election 6744; Captain Blyth (U.), 3454; P. Curran (I.L.), 1 09 1 : majority, 3290. Speeches ^"^^^^ Courtney addressed a meeting of his constituents at Millbrook. Sport— A. A. Chase covered 100 miles on the road in 4 hours Cycling 1 6 minutes 35 seconds, beating the previous best by nearly half-an-hour. Weather Rainfa.ll in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 66 degrees ; minimum, 45 degrees. Will Mrs. Emma Georgiana Cockburn, 1,612. Saturday, October 30. General Annual distribution of prizes to the successful students at the Guildhall School of Music. The nineteenth annual Brewers' Exhibition opened at the Agricultural Hall, Islington. Law Mr. Arthur Moseley Channell, Q.C., appointed Judge of the High Court. Obituary The Bov. T. E. Brown, for many years second master at Clifton College, and author of "Betsy Lee/* " Fo'c's'le Yarns," etc. M. Antoine Gadaud, Senator for the Dordogne. Politics Mr. Asquith spoke at a Liberal meeting at Carnar- von. Mr. Courtney addressed a meeting of his constituents at Fowey. Sport — H. W. Stevenson beat John Eoberts in a match of Billiards 24,000 points by 513 (9000 start being conceded to Stevenson). 294 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Sport— Charles Dawson beat W. Spiller in a match of 9000 Billiards points by 3153 (1000 start being conceded to Spiller). Racing Australia. The Victoria Derby : Amberite, I ; Aurum, 2 ; Fleet Admiral, 3. Stage Production of the " Cat and the Cherub," by C. B. Fernald, at the Lyric Theatre. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 65 degrees ; minimum, 48 degrees. WiU The Bishop of Wakefield, £^2,2^0. Sunday, October 31. {Twentieth after Trinity). Algeria M. Lepine, the new Governor-General, arrived at Algiers. Australia St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Cathedral at Melbourne, which had been in course of erection for forty years and had cost ;j^24o,ooo, consecrated. Austria- The Vienna Journalists' Club gave a brilliant enter- Hungary tainment to Mr. S. L. Clemens (Mark Twain). Crime Great robbery at the Diamond Merchants' Alliance Company, 68 Piccadilly, amounting to about Fire A destructive fire on the premises of Messrs. Carter, Paterson & Co., the well-known carriers, in Goswell Road, Clerkenwell, at 2.30 a.m. India The Arhanga Pass captured with little difficulty ; the casualties in the British force were few. Obituary Major-General Adolf von Biilow. Surgeon-Major Edward John Burton, M.D. The Rev. Samuel Haughton, senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, aged 75. Thomson Plevins, architect, aged 72. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximumi 66 degrees ; minimum, 49 degrees. Wills The following were proved this month : P. R. L. Bagnall, J.P.,;^2239. John Fisher Crosthwaite, ^£"6154. iRev. James Alexander Fell, ;£^99,S98. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 295 Wills Howard Laurence, ;,^6 1,701. Eobert Matts, £6^]^%. Hugh Moss, M.D., ^3030. William Paas, £^26^/^11. Col. Sir N. W. Drummond Pringle, p^^2 6,389. General Sir W. P. Eadcliffe, K.O.B., ^16,539. Mrs. Mary Ann Sedgwick, ;£ 1 64, 161. Mrs. Kebecca Sutherland, ;^34,o79. Captain B. E. Wilson, /^38,o5.2. Accident General Obituary Politics Sport- Cricket Stage Monday, November 1. {All Saints^ Day.) An alarming railway accident took place soon after 6 P.M. at Yictoria Station, Manchester, through the breaking away of a train. Two persons killed and six injured. The annual dinner of the Hardwicke Society held at the Criterion. The municipal elections held throughout England and Wales. The Lord Mayor unveiled a drinking fountain erected in the wall of Drury Lane Theatre as a memorial of the late Sir Augustus Harris. The Bev. Peter Bellinger Brodie, of Bowington, aged 82. Lieut.-Colonel J. R. M. Chard, V.C., the hero of Borke's Drift, aged 49. Lord Bosebery was the principal speaker at a meeting in the Free Trade Hall, Manchester, in connection with the centenary of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. At Adelaide, the match between Mr. Stoddart's team and an eleven of South Australia ended in a draw. Eeopening of Her Majesty's Theatre with A Silver Key " and Katherine and Petruchio." 296 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Stage Production of The Firstborn," by Francis Powers, at the Globe. Production of **The Duchess of Dijon," by Walter Slaughter and Basil Hood, at the Metropole Theatre, Camberwell. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 58 degrees; minimum, 44 degrees. Will Henry Adams, ;^io4,992. Book Cape Colony Church Court Fire General Marriage Obituary Sport- Racing United States VV eather Wills Tuesday, November 2. " Corleone,'* by F. Marion Crawford, 2 vols., 12s. Khama with 1000 followers met Sir Alfred Milner at Palapye. The Bishop of Liverpool presided at the opening of the Liverpool Diocesan Conference. The remains of the Duchess of Teck removed from White Lodge, Richmond Park, to Windsor Castle, and placed in St. George's Chapel. Fire in a-four floored warehouse at 184 Aldersgate Street at 8.30 p.m. Opening meeting of the session of the Royal Colonial Institute at the Whitehall Room, Hotel Metropole. Mr. Chamberlain arrived in Glasgow to be installed Lord Rector of Glasgow University. Opening meeting of the seventy-ninth session of the Institution of Civil Engineers at Great George Street, Westminster, Sir John Wolfe Barry presiding. The Hon. Francis Egerton and Miss Hilda Curteis. Sir Rutherford Alcock, for many years British Minis- ter in Japan and after in China, aged 88. Lord Berwick, aged 50. Australia. Melbourne Cup : The Gaulus, i ; Grafter, 2 ; Aurum, 3. Election for Mayor of New York : J udge Yan Wyck, 235,181; Mr. Low, 149,873; General Tracy, 101,823; Mr. George, 20,727. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 5 2 degrees ; minimum, 45 degrees. Leonard Couling, 10,6 7 8. George Edward Dietz, ;^20,iis. George Palmer, J.P., M.P., ;£'964,377. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 297 Bahama Islands Court Fire General Obituary Politics Sport- Football Weather Will Wednesday, November 3. Ormond Drimmie Malcolm, Esq., appointed Chief Justice of the Bahama Islands. Funeral of the Duchess of Teck in St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle. Memorial services held at St. Paul's Cathedral and other churches in London and the provinces. On the premises of the Brades Street Works, Oldbury. Damage 5,000. Mr. Chamberlain installed as Lord Bector of Glasgov/ University in St. Andrew's Hall. He afterwards delivered an address on Patriotism, and was enter- tained at luncheon in the Bandolph Hall. School Board nominations published. Charles Courtry, a leading engraver, aged 40. Major-General F. Mould, late Koyal Engineers, aged 61. Father Benoit Nisser, Superior-General of the Barna- bites, aged 62. Thomas Quinn, ex-M.P. for Kilkenny, aged 59. Lord Bosebery presided at a complimentary dinner given by the members of the Scottish Liberal Club at Edinburgh to Mr. J. B. Balfour, M.P., ex-Lord ' Advocate. Mr. George W}Tidham, M.P., spoke at the annual meeting of the Dover Habitation of the Primrose League. Kent beat East Midlands by 3 goals to i. Surrey against Midland Counties, drawn. Sussex beat Eastern Counties by 2 goals and a try to a try. ^ Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 5 2 degrees ; minimum, 46 degrees. John Thomas Morton, 14,186. Thursday, November 4. Book "Queen Victoria," by Richard R. Holmes, F.S.A., Librarian to the Queen, illustrated from the Royal collections (large paper), ;£S net. Boussod, Valadon &Co. 298 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Cape Colony Church Consols — Price of Court General Obituary Politics — Election Stage Weather Wheat- Price of The railway to Buluwayo opened at that place by Sir Alfred Milner, High Commissioner. The Right Rev. Dr. G. R. Eden enthroned Bishop of Wakefield. 112 same week last year, log^. The Prince and Princess of Wales left London for Sandringham. Mr. Hugh Bertram Cox selected for the post of Legal Assistant Under-Secretary of the Colonial Office. The Linn^ean Society held its opening meeting of the session at Burlington House. Baron d'ltajuba, Brazilian Minister to Berlin. Mr. Arthur Balfour addressed a Unionist demonstra- tion at Norwich. The Chanc'ellor of the Exchequer the principal guest at the Sheffield Cutlers' Feast. Mr. Chamberlain entertained at dinner in St. Andrew's Hall, Glasgow, in his capacity as Lord Rector, by the Glasgow University Conservative Club. The Middleton Division of South-East Lancashire : Alderman Duckworth (L.), 5964 ; Mr. Mitchell (U.), 5664 : majority, 300. Involving the gain of a seat to the Opposition. Production of the " Vagabond King," by L. N. Parker, at the Court Theatre. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 46 degrees ; minimum, 43 degrees. 32s. lod. ; same week last year, 30s. gd. Friday, November 5. Brazil An attempt made to shoot President Moraes with a pistol by a soldier. In disarming the soldier the Pre- sident's nephew. Colonel Moraes, slightly wounded, and the Minister of War,General Bittencour, stabbed so seriously that he died soon afterwards. Church Cardinal Yaughan received and acknowledged an address from the Chapter and Clergy of the Roman Catholic diocese of Westminster congratulating him on the occasion of the silver jubilee of his episco- pate. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 299 Ceylon The Governor of the Colony opened the Session of the Legislature. General The recently constituted ROntgen Society held its inaugural meeting at St. Martin's Town Hall. Mr. Harold E. Gorst appointed Assistant Private Secretary at the Education Department. India Col. Sir William Sinclair Smith Bissett, K.C.I.E., appointed Government Director of Indian railways. Law Mr. Henry Edward Duke appointed Kecorder of Plymouth and Devonport in the place of his Honour Judge Bompas, Q.C.. resigned. Obituary Senor Jose Albareda, formerly Minister of the Interior and also of Public Works (Spain). Luigi Amici, sculptor, aged 84. Herr Goldenberg, a leading manufacturer in Alsace, aged 68. Lieut. -Colonel the Hon. Robert Anderson Bamsay, aged 77. Teja, Italian caricaturist, aged 67. Politics Mr. Chamberlain visited the Imperial Union Club at Glasgow and addressed the members. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 47 degrees ; minimum, 40 degrees. Saturday, November 6. General Mr. A. A. Kanthack, of St. John's College, Cambridge, appointed Professor of Pathology at Cambridge University, in the room of the late Professor Ray. Obituary Charles Edward Fox, Barrister-at-Law. General Hans von Werder, aged 63. South Africa Sir Alfred Milner laid the foundation stone of a new public library at Buluwayo, and visited an exhibi- tion of Rhodesian products at the Exchange. Sport— J- Peall (750 start) beat AV. Mack (2000 start) by Billiards 159 points in the 9000 up spot-barred match. Football England beat Ireland by 8 goals to i. Stage " The Little Minister,'' by J. M. Barrie, produced at the Haymarket Theatre. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 50 degrees ; minimum, 44 degrees. 300 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Sunday, November 7. India A native officer and thirty-five men of the Kapnrthala Sikhs cut ofi" in a ravine by a body of Champkannis and killed. Obituary Monseigneur Becel, Bishop of Vannes, aged 72. Signor G. B. Cavalcaselle. Miss Amy Sedgwick (Mrs. Parkes Goostry), aged 62. Captain E. C. Symons, B.N., aged 77. Weather Bainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 49 degrees ; minimum, 43 degrees. Monday, November 8. General Aldermari Colonel Da^vies, M.P., the new Lord Mayor, formally admitted at the Guildhall with the usual formalities. The Lord Mayor unveiled the third of the series of frescoes at the' Ptoyal Exchange, a picture repre- senting Charles I. at the entrance of the Guildhall demanding of the Lord Mayor the arrest of five members of the House of Commons, the work of Mr. Solomon, A.B.A., and the gift of Sir S. Mon- tagu, M.P. Mr. Chamberlain presented v/ith the freedom of the City of Glasgow. The first meeting of the Boyal Geographical Society for the present season. Mr. F. G. Jackson gave a very interesting narrative of the experiences and result of his recent Arctic expedition. Obituary The Eev. Hewett Poole, D.D. General Hans Friedrich Rudolf von Schachtmeyer, aged 81. Captain Edward Yerbury Watson, from his wounds. Dr. Heinrich Wiener, formerly President of the Senate of the Imperial Court of Justice in Berlin, aged 63. South Africa The following telegram was received from the Queen by the acting Administrator : The Queen desires to convey to the people at Buluwayo her hearty congratulations on the completion of the rail- way." BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 301 Weather Rainfall in London, 0.16 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 56 degrees ; minimum, 48 degrees. West Africa Lieut. -Colonel Northcote, commander of the Gold Coast Hinterland forces, landed at Cape Coast Castle with his stair and iioo carriers from Sierra Leone. Will Sir Joseph Henry Warner, 7,626. Tuesday, November 9. Army Victoria Cross announced to be conferred upon Major and Brevet-Lieut.-Colonel Robert Bellew Adams, of the Indian Staff Corps ; Lieutenant Alexander Edward Viscount Fincastle, of the i6th Lancers; and Lieutenant Edmond William Costello, of the Indian Stafi" Corps. Books " New Letters of Napoleon I." from the French, by Lady Mary Loyd, 15s. net. Collected Poems," by Austin Dobson, 6s. Court The Prince of Wales's fifty-sixth birthday celebrated in London and elsewhere with the customary rejoicing. General Lord Mayor's Day. (Alderman H. D. Davies, M.P.) State procession ; banquet in the Guildhall at which Lord Salisbmy, the Lord Chancellor, Mr. A. J. Balfour, and other Ministers were present. The election of Mayors took place in the municipal boroughs of England and Wales. Latest day for the withdrawal of nominations to the School Board. Eight of the ninety-four candidates announced their withdrawal from the contest. The Duke of Devonshire installed Mayor of East- bourne. India Reconnaissance to the Saran Sar heights ; as the British troops were returning the enemy attacked them. Lieutenant J. T. Waddell, of the Northampton- shire Regiment, and four privates killed and fifty others wounded. Obituary Lady Blount. M. Jacques, a distiller. Sir James Ramsay Gibson Maitland, Bart., aged 48. Major-General Ralph Young, R.E., aged 71. 302 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Shipwreck The British barque Cordillera^ bound from Valparaiso to Caleta Buena, lost. Weather Kainfall in London 0.04 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 57 degrees; minimum, 53 degrees. Austria- Hungary General London County Council Politics — Election Speeches Sport- Cricket Football Weather Wills Wednesday, November 10. Demonstration of 1500 students in Vienna in support of the German Nationalist party in the Eeichsrath, and against the Prime Minister and Dr. Lueger. The annual meeting of the Egypt Exploration Fund Society held at the Hall of the Zoological Society, Hanover Square. Sir Henry Harben, chairman of the Hampstead Vestry, opened a new central public library which he had erected for Hampstead at a cost of ^^000. The Duke of Devonshire presided at a dinner in aid of the funds of the West London Hospital. The Theatre and Music Halls Committee sat at the Sessions House, Clerkenwell, to hear applications for music and other licences in respect of premises north of the Thames. Sir William Harcourt's letter attacking Mr. Chamber- lain's policy appeared in the press. Liverpool (Exchange Division) : McArthur(X7.), 2711; Eea (L.), 2657 : majority, 54. Mr. Asquith spoke at a Liberal meeting at Rochdale. Lord George Hamilton presided at the annual meeting of the Acton Conservative Club. Mr. Stoddart's team beat an eleven of Victoria by 2 wickets. Midland Counties beat Middlesex by 4 goals and 3 tries to i goal and 3 tries. Ilainfall in London, a mere trace. Temperature: maximum, 5 2 degrees ; minimum, 44 degrees. Richard Holland Bradley, M.D., 9,533. John Edward Sale, ;^49,8o8. Thursday, November IL Canada Dr. Nansen arrived in Montreal and received a warm, greeting from the citizens. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 303 Consols — Price of General Law Marriage Obituary Politics United States Weather Wheat- Price of Wills 112^1; same week last year, 109^5-. London School Board. Mr. Key, the chairman of the Finance Committee, submitted the preliminary esti- mate for the first half of the financial year 1898- 1899. The amount required would be ;^862,883, or equivalent to a rate of 5.73 in the pound, as against 5.86 in the corresponding part of the present year. Cambridge University. The degrees of LL.D. honoris causa conferred upon the Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Russell of Killowen, Lord Chief Justice of England. Grand Day of Michaelmas Term at the Middle Temple. Captain the Hon. Dundas Napier and Miss Sybil Gurney. Sir William James Montgomery Cuninghame, Bart., aged 63. Baton Briestley, a gentleman rider. The Liberal Forwards dined at the HolbornBestaurant. Mr. G. W. E. Bussell presided. Mr. Chamberlain's letter in reply to Sir William Har- court published. The Bresident gave a dinner in honour of Sir Wilfred Laurier and Sir Louis Davies at Washington. Eainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 45 degrees; minimum, 37 degrees. 33s. sd. ; same week last year, 31s. 6d. William Danby, 04,895. Mrs. Catherine West, ;^49i9. Friday, November 12. Brazil The Bill authorising the proclamation of martial law passed Congress, and the Bresident issued a decree proclaiming martial law for thirty days. Court The Queen left Balmoral for Windsor. The Duke of Connaught presided over a meeting of the Brovincial Grand Lodge of Sussex Freemasons at Brighton. General The nomination of Sherifi*s for England and Wales, except the Boyal Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall, took place in the Lord Chief Justice's Court at the Royal Courts of Justice. 304 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 General Niger Obituary Sport- Racing Weather Wills Mr. Chamberlain presided at a dinner at the Hotel Windsor, given to Sir John Brampton on his retirement from the post of Legal Assistant Under- Secretary of the Colonial Office. British Treaties. Some of the principal treaties negotiated by the Royal Niger Company in the back country of the British possessions on the West African Coast published in the Times, Jean Baptiste, a well-known lion tamer, aged 7 1 . Auguste Boulard, French painter of the school of 1830, aged 72. John Bagnold Burgess, E..A., aged 67. Liverpool. Autumn Cup : Chiselhampton, i ; General Peace, 2 ; Labrador, 3. Bainfall m London, none. Temperature : maximum, 57 degrees; minimum, 43 degrees. Henry Allen Bathurst, ;2^i9,745. Thomas Flemming, ;^35,23o. Saturday, November 13. Accident Omnibus upset through the breaking of the axle of one of the hind wheels near Westbourno Terrace ; twelve passengers injured* Court The Queen arrived at Windsor Castle at about 9 a.m. from Balmoral. The Queen telegraphed to the Viceroy expressing her distress at the losses recently sufiered in the frontier fighting of India. General Mr. Henry Louis Creswell appointed Secretary to the Post Office in Scotland. Mr. Reginald Arthur Egerton appointed Secretary to the Post Office in Ireland. Law Mr. Morton William Smith appointed Recorder of Rochester in the place of Mr. Justice Channell. North Brit- The settlement of the Ambong attacked by Mat ish Borneo Salleh, the notorious Borneo chieftain. Residence burnt down. Obituary Maioi*-General Newton Robert Burlton, aged 63. Caroline Lady Chichester, aged 82. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 305 Obituary Politics S-ort— Billiards Football Golf Pedestri- anism Stage Weather The Countess of Cranbrook. James Picciotto, author. Major-General Richard Preston, C.B., aged 70. The Colston Banquets. At the Dolphin (Conservative), the Duke of Beaufort presided ; the chief speaker being the Chancellor of the Exchequer. At the Anchor (Liberal), Lord Reay was the principal speaker. Charles Dawson beat John Roberts, who conceded 7500 points, by 378 points out of 24,000. E. Diggle beat W. J. Peall, to whom he conceded 750 points, by 4176 points out of 9000. Oxford University beat Blackheath by a goal to a try. Harry Yardon, of Canton, at Epsom, beat the record for the course of 18 holes, going round in 76 strokes. F. Bacon beat E. C. Bredin for a three-quarters of a mile race by 8 yards. Mr. Henry Arthur Jones delivered a lecture at Toyn- bee Hall on the Relations of the Drama to Real Life. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 59 degrees; minimum, 55 degrees. Sunday, November 14. China The German cruiser division landed a force of 600 men at Kiao-Chau Bay, in order to exercise pressure on the Chinese Government, with a view to obtain- ing satisfaction for the demands made by Germany in connection with the murder of two German missionaries; the Chinese having no ammunition retired. Obituary Dr. Thomas William Evans, American dentist, who assisted the Empress Eugenie to escape from Paris, September 4, 1870. The Bishop of Majorca. Sir Charles Frederick Smythe, Bart., aged 78. Signora Verdi (Guiseppina Strepponi), wife of the composer. u 3o6 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Weather Bainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 60 degrees; minimum, 52 degrees. Accident Germany Greece Law London County Council Obituary Politics Sport- Football Weather Monday, November 15. Two men killed by the snapping of a rope in the building of a railway bridge at Treviddo, a village between Liskeard and Menheniot. Dr. Peters found guilty of breach of official duty and sentenced to dismissal from the Colonial Service without a pension, by the Court of the Disciplinary Chamber for Colonial Officials. M. Roma elected President of the Chamber by 83 votes, against" 64 for M. Condostavlo. Viscount Esher took formal leave of the Bench and the Bar in the Court of the Lord Chief J ustice. The Hon. John Augustus de Grey appointed Recorder of King's Lynn'. The Theatre and Music Halls Committee sat at the Newington Sessions House to hear applications in respect of places on the south side of the Thames. John Fleming, manager of the National Sporting Club. Mgr. Germain, Bishop of Coutances, aged 64. A. Levy, Paris publisher. Joseph Morgan, trainer jockey. Lucy Julia Sophia Lady Selby Smyth. Edwin Thomas, M.I.C.E., aged 70. In connection with the conference of the National Union of Conservative Associations, seventeen dinners were given in London to delegates from different parts of the country and officials of the organisation. Deptford election : Mr. A. H. A. Morton (C), 5317 ; Mr. Benn (L.), 4993 : majority, 324. Mr. Bryce, M.P., addressed a meeting of his con- stituents at Aberdeen. Oxford University beat the Edinburgh Wanderers by a goal and 3 tries to a goal. Rainfall in London, 0.22 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 57 degrees ; minimum, 39 degrees. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 307 Wills Henry Gillett, £^2>99' Henry Haig, 1,166. Thomas Hardy, 2 6 5 , 9 7 7 . Austria- Hungary Court General India Law Obituary Politics Sport- Cricket Cycling Tuesday, November 16. The Austrian Ambasssdor to the Porte intimated that unless satisfaction were given to his Govern- ment by 12 o'clock on the i8th, regarding the recent incident at Mersina, he would leave Con- stantinople, and chastisement would be inflicted on Mersina, where two Austrian war vessels were lying. Princess Christian distributed medallions and certili- cates to members of the Great Western Centre (London district) of the St. John's Ambulance Association. A large meeting of old Harrovians held at the Church- house, Westminster, for the purpose of considering the desirability of esto.blishing at Harrow School a suitable memorial to the late Dean Yaughan. Severe fighting with the Afridis, in which Captain Lev\^arne, Lieutenant Hales, Lieutenant Crooke, and Lieutenant Wylie were killed. Grand Day of Michaelmas Term at Gray's Inn. Professor Wilhelm Heinrich von Riehl, publicist, aged 74. Lord Salisbury addressed a meeting in the Albert Hall in connection with the conference of the National Union of Conservative Associations ; Lord Derby presided. The thirty-first annual conference of the National Union of Conservative Associations opened in St. James's Hall, nearly 2000 delegates from all parts of the country being present ; Lord Derby occupied the chair. Australia. Mr. Stoddart's Eleven beat New South Wales by 8 wickets. E. P. Clark at Wood Green beat the world's pro- fessional record from 26 to 102 miles inclusive on a tricycle. He covered 102 miles in 4 hours 50 minutes 41 seconds. 3o8 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Stage Presentation at the Criterion Theatre of a silver bowl to Sir Spencer Ponsonby-Fane by past and present managers of London theatres in commemoration of his golden wedding ; Mr. Charles Wyndham pre- sided. Sir Squire Bancroft also presented a diamond brooch and pin, the gift of Lady Bancroft and himself to Lady Ponsonby-Fane. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 49 degi'ees ; minimum, 39 degrees. Wills Ellis Duncombe Gosling, ;^5o8,2i8. Yery Rev. Charles John Yaughan, Dean of LlandafT, ;2^22,208. Wednesday, November 17. Accident Railway accident at Luffenham, Rutland, on the Mid- land Railway, ill which two racehorses. Splendour* and Kirschwasser, were killed, and others injured. Army Lord Wolseley presided at a discussion at the Royal United Service Institution on the relative advan- tages of voluntary and compulsory military service in the army. Court The Duchess of Albany present at an exhibition, in the banqueting hall of St. James's Palace, of clothing for the poor made by members of the Middlesex Needlework Guild. Fire At 452 Oxford Street, owned by Mr. T. Lloyd, draper. General Mr. Bernard Mallet appointed a Commissioner of Inland Revenue, in the room of the late Thomas Browning, C.B. Sir John Gorst distributed the prizes gained during the session at the Birmingham Municipal Technical School. Marriage Captain Dighton Gordon Probyn and Miss Augusta Seymour. Navy The Navy League held a reception at the New Gallery, Regent Street. Niger The forces of the Royal Niger Constabulary, under Major Arnold, stormed the stronghold of Prince Arku at Kiffi, and after holding it for two day^ razed and evacuated it. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 309 Obituary Dr. Giuseppe Bottero, editor of the GazzettadelPopolo of Turin, aged 80. Sir Henry Doulton, head of the pottery works in Lambeth, aged 77. The Marquis de Casa la Iglesia,, formerly Spanish Ambassador to London. General Charles Lyons- Montgomery. Politics Conclusion of the conference of the National Union of Conservative Associations. Sport — The Midland Counties beat Kent by a dropped goal Football and 2 tries to a try. Casuals beat Cambridge University by 8 goals to 2. Stage Shaftesbury Theatre : production of an opera " The Scarlet Feather," an adaptation of Lecocq's comic opera " La Petite Mariee." Turkey The Sultan ordered full compliance with the demands of the Austrian Government in connection with the Mersina difficulty. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.14 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 57 degrees; minimum, 49 degrees. Will General Erskine, ;^44 5 3. Consols — Price of General Law Marriage Obituary Politics Sport- Football Racing Stage Thursday, November 18. I ^3 A y same week last year, 110^^, A new lighthouse and fog signal station opened on Lundy Island. The Norwich Fat Stock Show opened. Grand Day in Michaelmas Term at Lincoln's Inn. Major-General Sir Frederick Carrington, K.O.B., and Miss Elwes. General William David Aitken, aged 74. Major-General Charles Herbert, aged 76. Charles John Shoppee, aged 73. Captain James Aylmer Thornton, R.A. (suicide). Mr. W. H. Long, M.P., spoke at Bournemouth. Surrey against East Midlands, ended in a tie of 3 tries each. Derby. Chesterfield Nursery Stakes : Sir Geoffrey, i ; Loyal Favourite, 2 ; Lipsalve, 3. Annual morning performance at Drury Lane in aid of the funds of the Koyal General Theatrical Fund. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Weather Kainfall in London, o.oi inch. Temperature: maxi- Wheat— mum, 60 degrees; minimum, 49 degrees. Price ox 34^- 5 same week last year, 31s. gd. Will tTohn Dacosta, ;^42,662. Friday, November 19- Australia Yictoria. A terrific dust storm swept over the north- west portion of the colony ; one town damaged to the extent of ^^50,000. Court The Prince and Princess of Wales returned to London from Sandringham. The Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark arrived in London from Copenhagen on a visit to the Prince and Princess of AYales. The Prince of Wales presided at a lecture given in the Imperial Institute by Mr, F. G. Jackson on Three Years in the Arctic, pire One of the most extensive and destructive fires that have ever occurred in London broke out shortly after i p.m., in 15 V/ell Street, City, through an explosion of gas. A rough estimate put the number of warehouses burnt out at more than ninety-six, and the damage at about ^2,000,000. General The Earl of Guilford's coming of age celebrated at Waldershare Park, Dover. Law In the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council a petition considered of Gangadhar Tilak, convicted before the High Court of Bombay and sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment. Their Lordships decided that no case had been made out, and that they must advise her Majesty to reject it. Obituary M. du Bodan, Royalist Deputy for Yannes. James John Bowrey, treasurer for Jamaica of the Colonial Missionary Society. Professor Henry Calderwood, aged 67. Dr. Matthew Foster Hedle, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry in the University of St. Andrews. Sport — International chess match at Berlin. M. Janowski Chess beat Herr Waldbrodt by 5 games to 3. Pacing Derby Cup: Eager, i; Melange, 2; Bellevin, 3. , BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 311 Stage "The Wasps" of Aristophanes performed in the original Greek in the New Theatre, Cambridge. Weather Eainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 53 degrees; minimum, 38 degrees. Wills Robert Bloomfield Fenwick, ;^69,353. Thomas James Mann, ;£^3 74,064, Captain John Ritson, ^36,486. Saturday, November 20- Art Conclusion of the sa-lo of the Montagu coins and medals by Messrs. Sotheby. The 52 days* sale, which commenced in November 1895, I'^alised ;z^^56,ooo. Capetown Sir Alfred Milner, speaking at Fort Salisbury, stated that he thought the development of Rhodesia was going to be the turning-point for South Africa. Marriage Mr. George Lopes and the Hon. Frances Lopes. Obituary John Adam Heaton, decorative artist, aged 67. John Hooper, a well-known Irish journalist. Captain F. R. M'Crae de Butts, R.A. (killed at the taking of the Sempagha Pass). Edward Walford, the editor of " Y*^ alford's County Families," aged 74. Politics Sir Henry Fowler, M.P., addressed his constituents at Wolverhampton. Earl Spencer spoke at Silsden, Yorkshire, in connec- tion with the reopening of a Liberal club. Sport - John Roberts beat W. Spiller by 787 points, having Billiards conceded 4500 out of 12,000. Cricket Mr. Stoddart's Eleven against Newcastle (N.S.W.) Eighteen, drawn. Football Cambridge University beat Blackheath by 2 goals to a goal and a try. Oxford University beat the Harlequins by 2 goals to nothing. Yorkshire beat Lancashire by 4 goals and 2 tries to nothing. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 5 5 degrees ; minimum, 43 degrees. V/ill Colin Rae-Brown, 1 7,3 7 2. 312 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Sunday, November 21. {Twenty-third after Trinity!) Fire A great fire broke out in Melbourne at 2 a.m. and destroyed twenty of the largest business establish- ments in the city. The damage amounted to ;^i,ooo,ooo. Court The fifty-seventh anniversary of the birthday of the Empress Frederick of Germany. Obituary Admiral Samuel Hoskins Derriman, C.B., aged 82. Sir Charles Pollock, the last surviving Baron of the Exchequer, aged 74. Weather Eainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 53 degrees ; minimum, 46 degrees. Monday, November 22. Court The Prince of Wales left London for Lambton Castle on a visit to Lord Durham. Princess Christian distributed at the Crystal Palace the medallions and certificates gained by students connected with the Norv/ood Centre of the St. John's Ambulance Association, of which her Royal Highness is president. Fire Fatal fire at 27 High Street, Netting Hill, at 11 a.m., at which a child, Isaac Harris, 3 years old, was burnt to death. General The first annual dinner of the London Fife Associa- tion held at the Holborn Restaurant. A new flood channel constructed by the Thames Conservancy Board through the lock island at Teddington, formally opened by Sir F. Dixon- Hartland, M.P. The Lord Mayor announced his willingness to open a Mansion House fund for the relief of the work- people thrown out of employment by the great fire in the City. Law Mr. Inderwick, Q.C., elected treasurer of the Inner Temple for the ensuing year. Obituary General James Buchanan, aged 70. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 313 Obituary Politics Sport- Football Weather Will Walter Burns, senior resident partner in London of the Anglo-American house of J. S. Morgan 1 1 3 upon two promissory notes. Marriage Mr. Archibald Hamilton and Miss Olga Mary Ade- laide Fitzgeorge. Obituary Marquis Carlo Alberto Alfieri, aged 70. Major-General Sir John Coke, K.C.B., aged 91. Sport-- Biggie beat Roberts by 965 in a spot-barred game of Billiards 24,000, in which Roberts conceded 7500 points. Football South beat North of England by 3 tries to a dropped goal and a try. Weather Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 50 degrees ; minimum, 40 degrees. WilJ Tlie Marquis Conyngham, ;^I9,755. 334 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Sunday, December 19. {Fourth in Advent,) Cuba Colonel Ruiz, Marshal Blanco's Aide-de-Camp, killed by the rebels in Cuba. Obituary The Rev. Robert Birley. Sir Frank Lockwood, Q.C., M.P., aged 51. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.0 1 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 49 degrees ; minimum, 40 degrees. Court General Law Politics Sport — Football Weather Monday, December 20. The Prince of Wales presided at a meeting of the council of H.R.H.'s Hospital Fund at Marl- borough House, at which it was stated that the total amount in hand was ;3£^i87,ooo, of which ^'20,500 were 'annual subscriptions, and ;£^i5oo interest on money invested. Sir George and Lady Faudel-Phillips presented an address to the Princess of "Wales from the chairmen of the sixty local committees of the Princess's Dinner Fund to the Poor. Princess Louise attended a reception, at the Mansion House, of the United Kingdom Band of Hope Union. Mr. Hay Frederick Donaldson appointed Deputy- Director-General of the Ordnance Factories. Mr. Balfour proposed the toast of " Literature " at the annual dinner of the Walter Scott Club in Edinburgh. Sir John Gorst distributed prizes to the successful students at the Enfield Grammar School. William Pinder Eversley, Esq., appointed Recorder of Sudbury. Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman entertained at dinner by the Scottish Reform Club in Edinburgh. Newport beat Oxford University by a goal and 3 tries to nothing. Cambridge University beat West of Scotland by 2 goals to nothing. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 45 degrees ; minimum, 41 degrees. BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 335 Accident Army General Obituary Weather Army Egypt General Obituary Tuesday, December 21. (aS'^. Thomases Day.) {Michaelmas Sittings ended.) Explosion at the distillery of Messrs. Major & Co., Hull, by which live lives were lost. Lord Wolseley made his half-yearly inspection of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, and addressed the cadets. City Wardmotes for the election of councilmen. Truth Toy Show opened at the Royal Albert Hall. Funeral of Mr. William Charles James Lewin (Terriss), at Brompton Cemetery. The Rev. Thomas Green, aged 78. Princess Hohenlohe, mfe of the German Chancellor, aged 68. Professor Thomas Jefiery Parker. Maitre C. W. E. Vaillant, ex-President of the Court of Appeal, Amsterdam, aged 83. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature, maximum, 41 degrees ; minimum, 37 degrees. Wednesday, December 22. Lord Wolseley held his half-yearly inspection at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. A body of 900 Egyptian troops arrived at Kassala to hold the place upon its evacuation by the Italians. The Conference of Head Masters met at the College of Preceptors. Dr. Gerald Henry Rendall appointed Head Master of Charterhouse School. Frederick Dale Banister, J.P., aged 74. M. Jules J. T. Bue, late Taylorian teacher of French at Oxford University. Alfred Morrison, aged 76. Stephen Spencer, for many years British Consul at Honolulu. John Stone-Wigg, aged 70* 336 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Sport- Football Weather Cardiff beat Oxford University by a try to nothing. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 42 degrees; minimum, 35 degrees. Book Consols — Price of Canada France General Italy Obituary Stage Weather Wheat- Price of Thursday, December 23- " The Bab Ballads," by W. S. Gilbert, with 350 illus- trations by the author, complete edition, 7s. 6d. 1 1 2^\, ; same week last year, i lo^f. The Canadian and American Commissioners awarded to Canadian sealers, for Itisses on account of seizures by United States cruisers of British ships engaged in pelagic sealing, 464,000 dollars. The French Academy received M. Albert Vandal, who delivered a glowing eulogium on his prede- cessor, Leon Say. Lord Londonderry presided at the annual dinner of the North of England Commercial Travellers' Association. Sir John Gorst took part in the annual prize distribu- tion of the Merchant Yenturers' Technical College in Bristol. The annual general meeting of the Modern Languages Association held at the College of Preceptors, Bloomsbury Square. The Pope gave the customary Christmas audience to the Cardinals and his Court. Baron Craignish, Captain Ronald Campbell. Lieutenant Fitzgerald. Professor Wilhelm Joest, explorer. Sir Cornelius Kortright, K.C.M.G., aged 80. Lady Millais, widow of- Sir John Millais. William Schoenlank, Consul-General for the Central American Republics. Comedy Theatre. Reappearance of Mrs. Bernard Beere after a protracted absence from the stage in A Sheep in Wolffs Clothing." A triple bill consisting of four of Andersen's fairy tales. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 43 degrees ; minimum, 32 degrees. 34s. id. ; same week last year, 31s. 3d, BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 337 Canada Court Law Obituary Sport- Billiards Football United States Weather Egypt France Obituary Friday, December 24. {Christmas Eve), The Pope's Encyclical on the Manitoba Schools Ques- tion made public in Rome. The Queen contributed ;£icoo towards the Queen Victoria Clergy Fund. William Kenny, Esq., Q.C., M.P., Solicitor- General for Ireland, appointed a J udge of the High Court in Ireland. Dunbar Plunket Barton, Esq., Q.C., M.P., appointed Solicitor-General for Ireland. Major Edward Bowles. Alderman Thomas Green, founder of the National Fire Brigades Union. Charles Harrison, M.P. for Plymouth, aged 62, Sir John Rogers Jennings. Viscountess Oxenbridge, aged 83. Thomas Kemp Sanderson, aged 76. Peall beat Dawson in a spot-barred match of 9000 points (receiving 750) by 84 points. Cardiff beat Edinburgh University by 2 goals and 3 tries to nothing. The Chicago Coliseum destroyed by fire, nine men killed and forty injured. Loss estimated at ;^I40,000. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 41 degrees; minimum, 29 degrees. Saturday, December 25. {ChHstmaa Day!) The formal cession of Kassala took place at noon, when the Italian flag was lowered. Railvray accident at 12.20 a.m. near the station Le Peage de Roussillon on the Paris and Marseilles Railway; three passengers killed and fifteen injured. The Dowager Lady Dimboyne, aged 97. The Yen. A. Otvray Fitzgerald, Archdeacon of Wells, aged 84. y 338 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Obituary Sport- Cycling Weather Alderman E-ichard Clarence Halse, aged 69. Deputy-Surgeon GeneralJohn Houston. L^dy Howard, aged 77. Michael beat Chase at New York in a thirty miles race. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 41 degrees ; minimum, 31 degrees. Fire Weather Sunday, December 26. {First after Christmas,) Fatal fire in a four-roomed tenement in Dixie Street, Brady Street, Bethnal Green, in which Mrs. Sarah J arvis and her nine children were burnt to death. Rainfall in London, none. Temperature : maximum, 47 degrees ; minimum, 41 degrees. Monday, December 27. {Boxing Day, Bank Holiday.) Accident Lord Crewe, while hunting with the Cheshire hounds, thrown from his horse and sustained a fracture of the collar-bone and injuries to his head. Fire At King's Lynn, in a drapery establishment in the High Street, in which thirteen business premises were destroyed. Damage 50,000. Obituary General Sir Charles William Adair, K.C.B., aged 75. Lieut.-Gen. George Bent, C.B., R.E., aged 77. Sir Charles Arthur Fairlie-Cuninghame, aged 51. Captain Charles Keats Jackson, R.N., aged 78. Le Comte Lemercier, aged 77. Captain Henry W. A. Marson. Sta^e The Babes in the Yv'ood " Pantomime at Drury Lane. Cinderella Pantomime at the Garrick. " How London Lives," adapted from Le Camelot," at the Princess's. Barnum and Bailey's Show at Olympia. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.02 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 50 degrees ; minimum, 46 degrees. BOOK OF THE YEAR 189? 339 Tuesday, December 28. {Innocents^ Day.) Canada A Victorian Era Ball given by Lord and Lady Aber- deen in the Toronto Armouries. Church A Special Service for Children at Westminster Abbey, at which Dean Bradley delivered an address. Egypt The Dervish fort at Osobri, the one important post between Kassala and Khartoum, captured after a six days' siege. General Professor Lodge, of University College, Liverpool, delivered the first of a Christmas course of lectures for juveniles, at the Royal Institution, on the " Principles of the Electric Telegraph." Ilayti At Port-au-Prince a fire destroyed 8oo buildings. Obituary M. Henri Lavoix, curator of St. Gen6vieve Library, aged 51. Major-General Edward Andree Wylde. Weather Rainfall in London, 0.15 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 5 1 degrees ; minimum, 46 degrees. Obituary Politics Sport- Cricket United States Weather Wednesday, December 29. Rev. John Burton, aged 92. M. Leon Carvalho, lessee of the Opera Comique, Paris, a.<2:ed 72. "William J. Linton, wood engraver, aged 85. Rice Meredith, trainer of racehorses. Mr. Gladstone's eighty-eighth birthday celebrated by a dinner at the National Liberal Club. Mr. Stoddart's Eleven beat Eighteen of Bendigo by 10 wickets. The Bill prohibiting pelagic sealing and the import of pelagic seal skins, signed by Mr. McKinley. Rainfall in London, 0.16 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 55 degrees; minimum, 46 degrees. Thursday, December 30. Consols- ^ Price of II 2 ^- ; same week last year, 1 1 if . France All the defendants in the Panama trial acquitted. 340 BOOK OF THE YEAR 1897 Marriage Lieut. -Colonel Sir Guy F. Travers-Clarke-Travers, Bart., and Mrs. Melliss. Obituary M. Duserre, Archbishop of Algiers. Captain Walter Murray Pengelly. Lieut. C. B. Tonga, of the Bombay Sappers. Weather Bainfall in London, 0.25 inch. Temperature: maxi- mum, 5 1 degrees ; minimum, 48 degrees. Wheat— Cr^^les and heavy rain in various parts of the country. Price of 34^- 4^' I same week last year, 30s. gd, Friday, December 31. General Lord Londonderry spoke at Darlington on British Agriculture. Mr. Frederic Harrison gave an address to the Posi- tivist Society. The total revenue for the first three-quarters of the finan- cial year 1897-8 showed an increase of ;£^2, 378,474 upon the corresppnding period of 1896-7. India Major-General Sir Henry Havelock- Allan, "V.C., M.P., killed by Afridis in the neighbourhood of the Khaibar Pass. Obituary Sir Spencer Maryon-Wilson, Bart,, aged 68, E. McAllister, mathematical coach at Trinity College, Dublin. Lady Phear. Insp.-Gen. Thomas Russell Pickthorn, aged 80. Henry Simmons, of Bearwood Farm, aged 65. Shipwreck The French three-masted ship Lombard, from Mobile for Cette, sank while entering the port of Cette, The captain and four men drowned. Weather Bainfall in London, 0.05 inch. Temperature : maxi- mum, 50 degrees ; minimum, 45 degrees. Wills The follov/ing were proved this month : Charles Berington, ^^3154. Edmund Calverley, 150,288. Thomas Firth, 17,805. Miss Lydia Jones, ;^936o. Charles Leech, ^^0,00^, Sir "William Mackinnon, 5,567, J olm Percy Sykes, 1 8, 1 64. FINIS PIPING THE PRAISES OF PATTI SONS' WHISKY. O O JZ > o 3 a o CL CO UJ CQ CO Q z < -J H O o CO LU q: LU >- or LU > UJ Q Z < UJ cc LU X H LlT d: LU I s PATTI SONS LTD., -IK". BALLINDALLOCH, LEITH, LONDON. The New Knebworth Edition of THE NOVELS AND ROMANCES OP Edward, Lord Lytton. In 2^ Vohmes^ crown Sw^ cloth^ price jQ^ \s, 6d.; Or in separate Volumes^ price 6d. each. LIST OF THE SEBTES^ 1. Pelham. 2. Falkland and Zicci. 3. Devereux. 4. The Disowned. 5. Paul Clifford. 6. Eugene Aram. 7. Godolphin. 8. 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